HS8: or S.A.S.METHENy,M.D. No Price Date. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 6^B Deletion Section / VQP THE NEW SCOTTISH PSALTER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/newsaltOOhend 1935 THE NEW Scottish Psalter BEING THE Book of Psalms MARKED FOR EXPRESSIVE SINGING WITH TUNES CONTAINED IN -CHURCH MELODIES" BY THE EEV. ANDREW HENDERSON PAISLEY PAISLEY: J . AND R . PARLAXE. LONDON : HOULSTON AND SONS. Enter ed at Stationers' Hall. PREFACE In introducing this Neio Scottish Psalter to the notice of the Public, we gladly avail ourselves of the following extracts from Calvin's preface to the Genevan Psalter* To all Christians, lovers of the "Word of God, greeting. As it is a thing enjoined in Christianity, and amongst the most necessary, that every believer, in his own place, should observe and maintain the communion of the church, frequenting the assemblies which are held on Sabbaths and other days, to honour and serve God ; so it is right and reasonable, that all should know and understand what is said and done in the place of worship, so as to draw from it advantage and edification. For our Lord has not instituted the order which we are to observe, when we meet in his name, to amuse the world as a spectacle — but rather has desired, that everything should redound to the profit of all his people, as Saint Paul witnesseth, commanding that everything that is done in the church, should have regard to the common edification of all, which the servant (Paul) would not have enjoined had it not been the design of the Master. But that cannot be done, unless w<: are so instructed as to understand everything which has been ordained for our good. For to say that we can have devotion, whether in prayers, or ceremonies, without understanding anything of them, is a great mockery, however commonly this is said. A good affection towards God is not a dead and passive thing, but it is a lively emotion pro- ceeding from the Holy Spirit, when the heart is rightly touched, and the understanding enlightened ; and truly if one could be edified by things which one sees without knowing what they mean, Saint Paul would not have so rigorously forbidden to speak in an unknown tongue, and would not have used the argument that there is no edification, where there is no doctrine. Therefore if we wish duly to honour the holy ordinances of our Lord, which we observe in the church, the chief thing is to know what they mean, and are designed to express, and to what object they tend, in order that tb^ observance of them may be useful and salutary, and consequently rightly regulated. As for public prayers, there are two kinds of them — the one is expressed in words only, the other with song ; and this is no recent invention, for from the first origin of the church, this has been the case, as appears in history. And even St. Paul does not speak of verbal prayer alone, but also of singing. And in truth, we know by experience that song has great force and power in moving and inflam- ing the heart of man to invoke and praise God with more vehement and ardent zeal. It should always be seen to that the song should not be light and frivolous, but that it have weight and majesty, as saith Saint Augustine ; and also that there is a great difference between the music that is employed for the enjoyment of men at table, and in their houses, and the psalms which ♦Extracted from Calvin's Preface to the Genevan Psalter. Translated and read by Colin Brown, Esq., Euine Lecturer on Music, in the Andersonian University, Glasgow, Session 1868-69. VI. PREFACE. they sing in church in the presence of God and his angels. But when the form here given is rightly judged of, we hope that it will be found holy and pure ; seeing that it is simply constructed for the edification of which we have spoken, as well as that the use of singing may he greatly extended. So that even in the houses and in the fields, it may be to us an incitement and an instrument or means to praise God and raise our hearts to Him ; and to console us in meditating on His power, goodness, wisdom, and justice, which is more necessary for us than we know how to express. For the first, it is not without cause that the Holy Spirit exhorts us so carefully, by the Holy Scripture, to rejoice ourselves in God, and that all our joy should rest there as its time end. For He knows how truly we are inclined to please ourselves in vanity. Thus while our nature draws and leads us to seek all means of foolish and vicious enjoyment — on the contrary, our Lord, to separate and draw us from the allurements of the flesh and of the world, presents to us every possible means to fill us with that spiritual joy which He commends so much to us. But amongst other things which are suitable for the recreation of men, and for yielding them pleasure, music is either the first, or one of the chief, and we must esteem it a gift of God bestowed for that end. Therefore, by so much the more, we ought to see that it is not abused, for fear of soiling and contam- inating it ; turning that to our condemnation which was given for our profit and good. Even were there no other consideration than this alone, it ought to move us to regulate the use of music, so as to make it subservient to all good morals, and that it should not give occasion for loosing the bridle of dissoluteness, that it should not lead to voluptuousness, nor be the instrument of immodesty and impurity. But further, there is scarcely anything in this world which can more powerfully turn or bend hither and thither the manners of men, as Plato has wisely remarked. And in fact we experimentally feel that it has a secret and incredible power over our hearts to move them one way or other. Therefore we ought to be so much the more careful to regulate it in such a manner, that it may be useful to us, and in no ways pernicious. For this reason, the ancient doctors of the church often complained that the people of their time were addicted to disgraceful and immodest songs, which, not without cause, they esteemed and called a deadly and satanic poison for corrupting the world. But in speaking of music I include two parts, to wit, the words, or subject and matter ; secondly, the song or melody. It is true that all evil words, as saith St. Paul, corrupt good manners, but when melody is united to them, they much more powerfully pierce the heart, and enter in: just as when by a funnel wine is poured into a vessel, so poison and corruption is infused into the depth of the heart by the melody. What then is to be done ? It is to have songs not only pure, but also holy, that they may be incitements to stir us up to pray to and praise God, and to meditate on His works in order to love Him, fear Him, honour and glorify Him. But \vhatJ3aint Augustine says is true, that none can sing things worthy of God but he who has received the power from Himself. Wherefore when we have sought all round, searching here and there, we shall find no songs better and more suitable for this end than the Psalms of David which the Holy Spirit dictated and gave to him. And therefore when we sing them, we are as certain that God has put words into our mouths as if He Himself sang within us to exalt His glory. Wherefore Chrysostom exhorts all men and women and little children to accustom themselves to sing them as a means of associating themselves with the company of angels; further, we must remember what St. Paul says, that spiritual songs cannot be sung well but with the heart ; but the heart requires the understanding : and in that saith St. Augustine lies the difference between the song PKEFACE. Vll. of man and that of birds, for a linnet, a nightingale, and a jay (papeyay), may sing well, but it will be without understanding. But the peculiar gift of man is to sing knowing what he says. Further, the understanding ought to accompany the heart and affections, which cannot be unless we have the song imprinted in our memory, that we may be ever singing it. This present book, for this cause, besides what otherwise has been said, ought to be particularly acceptable to every one who desires, without reproach, and according to God, to rejoice in seeing his own salvation, and the good of his neighbours ; and thus has no need to be much recommended by me. as it carries in itself its own value and praise. Only let the world be well advised, that instead of songs partly vain and frivolous, partly foolish and dull, partly filthy and vile, and consequently wicked and hurtful, which it has heretofore used, it should accustom itself hereafter to sing these heavenly and divine songs, with good king David. Touching the music, it appeared best that it should be simple in the way we have put it, to carry weight and majesty suitable to the subject, and even to be fit to be sung in church as has been said. Geneva, 10th June 1543. To these words so fitly spoken, it is scarcely necessary to add anything. It is hoped that the addition of expression marks on the margin will not unduly distract the attention, while it may assist the worshipper in seiziDg the sentiment of the psalm. Imperfections may, doubtless, be found in the execution of the idea; but those who are best acquainted with the difficulties will be the most ready to excuse them. AVith regard to the tunes, the endeavour has been to have them of the character which Calvin indicates. Some find a place, however, not because of their merits, but because they are in frequent use. These have for the most part been excluded from the lists of appropriate tunes for the psalms. In this new edition, the number of such tunes has been reduced, and some of those which remain appear in an improved rhythmical form. The four-pulse rhythm has been almost universally adopted, and the double note at the beginning of the lines disused. The harmonies also have been revised, and such changes as seemed necessary have been made ; while the aim has been to have them as rich and varied as possible. Conscious of its imperfections, the Editor, nevertheless, sends forth this book in the hope that it may contribute in some degree to the improvement of our Scottish Psalmody. A. H. C H U RC H MELODIES ARRANGED FOR FOUR VOICES A BOOK FOR THE SERVICE OF SONG IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD BY THE REV. ANDREW ENDERSGN PAISLEY. PAISLEY : J. AND R. PARLANE. THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METRE. L.M. No. 24 Ambrose 9 Angels' Hymi 2;i Babylon s I reams 25 Beza 197 Bishop 191 Boston 189 Breslau 194 Carey's 6 Cilicia 10 Communion 21 Creation 19 Darnley 11 Duke Street 23«; Eaton 195 Eisenach 13 Elim 5 Ely 2 Erfurt 22 Ej'oan No. l s 7 Evening Hymn 20 Germany 3 Goldel ' 188 Huss 8 Kent 18 Luther's 46th 199 Luther's Prayer 17 Melcombe 186 Morning Hymn 103 Nicea 198 Norfolk 1 Old Hundred 28 Old Saxony 15 Portuguese Hymn 27 Retreat 12 Samson 7 Sarum INDEX. I No. 4 Soldau 26 Symington j 16 Tranquility 192 Waldeck 14 Wareham 196 Warrington | 23 Winchester I 190 Wurtemburg D.C.M. SO Arabia 36 Invocation ! 37 Mount Nebo ' 31 Old 29th ! 32 Old 44th 33 Old 68th i 34 Old 81st 35 Old 137 (TTsk) j 41 Redemption I 42 St. Asaph No. 38 St. George's Edinburgh 39 St. Matthew 43 St. Simon 40 Vienna CM. 56 Abbey 141 Ancona 209 Anselin 66 Arnold's 207 Arran 82 Artaxerxes 114 Ballerma 147 Bangor 89 Barrow 210 Bede 61 Bedford 110 Belgrave 76 Belmont No. 109 135 133 101 126 140 218 154 122 91 111 146 127 57 153 85 124 88 132 205 1-14 Bishopthorpe Boswell Bristol Brunswick Caithness Canterbury Caroline Chester Chichester Chingford Colchester Coleshill Comfort Crediton Crowle Dalkeith Denfield Devizes Dovedale Dr. Howard's Dundee No. 47 95 : 78 I 123 217 21 'J 208 220 204 213 125 108 ' 221 58 I 112 | 136 : 44 222 | 223 I 77 I 54 Dunfermline Durham Eastgate Eatington Eden Effingham Elgin Elijah Elm Emmanuel Evan Eversley Part- well Par rant Felix Perrey French Gainsborough Galilee Glasgow Gloucester NOTE. An attempt is made in this New Psalter to mark the words more fully than has hitherto been attempted, for Expressive Singing. In addition to the use of italics for the softer passages, and capitals for the stronger, the ordinary musical signs of expression have also been employed. These have been printed in the margin, and are the following : — pp verv soft. P soft tnp inclining to soft. m medium. mf inclining to strong. f strong. ff very strong. A or < increasing in force. V or > diminishing in force. Where the prevailing character of a psalm is soft, it has not been thought necessary to make a large use of italics ; nor when bold, of capitals. It is hoped that the book maj r afford some help to singing the Songs of Sion with the spirit and with the understanding. INDEX— Continued. No. 139 Gnefenberg 224 Hamilton 120 Harrington 138 Hatzrield 211 Heidelberg 115 Howard 67 Huddersfield 216 Iona 65 Irish 51 Jackson's 225 Johnstone Chapel 203 Kedron 214 Kornthal 143 Kilallan 142 Kilmalcolm 215 Kilmarnock 68 Lancaster 69 Liverpool 226 Low Church 227 Lyra 212 Marnre 70 Manchester 64 Martyrdom 148 Martyrs 90 Melrose Xo. 100 49 I 87 63 53 229 117 119 129 121 81 123 228 131 230 92 71 79 83 116 113 231 55 202 Messiah Montrose Moravia Morven N. Cambridge Newington New London New Lydia New St. Ann's Northampton Old Carlisle Old Glasgow Oldham O. Winchester Orlington Orton Paisley Palestrina Peckham Pembroke Peterborough Philippi Prestwich Rest Salisbury Salzbourg No. 102 Saxony 86 Scarborough 105 Sheffield 149 Silesia 103 Solomon 206 Southwark 94 Stafford 233 Stracathro 74 Stroudwater 113 St. Alphage 72 St. Andrew 60 St. Ann 200 St. Bernard 201 St. Cecilia 152 St. Chad 130 St. Columba 48 St. David 52 St. George 73 St. Gregory 93 St. James 232 St. Kilda 96 St. Lawrence 45 St. Magnus 145 St. Mary 97 St. Mirren 150 St. Neot No. 151 St. Nicholas 50 St, Paul 137 St. Peter 62 St. Stephen 84 St. Thomas 93 Tallis 59 Tiverton 234 Torwood 106 Tottenham 107 University 235 Violet Grove 155 \A alsal 104 Warwick 117 Wiltshire 46 York 134 York Minster S.M. 162 Baden 185 Boylston 164 Cambridge 165 Carlisle 160 Dresden 161 Hampton 175 Ludlow No. 163 Mornington 159 Narenza 153 Noves 156 Old 134th 172 oltnutz 71 Peckham 157 Prague 166 Selma 167 Shirland 168 Silchester 17:! >t. Bride 237 st. Olaf 169 Swabia 171 Watchman 170 Westminster 174 Wirksworth P.M. 177 Abbey Close 183 Benedicite ISO Burnham lal Darwell's 173 Greyfriars 233 Lennox 239 Leuchars n No. 184 Oakshaw 176 Old 124th 182 St. John 179 143d Psalm CHANTS. DOUBLE. 2 Dr. Boyce 4 Dupuis 8 Jones l Langdon 3 Liverpool 7 Norria 5 Kobinson 6 Pviissell SINGLE 13 Alcock 16 Dr. Blow 10 Farrant 15 P. Humphrey 14 Purcell 9 Tallis 12 Turner 11 Woodward o THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METRE: ACCORDING TO THE VERSION APPROVED BY THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, AND APPOINTED TO BE USED IN WORSHIP. PRINTED BY AUTHORITY. PAISLEY: J. AND R. PARLANE, 97 HIGH STREET. & = m I> ©to Jluntiretu l.m. IS2I -id ,} A \ » gJ-lHUHli -I — !- I I -&- -&■ -&—&- I I I All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer - ful voice. 1 J 1 J FarrrTrfrgf pg fcfc*: 3ro_: 1 1 1 1 i'ii' 1 1 1 Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, Come ye be - fore him and re - joice. 1 LA 3=z ^=221 1221 ■£ZZ=^=£ZL ■^ Tz£ m LICENSE. In terms of Her Majesty's Letters Patent to Her Printers for Scotland, and of the Instructions issued by Her Majesty in Council, dated Eleventh July one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, I hereby license and authorise James and Robert Parlane, Printers, Paisley, to print within the premises situated in Number Eight School Wynd, Paisley, and to publish, as by the authority of Her Majesty, an Edition of the Psalms of David in Metre, in long primer type, foolscap octavo size, consisting of Three thousand copies, as proposed in their Declaration, dated Twenty Second December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, the terms and conditions of the said instructions being always, and in all points fully complied with and observed by the said James and Robert Parlane. & YOUNG. Edinburgh, 29th December 1869. <^ = 80 I » -l-r ^ ■d—e± I I I 2. Erfurt, l.m. i i =^=^ ^_ f ^_ f ^_±Z^2 i I ^=t ^: *=* With trans - port, Lord ! our souls pro - claim Th' im - mor - tal hon - ours of 1 1 1 \ A A \ 1 1 A A. ■&—r -(S>— »- r j - _ 1 — ?-5 — S> : 22: As - sem - bled round our 1 . 1 J fcE Sa - viour's throne, "We make d A j. , j -&- ?z -1 — e=*- 1 I 1 r his cease - less glo 1 1 I -s*— 7 ries known. ?=- H=^8 THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METEE. PSALM I. "Which in his season yields his fruit, and his leaf fadeth never : Abbey 56. JncJcson's 51. And all he doth shall prosper well. ra 1 ^THAT mail hath perfect blessedness who walketh not astray P •i The wicked are not so; But like they are unto the chaff, which ivind drives to and fro. In counsel of ungodly men, nor stands in sinners' way, Nor sitteth in the scorner's chair: m 5 In judgment therefore shall not stand ft such as ungodly are; 2 But placeth his delight Nor in th' assembly of the just V Upon G-od's law, and meditates shall wicked men appear. on his law day and night. ft 6 For why ? the way of godly men unto the Lord is known: w^ 3 He shall be like a tree that grows "Whereas the way of wicked men near planted by a river, / shall quite be overthrown. 3. ffiotodL l.m. A 1 JOHN GOLDF.L, DIENSTADT, 1685. HAliMONY BY HAVEUGAL. zE^^feSt s^i /^-J-4 , ■ * f-^ e^# pr- -p p — _ & _ ^ ^ , , As long as life its term ex-tends, Hope's blest do - rain - ion ne - ver ends; , i i \ \ \ A Afc i A :£ bi :s£ --^>—^L- -{S— y ^2: &: z± :?2: r? _ 1 —i- S£3 1 l 1 £=^t si !l= : ^=F=^ : 3=& -?2- z^2=rz 3 r r 1 1 --1 P p fr-^-f r r For while the lamp holds on to burn, The great - est sin - ner may re - turn. I I I I I llli jsL jzL jzL jzL ~^i i=t izL _^. J III -£2- ?z PSALMS III. IV. 2 Many say of my soul, For him in God no succour lies, f 3 Yet thou my shield and glory art, th' uplifter of mine head. m 4 I cry'd, and, from his holy hill, the Lord me answer made. p 5 I laid me down and slept, I wak'd; , for God sustained me. I WILL NOT FEAR THOUGH THOUSANDS TEN SET ROUND AGAINST ME BE. Arise, Lord; save me, my God; for thou my foes hast stroke All on the cheek-bone, and the teeth of wicked men hast broke. Salvation doth appertain unto the Lord alone : Thy blessing, Lord, for evermore thy people is upon. PSALM IV. Martyrdom 64. Ver. 1-5 Abbey 56. Ver. 6-8 St. Gregory 73 mp 1 rj-I^E ear unto me when I call, God of my righteousness : mp 7 / 8 mf 3 p 4 mf 5 mp 6 mf Have mercy, hear my pray'r; thou hast enlarg'd me in distress. ye the sons of men ! how long will ye love vanities ? How long my glory turn to shame, and will ye follow lies ? But know, that for himself the Lord the godly man doth choose : The Lord, when I on him do call, to hear will not refuse. Fear, and sin not; talk with your hear' on bed, and silent be. OfT'rings present of righteousness, and in the Lord trust ye. who will shew us any good ? is that which many say: But of thy countenance the light, Lord, lift on us alway. Upon my heart, bestow'd by thee, more gladness I have found Than they, ev'n then, when corn and wine did most with them abound. 5. tang. L.M. BISHOP T. TURTON. Sfc=c± =F ?FFa - 1— p-f=- LJ-J.B i ■ i -p- i riii iii i t i Be - fore Je - bo - van's aw - ful throne, Ye na - tions, bow with sa - cred joy; I i ! ill, i -si- I J I Pi B3 :g: u ?2- ■£, f* Hiig C2_-^I nz=^2i .^_^ K^=^ si J=t "J i | , j H 1 r — -j V-r—K 1 j- fi— i — f~ TT 1 ^— F-p- 12 ^-^— I-F= t =h-P — f== §K*d Know that the Lord is God a - lone; He -&- _^_ ^m - — ^ ^* ; -*? j> can ere - ate, and he de - stroy. j i : P =p: e^E E^^^ PSALMS IV. V. j? 8 I «>*7Z both lay me down in peace, and quiet sleep will take; A Because thou only me to dwell l\ in safety, Lord, dost make. PSALM V. mp A V m Dcnfield 124. Morven 99. /?jJYE ear unto my words, O Lord, my meditation weigh. Hear my loud cry, my King, my Grod; for I to thee will pray. Lord, thou shalt early hear my voice: I early will direct My pray'r to thee; and, looking up, an answer will expect. For thou art not a Grod that doth in wickedness delight ; Neither shall evil dwell with thee, Nor fools stand in thy sight . All that ill-doers are thou hat'st; Cutt'st off that liars be: The bloody and deceitful man abhorred is by thee. / 7 But I into thy house will come tS THINE ABUNDANT GRACE; AJND I WILL WOESHIP IN THY FEAR TOWARD THY HOLY PLACE. m 8 Because of those mine enemies, Lord, in thy righteousness Do thou me lead; do thou thy way make straight before my face. 9 For in their mouth there is no truth, their inward part is ill ; Their throat's an open sepulchre, their tongue doth natter still. p 10 O God, destroy them; let them be by their own counsel quclFd : Them for their many sins cast out, for they 'gainst thee rebelVd. • / 11 But let all joy that trust in thee, and still make shouting noise; For them thou say'st: let all that thy name tv tuee rejoice. ("l.ove 6* Ctitcta. l.m ■z2l t) s± ^: I I ^=^ ^: :^: Thy works all praise to thee af - ford: Thy saints, (5? JS- I I i i i Lord, thy name shall bless. pfe= s hi: S :g=^: ■pz &= £Z iiii ^ PSALMS V. m 12 For, Lord, unto the righteous man A thou wilt thy blessing yield : With favour thou wilt compass him about, as with a shield. VI. P PP PSALM VI. Babylon Streams 29. Luthefs Prayer 199. 1 JjORD, in thy wrath rebuke me not ; Nor in thy hot rage chasten me. 2 Lord, pity me, for I am weak: Heal me, for my bones vexed be. 3 My soul is also vexed sore; But, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make? 4 Eeturn, Lord, my soul set free; save me, for thy mercies' sake. 5 Because those that deceased are Of thee shall no remembrance have; And who is he that will to thee Give praises lying in the grave? ^ 6 I with my groaning weary am, 1 also all the night ray bed PP m P I pp 2 Have caused for to swim ; and I With tears my couch have watered. 7 Mine eye, consum'd with grief, grows old, Because of all mine enemies. 8 Hence from me, wicked workers all ; For God hath heard my weeping cries. 9 God hath my supplication heard, My pray'r received graciously. 10 Sham'd and sore vex'd be all my foes, Sham'd and back turned suddenly. Another of the same. Silesia 149. Dundee 144. nation, TN thy great indi Lord, rebuke me not ; Nor on me lay thy chast'ninghand, in thy displeasure hot. Lord, I am weak, therefore on me have mercy, and me spare: Heal me, Lord, because thou know'st my bones much vexed are. 7* Saturn, l.m OLD CHURCH MELODY. 1 , I —& —rz)-f-&—< ■x± the star - ry height, Thy peo - pie's ?a3lES=l£ I last - ing Light, A .J. J. :fcz2- :s~ck - -- 1221 221 That night on which ^ ^? , £2_ tray'd, The Saviour 1 A -&>• ~^3=^h=§ of the world F took bread. 'qa^F^^ ^ ■pz ^jsL^L.cLd ^2: f5 wp 5 P 2 In thee^most High, I'll greatly joy, and sing unto thy name. to/ 3 When back my foes were turn'd, they fell, and perish'd at thy sight : 4 For thou maintain'dst my right and cause; on throne sat'st judging right. The heathen thou rebuked hast, the wicked overthrown ; Thou hast put oat their names, that they may never more be known. en'my ! now destructions have an end perpetual : Thou cities raz'd, perish'd with them is their memorial. God shall endure for aye ; he doth for judgment set his throne ; 8 In righteousness to judge the world, justice to give each one. 9 God also will a refuge be for those that are oppress'd ; A refuge will he be in times of trouble to distress'd. PSALM IX. / 7 10 fn mp 12 m 13 14 mp\5 And they that know thy name, in thee their confidence will place : For thou bast not forsaken them that truly seek thy face. sing ye praises to the Lord that dwells in Sion hill ; And all the nations among his deeds record ye still. When he enquireth after blood, he then rememb'reth them: The humble folk he not forgets that call upon his name. Lord, pity me ; behold the grief which I from foes sustain ; Ev'n thou, who from the gates of death dost raise me up again ; That I, in Sion's daughters' gates, may all thy praise advance ; And that I may rejoice always in thy deliverance. The heathen are sunk in the pit which they themselves prepar'd ; 0=80 XL Wukz Street* lx. JOHN HATTOJT. ARRANGED BX L. MASON. Fling out the ban - nerl let it float Skyward and sea - ward, high and wide; u~a- I r 1 <^ n i^ l .l:!" P J fli 53]T7I^ l i i i HV i i i i i i I i I \Jt i i ' -JZJ i i I The conq'ring sign il - Lames its folds. The cross on which the Sa - viour died. m PSALMS And in the net which they have hid their own feet fast are snar'd. p 16 The Lord is by the judgment known which he himself hath wrought: The sinners' hands do make the snares wherewith themselves are caught. 17 They who are wicked into hell each one shall turned be; And all the nations that forget to seek the Lord most high. m 18 For they that needy are shall not forgotten be alway ; The expectation of the poor shall not be lost for aye. A 19 Arise, Lord, let not man prevail ; judge heathen in thy sight : \j 20 That they may know themselves but the nations, Lord, affright. [men, PSALM X. Ver. 1-11 Crowle 153. Ver. 12-18 St. Nicholas 161 WHEEEFOEE dost stand fr is it that thou, O rom us afar ? [Lord, IX. X. V And wherefore hidest thou thyself when times so troublous are ? m 2 The wicked in his loftiness doth persecute the poor : In these devices they have fram'd let them be taken sure. 3 The wicked of his heart's desire doth talk with boasting great ; He blesseth him that's covetous, whom yet the Lord doth hate. 4 The wicked, through his pride of face, on (rod he doth not call; And in the counsels of his heart the Lord is not at all. 5 His ways they always grievous are ; thy judgments from his sight Eemoved are: at all his foes he pufteth with despight. 6 Within his heart he thus hath said, I shall not moved be ; And no adversity at all shall ever come to me. c^ — »u 12. Samson. l.m. 3=t trrr^rt -£!—-&-- lfe=lE3 fcS ._<2 s E^EE^E^E^EEI^EEg Lord, thou art my God and King; Thee will mag - ni and praise: :p- 2-J^- 2 1 .I [A i 1 1 &-T-0-. 1 r 1 I I CJ Ui r i i i =^=^: -o- • -*fc -g- -g- 77-n I will thee bless, and glad - ly sing Un thy ho - ly name al - ways. PSALM X 7 His mouth with cursing, fraud, deceit, is fill'd abundantly; And underneath his tongue there is mischief and vanitv. 8 He closely sits in villages; he slays the innocent: Against the poor that pass him by his cruel eyes are bent. 9 He, lion-like, lurks in his den; he waits the poor to take; And when he draws him in his net, his prey he doth him make. 10 Himself he humbleth very low, he croucheth down withal, That so a multitude of poor may by his strong ones fall. 11 He thus hath said within his heart, The Lord hath quite forgot; He hides his countenance, and he for ever sees it not. nf 12 Lord, do thou arise; O God, lift up thine hand on high : Put not the meek afflicted ones out of thy memory. 13 "Why is it that the wicked man thus doth the Lord despise? Because that G-od will it require he in his heart denies. 14 Thou hast it seen; for their mischief and spite thou wilt repay: The poor commits himself to thee; thou art the orphan's stay. 15 The arm break of the wicked man, and of the evil one ; Do thou seek out his wickedness, until thou findest none. The Lord is ktng through ages all, EV'n TO ETERNITY; The heathen people from his land are perish' d utterly. 17 O Lord, of those that humble are thou the desire didst hear; Thou wilt prepare their heart, and thou to hear wilt bend thine ear: /16 y a 13. (Slim. l.m. w- Z2 — g=^- i =>=^=* J. Crugkf., 1658. 5=^ I I f- « | | I I ll| Sweet is the work, my God, my King! To praise thy name give thanks and sing; i i J J J J. J J i i A. -A A _£2_eL_:=L ttfrti'i ; rrm ^ . f ! i;L^ ■F =?=: £5-H -J&ZJZL -&- f I i i i i i i r i r i • i ' To show thy love by morn - ing light, And speak of all thy III] I I I I I J J ■ I I I I III ^zg,zzgfc: =?2========tz=:=zz::^: :^: l=sS truth rep at X.eCT^-8-B night. 77?/ 771 PSALMS 18 To judge the fatherless, and those that are oppressed sore; That man, that is but sprung of earth, may them oppress no more. PSALM XL Coleshill 146. St. Nicholas 151. 1 T IN the Lord do put my trust ; how is it then that ye Say to my soul, Flee, as a bird, unto your mountain high ? 2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, their shafts on string they fit, That those who upright are in heart they privily may hit. 3 If the foundations be destroy'd, what hath the righteous done? 4 God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eyelids try 5 men's sons. The just he proves: X. XI. XII. But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that vi'lence loves. p 6 Snares, fire and brimstone, furious on sinners he shall rain: [storms, This, as the portion of their cup, doth unto them pertain. m 7 Because the Lord most righteous doth in righteousness delight; And with a pleasant countenance beholdeth the upright. PSALM XII. Farrant 58. Abbey 56. mp 1 XTELP, Lord, because the godly man doth daily fade away; And from among the sons of men the faithful do decay. 2 Unto his neighbour ev'ry one doth utter vanity: They with a double heart do speak, and lips of flattery. ??? 3 God shall cut off all flatt'ring lips, tongues that speak proudly thus, \h. E&arefiam. um. ti->ijjj i . im :^2— ^ 3±r^ Thy 1^ ■works "C -CI -^? g_ :^r: -4 r> ^-=^r rzh& all praise to thee af - ford; Thy I I ^_-^2— ^-^ i — •! ' Lord, thy z=£«t r=^ m e :^ ?= &P ■u r ~ name shall bless. r^\ I I £2- Unifi PSALMS XII. XIII. XIY 4 We'll with our tongue prevail, our lips m 6 are ours: who's lord o'er us? mf 5 For poor oppress'd, and for the sighs A of needy, rise will I, Saith God, and him in safety set- from such as him defy. The words of God are words most pure ; they be like silver try'd In earthen furnace, seven times that hath been purify'd. Lord, thou shalt them preserve and keep for ever from this race. On each side walk the wicked, when vile men are high in place. PSALM XIII. Martyrdom 64. Morven 99. 1 JJOW long wilt thou forget me, Lordf shall it for ever be ? how long shall it be that thou wilt hide thy face from me? 2 How long take counsel in my soul, still sad in heart, shall I? S How long exalted over me m mp shall be mine enemv m 3 / / 5 Lord my God, consider well, and answer to me make: Mine eyes enlighten, lest the sleep of death me overtake: Lest that mine enemy should say, Against him I prevail'd; And those that trouble me rejoice, when I am mov'd and fail'd. But I have all my confidence thy mercy set upon ; My heart within me shall rejoice in thy salvation. 1 will unto the Lord my God sing praises cheerfully, Because he hath his bounty shown to me abundantly. PSALM XIV. Stafford 94. St. Paul 50. rpHAT there is not a God, the fool doth in his heart conclude : c< = 72 15. Portuguese f&gnm. l.u i J ^ I i i «r i i will thee bless, And praise thy name time j— r-1— e : P-tf SEife^pyi^ m r/m M m/ ft PSALMS XIV. They are corrupt, their works are vile; not one of them cloth good. 2 Upon men's sons the Lord from heavn did cast his eyes abroad, To see if any understood, and did seek after God. 3 They altogether filthy are, they all aside are gone; And there is none that doeth good, yea, sure there is not one. 4 These workers of iniquity do they not know at all, That they my people eat as bread, and on God do not call ? 5 There fear'd they much; for God is with the whole race of the just. 6 You shame the counsel of the poor, because God is his trust. 7 Let total's help from Sion come: when back the Lord shall bring His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall sing. a XV. PSALM XV. St. Ann 60. Howard 115. 1 WITHIN thy tabernacle, Lord, VV who shall abide with thee? And in thy high and holy hill who shall a dweller be? 2 The man that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, And as he thinketh in his heart, so doth he truth express. 3 Who doth not slander with his tongue, nor to his friend doth hurt ; Nor yet against his neighbour doth take up an ill report. 4 In whose eyes vile men are despis'd; but those that God do fear He honoureth; and changeth not, though to his hurt he swear. 5 His coin puts not to usury, nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. Who DOTn thus SHALL NEVER MOVED BE. m none can com - pi J- i Tj T none can P^ com - pre - hencL -^^J. J. ^ ?= 16* Crauqutllttg. l.m. rFTTj i F— ^ i i t j I i i i - r i ■ 'i Where higfi the heav n - ly tern - pie stands, The house of God not made with m^mmm. i i PSALM PSALM XVI. m mp Old 137th 35. Ver. 1-6 .BmfoZ 133. Ver. 7-11 ToKk 93. 1 T OED, keep me; for I trust in thee. 2 To G-od thus was my speech, Thou art my Lord; and unto thee my goodness doth not reach: 3 To saints on earth, to th' excellent, where my delight's all plac'd. 4 Their sorrows shall be multiply'd to other gods that haste: Of their drink-offerings of blood I will no off'ring make ; Tea, neither I their very names up in my lips will take. grod is of mine inheritance and cup the portion; The lot that fallen is to me thou dost maintain alone. 6 Unto me happily the lines in pleasant places fell; / 5 XVI. A / 9 mlO 11 / Yea, the inheritance I got in beauty doth excel. I bless the Lord, because he doth by counsel me conduct; And in the seasons of the night my reins do me instruct. Before me still the Lord I set : sith it is so that he Doth ever stand at my right hand, I shall not moved be. Because of this mt heart is glad, and joy shall be exprest ev'n by my glory; and my flesh in confidence shall rest. Because my soul in grave to dwell shall not be left by thee; Nor wilt thou give thine Holy One corruption to see. Thou wilt me shew the path of life: of joys there is full store Before thy face; at thy right hand ARE PLEASURES EVERMORE. ^5 i hands, A great High Priest our I I S- • V W- • -J- wears, The guard - ian -«/-• -J- -S--jr*- •g-p p* ^2: =£2Z] 1^! iiil^ teijz^] F -J J l ~H :^^- F^=?=*=g: h^ r !* * ' g y -*— ' r r r 1 ^2- I I ■ t I The guardian of man - kind ap ! J 1 ^ !_J_^: e pears. PSALM PSALM XVII. Farrant 58. Moravia 87. mp w/ 1 T OKD, hear the right, attend my cry, unto my pray r give heed, m That doth not in hypocrisy from feigned lips proceed. 2 And from before thy presence forth my sentence do thou send: Toward these things that equal are do thou thine eyes intend. Thou prov'dst mine heart, thou visit'dst by night, thou didst me try, [me Yet nothing found'st; for that my mouth shall not sin, purpos'd I. As for men's works, I, by the word that from thy lips doth flow, Did me preserve out of the paths wherein destroyers go. Hold up my goings, Lord, me guide in those thy paths divine, So that my footsteps may not slide out of those ways of thine. 7/1 XVII. 6 I called have on thee, God, because thou wilt me hear: That thou may'st hearken to my speech, to me incline thine ear. 7 Thy wondrous loving-kindness show, thou that, by thy right hand, Sav'st them that trust in thee from those that up against them stand. p 8 As th' apple of the eye me keep; mp in thy wings shade me close 9 From lewd oppressors, compassing me round, as deadly foes. 10 In their own fat they are inclos'd; their mouth speaks loftily. 1 1 Our steps they compass'd ; and to ground down bowing set their eye. 12 He like unto a lion is that's greedy of his prey, Or lion young, which lurking doth in secret places stay. ???/13 Arise, and disappoint ray foe, and cast him down, Lord: c* = 60 ^ 2_£ J=F:J: ^: -«^- »=» IT* IHelcomlie. l.m. 1 _i — 1_ S- --^.-^ 7TT When I sur - vey the won-drous cross, On which the Prince of glo - ry died, I I I I I J 1 P, ill I lit l~ iii i ^ i I My rich - est gain IIIJ I I count hut loss, J. A :^i I ?= =F And pour con - tempt on J I I I A & A^ I all my pride 1 i i i^i i PSALMS XVII. My soul save from the wicked man, the man which is thy sword. m 14 From men, which are thy hand, Lord, from worldly men me save, Which only in this present life their part and portion have. Whose belly with thy treasure hid thou fill'st : they children have In plenty; of their goods the rest P 4 they to their children leave. 77?/ 15 But as for me, I thine own face . in righteousness will see; A And with thy likeness, when I wake, ' ' I satisfy'd shall be. PSALM XVIII. Ver. 1-6 St. Nicholas 151, St. Stephen 62. Ver. 7-15 Montrose 49, OldUthZ2. Ver. 16-50 Chingford 91, Colchester 111. mf 1 (JIHEE will I love, Lord, my strength. 2 My fortress is the Lord, My rock, and he that doth to me deliverance afford: mf XVIII. My God, my strength, whom I will trust, a buckler unto me, The horn of my salvation, and my high tow'r, is he. Upon the Lord, who worthy is of praises, will I cry ; And then shall I preserved be safe from mine enemy. Floods of ill men affrighted me, death's pangs about me went; 5 Hell's sorrows me environed; death's snares did me prevent. 6 In my distress I call'd on God, cry to my God did I ; He from his temple heard my voice, to his ears came my cry. 7 Th' earth, as afifrighted, then did shake, trembling upon it seiz'd : The hills' foundations moved were, because he was displeas'd. 8 Up from his nostrils came a smoke, and from his mouth there came 18. iLutjjer'g 46dj. d.i,.m. n girt with strength, th 1 Al-mighty reigns! hand the stead - fast earth sus - tains PSALM Devouring fire, and coals by it were turned into flame. 9 He also bowed down the heav'ns, and thence he did descend; And thickest clouds of darkness did under his feet attend. m 10 And he upon a cherub rode, and thereon he did fly; Yea, on the swift wings of the wind his flight was from on high. 7npll He darkness made his secret place: about him, for his tent, Dark waters were, and thickest clouds of th' airy firmament. m 12 And at the brightness of that light, . which was before his eye, A His thick clouds pass'd away, hailstones and coals of fire did fly. 13 The Lord God also in the heav'ns ff DID THUNDER IN UTS IRE; And there the High est gave his voice, hailstones and coals of fire. XVIII. rnf 14 Yea, he his arrows sent abroad, and them he scattered; His lightnings also he shot out, and them discomfited. 15 The waters' channels then were seen, the world's foundations vast At thy rebuke discover'd were, and at thy nostrils' blast. m 16 And from above the Lord sent down, and took me from below; From many waters he me drew, which would me overflow. 17 He me reliev'd from my strong foes, and such as did me hate; Because he saw that they for me too strong were, and too great. p 18 They me prevented in the day of my calamity ; / But even then the Lord himself a stay was unto me. ?/?/19 He to a place where liberty and room was hath me brought; pTs-^^m^ 4- 2=t I But_ mightier far art thou, whose will 'I I I I I froc- I ^ The lightning and the storms o - bey. ggaH^iiililfeeiiiJ^^I <^ = 60 19. ©arnleg. l.m The Lord o JJU-J^Z dwells on high, Hi I J _ _ rules the arm - les g^F F^ ^ r^=lf^=£2: f.-^r ^. -fg- :f^= #f* gg^ PSALM Because he took delight in me, he my deliv' ranee wrought. w 20 According to my righteousness he did me recompense, He me repaid according to my hands' pure innocence. 21 For I God's ways kept, from my God did not turn wickedly. 22 His judgments were before me, I his laws put not from me. mp2S Sincere before him was my heart, with him upright was I j And watchfully I kept myself from mine iniquity. m 24 After my righteousness the Lord hath recompensed me, After the cleanness of my hands appearing in his eye. 25 Thou gracious to the gracious art, to upright men upright : 26 Pure to the pure, froward thou kyth'st unto the froward wight. XVIII. 27 Eor thou wilt the afflicted save in grief that low do lie : But wilt bring down the countenance of them whose looks are high. A28 The Lord will light my candle so, l\ that it shall shine full bright: The Lord my God will also make my darkness to be light. /29 By thee through troops of men I BREAK, AND THEM DISCOMFIT ALL J AND, BY MY GrOD ASSISTING ME, I OVERLEAP A WALL. m 30 As for God, perfect is his way : the Lord his word is try'd ; A He is a buckler to all those /| who do in him confide. 31 Who but the Lord is God ? but he who is a rock and stay ? y32 'Tis God that girdeth me with STRENGTH, AND PERFECT MAKES MY WAY. V ^ — I. ! ' Ik! Ten thou - sand thousand round Him the I 1*F I k I ' U* Ten thou - sand thousand round Him stand, - bedient to their PSALM ?/?/33 He made my feet swift as the hinds, set me on my high places. 34 Mine hands to war he taught, mine arms brake bows of steel in pieces. 35 The shield of thy salvation thou didst on me bestow : Thy right hand held me up, and great thy kindness made me grow. 36 And in my way my steps thou hast enlarged under me, That I go safely, and my feet are kept from sliding free. 37 Mine en'mies I pursued have, and did them overtake; Nor did I turn again till I an end of them did make. 38 I wounded them, they could not rise; they at my feet did fall. 39 Thou girdedst me with strength for war; my foes thou brought'st down all: 40 And thou hast giv'n to me the necks of all mine enemies; XVIII. That I might them destroy and slay, who did against me rise. mp41 They cried out, but there was none that would or could them save; Yea, they did cry unto the Lord, but he no answer gave. ™/42 Then did I beat them small as dust before the wind that flies; And I did cast them out like dirt upon the street that lies. 43 Thou mad'st me free from people's strife, and heathen's head to be : A people whom I have not known shall service do to me. 44 At hearing they shall me obey, to me they shall submit. 45 Strangers for fear shall fade away, who in close places sit. /46 God lives, bless'd be my Rock ; the God op my health praised be. 47 God doth avenge me, and subdues the people under me. &r=m 20. (£ermau5 + l.m. FROM BRETnOVF.X. ^g^jS#Si^ ..- 1- "^T^t? P pres - ence we ap - pear, Whose goodness crowns the cir - cling year. 1 I I ! i>"- I m -&- jC±&1 t^zz: ^ 1 m/*48 He saves me from mine enemies; yea, thou hast lifted me Above my foes ; and from the man of vi'lence set me free. /49 Therefore to thee will I give THANKS THE HEATHEN FOLK AMONG; And to thy name, O Lord, I will SING PRAISES IN A SONG. m/50 He great deliv'rance gives his king: he mercy doth extend To David, his anointed one, and his seed without end. PSALM XIX. PSALMS XVIII. XIX. Ter. 1-6 Liverpool 69. Ter. 7-14 Moravia 87. Stroudwater 74. Abbey 56. m 1 rjpHE heav'ns G-od's glory do declare, the skies his hand-works preach: 2 Day utters speech to day, and night to night doth knowledge teach. 3 There is no speech nor tongue to which their voice doth not extend: 4 Their line is gone through all the earth, their words to the world's end. In them he set the sun a tent; 5 "Who, bridegroom-like, forth goes From's chamber, as a strong man doth to run his race rejoice. 6 From heav'n's end is his going forth, circling to th' end again; And there is nothing from his heat that hidden doth remain. 7 G-od's law is perfect, and converts the soul in sin that lies : Grod's testimony is most sure, and makes the simple wise. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, and do rejoice the heart: The Lord's command is pure, and doth light to the eyes impart. 9 Unspotted is the fear of Grod, and doth endure for ever: ^ = 54 2L Creation. d. l .m. -* -H 1- ip'p -i-p — — +_i Tlie spa - cious fir - ma - nient on high, With all the blue e - the - rial sky, nd spangled lieav'ns, a si . J J^ -J- J- J And spangled lieav'ns, a shin - ing frame, Their great - ri - gi - nal pro - claim. J SJ- J- J. &.JA £1 j . ji jj J*J. AAA J, 'm^^m PSALMS The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. mj 10 They more than gold, yea, much fine to be desired are: [gold, Than honey, honey from the comb that droppeth, sweeter far. m 11 Moreover, they thy servant warn how he his life should frame : /\ A great reward provided is I ' for them that keep the same. p 12 Who can his errors understand? cleanse thou me within 13 From secret faults. Thy servant keep from all presumptuous sin: And do not suffer them to have dominion over me: mf Then, righteous and innocent, 1 from much sin shall be. [ceed, m 14 The words which from my mouth pro- the thoughts sent from my heart, A Accept, O Lord, for thou my strength ii and my Kedeemer art. XIX. XX. PSALM XX. Palestrina 92. Old Uth 32. mp 1 TEHOVAH hear thee in the day when trouble he doth send : And let the name of Jacob's God thee from all ill defend. i 2 O let him help send from above, | out of his sanctuary: From Sion, his own holy hill, ' > let him give strength to thee. 3 Let him remember all thy gifts, accept thy sacrifice: 4 Grant thee thine heart's wish, and fulfil thy thoughts and counsel wise. / 5 In thy salvation we will joy ; m our God's name we will Display our banners: and the Lord thy prayers all fuleil. m 6 Now know I God his king doth save : he from his holy heav'n Will hear him, with the saving strength bv his own right hand giv'n. 1 I- :^^=z^ And 4-J-W-4 ^t A-jj-J— \ 22: _L f- Th' un - weary'd sun from day to day, Does his Cre - a - tor's pow'r dis - play; !£2±0 --J- — 1 — ~"i ■ — F f= pub - lish to ev' - ry land The work of I Al - might - y hand. I zi: PSALMS XX. mp 7 In chariots some put confidence, l some horses trust upon: / But we remember will the fame op our Lord God alone. I / 8 We rise, and upright stand, when they y are bowed down, and fall. 9 Deliver, Lord; and let the King us hear, when we do call. mf 1 m PSALM XXI. Ver. 1-7 Durham 95. Bel grave 110. Ver. 8-13 St. Paul 50. Stafford 94. ffHE king in thy great strength, O shall very joyful be: [Lord, In thy salvation rejoice how veh'mently shall he! Thou hast bestowed upon him all that his heart would have ; And thou from him didst not withhold whate'er his lips did crave. For thou with blessings him prevent'st of goodness manifold; XXI. And thou hast set upon his head a crown of purest gold. 4 "When he desired life of thee, thou life to him didst give ; Ev'n such a length of days, that he for evermore should live. 5 In that salvation wrought by thee his glory is made great ; Honour and comely majesty thou hast upon him set. 6 Because that thou for evermore most blessed hast him made; tnf And thou hast with thy countenance made him exceeding glad. m 7 Because the king upon the Lord his confidence doth lay; mf And through the grace of the most High shall not be mov'd away. m 8 Thine hand shall all those men find out, that en'mies are to thee ; Ev'n thy right hand shall find out those of thee that haters be. ^ = 54 22. (Krnatt. l.m. J.. MA. SON. FROM '-CANTICA LACDIS. PfSp^fi^ifPp? ^-3 a May he, in whose great name III i A 2=S=^z x—\ I we meet, Send down his Spi 1 ^-r- £2 -n-a!- i ' 9 Like fiery ov'n thou shalt them make, when kindled is thine ire ; G-od shall them swallow in his wrath, devour them shall the fire. 10 Their fruit from earth thou shalt their seed men from among : [destroy, 11 For they beyond their might 'gainst did plot mischief and wrong, [thee 12 Thou therefore shalt make them turn when thou thy shafts shalt place [back, Upon thy strings, made ready all to fly against their face. [Lord, f 13 In thy great power and strength, O . be thou exalted high; [heabts, A So SHALL WE SING WITH JOYFUL THY POWER PRAISE SHALL WE. PSALM XXII. Ver. 1-21 Dundee 144. Crowle 153. Ver. 22-26 Colchester 111. Bedford 61. Ver. 27-30 Durham 95. Sheffield 105. pp i l\f^ ®°^ m y ®°^ w ^y ^ as * ^ l0U me forsaken? why so far PSALMS XXI. XXII. Art thou from helping me, and from my ivords that roaring are? 2 All day, my God, to thee I cry, yet am not heard by thee; And in the season of the night I cannot silent be. m 3 But thou art holy, thou that dost inhabit Isr'el's praise. A 4 Our fathers hop'd in thee, they hop'd, ' ' and thou didst them release. m 5 When unto thee they sent their cry, to them deliv'rance came: h Because they put their trust in thee, ' • they were not put to shame. pp 6 But as for me, a worm I am, and as no man am prizd: Reproach of men I am, and by the people am despised. I 7 All that me see laugh me to scorn; \ shoot out the lip do they; 1 They nod and shake their heads at me, ' ' and, mocking, thus do say, 23. amindjester. l.m. :ese0 s=^ 22" with - out one A _ J. ^=£ =i=llll DR. CKOFT. r s^p- plea, But that thy blood was ^=g=' :^: :S: I 22: :^2 zxiz -J3T5— £2Zir: H S^ st & f— i And that thou Z&22Z 22: 22: ^zr=± 22: — <^- 221 bidst me :^: ^_<^- 1221 thee, 0, :?