B'' i M-. W m ft . '"^^^ -* * FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY V>/; ' /.* ■■■^M, If r. WAf^r a' A^'^A. /^,?^''S' k :A.f^nn»AM r^i (^/) ci.f Jstf •^mi/ /111 ( n h r)!"*/ it >i ^ HISTORY LM'^'^ 29 1932 ORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO SEPTEMBER, 183G VARIOUS NOTICES RELATING TO THE HISTORY OP WORCESTER COUNTY. -<^ BY WILLIAM LINCOLN. ' These local annals are full of little things ; names, dates, and facts : and rumors of every sort, ■which seem, at first sight, almost too trifling to be noticed : and yet, not only is it true, that the general historian must essentially depend on the local, to a very considera- ble extent, for the mass of loose seeds fi'om which the spirit of his narrative should be laboriously distilled : but it is also true, that there is almost always a good deal of that spirit already' made in such materials at his hand. Many of these little things which we speak of, are little only in size and name. 'I hey are full of rich meaning. They are graphic and characteristic in a high degree. They suggest far more than they say. They illustrate classes of men, and ages of time. They are small but brilliant lights on the walls of the past, pouring floods of splendor from their little niches on the vast abysses around them.' American Quarterly Review, June, 1836. AV ORCESTER: PUBLISHED BY CHARLES HERSEY, HENRY J. HOWLAND, PRINTER. 1 8 62. Entered according to the act of Congress, in tlie year 1 836, IIY WILLIAM LIXCOI.X, In the Clerk '.i OITice of the District Court of Massachusetts. TO THE REV. AARON BANCROFT, D. D. Except for the warm encouragement of the general design of this history, without knowledge of the manner of its execution, it would have perished. If there is any merit in the preservation of the facts it contains, it is yours : the errors are those of the com- piler. On the completion of the work, his highest gratification is derived, from the opportunity of expressing veneration for the character of the beloved pastor, and grati- tude for the communications, which, rightly used, would have given value to the volume now respectfully dedicated to you, who have contributed more than all others to perpet- uate the memory of the events and men of Worcester in past times. PREFACE. There are few employments of industry more humble than in the compilation of local annals. It should be permitted to him who has finished his task, to explain why it was undertaken, and how it lias been accomplished. In 1792, a memoir of four pages, by Timothy Paine,WilliamToung, Edward Bangs, and Samuel Stearns, relating to Worcester, was communicated to the Massaclmsctts Histor- ical Society, and published in the volume of their collections for that year. The mate- rials furnished by these gentlemen, were transferred by the Rev. Peter "Whitney to his History of the County, Th3 ssrmons of the Rjv. Dr. Bancroft in 1811, 182.5, and 1836, and the Address of Hon. John Davis, May 2, 1825, with their appended notes and doc- uments, contain many facts illustrative of civil and ecclesiastical condition. These were the only printed narratives of the settlement and progress of Worcester. It seemed desirable, while it was y2t possible, to gather the fast fading traditions and scattered rec- ords of the past, and preserve more full view of our local history, than was permitted by the limits of religious discourse and festival address, or accorded with the plan of for mer writers. To accomplish this object, the files and records of the colonial and provincial govern- ments ; of the original proprietors, of the town, and its parishes, churches, and societies, of the county courts and registries, and the series of newspapers from their commence- ment, have been examined : private journals and papers, the recollections of the aged inhabitants, the treasures of the garrets, and the knowledge of the race in active life, have been collected, with some labor. In the execution of the work, the result of these examinations, there has b3en no effort for literary excellence, and none can be expected. The primary purpose has been accuracy. In the multitude of facts and dates there will doubtless be found many and great errors ; it will be consolation when they are discov- ered, that they have not resulted from want of disposition or exertion to be correct. Reliance has seldom been placed on tradition, when it was not confirmed by better evi- dence, or corroborated by the concurrent testimony of records. Wherever it has been practicable, reference has been made to the authority for statements, that their truth might be tested. Tlie work has been extended diffusely, and probably tediously and unprofitably. The events of the history of the town were closely interwoven with those of the county, and semed to demand detailed notice from this connection ; and at every step, matters of curious interest, which it seemed impossible to reject, arose to seduce from the direct path of narrative, until the annals of the village have become as voluminous as the rec- ords of an empire. The language of original papers has been constantly preferred, wherever it could be used, to the words of the compiler, lest by changing forms of expression, something of the fidelity of delineation and vividness of description of the actors in the scenes of the PREFACE. , ■hoold be Io«t. The modes of spelling, which were erroneous in the days when they „„|_ iia,^ not l)ecti rctaiiKxl ; but tlie ancient documents transcribed, except those eopicd in "u»c apiv .dix. have J>ocn made to conform to modern ortiiography. Names of por«^n« onl placcj have boon printed a? they were found written in the manuscripts «oanllo.|, or books quottnl ; altliou^'h by following this rule, the same word has been TH^ to aaumo various and sometimes strange forms, on different pages. ' TIk" pfncral plan of arrangement, affording convenience in tracing the course and con- nection of cvonta. and facility of reference, has been imitated from ^Jr. Shattuck's His- tory of Cmconl. It would have been greatly desirable tliat the excellence of this model ooakl have been more fully copied. The comparative length of the biograpliical memoirs will be found sometimes to have beso (loUjrminc.l more by th^ m^ans of information than the merits of the subjects of the dceCcbcB. In relation tn living persons, the dates of birth have, with few exceptions, bcpfi intrntionally omitted. Tiic pleatint duty of acknowlcdgmont for kindness remains. Some, to whom heavy debt of gnititude was due for aid, have gone down to the grave while these sheets have been in prvpration, with the rich mines of their recollections unexhausted. There is scarcely an individual named in the succeeding pages, who has not contrib- ntoi) good wishes or useful information. The compiler has been under great obligations to Rev. Dr. Hancroft, Mr. Thomas Rice, Edward D. Bangs, Esq., Hon. Nathaniel Paine, Samne! Jcnnison, E-sq., Dr. John Green, Isaac Davis, Esq., to the clerks of the town and parUhcj ; and to Joseph Willard, Esq., Mr. Samuel G. Drake, and Rev. Joseph B. Fell of Boston, for many courtesies, eommuaications, and valuable papers. CONTENTS, GENERAL HISTORY. Page. Chapter I, First Pcrlotl, from 166i to 1675 : first settlement. Grants to Increase Novvell and Thomas Noyes. Report of exploring Committee, 1G68. Petition of Committee of settlement, 1{>G9. I'roject for settlement. Difficulties with Ephraim Curtis, IG7+. Indian deed. Grants af lands to settlers, 1G7.3. View of the plan- tation, in 1675. Hostilities with the Indians. Settlement abandoned. 9 CHAVThK II. King Philip's war 1675, 1676. The Nipmuck country. Indian Settle- ments Visit of Gookin and Elliot. Attack of Quaboag. Ephraim Curtis. Phin- ehas Upham. Henchman's expedition. Quinsigaiuond burnt, llenchmaii's second expedition. Sagamore John surrenders. Alattoonus shot. Executions in Boston. Destruction of the Indians. 22 Chapter III. 1677 to 1713. Second settlement. Indian deed, 1677. Meeting of Planters, 1678. Henchman's agreement, 1681. Citadel. Survey. Mills built. Kame of Worcester. Lots laid out. New Committees. Captain Fitch's letter. Queen Anne's war. Town abandoned. Pigory Scrgent killed. Elisha Ward. Indian Hostilities. Petition for resettlement refused, 1709. 32 Chapter IV. 1713 to 1722. Third settlement to incorporation. Petition, 1713. New Committee. Report, 171-1. First settlers. Jonas Kice. Gershom Rice. Nathaniel Moore. Garrisons. Mills. Roads. View of the town, 1718. Grants to proprietors. Scotch and Irish emigrants. Town incorporated, 1722. 42 Chapter V. 1722 to 1765. Lovell's war and French wars. Selectmen's petition, 172t. Gershom Rice's letter, 1721. Uriah Ward. Colonel Chandler's orders. Selectmen's petition, 1725. Captain Wrijrhi's letters. Benjamin Flagijj's Utter, 1725. County established 1731. Gov. Belcher's visit, 1735. ;Soldiers. Excise, 1754. French neutrals, 1755. Military exertions, 1756. Colonel Chandler's report, 1757. Men in service during French wars. Divsion of the County and removal of the courts opposed. 51 Chapter VI. 1765 to 1775. American Revolution. Instructions, 1766, 1767. Res- olutions, 1768. Covenant, 1768. Tea. Votes, 1773. Committee of Correspondence, 1773. Political Society. Peter Oliver. Address of Grand Jury, 1774. Report on grievances, 1774. Instructions. Protest of royalists. Town Meeting Pecord expunged. Non consumption covenant and oath. Mandamus counsellors. Assem- bly of the people. Alarm. Minute men. Courts stopped. County Convention. Sheriff Chandler. William Campbell. Instructions. Blacksmith's convention. Depot of military stores. 65 Chapter VII. 1775 to 1783. Amcrica,n Revolution. Preparations for war. Instruc- tions, 1775. Survey of British officers. Commencement of hostilities. Alarm of April 19. March of minute men. Tories disarmed. Memorial of officers. Royalist confessions. Clark Chandler. British prisoners. Poor of Boston. Military requisitions. Fourth of July, 1776. Regulation of prices. Detail of levies of troops, contributions, exertions, and proceedings, during the war. County Conven- tions. Constitution. Excise. Peace restored. Proceedings as to refugees. 94 Chapter VIII. 1782 to 1787. Insurrection. Distresses of the people. County Con- ventions, 1782, 1784, 1786. Court stopped, Sept. 17a(i. Spirited conduct of Judge Ward. Proceedings of the insurgents. Convention, Sept. 1786. Town meeting, Oct. 1786. Court of Sessions interrupted. Sheriff Greenleaf. Insurgt'nts occupy the town, Dec. 1786. Militia of Worcester appear iu arms for the government. Captain Howe. Consultations of the insurgents. Distresses of their retreat. General Lincoln's army. Affair at New Braintree. Dispersion of the insurgents. 115 132 ^jjj CONTENTS. CHAITE. IX. Reception of Wnsl.inRton. 1780. Memorial on the treaty with England. 17m7 Volunteer* I 7;m. Funer.il honors to Wash.nuton, IWtO. Militia. volunteer, IH.:'. |U.ionn.rmori«l. IN'S. War of 1^2 British prisoners IToops called 1^1 1 Vi'»il of I.afii>otte. I^-t. A memlinents of the Constitution, I ' '. of lininh Thonius. Incorporation of llolden and Ward. Proposed : ilic county. ECCLESIASTIC.\L HISTORY. CiiirTKn X First Parish, First meeting houses. Rev. Andrew Gardner. Difficul- ti,-, ,.n hid dixmifiMon. Mr. Bourne. Hev. Isaac Burr. Visit of Whiu-field. I. ("iiTi-nant. I74t;. Bev. Tlinddtus Maccarty. Controversy about church music, - tlic iin-»'tiiig hou"c. Dillicultics eiidiii}; in the separation of the ."Second I'ar- i-h .Mr. .""tory. Itcv .•^auiuil .\uslin. Church Covenant. Rev. Charles A. Good- rirh. Ihr. .VreiiuH B. Hull. I'.cv. Kodney A. Miller. Tresbyterian Church, 1719. Bev. Wward FiUgvnil.J. Bev. William Johnston. Ill riiAm:n XI. Fecnnd Conprepalional Society. Separation from the first Parish. I'i' oliio!!. Church formed. Cov-'nant. Rev. Aaron Bancroft ordained, 17&6. .'• ■ -v iiicirponited, 17s7. Kev. Alon/o Uill ordained, 1827, Votes of Parish and "l.unli. .Memoir of Bev. Dr. Bancroft. 166 CiurtER XII. First Baptist Society. Formation. 1 SI 2. Rev. WMlliam Bentloy. Arti- chu i.f faiih. Kev. J< naihan Going. l!ev. Freileric A. Willard. Bev. Jonathan Al'Irich. Kim Sireet Sjoiety. l.s;!(i. Cnlvinist Society. Separation from first church, is.'ii. FiTMiniion of S)citty. l.y_'2. Bev. Loamnii I. Uoauky. House and Fund l(r'.|..wtd by Hon. I'aniel Waldo. Rev. John S. C. Abbott. Kev. David Peabody. Ciiih ilic .''ocicty. ls;(4. Bev. James Fitton. Methodist Episcopal Society, Itoi. rroivslant tpi.icopal Society, l8Jj. Bev. Thomas II. Vail. Uuiou Society, 18JG. 175 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. CnArrrn Mil. Professional men. Biographical notices of the Practitioners, Coun- •cllor.-*, and .Attorneys at law, and I'hysiciaos, before and since the Revolution. 190 Chapter .\1V. Graiiuates of Colleges, and natives of the town who have received lilH-nil »'diicatinn. Distinpuishcil citizens. John Chandler. Capt. Jonas Hubbard. C-ol. limoihy liipclow. Col. Kpliraim Loolittle. David Ihomas. Benjamin Hey- wood, Joseph ,-\llen. Isaiah Ihomas. 221 STATISTICS AND HISTORY, CiurrnR XV, Education. Common Schools. Centre District Schools. Private Instruc- tion. .Manual Labor High School. Mount St. James Seminary. 218 CBAnrn XVI. Population. Emigration. Morality. Valuation. Taxation. Sup- port of the Poor. Communication. Stages. Manufactures. Trade. 259 CiiAiTtB XVH. Societies and In.stitutions. Meilical District Society. Antiquarian S-' ^;^»ynl Court, May 1.3, IGliT. iv. First Indian V. oil.!' f'r '.'.'•'•^■"•"f,^""«<-^'ltoCapt. Edward Hutchinson, July 27, :-•. vm i"""7'i h'"- '."• '!''•'• '"• Instructions for Capt. Joseph Sill "-. .. »i.i. Second Indian Deed, Feb. 12, lo77. ix. (hder of the General > iMln rl ','L . V"^"'""'' ''"'"' ^' ^*'- ^'- ^'^'o^'ce of Daniel Shays, .' Fourth of Jul '" "' '""°"''^«''^res, and business, xui. Executions, 296 202 HISTORY OF WORCESTER. GENERAL HISTORY. CHAPTER I. First Period, from 1664 to 1675 : first settlement. Grants to Increase Nowell and Thomas Noyes. Report of exploring Committee, 1668. Petition of Committee of settlement, 1669. Project for settlement. Difficulties with Epliraim Curtis, 1674. Indian Deed. Grants of lands to settlers, 1675. View of the plantation, in 1675. Hostilities with the Indians. Settlement abandoned. Few years elapsed after the first settlement of Massachusetts before the out- posts of cultivation were advanced far and fast into the wilderness. The stream of emigration soon began to flow westward from its fountain. Eight yeara after the landing of the Pilgrims, in 1628, Salem was planted. The next year, Lynn was inhabited. In 1630, Boston was founded, and Cambridge and Watertown occupied. Concord was purchased of the natives and commenced in 1635. Sudbury, begun in 1638, sent out colonies to Marlborough, incor- porated in 1660. The swelling population pushed farther onward the frontier of improvement. The fertile country around Worcester early attracted atten- tion. When the title of the vast region, acquired from the defeated savag©, vested, by undisputed right, in the whole people, the wise policy of govern- ment encouraged settlement, while it rewarded patriotic exertions in the pub- lic service, and aided objects and institutions of general utility, by gratuities of portions of the forest. In 1657, May 6, a grant of 3200 acres of land was made to Mr. Increase Nowell, of Charlestown.^ May 6, 1662," 1000 acres were bestowed on the church in Maiden, to be forever appropriated to the use of its ministry : Oct. 19, 1664, 250 acres were given to Ensign Thomas Noyes, of Sudbury, who had served under Capt. Hugh Mason.^ These were 1 Colony Records, iv. 210. 2 jb. iy_ 397^ ilxiT.461. 2 10 CJR.VXTS, COMMITTEE. [16G4. all, subsequently, located in the vicinity of (iuinsigamond.-^ The favorable impression from the surveys, excited enterprise to undertake that plantation, which long retained the original name, borrowed from the beautiful sheet of water spreading in the neighborhood of the settlement. John Haynes and Josiah Ilaynes, of Sudbury, and Nathaniel Treadaway, of Watertown, with Thomas Noyes, purchased the right of Increase Xowell, of his executors, and, on the 18th of May, 1664, having procured the accep- tance of a return, became proprietors of a wide tract, extending along the cast side of (iuinsigamond, including two of its southern islands, near ' the going out of Nipnapp River.'- They petitioned the Great and General Court for the appointment of a Committee, to view the country. In compliance with their request, Capt. Daniel Gookin, Capt. Edward Johnson, Lt. Joshua Fisher and Lt. Thomas Noyes, were commissioned, Oct. 11, 1665,^ to make survey, to determine if there be a ' meet place for a plantation, that it may be improved fur that end, and not spoiled by granting of farms,' and directed to report the results of their examination to the next Court of Elections. The death of Thomas Noyes, which occurred soon after, and the difficulties arising from the disturbed state of the country, having prevented the execu- tion of this order, the attention of the colonial legislature was again directed to tlie contemplated settlement, in 1667. On the 15th of May^ of that year, Capt. Daniel Gookin, Capt. Edward Johnson, Mr. Samuel Andrew, and An- drew Belchar, senior, were empowered, as a Committee,^ ' to take an exact view, as soon as conveniently they can, to make true report whether the place be capable to make a village, and what number of families, they conceive, may be there accommodated. And if they find it fit for a plantation, then to offer some meet expedient how the same may be settled and improved for the public good.' Gookin, Johnson, and Belchar, discharged the duty assigned them, in the Autumn of the following year, and presented a report on the 20th Oct. 1668," which exhibits an interesting outline of the views entertained in former times, and of the general principles adopted in the formation of towns. ' The Committee's return about a new plantation near Quandsigamond Ponds. Boston, 20 Oct. 1668. We have, according to the Court's order, bearing date 15th May, 1667," 1 The ortliograjiliy of Indian names is quite uncertain. The same word is not only written in different manner by contemporary authors, but assumes various shapes in the same instrument. The ancient name of Worcester appears in these, among other forms : Quansiggemuck, Quinsigamug, Quausicamoag, Quansitamud, Qiionsiquomon, Quansigamon, (.iuansiqujmog, Uuanuiggugug, Quousogogoag. Quinsigamond, has been established by most general use, and is therefore adopted. The true reading was probably Quomigamoag. - Nipmuck, now Dlackstone River. '^ Colony Kcc. iv. i>G2. ■* ib. iv. 587. ^ iNotices of the committees of settlement, and of some of the early planters, will be found in the succeeding pages. *< Col. liec. iv. 024. v Col. Kec. iv. 6S7. 1668.] committee's eepokt. 11 viewed the place therein mentioned, and find it to be about twelve miles west- ward from Marlboro', near the road to Springfield, and that it contains a tract of very good chesnut tree land ; a large quantity : but the meadow we find not so much; because a very considerable quantity of meadow and upland, about five thousand acres, is laid out unto particular persons, and confirmed by this Court, as we are informed, which falls within this tract of land'; viz ; to Ensign Noyes deceased and his brethren, three thousand two hundred acres : unto the church of Maiden, one thousand acres, unto others, five hun- dred acres, bought of Ensign Noyes ; but, all this notwithstanding, we con- ceive there may be enough meadow for a small plantation, or town, of about thirty families : and if those farms be annexed to it, it may supply about sixty families. Therefore, we conceive it expedient, that the honored Court will be pleased to reserve it for a town, being conveniently situated, and well watered with ponds and brooks, and lying near midway between Boston and Springfield, about one day's journey from either: and, for the settling thereof we do off"er unto the Court that which follows ; viz : That there be a meet proportion of land granted and laid out for a town, in the best form the place will bear, about the contents of eight miles square : That a prudent and able committee be appointed and empowered to lay it out : to admit inhabitants, and order the affairs of the place, in forming the town, granting lots, and directing and ordering all matters of a prudential nature, until the place be settled with a sufficient number of inhabitants and persons of discretion, able to order the aff"airs thereof, in the judgment of the Court : That due care be taken by the said Committee, that a good Minister of God's word be placed there, as soon as may be : that such people as may be there planted may not live like lambs in a large place : That there be two or three hundred acres of land, with a proportion of meadow, in some convenient place, at the discretion of the Committee, re- served, and laid out for the Commonwealth ; and the Committee to have power and liberty to settle inhabitants thereupon, for lives or times, upon a small rent, to be paid after the first seven years.' Daniel Gookin. Edward Johnson. Andrew Belchar. This reporc was approved and accepted, its recommendations confirmed, and Capt. Daniel Gookin, Capt. Thomas Prentice, Mr. Daniel Henchman, and Lt. Richard Beers, appointed a Committee to carry them into execution. At the distance of more than a century and a half, when we see the hills and vallies of the ' very good chesnut tree land ' explored by the committee, thickly dotted with the homes of the husbandman and the villages of the manufacturer, traversed by canal and railway, and supporting a dense popula- tion, their estimate of the capacity of the tract, eight miles square, to main- tain thirty or sixty families, furnishes strong contrast between their humble anticipations and our overflowing prosperity. 12 CLAIM OK CURTIS. [1669. At the period when the examination took place, meadow lands were esteem- ed of high value, and were, indeed, essential for the support of the new settle- ments. The low grounds, cleared of woods by the industry of the beaver, erecting dams to flood their surfaces ; by the waste of fires kindled by the hunter; or the action of streams ; afforded the only pasturage that could be obtained, until the forest had been hewn away, and the herbage rose upon the cultivated fields. Notwithstanding, the Great and General Court, by their order. May 15, 1667, had prohibited the laying out of lands within the new plantation, a location had been subsequently made, in right of Ensign Noyes. His heirs had sold their lands to Ephraim Curtis, of Sudbury, afterward distinguished for his gallantry and good conduct in the war with the Indians. The Committee, embarrassed by the selections made by the claimants under the old grants, on the 27th of May, 1669,^ presented the following petition for relief from the difficulties which had arisen, to retard the progress of settlement. ' We, the Committee of the General Court, whose names are subscribed, being appointed and empowered to lay out, settle and manage a plantation, at or about Quansigamond pond, twelve miles beyond Marlborough, in the road way to Springfield and Hadley, Avhich place is very commodious for the situa- tion of a town, the better to unite and strengthen the inland plantations, and, in a!l probability, will be advantageous for travellers, it falling near mid- way between Boston and Springfield, and about a day's journey from either ; we, having lately been upon the place, to make an exact discovery and survey thereof, accompanied with sundry honest and able persons that are willing forthwith to settle themselves there : but finding some obstructions in the woik, which, unless this Court please to remove, and, we conceive, they may justly 1.0 it, the proceeding will be utterly hindered; and, therefore, we shall humbly off'er them unto the honored Court, desiring help therein : 1. We find, that, though the place contains a tract of good land, yet, it is much straitened for meadow. We cannot find above three hundred acres of meadow belonging to it, within several miles ; but, there are swamps and other moist lands, that, in time, with labor and industry, may make meadow. 2. We find, that there is a grant of one thousand acres to the ministry of Maiden, May the 7th, 1662, which grant is laid out in this place. This farm contains a choice tract of land, and swallows up about one hundred acres of the aforesaid meadow ; but the condition of the grant, as the record will declare, is, that it be improved, within three years after the grant, for the ends wherefore it was granted ; but that being not done ; for it is now above six years since, and no improvement made ; we apprehend, the grant is void : but yet, if the Court please to renew it, in any other place, we speak not to oppose it : but if it be continued and confirmed in this place, it will utterly hinder the settling of a plantation here. 1 Col. Rec. iv. 4:2G. 1669.] PLAN OF SETTLEMENT. 13 3. There is another grant of land, unto Ensign Noyes, deceased, laid out in this place, containing two hundred fifty acres of choice land, with a considerable quantity of meadow, lying in the heart of this place ; and by him was sold to one Ephraim Curtis, a young man living in Sudbury. We desire that the Court will please to make void this grant ; being not laid out regu- larly for quantity or quality, as we conceive, and it will very much prejudice this town. The person concerned may have his land in another place, border- ing upon this town, where there is sufficient to accommodate it, and also may have a lot in this town, if he desire it. 4. Whereas, the Court, in their grant of this town, hath reserved two or three hundred acres of land, with a proportion of meadow, to be laid out for the Commonwealth ; if it please the Court, because of the straitness for meadow, to abate that reservation, so far as concerns meadow, it will greatly encourage the work. If the honored Court please to remove these obstructions, we hope it will not be long before this place be settled in a good way, for the honor of God and the public good. The Committee, in their journey, having discovered two other places beyond this to the westward, that will make two or three towns, the one place called Pamaquesset, lying upon the head of Chequabee River, the other place called Swquakeag,-^ upon Connecticut River, nearer to Boston than Hadley, we desire the Court will please to order that these places be reserved to make towns, the better to strengthen those inland parts, and the laying out of par- ticular grants prohibited in the said places.' Daniel Henchman, Daniel Gookin, Richard Beers, Thomas Prentice. The reservation to the public in the meadow was released, but the petition, in relation to the private grants, was refused. The progress of the Committee of settlement in the discharge of their duties was, necessarily, slow, and, for a long time, their efforts were defeated by calamitous circumstances. Their first meeting was held in Cambridge, July 6th, 1669, when a plan was formed for the projected plantation. The foun- dation principles and rules they matured are entered on their original book of records, in the hand-writing of the venerable Gookin, and indi- cate the wisdom and forecast of their authors. It was proposed, that the territory, including the whole of Worcester and Holden, and a large part of Ward, should first be divided into ninety twenty five acre house lots, and, in the apportionment of these to the settlers, ' respect should be had to the quality, estate, usefulness, and other considerations of the person and family to whom they were granted :' that the most convenient place, nearest the middle of the town, should be set apart and improved for placing the meeting house, for the worship of God : a convenient lot of fifty acres for the first minister, should 1 Northfield. 14 TETITION OF PLANTERS. [1673. be laid out as near to it as might be : another lot, in the next convenient place, not far from thence, for the ministry that should succeed in all future times : that twenty acres, should be reserved, near the centre, for a training field, and to build a school house upon : that a lot, of twenty five acres, should be appro- priated for the maintenance of a school and school master, to remain for that use forever : and that two hundred and fifty acres, should be for the use of the country. Provision was made for the equal apportionment of common charges upon the proprietors of lots, for erecting mills, opening and repairing ways, and for tlie equitable division of the remaining lands.-' Subsequent events pre- vented the practical effects of these regulations from being felt in the affairs of the inhabitants, excep in the example and aid they might have afforded to those who directed their prudential concerns in more prosperous days. The exertions of the committee to procure settlement, seem, for a long period, to have been unavailing. At length, brighter prospects opened before them. In the year 1673, a company of thirty persons were engaged to com- mence the plantation, and, in the following spring, thirty house lots were laid out, and they began to build and cultivate. Ephraim Curtis of Sudbury had, probably, previous to this time, taken possession of the rich tract of land near the centre of the present town of Worcester, and had erected a house on the ' Connecticut road,' west of the head of Quisnigamond. So great was the obstruction encountered from his claims, that the Committee were compelled, again, to ask the aid of the legislature, in removing the vexatious incumbrance arising from his rights and pretentions. The following petition, subscribed by those who proposed to become inhabitants, was presented by them, on the 27th of May, 1674.2 ' To the Hon'ble the Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants and Deputies, assembled in the General Court of the Massachusetts Colony in New England, this 27th of May, 1674. The humble petition of Daniel Gookin senior, Thomas Prentice, Richard Beers, and Daniel Henchman, a committee, appointed and authorized by the General Court, to order and manage a new plantation granted by this Court, lying and being upon the road to Springfield, about twelve miles Avestward from Marlborough, together with divers other persons hereunto subscribed, who have lots granted and laid out there, humbly sheweth : That, whereas, your petitioners have been at a very considerable expense, both of time and estate, in order to settle a plantation there ; which, they con- ceive, when it is effected, will more conduce to the public good of the country than their particular advantage ; and have so far advanced in that Avork, as to lay out about thirty house lots, and engage the people to settle them speedily : also have begun to build, plant, and cut hay there ; but now, meeting with an .obstruction and hinderancc, by a young man called Ephraim Curtis, of Sud- bxxry, who does lay claim unto two tracts of land, containing about five ' Proprietors' Records, 3. ^cjony Files, 1674. 1674.] COMMITTEE AND PLANTERS PETITION. 15 hundred acres, lying in the centre of this plantation, especially one of the par- cels, being about 250 acres, in which place the committee have laid out a minister's lot, a place for a meeting house, a mill, and ten other particular men's house lots, so that if this place be taken from us, this town is not like to proceed, to the damage of the public and your petitioners : now, although we cannot grant that the said Curtis hath any legal right to debar our proceed- ing, yet, for peace sake, we have offered him a double share in the plantation, viz, two house lots, and accommodations to them, whicli will, in the end, amount to much more land than he pretends unto ; but all offers he declines : Therefore, Our humble request unto the Court is, that you will be pleased to order, that the said Curtis may be sent for, and that both him, and your Committee, may be [examin€d~\ either before some Committee of the Court, thereunto to report the matter, or by the whole Court : for the substance of the case will, as we conceive, turn upon this hinge ; whether an order of the General Court, dated in May 1667, prohibiting the laying out any particular grants in this place, in order to reserve it for a village, shall be of force and efficacy to nullify the acceptance of a particular grant laid out in this place, as is pretended, a year after; namely, at a Court held Anno 1668 ; the untying of this knot, which none can do but the General Court, will resolve the matter of controversy one way or other ; so that this town will proceed or cease, and that your Com- mittee, and others concerned, may not be wrapt up in trouble and contention about this matter, whose scope and aim is, the public good, and that the good of many may be preferred before one, wherein we have no cause to doubt of this honored Court's favor and encouragement. And so your petitioners desire in all humility to pray &c., for you. Phinehas Upham, Daniel Whittamore, Jona. Treadaway Palatiah Whittamore, John Richards, Joseph Richards, William Reed, Samuel Lee, Thomas Pratt, Thomas Skinner, Henry Swillaway, John Starkey, Richard Dana, John Damond, Philip Atwood, Thomas Tewksbury, Symon Meylin, Lazarus Grover, Thomas Grover, Stephen Grover, Lyman Grover, Joseph Dana, Thomas Brown, William Hersy, Jno. Provender, Edward Wildes, Jno. Wilder, Theophilus Thornton, Thomas Thornton, Daniel Gookin, sen. D. Henchman, Thomas Prentice, Ric. Beers.' In compliance with this petition, the parties were heard before the depu- ties and magistrates, their evidence and arguments considered, and the contro- versy determined, by the equitable decision expressed in the following order June 5, 1674. IG CUKTIS'S CLAIM. [1674. ' In answer to (lie petition of C'a])t. Daniel Gookin, Capt. Prentice, Lieut. Richard Beers and Mr. Henchman, and as a full issue of the case between the said petitioners and Kphraim Curtis; The Deputies judge meet, that the said Curtis shall have fifty acres of the land that is already laid out to him, where he hnth built, so it be in one place, with all manner of accommodation appeitainini; thereto as other inhabitants have. And also, that he shall have liberty to take up the 2.J0 acres of land without the bounds of said place, provided it be near adjoining; thereunto : and to be in lieu of the land form- erly granted to Mr. John Norton : and all this with reference to the consent of our honored Magistrates hereto. ^Villiam Torrey, Cleric. '5.4. 1674.^ The Magistrates consent hereto, provided that the 250 acres to be laid out, without the bounds of the place, be understood without the bounds of the town ; and that the fifty acres where he hath built, be laid out and ordered by the Committee for said plantation as other lots there are. John Pynchon, p. order.' ' June 5, 1674. Consented to by the Deputies. "VVm. Torrey, Cleric.'- The adverse claim of Curtis having been thus quieted, the grant of the future town secured, and the rules for conducting the settlement established, the next care of the Committee was to extinguish the title of the Indians, then numerous in the vicinity, that neighbors so dangerous and powerful might be propitiated. A deed of eight miles square, for the consideration of ' twelve pounds in lawful money of New England, or the full value thereof in other specie to the content of the grantees, within three months after the date to be paid and satisfied,' was executed, with great formality, on the 13th of July, 1674, by Solomon, alias Woonaskochu, sagamore of Tataesit, and John, alias Hoorrawannonit, sagamore of Packachoag.^ The receipt of part of the purchase, viz. two coats and four yards of trucking cloth, valued at 1 otli month, 4th day: June 15, 1674, new style. By Stat. 24. Geo. II. Colony Laws 579, for regulating the commencement of the year and correcting the calendar, the style was changed. It was enacted that from the last day of December, 1751, the year should be considered as beginning on the first day of Jan- uary, and that the day following the second of September, 1752, should be called the iJf- teenih, omitting eleven intermediate nominal days. Previous to this act, the year was considered as commencing on the 25th of March, the Lady day, or Annunciation of the church. According to the ancient reckoning, March was the first, and February the last month. The correction of the calendar, made by Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582, was immediately adopted in catholic countries. Although not established in England until 1752, it was customary to indicate the change by double dates, between the first of January and the 25th of March : thus. March 24, U7i-5, would have been written ; the day being after the commencement of 75, new style, and before the end of 74, old style. To adjust the difference of style, eleven days are to be added to all dates previous to Sept. 2, 1752. - Colony Files, 1074. ^ jvuddlesex Registry of Deeds, Lib. 8, Fol. 317. 1674.] INDIAN DEED. 17 twenty six shillings, as earnest, in hand, was acknowledged. The conveyance was in fee, to the Committee, and the rest of the people admitted, or to be admitted, to be inhabitants. The terms, included all and every part of the natural or civil right of the native chiefs, in all and singular the broken up land and wood land, woods, trees, rivers, brooks, ponds, swamps, meadows, minerals, or things whatsoever, lying and being within the eight miles square. Covenants were inserted that the lands should be held without any let, moles- tation, or disturbance by the grantors or their kindred, or people, or any claiming under them ; and that full and ample deeds and writings should be made according to law on finishing the payment. From a marginal note, attested by the venerable Gookin, it appears, that the full consideration was discharged, Aug. 20th, 1676, one half being advanced by himself, and the other moiety furnished by an assessment of one shilling the acre on the house- lots of the proprietors. The acknowledgment of this deed was before Gookin himself, though one of the grantees ; a circumstance not remarkable in times of purity, when the interest of the man was not considered as affecting the uprightness of the magistrate. TJie following persons attested the instrument as subscribing witnesses. Onnomog, sagamore of Occonomesset,-^ now Marlborough. He is men- tioned, Dec. 1674,^ ' as lately deceased, about two months since, which is a great blow to that place. He was a pious and discreet man, and the very soul, as it v/ere, of that town.' He was the last ruler of his tribe. Namphoio, sagamore of Wamessit, now Tewksbury, said by Gookin,^ to be ' of the blood of the chief sachems.' His son Samuel was teacher of the praying Indians ; ' A young man of good parts, and who can speak, read and write English and Indian competently. He is one of those that was bred up at school at the charge of the Corporation for the Indians.' Josppli Thatcher, of Chabanakonkomon,^ now Dudley, who "Avas a teacher. JVosoonowit : a christian of Pakachoag. In 1675, the work of settlement was prosecuted with vigor. About the middle of April, surveys were made of the lands by David Fisk of Cam- bridge and John Flint of Concord.^ The lines and boundaries of the lots were established by actual admeasurement, and grants were made, confirmed and registered. Fifty acres were laid out to Gookin and Prentice, and twenty 1 This word js written by Gookin, 1 Mass. Hist, Col. i. ISj, Okoramakamesit : by Hutch- inson, quoting from Elliot, Hist. Mass. 1, 156, Ogguionikongquamesut : by Rev. Mr. Allen, Wor. Mag. ii. 141, Ockucangansett : and is said to have been corrupted to Agoganggo- missit. 2 1 Mass. Hist. Col. 1, 185. 3 Written Chabanakongkamun, 1 Mass. Hist. Col. 1 180. On Carleton's mnp oj Massa- chusetts, it is called Chargoggagogginanchoggagogg. This collection of syllables is divi' ded into two words, on Reach's map of Dudley, 1831, and bestowed on Slater's Pond. * Prop. Records, 7 — 12, 18 GU.VNTS OF LANDS. [1675. five to Henchman, of the Committee. A lot granted to Phinehas Upham,^ July 8, 167-'), was now dcscrihcd and located, ' and althonj^h it should con- tain more than fifty acres, yet the Committee have confirmed it to him for a fifty acre lot, more or less ; and this they did upon a rule of justice and ecjuity, in consideration of the labor, travel, and activity of the said Upham, from time to time, in furthcrin<.r, advancing, and encouraging the settlement of the plantation.' - In pursuance of the order of Court, fifty acres were assigned to Ephraim Curtis ' where he had begun to build a small house.' ^ A lot of forty acres was appointed for the use of the ' first learned, pious, and ortho- dox minister.'* At this time the grants to the following persons were surveyed, confirmed, and recorded. The figures express the number of acres in each lot. In the west squadron or division on the north side of Connecticut road : Thomas Hall, 25, of Woburn : Daniel Gookin, 50 ; Samuel Gookin, 25, of Cambridge : Simon Meyling, 25 ; Ephraim Curtis, 50, of Sudbury : Daniel Henchman, 25, of Boston : Dr. Leonard Hoar, 25, of Concord. In the west squadron or division on the south side the Country road : Phin- ehas Upham, 50, of Maiden: Philip Atwood, 50, of Concord: Trial New- bury, 25, of Woburn. In the middle squadron or division on the north side of the Country road : Thomas Brown, 50, of Sudbury: Richard Dana, 50; Jacob Dana, 25, of Watertown : Joel Jenkins, 100, of Maiden. In the middle division, on the south side of the Country road, east side mill brook : Thomas Prentice, 50, of Woburn : Benjamin Webb, 50, of Marlborougli : First Minister, 40 : Benjamin Crane, 50, of Sudbury : Thom- as Hall, 25, of Woburn. In the eastern squadron, lying next to the Country road to Boston ; Joseph Waigh, or Wayt, 25, of Marlborough : John Provender, 25, of Maiden : Samuel Brigham, 25; John Fay, 50, of Marlborough : Gershom Fames, 25, of Framingham : Thomas Grover, 25; John Paul, 50; John Shaw, 25, of Maiden : John Curtis, 44 ; Simon Meyling, 55, of Sudbury. Another squadron in the way to Lancaster: Michael Flagg, 25; Joshua Bigelow, 25 ; Joseph Beamis, 25 ; all of Watertown. Other lots granted and Indian purchase money paid but not laid out : Wm. Taylor, 25, of Maiden : Jonathan Treadaway, 25, of Sudbury : Wm. Adams, 25, of Concord or Sudbury. In 1G75, 'the Country road to Connecticut' ^ as it was called, the highway 1 I'hinehas Upham afterwards distinguished hinisclf in tho War with Pliilip as Lieuten- ant of Infantry. He was mortally wounded in the attack on the Narraganset Fort, Dec. 19, lG7o, and died, soon after, in Boston. - Prop. Rec. S. •< ih. 7. •» ib. 10. 5 This was the new road from .Marlborougli, throuoh what is now Northborouph, Shrews- hury, and Wnreestcr to Connecticut. The Nipmuek, or old road, passed through the east part of Northborough, over Uock hill, east of Great and Little Ghauncey Ponds, into 1675.] TIEW OF THE SETTLEMENT. 19 of communication between Boston and the western settlements, entered the town near the head of the Pond, and following along the course of the pres- ent Shrewsbury road to its intersection with that to Lancaster, passed west- ward of the route now traveled, and crossed the stream nearly a quarter of a mile above the bridge. It then traversed the plain and ascended the hill west of the modern Court House, near where a private lane now exists. It was merely a path cut through the woods, practicable for passengers on fuot and with horses. On this road, south of the fording place, was erected, at a very early period, one of those edifices called block, or garrison houses, and denominated on the records, ' the old Indian Fort.' The structures for defence against the tribes prowling in the forest, so far as specimens have survived the waste of time, or descriptions been preserved by tradition, had great uniformity in construc- tion. They were built of timbers hewn on the sides in contact with each other, firmly interlocked at the ends, and fastened together with strong pins. They were generally square in form and two stories in height. The basement was furnished with a single thick door of plank. The walls were perforated Avith narrow loop holes for the use of musketry against an approaching foe. A ladder, easily drawn up if the lower floor was forced, ascended to the next room, which projected two or three feet over on each side, having slits for infantry and wider port holes for cannon. The gentle slope of the roof afforded an elevated position to overlook the surrounding country, and was sometimes crowned with a little turret for an observatory. These watch towers, imper- vious to ball or arrow, were of abundant strength to resist an enemy unpro" vided with artillery, and might defy any attack, except that by fire on the combustible materials. To these wooden castles, in the infancy of the country, the inhabitants repaired on the alarm of danger, and found ample protection within the rude fortresses, seldom reduced by the savage, of too fierce temper- ament to await the lingering progress of seige. The lands eastward of Main Street, in the centre of the town, had been flooded by the Beavers, who had established their hamlet and built a dam Westborougli, and tlience through Grafton. The first house built on the new road west of Marlborough, was that of Col. James Eager of Nofthborough. In lu7-l, there was no hu- man habitation on its route between Marlborough and Brookfield, except the wigwams on Pakachoag. Wor. Mag. ii. 152. In the agreement of the Committee with Capt. Henchman, in 1GS4, it is said ' the coun- try road is to lead up where carts have gone towards the north west corner of the citadel, and so pass into the street, next on the westerly side, where the mills are to stand, that carts as well as horse may pass therein.' The way to Lancaster went northward from the town, nearly on the route followed by the present old Boston road. In Wor. Mag. ii. 112, it is supposed that the village of Pakachoag was on the Connecti- cut road. The account of Gookin shows that it was about three miles distant, at this time. A highway was subsequently located, south of the ancient path, which passed near the foot of Pakachoag. 20 piiiLir's WAK. [1675. across the stream near the bridge on Front Street. It is probable, the tract around the head of the Blackstone Canal then spread like a fair prairie, free from trees and covered witli the herbage of the meadows. There were tracts which had been occupied by the Indians as planting grounds ; and their simple husbandry, if it did not improve by tillage, admit- ted tlic rays of the sun through the thick foliage of the primeval woods, to warm the soil enriched by the decayed vegetation of ages. The ' Indian broken up lands ' arc frequently mentioned in the proprietary records. The fires of the hunter, anticipating the work of the axe, had prepared fields for the plough. These are the only vestiges of improvement which can be traced as existing when the first settlers of Worcester commenced their labors. Most of those who had expressed intention to become planters and joined in the petition of the Committee in May, 1674, discouraged by difficulties or delay, had abandoned their purpose. Of the persons who obtained grants, many did not discharge the purchase money of one shilling the acre, and but few actually removed. It required stout hearts to penetrate the depth of the wilderness and maintain residence in the immediate vicinity of the savage. Ephraim Curtis, who had already built, Thomas Hall, Simon Meyling, Phinehas Upham, Thomas Grover, Philip Atwood, Joseph Waight, John Provender, and perhaps some others, had arrived in the month of April, 1675. Six or seven houses were erected. Neither record nor tradition, affords infor- mation of the position of the habitations. The neighborhood of the Fort, the convenient proximity of water and meadow, would, it may reasonably be conjectured, have induced to the selection of the northern part of the present central settlement. To the edition of Hubbard's Narrative published in 1677, is prefixed a map of New England, being, as the title expresses, ' the first map here cut,' framed to illustrate the events of the war with Philip. The places ' assaulted by the Indians during the late awful revolutions of Providence ' are indicated upon this rude specimen of the origin of the arts in our country. The town of Worcester is thus distinguished. In the work it is described, as ' a village called Quonsigamog, in the middle way between Marlborough and Quabaog, consisting of about six or seven houses.'^ The settlement was prosperously advancing, and the inhabitants, in the lan- guage of the record, • had built after the manner of a town,' when the war witli Philip of Mount Hope broke out in Plymouth colony. The conspiracy to crush the white men by a general massacre, if, as has been asserted by the early annalists, such a combination existed, was disclosed before it had ripened to its sanguinary maturity, and the Indians Avere driven unprepared into the conflict ending in the extermination of their tribes. The influence of the great native warrior extended widely through the tributary nations. The con- ederation he planned to expel the invader, who grew stronger day by day, and 1 Hubbard's Nar. 135. 1675.] INDIAN HOSTILITIES. 21 like the serpent, tliough crushed at one point was alive at another, with renovated power to injure, though defeated of its primary ohject, was the com- mencement of a series of hostilities that desolated the frontier settlements. Although remote for a time, the war soon approached the plantation of Quin- sigamond. The son of Matoonus had been executed in 1671, for the murder of an Englishman, and his head placed on a pole, where it long remained, as the terrific memorial of justice. The father, a grave and sober Indian, appointed by Gookin constable of Pakachoag, in his profession of Christianity had not forsaken the vindictive principle so deeply cherished by his people. July 10, 1675,^ he visited Mendon, and revenged the loss of his offspring by the death of five of its inhabitants. - This was the signal for the commencement of a desperate contest. Com- mon danger produced that efficient union of the northern colonies cemented by the necessity of self preservation. The war was not of long continuance. Energetic and rapid excursions laid waste the resources of the hostile tribes ; the allies, enticed to their support, foreseeing their fate, grew cold towards ancient friendships : their supplies were destroyed : their wigwams consumed : and Philip and his forces, hunted from post to post, deserted their homes and took refuge among the Nipmuck villages, where they received shelter and reinforcement. Unable to maintain open fight, they continued an unsparing predatory warfare upon the exposed hamlets and garrisons. Alarm prevailed through New England. None knew when to expect the visitation of the foe, lurking unseen in the solitude of the forest, until the blow fell, as sudden as the lightning, and left its effects traced with fire and blood. The husbandman went forth to cultivate the field, armed as if for battle ; the mus- ket and the sword rested by the pillow, whose slumbers were often broken, as the war whoop rose on the watches of the night. The planters of Wor- cester, placed hard by the seat of the enemy, remote from friendly aid, with no dwelling of civilized man nearer than Marlborough on the east, Lancaster towards the north, and Quabaog, now Brookfield, westward, to afford assist- ance and support, were compelled to desert their possessions, and dispersed among the larger towns. The silence of desolation succeeded to the cheerful sounds of industry, and the village was abandoned to the wild beast and the fiercer foe. 1 Hubbard's Nar. 31. 2 This event is tlius noticed by Mather. 'July 14, the Nipnep, or Nipmuck Indians, began their mischief at a town called Mendam (had we amended our ways as we should have done, this misery might have been prevented), where they committed barbarous mur- ders. This day deserves to have a Remark set upon it, considering that blood was never shed in Massachusetts colony in a war of hostility before this day. Moreover, the Provi- dence of God herein is the more awful and tremendous, in that this very day the church in Dorchester was before the Lord humbling themselves by fasting and prayer on account of the day of trouble now begun among us. The news of this bloodshed came to us at Boston, the next day, in Lecture time, in the midst of the sermon : the Scripture then improved being that, Isai. 42: 24. Who gave Jacob to the spoil, and Israel to the robbers ? Did not the Lord ? He against whom we have sinned,' Mather's Hist. 6. 3 22 KIPMUCK INDIANS. [1675. CHAPTER II. King Philip's war, 1C75, 1676. The Nipniuck country. Indian Settlements. Visit of Gookin and Kliot. Attack on Quabaog. Ephraim Curtis. Phinehas Upham. Hench- man's expedition. Quiusigamoud burnt. Henchman's second expedition. Sagamore John surrenders. Matoonus shot. Executions in Boston. Destruction of the Indians. The natives of Quinsigamotid were of the Nipmuck or Nipnet Indians. The territorial jurisdiction of this tribe is not accurately defined by the early historians. Gookin, high authority on such subjects, includes within ' the Nipmuck country,' as it was called, ten villages of Christian converts : Has- sanaiuisset in Grafton ; Manchoag, now Oxford ; Chabanakongkamon, now Dudley; Maanesit, Quantisset and Wabquisset in Woodstock; Packachaog in Worcester and Ward ; Waentug, now Uxbridge ; Weshakim, now Sterling ; and Quabaog in Brookfield.^ From the position of these places, the domain of the nation must have extended over all the south, and part of the north, of the County of Worcester, and included a portion of Connecticut. On the south were the fierce Pcquots ; the Massachusetts, inhabiting from the bay of that name to the interior, were on the east ; North, were the Pawtuckets, dwelling along the ^Merrimack and its tributary waters. The western bound- ary is uncertain. It is possible that it was as remote as the Connecticut River and the possessions of the warlike Maquas or Mohawks. Eliot, in 1651, speaks of Nipmuck, as ' a great country lying between Connectacot and the Massachusetts, called Nipnet, where there be many Indians dispersed. '- The Nlpmucks enjoyed a wide region, abounding with lakes and rivers for fishing, forests for the hunter, and soil favorable for their rude tillage. Their character was more gentle and peaceful than generally belongs to savage life. Surrounded by powerful and ferocious tribes, they had lost national independ- ence. The chiefs and sagamores of the scattered hamlets were subordinate and tributary to their strong neighbors. When the planters first arrived, Waltasacompanum was nominally ruler. But his authority was controlled., and his efforts to preserve the friendly relations which had always subsisted between his people and the English, were rendered inefi"cctual, l)y the superior influence and bolder spirit of the Sachems, who held their subjects by para- mount allegiance to their wild governments, and they were drawn, reluctantly and unwillingly, into hostilities. The principal settlement of the Indians in Worcester, was on the lull rising in the south part of the town, and extending into W^ard, called by them Pak- achoag, now known a.s Rogachoag. It is thus described by Gookin, in his ♦ Historical Collections of the Indians in New P'ngland,' '"' written in Dec. 1674. ' This village lyeth about three miles south from the new road way that leadeth from Boston to Connecticut ; about eighteen miles, west-south- erly, from Marlborough; and from Boston about forty four miles. It consists 1 1 Mass, Hist. Col. i. 180. 2 3 Mass. Hist. Col. iv. 170. 3 1 Mass. Hist. Col. i. 192. 1674.] gookin's and ei^iot's visit. 23 of about twenty families, and hath about one hundred souls therein. This town is seated upon a fertile hill, and is denominated from a delicate spring of water that is there.' The western hills, bearing originally the appellation of Tataesset, corrupted, in common use, into Tatnuck, were occupied by similar hamlets. Wigwam Hill, on the western shore of Quinsigamond, was probably a favorite place of residence for the people who ranged along its waters for fish and game. The name given by the planters indicates that it was once the site of the bark tents of the aborigines. The remains of rude workmanship frequently discovered around these emi- nences, and the vestiges of primitive agriculture formerly scattered over our territory, show that the tribe once roving through our forests was numerous. The benevolent exertions of self-devoted teachers in diffusing the light of Christianity, had been extended to these villages, and as early as 1672, they had been here instructed in the doctrines of religion and the ceremonial of the church. On the 17th of September, 1G74, John Eliot, well styled the apostle of the Indians, visited Pakachoag, accompanied by Gookin, who then held the office of Superintendent, on his return from an excursion among the nations entrusted to his paternal guardianship. The description, left by the latter, affords a view of the condition of the population previous to the commence- ment of that war whose exterminating edge soon fell on their kindred. ' We took leave of the christian Indians at Chabanakongkomun, and took our journey, 17th of the seventh month,^ by Manchage to Pakachoog, which lieth from Manchage, north-west, about twelve miles. We arrived there about noon.' ' We repaired to the sagamore's house, called John, alias Horowanninit, who kindly entertained us. There is another sagamore belonging to this place, of kindred to the former, whose name is Solomon, alias Wooanakochu. This man was also present, who courteously welcomed us. As soon as the people could be got together, Mr. Eliot preached unto them, and they attend- ed reverently. Their teacher, named James Speen, being present, read and set the tune of a psalm that was sung affectionately. Then was the whole duty concluded with prayer.' ' After some short respite, a Court was kept among them. My chief assis- tant was Wattasacompanum, ruler of the Nipmuck Indians, a grave and pious man of the chief sachem's blood of the Nipmuck country. He resides at Hassanamisset : but, by former appointment calleth here, together with some others. The principal matter done at this Court, was, first, to constitute John and Solomon to be rulers of this people and co-ordinate in power, clothed with the authority of the English government, which they accepted: also to allow and approve James Speen for their minister. This man is of good parts ; and pious. He hath preached to this people almost two years, but he yet resides at Hassanamisset, about seven miles distant. Also they chose, and 1 23 September, 1674, N. S. 24 ATTACK ON QUAI50AG. [1675. the Court confirmed, a new constable, a grave and sober Indian, called Matoo- iius. Then I gave both the rulers, teacher, constable and people, their respec- tive charges, to be diligent and faithful for Uod, zealous against sin, and care- ful in sanctifying the Sabbath.' Having sent a grave and pious Indian to be a teacher at Nashaway, near Lancaster, with a letter of advice and exhortation, written and dated at Pak- achoag, and nominated one of that tribe, who was present, as constable, with power, ' to apprehend drunkards, take away their strong drink, and bring the offenders before himself for punishment ; ' an office which the candidate re- fused to accept until he could consult his friends ; the exercises were conclu- ded with singing a psalm and offering prayer, and they retired to rest. The next morning early they passed to Marlborough, and thence returned to their homes. ^ While the flame of war spread through the whole jurisdiction of Massachu- setts, Quinsigamond was distinguished as the central point in a territory de- populated by hostilities, and as a post for military movements. Some of the christian Indians, during this gloomy period, repaired to Marlborough : but most of them, enticed by the persuasions and awed by the lofty spirit of Philip, united themselves with him. As early as July, 1675, this bold and sagacious warrior was at Pakachoag, and was accompanied westward by saga- more John, who participated in the attack on Quabaog. When this John surrendered himself at Boston, the year after, ' he affirmed ' says Hubbard, ' that he had never intended any mischief to the English at Brookfield, but that Philip, coming over night among them, he was forced, for fear of his own life, to join with them against the English.' ^ Many of our Indians went with him. While the natives of Pakachoag were attempting the destruction of Brook- field, Ephraim Curtis, who may be considered as the first settler of Worcester, distinguished himself as a gallant soldier in repelling their attacks. Having actively engaged in military service, he received the commission of Lieutenant. The government, desirous of reclaiming the Nipmucks to their fidelity, repeatedly sent messengers to their chiefs. On the 24th of July, 1675, Cur- tis held a conference with four of their sachems, and received assurances of their peaceful intentions.^ Induced by deceptive promises, Capt. Edward Hutchinson, and Capt. Thomas Wheeler, were sent into the interior ; the former, commissioned to negociate a treaty, and the latter, in command of a military force of 20 men, for the protection of the embassy. Commencing their march from Cambridge, July 28, and passing the forsaken wigwams of the savages, who fled before them to concentrate power for a heavy blow, they arrived near Brookfield, August 2. Having been amused by delusive appoint- ments for meetings, they were led into a narrow defile, between a steep hill 1 1 Mass. Hist. Col. i. 102. 2 Ilubbanrs Narrative, 101. • One eyed .John accuses sagamore John to have fired the first gun at (iuabaog, and killed Capt. Hutchinson.' Sewall's Journal. 8 Hub. Nar. 35. 1675.] CURTIS. rniAM. 25 and deep swamp. Two or three hundred Indians rose suddenly from their ambuscade, and, -with the first fire, killed eight and wounded five men, includ- ing both the commanders. The survivors of the ill-fated company, with diffi- culty, effected a retreat to the town, where they fortified one of the largest houses. ' Within two hours after our coming to the saiJ house, or less,' says Whee- ler, in his narrative,^ ' the said Capt. Hutchinson and myself posted away Ephraim Curtis of Sudbury, and Henry Young of Concord, to go to the hon- ored council, at Boston, to give them an account of the Lord's dealing with us, and our present condition. When they came to the further end of the town, they saw the enemy rifling of houses, which the inhabitants had for- saken. The post fired upon them, and immediately returned to us again ; they discerning no safety in going forward, and being desirous to inform us of the enemies actings, that we might the more prepare for a sudden assault by them.' This assault followed with great violence, but was bravely resisted. During the night, the attack continued, and the Indians attempted to fire the house, with combustibles. * T,' says Wheeler, ' being desirous to hasten intelligence to the honored Council of our present great distress, we being so remote from any succor, it being between 60 and 70 miles from us to Boston, where the Council useth to sit, and fearing our ammunition would not last long to with- stand them, if they continued so to assault us, I spake to Ephraim Curtis, to adventure forth again on that service, and to attempt it on foot, as the way wherein there was most hope of getting away undiscovered : he readily assent- ed, and, accordingly, went out ; but there were so many Indians everywhere thereabouts, that he could not pass, without apparent hazard of life ; so he came back again ; but, towards morning, the said Ephraim adventured forth the third time, and was fain to creep on his hands and knees for some space of ground, that he might not be discerned by the enemy, who Availed to pre- vent our sending, if they could have hindered it. But, through God's mercy, he escaped their hands, and got safely to Marlborough, though very much spent, and ready to faint, by reason of want of sleep before he went from us, and his sore travel, night and day, in that hot season, till he got thither, from whence he went to Boston.' Intelligence had reached Marlborough before the arrival of Ephraim Curtis, and Major Simon Willard, whose memory has been unhappily slandered by tradition, had marched for the relief of the little band surrounded by more than three hundred Indians. On the 1st of September 1675, another of the early settlers of Worcester, Lt. Phinehas Upham, advanced, with a force of 100 men under the command 1 See the very interesting tract, reprinted in the New Hampshire Historical Society's Collections, ii. 6, written by Captain Thomas Wheeler, entitled * A True narrative of the Lord's providences in various dispensations towards Capt. Edward Hutchinson and myself, and those who went with us, into the Nipmug country, and also to Quabaog, alias Brook - field.' 3* 26 henchman's expedition. [1675. of Capt. Gorham, into the Nipmuck country. The object of the expedition was to destroy the planting fields and burn the wigwams of the Indians, to deprive them of shelter and food during the winter. Gookin complains that they attacked only the villages of the praying converts, while Pakachoag, where there was abundance of corn, was left untouched.^ In November following, the enemy's forces captured the people of Hassan- amisset, while employed about their harvest. Wattasacompanum, the chief ruler and assistant, who had held court with Gookin in 1674, was prevailed with to unite with Philip, and his example drew after him most of his sub- jects. When information of this movement reached the Council, Capt. Hench- man and Capt. Sill were immediately dispatched to range the country with two companies. Having visited Grafton, and rescued some captives, ' they marched,' says Gookin in his Narrative of the sufferings of the christian Indians,- ' to a place called Packachoage, about ten miles distant from Hassan- amisset, towards the noith-west, where was plenty of good Indian corn, and in this place they hoped to meet some of the enemy. Coming to the place, they saw signs of Indians, that had been lately there, but it seems, were withdrawn upon the approach of the English. Here our forces took up their quarters one night, there being two wigwams, which were good shelter for our soldiers, the weather being wet and stormy. The next morning, our forces searched about the cornfields, to find the enemy, but could not discover them, though, in all probability the enemy saw them in all their motions, and con- cealed themselves ; for this is their ordinary way ; to lie hid in thick swamps and other secret places, and to move as our men do scatter themselves, in small parties, and lie close, observing all our men's motions. The English, in their search, found above 100 bushels of Indian corn newly gathered, and a great quantity of corn standing. About 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the English Captains and their soldiers marched back to Hassanamisset. Being gone about two miles on their way, Capt. Henchman, missing, as he apprehended, his letter case, wherein his writings and orders were, he sent back two En- glishmen, and the Indian Thomas, on horseback, to see at the wigwam where he lodged, to find his papers : these messengers, accordingly, going back, the Indian led them the way, and ascending up a steep hill, at the top whereof stood the wigwam, as soon as ever he discovered it, being not above six rods distant, he saw two Indian enemies, standing at the wigwam door, newly come out, and four more, sitting at the fire, in the house. At which sight he be- stirred himself, and, looking back, called earnestly (as if many men were be- hind, coming up the hill,) to hasten away and encompass the enemy. One of the enemy, thereupon, presented his gun at our Indian ; but, the gun mis- sing fire, (probably the moist rainy weather had put it out of case,) where- upon, the rest of them, that were in the wigwam, came all out, and ran away as fast as they could, suspecting that the English forces were at hand. And then Thomas, with his two comrades, having thus prudently scared away the ' Gookia's Ilist. Christina Imlians, in American Antiquarian Society's Collections. '^ American Antiquarian Society's Collections. 1675.] QUINSIGAMOND BUKNED. 27 enemy, they thought it seasonable also to ride back again to their company as fast as they could. And, indeed, there was good reason for it ; because Thom- as, the Indian, had only a pistol : one of the Englishmen, who was their chirurgeon, a young man, had no gun : the third had a gun, but the flint was lost : so that they were in ill case to defend themselves, or offend the enemy : but God preserved them, by the prudence and courage of the Indian : which deliverance, one of the Englishmen directly acknoM'ledged to me, attributing their preservation, under God, to this fellow : so they got safe to their caj^tain, who, in the interim, searching diligently, had found his letter case, and staid for these messengers.'^ The buildings, deserted by the planters of Worcester, were destroyed by the Indians, Dec. 2, 1675 : an event in which Mather discovers a special ad- monition of the displeasure of divine Providence. The expedition against the Narragansets was then about to march. ' But before they set out,' says the annalist, ' the churches were all upon their knees before the Lord, the God of armies, entreating his favor and gracious success in that undertaking. This day of Prayer and Humiliation was observed December 2d: when, also, something happened, intimating as if the Lord were still angry with our pray- ers : for, this day, all the houses in Quonsukamuck were burnt by the Indians.'^ During the winter, the hostile Indians were scattered through the country between Marlborough and Brookfield. A large body gathered round Wachu- set. Philip having visited Canada, they remained for the most part inactive. On his return, the tomahawk was again lifted, and torture and death resumed their work. On the first of February, 1675,^ the Nipmucks destroyed the house of Thomas Eames in Framingham. Three of the men of Pakachoag were afterwards executed in Boston for this burning. A curious inventory of the loss sustained by the sufferer was afterwards presented to the General Court, in Avhich a wife and five children are included among the articles of furniture and items of property for reimbursement. The Nipmucks were engaged in the attack on Lancaster, Feb'y. 10, 1675,* rendered memorable by the simple narrative of Mrs. Rowlandson's captivity ; and, probably, participated in the depredations on other towns. The troops of Prentice, Savage, Mosely, and the other distinguished leaders of the time, frequently traversed the territory along the Connecticut road, to seek or pur- sue the foe. Parties were sometimes stationed at Quinsigamond, to await reenforcements or watch the operations of the enemy. In April, 1676, three companies of infantry, under Captains Sill, Cutler and Holbrook, and three of cavalry, with Capts. Brattle and Prentice, and Capt. Henchman, who was commander-in-chief, were sent out towards Hassanamis- set. Having been released for a time from service, on the 30th of May Henchman was again despatched from Boston, to meet a corps from Connec- ticut, to scour the forest on both sides Connecticut River, to distress the ene- my and prevent their fishing in those waters. The two parties were to unite 1 See Hubbard's Nar. 45. 2 increase Mather's History, 19. » Feb. 12, 1676, New Style. * Feb. 22, 1676, N. S. 28 henchman's expedition. [1676. at Brookfield, but Henchman turned aside to attack a party at Weshakim ponds. This service successfully performed, he proceeded westward and met the troops of the neighboring colony at lladley. The object of the campaign accomplished, the men of Massachusetts returned. The instructions of the Council, dated June 10, state that Philip, with several sachems, but with few fighting men, had then planted at Quabaog and Pakachoag. On arriving near the last-named place they found that Philip and the Narragansets were gone several days before. On the 30th of June, Henchman, having halted at Marlborough, made a report, from which the following passages are extracted. ' By advice, I drew out a commanded party, under the conduct of Capt. Sill, viz. sixteen files of English, all my troop, and the Indians, excepting one file, being all we could make provision for ; for what with the falling short of the bread promised us, and a great deal of that we had proving mouldy, the rest of the men had but one biscuit a man to bring them to this place. This party we ordered towards Wachviset, and so to Nashaway, and the Weshakim Ponds, and so to return to this place. The commanded party we left at Qaonsiquomon, where they intended to stay awhile for the last scout we sent out. Eleven prisoners wc had in all ; two of the eldest, by counsel, we put to death, the other nine the commissary is ordered to convey to Boston.'^ From this time the fortunes of Philip rapidly declined. The spirit of dis- affection spread among his allies, and the formidable confederacy his genius had formed Avas parted. The confidence he had inspired was lost, and the ilread of the English power revived as unsparing vengeance was visited on the hostile tribes. Sagamore John, alarmed at the dangerous condition of affairs, prudently sought safety by timely submission. In the early part of July, he opened a negociation for peace with the government in Boston. A curious letter, composed by a christian Indian who had learned to write, supplicating mercy in very imperfect language, is preserved in one of a series of tracts, first printed in London in 1676.^ John subscribed this paper, as a highland chieftain would have done, with the name of his clan. It was signed by other Nipmuck sagamores, and sent by a party with a white flag, July G, 1G7G, from Nashaway. ' Mr. John Leveret, my Lord, Mr. Waban, and all the chief men our breth- ren, praying to God.^ We beseech you all to help us ; my wife she is but one, but there be more prisoners, which we pray you keep well : Mattamuck his wife, we entreat you for her ; and not only that man, but it is the request of two Sachems, Sam Sachem of Weshakim and the Pakashoag Sachem.' ' And that further you will consider about the making peace. We have 1 Hubbard Nar. 8G. - ' A true account of the most considerable occurrences that have happened in the warre between the English and Indians in New England,' reprinted in Drake's Indian Chronicle, 131. 8 The letter is intended to be addressed to Gov. Leveret, Mr. Waban, and the christian Indians who prayed to God. 1676.] JOHN. MATOONUS. 29 spoken to the people of Nashobali (viz. Tom D abler and Peter) that we would agree with you and make a covenant of peace with you. "We have been des- troyed by your soldiers : but still we remember it now, to sit still ; do you consider it again : we do earnestly entreat you that it may be so, by Jesus Christ. O ! let it be so ! Amen. Amen.' Mattamuck, his mark N. Sam. Sachem, his mark ?^. Simon Pottoquam, Scribe % Uppanippaquem, his (mark) C. Pakaskoag, his mark ^C -^ Soon after this letter was written, about July 13,^ sagamore John ventured to visit Boston, to deliver himself to the Magistrates and make terms for his men. The Governor and Council, with policy equally wise and humane, had issued proclamations offering pardon to the Indians who voluntarily came in and surrendered. John expressed sincere sorrow for taking part against the English, engaged to be true to their interests in future, promised to give some testimonials of fidelitj', received assurances of security and protection, and was permitted to depart. On the 27th of July, he returned, bringing with him an hundred and eighty of his followers. To propitiate favor, and pur- chase peace by an acceptable offering, he had treacherously seized that Mat- oonus, who had shed the first blood in Massachusetts on the beginning of the war at Mendon, with Nehemiah his son, both probably natives of Pakachoag, and brought them down bound with cords, to be given up to justice. Mat- oonus, havingbeen examined, was condemned to immediate death. Sagamore John, with the new-born zeal of the traitor, to signalize his devotion to the cause he adopts by extraordinary rancor against that he deserts, entreated for himself and his men the office of executioners. Matoouus was led out, and being tied to a tree on Boston common, was shot by his own countrymen, his head cut off, and placed upon a pole opposite to that of his son, who former- ly suffered on the same spot for a real or supposed murder committed in 1671. The historians of the period heap upon Matoonus a load of abusive and uncharitable epithets. The great injury he received, the deepest the heart of savage or civilized man can suffer, affords, in their view, no apology for acts of violence, which although cruel, were according to the custom of war among his people. ' Sagamore John,' says Hubbard, ' that he might more ingratiate himself with the English, whose friendship he was now willing to seek after, did by a wile, get into his hands one Matoonus, an old malicious villain, who was the first that did any mischief within the Massachusetts Colony, July 14, 1675, bearing an old grudge against them as is thought, for justice 1 The name of the residence of sagamore John was spelt by diiferent early writers thus : Pakachoge : Packachooge : Fakchoog : Pakachage : I'akachauge : Poppachaug : Poquebaug : Pakachewog : Pakashooge : Packashoag : Pakaskoag : Pacachoog. The best authority is for Pakachoag. 2 Drake's Indian Chronicle, 137. I. Mather's Hist. 43. Hub. Nar. 101. 30 WATTASACOMPANUM. [1676. that was done upon one of his sons, 1G71, whose head since stands upon a pole near the gibbet where he was hanged up : the bringing in of this malic- ious caitife was a hopeful presage that it wouhl not be long before Philip him- self, the grand villain, would in like manner receive a just reward of his wickedness and murders.' Increase Mather, another minister of that gospel which inculcates the for- giveness of injuries, adds his testimony with equal bitterness, in a sermon preached in 1G77.^ ' How often have we prayed that the Lord would remember the cruelty, treachery, and above all the blasphemy of these heathen! The prayer hath been heard in Heaven Matoonus, who was the first Indian that treacherously shed innocent English blood in Massachusetts colony, he some years before pretended something of religion, being a professor in general, (though never baptized, nor of the inchurched Indians,) that so he might the more covertly manage the hellish design of revenge, that was harbored in his devilish heart : but at last sagamore John, with some of his Indians, unexpect- edly surprised him and delivered him to justice.'- Sagamore John, with nineteen of those who surrendered with him, were placed under the charge of Capt. Thomas Prentice, in Cambridge. During the succeeding winter, they escaped to the woods, and although closely fol- lowed, eluded pursuit. Three of the company were executed, Avith some of their associates, for burning the house of Thomas Eames. Of their fate Sew- all makes this brief record in his journal : ' Sept. 13, eight Indians shot to death on the (Boston) common.' Thirty were sold as slaves, under the milder name of putting out to service. The residue of the captives were confined to Deer Island, whore many died by famine and exposure without suitable food or shelter from cold. The assistant Wattasacompanum, better known in the annals of the time by the appellation of Capt. Tom,^ was made prisoner, June 11, 1G76, with his daughter and two young children. Henchman, announcing the capture, reports that this man was said to have left the enemy early in the spring, intending to give himself up to the English, but dared not come in for fear of their scouts. The minutes of his trial allege, that ' Capt. Tom was not only an instigator to others over whom he was made a captain, but also was actu- ally present and an actor in the devastation of some of our plantations.' Although the company of friendly Indians, who had done good service to the colony, petitioned for his release, he was executed June 22. ' He was,' says Gookin,^ ' a prudent, and, I believe, a pious man, and had given good dem- onstration of it many years. I had particular acquaintance with him, and cannot, in charity, think otherwise concerning him in his life, or at his death : 1 Historical discourse on the prevalence of prayer, 6. -Mather states that one of the sons of Matoonus was brought in with him, which is confirmed by the following entry in Sewall's MS. Journal, ' .July 27, 1676. Sagamore John bringH in Matoonus and his son : shot to death the same day.' ^Shattuck's Concord, G2. * Hist. Christian Indians, in Am. Ant. Soc. Col. 1676.] EXECUTIONS. REMOVAL OF INDIANS. 31 though possibly he was tempted beyond his strength ; for had he done as he ought, he should have rather suffered death than have gone among the wicked enemies of God's people.' During the summer, military executions were frequent in Boston. Thirty Indians were shot in one day on the common. The return of troops from vic- torious expeditions into the interior, was often followed by judicial slaughter, only to be defended on the ground of necessity. The captives were sometimes treated as traitors, and blood profusely shed. The heads of the sufferers, exposed near the spot where they fell, were ghastly memorials of the stern character of vindictive justice. An order of Council, August 30, 1675, directed that all Indians desirous of proving their fidelity should repair to Natick, Punkapaiig,^ Wamesit,- Nash- obah,^ and Hassanamisset, to be confined within a circle draw^n at the distance of a mile from the centre of the dwellings. The christians of Quinsigamond about this period went to Grafton, where they were afterwards surprised by a large force and compelled to join the enemy, as is stated, although it is not probable strong compulsion was needed to induce them to take part with their countrymen. Some were at a fort occupied by the converts of Marlborough. Measures of severitj' were adopted, involving innocent and guilty in common suffering, scarcely admitting defence. The friendly Indians were principally transported to Deer Island. Taken away from their cornfields without being permitted to gather the harvest, without the resources of hunting, with slender provision for their support, many died for want of food and shelter from the inclemency of winter. The change of residence was someUmes effected with- out regard to the feelings or convenience of the victims. Those of Marl- borough, surrounded by a company under Capt. Mosely, who had been commander of a privateer by sea before he became captain of soldiers, were taken into custody, their hands tied behind them, and fastened to a cart rope, they were driven av/ay.* The act was disclaimed as unauthorised, but the officer was not punished nor the captives released. With the death of Philip, the animating spirit of the hostile confederacy, Aug. 12, 1676, the war ended. Its progress arrested the earliest efforts for settlement, and destroyed the little village beginning to rise in Quinsigamond : its termination left the soil almost without a relic of the aboriginal population. When the white settlers commenced building here, there were between two and three hundred of the natives. They possessed extensive planting fields, and had set appletrees obtained from the English. The light of Christianity had dawned upon them, and some advance had been made in civilization. By the sword, by famine, by violent removal, and by flight, they were nearly exterminated. When the second plantation was attempted, only superannu- ated old men, women and children, remained of the red people : those able to bear arms had been slain, or dispersed, seeking refuge in Canada among the French, or migrating far westward beyond the reach of the power they had too 1 Stoughton. 2 Lowell. " Easterly part of Littleton. * Allen's Northborough. in Wor. Mag. ii. 147. Biglow'a Natick, 36. 32 SKCOXD IXT)I\N DEKD. [1677. much provoked for tlieir own safety. The whole nation perished, leaving no monuments of their existence on our lands, and no remains except little arti- cles of ornament, rude utensils of culinary art, and rough weapons of stone, discovered in their former dominion. CHAPTER III. 1G77 to 1713. Second settlement. Indian deed, 1677. Meeting of planters, 1678. Henchman's agreement, 1681:. Citadel. Survey. Wills built. Name of Worcester. Lota laid out. New Committees. Capt. Fitch's letter. Queen Anne's war. Town abandoned. Digory Serjent killed. Elisha Ward. Indian hostilities. Petition for re- settlement refused, 17o'J. Peace having been reestablished, the Committee earnestly endeavored to procure the settlement of the town. The little remnant of the Indians, who survived the perils and sufferings of war, had returned to their homes. On the 6th of Dec. 1677,-^ the right of Pannasunet, asagamore who had not sub- scribed the former instrument of conveyance, was purchased of his heirs and relatives. The deed- was executed by Anthony, or Wannashawakum, other- wise, VVannoshanohannawit, and Abagail, his wife, ' daughter and only heir of Pannasunet :' Nannaswane, the widow ; Sasomet, and his wife Quassawake, sister of the deceased proprietor ; who are described as ' all natives and inhab- itants, they and their ancestors, of Quinsigamond,' and who covenanted that they had good and just title, and natural right and interest in the territory, and that they would warrant its enjoyment. The same good faith and equity governed in this as in the former contract. The receipt of full satisfaction for this release of dower and inheritance, in trucking cloth and corn, is acknowl- edged. Although the storm of war had passed over, the recollection of its destruc- tive visitation was still fresh. No serious fears could be entertained of imme- diate disturbance of the repose of the Colony, by the dispersed and defeated enemy. In the interval of peace, the Committee, in 1678, directed the Planters to return before the year 1680, and build together so as to defend themselves : but, in their own words, ' there was no going by any of them, or 1 Middlesex Registry of Deeds. Lib. 8, Page 318. - The subscribing witnesses to this deed were the apostolic John Eliot, Nathaniel Gookin of Cambridge, son of Daniel Gookin, James Speen, Waban and Simon Betoghan. James Specn was of Natick, and distinguished for fidelity to the English. Thomas Waban was of Natick, the son of the earliest convert to Christianity, for a long time Clerk, Justice of the Peace, and constable of the Indian town. Simon Betoghan was probably the scribe by whom the letter of the sagamores was written. The grantors probably lived on Wigwam Hill. 1678.] MEETING OF PLANTEKS. 33 hope that they would so do : for divers of them being importuned to go, would not.' The exposed and remote situation of the place, affords sufficient explanation of the refusal. A meeting of those interested in the plantation was held in Cambridge, March 3, 1678.^ Gookin, Henchman, and Prentice of the Committee were present, with Joel Jenkins, Richard Dana, Philip Atwood, Thomas Brown, John Paul, Thomas Groves, John Fay, Thomas Hall, Thomas Skinner, John Bemis, Richard Tree, Miscal Flagg, John Upham, William Taylor, Benjamin Webb, and Simon Meyling, whose names are entered on the margin of the original record. The following paper expresses the result of their deliberations. 1. 'It is agreed by all the persons named in the margent, that, God willing, they intend and purpose, if God spare life, and peace continue, to endeavor, either in their persons, or by their relations, or by their purses, to settle the said plantation sometime the next summer, come twelve month, which shall be in the year of our Lord 1680. 2. ' They do engage to build in a way of a town, according to a model pro- posed by Major Gookin and Major Henchman, or some model equivalent thereunto, for the attaining these six ends; 1st, security from the enemies in case (of alarm) : 2d, for the hetter convenity of attending God's worship: 3d, for the better education of their children in society : 4th, for the better accom- modation of trades people : 5th, for better helps to civility : 6th, for more convenient help in case of sickness, fire or other casualty. 3. ' That the most convenient place is to be chosen and pitched upon t©' build the town, sometime this next summer, by the committee, or the major part of such of the people as go up to view the place, which is intended this- next May, if God please. 4. ' That after the place is chosen and pitched upon, others that are not present, do engage to submit and settle there.' The resolutions of settlement unanimously adopted, like other good inten- tions, seem to have ended with the formation, as no evidence remains of any practical attempt to carry them into execution. The General Court, at their October session, 1682, gave notice to the Com- mittee, that the grant would be considered forfeit and be lost, unless measures, were taken to form a plantation. The necessity of immediate exertion to preserve the rights of those whO' had procured the title of the soil, incurred much expense, and performed no^ inconsiderable labor, in efforts for settlement, having been thus officially- presented to the Committee, after long negociation, they accepted proposals offered by Capt. Henchman and his associates for accomplishing their purpose. An agreement was entered into, April 24, 1684," evidenced by a formal instrui- ment of that date. The inducements to this arrangement are stated to be ; ' that the plantations might be secured ; the first planters prevailed with to 1 March 14, 1679, N. S. ^ Proprietors' Eecords, 13» 4 34 CITADEL, LOTS. SrRVEV. [1684. resettle ; others encouraged to plant ; public occasions provided for ; recom- pense made to those who have labored therein ; those rewarded that shall forward the place ; manufactures promoted ; the country advantaged ; travel- lers accommodated ; and not any damnified that are concerned.' The quantity of meadow being estimated at 480 acres, it was proposed to divide the whole township into that number of lots : 200 for the planters : 80 for public uses or specific appropriations ; and the remaining 200 to be laid out on the north- ern extremity, forming a division, afterwards known as North Worcester, and subsequently rendered permanent by the incorporation of Holden. Among other arrangements for mutual safety and provisions for social hap- piness, it was stipulated, that ' land for a citadel should be laid out, on the Fort River, about half a mile square, for house lots, for those who should, at their first settling, build and dwell thereon, and make it their certain place of abode for their families : to the end the inhabitants may settle in a way of defence, as enjoined by law,^ and formerly ordered by the committee for divers reasons, and each one so doing, to have a house lot there, at least six rods square.' This citadel, or central station, was on the stream flowing by the present town, then called Fort River, from the ancient fortress which had been thrown up on its bank : soon after named Mill Brook, from the works moved by its waters ; and sometimes denominated Bimeleck. From references at a subse- quent period, it may be inferred, its northern line was parallel with the town way north of the Court House, and that it included the greater part of the village of Worcester. The contractors were required 'to build two fire rooms in the citadel, to shelter such as shall come to settle, and travellers, until there be an ordinary : for accommodation of whom,' it is said, ' was one reason of granting the plan- tation.' There is traditional evidence that a fortified house was erected a little east from Main street ;'- it was surrounded with a palisade. The inhabitants resorted to its defence by night, and maintained a guard to secure their slum- bers. It was enjoined, ' that care be taken to provide a minister with all conven- ient speed ; and a schoolmaster in due season ; and, in the interim, that the Lord's day be sanctified by the inhabitants meeting together thereon, to wor- ship God as they shall be' (able). The territory without the citadel was divided into lots of ten and twenty five acres : ample reservations were made for public uses and common benefit ; for the support of teachers of religion, and the instruction of youth, as well as for the encouragement of useful arts and trades. Lands were appropriated for building saw, corn and fulling mills. Four lots were assigned to the Commonwealth, as our ancestors loved to style the colony, in lieu of those 1 In IG 55, the General Court ordered, that ' no new building shall be built more than half a mile from the meeting house, in any new plantation.' 2 This garrison was a few rods east of the head of the street now (1836) called Colum- bian avenue, on land over which the street passes. 1684.] SETTLEMENTS. 35 reserved for the country by the original grant. The zealous exertions of Gookin to promote the prosperity of the infant town were acknowledged by a donation of eight lots. Each of the Committee were to be entitled, in their official capacity, to four lots, ' for their care and pains.' The principles for conducting settlement being fixed, the work of improve- ment was soon commenced. A general survey was made by Samuel Andrews of Watertovvn, May 16, 1683 ; the plan, on which the boundaries were delin- eated, was presented, on the 7th of May, 1684, and allowed and confirmed. The township was estimated to contain 43,020 acres, an allowance of two in the hundred being made for the inaccuracy of measuring the wilderness.^ A vacancy in the committee, occasioned by the death of Lt. Richard Beers of Watertown, killed in the defeat of the English near Northfield, in Sept. 1675, was supplied, on the application of the survivors, by the appointment of Capt. John Wing of Boston. Many persons made contracts with Capt. Henchman, and some became residents. Corn and saw mills were erected by Capt. Wing, a short distance above the bridge at the north end of Main street, where the remains of the dam are still visible in the little island that divides the stream. His house and barn were placed in their vicinity.'^ Upon the motion and desire of Gookin, Prentice and Henchman, on the 10th of Sept. 1684, the Great and General Court granted their request, ' that their plantation at Quansigamond be called Worcester.'^ Partial surveys were made in May, 1685. A lot was laid out for Gookin, of 100 acres, on the east side of Pakachoag Hill, and another lot of 80 acres on Raccoon Plain. There were present at this time Gookin himself, Capt. Henchman, Nathaniel Henchman his son, David Fiske, the surveyor, Digory Serjent, Will, a mulatto, Christopher Reed, and Benjamin Eaton. iProp. Records, 2. - On land now [183G] of Stephen Salisbury, Esq., north of Lincoln squ.are. ^The reasons for the selection of the name of Worcester cannot now be ascertained. It was probably adopted from the place of residence of some of the committee or planters in England. The word Worcester is said, Henry's England, ii. 538, to have been derived from the Saxon Wegera-ceaster, meaning war castle, and descriptive of the militnry character of the place to which it was originally applied by the martial clans of remote antiquity. In England, one place only bears this name. The city of Worcester, the capital of a shire, situated on the banks of the Severn, contained in 1824 a population of about 20,000 supported a flourishing trade in gloves and the manufacture of fine china ware, held three market da}s the week, and returned two members to Parliament. It is noted iu history as the scene of a sanguinary battle in 1G.")1, between Cromwell and the Pretender, afterwards Charles II., which crushed for a time the hopes of the Stuart. In the United States, the rapid birth of new towns has multiplied the name. It had been given to the following places, in 1832 : 1. Worcester, post town, Otsego county, 2. , post town, Montgomery co. 3. , town, Washington co. 4. , township, Wayne county, 5. • , town, Wayne county, 6. county, chief town, Snow Hill, New York, pop. in 1830, 2093. Pennsylvania, " 1135. Vermont, 432. Ohio, " 1953. Ohio, 977. Maryland, " 18271. 36 SETTLEMENTS. NEW COMMITTEE. [1685. A tract of 80 acres was assipjned to Capt. John Wing, around his mills, and on the west side of the hrook, with the exclusive privilege of its waters. George Danson, who was a baker, of Boston, obtained a grant of 200 acres on the same side of the stream, north of the citadel, and extending to North Pond. Thomas Hall occupied the meadow below the mills. At this distance of time, without the aid of full records, ill supplied by the scattered fragments of history and tradition which have descended, it is not possible to ascertain the names or number of the actual settlers of the new town which rose from the ashes of the former plantation. In addition to those already mentioned, the following were probably among the inhabitants : Thomas Athcrton, George Rosbury, James Daniel, Peter Goulding, Isaac George, Matthew Tomlin, Isaac Bull, Thomas Brown, Daniel Turell, William Weeks, Jacob Leonard, Isaac Tomlin, Enos Salter, John CowcU, James Dutton. The Committee suffered the loss of one of its most energetic members by the death of Capt. Henchman, 168G, who had personally aided and superin- tended the allotment of lands. The President and Council, administering the affairs of the Province in the stormy period of the Revolution following the abrogation of the charter, on the 10th of June, 1686, upon the application of the proprietors of Wor- cester, reappointed Gen. Gookin and Capt. Prentice of the old Committee, and added Mr. William Bond of Watertown, Capt. Joseph Lynde and Deacon John Haynes of Sudbury, as new members, with general powers to order and regulate all matters cbncerning the settlement.^ For a time we lose sight of the town and its inhabitants. From 1686 to 1713, no record is preserved on the proprietary book of any transactions. Neither history nor tradition informs us of the labors, dangers and sufferings of the earlier planters, or discloses particulars to measure the advance of pop- ulation under the salutary regulation and prudential guardianship of able and discreet committees, or the difficulties interposed by public embarrassments. Gen. Gookin, the early and faithful friend of the plantation, was called to the rewards of a long life, characterized by fervent piety, enlightened benevolence, incorruptible intejjrity, and the practice of every manly virtue, in March, 1687. The office he held in relation to the town was filled by the appointment of Capt. Adam Winthrop, who had become proprietor of extensive tracts. Other vacancies having occurred, Dec 23, 1691, Capt. Penn Townsend, Capt. Ephraim Hunt, and Mr. John Haynes, were added to Capt. Prentice, Capt. Winthrop and Capt. Wing, for the ordering of affairs :" a circumstance rendering it certain that the number of settlers had not so increased as to pre- vent the necessity of relying on others for the direction of their municipal concerns. 1 Proprietors' Records, 23. 2 province Records, vi. 210, 1696.] CAPT. fitch's letter. 37 On the 23d of August, 1696, a house in Oxford was assaulted by the Al- bany or Western Indians, and Goodman Levenz and three children of its in- mates killed. Mr. Johnson, who was returning to the place, was shot in the road. On the intelligence of these outrages and of the appearance of hostile parties near Woodstock, Major James Fitch marched to that town. On the 27th, a party was sent out of thirty eight Norwich, Mohegan and Nipmuck Indians, and twelve soldiers, to range the woods towards Lancaster, under Capt. Daniel Fitch. On their march they passed through Worcester, and discovered traces of the enemy in its vicinity. The following letter of their commander gives an account of their expedition. ' To the Rt. Honorable William Stoughton, Esq., Lieut. Governor and Commander in chief, &c. ' Whereas we were informed of several persons killed at Oxford on Tuesday night last past, (23d) and not knowing what danger might be near to Wood- stock and several other frontiers towards the western parts of the Massachu- setts Province : several persons appearing volunteers, both English and In- dians, to the number of about 50, (concerning which this bearer, Mr. James Corbin, may more fully inform your Honor,) all which were willing to follow the Indian enemy, hoping to find those that had done the late mischief; in prosecution whereof we have ranged the woods to the westward of Oxford, and so to Worcester, and then to Lancaster, and are freely willing to spend some considerable time in endeavoring to find any of the enemy that may be upon Merrimack or Penicook Rivers, or any where in the western woods : to which end we humbly request your Honor would be pleased to encourage said design, by granting us some supply of provisions and ammunition, and also by strengthening us as to anything wherein we may be short in any res- pect, that so we may be under no disadvantage nor discouragement. ' They may further inform your Honor, that on the sabbath day (28), com- ing at a place called Half Way River, betwixt Oxford and Worcester, we came upon the fresh tracks of several Indians which were gone towards M''"or- cester, which we apprehend were the Indians that did the late damage at Ox- ford ; and being very desirous to do some service that may be to the benefit of his majesty's subjects, we humbly crave your Honor's favorable assistance. Herein I remain your Honor's most humble servant, according to my ability. Lancaster, 31 August, 1696. Daniel Fitch.' On the commencement of the eighteenth century, the peace of the country was again disturbed by renewed outrages of the savages, always capricious iq. friendship, treacherous in alliance, and unrelenting in enmity. Although Worcester suffered less in Queen Anne's war, which began in 1702, by loss of life, than many towns, it shared in the alarm and participated in the mise- ries of the final struggles of the red men to reclaim their possessions and avenge the wrongs inflicted by our ancestors. When the same danger which had once before pressed on the planters, be- came extreme, and the Ind.ar.s again kindled the slumbering flame of mur- 4* 08 DIGORY SERJEXT. [1696. derous hostility, the second attempt to buihl a town here was abandoned. The inhabitants fled ; the place of their residence was delivered up to decay ; the traces of cultivation were efTaced ; and the silence of ruin was again over the forsaken farms and deserted homes Among those who attempted the settlement of Worcester after the first unsuccessful enterprise, was Digory Serjent, who had built his house on Sag- atabscot Hill, south-eastward of the present town. He was a native of Sud- bury, and had been a carpenter by occupation before his removal. A will made by him in 1679 is preserved on the Middlesex Records. As the list of goods and effects, strangely mingled together, presents example of the humble personal possessions of former times, and the style affords specimen of quaint peculiarity, it will not be uninteresting. 'March, the 17th day, 1696. The last Will and Testament of Digory Serjent. ' I Digory Serjent, being in my health and strength, and in my perfect memory, blessed be the Lord for it ; these few lines may satisfy whom it may concern, that I, Digory Serjent, do freely give unto my Daughter Martha Ser- jent, my house and land with all its rights and privileges thereunto belonging: this house and four score acre lot of land lieth within the township of Wor- cester : I likewise do give unto her all my goods ; one flock bed and boulster, with one rugg, and two blankets and two coverlets ; six froes ; one broad ax and one falling ax and one handsaw ; one frying pan ; one shave ; one drawing knife ; one trunk and a sermon book that is at Mrs. Mary Mason's, widow, at Boston ; with one pewter pint pot ; one washing tub ; one cow and calf; one marc ; three iron Avcdges ; two beetle rings : And if in case the Lord should see good to take away the said Digory Serjent by death, then I, the said Dig- ory Serjent, do leave these things above written unto George Parmeter of Sudbury, to be disposed of as he shall see good, to bring up the said Digory Serjent's child ; and if in case that this child should die likewise, then I do freely give my house and land with all the goods above mentioned unto George Parmeter forever, and to his heirs, to look after these things and to dispose of them as he shall see cause. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above named. There is one gun too. Digory Serjent. Witnessed by John Keyes, John Wetherby.' Having afterwards been married to the sister of Parmeter, (as I think,) his family became more numerous, and afforded more victims to be involved in the miseries of death and captivity. Long after the other planters had fled from the perils of the conflict that raged around them, Serjent remained with his children, the solitary occupants of the town, resisting all importunity to seek safety by desertion, and resolv- ing with fearless intrepidity to defend from the savage the fields his industry had redeemed from the waste. 1702.] DIGORY SEKJENT, 39 During the summer of 1702,-^ his residence was unmolested. As winter approached, the committee, alarmed by his situation on the frontier of danger, sent messengers to advise his removal to a place of security. As their admo- nitions were disregarded, they at length dispatched an armed force of twelve men under Capt. Howe, to compel compliance with the order. At the close of day the party arrived at a garrison near the mills. Here they halted for the night, which grew dark with storm and snow, and kindling their fires, laid down to rest, while one of the band watched the slumbers of his comrades. In the morning they went onward, and reached the house of Serjent on Saga- tabscot, at the distance of nearly two miles from the post where they had halted. They found the door broken down, the owner stretched in blood on the floor, and the dwelling desolate. The prints of many mockasins leading westward, still visible through the snow, indicated that they had been antici- pated by a short time only in the object of their mission. Having pursued the trail of the murderers a little way, they returned and buried Serjent at the foot of an oak, long since decayed. On retracing their course to the spot of their repose, they found the prints of feet going from the fort towards Wachu- set. After the war was ended, the Indians, when they revisited the settlers, declared that six of them had entered the building for shelter from the tem- pest, when the near advance of the English was discovered, too late (o permit escape from a force so considerable, and they secreted themselves in the cellar. The soldiers had spread their blankets and laid down over the trap door, thus securing their foes, until the morning march gave opportunity for flight. It was soon found that the children of Serjent were living in Canada. On the release of the eldest, she related the particulars of the fearful catastrophe they had witnessed. When the Indians, headed by sagamore John, as is said, surrounded the house, Serjent seized his gun to defend his life, and was fired on. As he retreated to the stair way, a ball took effect and he fell. The savages rushed in, with their tomahawks completed the work of death, and tore off the scalp from his head, as the trophy of victory. They seized the mother and her children, John, Daniel, Thomas, Martha and Mary, and having discovered the neighborhood of the white men, commenced a rapid retreat westward. The Avife of Serjent, fainting with grief and fear, and in feeble circumstances, faltered and impeded their progress. The apprehension of pursuit induced the Indian to forego the terrible pleasure of torturing his vic- tim. As they ascended the hills of Tataesset, a chief stept out from the file, and looking around among the leafless forests as if for game, excited no alarm in the exhausted and sinking captive, and awoke no cry of horror to betray their course. When she had passed by, one merciful blow from the strong arm of the sachem removed the obstruction of their flight. The children, they carried away, reached the northern frontier in safety, and were a long 1 This is the date given in the brief account in 1 Mass. Hist. Col. i. 112, copied by Whit- ney and subsequent writers. It is probable the death of Serjent was in 1703 or 1704, at the period when Northampton, Lancaster and other towns were attacked by the French and Indians. 40 INDIAN HOSTILITIES. [1709. time in Canada. Daniel and Mary, preferring the wild freedom of their cap- tors to the restraints of civilized life, adopted the habits and manners of the Indians. They never again resided with their relatives, although they once made them a visit, when Miss Williams, taken at Deerfield, was restored. In 1715, Tliomas was at Boston. John had been liberated in 1721. Mar- tha was probably redeemed earlier than her brothers. She married Daniel Shattuck, and returned to dwell on the spot so fatal to her family, as may be inferred from the following order, to the commissioners appointed in 1721, to make partition of the inherited lands in Worcester. ' If D. Shattuck's hovel, made of the stuff of the said deceased's old house, needs consideration, his brother John must allow for it, if you in your good discretion think good : and also for any labor which the said Daniel has done on the mother lot : it proves equal that he should have for this year liberty to enjoy the fruits of his own labor : so do what is right and equal, as you must be sworn.' ' Francis Foxcraft, J. Pro. for Middlesex.' The approach of Capt. Howe's party, whose night's rest was at the expense of lives and suffering, probably prevented the conflagration of the house and the destruction of property. A full inventory of the goods and effects collec- ted, was returned into the Probate Office by George Parmeter, who seems to have taken administration by virtue of the will, although its provisions were inoperative.^ Although the power of the savage was crushed, predatory bands visited the town. In August, 1709, Elisha Ward, sent on an express from Marlborough to Hadley, having stopped to examine his deserted farm, was killed. After the permanent settlement in 1713, no lives were lost, but the quiet of the inhabitants was frequently disturbed. On one occasion, three Indians were discovered lurking near the stream below the upper canal lock. The alarm was given and the townsmen extended themselves along the meadow, then a dark and tangled swamp, and explored its thickets. One of them discharged his musket at an object he supposed to be an Indian, but as the company who gathered to the spot discerned no trace of a foe, it was concluded that he had been deceived. It was afterwards ascertained that the shot took effect, and that the knee of one of the warriors was broken by the ball. Being on the margin of the brook, he dropped down the bank, and crawled into an opening fortunately large enough to conceal his person. When the pursuit was over, his companions returned and carried him into the heart of a deep morass west of Pakachoag Hill, where they built a wigwam to shelter him until his wound healed, and renovated strength enabled them to depart forever from the land of their ancestral heritage. Tradition tells that William Taylor, a bold and fearless man, discovering 1 Relation of Thomas Rice. Rev. Dr. Bancroft's Sermon, 11. Davis's Address, 15. Whitney Hist 2G. 1 Mass. Hist. Col. 1. 115. Middlesex Probate Records. Proprietors' Records. 1709.] planters' petition. 41 an Indian approaching his house, shot him to death. The son watched an opportunity of revenge. He was observed by Taylor, stretched behind a log on the margin of the field he cultivated, and the same gun which had been fatal to the father sent a bullet to the heart of the descendant. The last of the race who here died by the hand of the white man, is said to have fallen on the plain, north of the first mill place. Fortunately, none of the posterity of the Indian here remain, to contrast their degradation with the lofty and in some points noble character of the ancient tribes. The following Petition was presented to the Legislature in 1709, by those interested in the township, for aid in the resettlement. ' To his Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Capt. General and Governor in chief in and over her Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, and to the Honorable the Council and Representatives in General Court assembled : ' May it please your Excellency and Honors. We, the subscribers, presum- ing that the resettlement of Worcester would be beneficial to the Province, have taken the boldness to trouble your Excellency and Honors with a few lines, humbly informing that if we may have a firm foundation of a settlement laid and a fort built, and needful protection, we are willing to inhabit and set. tie the place. We humbly intrcat your Excellency and Honors' approbation and direction in the matter ; that so we may take such proper methods as are needful, and as you shall direct us unto : And that your Excellency and Honors would promote this business speedily, before the season be past, and so the settlement be deferred till another year. Thus, in short, we take the boldness to subscribe, your Excellency's and Honors' most humble servants, Joseph Sawyer, Thomas Barrett, Richard Wiles, William Ward, James Caly, Benjamin Headley, John Perry, John Wheeler, James Atherton, Benjamin Bellows, Thomas Smith, John Sawyer, Jonathan Whitcomb, Ebenezer Perry, Abiel Bush.' Elias Sawyer, The Council ordered, that Elisha Hutchinson, Samuel Sewall, and Nathan- iel Paine, Esquires, should be a Committee to consider the expediency of granting the request, and the course to be adopted. The House refused to concur, as the disturbed condition of the times rendered the enterprise too dangerous to be sanctioned by legislative ap probation. -"^ 1 Province Files, 1709. Province Records, ix. 5. 42 THIRD SETTLEMENT. 1713.] CHAPTER IV. 1713 to 1722. Third settlement to incorporation. Petition, 171.'.. New Committee. Re- port, 1714. First Settlers, .lames Rice. Gershom Rice. Nathaniel Moore. Garrisons. Mills. Roads. View of the town, 1718. Grants to proprietors. Scotch and Irish emi- grants. Town incorporated, 1722. More favorable prospects having opened in 1713, the proprietors, undiscour- aged by former failure, attempted to rebuild the town. On the 13th of Oct.- Col. Adam Winthrop, Gershom Rice and Jonas Rice of Marlborough, ad- dressed the General Court in behalf of themselves and others interested ; ^ They represented their desire ' to endeavor and enter upon a new settlement of the place from which they had been driven by the war,' and prayed ' for the countenance and encouragement of the Court in their undertaking : for such directions and regulations as should be thought fit to make them defen- sible in case of a new rupture with the Indians : and for a proper Committee to direct in ordering the prudentials of the plantation till they come to a full settlement.' The prayer of this petition was granted, and Hon. William Taylor, Col. Adam Winthrop, Hon. William Dudley, Lt. Col. John Ballantine and Capt. Thomas Howe were appointed a Committee. On the 14th of June, 1714, a detailed report was presented by this Com- mittee of their proceedings in adjusting the claims of the former settlers and promoting the prosperity of the future plantation. After giving notice to all interested, and making a journey to Worcester, they had allowed thirty one rights of ancient inhabitants, and admitted twenty eight persons more to take lands on condition of paying twelve pence per acre for their planting or house lots only, being the amount collected of the original planters, and of building and dwelling on each right, whether acquired by purchase, grant or represen- tation. It was recommended that the provision made for support of the min- istry and schools be accepted instead of the reservation to the Commonwealth in 1668. The Committee asked, as they had spent much time in receiving claims for grants of lands, made journeys to effect adjustment of controversies, advanced sums of money, and expected to have the care and trouble of the affairs of the town for many years, that a lot of forty acres should be assigned to each, with just proportions in future divisions, as compensation for services. This report was accepted, and received the approval of Gov. Dudley, June 14, 1714. Jonas Rice, who had been a planter during the second settlement, returned Oct. 21 , 1713. From this day is dated the permanent settlement of the town. He built on Sagatabscot hill, and his farm included some of the lands once cultivated by Scrjent. The selection of residence was probably made with 1 Prop. Records. 1713.] FIRST SETTLERS. 43 reference to fertility of soil, proximity to extensive meadows, and it may be, from prior occupation by himself.^ He remained with his family alone in the forest, the solitary inhabitant of Worcester, until the spring of 1715. The union of cool intrepidity and resolute firmness with good sense and integrity in the character of Mr. Rice, commanded the respect and secured the confidence of his fellow citizens when the town he had founded rose from its ashes in renovated beauty to commence that steady progress of prosperity which has brightened its advance. He was often elected to municipal offices, was frequently representative to the General Court, and was one of the Jus- tices of the Court of Common Pleas at the time of his decease, Sept. 22, 1753, at the age of 84 years. The first male child born in Worcester, Nov. 7, 1714, was Adonijah, son of Jonas Rice. On arriving to manhood, year after year, his name is entered on the rolls of the provincial troops during the French wars : after each sum- mer campaign was finished, he returned to his home, and the quiet of domes- tic and agricultural life. He removed to Shoreham, Vt., where he died, Feb. 1802, aged 88. The second settler appears from the records to have been Gershom Rice, who came in 1715, to join his brother Jonas, the hardy pioneer of population, maintaining his post for nearly two years unsupported by assistance and uncheered by associates.' The third settler was Nathaniel Moore, of Sudbury, a man of exemplary character, who was deacon of the first chuurch from its foundation. He died Nov. 25, 1761, aged 84 years. ^ 1 Jonas Rice's house stood near that of his descendant, Mr. Sewall Rice, on the town way between the Sutton and Grafton roads. 2 These families of the Rices removed from Marlborough. Their distant ancestor, Rich- ard, was one of the early proprietors of Concord in 1635. Edmund, admitted to the freeman's oath in IGiO, was, in that year, representative from Sudbury and one of the petitioners for the grant of Marlborough. These families were remarkable for longevity. The father of Gershom died at the age of 70 : his mother 84 : They had 14 children : three died in infancy : the others lived to advanced age : 1, Peter 97 : 2, Thomas 94 : 3, Mary 80 : 4, Nathaniel 70 : 5, Ephraim 71: 6, James 72: 7, Sarah 80: 8, Francis 96: 9, Jonas 84 : 10, Grace 94: 11, Gershom died Dec. 29, 1769, aged 101 : his wife died at the age of 80 : they lived together in mar- riage nearly G.5 years and left seven children, some of whom, on the decease of their father, were upwards of 70. Boston Gazette, 1769. 3 His son, Nathaniel Moore, came into the town at the age of three months. He lived respected, and died July 24, 1811, aged 96 : The following notice of his character is from the Massachusetts Spy. ♦ He was a man of exemplai'y piety and benevolence. He resided in Worcester more than 95 years, being a member of the third family that began the settlement of the town. He lived in the marriage state with the same wife nearly 69 years, but left no descendants. * He saw this town rise from a state of uncultivated nature to its opulent improvement ; witnessed the ordination of five ministers of the Gospel within the town, four of them over the same society in succession : saw three houses erected for public worship ; three court houses rising on the same spot, one after another, for the administration of justice, and three gaols as a terror to evil doers. Thus has ended the life of an honest man, the noblest work of God.' 44 oAnnisoNS. [1718. in Capt. Thomas Howe and Lt. David Haynes were appointed by the Com- ittco to give certificates for such of the inhabitants as had built upon their lolH and performed the conditions of their grants. On the 23d of April, 1718. they returned a list, which has unfortunately perished in the lapse of time. The record of surveys, made in the same year, partially supplies the deficiency, and enables us to determine the progress of settlement. Well authenticated traditions, preserved in the memory of descendants of early phuiters, connected with, and confirmed by this source of information, afford materials for delineating a picture of the condition of Worcester, which though imperfect, may be considered as presenting a fiiithful outline of the prominent ol)jccts. The first labor of the inhabitants had been to erect a garrison house, on the west side of the Leicester road, not far distant from the old south church. It was reared by the united labors of all, and those residing near, gathered by night to its walls, during the first year. Another of these fortresses of logs *was near the head of the street called Columbian avenue, [1836] constructed by Dea. Daniel Hey wood. A patri- archal pear tree, planted by him, still stands, at the end of a century, on ground he once owned, a venerable example of vegetable longevity. The third of the wooden castles, was a large building on the Connecticut road, north of Lincoln square, affording shelter to the traveller and defending the mills erected on the stream. Eastward from the intersection of the Lancaster and Boston roads, near the modern Adams square, in the north part of the town, was a structure which exhibited marks of fortification until an advanced old age. A regular block house was placed north of Adams square, where a long iron cannon was subsequently mounted to give the alarm of coming danger. During the French war, this gun was removed to the green near the meeting house. On the commencement of the revolution, it was posted west of the Court House, and its voice called our citizens to arms when the tidings of the march to Lexington roused the land. Since, it has rested with the other artillery of the town. Many of the scattered houses were protected by outworks, as well as guarded by the bold spirit of the inmates. Joshua Rice held his garrison a mile westward of the old mill place, where a cellar still remains to carry back the memory to days when a man's house was literally his castle, when the musket was laid on the plough beam, and the sword was by the side while the hand was on the sickle. From the remote position of Jonas Rice and his brother planters of Sagatabscot hill, it is probable some fortified structure there alforded them security. ^ OnMiU brook, over the western sluice, where the stream is parted by the little island above the bridge, was a saw mill erected by Capt. John Wing, then owned by Thomas Palmer and Cornelius Waldo of Boston, and John Oulton of Marblehead, copartners of extensive commercial business, and pro- prietors of wide tracts of land. The pond, overflowing the valley above, extended its eastern margin to the present Boston road. 1718.] TIEW OF THE TOWIf. 45 Obediah Ward had built a saw mill above the works long known as the Red Mills, near the upper canal lock, which he devised by his will, dated Dec. 16, 1717. to his son Richard. The first corn mill was erected by Elijah Chase, near the Quinsigamond Paper Mills, on the Blackstone river. For many years it was the only accom- modation of the kind. The traveller of 1718, on entering the town from the head of Quinsigamond, following the Connecticut road, first passed the houses of Benjamin Crosbee and Isaac Miller, on opposite sides of the way, where the buildings of the town farm now stand. Westward, about half a mile, was the land granted to Ephraim Curtis, where his son then lived, still owned by his descendants. Next, was the house of Thomas Haggat, whose daughter was the first female born in Worcester.^ Passing his residence, the Connecticut road followed the little way leading to the Lancaster road, by the dwelling of Ichabod and Thomas Brown, to the corner north of Adams square, where Henry Lee, Esq., then resided. Turning south, the path Avent through the valley a few rods westward of the highway now used, to the house of Nathaniel Henchman, a son of that distinguished officer who Avas one of the founders of the town.^ The Country road crossed Mill brook, by a fording place about a fourth of a mile north of the present bridge. After passing the fort and mill, it turned west and ascended the hill, to the settlement of Joshua Rice. It was contin- ued by a circuitous route to New Worcester. The Lancaster way, coming from the north, along the present Boston road, went through Main street, then shaded by primeval forests, to the garrison house of Deacon Daniel Heywood.'' Moses Rice had thus early opened an ordinary or tavern,* a few rods north of the Town Hall. Daniel Ward had ^ Haggat, among other occupations, manufactured wooden shovels. With the mechanical ingenuity, he possessed the trading propensity of a Yankee. Having set off on an excursion, to dispose of a stock of wooden wares, he was induced to exchange horses frequently, always giving some part of his own merchandize to equalize the pretended difference of value. This trade was conducted with so little profit, that the shovel merchant, at the conclusion, was glad to regain his original steed by parting with all his remaining property is wood work. On returning with the same animal with which he had commenced his journey, without any of his stock in trade, he gravely remarked that ' he had saved his horse though he had lost his shovels.' ^ Henchman was an eccentric man, having even stronger peculiarities of manner than are usual attributes of celibacy. He constructed his cotBn and hollowed his grave with his own hands many years before his decease. Willing to derive benefit while living from the first of these tenements of mortality, the box was deposited in the garret, and annually filled with the productions of his garden, until he took personal possession. A stone long marked the spot where his remains reposed amid the fields he cultivated ; but no memorial now indicates the place of his rest. Several aged apple trees, planted by him near his dwelling, on the farm of the late Levi Lincoln, still survive. On his decease, the land descended to the family of the late Gov. John Hancock. ^ On the site of the Central Exchange. * Now United States Hotel. 5 45 \li;W OF THE TOAVX. [1718. built nearly opposite the old south meeting house. The house of Jonathan Hubbard, the first man who died after the resettlement, and that of James Rice, more south, completes the enumeration of edifices where population has become most crowded. After Jonas Rice bicame a resident of the town, a road was made from the head of the pond, passing by the houses of James Taylor, Moses Leonard, Palmer Goulding, Richard Flagg, running along the grass-grown path east of the Grafton road, and throui,'h the fields, by Deacon Nathaniel Moore's to Jonas Rice's ;' thence it was carried westward, in a direct course, across Rac- coon riain to Halfway river, where it joined the Connecticut path. These were the two •;reat highways of the town. A log placed over the stream where tlic canal bridge now stands on Front street, accommodated those who passed by the house of James Holmes, to that of Gershom Rice, on the south side of the Grafton road, where the first orchard was planted. This way led into the old Connecticut road through Hassanamisset to Spring- field. A path along Summer street went to the first burial place, situated north of the junction of Thomas street. A beautiful grove of oaks waved over the graves of the forefathers of the hamlet, emblems of the sturdy characters and hardy virtues of those whose narrow beds they shaded. In the recollection of many living inhabitants, little piles of stone and mouldering heaps of turf marked the last homes of the early settlers. The hillocks and the trees have disappeared in the progress of improvement, and the cemetery is no longer distinguishable from the green spots unhallowed by the rest of the dead." Thc house of Gershom Rice, Avas the place where meetings for religious worship were first held. A building was soon erected for devotional exercises on Green street, north of the union of Franklin street, where the inhabitants assembled on the Sabbath, imtil a more spacious meeting house was reared in 1719, on the site of the old south church. There were in Worcester in 1718, if the evidence of the proprietary records is to be credited, fifty eight dwelling houses. Tradition says they were hum- ble edifices, principally of logs, one story high, with ample stone chimneys. Some were furnished with windows of diamond glass, where the resources of the proprietor afforded means for procuring such luxury ; the light was admit- ted in many, through the dim transparency of oiled paper. It is hardly nec- essary to add, that all have long since sunk in decay, or been removed to give place to the more splendid habitations of modern times. Worcester, probably, contained at this period, about two hundred souls. Certificates, entered by direction of the Committee, on the books of the proprietors, show that the individuals named below, had complied with the order of the Court, by erecting houses upon the lots granted, and occupying > The position of these buildings is imlicatca on Yl. StebLins' Map of Worcester, pub- h«he The grant by Massachusetts of unappropriated lands at the East, not affording a place suited to the wishes of the emigrunts, alter exploring the wilderness, they selected a township in Now Hampshire, then called Nutfield, from the abundance of its forest fruits, an.l afterwards namel F.ondonderry, from the city of their sojourning in Ireland, where sixU-cn families assembled beneath a venerable oak, on the 11th of April, 1719, to Buitc in dcTotional exercises. Belknap. Parker's Century Sermon, 1819. The society that Tisite.l Boston under the spiritual guidance of the Rev. James Moor- head, in 1727. formed thi Federal street church in that city. Dr. Channing's sermon, on the onlioation of Mr. Uannet, 1S24. "> North of the house of Frederic W. Paine, Esq. » Belknap's Now Hampshire, i. 193. Fanner's edition. 1722.1 SCOTCH AND IRISH EMIGRANTS. 49 the foundation of unreasonable hatred, and the strangers were not treated with common decency by their English neighbors. Their settlements, in other places, were approached by bodies of armed men, and their property, in some instances, wantonly destroyed. They were every where abused and misrepresented as Irish, a people then generally but undeservedly obnoxious ; a reproach peculiarly grievous to the emigrants. ' We are surprised,' writes the Rev. Mr. McGregoire, the pastor of Londonderry, in a letter to Gov. Shute, bearing date in 1720, as quoted by Belknap, 'to hear ourselves termed Irish people, when we so frequently ventured our all for the British crown and liberties against the Irish papists, and gave all tests of our loyalty which the government of Ireland required, and are always ready to do the same when required.' The jealousy with which they were first regarded, finally yielded to the influence of their simple virtues and sterling worth. ^ Abraham Blair, an ancestor of some of our present townsmen, distinguished himself in the memorable siege of Londonderry, in 1689. After a series of bloody battles, the besieged were reduced to such extremity by famine ' that a dog's head was held dog cheap at half a crown.' Blair, William Caldwell, and a few others, as an honorary testimonial of their services, were made free of taxation throughout the British provinces. The Scotch were accompanied by a few of the native Irish, with whom they had contracted relationship during their long residence, or been attached by community of sentiment and suffering. Among those deriving nativity from Ireland, were the ancestors of the Young family, who first introduced and planted here the useful potato.^ John 1 Among those who remained in Worcester, after the removal of their countrymen, were the following persons, whose names are collected from the records of the town and county. James Mc Gregoire, William Mc Han, John Duncan, John Mc Clentick, James Furgerson, John Batley, Duncan Graham, James Glasford, John Clark, Andrew Farrand, Hugh Kelso, James Hambleton, Alexander Mc Konkey,William Caldwell, James Forbush, Robert Lorthog, James Mc Clellan, William Young, Andrew Mc Farland. James Thornington, William Gray, Eobert Crawford, Patrick Peables, John Mc Konkey, Eobert Gray, Robert Peables, John Peables, Abraham Blair, Matthew Gray, Robert Barbour, Matthew Thornton, who, as delegate to the Continental Congress from New Hampshire, signed the declaration of Independence, is said, by his biographer, to have resided when a child among the emigrants in Worcester. 2 It is remarkable that the esculent, now considered essentially necessary for table and farm, should have been introduced at a period so late. It is related, that some of our early inhabitants, after enjoying the hospitality of one of the Irish families, were each presented with a few potatoes for planting. Unwilling to give ofiFense by refusing tho present, they accepted the donation : but suspecting the poisonous quality, they carried the roots only to the next swamp, and there threw them away, as unsafe to enter their homeo. 5* 50 INCORPOBATIOX. [1722. Young died June 30, 1730, at the great age of 107 years : his son David, died Dec. 2G, 1736, aged 94.^ The toils and dangers of oiiginal settlement being passed, the plantation advanced with vigorous and rapid growth. The swelling population and ex- panding resources required municipal powers for the management of the com- mon interests of the inhabitants. In 1721, the freeholders and proprietors presented a petition to the General Court for incorporation, which was intrusted to John Houghton, Esq. of Lancaster, and Peter Rice of Marlborough, with the following letter from Jonas and Gershom llicc, the ' fathers of the town,' dated May 31, 1721. • Gentlemen : AVhereas sundry of the freeholders and proprietors of Wor- cester, having preferred a petition to the General Assembly, on several heads, as appears by said petition, have empowered us to take care that it be season- ably entered and moved ; inasmuch as it is a difficult time, by reason of a contagious distemper now raging in Boston, we know not where the session will be ; we, therefore humbly crave the favor of you. Gentlemen, to take the trouble upon you, to enter said petition and to move it in the court as there is opportunity. ' So, craving your serious thoughtfulness for the poor, distressed town of Worcester, we subscribe ourselves your humble servants,' Gershom Rice, Jonas Rice.' Other petitions of similar import were subsequently presented, and, on the 14th of June, 1722, a resolve passed the Legislature, vesting the inhabitants of Worcester with the powers and privileges of other towns within the prov- ince, and directing that the freeholders and inhabitants be assembled on the last Wednesday of September then next, to choose all town officers, as by law accustomed for towns to do at their annual meetings in March. Under the authority of this resolve, a warrant was issued by Francis Fulham, Ksq. of Weston: and on the 28th day of September, 1722, the inhabitants convened in their first town meeting. Municipal officers were chosen, and from that day, Worcester, then in the County of Middlesex, assumed her place among the regularly organized towns of the Commonwealth. > The following inscriptions arc cliisdlcd on the common head stone placed over their graves in tho old burial place : ' Here lies interred the remains of « Here lies interred the remains of John Young, who was born David Young, who was born in in the Isle of Bert, near London- the parish of Tahbeyn, county of derry. in the king.lom of Ireland. Donegal and kingdom of Ireland. lie d..partcd tiiis life, June He departed this life, December 30, 1 , JO, aged In? years.' 20, aged Oi years.' ' The aged son and the more aged father Beneath (these) stones. Their mould'ring bones Here rest trgetber.' 1724.] selectmen's petition. 51 CHAPTER V. 1722 to 1765. Lovell's war and French wars. Selectmen's petition, 1724. Gcrshom Rice's letter, 1724. Uriah Ward. Col. Chandler's oi-ders. Selectmen's petition, 1725. Capt. Wright's letters, 1725. Benjamin Flagg's letter, 1725. County established, 1731. Gov. Belcher's visit, 1735. Soldiers. Excise, 1754. French neutrals, 1755. Military exertions, 1756. Col. Chandler's report, 1757. Men in service during French wars. Division of the county and removal of the Courts opposed. The peace of the country was disturbed by the renewal of hostilities by the eastern Indians, in 1722, when that war broke out which derives its dis- tinctive appellation from Lovell, its hero and martyr. The native tribes of Massachusetts had long ceased to be formidable ; but the incursions of the allies of the French from Canada spread alarm along the exposed frontier, and rendered military force necessary for the security of the settlements. Worcester, in 1722, furnished five men for the country's service, in the com- pany of scouts under Major John Chandler. Two were posted at Leicester.'^ Two others,^ in an independent party, commanded by Benjamin Flagg, with the rank of serjeant, kept garrison in this town or ranged the woods. In the autumn of 1723, seven of the inhabitants of Worcester enlisted as soldiers, and served during the winter. Five' were posted at Rutland under Capt. Samuel Wright : Two* were in Capt. Joseph Kellog's company. In the spring of 1724, the safety of the town was endangered by numerous parties of hostile Indians lurking in the woods; May 3, 1724, the selectmen presented the following petition for aid. * To his Honor, the Lieut. Governor and Commander in chief, in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. ' The petition of the subscribers, humbly sheweth : Whereas, the town of Worcester is very much exposed to the Indian rebels in the present war, there being a great distance between the towns of Lancaster and Rutland, in which we lie open to the enemy, we do therefore, at the desire of the princi- pal part of our inhabitants, humbly lay our difficulties before your honor ; earnestly entreating that you would be pleased, in your great wisdom, so far to commiserate our distressed state, as to send us some soldiers to strengthen our front garrisons and scout our woods : otherwise we fear the sad effects which may happen ; there being no scout in our woods, or soldiers to guard our defensible places, or inhabitants most exposed, and very much disheartened by reason of the present danger they apprehend themselves to be in ; and if your honor will be pleased to afford us some relief, it will be a means to cause our front garrisons to keep their stations ; otherwise, we humbly conceive, it 1 John Gray and Robert Crawford. 2 Ephraim Roper and James Knapp. * Zebediah Rice, Phineas Jones, John Crawford, Uriah Ward, Moses Rice. * John Serjent, Daniel Shattuck. 53 GEKSiiOM kice's lkttck. [1724. is morally impossible they should : and for that great privilege to your honor's poor petitioners, as in duty bound shall over pray. Nathaniel Moore, Benjamin Flagg, jr. ) Selectmen of James McLellan, James Holden, ) Worcester.^ The greater pressure of danger on other towns, scattered over the wide ter- ritorv in the rapid advance of cultivation, prevented immediate relief being afforded. A letter addressed to Col. Chandler, June 21, 1724, exhibits vivid description of the condition of the inhabitants of Worcester. • Honored Sir : With all due submission, these are to lay before your honor, the distressed condition of this poor place. Through God's goodness the Indians have made no attack upon us as yet, but we are constantly under surprising fears of it. We received the caution from your lionor, with the late intelligence of the Indians coming over the lake : also we hear of the late mischief done at Hatfield ; and just now we have a post from Rutland with an account of the continual discoveries of the enemy, and the last night our town was alarmed by (as one of our inhabitants says) discovering an In- dian : 80 that this day (Sunday) we have but a thin meeting : the more be- cause some dare not stay from home. I have been but very loth to trouble your honor, being sensible of the pressure of business : but waiting so long and having no help, and being so very much exposed, your honor will excuse me. Our town is not only very much exposed, being so open to the enemy, but we are no way capable of defending ourselves ; nor can we expect much help from one another. A small number of Indians, according to appearance, might overcome the whole place. Further, my house, though near the centre, is almost an outside. I have no fort about it : nor if I were able to build have I now sufficient strength to keep it myself. I have began to get some timber to fortify, but am too weak handed to go through, and understanding the backwardness of the country to support us, we are very much disheartened. Wc have an expectation upon your honor to be a father to us, and we hope the country will not see us stand here waiting to be a prey to our enemies. Wo arc informed that it is objected against our having assistance, that Brook- ficUl, Rutland and Leicester defend us ; but let any one consider that under- stands the ground. It is affirmed to me by those that should be best able to know, that it is fourteen miles from Brookfield to Rutland, and that a line drawn from Brookfield to Rutland will be fifteen miles of our settlement. As to Leicester, the people there more need help from us than are able to ren- dcr us any, as likewise do Shrewsbury and Hassanamisset. Rutland and Brookfield being well garrisoned and manned, what is more common than for them ;thc cncmy^ to go a little further for advantage in weaker spots? The late instance at Hatfield, as well as many others formerly and lately, are suffi- cient witnesses. If we cannot be supported now about our harvest, we must be survcd out of necessity. Instead of asssistance, we cannot but remind 1 Provinoo Files, 1724. 1724.] COL. chandler's letter. 53 your honor, that we now have five of our soldiers at Rutland in the service ; we are informed by rumor, we are allowed ten soldiers, for which we are thankful ; but pray, it be possible that the number might be doubled, and that they might be sent as speedily as possible. I am ashamed I detain your honor so long. I shall conclude by wishing you all prosperity. I am your honor's to command, Gershom Rice.' ♦ Sundry of our principal inhabitants being present, send their humble duty to your honor, and pray that your honor would take what is here written unto your serious and thoughtful consideration, and move herein unto the honored Lieut. Governor and the Council.' ^ The expectation of immediate reenforcement was disappointed. Col. Chan- dler, then in Watertown, writes June 22, to the Governor and Council : ' I am sorry that the poor people of Worcester, Leicester, and Brimfield, find themselves mistaken in having men allowed them to scout and guard said towns. I pray your honor's consideration of the distressed circumstances of the poor people of these towns, as well as other the frontiers : for the encour- agement of whom I shall always be ready to obey such orders as your honors shall be pleased to give.' In July, orders were issued to Col. Chandler, to impress twenty men for the frontier service. Subsequently, other detachments were made from other regiments, and nineteen soldiers were stationed at Worcester, where they re- mained until the 29th of October, 1724, when they were dismissed.^ On the 3d of August, 1724, Uriah Ward, who enlisted in the country's service, from Worcester, was killed at Rutland. The following account of the transaction is given by Capt. Wright, commanding at that post. ' About twelve o'clock, five men and a boy being in a meadow in the mid- dle of the town making hay, a number of Indians surrounded them, and shot first at the boy, which alarmed the men ; they run to their guns, but the In- dians shot upon them, and kept them from their guns, and shot down three of the men and scalped them, wounded another in the arm, a flesh wound, who got home without other injury : the first got home without any damage ; the boy is not yet found. The action was hardly over before Col. Tyng came into town with thirty men, but was a little too late : but we joined him, and 1 American Antiquarian Society's Manuscripts. 