=: ^ 1221=22: m 8 /; 10 v 11 mp 12 13 #/>14< PSALM This man did trust in Grod, that he would free him by his might: Let him deliver him, sith he had in him such delight. But thou art he out of the womb that didst me safely take; When I was on my mother's breasts *thou me to hope didst make. And I was cast upon thy care, ev'n from the womb till now; And from my mother's belly, Lord, my G-od and guide art thou. Be not far off, for grief is near, and none to help is found. Bulls many compass me, strong bulls of Bashan me surround. Their mouths they open'd wide on me, upon me gape did they, Like to a lion ravening and roaring for his prey. Like water Tmpour'd out, my bones all out of joint do part: XXII. Amidst my bowels, as the wax, so melted is my heart, p 15 My strength is like a potsherd dry'd; my tongue it cleaveth fast W Unto my jaws; and to the dust " of death thou brought me hast, p 16 For dogs have compass'd me about: the wicked, that did meet In their assembly, me inclos'd; they pierc'd my hands and feet. 17 I all my bones may tell; they do upon me look and stare. 18 Upon my vesture lots they cast, and clothes among them share. nip 19 But be not far, O Lord, my strength; I haste to give help to me. 20 Prom sword my soul, from pow'r of J J my darling set thou free. [dogs, 21 Out of the roaring lion's mouth do thou me shield and save: For from the horns of unicorns an ear to me thou gave. G>=51 24- Ambrose. l.m. MELODY OF 5lH CKNTURT. ! . |_ 1 i k jF -4- :^: -Jet. rd- Out of the depths to i Pi I I i thee I I i call, i r fears are great, my I My I strength is small. ^ J I ~^=^- 1^Wi w/22 PSALMS I will shew forth thy name unto those that my brethren are ; Amidst the congregation thy praise I will declare. / 23 Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear him glorify all ye The seed of Jacob ; fear him all that Isr'el's children be. 772p24 For he despis'd not nor abhorr'd th' afflicted's misery ; Nor from him hid his face, but heard when he to him did cry. m 25 Within the congregation great my praise shall be of thee ; My vows before them that him fear shall be perform'd by me. 26 The meek shall eat, and shall be fill'd they also praise shall give Unto the Lord that do him seek : your heart shall ever live. in f 27 All ends of th' earth remember shall, and turn the Lord unto ; XXII. XXIII. All kindreds of the nations to him shall homage do : / 28 Because the kingdom to the Lord doth appertain as his ; Likewise among the nations the Governor he is. m 29 Earth's fat ones eat, and worship shall : all who to dust descend \i Shall bow to him ; none of them cau ' his soul from death defend. m 30 A seed shall service do to him ; unto the Lord it shall Be for a generation reckon'd in ages all. [declare They shall come, and they shall HIS TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS Unto a people yet unborn, and that he hath done this. PSALM XXIII. Messiah 100. Dovedale 132. w;? 1 rp HE Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want. V 2 He makes me down to lie /31 <^ = 60 25. JSeja. l.m. i Blest hour, when mor - tal GENEVAN PSALTER, lo(i2. -H 1- P^gSEjE£ ±iz4 £ IS zt= hold com - rniin - ion with his Lord, 1 I I 1 1 1 , I E^^^iE^S &= p-b=p 1 ^ To I send : ^ : to heav'u his Mw^pmrn^m I warm de - sires, And w-- m r £ZL. .e± - cred word. Xl J s 5= :(& -«— := P : ^ :^: ^ :tz= © *=e 4 PSALMS XXIII. XXIV. In pastures green : he leadeth me mf 1 HP HE earth belongs unto the Lord, and all that it contains ; the quiet waters by. m 3 My soul he doth restore again; The world that is inhabited, and me to walk doth make and all that there remains. Within the paths of righteousness, m 2 For the foundations thereof ev'n for his own name's sake. he on the seas did lay, fiP 4 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, And he hath it established m/\ yet will I fear none ill : upon the floods to stay. v For thou art with me ; and tby rod mp 3 Who is the man that shall ascend and staff me comfort still. into the hill of God ? wi/ 5 My table thou hast furnished Or who within his holy place in presence of my foes ; shall have a firm abode? My head thou dost with oil anoint, m 4 Whose hands are clean, whose heart is and my cup overflows. and unto vanity [pure, 6 Goodness and mercy all my life Who hath not lifted up his soul, A shall surely follow me : nor sworn deceitfully. And in God's house for evermore mf 5 He from th' Eternal shall receive MY DWELLING-PLACE SHALL BE. 1 the blessing him upon, A And righteousness, ev'n from the God of his salvation. PSALM XXIV. Yer. 1-6 Harrington 120. St. Gregory 73. mp 6 This is the generation L Ver. 7-10 St. George's Edin. 38. Vienna 40. that after him enquire, 54 tj iii 26. £2mmgton. l.m. 1 i i 1358. Thy years throughout all I J 3iS P— r ^ i a - ges last Of old thou hast e - stab - lish - ed I I igip 7 3— P : t- I I -- s :* J m -E=fc=^d ii| I The earth's foun J J J _^: z2= ^zzpa: Zf :^ I£2I I I I I - tions firm and fast: Thy might - y J | A *J. | nj. A ■^^^^=m 4=1 i nade. m II III hands the heav'ns have made. J. ^sL A \A i PSALMS XXIV. Jacob, who do seek thy face with their whole heart's desire. mf 7 Ye gates, lift up your heads on high; ye doors that last for aye, Be lifted up, that so the King of glory enter may. p 8 But who of glory is the King? f The mighty Lord is this; A Ev'n that same Lord, that great in ' ' AND STRONG IN BATTLE IS. [MIGHT mf 9 Ye gates, lift up your heads; rp A calm and un - dis - turb'd re - pose, A safe re - treat from all our foes. -&- -&• -ZZZI&l TZL ps=z^- ^^= ^z===L=^=z^ A After thy mercy think on me, and for thy goodness great. m 8 God good and upright is : the way he'll sinners show. 9 The meek in judgment he will guide, and make his path to know. 10 The whole paths of the Lord are truth and mercy sure, To those that do his cov'nant keep, and testimonies pure. p 1 1 Now, for thine own name's salce % Lord, I thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity; for it is very great, m 12 What man is he that fears the Lord, and doth him serve ? Him shall he teach the way that he shall choose, and still observe. 13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his posterity Shall flourish still, and of the earth inheritors shall be. PSALM XXV mp\4: A 15 mf i \ j nil ry I'li ^te S R J I j ~f j |-f Flf =q i^ iffilESg At last, 1 I . | Lord! let trou - ble cease, And V r let thy s=r^^3 i i ser - vant die in peace 1 ' A J ii I ■ it mp ft m m i And let me never be asham'd 1 , f\ because I trust in tbee. 21 Let uprightness and truth keep me, who thee attend. , 1 22 Redemption, Lord, to Israel V from all his troubles send. Another of the same. Vet: 1-7 Morven 99. Martyrdom 64. Ver. 8-15 S«. Andrew 72. Newington 63. Fer. 16-22 Sfc A T eo« 150. Crowte 153. 1 rpo thee I lift my soul, Lord : 2 X My God, I trust in thee: Let me not be asham'd; let not my foes triumph o'er me. 3 Yea, let thou none ashamed be that do on thee attend: Ashamed let them be, Lord, who without cause offend. 4 Thy ways, Lord, shew; teach me thy 5 Lead me in truth, teach me: [paths: For of my safety thou art God; all day I wait on thee. PSALM XXV. mp 6 Thy mercies, that most tender are, do thou, Lord, remember, A And loving-kindnesses; for they ' ' have been of old for ever. p 7 Let not the errors of my youth, nor sins, remember' d be: a In mercy, for thy goodness' sake, Lord, remember me. m 8 The Lord is good and gracious, he upright is also: He therefore sinners will instruct in ways that they should go. 9 The meek and lowly he will guide in judgment just alway: To meek and poor afflicted ones he'll clearly teach his way. 10 The whole paths of the Lord our God are truth and mercy sure, To such as keep his covenant, and testimonies pure. 11 Now, for thine own name's sake, Lord, I humbly thee entreat c> = 48 (1=1=3: 3: -4 -^ 29. Babulon Streams* l.m. -I— J-r-J- #=^: :^z= ~C?" :^=^: d=d: DR T CUIIMAN, 1600. _J_ =-5 Lord, in thy wrath re - bnke me J J I I I II II I I ^ r i i l in thy hot rage cha I I ?2C :dzf: 22Zt: ^ :^ & i :^— S2= :^=^: i -i— j- -- -^- -S>- -". -o- =T: ^^=^====3 -e===:t========^=F fe=.g=±5rs=r-B his arms! I ?ZL m PSALMS XXVI. XXVII. i 3 For thy love is before mine eyes, '* thy truth's paths I have trode. mfl\ But as for me, I will walk on in mine integrity: m 4 With persons vain I have not sat, mp Do thou redeem me, and, Lord, nor with dissemblers gone: be merciful to me. 5 Th' assembly of ill men I hate; mf\2 My foot upon an even place to sit with such I shun. i doth stand with steadfastness: j\ Within the congregations 6 Mine hands in innocence, Lord, A I'll wash and purify; ' ' So to thine holy altar go, th' Eternal I will bless. and compass it will I: / 7 That I, with voice of thanksgiving, PSALM XXVII. MAY PUBLISH AND DECLARE, Ver. 1-6 Coleshill 14«. Durham 95. And tell of all thy mighty works, Ver. 7-14 JJallcrma 114. Morten 99. THAT GREAT AND WONDROUS ARE. / I rriHE Lord's my light and saving mf 8 The habitation of thy house, HEALTH, Lord, I have loved well; WHO SHALL MAKE ME DISMAY'd? Yea, in that place I do delight My LIFE'S STRENGTH IS THE LORD, OF where doth thine honour dwell. THEN SHALL I BE AFRAID? [WHOM mp 9 With sinners gather not my soul, 7/2 2 When as mine enemies and foes, and such as blood would spill: most wicked persons all, 10 Whose hands mischievous plots, right To eat my flesh against me rose, corrupting bribes do fill. [hand they stumbled and did fall. i — 4—1 r— P- l -m*— t~i — i — P z=: ?*=g Per - mit them to ap - proach, -1 he m ^=i£ l ! '^ cries, Nor scorn their hum I ! ±* ble ^= p-^== ^=- ^=y=p ^: i i :p=; zzz :piz^ S ?a r ? r^ ^~^ ^=* i i i i o 1 For, 't-.vas to bless such soul p r I r r i=l an - gels came. -*4 ill PSALM XXVII. / 3 Against me though an host encamp, Of joyfulness; I'll sing, yea, I my heart yet fearless is: to God will praises sing. Though war against me rise, I will mp 7 Lord, give ear unto my voice, BE CONFIDENT IN THIS. when I do crv to thee; mp 4 One thing I of the Lord desir'd, Upon me also mercy have, and will seek to obtain, and do thou answer me. That all clays of my life I may 8 When thou didst say, Seek ye my face, within God's house remain; then unto thee reply That I the beauty of the Lord Thus did my heart, Above all things behold may and admire, thy face, Lord, seek -will I. V And that I in his holy place P 9 Far from me hide not thou thy face; may reverently enquire. put not away from thee ft 5 For he in his pavilion shall Thy servant in thy virath: thou hast me hide in evil days; !\ an helper been to me. In secret of his tent me hide, God of my salvation, and on a rock me raise. leave me not, nor forsake: wi 6 And now, ev'n at this present time, m 10 Though me my parents both should mine head shall lifted be the Lord will me up take. [leave, Above all those that are my foes, 110 Lord, instruct me in thy way, and round encompass me : v to me a leader be / Therefore unto his tabernacle In a plain path, because of those ! . I'll sacrifices bring that hatred bear to me. <^ = 80 31. ©to 29tij, D.c.M. SCOTCH PSALTER, 1565. HAUMUXV FUOM DIBDIN -J- ye un &! — I — & - ^ :^: -^ | j £?- i ' i the Lord, ye sons That i i A A i t I ■ of the might - y be, 3= m 1ZL- 1221 i^P= ?= =T B* All strength and glo - ry J J J . A. : P T ^— ^=. to I _C2 F=f :ffq»: z£ d rj ^t-rt— a t '—&■= the Lord With cheer - ful - ness give i =pt i i i - — o- --m-- w- :22: i m PSALMS XXVII. m 12 Give me not to mine en'mies' will; for witnesses that lie Against me risen are, and such as breathe out cruelty. mplS I fainted had, unless that I believed had to see The Lord's own goodness in the land of them that living be. »m/14 Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong, i and he shall strength afford A Unto thine heart; yea, do thou wait, I say, upon the Lord. PSALM XXVIII. Warial 155. Tiverton 59. Ver. 1-5 St. Chad 152 Ver. G-9 Gloucester 54 V mp 1 /TO thee I'll cry, Lord, my rock; hold not thy peace to me; Lest like those that to pit descend I by thy silence be. 2 The voice hear of my humble pray'rs, when unto thee I cry; mf XXVIII. When to thine holy oracle I lift mine hands on high. 3 With ill men draw me not away that work iniquity; That speak peace to their friends, while their hearts doth mischief lie. [in 4 Give them according to their deeds and ills endeavoured: And as their handy-works deserve, to them be rendered. 5 God shall not build, but them destroy, who would not understand The Lord's own works, nor did regard the doing of his hand. For ever blessed be the Lord, for graciously he heard The voice of my petitions, and prayers did regard. The Lord's my strength and shield; my upon him did rely; [heart And I am helped: HENCE my heart DOTH JOY EXCEEDINGLY, EESEES^J I And ^3 SSEHE^EE the beauty A of i£2: ho 22: li - ness Un z— zr.q: ^^ i to Je ' I bow. I J ^ rzr K23t t=^=i a 22: ■"— F Q ^zi^zzir^: ?=z: ™/ 8 And with my song I will him praise. Their strength is God alone: He also is the saving strength of his anointed one. thine own people do thou save, bless thine inheritance; Tbem also do thou feed, and them FOR EVERMORE ADVANCE. / 1 mp f 3 PSALM XXIX. Old 29th 31. Salisbury 55. Cj TVE ye unto the Lord, ye sons ^ that of the mighty be, All strength and glory to the Lord with cheerfulness give ye. Unto the Lord the glory give that to his name is due; And in the beauty of holiness unto JEHOVAH bow. The Lord's voice on the waters is; the God of majesty PSALMS XXVIII. XXIX. ji Doth thunder, and on multitudes l\ of waters sitteth he. / 4 A pow'rful voice it is that comes out from the Lord most high; A The voice of that great Lord is full of glorious majesty. / 5 The voice of the Eternal doth asunder cedars tear; Yea, God the Lord doth cedars break that Lebanon doth bear. 6 He makes them like a calf to skip, ev'n that great Lebanon, And, like to a young unicorn, the mountain Sirion. 7 God's voice divides the flames of fire; 8 The desert it doth shake: The Lord doth make the wilderness V of Kadesh all to quake. 9 God's voice doth make the hinds to calve, A it makes the forest bare: /\ And in his temple ev'ry one his glory doth declare. cp — m fen— 32. ©IK 44tt D-C.M. God, we with our ears have heard. Our fa - thers have DAY S PSALTEI J_|_4 22ZI I *rfc:4 « .ci. £2= js! s! £2 ^_ izzgzzgzz: p- fa - thers have us • I I ^ d A 22 ?2==^: told, =1- F=sJ: ±xz=t i ■ r \ r -p- r T i What works thoa in their days hadst done, Ev'n 1 , . , ^ ^ ^ ^ , d r* — g — g-ub J: ~j r-r 22: 22: ?= i the days of _J d. =22: old. ial PSALMS XXIX. .^10 The Lord sits on the floods; the sits King, and ever shall. [Lord w 11 The Lord will .give bis people strength, . and with peace bless them all. m 1 2 V A mp 3 mf 4 PSALM XXX. St. Ann GO. St. Alphage 118. T OUT), I will thee extol, for thou hast lifted me on high, And over me thou to rejoice mad'st not mine enemy. thon who art the Lord my God, I in distress to thee, With loud c 1 lifted up my voice, and thou hast healed me. Lord, my soul thou hast brought up, and rescu'd from the grave; That I to pit should not go down, alive thou didst me save. ye that are his holy ones, sing praise unto the Lord: XXX. And give unto him thanks, when ye his holiness record. 5 For but a moment lasts his wrath; life in his favour lies: Weeping may for a night endure, AT MORN DOTH JOY ARISE. 6 In my prosperity I said, that nothing shall me move. 7 Lord, thou hast my mountain made to stand strong by thy love : But when that thou, gracious God, didst hide thy face from me, Then quickly was my prosp'rous state turn'd into misery. 8 Wherefore unto the Lord my cry I caused to ascend: My humble supplication I to the Lord did send. 9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to pit ? Shall unto thee the dust give praise? thy truth declare shall it? m Thy hand did drive the hea - then out, And plant them in their place; A A J I I I J i ! I I i ! a^E e =r=z=t=z=r^ 4 g ^ , J r^: ^^ P r-> i r^ S^= c± m 1 • i Thou didst af F^EE ^ -4- - & irJ- ?2- g ^-^~ P ?=: 1^ the HP ■ ti - ons; But tkem thou didst i i i J i i rf fj H - in - crease. .C2_._ -r--&- PSALMS XXX. wplO Hear, Lord, have mercy; help me, Lord: . 11 Thou turned hast my sadness A To dancing; yea, my sackcloth loos'd, and girded me with gladness; / 12 That sing thy praise my glory may, and never silent be. Lord my God, for evermore i will give thanks to thee. m 1 mp m PSALM XXXI. Yer. 1-8 Durham 95. York 46. Yer. 9-13 Bangor 147. Dundee 144. Ver. 14-18 Old Carlisle 129. St. Vary 145. Yer. 19-24 Newington 63. & Z?avi'd 48. TN thee, Lord, I put my trust, sham'd let me never be; According to thy righteousness do thou deliver me. Bow down thine ear to me, with speed send me deliverance: To save me, my strong rock be thou, and my house of defence. XXXI. 3 Because thou art my rock, and thee I for my fortress take ; Therefore do thou me lead and guide, ev'n for thine own name's sake. 4 And situ thou art my strength, therefore pull me out of the net, Which they in subtilty for me so privily have set. p 5 Into thine hands I do commit • my sp'rit: for thou art he, f\ thou, JEHOVAH, God of truth, that hast redeemed me. mp 6 Those that do lying vanities regard, I have abhorr'd: / But as for me, my confidence is fixed on the lord. m 7 I'll in thy mercy gladly joy: for thou my miseries Consider'd hast; thou hast my soul known in adversities: 8 And thou hast not inclosed me within theen'my's hand; !HS z± 33. ©to 68ti). D.c.M. SCOTCH PSALTER, 1G15. !i*l I I I Thou hast, I I I :^2i And *rf z^zzz^— : -P* pg^a :^=^: tri - uraph vie I ' ' to - rious led Cap - tive cap - tiv I I I | I I C i — -p- 1 ?= :f^: &=p=±= S ■I \— PSALM And by thee have my feet been made in a large room to stand. p 9 Lord, upon me mercy have, for trouble is on me: Mine eye, my belly, and my soul, with grief consumed be. 10 Because my life with grief is spent, my years with sighs and groans: pp My strength doth fail; and for my sin consumed are my bones. mp\\ I was a scorn to all my foes, and to my friends a fear; And specially reproach'd of those that were my neighbours near: When they me saw they from me fled. 12 Ev'n so I am forgot, As men are out of mind when dead : I'm like a broken pot. 13 For slanders I of many heard ; fear compass'd me, while they Against me did consult, and plot to take my life away. XXXI. 772/14 772^15 16 17 18 772/19 But as for me, Lord, my trust upon thee I did lay ; And I to thee, Thou art my God, did confidently say. My times are wholly in thine hand : do thou deliver me From their hands that mine enemies and persecutors be. Thy countenance to shine do thou upon thy servant make : Unto me give salvation, for thy great mercies' sake. Let me not be asham'd, Lord, for on thee call'd I have: Let wicked men be sham'd, let them be silent in the grave. To silence put the lying lips, that grievous things do say, And hard reports, in pride and scorn, on righteous men do lay. How great's the goodness thou for them that fear thee keep'st in store, T=d-^-zA=^d-- mp PSALMS XXXI. And wrought'st for them that trust in the sons of men before ! [thee mp2Q In secret of thy presence thou shalt hide them from man's pride: f\ From strife of tongues thou closely ' ' as in a tent, them hide. [shalt, f21 All praise and thanks be to the FOE HE HATH HAGNIFy'd [LORD ; His wondrous love to me within A CITY FORTIFY'D. p 22 For from thine eyes cut off I am, I in my haste had said; mp My voice yet heard'stthou, when to thee with cries my moan I made. m 23 O love the Lord, all ye his saints ; because the Lord doth guard The faithful, and he plenteously proud doers doth reward. w/24 Be of good courage, and he strength unto your heart shall send, All ye whose hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend. ! P PP P XXXII. PSALM XXXII. St. James 98. St. Mirren 97. 1 Q BLESSED is the man to whom is freely pardoned All the transgression he hath done, whose sin is covered. 2 Bless'd is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not his sin, And in whose sp'rit there is no guile, nor fraud is found therein. 3 When as I did refrain my speech, and silent was my tongue, My bones then waxed old, because I roared all day long. 4 For upon me both day and night thine hand did heavy lie, So that my moisture turned is in summer's drought thereby. 5 I thereupon have unto thee my sin acknowledged, And likewise mine iniquity I have not covered: 88 Ing ra i loud to I 34- ©ft 8lj5t D.C.M. --J- i i God our strength ; with joy To 22 ZZ =2_i_^=z^2dtr^2z^zz^z± dat's psalter, 1C15. ARMOKY BY HAVERGAL. •-J- -fi?— S < j . <2 ' (1 PSALMS XXXIII 17 An horse for preservation is a deceitful thing; And by the greatness of his strength can no deliv'rance bring. 18 Behold, on those that do him fear the Lord doth set his eye; Ev'n those who on his mercy do with confidence rely. m 19 From death to free their soul, in dearth life unto them to yield. /20 Our soul doth wait upon the Lord; he is our help and shield. 21 Sith in his holy name we trust, A OUR HEART SHALL JOYFUL BE. ., 22 Lord, let thy mercy be on us, ™ as we do hope in thee. PSALM XXXIV. Ver. 1-10 Chingford 91 Bedford 61. Ver. 11-22 St. Matthew 39. Old 137(7* 35. m f 1 pOD will I bless all times; his praise a " my mouth shall still express. XXXIV. 2 My soul shall boast in God: the meek shall hear with joyfulness. 3 Extol the Lord with me, let us EXALT HIS NAME TOGETHER. 4 I sought the Lord, he heard, and did me from all fears deliver. m 5 They look'd to him, and lighten'd were: not shamed were their faces. This poor man cry'd, God heard, and HIM FROM ALL HIS DISTRESSES. [sAV'd The angel of the Lord encamps, and round encompasseth All those about that do him fear, and them delivereth. mp 8 taste and see that God is good: who trusts in him is bless'd. A 9 Fear God his saints: none that him fear mf shall be with want oppress'd. molO The lions young may hungry be, and they may lack their food: / But they that truly seek the Lord shall not lack any good. :^- the soul that long - in J 1 L_^=i <3— _ — L. I Doth (S>- ^ i i (=-- =^=FgJW=g=»^ ^ : SS ' J_^- fy: ^ -gj ; ^C=sfc| -m-r r^ zsi ^ With good - ness ■1: &£ the £ hung soul Doth a - bun - dant -m- AJt. jzL jsL j=1. '-&:- tzt: ^ W^ JJ iy- __<^_JL_ mp\2 m 13 mpl6 A V 17 ??2pl8 PSALMS children, hither do ye come, and unto me give ear; 1 shall you teach to understand how ye the Lord should fear. What man is he that life desires, to see good would live long? Thy lips refrain from speaking guile, and from ill words thy tongue. Depart from ill, do good, seek peace, pursue it earnestly. God's eyes are on the just; his ears are open to their cry. The face of God is set against those that do wickedly, That he may quite out from the earth cut off their memory. The righteous cry unto the Lord, he unto them gives ear; And they out of their troubles all by him deliver'd are. The Lord is ever nigh to them that be of broken sp'rit; XXXIV. XXXV. A To them he safety doth afford \\ that are in heart contrite. £> 19 The troubles that afflict the just in number many be; f But yet at length out of them all the Lord doth set him free. m 20 He carefully his bones doth keep, whatever can befall; That not so much as one of them can broken be at all. p 21 III shall the wicked slay; laid waste A shall be who hate the just. \\ 22 The Lord redeems his servants' souls; ff NONE PERISH THAT HIM TRUST. PSALM St. Nicholas 151. XXXV. Silesia 149. m pLEAD, Lord, with those that plead; and fight with those that fight with me. Of shield and buckler take thou hold, stand up mine help to be. 36. Invocation. d.c.m. R. A. SMITH. r f r i r send thy li<;ht forth and thy truth; Let them be i^pia#^pp^pg UUL" guides I l'i> 1 me. And I -£2 v dwell - insrs be. Then will I sn^B:^ PSALM m/ 3 Draw also out the spear, and do against them stop the way That me pursue : unto my soul, I'm thy salvation, say. 4 Let them confounded be and sham'd that for my soul have sought: Who plot my hurt turn'd back be they, and to confusion brought. 5 Let them be like unto the chaff that flies before the wind; And let the angel of the Lord pursue them hard behind. 6 With darkness cover thou their way, and let it slipp'ry prove ; And 'let the angel of the Lord pursue them from above, m 7 For without cause have they for me their net hid in a pit, They also have without a cause for my soul digged it. 8 Let ruin seize him unawares; his net he hid withal XXXV. Himself let catch; and in the same destruction let him fall. / 9 My soul in God shall joy; and glad in his salvation be: 10 And all my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, m Which dost the poor set free from him that is for him too strong; The poor and needy from the man that spoils and does him wrong? 11 False witnesses rose; to my charge things I not knew they laid. 12 They, to the spoiling of ray soul, me ill for good repaid. p 13 But as for me, when they were sick, in sackcloth sad I mourn' d: My humbled soul did fast, my pray' V into my bosom turn'd. 14 Myself I did behave as he had been my friend or brother; I heavily bow'd down, as one that mourneth for his mother. dr^n— mwmmsE m m^memm *i2zi :*=^ S - : 1 i P-P+ ^±g: zz -«s>- *j rii o ' ■ ' ' i- i i i r i name to praise, My harp, my harp, my harp I will em - ploy, I will em - ploy. r> I _j _j _i _i _i | | -r\ l is :2=?= 1 S =l S = ± P=f J^ESfeSS PSALM wpl5 But in my trouble they rejoic'd, gath'ring themselves together; Yea, abjects vile together did themselves against me gather: I knew it not; they did me tear, and quiet would not be. 16 With mocking hypocrites, at feasts they gnash 'd their teeth at me. 17 How long, Lord, look'st thou on? from A destructions they intend [those ' I Eescue my soul, from lions young my darling do defend. / 18 I WILL GIVE THANKS TO THEE, LORD, WITHIN TH'* ASSEMBLY GREAT; AND WHERE MUCH PEOPLE GATHER'd ARE THY PRAISES FORTH WILL SET. m 19 Let not my wrongful enemies proudly rejoice o'er me; Nor who me hate without a cause, let them wink with the eye. 20 For peace they do not speak at all; but crafty plots prepare XXXV. Against all those within the land that meek and quiet are. p21 With mouths set wide, they 'gainst me Ha, ha! our eye doth see. [said, m 22 Lord, thou hast seen, hold not thy peace ; . Lord, be not far from me. A 23 Stir up thyself; wake, that thou may'st '' judgment to me afford, Ev'n to my cause, thou that art my only God and Lord. w/24 Lord my God, do thou me judge after thy righteousness; And let them not their joy gainst me triumphantly express: 25 Nor let them say within their hearts, Ah, we would have it thus; Nor suffer them to say, that he is swallow'd up by us. 26 Sbam'd and confounded be they all that at my hurt are glad; Let those against me that do boast with shame and scorn be clad. (^ = 54 37- fHotmt Nebo. d.c.m. M. HAYDN. ABRAXGEJ) BY L. MASON. 3 *bid=±sfc There ^_ »=.z 2 i HR — tz is a I I land .oL i r "i pure de - light, Where saints im - mor I ! I I II I . ? -e? di - vides That heav'nly -H 'f^ 1 jfii land from ours. I J ?2: I- :^z^^=z^2: P=p PSALMS rap 10 Thy loving-kindness unto them continue that thee know; And still on men upright in heart thy righteousness bestow. 11 Let not the foot of cruel pride come, and against me stand; And let me not removed be, Lord, by the wicked's hand. 12 There fallen are they, and ruined, that work iniquities: Cast down they are, and never shall be able to arise. PSALM XXXVII. Abbey 56. St. Simon 43. mp 1 pOR evil-doers fret thou not thyself unquietly ; Nor do thou envy bear to those that work iniquity. V 2 For, even like unto the grass, soon be cut down shall they; And, like the green and tender herb, they wither shall away. XXXVI. XXXVII. m 3 Set thou thy trust upon the Lord, and be thou doing good; And so thou in the land shalt dwell, and verily have food. mf 4 Delight thyself in God; he'll give thine heart's desire to thee. 5 Thy way to God commit, him trust, it bring to pass shall he. . 6 And, like unto the light, he shall A thy righteousness display; And he thy judgment shall bring like noon-tide of the day. [foxth Rest in the Lord, and patiently wait for him : do not fret For him who, prosp'ring in his way, success in sin doth get. 8 Do thou from anger cease, and wrath see thou forsake also: Fret not thyself in any wise, that evil thou should'st do. 9 For those that evil-doers are shall be cut off and fall: mp 7 m P * = 8o 3S. St. Grorge's Camburglj. D.C..M. :?£=: DR A. THOMSON. = j = ^4- r L-U f rT/TTT7-7 l 5 1 [2nd Time) \e gates lift up your heads: ve lr ,= il i^H za^^ar ; 1 m . * _ n F 22 But who is he that is the King, the King of glo - ry? who is thi BTTTfE+f-C r T\ f V — , r mm_ P in 23 1 PSALM And they that cursed are of him shall be destroyed all. A good man's footsteps by the Lord are ordered aright; And in the way wherein he walks he greatly doth delight. 24 Although he fall, yet shall he not be cast down utterly; Because the Lord with his own hand upholds him mightily. m 25 I have been young, and now am old, yet have I never seen The just man left, nor that his seed for bread have beggars been. 26 He's ever merciful, and lends: his seed is bless'd therefore. 27 Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore. 28 For God loves judgment, and his saints leaves not in any case; They are kept ever: but cut off PP shall be the sinner's race. 50 31 m33 XXXVII. m 29 The just inherit shall the land, and ever in it dwell: [speak; The just man's mouth doth wisdom his tongue doth judgment tell. In's heart the law 'is of his Gocl, his steps slide not away. mp32 The wicked man doth watch the just, and seeketh him to slay. Yet him the Lord will not forsake, nor leave him in his hands: The righteous will he not condemn, when he in judgment stands. Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and thee exalt shall he Th' earth to inherit; when cut off V the wicked thou shalt see. ?nS5 I saw the wicked great in pow'r, spread like a green bay- tree: He pass'd, yea, was not: him I sought, but found he could not be. Mark thou the perfect, and behold the man of uprightness; ' 34 P 36 772/37 *f #j =r=? H*"*»- l-j -ri iprzzz^: si Ev'n that same Lord, that The Lord of hosts, and -0. _ A - great none but might he, And strong The King of bat - tie is. glo - ry is. t^ f—f-m -^ 1- =1 » uj H Q i Ur -r-i ' Ev'n that same Lord, that The Lord of hosts, and I great none in but might And he. The strong King bat glo i .«. .^- .^. _^- .^. -^^j «* n p.- .j. tie i ry i K £=t ^ PSALMS XXXVII. \ mpSS v ?n/39 /40 PP A V Because that surely of this man the latter end is peace. But those men that transgressors are shall be destroy'd together; The latter end of wicked men shall be cut off for ever. But the salvation of the just is from the Lord above; He in the time of their distress their stay and strength doth prove. The Lord shall help, and them deli- he SHALL THEM FREE AND SAVE [VER: From wicked men; because im him their confidence they have. PSALM XXXVIII. Bangor 147. Dundee 144. TN thy great indignation, Lord, rebuke me not; Nor on me lay thy chastening hand, in thy displeasure hot. P XXXVIII. 2 For in me fast thine arrows stick, thine hand doth press me sore: 3 And in my flesh there is no health, nor soundness any more. This grief I have, because thy wrath is forth against me gone ; And in my bones there is no rest, for sin that I have done. 4 Because gone up above mine head my great transgressions be; And, as a weighty burden, they too heavy are for me. 5 My wounds do stink, and are corrupt; my folly makes it so. 6 I troubled am, and much bow'd down; all day I mourning go. 7 For a disease that loathsome is so fills my loins with pain, That in my weak and weary flesh no soundness doth remain. 8 So feeble and infirm am I, and broken am so sore, CODA. H=^=* - mhi S ' r^ - J 1 Z) u t Hal - le - la - jah, i h 1 , -wr-»-r—r—i*- Hal - le - lu - jah, j h r 1 > i i , > £J Hal - le - lu - jah, Hal - le - lu - jah. I* -H ^ 1 1 -i — * — ^ — (■_ s 1 — \-r— -^ — : rj> 1 B t) [s Hal - le - lu - I h 1 1- L jah, A fi men, A men, A OT>. II men. ' g.~L J." — - -J- J r m : w"b 1 V — i — -1—4— s> — ' " & P^ I U V PSALM That, through disquiet of my heart, I have been made to roar. Lord, all that I do desire is still before thine eye; And of my heart the secret groans not hidden are from thee. p 10 My heart doth pant incessantly, my strength doth quite decay; As for mine eyes, their wonted light is from me gone away. 11 My lovers and my friends do stand at distance from my sore; And those do stand aloof that were kinsmen and kind before. 12 Yea, they that seek my life lay snares: who seek to do me wrong Speak things mischievous, and deceits imagine all day long. 13 But, as one deaf, that heareth not, I suffer'd all to pass; 1 as a dumb man did become, whose mouth not open'd was: XXXVIH. 14 As one that hears not, in whose mouth are no reproofs at all. mf 15 For, Lord, I hope in thee; my God, THOU'LT HEAR ME WHEN I CALL. wl6 For I said, Hear me, lest they should rejoice o'er me with pride; And o'er me magnify themselves, when as my foot doth slide. P 17 For I am near to halt, my grief is still before mine eye: 18 For I'll declare my sin, and grieve for mine iniquity. 19 But yet mine en'mies lively are, and strong are they beside ; And they that hate me wrongfully are greatly multiply'd. 20 And they for good that render ill, as en'mies me withstood; w Yea, ev'n for this, because that I do follow what is good. 21 Forsake me not, Lord; my God, far from me never be. <^ = 6G 39. St jflattfjeto. d.c.m. DR. CROFT. s -^7 ^ P'- 1 -^— l- -1—4 i ^- gt-gE :^2ir :^=^; s : The Lord eIe^E ev nigh to them That be of r i -(2= J pfcei 32: zzz: _£=L :^Ef^ I brok - en ^ d J. :z^=^-^z:: sp'rit; _£2 iiiS I i£2: J *£ sri^ To £F^ : them he ^2. _ safe - ty doth ford r ' IJ That are in heart con - trite. eE 221 -r- t - 1 J WAITED for the Lord my God, and patiently did bear; A At length to me he did incline \\ my voice and cry to hear. mp 2 He took me from a fearful pit, and from the miry clay, A And on a rock he set my feet, establishing my way. mf 3 He put a new song in my mouth, our God to magnify: PSALMS XXXIX. XL. Many shall see it, and shall fear, and on the Lord rely. 4 blessed is the man whose trust upon the Lord relies; Respecting not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. 5 Lord my God, full many are the wonders thou hast done; Thy gracious thoughts to us-ward far above all thoughts are gone: In order none can reckon them to thee: if them declare, And speak of them I would, they more than can be number'd are. m mp No sacrifice nor offering didst thou at all desire; Mine ears thou bor'd: sin-off'ring thou and burnt didst not require: Then to the Lord these were my words, I come, behold and see; Within the volume of the book it written is of me: 40. Ftenna. d.c.m. I ■ J J — =1— » MELCHIOR TESCHKKR, PSALM A m 8 To do tby will I take delight, thou my God that art; Yea, that most holy law of thine 1 have within my heart. 9 Within the congregation great I righteousness did preach: Lo, thou dost know, Lord, that I refrained not my speech. 10 I never did within my heart conceal thy righteousness; I thy salvation have declar'd, and shown tby faithfulness: Thy kindness, which most loving is, concealed have not X, Nor from the congregation great have hid thy verity. 11 Thy tender mercies, Lord, from me do thou not restrain: Thy loving-kindness, and thy truth, let them me still maintain. p 12 For ills past reckoning compass me, and mine iniquities XL. V mplS A m/U 15 pll Such hold upon me taken have, I cannot lift mine eyes: They more than hairs are on mine head, thence is my heart dismay 'd. Be pleased, Lord, to rescue me; Lord, hasten to mine aid. Sham'd and confounded he they all that seek my soul to kill; Yea, let them backward driven be, and sham'd, that wish me ill. For a reward of this their shame confounded let them be, That in this manner scoffing say, Aha, aha! to me. In thee let all be glad, and joy, who seeking thee abide; Who thy salvation love, say still, The Lord be magnify'd. I'm poor and needy, yet the Lord of me a care doth take : Thou art my help and saviour, my God, no tarrying make. And I f^EE^EEf —** •?=* • E2_ ^zzz:_zz com - bined, with I I I J2L _CL . _§. • i i r 1- i I- -\ p suf - fer'd pain no more. 'Tis fi-nish'd, 'Tis nish'd, The Mes - si - ah dies For I ^^^^ &L 22=221 ±==± =11 A PSALMS 12 But as for me, thou me nphold'st in mine integrity; And me before thy countenance thou sett'st continually. / 13 Tine Lord, the God of Israel, BE BLESS'd FOR EVER THEN, From age to age eternally. Amen, yea, and amen. PSALM XLIT. Ver. 1-7 narringt m 120. York Minster 134. Ver. 8-11 Fhilipvi 116. Old Carlisle 129. mp A m 1 T IKE as the hart for water-brooks •^ in thirst doth pant and bray; So pants my longing soul, God, that come to thee I may. 2 My soul for God, the living God, doth thirst: when shall I near Unto thy countenance approach, and in God's sight appear? 3 My tears have unto me been meat, both in the night and day, XLI. XLII. While unto me continually, Where is thy God? they say. 4 My soul is poured out in me, when this I think upon ; Because that with the multitude I heretofore had gone: With them into God's house I went I with voice of joy and praise; \\ Yea, with the multitude that kept the solemn holy days. p 5 why art thou cast down, my soul? why in me so dismay 'd? / Trust God, fc*r I shall praise him his count'nance is mine aid. [yet, P 6 My God, my soul's cast down in me; thee therefore mind I will From Jordan's land, the Hermonites, and ev'n from Mizar hill. At the noise of thy water-spouts deep unto deep doth call ; Thy breaking waves pass over me, yea, and thy billows all. 122. sins, but his great re-demp - tion com - jilcte, And I ^ gEgE^f g^|E =j -^ m^mmm pow'r o'er - thrown. I "I PSALMS XLII mf 8 His loving-kindness yet the Lord command will in the day, His song's with me by night; to God, by whom I live, I'll pray : 9 And I will say to God my rock, y Why me forgett'st thoirso? p Why, for my foes' oppression, thus mourning do I got 10 'Tis as a sword within my bones, when my foes me upbraid ; Ev'n when by them, Where is thy God? 'tis daily to me said. 110 why art thou cast down, my soul? i why, thus with grief opprest, l\ Art thou disquieted in me? in God still hope and rest : m f For yet I know I shall him praise, who graciously to me The health is of my countenance, yea, mine own God is he. XLIII. PSALM XLIII. Philippi 116. Ver. 3-5 Invocation 36. m 1 JUDGE me, God, and plead my against th' ungodly nation ; [cause From the unjust and crafty man, be thou my salvation. 2 For thou the God art of my strength ; ii why thrusts thou me thee fro' ? y For th' enemy's oppression why do I mourning got m 3 send thy light forth and thy truth ; let them be guides to me, And bring me to thine holy hill, ev'n where thy dwellings be. / 4 Then will I to God's altar go, to God my chiefest joy : Yea, God, my God, thy name to praise my harp i will employ. mp 5 Why art thou then cast down, my soul? what should discourage thee? And why with vexing thoughts art thou disquieted in me ? 42. &t. 3sapi). d.c.m. How bright these glorious spi - rits shine! Whence all their white ar - ray? ■ i i I I l> » I I I i I GIORKOVICHI, 1804. 4 =t=^-t=t=^g I How came they to the UJI^^ ji . 1 1 J i J J j ji f-JJ . -&i -&i A. .cL jzL jd. jzL. -. wm ^=^~P~P~ ^ PSALMS XLIII. XLIV. m/ Still trust in God ; for him to praise a good cause i yet shall have ! He of my countenance is the health, my God that doth me save. PSALM XLIV. Ver. 1-8 Old Uth 32. Martyrs 148. Ver. 9-26 Dundee 144. Crowle 153. mf 1 (~) GOD, we with our ears have heard, ^ our fathers have us told, What works thou in their days hadst ev'n in the days of old. [done, 2 Thy hand did drive the heathen out, and plant them in their place ; Thou didst afflict the nations, but them thou didst increase. 3 For neither got their sword the land, nor did their arm them save ; But thy right hand, arm, countenance; for thou them favour gave. m 4 Thou art my King : for Jacob, Lord, deliv'rances command. P mf f f 5 Through thee we shall push down our that do against us staud : [iocs, We, through thy name, shall tread down that ris'n against us have. [those 6 For in my bow I shall not trust, nor shall my sword me save. 7 But from our foes thou hast us sav'd, our haters put to shame. 8 In God we all the day do boast, and ever praise thy name. mp 9 But now we are cast off by thee, and us thou putt'st to shame ; And when our armies do go forth, thou go'st not with the same. 10 Thou mak'st us from the enemy, faint-hearted, to turn back ; And they who hate us for themselves our spoils away do take. p 11 Like sheep for meat thou gavest us ; 'mong heathen cast we be. ?npl2 Thou didst for nought thy people sell; their price enrich'd not thee. *e ^mmmmm^M^m^m came to realms of light, And in the blood of Christ have wash'd Those robes which shine so bright 1221^2 r - m ^ 1 I jzLjzL .&. - > gj ^=^: ^ fe ^. .J. J. :^=2z ■^-^ P-P- 1 h -^-•_, ^ = 66 43. St. Simon, d.c.m. J. CEUGER, 165S. umi Un J _^==> _ <= <=^ — L -3 m that doth in the der the shade of se - cret place Of the most high re - side, Him that is Th' Al - might - y shall a - bide. J J d -^- , ic>— _gL_ :g-_..gi ^ — p — pa a PSALM 13 Thou mak'st us a reproach to be unto our neighbours near; Derision and a scorn to them that round about us are. 14 A by-word also thou dost us among the heathen make; The people, in contempt and spite, at us their heads do shake. 15 Before me my confusion continually abides; And of my bashful countenance the shame me ever hides : 16 For voice of him that doth reproach, and speaketh blasphemy; By reason of th' avenging foe, and cruel enemy. < 17 All this is come on us, yet we m have not forgotten thee; Nor falsely in thy covenant behav'd ourselves have we. 18 Back from thy way our heart not turn'd; our steps no straying made; XLIV. XLV. U 19 Though us thou brak'st in dragons' place, V and cover' dst with death's shade. m 20 If we God's name forgot, or stretch'd to a strange god our hands, 21 Shall not God search this out? for he heart's secrets understands. mp22 Yea, for thy sake we're kill'd all day, counted as slaughter-sheep. w?/23 Rise, Lord, cast us not ever off; awake, why dost thou sleep? 24 wherefore hidest thou thy face? forgett'st our cause distress'd, 25 And our oppression? For our soul is to the dust down press' d: p Our belly also on the earth fast cleaving, hold doth take. m/26 Rise for our help, and us redeem, ev'n for thy mercies' sake. PSALM XLV. Ver. 1-9 Liverpool 69. Stroudwater 74. Ver. 10-17 Tiverton 59. Colchester 111. 1 8 ffij — i . gj 1- :^=^2- : ^= 1 I I | | f I of the Lord my God will say, He I I =g -ji 4 « -si I my HH re - fuge still, I mmm0^^nms^Mimm ws^= S2 C2I PSALM 1 ]Vf Y heart brings forth a goodly thing; li - my words that I indite Concern the King: my tongue's a pen of one that swift doth write. 2 Thou fairer art than sons of men: into thy lips is store Of grace infus'd; God therefore thee hath bless'd for evermore. / 3 THOU THAT ART THE MIGHTY ONE, THY SWORD GIRD ON THY THIGH; Ev'N WITH THY GLORY EXCELLENT, AND WITH THY MAJESTY. mf 4 For meekness, truth, and righteousness, in state ride prosp'rously; And thy right hand shall thee instruct in things that fearful be. m 5 Thine arrows sharply pierce the heart of th' en'mies of the King; A And under thy subjection l\ the people down do bring. / 6 For ever and for ever is, God, thy throne of might; XLV. The sceptre of thy kingdom is A sceptre that is right. mf 7 Thou lovest right, and hatest ill; for God, thy God, most high, Above thy fellows hath with th' oil of joy anointed thee. 8 Of aloes, myrrh, and cassia, a smell thy garments had, Out of the iv'ry palaces, whereby they made thee glad. 9 Among thy women honourable kings' daughters were at hand: Upon thy right hand did the queen in gold of Ophir stand. mp\0 daughter, hearken and regard, and do thine ear incline; Likewise forget thy father's house, and people that are thine. 7??/ 11 Then of the King desir'd shall be thy beauty veh'mently: Because he is thy Lord, do thou him worship revrently. G-QQ 44. jTrrncf). CM. SCOTCH PSALTER, 1615. i-^l^- w-U^ ^^fl WW^ eyes, From whence doth come mine A. .J. J j ii aid. :^: ?=: ?2= r :zs. i ^^: ez: My safe 221 ?=: ^=^ jth -I 1— from the I 22: i=sli=3i 3 si s : Lord, Who heav'n and earth hath made. ®r~r \r-~ == WW^ 7 W n t * f ^^ ■& '-&- ^=: jz£ ^ 2Z ml2 m/13 /M #15 mplQ mf 17 A PSALM The daughter there of Tyre shall be with gifts and off'rings great: Those of the people that are rich thy favour shall entreat. Behold, the daughter of the King all glorious is within; And with embroideries of gold her garments wrought have been. She shall be brought unto the King in robes with needle wrought; Her fellow-virgins following shall unto thee be brought. They shall be brought with gladness AND MIRTH ON Ev'rY SIDE, [GREAT, Into the palace of the King, AND THERE THEY SHALL ABIDE. Instead of those thy fathers dear, thy children thou may'st take, And in all places of the earth them noble princes make. Thy name remember'd I will make through ages all to be : XLV. m 1 / 3 THE PEOPLE THEREFORE EVERMORE SHALL PRAISES GIVE TO THEE. Another of the same. Ver. 1-9 Old 134th 156 Westminster 170. Ver. 10-17 Hampton 161. Prague 157. ^/JT heart inditing is good matter in a song: I speak the things that I have made, which to the King belong: My tongue shall be as quick, his honour to indite, As is the pen of any scribe that useth fast to write. Thou'rt fairest of all men; grace in thy lips doth flow: And therefore blessings evermore on thee doth God bestow. Thy sword gird on thy thigh, THOU THAT ART MOST OF MIGHT : Appear in dreadful majesty, AND IN THY GLORY BRIGHT. 80 45, St, ftlagnm cm. JER. CLARKE, 1707. HARMONY FROM HAVERGAL. ft PSALM XLV. mf 4 For meekness, truth, and right, ride prosp'rously in state; And thy right band shall teach to thee j m p\0 things terrible and great. m 5 Thy shafts shall pierce their hearts that foes are to the King; Whereby into subjection mf\\ the people thou shalt bring. / 6 Thy royal seat, Lord, for ever shall remain! The SCEPTRE OF thy kingdom doth ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS MAINTAIN. mf 7 Thou lov'st right, and hat'st ill; A for God, thy God, most high, Above thy fellows hath with th' oil wi/13 of joy anointed thee. 8 Of myrrh and spices sweet a smell thy garments had, Out of the iv'ry palaces, / L whereby they made thee glad. 9 And in thy glorious train kings' daughters waiting stand; And thy fair queen, in Ophir gold, doth stand at thy right hand. daughter, take good heed, incline, and give good ear; Thou must forget thy kindred all, and father's house most dear. Thy beauty to the King shall then delightful be: And do thou humbly worship him, because thy Lord is he. The daughter then of Tyre there with a gift shall be. And all the wealthy of the land shall make their suit to thee. The daughter of the King all glorious is within; And with embroideries of gold her garments wrought have been. She cometh to the King in robes with needle wrought; The virgins that do follow her SHALL UNTO THEE BE BROUGHT. 66 46* gorft. cm. ±^^r. % -^ ■z2: -z2l v f !l f c SCOTCH PSALTER, 1615. V ■p that men the Lord would give Praise _— r-< mfs^mmkwmm^mmM #15 mpl6 mf 17 A / 1 ff 2 PSALMS XLV. XLVI They shall be brought with joy, AND MIRTH ON EV'fiY SIDE, Into the palace of the King, and there they shall abide. And in thy fathers' stead, thy children thou may'st take, And in all places of the earth them noble princes make. I will shew forth thy name to generations all : Therefore the people evermore to thee give praises shall. PSALM XLVI. "..• Stroudwater 74. Montrose 49. Q.OD is our refuge and our strength, in straits a present aid; Therefore, although the earth re- we will not be afraid: [move, Though hills amidst the seas be cast; Though waters roaring make, And troubled be; yea, though the mf 4 BY SWELLING SEAS DO SHAKE. [HILLS A river is, whose streams do glad the city of our God; The holy place, wherein the Lord most high hath his abode. / 5 God in the midst of her doth dwell; . nothing shall her remove : A The Lord to her an helper will, AND THAT RIGHT EARLY, PROVE. mf 6 The heathen rag'd tumultously, the kingdoms moved were: p The Lord God uttered his voice, V the earth did melt for fear. mf 7 The Lord of hosts upon our side i doth constantly remain: A The God of Jacob's our refuge, US SAFELY TO MAINTAIN. m 8 Come, and behold what wondrous works have by the Lord been wrought; Come, see what desolations he on the earth hath brought. ■fHL 47. ©unfermime. CM. SCOTCH PSALTEK, 1615. =1= Give pi I and thank; 1 rJ • J_ ^j qz i i the Lord, S^ azr-gr-g--^-^ For boun - ti - ful .J. he ^ :j=[==l. ip=t= -^--I_ -J— J-, 1 !■ ii i r~ til *=& der £ iner - cy doth en - dure I I I jzl *± A. Un - to I I :L: ni - ty. PSALMS XLVI. w?/ 9 Unto the ends of all the earth wars into peace he turns : The bow he breaks, the spear he cuts, m f in fire the chariot burns. p 10 Be still, and know that I am God; a among the heathen I '* Will be exalted; I on earth / will be exalted high. 11 Ouk God, who is the Lord of hosts, a is still upon our side; '' The God of Jacob our refuge for ever will abide. PSALM XLVII. St. Magnus 45. Montrose 49. Old Uth 32. / mp mf 1 A LL people, clap your hands; to with voice of triumph shont: 2 For dreadful is the Lord most high, great King the earth throughout. 3 The heatben people under us he surely shall subdue: God ff 5 mf 7 XLVII. And he shall make the nations under our feet to bow. 4 The lot of our inheritance choose out for us shall he, Of Jacob, whom he loved well, ev'n the excellency. God is with shouts gone up, the Lord with trumpets sounding high. Sing praise to god, sing praise, sing praise to our klng sing ye. [praise, For God is King of all the earth; with knowledge praise express. 8 God rules the nations: God sits on his throne of holiness. 9 The princes of the people are assembled willingly; Ev'n of the God of Abraham they who the people be. For why? the shields that do defend the earth are only his: They to the Lord belong ; yea, he EXALTED GREATLY IS. c* = 66 z=2r^: God — I— 48* St. JBabfo, cm. playford's psaltee, 1G71. 4 will times: I ' I I his praise I I I'll My mouth shall still ex - press. j ^ & ftil - ness. Pi 3 The Lord within her palaces is for a refuge known. mp 4 For, fo, £fc Icings that gathered were together, by have gone. 5 But when they did behold the same, they, wondering, would not stay; But, being troubled at the sight, they thence did haste away, p 6 Great terror there took hold on them, they v)ere possess 1 d with fear; A Their grief came like a woman's pain, V when she a child doth bear. PSALM XL VIII. PSALM XLVIII. ] m 7 St. Magnus 45. Montrote 49. 8 mf 1 Q.REAT is the Lord, and greatly he is to be praised still, Within the city of onr God, upon his holy hill. 2 Mount Sion stands most beautiful, 9 the joy of all the land ; The city of the mighty King on her north side doth stand. mf 1 1 12 13 /I 14 Thou Tarshish ships with east wind As we have heard it told, [break'st: So, in the city of the Lord, our eyes did it behold; In our God's city, which his hand for ever stablish will. We of thy loving-kindness thought, Lord, in thy temple still. Lord, according to thy name, through all the earth's thy praise; And thy right hand, Lord, is full of righteousness always. Because thy judgments are made known, let Sion mount rejoice; Of Judah let the daughters all send forth a cheerful voice. Walk about Sion, and go round; the high tow'rs thereof tell: Consider ye her palaces, and mark her bulwarks well; That ye may tell posterity. For this God doth abide & = 66 mmmm God d=^ 49. Jflontrose. cm. at s-i with shouts gone 3= zrzt ^ — I- I I l ! up, the p d#t±M ss :f^z=^2=t=^=z Pi ±3* Lord With trum - pets sound - ing high. i | I i I i ^lEpg ^S: r z^ — s£ i ^ God, sing praise, sing praise, Praise to r i £ E FF -^ =8 •ur King sing ye. I I & PSALMS XLVIII. XLIX. Our God for evermore; he will ev'n unto death us guide. PSALM XLIX. Evan 125. St. Mary 145. 1 TJEAR this, all people, and give ear, X all in the world that dwell; 2 Both low and high, both rich and poor. 3 My mouth shall wisdom tell: My heart shall knowledge meditate. 4 I will incline mine ear To parables, and on the harp my sayings dark declare. 5 Amidst those days that evil be, why should I, fearing, doubt? When of my heels th' iniquity shall compass me about. 6 Whoe'er they be that in their wealth their confidence do pitch, And boast themselves, because they are become exceeding rich: mp Yet none of these his brother can redeem by any way; Nor can he unto God for him sufficient ransom pay, p 8 [Their soul's redemption precious is, /\ and it can never be,) 9 That still he should for ever live, and not corruption see. m 10 For why? he seeth that wise men die, and brutish fools also Do perish ; and their wealth, when dead, to others they let go. 1 1 Their inward thought is, that their house and dwelling-places shall Stand through all ages; they their lands by their own names do call. 12 But yet in honour shall not man abide continually; But passing hence, may be compar'd unto the beasts that die. m 13 Thus brutish folly plainly is their wisdom and their way; 50, St. $aul cm. i^- SCOTCH TUNE OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. •fg-r^ 3* g n ain!j fcEi^ s^ tru - ly blest, J. -^ ^-1 :?2: HfH * r J I 8 -ft -j 1 I -P2- Who by sur - ed con - fi - deuce On thee jSL x$- ei fcS lone doth rest. Eg 1> g \r i pU 772 16 PSALMS Yet their posterity approve what they do fondly say. Like sheep they in the grave are laid, and death shall them devour; And in the morning upright men shall over them have pow'r: Their beauty from their dwelling shall consume within the grave. But from hell's hand God will me free, for he shall me receive. Be thou not then afraid when one enriched thou dost see, Nor when the glory of his house advanced is on high: 17 For he shall carry nothing hence when death his days doth end; Nor shall his glory after him into the grave descend. 18 Although he his own soul did bless whilst he on earth did live; (And when thou to thyself dost well, men will thee praises give;) XLIX. L. mpld He to his fathers' race shall go, they never shall see light. 20 Man honour'd wanting knowledge is like beasts that perish quite. / 1 ft l\ mf 4 PSALM L. Ver. 1-15 Westminster 170. Old 134fA 156. Ver. 16-23 Ludlow 175. Selma 166. rpHE mighty God, the Lord, hath spoken, and did call The earth, from rising of the sun, to where he hath his fall. From out of Sion hill, which of excellency And beauty the perfection is, God shined gloriously. Our God shall surely come; keep silence shall not he : Before him fire shall waste, great shall round about him be. [storms Unto the heavens clear he from above shall call, & = m 51. Sackgon'g. CM. w. jackson, 1730—1803. j f-s \ sL 3= :^2=p: f-M a-r i r i" i r i u The Lord's my light and sav - ing health, Who shall make me dis - may'd? , I I | . I I I 1 I I I I d & J gt-r •&- -Jd ^ ^_,__^ & C*_*lJ _£2. BEO^Eazzj= ±z ii zfS: :g: mil And to the earth likewise, that he may judge his people all. 5 Together let my saints unto me gather' d be, Those that by sacrifice have made a covenant with me. / 6 And then the heavens shall his righteousness declare : Because the Lord himself is he by whom men judged are. m 7 My people Isr'el hear, speak will I from on high, Against thee I will testify; God, ev'n thy God, am I. 8 I for thy sacrifice no blame will on thee lay, Nor for burnt-off'rings, which to me thou offer'dst ev'ry day. 9 I'll take no calf nor goats from house or fold of thine : A 10 For beasts of forests, cattle all A on thousand hills, are mine. PSALM L. m 11 12 A ml3 14 mp\5 ro/16 m 17 The fowls on mountains high are all to me well known; Wild beasts which in the fields do lie, ev'n they are all mine own. Then, if I hungry were, I would not tell it thee; Because the world, and fulness all thereof, belongs to me. Will I eat flesh of bulls? or goats' blood drink will I? Thanks offer thou to God, and pay thy vows to the most High. And call upon me when in trouble thou shalt be ; I will deliver thee, and thou my name shalt glorify. But to the wicked man God saith, My laws and truth Should'st thou declare? how dar'st thou my cov'nant in thy mouth? [take Sitli thou instruction hat'st, which should thy ways direct; ^=6G i 52, St George, cm. M KLAUS HERMANS, 15C0. i i r- F i i Let Is - r'el in his Mak - er joy, And to him praises sing ; Let all that Sion'a ! A. J i A- A .a. A. A A A. J i J J J n pfciEiZE 4p^-pJ>^ = pf W=F= ==^ ~§=ee!=[ £2 _J -tr-d—±i children are Be joyful in their King ^\ zd fe zE And sith my words behind thy back thou cast'st, and dost reject. mplS When thou a thief didst see, with him thou didst consent; p And with the vile adulterers partaker on thou icent. Thou giv'st thy mouth to ill, thy tongue deceit doth frame; Thou sitt'st, and 'gainst thy brother thy mother's son dost shame, [speak'st, Because I silence kept, while thou these things hast wrought; That I was altogether like thyself, hath been thy thought: Yet I will thee reprove, and set before thine eyes, In order ranked, thy misdeeds, and thine iniquities. JVow, ye that God forget, this carefully consider; Lest I in pieces tear you all, and none can you deliver. PSALM L. m 10 20 onp 21 mf p22 m/28 Whoso doth offer praise me glorifies; and I "Will shew him G-od's salvation, that orders right his way. Another of the same. Ver. 1-15 New London 53. Ver. 16-23 Oroide 153. St. Nicholas 151. Dundee 144. mf 1 rpHE mighty God, the Lord, hath and call'd the earth upon, [spoke Ev'n from the rising of the sun unto his going down. 2 From out of Sion, his own hill, where the perfection high Of beauty is, from thence°the Lord hath shined gloriously. 1 3 Our God shall come, and shall no more be silent, but speak out: j j Befobe him fiee shall waste, gbeat SHALL COMPASS HIM ABOUT. [STOEMS mf 4 He to the heavens from above, and to the earth below. 53* Nfto Honticm. cm. bcotch PSALTEB|mgi -A- ! i J rJ_ir d=: =tx=sJ ^3=g np= I ' i in the heav'ns; Thy truth doth reach the clouds: I I I i i i i i ! I Thy jus ;^=g i tice I ' i I ' I I like nioun - taius great; Thy judg - ments deep as floods. ! flgL-gJ 0_ rt §S r - ^ ^-r-^ ^zx-^ PSALM L. Shall call, that he his judgments may before his people show. 5 Let all my saints together be unto me gathered; Those that by sacrifice with me a covenant have made. / 6 And then the heavens shall declare his righteousness abroad: Becaus ' the Lord himself doth come; none else is judge but God. m 7 Hear, my people, and I'll speak; Israel by name, Against thee I will testify; God, ev'n thy God, I am. 8 I for thy sacrifices few reprove thee never will, Nor for burnt- off rings to have been before me offer' d still. 9 I'll take no bullock nor he-goats from house nor folds of thine: a 10 For beasts of forests, cattle all A on thousand hills, are mine. mil 12 The fowls are all to me well known that mountains high do yield; And 1 do challenge as mine own the wild beasts of the field. If I were hungry, I would not to thee for need complain; For earth, and all its fulness, doth to me of right pertain. m 13 That I to eat the flesh of bulls take pleasure dost thou think? Or that I need, to quench my thirst, the blood of goats to drink? mfU Nay, rather unto me, thy God, thanksgiving offer thou: To the most High perform thy word, and fully pay thy vow: mp\5 And in the day of trouble great see that thou call on me; A I will deliver thee, and thou l\ MY NAME SHALT GLORIFY. m»16 But God unto the wicked saith, Whv should'st thou mention make 54- (Sloucestrr, cm. RAYF.N-RCROFT'S PSALTER, l'j-'l HARMONY FROM HAVKRGAL. SI ^=^ F= s=^= • 'i Lord re - joke; r sp ;gE :<= 1 come - lv ^2. i ft -75 and righ t I :f^ =1 1— :^2~ -4- gj-4-^^y ^eeB ' i r r right men, with thank - ml voice, Should praise the Lord of might. 3i ^2=^1 LZ -I — :p± I I 1- PSALMS Of my commands? how dar'st thou in thy mouth my cov'nant take? m 17 Sith it is so that thou dost hate all good instruction ; And sith thou cast'st behind thy back, and slight'st my words each one. 1 8 When thou a thief didst see, then straigh t thou join'dst with him in sin, p And with the vile adulterers thou hast partaker been, m 19 Thy mouth to evil thou dost give, thy tongue deceit doth frame. 20 Thou sitt'st, and 'gainst thy brother thy mother's son to shame, [speak'st, mp2l These things thou wickedly hast done, and I have silent been : Thou thought'st that I was like thyself, and did approve thy sin : mf But I will sharply thee reprove, and I will order right Thy sins and thy transgressions in presence of thy sight. L. LI. p 22 Consider this, and be afraid, A ye that forget the Lord, \\ Lest I in pieces tear you all, V when none can help afford. m/23 Who off'reth praise me glorifies: I will shew God's salvation To him that ordereth aright his life and conversation. PP 1 mp p 4 PSALM LI. Ver. 1-12 Dundee 144 Walsal 155. Ver. 13-19 St. Mary 145. Eversley 103. J^FTER thy loving -kindness, Lord, have mercy upon me: For thy compassions great, blot out all mine iniquity. Me cleanse from sin, and throughly wash from mine iniquity: For my transgressions I confess; my sin I ever see. 'Gainst thee, thee only, have I sinn'd, in thy sight done this ill; &=66 55. Salfeiutrg, cm. ravexscroft's psalter, 1621. harmony from havergal. -I 1-, Is - r'el great: *S-A~ 0=1 ±= wmm -J. -g. ^ .£2. 1= fc± ?z _l 1 :=*: st I I i^^iSi^i^I^ In I id. Sa - lem J!2- his bee - nacle, In Si A. SS^ ^^^^ ^z^zzfe ^^ on is I I z 2 — ^ . his seat SI PSALM LI. mp m A m mf P 9 ft That when thou speak'st thou may'st be and clear in judging still. [just, Behold, I in iniquity was form'd the womb within; My mother also me conceiv'd in guiltiness and sin. Behold, thou in the inward parts with truth delighted art ; And wisdom thou shalt make me know within the hidden part. Do thou with hyssop sprinkle me, I shall be cleansed so; Yea, wash thou me, and then I shall be whiter than the snow. I Of gladness and of joyfulness MAKE ME TO HEAR THE VOICE; That so these very bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. All mine iniquities blot out^ thy face hide from my sin. 10 Create a clean heart, Lord, renew a right sp'rit me within. 11 Cast me not from thy sight, nor take thy Holy Sp'rit away. 12 Restore me thy salvation's joy; with thy free Sp'rit me stay. m/13 Then will I teach thy ways unto those that transgressors be; And those that sinners are shall BE TURNED UNTO THEE. [THEN 7npl4 God, of my salvation God, me from blood-guiltiness mf Set free; then shall my tongue aloud SING OF THY RIGHTEOUSNESS. rnp\5 My closed lips, Lord, by thee let them be opened ; mf Then shall thy praises by my mouth ABROAD BE PUBLISHED. m 16 For thou desir'st not sacrifice, else would I give it thee; Nor wilt thou with burnt-offering at all delighted be. vipll A broken spirit is to God a pleasing sacrifice : ^=54 SCOTCH P8A1.TBB, 1616. 56. afofoeg. cm. £ES Lt man nath U-^t bless - 'ed - less Who walk - 'cth not ^ :2: -— g? — ^r m^mmw?mm Jl ' I '. lv men, Nor stauds in sin - ners' way, I ! ^zzz^: i=i PSALMS LI. LII. A broken and a contrite heart, Like to a razor sharp to cut, Lord, thou wilt not despise. working deceitfully. ;/i 18 Shew kindness, and do good, Lord, 3 111 more than good, and more than truth to Sion, thine own hill: thou lovest to speak wrong: The walls of thv Jerusalem 4 Thou lovest all-devouring words, build up of thy good will. thou deceitful tongue. w/19 Then righteous off'rings shall thee mf 5 So God shall thee destroy for aye, PLEASE, remove thee, pluck thee out AND OFF'RINGS BURNT, WHICH THEY Quite from thy house, out of the land With whole burnt off'rings, and of life he shall thee root. WITH CALVES, mp 6 The righteous shall it see, and fear. SHALL ON THINE ALTAR LAY. and laugh at him they shall: \ 7 Lo, this the man is that did not make God his strength at all : PSALM LII. But he in his abundant wealth St. Nicholas 151. ColeshiR 146. his confidence did place; mf 1 TyHY dost thou boast, mighty man, of mischief and of ill? And he took strength unto himself from his own wickedness. The goodness of Almighty God m 8 But I am in the house of God endureth ever still. like to an olive green : m 2 Thy tongue mischievous calumnies » My confidence for ever hath deviseth subtilely, upon God's mercy been. 80 57- ffiretutott- cm. JEREMIAH CLARKE. 'PKOPLE'S SERVICE OF SONG. i ti= <_ 2=^: ^ Tz=- ^ r* f— *— — ~-0 r5 ^ — ' ;-3 tts : Ho san - na the m % r 4 Son Of i \r\\ ■£*■ -4-J- 3E25£EE^ : :(S= :g=: ^ I ill Da - vid's an - cient line! e=^ — I &? 1 — fefe==E=r— 1—1 - f ?=: ?=c ^ :?2- -^ 1 ' — ; — m- — i — i 1 — £- M-m.-\ — — . . His A tuves two, his giHSfc? ^3f :^=^: i, i per - son one, My - ste - i i i A A A. jT H **=&. PSALMS LII mf 9 And I for ever will thee praise, 7 because thou hast done this: w I on thy name will wait; for good before thy saints it is. PSALM LIU. Stafford 94. St. Paul 50. m 1 THAT there is not a God, the fool 1 doth in his heart conclude: They are corrupt, their works are vile, not one of them doth good. 2 The Lord upon the sons of men from heav'n did cast his eyes, To see if any one there was < that sought God, and was wise. mv 3 They altogether filthy are, P they all are backward gone; And there is none that doeth good, no, not so much as one. m 4 These workers of iniquity, do they not know at all, LIU. LIT mp 5 That they my people eat as bread, and on God do not call? Ev'n there they were afraid, and stood with trembling, all dismay d, Whereas there was no cause at all whv they should be afraid: For God his bones that thee besieg d hath scatter'd all abroad; Thou hast confounded them, tor tney despised are of God. Let Isr'el's help from Sion come: WHEN BACK THE LORD SHALL BRING His captives, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall sing. PSALM LIV. St. James 98. St. Chad 136. mv 1 Q AVE me, God, by thy great name, B and judge me by thy strength : 2 My prayer hear, God; give ear unto my words at length. / 6 h J = 51 5S. Jarrant cm. i i ■ i ry soul! On thee, when II II =ii -f= ^_"g: R. FAURANT, 1585. wmm sor - rows I I -&=m mmm^ ? imMmimmiwmm. ^=X^ r^ f — f — r I'll On thee, when waves of I trou - ble roll, My faint - in ^ -j=r-n3- Efe rnmsmi n= :^-rz^z^zz=r-^ — =: — r — is I I 22 m^m^mm^mmmm^m Thee will nil =pz i 1- I bless each day, and will Thy „ ame 'for' ver praise. PSALM LV. . 8 From windy storm and tempest I '* would haste to 'scape away. m/15 Let death upon them seize, and down let them go quick to hell; / 9 Lord, on them destruction bring, For wickedness doth much abound AND DO THEIR TONGUES DIVIDE; among them where they dwell. m For in the city violence / 16 I'll call on God: God will me save. and strife I have espy'd. m 17 I'll pray, and make a noise 10 They day and night upon the walls do go about it round : A At ev'ning, morning, and at noon; and he shall hear my voice. There mischief is, and sorrow there m 18 He hath my soul delivered, in midst of it is found. that it in peace might be 11 Abundant wickedness there is From battle that against me was; within her inward part; for many were with me. And from her streets deceitful ness 19 The Lord shall hear, and them afflict, and guile do not depart. of old who hath abode: mpVl He was no foe that me reproach'd, then that endure I could; Because they never changes have, therefore they fear not God. Nor hater that did 'gainst me boast, 20 'Gainst those that were at peace with from him me hide I would. he hath put forth his hand: [him /// 13 But thou, man, who mine equal, guide, The covenant that he had made, and mine acquaintance wast: by breaking he profan'd. 14 We join'd sweet counsels, to God's house »ip2 1 More smooth than butter were his words, in company we past. A while in his heart was war; & = 66 60. £>L 3tm. cm. DR. CROFT, 1721. HARMONY FROM HAVERGAL. ^h ^ = F?TTg=g j & •=)- great I ly hless'd the E i peo - pie I I -£=^ -I I I are The ?2I I joy i £ _=-S 1 — <"-? * — i :g=g: I I ful sound that know; I I I :^_<=2 a!. ^ Z2ZZI T 1 i rl 1 r shall go. _^__ W PSALMS w/> His speeches were more soft than oil, A and yet drawn swords they are. m 22 Cast thou thy burden on the Lord, i and he shall thee sustain ; A Yea, he shall cause the righteous man unmoved to remain. 23 But thou, Lord my God, those men i / in justice shalt o'erthrow, V And in destruction's dungeon dark at last shalt lay them low : mp The bloody and deceitful men shall not live half their days : mf But upon thee with confidence I will depend always. PSALM LVI. Coleshill 146. St. Nicholas 151. p 1 gHEW mercy, Lord, to me, for man would swallow me outright; He me oppresseth, while he doth against me daily fight. LV. LVI. m | mf P 2 They daily would me swallow up that hate me spitefully; For they be many that do fight against me, most High. 3 When I'm afraid I'll trust in thee: 4 In God I'll praise his word; I WILL NOT PEAR WHAT FLESH CAN DO, MY TRUST IS IN THE LORD. 5 Each day they wrest my words; their 'gainst me are all for ill. [thoughts 6 They meet, they lurk, they mark my waiting my soul to kill. [steps, 7 But shall they by iniquity escape thy judgments so? God, with indignation down do thou the people throw. 8 My wand'rings all what they have been thou know'st, their number took; Into thy bottle put my tears : are they not in thy book? 9 My foes shall, when I cry, turn back; I know't, God is for me. 80 61. BetifortL cm. This Tune is so arranged that it may be sung in Common Time if preferred, __ - r , | , - ^> I W. WHEAL, 1745. L a _^ I a-y zi: si i i i - r i a new song to the Lord, For won - ders I 1 I I i >=F- fe — ^=c: he hath done H§A= g: 22 ^ii 22==S right hand and his ^3S>- _^2 — ^2: 1111 hath I nigd^tin L 10 n wpl2 A »i»13 PSALMS LVI. his word V i A mp In God his word I'll praise in God shall praised be. In G-od I trust; I will not fear what man can do to me. Thy vows upon me are, O God: I'll render praise to thee. "Wilt thou not, who from death me sav'd my feet from falls keep free, To walk before God in the light of those that living be? PSALM LYII. Ver. 1-6 Martyrdom 64. Ballerma 114. Ver. 7-11 St. George 52. York 46. T>JE merciful to me, God; thy mercy unto me Do thou extend; because my soul doth put her trust in thee: Yea, in the shadow of thy wings my refuge I will place, Until these sad calamities do wholly overpass. mf A P k i\ LVII. 2 My cry I will cause to ascend unto the Lord most high ; To God, who doth all things for me perform most perfectly. 3 From heav'n he shall send down, and me from his reproach defend That would devour me: God his truth and mercy forth shall send. 4 My soul among fierce lions is, I firebrands live among, Men's sons, whose teeth are spears and a sharp sword is their tongue, [darts, 5 Be thou exalted yert high ABOVE THE HEAVEN'S, O Goi); Let thou thy glory be advanc'd o'er all the earth abroad. 6 My souVs bow'd down; for they a net have laid, my steps to snare; Into the pit which they have digg'd for me, they fallen are. 7 My heart is fix'd, my heart is fix'd, O God; I'll sing and praise. 62. St. — ^-H — I Su - prerne in wis Pt3 :^=M Z^girz^JZZlPT-^ i <_r i i^, dom as in power The Kock of ay ■rrrE ^r-F-^— O— &-f ! - r --_ £**_ -US ^ —Z^L C^_ C-^ C-i _ _^_ C^> dfc& I I . ' -J \ r—^ I F-^ Though him thou canst not see < 1^1 I nor trace The work - ings of his hands. ^=(^=^±: PSALMS LVII. LVIII 8 My glory wake ; wake psalt'ry, harp : myself I'll early raise. 9 I'll praise thee 'mong the people, Lord 'mong nations sing will I: 10 For great to heav'n thy mercy is, thy truth is to the sky. 11 O Lord, exalted be thy name above the heav'ns to stand: Do thou thy glory far advance above both sea and land. PSALM LVIII. Abbey 56. St. Simon 43. mp 1 T~)0 ye, O congregation, indeed speak righteousness? O ye that are the sons of men, judge ye with uprightness? mf 2 Yea, ev'n within your very hearts ye wickedness have done; And ye the vi'lenee of your hands do weigh the earth upon. wf 6 in 3 The wicked men estranged are, ev'n from the very womb; They, speaking lies, do stray as soon as to the world they come. 4 Unto a serpent's poison like their poison doth appear; Tea, they are like the adder deaf, that closely stops her ear; 5 That so she may not hear the voice of one that charm her would, No, not though he most cunning were, and charm most wisely could. Their teeth, O G-od, within their mouth break thou in pieces small; The great teeth break thou out, O Lord, of these young lions all. Let them like waters melt away, which downward still do flow: In pieces cut his arrows all, when he shall bend his bow. Like to a snail that melts away, let each of them be gone ; ^ = 54 s 63. Nrtotngton. cm. RF.V. W. JONES. KAYLAND, 1822. Jfrifcs =2- — C3i i *?z=t=tt s3s=e I ! ! Be - hold th ! i 0: t^ - maz - ing J. A ^±±=2: ^ =?=?= i be I of love The I I I Fa - ther hath be - stowed I I ._bn 1_ , j 221 il ,^>— L__ <<=3— z2- gllliipl^fillpp 1 I I J On the _« ^_ I I sin - ful sons of men, To call vrgrfc J A of God! I smmmmmwi^mmmmm PSALMS LVIII. LIX. Like woman's birth untimely, that they never see the sun. 9 He shall them take away before your pots the thorns can find, Both living, and in fury great, as with a stormy wind. u/10 The righteous, when he vengeance sees, he shall be joyful then; The righteous one shall wash his feet in blood of wicked men. 11 So men shall say, The righteous man reward shall never miss: / And verily upon the earth a God to judge there is. mf Do thou deliver me from them that work iniquity; And give me safety from the men of bloody cruelty. For, lo, they for my soul lay wait: the mighty do combine Against me, Lord; not for my fault, nor any sin of mine. They run, and, without fault in me, themselves do ready make : Awake to meet me with thy help; and do thou notice take. PSALM LIX. Bangor 147. Crowle 153. mp 1 "TV/TY" God, deliver me from those that are mine enemies; And do thou me defend from those that up against me rise. 5 Awake therefore, Lord God of hosts, thou God of Israel, To visit heathen all: spare none that wickedly rebel. np 6 At ev'ning they go to and fro; they make great noise and sound, Like to a dog, and often walk about the city round. 7 Behold, they belch out with their mouth, and in their lips are swords: cf-72 64- Jfiartgrtjom, ICGH wil.soJJ. 3=*: -<^- Z2t Lord, I in the I . 5 '/ 6 7%ou Jusf/y te£ displeased been ; return to us, God. The earth to tremble thou hast made ; therein didst breaches make : Do thou thereof the breaches heal, because the land doth shake. Unto thy people thou hard things hast shew'd, and on them sent; And thou hast caused us to drink wine of astonishment. And yet a banner thou hast giv'n to them who thee do fear; That it by them, because of truth, displayed may appear. That thy beloved people may delivered be from thrall, Save with the pow'r of thy right hand, and hear me when I call. God in his holiness hath spoke ; herein I will take pleasure: Shechem I will divide, and forth will Succoth's valley measure. h p 10 A V n f!2 Gilead I claim as mine by right ; Manasseh mine shall be ; Ephraim is of mine head the strength; Judah gives laws for me ; Moab's my washing-pot; my shoe I'll over Edom throw; And over Palestina's land I will in triumph go. who is he will bring me to the city fortify'd ? who is he that to the land of Edom will me guide? God, which hadest us cast of, this thing wilt thou not do? Ev'n thou, God, which didest not forth with our armies go f Help us from trouble; for the help is vain which man supplies. Through God we'll do great acts ; teead down our enemies. [he shall 1 66, 3rnoltT£. an DR. ARNOLD — r- T- - zgq. & One 'vJ thing SSlSSPi I the Lord <2_ Hllillilsliisi de - sir'd, And _£^_^. L r J l r I - 1—1 1 1 T l-T 1 ' 1 - PP.. WAINWRIGHT, 1782. The Lord pre - par - ed hath his throne In heav - ens firm to stand; 2__i ^: :sQi ctiJULi- r^ g T*- -^=^ ,) i i i i i i t j j i i i.i i m And ev - 'ry thing that ^S :^: kinj f-p-^z -4 '— - 1 _ if sJ I IvJ I l O 1 iiig hath His king - dom doth com - mand. _^ PSALMS LXIV. LXV mf In whose bent bows are arrows set, ev'n sharp and bitter words: 4 That they may at the perfect man in secret aim their shot; Yea, suddenly they dare at him to shoot, and fear it not. 5 In ill encourage they themselves, and their snares close do lay: Together conference they have ; AVho shall them see ? they say. 6 They have search' d out iniquities, a perfect search they keep: Of each of them the inward thought, and very heart, is deep. God shall an arrow shoot at them, and wound them suddenly: So their own tougue shall them con- all who them see shall fly. [found; And on all men a fear shall fall, God's works they shall declare; For they shall wisely notice take what these his doings are. mf f 10 In God the righteous shall rejoice, and trust upon his might ; Yea, they shall greatly glory all in heart that are upright. PSALM LXV. Ver. 1-4 St. Thomas 75. Northampton 119. Ver. 5-8 Palestrina 92. Stroudwater 74 Ver. 9-13 St Columba 130. Philippi 116. 1 pRAISE waits for thee in Sion, Lord: ■ to thee vows paid shall be. 2 O thou that hearer art of pray'r, all flesh shall come to thee. 3 Iniquities, I must confess, prevail against me do: But as for our transgressions, them purge away shalt thou. 4 Bless'd is the man whom thou dost and mak'st approach to thee,[choose, That he within thy courts, O Lord, may still a dweller be: We surely shall be satisfy'd with thy abundant grace, in A m mf <^ = 72 70. fHanrijester. cm. ±Z BSigg ^ fea^ ^=^ =t rd=z=> DB. WAINWR1GT, 1782. r How love - ly is ilia I thy dwell - ing place, O Lord of hosts, to i^ I jffl. I I J I r . iii#iiiii|i^iMii The ta - ber na - cles of thy grace How pleas - ant, Lord. they be! ?=q^ $=?z=f'f^=i= --^-^ I zz^z^z. PSALMS And with the goodness of thy house, et'n of thy holt place. ^50 Grod of our salvation, • , thou, in thy righteousness, By fearful works unto our pray'rs thine answer dost express: •mf Therefore the ends of all the earth, and those afar that be Upon the sea, their confidence, O Lord, will place in thee. 6 AVTio, being girt with pow'r, sets fast by his great strength the hills. 7 Who noise of seas, noise of their wave^. and people's tumult, stills. n 8 Those in the utmost parts that dwell are at thy signs afraid: Th' outgoings of the morn and ev'n by thee are joyful made. if 9 The earth thou visit'st, wat'ring it; thou mak'st it rich to grow "With G-od's full flood; thou corn pre- when thou provid'st it so. [par'st, fn LXV. LXVI. m 10 Her rigs thou wat'rest plenteously, her furrows settelest: With show'rs thou dost her mollify, her spring by thee is blest. So thou the tear most lie'rally DOST WITH THT GOODNESS CROWN; AND ALL THT PATHS ABUNDANTLY ON US DROP FATNESS DOWN. mf 12 They drop upon the pastimes wide, that do in deserts lie; The little hills on ev'ry side rejoice right pleasantly. With flocks the pastures clothed the tales with corn are clad; [be, and now thet shout and sing to thee, for thou hast made them glad. /13 / 1 PSALM LXVI. Ver. 1-7 St. Magnus 45. Old 29th 31. Ver. 8-20 Eativgton 123. St. James 98. ALL lands to God, in joyful ALOFT YOUR YOICES RAISE. [SOUNDS, <^ = 80 71. $ecWjam, c.m. ,s.m. % Begin with this not p for Short Metre. i. SMITH, 1770. iiiiiEilpsgi Praise God. The Lord paaise, \: ccd - my soul. I'll praise God while A ftrfFpt^rf ^ * live; I J I I I ! ! I -<-* -? ^ +— 1 — J my God I J I I'll piais - es give. : =p A V m A psalm 2 Sing foeth the honour of his name, | AND GLORIOUS MAICE HIS PRAISE. 3 Say unto God, How terrible in all thy works art thou! Through thy great pow'r thy foes to shall be constraint to bow. [thee 4 All on the earth shall worship thee, they shall thy praise proclaim In songs: they shall sing cheerfully unto thy holy name. 5 Come, and the works that G-od hath with admiration see: [wrought Iris working to the sons of men most terrible is he. 6 Into dry land the sea he turn'd, and they a passage had ; Ev'n marching through the Hood on there we in him were glad. He ruleth ever by his pow'r; his eyes the nations see: let not the rebellious ones lift up themselves on high. [foot, LXVI. / 8 V 9 11 12 mfW v 14 w/15 16 YE PEOPLE, BLESS OUR GrOD J ALOUD THE TOICE SPEAK OF HIS PRAISE: Our soul in life who safe preserves, our foot from sliding stays. For thou didst prove and try us, Lord, as men do silver try ; Brought' st us into the net, and mad'st bands on our loins to lie. Thou hast caus'dmen ride o'er our heads; and though that we did pass Through fire and water, yet thou us to a wealthy place. [brought'st I'll bring burnt-off 'rings to thy house; to thee my yows I'll pay, Which my lips utter' d, my mouth spake, when trouble on me lay. Burnt sacrifices of fat rams with incense I will bring ; Of bullocks and of goats I will present an offering. All that fear God, come, hear, I'll tell what he did for my soul. cj-m :c£ 23 c 72, St ar.Srtfn. u iliiiiiiiiipsirjg^s Lore still shall hold ^=2 an end - less reign In earth and ZZ -- Z2I Z2I - — Z27 ^Sii^iS When tongues shall cease, and pro - phets fail, And ev - 'ry f^! YZi -&- i i gilt but love. g-^^F ^ ?£ :a: g 17 I with my mouth unto him cry'd, my tongue did him extol. *wpl8 if wi my heart I sin regard, the Lord me will not hear: w/19 But surely G-od me heard, and to my prayer's voice gave ear. 20 let the Lord, our gracious G-od, for ever blessed be, Who turned not my prayer from him, nor yet his grace from" me. PSALM LXVII. Narenza 159. Prague 157. T OED, bless and pity us, shine on us with thy face : That th' earth thy way, and nations a' may know thy saving grace. mf 3 Let people praise thee, Lord; let people all thee praise. /' 4 O LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD. IN SONGS THEIR VOICES RAISE: mp I PSALMS LXVI. LXVII. mf Thou'lt justly people judge, on earth rule nations all. [them 5 Let people praise thee, Lord ; let praise thee, both great and small. 6 The earth her fruit shall yield, OTJR GrOD SHALL BLESSING SEND. 7 God shall us bless ; men shall him T7NT0 EARTH'S UTMOST END. [FEAR Another of the same. Ancona 141. Durham 96. mp 1 T OED, unto us be merciful, do thou us also bless ; And graciously cause shine on us the brightness of thy face : 2 That so thy way upon the earth A to all men may be known; \\ Also among the nations all thy saving health be shown. mf 3 O let the people praise thee, Lord; let people all thee praise. 80 73. St. ffiregorg, cm. DR. WAIN WRIGHT, 1747-1782. ¥=%-zf ■> EElEiN t! 22: sz iir^B There fill'd with blood Drawn from Em -OT2_ J- man .£2 :(^: uel's veins; ! ^P? i — t- f : i^rte ^2=* =s£ ?= ^ c± _C2. -£2- T—Z2 g2I *-^ ^g And sin - tiers plun^'d be neath §= "22" :^: 22: 1 I that flood, Lose — ^ gy - piilt - y Su- stains. :pz -e-»' — r m all their f^i=: / 4 mf O LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD AND SING FOB JOT ALWAYS mf 6 ft' **/ 1 For rightly thou shalt people judge, and nations rule on earth. [all LET PEOPLE PRAISE THEE, LORD ; LET THE FOLK PEAISE THEE WITH MIRTH. Then shall the earth yield her increase ; God, our God, bless us shall. God shall us bless; and of the EARTH THE ENDS SHALL FEAR HIM ALL. mf PSALMS LXVII. LXVIII. 3 But let the righteous be glad: let them before God's sight Be very joyful; yea, let them REJOICE WITH ALL THEIR MIGHT. •4 To God sing, to his name sing PRAISE : EXTOL HIM WITH YOUR TOICE, That rides on iteay'n, by his name BEFORE HIS FACE REJOICE. [JA.H, PSALM LXVIII. Old 68th 33. Montrose 49. T ET God arise, and scattered -^ let all his en'mies be; And let all those that do him hate before his presence flee. As smoke is driv'n, so drive thou them: as fire melts wax away, Before God's face let wicked men no perish and decay. m 5 Because the Lord a father is unto the fatherless ; God is the widow's judge, within his place of holiness. 6 God doth the solitary set in fam'lies: and from bands The chain'd doth free; but rebels do j> inhabit parched lands. m 7 O God, what time thou didst go forth before thy people's face; f\ And when through the great wilderness THY ULOTUOUS MARCHTNG WAS; 9G 74* Stroutifoatcr. cm. HEifRY PURCEI.T., 1687. Hzz^: 2Z=^2I our strength. In straits pre - sent aid m^m sfes* *2±= a ft i J J | , 1 ' , y 5 'j j 1 . fi> S J /v-i — Ce H- -^H— _j_- -^ d 7±- ^^.rJ <*; IH> --, h ~ - t - _c*? ^_ & p ' r ^ ^~" •- i=y - 2 ^ 1 There ! (mYZ ft P i - fore, 1 al -t 1 1 hough the 1 earth re - ' & — W m ' move, We 1 win not P -ri 1 be a - fraid. (££--- — i r*-j ^ -~r-f*- «^J f3 . i f=2-P - ~P P P ^^ : _. v=j- 1— -i-^ 1 £•_ . PSALM p 8 Then at God's presence shook the earth, then drops from heaven fell; This Sinai shook before the Lord, the God of Israel. " l 9 G-od, thou to thine heritage didst send a plenteous rain, Whereby thou, when it weary was. didst it refresh again. 10 Thy congregation then did make their habitation there : Of thine own goodness for the poor, O G-od, thou didst prepare. 11 The Lord himself did give the word, the word abroad did spread; / GREAT WAS THE COMPANY OF THEM THE SAME WHO PUBLISHED. mf 12 Kings of great armies foiled were. and forc'd to flee away; And women, who remain'd at home, did distribute the prey. mp 13 Though ye have lien among the pots, W like doves ye shall appear, LXVJII. 14 Whose wings with silver, and with gold whose feathers cover'd are. When there th' Almighty scatter'd kings, like Salmon's snow 'twas white. 15 God's hill is like to Bashan hill, like Bashan hill for height. m/16 Why do ye leap, ye mountains high? this is the hill where God Desires to dwell; yea, God in it for aye will make abode. 17 G-od's chariots twenty thousand are, thousands of angels strong; ■ , In's holy place God is, as in ' mount Sinai, them among. / 18 Thotj hast, O Lord, most glorious, ascended hp ox high; And in triumph victorious led captive captivity: Thou hast received gifts for men, for such as did rebel; ff mf 75. <£troutifoatet\ cm. HENRY PtJRCELL, 1687. WM pre - sent aid; ! I W: 335: There fore, al - though the I I earth re move, We 7^- :t= =™ pz -t- i I I be l Pi fraid. :t: Iii= sen PSALM / Tea, ev'n for them, that God the Lord in midst of them might dwell. mf 19 Bless'd be the Lord, who is to us of our salvation God; "VVTio daily with his benefits us plenteously doth load. 20 He of salvation is the G-od, A who is our God most strong; y/ And unto God the Lord from death V the issues do belong. m 21 But surely God shall wound the head of those that are his foes ; The hairy scalp of him that still on in his trespass goes. 22 God said, My people I will bring again from Bashan hill ; Yea, from the sea's devouring depths them bring again I will; 23 That in the blood of enemies thy foot imbru'd may be, And of thy dogs dipp'd in the same the tongues thou mayest see. LXVIII. w/24 Thy goings they have seen, God; the steps of majesty Of my God, and my mighty King, within the sanctuary. 25 Before went singers, players next on instruments took way; And them among the damsels were that did on timbrels play. 26 "Within the congregations bless God with one accord: From Isr'el's fountain do ye bless A and praise the mighty Lord. m 27 With their prince, little Benjamin, • princes and council there Of Judah were, there Zabulon's and Napht'li's princes were. 28 Thy God commands thy strength; malvc 1 strong what thou wrought' st for us, Lord. 29 For thy house at Jerusalem A kings shall thee gifts afford. = 72 76, Belmont, cm. ^ns^iiii&i-?^^ , a 6 l„-rL »igW '.p- pears To A - J- i - - our r ad mir - ing » = s A^Ls^l , ' The for - mer earth and skies. seas have pass'd a - way, The ^ , umi^i^ii^i^ I PSALMS LXVIIL LXIX. w 30 The spearmen's host, the multitude of bulls, which fiercely look, Those calves which people have forth O Lord our G-od, rebuke, [sent, Till ev'ry one submit himself, and silver pieces bring: The people that delight in war disperse, O G-od and King. 31 Those that be princes great shall then come out of Egypt lands; a And Ethiopia to God '^ shall soon stretch out her hands. mfS2 O all ye kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to this King; A Eon he is Lord that ruleth all, unto him praises sing-. ^33 to him that rides on heav'ns of heav'ns, which he op old did found; m Lo, he sends out his voice, a voice A in might that doth abound. A | mfS4i Strength unto G-od do ye ascribe; for his excellency Is over Israel, his strength I 'I is in the clouds most high. mpBB Thou' rt from thy temple dreadful, Lord; wf Isr'el's own God is he, Who gives his people strength and O let God blessed be. [pow'r: PSALM LXIX. Ver. 1-21 Dundee 144. Silesia 149. Ver. 22-29 Martyrs 148. St. Nicholas 151. Ver. SO-36 Lancaster 68. St. Stephen 02. mp 1 S^VE me, O G-od, because the floods do so environ me, That ev'n unto my very soul come in the waters be. p 2 I downward in deep mire do sink, where standing there is none: I am into deep waters come, where floods have o'er me gone. 3 I weary with my crying am, my throat is also dry'd; i I Give thanks to ^ ^ J God, 77- ffilasgoto. cm. JOHN HOLDBN, 1770. -4-T-+ P^P ^«=^t call :^«fe: ^d f 1 221 his name; To men his deeds make known. | ^2. .J. jSl A. #'^J J -^^ - r ^t; *- -- I Arpd ~l- f =l ^^2 Eg Sing ye I to him, sing lms; pro - claim His r t-r h- z£ S3 5£ .£2. _cL .s. won - di'ous works each CAA -£AA ^Jy T Tr f^rRjm (j r I . I //* PSALM Mine eyes do fail, while for my God | I waiting do abide. 1 Those men that do without a cause bear hatred unto me, Than are the hairs upon my head in number more they be: They that would me destroy, and are mine en'mies wrongfully, Are mighty: so what I took not, to render forc'd was I. 5 Lord, thou my folly know st, my sms not cover'd are from thee 6 Let none that wait on thee be sham d, Lord God of hosts, forme. O Lord, the Ood of Israel, let none, who search do make, And seek thee, be at any time confounded for my sake. 7 For I have borne reproach lor to.ee, my face is hid with shame 8 To brethren strange, to mother s sons an alien T. became. LXIX. m 9 Because the zeal did eat me up i • i. j.„ 4-"u^-,« Virmsp T near: V iCaUSe T/Ue scai ^xvx ~~~_ ~ r > which to thine house I bear; And the reproaches cast at thee, upon me fallen are. V 10 My tears and fasts, f afflict my soul, were turned to my shame. 11 When sackcloth I did wear, to them a proverb I became. 12 The men that in the gate do sit against me evil spake; They also that vile drunkards were, of me their song did make. m 13 But, in an acceptable time, mypray'r, Lord, is to thee : In truth of thy salvation, Lord, and mercy great, hear me. mpU Deliver me out of the mire, from sinking do me keep: Free me from those that do me hate, and from the waters deep. 15 Let not the flood on me prevail, whose water overflows; c> = 54 78. ((Eastgate* cm. BENN2t . * Two forms of the music for the second line are here given. The first is perhaps the better, but the second is more common in Scotland. % , , Be - hold how good a thing it is, And how be - c< I m i IvJJi I l^j I s_l And hjw be - com - ing well, PSALM Nor deep me swallow, nor the pit V her mouth upon me close. m 16 Hear me, O Lord, because thy love and kindness is most good; Turn unto me, according to thy mercies' multitude. 17 JSTor from thy servant hide thy face: I'm troubled, soon attend. 18 Draw near my soul, and it redeem ; me from my foes defend. p 19 To thee is my reproach well known, my shame, and my disgrace : Those that mine adversaries be are all before thy face. pp 20 Reproach hath broke my heart; I'm full °f grief-' I look' d for one To pity me, but none I found; comforters found I none, p 21 They also bitter gall did give ^ unto me for my meat : They gave me vinegar to drink, when as my thirst was great. LXIX. 22 Before them let their table prove a snare; and do thou make Their welfare and prosperity a trap themselves to take. 23 Let thou their eyes so darken'd be, that sight may them forsake; And let their loins be made by thee continually to shake. 24 Thy fury pour thou out on them, and indignation; And let thy wrathful anger, Lord, fast hold take them upon. All waste and desolate let be their habitation; And in their tabernacles all inhabitants be none. Because him they do persecute, whom thou didst smite before; They talk unto the grief of those whom thou hast wounded sore. 27 Add thou iniquity unto their former wickedness: mp25 '26 In u - ni ty U> dwell, In u - ni - t J 4 J III to dwell ! I -\\~^ mm 79. ^emfcrofee, cm, PSALMS And do not let them come at all into thy righteousness. 28 Out of the hook of life let them be raz'd and blotted quite; Among the just and righteous let not their names be writ. p 29 But now become exceeding poor and sorrowful am I: By thy salvation, O my God, let me be set on high. m fS0 The name of G-od I with a song MOST CHEERFULLY WILL PRAISE; And I, in giving thank:s to him, HIS NAME SHALL HIGHLY RAISE. m 31 This to the Lord a sacrifice more gracious shall prove Than bullock, ox, or any beast that hath both horn and hoof. 32 AVhen this the humble men shall see. it joy to them shall give: O all ye that do seek the Lord, Your hearts shall ever live. LXIX. LXX. wp33 For God the poor hears, and will not his prisoners contemn. / 34 Let heav'n, and earth, and seas, him AND ALL THAT MOVE IN THEM. [PRAISE, m 35 For God will Judah's cities build, and he will Sion save, That they may dwell therein, and it in sure possession have. 36 And they that are his servants' seed inherit shall the same; / SO SHALL THEY HAVE THEIR DWELLING THERE THAT LOVE HIS DLESSED NAME. PSALM LXX. Wirksworth 174. Dresden 160. p 1 T OBD, haste one to deliver ; ■L* with speed, Lord, succour me. A 2 Let them that for my soul do seek ' ' sham'd and confounded be : mp Turn'd back be they, and sham'd, that in my hurt delight. i r ^=^£ ^q: zz 22: ^2: minis ^-1 h E he hath _^__^_ done: His right hand J. ^ -- and his ho - I7 m^ ZZZ arm Him ^ ,=0 ^=Z=|£ m y—jr^= zt m -& — rt \ =&- :^=^=^j: ^fel -z£i to - ry. hath won, Him Him Tic - to - ry hath won, f 2 ^ CZZ2 ST hath won. r: ?