2 July, 1724. The company of Capt. William Chandler of Woodstock -was stationed at Leicester and Rutland. The following are the numbers of men posted in the exposed towns at this time : Shreswbury, 10. Brookfield, 10. . Leicester, 29. Lancaster, 14. Rutland, 38. Lunenburg, 12. In Worcester, there were 19 : viz. Ephraim Roper, Jonathan Rugg, Samuel Rice, Daniel Coney, Jesse Taylor, William Gibbs, Abraham Joslin, John Death, William Harris, Ephraim Whitcomb, John Demorris, Jesse How, Joseph Woods, Samuel Fletcher, John Hol- land, Robert Hunt, Samuel Cobley, Samuel Rumly marsh, Peter Lawrence. Those at Worcester, Shrewsbury and Leicester, were posted as independent guards to the inhabitants, without commissioned ofi&cers. 54 INDIAN HOSTILITIES. [1724. divided our men. one parly with the Colonel to follow, the other with me to head them : but they f,'ot away. • Since C(.l. Tynj,' went from us, we have made a more particular discovery of their number and contrivance in waylaying the meadow where they (the Indlins- killed the people. There being in number about thirty, as near as can be thought, by their squatting places or seats when they sat to watch. Uy what we can learn, they might be near half the company that lay in am- bu.sh to shoot down those who come to the relief, so that if there were but a small party of men had gone, they would likely have shot them down before they liad seen the Indians.' From a letter of Col. Chandler, it may be inferred, that the presence of the soldiers saved Worcester from desolation. On the 7th of August, ' an Indian was discovered from a garrison house and fired on by the guard. A soldier and a boy being out near a meadow, spied an Indian nearer to the garrison than tliey were. The boy ran aw^ay. The soldier presented his gun and was ready to fire, when two more rose up by his side ; whereupon he did not ven- ture to fire, but fled : and both came safe to the garrison. During the night their noises were heard crying as wolves, the people made an alarm, and the Indians beat upon a deserted house, drumming violently upon the sides, and so went off.' The season for the attempts of the enemy having passed, the forces were reduced, and those posted at "Worcester were dismissed in the end of October. Early in Apiil, 172.3, Col. Chandler was directed to send orders to the officers in the several frontier towns within his regiment, including Worcester, • to keep the soldiers and inhabitants upon a strict duty, and to see that they be not off their guard, but well prepared to receive the enemy, who they may expect will attack them ; and especially that no man go abroad without his arms, and in places of hazard that they do not go out except in compa- nies.' On the 8th of April, Gov. Dummer communicated information to Col. Chandler that several parties of Indians were on their way from Canada, and ordered him ' to visit the expo.'^ed towns in his regiment, and charge the peo- ple to be vigilant and careful in their duty, and not expose themselves by going abroad unarmed and in small numbers, lest the enemy gain some great advantage over them by such stupid neglect as many of our people have been guilty of on such occasions.' I'nrtics of the Indians having made their appearance in the vicinity, the inhabitants petitioned the government for succor. The following letter was addressed to Gov. Dummer, April 30, 1725. • To his Honor the Lt. Governor : With all dutiful respect, these are to acquaint your honor, that news hath just now come unto us of two companies of Indians discovered between us and Wachuset ; and whereas, we the last summer labored under great difhculties, and hardships severe to be borne, by reason of the war with the Indian enemy, not being able to raise corn so 1725.] CAPT. weight's letters. S5 much as was needful, or to procure sufficiency of other provision, so as it was rendered very difficult to subsist ourselves and families : and, we apprehend, that without your honor's pleased to afford us some relief in our present dis- tressed state, by strengthening our hands, that the corn cannot be planted, the earth tilled, the harvests gathered, or food provided, and that the settle- ments in the town will be entirely broken up : wherefore, we humbly entreat your honor, that if it may be, we may have some speedy assistance of soldiers, to defend us and scout the woods. Our numbers are but small, and many disheartened by reason of the exposed situation of the town. We are the more earnest in our entreaty for the present relief, as it was so late last sum- mer before we had soldiers that we are exceeding behind with our needful business. ' Craving your thoughtfulness of these matters, we are in all gratitude and respect your humble petitioners, Nathaniel Moore, Benjamin Flagg, jr. Moses Leonard, James Holden, James McLellan, Selectmen.' The following letter from Capt. Samuel Wright to Col. Chandler,^ May 24, 1725, shows that the request was complied with, although not until after some delay. ' Honored Sir : These are to inform your honor that I have received the men from your regiment for Worcester. Though some, at least two, not so able and effective as I could be glad they were, viz : Ebenezer White and John Field, both from Capt. Thayer of Mendon, who are not able to travel. His honor's the Lt. Governor's order to me was, that I should put suitable officers over the men, and that they should scout and guard. But inasmuch as my orders are not so clear as that I dare venture to put one of the inhabitants officer over them, I have left them under the care and conduct of Capt. Pond's son at present : but inasmuch as he, nor any of the men, have not any knowl- edge of the woods, so are not like to do much service in scouting, unless there be an inhabitant put an officer over them, I desire therefore you would get his honor's leave to put Moses Rice and Benjamin Flagg to be the officer over them alternately, when one comes in, the other to go out, to have but one man's pay : which will be likely to have the duty better performed, and is the mind of the town Your honor's very humble and dutiful servant, Samuel Wright.' Another letter from Capt. Wright, sent from Worcester by Moses Rice, and dated in May, 1725, is too curious to be omitted. ' May it please your honor : I give your honor thanks for care of us in sending a new recruit of twelve men. Your honor's directions were, to scout, but ai; present we have business. The Indians are among us, and have dis- 1 American Antiinarian Society's Manuscripts. 59 BKNJAMIN FI-AGg's LETTER. [1725. covered themselves several times, and we have had sereral pursuits after them, and have been very vigilant in prosecuting all methods to come up with them by watching and ranging the swamps and lurking places, and by watching a nights in private places without the garrisons : but they are so much like wolves that we cannot yet surprise them, but hope we shall by some means trepan them. We have now taken a method to hunt them with dogs, and have started them out of their thickets twice, and see them run out, but at Mich a distance we could not come at them. Having an opportunity, thought it my duty to actjuaint your honor with it : but having but a minutes time to write could but only give you an account in short, and remain your honor's dutiful and obliged servant, Samuel Wright.' The names and numbers of those posted at Worcester within this year can- not now be ascertained. An incident which occurred during the period of their service is related in a letter, July 17, 1725, from Benjamin Flagg. ' Honored Sir : These are to inform you that we this day went out as a guard to those that worked in the meadow to gather in their hay, of fourteen men, with those that worked, who wrought in two or three places near to one another. As we scouted the swamps round the meadow, we did discover Indian tracks, in the morning, in the swamp by the meadow side, which made us very strict upon our guard, but made not any more discovery until the middle of the day, we sat to eat victuals upon a knoll where we thought we might be safe ; but while we were eating, a dog that was with us barked and ran out from us. I immediately sent three men to discover, who ran, and immediately we heard a running among the brush: which was Indians, who had crawled up the brush to make a shot at us. We ran so fast upon them that the grass rose up under their tracks, but could not see them, the brush being so thick. We pursued them where we heard them whistle one to another in the thicket, but they scattered and scampered so we could not find them: but found where they had sat down and just gone. We pursued on after the enemy : but it is as easy to find a needle in a wood, as find them when scattered. So we returned. This I have thought meet to acquaint your honor of, and so I remain, your honor's humble and obliged servant. These with care and speed. Benjamin Flagg.' The sufferings of the frontier settlements were terminated by the treaty concluded with the Indians in the following winter, (Dec. 15,) and ratified in the spring of 172G. Although relieved from the danger and alarm of hostile invasion, the prog- ress of the town in population and wealth was slow during the succeeding years.* 'In May 1721, the town had received an amount proportioned to its taxation, of the bill-, of crclit or Ktock of the Tublic Hank, and applied the depreciating paper currency to fiDij.h the meeting house. In March, 172S, trustees were appointed to obtain the sum of £l7o. I.-, i. frranied to Worcester from the emission of £G0,O0O, and make loans to the inhabiunts from this fund, not exceeding £10 nor less than £5 to each. 1731.] COUNTY INCORPOKATED. Bt The act erecting the County of Worcester passed April 2, 1731, to take effect from the 10th of July following. Its provisions included Worcester, Lancaster, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Leicester, Rutland, Lunenburg, and the south town laid out to the Narraganset soldiers,-^ now Westminster, taken from Middlesex : Mendon, Woodstock, now in Connect- icut, Sutton, including Hassanamisset, now Grafton, Uxbridge, the land gran- ted to the petitioners of Medfield, now Sturbridge, from Suffolk : and Brook- field, from the County of Hampshire. The location of the shire town of the new county occasioned much debate and diversity of opinion. For many years, Sutton, Lancaster, Mendon, and Brookfield, stood higher in rank, graduated on population and valuation, than Worcester. The central position of the latter town, gave it advantage over its competitors for the honor of becoming the capital. The proposition to make Lancaster and Worcester half shires, having the sessions of Court held alternately in each, would have prevailed, except for the opposition of Joseph Wilder, Esq., who remonstrated against the administration of justice in Lan- caster, lest the morals of its people should be corrupted. His influence decided a question of so much importance to its prosperity, in favor of the present metropolis. The first Court of Probate was held in the meeting house, July 13, 1731, and the Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace 10th of August following, by the Hon. John Chandler, then of Woodstock, Chief Justice of both tribunals. A sermon was preached on the occasion by the Rev. John Prentice, of Lancaster. The Superior Court of Judicature was held on the 22d of September. The centennial anniversary of its session was commemo- rated October 4th, 1831, when an address was delivered by the Hon. John Davis, of Worcester. Capt. Nathaniel Jones and Ensign Moses Leonard were trustees of the first loan : Nathaniel Moore, Daniel Heywood and John Hubbard of the second. May, 1726, the inhabitants voted, that thanks be returned to Hon. Adam Winthrop, for his bounty in bestowing upon the town a cushion as furniture for the pulpit, and that the town clerk present his honor a copy of said vote. March, 1729 : voted that the constable warn town meetings in future by going from house to house, 173.5, the selectmen were directed to erect a suitable sign post, at the town's charge, near the meeting house, and the constable to serve notices by posting them thereon. May 17, 1732, John Chandler, Esq., Capt. Jonas Rice and Mr. Benjamin Flagg, jr., were of a committee to return thanks to Mr. Wigglesworth Switcher of Boston, for the present (of £.5 towards completing the meetinghouse) he lately made the town, and on the receipt of the same to dispose of it to the best advantage. ^In 1728 and 1733, seven townships were granted by the General Court to the descend- ants of the soldiers in the Narraganset war. The grantees assembled on Boston common in 1733, and formed themselves into seven societies of 120 persons entitled to one town- ship. On the 17th of October, a committee of three from each company elected at this meeting, made an allotment of lands. Amoskeag, then called Narraganset No. 4, was assigned to those from Worcester and 40 other towns. The number of grantees in each must necessarily have been very small ; their names are not preserved. 6 08 corHTS. [1731. One term of the Superior Court was held annually in October. The Inferior Court had its sittings in May, August, Norember and Febru- ary. The Cicneral Sessions of the Peace was composed of all the justices within the county, who commonly attended and decided the matters presented for adjudication by vote.^ When public festivals were few, and anniversaries unfrequent, the terms of court were the great holidays of the ccnmty ; and its population assembled in Worcester, os on a general exchange, for the transaction of business, or pur- suit of amusement in the rude sports of the period. The judicial proceedings, now forsaken except by parties, witnesses and officers, were generally attended by a multitude that thronged the streets. Wrestling, fighting, and horse racing were common exercises. The stocks, pillory, and whipping post crowned the summit of Court hill, then sloping with steep declivity to the highway, and partially covered with bushes. Frequent exhibitions of disci- pline attracted crowds of spectators. - Governor Belcher, with the members of the Council, on their way to Albany to hold a conference with the Six Nations, visited Worcester, 21st of August, 1735. The Justices of the General Sessions^ with a delegation of citizens, waited on the executive officers of the government. Their complimentary address is preserved on the public records, and affords evidence that the con- troversy between the royal prerogative and the representatives of the people, then directed against grants for permanent salary, had not extended to a com- munity who offered such loyal salutations. ' May it please your excellency : We, his majesty's justices of the' Court of General Sessions of the Peace, now held in this place, for the county of Wor- cester, by adjournment, humbly beg leave to congratulate your excellency's safe arrival in this part of your government. It is with hearts full of joy that we now see your excellency's face, together with the honorable Council, in the shire town of this county, which has received its being and constitution by the favor of your excellency, under the Divine conduct and benediction, and by whose wise, mild and just administration, this whole province enjoys 'General Rupgles, the Chief Justice, in stern derision of the constitution of this court, on one occasiou, reprimanded a dog who had taken his seat beside his master, for appear- ing on the bench before he had been qualified as a Justice of Peace, and directed him to go and be sworn before he came to vote there. ■■'The common practice of racing in Main street during the terms of the courts haring become a nuisance, the following prohibitory vote was passed, September 19th, 1745. • Whosoever shall for the future, during the space of three years from the loth day of NoTcmWrnexl, in the times of the sittings of the superior court of judicature, court of MHiie and general jail delivery, the times of the sitting of the inferior court of common ploR.i and gpneral sessions of the peace in this town, presume to run races on horseback, or pa.e their horses for trial in the country road, from the house of Mr. Joshua Eaton to tho hou!.e where Mr. Hichard Wheeler now lives, shall forfeit the sum of 20 s. lawful money to the use of the poor of the town.' «The Justio-s present, were John Chandler, Josiah Wilder, William Ward, William Jen- mson. John Chandler, jr., Josiah WiUard, Nahum Ward, Henry Lee, Samuel Willard and John Keycs. 1735.] GOV. belcher's visit. 59 great quietness, which, we trust, will be continued and accepted in all places with all thankfulness. We are also sensibly affected that your excellency has condescended, and is now pursuing, a very necessary, although a very difficult and tedious, journey, to visit the western frontiers, and meet with the Cagna- waga Indians, and such tribes as may be desirous to renew their friendship with this government, in order to preserve and perpetuate the happy peace subsist- ing with them. May your excellency and the honorable gentlemen of the Council, and such of the honorable House of Representatives who attend you, be encompassed with the Divine favor as with a shield, and in due time returned in safety to your respective habitations.' The Hon. John Chandler having read this Address to the Governor, in the language of the record, ' his excellency was pleased to return the following answer,' ' Gentlemen : I thank you very kindly for the welcome you give me, with thehon. gentlemen of his majesty's Council and the gentlemen of the House of Representatives, into this part of his majesty's province. I take this opportunity of assuring you that I shall always cheerfully join my power with yours, that justice and judgment may flourish in the county of Wor- cester, which will greatly contribute to the happiness and wellare of the people.' After this reply, the justices returned, and immediately adjourned without day. William Jennison, Esq. and Mr. Gershom Rice, were appointed as a com- mittee, in March, 1737, ' to repair to the Great Falls at the head of Provi- dence river, or where Blackstone's river falls into the salt water, to see if it be possible for the falls to be made practicable for fish to come up ; provided the towns lying on said river, or near adjoining, join in sending committees also.' It is noted that ' these gentlemen offered to go upon free cost.' Although they reported that the stream could be made navigable for fish, and £30 were appropriated for the purpose, no benefit resulted from the examination or grant, and the fund was restored to the treasury. The town contributed liberally to the defence of the province during the wars with the French, sent its men, and expended its means freely for the reduction of the fortresses of Nova Scotia and Canada. The voluntary exer- tions of the inhabitants in support of the government, and in aid of its mili- tary expeditions, would seem incredible, if they were not verified by authentic rolls, rendered on oath, by oflScers in command, and by the testimony of his- tory to the ardor of the patriotic spirit pervading the community. The quota of Worcester, in the army of Sir William Pepperell, for the conquest of Cape Breton, is not exactly ascertained. Benjamin Gleason, who enlisted in that service, died before the walls of Louisbourg, in 1745, before its surrender. Adonijah Rice, the first born of our native citizens, was in a company of rangers in the seige. In 1746, an alarm of a French invasion spread through the country. The QQ FRENCH WAR. [1745. express sent by Governor Shirley arrived Sept. 23d, when the inhabitants were usscmblod in town meeting » Abandoning their municipal affairs, they immediately adjourned and took up arms. Before sunset the whole military force was mustered, and ready to march with a week's provisions to meet the enemy. A second mcssenjicr arrived seasonably to prevent their departure. Kort Massachusetts had been erected by the province at the beginning of the war. in 17-14, at Hoosick, now Williamstown, to guard the western fron- tier. After its capture by Vaudrieul," in August, 1746, it was strengthened and defended by a sufficient garrison, partly from Worcester. Eight of our men' were stationed there fiom Dec. 1747 to March 1748. The depredations of the Indians were so injurious in the summer of 1748, that 200 volunteers were enlisted from Col. Chandler's regiment, with some from Hampshire, to drive them back to Canada. Brigadier Dwight was entrusted with the command. One company of fifty three, all from Worces- ter, marched on the eighth of August, and returned after a campaign of seventeen davs, having accomplished their object without loss, the enemy retiring without giving battle. The officers were Daniel Hey wood, Major commandant : John Stearns, Captain : Tyrus Rice, Lieutenant : Richard Flagp, Ensign. In 1754, a bill was proposed, imposing an excise on wines and spirits, con- taining an extraordinary provision, obliging every householder, when required by a collector or deputy, to render an account under oath of the quantity of such liquors consumed in his family, not purchased of a licensed person, and to make payment of the duty. Gov. Shirley refused his assent, and pro- cured the printing of the bill for the consideration of the people. Sept. 2, it was unanimously voted ' to be contrary to the mind of the town that the act relating to the excise on the private consumption of spirituous liquors be passed into a law ; and that John Chandler, the representative of the town, use his utmost endeavor to prevent the same.' This is the earliest instance on our records of the instructions of the constituents to their representative. Thirteen soldiers were in service this year under Capt. John Johnson, and were employed at forts Western and Halifax, near Augusta and Waterville, on the Kennebec river. In May, 17.55, it appears from the returns of Gen. John Winslow, seven- teen men from Worcester were in his majesty's service in Nova Scotia under his command : seventeen more were posted at Fort Cumberland. John Walker, after having served in a provincial regiment in different grades, was commissioned as a captain in the king's army. Adonijah Rice and another soldier, engaged in the expedition against Crown I'oint. in August. In September, orders were issued to Col. Chandler to imprcnH troops for the reinforcement of the army. Sept. 17, fourteen vol- unteers were returned from Worcester. > Town lU-conls. 2 Williams' Vermont, i. 333. Abraham nans. Wilhnm McWlnn. Silas Pratt, Abner Roberts, John Crawford. Sam- uel Brewer. Abraham iVck and llezekiah Ward. These were under Capt. Elisha llawley. 1755.] FRENCH NEUTRALS. 61 On the 21st of October, the inhabitants instructed Col. Doolittle, the rep- resentative, to join in no measure countenancing a stamp act. In the autumn of 1755, that cruel measure of policy, the darkest blot on our history, the removal of the inhabitants of Nova Scotia and their disper- sion through the provinces, was executed by General Winslow. About a thousand of the French Neutrals, as these unfortunate people were called, arrived in Boston at the beginning of winter, and were distributed among the several towns designated by a committee. The proportion assigned to Wor- cester was eleven. They were received and supported by the selectmen, at the expense of the province. The following description is annexed to an account rendered for their subsistence. ' Eleven French persons ; an aged man and woman 65 or 70 years old, past labor ; the female very weak; a girl about seventeen years old, who employs her whole time in taking care of the old people. They have four sons who support themselves. In this family are Jean Herbert and Monsieur Lebere. Justin White and his wife, aged about thirty, both very feeble, the man inclining to a consumption and unfit for labor; they have three small children, the eldest but about five years old, all chargeable; one of the chil- dren has been born very lately, so that the whole number now is twelve.' These families, torn from their homes, reduced from comparative affluence to desolate poverty, thrown among strangers of different language and religion, excited pity for their misfortunes. Their industrious and frugal habits, and mild and simple manners, attracted regard, and they were treated here with great kindness. They cultivated a little tract of land, were permitted to hunt deer at all seasons, and aided in their own support by laboring as reap- ers and by manufacturing wooden implements. Although they tilled the fields, they kept no animals for labor. The young men drew their fuel and materials for fencing on the ground, with thongs of sinew, and turned the earth with a spade. So deep was the feeling of their sufferings in their vio- lent removal, that any allusion to their native country drew from them a flood of tears. The aged persons died broken hearted. In 1767, the remnant removed to Canada among their countrymen. The town then granted £7 to lay in stores and pay the passage of John Lebere to Quebec, and authorized the selectmen to raise that sum by loan. The year 1756 was marked by increased exertions of the inhabitants to fill the ranks of the army destined to act against Crown Point. Our own cit- izens freely volunteered in the expedition, whose success, it was confidently expected, would terminate the war which pressed so heavily on the resources and population of the province. A company of 43 men was raised under Capt. Aaron Rice of Rutland ; on his death in camp, he was succeeded in the command by Lieut. Jacob Hemmenway. Forty-four other soldiers were returned by other officers in Col. Ruggles' regiment, in the service of the country. Some of these troops suffered in the reverses of the campaign. Daniel Stearns was made prisoner near Fort Edward ; Edward Hair, at the capitulation of Oswego : and Jonathan Child in the vicinity of Fort William 6* 62 MII.ITVUY SKRVICES. [1757- Henry. They were detained in captivity at Montreal until the exchange in 1758. Many died of epidemic diseases at Lake George. Kegimentul head quarters were established at Worcester, which was appoint- ed the rendezvous of troops to be mustered into service. The town was cfli-n filled with military detachments waiting orders to march, and the neigh- boring hills whitened with tents. A depot of munitions of war was formed for the armament of the levies as they advanced towards the scene of operations on the western frontiers. A report of the commissary shows a total of 403 arms complete, 7 boxes of puns, 403 bayonets, 212 blankets, 151 bandoliers, 80 cartouch boxes, 1 cask of powder. Earl Loudon, successor of Gen. Shirley, in expectation of an attack from the enemy, ordered Col. Chandler, on the 30th of September, to detach one hundred and fifty men for the reenforcement of his army. The militia com- panies of the town, with the former levies from the regiment, promptly marched under James Putnam, the distinguished counsellor, bearing the military rank of Major. After waiting at Westfield for the troops of Hampshire, finding the necessity for their services had passed, the forces of Worcester county, amounting to 300, were dismissed and returned. Intelligence of the siege of Fort William Henry, Aug. 4, 1757, induced the Governor to order the colonels of all the regiments to hold each man in read- iness to march at a moment's warning. The following report, July 20, 1 757, shows the preparation of Worcester, then included in the first regiment under the command of Col. John Chandler, jr. • Agreeably to an order of the honorable, his majesty's council, of the fifth of July last, requiring me to take eff'ectual care that every person, both upon the alarm and train band lists, within my regiment, and the several stocks in said regiment, be furnished with arms and ammunition according to law, if not already provided : immediately on the receipt of said order, 1 forthwith sent out my warrant requiring a strict view into the state of the respective companies and town stocks in my regiment, and returns have since been made to me that they arc well equipt. • And agreeably to an order of the honorable, his majesty's council, of the 6th of June last,i requiring me, in case of an alarm being made, or notice given of the approach of an enemy by sea, to cause my regiment to appear complete in arms, with ammunition according to law, and each man to be fur- nished with seven days provision of meat. I also sent out my warrant, requiring the several companies, in such case, with the utmost expedition to march to Boston, and further to act agreeably to such orders as they shall receive. Agreeably to the order aforesaid, return has been made from the rcBpcctivc companies that they are each ready to march at an hour's warning. John Chandler, jr., Colonel.' d ' A Frrnoh fleot haying appeared off the const, alarm and dismay spread through the counli^-. ,n apprehension of an invasion of New England. These orders were issued to meet tha danger from this source. 1760.] MIIilTAKY SEKYICES. 63 Fort William Henry having surrendered, and advices having been received of the advance of the French to attack Gen. Webb, orders were issued to Col. Chandler ' to march the regiment of militia under his command into the extreme parts of the province on the western frontier, there to receive such further orders as shall be necessary for the aid and assistance of his majesty's troops.' The country, which had been resting on. its arms during the whole summer, roused itself at the summons. The whole militia of the town marched on the 10th of August. One company mustered 56 men, with Col. Chandler himself at the head ; James Goodwin, was Captain, Noah Jones, Lieut., David Bancroft, Ensign, and Nahum Willard, Surgeon. Another company, 54 strong, was under Major Gardner Chandler, with Capt. John Curtis, Lieut. Luke Brown, and Ens. Asa Flagg. They reached Sheffield, 105 miles distant as the roads then were, where they were met by orders from Gen. Webb, and intelligence that the enemy remained contented with his acquisition. On the 8th of August they were disbanded, except a few men detached to Stockbridge. - Eight of our men, in the troop of cavalry under Lieut. Jonathan Newhall of Leicester, reached the army at Fort Edward. Ten soldiers, regularly en- listed, served during the campaign. On the 17th of September, Gen. Amherst halted for a day here, on his march westward, with an army of 4500 men. Capt. Samuel Clark Paine commanded a company, principally raised in Worcester, in this body, and served during the winter. There are nine soldiers under Gen. Abercrombie in the unfortunate attack on Ticonderoga. This company continued in service in the splendid campaign of Gen. Am- herst, during 1759. Daniel McFarland was Lieutenant, and the late Samuel Ward of Lancaster, Ensign. Twenty-three non-commissioned officers and privates are returned from Worcester as doing duty in its ranks. Fourteen men more were in other companies of Gen. Ruggles' regiment. William Crawford officiated as Chaplain of Col. AbijahWillard's regiment. Benjamin Stowell was Lieutenant of Capt. Johnson's company. Many returned labor- ing under the diseases contracted by residence in the region of fever and ague. Capt. Paine having died in December, Lieut. Daniel McFarland was elec- ted to the command of the company, in Feb. 1760. William Ward is re- turned as Lieut. Samuel Ward, the Ensign, was promoted to be Adjutant of Col. Willard's regiment. William Crawford, the former Chaplain, became Surgeon in Gen. Buggies' regiment. Thomas Cowden served as Lieutenant in Capt. Jeffords' company, and twelve privates are borne on the rolls, as from Worcester. In 1701, Thomas Cowden was commissioned as Captain : twenty-five men from Worcester were in the army from May to November, principally under his command. He remained in service till the end of the following year. Nine soldiers only appear to have enlisted with him. The peace of 1763 terminated exertions, which, in reference to the popula- tion and resources of the province, may well be deemed extraordinary. The r.4 PRorosEi) DIVISION or the couxty. [1764. whole number of men furnished by this town alone, during the French wars, for defence and conijuest, as derived from the well-authenticated rolls still preserved, exceeded 4.30, as appears from the following summary. 17.18, 69. 1758, 20. 1754, 13. 1759, 43. 1755 34. 1760, 17. 1756 93. 1701, 26. 17j7 130. 1702, 8. ..453 men. In these numbers are not included those who enlisted into the regular army : nor, e.Kcept in 1748 and 1757, the occasional service of the militia companies. It is probable that many names have been omitted in the examination of vol- uminous papers in the archives of the state, and as the series is not perfect, many may have been lost. Worcester furnished to the provincial service during this period, 1 colonel, 1 lieutenant colonel, 2 majors, 6 captains, 8 lieutenants, 7 ensigns, 27 Ser- jeants, 2 surgeons, a chaplain, and an adjutant. The same patriotic spirit, which was the moving spring of efforts so con- siderable, ] ervaded the province. ' Nearly one third of the effective men,' savs Minot, ' were in military service in some mode or other, and all this zeal was manifested after the most depressing disappointments, and a burden of taxes wliich is said to have been so great in the capital, as to equal two thirds of the income of the real estate.* The advantages from the sessions of courts, the erection of buildings, and the residence of public officers, having become apparent in the prosperity of Worcester, attempts were made to transfer these benefits to the towns who had once declined their enjoyment. In 1704, Timothy Paine, James Putnam, John Chandler, were a committee to give reasons to the General Court, why the petition of Abel Lawrence and others, praying for a new county from the northern part of "Worcester and the western part of Middlesex, should not be granted. This project was urged during several sessions of the Legislature. Remon- strances were presented from towns in both counties against the dismember- ment. -\fter orders of notice had been issued, and several committees had taken the expediency of division into consideration, the petitioners abandoned their object, in 1700. Lancaster having petitioned for the sessions of some of the courts there, it was voted, ' that by removing any of them from the town of \Vorcester, the shire of the county, to Lancaster, three fourths of the inhabitants of the county will be obliged to travel farther than they now do.' Mr. Joshua Big- elow, then representative, was instructed to use his utmost endeavor to pre- vent the removal, and procure the establishment here of another term of the Superior Court. In the former he was successful. 1765.] AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 65 CHAPTER VI. 1765 to 1775. American Revolution. Instructions, 176G, 17G7. Resolutions, 1768. Gov- enant, 1763. Tea. Votes, 1773. Committee of Correspondence, 1773. Political Soci- ety. Peter Oliver. Address of Grand Jury, 1774. Report on grievances, 1774. In- structions. Protest of royalists. Town Meeting. Record expunged. Non-consumption covenant and oath. Mandamus counsellors. Assembly of the people. Alarm. INIin- ute men. Courts stopped. County Convention. Sheriff Chandler. William Campbell. Instructions. Blacksmiths' Convention. Depot of military stores. We have now reached the period of deepest interest in our history. The middle of the century had scarcely past, before the shadows of oppression began to darken the land, and the first tremulous motions of the revolution, ■which finally upheaved the colonial government, were felt. The collision of popular privilege with royal prerogative, maintained during successive years by the representatives, had prepared the people for the investigation of the prin- ciples on which their connection with the mother country rested, and waked their vigilance for the protection of chartered and inherited rights. The long series of wars we have reviewed, were useful schools, diffusing military spirit, and imparting knowledge of strength and skill, and confidence for repulsing encroachments. When the appeal to arms approached, many of the inhabitants of Worces- ter most distinguished for talents, influence, and honors, adhered with con- stancy to the king. In the hostility of party and the struggles of warfare, they were driven into exile and loaded with reproach. At this distance of time, when the bitterness of the controversy has long subsided, while we do justice to their memories, a warmer glow of gratitude springs in our hearts for the patriots whose prophetic forecast saw, beyond the dangers and suffer- ings of the contest, the prosperity and happiness that brighten over our repub- lican institutions. The royalists here, were those who had sustained, with equal fidelity and ability, the highest civil and military offices, enjoyed the confidence of their fellow citizens, and given testimony of their love of coun- try by earnest exertions in its service. Standing as they did, and knowing how scanty were the resources for resis- tance, they might well entertain doubts whether the period had arrived, when it was possible to secure independence, and refuse to hazard all that was dear on the uncertain issue of a war with the most formidable nation of Europe. Educated with sentiments of veneration for the sovereign to whom they had sworn fealty, indebted to his bounty for the honors and wealth they possessed, loyalty and gratitude alike influenced them to resist acts, which, to them, seemed treasonable and rebellious. However much they erred in judg- ment and feeling, we may respect the sincerity of motives, attested by the sacrifice of property, the loss of home, and all the miseries of confiscation and exile. Some among them, it is known, were ardently attached to the principles of liberty : but, in their view, the opposition to the measures of 66 INSTRVCTIOXS. [1765. government was premature in its advance to extremities. The times did not a>hnit of a middle course. The crisis had indeed arrived, although they mis- understood the progress of events, and became involved in indiscriminate denunciation. It is not for the purpose of wantonly drawing from oblivion those, whose descendants have been among our worthiest citizens, that the names of the royalists are mentioned in the following narrative. To understand the trans- actions, it is necessary to know the persons who were engaged in them, and to whom they applied. By changing even slight features, the resemblance of the picture would be destroyed. The annals would be worthless, which im- paired confidence by the suppression of truth, even though unpleasant and unwelcome. There is no discretion entrusted to the historian to select among the events of tlie past. It is his task to relate with fidelity the incidents of the times he reviews, that he may place loyalty and patriotism in their just contrast. The earliest expression of opinion, on the records of the town, in relation to revolutionary measures, was on the 2 1st of October, 1765, when Capt l-'phraim Doolittle, the representative, was instructed to join in no measure countenancing the stamp act. Sonn after the destruction of the property of Gov. Hutchinson and other officers of the crown, in August 1765, at the Superior Court, the Grand Jury expressed to the Chief Justice, in strong terms, the disapprobation of the people of the riotous proceedings in Boston. In May following, the town refused to give instructions respecting restitu- tion to those who had suffered from the disgraceful violence. The instructions to the representative^ 19th of May, 1766, are, generally, marked by singular good sense and moderation. ' 1 . That you use the whole of your influence and endeavor, that no person holding any fee or military office whatsoever, especially Judges of the Supe- rior Court, Judges of the Probate, Registers of Probate, Secretary, Clerk of cither of the Courts, Sherifi's, or Province Treasurer, be chosen into his maj- esty's Council of this province, and that you attend at the election of Coun- sellors, and give your vote accordingly. ' •-'. That you endeavor, that, for the future, the General Court of this province be held in an open manner, that such as arc so minded and behave agreeable to good order, may see and hear how affairs are conducted in said court, and if the desired end be obtained, that a proper and convenient house, both for the court and spectators, be forthwith prepared. • 3. That you endeavor, that the present fee table of this province be made null and void, and that a new fee table be made and established instead thereof, which shall be more equal and impartial ; not giving to any officer in the government, except the Governor, more nor less than you would be '• Kphrnim Doolittle. Tl.o instructions were reported by Jonathan Stone, Beniamia FUrh. «"'! .Nathan DaMwin. 1767.] INSTRUCTIONS. 67 willing to do the same service for yourself; and that you observe this rule in granting pay for contingencies and occasional services. ' 4. That you endeavor, that there be no monopoly of public offices in this government, and that one man be not invested with more than one office at one time, except it be compatible with the true interests of the people in general. * 5. That you endeavor, that there be a law made, that whenever any repre- sentative shall receive any office or commission from the Governor, he shall be dismissed the house, and not be allowed to act as a member thereof, without he should be chosen anew by his constituents ; and that the said constituents be forthwith served with a new precept to call a meeting for the choice of some meet and suitable person to represent them in the Great and General Court. ' 6. That you endeavor, the excise act be repealed, and that there be no excise laid upon any commodities of trade, but that all lawful trade be encour- aged, and free of duty or excise ; and that all the public charge be paid di- rectly by a rate, except such money as shall be raised by fines for the breach of the good, wholesome laws of this province. ' 7. That the law for keeping of Latin grammar schools be repealed, and that we be not obliged to keep more than one grammar school in a county, and that to be at the county charge, and that each town be obliged by law to keep good and sufficient schools for the education of their youth in the art of reading, writing and arithmetic, and that the schoolmasters for the said pur- pose shall be such as shall be approved of by the selectmen of each respective town. ' 8. That you use your utmost endeavor, that a law be made to prevent bribery and corruption m the several towns in this province in the choice of representatives. ' 9. That you give diligent attendance at every session of the General Court of this province this present year, and adhere to these our instructions, and the spirit of them, as you regard our friendship, and would avoid our just resentment.' The instructions, reported by Ephraim Doolittle, Nathan Baldwin, and Jonathan Stone, on the 18th of May, 1767, breathe a similar spirit, and are, in many respects, applicable to the present times. ' To Mr. Joshua Bigelow : Sir : As we have devolved upon you the important trust of representing us at the Great and General Court, the year ensuing, we, your constituents, therefore, think it our duty and interest to give you the following instructions relative to some of your conduct in said trust. '1. That you use your influence to maintain and continue that harmony and good will between Great Britain and this province [which] may be most conducive to the prosperity of each, by a steady and firm attachment to Eng- lish liberty and the charter rights of this province, and [that] you willingly gg BESOLT7TIOX9. [1768. Buffer no invasions, cither through pretext of precedency, or any other way whatsoever : and if you find any encroachments on our charter rights, that you use your utmost ability to obtain constitutional redress. '2. That you use your influence to obtain ;i law to put an end to that unchristian and impolitic practice of making slaves of the human species in this province ; and that you give your vote for none to serve in his majesty's Council, who, you may have reason to think, will use their influence against Buch a law, or that sustain any office incompatible with such trust : and in Buch choice, prefer such gentlemen, and such only, who have distinguished themselves in the defence of our liberty. ' 3. That you use your influence that the fee table of this province be established more agreeable to the rules of justice. Set not to the sheriff", as fees, double as much pay as the service may be done for, and in general is by the deputy sheriff's ; neither oblige jurymen, &c., to do service at the expense of their own private estates, or be subjected to large fines or penalties ; but Bubject all, or none at all, by penalties, and appoint so much fees and no more, as may be agreeable to each service ; and that you observe this rule, in granting pay for occasional and contingent charges. ' 4. That you use your endeavor to relieve the people of this province from the great burden of supporting so many Latin grammar schools, whereby they are prevented from attaining such a degree of English learning as is necessary to retain the freedom of any state. ' 5. That you make diligent inquiry into the cause of such general neglect of the Militia of this province, and endeavor a redress of such grievance ; without which, we apprehend, in time, we may be made an easy prey of, by the enemies of Great Ikitain. ' ('). Take special care of the liberty of the press. ' And, Sir, we hope and trust, that in all matters that may come before you, you will have a single eye to the public good, have a watchful eye over those who are seeking the ruin of this province, and endeavor to make this province reciprocally happy with our mother country.' The indignation of the people on the promulgation of the act of Parliament imposing duties on paper, tea, and other articles imported into the colonies, was first manifested in Boston. In October, 1767, a meeting was held there, and resolutions to encourage domestic manufactures and refrain from pur- chasing the taxed articles, were passed and transmitted to the selectmen of every town. At the next session of the Legislature, resolves of similar import were adopted, which are recited in the papers and copied below. On the 11th of March, 1768, a town meeting was held in Worcester, when the subject was presented. The following extract from the record exhibits the proceedings of the inhabitants. ' The article in the warrant being read relative to promoting industry and economy. Mr. Joshua lUgelow, our representative, moved to the town, that before they came to a vote he might read the vote of the hon. House of Rep- 1768.] COVENANT. 69 resentatives of this province, passed the 26th of Feb. last, relative to the promoting industry, economy and good morals, and for the discountenancing the use of foreign superfluities, and to encourage the manufactures of this province ; which was granted him: it was also moved and seconded, that the reasons given by the Hon. Timothy Ruggles, the representative of Hardwick, on his dissenting answer to the vote aforesaid, might be read also : ^ which accordingly was done, and the question was put whether the town would buy any British manufactures more than they could pay for, and it passed in the affirmative.'^ The sentiments of the inhabitants are more easily deduced from subsequent events, than understood from the concluding expressions of the record. The town clerk, a gentleman of strong royalist attachments, was not probably desirous of correcting any absurdity in the motions of his political adversa- ries. Soon after this meeting, the patriotic party procured the subscriptions of many of the inhabitants to the following paper. * Whereas the Hon. House of Representatives of this province, on the 26th day of February last, did declare, that the happiness and well-being of civil communities depend upon industry, economy, and good morals, and taking into serious consideration the great decay of trade, the scarcity of money, the heavy debt contracted in the late war, which still remains on the people, and the great difficulties to which they are by these means reduced, did resolve, to use their utmost endeavors, and enforce their endeavors by example, in sup- pressing extravagance, idleness, and vice, and promoting industry, economy, and good morals : and in order to prevent the unnecessary exportation of money, of which the province hath, of late, been drained, did further resolve, that they would, by all prudent means, endeavor to discountenance the use of foreign superfluities, and encourage the manufactures of this province ; and whereas, the Parliament of Great Britian has passed an act imposing duties 1 Brigadier Ruggles alone opposed the passage of these resolutions. His reasons for dissenting were offered in writing, but it was voted that they should not be entered on the journal. His objections to the encouragement of manufactures were these : 1. Because in all countries manufactures are set up at the expense of husbandry, or other general employment of the people, and if they have not peculiar advantages over husbandry, they will, by discouraging the latter, have an injurious effect. 2. That manufactures here must encounter insurmountable obstacles from the thin population and high price of labor : and would be detrimental, by taking hands away from agriculture and the fisheries. Other objections were deduced from the colonial relation of the province and the mother country, and the injury which might result to the interests of England. '^ One of the earliest woolen manufactories of Massachusetts is thus noticed in the Bos- ton Evening Post, October 10, 1768. ' We hear from Brookfield, that Mr. Joshua Upham of that town, a gentleman in the law, and his two brothers, with a number of other gentlemen, have lately erected a build- ing oO feet in length and two stories high, for a manufactory house, and are collecting tradesmen of several sorts for the woolen manufactory, and they propose to keep a large number of looms constantly at work. 7 70 TEA. [1768. on sundry articles for tlie purpose of raising a revenue on America, which is unconstitutional, anil an infiingemcnt of our just rights and privileges ; and the merchants of this province have generally come into an agreement not to import poods from Great Britain, a few articles excepted, till that act is repealed ; which in our opinion is a lawful and prudent measure : therefore, we the suhscribcrs, do solemnly promise and engage, each with the other, to to f?ive all possible encouragement to our own manufactures : to avoid pay- ing the tax imposed by said act, by not buying any European commodity but what is absolutely necessary ; that we will not, at funerals, use any gloves except those made here, or purchase any article of mourning on such occa- sion, but what shall be absolutely necessary ; and we consent to abandon the use, so far as may be, not only of all the articles mentioned in the Boston resolves, but of all foreign teas, which are clearly superfluous, our own fields abounding in herbs more healthful, and which we doubt not, may, by use, be found agreeable : we further promise and engage, that we will not purchase any goods of any persons who, preferring their own interest to that of the public, shall import merchandize from Great Britain, until a general impor- tation takes place ; or of any trader who purchases his goods of such importer : and that we will hold no intercourse, or connection, or correspond- ence, with any person who shall purchase goods of such importer, or retailer ; and we will hold him dishonored, an enemy to the liberties of his country, and infamous, who shall break this agreement.' The execution of resolutions against tea, required the aid of those to whose care the fragrant herb was entrusted in the household. A female con- vention assembled in Boston, and agreed to discontinue the use of the taxed leaf and substitute a native shrub, ^ an inhabitant of our meadows. In imi- tation of this example, a meeting was held here by the patriotic ladies, who cordially concurred with the good resolutions of their sisters of the metropolis. The royalists, who loved their tea and their king, and were equally averse to the desertion of the social urn or the sovereign, Jiad influence enough to convene another assembly, and procure the reconsideration of its approbation of the American plant, and a renewal of allegiance to the exotic of India. A paragraph in the Boston Evening Post, alludes to the doings of the fair pavti/ans. ' Worcester. Nov. 11, 17G8. We hear that the ladies have discovered the most malignant quality in the Labrador tea, which, by vote of the daughters of liberty within the metropolis, was substituted, to be used in the room of the Indian shrub called IJohea : that they find it to be of so debilitating a quality, and that it produces such a total frigidity in their warmest friends of the other sex, that at a later convention, to deliberate on matters of the great- est consequence, it was agreed, by a majority greater than that of 92 to 17,^ to rescind their former vote in favor of the detested plant, as being clearly 1 Ledum Paluitrc, Labrador Tea. " Allu.ling to the Totc ou the .lucatiou of rescimling the resolutions of the House of Representatives. 1773.] RESOLTJTIONS. 71 unconstitutional, and tending to rob us of our dearest privileges and deprive us of our most sacred and invaluable rights. As the nonconsumption agreement prevented the sale by the merchants of the obnoxious article, the gardens and fields were laid under contributions to supply the table urn. The cup was filled with odoriferous infusions of Mint and Sage, and those who ventured to acknowledge the abstract right of tax- ation, by the use of tea, indulged in the luxury, as if they were committing crime, with the utmost secresy, drawing bolt and bar, and closing every crev- ice which might betray the fragrance of the proscribed beverage. From this period to 1773, no doings of the inhabitants in their corporate capacity, mark the progress of the spirit of independence. The influence of the royalists prevented public expression of the high-toned patriotism radi- ated from the metropolis to every village, and growing day by day more fervid and intense. A petition of Othniel Taylor and forty others, called the attention of the town, at the annual meeting in March, 1773, to the grievances under which the province labored. After debate, the celebrated Boston Pamphlet was read. A committee was appointed ^ to consider its contents, who presented an elaborate report at the adjournment in May following. Going back to the foundation of civil society, they deduce the principles, that mankind are by nature free, and that the end and design of forming the social compact was, that each member of the state might enjoy liberty and property, and the unrestrained exercise of civil and religious rights. Tracing the history of the pilgrims, they derive illustrations of the sacredness of the charter, plighted by royal faith. Appealing to the long series of services rendered by the province as testimonials of fidelity, they declare, ' the fond afi'ection that ever has subsisted in our hearts for Great Britain and its sovereign, has ever induced us, to esteem it above any other country, and as fond children speak of a father's house we have ever called it our home, and always [have been ready to] rejoice, when they rejoiced, to weep when they have wept, and whenever required, to bleed when they have bled ; and in return, we are sorry to say, we have had our harbors filled with ships of war, in a hostile manner, and troops posted in our metropolis, in a time of profound peace : not only posted [in a manner] greatly insvilting, but actually slaughtering the inhabitants : cannon levelled against our senate house, the fortress or key of the province taken from us : and as an addition to our distress, the com- mander in chief of the province [has declared] he had not power to control the troops, &;c. Nevertheless we are ready and willing to stand forth in defence of the king of Great Britain, his crown and dignity, and our noble constitution, and, when called to it, risk our lives ; and in that day let him that hath no sword, sell his garment and buy one.' It was recommended ' that there be a committee of correspondence chosen, to correspond with the committees of correspondence in the other towns in this province, to give the earliest intelligence to the inhabitants of this town, 1 William Young, David Bancroft, Samuel Curtis, Timothy Bigelow, Stephen Salisbury; 73 rOMTICAL SOCIETY. [1773. of any dcsij^ns that they shall discover, at any time, against our natural and constitutional rights. ' Tlic recommendations of the rci)ort were adopted, and William Young, Timothy Bigclow, and John Smith, were elected a committee of correspondence. The spirit of discontent, repressed in public, was actively working in the minds of men, and the doctrine of resistance, branded by one party as the theory of treason, preparing the way for events the brightest of history. In the peculiar situation of the town, an efficient and firm union among the friends of freedom was necessary. On the 27th of December, 1773, the leading whigs assembled, and formed a Society, which became a powerful instrument of revolutionary action, directing the proceedings of the town, and extending a controling influence to some of its neighbors. Its organiz- ation and doings, illustrative of the feeling of the times and the mode of political operation, are worthy of extended notice. The constitution and rules of proceeding, reported by Nathan Baldwin, Samuel Curtis and Timothy Bigclow, exhibit the purposes of the association. The former recites, ' that at the then present time the good people of the county, and with respect to some particular circumstances, the town of Wor- cester especially, labor under many impositions and burdens grievous to be borne, which, it is apprehended, could never have been imposed upon us had we been united and opposed the machinations of some designing persons iu this province, who are grasping at power and the property of their neigh- bors : for preventing these evils and better securing liberty and property, and counteracting the designs of enemies, the associates incorporate them- selves into a society, by the name of The American Political Society, to meet at some public house, at least once in every other month, to advise with each other on proper methods to be pursued respecting common rights and liberties, civil and religious.' The members covenanted, that no discourse or transac- tion in any of the meetings should be communicated to any person without common consent ; that they would avoid all lawsuits as much as possible, and particularly with each other : and if differences should arise between members, which they were unable to adjust, they should be referred to the determination of the society ; that each would, as he had opportunity, pro- mote the interest of the other, in all honest ways within his power, without injury to himself; and that each member would give information in the meet- ings, of any infringement of the common rights of mankind which might come to his knowledge. Penalties were established for absence, provision made for regular monthly meetings, the elections, admissions, and order of debate, usual in similar associations. It is expressed, ' that each particular member, reposing special trust and confidence in every other member of the society, looks upon himself bound, and does bind himself, by the ties of honor, virtue, truth, sincerity, and every appellation dear to him in this life, faithfully and truly to keep and perform its articles.' Thirty one persons were original subscribers, and thirty two others were, from time to time, admitted, making the whole number of members during the two years of its existence sixty three. 1774.] cHiEr JUSTICE oliver. 73 The objects of the society, as expressed in its constitution, were extensive. The associates, practically, limited their views to the circle of their own cor- poration, and instead of proceeding in the task of reforming the world, con- fined their exertions to secure the rights of that portion of mankind in their own neighborhood. They erected themselves into a supreme authority, not only assuming advisory superintendence of local concerns, but claiming to direct in absolute terms. Sessions were held previous to the meetings of the inhabitants, and votes passed, afterwards confirmed by the town. To show how important was their agency, it will be necessary to anticipate the regular progress of the narrative, to examine their records. The first debate, Feb. 4, 1774, was had on the impropriety of choosing any person to office, who was not an open and professed friend to constitu- tional liberty. Feb. 25, the business of the society was, to agree on a plan of proceedings for March meeting. In April, it was voted ' that the chairman of the committee of correspondence be directed to send circular letters to the committees of correspondence in the several towns in the county, advising them that the votes for County Treasurer had not been counted by the Court of Sessions of the Peace, as had been usual, and of the danger consequent thereon, that the whole people of the county may be on their guard against fraud and deception.' A committee was appointed to prepare instructions for the representative to be chosen in May following. Among the boldest of its acts, was its instruction to the Grand Jurors, to refuse being sworn if Judge Oliver was present at the Superior Court in April. The act of parliament for raising revenues, by taxation of the colonies, authorized appropriations from them, for the salaries of the judges of the Superior Court, rendering the judicial officers dependants of the crown. The Governor had refused his assent to legislative grants for their support, and the Representatives remonstrated with spirit, against the invasion of charter rights. After ineffectual negociations with Mr. Hutchinson, the inflexible assertor of royal prerogative, at the termination of the first session of 1773, it was resolved ' that any of the judges, who, while they hold their offices during pleasure, shall accept support from the crown, independent of the grants of the General Court, will discover, that he is an enemy to the consti- tution, and has it in his heart to promote the establishment of arbi rary gov- ernment.' In Feb. 1774, four of the judges, Trowbridge, Hutchinson, Ropes, and Gushing, on the appeal being made by the Assembly, replied that they had received no part of the allowance from the king ; which was deemed sat- isfactory. Chief Justice Oliver alone, dred to brave popular sentiment, and answered that he had accepted his Majesty's bounty, and could not refuse it in future, without royal permission. The concentrated weight of indignation fell upon him. The House immediately voted that he had rendered himself obnoxious to the people as an enemy of the constitution. A petition was presented for his removal, and articles of impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors exhibited, which the Governor refused to countenance. Such was the relation of Peter Oliver to the people, when the term of the 7* 74 r.iuND jury's address. [1774. Superior Court for the county of Worcester drew near. The political society, ns puarilians of popular riphts, took the subject into consideration. After much treasonable debate, as the expression of opinions which would have en- dangered life, might bo termed by those who could have claimed its forfeiture, the determination was expressed in the following vote, unanimously adopted, April 4. • This society will each one bear and pay their equal part of the fine and charges that may be laid on Messrs. Joshua Bigelow and Timothy Eigelow, for their refusal to be empanneled upon the Grand Jury at our next Superior Court of Assize, for the county of Worcester, if they shall be chosen into that office, and their refusal is founded upon the principle, that they cannot, con- sistently with good conscience and order, serve, if Peter Oliver, Esq., is pres- ent on the bench as chief justice, or judge of said court, before he is lawfully tried and acquitted from the high crimes and charges for which he now stands impeached by the honorable House of Representatives, and the major part of the grand jurors for the whole county join them in refusing to serve for the reasons aforesaid.' So little apprehension was entertained of the concurrence of their fellows, or of the return of the two gentlemen named, that they were provided with a remonstrance for presentation to the court. The exact circumstances, mod- estly designated as contingent and conditional, were made certain by the influ- ence and exertions of the society. Messrs. Joshua Bigelow and Timothy Bigelow were chosen, and the majority of the jurors did join with them at the opening of the court in offering this paper, April 19, 1774. ' To the honorable, his majesty's justices of the Superior Court of Judica- ture now sitting at Worcester, in and for said county. We, the subscribers, being returned by our respective towns to serve as jurors of inquest for this court, beg leave humbly to inform your honors, that it is agreeable to the sense of those we represent, that we should not empannel, or be sworn into this important office, provided Peter Oliver, Esq., sits as chief justice of this court; and we would further add, that our own senti- ments coincide perfectly with those of our constituents respecting this matter ; so, to whatever inconven ence we expose ourselves, we are firmly resolved not to empannel, unless we are first assured that the above gentleman will not act as a judge in this court, for the following reasons : 1. Because the honorable House of Commons of this province, at their last session, among other things, resolved, that Peter Oliver, Esci-, hath, by his conduct, rendered himself totally disqualified any longer to hold and act in the office of a justice of this court, and ought, forthwith, to be removed therefrom. 2. Because the House of Commons, in their said session, did impeach the said I'eter Oliver, Esq., of high crimes and misdemeanors ; the particulars of which impeachment, we apprehend, are known to your honors, which will excuse us from reciting them at large; to which impeachment the said Peter Oliver, Es.i.. hath not been yet brought to answer; and therefore, we appre- hend, that the veniri bearing test, Peter Oliver, Esq., is illegal. 1774.] CHIEF JUSTICE OLIVER. 75 But, if we should be mistaken, nevertheless, we remonstrate and protest, against the said Peter Oliver, Esq., acting as judge on any of the bills we may find at this session, unless he is constitutionally acquitted of said impeach- ment : because, we apprehend it would be highly injurious, to subject a fellow countryman to trial at a bar, where one of the judges is not only disqualified as aforesaid, but, by his own confession, stands convicted, in the minds of the people, of a crime more heinous, in all probability, than any that might come before him. These, with other reasons that might be offered, we hope your lionors will esteem sufficient to justify us for presenting the foregoing remon- strance.' Joshua Bigelow, John Fuller, William Henshaw, Thomas Robinson, John Tyler, Nathaniel Carriel, Phinehas Heywood, Daniel Clapp, Moses Livermore, Nathan Walker, Silas Bayley, Timothy Bigelow, Ephraim Doolittle, John Sherman, William Campbell. After consultation, this paper was received by the court, and publicly read by the clerk. One of the judges then informed the jurors, that it was alto- gether improbable that the Chief Justice would attend to take his seat :^ and being assured that the sheriff had, as usual, been a number of miles out of town, in order to meet and escort him to his lodgings, and had returned with- out him, the jurors retired to determine what course to pursue. On consid- ering the personal and public inconvenience resulting from their refusal to proceed to business, and finding no sacrifice of principle from compliance, they returned, were sworn, and received the charge. 1 Judge Oliver, in a letter to Gov. Hutchinson, May 15, 1774, published in Edes' Gazette, Sept. 18, 1775, expresses his anger at the conduct of his associates of the bench in strong terms. ' As to the affair of the Grand Jury's libel at Worcester court, I did not know of their conduct until I saw it in the newspapers ; and had any of my brethren been charged in so infamous a manner, I would forever have quitted the bench, rather than have suffered such indignity to them to have passed unnoticed. How it is possible to let a brother judge, a friend, or even a brute, be treated in so ignominious a manner, I have no conception in my ideas of humanity. But so it is : and if the Supreme Courtis content with such rudeness, inferior jurisdictions are to be exculpated in suffering the commonwealth to be destroyed.' Oliver sought consolation under popular odium, from the sympathy of the representative of the king, without communicating to his associates the indignation breathing in his let- ter. The existence of this document seems to have remained unknown to his judicial brethren, long after the publication. Judge Trowbridge, in a letter to the late Levi Lin- coln, Dec. 27, 1780, says, ' this letter was wrote by Chief Justice Oliver, as 1 suppose, to the governor, at the castle ; and the court referred to, must be 'the Superior Court at Wor- cester, on the third Tuesday of September, 1773 ; for the chief justice was not at that court. I don't know that I ever saw what he calls the libel. I can't find it in Edes & Gill's Gazette printed that year, and therefore conclude it was published in the Spy, soon after the court. I hear Mr. Thomas lives in Worcester, and suppose he has those papers by him. If you would be kind enough to know of him, if he printed the account of the proceeding which, I suppose, the judge calls a libel, and favor me with a copy thereof, you will much oblige me. ' I was at Judge Oliver's house, on May 15, 1771, (the day of the date of his letter) : but he never said a word to me about that matter, as I remember ; which I think he might have done, before he wrote that letter to the governor.' 7$ rOLITICAL SOCIETY. [1774. It is said to have been resolved by the Society, that they would rescue the jurors by force, if they should be committed for contempt, in presenting the chief justice to the court as a criminal. No written evidence of such pur- pose can be supposed to exist, and the removal of the difficulty, threatening interruption of the administration of justice, fortunately prevented more sol- emn testimony from being furnished. At the monthly meeting in June, it was voted to sign a covenant, not to purchase any English goods, until the port of Boston was opened, and to dis- continue intercourse with those declining to subscribe. A committee was ap- pointed to prepare an instrument for this purpose, and obtain the signatures of the citizens, and to draft a similar agreement to be signed by the women. In August, it was voted, ' that Nathan Perry be moderator of our next town mcetino-, if he should be chosen : in case he should refuse, then Josiah Pierce shall preside.' The selectmen were directed, forthwith, to examine the town's stock of ammunition, and ascertain its quality and quantity. A committee was chosen to present to the inhabitants an obligation to be completely armed, and to enforce its execution. Sept. 5. A committee was commissioned ' to inspect the tories going to and coming from Lancaster, or any other way,' and it was subsequently en- tered of record, that it was contrary to the mind of the society that the tories should vote in town meeting. Oct. 3. The instructions to be reported at the next town meeting for the representatives in the Provincial Congress and General Court, were read, par- agraph by paragraph, and accepted. A respectable merchant of the town was summoned before the association, to exhibit the certificate of an oath not to purchase English goods, made by Artemas Ward, Esq., afterwards General in the Continental Army. The form not being considered satisfactory, a new oath was required and taken. We have traced the society far enough in the detail of its acts, to show the control it assumed and exercised over committees of correspondence, the grand jury, the town, its selectmen and citizens. Its career is interesting, as indicating the spring by whose impulse the com- plex macliincry was moved, and as illustrative of the manner in which the government of opinion acted on the people, when the authority of the estab- lished officers tottered, the tribunals of justice were silent, and self-constitu- ted magistracies took the guardianship of the general welfare, and the lead in the municipal republics. It remains only to notice the dissolution of this remarkable body. Many of the members having been called into the military service of the country, much of its energy was lost. In 1776, it is stated, that unhappy difi'erences had arisen and divisions grown up in the town. It was voted, to institute an enquiry into their origin, and endeavor to suppress contention and reestab- lish harmony. Each member was desired to give intelligence of misbehavior, and answer truly and fully to any question proposed by a committee, formed from both parties, to investigate the causes of the difficulty. It was resolved, 1774.] POLITICAL SOCIETY. 77 ' that the society, in its corporate capacity, should pass no votes relative to the choice of town or public officers, or for the management of town meetings, until a report was made and acted on.' The committee, composed of discordant materials, was unable to effect a compromise. The last meetings of the Society appear to have been passed in unavailing struggles to prolong its existence, in jealous rivalship of the com- mittees of correspondence and safety, who had wrested away its power, and in stormy discussion of the deviations from the original principles of its con- stitution. It lingered until the first Monday of June, 1776, when, by mutual consent, it was suffered to expire, after a life of two years and a half. The struggle between the patriotism of the people and the loyalty of a minority, powerful in numbers, as well as in talents, wealth and influence, arrived to its crisis in this town early in 1774, and terminated in the total defeat of the adherents of the king. At the annual meeting, March 7, a committee^ was formed, to tal\e into consideration the acts of the British Parliament for raising revenue from the colonies, who soon presented the following report, matured by the Society, whose acts we have noticed, which was accepted. ' We, the freeholders and inhabitants of Worcester, think it our duty, at this important time, when affairs of the greatest consequence to ourselves and posterity are hastening to a crisis, after due consideration, to offer our senti- ments on the many grievous impositions, which are laid upon us : we would particularize some of the most intolerable ones, viz. ' 1. Courts of Admirality, wherein that most inestimable privilege, trial by jury, is destroyed ; Boards of commissioners, with their numerous trains of dependents, which departments are generally filled with those who have proved themselves to be destitute of honor, honesty, or the common feelings of humanity ; those who are known to be the greatest enemies of the people and constitution of this country, even those who have murdered its inhabi- tants. For a recent instance of their consummate insolence, and of their barbarously harassing the subject from port to port, at the expense of time and money, and unjustly detaining property, we would mention the case of Capt. Walker, commander of the Brigantine Brothers. ' 2. The Governor and Judges of the Superior Court, rendered independent of the people of the province, for whose good only they were appointed, for which service they ought to depend on those they serve for pay : and, we are constrained to say, that to have these who are to determine and judge on our lives [and] property paid by a foreign state, immediately destroys that natural dependence which ought to subsist between a people and their officers, and [is,] of course, destructive of liberty. For which reason, we are of opinion, that we [are] not in the least bound in duty submit to the ordering and de- termining of such officers as are not dependent on the grants of the people for their pay, and we have the satisfaction to hear that four of the superior judges, to their immortal honor, have refused the bribe offered them. 1 William Young, Josiah Pierce, Timothy Bigelow. 78 BESOLITIONS. [1774. ' But, as wc have had an opportunity heretofore, jointly, to express our minds rcspcctin}^ our many grievances, we, principally, shall confine our ob- servations to tlic I'ast India company's exporting teas to America, subject to a duty laid thereon by the British Parliament, to be paid by us, not so much as mentioned for the regulation of trade, but for the sole purpose of raising a revenue : in consequence of which, we take it upon us to say, that it is an addition to the many proofs, that the British ministry are determined, if pos- sible, to enslave us : but, we rest assured, that however attached we may have been to that truly detestable herb, we can firmly resist the charm, and thereby convince our enemies in Great Britain and America, that however artful and alluring their snares, and gilded the bait, we have wisdom to fore- see and virtue to resist. ' Therefore, resolved ; that we will not buy, sell, use, or any way be con- cerned with India teas of any kind, dutied or undutied, imported from Great Britain, Holland, or elsewhere, until the unrighteous act imposing a duty thereon be repealed ; the former on account of the aforesaid duty ; the latter, because we still maintain such a regard for Great Britain as to be unwilling to promote the interests of a rival. ' Resolved ; that we will break off all commercial intercourse with those persons, if any there should be, in this or any other place, who should act counter to these, our resolutions, thus publicly made known : that the tea consignees, and all those that have been aiding or assisting in introducing the East India company's tea among us, have justly merited our indignation and contempt, and must be considered, and treated by us, as enemies and traitors to their country : that we contemptuously abhor and detest all those, whether in Great Britain or America, that are not content with their own honest in- dustry, but contrary to known principles of justice and equity, attempt to take the property of others in any wise without their consent. ' Resolved ; that we have an indisputable right, at this time, and at all times, boldly to assert our rights, and make known our grievances ; being sensible that the freedom of speech and security of property always go together. None but the base tyrant and his wicked tools dread this liberty. Upright measures will always defend themselves. It is not only our indubita- ble right, but a rctiuisite duty, in this legal and public manner, to make known our grievances. Amongst the many benefits that will naturally result therefrom, [will be] we hope, that important one of undeceiving our gra- cious sovereign, who from the wicked measures practiced against us, we have just reason to suppose, has been artfully deluded ; in defence of whose sacred person, crown and dignity, together with our natural and constitutional rights, we are ready, at all times, boldly to risk our lives and fortunes.' Twenty-six of the royalists dissented from these resolutions, and their pro- test was entered of record, although rejected by the town. Mr. Joshua Bigelow was chosen representative, with the following instruc- tions,* May 20, 1774. » The committee who reported these instructions, were Josiah Pierce, Timothy Bigelow, 1774.] INSTRUCTIONS. 79 * As English America is in a general alarm, in consequence of some late unconstitutional stretches of power, we are sensible this is the most difficult period that hath ever yet commenced since the first arrival of our ancestors into this then unexplored, uncultivated and inhospitable wilderness : and be- ing fully sensible that the wisest head, uprightest heart, and the firmest reso- lution, are the necessary qualifications of the person fit and suitable to rep- resent us in the Great and General Court of this Province the present year, [we] have honored you with our suffrages for that important office. Not- withstanding our confidence in your virtue and abilities, we think it necessary to prescribe some certain rules for your conduct. And first : as there is a late act of the British Parliament, to be enforced in America, with troops and ships of war [on] the first [day] of June, in order to stop the port and harbor of Bos- ton, thereby depriving us of the winds and seas, which God and nature gave in common to mankind, we are induced to believe that [the ministers] of Great Britain, through misinformation, are led to a prostitution of that power which has heretofore made Europe tremble, to abridge us, their brethren in this province, of our natural and civil rights, notwithstanding, exclusive of our natural rights, we had all the privileges and immunities of Englishmen con- firmed to us by our royal charter. And as we view this hostile manoeuvre of Great Britain as a blow aimed, through Boston, at the whole of American liberties, being emboldened through a consciousness of the justice of our cause, we, in the most solemn manner, direct you, that whatever measure Great Britain may take to distress us, you be not in the least intimidated, and thereby induced, that whatever requisitions, or ministerial mandate there may be, in order to subject us to any unconstitutional acts of the British Par- liament, to comply therewith. But to the utmost of your power, resist the most distant approaches of slavery. But more particularly, should the peo- ple of this province, through their representatives, be required to compensate the East India company for the loss of their tea, we hereby lay the strictest injunction on you not to comply therewith. As the destruction of the tea was not a public act, we cannot see the justice of a public demand. As the civil law is open to punish the off'enders, we rather think, instead of an equit- able compensation, it would be the means of encouraging riots and robberies, and, of consequence, render the courts of justice of no use. ' We also earnestly require that a strict union of the colonies be one of the first objects in your view, and that you carefully and immediately pursue every legal measure that may tend thereto ; viz. that committees of corespon- dence be kept up between the several houses of assembly through the colo- nies ; and that you by no means fail to use your utmost endeavors, that there be a general Congress formed of deputies from the same : that so we may unite in some safe and sure plan, to secure and defend the American liberties, at this important crisis of aff'airs. ' Also we direct you, as soon as may be, to endeavor that Peter Oliver, Stephen Salisbury, Samuel Curtis, Edward Crafts, John Kelso, and Joshua Whitney. They had been prepared by Mr. Nathan Baldwin, the ablest writer of the party here, and ma- tured by the political society. go INSTRUCTIONS. [1774. Esq. be brought to answer to the impeachment against him, preferred by the Representatives of this province, in the name of the whole people. ' There are a number of other matters respecting the internal policy of this province, that, in our opinion, at this season, require the attention of the leg- islator : but, at a time like this, when Britain in return for the blood we have, on every needful occasion, so freely shed in her cause, has reduced thou- sands, through a wanton exercise of power, in our metropolis, to the most [distressing] circumstances, which, at first view, is sufficient to excite in the human breast every tender and compassionate feeling, [this] is enough to en- gross your whole attention. Should other matters come under your consider- ation in the course of the present year, relative to the common and ordinary exi"-encies of government, we make not the least doubt, you will, on your part, make the peace and prosperity of the whole province your ultimate aim and end, and by that means honor yourself and us, your constituents, in the choice we have made.' Language so strong and decided, could not but be offensive to the royalists. The acceptance was strenuously opposed ; Col. Putnam, the distinguished counsellor, exerting the "whole force of his eloquence to prevent the coopera- tion of the town in acts of rebellion, but without success. Thus defeated, measures were taken to procure the reconsideration of the votes. A petition, signed by 43 freeholders, was presented to the selectmen, requesting them to issue their warrant for a meeting, in the expectation, by concentrating the whole strength of the opposition, that the early efforts of freedom could be crushed. A meeting called in conformity with the prayer of the pct'tlon, which is recited at length in the warrant of the selectmen, Mas held on the 20th of June. After long and violent debate, the whigs prevailed, and it was voted not to act, in any manner, on any of the matters contained in the petition. Nothing remained to the defeated party but the right of protesting. A spir- ited and most loyal paper was offered and refused. The Town Clerk, influ- enced more by feeling than prudence, entered a copy on the records, afterwards sent to Boston for publication. This production is one of the boldest and most indignant remonstrances of the friends of royal government among the productions of the time. It is inserted in the Boston Gazette, printed on the 4th of July, 1774. The entry on the record was afterwards entirely oblit- erated. ' At a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Worcester, held there on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1774, pursuant to an application made to the selectmen by 43 voters and freeholders of the same town, dated the 20th day of May last, therein, among other things, declaring their just apprehensions of the fatal consequences that may follow the many riotous and seditious ac- tions that have of late times been done and perpetrated in divers places with- in this province : the votes and proceedings of which meeting are by us deemed irregidar and arbitrary : • Wherefore we, some of us who were petitioners for the said meeting, and 1774.] EOYALIST PKOTEST. 81 others inhabitants of the town, hereunto subscribing, thinking it our indis- pensable duty, in these times of discord and confusion in too many of the toAvns within this province, to bear testimony in the most open and unreserved manner against all riotous, disorderly and seditious practices, must therefore now declare, that it is with the deepest concern for public peace and order that we behold so many, whom we used to esteem sober, peaceable men, so far deceived, deluded and led astray by the artful, crafty and insidious prac- tices of some evil-minded and ill-disposed persons, who, under the disguise of patriotism, and falsely styling themselves the friends of liberty, some of them neglecting their own proper business and occupation, in which they ought to be employed for the support of their families, spending their time in discoursing of matters they do not understand, raising and propagating falsehoods and calumnies of those men they look up to with envy, and on whose fall and ruin they wish to rise, intend to reduce all things to a state of tumult, discord and confusion : ' And in pursuance of those evil purposes and practices, they have imposed on the understanding of some, corrupted the principles of others, and distrac- ted the minds of many, who, under the influence of this delusion, have been tempted to act a part that may prove, and that has already proved, extremely prejudicial to the province, and as it may be, fatal to themselves ; bringing into real danger, and in many instances destroying, that liberty and property we all hold sacred, and which they vainly and impiously boast of defending at the expense of their blood and treasure : * And, as it appears to us, that many of this town seem to be led aside by strange opinions, and are prevented coming to such prudent votes and resolu- tions as might be for the general good and the advantage of this town in par- ticular, agreeably to the request of the petitioners for this meeting : ' And as the town has refused to dismiss the persons styling themselves the committee of correspondence for the town, and has also refused so much as to call on them to render an account of their past dark and pernicious pro- ceedings : ' We therefore, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do each of us declare and protest, it is our firm opinion, that the committees of correspondence in the several towns of this province, being creatures of modern invention, and constituted as they be, are a legal grievance, having no legal foundation, con- trived by a junto to serve particular designs and purposes of their own, and that they, as they have been and are now managed in this town, are a nui- sance : And we fear, it is in a great measure owing to the baneful influence of such committees, that the teas of immense value, lately belonging to the East India company, were, not long since, scandalously destroyed in Boston, and that many other enormous acts of violence and oppression have been perpe- trated, whereby the lives of many honest, worthy persons, have been endan- gered, and their property destroyed. ' It is by these committees also, that papers have been lately published and are now circulating through the province, inviting, and wickedly tempting, all persons to join them, fully implying, if not expressly denouncing the destruc- 8 g2 BKSOLUTIONS. [1774. tlon of uU that refuse to subscribe those unlawful combinations, tending di- rectly to sedition, civil war, and rebellion, ' These, and all such enormities, we detest and abhor : and the authors of them we esteem enemies to our king and country, violators of all law and civil liberty, the malevolent disturbers of the peace of society, subverters of the established constitution, and enemies of mankind.' The whole number of voters of the town at this time could not have ex- ceeded two hundred and fifty. Fifty two inhabitants subscribed the protest. The first intimation received by the whigs, of the existence of sentiments 80 loyal, on the same pages with the narrative of their ow'n patriotic declara- tions, was derived from the publication. Immediately after its appearance, a petition was presented to the selectmen, describing the protest as a false and scandalous attack on the inhabitants, the committee, and their doings, charging the town clerk with a violation of his trust, and requesting them to convene a meeting to consider the subject. The town assembled on the 22d of August, and referred the matter to a Committee,-' to report at the adjourn- ment to the 24th. Before that time, many of the protesters, shrinking from the violence of the storm they had roused, and under the compulsion of force, sought safety by submission, and signed penitential confessions of error. When the people reassembled, the following counter statement and the accompanying resolutions -were adopted. ' Whereas, the publication in the Massachusetts Gazette of June 30, was made, as a protest of the signers of it against the proceedings of the town of Worcester, and contains in it a number of groundless reflections and aspersions against the inhabitants of the town, viz : it seems to be implied in the direc- tion to the printer, published at the front of the protest, that the signers were the only persons in the tow'n who were friends to truth, peace and order, and that they only were the persons, that had any just apprehensions of the ill consequences arising by mobs, riots, dtc, and that all the rest of the inhabi- tants acted irregularly and arbitrarily ; notwithstanding the matters [voted] in said meeting were fairly considered : and that they were so destitute of un- derstanding as to be led astray, by evil minded persons, who were endeavoring to reduce all things to a state of disorder and confusion ; thereby making themselves the sole judges of what is rule and order, and what is not : and proceed to stigmatize the inhabitants as holding to such bad opinions, as to prevent the town's acting prudently and for the general good. It is also im- plied in the publication, that this town allows a number of persons in it, to assume the character of a committee of correspondence for the towm, and to act darkly and perniciously with impunity, contrary to rule and good order, and in violation of the truth ; after, with unparalleled arrogance, representing themselves as the only friends to it, [they] assert that the town has refused to dismiss the persons styling themselves a committee of correspondence for 1 The cosmiltoc wore Jo?hua Bigclow, Jonas Hubbard, David Bancroft, Samuel Curtis, Jonathan Stone, Dcnjamin Flagc;, Josiah Pierce. J 1774.] KESOLXTTIONS. S3 the town, when, setting aside the inconsistency of the town's dismissing per- sons who had arrogated the character of a committee, and consequently [were in fact] not chosen by the town, they well knew that the town had not been requested, either to dismiss persons styling themselves a committee, or those gentlemen so denominated by the town : neither was there an article in the warrant for calling said meeting, to dismiss any persons whatever from office, nor so much as proposed in the meeting. There is also a malignity cast upon committees of correspondence in general through the continent, and in partic- ular against the committee chosen by this town, without any reason assigned for the same but the opinion of the protesters, too slender a foundation to asperse the character of town officers upon, and [they] have endeavored to in- sinuate into the minds of the public, that the men of which committees of cor- respondence are composed through the province, are a parcel of unprincipled knaves, who are endeavoring to destroy the lives and property of the peacea- ble and well-disposed, and also alleging that it is by these committees that papers have been lately published, and [that they have] wickedly tempted all persons to sign them, which they call an unlawful combination, tending di- rectly to civil war and rebellion. This town knows of no such paper : if it be the non-consumption agreement, entered and entering into through this and the neighboring provinces, that is pointed at, we take it upon us to say, that we much approve of the same, that if strictly adhered to it will save our money, promote industry, frugality, and our own manufactures, and tend di- rectly to prevent civil war and rebellion. ' After offering their opinions of mobs, riots, tumults and disorder, and the proceedings of the town, so cruelly and with such temerity, as shows them to be destitute of that humanity and christian charity which we in all duty owe one to the other, they brand all that do not join with them, with the charac- ters of enemies of the king and country, violators of all law and civil liberty, the malevolent disturbers of society, subverters of the established constitu- tion, and enemies to mankind. And as it appears by the said publication, that the same is recorded in the town book, notwithstanding the many asper- sions it contains against the people of this town, and without the liberty or knowledge of the town ; therefore, ' Voted, that the town clerk do, in presence of the town, obliterate, erase, or otherwise deface the said recorded protest, and the names thereto sub-: scribed, so that it may become utterly illegible and unintelligible. ' Voted, that the method taken by the leaders, in protesting, and procuring a very considerable number to sign the protest who are not voters in the town, we think was a piece of low cunning, to deceive the public, and make their party appear more numerous and formidable than it was in reality. ' Voted, that the signers of said protest, on some of whom the town has conferred many favors, and consequently might expect their kindest and beet services, be deemed unworthy of holding any town office or honor, until they have made satisfaction for their offence to the acceptance of the town, which ought to be made as public as the protest was. ' Voted, that as it is highly needful that those of the signers who have not 84 KESOLUTIONS. n [1774. made satisfaction as aforesaid, should be known in future : it is therefore ne- cessary that their names should be inserted as follows, viz. James I'utnam, Isaac Moore, Joshua Johnson, AVilliam Paine, John Walker. ' Voted, that the following admonition be given to the town clerk : ' Mr. Clark Chandler : Whereas, this town, at their annual meeting in March last, as well as for several years before, honored you by choosing you for their clerk, relying on your fidelity, that you would act for the honor of the town, and find themselves much disappointed, by your conduct in recording on the town book the scandalous protest of William Elder and others, filled with falsehood and reflections against the town, we have just reason to fear you was actuated in the matter by unjustifiable motives, and, at this time, exhort you to be more circumspect in the execution of [the duties of] your office, and never give this town the like trouble, of calling a town meeting again on such an occasion. The town wish to see your behavior such as may restore you to their former good opinion of you. ' Whereas, the committee of correspondence for this town willingly laid all their proceedings before the town, when requested, and it thereby appears, notwithstanding the ungenerous abuse heaped on them by the protesters, that they have acted with care, diligence and caution, therefore, voted, that the thanks of this town be given to the committee for their circumspection, and that they be directed to go on, with their [former] vigilance, in corresponding with the other committees of the several towns in this province.' These resolves were directed to be entered on record, and forwarded for pub- lication in the Massachusetts Gazette and Spy. They did not appear in the latter newsprint till Dec. 8. From an acknowledgment in the paper of Sept. 13, it appears that the recantation of forty-three of the protesters had been received by the publisher, the late Isaiah Thomas, but was not inserted for want of room, nor was it afterwards placed in his columns. In pursuance of this vote, the clerk, in open town meeting, and in the pres- ence of the inhabitants, blotted out the obnoxious record, and the work of the pen in defacing its own traces not being satisfactory, his fingers were dipped in ink and drawn over the protest. The pages still remain in the town book, so utterly illegible as to bear full testimony of the fidelity of the recording offi- cer, in the execution of the singular and unwelcome duty of expunging, thus imposed u])on him. The selectmen were appointed as a committee, to receive any articles of pro- visions the inhabitants should contribute, for the poor of the town of Boston. A committee ^ was raised, to offer the following covenant, for subscription, to the inhabitants of the town. ' As the distresses of the people loudly call on [all] inhabitants of this province, to use their utmost efforts to free themselves from that bondage in- 1 Aug. 22. Jonathan Stone, David Bancroft, Josiah Pierce, Jonathan Rice, David Chad- irick. 1774.] COVENANT AND OATH. 85 tended for them by the late acts of the British Parliament, and, as we appre- hend, nothing will better conduce to such purpose than the following agree- ment : we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, promise, we will not our- selves, or any for or under us, directly or indirectly, buy or cause to be bought, and as far as we are able by advice and command, will prevent our children or servants from buying any article, except drugs and medicines, that may be imported into this, or any other province or colony on this continent, that was manufactured, or came from Great Britain or Ireland, or that may come from thence to the West Indies, or any where else, that may be import- ed into this, or any other colony or province on the continent, from and after the first day of September next, nor buy any article made or brought as afore- said of any person whatsoever, who shall not be furnished with an oath, in writing, taken before a magistrate in the town where they dwell, or that next adjoining, that the articles shewn were bona fide imported before the said first day of September ; and we, in the same manner as aforesaid, for ourselves, our children and servants, promise we will not buy of any chapman or pedler any articles whatever. These promises and agreements we religiously prom- ise to observe, in a sacred manner, until the port of Boston shall be opened as usual, the troops withdrawn, the castle restored, all revenue acts annulled, all pensions to governors, judges, &c., cease, and in one word, until the liber- ties of this people are restored, and so secured that every one may have legal security for the safety of his person and property, and again feel, and be, in the full enjoyment of those blessings which we are entitled to as men, and those rights and privileges which the charter of this province gives us right to expect, demand and strive for. And to determine when this is done, the ma- jority of the signers then alive shall determine and be the judges.' This paper was not only subscribed, but a solemn oath for its performance was taken in the following form. ' In the presence of the Great God, that Being who liveth forever and ever, who knoweth the secrets of all hearts, we acknowledge that the agreement here subscribed is our free act, and solemnly swear that we will, by His grace assisting us, strictly perform the same, in its true and literal meaning, with- out any equivocation or mental reservation. So help us God.' Oct. 25, A committee of inspection ^ was elected, to examine, from time to time, the merchants and traders of the town, and prevent their offering for sale any goods imported or purchased contrary to the spirit and intent of the ' solemn league and covenant,' as it was styled. The system of coercive measures, adopted as vindictive expedients for the punishment of past misdemeanors and the suppression of future opposition, had roused the free spirit of the country into intense action. The practical operation of the celebrated bills, following each other in rapid succession, for the imposition of duties, closing the port of Boston, altering the charter, cre- 1 John Kelso, Nathan Baldwin, Ebenezer Lovell. 8* 86 MANDAMUS COUNSELLOBS. [1774. atinj? officers of t1ic crown independent of the people, transporting persons ac- cused for trial, prohibitinj; town meetings,^ and vesting the government of the province in the dependents of the king, aggravated the irritation and urged to acts of personal violence. The weight of public indignation fell on those appointed to offices under the new acts, and they were soon compelled to lay aside their obnoxious honors. Timothy Paine, Esq., liad received a commission as one of the mandamus counsellors. High as was the personal regard and respect for the purity of private character of this gentleman, it was controlled by the political feeling of a period of excitement, and measures were taken to compel his resignation of a post, which was unwelcome to himself, but which he dared not refuse, when declining' would have been construed as contempt of the authority of the king by whom it was conferred. The committee of correspondence sum- moned the friends of liberty in the neighboring towns to appear at Worces- ter, on the 22d of August. Companies, headed by their own officers, marched into the town in military order, but without arms, and formed in lines on the common before 7 o'clock of the morning. When leenforced by our own in- habitants the number exceeded three thousand men. A committee, of two or three persons from each company, was delegated to wait on Mr. Paine and demand his resignation as counsellor. The representatives proceeded to his residence, and easily effected their object. A declaration was prepared and subscribed by him, expressing his sense of obligation to his fellow citizens, reluctance to oppose their wishes, regret for having been qualified for the new office, and a solemn promise that he would never exercise its powers. The committee returned to their constituents, who had moved from the common and extended their lines through Main street, from the court house to the meeting house. The acknowledgment was considered satisfactory : but the confirmation was required in the presence of the whole body. A sub-com- mittee was commissioned to invite Mr. Paine's attendance. Requests from such a source were not to be declined, and he accompanied the gentlemen who delivered the message. The signers of the protest had been informed by the committee of corres- pondence, that apology for their opposition would be required from them. Forty three of them had met the evening previous to this visitation at the King's Arms tavern,^ and having subscribed an acknowledgment of error and repentance, and received an instrument purporting to restore them to favor, and ensuring protection, they had mixed in the crowd, unsuspicious of any act of insult. Tliosc who appeared, were collected by the revolutionary magistrates, and on the arrival of Mr. Paine, were escorted through the ranks, halting at every few paces to listen to the reading of their several confessions ' The provision was in the Regulating Bill, that no town meetings should be held with- out permission in writing from tlic governor or lieutenant governor, after August 1, 1774, except the annual meeting in March, for the election of municipal officers, and that in May, for the choice of representatives. Gordon, i. 250. » This tavern was then kept by Mrs. Sternes, with the royal arms as the sign. It stood on the site of tie Worcester House. 1774.] ALARM. 87 of political transgression. Having thus passed in review, and suffered some wanton outrage of feeling, in addition to the humiliation of the procession, they were dismissed. The objects of assembling being accomplished, the majority of the conven- tion disbanded and retired to their homes. A party of about five hundred, with the Worcester committee of correspondence, repaired to Rutland, to ask the resignation of Col. Murray, another of the new council. Before their arrival, they were joined by nearly a thousand men from the western towns. A committee visited his house, and being informed of his absence from home, reported the fact. This was voted unsatisfactory, and a most strict search was instituted. After convincing themselves of the truth of the representa- tion made by the family, they addressed a letter to Col. Murray, informing him that unless he published the resignation of his office in the Boston news- papers, before the 10th of September, they would wait on him again. Some of the royalists of Worcester, alarmed at these proceedings, and fear- ful of danger to themselves, when those who had been most respected were treated with indignity, retired to Stone House hill, within the boundary of Holden, with their arms, and made some additions to the natural defences of the situation they selected, which afterwards received the appellation of the Tory Fort. They carried such provisions as could conveniently be collected to this retreat, and derived some supplies from friends, expecting safety from concealment, rather than from capacity to resist storm or seige. They re- mained two or three weeks in their rocky fortress ; when their apprehensions had subsided, they returned. A band of the king's troops having made an excursion by night up the Mystic river, and carried off a quantity of gunpowder deposited in the arsenal in the northwest part of Charlestown, the intelligence spread rapidly through the country, and was magnified as it went, into a report, that the soldiers on the neck had slain the inhabitants, and that the fleet and army were firing on Boston. The effect was electric. The bells rang out from the spires, beacon fires flamed from the hills : alarm guns echoed through the villages, and the people rose spontaneously on the summons. It is stated in the prints of the day, that before the next sun went down, 6000 men from the county of Wor- cester were on their way to flght or fall with their countrymen, if need were ; and the venerable Dr. Stiles records in his diary, that the succeeding morning would have shone on an array of 30,000 men, concentrated at the point of supposed danger, had not their movements been countermanded. The alarm reached Worcesterin the afternoon. The committee of correspondence imme- diately despatched messengers with warrants to the military to assemble. The early part of the night was spent in changing pewter platters and leaden window frames into musket bullets, and in preparation for immediate engage- ment. As soon as these arrangements could be completed, a large company marched, and reached Shrewsbury, before the return of messengers from Bos- ton assured them their further advance was unnecessary. It has been supposed the occasion had been seized to try the temper of the people, and ascertain the extent and strength of the resolution of resistance. 88 counxs suspExnED. conaextiox. [1774. Tlie lii'^hways, thronged with citizens bearing such weapons as the enthusiasm of the hour supplied, are described as presenting scenes the counterparts to the display of the military establishment of the Dutch dynasty of New York, 8o in-cniously delineated by its faithful annalist. ' There came men without oflirers and officers without men, long fowling pieces and short blunderbusses, muskets of all sorts and sizes, some without locks, others without stocks, and many without lock, stock, or barrel ; cartridge boxes, shot belts, powder horns, swords, hatchets, snickersees, crow bars, and broom sticks, all mingled togeth- er.' Yet such was the spirit animating the community, that men who had never seen the tents of the enemy, left the plough in the furrow and the sickle in the iuirvest, and went out, without discipline, equipments, or munitions, to encounter the trained veterans of foreign lands. Ample evidence was afford- ed of stern determination to meet even the terrible appeal to war, and a pledge was given of the support every town might hope from its neighbors, in ex- tremity. One beneficial result from this excitement, was the admonition of the neces- sity of better preparation for the result which it was now apparent was hasten- ing. On the 4th of July, the Political society had subscribed to purchase two pounds of gunpowder for each of its members : and, in August, had voted a covenant for the signature of each citizen, to bind him to provide arms and ammunition. The company of minute men were enrolled, under the command of Capt. Timothy Bigelow, and met, each evening, after the labors of the day were past, for drill and martial exercise. Muskets were procured for their armament from Boston. Four cannon were purchased by the town, secretly conveyed out of the metropolis,^ and mounted at an expense of £38. A train of artillery was organized under Capt. Edward Crafts. The purity of the administration of justice having been corrupted by the act of Parliament, it was resolved that its tribunals should be suspended. A body of about six thousand men assembled, on the invitation of the commit- tee of correspondence, on the 6th of September, and blocked up the passage to the Court House. The Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas were compelled to make a declaration in writing, that they would not attempt to exercise their authority, or appear officially, in opposition to the will of the people. The Court, thus interrupted, never resumed the exercise of its functions. A term was commenced, but immediately adjourned, without transactmg business. No trials Avere had, or judgments rendered, until July, 1776, when the courts were again opened under the new government. A convention of all the committees of correspondence, was held in Wor- cester, on the 21st day of September. This assembly assumed legislative powers, and in the interregnum of royal prerogative and constitutional authority, its orders were obeyed as laws. The first object which engaged the attention of this county congress, in J £2123. lOil. wcro voted to Mr. Jonathan Rice, for his trouble and expenses in getting these cannon out of Boston ; £2 to .Jonathan Stone for similar services : to Edward Knight, £1 C>). H<1 ; and to William Dana and Samuel Whitney, XI 133. -Id. each, for transportation from Brookline. 1774.] COUNTY CONVENTION. 89 considering the situation of public affairs, and devising measures for the com- mon safety, was the organization of the militia. It was voted and recom- mended, that all subordinate officers surrender up the commissions given by the royal governors, to their colonels, and those of higher rank publish their resignations in the newspapers. A new arrangement of the military force was directed to be made, by division into regiments : the first, to include Worces- ter, Leicester, Holden, Spencer and Paxton ; the primary elections of com- pany officers to be made by the soldiers : and those who should be chosen in this manner, to meet and desigaate the regimental staff. One third of the men, able to do duty, between the ages of eighteen and sixty, were to be en- rolled, formed into companies, and be ready to march at a minute^ s warning, and committees were to be elected to supply their wants should they be called to service. A standing committee of correspondence of the convention was formed, by the union of the committees of Worcester and Leicester, and the addition of Thomas Denny, Joseph Henshaw, and Joshua Bigelow, and authorized to call meetings, communicate with towns in the county, and persons abroad, and present subjects for consideration. Civil officers holding commissions in June, were directed to continue in the discharge of their duties, excepting Timothy Ruggles, John Murray, and James Putnam. It was voted, ' as the opinion of this body, that the sheriff do adjourn the Superior Court to be held this day, and that he retain such as are or may be committed as criminals in his custody, until they have a trial.' ' Resolved : That as the ordinary courts of justice will be stayed, in conse- quence of the late arbitrary and oppressive acts of the British parliament, we would earnestly recommend to every inhabitant of this county, to pay his just debts as soon as possible, without dispute or litigation ; and if any disputes concerning debts or trespasses should arise, which cannot be settled by the parties, we recommend it to them, to submit all such causes to arbitration ; and if the parties, or either of them, shall refuse to do so, they ought to be considered as cooperating with the enemies of the country.' It was recommended to the several towns, to instruct their representatives, to refuse to be sworn by any officers except such as were constitutionally appointed : to decline acting with any others not conforming to the charter : and not to attend at Boston, while garrisoned with troops and invested by fleets : but should any thing prevent their acting with a governor and council appointed according to the charter, to repair to the town of Concord, and there join in a provincial Congress. The towns were requested to provide and mount field pieces, obtain proper ammunition, and put themselves in a posture of defence. Sheriff Chandler^ had presented an address from the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, at its June session, congratulating Gen. Gage on his appointment as first 1 The Court appointed Hon. Timothy Ruggles, John Chandler, Esq., James Putnam, Abel AVillard, and Gardner Chandler, Esq'rs. to wait upon His Excellency Gen. Gage, and present this Address. It was deliyered however by the SherifiF. 90 BHERIFF CHANDLtK. [1774. magistrate of the province, lamenting the disturbed condition of the times, bearing testimony against all riots, combinations, and unwarrantable resolves ; denouncing tlic circulation of inflammatory papers by order of certain persons, calling themselves a committee of correspondence for the town of Worcester, which they represent as stimulating the people to break off all connections with Great Britain, and having a tendency to alienate the aff'ections of the people from the mother country, and to create discord and confusion ; con- cluding with the assurance of their exertions to discountenance such pro- ceedings, to support the execution of the laws, and render the administration successful and prosperous. The convention voted, ' to take 'notice of Mr. Sheriff" Chandler, for carrying an address to Gov. Gage,' and appointed a com- mittee to wait on him and require his attendance. That gentleman presented himself before this remarkable body, whose jurisdiction seemed supreme, and with some hesitation subscribed the following declaration. ' Whereas, the convention of committees have expressed their uneasiness to the sheriff of this county, now present before them, for presenting, with others, an address to Gov. Gage, he frankly declares it was precipitately done by him : that he is sorry for it, and disclaims an intention to do anything against the minds of the inhabitants of this county ; and had he known it would have given offence, he would not have presented that address. Gardner Chandler.' A copy of the resolves of the convention, certified by the clerk, Col. ^Yil- liam Henshaw, was published in the Massachusetts Spy.^ Resolutions adopted at an earlier session were copied into the London Jour- nals, as evidence of the feelings of the people. The editor subjoined the significant inquiries, ' doth this look like submission ? doth it carry the faco of acquiescence ? ' The royalist party had long before been prostrated in this town. IVIost of the protesters had been induced to make submission. Some who refused, were waylaid and cruelly beaten. A few remained obstinate, and finally retired into exile. Others, unable to separate themselves from their friends and country, and to sacrifice all they held dear, were persecuted into com- pliance with the public will, and at length purchased safety for person and property by soliciting forgiveness in terms more humiliating in proportion to 1 From the Massachusetts Spy of Sept. 15. ' We have received from Worcester, the recantation of John Chandler, Esq., and forty two others of the protesters against the pro- ceedings of that town, which gave such just cause of offence to the public ; as also the acknowledgment of six justices of that county, for having aspersed the people in an address to (Jen. Gage. Want of room prevents their being inserted in this paper.' These recantations were extorted by a force too powerful to admit of refusal. Resist- ance would have been martyrdom. Some of the confessions, published in the prints of the day, are expressed with ludi- crous energy. For example : ' Whereas, I, the subscriber, signed an address to the late Gov Hutchinson, I wish the Devil had had said address before I had seen it. Marblehead, Oct. 2-1, 1774. John Prentice.' 1774.] ROYALIST SUBMISSIONS. 91 the time it was deferred. The records of the town afford a specimen, Oct. 5, 1774, of the self abasement of these tardy 'recantations.' ' To the inhabitants of the town of Worcester : Gentlemen: Whereas, I, the subscriber, with a number of others, signed a protest, against the proceed- ings of the town, and the same was published in the Boston Gazette of June last, Avherein the inhabitants were unjustly reflected upon in general, and also the whole body of committees of correspondence throughout this whole prov- ince, for which I am heartily sorry, and ask the forgiveness of all the inhabi- tants of the town, and the justly offended public, and also for any other offence that I may have given by any means, whether in word or action. I heartily request your acceptance of this sincere acknowledgment, and that if either of the inhabitants hath any other charge against mc, for any particular of my conduct, that he would make it known, that I may have an opportuni- ty of giving christian satisfaction, which I ever shall stand ready to afford. Witness my hand. William Campbell.' Joshua Bigelow was elected, Oct. 4, representative to the General Court, to be held in Salem, and Timothy Bigelow delegate to the provincial Congress, to assemble at Concord. The former was directed, not to recede from the most rigid virtue in recovering and defending the rights and liberties of the people ; to refuse to be sworn by any officer not appointed according to the charter, or to act with any branch of the legislature not constituted and sup- ported in conformity with its provisions : to decline attending in Boston, while it should be invested with armies and fleets ; and if prevented from acting with a constitutional Governor and Council, to repair to Concord, and join the provincial Congress. The instructions to the latter, require, that he should endeavor, in the most peaceable manner, to obtain redress of grievan- ces ; to procure the opening of the port of Boston ; restoration of free trade ; removal of the king's troops ; resignation of the command of the fortress at the south end of Boston ; prohibition from erecting entrenchments by the royal forces ; restitution of the military stores forcibly taken from the arse- nals and magazines ; the resignation of the mandamus counsellors, or their impeachment as traitors : the mission of an agent to Canada to treat with its inhabitants, and express grateful recognition of friendly donations ; and the appointment of a commander-in-chief for the whole militia. Strict obser- vance of the advice of the Continental Congress was enjoined. It is said, ' If all infractions of our rights, by acts of the British Parlia- ment, be not redressed, and we restored to the full enjoyment of all our priv- ileges, contained in the charter of this province, granted by their late majes- ties, King William and Queen Mary, to a punctilio, before the day of your meeting, then, and in that case, you are to consider the people of this prov- ince as absolved, on their part, from the obligation therein contained, and to all intents and purposes reduced to a state of nature ; and you are to exert yourself in devising ways and means to raise from the dissolution of the old constitution, as from the ashes of the Phenir a new form, wherein all oflncer" 92 INST11UCTI0N8. [17 74. shall be dependent on the suffrages of the people for their existence as such, whatever unfavorable constructions our enemies may put upon such procedure. The exigency of our public affairs leaves us no other alternative from a state of anarchy or slavery.' ^ A more explicit declaration of independence can scarcely be found in the splendid document, which in 1776, in more glowing words proclaimed the dissolution of all ties of colonial relation. Gov. Ga^^e, alarmed by the spirit of the instructions, and the stormy aspect of the times, issued his proclamation, Sept. 28, declaring, that it was expedi- ent, the session of the General Court summoned for the fifth of October, should not then be held ; discharging the members from attendance at that time ; and announcing his intention not to meet the assembly. The current of popular feeling was not thus to be diverted. The representatives elect convened at Salem, resolved themselves into a provincial Congress, elected John Hancock, President, and Benjamin Lincoln, Secretary, and immediately adjourned to Concord. The Committee of Worcester county waited on Gen. Gage, Oct. 20, and presented a well-written remonstrance against the oppressive acts of the min- istry, to which, they say, ' this people are determined, by the Divine favor, never to submit, but with their lives.' The military governor returned a very brief and unsatisfactory answer. The patriotic resistance of invasions of liberty was not confined to munici- pal corporations or general assemblies of citizens. The fervid enthusiasm, pervading the whole fabric of society, manifested itself in varied forms. Meetings of artisans and craftsmen, as distinct bodies, were held, and spirited resolutions adopted. One specimen, selected from many, will afford example of their proceedings. A convention of the Blacksmiths of the County, was held at Worcester, Sept. 8, and continued by adjournment to Nov. 8, 1774. Ross Wyman, of Shrewsbury, presided, and Timothy Bigelow, of Worcester, was clerk. The result of their session, subscribed by forty three members, was widely distrib- uted in handbills. It was as follows : ' Whereas, at a meeting of the delegates from the counties of Worcester, Middlesex and Essex, with the committee of correspondence of the town of Boston, in behalf of the county of Suffolk, holden at Boston, the 2Gth day of August, 1774, it was resolved: That all such officers or private persons as have given sufficient proof of their enmity to the people and constitution of this country, should be held in contempt, and that those who are connected with them ought to separate from them ; laborers to shun their vineyards, merchants, husbandmen and others to withhold their commerce and supplies : ' In compliance, therefore, to a resolution of so respectable a body as afore- said, so reasonable in its contents, and so necessary at this distressing day of 1 These instructions were reporteil by Daviil Bancroft, Jonathan Stone, Nathan Baldwin and Stephen Salisburj. They have been printed at length in the appendix to the address of the Hon. John Davis, at the dedication of the town hall, 1825. 1774.] blacksmiths' convention. 93 trial, we, the subscribers, being deeply impressed with a sense of our duty to our country, paternal affection for our children and unborn millions, as also for our personal rights and liberties, solemnly covenant, agree and engage, to and with each other, that from and after the first day of December, 1774, we will not, according to the best of our knowledge, any or either of us, nor any person by our direction, order, or approbation, for cr under any or either of us, do or perform any Blacksmith's work, or business of any kind whatever, for any person or persons whom we esteem enemies to this country, commonly known by the name of tories, viz. all counsellors in this province appointed by mandamus, who have not publicly resigned said office, also every person who addressed governor Hutchinson at his departure from this province, who has not publicly recanted, also every officer exercising authority by virtue of any commission they hold tending to carry any of the late oppressive acts of parliament into execution in America; and in particular, we will not do any work for Tim. lluggles of Hardwick, John Murray of Rutland, and James Putnam of Worcester, Esq'rs ; nor for any person or persons cultivating, till- ing, improving, dressing, hiring or occupying any of their lands or tenements. Also we agree to refuse our work of every kind as aforesaid, to all and every person or persons, who shall not have signed the non-consumption agreement, or have entered into a similar contract or engagement, or that shall not strict- ly conform to the association or covenant agreed upon and signed by the Con- tinental Congress lately convened at Philadelphia. ' AVe further agree, that we will not do any work for any mechanic, tradesman, laborer, or others, that shall work for, or in any ways or by any means whatever, aid, assist, or promote the business, or pecuniary advantage, pleasures, or profits of any of the said enemies to this country. ' Resolved, That all lawful ways and means ought to be adopted by the whole body of the people of this province, to discountenance all our inveter- ate political enemies in manner as aforesaid. Therefore, we earnestly recom- mend it to all denominations of artificers, that they call meetings of their res- pective craftsmen in their several counties, as soon as may be, and enter into associations and agreements for said purposes, and that all husbandmen, laborers, &c. do the like : And that whoever shall be guilty of any breach of any or either of the articles or agreements, be held by us in contempt, as ene- mies to our common rights.' A volume might be collected from the instructions, resolutions, memorials, and addresses spread on the records of the town, and scattered through the documents of its committees, conventions, and political associations. The same decision, intelligence, and independence, woven into the papers which have been copied, were continually embodied in language, always forcible and energetic, usually simple and correct, often eloquent and elegant. Many of the productions of later periods were marked by distinguished ability. It is only possible to select a small portion from the great mass of materials : the omissions are less to be regretted, as action soon gave stronger illustration of feeling, than could be derived from written declarations. In the primary 9 94 DErOSITE OF STOHES. [1774. movements of the revolution, Worcester was the central point from which animating influences were diffused over the surrounding country. If the first impulses were derived from the metropolis of the state, the motion was com- municated and wonderfully accelerated by the vigorous exertion of the capital of the county. If the impressions made by that capital on her neighbors, were less distinct during the progress, than at the commencement of the strug- gle, it was not because the flame of patriotism burned less bright, but that the most ardent of her citizens laid down the pen to take up the sword, and the efforts to produce union and excite resolution in the assemblies of the peo])lc, were exchanged for demonstrations of their practical effects in the camp and on the battle field. Towards the close of the year, efforts were made to establish a depot of provisions and munitions of war, at Worcester. Beef, pork, grain, and flour, were collected from the inhabitants, and probably from other sources, as sub- scriptions for the purpose were made by some of the patriotic leaders in Bos- ton. A quantity of lead was obtained, and some of the committee of corres- pondence exhibited so much zeal, as to solicit the gift of the broad pewter platters of family use, to be converted into bullets. As compared with the collections which gave to Concord the glory of the visit of the British troops, on the nineteenth of April following, the deposites here were very incon- siderable. CHAPTER VII. 1775 to 1783. American Revolution. Preparations for war. Instructions, 1775. Sur- vey of British officers. Commencement of hostilities. Alarm of April 19. March of minute men. Tories disarmed. Memorial of officers. Royalist confessions. Clark Chandler. British prisoners. Poor of Boston. Military requisitions. Fourth of July, 1776. Regulation of prices. Detail of levies of troops, contributions, exertions, and proceedings, during the war. County conventions. Constitution. Excise. Peace restored. Proceedings as to refugees. On the commencement of the year 1775, was a period of intense interest. The difficulties between the mother country and the colonies were fast hasten- ing to a decision by the appeal to battle. The whigs, who might at the outset hive been contented with the redress of grievances, and by reasonable con- cessions, now looked forward to the accomplishment of independence. The royalists, driven by the course of events into a position from which they could not recede, were separated from their countrymen. The inflexible persever- ance of the ministry left no hope of conciliation. The language of modera- tion was still on the lips of men, but stern determination in their hearts. It was like the pause on the eve of fight, when the signal for engagement is im- patiently awaited. Preparations for the conflict were actively, though silently made. In Jan- uary, 1775, it was recommended to the company of minute men, to exercise 1775.] INSTKUCTIONS. 95 frequently and perfect themselves in discipline, and payment was promised for their services. Efforts were strenuously made to procure a supply of arms and munitions. The collectors of taxes were instructed, as all public moneys ought to be appropriated for the greatest benefit, and the Provincial Congress had appointed Henry Gardiner, Esq. receiver general, to pay over to him all sums which might come to their hands from assessments, and it was voted, to idemnify them from the consequences of obedience to this injunction. A committee of inspection was elected, to carry into direct execution the resolves of the Continental Congress against the consumption of teas and the importation of foreign goods. The instructions ^ to Timothy Bigelow, reelected delegate to the Provincial Congress, attest the reluctance which was felt to become aggressors. After commenting on the violations of rights, and soliciting ' the advice of the gen- eral Congress, as to what measures are most proper for the province to adopt respecting civil government, which at this day we are deprived of,' they say, ' and we determine to rest quietly in this situation, however perplexing, agree- ably to the recommendation of our late Continental Congress, until the opera- tion of their petition to his majesty be known : excepting the commencement of hostilities against us, should require the adopting a form of civil gov- ernment for the defence of our lives and property. And under such exigency, you are to conduct yourself accordingly, and endeavor that the best form pos- sible be adopted, for the support of good order and the liberties of the people, which, we think, make every servant of the public dependent upon the suffra- ges of the people for their authority.' The severity of the winter prevented any movements of the British troops from Boston, to repress the revolutionary spirit manifesting itself in military arrangements, as well as in municipal resolutions. Preparations were, how- ever, made for the march of the forces, in the spring, into the counties of Worcester and Middlesex, to inflict vengeance on those styled rebels. Capt. Brown of the 53d, and Ensign De Bernicre, of the 10th regiment, were ordered by Gen. Gage, to make an expedition, examine the roads, note the distances from town to town, sketch the positions of the streams, heights, passes, and posts, and collect such topographical information as would be use- ful for the advance of a detachment. The report of their journey, made by the latter officer, was found after the evacuation of the metropolis." They left Boston disguised as countrymen, without uniform, and passed through Cambridge, Watertown, and by Framingham, to Shrewsbury, on the old road. The following is the account of their visit in Worcester. ' We came into a pass, about four miles from Worcester, where we were oblig'-d to stop to sketch. We arrived at Worcester at five o'clock in the evL-aing, very much fatigued : the people in the town did not take notice of us as we came in, so that we got safe to Mr. Jones' tavern : * on our entrance 1 Reported by Nathan Baldwiu and Jonathan Stone, Jan. 24, 1775. 2 This paper was iirst printed in 1779, and republished in 2 Mass. Hist. Col. iv. 204. '^ A few rods south of the Old South Church. 96 SURVEY BY BRITISH OFFICERS. [1775. he seemed a little sour, but it wore off by degrees, and we found him to be our friond, which made us very happy : we dined and supped without any thin^' happening out of tlie common run. The next day being Sunday, wo couUl not think of travelling, as it was contrary to the custom of the country : nor dare we stir out until the evening, because of meeting : and nobody is allowed to walk the streets, during divine service, without being taken up and examined : so that, thinking we could not stand the examination so well, we thoufrht it prudent to stay at home, where we wrote and corrected our sketches. The landlord was very attentive to us, and on our asking what he could give us for breakfast, he told us, tea, or any thing else we chose ; that was an open confession what he was : but for fear he might be imprudent, we did not tell him who we were, though we were certain he knew it. In the evening, we went round the town, and on all the hills that command it, sketched every thing we desired, and returned to the town without being seen. That evening about eight o'clock, the landlord came in and told us there were two gentlemen who wanted to speak with us. We asked him who they were ? On which he said, we would be safe in their company : we said we did not doubt that, as we hoped two gentlemen, who travelled merely to see the country and stretch our limbs, as we had lately come from sea, could not meet with any thing else but civility, when we behaved ourselves prop- erly, lie told us ho would come in again in a little time, and perhaps wc would change our minds, and left us. An hour after, he returned, and told us the gentlemen were gone, but had begged him to let us know, as they knew us to be officers of the army, that all their friends of government at Petersham were disarmed by the rebels, and that they threatened to do the same at Worcester in a very little time: he sat and talked politics, and drank a bottle of wine with us ; and also told us, that none but a few friends to government knew we were in town : we said, it was very indifferent to us whether they did or not, though we thought very differently : however, as we imagined we had staid long enough in that town, we resolved to set off at day break the next morning, and get to Framingham. Accordingly, off we set, after getting some roast beef and brandy from our landlord, which was very necessary on a long march, and prevented us going into houses where, perhaps, they might be too inquisitive. Wo took a road we had not come, and that led us to the pass four miles from Worcester. We went on unobserved by any one, until we passed Shrewsbury, when we were overtaken by a horse- man, who examined us very attentively, and especially me, whom he looked at from head to foot, as if he wanted to know me again : after he had taken his observations, he rode off pretty hard, and took the Marlborough road, but, by good luck, we took the Framingham road again, to be more perfect in it, as we thought it would be the one made use of.' The horseman was Capt. Timothy Bigelow, sent by the committee of cor- respondence to observe the officers, whose martial bearing, notwithstanding their caution and disguise, betrayed their military character. Having follow- ed the Framingham road to its intersection with the highway through Sudbury, 1775.] MARCH OF MINUTE MEN. 97 they turned back to Marlborough. There they were in great danger of being seized and detained ; but, by the aid of the friends of government, they es- caped and reached Boston in safety. Soon after, they explored the road to Concord and the country round. It was, unquestionably, the purpose of Gen. Gage, to have marched troops to Worcester, to capture the stores reported to be collected here in great quan- tities, although really inconsiderable in amount. A plan of the village, with the outline of military works, and notes indicating the position of two regi- ments, was seen by a citizen of the town, ^ among the papers left by the Brit- ish after the evacuation. Possibly it might have been proposed to canton a part of the army in the interior. Whatever disposition of troops had been contemplated, the result of the April movements prevented the execution. In March, the company of minute men were directed to train half a day in each week ; payment of one shilling was allowed to each for this service, and a penalty provided, equal in amount, for absence. This company had met al- most daily for months. When the weather permitted, they paraded on the common, or occupied the streets. In the storms of winter they were drilled in some hall. Under the instruction of Capt. Bigelow, they had attained great proficiency in military science, and when afterwards mustered at Cam- bridge, received commendations from the superior officers, for good discipline and celerity of evolution. Captain Bigelow was soon promoted, and was suc- ceeded in the command by Lieutenant Hubbard. When new enlistments were made, this company was virtually disbanded, although the men served in the new corps which were formed. Their services were soon to be required for the defence of the country. Be- fore noon, on the 19th of April, an express came to the town, shouting, as he passed through the street at full speed, ' to arms ! to arms ! the war is begun ! ' His white horse, bloody with spurring, and dripping with sweat, fell exhaust- ed by the church. Another was instantly procured, and the tidings went on. ^ The bell rang out the alarm, cannon were fired, and messengers sent to every part of the town to collect the soldiery. As the news spread, the implements of husbandry were thrown by in the field, and the citizens left their homes with no longer delay than to seize their arms. In a short time the minute men were paraded on the green, under Capt, Timothy Bigelow ; after fervent prayer by the Rev. Mr. Maccarty, they took up the line of march. They were soon followed by as many of the train bands as could be gathered, under Capt. Benjamin Flagg. On that day, 110 men marched from the town of "Worcester for Concord. Intelligence of the retreat of the enemy, met them after they advanced, and they turned towards Boston. When Capt. Bigelow 1 The late Isaiah Thomas. An extensive encampment, with a fortress, was projected on Chandler hill, the eminence commanding the town on the east. ^ The passage of the messenger of war, mounted on his white steed, and gathering the population to battle, made vivid impression on memory. The tradition of his appearance is preserved in many of our villages. In the animated description of the aged, it seems like the representation of death on the pale horse, careering through the land, with his terrific summons to the grave. 9* 98 MINUTE MEN AND MILITIA. [1775. reached the ancient Howe tavern, in Sudbury, he halted to rest his men. Capt. Benjamin Fhigg, who had commenced his march an hour or two h\ter, came up, and insisting on pushing forward without loss of time, both officers moved on to Cambridge. The rolls of these soldiers of patriotism have fortunately been preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, where they were returned in compliance with a resolution of the Provincial Congress.^ The organization of the army which had spontaneously collected at Cam- bridge, was immediately made. Timothy Bigelow was appointed Major in Col. Jonathan Ward's regiment. A company of fifty-nine men, enlisted on the 24th of April, under Capt. Jonas Hubbard, with John Smith and William Gates, lieutenants, all from Worcester. Seventeen other soldiers joined the companies of Capts. Washburn, Fay and Jones, in Cols. Ward's and Doolittle's regiments of infantry. About twenty more were enrolled in the regiment of artillery under Col. 1 • Muster roll of a company of minute and militia men, which marched from the town of Worcester to Cambridge, on the alarm, April 19, 177o, under the command of Capt. Timothy Bigelow, in the regiment of which Artemas Ward, Esq., was Colonel.' Timothy Bigelow, captain; Jonas Hubbard, John Smith, lieutenants; William Gates, Nathaniel Harrington, John Kannaday, William Dana, Serjeants ; John Pierce, Cyprian Stevens, Joel Smith, Nathaniel Heywood, corporals ; Eli Putnam, drummer ; John Hair, Joseph Pierce, lifers. Peter Boyden, John Hall. Joseph Ball, Daniel Willington, Benjamin Bennet, Artemas Knight, Jonathan Stone, William Curtis, David Chadwick, John Knower, Samuel AVesson, William Treadwell, Eli Chapin, Ephraim Miller, Thomas Nichols, Edward Swan, Philip Donchue, William Miles, Thomas Knight, Joseph Curtis, Joseph Miller, Samuel Cook, Samuel Harrington, Samuel Dunham, Thomas Lynde, Asa Ward, Joseph Cunningham, Elisha Fuller, Joshua Harrington, John Totman, Robert Crawford, Joseph Thorp, Moses Hamilton, George Walker, Samuel Bennett, Thomas Drury, Samuel Hemmenway, Samuel Brown, Adam Hemmenway, Josiah Perry. Benjamin Estabrook, Joseph Morse, Josiah Flapg, Phineas Flagg, Nathaniel Flagg, Josiah Gates, Thomas Gates, Jonathan Gleason, James Taylor, William Griggs, Gideon Griggs, Edward Hair, Asa Harrington, 'Muster Roll of April 19, 1775. Benjamin Flagg Daniel Beard, Benj Eleazer ndbrook, Isaac Morse, Abel Ho'.brook, Jacob Holmes, Jr., Simeon Duncan, Samuel Clark, Eleazer Hawes, Jonas Nichols, Josiah Pierce, Solomon Smith, Ithamar Smith, Phinehas Ward, Ebenezer Wiswall, James Wiser, Daniel Haven, William Trowbridge, William Walker, John Cole, Nicholas Powers, Capt. Benjamin Flagg's company, in the Colony service, on the alarm, , captain ; William McFarland, lieutenant ; amin Flagg, Jr., Serjeants. Isaac Glea.son, Robert Smith, Samuel Sturtevant, Daniel Stearns, Edward Crafts, Sanuiel Gates, David Richards, Oershom Holmes, Simon Gates, Isaac Knight, Ezekiel Howe, Jr. Abel Flagg. Levi Houghton, Ebenezer Lovell, ensign ; Samuel Whitney, Benjamin Whitney, Jr. Josiah Harrington, Jr. Samuel Whitney, Jr. Jonathan Stone, Oliver Pierce. 1775.] KOTALISTS DISARMED. 