^=p-p : w/ 4 WJ9 A V A WJ9 3 Turn'dbaek be they, Ha, ha! that say their shaming to requite. In thee let all be glad, and jot that seek foe thee: Let them who thy saltation lote sat still, God peaised be. I poor and needy am; come, Lord, and make no stay: Mt help thou and delit'eeeaet; O Lord, make no delay. Another of the same. Silesia 149. St. Mary 145. jjf/^JP' h^te, God, me to preserve ; with speed, Lord, succour me. Let them that for my soul do seek sham'd and confounded be: Let them be turned back, and sham'd, that in my hurt delight. Turn'd back be they, Ha, ha! that say, their shaming to' requite. PSALMS LXX. LXXI. 4 O LOED, IN THEE LET ALL BE GLAD, and jot that seek foe thee : Let them who tht saltation lote SAT STILL, GrOD PEAISED BE. 5 But I both poor and needy am ; come, Lord, and make no stay : MT HELP THOU AND DELIT'EEE AET ; O Lord, make no delay. mf mp A V m 1 PSALM LXXI. Ver. 1-S St. Matthew 39. Sishopthorpe 109 Ver. 9-13 Crnule 153. St. Chad 152 Ver. 14-24 Tallis 93. York 46. Q LOED, my hope and confidence is plac'd in thee alone; Then let thy servant never be put to confusion. And let me, in thy righteousness, from thee deliv'rance have: Cause me escape, incline thine ear unto me, and me save. Be thou my dwelling-rock, to which I ever may resort: PSALM II Thou gav'st commandment me to save, A FOB THOU'RT MT ROCK AND FORT. m 4 Free me, my G-od, from wicked hands, hands cruel and unjust: A 5 For thou, Lord God, art my hope, ' » AND FROM MY YOUTH MY TRUST. m 6 Thou from the womb didst hold me up ; thou art the same that me Out of my mother's bowels took ; I ever will praise thee. To many I a wonder am; but thou'rt my refuge strong. Fill'd let my mouth be with thy praise and honour all day long. O do not cast me off, when as old age doth overtake me ; And when my strength decayed is, then do not thou forsake me. 10 For those that are mine enemies against me speak with hate ; And they together counsel take that for my soul lay wait. mp i\ mp m LXXT. 11 They said, G-od leaves him; him pursue and take: none will him save. a 12 Be thou not far from me, my G-od: thy speedy help I crave. 13 Confound, consume them, that unto my soul are enemies: Cloth' d be they with reproach and that do my hurt devise. [shame ,n 14 But I with expectation will hope continually; f\ And yet with praises more and more ' ' I WILL THEE MAGNIFY. / 15 Thy justice and salvation my mouth abroad shall show. Ev'n all the day ; for I thereof V the numbers do not know. mf 16 And I will constantly go on in strength of God the Lord; And thine own righteousness, ev'n tlniu alone, I will record. >n 17 For even from my youth, O Goal, by thee I have been taught ; i i i 8L ©toljanu CM. ^=^: 122: _2>; I 1 l • I Bless'd be Je - ho - vah ■ -- -*3- -^ ^•^ jiz^_o r * Is - r'el's God, To all e I ! I ] Pi I-*- ^r— . -m-o-y'z, — ™— *- ' — m ^-«=3 « — — h :=t 1 01 r 11 i 1 all the peo - pie say, a - men. Praise to the Lord give ye, Praise to the Lord j^ive j 1 1 I C\ 1 1 -- ^— r 1 PSALMS And hitherto I have declar'd the wonders thou hast wrought. f» 18 ^lw^ now, Lord, leave me not, when I old and gray-headed grow : a Till to this age thy strength and pow'r to all to come I show. m/19 And thy most perfect righteousness, O Lord, is very high, Who hast so great things done : G-od, who is like unto thee? mp20 Thou, Lord, who great adversities, 1 and sore, to me didst show, (| Shalt quicken, and bring me again from depths of earth below. w/21 My greatness and my pow'r thou wilt increase, and far extend: On ev'ry side against all grief thou wilt me comfort send. I 22 Thee, ev'n thy truth, I'll also praise, my God, with psaltery: Thou Holt One of Isbael, with hasp I'll sing to thee. LXXI. LXXII. 23 My lips shall much eejoice in thee, WHEN I THY PKAISES SOUND; My soul, which thou redeemed hast, in joy shall much abound. »/24 My tongue thy justice shall proclaim, continuing all day long; For they confounded are, and sham'd, that seek to do me wrong. PSALM LXXII. Belgrave 110. Durham 95. 1 Q LOKD, thy judgments give the his son thy righteousness, [king. 2 With right he shall thy people judge,' thy poor with uprightness. 3 The lofty mountains shall bring forth unto the people peace; Likewise the little hills the same shall do by righteousness. 4 The people's poor ones he shall judge, the needy's children save; 82, &rtaxerxes. cm. ^F^t *=?=£ m ^T^- \s for the wings I I* I faith to S^EE£E£ -I— wm rise With P • P - g :e?: LJL^ in the veil, and tzt m SEEE& -£2- ?=2= f=£ 1 ^ I J* J J- TT~r ^ ^: : F g The saints a - bove, how great their joys, How bright their glo - ries i be! -m-- -p — p- -G> " PSALM LXXII f And those shall he in pieces break WHO THEM OPPRESSED HA YE. m 5 They shall thee fear, while sun and do last, through ages all. [moon mp 6 Like rain on mown grass he shall drop, or show'rs on earth that fall. m 7 The just shall nourish in his days, and prosper in his reign: He shall, while doth the moon endure, abundant peace maintain. mf 8 His large and great dominion shall from sea to sea extend: It from the river shall reach forth unto earth's utmost end. 9 They in the wilderness that dwell bow down before him must; And they that are his enemies shall lick the very dust. 10 The kings of Tarshish, and the isles, to him shall presents bring; And unto him shall offer gifts Sheba's and Seba's king. / 11 Yea, all the mighty kings on earth before him down shall fall; And all the nations of the wobld do service to him shall. m 12 Eor he the needy shall preserve, when he to him doth call ; The poor also, and him that hath no help of man at all. 13 The poor man and the indigent in mercy he shall spare; He shall preserve alive the souls of those that needy are. 14 Both from deceit and violence their soul he shall set free ; mp And in his sight right precious and dear their blood shall be. 15 Tea, he shall live, and giv'n to him shall be of Sheba's gold: For him still shall they pray, and In shall daily be extoll'd. 16 Of corn an handful in the earth on tops of mountains high. #>=108 83- Peterborough cm l . n^^'e TiamA we will Dis - play our ban - new: and m^^^^^m^^^m p 2 mp 3 PSALMS LXXII. LXXII "With prosp'rous fruit shall shake, like m on Lebanon that be. [trees The city shall be flourishing, her citizens abound In number shall, like to the grass that grows upon the ground. mfyj His name for ever shall endure ; last like the sun it shall: Men shall be bless'd in him, and bless'd j m all nations shall him call. 18 Now blessed be the Lord our Grod, the G-od of Israel, For he alone doth wondrous works, in glory that excel. / 19 and blessed be his globiohs name to all etebxity: ff the whole earth let his globy fill. Amen, so let it be. PSALM LXXin. Ver. 1-22 St. Paul 50. St. James 98. Ver. 23-28 St. Lawrence 96 Brunswick 101 VET G-od is good to Israel, to each pure-hearted one. But as for me, my steps near slipp'd, my feet were almost gone. For I envious was, and grudg'd the foolish folk to see, When I perceiv'd the wicked sort enjoy prosperity. 4 For still their strength continuethfirm ; their death of bands is free. 5 They are not toil'd like other men, nor plagu'd, as others be. 6 Therefore their pride, like to a chain, them compasseth about; And, as a garment, violence doth cover them throughout. 7 Their eyes stand out with fat ; they have more than their hearts could wish. 8 They are corrupt ; their talk of wrong both lewd and lofty is. 9 They set their mouth against the in their blasphemous talk ; [heav'ns ^=80 84. St. Stomas, cm. 22=^- HH zi: How glorious Zi - on's -L-ggg* — . :^2i ^=^ HENRY PGRCELT., 168 ?=*= IS «rt~ [|^ courts ap - pear, The ty of r ^ "-cr*- &=pz: J I I our God. I £::^ -fe= PUSH §E=£^ S> S» E 2i: i :s£ ^ — i~22 — 22: :j=t=t PSALM And their reproaching tongue through- the earth at large doth walk, [out mo 10 His people oftentimes for this look back, and turn about; Sith waters of so full a cup to these are poured out. m 11 And thus they say, How can it be that Grod these things doth know:' Or, Can there in the Highest be knowledge of things below? 12 Behold, these are the wicked ones, yet prosper at their will In worldly things; they do increase in wealth and riches still. 13 I verily have done in vain my heart to purify; To no effect in innocence washed my hands have I. 14 For daily, and all day throughout, great plagues I sulfer'd have; Tea, ev'ry morning I of new did chastisement receive. Lxxni. 15 If in this manner foolishly to speak I would intend, Thy children's generation, behold, I should offend. mplQ "When I this thought to know, it was too hard a thing for me; 17 Till to G-od's sanctuary I went, then I their end did see. p 18 Assuredly thou didst them set a slipp'ry place upon; Them suddenly thou castedst down into destruction, m 19 How in a moment suddenly to ruin brought are they! With fearful terrors utterly they are consumed away. 20 Evn like unto a dream, when one from sleeping doth arise ; So thou, Lord, when thou awak'st, their image shalt despise. m 21 Thus grieved was my heart in me, and me my reins opprest \ REV. J. RENVIE. By permission. ., S5. ©alfeeitlj. cm. - — o^ i — O spread thy I J J FT co - v'ring I | I I wings a - round, Till all o J J J J i_, ^=E5EsEE=i wan - d'rings cease, :^ ^ 22: fSIsb And =22==^ :^=t PSALMS LXXIII. LXXIV. mp22 So rude was I, and ignorant, m 28 But surely it is good for me and in thy sight a beast. • that I draw near to God: A IN GOD I TRUST, THAT ALL THY WOEKS I MAT DECLARE ABROAD. 1 23 Nevertheless continually, | Lord, I am with thee: Thou dost me hold by my right hand, 11 and still upholdest me. PSALM LXXIV. Arc 24 Thou, with thy counsel, while I live, Ver. 1-11 Dundee 144. Silesia 149. Ver. 12-17 Martyrs 148 Old 44th 32. 1 wilt me conduct and guide ; Ver. 18-23 St. Neut 150. Morven 09. ft And to thy glory afterward p 1 f\ GOD, why hast thou cast us off? is it for evermore? receive me to abide. M 25 Whom have I in the heavens high Against thy pasture-sheep why doth but thee, Lord, alone? thine anger smoke so sore? And in the earth whom I desire 2 call to thy remembrance besides thee there is none. thy congregation, p26 mf My flesh and heart doth faint and fail, but God doth fail me never: "Which thou hast purchased of old ; still think the same upon: For of my heart God is the strength The rod of thine inheritance, and portion for ever. which thou redeemed hast, nip 2*7 For, lo, they that are far from thee This Sion hill, wherein thou hadst for ever perish shall; thy dwelling in times past. Them that a whoring from thee go 3 To these long desolations \ thou hast destroyed all. thy feet lift, do not tarry; <^=80 $6. Scarborough c ^3= — i— God sing, bless Ad-d-d name, shew still I I I His sav - ing health a - broad. PSALM LXXIV. Eor all tlie ills thy foes have done within thy sanctuary. 4 Amidst thy congregations thine enemies do roar: Their ensigns they set up for signs of triumph thee before. 5 A man was famous, and was had in estimation, According as he lifted up his axe thick trees upon. 6 But all at once with axes now and hammers they go to, And down the carved work thereof they break, and quite undo. 7 They fired have thy sanctuary, and have defil'd the same, By casting down unto the ground the place where dwelt thy name. 8 Thus said they in their hearts, Let us i destroy them out of hand: They burnt up all the synagogues of G-od within the land. 9 Our signs we do not now behold; there is not us among A prophet more, nor any one that knows the time how long. 10 How long, Lord, shall the enemy thus in reproach exclaim ? And shall the adversary thus always blaspheme thy name? m 11 Thy hand, ev'n thy right hand of might, why dost thou thus draw back? O from thy bosom pluck it out for our deliv' ranee' sake. mfV2 For certainly G-od is my King, ev'n from the times of old, Working in midst of all the earth salvation manifold. 13 The sea, by thy great pow'r, to part asunder thou didst make ; And thou the dragons' heads, Lord, within the waters brake. 14 The leviathan's head thou brak'st in pieces, and didst give 87. JHora&ta. cm. Great peace have they who I ^mmm 1 ■ i love thy lai A A. j=l Of - fence they shall have none. L g A J - — Hi^fe I hop'd for ^. jfiL j sal - va I HH ^ *E=£ tion, Lord, And A A A & ed :^==^: mm 1— ?z 1- ^=t I thy com - mands have done. ,=) -t A A _^ t" t- :^H PSALMS Him to be meat unto the folk in wilderness that live. 15 Thou clav'st the fountain and the flood which did with streams abound: Thou drj'dst the mighty waters up unto the very ground. 16 Thine only is the day, O Lord, thine also is the nio-ht • And thou alone prepared hast the sun and shining light. 17 By thee the borders of the earth were settled ev'ry where: The summer and the winter both by thee created were. wpl8 That th' enemy reproached hath, O keep it in record; And that the foolish people have blasphem'd thy name, O Lord. Unto the multitude do not thy turtle's soul deliver: The congregation of thy poor do not forget for ever. 19 LXXIV. LXXV. 20 Unto thy cov'nant have respect; for earth's dark places be Full of the habitations of horrid cruelty. m 21 O let not those that be oppress'd return again with shame: Let those that poor and needy are give praise unto thy name. 22 Do thou, O God, arise and plead the cause that is thine own: Remember how thou art reproach'd still by the foolish one. 23 Do not forget the voice of those that are thine enemies: Of those the tumult ever grows that do against thee rise. PSALM LXXV. Bethel 89. St. Andrew 72 nf 1 rp thee, O God, do we give thanks, we do give thanks to thee; Because thy wondrous works declare thy great name near to be. J- ■4-=Jr-f 88. mzbi}t*. cm ~&Z?— ^nzrzj~~r~+i 1 i — I i ,^ . . i r\ <~\ jamks tucsbr. i. i is good Praise to our God to 1- ■ , | --, sing; For it is pleasant, I I I J ■ I IMM and to ^7^' r. .... . \\T~W -&- PSALMS LXXV. LXXVI. m 2 /> 3 mf 7 mp 8 I purpose, when I shall receive the congregation, That I shall judgment uprightly render to ev'ry one. Dissolved is the land, with all that in the same do dwell; But I the pillars thereof do bear up, and stablish well. I to the foolish people said, Do not deal foolishly; And unto those that wicked are, Lift not your horn on high. Lift not your horn on high, nor speak with stubborn neck. But know, That not from east, nor west, nor south, promotion doth flow. But God is judge ; he puts down one, and sets another up. For in the hand of (rod most high of red wine is a cup : 'Tis full of mixture, he pours forth, and makes the wicked all Wring out the bitter dregs thereof; mf yea, and they drink them shall. / 9 But I fob ever will declare, I Jacob's God will praise. 10 All horns of lewd men I'll cut off ; but just men's horns will raise. PSALM LXXVI. Montrose 49. St. Nicholas 15L f 1 TN Judah's land God is well known, his name's in Isr'el great: 2 In Salem is his tabernacle, in Sion is his seat. 3 There arrows of the bow he brake, i the shield, the sword, the war. A 4 More glorious thou than hills of prey, MORE EXCELLENT ART FAR. m 5 Those that were stout of heart are p they slept their sleep outright; [spoil'd, m And none of those their hands did find, that were the men of might. 6 When thy rebuke, O Jacob's G-od, had forth against them past, ^ = 54 89. JSarroto- cm. -?--)— ^ •\„ r,n . lv choice. And who ce - les - tial Wis - dom makes His \y on - ly choice mM^m^^^m^^^f^^ m PSALMS LXXYI Their horses and their chariots both were in a dead sleep cast. 7 Thou, Lord, ev'n thou art he that should be fear'd; and who is he That may stand up before thy sight, if once thou angry be? 8 From heav'n thou judgment cans' d be p the earth was still with fear, [heard; m 9 "When G-od to judgment rose, to save all meek on earth that were. 10 Surely the very wrath of man unto thy praise redounds: Thou to the remnant of his wrath wilt set restraining bounds. mfll Vow to the Lord your Grod, and pay: all ye that near him be, Bring gifts and presents unto him ; p for to be fear d is he. m 12 By him the sp'rits shall be cut off V of those that princes are: Unto the kings that are on earth he fearful doth appear. LXXVII. p 2 pp mp 5 PSALM LXXVLL Ver. 1-9 St. Mary 145. Ver. 10-20 Martyrs 148. Crouile 153. Old 44th 32. TTNTO the Lord I with my voice, I unto Grod did cry; Ev'n with my voice, and unto me his ear he did apply. I in my trouble sought the Lord, my sore by night did run, And ceased not; my grieved soul did consolation shun. 3 I to remembrance Grod did call, yet trouble did remain; And overwhelm' d my spirit was, whilst I did sore complain. 4 Mine eyes, debarr'd from rest and sleep, thou makest still to wake ; My trouble is so great that I unable am to speak. The days of old to mind I call'd, and oft did think upon 90. Mtlxosz. CM. F F — « — F~~f^-F z Praise God, for he is good: SCOTCH PSALTER HARMONY BY HAVESQAL. ~n 1P~F for still His r I i r mer - cies last - inj- be i== Let re - deem'd so, whom he From th'en - 'my's hand 'did free. xl=J-« I J I ^^mmmmmmmm PSALM The times and ages that are past full many years agone. 6 By night my song I call to mind, and commune with my heart; My sp'rit did carefully enquire how I might ease my smart. p 7 For ever will the Lord cast off, V and gracious be no more? 8 For ever is his mercy gone? fails his word evermore? 9 Is't true that to be gracious the Lord forgotten hath? And that his tender mercies he hath shut up in his wrath? m 10 Then did I say, That surely this A is mine infirmity: I I'll mind the years of the eight H OF HIM THAT IS MOST HlGH. [HAND 11 YEA, I REMEMBER WILL THE WORKS PERFORMED BY THE LORD: The WONDERS DONE OF OLD BY THEE I SURELY WILL RECORD. LXXVII. m 12 I also will of all thy works my meditation make ; Ajid of thy doings to discourse great pleasure I will take. wpl3 God, thy way most holy is , within thy sanctuary; A And what God is so great in pow'r as is our G-od most high? mfl4i Thou art the God that wonders dost by thy right hand most strong : Thy mighty pow'r thou hast declar'd the nations among. 15 To thine own people with thine arm thou didst redemption bring ; To Jacob's sons, and to the tribes of Joseph that do spring. 16 The waters, Lord, perceived thee, the waters saw thee well; p And they for fear aside did flee; the depths on trembling fell. mf 17 The clouds in water forth were pour'd, sound loudly did the sky ; g* = 80 9U (Cf}inofforti* cm. HARMOVtA PF.KFECTA,1730. HARMONY BY L MABON. ~P- ! zdBfc God will Si bless I all ^ I times; his i l""^ - i I praise My I I mouth shall I still pres ^2= I My soul shall boast in I I J2- J-J. J ;t in God: the meek Shall J- J I I J I I I PSALMS LXXYn. And swiftly through the world abroad thine arrows fierce did fly. /18 Thy thunder's yoice alongst the A MIGHTY NOISE DID MAKE ; [hEAY'n BY LIGHTNINGS LIGHTEN'd WAS THE WORLD, p th' earth tremble did and shake. m 19 Thy way is in the sea, and in the waters great thy path; mf mp Yet are thy footsteps hid, Lord; none knowledge thereof hath. / m 20 Thy people thou didst safely lead, like to a flock of sheep ; By Moses' hand and Aaron's thou didst them conduct and keep. PSALM LXXVHI. Stafford 94. Tallis 93. m 1 J^TTEND, my people, to my law; thereto give thou an ear; The words that from my mouth proceed attentively do hear. lxxvitt. 2 My mouth shall speak a parable, and sayings dark of old; 3 The same which we have heard and and us our fathers told. [known, 4 We also will them not conceal from their posterity; Them to the generation to come declare will we: The praises of the Lord our God, and his almighty strength, [done, The wondrous works that he hath WE WILL SHEW FORTH AT LENGTH. 5 His testimony and his law in Isr'el he did place, And charg'd our fathers it to show to their succeeding race ; 6 That so the race which was to come might well them learn and know; And sons unborn, who should arise, might to their sons them show: 7 That they might set their hope in God, and suffer not to fall C = 72 92. $ale*trina, cm, i i i —r i ADAPIED FROM PAI.ESTRINA, BY L. MASON. g- m bis throne; right - eous - ness =PZ ^ Pi judge the world, Jus - tice A J A J ' give each one. -^ -^=f^: 25t -f= :^5= PSALM His mighty works out of their mind, but keep his precepts all: 8 And might not, like their fathers, be a stiff rebellious race ; A race not right in heart ; with G-od whose sp'rit not stedfast was. mp 9 The sons of Ephraim, who nor bows nor other arms did lack, When as the day of battle was, they faintly turned back. 10 They brake God's cov'nant, andrefus'c in his commands to go ; 11 His works and wonders they forgot, which he to them did show. wi/12 Things marvellous he brought to pass their fathers them beheld Within the land of Egypt done, yea, ev'n in Zoan's field. 13 By him divided was the sea, he caus'd them through to pass; And made the waters so to stand, as like an heap it was. LXXYIH. | 14 With cloud by day, with light of fire all night, he did them guide. _ 15 In desert rocks he clave, and drink, as from great depths, supply' d. 16 He from the rock brought streams, like made waters to run down. [floods mpll Yet sinning more, in desert they provok'd the highest One. 18 Eor in their heart they tempted God, and, speaking with mistrust, ' They greedily did meat require I A to satisfy their lust, m 19 Against the Lord himself they spake, and, murmuring, said thus, A table in the wilderness can God prepare for us? Behold, he smote the rock, and thence came streams and waters great: But can he give his people bread? and send them flesh to eat? The Lord did hear, and waxed wrotn : so kindled was a flame 20 mp 21 c* = 72 93. EailtiEL cm. J | 1 i-T- ^ mm =J=g^- of praise, Whose breath our I d -- THOMAS TALLIS, 1585. I s in - spir'd. & PSALM 'G-ainst Jacob, and 'gainst Israel up indignation came. 22 For they believ'd not Grod, nor trust in his salvation had; m 23 Though clouds above he did command, and heav'n's doors open made, 24 And manna rain'd on them, and gave them corn of heav'n to eat. 25 Man angels' food did eat; to them he to the full sent meat. 26 And in the heaven he did cause an eastern wind to blow ; And by his power he let out the southern wind to go. mf 27 Then flesh as thick as dust he made to rain down them among; And feather' d fowls, like as the sand which li'th the shore along. 28 At his command amidst their camp these show'rs of flesh down fell, All round about the tabernacles and tents where they did dwell. LXXYIIL 29 So they did eat abundantly, and had of meat their fill ; For he did give to them what was their own desire and will. mp30 They from their lust had not estrang'd their heart and their desire; But while the meat was in their mouths, which they did so require, 31 Grod's wrath upon them came, and slew the fattest of them all ; So that the choice of Israel, o'erthrown by death, did fall. 32 Yet, notwithstanding- of all this, they sinned still the more; And though he had great wonders believ'd him not therefore: [wrought, p 33 Wherefore their days in vanity he did consume and waste; And by his icrath their wretched years away in trouble past. mp 34 But when he slew them, then they did to seek him shew desire; 15?- 94* Stafford cm. -4- m =T J. S. SMITH. ADAPTED BY L. MASON. :^: n p ^=^=i=pt= : palm - tree flour - ish I J I . i i ing Shall I J be I r 1— e= the right - eons one d 1 =S' I ' i P* h^ r i I ii 2^: He shall A ^ like to l I dar grow, Which A i Le ba r\ m ^ms m=sm & m- — — -^ p — p- : t- PSALM Yea, they return' d, and after G-od right early did enquire. m 35 And that the Lord had been their Rock, they did remember then ; Ev'n that the high almighty God had their Redeemer been. mp 36 Yet with their mouth they flatter' dhim, and spake but feignedly; And they unto the God of truth with their false tongues did lie. 37 Tor though their words were good, their with him was not sincere; [heart Unstedfast and perfidious they in his cov'nant were. 38 But, full of pity, he forgave their sin, them did not slay; Nor stirr'd up all his wrath, but oft his anger turn'd away. 39 For that they were but fading flesh to mind he did recall ; A wind that passeth soon away, and not returns at all. LXXVIIT. 40 How often did they him provoke within the wilderness! And in the desert did him grieve with their rebelliousness! 41 Yea, turning back, they tempted God, and limits set upon Him, who in midst of Isr'el is i the only Holy One. 42 They did not call to mind his pow'r, nor yet the day when he Deliver'd them out of the hand of their fierce enemy ; 43 ISTor how great signs in Egypt land he openly had wrought ; What miracles in Zoan's field his hand to pass had brought. 44 How lakes and rivers ev'ry where he turned into blood; So that nor man nor beast could drink of standing lake or flood. 45 He brought among them swarms of flies, which did them sore annoy ; -PS A t fd 1 95. ©urjjam* cm. mmmmmwm FFf 7 I ' Be - hold! the moun - tain -&- "I— the H RAVBNSCROFT S TSALTEB, 1621. 3J-X^- #^ P4TI ^ f J Lord In I l 7? (^ — r ^ - p — r?- lat - ter days shall rise I l l s s s ft^- -" 2 - f 21 :^zr=^ :^2=^: =S£=!= JS£ M— p P — & 3M : F r- §:§: On moun - tain tops I I I J S jGL ^sL ■& T* bove the hills, And draw the won - d'ring eyes, I I I I I _j2L_ jzL Sl JZL I i , jsL jzL Sl jzL .J. PSALM And divers kinds of filthy frogs he sent them to destroy. 46 He to the cate-rpillar gave the fruits of all their soil; Their labours he deliver'd up unto the locusts' spoil. mftil Their vines with hail, their sycamores he with the frost did blast: 48 Their beasts to hail he gave ; their flocks hot thunderbolts did waste. 49 Fierce burning wrath he on them cast, and indignation strong, And troubles sore, by sending forth ill angels them among. 50 He to his wrath made way; their soul from death he did not save; But over to the pestilence the lives of them he gave. ™P51 In Egypt land the first-born all he smote down ev'ry where ■ Among the tents of Ham, ev'n these chief of their strength that were. LXXVIII. mf 52 But his own people, like to sheep thence to go forth he made; And he, amidst the wilderness, them, as a flock, did lead. 53 And he them safely on did lead, so that they did not fear; "Whereas their en'mies by the sea quite overwhelmed were. 54 To borders of his sanctuary the Lord his people led, Ev'n to the mount which his right hand for them had purchased. 55 The nations of Canaan, by his almighty hand, Before their face he did expel out of their native land; "Which for inheritance to them by line he did divide, And made the tribes of Israel within their tents abide. mp56 Yet God most high they did provoke, and tempted ever still; c*=54 96. St ILaforence. cm. A 1- E. A. SMITH. Ye W M , £& fo ,.„, ^ s ' ong '„ p ^. ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ _ I J J. ±1 J. J . J j J I I =£=zzt .&_^ -I — :z^=z& S =?=: 1=18 Let hills and i J f'rr J i l J i '. .■ UJ -s?— — -^-*- r ^S-S <^J r .«;fi ^- ^ -<^- — S- -(S3- -J. J PSALM And to observe his testimonies did not incline their will: 57 But, like their fathers, turned back, and dealt unfaithfully: Aside they turned, like a bow that shoots deceitfully. 58 For they to anger did provoke him with their places high ; And with their graven images . mov'd him to jealousy. 59 When God heard this, he waxed wroth, and much loath'd Isr'el then: 60 So Shiloh's tent he left, the tent which he had plac'd with men. 61 And he his strength delivered into captivity; He left his glory in the hand of his proud enemy. 62 His people also he gave o'er unto the sword's fierce rage: So sore his wrath inflamed was against his heritage. LXXVIII. p 63 The fire consumed their choice young 1 1 their maids no marriage had; [men; \j 64 And when their priests fell by the sword, their wives no mourning made, f 65 But then the Lord aeose, as one . that doth from sleep awake; 1 and like a giant that, by wine refresh'd, a shout doth make: 66 Upon his en'mies' hinder parts he made his stroke to fall; And so upon them he did put a shame perpetual. m 67 Moreover, he the tabernacle of Joseph did refuse ; The mighty tribe of Ephraim he would in no wise choose: 68 But he did choose Jehudah's tribe to be the rest above; And of mount Sion he made choice, which he so much did love. w/69 And he his sanctuary built like to a palace high, <^ = 54 97, St. iHtnm cm. zr ft B. A. SMITH. ISS The -£2- s :^: jzL S=4 S± hath mind I"ul ^ — gz .^ ^ been, And i r he I ' ' I will bless i i n :^: ^2_a_ 3E ^: ■J (- iSr- ^ the hous ot Is ^: ^- I r'el bless, Bless J I S: :gt . r; f . Aa - ron's house he J- i-*. J- i r- 1=2'- ■^=mr. Z2ZZI -- -S>- ^n=£ --I- ?£ r- I 3 i -==kJ=d \=m=^ £=P 22: bless - ed art, Thy 'J sta - tutea teach thou q& ^-=fe :^: 22n: PSALMS VAnd they his habitation have caused waste to lie. mp 8 Against us mind not former sins; thy tender mercies show; Let them prevent us speedily, V for we're brought very low. m 9 For thy name's glory help us, Lord, who hast our Saviour been: Deliver us; for thy name's sake, V O purge away our sin. mf 10 Why say the heathen, Where's then- let him to them be known; [Godr| When those who shed thy servants are in our sight o'erthrown. [blood tnpll let the pris'ner's sighs ascend LXXIX. LXXX. m 13 So we thy folk, and pasture-sheep, shall give thee thanks always; before thy sight on high; Preserve those in thy mighty pow'r that are design'd to die. 12 And to our neighbours' bosom cause it scv'n-fold render' d be, Ev'n the reproach wherewith they hav O Lord, reproached thee. e. mp ft m mp And unto generations all we will shew forth thy praise. PSALM LXXX. Evan 125. Morven 99. 1 TTEAB, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flock 1 thou that dost Joseph guide; Shine forth, O thou that dost between the cherubims abide. 2 In Ephraiin's, and Benjamin's, and in Manasseh's sight, O come for our salvation; stir up thy strength and might. 3 Turn us again, O Lord our God, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 4 Lord of hosts, almighty God, how long shall kindled be Thy wrath against the prayer made by thine own folk to thee? PSALM LXXX. pp 5 Thou tears of sorrow giv'st to them instead of bread to eat; Yea, tears instead of drink thou giv'st to them in measure great. 6 Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbours round about; Our enemies among themselves at us do laugh and flout. p 7 Turn us again, O G-od of hosts, . and upon us vouchsafe A To make thy countenance to shine, ' and so we shall be safe. m 8 ; A vine from Egypt brought thou hast, by thine outstretched hand; And thou the heathen out didst cast, to plant it in their land. 9 Before it thou a room didst make, where it might grow and stand; Thou causedst it deep root to take, and it did fill the land. 10 The mountains vail' d were with its shade, as with a covering; Like goodly cedars were the boughs which out from it did spring. 11 Upon the one hand to the sea her boughs she did out send; On th' other side unto the flood her branches did extend. p 12 Why hast thou then thus broken down and ta'en her hedge away? So that all passengers do pluck, and make of her a prey. 13 The boar who from the forest comes doth waste it at his pleasure; The wild beast of the field also devours it out of measure. mp 14 O Grod of hosts, we thee beseech, ■ return now unto thine ; A Look down from heav'n in love, behold, and visit this thy vine : 15 This vineyard, which thine own right hath planted us among; [hand And that same branch, which for thyself thou hast made to be strong. <^ = 72 \00. JHegsiafj, cm. G. F. HANDEL, 17.3a How sw the name of Hi=P mmm Je - sus sounds In I I It soothes his sor - rows, his wounds, And drives a - way I ! I I^ilp : i= -e?- EESEB ^>- PSALMS LXXX. ^ 16 Burnt up it is with flaming fire, it also is cut down: They utterly are perished, when as thy face doth frown. m 17 let thy hand be still upon the Man of thy right hand, The Son of man, whom for thyself thou madest strong to stand. w /18 So henceforth we will not go back, nor turn from thee at all: m O do thou quicken us, and we upon thy name will call. , 19 Turn us again, Lord God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, AND SO WE SHALL BE SAFE. LXXXI. 2 Take up a psalm, the pleasant harp, timbrel and psalt'ry bring. 3 Blow trumpets at new-moon, what day our feast appointed is: 4 For charge to Isr'el, and a law of Jacob's G-od was this. / PSALM LXXXI. Old 81st 34. New London 53. 1 Q INGr loud to G-od our strength ; wit k) i, i to Jacob's God do sing. [>y m 5 To Joseph this a testimony he made, when Egypt land He travell'd through, where speech I I did not understand. [heard 6 His shoulder I from burdens took, his hands from pots did free. 7 Thou didst in trouble on me call, and I deliver'd thee: In secret place of thundering I did thee answer make ; And at the streams of Meribah of thee a proof did take. 8 O thou, my people, give an ear, I'll testify to thee; To thee, O Isr'el, if thou wilt but hearken unto me. rnf vU_J . « n ^&-f e r ^n—f> P r .22 ^_ ^hH 1 1 fe p :^=^: a By saints it -&- fcg 221 J^L-SL .=?=^ for - got— The • ^ ^ . J. :rms: 22: S^H 1221 place call'd Cal - va - ry. ^ ^ m / PSALMS 9 In midst of thee there shall not be any strange god at all; Nor unto any god unknown thou bowing down shalt fall. W10 I am the Lord thy God, which did ^ from Egypt land thee guide; I'll fill thy mouth abundantly, do thou it open wide. P 11 But yet my people to my voice would not attentive he; And ev'n my chosen Israel he icould have none of me. 12 So to the lust of their own hearts I them delivered; And then in counsels of their own they vainly wandered. LXXXI. mplS O that my people had me heard, Isr'el my ways had chose! W 14 I had their en'mies soon subdu'd, my hand turn'd on their foes. 15 The haters of the Lord to him submission should have feign' d ; LXXXII. But as for them, their time should have for evermore remain' d. 16 He should have also fed them with the finest of the wheat; Of honey from the rock thy fill I should have made thee eat. PSALM LXXXII. St. James 98. St. Thomas 75. mf 1 JN gods' assembly God doth stand he judgeth gods among. m 2 How long, accepting persons vile, will ye give judgment wrong? 3 Defend the poor and fatherless; to poor oppress'd do right. 4 The poor and needy ones set free; rid them from ill men's might. p 5 They know not, nor will understand; in darkness they walk on: All the foundations of the earth out of their course are gone. d-QO 102* Saxong, CM. t r i J 'u riCrrl i r r sj lu i ^r FROM HANDKL. I I ' 'J 'J I M The Lord, the God of Ifl - ra I ill V+--S- I el, Be bless'd for I J I -si vj ver then, From m^mm^^^^$m ?3? EEEj^3 -&&-€?— i I ». i I. i Pi i r* i I ii I I I P* i I age to tfc== , J IJ I I I I I I - ter - nal - ly. A - men, yea, and a - men, I I A - men, yea, and a - men. Http'i t r~r , 1 . Y lrW HFP l ^i^H^H 9» / 8 A PSALMS LXXXII. 6 I said that ye are gods, and are sons of the Highest all: 7 But ye shall die like men, and as one of the princes fall. O God, no thou raise up thyself, the earth to judgment call: For thou, as thine inheritance, shalt take the nations all. PSALM LXXXIII. Coleshill 146. St. Nicholas 151. mf 1 TTEEP not, O God, we thee entreat, O keep not silence now: Do thou not hold thy peace, O God, and still no more be thou. 2 For, lo, thine enemies a noise tumultuously have made ; And they that haters are of thee have lifted up the head. m 3 Against thy chosen people they do crafty counsel take ; LXXXIII. And they against thy hidden ones do consultations make. 4 Come, let us cut them off, said they, from being a nation, That of the name of Isr'el may no more be mention. 5 For with joint heart they plot, in league against thee they combine. 6 The tents of Edom, Ishm' elites, Moab's and Hagar's line; 7 Gebal, and Amnion, Amalek, Philistines, those of Tyre; 8 And Assur join'd with them, to help Lot's children they conspire. mf 9 Do to them as to Midian, Jabin at Kison strand; 10 And Sis'ra, which at En-dor fell, as dung to fat the land. It Like Oreb and like Zeeb make their noble men to fall; Like Zeba and Zalmunna like, make thou their princes all ^"54 103, Solomon, cm. "ROM HAKDEL. m^frr'r- s 4 , ± 22: <4 :fc^: Z2I I I ' I But sooa from heav'n the -J r) fi 4- A Z£2_ =T I Ho ! -^=£2= S Ghost, Your I I Com - for - ter, shall come. J- =i=: TZ- -Gf- T~ zi t" ?2I PSALMS 12 Who said, For our possession let us God's houses take. 13 My God, them Hke a wheel, as chaff before the wind, them make. 14 As fire consumes the wood, as flame doth mountains set on fire, 15 Chase and affright them with the storm and tempest of thine ire mplQ Their faces fill with shame, O Lord, that they may seek thy name. 17 Let them confounded be, and vex'd and perish in their shame- *»/18 That men may know that thou, to whom alone doth appertain The name JEHOVAH, dost most hi^L o er all the earth remain. LXXXIII. I P mf mp mf k mp 1 PSALM LXXXIV. Manchester 70. University 107. JJOW lovely is thy dwelling-place, V Lord of hosts, to me! The tabernacles of thy grace how pleasant, Lord, they be ! mp 6 LXXXIV. 2 My thirsty soul longs veh'mentlv yea faints, thy courts to see: My VEEY HEART AND FLESH CEY OUT O LIVING GOD, FOE THEE. 3 Behold, the sparrow findeth out an house wherein to rest; The swallow also for herself* hath purchased a nest; Ev'n thine own altars, where she safe her young ones forth may bring O THOU ALMIGHTY LOED OF HOSTS WHO AET MY GoD AND KlNG. t BLESS'D AEE THEY IN THY HOUSE THAT DWELL, THEY EVEE GIVE THEE PEAISE. > -BLESS'D IS THE MAN WHOSE STEENGTH THOU AET, IN WHOSE HEAET AEE THY WAYS : Who passing thorough Baca's vale therein do dig up wells; Also the rain that faUeth down the pools with water fills. » it 104* BKartotcfc, cm. ~^-P T r-H— Q- ii i ii i r^ I 1 I i. i P i c=? Bless'd be the r i i e - ver III' 'U List - ing God, The Fa - ther of our Lord: I I Be his «• i I r- hound - ing mer I I L J-T S3 S3 r_ *s>- I I -J- cy prais'd, His ma - jes - ty a i ii . r\ i i dor'd. p 8 9 mlO V PSALMS LXXXIV. So they from strength unwearied go still forward unto strength, Until in Sion they appear before the Lord at length. Lord God of hosts, my prayer hear; O Jacob's God, give ear. See God our shield, look on the face of thine anointed dear. For in thy courts one day excels a thousand; rather in My God's house will I keep a door, than dwell in tents of sin. For God the Lord's a sun and shield: he'll grace and glory give; And will withold no good from them that uprightly do live. O thou that art the Lord of hosts, that man is truly blest, Who by assured confidence on thee alone doth rest. LXXXV. PSALM LXXXV. Northampton 119. Eatington 123. 1 f\ LORD, thou hast been favourable ^ to thy beloved land: Jacob's captivity thou hast recall' d with mighty hand. 2 Thou pardoned thy people hast all their iniquities ; Thou all their trespasses and sins hast cover'd from thine eyes. 3 Thou took' st off all thine ire, and turn' dst from thy wrath's furiousness. 4 Turn us, God of our health, and cause thy wrath 'gainst us to cease. 5 Shall thy displeasure thus endure against us without end? Wilt thou to generations all thine anger forth extend? 6 That in thee may thy people joy, wilt thou not us revive? 7 Shew us thy mercy, Lord, to us do thy salvation give. <^ = 60 105. SftriEeto. cm. W. MATHEB, SHKFFIELD. £=2z=: rj a=^=s r i i. r* z^=^zatr^ ^f^m^~ I I SE*z£: All lands to God, in joy - ful sounds, A - I J 1 J | J> lad ± P 5 m Si ?= your voic - es raise. > ! s s^^p^^i^b Sing forth PI the hon - our of his name, And glo - rious make his praise. I jm J n Q A A J g^^T, ^ r-f-r ^ T ^r ~ ~^".^ - ?=?2= = ^ 8 I'll hear what G-od the Lord will speak to his folk he'll speak peace, And to his saints ; but let them not return to foolishness. 9 To them that fear him surely near is his salvation; That glory in our land may have her habitation. mflO Truth met with mercy, righteousness and peace kiss'd mutually : [eousness 11 Truth springs from earth, and right- looks down from heaven high / 12 Tea, what is good the Lobd shall GIVE; our la2h) shall yield increase : 13 Justice, to set us in - his steps, shall go before his face. PSALjI lxxxvi. Ver. 1-7 Evan 125. St. Mary 145. Ver. 8-13 St. Ann 60. New London 53. Ver. 14-17 St. Chad 152. Wahal 155. LOUD, do thou low down thine ear, and liear me graciously; PSALMS LXXXV. LXXXVI. Because I sore afflicted am, and am in poverty. 2 Because I'm holy, let my soul by thee preserved be : O thou my Grod, thy servant save, that puts his trust in thee. P 1 II If rap i n mp A m mf 3 Sith unto thee I daily cry, be merciful to me. 4 Eejoice thy servant's soul; for, Lord, I lift my soul to thee. 5 For thou art gracious, O Lord, and ready to forgive; And rich in mercy, all that call upon thee to relieve. 6 Hear, Lord, mypray'r; unto the voice of my request attend: 7 In troublous times I'll call on thee; for thou wilt answer send. 8 Lord, there is none among the gods that may with thee compare ; And like the works which thou hast not any work is there. [done, <^-GG 106. JEottenfjanu cm. ■.&.. A =& r=& ^iia Sa - viour's name, And I J ' " ' joy it to make aL.^i I. J. known: r The Sov' - reign -- -&:. 2=* your hearts pro - claim, And I i i r> _ ^-Jsl ^m &± *sl_i]>. _,— <2- -l—r S^ I I £2_<^ ^ they ^2 said to me. /~ i r-Ni jz=& W &>rt\°- T^ i i r j i -r f^ rrr run r* -^-s- -=>- Je sa - lem, with - in thy gates Our feet shall stand - ing be. Egrjasq p! , | iiESfSS PSALM » 14 Justice and judgment of thy throne are made the dwelling-place; Mercy, accompany' d with truth, shall go before thy face. mf V> O greatly bless'd the people are J the joyful sound that know; In brightness of thy face, O Lord, they ever on shall go. 16 They in thy name shall all the day rejoice exceedingly; And in thy righteousness shall they exalted be on high. 17 Because the glory of their strength doth only stand in thee; And in thy favour shall our horn and pow'r exalted be. 18 Tor God is our defence; and he to us doth safety bring: The Holy One of Israel is our almighty King. m 19 In vision to thy Holy One thou saidst, I help upon A strong one laid; out of the folk Irais'da chosen one; _ 20 Ev'n David, I have found him out a servant unto me; And with my holy oil my King anointed him to be. m f%\ Withwhommyhandshallstablish'dbe; mine arm shall make him strong. 22 On him the foe shall not exact, nor son of mischief wrong. 23 I will beat down before Ins lace all his malicious foes; I will them greatly plague who do with hatred him oppose. 24 My mercy and my faithluluess with him yet still shall be; And in my name his horn and pow r A MEN SHALL EXALTED SEE. w /25 His hand and pow'r shall reach afer, I'll set it in the sea; I And his right hand established \\ shall in the rivers be. -8— a I S^^^ggEg: W. Coldjcstrr. or. A?' I.ICKD TO PL'RCFI.L. Praise ye the Lord: with my -whole heart I will God's praise de - clare, I *£Ml^- jo. \ I I K — " I I J~N I J^-O- 1^1 ^ ir.Hcr-rJfe :pi±: 1 PSALM m 26 Thou art my Father, he shall cry, thou art my God alone; And he shall 'say, Thou art the Eock of my salvation. mf 27 I'll make him my first-born, more high than kings of any land. 2S My love I'll ever keep for him, my cov'nant fast shall stand. 29 His seed I by my pow'r will make for ever to endure; And, as the days of heav'n, his throne shall stable be, and sure. p 30 But if lis children shall forsake my laics, and go astray, And in my judgments shall not walk, hut wander from my way : ™pSl If they my laws break, and do not keep my commandements ; 32 I'll visit then their faults with rods, their sins with chastisements. w 33 Yet I'll not take my love from him, nor false my promise make. LXXXIX. 34 Mj cov'nant I'll not break, nor change what with my mouth I spake. A 35 Once by my holiness I sware, l\ to David I'll not lie; mf3Q His seed and throne shall, as the sun, before me last for aye. 37 It, like the moon, shall ever be establish'd stedfastly; And like to that which in the heav'n doth witness faithfully. P SS But thou, displeased, hast cast off, thou didst abhor and loathe; With him that thine anointed is thou hast been very wroth. Thou hast thy servant's covenant made void, and quite cast by; Thou hast profan'd his crown, while it cast on the ground doth lie. 40 Thou all his hedges hast broke down, his strong holds dozen hast torn. 4<1 He to all passers-by a spoil, to neighbours is a scorn. 39 c* = GO JLij.>3rJ H^ g Teach gz: rjz2zP^zi MENDF.T.SSOHM. ARRANGED BY L. MASOK. ~P" g^i *=&*■ pre - cepts di -A-4-J gE ---^- I I And hi r ^ J I J tjj jai,jHMi.--l ob the eud l?0^El shall my heart in - cline. PSALMS LXXXIX. riy^£ hand; 42 2V/0M tatf s^ up Ms foes mad'st all his erimies glad: 43 Turned his sword's edge, and him to stand in battle hast not made. 44 Sis glory thou hast made to cease, his throne to ground down cast; _ 45 Shorten' d his days of youth, and him with shame thou covered hast. mp^Q How long, Lord, wilt thou hide thyself? for ever, in thine ire ? # And shall thine indignation burn like unto a fire ? 47 Remember, Lord, how short a time I shall on earth remain: O wherefore is it so that thou hast made all men in vain? 48 "What man is he that liveth here, and death shall never see? Or from the power of the grave what man his soul shall free ? 49 Thy former loving-kindnesses, O Lord, where be they now? 50 51 w/52 XC. Those which in truth and faithfulness to David sworn hast thou? Mind, Lord, thy servant's sad re- how I in bosom bear [proach; The scornings of the people all, who strong and mighty are. "Wherewith thy raging enemies reproach' d, O Lord, think on; Wherewith they have reproach'd the of thine anointed one. [steps All blessing to the Lord our G-od let be ascribed then: For evermore so let it be. Amen, tea, and amen. PSALM XC. Ver. 1-7 St. yicholas 151. St. Ann 60. Yer. 8-12 St. Neot 150 Walscd 155 Ver. 13-17 Evan 125 Farrant 58. T ORD, thou hast been our dwelling- in generations all. [place 5 Before thou ever hadst brought forth the mountains great or small ; 113. $ri-stbjiri). cm. -^ -*ZL &±* m ^_^2_C^2Z1^ ^=^" THK EAR I. OF WTLTOH. By permission. I silsisS how -&- ■wide — S> — I thy glo - ry shines! How high thy won - ders rise! ^ m ^ ¥ <&& ■Ml CT _ g 5=5: SEia by thou - sand signs. By thou - sands through the skies. \ ~ 1 n 1 1 rj -si rs~; 1 22 ^si A p 3 4 6 r S PSALM Ere ever thou hadst form'd the earth. I and all the world abroad; Ev'n thou from everlasting art to everlasting G-od. Thou dost wnto destncction man that is mortal turn; And unto them thou say'st, Again, ye sons of men, return. Because a thousand years appear no more before thy sight Than yesterday, when it is past, or than a watch by night. As with an overflowing flood thou carry'st them away: They like a sleep are, like the grass that grows at morn are they. At morn it flourishes and grows, cut down at ev'n doth fade. For by thine anger ive're consumed, thy wrath makes us afraid. Our sins thou and iniquities dost in thy presence place, XC. And sett'st our secret faults before the brightness of thy face. 9 For in thine anger all our days do pass on to an end; And as a tale that hath been told, so we our years do spend. 10 Threescore and ten years do sum up our days and years, we see; Or if, by reason of more strength, in some fourscore they be: Tet doth the strength of such old men but grief and labour prove; For it is soon cut off, and we fly hence, and soon remove. 11 "Who knows the power of thy wrath? according to thy fear 12 So is thy wrath: Lord, teach thou us our end in mind to bear; And so to count our days, that we our hearts may still apply To learn thy wisdom and thy truth, that we may live thereby. & = w 114* Ballerma. cm. SPANISH MELODY. wait - ed cr— j | s? p for the Lord my God, And pa - tient - ly did I I I I I lOj' I rTT-TTTTJ^ g im Z3^d^==g^= ^ H-r^ f?z ^ Z7 did -0-jOSi s'-,— £2 i2_ £2Lzi cline My voice and cry I I^H i to bear. -I <= =-L: PSALMS w 13 Turn yet again to us, O Lord, how long thus shall it be? Let it repent thee now for those that servants are to thee. 14 O with thy tender mercies, Lord, . us early satisfy; A So we rejoice shall all our days, ' ' and still be glad in thee. mpl5 According as the days have been, wherein we grief have had, And years wherein we ill have seen, so do thou make us glad. m 16 O let thy work and pow'r appear thy servants' face before ; And shew unto their children dear thy glory evermore: / 17 And let the beauty oe the Lord our God be us upon: Our handy-works establish thou. ESTABLISH THEM EACH ONE. XO. XCI. PSALM XCI. St. Simon 43. Abbey 56. mm 1 TTE that doth in the secret place J - L of the most High reside, _ A Under the shade of him that is A th' Almighty shall abide. m 2 I of the Lord my G-od will say, He is my refuge still, A He is my fortress, and my Grod, A and in him trust I will. m mp 3 Assuredly he shall thee save, and give deliverance From subtile fowler's snare, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 His feathers shall thee hide; thy trust under his wings shall be: His faithfulness shall be a shield and buckler unto thee. 5 Thou shalt not need to be afraid for terrors of the night; Nor for the arrow that doth fly bv dav, while it is light; c? = 66 115. ©otoarti. cm. MRS. CUTHBBRT. HARMONY UY L. MASOV. z a rs -j ^ 1 ' j r^r-7-J 1 IJ j .1 — H Je - ho - vah hear thee ia the day "When trou - ble he doth send: i ^ j. .^. j. .^ f) i a .jr^j j « g a ~ ^ ~ -TT-r^-p-r — - L -^ — ^-^- i„ oi — t) w 2 f=— l^— ^ - ' . ■ i - ~c-i p - s4 p i — i — 4-„ H is is: «; 1 1 ' 1 J ! J^ r-^r? A 1- ali 1 >£. ill de - fend. w^ And let the name of Ja - cob's God Thee from j-- <^- -^- -^ -Gh -&- -&- -9-.^ \ I imgiimiiiiii A 01 PSALMS 6 Nor for the pestilence, that walks in darkness secretly; Nor for destruction, that doth waste at no on- da j openly. 7 A thousand at thy side shall fall, on thy right hand shall lie Ten thousand dead; yet unto thee it shall not once come ni^h. 8 Only thou with thine eyes shalt look. and a beholder be ; And thou therein the just reward of wicked men shalt see. 9 Because the Lord, who constantly my refuge is alone, Ev'n the most High, is made by thee thy habitation; 10 No plague shallnear thy dwelling come- no ill shall thee befall: 11 For thee to keep in all thv ways his angels charge he shall. 12 They in their hands shall bear thee up, still waiting thee upon; XCI. XCII. Lest thou at any time should'st dash thy foot against a stone. w/13 Upon the adder thou shalt tread, and on the lion strong; Thy feet on dragons trample shall, and on the lions vouno-. 14 Because on me he set his love, I'll save and set him free ; Because my great name he hath known, I will him set on high. m 15 He'll call on me, I'll answer him; I will be with him still In trouble, to deliver him, and honour him I will. nflQ With length of days unto his mind I will him satisfy; I also my salvation will cause his eyes to see. PSALM XCH. Ver. 1-4 Dunfermline 47. St. George 52. Ver. 5-9 St. Mirren 97. St. James 93. Ver. 10-15 St. Peter 137. St. Columba 130. iwmgi ue^jjtitppt. cm. PSALM XOII. «/l rrO render thanks unto the Lord it is a comely thing, And to thy name, O thou most High, due praise aloud to sing. 2 Thy loving-kindness to shew forth when shines the morning light; And to declare thy faithfulness with pleasure ev'ry night, 3 On a ten-stringed instrument, upon the psaltery, And on the harp with solemn sound, V and grave sweet melody. mf 4 For thou, Lord, by thy mighty works hast made my heart right glad; A And I will triumph in the works ' I which by thine hands were made. mp 5 How great, Lord, are thy works! each of thine a deep it is : [thought 6 A brutish man it knoweth not; fools understand not this. 7 When those that lewd and wicked are spring quickly up like grass, And workers of iniquity do flourish all apace ; It is that they for ever may destroyed be and slain : mf 8 But thou, O Lord, art the most High. for ever to remain. mp 9 For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, thine en'mies perish shall; The workers of iniquity shall be dispersed all. f 10 But thotj shalt, like unto the horn op th' unicorn, exalt My HORN ON HIGH: THOU WITH FRESH ANOINT ME ALSO SHALT. [OIL m 11 Mine eyes shall also my desire see on mine enemies; Mine ears shall of the wicked hear, that do against me rise. 12 But like the palm-tree flourishing shall be the righteous one; He shall like to the cedar grow that is in Lebanon. ^ = 60 117. § fa ^ ' -4- ^z^- i Now bless ed I the Lord i GUI' SIR GEO. SMART, CHAPEL ROYAL. ity permission. 4 ^ 1^. God, The ^ C?~ -JZZ- God Pi of -^ -F \ ra - el, i r S^g^i For ^gj: he a 5H lone doth won - droits works, P2L ^P i rh r -I i /i PSALMS XCII 13 Those that within the house of God are planted by his grace, They shall grow up, and nourish all in our God's holy place. 14 And in old age, when others fade they fruit still forth shall bring'; They shall be fat, and full of sapt and aye be flourishing; 15 To shew that upright is the Lord: he is a rock tome; And he from all unrighteousness is altogether free. mf 1 PSALM XCIII. Montrose 49. Old 29th 31. rpHE Lord dothreign, and cloth'd is he < with majesty most bright; His works do shew him cloth'd to be, and girt about with might. The world is also stablished, that it cannot depart. XCIII 2 mf S ff 4 mf 5 m 1 h XCIV. Thy throne is fix'd of old, and thou from everlasting art. The floods, O Lord, have lifted up, they lifted up their voice; The floods have lifted up their waves, and made a mighty noise. But yet the Loed, that is on high, is more op might by par Than noise op many waters is, OR GREAT SEA-BILLOWS are. Thy testimonies ev'ry one in faithfulness excel; And holiness for ever, Lord, thine house becometh well. PSALM XCIV. Ver. 1-10. St. Nicholas 151. Martyrs 148. Ver. 11-23 Howard 115. Eatington 123. LOED God, unto whom alone all vengeance doth belong; mighty God, who vengeance own'st, shine forth, avenging wrong. b 118. St Slpijajje* cm MATTHEW HKNBT, 17^2. HARMUJJYFROM D1BDI*. :^= ^— -e?— p- z? p- "^ =b^=&Ez^z=r^zt=z2=B ==2: To him that lcn'd the souls of i- t' \ *n^m men, And vash'd us in 1 ^ I >~^ i his blood, -P2_ I 22=^: i p To I&1S roy :d=i=2=z WM) PSALM Ki 2 Lift up thyself, thou of the earth the sov'reign Judge that art ; And unto those that are so proud a due reward impart. 3 How long, O mighty God, shall they who lewd and wicked be, How long shall they who wicked are thus triumph haughtily? 4 How long shall things most hard by be uttered and told? [them And all that work iniquity to boast themselves be bold? 5 Thy folk they hreaJc in pieces, Lord, thine heritage oppress : 6 The ividoiv they and stranger slay, and kill the fatherless. 7 Yet say they, God it shall not see, nor God of Jacob know. 8 Te brutish people! understand; fools! when wise will ye grow? 9 The Lord did plant the ear of man, and hear then shall not he? XCIV. He only form'd the eye, and then shall he not clearly see ? 10 He that the nations doth correct, shall he not chastise you? He knowledge unto man doth teach, and shall himself not know ? mpll Man's thoughts to be but vanity the Lord doth well discern. 12 Bless' d is the man thou chast'nest, and mak'st thy law to learn: [Lord, 13 That thou may'st give him rest from of sad adversity, [days Until the pit be digg'd for those that work iniquity. i U For sure the Lord will not cast off those that his people be, Neither his own inheritance quit and forsake will he: 15 But judgment unto righteousness shall yet return again; And all shall follow after it that are right-hearted men. 80 CM. DR. CROFT, 1727. 5=2; r 22: Ye heav'ns, send i _ I forth U9 + Rfortijamptcm, EOE& — p" your J I ± ~&- m -z± ^ A .\ i i S of praise! Earth, raise your I :^=^: :^z^z voice £2. - low! I^I^Ui! Let hills and ^3±4^§l moun - tains join the r=^I UllplIsii^ig^iKiiii PSALMS 16 Who will rise up for me against those that do wickedly? "Who will stand up for me 'gainst those that work iniquity ? 17 Unless the Lord had been my help when I was sore opprest, p Almost my soul had in the house of silence been at rest. mpl8 When I had uttered this word, > (my foot doth slip away,) uo Thy mercy held me up, O Lord, thy goodness did me stay. 19 Amidst the multitude of thoughts which in my heart do fight, My soul, lest it be overcharg'd, thy comforts do delight. 20 Shall of iniquity the throne have fellowship with thee, Which mischief, cunningly contriv'd, doth by a law decree ? " mp2\ Against the righteous souls they join, they guiltless blood condemn. XCIV. XCV. mf 22 But of my refuge God's the rock, and my defence from them. m 23 On them their own iniquity the Lord shall bring and lay, And cut them off in their own sin ; our Lord G-od shall them slay. PSALM XCV. Durham 95. Tallis 93. mf 1 Q COME, let us sing to the Lord: come, let us ev'ry one A joyful noise make to the Eock of our salvation. 2 Let us before his presence come with praise and thankful voice; Let us sing psalms to him with grace, and make a joyful noise. 3 For G-od, a great God, and great King, above all gods he is. 4 Depths of the earth are in his hand, the strength of hills is his. fc DH. HARRINGTON, BATH. 120* fgarrmgtou. cm. God ivF"i Beth - el! by whose hand Thy peo H> 2 i "F — n r ,__ J. <=l ±= pie still fed; :^=^=^ tzt 1 Ef our fa _- tliers led. . |^. I iwl I Who through this wea - ry pil - grim - age Hast I I <2 ^U-5_^. :f fe PSALMS 5 To him the spacious sea belongs, for he the same did make ; The dry land also from his hands its form at first did take. mp 6 O come, and let us worship him, let us low down withal, And on our knees before the Lord our Maker let us fall. m 7 For he's our God, the people we of his own pasture are, And of his hand the sheep ; to-day, if ye his voice will hear, mp 8 Then harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, As in the desert, on the day of the tentation: 9 Whenmey our father stempt? d and prov d^ and did my working see; 10 Ev'nfor the space of forty years this race hath grieved me. I said, This people errs in heart, my ways they do not know: XCV. XCVI. 11 To ichom I sware in tvraUt, that to my rest they should not go. PSALM XCVI. St. Magnus 45. Colchester 111. mf 1 f) SING- a new song to the Lord: ^ sing all the earth to God. 2 To God sing, bless his name, shew still his saving health abroad. 3 Among the heathen nations his glory do declare; And unto all the people shew his works that wondrous are. / 4 Tor great's the Lord, and greatly he is to be magnify 'd; Tea, worthy to be fcar'dis he above all gods beside. mp 5 For all the gods are idols dumb, which blinded nations fear; f But our God is the Lord, by whom the heav'ns created were. wmi 121. ©to ffilasgobx CM. SCOTCH PSALTER, 1G15. ^=^= PZ 11 ttj.j '.' -i^&j—tt&^ ^^m Yea, bless - eel BE tfc 22: I— p;-— z^_ r~r God From this I Z2S± =?2: :z2: :^ time forth I I 32t - ways. : F PSALMS 6 G-reat honour is before his face, and majesty divine; Strength is within his holy place, and there doth beauty shine. m 7 Do ye ascribe unto the Lord, 1 of people ev'ry tribe, l\ Glory do ye unto the Lord, and mighty pow'r ascribe. 8 Give ye the glory to the Lord that to his name is due; Come ye into his courts, and bring an offering with vou. 9 In beauty of his holiness, O do the Lord adore; mp Likewise let all the earth throughout tremble his face before. mj 10 Among the heathen say, God reigns- the world shall stedfastly Be fix'd from moving; he shaU judge the people righteously. /' 11 Let heav'ns be glad before the Lord, and let the earth rejoice; XCVI. XCVII. Let seas, and all that is therein, cry out, and make a noise. 12 Let fields rejoice, and ev'ry thing that springeth of the earth: Then woods and ev'ry tree shall sing with gladness and with mirth m 13 Before the Lord; because he comes, to judge the earth comes he: He'll judge the world with righteous- the people faithfully. [ness PSALM XCVII. Old 29th 31. Palestrina 92. / 1 nip 2 wf 3 A V Q.OD reigneth, let the earth be glad, and isles rejoice each one. Dark clouds him compass; and in right with judgment dwells his throne. 3 Fire goes before him, and his foes it burns up round about: 4 His lightnings lighten did the world; earth saw, and shook throughout. a-m 122. Cfjtcfjestcr* cm. RAVKXSCROFT S PSALTER 1621. e±gdB^==Mz^EbuJh s PSALMS XCVII m 5 Hills at the presence of the Lord, A like wax, did melt away; \\ Ev'n at the presence of the Lord of all the earth, I say. mf 6 The heav'ns declare his righteousness, all men his glory see. 7 All who serve graven images, confounded let them be. Who do of idols boast themselves, let shame upon them fall: mp Ye that are called gods, see that ye do him worship all. f 8 Sion did hear, and joyful was, glad Judah's daughters were; They much rejoic'd, Lord, because thy judgments did appear. 9 For thou, O Lord, art high above all things on earth that are ; Above all other gods thou art exalted very far. m 10 Hate ill, all ye that love the Lord: his saints' souls keepeth he ; XCVIII. And from the hands of wicked men he sets them safe and free. m 11 For all those that be righteous , sown is a joyful light, j\ And gladness sown is for all those ' that are in heart upright. _ mf 12 Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice; express your thankfulness, When ye into your memory do call his holiness. PSALM XCVIII. Liverpool 69. Bedford 61. SING- a new song to the Lord, for wonders he hath done: His right hand and his holy arm him victory hath won. The Lord God his salvation hath caused to be known ; His justice in the heathen's sight he openly hath shown. / l 60 ^3- DR. CROFT, 1700. HARMONY FROM HAVKRGAL. 22IT3T r .^_^=_J — - thou shalt ear I I I & — ■ \ - iy I z± s£ Ft^-2 - p SASHES hear ray voice; I I I I I ear ly trill di -J ^ ^ 1 ^ ^— C-«» m- I I S= an - swer will J. sL_*. r„ pect. g g^-^^^ j ^- - 1 ;~r-^ mm PSALMS XCIX. C. »/ 9 7 Within the pillar of the cloud he unto them did speak: The testimonies he them taught, and laws, they did not break. 8 Thou answer'dst them, O Lord our God ; thou wast a God that gave _ Pardon to them, though on their deeds thou wouldest vengeance have. Do ye exalt the Lord our God, aud at his holy hill Do ye him worship : for the Lord our God is holy still. PSALM C. Old Hundred 1. mf 1 A T -^ People that on earth do dwell, ^ Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. 2 Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, Come ye before him and rejoice. m 3 Know that the Lord is God indeed: Without our aid he did us make: / 4 m 5 j in We are his flock, he doth us feed, And for his sheep he doth us take. O ENTER THEN HIS GATES WITH PRAISE, Approach with joy nis courts unto: Praise, laud, and bless his name ALWAYS, FOR IT IS SEEMLY SO TO DO. For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. Another of the same. Old Winchester 128. New Cambridge 80. ? /' 1 f) ALL ye lands, unto the Lord ^ make ye a joyful noise. 2 Serve God with gladness, him before come with a Bulging voice. 3 Know ye the Lord that he is God; not we, but he us made: We are his people, and the sheep within his pasture fed. --]- clos - er 125. ffibaiu cm — \- T — i— W. H. HAVERGAL. HARMONY BY L. MASON. ! :^: ^g F=i=g Ulli^lfs walk with God : calm and 'n - ly frame; :^2i F^F SI ^^ : S^S 4 ?=: -(=2- liglit g^ gi^iiSif^^ PSALMS / 4 Enter his gates and cotjets with PRAISE, To THANK HIM GO TE THITHER.; TO HIM EXPRESS TOUR THANKFULNESS. | AND BLESS HIS NAME TOGETHER m 5 Because the Lord our God is good A his mercy faileth never; /[ And to all generations / HIS TRUTH ENDURETH EVER. C. CI. m 1 tnp m PSALM CI. Chester 154. Lancaster [ MEECY will and judgment sim Lord, I will sing to thee. With wisdom in a perfect way shall my behaviour be. when, in kindness unto me, wilt thou be pleas'd to come ? 1 with a perfect heart will walk within my house at home. I will endure no wicked thing before mine eyes to be: I hate their work that turn aside, it shall not cleave to me. 4 A stubborn and a froward heart depart quite from me shall ; A person giv'n to wickedness I will not know at all. 5 I'll cut him off that slandereth his neighbour privily: The haughty heart I will not bear, nor him that looketh high. 6 Upon the faithful of the land mine eyes shall be, that they May dwell with me: he shall me serve that walks in perfect way. 7 Wlio of deceit a worker is in my house shall not dwell; And in my presence shall he not remain that lies doth tell. 3 Yea, all the wicked of the land early destroy will I; All from God's city to cut off that work iniquity. <^ = 60 126. ffiattfjiteas, cm. SCOTCn PSALTKR, 1635. HARMONY Er HAVEKGAL -h 1 1 U i rr i lips thee praise shall give. 1,11 ^L T _ ^ ! ^ ^s^^-i. I I | I I I | ft my hands, And bless thee while I live. *5> P2-J- f F^ PSALM CII. 2 PSALM CII. Ver. 1-11. Z)Hr?/fce 144. Crowte 153. Yer. 12-22. S«. Alphage 118. Belgrave 110. F(?r. 23-28. Si. Nicholas 151. S«. .Ann CO. r\ LOKD, unto my pray'r give ear, my cry let come to thee; And in the day of my distress hide not thy face from me. Give ear to me ; what time I call, to answer me make haste: For, as an hearth, my bones are burnt, my days, like smoke, do waste. 4 Mv heart within me smitten is, and it is withered Like very grass; so that I do forget to eat my bread. 5 By reason of my groaning voice my bones cleave to my skin. 6 Like pelican in wilderness forsaken I have been: I like an owl in desert am, that nightly there doth moan; PP 10 k V PP 11 m 12 I watch, and like a spar rote am on the house-top alone. My bitter en'mies all the day reproaches cast on me ; And, being mad at me, with rage against me sworn they be. For why? I ashes eaten have like bread, in sorrows deep ; My drink I also mingled have with tears that I did weep. Thy wrath and indignation did cause this grief and pain; For thou hast lift me up on high, and cast me down again. My days arc like unto a shade, 'which doth declining pass ; And I am drifd and withered, evn lilec unto the grass. But thou, Lord, everlasting art. and thv remembrance shall Continually endure, and be to generations all. — ,_. r i led The glad con I ! ed lands ; I -»JZLjn d±=gE then shal cm.fg: I l ^ ests clap their hands. I I The for .cm wp So that, ev'n as the eagle's age, renewed is thy youth. 6 G-od righteous judgment executes for all oppressed ones. 7 His ways to Moses, he his acts made known to Isr'el's sons. 8 The Lord our God is merciful, and he is gracious, Long-suffering, and slow to wrath, in mercy plenteous. 9 He will not chide continually, nor keep his anger still. 10 With us he dealt not as we sinn'd, nor did requite our ill. 11 For as the heaven in its height the earth surmounteth far ; So great to those that do him fear his tender mercies are : 12 As far as east is distant from the west, so far hath he From us removed, in his love, all our iniquity. PSALM CIII. mp IS pU 15 16 ai/17 A 18 m 19 Such pity as a father hath unto his children dear ; Like pity shews the Lord to such as worship him in fear. For he remembers ive are dust, and he our frame well knows. Frail man, his days are like the grass, as flower infield he groics : For over it the ivind doth pass, and it away is gone ; And of the place where once it was it shall no more be known. But unto them that do him fear G-od's mercy never ends ; And to their children's children still his righteousness extends : To such as keep his covenant, and mindful are alway Of his most just commandements, that they may them obey. The Lord prepared hath his throne in heavens firm to stand ; ^ = 48 132. ©obetiale, c. is T2- v&r. -&=&— ~JPL I'll The Lord's my shep - herd, £1: :^ ^ not want He makes me down to lie i I ri j j i i - g? - *3 «- -Q - - Q. .g ,. ^_ . — ^-^ — — V-&— p s ^ — pj j ^— g j=^j— J4w J by. Sl^9| ! / PSALMS CIII. And ev'ry thing that being hath his kingdom doth command. mf 20 O ye his angels, that excel in strength, bless ye the Lord; Ye who obey what he commands, and hearken to his word. /21 BLESS AND MAGNIFY THE LORD, YE GLORIOUS HOSTS OF HIS; Ye ministers, that do fulfil whate'er his pleasure is. ff 22 O bless the Lord, all ye his works, WHEREWITH THE WORLD IS STOR'd In his dominions ev'ry where. My boul, bless thou the Lord. PSALM CIV. Dunfermline 47. Old 68th 33. m 1 "DLESS God, my soul. O Lord my -° thou art exceeding great; [God, Willi honour and with majesty thou clothed art in stale. mp CIV. 2 "With light, as with a robe, thyself thou coverest about; And, like unto a curtain, thou the heavens stretchest out. 3 Who of his chambers doth the beams within the waters lay ; Who doth the clouds his chariot ON WINGS OF WIND MAKE WAY. [MAKE, 4 Who flaming fire his ministers, HIS ANGELS SPLITS, DOTH MAKE: 5 Who earth's foundations did lay, that it should never shake. 6 Thou didst it cover with the deep, as with a garment spread: The waters stood above the hills, when thou the word but said. 7 But at the voice of thy rebuke they fled, and would not stay; They at thy thunder's dreadful voice did haste them fast away. 8 They by the mountains do ascend, and by the valley-ground <^-66 133. Bristol cm. RAVENSCROFT S PSALTER, 1621. speech. PSALM Descend, unto that very place whic]l t] iou for them didst found. 9 Thou hast a bound unto them set, that they may not pass over, That they do not return again ' the face of earth to cover. 10 He to the valleys sends the springs, winch run among the hills : 11 They to all beasts of field give drink, wild asses drink their fills. By them the fowls of heav'n shall have their habitation, Which do among the branches sing with delectation. He from his chambers watereth the hills, when they are dry'd: With fruit and increase of thy works ^ the earth is satisfy'd. 14 For cattle he makes grass to grow, he makes the herb to spring For th' use of man, that food to him he from the earth may bring; CIV. 15 L2 13 1(3 17 18 19 p 20 And wine, that to the heart of man doth cheerfulness impart, Oil that his face makes shine, and bread that^trengtheneth his heart. The trees of God are full of sap ; the cedars that do stand In Lebanon, which planted were by his almighty hand. Birds of the air upon their boughs do choose their nests to make; As for the stork, the fir-tree she doth for her dwelling take. The lofty mountains for wild goats a place of refuge be; The conies also to the rocks do for their safety flee. He sets the moon in heav'n, thereby the seasons to discern: From him the sun his certain time of going down doth learn. Thou darkness mak'st, 'tis night, then of forests creep abroad. [beasts 66 134. gorfc iHtnster. CM. stfe i o For God of Si - 73 hath made choice; Tliere lie de ^2. .^. jC2. -^-^ -^- Pj -d. iS-fi! :^= S^St I sires to -Pi i dwell. Ill 2=t^t I I I J r I ^ I ' J ' I This is my rest, here still I'll stay; For 1 do like it -well. i r\ \ A jsl .J. J^\A .^2. A i'Tj.J. a 1"T^ H PSALM / 21 The lions young boar for their pee y, m and seek their meat from Grod. 22 The sun doth rise, and home they flock, down in their dens they lie. 23 Man goes to work, his labour he doth to the ev'ning ply. 24 How manifold, Lord, are thy works! in wisdom wonderful Thou ev'ry one of them hast made ; earth's of thy riches full: 25 So is this great and spacious sea, wherein things creeping are, Which number' d cannot be ; and beasts both great and small are there. 26 There ships go; there thou mak'st to that leviathan great. [play 27 These all wait on thee, that thou may'st in due time give them meat. 28 That which thou givest unto them they gather for their food; mf Thine hand thou open'st lib'rally, they tilled are with good. CIV. p29 /SI ff ^32 /33 m 34 Thou hid'st thy face; they troubled are, their breath thou tak'st away; Then do they die, and to their dust return again do they. Thy quick'ning spirit thou send' st forth, then they created be ; And then the earth's decayed face renewed is by thee. The glory of the mighty Lord continue shall for ever: The Lord JEHOVAH shall rejoice IN ALL HIS WORKS TOGETHER. Earth, as affrighted, trembleth all, if he on it but look; And if the mountains he but touch, they presently do smoke. I WILL SING TO THE LORD MOST HIGH, SO LONG AS I SHALL LIVE; AND WHILE I BEING HAVE I SHALL TO MY GrOD PRAISES GIVE. Of him my meditation shall sweet thoughts to me afford; ^ = 60 T2L -^ i l not your hearts with 135, BostoelL cm. ARRANGED FROM GLUCK, BY LOWELL MASON. =1- --0 : ious thoughts Be A- JtZL I mm^m :f^: i I trou - bled I mwmtmsmm 'IP T? i i ■*_ But trust nil & Eff Pro - vi - dence i ni IS2ZIZZJ E£ vine, And I :=: i PSALMS A And as for me, I will rejoice l\ in G-od, my only Lord. p 35 From earth let sinners be consumed, let ill men no more be. f Othoumysoul,blessthoutheLord. Praise to the Lord give te. PSALM CY. Ver. 1-7. Dunfermline 47. St. Alphage 118. Ver. 8-45. Tallis 93. Jackson's 51. mf 1 QIVE thanks to God, caU on hisname: to men his deeds make known. 2 Sing ye to him, sing psalms; proclaim his wondrous works each one. 3 See that ye in his holy name to glory do accord; A And let the heart of ev'ry one \\ REJOICE THAT SEEKS THE LORD. m 4 The Lord Almighty, and his strength, with stedfast hearts seek ye: His blessed and his gracious face seek ye continually. CIV. cv. 5 Think on theworks that he hath done, which admiration breed; His wonders, and the judgments all which from his mouth proceed; 6 O ye that are of Abr'ham's race, his servant well approv'n; And ye that Jacob's children are, whom he chose for his own. 7 Because he, and he only, is the mighty Lord ourGod; And his most righteous judgments are in all the earth abroad. 8 His cov'nant he remember'd hath, that it may ever stand: To thousand generations the word he did command. 9 "Which covenant he firmly made with faithful Abraham, And unto Isaac, by his oath, he did renew the same: 10 And unto Jacob, for* a law, he made it firm and sure. ^ = 60 OLD ENGLISH TUNE. 136. jftne]j. cm. cause my voice, And pray - er he n -&^:&-zz2- did -4- ^: ^=p: hear; ic'^c.^: 23: I while I tea g =£ L=£ him, Who bow'd I I I JSL _^_ jSl :<=2 1— IP -r^- to I me his ■A A ^ T^ :tz: f- ^ PSALM CV. A A covenant to Israel, l\ which ever should endure. 11 He said, I'll give Canaan's land for heritage to you ; W 12 "While they were strangers there, and V in number very few : [few, mplS While yet they went from land to land without a sure abode; And while through sundry kingdoms did wander far abroad ; [they m 14 Yet, notwithstanding, suffer'd he no man to do them wrong: Yea, for their sakes, he did reprove kings, who were great and strong. 15 Thus did he say, Touch ye not those that mine anointed be, Nor do the prophets any harm that do pertain to me. mpl6 He call'd for famine on the land, he brake the staff of bread : m 17 But yet he sent a man before, by whom they should be fed ; mp 18 10 Ev'n Joseph, whom unnat'rally sell for a slave did they ; Whose feet with fetters they did hurt. and he in irons lay ; Until the time that his word came to give him liberty; The word and purpose of the Lord did him in prison try. m 20 Then sent the king, and did command that he enlarg'd should be: He that the people's ruler was did send to set him free. A lord to rule his family he rais'd him, as most fit; To him of all that he possess'd he did the charge commit: That he might at his pleasure bind the princes of the land; And he might teach his senators wisdom to understand. The people then of Israel down into Egypt came; 21 99 23 & = w ife&: ^-j- T* 137- St $eter* cm. A. REINAGLK. By permission. J_ ■z±=i — l- ^-—^~- mm St :<^= ^" How sweet I the Je I* ^ S^M SU8 sounds I I ver s ear ! I :^2i=p P— P~=±: ^ :(^-: s£ ?x ^= -4- ?2= I f I It soothes his =?=?2 sor - rows, L_i=! i^z |. *g£k P— r=^ -I- Its I heals .^^—pc his wounds. And drives f ; :gS :££ & 1221 j&=Z± ~P -4- li : ^_. r~ i his fear. g=i= And Jacob also sojourned within the land of Ham. PSALM OV. | m/32 25 26 24 And he did greatly by his pow'r increase his people there; And stronger than their enemies they by his blessing were. Their heart he turned to envy his folk maliciously, With those that his own servants were to deal in subtilty. His servant Moses he did send, Aaron his chosen one. 27 By these his signs and wonders great in Ham's land were made known. Darkness lie sent, and made it dark; his word they did obey. He turn'd their waters into blood, and he their fish did slay. 30 The land in plenty brought forth frogs in chambers of their kings. 31 His word all sorts of flies and lice in all their borders brings. i?28 m 29 33 w34 35 mp36 /37 ♦»38 39 40 /i 11 He hail for rain, and flaming fire into their land he sent: And he their vines and fig-trees smote; trees of their coasts he rent. He spake, and caterpillars came, locusts did much abound; Which in their land all herbs consum'd, and all fruits of their ground. He smote all first-born in their land, chief of their strength each one. With gold and silver brought them FORTH, WEAK IN THEIR TRIBES WERE NONE. Egypt was glad when forth they went, their fear on them did light. He spread a cloud for covering, and fire to shine by night. They ask'd, and he brought quails : with bread of heav'n he filled them. He open'd rocks, floods gush'd, and ran in deserts like a stream. 138. f&atjfieto, cm. praise I I and Our MICHAEL PRJKTORIUS, CHAPEL MASTER IN DRESDEN, 1609. S=-§~g t- ^=z^=±z^zzz fee - ble in - spire; J „ '--&'- :p2i :^" :^==^: =T join 22= tri' an - jel - m choir. 1 PSALMS CV. CVI 42 For on his holy promise he, and servant Abr'ham, thought. f 43 "With jot his people, his elect WITH GLADNESS, EORTH HE BBOTTGHT m 44 And unto them the pleasant lands he of the heathen gave; That of the people's labour they inheritance might have. 45 That they his statutes might observe according to his word; And that they might his laws obey. /' GrIVE PRAISE UNTO THE LOBD. PSALM CVI. Ver. 1-5 Dunfermline 47. St. David 48. Ver. 6-45. Old \SJth 35. Farrant 58. mf the piVE praise and thanks unto the ^ for bountiful is he; [Lord His tender mercy doth endure unto eternity. G-od's mighty works who can express? or shew forth all his praise? m 7 3 Blessed are they that judgment keep, and justly do always. Eemember me, Lord, with that love which thou to thine dost bear; With thy salvation, O my God, to visit me draw near: That I thy chosen's good may see, and in their joy rejoice; And may with thine inheritance triumph with cheerful voice. We with our fathers sinned have, and of iniquity Too long we have the workers been; we have done wickedly. The wonders great, which thou, O Lord, didst work in Egypt land, Our fathers, though they saw, yet them they did not understand: And they thy mercies' multitude kept not in memory; But at the sea, ev'n the Eed sea, provok'd him grievously. 139. ffirafen&erg* cm OHASN CRUGEK, 1658. m^msmm on A. PSALM CYI. nf 8 9 10 Nevertheless he saved them, ev'n for his own name's sake ; That so he might to be well known his mighty power make. When he the Eed sea did rebuke, then dried up it was : Through depths, as through the wilder- he safely made them pass. [ness, From hands of those that hated them he did his people save ; And from the en'my's cruel hand to them redemption gave. The waters overwhelm' d their foes ; not one was left alive. 12 Then they believ'd his word, and praise to him in songs did give. mp 13 But soon did they his mighty works forget unthankfully, And on his counsel and his will did not wait patiently ; But much did lust in wilderness, and G-od in desert tempt. mfll 14 15 He gave them what they sought, but to their soul he leanness sent. 16 And against Moses in the camp their envy did appear ; At Aaron they, the saint of God, envious also were. 17 Therefore the earth did open wide. and Dathan did devour, And all Abiram's company did cover in that hour. 18 Likewise among their company a fire was kindled then; And so the hot consuming flame burnt up these wicked men. 19 Upon the hill of Horeb they an idol-calf did frame, A molten image they did make, and worshipped the same. 20 And thus their glory, and their God, most vainly changed they Into the likeness of an ox that eateth grass or hay. C = 54 140- Canterbury cm. playford's "psalms anp hymns in solemn music," 1671. ~|- B^^^ m £=¥=¥=ted i turn, And owns the grate - ful tie; -A -A A A' f J .-2. ?2I -I I" 1221 :(^- ?=c T- : 2^- •-]- =T =^=z^: £g 1 1 1 r If ten - der thoughts with III sL i^: ^± r± — fJ — -p-r^- I 1 us I hum I friend HIS nigh. :^: 21 They did forget the mighty God, that had their saviour been, By whom such great things brought to they had in Egypt seen. [pass nf 22 In Ham's land he did wondrous works, things terrible did he, When he his mighty hand and arm stretch' d out at the Eed sea. raw 23 Then said he, He would them destroy, had not, his wrath to stay, His chosen Moses stood in breach, that them he should not slay. m 24 Yea, they despis'd the pleasant land, believed not his word : 25 But in their tents they murmured, not hcark'ning to the Lord. Therefore in desert them to slay he lifted up his hand: 'Mong nations to o'erthrow their seed : and scatter in each land. They unto Baal-peor did themselves associate: PSALM CVI. I P 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The sacrifices of the dead they did profanely eat. Thus, by their lewd inventions, they did provoke his ire ; And then upon them suddenly the plague brake in as fire. Then Phin'has rose, and justice did, and so the plague did cease; That to all ages counted was to him for righteousness. And at the waters, where they strove, they did him angry make, In such sort, that it fared ill with Moses for their sake: Because they there his spirit meek provoked bitterly, So that he utter' d with his lips words unadvisedly. Nor, as the Lord commanded them, did they the nations slay: But with the heathen mingled were, and lcarn'd of them their way. Lord, 14L Sucona. cm. :^: S :^- -P2_ 11 ^: S i t I " mer - ci - ful, S=^= 1 Do i : F 45Z thou us — _^_ so bless; 'ZZ=£2- S ^=^-T-<^- fell ~N ?2I :^==^ ?=-^=g=£ 3: :^: t=^ And gra - cious cause shine on I I I The bright - ness iEfefeg ^: zzt Ti I 1 I ?2 i i of thy face. is! ' ?2- -f=f 38 *wp39 PSALMS 36 And they their idols serv'd, which did a snare unto them turn. p 37 Their sons and daughters they to dev'Is in sacrifice did bum. In their oivn children's guiltless blood their hands they did imbrue, Whom to Canaan's idols they for sacrifices slew: So was the land defiVd with blood. They stain'd with their own way, And with their own inventions a whoring they did stray. 40 Against his people kindled was the wrath of God therefore, Insomuch that he did his own inheritance abhor. 41 He gave them to the heathen's hand; their foes did them command. 42 Their en'mies them oppress'd, they were made subject to their hand. m 43 He many times deliver 'd them; p But with their counsel so CVI m 46 CVII. They him provok'd, that for their sin they were brought very low. mp4i4i Yet their affliction he beheld, when he did hear their cry : 45 And he for them his covenant did call to memory; After his mercies' multitude he did repent: And made Them to be pitied of all those who did them captive lead. mf4i7 O Lord our God, us save, and gather the heathen from among, That we thy holy name may praise in a triumphant song. / 48 Bless'd be JEHOVAH, Isb'el's God, 1 to all eternity: Let all the people say, Amex. J J Praise to the Loed give ye. PSALM CVII. Eatington 123. Northampton 119. Tnllis 93. mf 1 pitAISE God, for he is good: for still Ms mercies lastins: be. <^ = 60 142* Kilmalcolm, cm. ARRANGED BY ANDREW THOMSON. tient - ly i rj bear; g ^=r^: At length to he did l i in - cline My voice and cry hear. ^ ,=)#<=) -t v^ _j_~m :*— :^: wj? PSALM 2 Let God's redeem'd say so, whom lie from th' en'my's hand did free; 3 And gather'd them out of the lands, from north, south, east, and west. 4 They stray'd in desert's pathless way, no city found to rest. 5 Tor thirst and hunger in them faints 6 their soul. When straits them press, i They cry unto the Lord, and he j\ them frees from their distress. m 7 Them also in a way to walk that right is he did guide, That they might to a city go, wherein they might abide. w f 8 O that men to the Lord would give praise for his goodness then, And for his works of wonder done unto the sons of men! 9 Tor he the soul that longing is doth fully satisfy; With goodness he the hungry soul doth fill abund: ntly. CVII. mplO 11 ;? 12 m 14 w/15 Such as shut up in darkness deep, and in death's shade abide, Whom strongly hath affliction bound, and irons fast have ty'd: Because against the words of G-od they wrought rebelliously, And they the counsel did contemn of him that is most High: Their heart he did bring doim with grief, they fell, no help could have. In trouble then they cry'd to God, he them from straits did save. He out of darkness did them bring, and from death's shade them take; These bands, wherewith they had been asunder quite he brake. [bound, O that men to the Lord would give praise for his goodness then, And for his works of wonder done unto the sons of men! Because the mighty gates or brass IN PIECES HE DID TEAK, 66 4=d: _i ^ — £1 7 hap 143. Utiailan. cm. 2± ARKANGKD BT ANDREW THOMSON. — I- fgba- 1 — H py the l man I I who hears I t- 3=: :m: -P- struc - tion's warn t- S ?2 -54J wm fe^ r J_ _J gj ^_ p^r i rz) — 1 -I 1 ! — ^ ^ , fl And i i • i who ce - les - tial I I J I 1 1 wis - dom J- J- makes His 1 Pi — " ?^ 1 1 1 ear - ly, on ■ iy choice. V^.^_h H I -t- _£2 1 "I ' ' 1 g P - — p> — — 1 — b=U PSALM By him in sendee also cut the babs of ieon webe. »tpl7 Fools, for their sin, and their offence, do sore affliction bear; 1/ 18 All kind of meat their soul abhors; V they to death's gates draw near, m 19 In grief they erg to God; he saves them from their miseries. / 20 He sends his word, them heals, and them l\ from their destructions frees. mf 21 O that men to the Lord would give A praise for his goodness then, l\ And for his works of wonder done unto the sons of men! / 22 And let them; saceieice to him off'bings of thankfulness : And let them shew abroad his woeks IN SONGS OF JOTFELNESS. m 23 Who go to sea in ships, and in great waters trading be, 24 Within the deep these men God's works and his great wonders see. 28 29 P m 30 n/Sl For he commands, and forth in haste the stormy tempest flies, "W hich makes the sea with rolling waves aloft to swell and rise. They mount to heav'n, then to the depths they do go down again; Their soul doth faint and melt away with trouble and with pain. They reel and stagger like one drunk, at their wit's end they be: Then they to God in trouble cry, who them from straits doth free. The storm is chang'd into a calm at his command and will^ So that the waves, which rag'd before, now quiet are and still. Then are they glad, because at rest and quiet now they be: So to the haven he them brings, which they desir'd to see. O that men to the Lord would give praise for his goodness then, <^ = 48 ^ — <^ — i — /=3 Af 144 Duttoee* cm. 2t=^= =1 z£ ter thy lov ing H3gEE= ri AUTHOR CNKXOWN. SCOTCH PSALTER, 1615. -I — kind - nes«. Lord, Have nier _^_ up r— =3=^: isi :^: 22: For thy pas - sions 0_ great, blot i A. All ^S: z^=:r^===^zz 22: s g — ^ 25!: «— £Z 53 s jsL 22: -Mr- 1 t qui IelI^e PSALM < And for his works of wonder done nnto the sons of men! f 32 Among the people gathered let them exalt his name; Among assembled elders spread HIS MOST renowned fame. wp33 He to dry land turns water-springs, and floods to wilderness; 34 For sins of those that dwell therein, fat land to barrenness. m 35 The burnt and parched wilderness to water-pools he brings; ji The ground that was dry'd up before \\ he turns to water-springs: 36 And there, for dwelling, he a place doth to the hungry give, That they a city may prepare commodiously to live. 37 There sow they fields, and vineyards to yield fruits of increase. _ [plant, 38 His blesBUig makes them multiply, lets not their beasts decrease. CVII. p 39 Again they at e diminished, and very low brought down, Through sorrow and affliction, and great oppression, mptt) He upon princes pours contempt, and causeth them to stray, And wander in a wilderness, wherein there is no way. m 41 Yet setteth he the poor on high from all his miseries, And he, much like unto a flock, doth make him families. w/42 They that are righteous shall rejoice, when they the same shall see ; And, as ashamed, stop her mouth shall all iniquity. 43 Whoso is wise, and will these things observe, and them record, Ev'n they shall understand the love and kindness of the Lord. c* = 48 i ** 9 i Fair gS^ £=t: ^=^ e^ :=: ^U ?2- -^: 145. St. fHarg, CM. AUTIIOR CN'CEnTAIV. PLAYFORD'S PSALTER, 1617. ^EF# :s£ ^=&- beau - teous :^t=^— =^: dev flower A - midst the de - sert grows, _^z=^: S3t 122: §s pp ^: ?s: Z2I 22: ~J— So slight - ed I l I by bel race The 1 I I heav'nly 72: i i Sav - iour <^ m S2±±= =^1 -p*- ?=: I22~ :d=J=^ ±z ?2ZZ _ ^?: 'mong nations sing will I: II 4 For above heav'n thy mercy's great, thy truth doth reach the sky. 5 Be thou above the heavens, Lord, exalted gloriously; Thy glory all the earth above be lifted up on high. mp 6 That those who thy beloved are delivered may be, A do thou save with thy right hand, ' i and answer give to me. m 7 God in his holiness hath said. Herein I will take pleasure ; PSALM ovin PSALM CVIII. Yer. 1-6 St. George 52. York 46. Ver. 7-13 Glasgow 77. St. Magnus 45. m * M^ ^eart ^ s ^ x '^' ^ord; I will sing, and with my glory praise. wf 2 Awake up psaltery and harp; myself I'll early raise. I 3 I'll praise thee 'mong the people, Lord; 10 pll J ml2 /13 Shechem I will divide, and forth will Succoth's valley measure. 8 Gilead I claim as mine by right; Manasseh mine shall be; Ephraim is of my head the strength; Judah gives laws for me ; 9 Moab's my washing-pot; my shoe I'll over Edom throw; Over the land of Palestine I will in triumph go. O who is he will bring me to the city fortify 'd? O who is he that to the land of Edom will me guide? God, thou who hadst cast us off, this thing wilt thou not do ? And wilt not thou, ev'n thou, God, forth with our armies go? Do thou from trouble give us help, for helpless is man's aid. Thkough God we shall do valiax tlt; ole toes he shall dowx teead. :5 mm^m*m -j- 146. (tolestjtlL cm. — f p When I'm P~ I fraid I 3=^: Fa-p-i '-F ^2. in -^- m=m: AUTHOR UNKNOWN. Harmony by permission. !=d=gfc -P2- S God I'll praise his word: ^i_J_J^J_-J-_ ii ti^: ?a ?== will I Z3t=e= ^ ^ — d=^: iz^: TS*= fear what man can J-r-J I I do, _<^L My trust is the F=F- y=J-- M^^^m=^ Lord. _£2_. PSALM 01 flijP PSALM CIX. Martyrs 148. St. Nicholas 151. 1 Q THOU the God of call my praise, do thou not hold thy peace ; 2 For mouths of wicked men to speak against me do not cease: The mouths of vile deceitful men against me open'd be; And with a false and lying tongue they have accused me. 3 They did beset me round about with words of hateful spight: And though to them no cause I gave, against me they did fight. 4 They for my love became my foes, but I me set to pray. 5 Evil for good, hatred for love, to me they did repay. 6 Set thou the wicked over him ; and upon his right hand Give thou his greatest enemy, ev'n Satan, leave to stand. CIX. 7 10 11 And when by thee he shall be judg'd, let him condemned be ; And let his pray'r be turn'd to sin, when he shall call on thee. Few be his days, and in his room his charge another take. His children let be fatherless, his wife a widow make. His children let be vagabonds, and beg continually; And from their places desolate seek bread for their supply. Let covetous extortioners catch all he hath away: Of all for which he labour'd hath let strangers make a prey. 12 Let there be none to pity him, let there be none at all That on his children fatherless will let his mercy fall. 13 Let his posterity from earth cut off for ever be, 43 Doric Mode 1-47* Bangor, cm. —I — ft- TANSUR, 1736. HARMONISED BY J. M. ?c± i Lord, mi Pi my pray'r give Mmmmmm. I And the --4 z2 ^i^ife^: PSALM CIX. And in the foll'wing age their name be blotted out by thee. 14 Let G-od his father's wickedness still to remembrance call ; And never let his mother's sin be blotted out at all. 15 But let them all before the Lord appear continually, That he may wholly from the earth cut off their memory. 16 Because he mercy minded not, but persecuted still The poor and needy, that he might the broken-hearted kill. 17 As he in cursing pleasure took, so let it to him fall; As he delighted not to bless, so bless him not at all. 18 As cursing he like clothes put on, into his bowels- so, Like water, and into his bones, like oil, down let it go. 19 20 m21 p22 pp2S 24 inp 25 Like to the garment let it be which doth himself array, And for a girdle, wherewith he is girt about alway. Prom God let this be their reward that en'mies are to me, And their reward that speak against my soul maliciously. But do thou, for thine own name's sake, O G-od the Lord, for me: Sith good and sweet thy mercy is, from trouble set me free. For I am poor and indigent, afflicted sore am I, My heart within me also is wounded exceedingly. I pass like a declining shade, am like the locust tost: My knees through fasting weaken" dare, my flesh hath fatness lost. I also am a vile reproach unto them made to be; C3 — GG Doric Mode m$M St 3 let i r i not those that 148. fHartnrs. cm. - r — . -r— \ , SCOTCH PSALTEU, 1615. be p-4i fe^ I I i h©- press'd lie —J- IP I ! I a - gain with shame. :^: -~ JZSL I Giv< L 22= €5 Vtr >\ — t^s-- thy name. r, r h- f=F --£2~- 3zr- r=F PSALMS And they that did upon me look did shake their heads at me. m 26 O do thou help and succour me, who art my Grod and Lord: And, for thy tender mercy's sake, safety to me afford: 27 That thereby they may know that this is thy almighty hand; And that thou, Lord, hast done the same, they may well understand. mp2S Although they curse with spite, yet, bless thou with loving voice: [Lord, Let them asham'd be when they rise ; thy servant let rejoice. 29 Let thou mine adversaries all with shame be clothed over ; And let their own confusion them, as a mantle, cover. w/30 But as for me, I with my mouth will greatly praise the Lord; And I among the multitude His PRAISES WILL RECOBD. CIX. ex. mf 31 For he shall stand at his right hand who is in poverty, To save him from all those that would condemn his soul to die. PSALM CX. Bristol 133. Salisbury 55. St. Ann 60. m 1 rpHE Lord did say unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, Until I make thy foes a stool, whereon thy feet may stand. / 2 The Lord shall out of Siow send THE ROD OF THY GREAT PdW.'jt: In MIDST OF ALL THINE ENEMIES BE THOU THE GOVERNOR. m 3 A willing people in thy day of pow'r shall come to thee, In holy beauties from morn's womb; thy youth like dew shall be. 4 The Lord himself hath made an oath, and will repent him never, Of tli' order of Melchisedec thou art a priest for ever. C = 48 149. Silesia, t* =fcd: r ?z if ! 1 ?= _,^_ m£ ADAM KRIEGEB, 1667 1^2: :^: m I -| 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 Lord, from the depths to thee I cried. My voice, Lord, do thou bear; I , , 1 III! Ill, I -s>- -s>- s>- -s>- s>- -^- -«s>- 25=2 Z2=£2- :^2=z^-= m / PSALMS 5 The glorious and mighty Loed, THAT SITS AT THY EIGHT HAND,' Shall, in his day of weath, steike THEOT7GH KINGS THAT DO HIM WITHSTAND. 6 He shall among the heathen judge. lie shall with bodies dead The places fill: o'er many lands he wound shall ev'ry head. 7 The brook that runneth in the way with drink shall him supply; And, for this cause, in triumph he shall lift his head on hi^h. PSALM CXI. Colchester 11L Dunfermline 47. Old Winchester 126. mf 1 pEAISEyetheLord: with my whole I will G-od's praise declare, [heart Where the assemblies of the just and congregations are. ffi 2 The whole works of the Lord our God are great above all measure, CX. CXI. Sought out they are of ev'ry one that doth therein take pleasure. • 3 His work most honourable is, | most glorious and pure, And his untainted righteousness ' I FOE EVEE DOTH ENDUEE. m 4 His works most wonderful he hath made to be thought upon: mp The Lord is gracious, and he is full of compassion. m 5 He giveth meat unto all those that truly do him fear ; And evermore his covenant he in his mind will bear. mf 6 He did the power of his works unto his people show, When he the heathen's heritage upon them did bestow. 