99 Thomas Crafts ; Edward Crafts served with the rank of captain ; William Dana and William Treadwell were lieutenants in his company. While the military strength of the town was arrayed in arms against the troops of the king, the committee of correspondence were dealing with the internal enemies of the country. On the intelligence of the commencement of the war, many of the protesters abandoned their families, their homes and possessions, and took refuge in Boston. Those who remained were summon- ed before the revolutionary tribunal, on the 21st of April, and were compelled to give assurances that they would not go out of the town without permission from the selectmen. On the 8th of May, Mr. William Campbell, charged with a violation of this agreement, and Mr. Samuel Paine, accused of circu- lating reports injurious to the honor of the provincial army, were arrested, and sent under guard to the Congress, at Watertown, by order of the town. An opportunity was offered to the royalists of redeeming their character by joining the American troops, ' under penalty of being considered unworthy of the future confidence of their countrymen, and willing to join an unlawful ban- ditti, to murder and ravage.' As the proposal was not complied with, the com- mittee issued their precept to the sheriff, to notify twenty-nine persons to ap- pear before them Avith their muskets and ammunition. The order was obey- ed, and the remains of the party thus summoned, were disarmed, and then permitted to retire. The negroes of Bristol and Worcester having petitioned the committee of correspondence of the latter county, to assist them in obtaining their freedom, it was resolved, in a convention held at Worcester, June 14, ' That we abhor the enslaving of any of the human race, and particularly of the negroes in this country, and that whenever there shall be a door opened, or opportunity present for anything to be done towards the emancipation of the negroes, we will use our influence and endeavor that such a thing may be brought about.' In Sej tember, 1775,^ the company from Worcester, stationed at Dorchester, with the officers of Col. W'ard's regiment, presented to the General Assembly at Watertown, a remonstrance against indulgences to the royalists, represent- ing, ' that as some of these vermin, or worse, emissaries of tyranny, are crawl- ing out of Boston to their forfeited seats in W^orcester, there is reason to sus- pect, that either their expectations fail, and therefore they would gladly return to their former seats and profits, until a more favorable opportunity presents to carry their evil machinations into execution, or, they are contriving, by de- grees, to slide back to their seats, and there to avail themselves of the good opinion of the people, in order to play their parts, to divide and subdivide, or by some method Aveaken our union, or to form some diabolical plan for the ministry to save the supremacy of parliament, under some soft, sophistical, reconciliatory terms. 'Wherefore, we, your humble memorialists, entreat your honors not to suf- fer any of those who return, however humble and penitent they may appear, to go at large, or return to their former seats, or even to be so far favored as iMass. Spy, Oct. 20, 1775. 100 OFFICEES' MEMORIAL. [1775. to be confined within the limits of Worcester, but treat them as they deserve, enemies in a supcrhitivc degree ; confine them close, and render them incapa- ble of doin;^ harm ; or return them to Boston, their favorite asylum.' The refugees in Boston addressed Gen. Gage, on his departure from the cap- ital, in respectful terms. Among the subscribers of the paper presented, were some who had been among the most distinguished citizens of Worcester.^ The dealings of the committee of correspondence with those who had in- curred the displeasure of the patriotic, were of no gentle character. One gentleman, having expressed censure of the doings of the revolutionary bodies, was compelled to make atonement. Having been summoned to ap- pear for an investigation of his conduct, at its conclusion, he was requested to affix his signature to a paper prepared for the purpose, afterwards printed in the Spy. The proposal could not be resisted, and the following humiliating ' confession,' as it was termed, was subscribed, Aug, 21, 1775. 'Whereas I, the subscriber, have from the perverseness of my wicked heart, maliciously and scandalously abused the characters and proceedings of the Continental and Provincial Congresses, the selectmen of the town, and the committees of correspondence in general: ' I do hereby declare, that at the time of my doing i% I knew the said abus- es to be the most scandalous falsehoods, and that I did it for the sole purpose of abusing those bodies of men, and affronting my townsmen, and all the friends of liberty throughout the continent ; being now fully sensible of my wickedness and notorious falsehoods, humbly beg pardon of those worthy characters I have so scandalously abused, and of my countrymen in general, and desire this confession of mine may be printed in the American Oracle of Liberty, for three weeks successively.' Having read this declaration of political sin in public, at the meeting house and in the streets, and paid the expenses for printing, the confessor was liber- ated, and immediately fled to seek asylum from such administration of justice. Mr. Clark Chandler had left Worcester in June, and reached Boston by way of Newport. After a voyage to Nova Scotia and a journey to Canada, he returned in September, and directly surrendered himself and was com- mitted as a prisoner to the common jail, by order of the committee, on sus- picion of having held intercourse with the enemy. His health becoming impaired by confinement, he petitioned the committee, and the General Assembly, for liberation, under such restrictions as should be prescribed ; but without avail. The xxnwholesome air and privations of his situation, having brought on dangerous sickness, on the fifth of December, consent was obtained for his removal to his mother's house, sufficient bonds being filed, that he would not depart from his home, and on the recovery of health would await the orders of the municipal authority claiming power so absolute 1 Hon. John Chandler, Col. James Putnam, William Campbell, William Chandler, Samu- el Paine, James Putnam. Jr., Adam Walker, Nathaniel Chandler, were those who sub- scribed the address from Worcester. 1775.] MILITARY EXERTIONS. 101 over personal freedom : on the 15th of December, an order of council passed, granting him permission to reside in Lancaster, on furnishing security that he would not go out of the limits of that town. As an incident of the jurisdiction exercised by the committee, was the preservation of its own dignity. We find, in December, they had com- mitted to prison ' one John Holden,' a paper maker, for insolent behavior towards its members. The punishment of this contempt was confirmed by a resolve of the General Assembly, ordering his detention in jail, until farther directions from the Court. These facts are curious, as indicating how unlimited was the control of the little bodies, invested by the towns with the care of the public safety, and acknowledging no superior, except the Congress of the state or the continent. Early in May, 15 prisoners from the British army were sent to Worcester. During the residue of the year, the prison was crowded by the successes of of the American arms. The captives were enlarged on parol, when employ- ment could be obtained among the inhabitants, and provision was made for their support and clothing by the General Assembly. On the 1st of May, a resolve of the Continental Congress provided for the removal of the indigent inhabitants of Boston, estimated to number 5000, and their distribution among the towns of the interior. The proportion of Worcester county was 1633: Lancaster 103: Brookfield 99: Sutton 98 : Worcester 82. Difliculties arose about the removal to other towns, and not more than half the number assigned, were supported here. The selectmen were required to furnish the soldiers of the town with blankets, which were promptly delivered. June 15, a requisition was made upon the towns for fire arms and bayonets for the use of the army. The quota of Worcester county was 514: Wor- cester, 30. June 29, all of the towns in Worcester county were earnestly requested to deliver their powder to a committee, except a small quantity left for emer- gency. Worcester supplied three barrels, retaining only half a cask from its stock. Another requisition was made on the same day, for blankets, and for clothing for the men in the service. The two largest cannon owned by the town were delivered to the Board of War, in November, for the defence of Gloucester. In the autumn of 1775, that expedition against Quebec, alike memorable for boldness of conception, chivalrous daring of execution, and melancholy failure in its result, was projected. Among the volunteers, under the com- mand of Arnold, who engaged in the winter march through the wilderness, were Major Timothy Bigelow, Capt. Jonas Hubbard, and twelve soldiers from Worcester. In the attack on the strongest fortress of the north, on the 31st of December, Capt. Hubbard received a severe wound, beneath the ramparts of the lower town : refusing to be removed, he perished in the snow storm which raged with unusual violence : Serjeant Silas Wesson was slain : Tim- 102 AMKRIOAX EEVOLUTION. [1776. othy Rice, mortally wounded, died in the hospital : Major Bigelow and our other citizens were made prisoners, and remained in captivity until November of the following year, when they were liberated on parol, and afterwards exchanged. Civil government having ceased to exist in its usual form, and the operation of the judiciary being suspended, in January 1776, two persons were elected as magistrates,^ to exercise the powers of justices of the peace, for the pres- ervation of order and the punishment of crime. Subsequently, May 8, an officer was elected,- to take acknowledgments of debt, where the amount did not exceed twenty pounds. A requisition was made on the towns, at the request of Gen. Washington, for blankets. The quota of the county was 598 : Brookfield, 30 ; Sutton, 30 : Lancaster, 33 : Worcester, 27. Men were drafted for the reenforcement of the army investing Boston, in January, by the officers of the militia and the selectmen. Of 749 assigned to AVorcester county, there were levied in Worcester 32 : Brookfield 49 ; Lancaster 46 : Sutton 39 : Mendon 33. On the 23d of May, 'a motion was made, to see if the town would sup- port Independence, if it should be declared ; and it was voted unanimously, that if the Continental Congress should declare the American colonies independent of Great Britain, we will support the measure with our lives and fortunes.' A copy of this vote was transmitted to the representative,^ for his direction. A resolution of the General Court was passed June 25, in compliance with the request of the Continental Congress, to raise 5000 men to cooperate with the continental troops in Canada and New York. Worcester county was required to furnish 1136 men from the alarm and train band lists of the towns, to be formed into companies of 59, and embodied in two battalions destined for New York. The quota of Lancaster was 72 : Brookfield 69 : Sutton 67 : Worcester 56. The bounty allowed to each man was £3, with ISs. more for the use of arms and equipments furnished by each. It was voted to augment the bounty of the soldiers from this town to nine pounds, in addition to the allowance from the colony, and £486 were assessed for that purpose. On the 10th of July, a new order was passed by the General Court, for detaching every twenty fifth man on the train band and alarm list, exclusive of those already ordered to be raised, to form two regiments, in companies of 77 each, to support the army in the northern department. On Saturday, the fourteenth of July, 1776, the Declaration of Independ- ence was received. This instrument, the eloquent echo of sentiments as boldly expressed, in less splendid form, from almost every village of New England, long before they were promulgated in that paper which has been reverenced as the Magna Charta of Freedom, was hailed with enthusiasm. It was first publicly read, by the late Isaiah Thomas, from the porch of the old south meeting house, to the assembled crowd. On Sunday, after divine » Samuel Curtis, William Young. 2 Nathan Baldwin. » David Bancroft. 1776.] CELEBEATIOTf Or INDEPENDENCE. 103 service, it was read in the church. Measures having been adopted for a cel- ebration of the event which separated the colonies from the mother country, with formal solemnity, on Monday following, the earliest festive commem- oration of the occasion, since hallowed as the national anniversary, took place. The following account of the ceremonies is from the Spy. The homely style of the sentiments, furnishes curious contrast with the elaborate exercise of more modern times. ' On Monday last, a number of patriotic gentlemen of this town, animated with a love of their country, and to show their approbation of the measures lately taken by the Grand Council of America, assembled on the green, near the liberty pole, Avhere, after having displayed the colors of the thirteen con- federate colonies of America, the bells were set ringing and the drums a beating : After which, the Declaration of Independence of the United States was read to a large and respectable body, among whom were the selectmen and committee of correspondence, assembled on the occasion, Avho testified their approbation by repeated huzzas, firing of musketry and cannon, bonfires, and other demonstrations of joy ; When the arms of that tyrant in Britain, George the III, of execrable memory, which in former times decorated, but of late disgraced the court house in this town, were committed to the flames and consumed to ashes ; after which, a select company of the sons of freedom, repaired to the tavern, lately known by the sign of the King's Arms, which odious signature of despotism was taken down by order of the people, which was cheerfully complied with by the innkeeper, where the following toasts were drank ; and the evening spent with joy, on the commencement of the happy era. ' 1. Prosperity and perpetuity to the United States of America. 2. The president of the Grand Council of America. 3. The Grand Council of America. 4. His excellency General Washington. 5. All the Generals in the American army. 6. Commodore Hopkins. 7. The officers and soldiers of the American army. 8. The officers and seamen in the American navy. 9. The patriots of America. 10. Every friend of America. 11. George re- jected and liberty protected. 12. Success to the American arms. 13. Sore eyes to all tories, and a chestnut burr for an eye stone. 14. Perpetual itch- ing without the benefit of scratching, to the enemies of America. 15. The Council and Representatives of the State of Massachusetts Bay. 16. The officers and soldiers in the Massachusetts service. 17. The memory of the brave General Warren. 18. The memory of the magnanimous General Mont- gomery. 19. Speedy redemption to all the officers and soldiers who are now prisoners of war among our enemies. 20. The State of Massachusetts Bay. 21. The town of Boston. 22. The selectmen and committees of correspon- dence for the town of Worcester. 23. May the enemies of America be laid at her feet. 24. May the freedom and independency of America endure, till the sun grows dim with age, and this earth returns to chaos. ' The greatest decency and good order was observed, and at a suitable time each man returned to his respective home.' * 1 Mass. Spy, July 24, 1776. 104 KEGULATION OF PRICES. [1776. On the 10th of September, one fifth part of the militia of the state were called out immediately to march to New York, to prevent the enemy from cut- ting off the communication between the American army in the city and on the Island of New York, and the country. One fourth part of the residue of the military, were ordered to be equipped and ready to march at a moment's warn- ing. Frequent calls were made for troops for the defence of Boston and other exposed places. Worcester answered each demand, following in quick suc- cession, to the utmost extent of her means. In September, it was submitted to the people to determine, whether they would consent, that the House of Representatives and Council in convention, should adopt such constitution and frame of government, as, on the most ma- ture deliberation, they should judge would most conduce to the safety, peace, and happiness of the state in after successions and generations. The town, considering the importance of the object, and the propriety of all the freemen having opportunity to express opinion, declined acting, as so many of the cit- izens were absent in the public service. Opposition was made by other towns, to the assembly proposing the measure, assuming this high duty, as the representatives bad not been elected with a view to such object. The selectmen and committee of correspondence, having been authorized by an act to prevent monopoly and oppression, to fix and establish prices, in No- vember, reported regulations for the sale of articles of common use and con- sumption. They recommended to the good people of the town, to use their utmost endeavors, by example, precept and legal exertions to support the laws of the country in general, and called upon them, ' in the name of the govern- ment and people of Massachusetts Bay, in the name of the passing soldier, in behalf of widows and orphans, as they regarded the credit of the currency, the establishment of an army, and the support of the authority of govern- ment, which alone renders war successful and gives dignity to peace, to pre- vent monopolies and oppression, by vindicating their act against the lawless violence which should dare to trample upon it.' ^ The beneficial results of the regulations established throughout the com- monwealth, were defeated by the fluctuations of the currency, unsustained by a metallic basis, which finally depreciated to worthlessncss. 1 The following are the prices of some articles, as fixed in November, 177G. Labor in Bummer, us. per day : AVheat, bushel, Gs. 8d. : Rye, 4s. Gd. : Indian Corn, 3s. : Peas, 7s. : Beans, Gs. : Totatoes, Spanish, Is. Gd. : Oats, Is. 9d. : Apple?, winter, Is. : Fresh Pork, pound, -Id, : Salt Pork, 7d. : Beef, grass fed, 3d. : Beef, stall fed, id. : Cheese, Gd. : Butter, 9d. : Pork, salted, '220 lbs. barrel, £1, Gs. : Beef, salted. 2iO lbs. barrel, £3. 8s. Gd. : Flour, £1. 33. : Milk, quart, 2d. : Cider, at the press, barrel, 43. : Mutton or Veal, pound, 3Kyd. : Dinners at taverns, of boiled meat or equivalent, 8d. : Suppers or breakfasts, of tea, coffee or choccolate, 8d. : Lodgings, (soldiers sleeping on the floor not to be considered such,) 4d. : Flip or toddy, made with New England rum, mug, 9d. : Cotton and linen homespun cloth, yard wide, best common sort, yard, 3s. Gd. : Tow cloth, good quality and a yard wide, 2s. 3d. : Shoes, men's of neat's leather, best common sort, pair, 7s. Gd. : Breeches, of best deer's leather, for men, £2. 2s. : Beaver hats, best quality, £2. 2s. : Felt hats, 7s. : Making a full suit of clothes, full trimmed, £1. 4s.: Wood, good oak, delivered at the door, cord, 83. : Boards, best white pine, at the mill, per thousand, £2. Ss. : Hay, English, best qual- ity, cwt. 33. 1777.] AMERICAN KEVOLUTION. 105 In December, Governor Cooke, of Rhode Island, by express, forwarded letters, addressed to ' all the brave inhabitants of New England,' earnestly en- treating instant assistance to repel apprehended invasion. The whole of Col. "Wood's and Col. Holman's regiments, were ordered to march to the relief of the sister state. Many volunteers from Worcester, promptly entered the ranks on the alarm, and remained in service during a portion of the winter. The company under Capt. William Gates, in Col. Holman's regiment, was principally formed of men from Worcester. Lieutenant Nathaniel Heywood and thivty-five privates, were in its ranks, and served in New York. Eight were slain in battle or died in camp. In Col. Thomas Craft's regiment of artillery were twenty four of our citizens. The year 1777 had scarcely commenced, when a requisition was made on Worcester, for 32 blankets ; followed, on the 26th of January, by a draft of every seventh of the male inhabitants, over 16 years of age, to complete the quota of Massachusetts in the continental army and to serve for eight months at least. The act of the General Court changing the ratio of representation, had ex- cited discontent in the community. The town of Sutton invited a coun- ty congress, to convene at Worcester, in February, to deliberate on existing grievances, and adopt measures for redress. The committees of correspon- dence, in their general meeting, about the same time, recommended petitions and instructions for the repeal of the law. At the meeting of the inhabitants of Worcester, in March, they remonstrated against its provisions, as impolitic, unnecessary, unconstitutional, and attended with consequences injurious to the inland parts of the state. In February, each town was required to purchase and deliver shirts, stock- ings, and other clothing for the Massachusetts troops in the continental army, in the proportion of one set to every seven males over 16 years of age of the population. Worcester supplied sixty-two sets, for which compensation was afterwards made. A committee was directed, March 18, to ascertain how much each person had contributed towards the support of the war, and how much those deficient should pay to render the burden equal. A bounty of £20 in addition to the grants from the state and continent, was offered to every soldier who should enter the army to fill the quota of the town. The sum of £1656. 2s. 2d. was levied to defray the expenses of the war, and for the payment of bounties. Upon representation of the great suffering for salt in the interior, 115 bushels were granted to Worcester, to be paid for by the selectmen, at the rate of 20s. per bushel, and was distributed. The selectmen presented to the town a list of persons, esteemed by them to be internal enemies. More were nominated and elected in town meeting, June 16, and the names of 19 were finally accepted as dangerous. A com- mittee was appointed to collect evidence against them preparatory to prosecu- tion. Doubts arose of the justice and equity of this extemporaneous process of conviction of high crimes, without trial or opportunity for defence, and the 10 lOG BEQUrSITIONS. CONVENTIOX. [1777- clerk was directed to suspend his return of the accused with some exceptions. A Jew months after, on the petition of the suspected, it was voted, ' to restore the majority to the town's favor,' and on payment of the costs of the proceed- ings instituted against them, they were to be considered innocent of treason- able designs against the republic. Money was raised by loan, to purchase 100 muskets and bayonets, and a quantity of powder : to be delivered to the militia on payment of reasonable price. The prisoners of war, long confined in the common jail, or permitted to labor among the inhabitants for support, were removed in June, to Ipswich. The rooms of the prison were soon again crowded with captured refugees, suspected enemies, deserters, and criminals. Every sixth man in Worcester county was drafted, under the resolve of Aun-ust 9, to join the northern army for three months. On the alarm occasioned by the successes of Burgoyne, and the march of the British army on Bennington, a company, under Lt. Col. Benjamin Flagg, with Capt. David Chadwick, Lts. Abel Holbrook and Jonathan Stone, and 08 non commissioned officers and privates, advanced to Iladley, August 28, on their way to Albany. Counter orders, received there, directed their return, as the danger had ceased. The General Court, September 22, strongly recommended to the militia of Worcester, and the western counties, that at least one half should march forth- with, to reenforce Gen. Gates, and payment was promised. An invitation was given by Sutton, November 3, to the neighboring towns, to send delegates to a convention, to be held for the purpose of taking into consideration an act providing for the payment of interest oii state debts and securities, and restraining the circulation of bills of lower denomination than £10. The circular letter represents the law to be cruel, oppressive, and un- just, and remonstrates against its operation in angry terms. Delegates were elected by Worcester. The deliberations of the body, vvhich met on the 13th of November, resulted in a petition to the legislature for repeal of the obnox- ious statute, and redress of grievances. A committee was elected, in December, to provide for the families of the soldiers, and considerable disbursements were made in this and succeeding years for their support. From the return of the selectmen it appears, that G8 men from Worcester were in service in the continental line, on terms of enlistment for 8 months, 3 years, or during the war, who received their clothing principally from the town. From Capt. Ebenezer Lovell's company, thirty seven enlisted in February, for three years, and from Capt. Joshua Whitney's twenty six for the same period. The inhabitants expressed their approbation of the articles of Confederation of the United States, in January, 1778, and their determination to support the government by their utmost exertions. A requisition for clothing was made March 13, and Worcester furnished 62 1778.] AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 107 sets of shirts, shoes, and stockings, for the army. A colonel and 522 privates were detached from the brigade of the county, for service on the North river and in Rhode Island: Worcester furnished 15 men for this battalion, in April. At the same time, a draft was made to complete the state line in the continental army. Twelve were returned from Worcester to serve for nine months. A constitution for the State, reported by a committee of the General Court, in December, 1777, and approved by that body in January following, was submitted to the people, and rejected by a great majority. Of 58 votes given here, eight only were in favor of acceptance. Six of our citizens were drafted, under the resolve of June 12, for raising 180 men for an expedition to Rhode Island. On the 23d of June, four more were required, as guards for the captured troops of General Burgoyne. In November, £736. were granted for bounties to soldiers and the support of their families. The names of six inhabitants of Worcester^ are included in the banishment act, forbidding the return of the former citizens of the State who had joined the enemy, requiring them, if they once revisited their native country, forth- with to depart, and denouncing the penalty of death if they should be found, a second time, within the jurisdiction. One thus designated, had afterwards permission to reside in the town, regained the confidence, and long enjoyed the respect and esteem of the community. In March, 1779, the sum of £2000 was assessed to support the war, and the militia officers were directed to engage men for the public service, by en- listment or draft. In April, three teams were furnished for the transportation of warlike stores to Springfield. Ten soldiers were raised, in June, to reen- force the army, and sixty-two sets of articles of dress supplied. A voluntary contribution of £78. was taken up, in the church, after divine service, for the distressed inhabitants of Newport. The town obtained, on loan, £5200 for the payment of bounties. The anniversary of the Declaration of Independence was commemorated, on the 8th of July, by the ringing of bells in the morning, the discharge of 13 cannon at noon, illumination and the display of 13 rockets at night. Severe distress was experienced, from the depreciation of the currency, the exorbitant price of the necessaries of life, and the distrust of public credit. A convention assembled at Concord, by the invitation of Boston, on the 14th of July, composed of delegates from all parts of the State, for the purpose of consulting on measures to give effect to the recommendations of Congress for the relief of the people. Worcester was represented by David Bigelow and Joseph Barber. Prices were regulated by a moderate appraisal of the value of articles of produce and merchandise ; loans to government, provision for the support of the clergy, and attention to schools, as the means of good education, were earnestly recommended. Another convention was proposed, in October, and an address was adopted. 1 John Chandler, James Tutnam, Eufus Chandler, William Chandler, Adam Walker, William Paine. 108 KKGULATIOX OF THE CURRENCY, [1779. The town, at a meeting in August, expressed cordial approbation of these proceedings, and joined a committee to the standing board of correspondence and safety to enforce their execution. Resolutions^ were adopted at the same time, which indicate the condition and spirit of the country. Some extracts follow. ' As many of the respectable merchants and fair traders have retired from business, their places have been supplied by an augmented number of locusts and ranker worms, in human form, who have increased, and proceeded along the road of plunder, until they have become odiously formidable, and their contagious influence dangerously prevalent : Therefore, Resolved, That such persons ought not to be admitted to bear a part in any mercantile consulta- tion, but should be considered pestilential mushrooms of trade, which have come up in the night of public calamity, and ought to perish in the same night. ' Whereas, regrators in the public markets, forestallers, engrossers of the produce of the country, and higlers, have had a great share in depreciating the public currency by their pernicious practices : Resolved, That all such per- sons are guilty of a dangerous opposition to the measures necessary to promote the w^cll being and prosperity of this country, and ought to be subjected to the resentment and indignation of the public, whether their conduct proceeds from a general disaffection to public measures, and the independence of these states, or from private motives of sordid interest. ' Resolved, That whoever refuses to sell the surplus of the produce of his farm, and retains the same to procure a higher price by means of an artificial scarcity, is very criminally accessory to the calamities of the country, and ought to be subjected to those penalties and disabilities which are due to an inveterate enemy.' Delegates from Worcester attended a county convention, on the eleventh of August, Avhen a scale of prices was fixed, and resolutions adopted to adhere to and execute the regulations.^ The same gentlemen were deputed to attend the second State Convention at Concord, Oct. 12, where a more detailed regulation of prices was made, reso- lutions passed, and an address framed, not essentially diff'erent from those of the former meeting. ^ Not having been entered of recoraniel Shays will be found in the appendix. 132 VISIT OF -WASHINGTON. [17S9. CHAPTER IX. Reception of Washington, 1789. Memorial on tho treaty with England, 1797. Volun- teers, 179S. Funeral honors to Washington, ISOO. Militia volunteer, 1S07. iloston Memorial, 1 808. War of 1812. British prisoners. Troops called into service, 1S14. Visit of Lafayette, 1824:. Amendments of tho Constitution. Benefactions of Isaiah Thomas. Incorporation of Holden and Ward. Proposed division of the county. In the progress of the narrative, we have arrived to that period, when the events of the past are so closely connected with the feelings of the present, as to impose painful restraint on the course of minute recital. The faithful review of the incidents of local history from the adoption of the federal con- stitution, embracing the struggles of the great parties dividing the communi- ty, executed in the spirit of independence and impartiality, would be alike useful and interesting. But the time has not yet come when the details of the contest agitating every village of the country, and kindling strife in the rela- tions of social life, can be recorded with freedom and frankness. The embers of political controversy, long covered over, have not been so extinguished, that the annalist may tread with safety over the spot where they once glowed. The sons may not hope to render unbiassed judgment of the measures of the sires, in scenes of intense excitement. When another generation shall have passed away, and the passions and irritation of the actors shall exist in mem- ory alone, the story may be told faithfully, without fear that inherited partial- ity or prejudice may lend undue coloring to the picture delineated. Some particulars of the history of the last half century, insulated from those dissentions which have long been quieted and which it is not desirable now to recall to recollection, are scattered through the space remaining to be traversed. In 1789, President Washington visited New England, and was received with those demonstrations of gratitude and respect due to his eminent ser- vices and exalted virtues. The notice of his arrival at Worcester, in the Spy, is characteristic of the style of the times. ' Information being received on Thursday evening, [Oct. 22] that his High- ness would be in town the next morning, a number of respectable citizens, about forty, paraded before sunrise, on horseback, and went as far as Leices- ter line to welcome him, and escorted him into town. The Worcester com- pany of artillery, commanded by Major Tread well, were already assembled ; on notice being given that his Highness was approaching, five cannon were fired, for the five New England States ; three for the three in the Union ; one for Vermont, which will speedily be admitted ; and one as a call to Rhode Island to be ready before it be too late. When the President General arrived in sight of the meeting-house, eleven cannon were fired : he viewed with attention the artillery company as he passed, and expressed to the inhabitants his sense of the honor done him. He stopped at the United States Arms, and breakfasted, and then proceeded on his journey. To gratify the inhabi- tants, he politely passed through the town on horseback, dressed in a brown 1796.] BRITISH TKEATY. VOLUNTEERS. 133 suit, and pleasure glowed in every countenance ; eleven cannon were again fired. The gentlemen of the town escorted him a few miles, when they took their leave.' Acceptable as the testimonials of the enthusiastic joy of his fellow citizens must have been to the great patriot, the extravagant epithets of description comported little with the simplicity and unostentious plainness of his character. On the request of a number of the principal inhabitants, a meeting was convened, May 2, 1796, for the expression of sentiments in relation to the commercial treaty with England ; a memorial, reported by a committee,^ was adopted and transmitted to the Hon. D wight Foster, representative of the district in Congress, for presentation. ' To the honorable House of Representatives of the United States: The inhabitants of the town of Worcester, in the county of Worcester, and state of Massachusetts, sensible that it is not wise in the people in their primary assemblies, to decide confidently on important and difficult political questions, or even to use their right of petitioning with design to impose their particular opinions, yet, on the present occasion, when the voice of the people appears to be called for, and is going forth to your honorable body from all parts of the union, leaving all questions concerning the merits of the treaty with Great Britain, take the liberty to suggest, as our opinion, that, considering the present state of the treaty already ratified by the President and Senate, we believe from a serious impression of duty, and considering the happy advan- tages of peace and neutrality now enjoyed by this country, and the alarms, the anxieties, and interruptions to business, if not war, that may be the conse- quences of delaying to carry the treaty into effect, it would be best, and we, therefore, beg leave to express our wishes, that your honorable house would not delay to make appropriations to carry the same into effect.' The hostile attitude of France, in 1798, required energetic preparations for defence. Congress authorized the President, to raise troops for the war establishment, and to organize volunteer corps in a provisional army, to be called out in case of apprehended invasion, or on pressing emergency, but not to receive pay unless in actual service. A. company of sixty, rank and file, was formed here, under Capt. Thomas Chandler, called the Worcester Volunteer Cadet Infantry, holding themselves in readiness to march on the reception of orders. A standard was wrought, and presented to this corps by the ladies, with the usual complimentary and patriotic address, and received with the accustomed chivalrous expressions of gratitude. The company of artillery joined the forces collected in the south part of the county, and was in the bloodless campaign of ' the Oxford Army.' A rendezvous was opened here, during the differences with the French republic. Some of our citizens enlisted, and encamped with the 14th regiment, commanded by Lieut. Col. Rice. No opportunity of distinction was afforded by land ; the laurels were exclusively gathered from the ocean. 1 Edward Bangs, Isaiah Thomas, Samuel Chandler, Beiyamin Heyvrood, and William Caldwell. 12* 134 -WASIIINGTON. LIGHT IXFAXTRY. [1807. The town joined in the national honors paid to the memory of Washington, on the '22d of February, 1800, the anniversary of the birth of the father of lus country. Tlie company of cavalry, the artillery, cadets, militia, the youth of the schools, and a great concourse of citizens, moved with solemn music to the old south church, which was hung with black and with emblems of mourn- ing. An eloquent eulogy was pronounced by the Rev. Doct. Bancroft, on the virtues of the departed soldier, statesman, and patriot. During the political controversies, which, for nearly thirty years, divided public opinion in the United States, a decided majority of the inhabitants of Worcester were of the democratic party, when the name marked well-defined distinction of principles. The leading men of the times were ardent politi- cians, and there were periods of excitement when diversity of sentiment impaired the harmony of social intercourse, separated those closely allied by the ties of kindred, and dissolved the bonds of ancient friendship. When the feuds and animosities of the past have subsided, it excites surprise, that the surface, now so tranquil, should ever have been agitated by commotions as angry as were those which once disturbed its repose.^ Conventions of the antagonist parties constantly assembled here, and em- bodied, in their resolutions, the feelings of the times. In 1807, after the attack on the Chesapeake, when it Avas apprehended that hostilities with England would immediately ensue, the Worcester Light Infantry, then commanded by Capt. Enoch Flagg, tendered their services in defence of the union. At a meeting of that military corps, August 4, 1807, it was resolved, unanimously, ' That in the present exigency of our country, the characters of the citizen and the soldier are inseparable ;' and with the same unanimity, it was voted, ' that we are ready, at a moment's warning, to march wherever the executive authority may direct, in defence of the inde- pendence and integrity of our country, in repelling and chastising insult or invasion ; and that, for this purpose, we will constantly hold ourselves in a state of preparation.' Soon after, the company of artillery under Capt. Curtis, two companies of infantry, under Capts. Harrington and Johnson, and the company of cavalry of Worcester and the adjacent towns, under Capt. Goulding, volunteered to serve as occasion might require. The selectmen of Boston, on the 10th of August, 1808, transmitted a petition, adopted by the citizens of that place, addressed to President Jef- ferson, praying the suspension of the embargo laws ; or, if doubt existed of the competency of the executive for affording relief from measures that pressed heavily on commerce, requesting that congress might be convened for the purpose of taking the subject into consideration. The communication was accompanied with an invitation to call a meeting of the inhabitants of the town to obtain their concurrence in the sentiments expressed by the cap- ital. The municipal officers declined compliance with the proposition. In their reply they say : 'we deferred returning an answer, because we thought we had reason to believe, that there would be found ten of our own freehold- 1 The state of political sentiment -wiU be sufficiently indicated by the list of votes for executive officers, in successive years, in the appendix. 1813.] BRITISH PRISONERS. 135 ers, knowing our sentiments and differing from us, who, by signifying their desire in writing, would make it our duty to call such meeting. We can delay no longer a civility due to our fellow citizens of the respectable town of Boston. We will, therefore, with that friendly freedom which becomes citizens whose interests are the same, expose the reasons and sentiments, which forbid us to act, in our official capacity, according to your proposal.' Assenting to the constitutional right of the citizens to assemble and consult for the common good, cordially concurring in respect for the constituted au- thorities of the country, they depart widely from the views of policy enter- tained by the petitioners, and conclude by declaring, that, ' fully persuaded we have expressed the sentiments of a large majority of the inhabitants of this town, in expressing our own, we cannot believe it would be satisfactory to them, on this occasion, at this season of the year, to be called together in town meeting."^ In the same year, the town voted bounties to the soldiers, detached in con- formity with the act of Congress, March, 30, 1808, as a part of the state's quota of 100,000 men, and the Light Infantry again tendered their services. On the declaration of war with England, in 1812, an act of Congress au- thorized the President to require of the governors of the several states and territories, to take effectual measures to arm, organize, and hold in readiness to march on the shortest notice, their respective proportions of 100,000 mili- tia. Massachusetts was called on to furnish men for the fortresses on the mar- itime frontier. The executive declined compliance with the requisitions, on the ground of constitutional objections, and the troops of the state were not called to the field. The town voted, Nov. 9th, 1812, to allow each soldier de- tached, when mustered and ready to march, ten dollars bounty, in addition to the wages. Recruiting officers were stationed here, and some of the citizens en- listed in the regular army, or entered the navy, and served with various fortune. In the summer of 1813, several British officers, captured on the northern frontier, were quartered here, on parole. Sir George Prevost, commanding in Canada, with the sanction of his government, selected from the American pris- oners of war, and sent to Great Britain, for trial as criminals, a number of in- dividuals, who had emigrated from the king's dominions long previous to the war between the two nations, become naturalized, and were taken fighting un- der the banners of their adopted country. Fur the protection of these citi- zens, charged with violation of their duties of allegiance to the land of their nativity, an equal number of English subjects were ordered into confinement, to endure the same fate w^hich might befall those for whom they were hostages. The effect of this stern measure of retaliation was, to induce the enemy to com- mit to prison two American officers, for every one of the British soldiers confined by the President, to suffer death if vindictive punishment should be inflicted on the latter. Forty-six British officers, prisoners of war, were immediately placed in the prisons, aud the Prince Regent was informed of the determination of 1 The letter is subscribed by Epliraim Mower, Edward Bangs, Nathaniel Harrington, Nathan White, Thomas Nichols, Selectmen, and was published in the National -Egis, Aug. 21, 1808. 136 MAIICII OF LIGHT TROOPS, [I8l4. the <'ovcrnmcnt to deal with his subjects in the same manner in which our cit- izens in captivity should be treated. On the 2d of December, ten of those who had resided here,^ on parole, were committed by the marshal of the dis- trict, to the jail in Worcester, to abide the issue of this deplorable contest. On the r2th of January, nine of these persons succeeded in making their es- cape, by overpowering and binding the attendant, who had entered their room between 10 and 11 o'clock of the evening, to secure them for the night. The turnkey was so loosely confined, that he extiicated himself in about fifteen minutes, and communicated information of the flight of the prisoners. Actu- al invasion could scarcely have produced greater commotion : the bells were runo- and cannon fired at midnight. Vigorous search was prosecuted in the vicinity, and hot pursuit extended in all directions. In the excitement of the time, houses were entered without the formality of warrants, and domiciliary visits paid without the justification of judicial process, to detect the supposed concealment of the fugitives. About two o'clock the next morning, one of the prisoners was apprehended in Holden, nearly exhausted by the labor of travelling' on foot, in an inclement season, after long confinement : four more were apprehended the succeeding evening in Barre ; and four succeeded in eluding capture, and reached Quebec in safety. After this event, the prison- ers were removed. The returning sense of justice of their own government, permitted the liberation of gallant but unfortunate enemies, from the gloomy prospect of execution, in accordance with that necessary, but cruel policy, which holds the innocent subject to expiate the sins of the sovereign, and would have forfeited life to a contested point of international law. In the summer of 1814, two companies of militia w^ere drafted from the county, and served on the forts in the vicinity of Boston. The capture of Washington, the violations of our territory by the British forces, the menace of destruction to the cities and vdlages of the sea board, by the naval commander on the American station, while they spread alarm, roused the patriotic spirit of the people to vigorous action. Governor Strong, by general orders, September 6, 1814, directed the whole of the militia of the state to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's warning, and called the flank companies of the seventh division into immediate service for the defence of the coast. The Worcester Light Infantry and Worcester Artillery, commenced their march for the metropolis, on Sunday, September 14th.- They were stationed at South Boston, and remained in camp until 1 Lt. Col. William Grant, of the Beauliarnois militia : Maj. Charles Villettc, Capt. Fran- cis Dccenta, Lt. David Duvall, Lt. Albert Manuel, of the Waterville regiment : Lt. William A. Steel, Adjutant, Lt. Jeseph F. Green, Commissary, 89th regiment: Lt. Arthur Carter, of the Royal Artillery : Lt. Charles Morris, of the Halifax Volunteers. 2 The Officers of the Light Infanty -were John W. Lincoln, Captain ; Sewall Hamilton, Lieuteuant; John Coolidge, Ensign : Of the Artillery, Samuel Graves, Captain ; Simeon Hastings, 1st Lieutenant, Nathan Heard, 2d Lieutenant. The forces at South Boston were under the command of Major General Joseph Whiton, of Lee. Light companies were de- tached from the 1st, 2d, 3d, Ith, 5th, 7th and 9th divisions, and the artillery of the 3d, 4th, 5th, 7th and Sth divisions, to forni the army for tlie defence of Boston. The troops of the seventh division, including'Worcester county, now in the sixth division, were iu the regiment under Col. Salem Towne, jr., of Charlton. 1824.] VISIT OF LAFAYETTE. 137 the 31st of October following, when they were discharged and returned. On the Sabbath following their arrival at their homes, the members of both corps attended divine service, in full dress, agreeably to the recommendation of the General in command, and offered public acknowledgments for restoration to their friends. The town voted to procure complete camp equipage for the militia, to be kept in readiness for use in actual service, to provide for the families of sol- diers where assistance was needed, and to furnish any inhabitant detached, with arms and equipments, if unable to procure them himself. As the sound of war went through the land, the veterans of the revolution, persons exempted from military duty by age or office, and the youth, formed themselves, in many towns of the county, into volunteer corps, and prepared to strike for their homes and their rights. The step of an invader on the New England soil, would have found her yeomanry as prompt to answer the summons to battle, as in the glorious days of old. ' The ratification of the treaty of peace was celebrated with festive rejoicing. Gen. Lafayette, during his visit to America, in the journey which resem- bled a triumphal progress through the land, arrived at Worcester, September 2d, 1824. He was received on the northern boundary of the town by a dep- utation from the committee of the citizens, and escorted by two companies of cavalry, a regiment of the light troops of the division, and a great concourse of the people of the county. From hoary age to lisping childhood, all were eager to manifest affection and respect for the guest of the nation. He pass- ed through crowded streets ; between lines of the children of the schools, ranged under the care of their teachers, who scattered laurels in his path ; be- neath arches inscribed with his own memorable words and with the names of the scenes of his signal services ; amidst companions who had borne arms with him in the army of independence ; and through the multitudes who had gathered from the vicinage to greet the return of the friend of their fathers. Abraham Lincoln, Levi Lincoln, and Edward D. Bangs, were elected dele- gates to the convention which was convened in 1820, for the amendment of the state constitution. Of the articles adopted by this body, November 15, 1820, and submitted to the people, nine were approved and adopted, April 9, 1821. The inhabitants of Worcester refused to ratify the 5th article, relating to the organization of the council and senate, providing that every town, hav- ing a population of 1200, should be entitled to one representative, and es- tablishing 1200 as the ratio of increased representation: and the 10th, con- cerning the rights and privileges of Harvard College. ^ 1 The votes of the town on the several amendments were as follows : Art. Yeas. Nays. 1 . . . 106 . . . 99 2 . . . . 161 . . . . 41 3 . . . 177 . . . 34 4 . . . 155 . . . 46 5 . . . . 64 . . . . 139 6 . . . 148 . . . 39 7 . . . 133 . . . 70 Irt. Yeas. Nays 8 . . . . 191 . ... 12 9 . . . . 161 . ... 41 10 . . . . 61 . . ; .140 11 . . . . 161 . ... 41 12 . . . . 166 . ... 37 13 , . . . 166 . ... 37 14 . . . . 156 . ... 46 138 CONSTITUTION. DOCT. THOMAS. [1831. The amendment numbered as the 10th in the Revised Statutes, changing the commencement of the political year from the last Wednesday of May, to the first Wednesday of January, adopted by the legislatures of 1829-30, and 18;50-;?1, was accepted by the people, May 11, 1831. The votes here, were, IK) for, 1 1 against. The amendment numbered as 1 1 in the volume referred to, modifying and altering the third article of the bill of rights, having passed the legislatures of 1832, 1833, was accepted by the citizens, Nov. 11, 1833. Two hundred and fortv six votes were given by the inhabitants of Worcester in the affirmative ; fifty five in the negative. By his last will, Doct. Isaiah Thomas, devised to the town of Worcester, a lot of land on Thomas street, on the conditions, ' that the town should erect, within three years from the testator's decease, a Charity House, and pay an- nually to the overseers of the poor, twenty dollars, to be appropriated towards providing for poor persons who might be there maintained, on thanksgiving days, a good and liberal dinner suitable for the occasion, and to furnish on that day, half a pint of common but good wine for each person, or a reasona- ble quantity of such other liquors as any of them might prefer, that they might have the means of participating with their more affluent neighbors in some of the essential good things of life bestowed by a bountiful Providence, and be enabled to unite in grateful orisons for the peace and felicity of our country.' If the whole sum should not be required for the kind purpose in- dicated by the donor, the residue was to be expended in the purchase of books for the children of poor parents, or otherwise appropriated at the discretion of the trustees. The inhabitants, having already provided, at great expense, am- ple accommodations for the indigent, although duly appreciating the benevo- lent intentions of the testator, were compelled to decline the acceptance of the benefaction, Nov. 14, 1831, on the condition imposed of erecting new buildings. The donation by the same liberal individual, of a lot, extending 172 feet on the north side of Thomas street, and 169 feet on Summer street, including the ancient burial place, for the erection of a large school house, was accepted, and the condition of the bequest complied with, by the completion of a suit- able edifice. The sum of S2500 was granted by the town, April 21, 1830, to be appro- priated for the purchase of the site of the Lunatic Hospital, and given to the Commonwealth. In the narrative of events in the civil and municipal history of the town, notice of the divisions made during the period we have passed, has been reserved for the purpose of collecting the territorial changes into a connected view. 1 he plantation of Quinsigamond, as originally granted and surveyed, ex- tended nearly twelve miles from north to south, and six miles from east to wcst.^ It was designed to include within the boundaries established, the 1 As .stated on the original plan, the north and south lines were 1920 rods each : the cast line 3Slo : the west .37(;0. The Itev. Mr. \Vhitney, History of Worcester County, 25, eays, • Worcester ii part of a tract of land called by the aborigines, Quinsigamond : which 1722.] SEPARATION^ OF HOLDEN. COUNTRY GORE. 139 same quantity of land which would have been comprehended in a tract eight miles square. Extreme liberality of admeasurement greatly enlarged the pro- posed area. In 1684 it was directed, that the whole township should be di- vided into 480 lots, 200 to be set off adjoining the northern boundary. A line was drawn corresponding with this arrangement, separating the town. The north part of the lots long remained unoccupied. In 1722, a meeting of the owners, holding as tenants in common, was convened by the warrant of Stephen Minot, Esq., and a distinct proprietary erected, called North "Worces- ter. It was determined to make partition of the lands : surveys were com- menced in 1724 : tracts were reserved for public uses : and grants to settlers registered. It was provided, that Col. Adam Winthrop, ' for his good ser- vices done the town, shall have the first pitch.' The planters, in 1730, were exempted from town rates in the south part, for seven years, on condition of making and maintaining their own highways. The town voted, in 1740, to consent to the incorporation, ' if it be the pleasure of the Great and General Court, in consideration of the great distance from the place of public worship.' An act of the Legislature, giving corporate powers, passed November 2, 1740, and North Worcester became a town, by the name of Holden, in honor of the Hon. Samuel Holden, a director of the Bank of England, whose ele- vated character and beneficent exertions to promote the interests of literature and religion, well merited the token of respectful and grateful recollection. The first town meeting was held. May 4, 1741. Between Worcester and that part of Sutton now Grafton, a tract of land intervened, called the Country Gore, beyond the jurisdiction of either munic- ipality. The owners and inhabitants of this territory petitioned to be annex- ed to Worcester. It was voted, March 3, 1743, ' that the town cheerfully ac- cept of this offer, and pray they be joined to, and for the future be accounted as a part of the town of Worcester, to do duty and enjoy equal privileges with us, if it may be consistent with the wisdom of the Great and General Court to grant their request.' A resolve of Massachusetts, Aj ril 5, 1743, united the petitioners and their estates to this town.^ Another accession of inhabitants was gained, June 2, 1758, when James Hart, Thomas Beard, James Wallis, and Jonathan Stone were set off from Leicester. The slight additions to population were more than balanced by another dis- territory was esteemed by them to bound, easterly partly on Quinsigamond pond and part- ly on Hassanamisco, now Grafton : southerly, on the Nipnet or Nipmug country, where Oxford and some adjacent towns now are : westerly on Quaboag, now Brookfield, and landa in that vicinity ; and northerly on Nashawog, now Lancaster, Sterling, &c.' No evidence now remains to verify the assertion that Worcester vma part of this territory. On the con- trary, all the memorials which exist at this day, show that the aboriginal name was ap- plied to the waters of the lake and the country immediately adjacent, and that it was bor- rowed by the committee of settlement, and bestowed upon the plantation, afterwards Wor- cester. The venerable father of county history was mistaken in Indian geography, when he limited the Nipmug country to the southern towns. The best authorities declare that its boundaries were much wider. 1 The petitioners were, John Barber, Thomas Richardson, Daniel Boyden, Jonas Wood- ard, Ephraim Curtis, Jabez Totman, Matthias Rice, Timothy Green. MO rnorosED divisiox of the couxtt. [1785. mcmbermcnt. June 23, 1773, a precinct was erected, extending three miles into Worcester, three into Oxford, three into Leicester, and one mile and a half into Sutton, measured from the place designated for the new meeting house, along tlic roads then travelled. This district, which was denominated the South I'urish of Worcester, was incorporated, April 10, 1778, as the town of Ward, receiving its name from Artemas Ward, Esq., a brave general of the revolution, member of the Council of the Provincial Congress, judge of the County Courts, and representative in Congress. About thirty families were thus separated from Worcester. The boundaries of the parish and new town •were nearly, though not precisely, coincident. The act provided, that certain individuals, included by the latter, but not within the limits of the former, mi"ht retain their relations to the towns of their original settlement, until it was their pleasure to express, in writing, intention to unite Avlth the new cor- poration. Ten persons,^ by this exception, were permitted to continue their former connections. In 1826, Thaddeus Chapin and ten others petitioned the Legislature to reannex the territory in which their estates were situated to Worcester ; their request was refused : and this town still has citizens exer- cising rights and subject to duties within the lines of Ward. The erection of a precinct, and the incorporation of a town, were strenuous- ly resisted. Long and earnest remonstrances opposed the proceedings in each stage, and the separation was effected by persevering efforts, renewed and pressed in successive years. In 1785, a petition of James Ball and others was presented to the General Court, praying for the erection of a new county, of which Petersham should be the shire town. Hardwick, Barre, Hubbardston, Petersham, Templeton, Winchendon, Athol, and Royalston, were to be separated from the county of Worcester, and Warwick, Wendell, New Salem, Shutesbury, the district of Orange, and Greenwich, from Hampshire. Orders of notice were issued, but the proposition shared the fate of similar projects to diminish the integrity of our territory. A memorial of the delegates of Templeton, Barre, Petersham, Athol, Winchendon, Hubbardston, Oakham, Gerry, Gardner, Royalston, and War- wick, at the January session of the Legislature in 1798, prayed for the incor- poration of those towns into a new county. The people, in April, voted that it was inexpedient to divide Worcester into two distinct counties. At the annual meetings in April, 1828, the question was submitted, by the Legislature, to the people of Worcester and Middlesex, shall a new county be formed of the towns of Royalston, Winchendon, Athol, Templeton, Gardner, Westminster, Ashburnham, Fitohburg, Leominster, Lunenburg, Princeton, Hubbardston, Philipston, Lancaster, Bolton, and Harvard, from the county of Worcester ; (iroton, Shirley, Peppcrcll, Ashby, and Townscnd, from the county of Middlesex, as was prayed for in a petition bearing the name of Ivers Jewett at the head? The decision was in the negative, by a great majority of the voters. J Samuel Curtis, Mary Bigelow, William Elder, Daniel Bigelow, John Elder, Jonathan Fiske, Benjamin Chapin, Eli Chapin, Joseph Clark, lUosea Bancroft, 141 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY CHAPTER X. First Parisli. First meeting houses. Rev. Andrew Gardner. Difficulties on his dismis- sion. Mr. Bourne. Rev. Isaac Burr. Visit of Whitefield. Church Covenant, 1746. Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty. Controversy about Church music. Seating the meeting house. Difficulties ending in the separation of the Second Parish. Mr. Story. Rev. Samuel Austin. Church Covenant. Rev. Charles A. Goodrich. Rev. Aretius B. Hull. Rev. Rodney A. Miller. Presbyterian Church, 1719, Rev. Edward Fitzgerald. Rev. William Johnston. No records of the early days of the churcli in Worcester have descended to our times. The knowledge possessed in relation to its organization and pro- ceedings, previous to 1722, is derived from tradition. Subsequent to that period, some information of the prominent events in our ecclesiastical history, may be collected from the votes of the inhabitants concurrent with the acts of the church : for it was the ancient usage of all our towns, before they had been divided into parishes, to manage their parochial concerns in the general meetings. The committee of grantees, in their covenant with the first planters, provi- ded, that care should be taken to procure a teacher of morality and religion, as soon as might be ; and until regular instruction should be obtained, directed, that the Lord's day should be sanctified, by assembling together for devotional exercises. Liberal grants of land were made for the support of the ministry, and a lot appropriated for the first learned, pious, and orthodox teacher of religion. Meetings for worship were held at the dwelling houses most convenient in regard to central situation. Each man repaired to the assembly with his gun, and joined in the peaceful exercises as completely armed as if prepared for instant military service.^ Sentinels were stationed around to give warning of approaching danger. The well-known custom of the Indians, whose prowl- ing bands selected the rest of the Sabbath, in many instances, for their mur- derous invasions, rendered vigilance and precaution necessary for safety. Tra- dition relates, that the devotions of the planters were sometimes disturbed by alarms of the coming foe. On one occasion, an arrow, directed against the dwelling where they had assembled, entered the loop hole which served for window. The protecting Providence of Gad averted its point from his ser- vants, and gliding over the congregation, it struck deep in the timbers of the opposite wall. 1 In 1G75, the colony court ordered, ' that every man that comes to meeting on the Lord's day, bring with him his arms with at least six charges of powder and shot : also, that whosoever shall shoot off a gun, at any game whatsoever, except at an Indian or a wolf,, shall forfeit 5s. on such default until further order.' 13 142 FIRST PAEisn. [1719. Soon after the last permanent settlement, a church was gathered, and Dea- cons Daniel Heywood, and Nathaniel Moore, elected its officers. A plain and rude structure of logs was erected for the public meetings of the inhabitants, in 1717, eastward from the Baptist meeting house, at the junction of Franklin and Green streets, and was occupied during a few years fur worship. In 1719, a more spacious and commodious house was commenced, on the common, near the site of the present edifice. In the autumn of the same year, the Rev. Andrew Gardner, ordained as the first settled minister of the Gospel, formed that connection with the town, terminating in acrimonious controversy, and embittering the harmony of the people of his charge. On his settlement, a gratuity of £60 was voted. The amount of salary can only be inferred from the fact, that in 1722, taxes of £40, of the then currency, were levied, for support of public wor- ship in that year. Difficulties between the church and pastor soon arose. Complaints, probably reasonable, were made by him of neglect in the pay- ment of his annual stipend, and of refusal to discharge the grant made on his acceptance of the office. He was accused of remissness in the perform- ance of duty, and of too ardent love for the chase of the deer, and the sports of the hunter. The dissatisfaction so much increased, that some, who had united in the invitation to Mr. Gardner, withdrew from attendance on his preaching, and declined contributing to liis maintenance. Petitions were pre- sented to the Legislature for direction and relief, but without effect. In Sep- tember, 1721, an ecclesiastical council was convened from seven churches : but its result was ineffectual for the settlement of the unhappy differences which existed. Recourse was afterwards had to other advisers, with as little beneficial influence. New petitions having been presented, a resolve was passed by the General Court, June 14th, 1722, ' that it be earnestly recom- mended to that council only of the seven churches which did meet at Wor- cester, in September, 1721, to whom the contending parties submitted their differences, relating to the Rev. Andrew Gardner, that the said council pro- ceed and go to Worcester, on or before the first Wednesday of September next, to finish what is further necessary to be done for the procuring and establishing of peace in the said town, according to the submission of the parties.' On the 10th of August following, the inhabitants represented, ' that the elders and messengers of the several churches, appointed to meet at Worces- ter, for deciding the differences in that church, decline going thither by reason of the rupture with the Indians, it being a frontier place : it was therefore recommended that the ministers meet at Dedham, for the affair aforesaid.' 'llie council met, pursuant to this direction, and after mature deliberation, advised that the relations of Mr. Gardner be dissolved, ' his temporal interest being secured,' and on the 31st of October, 1722, he was dismissed from the ministerial office in Worcester. Soon after, a suit at law was instituted by Mr. Gardner, for the arrears of salary. The irritation occasioned by the long controversy was increased by this unfriendly act at parting, and a vote was 1724.] riRST PARISH. 143 passed, against the remonstrance and protest of many of the elder inhabitants, not to allow the grant of sixty pounds formerly bestowed as a gratuity, which he had ' left to the generosity of the town.' An accommodation was at length effected by mutual arbitrators. The Rev. Andrew Gardner was a native of Brookline, Mass., and graduated at Harvard University, 1712. His name is last on the list of the class, in the period when the pupils of the venerable institution at Cambridge were entered on its catalogue according to the honors and station in society of the parents. After his removal from Worcester, he was installed as the first minister of Lunenburg, Mass., May 15, 1728. This connection was as unfor- tunate in its termination as his earlier engagement. He was dismissed, Feb- ruary 7, 1731-2, 'because,' says the Rev. Mr. Adams, 'he was unworthy.' Mr. Gardner then retired to one of the towns on Connecticut river, where he died at an advanced age.^ The errors of Mr. Gardner seem to have been more of the head than heart. Eccentricities, resulting from secluded habits, and ignorance of the ways of the world, united with that independence of spirit regardless of its opinions, diminished his usefulness. Less mindful of clerical dignity than of the exhi- bition of wit in its practical sports, the strict sense of propriety was some- times shocked by acts in themselves innocent. Tradition relates, as illustra- tive of manner, that he once secretly substituted a large stone for the better food in the pot of a friend who had invited him to dine, and consoled himself for the loss of his dinner, by the gratification of witnessing the astonishment created by the appearance of the unusual dish of boiled granite. Whatever imperfections marred his reputation, his benevolence and charity should be permitted to spread their mantle over his errors. Pecuniary embarrassment sometimes arose from generosity that would not hesitate to count cost. An instance of its extent is preserved : A poor parishioner having solicited aid in circumstances of distress, the clergyman gave away his only pair of shoes for his relief, and as this was done on Saturday, appeared the next day in his stockings, at the desk, to perform the morning service, and, in the evening, officiated in borrowed slippers, a world too wide for his slender members.^ January 6, 1724, an invitation was given to the Rev. Shearjashub Bourne to become the minister of the town, with a settlement of £100, and a salary of £75 for five years, afterwards to be raised to £80. Although the offer was declined, he continued to preach for a few months. This gentleman was the son of Hon. Melatiah Bourne, of Sandwich, and descended from the first emigrant to that town. He graduated at Harvard College in 1720, and was married to Abigail, the daughter of Rev. Richard Cotton of Sandwich. He was ordained in Scituate, Mass. Dec. 1724. Hia health becoming impaired by paralytic affections, he was dismissed in 1761. From an inscription on the head stone over a grave in the east burial place in Roxbury, it appears that he died there, Aug, 14, 1768, aged 69.^ His char- acter is briefly delineated in the following lines on the time-worn monument. 1 Whitney's History of Worcester County, 144, 150. ^ Relation of Mr. Daniel Goulding. 3 MSS. of Samuel Jennison, Esq. Town Records. 2 Hist. Col. iv. 234. 144 EEV. ISAAC BtTKE. [1725. ' Cautious himself, he others ne'er deceired, Lived as he taught, and taught as he beliered.' Between the dismission of Mr. Gardner and the settlement of his successor, the Rev. Samuel Jennison, son of Hon. William Jennison of "Worcester, who died in that part of Sudbury now Wayland, October 14, 1729, aged 29, Mr. Fitzgerald, and Mr. Richardson, were employed to preach occasionally. The sum of £2. 3s. was paid to them for the services of the sabbath. On the 24th of August, 1724, the church elected the Rev. Thomas White to be their pastor : the town, however, did not concur in the choice, but ap- pointed a committee, ' to address Mr. White for his further assistance in the work of the gospel.' He was afterwards ordained minister of the first church in Bolton, Conn. Oct. 25, 1725, where he died, Feb. 22, 1763. Soon after, the Rev. Isaac Burr was engaged to supply the pulpit, and on the 10th of February, 1725, was invited to assume the sacred office, with a settlement of 200 pounds in money, or the value in land, and the annual sal- ary of 80 pounds. The call having been accepted, he was ordained on the l;5th of October following. The churches in Hartford, Framingham, Marl- borough, Lancaster, Leicester, Sudbury, Weston, and Shrewsbury, were re- quested to render their assistance at the ceremony ; and the sum often pounds was appropriated for the entertainment of the elders, messengers, and dele- gates attending. The ministry of Mr. Burr was long, and peaceful, until near its close. The votes in relation to pecuniary supplies, evince the cordial regard of his parish- ioners. The taxes not being regularly paid, it was voted", September 25, 1727, ' That the inhabitants contribute, once a month, on the Lord's day, af- ter divine service, for the support of the minister, until a rate can properly be made ; each person to paper up his money, and subscribe his name on the pa- per ; so that an account may be taken of each person's money, to be allowed on his rate, when made.' The paper currency of the province, having depre- ciated in the fluctuations which diversify its history, frequent voluntary con- tributions were made for the minister. In answer to the petition of Mr. Burr, it was voted, October 24, 1732, ' that the town cheerfully grant him £20, and earnestly desire he would lay the same out in purchasing an addition to his li- brary.' Successive grants of money were made, as is expressed, ' to encour- age him.' The salary had been raised to £140, in bills of credit. The in- stability and depreciation of this medium, rendered a more certain standard of compensation necessary. In 1741, the inhabitants voted, ' to make his sal- ary equal to what money was at the time of his settlement, having regard to the difference between silver and paper :' 29 shillings of the latter being es- timated as equivalent to an ounce of the former. The celebrated Whitefield, whose splendid eloquence seemed almost the gift of inspiration, controlling the judgment, and swaying the feelings of men at pleasure, went through New England, during his second visit, preaching to congregations gathering by the acre, beneath the open sky, in numbers no house could contain. On his way to New York, this powerful exhortcr ar- rived in Worcester, Oct. 14, 1740, accompanied by Gov. Belcher, whose mind 1740.] VISIT OF WHITEFIELD. 145 had been deeply impressed by the glowing elocution which had roused thou- sands. The account of their reception is in Whitefield's continuation of the journal of his evangelical labors. ' 1740. Tuesday, Oct. 14. Got to Marlborough, eight miles from Sudbury, about 4 : preached in the meeting house, to a large congregation. At first, my heart was dead, and I had little freedom ; but before I had finished, the word came, with such a demonstration of the spirit, that great numbers were much melted down. When I came into the meeting house, I turned about, and, to my surprise, found Gov. Belcher there. He was affected, and though it rained, and he was much advanced in years, yet he went with us as far as Worcester, 15 miles from Marlborough, whither we got about 8, at night. Here we were kindly entertained, at the house of Col. Chandler. We spent the remainder of the evening very agreeably, with the governor, and after prayer, retired to rest. Oh, that I may approve myself a disciple of that mas- ter, who, while tabernacling here on earth, had not where to lay his head. ' Wednesday, Oct. 15. Perceived the governor to be more affectionate than ever. After morning prayer, he took me by myself, kissed me, wept, and ex- horted me to go on stirring up the ministers ; ' for,' said he, ' reformation must begin at the house of God.' As we were going to meeting, says he, ' Mr. Whitefield, do not spare me any more than the ministers ; no, not the chief of them.' I preached in the open air, on the common, to some thousands ; the word fell with weight indeed ; it carried all before it. After sermon, the governor said to me, ' I pray God I may apply what has been said to my own heart. Pray, Mr. Whitefield, that I may hunger and thirst after righteous- ness.' Dinner being ended, with tears in his eyes he kissed and took leave of me. Oh, that we may meet in heaven. I have observed that I have had greater power than ordinary whenever the governor has been at public wor- ship. A sign, I hope, that the Most High intends effectually to bring him home and place him at his right hand Was enabled much to rejoice in spirit Preached at Leicester, in the afternoon, 6 miles from Wor- cester, with some, though not so much power as in the morning.' The health of Mr. Burr having become impaired, and differences having arisen, he was desirous of relinquishing the office he had held during twenty years. In Nov. 1744, a mutual council was convened. The result, advising separation, met with the almost unanimous acquiescence of church and parish, and Mr. Burr was dismissed, in March, 1745. The Rev. David Hall, of Sutton, seems to have been instrumental in origi- nating the difficulties which led to the dismission of Mr. Burr. The follow- ing passages from his diary, ^ throw much light on the subject. Dr. Hall was a follower of Whitefield. ' Jan. 22, 1742, O. S. Preached this week twice at Worcester, in private houses. Mr. Burr gave his consent before I went : but seemed not pleased at my coming, as I was informed. I am grieved at my heart, to observe the violent opposition made against the work of God in the land, by those that are called his servants. But this I know, that wherein they deal proudly, the 1 American Antiquarian Society's MSS. 13* IIG FIRST rAUisii. [1744. Lord is above them. I find much deadncss of heart, for the most part : but when preaching the blessed gospel, my soul hath, of late, by times, felt all on fire: and I liumMy trust the fire is from God's altar. ' Feb. 7. I am in great concern about religious matters, ^Ir. Burr of "Worcester, refusing the urgent request of some people of Worcester, to hear me preach again with them. God seems to have blessed my poor labors lately among them, for the awaken- ing of some of them. But oh I the prejudice of Mr. B. who is, I fear, too mucli a stranger to the power of godliness, or otherwise, surely, he would re- joice in having liis people in concern about their souls, and in the help of such ministers as wish their salvation. Oh that the Lord would forgive him and open his eyes, and strengthen me, his poor unworthy worm, to be valiant in following the rules of my dear Redeemer. 'Nov. 30, 1744. This week Mr. Burr and the church part, under the di- rection of a council. The Lord stir up ministers to faithfulness by such prov- idences.' Mr. Bliss of Concord, one of the most distinguished of the clergy, who, in that day, were denominated netv lights, occasionally preached to the separatists at Worcester, ' where he had been requested by a multitude of souls,' in the bold, zealous, and impassioned style he had adopted.^ The Rev. Isaac Burr, a graduate of Yale College, in 1717, was born in Fail field, Conn, in 1698, and descended from an ancient family. His father, Hon. Peter Burr, of Harvard College, 1690, was in the m.agistracy from 1703, twenty one years : judge of Probate for Fairfield county ; judge of the Supe- rior Court of Connecticut, from the first establishment in 1711, to 1717, and from 1722 to his death, Dec. 25, 1724.^ After his dismission, Mr. Burr re- moved from Worcester to Windsor in Vermont. The difficulty experienced in procuring a successor to Mr. Burr is apparent frcm the instructions of the town to the committee appointed to supply the pulpit. Dec. 1744, they w^cre directed ' to intercede with the reverend Elders of the late council to preach, each one day.' March, 1745, they were charged ' to use their utmost endeavor that the town be not destitute of preaching on the Lord's day ; to procure Mr. Townsend if to be had ; if not, to consult with the Rev. President Holyoke, of Harvard College, Professor Appleton, and Dr. Wigglesworth, who to engage in a probationary way.' In May, they were desired to procure two more gentlemen for the same purpose, with the advice of the Rev. President and Professors ; and it was voted, ' that when they had been heard, the church should proceed to the choice from them and the three gentlemen who had already preached, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Marsh, and Mr. Phillips, and that the town will hoar no more persons before a choice is made.' On the 29th of August, 1745, Mr. Nathaniel Gardner of Harvard College, 1739, received an invitation to settle on a salary of £60 in bills of credit, 1 Shattuck's Hist, of Concord, 175. -The Rev. Aaron Burr, born in Fairfield, 1714, of Yale College, 173.5, the learned Pres- ident of the Collopc at Princeton in New .ler.sey, was son of Judge Peter Burr. He died 17d7,agcd 43, leaving one daughter, who married the Hon. Tappan Reeves, a distinguished juri.st, and one son, tha celebrated Aaron Burr, late Vice President of the United States. AISS. Letter of Rev. Pr. Harris. 1746.] CHURCH COVENANT. 147 and with a gratuity of £100 of the same currency, which was declined. In the state of uncertainty and doubt which prevailed, it was voted to re- quest the Rev. Mr. Peabody, and Mr. Rogers of Littleton, to assist ' in carry- ing on a day of fasting and prayer, Feb. 28, 1746, to implore the divine di- rection ia the church's leading in the choice of a person to be ordained.' On the 9th of May following, unanimous and earnest desire was expressed, that the Rev. Mr. Appleton of Cambridge, Mr. Williams of Waltham, and Mr. Turell of Medford, give their best advice, ' who they may judge proper to hear in order for a gentleman's being settled among us in case he can be ob- tained ; and to advise whether all those male persons who are in full commun- ion with other churches, and have removed hither, should be permitted to vote in the choice, provided there be no just objection.' A committee was dele- gated to wait on the selected advisers, ' and desire they would condescend to serve us herein.' In the interval between asking and obtaining counsel, hav- ing arrtved ; t conclusions of their own, the opinions they had formed were adopted instead of those they obtained ; on the 17th of October, ' the vote was put, whether the church would adhere to the advice of the Rev. Mr. Apple- ton, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Turell, and it passed in the negative.'^ The following covenant, prepared by the Rev. Mr. Campbell of Oxford, and the Rev. Mr. Stone of Southborough, was adopted, Sept. 22, 1746, and af- terwards subscribed by fifty members of the church.^ * We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, being inhabitants of the town of Worcester, in New England, knowing that we are very prone to offend and provoke God, Most High, both in heart and life, through the prevalency of sin that dwelleth in us, and the manifold temptations from without us, for which we have great reason to be unfeignedly humble before him, from day to day, do, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with depend- ence upon the gracious assistance of his Holy Spirit, solemnly enter into covenant with God, and with one another, according to his holy direction, as follows ; ' First : That having chosen and taken the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to be our God, Ave will fear him, cleave to him in love, and serve him in truth, with all our hearts, giving up ourselves to him, to be his people, in all things to be at his direction and sovereign disposal, that we may have and hold communion with him, as members of Christ's mystical body, accord- ing to his revealed will, to our lives' end. ' Secondly : We bind ourselves to bring up our children and servants, in the knowledge and fear of God, by his instructions, according to our best abilities, and, in special, by orthodox catechisms, viz. the Assembly's at Westminster larger and shorter catechisms, that the true religion may be maintained in our families while we live ; yea, and among such as shall sur- vive us, when we are dead and gone. 1 Sept. 22, niG. It was voted ' tliat the church will esteem it an offence, if any member thert f, shall hereafter countenance itinerant preachers.' 2 Church Records of Rev. Mr. Maccarty. 148 FIRST TARISH. [1746. ' Thirdly : We furthermore promise, to keep close to the truth of Christ, endeavoring with lively affections of it in our hearts, to defend it against all opposers thereof, as God shall call us at any time thereunto ; which, that we may do, we resolve to use the Holy Scriptures as our directory, whereby we may discern the mind and will of Christ, and not the new found inventions of men. * Fourthly : Wc also engage ourselves, to have a careful inspection over our hearts, so as to endeavor, by virtue of the death of Christ, the mortifica- tion of our sinful passions, worldly frames, and disorderly affections, whereby we may be withdrawn from the living God. ' Fifthly : We furthermore oblige ourselves, in the faithful improvement of all our abilities and opportunities, to worship God, according to the particular institutions of Christ for his church, under gospel administrations ; to give a reverent attention to the word of God ; to pray unto him ; to sing his praises ; and to hold communion with one another, in the use of both the sacraments of the Xew Testament, viz. Baptism and the Lord's supper. ' Sixthly : We likewise promise, that we will submit ourselves unto the holy discipline appointed by Christ in his church, for offenders, obeying, according to the will of God, them that rule over us in the Lord. ' Seventhly : We also bind ourselves, to walk in love one towards another, endeavoring our mutual edification, visiting, exhorting, comforting, as occa- sion serveth, any brother or sister which offends ; not divulging private offen- ces irregularly, but heedfuUy following the several precepts laid down by Christ for church discipline, in xvili. of Matthew, 15, 16, 17,; Avillingly for- giving all that manifest, unto the judgment of charity, that they truly repent of all their miscarriages. ' Now, the God of peace, which brought again from the dead our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us all perfect in every good word and work, to do his will, working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight, through .Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. ' Worcester, Sept. 22, 1746. This church this day renewed covenant with God and with one another, and unanimously signified their assent to the above-written instrument, declaring, at the same time, their readiness to sub- scribe the same, at the next meeting of the church. Present, at their desire, John Prentice, Pastor of Lancaster, John Campbell, Pastor of Oxford.' In the period of nearly two years, subsequent to the dismission of Mr. Burr, many candidates were heard. Among them, the son of Rev, Mr. Wil- liams of Lebanon, the son of Rev. Mr. Williams of Springfield, Mr. Brown, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Benjamin Stevens, Mr. Walley, Mr. Lawrence of Groton. were invited to officiate. On the 17th of October, 1746, the com- mittee were instructed, to recjuest the Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty of Boston, and the Rev. Jonathan Mayhew of Martha's Vineyard, afterwards pastor of the West Church in Boston, and distinguished as one of the most intrepid champions of civil and religious liberty, and ablest divines of New England, to preach four sabbaths each. 1747.] EEV. THA.DDEUS MACCARTY. 1^19 On the 27tli of Norember, 1746, Mr. Maccartv preaclied his first sermon, on the public annual thanksgiving, and continued to officiate very acceptably, until the day was fixed for the election of a minister, on the 19th of January, 1747. The sabbath preceding the determination between the candidates, Mv. Mayhew, who had previously been heard by the people, officiated in the fore- noon, and Mr. Maccarty performed the afternoon service. The latter was elected, by 42 of the 44 votes given by the church : three only dissented, in town meeting, on the question of concurrence. On the 10th of June, 1747, he was installed as pastor of the religious society. The introductory prayer at the ordination was offered by Rev. John Campbell of Oxford : the sermon was preached by Mr. Maccarty himself; from I Thess. ii. 13, and afterwards published. Rev. Mr. Williams of Weston, delivered the charge, and Rev. Mr. Cotton of Newton, gave the right hand of fellowship. The concluding prayer was by Rev. Mr. Appleton of Cambridge. After singing Psalm Ixxviii. 2 to 7 verses, the benediction was pronounced by Mr. Maccarty.-^ The town voted a salary of £100 in last emission money, 'having special regard to the small value of bills of credit, but if the future circumstances of Mr. Maccarty's family should call for it, they would cheerfully and willingly make him such further addition as may be judged proper from time to time.' From 1750 to 1759, the annual stipend was 80 pounds, in lawful money. After the latter year, the sum of 20 pounds was bestowed by the name of gratuity. On the 23d of March, 1747, the inhabitants voted to raise the sum of £300, and appointed a committee to make sale of 100 acres of the ministerial lands in the town, for the purpose of purchasing a parsonage. A resolve of the General Court, passed June 3, 1747, authorized the sale, provided the proceeds were invested in real estate for the use of the ministry. The house of Dr. Samuel Breck, situated on the common, south east from the meeting house, was purchased for £187. 10s. and conveyed, by deed dated Sept. 25, 1747, with about two acres of land adjoining, to John Chandler, treasurer, to and for the use of the town. This property was granted to Mr. Maccarty, on his release of all expenses for repairs, and conveyed March 4th, 1765. The history of these transactions, has, unfortunately, become matter of judicial record;^ a suit having been instituted, April 30th, 1814, by Rev. Samuel Austin, to recover, in right of the parish, the tract of land from the tenant, claiming under the conveyance of the executors of Mr. Maccarty, in which it was finally determined that the deed of the town, in its parochial capacity, passed no title, and a judgment was rendered for the demandant, afterwards released by the Parish. On the commencement of the revolution, which Mr. Maccarty had promoted by his influence, although feeling the pressure of declining years, and having a numerous family dependent upon him, he relinquished a portion of his allowance. The feebleness of Mr. Maccarty prevented his regular performance of cler- i First Church's Records, i. 1. ' 14 Mass. Reports, 333. Austin vs. Thomas. 150 CirAKACTEU OF MR. MACCARTT. [1745. ical duties during the last years of his life. His long and useful ministry of 37 years was closed by death, July 20, 1784. The Rev. Thaddcus Maccarty, son of Capt. Thaddeus Maccarty, an e.xper- ienced commander and skillful navigator in the merchant service, was born in Boston, 1721. Early destined to a seafaring life, he accompanied his father in several voyages,^ but the delicateness of his constitution, rendered him unable to endure the hardships and exposure of the ocean, and his attention was directed to the more quiet pursuits of a profession. His preparatory studies were in the town school of Boston, and he graduated at Harvard Col- lege, in 1739. Soon after completing his theological education, he received and accepted an invitation to settle in Kingston, in Plymouth county, where he was ordained as the pastor of that town, Nov. 3, 1742. At the expiration of three years, the connection was dissolved, under peculiar circumstances. The enthusiastic eloquence of VVhitefield had stirred up the slumbering spirit of piety, and his bold attacks on the regular clergy, alarmed the friends of the church. The unguarded bitterness of expressions, and the neglect of conciliatory policy on the part of that celebrated itinerant, changed mere disapprobation of his measures into determined hostility. The inhabitants of Kingston, apprehen- sive of the disturbance of their peace by his visit, and fearful of his power to excite commotion, appointed a committee, Jan. 29, 1745, to prevent the intru- sion of roving exhorters. An unfounded report was circulated that jMr. Mac- carty, who was supposed to be attached to Whitefield, then in Plymouth, had invited him to preach the sacramental lecture. Much excitement arose, and effectual care was taken to prevent the exercises of the obnoxious individual, by closing and fastening the meeting house, nailing the doors, and covering the windows with boards. Mr. Maccarty, indignant at the personal insult and violation of his rights, omitted attending at the time appointed for the lecture, and immediately asked dismission. A council was convened, and, although, it is said, he had become desirous of withdrawing his request, it was granted, against his wishes, and the result, advising separation, accepted by the town. On the 3d of November, 1745, three years to a day from his ordination, he preached a farewell sermon, from the appropriate text. Acts xx. 31. ' There- fore watch, and remember that by the space of three years, I ceased not to warn every one, night and day, with tears. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to ^Mve you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified.' A copy of the discourse was left in Kingston, and sixty years after the delivery, and long after the decease of the author, it was published, with a preface, containing a brief statement of the transaction, and remarks reproachful to the people of Kingston." His character is faithfully delineated in the following inscription on the monument erected to his memory. ' Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of the Rev. Thaddeus Mac- 1 MS. note on-a sermon, ia hand writing of Rev. Mr. Maccarty. 2 2 Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 209. 1784.] FIRST PARISH. 151 carty, for thirty seven years pastor of the church in Worcester. Through the course of his ministry, he uniformly exhibited an example of the peaceable and amiable virtues of Christianity. Under a slow and painful decline, he discovered an ardent love to his master, by a cheerful attention to his service, and at the approach of death, he patiently submitted, in the full hope of a glorious resurrection from the grave. In testimony of his fidelity, the people of his charge erect this monument. Obiit, July 20, 1784, ^-Etatis 63.' Mr. Maccarty was tall in stature : in person slender and thin, with a dark and penetrating eye : a distinct and sonorous, though somewhat harsh-toned voice. His address was impressive and solemn. In sentiment he was strictly calvinistic :^ in politics decided and firm, ranking however with the moderate whigs. His printed sermons are more characterized by judicious thought, good sense, and piety, than elegance or eloquence. After preaching a con- vention sermon, a contemporary clergyman remarked, that he had never heard him preach either a very low, or a very brilliant discourse.^ 1 President John Adams, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Bancroft, says ; ' when I removed to Worcester, in 1735, I found that county hot with controversy betweeen the parties of Mr. Buckminster and Mr. Mellen. I became acquainted with Dyer, Doolittle, and Baldwin, three notable disputants. Mr. Maccarty, though a calvinist, was not a bigot, but the town "was a scene of disputes all the time I lived there.' Mass. Spy, April 23, 1823. Joseph Dyer, attorney and merchant, Ephraim Doolittle, merchant and afterward colonel of a regiment, Nathan Baldwin, Register of Deeds, were all deists. Of the two former, some notice will be found in succeeding pages. The latter was an ardent politician, and the author of many of the addresses and documents of our revolutionary annals. He died at Worcester, July 21, 1784. - The following list contains all the publications of Mr. Maccarty. 1. Farewell sermon, preached at Kingston, Nov. 3, 1745, printed, Boston, 1804. 2. The success of the preached gospel matter to faithful ministers of continual thankfulness to God : sermon at the au- thor's installation to the pastoral office in Worcester, June 10, 1747. 1 Thes. xi. 13. 3, The advice of Joab to the Host of Israel going forth to war, considered and urged : in two discourses delivered in Worcester, April 5, 1759, being the day of the annual fast, and the day preceding the general muster of the militia throughout the province for the enlist- ing soldiers for the intended expedition against Canada. 4. The power and grace of Christ displayed to a dying malefactor: sermon, Oct. 20, 1768, the day of the execution of Arthur, a negro, at Worcester. 5. The most heinous sinners capable of the saving bless- ings of the gospel : sermon, Oct. 25, 1770, on the execution of William Lindsey for bur- glary, at Worcester. 6. Praise to God, a duty of continual obligation : sermon, Nov. 23, 1775, public thanksgiving. 7. The guilt of innocent blood put away : sermon, July 2, 1778, on the execution of Buchannan, Brooks, Ross, and Mrs. Spooner, for murder, at Worcester. Most of the manuscripts of Mr. Maccarty were destroyed at his decease, in compliance with his wishes. Among them, was the historical discourse, of whose contents the follow- ing memorandum was entered bj' him on the church records : ' Thursday, Dec. 8, 1763. This day, being the public thanksgiving throughout the prov- ince, and the day also of this congregation's assembling in their new meeting house, which began to be erected on June 21st preceding, exactly 16 years from the time of my instal- ment to the pastoral office, 1 preached a sermon from 1 Chr. xxix. 16, 17, in which some brief account was given of the original settlement of this town, the gathering of this church, its pastors, admissions, baptisms, &c. and some proper notice taken of the solem- nity of thanksgiving.' Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty married Mary Gatcomb, Sept. 8, 1743. Their children were : 1. Thaddeus, b. July 29, 1744. 2. John, b. Aug. 16, 1745 : both died in Kingston. 3. Thaddeus, b. Dec. 19, 1747, graduated at Yale College, 1766 : married Experience, d. of 162 CHUECH MUSIC. [1726. A sinf^ular controversy in relation to the form of conducting the musical portion of public worship in our churches, growing out of attachment to an- cient customs and resistance of innovations, arose at an early period. In its progress, it converted the harmony of christians in the house of prayer into discord, and though trifling in its origin, became of so much importance, as to require the frequent directory interference of town meetings, and only arrived at its conclusion when the great revolutionary struggle swallowed up all minor objects. Anciently, those who joined in singing the devotional poetry of religious exercises, were dispersed through the congregation, having no place assigned them as a distinct body, and no privileges separate from their fellow worship- pers. After the clergyman had read the whole psalm, he repeated the first line, which was sung by those who were able to aid in the pious melody : the eldest deacon then pronounced the next line, which was sung in similar man- Ihomas Cowdin, Esq. of Fitchburg, Jan. 16, 1775; physician, practiced sometime in Wor- cester, then in Keene, N. H. where he died Nov. 21, 1802. 4. Thomas, b. Sept. 24, 1749: d. March 14, 17o0. 6. Mary, b. Oct. 30, 1750: married Hon. Benjamin West, of Charles- town, N. II. in 1781 : d. Aug. 1803. 6. .John, b. Jan. 10, 175 J : d. June 19, 1752. 7. Eliz- abeth, b. Jan. 7, 1753 : d. March 25, 1823. 8. William Greenough, b. Dec. 20, 1753, quar- ter master, in Col. Bigelow's, 15th Mass. regiment, died at Billerica, Aug. 13, 1791 : he married Hannah Soley of Charlestown, Mass. who after his decease married Nathan Adams of the same town, and is now his widow. 9. Samuel, b. March 23, 1755 : d. July 21, 1755. 10. Thomas, b. and d. Dec. 5, 1755. 11. Francis, b. Sept. 28, 1756 : d. June 7, 1757. 12, Nathaniel, b. July 10, 1758: learned the trade of a printer, with Isaiah Thom- as, afterwards merchant in Petersham, died in Worcester, Oct. 14, 1831. 13. Lucy, b. June 25, 17G0 : d. June 23, 1813. 14. Lucretia, b. July 15, 1762 : d. Jan. 1810. 15. Fran- cis, b. Aug. 8, 1763 : d. Sept. 9, 1764. The mother died, Dec. 28, 1783, at Worcester. Mary Gatcomb was daughter of Francis Gatcomb, au emigrant from Wales, who became a wealthy merchant of Boston, where he died, July 20, 1714, ageJ 51 ; his wife, Rachel, died, Nov. 20, 1752, aged 51. The marriage of one of their four daughters with one Win- ter, was full of the romance of real life. He had worked as a wood sawyer at her father's door, and it was not known to the family that she even spoken to him. One afternoon, she put on her bonnet and shawl, and said she was about to visit a place she named. Her sister observed, ' stop a few minutes, and I will go with you.' ' No,' she replied, ' I am in a hurry ;' and immediately went out. Night coming on, the family became greatly alarmed by her absence, and made ineffectual search in all directions. The next morn- ing revealed the mystery of her disappearance ; she had become the lawful wife of Winter. Iler parents were much incensed, and forbade her the house ; but afterwards, on his death bed, her father became reconciled, received her again to favor, and in the division of his estate, which was large for those days, made her share equal to that of his other children. Winter proved a kind, but thriftless husband. They embarked for Halifax, were ship- wrecked, lost all their effects, and narrowly escaped with life. Finding nothing but pov- erty and distress at Halifax, they returned to Boston. Winter did the best he could to support his family by day labor, and was ever kind and affectionate to the woman he had led from the affluence of her former home to the penury of his own lot. Misfortune followed him, and his exertions were unsuccessful. His wife, at length, fell into consump- tion. The Ilev. Mr. .Maccarty, who married her sister, went to Boston to visit her in dis- tress, and found her in a bare hovel, on a straw bed, destitute of every thing. He admin ■ istercd all the consolation in his power, gave to her a guinea, a large present for him to make at that time, knelt down by her and prayed, and, commending her to the protection of heaven, departed. She died, in about six weeks after, without issue. MS. Letter of John W. Stiles, Esq. 1726.] CHURCH MUSIC. 153 ner, and the exercises cf singing and reading went on alternately. When the advantages of education were less generally diffused than at present, the cus- tom was established, to avoid the embarrassment resulting from the ignorance of those who were more skilful in giving sound to notes than deciphering letters. The barbarous effect produced by each individual repeating the words to such tune as was agreeable to his own taste, became apparent. The first attempt at the reformation of this ' usual way,' as it was termed, was made March, 1726, when a meeting of the inhabitants was called, for the purpose of considering ' in which way the congregation shall sing in future, in public, whether in the ruleable way, or in the usual way,' and the former was adopted, though not without strong opposition at the time and great discontent after. ^ Ineffectual application having been made to the selectmen, to convene the people, for the purpose of again discussing the subject, a warrant was pro- cured from John Minzies, Esq. of Leicester, calling a meeting, ' to see if the town will reconsider their vote concerning singing, it being of an ecclesiastical nature, which ought not to stand on our town records : ' but the article was dismissed. The next step was, the attempt to procure the aid of some suitable person to lead and direct in the performances. It was voted. May, 1769, 'that the elder's seat be used for some persons to lead the congregation in singing.' The adherents of old usage possessed sufficient influence to negative a propo- sition for raising a committee to invite a qualified individual to perform this office. In March, 1T70, ' it was voted, that Messrs. James McFarland, Jona- than Stone, and Ebenezer Flagg, sit in the elder's seat to lead, and on a mo- tion made and seconded, voted unanimously, that Mr. William Swan sit in the same seat, to assist the aforesaid gentlemen in singing.' It remained, to gather the musicians to one choir, where their talents in pslainody could be better exerted than in their dispersion, and in 1773, ' the two hind body seats, on the men's side, on the lower floor of the meeting house,' were assigned to those who sat together and conducted singing on the Lord's day. The final blow was struck on the old system, by the resolution of the town, Aug. 5, 1779. ' Voted, That the singers sit in the front seats in the front gallery, and those gentlemen who have heretofore sat in the front seats in said gallery, have a right to sit in the front seat and second seat below, and that said singers have said seats appropriated to said use. Voted, That said singers be requested to take said seats and carry on singing in public worship. Voted, That the mode of singing in the congregation here, be without reading the psalms, line by line, to be sung.' The sabbath succeeding the adoption of these votes, after the hymn had been read by the minister, the aged and venerable Deacon Chamberlain, un- willing to desert the custom of his fathers, rose, and read the first line accor- ding to his usual practice. The singers prepared to carry the alteration into • effect, proceeded, without pausing at its conclusion : the white-haired officer 1 Its execution was defeated by the resistance of the deacons, who, on the ensuing Lord's day, read line by line as usual, without regard to the vote. Respectful regard to the feel- ings of these venerable men prevented the contemplated change. 14 154 riRST TAEisH. [1779. of the church, -with the full power of his voice, read on, until the louder notes of the collected body overpowered the attempt to resist the progress of im- provement, and the deacon, deeply mortified at the triumph of musical refor- mation, seized his hat, and retired from the meeting house, in tears. His conduct was censured by the church, and he was, for a time, deprived of its communion, for absenting himself from the public services of the sabbath. The mode of reading prevailed in Boston, and throughout New England, until a few years prior to the last mentioned date, and in some places beyond it. A relic of the old custom probably still survives, in the repetition of the first line of the hymn by clergymen of the present day. The improved version, by President Dunster, of the translation attempted by Rev. Mr. Weld, Rev. Mr. Eliot of Roxbury, and Rev. Richard Mather of Dorchester, according to the agreement of the ministers in 1G39, was used in the church here until 1761, when it was voted, ' that it would be agreeable to change the version of the Psalms, and to sing the version composed by Tate and Brady, with an appendix of scriptural hymns of Dr. Watts', and this was begun to be used Nov. 29, of that year. The hymns of Dr. Watts were substituted for the book before used, Jan. 20, 1790. The public reading of a lesson from the Scriptures, as a stated portion of the service, was not introduced into New England until near the middle of the lai^t century. The following extract from the church records shows the period when it was first commenced here. ' 1749, Sept. 3. Voted, that thanks be given, by the pastor, publicly, to the Hon. John Chandler, Esq. for his present of a handsome folio Bible for the public reading of the Scrip- tures, which laudable custom Avas very unanimously come into, by the church, at one of their meetings some time before.' The assignment of places in church was formerly matter of grave consider- ation, and frequently claimed the attention of the town. In 1724, a large committee was instructed to seat the meeting house, ' taking as the general rule the two last invoices of ratable estate, saving liberty to have due regard to principal builders as they shall see cause.' After long lapse of time, they were directed in 1733, 'to proceed and finisli the meeting house, and that the nde they principally guide themselves by, be a person's usefulness, or the station he holds in age and pay, not having regard to plurality of polls, but to real and personal estate.' In 1748^ it was directed, that the men's seats in the body of the house be enlarged to the women's seats, that a man and woman be placed in each of the pews to be constructed, and a seat for the children he made in the body before the seats.' An article was inserted in the warrant of April, 1750, ' to give directions that people may sit in the seats assigned to them, to prevent discord, and that they do not put themselves too forward,' and at the meeting it was voted, ' that the selectmen give tick- ets to such people as have not taken their seats properly, according to the last seating, directing them to sit where they ought, so as to prevent disorder, and that they fill up properly any pews lately built.' In the house erected in 17G3, the right of selection of pews was given ' in the order of amounts paid for building.' 1785.] SEPARATION OF SECOND SOCIETY. 155 The declining health of Mr. Maccarty, during the last years of his life, had prevented his constant ministration, and rendered aid necessary for the pulpit. In March, 1781, a committee was instructed to engage the temporary assis- tance of clergymen. In July, 1783, the increasing infirmities of the pastor, made it apparent that the days of his usefulness were drawing near their close. With the view to provide an assistant, or successor, it was voted, to settle a colleague, and to invite candidates to officiate on probation. Gentlemen, whose labors in other towns were afterwards crowned with distinguished success, were heard, but failed to produce such impression as to unite the members of the parish in the selection from the number. Among others, the Rev Aaron Bancroft preached eight sabbaths in the autumn of 1783. On the termination of his engagement, Mr. Maccarty was so far restored to health, as to be able to resume the discharge of his duties for a short period. In July, 1784, the pulpit was left vacant by his decease. In October fol- lowing, Mr. Bancroft again preached five or six times. Differences of opinion on religious doctrine had sprung up, which, in their progress, produced divis- ion in the parent parish, and are stated on the record, to have disturbed the peace of the town and the intercourse of society. In November, 1784, a day was set apart by the town, for humiliation, prayer, and supplication of the divine assistance for the reestablishment of the Gospel ministry. Mr. Bancroft returned to Worcester, under a third engagement to preach, in January 1785 A meeting was convened in March of that year, on the request of 48 petitioners. A motion was made to settle Mr. Bancroft as the minister. The opposition of the majority arose from diversity of religious sentiment ;^ and not from objection to the character or ability of the candi- date. It was proposed, as a means of compromise, that he should be called to settle : that those opposed should be at liberty to settle a colleague of their own choice : and that the salaries of both be paid from the common treasury ; but this was rejected. The friends of Mr. Bancroft, next requested the assent of the town to the formation of another society, which was refused. They then withdrew, voluntarily associated themselves together, and although the legal connection was not dissolved until an act of incorporation was obtained, long afterwards, they maintained public worship separate from the parish. The division springing from this source, and extending its distracting influ- ence over civil, municipal, social, and private affairs, continued to impair har- mony. Those who seceded, still remained liable to taxation, and while 1 • On application foi- an incorporating act, a committee of the legislature was appoint- ed to report on the prayer of the petition, of which the venerable Charles Turner, once a distinguished clergyman, was chairman. He was liberal in his opinions, but much op- posed to the ecclesiastical division of towns and parishes ; and he demanded the reasons, which rend red it expedient, that the town of Worcester should thus be divided. Judge Lincoln, chairman of the parish committee, replied, * The majority of our inhabitants are rigid Calvinists, the petitioners are rank Arminians.' Dr. Bancroft's Half-Century Ser- mon, 42. 156 FIRST PARISH. [1786. charg.-'J with the support of their own minister, were compelled to contribute their proportion of the parochial expenses of their opponents. The members of the new society claimed a share in the funds arising from the sale of lands appropriated for religious purposes, and cf the property which had been held in common for ministerial use. During two years, continual but ineffectual attempts were made to secure equitable adjustm.ent. Meeting after meeting was held. Propositions to exonerate the new society from taxation in the parish from which they had separated ; to distribute the ministerial funds and property ; to submit the determination of the whole matter to the arbitration of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, or of referees mutually chosen ; with all varieties of modifications, were successively rejected. The petitions for incorporation were opposed ; all terms of accommodation denied ; and the meetings were disturbed by the conflict of the contending parties, until the act of the Legislature defined the rights of the minority, and all the contro- versy subsided. While this warfare of brethren was going on, attempts were made to settle a minister in the elder society. May 15, 1786, an invitation was given to Rev. Daniel Story for this pur- pose, with an offer of £300 settlement, and £120 annual salary, and accepted by him. His ordination was postponed, with the hope that an amicable settle- ment of the controversies of the societies could be effected. October 15, 1787, the last Wednesday of November was fixed for the ceremony, and a committee charged with the proper preparations. Before the time appointed for his installation arrived, another meeting was held, and the former vote reconsidered. Adjournments took place from month to month, without final action on the subject, until March 10th, 1788, when the invitation was recalled, and the relation which had commenced between pastor and people was dis- solved, after Mr. Story had preached about two years. This measure was adopted, probably in compliance with his wishes, and was induced by his re- luctance to remain permanently, where his means of usefulness would be lim- ited, and restrained by the existing divisions. Rev. Daniel Story, son of William Story of Boston, who held the office of Commissioner of Stamps, was a graduate of Dartmouth College in the class of 1780. After his removal from Worcester, he preached as a candidate for the ministry in Concord, New Hampshire. Although an acceptable preacher, the Arminian sentiments he was said to entertain, prevented his settlement. He removed to Ohio, and was settled as the first minister of Marietta, where he died in 1813.^ Nov. 13, 1787, the New Society was incorporated by the legislature. From this time, the first parish commenced its legal existence distinct from the municipal corporation, and the support of worship ceased to be provided for by the inhabitants in their general meetings. The Rev. Abiel Flint, Israel ICvans, Elijah Kellog, Enoch Pond, Joshua Cushman, William F. Rowland, and Ebcnezcr Fitch, supplied the desk, after the retirement of Mr. Story. ^ J. Farmer, ia New Ilampshir* Hist. Coll. iii. 24;8. 1790.] CHUKCH COVENANT. 157 On the 22d of March, 1790, the Rev. Samuel Austin of New Haven, was invited to settle on a salary of £130. After the acceptance of the call by that gentleman, disapprobation was expressed by an individual. For the purpose of ascertaining the precise extent of opposition, and to avoid the painful consequences of discontent, a second meeting was held, when there were found to be seventy three for, and only two against the candidate. Mr. Austin was installed, Sept. 30, 1790. The Rev. Samuel Spring of Newburyport, introduced the solemnities with prayer: Rev. Samuel Hopkins of Hadley, delivered the sermon : Rev. Ebenezer Chaplin of Sutton, made the ordaining prayer: Rev. Joseph Sumner of Shrewsbury, gave the charge : Rev. Nehemiah Williams of Brimfield, bestowed the right hand of fellowship : Rev. Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, offered the concluding pra5fer. As a substitute for the old articles of faith and covenant, the following were unanimously adopted by the church, to be used in the admission of members.^ ' 1. I believe that there is one, only, living, and true God, a Being inde- pendent and eternal in his existence and glory, unchangeable in his purposes, possessed of infinite power, wisdom, and justice, goodness and truth, and who is the Creator, Benefactor, Preserver, and sovereign righteous Governor of the universe. ' 2. I believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were given by inspiration of God, are clothed with divine authority, and are a per- fect rule of faith and manners. ' 3. 1 believe that the Scriptures teach, that God exists, in a manner incom- prehensible to us, under a threefold distinction or Trinity of persons, as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and that to these three persons, as the one God, all divine perfections are to be equally ascribed. '4.1 believe that every individual of the human race, is, by connection with the first man, and in consequence of his apostasy, natively dead in tres- passes and sins, at enmity with God, and must be regenerate in heart, and sanctified by the agency of the Holy Ghost, in order to final salvation. '5. I believe that God hath, from the foundation of the world, ordained some, by an election purely of grace, unto everlasting life, who, and who only, will be finally gathered into the kingdom of the Redeemer. ' 6. The only Redeemer of sinners, I believe, is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is strictly and properly a divine person, who, by the assumption of the human nature in union with the divine, became capable of making a meritorious and effectual sacrifice for sin, by giving himself up to the death of the cross ; that by this sacrifice he became the propitiation of the sins of men ; that, as risen from the dead, ascended and glorified, he is the Head of the Church, and the final Judge of the world, and that all who are saved, will be entirely indebted to the sovereign Grace of God, through his atonement. ' 7. I believe that those who are regenerated and united to Christ by a true faith, will never finally fall away, but will be preserved by divine power, 1 These articles were not entered on the church records until May 2.3, 1815. They were then revised, but it stated, were varied in phraseology only, and not in sentiment. 14* 158 FIRST PARISH. [1790. and in fulfillment of God's eternal purpose of Grace, unto final salvation. ' 8. I believe that those who die in a state of impenitency and unbelief are irrevocably lost. ' 9. I believe in the resurrection of the dead and a general judgment, in the issue of which the righteous will be received to the perfect and endless enjoyment of God in heaven, and the wicked will be sentenced to be everlast- ingly punished in that fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, which sentence I believe will be fully executed. ' 10. I believe in the sacraments of the Gospel dispensation, baptism and the Lord's Supper, as the two ordinances instituted by Christ, for the edifica- tion of his body the church : that visible believers only, who appear to receive the truth in the love of it, and to maintain a conversation becoming the Gos- pel, have a right of admission to the Lord's Supper, and that they, with their households, are the only proper subjects to whom baptism is to be admin- istered.' The following Covenant was subscribed. ' You do now, in the presence, of God, angels, and men, avouch the Lord Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to be your God, the object of your supreme love and your portion : You receive, trust in, and desire to obey, the Lord Jesus Christ as your only Redeemer ; You choose the Holy Spirit as as your Sanctifier : You give up yourself and all that you have to God, to be his, desiring above all things to be an instrument of his glory in that way which he shall see best ; and promising, through the help of divine grace, without which you can do nothing, that you will deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and that you will live soberly, righteously, and godly, even unto death, you cordially join yourself, as a brother, to this church, as a true church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and engage to be subject to its discipline, so far as it is comformable to the rules which Christ has given in the Gospel, and that you will walk with the members thereof, in all memberlike love, watch- fulness, and purity.' Upon assent to this covenant, on occasion of admission, the church respond, * Then doth this church receive you into its bosom, promising you our prayers and christian love, and we severally engage, with the help of divine grace, that we will walk with you in all brotherly watchfulness and kindness, hoping that you and we shall become more and more conformed to the example of our divine Master, till we at last come to the perfection of holiness in the kingdom of his glory. Amen.' During the war, and amid the violence of party contention. Dr. Austin expressed his political sentiments strongly, in sermons preached on the spec- ial fasts. ^ Many took ofi'ence at this course. A meeting was called, to ascer- 1 The sermon preacbed on occasion of the special fast, July 23, 1812, was published, with the following characteristic imprint on the title page : * Published from the press, by the desire of some who heard it, and liked it ; by the desire of some who heard it, and did not like it; and by the desire of others, who did not hear it, but imagine they should not hare liked it, if they had.' 1815.] KEV. SAMUEL AUSTIN. 159 tain the views of the parish in relation to these discourses, and to consider the expediency of dissolving the existing connection. The minister was sustained by a great majority, and the meeting dissolved without action. The disaffect- ed withdrew from his congregation, and many united in forming the Baptist Society. In 1815, Mr. Austin accepted the presidency of the University of Vermont, and solicited dismission ; but, on the request of the church and parish, assented to their concurrent votes, June 12, giving him leave of absence until the first of September then following, that he might have time and opportu- nity to obtain the information necessary for final decision, and that candidates might be invited to supply the pulpit, with a view to the settlement of col- league or successor. Having determined to remain in Burlington, it was con- sidered desirable that his pastoral relations should still be retained, on account of the civil process instituted in his name by the parish against the town, for the recovery of ministerial lands. An adjudication was had in the legal con- troversy, at the distance of about two years from his change of residence. Regard for the wishes of a minority, influenced him in longer preserving the original connection, which was finally terminated by the result of a mutual council, Dec. 23, 1818. Dr. Samuel Austin was born in New Haven, Nov. 7, 1760.-^ When the revolutionary war commenced, he entered the army, and served in New York when the British took possession of the city, and, occasionally, for short peri- ods, in other campaigns. After having devoted some time to the instruction of youth, he applied himself to the study of law with Judge Chauncy of Connecticut. Feeling the necessity of higher classical attainments, he fitted himself, and was admitted to the Sophomore class of Yale College, in 1781, where he was distinguished as an accomplished linguist, and received the first appointment in the commencement exercises of 1784. Under the theological tuition of Dr. Edwards, he was prepared for the ministry. For four succeed- ing years, while a candidate, he was at the head of an academy in Norwich. During the period of this employment, one unanimous invitation to settle in Hampton, Connecticut, and another, to become colleague with Dr. Living- ston, in the pastoral care of the Middle Dutch Church in the city of New York, were declined. The religious sentiments of Dr. Austin were decidedly cal- vinistic, of the school of the Edwardses, and he required a stricter creed than that of either society. In 1787, he accepted the call of the church of Fair Haven, in the city of New Haven. During the next year, he was married to Jerusha, daughter of Dr. Samuel Hopkins of Hadley. Strong disapprobation of the halfway covenant, as it was called, induced him to seek the dissolution of the connection with the society of his settlement, which had continued two years. Before the ceremony of dismission, as soon as his intention to leave New Haven became known, he was earnestly solicited to become minister of the first parish in Worcester. Yielding personal wishes to sense of duty, he was installed, Sept. 30, 1790, and retained the relation, thus commenced, 1 His father, Samuel Austin, married Lydia Walcot : they had two sons and a daughter, of whom Dr. A.ustin was the eldest. IGO FIRST PARISH. [1830. twenty five years. Having been elected President of the University of Ver- mont, in iHio, he removed to Burlington. The operations of that institu- tion had been suspended for three years by the war, and its buildings occupied as barracks for troops. The whole permanent income little exceeding one thousand dollars annually, its prosperity suffered by the derangement and depression of the times. Feeling that his expectations of usefulness and hap- piness could not be realized, after discharging the duties of his appointment six years, with fidelity. Dr. Austin resigned. The labors of his station had impaired his health, and its anxieties probably, pressed heavily on his mind. He resumed occupations more congenial to his tastes and habits, than were the government and support of the college, and selecting a people at Newport, in Rhode Island, unable to afford full support, went among them as on a mis- sionary charity, and was installed in 1822. Increasing infirmity of body and depression of spirits, compelled him to retire, in 1826, and he returned to Worcester. He afterwards preached in Millbury, and was solicited to resume the ministry by a new society in that place, but declined. The death of a nephew and adopted son, John W. Hubbard, Esq., and the separation of a family, where he might have expected to make a peaceful home, cheered by the kindness which soothes the heavy hours of sickness and despondency, involved him in afftiction and engaged him in entangled affairs of business. Under the perplexities and beneath the oppressive burden of unaccustomed transactions, his mental energies gave way, and were, at length, prostrated. Occasional aberrations of reason terminated in deep religious melancholy, and sometimes, paroxysms of hopeless despair clouded his declining days with gloom. After passing a year in the family of his brother in law, Mr. Hopkins of Northampton, he removed to that of a nephew, the Rev. Mr. Riddel of Glastenbury, Connecticut, where he died, in an apoplectic fit, Dec. 4, 1830, aged 71. He was one of the founders, with Drs. Emmons and Spring, of the Mass- achusetts Missionary Society ; active in originating the General Association of Massachusetts ; member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ; one of the projectors and a contributor of the Panoplist, an able religious periodical ; and promoted with energy and zeal the objects of many public charitable institutions. In 1808, he collected and published the works of the elder President Edwards, the first and only complete and accurate edition of the writings of that celebrated theologian. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Williams College. During his whole life he was an industrious and voluminous author.^ 1 The printed works of Dr. Austin are the following : 1. Funeral oration in the chapel at Yale College, on the death of David Ripley, a classmate, July 11, 1782. 2. Sermon on disinterested love. New York. 3. Funeral sermon, Exeter, N. H. April 10, 1790. 4. Ser- mon on the sabbath following the author's installation, Worcester, Sept. 1790. 5. Sermon on the sabbath following the death of Miss Hannah Blair, 1792. G. Thanksgiving Ser- mon, Worcester, Dec. 15, 179G. 7, Sermon on the Ordination of Rev. Samuel Worcester, at Fitchburg, Mass. Sept. 27, 1797, and again preached at the Ordination of Rev. Nathan- iel Hale, Oct. 4, 1797, at Granville N. Y. 8. Oration, July 4. 1798, at Worcester. 9. Ser- mon at the ordination of Rev. Leonard Worcester, Oct. 30, 1799, at Peacham, Vt. 10. Ser- 1816.] EEV. CHAELES A. GOODRICH. 161 A funeral discourse was pronouncsd at the interment of Dr. Austin, by his friend, the Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Tenney of Wethersfield : from which many of these particulars have been abstracted. ' His intellect,' says that biographer, ' was superior. Its operations were marked by rapidity, vigor and general accuracy .... His classical attainments and extensive general knowledge, secured him a respectable standing among the learned in our country .... As a writer for the pulpit, his mind was original and fertile ; his style at once copious and discriminating .... In delivery, he was animated and vehe- ment .... while, occasionally, he rose to high and powerful eloquence.' Dr. Austin was of commanding stature. An austere air and severe coun- tenance, were united with ardent feelings, and constitutional susceptibility to external incidents and influences. In appearance, he might be supposed to resemble, as in fearless spirit and firmness he would have imitated, had occa- sion called to the trial, one of the reformers and martyrs of old. On the 15th of July, 1816, the Rev. Charles A. Goodrich was invited to settle, as colleague with Dr. Austin until the latter should be regularly dis- missed from office, and thenceforward as sole pastor, by 64 of 66 members of the parish, and this was confirmed, August 26, 88 to 2. A salary of f 900 was offered. The ordination took place, Oct. 9. The prayer was by the Rev. Benjamin Wood of Upton : sermon by Rev. Samuel Goodrich of Berlin, Conn., father of the pastor : consecrating prayer by Rev. Edmund Mills of Sutton : charge by Rev. Mr. Smith of Durham, Conn. : exhortation to church and people by Rev. Joseph GofFe of Millbury : address and right hand of fellowship by Rev. John Nelson of Leicester : concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Whittlesey of Washington, Conn. mon at the ordination of Rev. Samuel Worcester, April 20, 1803, at Salem. 11. Sermon in a volume, ' Sermons Collected,' published at Hartford, 1803. 12. Sermon before Mass- achusetts Missionary Society, May 24, 1S03, Boston. 13, 14. Two Sermons in the Colum- bian I'reacher, published at Catskill, N. Y. 1803. 11 Examination of the representations and reosonings contained in seven sermons by Rev. Daniel Merrill. 12mo. pp. 108. 1803. 16. Mr. Merrill's defensive armor taken from him, a reply to his twelve letters to the author, on the mode and subjects of Baptism, 12mo. pp. 58. 1806. 17. View of the econ- omy of the church of God, as it existed under the Abrahamic Dispensation and the Sinai Law, and as it is perpetuated under the more luminous Dispensation of the Gospel, par- ticularly in regard to the Covenants. 8vo. pp. .'^28. 1807. 18 Sermon at the oi-dination of Rev. John M. Whiton, Sept 28, 1808, at Antrim, N. H. 19. Sermon at the dedication of a new meeting house, Nov. 3, 1808, at Hadley, Mass. 20. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Warren Fay, Nov. 1808, at Brimfield, Mass. 21. Fast Sermon, April 11, 1811, Wor- cester. 22. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. John Nelson, March 14, 1812, at Leicester. 23. Sermon on the Special Fast, July 23, 1812. Worcester. 24. The apology cf patriots; Or the heresy of Washington and peace policy defended : Sermon on the National Fast, Aug. 20, 1812. Worcester. 25. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Gamaliel S. Olds, Nov. 13,1813, at Greenfield. 26. Inaugural Address on induction into office as President of the University in Vermont, July 26, 1816, Burlington, Vt. 27. Election Sermon, Oct. 10, 1816, at Montpelier, Vt. 28. Protest against proceedings of first church in Worcester, June, 1821. 29. Oration, .July 4, 1822. at Newport, R. L 30. Sermon on the dedication of the Calvinist Church, Oct. 13, 1823, at Worcester. 31. Discourse at the 15th annual Meeting of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, Sept. 15, 1824, at Hartford. 32. Address, July 4, 1825, at Worcester. 33. Dissertations upon several fund- amental articles of Christian Theology. 8vo. pp. 260. AVorcester. 1826. 1G2 FIRST PAursH. [1820. The opposition manifested to the call of Mr. Goodrich, grew stronger after his ordination, and was much increased by the dismission of his colleague. Twenty eight members of the church protested, before the ecclesiastical coun- cil convened by the assent of Dr. Austin, Nov. 18, 1818, against the disso- lution of the then existing relations. That body, on the 23d of December, separated the connection of the senior pastor. Objections of a personal nature to the ministration of Mr. Goodrich, and to the discipline and pro- ceedings of the church, led to long and acrimonious controversy. The dis- affected, and those who considered themselves aggrieved, withdrew, or were dismissed, and joined the Baptist Society, or united themselves to other religious associations, and were finally formed into the Calvinist Church. The troubles of this period have too recently been laid before the public in voluminous tracts, to require repetition of the narrative.^ Mr. Goodrich asked and received dismission, Nov. 14, 1820. The Rev. Charles A. Goodrich, was a native of Berlin in Connecticut, son of the clergyman of the parish of Worthington, in that town, and graduated at Yale College, in 1815. After his removal from Worcester, he returned to his native place, and has since been engaged in literary labors. The Rev. Aretius B. Hull, invited to settle as the successor of Mr. Good- rich, by a vote of 101 to 3, was ordained May 23, 1821. Rev. Dr. Reuben Puffer of Berlin, made the introductory prayer : the sermon was j reached by Rev. Nathaniel W. Taylor of New Haven : the consecrating prayer offered by Rev. Daniel Tomlinson of Oakham : the charge given by Rev. Joseph Avery of Holden : right hand of fellowship extended by Rev. John Nelson of Leicester : address to the church delivered by Rev. Thomas Snell of North Brookfield : and the concluding prayer pronounced by Rev. Micah Stone of Brookficld. The venerable Dr. Sumner of Shrewsbury, presided in the Council. The Rev. Aretius B. Hull, descended from a respectable family emigrating from the vicinity of Liverpool, in England, to New Haven, at an early period, was born at Woodbridge, in Connecticut, October 12, 1788. Having been fitted by the Rev. Dr. Eli, he graduated at Yale, in 1807. Adopting the usual resource of young men indigent in circumstances, to acquire the pecu- niary means of professional education, he taught the academy at AVethersfield, for a short space after completing his collegiate course. The seeds of con- sumption were implanted in his constitution, and he sought relief from the genial climate of the Southern states. Returning with improved health, he accepted the appointment of tutor in his own college, in 1810, and remained 1 The full history of these difficulties, and discussions of their leading points, are con- tained in a series of publications: 1. Origin and rrogress of the late difficulties in the First Church in Worcester, containing all the documents relating to the subject. 2. Re- mnrks on the late publication of the First Church in Worcester, relating to the origin and proprcss of the late diflieultics iu that church. 3. Result of a Mutual Ecclesiastical Coun- cil. Nov. 14, 1820, to consider the expediency of granting the request of Rev. Charles A. Goodrich to be dismissed. 4. Protest against the proceedings of the First Church in Wor- cester, by Samuel Austin, D. D. 5. Communication from the Brookfield association, to the Ecclesiastical Council ii\ho ordained Rev. Loammi Ives Hoadly, over the Calvinist Church, in Worcester. 1827.] KEV. EODNET A. MILLEK. 163 in that station until the autumn of 1816, when he was licensed to preach. Although still suffering from the lurking complaint, he officiated in Brookfield, Connecticut, and in other places, until his ordination in Worcester, in 1821. The disease, which medical skill has not been yet able to arrest, in May 1825, interrupted his labors, and, on the 17th of May, 1826, terminated his exis- tence, at the age of 38. ' He possessed,' says the Rev. Mr. Nelson,^ ' a mind of a very high order, and that mind was enriched with uncommon attainments of general as well as professional knowledge. His conceptions were clear, just, and dis- criminating. At the same time, a highly cultivated taste, a refinement of thought and feeling, as pleasing as it Avas genuine, pervaded all his writings and all his conversation.' After the death of Mr. Hull, Mr. Joseph Whiting was invited to settle as his successor, Nov. 16, 1826, but as there was apparent want of unanimity in the election, the call was declined. The Rev. Rodney A. Miller, the present clergyman^ received an invitation, with a single dissenting voice only, to become Pastor of the First Parish, Feb. 19, 1827. Mr. Miller, descended from a puritan family emigrating from Devonshire, in England, and settling near Hampton, on the east end of Long Island, son of Mr. Uriah Miller of Troy, New York, graduated at Union College, 1819, pursued the usual course of professional studies at the Theological Seminary in Princeton, N. J. and was ordained at Worcester, June 7, 1827. The exer- cises were these : introductory prayer by Rev. Edward Beecher of Park Street Church, Boston : sermon by the Rev. Warren Fay of Charlestown : consecrating prayer by Rev. Micah Stone of Brookfield : charge by Rev. Thomas Snell of North Brookfield: right hand of fellowship by Rev. George Allen of Shrewsbury : address to the people by Rev. John Fiske of New Braintree : concluding prayer by Rev. Dr. Codman of Dorchester.^ PKESBTTEKIAN CHURCH. A church was gathered of the Scotch emigrants, soon after their arrival in this town in 1719. They were accompanied, it is said, by the Rev. Edward Fitzgerald, from Londonderry, in Ireland, who preached to the society during some months. They assembled for religious worship in the old garrison house, near the intersection of the Boston and Lancaster roads. As the meeting house they attempted to rear Avas destroyed, it is probable they continued to occupy this humble edifice. 1 Sermon delivered at his funeral. May, 1826, by Rev. John Nelson, Pastor of the Church in Leicester. Mr. Nelson was a native of Hopkinton, -whence he removed with his father. Deacon John Nelson, sometime resident in Milford, to Worcester. He graduated at Wil- liams College, 1807, was subsequently tutor there, afterwards pursued theological studies with the Rev. Dr. Austin, was ordained in Leicester, March 4, 1812, and still remains in that town, having the praise in the churches of an able and faithful minister, and enjoying the respect and affection of his people. - Rev. Mr. Miller has published a thanksgiving sermon, at Worcester, Nov. 29, 1832, on the importance of religious influence to national prosperity. 164 PRESBYTEKIAN CHTTECH. ||1736. Little care was taken to preserve the memorials of this unoffending but per- secuted people, whose history discloses only the injustice and intolerance of our ancestors. Few facts can now be ascertained of their struggle with prejudices and hostility, which finally drove them away to seek asylum in other states. The number of Presbyterian communicants is said to have been nearly equal to those of the Congregational church. Mr. Fitzgerald, being unable to pro- cure proper maintenance, removed, before the settlement of Mr. Burr. The members of the first parish had proposed an union, and the Presbyterian clergyman had once been invited to occupy the pulpit vacated by the dismis- sion of Mr. Gardner, for a single sabbath, when no candidate could be pro- cured. The request was not repeated, and no encouragement was held out to him to remain. On the settlement of Mr. Burr, it was understood, that if the Presbyterians would aid in his support, they should be permitted to place in the pulpit, oc- casionally, teachers of their own denomination, and the foreigners united with the other inhabitants. After some time, finding their expectations would not be realized, they withdrew, and the Rev. William Johnston was installed as their minister. It has been already stated, that they commenced the erection of a meeting house on the Boston road ; after the materials had been procured, the frame raised, and the building was fast rising, a body of the inhabitants, assembled by night, hewed down and demolished the structure. The riotous act was sustained by the intolerant spirit of the day, and the injured foreigners were compelled to mourn in silence over the ruins of the altar, profaned by the hand of violence. Being compelled to contribute to the support of the Rev, Mr. Burr, an ap- peal was made to the justice of their fellow townsmen, in 1736, for relief from a tax inconsistent with their religious privileges, but without avail. The re- corded answer to their application, furnishes a curious specimen of mingled subtlety and illiberality. ' In answer to the petition of John Clark and others, praying to be [re- leased] from paying towards the support of the Rev. Isaac Burr, pastor of the church in this town, or any other except Mr. Johnston, (or the ministry car- ried on after the Congregational way by the said minister of the church, ac- cording to the establishment of the Province, in this town) &c. the town, upon mature consideration, think that the request is unreasonable, and that they ought not to comply with it, upon many considerations : ' 1. That it doth not appear in the petition, who they are that desire to be set off, only from the names of the subscribers ; [therefore] it would be for the town to act too much at random, to set them off on such a general request : * 2. That it dotli not appear, that the petitioners, or others joining with them, have been actuated by just reasons, or any such principles of con- science as should at all necessitate their forsaking the assembling themselves with us : for, as to the Westminster confession of faith, which they say they promised their adherence to at their baptism, it is the same which we hold. 1736.] PKESBTTERIAN CHITKCH. 165 maintain, and desire to adhere to. And as to the worship, discipline, and government of the church, as set forth by the assembly of divines at West- minster, they are not substantially differing from our own professed principles : As they themselves well know, they may enjoy the same worship, ordinances, and christian privileges, and means of their spiritual edification, with us, as in the way which they call Presbyterian, and their consciences not be imposed on in any thing : ' 3 . Inasmuch, also, as a num.ber of those now withdrawing from us, were j oint- ly concerned in the settlement of the Rev. Isaac Burr, our present minister, and joined with us in church fellowship and communion, and we know not why it should be contrary to their consciences to continue with us in com- munion and worship, but have rather reason to suppose that their separation from us is from some irregular views and motives, which it would be unworthy of us to countenance : ' 4, We look upon the petitioners and others breaking off from us as they have done, [as] being full of irregularity and disorder ; not to mention, that the ordination of their minister was disorderly, even with respect to the prin- ciples which they themselves pretend to act by, as well as with respect to us, to whom they stand related, and with whom they cohabit, and enjoy with us in common all proper social, civil, and christian rights and privileges : their separating from us being contrary to the public establishment and laws of this province, contrary to their own covenant with us, and unreasonably weaken- ing to the town, whose numbers and dimensions, the north part being ex- cepted by the vote from paying to Mr. Burr, will not admit of the honorable support of two ministers of the gospel, and tending to cause and cherish divi- sions and parties, greatly destructive to our civil and religious interests, and the peace, tranquility and happiness of the town : ' Upon all which, and other accounts, the town refuse to comply with the request ;' and it was voted, by a great majority of the inhabitants, that the petition be dismissed. All efforts to obtain justice, and protection for religious freedom, having proved unavailing, many of the Presbyterian planters removed. Some joined their brethren of the same denomination, who under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Mr. Abercrombie, founded the town of Pelham, in Hampshire county, others united themselves with the society in Londonderry, N. H. and many emigrated to the colony on the banks of the Unadilla, in New York. The Rev. Mr. Johnston Avas settled in Londonderry in 1747. His connec- tion was dissolved in July, 1753,^ not on account of impropriety of conduct or disaffection of the people ; but because poverty prevented them from affording proper support. By the persuasion of the Rev. Mr. Dunlop, about thirty persons had been induced to remove from Londonderry, in 1741, to Cherry Valley, in Otsego county, New York. After the dismission of Mr. Johnston, he emigrated, with a little colony, to Unadilla, on the east side of the Susquehannah, in what was then called the Old England district. The unfortunate foreigners were des- 1 Key. Mr, Parker's Century Sermon. Londonderry, April 22, 1819. 15 166 SECOND SOCIETT. [1785. tincd to endure suffering every where. Escaping from persecution, they en- countered the honors of Indian warfare. The celebrated Brant visited the plantation, in 1777, and having called together the military officers, with Mr. Johnston, demanded supplies of provisions. The power of the red warrior en- forced compliance. The inhabitants, plundered of their cattle, soon after abandoned the town, and with their families took refuge in places of greater security. Some of them were involved in the massacres which desolated the ancient county of Tryon.^ It is probable, Mr. Johnston was accompanied by some of his former par- ishioners, and that the town of Worcester, at the south east corner of Otsego county, derives its name from their recollections of the place of their first American settlement. CHAPTER XI. Second Congregational Society, Separation from the first Parisli. Di'fficalties. Chnrch formed. Covenant. Rev. Aavon Bancroft ordained, 1786. Society incorporated, 1787' Rev. Alonzo Hill ordained, 1827. Votes of Parish and Church. Memoir of Rev. I>r. Bancroft. The history of the second congregational society is more remarkable for strong principles than striking incidents.