7 His handy-works are truth and right; all his commands are sure: 8 And, done in truth and uprightness, they evermore endure. GO 150. St. Neat. cm. (h ft ' • > I ^-y4^»-^p T J. {• > \£ 3 — p I w p> h^ g g=F r . Mine end, and mea - sure =£■ £ of my days, Lord, uu A i LI Z22Z=tZl r -<^ c . — ^ — --&>— l :2^: «— I (^—\-& — e^F — — q— t-S — S — ^ rf I the same; that I 5£ there by My frail £2. £= -^ — r -gB &— -]: :^=^-F= : P-.^- ^~ l ^gj^g jg^j^gE^ ^j ZZ PSALMS CXI. 9 He sent redemption to his folk; his covenant for aye p He did command: holy his name and rev" rend is alway. m 10 "Wisdom's beginning is God's fear: good understanding they A Have all that his commands fulfil: M his praise endures for aye. mp m f on PSALM CXII. Arnold's 66. Chichester 122. Canterbury 140. 1 p RAISE te the Loed. The man is r bless'd that fears the Lord aright, He who in his commandements doth greatly take delight. 2 His seed and offspring powerful shall be the earth upon: Of upright men blessed shall be the generation. 3 Eiches and wealth shall ever be within his house in store ; mf mp mf CXII. And his unspotted righteousness endures for evermore. 4 Unto the upright light doth rise, though he in darkness be: Compassionate, and merciful, and righteous, is he. 5 A good man doth his favour shew, and doth to others lend: He with discretion his affairs will guide unto the end. 6 Surely there is not any thing that ever shall him move: The righteous man's memorial shall everlasting prove. 7 "When he shall evil tidings hear, he shall not be afraid: His heart is fix'd, his confidence upon the Lord is stay'd. 8 His heart is firmly stablished, AFKAID HE SHALL NOT BE, Until upon his enemies he his desire shall see. 151. St. Nicholas, an I — ?-3 »— I ' : TT DR. MAURICE GRVKNE. llglljfe ?^=^= tliou ex - tend; be - cause jGl. .sL j£2- J _ ^=1^21 :s2: iis^ I mv soul Doth J h :sl w£3 thee. ^=— F7~ -h-H 1 -^— ^— F=== IB V */ PSALMS CXIT 9 He hath dispers'd, giv'n to the poor; his righteousness shall be To ages all; with honour shall his horn be raised high. 10 The wicked shall it see, and fret, his teeth gnash, melt away: What wicked men do most desire shall utterly decay. PSALM CXIII. Chingford 91. Old Glasgow 121. 1 pKAISE G-od: ye servants of the Lord, O praise, the Lord's name praise. 2 Yea, blessed be the name of G-od from this time forth always. 3 From rising sun to where it sets. G-od's name is to be prais'd. 4 Above all nations God is high, 'bove heav'ns his glory rais'd. 5 Unto the Lord our G-od that dwells on high, who can compare? CXIII. CXIV. m m 1 mf 2 6 Himself that humbleth things to see in heav'n and earth that are. 7 He from the dust doth raise the poor, that very low doth lie ; And from the dunghill lifts the man oppress'd with poverty; 8 That he may highly him advance, and with the princes set; With those that of his people are the chief, ev'n princes great. 9 The barren woman house to keep he maketh, and to be Of sons a mother full of joy. Peaise to the Loed give ye. PSALM CXIV. Gloucester 54. Old Utk 32. ^y HEX Isr'el out of Egypt went, and did his dwelling" change, When Jacob's house went out from those that were of language strange, He Judah did his sanctuary, his kingdom Isr'el make:" 152. St fflbafeu cm. :^=^: m i i i vengeance doth be - long; J J- I J ^EEtE&i J i C i i i i P P i i P ^ might - y .<2L ii r r i i ven - geance awn'st, Shine forth, a - veng - ing wrong. :^: T*- mm PSALMS CXIV. mp v m 3 The sea it saw, and quickly fled, Jordan was driven back. 4 Like rams the mountains, andlikelambs the hills skipp'd to and fro. 5 O sea, why fledd'st thou? Jordan, back why wast thou driven so? 6 Ye mountains great, wherefore was it that ye did skip like rams? _ And wherefore was it, little hills, that ye did leap like lambs? 7 O at the presence of the Lord, earth, tremble thou for fear, While as the presence of the God of Jacob doth appear: 8 Who from the hard and stony rock did standing water bring; And by his pow'r did turn the flint into a water-spring. PSALM CXV. Vet. 1-11 TaUU 93. 8t. Simon 43. Ver. 12-18 St Mirren 97. Ncv St Ann 117. m mp 2 mf 3 m 4 / A mf A CXV. 1 "MOT unto us, Lord, not to us, -^ but do thou glory take Unto thy name, ev'n for thy truth, and for thy mercy's sake. 2 O wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God now gone? 3 But our God in the heavens is, what pleas'd him he hath done. Their idols silver are and gold, work of men's hands they be. 5 Mouthshavethey, but they do not speak; and eyes, but do not see ; 6 Ears have they, but they do not hear; noses, but savour not ; 7 Hands, feet, but handle not, nor walk ; nor speak they through their throat. S Like them their makers are, and all on them their trust that build. 9 Isit'EL, TRUST THOU IN TUE LORD, HE IS THEIR HELP AND SHIELD. 10 O Aaron's house, trust in the Lord, T ! I F.I B HELP AND Sill KID 1 S U E. = 60 153. Crotole. cm. ^ sniH !ZL J=s=gEil cry Come I I ASCRIBED TO DR. GRKKKE. :--&: i -^: be - 17 /18 m 1 PSALMS Te that fear God, trust in the Lord, THEIB HELP AST) SHIELD HE'LL BE. The Lord of us hath mindful been, and he will bless us still : He will the house of Isr'el bless, bless Aaron's house he will. Both small and great, that fear the he will them surely bless. [Lord, The Lord will you, you and your seed' AYE MOEE AXD MOKE INCEEASE. O blessed are ye of the Lord, who made the earth and heav'n. The heav'n, ev'n heav'ns, are God's, but earth to men's sons hath giv'n. [he The dead, nor who to silence go, God's praise do not record. But henceforth we foe eyee will bless God. Peaise ye the Loed. PSALM CXVI. Ferrey 136. Manchester 70. J LOYE the Lord, because my voice and prayers he did hear. cxv. I p pp m ' mp mp CXVI. 2 I, while I live, will call on him, who bow'd to me his ear. 3 Of death the cords and sorrows did about me compass round ; The pains of hell took hold on me, I grief and trouble found. 4 Upon the name of God the Lord then did I call, and Bay, Deliver thou my soul, Lord, I do thee humbly pray. 5 God merciful and righteous is, yea, gracious is our Lord. 6 God saves the meek: I was brought he did me help afford. [low, 7 O thou my soul, do thou return unto thy quiet rest; For largely, lo, the Lord to thee his bounty hath expressed. 8 For my distressed soul from death deliver 'd. was by thee : Thou didst my mourning eyes from my feet from falling, free. [tears. ±3= 154* Chester, cm. ^^^ ^=4=m I mer - cy l^j- lJ ^J=d_ fqig_ •^~ zgsunt Efefel i l kJ r I i i will and judg - meut sing, Lord, I will sing to thee. I iililiilllll i -i- mp k 11 12 PSALMS CXVI. I in the land of those that live will walk the Lord before. 10 I did believe, therefore I spake : I was afflicted sore. I said, when I was in my haste, that all men liars be. What shall I render to the Lord for all his gifts, to me? I'll of salvation take the cup, on God's name will I call: 14 I'll pay my vows now to the Lord before his people all. Dear in God's sight is his saints' death. Thy servant, Lord, am I ; Thy servant sure, thine handmaid's son: my bands thou didst untie. mi/17 Thank-oif 'rings I to thee will give, and on (rod's name will call. 18 I'll pay my vows now to the Lord \ before his people all ; II 19 Within the courts of God's own house. 1 within the midst of thee, . ■»i/13 mpl5 f CXY / mf ft II. CXVIII. O city of Jerusalem. Praise to the Lord give te. "/ PSALM Vienna 40. CXYII. St. Asaph 42. 1 f) GIVE ye praise unto the Lord, ^ all nations that be ; Likewise, ye people all, accord his name to magnify. 2 For great to us-ward ever are his loving-kindnesses: His truth endures for evermore. The Lord O do te bless. PSALM CXVIII. Credit on 57. Scarborough 86. 1 (\ PEAISE the Lord, for he is good; ^ HIS MERCY LASTETH EVER. 2 Let those of Israel now say, His mercy faileth never. 3 Now let the house of Aaron say, HlS MERCY LASTETH EVER. 4 Let those that fear the Lord now say, His mercy faileth never. C*r=43 =A 155. EHafeaL cm. ■Z2. Mz* =pnq: ASCRIBED TO PURCKLL. -i L I I I nd night Be 125: l for i^zzz:^: ! I thee cry'd hav< isi ' I"— £=»■ — fro '==>' & — r— "— ■— =— ^> 5 m i r,f 6 PSALM i" in distress ealVd on the Lord; the Lord did answer me: He in a large place did me set, from trouble made me free. The mighty Lord is on my side, I will not be afraid; For anything that man can do I SHALL NOT BE DISHAY'd. mf 7 The Lord doth take my part with them that help to succour me: Therefore on those that do me hate I my desire shall see. m 8 Better it is to trust in God than trust in man's defence; 9 Better to trust in God than make princes our confidence. m 10 The nations, joining all in one, . did compass me about: A But in the Lord's most holy name I shall them all root out. *»11 They compass'd me about; I say, they compass'd me about: CXVIII. ml2 But in the Lord's most holy name I shall them all root out. Like bees they compass'd me about; like unto thorns that flame They quenched are: for them shall I destroy in God's own name. Thou sore hast thrust, that I might but my Lord helped me. [fall, God my salvation is become, my strength and song is he. In dwellings of the righteous is heard the melody Of joy and health: the Lord's right doth ever valiantly. [hand The right hand of the mighty Lord exalted is on high; The eight hand of the mighty Lobd loth ever valiantly. m±7 I shall not die, but live, and shall the works of God discover. p 18 The Lord hath me chastised sore, A but not to death giv'n over. 156. ©Hi I34tfr. b.m. HARMONY FROM HAVEEGAL. w/19 set ye open unto me 1 the gates of righteousness; 1 Then will I enter into them, and I the Lord will bless mf 20 This is the gate of God, by it . the just shall enter in. 21 TlIEE WILL I PEAISE, FOR THOU ME 1 HEARD' ST, I AND HAST MY SAEETT BEEN. »?/22 That stone is made head corner-stone, which builders did despise: j\ 23 This is the doing of the Lord, AND WONDROUS IN OUR EYES. f 24 This is the day God made, in it we'll joy triumphantly. m 25 Save now, I pray thee, Lord; I pray, send now prosperity. mf 26 Blessed is he in God's great name that cometh us to save : Wc, from the house which to the Lord pertains, you blessed have. PSALMS CXVIII. CXIX. m 27 God is the Lord, who unto us hath made light to arise: j\ Bind ye unto the altar's horns l\ with cords the sacrifice. /28 Thou art my God, I'll thee exalt; my god, i will thee praise. 29 Give thanks to God, FOR HE IS GOOD: HIS MERCY LASTS ALWAYS. ft PSALM CXIX. ALEPH. The First Part. Durham 95. Newington 63. m 1 "OLESSED are they that undefil'd, -° and straight are* in the way ; Who in the Lord's most holy law do walk, and do not stray. 2 Blessed are they who to observe his statutes are inclin'd; And who do seek the living God with their whole heart and mind. 3 Such in his ways do walk, and they do no iniquity. <3 = W ! — 157. $ragi — 1 f^T BKV. L. P.. WEST. TYTHKliluN. — s— r — h o - 1 d -p- God 1 ^>:-'t— 4— f^r~ i good 1 <2> £2 1 and 1 1 • up - right 1 i S is; 1 The 1 1 1 way he'll 1 1 i i sin - ners show ; 1 1 *?*}> a~1 — . — 22 — — 1 =p-^ — pH ~i ' ^ p U^4l mp ill PSALM 4 Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts carefully. 5 that thy statutes to observe thou would'st my ways direct! 6 Then shall I not be sham'd, when I thy precepts all respect. 7 Then with integrity of heart thee will I praise and bless, "When I the judgments all have learn'd of thy pure righteousness. 8 That I will keep thy statutes all firmly resolv'd have I: O do not then, most gracious Grod, forsake me utterly. BETH. The Second Part. Bishopthorpe 109. New St. Ann 117. Canterbury 140. 9 By what means shall a young man learn his way to purify? If he according to thy word thereto attentive be. 10 Unfeignedly thee have I sought with all my soul and heart: CXIX. 11 12 13 14 m 15 16 mp 17 O let me not from the right path of thy commands depart. Thy word I in my heart have hid, that I offend not thee. Lord, thou ever blessed art, thy statutes teach thou me. The judgments of thy mouth each one my lips declared have: More joy thy testimonies' way than riches all me gave. 1 will thy holy precepts make my meditation ■ And carefully I'll have respect unto thy ways each one. Upon thy statutes my delight shall constantly be set: And, by thy grace, I never will thy holy word forget. G-DIEL. The Third Part. Evan 125. Martyrdom 64. With me thy servant, in thy grace, deal bountifully, Lord; C*=rGO 153. Nogrs. s.m. FROM DR. FILITZ, 1846. P fai rr : s: Not all ihe blood of beasts On I I ! ! I I pug o- -52: i i Jew - ish J— J t- al - tars slain, t I -&- -&- -&- 1 £^ C ^ r — i^> C=y — ■£Z=J&r_ Z2: — i 1 1 — i — '■£* :^: %) I i« Could give the guilt - y ?£Eg =?: i i i i con - science peace, Or i I I i wash I wav the stain. P 1 L-L ^==^: i l PSALM That by thy favour I may live, and duly keep thy word. 18 Open mine eyes, that of thy law the wonders I may see. 19 I am a stranger on this earth, hide not thy laws from me. p 20 My soul icitliin me breaks, and doth much fainting still endure, m Through longing that it hath all times unto thy judgments pure. 21 Thou hast rebuk'd the cursed proud, who from thy precepts swerve. mp22 Eeproach and shame remove from mc, for I thy laws observe. 23 Against me princes spake with spite, while they in council sat: But I thy servant did upon thy statutes meditate. m 24 My comfort, and my heart's delight, thy testimonies be; And' they, in all my doubts and fears, are counsellors to me. CXIX. DALETH. The Fourth Part. Evan 125. Martyrdom 64. My soul to dust cleaves : "quicken me, according to thy word. My ways I shew'd, and me thou heard'st: teach me thy statutes, Lord. The way of thy commandements make me aright to know; So all thy works that wondrous are I shall to others show. p 28 My soul doth melt, and drop away, for heaviness and grief : mp To me, according to thy word, give strength, and send relief. 29 From me the wicked way of lies let far removed be ; And graciously thy holy law do thou grant unto me. m 30 I chosen have the perfect way of truth and verity: Thy judgments that most righteous are before me laid have I. That th' earth thy -J I lEg ^ :P2Z I way, :^- -£2i I and z=fc is: tions I -s-- x± *m iit May know thy sav ! I I zlzzzz-' -& ^ grace. PSALM 31 I to thy testimonies cleave ; shame do not on me cast. 32 I'll run thy precepts' way, when thou my heart enlarged hast. HE. The Fifth Fart. Farrant 53. Howard 115. Teach me, O Lord, the perfect way of thy precepts divine, And to observe it to the end I shall my heart incline. Give understanding unto me, so keep thy law shall I ; Tea, ev'n with my whole heart I shall observe it carefully. In thy law's path make me to go; for I delight therein. My heart unto thy testimonies, and not to greed, incline. Turn thou away my sight and eyes from viewing vanity ; And in thy good and holy way be pleas' d to quicken me. mj>33 m 34 ft m 35 36 37 CXIX. 38 wp39 MO V mj)4 in I "P" his hands, :(^ =f^: s :rr^: p g? p| g > — r± -s> — ^5 — ^— F sure truth, and i I J w*^=s=& =£-- :g: ?z ten - der care, Who earth and heav'n com - mands. J i i .J. .J. .J. i i ■-^m~~ mm 44 So shall I keep for evermore thy law continually. 45 And, sith that I thy precepts seek, I'll walk at liberty. w/46 I'll speak thy word to kings, and I with shame shall not be mov'd; 47 And will delight myself always in thy laws, which I lov'd. m 48 To thy commandments, which I lov'd, my hands lift up I will ; And I will also meditate upon thy statutes still. ZAIN. The Seventh Part. St. James 98. St. Andrew 72. mp4- sz 1st II PSALM 86 Thy words aU faithful are: help me, pursu'd without a cause. pp 87 They so consumed me, that on earth my life they scarce did leave : m Thy precepts yet forsook I not, but close to them did cleave. 88 After thy loving-kindness, Lord, me quicken, and preserve : The testimony of thy mouth so shall I still observe. LAMED. The Twelfth Fart. Palestrina 92. Peckham 71. Durham 95. m 89 Thy word for ever is, O Lord* in heaven settled fast; 90 Unto all generations thy faithfulness doth last : The earth thou hast established, and it abides by thee. 91 This day they stand as thou ordain'dst ; for all thy servants be. 92 Unless in thy most perfect law my soul delights had found, mj)95 m9Q m97 98 99 I should have perished, when as my troubles did abound. Thy precepts I will ne'er forget; they quick'ning to me brought. Lord, I am thine; O save thou me thy precepts I have sought. For me the wicked have laid wait, me seeking to destroy : But I thy testimonies true consider will with joy. An end of all perfection here have I seen, O Grod: But as for thy commandement, it is exceeding broad. MEM. The Thirteenth Part. Manchester 70. Melrose 90. St. Andrew 72. O how love I thy law ! it is my study all the day : It makes me wiser than my foes ; for it doth with me stay. Than all my teachers now I have more understanding far; 164- Cam&rfoge. u. 3SF :p=: m * &^ — TZ__ ; — _ tr pz -h- te -^ Z2ZT3 PSALM Because my meditation thy testimonies are. 100 In understanding I excel those that are ancients ; For I endeavoured to keep all thy commandements. 101 My feet from each ill way I stay'd, I that I may keep thy word. 102 Ifromthyjudgmentshavenotswerv'd; II for thou hast taught me, Lord. trip 103 How sweet unto my taste, O Lord, are all thy words of truth ! A Yea, I do find them sweeter far W than honey to my mouth. m 101 I through thy precepts, that are pure, do understanding get ; I therefore every way that's false with all my heart do hate. NUN. The Fourteenth Part. Solomon 103. Jackson's 51. 105 Thy word is to my feet a lam]), and to my path a light. CXIX. mfl06 I sworn have, and I will perform, to keep thy judgments right. p 107 I am with sore affliction ev J n overwhelm d, O Lord: m In mercy raise and quicken me, according to thy word. 108 The free-will-off'rings of my mouth accept, I thee beseech: And unto me thy servant, Lord, thy judgments clearly teach. p 109 Though still my soul be in my hand, m thy laws I'll not forget. 110 I err'd not from them, though for me the wicked snares did set. 111 I of thy testimonies have 1 above all things made choice, I To be my heritage for aye ; II for they my heart rejoice. 112 I carefully inclined have my heart still to attend ; That I thy statutes may perform alway unto the end. mp W5. Carlisle. s.m G. LOCKFTART. 1816. ^ thanks I God high i — i h— L '^= c -i — fcF SE Let earth ^- & peat I ~ZZ- joy - fill 4 *- -^ 7^- ^=g the I song, And cho to the sky. 1 jj I ^— p-^p. n wll3 f»fll4 w 115 mf 7^116 w_p 117 OT 118 119 PSALM SAMECH. 2%e Fifteenth Part. Abbey 56. Harrington 120. I hate the thoughts of vanity, but love thy law do I. My shield and hiding-place thou art : I on thy word rely. All ye that evil-doers are from me depart away; For the commandments of my God I purpose to obey. According to thy faithful word uphold and stablish me, That I may live, and of my hope ashamed never be. Hold thou me up, so shall I be in peace and safety still; And to thy statutes have respect continually I will. Thou tread'st down all that love to false their deceit doth prove, [stray; Lewd men, like dross, awav thou therefore thy law I love, [putt'st; CXIX. p 120 For fear of thee my very flesh doth tremble, all dismayed; And of thy righteous judgments, Lord, my soul is much afraid. AIN. The Sixteenth Part. St. Thomas 75. Chichester 122. m 121 To all men I have judgment done, performing justice right ; Then let me not be left unto my fierce oppressors' might. 122 For good unto thy servant, Lord, thy servant's surety be : From the oppression of the proud do thou deliver me. mpl23 Mine eyes do fail with looking long for thy salvation, The word of thy pure righteousness while I do wait upon. 124 In mercy with thy servant deal, thy laws me teach and show. 125 I am thy servant, wisdom give, that I thy laws may know. 166. Selma. s.m OLD SCOTTISH AIR. PSALM if 126 'Tis time thou work, Lord ; for they i made void thy law divine. [have 127 Therefore thy precepts more I love than gold, yea, gold most fine. 128 Concerning all things thy commands all right I judge therefore ; And ev'et false and wicked way i perfectly abhor. PE. The Seventeenth Part. Morven 99. St. Mary 145. Farrant 58. mp 129 Thy statutes, Lord, are wonderful, my soul them keeps with care. 130 The entrance of thy words gives light, makes wise who simple are. 131 My mouth I have wide opened, and panted earnestly, While after thy commandements I long'd exceedingly. p 132 Look on me, Lord, and merciful do thou unto me prove, As thou art wont to do to those thy name who truly love. CXIX. m 133 O let my footsteps in thy word aright still order' d be : Let no iniquity obtain dominion over me. 134 From man's oppression save thou me ; so keep thy laws I will. 135 Thy face make on thy servant shine ; teach me thy statutes still. p 136 'Rivers of waters from mine eyes did run down, when I saw How wicked men run on in sin> and do not keep thy law. TSADDI. The Eighteenth Part. Northampton 119. St. Simon 43. St. Faul 50 m 137 O Lord, thou art most righteous ; thy judgments are upright. 138 Thy testimonies thou command'st most faithful are and right. 139 My zeal hath ev'n consumed me, because mine enemies Thy holy words forgotten have, and do thy laws despise. S. STANLEY. ■> = i2o 167* SfjtrlantL s.m. =f— S"-!-| F~T" I 1 — III' Wei - come, sweet day J- ^J ftp T :t: ^: I *r i rest, That saw the Lord I ! I II I t= rise; Wei - rttt pi ?J i -H 1 J . J J — J-H—Pl ! ■ 1 J J -J-t-H tr- -T-n come I this I V1V A. ing breast, And these re lili^illlil^l^Ig joic - ing eyes. I ^. -J. r g^ H PSALM 140 Thy word's most pure, therefore on it thy servant's love is set. p 141 Small, and despis'd I am, yet I thy precepts not forget. /142 Thy righteousness is righteous- which ever doth endure: [ness Thy holy law, Lord, also is the very truth most pure. p 143 Trouble and anguish have me found, and taken hold on me : m Yet in my trouble my delight thy just commandments be. / 144 Eternal righteousness is in thy testimonies all : m Lord, to me understanding give, A and ever live I shall. KOPH. The Nineteenth Fart. Dundee 144. Walsal 155. mp 145 With my whole heart I cry'd, Lord, I will thy word obey. [hear ; A 146 I cry'd to thee; save me, and I l\ will keep thy laws alway. CXIX. i?147 a mp 148 . 149 mpl50 ||151 w/152 I of the morning did prevent the dawning, and did cry : For all mine expectation did on thy word rely. Mine eyes did timeously prevent the watches of the night, That in thy word with careful mind then meditate I might. After thy loving-kindness hear my voice, that calls on thee : According to thy judgment, Lord, revive and quicken me. Who follow mischief they draw nigh ; they from thy law are far : But thou art near, Lord; most firm all thy commandments are. [truth As for thy testimonies all, of old this have I try'd, That thou hast surely founded them for ever to abide. RESH. The Twentieth Part. Dundee 144. Walsal 155. 66 168* Silcljester* s.u. \— , 1 7^ "Q -ft- REV. CJESAR MALAN. 1 U ' ' '^ . O I | Grace! 'tis a charm - ing sound, liar - mon - ious to the ear: .d. charm - ing I 1=2- m liar I - tj: j I f J KL^ B and ±&zt :g: :^: I song Of ! I Bios - es and A. ■^ £ the Lamb; I -*& >=^=W: ^ Srrii r ^ ^fe^^ i i r Wake ev - 'ry I I I I heart, and ev - ry I tongue, To I _i3L Sav - ioui-' ZZ_ "^- ^-t— ^2 G-T-tt ^— r- ^— ^ L PSALMS cxx. cxxr. That I in tabernacles dwell A 8 to Kedar that belong. 6 My soul with him that hateth peace hath long a dweller been. 7 I am for peace ; but when I speak, for battle they are keen. PSALM CXXI. French 44. Tallis 93. m 1 T TO the hills will lift mine eyes, from whence doth come mine aid. /' 2 Mr safety cometh feom the Lord, wno heav'n and earth hath made. m 3 Thy foot he'll not let slide, nor will he slumber that thee keeps. j\ 4i Behold, he that keeps Israel, he slumbers not, nor sleeps. m 5 The Lord thee keeps, the Lord thy m P on thy right hand doth stay : [shade mf 6 The moon by night thee shall not nor yet the sun by day. [smite, 7 The Lord shall keep thy soul ; he shall ! mf 7 preserve thee from all ill. exxir. Henceforth thy going out and in God keep for ever will. PSALM CXXII. Belgrave 110. Neuington 63. 1 T JOY'D when to the house of God, Go up, they said to me. 2 Jerusalem, within thy gates our feet shall standing be. 3 Jerus'lem, as a city, is compactly built together: 4 Unto that place the tribes go up, the tribes of God go thither : To Isr'el's testimony, there to God's name thanks to pay. 5 For thrones of judgment, ev'n the of David's house, there stay, [thrones Pray that Jerusalem may have peace and felicity: Let them that love thee and thy peace have still prosperity. Therefore I wish that peace may still within thy walls remain, U Pfcg 9- 1 *- .- — ■ ^t_ :rd: 171. Watcfjman. s.». JAMES LEACI 3 3=^: I I I Christ - ians, dis SP^ miss your fear, Let J ^ §F I hope P- &> ^^ -P2- -^l—Z ^: and joy g#^ :g==g: ceed: t=^: The fe % -»l-« l V- irr r ^=p: II .OL i l^iS PSALMS CXXII. And eyeb mat thy palaces pbospeetty betain. m 8 Now, for my friends' and brethren's | Peace be in thee, I'll say. [sakes, II 9 And for the house of G-od our Lord, \\ I'll seek thy good alway. PSALM CXXIII. Denfield 124. Evan 125. mp 1 Q THOU that dwellest in the heav'ns, I lift mine eyes to thee. 2 Behold, as servants' eyes do look their masters' hand to see, As handmaid's eyes her mistress' hand; so do our eyes attend Upon the Lord our G-od, until to us he mercy send. p 3 O Lord, he gracious to us, unto us gracious he ; Because replenish' 'd with contempt exceedingly are we. mp 4 Our soul is fill'd with scorn of those that at their ease abide, cxxni. cxxiv. And with the insolent contempt of those that swell in pride. PSALM CXXIV. St. Magnus 45. St. George 52. m "*" H^"^ no * * 1fie -^ or( ^ Deen on °ur side, may Israel now say; 2 Had not the Lord been on our side, when men rose us to slay; 3 They had us swallow' d quick, when as their wrath 'gainst us did flame : 4 "Waters had cover'd us, our soul had sunk heneaih the stream. Then had the waters, swelling high, over our soul made way. f 6 Bless'd be the Loed, who to theie US GATE NOT FOE A PEEY. [TEETH mf 7 Our soul's escaped, as a bird out of the fowler's snare; The snare asunder broken is, and we escaped are. f 8 OUB SUEE AND ALL-SUFFICIENT HELP is in JEHOVAH'S name; P m 5 172, ©Imutj* s ARRANGED FROM A GREGORIAN, BY L. MASON. fe To those that I ! I .^ ^ ^_ >~~a=b~ "zzzzs , :szztzs:~a:=ll!z=22i±isi-:jlj do I his I £2 p nnnl keep I J And A a f=F PSALM His name who did the heav'n create, AND WHO THE EAETH DID FEAME. Another of the same. Old 124th 17G. 1 ATOW Israel may say, and that truly, If that the Lord had not our cause maintain'd; 2 If that the Lord had not our right sustain' d, When cruel men against us furiously Eose up in wrath, to make of us their prey; 3 Then certainly they had devour' d us all, And swallow' d quick, for ought that we could deem ; Such was their rage, as we might well esteem. 4 And as fierce floods before them all things drown, f 6 CXXIV. p So had they Irought our soul to death quite down. m 5 The raging streams, with their proud swelling waves, Sad then our soul overwhelmed in the deep. But bless'd be G-od, who doth us safely keep, And hath not git'n us foe a living peey Unto theie teeth, and bloody ceuelty. 7 Ev'n as a bird out of the fowler's snare Escapes away, so is oue soul set feee: Beoke aee theie nets, and thus escaped we. 8 Theeefoee oue help is in the Loed's geeat name, "Who heav'n and eaeth by his geeat powee did feame. C = 4S 173. St. J3rttJe. s.m. DR. S. HOWARD, 1788. fez =^=^" : gJ_.L- -I ; -&- And shall this bo - dy III,. die ! This well - wrought frame de J -fit cay s fl^iSI^E 1 PSALMS CXXV. CXXVI. PSALM CXXV. St. David 4S. Chrafenberg 139. THEY in the Lord that firmly trust mf 1 shall be like Sion hill, Which at no time can be remov'd, but standeth ever still. m 2 As round about Jerusalem the mountains stand alway, The Lord his folk doth compass so, from henceforth and for aye. mp 3 For ill men's rod upon the lot of just men shall not lie; Lest righteous men stretch forth their unto iniquity. [hands 4 Do thou to all those that be good thy goodness, Lord, impart; And do thou good to those that are upright within their heart. p 5 But as for such as turn aside after their crooked way, God shall lead forth with ivicked men: mf on Isr'el peace shall stay. PSALM CXXVI. Abbey 56. YorTt 46. mf mp mf P f 1 WHEN Sion's bondage God turn'd Yy back, as men that dream 1 d were we. 2 Then fill' d with laughter was our mouth, our tongue with melody : They 'mong the heathen said, The Lord great things for them hath wrought. 3 The Lord hath done great things for us, whence joy to us is brought. 4 As streams of water in the south, our bondage, Lord, recall. 5 Who sow in tears, a reaping time of joy enjoy they shall. 6 That man who, bearing precious seed, in going forth doth mourn, He DOEETLESS, BEINGING BACK HIS SHEA YES, REJOICING SHALL RETEBS". <^ = 48 174- TOtrfcstoortij. s. M . V ■%=&- r = F=F=f S^ DR. M. GREENE. -1- ^F I I J J z=Ez*=zz:f:=z=22:=22=t=22: Turn thy I to :^: face, And show 1- c_p i : i ■4- ^E :=T :q=z i i r ■ | I am de - so - late, And 2= '*=&■ =& 1 — i — r am brought ve i A A >_v ^=Trp: -vj" :&: :^: low. .£2. W 1 m wf PSALMS CXXVII. PSALM CXXVII. St. Ann 60. French 44. T7XCEPT the Lord do build the house, ■** the builders lose their pain : Except the Lord the city keep, the watchmen watch in vain. 2 'Tis vain for you to rise betimes, or late from rest to keep, To feed on sorrow's bread; so gives he his beloved sleep. 3 Lo, children are God's heritage, the womb's fruit his reward. 4 The sons of youth as arrows are., for strong men's hands prepar'd. 5 O happy is the man that hath his quiver fill'd with those ; They unashamed in the gate shall speak unto their foes. PSALM CXXVIII. Philippi 116. JBelgrave 110. m 1 "DLESS'D is each one that fears the -° and walketh in his ways; [Lord, CXXVIII. CXXIX. 1 2 Eor of thy labour thou shalt eat, A and happy be always. m 3 Thy wife shall as a fruitful vine by thy house' sides be found: Thy children like to olive-plants about thy table round. mf 4 Behold, the man that fears the Lord, thus blessed shall he be. m 5 The Lord shall out of Sion give his blessing unto thee : Thou shalt Jerus'lem's good behold whilst thou on earth dost dwell. 6 Thou shalt thy children's children see, and peace on Israel. PSALM CXXIX. St. James 98. St. Ann 60. m 1 APT did they vex me from my youth, ^ may Isr'el now declare ; 2 Oft did they vex me from my youth, yet not victorious were. mp 3 The plowers plow'd upon my back; they long their furrows drew. c? = 48 175. UttWofoL s.m. sd RAVENSCROFT S PSALTER -4 My and faults of -e?-r- youth ^ r ?~~ - ^2=:p?: 122: Do zr|=Lz fettle- ^EEE^ i I 1 thou, I I Lord, for I get: 1— I s 1 :ee^=he; And (^ ^ ^_ ness great. a ea_=r_:_j z_ <= • I L- 1 J 1 1 L._ (S >_i_IJ PSALMS CXXIX. wf 4 The righteous Lord did cut the cords of the ungodly crew. m 5 Let Sion's haters all be turn'd back with confusion. 6 As grass on houses' tops be they, which fades ere it be grown: 7 Whereof enough to fill his hand the mower cannot find; Nor can the man his bosom fill, whose work is sheaves to bind. 8 Neither say they who do go by, G-od's blessing on you rest: We in the name of G-od. the Lord do wish you to be blest. PSALM CXXX. Martyrdom 64. P 1 TOBD, from the depths to thee I cry" d. 2 My voice, Lord, do thou hear : Unto my supplication's voice give an attentive ear. pp 3 Lord, who shall stand, if thou, O Lord, should 'st mark iniquity? CXXX. CXXXT. m 4t But yet with thee forgiveness is, that fear'd thou mayest be. 5 I wait for G-od, my soul doth wait, my hope is in his word. 6 More than they that for morning watch, my soul waits for the Lord; I say, more than they that do watch the morning light to see. A 7 Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with him mercies be; And plenteous redemption is ever found with him. 8 And from all his iniquities he Isr'el shall redeem. PSALM CXXXI. Chichester 122. Harrington 120. m M^ neart not haughty is, O Lord, mine eyes not lofty be ; Nor do I deal in matters great, or things too high for me. mp 2 I surely have myself behav'd with quiet sp'rit and mild, 176. ©to I24tt 10.10.10 10.10. GENEVAN PSALTER, 1550. 1 1 J £ i^ 1— — * J 1 1 11 1 ^ 1 -H-d * —-] Now 1 1 Is 1 -ML — £ i ra 1 P i i el may -A A say, and 1 1 & 0" -f— f- 1 that tru 1 ! — -m -9 — — ^>- - iy- rzzg= -u g P £-- 1 i t i If that the 1 1 A. * -d- n p , -Jl_i_^_ -r __f^ 1 i -f-— r- =? ^ L -H- 1 -r fH azzzcs: Z) r Lon g? :?=: S 4 s= D ¥ =* 3=^3=^=^3 had _ o — — a=^ n ^2 J 3- ■wrath m^^M^mwi make of J -J- prey. _* J_ :^: :^: IS PSALMS CXXXII. Their children then shall also sit for ever on thy throne. For Grod of Sion hath made choice; there he desires to dwell. This is my rest, here still I'll stay; for I do like it well. Her food I'll greatly bless; her poor with bread will satisfy. [saints Her priests I'll clothe with health; her SHALL SHOUT FOETH JOYFULLY. And there will I make David's horn to bud forth pleasantly: For him that mine anointed is a lamp ordain' d have I. As with a garment I will clothe with shame his en'mies all: But yet the crown that he doth wear upon him nourish shall. CXXXIII. CXXXIV. Together such as brethren are in unity to dwell ! 2 Like precious ointment on the head, that down the beard did flow, Ev'n Aaron's beard, and to the skirts did of his garments go. 3 As Hermon's dew, the dew that doth on Sion' hills descend: For there the blessing Grod commands, life that shall never end. PSALM CXXXIY. Old Winchester 128. Tottenham 106. m PSALM Moravia 87. CXXXIII. Northampton 119. 1 JJEHOLD, how good a thing it is, and how becoming: well. if 1 gEHOLI), bless ye the Lord, all ye that his attendants are, Ev'n you that in God's temple be, and praise him nightly there. Tour hands within Grod's holy place lift up, and praise his name. From Sion' hill the Lord thee bless, that heav'n and earth did frame. 48 to= 177- Sbbeg CClOSe* 81ine6's(Ps.l43,2dVem) O hear ray pray - er, Lord, And un - to my de - sire ) To bow thine ear ac - cord, I humbly thee re - quire; ) ii ,1 I I S- \ ' 1 r in thy faithful - I I s i lgg^ ^Bi^gB I-jJ/ ft £i :± -tr-2 - i l I I ---& an &s=d mMmmiw^mmsmwmmsm I I l I I ness, Un - to me an - swer make, <3EE tit I &~m- ^ 1221 T- && i ■ ■ i rr , And in thy righteousness, Up - on ma pi - ty I A 1 -— g? — ^ — <^- t=- :=£: t= 14 PSALMS CXXXV. ^br w% ? the righteous God will judge his people righteously; Concerning those that do him serve, himself repent will he. m 15 The idols of the nations of silver are and gold, And by the hands of men is made their fashion and mould. 16 Mouths have they, but they do not eyes, but they do not see; [speak; 17 Ears have they, but hear not; and in their mouths no breathing be. 18 Their makers are like them; so are all that on them rely. /19 Isr'el's house, bless God; bless O Aaron's FAMILY. [GOD, mf 20 O bless the Lord, of Levi's house ye who his servants are; And bless the holy name of God, all ye the Lord that fear. / 21 And blessed be the Lord our God FROM Slop's HOLY HILL, mf 1 CXXXVI. "Who dwelleth at Jerusalem. The Lord O praise ye still. PSALM CXXXVI. Greyfriars 178. Q.IVE thanks to God, for good is he for mercy hath he ever. 2 Thanks to the God of gods give ye: for his grace faileth never. 3 Thanks give the Lord of lords unto : for mercy hath he ever. 4 Who only wonders great can do : for his grace faileth never. 5 Who by his wisdom made heav'ns high ■ for mercy hath he ever. 6 Who stretch'd the earth above the sea: for his grace faileth never. 7 To him that made the great lights shine: for mercy hath he ever. 8 The sun to rule till day decline: for his grace faileth never. 9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for mercy hath he ever. & = 66 179, 143H $salm. ii**. __L ENGLISH MFLODY. Igr r ~o 1 — — Sr H -• ,- — _J ' — , i r > i hear my pray - er, Lord, And un - to my de sire To bow thi ne ear ac- JOL ^A - & " JZ1. I mmmmm m^m^mmw^mm^m cord, 1 Wl & hum-bly thee re - quire; And, in thy faith -V.l - I -^A 8--^r=- i^^gglgl^^l^Ef iess, Un - to me -^_ PSALM CXXXVI. j? 10 TFfo Egypt 1 s first-born TcilVd outright: mf for his grace faileth never. 11 And Isr'el brought from Egypt land: for mercy hath he ever. 12 With stretch'd-out arm, and with strong for his grace faileth never, [hand: 13 By whom the Bed sea parted was: for mercy hath he ever. 14 And through its midst made Isr'el for his grace faileth never. [pass: 15 But Phar'oh and his host did drown: for mercy hath he ever. 16 "Who through the desert led his own: for his grace faileth never. 17 To him great kings who overthrew : for he hath mercy ever. 18 Yea, famous kings in battle slew: for his grace faileth never. 19 Ev'n Sihon king of Amorites: for he hath mercy ever. 20 And Og the king of Bashanites : for his grace faileth never. 21 Their land in heritage to have: (for mercy hath he ever.) 22 His servant Isr'el right he gave : for his grace faileth never. nip2% In our low state who on us thought: mf for he hath mercy ever. A 24 Andfrom our foes our freedom wrought: l\ for his grace faileth never. m 25 "Who doth all flesh with food relieve: for he hath mercy ever, jf 26 Thanks to the God op heaven give: EOR HIS GEACE FAILETH NEVER. Another of the same. St. John 182. DarweWs 181. mf 1 pEAISE God, for he is kind: His mercy lasts for aye. 2 Give thanks with heart and mind To God of gods alway: I For certainly Jl His mercies dure Most firm and sure Eternally. ^: 221 zz # c -<^- iZLl au - swer make, And. in thy right - eous - ness, Up - on me pi - ty take-. « J ^ i ^Pi i I ^_ .g. J. ^g: A .&. ?= ^gf=g|gl i r I c^ = 66 180. iSurnfjam. e-.and^ n r r ' i^ u rrrr n ! I *=* &S- 5*! i ^ ■ ■ u U Praise God, for he is kind; His nier - cy lasts for aye. Give thanks with heart and mind To I J J I I l^ti 7=: i" mf 3 The Lord of lords praise ye, Whose mercies still endure. 4 G-reat wonders only he Doth work by his great pow'r: For certainly, &c. 5 Which G-od omnipotent, By might and wisdom high, The heav'n and firmament Did frame, as we may see : For certainly, &c. 6 To him who did outstretch This earth so great and wide, Above the waters' reach Making it to abide : For certainly, &c. 7 Great lights he made to be; For his grace lasteth aye: 8 Such as the sun we see, To rule the lightsome day : For certainly, &c. PSALM CXXXVI. 9 Also the moon so clear, Which shineth in our sight; The stars that do appear, To guide the darksome night: For certainly, &c. mplQ To him that Egypt smote, Who did his message scorn ; And in his anger hot Did kill all their first-born: mf For certainly, &c. 11 Thence Isr'el out he brought; For his grace lasteth ever. 12 With a strong hand he wrought, And stretch'd-out arm deliver: For certainly, &c. 13 The sea he cut in two ; For his grace lasteth still. 14 And through its midst to go Made his own Israel : For certainly, &c. For certain - I I mMmmm For cer-taiu - ly His 7^d=*Z zl±ZMt Iv His I I mer - cies dure Most firm, most firm and sure i i ii 'ill! .J. J .J. J. ^. JL A. J. A •i — (=- l-r-S il=Sgiig=l i i dure, His mer - cies dure, ?2I -m± PSALMS 15 But overwhelm' d and lost "Was proud king Pharaoh, With all his mighty host, And chariots there also: For certainly, &c. 16 To him who pow'rfully His chosen people led, Ev'n through the desert dry, And in that place them fed: For certainly, T BabeVs streams we sat and ivept, •** when Sion we thought on. 2 In midst thereof we hangd our harps the willow-trees upon. P ^=72 181. SarfoelPS. RET. J. DARWKLL. r The II & P2- :zs± I I I I Lord of heav'n cou =£2 H -^ i fess, On I I high his I J glo - ry zzzszt i S -£2- HP I raise. Him I — 1 zz ^ SpT ^=^: an gels bless, Him all -J- I J I his mm ar - mies praise. 1ZZ Him glo r-Tr ym^ F ^ I^mlisl PSALMS CXXXVII. A v mf 3 For there a song required they, who did us captive bring : Our spoilers call'd for mirth, and said, A song of Sion sing. 4 how the Lord's song shall we sing within a foreign land? 5 If thee, Jerus'lem, I forget, skill part from my right hand. 6 Mytonguetomymouth'sroof let cleave, A if I do thee forget, I Jerusalem, and thee above II my chief joy do not set. onp 7 Eemember Edom's children, Lord, who in Jerus'lem's day, A Ev'n unto its foundation, Eaze, raze it quite, did say. mf 8 O daughter thou of Babylon, near to destruction; Bless'd shall he be that thee rewards, as thou to us hast done. 9 Tea, happy surely shall he be thy tender little ones h mf CXXXVIII. Who shall lay hold upon, and them shall dash against the stones. PSALM CXXXVIII. Nemngton 63. Bedford 61. 1 fJlELEE will I praise with all my heart, I will sing praise to thee 2 Before the gods: And worship will toward thy sanctuary. I'll praise thy name, ev'n for thy truth, and kindness of thy love; For thou thy word hast magnify'd all thy great name above. 3 Thou didst me answer in the day when I to thee did cry ; And thou my fainting soul with strength didst strengthen inwardly. 4 All kings upon the earth that are shall give thee praise, O Lord; When as they from thy mouth shall hear thy true and faithful word. 5 Yea, in the righteous ways of God with gladness they shall sing : 01 a ^j ±±=s g: 5L Sun, -—-a- 8ES _£2_JL_ moon, and stars I I I _^ ^ <^_ =F=-^ :=Z2i & :£ r ztz: high - er spheres, And -S>- I I J ^ ?= cloud 1^ y sky. ^ 182. St. 30l)n* 6.6.6 6 8.8. By permission. m 2: I :^: 4- I i l ! let God's name z±=St ?-± i prais'd ^ — , — I " I bove both earth A A A m 22: EM and sky; For :izz -m: S aifEr^^l^a ft m mf mp mf PSALMS CXXXVIII. For great's the glory of the Lord, who doth for ever reign. 6 Though God be high, yet he respects all those that lowly be ; Whereas the proud and lofty ones afar off knoweth he. 7 Though I in midst of trouble walk, I lffe from thee shall have: 'Gainst my foes' wrath thou'lt stretch thine hand ; thy right hand shall me save. 8 Surely that which concerneth me the Lord will perfect make: Lord, still thy mercy lasts; do not thine own hands' works forsake. PSALM CXXXIX. French 44. Solomon 103. (\ LORD, thou hast me search'd and ^ known. Thou know'st my sitting down And rising up; yea, all my thoughts afar to thee are known. mp m CXXXIX. 3 My footsteps, and my lying down, thou compassest always ; Thou also most entirely art acquaint with all my ways. 4 Tor in my tongue, before I speak, not any word can be, But altogether, lo, O Lord, it is well known to thee. 5 Behind, before, thou hast beset, and laid on me thine hand. 6 Such knowledge is too strange for me, too high to understand. 7 From thy Sp'rit whither shall I go? or from thy presence fly? 8 Ascend I heav'n, lo, thou art there; there, if in hell I lie. 9 Take I the morning wings, and dwell in utmost parts of sea; 10 Ev'n there, Lord, shall thy hand me thy right hand hold shall me. [lead, 11 If I do say that darkness shall me cover from thy sight, -I L __• — <=> — I — , £&±: :^=^ 1 ! his saints hath rais'd, And ^-n-=--^ - ^ ^2: 122: pz 1 1 r set their horn on nimn Ev'n HH ±± ^=W^L=m^ -^ PSALM Then surely shall the very night about me be as light. 12 Tea, darkness hideth not from thee, but night doth shine as day: To thee the darkness and the light are both alike alway. 13 For thou possessed hast my reins, and thou hast cover'd me, "When I within my mother's womb inclosed was by thee. 14 Thee wiU I praise; for fearfully p and strangely made I am; m Thy works are marv'llous, and right my soul doth know the same, [well 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when as in secret I "Was made; and in earth's lowest parts was wrought most curiously. 16 Thine eyes my substance did behold, yet being unperfect; And in the volume of thy book my members all were writ; CXXXIX. "Which after in continuance were fashion'd ev'ry one, "When as they yet all shapeless were, and of them there was none. mp±7 How precious also are thy thoughts, gracious G-od, to me! mf And in their sum how passing great and numberless they be ! 18 If I should count them, than the sand they more in number be : "What time soever I awake, 1 ever am with thee. wpl9 Thou, Lord, wilt sure the wicked slay: m hence from me bloody men. 20 Thy foes against thee loudly speak, and take thy name in vain. 21 Do not I hate all those, O Lord, that hatred bear to thee? "With those that up against thee rise can I but grieved be? mf 22 With perfect hatred them I hate, my foes I them do hold. c* = 72 1 l-H-r 1 183 ♦ Benrtitctte. e.6.6 6.a — i- fess, On high his glo - ry raise. Hira : rj fj . : 221=^2: fcfc* Bz ^ jlaJJ ^^ 22Z— : ±=2i^-£=} -^~ _J C2_ -CL2 ^=± r PSALMS CXXXIX. *»»23 Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, my thoughts unfold: 2i And see if any wicked way there be at all] in me; And in thine everlasting way to me a leader be. PSALM CXL. BaUerma 114. Morven 99. mp 1 T ORD, from the ill andfroward man ■^ give me deliverance, And do thou safe preserve me from the man of violence : , 2 Who in their heart mischievous things are meditating ever; And they for war assembled are continually together. 3 Much like unto a serpent's tongue their tongues they sharp do make; And underneath their lips there lies the poison of a snake. 4 Lord, keep me from the wicked's hands, from vi'lent men me save ; mfl m 8 CXL. Who utterly to overthrow my goings purpos'd have. The proud for me a snare have hid, and cords; yea, they a net Have by the way-side for me spread; they gins for me have set. I said unto the Lord, Thou art my G-od: unto the cry Of all my supplications, Lord, do thine ear apply. O G-od the Lord, who art the strength of my salvation: A cov'ring in the day of war my head thou hast put on. Unto the wicked man, O Lord, his wishes do not grant; Nor further thou his ill device, lest they themselves should vaunt. As for the head and chief of those about that compass me, Ev'n by the mischief of then- lips let thou them cover' d be. dfc* jpV fJig f*^ f r— f^^ fy Sun, moon, and stars; I J ffi Ye high - er spheres, And cloud - y 2= -_. jSL -^*-^ _-- US j=± :^2=c ' — t :^: ?=2I high, With ^=5 tri - umph - ant noise; The I I . I ^ J l^- , t[.<2.- Jk=L :s2: ?2- ?=r=^--iic PSALMS 10 Let burning coals upon them fall, them throw in fiery flame, And in deep pits, that they no more may rise out of the same. 11 Let not an evil speaker be on earth established: Mischief shall hunt the vi'lent man, till he be ruined. mf 12 I know G-od will th' afflicted's cause maintain, and poor men's right. 13 Surely the just shall praise thy name; th' upright dwell in thy sight. PSALM Crowle 153. CXLI. St. Neot 150. mp 1 LOBD, I unto thee do cry, do thou make haste to me, A And give an ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. m 2 As incense let my prayer be directed in thine eyes ; And the uplifting of my hands as th' ev'ning sacrifice. CXL. CXLI. 3 Set, Lord, a watch before my mouth, keep of my lips the door. 4 My heart incline thou not unto the ills I should abhor, To practise wicked works with men that work iniquity; And with their delicates my taste let me not satisfy. 5 Let him that righteous is me smite, it shall a kindness be; Let him reprove, I shall it count a precious oil to me : Such smiting shall not break my head; for yet the time shall fall, When I in their calamities to Grod pray for them shall. 