^ It was formed by the secession of members of the first parish. Difficulties, springing from efi'orts to settle a colleague with the Kev. Mr. Maccarty, multiplied and increased in the selec- tion of a successor after his decease. Fixed differences of sentiment, diversity of taste, and discordant and conflicting opinions, interposed insuperable ob- stacles to union. Those embracing the doctrinal views of Mr. Bancroft, and desirous of attending his ministrations, after ineffectual attempts at reconcilia- tion, withdrew from the religious community where the law had bound them. In a memorial to the legislature, they represented, that ' town meeting after town meeting was productive of heat, contention, and unchristian struggles for a major vote : the division reached in its influence to private affairs, and to the civil and prudential concerns of the town. This being matter of noto- riety, respectable persons in the neighborhood urged, from the largeness of the town, the number of its inhabitants, their ability, and the extensive duties of a minister, the expediency and necessity of settling two [clergymen.] Your petitioners readily agreed to, and pressed the proposal, in the March meeting of 1785, which was then rejected by a majority of votes, as was, also, a re- quest for the liberty of forming into a separate religious society by themselves. Under these circumstances, seeing no prospect of union, desirous of a minis- ter whose sentiments they approved, wishing the same indulgence to those 1 Campbell's Annals of Tryon, 21. 27. 63. 2 Free use has been made of two historical sermons of Doct. Bancroft, April 8, 1827, and January 31, 183G, in the notice of the second society. cJr x#, /e^Z^ 1785.] • SEPAHATION FROM FIKST PARISH, 167 who differed from them, weary of unprofitable contention, and finding every thing was to be carried by a major vote, without any attention to the wishes or feelings of the minor part, your petitioners, judging it for the peace and happiness of the town, by a separation, to put an end to disputes that might embroil for years, withdrew.' A voluntary association was formed, in March, 1785, for the support of public worship. Sixty-seven individuals, by a written instrument, agreed to form a religious society, under a proper covenant ; to endeavor to procure an act of incorporation ; to apply to Mr. Bancroft to settle with them, as their minister ; and severally, to pay their respective propor- tions of the sum of £150 annually, each according to the assessment of town rates, as salary. To this period, the inland parishes of Massachusetts had been marked out by geographical boundaries. The inhabitants within prescribed territorial limits, Avere united by the existing laws, with the society established within the precinct of their residence. Conscience was circumscribed by lines drawn on the map, and its exercise restrained by the monumental stakes and stones of civil jurisdiction. Voluntary association for religious worship, unsanctioned by the authority of government, was bold innovation, conflicting with the prejudices, as it violated the usages of the times. ^ The erection of a poll par- ish, bringing together those of similar opinions, without regard to local hab- itation, almost, if not entirely unprecedented, except in the metropolis, was strenuously resisted. The founders of the second society went forward, by one long stride, years in advance of public opinion. They grasped firmly, and wrested from opposition, those rights, which, after the lapse of time, have been accorded as common privileges.' It is to their honor, to have taken the first step in establishing those principles of religious freedom, of which their venerable pastor, from youth to age, has been the fearless asserter. Meetings commenced on the third Sunday of March, 1785, in the Court House, and were held in that place until Jan. 1, 1792. The Rev. Mr. Ban- croft was invited, and consented to become the minister, June 7, 1785. Of the associates, two men, and three or four females only, had been communi- cants. It became necessary to organize a church. For this purpose, the fol- lowing covenant was prepared by the pastor elect, which has been retained, unchanged, for half a century. ' In the first place, we humbly renew the dedication of ourselves and off- spring to the great God, who is over all, blessed forever : And we do hereby profess our firm belief of the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testaments. And taking them as our sole and sufficient rule of faith and practice, we do covenant to and with each other, that we will walk together as a Christian Society, in the faith and order of the Gospel, ^ la 1757, a few families left tlie old parish ia Leominster, and formed a society under Mr. John Rogers. The seceders were incorporated, as individuals, into a poll parish, with- out succession as a corporation. This hody was dissolved on the death of the minister in 1789. 2 Among those most influential in the formation of the new society, were Levi Lincoln, sen. Joseph Allen, Edward Bang-s, Timothy Paine, Timothy Bigelow, and Isaiah Thomas. 168 SKCOND SOCIETY. [1786. And we do hereby engage, as far as in our power, for all under our care, that wc will live as true disciples of Jesus Christ, in all good carriage and behavior, both towards God and towards man. I'rofessing ourselves to be in charity with all men who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth. All this, we engage faithfully to perform, by divine assistance, for which we are en- couraged to hope, relying on the mediation of Jesus Christ for the pardon of our manifold sins, and praying the God of all grace, through him, to strength- en and enable us to keep this, our covenant, inviolate, and to establish and settle us, that at the second coming of Jesus, we may appear before his pres- ence with exceeding joy.' Such was the instrument circulated among the families, deliberately consid- ered, and fully approved. A public lecture was appointed for the formal and solemn expression of assent. Two ministers, from neighboring towns, were invited to participate in the devotional exercises, but neither thought proper to attend. Such was the state of feeling existing in that period, that counte- nance or aid could not be expected or obtained, from the clergy or congrega- tions of the vicinity. Standing thus isolated amid society, if a religious com- munity was then formed, it must be founded, like the social compact of the May Flower, framed by the pilgrim fathers of New England, on the basis of original rights underived from human authority. At the time appointed, Mr. Bancroft preached on the constitution of the christian church and the nature and ends of gospel rites. The covenant was read to the people, and sub- scribed, in the presence of all who had assembled, by twenty seven of those disposed to assume its obligations. On the first day of February, 1786, the Rev. Aaron Bancroft was ordained. So general was the opposition to a mode of organization then unprecedented, and, in the view of many, irregular and disorderly, now authorised by liberal- ized legislation, that two churches only, in the county of Worcester, could be requested to assist in the solemnities, without strong probability of refusal. A council was formed with difficulty. The introductory prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Simeon Howard, of the west church in Boston : the sermon preached by the Rev. Thomas Barnard of the north church in Salem : the charge given by Rev. Timothy Harrington of Lancaster : the right hand of fellowship pre- sented by Rev. Zabdiel Adams of Lunenburg : the concluding prayer made by the Rev. Dr. John Lathrop, of the north church in Boston : and the benedic- tion of Heaven implored, by the Rev. Timothy Hilliard of Cambridge.^ Great difficulties were overcome by the formation of the church and society, but formidable obstacles remained to impede its progress. So deep was the feeling of hostility to both, that the members were subjected to unpleasant and injurious effects in the concerns of social and civil life. 1 ' The members of the old church who joined the new society, had applied to that body for dismission, and their retjuest had been denied : their case was, therefore, presented to the consideration of the oi'daining council. The council advised the newly organized church, not formally to admit the members of the old church into their body, but, by a special vote, to grant them all the privileges of members in regular standing. This was done.' Dr. Bancroft'* Discourse, April 8, 1827. 1787.] EEV. AATION BANCROFT. 169 The constitutional provisions, as then applied by the statutes, failed to af- ford perfect protection to the exercise of private judgment. The boundaries of the first parish, coextensive with those of the town, embraced the estates of the associates, and while they contributed to the support of their own teacher, they were compelled to pay ministerial rates in the same manner as before the separation. At the period when pecuniary distress, decayed currency, and the pressure of public burdens and private debts, had driven the people into re- bellion, the double taxation was peculiarly onerous. To assess the annual salary, or enforce the collection, in the usual manner, was impracticable. Monthly contributions were made, and the sums thus advanced, by individuals, credited in the final settlement of proportional payments. On the 13th of November, 1787, an act of incorporation was obtained, providing that any in- habitant might change his relations from one parish to the other, by leaving his name with the town clerk for the purpose. The first meeting of the par- ish was convened, on the warrant of Levi Lincoln, sen. March 9, 1789. The associates, from the commencement, by a written agreement, had bound them- selves to pay the sum of five hundred dollars as salary. After the incorpora- tion, it was still deemed inexpedient to attempt the assessment of taxes. The amount due from each subscriber, for three years salary, was apportioned, and the pastor requested to settle personally with each individual. A mode of compensation so troublesome and painful to the clergyman, was resorted to from necessity alone. In 1789, for the purpose of aiding in the erection of a meeting house, the Rev. Mr. Bancroft relinquished one third part of his annual salary, not, in the language of his letter, from a supposition that the whole was more than ade- quate to decent support, but from readiness to bear full proportion of all bur- dens.^ It was voted, to erect a house for worship, provided it could be done without expense to the corporation. Subscriptions were obtained, the site fixed south of Antiquarian Hall, and the work commenced. On the first day of January, 1792, the edifice was completed and dedicated. A sermon was preached on the occasion, by the Rev. Zabdiel Adams of Lunenburg. The pews were sold, subject to an annual tax of four dollars each, to be appropri- ated towards the salary. Until this period, the expenses of the support of worship had been defrayed by voluntary payments. In 1797, for the first time, and afterwards, in suc- cessive years, a tax of $232 was levied, making, with the amount derived from the owners of pews, the salary of $500. In 1806, in consequence of the en- hanced prices of commodities, an additional grant of $200 was made to Mr. Bancroft. In 1810, $300 was voted, and for five years after, $100 annually ap- propriated for the same purpose. From 1816 to 1827, the salary was $800 ; subsequently $500, according to the original contract.^ 1 Records of 2d Parish, i. 4. 2 The uninterrupted harmony of the society, and its peaceful relations with its neighbors after the troubles of organization had subsided, has been the occasion of great satisfaction to its members. The following pleasant anecdote, related in one of the notes appended to I)r. Bancroft's Half-Century Sermon, has the merit of wit if not of truth. ' A stranger of distinction, having occasion to pass some weeks in Worcester, became ac- 15* 170 SECONH SCCIETT. [1827. On the first day of January, 1827, the Rev. Alonzo Hill was invited to be- come colleague with Dr. Bancroft, and a salary of $800 was voted. His or- dination took place, on the 28th of March following. The exercises were the following : Introductory prayer and reading of the Scriptures, by Rev. Alex- ander Young of the New South church, Boston ; prayer by Rev. Dr. Thadde- us M. Harris of Dorchester : sermon, by Rev. John Brazer of Salem : ordain- ing prayer, by Rev, Dr. John T. Kirkland, President of Harvard University : charge, by Rev. Dr. Bancroft : right hand of fellowship, by Rev. George Rip- ley, of the Purchase street church, Boston : address to the people by Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Thayer of Lancaster : concluding prayer, by Rev. Isaac Allen of Bolton. Mr. Hill, the present junior pastor, a native of Harvard, in the county of Worcester, is the son of Mr. Oliver Hill, a respectable farmer of that town. He graduated at Harvard College, was assistant instructor at Leicester Acade- my from 1822, to the spring of 1824, and then pursued his studies in the the- ological institution at Cambridge.^ The new brick church, erected by the society on Main street, south from the Court House, was dedicated August 20, 1829, when an appropriate dis- course was preached by the senior pastor. After the election of the Rev. Mr. Hill, Dr. Bancroft relinquished, in future years, the sum of three hundred dollars, which he had for along time previous, statedly received. The parish, Jan. 29, 1827, unanimously resolved, 'that while we deem superfluous any encomiums upon the character and standing of him, whose praise has long been in all the churches, where Christianity, freed from human inventions, is inculcated in its purity, we cannot forbear to ex- press the deep sense which this society entertains, of the watchful care over its welfare, and readiness, at all times, to sacrifice personal interest to its ad- vancement, which, in all past years of the history of the society, have distin- guished the ministry of its pastor, and which, as the present act of unsolicited liberality affords evidence, are still exhibited, in all his ministerial relations, with force unabated by time.^ The church, at a meeting, March 5, 1836, expressed their sense of the fidel- ity of the senior pastor. ' Resolved, that this church, in reviewing its history from its first organiza- tion, feel deep cause of gratitude to God for its long continuance as a church of Christ, for its harmony, unanimity, and uninterrupted prosperity. ' Resolved, that this church is much indebted, under God, to the prudence, quainted with the internal state of the two societies, then existing in this town ; and he observed to a member of the first parish, ' How does it happen that you, who profess to be in possession of the true faith, and claim an exalted standing in piety, are frequently in contention, while the second society, whom you denominate heretics, live in peace and har- mony ?' The reply was, ' the members of the second society have not religion enough to quarrel about it.' ' 1 Rev. Mr. Hill married Frances Mary Clark, daughter of Hugh Hamilton Clark, formerly merchant of Roston, Dec. 20, 1830. Mr. Hill has published : sermon at the ordination of Rev. Josiah Moore, at Athol, Dec. S, 1S30: Reports of the Worcester Sunday School Society for 1830, 1830: sermon in Liberal Preacher, Aug. 1S3G. 2 Second Parish Records, ii. 46. 1836.] REV. AARON BAKCROFT. 171 zeal, fidelity, and untiring labors of its senior pastor, the Rev. Dr. Bancroft, under whose influence it was first gathered, and by whom it has been ever watched over, guided, and instructed, with the tenderness of a father, and the earnestness and solicitude of a devoted christian minister : Therefore : ' Resolved, That the church tender to their rev. senior pastor their grateful acknowledgments of his past labors, and their christian sympathies under the growing infirmities of a weight of years spent in their service, and the assur- ance of their prayers for his continued life and usefulness. ' Resolved, That the treasurer of the church be, and he hereby is directed, to present to the Rev. Dr. Bancroft, two hundred dollars, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise disposed of, in testimony of their affectionate re- gard for his person, his character, and ministerial labors.' In a letter to the church, March 10, 1836, Dr. Bancroft writes, in answer to a communication of these votes, ' With you, I join in returns of gratitude to God, for the peace and prosperity which have attended us to the present time. Your approbation of my services is grateful to my heart : your pecun- iary donation has intrinsic value ; but its highest estimation in my mind, is, the evidence it bears of the feelings you cherish towards me.' The Rev. Aaron Bancroft, D. D. born at Reading, Mass., Nov. 10, 1755, was son of Samuel Bancroft, formerly an extensive landholder, deacon of the west church of that town, field officer of militia, magistrate, and a useful and respe'ed citizen. Engag d in the cultivation of the fields acquired by suc- cessful industry, the father considered agriculture as the best employment for his children, in times of political commotion, but yielded his own preference to the desire of the son for collegiate education. Mr. Bancroft commenced the study of the languages, in the moving grammar school of his native place, and followed an incompetent instructor in his migrations through the districts. During the year, while the school was temporarily suspended, he labored, at intervals, on the paternal farm. The settlement of a new minister, aff"orded a more capable teacher than the former. But during the few months of his tuition, the engagements of courtship and of building occupied so much of the attention of the master, that the pupil, after the daily walk of a mile, was left with the half-recited or postponed recitation, to explore his way un- aided through the elementary difficulties of literature. Mr. Bancroft entered Harvard College in 1774. The revolutionary movements of April, 1775, dispersed the students, and he went to his home, and worked steadily on the farm until the next October, when the scholars were called together at Con- cord, and in March of the following year, reassembled at Cambridge. The din of arms rose around the halls of the university. The great aff'airs of the country and the events of war, had deep interest for the government of the institution, and the student was compelled to rely more on his own exertions for improvement than on the information imparted by the professors. Having graduated, in 1778, Mr. Bancroft taught the town school of Cambridge for a few months, and then commenced his theological course with Mr. Haven, miniater of his father's parish, a gentleman of fine intellect. In the Autumn 172 SECOND SOCIETY. [1785. of 1779, ho first preached, for three or four sabbaths, for the occasional assis- tance of clerical friends. The severity of the succeeding winter, and the ex- cessive depth of snow, almost suspended travelling, and he remained in the family of Mr. Haven, sometimes supplying his desk. A proposal from Mr. Barnard, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, to visit that province, was accepted in the spring of 1780. Mr. Bancroft obtained permission from the executive council of Massachusetts, to leave the state, and resided in Yarmouth, Horton, Cornwallis, Annapolis, and for a few weeks in Halifax, during an absence of three years. Peace having been restored, he returned from the British domin- ions in 1783, landed at Salem in July, and the next week was invited to Worcester, to supply the pulpit during the illness of Mr. Maccarty. Here, where his labors have been so long continued, Mr. Bancroft first appeared as a candidate for settlement. After eight sabbaths, the temporary restoration of declinin*'' health enabled the minister to resume his duties. Mr. Bancroft was immediately engaged in vacant parishes. In the spring of 1784, he was solicited to become pastor of the church in that part of Stoughton, now Can- ton, but felt constrained to decline. In the same year, he officiated in East Windsor, Connecticut. In October, 1784, he again visited Worcester, and after conducting the religious services of five or six sabbaths, went to Sand- wich, in the county of Barnstable, where the desire of the most influential members of the society to secure his permanent residence, was prevented from public and formal expression, by his own reluctance to receive a call. On a third invitation, he returned to Worcester, in Jan. 1785, and in March following, that connection was formed with the second congregational society, which has continued for more than fifty years. Unitarian sentiments, explicitly avowed, separated Mr. Bancroft from that friendly communication with professional neighbors, which lightens and cheers the labors of the clergyman, and for seven years, he stood almost alone. Within this period, he exchanged once a year with the Rev. Messrs. Harring- ton and Adams, occasionally with some ministers in Boston, and with one in Salem, and twice only with others of the vicinity. Efforts of some liberal members of the clerical association of the county, to procure his admission, opposed by those who were unwilling to hold intercourse with one entertain- ing opinions they deemed heretical, drove the more tolerant from that body, and led to its temporary dissolution. It was afterwards reestablished on foundation less exclusive. In some years, when the enhanced prices of the necessaries of life rendered a moderate salary inadequate for comfortable maintenance, the deficiency of income was partially supplied by the emolu- ment of instruction to young men, and to the daughters of parishioners, the reception of boarders, and literary labors. Most men would have yielded to depression of spirits under circumstances so disheartening, and sought easier task, and more peaceful position. The society, in its early days, embarrassed by difficulties, and pressed by angry opposition, would, in all probability, have been dissolved, if unsustained by his perseverance and firmness. Much of the prosperity of later years was derived from his pecuniary sacrifices, and 1821.] KEY. AAEON BANCROFT. 173 unwearied exertions, or resulted from the independence and prudence of his course.^ The Life of Washington, in one volume octavo, came from the press in 1807. The popular and familiar style and faithful narrative of this work, gave it extensive sale. A stereotype edition, in two volumes, 12mo, was published in Boston, in 1826, as one of the series of Bedlington's Cabinet Library. In 1821, Dr. Bancroft delivered a series of doctrinal discourses, which were printed on the request of the hearers. In relation to these sermons, the late President John Adams, thus expresses himself, Jan. 24, 1823. ' I thank you for your kind letter of Dec. 30th, and above all, for the gift of a precious volume. It is a chain of diamonds set in links of gold. I have never read, nor heard read, a volume of sermons better calculated and adapted to the age and country in which it was written. How different from the sermons I heard and read in the town of Worcester from the year 1755 to 1758.' . . . . ' You may well suppose, that I have heard controversies enough : but, after all, I declare to you, that your twenty-nine sermons have expressed the result of all my reading, experience, and reflections, in a manner more satisfactory to me, than I could have done in the best days of my strength.'^ 1 One of his parishioners addressed the minister thus : ' Well, Mr. Bancroft, what do you think the people of the old society say of you now ? ' ' Something good, I hope,' was the reply. ' Why, they say, it is time to let you alone, for if they find fault with you, you do not regard it, and if they praise you, you do not mind it, but keep steadily on in your own way.' ■■* The publications of Dr. Bancroft are the following : 1. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Samuel Shuttlesworth, June 23, 1790, at Windsor, Vt. 2. Sermon before the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, June 11, 1793, at Worcester. 3. Sermon on the execution of Samuel Frost, for murder, July IG, 1793, at Worcester. 4. Sermon at the installation of Rev. Clark Brown, June 20, 1798, at Brimfield. 5. Eulogy on General Washington, Feb. 22, 1800, at Worcester. 6. Election Sermon, May 27, 1801. 7. Address on the importance of education, at the opening of a new building at Leicester Academy, July 4, 1806. 8. Life of General Washington, Worcester, 1807. 8vo. pp. 552. Stereotype, Boston, 1826. 2 vols. 12mo. 9. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Nathan Parker, Sept. 14, 1808, at Ports- mouth, N. H. 10. Sermon before Society for promotion of christian knowledge, piety and charity. May 29, 1810, at Boston. 11. New Year's Sermon, Jan. 6, 1811. 12. Nature and worth of Christian Liberty, sermon, June 28, 1816, at Worcester, with an appendix, con- taining the history of Consociation ; 2 editions. 13. Duties of the Fourth Commandment, sermon, Jan. 1817, at Worcester; 2 editions. 14. Vindication of the result of a mutual council at Princeton, March, 1817. 15. Discourse on Conversion, April, 1818. 16. The Leaf an emblem of Human Life, sermon on the death of Mrs. Mary Thomas, Nov. 22, 1818. 17. The Doctrine of Immortality, Christmas sermon, 1818. 18. Sermon at the installation of Rev. Luther Wilson, June 23, 1819, at Petersham. 19. Sermon before the Convention of Congregational Ministers, June 1, 1820, 20. Sermons on the Doctrines of the Gospel, Worcester, 1822, Bvo. pp. 429. 21. Mediation and ministry of Jesus Christ, sermon, Aug- 15, 1819, at Keene, N. H. 22. Moral purpose of Ancient Sacrifices, of the Mosaic Ritual, and of Christian Observances, sermon, Aug. 15, 1819, at Keene, N. H. 23. Sermon at the installation of Rev. Andrew Bigelow, July 9, 1823, at Medford. 24. Duties of Parents, ser- mon, Aug. 10, 1823, at Worcester. 25. Sermon before the Auxiliary Society for meliora- ting the condition of the Jews, April 23, 1824, at Worcester. 26. Sermon at the funeral of Rev. Dr. Joseph Sumner, Dec. 30, 1824. 27. Sermon on the death of Prest. John Adams, July 19, 1826. 28. Sermon on the Sabbath following the ordination of Rev. Alonzo Hill, 174 RIXOND SOCIKTY. [1836. On the 31st of January, 183G, Dr. Bancroft delivered a discourse on the termination of fifty years of his ministry, afterwards printed in compliance ■with the request of the society, with interesting and valuable historical notes. ' If the question of improvement has respect to the members of the Society,' he says, ' who are the individuals to whom I can appeal ? They, who with me began their course of Christian improvement are removed from life ; but one man remains, of those who invited me to settle with them as their minis- ter ; and but two women now live, who at that time were heads of families. I am the oldest man in the parish, with one exception, and his connection with us was but of yesterday. I have been longer in a married state with one wife, than any other living member of our community. I have outlived my gener- ation ; and in the midst of society, may be considered a solitary man.' Doct. Bancroft, was member of the Board of Trustees of Leicester Acade- my for thirty years, and long its President ; President of the Worcester Coun- ty Bible Society ; of the American Unitarian Association, from its organiza- tion in 1825 to 1836 ; and of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Piety, and Charity ; Vice President of the Worcester and Middlesex Mission- ary Society, afterward merged in the Evangelical Missionary Society ; and of the American Antiquarian Society, from 1816 to 1832 : Fellow of the Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences, and member of other societies. His long- continued and persevering exertions in the cause of education, contributed greatly to the introduction and establishment of the improved school system of the town. In 1810, he received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Har- vard University. The oldest clergyman in the county of Worcester, and one of the most aged ministers of Massachusetts, Dr. Bancroft continues to officiate in the pulpit. May that period be yet far distant, when biography shall speak fully of the merits of his works, the worth of his character, and the virtues of his life. April 8, 1827, 29. Sermon at tlie dedication of the New Unitarian Meeting House, Aug. 20, 182!). 30-1-2. Sermons in Liberal Preacher; Office of Reason iu the Concerns of Relig- ion, .July, 1827. Female Duties and Trials, Aug. 1828. Importance of Salvation, August 1830. 33. End of the commandments, sermon in Christian Monitor. 34. A Glance at the past and present state of ecclesiastical affairs in Massachusetts, in Unitarian Advocate, Jan. 183]. 3o. Moral Tower of Christianity, in Western Messenger, i. 350. 36. Sermon on the termination of fifty years of his ministry, Jan. 31, 1836. Dr. Bancroft was married to Lucretia, daughter of Judge John Chandler, Oct. 1786. 1797. A clock for the tower was presented by Isaiah Thomas, Esq. to the Second Socie- ty, and an elegant folio Bible in two volumes, for the pulpit, by his lady. In 1817, the same liberal individual made a donation of two cups for the communion service ; the old furnitur3 of the table was given by the church to the Evangelical Missionary Society, to be by them bestowed on some new church gathered under their auspices. 1820. A donation of a baptismal basin was made by F. W. Paine, Esq. 1832. Nathaniel Maccarty, Esq. be- queathed to the church $75. 1812,] FIKST BAPTIST SOCIETY. 175 CHAPTER XII. First Baptist Society, Formation, 1812. Eev. William Bentley. Articles of Faith. Eev, Jonathan Going. Eev. Frederic A. Willard. Rev. Jonathan Aldrich. Elm Street Socie- ty, 1836. Calvinist Society. Separation from firit church, 1820. Formation of Society, 1822. Rev. Loammi 1. Hoadley. House and Fund bestowed by Hon. Daniel Waldo. Rev. John S. C. Abbott. Rev. David Peabody. Catholic Society, 1834. Rev. James Fit- ton. Methodist Episcopal Society, 1834. Protestant Episcopal Society, 1835. Rev. Thomas H. Vail. Union Society, 1836. Previous to 1795, thfere were three persons, only, of the Baptist denomi- nation in Worcester.-' In the spring of that year, James Wilson, Esq ,^ emi- grating from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in England, took up his residence here. During the long period intervening between 1795 and 1812, meetings for religious worship were sometimes held in his own house, Avhen the casual vis- its of teachers offered opportunity of obtaining the ministration of instructors of the order. Those of similar sentiments were successively removed by death; their places were not filled : and for a time he remained the solitary advocate and supporter of those views of Christian ordinances asserted by the church with which he was united. But, although alone, he cherished the leading purpose of his life, and became the founder of the Baptist society. By his zealous and persevering exertions, an association was formed under favorable circumstances. Some discourses of Dr. Austin, on national and state fasts, gave offence to many of the eldest parish. The facilities for pro- curing ministers had increased. Accessions of numbers were derived from the swelling population. In 1812, lectures and devotional exercises were had, regularly on the Sabbath, and on other days of the week, in different places of the town. The Hall in the School House of the Centre District was rented, and opened for stated worship on the Lord's Day, July 30,1812. Opposition gave that excitement desirable to strengthen and cement union, even if higher feelings had not rendered the connection of the associates per- manent. On the 28th of September, Elder William Bentley, on the unani- mous request of the members of the association, entered into an engagement to preach for them on a salary of $300 per annum, and an allowance of four Sundays of the year for visits. The sum appointed for his compensation was defrayed by the contribution of individuals, parties to an agreement to pay the amount in proportions fixed by the terms of their subscriptions. On the 5th of November, a meeting of those who held church membership was had, and it was voted, ' to form a church, by the name of " the Baptist Church in Worcester," and the following confession of faith was adopted. ^ 1 Dr. John Green, son of Thomas Green, founder of the Baptist church in Leicester, Mr. Amos Putnam, an aged member of the church in Charlton, and j\Irs. Dolly Flagg, a female advanced in years, connected with the first Baptist church in Boston. '-i James Wilson, Esq. Postmaster of Worcester from 1801 to 1833, deacon of the first Baptist church here from its foundation, removed, with his family, to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1833. 3 The same articles had been adopted by the First Baptist Church, in Portland, Maine. 176 FIRST BArnST SOCIETY. [1812. ' As the church of Christ is made up of a number of persons, who are renewed by divine grace, and united in the fellowship of the Gospel ; and as that fellowship consists in a unison of sentiments, interest and aflection ; and as two cannot walk together, except they be agreed, we think it our duty to make the following declaration of our views of divine truth : for the satisfac- tion of any who may wish to unite with us in church fellowship ; which dec- laration is as follows : ' We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were written by men divinely inspired, and that God requires of us, to believe in, and embrace them as our only rule of faith and practice, and that among others they contain the following all-important truths. ' 1. The existence of one only, living, and true God, infinite in all excel- lence, immutable, eternal, self sufficient, and independent, who created all things, and who upholds, governs, and disposes of them for his own glory. '2. That in one God there are three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; the same in essence, and equal in every divine perfection. ' 3. That all God's works of creation, providence, and grace, ever have been, still are, and ever will be accomplished, according to his own will ; which he purposed in himself before the world began. ' 4. That man was created holy, but, by wilfully violating the law of his Maker, he fell from his first rectitude ; and as Adam was the father, and rep- resentative of all his posterity, we, in him, became wholly defiled and dead in trespasses and sins : so that by nature we are indisposed to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil : and are children of wrath, and subjects of death, and of all other miseries, temporal, spiritual, and eternal. ' 5. That the only way of salvation from this state of guilt and condemna- tion, is, through the righteousness and atonement of Jesus Christ, who as the good shepherd, laid down his life for his sheep ; that he might redeem them from all iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works : and those only who receive the gift of repentance and faith in him, will be finally saved by the atonement. ' C. That all, who ever have been or will be brought to repentance and faith in the gospel, were chosen in Christ to salvation, before the foundation of the world ; and that, in consequence of the eternal love of God to them, through the atonement, the Holy Ghost is sent to effect the work of regeneration in their hearts, without which regenerating influence, none would ever repent or believe. ' 7. That the perfect righteousness of Christ, which he wrought out by his obedience and death, is reckoned or imputed to those who believe, as the alone matter of their justification. ' 8. That nothing can separate true believers from the love of God, but they will be kept by his power, through faith unto salvation. ' 9. That the only proper subjects of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper, are professed believers in Christ ; and that baptism is properly administered, only by immersing the whole body in water, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost : and is by Scripture example, a prerequisite to communion at the Lord's table. 1812.] KEV. WILLIAM BENTLET. 177 ' 10. That the true church of Christ on earth, is made up of those, who are renewed by grace, partake of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, united in the fellowship of the truth, and are as lively stones built up in a spiritual house, to offer spiritual sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. That the only officers to be ordained in the church, are Bishops or teaching Elders, and Deacons. That those officers have no more power to decide matters for the church, than any other members. Yet we believe, so far as their gifts and graces may enable them to lead the church to a right judgment according to the Scriptures, we are to submit to them, for they watch for our souls, as they that must give an account in the day of judgment. '11. That God hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness, by Christ Jesus, and that the bodies of both the righteous and the wicked will then be raised from their graves and again united to their souls, and appear before God to be judged according to the deeds done in the body ; at which time the wicked will be sentenced to endless punishment, and the righteous be received into eternal glory and happiness, where they will be ever with the Lord.' The 9th of December was fixed for the constitution of the church, the re- ception of fellowship from others, and the installation of the pastor elect. The use of the old south meeting house was formally solicited, and obtained from the selectmen and assessors. The clergyman of the first and second societies were courteously invited to attend on the occasion. On the evening previous to the ceremonies, a note was sent by Dr. Austin, refusing to be present ; declining to countenance proceedings which, in his view, indicated hostility to union, and interference with endeavors to promote the kingdom of Christ in the world ; declaring that Mr. Bentley, ' originally excited by some, seconded by others, whose sectarian zeal carried them beyond a regard to several of the primary precepts of the Gospel, had commenced and was pros- ecuting a partizan warfare against the harmony and prosperity of the church and congregation under his care ;' complaining that the occupation of his pul- pit would be ' against full expression of personal feeling, the rights of the christian ministry, the order of Christ's house, and the laws of the land :' and expressing ' determination not officiously to interrupt,' and ' wi.sh not to be interrupted, in the prosecution of a work, consigned to him, as he hoped, by the Redeemer of Zion.' This communication rendered a change of place nec- essary. Application was made to Dr. Bancroft for leave to occupy his desk, which was freely given, and the exercises of installation were in the meeting house of the second parish. The first church in Providence, and the churches in Leicester, Charlton, Grafton, and Sutton, by their elders or delegates, were represented in council. Discourses were preached, in the forenon, by the Rev. Joseph Cornell, and in the afternoon, by Rev. Stephen Gano of Provi- dence. The right hand of fellowship was tendered by the latter elder. The church, at this time, numbered fourteen males, and fourteen females, among its members. The erection of a meeting house was commenced, May 29, 1813. It was placed on the slight eminence, eastward from the burial place, adjoining the com- 16 178 FIRST HAPTIST cnuRCH. [1812. mon. The site was purchased for the consideration of 8100, by subscription of the church, and conveyed to their committee, in trust for the society. The building was completed, Dec. 13, of the same year, at an expense of $24 59, principally defrayed by the sale of pews. It was dedicated, Dec. 23, 1813, when a sermon was preached by Elder Bentley. Elder William Bentley first followed the business of a baker in Boston. Pie received ordination, and settled in the ministry, at Tiverton, R. I. Well fitted to be the pioneer of a religious enterprise, he was called thence by the society founded in Worcester, in its infancy. He removed to AV'ethersfield, in Connecticut, after a few months : was pastor of the church there : and has since been much employed in missionary exertions. On the 30th of June, 1815, Mr. Bentley asked and received dismission. On the third of November following, the Rev, Jonathan Going accepted a call to settle as successor, on a salary of $400 annually. Having been previously ordained as a minister of the Gospel, there were no public ceremonies on assuming the office in Worcester. The stipend was increased by occasional grants. In 1819, it was $500 : in 1820, $600 : the next year, $550 : from 1823 to 1826, the original compensation of $400 was paid; afterwards $500. An act of incorporation was obtained, June 8, 1819, and the first meet- ing of the parish held, August 16, under the warrant of Hon. Daniel Waldo. In April, 1831, the Rev. Mr. Going had leave of absence from parochial and pastoral duties, to enable him to prosecute a journey to the West, for the restoration of health, and for missionary labors. In January, 1832, he requested dismission. During a ministry of sixteen years, the society had increased from a handful to a large congregation. The connection of pastor and parish had been one of uninterrupted harmony. The intimation of his intention to remove, was received with ' an expression of regret by words and tears, that circumstances had led to this result.' ' Do you then,' he says, in a communication to the church, * ask me, why leave us ? My answer is ; not that I love the Baptist church and society in Worcester less ; but that I love the body of Baptists, and the multitudes who are destitute in the United States, more. During my whole ministry, I have felt constrained by a sense of duty, to devote much attention to works of religious charity, and, espec- ially, for several years past, more time than is consistent with the highest advantages of a particular church. Besides, I have felt a deep solicitude, for some years, in the moral condition of the West. And my late tour has set- tled that solicitude, in full conviction of my duty to devote myself to the interests of home missions, particularly in the Valley of the Mississippi. Plainly, a mighty effort must be made ; and by the body of evangelical chris- tians in the Atlantic States ; and made soon ; or ignorance and popery, heresy and infidelity, will entrench themselves too strongly to be repulsed. And, in that case, it is morally certain, that our republic will be overturned, and our institutions, civil and religious, will be demolished.' . . . . ' To the existence and success of the projected Baptist Home Mission Society, it is indispensa- ble, that the whole time and energies of some man should be devoted ; and 1832.] REV. J. GOING. KEV. F. A. WILLARD. 179 our friends, whose opinions ought to determine questions of this sort, have said this work belonged to we.' In complying with the request of Mr. Going, and dissolving his connection, church and parish strongly expressed affection for his person, respect for his character, and gratitude for his services. The Rev. Jonathan Going, was born at Reading, in Windsor county, Vt. March 7, 1786. After brief attendance on the common schools of a country then recently planted, he commenced preparations for college, in 1803, at the academy of New Salem, Mass. ; entered Brown University in 1805 ; gradu- ated in 1809 ; and read divinity with the late president of that institution, the Rev. Dr. Asa Messer. In May, 1813, he received ordination, as the first settled minister of Cavendish, in his native county, where he resided until December, 1815. He then assumed the pastoral charge of the Baptist church in Worcester, which was retained for sixteen years. In January, 1832, it was resigned, for the purpose of accepting the office of Corresponding Secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. He has since resided in the city of New York, in the discharge of its duties. In the early part of his ministry here, Mr. Going instructed the Latin Grammar school during one year. In the arduous labors which matured the improved system of education, and superintended its operations in elevating the common schools of the town to high excellence, he bore active and efficient part. The registers, indicating the degree of fidelity in the teacher and assid- uity of the pupils, were introduced by him. One of the first Sabbath schools of the county was established, under his direction, in the Baptist society in Worcester. Mr. Going received the degree of Master of Arts, at Brown University and the University of Vermont, in 1818 ; and that of Doctor of Divinity from Waterville College, Me. in 1832. In addition to the preparation of reports, addresses, and papers for periodicals, he has been, two years, editor of the Ameiican Baptist, a religious newspaper published weekly in New York. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Going were from Scotland : the maternal, from England. Robert Going, or Gowing, came from Edinburgh, settled in Lynn, Mass. at an early period, and was admitted freeman, in Dedham, Mass. in 1644. The father of the subject of this notice, Capt. Jonathan Going, born in Lunenburgh, Mass. 1761, and still living in the state of New York, married Sarah Kendall of Dunstable, Mass. in 1785.^ The Rev. Frederic A. Willard, who had supplied the pulpit three months previously, was elected pastor, without dissenting voice, January 2, 1832, and a salary of $500, was voted. The first Baptist church in Boston, the church- es of Leicester, Spencer, West Boylston, Grafton, Sutton, Northampton, and the Newton Theological Seminary, attended in council at the ordination, on the 18th of the same mouth. The Scriptures were read by Rev. John Green of Leicester ; the introductory prayer off"ered by Rev. Otis Converse of Graf- ton : the sermon preached by Professor Henry J. Ripley of the Seminary in Newton: the church and people addressed by Rev. Jonathan Going: the 1 Rev. Jonathan Going married Lucy Thorndike, of Dunstable, Mass. August ISll. 180 FIRST BAPTIST SOCIETT. [1835. right hand of fellowship offered by Kev. William Hague of Boston ; and the concluding prayer made by Rev. John Walker of Sutton. Regarding the evils of intemperance, and its desolating effects on the hap- piness of individuals, public and private virtue, and the welfare of the com- munity, it was declared. May 22, 1834, to be the strong and deliberate con- Tiction of the church, that the time had arrived, when no professed disciple of Christ, could manufacture, buy, sell, or use, ardent spirit, as a drink, without being guilty of immorality, and violating his profession as a christian : and it was resolved, that entire abstinence from the manufacture, use, and sale of this article, should be an invariable condition for membership and good standing.^ The father of Rev. Frederic A. Willard, Benjamin Willard, formerly of Lancaster, an elder of the Baptist Church, now resident in Northampton, per- sonally conducted the early literary education of the son : the closing portion of studies preparatory to entering college, was pursued under the direction of Rev. Abiel Fisher, then of Bellingham, Mass. He graduated at Amherst col- lege, 182G. Daring the year following, Mr. Willard was connected with the Clinical School of Medicine, at Woodstock, Vt. : in 1827, was matriculated as member of the Newton Theological Institution, and received a professional diploma in 1830. In 1831, an appointment by the trustees of Waterville College in Maine, to the Professorship of Chemistry, was declined. After leaving his official station in Worcester, he accepted an invitation to become pastor of the first Baptist church, in Newton, Mass. where he now resides.^ On the 30th of July, 1835, Mr. Willard resigned his office. On the 17th of October following, the Rev. Jonathan Aldrich was elected his successor. The annual salary has been $700. The services at the public recognition of this gentleman, Oct. 27, 1835, were : reading of Scripture by Rev. George Waters of Holden : prayer by Rev. Charles O. Kimball of Methuen : sermon by Rev. Baron Stow of Bos- ton : charge by Rev. Abisha Sampson of Southborough : hand of fellowship by Rev. Frederic A. Willard : address to the church and society by Rev. Charles Train of Framingham : prayer by Rev. John Walker of Sutton : benediction by Rev. Mr. Aldrich. Rev. Jonathan Aldrich, son of Asquire Aldrich, a worthy farmer of St. Johnsbury, Vt., prepared for college in the Academy of Peacham, Vt. and un- der the tuition of Rev. Mr. Fisher of Bellingham : received his degree from Brown University, 1826 : pursued theological studies in the Newton Semina- ry: was ordained at Dedham, Mass. in December, 1827, where he remained nearly three years : installed at Beverly, Mass. May 1830 : and at East Cam- bridge in June 1833.' It had been considered expedient to form a second society. Mr. John Flagg, Isaac Davis, Esq. and Deacon Daniel Goddard, were incorporated, 1 Oct. 2, 1827. A bequest of $1C00 was made to the society by the last will and testa- ment of Mr. John Gooilale, who died May 2, 1827, aged 82, and it was voted to erect a monument to liis memory, with a suitable inscription. ' Mr. Willard married Mary, daughter of Setli Davis, Esq. of Newton, May 1, 1835. " .Mr. .\ldrich married Catherine P. daughter of Mr. Asa Lewis, formerly of Boston, since of Worcester, April 2, 1828. 1819.1 CALVINIST SOCIETY. 181 April 6, 1836, with their associates and successors, as proprietors of the Elm Street Baptist meeting house. A site was purchased for the building, west- ward from the Worcester house. After the destruction of the place of wor- ship of the first Baptist church by fire, the members of the new association reunited with the original parish, in rearing another edifice on the spot before occupied with that which had been burned. CALVINIST SOCIETY. About the period of the settlement of the Rev. Mr. Goodrich, difficulties arose in the first parish, increased and extended upon the separation of Rev. Dr. Austin, and by the disciplinary measures instituted against the disaffected. Deacon David Richards, and four other members, retired from the watch of the church, and from the support of the society, and on the 16th of January, 1819, asked to be dismissed and recommended to other churches. The re- quest was granted, so far only as related to dismission, but recommendation was refused. Five applicants, at the same time, for similar purposes, had leave to withdraw their petitions. Nine individuals more, soon after, united with the former, in soliciting the dissolution of their relations, and the cus- tomary credentials of good standing, with the expressed intention of forming a new society. The reason assigned by all, in substance, Avas, that they could not experience edification and improvement from the ministrations of the pas- tor. The church declined compliance with the request. Those who consid- ered themselves aggrieved by its decision, immediately invited an ecclesiastical council, to consider their situation, determine the propriety of establishing a separate and distinct church, and effect its organization if deemed expedient. By their ministers and delegates, the Old South Church in Boston, and the churches of Charlestown, Northbridge, Millbury, Upton, Ward, and Sutton, met, on the 17th of February, 1819. The Rev. Jedediah Morse was elected moderator. Their result recommended those who had already been dismissed, to the fellowship of churches, to which they were afterwards united. The council paused here, and awaiting further light from future events of Provi- dence, adjourned their session, but were not again called to assemble. On the 18th of March succeeding, seventeen persons asked dismission and rec- ommendation. The first church proposed to submit the regularity of their an- terior proceedings, and the propriety of granting the pending application, to the decision of a mutual council, which was declined. It was subsequently voted, that the church did not feel able to comply with the request, nor will- ing to reject it, but were in doubt, and wished for advice. A final answer was waived ; the members did not renew their petition, but joined the Bap- tist Society in April, although they continued to commune with the first church. On the 2d of June, 1820, acting on the principle, that uniting and worshipping with another denomination, and withholding pecuniary support, was virtual separation, it was declared, that the individuals not dismissed, had, by their own acts, cut themselves off" from the privileges of the first church. Thus parted from all relations with any religious association, they invited an ecclesiastical council, which convened, Aug. 16, 1820, from the churches in 16* 182 CALVINIST SOCIETY. [1822. I-'ranklin, Northbridge, Sutton, Upton, Wrentham, Ward, and Park Street in JJoston. Rev. Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin, was elected moderator. The result, expressed approval of constituting a regular church from the appli- cants, and it w&s accordingly organized.^ Subsequently, proposals were made by the first church, on conditions which were considered exceptionable, to submit to a mutual council the whole sub- ject of the subsisting difficulties. Conferences were held by committees of the two bodies, terminating, after long negotiation, in the conclusion, that it was possrible only to agree to remain separate. On the 8th of February, 1822, a meeting of the Calvinist church, and of those associating with them for religious purposes, was held, for the organiza- tion of a society, according to the laws of the Commonwealth. Daniel Wal- do, David Richards, William McFarland, John W. Hubbard, Moses N. Child, Samuel Taylor, Benjamin Goddard, and Jonas Parker, bound themselves, to defray, out of their private property, the expenses of supporting public wor- ship for five years, deducting such sums as might be voluntarily contributed by others. Regular worship was commenced, on the first Sabbath of April, 1822, in the Court House. The pulpit was supplied by Rev. Thomas J. Murdock, then late of Portland ; Mr. Washington Smith of Hadley, since ordained in St. Albans, Vt. ; Mr. Elam Clark, afterwards settled in Providence, R. I. ; Mr. Joseph Torrey of Salem, subsequently minister of Royalston, Vt. and thence called to be Professor of Languages in the Univexsity of Vermont. The Rev. Loammi Ives Hoadley preached his first sermon to the congrega- tion, Oct. 20, 1822, under an engagement for two or three sabbaths. He was afterwards induced to remain, reserving liberty to retire at pleasure. In March, 1823, he was invited to Taunton. The church immediately requested liis permanent settlement as their pastor. The concurrence of the society was given to this call, on the 14th of April following. The stated salary was $800 : and provision was made, that pastor or parish might dissolve the con- tract, after one year's previous notice of desire to separate. The ordination services took place October 15,1823. The introductory prayer was offered by Rev. Joel Hawes of Hartford, Conn. : the sermon preached by Rev. Ly- man Beecher of Litchfield, Conn. : ordaining prayer made by Rev. Edmund Mills of Sutton, moderator of the council : the charge delivered by Rev. Elisha Fiskc of Wrentham ; the right hand of fellowship presented by Rev. Baxter Dxkinson of Long Meadow : the address to the people was by Rev. William B. Sprague of West Springfield : and the concluding prayer by Rev. Benja- min Wood of Upton. A committee of the first church had appeared before the council, instructed to object to proceedings conforming to the request of ' those persons styling tliemselves the Calvinist Church.' Most of them, it was stated, in a protest 1 Full narrative of the proceedings, elaborate discussions of their regularity, and ample expogition of the views of the contending parties, are contained in a scries of publications (numerated on page lCi'2. The whole arc contained in an octavo volume in the Library of the American Antiijuarian Society. 1825.] MR. Waldo's donation. 183 offered by the chairman, held such attitude, that they could not, Avith proprie- ty, be recognized as a regular church of Christ : they were considered as un- der censure : having rejected proposals of settling controversy by the inter- vention of mutual council, they could not, consistently with the objects of dis- cipline, be held in fellowship, collectively or individually, until proofs of peni- tence for the fault of separation, or the judgment by which they had been sent forth should be overruled by a competent tribunal. The council determined, that the official result constituting the Calvinist church, was evidence of its regular existence ; disclaimed authority to reverse the acts of the ecclesiasti- cal body for its organization ; and declined receiving the remonstrance. A meeting house had been erected by the Hon. Daniel Waldo, at the cost of about $14,000, on Main street. The dedication was had on the same day with the ordination, and the society removed from the Court House, to their permanent place of worship. Selections from the Scriptures were read by Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner of the Old South church in Boston; prayer offered by Rev. Samuel Green of the Essex street church in Boston ; and the ser- mon delivered by Rev. Dr. Samuel Austin, then of Newport, R. I. The house, and the land upon which it was built, were conveyed, July 9, 1825, by Mr. Waldo, for the use and benefit of the church and society. A donation of five thousand dollars was added to this great benefaction. The income and interest were secured to be appropriated towards the payment of the salary of such pastor as should have been elected, ordained, and settled, conformably to the rules and usages of congregational calvinistic churches and societies in this Commonwealth. ' The Trustees of the Parochial Funds of the Calvinist society in Worcester,' were incorporated, Feb. 2, 1827, by an act of the Legislature, to hold the property upon the trusts declared in the in- struments of conveyance. Vacancies in the corporation are filled by the votes of owners of pews. On the 28th of June, 1828, several of the most honored among the calvinis- tic clergymen of Massachusetts, visitants of the town on occasion of special devotional exercises, in view of the difficulties so long existing, and of their unhappy consequences to the parties and cause of religion, by letter of advice, expressed the opinion, that the controversies should, without delay, be adjus- ted. Although they considered the doings of the First church, in the disci- pline of the persons organized as the Calvinist church, and those of the latter association, in rejecting proposals for a mutual council, as erroneous, and not, in all respects, in accordance with strict ecclesiastical rule, yet they consid- ered, that each might, consistently with duty, acknowledge the other as a church of Christ. In compliance with their earnest recommendation, on the following day, the members of both churches united in participating the sac- rament of the Lord's Supper, as a public testimonial of intention to reestablish and maintain christian fellowship. The illness of Mr. Hoadley requiring temporary relinquishment of labor, his request for dismission was granted, June 5, 1829, and the sum of $500 voted, to aid him in defraying unavoidable expenses Avhile seeking means of support in some mode less detrimental to health than ministerial duties. 184 CALVTXIST SOCIETY. [1812. The Rev. Mr. Hoadley, a native of Northford, New Haven county. Conn, graduated at Yale College in 1818, and studied at the Theological Seminary, in Andover, with which he was connected after his removal from Worcester. He now resides in Charlestown, Mass. On the 9th of December, 1829, the Rev. J. S. C. Abbott accepted the unanimous invitation to become successor to Mr. Hoadley, with a salary of $900. The churches of Millbury, Paxton, Leicester, Hartford, Shrewsbury, Holdcn, West Boylston, Sutton, Boylston, Ward, Cambridge, Cambridgeport, Grafton, the church in the Theological Seminary at Andover, the Old South and Union churches in Boston, the Presbyterian church in Millbury, and the first church in Worcester, were represented in the ordaining council, January 28, 1830. These were the exercises : prayer by Rev. John Nelson of Leicester ; sermon by Rev. Joel Hawes of Hartford, Conn. : ordaining prayer by Rev. Samuel Green, of the Union church, Boston ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Nehe- miah Adams of Cambridge ; concluding prayer by Rev. John Boardman of West Boylston. The articles of faith, originally adopted in 1820, were copied from those of the first church. In 1831, a confession, more brief in form and simpler in language, expressing, substantially, the same views of Christian doctrine, was adopted. ' 1. We believe that there is one God, the Creator, and rightful disposer of all things, existing as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and that to these three persons, as the one God, all divine perfections are to be Equally ascribed. ' 2. That the Bible was given by inspiration of God, as -the only unerring rule of faith and practise. / ' 3. That mankind are fallen from their original rectitude, and are, while in a state of nature, wholly destitute of that holiness which is required by the divine law. ' 4. That Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word, became man, and by his obedi- ence, sufferings, and death, made an atonement for the sins of the world. ' 5. That they, and they only, will be saved in conseque.iCe of the merits of Christ, who repent of sin and believe in him. * 6. That although the invitations of the gospel are such that all who will may come, and take of the waters of life freely : yet the wickedness of the human heart is such, that none will come, unless drawn by the special influ- ence of the Holy Spirit. ' 7. That the sacraments of the New Testament are Baptism and the Lord's Supper : baptism to be administered only to believers and their households, and the supper only to believers in regular church standing. ' 8. That God has appointed a day in which he will judge the world, when there will be a resurrection of the dead, and when the righteous will enter on eternal happiness, and the wicked will be sentenced to eternal misery.' In consequence of the earnest exertions of philanthropists to promote tem- perance, the church, Feb. 28, 1833, by resolutions, declared, that dealing in ardent spirits was considered au immorality ; and that it was the duty of the 1835.] REV. JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. 185 members to abstain totally from the use and traffic, except in case of necessity and as medicine. The health of Mr. Abbott declined, and he was compelled to solicit dismis- sion, January 17, 1835. The records bear testimony of the reluctance with which both church and parish acquiesced in the dissolution of a connection of uninterrupted harmony, and to their deep sense of the merits of their pastor. The Rev. John Stevens Cabot Abbott, second son of Mr. Jacob Abbott, was born in Brunswick, Maine. Having resided with his father's family in Hallowell, he entered Bowdoin College 1821, and they returned to dwell in the place of his nativity. He graduated in 1825, and was assistant teacher in the Academy at Amherst, Mass. during the succeeding year. The regular course of studies was pursued at the Theological Seminary in Andover, and soon after leaving that institution, he was invited, in 1830, to Worcester. His fidelity, social, moral, and religious worth, talents, and usefulness, se- cured affection as they commanded respect. Impaired health rendered it necessary to ask dismission, to the great regret of his people. Having par- tially recovered, he was installed pastor of the Eliot church, inRoxbury, Nov. 25, 1835, where he now resides. In the spring of 1833, Mr. Abbott published 'The Mother at Home,' and in November of the same year, ' The Child at Home.' Both these works have been republished in England, and have passed through numerous edi- tions here. In September, 1836, ' The Path of Peace ' was issued from the press. He has also printed two or three smaller works without his name.^ In May 1835, Rev. David Peabody, the present clergyman, was elected pastor, and a salary of $1000 annually granted. At the installation, July 15, the exercises were these : record of the proceedings of the council read by the scribe, Rev, Wm. P. Paine of Holden ; introductory prayer by Rev. David Perry of HoUis, N. H. ; sermon by Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Skinner of the Theological Institution at Andover ; installation prayer by Rev. John Nelson of Leicester; fellowship of the churches by the Rev, Wm. P. Paine of Holden ; charge by Rev. Osgood Herrick of Millbury ; address to the people by Rev, John Wilde of Grafton ; concluding prayer by Rev. Elijah Paine of West Boylston. Rev. David Peabody, born in Topsfield, Essex county, Mass. graduated at Dartmouth College, 1828 : commenced his theological studies in the institu- tion at Andover, Mass., which were completed at the Union Seminary, Va. : and was first settled over the First Congregational Church in Lynn, Mass. Nov. 15, 1832.2 Nineteen members of the church, considering the rapid increase of the 1 Mr. Abbott married Jane Williams Bourne, daughter of Abner Bourne, Esq. of Boston, Aug. 17, 1830. Pour of the brothers of Mr. Abbott are in the ministry, or nearly closing their preparatory studies, ^ Mr. Peabody married Maria Brigham of Cambridgeport, Sept. 11, 1834. His father, John Peabody, descended in the fourth generation from Francis Peabody, who derived family ancestry from Wales, emigrated about 1680 from England, and became a land holder in Topsfield, The name was anciently written Pabodie. 186 CATHOLIC SOCIETY. [1834. popnlation of the town and the necessity of providing greater facilities for public worship, asked to be dismissed, for the purpose of forming a third orthodox congregational society. Consent to their request, Jan. 8, 1836, was accompanied with the expression of christian sympathies, and of an earnest desire that the Great Head of the Church would bless and prosper them, and the enterprise in which they were engaged. KOMAN CATHOLIC SOCIETY. When the Blackstone Canal was commenced, many catholic emigrants were brought into the vicinity. Religious exercises were occasionally held during the construction of that work. In 1834, the Rev. James Fitton commenced visiting the town, once each month. In April of that year, the catholics in Worcester, were four families and about twenty unmarried persons. To afford them the means of assembling for divine worship, he laid the founda- tions of a small church on Temple Street, July 7, 1834. The execution of great undertakings of public improvement, and other causes, have since greatly increased the number. Accessions of individuals, uniting themselves to the society, and coming from other places, rendered it necessary to enlarge the church. Those who attend its services from Worcester and its vicinity are nearly three hundred. The Rev, James Fitton, is a native of Boston. His early studies were pursued in that city until 1822, when he visited Canada, to acquire the lan- guages and other branches of education, under private tuition. Returning to Boston, he studied theology with the Rt. Rev. Bishop Fenwick. In December 1827, he was ordained, and appointed to official duty in the church of the Holy Cross. In 1828, he held the twofold office of pastor and teacher to the Indians of Maine. He was in 1830, designated as pastor of Trinity Church in Hartford, Conn, and employed in that city, and on missionary circuits through the neighboring country for the distance of an hundred miles, till a church and resident minister were obtained in New Haven, and an assistant in Hartford. Soon after, his monthly visits to Worcester began, and, in May 1836, he removed to this town. Since his residence here, Mr. Fitton has established two schools, one in the basement of the church for children, the other for higher branches of educa- tion, for boys exclusively, called Mount Saint James Seminary, on the ancient Pakachoag hill,^ METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOCIETY. The Methodist Episcopal church in Worcester was commenced in the win- ter of 1834. Eight or ten persons who had become inhabitants of the town, attached to the Methodist institutions, formed a class, according to tlic regu- lations of that denomination. In the spring of the same year, with their 1 The works translatetl and compiled by Rev. Mr. Fitton, beside a number of pamphlets, are: Youth's directory : Bo.ston. 18mo. pp.250. Triumph of religion : Baltimore. 2 vols: ISmo. History of Palestine : Baltimore. 2 vols, 18mo. Companion to the Sanct- uary : Hartford. 18mo. pp. 220, 1835,] EPISCOPAL SOCIETY. 187 associates, they organized a religious society for the purpose of supporting public worship. The use of the Town Hall was obtained for meetings. The Rev. J. A. Merrill preached for the first three months. At the June session of the New England Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church for 1834, Rev. George Pickering was stationed in Worcester, and continued in the pastoral charge of the society for one year. He was succeeded by Rev. John T. Burrill, who still continues to otficiate as the regular minister.-^ During this period, the society has increased with rapidity. They have now about one hundred church members, and a numerous congregation. In September, 1836, a house for worship was erected on the street called Colum- bian Avenue. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SOCIETY. The establishment of an Episcopal Society in Worcester, had been frequent- ly subject of consideration with those directing the domestic missionary organ- ization of the church, in Ma5=sachusetts. No distinct effort for its accomplish- ment was made, until the close of, 1835. The first regular services according to the liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal church, were performed by Rev. Thomas H. Vail, on the 13th of December of that year. Since that time, they have been continued in the South Hall of the Town House. At the commencement, only two families were known to be attached to the society. Twelve were connected with it, in Sept. 1836 : the communicants were about sixteen. The rite of baptism had been administered, once privately, twice publicly, and there had been one confirmation. Wardens and vestry, officers corresponding to the deacons and trustees of congregational societies, have not yet been elected. A subscription of $6000 was raised in Worcester for the erection of a church, in March and April, 1836. The execution of the work was suspended, on account of disappoint- ment in obtaining aid from abroad, but measures are in progress to procure the construction of an edifice for worship during 1837. The Rev. Mr. Vail was born in Richmond, Va. where he resided until 1822. Subsequently, his home was in Norwich, Conn, until his removal to Worces- ter. He graduated at Washington College, Hartford, Conn, in 1831 : was afterwards connected with the General Protestant Episcopal Theological Sem- inary in the city of New York, four years : was ordained deacon by Bishop Brownell, in Ncav Canaan, Conn, in July 1835 : and officiated a short time, in Philadelphia and Boston, under temporary arrangements. 1 The Catholic, Methodist, and Episcopal Societies, embracing the distinctive general tenets of the denominations to which they severally belong, have no articles of faith pecu- liar to the individual local churches. A sammary of the doctrines and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States, vyill be found in the appendix to Kay's edition of Buck's Theological Dic- tionary. As the Methodist ministers cannot retain the particular stations assigned, for a longer period than two years, the connection of those gentlemen who have visited the society here, has not been considered sufficiently permanent to justify biographical notice. 188 UNION SOCIETY. [1835. UNION SOCIETY. In the Autumn of 1834, meetings were held, preparatory to the formation of a thiril orthodox society. In December, it was resolved to take measures to erect a building for worship, and subscriptions for that purpose were ob- tained. On the 11th of 3Iarch, 1835, the Proprietors of the Union Meeting House were incorporated. Proceedings for the organization of a church, com- menced Dec. '25, 1835. Members of the First and Calvinist Churches united in adopting the following confession of faith. '1. We believe in one God, who possesses in an infinite degree, all nat- ural and moral perfections : who is the creator, upholder, and governor of the universe, who is revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. ' 2. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, were ■written under the inspiration of God, and clothed with divine authority, and are a perfect rule of faith and practice. ' 3. We believe that mankind are fallen from a state of rectitude, and are, while in a state of nature, wholly destitute of that holiness, which is required by the divine law. ' 4. We believe that all who are saved, will be saved by the sovereign mercy of God, through the atonement, which was effected by the obedience, sufferings, and death of Christ. ' 5. We believe in the necessity of regeneration, through the Holy Spirit. ' 6. We believe there are properly belonging to the Christian religion two, and only two, sacraments. Baptism and the Lord's Supper. ' 7. We believe that God has appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness, when the dead shall arise from their graves, and, together with the living, shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ, and be adjudged, the righteous to everlasting life, and the wicked to shame and everlasting contempt.' An ecclesiastical council convened, agreeably to the letters missive of Alfred D. Foster and others, a committee of invitation, Feb. 3, 1836, from the churches in Ilubbardston, Leicester, Rutland, Shrewsbury, East Douglas, Holden, Paxton, Boylston, West Boylston, Oxford, Eliot church in Roxbury, and the First and Calvinist churches in Worcester. Twenty seven individuals had been dismissed and recommended from the First church, and nineteen from the Calvinist Church. Sixty three persons in all, were constituted the Union Church. The public exercises were thus assigned : introductory prayer by Rev. John Boardman of East Douglas : ser- mon by Rev. Josiah Clark of Rutland : constituting of the church by Rev. Samuel Gay of Hubbardston : consecrating prayer by Rev- John S. C. Abbot* of Roxbury : right hand of fellowship by Rev. John Nelson of Leicester : the Rev. Rodney A. Miller of Worcester, and Rev. George Allen of Shrews- bury, administered the Lord's Supper. The first meeting of the Union Society, in its parochial capacity, was con- vened, on the warrant of Emory Washburn, Esq. March 5, 1836. 1836.] XTNION SOCIETY. 189 The dedication of the meetinghouse took place July 6, 1836 : the invoca- tion of the Divine Presence was by Rev. Jonathan Aldrich of the first Bap- tist church ; lessons from the Scriptures were read by Rev. David Peabody, of the Calvinist church : the dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. George Allen of Shrewsbury : a sermon preached by Rev. John Nelson of Leicester : and the exercises concluded with prayer by Rev. John T. Burrill of the Methodist church. The Rev. Jonathan Edwards Woodbridge was invited to settle as pastor, August, 1836. The following list shows the succession of Deacons of the Churches, indicate the time of election to office. The dates prefixed FIRST CHURCH. 1716. , , , , Daniel Heywood. 1791. Nov. 15. John Chamberlain. 1716. , . Nathaniel Moore. 1797. Oct. 19. Leonard Worcester. 1748. Jan. 14. Jonas Kice, jun. 1801. Nov. 23. David Richards. 1748. » " Thomas Wheeler. 1807. June 18. Moses Perry. 1751. Dec. 16. Jacob Chamberlain. 1812. April 16. John Nelson. 1751. " " Samuel Miller. 1833. Jan. 30. Lewis Chapin. 1783. Nov. 5. Nathan Perry. 1833. " " Moses Brigham. 1783. " " Thomas Wheeler. SECOND CHUKCH. 1786. May 17. Samuel Bridge. 1817. Oct. 3. Jeremiah Robinson. 1786. " " David Bigelow. 1799. Sept. 7. Nathan Heard. 1807. June 29. William Trowbridge. 1827. Oct. 29. Benjamin Butman. 1817. " " Alpheus Merrifield. BAPTIST CHURCH. 1812. Dec. 4, James Wilson. 1822. March. Daniel Goddard. 1822. March. Nathaniel Stowell. 1836. May. Zebina E. Berry. CALVINIST CHURCH. 1824. June 11. Samuel Taylor. 1830. Nov. 10. John Coo. UNION CHURCH. 1836. Feb. 23. Moses Perry. 1836. Feb. 23, Ichabod Washburn. 1836. Alfred D. Foster. The number of communicants, Sept. 1836, as they are stated by the Clerks, are as fol- lows : First church, about 350 Baptist church, 434 Methodist church, about 100 Second church, about 150 Calvinist church, about 200 Union church, 63 17 190 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES CHAPTER XIII. IVofessional Men.i Biographical notices of the Practitioners, Counsellors and Attorneys at Law, and Physicians, before and since the Revolution. The professional gentlemen who have been or are resident in Worcester, have been arranged, in the following' pages, as nearly as possible, in the order in which they commenced business here, without regard to age, standing, or other principle of prioiity. Those in practice in September, 1836, are distin- guished by italics. The capital letters following the names, are the initials of Harvard and Brown Universities, Yale, Dartmouth, Williams, Union, Bowdoin, and Am- herst Colleges. L A TV T E K S .-^ Joshua Eatox was the first lawyer of Worcester, in point of time. He was born in that part of Watcrtown, now Waltham, Dec. 15, 1714. The only son of honest and well respected parents, who bestowed upon him a lib- eral education, with the sole view to preparation for the ministrj', after grad- uating at Harvard University, in 1735, he disappointed their hopes and wish- es, by preference of the legal to the clerical profession. The noviciate was short in early times. Having spent two years with Judge Trowbridge, in the study of the law, Mr. Eaton commenced the practise in Worcester, in 1737, not long after the establishment of the county. Simplicity and sin- cerity united in his character with ardor and zeal : at the foundation was a substratum of pious devotion pervading his whole life. He acquired the rep- utation of a faithful and honest practitioner. Although his talents could not entitle him to eminence, he obtained extensive employment. While his world- ly ])rospccts grew brighter, his attention was awakened to his spiritual condi- tion, and prospects of higher usefulness opened. The captivating and ener- getic eloquence of Whitefield diffused a contagious enthusiasm on religious subjects. The spirit was imbibed by Eaton, and cooperated with his own in- clinations and the recollections of the earnest desire of his parents, to induce 1 Notices of the clergymen of the town should properly be inserted in the division of bi- ography. The connection of the lives of the pastors with the history of their parishes is 80 intimate, that it has been deemed most convenient to place the brief memoirs of the ministers with those of the societies of their settlement. - In compiling the sketches of lawyers, much has been derived from the excellent ad- dress to the Bar of Worcester County, Oct. 2, 1829, by Joseph Willard, Esq. sometime of Lancaster, now of Boston. Higher authority could not be desired, than the antiquarian accuracy and fidelity of the author of that production. The reader will find occasion to re- gret, that the classic elegajjce of his composition could not be adopted, as easily as the ma- tei'idls gathered by bis diligence have been appropriated. JOSHUA EA.TON. 191 him to abandon the profession he had adopted, and to seek the service of the altar. After five years practice at the bar, he commenced the study of theol- ogy. The fervor of his exercises was deemed fanatical, and he incurred the censure of the church in Worcester. Feeling aggrieved by their disciplinary measures, redress was sought by appeal to an ecclesiastical council. In a private diary is entered, under date Oct. 23, 1743, ' This day detained from the house of God, and I think to forbear preaching any more, until after the council. I hope I even long again to go up to the house of God, and to tread his courts.' Three days were dedicated by him to fasting, humiliation and prayer, on account of the difficulties. The troubles of his spirit were at length removed, by his restoration to christian communion. It was noted. Nov. 25, ' The church was pleased to restore me to christian privileges without any acknowledgment, and gave as a reason for what they had done in censuring me, that they looked upon me, as being actuated by an overheated brain.' The next Sabbath he resumed his clerical occupation, and preached so accept- ably in the South Precinct of Leicester, now the town of Spencer, that he was soon after invited to settle there, and ordained, Nov. 7, 1744. Zeal in the performance of duty overcame infirmity of body, and habitual depression of mind. The enjoyments and honors of his former situation never elicited re- gret for desertion. He writes, Feb. 7, 1744, 'Attended court at Worcester upon business : but, oh ! the tumult, and dissipation, and snares, that attend the courts. I think, I would not return to the practice of the law on any con- sideration.' A faithful ministry was finished by death, April, 1772. The fragments of his diary are replete with indications of deep humility, ardent piety, and conscientious regard to duty. The successive decease of his chil- dren and consort, the suff'erings of long sickness, and the afflictions of his lot, exemplified his resignation and patience. After his death, a volume of plain and judicious discourses, not remarkable either for brilliancy or force, were published by his friend. Rev. Eli Forbes of Brookfield, who pronounced his funeral discourse, and received the custody of his papers.^ Stephen Fessenden, a native of Cambridge, was graduated at Harvard University in 1737, studied with Judge Trowbridge, and probably succeeded Eaton in the practice of the law in Worcester. Specimens of instruments drafted by him, exhibit remarkable neatness and accuracy. A crowd of irreg- ular practitioners, pressing into business, seem to have cut off his supplies, and finally driven him away.^ Joseph Dyer was a person of another description. Not bred to the pro- fession, he came here in 1736, and commenced business as office and shop- keeper. Law and merchandise he treated as equally matters of trade. With some ingenuity and acuteness, he fell, at length, victim to the litigious spirit he encouraged in others. Having worked himself into the belief of the valid- ity of a peculiar view of the qualifications of voters, the opposition of others to his own construction, produced a degree of monomania. It was his pleas- 1 The biographical sketch prefixed to this volume, and Willard's Address, have furnish- ed materials for this notice. 2 Willard's Address, 51. 192 LAWYERS. ure to interpose exceptions to all municipal proceedings until he became the common nuisance of the inhabitants. For more than twenty years he protes- ted cither verbally or in writing, against acts specially or doings generally of the town. No taxes could be collected from him, unless by levy of warrants of distress on his chattels. Year after year, the people resolved to sustain their officers in the execution of coercive process for payment of his share of common charges. At length, it seems to have been determined to silence the voice of continual remonstrance, and subdue resistance to legal assessments, by deprivation of liberty. In 1759, Dyer was committed to the common jail, for neglect to discharge a fine incurred by absence from a military muster, nominally of £1G in the depreciated currency, really of small amount in spe- cie. The remedy Avas ineffectual. He entered his cell protesting against the law, its process, and the prison. Protesting he would never come out by sub- mission to the payment of a farthing, he settled himself down in the house of the government as a home. His beard, permitted to grow unshorn, gave him the aspect of an ancient philosopher in retirement. The little emolument of professional business, and the income of the shop managed by his family, gave food for his subsistence. Two years went by, and the citizens, alarmed lest his obstinacy should bring upon them the support of himself and his children, held a meeting to consider his situation, and proposed to release the two thirds of the fine given by the statute to the corporation, if the residue was paid. The offer was rejected. Three years longer, Dyer persisted in remaining un- der confinement, probably sweetening the solitude by the compilation of a dic- tionary of the English language, afterwards published. A subscription was raised, against his will, by the charitable ; the sum necessary for liberation was advanced, and he was told that he was free. The habit of resisting was so inveterate, that he objected to this benevolence ; refused to remove from his rooms, and was, at length, only ejected by force. Dyer left the jail, as he en- tered it, protesting against the right to put him in or out The first use of liberty, was to commence a suit against the keeper for false imprisonment : the failure of the action contributed to the recovery of mental sanity, impaired on a single point only. He afterwards removed to Newfane, Vt.^ In the same low class of pettifoggers, was Nathaniel Greene, a shop- keeper, who attended courts, made writs, drew wills and deeds, and did business in the humbler walks of the profession, from 1746 to 1760. James Putnam, H. U. 1746, attained and deserved the highest rank of professional distinction. He was born in that part of Salem, now Danvers, in 1725, studied with Judge Trowbridge, and commenced the practise of the law in Worcester in 1749. Strong native power was increased by extensive ac- quirement and unwearied cultivation. His ability and learning soon gave him a flood of clients, and enabled him not only to contest, but to hold, possession of the best business, while Trowbridge, Hawley, Gridley, Pratt, and the other celebrated counsellors who attended the terms of our courts, were competitors. The highest encomium which can be bestowed upon professional qualification, * Ebenezer Dyer is mentioned in Thomson's Gazetteer of Vermont, as one of the first set- tlers of Newfane in 17GG, He was probably son of Joseph. RUFUS CHANDLEK. 193 was pronounced, in after life, by an associate, who well knew his worth :^ ' Judge Putnam was an unerring lawyer ; he was never astray in his law. He was, I am inclined to think, the best lawyer of North America.' His argu- ments were marked by strong and clear reasoning, logical precision and ar- rangement, and that sound judgment whose conclusions were presented so for- cibly as to command assent. A well-read lawyer, skilful pleader, safe adviser, and successful advocate, his extending fame gave him wide sphere for action and usefulness. Retained in Middlesex and Hampshire, he attended the courts of those counties constantly, and, in important cases, assisted in those of Suffolk, where then, as now, the best talents of the state were gathered. At a time when military rank was given as the real distinction of merit, and had not become worse than an empty title, he Avas Colonel of a regiment. When Jonathan Sewall was raised to the bench of the Court of Admiralty, James Putnam was appointed his successor, as Attorney General of the prov- ince. When the revolution commenced, having given the whole weight of his high character and great influence, to sustain the royal government, he was compelled to take refuge in Boston. He accompanied the British army to New York ; thence he went to Halifax, and embarked for England in 1776, where he remained until the peace of 1783. In 1784, he was appointed member of the Council of New Brunswick, and Judge of the Supreme Court of that province. In the discharge of the duties of his judicial office, he obtained the highest praise which human am- bition should desire, that of inflexible justice. The sternness and austerity of official demeanor, and the reserved habits of social life, were relieved by flashes of wit which are described as irresistible. He resided in the city of St. John, and retained the office of Judge till his death, Oct. 23, 1789. Among those who received legal education from him, were President John Adams, Joshua Atherton of Lancaster, Rufus Chandler, and Nathaniel Chand- ler of Worcester. Rufus Ckandler, H. U. 1766, son of the second judge John Chandler, was born at Worcester, May 18, 1747, and died in London, Oct. 11, 1823. He studied with James Putnam, was admitted to the bar in 1768, and prac- tised in Worcester until the Courts were closed, in June, 1774. Inheriting the loyalty of the family which shared so freely in the bounty of the king, he left the country on the commencement of hostilities, and resided in England as a private gentleman. He Avas more remarkable for accuracy and method, than for high mental en- dowments. Fidelity in business, and purity of life, secured the confidence of his clients. He was economical in his habits from principle, and most punc- tiliously neat in personal appearance. Levi Lincoln, born May 5, 1749, was third son of Enoch Lincoln, a strong- minded and substantial farmer of Hingham, member of the revolutionary com- mittees, and frequently representative of that town. Unable to afford lib- eral education to all his children, and unwilling to bestow peculiar advantages 1 Cited in Willard's Address, 61. 17* 194 LAWYERS. on one, the son was bound apprentice to an ironsmith.^ Indications of talent, and of strong inclination for literary pursuits, were early exhibited. While he yet wrought at the anvil, he indulged the taste for reading in the hours al- lotted for sleep, and devoted a portion of the night to the study of the Latin and Greek languages. Sedate and thoughtful manner, and diligence and ca- pacity in the acquisition of knowledge, interested others in his welfare. As- sistance and encouragement were derived from Mr. Lewis, long master of the Grammar School, and from the Rev. Dr. Gay, for whom his pupil cherished enthusiastic veneration. As the love of literature increased, he abandoned the forge, and after si.x months preparation, entered Harvard University, where he was graduated in 1772. Originally intending to adopt the clerical profession, his purpose was changed by an accidental visit to the courts, when the elo- quence of the elder Adams threw its power over the pending cause. lie com- menced the study of law with Daniel Farnham, Esq. in Newburyport, where he staid a year, and then completed his noviciate in the office of Joseph Haw- ley of Northampton, distinguished as jurist, statesman, and patriot. In April, 1775, he marched as volunteer with the minute men to Cambridge: as the emergency of danger which called for the service had passed, and the army settled down in their entrenchments for protracted siege, he returned ; was admitted to practise in regular course in Hampshire, and immediately estab- lished himself in Worcester. A wide and clear field for the exertion of talent was presented. The principal men of the county had espoused the cause of the royal government, and been driven from their homes, or deserted their country. Two lawyers only remained at the bar when the temp'es of justice Avere reopened, in 1775, after having been closed by the tumult of arms for a year.- Decision of character and energy of purpose, capacity to lead and pop- ular address, soon gave him prominent station. Introduced into extensive business, he still devoted his talents to the cause of independence, and imme- diately became an active member of the committees of the revolution. Ani- mated appeals to patriotism in written addresses, and printed communications to the newspaper of the town, attest the ardor of his devotion and the power- ful expression of his pen. When the courts commenced, after their suspen- sion, in Dec. 1775, he was appointed Clerk. In Jan. 1777, on resigning, he was commissioned by the executive council. Judge of Probate, and held the office till 1781, when it was relinquished, in consequence of interference with ])rofcssional engagements. In 1779, he was specially designated to prosecute the claims of government to the large estates of the refugees, confiscated under the Absentee Act : and was Commissioner to expedite the payment of the Continental tax. He was delegate of the town to the convention in Cambridge for framing a state con- stitution. In Feb. 1781, he was elected by the Legislature, under the Con- 1 Jeremiah Lincoln of Ilingliam, who had been a soldier in the French wars, and escaped from the massacre of Fort William Henry. He died at Lunenburg, Mass. Another of his apprentices, Dr. Peter Hobart of Hanover, left his work shop for the University. Solomon Lincoln's History of Hingham, 90. 127. 2 The late Judge John Spraguc of Lancaster and Joshua Upham of Brookfield. LEVI LINCOLN. 195 federation, representative in the Continental Congress, but the honor was de- clined. In 1783, he was called by the Supreme Court to the degree of Bar- rister at law, a judicial distinction only conferred on himself and Judge Sprague in the county, after the revolution.^ In 1796, he was representative in the General Court: in 1797, member of the Senate of the Commonwealth : and exerted strong influence in the legislative action, particularly in the modi- fication of the judicial and school systems. In the autumn of 1800, although his democratic principles were known to be opposed to those of a majority of the electors, he was returned representative to the seventh Congress, and was chosen to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hon. Dwight Foster at the then next session. He was selected, soon after taking his seat, by President Jeff'erson to form one of his cabinet. On the 5th March, 1801, he was appointed Attorney General of the United States, and was provisional Secretary of State, until the arrival of Mr. Madison at the Federal city, in May following. The duties of the former charge separating him from his fam- ily, it was resigned, after nearly four years service. ' I received, last night,' writes Mr. Jefferson, Dec. 28, 1804, ' your letter, proposing to resign your office : and I received it with real affliction. It would have been my greatest happiness, to have kept together to the end of my term our executive family ; for our harmony and cordiality have really made us but as one family. Yet, I am a father, and have been a husband. I know the sacred duties which these relations impose ; the feelings they inspire ; and that they are not to be resisted by a warm heart. I yield, therefore, to your wishes. You carry with you my entire approbation of your official conduct, my thanks for your ser- vices, my regrets on losing them, and my affectionate friendship.' In the spring of 1806, he was elected member of the Council of Massachusetts. In 1807, and 1808, he was Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth. On the decease of Gov. Sullivan, in Dec. 1808, he discharged the duties of Chief Magistrate for the remainder of the term of office. He was nominated for election as Governor, in 1809, but, in the revolution of party, his competitor, Gov. Gore, prevailed. He afterwards declined being candidate, when the as- cendency of the political principles to which he adhered, would have rendered success more sure. In 1810, and 1811, he was again councillor. In 1811, he was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. * You will see,' writes President Madison, ' by the commission which will be forwarded from the Department of State, that I have taken the liberty of nom- inating you to the Senate as successor to Judge Gushing, notwithstanding your remonstrances against a recall into the national service. I was induced to this 1 The following precept is an example of the form in which the honorary legal distinc- tion, now obsolete, was conferred. To Levi Lincoln, of Worcester, Esquire, Greeting. We, well knowing your ability, learning, and integrity, command you, that you appear before our .Justices of our Supreme Judicial Court next to be holden at Boston, in and for our county of SuflFolk, on the third Tuesday of February next, then and there, in our said Court, to take upon you the state and degree of Barrister at Law. Hereof fail not. Witness William Cushing, Esq. our Chief Justice at Boston, this 25th day of December, A. D. 1783, and in the eighth j'car cf our independence. By order of Court. Charles Cushing, Clerk. 196 LAWYERS. Step, not only by my personal wishes, but by those of others, between whom and yourself exists all the reciprocal respect that can add weight to them, and particularly by their persuading themselves, that your patriotism would ac- quiesce in an appointment, however contrary it might be to your previous in- clinations. I venture to flatter myself that in this we may not be disap- pointed : and that, in every event, you will regard the liberty I have taken in imposing the dilemma upon you, with the indulgence due to my motives, and to the great esteem and sincere friendship of which I pray you to accept my renewed assurances.' Weakness of sight, terminating in almost total blind- ness rendered it necessary to decline even such solicitation, and to retire from public iifc.^ Partial restoration of vision, enabled him to resume the cultiva- tion of the farm and the classical studies, both objects of passionate attach- ment, and among the fields and with the pages of his favorite Latin authors, to alleviate the infirmities of decaying health and pressing age. He died April 14, 1820, aged 71. ' For a period of nearly forty years,' says Mr. Willard, ' he was in active life, and bore leading part amid vast and important changes in our community, such as none of the present generation can be called on to witness. He was without question, at the head of the bar, from the close of the Revolution till he left our courts at the commencement of the present century. His profes- sional business far exceeded that of any other member of the bar. He was re- tained in every case of importance, and for many years, constantly attended the courts in Hampshire and Middlesex, [and frequently those of the neighboring states.] Ilis great command of language, his power in searching out the truth from unwilling witnesses, in analysing, arranging, and presenting to the mind the evidence of the case, rendered him a highly popular advocate, and gave him great success in jury trials. Wide reading and extensive practise con- stituted him a learned jurist.' The arbitrary encroachments of the royalist clergymen, claiming the sovereign right of veto, were successfully resisted by him. His love of religious freedom, broke through the ecclesiastical usurpa- tions of early time, and contributed to establish the conflicting interests of church, parish, and ministers on sure distinctions. The fetters of negro bon- dage were broken in Massachusetts, by the decision, in a case, in which his whole energies were exerted, that the relation of master and slave could not justify assault. The ' Farmer's Letters,' published in 1800, and 1801, were widely circulated, produced powerful sensation in the political world, and busied the press, for a long time, with efforts to answer their arguments, and personal attack on their author. He was one of the original members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Trustee of Leicester Academy, first President of the Worcester Ag- ricultural Society, and associate of many useful institutions. It is not for the partiality of filial reverence to attempt to delineate the pri- ^ Mr. JcfF..rson writes ; ' be assured your place is high among those whose remembrfince I have brought with me into retirement, and cherish with warmth. I was overjoyed when I heard you were appointed to the supreme bench of national justice, and as much morti- fied when I heard you had declined.' EDWAKD BANGS. 197 vate character of a venerated sire. All that is permitted by the plan of this work, is to indicate the public and professional standing of our citizens, where neither space nor ability afford hope of doing justice to their merits. William Stearns, H. U. 1770, Avas born in Lunenburg, Mass. He first commenced the study of divinity, and preached for a short time, but was not settled as a clergyman. He then devoted himself to the law, was admitted to practise, Dec. 1776, and established himself in Worcester. During one year he was connected with Daniel Bigelow, Esq, in the publication of the Massa- chusetts Spy. His professional business was considerable until his early death, in 1784. He possessed good sense, respectable learning, lively wit, and much kindness of feeling. Edward Bangs was born in Harwich in the county of Barnstable, Sept. 5, 1756. He prepared for college at Dummer Academy, in Newbury, under the instruction of the celebrated Master Moody, and entered Harvard University, in 1773. He remained in Cambridge during the spring vacation of 1775, when the British troops marched to Concord. On the 19th of April, as soon as intelligence of the hostile movement was received, he hastily equipped him- self from the armory of the college company, repaired to the scene of action, and fought gallantly during the day. He saved the life of a British soldier, severely wounded, who had been overtaken in flight, and was about to be sac- rificed to the vengeance of his captors. The events of the war dispersed the students, and interrupted, for a time, the course of instruction. Mr. Bangs continued his studies at home, until the halls were again opened. He grad- uated in 1777, in the same class with the late Rufus King, James Freeman, William Bentley, Thomas Dawes, and others, who became eminent as learned divines, or able civilians. He immediately entered the office of Chief Justice Parsons at Newburyport, and was admitted to the bar, in Essex, in 1 780. The same year he removed to Worcester, and commenced business in partner- ship with William Stearns. This connection continued about two years. Af- ter its dissolution, he pursued the profession alone, and with good success. When the insurrection broke out, he engaged with great ardor in defence of the constitution. His pen was exerted in the cause of order with ability. In January, 1787, he joined the army of Gen. Lincoln, as a volunteer. In that brief campaign, he suffered so much from exposure and hardship, that his health was impaired, and the foundation of disorders laid, from which he nev- er recovered. In 1805, he formed a partnership with William E. Green, who had just removed from Grafton to Worcester, which subsisted until 1811. He was appointed Attorney of the Commonwealth for the County of Worces- ter, on the resignation of Hon. Nathaniel Paine, by the Court, and soon after reappointed by the Governor and Council, Oct. 21, 1807. He was removed to the bench, as Associate Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for the west- ern circuit, Oct. 8, 1811, on the first organization of that court. This office he retained till his death, June 28, 1818, at the age of 62. He was representative of Worcester, in the General Court, from 1802 to 1811 inclusive : for many years one of the board of selectmen ; was on many important committees ; and sustained various town offices. Without serious- 198 LAAVYEES. ly interrupting his professional avocations, he took a prominent part in politi- cal transactions. In 1801, he was nominated for member of Congress from Worcester south district, but declined the honor. During the stormy period of party controversy, he was induced to become a candidate for the same sta- tion, but his competitor was elected. He practised successfully, as a lawyer, for thirty years. He was a good clas- sical and general scholar, and possessed taste for mathematical science. Deep and conscientious regard to sincerity and truth was manifested in his whole transactions. However erroneous he might have been considered, by those who differed from him, none doubted his honesty. He Avas of ardent temper- ament, and warm in attachment to friends, and the opinions or party he adopted. His love of nature was enthusiastic, and he contemplated her works with intense admiration. His leisure was devoted to the cultivation of a par- den, ornamented with singular elegance, and filled, by his care, Avith rare ex- otics, beautiful native plants, and choice fruits. He possessed taste for poetry. Although he did not distinguish himself for that talent, some of his compositions Avere extensively circulated in the jour- nals of the day. A humorous song, called ' the Somerset on shore,' attained considerable degree of popularity. His odes for public festive occasions Avere of respectable merit, ^ William Sever, H. U. 1778, son of Hon. William Sever, Avas born in Kingston, in Plymouth county. He studied with Levi Lincoln, sen. Avas called to the bar in 1781 : practised two years in Kingston: in 1785, re- moved to Worcester; where he died, October 31, 1798, leaving the reputation of fine talents, which Avith greater assiduity, might have given high profession- al distinction. Nathaniel Paine, H. U. 1775, son of Hon. Timothy Paine of Worcester, studied with Hon. John Sprague of Lancaster. Immediately upon admission, Aug. 1781, he commenced practise in Groton, Mass. and after four years residence there, returned to Worcester. He succeeded Daniel BigeloAv, Esq. as County Attorney. In 1798, 1799 and 1800, he represented the town in 1 Edward Bangs, m. Hannah lynde, d. of Joseph Lynde. Esq. sometime of CharlestOAvn, afterwards of Worcester, Sept. 18, 1788. He left two children. 1. Edward Dillingham. 2. Anna L. b. ISOO : d. Feb. U, 1823. The ancestor of tlie family was Edward Bangs, a native of Chichester in England, who arriveil in I'lymouth in July, 1023, by the Ann, the third ship which brought the pilgrim emigrants, having been proceeded by the Mayflower and the Fortune. In the division of the live stock, to 12 companies, that to which Edward Bangs belonged received ' the great white-backed cow, which was brought over with the first in the Ann ; also two she goats.' In 1G27, he was member of a commission with Gov. Bradford, to make a new division of lands. He was a shipwright, and is said to have superintended the construction of the first vessel built at I'lymouth. He removed with Gov. I'rince, and others, to Eastham, in 1044, where he died in 1G78, a. 8G. 2. His son Jonathan, born at Plymouth, 1G40; m. Mary Mayo. July 16. 1GG4 ; d. at Harwich, now Brewster. 1728. 3. Edward, son of Jonathan, b. at Eastbam, Sept. 30, 16G.5 , d. May 22. 174G. 4. Edward, son of Edward, b. 1094 ; d. June 3. 17ar>. 5. Benjamin, son of Edward, b. 1721; m. Desire Dillingham, d. 17G9. He was father of Judge Edward Bangs. Farmer's Genealogical Register. Willard's Address, 90. MS. of Edward D. Bangs, Esq. LAWYERS. 199 the Legislature. He was appointed Judge of Probate, Jan 24, 1801, and held that office thirty five years. His resignation was accepted Jan. 18, 1836. Timothy Green, B. U. 1786, a native of Worcester, was son of the first Dr. John Green, and grandson of Hon. Timothy Ruggles. He studied with Levi Lincoln, sen. and practised two years in Worcester. He then removed to the city of New York, where he engaged successfully in land trade. After a visit to the South, his preparations had been completed for an overland journey home, when he was prevailed on to take passage by sea. He em- barked, in 1812, on board a privateer-built vessel at Charleston, in company with Mrs Alston, the accomplished lady of the governor of South Carolina, and daughter of the celebrated Aaron Burr. The ship sailed, and no tidings of her fate were ever afterwards heard. Joseph Allen, H. U. 1792, eldest son of Hon. Joseph Allen, born in Leicester, commenced practise in Worcester, removed to Western, Mass. now Warren, where ho remained to 1805. He afterwards went to Charlestown, N. n. and died in that town. Samuel A. Flagg, H. U. 1794, was born in Mendon, Mass : studied with Hon. Nathaniel Paine: established himself in Worcester, 1797, and died here, March 5, 1825, aged 50. Andbew Morton, B. U. 1795, of Freetown, Mass. studied with Levi Lin- coln, sen: practised in Worcester from 1802 to 1804 : then settled in Hamp- den, Maine, where he died, Oct. 26, 1805. Francis Blake, H. U. 1789, fifth son of Joseph Blake, was born October 14, 1774. His father, a native and eminent merchant of Boston, for several years anterior and subsequent to the commencement of the revolution, was en- gaged in extensive trade in Rutland, Mass. and removed to Hingham, in 1779. His son was in the principal school of the town, then under the tuition of Rev. Joseph Thaxter, afterwards clergyman of Martha's Vineyard, and distin- guished for the eloquence of his address in prayer on the semi-centennial an- niversary of the battle of Bunker Hill. Under the instruction of this gentle- man, of his successor, Mr. Howard, and of Dr Barker, he was fitted for col- lege. Although prepared for admission to the freshman class at the age of eleven, he did not enter the University until 1787. After having graduated, he read law with the Hon. John Sprague, and was twenty years of age when called to the bar in 1794. He commenced practise in his native town of Rut- land, and his fine genius soon raised him to high professional standing. In 1802, he removed to Worcester. In 1810, 1811, he was in the Senate of Massachusetts. In 1816, he was appointed Clerk of the courts, and held that office until his death, Feb. 23, 1817. The highest efi'orts of the great advocate rear no enduring monument to his name. The reputation of his eloquence is entrusted to the generation that witnesses its display. Few memorials of the splendid talents of Mr. Blake survive, except in the admiration of his contemporaries. An Oration at Wor- cester, July 4, 1796 ; an examination of the constitutionality of the embargo laws: and an oration at Worcester, July 4, 1812, are the only publications which preserve permanent testimonials of magnificent intellectual action. 200 LAWYEKS. His character is thus delineated by the elegant writer so often quoted. • Mr. Blake possessed all the constituent properties of a great orator. He was of an ardent temperament, the usual companion of fine intellect, and of a char- acter that dwelt with satisfaction and delight upon whatever was lofty and honorable. His was the nicely modulated voice, all whose cadences were musical ; and though, like the harp of Memnon, in unrestrained inspiration, they sometimes breathed wildly, they breathed eloquently. His was the clas- sic elegance of language, poured out in rich profusion from a never failing source. His was the vivid imagination, that threw over all, the crimson flush of light, and dazzled by its brilliancy. He brought to his aid the advantages of wide reading, and commendable scholarship, that served to increase his power of expression. He was often vehement and impassioned, and that, probably, was the prevailing tone of his eloquence, especially when he detected and brought to light the hidden things of chicanery and deceit ; but his ve- hemence and his warmth never caused him to forget himself, nor to lose that harmony and measure of expression that were peculiarly his own.'^ Levi Thaxter, of Hingham, son of Jonathan Thaxter, studied with Levi Lincoln, sen. commenced practise in Worcester in 1803. He was the first cash- ier of the Worcester Bank, which office he resigned in 1805, and removed to Watertown, where he now resides. He was Senator of Massachusetts from 1822 to 1826. Levi Lincolx, H. U. 1802, son of Levi Lincoln, sen. of Worcester, read law in the office of his father, then Attorney General of the United States, and necessarily absent in the discharge of official duty. He was admitted to the bar in 1805, and commenced practise here. In 1812, he was member of the Senate of Massachusetts, and drew, and with Hon. Benjamin Crowninshield, presented, the answer of that body to the speech of Gov. Strong. In 1814, he was elected to the House of Representatives, and prepared and off'ered the protest of the minority against the act authorizing the famous Hartford Con- vention. In succeeding years, from 1814 to 1822, he represented the town, with the exception of three intervals, when he declined being candidate. In 1820, he was in the convention to revise the state constitution, and afterwards one of the Commissioners, under the act for the separation of Maine, to make partition and apportionment of the public property. In 1822, he was chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives, when a majority of that assembly differed from his political sentiments. He was Lieutenant Governor, in 1823, and, in February, 1824, appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. In April, 1825, upon the nomination of the two great parties, he was Governor of the Commonwealth, and continued in this office by nine succes- sive reelections, until, having declined being candidate, he retired upon the induction of his successor, in January, 1834. In February of that year, he was elected to supply the vacancy in the representation of the district, occa- sioned by the transfer of Hon. John Davis to the Executive chair, and, in November following, was chosen member of the twenty fourth Congress. The degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him by Williams College and by 1 Willard'fl Address, 98. LAWYERS. 201 Harvard University. He was for several years member of the Board of Trus- tees of Leicester Academy, some time its Treasurer, and afterwards President ; President of the Worcester Agricultural Society from 1823, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, and Councillor of the American Antiquarian Society. William E. Green, B. U. 1798, son of the first Dr. John Green, studied with Judge Edward Bangs, was admitted in 1801, and practised in Grafton to 1805. He then returned to Worcester, and was in partnership with Mr. Bangs until the appointment of that gentleman to the bench in 1811, and af- terwards, until Oct. 9, 1816, connected with Edward D. Bangs, Esq. Joseph B. Caldwell, H. U. 1802, son of William Caldwell, Esq. sheriff of Worcester County from 1793 to 1805, was born in Rutland ; studied with Hon. Nathaniel Paine ; practised in Grafton to 1809 ; Worcester in 1810 ; Rutland to 1812. He returned to Worcester in 1813, and died here in that year. Samuel M. Barnside, D. C. 1805, son of Thomas Buruside, was born at Northumberland, Coos co. N. H. His early education was in the common schools of a new-planted country, except nine months at an academy prepara- tory to admission at college. After having graduated, he passed two years in superintending a female academy at Andover, Mass. In October, 1807, he commenced the study of law in the office of Hon. Artemas Ward, the present Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. No one was more able or willing to afford aid to his students. Familiar acquaintance with the principles of the common, merchant, and statute law, unsurpassed skill as conveyancer and special pleader, with uniform kindness and liberality, justified their affection- ate reverence for the character of that able jurist and excellent man. His business was immense. He was, consequently, much from home at this period, and his pupils were left to follow principally the dictates of their own judg- ment in regard to their course of reading. Mr. Burnside was admitted to practise in March, 1810, and was first sworn at the bar of the Supreme Judi- cial Court upon examination, being one of the few persons who have been suf- fered to pass to that court without having previously been admitted at the lower tribunal. He commenced business in Westborough in the spring of 1810. In the autumn of that year, he removed to Worcester, and has since resided here.^ 1 His father, Thomas Burnside, was a descendant of that colony of Scots, settling in the north of Ireland about 1650, many of whom emigrated to New England in 1719. Among them, was Rev. James McGregoire, his maternal grandfather, ordained first minister of Londonderry, 1719, who died March 5, 1729, leaving three sons; 1. David, succeeding in, the ministry in 1737 ; 2. James, who became merchant in Londonderi-y ; and 3, Alexander,, who settled in Warwick, R. I. Susannah, only daughter of Alexander, on the death of her father, was adopted and educated by her uncle James, himself childless ; inherited with, her brother his considerable estate ; and married Thomas Burnside. Thomas Burnside was brought up in Londonderry as a merchant ; took active part in the French wars from 1755 to 1763; was in many bloody battles on the frontier; and. fought by the side of Wolfe on the plains of Abraham. On the restoration of peace, he was engaged several years in mercantile pursuits. He yielded to the flattering overtures of Gov. Wentworth, to establish settlements in the northern parts of New Hampshire, within 18 202 NEWTON. r.LIOT. HEYWOOD. Rejoice Neivton, D. C. 1807, a native of Greenfield, Mass., son of Isaac Newton, commenced his studies with Hon. Richard E. Newcomb, at Green- field, which were concluded with lion. Klijah Mills, at Northampton. He v/as admitted attorney in Hampshire county, in 1810; immediately formed connection in professional business with Hon. Francis Blake of "Worcester, which continued until April, 1814. On the decease of William C. White, he Avas appointed County Attorney, having discharged the duties a year previous. This office he resigned in 1824. He represented the town in the General Court in 1829, 1830, and 1831, and was elected Senator of iMassachusetts in 1834. Since 182ti, he has been connected in business Avith William Lincoln^ James Eliot. He was Kepresentative in Congress from Vermont from 1803 to 1809. He was invited to Worcester to assume the editorial manage- ment of the Spy, in October, 1810, which he relinquished in February fol- lowing, and soon afterward removed. He has since been Clerk of the Courts of Windham County, Vt., and resides at Newfane. Levi Heyavood, D. C 1808, son of Seth HeyAvood, Avas born in Gardner, Mass., June, 1784. The study of law, commenced Avith Hon. Nathaniel Paine of Worcester, Avas finished Avith Hon. Elijah Mills of Northampton. Admit- ted to the bar in 1811, he began practise here in that year. In October, 1818, he removed to Pinckneyville, Louisiana, Avhere he engaged in teaching school. Having kept an office in Ncav York for a short period, he became Principal of the Academy in Hackensack, N. J. He again resumed practise in the city of NeAv York, where he died, Nov. 22, 1832, William Charles White, player, poet, advocate, and author, possessed versatility of talents, which gave some distinction in each of his various occu- pations. His father, "William White of Boston, extensively engaged in com- merce and trade, destined his eldest son to mercantile pursuits. His educa- tion for business Avas commenced, as the clerk of Mr. Joseph Cooledge, and diligently followed for a few years. At length, aA'ocations more congenial to the taste of the young man, seduced his attention from the employments of the counting house, and the journal and ledger gave place to books of lighter lit- erature. In 1796, at the age of nineteen, he had Avritten ' Orlando,' a tragedy, the valley of the Connecticut, whose fertile intervals had been traversed in his military campaigns. Animated by a bold spirit of enterprise, he left lucrative business and devo- ted friends, removed sixty miles above Haverhill, then the most northern settlement, into the wilderness, inhabited only by the red man, its ancient proprietor, and became the first planter of Northumberland, then called Stonington. For two or three years, he had no neighbor within sixty miles, and no direction to an English village but the line of spotted trees. In 177.'">, while busied in the labors of the harvest, a friendly Indian came running into the field in urgent haste, to warn him to Hce for life, assuring him that a body of hos- tile savages were Avithin two or three hours march. Immediately, he and his family were on horseback, hastening to a place of safety. The mother, then unaccustomed to hardship, rode with her infant in her arms, swam her horse across the Connecticut in the flight, and after extreme difliculties reached IIi,iverhill in safety. Within the short time mentioned by his savage friend, the house, buildings, and crops of Mr. Burnside were destroyed by the enemy. Undiscouraged by such perilous escape, with the courage of a soldier, he soon re- turne n ,i!i lio.itel hy tli'j llev. Andrew Bigelow of Taunton. 23G COL. EPHRAIM BOOLITTLE. claim lum among our citizens. From 17G0 to 1772, he was an inhabitant, and during that period was engaged in business as a merchant. In 1763, he was selectman: in 17GG, representative. Taking active part in the polit- ical transactions of the times, he was placed on important municipal commit- tees. From the commencement of the difficulties preceding the revolution, he was a decided and ardent whig. In 1772, he removed to Petersham ; in December of that year, he reported a spirited answer to the circular from Boston, distributed through the country. In 1773, he was selectman, and representative in the General Court. The year following, he was delegate to the Provincial Congress convened at Concord. He was elected captain of a company of militia by the town, in the autumn of 1774, and soon after was colonel of the regiment of minute men in the county. The troops under his command marched on the 19th of April, were mustered into service, and stationed in Cambridge. On the organization of the army, he retained his rank in the Massachusetts line. His regiment was engaged in the battle of the 17th of June. Col. Doolittle being confined to his bed by an accidental injury, they were led by Major Moore of Paxton, who found a soldier's hon- orable grave on Bunker 11 ill. For many years he was chairman of the committee of correspondence of Petersham: in 1778, of the committee reporting against the form of consti- tution proposed by the general court, and almost unanimously rejected by the people: in 1779, delegate in the convention at Cambridge, to frame a new constitution. He participated in almost every act of a public character in Worcester and Petersham, during his residence in either town. Soon after the close of the Avar, he removed to Shoreham in Vermont, where he remained until the period of his decease, in 1802, at an advanced old age. He was more distinguished for sound judgment and accuracy, than bril- liancy or extent of talent ; for the scrupulous practise of common virtues, rather than the exercise of extraordinary powers. A curious implement was invented by him, to supply the deficiency of muskets in the armament of his regiment. "When the long shaft, of heavy material, was held levelled towards an advancing enemy, two stout blades, eight inches long, united to a strong head, projected forward like the prongs of the hay fork : two other blades of equal length extended laterally, and another was turned downwards, to give a descending blow. Five little swords, whetted on both edges, were thus provided, to attack an assaiLnt on any exposed point. The handle was lined, for two or three feet from the end, Avith sharp steel plates set in the wood to defend it from sabre cuts, and to lacerate the hand which should grasp the weapon to wrest it from the owner. The lower extremity terminated in a rounded iron point, to be fixed in or against rampart or masonry. The formidable instrument of warfare, af;er short trial, was laid aside. Hc»N. David Thomas. About 1718, David Thomas, an emigrant from "Wales, arrived in Worcester, purchased, cleared, and afterwards cultivated, a tract of woodland on the summit of Tatnuck hill, in the western part of the town, HON. DAVID THOMAS. 237 where he lived to a good old age. Land and name were inherited by his son David, born in 1740, who bestowed the latter on his son, David, the subject of this notice, born in Worcester, June 11, 1762. From the early age at which the children of New England begin their lessons of industry until fif- teen, he labored on the farm, attending in winter the common school of the district. In 1777, he served as a volunteer, with the troops raised for the relief of Rhode Island ; at one time for the term of three months ; at another for two. Soon after, he was bound apprentice to the shoemaker's trade. In 1781 the town was required to furnish twenty nine soldiers for the army of the revolution, and the inhabitants were divided into the same number of classes, each to furnish, pay, and maintain one man during three years. Mr. Thomas entered into an agreement with Capt. Palmer Gouldmg, with whom he lived, and who was head of a class, to cancel the indentures, and enlisted in the service as a soldier for that class. He joined the fifth Massachusetts Regiment, under Col. Rufus Putnam, at West Point, and was appointed to be corporal : on the preliminary articles of peace being signed, he was transferred to the third regiment of the state line, and promoted to be serjeant. When the army was disbanded, he returned to Worcester. His residence in his na- tive place was short. In the spring of 1784, he emigrated to Salem, in Washington county, New York, and engaged in agriculture, as a day laborer. Industry, frugality, and capacity, earned their just rewards. He was enabled to become the owner of the farm upon which he had hired. Military offices were showered fast upon him. He rose, step by step, through the gradations of captain, major, colonel, and brigadier, to the rank of Major General of a division of militia. Civil honors flowed scarcely less rapidly. He was mag- istrate, county judge, and representative in the state legislature many years. In 1800, he was elected representative in Congress, when New York was en- titled to ten members only, from a district composed of the counties of Wash- ington, Saratoga, Warren, Essex, Clinton, and Franklin. This office he held until 1808, when he was appointed Treasurer of the State of New York, and, ex-oflicio, Commissioner of the Land Office, and trustee of Union College. To discharge these duties, it became necessary for him to remove to the city of Albany. There he resided until 1813, when he resigned all public trusts, in consequence of domestic troubles. After his retirement to private life, he removed to Providence, where he remained till his decease, in 1834, at the age of 72. Hon. Benjamin Hetwood was son of Phinehas Heywood, a respectable farmer of Shrewsbury. At the common age, he was bound apprentice to a housewright. Having completed the term prescribed by his indentures, he began business as carpenter, and worked at that trade one or two years. Love of letters, and confidence of capacity for usefulness, induced him to throw aside the hammer and chisel, and devote himself assiduously to prepa- rations for collegiate education. He entered Harvard College in 1771. There is cotemporary evidence of his sobriety of conduct, diligent application, and proficiency in mathematical science. The martial spirit pervading the country, penetrated even the seats of learning. 21 238 IIOX. BENJAMIN IIEYWOOD, The young men of the institution formed a military company, under the des- ignation of tlie Martimcrcurian Ikind, a name descriptire of the union of the soldier and scholar in its ranks. Mr. Heywood was ensign of this corps, on the nineteenth of April, 177''), and, with some of his comrades, participated in the perils of that memorable day. Amid the tumult of arms, the quiet pursuits of literature were suspended ; the students were dismissed, and the halls occupied by troops. The senior class, of which Mr. Heywood was member, did not again return to the seminary, although their degrees were conferred in course. Mr. Heywood immediately entered the service of his country, and received the commision of Lieutenant, in May, 1775. In 1776, he Avas promoted to the rank of Captain, which he retained through the whole war. His habits of order and accuracy qualified him for the office of paymaster, to which he was soon appointed and attached to Col. Nixon's regiment.^ He was at the capture of Burgoyne, partook of the sufferings, and shared in the victories of the army, during the long period of its service. When the soldiers were about to be disbanded, a dangerous state of feeling arose. The tedious post- ponement of payments meritoriously earned, the pressure of want, and the anticipation of future poverty, excited discontents, artfully fomented by in- flammatory publications. Gen. Washington, apprehensive of serious violence from exasperated troops, feeling the injustice of the country and conscious of the power of numbers, discipline and arms, to avenge, if not redress, the real or supposed wrongs, convened an assembly of the officers, addressed them on the disastrous consequences of the course to which they had been directed, and left them to their deliberations. Gen. Knox, Col. Brooks, and Capt. Heywood were appointed a committee, to consider and recommend proper measures to be adopted in the impending crisis. By their prudence and ener- gy, the rising disorders were quieted. Another proof of the confidence of his companions in arms in the honor and capacity of Capt. Heywood, was his election on a committee to adjust the accounts of the officers and soldiers of the Massachusetts line. He was as- sociated with Major Fernald, Capt. Hull, and Capt Learned. The duty of the committee led to long negociation with the Legislature of the state, resul- ted in provision for equitable settlement, and was concluded by voluminous ■reports prepared by Capt. Heywood. When the army was disbanded, he was retained, for some months, in the office of the General Superintendent, and afforded valuable aid in arranging the complicated concerns of the department charged with the settlement of the affairs of the war. After the restoration of peace, he returned to his home, and married an adopted daughter of Mr. Nathaniel Moore, an early settler and respectable farmer of Worcester. Activity of disposition, and facility in business, ena- bled him, in addition to the management of a farm, to devote much time to the concerns of his neighbors, and to public affairs. The reliance on his in- 1 The entire scries of rolls and accounts of his office, preserved in the Am. Ant. Society's Collections, afford proof of hia fidelity in this trust. HON. JOSEPH ALLEN. 239 tegrity and good judgment, was testified by frequent selection as arbitrator, executor, and guardian. In 1802, be was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and held that office until Sept. 1811, when, by a new arrange- ment of the judicial system, the seats of all the judges of that tribunal were vacated. For many years he was an acting magistrate of the county, and member of the Board of Trustees of Leicester Academy. He was twice cho- sen an elector of President and Vice President of the United States. By the General Court, he was appointed Trustee of the Hassanamisset Indians : and was an officer of many charitable and religious associations. He died Dec. 6, 1816, aged 71, leaving the reputation of unstained integ- rity and extensive usefulness.^ Hon. Joseph Allen, a native of Boston, was born Sept. 2, 1749.^ At- tending through the regular term of seven years, from the age of seven to that of fourteen, on the Grammar School, he was a favorite pupil of the celebrated master Lovell. About 1770, after regular mercantile apprenticeship, he en- tered into business in Leicester. A firm whig, he was active in the prelimin- ary movements of the revolution, and with Col. William Henshaw, Cul. Thom- as Denny, and other patriotic citizens of the place of his residence, drafted, circulated, and supported, the spirited resolutions, memorials, and addresses of the citizens in their primary meetings, and conventions.' Soon after the change of the government, he was appointed, in 1776, to succeed Levi Lincoln, sen. as Clerk of the Courts, and removed to Worcester. The duties of this office he discharged for thirty three years with singular accuracy and fidelity. It was relinquished in 1810, against the wishes of the judicial officers. He oc- casionally accepted those public honors conferred as testimonials of esteem and confidence. On the death of Mr. Upham, he was chosen Representative to the 11th Congress, and at the expiration of the term declined reelection. From 1815 to 1818, he was of the Executive Council: and twice of the Col- lege of Electors of President. One of the founders and patrons of Leicester Academy, he was long Treasurer of the corporation, and was first President of the Worcester County Bible Society. ' His mind and manners,' writes one. of the best of our portrait painters of character, ' were alike formed on the best models ; in addition to his classical attainments, he was distinguished for ^ These facts have been derived from the venerable Dr. Bancroft, to whom the men of Worcester have been indebted for many an obituary memorial of their fathers. The no- tices of our distinguished citizens from his pen, have been remarkable for felicitous ex- pression, fidelit3^ accurate discrimination, and all the excellences of biography. Benjamin Heywood married Mehitable Goddard, d. of Elisha Goddard of Sutton. Their children were, 1. Mehitable : 2. Nathaniel Moore, merchant, b. July 1788 : m. Caroline Sumner of Boston, Sept. 10, 181G; died at Richmond, Va. : 3. Elizabeth: 4. Benjamin Franklin, physician in Worcester ; m. Nancy Green, d. of Doct. John Green of Worcester : 5. Joseph: 6. Lucy: b. April, 1793; d. Nov. 1793: 7. Nancy ; b. Feb. 7, 1798; d. Aug. 30, 18U. 2 His father, James Allen, a merchant of Boston, married the sister of Samuel Adams. 3 A little circumstance, illustrative of the influence of the unsettled condition of the times on the relations of private life, is related. At one time, Mr. Allen had his knapsack packed with the soldier's blanket, and his trunk with his nuptial suit, uncertain whether he should be earliest called to the bridal or the battle. 240 ISATATI THOMAS. that politeness and gracefulness of deportment, which was, in some degree, peculiar to the men of his generation. Through his whole course, strict in- tegrity,^ unblemished honor, and undisguised detestation of whatever was base and unworthy, were predominant traits in his character. A native generosity of disposition prompted him to deeds of beneficence. He was familiar with the best English writers, and had stored his mind with their beauties, which his refined and discriminating taste taught him to appreciate with singular ac- curacy and apply with the happiest effect.' He died Sept. 2, 1827, aged 78. Isaiah Thomas,'^ a native of lloston, was the descendant of ancestors of good repute, emigrating from England, soon ofter the foundation of the town, and engaging in mercantile business. His father, Moses Thomas,^ soldier, mariner, trader, and farmer, at different periods, after sharing and escaping the perils of the unfortunate expedition against Cuba, in 1740, when pesti- lence destroyed most of the provincial forces spared by the sword, lived a few years on Long Island. Revisiting his early home, reverses of fortune wasted his share of a good inheritance. Driven abroad, he died in North Carolina, about 1752, leaving a widow in destitute condition, with five small children. The energy and fertility of invention, so often manifested by females in simi- lar circumstances, soon provided resources for the support of her family. The 1 The following example may serve as an illustration of his honorable sense of integrity, more scrupulous than is usually found among men In the negociation of business, Mr. Allen had become indebted to John Smith, 2d Lieutenant of Capt. Bigelow's company of Minute men. The account was deliberately adjusted, the balance carefully ascertained to the mutual satisfaction of both parties, payment made, and full and ample discharges giv- en. Some years after, when Smith was passing through town, he was met by Mr. Allen, ■who informed him that he had then recently discovered an error in the settlement favora- ble to himself, which he desired to correct by a further paj'ment. The creditor, declaring his entire satisfaction with the former computation, and his conviction that no mistake could have occurred, declined an examination. With reluctance he was induced to review the accounts, and on revision, still expressed content. Mr. Allen then explained to him, by reference to the scale of depreciation, that he had received a less amount than he waa entitled to have, and delivered to him the sum of money, which he long refused to believe he had lost on the original liquidation. 2 In the History of Printing, i. 3G8, is a narrative of the life of Mr. Thomas from his own pen. In the Massachusetts Spy, April 13, 1831, are published portions of an address containing beautiful delineation of his character, delivered by Isaac Goodwin, Esq. before the American Antiquarian Society, and transferred to the 2d volume of their Transactions. The first writer was under the restraints imposed on the autobiographer ; the last, felt those resting on the public speaker. Neither space nor ability permit the attempt here, to do justice to the services of one of our most eminent citizens. The duty of raising worthy memorial, remains for more fortunate hands. The materials of the notice of Mr. Thomas in these pages, are taken from the memoirs before mentioned. The few facts which have been added, are stated on the authority of his personal relation, were obtained from the diaries of interleaved almnnacs, or are derived from official papers. ' The earliest of the name, mentioned by John Farmer, the most faithful and accurate of the anti(iuarians of the age, in his Register of the First Settlers, is Evan Thomas, vin- ter, of Boston, admitted freeman in IGtl, who died Aug. 25, 1G61. George Thomas, and Rebecca his wife, had three sons: 1. Peter, b. Feb. G, 1682; 2. George, b. March IG, IGSo , 3. Maveric, b. March l;», 1G94. Peter, the eldest, was a merchant in Boston, and acquired good estate ; his children were ; George, Peter, Elias, Moses, mentioned in the text, Mary, Mercy, Elizabeth, and William, who lived to mature years. ISAIAH THOMAS. LL. B. PROM THE MARBLE BUST BY B.H.KIKNTEY, IN PaSHFSSIDN DF IHEl AMERICAN ANTIpUARIAN SOCIETr. ISAIAH THOMAS. 241 profits of a little shop, added to the other gains of industry and ingenuity, and the savings of frugal thrift, afforded comparative comfort and indepen- dence. She was, at length, able to purchase a small estate in Cambridge, af- terwards lost, on sale, by the depreciation of the continental currency.^ The youngest son, Isaiah, was born Jan. 19, 1749 ; at the age of less than six years, he was bound apprentice to Zechariah Fowie, a printer of single sheets, small tracts, and pamphlets, described in the History of Printing, as honest, but eccentric, irritable, effeminate, and better skilled in domestic cares than the mysteries of the printing house. It reflects no credit on the sense or taste of the master, that the first essay of his almost infant workman, who re- quired the elevation of a high bench to reach the case, should have been di- rected to the composition of a licentious ballad. '•^ The pupil, deprived of the usual advantages of schools and of good instruction in the art, was compelled to rely on his own resources to supply the deficiencies of education. Earnest desire of improvement found or made the way. A tattered dictionary and ink stained bible were the whole library of the office. Two or three books, pur- chased with the savings of trifling perquisites, and a few more borrowed from friends, were added to this slender collection of literature. Diligent study and persevering assiduity, enabled him, unassisted, to possess himself of the elementary branches of learning, and to acquire such facility of expression as to be able to put his thoughts in type without the aid of writing, and the ex- pertness in printing which made him principal manager of a business exten- ded under his supervision. After eleven years of apprenticeship and employ- ment with Fowle, Mr. Thomas went to Nova Scotia and entered the office of Anthony Henry, proprietor of the Halifax Gazette, the government paper, a good-humored and indolent man. The willing assistant was allowed to as- sume the management. Although Henry's labors were diminished, his re- sponsibilities directly increased. It was the period of the Stamp Act, and the Boston boy brought with him the spirit kindled in his birth place. The appearance of an article in opposition to the obnoxious measure which roused the colonies to resistance, was followed by citation before the authorities, and Henry escaped punishment, only on the ground that the paragraph had been inserted by his journeyman without his knowledge. On the repetition of the offence, the young man himself was called before the Secretary of the Province, and received reprimand, admonition, and threats, alike ineffectual. Not long after this interview, the whole year's stock of paper arrived from England, stamped according to the act : by night, the brand of oppression was cut off from the sheets : the effigy of the commissioner appointed to collect the im- post, was found suspended from the gallows. The very correct opinion pre- vailed, that Mr. Thomas was principal in these and other acts of defiance of government. The sheriff, sent for the purpose of intimidating the youno- 1 She married a person named Blackman, and died Jan. 17, 1798, aged 73 years. ^ The composing stick first used by Mr. Thomas, an impression of ' The Lawyer's Pedi- gree,' and the very press upon wliich it was worked, which afterwards sent out the glow- ing words of the patriots of the Revolution, were given to the Antiquarian Society by its founder, and have been scrupulously preserved, in accordance with his wishes. 21* 242 ISAIAH THOMAS. printer by threats, or extorting confessions, was met witK so much firmness and intrepidity, that the fruitless mission was abandoned.^ In March, 1767, Mr. Thomas wont from Nova Scotia to Portsmouth in New Hampshire, and four months afterwards, returned to the employment of Fowle in Boston. Active and enterprising spirit led him to accept the invitation of a shipmaster to try the fortune of a voyage to Wilmington in North Carolina. Negotiations for an establishment there were frustrated, and he embarked for the West Indies, intending to seek passage thence to I^ondon. Again his expectations were defeated, and he repaired to Charles- ton in South Carolina. After a residence of two years, with impaired health, he retraced his steps, and came again to the home of his fathers. Entering into partnership with Zachariah Fowle, they published a little newspaper, discontinued in December of the same year. The connection was of brief du- ration. It was dissolved in three months, and Mr. Thomas, having purchased the printing apparatus, issued another paper, bearing the name of its pre- decessor, ' The Massachusetts Spy,' March 7, 1771. The early professions of neutrality in the great contest then impending, could not long be maintained against the decided inclination of the conductor to the popular cause, and the print soon became the leading advocate of whig principles. Managed with great ability, in some departments, by Mr. Thomas himself, the strongest of the patriot writers gave the power of their pens to its support, and the Spy became the favorite channel for the diffusion of high-toned sentiment. Its influence was felt and feared by the royalists, and they endeavored to avert the danger of a free press. Overtures to the editor, with promises of honors, office, patronage and reward, on espousing the cause of government, were rejected, and threats of vengeance for resistance, disregarded. A man too independent to be bought by gain or controlled by power, must be crushed. The debt contracted for the purchase of the establishment was suddenly and sternly demanded : the aid of friends discharged the sum and defeated the attempt to ruin by pecuniary pressure. The publication of a bold essay, written by Joseph Greenleaf, with the signature of Mucins Scocvola, afforded pretext for fresh persecution, Mr. Thomas was summoned to appear before the Governor and Council. Obedience to the executive mandate, three times repeated, was as often fearlessly refused. Hutchinson was too good lawyer to issue process for compulsion, where no authority existed for its execution. The punishment of the offender, was entrusted to the judicial arm, and the 1 The Philadelphia .Tournal arrived, dressed with mourning pages ; decorated with death's heads, crossed bones, and other emblems of mortality ; and announcing its own decease, by a complaint called the Stamp Act. To imitate this patriotic typography re- quired no little boldness. It was done by Mr. Thomas, with equal courage and adroitness. The columns of the Halifax Gazette were surrounded with heavy black lines ; the titlewas surmounted by the skull ; a death's head placed as substitute for .stamp ; and a large fig- ure of a coffin laid at the end of the last page ; accompanied by the following notice : ' We are desired, by a number of our readers, to give a description of the extraordinary ap- pearance of the Pennsylvania Journal of the ."SOth of October [17G5.] We can in no better way comply with this request, than by the exemplification we have given of that Journal in this day's Gazette.' ISAIAH THOMAS. 243 Attorney General directed to institute prosecution for libel. Indictment and in- formation, though pushed forward by the united efforts of the officers of the crown, alike failed. The Spy held on its way, vindicating the liberty of the press and of the citizen, against ministerial usurpation. Kenewed attempts at coercion, only served to call forth testimonials of the ardent interest felt by the leading men of the time for the welfare of the establishment, and pledges of pro- tection and defence.^ Such course, rendered Mr. Thomas obnoxious to the ad- ministration. His name was placed on the list of the suspected : his printing house received the honorary appellation of ' sedition factory,' and threats of personal violence were frequent in the mouths of the soldiery. Having been solicited by the whigs of Worcester, to establish a newspaper, he made con- tracts and sent out proposals for subscriptions in February, 1775 ; and with the assistance of Col. Bigelow, under the care of Gen. Warren, he privately conveyed a press and cases of types, over the river to Charlestown, thence transported to this town, a short time previous to the Lexington Fight. The movements of the British troops for an expedition into the country, being dis- covered, Mr. Thomas was active in spreading the alarm, and at day break of the memorable 19th of April, joined the militia in arms against the ' regulars.' Laying aside the musket after the fight, to put in action a more powerful en- gine of freedom, and journeying almost all the next night, he reached Wor_ cester the following day. The first printing done in any inland town of New England, was performed in Worcester. The Spy reappeared, after a sus- pension of three weeks, May 3, 1775, and was distributed by posts and mes- sengers. The publications of the Provincial Congress were executed here, until presses were put in operation in Cambridge and Concord, the places of its session. Although the acquisitions of five years toil had been abandoned to be plun- dered, with the exception of the little remnant saved by the fortunate arrange- ments of early removal, the better capital of industry, capacity, and enterprise, was undiminished, and was brought into full exertion. He was appointed Postmaster, by Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 25, 1775, and the commission was renewed for triennial terms, by Ebenezer Hazard, Samuel Osgood, Timothy Pickering, and Joseph Habersham, the heads of the department in succeeding years. In 1776, having leased his property to Messrs. Bigelow and Stearns, and afterwards to Anthony Haswell, he went to Salem. While on a visit here, the declaration of independence was received, and first read to the citi- zens, by Mr. Thomas, July 14, 1776, from the porch of the Old South Church. Returning for permanent residence, in 1778, he resumed the man- agement of the Spy.^ At that period, trade was disordered ; in the fluctuat- ing currency, the representative paper had no constituent specie ; manufac- tures were in infancy ; materials were deficient ; difficulties sprang up on all sides ; and the print was only sustained through the war, by the unyielding resolution of the proprietor. The restoration of peace opened the channels 1 It is stated by Mr. Goodwin, that the celebrated James Otis, ' then withdrawn from active life in consequence of the malady which prostrated the energies of his mighty mind,' proffered his professional services to Mr. Thomas. 2 ' In the indulgence of a peculiar poetical fancy, his papers were generally ornamented 241 ISAIAH THOMAS. of commerce ; new types and apparatus were obtained, and his business ex- panded itself on a great scale. Uniting the employments of printer, publisher, and bookseller, establishing the first bindery and building the second paper mill in the county, the relations of a business which may well be called vast, as they extended to almost every part of the union, were conducted with that systematic and methodical arrangement which gave successful action to the complex machinery. At one period, under his own personal direction and that of his partners, sixteen presses were in constant motion, seven of them working here; three weekly newspapers and one monthly magazine, issued: and five bookstores in Massachusetts, one in New Hampshire, one in New York, and one in Maryland, almost supplied the literary sustenance of the com- munitv. One of the most liberal publishers of the age, he produced and dis- tributed works, whose titles formed a voluminous annual catalogue. The great folio edition of the bible in 1791, illustrated with the copperplates of native artists, was unrivalled, at the period, for neatness, accuracy, and general elegance and excellence of execution ; the whole types for smaller copies of the Holy Scriptures were kept standing and often used. Previous to the revolution, Mr. Thomas commenced the Essex Gazette, at Newburyport, in 1773 ; in January of the next year, he began the Royal American Magazine, the last of the periodicals of Boston under the provincial governors. After the war, in 1793, he founded the Farmer's Museum, enliv- ened with the spirit of Prentiss, Dennie, Fessenden, and the coterie of wits gathered at Walpole, N. H. ; established the Farmer's Journal in Brookfield, Mass. in 1799; in connection with Ebenezer T. Andrews, junior partner of a house existing thirty one years, he printed the Massachusetts Magazine, in Boston, from 1783 to 1795. The Spy was suspended, in consequence of the resemblance of an Excise Act to the Stamp duty, for two years. The Wor- cester Magazine, in 1787 and 1788, supplied the place of that paper. Mr. Thomas was partner of Dr. Joseph Trumbull, in the business of druggist in this town, for some time after Aug. 31, 1780. In 1802, Mr. Thomas relinquished a prosperous business at Worcester, to his son Isaiah, and retired from the pressing cares of wide concerns to the enjoyment of fortune honorably won and liberally used. The evening twilight of a day of intense activity was not given to the repose of idleness. Enjoying personal acquaintance with some of the early con- ductors of the press in this country, familiar by their narrations with their predecessors, himself a prominent actor through an important period, greater advantages could not have been desired for the undertaking, on which he en- tered, of compiling the annals of American typography. 'The History of Printing,' published in 1810, in two octavo volumes, bears internal evidence, with curiously significant devices anJ appropriate mottoes. In 1774, they bore a dragon and a snake, the former representing Great Britain, and the serpent this counti-y. The latter was separated i .to parts to represent the different colonies. The head and tail were furnished with stings for defence against the dragon, which was placed in the posture of making attack. The device extended the whole width of the paper, with the motto over the serpent, in large capitals, Join or die.' Goodwin's Memoir in Mass. Spy, April 13, 1831. ISAIAH THOMAS. 245 in the fulness and fidelity of its narrative, that neither toil, research, nor money was spared for its preparation. Containing notices of the antiquities and progress of the art, the biography of printers and newspapers, the work received the approbation of criticism, and the rank of standard authority. While this good enterprise advanced, Mr. Thomas had gathered rare treas- ures of literature and rich relics of the past. Collected, they were of inesti- mable value : each fragment, if dispersed, would have been desirable, but less precious than if fixed in its place, as a connecting link of the chain of events. With an elevated benevolence, contemplating in expanded view all the good the present may bestow on the future, he associated others with himself, and became the founder of the American Antiquarian Society. The gift of his great collections and library, the donation of land, and of a spacious edifice, an unceasing flow of bounty in continuous succession of benefactions, and ample bequests for the perpetuation and extension of the benefits he designed to confer on the public and posterity, are enduring testimonial of enlightened liberality. The institution will remain, an imperishable monument to his memory, when the very materials of the hall reared by his generosity shall have crumbled. While his private charity relieved the distresses, his public munificence promoted the improvements of the town. The site of the County Court House was bestowed by him ; and the building and avenues on the front constructed under his uncompensated direction. No inconsiderable share of the cost of enlarging the square at the north end of Main Street, and erecting the stone bridge, was given by him. The street bearing his own name, and the spot where the brick school house has been built, were his bene- faction to the municipal corporation. In the location and execution of the Boston and Worcester Turnpike, an enterprise of much utility at the period, he assisted by personal exertion and pecuniary contribution, and few local works for the common good were accomplished without the aid of his purse or efforts. In 1814, he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth College : that of Doctor of Laws was conferred by Alleghany College in 1818. He was member of the Historical Societies of Massachusetts and New York, and of numerous Philosophical, Humane, Charitable, and Typographic asso- ciations. The appointment of Justice of the Court of Sessions was made by Gov. Gerry, Feb. 21, 1812 : the office was held until June 7, 1814, when it was resigned. He was President of the Antiquarian Society from its founda- tion to his decease, April 4, 1831, at the age of 82 years. While the institution of Freemasonry was prosperous. Dr. Thomas attained its highest honors and degrees, and was long presiding officer of the Grand Lodge and Chapter of Massachusetts. He attended and bore part in most of the consecrations, installations, and high festivals of the association in the state, during his active years. The incidents of the life of Dr. Thomas have occupied broad space in these poor annals. His memory will be kept green when the recollection of our other eminent citizens shall have faded in oblivion. His reputation in future 24G PUBLIC OFFICEUS. time will rest, as a patriot, on the manly independence which gave, through the initiatory stages and progress of the revolution, the strong influence of the press he directed to the cause of freedom, when royal flattery and favor would have seduced, and the power of government subdued its action ; as an antiijuarian, on the minuteness and fidelity of research in the History of Print- ing; as a philanthropist, on the foundation and support of a great national society, whose usefulness, with the blessing of Providence, will increase through distant centuries.^ There have resided in Worcester, eighteen settled Clergymen : two Bar- risters : sixty-four Counsellors and Attorneys at Law : and thirty-one Phy- sicians. Fifty-nine of the natives of the town have received education in the colleges. Of those born here, fifteen Physicians, twelve Lawyers, and ten Clergymen, have gone out to other places of settlement and professional em- ployment. Worcester has furnished good proportion of those who have held civil and judicial offices. Of the natives or citizens of the town, previous to the war of independence, were : one Attorney General of the Province : three members of His Ma- jesty's Council : one Mandamus Councillor : three Judges of the Court of Common Pleas : two Judges of Probate ; three Clerks of the Courts : four Treasurers and four Sheriff's of the County : one Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick : one Councillor, and one Clerk of the Assembly of that Province. Since the Revolution there have been : two Governors of Massachusetts and one Governor of Maine: two Lieutenant Governors: two Speakers of 1 Moses Thomas, father of Dr. Isaiah Thomas, married Fidelity Grant of Rhode Island : Their children were. 1, Elizabeth, born on Long Island, who married and went to the West Indies: 2. Peter, who resided at Hampstead, L. I. ^. Joshua, b. at Boston, March 3, 1745 ; m. Mary Twing of Brighton, and resided in Lancaster : 4. Susannah, married four times : last to Capt. Hugh McCullough, of Philadelphia : surviving him, she died Feb. 28, Iblo. a. G9 : 5. Isaiah, b. Jan. 19, 1749. Dr. Isaiah Thomas, married Mary, d. of Joseph Dill, of the Isle of Bermuda, Dec. 25, 1769: Their children were, Mary Anne, b. March 27, 1772: was three times married ; last to Dr. Levi Simmons : 2. Isaiah, b. at Boston, Sijpt. 5, 1773 ; m. Mary d. of Edward Weld of Boston ; he was educated as a printer, and succeeded his father in business ; he removed to Boston, where he died June 25, 1819. His children were: 1. Mary Rebecca, m. I'liny Merrick, Esq. of Worcester : 2. Frances Church, b. Aug. 12, 1800; m. William A. Crocker of Taunton. 3. Augusta Weld, b. Aug. 1, 1801 ; d. Aug. 19, 1822, at Taunton ; 4. Caroline, b. Sept. 26, 1802 ; m. to Samuel L. Crocker of Taunton. 5. Hannah Weld, m. June 14, 1825, to Samuel L. Crocker of Taunton ; d. November 22, 1827 ; 6. Isaiah, b. Dec. 11,1804; d. Oct. 14, 1805: 7. Isaiah, merchant in New York; 8. William, merchant in Bi.ston : 9. Edward Weld, b. Feb. 15, 1810 ; d. Oct. 5, 1810 ; 10. Edward Isaiah, mer- chant in New York: 11. Benjamin Franklin, lawyer in Worcester. Dr. Thomas was married a second time to Mrs. Mary Fowle, d. of William Thomas of Boston, b. June 9, 1751 ; d. Nov. 16, 1818, aged 67 : and again married, Aug. 10, 1819, to Miss Rebecca Armstrong of Roxbury. PUBLIC OPFICEES. 247 the House of Representatives : six Councillors and eleven Senators of Mas- sachusetts : two Senators of New Hampshire : one Secretary of the Com- monwealth: one Treasurer of New York: one Attorney General of the United States : one acting Secretary of State : one Senator and eleven Rep- resentatives in Congress : one elected member of Congress under the Confed- eration : one appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, who declined the commission : one Judge of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts : three Justices of the Court of Common Pleas of this State, and one of Ala- bama : three Judges of Probate, and one -Judge of the Orphan's Court of Ala- bama : two Justices of the Court of Sessions : two County Commissioners : eight Clerks of the Courts and eight County Attorneys : one District At- torney ; two Sheriffs and three Treasurers of the County ; five Justices throughout the Commonweath ; thirty-eight Justices of the Quorum ; and eighty-one Justices of the Peace. ^ 1 This estimate of the offices of the worthies of Worcester, accurate so far at it extends, is necessarily imperfect. Many emigrants from this town, who have held honorable sta- tions in other states, have not been included in the enumeration. Of those natives of the town, not educated in the colleges, who emigrated, and practised as Physicians, before unmentionod, were Samuel Eice of Athol, son of Samuel Rice : Wil- liam Young of Ipswich, son of William Young ; Jacob Holmes of Leicester, son of Jacob Holmes ; Williaii Bakeer of Mason, N. H. son of James Barber : and James McFarland of Rutland, son of James McFarland. 248 STATISTICS AND HISTORY CHAPTER XV. Education. Common Schools. Centre District Schools. Private Instruction. Manual Labor High School. jMount St. James Seminary. AVhen the original committee of settlement secured the support of the wor- ship of God, they made provision for the education of youth. At their first meeting, in 16G9, when the untrodden wilderness spread over the territory of "Worcester, it was agreed that a lot of land should be ' appropriated for the maintenance of a school and school master, to remain for that use for ever.' In the contract with Daniel Henchman, in 1684, this determination was affirmed ; and it was enjoined, ' that care be taken to provide a schoolmaster in due season.' When surveys were made, after the permanent settlement, a tract of forty acres was granted for the promotion of this object. The circumstances of the first planters long prevented the commencement of public instruction. The earliest municipal action on the subject, was April 4, 1726. In pursuance of a vote of the town, 'the selectmen agreed with Mr. Jonas Rice to be schoolmaster, and to teach such children and youth as any of the inhabitants shall send to him, to read and write, as the law directs,'* until the 15th of December. On the expiration of this term, it was peremptorily voted ' that the town will not have a school.' The period suc- ceeding the commencement of the last century has been well described by one of the most discriminating of our local antiquarians,^ as the '■dark age ' of Mas- sachusetts. Every hand was busy in converting the forest into farms. A fluctuating currency scarcely served for the supply of the necessaries of life. The planters of Worcester, feeling the burden of sustaining elementary edu- cation without immediately realizing the resulting benefits, failed to give practical operation to the enlightened views of the founders. In this respect they could have shown the example of elder and more wealthy neighbors in extenuation of the negligence. Few towns about that time, escaped fine for contempt of wholesome laws. The grand jury admonished Worcester of its omissions of duty by presentment, and the sum of £2 8s. 6d. was raised in iThe Great and General Court of the Colony, in May 1647, stating as inducement, that, • It being one chief project of Satan to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former times keeping them in unknown tongues, so, in these latter times, by persuad- ing from the use of tongues, that so at least the true sense and meaning of the original might be clouded and corrupted with false glosses of deceivers : to the end that learning may not be buried in the graves of our forefathers, in church and commonwealth, the Lord assisting our endeavors,' ordered that every township within the jurisdiction, ' after the Lord hath increased them to the number of fifty householders,' should maintain a common school, and each town of one hundred families should keep a grammar school. A penalty for the neglect of these wholesome provisions, for quaint reasons, was established in 1G71, increased by the statute of October, 1G83. '^ Lemuel Shattuck, Esq. in the History of Concord. SCHOOLS. 249 1728, to defray the charges of a prosecution, for want of schools, suspended on promises of amendment. Benjamin Flagg, directly after, was employed as schoolmaster, and £14 granted for the annual stipend. In April, 1731, con- sidering ' that many small children cannot attend in the centre of the town by reason of the remoteness of their dwelling places, and to the intent that all may have the benefit of education,' districts were formed. Division lines, drawn from the middle of each exterior boundary, separated the town into north, south, east and west quarters, surrounding the central territory. The mild sway and cheap services of females were sought, and the selectmen in- structed, ' to procure a suitable number of school dames, not exceeding five, for the teaching of small children to read, to be placed in the several parts, as may be most convenient, and these gentlewomen to be paid such sum, by the head, as they may agree.' The terror of the law, in September following, produced a vote, ' to maintain a free school for a year, and to be a moving school into the several quarters.' In August, 1732, Mr. Richard Rogers was engaged as teacher, and continued in that relation about eight years. The instructor of those days was migratory, revolving in his circuit round a centre not then fixed to a particular location. Directions similar to this of 1735, abound : ' Voted, That Mr. Richard Rogers repair to the house of Mr. Palmer Goulding, there to keep school till further orders.' The inconvenience of tem- porary arrangements, induced the inhabitants, after long consideration and debate, and great doubt of the expediency of the measure, to resolve, May 15, 1735, ' that a school house be built at the charge of the town, and placed in the centre of the south half, or as near as may be with conveniency, having regard to suitable ground for such a house to stand on, where land may be purchased, in case it falls on any particular property, provided the purchase may be made on reasonable terms.' The surveys of Col. John Chandler, commissioned to measure under these instructions, and afterwards employed with new directions to find the intersection of a central line with the country road, not having indicated acceptable points, after five years of deliberation, it was determined to ' set up ' the first school house of Worcester ' between the Court House and bridge, below the fulling mill.' An humble edifice was raised at the north end of Main street, and nearly in the middle of the present travelled way, 24 feet long, 16 feet wide, and with posts 7 feet high, which remained beyond the close of the revolutionary war. In 1740, £100 was granted for the support of schools, one half to be appropriated for the centre,. and the other half divided among the quarters, ' provided the body of the town keep a grammar school the whole year, and save the town from pre- sentment, and the skirts do in the whole have twelve months schooling of a writing master.' It had been well and wisely ordered by the fathers of New England, that each municipal community of sufficient ability, should afford to youth the means of acquiring the languages. The salutary effect of this regulation was little appreciated, and Avas even regarded as oppressive, in times less enlight- ened than the present. In 1766, the representative was instructed to endeav- or, ' that the law requiring a Latin Grammar School, be repealed, and: tiiat not 22 250 SCHOOLS. more than one such school should be kept in a county;' and, in 1767, to use his exertions to relieve the people from the great burden of supporting so many schools of this description, 'whereby they are prevented from attaining such degree of English learning as is necessary to retain the freedom of any state.' The lower schools seem to have been sustained by liberal appropriations. In 17G9, there were eight districts ; the apportionment of the tax of £79 17s. in that year throws some light on the population and resources of the divisions. Old Names. Sums. Old Names. Sums. Centre, £19 Is. Stone's, £8 5s. Tatnick, 10 10 Stowell's, 8 3 Bogachoag, 8 8 Curtis's, 7 11 Smith's, 9 8 Flagg's, 7 11 The sums raised by taxation for schools in different years, varied with the fluctuations of the currency to such extent that it is difficult to estimate ac- curately the real amount of expenditure. In 1727, the tax was £16 10s.: in 1730, £25 : in 1740, £100 currency : in 1750, £46 10s. : in 1760, £75 : in 1780, £76 16s. : in 1770, £3000 in continental bills. It is not possible now to collect a perfect list of the school masters previous to the revolution. The figures prefixed to the names of the gentlemen men- tioned below, show the time when their instruction commenced. 1725, Jo- nas Rice. 1729, Benjamin Fkgg. 1732, James Wyman, Richard Rogers. 1733, Samuel Boutelle, Nathaniel Williams. 1738, Samuel Marsh. 1739, James Durant. 1744, James Varney. 1752, Henry Gardner. 1755, John Adams.^ 1757, John Young. 1758, William Crawford. 1760, Micah Law- rence. After the revolution, in 1785 and 178 8, the town was presented by the grand jury for the neglect of its grammar school, and when it was maintained, it appears to have travelled around the centre, in the circle of districts, until 1808, when it became stationary. In 1800, school houses were built in the several districts under the direc- tion of a committee. The following table shows the dimensions, position, and cost of each. Old names. New names. Feet square. Expense. Tatnick Quarter, 2. 25, $270 27 Jones's, 3, 24, 270 27 Burbank's, 5, 22, 247 75 Baird's, 6, 22, 247 75 Gates's, 7, 20, 225 22 Fisk's Corner, 8, 22, 247 75 Burntcoat Plain, 9, 22, 247 75 Thaxter's, 10, 18, 202 70 Provision was made for the erection of two houses, not less than 22 feet square, in the centre, then containing one third of all the minors : one was 1 Afterwards President of the United States. He was certainly employed one year, and probably more, while student at law with James Putnam. SCHOOLS. 251 built at the corner of the old burial place, and the other opposite to the build- ing then the Unitarian Church, now the Franklin House. Prudent and able committees have been elected annually by the town, who have had the supervision and visitation of the common schools in the manner directed by the statutes. The following statements illustrative of the condition of the schools, and the expenses of education, are derived principally from the returns in the of- fice of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number of School Districts, Number of minors in all the districts, Males from 4 to 16 attending schools, Females, Average attendance in days, Number attending private schools, Winter schools, months. Summer schools, months. Instructors, Males, Females, instructing, Wages, average by months. Winter, " " " Summer, Board per week, males, Amount raised for schools by tax, Expenses for furniture, Tuition in private schools. The monies granted by the town for the support of schools are distributed thus : from the whole tax is first deducted the amount assigned for the gram- mar school : as an equivalent for the school being kept within the centre, the other districts receive two hundred and fifty dollars, equally divided : the residue of the whole sum is then apportioned according to the minors. The mode of distribution will be seen from the following table : six columns, after the first, show the number of persons under twenty one years of age ; the six last the sum given to each district, in the year marked at the top of the column : Monies. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 18So. 1886. $978 $1012 $1039 $1299 $1402 $1G70 1G6 149 134 162 149 155 1834, 1835. 1836. 12, 12, 12, 2509, 2666, 3041. 675, 622, 570, 494, 501, 636, 924, 859, 1010, 111, 100, — 96, 100, 88, 111, 103, «7, 12, 14, 11, 20, 21, 19, 617, $21, — $9h $16^, — mh i$2J, $•2^, 5535, $5500, $6270, $500, $550, $550, 2028, $1500, $1500. Mil. rORS. No. 1831. 1832, 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1 1058 1164 1256 1360 1524 1816 2 151 146 135 146 138 144 3 200 227 221 225 232 293 4 98 112 96 103 83 104 5 106 103 108 111 108 99 6 81 72 66 70 73 71 7 66 78 73 84 112 101 8 138 88 102 104 98 93 9 95 75 81 75 72 90 10 62 59 59 55 65 42 11 64 61 65 59 55 69 12 — 69 104 117 108 129 210 220 205 237 234 292 118 120 102 121 98 118 123 112 112 128 120 113 99 85 77 89 89 88 86 83 83 102 125 115 138 99 107 121 112 108 95 88 89 94 88 105 62 74 71 79 82 61 60 76 68 79 73 77 — 74 108 134 122 141 2108 2244 2356 2509 2666 3041 2125 2197 2195 2645 2697 3043 252 CEXTRE SCHOOL DISTKICT. The following gentlemen, among others, have been employed in instruction here since the revolution, most of them in the Grammar School. Dr. Amasa Dingley, who died in New York : Rev. Thaddcus M. Harris, long clergyman of Dorchester : Thomas Payson, afterwards teacher in Boston, and now uf Peterborough, N. li. : Roger Vose, counsellor at law in Walpole, N. H. : Silas Paul, sometime in the practise of the law in Leominster : An- drew Morton, lawyer, who died at Hampden, Me. : Calvin Park, Professor in Brown University : Isaac Gates, afterwards of the United States army : Sam- uel Swan, practising law in Hubbardston : Rev. Nathan Parker, late of Ports- mouth, N. H. : Dr. Jacob Bigelow, physician of Boston ; Rev. John Nelson, of Leicester : Nathan Guilford, of Cincinnati, Ohio : Ebenezer D. Wash- burn, of Mobile, Alabama : Levi Heywood : Rev. Jonathan Going, now of the city of New York; Jonathan Smith, now of Bath, N. H. : John Reed, son of John Reed, of Worcester : Thomas Fiske, who died at Charleston, S. C. : Benson C. Baldwin, who died at Milfurd : Leonard Worcester, late teacher in Newark, N. J. : George Folsom, now of New York. Charles Thurber, B. U. 1827, son of Rev. Laban Thurber, born in Brook- field, the present master of the Latin School, was elected to that office, March 27, 1832. The English School of the District, is under the charge of War- ren Lazell, son of Deacon Daniel Lazell of Mendon, who was chosen as in- structor, Feb. 23, 1828. Albion P. Peck, son of Dr. Gustavus D. Peck of Milford, was elected master of the second English School, June 22, 1835.* CENTRE SCHOOL DISTRICT. One of the earliest steps in the progress of the improvement of education in the Centre District, was in 1752, when the town, by their votes, consented, ' that the inhabitants of the centre, extending one mile and a half around the Bchool house, should have allowed them their proportion of money for the support of schooling, provided they do, bona fide, keep a grammar school the whole year ; and if their proportion of money will procure a master more than twelve weeks, the usual time they have of late had schooling, then any per- son may have liberty to send children afterwards.' About this period, a school house, with two rooms on the floor, was erected by James Putnam, John Chandler, and other public spirited individuals,^ and the deficiency of the grants for the support of instruction was supplied by subscriptions. In 1769, the town gave to the proprietors of the grammar school, £6, ' they engaging that the school shall be free, for all persons in the town desirious of learning the languages.' All minor objects gave way to the intense interest and exhausting necessi- ties of the revolutionary contest ; its stern excitement diverted attention, and 1 The compensation paid to the instructor of the Grammar school, is $900 : of the l^ng- lish school $700 : of the second school $100, annually : of the Apprentices school $32 month- ly : of the Female High school $5 50 : of the Primary, Infant, and African schools $3 50, by the week : the assistants are paid at the rate of $1 the week. ^This humble one story edificD was placed near the east side of Main street, south of the termination of the IJoston Railroad, and surrounded with trees. During the revolu- tion, it was converted into a dwelling, and remained, until modern improvement swept away the ancient house and the venerable elms that embowered its lowly roof. CENTRE SCHOOL DISTKICT. 253 its exigencies absorbed the whole available resources of the people : all im- provements were neglected ; and education sunk low amid political commo- tion. When peace revisited the land, an effort was made for the establish- ment of a system, perfected in after years, which might afford to the children of each citizen good and thorough education in their own homes. An asso- ciation was formed for erecting a school of high grade, with the real merits, though without the ostentatious name of academy. In 1784, Elijah Dix, Jo- seph Allen, Levi Lincoln, Nathan Patch, John Green, John Nazro, Palmer Goulding, and others, uniting in a joint stock company, procured a lease of the land on the west side of Main street on which the Centre School House now stands, and that building was 'erected in front of the position it now oc- cupies. A conveyance of the lot was obtained, Sept. 29, 1787. The prop- erty had been divided into 100 shares, and each proprietor, by the terms of the deed, was to hold an amount of interest in the estate proportionate to his contribution for the purchase, under limitations securing the appropriation to the purposes of the fund. Two schools were opened in the new house by the proprietors ; one for the common elementary studies, under Mr. Brown ; the other for the high- est branches of academic education, called ' The Seminary,' under the tuition of Mr. Thomas Payson. For a time they were sustained with great spirit. The quarterly examinations, with the attraction of dramatic exhibitions, were attended by a numerous audience. In Aug. 1787, the tragedy of Cato was played by Mr. Brown's scholars, with brilliant success : rivalled by the pupils of the seminary, in October following, by the recitation of original orations, forensic discussions, poems, and dialogues in Greek and Latin. As the children of the subscribers were removed to the colleges, or the preparation for professions or active business, the warm interest of the- parents in the institutions declined, and with it the schools gradually sunk from the high ground on which they had been placed. In May, 1799, the building was advertised for sale at public auction, and in July, 1801, purchased by the inhabitants of the Centre District from its owners, at the cost of $950, inclu- ding the expense of repairs. In the summer of 1823, a vigorous effort was made for the renovation of the decayed system. Dr. Bancroft, foremost in every good word and work, Jonathan Going, earnest and ardent in the promotion of improvement, Samuel M. Burnside, author of the school law of 1827, Levi Lincoln, Otis Corbett, and Samuel Jennison, were the framers of that plan, whose successful opera- tion has given occasion for just pride in the excellence of the schools of the district. These gentlemen, from a committee ' to consider the interesting questions regarding the good of our children in the acquisition of knowledge,' submitted a report, Aug. 22, 1823, published and distributed to all the fami- lies. They declare their opinion, that for several years, the schools had gen- erally fallen below the common standard, and would not bear comparison with many of the immediate neighborhood. The evils so long endured, they attributed to false economy, in the employment of ill paid and incompetent teachers. The remedy was suggested, in the arrangement soon after adopted, 22* 254 CENTRE SCHOOL DISTRICT. and since continucil, Avilh the slight modifications pointed out by experience or required by the alteration of social condition. It was urged on the inhabi- tants, ' as they regarded parental obligations, as they loved their ofF- upring, as they estimated their responsibility to God and their coun- try, to cooperate unitedly and individually in the attainment of the great object.' The appeal was not in vain. The recommendations were con- firmed, and liberal grants made for their execution. On the 31st of Dec. 1823, the first Board of Overseers was elected. They were Aaron Bancroft, Jonathan Going, Aretius B. Hull, Loammi Ives Hoadley, Levi Lincoln, John Davis, Thcophilus Wheeler, Otis Corbett, Enoch Flagg, Benjamin Chapin, Samuel M. Burnside, and Frederick W. Paine; the heavy duty of carrying into operation the measures proposed, and sanctioned by the votes of the dis- trict, was devolved upon and faithfully discharged by them. The statement of the present condition will show the extent of their arduous and meritorious exertions, and the amount of resulting good. Resort to the contingent aid of voluntary contribution having been found ineffectual and feeble, authority was obtained from the Legislature, Jan. 27, 1824, to bring the steady support of taxation for the support of schools. An additional act, Feb. 1826, authorized the notification of meetings, by an adver- tisement, signed by a majority of the overseers, posted on the meeting houses seven days previous. A board of twelve persons, annually elected, have the duty of ascertaining the qualifications of teachers and the attainments of scholars ; prescribing the course of instruction ; establishing proper regulations ; investigating all com- plaints of parents, pupils, or instructors ; of the disbursement of monies ; the examination and supervision of the schools ; and of reporting in writing on the progress made during their term of office. Ten permanent schools are arranged in regular gradation, and kept through the year, with such vacations only as the convenience of the teachers may re- quire, or the discretion of the board permit. Of the lowest grade, are the Infant Schools, first opened in 1830, receiving children at the earliest age at which they can derive benefit from public in- struction. Next are the North and South Primary Schools, receiving their pupils by promotion from the infant schools. The pupils, when qualified, are advanced to the two Boy's English Schools, and to the Second Female School. Highest in rank, is the Female High School, corresponding with the Latin Grammar School, to which promotions are made from the Primary schools. There is an African School, for children of color, established in 1828, where all the useful branches of education are taught. A school, first opened in 1828, has since been annually kept during the winter months, for apprentices and clerks, and such other boys as can attend only through a part of the year. The instructors are required to keep a register, exhibiting an account of the cond'ict and proficiency of every pupil during each day. Monthly visit- CENTRE SCHOOL DISTRICT. 255 ations are made by the overseers, and each scholar is then subjected to examination, and report of the result made to the board, at their stated meetings on the first Monday of every month. It was originally proposed, that all the schools subject to the visitorial di- rection of the overseers, should be under the superintendence of the Grammar master, with the view, that some competent person, professionally devoted to education, should bestow that constant attention on the execution of the de- tails of the system, which men engaged in the cares and occupations of life, could not give hour by hour. Dr. Bancroft, the enlighted friend of youth, reporting for the committee of 1823, writes, ' the whole will form but one school, under the general superintendence of the board of overseers, and children will be advanced from class to class till they reach the highest. And in order to give strength and unily to the system, your committee are con- vinced, that the grammar master ought to have the superintendence of all the schools in the Centre House, and that the pupils shall be classed under his direction in such manner as to make the most economical use of time, without reference to the particular school to which they belong.' Difficulties result- ing from the separate policy of the town and district, prevented the eflfect of an arrangement so judicious in its principle. The following table exhibits the condition of the schools of the district in the month of September, 1836. Schools. Teachers, ^^^]^ Boys. Girls. to to to ^If Wo. g jQ ^5 16. Latin Grammar, Charles Thurber, 40 40 0 0 0 29 11 Female High, Eliz. B. Hamilton, 38 0 38 0 1 32 5 Second Female, Jerusha Knight, 49 0 49 0 8 410 Boy's English, Warren Lazell, 50 50 0 0 9 39 2 Second Boy's, Albion P. Peck, 53 53 0 0 24 29 0 North Primary, Lois W. Harrington, 63 0 63 0 40 23 0 South Primary, Caroline M. Corbett, 55 55 0 0 45 10 0 North Infant, Mary S. Ward, 75 39 36 33 42 0 0 Central Infant, Abigail Pratt, 80 46 34 39 41 0 0 South Infant, Martha S. Hamilton, 53 29 24 23 30 0 0 New South Inft, Rebecca S. Goes, 34 16 18 8 25 10 African, Hannah C. Perrin, 22 9 13 5 16 10 A recommendation from Dr. Bancroft was adopted, Feb, 23, 1825, and it was ordered, ' that at two o'clock of the afternoon of the Saturday which closes the scholastic year, a public address be annually delivered in one of the houses for public worship, by some person appointed by the board ; the prominent objects of which shall be, to illustrate the importance of good edu- cation and the best method of acquiring and extending such an education ; and give to the district assembled a just view of the manner in which their schools are and should be conducted. Let this address be followed by prayer. Let proper measures be taken to insure a full audience from the District, and let the pupils of each school be seated together, with their teacher at their head. Further pageantry, the committee think, would be unnecessary and 256 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. useless.' The beautiful thou<,'ht of its benevolent author has had that ob- servance which its origin deserved. Among the most interesting of festivals, has l)ecn the long procession of children, going up to the church, each April, with the plain unostentatious simplicity the founder of the ceremony designed, to hear the words of good counsel or admonition. Those named below have made addresses on these occasions. 182o. Aaron Bancroft, 1831. Alfred D. Foster, 1826. Samuel M. Burnside, 1832. John S. C Abbot, 1827. Jonathan Going, 1833. Frederick A. Willard, 1828. Isaac Goodwin, 1834. Stephen Salisbury, 1829. Alonzo Hill, 1835. Ira Barton, 1830. Isaac Davis, 1836. William Lincoln. Such are the brief outlines of the plan, affording instruction from its lowest elements to its highest branches, beginning at the alphabet, advancing by regular gradations to the more elevated departments of learning, and affording to every citizen of the district the means of giving to his children all the edu- cation necessary for admission to the Universities, or desirable for the com- mencement of the engagements of business. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. Although munificent grants sustained the great system of the common schools, instruction alike of lower and higher grade than they afforded, was required and has been supported at private charge, or undertaken by individual enterprise. On the last day of March, 1791, Mr. Thomas Payson advertised his inten- tions to open a seminary for young ladies, ' as soon as the roads w-ere more settled.' His experiment was brief, and probably unsatisfactory to himself. Miss Hannah Spofford commenced a school on the same plan, in May, 1804. Her proposals afford data for estimating the extent of female accomplishments deemed desirable at that period, and the cost of their attainment. Reading, plain sewing and marking, were taught, for the compensation of two dollars the quarter : embroidery, ornamental Avork on muslin, writing, arithmetic, grammar, rhetoric, and the art of composition, could be gained for three dol- lars : painting in water colors and crayon, and filagree work, were charged at four dollars for the same period. Mrs. Nugent succeeded this lady, adding in the Academy she opened in 1805, the exercises of geography, tambour work, landscape painting, and music. Other instructors were here in later years. In 1823, an Academy for the instruction of youth in the highest branches of education, was commenced by the Rev. Benjamin F. Farnsworth, and continued about a year. A building was purchased, by an association, incorporated March 10, 1832, as the Pro- prietors of the Worcester Female Academy, and a school was kept by Mrs. A. M. "Wells, during a year, and subsequently by Mr. John Wright. The corporation was afterwards dissolved, and the edifice sold. Instruction of the most excellent cast has been given to young ladies, by SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 257 Dr. John Park, for twenty years a teacher of distinguished reputation in Boston, who removed from that city to this place, in 1831. His classes have been so limited, as to admit of that oral communication which best imparts knowledge, and of the direct influence of a gifted mind, rich in learning and experience, to form pure moral and strong intellectual character. In the spring of 1836, a school of high grade for young ladies was com- menced by Mr. Robert Phipps, which has been successfully continued. In September, the pupils were 35. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Before 1816, beside the public religious instruction, there were recitations in a catechism prepared by Dr. Bancroft, after the stated lectures, by the children of the second parish. In May, of that year, a class of 25, soon in- creasing to 60, was formed by the Rev. Jonathan Going, in the Baptist so- ciety, and one of the first of the Sabbath Schools within the county of AVor- cester was established. Almost simultaneously, the system which is exerting a happy influence on moral condition, was adopted by the first parish, and has been extended to the other societies. The number of scholars connected with the several churches, is stated in the latest published reports, as follows ; First Parish, 300, Calvinist Society, 235, Second Parish, 170, Union Society, 162. Baptist Society, 250, The schools are generally under the direction of societies formed for their support, and are furnished with useful libraries collected by voluntary contri- butions. WOKCESTBB MANUAL LABOR HIGH SCHOOL. At a meeting of a few individuals desirous of founding an institution for education in the interior, under the patronage of the Baptist denomination, in March, 1832, it was determined to raise $5000, as a foundation fund. This sum was obtained, by subscriptions, principally within the county, and it was resolved, that the school should be placed in Worcester. A committee was elected to eff'ect the design, consisting of Isaac Davis and Otis Corbett of Worcester, Edward Phillips of Sturbridge, and Otis Converse of Grafton. The details of the plan were wisely left to their discretion, under the general direction that the instruction should be of the first order ; that strict moral and religious character should be attained ; and that every facility should be aflbrded for productive labor, to the end that education should be good, but not expensive. Among the most influential and zealous in the formation, development, and execution of this project, was Isaac Davis, Esq., who has been the President, and one of the most devoted in personal and pecuniary exertions, to the pro- motion of the prosperity of the Institution. In November, 1832, a tract of twenty nine acres of land was purchased at the price of $75 the acre, and another lot of thirty one acres for $65 the acre, about half a mile south of the village. The academic buildings were 258 MAKUAL LABOR HIGH SCHOOL. erected in 1833, at the expense of about $10,000. The trustees were incor- porated Feb. 28, 1834, with full powers of visitation and government. On the dedication of the seminary, June 4, 1834, an address was delivered by Rev. Frederic A. Willard, and religious exercises performed by llev. Abiel Fisher. The school went into operation with about 30 scholars, under the superintendence of Silas Bailey, B. U. 1834. The second term, Amos W. Stock well, A. C. 1834, was employed as assistant, succeeded the third term by Mr. Rhodes B. Chapman, who resigned in the fall of 1836, and Hervey S. Dale, B. U. 1834, was appointed teacher. The institution has a library of about 500 volumes, and a philosophical and mathematical apparatus, was presented by Stephen Salisbury, Esq. one of the trustees. The studies pursued, are grammar, geography, rhetoric, book-keeping, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, surveying, the languages, intel- lectual and natural philosophy, and chemistry. The academic year is divided into four terms, of eleven weeks each, commencing on the first Wednesday in September, December, March, and June ; and each followed by two weeks of vacation. The charge of each term, for tuition in English studies, is $5, and in the languages, $7 : for rent of room and furniture, $2. Board in commons is furnished at the actual cost : the aggregate expenditure for pro- visions, servants and other necessary payments, being divided proportionably among the scholars. It was the original design, not only to afford the means of the acquisition of knowledge by teachers, library, and apparatus, but to furnish such employ- ment as would promote the health of the students, while it enabled them to defray some part of their expenses. During the period of agricultural opera- tion, this has been provided. The farm and garden are cultivated by the stu- dents : if the full labor of a man is performed, eight cents the hour is allowed for the service, and the same ratio of compensation is adopted for less work. A report of the principal, in the autumn of 1835, states, that many of the students have been enabled to pay their tuition, and some, by industry, had discharged the bill for board : and adds, that those who had given evidence of the greatest improvement, on a then recent examination, had spent a portion of almost every day in active labor. The want of funds has yet prevented the erection of buildings and accumulation of capital, necessary for establish- ing branches of manufactures and mechanics, affording useful occupation dur- ing the inclement season. The number of students in 1836, was 135 : among them, 18 from Worces- ter. The officers are : Isaac Davis, President : Otis Corbett, Secretary : Ich- abod Washburn, Treasurer: Silas Bailey, Principal : Hervey S. Dale, Teach- er: Joel Marble, Steward: Rev. Abiel Fisher, Joseph White, Rev. Otis Con- verse, Rev. Frederic A. Willard, Stephen Salisbury, Otis Corbett, Isaac Davis, Edward Phillips, Samuel D. Spurr, Pearley Goddard, Daniel Goddard, Icha- bod Washburn, Joseph Converse, Joshua T. Everett, Trustees. MOUNT ST. JAMKS SEMINARY. This institution, of very recent origin, was founded by Rev. James Fitton. Its buildings are situated on the northern slope of Pakachoag Hill, and are POPULATION. 259 connected witli a farm of about sixty acres of land. The government is ves- ted in a President, Principal and Prefects, of the Catholic denomination. The course of instruction comprises the branches of practical education which qualify youth for usefulness, in the business of life. Pupils of the age of eight years are admitted. From the elementary studies of reading, writing, and grammar, they may proceed through courses of arithmetic, book-keeping, geography, astronomy, history, and composition. There are two scholastic terms in the year ; one from September to March, the other from March to the middle of August : the first followed by one week, and the second by two weeks, of vacation. In the published statement, the expenses of support and tuition are estimated at eighty dollars per annum. The present officers are Rev. James Fitton, President, and Josepb Brigden, Principal. CHAPTER XVI, Population. Emigration. Mortality. Valuation. Taxation. Support of the Poor. Com- munication. Stages. Manufactures. Trade. Population. Until within a few years, the inhabitants of Worcester have been principally employed in agriculture, and the population has in- creased slowly but gradually, until the commencement of works of internal improA'ement and the establishment of manufactures, which have given great and rapid accessions of numbers. The tables below show the numbers in the different years expressed. 1790. 1800. 1810. 181; !0. Age. Male. Fern. Male. Fem. Male. Fem. Male. Fem, Under 10 years, — — 350 428 337 355 479 344 From 10 to 16, 494 — 178 162 186 182 171 188 From 16 to 26, 601 — 277 230 262 283 403 312 From 26 to 45, — 949 213 245 242 234 319 325 45 and upwards, — 949 175 170 207 231 1 218 270 Total, 1095 1193 1235 1234 1275 590 15439 1830. Age. Male. Fem. Tot. Age. Male. Fem. Tot. Under 5 years, 300 280 580 From 40 to 50, ] 155 156 311 From 5 to 10, 218 218 436 50 to 60, 83 95 178 10 to 15, 188 209 397 60 to 70, 44 71 115 15 to 20, 258 229 487 70 to 80, 43 38 81 20 to 30, 537 428 965 80 to 90, 8 10 18 30 to 40, 260 251 511 90 to 100, 0 3 3 2094 1988 4082 260 EMIGEATION. The mimbcr of free blacks in 1777, were 10 : in 1790, 51 : in 1800, 83 : in 1810, 88 : in 1820, 95 : in 1830, 90. In 1820, there arc returned as engaged in commerce, 1 : agriculture, 218 : manufactures, 12G : foreigners, 19. The whole population in different years was as follows : Ycary, 17C.;i. 177G. 17i)0. ISOO. 1810. 1820. 1825. 1830. 1835. 1836. Pop. 1178 1925 2095 2411 2577 2962 3C50 4172 6G24 abt. 7500 I'Imigiiation. The entcrprizc of the citizens of Worcester, and the want of profitable employment of industry at home, has, at different periods, led her natives to seek fortune in regions deemed more propitious. About 1730, a colony of the presbyterian planters went out to Worcester in New York. Soon after the war of the revolution, the town of Paris, in Maine, wag founded by Levi Hubbard, and the brothers of the Stowell family, joining with him, have been among the useful and honored inhabitants of that town. Many other of the young plantations of that state derived accessions of num- bers and worth from our commtmity. Col. Josiah Brewer was the first settler of Cummington in Hampshire Co. Mass. Col. Timothy Bigelow, in 1780, became grantee of Montpelier : Col. Ephraim Doolittle, long resident here, commenced the cultivation of Shoreham ; and Windsor, Chester, and Wood- stock, all in Vermont, received additions from our citizens. Some were in Col. Putnam's expedition of 1787, to build cities in the then far West, and many went, after the war of 1812, to new lands. The county of Worcester has been like a hive of population, sending out swarms in all directions. The town has borne full share in this contribution to the good of others. The biographical notices of former pages show a portion of the talent thus bestowed. MoETALiTT. The favorable local situation of the town, the salubrity of the climate and healthful occupations of the people, have rendered the visita- tions of epidemic disease unfrequent. Before the small pox had been disarmed of its fearful power of destruction, during the period when it spread over the country, hospitals were established in the town, to which whole families resorted for inoculation, in preference to awaiting the danger of taking the disease in the natural way. This mala- dy prevailed generally in 1776, when the deaths here were 76. In 1796, the dysentery prevailed, and between July and Xovember, 44 children under five years, and 15 persons over that age, died here of that complaint. The number of deaths in that year, was 80 ; the average of five preceding years had been 24. In 1810 and in 1813, a very malignant fever raged and created great terror in the county. Its destroying effect, though severe, was less fatal here than in other towns. The bills of mortality have been imperfectly kept until recently. The fol- lowing tables, collected with great labor, exhibit accurate results through the period they comprehend. MORTALITY. 261 Years. Under 1. 1 to 5. 5 to 10. 10 to 20. 20 to 30. 30 to 40. 40 to 50. 60 to 60. 60 to 70. 70 to 80. 80 to 90 90 to 100 Un- known '. rot. 1816 2 3 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 0 1 23 1817 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 2 3 4 3 1 6 49 1818 1 6 0 2 7 3 4 3 6 2 0 2 7 43 1819 4 5 1 2 8 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 14 51 1820 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 3 2 4 0 3 7 39 1821 3 2 0 2 4 2 3 1 8 3 0 0 7 35 1822 2 5 1 3 5 7 1 4 6 1 1 1 2 39 1823 3 6 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 3 0 20 57 1824 0 2 1 1 1 6 5 5 10 1 2 1 5 38 1825 3 4 1 0 1 4 3 3 3 2 1 0 18 43 1826 4 5 1 5 5 6 2 4 3 3 0 0 22 60 1827 3 5 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 4 6 1 14 46 1828 7 5 0 0 4 6 1 2 5 4 6 0 15 55 1829 5 11 2 2 4 1 5 4 5 2 3 0 5 49 1830 8 5 2 4 12 9 4 4 8 5 6 2 2 68 1831 9 6 10 3 10 5 5 5 4 10 7 0 0 74 1832 10 10 7 5 10 5 10 3 5 3 0 1 2 71 1833 14 13 1 3 8 1 11 4 4 2 7 0 0 68 1834 21 15 4 1 4 9 5 4 6 5 3 0 10 87 1835 20 10 5 10 12 10 4 5 6 2 3 1 17 105 Jar I. Feb . Mar. Apr. May. June. . July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec . Total. 1807 10 4 4 3 2 1 2 5 5 4 2 6 48 1810 0 0 3 5 7 5 3 4 5 4 1 2 39 1815 2 1 3 3 4 1 2 0 2 5 3 6 32 1820 6 5 2 1 4 1 2 3 5 5 2 3 39 1825 2 7 2 1 2 3 2 3 6 6 1 8 43 1830 5 7 9 4 4 4 8 8 7 8 1 3 68 1831 8 6 5 3 3 3 6 4 2 10 6 : 14 70 1832 4 6 7 7 6 4 7 7 8 2 10 3 71 1833 7 8 7 1 4 5 3 8 12 7 4 2 68 1834 8 8 4 7 3 5 9 11 5 10 7 : 10 87 1835 i 10 9 12 8 7 3 6 10 11 15 5 9 105 The deaths in other years, so far as the means of ascertaining the numbers are preserved, were: in 1775, 22 : in 1776, 76: in 1778, 39: in 1779, 21 : in 1780, 17: in 1781, 24: in 1782, 31 : in 1783,28: in 1784, 38: in 1791, 22 : in 1792, 26 : in 1793, 23 : in 1794, 18 : in 1795, 33 : in 1796, 80 : in 1797, 28 : in 1808, 39 : in 1809, 29 : in 1811, 32 : in 1812, 21 : in 1813, 70: in 1814, 42. The ratio of deaths to population in 1830 was 1 in 61: 1831, 1 in 61: 1832, 1 in 65 : 1833, 1 in 70 : 1834, 1 in 80 : 1835, 1 in 63. There have been a few instances of extraordinary longevity. John Young died June 30, 1730, aged 107 : Sylvia, an African female, May '22, 1804, a. 105: Kesina Harris, Oct. 27, 1832, a. 102.^ Valuation. The following estimates of the principal articles of property 1 Josiah Pierce, who died in 1806 a. 85, left 14 children, 77 grand children, and 35 great grand children. Kesiah Nichols died 1807, leaving 152 lineal descendants : 7 children, 52 grand children, 86 great grand children, 7 great great grand children. Col. Benjamin Flagg, died Nov. 1819, aged 95, leaving 4 children, 42 grand children, 83 great grand children. 23 2C2 VALUATION. are compiled from the returns of the assessors in the office of the Secretary of tlio Commonwealth. On these documents the valuation of the state in suc- cessive years has been founded. Although the results cannot be considered precisely correct, they approximate near to accuracy. 1781. 1791. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Buildings, Barns, 207 218 256 310 371 450 Houses, 216 244 278 330 384 521 Shops, 11 16 18 71 86 123 Other Buildings, 32 49 110 146 221 372 Cider, No. of barrels, 2063 2478 2999 3324 2114 — Grain, Barley, bushels, — — 359 289 625 575 Corn, — — 13350 14112 17813 22272 Oats, — — 6165 7228 11784 17645 Rye, — — 4813 4164 5726 4261 Wheat, — — 482 238 287 39 Hay, English, tons, — — 1464 1683 2500 4249 Meadow, — — 1393 1417 1204 1431 Land, Tillage, acres. 1034 1193 1395 1745 1962 1925 Mowing, 1074 1253 1754 2362 2882 3932 Meadow, 1606 1574 1814 1856 1844 1751 Pasture, 2881 4199 7469 7794 10560 10262 Wood,i 14912 12213 5114 4874 3421 3730 Unimproved, — — 4246 3918 1293 1072 Unimprovable, — 2166 907 316 857 72 Covered by water. — — 90 396 388 448 roads, — — 420 444 450 489 Live Stock, Cows and steers, 778 1039 1063 1050 1101 1822 Horses, 277 319 390 321 314 434 Oxen, 365 407 513 391 488 614 Swine, 212 671 087 565 717 698 Ratable Polls, 389 486 520 519 043 1109 The ratable polls have numbered as follow .vs, in years not included in the tables. Years, 1777. 1778. 1780. 1793. 1803. 1813. 1823. 1833. 1834. 1836. Polls, 438 440 4G0 490 508 5 99 71 5 1300 1312 1683 The aggregate value of the property of the town is inserted in a column below. Taxation. The following statement will furnish a comparative view of the sums raised for public expenses in different periods. In addition to the town taxes for the support of schools, large sums are assessed in the Centre District. Years. Total Total High- School Public County State Ratable Valuation. Taxes. ways. Tax. AVorship. Tax. Tax. Tolls. 1800. 8296542 $3017 $1500 $1628 $808 $151 $962 530 1805. 443760 2130 2000 1300 875 238 1171 540 1810. 1476383 3213 2000 1500 1195 297 1049 518 1815. 1776635 4580 2000 1500 1443 219 1325 641 1820. 2015750 4715 2000 1700 2604 983 1181 626 1825. 2437550 6215 2000 2000 2458 485 — 881 1830. 2747800 8073 2000 2700 4868 1295 619 1018 1835. 36G7250 15986 2500 3600 5480 1564 — 1570 1836. 3990950 24047 6700 5200 6435 1564 — 1683 1 In 1781, 1791, the ■woodland and unimproved land are not distinguished. SUPPORT OF POOR. 263 The expenditures of the town during the year ending in March, 1836, were, as stated in the report: for highways, $2445; repairs of bridges, $104; new roads, $965 ; schools, $3472 ; fire department, $800 ; new engine house, $1200 ; principal and interest of town debt, $3379 '. lighting streets, $341 ; poor establishment, $1404 ; poor not at the poor house, $453 ; compensation to assessors, $170; burials, $216; amounting with some contingent ex- penses, to $15,698. Of this sum, $527 has been repaid by allowance for sup- port of state paupers; and $341 from other towns, from individuals, or from pensions. SuproRT OF THE PooR. In the early years of the town, the charges for supporting those who by infirmity or misfortune were destitute of the means of subsistence, were inconsiderable. There was a general equality of pecuni- ary condition, and that common prosperity and independence resulting from industry, frugality and temperance, which either prevented indigence or re- lieved its wants. Those who needed aid, were sustained by the charity of neighbors, more blessed with worldly goods, freely contributing for their com- fort. The first tax assessed for the support of the poor, seems to have been as late as 1757, when £5 4s. were appropriated for that use. In 1763, it was voted, ' that a suitable workhouse be built for placing therein all persons that are, or may be, to be supported by the town, to be under the direction of the selectmen.' In 1772, a building for the same purpose was erected on Front street, 40 by 18 feet in dimensions, at an expense of £70. Little char- ities were often bestowed on the meritorious, so small as to be memorials of the compassion, rather than the munificence of the public. In 1766, £6 were raised to be disposed of in transporting a sick female to Stafford, and sup- porting her there while using the medicinal waters of the spring, ' she being one of the poor of the place, and laboring under great infirmity.' In 1784, the selectmen were empowered ' to procure an anvil for Cato Walker, and lend it to him, or let him it during their pleasure.' In 1807, it was determined to build an Alms House of brick, but after land had been purchased for the site, and materials for the structure, the plan was abandoned. Until 1817, the poor were supported by contracts with the highest bidder at public auction, in the manner usual in the country towns. In that year, the Jennison farm, sit- uated on the great road to Boston, bordering on the upper end of Quinsiga- mond Pond, was purchased, with its comfortable mansion, for $5500, and a permanent home provided for the aged and infirm of our indigent citizens. This establishment, under the supervision of the selectmen, is confided to the charge of a superintendent, constantly residing with his family in the house, upon a salary of $350 annually, with board and rent, conducting the cultiva- tion of the land, and ministering to the comfort of the numerous dependents placed by the swelling population and peculiar local situation of the town under his charge, as well as exercising good discipline over those committed by public authority to this institution, as a workhouse. A building has been erected, affording suitable accommodations for the insane, and a hospital is to be established for relief from the occasional visit- ation from contagious disorders. 264 COMMUNICATION. The following statement exhibits the condition of those supported by the charity of the town for two years. 1834. 1835 Males, 42, 58 Females, 27, 23 Whites, 63, 75 Blacks, 6, 6 From 80 to 90 years of age, 6, 6 Above 90 years of age, 6. 6 Intemperate, 25. 28 Married, 24, 31 Born in Worcester, 31, 33 Foreigners, 9, 24 Unable to read or write. 5. 4 Blind, 2, 2 Idiotic, 5, 5 Insane, 4.* 2 Whole number, 69, 81 The annual taxes for the support of the poor from 1762 to the revolution, would average £30. Communication. Prior to 1755, there was a mall between Boston and Philadelphia. A letter sent from one city to the other, was then three weeks on its Avay, and the writer could not have obtained an answer in less than about seven weeks. A great reform took place in that year, and the speed was so accelerated, that the mails were delivered in fifteen days, so that the reply to the letter could be received in a month from its date. The first stage on the route from Boston to New York, set up by J. and N. Brown, star- ted June 24, 1772, and was intended to run once a fortnight. In the Boston Evening Post, July 6, 1772, patronage is solicited, and it is promised 'that gentlemen and ladies who choose to encourage this new, useful, and expen- sive undertaking, may depend upon good usage, and that the coach will al- ways put up at houses on the road where the best entertainment is provided.' Notice was given, that ' the coaches will leave New York and Boston, on their next trip, on Monday, July 13, and arrive at each of those places on Satur- day the 25th,' occupying thirteen days in going from one place to the other. The mail stage now goes from Boston to New York in 34 hours, and to Phil- adelphia in 44 hours. A person might reach the former city in 24 hours by public conveyance. The stage was not continued to the revolution. In 1774, the only regular communication of the town, was by a post, going once a w^eek between Hart- ford and Boston, and occupying six days in the journey. At that time, the mails were carried on horseback in saddlebags. James Adams, who died at Charlemont, at advanced age, and a Mr. Hyde, were long employed on this route, and went through Shrewsbury, Worcester, Leicester, and Springfield. Soon after the removal of the Spy to Worcester, Mr. Thomas made exten- sive arrangements for its distribution. In June, 1775, a post rider set off COMMUNICATION. 265 each Wednesday at noon, who, by hard travelling, arrived at Cambridge the next forenoon, and at Salem by night. Returning, he left Watertown as soon as Edes and Gill's Gazette was published on Tuesday, and reached Wor- cester in the evening. On Wednesday, a post started for Providence, and came back on Saturday. The first Post Office of the town was established, Nov. 15, 1775, under the charge of Isaiah Thomas, receiving and forwarding one mail from the west on Tuesday evening, and one from the east on Friday morning. Nathaniel Mac- carty, who had been apprentice to Mr. Thomas, carried papers and letters to Fitchburg every Wednesday, thence distributed through the north part of the country. The condition of the roads rendered traveling slow, difficult, and dangerous, and intercourse was laborious, tedious, and expensive. The mails were trans- mitted, as almost all passing was performed, on horseback. A journey of an hundred miles was a matter of greater preparation, apprehension, and toil, than one of a thousand would be now. There were few vehicles of any des- cription. The first pleasure carriage which was in the town, is said to have been a chaise, owned by Daniel Waldo, sen., a merchant of Boston, who, after residing some time in Lancaster, removed to Worcester in 1782. The first effort to establish a stage, appears, from an advertisement, June 13, 1782, stating, that ' a gentleman in Boston, having a genteel coach and a span of horses, would be willing to be concerned with some trusty person ca- pable of driving a stage between Boston and Worcester.' The proposal was not accepted. But the project of making a regular communication did not long slumber. Levi Pease, then of Somers, Conn., and Reuben Sikes,^ then of Suffield, 'having furnished themselves with two convenient wagons,' be- gan a business, Oct. 20, 1783, which became most extensive. One wagon started from the sign of the Lamb in Boston, every Monday morning, at 6 1 Levi Tease, sometime of Somers, Conn., afterwards of Boston, became an inhabitant of Shrewsbury, where he died Jan. 28, 1824, aged 84. During the revolution, he served un- der Gen. Thomas, in the Northern department, and in supplying the army with provisions, was often exposed to great danger and hardship. His activity and fidelity recommended him to Gen, Wadsworth, and he was employed in useful service, connected with the opera- tions of the South. He kept tavern for some time in Somers, afterwards in Boston, and final- ly went to Shrewsbury, where he afterwards resided. He was the original projector, for some time the sole proprietor, and long a principal owner, of the stages between Boston and New York. He entered on the enterprise not on- ly unassisted, but discouraged by his friends ; the scheme was considered visionary and ruinous ; and the most judicious, regarded it as being at least a century in advance of the public wants. Reuben Sikes, born in Somers, Conn. July 16, 1755, went to Hartford in 1783, and after about two years residence removed to Wilbraham, where he remained about ten years : was sometime of Suffield, Conn., and in May 1807, came to Worcester, and was long pro- prietor of the hotel, now the Exchange Coffee House. Although much younger than Capt. Pease, the industry, perseverance and enterprise, which marked his character, rendered him fit assistant in the execution of a plan, in its origin bold and hazardous. He was ex- tensively engaged in the establishment and management of stages, and after the retire- ment of his partner, was one of the largest proprietors of that property in New England. He died August 19, 1824, aged 69, not long after his associate. 23* 2G6 COMMUNICATION. o'clock, and stopped for the night at Martin's in Northborough : on Tuesday, going through Worcester, it rested at Rice's in Brookfield: on Wednes- day, it advanced to Pease's, in Somers : and on Thursday reached Hartford, The other, leaving Hartford at the same time, and stopping at the same houses, arrived in Boston in four days. Passengers were carried for 4d. the mile. Mr. Thomas remarks, in the Spy of Oct. 30, ' Should these wagons be encour- aged, it will be of much advantage to the public, as persons who have occa- sion to travel between, or to, or from, either of the places, may be accommo- dated on very reasonable terms, and will not have the trouble and expense of furnishing themselves with horses.' They were encouraged, and the enterpri- sing proprietors, personally acting as drivers and conductors, set about im- provements of their accommodations and arrangements. In May, 1784, they purchased new carriages : Pease, going from the Lion, in Marlborough street, Boston, lodged at Farrar's in Shrewsbury, and the next day exchanged pas- sengers at Spencer with Sikes, who returned by the route of Springfield to Hartford. The customers found their way to New Haven, and thence took sloop navigation to New York. Industry, frugality, devotion to business, and sagacious management, soon made the wagoners and stage drivers wealthy proprietors and great mail contractors. They entered into an arrangement with Talmage Hall and Jacob Brown of Hartford, to extend the stage commu- nication to New Haven, in Nov. 1784.^ In Jan. 1786, the energetic founders had established a line of stages from Portsmouth to Savannah, transporting the several mails. From Boston to Hartford, coaches left the inn of Levi Pease, opposite the Mall, every Monday and Thursday morning, at 5 o'clock : went to Worcester on the first day : 1 The following interesting memoranda, transcribed from the New York Daily Adverti- eer of 1S33, differ somewhat from the account in the text. ' In the year 178G, the first stage carriage that ever was established on the great post road between New York and Hartford, was set up by Jacob Brown, then a resident of Hartford, in the state of Connecticut, and commenced running between Hartford and New Haven. It was a carriage somewhat resembling the coaches of later times, but far inferi- or to most of them in workmanship and appearance, and was drawn by one pair of horses, which performed the whole journey through from one town to the other. The route was upon what is called the middle road, that is by Berlin, Wallingford, ifec. and the journey occupied the daj'. At that time, for a large part of the year, a great proportion of travel- lers from the Eastward to the city of New York, took passage at New Haven, on board the sloops which plied between the two ports, and thus finished their journey by water. The passages varied according to wind and weather, from twelve hours to three days. A con- .•iidcrable part of the road between New Haven and New York, along the shore of the Sound, was extremely rough, rocky, and uncomfortable, and in fact in some places al- most impassible for wheel carriages. After Brown's carriage had run for a year or two, or perhaps more, a man of the name of Hall petitioned the legislature of Connecticut for the exclusive privilege of running stage carriages on the road from New Haven through that state, to Byram river, which was granted, and the stages were established, and run for a number of years, when they passed into other hands. Not far from the same time, an exclusive privilege of running stage carriages from Hartford to the Massachusetts line, between SufliulJ in Connecticut and West Springfield in Massachusetts, on the great post road to Boston, which then passed in that direction, was granted by the legislature of Connecticut to Reuben Sikes, who for many years, in connection with Levi Pease, of Shrewsbury in Massachusetts, and probably with others, kept up the line through to Boston.' COMMUNICATION. 267 on the next day to Palmer : on the third to Hartford : and in three days more arrived at New York. This was the winter arrangement : in summer, the stages run with the mail three times a week, ' by which means,' say the own- ers, ' those who take passage at Boston in the stage which sets off on Mon- day morning, may arrive at New York on the Thursday evening following, and all the mails during the season will be but four days from Boston to New York ;' and a letter adds, ' by this unparalleled speed, a merchant may go from Boston to New York, and return again in less than ten days ; Avhich is truly wonderful.' The advertisement proceeds to remark, that ' it is the most convenient and expeditious way of travelling that can be had in America, and in order to render it the cheapest, the proprietors had lowered their price from 4d. to 3d. the mile, with liberty to passengers to carry 14 pounds weight of baggage.' In July, 1788, notice was given by Levi Pease, that after great expense and fatigue, he had completed the line of stages from Boston to New York ; that the carriages which before were heavy ani uneasy, had been hung upon springs, and would not fatigue more than a common coach : and that to Nov. 1, there would be three stages a week, and from that date to May 1, two the week. From this time onward, the speed of travelling and its facilities were in- creased almost beyond measure.^ It would not be useful to detail further the steps in the progress of a branch of improvement, whose course may be so easily traced by inspection of the newspapers. Stages were placed on almost every road. The lines which centred at Wor- cester, and went out and returned here in 1825, before canal or railroad af- fected this mode of conveyance, are thus enumerated : there were stages, daily to Boston, Hartford, and New York, and to Oxford : three times a toeek, 5 lines to Boston ; 1 to Providence ; 1 through Hardwick to Northampton ; 1 through Brookfield to the same town ; 1 to Springfield ; 1 to Keene ; 1 to East Chelmsford ; 1 to Southbridge ; 1 to Dudley ; twice a iveek, there was a line to Providence ; and there were weekly lines to Athol, to Richmond, N. H. and to Ashburnham. Post riders carried mails twice a week to Pomfret, Conn, and weekly to Thompson, Conn. : others without mails went to Con- cord, Charlton, and Oxford. In 1831, it was estimated that the average amount of travelling in stages between Boston and Worcester, was equal to 22,360 passages per annum, for which the lowest price of fare was two dollars, and the shortest time six hours. 1 The improvement in the rate of motion in England, has been as great as in the United States. An advertisement of stage coaches in the Newcastle Courant of 1712, says, ' All that desire to pass from Edinbro' to London, or from London to Edinbro', or any place on that road, let them repair to Mr. John Bailie's at the Coach and Horses, at the head of Cannongate, Edinbro', every other Saturday, or to the Black Swan, in Holborn, every oth- er Monday: at both of which places, ■^.hey may be received in a stage coach, which per- forms the whole journey in thirteen days, without any stoppage, if God permits, having 80 able horses to perform the whole stage.' A late English paper states that the Mail coach from Edinburgh to London has been through in 40 hours. 268 MANUFACTXJKES. The suLjoincd list exhibits an account of the different lines of stages in September, 183G, and the number of times each arrives and departs weekly. Stage to Weekly. Stage to Weekly. Boston, Mail, 7 Springfield, 6 " Accommodation, 3 Northampton, 6 '« Springfield Mail, 3 Amherst, 6 Hartford, Southern Mail, 7 Keene, 6 •« Tremont Line, 6 Brattleborough, 6 " Citizens, 6 North Brookfield, 3 «« Telegraph, 6 Barre, 3 Providence, 6 Greenfield, 6 Lowell, 6 Millbury, 12 Norwich, 6 Leicester, 12 The stage books gave the total receipts of three lines for the year ending April 1, 1835, thus : from Worcester to Springfield $8,699 : to Northampton 813,086: by the way of Amherst $3,131: amounting in the whole to $24,915. It was estimated that the number of passengers annually carried between Worcester and Hartford was 30,000. MANUFArxuREs. Before the revolution, and for a long period after its conclusion, the manufactures of the town were very inconsiderable. AVorks for making potash were first established in the north part of the town, about 1760; buildings for similar purposes were placed on Lincoln street, by John Nazro, about ten years after : four more were erected at much later periods : but all have long since been destroyed. The distillation of rye, to an extent not only sufficient for home consump- tion, but affording some surplus for exportation, was early commenced, but was not successful. In 1780, an association was formed, for the purpose of spinning and weav- ing cotton. In February, it was stated in the Spy, that a subscription was making for defraying the expenses of a jenny. Mr. Thomas announces, under date April 30, that ' on Tuesday last, the first piece of corduroy made at the manufactory in this town was taken from the loom. Good judges speak high- ly of it, as superior to English. The carding machine, which is a great curi- osity, as well as is the spinning machine, has been completed some time. In a little time it is hoped, the corduroys, jeans, &c. made in this town will be sufficient to supply the country.' The proprietors, it is said, in December, ' had lately erected buildings, and taken other measures to carry on business extensively. A large quantity of fustian, jean, and corduroy are for sale now, lasting longer, and retaining color and beauty better, than the foreign.' These articles, with the addition of ' federal rib and cotton,' were advertised by Sam- uel Brazer, in May, 1790. The site of the establishment was on the stream a short distance below the Court Mills. Want of profit or perseverance, in- duced the owners to forego their brilliant anticipations, and the manufactory edifice, removed to Main street, was long after known as the ' Green store.' Paper was made by Mr. Thomas in 1794, on the Blackstone river. The mill then erected was afterwards leased and finally sold to Elijah Burbank, TEADE. 269 and the business, continued by him until 1834, has since been extended by the Quinsigamond Paper Company. A card manufactory was commenced by Daniel Denny in 1798. Peter and Ebenezer Stowell, in Oct. 1804, commenced weaving carpets and plaids, and at one time, had six looms of their own invention and construc- tion in operation. They pursued, at the same time, the business of printing calicos, and built shearing machines, superseded in use, in latter days, by those of more perfect operation. Abel Stowell, carried on a very extensive manufacture of tower and church clocks, and many now remain to attest the value of his handiwork, and mark the hours of the present generation. In 1803, Joshua Hale began the carding of wool in the south part of the town, and in 1810, erected a cotton factory, which, though of humble extent in comparison with the immense structures of the mill owners of the valley of the Blackstone, was considered a great enterprise a quarter of a century ago. During the last ten years the water power of the town has been made to have more than double the former capacity, by the establishment of reservoirs, and is susceptibfc of being increased to great extent by the same means. There are now 2 mills manufacturing broadcloths: 6 making satinets : 1 For cotton sheeting and shirting : 2 for satinet warps : 1 for pelisse wadding : 2 for paper. There are seven extensive establishments for building machin- ery : one wire factory : an iron foundry : and manufactories of sashes, doors, and blinds : of lead aqueduct pipe : of paper hangings : of cabinet furniture : of chairs : of brushes : of trunks and harnesses : of ploughs : of hats : of shoes : of watches : of umbrellas : of cutlery : of piano fortes : and many oth- er articles of utility or ornament. The amount of production in the differ- ent branches of manufacturing industry is very great, and constantly in- creasing.^ Trade. Where almost every hand and head is busy in some branch of in- dustry, and employments are multiplied and various, it has been found im- possible to state in figures the amount of capital employed, or the precise re- sults on general wealth. Some aid is afforded in estimating the amount of business by the annual receipts of the Post Office. They are returned as follows : Years. 1825. 1S2G. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. Receipts. $713 844 961 1008 1141 1332 1338 1469 1743 2053 2294 2827 The number of dwelling houses, stores, and factories, erected in the town within the two last years, has been estimated to exceed three hundred : the stores and warehouses actually occupied are upwards of ninety : The principal articles of import are grain, flour, lumber, coal, salt, lime, gypsum, oil, iron, lead, hardware, dry goods, groceries, paints, dye stuffs, cotton and wool : of exports, ship timber, bricks, machinery, wooden ware, castings, cotton and woolen goods, paper, shoes, chairs. 1 An eflFort has been made to ascertain the amount of manufactures of the town : but sufficient information has not been obtained to make an estimate with accuracy. Some details in relation to manufactures, trade, and business, will be found in the appendix. 270 MEDICAL SOCIETY. CHAPTER XVII. Societies and Institutions. Medical District Society. Antiquarian Society. Agricultu- ral Society. Historical Society. Atheneum. Banks. Insurance Companies. Savings Institution. Various Associations. Military Companies. Newspapers and Periodicals. Many of the societies meeting, acting and having a kind of residence here, belong to the county or country, rather than the town : yet, they are so closely connected with Worcester, that they could not properly be passed by in its history. Worcester Medical Society. A medical association was first formed in the county of Worcester, August, 1784, of which Dr. Samuel Prentice was Secretary, but it soon died, leaving no records for the historian. The Mass. Medical Society, intended to produce that harmony and mutual effort necessary to elevate the profession to the standing and usefulness which the interests of the community required, failed of its object, by the limitation of its members to eighty in Massachusetts and Maine, and the restriction on their consultations with any, except those who obtained the qualifications they required. By the exertions of Dr. Oliver Fiske, the most repectable and influential physicians of the county assembled, and formed the Worces- ter Medical Society, Dec. 18, 1794. Dr. John Frink of Rutland, was elected President, and Dr. Fiske of Worcester, Secretary. At an early meet- ing, a petition was preferred to the Legislature for incorporation, referred to a joint committee of physicians, and resulted in an arrangement to enlarge the numbers of the general society, and a proposal to create district associa- tions. This system, removing the evils which had been felt, and mutually satisfactory, was carried into effect, and on the 26th of Sept. 1804, the Wor- cester District Society was organized. The succession of Presidents has been as follows : 1794, John Frink : 1804, Israel Atherton : 1806, Oliver Fiske : 1807, Thomas Babbitt: 1813. Abraham Haskell: 1814, Jonathan Osgood; 1820, Abraham Haskell: 1825, Stephen Bacheller: 1830, John Green. The Society have a very valuable library of about 400 volumes of works of professional use. The American A>rTiQUARiAN Society. This institution, having for its object the collection and preservation of materials for the history of the western continent, was founded by Isaiah Thomas, LL. D. In the prepara- tion of his work on printing, he had gathered the relics of the departed cen- turies, with curious illustrations of the literature of former times, at an ex- pense few antiquarians could have bestowed, and with diligence and care none other would have devoted. Feeling the good the experience of the past may convey to the future, it was his design to save the seeds of knowledge gath- ered in successive centuries, to yield their increase in those which may succeed; and by perpetuating the memorials of the present, to enable other generations to become wiser and happier by the experiments of their predecessors. Con- necting with himself many friends of improvement and lovers of history, an ANTIQUARIAN AND AGBICULTURAL SOCIETIES. 271 association was formed by his exertions, Incorporated by the Legislature of Massachusetts, Oct. 12, 1812. The centre building of Antiquarian Hall, erect- ed at his expense, in 1820, with the land on which it stands, was presented by him to the society. The first volume of transactions, relating principally to the fortifications, mounds and antiquities of the extinct nations of the west, was published, in 1820, at his charge. On his decease, by munificent be- quests, he provided for the support of the institution he had established, and for the promotion of its great purposes. In the second volume of transac- tions, published in Sept. 1836, are inserted, an extended and profound disser- tation on Indian history and languages, by Hon. Albert Gallatin, and the Me- moir of the Chistian Indians, by Daniel Gookin, so frequently referred to in former pages. The Library, estimated to contain 12,000 volumes, includes the collections of Mr. Thomas, a large portion of the books of the Mathers, many in the German language, bequeathed by Dr. Bentley of Salem, a vast mass of tracts and manuscripts, and the best series of American newspapers preserved in the country. There is a valuable cabinet illustrative of antiqui- ties and natural history. Two stated meetings of the society are held annu- ally ; one in Boston, on the old election day in May ; the other for the elec- tion of officers, in Worcester, in October, on the anniversary of the landing of Columbus. The number of American members is limited to 140 ; many distinguished foreigners are enrolled on the catalogue by honorary elections. The funds, amounting to about $22,000, are appropriated to the support of a librarian, the purchase of books, the exploration of antiquities, and the other specific purposes designated by the munificent donor. The institution has been managed on the most liberal plan : its collections have been kept open to the public freely, and have been much frequented by strangers and scholars.^ Worcester Agricultural Society. This most excellent institution was incorporated, Feb. 23, 1818.^ At the first meeting, March 11, 1818, for the purpose of forming a fund to be sacredly appropriated for the promotion of agriculture, the contribution of five dollars was required from each member on admission. In December following, Levi Lincoln, Daniel Waldo, and Edward D. Bangs, were appointed a committee, to ask for legislative bounty, who presented a petition at the next session. In consequence of this applica- tion, and other similar memorials, the Act of Feb. 20, 1819, granted from 1 These officers have been elected: Presidents; 1812, Isaiah Thomas: 1831, Thomas L. Winthrop. Vice Tresidents ; 1812, William D. Peck : 1813, William Paine: 1816, Aaron Bancroft, Timothy Bigelow : 1821, DeWit Clinton : 1828, Thomas L. Winthrop : 1831, John Davis, Joseph Story. Treasurers; 1813, Levi Lincoln : 1814, Isaiah Thomas, jr. : 1819, Na- thaniel Maccarty : 1829, Samuel Jennison. Corresponding Secretaries ; 1812, ThaddeusM. Harris: 1814, Samuel M. Burnside : 1816, Abiel Holmes : 1826, William Lincoln, for do- mestic correspondence : 1832, Edward Everett, for foreign correspondence. The late C. C. Baldwin, was librarian from April 1832, to his death in August 1835. Maturin L. Fisher, has been acting librarian since that date. 2 Before the revolution, cattle fairs were held annually at Hardwick. The Shrewsbury Agricultural Society, and the Brookfield Association of Husbandmen, preceded the society of the county. 272 HISTORICAL SOCIETY. the state treasury, to each agricultural society, $200 annually for six years, for every thousand dollars of funds they had raised ; with the limitation, that the sum thus drawn, should not exceed $600 the year. The full amount of the munificent appropriation of the government, since extended for a longer t)eriod, has been received by the association, and an amount nearly equal dis- tributed in premiums, or applied to the payment of necessary charges. The exhibitions of cattle and manufactures, in the month of October, beginning in 1819, have been since continued -with increasing interest. The festival has wivcn one quiet spot among the conflicts of excited times, where all sects and parties have met to unite their efforts for the common good. Addresses on these occasions have been delivered by the following gentlemen : Years. Years. 1819. Levi Lincoln, " 1828. William S. Hastings, 1820. Lewis Bigelow, 1829. William Lincoln, 1821. Jonathan Russell, 1830. Ira Barton, 1822. Nathaniel P. Denny, 1831. Oliver Fiske, 1823. Oliver Fiske, 1832. Waldo Flint, 1824. Isaac Goodwin, 1833. Solomon Strong, 1825. George A. Tufts, 1834. Charles Allen, 1826. Emory Washburn, 1835. Stephen Salisbury, 1827. Pliny Merrick, 1836. James G. Carter. The amount of funds and of monies paid as premiums, in years ending with the annual meeting in April, are as follows : Years, 1820. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. _1833. 1834. 1835. 1836, Funds, $2955 4636 4880 5100 5378 6739 6036 6645*6942 7352 7683 7938 Premiums, $434 492 687 536 414 417 391 464 476 476 480 494 The following officers have been elected ; Presidents, 1818, Le\d Lincoln, sen. : 1820, Daniel Waldo: 1824, Levi Lincoln; Treasurer, 1818, Theoph- ilus Wheeler : Cor. Secretaries, 1818, Levi Lincoln: 1824, Oliver Fiske: Recording Secretaries, 1818, Abraham Lincoln; 1819, Edward D. Bangs : 1823, William D. Wheeler ; 1834, Charles G. Prentiss ; 1836, Edwin Conant. The Worcester Historical Society, incorporated Feb. 19, 1831, was formed for the purpose of collecting and preserving all materials necessary for compiling a full account of the history, statistics, and geography of the coun- ty. It requires, as evidence of qualification for membership, the publication of some work, or some practical exertion in aid of these objects, Hon. John Davis has been president since the organization.-^ 1 The Centennial anniversary of the erection of Worcester county, was celebrated by this society Oct. 4, 1831. The first Court of Common Pleas was opened Aug. 10, 1731 : and the Supreme Court of Judicature was held Sept. 22, 1731. It was deemed equally proper to commemorate either of the leading events of the first year of the century. Having re- gard to the attendance of the citizens, and from other considerations, the first day of the session of the Supreme Judicial Court in 1831 was selected, and the centennial anniversa- ry of the sitting of that tribunal was commemorated, on Tuesday, Oct. 4, although the date was not precisely coincident with the return of the judicial term. The Addi-ess was delivered by Hon. John Davis, and, with a particular account of the ceremonies, is deposi- ted in the Am. Anticjuarian Society's Collections. BANKS. INSTTEAKCE. 273 The Worcester County Atheneum, was incorporated, March 12, 1830, with the intention of forming a full library for general use. Thirty four pro- prietors purchased shares, at the price of twenty five dollars each, subject to an annual assessment of two dollars. About 3000 volumes of works of gen- eral literature have been gathered, making a foundation for an extensive col- lection in future time. The library is now kept in one of the rooms of Anti- quarian Hall, appropriated for the purpose. The Rev. George Allen has been President : Frederick "VV. Paine, Treas- urer : and William Lincoln, Secretary, from the organization. The Worcester Bank, was originally incorporated with a capital of $200,000, March 7, 1804, and its charter has been renewed, in 1811 and 1831. The first President was Daniel Waldo, sen. chosen 1804, who declined the office in October following, when Daniel Waldo was elected his successor, and has since been at the head of the institution. The Cashiers have been : 1804, Levi Thaxter : 1806, Robert Breck Brigham : 1812, Samuel Jennison. The Central Bank, was incorporated March 12, 1828, with a capital of $100,000. Benjamin Butman was President to the autumn of 1836, when Thomas Kinnicutt was elected. The Cashiers have been; 1828, Otis Cor- bett ; 1829, George A. Trumbull: 1836, William Dickinson. The QuiNsiGAMOND Bank, chartered March 25, 1833, has a capital of $100,000. Its Presidents have been : 1833, Alfred D.Foster: 1836, Isaac Davis. Charles A. Hamilton has been Cashier. The Citizens Bank, was incorporated April 9, 1836, with $500,000 cap- ital, and went into operation in October following. Benjamin Butman is President, Geo. A. Trumbull, Cashier, and Rhodes B. Chapman, Accountant. The Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Company, was incorporated Feb. 11, 1823. Its powers are vested in a president, treasurer, secretary, and eight directors, elected at the annual meeting on the second Wednesday of December. The following has been the succession of the principal officers : Presidents ; 1824, Rejoice Newton ; 1831, Frederick W. Paine; Secretaries ; 1824, Henry K. Newcomb, William D. Wheeler: 1827, Isaac Goodwin: 1832, Anthony Chase. The table below shows the extension and progress of its business. Premiums received. $2169 86 2675 56 2845 00 2159 34 2374 71 3190 28 2880 86 4653 90 5973 43 9343 75 8403 90 10750 62 24 Years, year. J.UIU1 ctllU. insured. 1824. $153815 $153815 1825. 179786 333601 1826. 190304 523906 1827. 135800 659706 1828. 157643 817350 1829. 188009 1005359 1830. 180353 1185712 1831. 372352 1404249 1832. 478482 1702994 1833. 701933 2214623 1834. 583449 2662272 1835. 778642 3283270 Expenses. Losses. . Cash Funds. $610 79 — 392 65 — — 295 90 — — _ 394 60 — __ 317 27 $1800 414 83 415 499 80 2414 637 49 1000 $15885 11 808 00 325 21991 80 935 35 4850 26400 24 838 80 430 34904 31 1132 40 374 46603 50 274 SAVINGS INSTITUTION. As the association is formed for mutual security, and not for profit, there are strictlj' speaking no dividends. The average of amounts returned to the insurers on the expiration of policies, have been : in 1831, 77i cents of each dollar paid as premium: in 1832,82^: in 1833, 81^: in 1834, 83 .J: in 1835, 90i. The MANUFACTriiEKS Mutual Fire Insurance Company, founded on that principle of giving mutual security expressed by its name, was incorpor- ated Feb. 2.3, 1834. Two millions of dollars were subscribed and are held as a fund, liable to assessment for losses. The company commenced business, Aug. 5, 1834, by issuing policies on the property of manufacturing establish- ments. By an act additional to the charter, the corporation were authorized to effect insurance on buildings, public and private, except dwelling houses not connected with manufactories, within the United States. The statements below include the business of years ending Oct. 1. Years. Insured. Premiums. Expenses. Losses. Cash funds. 1834. $381222 $3318 _ _ _ 1835. 2063301 22352 $3140 $6712 $16160 1836. 5000000 48126 3016 19100 30686 The dividends of returned premiums in 1835, were 55^ : in 1836, 65 J. The concerns are managed by a president, twelve directors, and a secretary. The former and latter have been these : Presidents ; 1834, David T. Brigham : 1835, Harvey Blashfield : Secretaries ; 1834, Edward H. Hemenway : 1835, Samuel Allen. There is an agency of the Springfield Insurance Company in Worcester. The Worcester County Institution for Savings, was incorporated February 8, and organized April 17, 1828. A president, secretary, treasurer, twelve vice presidents, and twenty-four trustees, chosen at the annual meet- ings, have the general charge of the institution, and make examination of its concerns by monthly committees. The funds are loaned and invested by a board selected by the trustees. The statement annexed, shows the condition of this most useful institution in years terminating in April. 1829, 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 183G. Depositors, 105 251 400 678 913 1128 1442 1860 Deposites, $6263 13645 32032 68994 109983 151797 202477 276388 It appears from the annual returns made to the Secretary of the Common- wealth, that the whole expenses of the institution, during the current year, when the funds have increased to nearly $300,000, were $641, only. From the commencement, not a dollar of the investments have been lost. Daniel Waldo has been President, and Samuel Jennison, Treasurer, from the organization. Isaac Goodwin was Secretary to August, 1832, and Wil- liam Lincoln has held that office since. The multitude of unchartered associations is too great for separate enumer- ation. There are societies for the promotion of sabbath schools; of temper- ance ; of missionary purposes ; of moral reform ; of education ; of charity ; of science : there are others for mutual protection against the calamity of fire; BIBLE SOCIETY. WORCESTER LYCEUM. 275 for punishing depredations on orchards and gardens ; for the prevention and detection of theft ; for improvement in music, and for many other benevolent or useful purposes. Among these, the Bible Society and the Lyceum are probably the only ones requiring particular notice. The Auxiliary Bible Society was organized Sept. 7, 1815. The set- tled ministers of the gospel in the county, of every denomination, are entitled to membership ex officio. The payment of one dollar annually constitutes a member while the contribution is continued, and of ten dollars gives the priv- ileges for life. So well have the people of the county been supplied with the sacred scriptures, that during the first ten years of its existence, the society, furnishing the indigent in a population of about 80000 gratuitously, and seeking for those who are destitute, had distributed only 740 bibles, and 77 testaments. During this period, about $2000 had been collected. In 1822, the association having become a branch of the American Bible Society, paid over $50u in one sum, and subsequently transferred to that noble insti- tution a fund of $1000, which had been invested on interest. Within the last period of ten years, increased population and accessions of foreigners have rendered the distribution of the scriptures greater, and the better means and deeper interest of the charitable in the objects of the society swelled the dona- tions. From the latest annual report which has been published, it appears that, for the year ending Oct. 1, 1834, the receipts were $2353 : the amount paid to the national society for the purchase of books $334 : and as free gift $1722 : the number of bibles issued were 267, of testaments 683.^ Worcester Lyceum. This society was formed Nov. 4, 1829, for mutual instruction and improvement. The management of the common concerns is confided to a president, treasurer, secretary, and an executive committee of eight members, elected by ballot, at the annual meeting, first held in No- vember, and recently on the last Thursday of March. Lectures are delivered on each Thursday evening during the months from October to March. Oc- casional courses on the sciences, have been given by distinguished teachers. During the first years of the association, classes were formed among the mem- bers for acquiring practical knowledge, and their exercises were pursued with pleasure and benefit. Membership is gained by any person of good moral character, on the pay. ment of one dollar, at the commencement of the year ; by those from eighteen to twenty-one, on the annual contribution of seventy-five cents ; and any one between the ages of twelve and eighteen years, on the deposit of fifty cents, becomes entitled to all the advantages and means of improvement of the in- stitution. 1 he Lyceum is possessed of a good chemical apparatus, and a well-selected library of about 500 volumes, beneficially and extensively used by the young iThe Presidents have been; 1815, Joseph Allen: 1822, Aaron Bancroft: 1824, Jonas Kendall: 1827, Levi Lincoln: 1834, John Davis. Treasurer^, 1815, Benjamin Hey wood : 1817, Samuel Allen: 1820, William Jennison : 1824, Charles Allen : 1830, Benjamin But- rnan. Secretaries, ISlo, Nathaniel Thayer: 1818, Lemuel Capen : 1819, Joseph Allen, of Northborough : 1829, George Allen : 1832, Alfred D. Foster. 276 MILITARY COMPANIES. artizans and operatives of the village. By a provision of the constitution, no alienation of the property is to be made : to secure its preservation during any suspension of the society, the selectmen are authorized to deposit the collections with some incorporated literary institution of the town, to be held in trust, and transferred to some new association for similar purposes. The number of members in 1830, was 276 : in 1831, 120 ; in 1832, 191 : in 1833,171 : in 1834, 181 ; in 1835, 190. But these numbers do not indicate the attendance ; the great hall of the Town House has been thronged with a continually increasing crowd ; and the institution, sustained by popular favor, has been an example of the successful diffusion of learning by the cheapest possible medium of communication. The officers have been these: Presidents: 1829, Jonathan Going; 1832, John Park; 1836, Alfred Dwight Foster. Secretaries: 1829, Anthony Chase ; 1832, Horatio L. Carter ; 1833, Warren Lazell. Military Companies. Soon after the garrisons of the first planters, formed from the neighborhood, ceased to be kept, a military company was formed to act against the Indian enemies, who had united themselves with the French, and retiring to a distance, made frequent invasions. Daniel Hey wood was elected and long remained captain. There are some slight traces of its existence, in 1725, but it cannot be certainly stated that it began 80 early. In 1760, there were two bodies of militia, one numbering 59, and the other 48, under Capt. John Johnson and Capt. James Goodwin. About 1783, the Worcester Artillery was formed, of volunteers, and Wil- liam Trcadwell ^ elected Captain. This corps, the oldest of the martial associations of the town, is now commanded by Capt. Josiah G. Perry, and has two six pounders granted by the state for its use. The Independent Cadets, under Capt. Thomas Chandler, was formed during the war with France in 1798, and on its conclusion, was disbanded. The Worcester Liglit In f antri/ -psiraded. for the first time, in May 1804, under Captain Levi Thaxter. The commanding officers have been, Levi Thaxter, Enoch Flagg, William E. Green, Isaac Sturtevant, John W. Lincoln, Sewall Hamilton, John Coolidge, Samuel Ward, Artemas Ward, John Whittemore, Charles A. Hamilton, William S. Lincoln, Charles H. Gecr. The Worcester Rife Corps, established in 1823, was disbanded in 1835. The numbers doing duty in volunteer companies during 1835 and 1836, has been about 50 ; there are two large companies of militia, with a force of more than 200 men. 1 Major William Treadwell, one of the most gallant of the officers of the army of the rero- lution, entered the service at an early age, and was distinguished for lion-hearted courage. He had an enthusiastic love of danger. Twice, when his own division was at rest, he ob- tained leave of absence and joined another corps on the eve of battle. While the shot of the enemy struck around him, the testimony of a cotemporary states, he would consider with the most delibt-rate coolness the direction of his own guns, look over the sights to give the best aim, and after the discharge, spring upon the cannon to see the effect. He retired with honorable scars and rank, to a condition of poverty, that drove him to de- spair, and died broken-hearted, April 14, 1795, aged 46. NEWSPAPEKS. 277 NEAVSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, The Massachusetts Spy, established in Boston by Isaiah Thomas, in July, 1770, was first issued in Worcester, May 3, 1775, and has preserved the series of its numbers unbroken to the sixty-fifth volume and year of its exis- tence, having long since reached the venerable rank of the oldest paper in Massachusetts, where the printing of newspapers began. Daniel Bigelow and William Stearns, two gentlemen of the legal profession, became lessees, June 27, 1776: finding the labors inconsistent with their appropriate business, they transferred the right of publication to Anthony Haswell, afterwards con- ductor of the Vermont Gazette, Aug. 14, 1 777. The press was resumed by Mr. Thomas in June, 1778, and retained until 1 02, when it was resigned to Isaiah Thomas, Jr. After some changes of ownership, in 1819, it was pur- chased by William Manning and George A. Trumbull, and in 1823, John Milton Earle became editor, and has since continued the principal or sole proprietor. The Massachusetts Herald or W^orcester Journal, a small paper of four quarto pages, was issued by Isaiah Thomas, Sept. 6, 1783, and intended by the publisher, as a Saturday abridgement of his larger sheet. The adver- tisement states ' that if it should fail of being properly nurtured by the public, it will, as it is a rib taken from the Spy, be again replaced, without murmur or complaint.' Public patronage did not sustain the undertaking, and it was abandoned after the fourth number. American Herald and Worcester Recorder. The Herald, which had been published in Boston during seven preceding years, was removed to Worcester, Aug. 21, 1788, and issued on Thursdays, by Edward Eveleth Powers, who united the trade of bookseller with that of printer. The paper was decorated with an agricultural device, and bore the motto, ' vene- rate the plough ' ; professed perfect impartiality in politics ; promised intel- ligence in rural economy ; and was marked by no distinct character : after two years and two months, it was discontinued. The Independent Gazetteer, the fourth newspaper of Worcester, was commenced Jan. 7, 1800, and published by Nahum Mower and Daniel Greenleaf, until the 7th of October succeeding, when the partnership of the proprietors was dissolved, and the publication was continued by the latter, through two years. When this period was completed, the list of subscribers was transferred to the conductor of the Spy. The National ^gis, was established in support of the policy of Mr. Jefferson, amid the fiercest warfare of the great parties organized at the com- mencement of the present century. Subscriptions were obtained among the ardent politicians in the vicinity and in Boston, amounting to about $1200, for the purchase of a press and printing materials.^ Proposals, bearing inter- nal evidence of the authorship of Hon. Francis Blake, were sent out Sept. 8, 1 Among the subscriptions were these : Benjamin Austin, $150 ; James Sullivan, $100 ; James Prince, $100 ; Jonathan L. Austin, $100 ; Levi Lincoln, sen. $100 ; William Eustia, $45 ; William Jarvis, $45. 24* 2 78 NEWSPAPERS. 1801, detailing the plan afterwards executed inspirited manner by himself and others ; the paper was to be devoted to the defence of the national ad- ministration, and unceasing opposition to its enemies ; the last page, called *' the Olio," was assigned as a separate department for literary essays, and se- lections. The first number appeared Dec. 2, 1801. Deriving its name from the arms of Minerva, the front exhibited the figure of the mythologic goddess of wisdom, grasping the spear in one hand, and resting the other on the shield, bearing the device of the gorgon's head, wreathed with olive branches. Mr. Blake, as editor, gave high character to the print, and many of the ablest writers of the county cooperated with its gifted conductor, to influence and direct public sentiment. This arrangement continued until 1804, when Mr. Blake retired. In December, 1805, the whole property was attached under a claim growing out of debts of the printer, Samuel Catting, and the publi- cation suspended. The democratic citizens, roused to exertion, procured new apparatus, which they vested in trustees, and the ^Egis again appeared, Feb. 19, 1806, in deplorable dishabille for a time, but soon regained neatness and beauty. A new calamity occurred to interrupt its prosperity. On Sunday, the 6th of July, during the hours of worship, a part of the types were re- moved, and the sheets, impressed on one side, carried away by Cotting, who, on the next Wednesday, in his individual capacity, sent out the paper in handsome form, while the trustees of the subscription fund were scarcely able to communicate their misfortune. A curious state followed, realizing the confusion of external identity, imagined in the Comedy of Errors. Two papers were published in the same town, on the same day, claiming to be ' the true ^Egis.' A contest painful to retrace ensued, disturbing the repose of the village, proceeding almost from words to blows in private discussion, and furnishing subjects for judicial investigation. The good sense of the com- munity, for a time amused by the bitter feeling of the combatants, and the personal insult degrading pages which should have been devoted to common improvement, at length acted on the source of the commotion, and after a few months of infamous existence, the false print disappeared. After some changes, the -Egis, in 1807, went into the hands of Henry Rogers, then late of Hartford, who was publisher until the close of 1824, when Chailes Griffin became partner with him. In July, 1833, it was united with the Yeoman, and became merged with that print not long after.* The Massachusetts Yeoman was commenced Sept. 3, 1823, by Austin Denny, Esq., who continued to be sole or principal editor, proprietor, and 1 Among tlie ciHtors of the .Egis, at different periods, were Francis Blake, Edward Bangs, Levi Lincoln, Samuel Brazer, William Charles While, Enoch Lincoln, Edward D. Bangs, Pliny Merrick, William Lincoln. Christopher C. Baldwin, William N. Green. A paper borrowing its descriptive appellation from the worst of reptiles, the Scorpion, came out July 2G, 1SU9, and on successive Wednesdays, without the name of printer or publislKT. resembling those abusive periodicals serving as safety valves to convey away the ft-rmonting malignity of base hearts. Its existence was evidence of the unlimited freedom of the press, and its speedy suppression, an instance of the power of public opin- ion to restrain its licentiousness, and of the healthy tone of moral sentiment amid the violence of party hostility, crushing the slanderer under the weight of general contempt. PERIODICALS. 279 publisher, until his decease. It was issued on Saturday. In July, 1833, it was united with the ^-Egis, and in January following, the title Avas changed and the existence of the paper ceased. The Worcester Republican was established in 1829, by Jubal Har- rington, and has been under the management of that gentleman, except dur- ing short intervals. The Worcester Palladium succeeded to the ^-Egis and Yeoman. It was commenced in January, 1834, and has continued under the editorial care of Mr. J. S. C. Knowlton. The Worcester Weekly Magazine. An act of Massachusetts, March, 1785, imposing a duty of two thirds of a penny on newspapers, and a penny on almanacs, which were to be stamped, was so unpopular from its very name, that it was repealed before it went into operation, and as a substitute, for the purposes of revenue, a tax was levied on all advertisements inserted in the public journals. This was regarded by Mr. Thomas as an undue restraint on the press. He suspended the publication of the Spy during the two years the act was in force, and printed a periodical in octavo form, with the name at the head of this article, beginning in the first week of April, 1786, and ending the fourth volume on the last of March, 1788. The Worcester Mac;azine and Historical Journal, was published by William Lincoln and Christopher C. Baldwin, in 1825 and 1826: the num- bers of the first volume were issued twice a month, and those of the second once a month : It was intended to contain a particular history of each town of the county. Notices of Templeton, Sterling, Shrewsbury, Leicester, North- borough, West Boj'lston, Paxton, and Lancaster, and a general view of Wor- cester county, were furnished by different writers. At the expiration of a year the work was discontinued. The Worcester Talisman, a literary and miscellaneous journal, consist- ing principally of selections, was published on Saturday, during the year after April 5, 1828, on an octavo sheet, forming one volume, by Messrs. Dorr and Howland, and was continued to Oct. 15, 1829, in quarto form, by John Milton Earle. The Family Visitor, a religious quarto, was published weekly by Moses W. Grout during a few months of 1832 ; but was soon discontinued.^ 1 Printing was formerly carried on by Isaiah Thomas to an extent, which, relatively to the general state of business at the period, was immense, and would be considered as great, even in comparison with the rapid publication of recent years. Seven of his presses were worked under his immediate direction, and the number of persons employed by him, in paper making, printing, binding, and the branches of bookmaking and selling, was about 150. There are in 1836, four printing offices. The books belonging to the societies and associations, number about 20,000 volumes: probably those in private libraries would exceed 50,000 volumes. The number of newspapers and periodicals circulated in the town, is greater than the whole amount printed in the state before the revolution. In no community are the facili- ties of instruction and information greater ; and there can be few where they are better improved. 280 TOPOGRAPHY AND HISTORY CHAPTER XVIII. Situation. Boundaries. Extent. Divisions. Streets and Roads. Turopikes. Black- stone Canal. Railroads. Public Buildings. Public Lands. Burial Places. Face of the town. Ponds. Streams. Hills. Mines and Minerals. Situation. Worcester, the shire town of the county, is situated 40 miles westward from Boston, 40 N. N. W. from Providence, 60 miles E. N. E. from Hartford, about 50 miles from Northampton, the nearest point on Con- necticut river, and 394 from Washington. From the boundary of New Hamp- shire, in the shortest direction, the town is distant about 30 miles ; from that of New York, about 70 ; from Rhode Island, about 20 ; from the tide waters of Boston Harbor, about 40 miles. Lines drawn on the map, intersecting each other at Worcester, Boston, and Providence, would form a triangle al- most equilateral. The north latitude of Antiquarian Hall, ascertained by Robert Treat Paine, Esq. is 42° 16' 9" : the west longitude, computed from observation on the annular eclipse of the sun in February, 1831, by that gen- tleman, in degrees, is 71°, 49', in time, 4h. 47m. 16s. The elevation above the ocean, as estimated by the engineer of the Black- stone Canal, at Thomas street, near the centre of the village, is 451 feet : the elevation of Main street above Charles street in Boston, is stated by Mr. Fes- senden at 456 feet. Boundaries and Extent. The town is bounded, on the north principal- ly by Holden, touching at the northwest corner on Paxton, and at the north- east extremity of the line, on West Boylston ; east by West Boylston and Shrewsbury, and for a short distance at the southeast corner by Grafton: south, by Millbury and Ward : west by Leicester, and at the southwest cor- ner borders on Ward. The area contained within these lines, is about thirty six square miles : or more exactly, 22842 acres ; about 600 acres are covered with water : 700 used for roads; 1925 are estimated to be occupied as tillage ; 5683 as mow- ing ; 10262 as pasture; 3730 with wood ; and about 1000 are unimproved. Divisions. The town is separated into twelve school districts, having permanent boundaries : the centre is marked 1 : directly west is that desig- nated 2 : next south of this is 3 : the others are numbered in regular succes- sion, circling around the centre district, with the exception of 12, which was formed by partition of an original district, and lies between those distinguish- ed as 9 and 10, disturbing the symmetry of the arrangement. The principal village, so surrounded by hills that it is scarcely seen by the stranger until he enters its streets, has extended but little south of the terri- torial centre on which the founders seem to have designed it should be plan- STREETS. TURNPIKES. 281 ted. The description of Dr. D wight/ about 1812, has not ceased to be cor- rect ; ' the houses are generally well built : frequently handsome : and very rarely small, old, or unrepaired. Few towns in New England exhibit so uni- form an appearance of neatness and taste, or contain so great a proportion of good buildings, and so small a proportion of those which are indifferent, as Worcester.' Villages have grown up around the manufacturing establishments. Neto Worcester is situated on the road to Leicester : Trowhrulgeville, on the road to Oxford : South Worcester, on that leading to Ward: the Quinsigamond Village, on the Millbury road : Adams Square, upon the old road to Lancas- ter : Norlhville, on the road to West Boylston, Streets. The most ancient passage way through the town is Main street, used in 1674, and constantly traveled over since 1713. It is still the princi- pal avenue of the town, extending about a mile from north to south. It is broad and planted with fine shade trees. ^ Nearly contemporary with the permanent settlement, was the establishment by use, of a road from the Meeting House to Pine meadow, now Front street; of a path to the first burial place, over a part of Summer street ; and the Lan- caster way, through Lincoln street. The roads now Salisbury, Pleasant, Green, and Grafton streets, existed at a very early period. Mechanic street was laid out in 1787. In 180G, Isaiah Thomas made and gave to the inhabitants the street called by his name. It was planted through its whole length with poplars, perhaps fortunately destroyed, soon after, by some malicious person.^ Most of the other streets have been opened within the last five or six years by individuals at their private expense, as the increasing population has ren- dered it desirable to occupy their lands for buildings. The length of roads within the town in 1826, was equal to 82 miles and 88 rods. At present the extent would exceed 100 miles. Turnpikes. At the beginning of the century, great improvements were 1 Dwight's Travels, i. 36G, Letter xxxvi. 2 The time when these beautiful ornaments of the village were first set, appears from an ordinance for their protection, April 7, 1783; 'Whereas, a number of persons have manifL'sted a disposition to set out trees for shade, near the meeting house, and elsewhere about the centre of the town, and the town being very desirous of encouraging such a measure, which will be beneficial as well as ornamental, Voted, that any person being an inhabitant of this town, who shall injure or destroy such trees so set out, shall pay a fine not exceeding 20s. for every offence to the use of the poor.' Other and more strict munici- pal regulations have from time to time been adopted for their preservation. * The following memoranda from the interleaved almanacs of Isaiah Thomas, Esq. show something of the customs of the time. ' 1806. October 6. Finished work on the new street. The selectmen came and surveyed it and laid it out in form. The Light Infantry company, under arms, commanded by Capt. Flagg, marched through it, halted on the bridge, and discharged three vollies. The gentlemen of the street prepared a large tub and two pails full of excellent punch, and the selectmen, at the request of those present, and in conformity to their own proposal, named the street Thomas street. The Infantry company had as much punch as they chose to drink, and all present. Three cheers were given, and the company marched off.' 282 BLACKSTOKE CANAL. made in internal communication by the establishment of these highways. A corporation was chartered for building a turnpike to Stafford, in Connecticut, Feb. 15, 1800 : and March 17, 1806, the Worcester turnpike was incorpora- ted. It was a favorite principle with the engineers of that time, that roads must be carried on a straight line between the points to be connected, with- out any deviation from the direct course to conform to the undulation of the 8urfi\ce. On this plan, the turnpike to Boston, going out from the north end of the village, went through a considerable eminence by a deep cutting, pass- ed a deep valley on a lofty embankment, ascended the steep slope of Mill- stone hill, crossed Quinsigamond by a floating bridge, and climbed to some of the highest elevations of the country it traversed, when inconsiderable circuit would have famished better and less costly route. These undertakings, of great convenience and utility in the period of their construction, have been more beneficial to the public than the proprietors. The Worcester and Fitzwilliam Turnpike, incorporated June 15, 1805, was not completed : the Worcester and Sutton, March 3, 1810, and Worcester and Leicester, Feb. 29, 1812, were not commenced. Blackstone Canal. The project of opening a navigable communication from the waters of Narragansett bay in Rhode Island, to the centre of Massa- chusetts, through the valley of the Blackstone, first engaged public attention in 179G. The author and patron of one of the earliest attempts to connect the interior with the seaboard, by a water highway, was the late John Brown of Providence. The whole weight of his wealth, intelligence, and zeal, were lent to the enterprise. Public meetings were held, and warm interest in the undertaking excited. In Rhode Island, a charter was obtained. The peti- tion of inhabitants of Worcester county, praying for incorporation for the opening of ' inland navigation from the navigable waters near Providence, to the interior parts of Worcester county, and if feasible, to Connecticut river,' was presented at the May session of the General Court of the Commonwealth, in 1796. At the same time, a counter plan, which had the effect, if not the intent, of defeating the former, was started, of constructing a canal from Bos- ton to the Connecticut river : the application for the Providence canal was re- fused, and the projectors, left without power to execute the work, were com- pelled to abandon the undertaking. Surveys were soon after made for the Massachusetts Canal, under the direction of Gen. Henry Knox, and with their conclusion terminated the exertions of the subscribers. In 1822, by a general movement, the plan was revived and subscriptions opened for a survey, completed in October of the same year. Acts of incor- poration were obtained for distinct companies in each state, subsequently uni- ted, July 5, 1825, under the name of the Blackstone Canal Company. In 182 1, the excavation was commenced in Rhode Island; in 1826, the first earth was removed in Massachusetts, near Thomas street. The first boat which passed through the whole extent, arrived at the upper basin, Oct. 7, 1828. lliree Commissioners had been elected in each state, acting in cooperation during the construction : on the union, the same gentlemen were elected on EAIIiROADS. 283 one board : they were Edward Carringlon, Moses B. Ives, and Stephen H. Smith of Providence, John Davis, John W. Lincoln, and Sylvanus Holbrook of Massachusetts. For some time past, Thomas Burgess has had the sole direc- tion. The expense of the work was about 8750,000. Of this amount more than half a million of dollars was paid by the citizens of Rhode Island, and the Avork, projected by the intelligence was principally executed by the capital of our sister state. The canal has been more useful to the public, than to the owners : the amount of transportation, however, has increased. The Boston and Wokcester Railroad was incorporated, June 23, 1831. The road, extending 44 miles eastward, is laid with a single track of edge rails, on cast iron chairs, resting on wooden sleepers, bedded in trenches filled with stone. The cost of construction has been $1500000, including land, la- bor, cars, engines and buildings. Passenger cars, go in each direction, three times daily during the warm months, and twice in the cold season, except on Sundays. The time is from 2^- to 3 hours, including stops at ten places : the fare has been $1,50, but in the autumn of 1836, was raised to 82. The freight of merchandize from Boston to Worcester, by the ton, is $3,50 : from Wor- cester to Boston $3. A branch railroad is soon to be laid to Millbury. About a mile from the depot on Main street, the road passes through a deep cutting of the slate rock, about 30 feet in its greatest depth, and extend- ing about 30 rods. The strata are almost perpendicular, and were removed from their beds by a laborious process of blasting. The Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company was incorporated March 26, 1833. A charter had been previously obtained in Connecticut, for the route within her jurisdiction, at the May session, 1832. By an act of this Commonwealth, April 10, and of that state. May 1836, the two compa- nies were united. From Norwich to Worcester is 58 miles : to Boston 102. The work of construction is now advancing. The capital stock is $1500000. The Western Railroad Corporation was established, March 15, 1833, for the purpose of building a railroad from the western termination of the Bos- ton and Worcester Railroad to Connecticut River in Springfield, and thence across the stream to the western boundary of the state, where it will connect with railroads in progress, one to Albany, one to Troy, and one to Hudson. The stock of $3000000 has been subscribed, two thirds by individuals, and one third by the state, and a portion of the road located,-^ Public Buildings. It is a curious circumstance, that the earliest provi- sion for the erection of any county building, in a community of moral, order- ly, and religious habits, should relate to the confinement of malefactors. At the first meeting of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, Sept. 2, 1731, it was ordered, that a prison should be built, and that, with his consent, 1 A statement of the amount of transportation by the Canal and Railroad, will be found in the appendix. 284 PtlULIC BUILDINGS. the house of William Jcnnison* should be used as a temporary gaol : a suit- able cage was to be built in the back part, and the liberties of the yard were to extend 20 feet on tlic south side and east end. In February following, the court ordered, ' that in lieu of the prison before appointed, the cage so called, already built, be removed to the chamber of the house of Daniel Heywood,- and be the gaol until the chamber be suitably fin- ished for a gaol, and then the chamber be the gaol for the county, and the cage remain as one of the apartments.' Here the prisoners were confined un- til they were placed in the building erected in 1733,^ 41 feet long, 18 feet wide, with 8 feet studs : the prison part Avas I 8 feet square, made of white oak timber, set with studs, 4 inches thick and 5 inches broad, and floored, roofed and ceiled with two inch plank spiked together. A dungeon was stoned under : the other end, finished as a dwelling house, became part of the But- man tavern, and was destroyed by fire, Dec. 23, 1824. In 1753, a new gaol was built a few rods south of the former prison, 38 feet long, 28 feet wide, with 7 feet posts. The south end was studded with joist six inches square, set five inches apart, and filled between with stone and mortar. The top, sides, and floor, were covered inside and out, with oak plank, fastened with a profuse use of iron spikes, and doors, windows, and partitions were heavily grated. Notwithstanding these precautions for security, many eff"ected escape, and the wooden gaol becoming too infirm for the confinement of dangerous per- sons, a structure of massive granite, 64 by 32 feet, three stories in height, was ordered to be erected in Dec. 1784, on land granted by the Common- wealth, and £500 were appropriated for the expense. This was completed Sept. 4, 1788, and Mr. Thomas remarks, ' this is judged to be at least the second stone building of consequence in the Commonwealth ; none being thought superior except the Stone Chapel in Boston : that is built of hewn stone ; the stones of this are mostly as they were taken from the quarry. The master workman, Mr. John Parks of Groton, has acquired great credit for the ingenuity and fidelity with which he has executed the Avork. A great saving must be experienced from the new building, as, without some convulsion of nature, it is not probable that it will need any repairs, excepting the roof, for two or three centuries.' And he adds ' that the capaciousness of the building will make it answer for a work house, and save the county the expense of erecting one.' The course of nature went on undisturbed, but the increase of crime and the improvements of discipline, prevented the permanency which was expect- ed by the founders. The ' capaciousness ' was insufficient for modern use, and in April 1835, the gaol was transferred to the House of Correction: the land and buildings were sold, and the prison demolished. CouET HoiTSEs. It was ordered, Aug. 8, 1732, that a suitable and con- venient court house be built on land given by William Jennison, Esq., and a committee was instructed to inform those ' who had an interest in lands in the 1 Occupied by Dr. Oliver Fiske in 1836. - Part of the buildings of the Central Hotel. 8 On land of Stephen Salisbury, Esq. east of the south extremity of Lincoln street. COURT HOUSE. 285 county, and especially in the town of Worcester, which, by that town's being made the shire town, are greatly advanced, of the court's intention : and to know what any of them will be pleased to give towards building and adorning the house.' This buiUing, placed very near the site of the present edifice, was of wood, 36 feet long. 26 feet wide, with 13 feet posts. Until its com- pletion, courts were held in tlie meeting house. The address of Chief Justice John Chandler, of Woodstock, delivered Feb. 8, 1734, at the opening of the Courts of General Sessions and Common Pleas, published in the Boston Weekly Rehearsal, Feb. 18, 1734, shows the ideas of beauty and magnificence entertained in that period. Taking occasion to speak from ' some instances of the Divine Providence remarkably favorable to us,' he says, ' It demands our observation and ac- knowledgment, .... that we are now entered into a new and beautiful house, erected purposely for the reception and entertainment of the courts, which for the future are to be held within the same, at the occurring seasons thereof: an article that I know not the like in any county within this prov- ince, so soon after the constitution thereof, it being but about thirty months since we held our first court.' . . . . ' It is our duty on this occasion, .... very thankfully to acknowledge the good hand of God's Providence upon us, who has stirred up and opened the hearts of sundry worthy gentlemen, some of whom live in other parts of the province, to be benefactors to us, by assifsfeing us in our infant state to erect and beautify so agreeable a house as we are in the possession of, and which exceeds so many others in the province built for the like service, in the capaciousness, regularity, and workmanship thereof: so that those who have business to be transacted here, may now and hence- forth, be suitably and conveniently accommodated with room, while they at- tend the courts, without intruding on that which we have been necessitated to use hitherto, though designedly built for another purpose. To God be the glory ascribed, as the unmerited eff'ects of the Divine Favor to us : not- withstanding which, our benefactors and their benefaction*, should be very gratefully remembered by us.' After a few years, the edifice thus commemorated, was found to be too small for the purpose of its erection, and a new court house was ordered to be built March 16, 1751, of greater dimensions. It was 36 feet by 40 in size, and after being the temple of justice forty years, was converted into a dwell- ing house, and still stands at the intersection of Franklin and Green streets. The increasing business of the county requiring larger accommodations, the present court house was commenced in 1801, and opened Sept. 27, 1803.^ 1 In the charge of Chief Justice Robert Treat Paine, Sept. 27, 1803, to the grand jury, he says, ' Wc meet you with great pleasure at this first opportunity of our assembling with you to attend the administration of justice within the walls of this magnificent building. On this occasion, we can but recollect what has been said, that when the proposal, in 1731, was made, in General Court, for erecting this County, some great politician of that day, [Gov. Hutchinson,] objected to it, because, from the then appearance of the country, it must be a great length of time before it would be an object lor county jurisdiction ; and that there are some now, who well remember when the territory which composes this coun- ty, was, in many parts, but thinly inhabited, and but just emerging from a -wildtrness 25 286 HOUSE of correctiox. The lower story is appropriated for county offices ; the next contains the court room and lobbies for jurors. The following inscription on a silver plate inclosed in a leaden box, with several ancient silver coins of Massachusetts, (shillings and sixpences,) and some modern money, was deposited in a cavity cut for the purpose in the lower corner stone of the hewn underpinning on the south east. ' The corner stone was laid Oct. 1, 1801, by Isaiah Thomas, Esq. who with William Caldwell, Esq. Sheriff of the County, and Hon. Salem Towne, were appointed a committee for building and completing this (now intended; Court House. The old Court House now stands two feet southeast from this spot, 1801.' William Lancaster of Boston, was employed as master workman of the ex- terior, and Mr. Baxter, of the interior. The cost of the court house, furniture for the public offices, and brick walls of the yard, with a part of the stone walls, iron railings, and embankments in front, was $1 7,830 ; an additional allowance was made to Mr. Baxter, and the whole charges when completed were about $20,000. The County House of Correction, first occupied in November, 1819, is situated east of the village, and not far from the Hospital. The front of the building, a large and handsome structure 53 by 27 feet, is occupied by the keeper's family, except the north side of the basement, where three cells are appropriated for solitary imprisonment, and the punishment of the refractory, fortunately but little used. The part used for confinement is in the rear of the keeper's apartments. The plan of construction first adopted was found to be bad : the rooms were large, and several convicts were, from necessity, placed together ; so that sometimes, novices in crime were associated with veteran offenders, and the establishment, with all vigilance and fidelity of supervision, was more the nursery of vice than the school of reformation. Im- pressed with the evils of this arrangement, the County Commissioners, in 1832, directed an alteration in conformity with a plan submitted by the Over- seers, resembling that of the State's Prison in Charlestown. The whole interior was taken down, and another building erected within the exterior walls, divided into 40 cells, each 7 feet by 3 1-2 feet in size, 7 feet high, receiving light through iron doors properly made for the purpose, opening into the area around, which is warmed by stoves. In the basement are three other rooms for confinement, and on the same floor with the kitchen is the state of uncultivated roughness : and until our happy revolution took place, its appearance was but small in comparison of what we now behold. The grandeur of this building is a striking proof of that prosperity of the inhabitants, which flowed from the fruitful foun- tain, the revolution, and the good government and wholesome laws conseijuent upon it. And we also, can but consider it as strong evidence of the good disposition of the inhabi- tants, respecting social and political regulations ; of their determination to support the constitution and government of this Commonwealth and the due administration of justice among tlicm ; seeing they have made such ample provision therefor. May these walls re- main consecrated to the pure administration of Justice ; here may the injured always find redress, the oppressed be relieved, and the disturbers of public peace and welfare be brought to condign punishment.' 1834. 1835. 1836. 15 11 14 57 62 58 54 56 68 18 17 21 XUNATIC HOSPITAL. 287 sleeping apartment of the assistant keeper, placed so as to afford him inspec- tion of the area in front of the cells, and security from injury by the prisoners in case of revolt. In April, 1835, a part of the building was appropriated for the county gaol : and the two upper stories of cells, with the rooms above and below the kitchen, were occupied for that purpose. A brick building, 40 feet by 16, in the yard, connected with the house, furnishes workshops in the two lower stories ; the third story, having six rooms, is used for the confinement of females. There is also a wooden building, which has been used for working stone. By a recent order of the County Commissioners, all persons confined in the House of Correction, able to labor, are to be constantly employed ac- cording to their ability ; if not acquainted with any mechanic trade, they work at the shoe business. Under this system, it is probable, the convicts will not only be able to remunerate the expense of their support, but may form habits of industry and derive moral improvement. The following statement shows the condition of the House of Correction during years, each ending in November. 1833. Committed for crime, 5 for correction, 58 Discharged in the year, 48 Remaining, Nov. 1, 15 Among those now in the establishment, are 3 lunatics sent from the hos- pital, and 5 insane persons supported there by their friends, with the consent of the Commissioners. John F. Clark has been keeper from the commencement : Nathan Heard and John W. Lincoln, are overseers. Lunatic Hospital. This monument of the enlightened charity of the gov- ernment of the state, is situated on a beautiful eminence eastward of the town. The buildings of the west front, erected in 1831, consist of a centre, 76 feet long, 40 feet wide, and four stories high, projecting 22 feet forward of the wings, which extend to the north and south ninety feet each on the front and 100 feet in the rear, are 36 feet wide, and three stories high. This arrangement was adopted so as to secure free communication with the central structure, occupied by the superintendent, steward, attendants, and domestics, and to permit the ventilation and lighting of the long halls reaching through the wings. The ranges of apartments for the insane, 8 feet by 10, have each a window with the upper sash of cast iron and lower sash of wood, both glazed ; on the exterior of the wooden sash is a false sash of iron, corresponding in its appearance and dimensions, but firmly set into the frame, giving the reality of a grate without its gloomy aspect. In 1835, a building 134 feet in length and 34 feet in width was attached to the southern extremity of the hospital, of equal height, and extending eastward at right angles with the front ; in 1836, another edifice of the same magnitude, was placed at the north end. Three sides of a great square are now enclosed by these immense structures of brick. Provision is made for the difi'usion of heat, the circulation of air, the supply of water ; and 288 CHURCHES. the mo?t judicious regulations promote the health and comfort of (he inmates. In this hospital, those are placed under restraint by public authority, who arc so furiously mad, that their liberty would endanger the safety of the com- mtinity. To feel its value, one must have heard tlie chained maniacs howling in the dungeons of the common gaols, in frantic excitement and hopeless misery, and seen the quiet of the great establishment where the insane re- ceive every alleviation of their mental diseases, which fit accommodations, re- medial treatment, and high skill can bestow. The institution has been under the superintendence of Dr. Samuel B. Woodward since its commencement. Its statistics are fully detailed in the reports annually made by the Trustees to the Legislature. Churches. The first house appropriated for public worship, w-as built like the log huts of the planters, and placed near the intersection of Green street by Franklin street, about 1717. In 1719, a meeting house was built, under a contract with Mr. Constable, as architect, on the site of the present South Church. It was of respectable dimensions, but had no tower. At first, the area of the interior, floored, but otherwise unfinished, was occupied by benches. In 1723, a pulpit was set up, and tlie space divided into long seats ; and soon after, galleries were provided. In 1733, it was voted ' that the front of the gallery, the pulpit, and pillars, be colore 1 and varnished, and the outside of the doors and windows ; and the town thankfully accepts the £8 offered by Col. Chandler, towards the same ; and being informed that Daniel Gookin, Esq. has been pleased to say, he woidd '^ive something to said work, voted, that a committee be desired to know of him what he will give towards said coloring and varnishing.' In 1743 a spire was erected. In 17G3 the The Old South Meetimj House was built, 70 feet long, 55 feet wide, with 28 feet posts, at the expense of £1542. There were 61 square pews on the lower floor. That esteemed the best, on the west side of the pulpit, and directly under it, valued at £9, was assigned to Hon. John Chandler, as an acknowledgment of his donation of £40 towards erecting the church. The highest price paid for pews was £9, the lowest £4 10s. In front of the pulpit, were two long pews, one for the deacons, the other for aged persons ; and along the head of the central aisle, were seven slips, for the free seats of men and women, placed on opposite sides. There were three porches, at the south, east, and west entrances, and a tower on the north surmounted by a spire, 130 feet high. In the day of small things, the purchase of a bell was an important matter. After many conferences, the town and county united their funds for the pur- pose, and in May, 1739, it was agreed, that the town would pay £G0 towards procuring a bell weighing not less than 300 pounds, and half the expense of a frame for hanging it near a small tree, a little north of Capt. Daniel Hey- wood's, about midway between the meeting house and court house, ' to serve the town as well as the county.' In 1740, difficulties arose incompleting the arrangements ; the partnership was dissolved ; the town paid £140 pounds for the whole bell, and it was placed in the steeple. CHTJECHES. 289 The bell now used, cast by Revere and Sons, in Boston, in 1802, weighing 1975 pounds, bears this inscription, ' The living to the church I call, And to the grave I summon all.' The tower clock was made by Abel Stowell, in 1800. The Old South Church has been enlarged, and is now 90 feet long, and 55 Avide, having a vestry at the south end. Unitarian Church. The first Meeting House of the Second Congregational Society, near Antiquarian Hall, on Summer street, was built by Ignatius Goulding and Elias Blake, on land given to the parish, June 16, 1791, by Charles and Samuel Chandler. It was a plain and neat edifice of wood. A bell was purchased, and a tower clock presented by Isaiah Thomas, Esq., both removed, and still used on the new church. The new brick meeting house on Main street, was erected at an expense of about $13,000, on land purchased of Isaiah Thomas, Esq. at the cost of $4000.^ The foundation was laid August 11, 1828, when an address was de- livered by the Rev. Mr. Hill," and religious services performed by the Rev. Dr. Bancroft. This building is 75 feet from east to west, and 68 feet from north to south : the walls 31 feet in height, and the tower, surmounted by a cupola, 125 feet high. The floor is divided into 104 pews. It was dedicated Aug. 20, 1829. The highest price paid for pews was $337, the lowest, $80. This church has an organ purchased for $2,000. The Galvinist Church, on Main street, built in 1823, and enlarged in 1834, is 93 by 57 : the height of the spire 130 feet. There are 94 pews on the floor, which have been sold from $116 to $200 each. An organ has lately been purchased for $1700. The Union Church, on Front street, built in 1836, is 90 by 54 feet in size, including a vestry, with a spire 130 feet high. The organ cost $1200. The Baptist Church, east of the common, rebuilt in 1836, is 79 feet long, 50 wide, and has a spire 138 feet in height. Christ Church, on Temple street, built in 1836, the Catholic place of wor- ship, is a neat structure of the Grecian Doric order, 64 feet by 32, fronting to the south. The Methodist Church, on Columbian avenue, built in 1836, 66 feet long and 48 feet wide, with a spire about 100 feet high. The Centre School House, on Main street, built in 1792, is about 60 ^ The following inscription was deposited under the corner stone of its foundation. ' This house was erected by the Unitarian Congregational Society, Worcester, for the worship of the one God, through the mediation of Jesus Christ. Foundation laid August 11, 1828. John Quincy Adams, President of the United States. Levi Lincoln, Governor of Massa- chusetts. Rev. Aaron Bancroft, D, D. and Rev. Alonzo Hill, Pastors. Frederick W. Paine, Esq., Rejoice Newton, Esq., Deac. Alpheus Merrifield, Col. Samuel Ward, Capt. George T. Rice, Capt. Lewis Barnard, Pliny Merrick, Esq., Building Committee. Elias Carter, Peter Kendall, Master Builders. 2 Published in the National ^gis, August 13, 1828. 