6 "When as their judges down shall be in stony places cast, Then shall they hear my words; for shall sweet be to their taste, [they o 7 About the grave's devouring mouth our hones are scattered round, 5Efc cla - rions I I ._^ cL. of the sky Pro claim th' an gel joys: Join |ES5Eg= :22= 122: il £2_i i _. all on earth, I I joice and £2_£2_ ^V 1— i if — - e-rt? Glo I :?2- Jzz serine to n Christ oirr King ! I I l-J m f mp PSALMS CXLI. As wood which men do cut and cleave lies scatter d on the ground. But unto thee, O God the Lord, mine eyes uplifted be: My soul do not leave destitute ; MY TRUST IS SET ON THEE. Lord, keep me safely from the snares which they for me prepare ; And from the subtile gins of them that wicked workers are. 10 Let workers of iniquity into their own nets fall, "Whilst I do, by thine help, escape the danger of them all. PSALM CXLTI. St. Neot 150. Walsal 155. nip I T WITH my voice cry'd to the Lord, with it made my request : 2 Pour'd out to him my plaint, to him my trouble I exprcst. 3 When in mc was o'erwhelmM my sp'rit, then well thou knew'st my way; P mp 5 CXLII. CXLIII. Where I did walk a snare for me they privily did lay. 4 I look'd on my right hand, and view'd, but none to know me were; All refuge failed me, no onan did for my soul take care. I cry'd to thee; I said, Thou art my refuge, Lord, alone; And in the land of those that live thou art my portion. Because I am brought very low, attend unto my cry: Me from my persecutors save, who stronger are than I. From prison bring my soul, that I thy name may glorify: The just shall compass me, when thou with me deal'st bounteously. CXLIII. Silesia 149. mp I 1 OED, hear my pray'r, attend my ■^ and in thy faithfulness [suits: p 6 PSALM St. Mary 145. ^ = 54 185. Bogteton* s.m. L. MASON*. FROM "CANTICA LACDIS.' -*- P I ' i P -7=r Like ther's ■2-e= ^ri: heart With JZ£ m i :s2: :pz Ms IP! r i :s£ ■st- -m -&- -&- to them who I do him fea-r, J. A -** The Lord I his F plf r- f^ -£2- £2- ty shows. I c2 — «- n PSALM Give thou an answer unto me, and in thy righteousness. 2 Thy servant also bring thou not in judgment to be try'd: Because no living man can be in thy sight justify' d. 3 For th' en'my hath pursu'd my soul, my life to ground down tread: In darkness he hath made me dwell, p as who have long teen dead. 4 My sp'rit is therefore overwhelm d in me perplexedly ; Within me is my very heart- amazed wondrously. m 5 I call to mind the days of old, to meditate I use On all thy works; upon the deeds I of thy hands do muse. mf 6 My hands to thee I stretch; my soul thirsts, as dry land, for thee. 7 Haste, Lord, to hear, my spirit fails: V hide not thy face from me ; CXLIII. Lest like to them I do become y that go down to the dust. m 8 At morn let me thy kindness hear; mf for in thee do I trust. m Teach me the way that I should walk: I lift my soul to thee. 9 Lord, free me from my foes ; I flee V to thee to cover me. m 10 Because thou art my G-od, to do thy will do me instruct: Thy Sp'rit is good, me to the land of uprightness conduct. 11 Bevive and quicken me, Lord, ev'n for thine own name's sake; And do thou, for thy righteousness, my soul from trouble take. 12 And of thy mercy slay my foes; let all destroyed be That do afflict my soul: for I a servant am to thee. e*=72 ::ggzzq: __j 1 j — \Z\. Z=iZZJL 186, JHornmg $?ptn\ l.m. ^ s> — &> — — &- \ \ I t^- F. n. EARTH F.I.EMOX, UBIIT 1808. 13=S1 -i-2: wake, my soul, and i i i -Ti with the sun Thy I I I dai - ly coun I I t=4=t xzzzt e =^=^= zn U of n tz ty iHpm Shake off dull sloth, and :^=z^- BKH I Shake r He£ i i ear - ly I i i > i fczatf To pay I I ) & S>-T— :^: i thv morn - ' J- jsL ^= -^- r ? i ri - fice. iii Another of the same. Abbey Close 177. 0/d 143d 179 mp i o H ' hear mj P ra y e ^ Lord ' ^ And unto my desire To bow thine ear accord, I humbly thee require ; And, in thy faithfulness, Unto me answer make, And, in thy righteousness, p Upon me pity take. mp 2 In judgment enter not With me thy servant poor; For why, this well I wot, No sinner can endure The sight of thee, O God: If thou his deeds shalt try, He dare make none abode Himself to justify. 3 Behold, the cruel foe Me persecutes with spite, My soul to overthrow: Yea, he my life down quite mp v mp v m PSALM CXLIII. Unto the ground hath smote, And made me dwell full low In darkness, as forgot, Or men dead long ago. 4 Therefore my sp'rit much vex'd, Overwhelm d is me within; My heart right sore perplex'd And desolate hath been. 5 Yet I do call to mind "What ancient days record, Thy works of ev'ry kind I think upon, O Lord. 6 Lo, I do stretch my hands To thee, my help alone ; For thou well understands All my complaint and moan: My thirsting soul desires, ' \ And longeth after thee, \j As thirsty ground requires V With rain refresh' d to be. ' 7 Lord, let my pray'r prevail, i\ To answer it make speed; wp c* = 72 187. (Stoning ??gmn. u THOMAS TALLIS, L585. 2: S f §|lg|IEp| 2=dst I IS : C2 — n All praise to thee, my God, this night, For all the bless - ings J- A A J J I i I I ' ' i i the light: -S> — r=t Z2I gi __^__£2_ 7 P-^ ^=^=^: m Keep me, O keep me, Kins -*— iS ■& F TP' [ 7? r f 1 of kings, Un - der the sha - dow ill II, -S> h I ^ESEt: :^=&: :^ i thy wings. I I H PSALMS CXLIII. CXLIV. V -For, Zo, wy «pV# doth fail: 11 Lord, for thy name's sake, Dip Hide not thy face in need; Be pleas'd to quicken me; ., Lest I be like to those And, for thy truth, forth take That do in darkness sit, My soul from misery. I Or him that downward goes 12 And of thy grace destroy 1 Into the dreadful pit. My foes, and put to shame m 8 Because I trust in thee, All who my soul annoy; Lord, cause me to hear For I thy servant am. Thy loving-kindness free, PSALM CXLIY. When morning doth appear: Salisbury 55. Old Slst 34. Durham 95. Cause me to know the way mf 1 Q BLESSED ever be the Lord, who is my strength and might, Wherein my path should be; 1 For why, my soul on high Who doth instruct my hands to war, f] I do lift up to thee. my fingers teach to fight. mp 9 From my fierce enemy In safety do me guide, Because I flee to thee, 2 My goodness, fortress, my high tow'r, deliverer, and shield, In whom I trust : who under me Lord, that thou may'st me hide. my people makes to yield. m LO My G-od alone art thou, m 3 Lord, what is man, that thou of him Teach me thy righteousness : dost so much knowledge take? Thy Sp'rit's good, lead me to Or son of man, that thou of him The land of uprightness. so great account dost make? 188. ©us*, l. asckibki) to juiik huss, the martyk: burnt 1415 gj^g^g^gEgEJE^g *^E^ I --f 2 — p- I p » I I Who sits up - on the heav'n - ly throne, Was call'd on earth ''The sin - ner's Friend" ' ! I | i _<2_ jz2_ jz2. jSL | J J 1 I I l I - I 1 1 __ i i 1 p2 1 L_| & ; 1 L_j 1 PSALMS CXLIV 4 Man is like vanity; his days, as shadows, pass away. 5 Lord, bow thy heav'ns, come down, touch the hills, and smoke shall they, [thou 6 Cast forth thy lightning, scatter them; thine arrows shoot, them rout. 7 Thine hand send from above, me save; from great depths draw me out; And from the hand of children strange. 8 Whose mouth speaks vanity ; And their right hand is a right hand that works deceitfully fn/9 A new song I to thee will sing, Lord, on a psaltery; I on a ten-string'd instrument will praises sing to thee. 10 Ev'n he it is that unto kings salvation doth send; Who his own servant David doth from hurtful sword defend. nvp 11 O free me from strange children's hand : whose mouth speaks vanity; CXLV. And their right hand a right hand is that works deceitfully. m 12 That, as the plants, our sons may be in youth grown up that are ; Our daughters like to corner-stones, carv'd like a palace fair. 13 That to afford all land of store our garners may be fill'd; That our sheep thousands, in our street s ten thousands they may yield. 14 That strong our oxen be for work, that no in-breaking be, Nor going out; and that our streets may from complaints be free. mf 15 Those people blessed are who be 1 In such a case as this ; 1 Yea, blessed all those people ake, |l whose God JEHOVAH is. PSALM CXLV. Grafenbcrg 139. New Cambridge SO. Old Glasgow 121 mf 1 T'LL thee extol, my God, O King; X I'll bless thy name always. 189. JSrwIau, L.M. CLACBEKI PSALMODIA, 16$6. c?- Be - set with snares on i I A I J gj ejJEL-d—ci k^2E^ZEESEg^t=E?=E ?_22_J*22 ' I ' ' | I I I ev • ry hand, In life's un - cer - tai I tt &r-d h^ : & Z & I I palh we stand; :^=^: r « ! 1- -J !_ J— .-- 1- -/X— k 1 1 1— r?r j — -4 1 !— r -— j — ^ — -^ 1 — , 1 1 .— n S=^=E:22=^^ZL-3I>— p2Zt^=p^p=^=Z 22=1=22- . ^_Z^Zzt^=^_^--H Sa - viom di \^X ' i "o i ' ' i vine! dif - fuse thy light To guide our doubt I l I ful i n IvJ foot - steps righ 1 I BS ^g^^^# #^ r PSALM 2 Thee will I bless each day, and will thy name for ever praise. 3 Great is the Lord, much to be prais'd; his greatness search exceeds. 4 Eace unto race shall praise thy works, and shew thy mighty deeds. 5 I of thy glorious majesty the honour will record; I'll speak of all thy mighty works, which wondrous are, O Lord. 6 Men of thine acts the might shall show, mp thine acts that dreadful are; mf And I, thy glory to advance, thy greatness will declare. ■ 7 The mem'ry of thy goodness great they largely shall express ; [extol | j "With songs oe praise they shall ' I THY PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS. m 8 The Lord is very gracious, in him compassions flow ; mp In mercy he is very great, and is to answer slow. CXLV. m 9 m/12 13 mp 14 m!5 praise, O The Lord JEHOVAH unto all his goodness doth declare; And over all his other works his tender mercies are. Thee all thy works shall Lord, and thee thy saints shall bless ; They shall thy kingdom's glory show, thy pow'r by speech express : To make the sons of men to know his acts done mightily, And of his kingdom, th' excellent and glorious majesty. Thy kingdom shall for ever stand, thy reign through ages all. Grod raiseth all that are bow'd down, upholdeth all that fall. The eyes of all things wait on thee, the giver of all good; And thou, in time convenient, bestow'st on them their food. 190. JKIurtemfmrg. l». EHAO SCIIULGESANG, 1544. ■£r- lzrzz2 i) - ly Sov'reign I i , i of my heart! My re - fuge, my I *± ■=£±£=4 2S£ I Al - might - y Friend! 1^ r How can my soul from thee de - part, On whom i I i I | 11 ■&1 .g> . -^- -CJ__ _^ i _ | | .CL ^ — t: :c2: St "P 5 " .=^=r^ = ; I P* & I I l - lone my hopes de - pend? L.J. ! I . ?z -o- CTg=T3 PSALM CXLV. 16 Thine hand thou open'st lib'rally, and of thy bounty gives Enough to satisfy the need of ev'ry thing that lives. 17 The Lord is just in all his ways, holy in his works all. 18 G-od's near to all that call on him, in truth that on him call. 19 He will accomplish the desire of those that do him fear: He also will deliver them, and he their cry will hear. 20 The Lord preserves all who him love, that nought can them annoy: But he all those that wicked are will utterly destroy. My mouth the praises of the Lord to publish cease shall never: Let all flesh bless his holt name for ever and for ever. V /21 Another of the same. Ver. 1-7 Kent 8. Erfurt 2. Elim 13. Ver. 8-16 Wareham 14. Norfolk 198. Ver 17-21 Angels' Hymn 9. Sarum 7. »f 1 f\ LOKD, thou art my G-od and King ; ^ Thee will I magnify and praise: I will thee bless, and gladly sing Unto thy holy name always. 2 Each day I rise I will thee bless, And praise thy name time without end. 3 Much to be prais'd, and great God is; His greatness none can comprehend. 4 Eace shall thy works praise unto race, The mighty acts show done by thee. 5 I will speak of the glorious grace, And honour of thy majesty; Thy wondrous works I will record. 6 By men the might shall be extoll'd Of all thy dreadful acts, O Lord: And I thy greatness will unfold. 7 They utter shall abundantly The mem'ry of thy goodness great; 191. Boston. l.m. ARRANGED FROM A GREGORIAN, BY L MASON, 1825. ill I 'O ' 'U i i r t i — i Sun of mv soul! thou Sa - viour dear, It is not night if thou be near: I I - r>»i /■"*• I j i i » pN ^ ""> g m J -£--&- ~&- -^ -0- -9- -z-^-- -*- s P=§§ £c l ^XgTEZrrp c ! i r i cr * xj ! i i i 1=8 I I \ Oh' mav no earth - born cloud a - rise To hide thee from thy ser - vant's eves. , ; I ! -Pi rj I I I I , J Pi ■ — s — ^ r^ — F m I w * mmm -n — - -J- -J- I I -^--^te- I — Ssi J=L i J Ca - naan's shore? I 'm^^mm^^m^m^^m ■m ^=^-'=3^ 1221 lEESE^: Ho leas'd from ^ J r- all their -^ ^ipP=S^PiiS hurt - ful foes, They are not lost but gone £2 mp PSALMS CXLYI. PSALM CXLYI. Saxony 102. Durham 95. / 1 pEAISE God. The Lord praise, O my soul. 2 I'll praise God while I live; While I have being, to my God in songs I'll praises give. m 3 Trust not in princes, nor man's son, in whom there is no stay : p 4 His breath departs, to's earth he turns; that day his thoughts decay. mf 5 O happy is that man and blest, whom Jacob's God doth aid; "Whose hope upon the Lord doth rest, and on his God is stay'd: Who made the earth and heavens high, who made the swelling deep, And all that is within the same ; who truth doth ever keep : 7 Who righteous judgment executes for those oppress'd that be, / CXLVII. Who to the hungry giveth food; God sets the pris'ners free. 8 The Lord doth give the blind their the bowed down doth raise: [sight, The Lord doth dearly love all those that walk in upright ways. 9 The stranger's shield, the widow's stay, the orphan's help, is he: But yet by him the wicked's way turn'd upside down shall be. 10 The Lord shall reign for evermore: thy God, O Sion, he Eeigns to all generations. Praise to the Lord give ye. PSALM CXLVII. Belgrave 110. Northampton 119. Colchester 111. ' I "DEAISE ye the Lord; for it is good praise to our God to sing: For it is pleasant, and to praise it is a comely thing. 2 God doth build up Jerusalem; and he it is alone c* = GO 193. Nicea, l.m. —&=£-. I To I iE0EfMM=g=0=M^Z0= OLD LATIN HYMN. A — -l- ! i thee, r God, we 11=3=3= -£: jzL-ST- '- tzt: :^: g^gE the light that A. ules the day, I I I <=L _<5L .<5L j— i — & — ^ — r^ ~v ; °~n ^MpppppPN^PP^ Who, while he gilds all na - tnre's frame, Re i I I I I | II fleets thy rays, and speaks thy name. .J. .J. J. sL J. . J. J ^2: EEE3?EeH PSALM That the dispers'd of Israel doth gather into one. p 3 Those tliat are broken in their heart, and grieved in their minds, mp He healeth, and their painful wounds he tenderly up -binds. m 4 He counts the number of the stars ; he names them ev'ry one. [pow'r; f 5 GrREAT IS OUR LORD, AND OF GREAT | HIS WISDOM SEARCH CAN NONE. m 6 The Lord lifts up the meek; and casts p the wicked to the ground. thanks ; f 7 Sing to the Lord, and give him ON HARP HIS PRAISES SOUND; m 8 Who covereth the heav'n with clouds, who for the earth below Prepareth rain, who maketh grass upon the mountains grow. 9 He gives the beast his food, he feeds the ravens young that cry. 10 His pleasure not in horses' strength, nor in man's legs, doth lie. L CXLVII. 11 But in all those that do him fear the Lord doth pleasure take; In those that to his mercy do by hope themselves betake. mf 12 The Lord praise, O Jerusalem ; Sion, thy Gf-od confess : 13 For thy gates' bars he maketh strong ; thy sons in thee doth bless. 14 He in thy borders maketh peace; with fine wheat filleth thee. 15 He sends forth his command on earth, his word runs speedily. 16 Hoar-frost, like ashes, scatt'reth he; Like wool he snow doth give: 17 Like morsels casteth forth his ice; who in its cold can live? if 18 He sendeth forth his mighty word, and melteth them again; His wind he makes to blow, and then the waters flow amain. m 19 The doctrine of his holy word to Jacob he doth show; mp m ^r=80 194* Categ^ L.M.orClineS's Great God of won - ders! But the bright glo - ries I Igizlli^il^ggiiiEi3l=! w all thy ways Dis - play thine at - tri - butes di - vine; of thy grace, A - bove thine o - ther won - ders shine J i^lgL^L ! jjsi. ^lcLjzI. .a. -&. j& i -O i i n i ii -§: 1^F J i Who is I paid • 'ning God like l I _S. .£2". ^2. JSL 22 thee ? Or who has i i r -£2. _<^. ^2. -d .C^- race so ~N I rich and free ? i§ig|^ii^pi§^^s=i&iipi PSALMS CXLVII. His statutes and his judgments he gives Israel to know. 20 To any nation never he such favour did afford; For they his judgments have not known. /' O DO TE PRAISE THE LORD. PSALM CXLYIII. St. Magnus 45. Old 29fA 31. /' 1 pRAISE G-od. From heavens praise the Lord, in heights praise to him be. 2 All ye his angels, praise ye him ; his hosts all, praise him ye. 3 O praise ye him, both sun and moon ; praise him, all stars of light. 4 Ye heav'ns of heav'ns him praise, and above the heavens' height. [floods 5 Let all the creatures praise the name of our almighty Lord : For he commanded, and they were created by his word. CXLVIII. 6 He also, for all times to come, hath them establish'd sure; He hath appointed them a law, which ever shall endure. 7 Praise ye JEHOVAH from the earth, dragons, and ev'ry deep : 8 Fire, hail, snow, vapour, stormy wind, his word that fully keep. 9 All hills and mountains, fruitful trees, and all ye cedars high: 10 Beasts, and all cattle, creeping things, and all ye birds that fly. L L Kings of the earth, all nations, princes, earth's judges all: 12 Both young men, yea, and maidens too, old men, and children small. 13 Let them God's name praise; for his name alone is excellent : His glory reacheth far above the earth and firmament. & = QQ 195. CHisenacfj, L.M. or 6 line 8's. mmammm^m ^-^ \ — i- J. H SCHEIN, i62a g==n -■&r=Z£Z=£2 | 4 , ■ Spi - rit of God! our songs in - spire, And fill Come! and thy sa - cred unc - tion bring, To sane ill I I rl & <3 ! A r* <* '?* tf ^' our hearts with heav'nly fire; ti - fy us while we sing: I i g* ^ fl - i r i meet for thee. I & & - P J -J PSALM CXLVIIT 14 His people's horn, the praise of all his saints, exalteth he; Ev'n Isr'el's seed, a people near ta him. The Lord praise ye. Another of the same. Benedicite 183. St. John 182. / 1 rpHE Lord of heav'n confess, On high his glory raise. 2 Him let all angels bless, Him all his armies praise. 3 Him glorify Sun, moon, and stars; 4 Te higher spheres, And cloudy sky. 5 From God your beings are, Him therefore famous make ; You all created were, When he the word but spake. 6 And from that place, Where fix'd you be By his decree, You cannot pass. 7 Praise G-od from earth below, Ye dragons, and ye deeps: 8 Fire, hail, clouds, wind, and snow, Whom in command he keeps. 9 Praise ye his name, Hills great and small, Trees low and tall; 10 Beasts wild and tame; All things that creep or fly. 11 Ye kings, ye vulgar throng, All princes mean or high; 12 Both men and virgins young, Ev'n young and old, 13 Exalt his name; For much his fame Should be extoll'd. O let G-od's name be prais'd Above both earth and sky; 14 For he his saints hath rais'd, And set their horn on high; = 80 196. ^Harrington. l.m. I TS-cr *&- I P I t I. ' I p •=- I |- i I O' I Je - sus shall reigu where - e'er the sun Doth his sue - ces - sive jour - neys run, III I _ I -J- ■£*- J -&■ -*-* -<^L -J- :g= si ^=^: &-&- -o- v I I His kingdom stretch from shore , J JTJ J SS t~ no more mill shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. =£^ : mf f mf H i PSALMS CXLYIII. Ev'n those that be Of Isr'el's race, Near to his grace. The Lord praise ye. PSALM CXLIX. St Magnus 45. Colchester 111. Hatzfield 138. 1 pRAISE ye the Lord; unto him sing ■*■ a new song, and his praise In the assembly of his saints in sweet psalms do ye raise. 2 Let Isr'el in his Maker joy, and to him praises sing : Let all that Sion's childben abe be joyful in theib klng. 3 O let them unto his great name give praises in the dance; Let them with timjbbel and with nAitr IN SONGS HIS PBAISE ADVANCE. 4 For God doth pleasure take in those that his own people be; mf 6 mp mf A CXLIX. And he with his salvation the meek will beautify. 5 And in his glory excellent let all his saints rejoice : % Let them to him upon their beds ALOUD LIFT UP THEIB T0ICE. Let in their mouth aloft be rais'd the high praise of the Lord, And let them have in their right hand a sharp two-edged sword; 7 To execute the vengeance due upon the heathen all, And make deserved punishment upon the people fall. 8 And ev'n with chains, as pris'ners, bind their kings that them command ; Yea, and with iron fetters strong, the nobles of their land. 9 On them the judgment to perform found written in his word: This honour is to all his saints. O DO YE PBAISE THE LOBD. <^=72 197. Bfefjop, l.m. :i_4 — ,_Li=r==-^- _Ud=±=i: , ,-4™ i r 7^ i 'u Ye worlds of light that roll -rT^-&—t? JOHN BISHOP, 1729, ORGANIST, WINCHESTER. ^ ,.1\ J L__j- i r i i so near The Sa - viour's throne of -as- 1 f ^~~ &^=^»: §fe||§g ■imk^ismimM ±z i s shin - ing bliss I I I in; (2: BE ! tell how mean your glo I ies are, How faint and few, com par'd with his. .^.v .*__ 1 I ■*•— { h 2 - PSALM PSALM CL. Chingford 91. fifc Magnus 45. / 1 pEAISE ye the Lord. God's praise his sanctuary raise ; [within And to him in the firmament of his pow'r give ye praise. mf 2 Because of all his mighty acts, with praise him magnify: ff O praise him, as he doth excel in glorious majesty. CL. 3 Praise him with trumpet's sound: his praise with psaltery advance: 4 "With timbrel, harp, string'd instru- ments, and organs, in the dance. 5 Praise him on cymbals loud : him praise on cymbals sounding high. 6 Let each thing breathing praise the Praise to the Lord give ye. [Lord. END OF THE PSALMS. 198. Norfolk l.m. Dlt. HOWARD. #=|il=fei ■)tp ful lays, To sing thy great Re - deem - er's praise ::i He just - ly claims a song from me: His lov I I I | I I .il pgi fen -?2- s^s I a 1 t i ! ng - kind - ness, how free! I A J j TRANSLATIONS AND PARAPHRASES, IN VERSE, OF SEYEEAL PASSAGES OP SACRED SCRIPTURE ■m P f m I. GrENESIS i. St. Gregory 73. Liverpool 69. 1 JET heav'n arise, let earth appear, -" said the Almighty Lord: The heav'n arose, the earth appear' d, at his creating word. 2 Thick darkness brooded o'er the deep:^ God said, " Let there be light: " The light shone forth with smiling ray, and scatter' d ancient night. 3 He bade the clouds ascend on high ; the clouds ascend, and bear A wat'ry treasure to the sky, and float upon the air. 4 The liquid element below was gather' d by his hand; The rolling seas together flow, and leave the solid land. 5 With herbs, and plants, and fruitful trees, the new -form' d globe he crown'd, Ere there was rain to bless the soil, or sun to warm the ground. G Then high in heav'n's resplendent arch he plac'd two orbs of light, e? = 54 199. ILutfjer'g Stager, l.m. ANCIENT MELODy. wm -2n&: 22: 73: I I'll! Lord, hear my pray'r, and let J j pAJibI jb! <£ jdULd^ ^^^ip^^ II' ' ■ ■ ■ my cry Have speed - y ac - ces3 un - to thee; J .<=?_ .^L J I _^_ I Z2=:^z ^=q ^=^z g^&^^K^-^-ifM-^^ PARAPHRASES He set tlie sun to rule the day, the moon to rule the night. 7 Next, from the deep, th' Almighty King did vital beings frame; Fowls of the air of ev'ry wing, and fish of ev'ry name. 8 To all the various brutal tribes he gave their wondrous birth ; At once the lion and the worm sprung from the teeming earth. 9 Then, chief o'er all his works below, at last was Adam made; His Maker's image bless'd his soul, and glory crown'd his head. 10 Fair in th' Almighty Maker's eye the whole creation stood. He view'd the fabric he had rais'd; his word pronounc'd it good. II. Genesis xxviii. 20 — 22. Harrington 120. Dalkeith 85. mp I f\ GOD of Bethel! by whose hand thy people still are fed; II. III. Who through this weary pilgrimage hast all our fathers led: 2 Our vows, our pray'rs, we now present before thy throne of grace: m God of our fathers! be the God of their succeeding race. mp 3 Through each perplexing path of life our wand'ring footsteps guide; Give us each day our daily bread, and raiment fit provide. 4 O spread thy cov'ring wings around, till all our wand'rings cease, And at our Father's lov'd abode our souls arrive in peace. m 5 Such blessings from thy gracious hand our humble pray'rs implore ; mf And thou shalt be our chosen God, and portion evermore. III. Job i. 21. St. Mary 145. Evan 125. mp 1 "STAKED as from the earth we came, and enter'd life at first; S 200. St. Bernard cm ?.zfc2=t i r that thy I I _ ^2- Z=^3 = r* ' z2: ^a That ith - I thy I courts, I I Lord, May still dwell - er m be eg _^_ -m-. :?z : ^ m~m?mm m VI. -22. ?» 1 ?«/? Job viii. 11 Morven 99. rpHE rush may rise where waters and flags beside the stream; [flow, But soon their verdure fades and dies before the scorching beam : So is the sinner's hope cut off; or, if it transient rise, 'Tis like the spider's airy web, from ev'ry breath that flies.' P mf V m PARAPHRASES 2 As sparks in close succession rise, j m so man, the child of woe, Is doom'd to endless cares and toils through all his life below. 3 But with my G-od I leave my cause; from him I seek relief; To him, in confidence of pray'r, unbosom all my grief. 4 Unnumber'd are his wondrous works, unsearchable his ways; 'Tis his the mourning soul to cheer, the bowed down to raise. V. VI. 3 Fix'd on his house he leans; his house and all its props decay: He holds it fast; hut, while he holds, the totf ring frame gives way. 4 Fair, in his garden, to the sun his boughs with verdure smile; And, deeply fix'd, his spreading roots unshaken stand a while. mp 5 But forth the sentence flies from Heav'n, that sweeps him from his place; "Which then denies him for its lord, nor owns it knew his face. 6 Lo! this the joy of wicked men, who Heav'n's high laws despise: They quickly fall; and in their room as quickly others rise. m 7 But, for the just, with gracious care, G-od will his pow'r employ; He'll teach their lips to sing'his praise, and fill their hearts with joy. ^ = 80 m—2-^: 202. Saljbourg. cm -j-r — I- With - in tim- ber - na - cle I For :^=^=^ ^^Si :22: ^L x _^_^ s 2Z iH bide: te= is£ =g : =P = vr: :^EE^= =S=^ : :zz2zr ?237,^_^_-|§;zb3s=D And I .£2 ^ der co : mm^Mmim^mm 1 i i IU j of thv wings With con li - dence me hide. :~22: 5= VII. Job ix. 2—10. Si. Nicholas 151. W p 1 TJOW should the sons of Adam's race be pure before their God? If he contends in righteousness, we sink beneath his rod. 2 If he should mark my words and with strict inquiring eyes, [thoughts Could I for one of thousand faults the least excuse devise? m f 3 Strong is his arm, his heart is wise; who dares with him contend? Or who, that tries th' unequal strife, shall prosper in the end? 4 He makes the mountains feel his and their old seats forsake; [wrath. The trembling earth deserts her place, and all her pillars shake. PARAPHRASES VII. VIII. /' 6 He walks upon the baging sea ; flies on the stobmy wind : None can explore his wondrous way, p or his dark footsteps find. He bids the sun forbear to rise; th' obedient sun forbears His hand with sackcloth and seals up all the stars the r skies VIII. Job xiv. 1—15. Bangor 147. St. Mary 145. mp 1 "pEW are thy days, and full of woe, O man, of woman born! Thy doom is written, "Dust thou art, and shalt to dust return." 2 Behold the emblem of thy state in flow'rs that bloom and die, Or in the shadow's fleeting form, that mocks the gazer's eye. 3 Guilty and frail, how shalt thou stand before thy sov'reign Lord? Can troubled and polluted springs a hallow'd stream afford? 4 Determin'd are the days that fly successive o'er thy head; 1/ The number'd hour is on the wing , | \ that lays thee with the dead. <^ = 54 203. Setircm. cm. JEWISH CHANT. fe^S^^i^^gi^feiirai^H^EJ^ i i l l I My God, the cov - 'nant of thy lov< I ' I II A - bides for e - ver sure, J >-=-^- ±~ £—r—r -ihrr-r -f- $& 1 1 ■&= si ±= ^£££E£ ' 1 1 I I And, in its matchless grace, I feel : S ws — g>- 1 - 1 \ A ri j. ill 1 My hap - pi ne -H— r=f=g IHgiH -I \ mp ■m 8 Great God! afflict not in thy wrath the short allotted span, That bounds the few and weary days of pilgrimage to man. All nature dies, and lives again: the flow'r that paints the field, The trees that crown the mountain's brow, and boughs and blossoms yield, Kesign the honours of their form at Winter's stormy blast, And leave the naked leafless plain a desolated waste. Yet soon reviving plants and flow'rs anew shall deck the plain; The woods shall hear the voice of Spring, and flourish green again. 9 But man forsakes this earthly scene, ah I never to return: Shall any foil 'wing spring revive the ashes of the urn? PARAPHRASE VIII. m 10 The mighty flood that rolls along its torrents to the main, Can ne'er recall its waters lost from that abyss again. mpll So days, and years, and ages past, descending down to night, Can henceforth never more return back to the gates of light; pp!2 And man, when laid in lonesome grave, shall sleep in Death's dark gloom, f Until th' eternal morning wake THE SLUMBERS OF THE TOMB. //?jo 13 O may the grave become to me the bed of peaceful rest, A Whence I shall gladly rise at length, ' ' and mingle with the blest ! m 14 Cheer'dbythis hope, with patient mind, I'll wait Heav'n's high decree, A Till the appointed period come, when death shall set me free. c>-72 204- ffilm, cm. I .jL j l . g=g= t -I= 3 »= t =o US ,'er dear to me! ^P iS* <2 ^ ^sl F |S :m=t= -fc*- — - §E=EEg d-Fj=g = F^=rfJ siN=P "\\ hen shall my la - hours have an end, In joy, and peace, and thee? I I I , ffii ft ^- = ^ 2=::= ^ : :^2 z^2i :^: Z2ZZZC2I :^2zzz?2: ?np w/" wy? «//" PARAPHRASES IX. Job xxvi. 6, to the end. 0M 29M 31. JV T cw London 53. TV HO can resist th' Almighty arm that made the starry sky? Or who elude the certain glance of God's all-seeing eye? From him no cov'ring vails our crimes ; hell opens to his sight; And all Destruction's secret snares lie full disclos'd in light. Eirm on the boundless void of space he pois'd the steady pole, And in the circle of his clouds bade secret waters roll. While nature's universal frame its Maker's pow'r reveals, His throne, remote from mortal eyes, an awful cloud conceals. From where the rising day ascends, to where it sets in night, He compasses the floods with bounds, and checks their threat'ning might. m 9 IX. X. 6 The pillars that support the sky tremble at his rebuke; Through all its caverns quakes the as though its centre shook, [earth, 7 He brings the waters from their beds. although no tempest blows, And smites the kingdom of the proud without the hand of foes. 8 With bright inhabitants above he fills the heav'nly land, And all the crooked serpent's breed dismay'd before him stand. Few of his works can we survey ; these few our skill transcend : But the full thunder of his pow'r what heart can comprehend? X. Prov. Furrant 5S. i. 20—31. Morven 99. 1 TN streets, and op'nings of the gates, where pours the busy crowd, ^ = 7! 205. Qi\ J&afoartT& cm. f—fcd- 22 :^2: - g^ ' - ^-"-/S ti= g^ ffi^^ ^ v^l F*fi <^— ? — I- ^ 1 Give ye the glo - ry to the Lord That to his nam due: l^*\ I S^Slg^Si eh xzz^z -"^^q 7S?-g2 3=? Come ye in - to his courts. and bring An of - fer - in< with you. &- *z) \ A ■*■_■**■ mmm^^mmMmm^ '&-- I^Z p f 6 mp V Thus heav'nly Wisdom lifts her voice, and cries to men aloud: 2 How long, ye scorners of the truth, scornful will ye remain? How long shall fools their folly love, and hear my words in vain? 3 turn, at last, at my reproof! and, in that happy hour, His bless'd effusions on your heart my Spirit down shall pour. 4 But since so long, with earnest voice, to you in vain I call, Since all my counsels and reproofs thus ineffectual fall; 5 The time will come, when humbled low, in Sorroiv's evil day, Your voice by anguish shall be taught, but taught too late, to pray. WHEN", LIKE THE WHIELWLND, o'eb, the comes Desolation's blast: [deep Pray'rs then extorted shall be vain, the hour of mercy past. PARAPHRASES X. XI. I mp 7 The choice you made has fix'd your for this is Heav'n's decree, [doom ; That with the fruits of what he sow'd the sinner fill'd shall be. XL Peov. iii. 13—17. Kewington 63. St. Gregory 73. m 1 C\ HAPPY is the man who hears Instruction's warning voice; And who celestial Wisdom makes his early, only choice. mf 2 For she has treasures greater far than east or west unfold; And her rewards more precious are than all their stores of gold. 3 In her right hand she holds to view a length of happy days ; Eiches, with splendid honours join'd, are what her left displays. m 4 She guides the young with innocence, in pleasure's paths to tread, A, A crown of glory she bestows V upon the hoary head. 72 mm F All i hail 206. wp ;>/> PARAPHRASES Life is the season Qod hath giv'n To fly from hell, and rise to heav'n; That day of grace fleets fast away, And none its rapid course can stay. The living know that they must die; But all the dead forgotten lie: Their memory and their name is gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. Their hatred and their love is lost, Their envy bury'd in the dust; They have no share in all that's done Beneath the circuit of the sun. Then what thy thoughts design to do, Still let thy hands with might pursue ; Since no device nor work is found, Nor wisdom underneath the ground. ; In the cold grave, to which we haste, There are no acts of pardon past : But fixd the doom of all remains, And everlasting silence reigns. XV. XVI. XVII. XVI. Eccles. xii. 1. St. Mary 145. Crowle 153. 1 TN life's gay morn, when sprightly 1 with vital ardour glows, [youth And shines in all the fairest charms which beauty can disclose; 2 Deep on thy soul, before its pow'rs are yet by vice enslav'd, Be thy Creator's glorious name and character engrav'd. 3 For soon the shades of grief shall cloud the sunshine of thy days ; And cares, and toils, in endless round, encompass all thy icays. 4 Soon shall thy heart the woes of age in mournful groans deplore, And sadly muse on former joys, that now return no more. XVII. Isaiah i. 10—19. St. Thomas 75. St. James 98. 1 "OULERS of Sodom! hear the voice ■*■*' of heay'n's eternal Lord; <^ = 54 ^ :c2: W- Clgiu, cm Je I ho - I ^ 1 ce F — i F — i — . — Fp- vah r, thee 5t .e2= Mb zbz: ' , -*-p— " T-rg- dav When trou - ble he doth send: ^ .J. J. A A. J?^ ::{2=?z: IS Ja ^ -P I cob's God Thee I from ill de fend. & m :&. SE^ gl Men of Gomorrah! bend your ear submissive to his word. 2 'Tis thus he speaks: To what intent are your oblations vain? Why load my altars with your gifts, polluted and profane? 3 Burnt-pff'rings long may blaze to and incense cloud the skies; [heav'n, The worship and the worshipper are hateful in my eyes. 4 Your rites, your fasts, your pray'rs, I and pomp of solemn days: [scorn, I know your hearts are full of guile, and crooked are your ways. 5 But cleanse your hands, ye guilty race, and cease from deeds of sin ; Learn in your actions to be just, and pure in heart within. 6 Mock not my name with honours vain but keep my holy laws; Do justice to the friendless poor, and plead the widow's cause. mp are PARAPHRASES XVII. XVIII. Then though your guilty souls with sins of crimson die, [stain'd Yet, through my grace, with snow itself in whiteness they shall vie. mf 1 XVIII. Isaiah ii. 2—6. Durham 95. Newington 63. JJEHOLD ! the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise On mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wond'ring eyes. To this the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues shall flow • Up to the hill of God, they'll say, ' and to his house we'll go. The beam that shines from Sion hill shall lighten ev'ry land; The King who eeigns m Salem's tow'es shall all the world command. Among the nations he shall judge; his judgments truth shall guide; GG 209. ^nsclm. cm. ~j — 2 c^ULEs r^ g? — rJ i $ 4- — g- — £L-:= ?5-rf5 How love - ly I thy dwell place, Lord *=2 4-g: -s>- I i i -^?- -^ - -^?- -- might z£ 1 ^2- | I - — I i i y King of : F=F-=^=F kings. S: PARAPHRASES XXII. i 4 His dwelling, 'midst the strength of j mf i A SHALL EVER STAND SECURE; [rOCKS, | m \\ His Father will provide his bread, Y his water shall be sure. mf 5 For him the kingdom of the just afar doth glorious shine ; A And he the King of kings shall see ' i IN MAJESTY DIVINE. XXII. Isaiah xl. 27, to the end. St. Stephen 62. New London 53. mp 1 WHY pour'st thou forth thine anx- ' V despairing of relief, [ious plaint, As if the Lord o'erlook'd thy cause, and did not heed thy grief? 2 Hast thou not known, hast thou not 1 that firm remains on high [heard. 1 The everlasting throne of Him 1 who form'd the earth and sky? m 3 Art thou afraid his pow'r shall fail when comes thy evil day? And can an all-creating arm grow weary or decay? m 5 mp 6 mf 7 XXIII. Supreme in wisdom as in pow'r the Eock of ages stands; Though him thou canst not see, nor trace the working of his hands. He gives the conquest to the weak, supports the fainting heart ; And courage in the evil hour his heav'nly aids impart. Mere human pow'r shall fast decay, and youthful vigour cease; But they who wait upon the Lord, in strength shall still increase. They with unweary'd feet shall tread the path of life divine; With growing ardour onward move, WITH GROWING BRIGHTNESS SHINE. ON EAGLES' WINGS THEY MOUNT, IHBY SOAR, their wings are faith and love, Till, fast the cloudy regions here. THEY RISE TO IIEAV'x AHOVS. 72 P=i=g 212. fHamre* uorcii. CM. by dividing the long notes at the end of the first and third lines. I SCHOMKCS. ^=0: -P?- :^2: zsfczz: 'Mi >—-z£ &=££ -— 65 <^- t-g g P2 ^_ I our days, And still be .gj. gj glad .gl thee. PARAPHRASES w/*ll Lo! former scenes, predicted once, conspicuous rise to view; And future scenes, predicted now, shall be accomplish' d too. / 12 Sing to the Lord in joyful strains ! let earth his praise resound, Ye who upon the ocean dwell, and fill the isles around ! 13 m 14 o city of the lord! begin the universal song; And let the scatter'd tillages the cheerful notes prolong. Let Kedar's wilderness afar lift up its lonely voice ; And let the tenants of the rock with accents rude rejoice; / 15 Till 'midst the streams of distant LANDS TnE ISLANDS SOUND HIS PRAISE; jf And all combin'd, with one accord, JEHOVAH'S GLORIES RAISE. xxin. xxiv. XXIV. Isaiah xlix. 13—17. Northampton 119. Manchester 70. St. Stephen 62. mf 1 VE heav'ns, send forth your song of praise ! earth, raise your voice below ! Let hills and mountains join the hymn, and joy through nature flow. m 2 Behold how gracious is our God! hear the consoling strains, In which he cheers our drooping hearts, and mitigates our pains. mp 3 Cease ye, when days of darkness come, in sad dismay to mourn, As if the Lord could leave his saints forsaken or forlorn. 4 Can the fond mother e'er forget the infant whom she bore? And can its plaintive cries be heard, nor move compassion more? p 5 She may forget : nature may fail a parent's heart to move; 214- Ifcorntfjal. cm G. H. FllEOH. p_ p, c»— p ^p g; I ' ! ) I ! | I ■ \J Praise God. The Lord praise, my soul. I'll praise God while I live P=T=[ ;s — t^H- -^ — ^ — g^— p- PARAPHRASES XXV. 15 Mute, as the peaceful harmless lamb, when brought to shed its blood. 10 AVho can his generation tell? from prison see him led! With impious show of law condemn'd, and number' d with the dead. 11 'Midst sinners low in dust he lay; the rich a grave supply'd: Unspotted was his blameless life; unstain'd by sin he dy'd. 12 Yet G-od shall raise his head on high, though thus he brought him low ; His sacred off'ring, when complete, shall terminate his woe. 13 For, saith the Lord, my pleasure then shall prosper in his hand; His si i all a num'rous offspring be, and still his honours stand. 11 His soul, rejoicing, shall behold the purchase of his pain; And all the guilty whom he sav'd shall bless Messiah's reign. mp mf mp 16 mf mf 1 mp mf 3 XXVI. He with the great shall share the spoil, and baffle all his foes ; Though rank'd with sinners, here he A CONQUEROR HE EOSE. [fell, He dy'd to bear the guilt of men, that sin might be forgiv'n: He lives to bless them and defend, and plead their cause in heav'n. XXVI. Isaiah lv. Ver. 1-10 Huddersfield 67. St.- Mirren 97. Ver. 11-14 Orton 131. St. Columba 130. TJO ! ye that thirst, approach the where living waters flow : [spring Free to that sacred fountain all without a price may go. How long to streams of false delight will ye in crowds repair? How long your strength and substance on trifles, light as air? [waste My stores ailbrd those rich supplies that health and pleasure give: 216. Ecma cm. ANCIENT IRISH. The Lord's my shep not want. He makes me down i=Ld__ -g» (g — h ^ t lead - eth The ! ^ CJ- qui - et ters by. zgr._ c^ r- ^ "— i — — I — r ~^ — ~3~V~ .#._«__, w* 7 PAEAPHE Incline your ear, and come to me; the soul that hears shall live. With you a cov'nant I will make, that ever shall endure; The hope which gladden'd David's my mercy hath made sure. [heart Behold he comes ! your leader comes, with might and honour crown' d; A witness who shall spread my name to earth's remotest bound. See! nations hasten to his call from ev'ry distant shore; Isles, yet unknown, shall bow to him, and Isr'el's Grod adore. Seek ye the Lord while yet his ear is open to your call; "While offer' d mercy still is near, before his footstool fall. Let sinners quit their evil ways, their evil thoughts forego : And G-od, when they to him return, returning grace will show. \SE XXVI. m 9 He pardons with o'erflo wing love: for, hear the voice divine! My nature is not like to yours, nor like your ways are mine : 10 But far as heav'n's resplendent orbs beyond earth's spot extend, As far my thoughts, as far my ways, your ways and thoughts transcend. 11 And as the rains from heav'n distil, nor thither mount again, But swell the earth with fruitful juice, and all its tribes sustain : 12 So not a word that flows from me J shall ineffectual fall; I But universal nature prove H obedient to my call. f 13 With joy aio) peace shall then be the glad converted lands; [led The lofty mountains then shall SING, THE EOEEST3 CLAP THEIR HANDS. 217. <&Htvi. cm. TV. II. HAVERGAL. fe^Sl^i^E good : for i still His I I -J- J I I cies last - ing I I be. I— Let — ^ — ^. ■^ P I I God's re - deem'd say -r — I 1 -| so, whom he From th'en - iny's hand did '--&-- L -t— :^- pa free. PARAPHRASES XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. m 14 "Where briers grew 'midst barren 5 With me dwells no relentless wrath J shall firs and myrtles spring ; [wilds, against the human race; 1 And nature, through its utmost The souls which I have forin'd shall [J ETERNAL PRAISES SING. [BOUNDS, a refuge in my grace. [find XXVII. Isaiah lvii. 15, 16. XXVIII. Isaiah lviii. 5-9. French 44. Huddersfidd 67. St. David 48. Chichester 122. m 1 HPHITS speaks tlie high and lofty One; ye tribes of earth, give ear ; m i A TTEND, and mark the solemn fast which to the Lord is dear ; The words of your Almighty King Disdain the false unhallow'd mask with sacred rev'rence hear: which vain dissemblers wear. 2 Amidst the majesty of heav'n 2 Do I delight in sorrow's dress? my throne is fix'cl on high ; saith he who reigns above ; And through eternity 1 hear The hanging head and rueful look, the praises of the sky : will they attract my love? 3 Yet, looking down, 1 visit oft 3 Let such as feel oppression's load the humble hallow'd cell; thy tender pity share: And with the penitent who mourn And let the helpless, homeless poor, Mis my delight to dwell; be thy peculiar care. 4 The downcast spirit to revive, 4 Go, bid the hungry orphan be the sad in soul to cheer; with thy abundance blest; And from the bed of dust the man Invite the wand'rer to thy gate, of heart contrite to rear. and spread the couch of rest. 218. Caroline* cm. HUGH WILSON. )-— j— -i-r 1 1 ' — rm — lr ! 1 1 — r^~r - — ' — t3 — J hi n l~T 1— I \^' I v.,, I II For but a mo - ment lasts his wrath ; Life in his fav - our lies ; Weeping may for a J -- A A O i i i i i A ' i i J ' J J -4—4-1 — i night en - dure, At I ■ J. — -— i 1 1 — i«J— -^ (^-.l-^-i— morn doth joy rise— At morn doth joy ~'i r I I — J I i -J I J -s*- -— --S-+- l 5 Let him who pines with piercing cold by thee be warm'd and clad; Be thine the blissful task to make the downcast mourner glad. mf 6 Then, bright as morning, shall come I in peace and joy, thy days; [forth, And glory from the Lord above i j shall shine on all thy ways. XXIX. Lament, iii. 37 — 40. St. James 98. Abbey 56. m 1 ^MIDST the mighty, where is he who saith, and it is done ? Each varying scene of changeful life is from the Lord alone. I / 2 He gives in gladsome bow'rs to dwell, V or clothes in sorrow's shroud; m His hand hath form'd the light, his hand V hath form'd the dark'ning cloud. mp 3 Why should a living man complain beneath the chast'ning rod? Our sins afflict us; and the cross must bring us back to God. PARAPHRASES XXVIII XXIX. XXX. mf m p m A mp mf 4 sons of men! with anxious care your hearts and ways explore; Eeturn from paths of vice to God: return, and sin no more ! XXX. Hosea vi. 1 — 4. Evan 125. Farrant 58. 1 £JOME, let us to the Lord our God with contrite hearts return; Our God is gracious, nor will leave the desolate to mourn. 2 His voice commands the tempest forth, and stills the stormy wave; And though his arm be strong to smite, 'tis also strong to save. 3 Long hath the night of sorrow reign'd; the dawn shall bring us light : God shall appear, and we shall rise with gladness in his sight. 4 Our hearts, if God we seek to know, shall know him, and rejoice; His coming like the morn shall be, like morning songs his voice. 219, f&ffingljanu cm. ABRIDGED FROM MUSICAL HANDBOOK. HAMBURG, 1690. m^m^^m His name for i i it shall : dure ; Last like the sun v - er shall en I H l -jGL. Men shall be bless'd in I him. and bless'd All Z2Z= =U :=22= HSES g=I^^pg^&r=S==?= na • tions shall him call. I I PARAPHRASES XXX. XXXI. XXXII. mp m mf it v mp As dew upon the tender herb, diffusing fragrance round; As show'rs that usher in the spring, and cheer the thirsty ground: So shall his presence bless our souls, and shed a joyful light; That hallow'd morn shall chase away the sorrows of the night. XXXI. Micait vi. G— 9. St. Simon 43. French 44. 1 rmiUS speaks the heathen: How shall the Pow'r Supreme adore? [man With what accepted oif 'rings come his mercy to implore? 2 Shall clouds of incense to the skies with grateful odour speed? Or victims from a thousand hills upon the altar bleed? 3 Does justice nobler blood demand to save the sinner's life? Shall, trembling, in his offspring's side the 'father pltmge the knife? mf 4 No: God rejects the bloody rites which blindfold zeal began; His oracles of truth proclaim the message brought to man. m 5 He what is good hath clearly shown, O favour' d race! to thee; And what doth Grod require of those who bend to him the knee ? 6 Thy deeds, let sacred justice rule; thy heart, let mercy fill; And, walking humbly with thy Grod, to him resign thy will XXXII. Habak. iii. 17, 18. Canterbury 140. Salisbury 55. mp 1 WHAT though no flow'rs the fig-tree U clothe, though vines their fruit deny, The labour of the olive fail, and fields no meat supply? 2 Though from the fold, with sad sur- prise, my flock cut off I see; :i-ir 3 J HeSese 220. lEUjaj). cm. thou my soul, do JOHN CAMPBELL. rest thou re - turn Uu - to thy ~i— t — P^ 1— t — ! ^n — I— t '— ^-^rj— T ^zPEi^E|Ll_^EJE»iEJ — L — £2 &—*--& 1 L -\ ^H -L 3= I i For large - lj iTTTT Io, I the Lox-d to thee His — T— ^ B^^^^E boun - ty fl - *S^L i J P -^- hath exprest. tzz :i22Z *w/ PARAPHRASES XXXII. XXXIII Though famine pine in empty stalls, where herds were wont to be? 3 Yet in the Lord will I be glad, and glory in his love; In him I'll joy, who will the God of my salvation prove. 4 He to my tardy feet shall lend the swiftness of the roe ; Till, rais'd on high, I safely dwell beyond the reach of woe. 5 God is the treasure of my soul, the source of lasting joy; A joy which want shall not impair, nor death itself destroy. XXXIII. Matth. vi. 9—14. Martyrdom 64. Ballerma 114. 