25* 200 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. by 30 leet, and its four apartments are occupied by the primary and female Bchool of the district. The Brick School House, on Thomas street, built in 1832, 67 by 30 feet, is appropriated for the Latin grammar school, and higher boys schools. The To-WN Hall, a neat brick building of fine architectural proportions, built in 1825, at an expense of about $10,000, is 54 by C4 feet. 'Ihe base- ment is occupied for keeping fire apparatus, and for stores. A large hall on the first floor is used for town meetings, religious exercises, and public lec- tures. There are two spacious and neat halls on the second floor. An ad- dress was delivered at the dedication, May 2, 1825, by Hon. John Davis. Antiquarian Hall. The centre building, erected by Isaiah Thomas, in 1819, is 4G feet long and 36 feet wide, with a cupola. "Wings were extended in 1832, each 28 feet long and 21 feet wide. Worcester County Manual Labor High School. The Academy building is of brick, two stories in height, with a basement, and is 45 feet by 60 in exterior dimensions. The fiist story affords a convenient recitation room, and a chapel which may contain two hundred persons. The upper floor is divided into twelve rooms ; one for the instructors : one for library and apparatus ; and ten, neatly furnished, for the accommodation of students. A mansion with proper outbuildings has been erected in the vicinity of the Academy for the residence of the superintendent and students. Public Lands. The lands granted for the support of schools and the ministry by the proprietors, were sold, from time to time ; the proceeds in- vested ; and the interest, and finally the principal, applied to the purposes of the original appropriation. The land near the meeting house was early reserved for a training field, and has remained open for military exercise and public exhibitions. The location of the Norwich Railroad across this tract, will impair its use as a square, and leave no spot of the common territory susceptible of being converted into an ornamented ground for the use of the crowded population. August 27, 1733, the proprietors voted ' that 100 acres of the poorest land of Millstone Hill, be left common for the use of the town for building stones.' A subsequent grant was made of the territory to Daniel II ey wood. Tiie Su- preme Court have determined, that a perpetual interest in the land for the limited use of taking stone, passed to the town by the first grant ; and the fee of the soil, subject to this use, to the grantee, by the second.^ Burial Places. The most ancient burial place of Worcester was north of the intersection of Thomas street with Summer street. It is now included in the enclosure around the brick school house, and the children of the pre- sent generation frolic over the remains of those whose' graves were earliest made. Rachel, daughter of John and Jean Kellough, was the first person who died in the town, Dec. 15, 1717. The number of deaths which occurred from that date to the time when another cemetery was occupied, were 28. 1 Inhabitants of Worcester vs. William E. Green, Pickering's Reports, ii. 425. TACE OF THE TOWN". 291 Among them were some of the founders and first settlers. They were laid beneath old oaks, which long shadowed their place of rest. The burying place bordering on the common, was opened in 1730, when Ephraim Roper, accidentally killed in hunting, was interred there. A\ hen this became too populous for new occupation, another place of sepulture was provided, in 1795, on Mechanic street, and now adjoining the Boston Rail- road. In 1828, a tract of eight acres was purchased on the plain, east of Washington square, which has since been divided by the railroad. A tract of about 20 acres, half a mile westward of the village, was purchased in 1835, laid out as a cemetery, and is to be ornamented with a belt of shade trees. There is a grave yard between South Worcester and New Worcester.^ Face of the Town. The whole surface is undulating, swelling into hills of moderate acclivity, with gentle slope and beautifully rounded outline. From the eminences, the prospect is of the wide-spread and highly improved fields of a fertile soil. Better description cannot be given of the valley of Worcester, than by adopting the words of a writer of high authority. ' Apart from human culture,' says Prof. Hitchcock, ' this geographical centre of Mas- sachusetts would present no very striking attractions to the lover of natural scenery. But this valley possesses precisely those features which art is capa- ble of rendering extremely fascinating. And there is scarcely to be met with, in this or any other country, a more charming landscape than Worcester pre- sents, from almost any of the moderately-elevated hills that surround it. The high state of agriculture in every part of the valley, and the fine taste and neatness exhibited in all the buildings of this flourishing town, with the great elegance of many edifices, and the intermingling of so many and fine shade and fruit trees, spread over the prospect beauty of a high order, on which the eye delights to linger. I have never seen, in a community of equal extent, BO few marks of poverty and human degradation, as in this valley : and it is this aspect of comfort and independence among all classes, that enhances greatly the pleasure with which every true American heart contemplates this scene : since it must be considered as exhibiting the happy influence of our free institutions. ''■^ Ponds and Streams. Along the eastern boundary of Worcester, and partly within its territory, lies Quinsigamond Pond, sometimes called Long Pond, a beautiful sheet of water, which, in any other country, would be dig- nified with the name of lake. It extends from north to south, in crescent form, about four miles in length, presenting, by reason of disproportionate breadth, the appearance of a noble river, with bold banks, covered with wood, or swelling into green hills. There are twelve islands, varying in extent from a few square rods of surface to many acres. Some of them, of singular ^ The burial places have been heretofore enclosed in rude fences, and overgrown with wild grass and briars. That strange taste, which disgraces the living, by placing sense- less or inappropriate inscriptions on the monumental stones of the dead, has rarely left examples of its perversity here. Nor are there epitaphs distinguished by any singular merit, worthy of being transcribed. ■■* Report on the Geology of Massachusetts, 100. 292 roxps and stkeams. beauty, are still clothed with their original forests. At the south end, the waters, with those of Half Moon, Round, and Flint's Pond, which are con- nected with Quinsigamond.flow out in a southeasterly direction into the town of Grafton, forming the stream anciently called ' Nipnapp River,' now the Little Blackstone, a principal tributary to the main stream. When the Blackstone canal was constructed, the ponds were raised by a dam, and made a reservoir for that work.^ The southern part of Quinsigamond and most of its fair islands, lie within the limits of Shrewsbury. The northern part is principally in Worcester. - North Pond, situated in that part of the town indicated by its name, lies principally in district No. 12, and is the reservoir of the summit level of the Blackstone Canal. It is the source of the stream called in the old records, Danson's, Mill, and Bimelick Brook, which passes through the village on its way to join the Blackstone River. The original surface has been estimated at 30 acres; the dams and embankment raised around, now extend it to about 200 acres. Bladder Pond has the shape described by its appellation. It is situated on the northeast part of Chandler hill, and contains five or six acres. The sur- face has been gradually diminishing, as the roots of vegetation have stretched themselves over its waters, forming a floating belt around, on which it would be dangerous to tread. These are all the natural ponds within the territory of Worcester. Many have been created, by artificial means, for manufacturing purposes. The valley of Worcester is drained through the channel of the Blackstone River, which is divided into branches, themselves subdivided, intersecting the whole territory with veins of water, so that there is scarcely a farm which has not rill, rivulet, or brook, within its boundaries. Beginning at the southwest 1 An estimate of the quantity of water contained in this reservoir, between high and low water mark, exhibiting the extent of surface, has been kindly furnished by Henry Snow, Esq. of Shrewsbury, made from actual admeasurement by that accurate surveyor. Low water is estimated at 2 feet 10 inches above the bottom of the floom at the Irish Dam, for all waters below the neck of Quinsigamond, and 1 foot 5 inches above the bottom of the floom at that point, for all above. Surface, acres, rods. Above the old Road, 28 120 Quinsigamond, 437 06 17 31 Half Moon Pond, 14 155 2 00 Flooded Meadow and River, 202 18 Round Pond, 6 50 Flint's Pond, 45 14.7 36 125 Making 00579135 cubic feet, rejecting minute fractions. About 21 millions of cubic feet cannot be drawn down by reason of the back water from the pond of the New England Village Factory. - A full description of this Pond will be found in Ward's History of Shrewsbury, in Worcester Magazine, ii, 8. et. spin, inches. Cubic feet. 2 0 2504700 3 3 61S71308 2 3 17-16415 3 3 2110126 2 3 196020 2 4 20542714 3 3 803660 3 3 6500717 2 0 3204382 HILLS. MINES. 293 corner of Worcester, we meet the Kettle Brook, flowing southwardly into Ward, and after a little progress further, we strike the main stream into which this brook empties, returning to the north, and called on the ancient records French River, till it reaches New Worcester ; there it receives the waters of Tatnitck Brook and of Beaver Brook, both coming from Holden, and joining together before they unite to the river. After their junction, the river flows eastward about a mile and a half, and was called Halfway River, to the point where it receives the stream named on the proprietary records, usually Mill Brook, sometimes Dauson's Brook, and very rarely Bimelick. This tributary, receiving Weasle Brook soon after it flows out from its source in North Fond, goes in a .'southerly direction through the village ; from the junction, the main stream, swelled to a considerable volume, sometimes having the appellation of Nipmuck River, but usually called Blackstone, flows by a southeasterly course into Millbury. Among the tributaries of Mill Brook, near the town. Pine Meadow Brook, bringing water from Bladder Pond, a minute stream, falls in near the Brew- ery ; and Bear Brook, scarcely larger, flows back of the brick school house on Thomas street. Hills. Along the western boundary of the town, extends a chain of rounded highlands, the seat of Indian villages of yore, called by the natives Tataesset, and now known as Tatnuck. In the north part of the town is Winter Hill, in district No. 10 ; Mount Ararat, beyond North Pond, in dis- trict No. 12, and the ridge forming the northern wall of the valley, named on the records Indian Hill. Millstone Hill, northeast from the town, is an im- mense quarry of granite, presenting a remarkable geological structure of lay- ers, spread over each other in circular form like the coats of an onion. Chand- ler Hill lies east of the town, and Oak Hill southeast. Nearly south, and forming one margin of the valley of the Blackstone, is Sagatabscot, where Jonas Rice first built. Opposite, and across the river, is the huge mound of Packachoag Hill, extending far into Ward. Wigwam Hill, is a rounded em- inence on the western shore and near the head of Quinsigamond. Mines and Minerals. About the middle of the last century, a mania for mining prevailed, almost as ruinous as that for speculation an hundred years later. Tired of the slow process of acquiring wealth by cultivating the surface of the earth, its possessors were enticed to dig into its bosom for treasures. The precious metals were the object of the search, and mining operations, began almost simultaneously in Worcester, Sterling, Templeton, and many other towns of the county, terminated, from want of science and skill, in total failure. In 1754, a vein of metal which was supposed to be silver, was discovered near the head of the valley, about a mile north of the town. A company for exploring the spot was formed by some of the most substantial inhabitants. Furnaces and smelting houses were erected, and a cunning German employed as superintendent. Under his direction, a shaft was sunk 80 feet perpendic- ularly, and a horizontal gallery extended about as far through the rock, which 294 MIXES AND MINERALS. was to be intersected bj' another shaft, commenced about six rods north of the first opening. Among the masses, which within a few years laid around the scene of operation, were specimens of the ores containing a minute portion of silver, specks of copper and lead, much iron, and an extraordinary quanti- ty of arsenic. When struck against steel, a profusion of vivid sparks are thrown out, and the strong and peculiarly disagreeable odor of the latter min- eral emitted. On the application of heat, this perfume increases to an over- powering extent. The company expended great sums in blasting the rock, raising its fragments, and erecting buildings and machinery. While the pile of stones increased, the money of the partners diminished. The furnaces in full blast, produced nothing but suffocating vapors, curling over the flames in those beantiful coronets of smoke which still attend the attempt to melt the ore. The shrewd foreigner, in whose promises the associates seem to have placed that confidence which honest men often repose on the declarations of knaves, became satisfied that the crisis was approaching when it would be as- certained that the funds were exhausted, and that stone and iron could not be transmuted to gold. Some papers which exist, indicate that he pretended to knowledge in the occult sciences as well as skill in the art of deception. However this may be, he assured the company, that the great enemy of man had been busy in defeating their exertions, making his presence redolent in the perfumes of suljihur and arsenic. He obtained the sum of -Si 00, and made a journey to Philadelphia, to consult with a person experienced in mines and their d.-rmons, for the purpose of exorcising the unsavory spirit of the crucible. He departed with a barrel full of the productions of the mine, but never returned to state the results of his conference. The proprietors abandoned the work, when they were waked by the reality of the loss from the dream of fortune, and afterwards destroyed the records of their credulity. A much more valuable source of wealth is in the Anthracite Coal. A de- posit of this mineral exists about two miles northeast from the town. It was long converted into a paint, under the name of Black Lead., and furnished a cheap and durable covering for roofs and for the exterior of buildings ex- posed to the weather. In 1826, it was partially explored and began to be worked by Col. Amos Binney. It was found to be a valuable combustible, suitable, even in the impure state presented by the upper strata, for furnaces and places where intense heat and great fires were required. Engagements of business, and local circumstances, induced him to suspend the prosecution of the undertaking. Since his decease, the mineral, which might be made to give motion to the wheels of manufacturing and mechanic industry to unlimi- ted extent, has been j;ermitted to rest undisturbed in its bed. The rock in which the Worcester Anthracite occurs, is termed by Prof. Hitchcock, an imperfect kind of mica slate, and called by Humboldt, transition mica slate, having a moderate dip to the north east. Although the coal is considered by him as inferior to that of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, its specific gravity is greater than that from those states. He expresses the opin- ion that ' it will be considered by posterity, if not by the present generation, as a treasure of great value, and adds, ' I can hardly believe, that a coal, MINERALS. 295 which contains prohably not less than 90 per centum of carbon, should not be employed, in some way or other, as valuable fuel.'^ Beds oi clay are abundant. In the north and west parts of the town, about four millions of bricks have been made from this material during the year. Soapstone of good quality has been discovered, and a narrow vein was worked, in the south east part of Worcester, though not with success. Pots of this material, used by the Indians for cooking, are sometimes turned up by the plough. Peat is found in many meadows, and as the supply of wood is diminished, may be advantageously used as fuel. Among the minerals of scientific interest are : Idocrase, accompanied by small, pale green crystals of Pyoxene, Epidote, and Garnets of a wine yellow color ; Asbestus, Amianthoid, Plumbago, and veins of Pyritous Iron were found in working the coal mine : Carbonate of Iron, Arsenical Sulphuret of Iron, massive and crystalized, and Sulphuret of Lead, were once abundant around the old silver mine. 3Iacle sometimes occurs in argillaceous slate. The quarry of granite on Millstone hill, has furnished building material for a century, and the excavation now extends over two or three acres. The rock is composed almost entirely of gray quartz and white foliated feldspar, with very little mica, and differs only from the sienite of Quincy in the ab- sence of hornblende. The only distinct example of apparent stratification of granite found in the state, by Prof. Hitchcock,^ was in this locality, and from the strata conforming on all sides to the slope of the land, being horizontal at the apex, and extending over the sides in concentric flakes, he infers that the hill is an enormous concretion. The rock is crossed by natural seams, divi- ding it into layers nearly parallel^t the quarry, from one foot to two feet in thickness, and easily split by wedges. The surfaces are blackened with iron, which forms a crust on the exterior, called by the workmen * the bark :' from the admixture of the same metal in the composition, the faces of the blocks, when cut, become discolored on exposure to the weather. A quarry is extensively worked on the south end of Sagatabscot hill, called the ' South Ledge.' The rock is of light color, of the geological character of Granitic Gneiss, entirely free from iron, wrought with facility, and often beau- tifully veined. The hewn fronts of buildings of this material on Main street, would advantageously compare in elegance with the marble edifices of the cities. 1 Report on the Geology of Massachusetts, 55. * ib. 462. 296 MISCELLANEOUS CHAPTER XIX. Municipal Officers. Selectmen. Clerks. Treasurers. Representatives. Fire Depart- ment. Fires and accidents by lightning. Selectmen chosen since 1722.* Nathaniel Moore 1722,25—30, [32—35, 40 NathaiiielJones 1722,23 Benjamin Flagg 1722, 23, 26, 28, [34, 35, 37—40, 43—51 Jonas nice 1722, 24, 28, 30, 32, [34, 35, 38, 40 John Gray 1722,24 Henry Lee 1723 Thomas Stearns John Chandler, jr. 1748 1748—59, 61 — [73 Daniel Ward 1752, 53 Elisha Smith 1752 John Curtis 1754, 55, 60 Nathaniel Moore, jr. 1754 Jonathan Lynds 1754 Timothy Paine 1754—63, 66—74 John IJubbard 1723 John Boyden 1754, 65 Benjamin Flagg, jr. 1723, 25, 30— Gardner Chandler 1754—56 [32 Tyrus Rice 1755 Gershom Rice 1724, 27, 31, 33, 36, Israel Jennison 1756—58, 61 [39, 46 Josiah Brewer 1756, 62, 63 James Taylor 1724, 26, 35, 39 "William Young 1757, 74—77 Daniel Heywood 1724, 26, 27, 29, Asa Mooie 1757—62 [31,34, 35,38, 40, 42—46. 48—53 Daniel Boyden 1759. 62 Moses Leonard 1725, 26 James Goodwin 1759 James McLellan 1725 J^es Putnam 1760 James Oolden 1725, 29, 30, 33, 36 Jonathan Stone 1760, 67, 68, 72, AVilliam Jennison 1727—31,33, [75—77 [35, 37, 38. 41 Jacob Chamberlain 1761 James Rice 1728 Ephraim Doolittle 1763—66 Zeplianiah Rice 1729 Samuel Miller 1763—65, 75, 81, 82 Palmer Goulding 1731, 37, 41, 43 Jacob Hemenway 1764 James Moore 1732, 36, 39. 41 Palmer Goulding 1764, 65, 71 John Stearns 1732, 36, 41 Samuel Mower 1765 John Chandler 1733—35,37—40, Josiah Pierce 1765, 74—76 [42—53 Samuel Curtis 1766, 75, 90—94 Gorshom Rice, jr. 1736 Benjamin Flagg 1766—77 Joshua Child 1737 Micah Johnson 1769 Solomon Johnson 1742 Nathan Baldwin 1770 Elijah Cook 1742 David Bigelow 1776, 77, 79, 80, Joshua Eaton 1742 [83, 84 Thomas Wheeler 1743—45,49— Nathan Perry 1777 , 81—83, 85—89 [51, 53, 73, 74, 79 Benjamin Stowell 1777 John Chadwick 1744, 45 John Kelso 1777 Daniel Ward 1746—47 Ehenezer Lovell 1778, 79, 84 Joshua Bigelow 1747, 67 — 73, 75, Robert Smith 1778, 79 [78 AVilliam Stearns 1778, 79 James Boyd 1747 Nathaniel Brooks 1778, 79, 84 1 When this mark — is placed between the dates, it indicates that the person was elected in the successive years between one and the other. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. 297 John Green 1780 Nathaniel Stowell 1816—1821 Jonathan Rice 1780 John Flagg 1816- -1820,24,27, Joseph Barber 1780 [28, 33, 34 Edward Crafts 1780 Peter Slater 1818—1821 William McFarland 1781, 82 George Moore 1821—23 Samuel Brown 1781, 82 John Gleason, jr. 1822—25 John Gleason 1781, 82 Edward D, Bangs 1823, 24 Joseph Allen 1783 Joel Gleason 1824 Joseph Wheeler 1783, 87—91 Otis Corbett 1825, 26, 39 Samuel Brooks 1784—93 John W. Lincoln 1825, 26. 33 — Daniel Goulding 1784, 95, 96, 98 [35 John Chamberlain 1785 —95,97, 98, Daniel Stone 1825, 26 [1801, 02 Pliny Merrick 1827—29, 35 Jesse Taft 1785, 86 Thomas Chamberlain 1827—29 Daniel Baird 1785—89 Frederic W. Paine 1827. 31 Samuel Flagg 1790- -1805, 1807 Benjamin Butman 1828, 29, 34^ 35 Benjamin Heywood 1792 — 97,99, Alpheus Merrifield 1829—32 [1800 Lewis Chapin 1829, 35, 36 Nathaniel Paine 1794—1802 Asahel Bellows 1830 Phineas Jones 1796, 97 Lewis Barnard 1830 David Andrews 1798—1802 Henry Heywood 1831, 32 Ephraim Mower 1799- -1810, 15— Benjamin Flagg 1831 [17 Luther Burnett, jr. 1831 Edward Bangs 1803—1808 Charles Allen 1832 Joseph Holbrook 1803—1806 Guy S. Newton 1832—35 Nathaniel Harrington 1803—1809 Jonathan Harrington 1832, 33 Nathan White 1806—1819 Alfred D. Foster 1833 Thomas Nichols 1808—1815 Samuel B. Thomas 1834 Abraham Lincoln 1809—1824 Simon S. Gates 1835, 36 William Eaton 1810- -1813, 20— Ebenezer L. Barnard 1835, 36 [22 1, 25—28, 30 Thomas Kinnicutt 1836 John Gleason 1811—1815 Artemas Ward 1836 William Chamberlain 1814, 22— H H. Hemenway 1836 [24 Thomas Harback 1836 Town Clerks since 1722. 1722 Jonas Rice. 1781 1723 Benjamin Flagg. 1783 1724 Jonas Rice. 1783 1729 Zephaniah Rice. 1787 1730 Benjamin Flagg. 1792 1731 Jonas Rice. 1796 1753 Daniel Heywood. 1797 1754 Timothy Paine. 1800 1764 John Chandler. 1803 1768 Clark Chandler. 1808 1775 Nathan Baldwin. 1816 1778 William Stearns. 1818 1780 Nathaniel Heywood. 1833 1780 Joseph Allen. 1836 Daniel Goulding. William G. Maccarty. Daniel Goulding. Theophilus Wheeler. Daniel Goulding. Leonard Worcester, protem. Daniel Goulding. Oliver Fiske. Daniel Goulding. Enoch Flagg. Levi Heywood. Benjamin Chapin. Samuel Jennison. Charles A. Hamilton. 26 298 MUNICIPAL OTFICERS. Toxcn Treasurers since 1722. 1722 Daniel Ileywood. 1723 Henry Lee. 1724 Daniel Heywood. 1725 Nathaniel Moore. 1726 James Taylor. 1727 Henry Lee. 1729 Nathaniel Moore. 1731 William Jennison. 1732 Daniel IJeywood. 1736 Gershom Kice, jr. 1737 Palmer Goulding. 1739 lienjamin Flagg. 1741 John Chandler. 1752 John Chandler, jr. 1760 John Curtis. 1761 John Chandler, jr. 1775 Nathan Perry. 1778 John Green. 1780 William Gates. 1781 Nathan Perry. 1790 Samuel Flagg. 1791 Benjamin Heywood. 1795 Samuel Chandler. 1798 Oliver Fiske. 1799 Theophilus Wheeler. 1803 Samuel Flagg. 1808 Levi Lincoln, jr. 1815 James Wilson. 1829 Samuel Jennison. 1830 Asa Hamilton. 1832 Charles A. Hamilton. 1833 Charles G. Prentiss. Representatives chosen since 1727. Nathaniel Jones William Jennison Benjamin Flagg 1 John Chandler, jr. John Chandler Timothy Paine 1 Palmer Goulding Ephraim Doolittle Joshua Bigelow Ebenezer Lovell David Bigelow John Green Ezekiel Howe Samuel Curtis Samuel Brooks Samuel Flagg 17 Levi Lincoln, sen. Nathaniel Paine Edward Bangs Ephraim Mower Nathan White Abraham Lincoln William Eaton Levi Lincoln, jr. Edward D. Bangs 1727 1728—30 731, 43, 44, 46— [51 1732—35, 38, [39, 52, 53 1736, 37, 40, 42, [63—65 755—57, 59—62 [88, 89 1741 1766, 67 1768—74 1777 1777 1777 1777 1778—85, 1802, [1804, 1806 1786, 87 90—98, 1805, 07 1796 1799—1801 1803—11 1806—1810 1808, 1812—15 1809—1823 1811—1813 1814—17, 20,22 1810, 17, 20, 24 William Eaton 1822 Samuel Harrington Otis Corbett 1824, 26 John W. Lincoln 1824- Samuel M. Burnside Pliny Merrick Rejoice Newton Benjamin Chapin Charles Allen Frederick W. Paine Alfred D. Foster Jubal Harrington Lewis Chapin Winsor Hatch Silas Brooks John Flagg Thomas Kinnicutt Thomas Chamberlain David T, Brigham Samuel B. Thomas ITiomas Harback Benjamin Goddard, 2d. Benjamin Flagg William Lincoln Guy S. Newton John Coe David Wadsworth Ebenezer L. Barnard Edward H. Hemenway 25, 27—30 1823 — 28, 30, 31, [35 -26, 32—34 1826 1827 1828—30 1829 1829, 32, 33 1829 1831—34 1831, 35 1832, 33 1832, 33 1832 1833, 34 1834, 36 1834—36 1834 1834 1835 1835, 36 1835 1835,36 1835 1836 1836 1836 1836 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 299 Fire Department. By the Act of Feb. 26, 1835, accepted by the town, a fire department was established in Worcester. Engineers were appointed by the selectmen, who are authorised to exercise the same duties in relation to engine men as the selectmen before possessed, and the same power as to the extinguishment of fires before belonging to firewards. The Department was organized in May, 1835 : nine engineers and three assistants were appointed. There are six fire companies, attached to as many engines, with these numbers, names, and stations: 1. Hero, at Quinsigamond Village : 2. Rapid, at New Worcester : 3. Despatch, at Lincoln Square : 4. Torrent, at the Town Hall : 5. Extinguisher, in Goddard's Row : 6. La- fayette, on Columbian Avenue. The Hook and Ladder company have their apparatus on the common. Isaac Davis, Esq. is chief engineer. FIRES, AND injuries BY LIGHTNING. 1767, May 25. The dwelling house of Mr. James Barber, and all his goods, were consumed. The fire was occasioned by a defect of the oven. 1778, Feb. 21. A fire broke out in the house of Francis Cutting, but be- ing timely discovered, was extinguished. 1782, Nov. 2. The blacksmith's shop of Ebenezer Chapin, was burnt. 1784, July 10. The house of Bezaleel Stearns, in the Gore, was entirely destroyed. The owner was at work in the fields at a distance ; his wife, having put fire in the oven, went out on a visit to a neighbor. On her re- turn, dwelling, furniture, clothing, and every article of property had disap- peared, and nothing but ashes remained. 1786, Jan. 26. The house of Capt. Samuel Flagg, on the site of that now owned by Hon. Charles Allen, was burnt to the ground in the night : the furniture was saved, but many articles of wearing apparel consumed. At this time there was no fire engine in town. 1791, July 4. The pearlash works of Messrs. Chandlers, on the farm, in 1836, of Abiel Jaques, Esq., took fire by reason of the excessive heat in the furnace the day preceding, but the progress of the flames was arrested with- out great injury. 1793, Jan. 4. The weaver's shop of Cornelius and Peter Stowell, with more than 2000 yards of cloth, and the stock for 700 yards more, were con- sumed. The loss was estimated at £300. 1798, March 19. The hatter's shop of Jacob Harrington was discovered to be on fire. A brand had been left standing ; being separated by burning, it fell on the floor, and communicated flames to the roof, which were subdued by great exertions. 1799, June 26. During a severe tempest, resembling in violence the hur- ricanes of the West Indies, the lightning struck a building directly back of the Court House, then occupied by Isaiah Thomas, in which were stored the types for the 12mo. edition of the Bible. The electric fluid, in four distinct 300 riKEs. veins, pervaded the whole structure, splintering spar and stud, scattering bricks and mortar, and bursting away boards, laths, and plastering.^ 1801, May 22. In the immediate vicinity of the former injury, the light- ning struck a large elm tree, close by the residence of Judge Edward Bangs, on Main street, owned in 1836 by Isaac Davis and William Pratt. One stream, descending from the tree, entered the house, broke two looking glasses, and the furniture, and passed through an apartment in Avhich were seven per- sons, without doing them hurt. Another branch went to the adjoining house, and a female Avas rendered apparently lifeless for sometime by its effects. The third vein went down the trunk of the tree and expended its force in the earth. 1805, Aug. 11. The Court House, of loftier elevation than either of the buildings in the near neighborhood which had been struck, at length experi- enced a visitation of the same calamity. The lightning touched the front ped- iment, threw off the shingles, shivered the diamond glass of the large eastern window, shattered the Venetian blind, and splintered the style of the great door. 1805, Nov. 6. The hatter's shop of Nathaniel Mower, on the site occupied in 1836, by the block of stores of Hon. Daniel Waldo, was destroyed by fire. 1811, May 20. A dwelling house of Silas Bigelow was burnt. 1815, Jan. 12, The loss occasioned by the burning of the carding factory of Earle and Williams, on the site of the Court Mills, was estimated at $4000. 1815, Feb. 18. The most destructive conflagration experienced in this town, broke out on the west side of Main street, amid the violence of a severe storm, when the depth of snow, strength of wind, and intensity of cold, cooperated to render the efforts to arrest its progress unavailing. The house, store, and merchandize of Samuel Brazer, and the dwelling house, bake house, and out buildings of Enoch and Elisha Flagg, were consumed. The aggre- gate loss exceeded $10,000. The inhabitants subscribed $2700, and $1800 were contributed in other places, for the relief of the principal sufferers. 1816, Feb. 15. A house, wheelwright's shop and barn of Nathaniel Flagg, 2d, and the store of Jonathan Knight, at Adams square, were burnt. Loss, $2000. 1821, May 2. The house of Daniel Chadwick, about three quarters of a mile north from the court house, was struck by lightning. The fluid, de- scending by the chimney, killed a dog on the hearth, but the inmates of the dwelling escaped uninjured. 1824, Dec. 24. The old Brown & Butman tavern house, north of Lincoln square, which had been unoccupied for three or four years, and then belong- ing to Stephen Salisbury, Esq., was set on fire by an incendiary, in the night, and destroyed. 1825, May 7. A large blacksmith's shop of Levi Howe was burnt, and a loss of $800 occasioned. 1 A detailed account of the effects of this accident will be found in the Mass. Spy, July 3 and July 10, 1799. FIKES. 801 1825, July 4. The new two story dwelling house of Moses Whipple, on Grafton street, was struck by lightning and consumed, with part of the fur- niture and the joiner's tools of its owner. An apprentice who was working in a room occupied as a carpenter's shop, was stunned by the shock, and on recovering, found the apartment enveloped in flames. Loss, $1500. 1827, Feb. 28. The lower paper mill of Elijah Burbank, about 50 feet in length, was set on fire by the spontaneous combustion of cotton waste, and the upper story, with a large quantity of stock, destroyed. Loss $500. 1827, April 11. The joiner's shop of Zenas Studley, on Prospect street, was burnt on Sunday afternoon. A barn adjoining was destroyed, and the dwelling house of Mr. Stowell, near by, injured. Loss $1500. 1829, July 30. A barn of John and Abel Flagg, in District No. 6, was set on fire by lightning, and consumed, with the whole crop of hay and a valuable horse. 1830, Feb. 6. On Saturday evening, the dwelling house and store of Oliver Harrington, in New Worcester, were burned. 1830, Sept. 5. On Sunday morning, about 3 o'clock, a fire broke out in the store in Goddard's block, occupied by George M. Rice & Co. The inte- rior, and the goods, insured for $6000, were burned. The damage to the building was about $600. 1831, Jan. 7. The hatter's shop of J. P. Kettell & Co. was set on fire. Loss $200. 1831, Aug. 19. The two story house and barn of William Stowell, in New Worcester, were burned. 1832, March 11. A dwelling house on Mechanic street, owned by Luther Burnett, was set on fire, and destroyed. Loss $700. 1834, Jan. 27. The dry house of the woolen factory of W. B. Fox & Co. took fire, but was extinguished. Loss about $500. 1834, Sept. 11. The house, bake house, and barn, of Andrew March, at the corner of Main and School streets, took fire about midnight, and were destroyed. Loss $3500. 1835, Feb. 5. A small factory in the southwest part of the town, belong- ing to Ira Bryant, was burnt. Loss, $1500. 1836, May 21. About 1 o'clock of the morning, flames broke out in the Baptist Meetinghouse, and spread so rapidly, that in little more than half an hour not a stick of timber of the church was left standing. The origin was attributed to an incendiary. Other inconsiderable fires, and accidents by lightning, have occurred: but the principal are enumerated. 26* 302 APPENDIX. [See page 10.] i. petition for a plantatiox at quinsiqamond. October 8, 1665. To the right worshipfull Governor, the deputy Governor, together with the worshipful! Magistrates, and the Deputies, assembled in General Court at Boston, 11th Oct. 16G5. The petition of Thomas Noyes, John Ilaynes, Josiah Ilaynes, of Sudbury, and Nathaniel Tread- away, of Watcrtown, Humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioners, having purchased several parcels of land without the limits of any Plantation, in the Wilderness, lying to tho West- ward of the Plantation called Maurlborrow, and the sayd lands being to the quantity of about five Thousand acres, by reason of distance from any plantation, is not so profitable to your petitioners as it might bee, and whereas, the sayd lands do ly in a very convenient place for a plantation, and other lands lying adjoining thereto, sufficient to make a plan- tation, which will be very beneficiall to the countrey, lying in the new and most direct way to Connectequot, nearc unto Quansigaraug Pond, and will be a meanes to advance the worth and benefitt of your Petitioner's lands, and make them more usefuU to themselves, and more beneficiall to their posterity, which are many, the lands being very good, were they in a way of improvement, and divers friendes and neighbors being very desirous to enter upon the same, to whom it will probably be very beneficiall : Your Petitioners, from these and equivalent consideracons, are animated and incouraged to petition this honored Court, seriously to weigh the premises, and doe humbly intreat and desire, if in your wisdomes you shall see meet, a grant of a plantation, there to be sett up, and for that end, to appoint a committee to view the same, and lay out the bounds thereof, and for the settlement of it, which wee hope will bee both acceptable and benefi- ciall to the whole ; and your Petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c, Thomas Noyes. Josiah Haynes. John Haynes. Nathaniel Treadaway. [See page 10.] II. ORDER OF THE OREAT AND GENERAL COURT. October 11, 16G5. This Court, understanding by the Petition of Thomas Noyes, John Haynes, Josiah Haynes of Sudbury, and Nathaniel Treadaway, of Watertown, hereunto affixed, that there is a meetc place for a Plantation, about ten miles from Marlborow, westward, at or neer Quansetamug Pond, which, that it may be improved for that end, and not spoiled by grant- inge of farms, in answer to the forsaid petition, This Court doth order, that there should be a quantitie of eight miles square layd out and reserved thereabout, in the Court's dis- pose, for a plantation, for the encouragement of such persons as shall appear, any time within three years from the date hereof, beeing men approved of by this Court ; and that Capt. Edward Johnson, Lieutenant Joshua ffisher, and Lieut. Thomas Noyes, shall, and hereby are appointed and empowered to lay out the same, and to be payd by such persons as shall appear within the terme above expressed. The Deputies have past this with ref- ference to the consent of our honored Magistrates hereto. William Torrey, clerk. 11. 8. 1665. ANCIENT PAPERS. 303 The Magistrates consent to a survey of the place petitioned for, and that Captaine Goo- kin doe joine with those mentioned of our brethren the deputies, and malie return of their survey to the next General Court of Elections, who may take order therein as they shall see mcete, their brethren the deputys hereto consenting. Edw'd Rawson, Sect'y. Consented to by the deputies. William Torrey, Cleric. [See page 10.] in. order op the great and oenkkal court. May 15, 1667. Whereas, this Court, upon the petition of Ensigne Thomas Noyes and others, did nomi- nate and appoint Capt. Gookin and some other Gentlemen, to view a place about tenn miles westward from Marlborough, at or about a place called Quansigamon Ponds, and to make report to this Court whether the place was capable of making a plantation, (as it is in- formed to be), which work hitherto hath been neglected, through the death of Thomas Noyes and other impediments : It is therefore ordered by this Court, that Capt. Daniel Gookin, Capt. Edward Johnson, Mr. Samuel Andrew, Mr. Andrew Belchar, senr. or any three of them, be desired and empowered as a committee, to take an exact view of the said place, as soone as conveniently they cann, and to make a true report to this Court, wheth- er it be capable to make a village, and what number of familyes (they conceive) may be there accommodated. And if they finde it fitt for a plantation, then to offer unto this Court some meete expedient how the same may be settled and improved for the public good ; and this Court doth prohibit the laying out of any grants in the sayd place until the Comittee have made returne, which the Court would have done by ye next session of this Court if it may be. [See page 16.] iv. fipst indian deed. July 13, 1674. Bee it known to all men by this present writing, that Wee, John, alias Ilorrawannonit, or Quiquonassett, Sagamore of Pakachoge, and Solomon, alias Woonaskochu, Sagamore of Tataessit, together with the consent of our kindred and people, and for and in considera- tion of twelve pounds of lawful money of New England, or the full value thereof, in other specie, to our content, within three months after the date hereof, well and truly to be paid and satisfied, and pt. whereof, viz. two coats and four yards of trading cloth, valewed at twenty six shill. wee do acknowledge to have received in hand, as earnest, of Daniel Goo- kin senr. of Cambr. Esqr. and of Daniel Hinchman, of Boston, Brewer, in behalf of them- eelves and Capt. Thomas Prentice, and Lt. Richard Beers, and the rest of the Genii. Court's Comittee, appointed for the management of a new plantation granted by the said Court, conteyning eight miles square, or the contents thereof, being to the westward of Marlbo- rough, near Quansiquamond Ponds, and on each side of the Roadway leading towards Connecticott; Now know ye, yt wee, ye sd. Jno. and Solomon, Sagamores aforesaid, and up- on the terms aforesaid, have bargained, sold, aliened, enfeeoffed, and confirmed, unto ye sd. Daniel Gookin, Thomas Prentice, Daniel Hinchman, Richard Beers, and ye rest of the people admitted, or to be admitted, by ye sd comittee to be inhabitants of yt new planta- tion, and to their heirs, executors, admrs, and assigns for ever, in fee simple, all and every pt of our civil or natural right, in all and singular the broken up land and woodlands, woods, trees, rivers, brooks, ponds, swamps, meadows, mineralls, or any other thing, or things whatsoever, lying and being within that tract of land, conteyning eight miles square or the contents thereof, to be layd out by ye sd persons or their order in time ccn- Tenient. To have and to hold the premises, and every pt thereof, unto them the sd Daniel 304 APPENDIX. Gookin, Thomas Trcntice, Daniel Hincliman, and Richard Beers, and all ye rest of ye sd Inhabitants admitted or to be admitted planters there, and unto ym and yr heirs forever, freely and absolutely, without any lett, molestation, or disturbance, of us, or any of our kindred or people, or any claiming by, from, or under us, for evermore, as our heyrs or as- signs ; and wee do promise, upon the finishing ye payment, to make full and ample deeds and writings for the same, according to law. In witness of the truth hereof, wee ye said John and Solomon, alias Horrowanouitt and Wooannaskochu, have hereunto set our hands and seals, this thirteenth day of July 1G74. Signed, Sealed and delivered \ Solomon, alias Woonnasakochu, seal and mark, in the presence of us, J John, alias Hoorrawanwit, mark and seal. Onnamog, his mark. Sagamore of Occonomesett. Namphow, his mark. Sagamore of Wamesett. Joseph Thatcher, of Chabanakonchoie, his mark. Nosannowitt, his mark. Noah Wiswall, present. Full payment rec'd August 20, 1G7G. D. Gookin. This deed acknowledged by the Sagamores, before Daniel Gookin, Sen. Assist. July 13. Entered, 9. 2. 83 by Thomas Danforth, R. [See page 24.] t. order of council to capt. edward hutchinflon. July 27, 1675. The Council, being informed that the Narraganset Indians are come down with about 100 armed men into the Nipmuck Country, Do order you, Capt. Edward Hutchinson, to take with you Capt. Thomas Wheeler, and his party of horse, with Ephraim Curtis for a guide, and a sufficient interpreter, and forthwith to repaire into those parts, and there labour to get a right understanding of the motions of the Narraganset Indians and of the Indians of Nipmuck, and for that end to demand of the leaders of the Narraganset Indians an ac- count of the grounds of their marching in that country, and require to understand the or- ders of their Sachems : And also, to demand an account of the Nipmuck Indians, why they have not sent down their Sagamore, according to their promise unto our Messenger, Ephraim Curti-s. And further, let them know that we are informed, that there are some among them, that have actually joyned with our enemies in the murder and spoile made upon the English by Philip. And that Matoonus and his complices, who have robbed and murdered our people about Mendon, are now among them. And that we require them to de- liver up to you, or forthwith bring into us, those our enemies, otherwise we must look at them to bee no friends to us, but ayders and abbetors ; and unto all these things you shall reiiuire their expresse answer ; and as soon as you have dispatched this afFayre, you are to return home and give us an account. So desiring the Lord's presence with you, and in the prosecution of this affair, if you should meet with any Indians, that stande in opposi- tion to you, or declare themselves to be your enemy, then you are ordered to ingage with them, if you see reason for it, and endeavour to reduce them by force of arms. [See page 26.] vi. order op council. Sept. 16, 1676. At a meeting of the Council, Sept. the 15, 1G75, It is ordered by the Council, that Ephraim Curtis, hath iiereby liberty, together with such other English men as he shall procure, provided they be not less in number than thirty men well armed, the said Curtis with his company aforesaid, are allowed to gather and improve for their own use all the Indian Corn of the Indian Plantations of Pakchooge, Maanexit, Senexit, Noobsquesit, ANCIENT PAPERS. 305 Quanaticlce, and Quatoositt, belonging to our enemies the Indians that are fled, provided all- wais, they do not disturbe the praying Indians of Hassanamesit, Chabannokonkon, Man- chage, Quantisit, and Magunkoog, that now are at Naticke, to gather and improve the In- dian Come growing upon those places, or any other Indian Plantations belonging to our Enemies, that are not above mentioned, alotted, and appointed for the sd Curtis and the English with him to improve, which the Council granted to the sd. Indians by a former order. By the Council, Edw. Kawson, tect'y. [See page 26.] vii. obders and instructions for capt. joseph sill. November 2, 1675. 1. You are to take charge of the Souldiers raised from Charlestown, Watertown, and Cambridge, which are about sixty men, and being fitted and furnished with Armes, Am- unition, and Provision for a week, you are to march away forthwith to Natieke, and there take such trusty Indian guides with you, as Corporal Whatson hath prepared for that purpose, and then march away, with all convenient speed, to Hassanamesit, an Indian Plantation, near Nipmuck river, from whence you are to send intelligence unto Capt. Dan- iel Henchman, who with his Company is to march to Mendon, informing him that 3'ou are ordered to join with him to pursue the Enemy, whom we hear is come down to a place call- ed Pakachooge, about 7 miles from Hassanamesit Northwest, and hath killed and surprised some of our neighboring Indians that were gathering Corn there, and as we have ground to fear hath lately attacked Marlborow. 2. Being joined with Captain Henchman, you are to be under his order, and jointly to seek out for the Enemy at the said place, or any other place where you can understand he is ; and if you meet the Enemy you are to use your best skill and force to surprise, seize, kill, and destroy the Enemy, and to rescue and relieve any of our friends, either English or Indians, that arc taken or injured by him. 3. You are to be very caiefull to send forth Scouts before you, to discover the Enemy's quarters, and if it may be, to come upon him in the Night. 4. You are carefully so to inarch the men in the woods, that if it be possible to avoid, or shun, or search well before you go too near, all such places as Swamps or Thickets, where the Enemy use, with subtlety to lurk in Ambushment. 5. You are in all your attempts and enterprise, to have your eye;) and hearts lifted up to God in Christ Jesus, who is the Lord of Hosts and God of Armies, that he will give his presence with you, and assistance unto you, and your Company, in all your undertakings : not trusting or relying upon the arm of flesh, but upon the living Lord alone, from whose gracious blessings and presence all good comes. 6. And you are carefully so to demean yourself, in your consultation, that you may give your Souldiers a good example in piety and virtue, and so govern the Souldiers under your command, that your Camp may be holiness to the Lo'-d : and to this end, you have the Military laws printed and published, which are for your rule and direction in that matter. 7. If you find a considerable quantity of Corn at Pakachooge, if you can save it, we give it you and your Souldiers, together with Capt. Henchman and his Souldiers, for Plunder ; so desireingthe ever living Lord God to accompany you and your Company, with his gra- cious conduct and presence. And that He will, for Christ's sake, appear in all the mounts of difficulty, and cover all your heads in the day of Battle, and deliver the blood thirsty and cruel Enemy of God and his People into your hands, and make you executioner of his just indignation upon them, and return you victorious unto us who commit you and your Company unto God, and remain. These orders and instructions by the Council. E. R. [Edward Kawson.] November the 2d— 1675. 306 APPENDIX. [See page 32.] Vni. SECOND INDIAN DEED. February 12, 1G77. Boo it known to all men by these presents, yt wo, Anthony, alias Wunaweshawakum, and Abagail liis wife, only Dauj;hter and Ileyr of I'annasunet, late of (iuansicamund, de- ceased ; also Nannuswanc, widdow and relict of the said I'annasuned ; also Sasomctt, and Quassawake liis wife, sister to the said I'annassunitt, for and in consideration of full satisfac- tion in trucking cloth and corn, paid to and received by us, from Daniel Gookin, Esq. Capt. Thos. Prentice of Cambr. and Capt. Daniel Henchman of Boston, pd unto us and each of us, have bargained and sold, aliened, enfeoffed, and confirmed, and by these presents do bar- gaine, sell, alien, enfeoflfe, and confirm, unto the said Daniel Gookin, Thomas Prentice, Daniel Henchman, for ye use of themselves, and all other their parners and associates yt are and shall be admitted Inhabitants and planters, upon a township granted unto ye sd Daniel Gookin, Tho. Prentice, Daniel Hinchman, by a General Court of Massachusetts, at a place between Marlborough and Brookficld, called by the Indian Name Quansicamond Ponds, con- teining ye contents of eight miles square, with all the lands, woods, meadows, watercours- es, mineralls, or any other matter or thing, within the said tract which in naturall right belonged to us, or any of us, and posses'd of, by the said I'annasunet, Sagamore, or his heirs or kindred wtsoever : To Have and To Hold all the lands, both woodland and broken- up lands, and all ye apurtenances, as aforesaid, to ym the said Daniel Gookin, Thomas Prentice, Daniel Henchman, their heirs and associates, yt shall and may duely and legally possess and sett down upon their lands and plantations, and to their heirs, executors, ad- ministrators, or assigns, for evermore, and the said Anthony, alias VVannoshanuhannitt, and Abagail his wife, daughter and only heir to Panasunet, and her mother Nannaswane, and Sasuet and his wife. Sister of Panasunet, being all Indians, and Natives, and Inhabi- tants, they and their ancestors, of that place and tract of land at Quansicamond Ponds, have good and just naturall right and interest in the said land, and do freely and abso- lutely sell and alien all the premises aforesaid, unto the said persons and their heirs for- ever, warranting ye lawful sale herein made, for us, our heirs, executors and administra- tors, or from or by any person wtsoever. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this sixth day of the 12th Mo. 1677. Signed, Sealed and delivered / Anthony, Signed and Sealed, in presence of us, John Elliott. Nathaniel Gookin. Waban, his mark. James Speen. Simon Betoghom. I This deed acknowledged by all ye subscribers, and sealed this 6. of Febr. 1G77, before me, Daniel Gookin, Senr, Assist. Entered, 9. 2. 83. by Tho. Danforth R. [See page 33.] IX. ORDER OF THE GREAT AND GENERAL COURT. 1G79. For the greater comfort and safety of all people who are intending to resettle the villages deserted in the late war, or the planting any new plantation within this jurisdiction. It is ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that no deserted town or new planta- tion shall be inhabited, till the people first make application unto the Governor and Coun- cil, or to the County Courts within whose jurisdiction such plantation is, and the Council or County Court are hereby ordered and empowered, to appoint an able and discreet com- mittee, at the charge of the people intending to plant, which Com. are ordered and empow- Abagail, Signed and Sealed. Nans wan. Signed and Sealed. Sasomet, Signed and Sealed. Quasonoit, Signed and Sealed. ANCIENT PAPERS. 3 07 ered to view and consider the place or places to be settled, and give directions and orders in writing, under their hands in what form, way, and manner, such town shall be settled and erected ; wherein they are required to have a principal respect to nearness and con- veniency of habitation for security against enemies, and more comfort for christian com- munion and enjoyment of God's worship, and education of children in schools, and civility, with other good ends ; and all such Planters are hereby enjoyned to attend and put in practise such orders and directions as shall be given by such committee, upon the penalty of one hundred pounds fine to the Country, to be inflicted upon them by order of the Coun- cil, or County Court, for their neglect or refusal to attend this order. [See page 134.] X. VOTES IN WORCESTER FOR GOVERNOR SINCE 1780. Date. Candidates. Candidates. 1780 Hancock 56 Bowdoin 20 1781 Hancock 48 Bowdoin 04 1782 Hancock 29 Bowdoin 14 1783 Hancock 49 Bowdoin 08 1784 Hancock 30 Bowdoin 12 1785 Bowdoin 35 Dana 33 1786 Bowdoin 45 Gushing 02 1787 Hancock 111 Bowdoin 67 1788 Hancock 92 Gerry 37 1789 Hancock 78 Bowdoin 37 1790 Hancock 61 Bowdoin 20 1791 Hancock 68 Dana 01 1792 Hancock 24 rhillips 18 1793 Hancock 31 Gerry 31 1794 Adams 55 ('ushing 38 1795 Adams 70 Gerry 04 1796 Sumner 102 Adams 42 1797 Sumner 88 Sullivan 37 1798 Sumner 81 Gill 01 1799 Sumner 119 — — 1800 Gerry 140 Strong 35 1801 Gerry 127 Strong 59 1802 Gerry 144 Strong 88 1803 Gerry 151 Strong 101 1804 Sullivan 150 Strong 86 1805 Sullivan 194 Strong 109 1806 Sullivan 219 Strong 135 1807 Sullivan 221 Strong 134 1808 Sullivan 213 Gore 132 Dale. 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 C'indidates. Lincoln Gerry Gerry Gerry Varnum Dexter Dexter Dexter Dearborn 221 220 210 241 233 235 226 249 238 Crowninshield 205 Crowninshield 230 Eustis Eustis Eustis Eustis Eustis Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Davis Davis Everett Everett 234 191 191 266 298 284 201 327 If.l 203 303 299 361 478 682 446 677 Candidates. Gore 147 Gore 142 Gore 137 Strong 165 Strong 175 Strong 194 Strong 201 Brooks 202 Brooks 191 Brooks 174 Brooks 184 Brooks 158 Brooks 166 Otis 182 Otis 182 Lathrop 222 Morton 09 Lloyd 40 Jarvis 06 Morton 12 Morton 15 IMorton 142 Morton 107 Morton 148 Morton 152 Morton 160 Morton 291 Morton 317 [See page 131.] XI. NOTICE OP DANIEL SHAYS. [It was accidentally stated in the note to page 151 that a Bketch of the life of this individual would be tound in the Appendix. The uectssity of performing a promise inadvertently made, is the only reason for its appearance here.] This individual acquired an unenviable notoriety which imparts some degree of interest to the incidents of his life. He was born in Hopkinton, in 1747 ; the son of parents not in affluent circumstances, he worked with Mr. Brinley, a respectable farmer of Framingham. The activity and energy of his youth promised at maturity more desirable elevation than he attained. That his education was neglected, is apparent from his official letters, bidding defiance alike to government, grammar and good spelling. Just before the revolution, he removed to one of the towns beyond Connecticut river, and afterwards resided in I'elham. When the w.ar commenced he entered the army at the age of twenty eight, with the rank of Ensign, in Capt. Dickinson's company, in Col. Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge's regiment. 308 APPENDIX. His ambition, activity, and the plausible manners covering the want of acquirements, joined with personal intrepidity, obtained promotion, and in 177G, he was appointed lieu- tenant in Col. Varnum's regiment. At a time when tlie line peculiarly needed rcenforce- ment, he was detached on the recruiting service, with the promise of somo suitable reward for the enlistment of twenty men. For this purpose he visited his native state, and his unwearied exertions were crowned with ample success. When the complement assigned to him was filled, a plan suggested itself for grasping honor and pay at once. Finding the pulse of patriotism beat high, and the young men of New England were ready to devote themselves for their country, he continued his enlistments. Insinuating address and bold representations, produced impressions of his ability and influence, easily turned to his own advantage, and by holding out expectations of indulgence to those who should serve under his command, a company was raised, on the condition that he should be their captain. With these men he returned to the camp, where they were mustered. When the inspector was about to distribute them to different corps, Shays produced the enlistment papers; pointed to the condition which held them to serve under himself alone ; and requested the appointment of Captain. The necessity of the times prevented the sacrifice of so many recruits, and after indignant remonstrances, it was deemed expedient to yield to his de- mands. The commission was promised, and issued after long delay, in Sept. 1771>, to re- late back to Jan. 1, 1777. Such is the account tradition gives of his military rank. The honors, ill won, were not long worn. lie was discharged Oct. 1-4, 17S0, at Newark, in New Jersey, from Col. Rufus Putnam's regiment. The deficiency of honorable sentiment in his mental constitution, may be inferred from a characteristic incident. Lafayette had presented, in 1780, to each of the American offi- cers under his immediate command, an elegant sword. Such pledge of regard from the patriot chief, a soldier with a spark of generous feeling, would have cherished as his dear- est possession, and transmitted to his posterity as an heirloom of inestimable value. Shays sold the gift of his commander for a few dollars. After being disbanded, he retired to Pelham, and lived in obscurity. Bankrupt in for- tune and in fame. Shays was ready to embark on the flood of any desperate adventure. Without the energetic decision or enlarged conceptions, the strong spirit or the bold dar- ing, which befit a leader, by some accident, he was elevated to the command of the insur- gents. Of capacity too humble to direct the movements of an army in those momenta when the force of talent makes itself felt by triumphant results, and turns even obstruc- tions into encouragements, he was weak, vacillating, and irresolute. It was providential that the physical power of the arm of rebellion had so feeble a head to direct its blow. With the first shade of adversity, he made indirect overtures to the agents of government, to abandon his comrades to their fate, on assurance of personal safety ; and when his base propositions were rejected, and promises of indemnity and pardon were offered to his followers, his persuasions induced them to reject the proffered mercy and retain the arms of hopeless controversy, to purchase by their sacrifice security for himself. When the insurrection was crushed, he retired to Vermont. After the lapse of a few years, the general of the rebellion passed through the streets of Worcester, which he once entered at the head of an army, and received assistance from those whoso homes he had threatened with desolation. At length he removed to Sparta, in New York. As a pensioner of the United States, he derived his daily bread from the government, whose forces he had encountered in arms. Declarations filed in the department of war by himself, show that his family consisted of an aged wife, and that he lived in extreme poverty. He died Sept. 29, 1825, aged 78. '•' However much the honor and integrity of Daniel Shays were questioned, his courage was never disputed. He was in the battle of Bunker's Hill, at the capture of Burgoyne, • He married Nancy Ilaven, a widow. The schedule of his property in 1S20, filed in the pension office, exhibits a condition of almost utter destitution. It is as follows : 1 mare. $2j : 1 old saddle, $2 50 : 1 bridle, 50 : I old cutler, $5 : 1 old axe, 623^ cents : 1 hoe, 62]4 cents ; liable, $3: 3 chairs, $ll2Vi: 1 old scythe and enath. 1 12J^: 1 old pail, 12>^ cents : llarge bible, $1 : amounting to $40 C2. APPENDIX. 309 and at the storming of Stony Point ; was under Lafiiyette, and did good service in many bloody encounters. A severe wound, received during the revolution, was honorary testi- monial of intrepidity. When Shepard and himself met at Springfield, the former addressed him by the title of general : Shays instantly demanded an explanation, declaring that he claimed no rank but that of captain, and added, laying his hand on his sword, that if diflFerent designation was given, he should consider it insult, and would exact imme- diate satisfaction on the spot. An aged inhabitant of Ilopkinton, who was schoolmate of the rebel captain, states that he was born on the farm in that town, still called the ' Shays place,' situated on Saddle Hill, about two miles west of the meeting house ; that he made his home there principally until he removed with his father, to a place beyond Connecticut river, which, as is sup- posed,was Great Barrington. The estate where his early youth was passed, has long been deserted as a human habitation, and the forest which has overgrown the forsaken orchard is interspersed, at regular intervals, with aged apple trees. An estimable and respected clergyman relates, that soon after he began to preach as a candidate, he was employed at Felham : on the first Sunday of his visit there, he observed a very well dressed gentleman, with a military air, enter the meeting-house : immediately, every pew door from the bottom to the top of the aisle was thrown open, and he was re- ceived with the most respectful salutations : this distinguished person was Daniel Shays, who had just returned to that town, with the pardon of the government, and lived upon the west side of the east hill. The next day, Shays called on the clergyman, and held long discourse about his labors and suiTerings. He said he had been entirely deceived in re- spect to the feelings of the people : that he received assurances that if he would collect an hundred men, and march in any direction, multitudes would flock to his standard. Re- lying on these representations, he began his march with a small force, but found he pro- duced little sensation and that few joined him : at night, he thought it necessary to preserve the appearance of military organization and to mount guard, and ordered a man to stand sentry ; ' no 1 won't,' was the reply to the commander, ' let that man, he is not so sick as I be ' : the second man refused, desiring him to take another who was stronger, and the chief of the insurrection found himself without authority at the head of a tumultuary army. A soldier of the rebellion, who had fled from Springfield to Pelham without stopping, and hid his gun under the barn floor, asked Shays why he did not stand his ground ? The reply was, ' you know, if I had, I must have stood alone.' The clergyman describes Shays as an agreeable and intelligent person, and the day he spent with him as one of the most interesting of his life. These particulars have been obligingly communicated by Samuel B. Walcott, Esq., of Hopkinton. XII. STATEMENTS IN RELATION TO THE TRADE, MANCFACTL'EES, EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS OF WOUCESTER. Trade. The following excellent abstract of the transportation on the Blackstone Canal, stated in tons, has been prepared by Mr. Eddy, the collector, and was politely furnished by Thomas Burgess, Esq., of Providence. To 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. Worcester 4300 4400 4663 6336 4694 Millbury 876 1140 1316 1533 1375 Grafton 968 1019 1174 909 736 Nortlibridge 1026 920 12S() 428 634 Uxbridge 9G4 1184 10o9 1497 1534 Millville 601 655 610 252 295 Blackstone 986 844 640 628 339 Watertord 386 660 540 469 120 Woonsocket 3139 3304 2564 1168 1965 Manville 377 193 366 71 417 Albion 225 156 149 12 29 L Kelleys 275 37 — — 35 Lonsdale 462 1800 1274 558 807 27 310 BLACKSTOXE CANAL. From Worcester 808 890 848 826 739 Millbury draft on 360 289 223 153 171 236 187 110 183 158 Northbrulgc L'ybr'Kl;^e 1621 1821 1208 542 233 17. "(5 3276 1500 2617 1470 Millville 94 63 221 5 15 IMack stone 279 195 245 226 127 Waterlord 11 69 60 64 6 Wooiisocket 291 269 135 86 303 Manvillo 10 63 — — 61 Albion 23 20 1 1 41 Kelly's 99 298 191 — 255 Lonsdalo — 6 134 79 51 The amount of tolls collected on the Blackstone Canal has been as follows : In 182S $1000,00 In 1831 $14941,67 In 1834 $16464,45 In 1829 8(506,00 In 1832 18007,45 In 1835 14433,08 In 1830 12016,82 In 1833 17545,10 In 1836 11500,00 The follow ing are the principal articles transported on the Canal. Years. Coal. Iron. Cotton. Wool. Corn. Salt. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. Bushels. Bushels. 1834 2759 635 382fl t 2100 24698 19631 1835 3148 840 35nc ► 3151 8618 18223 1836 3044 567 3494 2048 25174 11095 Flour. Molasses. Oil. Gvpsum. Leather. Wood. Barrels. Gall Ions. Gallons. Tons Tons. Cords. 1834 21158 68 549 49957 364 1500 1835 16278 58323 43137 — . 292 825 1836 10025 22, 389 39024 582 220 1185 Boston and Worcestee Railkoad. The following statement of the business of this road has been communicated by Nathan Hale, Esq. From July 1 to Dec. 31, 1835, the receipts were as follows : for Transportation of passengers $72912,12 Freight 18828,21 Net Income 51272,67 The whole number of passengers conveyed on the road within the six months, was 72,- 658, making the average of 460 the day : of these, 37700 travelled over the whole roadi and the remainder were taken up or set down at one of the stopping places between Wor- cester and Boston. The number of trips was ; with passengers 757, in the average time of 2h. 60m. ; and with freight cars, 533. The whole amount received from Dec. 1, 1835, to Dec. 1, 1836, was For conveyance of passengers $118233,44 Freight 69836,93— $17807,37 The freight carried out from Boston, was 5771 tons ; brought in, 1190 tons. The passengers to and from the places mentioned below, in the same period, were, Brighton and Angier's corner 3219 Newton 403 Needham and Natick 1061 Framingham and Hopkinton 3424 Southborough and Westborough 2807 Grafton 2771 Worcester 11161—24847 A large amount of fare was taken in the cars where the places were not entered. The number of stores in Worcester, in 1836, was as follows : for groceries 16 : dry goods 16 : crockery 2 : hardware 3 : iron 1 : wool 3 : flour and grain 4 : coal 2 : provisions 4 : fruit and confectionery 6 : drugs and medicines 4 : dye stuffs 2 : books and stationery 3 : EXECUTIONS. EESTIVALS. 311 music and umbrellas 1 : hats and furs 5 : shoes and leather 6 : dresses and millinery 5 : jewelry and watches 4 : cabinet furniture 2 : carpet warehouses 2 : drapers and tailor's shops 5. There are 4 banks : 3 insurance offices : an insurance agency : and 4 printing offices. A statement of the condition of the manufactures and mechanic industry of any town, exhibiting the aggregate amount of capital invested, the number of hands employed, the sums paid for labor, and the annual quantity and value of production in each department, would be alike interesting and useful. For the purpose of presenting this view of the prosperity of Worcester, circular letters were distributed among those engaged in differ- ent braches of business, soliciting information. Acknowledgments ».re due to several gentlemen, who kindly furnished full answers to the inquiries : but, unfortunately, some- have felt reluctant, even for such general purpose, to communicate facts : and many, under the pressui-e of their engagements, have not found time for any reply. The results ob- tained were so incomplete, that in forming an estimate of the whole, it would have been necessary to substitute conjecture for certainty, in filling up many intervals. As the whole value of such statistics depends on that degree of accuracy which it was impracti- cable to attain, after much labor and trouble bestowed by others, the compiler has been reluctantly compelled to leave the accomplishment of an object so desirable, to those who may be more fortunate in their effort for obtaining materials. ^ Xin. EXECUTIONS. As Worcester has been the seat of the Courts of justice, these dreadful exhibitions have taken place here. The following are all the executions which have occurred within the county since its foundation : 1737, Nov. 26, Hugh Henderson, alias John Hamilton, for Burglary : 1768, Oct. 20, Arthur, a negro, for Eape : 1770, Oct. 25, William Lindsay, for Burglary : 1778, July 2, William Brooks, James Buchanan, Ezra Ross, and Bathsheba Spooner, for the murder of Joshua Spooner of Brookfield: 1779, Nov. 11, Robert Young, for Rape: 1783, June 19, William Huggins and John Mansfield, for Burglary : 1786, Aug. 17, Johnson Green, for Burglary : 1793, Oct. 31, Samuel Frost, for the murder of Elisha Allen of Princeton: 1825, Dec. 7, Horace Carter, for Rape. No one of these criminala were natives of Worcester, and but three were born within the county. XIV. FESTIVALS. FOURTH OF JULY. The anniversary of national independence has usually been celebrated in this town. : the addresses of those designated •'John Davis, '■Pliny Merrick. ^Austin Denny. '■'Edward D. Bangs. Charles H. Warren. Jonathan Going. Francis B. Stebbins. William Lincoln. Richard H. Vose. Charles Allen. Thomas Kinnicutt. John Davis. Peter C. Bacon. Samuel M. Burnside. Edwin Conant. George Folsora. '■■'Edward Everett. Franklin Dexter. [Boston & Worcester Rail Road opened.] Benjamin F. Thomas. The gentlemen named below have delivered orations by a star, have been printed. 1791 ^Edward Bangs. 1816 1795 '^Joseph Allen. 1817 1796 ^•'Francis Blake, 1818 1797 ^Oliver Fiske. 1819 1798 '-Samuel Austin. 1820 1799 Pelatiah Hitchcock. 1822 1800 '••'Edward Bangs. 1823 1801 '•-'Isaac Story. 1824 1802 ''■'Zephaniah S. Moore. 1825 1803 John W. Caldwell. 1826 1804 '■'William Chaiies White. 1 S27 1805 •'Daniel Waldo Lincoln. 1829 1808 '-'Estes Howe. 1830 1810 '■'Levi Heywood. 1831 1811 ^Samuel Brazer. "John W. Hubbard, 1832 1812 ^Francis Blake. 1833 ^■-'Enoch Lincoln. 1834 1813 Thomas Snell. 1835 1814 *^Rejoice Newton. Edwin A. White. 1836 1815 **Peleg Sprague. < 7^r// . ^ . ^/d /(/r/rr r^^v HISTORY OF ^v^OHCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, FROM 1836 TO 1861. INTERESTING EEMINISCENCES OF THE PUBLIC MEN OE WORCESTER. BY CHAELES HEESEY. SAVE TUE LITTLE THINGS — NAMES, BATES, AND FACTS ; COLLECT THE LOOSE SEEDS ; DRIVE YOUR LAND MARKS, AND PASS DOWN THE CURRENT OF TIME. WORCESTER: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY HENRY J. ROWLAND. Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1860, BY CI1ARI,ES IIERSEY, in the Clerk's OiSce of the District Court of Massachusetts. TO THE HONORABLE ISAAC DAVIS, MAYOn OF THE CITY OF WORCESTER: FOR YOUR JUDICIOUS COUXSEL, AND MATERIAL AID, I\ THE PR0Si2CUTI0N OF THIS ■\VOHK : YOUR LIBERAI, AXD GEXEKOUS COURSE TOWARDS THE YOUXG MEN OF THIS GROWING CITY : AND FOR THAT ENLARGED PUBLIC SPIRIT WHICH HAS LED YOU NEVER TO FORGET THE TRUE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE, I ask the privilege to Dedicate to you this feeble eifort to continue and perpetuate T H E H I S T 0 R Y OF WORCESTER,. CONTENTS. Introduction — General History, page 315 Increase of Population. — Selectmen, 316 Representatives, 317 Churches and Ministers, 3 18 Ministers not connected with Churches as Pastors, 336 Lawyers , 240 Physicians, 352 Banks, 360 Insurance Companies, 370 Fire Department, 372 Worcester Lyceum, 373 Gas Light Company, 376 Post Office, 378 Graduates of Colleges, 379 Obituaries, 382 Fires, 388 Old Men, 389 Education, 394 Various Associations, 395 Bigelow Monument, 399 Military, 423 The War, 424 Hotels, 425 Newspapers and Periodicals, 426 Public Buildings, 430 Railroads. — Cemeteries, 433 Remarkable Events, 434 Acknowledgment, 435 Index, 437 HISTORY OF WORCESTER. From 1836 to 1861. INTRODUCTION Althougli it might be a task and a tax on the industry of one individual, to compile the history of Worcester from its first settlement in 1664 to 1836, a period of one hundred and seventy-two years, without authentic records, and ■without a living man to gain any thing of by tradition, yet the work has been accomplished, and the public has been favored with the history of the Town from its first attempt at settlement to 1836, by William Lincoln, Esq., whose indefatigable labors have done more for the history of Worcester than any man now living. Upon the death of Mr. Lincoln, Avho was then styled the living historian of Worcester, the humble compiler of the following pages saw the necessity of some one to keep the records whereby the history might in after years be pursued with accuracy. Such a record, to some extent, the compiler has kept, and believing that a continuation of the history of the City ought to be made as often as once in twenty-five years, has come to the con- clusion, at the earnest solicitation of many friends, to ofi'er the following pages as the History of Worcester from 1836 to 1861.* GENERAL HISTORY. From the time that Lincoln's History closes to the present, we have enjoyed almost one uninterrupted season of prosperity. Property has increased more than four fold ; mechanical and manufacturing interests have more than quad- rupled ; churches and school houses have been reared in the morning and evening of the same day ; the Town has become a City, third in wealth and importance in the Commonwealth ; the Fire Department has risen from infancy ^ By the kindness of Hon. Levi Lincoln, the owner of the copy right of Lincoln's History, I am permitted to reprint the same, which forms the first part of this volume. 316 INCREASE OF rorULATIOX. BEPKESENTATIVE3. to manhood, and is now second to none; the water power has been immensely augmented by the building of new dams, and flowing of large reservoirs of almost worthless land ; the city has not suffered from any visitation of epi- demic disease ; water has been introduced ; gas courses its way from Lincoln square to New Worcester, giving light as it passes along ; new streets have been laid out ; lamp posts have been erected ; societies for moral and religious instruction have been formed ; facilities of communication have been more than doubled by railroads and omnibuses ; and taxes have been light, as they always will be in the community that reverences God and educates its children. Probably there is not a town or city in New England, if there is in the Union, which can be said to have at the same time so good a round of schools and school-houses, and a rate of taxation not exceeding eight dollars upon a thousand. Increase of Population. — In 1836, the number of inhabitants was 7,500. The following table will show the increase from time to time to the year 1860. 1840— 7,497. Lost 3. 1845 — 11,556. Gained 4,059. 1850 — 17,049. Gained 5,493. 1855 — 22,284. " 5,235, 1860 — 24,983. " 2,697. We see from the above, that the largest gain in five years was from 1845 to 1850, and that the city gained, from 1850 to 1860, 7,934, which is a larger number than any other town has in this county. When we consider the great disaster by fire which took place in June, 1853, called the Merrifield Fire, and the general depression of business in 1856 and 7, we think the growth of Worcester has been very respectable. Selectmen chosen Isaac Davis 1837 Luther Burnett, Jr. 1837 Nathaniel Stowell 1837 Joseph Converse 1837 Benjamin Flagg 1837 Jubal Harrington 1837 Samuel Banister 1837 John W. Lincoln 1838, 39, 43, 44, [45 F. W. Paine, 1838,40,41,42,43, [44, 45, 46, 47 Charles Blair 1838 Thomas Chamberlain 1838,39 John P. Kettell 1838, 39 Stephen Salisbury 1839 since 1836 to 1848. Lewis Chapin Wm. A. Wheeler George T. Rice Albert Curtis Henry W. Miller Henry Goulding Darius Rice, Wm. Barber Edward Earle Jonas Bartlett Samuel Davis Eben'r H. Bowen Horatio N. Tower Albert Tolman 1839,40, 41 1840, 41 1«40 1840,41 1841,42, 43, 44, [45 1842 1842, 43, 44, 45, 1842 1843,44, 45,46 1846 1846 1846, 47 1847 1847 EEPKESENTATIVES. 517 Representatives since 1836 to 1848. William Lincoln Guy S. Newton Emory Washburn Nathan Heard Eben'r L. Barnard Stephen Salisbury Lewis Chapin Simon S. Gates Ichabod Washburn Charles Allen John Wright Thomas Kinnicutt 1837, 38, 39, 40 1837 1837 1837, 38, 39 1837 1838, 39 1838, 39, 40 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840, 41, 42,43 Benj. F. Thomas John Hammond Nathaniel Brooks Fitzroy Willard Alex. H. Bullock John M. Earle Darius Rice Ira M. Barton Peregrine B. Gilbert Daniel Waldo Lincoln Samuel Davis 1841 1841 1842,43 1842, 43 1844,46, 47,48 1«44, 45 1844, 45 1845 1846, 47, 48 1846 1847, 48 Representatives since 1848. 1849 — Peter C. Bacon, Albert Tolman, Charles White. 1850 — John M. Earle, Albert Tolman, Charles White. 1851 — John M. Earle, Edward Earle, Benjamin Flagg, John F. GleasoK, Charles Washburn. 1852 — Isaac Davis, John M. Earle, John F. Gleason, George F. Hoar, Putman W. Taft. 1853 — Henry W. Benchley, George W. Gill, Edward Lamb, Eli Thayer, Charles White. 1854 — Eli Thayer, Henry W. Benchley, George W. Gill, Edward Lamb, Henry H. Chamberlin. 1855 — Harrison Bliss, Elijah B. Stoddard, Putman W. Taft, George W. Hussell, John H. Brooks. 1856— William T. Merrifield, George F. Thompson, Dexter F. Parker, John B. D. Cogswell, Stephen P. Twiss. 1857 — Alexander Thayer, Dexter F. Parker, James S. Woodworth, O. H. Tillotson, Albert L. Benchley. 1858 — Albert Tolman, Henry C. Rice, Charles B. Pratt, George Chandler, Marcus Barrett. 1859 — Benjamin F. Otis, Samuel A. Knox, Henry C. Rice, Joseph Pratt, Timothy S. Stone. 1860 — Dexter F. Parker, Joseph D. Daniels, Patrick O'Keefe, Alexander H. Bullock, Benjamin F. Otis. 1861 — Delano A. Goddard, Samuel Souther, Joseph D. Daniels, John L. Murphy, Alex. H. Bulloek. 318 CHURCHES AND MINISTERS. 1. Old South. — Rev. Rodney A. Miller was the pastor of this Church in 183G, havini^ been ordained June 7th, 1827, and dismissed by a mutual council, April 12th, 1844, after a long and successful ministry in this place of almost seventeen years. Accompanying the act of dismission on the part of the council, was a formal testimony, of the most satisfactory character, as to his moral worth and ministerial efficiency. Since his dismission as pastor of the Old South Church, he has resided in Worcester, and has preached occasionally to destitute churches. He was elected overseer by the Board of Harvard College in 1843, and continued one year. In 1852 he was elected by the legislature to the same office, and continued in office four years. In 1856 he was elected to fill the unexpired term of Hon. Abbot Lawrence, which was four years, making in all nine years. He was member of the first or visiting committee of the University, includ- ing the last year's appointment, nine years in succession. After a vacancy of nearly one year in the pastoral office, the Rev. George P. Smith, of South Woburn, (now Winchester,) having received and accepted a call, became the eighth pastor of the Church, and was installed March 19th, 1845. The sermon on this occasion was delivered by the Rev. Thomas Snell, D. D. of North Brookfield. Mr. Smith was born in Salem, Mass., on the 11th of February, 1814, and was a graduate of Amherst College of the class of 1835, and of Andover Theo- logical Seminary of the class of 1840. Mr. Smith died at Salem on the third day of September, 1852, in the thirty- ninth year of his age, and in the eighth of his ministry in Worcester. By his kind and affectionate spirit he endeared himself to the people of his charge, and a large circle of friends, by whom his death was deeply lamented. On the 1 3th day of December, 1852, the church and parish with great unanimity invited the Rev. Horace James, of Wrentham, Mass., to become their pastor and minister. Mr. James accepted the invitation, and was in- stalled on the 3d day of February, 1853, on which occasion the sermon was preached by Rev. Edwards A. Park, D. D., of Andover. Mr. James, the present pastor, is a native of Milford, Mass. He graduated at Yale College in 1840, and pursued a course of theological study at New Haven and Andover. He married Helen Leavitt, daughter of Gen. David Leavitt, of Boston. Mr. James was absent from his people five months in the spring and summer of 1858, on a tour in Europe. Mr. James having been appointed chaplain of the 25th regiment of Massa- chusetts Volunteers, left his people October l3th, for his new field of labor. CHUKCHES AND MINISTERS. 319 2. Second Parish, (First Unitarian.) — This church and society was under the charge of Aaron Bancroft, D. D., as senior pastor, and Rev. Alonzo Hill, as junior pastor, in 1836. Rev. Dr. Bancroft died August 19th, 1839, in the 84th year of his age, and fifty-fourth of his ministry. He di<3d beloved and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. An organ was introduced into the church October 25th, ISSfi. Their second meeting-house was burned, August, 1849, and the third, standing on the same site of the one destroyed, was dedicated March 26th, 1851. Their chapel was dedicated December 12th, 1852. The third bell having been broken on the 4th of July, was replaced by another October 5th, 1853, The old organ having been sold, a second was introduced May 10th, 1855. Rev. Dr. Hill, the present pastor, was overseer of Harvard College from 1851 to 1854; received the degree of D. D. in 1851 ; was absent from his charge in Cuba in the winter of 1837-8, and in Europe eight months in 1856. Dr. Hill has published, since 1836, the following: Sermon at the inter- ment of Rev. Dr. Bancroft, August 22d, 1839 ; Sermon at the interment of Rev. Dr. Thayer, June 28th, 1840; Review of Messrs. Edwards and Sears' Sermons on Rev. Isaac Allen, Christian Examiner, Sept. 1844 ; Article on Rev. Jonathan Farr, Christian Examiner, Nov. 1846 ; Sermon preached in Boston, May 27th, 1847, on Christian Communion; Sermon in Monthly Miscellany, October, 1848; Article on Rev. Hiram Washington, Christian Examiner ; Sermon on General Taylor, National ^Egis, July 31st, 1850 ; Ser- mon preached in the Ancient meeting-house, Hingham, Sept. 8th, 1850; Ser- mon at the dedication of the New meeting house, March 26th, 1851 ; Sermon on the 25th anniversary of his ordination, March 28th, 1852; Discourse on the death of Hon. John W. Lincoln, October 10th, 1852 : Address before the Worcester North-East Temperance Union, Sterling, April 13th, 1853 ; Ser- mon on the death of Hon. John Davis, April 25th, 1854 ; Address before the Alumni of Leicester Academy, August 7th, 1855 ; Address before the Guard- ians of the Orphan's Home, February 5th, 1857 ; Discourse commemorative of Hon. Thomas Kinnicutt, January 31st, 1858; Speech before the Antiqua- rian Society on Mr. Prescott, February 10th, 1859; Commemorative Dis- course on Rev. Samuel Clark, Uxbridge, December 11th, 1859. This church has been constituted seventy-four years, and Dr. Hill is its second pastor. He has officiated in the sacred office thirty-three years. May the day be far distant when the people of his charge shall lose his valuable services. Their house of worship stands upon Court House Hill, about four rods south of the new Court House, and is built of brick, covered with mastic drawn in squares representing granite. For symmetry, externally and inter- nally, this church will compare favorably with any in this Commonwealth. 3. First Baptist. — Rev. Jonathan Aldrich was pastor of this church in 1836. Their meeting house was burned May 21st, 1836; the origin of the fire was attributed to an incendiary. The house of worship erected on the site of that which had been burned, was dedicated in 1836, and Mr. Al- 320 CHURCHES and mikisteks. (Irlch preached on the occasion from the words, " Holiness becometh thy house, O Lord, forever." Vs. 73 : 5. This house is built of wood, and is furnished with an elegant organ, pre- sented by Hon. Isaac Davis, and surmounted with a spire 138 feet high, with a bell weighing 2200 lbs., and is situated on Salem street, a little east of the old Common. Mr. Aldrich was dismissed from this church. May, 1838 ; and when he left Worcester the church passed the following commendatory reso- lution : " That we hold his character as a vigilant peace-maker and able pastor in the highest estimation ; and acknowledge our obligations ever to be grateful to the giver of every good and perfect gift, that we have been per- mitted to enjoy his faithful ministry." Mr. Aldrich has for several years acted as agent of the American Baptist Missionary Union, residing in "Worcester, where he died January 19, 1862, aged 62. In April 1839, Rev. Samuel B. Swaim assumed the pastoral relation with this church, and continued the pastor until May, 1854, serving them faithfully and acceptably for fifteen years. Mr. Swaim is a native of New Jersey. He was graduated at Brown Uni- versity in 1830, and at Newton Theological Seminary in 1833. He was first settled over the First Baptist Church in Haverhill. In 1835 he was invited to fill the Theological professorship in Granville College ; he occupied this position about two years. Rev. J. D. E. Jones received and accepted a call of the church, March 7, 1855, and commenced his labors with the church in April. He continued with the church as pastor until May, 1859, when he was chosen Superin- tendent of Public Schools in this city. August 30th, 1860, the ordination of Mr. Lemuel Moss took place, as the sixth pastor of this church. The council convened at 9 o'clock, A. M., in the vestry of the church, over which Rev. Dr. Pattison, of Worcester, presided. The services at his ordination were as follows : Reading of the scriptures by Rev. J. D. E. Jones, of Worcester ; introductory prayer by Rev. J. Aldrich, of Worcester ; sermon by Rev. J. R. Scott, of Yonkers, N. Y. ; ordaining prayer by Rev. Dr. Pattison, of Worcester ; charge to the candidate by Rev. Dr. Robinson, of Rochester Theological Seminary ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. H. L. Wayland, of Worcester ; charge to the church by Rev. Dr. Warren, of Boston ; closing prayer by Rev, Dr. Fisher. Rev. Lemuel Moss was born in Boone county, Kentucky, December 27th, 1829 ; he worked nine years at the printing business in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was married, December 1851, to Miss Harriet Brigham. In September 1853, he took up his residence in Rochester, N. Y., to prosecute his studies for the ministry. In July 1858, graduated from the University of Rochester, and in July 1860, from the Rochester Theological Seminary. 4. Central Church, (2d Congregationalist.) — This church was under the pastoral care of Rev. David Peabody, which continued until the autumn of 1838, Avhen Mr. Peabody's request, (on account' of ill health,) for CHURCHES AND MINISTEKS. 321 dismission was laid before the church for their action, and the following reso- lutions were adopted : " Resolved, That this church entertains a high sense of the value of the min- isterial labors of the Rev. Mr. Peabody, and of his faithful discharge of all the duties resulting from his connection with us, and that we do most sincerely regret the occurrence of an event which seems likely, for a season at least, to deprive the church of Christ of his services as a pastor. " Resolved, That we do most cordially sympathize with the Rev. Mr. Pea- body and his companion in this visitation of divine providence, and most earn- estly pray that his health may be restored, and that he may be useful and happy in the situation in which he has been called to labor." On leaving Worcester, Mr. Peabody was appointed Professor of Rhetoric in Dartmouth College. This office he held until within a few weeks of his death, which occurred October 17th, 1839, at the age of thirty-four years and six months. The church being left vacant by the transfer of Mr. Peabody to Hanover, Rev. Seth Sweetser was called to become their pastor, and having accepted the call, was installed over them December 19th, 1838. Mr. Sweetser is a native. of Newburyport, and a graduate of Harvard University, in the class of 1827. He pursued the study of theology in the Seminary at Andover. He was a missionary to a feeble church two years in Gardiner, Me., and ordained pastor of the same, November 23d, 1836 ; which office he held until Novem- ber 8th, 1838, when he came to Worcester. Mr. Sweetser received the degree of D. D. from A. C. If a celebrated divine could say of Dr. Sweetser, now more than nine years since, that " his ministry here, of more than twelve years, has been both laborious and pleasant, vigilant and successful," what shall the historian of to-day say of him, more than that he is the same laborious, pleasant, vigilant, and successful pastor he was at that time. 5. First Methodist Episcopal Church. — Their first house of wor- ship, built in 1837, stood at the corner of Exchange and Union streets. At the dedication of this house, Rev. Joseph Holdich, D. D., preached the ser- mon. The house cost $4150, and was destroyed by fire February 19th, 1844. After the loss of their house of worship, they were obliged to return to the Town Hall, where they first commenced services as a religious society. The year following, (1845,) a portion of this church was set off and organized into the " Laurel street Methodist Episcopal Church." The Park street Society erected their house of worship in 1844-45 ; it was dedicated August 16th, 1845, when Rev. Bishop Janes preached the sermon. It stands on the south side of the old Common, on Park street, from which the church takes its name ; it is built of brick, and is 72 by 50 feet, surmounted with a cupola, and cost rather more than $10,000. Rev. John T. Burrill was the pastor of this church in 1836. He minis- tered to this people with great acceptance two years, which is the longest 28 822 CHITKCHES AND MINISTEKS. time allowed by the Methodist Conference. Rev. James Porter followed him, and remained with the church one year. Rev. Jotham Horton was here one year, and afterwards labored in the vicinity of Boston. Rev. Moses L. Scudder followed Mr. Horton, remaining two years. He was followed in Worcester by Rev. Miner Raymond, who began his labors here in 1841, and closed them in 1813 ; on leaving here he was stationed in Boston, and thence transferred from the itineracy to the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, Mass., as prin- cipal of that institution. Rev. Charles K. True, D. D., succeeded Mr. Raymond in the pastoral supervision of this church. Mr. True is a graduate of Harvard University. In 1849 he was honored by his Alma Mater with the degree of Doctor in Divinity. On leaving Worcester he was stationed in Charlestown, Chelsea, and Lowell, and afterwards appointed Professor of Polite Literature in the Wesleyan University at Middletown, Ct. He was followed in the pastoral care of this church by the Rev. Amos Binney. Mr. Binney was with this people two years. These were years of peculiar interest to the church. A part of their number was set off to form a second interest. A new house of worship was erected, more spacious and convenient than their former one. After leaving Worcester, Mr. Binney was the Presiding Elder of the Charlestown District. He was followed here by the Rev. Jonathan D. Bridge, who during the two years of his ministry was a successful pastor. He. was subsequently Presiding Elder of the Worcester District, after a pastorate in Roxbury, Boston and Maiden. His successor in Worcester was the Rev. Loranus Crowell. Mr. Crowell remained in Worcester but a single year, and was transferred to Boston, as pastor of the Bromfield street Church in that city. He was graduated at the Wesleyan University in Middletown, Ct., in 1841. Rev. Nelson S. Cobleigh was Mr. Crowell's immediate successor. He was graduated at the University in Middletown with the class of 1843. Mr. Cob- leigh is President of M'Kendree College, Illinois, at this date. The Rev. L. A. Mudge, was the next pastor of this church, who served very acceptably for the term of two years. Rev. D. E. Chapin was his successor, w'ho also served two years. Rev. F. H. Newhall, Rev. Chester Field, and Rev. J. H. Twom- bly, have also served this church two years each. Rev. John W. Dadmun, the present pastor, was born in Hubbardston, in this county, in 1819. He received his education at Wilbraham Seminary, and commenced preaching at the age of nineteen years. He preached in Boston four years previous to his connection with the church in this city.* He has compiled and published the following works: 1. " Revival Melodies : '' this work is of great interest ; eighty thousand copies was sold the first year of its publication. 2. " The Melodeon : " this is a valuable collection of hymns and tunes, original and selected, adapted to all occasions of social wor- ** Mr. Dadmun married for his first wife, Miss Lucy Ann, daughter of Beriah Smith, of Soutli Wilbraham, Mass., in 1842. She died April, 1844, His second wife was Miss Martha Jane, daughter of Wm. S. Rogers, Esq., of South Hampton. ► CHUBCHES AND MINISTERS. 323 ship. 3. " The ^olian Harp : " this is a collection of hymns and tunes for Sunday schools and Bands of Hope. 4. " Army Melodies : " original and selected hymns and tunes adapted to the army and navy. 6. First Roman Catholic. — Rev. James Fitton was the pastor of this church in 1836. They at that time had a small house of worship on Temple street; this house was built in 1834; it has been succeeded by St. John's Church, the largest structure of the kind in the city; it is 136 feet in length and 65 feet in breadth, of Roman Doric style of architecture. The Rev. A. Williamson succeeded Mr. Fitton. He was from Baltimore, and a student of the Propaganda of Rome. Having accomplished his services here, he gave place to the Rev. Matthew W. Gibson. He took charge of the " Worcester Mission " in 1844, and remained here until March, 1856. He is by birth an Englishman, and received his education partly in England and partly in Rome, in the College of the Propaganda. Mr. Gibson was a powerful working man while the pastor of this church. He built both of the Catholic churches in this city, and many others in this county and state. Rev. J. A. McAvoy was appointed his assistant, a native of Ireland ; he was educated in Trinity College, Dublin, and had the reputation of great learning. Ill health prevented him from performing the labors expected of him here, and induced his resignation in 1847 ; on his retiring from the office as assistant, Rev. John Boyce was stationed here as associate pastor with Mr. Gibson. Mr. Boyce is by birth an Irishman, was educated at the Royal College of Maynooth, Ireland. Previously to his entering upon this field of labor, he ministered tp the Cath- olics in Eastport, Maine. He still remains the pastor of this church, with Rev. P. J. O'Reilley as assistant pastor. Mr. Boyce, under the name of *' Paul Peppergrass," has published the following: '^' Shandy Maguire," an excellent story of Irish life: "The Spoewife," and " Mary Lee." He is an agreeable writer of fiction. 7. Union Church, (3d Congeegationalist.) — This church was or- ganized February 3, 1836, with sixty-three members. Twenty-seven of these were from the First Church, and nineteen from the Calvinist Church. Their house was dedicated July 6th, 1836. Rev. John Nelson preached the ser- mon on the occasion ; and Rev. George Allen offered the dedicatory prayer. This house is of brick, 90 feet in length and 45 in width, and is situated on Front street, on the north east side of the common. The house is surmounted by a well-proportioned spire, and has a fine-toned bell, and an organ, which is one of Stevens' best. » Their first pastor was Rev. Jonathan E. Woodbridge, who was installed November 24th, 1836. On this occasion Rev. Parsons Cooke preached the sermon ; installing prayer by Rev. Samuel Gay ; charge by Rev. John Nelson, D. D. ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. J. D. Farnsworth ; address to the people by Rev. Josiah Clark. Mr. Woodbridge had been settled before over the church in Ware Village. When he had labored in Worcester about one 824 CHUBCHES AND MINISTERS. year, a difTcrence of opinion arose between him and a majority of his society as to the expediency of opening the church edifice to anti-slavery lecturers. Believing that the action of the society was such as to diminish his influence, and impair his usefulness, he asked his dismission, and was accordingly dis- missed February 14th, 1838, with the following testimonial: " The council feel great pleasure in recommending Rev. Jonathan E. Woodbridge to the churches as a minister of highly respectable talents and learning, of sound doctrinal views, of amiable character and devoted piety, — a minister qualified by nature, by education and the grace of God, to be greatly useful in any field of labor to which divine providence may call him." On his retiring from his labors in Worcester, Mr. Woodbridge was princi- pally engaged in editorial labors in connection with the New England Puritan, and afterwards the Puritan Recorder. Rev. E. Smalley succeeded Mr. Woodbridge as pastor of this church. He was installed in office on the 19th day of February, 1838. On that occasion Rev. John Nelson offered the introductory prayer ; Warren Fay, D. D., preached the sermon ; Rev. Horatio Bardwell made the prayer of installation ; Jacob Ide, D. D., gave the charge to the pastor ; Rev. George Allen presented the right hand of fellowship ; Rev. Francis Horton addressed the people ; and Rev. Rodney A. Miller offered the concluding prayer. Before Mr. Smalley's settlement here, he was nine years associate pastor with Nathaniel Emmons, D. D., of Franklin. Dr. Smalley at his own request was dismissed from the charge of this church May 10th, 1854, and soon became the pastor of the 3d St. Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., where he died July 30th, 18.58. Upon the receipt of the news of the death of Dr. Smalley, the Union church, at a meeting held August 1st, passed the following among other resolutions : " Resolved, That his long continued ministrations to this people were attended with signal success to our spiritual edification and improvement ; that as in time past we were accustomed not only to respect him as an accomplished gentleman and scholar, but to honor him as an eminent divine, and to love him as a sympathizing friend, a wise counsellor and a faithful minister of the Gospel of Christ ; and in time to come it will be our pleasure to cherish the memory of his exalted virtues and excellencies of character, as well as his labors of love for the people of his charge. Voted, That two of the deacons of this church be appointed to attend the funeral of Rev. Dr. Smalley. Deacons Washburn and Chapin were appointed." — Church Record, p. 152. Rev. Ebenczer Cutler, the third pastor of this church, was installed Sept. 6th, 1855, and still continues to ofliiciate in that office. On this occasion Rev. A. Dean, Jr., of Newbury, Vt., preached the sermon; Rev. L. I. Hoad- ley offered the installing prayer; charge to the pastor by Rev. S. Sweetser, D. D. : right hand of fellowship by Rev. H. James ; address to the people by Rev. J. W. Cross ; concluding prayer by Rev. George Bushnell. Mr. Cutler was born in Royalston, Mass. ; graduated at the Vermont University in 1845, and at the Andover Theological Seminary in 1848. Married E. CHURCHES AND MINISTERS. 325 Jane, daugliter of John Charlton, Esq., of Littleton, N. H , July 25, 1849. Ordained pastor of the First Congregational church at St. Albans, Vt., March 6th, 1850; dismissed July 10th, 1855. Mrs. Cutler died June 5th, 1859: married Marion C , daughter of the late Rev. William Eaton, of Hardwick, January 10th, 1861. 8. Pleasant Street Church, (2d Baptist.) — This church was organ- ized December 28th, 1841. The Rev. John Jennings preached the sermon on that occasion ; Rev. Abisha Samson offered the consecrating prayer ; and Rev. Samuel B. Swaim expressed the fellowship of the churches. The church was constituted with ninety-eight members, eighty-nine of whom were recom- mended from the First Baptist Church. About one hundred members were added to the number in a single year after their organization. The church worshipped in the Town Hall until January, 1844 ; on the 4th of that month the new house of worship which they had erected was dedicated to the special service of Almighty God ; the pastor, Rev. John Jennings, preached on that occasion from the words, "Worship God;" Rev. Mr. Bronson, from Fall River, offered the dedicatory prayer. The house is pleasantly situated, neat and commodious. In consequence of its location, the church voted, just before entering it for worship, that thereafter they would be known as the " Plea- sant Street Baptist Church." It is situated on the north side of Pleasant, some sis rods from Main street, and is built of brick, surmounted with a cupola ; as yet they have no bell. This church has no society, all business being transacted by the church, by whom also, as an organization, the church edifice is owned. Rev. John Jennings was their first pastor. He entered upon his labors here early in 1842, and for nearly eight years he was the acceptable and respected pastor of the church. It then appeared to him expedient to discon- tinue his pastoral relations, and, on the first of July, 1850, he retired from the position he had filled so honorably to himself and useful to others. He still remained in Worcester for a season, acting as an agent of the American Tract Society. Mr. Jennings is a native of Danbury, Ct. ; he was graduated at the Newton Seminary in 1834. In September of that year he was ordained pastor of the First Baptist Church in Beverly. January 10th, 1836, he be- came pastor of the Baptist Church in Grafton ; he sustained that connection nearly six years. When he left that church, he brought with him to his new relation the following testimonial : " We trust also that many souls have been converted here through your instrumentality, and that your labors in Grafton have, under God, caused many rejoicings in heaven ; and we also by this cer- tify to those with whom in the providence of God you may be placed, our fellowship for and attachment to you as a minister of the Gospel, and our hearty commendation of you as such to the churches generally." Rev. Charles K. Colver was the second paster of this church ; he entered upon his duties here on the 14th of September, 1850. Mr. Colver pursued his collegiate studies at Brown University, and his theological studies at 28* 826 ciiuRcnEs akd ministees. Newton. Previous to his cominjr to Worcester, he was pastor of the Baptist Church in Watcrtown. His connection with the Pleasant street Church he held nearly four and a half years, during which time, though no powerful work of grace was manifest, the moral strength of the church increased ; a debt of long standing was diminislicd by several thousand dollars ; through his efforts mainly, and by some of the members, one of the best organs in the city was placed in the church. The accessions by baptism during the period of his pastoral labors, were the same as during the corresponding period immediately prior to his pastorate. After a little more than four years of labor he received an offer of a voyage to Valparaiso, and his failing health, with the advice of friends, induced him to accept the offer. After making known his determination to the church, he devoted the time before he should sail in the most earnest endeavors to dimin- ish the church debt, which efforts were crowned with success. Mr. Colver was a faithful pastor, a bold and fearless preacher, a devoted, conscientious, consistent Christian, and a firm and faithful friend. With him to determine that a course of action was right, was to enter upon that course without " conferring with flesh and blood." He was a ripe scholar, and the light of learning was all brought to bear upon the elucidation of divine truth. Rev. D. W. Faunce was the third Pastor of this church. He continued here about six years; during his ministry about two hundred were added to the church. Mr. Faunce was born at Plymouth, Mass., in 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1850 ; pursued theological studies at Newton, and entered the ministry in 1853. He is at the present time Pastor of the Bap- tist church in Maiden. August 30th, 1860, the Rev. James Judson Tucker Avas ordained as the fourth pastor of this church. The sermon was preached by Rev, J. Girdwood of New Bedford ; the ordaining prayer by Rev. Dr. Robinson of Rochester Theological Seminary ; the charge to the pastor was given by Rev. Dr. Hovey of Newton ; Rev. Lemuel Moss (who had the same day been ordained as the pastor of the First Baptist church,) gave the right hand of fellowship ; Rev. J. D. E. Jones gave the charge to the people. The exercises closed with prayer and benediction by the pastor. Rev. James Judson Tucker, was born in Halifax, Vt. October 6th, 1827; he graduated at Williams College in 1854, and at Rochester (N. Y.) Theo- logical Seminary in 1860. 9. Universalist. — There was no Society of this denomination in Wor- cester until 1841. A Church was formed in connection with the Society, November 21, 1843. The Rev. S. P. Landers Avas the first minister; he commenced his labors with them at the time of their organization, and con- tinued his ministry here until March, 1844. Rev. Albert Case was Mr. Landers' successor ; he labored here more than four years. On retiring from Worcester he engaged in other business, and is not now preaching. CHITKCHES AND MINISTERS. 327 Rev. O. H. Tillotson was installed as pastor of this Church on the 27th of June, 1849. He is a native of Orford, N. H. He left the office of pastor in August, 1852, and after a short time spent in the study of the law, he entered into practice with Hon. Henry Chapin. He left Worcester again to enga<^e in the ministry in 1859, and is now settled in Stafford, Ct. Rev. Mr. Tillot- son was a man greatly beloved by the people of his charge, and highly respected by his fellow citizens. He represented the city in the Legislature in the year 1858. Rev. Mr. Adams was installed as Mr. Tillotson's successor in April 1853, and closed his pastoral services June 1st, i860. Mr. Adams was a man greatly beloved by his people, and highly respected in this community. Rev. L. M. Burrington succeeded Mr. Adams as pastor, September 1st, 1860. He is a native of Vermont ; he received his education at St. Johnsbury, Woodstock, and at the University of Vermont at Burlington ; he pursued his professional studies at Woodstock and Boston, imder the care of Rev, A. A. Miner, and was first settled in Reading in March, 1858. He married Miss Elizabeth M. Brewster, of Woodstock, Vt., in June, 1859. 10. All Saints Chukch, (Episcopal.) — There was an effort made in 1835 to establish the Episcopal Church in Worcester. Services were held in the South Town Hall. The first clergyman that officiated was the Rev. Thomas H. Vail ; after a few months, services were suspended, and the hopes which had been entertained of establishing the church permanently in Worcester, were for the time disappointed. In 184,3, another effort was made under the care of Rev. F. C. Putnam, who, in a short time, was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Blackaller. In 1847, under the Rectorship of the Rev. George T. Chapman, D. D., the church edifice was built and dedicated to the Triune God by the Rt. Rev, Manton Eastburn, Bishop of the Diocese. From that time services have been regularly held, and the number of worshippers has gradually increased. The Rev. George T. Chapman, D. D., did valuable service for the Church here, as well as the Church at large, by his unanswerable sermons in favor of the ministry, doctrines, and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; that the truth lay between the two extremes of Romanism on the one hand, and Puritanism on the other. Hundreds have been reclaimed to her fold by reading these sermons. Rev. George Clark succeeded Dr. Chapman in 1847, and his health failing, he resigned in 1849. He was succeeded by the Rev. Nathaniel T. Bent, who labored acceptably and successfully until 1852, when he resigned and accepted a call to the Church at New Bedford. After a short time he returned and established a school for young ladies at " Herbert Hall," where after a few years of valuable labor he died in 1856. He was succeeded by the Rev. Archibald Morrison, who after four years ■was succeeded temporarily by the Rev. Wm. H. Brooks, both of whom labored assiduously for the welfare of souls; when in 1858, the Rev. A. C. Patterson 828 CIIUKCIIES AND MINISTERS. assumed the Rectorsliip, but on account of ill health, soon resigned, and the llev. E. W. Hager from the Diocese of California, was called to the Rector- ship of the parish in 1859. The parish after years of change and discouragement now ranks among the first in the Diocese of Massachusetts, and is rapidly on the increase, — favor- ably attracting the attention of the citizens of Worcester, and by her pros- perity cheering the hearts of friends far and near. Mr. Hager was born April 27th, 1819, in Skaneatcles, N. Y. ; he was married in 1843, to Mary Jane Huxtable, of Skaneatcles; he received his theological education at the Theological Seminary at Gambler, Ohio ; and was ordained by Bishop Mcllvaine in 1849. 11. Laurel Street, (2d Methodist.) — This Church, was duly organized July 20th, 1845; until February 1849 they held their meetings in such lecture rooms and halls as could most conveniently be procured; on the 27th of that month their new house on Laurel street was by public religious exer- cises consecrated to the especial honor of Almighty God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; the Rev. Stephen Olin, D. D., preached on that occasion. The house is a neat structure of wood, and will accommodate a growing congrega- tion. They are known as the " Laurel Street Methodist Episcopal Church." Their first pastor was Rev-. Richard S. Rust. He entered upon his labors July 1st, 1845. Diligent in the performance of his duties and devoted to his charge, he was acceptable as a preacher, and soon won the confidence and aff'ection of his people. His ministry was short ; elected to be principal of the " New Hampshire Conference Seminary," at Northfield, N. H., he ac- cepted the appointment and was released from his prior engagements in February, 1846. He was succeeded by Rev. J. W. Mowry, who came to Worcester with more than an ordinary reputation for ability and success in the Gospel min- istry, and his services were such as not to disappoint the expectations which his coming had excited. His labors among his own people gave him a high place in their estimation, while his courteous bearing towards those of a different denomination awakened respect for him as a man and a Christian gentleman. Rev. George Dunbar was his successor. He commenced his ministry here in April 1847. He was indefatigable in his exertions to secure the erection of their new house of worship. At the end of two years he was transferred to another field of labor, and his place was supplied in April, 1849, by the Rev. Francis A. Griswold. Mr, Griswold's services were highly appreciated by those whom he served, and he was followed in the year 1850 by Rev. Cyrus L. Eastman, whose services were very acceptable and successful. In the year 1851, Rev. Wm. Mann was appointed pastor of this Church, and continued in that relation two years. Owing to Mr. Mann's ill health he was unable to preach most of the time, and the pulpit was for the most part CHTTECHES AND MINISTERS. 329 supplied by Rev. David H. Higgins. In his pastoral intercourse with his people Mr. Mann was very useful and much beloved. In 1853 Rev. Joseph W. Lewis was stationed over this church. Mr. Lewis was a man of sterling worth, and his labors were successful. In 1854, Rev. J. W. Mowry, of Wilbraham, Mass., a former pastor of this church, resumed his labors with this people, continuing with them for a period of one year. In 1855, Rev. H. W. Warren, a graduate of the Wesleyan University at Middletovvn, Conn , was appointed to the charge of this Society, it being his first field of ministerial labor. Mr. Warren was a man of superior talent and scholarship, and labored very acceptably for the period of two years. He was then removed to Boston. In the year 1857 Rev. Ichabod Marcy was appointed pastor of this Church. He labored very ardently and successfully both for the temporal and religious interests of the Society. Through his efforts the debt on their church edifice, which had long embarrassed the Society, was removed, and during a revival which was experienced many were added to the Church, who have since proved themselves to be worthy members. In 1858, Rev. Samuel Kelley was appointed to this charge, and by the most unceasing pastoral labors and public efforts made many very warm friends, not only in his own Society but also in the city. In the spring of 1860, Mr. Kelley was removed to Newburyport, and Rev. J. C. Cromack was appointed in his stead ; under the labors of Mr. Cromack the Society enjoyed great pros- perity until the breaking out of the civil war in April 1861. In August fol- lowing Mr. Cromack volunteered and was accepted as Chaplain to the 19th regiment Mass. Volunteers, and resigned his connection with the Society. Rev. Jefferson Hascall, of Shrewsbury, who had long been favorably known as a Presiding Elder, was appointed to supply this Society during the remain- der of the Conference year. Mr. Hascall is regarded as one of the most able and eloquent ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New England, and at the time of our writing, (October, 1861,) he is regarded with great favor by his congregation, and is laboring with good prospects of success. Mr. Hascall was born in Thompson, Ct., and has been in the ministry many years. 12. CmjRCH OF THE Unity, (2d Unitarian.) — This church was formed in 1845, and in the latter part of that year and the beginning of the next, the edifice was reared and completed. Its location is eligible, its style of architecture tasteful, and its whole arrangement commodious and agreeable. It was dedicated to the worship of God, April 28, 1846. Itroductory prayer by the Rev. Mr. Clark of Uxbridge ; prayer of dedication by Dr. Hill of Wor- cester ; sermon by Dr. Dewey of New York ; closing prayer by Rev. Mr. Wilson of Grafton. On the first Sabbath in June, the Church passed the following resolves : " That this church has united for all means and purposes of Christian sympa- 330 CHUKCHES AND MINISTERS. thy and fellowship, Therefore, Resolved, That an invitation be given to all persons present, to partake with us of the Lord's Supper." Rev. Edward E. Hale was their first pastor. He was ordained April 29th, 1846. Rev. S. K. Lathrop of Boston, preached the sermon; Rev. Calvin Lincoln of Fitchburg, (now of Hingham.) made the prayer of ordination; Dr. Hill addressed the people ; Rev. Ephraim Peabody of Boston, gave the charge ; and Rev. John Weiss of Watertown, presented the right hand of fellowship. Mr. Hale is a native of Boston, and the second son of Nathan Hale of that city. He prepared for College at the Boston Latin School, entered Harvard C«i|ege in 1835, and was graduated in the class of 1839. Rev. Dr. Palfiey and Rev. S. K. Lathrop of Boston, were his instructors in theology. In 1844 he preached several months in the city of Washington. In the spring of 1845, he first preached in Worcester. July 27th, 1856, Mr. Hale left this church to take charge of a church in Boston, Rev. Rush R. Shippen was Mr Hale's successor. He was installed De- cember 22, 1858. On that occasion Rev. James Freeman Clarke preached the sermon ; Rev. Edward E. Hale offered the prayer of consecration ; Rev. Rufus P. Stebbins gave the charge ; Rev. Alonzo Hill, D. D., gave the right hand of fellowship ; address to the people by Rev. John F. W. Ware. Mr. Shippen was born in Meadville, Pa., January 18th, 1828. Attended the Alleghany College, (a Methodist institution,) at Meadville, and after- wards the Unitarian Theological School at the same place. He was ordained November 11th, 1849, and immediately took charge of the Unitarian church at Chicago, 111., and remained there until July 1, 1857. After spending one year at Meadville he came to Worcester. Mr. Shippen married Miss Zoviah Rodman, of Oriskinny Falls, near Utica, N. Y. 13 S.VLEM Street CHXJiiCH, (4Tn Congkegationalist.) — This Church was organized June 14th, 1848. On that occasion the Rev. E. Smalley preached the sermon ; the consecrating prayer was offered by Dr. Nelson of Leicester; Dr. Sweetser gave the address to the church; the right hand of fellowship was given by the Rev. George P. Smith of the Old South. The number constituted was one hundred and thirty three. About eighty of these were members of or regular worshippers with the Union Church, nearly thirty from the Calvinist Church, and the remainder mostly from the Old South Church. Their new house, which had been erected on Salem street, (fron which they take their name,) was dedicated December r2th, 1848. Rev. Dr Sweetser preached the sermon; Rev. E. Smalley offered the prayer of dedication ; and Rev. George P. Smith offered the concluding prayer On the day following, Rev. George Bushnell was ordained their first pastor. Their house of worship is one of the largest in the city, conveniently arranged and attractive, and is built with brick. At the ordination of Mr. Bushnell the introductory prayer was made by Rev. E. Smalley of the Union Church ; sermon by Dr. Bushnell of Hartford, brother of the candidate ; ordaining prayer by Rev. William P. Paine, of CHURCHES AND MINISTERS. 331 Holden ; charge to the pastor by the Rev. Dr. Nelson, of Leicester ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Leverett Griggs, of Millbury ; address to the people by Rev. J, W. Cross, of West Boylston ; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Corning, of Clinton, Mr. Bushnell is a native of Washington, Ct., was graduated at Yale College in 1842. He pursued his theological studies at the seminaries in Newburn and New Haven. Mr. Bushnell having been chosen Superintendent of Public Schools by the City Council, asked a dismission from hia relation as pastor, January 7th, 1857, and was dismissed by a mutual council, over which Rev. Seth Sweetser, D. D., presided, January 27th, 1858. December 29th, 1857, the Church and Society extended a call to the Rev. Merrill Richardson to become their pastor, by a vote in the Church of yeas 28, nays 23 ; and in the Society of yeas 24, nays 20. Mr. Richardson accepted the call by his letter dated Terryville, Ct., January 7th, 1858, on a salary of fifteen hundred dollars, and two Sabbaths a year. He was installed the same day that Mr. Bushnell was dismissed, and still officiates in that office, to the entire acceptance of his numerous congregation. Mr. Richardson was born in Holden, Mass., in 1812 ; graduated at Mid- dlebury College, in 1835; studied theology in New Haven, and was settled in Terryville, Ct., in 1841. His first wife was Emily Allen of Middlesex, Vt. His second wife was Eunice Terry, of Terryville, Ct. He labored two years in the Holden Teacher's Institute, and edited the School Journal, in Ct. 14. Chapel at Lunatic Hospital. — In 1837 a chapel was erected for religious worship, and on the 8th of November in that year, it was solemnly dedicated to that purpose ; on the day of dedication about one hundred and twenty-five inmates were present. It was the first assemblage that had ever taken place to so great an extent, and was a most interesting meeting. Rev. Luzerne Rae, was the first regular chaplain employed to officiate in this Hospital. His term of service commenced in October, 1838, and was completed in September, 1839. He was well qualified for the place, and his labors were highly appreciated Rev. Julius F. Reed, followed Mr. Rae, and remained the chaplain until October 1st, 1840. His services were no less acceptable than had been those of his predecessor. Rev. George Allen succeeded Mr. Reed, and continued to officiate as chap- lain more than seventeen years. Mr. Allen is a native of Worcester. He graduated at Yale College in 1813 ; in 1823 he settled as pastor of the church in Shrewsbury ; he was dismissed from that church in 1839, with cordial attestations to his ability and scholarship, his fidelity and success. With what success Mr. Allen was able to perform the duties of his office will appear by the annual reports of the Superintendent, one only will we quote, from the Eleventh, p. 86, " His performances are judicious and very acceptable to our congregation ; they are always interesting, and often eloquent and forcible expositions of religious truth. His views of all subjects are given with great 332 CHUKCHES AND MINISTERS. freedom, and yet with such propriety and delicacy as to offend none and sat- isfy all." Since Mr. Allen left, the place has been occupied by different indi- viduals, although none permanently. Rev. Mr. Samuel Souther officiates now as its chaplain, to the satisfaction of all who are interested. 15. Jail Chapel. — In connection wuth the County House and Jail located in Worcester, a convenient room, through the praiseworthy exertions of the Hon. John W. Lincoln, (who was then the High Sheriff of the county,) was set apart and fitted up for religious worship. The place was opened with appropriate religious services, and is known by the name of " Jail Chapel ; " there is also a Sabbath school for the especial benefit of the prisoners. The effect of this arrangement has been happy. Rev. George Dunbar, then pastor of the Second Methodist Church, was the first chaplain in this connection. He found here an attentive audience, and often had evidence that the truths of the Gospel are well fitted to reach the heart even of those who have become hardened by long-continued habits of transgression. He was followed by Mr. Francis Le Baron. Mr. Le Baron was the minister at large in Worcester, sustained principally by the Second Church and the Church of the Unity. Rev. Wm. T. Sleeper, Rev. Warren Burton, Rev. David Higgins, and Rev. Samuel Souther, have all served very acceptably as Chaplains in this depart- ment of labor, and Mr. Souther still continues with satisfaction to all. 16. Evangelical City Mission. — This Mission has been established about ten years. The experiment thus far has been most gratifying. Some years since, benevolent individuals were impressed with the conviction that there was great need of such a Mission ; and the Rev. Mr. Fox was employed for six months. He was not permitted to continue by reason of death. His memory is still precious to many. Deacon Moses Bingham, who had been licensed to preach by the Worcester Central Association, was Mr. Fox's suc- cessor. Deacon Bingham's first Annual Report showed that he had been indefatigable in his duties ; and evidence is not wanting that his exertions have been much blessed. In 1853 Rev. Wm. T. Sleeper, from Andover Theological Seminary, com- menced missionary labors, which were continued with great success for three years. From the first, those interested in the Mission had felt the need of a place of worship, and in 1854, through the liberality of Dea. I. Washburn, a tasteful Chapel was erected on Summer street, corner of Bridge street, with a tenement attached for the missionary's residence. The structure is an orna- ment to that part of the city, and one of the many proofs of the public spirit and generosity of its founder. Rev. Samuel Souther succeeded Mr. Sleeper, February, 1857. continuing in the service of the Mission till September, 1860. As a part of his labors, an Industrial School was gathered and sustained at the Chapel, reaching at times two hundred children in attendance ; a field of effort in which all good CHUECHES AND MINISTERS. 333 citizens most warmly sympathize, and to support wliicli many gave their hearty assistance. Outside of the above named organization, missionary labor has been acceptably performed by Rev. Messrs. Burton and Le Baron. 17. Fbiends. — The number of families in Worcester who belong to the Quakers, is not large; in 1847, they erected a tasteful and commodious house of worship on the corner of Oxford and Chatham streets, and on the first of January, 1848, it was opened for public worship. They have meetings regu- larly on the Sabbath, and also on other days of the week. They have no settled pastor, but from time to time enjoy the ministrations of some of the regularly authorized preachers of the denomination. Their meetings are characterized by quiet and decorum. Some of their speakers have the repu- tation of being very eloquent. The principal supporters of this meeting are among our most? worthy and respected citizens, whose habits of life and intercourse with society are as unobjectionable and unobtrusive as the religion they profess. 18. Second Advent. — As early as 1840, individuals in Worcester were interested in what was called the "Second Advent;" preaching that the time was drawing near when they anticipated the second coming of Christ for a personal and visible reign on earth. Their numbers and zeal increased, and in 1850, they organized a Churcli, and since that period they have had for their spiritual teachers. Elder J. Shipman, fonnerly settled in New Hampshire ; Elder George Needham, Elder J. S. White, Elder D. T. Taylor, and Elder Albion Ross, who is the present pastor. Mr. Ross was born in Nobleboro, Me., in 1825; he married Miss Irena D. Stephens of Lowell, Mass. This church worship at Warren Hall, and have adopted the following as their creed : " We the undersigned, ' who are looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ ; ' Titus 9 : 18 ; Hebrews 9:8: that we may walk in harmony, and more effectually advance the cause of our Saviour on earth, and spread the light of divine truth, live in peace with all Christians, and all men as far as in us lies, and labor for the conversion and' salvation of sinners, and lead a life of holiness and devotion to God ; — agree to receive the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the rule of our faith and practice, believing that reference to their sacred teachings will be sufficient to guide us in all the duties of life, as the members of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ." 19. St. Anne's, (Second Catholic. j — St. Anne's Church, East Wor- cester, Shrewsbury street, was commenced by Rev. M. W. Gibson, in 1855, and completed by Rev. Jno. J. Power, its present pastor. Rev. Jno. J. Power was born in Charlestown, this State, in 1828. After having passed through the public schools of his native place, began his college course in Holy Cross College this in city. Graduated in 1851. Pursued his Theo- logical studies for one year in Montreal, Canada ; continued the same studies 29 334 CHUECHES AND MINISTEKS. during three years in France at Aix. Was ordained priest in 1856. Placed in his present position, as pastor of St. Anne's, August 1856. Mr. Power has been one of the School Committee for four years, and is now serving out a term of six years as director of the Public Library. 20. Church of Christ. — This Church was divided and set off from the Advent Church, and v.orship in the Thomas street Chapel They are denom- inated " Disciples of Christ, and sometimes called Campbellites. They con- sider immersion into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, after a public, sincere, and intelligent confession of the faith in Jesus, as necessary to admission to the privileges of the kingdom of the Messiah, and as a solemn pledge, on the part of Heaven, of the actual remission of all past sins, and of adoption into the family of God."* Their distinctive feature, and that which distinguishes them from all other sects, is that they believe immersing the body, or baptism, will save them in the kingdom of God ; and that without this, no one can be saved in that kingdom. 21. Ziox Methodist, (Colored.) — This Church was organized in 1846, and their house of worship was dedicated by Rev. C. Rush. Rev. Alexander Posey was their first pastor ; he was succeeded by Rev. Levin Smith, in 1849, who remained in charge about one year, when the church came within the cognizance of local preachers until re-organized in 1853, and Rev. J. A. Mars became their pastor. Mr. Mars proved himself to be a worthy and laborious pastor, and a man highly respected by his people and this community. Their place of worship was burned in June, 185 \, in connection Avith the Merrifield fire; another was built on Exchange street in July, 1855, and dedicated by Rev. Mr. Raymond. Mr, Mars was succeeded by Rev. R. R. Morris in 1857 ; he was a deacon under Elder Mars one year, and became Elder himself in 1858. He was succeeded by Rev. P. Ross in 1859, who occupied that posi- tion one year, and was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Hicks in June 1860, who still remains its pastor. Mr. Hicks was born at Long Island, N. Y., in 1818. He has preached in Bridgeport, Ct., New Haven, Hartford, Middletown, Providence, R. I., and New Bedford, Mass. Mr. Hicks married Miss Riley, of New York. He is a man of great energy, and is doing good service in his position. He has almost cleared the church of debt, and is exerting a salutary influence among his people. This Church is not under, or in any connection with the Methodist Epis- copal Conference as the other three are in this city. They belong to the " African Methodist Zion Church in America," and are controlled by their own Conference. 22. 3d Methodist. — The Third Methodist Episcopal Church in this city was organized at New Worcester in April, 1860. Its first pastor, Rev. * Hajward'a Book of all Religions, page 62. CHUKCHES AND MINISTERS. 335 Daniel Dorchester, A. M., was born in Duxbury, Plymouth county, Mass., but received his education at the " Norwich Academy," and the Wesleyan University, at Middleton, Ct. He was married April 15th, 1850, to Miss Mary P. Davis, daughter of Mr. Henry Davis, of Dudley. Mr. Dorchester has been about fourteen years engaged in the work of the Christian ministry, which time has been spent chiefly in Connecticut. In the spring of 1855 he was elected to the Connecticut Senate, in which body he served as the Chairman of the Committee on the Humane Institutions of the State. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Commissioners on Idiocy, whose duty it was to investigate into the number and condition of the idiots in the State, and their susceptibility of improvement, and make their report to the next Legislature. This new church has commenced with favorable indications. " Its member- ship is small, but much united ; numbering at first but thirty-one, it increased to sixty- three, during the first year. A very interesting and promising Sab- bath School has been organized u.nder the efficient superintendence of Mr. John Dean, late of Providence, R. I. The school embraces about one hundred and seventy members. A congregation of about two hundred persons assemble every Sabbath in Union Hall, for religious services. A lively interest is manifested by all the religious denominations residing in that part of the city, in the progress and success of this enterprize, and pecuniary contributions are freely made by them in aid of tbe Society. 23. Germans. — The Germans resident in "Worcester number not far from four hundred. They are mainly employed in the manufacturing establish- ments of the city. The following account of their social and religious history and condition, was communicated to the author of this volume by Mr. Jacob P. Welxler : The first religious services in the German language held at Worcester, took place in May, 1853, at the Park street Church, and were conducted by Rev. S. F. Zimmermann, of Philadelphia. The occurrence of this service awak- ened in some of the Germans a desire for the establishment of a church among them. Accordingly, on a subsequent Sabbath, a number of persons met for the purpose of organizing a Society for mutual religious instruction. This body met in private houses. During the spring of 1855, subsequent to the completion of the Mission Chapel erected by the munificence of Dea. I. Washburn, a desire was felt for the institution of services of a more formal and public character, and the free use of the Chapel was most kindly tendered for that purpose. [It is not known to the author of this volume whether the proposal for these religious services proceeded from within or from without the Germans resident in Wor- cester.] The Moravian Missionary Society, located at Bethlehem, Penn., appointed Rev. Jacob Leonard Rau, to labor in Worcester. He was accord- ingly installed with appropriate services, conducted by Rev. Charles F. Seitel, 336 MIKISTEBS. Secretary of the Society. A subscription was opened among the American friends of the Germans for the support of the missionary. Messrs. Morrison, Salisbury, Washburn, Davis, and Thurber, were the chief subscribers. Some of the churches of the city also took up collections in aid of this people. A subscription for the same purpose was opened among the German population. After laboring with great faithfulness but with many discouragements for about two years, Mr. Ran was appointed by the Society to labor in Provi. dence, where he still resides. Rev. VV. Geyer was then appointed to labor in his place, residing in Norwich and preaching in Worcester one Sunday in a fortnight. The services connected with his installation were conducted by Rev. Mr. Schnltz of Bethlehem. After laboring for a year with much fidelity, though amid many obstacles, Mr. G. suspended his labors, and no public religious services have been held since his departure. The Germans in Worcester have their organizations, viz : an order of " Hungarrie," similar in design to the Odd Fellows, formed for charity and mutual aid, established in 1853, and now possess a capital of about 8500; one Lieder Krantz or Singing Society, and one Gymnastic Society. Spiritualists. — This sect, or class of worshippers, hold regular meetings in the city on the Sabbath, and other days of the week, and among them are some of our most respectable citizens. They claim to receive their inspiration from the spirits of the departed through different processes of communication. Some are "knocking" mediums, some "tipping," some "writing," and some spirits communicate through "trance" mediums. The Bible to a cer- tain extent is discarded. MINISTERS NOT CONNECTED WITH CHURCHES AS PASTORS, AND WHO ARE NOT MENTIONED ELSEWHERE. Rev. Robert Everett Pattison, D. D., was born in Benson, Vt., August 19th, 1800. At the age of sixteen he emigrated with his father's family to the western part of New York, designated the Holland Purchase. lie was fitted for College at Wyoming Academy — then called Middlebury Academy — and entered Amherst College in the autumn of 1822 ; graduating with the class of 18126. On coming to Massachusetts for his collegiate education he brought letters of introduction to the late Dr. Going, and for several years spent portions of each year in this city, enjoying the friendship and counsels of that venerable man, to whom so many young men have been indebted for judicious counsel and encouraging sympathy. After having spent a few years in teaching — first as tutor in Columbia College, D. C, and afterwards as Professor of Mathematics, &c., in Waterville College, INIe., he received a license to preach in the First Baptist Church in this city, and was soon after settled as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Pro- MINISTERS. 337 vidence, R. I., being the immediate successor of the late Dr. Stephen Gano. He was pastor of this church about eight years. For three years he was one of the secretaries of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, Boston. He has been between eight and nine years President of Waterville College, which place he resigned in consequence of impaired health, in 1858. At present Dr. Pattison has the charge of the Oread Insti- tute for Young Ladies in this city — conducted chiefly by members of his own family. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Brown Uni- versity at the Commencement of 1839. Nearly thirty years of his life has been devoted to teaching. Besides frequently contributing articles to our periodical literature and religious magizines, he is the author of several pub- lished addresses, and of a Commentary (Explanatory, Doctrinal, and Prac- tical,) on the Epistle to the Ephesians. The late wife of Dr. Pattison was Frances, the youngest daughter of Deacon James Wilson of this city. Rev. David Metcalf was born in Lebanon, Conn., Nov. 27, 1795 ; gradu- ated at Yale College in 1819 ; approbated to preach the Gospel by the Wind- ham Association, in May, 1823; attended the Theological Lectures in New Haven, in 1827-8 ; was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church, May, 1829, and dismissed in the autumn of 1832. He continued to preach as stated supply in different places in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Ohio, till 1840, and on account of a bronchial affection only occasionally since. He came to Worcester in 1853, and since then has written and published a work on Moral Obligation. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, son of Stephen Higginson and Louisa Storrow, was born in Cambridge, Mass , Dec. 22, 1823. Graduated at Harvard College in 1841, and at the Cambridge Theological School, in 1847, having spent part of the intervening period in teaching and in private study ; was ordained in 1847 as minister of the First Religious Society in Newburyport, retaining that position until 1850, when he resigned it. In 1850 he was the candidate of the Free Soil party to represent the District in Congress, but was defeated. In 1852 he was invited to become minister of the newly-organized " Free Church" of Worcester, and removed thither for that purpose. He has since resided in Worcester, having resigned his office in 1858, in order to devote himself to literary pursuits. lie was married, in September, 1847, to Mary Elizabeth Channing, daughter of Walter Channing, M. D., of Boston, Mr. Higginson is the author of various pamphlets and magazine articles, espe- cially in connection with the Atlantic Monthly. Rev. Her.ry A. Eaton, Universalist, formerly settled in Cambridge, Milford, Waltham and Meriden, Ct. Mr. Eaton died May, 1861. 29* 338 MINISTERS. Rev. J. D. Baldwin was graduated and studied theology at New Haven. After preaching several years in Connecticut, was editor and publisher of the " Repuulicax," a weekly newspaper, issued at Hartford, Conn. In 1852 heeame editor of the Boston "D.vii.y Commonavealth," and was editor of that paper after its name was changed to " Evening Telegeaph." Mr. Baldwin purchased the Spy establishment in 1858. Rev. Albert Tyler was born in Smithfield, R. I., Nov. IG, 1823. Received ordination from the Union Association of Universalists at its session in AVarren, in 1851, and became pastor of the Universalist church in Oxford, Mass., 1852, and remained there two years. In 1854 accepted the call of the First Uni- versalist Society in Granby, Conn., and remained there six years. In 1860 became pastor of the Universalist church in Quincy, Mass., remaining there but one year. He returned to this city, where he formerly resided, and is now engaged in the printing business. Rev. Chester. Newell graduated at Yale College, and studied theology at Alexandria, Va., and entered the Navy of the United Stutes as chaplain, in 1841. He was obliged to leave his post on account of ill health in 1857, and retired on three-fourths pay. On the breaking out of the present war Mr. Newell tendered his services to the Secretary of the Navy, but on account of feeble health was exempted from active service. He married in 1851 Miss Sarah Z., of Philadelphia, daughter of Mr. James Hall, formerly of Shrews- bury, Mass. Rev. William H. Sanford, born in Belchertown, Feb. 14, 1800 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1827; ordained at Boylston, Oct. 17, 1832; dismissed Sept. 1857, and removed to Worcester Sept. 1857. Rev. John Toulmin, born in Preston, county of Lancashire, England, 1811, son of John Toulmin. Commenced preaching in England, removed to this country in 1845, and was ordained deacon in 1854, by Bishop Baker, of the M. E. Church, and ordained Elder in 1858. Rev. Zephaniah Baker, born in Dudley, July 7th, 1-815 ; ordained 1837 ;' projected and published, some time, the Gospel Messenger at Providence, R. I., from 1840 to 1843, afterwards the Providence and Worcester Journal. Set- tled over the Fifth Universalist Society in New York city, from 1846 to 1849, which charge he was obliged to relinquish on account of bronchial difficulty, whereby the use of speech was denied him. Mr. Baker took charge of the Worcester Free Public Library in February, 1860. Rev. James R, Stone, graduated at Brown University in 1838 ; preached in Wickford, R. I., North Stonington and Hartford, Ct., and at Providence, R. I. Mr. Stone came to Worcester in 1860, and took charge of the Worcester MINISTEES. 339 Academy, Avhich office he now holds. He married, first, Miss Sarah A. Gil- more, of Providence, R. I. ; she having died, he married, second, Miss Gertrude E. Stelle of New York city. Rev. Elkanah Andrews Cummings was born at Parkman, Me., January 31, 1821 ; graduated at Waterville College, 1847, and at the Newton Theological Institution, 1850, was ordained pastor of the First Baptist Church, Amherst, Mass., May 8, 1851. United with several gentlemen in calling the first meet- ing, which was held at Amherst, Dec. 3d, 1853, to consider the question of founding, in Massachusetts, a college for females. This College receiving a char- ter from the General Court, April, 1854, Mr. Cummings was elected Financial Secretary, and, until the present time, has labored in its establishment with unabated zeal. He removed to Worcester, where the College is located, in March, 1855. In Nov. 1852, he married Emily S. Spicer of Rochester, N.Y. Rev. Job B. Boomer, born at Fall River in 1793 ; commenced the ministry in 1819, and was ordained over the Second Baptist church in Sutton, and after an honorable dismission, which took place April 11, 1841, and was again settled in West Brocykfield in 1841 ; he remained there about four years, and afterwards preached for the First Baptist Church in Sutton three years. He supplied the Second Church one year ; he then went to North Uxbridge and supplied that church one year. He came to Worcester in 1852, and is now supplying the 2d Baptist Church in Sutton. He m.arried in 1818 Miss Nancy, daughter of Deacon McClellan of Sutton. Rev. Joseph B. Brown was born at Thompson, Conn., in 1806 ; was edu- cated at Wilbraham, Mass., and entered the ministry in 1831 ; labored with the M. E. Church about eleven years in this State ; he then united with the Second Baptist Church in New^jort, R. I. ; after this he became pastor of the Baptist Church in Lonsdale, R. I. He then assumed the agency of the American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, Avhere he labored until his health became impaired. He married Lydia, daughter of Percy Jenkins, of Nantucket, Mass. The Rev. A. D. Spalter, late Rector of St. John's Church, Wilkinsonville, Mass., was ordained to the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, by the Rt. Rev. J. H. Plopkins, I). D. LL D., of the Diocese of Vermont. Rev. Werdcn P. Reynolds was born at Canaan, N. Y., in 1788 ; he was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church in Rupert, Vt., in 1811. In 1825 he became the pastor of the Baptist Church in Manchester, Vt., and continued its pastor thirty years. In 1857 he removed to this city, and is now engaged in preaching the Gospel at the Mission Chapel as assistant with Rev. Mr. Souther, and at the Poor Farm, and elsewhere. For fifty-seven years Mr. Reynolds has not drank a single drop of ardent spirits except in medicine, and has never in his life spoken a profane word, and never since his ordination failed to preach on account of ill health. 340 LAWYERS. Levi Lincoln remained a member of Congress until he resigned in 1841 ; was appointed by President Harrison in that year Collector of the port of Boston; in 1844 was elected to the State Senate and served two years, the last year he was president of that body ; in 1848 was elected first Mayor of the city, and served one year, since then has mainly retired to private life. He has been chairman of the Commissioners of Hope Cemetery since the or- ganization of that Board. Henry Chapin was a graduate of Brown University of 1835 ; he was the son of Elisha Chapin, born in Upton, in the County of Worcester. After leaving college Mr. Chapin studied law from 1835 to 1838, a part of the time in the office of Hon. Emory Washburn in Worcester, and a part in the law school at Cambridge. He commenced practice in Worcester in July, 1838. In 1839 he married Sarah R. Thayer, a daughter of Joseph Thayer, Esq., of Uxbridge. In 1845 he represented the town of Uxbrldge in the Massa- chusetts House of Representatives ; in 1846 removed to Worcester and prac- ticed law in partnership with Hon. Rejoice Newton for two years. In the year 1848, upon a reconstruction of the Insolvency system, he was appointed by Gov. Brlggs sole Commissioner of Insolvency for the County of Worcester. In 1849 he was elected Mayor of the city of Worcester; held the office for two years, and was re-nominated, but declined a re-election. In 1851 was nominated for the Mossachusetts Senate, but declined. In 1853 was elected from Worcester a delegate to the Constitutional Convention. In 1855 was appointed by Gov. Gardner a Commissioner under the Personal Liberty Law, and accepted the appointment. In 1856 \vas unanimously nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the Ninth Congressional District, but de- clined the nomination. In 1858, upon a new organization of the Courts of of Probate and Courts of Insolvency, by which the jurisdiction of both Courts is vested in one judge, Mr. Chapin was appointed by Gov. Banks to the office of Judge of Probate and Insolvency, which he now holds. Since Mr. Chapin commonced business he has applied himself diligently to the duties of his profession, and has been too much occupied by a laborious and extensive practice to engage in political life except as an incidental necessity, preferring the comforts of a quiet home, to the restless artificial life which seems to be too often incidental to political office. Peter C. Bacon was born in Dudley, Mass., Nov. 11, 1804 ; was the son of Jepthah Bacon, Esq. He graduated at Brown University in the class of 1 827 ; LAWYERS, 341 read law at New Plavcn Law School, also in the office of Davis and Allen, of Worcester, and Ira M. Barton of Oxford, and George A. Tufts of Dudley. He was admitted to the bar in September, 1830, and practiced law in Oxford twelve years ; removed to Worcester January 1, 1844, where he has been in the practice of the law ever since. Mr. Bacon was elected a member of the House of Representatives to represent the city of Worcester in the General Court the first year of its organization, in 1848 ; and was elected Mayor of the city in 1351 and 1852. The degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on him by Brown University in 1857. John S. C. Knowlton has been the editor of the Palladium from its first number to the present time, about twenty-eight years. He was the 4th Mayor of the city, in 1853-4. In 1857 he was appointed Sherifi'of the County, and holds that office at this time. The author places this notice of Mr. Knowlton in the chapter with the Lawyers for two reasons : first, he has been one of the Mayors, and the order would not be complete without ; second, being the sheriff of the county, the presumption is that he hears as much law as any of the lawyers. George W. Richardson was the son of John Richardson of Newton ; was born in Boston, and studied law with Hon. P. Merrick ; was admitted to the bar and began practice here in 1834. He was commissioned by Gov. Davis in 1841 as Aid to the Commander-in-Chief of Massachusetts ; was appointed in 1853 by Gov. Cliff'ord Sheriff of the County of Worcester, which office he held for three years ; was chosen President of the City Bank of Worcester at its organization in 1854, which office he now holds ; was chosen Mayor of Worcester in 1855 and 1857 ; was appointed Bank Commissioner of Massa- chusetts by Gov. Gardher in 1857, which office he held about one year and resigned. Mr. Richardson graduated at Harvard College in 1829. Isaac Davis still continues in the profession of the law ; was Mayor of Worcester in 1856, 1858, and 1861 ; was a member of the State Senate in 1843 and 1854; member of the House of Representatives in 1852, and of the Executive Council in 1851. Elected a member of the Constitutional Con- vention to revise the Constitution of Massachusetts in the year 1853; ap- pointed a member of the State Board of Education in 1852, and held that office for eight years. Appointed by the Secretary of War one of the Board of Visitors to examine the institution at West Point in 1855, and was chosen President of the Board of Visitors. Appointed Assistant Treasurer of the United States by the President, which appointment Mr. Davis declined. The honorary degree of LL D. was conferred on him in 1846, by Columbia College, Washington ; Brown University conferred on him the degree of LL D. in 1860. Mr. Davis holds many offices in business, literary, scientific, and benevolent institutions. 342 LAWYERS. Alexander H. Bullock, son of Rufus Bullock, bom at Royalston, Mass , March 2cl, 1816 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1836, read law with Hon. Emory Washburn and at Harvard Law School, admitted to the bar in 1841, for several years in partnership with Hon. Thomas Kinnicutt ; in 1844, married Elvira, daughter of Col. A. G. Hazard, of Enfield, Conn. In 1841 was ap- pointed one of the aides do camp of Hon. John Davis, then Governor of Mas- sachusetts, was a member of the House of Representatives from Worcester in 1845, 1847, 1848, 1861, and elected for 1862. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee in 1848 and 1861, a Senator from Worcester County in 1849 ; ap- pointed Commissioner of Insolvency in 1853, and Judge of Insolvency for the County of Worcester in 1856, and resigned the office in 1858. Mayor of the city of Worcester in 1859. William W. Rice was born at Deerfield, Mass., 'Afarch 7th, 1826, son of Rev. Benjamin Rice, and graduated at Bowdoin College in 1846 ; was pre- ceptor in Leicester Academy from September, 1847 to September, 1851 ; he then came to Worcester and studied law with Hon. Emory Washburn ; was admitted to the bar, May, 1854 ; appointed Special Justice of the Police Court, April, 1855; Judge of Insolvency for the County of Worcester, Feb- ruary, 1858 ; Mayor of Worcester for the year 1860. P. Emory Aldrich was born in New Salem, — attended the public schools till he was si.xteen years old, and then became a teacher, — went through the usual preparatory course of studies, at Shelburne Falls Academy : after which, in the fall of 1837, he went to Virginia, and was there engaged in teaching until 1842; completed in the meantime a pretty extensive course of classical and mathematical studies, and began the study of law, which he continued at the Cambridge Law School eighteen months during the years 1842 and '43. He then returned to Virginia to fulfill an engagement in the school with which he had been formerly connected. Was admitted to the bar on examination at Richmond, Va., in 1845, but did not commence practice there. In December, 1845, he returned to his native state, entered the office of Messrs. Chapman, Ashmun & Norton, of Springfield, as a law student, and remained there six months, and while there was admitted to the bar, and was then a few months in the office of F. A. Brooks, Esq , in Petersham. In December, 1 846, he com- menced practice in Barre, in company with N. F. Bryant, Esq. This connec- tion continued two years. Soon after his removal to Barre, he became the editor and subsequently proprietor of the Barre Patriot, which paper he ed- ited, and published, for about three years. In 1853, he was elected to repre- sent the town of Barre, in the convention held that year for the revision of the State Constitution. In May of the same year, he was appointed district attor- ney, by Governor Cliff'ord, for the Middle District ; which office he still holds, having been twice elected, since the office was made elective, in 1856. In the spring of 1854, he removed from Barre to this city, and opened an office here. In Jan. 1855, he formed a law partnership with Hon. P. C. Bacon, which "*fe ^ ^. /// i-^ ^r WORCBSTEK. MASSACSUSETT. itA^e of Bmmznt^n LAWYERS. 343 still continues. In December, 1861, he was elected Mayor of this city for the year 1862. Pliny Merrick continued Attorney for the Commonwealth until 1843, and was then appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas ; in 1848 he re- signed that office. During the two succeeding years he was president of the Worcester and Nashua Railroad Company and devoted most of his time to its business ; he was, however, to some extent engaged in professional service. It was during this period he was counsel for professor Webster on his trial for the murder of Dr. George Parkman. In 1850 he was a senator for the County of Worcester in the State Senate. December 31, 1850, he was a second time appointed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. In 1853 was appointed one of the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court, and still holds the office. Judge Merrick removed from Worcester to Boston in 1855, where he still resides. Charles Allen was senator of the Commonwealth in 1855, 6, and 7 ; repre- sentative in 1840; was Commissioner of Massachusetts with Hon. Abbot Lawrence, and Hon. John Mills, at the treaty of V\'ashington, relating to the North Eastern Boundary of the United States in 1842; same year he was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and resigned in 1844; Elector of President and Vice President in 1844; nominated Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court, but declined the appointment, in 1847. Mr. Allen was a member of the 31st and 32d Congress of the United States; and was appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court for the County of Suffolk in 1858, and accepted the appointment of Chief Justice of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth at its organization in 1860. Declining a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court, he was a member of the Constitutional Con- vention of 1853. He was also a member from Massachusetts of the Peace Congress at Washington in 1861. Emory Washburn, in 1841 and' 1842, was a member of the Massachusetts Senate. In 1844 he was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and resigned in December, 1847. In 1853 he was chosen Governor of the Com- monwealth, and served one year. In 1856 was appointed Professor of Law in Harvard University, and still retains that office. Gov. Washburn removed from Worcester to Cambridge in the autumn of 1856, where he still resides. Benjamin F. Thomas was a member of the House of Representatives for Worcester in 1842, and appointed Commissioner of Bankruptcy the same year. He was appointed Judge of Probate in 1844, and resigned in 1848 ; the same year was chosen Elector of President and Vice President, and was Secretary of the Electoral College. In 1853 Judge Thomas was appointed one of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, and resigned in 1859, and soon after removed to Roxbury, and commenced the practice of the law in 844 XAWYEKS. Boston. In June, 18G1, he was elected representative to Congress from the Third District, to fill the place of Hon. Charles F. Adams, who had heen appointed minister to the Court of St. James. Ira Moore Barton was commissioned Judge of Probate, February 22, 1836, and resigned October 1, 1844 ; in 1840 he was chosen one of the Electors of President and Vice President. In 1844 he entered into a law copartnership with Hon. Peter C. Bacon of Oxford, which continued until 1849, when Mr. Barton sailed for Europe. In 184G he was one of the representatives of Wor- cester in the General Court. Judge Barton is a counsellor of the American Antiquarian Society, and a member of the New York and the Wisconsin Historical Societies. Maturin L. Fisher was Post Master of Worcester, from 1839 to 1849. He then removed to Farmersburg, Clayton County, Iowa. Elected to the Senate of Iowa in 1852 and 1856, He was president of that body in 1854 and 1856. In 1857 elected superintendent of Public Instruction of the State, and was appointed Loan Agent of the State in 1861, both of which offices he now holds, with honor to himself, and profit to his constituents. Mr. Fisher married Miss Caroline A. Pratt, daughter of Dr. L. Nathan Pratt, of Wor- cester. J. C. B. Davis was born in Worcester, Doc. 29th, 1822, graduated at Cambridge in the class of 1840, was admitted to practice in Worcester, March term C. C. P. ,1844 — was appointed Secretary of Legation at London by General Taylor in 1849, and entered on duties of the office in August of that year ; was charge d'affaires ad interim from August to October, 1849, remained Secretary till Dec, 1852, when he resigned ; resided in London during the year 1853, having since been a resident of New York, where he is now practicing law. Dwight Foster, son of Alfred D wight Foster, born in Worcester, Decem- ber 13th, 1828, graduated at Yale College in 1848. Studied law with Messrs. Barton & Bacon, at Worcester, with Samuel C. Perkins, Esq., at Philadelphia, and at the Harvard liaw School; was admitted to the bar in Dec, 1849. He has since pursued his profession in this city, and has been associated in part- nership with the following gentlemen : Peter C. Bacon, Benjamin F. Thomas, James E. Estabrook, and George W. Baldwin. He married Aug. 20th, 1850, Henrietta P., daughter of Hon. Roger S. Baldwin, of New Haven, Connecticut. In the year 1854, he was aid de camp of Hon. Emory Washburn, then Governor of Massachusetts. In the year 1858, from February to July he was Judge of Probate of the county of Worcester. In November 1860, he was elected Attorney General of Massachusetts, which office he now holds. Charles W. Hartshorn was born at Taunton, Mass., October 8, 1814 ; grad- uated at Harvard College in 1833 ; was admitted to the bar, March 9, 1837 ; LAWYERS. 345 commissioned Master in Chancerj^ July 2, 1844; appointed Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court, October 6, 1847, held the office for five years, and declined a re-appointment. Charles Devens, Jr., the eldest son of Charles and Mary (Lithgow) Devens, was born at Charlestown, in the county of Middlesex, April 4, 1820. Mr. Devens graduated at Cambridge in 1838, and afterwards pursued the study of the law in the school at Cambridge, and in the office of Hubbard and Watts of Boston, He was admitted to the bar in 1840, and commenced the practice of law at Northfield in the county of Franklin, and removed thence in 1844 to Greenfield in the same county, where he practiced in partnership with Hon, Geo. T. Davis until 1849. Mr, Devens represented the county of Franklin in the State Senate during the years 1848 and 1849, where he served on the Committee of the Judiciary during both years, and during the latter year as chairman of the joint Committee on Militia. In 1849 he was appointed by President Taylor Marshal of ^the United States for the District of Massa- chusetts, v/hich office he held until his resignation in the spring of 1853. Mr, Devens resumed the practice of the law in May, 1854, establishing himself in the city of Worcester, where in 1857 he formed a partnership with George F, Hoar and J, Henry Hill, Esqs., which continued until 1858, when Mr. Hill retired from the partnership, and Messrs, Devens and Hoar have since practiced together. During the years 1856, 7, and 8, Mr. Devens was the City Soli- citor of Worcester. He was appointed Colonel of the 15th Massachusetts regiment in 1861, and is now in the field doing good service for his country, Elijah B. Stoddard vv'as born in Upton, June 5, 1826, son of Colonel Elijah Stoddard; graduated at Brown University in 1847; studied law with John C. B. Davis, Esq., at Worcester, and was admitted to the bar, June 18, 1849, He commenced business with John C. B. Davis, under the fi'-m of Davis and Stoddard, and on the dissolution of that firm, formed a partncrrihip with Hon. Isaac Davis, which continued until 1855. Fie represented the city of Wor- cester in the Legislature in 1856 ; succeeded John H. Matthews in the office of District Attorney, and held the same for about six months. He was Presi- dent of the Common Council in 1858, In 1856 he was appointed a stafi" officer by Major General Augustus Morse, and in 1858 was elected the first commander of the Third Battalion of Rifles. He was appointed aiddecamp to Governor Banks in 1860. Col. Stoddard married, 16th June 1852, Mary E., eldest daughter of Hon, Isaac Davis, George F. Verry, born at Mendon, this county, July 14th, 1826 ; commenc- ed the study of the law in the office of H, D. Stone, May, 1849; was admitted to the bar at Worcester, Sept. 8th, 1851 ; commenced practice of law in Worcester in the of autumn that year ; formed a copartnership with H. D. Stone, July, 1852, which continued till July, 1857; since which time has practiced law. 30 346 I.AWYEBS. John -w Wcthcrell, graduated at Yale College in 1844, and at the Law School of Harvard University in 18 IG. Studied law for a few months in the office of Barton & Bacon at Worcester, where he was admitted to the bar, in the autumn of 1816. In January 1847, he opened a law office in "Worcester, where he has continued in the practice of his profession. In 1858, he married Hester, daughter of Hon, Ilejoice Newton, of "Worcester. He was appointed aiddecamp to Governor Andrew in 1861. S, B. I. Goddard was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., September oth, 1821. He pursued his studies preliminary to entering College, in the Grammar School in Worcester; graduated at Amherst College in 1840, and com- menced the study of law immediately after in the office of Hon. Isaac Davis ; was admitted to practice at the bar in Sept., 1843 ; and has since been engaged in the practice of law in Worcester. Joseph Mason, a native of Northfield, Mass., and a son of the Rev. Thomas Mason, late of that place, was born March 16th, A. D. 1813. He studied law with Hon. Samuel C. Allen, of Northfield, also at the Law School in Cambridge, and in the office of Hon. Emory Washburn, at Worcester., He was admitted to the bar at Worcester, Sept. 6th, A. D. 1837, and immediately commenced the practice of law, in Westborough, where he remained till the following spring, and then removed to Templeton, and resumed there the practice of law. In the spring of the year 1846, Mr. Mason removed to Worcester, and practiced law here till Oct. 1852, when he was appointed clerk of the Judicial Courts, for this county, and has since held that office. George Frisbie Hoar, son of Hon. Samuel Hoar of Concord, and Sarah, daughter of Roger Sherman, of Connecticut ; born at Concord, Mass., August 29, 1826. Graduated at Harvard University, 1846 ; studied law in the office of his brother. Judge E. R. Hoar, at Concord, from Sept., 1846, to Sept., 1847 ; in the Law School of Harvard University, from Sept., 1847, to Aug., 1849 ; in the office of Judge B. F. Thomas, at Worcester, from Aug., 1849, to Dec, 1849. Admitted to the bar, Dec, 1849, then opened an office in Worcester. June 8th, 1852, went into partnership with Hon. Emory Wash- burn, which partnership continued till Jan. 8th, 1854, when Mr. Washburn became Governor of the Commonwealth. In partnership with Hon. C. Devens, Jr., and J. Henry Hill, Esq., from Jan. 1st, 1857, to Dec. 1st, 1858, and since the latter date with Hon. C. Devens, Jr. Representative in the General Court, and chairman of committee on probate and chancery in 1852 ; Senator and chairman of judiciary committee, in 1857. Married March 30th, 1853, Mary Louisa Spurr, daughter of Samuel D. and Mary A. Spurr, who died Jan. 30th, 1859. Francis II. Dewey, eldest son of Hon. Charles A. Dewey, was born at Williamstown, Mass., July 12, 1821 ; graduated at Williams College in 1840 ; IiAWYEES. 347 studied law at the Yale and Harvard Law Schools, and at Northampton with Hon. Charles P. Huntington, prior to May, 1842, when he entered the office of Hon. Emory Washburn, in Worcester, with whom he completed his studies. He was admitted to the bar, June, 1843, and formed a connection in busi- ness with Mr. Washburn, which was dissolved by the appointment of the latter as judge of the Court of Common Pleas in July, 1844. Mr. Dewey con- tinued alone, having a large and successful practice, till September, 1850, when he formed a co-partnership with Hartley Williams, Esq , which has continued till the present time. In November, 1846, he married Frances A., only daughter of John Clarke, Esq., of Northampton ; she deceased March 13, 1851 ; he married, April 26, 1853, Sarah B., daughter of Hon. George A. Tufts of Dudley. In the fall of 1855, Mr. Dewey was chosen a member of the Massachusetts Senate ; was the republican candidate for the presidency of the Senate, and was chairman of the judiciary committee ; with this ex- ception he has not been engaged in political life, but has devoted himself to the duties of his profession. Charles G. Prentiss was appointed Register of Probate in July, 1837, and held that office with honor to himself until 1859; since then has practiced law in this city. Edward Mellen was born in Westborough, in the county of Worcester, the 26th of September, 1802 ; graduated at Brown University in 1823 ; was ad- mitted to the bar in Middlesex on the 11th of December, 1828. Opened an office on the same day in East Cambridge, where he remained for only a short time. He removed to Wayland on the 22d day of October, 1830, where he remained in practice till the time of his appointment to the bench of the Court of Common Pleas, which took place November 17th, 1847. He was appointed Chief Justice of that Court in June, 1855. This office he retained till the 1st day of July, 1859, when the Superior Court took the place of the Court of Common Pleas — a court which had been in existence from the earliest times after the colonization of this country. After his retirement from the bench, he opened an office in Worcester, in August, 1859. William A. Smith graduated at Harvard University in 1843 ; was the son of John A. Smith of Leicester, Mass. ; fitted for college at Leicester Academy; studied law with Emory Washburn and Francis H. Dewey ; admitted to the bar September 2d, 1846. When the office of Assistant Clerk of the Courts for the county of Worcester was established, in April, 1850, he was appointed by the Supreme Court, and has filled the office by successive appointments to the present time. John A. Dana was born at Princeton in this county, March 10, 1823 ; en- tered Yale College in 1840 ; graduated in 1844 ; taught school two years in Pennsylvania, during which time read law in the office of Hon. Wm. Strong, 348 LAWYERS. now one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of that State. In Octoher, 184G, resumed the study of the law in the ofRce of Barton and Bacon, and •was admitted to the bar at Boston, January 21, 1848. Opened an office in Worcester, February 1, 1848 ; has practiced law in this city since. November 26, !8G0, married Eliza Hcnshaw, youngest daughter of Hon. Isaac C. Bates, late of Northampton. William Austin Williams, the son of George Williams, was born in Hub- bardston, August 29th, 1820. He entered the office of Francis A. Brooks of Petersham ; afterwards spent eighteen months at the Law School of Cam- bridge, and finished his studies in the office of W. A. Bryant of Barre, and of John C. B. Davis of Worcester; was admitted to the bar in 1848. He com- menced the practice of the law in the office of Otis Bridges, and in June following formed a connection in business with him, which continued one year ; since then he has been in the practice of the law alone. Mr. Williams has been a member of the Board of Aldermen two years ; was City Solicitor one year; aid to Gov. Boutwell two years ; Worcester Commissioner of In- solvency since 1859. A. McF. Davis was born in Worcester, December SO, 1833; son of Hon. John Davis, late of Worcester. Appointed a midshipman in the U. S. Navy, March, 1m49. Went one cruise up the Mediterranean, and resigned in Sept. 1852. Entered Lawrence Scientific School in 1852 ; graduated in 1854. Studied law in the office of Eaton, Davis, and Taller, New York, and in Co- lumbia liaw School ; was admitted to practice in New York, May 9th, 1859- Admitted to the bar of Massachusetts, and commenced practice in Worcester the same fall. Henry C. Ilice, son of Oliver Rice, was born at MlUbury, in Worcester county, August 22, 1827. Graduated at Brown University, September, 1850 ; studied law Avith Bacon and Foster of Worcester, a'nd commenced the practice of the law at Worcester in November, 1 852. Member of the Common Council in the years 1858 and 1861 ; Master in Chancery and Notary Public ; Repre- sentative to the General Court from Worcester in the years 1859 and 18C0. Married Josephine Allen, daughter of Hon. Charles Allen of Worcester, April 23, 18G1. William S. Davis was born in Northboro' in 1832. Graduated at Harvard University in 1853, and was admitted to practice in 1855. Charles M. Ruggles was born in Providence, R. I., July 25, 1835. Studied law with Hon. Emory Washburn and Devens and Hoar, and at Dane Law School, Cambridge. Admitted to the bar in Worcester at the March term of the Superior Court, i860, and commenced the practice of the law in said city in September, 1860. I/A-WYERS. 349 Appleton Dadmun was born in Marlboro', Massachusetts ; graduated at Amherst College in 1854 ; read law in the office of Hon. Henry Chapin, and was admitted to practice in 1857. Francis L. King was born in Charlton, May 29th, 1834 ; commenced the study of the law with James G. Madden of Monmouth, Warren county, 111., April, 1856 ; admitted to the Illinois bar, August, 1857 ; graduated at Pough- keepsie Law School in 1858 ; entered the office of Beach and Bond, Spring- field, Mass., the same year ; admitted to the Massachusetts bar, February, 1859, at Worcester, and commenced the practice of law. Adin Thayer was born December 5th, 1828, at Mendon, was the son of Caleb Thayer, of Mendon ; studied law with Hon. Henry Chapin ; admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of the law in Worcester, September, 1854 ; holds the office of Trial Justice. David L. Morril ; born at GofFstown, N. H., June 2d, 1827 ; son of Hon. David L. Morril, late of Concord, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth College, in 1847 ; studied law with Hon. Ira Perley and Hon. Asa Fowler, of Concord, N. H., commenced the practice of law in Winchendon in Sept., 1850 ; after- wards in West Brookfield, and removed to the city of Worcester, in March, 1860. Charles A. Holbrook was born at Grafton, in this county, Dec. 6th, 1827, and received as thorough an education as could be obtained in the schools in the vicinity ; studied law with Lorenzo Leland, Esq., and afterwards entered the office of Calvin E. Pratt, Esq., of this city, and was admitted to the bar, Dec, 1857, when he formed a copartnership in business with Mr. Pratt, which continued for about one year. He is now practicing in his profession in this city with success. George Swan, son of Samuel Swan, Esq., of Hubbardston, born June 8th, 1826, graduated at Amherst College, studied law with Hon. Benjamin F. Thomas, admitted to practice in 1848, and still remains in Worcester. John D. Washburn, born in Boston, March 27th, 1833, son of John M. Washburn, now of Lancaster; graduated at Harvard University in 1853. Studied law with Hons. Emory Washburn and George F. Hoar, at Worces- ter; commenced practice of law in Nov., 1856, at Worcester. Married, June 5th, 1860, Mary L., daughter of Charles L. Putnam of Worcester. Stephen P. Twiss, the son of James J. Twiss, was born in Charlton in this county. May 2d, 1830 ; graduated at the Dane Law School at Cambridge in 1852, afterwards studied in the office of Davis and Stoddard in this city; was admitted to the bar in 1853, and has since that time practiced here. In 1857 he represented the city of Worcester in the Legislature. 30* 350 LAWYERS. Hartley "\\''illiams was born in Somerset county, Maine, August 12, 1820 ; he studied law with Hon. Francis H. Dewey ; was admitted to the bar in September, 1850, and at the same time formed a partnership with Mr. Dewey, which has continued to the present time. He was a member of the Board of Aldermen of the city of Worcester in 1854 ; was elected Commissioner of In- solvency in 1856, and to the Senate of Massachusetts in November 1861. He married Rachel R., daughter of David Harris, Esq., of Industry, Maine. Thomas Kinnicutt graduated at Harvard University in 1856 ; was born in Worcester, July 13th, 1835, son of Hon. Thomas Kinnicutt. In Oct. 1852 made a voyage to Calcutta, returning through Europe. Studied law in the office of Devens, Hoar and Hill, Worcester, and took the degree of LL. B. at the Harvard Law School, Cambridge ; commenced the practice of law in Wor- cester, September, 1860. Edward L. Davis, son of Hon. Isaac Davis, was born in Worcester, April 22, 1834 ; graduated at Brown University in 1854 ; studied law with Isaac Davis, E. B. Stoddard, and at the Cambridge Law School ; was admitted to the bar in March, 1857. J. Henry Hill, son of Elias H. Hill of Petersham, studied law with Charles Allen And Judge Thomas ; admitted to the bar in March, 1844, commenced practice in Barre, April, 1844 ; returned to Worcester in July same year, and then formed a connection with Judge Thomas, which connection continued until Oct., 1848; was alone in business until Jan. 1st, 1857, and was then a partner with Gen. Devens & G. F. Hoar for two years, since then alone ; was appointed Justice of the Quorum, Sept., 1854; Master in Chancery in Dec, 1850 ; appointed Notary Public in 1853 ; Secretary of Worcester Institution for Savings in 1854. William Sumner Barton, son of Ira Moore Barton of Worcester, born at Oxford, Mass., Sept. 30, 1824; graduated at Brown University, Providence, R. I., in 1844 ; a member of Harvard Law School in 1845; was admitted to the bar at Worcester, December, 184G, and practiced law in partnership with his father, (Judge Barton,) and Hon. Peter C. Bacon, at Worcester. Thomas W. Fox, born at Worcester, near the old red mills, May 24th, 1835, graduated at Brown in 1856; graduated at the Law School in Cam- bridge, 1858, with the degree of LL. B. ; admitted to practice at Boston, Jan. 17th, 1859. Franklin Hall, son of Deacon Luther Hall of Sutton, in this county, born May 2d, 1820, educated at Westminster Academy. Studied law in the office of Barton & Bacon ; admitted to the bar in 1846, and has practiced since, in this city. Married Elizabeth 'J., daughter of Parley Goddard, of this city, June 17th, 1856. • LAAVYEES. 351 Abraham Garland Randall was born Jan, 19th, 1804, in Winchester, in this state, son of Rev. Abraham Randall. He prepared for College at West- ford and Phillips Academies ; entered Yale College in 1822, and passed his Freshman year, when he left and entered the Sophomore of Harvard. Before and after he went to College he taught a district school in his native State, and while in College he kept the Grammar School in this city during one win- ter term. He finished his studies in College in 1826. He was then precep- tor of the Academy in Middleboro', Plymouth county, two years. He studied law with Hon. Wilkes Wood of Plymouth, William Draper, Esq , of Marlboro', and with Hon. John Davis, and Hon. Charles Allen, of Worcester ; admitted to the bar, 1831; opened, same year, an office inMillbury ; continued in Mill- bury until 1860, since then, has practiced in this city. Mr. Randall has been appointed by the loyal states and territories, commissioner to take the proofs and acknowledgments of deeds, to take depositions, to administer oaths, make affidavits, powers of attorney, &c. Henry D. Stone, born in Southbridge. His early education was bestowed on him by a charitable association with direct reference to the ministry. He fitted for college at the Worcester Academy, and graduated at Amherst College, and commenced the study of the law v/ith Messrs. Barton and Bacon of Wor- cester ; he has practiced in this city for several years ; at one time he was a leading criminal lawyer at the Worcester bar. He has since retired from practice. George Webster, son of Gen. George Hobbs, born in Worcester, March 22d, 1838, was educated at the schools in this city and Norwich University, Vt. Studied law with E. B. Stoddard, Esq. ; was admitted to the bar, and commenced practice in Uxbridge in this county in 1860. He is lieutenant in the Worcester Light Infantry. He married Chloe E., daughter of David Taff, Esq., of Uxbridge. Samuel Nelson Aldrich, was the son of Sylvanus B. Aldrich, born in Upton, Mass. ; graduated at Brown University ; studied law with E. B. Stoddard, Esq., and on being admitted to the bar removed to St. Louis, Mo., and entered into the practice of the law there. James E. Estabrook, son of Col. James Estabrook, born in this city, Oct. 29th, 1829 ; graduated at Yale College, 1851, read law with Judge Thomas, and admitted to practice in 1854. There are some other lawyers who have practiced law here, some of whom have left the city permanently, others have gone to the war, and a few decline to have their names mentioned in this connection. 852 PHYSICIANS. The McJical Profcssicn of Worcester, as it is indeed tliroughout the country, is divided into three distinct Schools or Classes, viz., the Allopathic, the Eclectic, and the Homeopathic. These schools derive their distinctive char- acter more from the different modes of healing disease than from any disagree- ment as to the more exact sciences connected with medicine, such as Anatomy, Chemistry, Surgery, &c. They all embrace men of talent and culture, but as ministers disagree as to clmrch government, so do they as to the relative value of medicines, modes of administration, &c. ALLOPATHIC. John Green retired from the practice of medicine in 1855, on account of feeble health and increasing age. He has resided a part of the time since 1850 at Columbia, S. C. He received the appointment of one of the Vice ]*residents of the American Medical Association at their meeting in 1854, at St. Louis, Mo. Benj. F. Hey wood continues in the practice of his profession at this time. He was chosen a member of the Common Council at the inauguration of the city government in 1848, and was a member of the Board of Aldermen in 1856 and 1858. He also became a member of the Society of Cincinnati in 1859, in the right of his father, Benjamin Heywood, an original member of that Society. Dr. Heywood had two sons educated to the medical profession : Benjamin, born July 16th, 1821; graduated at Cambridge College in 1840; and re- ceived the degree of M. D. at the -University of Pennsylvania in 1844. Passed one year in the medical schools in Paris and London, when he returned and established himself in the practice of his profession in his native town, where he continued to reside until his death, July 20, 1860. Frederick, his second son, was born June 30, 1823; graduated at Dart- mouth College in 1845; received his degree of M. D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1848 ; practiced medicine about one year in this place, and went to California in 1849, where he remained about one year, when he removed to the city of St. Miguel in the State of San Salvador, C. A., where lie continued in the practice of his profession until his decease, August 20, 1S55. Dr. William Workman still resides in Worcester, and in the practice of medicine. ^''^£^crr~(y/^,-^^^ox>c ^^/^^^^r^ Vvorcester. Mass, 1851, PHYSICIANS. 353 Josepli Sargent, son of Col. Henry Sargent of Leicester, was born in Lei- cester, December 31st, 1815. He entered Harvard University in 1830, and graduated in 1834. He studied medicine with Dr. Edward Flint in Leicester in 1834 and 1835, in Boston with Dr. James Jackson and his colleagues in 1835, 1836, and 1837; attended medical lectures in Boston in 1835 and 1836, and in Philadelphia in 1836 and 1837. He took his degree of M, D. at Harvard University in 1837, and immediately entered upon office as House Physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital. In 1838 he went to Europe and pursued his medical studies chiefly in Paris till the spring of 1840, when he returned to America and opened his office in Worcester lafe in May of that year. He was married to Emily Whitney of Cambridge, September 27th, 1841. In March 1850, he visited Europe again for professional improvement, and was absent till the 3 0th of December ; since which time he has continued in practice among us. Pierre Bazile Mignault, son of Louis Mignault, was born in the parish of Chambly, Canada East, August 28th, 1818. He took his medical degree at the medical school of Harvard University, in the spring of 1846. He took an office in Boston, Mass., where he remained a few years ; he removed to Worcester in the spring of 1848, where he continued in the practice of medi- cine. In the fall of 1858 he went to Europe to visit the hospitals and recruit his health, and returned the following year, since which time he has continued in practice in this city. His grandfather, Bazile Mignault, was driven from Acadia, N. S., by the English, in company with many others of his country- men of French descent, in 1763, and afterwards served two years as a volun- unteer in the American army during the revolutionary Avar, and probably in Lafayette's division. Henry Sargent, son of Col. Henry Sargent, was born in Leicester, Nov. 7, 1821. He entered Yale College in 1837, and graduated in 1841. He studied medicine with his brother, Dr. Joseph Sargent, in Worcester, in 1841 and 1842 ; in Boston with Dr. Bowditch and his colleagues in 1842 and 1843 ; and in Pliiladelphia with Dr. Gerhard in 1843 and 1844. He continued his studies with interruptions of ill health till 1847, passing about two years of the time in Europe, and mostly in the hospitals of Paris. In 1847 he took his degree in medicine at Cambridge and commenced practice here. In May, 1849, he married Catherine Dean Whitney, who died in September of the same year. Dr. Sargent's health was never good after his illness contracted in the study of anatomy in 1844, and he was obliged repeatedly to withdraw from the laborious practice of his profession, visiting Europe again in 1851, and again in 1854. He died in April, 1858, and was buried at Mount Auburn in Cambridge. He was an excellent physician and an upright man. Dr. George Chandler continued his duties of Assistant Physician in the State Lunatic Hospital until May 2, 1842, when he resigned to take the 354 PHYSICIANS. Superintendence of the Asylum for the Insane at Concord, N. H., which he did October 1, 1842. This Asylum had then just been erected, upon a plan sub- mitted by him. During this vacation in his labors he had married Miss Josephine Rose, daughter of Joseph W. Rose, of Antigua, W. I., by his wife Harriet Paine, daughter of Dr. William Paine of Worcester, Mass. The Asylum at Concord became under his superintendence self-sustaining, and suc- cessful in the benefits it conferred upon its inmates. In the fall of 1845 Dr. Chandler resigned his charge of the Asylum, and on the first of July, 1846, succeeded Dr. Samuel B. Woodward as Superintendent of the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester. This institution continued, during the ten years of his superintendence of it, overflowing with patients. With a capacity for only about three hundred, the number registered on its books reached at one time, five hundred and sixty-eight. He resigned the superintendence in July, 1856, and has since resided in the city of Worcester, which honored him with a seat in the Legislature in 1859, and in her city councils as one of her Alder- men. Rufus Woodward, the second son of Dr. Samuel B. Woodward, was born in Wethersfield, Ct., October 3, 1819. He graduated at Harvard College in the class of 1841, and took his degree in the medical school of Harvard College in 1843. He commenced practice as Assistant Physician in the State Lunatic Hospital in Worcester, where he remained five years. He then went to Europe to complete his studies, and remained two years, and on his return, resumed practice in this city in June, 1850. J. Marcus Rice Avas born in Milford, N. Y., in 1828 ; he married Mrs. Elvira M. Dodge, daughter of Sylvanus Pratt, of Oxford, in 1861. The author cannot give a full account of Dr. Rice's education, or the commencement of his practice in Worcester. Suffice it to say that he has been a practitioner here, and the city physician for several years, and is now surgeon for the 25th regi- ment, and is doing good service. Albin J. Eaton was born in Ashburnham, Mass., June 19, 1809 ; gradu- ated at Pittsfield in 1836. For about sixteen years had extensive and suc- cessful practice in New Hampshire and Massachusetts ; came to this city in 1851, and for several years has been out of practice. In March, 1838, mar- ried Delight Stow, of Fitzwilliam, N. H. Dean ToAvne was born in Windsor, Vt., Feb. 7, 1810; graduated at the Academy of Medicine, Castleton, Vt., in 1833; married Sally D. Sibley, daughter of Francis Sibley, Esq., of Oxford, January 9, 1851. He is now mainly out of practice. Thomas H. Gage, eldest son of Dr. Leander Gage, of Waterford, Maine, was born at Waterford, May 22, 1826v He took his medical degree at the PHYSICIANS. 355 medical school of Harvard University in 1852; and commenced the practice of his profession at Sterling, in this county, in the spring of IS. 53. He removed to this city in 1857, where he now resides. Seth Rogers was born February 13, ,1823, in Danby, Vt. ; graduated iu medicine at Castleton College, Vt., in the autumn of 1849 ; was previously a student and assistant of Dr. Joel Shew in the practice of Hydropathy, and rejoined him in New York city during the winter of 1849 and 1850. Came to Worcester in the spring of 1850, and entered upon general practice. In the following autumn established the " Worcester Water Cure," which still remains under his medical superintendence. This institution has always been conducted on liberal, or eclectic principles, though water has been the ruling agent in the management of chronic diseases. He went to Paris to study in the hospitals in the autumn of 1852, and returned to practice again in the spring of 1854 ; in the spring of 1855 became a Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society; in the autumn of 1858 sailed for Rio Janerio, S. A., and from there to Havre, France, and there spent four months again in the Paris hospitals. Dr. Rogers married Miss Hannah Mitchell, daughter of Jethro T. Mitchell, of Middletown, R. I. Peter E. Hubon was born in the town of Loughrea, county of Galway, Ireland. Acquiring an early hatred of monarchial and an early love for dem- ocratic institutions, he induced his parents to allow him to immigrate to this country at the age of fifteen. In 1854 he commenced the study of medicine at the Fort Edward Institute, under the direction of Dr. Miller, lecturer on physiology. In 1855 he became a student of Prof. J. H. Armsby, of the Albany Medical College, with whom he remained as private pupil until he graduated in June, 1858. He at once commenced practice in Springfield, Mass., but not succeeding to his wishes he removed to Worcester in October of the same year. In 1859 he became a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society ; in 1860 a Fellow of the Botanical Society of Canada, a Society of Queen's College, Kingston; and in 1861 was elected City Physician of his adopted city, which office he now holds. S. F. Haven, Jr., born May 20, 1832, in Dedham, Mass. ; graduated at Harvard College in 1852 ; studied medicine three years at the Medical School in Boston, and spent about two years in France and Germany, preparing for the specialty of diseases of the eye. After keeping an office a few months in Boston, he established himself in Worcester in the spring of 1858. R. L. Hawes, son of Amos Hawes, of Leominster, born March 22, 1823 ; graduated at Harvard University Medical School in the spring of 1846, and commenced practice in Worcester in the spring of 1846, and continued practice about two years. 356 PHYSICIAK8. Samuel Flagg, son of Samuel Flagg, was born in Worcester, and fitted for college at Leicester Acadeniy, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1839 ; studied with Dr. Twitchell of Keene, N. H,, and commenced practice here. At tliis time he is in the 25th regiment as hospital steward. Henry Parker, son of William Parker, born in Worcester in 1786 ; studied with Dr. Eaton of Dudley, and Dr. Green of Worcester, and attended medical lectures in Boston. Commenced practice in 1811, at Grafton, and continued there about forty-six: years, and removed to this city where he now resides. Dr. Parker married first, Catharine, daughter of Lemuel Davis, Esq , of Ilolden ; second, Maria N. Norris of Salem. Armet B. DcLand, son of Charles M. DeLand, born in Brookficld in 1823, studied in Worcester with Dr. Geo. A. Bates, attended medical lec- tures at Pittsfield, Castleton, and Charleston, S. C. Graduated in 1845, and commenced practice in Worcester, where he still continues. Married Clara M., daughter of Stephen Tallman. Oramel Martin, born in Whitingham Vt., July 21st, 1810 ; studied med- icine and received his degree at Pittsfield ; commenced practice in New Braintree ; in 184.5-6, visited Europe, pursued his studies in the hospitals at Paris; removed to Worcester, 1850. Dr. Martin was appointed one of the commissioners to investigate the cattle disease in 18G0. In 1S61, he was surgeon to the Third Battalion Rifles from this city, and spent the summer mostly at Fort McHenry ; in August, of the same year, he v/as appointed brigade surgeon, and is still in the army. Merrick Berais was born in Sturbridge, Mass., in 1820 ; studied med- icine in the office of Dr. H. Gilmore, in Brookfield, and Dr. Winslow Lewis, in Boston, and graduated at the Medical School in Castleton, Vt. ; came to Worcester in 1848 ; was employed as Assistant Physician at the State Lunatic Hospital, under the superintendence of Dr. Geo. Chandler, and was appointed Superintendent of the Hospital in 1855. Frank Horton Pace was born in Howe, Mass., in 1831. Studied medicine with Dr. S. Clapp, in Pawtucket ; graduated at Woodstock, Vt., in 1854; came to Worcester in 1855, and has since been employed as Assistant Physi- cian at the State Lunatic Hospital. Henry Conant Prentice was born in Northampton, Mass., 1832; gradu- ated at Harvard College, 1834 ; studied medicine with Drs. D. & J. Thomp- son, in Northampton ; graduated in medicine, at the Berkshire Medical Institution, 1857 ; came to Worcester in 1858, and has since been employed as Assistant Physician at the State Lunatic Hospital. PHYSICIANS. 357 Joseph N. Bates commenced the study of medicine in the spring of 1829 with his father, Anson Bates, M. D., of Barre ; attended lectures at Dart- mouth college in the autumn of 1829 and 1830, also at Bowdoin, Me., and graduated at Dartmouth in the autumn of 1831; subsequently attended the lectures of the University of Medicine at Philadelphia ; commenced practice in the autumn of 1832 at Barre, where he remained until 1856, when he came to Worcester. Joined the army of the United States as surgeon of the 15th regiment of Mass. Volunteers, August Cth, 1861. George A. Bates, son of the late Dr. Anson Bates of Barre, Worcester county, Mass., born in Barre ; commenced the study of medicine with Joseph N. Bates, M. D. of that town ; attended lectures at the Berkshire Medical College, in the autumn of 1840 and 1841. In 1842, entered the office of Dr. Marshal S. Perry and associates of Boston, and graduated at the Medical College of Harvard University in March, 1844; commenced practice in Barre the same year, and in April, 1845, removed to Worcester and continued in practice until 1856, Avhen he removed to Washington, D. C, and was suc- ceeded in practice by Joseph N. Bates, M. D., of Barre. In August, 1861, he returned to Worcester to fill the place of his brother who enlisted as surgeon. of the 15th regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. Henry Clarke, son of Benjamin Clarke, was born at Marlboro', Mass., Oet. 3d, 1824 ; he took his medical degree at the medical school of Harvard Uni- versity in the spring of 1850 ; he then went to Europe and continued his pro- fessional studies at Paris and Vienna until the autumn of 1851, when he returned to this country and commenced the practice of medicine in Worcester. In 1854 he was married to Rebecca F. Foster, daughter of Hon. Alfred D wight Foster of this city. In the spring of 1861, he again went to Europe for the purpose of spending a few months in the hospitals and of recruiting his health ; he returned in the autumn of the same year and resumed practice in this city. Benjamin F. Allen was born in Mendon, March 1829 ; graduated at the Medical Department of Yale College in 1859; commenced practice in this city in I860. Dr. Allen married Elizabeth V., daughter of Joseph P. Em- erson, of Parsonsfield, Maine. ECLECTIC. Frank H. Kelly is a native of New Hampton, N. H. ; at the academical institution of which town he fitted for college. He pursued the study of medicine at the medical department of Harvard College, and at the Eclectitf Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio, and at the latter institution was gradu- ated in the year 1851. Commenced the practice of his profession in Wor- 31 358 PHYSICIANS. cestcr the same year, and from that time to the present, has enjoyed an envia- ble reputation as a physician. He is at this time President of the State Eclectic Medical Society, and a member of the present city council. II. AV. Buxton was born in INIcrrimack, N. H., May, 1809 ; studied at Nashua, and commenced practice at Haverhill, Mass., in 183G; removed to this city in 1850, where he still resides. He married first, Rebecca L., daughter of Thomas Munroe, Esq., of Nashua, N. H. She having died, he married Miss Lydia M., daughter of Elijah Harrington of Shrewsbury. John A. Andrews, was born in Hopkinton, Mass., September 30, 1802 ; took his degree of doctor in medicine at the Southern Botanic Medical Col- lege, Forsyth, Georgia ; commenced the practice of medicine in Smithfield, K. I., in 1834 ; in 1836 removed to Worcester, and is still in practice here. Edwin Schofield, son of John W. Schofield, was born at Oldham, England, and came here in early childhood ; commenced the study of medicine in 1850 ; attended the first course of lectures at the American College, Philadelphia ; second, third, and last course were attended at the Worcester Medical Insti- tution, and graduated June, 1855. Since which time has practiced at Paw- tucket, R. I., and Mason Village, N. H. He married Miss Mary Jane Moore, of Barre, daughter of Horace S. Moore. HOMEOPATHIC. L. B. Nichols was born in Bradford, N. H., in the year 1816 ; entered Brown University in 1839, and graduated in 1842. After a period spent in teaching, he continued his medical studies, and received the degree of M. D., as an allopathic physician, at the Philadelphia College of Medicine. He commenced the homeopathic practice of medicine, in the city of Worcester, in 1849. He married Miss Lydia C. Anthony, daughter of James Anthony, Esq., of Providence, R. I., in the year 1843. J. E. Linnell was born at Orleans, Barnstable County, Mass., June 9, 1823 ; educated at Amherst College ; studied medicine with the late Dr. T. J. Gridley, Amherst; received medical diploma at Dartmouth College, in 1844; com- menced practice in the spring of 1845, at Prescott this state ; removed from there to East Douglas, in the spring of 1847 ; from East Douglas, came to Worcester on the first day of Jan. 1855. Married, Nov. 27th, 1848, Miss Fanny A. Graves, of Sunderland, Mass. Dr. Bugbee was in practice here in 1853-4, and removed to Warren, Vt, and died there in 1859. PHYSIC1A.NS. 359 Joseph Birnstill was in practice here from 1844 to 1847, and removed to Boston, where he still resides and is in practice. THOMSOKIAN Franklin Barnard was horn May 17, 1809, at Harvard, Worcester county, Mass. ; educated by Dr. Samuel Thomson, the father and founder of the Thomsonian system of practice ; commenced the practice of this system in Boston, in 1836; in Worcester, in 1840, where he still resides. FEMALE PHYSICIANS. Mrs. S. Goodwin, wife of Martin Goodwin, born in Townsend, Vt., 1808. In 1849 she commenced practice in this city as a midwife. Mrs. Goodwin has had great success in her department of practice, having attended 2113 cases since her practice in Worcester commenced. Mrs. M. W. Geralds, wife of S. W. Geralds, and daughter of deacon John Foss of New Durham, N. H.. attended the medical lectures in Boston and Worcester; commenced practice at Concord, N. H. ; removed to this city in 1851, and has been in successful practice here since. She is a physician and midwife. Mrs. B. R. Clark, physician and midwife, born in Mason, N. H., daughter of Hubert Russell, and wife of Joel C. Clark; attended the Eclectic schools in Worcester and Boston ; received her medical degree from the Pennsylvania Institute, in Philadelphia, in 1861, and commenced practice in this city, where she still resides. In addition to the above, there have been from time to time, several other practitioners here, who have not remained for any length of time, and therefore will not appear in this chapter. 360 BANKS OF WORCESTER WOECESTEE BANK Of the one hundred and seventy-seven Banks now existing in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts, Union, Boston, Gloucester, and Plymouth, were in operation in 1803. At a meeting of a number of gentlemen, at Barker's tavern, in "Worcester, December 18th, 1803, Isaiah Thomas, Esq., being chosen moderator, it was voted : That it is the sense of the gentlemen present that it would be advan- tageous to the County of Worcester to have a Bank established at Worcester ; that a subscription be opened, and that Benjamin Heywood, Francis Blake, Isaiah Thomas, Dr. William Paine and Daniel Waldo, Jr., be a committee to Buperintend the subscriptions, prepare a petition to the Legislature to be signed by the subscribers, and notify a meeting of the subscribers to be holden at a suitable time after the subscription is closed. At a meeting duly called by this committee, held April 10th, 1804, it was reported that the subscription amounted to 2615 shares ; and a charter, dated March 7th, 1804, incorporating Daniel Waldo, Isaiah Thomas, Daniel Waldo, Jr., Benjamin Heywood, William Paine, Stephen Salisbury, Nathan Patch, William Henshaw, Francis Blake, Nathaniel Paine, Elijah Burbank, and their associates, as the President, Directors and Company of the Worcester Bank, was accepted. The capital authorized was one hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars, and the charter was to continue until the expiration of eight years from the first Monday in October next following. The charter having been accepted, Daniel Waldo, Benjamin Heywood, Samuel Flagg, Isaiah Thomas, Daniel Waldo, Jr., Theophilus Wheeler, and Samuel Chandler, were chosen Directors, and the organization was completed April 12th, 1804, by the choice of Daniel Waldo as President, and Daniel W'aldo, Jr , as Secretary of the Board of Directors, to officiate as such until ft Cashier is chosen. In conformity to a vote of the stockholders, they proceeded at once to cause the erection of " a brick building, three stories high, having in the front two belts of marble," on the site now occupied by the Central Exchange. It con- tained, besides the banking rooms, a hall for the meetings of the stockholders, and a tenement which for many years was occupied by Mr. Waldo. It was sold in 1834, and destroyed by fire in 1842. The Bank continued to occupy it, however, as long as it stood, and leased rooms in the Exchange Building which succeeded it, until 1851, when the Worcester Bank Block, on Foster street, was erected. On the 11th of May, 1801, Levi Thaxtcr was elected Cashier, and Robert BANKS. 361 Breck Brigham, Accountant, " upon tlie condition that they enter themselves at some Bank in the town of Boston to be instructed at their own expense in the duties of their respective offices by persons to be approved by the Direc- tors of this Bank ; the salary of each to commence on the first day of Sep- tember, 1804, provided they respectively produce a certificate from the person by whom he has been instructed that in his said instructor's opinion he is fully competent to execute the duties of his office." At the next election of Directors, October 3d, 1804, Daniel Waldo, sen., declined a re-election ; Daniel Waldo, Jr., was elected President, and so con- tinued until his decease, July 9th, 1845. He attended a meeting of the Directors on the evening of the 8th, in usual health, and early on the next morning was suddenly removed from his wide sphere of duty and usefulness- During a period of forty-one years his services were gratuitously rendered to the Bank. He presided with singular talent and uniform courtesy over the deliberations of the Directors, watched over, protected, and advanced its inter- ests with untiring vigilance, and was to every director and officer a wise coun- sellor, a kind assistant and friend. He was succeeded, July 16th, 1845, by Stephen Salisbury. Mr. Thaxter resigning the Cashiership, has been succeed- ed by Robert Breck Brigham, elected March 12, 1805, resigned 1812 ; Samuel Jennison, Jr., elected August 25, 1812, resigned 1846 ; Levi Lincoln Newton, elected September 22, 1846, resigned 1847 ; William Cross, elected June 29, 1847. Mr. Jennison's connection with the Bank covered a period of more than thirty-six years, he having held the office of accountant from April 17, 1810, until his election to the Cashiership. Being thus identified with its history, it would be incomplete without a recorded acknowledgment of the ability, the despatch, the undoubted integrity, and the unsparing labor with which he performed his official duties, while his efficient services were accompanied and adorned by his cultivated intellect, his simple and genial manners, and his moral worth. Anticipating the expiration of the charter in October, 1812, the stockholders, at a meeting May 1, 1811, voted to petition the Legislature for its renewal. The importance of the institution, and the manner in which its operations were conducted, are thus set forth in the petition : " In pursuance of the vote of the stockholders, the Committee appointed do now most respectfully represent, That the Worcester Bank was incorporated by an act passed May 7, 1804, with a capital of one hundred and fifty thou- eand dollars. In the spirit of the act, the v/hole sum was actually paid in and deposited in the vaults of the Bank before a single discount was attempted. From that, to the present time, a scrupulous regard has been had to the man- agement of the institution upon the strict, and known, and approved principles of banking. The specie capital has been exclusively appropriated to tho redemption of the bills issued upon it. The bills, in every instance, have been redeemed upon demand, and with a promptitude and cheerfulness which has left nothing for just complaint to the applicant. The accommodation of the Bank has been alike extended without partiality or prejudice to every 31* 862 I3ANK8. individual whose occasions have required and whose responsibility has justified the credit of a loan. The stockh(dders themselves have been among the smallest borrowers of the Bank. As they had no other inducement, so they have received no other consideration for the investment of their money, than its security and the legal interest it has borne. " In its operation the Bank has been attended with all the advantages Avhich could have been anticipated at its incorporation. With a very restricted cap- ital, and from its local situation exposed to repeated drafts, it has, notwith- standing, uniformly maintained a character and credit, which, among the country banks is almost peculiar to itself It has increased the wealth, the resources, and the business of the County of Worcester ; it has facilitated the progress of useful arts and manufactures ; it has aided in the establishntient of others, which, otherwise, would have languished for want of capital. It has been highly beneficial in the common intercourse of business, by render- ing credit less necessary, and thereby it has diminished the number of lawsuits. It has enabled the prudent farmer to extend his improvements by anticipating the value of his crops. These are among the most obvious of its effects; but to every class of people, and to every kind of business within its influence, it has communicated some share of benefits. It has given spirit to enterprise, and patronage to laudable exertion. Had its capital been greater, the accom- modation to the public would have been proportionably increased. The demand for money within the County has constantly exceeded the ability of the Bank to loan, and the recent establishment of many manufactories for various useful branches of business has for some time past greatly augmented the number of applications. The arrangements of the Bank are better, and more generally understood, and the confidence of the community is becoming daily more attached to the institution. "The evils resulting from the expiration of the charter without renewal are too many and too obvious to escape the discernment of the Legislature. A considerable proportion of the debts are with the yeomanry of the County. More than one hundred and seventy thousand dollars is usually due to the Bank. The embarrassments, the perplexity, and the positive distress which would be produced by a sudden demand of this amount, are incalculable. Suits would be indefinitely multiplied, and an immense sacrifice of property must be the inevitable consequence. " Your petitioners therefore do request that the charter of said Bank may be renewed, and that tbe Corporation may be allowed to increase the capital stock to a sum not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars." The application, however, was unsuccessful ; and the committee reported that although " a petition was presented to the Legis-lature at the May, 1811, and January, 1812, sessions, in which the importance of the institution to this part of the country was fully represented, Mr. Lincoln, Jr., employed as ?gent to support the application, and every other step taken to insure its success, the conflicting interests of the members of the Legislature prevented any thing being done." BANKS, 363 At the May session of 1812, the application was again renewed; and in addition to the reasons before given, the Committee state, " your petitioners are authorized in the assurance that the existence of the Bank, and the con- tinuance of its accommodations, are indispensable to the preservation of these important interests. So solicitous indeed was the public mind on the subject of a renewal of the charter at the last session of the Legislature, that petitions for that object were spontaneously preferred from almost every important town in the County. To these unbiased testimonials to the credit of the corporation and its salutary operations your petitioners would respectfully refer. On this subject there are no conflicting claims. Men of all classes, parties, and situa- tions in the County are satisfied with the present application, and v/ithout dis- crimination are engaged in its success. Your petitioners, therefore, in view to a perfect ability for the accommodation of this western section of the Com- monwealth, pray that, with a renewal of the charter, they may be allowed to increase their capital stock." A new charter was granted June 22d, 1812, and the capital was increased to two hundred thousand dollars. It was renewed in 1831, and again in 1850, by the general acts of those years. Its charter expires January 1st, 1870. Under an Act of the Legislature, passed May 21, 1851, the capital was in- creased to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; and under an Act passed April 28, 1853, to three hundred thousand dollars. The Bank pursued the even tenor of its way, carrying a loan but little in excess of its capital, and holding a specie reserve nearly as great as its circu- lation, until, in 1820, a system for the redemption of country money at par in Boston, was devised. At that time the minimum charge for discount on country bills was from l-4th to 3-4ths per cent. The money accumulated in the Boston Banks, and became a dead deposit until redeemed by the country Banks, which was then a slow and insecure process, as the specie, mostly silver, must be received by a special messenger in exchange for the bills, when presented at the Bank counters, and transported to Boston, to be again pro- cured there by the country Banks and transported back again. To remedy these evils, and with an avowed intention of regulating the currency of New England, the Suffolk Bank proposed to receive at par the bills of such Banks as should keep a deposit with it for that purpose. It is easy to see that the community was greatly benefitted by this arrangement, as it was relieved from the brokerage on a large sum of money, and that the Suff"olk Bank, by means of these deposits, obtained a large addition to its working capital. It is equally easy to see that to the country Banks, many of which already had open accounts with the Boston Banks, for the purpose of facilitating the increasing mercantile interests, it was advantageous, inasmuch as the risk, expense, and necessity of keeping more than a small percentage of specie in their vaults was obviated. The experience of thirty-five years has proved the wisdom of the " Suffolk Bank system," and its incalculable benefit to the currency and business of New England. But the scheme at first met with strong opposition, not only from the country Banks, but from some of the Boston Banks, which declined 364 BANKS. to compensate the Suffolk for receiving country bills from them, which was a part of the plan, and those which established the association were stigmatised as " The Hohj Alliance.'" Remembering, doubtless, " the conflicting interests," which so nearly cMtinguishcd the Worcester Bank in 1812, Mr. Waldo was one of its most determined opponents. All overtures for an arrangement having been rejected by him, an occurrence took place on the 26th of July, 1826, wliich is clearly described, with the opinions of the project then pre- vailing, in the following statement which was published by Mr. Waldo on be- half of the Directors. " A transaction of an unexpected and extraordinary character having occur- red within the last two days, which is calculated, and doubtless was intended* injuriously to affect the credit and management of the Worcester Bank, the Directors feel called upon to publish a statement of facts, and to submit to the knowledge and judgment of the public the conduct of those who have been agents in the concern. •• Soon after the opening of the Bank on Wednesday morning, July 26th, a person representing himself to be in the employ and under the direction of the Suffolk Bank in Boston, presented two packages of bills, amounting as he said to 818,000, and demanded the redemption in specie. He was promptly and undisguisedly informed that the bills would be received, but as the sum was greater than had been anticipated, being more than one half the whole amount of bills of the Worcester Bank in circulation, the Bank was not pre- pared to redeem the whole with specie from the vaults, but having a deposit in Boston, the Cashier would give a draft for the balance, payable at sight, or would despatch a messenger, to return immediately with the money ; and in the meantime the Directors would pay fur all the expenses and inconvenience for this short delay, rendered necessary by the journey to the city. From the agent of the Suffolk Bank it was distinctly understood that he was to carry the specie directly to Boston, for which purpose he had a team with him. It was therefore represented to him that this Bank had a deposit exceeding 839,000 of their own proper money in the New England Bank, that the specie would be as early in the possession of the Suffolk Bank by accepting the proposed draft as it could be placed there by transportation from Worcester, in addition to which the useless and idle labor of a double removal, first here and then back, would be avoided. No doubt was expressed by the agent of the truth of this representation. On the contrary he offered, under his instructions and in conformity with them, to accept a draft, if the Directors here would engage in future to redeem their bills and make their deposit at the Suffolk Bank, so us to secure to that institution the advantage of our constant and large de- posits. This proposition the Directors rejected. It had been made before to them under circumstances, and with accompanying conditions, which, in their opinion, were both humiliating and dishonorable. They had heretofore been urged to become the brokers of the Suffolk Bank in collecting and de- positing with that institution the bills of other banks, and they had been offered immunity to their own corporation from runs and drafts at the price of BAKKS. 365 a violation of precedent engagements, or of a departure from an honorable and scrupulous system of regular and legitimate banking. It was therefore with firmness that the Directors determined to yield nothing to the spirit of unjustifi- able coercion. The agent of the Suff'oik Bank was told that no negociation of the kind could be eff'ected. He was immediately paid in specie $28,000, and was informed that at the opening of the Suffolk Bank the next morning, and probably before he could reach Boston, the balance would be ofi'ered at their counter. Our Cashier was forthwith despatched to execute this purpose, and it was our hope and expectation, that it would have been satisfactory. What then was our astonishment, at three o'clock next day, to be addressed by a Sheriff", charged with a special writ of attachment to secure upon the real estate of the Corporation, the above mentioned balance of $20,000, upon a writ too, made in Boston at the instance of the directors of the Sufi"ulk Bank, after an interview with them by our Cashier, Avith the money in his possession to satisfy the claims, and forwarded by an express through the country, at the rate of ten miles an hour, to attach real estate, in security for the payment of bank bills, for which the specie was offered before the process issued ! We will only add, that the Worcester Bank was never in a more solvent state, and ready for a comparison with other banks, even the Suffolk Bank, to prove with what fidelity to the Institution, and security to the public, our concerns have uniformly been managed. We have reason to complain of the utmost disingenuousness on the part of the directors of the Suffolk Bank, That they did not distrust the solvency and punctuality of the Worcester Bank. is conclusive from the fact that they instructed their agent to receive a draft, if we would consent to pay the tribute of our own independence, and become brokers to them in future. They artfully devised this surprise upon us. Here- tofore they had been in the habit of sending an amount of $6000 or $7000, whenever they had received it, and as frequently as once in a week or fort- night. About four weeks since, they made a draft to that amount. Where then was this sum of $48,000, now presented? Has it been collected by runners and agents through the country? Or has it been carefully accumu- lated for the present occasion ? The Suffolk Bank and its managers, and the friends of such measures of hostility to the country banks, as solvent as their own, as prudently and hon- orably, if not as cunningly managed ; these promoters of jealousy between town and country, have the short-lived enjoyment of the paltry gratification of exci- ting suspicion of our Institution. We have now tendered them the specie, for all the bills they presented. And in future, on our own counter, dollar for dollar, carefully told and counted, they shall receive it. To the public we need offer no assurances. The credit we have maintained is not forfeited. Our doors have never been closed. Our paper will be re- deemed with specie, whenever and by whom demanded. Our business is not interrupted. Our discounts Avill not be suspended, or the more restricted." The affair, however, was not yet ended. The writ was returnable at the 866 BAKKS. October term of the court, and peremptorily declining to receive the specie elsewhere than at the counter of the Worcester Bank, the Suffolk Bank claimed, as damages, interest at the rate of 24 per cent, per annum, until the bills should be redeemed. Mr. Jennison, after making the tender of $20,000, with one day's interest, deposited that sum in the New England Bank, subject to the presentation of the bills there, and so notified the Suffolk Bank. The case was argued by Samuel Hubbard for the Suffolk, and Lemuel Shaw for the Worcester, and was decided in March 1827, when the sufficiency of the tender was sustained. This result was considered a signal triumph by the opponents of the Suffolk Bank system. For many years the loans, upon the then " strict, and known, and approved principles of banking," were upon notes, with one or more sureties, payable in fifty-seven days and grace, and duly attested. When due, a payment of one fourth part of the original loan was required, and the balance was renewed. No loans were made for a less sum than fifty dollars, or renewed for a less sum than twenty dollars. Notes remaining unpaid for eight days after maturity, were invariably handed to the solicitor for collection. When sued, and the action entered in court, the principal debtor or debtors were debarred from having a new loan, until six months after the settlement of the debt, and when a suit was continued in court, or judgment obtained, the by-laws provided that the prin- cipal debtor or debtors, shall never after have a note discounted. Loans were also occasionally made on pledge of the stock of the bank, and on bond and mortgage, the latter running for one year, with interest payable at the expira- tion of that time. The practice of discounting business paper, did not prevail to any extent, until so lately as 1835. Among the curiosities of the ancient record book are these : " Voted, that each and every director, who shall be absent at the hour ap- pointed for any meeting, and does not produce a satisfactory reason therefor, shall forfeit and pay to the use of the directors present at the meeting, the sum of twenty-five cents." " All mistakes made by the officers of the bank, must be discovered and stated before the persons concerned leave the bank, or they cannot be inquired into or allowed." A large proportion of the stock of this bank, has always been held by char- itable, savings, and other corporations, trustees, &c., who desire a safe and permanent investment. For many years, the dividends, though regular, were small. For the past twelve years, they have never been less than eight per cent, per annum. The reserve after declaring the dividend in April 1861 was about twenty-five per cent. The present Board of Directors is as follows : Stephen Salisbury, . . . first elected, October 1st, 1832. Levi Lincoln " " " 3d, 1810. llejoice Newton, . . . . " " " 6th, 1817. George T. Rice, ....*' " «' 3d, 1825. l?enj;imin F. Heywood, . . " " " 3d, 1831. Dwight Foster " " •« 11th, 1856, llussell L. Uawcs, ..." •♦ " 10th, 1857. BANKS. 367 CENTKAI, BANK. By an act approved by the Governor, March 12th, 1828, William Eaton, L, W. Stowell, Isaac Davis, T. A. Merrick, David Stowell, Pliny Merrick, "William Jennison, Daniel Heywood, Gardiner Paine, Samuel Allen, Jr., Levi A. Dowley, Benjamin Butman, Asahel Bellows, Daniel Goddard, Isaac Good- win, Artemas Ward, Anthony Chase, and their associates, successors and assigns, were created a corporation, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, by the name of the President, Directors, and Company of the Central Bank. The first recorded meeting of stockholders was held on " Tuesday, the 5th of May, 1829, at the dwelling house of Joseph Lovell, Innholder," Samuel M. Burnside, chairman, Emory Washburn, secretary. Seven Directors were chosen, viz : Benjamin Butman, Pliny Merrick, Lewis Barnard, John Davis, Isaac Davis, Simeon Burt, Daniel Heywood. Benjamin Butman chosen President, May, 1829, resigned August, 1836; Thomas Kinnicutt chosen President, August, 1836, died January 22d, 1858; John C. Mason chosen President, January, 1858, now in office. Otis Corbett was chosen Cashier May 1829, resigned November, 1829; George A. Trumbull, chosen Cashier November 1829, resigned October, 1836; William Dickinson, chosen Cashier October, 1836, resigned October, 1850 ; George F. liartshorn, chosen Cashier October, 1850, resigned October, 1856; George C. Bigelow, chosen Cashier October, 1856, died May 12, 1859; George F. Hartshorn, chosen Cashier May 24, 1859, and now in office. The Bank commenced business in a building erected by Dr. John Green, (No. 100 Main street,) and remained there until June, 1853, when it was re- moved to the rooms now occupied in Harrington Block, corner of Main and Front streets. July, 1848, the capital was increased to $150,000; October, 1853, to $250,- 000 ; July, 1854, to $350,000. The annual dividends have been as follows : 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 7 per cent. ; 1834, 6 per cent. ; 1835, 1836, 7 per cent. ; 1837, 6 12 per cent. ; 1838, 6 per cent. ; 1839, 7 per cent. ; 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 6 per cent. ; 1844, 5 percent.; 1845, 1846, 6 per cent.; 1847, 7 per cent. ; 1848,6 1-2 per cent., and an extra dividend of 9 per cent. ; 1849, 1850, 7 per cent.; 1851, 1852, 1853, 8 per cent., and an extra dividend of 12 per cent. ; 1854 to 1858, 8 per cent. ; 1858 to 1861, 7 per cent. aXTINSIGAMOND BANK. Incorporated March 25th, 1833, with a capital of $100,000. The capital has since been increased to $250,000. The Presidents have been elected as follows : A. D. Foster, April 27th, 1833, Isaac Davis, October 3d, 1836, William Jennison, October 13th, 1842, William Dickinson, (pro tem,) October, 1853, Isaac Davis, October 9th, 1854, ■who now holds that office. 868 BANES. Charles A. Ilaniilton was Cashier, from its first organization, to October 6th, 1853, when J. S. Farnum was chosen, who still remains its Cashier, Elected April 17th, 1833, first directors, Samuel D. Spurr, F. W. Paine, Isaac Davis, A. D. Foster, Levi A. Dowley, Emory Washburn, and Samuel Damon. CITIZENS BANK. Was incorporated, April 9th, 1836, with a capital of $250,000. In 1844, the capital was altered to $150,000. The Presidents have been elected as follows: Jan. 8th, 1836, Benjamin Butman; Oct. 1st, 1838, Nymphas Pratt; Oct. 7th, 1839, Pliny Merrick ; Oct. 10th, 1842, F. T. Merrick; Nov. 5th, 1860, F. II. Kinnicutt, who now holds the office. Oct. 3d, 1836, Geo. A. Trumbull was elected Cashier, and held the office until Oct. 6th, 1858, when John C. Ripley was chosen, who now holds that office. Directors, elected Oct. 3d, 1836, Benjamin Butman, Harvey Blashfield, Pliny Merrick, William Lincoln, Ebenezer Aldrich, Edward Lamb, Nymphas Pratt, F. W. Paine, Calvin Willard, F. T. Merrick, John H. Richardson, J. A. Hovey. MECHANICS BANK. Incorporated April 21st, 1848, with a capital of $100,000. In 1850, the capital was increased to $150,000. In 1851, the capital again increased to $300,000. Increased again in 1852, to its present capital, $350,000. The presidents have been elected as follows : July, 1848, Alex. DeWitt, June, 1858, Henry Goulding, Oct., 1855, F. H. Dewey, Oct., 1859, Alex. DeWitt, Oct., 1857, Alex. DeWitt, Oct., 1860, Harrison Bliss. July, 1848, Parley Hammond was chosen Cashier, and held the office until July 10th, 1854, when S. Berry was chosen, who now holds that office. Directors: Henry Goulding, George T. Rice, Wm. T. Merrifield, F. H. Dewey, W. M. Bickford, Charles Washburn, Harrison Bliss, E. H. Bowen, Alphonso Brooks. CITY BANK. The City Bank of Worcester was incorporated in March 1854, with a capital of $200,000, and commenced business in September of same year, in a room in Harrington's block, corner of Main and Front streets; but was shortly removed to the present rooms, corner of Main and Pearl streets, in a building built and owned by Calvin Foster. (This building was the first one built in Worcester county, with an entire iron front, and was considered as a great undertaking at the time of its erection ) The capital stock has since been increased to $400,000. George W. Rich- ardson has been President, from the organization of the bank to the present BANKS. 360 time. Parley Hammond was first Cashier, and served till Oct. 1857, when Nathaniel Paine, the present Cashier, was chosen. The first board of directors, chosen in May, 1854, consisted of George VV. Richardson, George Bowen, Henry Chapin, Calvin Foster, Lewis Barnard, W. B. Fox, Jr., and H. N. Big- elaw. In Oct., same year, Charles Thurber and George M. Rice were added to the board. WOECESTEK COUNTY INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS. The Worcester County Institution for Savings was incorporated February 5, 1828. Hon. Daniel Waldo was the first President, and held the oflice to the time of his death, July 9, 1845 ; Hon. Stephen Salisbury was then elected President, and has held the office since. Samuel Jennison was the Treasurer from the organization of the Institution, to October, 1853, at which time Charles A. Hamilton was elected, and has held the office since. At the time the former Treasurer resigned his office, the deposits amounted to $1,473,312 15, and the number of depositors was, 8,760. In April 1861, the deposits amounted to $2,742,833 50, and the number of depositors was 12,408, giving an average of $218 17 to each. Board of Investment — D. Waldo Lincoln, John C. Mason, A. H. Bullock, Stephen Salisbury, and the Treasurer and Secretary, ex officio. Secretary — J. Henry Hill. Treasurer — Charles A. Hamilton. Assistant Treasurer — Edward Hamilton. Clerk — James P. Hamilton. Twelve Vice-Presidents and twenty-four Trustees, constitute the Board of Trustees ; they have the general charge and superintendence of the business of the Institution, and their duties are performed by monthly Committees, consisting of one Vice President and two Trustees, who are to " Attend at the Office of the Institution on the first Saturday next after the termination of each month, at nine o'clock, A. M., to examine the Books for the preceding month." MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. The Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank was incorporated May 15th, 1851. The Hon. Isaac Davis was chosen its first President, and was reelected till January 4th, 1855, when he resigned, and Hon. Alex. DeWitt was elected, and helvl the ofR:;e till Jan., 1859. He was succeeded by Hon. J. S. C. Knowlton, who now holJs the office. Parley Hammond, Esq., was chosen the first Treasurer, and held the office till July 10th, 1854, when he was succeeded by Henry Woodward, who now holds the office. The Board of Trustees is composed of the President, Secretary, and twelve Trustees. The present Board of Investment are Harrison Bliss, and T. W. Ham- mond, Esq., with the President and Secretary, who are ex officio members. The number of depositors, on the last Saturday of June, 1861, was 2702, and the amount of deposits, $704,273,99 5 giving an average to each depos- itor of $260,65. 32 870 INStJBANCE COMPAKIES. ■WOKCESTER FIVE CENTS SAYINGS EANK. This Bank was chartered April 7, 1854; commenced receiving deposits July 1, 1855. It is open daily to receive deposits. It will receive any sum, from five cents to one thousand dollars. Interest at the rate of five per cent., paid semi-annually, or added to the principal. Extra dividend every five years. The smallest sum entitled to receive interest is three dollars. Officers for the year 1861. — President — Charles L. Putnam. Vice Presidents — George W. Richardson, William N. Green, D. S. Messinger, Charles Paine, G. W. Russell, Emory Banister. Trustees — J. M. C. Armsby, J. S. Farnum, John B. Shaw, James B. Blake, Rufus Carter, George W. Wheeler, Edward W. Lincoln, James Green, C. B. Metcalf, C. H. Fitch, Nathan Washburn, Horace Ayres. Auditors — Emory Banister, James B. Blake. Financial Committee — Geo. W. Richardson, C. L. Putnam, D. S. Messinger, E. B. Stoddard, James Green, C. Harris. Treasurer — Clarendon Harris. Secretary — E. B. Stoddard. INSURANCE COMPANIES OF WORCESTER. "WORCESTER MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated February 11th, 1823. Its powers are vested in nine Directors. The following has been the succession of the officers: Presidents — 1824, Rejoice Newton ; 1831, Fred. W. Paine ; 1852, Anthony Chase. Secretaries — 1824, H. K. Newcomb ; William D. Wheeler; 1827, Isaac Goodwin ; 1832, Anthony Chase ; 1852, Charles M. Miles. The dividend has averaged from 75 to 80 cents on each dollar paid as premium. people's MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated March 23, 1847. Officers in 1847 : President — E. H. Hem- en way. Secretary — O.Harrington. Treasurer — E. H. Hemenway. Di- rectors— E. H. Hemenway, George Bowen, James H. Wall, Amos Brown, James Estabrook, Geo. A. Dresser, Warren Lazell, H. N. Tower, Joseph Pratt, Joseph Boydcn, Warren Hunt, Jonathan Warren, Henry A. Denny, James W. Jenkins, John Edgell. Officers in 1861 : President — Henry Chapin. Secretary — A. N. Currier. Treasurer — ^Simwel H. Colton. Z)/rec/;o?-s — Henry Chapin, Joseph Pratt, Horatio N. Tower, Joseph Boydcn, James H. Wall, John C. Mason, Jonathan Luther, Henry Goulding, Edward Earle, Samuel H. Colton, E. L. Brigham, Timothy S. Stone, Dwight Foster, Charles W. Freeland, Ichabod Washburn. manufacturers' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated March 1855. Directors and Officers: President — K. H. Bullock. Secretary — V. Hammond. Directors — A. H. Bullock, Paul INSURANCE COMPANIES. 371 Whitin, John Gardner, Esek Saunders, F. H. Dewey, George M. Rice, S. L. Hodges, E. E. Manton, James Read, H. N. Bigelow, George Blackburn, George Hodges, Jr., John E. Bacon, Edward Atkinson, Joseph T. Whiting. MEECHANTS AND FARMEKS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated in 1846, Officers and Directors: President — Isaac Davis. Secretary — John D. Washburn. Directors — Isaac Davis, Alex. H. Bullock, William Dickinson, Charles L. Putnam, E. B. Stoddard, Clarendon Harris, Alex. DeWitt, John Brooks, Joseph A. Denny, John S. Adams, Henry H. Stevens, John D. Washburn. Office 98 Main street. BAT STATE EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Bay State Fire Insurance Company commenced business on the first day of January, A. D. 1861. It has a cash capital paid in of $104,300. It is in a healthy condition, and is under the management of the following Directors, who are well known to the public : Stephen Salisbury, Alexander H. Bullock, Charles L. Putnam, George T. Rice, Francis H. Dewey, Lewis Barnard, Francis H. Kinnicutt, George W. Richardson, Calvin Foster, Josiah H. Clarke, Isaac Davis, William Clafiin, Jacob Edwards, Jr., George Hodges, Jr., Sullivan Fay, Aaron C. Mayhew, Royal O. Storrs, Charles G. Stevens, Edward B. Bigelow, Cheney Hatch. Charles L. Putnam, Esq., for many years Secretary of the Merchants and Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of this city, is the President, and Edward R. Washburn, lately of Boston, is the Secretary. The office of the Company is in Clark's Block, corner of Main and Mechanic streets. STATE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. This Company was incorporated in 1844, and has a cash capital and accu- mulation of $477,619,00. The officers for 1860 and 1861, were Hon. Isaac Davis, President; Hon. E. Washburn and Hon. J. Brooks, Vice Presidents ; Clarendon Harris, Secretary ; Wm. Dickinson, Treasurer. Medical exam- iners in Worcester, Dr. B. F. Heywood, Dr. Joseph Sargent. INSURANCE AGENCIES. S. A. HowLAND, is agent for a number of Insurance Companies in Boston and vicinity, Rhode Island and Connecticut, including the Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York ; aggregate capital represented, over $3,000,- 000 ; office in the Central Exchange, on first floor, rear of Post Office. William S. Denny, is agent for a number of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut Insurance Companies. Office in Clark's Block, 257 Main st. Samuel H. Colton is agent for many of the popular Insurance Companies in New England and New York. Office 229 Main street. John G. Kendall is agent for the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and others. S72 FIRE DEPARTMENT. A. N. CuniiiER is agent of the Massasoit Insurance Company, Springfitld, Mass. Office 229 Main street. A. H. Bullock, is agent for several companies in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Office in Waldo Block. Lucius Beach is agent for several Insurance Companies. Office No. 2 Warren Hall, Pearl street. FIRE DEPARTMENT. An act to establish a Fire Department in the Town of Worcester passed the Legislature of this Commonwealth, February 25, 1835. The first Board of Engineers were Lewis Bigelow, John F. Clark, Isaac Davis, Francis T. Mer- rick, George T. Rice, Nathan Heard, Lewis Thayer, Samuel Ward, and Icha- bod Washburn. At the first meeting of the Board, May 2d, 1 835, Isaac Davis, Esq., was elected chief engineer, Lewis Bigelow, assistant to the chief, and Ichabod Washburn, clerk. The following table shows the officers of the Board of Engineers since 1 835 : 1836, Isaac Davis, Esq., chief, Ichabod Washburn, clerk, Capt. Lewis Bige- low, assistant chief; 1837, Gen. Nathan Heard, chief, Ichabod Washburn, clerk, Capt. Lewis Bigelow, assistant chief; 1838, Nathan Heard, chief, Ich- abod Washburn, clerk, Samuel D. Spurr, assistant chief ; 1839, Nathan Heard, chief, Clarendon Wheelock, clerk, Samuel D. Spurr, assistant chief; 1840, Henry W. Miller, chief, Clarendon Wheelock, clerk, James Estabrook, assis- tant chief; 1841, Henry W. Wilder, chief, Clarendon Wheelock, clerk, Jo- seph Pratt, assistant chief; 1842, Henry W. Miller, chief, Joseph Pratt, clerk, William Leggate, assistant chief; 1843, same as last year; 1844, Henry W. Miller, chief. Clarendon Wheelock, clerk, James S. Woodwarth, assistant chief; 1845, Joel Wilder, chief, S. G. Pratt, clerk. Freeman Upham, assistant chief; 1846, same as last year ; 1847, same as last year ; 1848, Joel Wilder, chief, E. G. Pratt, clerk, Frederick ^V'arren, assistant chief; 1849, Joel Wilder, chief, F. Warren, clerk, Osgood Bradley, assistant chief ; 1850, Erastus N. Holmes, chief, F. Warren, clerk, Joel Wilder, assistant chief; 1851, Erastus N. Holmes, chief, Sewell Thayer, clerk, Joel Wilder, assistant chief; 1852, Erastus N. Holmes, chief, Alzirus Brown, clerk, Joel Wilder, assistant chief; 1852-3, E. N. Holmes, chief, A. Brown, clerk, T. Raymond, assistant chief; 1853-4, E. N. Holmes, chief, Charles Hersey, clerk, B E. Hutchinson, assistant chief ; 1855-6, L. W. Sturtevant, chief, Horatio Dolliver. clerk, S H. Porter, assistant chief; 1856-7, L. W. Sturtevant, chief, E, G. Watkins, clerk, S. A. Porter, assistant chief; 1857-8, L. W. Sturtevant, chief, E G. Watkins, clerk, S. A. Porter, assistant chief; 1858-9, L. W. Sturtevant, chief, E. G. Watkius, clerk, S A. Porter, assistant chief; 1859-60, S. A. Porter, chief, L. W. Sturtevant, clerk, L. R. Hudson, assistant chief; 1860-61, L. R. Hudson, chief, A. T. Burgess, clerk, E. N. Keyes, assistant chief; 1861-2, Alzirus Brown, chief, E. A. Harkness, clerk, E. B. Lovell, assistant chief. /<: >^. 10 o C T. .TO HINT G'PK\ F, 1 r R D M THE LIFE In 17 F F^TATl ' F IV/ P l-i . I< i !\i ix] I IN THK PUBLjIC J.. 1B.i:-:.^\RY, LYCEUM AND LIBRAKY ASSOCIATION. 373 WORCESTER LYCEUM AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. This Association was formed in August, 1852, under the name of the Young Men's Library Association, " its object being the improvement of the young men of the city of Worcester, by affording them intellectual and social advantages, by the maintenance of a Library, Reading Room, and such courses of Lectures and Classes as may conduce to this end." Any male citizen of Worcester could become a member by the payment of one dollar into the treasury. In November, 1852, an arrangement was made by which, this Association purchased the furniture and took the room occupied by the Young Men's Christian Association, (an Association just started in Worcester,) and the first meeting for the choice of officers was held at this room, in Worcester Bank Block, on Saturday, December 18, 1852. At this meeting Francis H. Dewey was chosen President, and George W. Bentley, Vice President, George F.Hoar, Corresponding Secretary, Nathaniel Paine, Recording Secretary, and H. Woodward, Treasurer ; there was also a Board of thirteen Directors chosen. In January 1853, an appeal was made to the public for aid in carrying out the object of the Association, and a subscription was started for the purpose of raising funds to purchase a library. Over $1300 was raised in this way^ besides generous donations of books, so that the Association commenced its third year with over seventeen hundred volumes in its library. In March, 1853 the Association was incorporated by act of the Legislature, and officers were elected under that act in April. Through the active exertions of Rev. E. E. Hale, then pastor of the Church of the Unity, a Natural History Department of the Association was organized in April, 1851, and has since continued a permanent department of the Asso elation. The meetings are held twice a month, except during July and August, and have been of great interest to those who attend. A cabinet was commenced by the transfer of the collection of the " Worcester Natural History Society," in possession of the American Antiquarian Society, to this Depart- ment, since which time it has been largely increased by donations from its members and others. The officers of the Natural History Department for 1862, are Rufus Woodward, President, H. A. Marsh, Secretary, Nathaniel Paine, Treasurer, and eleven Curators. This association, under the name of the Worcester Natural History Society, are now occupying rooms in the Free Public Library building. In the year 1855, a union of the " Young Men's Rhetorical Society," (an association of young men formed in 1849, for the improvement of it smembera in writing and public debate,) was made to this Association, and their library of some hundred volumes transferred to its rooms. The articles of agreement making this union were revoked in 1859 by the mutual consent of both parties. In December, 1855, Dr. John Green placed his large and valuable miscel- laneous library in the rooms of the Association, to be used by them as a con- sulting and reference library, for a term of not less than five years. The num- 32*- 874 LYCEUM AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ber of volumes thus placed in the hands of the Association was about five thou- sand, m:iny of which were very rave and valuable. In 1855 a union of the Worcester Lyceum (formed in 1829,) was made with this Association, and by a special act of the Legislature the name was changed to " The Worcester Lyceum and Library Association," which it still retains. This union increased the Library of the Association some two thou- sand volumes, making, besides the Green Library, about four thousand vol- umes the exclusive property of the Association. In November 1859, the Association lost by death their very efficient and much esteemed librarian, Mr. John Gray, who had served in that capacity since the foundation of the Library. A special meeting of the Directors was called at once, and a committee appointed to confer with Dr. Green in relation to the selection of a new librarian. At an adjournment of this meeting, held November 26, this committee re- ported : "The AVorcester Lyceum and Library Association having existed under its present name four years, and its Board of Direction having made annual reports, it would ill become us, since the important changes that have recently taken place, not to give a brief account of our stewardship. Finiincially, we found the Association in good condition, but as heretofore the Library department has not been self-sustaining — owing more especially to our receipts being cut off at the very season when they are ordinarily the largest. This was occasioned by the prospect that the Library would soon be made a free one, which has now taken place, the same having been transferred to the city. This in connection with the well-known Green Library has un- questionably been the immediate nucleus for the Free Library, and we doubt not our citizens are favored with this boon several years earlier than they would have been, had these not been offered as they were. The following are the proceedings immediately connected with this transfer. That an interview had been had with Dr. Green, in which he expressed a readiness and desire to present the Green Library to the city, as the founda- tion of a Free Public Library. That subsequently, the committee had visited the Mayor, who expressed much gratification at Dr. Green's liberality, and cordially entered into the plan. The following preamble and resolution were then adopted : " Whereas Dr, John Green has indicated to a committee of the Directors of the Worcester Lyceum and Library Association, a desire to give his Library to the city, on such liberal conditions that the Directors believe it best that the public should receive the gift : " Resolved, that the Directors recommend that the Library of the Asso- ciation be transferred to the city, provided suitable appropriations and arrange- ments arc made for its reception." It was voted to send a copy of the same to the Mayor, which was done, and the action of City Council was as follows, viz. In the Board of Aldermen, Monday evening, Dec. 5th, Mr. Lincoln offered LYCEUM AND LIBKAHY ASSOCIATIOIT. 375 the following resolutions, which were passed, and concurred in by the Com- mon Council. " Whereas a communication has been received from his Honor the Mayor, laying before the City Council the proposed donation of large and valuable libraries to the city, by Dr. John Green and the Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation : " Ilesolved, That the City Council have received the communications from Dr. John Green, and the Lyceum and Library Association, with a grateful and profjund sense of the importance of the subject, and of the magnitude of the gifts which are proposed to be conferred upon the city. '' Resolved, That the several communications be referred to the joint stand- ing committee on education, with instructions to report suitable resolutions in recognition of these municipal endowments, and to recommend what action the City Council should take in the premises. And, that said committee be requested to confer with Dr. John Green and the Lyceum and Library Asso- ciation, for the purpose of learning their views and wishes concerning the whole subject." On December 16, at a special meeting of the Association, called for that purpose, it was voted, on motion of Mr. N. Paine, that the Association accept and adopt the resolutions passed by the Board of Directors, at their meeting, held November 23, and that the Board of Directors have full power to carry out any arrangements that may be necessary under the resolves, including the transfer of the Library, Also, that the Secretary be authorized to trans- mit to the City Government the doings of the meeting. As a result of this, the following resolutions were ultimately passed and transmitted to our organization. City of Woecestek. ) In City Council, December 23df, 1859. ) Resolved, That the City Council, for and in behalf of the City of Worcester, hereby tender to the Worcester Lyceum and Library Association, their grateful acknowledgment of the generous offer made by said Association, to transfer to the City their large and valuable Library, to become a part of the Public City Library ; and that the same be and hereby is accepted in the name of the City, in the faith that it shall be set apart for the use contemplated by the donors. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Lyceum and Library Association, in proof of the acknowledgment of their public-spirited munificence. A Copy. Attest, Samuel Smith, City Clerk. Thus was finally consummated, what had from the first been the desire and hopes of the originators and friends of the Library Association, a Public Library open freely to all citizens, and the Association had been kept for about eight years, to form a nucleus for such Library. The number of volumes thus transferred to the city, amounted to more than 4500. W^ith these was 376 GAS LIGHT COMPA^'Y. transferred a large part of the edition of a new catalogue, just printed, thus saving the city that expense. This Association still keeps up its organization, and has a course of lectures during the winter months. The present officers of the Association are, Edward Earle, President ; George Chandler, Vice President ; J. S. Rogers, Secretary ; R. Hammant, Treasurer ; T. W. Higginson, Nathaniel Paine, Henry Chapin, Daniel Tainter, Albert Tolman, Trustees. From 1852 to 1861, the Presidents have been, F. H. Dewey, G. F. Hoar, Henry Chapin, T. K. Earle, I. M. Barton, Edward Earle. Vice Presidents, G. W. Bentley, W. Cross, H. J. Holmes, Nathaniel Paine, Daniel Tainter, P. L. Moen, Edward Earle, George Chandler, D. Tainter. Recording Secretaries, Nathaniel Paine, Thomas Earle, H. A. Hill, A. Cary, J. S. Rogers. Corres- ponding Secretaries, G. F. Hoar, E. E. Hale, Horace James, T. W. Hig- ginson. Treasurers, H. Woodward, J. H. Walker, L. L. Harding, R. Ham- mant. WORCESTER GAS LIGHT COIMPANY. Perhaps no event in the history of a city is more indicative of its prosper- ity and enterprise, than the introduction of illuminating gas in its public streets, and in the stores and dwellings of its citizens ; we cannot therefore omit a passing record of the establishment of this company, whose birth typ- ifies an era so marked in the city's progress. Eaily in the spring of 18-19, at the suggestion of Dr. Joseph Sargent, Hon. Isaac Davis and George T. Rice, Esq., met him at the house of the latter, to consider the expediency of forming a company, and establishing works for the supply of illuminating gas to the citizens of Worcester ; the necessary measures were then taken to obtain subscribers for an amount of capital ne- cessary to proceed with the undertaking. Sufficient encouragement having been given to warrant the success of the enterprise, a meeting of the subscribers to the stock of a Gas Light Company proposed to be formed in Worcester, was held May 4th, 1849, and " Charles W. Hartshorn, Russell L. Hawes and Warren Lazell, were appointed a com- mittee to procure such facts as they can, relative to the subject of introducing gas into the city of Worcester, to report at an adjourned meeting." At a meeting of the subscribers held June 12th, 1849, the report of a committee appointed at a previous meeting, consisting of William A. Wheel- er, Warren Lazell, Alex. DeWitt, Joseph Sargent, R. L. Hawes, and John W. Lincoln, reported that they had contracted with Messrs., Blake & Darra- cott of Boston, to erect works for the manufacture and supply of Coal Gas, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by them, for the sum of forty thousand dollars. June 22d, 1849. — The subscribers to the capital stock of forty-five thousand GAS LIGHT COMPANY. 377 dollars, thirty in number, met and adopted a set of by-laws for the Worcester Gas Light Company, and completed their organization by the election of the following officers. John W. Lincoln, President. George T. Rice, Charles W. Hartshorn, John H. Blake, Charles Thurber, Directors. William Cross, Treasurer. Warren Lazell, Secretary. June 27th, 1849. — The Board of Directors chose Warren Lazell as Agent of the Worcester Gas Light Company, which office he filled until Jan. 17th, 1852, at which time James B. Blake was elected as Agent of the Company, and Superintendent of the works. The construction of the Gas Works on Lincoln street was commenced in July, 1849, and they were completed, and gas supplied to the citizens of Wor- cester, in the mouth of November following. The length of distributing pipes laid was about 2^ miles, and were located in the following streets. Main, (from Lincoln square to Austin street,) School, Thomas, Exchange, Foster, Front, Pearl and Elm streets, from Chestnut street to the house of Levi Lincoln. The number of consumers of gas in the city, January 1st, 1850, was 102. The amount of gas consumed in the year 1852, was about 2,000,000 cubic feet. A charter having been granted by the Legislature of 1851, a meeting of the Stockholders was held, June 12th, 1851, and having duly accepted the charter, the officers chosen June 22, 1849, were re-elected and assumed their duties, in corporate capacity. In 1853, the gradual increase of the consumption of gas in the central part of the city, rendered additional storage room necessary ; a location was obtain- ed on Green street, near Fox's mill, and a suitable gas holder and building were erected for the purpose. An extension of the company's building on Lincoln street to facilitate the manufacture of gas, was accomplished in 1854. The consumption of gas in the city having been greatly increased through the yearly extension of street mains, and the addition of consumers, it became necessary in the year 18G0, to enlarge the works. It was thought best to do this in such a manner as to provide for the city for many years to come ; ac- cordingly, plans were adopted, involving almost a re-construction of the works, in such a manner, as not only to supply the best quality of illuminating gas, but also to obviate any possible objection to their location. A new chimney 135 feet high was erected, with ample ventilating flues. The main building on Lincoln street was extended from 90 feet, to 250 feet ; the most approved machinery for the manufacture and purification of gas was introduced, a new gas holder of a capacity of sixty thousand cubic feet was constructed, and the general character of the works improved in every manner, at a cost of about forty thousand dollars. The length of distributing pipes laid in the streets of the city, Jan. 1st, 1861, was 12i miles, and extend from the house of F. W. Paine on Lincoln street, to the house of Albert Curtis, New Worcester, a distance of nearly three 378 POST OFFICE. miles from north to south, and from the Female College, Providence street, to the house of D. W. Lincoln, Pleasant street, a distance of nearly l.J miles from east to west. The number of meters used by consumers of gas January 1st, 1861, was 1041. The amount of gas consumed in the year 18 GO, was about twelve and a third million cubic feet. The estimated number of burners in the city, is 10,253. The number of public street gas lights, is 163. The amount of capital invested by this company in real estate, gasworks, pipes, meters, &.C., January 1st, 1861, was about 8189,000. The officers of the company, for the year 1861 : George T. Rice, Presidtnt : Director's — Joseph Sargent, Russell L. Hawes, John C. Mason, Alexander H. Bullock, Edward W. Lincoln, Dwight Foster. William Cross, Treasurer and Clerk. James B. Blake, Agent and Sujjerin- tendent. WORCESTER POST OFFICE. In order to show the increase of business in this office, the author will in- sert a letter from James Wilson, Esq , son of James Wilson, late Post Master of this city ; it is directed to Emory Banister, Esq., dated Cincinnati, Ohio, April 25th, 1859: " On an examination recently of the papers of my late lamented father, I find the enclosed account current, with the Post Office Department, rendered by him half a century ago. Thinking you might feel interested in knowing the extent of the business transacted in the Post Office at Worcester at that early period, and contrast it with the present operations of the office, I concluded to send it to you." An account current, showing the amount collected by James Wilson, Post- master, from January 1st to April 1st, 1809, was $178, 80i; the amount collected by Emory Banister, just fifty years from the above date, from Janu- ary 1st to April 1st, 1859, was $4183,00; the number of letters sent from the office by Mr. Wilson, 1809, must have been about 4400; the number sent by Mr. Banister, 1859, was 497,872 ; drop letters received during that year was 25,936, making in all, letters put into the office, for one year, 523, SOS, and 501,450 letters received from other offices, to be delivered. Emory Canister was appointed Postmaster, May 1st, 1854, retired from office, July 1st, 1861. John Milton Earle, is Mr. Banister's successor, and now holds the office. GKADTTATES OF COLLEGES. 379 GRADUATES OF COLLEGES, NOT MENTIONED ELSEWHERE. William E. Green is the oldest native-born citizen, now living in Worcester, and the oldest member of the Worcester Bar. The following interesting rem- iniscence of Mr. Green and his family, was communicated to the author by Hon. William N. Green, his eldest son, who is now the Chief Justice of the Police court, Worcester. The children of William E. Green, Esq., after a separation of some twenty five years, assembled for a family reunion, on the fifteenth and sixteenth of September, A. D. 1861, at the old ancestral manor of "Gkeen Hill." The venerable ancestor, now in his eighty fifth year, hale and active, attend- ed public worship at the Central Church, Rev. Dr. Sweetser's, on the afternoon of the 15th, with his ten children. On the 16th, the children all assembled at " Green Hill,''' and remained together in social converse during the day, and in the evening were joined by a circle of relatives and friends. This family reunion is the more remarkable, from the widely distant places of business and residence of the family, and their long separation from the paternal mansion. Their names, and places of residence are as follows : Hon. William N. Green, Worcester, Mass. ; Lucy M. Green, New York City ; Mary R. Green, New York City ; Julia E. Green, Worcester, Mass. ; Dr. John P. Green, Copiapo, Chili, South America ; Hon. Andrew H. Green, New York City ; Dr. Samuel F. Green, Batticotta, Ceylon, East Indies ; Lydia P. Green, Worcester ; Oliver B. Green, Esq., Chicago, Illinois ; Martin Green, Esq , Peshtigo, Wisconsin. These ten, are the children of William E. Green, by his first three wives, and another child died in infancy. The father is now living with his fourth wife. Rejoice Newton, several years ago, relinquished his professional occupation, and now, within a few months of 80 years of age, enjoying the most perfect state of health, spends his time reading and superintending his farm, an em- ployment he always loved. He has been a member of the State Senate two years. Stephen Salisbury, President of the Worcester Bank, &c. Daniel Waldo Lincoln was educated a lawyer, and is not now in practice. He represented the town in the Legislature, in 1846, and was Alderman in 1858 and 1859. Mr. Lincoln has been President of the Worcester County Horticultural Society. He is now engaged in his extensive Nursery and Green House. William S. Lincoln, has retired from the practice of the law. He has been 380 GKADTTATES OF COLLEGES. City Marshal, and is now President of the "Worcester County Agricultural Society. Edward W. Lincoln, born Dec, 1820 ; graduated at Harvard University in 1839 ; admitted to the bar in Illinois. Postmaster of Worcester from May 1849, to May 1854. Been editor of the National vEgis, and the Daily Bay State. At present, is secretary and librarian of the Worcester County Hor- ticultural Society. George Jaques, graduated at Brown University, 1836 ; son of Abiel Jaqnes ; was a teacher in Virginia, 1838 — 1840, and has subsequently been a resident of this city. Charles W. Holbrook was born in Holden, May, 1828 ; graduated at "Williams College, Mass., in the class of 1851. Was principal of a Classical High School in Greensboro, N. C, six years. Returned home, and taught in the North, three years, and has since been in the book bueiness in this city. Charles Francis, son of Pliny Holbrook, born in Bellingham, Mass., April 1, 1832; graduated at Brown University in 1855; ordained pastor of the Baptist church, Tariffville, Ct., February 13th, 1859, where he still remains. John Green, son of James, was born in Worcester, April 2d, 1835 ; grad- uated at Harvard College in 1855 ; member of the Lawrence Scientific School at Cambridge, chemical department. In 1856 spent two years in the medical schools in Europe, and is now in practice in Boston. Samuel Swett Green, son of James, graduated at Harvard College. He is now a member of the Divinity School at Cambridge. James Green, brother of the above, senior in Harvard College. Charles E. Simmons, son of John Simmons, was born in Worcester in 1834 ; entered Madison University in 1857, and was obliged to leave in 1859 on account of his eye sight and ill health. Mr. Simmons enlisted into the 21st regiment, and is now hospital steward. Addison Prentice was born, June 13, 1814, at Paris, Me.; studied law in his native town, and was admitted to the bar there in 1839; practiced four years in Lee, Me., and removed to Worcester in 1847 ; practiced about three years and retired, and since then has been engaged as an artist and engraver. Daniel Waldo Haskins came to Worcester in 1848, was graduated at Amherst College in 1858, and is now in the law office of Peter C. Bacon and P. Emory Aldrich. Samuel Swan was born in Leicester, May, 1778; graduated at Harvard College in 1799. He is the oldest member of the Worcester bar except one, (Wm. E. Green.) He always had the reputation of being an ho7iest lawyer. Prof. James Busliee, born in Smithfield, R. I., October, 1S05; graduated GKADTTATES OP COLLEGES. 381 at the Friends' Institution, Providence ; commenced teaching in Fall River in 1830 ; took charge of the Smithfield Academy in 1833, and remained there twenty years, when he removed to Worcester, and has since been engaged in teaching, and is now at the head of the Young Ladies Institute. Rev. William A. Bushee, son of the above, was born in Smithfield, R. I., January, 1834 ; graduated at Yale in the class of 1856, and the Theological School in 1858. He is now teacher in the Highland School in this city. Everett Wilson Pattison, son of Dr. Pattison, born at Waterville, Maine, 1838 ; graduated at Waterville College in 1858, came to Worcester in May 1860, and read law with Bacon and Aldrich, and is now Lieutenant in the Second Regiment, Mass. Volunteers. Eli Thayer was born in Mendon, Mass., in 1819 ; fitted for college at the Worcester Academy, and graduated at Brown University in 1841, having sup- ported himself during the time by teaching, gardening, sawing wood, &c. He was afterwards principal of the Worcester Academy, and founder of the Oread Institute. In 1854 and 55, he was representative in the General Court. In 1854, was Alderman of this city. While in the Legislature, he originated the plan of " organized emigration " as an antidote for the threatened enslave- ment of Kansas. In 1857 and 1859, he was elected representative to Con- gress, and served the two terms with considerable distinction. Werden Reynolds, son of Rev, Werden P. Reynolds now of Worcester, Mass., and Emme daughter of Asa Reynolds of Granville, N. Y. Born at Ru- pert, Bennington county, Vt., May 1st, 1813. Selected, at an early age, the profession of teaching, and was educated for that vocation. Graduated at Middlebury College, Vt., 1839. From that time till July, 1855, was constant- ly engaged in teaching, being employed as Principal, successively of the Franklin Academy, Cong. Collegiate Seminary, Holley Academy, and White- hall Academy, all in the state of New York, In Aug., 1855, moved from Whitehall, N. Y. to Worcester, Mass., and commenced publishing the Daily Transcript in company with E. R. Fiske and his brother-in-law, Z. K. Pang- born. In Aug., 1856, was appointed associate principal with William S. Green, of the Worcester Academy. In Aug., 1859, was elected President of of the Ladies Collegiate Institute, and entered upon the duties of the appoint- ment, at the commencement of the winter session in December following. July 16th, 1840, Avhile Principal of the Academy at Malone, N. Y., married Emeline, daughter of Amariah H. Wood of that place. John Green Burbank was born in Fitchburg, Mass., August, 1819 ; entered as Cadet at West Point Military Academy in 1837 ; graduated in 1841 ; was engaged in the Florida war until 1846 ; was in several battles in Mexico, and was mortally wounded in the battle of Molino del Rey, September, 1847, and died two days after. His remains were interred in the Rural Cemetery in May, 1848. 33 882 OBITUARIES. OBITUARIES, FROM 1837 TO 1861. Dr. Oliver Fiske died in Boston, January 25th, 1837, aged 74 years. He ■was for many years a prominent citizen of Worcester. Capt. Nathaniel Brooks died February 3d, 1838, aged 97. Capt. Brooks passed 70 years of his life in this town, and for nearly half a century was con- nected with the Old South Church. Edward D. Bangs died April 21st, 1838, aged 48 years. John Hubbard died Nov. 10th, 1838, aged 67. Mr. Hubbard attended a religious meeting at the Baptist Vestry, and as usual led in prayer, and in a few minutes after breathed his last. Deacon James Wilson died in Cincinnati, Ohio, February 5th, 1841, aged 78 : for many years postmaster of this town, and first deacon of the first Baptist Church. Deacon Moses Perry died March 12th, 1842, aged 80. He was deacon of the First Church many years, and a valuable citizen. Frost Rockwood died March 9th, 1842, aged 88. Mr. Rockwood was a good man, and a consistent Christian. In the year 1800 he abandoned the use of ardent spirits, and for more than 42 years kept his pledge. Elder Luther Goddard died May 25th, 1842, aged 81. He was a skillful watchmaker, and well known in this county as a Baptist minister. Paul Gates died January 11th, 1843, aged 85. John Adams died September 23d, 1843, aged 82. William Lincoln, Esq., died October 6th, 1843, aged 42 years. He was the author of " Lincoln's History," which forms the first part of this volume. Judge Nathaniel Paine died October 7th, 1840, aged — . He was for many years Judge of Probate for this county. Henry Paine, son of Hon. Nathaniel Paine, died April 24th, 1844, aged 39. Gardiner Paine died January 27th, 1854, aged 55. Mr. Paine was a military man ; for several years he was major in the old 6th regiment. Daniel Waldo died July 9th, 1845, aged 82. Joseph G. Kendall died October 2d, 1847, aged 59. Mr. Kendall was Clerk of the Courts, and one of our most honored and beloved citizens, and a man of good talents, of refined and cultivated taste, and of uncommon purity of character. Levi Lincoln Newton, son of Hon. Rejoice Newton, died October 21st, OBITUARIES. 383 1847, aged 27 years. Mr. Newton was a young man of sterling integrity and honor, and eminent social affections, and purity of character. Dr. Samuel Woodward died at Northampton, January 3d, 1850, aged 64. He was for many years the Superintendent of the Lunatic Hospital in this city. Gen. Ebenezer L. Barnard died July 8th, 1850, aged 45. Southworth Howland died June 8th, 1853, aged 78. He was born in Barnstable, Mass., and resided over fifty years in West Brookfield, and the last ten years in Worcester. In 1809, he made the first artificial leg ever made in this country, for Maj. Phinehas Upham of West Brookfield, and for over twenty years was the sole manufacturer in America : specimens of his work being still in use in all parts of the country. He was an early and zealous advocate of temperance, having in 1815, published and distributed, at his own expense, an edition of Rush's celebrated Essay on the efi"ects of ardent spirits. He was never confined to the house a day by sickness. William Eaton died May 4th, 1859, aged 92 years. Mr. Eaton was a grandson of Adonijah Rice, who was the first male child born in Worcester. Lewis Barnard died April, 1855, aged 75. He was the largest cattle dealer in the county. Artemas Ward died Nov., 1850, aged 75. Esq. Ward was Register of Deeds from 1821 to 1846, a period of 25 years, which ofiice he filled with honor to himself, and satisfaction to all concerned. Simon Gates died Feb. 1849, aged 93. Mr. Gates was never from home more than two or three nights at a time, during his whole life, except when his country called him to its service in the revolutionary struggle. He died in the same house and room he was born in. Deacon Nathaniel Brooks died Nov. 3d, 1850, aged 53 ; for several years deacon of the first church. Abiel Jaques, graduated at Harvard University, 1807 ; born at Wilmington, Mass., March 7th, 1780, died here Oct. 7th, 1852. Was Preceptor of a Nautical Academy at Salem, in 1809-1810, and, for many years afterwards was engaged as a teacher in Watertown, Newton, Brooklyn, (Conn.) Ux- bridge, &c., &c. Subsequently devoted himself to land surveying and civil engineering, which, with the care of his farm, continued to occupy him until a short period before his death. John W. Lincoln died Oct., 1852, aged 64. Mr. Lincoln was closely identified with the history of the town and county, for nearly forty years- In all the relations of life, he secured the confidence and respect of his asso- ciates. He was a true and steadfast friend. The following account of Winthrop Chandler, has been kindly furnished by Dr. George Chandler of this city, who is a descendant of the Chandlers who flourished so conspicuously in this town now more than one hundred 884 OBITUAEIES. years ago. Dr. Chandler has also furnished the author with a fine engraving of his ancestor, -which is phtced in this connection. Winthrop Chandler, the painter, was son of Captain William Cbandler of Woodstock, Conn., born 6th of April, 1747, old style, married Mary, daughter of Rev. Charles Gleason, of Dudley, Mass., and died at the residence of his brother Thcophilus Chandler, in Thompson, Conn., 29th, July 1790. He studied the art of portrait painting in Boston, and some of his likenesses in oil, are yet in Woodstock and Thompson, Conn., Worcester and Petersham, Mass. The likenesses of his wife and of himself, by his own brush, are in the keeping of his son, Winthrop Hilton Chandler, Esq., at Avon, N. Y. In the last years of his life, he resided at Worcester, Mass., and in his leis- ure from portrait painting, which at that day Avas in its infancy in this coun- try, he sought the means of sustaining his family in house painting, and for that purpose had a shop near the building erected for the manufacture of cotton and linen, east of the Common. The Worcester Spy of August 19th, 1790, speaks of him thus : — "Died at Woodstock, Conn., Mr. Winthrop Chandler of this town, — a man whose native genius has been serviceable to the community in which he resided. By profession he was a house painter, but many good likenesses on canvas, shew he could guide the pencil of a limner. He left a manuscript, that discovered that he had merit as a botanist. Many plants, the growth of his native county, are in his manuscript not only well delineated, but are accurately and botanically described. The world was not his enemy, but as is too common, his genius was not nurtured on the bosom of encouragement. Embarrassment like strong weeds in a garden of delicate flowers, checked his usefulness and disheartened the man. John Davis died April, 1854, aged 67. The author can give no better eulogium of Gov. Davis, than to quote the words of his venerable pastor, Rev. Dr. Hill, on the occasion of his funeral. " There are times when we prefer to sit silent and meditate. There is a presence before which human lips are dumb, and the tongue refuses to speak. There is such a spectacle before us to-day, that human speech cannot add to its power. He who once spoke to us in tones that we always loved to hear, is now silent forever. " Thomas Kinnicutt died Jan'y, 1858, aged 58. Judge Kinnicutt had been an selectman, representative and senator in the General Court, speaker of the House of Representatives, trustee of the State Lunatic Hospital, a vice presi- dent of the Worcester County Institution for Savings, for a long time president of the Central Bank, and for several years Judge of Probate for this county. Samuel M. Burnside died July, 1850. Mr. Burnside was an eminentlaw- yer, and a strong-minded man. Alfred Dwight Foster died August, 1852, aged 52. Mr. Foster was one of our most respected citizens. He held many important offices of trust, the duties of which Avere discharged with ability and fidelity. OBITUAEIES. 385 George Lincoln, son of Hon. Levi Lincoln, was born in "Worcester, Oct. 19, 1816. After a preparatory education at Leicester Academy, he entered Harvard University in 1832, In his second college year, preferring an active business life, he availed himself of an opportunity to accompany a family relative and friend, who was in command of a valuable ship, on a voyao-e to India. Returning with success, and a fondness for such employment, after some short interval, he made a second voyage, in another vessel to India, taking some interest in a mercantile adventure. Upon the return passage from Batavia, the captain died, and much of the charge of the ship and cargo devolved upon young Lincoln. Most of the crew were down with sickness, and th% vessel in distress put into a Dutch p(u-t, where she was unladen and the ship and cargo disposed of. From thence, after many delays, Mr. Lincoln found his way, through France, to his own country. Upon his arrival home, learning that the government was about to increase the army for the sup- pression of the Seminole war in Florida, a service which had not been either very successful or desirable, he solicited a commission, and upon examination, with the approval of Gen. Scott, and Mr. Poinsett, Secretary of War, he was appointed second lieutenant in the 4th regiment of Infantry, and immediately entered upon active duty. On the 18th of September, 1840, he was pro- moted to be a first lieutenant, and transferred to the 8th regiment, specially selected for the command of the gallant Colonel Worth, in the final eff"ort for the termination of the long-continued and obstinate conflict with the Indians. In this service, Lieut. Lincoln was placed in command of a detachment of mounted men, and for his good conduct was highly complimented in regi- mental orders. After the close of the war with the Seminoles, he was occa- sionally detached upon the recruiting service, but generally was with detach- ments of his regiment in diff'erent camps, as the exigency of the service required the disposition to be made of the troops. The breaking out of the Mexican war found him stationed at Tampa Bay, in Florida, from whence he marched with the first forces to meet the enemy. He was engaged, and greatly distinguished himself, in the hard-fought battles of Palo Alto and Reseca de la Palma, in the latter of Avhlch he saved the life of a prostrate brother officer, in a personal conflict with two Mexican soldiers, who were about transfixing him with their bayonets. On the 8th of July, 1846, he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General with the brevet rank of Captain, and with directions to report in person to IMajor General Taylor. In the terrible battle of Buena Vista, he was attached to the staff" of General Wool, and while gallantly bear- ing his orders, in the hottest of the fight, he was fatally pierced by two musket balls and instantly killed. The most fitting tributes to his character and memory are to be seen in the General Orders, which report the events of the confflct, and the touching testimonial of the commanding officer of the brave Kentucky Volunteers, his associates in the campaign, extracts from which are appropriately inscribed upon the family Monument in the beautiful Rural Cemetery in this city, at the base of which, his remains, removed from their temporary grave near the battle field, now repose. 33* 386 OBIIUAKIES. *' We have to lament the death of Captain George Lincoln, Assistant Adju- tant General, serving on the staff of General Wool, a young officer of high bearing, and approved gallantry, who fell early in the action." — Major Gen. Taylor s Official Report. " I lost my Assistant Adjutant General, Captain Lincoln, who was as brave, gallant, and accomplished an officer as I ever knew. He fell in the execution of my orders, and in the attempt to rally our men." — Brigadier General Wools Report. " By his noble bearing and kindness of heart, he won our affections com- pletely. We looked upon him as upon a brother, and when we were leaving the country, we could not consent to leave his remains behind us." — »- Major Frye, surviving commanding officer 2d Kentucky Volunteers. On the 16th of February 1847, only seven days before his death, he had been promoted to a full captaincy in the line, but which commission he never received. Deacon Alpheus Merrifield died Jan., 1853, aged 73. He was Deacon of the Second Church for many years, and Secretary of the Board of Overseers of the Poor. He was a valuable citizen. Benjamin Thayer died March, 1852, aged 70. Benjamin F. Newton died March, 1853, aged 32, Mr. Newton possessed excellent abilities, and was one of our most promising young lawyers. He was universally esteemed for his suavity of disposition and high moral integrity. Deacon John Bixby died July, 1853, aged 82. Mr. Bixby was deacon of the first church for many years. Professor Calvin Newton died August, 1853, aged 52. He was President of the Worcester Medical Institution. John H. Matthews died July 20th, 1856. Mr. Matthews was at that time District Attorney for this district. Thomas Chamberlain died Sept, 1855, aged 72. He had filled most of the military offices, from corporal to major general, with the highest honor to himself, and satisfaction to those under his command. Gen. Chamberlain was the first President of the Common Council, and Crier of the Courts for many years, all of which duties he discharged with ability and faithfulness. George C. Bigelow died May, 1859, aged 29. Mr. Bigelow was Cashier of the Central Bank about three years, and died while in office. He w^as a young man of promise, and his loss was severely felt in this community. John Gray, was born in Boston, December 5, 1798; graduated at Brown University in 1823; was admitted to the bar, but never practiced to any extent. He edited a paper in Brooklyn, Conn., in 1832 and 1834. In 1838 he removed to Newburyport, Mass., and opened a bookstore ; removed to 0BITUAKIE9. 887 Worcester in 1847, and was chosen Librarian of tlie Young Men's Library Association, which office he retained until his death, in November, 1859. Mr. Gray was respected by all, and rendered very efficient service in the formation of the Library from which sprung the present Free Public Library. Gideon Paine died September, 1853, aged 67. Mr. Paine was one of Wor- cester's best farmers, and an honest man. Samuel Gates died October, 1853, aged 76. Rev. John F. Burbank died November, 1853, aged 42. He was an efficient man in the City Council and School Board, and pastor of the Baptist Church in Greenville, Leicester. Elisha Flagg died December, 1853, aged 74. Mr. Flagg built the Flagg Block that was burned, on the site of the present Flagg Block. William Barber died February, 1854, aged 59. He was a very worthy citizen. Albert Brown died September, 1854, aged 51. Mr. Brown came from Providence, R. I., in early life, and opened a tailoring establishment here, and was at the head of it until his death. Peter Rich (colored) died October, 1854, aged 93. Mr. Rich was an honest and industrious citizen. He worked for Mr. Waldo and Gov. Lincoln, and for Messrs. Rice and Miller, almost his whole life. He was employed by Messrs. Rice and Miller for more than twenty years. He was a mechanic, and when he had a job of ditching to do in water, he would make for himself a pair of wooden boots, which answered a very good purpose. Samuel Sturtevant died April, 1855, aged 82, a very worthy man. Oliver Harrington died November, 1855, aged 50. Mr. Harrington died lamented by all who knew him. Charles Warren died February, 1856, aged 72. He was the agent for the building of Warren Block, on Pearl street, hence its name. Silas Brooks died March, 1856, aged 83. Mr. Brooks was Crier of the Courts for many years prior to Gen. Chamberlain. Walter Bigelow died May, 1857, aged 82. Mr. Bigelow was a very worthy citizen, and a nephew of Col. Timothy Bigelow of revolutionary fame. Jesse W. Goodrich died June, 1857, aged about 50. He was an uncom- promising advocate of temperance, and was the editor and proprietor of the Worcester County Cataract, and the Massachusetts Washingtonian. He died a temperance monomaniac. Moses Clement died October, 1857, aged 75. Mr. Clement was a worthy citizen and an excellent mechanic. Oliver H. Blood, M. D., died, April, 1858, aged 57. Dr. Blood was a graduate of Harvard University. John Sutton died September, 1858, aged 63. Matthew Gray died September, 1858, aged 75, 388 FIRES. FIRES It is not considered by the author necessary to enumerate all the fires and alarms that have occurred since 183G, but some of the most disastrous will be noticed. In 1838, February 20th, the house, barn, and chair factory of Alvin Wait, was burnt : the family escaped with only the clothes they had on. In 1838, August 22d, the large machine shop of Henry Goulding & Co., in School street, was consumed. This was the most destructive fire at the time that had ever been in Worcester. In 1842, May 12th, the extensive Railroad Car Manufactory of Bradley & Rice was burned, together with a large blacksmith shop, and nearly all their contents. Loss, $20,000. In 1842, May 31st, the large barn with the cow house and sheds adjoining, together with a valuable yoke of oxen, belonging to Horatio Gates, was burned. In 1842, July 18th, the extensive machine shop and lumber house adjoin- ing, and the satinet factory, owned by Albert Curtis, occupied by Metcalf and Barbour, were burned. In 1843, April 6th, the Worcester Bank, Post Office, and two printing offices, were burned. See Spy, April 8th, 1843. In 1844, February 19th, the first Methodist Church was burned. In 1844, May 29th, a large wooden building at the corner of Main and Mechanic streets was destroyed. The same ground w^as burned over three years before. In 1845, January 1st, a large store at Washington Square, owned by F. W. Paine, Esq., was burned. In February, 1846, the brick school house at Northville was burned. In May, 1848, the house of Tyler P. Curtis was burned. In February, 1854, Flagg's Block was burned. This was a most destructive fire ; it broke out at midnight, when the thermometer was below zero. Loss about $50,000. In 1854, June 14th, the most disastrous fire that ever occurred in this city, called the Merrifield Fire ; loss about a half a million dollars. For full par- ticulars see Daily Spy, June 15th, 1854. In 1852, July 14th, the Catholic College building was nearly all destroyed. November 22d, the County House, damage trifling to the building, but four men were smothered to death. In 1858, October 8th, the factory of Albert Curtis, New Worcester. Loss, $2,600 ; fully insured. November 2d, the factory at Jamesville, owned by the Messrs. James. Loss, $5000 ; fully insured. OLD MEN. 389 OLD MEN OF WORCESTER The following is a list of the men now residents of Worcester who were born in the last century, with the exception of those mentioned elsewhere, and some who decline giving their ages : others may be omitted by the author through mistake. Nam . Date of birth. Place of birth. Allen, Samuel, Nov. 1789, Worcester. Allen, George, Feb. 1792, Worcester. Allen, Charles, Feb. 1797, Worcester. Aldrich, Paine, Jan. 1791, Swanzey, N. H. Aldrich, Eben, April, 1785, Uxbridge. Abbot, Asahel, April, 1769, Lebanon, N. H. Bullard, Aaron B. W. April, 1800, Buckland. Bowles, Thomas, June, 1788, Ireland. Bancroft, Timothy, May, 1798, Auburn. Bond, Joseph, Nov. 1784, Boylston. Bancroft, Peter M. Feb. 1779, Auburn. Brown, Sylvanus, Sept. 1794, Webster. Bond, Jeremiah, Oct. 1800, Leicester. Brown, William, Aug. 1797, Pawtucket, R. I. Braman, Bradish, July, 1795, Norton. Bryant, Ira, Feb. 1791, Leicester. Blanchard, William, Nov. 1799, Brookfield. Butman, Benjamin, March, 1787, Worcester. Boice, John F. Nov. 1798, Rutland. Barber, Silas, March 1785, Worcester. Barker, Samuel D. Sept. 1793, Arundill, Me. Brown, Willard, July, 1790, Douglas. Brown, Felix, Dec. 1796, Charlton. Brown, Benj. H. Dec. 1799, Spencer. Bullard, Herman, Oct. 1796, Medway. Barton, Ira M. Oct. 1796, Oxford. Curtis, Oliver, Nov. 1791, Sharon. Curtis, Edward, July, 1795, a Curtis, Joseph, June, 1798, (< Chase, Anthony, June, 1793, Paxton. Clark, John F., April, 1790, Hubbardston. Connell, James B., Dec. 1790, Ireland. Croney, Henry, Aug. 1787, Northbridge. Corbett, Otis, July, 1782, Milford. Culver, Joshua, Dec. 1782, New London, Ct 390 OLD MEN. Names. Date of Collier, Ebenezer, May, Conant, Hervey, June, Combs, Corral, Feb. Caldwell, Seth, Dec. Chapin, Lewis, May, Cobleigh, Henry, May, Campbell, James, July, Congdon, Samuel, Nov. Clapp, Luther J., Jan. Childs, Benj. N., March, Corey, John, Oct. Cox, Ebenezer, May, Davis, Isaac, June, Dorr, Enos, Aug. Dana, Caleb, Dec. Dexter, John B., June, Donald, John Mc, Dec. Drury, Ephraim, June, Day, Jonathan, Jan. Earle, John Milton, April, Estabrook, James, Sept. Earl, Charles, June. Elder, James, June, Flagg, Samuel, April, Flagg, Abel, Oct. Fuller, James, Aug. Faden, Samuel Mc, Dec. Fenno, Wm. D., Dec. Foster, Samuel, May, McFarland, Ira, Oct. Flagg, Samuel D, Dec. Flagg, Benjamin, June, Felton, Sept. Gates, David R. March, Goddard, Ezra, June, Goddard, Parley, Jan. Gates, Asa, Feb. Green, Wm. E. Jan. Goddard, Isaac, March, Green John, April, Goodwin, John, Sept. Goddard Daniel, Feb. Goss, William, Nov. Goddard, Benjamin, May, birth. riace of birth. 1786, Oxford. 1796, Dudley. 1790, Northbridge. 1791, Barre. 1792, Worcester. 1800, Dummerston, Vt. 1790, Worcester. 1793, Portsmouth, R. I. 1795, Templeton. 1796, Rutland. 1792, Ashburnham. 1791, Hard wick. 1799, Northboro'. 1799, Brookfield. 1797, Princeton. 1797, Millbury. 1785, Liverpool, Eng. 1793, Boylston. 1799, Dudley. 1794, Leicester. 1796, Holden, 1790, Leicester. 1795, Worcester. 1784, Holden. 1780, Worcester. 1798, Savoy. 1781, Ireland. 1798, Worcester. 1779, Holden. 1785, Worcester. 1789, Boylston, 1790, Worcester. 1792, Barre. 1799, Worcester. 1783, Rutland. 1787, Shrewsbury. 1788, Worcester. 1777, Worcester. 1800, Royalston, Vt. 1784, Worcester. 1796, Holden. 1796, Shrewsbury. 1779, Mcndon. 1791, Royalston. OLD ; MEN. Names. Date of birth. Place of birth. Gorham Hiram, Aug. 1799, Hardwick. Gates Andrew, May, 1799, Worcester. Gates, Henry, Aug. 1797, Worcester. Gates, Levi, Nov, 1790, Worcester. Green, Benjamin, Feb. 1789, Watertown. Greenhelofh, Dec. 1799, England. Goodnow, William, April, 1798, a Gleason John, 1779, Worcester. Howland, S. A. Sept. 1800, West Brookfield Hersey, Charles, June, 1800, Worcester. Hill, Alonzo, June, 1800, Harvard. Haywood, Henry, Aug. 1785, Worcester. Holbrook, Micah, Aug. 1794, Princeton. Harkness, Nathan, Feb. 1800, Leicester. Hammond, John, Aug. 1789, Rutland. Hey wood, Benjamin F., April, 1792, Worcester. Howe, Levi, Jan. 1792, Shrewsbury. Harrington, William, Feb. 1788, Worcester. Hill, Richard, Feb. 1780, York, Me. Hadwin Charles, Jan. 1797, Newport, R. I. Harritt, William, Jan. 1784, Baltimore, Md. Harrington, Laws on. May, 1780, Worcester. Hector, John, May, 1791, Grafton. Harris, Clarendon, Sept. 1800, Holbrook, Pliny, Dec. 1798, Bellingham. Harrington, Daniel, Jones, John, Worcester. Worcester. July, > 1786, Jones, David, March, , 1787, Leominster, Johnson, Luther, May, 1788, Worcester.. Johnson, John, Sept. 1787, Worcester. Johnson, Micah, May, 1794, Worcester. Jennison, William, Jan. 1789, Oxford, Kettell, John P. Jan. 1797, Boston. Kendall, Smith, Sept. 1793, Unadilla, N. Y. Katied, Patrick, Dec. 1799, Ireland. Lincoln, Levi, Get. 1782, Worcester. Lovell, Cyrus, Nov. 1790, Worcester. Lovell, David, Nov. 1786, Worcester. Lamb, Isaac, Dec. 1800, Spencer. Luvay, Thomas, June, 1795, Athol. Lester, John, June, 1770, Baltimore, Md. Loring, Israel, Nov. 1774, Boston. Lovering, John, Dec. 1771, Holliston. Moore, Ephraim, June, 1778, Leicester. 391 392 OLD MEN. Naniea. Date of birth. Place of birth. Mason, Lyman L. March , 1800, Thompson, Ct. Murray, Henry, Sept. 1800, Ireland. Mills, Kichard, Oct. 1795, Needham. Morse, J. C. Sept. 1799, Woodstock ,Vt. Moore, Nathaniel C. Oct. 1800, Worcester. Mann, John, Sept. 1790, Mendon. Merrick, Francis T. Mann, William W. 1791, 1787, Brookfield. Needham. Aug. Morton, David, June, 1786. Whately. Miller, Henry W. Sept. 1800, Moore, Levi, Oct. 1788, Worcester. McArkey, 1788, Ireland. Nichols, Joseph, Dec. 1799, Westboro'. Nichols, Charles P. 1794, Oxford, Newton, L. D. Dec. 1797, West Boylston. Newton, Rejoice, Oct. 1782, Greenfield. Newcomb, Henry K. Oct. 1796, Greenfield. Nourse, Stephen, March, 1793, Bolton. Newton, Ezra, Nov. 1774, Shrewsbury. Nelson, Jonathan, July, 1783, Milford. Powers, Patrick, March, 1797, Ireland. Paine, F. W. May, 1788, Salem, Parker, Henry, Nov. 1786, Worcester, Pattison, Robert E. Aug. 1800, Benson, Vt. Pond, John F. May, 1798, Franklin. Perry, Samuel, Nov. 1796, Worcester. Prentiss, Charles G. Oct. 1798, Leominster. Parsons, Solomon, Oct. 1800, Leicester. Pratt, Joseph, Jan. 1799, Foxboro'. Parkhurst, N. R. Jan. 1800, Milford, Patch, Wm. W. Jan. 1795, Worcester. Parker, Robert, July, 1799, Salem. Quirk, Michael, Dec. 1757, Ireland. Rawson, Deering J. Aug. 1798, Uxbridge. Redican, James, Feb. 1800, Ireland. Rice, Sewell, Nov. 1799, Princeton. Rice, Curtis, June, 1795, Boylston. Rice, Jabez, June, 1793, Oakham. Rich, Peter, Nov. 1793, Boston. Reed, Benjamin, May, 1781, Milford. Rice, Darius, July, 1800, Putney, Vt. Raymond, James, March, 1796, Wcathersfield, N. H, Rice, Geo. T. Feb. 1795, Brookfield. Stone, Elisha J., Nov. 1791, Hopkinton. OLD MEN. 3 Names. Dato of birth. Place of birth. Stone, Uriah, June, 1795, Oxford North Gore. Stephens, Reuben, Dec. 1779, Sturbridge. Swan, Samuel, May, 1778, Leicester, Salisbury, Stephen, '^~ > 1798, Worcester. Simmons, John, Nov. 1800, Dighton. Shepard, Paul, Dec. 1777, Sudbury. Sprague, Lee, Feb. 1798, East Douglas. Siven, Jonathan, Aug. 1778, West Woodstock, Ct. Sever, William, 1790, Worcester. Trumbull, Geo. A., Jan. 1791, Petersham. Tarbox, Daniel, April, 1772, Biddeford, Me. Thayer, Lewis, Jan. 1797, Bellingham. Taylor, Samuel, Sept. 1778, Ashby. Tooker, Josiah, Valentine, Gill, 1794, 1788, Goshen, N. Y. Hopkinton. Sept. White, Luther, Aug. 1795, Worcester. Weixler, J. P., July, 1798, Germany. "White, James, Feb. 1798, Pomfret, Vt. Williams, Lemuel, June, 1783, New Bedford. Wesson, Rufus, Feb. 1786, Brookfield. Washburn, Charles, Aug. 1798, Kingston. Washburn, Ichabod, Aug. 1798, Kingston. Willington, Nahum, White, Benjamin, May, 1788, Worcester. Wilkins, John, June, 1798, Ireland. Willard, Calvin, Dec. 1784, Harvard. Wheeler, Elisha, Nov. 1797, Plainfield, Vt. Wood, A. J. 1788, Watertown. W^iUard, John, Wood, Jonathan, May, 1792, Lunenburg. Wheeler, Wm. A. March, 1798, Harlwick. 393 34 394 EDLTCATION. EDUCATION. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The public schools In Worcester, have long enjoyed a very high reputation for excellence ; and many of them are well deserving that reputation. They are fifty-five in number, taught by seventy-five teachers, and located in all parts of tlie city, to accommodate all the children within its boundaries. Those in the center and New Worcester are graded, and admission to their advan- tages is obtained by application to the Superintendent, at his office in the City Hall. The schools are under the general charge of a Committee of twenty- four, eight being elected for each year and serving three years, whose deliber- ations are presided over by the Mayor. Besides the supervision of the Com- mittee, the schools have the benefit of the entire services of the Superintendent, Rev. J. D. E. Jones, which have proved most useful and efficient, as well as economical. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Private schools of various grades, abound in the city. Among the more prominent of these are Mr. Metcalf's " Highland School," for boys, on Salisbury street; Mr. Lombard's " Salisbury Mansion School," Lincoln Square ; Rev. Dr. Pattison's "Oread Institute," on a romantic eminence west from the City Hall ; the Worcester Academy, located in the old Antiquarian Hall, Summer street, Rev. J. R. Stone, principal, — Professor Bushee's Young Ladies Insti- tute, in Clark's Block, and Mr. Eaton's College of Commerce, Science and Literature, in Bank Block, — which are wholly or partially boarding schools of high grade, and receive many scholars from abroad. There are besides, several private schools for smaller scholars, which are well sustained. Misses Robinson and Gardner's School of Design and French Institute, in Clark's Block, is a valuable addition to our educational advantages, and is meeting with encouraging success. THE COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, Situated on the beautiful eminence known as Mt. St. James, is designed exclu- sively for the education of young persons of the Catholic faith. Rev. James Clark, S. J., is President; and he is assisted by a full board of Professors. THE FEMALE COLLEGE, On Union Hill, was established and opened for students on the first of Sept., 185G, and now has about 100 students. It is intended to furnish for young women the advantage of a full classical and collegiate education ; and the ex- penses are materially reduced by the performance of the domestic duties of the boarding department, by the pupils. Wcrdcn Reynolds, the President, is VAEIOUS ASSOCIATIONS, 395 assisted by a full board of teacbers. Rev. Joseph Smith, Steward. Rev. E. A. Cummings, Financial Secretarj'. Rev. J. M. Rockwood, Recording Secretary. THE WORCESTER KHETOEICAIi SOCIETY, Incorporated in Oct., 1853, meets every Tuesday evening in South Warren Hall, "for mental and moral improvement, by means of Essays, Debates* and various Rhetorical e.x.ercises." Clark Jillson, Coresponding Secretary ; the other officers are chosen quarterly. FRANKLIN LITERARY SOCIETY, Organized in October, 1859. Object, mental and moral improvement, by De- bates, and Rhetorical exercises — Officers chosen quarterly. Meets Friday evenings, at Franklin Hall, 263 Main street. VARIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. THE WORCESTER COUNTY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. The preliminary steps toward the formation of this society — which was incorporated March 3d, 1842 — were taken early in the autumn of 1840. On the 19th of September of that year, several gentlemen desirous of associating themselves together for the purpose of advancing the science and encouraging and improving the practice of horticulture, made their first organization by the choice of the following officers : President, Dr. John Green ; Vice Presidents, Dr. Samuel Woodward, Stephen Salisbury ; Recording Secretaries, Benjamin Ileywood, L. L. Newton, J. C. B. Davis ; Corresponding Secretaries, William Lincoln, Dr. Joseph Sargent ; Trustees, Dr. John Park, Isaac Davis, E. F. Dixie, S. D. Spurr, Thomas Chamberlain, Nathaniel Stowell, A. D. Foster," Lewis Chapin, J. G. Kendall, Emory Washburn. The Society's first Exhibition was held on the 13th, 14th and 15th of Oc- tober, 1840, the 14th being " Cattle Show " Day. Since that time, with the exception of the year 1861 — which was remarkable for the general failure of the fruit crop in this vicinity — the Association has had its annual exhibitions simultaneously with those of the Worcester Agricultural Society. From fees of membership and other sources the Association had already accumulated funds to a considerable amount, when, by the generous bequest of the late Hon. Daniel Waldo, an accession of three thousand dollars was made to its treasury. The little fund thus acquired and steadily augmented by its annual interest and the profits of the exhibitions, finally enabled the Society to erect that fine building on Front street, known as " Horticultural Hall." The cost of this edifice far exceeded the resources of the Association : The investment, however, proved a profitable one, and the indebtedness of the 896 VAKIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. Society is gradually diminishing from year to year, three thousand dollars of it having been discharged at one time through the munificent liberality of Hon. Stephen Salisbury, who was one of the founders, and who has ever been, whether as President or other officer, — one of the most efficient members and patrons of the Association. The Society has a valuable and well-selected Library, consisting of treatises upon subjects interesting to horticultural readers. Among the books are many which are chiefly useful for occasional reference, but which contain a great deal of information not readily to be found elsewhere. The Society's Exhibitions have been eminently successful. Indeed, it is not too much to say that the splendid displays of fruits, flowers, and floral deco- rations in Horticultural Hall, have been second to none of the attractions •which bring so many visitors to the city during the annual " gala week " of the county. Through the agency of these exhibitions an immense amount of information, particularly in regard to the cultivation of fruit, has been dif- fused throughout the central portions of the commonw'ealth. The flourishing condition to which the Society has now attained, — so gratifying for the present and so encouraging for the future, — place it among the institutions of which Worcester county has a right to be proud. WOKCESTER COUNTY MECHANICS ASSOCIATION. This Association provides a course of Lectures each winter, and the use of a choice library of more than 1400 volumes, besides other valuable privileges, to its members. Richard Ball, President ; Phineas Ball, Secretary ; A. Marsh, Treasurer. The Mechanics Hall, erected by this Association, is one of the most spacious and beautiful in New England, and will furnish seats for about 2400 persons. There are eight entrances to the hall, and six stair cases communicating with the floor below. Washburn Hall, in the same building, is a very accessible and convenient Hall for an audience of five or six hundred persons. Dea. Z. E. Berry, Janitor. WORCESTER CHILDREN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. This Society still continues its efforts to " rescue from evil and misery such children as are deprived of their natural parents," and provides for them at its Home on Shrewsbury street, until homes are found for them in suitable families. FEMALE EMPLOYMENT SOCIETY. This is another public Institution of much value. Its design is to furnish ■work, chiefly sewing, at fair prices, to the industrious poor, flnding a market for the various articles manufactured. WORCESTER MECHANICS MUTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION. A Corporation for the aid of mechanics and other workers in securing homes, by the regular monthly investment of small sums. A. L. Burbank, Secretary. YARIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. S^7 WDXICESTEK AGEICULTUEAI, SOCIETY. Wm. S. Lincoln, President ; Charles M. Miles, Treasurer ; John W. Washburn, Corresponding and Recording Secretary. The Society has nearly twenty acres of land on Highland street, west of the Court House, for the accommodation of its Annual Exhibitions, (includin"' a half-mile trotting course,) on which is erected a spacious hall. Its annual exhibition is now fixed by law on the first Tuesday of October. KEY. Theobald mathew total abstinence society. John Fahy, President; Richard O'Flinn, Vice President; Edward Leahy, Treasurer ; John Quinn, Secretary ; Committee, Thomas Britt, Thomas Crow- ley, Wm. Millea, Edward Cunningham, Michael Garvey. ST. John's christian doctrine association, Devoted to the promotion of Sunday School instruction in St, John's Church, in Worcester. Robert Laverty, President; Thomas L. Magennis, Recording Secretary. WORCESTER CATHOLIC LIBRARY AND DEBATING ASSOCIATION. Object : Mutual Improvement. John McDonald, President ; H. McCon- ville, Secretary; S. Dodd, Librarian. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Library in Antiquarian Hall, Lincoln Square, Worcester. President, Hon. Stephen Salisbury ; Vice Presidents, Rev. Wm. Jenks, D. D., Hon. Levi Lincoln, LL. D. ; Secretaries, Jared Sparks, LL.D., Foreign; Hon. Benj. F. Thomas, LL.D., Domestic; Hon. A. H. Bullock, Recording; Treasurer, Hon. Henry Chapin ; Committee of Publication, Samuel F. Haven, Esq., Rev. E. E. Hale, Charles Deane, Esq. ; Librarian, Samuel F. Haven, Esq. WORCESTER MOZART SOCIETY. This is a Musical Association, composed of the principal professors of music and members of the several choirs of the city. The society meets for the rehearsal of sacred music, &c., at Temperance Hall, every Monday evening during the winter, and occasionally favors the public with concerts. A. L. Benchley, President ; A. Firth, Vice President ; E. H. Frost, Conductor ; J. A. Dorman, Secretary and Treasurer ; S. Brown, Librarian. THE WORCESTER TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. This is a new Association, whose object is to promote, by all proper means, total abstinence from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Any per- son may become a member by signing the pledge ; and all over sixteen years of age, who pay annually at least 50 cents, may vote at its meetings. The officers elected in October last are as follows : President, Hon. William W. Rice; Vice Presidents, Rev. Dr. A, Hill and S. Sweetser, Dr. Geo. Chandler, 34* 398 BEGISTRY OF DEEDS. Hon. Dexter F. Parker, P. L. Moen, Edward Earle ; Secretary, Rev. Horace James ; Treasurer, Albert Tolman ; Directors, the Secretary and Treasurer, ex officio, and Rev. J. H. Twombly, Rev. H. L. Wayland, Charles Ballard, Abraham Firth, Wm. Mecorney, Geo. W. Russell, S. R. Heywood. "WORCESTER GYMNASTIC CLUB. Consists of forty members. Established in 1858. The club has a gymna- sium in Foster's Block, opposite the Railroad station. Transient subscribers also admitted. Regular classes at 5 and 8 P. M. daily. T. W. Higginson, President ; Dr. O. F. Harris, Vice President ; L. H. Bigelow, Secretary ; C. W. Gilbert, Treasurer ; Samuel H. Putnam, R. H. Southgate, and Edward A. Rice, Executive Committee. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Worcester Division, No. 39, meet every Thursday evening at their rooms on Foster street. Rainbow Division, 117, meet every Tuesday evening on Foster street. New Worcester Division, No. 149, meet at Union Hall, New Worcester, every Friday evening. The officers of these Divisions are elected quarterly. FREE MASONS. There are in Worcester, Morning Star and Montacute Lodges, Worcester Royal Arch Chapter, Hiram Council of Royal and Select Masters, and Wor- cester County Encampment of Knights Templar. ODD FEELOWS. The Quinsigamond Lodge of Odd Fellows meet every Monday evening at Masonic Hall, Waldo Block. REGISTRY OF DEEDS. When Artemas Ward, Esq., resigned the office of register in 1846, Alex- ander H. Wilder, who had been a clerk in the office for about twenty-three years, was chosen, and qualified in his stead, and has held the office till the present time. When Mr. Wilder came into the office, there were four hundred and thir- teen volumes of records, including the period (from 1731 to 1846) of one hundred and fifteen years. There are now six hundred and fifty volumes, so that in fifteen years now last past, two hundred and thirty-seven volumes have been made ; more than one third of the whole number now in the Registry of Deeds, showing a very great increase in the business of conveyancing in the county of Worcester. The greatest number of deeds ever recorded in this office in any one year, was in 1855; in that year, there were 10,979 deeds and other instruments recorded. BIGELOW MONUMENT. 399 DEDICATION OF THE BIGELOW MONUMENT. The services at the dedication of this beautiful structure is of so much im- portance in our local history, that the author has concluded to insert the con- tents of a pamphlet compiled by Rev. Andrew Bigelow, D. D., of Boston, a grandson of Colonel Timothy Bigelow. PREFACE. It is good to commemorate brave deeds in the cause of God, of country, or of humanity. It is a homage due to the heroic dead, and it re-acts for the benefit of the living. It is peculiarly meet in times like these. Bevolutionary memories should be precious. Examples fitted to stir and reanimate the flame of patriotism have special claims to prominent remembrance. The courage and self-sacrifices of the earlier champions of our freedom and independence bequeathed lessons to their sons. What the former achieved, the latter are expected to guard and maintain. The sculptured stone, which tells of the valor of the sires, is an empty honor, considered in reference to themselves. They have passed beyond the reach of human applause. Posthu- mous ovations avail them not. The value, the significance is with their children. To them, indeed, monuments are silent monitors, richly eloquent in the teachings of a bygone age. Too few of these have been reared to the memory of the intrepid fathers and founders of our civil liberties. May they be multiplied ! May the tablets inscribed with their venerable names, their heroic deeds, or the scenes of their struggles and achievements, be reverently read and pondered ! And may the lessons conveyed be fraught with quick- ening incentives, illustrated by the generous self-devotion, the constancy and courage, — under the sternest calls of public exigency, — both of the present and each future generations ! By a fortunate coincidence, altogether contingent, the completion of the monument in honor of the Revolutionary services of Colonel Timothy Bige- xow occurred in the month of April, this present year, — an era destined to new and momentous interest in our national annals. The ceremonies of ded- ication were generously undertaken by the municipal government and citizens of Worcester. It was decided that they should be celebrated on the ever- memorable Nineteenth, — the opening date of the War of Independence. Arrangements were made to such eff"ect, and the preliminary notices sent 400 BIGELOW MONUMENT. abroad, before the outbreak of the mad and wicked rebellion which was so poon to burst upon the land. Sumter, though beseiged, had not been bom- barded. It was hoped that the fienzy of the insurgents would pause, — that it would stop, — -ere that last base outrage, content with the insult of a bare bravado. But the hope was delusive. The fort was assaulted, and its chiv- alrous little garrison compelled to succumb to the overwhelming odds com- bined against it. Washington was next threatened. An alarum sped through the land. The mighty heart of our people, — the loyal heart of the indignant North, — at length profoundly roused, fiercely burned to avenge the afiront, and curb and punish such insufferable wrong. Troops were hurried to the capitol, — Mas- sachusetts, aa always, foremost in the van. Her sons were everywhere arming. "Worcester responded to the first drum-beat, — her gallant soldiery rallying promptly to the call, — their ranks daily swelling, and new companies formed, with a zeal and impetuosity almost embarrassing amidst the multifarious correspondent demands found needful at the hour. All were animated by a common impulse, — eager to battle for their country's imperilled rights, — impatiently awaiting the signal of departure for the defence of the national metropolis — all panting to join, nay, rather to lead, in the advancing move- ment. These stirring scenes and incidents occurring during the eventful week of April 12-19,* naturally so engrossed the minds and hearts of all, that the expediency was questioned of attempting any public display on an occasion of such comparatively trifling moment as that detailed in the following record. On maturer reflection, nevertheless, it was deemed so accordant with the spirit of the crisis, so intrinsically suggestive, and of such kindling, awakening influences bearing upon the juncture, that it was resolved to adhere to the arrangement previously devised, and carry out the programme, so far as prac- ticable in the altered condition of the times. A public celebration in honor of the completion of the Bigeloav Mo^'U- MENT was accordingly held ; and the dedication of a structure to the memory of a brave Revolutionary Chief, with its formal transfer to the future guard- ianship of the authorities of his native town, as a beacon memorial to the present and after times, was solemnly inaugurated with the imposing cere- monies described in the ensuing pages. The account is presented substan- tially as given in the " Worcester Daily Spy " of Saturday, April 20, from the pen of I). A. Goddard, Esq., assistant editor; some additions being made, with fuller sketches of several of the speeches than could conveniently appear in the columns of that journal. One feature, it should be added, in the pageant of the day, although not " News of the terrible onslaught in Baltimore, at the date last nameJ, on the Massa- chusetts Sixth Regiment, in its struggle and triumphant passage through that city, did not reach Worcester till the afternoon of Friday, an hour or two later than the close of the ceremonies of the day. Of course, no allusion could le made to the event by the epcakcrs on the stand. BIGELOW MONUMENT. 401 wanting, had less of the brilliancy anticipated, owing to the inexorable necessities of the times. The military — of whom a fuller display had been promised, comprising the entire tlite of Worcester — were in general too busily employed in the duties of drill and equipment, under an expectancy of an im- mediate march to the seat of war, to take part in the parade of procession. One company, enrolled in the valiant Sixth Eegiment, had started two days before to aid in the defence of Washington ; and, at the very hour of the exercises in consecration of the Monument at home, were bravely fightin"- their way through Baltimore. They were honorably represented, notwithstanding, by the senior members of their corps ; the elder exempts of the Worcester Light Infantry alone numbering about one hundred. They made a fine appearance. BIGEI/OW MONUMENT. " Before noon, on the 19th of April, 1775, anexpress came to town, shouting as he passed through the street at full speed, ' To arms ! to arms ! — the war's begun ! ' His white horse, bloody with spurring, and dripping with sweat, fell exhausted by the church. Another was instantly procured, and the tidings went on. The bell rang out the alarm, cannon were fired, and messengers sent to every part of the town to collect the soldiery. As the news spread, the implements of husbandry were thrown by in the field ; and the citizens left their homes, with no longer delay than to seize their arms. In a short time, the minute-men were paraded on the green, under Captain Timothy Bigelow. After fervent prayer by Rev. Mr. Maccarty, they took up their line of march to the scene of conflict. "■^•' The remarkable event to which the above reminiscence relates, was appro- priately commemorated in Worcester, yesterday, April 19th, by the dedication of an elegant and costly monument, erected to the memory of Timothy BiGELO'w, by his great-grandson, Colonel T. Bigelow Lawrence of Boston. It was the eighty-sixth anniversary of the battle of Lexington, — the opening scene of the revolution. Our streets were early thronged with spectators. Many buildings, private and public, were decorated with the national colors ; and every thing indicated a unanimous sentiment of devotion to the Union, and respect for the memory of its founders. The procession, preliminary to the exercises of the day, was formed at eleven o'clock, adjacent to the Central Park. Halting at the mansion of his honor Mayor Davis to receive the invited guests and other distinguished cit- izens there assembled, its progress was resumed. In the first carriage were seated Mayor Davis, Colonel Lawrence, Tyler Bigelow, Esq., of Watertown, (nephew and son-in-law of Col. Timothy Bigelow,) George Tyler Bigelow, Jr., son of the Chief Justice. They were followed by a carriage containing Ex- Governor Lincoln, Rev. Dr. Bigelow, and Hon. John P. Bigelow, Ex-Mayor ^ Lincoln's History of Worcester. 402 BIGELOW MOXUAIENT. of Boston. The past Mayors of Worcester, and guests of the city, occupied the remaining carriages. The procession was arranged as follows : — National Band. Past and exempt Members of the Worcester Ligbt Infantry, bearing tlie Colors of tlie Company ; D. Waldo Lincoln, Captain. Highland Cadets. Committee of Arrangements. City Government. Invited Guests. Joslyn's Band. Assistant Marshal. Chief-Engineer Fire department. Yankee Engine-Company, No. 5. Ocean Ilose-company, No, 2. Father Mathew Temperance Society. German Turners. Citizens. Altogether, the show was brilliant. Advancing through the central street, — Worcester's fair Broadway, beautifully draped, its sidewalks and houses filled with gazers, — the cortege moved on its line of march. The route was in the following order : through Main, Highland, Harvard, Chest- nut, Elm, West, Pleasant Streets, to the head of Main Street again, thence to the Old Common ; completing the march about noon. At twelve o'clock, a salute of thirty-four guns was fired. The procession forming in a square around the stand. General George H. Ward, Chief-Mar- shal, announced Mayor Davis as President of the day. Among the notabili- ties on the platform, besides the gentlemen elsewhere named, were the Hon. Rejoice Newton, Stephen Salisbury, Esq., Hon. D wight Foster, Hon. George F. Hoar, Major-General Hobbs, Colonel Stoddard, Charles Hersey, Esq., Walter Bigelow, Esq., Abbott Lawrence, Esq., with others. After a voluntary performed by Joslyn's Cornet Band, an appropriate and impressive prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Hill. The following song, written for the occasion by C. Jillson, Esq., was next sung by the Glee Club, under the direction of Albert S. Allen, by whom the music was composed : — We come to day, with solemn tread. To consecrate an earthly shrine, And raise this column o'er the head Of hero, patriot, and divine, — A hero in his country's cause ; A patriot on the lists of fame ; Divine, because an honest man Can justly own no other name. A thousand other men have died, Who toiled for fame, and sought renown ; But no one knows their resting-place, On hill, in valley, or tlie town. But here the humblest of them all Beneath this beauteous column lies; His dust has unto dust returned ; His spirit, to the upper skies. BIGELOW MONUMENT. 403 Here, ages hence, when Spring-time comes ■With laughing footstep o'er the hills ; When Nature lifts her wintry hand From all the valleys and the rills, — Shall generations yet unborn Beside this marble column stand. And mingle with the dust their tears For one who loved his native land. Colonel L.iWEENCE was then introduced, and spoke as follows : — May it please youk Honor, — Actuated by the wish to perpetuate, in a suitable manner, the memory of one whose name has ever been reverently cherished by his descendants, I informed your Municipal Government a year and a half ago of my desire to erect a monument, upon your Central Park, over the remains of Colonel Timothy Bigelow. That desire was recognized in the kindest manner by the prompt passage of a resolve authorizing the Mayor to set apart the lot in question, and to dedicate it for ever to this pur- pose. For the cordial response thus given, permit me now to return my most sincere thanks. The work is completed ; and at the request of your citizens, I am here to consign it, in a formal manner, to the custody and safe-keeping of yourself and your successors. Little did I expect, however, to witness this imposing civic ceremonial, and the vast assemblage here collected. But I cannot be surprised, when I re- member that the regiment commanded by Colonel Bigelow, so distinguished for its gallantry and prowess on many of the hardest-fought fields of the Rev- olution, was recruited solely from the yeomanry of the county of Worcester ; and seeing as I do around me the descendants of the men who followed him to Cambridge, fought by his side under the walls of Quebec and on the plains of Saratoga and Monmouth, endured with him the trials and terrible sufferings of Valley Forge, and participated with him in the crowning glories of York- town. I feel that the tribute paid to-day, and on this anniversary, is not to the memory of one man alone, but to the Revolutionary sires of Worcester, — an ancestry of which we may well be proud. May I venture to hope, that in the present dark and trying hour of our country's life, this monument may serve to sustain and stimulate our patriotism, by recalling to memory the public spirit, the courage and the sacrifices, so nobly displayed for the cause of liberty during the Revolution, by the soldiers of the gallant old Fifteenth Regiment of the Continental Line ! Mayor Davis responded as follows : — Colonel Timothy Bigelow Lawrence : Sir, — You have caused to be erected on our Central Park a monument to the memory of one who was foremost among the citizens of this place in the great acts of the American Revolution. This civic procession, this large concourse of people, are assembled here to commemorate your generosity to the memory of one of those heroes of the 404 BIGELOW MONUMENT. American Revolution. Tliis very moment — as you have well said, sir — and this very occasion should admonish us to rally in support of the principles, to express anew our admiration of the character, and our gratitude for the lessons of wisdom and patriotism, bequeathed to us by those who fought the battles of the revolution, and laid the foundation of our liberties. They are fixed stars in the firmament of great names ; shining, without twinkling, with a clear and beneficent light. Sir, allow mc, as the chief executive officer of this city, in behalf of all its citizens, to thank you sincerely for this splendid tribute to the memory of one of our bravest and most cherished citizens. "With great pleasure, I accept, in behalf of the city, the custody of this chaste and magnificent monument, •which will forever mark the spot where repose the remains of Colonel Timo- thy Bigelow. To him and his associates — who, at the expense of treasure, a contempt for peril, a prodigality of blood as pure as ever flowed from mortals, of which we can form no adequate conception — we owe a debt of gratitude for giving liberty and equality to this nation. You, sir, with a noble liberality, have placed over the grave of your ancestor a memorial which will commem- orate his heroic virtues till the last succession of earth's inhabitants. My poor thanks for this act of your munificence are weak and feeble when compared with the untold thousands who shall hereafter gaze upon this struc- ture, and breathe forth their thankfulness to him who so nobly commemorated the deeds of the mighty dead. Eighty-six years ago this day, news reached this place that the British were on their march to Concord to destroy the military stores in that place. Captain Timothy Bigelow instantly assembled his company near the spot where we are now standing, and marched with all possible despatch to meet the enemy. This was the beginning of the lievolution. When Washington, the Father of his Country, arrived at Cambridge, and took the command of the American troops, he reviewed them by companies. Hav- ing reviewed the company of Capt. Bigelow, he remarked to him, " This is discipline indeed." In 1775-6, he was Major under Gen. Arnold in the expe- dition against Quebec, in which the hardships and sufferings of the army mock all description. Ke commanded the Fifteenth Continental Regiment at the capture of Burgoyne and other battles. He was a member of the Pro- vincial Congress. He continued in the public service till the independence of the Colonies was established. He returned to his native place, poor in pro- perty, but rich in honor. His descendants have done much to sustain and perpetuate the liberties he fought to establish ; and now, after more than seven decades of years since his death, a great-grandson of the deceased, prompted by noble feelings of patriotism, with princely liberality, has erected over the remains of his heroic and patriotic ancestor a monument worthy of the good and great man. As the friends of liberty in all coming time shall look on it and read its inscriptions, it will call to their minds a generation of heroic, brave, and noble men, who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their eacred honor, in the great cause of freedom, equality, and brotherhood. In BIGELOW MONUMENT. 40$ behalf of all the friends of liberty, I again thank you for this act of your mu- nificence." The venerable Ex-Governor Lincoln was next introduced, as one who had a distinct personal recollection of Colonel Bigelow. He said, — Mr. Mayor, — In respectful submission to your authority, I answer to your call, that I may show by my presence here, rather than by any speech, the deep personal interest which I feel in this occasion, and my respect and rev- erence for the character of him, whose public services this costly and beautiful structure, before which we now stand, and these imposing observances in which we have engaged, are designed to commemorate. In the dedication of the monument by fervent prayer and thanksgiving ; by the expressive and touching address of our noble friend, whose abounding munificence, prompted by a sense of filial duty, and a just pride of ancestry, has placed it upon these consecrated grounds, committing it forever, for preservation and care, to the gratitude of the city ; and with your official response, so appropriate and so eloquent, in behalf of your fellow-citizens, and as their authorized representa- tive, gracefully acknowledging the benefaction and accepting the trust, — the purpose for which we assembled, seems to me, to have been most fully and happily accomplished. I know not what more the proprieties of the occasion could demand. For myself, I have nothing, of word or of thought, which can add to the satisfactions of the hour ; nor, if I would, have I the strength, or the voice, to reach the listening ear of this thronging multitude. And yet, sir, as you have kindly said, it may be expected of me — one of the few, the verj' few, of the living, who have ever looked upon the person of Colonel Bigelow — that I should give such reminiscences of him as I have, imperfect and unimportant though they be. A little longer, and there will be none to utter these personal remembrances. My impressions of Colonel Bigelow are such only, as are made upon the mind of a child, in the presence of mature and perfect manhood. From family connection, there was frequent intercourse and association between him and those of my own kindred ; and I well recollect, as though it were of yesterday, his general appearance, — his tall, erect, and commanding figure, his martial air, his grave and rather severe countenance, his dignified and earnest address. I cannot doubt the respect and deference with which he was universally regarded ; for it was among the most positive injunctions of the antiquated district schoolmistress to the boys of my day, enforced even by the fear of the rod, that we should always " pull off our hats to Parson Bancroft and Colonel Bigelow." At the time of his death, and for many years after, I often heard him spoken of as the gallant old soldier, and the thoroughly accomplished oflicer ; and now, after the lapse of seventy-one years from his burial, in the same vernal season of the fragrance of the budding flower, and the gushing melody of birds, I stand, an aged man, again at his grave, to remember and to honor him. I know of no record of the life of Colonel Bigelow which even approaches 35 406 BIGELOW MONTTMENT. the character of a biography. In Lincoln's " History of Worcester" is con- tained, probably, the best notice of him which can be found ; but this, frona the more general object of the work, and the time when it was prepared, is necessarily stinted and meagre. It is there related that, " with a taste for military life, he was deeply skilled in the science of war ; " that " the troops under bis command and instruction, exhibited the highest condition of disci- pline ;" and of his regiment, that " a braver band never took the field, or mustered to battle. High character for intrepidity and discipline, early acquired, was maintained unsullied to the close of their service ;" and, " when Colonel Bigclow left military life, it was with tl\e reputation of a meritorious officer." The accomplished and eminent historian Bancroft, in enumerating the forces sent against Quebec in the autumn of 1775, names among the officers of rank " Timothy Bigclow, the early patriot of Worcester." These testimonials to the merits and services of Colonel Bigelow have the singular and afi'ecting coincidence of having been rendered by the sons of two of his most distinguished fellow-townsmen, associates, and friends, — the elder Lincoln, and the elder Bancroft. How simple and appropriate these tributes to his worth ! how beautiful this brief summary of his character ! how sug- gestive of the virtues alike of the civilian and the soldier ! Timothy Bigelow, the early patriot of Worcester, — a braver man never took the field, or mus- tered to battle. High character for intrepidity and discijdine early acquired, and maintained unsullied through seven years' military service, — what more pertinent inscription for his tombstone ? — tributes of cotemporaneous renown, transferred from the " fleshly tables of the heart" to the ever-enduring marble of the monument. Colonel Bigelow was a type of a generation, now passed away. Of such, in patriotism and valor, Avere the corps of Minute Men under his command, and the Train Band of the brave Capt. Benjamin Flagg, who alike, on the 19th of April, 1775, of which this day is the anniversary, at the horseman's cry, " To arms ! '' hastened, with no delay but for prayer and a benediction, to join their brctliien of Lexington and Concord in resistance to tyranny and the oppressor's sword. Such was the townsman and friend of Bigelow, the intrepid and beloved Capt. Jonas Hubbard, his inferior only in rank, his com- panion and comrade in the dreadful winter's march through the wilderness to the siege of Quebec ; who, in the midst of hardships and privations almof.t unequalled in the experience of human suffering, uttered the noble declaration, "I do not value life or property, if I may secure liberty for my children ; " and who, when mortally wounded, at the foot of the ramparts, in the storming of the fortress, said to his men who sought to remove him from the field, " I came to fight with yen : I will stay here to die with you." Such too, at this time, are the gallant young men of our own city and state, who, with alacrity, on the first summons, have buckled on the armor, in defence of all which is dear to freemen. Oh, that now, — now, in this most portentious and perilous crisis of our country's destiny — there were men like these, in all parts of BIGELOW MONUMENT. 407 this land, to uphold this nation ; to defend and protect the Government and its institutions ; to preserve, and transmit to posterity, those great political, civil, and social privileges and blessings which the present generation received and have enjoyed, as an inheritance, through the wisdom, and patriotism, and valor, of the founders of the Republic ! They were, indeed, men of stern integrity and public virtue, of elevated aim and lofty principle, unselfish and self-sacrificing; with whom, a sense of honor was not lost in personal ambi- tion, nor fidelity to duty sunk in subservience to party ; men devoted to the people's service, and the country's welfare. May this monument, erected to the honor of one of Liberty's noblest sons, instruct us in the priceless value of the glorious achievements of our ancestors ! May it be made admonitory to our own high duties and momentous respon" sibilities ! — so that the disruption of our national Union, if dissevered it must be, shall never become a reproach to our supineness or indifference, nor the destruction of our liberties brought about, by our debasement, or our follies." At the close of Governor Lincoln's address, the chairman called for a speech from the Rev. Andrew BiGiiLOAV, D. D., of Boston, grandson of the old Colonel. Dr. Bigelow rose, and said, — " Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — In compliance with your call, I cannot with- hold a word, chiefly to express the emotions of gratitude shared by me iu common with other descendants of an ancestor whose monument is this day publicly dedicated, in view of the honors paid to his memory by yourselves in your official capacity, and the citizens at large of this great outpouring com- munity. I am touched, profoundly touched, by such tokens of respect to the name and character of one, who, distinguished as he was in his day, has been separated from the present living age by the space of two entire generations. Threescore years and ten — nay, eleven — have passed away since his ashes were laid to rest where they have quietly reposed in their late humble but not forgotten sepulchre ; during which period, new races have sprung into active and stirring life, and Worcester, the beautiful village of his time, has grown up to its present expansion, — a teeming hive of wealth and industry, — a fair and flourishing, a rich and populous city.""-' But the demonstration of this day, this hour, attest that his memory still lives, — green in the hearts of a people who have come after, and that it is still cherished with filial and affec- tionate veneration. Yet, in honoring him, the heroic dead, Worcester, though unconsciously, honors herself. He, Colonel Bigelow, washer own child. Here he was born and bred ; here he lived and moved and wrought, — never absent from his native precincts, save at his country's call to other fields and less lovely scenes ; and here, at length, he died, — bowed not so much by the weight of years, as the waste and wear, the toils, hardships, and sufferings, endured in the same sacred cause. He was a type, a noble type indeed, of the gallant '^- Matre pulchra, Filia pulchrior. 408 BIGELOW MONUMENT. spirits here in Worcester who rose cotemporaneously with himself. Sparta, we forget not, had other sons than he ; hut none, — I dare hope for your ready assent in claiming, — none more worthy than himself. His enthusiasm — springing from the impulses of a warm, generous nature, dauntless as it was wise, thoughful and prescient — quickened, no doubt, to a brighter glow the flame of patriotism in many sympathetic breasts ; and, whilst firing the brave, it roused the torpid, nerved the weak, and emboldened the timid. The force of his character — from all which I have heard and have been able to learn of its weight and influence, confirmed by the testimonies so emphati- cally and eloquently borne by my honored friend, the Nestor who has last addressed you — was such as could not fail to impress itself upon all within the reach of its spell. It reminds me of a saying left on record from an earlier age, of Thomas Randolph to Cecil, Lord Burleigh, during the stormy crisis of the Scottish Reformation, alluding to the fiery energy of the brave, indomita- ble old John Knox : " Where your honor exhortelh us to stoutness of heart, I assure you the voice of one man is able, in an hour, to put more life in our souls than six hundred trumpets continually blustering in our ears." This much may be accorded to the worth of a progenitor whose mafble on yonder mound denotes the last resting-place of his earthly remains ; but the marble itself (as has been so justly and so modestly intimated by my young kinsman, in his opening address), — the marble itself, the Monument this day consecrated, stands, and will remain to future generations, a memorial, not alone of his personal services and prowess, but of the public spirit, the un- flinching bravery, the self-sacrificing patriotism, of those sires in common, his fellow-townsmen, — the men, co-eval with himself, who joined heart and hand in the days which emphatically " tried men's souls." But, sir, the times we are thrown upon — sad to say — may prove quite as momentous in experience, and as memorable in coming history, as the era, long past, which we here commemorate. What was achieved by the stormy and victorious struggles of the Revolution now remains to be preserved and defended. We have an enemy almost at our gates, an enemy crowding to our very borders, — a crafty and unscrupulous, a treacherous and insolent foe, — led on by a band of rebels and conspirators ; men false to their duty, their country, and to God, yet true to their traditions, the hereditary counterparts (worthy legatees) of the old toryism of 1775-6 ; men whose fields and broad acres, whose fair plantations, were scoured and rid of a foreign oppressor by the bayonets of Northern men and Northern regiments. Yes, alas ! we have such an adversary at this hour to cope with, threatening not only our national liberty, but our national existence. Our country, mother of us all ; our country, dear, weeping form, — daughter of struggle, born amidst conflicts, rocked by the storms and tempests of Revolutionary battle, — ouii Country turns, with anxious eye, to her ofi'spring for help and succor in this dark hour of her unlooked-for extremity. And shall she turn and look to them in vain ? No, not here : no, not to Worcester. By the memories of the past, by the bones of her fathers, by the precious relics of the Chief whose valor is this DIGELOW MONUMENT. 409 day recalled, again do I say, No ! Let all other hearts faint and falter, those of Worcester will never droop nor quail. Her sons will be faithful and true. -Already she has sent forth an advance, now moving to the fight ; and others, all emulous, are eagerly mustering. A thousand swords are leaping from their scabbards. A thousand muskets are ready to be shouldered by her chivalrous youth, and borne to the embattled field, for their country's honor and avenge- ment; — never to be laid down till the land itself shall be purged from the foul viperous brood too long and too indulgently hugged to its bosom ; never to be laid down till the black war-cloud now lowering upon our land shall be triumphantly dispersed ; never to be laid down till not only Worcester, but Boston and Washington alike, with all the other aggrieved and insulted cities of our land, shall be shielded from the hazard of future menace and aggression. And then, and not till then, will Worcester's gallant sons again sit down beneath the laurels of a final and crowning victory." The Hon. John P. BigeloW, Ex-Mayor of Boston, another grandson of Colonel Timothy Bigelow, was next called up. He declined making a speech ; but, after some amusing and piquant remarks (roundly applauded,) he present- ed to Mayor Davis, in behalf of the city, a package of a dozen ball-cartridges made for the regiment from Worcester and vicinity in the Revolutionary War, being a sample of those used at Still Water and Saratoga. He said he had tried some of the powder that very morning ; and it flashed brightly, after being kept eighty-four years. He knew of no more appropriate place of de- posit for this Revolutionary relic than Worcester, so renowned for its patriotic and firm devotion to the principles of liberty and union. Hon. Benjamin F. Thomas was introduced as a grandson of the political associate, cotemporary, and friend of Colonel Timothy Bigelow, Isaiah Thomas, senior. He spoke in substance as follows : — ■ I thank you, Mr. Mayor, and fellow-citizens, for this kindly greeting and welcome. I rejoice to look again on these familiar faces, and to hear once more the voices that stirred the blood of my early manhood. Mr. Mayor, it is good for us to be here. The place and the day are full of blessed memories. The noblest lessons of wisdom, of self-denial, and of self- sacrifice, come to us from the grave of this " village blacksmith," sagacious statesman, prudent and gallant commander, devoted patriot, — chevalier of na- ture, whose chivalry was illustrated in breaking, and not in forging, the chains of human bondage. Well may this beautiful monument crown his resting- place. Well may the gratitude, the munificence, and the eloquence of his descendant, and the sympathies of this thronging multitude, unite to do him honor. Three generations come up to bless him. " How sleep tlie brave, who sink to rest With all their country's wishes blest ! " Fellow-citizens, it is good for us to be here ; and hero, by the graves of our fathers,— with their spirits hovering around us, a cloud of witnesses,— to give 35^^ 410 BIGELOW MONUVENT. ourselves anew to the cause and to the country for which they nobly lived or nobly died. The day of trial has come again : it may be of darker, sterner, severer trial than that of our fathers. We are to save for our children what our fathers bought for us, and at the same price of toil, of treasure, and of blood. 'J'he cry to-day, in the streets of this beautiful city, is that which, eighty-six years ago, startled the quiet village, — " To arms ! " So be it. To arms ! The leaders of this rebellion have appealed to the last arbitrament of States. It is well for us. The first gun that boomed against Sumter, startled a great people from the grave of its lethargy as with the trump of the arch- angel. It was the beginning of the end. The bells that pealed in Charleston over the lowering of the Stars and Stripes, rang out the death-knell of the " Southern Confederacy." It will cost us a long, severe, and bitter struggle ; but this rebellion must be utterly crushed out. There is for us no hope of freedom, of peace, of safety even, till this work is fully done. Seven years of war were spent in the pur- chase of our freedom ; seven more of toil in giving it organic and national life. If seven years of toil and blood are spent in securing it, — in our national re- demption,— they will be wisely, divinely spent, with the blessing of God and all coming generations of men. Let us to-day, in God's name and in the name of humanity, devote ourselves to the work. Judge Thomas having concluded, Tyler Bigelow, Esq., of Watertown, nephew of the Revolutionary colonel, was last presented. His appearance produced a sensation. With the weight of eighty-three years upon his shoulders, he stood firm and erect as in manhood's early prime. His remarks, delivered with great energy, were few and pithy. He said that, — So late was the hour, so fully had the exigencies of the occasion been met by the able and eloquent remarks and addresses of the gentlemen who had preceded him, he would not further exhaust the patience of his fellow-citizens, but forego any extended remarks he had contemplated. He wished simply to relate an interesting reminiscence, or anecdote, of his late uncle, which he had received many years since from a member of his family, that would illustrate his character, and exhibit the spirit and ardor with which he entered upon and persevered in the great drama of the Revolution. When the news of the destruction of the tea in Boston Harbor reached Colonel Bigelow, he was at work in his blacksmith's shop, near the spot now called Lincoln Square. He immediately laid aside his tools, proceeded direct- ly to his house, opened the closet, and took from it a canister of tea, went to the fireplace, and poured the contents thereof into the flames. As if feeling that every thing which had come in contact with British legislative tyranny should be purified by fire, the canister followed the tea ; and then he covered both with coals. So well known and determined were his opinions on the great questions of the day, he returned to his labors without deigning a word of ex- planation or apology to any one. — Such, also, was his zeal and ardor in the BIGELOW MONUMENT. 411 great cause of the times, that he appeared, on the morning following the battle of Lexington, at the head of his company of minule-men, on the public square in Watertown, April 20th ; having marched them there, upwards of thirty miles, during the evening and night subsequent to that event. Music by the band succeeded the address of the last-named speaker, — the Marseillaise being performed with admirable skill and. effect. A benediction by the Rev. Dr. Hill, concluded the public exercises of the day. The gentlemen specially invited to the dedication of the monument were recipients in the morning of the hospitalities of His Honor Mayor Davis ; and, after the close of the ceremonies, were entertained at an elegant banquet given by Governor Lincoln. APPENDIX. The Monument itself, of which the dedicatory ceremonial is recorded in the foregoing pages, claims a notice. It occupies a conspicuous position at the northerly front of the ancient cem- etery,— an inconsiderable but beautiful elevation, planted with trees, overlook- ing and now forming a part of the Central Park, better known as the Old Common, of Worcester. The spot of the original grave of Colonel Bigelow is included within the area allotted to the structure, same two or three yards to the right of the centre. It was necessarily disturbed by the alterations requisite in preparing and shaping the ground-plot for the edifice. The re- mains were carefully exhumed, incased in a metallic casket, and removed to their new receptacle beneath the base of the monument. They were found remarkably Avell preserved, considering the long period of their interment ; the hair, which was abundant, being in singular freshness. They indicated a tall and robust frame, above the average stature, correspond- ent with the traditionary reports of the person of Colonel Bigelow, as having exceeded six feet in height.'"^ •The site of the monument is a space of twenty feet to a side, enclosed with a light iron fence, on a granite plinth with trefoiled piers. From this, a slope of grass is formed to a solid block of granite, nine feet square, upon which the monument is erected. The design is in the style of the English Gothic of the thirteenth century, " It has beeu described as six feet and two inches. 412 BIGELOW MONUMENT. and the material is white Italian marble. The pedestal is ornamented at its angles with carvings of ram's-heads, and bears on its sides the following inscriptions : — On the front, in raised capital letters, — TIMOTHY BIGELOW. On the right face, in sunken letters, — Born Aug. 12, 1739. Died March 31, 1700. On the rear, — In memory of The Colone' nf the 15th Massachusetts Eegiment Of the Continental Army In the AVar of Independence, This monument Is erected by his great grandson, Timothy Bigelow Lawrence, Aimo Domini 18G1. On the left face are the words, — (.^'tJEBEC. Saratoga. Valley Force. MoNJtOUTH. Verplanck's Point. YoRKlOWN. Above the pedestal, the monument diminishes in size ; but from each of its four sides trefoiled canopies project, supported on columns whose capitals are elaborately carved with various designs, their bases resting on the shelving top of the pedestal. Above the canopies, the shaft again diminishes in size. It assumes an octagonal figure, and is surmounted with a foliated cross ; the total height being thirty feet. The monument was designed and superintended by George Snell, Esq., architect, of Boston. The granite work was executed by the Granite Railway Company ; and the marble, imported from Tuscany, was chiseled by Messrs. "Wentworth and Co., Boston. Such a structure, thougli a memorial of the past, is usually a custodian for the future. On the Friday previous to the celebration (April 12,) the custom- ary formality took place of depositing sundry articles and documents, of more or less value, in the Bigelow Monument. It was performed in the presence of Mayor Davis and other city officials, of Ex-Governor Lincoln and distiti- guishcd citizens, besides several members of the Bigelow Family, specially represented in the lineal descent by Messrs. Andrew and John P. Bigelow, and Colonel Lawrence. The articles consigned Avere enclosed in a pair of strong, double boxes of tin and copper, firmly soldered, and placed beneath the marble base of the monument. The latter (the base) is composed of four 414 BIGELOW MONUMENT. massive pieces, so constructed as to leave a central space between the block of granite on which the structure stands and the die of the pedestal surmounting it above. Within the cavity, the boxes were stored. Appended is a list of their contents : — A parchment containing the following record : " This monument to the memory of Colonel Timothy Bigelow, a hero of the American Revolution, was erected by his great-grand- son, Colonel Timothy Bigelow Lawrence, of Boston, A. D. ISGl. Isaac Uavis, Mayor of the city of Worcester; John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachusetts; Abraham Lincoln, I'resident of the United States. — George Snell, architect, Boston." History of Worcester. By William Lincoln. I'ublished by Moses D. Phillips & Co., 1837. Reminiscences of the Military Life and Sufferings of Colonel Timothy Bigelow. By Charles Ilersey. A plan of the old cemetery upon which the Bigelow Monument is erected. By Gill Val. entine. History of the First Church (Old South) in the city of Worcester, this eleventh day of April, A. D. 18G1 ; with its pastors and officers from its organization in 1716, and a cata- logue of its members at the present time. By Caleb Dana. Massachusetts Weekly Spy, vol. 90, No. 15, April 10, 18G1. Three Daily Spys, vol. IG, Nos. 85, 86, 87, April 10, 11, 12. By J. D, Baldwin & Co., pro- prietors. iEgisand Transcript, vol. 21, No. 11. Diiily Transcript, vol. 11, Nos. 81, 82, 83, April 9, 10, 11. By W. R. Hooper. Worcester Palladium, vol. 28, No. lo, April 10, 1861 ; and vol. 25, No. 51, containing inter- esting matter. By J. S. C. Knowlton. Worcester-County Democrat, vol. 1, No. 37, March 30, 18G1. Worcester Daily Times, vol. 2, No. GO, April 3, ISGl. By Moses Bates. Franklin Advertiser, vol. 1, No. 1, 1861, with specimens of beautiful cards. Worcester Directory for 1861. By Henry J. Howland. The Heart of the Commonwealth. By Henry J. Howland. Daily Spy, Aug. 31, 1860 ; Home Statistics. By Samuel Smith. Massachusetts Spy, Sept. 2G, ISGO, containing the valuation and taxation of Worcester ; census statistics of Worcester by wards ; number of inhabitants, dwellings, and fam- ilies ; by t-amuel Smith. A piece of the Charter Oak. Daily Spy, of Feb. 12, ISGl ; Birth Statistics, containing the total number of births, num- ber in each month, number of males and females, number of American and of foreign origin, with full particulars. By W. A. Brigham. A package of ancient and modern relics ; viz., the New England States cents, United States cents and half cents, Washington medals, Washington button, Massachusetts vol- unteer militia and infintry buttons. Uy W. A. Brigham. Medal of President Lincoln, and one of Hon. John Davis. City Document, No. H; Inaugural Address of Hon. W. W. Rice, Mayor of the city of Wor- cester, Jan- 2, 1860; with the annual reports of the several city officers for the muni- cipal year ending Jan. 2, ISGO. Inaugural Address of Hon. Isaac Davis, Mayor of the city of Worcester, to the City Council, Jan. 1, 18G1. Report of the School Committee of the city of Worcester for the year 18G0. By Rev. J. D. E. Jones, superintendent of schools. A beautiful steel engraving of the Worcester Hospital; likewise a large document con- taining the records of the founders, and names of all the officers, of the institution, from the commencement to the present time. By Merrick Bemis, M. D. Journal of the Prince of Wales' tour in America in 18G0, by G. D. Engleheart, Esq., secre- tary of the Duke of Newcastle. • BIGELOW MONUMENT. 415 Printed pedigree of the Bigelow Family. Appleton's Railway and Steam-navigation Guide, pviblished in New York and London : American Weekly Traveller, Boston, April 13, 1861 ; Boston Semi weekly Advertiser, April 13, 1801 ; Boston Herald, April 12, 1861 ; Boston Courier, April 12, 1861 : Daily Atlas and Bee, April 12, 1861 : Boston Journal, April 12, 1861 ; Boston Daily Adver- tiser, April 12, 1S61 ; New York Times, April 11, 1861 : New York Herald, April 11, 1861 ; New York Independent, April 11, 1861 ; Home (weekly) .Journal, New York, April 13, 1861 : Vanity Fair, do.. New Yoi-k, April 13, 1861 ; Harper's Monthly, New York, April 13, 1861. Coins of United States, one dollar, half a dollar, quarter of a dollar, ten cent piece, five cent piece, two three cent pieces, three one cent pieces, 1860, one cent of 1861. Ball cartridges made by the soldiers of Colonel Bigelow's command, at his barn in "Wor- cester, 1777. Lock of the hair of Colonel Timothy Bigelow. Also the following original manuscript letters of Colonel Bigelow : CcT. 25, 1775. On that part of the Kennybcck called the Dead lliver, 95 miles above Norridgewalk. Deae Wife, — I am at this time well, but in a dangerous situation, as is the whole de- tachment of the Continental Army with me. We are in a wilderness, nearly one hundred miles from any inhabitants, either French or English ; and but about five days' provisions on an average, for the whole. We are this day sending back the most feeble, and some that are sick. If the French are our enemies it will go hard with us ; for we have no retreat left. In that case, there will be no other alternative between the sword and famine. IMay God, in his infinite mercy, protect you my more than ever dear wife and my dear children ! Adieu ! — and ever believe me to be your most affectionate husband, TiMO. BlGETOW. Chaudier Pond, Oct. 28, 1775. Dear Anna, — I very much regret my writing the last letter to you, the contents were so gloomy. It is true, our provisions are short (only five pints of flour to a man, and no meat) ; but we have this minute received news that the inhabitants of Canada are all friendly, and very much rejoiced at our coming, and a very small number of troops in Quebec. V/e have had a very fatiguing march of it ; but 1 hope it will soon be over. The express is waiting ; therefore must conclude. I am, dear wife, with unlimited affection, your faithful husband, Tuio. Bigelow.'-' " Beautiful as is the monument to the memory of Colonel Bigelow, a loftier and more du- rable one stands in the State of Maine. It is a mountain bearing his name, near the head of the Kennebec, a few miles distant from the place of encampment recorded under date of the former of the two letters printed above. He was the first white man who ascended it. It was for purposes of exploration, when in command of a detachment of Arnold's army en route to Quebec, as intimated in the same letters. There was, of course, no chart of the wilderness. The'pathless forest lay beyond. It was important to ascertain the character of the region, and the trending of the great natural landmarks, in advanc e Colonel Bigelow (then a Major) undertook, sua sponte, whilst his troops were halting at the foot of a steep mountain, its laborious ascent. It is a towering and rugged eminence, or rather apex of an alpine range, difficult to climb at the present day. Few attempt i t. The achievement of Colonel Bigelow was thought so remarkable, that the peak was called and afterwards familiarly known as Bigelow's mountain. The name of mount Bigelow was thence introduced into our maps, and, extended since to the entire ridge, is stamped in memoriam. 416 BIOELOAV MONUMENT. The documents subjoined pertaining to the earlier history of the Monument have an importance entitling them to a place in this connection : — City of Woeoester, ") L^^^^'J In City Council, Dec. 23, 1859.) Resolved, That leave he granted to Timothy Bigelow Lawrence to erect a Monument over the remains of Colonel Timothy Bigelow ; and that the Mayor be empowered to designate a suitable lot for that purpose, where the said remains now lie, — the same not to include the remains of persons of any other family ; and that said lot be forever appropriated and devoted to said purpose. A copy of record. — Attest: Samuel Smith, City Clerh. CITY OF •WORCESTER. Whereas, by a resolve of the City Council, passed Dec. 23, A. D., 1859, leave Avas granted to Timothy Bigelow Lawrence to erect a Monument over the remains of Colonel Timothy Bigelow ; and, by said resolve, the Mayor was empowered to designate a suitable lot ,for that purpose, where said remains now lie, — the same not to include the remains of persons of any other family ; and it was further resolved, that said lot be forever appropriated and devoted to said purpose — Now, in pursuance of the authority in me so vested, I, Alexander H. Bullock, Mayor of the city of Worcester, have designated, and do hereby designate, for the purpose aforesaid, the following-described lot, being twenty feet square, and being section number four of the second division, as laid down on the plan of the cemetery on the Common, dated October, 1853, made by Gill Valentine. Said section has a stone monument at its south-east corner, and contains grave number seven, being the grave of Timothy Bigelow, but does not include the remains of any other person. And I hereby for ever dedicate and appropriate said lot to the purpose aforesaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and afhxed the seal of the city of Worcester, this thirtieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. A. H. Bullock, Mayor, [seal.] The following officials constituted a Committee, on the part of tlie City Government of Worcester, to take action on the measure deemed suitable for a public notice, by inaugural exercises, at the erection of the Bigelow Monu- ment ; viz. : — His Honor Mayor Davis ; Messrs. George Hobbs and Charles B. Pratt, Aldermen ; Messrs. Walter Bigelow, Frank H. Kelley, and M. S. McConville, Councilmen, Annexed are the names of twenty-five gentlemen, chosen by the citizens at BIGELOW MONUMENT. 417 large to co-operate with the Committee of the Municipal Government in mak- ing arrangements for a due observance of the occasion aforesaid, viz. : — Hon. Levi Lincoln, Chairman ; Messrs. Stephen Salisbury, A. H. Bullock, Rejoice Newton, J. S. C. Knowlton, George F. Hoar, Henry Chapin, George W. Jlichardson, W. W. Rice, Gen. George H. Ward, Dr. George Chandler, Fitzroy \Yillard, T. L. Nelson, H. N. Tower, Charles Hersey, Rev. Dr. Hill, Rev. Horace James, Albert Tolman, Joseph Mason, F. H. Kinnicutt, Wil- liam A. Wheeler, John M. Goodhue, Edwin Bynner, Carter Whitcomb, George W. Bentley. It was at first proposed by the Committee of Arrangements that an oration should be delivered on the day of celebration, and that a suitable gentleman be invited to perform the office. The Hon. George Bancroft, of New York, was selected, and addressed on the subject. The following is the corres- pondence which passed : — Worcester, Mass., March 22, 1861. Hon. George Bancroft. My dear Sir, — You are probably informed, that, with the consent of the authorities of this city, T. Bigelow Lawrence, Esq , a great-grandson of Colonel Timothy Bigelow of Revolutionary fame, is about to erect a monu- ment to the memory of his ancestor on the site of his grave, in the old burial ground near the Common. This act of filial duty and reverence is proposed to be celebrated by impressive and appropriate ceremonies, in which the gov- ernment and citizens of the place will unite with Colonel Lawrence, on the 19th of April next, — the anniversary of the battle of Lexington. The mon- ument, when in position, will be a costly and beautiful structure, worthy its commemorative purpose, and greatly ornamental to the city. At a meeting of a large Committee of Arrangements for the occasion, it was the spontaneous and unanimous expression of desire, that you should be solicited to add that interest to the day, by an address, to which no one else could so effectually con- tribute. It seems to them to be a service most eminently becoming your friends and fellow-citizens of your native town earnestly to ask from you. Born in their midst ; cherished, loved and honored by them, not only in your own person, but in the memory of your father, — long their instructor and guide, — they would see in your compliance with their wishes, renewed cause- of obligation and grateful regard. Besides, as the eminent historian of th-e- country, will you not give the seal of your recognition to the services of one- of its most heroic defenders ? The Committee will be greatly obliged by an answer at your earliest eon- venience. With faithful esteem and respect, your obedient servant, Levi Lincoln, In behalf of, and by the unanimous request of, the Committee. 36 418 BIGELOW MONUMENT. Neav York, Marcli 25, 1861. My clear Sir, — I am to-day made very happy by your assurance, that the great affection I bear my native town is met by an honorable place in their regard ; but neither my health nor my engagements will permit me to be with you on the 19th of April, though I heartily join in every tribute to the sons of liberty in Worcester, who were by none exceeded in their devotion to* the cause of liberty and their country. Very truly, and with affectionate respect, your obliged, George BANcnorT. Governor Lincoln. In consequence of the disappointment to secure the presence and eloquent voice of Mr, Bancroft on the occasion proposed, and the brief interval re- maining before the time fixed for the dedication of the IMonument, other ar- rangements were made by the Committee, and the plan of celebration adopted which was carried out in the manner and form detailed in previous pages. Allusion is made in an antecedent page, at the introduction of the name of Judge Thomas, one of the speakers of the day, to the friendship which sub- sisted between his ancestor, the elder Isaiah Thomas, and the subject of these notices. It was, indeed, a close and tried one. They were " true yoke- fellows; " each alike active in defence of a common cause, — the rights of the people, and the liberties of the old Colonies. They employed different weapons, — one wielding the sword : the other a pen, of scarce less potency in the popular movement. Colonel Bigelow was the senior of Mr. Thomas by nearly ten years. An ardent Whig, foremost of the elite of Worcester in opposition to the tyranny of the British Crown, and of course to the little clique of Tories, not wanting in the town, — few in number, but swelling in self-conceit, looking down on the people as a plebeian class, — Colonel Bigelow cast about for auxiliaries to aid in the work of unflinching resistance. A press was needed. Mr. Thomas, then editor and proprietor of the " Massachusetts Spy," printed in Boston, was invited to Worcester. He had been placed on the honorable list of the " suspects ; " and, in the early spring of 1775, was proscribed. He was com- pelled to flee ; the last number of his paper, in Boston, being issued April G, 1775. Mr. Thomas gladly availed himself of the proffered shelter and stand presented by the eligible opening at Worcester. The removal of his press and types was an affair of some difficulty, requiring caution in the manage- ment. Colonel Bigelow undertook the task. With the aid of a couple of assistants, choosing a dark night, the press with its materiel was secured by him, and, conveyed to a landing near Barton's Point, Avas ferried to Charles- town. Thence transported to Worcester, it was set up and worked, at the beginning, in a basement room of the Colonel's house. The first appear- ance of the " Spy" next after, and therewith the first printing executed in BIGELOW MOXUMEXT. 419 "Worcester, was on the 3d of May next following. The paper proved, as before, an instrument of mighty energy, acting as a powerful lever on the sen- timent and spirit of the times. Subscriptions flowed in. A suitable office was shortly obtained, and the sheet, under its new title of the " Massachusetts Spy, or American Oracle," was spread abroad everywhere. Its tone lost none of its boldness. The loyalists gained nothing from their prior attempts to muzzle and silence it. It spoke like a trumpet. The weekly articles by its conductor were impatiently awaited by the public, and read with avidity. The name of Isaiah Thomas, as the exponent of his paper, soon became, throughout New England, familiar as a " household word ; " and the Wor- cester Massachusetts Spy remains to this day, as at the outset of its career, the faithful " oracle" of the rights asserted and the principles maintained by both its original publisher, and his confidential friend and coadjutor, Colonel Bigelow. Following upon the arrival of the press in Worcester, a bright, burly boy, or rather a stout, vigorous youth, apprenticed to Mr. Thomas, appeared, — the late Benjamin Russell, afterwards familiarly known as " Major Ben," of the Boston " Columbian Centinel," — a man who attained to a distinguished and honorable position in the community ; whose newspaper, like that of his famous master, acquired at a later day, and long exerted, a wide and com- manding influence ; and who lived to become the veteran of the craft, as per- sonally he ever was a bright and shining ornament of his profession. Young Russell was made an inmate of the family of Colonel Bigelow, where he found a welcome home, and was treated with the regard and affec- tion of a child and brother. Between him and the eldest son of the Colonel — also conspicuous in another walk, in after-life, as an eminent lawyer (the Hon. Timothy Bigelow, of Groton and Medford) — a warm attachment sprung up, which ripened subse- quently into the closest intimacy, never broken, never jarred, till the death of the latter severed the tie. Mr. Bigelow deceased in 1821, at the compara- tively early age of fifty-four. Major Russell survived to be an octogenarian. He was several years older than his friend. An anecdote is told by the Rev. Andrew Bigelow, illustrative of the im- pression made on a stranger by the personal appearance and bearing of his grandfather, the Colonel, when in the prime of manhood. His informant was an aged parishioner, surviving a few months after the date of Dr. Bigelow's settlement in Taunton, nearly thirty years ago, — a man of bright memory, naturally of a cool, observant mind, and who dwelt much on the remin- iscences of earlier days. At his first interview with his pastor, the old gentle- man inquired of the latter if he had an ancestor in the Revolutionary Army, — an officer of the Massachusetts Line. Being satisfied on those points, he was asked, in turn, the special reason of his queries. " Guess I have seen him," was the reply. "When and where ?" next followed. Shaking the ashes from his pipe, as he sat in a big chair beside the chimney-corner, the old man said, " Well, you must suppose, that after the fight at Lexington, when the 420 BIGELOW MONUMENT. milish was called out, we all wanted to know what chaps they were to face the enemy, — them ' red-coats,' as we called the regulars, — in case of more scuffling. So I said to neighbor , (Sam was his given name,) ' Let us tackle up, and go and see the fellows about Boston'" — (a la "Captain Goodwin"). "He agreed, and we hitched team, and started off. We went to Cambridge, saw "Ward's camp, and fetched up at Watertown. Our Con- gress (Provincial), they told us, was sitting there, then. " Next morning, standing outside the tavern, many people coming and go- ing, I spied a couple of officers walking up. One of them was a tall man, stepping very handsome ; had a firm, quick gait, and no swagger. He was speaking to the other quite earnest, and looked, somehow, serious." — " Tall, you say ? " — " Yes : he was a six-footer, and something more ; carried him- self straight ; was broad-chested, not spare. I remember he was rather dark- complected, but with a good brown color on his cheeks ; his hair a jet-black, very full, and clubbed behind, — the fashion of those times." — " Any thing more ? " — " Well, I watched his eyes : they were very bright ; blackish, or thereabouts; saw them plain, as he passed by and went into the house." — " And what of his companion ? " — " Don't remember," said the old man ; " nothing particular about him. When they had got in, I asked a country- man, standing by, who that tall officer was. He said, 'Major Bigelow : Major Bigelow of Worcester.' I looked at friend Sam. He eyed me mighty sharp. I knew what he wanted : so I told him the name of the gentleman. ' Well, neighbor Jo,' said he, 'what think you of that big fellow?'" — The old man stopped in his narrative (he was slow of speech), gave another nudge to the bowl of his pipe, lifted his eyebrows as if the dis- tant scene, neighbor Sam and all, were again before him, then turned to his listener, and concluded: " 1 told Sam , ' Sam,' says I, '■that man will fight.'' — ' Guess so, too,' said Sam, ' right smart. ' " * The honors paid to the memory of Colonel Timothy Bigelow, by the public celebration held at the dedication of his Monument, were no barren formalities, restricted to the grateful recognition of a venerated name. Occurring at a crisis the most momentous in our national annals since the War of Indepen- dence, when all that was gained by the triumphs of the Revolution was sud- denly and wickedly imperilled, they combined, with the traditionary remin- iscences awakened, to lend a deeper and more powerful impulse to the indig- nant spirit of patriotism then stirred afresh among the citizens of Worcester and its neighborhood. By a communication before us from His Honor Mayor Davis, under date of Sept. 27, in which he states that " the Monument has attracted great atten- '^ Tlie Colonel came of a fighting stock. His father, Daniel Bigelow, one of the original settlers of Worcester, was a soldier in the Canadian-French War. BIGELOW MONUMENT. 421 tion, and thousands, and tens of thousands, have visited it," we learn " that it has excited in numerous minds a noble spirit of patriotism, and has induced many to volunteer in sustaining the Constitution and the Union. Since the Monument (he adds) was erected on our Central Park, more than five thousand men have left that Park in defence of the glorious institutions which Colonel Timothy Bigelow and his brave compeers fought to establish." When addressing the officers and soldiers of the Fifteenth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, a few weeks previously, near the grave of Colonel Bigelow, we gather also, from an animated report which has reached us, that His Honor invoked the troops in fervid strains " to imitate the self-sacrificing, the noble daring, the heroic spirit, of Colonel Timothy Bigelow and his brave associates of the Fifteenth Regiment of the Revolution." " If," said the Mayor, with thrilling emphasis, — " if that valiant Colonel and his comrades, who now sleep near us, could hear your martial tramp, it would be music in their ears ; and methinks their immortal spirits are looking down from the battlements of heaven, beckoning you on to sustain and uphold the liberties which they fought to secure. Again : at the presentation of a beautiful stand of colors, from the ladies of Worcester, to the Fifteenth Regiment of Volunteers, on the 8th of August, the Hon. George F. Hoar, who spoke in their behalf, when tendering the gift to the colonel and officers of the corps, introduced his speech by saying — " I am deputed by the ladies of Worcester to present to you this banner. Eighty-four years ago to day, there was mustering in these streets the first Regiment ever raised in Worcester County for actual warfare, — the Fifteenth Regiment of the Massachusetts Line. What hard-fought fields a,t Monmouth and Trenton, what sufferings at Valley Forge, what glory and victory at Sara- toga and Yorktown, have made that name famous, history has recorded ; and now that, for the second time, Worcester County sends out to battle a full regiment of her sons, by a coincidence too appropriate to be called accident, the name which your fathers rendered illustrious has been allotted to you. W^hat they won for us, it is yours to preserve for us." Colonel Charles Devens, jun., in receiving the colors, responded with deep, feeling in like stirring and sympathetic strains : — " There is, indeed, a remarkable coincidence, as you have so well said, in the name of the regiment which I have the honor to command ; being num- bered the same as that commanded, during the Revolutionary War, by Colonel Timothy Bigelow, over whose remains yonder proud monument was three months ago erected with such inspiring ceremonies. It is, indeed, a most fortunate omen. I trust that some of the spirit which animated our ancestors has descended upon the present sons of Worcester County, and that they will be able to render an equally good account of their labors. I know they stand ready to defend that flag, as much dearer than life as honor is dearer ; that they will ' not suffer a single star to be obscured, or a single stripe erased,' from that glorious symbol of our national union. I am unable to predict as 36* 422 BIGELOW MONUMENT. to our return ; yet this symbol shall be returned to the ladies of "Worcester untarnished. Defeat, disaster, and death may come to us ; but dishonor never. " Eloquent words, and nobly answered ; as witnessed by the subsequent intre- pid bearing of the heroic colonel and the regiment under his command, — a regiment which, whilst inheriting the prestige of the name, most worthily asserts its title to the distinction, and proudly emulates the honors, of the brave old Fifteenth of the Continental Line. The city of Worcester has now upwards of one thousand men in the service of the country. At the date of the Revolution, the County altogether contained a population estimated at twenty-five thousand souls. The Fifteenth Conti- nental Regiment, commanded by Colonel Timothy Bigelow, was raised from both town and county. At the present time, the City alone, comprising about the same number of inhabitants as the shire collectively in the Revolutionary contest, sends forth, as above remarked, more than a thousand troops to the field, to wage battle in defence of all that we hold most dear, — against the parricidal foes of our common rights so audaciously assailed, of the glorious temple our civil liberties and the sacred ark of the Constitution. Truly it may be said, that not alone in " ashes " — the buried ashes of our fathers — live the ancient fires. They glow with equal warmth and intensity in the bosoms of their sons. Certainly, at least, it is shown, that the "heart" — the brave heakt of our goodly Commonwealth — has lost none of its pristine vigor. It is still firm in its beatings, responsive to the throbbings of its sturdy youth. Long may it quicken with unabated ardor and strength, — the noble energy as re- developed, now, in the maturity of its manly prime ! All homage to heroic Worcester! — Ever honored be her sons ! MILITARY. 428 MILITARY WOECESTEK LIGHT INFANTRY. This old Company, chartered in 1804 by a special resolve of the Legislature, bearing the signature of Harrison Gray Otis, as Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives, and approved by Caleb Strong as Governor, upon the petition of Levi Lincoln, Jr., Joseph Blake Caldwell, Levi Thaxter, John Nelson, Jr.,' Daniel W. Lincoln, and thirty two others, still exists to illustrate its early history by new acts of patriotism. The commanding officers since 1837 have been, Henry Hobbs, 1837 ; Dana H. Fitch, 1837; D. Waldo Lincoln, 1838,-9,-40; Ivers Phillips, 1841; Henry W. Conklin, 18 42 ; Joseph B. Ripley, 1843 ; Edward Lamb, 1844-8 ; Levi Barker, 1849 ; Edward Lamb, 1850-1 ; Charles S. Childs, 1852 ; Samuel P. Russell, 1853-4; George W. Barker, 1854; George F. Peck, 1855; Ed- ward Lamb, 1856-7; Harrison W. Pratt, 1858-62. The present commander is the 29th Captain in regular succession. On the 6th of February, 18G1, orders were issued from headquarters direct- ing the commanders of the Volunteer Militia, to fill their companies to the full number required by law, (fifty-six privates,) and to prepare for active duty in defending the national capital. On the 16th of April, at nearly midnight, orders were received for the Light Infantry to proceed to Boston without delay. The company left town the following moruing, and in a little more than twelve hours after receiving the summons, reported at the State House with ninety-six men, afterwards in- creased to one hundred, being the strongest company among the three months' men of Massachusetts. The Infantry was attached as the left flank company to the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment under Col. Edward F. Jones. Receiving arms, equipments and overcoats, the company left Boston in the evening ; was with the regiment in its famous passage through Balti- more, April 19th, where the first blood of the insurrection was shed, and were the first armed troops to reach Washington, where they were quartered in the Senate Chamber, and served the full term of three months alternately at Wash- ington, Annapolis and Baltimore. Of the members of the Light Infantry who served during the three months' campaign, twelve afterwards enlisted as officers, and twenty-seven as non- commissioned ofiicers and privates, in various other companies an I regi- ments, to serve during the war. AVORCESTER GUARDS. This company organized in 1840 under the name of "Harrison Guards," and was a Light Infantry company. Within a few years it has been changed to a rifle company, and is attached to the Third Battalion of Rifles. It was in the first three months service under the command of Capt. A. B. R. Sprague. 424 THE WATl. THE WAR Over eight liundred men have left Worcester for the war, among which are some of our best citizens, not only ofFicers, but privates. These have mostly gone in the Sixth Regiment, Third Battalion of Rifles, Fifteenth Regiment, Twenty-first Regiment, and the Twenty-fifth Regiment. The following is a list of the names of the officers belonging in Worcester to the Sixth Regiment: H. W. Pratt, Captain; George W. Prouty, F. S. Washburn, J. VV. Denny, D. F. Parker, Lieutenants. Third Battalion of Rifles : Major, Charles Devens ; Adjutant, John M. Goodhue ; Surgeon, Oramel Martin ; Quartermaster, J. E. Estabrook ; Quar- termaster Sergeant, George F. 'White ; Sergeant Major, N. S. Liscomb ; Co. A, Captain A. B. R. Sprague ; Lieutenants, Josiah Pickett, George C. Joslin, O. Moulton and E. A. Harkness ; Co. C, Captain, M. S. McConville ; Lieutenants, M. O. Driscoll, M. J. McCafFerty, Thomas O'Neal, and M. Melaven. Most of the officers and privates of the Third Battalion, after their first three months were out, enlisted again, and are now in different positions in the army, as will be seen. fifteenth regiment. Colonel, Charles Devens, Worcester ; Lieut. Col. George H. Ward ; Adju- tant, George W.Baldwin; Quartermaster, Church Howe; Surgeon, Joseph N. Bates; Asst. Surgeon, S. Foster Haven, Jr. Captain John T\L Studley, Co. D ; Capt. George C. Joslin, Co. I ; 1st Lieut. Edwin P. Woodward, Co. D ; 1st Lieut. Thomas J. Spurr ; 2d Lieut. John S. Hall, Co. D. twenty-fikst kegiment. Quartermaster, George F. Thompson ; Capt. Thomas S. Washburn ; 2d Lieut. William H. Valentine. twenty-fifth regiment. Lieut. Col , Augustus B. R. Sprague ; Major, Matthew J. McCafferty ; Ad- jutant, Elijah A. Harkness ; Surgeon, J. Marcus Rice ; Chaplain, Horace James ; Captains, Josiah Pickett, Albert H. Foster, Thomas O'Niel, Lewis Wageley, Orson Moulton, J.Waldo Denny; 1st Lieutenants, F. E. Goodwin, George S. Campbell, William Daly, Henry M. Richter, David M. Woodward; 2d Lieutenants, Merritt B. Bessey, George H. Spaulding, Henry McConville, Fred. A. Wiegand, James M. Drennan. The following is a list of the killed, wounded and missing, and those who have died in the army, belonging to Worcester. Lieut. Col. George H. Ward, wounded at Ball's Bluff in the leg severely ; leg amputated below the knee. THE "WAK. HOTELS. 425 Lieut. J. W. Grout, killed while swimming the river at Ball's Bluff. Horace E. Brooks, wounded at Roanoke Island in the ankle, badly. David B. Bigelow, wounded at Roanoke Island in the thigh ; not dan- gerous. George E. Barnard, wounded at Ball's Bluff in the leg; not dangerous. Corporal Charles A. Upham, died with fever at Richmond. Ralph T. Finne}', wounded at Ball's Bluff in the thigh ; not dangerous. Charles W. Adams, died with fever at hospital in Washington. Sargent Benj. Taft, died at Salisbury, N. C, from exposure. John W. Smith, killed at Ball's Bluff. John F. Stafford, killed at Ball's Bluff. Charles Goff, killed at Ball's Bluff. Stillman L. Commins, not heard of, probably killed in the river at Ball's Bluff. David Scvor, wound in the arm, not dangerously. George E. Curtis, died at Roanoke Island from the effects of measles. Charles Bartlett, wounded slightly. HOTELS. EXCHANGE HOTEL. This is the oldest public house in Worcester ; its first name was the " United States Arms." It was at this house that Washington breakfasted on his way to Boston, in 1789. In 1807 Reuben Sikes opened the house and kept it as a stage house for many years. Under the wise and judicious management of Mr. Sikes, this house became the most popular of any house in the State out of Boston : it was called " Sikes' Coffee House," " Sikes' Stage House," &c. In 1825 Gen. Lafayette put up at this house and took breakfast, on his way to Boston, to assist in the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill Monu- ment. Samuel B. Thomas kept the house several years, when its name was " Thomas's Temperance Exchange Coffee House." At this time, as the name indicates, it was a thorough-going and consistent temperance house, and has maintained that reputation to the present time. The estate is now owned by Misses Clara and Sarah Sikes, daughters of Mr. Reuben Sikes, who now occupy rooms in the house, and board with Mr. Samuel Banister, who is now the landlord of the house. This house is principally sustained by jurymen, witnesses, and other persons attending the Courts, together with families and other boarders. LINCOLN HOUSE. This house is owned by James H. Wall and the heirs of the late E. H. Hemenway. It is situated on the west side of Main street, its front 128 feet by 70 wide, four stories high, with wings extending back on Elm and Maple 426 HOTELS. NEAVSrAPERS. streets, 168 feet, and three stories high. It contains about 130 rooms, besides a large number of stores and other rooms. It is kept as a first class hotel by E. T. lialcom. B A Y S X A T E ir O U S E . I This is the largest public house in Worcester, and one of the most popular in 1 the commonwealth. It is owned by a corporation, and is situated on the east i side of Main street and north side of Exchange street, forming a front on Main of 100 feet, and on Exchange of 170, four stories high on Main and five on Exchange street, containing 1G5 rooms. It is under the management of ' AVarner Cliftord, who lias had the control of the house since its erection in 1854. F A K M E K ' S HOTEL. This hotel belongs to the heirs of Joseph Barnes, and is occupied by J. G. Witherby. This house is kept on strict temperance principles, and is situated on the North side of Mechanic street. WALDO HOUSE. This house is situated on Waldo street ; it formerly stood on the site of the Mechanic's Hall, and was built and occupied by Kon. Daniel Waldo as his mansion. Since its removal it has been kept as a hotel ; it is now kept by Thomas Tucker as a temperance house. » WASHINGTON SQUARE HOTEL. This estate is owned by the Boston and Worcester Railroad Corporation. It is situated near the depot of the Western Bailroad, and is kept by Elliott Swan as a temperance house. CITY HOTEL. This hotel is situated on the east side of Main street; it was the first brick building in Worcester, except a small store owned by Mr. Waldo, which has long since been torn down. It has long been kept as a public house, and is now under the management of \Villiam Whitney. NEWS PAPERS AND PERIODICALS. "SVORCESTER DAILY TRANSCRIPT. The " Daily Transcript," the first daily paper ever published in Worcester county, was issued in Worcester on the 9th day of June, 1845, by Julius L. Clarke as editor and proprietor, Mr. Clarke having been for the two or three previous years, connected with the editorial department of " The Chris- tian Citizen." In the latter part of the same year, a weekly journal, entitled, " The Bay State Farmer, " was commenced in connection with this paper, and both were subsequently discontinued; he, soon after, commencing the publication of another daily paper, " The Worcester Telegraph," wdiich was NEWSPAPEES. 427 continued till the spring of 1849. In the beginning of 1851, the Transcript was again resumed as a daily, in connection with a weekly issue of the same, Mr. Silas Dinsmore being its publisher, and Mr. Clarke once more becoming its editor; the paper having been in its first years an independent journal, but now entering the political arena, as an advocate of the principles of the whio- party. In 1852, Mr. Charles E. Stevens, of Barre, was also associated with the editorial department of the paper; but in 1855, it changed hands, Mr. William R. Hooper becoming its purchaser, and subsequently its editor; in 1857, Mr. Hooper having purchased " the National ^gis," in the autumn of the latter year connected that journal also with the " Weekly Transcript," the two papers, the " Worcester Daily Transcript," (now an evening paper,) and the weekly " ^gis and Transcript," being published at the present time under his proprietorship and direction, and both being devoted to the repub- lican party. "VVOKCESTEK DAILY SPY. The first number of the "Worcester Daily Spy," was issued July 1st, 1845, by John Milton Earle, editor and proprietor. Its publication has been continued, in connection with the " Massachusetts Spy," down to the present time. In 1850, Mr. Earle associated with himself Mr. Thomas Drew, Jr., who, since 1845, had been an associate editor of " The Christian Citizen," the two continuing their connection till 1859. In the beginning of the latter year, Messrs. Earle and Drew retired, and Messrs. S. S. Toss of the Woon- socket (Rhode IslandJ Patriot, and Moses Farnum of Blackstone, became the purchasers and publishers of the Daily and Weekly Spy. A few months afterwards, however, the last named parties disposed of their interest to J. D. Baldwin & Co., who continue the jiublication of the two papers at the present time, both being in the interest of the republican party. OTHER DAILIES. Several other efforts have been made to establish daily papers in Worcester, but have been discontinued after the lapse of a brief period. Among these, were " The Evening Journal," published during portions of the years 1854-5, and edited by Mr. Dexter F. Parker. " The Daily Bay State," also an eve- ning paper, commenced in September, 1856, and continued about one and a half years; also the "Worcester Daily Times," commenced in July, 1860, but discontinued after a few month sexistence. The last paper was edited and published by Moses Bates. The Weekly Times is published as a Democratic paper by T. W. Caldwell. THE CHKISTIAN EEFLECTOK, Was commenced in 1838. It was conducted by a board of managers of fifteen of the Baptist denomination, seven clergymen and eight laymen. It was edited by Rev. C. P. Grosvenor, and was a strong Anti-Slavery paper. It continued a few years, and Avas then sold and merged with the Christian Watchman, which is now printed in Boston. 428 XEAVSrATERS. THE CHRISTIAN CITIZEN', Was commenced in 1844, by Elihu Burritt, who wns editor and proprietor. It was a weekly paper, devoted to the advocacy of religion, peace, anti- slavery, education, and general information. It was published seven years, a part of which time T. W. liutterfield was associate publisher, and Julius L. Clarke and Thomas Drew at different times aided in the editorial and business departments. It was not in its last years a pecuniary success, but for a time exerted a great and favorable influence, especially in the cause of peace. Mr. Burritt was a remarkable man. He was born in New Britain, Conn., Dec. 8, 1811, and served an apprenticeship at blacksmithing. Afterwards for sev- eral years he continued to work as a journeyman most of the time, devoting several hours each day to the study of languages, in quite a number of which he became proficient. He came to Worcester to secure the advantages of the Antiquarian Library. His mode of employing his time may be seen in the following extract from his diary for one week : '■'■Monday, June 18, headache; forty pages Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, sixty-four pages French, eleven hours forging Tuesday, sixty-five lines of Hebrew, thirty pages of French, ten pages of Cuvier's Theory, eight lines Syriac, ten ditto Danish, ten ditto Bohemian, nine ditto Polish, fifteen names of stars, ten hours forging. Wednesday, twenty-five lines Hebrew, fifty pages of astronomy, eleven hours forging. Thursday, fifty-five lines of Hebrew, eight ditto Syriac, eleven hours forging. Friday, imwell ; twelve hours forg- ing. Saturday, unwell ; fifty pages Natural Philosophy, ten hours forging. Sunday, lessons for Bible class." About this time he was introduced to the public as " the learned Black- smith," by Gov. Everett, and the fame thus acquired soon led to a demand for his services as a writer and lecturer. In the winter of 1842, he lectured successfully sixty-eight times. His published translations and writings would make up a formidable list, while his health was kept up by daily exercise at the anvil. After commencing the Citizen, he devoted himself largely to the cause of Peace and Universal Brotherhood, both in this country and in Eng- land, where he went in 184G, and remained several years. He now resides in his native town. v THE "WORCESTEK COUNTY GAZETTE, Was established January, 1845, to advocate the principles of the "Liberty Party" in politics, by Rev. II. B. Hubbard, some time Principal of the Latin Grammar school in the centre district, and the nominee of his party for repre- sentative in Congress in the campaign of 1844. It was printed by Jonathan L. Estey, whose office was in Paine's block, corner of Main and Pleasant streets. In July following Mr. Estey formed a partnership with Dudley C. Evans, and Estey & Evans assumed the publication of the Gazette. Mr. Hubbard's connection with the paper continued to the close of its publication in Worcester, March, 1847, though Messrs. Estey & Evans conducted its issue mainly from June, 184G. The paper took from its commencement equal NEWSrAPEES. 429 rank with the Spy, JRg'is, and Palladium, of that time, and enjoyed a large patronage from the public. Its subscription list was finally sold to the Boston Emancipator. Estey &, Evans printed the first daily paper in Worcester, — the Transcript, by Julius L. Clark, Esq., — during the first six months of its existence. They also printed the American Pulpit, for Rev. R. S. Rust, at one period. Mr. Evans died in New York city, being at the time foreman to Baker, God- win & Co. Mr. Estey has entered the active duties of the christian ministry in the New England Conference of the M. E. Church. ■^ AVORCESTER PALLADIUM. This paper was commenced in 1834, and has befen under the editorial care of J. S. C. Knowlton. The first four years of the existence of this paper it advocated the old National Republican or Whig principles. About 1838, this paper became connected with the Worcester Republican, a Democratic paper, edited by Jubal Harrington, (who had occasion to leave Worcester at rather short notice.) The Palladium then became the Democratic organ of the county, and continued such until 1854, and since that time it has advoca- ted the principles of the Republican party. It is an able and well-conducted weekly paper. The Worcester Waterfall and the Worcester County Cataract and Washingtonian were all devoted to Temperance, and all merged in one paper before the close of their existence. Each of then exerted a salutary influence in their turn. These three papers were mainly conducted by Jesse W. Goodrich, Esq., as proprietor and editor. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL GAZETTE Was commenced under the patronage of the Unitarian Sunday School Society, in 1849, by A. Hutchinson & Co., and published once in two weeks. Rev. Edward E. Hale was editor for several years, succeeded by Rev. S. G. Bulfinch of Dorchester, follov/ed after one year by Rev. W. H. Cudworth of East Bos- ton. It was printed by H. J. Howland for eleven years, after which it was removed to Boston. Its circulation was in that time increased to 9500. THE LITERARY GEMINJE. In June, 1839, the publication of this monthly periodical of forty-eight pages was commenced by Elihu Burrltt, and continued one year. One half of each number was filled with the " choicest morceaux of French literature," in their original language. THE ADVOCATE OF PEACE. This organ of the American Peace Society, was edited and published in Worcester during the year 1847, by E. Burritt. It was a monthly of thirty- two pages. ^ 37 430 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. TIIK WOnCr.STEK ALJIANAC, DimXTORY, AND BUSINESS ADVEKTISER. In 1829, Mr. Clarendon Hairls published a "Village Directory"' of Worces- ter, containing the names, &.C., of the owners and occupants of buildings on the thirteen streets then existing here, to accompany a map published by him. It occupied ten small pages. In 1843, A. W. Congdon issued a Business Directory of Worcester, printed in Boston. In 1814, the regular annual publication of a full Directory of the place, was commenced by Ilcnry J. Howland, under the title at the head of this article. It was an 18mo. of 108 pages, and contained the names, residences, and business, of over 1200 persons, besides a calendar and much other useful information. It was intend- ed from the first for general circulation among the people, and its very lov/ price (12.i cents) secured for it a large sale, amounting in several years to six thousand copies a year. The number of names has increased every year till the present, and now exceeds 7000. It is still continued by its founder, who is now the oldest Directory publisher in New England. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The City Hall has been greatly enlarged, and adapted to the wants of the city. The lower part contains the Mayor and Aldei men's room, another for the Common Council, a third for Police Court, offices of the City Treasurer, City Marshal, City Clerk, and for the City Messenger. The upper story con- tains the large City Hall with its ante rooms, and the office of Superintendent of Schools. The basement is occupied as a Police and Watchman's office, Lock-up, Meat Market, &c. The Old Coukt House has been removed a few feet to its rear, and refitted. The Criminal Courts are held in it : it also contains the office of the Sheriff, and the offices of the Court of Probate and Insolvency. The New Court House, standing a few rods south of the above named, is a most substantial fire-proof edifice : it was built in 1845, of Quincy gran- ite. In it the civil terms of the courts are held, with numerous ante rooms for the jurors, and for consultation. The lower floor is occupied by the Reg- ister of Deeds office, the Clerk and Treasurer's office. This house cost about one hundred thousand dollars, American Antiquarian Hall. This building stands at the corner of Court and Highland streets, a few feet north of the old Court House : it is built with brick and is fire proof. It contains a very large Library Hall, and the office of the Librarian on the second floor. The first floor is occupied for the storing of old miscellaneous works ; in this room is stored, also, the old printing press of its illustrious founder, Isaiah Thomas, Esq. Agricultural Hall was built by the Worcester County Agricultural Society, on their ground a little west of the Court House. It contains a large PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 431 Hall for the Society Meetings, and their Public Dinners at their Annual Fairs, besides a tenement for the Superintendent of the grounds ; also, in the base- ment, a room for the storage of their fencings, and other articles. The Mechanics Hall. A short notice of this building is given on page 39G, in connection with the Mechanics Association, but it is deemed of too much importance to omit a more full description of it in this connection. This splendid building is located on the lot long occupied by the residence of the late Daniel Waldo, on Main street. The building has 100 feet front, and is 70 feet in hight from the side-walk to the top of the cornice ; the pediment or triingular part over the entabla- ture, rises 16 feet higher, making the whole 86 feet. The basement and the first floor measure 145 by 100 1-2 feet. On the first floor there are four stores, each 78 by 18 feet, and in the rear of these are two other stores, each 61 by 32 feet, and communicating with the two centre stores which front on Main street. Between the two centre stores is the main entrance, which is 21 feet wide for a distance of 32 feet, as far back as the two principal stair cases, and is 9 feet wide the remainder of the distance through the whole floor, thus communicating with the rear entrance, and the two rear flights of stairs leading to the upper floors. The front stair-cases are each 6 feet in width. Upon the second floor in front, are five offices, each 24 feet by 20 ; next in rear of these, are two library rooms, each 38 feet by 25, and communicating with the offices and each other, by passage ways between them ; next in rear of the libraries, a passage way, 20 feet wide, and extending entirely across the 432 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. building, communicates ^vith the stair-cases from below, and with Washburn Hall. This room is 80 feet by 50, and with the ante rooms, each 15 feet by 11, occupies the remainder of the second floor, to the rear of the building. The third floor is devoted to the great hall and its appurtenances. The hall will measure 128 feet by 80, and 40 feet in hight ; allowing each man 2 12 square feet, this hall contains standing room for four thousand jive hundred men ; at the eastern end is the speaker's platform, 40 feet by 20 ; at the west- ern end are two large ante rooms, and over them the galleries, which also extend along each side of the entire hall ; the galleries on the side are 9 feet in width ; there are six stair- cases leading out of the hall to the floors below; the finish and decorations of the interior are panel work overhead with col- umns and arches at its sides. It is thoroughly lighted and ventilated, and is one of the most beautiful halls in the country. The style of architecture of the building is the Corinthian, and the appearance of the whole will chal- lenge the admiration of all. Elbridge Boyden, architect ; ^11. N. Tower, superintendent ; Tilley Raymond, carpenter. Public Liekaky, situated on Elm street, owned by the city, cost S30,000, and is occupied by the Librarian, Natural History Society's Collection, Green or Reference Library, and Farmers' Club and Library. This is a fine edifice of brick, a few rods from Main street, and is well arranged and adapted to the purposes for which it was built; it was erected in 1860, during the adminis- tration of Hon. W. W. Rice as Mayor. LuxATic HosriTAL. This building has been greatly enlarged since 1836, and is now probably the largest building in New England, if not in the United States, occupied for that purpose. IIoiiTicuLTUEAL Hall, on Front street, was erected in 1851. The build- ing is forty by one hundred feet, built with brick and the front finished with mastic. Worcester Theatre, adjoining the above, built in 1856, by ^Villiam Piper : it is forty-six by one hundred and twenty-five feet, built of brick. It is calculated to seat 1200 persons. This building is more ornamental to the city than profitable to its enterprising proprietor. College of the Holy Cross, is situated on the northern slope of Pack- achoag Hill, and is connected with a farm of ninety-six acres. It was mostly burnt in 1852, but has since been rebuilt. Ladies Collegiate Institute, was formerly the Medical College. It is situated on a commanding eminence, on Union Hill, and is an edifice of great taste. The best view of the city is had from this building of any in the city. The Alms House, connected with the poor farm, situated on Lincoln Street, near the Shrewsbury line, is a large brick edifice, sufficient to accommo- date more paupers probably than will be in Worcester for many years to come. It was built during the administration of Mayor Knowlton, in 1854. RAILROADS CEJIETEKIES. 433 Numerous Other Halls, some of which we will record. Brinley Hall, in Biinley Block on Main street. Waldo Hall, on Pearl street. Temperance Hall, on Foster street. Union Hall, at New Worcester. Lyceum Hall, at Tatnuck. The Churches have been mentioned elsewhere, except the Third Baptist, which was omitted in its place, under the head of " churches and ministers," by mistake. This church is at the corner of Main and Herman streets. It was built in 1855, and is a fine edifice of brick. The church was formed 1853, and the house was dedicated in January 1856. The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev. Dr. Wajland of Providence, R. I. Rev. H. L. VVayland, the son of Dr. Wayland, was ordained the Pastor of this church, at its commencement, and continued to labor with them until the summer of 1861, when he left them and joined the seventh Connecticut Regiment as Chaplain. Mr. Wayland was born in Providence, R. I., and graduated at Brown University. RAILROADS. The Boston and Worcester, the Norwich and Worcester, and the Western Railroads, mentioned by Mr. Lincoln, are all in successful operation. The Providence and Worcester Railroad was incorporated in March 1844. The Worcester and Nashua, was incorporated in March, 1845, and the Worcester and Fitchburg in April, 1 846 ; all of which are doing a large and profitable business. Persons starting from Worcester to any point may take the Rail, from this, city. A Horse Railroad was incorporated by the Legis- lature of the State in 1861, to run from Lincoln Square to Leicester line, through Main street to New Worcester, and thence through Leicester street to the line of the town of Leicester. This Road is not as yet built. CEMETERIES. Hope Cemetery, on Webster street (New Worcester,) is owned by the city. It contains more than fifty acres, and has fine natural advantages, and is au attractive place of resort for citizens and strangers. Lots vary in price from five to forty dollars, and a portion of the lots are free. The Rural Cemetery, on Grove street, is the property of a corporation: Constant improvements are going forward there, quite creditable to the good taste of those having charge. It is managed by a Board of Trustees, over which Hon. Levi Lincoln presides as President. Catholic Cemetery, situated on Sutton street, is a beautiful field of about twelve acres. Many of the lots are beautifully laid out and ornament- ed with trees and shrubbery. It is owned by the Catholic church. 37* 434 BEMAKKABLE EVENTS. REMARKABLE EVENTS. On the first day of January, 1859, our citizens were startled by one of the most singular and destructive explosions ever known in this community; the Engine House on Pleasant street, occupied by Eagle Hose Company No. three, and as a storage house for Engine No. four, became filled with gas from sontie leak in the pipes, and a little fire remaining of the fire the day before igni- ted it, and the building with its contents were blown to atoms in a moment. Most of the buildings in the vicitiity were more or less damaged. Glass broken, doors shaken from their places, and whole buildings damaged. Fortunately no lives were lost. Damages $2500 to Engine House and con- tents, the total damage about $6000. July 22d, 1859, — A terrific explosion took place at I. Washburn & Co.'s ■wire factory. The large steam boiler, thirty feet long and four feet in diameter and weighing about five tons, attached to their powerful engine, exploded with tremendous force, shattering the engine house into atoms ; injuring sev ral workmen, but killing none. So immense was the force of the explosion, that the ponderous boiler was carried about two hundred feet into the air, and more than a quarter of a mile distant, and driving itself into the earth to the depth of four feet. The explosion produced a dull heavy sound, and was not very extensively heard. Fkkderick Waeken, City Marshal of Worcester, was accidentally shot in his offire on the 10th of November, 1858, by Henry W. Hendricks, Esq , of Charleston, S. C. Mr. Warren was 49 years of age, and was son of Charles Warren, late of this city. In his vocation he had few equals, and in this sec- tion of New England no superior. He was the detective officer of Western Massachusetts, and a worthy and upright man. execution. Thomas Barrett of Lunenburg was executed in the Jail yard by John W. Lincoln, SheriTf, for the murder of Ruth Holton, Jan. 3d, 1845. LONGEVITY. Mr. Ebenezer Mov/cr died February 14th, 1861. He was the oldest native of Worcester, aged 100 years and four months ; he was born on the old fam- ily homestead in Tatnuck. Mr. Mower was a remarkable man to remember events ; he could recollect the raising of the old South Church, in 17G3, when he was but a little more than three years old. He recollected the marching of the minute-men under Captain Bigclow in 1775, and his death in 1790. As Mr. Mower's father was a royalist, he never engaged in the struggle of the revolution, although it was his desire to do so. In the election of President, the November before his death, and when he was past 100, he attended meeting and cast his vote for Abraham Lincoln. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The Author is under lasting ohligation to Hon. Levi Lincoln, for permis- sion to reprint Lincoln's History, which forms the first part of this Volum-. Also, to Hon. Isaac Davis, Hon. Peter C. Bacon, Hon. George F. Hoar, and Albert Curtis, Esq., for material aid. Had it not been for this permission and aid from these friends, the enterprise would have failed. Also, to the Clerk and Treasurer of the city, to the Clerks of the several churches, and to all others who in any way have aided me, even by an encouraging word, 1 would tender my sincere acknowledgments. INDEX. [As the principal subjecfs are indicated in the tables of contents at the beginning of each division of the work, the index relates chiefly to the names of persons mentioned in it. The rolls of minute men on page 98, lists of municipal officers on pages 2QG, 7, 8, 316, 17, list of old men on pages 389 — 393, and of soldiers on pages 42i, 425, are not in- cluded in the Index.] Abagail, Indian, 32, 306. Abbott, l!ev. J. S. C. 184, 185, 188, 256. Abercrombie, Rev. Mr., 48, 165. if\ct, banishment, 107. Adams, I'res. John, 151, 173,193, 215, 250. Itev. Zab'Jiel, 143, 168, 169, 172.--Wil- liam, 18. — Aaron, 47. — Rev. Nehemiah, 184.— James, 264.— Rev. J. G., 327.— John S.,371.— John, 382. AdvocMti' of Peace, 429. yEgis, National. l.;o, 205, 206, 277, 279, 427. Agricultural !~ociety. Worcester Co., 397. Aldrich, i;ev. Jonathan, 180, 189,319, 320.— P. Emory, 242.— Samuel N., 351.— Ebe- nezer, 368. Allen, Hon. Joseph, 109, 118, 230, 275.— Rev. Benjamin, 47, 221. — Rev. Isaac, 170. — Joseph, 199, 311, 108, 114. 167,253.— George, 163,189,228,273,275, 32:^,331. —Charles, 209, 272, 275, 299, 311. 343. — Joseph, 321. — Samuel, sen., 275. — Samuel, jr.. 274, 367. — Rev. Jose?3h, 275. Benjamin F. 357.— Albert S. 402.* Allopathic Physicians, 352. All Saints' Church, 327. Alston, Mrs., 199. Amherst, Gen. 63. Andrews. Samuel, 10, 35, 303. — William S. 209.— John A. 358. Anniversary, Centennial, 57. Anthony, \Vannashawakum,32. Antiquarian Society, 397. Appleton. Professor, 146. Armsby. J. M. C. 370. Army, last requisition for men, 113. — Or- ganization, 98. — Oxford, 133. Arnold's Expedition. 101. Artillery Regiment, 98, 105. — Company, 132, 136, 276. Associatinns, 274. Atheneum, 273. Atherton, Thomas, 36. — James, 41. — Israel, 216, 218, 270.— Joshua, 193. Athol, petition, 120. Atkiiisiin, Edward, 371. Atwood, Philip. 15, 18, 20, 33. Austin. Rev. Samuel, 149, 157, 162. 175, 177, 181, 183, bU,— Benjamin, 277.— Jona- than, 277. Avenue, Columbian, 34, 44, 187. Avery, Rev. Joseph, 162. Ayres Horace, 370. Babbit, Thomas, 270. Babcock, Aaron Gardner, 220. Bachellcr, Stephen, 270. Bacon, Peter C. 340.— John E. 371. Bailey, Silas, 258. Baird, Daniel, 122. Baker, Justice, 126.— Rev. Zeph. 338. Balcom, E. T., 426. Baldwin, Nathan, 66, 72, 79, 111, 151.— Christopher I'olumbus, 210, 271, 278.— Benson C, 252.— Rev. J. D. 338, 427. Ballantine, Lt. Col. John, 42, 47. Ballard, Charles, 398. Ball, James, 140. — Richard, 396. — Phinehas, 396. Bancroft, David, 71, 92.— Eev. Aaron, 134, 155, 166,171, 239,253, 271, 275,289, 319.— Geo. 229, 417, 418.— Moses. 140. Bangs, Judge Edward, 129, 133, 135, 167, 197, 278, 300, 311— Edward D., 137, 201, 207, 271, 272, 278, 311, 382. Banks, 273, 360. Banister, Samuel, 425.— Emory, 370, 378. Baptist Churches, 319, 325,205, 433. Barber, Joseph, 107; John, 139.— William, 247, 387.— James, 299. Barbour, Robert, 49. Barker, Levi, 423. -George W., 423. Barnard, Rev. Thomas, 168.— Lewis, 289, 367, 369, 371, 383.— Franklin, 359.— Eben L. 383. Barnes, Joseph, 426. Barrett, Thomas, 41. Barron, John, 47.— Benjamin, 47. Barristei s at Law, 159. Barton, Ira M., 212, 256, 272, 344, 376.— Wm. Sumner, 350. Bates, Joseph N. 357.— George A. 357.— Mo- ses, 427. Batley, John, 49. Baxter, Mr. 286. Bay ley, Silas, 75. Bay Slate House, 426. Bay State, Daily, 427. — Fire'Insurance Co., 371. 438 INDEX. Beach, Lucius, 372. Beard, Thomas, loO. Beavers, lit. Beinis. .loseph, 18. Becclier. Ucv. Lyin.an, 182.— Edward, 1C3. Beers. Lt. Richard, 11, 13. 14, lo. Ki. 3r,, ;503. Bulcliar, Andrew, 10, 11, ;J0:-5.— Gov. 58, 115. Bellows, Benjamin, 41. — Asahel, 307. Beniis, .John, 33. — Merrick, o5G, Bcnchley, A. L.3!)7. Bent, Hev. N. T. 327. Bcntley. Elder William, 175, 178.— Br. Wil- liam. (8alemJ, 197, 271.— George W. 373, 370, 417. Berry. Scotto, 3G8.— Zebina E., 396. Beto^lhom, ISimon, 32, 306. BicUford, Win. M. 308. Bigelow, .Joshua, 18.— Joshua, G4, G7, 68, 74, 75, 78, .s2, 89.— David, 47. 107. 109, 114. —Col. Timothy. 71, 72, 77, 92. 95, 96, 97, 101, 167, 232, 260, 399, 401. 403, 415, 418.-Hon.Timothy. 129. 223.271.— Dan- iel, 140, 197, 198, 223, 132, 277, 420, Abijali, 212.— Tyler, 227, 401, 410. Geo. Tyler, jr.401. -Andrew, 229.-rienry, '-'29. Dr. Jacob, 253. Silas, 300. Mary, 140. Bev. Andrew, 225. 235, ;;99, 401,407, 419.— Lewis. 272, 372.— L. 11. 398. Wal- ter, 387, 402, 416.— John P. 401, 409.— George C, 367, 386.— H. N., 369, 371. Edward 15.. 371.— Family, 227.— Monu- ment, 399, 411, 413. Binielick Brook, 34, 293. Binncy, Thomas, 47. — Rev. Amos, 322. Birnt^till, Joseph, 359. Bi.xby, Dea. John, 386. Blackburn, George, 371. Blacks, free, 260. Blackaller, Rev. Henry, 327. Blair, Abraham, 48. Blake, Francis, 199, 277, 278, 311, 360.- Jo- seph, 199. — Francis Arthur, 229. — Har- rison Gray Otis, 229.— Elias. 289.— James B.. 370. .^77, 378.— John H., 377. Blake and Darracott. 376. Blashfield, Harvey, 274, 368. Bliss, Harrison, 368, 3()9. Blood. Oliver Hunter. 219, 387. Boardmau, Rev. John, 181. Bogachoag, 22. Bond, William, 36. Boomer, (lev. Job B., 339. Boston, 9, 101, 1 17.— Executions in, 31. Pamphlet, 71. Boundaries, 2>0. Bounties. 102, 105, 107, 109. Bourne, Rev. Shearjashub, 143. Hon. Melatiah, 1 13. Boutclle, Samuel, 250. Bowen, Eben 11.368. — George, 309, 370. Boyce, Rev. John, .")2 J. Boyden, Daniel, 139.— Joseph, 370. Bradley, Osgood. 372.— Bradley &^Ilice,3 88. Brant, 166. Braitle, Capt., 97. Bruzer, Rev. John, 170, 223.— Samuel, 223, 300.— Samuel, Jr.. 205, 278, 311. Breck, Dr. Samuel, 149, 213. Brewer, Col. Josiab. 260. Hridge. Rev. J. D., .S22. Bri^den, Joseph, 259. Brigham, Samuel, 18.— David T., 212,274.— Robert Breck, 273, 360. — Dea. Moses, 332.— E. L. 370. Britt, 'Ihomas, 397. Brookfield, 21, 22.24. Brooks. -Major General. 12G. — Bev. W. H., 327.— Silas. 387.- Alphonso, .36S.-Capt. Nathaniel, 382.— Dea. Nathnniel, 383. Brook, Kettle, 293.— Tatnick, 293.— Beaver, 293.— Weasle, 293.— Pine Meadow, 293. —Bear, 29 !.— Mill, 31. 44. 293. Brown. Thomas, 15. 18, 33, 36. 45, 47. — Lieut. Luke, 63— Luke, 226.— Ichabod. 45. 47. — Capt. 95. — Dr. Samuel, 226. — Jacob, 2f;6.— J. & N. 264.— Rev. Jos. B., 339.— John, 282.— Amos, .'nO.- S. 397.— Alzi- rus, 372. — Albert, 387. Bryant, Ira, 301. Bugbee, Dr. 358. Buildings. Public, 283, 430. Bull. Isaac, 36. Bullock. Hon. Alexander H., 342, 369, 370, 372.378, 397, 416. 417. Burbank, Gardner, 272.— Elijah, 268, 301, 300.— John F., 387.— John G. 381.— A. L.,39G. Burnside, Samuel M., 201, 254, 256, 271, 311, 367, 384. Burgess, Thomas, 283, 310.— Alvan T. 372. Burnett, Luther, 301. Burr, Hon. Peter, 146 —Rev. Isaac, 144, 104. — Rev. Aaron, 146. Burrill, Rev. John T. 187, 321. Durrington, Rev. L. M., 327. Burritt, Elihu, 428, 429. Burt, Simeon, 367. Burton, Rev. Warren, 332. Bush, Abiel, 41. Bushee, James, 380, 39 L— Wm. A., 380. Bushncll, Rev. Geo., 330, 351. Butler, James, 47. — John Simpkins, 219. Cutman, lienjamin. 273, 275, o67, mS. ButterlieM. T. W., 428. Buxton, II. W. 358. Bynner, Edwin, 417. Cabot, George, 221. ("adets. Independent, 276. Caldwell, William, 49 — Willi.ara, SherifF,133, 201, 286.— .lo.seph B., 20i.— John W., 311,423.— T. W.. 427. Calicoes, Printing, 262. Caley, James, 41. Cambriilge, 9. Campbell, Rev. John, 117, 148, 149.— Wil- liam, 75, 91, luO. Canada, Philip visits, 27. Canal, Blackstone. 283. 310. Cannon, 101, 276. — Long iron, 44;. Capen, Rev. Lemuel, 275. Carriel, Nathaniel. 75. Carriiigton. Edward, 2S3. Carter. Elias, 289 — Horatio L., 276. — James G., 272.— Uufus, 370. Carpets, Weaving, 269. 439 Gary A., 37G. Cane, Hev. Albert, 326. Catholic Society. 186, 323.— College, 388, 394, Library and Debating Association, 397. Cemeteries, 433. Centra Church, 320— Central Bank. 367. Chahanakonkomon, Dudley, 17, 22, 23,305. Chadwick, Capt. David, lOG.- Daniel, 300. Chamberlain, Dca. John, lo3.— Juhu Curtis, 226.— Henry Vassall, 226.— Levi, 227.— Thomas, 3b6, 395. Chandler, John, 230. — Major Gardner, 63, 89, 90'.— Clark, 81, 100.— Col. John, .53, 6+. 55, 230, 288.— Hon. John, 57, 151, 231.— Capt. Thomas, 13 ;, 276.— Nathan- iel, 100, 193, 222.— Thomas. 225— Gard- ner L., 225, 193.— Rufus, 107. 193, 2M. —George, 219, Ho^i, 376, 397, 417.— Wil- liam, 100, 107, 222.— Samuel, 133, 233, 289.— Hon. John, 231, 285.— Charles, 223, 289.— Winthrop.383. Chapin, Thaddeus, 140.— Benjamin. 140, 219, 254.— Ebenezer. 299.— llev. D. E., 322. — Dea. Lewis, 324, 395.— Eli, 140 — Henry, 327, 340, 369, 370, 376, 397, 417. Chaplin, llev. Ebenezer, 157. Chapman, Rhodes B., 258, 273. — Eev. George T., 327. Chase. Elijah, 45.— Anthony, 273, 276, 367, 370. Childs, Jonathan, 61.— Charles S. 423.— Mo- ses N., 182. Children's Friend Society, 396. Church, Indian, 23. — Covenant, 147, 157, 167, 176, 181. Churches, 2s9, 318. — Deacons, 189. — Commu- nicants, 189. Church of Christ, 334. Christian Reflector, 427. Citizen, 428. Citadel, 34. Citizens Bank, 368. City Bank, 368. Claflin, William, 371. Clapp, Daniel, 75. Clark, John, 49, 164.— Rev. Josiah, 188.- Elam, 182.— Joseph, 140.— Mrs. B. R., 359.— Rev. James, 394.— John F., 287, 372.— Rev. George, 327. Clarke, Henry, 357. — Josiah H., 371. — Julius L., 42ii, 428. Clement, iMoses, 387. Clocks, Town, 297. Clifford, Warner, 426. Clothing, requisition, 106. Clocks, tower and church, 269, 289. Cobleigh, ilev. Nelson S., 322. Codman, Rev. Dr., 163. Coes, Rebecca S., 255. Colton, Samuel H., 370,371. Colver, Rev. Charles K., 325. Communication, 264. Conant, Edwin, 212, 272, 311. Concord, 9, 25. Congress, Provincial, 76, 91, 92. " County, 88, 105. Conklin, Henry W., 423. CoUegeofUoly Cross, 394. College. Female, 39 1. Connecticut River, 27.— Road, 14, 18, 27. Constitution, l09, 137. Convention. County, 108, 116. 117, 118. Converse, Rev. (Jtis, 179, 257, 258. — Joseph, 258. Cooke, Gov , 105. Coolidge, John, 136, 276. Corbeti. Otis, 254, 257, 258, 273, 367.— Caro- line M., 255. Corbin, James, 37. Corduroy, manufactured. 269. Ccrnell, Rev. Joseph, 177. Corn, Indian, 27,31. Correction, County House of, 286. Getting, Samuel. 278. Council, order of, 304. Counsellors, Mandamus, 86. I'ountry, Nipmuck, 22, 26, 304. County. 92, 117. County incorporated, 57. — House, 388. Court, Indian, 23, Court, order, 302, 303, 306. Couits, First, 57. Cowden, Thomas, 63. Cowell, John, 36. Covenant, solomn league, 92. 03. Crawford, John, 51, 60.— Robert, 49, 51, 213. —William. 63,213, 250. Crafts, Edward, 88, 99.— Thomas, 99. Crane, Benjamin, 18. Cromack, Rev. J. C, 329. Crosbee, Benjamin, 45. — Joseph, 47. Cross, v\illiam, 361, ;j76, 377, 378. Crowell, Rev. Loranus, 322. Crowley, Thomas, 397. Cummings, Rev. E. A. 339, 395. Cunningham, Edward, 397. Cutler, Rev. Ebenezer, 324.— Capt., 27. Currier, A. N., 370. 372. Curtis. John, 18, 63.— Samuel, 72, 112, 117, 140.— Ephraim, 12, 13, 14,15, 16,18, 24, 25, 45, 47, 139, 304.— Captain. 134. .George Ticknor, 213. Albert, 388.- Tyler P., 388. Gushing, .^idge, 73. Cushman, Joshua, 156. Cutting, Francis, 299. Dadman, Rev. John W., 322.— Applcton, 349. Dale, Hervey S., 258. Daily Newspapers, 427. Damon, Samuel, 368. Damond, John, 15. Dana. Richard, 15, 18, 33.— Joseph, 15.— Jacob, 18.— William, 88, 99.— John A. 347. Daniel, James, 36. Danson, George, 36, 47. Davis, Ebenezer, 117.— John, 57, 207, 254, 271, 272, 275, 283, 290, 311. 367. 384.— Isaac, 180, 209, 256. 257, 258, 273, 299, 320, 336, 341, 367, 368. 369.371,372, 376, 395, 401, 403. 411, 416, 420.— Andrew Jackson, 212. — Edward L., 350. John C. B., 344, 395.— Andrew Mc F., 348.— William S., 348. Dawes, Thomas, 197. 410 INDEX. Day, Luke, 128. l)ean, John. '3'S. Deliernicre, Ensign, 9.5. Deeds, Imlian. 17, 32,303, SOC. DeLainl, Ariiict ii., •ioC}. Denny. Thomas. 8!).— Austin. 203,278.311. — Daniel, aCf). — Nathaniel V. 272.— Henry A., 370.— Joseph A., 371.— Wil- liam S., 3i 1. Depreciation, scale of, 111. Devens, Charles, .Ir., 345, 421. Dewey. Francis II., 3 Hi, 3G0, 371, 373, 37G. DeWitt, Alexander, 3GS, Sij'j, 371, 376. De-xter, Hon. Samuel. 223. Dickinson, Kev. Baxter, 182.— William, 273, 3G7, 371. Dingley, Dr. Amasa, 252. Dinsmore, t^ilas, -127. District, School, 219, 250, 251. — Centre School, 252, Dividends, 307. Divisions, 280. Dix, Elijah, 214, 221. 253.— William, 225.— Henry Elijah, 228. Dixie, E. F., 3. Gore, Country, 139. Goulding, I'eter, 36, 47.— Daniel, 129, 134, 143. — Palmer, 46, 249, 253. — Ignatius, 2.'S9.— Henry, 368, 370, 388. Graduates of Colleges, 379, Graham, Duncan, 49. Granite Railway Co., 412. Graves. Samuel, 13ii. Gray, John, 47, 61.— William, 49.— Robert, 4.9.— Matthew. 49, 387.— John, 3M, 38G, Green, Thomas, 175. — .Jolin, 205, 175. — John, 217.— John, 219, 228, 321, 32, 373, 374, ^75, 395.— Elijah Dix, 225. — Timothy, 139, 199.— Uilliam E., 197, 201, 276, 379.— Dr. (of Ward,) 127.— William N., 211.278, 370, 379.— Rev. Jobn, 179.— Kev. Samuel, 183, 184.— James, 370. — John v., 379. — Andrew II., 379. — Lucy M., 379. — Mary R., 379. — Julia E., 379. —Samuel F., .j79.— Lydia P., 379.— Oli- ver B., 379. — Martin, 379. — John, 380. Samuel S , 3.'sO. — iames, 380, Greene, Nathaniel, 192. Greenleaf, Willia;ii, 1 22.— .Joseph, 242. Grievances, complaints, 116, 117. Griffin, Charles, 2i"8. Griswold, Kev. Francis A., 328. Grosvenur, Rev. Cyrus P., 427, Grout, Moses W., :i79. Grover. Lyman, 15. — Stephen, lo. — Thomas, 15, 20. — Lazarus, 15. Groves, Thomas, 33. Guiltord, Nathan, 252. Gymnastic Club, 398. Hadley, 28, 40. Hager, Rev. E. W., 328. Haggatt. Thomas, 45, 147. Hague, Rev. William, 180. Hair, Edward, 61. Hale. Joshua, 261).— Nathan, 310.— Rev. Ed- ward E., 330, 373, 376. Hall, Willis, 118.— Kev. David, 145.— Thom- as, 18, 20, o3, 36.— George Holmes, 221. — laluiage, 26G. — Franklin, 350. Hall, Town, 45, 290. — Antiiiuarian, 271, 290, 430, Hamaut, R., 376. Hambleton, .lames, 49. Hamilton, Micah, 130. — Sewall, 136, 276. Elizabeth B., 255. — Martha S., 2J5. — Charles A., 27:J, 276, 368, 369. — James P., 369.— Edward, 369. Hammond. Parley, 3o8, 369, 370. — Timothy W., 369, Hancock, John, 92, Harding, L. L., o76. ll.irkuess, E. A., 372, Harris, Rev. 'I baddeus M., 170. — Clarendon, 46, 370, 371.— William, 53, 324.— Kesi- nah, 261.-0. F., 398. Harvey, Zachariah, 2IG. Harrington, Captain Nathaniel, 135. — Rev. Timothy, 168, 172.— Jubal, 211, 279.— Lois W., 255.— Jacob, 299.— Oliver. 301, 370,387. Hart, James, 139. Hartshorn. Charles W., 344, 376, 277.— Geo. F., ii67. Hascall, Hev. Jefferson, 329. Haskell, Abraham, 270. Haskins, Daniel W., 380. Hassanaiiiisset, [Grafton] 22, 23, 26, 27, 46, 305, 306. Hastings, Simeon, 136. — William S., 272. Has well, Authouy, 277, llMtch, Cheney, 371. Haven, Samuel F., 397.— Samuel F. .^r., 3'5. 442 INDEX. Ilawes. Rev. Joel, 182, 131.— Rufus L., 3.">i5, 300, 370, 377. Hawley, .losepli. 11) -'.— C.ipt. Elisha, 00. Ilaynes, JoUn, 11, 'M. liOJ.— Josiah, 11, 202. D.iviil. -U. Ilazcltiiie, Simeon, 121. Ileadly, 15etijamin. 41. Heard. Nathau, 130, 287, 372. HeuicMi way, Jacob, Ol. — Edward II., 274, 370, 42">. Henchman, Daniel, 11, 13, U, 15, 16, 18. 19, a.i, 3.3, 30, 47, 'S\:S, 3UJ, 3O0. — Nathaniel, 35, 45. Hcnrv, Anthony, 211. Hensiiaw, Daniel. 211.— William, 75, 90, 211, 3oO. — Joseph, bO. Herald, Mass., 277.— American, 277. Herriok, llev. Osgood, 185. Herbert, Jean, 01. Hersey, William, 15.— Charles, 372, 402, 417. Hey wood, Danii-1, 44, 47. 57, GO. 112,270, 284, 21)0. — Josiah, 47.— Phinehas, 75.— Nathaniel, 105.— Levi, 202, 252. 311.— Benjamiu F.211I, 352, 300, 371.— Hon. Ben'ia;uia. 133. 237. 238. 275. 3oa.— John llealy.22U.— I'hinchas, 2 i7.— Ben- jamin, 352, 395. — Frederick, 252. — Dan- iel. 307. irainuel K., 398. Hicks, Hev. Joseph, 3 i4. Highland School. 394. Higginson. Rev. T. W., 337, 37G, 398. Hil^gins, Ucv. David. 329. 332. Hilliard, llev. Timothy, 108. Hill, Kev. AloDZ). 170, 2-.0, 289, 319, &97. 40.', 411, 417.— J. Henry, 350, 309. Hamilton A., 370. Hills, Pakachoag, 35, 40. 293.— Wigwam. 23, 32. 2:)3.— Sagatabscot, 38. 42. 41, 293.— Sione House. 87.— Millstone, 290, 293. — Indian. 293. Hitchborn, Col.. 121. Hitchcock. I'elati.ih, 311. Iloadley. Kev. Loammi Ives, 182, 183.254. Hoar, Dr. Leonard, l8, 47. George F., 346, 373, ;^,70, 402, 417,421. Ilobbs. Henry, 423.— George, 402, 410.- Geo. Webster, 351. Hodges. S. L.. 371.— George, jr., 371. Ilolbrouk, Abel, 10(5.- Sylvanus. 283 — Charles A.. 319.— Charles W., 380. Charles F.. 380. Ilolden. Samuel, 139. — John, 101. — James, 52, 55. Hclden, [Pown of], 13. 34, 139. HoMich. liev. Joseph, 321. Holland, John, 53. Holman. Col.. 105. IIolme.1. Jami's. 46. 47.— Jacob, 217.— Rev. Abiel. 271. Erastus N., 372. — llcury J , 370. Ilolyoke, Dr. Edward A., 215.— Rev. Edward, 110. Homan.s, John. 221. Houicopalhic I'hysicians. 358. Honc>tu9, celebrated inipers, IIG. Hooper, William R., 427. Hoorr.iwaunoiiitt, Sagamore, IG, 23, 303. Hopkins, Rev. Samuel, 157. Horticultur.al Society, 395.— Hall, 395, llortou, Kev. Jotham. 322. Hospital, Lunatic, 138, 287. — Chapel, 331. Hotels, 425. Houses, 44.— Court, 284, 300.— School, 2 ID, 250,289, 290. Houghton, John, 50. Hovey, J. A.. 308. H.-ward, Rev. Simeon, 168. Howe. Thomas. ^9. 40, 42, 44, 47.— Estes, 311. — .Toel, 125, 129.— Levi. 300. Howland, Southworth, 383. — S. A. 371. — Henry J., 429, 430. Hubbard. John, 57. — Jonathan, 46. — Jonas, 97. 98, 101, 231, 400.— John W., lOO, 182, 2;;8, 31 1.— Samuel, 300. —Levi, 232, 200.— U. R.. 428.— John, 382. Ilubon, I'eter E.. 355. Hudson. L. R., ;;72. Hull, Kev. Aretius B., 162, 25 1. Hunt, Ephraim, 30. — Dr. Ebenezer, 215. — ■ Warren, 370. Hutchinson, Gov., GG, 75. — Capt. Edward, 21, 301. — Elisha, 41.— Benj. E., 372. Hyde, Mr., 204. Imports, 209. Indian War, 20.— Tribes, 22.— Settlements, 23. — Hostilities, 21, 37, 39, 51. 54. 141. Indians, 22. 21, 29.- Xipmuck tribe, 22, 23, 27. — .Vairagan setts. 27. 304.— Massa- chusetts. 22. — I'awtucket, 22. — Mow- hawk.s. 22. — Pequots, 22. — Norwich, 37. — Destroyed. 31. Independence. 102. 107, 213, 311. Infantry. Light. 270. — 'Resolutions, 134. — March to Boston, 130. Insurance Company, Mutual. 273. — ^lanu- facturers, 274. — Springfit-ld, 274. — Com- panies, 370-1. — Agencies, 371. Insurrection. 1 15. Introduction. 315. Ives, Moses D., 283. Jail Chapel. 332. James. Kev. Horace, 318, 376, 398, 417. — • Messrs. 388. Jones, Bishop. 321. •laques, Abiel, 299,383. — George, 380. •larvis, William, 277. JetlVies, Dr. John. 226. Jenkins, Joel, 18, 33. — James W., 370. Jenks, Kev. Wm., 397. Jennings, Kev. John, 325. Jeuuison, William, 59.144. 284.— William, 275, 367. — Kev. Samuel, 144, — Samuel, 253, 271, 373, 274, 301, 309. Jewett, I vers, 140. Jillson, Clark, 395,402. John, Sagamore. 16, 23. 24, 28, 29, .30. 39. Johnson, Edward, 10, 11, 302.— John, 60, 13 t. 270.— Joshua, 84. Johnston. Kev. William. 164, 165. Jones, Nathaniel, 47, 57. — Noah, G3. — Phin- cas, 51. 129.— Rev. J. D. E., 320, 394. Col. E. F., 423. Kelley, Rev. Sam'l, 329.— Frank H., 357, 416. INDEX. 443 Kellogg, Joseph, 51. — Elijah, 156. Kell.m-h, liachael, 290. Kelso. Ilujih, 49.— John, 79. So. Kendall, Jonas, 27.-..— Joseph G., 382, 395.— I'eter, r)S9. — John G.. HI I. Kettell, John I". & Co., 301. Kimball. Charles 0., ISO. Keyes John. 38, 68.— E. N., 372. King, Kufiis, 197.— Peter, 47.— -Francis L., 3 Id. Kinnicutt, Thomas, 209, 273, 311, 367, 384. Francis H., 3G8, 371, 4l7. — Thomas, jr., ;]oU. Kirklaiid. Rev. John T., 170. _^ Knapp, Henry, 47. — James, 47, 51. Knijihc, Daniel, 228 - Jerusha, 255. — Jona- than, ;;0U.— Edward, 88. Knowlton, J. S. C.,279, 341, 3G9, 417. Knox, General Henry, 282. Lafayette, 303.— Visit of, 137. Lamb, iidward, 308,423. Lancaster, VViUiain. 2.i6. Lancaster, 21, 24, 27, 37. Landers, llev. S. P., 320. Lauds, Public, 290. Latham, Dr. James. 216. Lathrop, Kev. John, 168. Laurul St. M. K. Church, 328. Laverty, Robert, 397. Lawrence, Micah. 250.— Abel, 6t.— Mr., 148. — Abbott, 318, 402.— T, Bigelow, 401, 403. Lawyers, 340. Laze'u. Warren, 252, 255, 276, 370, 37G, 377. Lealiy. Edward, 397. Lfcli.tron, Rev. Francis, 332. Lebei-e, .Mon.'-ieur Jiihn,6l. Lee, Samuel. 15. — Henry, 45, 47. Leirgate. NVilliam, 372. Legis.ature, removal, 122. Leouaid, Jac b, 36, 47. — Moses, 46, 47, 55, 57. — Isaac, 47. Letters, Karmers, 193. Levans, Goodman, 37. Lewis, Mr., 19K— Rev. Joseph W., 329. Lexington alarm, 97. Lillie.^Dr. PIbenezer, 216. Lincoln House, 425. Lincoln, Benjamin, 92, 129, 130. — Levi, sen., 109,114, 131. 167,169, 193, 19J, 198, 253,227.— Levi, l37, 2i)(), 253. 271, 272, 275,278, 315,340. 366, 397, 401, t05, 411, 427, 423.— John W., 136, 276. 283. 187, 332. 376. 377, 383.— Daniel Waldo, 212, 227,311.— Enoch, 206,278,311.-- "Wiliiim S., 229, 276, 379, 397.— D. ■Waldo, 309. 379, 402, 423.— William, 210,256, 271,272, 273, 274, 278,279, 311, 315, 368, 332, 395. — Abraham, 137, 272.— George, 385.— Edward W., 370, 378. 380. Linnell, J. E.,358. Livermore, Moses, 75. Loan, 106. Longevity, 261. Lorthog, Itobert, 49. Lovell's war, 51. Lovell,Ebenezer, 85, 98, 106.— Joseph, 367. — E. B.,372. Luther, Jonathan, 370. Lyceum, 275. Lynde, Joseph, 36, 216. L}nn, inhabited, 9. Maanesit, 221. .Maccarty, Capt. Thaddeus, 150. — E-ev. Thad" deus, 97, 118, 150. 155, 166, 216.— Na- thaniel, 2(i5, 271.— Doct. Thaddeus. 216. .Magazines, 279. — Historieal Journal, 279. — Worcester Weekly. 279. .Mngennis, Tlios. L., 397. ,\ la Men. 9, 11. Manchaog. 22, 23, 305. .Mann. Kev. William, 328. .Manning William, 277. Manton, E. E., 371. Manufactures, 268. Manufactory, card, 269. Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Co., 870. .Map. first, 20. •Maquas, or .Mohawks, 22. Marble, Jonathan, 47.— Joel, 258. M ;'. re li , A n d r e w , 30 1 . .Marcy. Rev. kdiabod. 329. Mar, borough, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24,25, 27, 28, 42. Mars. Rev. J. A., 334. .Marsh, Samuel, 146, 148, 259i— IL A., 373. —A., 396. Marietta, Ohio, W6. Martin, ( rarael, 356. Mason, Hugh, 9.— .Mrs. Marv, 38.— Joseph, 3M), 417.— John C. 367, 369, 370,378. Mfissachusetts, Fort, 6i>. -NL^tlier, Rev. Richard. 154. Mato..nu8, 21. 24,29, 30. NL'\tthews. John II., 380. Mayhew, Rev. .lonathan, 148, Mattamuek, 29. MayheW, Aaron C, 371. iNLiyors of Worcester, 340, 342. McAvny. Hev. J. A., 323. McClentick, John, 49. McConville, Henry, : 97.— M.S., 416. McDonald, John, 397. McFarland, William, 182.— .Tames, 153, 247. Andrew, 47. 49,- Daniel, 63.— Asa, 226. Andrew D., 213. Mcfiregoire. Kev. Mr., 49. — James, 49. McHan, William, 49. McKjinhey, John, 49. — Alexander, 49. McL'dlan, James, 49, 52,55. Meadow. Pine, 12, 31, 36, 281. Mechanics' Bank, 3(;8.— Savings Bank, .^69. Association, ;-;96.— Hall, 396, 431.— Loan Fund Association, 396, Mec'irney. William, : 93. Meetincr, first Town, 50. Meeting Houses. 13, 46, 142, 169, 177, 183, I8''i, 187, 189,288, 289.— I'reshyterian, 16L— Seating, 154. See Churches. Mellen, Edward, 347. Mendon. 21, 29. Merchants and Farmers Mutual Insurance Co., 371. 444 INDEX. Merrick, Pliny. 208, 272. 278, 289, 311. 343, 3(J7, 3l)«.— Thornton A., 3G7.— Francis T.,3(;s. Merrill, l!ev. J. A., 187. Merrifiekl, AI|i1h'U3, 281), 387.— Francis T., a7l>— Wiiliiim T., 3G8. Mcrrififkl Fire, 3,^8. Mi'ssinjrer, David S., 370. Metciilf, Kev. David. 3;i7.— Caleb B., 394. Mi-ylinfc. Siinun, 1"), 18, 20, 33. Migiiault, I'. Baziie, ••■3> Mik'S. Charles M., 370, 397. Militiiry,42;i. Ministers not connected with churches, 33G. Milieu, William, 397. Miller. Isaac, 4r>, 47.— Rev. Rodney A., 103, iss, 318.— Moses, 227.— Ileury W., 372. Mills, 34, 3o, 44. Mills, Uev. Edmund, IGl, 182. Mines and Minerals, 293, MinutH Men. roll, ;J8. Minot. Stephen, 47. 139. Miiizies, .John, 153. Moen, I'. L. 370, 98. MiMidy, Master, 197. Moore. Deacon Nathaniel, 43. 46, 52, 55, 67, 142, lb9.— Nathaniel, 43. — Isaac, Si. — Maj. Uilliam, 230. Jlorril, Uavid L. 319. Morrison, Kev. Archibald, 327, 336. Morris, llev. R. K.. .13 1. Morse, Uev, .Jedediah, 181. Morton, Andrew, 199, 252. Mortality, 20O. Mount Big.dow. 231. Mosely,Capt., 27, 31. Moss, Rev. Lemuel, 320. Mower, Thomas (.Jardner, 228. — Nathaniel, 3()(). — Hpliraiui, 135. — Nahum, 277. Mowry, Rev. .J. W., 328, 329. Mudfre, Rev. L. A., 322. Murdock, Rev. Thorn is J., 182. Murray, John, 89, 93. Nannaswane, 32. 30!). Nashiiwav. 21. 28. 29. Nashobali, 29. 31. Natiek. 31, :-iO0. National .E<:is, 427. Nazro, .John, 25.S. Needhani, Rev. Geor{i;e. 333. Neheniiah, son of Maioonus, 29, NelsoM, Rev. .John, 101, Kl'j. 181.185, 188, 2J.H, 252, 323, 42,;.— T. L., 417. Neutrals, French, 01. Newbury, Trijil, 18 Newcomb, Joseph \V., 213.— Henry K., 273, 370. Newell, Rev. Chester. 338. Newiiall, Jonathan, (;.!, — Rev. F. II., 322. Newport, contribution. 107. Newspapers and Periodicals, 420. Newton. Rejoice. 20.', 273, 281), ;;ll,360, 370, 379, 4n2, 417.— Levi l-iticoln, 301, 3sl', 395.— Rcnjauiin F., 380.— Pi'of. Calvin, S.SO. Nich.ds. Thomas, 1.35, 210.— L. B.,358. Nipmucks, 22, 24, 27. Norton, John, 16. North ville, 281. Nosonnowit, 17, 304. Nowell, Increase. 9. 10. .Noyes, Ihomas, 9, 10. 11. 12, 202, 203. Nu;:ent,iMrs. Academy. 250. Numphow, Csagamore, 17, 304. Obituaries, 382. Ucconoinesset, Marlboro, 17. — Orthography, 17. Od.l Fellows, 398. OlHcers. I'ublic, 240. 247, O'Kiinn, Rii hard, 39i'. UM nu'n of Worcuster, 389. Oliver, Judge Peter, 74, 79. Onnomog, Sagamore, 17, 304. Orehiird, first, 40. — Apple trees, 31. O'Reiley, Rev. F. J., 32;J. Osgood, Jonathan. 270. Otis. Harrison Gray, 254, 423. — James, 243. Oulton, John, 44, 47. Oxford, 37. Paige. Insurgent. 124. Paine, Timothy, 04, 80, 111, 107,198,222. —Nathaniel, of Bristol, 41, 222.— Dr. William, 81. l07. 214, 222.271,300.— Samuel Clark. 03. — William, of Boston, 47.— Samuel, 100. 222.— Henry, 211, 382.— Nathaniel. 197. 198. 3iiO. 382.— Frederick W.. 174. 228, 254, 273. 2s9, 308. 370 —Rev. William P.. 185.— Judge Kobeit Treat, 285. — Rev. Elijah. Is5. — Gardiner, 307, 382. — Charles, 30. — Gideon, 387. — Nathaniel, 309, 373, 375, 370. Pakachoag, 10. 17. 21, 22, 23. 24. 20, 27, 28, 29, 40, 293, 303.— Orthography, 29. Palmer, Thomas, 44, 47. I'amaquesset. 13. i'anasunct. Sagamore, 32, 306. Panjiborn, Z E., 381. Paper manufacture. 45, 208. Park, Dr. Joiin, 257, 270. 395.— Calvin, 252. Kev. Edward A,, 318. Parks. John, 28i. Parker, Insurgent, 124. Parker, Jonas, 182.— Rev. Nathan. 252.— Henry, 3.'.0.— Dexter F., 398, 427. Parishes, HI, 106, 175. 181. 188. Parnn-ter, George, 38. 40, 47. Patch, Nathan, 253, 300. Patte«on, Rev. A. C, 327. Pattison, llev. U. E., 320, 330.— Everett W., 381. Paul, John, 18, 33.— Silas, 252. Pawlueket, Tribe, 22. Payson, 'J'honias, 252, 253, 256. Peables, John, 49.— Robert, 49.— Patrick, 49. Peabody, Rev. David, 185, lb9, 3_0, 321.— Kev. Mr., 147. Pease, Levi, 2(15, 206. Peck, Albion C, 25:j, 255.— Abraham, 00.— William D., 271.— George F., 423. Peoples Mutual Fiorc Insurance Co., 370. I equots, 22. Periodicals, 429. 445 Perrin, Hannah C, 2"'»5. Perry, Uavi.l, ISJ, 229.— John, 41.— Baxter, 22D.— Clark, 229. — Ebenezer, 41. — Jo- siah G., 27(5.— Uea. Moses, 382, Peter, Indi.in, 29. Phillips, Edward, 2j7, 2r)8.— Mr., 146.— Ivers, Phipps, Robert, 237. Pli.vsicians, ;Jo2. Pickering, Itev. George, 187. Pierce, .Jusiah, 77, 78, 82. 81, 261. Places, Burial, 46, 290, 438. Plain, Haccoon, 35. Pleasant street Baptist Church, 325. Pulls, ratable, 262. I'oiids and streams, 291. Pond, Enoch, 156. Poor. 26 5. I'ope, Kev. Jo«epli, 223. Popul ition, 47, 259. — Increase of, 316. Poiter, Kev. .lames, 322. — Samuel A., 372. Pusey, llev. .\lexanilar, 331:. Post-office, 175, 265, 269, 378. Potatoes introduced, 49. Potash works, 268. Pottaiiuam, t^imon, 29. Powers, Edwai'd Eveleth, 577. I'ower, Jlev. .)uhn .J , 333. Pratt, Thomas, 15. — Silas, GO. —William, 213. — Nvmphas, 368. — Abigail, 255. — Joseph, 370, 372. — S. G., 372. — Harrison AV., 423. Prentice, Capt. Thomas, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. is. 30, 33, 3ii, 47, 303. 304.— Kev. John, 7, 148.— John [Marblehead ] 90. — Samuel, 217, 270. — ilenry C, 356. Prentiss, Jharks G., 211, :i72, 347. — Addi- son, 380. Prescott, William, 224. Prices of articles, 101, 108. Prisoners, Britisli, 101, 135. Prince, James, 277. Private .Schools, 391. Provender, .John, 15, 18, 20. Psalms, Version, 154. Pui.lic Buildings, 430. Public Schools,'':i94. Putter, llev. Reuben, 162. l*unkapaug, 27. Putnam, tJol. ,lames, 62, 64, 81, 89, 93 100, 107, 192.— .James, 100, 223.— Amos, 175. — Rev. F. C. 3J7.— Gen. Rufus, 224.— Charles L.,370, 371.— Samuel H., 398. Quabaog, 20,21, 22, 24. Quantesset, 22, 305. Quasawake, 32. Quebec, Expedition, 101. Quiun, John, 397. Quinsigamond, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 23, 27, 31, 32, 13S, 292, 302, 303.— Orthography, 10.— Bank, 367. Pvae, Rev. Luzerne, 331. llailroad, Boston and Worcester, 233, 311. — JNorwich and Worcestei', 289. — West- ern, 2rj3. Railroads, 433. 39 Pxandall, Abraham G., 351, liau, liev. J. L., 335. Raymond, Rev. Miner, 322. — Tilley, 372. Read, James, 371. Reed, William 15. — Christopher, 35. — Alex- ander, 228. — John, 252. — Rev. Julius, F., 331. Registry of Deeds, 398. Regulators, 121. Remarkable Events, 434. Representatives, 298, 317. Reverend T Maihew Tempei-ance Society, 397. ^ Revolution, American, 65. Reynolds, Rev. VVerden P., 339.— Werden, 381, 39 t. Rhetorical Society, 395. Rice, Jonas, 42, 43, 4(i, 47, 50, 57, 248, 250. — Josiah, 47. — Epnraim, 47. — Gersliom, 46,47,50, iJ6, 59. — Ephraim, Jun., 47. — James, 46, 47. — Adonijah, h3, 59, 60. — Joshua, -15,47. — .Moses, 45,51,55. — Peter, 50.— Tyrus, 60.— Aaron, 61 --Tim- othy, 102.— .Jonathan, 81, 88, 114, 130. — Elisha, 47.— Matthias, 139. — Zebe- diah, 51. — Samuel, SJ. 217. — George T., 289, 3'6ii, 368, 371, 372. 376, 377, 378.— George .M., 301. 369, 371.— Henry C, 318. — J. Marcus, ooi. — Lieutenant Col., 133, — Sevvall, 43. — F. Hortun, 356. — Families, 43.— William W., 342, 397, 417. Edward A.. 398. Rich, I'eler, 387. Richards, Joseph, 15. — John, 15. — David, 1 S2. Richardson, Thomas, 139. — Mr., 114— George VV., 212, 211, 368, 3ii9, 370, a7l, 417.— John H., 213, 368.— Rev. .Merrill, SU. Ripley, Rev. George, 170.— Henry J., 179.— John C, 368. — Joseph B., 42 i. River, Fort, 34. — \ipnapp, 10, 292 — Black- stone, 2.)2.-— French, 1^93.- iS'ipmuck, 292. —Hallway, 293. Road, Connecticut, 18, 27. 45. — Leicester, 18, 44. — Lancaster, 18, 44. — Boston, 44. — Nipmuck, 18. — Country, 18, 45. I\oads, 281. Roberts, Abner, 60. Hobiuson, Thomas, 75. Robinson & Gardner, .Misses, 391, Rocks, Rattlesnake, 47. Rockwood. Frost, 3s2.— Rev. J. M., 395. Rogers, Mr., of Littleton, 147.— Richard, 249. — Henry, 278. — Dr. Seth, '6oo. — J. S., 376. Ropes, Judge, 73. lloper, Ephraim, 51, 53, 291. Rosbury, George, 36. Ross, Elder Albion, 333.— Rev. P., 334. Rowland, William F., 156. Ruggles, Hon. limothy, 5S, 61, 69, 89, 93, 199.— Charles M.,'348. Russell, Jonathan, 272.— George W., 370,398, — Benjamin, 419. — Samuel P., 423. Rust, Rev. Richard S., 328, Sachem, Sara, 29. Sagatabbcot, 38, 293. 44G Ralem planted, 0. Salem Street Church, 330. Salishurv, 8tcpli.;n, sen., 71,79, 92, 300.— t^tephen, --."J. -'33, 'i-JC. 2.08, 272, 33G, 3011, 3('.i), 37 1 , 379, 39"), 3;)(;, 397, 4u2, 417. Salisbury Mansion School, 394, Salter, Enos, 31J. Sainuel, Indian teacher, 17. Sampsun, Hev. -Abisha, ISO. tiant'ord, ilev. Wni. 11., 338. Sargent, Joseph, 'o-j'd, 371, 37G, 378, 39j. — Henry, 353. Sasonot, 32, 30(3. iSauntlers, I'Jsck, 371. Savings Institutions, 374, 3G9, 370. Sawyer, .loseph, 41. — Elias, 41. — John, 41. School, .Manual Labor High, 2.37, 290. Schools, 21^. — Centre, 252. — Sunday, 257. Schofield, Edwin, 358. Scots Colony, 4S. Scudder, Kev. M. L. 322. Second I'arish, 319. Selectmen, 29t), 31(5. Seminary, 253. — Mount St. James, 18G, 258. Serjent, Digory, 3), 38. — .Martha, 38, 39, 47. — John, 39. — Thomas, 39. — Daniel, 39. — M.iry, 39. Settlement, first, 17.— Second, 32.— Third, 42. Sever, VVilliam, 198. Sewall, Samuel, 41. Shaltuck, insurgent, 124. — Daniel, 40, 51. Shaw, John, 18. — John B., 371. — Lemuel, 3i36. Shays, Daniel, 121, 117, 129, 130, 131, 307. Sherman, John, 75. Shepard, Alexander, 117. — Dr. Levi, 215. — Gen., 129. Shipman, Elder J., 333. Shippen, Rev. Uush R., 330. Sikes, Reuben, 2()5, 2GG, 425. — Clara and Sarah, 425. Sill, Capt. Joseph, 2G, 27, 305. Situation of the Town, 2.^0. Skinner, Thomas, 15, 33. — Rev. Thomas II., 185. Sleeper, Rev. Wm. T., 332. Snialley, Rev. Elam, 324. Smith, John, 47. — lolni, 72, 93.— Thomas, 41. —Chandler, 220.-John M., 220.-Henry, • — 2:^0.- Capt. [Barre,] 119, 120.— Stephen H., 283. — Jonathan, 252. — Rev. Mr., 189. — Rev. Levin, 334. — Rev. Geo. P., 318.— William A., .'.17.- Joseph, 395. — Washington, l62. — Samuel, 375, 41G. Snell, Rev. Thomas, 162, 1G3, 318. — George, 412. Snow, Henry, 292. Society, American Political. 72. — .Agricultu- r.il, 271. — .Vntiquarian, 215, 270. Societies, Religious, 141, IGC), 1G7, 175, 181, IsG, ls7.— .Medical, 270.— Historical, 272. — Au.xiliary Bible, 275. Soldier.s, number, French war, 61. — Revolu- tionary, 113. Sons of Temperance, 398. Souther, Rev. Samuel, 332. Southgate, R. 11., 398. Spalter, Rev. A. D., 339. Sparks, Javed, 397. Spcen, James, 23, 32, 30G. Spiritualists, 33G. Spotl'ord, Hannah, 25G. Sprague, Rev. Wm. B., 182. — lion. John, 198. 199.— Peleg, 311.— A. 13. R., 423. Spring, Rev. Samuel, 157. Springfield, 14. Spurr, Samuel D., 258, 368, 372, 395. Spy, Mass., 43, 84,90 99, I03, 108, 111, 132, 197, 202, 209, 223, 233, 210, 242, 264, 277, 279, 3U0, 427. Square, Adams, 44, 2S1.— Lincoln, 44, 232. Stage, tir^t effurt to establish, 264. Stages, Lines, 268. St. Anne's Church, 333. Stanton, John, 130. Starkey, John, 15. Stearns, Daniel, Gl. — John, 47, 60. — Dr. Samuel, 126.- William. 108, 114, 197, 223,277.— Bezxleel, 299. Stebbins, Francis, 311. Stevens, Benjamin, 146, 148. — Charles E., 427.— Henry H., 371.— Charles G., 371. St. John's Church, 323. Christian Doctrine Association, 297. Stockwell, Amos W., 258. Stoddard, Elijah B., 345, 350, 271, 402. Stone, Jonathan, G6, 67. 82, 84, 88, 92, 95, lOG, 153.— Henry D., 351.— Rev. Micah, 147, 162, 1G3 — Rev. James R., 338, 394. Timothy S., 370. Storrs, Royal 0., 371. Story, Hev. Daniel, 156. — Joseph, 271. — Isaac, 311. Stow, Rev. Baron, ISO. Stowell, Ebenezer, 269.— Peter, 2G9, 299 — Abel, 269, 2ii9.— Cornelius. 111,299.— AVilliam, 301. — Benjamin, 63. — Nathan- iel, 395. — Leonard W.. 301, 367. — David, 367. Streets, 281. Strong, Solomon, 272.— Caleb, 423. Studley, Zenas, 301. Sturtevant, Isaac, 276. — Samuel, 387. — Leon- ard W., 372. Suffolk Bank raid, 363. Summers, Charles E., 380. Sumner, Rev. Joseph, 157, 162. Sullivan, James, 131, 277. Sutton, Dr. William, 216.— John, 387. Swaim, Rev. Samuel B., 320. Swan, William, 153.— Samuel, 252, 380.— George, 349. Sweetser, Rev. Seth, 321. 397. Swillaway. Henry, 15. Switcher, Wigglesworth, 57. Swqueakeag, [Northtield,] 13. Sylria, African, 261. Tainter, Daniel, 376. Talisman, Worcester, 279. Tataesset, 16, 23, 39, 293. Tatnuck,23, 293. Tavern, First, 45.— Sun, 12G.— U. S. Arms, 120, 122, 12.'), 132.— King's Arms, 86, 103. — Jones', 95. — Hancock Arms, 125, 126.— Brown and Butman, 125, 284,300. — Exchange Coffee House, 120. INDEX. 447 Taxation, 262. Ta>lor, Othniel, 71.— Samuel, 182.— Rev. Mathaniel \V., 1G2.— William, 18, ^3, 40. — Hon. William, 42, 47. — James, 4(}, 47.— Kkler 1). T., 333. Tea, 70, 112. Temperance Societies, 397, 398. Tenney, Kev. (Jaleb.J., 161. Tewksbury, Thomas, 15. Thaxter, Levi, 200, 273, 276, 360, 423. Thatcher. Joseph, 17. Thayer, Rev. Dr. Nathaniel, 170, 175. — Adin, 3i9._Lewis, 372.— Sewell, 372.— Eli, 381 . — Benjamin, 386. Thomas Isaiah, 84, 97, 102, 114, 133, 138, 167, 174, 233, 240, 246, 264, 268, 270.271, 277, 279, 381,299, 360,418. —Moses, 240, 246.— Isaiah, jr., 229, 271, 277.— Benjamin F., 212,229. 311, 343, 397, 409.— David, 236.— Samuel B., 425. Thomas, (Indian,) 26. Thomsonian, 359. Thornington, James, 49. Thornton, Thomas, 15, — Theophilus, 15. — Matthew, 49. Thurber, Charles, 252, 255, 336, 369, 377. Tillotson, Kev. 0. H., 327. Toasts, 4th of July, 103. Tolman, Albert, 376, 398, 417. Tomlin, Matthew, SG. — Isaac, 36. Tom, C'apt., 30. Totnlinson, Mev. Daniel, 162. 'loney, Joseph, 182, — William, 16. Totman, Jabtz, 1:':9. Toulmin, Kev. John, 338. Tower, noratio N., 370, 417. Towne, William M., 211.~SaIem, 136, 286.— Dean, 354. TowDsend, I'enn, 36. Trade, 269. Train, Kev. Charles, ISO. Transcript, Worcester Daily, 426. Travelling, 267. Treadaway, Nathaniel, 10, 302. — Jonathan, 15, 18. Treadwell, William, 99, 129 130, 276. Treasurers, Town, 298. Trges, Apple, 31. Tree, Kicliard, 33. Trowbridge, (Judge,) 73, 75, 190, 192. Trowbridgeville, 281. True, Kev. Charles K., 322. Trumbull, Dr. Joseph, 224. — George A., 273, 277, 367, 368. Tucker, Rev. James J., 326.— Thomas, 426. Tufts, George A., 272. ^ Turell, Daniel, 36.— JNIr. of Medford, 147. Turnpikes, 281. Twiss, Stephen P., 349. Twombly, Kev. J. H., 322, 39S. Tyler, John, 75.— Rev. Albert, 338. Tyng, Jonathan, 47, 54. Unadilla, Colony, 165. Union Church. 323. Unity, Church of, 329. Universalist Church, 326. Upham, Phinelias, 15, 18, 20. 25.— John, 33. Joshua, 69. — Freeman, 372. Uppanippaquem, 29. Vail, Rev. Thomas H., 187,^27. Valentine, Gill, 416. Valuation, 261. Various Associations, 395. Varney, James, 250. Verry, George F., 345. Village, Quinsigamond, 281. Villages, Niprauck, 21. — Manufacturing, 381. Visitor, Family, 279. Vose, Richard H., 210.— Edward J., 211.— Roger, 2 )2. Votes for Governor, 307. Waban. Thomas, 28, 32, 306, Wabquisset, 22. Wachuset, 28,39. Waentug, 22. Waight, Joseph, 18, 20. Wait, Alvii), '(iSS. Waldo, Cornelius, 44. 47. — Daniel, 178, 182, 183,224, 271,272, 273, 274, 360,369, 382, 395, 426.— Daniel, sen., 126, 265, 273, 360. Waldo House, 426. Walker, Nathan. 77.— Adam, 100, 107.— John, 60.— William, 216.— George, 216. — Nathaniel. 48. — ilev. John, ISO. — Cato, 263.— J. Henry, 376. Walcott, Samuel B , .•;09. Wall, James H., 370, 425. Walley, Mr., 148. Wailis, James, 139. Wamessit, 17, 31. Wannashawakum, 32, 306. VVannashannohannawit, 32. War, Queen Anne's, 37. — French, 51. — Pris- oners, 136.— Of 1861, 424. Ward, (Town,) 13, 22, 140. Ward, Gen. Artemas, 76, 118, 110, 121, 126. — Artemas 2d, 276. — Samuel, 63. — Obe- diah, 45, 47. — Richard, 45, 47. — Heze- kiah, 60.— Daniel, 45.— Elisha, 40.— ■William, 41, 58.— Nahum, 58 —Uriah, 51, 53. — Artemas, 367, 383, 398. — Jona- than, 98, 99.— Mary S., 255.— Samuel, 276, 289, 372.— GeorgcH,,402, 417. Warner, Gen., 123, 127, 129. Warren, Rev. H. W., 329.— Jonathan, 370.— Charles, 387.— Frederick, 372, 434. Washington Square Hotel, 426. Washington, visit, 132, 134. — Funeral hon- ors, 134. Washburn, Capt. Seth, 98, 128.— Dr. Seth, 220.— Ichabod, 258, 324, 335, 336, 370, 372.— Emory, 188, 207, 211, 272, 343, 367, 368, 371,395.— Ebenezer D., 252.— Edward R., 37 1 —John D., 349, 371, 397. Charles D., 368.— Nathan, 370. Washburn Hall, 396. Waters, Rev. George, ISO. Watertown, 35, 36. — Occupied, 9. Watkins, Elbridge G., 372. Wattasacompanum, 22, 23, 26, 30. Way, Lancaster, 44. ■MS Wayl.in.l. Rev. II. L., S20, 293, 433.— Rev. Dr.. r.V-]. Wobb. B.njamin, 18, 33, G3. AVi-cks, Wi'lliain, .iG. Wfixkr, .liicob 1'., 33o. Wells. .Mrs. .V. M.. 260. Went worth &; Co., 412. "Wcshakim. 22, 2S. Wesson. Sil.is, 101. Metlierl)V,.I-y, Kev. Mr.. 101. ■\Vi;:g;es\vorth, L)r.. 110. Wiuh-. Rev. John, 185. ^Vilder. John, 15. — Joseph, 57. — .losiah, 58. Joel. 372.— Ale.xauder II., 398. AViMes. Edward. 15. Wiles. Itiehard. 4l. ■Will. Mul..tto, 35. Wilhvrd, iN.ihum, 03, 214.— Abel, 89.— Abi- j h.ii3. AVillard,8a;nuol, 5S, 22!, 222.— Rev. Fred'ek A., 179, ISO, 251), 258. — Josiah, 58. — Jo- seph, 190. — .Maj. Simon, 25. — Calvin, 3ii8.— Fitzrov, 417. Williams. Kev. Mr., 147, 148. 157.— Nathan- iel. J5j.— John, 121.— William A., 348. — Hartley, 350. Williamson, Rev. A., .323. Wilson, James, 175, 378, 382. Wiiu', John, 35,30, 44. Win'throp. Adam, 20, 42, 47, 57, 139.— Hon. T'homas L.. 271. Winslow. Gen John, Go. Wisner. Kev. Benjamin B., 183. Wiiherby, J. G., 420. VV'oodard, Jonas, 139. Woodbri liie, Kev. Jonathan E.. 323, Woodstock, 22, 37, 57, 230. Woodbiidge, Jonathan E., 189. Wooilwird, Samuel I!., 219, 220,383.395.— Rutus, ijji, 373. — Henry, 309; 373, 370. Wooihvorth. .Tames S., 372. Woonashoehu. Sagamore, 10, 23, 303. V/.Tkman, William, 22 1, 352. Woo i, Kev. Renjamin, 101, 182. Woods. Joseph, O'i, l05. Worcester, Leonard, 252. Worcester Almanac and Directory, 430. Worcester Light Infantry, 423. Worcester Bank, 300. Worcester County Institution for Savings, 309. Worcester Five Cents Savings Bank, .370. Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 370. Worcester Lyceum and Library Association, 373. Worcester Academy, 394. Worcester Mozart Society, 397. Worcester, 34, 35, 50, 04, 1;;9.— County, 67, UO.— Norih, 31. 139.— New, 45,281.— South, 281. Wright, Samuel, 51, 53, 55, 50. — John, 250. Wyman, Ross, 92. — James, 250. Yeoman, Massachusetts, 209. 278. Young .Men's Christian Association. 373. Young, Henry, 25. — William, 49, 71, 72, 77, 102, 217.— John, 50, 250, 2i)l.— Uavid, 50. — Rev. Alexander, 170. — Dr. David, 130. Zion Methodist Church, 334. Zimmerman, Kev. S. F., 335. ^'^n,^* ''^^t.rf'(\f\m. ^ - t, 2a^.I^^ ^^^^^^A ' i nAyHf ^f'^ ^ M^%^ ^ ^ ' r . V' ,^ ',^^1 A*'^) S;: \» ■fyAmiy. ,:;;;.' '^. ^E'^P' aSa'a'-'.^'' ;«5r;flf ■>r "-T^^^,A^A;,A.- . r,' . ^^-^a;.'... ■..f^.i, 5^s >f^^ '^'^^%r^'J\j^^^M^ ^Hpi :\rAf ■hN:^-- .ti^^ r 'a/ -': " ■ vK ' - - rr ^