1 RATHER of all! we bow to thee, who dwell' st in heav'n ador'd; But present still through all thy works, the universal Lord. 2 For ever hallow' d be thy name by all beneath the skies; m mp 5 m f 7 And may thy kingdom still advance, till grace to glory rise. 3 A grateful homage may we yield, with hearts resign' d to thee ; And as in heav'n thy will is done, on earth so let it be. 4 From day to day we humbly own the hand that feeds us still: Give us our bread, and teach to rest contented in thy will. Our sins before thee we confess; O may they be forgiv'n! As we to others mercy show, we mercy beg from Heav'n. 6 Still let thy grace our life direct; from evil guard our way; And in temptation's fatal path permit us not to stray. For thine the pow'r, the kingdom all glory's due to thee: [thine ; Thine from eternity they were, and thine shall ever be. 221. JFarefofll cm. JOHN TURNBULL. I — / I ! ^ ^/\ W C All mine ties blot out, Thy face hide from my sin. in - l - qui J2ATJ4_ -d A J. j j I J* rd . ^». , t i i i j i r i ^ • Cre - ate a clean heart, Lord, re - ne' right sp'rit me ^vith - m. clean heart, Lord, re - new A I J ^L_cd m and rais'd his eyes to heav'n To thee, O Father! Lord of all, eternal praise be giv'n. 2 Thou to the pure and lowly heart hast heav'nly truth revcal'd; "Which from the self-conceited mind thy wisdom hath conceal'd. 3 Ev'n so! thou, Father, hast ordain' d thy high decree to stand ; Nor men nor angels may presume the reason to demand. 4 Thou only know'st the Son: from thee my kingdom I receive; And none the Father know but they who in the Son believe. 5 Come then to me, all ye who groan, with guilt and fears opprest ; Eesign to me the willing heart, and I will give you rest. mp 3 Take up my yoke, and learn of me the meek and lowly mind ; And thus your weary troubled souls repose and peace shall find. For light and gentle is my yoke ; the burden I impose Shall ease the heart, which groan'd beneath a load of woes. [before XXXV. Matth. xxvi. 26—29. Communion 10. 'TWAS on that night, when doom'd to The eager rage of ev'ry foe, [know That night in which he was betray'd, The Saviour of the world took bread: And, after thanks and glory giv'n To him that rules in earth and heav'n, That symbol of his flesh he broke, And thus to all his foLVwers spoke: My broken body thus I give For you, for all; take, eat, and live; And oft the sacred rite renew, That brings my wondrous love to view. 222, ©ainshorouglj. cm. ,. SMEra . Lord, is thy name ! JCZL Who hast thy glo ry far advanced A - bovt the star - ry frame. I I gziz^ri:^zsi^:*r PARAPHRASES XXXV. Then in his hands the cup he rais'd, And God anew he thank'd and prais'd; While kindness in his bosom glow'd, And from his lips salvation flow'd: My blood I thus pour forth, he cries, To cleanse the soul in sin that lies ; In this the covenant is seal'd, And Heav'n's eternal grace reveal'd. With love to man this cup is fraught, Let all partake the sacred draught; Through latest ages let it pour, In mem'ry of my dying hour. XXXVI. Li7KE i. 46— 5G. Arnold's 66. St. Bernard 200. 1 ATV soul and spirit, fill'd with joy, my God and Saviour praise, "Whose goodness did from poor estate his humble handmaid raise. 2 Me bless' d of God, the God of might, all ages shall proclaim; From age to age his mercy lasts, and holy is his name. XXXYI. XXXVIT. 3 Strength with his arm th' Almighty the proud his looks abas'd; [shew'd; He cast the mighty to the ground, the meek to honour rais'd. 4 The hungry with good things were the rich with hunger pin'd: [fill'd, He sent his servant Isr'el help, and call'd his love to mind; 5 Which to our fathers' ancient race his promise did ensure, To Abrah'm and his chosen seed, for ever to endure. mp 1 XXXVII. Luke ii. 8—15. Colchester 111. Nemngton 63. TITHILE humble shepherds watch'd their flocks in Bethleh'm's plains by night, An angel sent from heav'n appear'd, and fill'd the plains with light. Fear not, he said, (for sudden dread had seiz'd their troubled mind;) 223. ffialtlee, cm. Isfeili zs--^ Hs? D. BALLTNOALL. ^^|lpii^ilpBiiip3 tln»n that art the Lord of Hosts, That man JI -^-^ : ^2..^2. - / 6 PARAPHRASES XXXVII. G-lad tidings of great joy I bring to you, and all mankind. 3 To you, in David's town, this day is born, of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; and this shall be the sign: 4 The heav'nly Babe you there shall find 3 to human view display'd, All meanly wrapp'd in swaddling- and in a manger laid. [bands, 5 Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith appear'd a shining throng Of angels, praising Grod; and thus address'd their joyful song: All qlory be to God on high, and to the earth be peace; G-ood-will is shown by Heav'n to and never more shall cease. [men. XXXVIII. Luke ii. 25—33. St. Andrew 72. St. Thomas 75. JUST and devout old Simeon liv'd: to him it was reveal'd, mf 6 XXXVIII. That Christ, the Lord, his eyes should ere death his eyelids seal'd. [see For this consoling gift of Heav'n to Isr'el's fallen state, From year to year, with patient hope the aged saint did wait. Nor did he wait in vain; for, lo! revolving years brought round, In season due, the happy day, which all his wishes crown' d. When Jesus, to the temple brought by Mary's pious care, As Heav'n's appointed rites requir'd, to G-od was offer'd there, Simeon into those sacred courts a heav'nly impulse drew; He saw the Virgin hold her Son, and straight his Lord he knew. With holy joy upon his face the good old father smil'd; Then fondly in his wither'd arms he clasp'd the promis'd child: 224* Hamilton, cm. r . a . smith How love - ly is thy dwell-ing - place, Lord of Hosts, to me ! The tab - er - 4*- !£2 r -hz= ^|Sgr==^^=^=p====pg^==isg5=a=r^=ni^==z=q I r i • i ■ i i i na - cles of thy grace, How pleasant, Lord, they be- How pleasant, Lord, they be ! ZZ! ^2=,22rrzr_— i — i — L - ^j- 1 PARAPHRASES XXXVIII. XXXIX. m 7 And while he held the heav'n-born XXXIX. Lttke iv. 18, 19. Babe, Old Glasgow 121. Chingford 91. ordain' d to bless mankind, mf 1 TXABK, the glad sound, the Saviour the Saviour promis'd long ; [comes ! Thus spoke, with earnest look, and h heart Let ey'et heaet exult with jot, exulting, yet resign' d: AXD Ey'eY VOICE BE SOXG*. ?wp 8 Now, Lord! according to thy word, m 2 On him the Spirit, largely shed, let me in peace depart; exerts its sacred fire; f»f Mine eyes have thy salvation seen, Wisdom and might, and zeal and love, and gladness fills my heart. his holy breast inspire. V 9 At length my arms embrace my Lord, ™f 3 He comes! the pris'ners to relieve, now let their vigour cease ; in Satan's bondage held; mf At last my eyes my Saviour see, f The gates of beass beeoee him V now let them close in peace. the ieo^ eettees yield, [btjest, wi/10 This great salvation, long prepar'd, mf 4 He comes! from dark'ning scales of and now disclos'd to view, to clear the inward sight; [vice Hath prov'd thy love was constant still, And on the eye-balls of the blind and promises were true. to pour celestial light. LI That Sun I now behold, whose light 5 He comes ! the broken hearts to bind, shall heathen darkness chase, the bleeding souls to cure ; And rays of brightest glory pour And with the treasures of his grace r around thy chosen race. t' enrich the humble poor. 225. Sofjns'tone Cfjapel. cm. ROBERT BOYLE. thee vows paid shall be Praise waits for thee in A 4_ Si on, Lord, To A. A. HHj -jjr g j r^rf^ nyi £2. :t: IE W-y— i thou that hear M prayer, All flesh shall come thee. *=E :=Szi=, -— tit— przz^zzz^zizz: PARAPHRASES 6 The sacred year has now revolv'd, accepted of the Lord, "When Heav'n's high promise is ful- and Isr'el is restor'd. [fill'd, / 7 Our glad hosannahs, Prince of • Peace! I thy welcome shall proclaim; I And heav'n's exalted arches ring I I with thy most iionour'd name. mp 1 XL. Luke xv. 13—25. Ballerina 114. Martyrdom C4. rPHE wretched prodigal behold in mis'ry lying low, Whom vice had sunk from high estate, and plung'd in want and woe. 2 While I, despis'd and scorn' d, he cries, starve in a foreign land, The meanest in my father's house is fed with bounteous hand: 3 I'll go, and with a mourning voice, fall down before his face: XXXIX. XL. P Father! I've sinn'd 'gainst Heavji and nor can deserve thy grace. [thee, m 4 He said, and hasten'd to his home, to seek his father's love: The Father sees him from afar, mp and all his bowels move. m 5 He ran, and fell upon his neck, embrae'd and kiss'd his son: mp The grieving prodigal bewail' d the follies he had done. 6 No more, my father, can I hope to find paternal grace ; My utmost wish is to obtain a servant's humble place. mf 7 Bring forth the fairest robe for him, the joyful father said; To him each mark of grace be shown, and cv'ry honour paid. 8 A day of feasting I ordain; let mirth and song abound: < My son was dead, and lives again! < was lost, and now is found! 226. Hoto (Mjurrfj. cm. m0OWOB . *b — §— = = " I '^ .rp — £ s I p - S^p— p i * m - p xTP -X ■p—w-f Thou my sure por tion art lone, Which I did choose, Lord t:s !>. P — *=g-4-^P > ! -J- ^2. .* . f* I ^^ ^S^-^.^Lfj^ EE=F~?=IEF*E?ES: have resolv'd. 44 and said, that I Would keep thy r_zzt: ho word. PARAPHRASES 9 Thus joy abounds in paradise among the hosts of heav'n, Soon as the sinner quits his sins, repents, and is forgiv'n. XLI. John iii. 14 — 19. Eatington 123. St. Stephen 62. m * -A.^ when the Hebrew prophet rais'd the brazen serpent high, The wounded look'd, and straight were the people ceas'd to die: [cur'd, 2 So from the Saviour on the cross a healing virtue flows ; "Who looks to him with lively faith is sav'd from endless woes. 3 For G-od gave up his Son to death, so gen'rous was his love, That all the faithful might enjoy eternal life above. 4 Not to condemn the sons of men the Son of G-od appear'd; No weapons in his hand are seen, nor voice of terror heard: mp m mp XL. XLI. XLII. m 5 He came to raise our fallen state, and our lost hopes restore: A Faith leads us to the mercy-seat, and bids us fear no more. mp 6 But vengeance just for ever lies on all the rebel race, "Who Grod's eternal Son despise, and scorn his offer'd grace. XLII. Jony xiv. 1—7. Boswell 135. Philippi 116. T ET not vour hearts with mp m anxious be troubled or dismay'd; [thoughts But trust in Providence divine, and trust my gracious aid. 2 I to my Father's house return; there num'rous mansions stand. And glory manifold abounds through all the happy land. 3 I go your entrance to secure, and your abode prepare; Eegions unknown are safe to you, when I, your friend, am there. 227* aLura. CM. FR0M CARMINA sacra. '^- i k i i i | i I f i children, hither do ye come, And un - to me give ear; I" I s ! i I ! i a dFp- t-fr' f r- f — f — =\-& — p-fT ™ — 1~^ : z 1 ! 1 1_! ! , ! 1 n ^_ ._ f\ I shall you teach to under - stand How ye the Lord should fear. I P I I it , ! I I I 1,1 PARAPHRASES XLII 4 Thence shall I come, when ages close, to take you home with me; There we shall meet to part no more, and still together be. 5 I am the way, the truth, the life: no son of human race, But such as I conduct and guide, m p -^ shall see my Father's face. XLIII. John xiv. 25—28. Solomon 103. St. Mirren 97. p 1 X^O Unoiv must hear my voice no more; my Father calls me home; m But soon from heav'n the Holy Grhost, your Comforter, shall come. 2 That heav'nly Teacher, sent from Grod, | shall your whole soul inspire; I Your minds shall fill with sacred truth, 1 1 your hearts with sacred fire. mp 3 Peace is the gift I leave with you ; my peace to you bequeath ; ih Peace that shall comfort you through and cheer your souls in death, [life, P pp f-P f-P m f XLIII. XLIV. 4 I give not as the world bestows, with promise false and vain; Nor cares, nor fears, shall wound the in which my words remain, [heart XLIV. John xix. 30. Redemption 41. St. Nicholas 151. "DEHOLD the Saviour on the cross, a spectacle of woe! See from his agonizing wounds the blood incessant flow; Till death's pale ensigns o'er his cheek and trembling lips tvere spread; Till light forsook his closing eyes, and life his drooping head! 'Tis finisii'd — was his latest voice; these sacred accents o'er, He boio'd his head, gave up the ghost, and suffer d pain no more. 'Tis finisii'd — The Messiah dies for sins, but not his own ; The great redemption is complete, and Satan's pow'r o'erthrown. 228, ©rltngton, cm. > — — p— f— g — — But like the palm - tree flour ish JOHN CAMPBELL. ing Shall be the t~ — i — i — i 1 1 — ^ --i- right - eous one ; ISP s^s _| C^_,_W iESEIETil SEES He shall like to the ce dar grow — He B =H /!»& 5 A / PARAPHRASES XLIY. 'Tis finish'd — All his groans are past; his blood, his pain, and toils, Have fully vanquished our foes, AND CEOWN'D HIM WITH THEIE SPOILS . 'Tis finish'd — Legal worship ends, and gospel ages run; All old things now are past away, and a new woeld begun. XLV. Eomans ii. 4—8. Morven 99. St. Chad 152. mf 1 TJNG-KATEFUL sinners! whence this scorn of G-od's long-suff'ring grace? And whence this madness that insults th' Almighty to his face? 2 Is it because his patience waits, and pitying bowels move, You multiply transgressions more, and scorn his offer'd love? 3 Dost thou not know, self-blinded man! his goodness is design'd nip m 6 (\ f mp XLV. XLYI. To wake repentance in thy soul, and melt thy harden'd mind? V And wilt thou rather choose to meet th' Almighty as thy foe, And treasure up his wrath in store against the day of woe ? ) Soon shall that fatal day approach that must thy sentence seal, And righteous judgments, now un- in awful pomp reveal; [known, While they, who full of holy deeds to glory seek to rise, Continuing patient to the end, SHALL GAIN TH' IMMORTAL PEIZE. XLVI. Eomans iii. 19—22. Martyrdom 64. St. James 98. 1 TTAIN are the hopes the sons of men upon their works have built; Their hearts by nature are unclean, their actions full of guilt. 2 Silent let Jew and G-entile stand, without one vaunting word; p=Ez^--*-E=Ei--p=f^=--^J:S-ir^z:^rIr= =S -|=f^rl shall like to the ce - dar grow That is in Le ban • on. -2i*! I ! : l*S&^ &, -^B- - gg- -£g - -& 1 - _^> -- ?53qpzp 229. jjieto igtria, cm. ^im DR. ARNOLD iElgii^ii^liil^iEts^iig PARAPHRASES XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. p And, humbled low, confess their guilt before lieativts righteous Lord, m 3 No hope can on the law be built of justifying grace ; The law, that shows the sinner's guilt, condemns him to his face. if 4i Jesus! how glorious is thy grace! when in thy name we trust, Our faith receives a righteousness that makes the sinner just. XLVII. Eomans vi. 1—7. St. Thomas 75. Lancaster 68. A ND shall we then go on to sin, that grace may more abound? Great Grod, forbid that such a thought should in our breast be found! When to the sacred font we came, did not the rite proclaim, That, wash'd from sin, and all its stains, new creatures we became? mp 3 "With Christ the Lord wc dy'd to sin; mf with him to life we rise, m 1 mp m 2 To life, which now begun on earth, is perfect in the skies. m 4 Too long enthrall'd to Satan's sway, we now are slaves no more; mf Eor Christ hath vanquish'd death and sin, our freedom to restore. XLVIII. Eomans viii. 31, to the end. St. Magnus 45. Stroudwuter 74. mf 1 m V mf T ET Christian faith and hope dispel the fears of guilt aud woe ; The Lord Almighty is our friend, and who can prove a foe? He who his Son, most dear and lov'd, gave up for us to die, Shall he not all things freely give that goodness can supply? Behold the best, the greatest gift, of everlasting love! Behold the pledge of peace below, and perfect bliss above! -t^- - -t^- < *». -c^- ~ ^g- ~ ~C^ — iis^siillsli^lSli From this time forth al - ways. 1— r — —J 1 1 =J— i '-* 1— < 1 t n J PARAPHRASE XLIX. Nay, gave my body to the flames, still fruitless were the deed. mp 5 Love suffers long; love envies not; but love is ever kind; She never boasteth of herself, nor proudly lifts the mind. m 6 Love harbours no suspicious thought, is patient to the bad; Griev'd when she hears of sins and and in the truth is glad. [crimes, 7 Love no unseemly carriage shows, nor selfishly confin'd; She glows with social tenderness, and feels for all mankind. 8 Love beareth much, much she believes, and still she hopes the best; mp Love meekly suffers many a wrong, though sore with hardship press'd. mf 9 Love still shall hold an endless reign in earth and heav'n above, When tongues shall cease, and prophets and ev'ry gift but love. [fail, m 10 Here all our gifts imperfect are; J but better days draw nigh, "When perfect light shall pour its rays, J J and all those shadows fly. m 11 Like children here we speak and think, i amus'd with childish toys; ft But when our pow'rs their manhood I reach, ' ! we'll scorn our present joys. np 12 Now dark and dim, as through a glass, are God and truth beheld; nf Then shall we see as face to face, and God shall be unvail'd. 13 Faith, Hope, and Love, now dwell on earth, and earth by them is blest ; But Faith and Hope must yield to Love, of all the graces best. 14 Hope shall to full fruition rise, and Faith be sight above s These are the means, but this the end ; for saints for ever love. 231. Eest cm. FROM CARMINA SACRA. 1340. 22 ~ZZ2 — zg2~zbig2~~za~zzg *==s : iiiiilLli love the Lord, be - cause my voice And pray - ers he did hear. ^—.--^ ^2 : iEEgE i§ ,_^_ :gz: -Z2—£l * r Fua =z ^> — fr-rf fclzg: si P frl II I, while I live, will call on Thy sting was sin, and conscious guilt, 'twas this that arm'd thy dart; The law gave sin its strength and force to pierce the sinner's heart: / ni P 1 LI. ButG-od,whosenamebeeverbless'd! disarms that eoe we bread, And makes us conqu'rors when we DIE, through Christ our living head. Then stedfast let us still remain, though dangers rise around, And in the work prescrib'd by Grod yet more and more abound; Assur'd that though we labour now, we labour not in vain, But, through the grace or heav'n's great Lord, th' eternal crown shall gain. LI. 2 Corinth, v. 1 — 11. Lawrence 96. St. Paul 50. OOOy shall this earthly frame, dis- in death and ruins lie; [solvd, But better mansions wait the just, prepar'd above the sky. An house eternal, built by God, shall lodge the holy mind, 232. St »itoa. cm. W. BROOMFIELD. S3=s: rr r - >. as r> mi ties blot out, Thy I I I face hide from J ; my £2 L_l LZ LZ Z£2= : P f' =3 r-4-rJ rW^ r ^ggT ^m^ j.«_jt_&=c_^ — «? — |3 — ^_ right sp'rit me with -^— T- tit: P=^£2: :^==f^ PARAPHRASES WTien once those prison-walls have ] m by which 'tis now confin'd. [fall'n p 3 Hence, burden' d with a weight of clay, we groan beneath the load, mp "Waiting the hour which sets us free, /\ and brings us home to Grod. m 4 "We know, that when the soul, un- shall from this body fly, [cloth'd, 'Twill animate a purer frame with life that cannot die. 5 Such are the hopes that cheer the just: these hopes their G-od hath giv'n; His Spirit is the earnest now, and seals their souls for heav'n. 6 We walk by faith of joys to come, faith grounded on his word; W But while this body is our home, / we mourn an absent Lord. in 7 What faith rejoices to believe, we long and pant to see; p We would he absent from Ike flesh, mf and present, Lord! with thee. LI. LII. 8 But still, or here, or going hence, to this our labours tend, That, in his service spent, our life may in his favour end. 9 For, lo ! before the Son, as judge, th' assembled world shall stand, To take the punishment or prize from his unerring hand. 10 Impartial retributions then our diff'rent lives await; Our present actions, good or bad, shall fix our future fate. LII. Philip, ii. 6—12. St. Thomas 75. Northampton 119. 1 VE who the name of Jesus bear, his sacred steps pursue; And let that mind which was in him be also found in you. 2 Though in the form of God he was, his only Son declar'd, Nor to be equally ador'd as robb'ry did regard; i,SS* ^tlcUcUlJlO* CM. CHARLES HUTCHESON. taste and see that God is good : Who trusts in him is bless'd. *m^ms^mm^^ .&ZZ C PARAPHRASES wp 3 His greatness he for us abas'd, for us his glory vail'd; In human likeness dwelt on earth, his majesty conceal'd: 4 Nor only as a man appears, p but stoops a servant low ; Submits to death, nay, bears the O'oss, in all its shame and woe. LII. LIII. LIII. mp 1 mf 5 Hence G-od this gen'rous love to men with honours just hath crown' d, And rais'd the name of Jesus far above all names renown'd: m 6 That at this name, with sacred awe, each humble knee should bow, Of hosts immortal in the skies, and nations spread below: wp 7 That all the prostrate pow'rs of hell \j might tremble at his word, f And ev'ry tribe, and ev'ry tongue, CONFESS THAT HE IS LORD. mf f 1 Thessal. iv. 13, to the end. Comfort 127. Xern'ngton 63. Tl AKE comfort, Christians, when your in Jesus fall asleep; [friends Their better being never ends; why then dejected weep? Why inconsolable, as those to whom no hope is giv'n? Death is the messenger of peace, and calls the soul to heav'n. As Jesus dy'd, and rose again victorious from the dead; So his disciples rise, and reign with their triumphant Head. The time draws nigh, when from the clouds Christ shall with shouts descend, And the last trumpet's awful voice the heav'ns and earth shall REND. Then they who live shall changed be, and they who sleep shall wake; 234- &ortoooti. cm. JOHN TURNBULL. =P2: r r i let ray earn - est prayer and cry Come near — .^. + s #_^_ i/- — - 1 -•" — i r-\\ thy word. £2 ^-pi _ II -»-^ — ! — ! — •f-g ? ---H / ! A MP The PARAPHRASES yield their ancient LIII. LIV. LV. graves shall charge, and earth's foundations shake. 6 The saints of Grod, from death set free, with joy shall mount on high; The heav'nly hosts with praises shall meet them in the sky. [loud 7 Together to their Father's house with joyful hearts they go; And dwell fob eyer with the Lord, beyond the reach of woe. 8 A few short years of evil past, we reach the happy shore, Where death-divided friends at last shall meet, to part no more. LIV. 2 Tim. i. 12. Gloucester 54. Chichester 122. 1 T'M not asham'd to own my Lord, or to defend his cause, Maintain the glory of his cross, and honour all his laws. mf 4 Jesus, my Lord! I know his name, his name is all my boast; Nor will he put my soul to shame, nor let my hope be lost. I know that safe with him remains, protected by his pow'r, What I've committed to his trust, till the decisive hour. Then will he own his servant's name before his Father's face, And in the New Jerusalem appoint my soul a place. iv. 6, 7. Solomon 103 8,18. LY. 2 Tim. St. Ann 60. 1 1LTY race is run; my warfare's o'er; the solemn hour is nigh, When, offered up to God, my soul shall wing its flight on high. 2 With heav'nly weapons I have fought the battles of the Lord; Finish'd my course, and kept the faith, depending on his word. 235. Fiolet ffirobe. cm. A. DOUGLAS. Praise God with harp, and un - to him Sing with the psal - ter - y; Up - on a ten-string'd ] I J. JUCTZl + '0mm^M^^mmMiMwm Make ye sweet ruelo - dy— Make ye N J*UL* J. ?eet niel • o - dy i^=-piip^^Oii=ilfJi^^""' in - stru - ment Make ye sweet melo - dy- PARAPHRASES LY. rnf 3 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown which cannot fade ; The righteous Judge at that great day shall place it on my head. m 4 Nor hath the Sov'reign Lord decreed this prize for me alone ; But for all such as love like me th' appearance of his Son. . 5 From ev'ry snare and evil work I his grace shall me defend, And to his heav'nly kingdom safe I I shall bring me in the end. mp 1 P mf 2 LYI. Titus iii. 3—9. Jackson's 51. French 44. TTOW wretched was our former state, when, slaves to Satan's sway, With hearts disorder' d and impure, overwhelm d in sin we lay! But, O my soul! for ever praise, for ever love his name, m 4 / LYI. Who turn'd thee from the fatal paths of folly, sin, and shame. Yain and presumptuous is the trust which in our works we place, Salvation from a higher source flows to the human race. 'Tis from the mercy of our God that all our hopes begin; His mercy sav'd our souls from death . and wash'd our souls from sin. His Spirit, through the Saviour shed, its sacred fire imparts, Befines our dross, and love divine rekindles in our hearts. Thexce rais'd prom death, we lite A3T>, JTJSTIEY'd BY GRACE, [ANEW; we hope ix glory to appear, a>~d see our Father's face. Let all who hold this faith and hope in holy deeds abound; Thus faith approves itself sincere, by active virtue crown'd. 236, lEaton. l.m. 13 i i God in his glory shall appear. When Sion he builds and repairs. He shall regard and lend his ear . . ! s , is I I J i I j!! r J-#-^-lf- r ^-.-J !_^- r ^_ ^-g-# , 4 nJ-M- r r -g-i?-4=V -pjg- r -| — ^_p^-^- r - h jL^-pp-p_c=p^ — >— ^-^-F F , 5? > l r V^t— r Tn - to the needy's humble pray'rs— He shall regard and lend his ear Un - to the needy's humble pray'rs. * - ^L_/ . J -^J s J ! I LVII. Heb. iv. 14, to the end. Chichester 122. Comfort 127. TESUS, the Son of G-od, who once for us his life resiprn'd. mf Now lives in heav'n, our great High and never-dying friend. [Priest, m 2 Through life, through death, let us to with constancy adhere; [him A Faith shall supply new strength, and ' » shall banish ev'ry fear. [hope m 3 To human weakness not severe a is our High Priest above; His heart o'erflows with tenderness, V his bowels melt with love. mp 4 With sympathetic feelings touch'd, he knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations are, for he has felt the same. mf 5 But though he felt temptation's pow'r, unconquer'd he remain'd; Nor, 'midst the frailty of our frame, by sin was ever stain'd. mp PARAPHRASES LVII. LVIII. 6 As, in the days of feeble flesh, he pour'd forth cries and tears; So, though exalted, still he feels what ev'ry Christian bears. mf 7 Then let us, with a filial heart, come boldly to the throne > Of grace supreme, to tell our griefs, and all our wants make known: 8 That mercy we may there obtain for sins and errors past, And grace to help in time of need, while days of trial last. LVIII. Another Version of the same Passage. Soldau 4. Communion 10. Melcombe 17. m 1 T\THEEE high the heav'nly temple stands, The house of Grod not made with hands, mf A great High Priest our nature wears, The guardian of mankind appears. I =2~: — t :^: 237. St ©Iaf s.m. DR. GAUNTLETT. By permission. I ; I Lord, bless and -A ty J_g^L -^ — ^=^: ^§ = Shine ^m -^ face : ZZ22I - ,g- g 77, ^±r: — 22=£2ZIZ£2: PARAPHRASES 2 He who for men their surety stood, And pour d on earth Ms precious blood. Pursues in heav'n his mighty plan, The Saviour and the friend of man. 3 Though now ascended up on high, He bends on earth a brother s eye; Partaker of the human name, He knows the frailty of our frame. 4 Our fellow-suff'rer yet retains A fellow-feeling of our pains; And still remembers in the skies His tears, his agonies, and cries. m 5 mf 6 In ev'ry pang that rends the heart, The Man of sorrows had a part; He sympathizes with our grief, And to the suff'rer sends relief. "With boldness, therefore, at the throne, Let us make all our sorrows known ; And ask the aids of heav'nly pow'r To help us in the evil hour. LVIII. LIX. L1X Heb. xii. 1—13. French 44. St. Simon 43. nf 1 TOEHOLD what witnesses unseen encompass us around; Men, once like us, with suff'ring try'd, BT7T NOW WITH GLOBY CBOWET'd. Let us, with zeal like theirs inspir'd, begin the Christian race, And, freed from each encumb'ring their holy footsteps trace, [weight, Behold a witness nobler still, who trode affliction s path, Jesus, at once the finisher and author of our faith. He for the joy before him set, so gen'rous was his love, Endur'd the cross, despis'd the shame, and now he reigns above. If he the scorn of wicked men with patience did sustain, Becomes it those for whom he dy'd to murmur or complain? mp f m mf p mf m 238. liLctmox. fc3= ^|-^ =^=zgz=zg= =-g-f _ j_p_^=z: ~4-i Him Let all l gels bless, t Him all fefc :^=± fcg: :^— : his arm - ies .«' ^ ^ praise. ^2. PARAPHRASES LTX. LX. G Have ye like him to blood, to death, the cause of truth maintain'd? And is your heav'nly Father's voice forgotten or disdain'd? 7 My son, saith he, with patient mind mp endure the chast'ning rod; Believe, when by afflictions try'd, ■< that thou art lov'd by Grod.* m 8 His children thus most dear to him, their heav'nly Father trains, Through all the hard experience led of sorrows and of pains. 9 We know he owns us for his sons, when we correction share ; Nor wander as a bastard race, without our Father's care. 10 A father's voice with rev'rence we on earth have often heard; The Father of our spirits now demands the same regard. 11 Parents may err; but he is wise, nor lifts the rod in vain; His chast'nings serve to cure the soul by salutary pain. mpl2 Affliction, when it spreads around, may seem a field of woe ; mf Yet there, at last, the happy fruits of righteousness shall grow. 13 Then let our hearts no more despond, our hands be weak no more ; Still let us trust our Father's love, his wisdom still adore. LX. Heb. Farrant 58. RATHER of peac< xm. 20, 21. Martyrdom 64. and G-od of love ! we own thy pow'r to save, That pow'r by which our Shepherd rose victorious o'er the grave. Him from the dead thou brought'st when, by his sacred blood, [again, Confirm'd and seal'd for evermore, th' eternal cov'nant stood. inp 3 O may thy Spirit seal our souls, and mould them to thy will, nf 2 & & p - ^ <-" — '- m mwm high spheres, And cloud sky. PARAPHEASES LX. LXI. LXII. That our weak hearts no more may 4 Saints by the pow'r of God are kept stray, till the salvation come: » but keep thy precepts still ; AVe walk by faith as strangers here ; \ 4 That to perfection's sacred height but Christ shall call us home. N we nearer still may rise, 1 And all we think, and all we do, LXII. 2 Pet. iii. 3—14. Batterma 114. Morven 99. be pleasing in thine eyes. m 1 TO! in the last of days behold a faithless race arise; LXI. 1 Pet. i. 3—5. Their lawless lust their onlv rule ; New London 53. Gloucester 54. and thus the scoffer cries : mf 1 "DLESS'D be the everlasting God, the Father of our Lord; 2 Where is the promise, deem'd so true, that spoke the Saviour near? f Be his abotj;sdi;n"g meecy peajs'd, E'er since our fathers slept in dust, HIS MAJESTY ADOE'j). no change has reach' d our ear. m 2 When from the dead he rais'd his Son, 3 Years roll'd on vears successive glide, and call'd him to the sky, since first the world began, A He gave our souls a lively hope that they should never die. And on the tide of time still floats, secure, the bark of man. 3 To an inheritance divine 4 Thus speaks the scoffer; but his words he taught our hearts to rise; conceal the truth he knows, 'Tis uncorrupted, undefil'd, That from the waters' dark abyss unfading in the skies. the earth at first arose. 239, Hcurfjars. p.m. T. L. HATELY. My thirst - ing A A A long - eth mmm As thirst A JL y A. ground A J2. : »1 quires =q: With rain :^: :^- fc? be. =f^= re - fresh'd to J. -s .J. . PARAPHRASES LXII. LXIII. / m 7 But when the sons of men began ■\jrith one consent to stray, At Heav'n's command a deluge swept the godless race away. A diff'rent fate is now prepar'd for nature's trembling frame; Soon shall her orbs be all enwrapt in one devouring flame. Keserv'd are sinners for the hour when to the gulf below, Arm'd with the hand of sov'reign pow'r, the Judge consigns his foe. 8 Though now, ye just! the time appears protracted, dark, unknown, An hour, a day, a thousand years, to heav'n's great Lord are one. 9 Still all may share his sov'reign grace, in ev'ry change secure; The meek, the suppliant contrite race, shall find his mercy sure. 10 The contrite race he counts his friends, forbids the suppliant's fall; 11 / ff 12 m 13 p 14 mf mf 1 Condemns reluctant, but extends the hope of grace to all. Yet as the night-wrapp' d thief who lurks to seize th* expected prize, Thus steals the hour when Christ shall AND THUNDER REND THE SKIES, [come, Then at the loud, the solemn peal, the heav'ns shall burst away; The elements shall melt in flame at Nature's final day. Since all this frame of things must end, as Heav'n has so decreed, How wise our inmost thoughts to and watch o'er ev'ry deed ; [guard, Expecting calm th' appointed hour, when, Nature's conflict oer, A new and better world shall rise, where sin is known no more. LXIII. 1—4. 1 John iii. Newington 63. gEHOLD th' amazing gift of love the Father hath bestow'd No. 1. ouble (EfjantsL LANGDOX. IsIe : ^ 3: "Pi §EigEa Bl^ Hi ~l I' -+- -©- =^: ^21 -,— =?2 ft - i —r~ iS? ■ r - 1 • 1 J \— , f- 3 n l i i -4 I - TT^ M> i u — ^ — i i — - — i r- PARAPHRASES I On us, the sinful sons of men, < to call us sons of G-od! mp 2 Conceal' d as yet this honour lies, by this dark world unknown, A world that knew not when he came, ev'n God's eternal Son. mf 3 High is the rank we now possess; < BUT HIGHER WE SHALL RISE; m Though what we shall hereafter be is hid from mortal eyes : 4 Our souls, we know, when he appears. I shall bear his image bright ; 1 For all his glory, full disclos'd,' I I shall open to our sight. mf 5 A hope so great, and so divine, may trials well endure ; mp And purge the soul from sense and sin. as Christ himself is pure. Bey. St. mf LXIV. Alphage 118. 1 fPO him that lov'd the souls of men. i. 5—9 Belgrave 110. and wash'd us in his blood, III. LXIV. LXV. I To ROYAL HONOURS RAIS'd OUR HEAD, and made us priests to grod ; f 2 to him let ev'ry tongue be praise, And ey'ry heart be loye! All grateful honours paid on AND NOBLER SONGS ABOYE! [EARTH, ff 3 Behold, on elylng clouds he comes! HIS SAINTS SHALL BLESS THE DAY; p TVMle they that piercd him sadly mourn in anguish and dismay, f 4 I am the First, and I the Last; \ time centres all in me; Th' Almighty God, who was, and is, II and eyermore shall be. LXV. Eey. y. 6, to the end. Old Glasgow 121. Chingfovd 91. mf 1 "DEHOLD the glories of the Lamb amidst his Father's throne; Prepare new honours for his name, and songs before unknown. m 2 Lo! elders worship at his feet; the church adores around, No. 2. DR. BOYCE. p : s : «= 3 i : ^21 £2= ?a: :?2i IC2I -H 1 ~^- :^~i — ^?~ 1 *» J =J \&—~-^zn -jp. c? — c— I Pi ? — *~a*-i ^ r -P f^: PARAPHRASE LXV. With vials full of odours rich, and harps of sweetest sound. 3 These odours are the pray'rs of saints, these sounds the hymns they raise ; G-od bends his ear to their requests, he loves to hear their praise. . 4 Who shall the Father's record search, I and hidden things reveal? Behold the Son that record takes, I I and opens ev'ry seal ! mf 5 Hark how th' adoring hosts above with songs surround the throne! f Ten thousand thousand are their TONGUES; BUT ALL THEIR HEARTS ARE ONE. mp 6 Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry, to be exalted thus ; JT Worthy the Lamb, let us reply, FOR HE WAS SLAIN FOR US. mf 7 To him be pow'r divine ascrib'd, and endless blessings paid; h Salvation, glory, joy, remain l\ FOR EVER ON HIS HEAD.' m 8 Thou hast redeem'd us with thy blood, ■ and set the pris'ners free; \ Thou mad'st us kings and priests to God, 1 1 and we shall reign with thee. mf 9 Erom ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tongue, thou brought'st thy chosen race; A And distant lands and isles have shar'd ' I THE RICHES OF THY GRACE. f 10 Let all that dwell above the sky, OR ON THE EARTH BELOW, WlTH FIELDS, AND FLOODS,AND OCEAN'S SHORES, to thee their homage show. 11 to him who sits upon the throne, the God whom ave adore, And to the Lamb that once was SLAIN, BE GLORY EVERMORE. No. 3. #-^ -J H- H =r — LIVE];. — J — rjl i 4 — J i - ii — ^ & - & g— : ^ fl / 1 PARAPHRASES LXYI. Key. vii. 13, to the end. St. Asaph 42. Renfrew 76. TTOW BRIGHT THESE GLOEIOrS SPIRITS SKENE! m whence all their white array? How came they to the blissful seats of everlasting day? p 2 Lo! these are they from sufferings great, < who came to realms of light, m And in the blood of Christ have wash'd those robes which shine so bright. mf 3 Now, with triumphal palms, they stand before the throne on high, And serve the G-od they love, amidst the glories of the sky. 4 His presence fills each heart with joy, tunes ev'ry mouth to sing : By day, by night, the sacred courts with glad hosannahs ring. mp 5 Hunger and thirst are felt no more, nor suns with scorching ray; LXVI. LXYII. mf God is their sun, whose cheering beams diffuse eternal day. 6 The Lamb which dwells amidst the shall o'er them still preside; [throne Feed them with nonrishment divine, and all their footsteps guide. m 7 'Mong pastures green he'll lead his flock, where living streams appear; < And Grod the Lord from ev'ry eye > shall wipe off ev'ry tear. LXVII. Eev. xxi. 1—9. Yer. 1-7. Renfrew 76. Belgrave 110. Ver. 8-1L St. Ann 60. St. Nicholas 151. m 1 TO! what a glorious sight appears to our admiring eyes! mp The former seas have pass'd away, the former earth and skies. mf 2 From heav'n the Xew Jerus'lem comes, all worthy of its Lord ; See all things now at last renew'd, and paradise restor'd! m No. 4. :^2i i isro: "P> ^ -M-'.' i .• y f ' i i :(^=^= S3 -S-S-— - r— -4 :^: i — ^. 221 pji&g 2iz^Sr_T=i^rq ^=pz ill 2. 3 t :f£ ^ ; tzt m PARAPHRASE LXVTI. / 3 Attending angels shout for joy, and the bright armies sing; m Mortals! behold the sacred seat of your descending King ! 4 The God of glory down to men removes his bless'd abode; He dwells with men; his people they, and he his people's G-od. 5 His gracious hand shall wipe the tears from ev'ry weeping eye: And pains and groans, and griefs and A fears, \\ AND DEATn ITSELF, SHALL DIE. m 6 Behold, I change all human things! saith he, whose words are true ; Lo! what was old is pass'd away, and all things are made new! f 7 I am the First, and I the Last, THROUGH ENDLESS TEARS THE SAME; I AM, IS MY MEMORIAL STILL, AND MY ETERNAL NAME. flip P m m 8 Ho, ye that thirst! to you my grace shall hidden streams disclose, And open full the sacred spring, whence life for ever flows. mf 9 Bless'd is the man that overcomes; I'll own him for a son ; A A RICH INHERITANCE REWARDS THE CONQUESTS HE HATH WON. mplO But bloody hands and hearts unclean, and all the lying race, The faithless, and the scoffing crew, who spurn at offer'd grace; 11 They, seiz'd by justice, shall be doom'd p in dark abyss to lie, And in the fiery burning lake the second death shall die. m 12 O may we stand before the Lamb, . when earth and seas are fled, I And hear the Judge pronounce our I name, II with blessings on our head! ROBINSON. EBEEjEgEEgEjE §=^111^1111 ^Si=EE§=£ SP _<^- -- :^=:q HYMNS HYMN I. N't wington 63. St. David 48. »a 1 \\/~HEN all thy mercies, O my Grod! my rising soul surveys, mf Transported with the view, I'm lost in wonder, love, and praise. 2 O how shall words, with equal warmth, the gratitude declare That glows within my ravish' d heart! but Thou canst read it there. m 3 Thy Providence my life sustain' d, and all my wants redrest, ■mp "When in the silent womb I lay, and hung upon the breast. 4i To all my weak complaints and cries thy mercy lent an ear, nip Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learn' d to form themselves in pray'r. Unnumber'd comforts to my soul thy tender care bestow'd, Before my infant heart conceiv'd from whom these comforts flow'd. When in the slipp'ry paths of youth with heedless steps I ran; Thine arm, unseen, convey'd me safe, and led me up to man: Tii rough hidden dangers, toils, and it gently clear'd my way; [deaths, And through the pleasing snares of vice, more to be fear'd than they. When worn with sickness, oft hast thou with health renew'd my face; No. 6. mmmmm-. -JZ2\ •jzL 5^S: & T2- 221 r q^:=^: && -s<- :~n: — s- :s2: :§ HF* & --T-0- m !=£. mmmm m HYMNS I. II. mp And, when in sins and sorrows sun! . roviv'd my soul with grace. m 9 Thy bounteous hand with worldly b-li.-s m 1 hath made my cup run o'er; And, in a kind and faithful friend, hath doubled all my store. w/'lO Ten thousand thousand precious gift. 2 my daily thanks employ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, f that tastes these gifts with joy. 11 Through ev'ry period of my life " l l> 3 thy goodness I'll proclaim; Aud after death, in distant worlds, resume the glorious theme. mpVl When nature Tails, and day and nigh! divide fchy works no more, mf My over grateful heart, Lord, m f thy mercy shall adore. /' 13 THROUGH ALL ETERNITX TO THEE mp 5 A JOYFUL SONG I'LL RAISE; For, on ! eternity's too short TO i I . 1.1: \\.\. thy PRATSE. HYMN II. Creation 21. Cilicia 6. fPHE spacious firmament on high , With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heav'ns, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. Th' unweary'd sun, from day to day. Does his Creator's pow'r display; And publishes to ev'ry land The work op an Almighty hand. Soon as the ev'ning shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And, nightly to the list'ning earth. Kepeats the story of her birth ; While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidiij js as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial ball? What though no real voit-e, nor sound, eir radiant orbs be found? No. 7. tirrm HYMNS I IV mf 6 In Eeason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; /' Foe ever singing-, as they shine, "the hani) that made us is divine.' HYMN III. Crowle 153. St. Neot. 150. TX/'HEN rising from the bed of death. o'erwhelrn'd with guilt and fear, I see my Maker face to face, O how shall I appear ! If yet while pardon may be found, and mercy may be sought, My heart with inward horror shrinks. and trembles at the thought; When thou, O Lord! shalt stand dis- in majesty severe, [clos'd And sit in judgment on my soul, O how shall I appear! But thou hast told the troubled mind, who doth her sins lament, That timely grief for errors past shall future woe prevent. 5 Then see the sorrows of my heart, ere yet it be too late ; And hear my Saviour's dying groans, to give those sorrows weight. 6 For never shall my soul despair of mercy at thy throne, "Who knows thine only Son has dy'd thy justice to atone. HYMN IV. St. Geurge 52. Pscltham 71. nf I T2 LEST morning! whose first dawning beheld the Son of G-od [rays Arise triumphant from the grave, and leave his dark abode. p 2 Wrapt in the silence of the tomb the great Redeemer lay, Till the revolving skies had brought the third, th' appointed day. m 3 Hell and the grave combin'd their force to hold our Lord in vain;' f Sudden the Conqueror arose, AND BURST THEIR FEEBLE CHAIN. No. 8. ^ zcm: : S : :5b* z± ?=: :^= i ff==T= — I- £21 H=iHi^ii^^ =a ^ * -ss- -<^ — -^3- 1221 ^ ■^ r 122: jsa. iK :^: isd: -F=- ■0. -JZL wm HYMNS IV. V 4i< to thy gkbeat name, almighty lobd ! w 2 we sacred honours pay, And loud hosannahs shall proclaim the triumphs of the day. 5 Salvation and immortal praise to our victorious King! //' Let heav'n and earth, and rocks and with clad hosannahs ring. [seas, mf 6 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, nip the God whom we adore, ./' JjE glory, as it was, AND IS, AND SHALL BE EVERMORE. HYMJS V. Soldaa 4. Old Saxony 28. 1 yr// E hour of my departures come; I hear the voice that calls me home, At last, Lord! let trouble cease, And let thy servant die in peace. The race appointed I have run; The combat's o'er, the prize is won; And now my witness is on high, And now my record's in the sky. Not in mine innocence I trust; I bow before thee in the dust; And through my Saviour s blood alone I look for mercy at thy throne. I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I held so dear: To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend. And to the friendless prove a friend. I come, I come, at thy command, I give my spirit to thy hand; St retell forth thine everlasting- arms, And shield me in the last alarms. The hour of my departure's come; I hear the voice that calls me home: Now, O my God! let trouble cease; Xow let th/ servant die in peace. v t x r s No. 9. Single Cfjants. ^_^x^zp ^^ ffi 75 T _£S: I I -o- i I J- -J- No. 10. F.UIRANT. 1 :s: t7 m ^21 --^P'- ■g r>- S: :^: :s2i 32: - O 44 JJ i ^nrpg 8rfe £2- :^=r^z= :?2- 1- r" I I * | -^~PTT r 1 1 s : No. 12. 4 :s2: 221 p^ ^~f~ f -ft gEg^fe ^E r <^" ?=: 33 t=t EEEE= ^2: No. 13. -0- d: HI! SZ -Z2—\ 5 iis£ -0—e>— - g^g 1 — - "C" 32: ?i — \- PURCELL. S :£2— : "^ :^2: :^: ^-^— .^r s> 7b— n^nns No. 15. PELHAM HIIMPHKEV. -&- :& m 1 \ 1 ■& :^2i :e: ^m J2. Z2I :^ m- j- No. 16. Ipgi ^ -<^- I E^h^E^F^n^ (, r =^^ SUPPLEMENT. INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. L.M. No. Xo. 243 St. Agnes, Durham 241 Walton. 242 St. Minver. CM. S.M. •2.Y1 246 247 Bernard. Faith. Farningham. 248 249 251 » Dennis. Franconia. Zurich. 252 245 Milton. Naomi. P.M. 254 Pales trina. 251 Cecilia. 244 Sphor. 240 Ghent. 240* ffifjent p.m. g^i >M S^M u-^- ±=2i The Lord of heav'n con I I I ^: I22T .-\- r -^- -jz£z Nm =*=*=*—& '£?- On high His glo - ry 1 III ci r -kJ :S2: Eg >| i VJ -id 1SL I Him glo - ri - fy Sun, moon, and stars ; Ye high - er spheres. And cloud - y sky I I I I I J J I ^J I I f ?2I :^: :zz^=^=s: EEEEEEEi *=± 3^=1^: f^F 1- -j&— liEETHOVEN. 241. SEalton. l.m. :^ I The Lord is .<22_ just His _£2. ^B^==t i ways all, And ho I i i.v His L mm i^~rT I^=fe3=I works a Hill each one. SEE m He's I 7=r I to i^i=^ ?= all — P t— that ri 22: _£2_ I Him =^2: p call, Who I call truth Hi lone. m ss= m =g=: r-S- *g=±===d A. Grosvenor. Isfe -&- ^-g^r :^==^ -?=?—&- -p? I Be mer - ci - ful to 242. St. Jttinber. cm. me God ; Thy mer n 1 1 cy n un «iS^^il=lglli^^|E to me I Do thou I I ex - tend ; be - cause my soul Doth put J her trust in Thee. I grefc lirzg— = ; 1. r 243. St. SJgncs, ©urfjam* cm. Rev . J# B . DTKES) Mus< Doc jtg=g=& -&—&-■&- i Z2I ■SP- 3— =1- eM=^IstJ O God, give ear un - to my cry ; :fc: iii *r Un - to my pray'r at - tend. I I | ^ i ~-#=^- i — - v z2-^r_ S -^ — o- =i '^-^P J - ^= n From th' utmost cor - ner of the land My cry to Thee I'll send. I I I m z±zc=z-z. rrrczcfc^ :g: EglEeElEEE — -.pszp^zzps. -i n — t 244- Spoijr. cm ! I" I ^3 I'rora L. Spohr. ^ statutes, Lord, are won - der igi^lii^ii ful, My soul them keeps with care E ^ l Fhg-l^p ^p 5£ 1- Thy words gives light, Makes wise who sim a _£2. _<2. t^SM-^-^t^ If=2I - II I I i Good judgment me, and knowledge teach, For I Thy word be - lieve. £2. y? — rs- 4 4 JZL JSL ■-&—-&zl\ . — ^ 247* Jarmngfam. cm. 1 C. E. Kettle. 2£ r :§=S P Be - fore me still the Lord I set : Sith it is so that He -s> - - g- ^EZ^^=^ErzgEEgE^E^EgEEgE 22: EE :2r ^S H— r What man 248. fflmnis. s.m. From Nageli. =1 ^m- s^e :g&T mi he that fears The Lord, and doth Him serve' S=^^^E^^=E&£^ife:-sEfeEi^EiE^S£pEE ; P> C S2 2? [ I f £2 £• Him shall he teach the way that he Shall choose, and still - — observe. 4W nn -- ze±±f==: F l==Ss^i r-i 250. Zuririj. s.m. H. G. Nageli. What man yA± f> he that I fear? i Th< ^-2: l^is i — Lord, I I "I [— and doth Him serve :^: ^ K^=^: e. _) 1 , — 1 1 Him shall r he teach the -^i- rt 3 I ■ss- way that he Shall choose, and still ob I , I I __ ?=: r- y-p— p- fe=E=£=£ :S: 251. Cecilia, p.m. -jo—* 1— i 1 1 1 1 — r 1 — r - ^zz2z:gz:Eg = :g=z:gzzrg=E^z-.z ,Z=±i Rev. L. G. Hayne. Lo, r — r do stretch my hands I I jZL jZL .~d- _ ^g t=t To thee, iny help a m lone. I^Hill S3* 122: -£2I S^ Z2=^= I For Thou well un I l l -£2-- der - stands :s£ SE^^^ i^ms -cr- _g— t All my complaint and moan i A A .J- _ 1— t=t P^pg =b p*s 252. ffitlton. cm. I r- From Mason's Hallelujah. Give ye th to His name is -1 (hie ; mm -r — i- ! I Come ye in - to His courts, and bring An of - fer ing with you. pzfe— — F > : ffiE L-is!— -j — r ee -^=p^ i :£=p: ? a! _^ i :^: i^te -g=P=r s; 253. Bernard, cm. The Merton Tune Book. :g—£2=Z2: II I -X I II Praise God. The Lord praise, O my soul. I'll praise God while* I iiv. Bz^Eu :& -<2 ^ ^^2 ^_, "5>_ :^=^z *-&-i — s> — t -* — ^ — — *— i — L - e =- 1 — ffi* J ' 1 - 9 ^=^=^2: EES£ bbg -=ss== I I I ll I 'I While I have be - ing to my God, In song* I'll praises :2— — : -&=m-. :s=;S * h 2 1 r-l- t .£2_ -^V ~?T5 » :_^_i__ izd HH zSJhbzgEi^zf -g*- : j 254* ftalestrtna. cm. From PALESTRINA. I i i +^r 2 m SEgESEESEiEgE HeHB i i Blessed are they that un - de - fil'd, And straight are in the way : Ie^zzezzeee .ffiB. Si £=£ ^-« ,i> J ^ f #? - s J-^H r_ :^=^: ~£2—&—&- -S=: ^« Who in the Lord's most ho - lv law i Do walk, and do not stray. e cm -e^- zz^zcz^z^zc*: ?— i h :^ 4- — F-^— ^ :q: e^^ t=grhz=s: :P: