1 / 1 3 « JO 'i*^ IE i5? »-3 Q. V *^ ^ O ^ ^ ^ ^ (D C ^ p bfl **^ r^ < ^ § 3 |Zi E 1 . b W M «j •^ .5 -s ' ^ P5 (/) :s ^ 1 ■*^ P^ wl ^ ^ ^ ^*:i s Ck JQ ^ -o ^ 0) "c vL CD J^ CO ^ CL 1 MEMOIR, &c. F/:(irfji.'td lu ,I.Sar/am 'M,\>fo (i^JJUi'JiULijitjK.'^ w\y-:^)"'^)'^n^'i:, jiu. jw„ MEMOIR REV. CHARLES NISBET, D.D. LATE PRESIDENT OF DICKINSON COLLEGE, CARLISLE. ,^: BY SAMUEL 'MILLER, D.D. PROFESSOR IN THE THEOLOGICAL SEMIXARY, PRINCETON, NEW JERSET. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY ROBERT CARTER, 58 Canal Street. ISIO. Enteked, according to the act of Congress, in the year 1840, by Samuel Miller, D.D., in the ofiice of the Clerk of the District Court for the District of New Jersey. PRINTED Br JOim nORATlT, PRINCETON, N. J. TO THE SURVIVING RELATIVES OF THE VENERABLE MAN WHOSE HISTORY AND CHARACTER ARE HERE ATTEMPTED ; AND TO ALL THE ADMIRERS OF HIS PIETY, GENIUS, WIT, AND PROFOUND ERUDITION, IN BOTH HEMISPHERES, THIS VOLUME IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THE AUTHOR. Princeton, August 20, 1840, * PaiHCETOIT theologiojl CONTENTS CHAPTER I. His birth. — Early education. — Course in the University of Edinburgh. — Entrance on the study of Theology. — License to preach the Gospel. — Stated supply in the Gorbals of Glasgow. — Call to Montrose. — Ordination. — Marriage. — Epithala- mium Montr osi anum . — Thought of as President of Princeton College. — His ac- knowledged learning. — His extensive lite- rary and social connections 13 CHAPTER n. State of the Church of Scotland when Mr, Nisbet entered her ministry. — He attaches himself immediately and inviolably to the Orthodox party. — Specimens of his speeches in the General Assembly of the Church. — His correspondence with the Countess of Huntingdon. — His Review of the System of Methodism.— Character of that Review. 29 Vm CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. His ministry in Scotland continued^ — His uniform finendliness to Civil and Religious Liberty. — He is friendly to the cause of the Jlmerican Colonies during the Revolu- tionary contest. — Specimen of his preach- ing on a Fast day during the *Bmcrican war. — His opposition to the Patronage Jict . — His correspondence with the Coun- tess of Lev en ^ and with the Earl of Buchan, 74 CHAPTER IV. Establishment of Dickinson College. — Dr, Nisbet chosen the first President. — Co?'- respondence with the Countess of Lev en in relation to this appointment . — t/Jlso ivith Dr. Rush and the Trustees. — ^nd with the Earl of Buchan. — He finally accepts the appointment, and sails for the United States. — Jirrival at Philadelphia. . . 100 CHAPTER V. Dr, Nisbet spends a few days in Philadelphia. — Pays a short visit to Dr. Witherspoon at Princeton. — Sets out for Carlisle^ — CONTENTS. IX Pleasant arrival there, — Inauguration in his office. — Writes to the Earl of Bu- chan, an account of his voyage, and sit ua^ Hon. — Becomes tediously a7id dangerous- ly sick. — Is discouraged. — Resigns his of- fice and determines to return to Scotland. — But soon recovers. — h re-elected to the Presidentship, and again accepts it. — «^c- count of the Lectures and Labours tvhich he undertook in^the discharge of the duties of his office. — Embarrassments and diffi- culties of the College. — Correspondence with the Earl of Buchan — with the Rev. James Paton — ivith the Countess of Lev en and with Dr. Beat tie. — Marriage of his eldest Daughter 137 CHx\PTER VI. The autho7'''s first interview with Dr. Nisbet. — His impressions from that interview. — Remarks on the difference between know- ledge acquired by Books, and by oral com- munication. — Dr. Nisbefs correspondence with the Countess of Lev en. — His visit to Governor Dickinson. — Corresjjondence with Dr. Witherspoon and Dr. Erskine. — Marriage of his younger Daughter. — Sentiments and conduct respecting the CONTENTS. French Revolution, — Correspondence with the author of this Memoir, and with Dr. Paton of Scotland. — His remarks on the Eighteenth Century, ... * . . .210 CHAPTER VII. Dr. NisheVs discouragements in his official . station. — His last illness and death. — Extracts from the Sermon preached on oc- casion of his funeral. — Rosses Latin Ode to his rnemor I/.— Inscription on his Tomb.— Description of his Person. — His Library, and the disposition inade of it. — His chil- dren and grand children. — The course of Dickinson College after his decease. . . 282 CHAPTER VIII. His general character. — Letter of the Rev. President Green. — Letter of the Rev. Pre- sident Brown. — Letter of the Rev. Dr. Martin. — Character of his intellectual powers. — His erudition. — His extraordi- nary knowledge of Languages.— His cha- racter as a Divine— as a Preacher — as an Author — as President of a College — as a Wit. — Closing remarks 305 ERRATA. P. 242, 1. 26, for r easonahle read seasonable. P. 257, 1. 2^, for Dr^ read Mr. P. 267, 1. 3, dele Rev. Mr, Miller, N. Y. MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET, &c. CHAPTER I. His Early Life. The subject of the following Memoir was one of those great and good men, who have been called from spheres of usefulness and honour in Europe, to enrich the literature, and adorn the Church on this side of the Atlantic. And although, in his case, our country has been culpably tardy in paying her debt of respect and gratitude; yet that debt has been deep- ly felt, and often acknowledged; and if the formality of making a permanent record of it has been unduly postponed, the result has shown that the lapse of time, instead of consigning an elevated character, and im- portant services to forgetfulness, has rather served to deepen the impression of them, and to give a testimo- nial of their value rather strengthened than weakened by being delayed. By this delay, however, a serious disadvantage has been incurred. Almost all the contemporaries of the deceased have passed from the stage; and, of course, a large part of that information concerning his early life which might have been easily obtained from his 2 14 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. native country, thirty years ago, is now irrecoverabljr lost. But even w^ith regard to this loss, there are counterbalancing considerations. Time has been left for the first fervour of feeling on the departure of an eminent man to subside. His character is now viewed with the calmness and impartiality of a long and leisurely retrospect. The statement and portrait about to be presented are not drawn under the pain- ful and exciting impression of a recent bereavements There has been time to consult the award of faith- ful public suffrage. Perhaps the most candid and impartial, if not the most feeling and racy biographi- cal sketches, are those which have been formed many years after their subjects have passed from the stage of action. The erection of this humble memorial is reserved for one who knew the subject of it well, who venerates his memory; and who considers it as an honour to contribute any thing towards embalming the memory of so distinguished and worthy a man. Charles Nisbet was born in Haddington, in Scotland, on the 21st day of January, A, D. 1736. He was the third son of JVilliam Nisbet, and Jili- son, his wife, who, for many years, resided in that place. His father had two other children besides Charles; one elder and the other younger. The el- der was Andrew, afterwards the Rev. Andrew Nis- bet, pastor of the parish of Garvald, in the Presbyte- ry of Haddington, w^ho never married, and who died several years before his brother Charles. The young- er son was William, who devoted himself to mercan- tile pursuits, and who died about the time that Charles came to this country. Of the occupation or circumstances of his Father HIS EARLY LIFE. 15 little IS now known, excepting that they were not such as to admit of his sustaining his son in the more advanced stages of his education, when it was neces- sary for him to leave home, the advantages of which, nevertheless, that son was intent on enjoying. Ac- cordingly he remained with his father until the six- teenth year of his age, diligently employed in study- ing the Latin and Greek languages, and the various elementary branches of knowledge which are consid- ered as requisite to entering the university. In 1752, he entered the University of Edinburgh, and from this time he never more received from his father any pecuniary aid. Such was his thirst for knowledge, and such his ardour and energy of character, that immediately on going to Edinburgh, he made en- gagements as a private teacher, which enabled him to bear all the expenses of his College course. Even at such an early age did this remarkable youth give that evidence of accurate scholarship, dignity of de- meanor, and capacity for instructing others, which gained at once the confidence of his friends, and in- troduced him to the means of independent and hon- ourable subsistence. How rarely is it that young men, in laying the foundations of their knowledge, are equally wise, or equally successful. A great majority of those who pass through a course of what is called liberal educa- tion, are so loose and careless in studying the ele- ments of literature and science, that they are not suf- ficiently grounded in any one branch to be prepared for successfully teaching it. The consequences of this negligence are unhappy in a variety of ways. — When the foundations of knowledge are slightly and 16 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET^ superficially laid, the superstructure must ever par- take of the same unsolid and insecure character. No one was ever strong in any branch of knowledge, in the elements of which he was weak. He who lays a deep and thorough foundation, has his work more than half done, and proceeds at every step afterwards with more ease, with more expedition, and with more firmness of advance. In this case, too, the stu- dent, if in straitened circumstances, or if suddenly re- duced to the necessity of relying on his own efibrts, is better prepared to go forth, and acquire, in the early morning and evening, by instructing others, what will sustain him the remainder of his time. This was the wisdom and happiness of young Nis- bet, who, in the outset of his career, gave a very decided presage of that scholarship and extensive erudition, as well as force of mind, which afterwards rendered him one of the most remarkable men of his time. Of the general character of young Nisbet's course in the University no record now remains. The proofs, however, of his accurate and mature scholar- ship are so many and unquestionable, that his under- graduate career must have been not only exemplary but highly honourable. He was graduated in the year 1754, in the eighteenth year of his age.* Immediately on completing his course in the Uni- versity, he entered the Divinity Hail in Edinburgh, as a student of Theology, with a view to the Gospel * The year of his graduation is not certainly known. But, as he is said to have been six years in the Theological Hall, he must either have been graduated in the year above mentioned, or have enter- ed the Theological Hall before his graduation, which is not probable* HIS EARLY LIFE. 17 Ministry. In this new situation he supported him- self by an engagement as Editor of a popular periodi- cal publication, the character of which, while he con- tinued to preside over it, bore ample testimony to his intellectual and literary resources. Of his ap- pearance in the Divinity Hall, the Rev. Samuel Mar- tin, of Monimail, a respectable contemporary and fel- low student, bears the following testimony. ^' The first time that I distinguished Dr. Nisbet was in the Divinity Hall at Edinburgh. Dr. Hamilton, our worthy and learned Professor, had appointed the impugning and defending a Thesis, according to mood and figure, in Latin; The Professor was an excellent Latin scholar himself, and seemed to be as much at his ease in Latin as in English. The shrewdness and ability, the command of argument and of language in Mr. Nisbet struck me much." While Mr. Nisbet was a student in the Theologi- cal Hall, his private papers show that his mind was very seriously and solemnly exercised with respect to divine things. On the 10th of March, 1756, he recorded an act of solemn dedication to God, drawn in a spirit of enlightened and ardent devotion. And on the ISth of April, 1759, he drew up another pa- per, in a different form, but of similar import; both very strikingly evincing that while he was diligent- ly engaged in studying Theology as a science, he was by no means forgetful of its practical and experimen- tal influence on his own heart as a Christian. In the Divinity Hall he continued to study, ac- cording to the excellent habit of his country, for six years. At the end of this time, on the 24th day of September, A. D. 1760, he was licensed to preach the 2* 18 MEMOIR OF I>R. NISBET. Gospel, by the Presbytery of Edinburgh, in the twenty-fourth year of his age. Young Nisbet, in the course of his education, had become early and intimately acquainted with the late Dr. Witherspoon, who was about fourteen years older than himself. Under the direction of Dr. Witherspoon, indeed, some of his studies, especially that of the French language, had been conducted. The first sermon which Mr. Nisbet preached after be- ing licensed was in the pulpitof his friend, then settled in Paisley, a flourishing town of Scotland, about fifty miles west of Edinburgh. These distinguished men continued to be affectionate friends until the death of Dr. Witherspoon, in 1794. And it is not at all improbable that their early friendship had consider- able influence in inducing Mr. Nisbet to listen to an invitation to remove to the United States, Mr. Nisbet's first engagement, as a stated preach- er, was to supply a church in the Gorbals of Glas- gow, Here he remained about two years. The congregation had stipulated, besides paying the sala- ry mentioned in their call, to furnish him with a house. This stipulation, however, they had fail- ed of fulfilling. Though their young preacher was highly acceptable and popular; yet as he had no family, and a domestic residence did not seem necCvS- sary for him, they postponed a compliance with their engagement. Receiving a call to another Church, he thought it his duty to remove. On taking leave of the congregation, he selected as a text for his farewell sermon, Acts xxviii. 30. And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired houses and received all that came in unto him. HIS EARLY LIFE. 19 The call referred to in the preceding paragraph, was from the church of Montrose, a large and flour- ishing town on the east coast of Scotland, a royal borough, and a place of considerable importance both for its maritime trade and its valuable manufactures. This church was large, and embraced much cultiva- tion and intelligence. Having been for some time in want of an Assistant to their aged and infirm Pas- tor, they applied to the Rev. Dr. Gillies, of Glasgow, to recommend to them a suitable candidate. The Doctor immediately named his young friend, Mr. Nisbet, as the most able and promising preacher he could think of. This nomination met with prompt acceptance, and immediate measures were taken by the church to present him a call. Mr. Nisbet thought it his duty to accept of it, and soon entered on his new charge. The right of patronage of this Parish was vested in the King — George III. — and the duty of taking the lead in measures to fill the vacancy, was committed to the Town Council. As the documents which conveyed and authenti- cated this call, were in a form not very familiar to Presbyterians in the United States, where patronage is happily unknown; and as they are somewhat his- torical in their character, they are here given at large. The original call from the Town Council of Mont- rose, is as follows: "At Montrose, the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three years; which day the magistrates and remanent members of the Town Council of the said Burgh, being met and convened within the new Council House thereof, and 20 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. taking into their serious consideration that the office of an assistant or helper to Mr. John Cooper, first minister of the gospel of this Burgh, has been for some time vacant, by Mr. John Miller, his late as- sistant, being called to and now settled minister at Newburgh; and that by the agreement between the Council and Mr. Cooper, he empowers them to choose any person they shall think proper to be his assist- ant; and having had this day laid before them an extract of an act or report of the church session of 'this Burgh, dated the 25th day of January instant, bearing that the several members of session declared that, according to the best of their information, the congregation in general were well satisfied that Mr. Nisbet, preacher of the Gospel, should be settled Assistant, and that proper steps be taken for his being also successor to Mr. John Cooper. And the Coun- cil, having considered the said report, and also con- sidering that the said Mr. Charles Nisbet has been, for some considerable time by-past, preacher of the Gospel at Gorbals, near Glasgow: And (as the Coun- cil are well informed), has discharged his office there to the satisfaction of his auditory; and that the Coun- cil has received a very agreeable character of his sufficiency from very competent judges; and they also considering that he had preached in the Church here, several times in the month of July, 1761, to the general satisfaction of the Congregation; and they, looking upon him as a very proper person to be both Helper and Successor to Mr. Cooper: Therefore the Council did, and hereby do, unanimously elect and choose the said Mr. Charles Nisbet to be Helper or Assistant to the said Mr. John Cooper, as Minister HIS EARLY LIFE. 21 aforesaid; and also they, for the reasons and causes mentioned in their Act of Council, dated the 14th day of January, A. D. 1761, do hereby entitle the said Mr. Charles Nisbet, as long as he shall exercise the aforesaid office of Assistant to Mr. Cooper, a salary of fifty pounds sterling yearly (being the same which was settled on the two former Assistants), to be paid to him at two terms in the year, Whitsunday and Martinmass, by equal portions, and to com- mence upon the first Sabbath that he shall hereafter perform divine service in the Church of this Burgh. And further, the Council do hereby promise and engage that they will, without loss of time, cause to be made application to his majesty, as patron of the first Minister's charge here, for his royal signed manual in Mr. Nisbet's favour, naming him both Assistant to Mr. Cooper during his life time, and also Successor to him in his office at his death: and that they will thereafter take the proper steps in order to get him ordained a Minister and settled Helper and Successor as aforesaid, according to the rules of the Church. And they appoint the Clerk to make out an extract of this their act, and Baillie Lauchlan Mouson to transmit the same to Mr. Nis- bet, and to request him to come to this place as soon as possibly he can in order to take upon himself the aforesaid office of an Assistant, in regard his pre- sence, is much wanted here, as the whole of the ministry lies heavy upon Mr. Aitken, the other Min- ister." " Extracted from the Records of Council.'^ '* William Speed, Clerk,^' The Presentation, by the Royal Patron, was in the 22 MEMOIR or DR. NISBET. following words. It will be perceived that it bears date near eleven months after the call of the Town Council. This is probably to be accounted for in two ways. First, the presentation by the Royal Patron was not necessary to the choice and settle- ment of an Jissistant to the Pastor; but it loas necessary to prepare the way for that Assistant to be " Successor in the Pastoral charge.'^ Secondly, the Town Council probably had assurance that the Royal presentation would be made in due time, and on this "assurance both they and the gentleman called, re- posed with confidence, and proceeded at once to take those steps which were desirable for obtaining aid to their aged Pastor as speedily and effectually as possible. Some formalities at the seat of govern- ment led, no doubt, to delay in actually drawing up and transmitting the necessary document. *' George R. " Whereas, by an humble representation to us, from Mr. John Cooper, Minister of the Gospel at Montrose, and from the present Magistrates of the said Borough, and remanent members of the Town Council thereof, we are informed, that, by the great age and infirmities of the said John Cooper, and other circumstances of the said Parish, it appeared neces- sary to the advancement of the Gospel, and the good of the said Parish, that Mr. Charles Nisbet, Preacher of the Gospel, should be ordained Assistant to the said John Cooper, during his life, and Successor in office, as Minister of the said Parish, after his death, provided our consent was obtained thereto, the pre- sentation upon the death of the said John Cooper HIS EiRLY LIFE. 23 being in our gift, and at our disposal; Therefore we are graciously pleased, from a due regard to the said representation, and the advancement of the Gospel in said Parish of Montrose, to give the Royal Assent to the said settlement, and to will and consent that, upon the death of the said John Cooper, the said Charles Nisbet be entitled to the stipend, benefice, and profits now belonging to the said John Cooper, in the same manner as if he had been presented upon the vacancy of the said Parish. Given at our Court at St. James's, the 25th day of November, 1763, in the fourth year of our reign." " By his Majesty's Co7nmcmd, ^' Sandwich.'^ Mr. Nisbet, as before stated, considered it as his duty to accept this call, and soon after removed from the vicinity of Glasgow to Montrose. He was regu- larly ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministr}^, on the 17th of May, A. D. 1764, by the Presbytery of Brechin, within the bounds of which he was now placed. The Church to which he now undertook to minister was unusually large. The tradition is, that in the administration of the Lord's Supper, which, in the Church of Scotland, is dispensed at tables, and not pews, there were usually fourteen or fifteen tables. Such a charge, when the duties which, in the former and better days of the Church, it was considered as imposing, such as visiting, catechising, &c., as well as preaching, are taken into considera- tion, must have been a formidable undertaking for a young man. He addressed himself to it, however, with something of the spirit which its nature de- 24 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. manded, and was favoured with great acceptance by the people. Though he was officially a Helper or Assistant in the charge, yet the chief weight of all the duties connected with it devolved on him, as Mr. Cooper, the senior Minister, was aged and infirm, and seldom able to appear in public. He lived, how- ever, nearly ten years after Mr. Nisbet was brought into connection with him, viz. until 1773, when he deceased, and left his young Assistant in the sole charge of the congregation. About two years after Mr. Nisbet settled at Mont- rose, he was united in marriage with Miss Anne Tweedie, a daughter of Thomas Tweedie, Esquire, of Quarter, about thirty miles south of Edinburgh. His elder brother, Mr. Andrew Nisbet, before spoken of, afterwards minister of a Church in the neighbour- hood of Glasgow, was, for several years prior to his ordination, engaged as a private Tutor in the family of Mr. Tweedie. During this period, the subject of this memoir, while a student in the University, and about eighteen years of age, paid a visit to his bro- ther. In the course of this visit he became attached to Mr. Tweedie's daughter Anne. This attachment was favourably received, and ultimately led to a mat- rimonial engagement. Their marriage, however, on account of his situation, was postponed for twelve years. In the month of June, 1766, they were united, and lived together about thirty-eight years, in great harmony and comfort. About the same time with the marriage of Mr. Nisbet, the nuptials of another distinguished individual occurred at Mont- rose, both of whom were particular friends of Dr. Beattie, the celebrated moral philosopher and poet HIS EARLY LIFE. 25 of Marlschal College, Aberdeen. On this occasion, Dr. Beattie composed and transmitted a beautiful Poem, which he styled Epithalamium Montrosi- ANUM. Pains have been taken to recover this ele- gant testimonial of friendship from so popular and honoured a pen, but without success. Not long after Mr. Nisbet became an assistant Minister at Montrose, another event occurred which showed the high esteem and confidence in which he was held by those who were most competent to judge of his character and attainments. In the month of November, 1766, on the death of the Rev. Dr. Fin- ley, President of the College of New Jersey, the Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, then Pastor of the Church of Paisley, in the west of Scotland, was unanimously chosen to succeed him in the Presidentship of that In- stitution. His first answer to this call was in the negative. He felt himself so bound to the land and the Church of his nativity, that he could not consent to sever himself from them, and go to a land of stran- gers. While in this state of mind, feeling it im- possible that he himself should accept the office, he addressed the following letter to Mr. Nisbet. " Paisley, May 25, 1767." " Dear Sir," " I received a letter from you, some time ago, upon the subject of the call from New-Jersey, which I did not answer immediately, as that affair was under deliberation. It has indeed given me the greatest uneasiness that ever any thing of the kind did, for I felt a very strong inclination in myself to comply; but met with so many difficulties from my 3 26 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. family and connexions, particularly my wife's insu- perable aversion, that 1 have been at last obliged to give it up. I find the gentlemen here are still de- sirous of having one from Scotland, and particularly a young gentleman, Mr. Rush, from that country, a Student of Medicine at Edinburgh, a most agreea- ble young man, and who has the warmest attachment to the interest of that Seminary, was with me the end of last week on that subject. I then named i/ou to him as the person of all my acquaintance the fittest for that office, and said that your being so much younger than me was, in my opinion, an advantage, instead of a loss. He told me you had been men- tioned by his friends at Edinburgh; and that he vva^ sure that any person recommended by me to them would be chosen by the Trustees. I, therefore, un- dertook to write to you on the subject, which I now beg you may take into your immediate serious con- sideration. I dare say you will consider this as a mark of my undissembled esteem, and assure you that you have not a sincerer friend; and that 1 be- lieve it to be a station in which you may be emi- nently useful, as well as a station of much honour and profit. I know there is one difficulty: a prudent man may be backward to give his consent, when there is only a possibility, not a certainly, of his be- ing elected; but when you consider the necessity of the case, and the disappointment they have already incurred, you will be sensible that we cannot write to them to make an election of another in Britain, unless they have reason to think it will be success- ful; and therefore hope you will overcome this diffi- culty; and that jou may not run the least risque, I HIS EARLY LIFE. 27 have taken Mr. Rush, and engaged that no person shall know of this application to you but your friends at Edinburgh, Mr. Erskine and Mr. Wallace, Let me have your answer as soon as you possibly can on such a subject." " I rejoice to hear of Mrs. Nisbet's welfare and fruitfulness; and do heartily wish you much plea- sure and comfort in your family. Present my com- pliments to her in the most affectionate manner. " I am, dear sir, " Your affectionate brother," ^' John Witherspoon." When we consider that Mr. Nisbet was now only thirty-one years of age; that the gentleman who spoke thus of him was Doctor Witherspoon, un- doubtedly one of the most sagacious and wise men of his day; and that such a judge, who had long and intimately known him, pronounced him " the fittest man of all his acquaintance" to be the head of a Col- lege; we are presented with a testimonial of Mr. Nisbet's reputation in Scotland, at this time, for talents and learning, of the most remarkable kind. Whether, in consequence of this recommendation by Doctor Witherspoon, any movement was ever made in the Board of Trustees of Princeton College towards the election of Mr. Nisbet, is not now known. There is no record to that amount in the minutes of that Body. But the fact is, that in a very short time after this letter announcing his own refusal of the call to America, and recommending Mr. Nisbet, was written, Dr. Witherspoon reconsidered the subject; and intimated to the Trustees o£ the College that, if 28 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. their call should be repeated, he would accept of it. It was unanimously repeated. He declared his ac- ceptance of it; and the next year removed to Ame- rica, and entered on the duties of a station which he adorned for twenty-six years. The truth is, Mr. Nisbet was now regarded as among the most learned men in Scotland, and was prover- bially called '■^ the walking Library J^ Nor was this wonderful. His thirst for knowledge was insa- tiable. His habits of study were singularly diligent. His memory was not only excellent, but bordered on the prodigious. The Libraries within his reach were large and rich. And his access to the society of literary men, both in and out of the Church, was such as seldom falls to the lot of one so youthful, and who could boast so little of what is called worldly pa- tronage. The secret of the last mentioned circumstance was this. His social talents were singularly excellent. His wit and humour might be said to be unrivalled. He was really qualified to instruct and highly to en- tertain any circle, literary or religious, of the most elevated class. The consequence was, that his com- pany was as much courted, and his social connexions as large and honourable, as almost any man of his day in the Church of Scotland. Circumstances, in his early history, made him intimately acquainted with several of the nobility of Scotland, both male and female; and his peculiarly interesting social character, served to rivet and extend friendships of this kind, and led to much intercourse with them YfhWe he remained in his native country, and to a gratifying correspondence after he came to Ame- rica. HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 29 CHAPTER II. His Ministry in Scotland, When Mr. Nlsbet entered on the Ministry in the Church of Scotland, that Church, as is well known, was divided, and had long been divided, into two great parties — the Orthodox and the Moderate. The Orthodox were distinguished by their attach- ment to evangelical truth, and faithful preaching; and by their opposition to Patronage, especially to its abuses. And although they were not enemies to the ecclesiastical establishment; yet they were jeal- ous of the encroachments of the civil government, and ever on the watch to maintain the spiritual purity of the Church, and to guard its ministers and judicatories from being made the instruments of de- signing statesmen to accomplish schemes of secular policy, at the expense of real religion. The Mode- rate were more lax in their doctrinal views; less evangelical in their preaching; friends of the system of patronage; and more accommodating in their feel- ings and votes to the plans of secular politicians. The Orthodox were disposed to contend for the rights of the people in the settlement of ministers, and in all their judicial proceedings. The Mode- rate were, in general, favourable to the influence of the crown in the courts of the Church; willing 3* 30 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBJST. to let tlie law of patronage take its legal course, however hardly it might bear on the popular choice; and always reluctant to thwart the views of the civil administration. Mr. Nisbet, from the first, associated himself de- cisively and uniformly with the Orthodox party. He contended, side by side, with his early and faith- ful friend. Dr. Witherspoon ; and, although the class to which he belonged were, at that time, and continued for many years to be a minority; yet he adhered to his principles with steadfastness, and the laudable efforts of himself and his faithful associates were sometimes crowned with unexpected success. His piety, his learning, his wit, his powerful appeals, not unfrequently prevailed over all the talents, the plau- sibility, the tactics, and the governmental favour of his opponents. Of Mr. Nisbet's talents as a debator in the Gene- ral Assembly, the traditionary statements are of the strongest kind. At this distance of time, however, two specimens only can be given. For the space which these specimens occupy, no apology will be deemed necessary by those who are capable of appre- ciating genuine eloquence. It wOuld be unjust to his memory to deny them a place in this Memoir. They are both extracted from the volume of the "London Magazine," for 1773, where they are accompanied with expressions of approbation of the highest kind. By the constitution of Scotland, it is granted to the civil and ecclesiastical powers, jointly, to regu- late I he extent and number of parishes, by making such ahoratioris as shall be judged to conduce to the general good; ruming two parishes out of oae large HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLiND. 31 one, or annexing one parish to another, and, conse- quently, sinking one altogether. On a case of a pro- posed annexation of one parish to another, and, of course, diminishing the number of parishes, which the Presbytery of Brechin, to which Mr. Nisbet be- longed, had ordered, and which the synod of Perth and Stirling had affirmed; upon being brought before the General Assembly, in the year 1771, Mr. Nis- bet, who had stood alone in the Presbytery, and also in the Synod, in opposition to the proposed measure, delivered the following speech: " Moderator:^ " 1 bring this complaint, not for any private profit or emolument, but solely for the interest of the Church of Scotland, the ver}^ being of which I appre- hend to be concerned in the issue of it. It may seem to need some apology, that I have adventured to differ from a whole presbytery and synod of my re- verend fathers and brethren ; but this will seem the less presumption, when it is considered, that only two members of presbytery, and ^\sq of the synod, have had an opportunity of judging in the matter, and even these were solicited and bespoke by the professed enemies of this church. \w a case over- loaded with truth and evidence, one must be under an unusual difficulty to adduce arguments. Dr, Til- lotson complains that it is extremely hard that a man should be obliged to write a book to prove that an egg is not an oyster, or that a musket ball is not a pike. I find myself precisely in the same situation at present. I am to prove, I hope to your convic- tion, that it is for the interest of religion, that parish 32 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. churches should be preserved, instead of being de- stroyed, and do not imagine that I stand in need of any extraordinary eloquence or logic for that pur- pose. I must however beg the attention of the house to the cause, as however trifling it may appear to some, it is no less than articulus stantis aut caden- tis eccleside. How any member of this church should be overpersuaded into a scheme tending to its de- struction, as it must appear a paradox, I reckon my- self obliged to account for it. One thing only I beg leave to add, by way of preamble, before I enter on the narrative, namely, to purge myself of malice and partial counsel. As I am to narrate the actions of sundry gentlemen interested in this business, I begin with declaring, in the presence of that Being who knows my heart, that I have no personal enmity to any of them, that from some of them I have received good offices, and would be ready to serve all of them in an honest way. The rise of this proposal of annexation, to the best of my knowledge, is as follows. Some time ago Mr. Bruce, one of the ministers of Brechin, applied to his presbytery for their concurrence in a process he in- tended to raise against his heretors for the augmenta- tion of his stipend, which was readily granted ; but afterwards, being apprehensive of the length and ex- pence of such a process, he resolved to try, with the consent of his presbytery, what he could get from them in the way of private negociation, A meeting was accordingly appointed for this purpose, betwixt the heretors and a committee of presbytery. At this meeting the heretors consented to make some addi- tion to Mr. Bruce's stipend j but it seems they in- HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 33 tended it should not be at their own charges. One parish was proposed to be annexed, to make some small addition to the living of another. The parish of Kinnaird, in the neighborhood of Brechin, was pitched upon for that purpose, and a scheme was set on foot by the tutors of Sir David Carnegy of South- esk, a minor, sole heretor of the parish of Kinnaird, in conjunction with sundry gentlemen, heretors of the parish of Brechin, to bring a process before the lords commissioners for plantation of kirks, &c. for suppressing the church and parish of Kinnaird, and annexing it to the adjacent parishes of Farnwell and Brechin, and to apply to the presbytery for their consent to said process. But as it could not be sup- posed that the presbytery would give their consent to a plan tending to the destruction of all their chur- ches, they were not left to their liberty in judging. The gentlemen interested In the cause, by them- selves or their agents, had first bespoken and enga- ged most of the members to support, or at least not to oppose this design ; and not till these solicitations were over, a presbytery pro re nata was called, in the middle of harvest, when few members could at- tend, and a petition from the heretors of the parishes of Kinnaird, Farnwell and Brechin, was presented to them, setting forth, that whereas many parishes in Scotland are incommodiously large, and others very small, the support of churches and manses was there- by rendered heavy upon heretors ; and whereas the parish of Kinnaird is a small one, consisting of not much more than one hundred examinable persons, and lying within one mile of the church of Farn- well, and not much farther from Brechin, therefore 34 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. praying that the presbytery would consent to a naore commodious division of said parish, by annexing the parish of Kinnaird to the adjacent parishes of Farn- well and Brechin, and that they the heretors would engage to enlarge the church at Farnwell, so far as should be necessary for the accommodation of the new parishioners. This petition, after a delay of a fortnight, hardly obtained, was at last granted in a meeting of five members of the presbytery, three of whom were interested in the question. On this occasion I thought it my duty, after plead- ing in vain what occurred to me in opposition to this destructive scheme, and having consulted with some of the most learned of my brethren, to dissent from this sentence of presbytery, and to complain of it to the ensuing synod. At the meeting of the synod in October following, out of seventy-two members, of whom the synod consists, only five attended, besides the presbytery of Brechin, who were parties ; and these, with a correspondent from the synod of Perth and Stirling, whom they put into the chair at hear- ing the complaint, were pleased to dismiss it as fri- volous, and it was even proposed to censure the com- plainer. Finding the interest of the church so scan- dalously neglected by the synod on this occasion, by means of the influence of heretors, I found myself under a necessity of bringing my complaint before this house, where I am persuaded that local prejudi- ces and party influence will have no place, I am to show that the proposed annexation, agreed to by the presbytery and synod, is illegal, unnecessary, and ruinous to the interest of this church, and that it has been contrived by our professed enemies, to make a HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 35 precedent for destroying this church piece meal. It is indeed represented by the gentlemen petitioners to the presbytery as a more commodious division of the parishes in question, and what they propose by way of remedy to their present inconvenient divi- sion, is not that part of the greater parish should be annexed to the lesser, to bring them nearer to an equality, but that the least of them should be wholly suppressed, and annexed to the two others. This is commodious indeed : but to whom ? to the landed gentlemen only, who think they will have less sti- pend to pay, and fewer churches to support in con- sequence of it. They observe that some parishes are too large, and others too small. Granted ; but the common remedy they propose for both these incon- veniences is annexation. Wonderfully commodious again ! I once knew a gentleman, who used to say, that there were only two kinds of dogs that he could not bear, the great dogs and the little dogs : the gen- tlemen petitioners seem to have the same idea of pa- rishes, as they propose that the small parishes should be annexed to the great ones, to render them more commodious, and the fitter to be annexed in due time. Wonderful indeed ! En cor Zeiiodott, en jecur Cratetis ! Does this scheme fall any thing short of a design to destroy all the parish churches in Scot- land one after another ? Non-jurant meetings were suppressed by law in 1746, though connived at by the present ministry for reasons of state. If an at- tempt had been made to suppress any of these, though against an express law, the promoters of this scheme would have cried out persecution, and applied to the throne for redress. But it seems it is lawful enough 36 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. to contrive the suppression of established churches, and to make use of the law, which was made for their preservation, for their destruction. As the lenity of the ministry has tolerated these non-jurant meetings, why should not the benefit of this toleration be ex- tended to the established church ? If such things go on, no one can say how far this idea of conveniency may be extended. Dionysius, a respectable heretor in ancient times, thought it ex- tremely convenient for him to abstract the golden cloak from the statue of Jupiter, and to annex it to his own property ; and he gave very good reasons for it : it was too heavy in summer, and too cold in winter : and by the same train of thinking among our landed gentlemen, it may possibly soon be found most convenient to have no churches at all. Our legal establishment must be wholly elusory, if it is to be cut and carved upon by every gentleman at pleasure, according to his notions of ideal convenien- cy. Although it were not publicly known, that the pretender's friends are at the bottom of this design, the ver}^ nature of it proves it the work of an enemy to our church. The Jews reasoned well when they said, "He loveth our nation, and hath built us a sy- nagogue.'^ And may we not say as justly, He hates our constitution, and has destroyed us a church ? It might seem wonderful indeed in one view, how the persons concerned in this design should ever have been united ; but a little time ago, on occasion of a controverted election, they were as bitter enemies to each other as ever Herod and Pontius Pilate. But when a church is to be destroyed, they become at once hearty friends ; and when it is considered that HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 37 a non-jurant meeting has been lately erected at Bre- chin by one of the subscribers, the cause of their union may be easily guessed. *'But to consider this proposal in the view of real conveniency; the parish of Brechin is six miles long, and near three broad, sufficiently inhabited, besides the large town of Brechin in the centre. The church is too small already for the people that attend it, and the expense of supporting the fabric is furnished out of the poor's money. Such a parish does not seem to stand in any need of an addition to make it more convenient. The parish of Farnwell is at pre- sent as large as many others in its neighbourhood, and the minister has a living superior to most in the country: so that neither does this parish need any addition. If real conveniency was sought for, the smallest degree of common sense would dictate, that the smaller parish should be augmented from the greater. But it seems this did not occur to the wise projectors of this scheme, or they did not think it so much for their interest. It is evident then, that no part of the parish of Kinnaird can be annexed to Brechin, as the church is already too small, and the heretors have no power to enlarge it. This being the case, how are the parishioners of Kinnaird to be accommodated when annexed to Brechin, unless they could contract themselves into as small dimen- sions as the audience of the Pandaemonium, or choose to go to the non-jurant meeting? Besides, the ex- pense of opening the wall of that cathedral would amount to more than these heretors have bestowed on churches these fifty years past. Our Church, Sir, is established by law, and unless that establish- 4 38 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. ment be entirely elusory, it must extend to all and every one of our parish churches, except where the law has declared otherwise. It is true, that the lords commissioners have a power to annex churches ; but this power is limited by law, and will be found not to extend to the case in hand. The act which defines their powers is act 3, part 22, Ja. VI. ISth June, 1617, and has these express words: * With special power to the said commissioners, to unite sik kirks, ane or moe, as may conveniently be unite,, where the fruits of any one alone will not suffice to entertain ane minister.' It is evident from these words, that small and insufficient livings only were in the view of the legislature, and that a sufficient living is incapable of annexation. The parish of Kinnaird is a sufficient living: there are twelve parishes in the presbytery, whose living is inferior to it, and but four greater. Unfavourable statutes ought to be strict- ly interpreted: what the law permits the lords to do in one case only, can in no shape be extended to any other case whatever. The power of the lords com- missioners is for edification, and not for destruction: they are designed in the act, lords commissioners for plantation of kirks and valuation of tiends: now to destroy one church in three over all the kingdom, can never be called planting of kirks. They have power indeed to annex insufficient livings, as an act of mercy to ministerswhen no other provision can be got for them, but have no power to touch those that are already sufficient. This parish of Kinnaird is a suf- ficient living, and it is not the least in Scotland, nor of the presbytery where it lies; and as the estate of Southesk, of which it is a part, has been under for- HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 39 feiture since 1715, it is no wonder that it is not very- populous at present, though, when the improvements already projected shall be carried into execution, it will probably be as populous as many others. But the promoters of this scheme have chosen to catch the time for it while this objection is in force, by a policy similar to that of valuing their tiends before their rents are raised. But does not the establish- ment of all churches tolerate small parishes as well as large ones? Small and great are relative terms, and, though this design should succeed, some parish- es will be smaller than others till we come to the greatest of all, by destroying them one by one. De- mo unum, demo etiam unum, dinn cadat elusus ratione mentis acervi: so that the utmost favour that any parish in Scotland could expect from this annexing scheme is only the same that Polyphemus promised to Ulysses, to be devoured last of all. Min- isters of small parishes may be useful to the church by the works of their retirement. Some of the min- isters of our church have begun to figure in his- torical composition; and unless we tolerate small charges, how shall our ministers find time to write histories? Every sufficient living is, by the plain meaning of this act, continued upon the establish- ment, and it is out of the power of the lords commis- sioners to touch it; but if this line is once broken, and one sufficient living suppressed, ourwhole estab- lishment becomes a baseless fabric, and may be undermined at pleasure. Why should this little church be denied the benefit of all other churches? Is it not robbery, is it not assassination, to disjoin it from the common foundation of the rest, to destroy 40 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. it with more ease? This is like taking a man into a dark corner, and knocking him down before he can call for help. But the words of the statute are ex- press to this purpose, so that we need not rest on general inferences; for it afterwards expressly ^ finds and declares, that all kirks which are planted with mi- nisters, whose stipends extend to five chalders victual, or five hundred merks money, [the then minimum of that country] are expressly excepted out of this commission, and no wayes comes under the compasse thereof, neither shall the said commissioners have any power, by virtue hereof, to meddle with any kirks or stipends which are in that case, seeing the said commission is not extended to the same.' No words can be conceived more positive or express for hindering the annexation of sufficient livings; nay, the legislature seem anxious to declare this to be their meaning. What then must we think of the logic or candour of those who would subject them to it at pleasure? Dr. Donne tells us of an ingenious critic, who, in explaining the Decalogue, expunged the negative particle from every precept, and would have the twelve negatives taken from it, to be insert- ed in the several articles of the Apostle's Creed, to make a complete and consistent body of doctrine. And surely it must need no less licentious interpre- tation to evince, that a sufficient church living can be annexed, since the law is so express to the con- trary. Some may alledge, that the lords hav&a dis- cretionary power to annex what churches they think fit, but the law gives them no such power; and' how- ever fit the present lords may be to have such a pow- er, I dare not trust their successors. The law req^ui- HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 41 res two things to make a parish legally annexable: insufficiency of living, and commodiousness for an- nexation. Neither of these have place in the pre- sent case. Besides, this church of Kinnaird is rather better founded than most others, not being a popish foundation, but erected by the lords, upon mature deliberation, and conviction of its necessity, in 1661, an age of no very violent zeal for religion, when building of churches was far from being the the ru- ling passion. And the same lords were so convinced of the necessity and importance of this erection, that in 1718 they granted an augmentation of stipend to the minister. I know there is a story told, which seems contrived on purpose to favour this annexa- tion: it is said, that about 1661 there was an immor- tale odium <^' nunquam fanabile vulniis betwixt the earl of Southesk and the earl of Airlie then resi- ding in the neighbourhood, because the parson of Farnwell, where they both attended divine worship, used to bow to Lord Airlie before his lordship, and that this parish of Kinnaird was disjoined from that of Farnwell and Brechin, only that his lordship might have the inexpressible satisfaction of receiving the first bow from the parson — a favour not so much esteemed in our days. This absurd story has been evidently contrived to represent the erection of this parish to have proceeded from a whim, that it might be destroyed by another whim. " The gentlemen concerned in this design would perhaps laugh at the mention of sacrilege, so that I shall not insist upon that; but must it not at least be felony to attempt the destruction of a church already as well secured as the law can secure it, and to ab- 4^ 42 MEMOIR OF DR. NISKET. stract the revenues of it from the lawful proprietors? These gentlemen would have been hanged by the neck, if they had formed the same design against a private house; and why it should be more lawful t^ assault a church is hard to say. I have heard of a couple of Highland gentlemen, long ago, who hav- ing some difference about the division of the spoil they had taken in conjunction during the Miehaelmas moon, gravely resolved to have it decided by the court of session. The present case, in my view of it, not a little resembles theirs. To demand the con- sent of the judges to an unlawful design is an insult upon all law whatever. It signifies nothing to say, that the stipend, when annexed, is to be divided amongst the neighbouring clergy. God hates rob- bery for burnt offering, and so should all his servants. If a robber takes my money on the road, whether he keeps it to himself, or gives it to his whore, I am equally injured, and the law is equally transgressed in both cases. If the ministers of large parishes are to be allowed to annihilate the lesser livings, and to di- vide them among themselves, must not this tend to corrupt the clergy, by offering baits to their avarice, and making them have an evil eye towards their brethren? not to say, that this would be an erecting of dignities in the church, and introducing episcopacy in masquerade. 1 have seen a print representing a parson grasping at all the churches in his view; but were I possessed of the genius of a Raphael or a Mi- chel Angelo, I would draw the figure of an annexing heretor scowling at all the churches around him, and threatening their destruction. If ministers, whose livings are already almost double those of many of HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 43 therr brethren, are allowed- to hope for further in- crease of them by the destruction of th^ir neigh- bours, we may soon expect to hear of annexations projected by ministers, and some are already talked of in this neighbourhood. We have had already four annexations in Ihis presbytery since the Refor- mation, and we have now as many non-jurant meet- ings. Some of these annexations have been attended with great inconveniences. By one of them, in the hill country, the parish is rendered more than seven Scots miles in length; so that some people do not at- tend the church from tiieir baptism till their marriage. By another of them the minister is obliged to ride three miles in bad road every second Sabbath. Such are the blessed fruits of annexation; but we complain not of what has been done according to law. The assembly ought to be more suspicious of this project of annexation, as this is a disaffected country, where there are too many that would wish to see all our churches suppressed, and this annexation must soon be followed by many others. If the law does not secure every sufficient living from annexation, our establishment can stand only till the necessary processes for its ruin are completed. " I must likewise beg leave to call the attention- af the house to this cause, on account of the too great passiveness of ministers and inferior judicatures in matters of annexation. Of this the assembly was formerly so sensible, that by act 5, ass. 174G, sess. 9, they expressly ^ discharged all presbyteries to con- sent to, or connive at the annexation or suppressing of parishes, without the consent or approbation of the synod of the bounds, or the general assembly," 44 MEMOIR OP DR. NISEET. The present cause evinces, that it is possible for here- tors to persuade a presbytery, and even a synod, that the suppression of a parish church is for the good of the community, because it may promote the tempo- ral interest of some individuals, and give hopes of like gain to others. Amazing indeed must have been the eloquence of Mr. Habakkuk Slj^boots, who could persuade a man to hang himself in cold blood. The present cause exhibits no less a prodigy — churchmen convinced that the destruction of parishes is for the good of the national church. Such is the v^onderful influence of heretors! When inferior judicatories are become thus weak and slavish, and in the interest of our adversaries, it must become the wisdom of this house to put a stop to these proceedings, by re- versing the acts of the presbytery and synod com- plained of, and opposing the projected annexation, and all such illegal attempts against our establish- ment. " Thus, Sir, I have stated tolhe assembly this cause, which is properly the cause of the whole church. Self-preservation should teach us to defend ourselves as long as we can. Est enim hsec non scripta, sed nata lex, quam non didicimus, accepimus, legi- tnus^fed ex ipsa natura arripX'dmus, hausimus, expressimus. I hope the house will see, that the present project is only a branch of a design against the whole church, and demands your strictest atten- tion. What is now the case of this small parish, may soon be that of many others. Nam tua res agitur, paries cum yroximus ardet. It is true to a proverb, multis minatur, uni qui injuriam fa- cit. No reason can be pleaded for the suppression HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 45 of this parish, which does not militate with equal force against a hundred others. It is not wonderful, that the enemies of our happy establishment should be zealous and active in promoting non-jurant meet- ings; but 10 suppress established churches to make room for them is rather too much. Some may be averse to believe, that our church should be in dan- ger from attempts of this sort; but if present instan- ces are less clear, the records of past times will prove beyond doubt, that the like practices have been for- merly used by the enemies of the church. We find in the records of the Concilium Byzacenum, that annexation was one of the methods employed, during the Arian persecution, for the destruction and extir- pation of the Catholics; and in latter times, before the formal revocation of the edict of Nantes, the churches of the Protestants were taken from them in sundr}' places, on the pretence of their being Uii- necessary. The policy of our enemies, and their present situation by our laws, does not permit them at once to show the cloven foot, or tell us that they design our destruction; but if we are not extremely blind, we may easily discern the drift of their designs, Their interest is to proceed by silent sap and' machi- nation, and especially to make use of some of us to ruin the rest. Much, alas! has been done this way already through their influence, by driving away the people from the churches; and because that method does not succeed fast enough for their wishes, it seems that what remains of our ruin is to be accom- plished by taking away the churches from the peo- ple. The design in hand is visibly contrived for your deslraction, by annihilating your parishes oae 46 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. by one. What a dismal prospect for this church! Quid facerent hosles capta crudelius iirbe? By an invasion of foreign enemies our possessions might be ruined, and our churches burnt; but shall we stand by and see the same thing done by our coun- trymen in time of peace, and under colour of law? Shall our venerable and ancient constitution, which has resisted so long the attempts of persecutors, and stood the shock of two rebellions, be gradually sub- verted by the covert machinations of the church and state? Shall we be reduced to take up the poet's lamentation, " Captiq ; dolis lacrymisq ; coacti, Quos 71071 Tydides, nee LaJ^issans Achilles, JVo?i a7i7u dofniiei^e decern, no7i mille carinoe" " It is not to be wondered at, that some of the real friends of our establishment are found among the pro- moters of this annexation, as it is common to see such overreached and blindfolded by their adversa- ries. Few have ever been betrayed except by their friends. I have done my duty in warning you of your danger; I have shown you the Pretender's soldiers actually at work upon your church, with the axes and haminers of annexation and demembra- tion. It remains that you do your duty by defend- ing it to the utmost. If you can stand tamely by, while your enemies are so busy, you will fall de- spised and unpitied, as your ruin will be of your- selves. Every wise woman buihleth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands! If the as- sembly give their consent to this annexation, the con- sequence must be the instant ruin of many parishes; HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 47 but if they vigorously support the interest of the church by opposing it, and reversing the sentences of the Presbj'tery and Synod, I have reason to be- lieve that the principal party interested in this cause is so worthy a person, and so much a friend to this church, that, in respect to the authority of this house, he will desist from the attempt, nnd the little under- strappers of Jacobite polities will be hindered from accomplishing their wicked designs. " But if, after all, this annexation shall be carried into execution, with or without the consent of the Assembly, I find myself unable to express my ap- prehensions for our whole establishment, and there- fore shall conclude in the words of a celebrated au- thor,* who is an ornament to the present age: "*No oppression is so heavy or lasting as that which is inflicted by the perversion and exorbitance of legal authority: the robber may be seized, and the invader repelled whenever they are found; they who pretend no right but that of force may by force be punished or suppressed: but when plunder bears the name of impost, and murder is perpetrated by a judicial sentence, Fortitude is intimidated, and Wis- dom confounded; Resistance shrinks from an alli- ance with Rebellion, and the villain remains secure in the robes of the magistrate.' " The Editor of the London Magazine, after giving this speech at length, adds: " Though Principal Ro- bertson^ and several more of the court luminaries, spoke warml}^ in favour of the annexation, the Ge- neral Assembly, by a great majority, reversed the ♦ "Rambler, No. 145, vol. iii. p. 227." 48 MEMOIR OP Dl. NISBET. sentence of which Mr. Nisbet complained, and, for once, the force of eloquence was visibly exemplified." The scond specimen of Mr. Nisbet's eloquence in the General Assembly, is found in a speech which he delivered in that Body, in 1772. This speech was occasioned by an appeal from the Synod of »/?n- gKS and Mearns, which had affirmed a sentence of the Presbytery of Fo)^dii)i, settling, or inducting Mr. John BrymeVy as Minister of Marykirk. The original charge was, that the presentation of Mr. Brymer to the parish, was effected by an act of Si- mony. This charge was set aside, and the settle- ment ordered to proceed, by the Presbytery, and afterwards by the Synod. The whole subject was brought by appeal before the General Assembly. On the trial of this appeal, Mr. Nisbet, on behalf of the appellants, made the following Speech: " Moderator, ^^ " I appear not at your bar as a party, but as a member of an inferior court, warranted by the con- stitution of this church to complain of a decision of my superiors. The right of dissent and com- plaint is competent to every member of this church, and I hope that my using it in the present case will not deprive me of the character of a peaceable mem- ber. It gives me pleasure to reflect, that in this complaint I am not alone, but that many worthy ministers voted as I did, and the most worthy and respectable member of our Synod joined my dissent. " The sentence I am to complain of is, in my opinion, and I hope to make it appear to this house, contrary to the word of God, to common sense, and I HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 49 th^ express laws of this church. This cause has been urged into an early diet of this assembly, on account of its relating to the moral character of a minister. In my opinion, it is of infinitely greater importance than the character of any individual. On the deci- sion which you must give in this cause, the moral character of this churcli and its assemblies immedi- ately depends; and it must be evident, by your con- duct this day, whether piety, learning, and prudence shall be the necessary requisites in the clerical cha- racter, or merely the possession of a littls money. To give the house a full view of this cause, I shall first give a brief narrative of the whole procedure, taking notice of sundry irregularities committed in the course of it, and lastly set forth the proofs of simony against this presentee, which ought to set aside his settlement, had it been ever so regularly and formally conducted. " To begin with the narrative. It is well known that sundry years ago, the King's college of Aber- deen exposed to public sale, by way of auction, in consequence of an advertisement in the public papers, the patronage of sixteen churches then in their gift, of which that of this parish of Marykirk was one. At said auction, one Brymer, an innkeeper at Mar- nock-kirk, in Banffshire, father to the now presentee, became purchaser of the patronage of Marykirk, having previously paid a visit to the incumbent, to enable him to judge what price he might venture to give for it. As it was known at the time of the sale that this Brymer had a son, the now presentee, then prosecuting the study of divinity, no one needed to be told that this purchase was intended for his benefit, 5 50 MEMOIRS OF DR. NISBET, and in this view it appeared new and strange to all that heard of it; and it is well known that the said patron, on viewing the strength and healthy look of the incumbent, declared that he might probably live almost as long as his son, and that instead of 300^. which the college had asked, he would venture no more than 200/. " On the death of Mr. Thomson, minister of Mary- kirk, Brymer, now patron by the articles of the roup, issues his presentation to his son, the now presentee, concealing however his relation to himself. When this presentation came into the country, the parish- ioners of Marykirk, astonished to see themselves bought and sold, as to their spiritual interests, by those whose duty it was to have protected them, were alarmed for their safety; but expected that the laws of this church would prevent such a scandalous bargain from being carried into execution. With this view, some of the elders, the now appellants, attended the meeting of the presbytery of Fordoun, when it was expected that this new presentation would make its appearance. But the members, be- ing already gained by the patron's friends, gave them no opportunity of objecting against it. The presentation was given in, read, and sustained in a whisper — a practice that seems borrowed from the privy council of the kings of Brentford. " A meeting of presbytery was appointed for the moderation of a call, at which the heretors (though only one of them is of the communion of this church) appeared, and gave their consent to the settlement of the presentee, having used all endeavours, by threats, promises, &c. to prevail on their tenants and HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 51 dependants to sign the call. The parishioners had employed a notary to appear for them, and to pro- pose objections against the settlement; but as in this slavish country no notary of character could be got to appear against gentlemen of property, for fear of their resentment, the parishioners were obliged to employ one given to drinking, who, being plied by the heretors' agents, was soon rendered incapable of conducting their business properly. However, he got access to the presbytery, gave in his letters of proxy, and objected against sustaining the call, on account of its being signed only by the heretors, and a few of the lowest of the people; and on the pres- bytery's sustaining it, he appealed to the ensuing synod, and gave in his reasons: but the presbytery having adjourned to a blind ale-house along with the heretors, refused to take in his reasons, or give an extract of their sentence, and appointed a day for the admission of the presentee, notwithstand- ing the appeal, which it seemed they intended to smother. They dismissed without prayer. " At the meeting of the presbytery for the admis- sion of the presentee, the parishioners procured an agent from a distance, who gave in objections against the presentee in form of a libel, and referred himself to the presentee's oath for proof of his assertions. His objections were overruled, his libel refused to be admitted to proof: on which he appealed to the ensuing synod, and the presentee was admitted in the face of the appeal, and amidst the tears and groanS of the congregation. One of the parishioners object- ing to the presentee's doctrine, and endeavouring to support his objections from the scriptures, one of the 52 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. heretors, standing in a gallery above, aimed a push at him with a pike-staff, which drove his Bible out of his hand, and pierced through the whole of the Acts of the Apostles; which obliged the poor man to drop his argument, and to escape for his life. " The parishioners, however, rested on their ap- peal to the synod, notwithstanding every method was used to intimidate and distress them, especially by a committee of the presbytery, who procured an order from the sheriff of the county to the kirk trea- surer, to deliver up the poor's box to the presentee without receipt, under the pain of instant imprison- ment; which order, however, upon proper represen- tations, was at last recalled. " Before the meeting of synod, commissions of array were issued by the heretors, and sent by the presentee to many members of the synod, summon- ing them, under the pain of their high displeasure, to attend that court, and support the presentee, which is the common way of conducting synod business in this country. At this meeting of synod, though packed and summoned by the influence of the here- tors, the presbytery's sentence was affirmed by a majority of a few votes only, and the cause now waits the decision of this court. " To enumerate all the irregularities committed in the dependance of this cause before the presbytery would be an endless task. The very orders of the presentee were irregular. He had been ordained some time bel^ore by the presbytery of Sirathbogie, ad ministerium vagum, without any parochial charge, to avoid the examination of the presbytery of Fordoun as to his ministerial talents; and of this, HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 53 that presbytery was so sensible, that they brought an overture to next synod for preventing the like practice in time coming. To ordain a clergyman without a title or charge is contrary to the laws of all churches; and if this were permitted, it were easy to prove that one presbytery, assisted by pa- trons, and brokers in patronages, might furnish minis- ters to all this church, of whatever characters they pleased. The laws of our church appoint ministers to be ordained by that presbytery, within which they are to have a parochial charge, unless they have for- merly been ordained by another where they had the like concern. But our laws give no license to any presbytery to ordain ministers for exportation; in which case it might be justly suspected, that they would be the more careless as to their fitness for the office: and as this ordination of the presetitee was procured after the purchase of the patronage, it ap- pears to be a branch of the same design, and in the strongest manner to infer a simonial intention, unless it likewise was paid for, which might be the case for any thing I know. Another irregularity is the pres- bytery's proceeding to admit the presentee in the face of an appeal. To say nothing of the first ap- peal, which the presbytery aSect to deny, and have kept out of their minutes, their proceeding in the face of the second appeal is in the highest degree irregular. I know that our forms allow inferior church courts to proceed usque ad sententiam, not- withstanding appeals; but to execute their sentence in the face of an appeal is such a stretch of lawless and arbitrary power, as, should it be once permitted, would render superior courts wholly useless. The 5* 54 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. rights of appeal have been reckoned sacred among aJl nations, and have been religiously regarded even in the most arbitrary times. The great Apostle Paul, finding himself before a partial judge, appealed to the Roman emperor; but it was the apostle's great mercy that he never met with such judges as the presby- tery of Fordoun, who, as it is evident from their conduct, would have laughed at his appeal. These gentlemen would have told him, ' No, sir, you have no right to appeal: we will kill you; we will exe- cute our sentence, and then you may appeal to Caisar when you please.' How low is this church sunk in point of character, when its judges want the pro- bity of heathens, and the integrity of infidels! " Another irregularity in this business is the want of a legal call, without which, according to our con- stitution, no relation can be established between a minister and a congregation. As to the call of here- tors, who are not members of our church, I am ashamed to mention it, it being contrary to the most obvious dictates of common sense, that persons should be callers of a minister who are never to have any connexion with him, nor to attend his ministry. It has this additional circumstance of aggravation in it, that these heretors declared under their hands that they committed to the presentee the care of their souls, and promised him all due obedience in the Lord! I want words to express the absurdity and profanity of such a conduct, especially considering it as countenanced and allowed by a presbytery of this church; but I hope that the gentlemen concerned will be censured for it by their own bishops. " Our people, sir, never intermeddle with elections HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 55 of Kpiscopal ministers, nor renounce the communion of this church, in order to have a share in them; and if these gentlemen had been possessed of that sense and breeding which our people have always had, they would have had no concern in these matters. Be- sides, sir, these gentlemen are totally ignorant of our laws, and imagine that heretors have the power of ordination: so it is to be wished, that they would confine themselves to the afifairs of their elections, their draught horses or setting dogs, or some subject that lies level to their understandings. As to the few people of the communion of this church who have signed the call, they were obliged to it by threats and concussion, and some of them were lite- rally beaten by their worthy masters. It was a mat- ter of no importance to the heretors who was minis- ter of Marykirk, as they were to have no concern with him, nor to attend his ministry; but it was of the utmost importance to the parishioners who are members of this church, and depend for edification and spiritual instruction on the ministration of their parish minister. I know there are some among us who pay great regard to the consent of the landed gentlemen, as such, in the settlement of parishes; because they suppose that the landed interest are the supporters of the church. I remember but one time when our church was in danger: I mean in the late rebellion; and what then became of our noble friends? They either joined the pretender, or took protection from him, or ran like frighted hares to. the border, and liappy was the man that could get first to London. Such are our boasted supporters! But as the ordi- aation of a minister, being a spiritual transaction, 56 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. has no relation whatever to land, it is evident that the proprietors of land, as such, have no sort of inter- est in it. But whatever be in this argument, the parishioners joined issue in the main with the here- tors: they have given their consent that the presen- tee should be established minister at Marykirk; that is, they have declared that he is a minister not fit for them to hear, and the parishioners are exactly of the same opinion. "But to come to the grand objection against this settlement, to wit, simony: this, in my apprehen- sion, is so plain, that it is but mere wrangling to at- tempt to deny it. Simony is defined by the canon- ists, Studiosa ciipiditas emendi aut vendendi spi- ritualia, aut spiritualihus annexa. This crime may be committed in a variety of forms, and may have sundry objects. The canonists mention sacra- ments, orders, induction, and promotion; but the above definition comprises the essence of it. It is called crimen mere ecclesiasticiiin, and to the com- mission of it three parties are requisite, the seller, the buyer, and the accepter. As crimes love dis- guise, and as no one yet has been hardy enough to present himself to a benefice, it is natural to suppose that the simoniacal presentee will get some friend or relation to act the part of the ostensible patron, as in the present case; but it is to be observed, that in the canons against this crime, the vengeance of the sen- tence falls first upon the accepter, it being for his account that the bargain is made, as we commonly say, that if there were no receipts, there would be no thieves. This crime has always been considered as the greatest corruption, and forbidden under the HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 57 pain of deposition in all ages of the church. The first ages of Christianity knew not that operose dis- tinction and precision, which have become necessary in latter ages for describing this crime. The story of Simon Magus, in the Acts of the Apostles, was the pattern from whence Ihey borrowed their no- tion of it, and the name of it. The most ancient canons depose without distinction all such as are or- dained or inducted by the influence of money, by whomsoever given or however artfully concealed. The canons that go by the name of the Apostles, though not quite so ancient, are plain to this purpose. I quote Father Caranza's translation of them. ^S** quis episcopnSy aiit presbyter^ aut diaconus per pecunias hanc ohtinv.erit dignitatem^ deji- ciatiir ipse et ordinator ejus, et a communione modes omnibus abscindatur, Jicut Simon Magus a Petro. Again, in the second council of Orleans, can. 4, Si quis sacerdotium per pecuiuse nundinum execrabile ambitione qusesierit, abjiciatur ut re- probus, quia apostolica sententia donum, Dei esse prsecipit pecunise trutina minime comparandum. I quote these decrees of councils, and could quote many more to the same purpose, not as of autho- rity in this church, but as the opinions of wise and disinterested men in the earliest times of the church, and they deserve great regard on that score. You see they condemn as simoniacal all settlements or or- dination of ministeis, vvherof money is the procur- ing cause, by whomsoever given, and however the simoniacal intention may be covered; and it is a maxim among the canonists, authorised by common sense, that money given by any one person to ano- 58 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. ther, with the view of getting a person fixed in a pastoral charge, infers simony against the accepter of said charge, unless it can be proved that it was given maliciously, with an intent to procure his deposition. *' To bring home this doctrine to the present case, it is evident that money is the sole cause of Mr. Bry- mer's settlement. The sale of the patronage was public, and the parties known. The design of the father to provide for his son is necessarily inferred from his buying the patronage, his visit to Mr. Thom- son before the purchase, and afterwards actually pre- senting his son to the benefice. Can the simoniacal intention be clearer in any supposable case than in the present one? It is not denied that Brymer the father bought the patronage; but it is said, that it does not appear that he intended it for his son, and conse- quently here is no simony. I could peril the whole cause upon this single point: if any gentleman of cha- racter will stand up and give his oath, that he be- lieves in his conscience that the father had no inten- tion of this sort, I here give up my argument; but I find this challenge will not be accepted. Intention is the soul of all crimes; but as it is not visible of it- self, nor will be owned by the accused party, it must be inferred from overt acts: and in the present case a man has no need of being a conjuror to determine positively, that Brymer the patron purchased this benefice solely as a provision for his son, and for his emolument allenarly. It is not to be supposed, that a candidate will purchase a patronage openly by him- self, in order to manifest his simoniacal intention, and facilitate his conviction; and there is no person so HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLiND. 59 bad, or so insignificant, as not to have a friend or relation to make the bargain for them, and fulfil their intention. Simony, like other crimes, will always affect to be under cover; but in the present case the cover is so thin and transparent, that none can be de- ceived by it, except those who have a mind to be de- ceived. A father, of the rank of an innkeeper, has a son following the study of divinity, and buys the pa- tronage of a benefice. Can it be believed by any per- son of common sense, that he had no intention to pre- sent his son to it, or that his son knew nothing of the transaction? I can only say that every man, woman and child, in the country where I live, knew the con- trary in the present case. A father must be concern- ed to provide for his own son: on account of his near relation to him he must be prejudiced in his favour, cannot be a judge of his qualifications. A patron exercises a judgment in the choice of his patentee, and there is in every presentation an explicit delec- tus personas for his fitness real or supposed; but in the present case no judgment could be exercised, and no deliberation could have place, on account of the near relation betwixt the patron and presentee. As a father cannot be the judge of his own son, nor a wit- ness for him, so by parity of reason he cannot be his patron. Nor is this a new notion. The tenth council of Toledo, in their third canon, expressly inhibits pre- lates, who were then the only patrons, from present- ing their relations, or even their dependants, to any benefice in their gift. The canon is entitled, Contra episcopos qui monasteriis vel ecclesiis consangui- neos, vel sibi faventes prxjiciu7it, and runs thus: %^gnovimus enim quosdam pontijices praecepti 60 MEMOIR OF DR. NlSBilT. principiis aposfolorum (qui ait, Pascite qui in vobis est gregem, non coacte, sed spontanee, neque vi dominantes in clero^ ^c.J ita esse immemores, ut quibusdam monasteriis parochialihxisque eccle- siis, aid suae consanguinitatis personas, aut sui favoris participes, ifiiquuni saspe statuant in prse- laturarn, ita illis providentur commoda inhonesta, ut aut eisdem deserantur quae propria episcopodari Justus ordo depoposcerit, aut quae rapere deputati exactoris violentia poterit. Proinde placuit nobis Sf in prxsenti tale rescindere factum, fy non esse de caetero faciendum. Nam quisque pontificium deinceps aut sanguine propinquis aut favor e per- sonis quibuscunque sibi coiijunctis talia cotnmen- dare lucra tcntaverit, ad suum nefandae praesum,p- tionis excidium, et quod jussum fuerit, devoce- tur in irritum, ^ qui ordinavit, annuse excommu- nicationi subjaceat. Further, in a synod assembled at London, anno 1171, can. 9. *Let none transfer a church to another in the name of a portion, or take any money or covenanted gain for the presentation of any one. He that is guilty, by conviction or con- fession, is for ever deprived of the patronage of that church by the king's authority and ours.' I own * that the practice of buying and selling benefices is tolerated in the neighbouring church of England, though no less contrary to the laws of that church than of this; and there every presentee is obliged to take a tremendous oath against simony, bearing that neither he himself, nor his friends, have purchased the benefice on his account. All good men in the church of England have lamented and abhorred this practice, as contrary to Christianity, and lending to HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 61 the utter corruption of the clerical order, and its fruits have been answerable to their apprehensions. But simony cannot be more expressly forbidden in any church than in ours. By three several acts of assembly in 1753, 1757, and 1759, it is declared to infer deposition in a minister, and forfeiture of li- cense to a probationer, to bargain with the patron or his friends, either by themselves, or by their friends, with or without their knowledge, or to give or pro- mise any reward whatever to the patron or his friends, in consideration of his settlement, or to fulfil any such bargain when made, or to conceal it when brought to his knowledge; and presbyteries are re- quired to proceed to the sentence of deposition in all the cases above specified, or when any simoniacal paction or practice is used by any person whatever in consideration of a particular settlement. It is most childish reasoning to allege, as has been done on the other side, that because the buying of rights of patronage is not expressly mentioned in these acts, therefore such purchase cannot infer simony. These acts specify all the modes of simony that had fallen under the consideration of the assembly at that time; and as they comprehend and mention much lesser degrees of the crime of simony than that of buying the patronage of a benefice, can it be believed by any person in his senses, that such merchandize is not as much, and indeed more contrary to the spirit of these laws, than the buying of a presentation? If it is si- mony by our laws, as no one doubts, for a candidate to purchase from the patron one single vicey can it be less so to purchase the] patronage absolutely, or that the candidate himself should become patron in the person 6 62 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBST. of his friend? Common sense revolts at the men- tion of so absurd a distinction. The assembly will be pleased to attend a moment to the consequence of such transactions. If they are permitted to go on, persons of the most infamous characters, destitute of every ministerial talent, if possessed only of a little money, and the favour of a single presbytery, may purchase any benefice in this kingdom. It is well known that a person who a few years ago appeared as a tumbler in several towns in Scotland, has pur- chased a benefice of considerable revenue in the west of England, and it may be expected that tumblers of inferior reputation will soon purchase into our church in the same manner. How venerable would this as- sembly appear to the public, if we had seen one half of its members with their heels upwards! We see already that there are patrons ready enough to sell their patronages to candidates or their friends, as often as they can make a penny by the bargain. The King's college of Aberdeen has set a noble example to the rest, so that we may soon find more instances of this kind. That learned body, fired by the noble love of wealth that animates most of our modern lite- rati, have openly set to sale the sacred trust reposed in their ancestors. Money is the principal thing, therefore get nioney: this seems to have been their maxim. I shall not repeat what a learned gentleman has just now observed as to the stomachs of literary men; but to avoid offence, I shall read a short quota- tion from an eminent author, which I find acciden- tally among my notes. ^ Such is the state of the world, that the most obsequious of the slaves of pride, the most rapturous of the gazers upon wealth, the HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 63 most officious of the whisperers of greatness, are col- lected from seminaries appropriated to the study of wisdom and virtue, where it was intended that appe- tite should learn to he content with little, [here in- deed is something relating to their stomachs] and that hope should aspire only to honours which no human power can give or take away.' Rambler, No. 180. " By the laws of our church, sir, a candidate for the ministry is obliged to undergo a long and laborious course of study, and to maintain a d-ecent and irre- proachable character. He must be certified by a professor of divinity, and examined carefully by a presbytery, before he obtains license to preach, and when presented to any particular charge, must under- go a new trial before that presbytery in whose bounds the charge lies, before he is ordained a minister; and at his ordination all persons are called upon to pro- duce, if they can, any accusation against his life and doctrine. So anxious is our church for the purity of the clerical character, and their being possessed of proper talents for the ministry, that their whole set- tlement is made to turn upon that: But how differ- ent a course has been followed by this presentee; and if allowed, will be followed by other candidates! If this settlement is affirmed, persons without learning, piety, or moral character, need only get the favour of any particular presbytery, which will not be diffi- cult to be found, and get themselves ordained ad mi- nisterium vagurti; and then, if they have but a little money, or can get credit for it till the benefice be- comes vacant, they will find patrons to sell them their right, or to seem to sell it them till their turn 64 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. is served. I readily allow that simony is the natu- ral offspring of patronage, as that is of the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth; but it must be evident to every person of common sense, that if the settlement in question is affirmed, nothing but the v\^ant of money will be able to prevent the most in- famous and unfit persons from becoming ministers of this church. Every minister at his ordination is obliged to declare solemnly, and as in the presence of God, that he has not used any undue methods to procure his settlement, either by himself or his friends. And when this declaration is made by those in the circumstances of the present presentee, as it has been made by him, it must put an end to their moral character instead of establishing it. When a person begins his ministry with such a solemn prevarication, not to say perjury, what edification or profit to the church may be reaped from his mi- nistry may be easily imagined. In controversies about settlements, the opposers of presentees are often reviled on account of their rank in life; they are represented as illiterate vulgar, incapable of judg- ing of the talents and qualifications of ministers; but it seems patronage sanctifies every thing, and, like the popish sacraments, confers grace, and sense, and wisdom. Had this innkeeper, who is now the pa- tron, been an inhabitant of the parish of Marykirk, and an opposer of this presentee, those who are now his friends would have held him in the utmost deri- sion; but by his becoming patron, he immediately commences wise, just, and infallible; so mighty a thing is it to have credit for two hundred pounds, in the opinion of some men. I cannot look upon this HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLiND. 65 patron in the same light with any other patron. His right was a fresh purchase, with a visible design to provide for a son, whether qualified for the ministry or not; and it appears by this transaction, that the presentee's father thouoht as meanly of his son's talents as any of his opposers do. If he had thought that his son had as much merit as would recommend him to any patron or parish whatever, he would never have parted with 200/. to provide him in a settlement. No application was made to this patron, as is always the case with others; because his inten- tion of conveying it to his son was known to every person from the time of the purchase. If it is said, that no simoniacal intention appears, I answer, that it appears as clearly as any criminal intention can ever be supposed to appear. May we not as fairly and legally infer the simoniacal intention from the circumstance of the purchase, and the settlement fol- lowing upon it, as the lords of justiciary, in cases of murder, infer the animus injuriandij or criminal intention, from the overt acts and behaviour of the pannel? And if this is not admitted, no criminal vvhatever can be condemned, as all crimes consist in intention. If this transaction has all the circum- stances, appearances and consequences of a simonia- cal transaction, as it must be owned it has, why in the name of common sense is it to be called by any other name? At this rate, a man might believe tran- substantiation itself, and hold that accidents can sub- sist without a substance/' " In a word, you must either find this settlement simoniacal, or declare that simony never was nor can be committed by any j>erson. If these things go on, 6» 66 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. you may soon expect to see your churches filled with useless and immoral clergymen. If money is sufficient to give a right, patrons will be found ready to sell, and candidates to buy. What need have we of probity or character, if money does quite as well? What need have we of professors of divinity, except to cry out, O cives! cives! quserenda pecunia pri- ?num est; and if clandestine ordinations in distant presbyteries are allowed, they need not add, Virtus post nummos. Your churches will be res m com- merciOj and patronages transacted at fairs and mar- kets; the price of patronages, as well as other provi- sions, will rise in proportion to the demand, and clergymen, paying so high for their settlements, must languish out the rest of their lives under a load of debt and misery. How honourable for our church would such a paragraph be in our public papers as this? ' We hear from Falkirk, that on Wednesday last, there was a great show of cattle, but little de- mand. Patronages bore a very high price, all those brought to market having been bought up the night before by an eminent dealer in horses, so that many clergymen were disappointed.' Nor is this suppo- sition too extravagant: I have heard already of an eminent dealer in horses who intends to buy a bene- fice for his son, having discovered that he has no ge- nius for his own profession. But dropping conse- quences, it is evident that the present transaction comes precisely within the limits of the acts of 1758 and 1759. At the time of it the college of Aberdeen were patrons of Marykirk. Mr. Brymer's friends offered and gave money for the presentation, as there could be no surer way of securing it than buying HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. &T the right; so that the presentee, by accepting said presentation, incurs ipso facto the sentence of depor sition, according to the express tenor of said acts. Besides, it may be shown, that at the time of making these acts, the word presentation was used to signify a right of patronage, as well as a single vice^ as it was not till of late years that this strictness of speak- ing obtained amongst us. Moreover, it is confi- dently asserted, that though Brymer, the patron, bargained ostensibly for the right of patronage, he was obliged, by a secret article, to dispone it to a certain gentleman after he had served his turn by it, and that it is already sold to another patron; so that a single vice or turn of presenting was the very thing bargained for. It is true, that at the synod the presentee's agent held up a piece of parchment, which he affirmed to be the right in question, but it might have been only a piece of an old drum-head, for ought I know; and a collusion betwixt the buyer and seller was so easy in this case, that no sort of stress can be laid upon that. If innkeepers are to be patrons of our churches, and have no sons willing to accept, it may be expected that the greatest drinkers will be generally preferred ; and I am by no means sure that these will be the most eminent for learning, piety, and other ministerial qualifications. Whenever these are disregarded, and money is found sufficient to supply their place, the whole fabric of our constitu- tion must be totally ruined. Upon the whole, the character of this assembly depends upon this day's decisions, and if this settlement is not found simonia- cal, and reduced accordingly, your sentences will amount only to an advertisement to all persons in- 68 MEMOIR OF I>R. NISBET. tending to purchase benefices, to get their fathers or friends to make the bargain for the patronage for their behoof, and that they be sure to get clandes- tinely into orders before-hand, in order to prevent any troublesome examination into their qualifications by the presbytery where the benefice lies. Such a plain countenancing of the grossest simony is what I cannot expect from an assembly that has the least regard to character or conscience; but if I am disap- pointed in this, I would beg leave to hint to any his- torian who is to write the history of our times, to draw a line at the present year, as Mr. Calderwood does at a certain period, with this inscription: * Here end the sincere assemblies of the Church of Scotland.' *' As your decisions will be freely and impartially examined by the public, I would beg leave to know how you can avoid being considered as an assembly of venal and corrupt men, if you openly encourage corruption and venality in others, and make them the surest ways of introduction to benefices in this church. To prevent, if possible, such reproach, I beg leave to put you in mind of an awful passage of scripture, which applies to cases of this kind, and which has already been fulfilled, with regard to the presbytery of Fordoun, and the majority of last sy- nod of Angus and Mearns: it is Malachi ii. 8, 9: — * But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caus- ed many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of Hosts. Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial inthe law.' But as I find that quotations from scripture are disagree^ HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 69 able to some members, I shall conclude with a few monkish verses, quoted by Johannes Andreas van der Muylen, professor of the civil law at Utrecht, in his book Be imperio conscientise circa hominis mores, which I leave to the consideration of this as- sembly: *' Judicabitjudices judex generalis, Ibique non proderit dignitas papalis, Sive sit episcopus, sive cardinalis, Reus condemnabitur, nee dicetur qualis, Ibi non proderit multum allegare, Neque excipere, neque explicare, Neque ad sedem apo^tolicam appellare, Heus condemnabitur, nee dicetur quare, Cogitate, miseri, qui et quales estis, Quidque in hoc judicio dicere potestis, Ubi neque locus erit codici nee digestis, Reus condemnabitur, nee producetur testis." The result, in this case, was not so favourable as in the former. Notwithstanding this strong appeal, the advocates of the system of Patronage were so powerful that the General Assembly affirmed the judgment of the courts below, in favour of the pre- sentation, by a large majority. The truth is, it would not be easy to conceive of a more formidable opponent than this remarkable man in a deliberatave body. His memory was such as to furnish him with apt quotations from every de- partment of literature, with the peculiar adaptedness and pungency of which he frequently disconserted and sometimes demolished his opponent, and seldom failed to electrify the body which he addressed. His inexhaustible wit and humour also supplied him with a weapon which no one ever used with more 70 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. readiness or effect. It appeared as if no argument, no quotation, no bon 7not, could ever take him by surprise. If any one ever attempted to play the wit at liis expense, quick as lightning, flash after flash, of superior wit, would break from his lips, ac- companied with a peculiar expression of his counte- nance, which, when he chose to indulge it, might be said to blaze with wit, which generally proved irre- sistible, and seldom Aiiled completely to turn the laugh on his prostrate adversary. In 1771, the subject of this Memoir had a corres- pondence with the Countess of Huntingdon, well known, for many years, in the religious world, net only as a fervently pious Christian, but also as a warm friend of Whitefield, and as an active and munifi- cent promoter of the cause of truth and piety through- out Great Britain, and, indeed, as far as her power extended. This correspondence seems to have arisen on the part of Lady Huntingdon, who wished to con- sult Mr. Nisbet in regard to certain opinions which she considered as erroneous, and which then appear- ed to be gaining ground. The only portion of this correspondence which has been j)reserved, consists of one of Mr. Nisbet's letters to that illustrious and excellent female, who seems to have lived only to do good, and who de- nied herself many of what were considered as the ordinary comforts of life, that she might have the more to give for the promotion of the Redeemer's kingdom. This letter appears to have been written in answer to a solicitation of his opinion in respect to a proposed public Conference between the friends of truth and the followers of Mr. Wesley. On this HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 71 subject, so interesting at that time to a portion of the religious public, Mr. Nisbet writes thus: " Montrose, 2Gth July, 1770.'' ^^ Madam ^^ — "It must give pleasure to every lo- ver of Christ and of true religion to hear that a per- son of your Ladyship's rank is so interested in the affairs of Christ's kingdom, in so degenerate an age as ours is. It would seem that Mr. Wesley, by his preaching and conferences, has been but too success- ful in seducing many of the ignorant and unwary into his notions. He has been long suspected of teaching doctrines inconsistent with the gospel of Christ, and tending to encourage fallen sinners in a reliance on their own works and merit for justifica- tion. In his last conference he seems to have taken off the mask, and openly to inculcate the old Popish doctrine of the merit of good works wrought by sin- ners in a fallen state, in direct opposition to the arti- cles of the Church of England, which he must have subscribed, and to the doctrine which he has many times preached. It is easy to revive an old, explo- ded heresy, when we take no notice of what has been said against it, by torturing a single expression in Holy Scripture to give it countenance. The obscu- rity and ambiguity with which Mr, Wesley express- ed himself, gives strong suspicion against his sincer- ity as well as his orthodoxy. If 1 had all Mr. Wes- ley's publications by m.e, I think it would be easy to show that every doctrine asserted and countenanced in his last Conference, is directly contrary to what he himself has often preached and published to the world as the true Gospel of Christ. But I see that 72 MEMOIR OF BR. mSBET. he is already provided with an answer to this, by ac- knowledging that he and his brethren have been dis» puting onl^ about words for these thirty years past. It is true that General" Councils and public Confer- ences have seldom been favorable to the interests of true religion, as men bring their own private preju- dices and attachments to those Assemblies, and come resolved to maintain their former opinions, whatever may be said against them ; not to add, that these meetings have led many to found their faith on hu- man authority, rather than the testimony of God in the Holy Scriptures." " But as the Conference alluded to is proposed by the acknowledged friends of true religion, who must know the situation of things; and besides, as it must tend to illustrate a point of fact, viz. that the doc- trines now taught by Mr. Wesley and his brethren, are contrary to what is taught and believed by the truly orthodox ministers of Christ in Great Britain; — for these reasons I rejoice that it is to be held, and cheerfully contribute my poor testimony in support of the truth. None can have the vanity to believe that Scripture, reason and argument will have the effect to enlighten Mr. Wesley,, who is a person of great learning and ingenuity, and cannot be supposed to err from ignorance. But perhaps the concurring testimony of many acknowledged orthodox minis- ters of Christ, may be sufficient to open the eyes of some of his followers, and to convince them that Mr. Wesley's new doctrines are countenanced only by the Papists and some Arminians. I shall be glad to hear of the issue of the intended Conference, and pray that God, by his Spirit, may so direct his faith- HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 73 ful servants, that they may be enabled to bear ho- nourable testimony to the truth of Christ, and in meekness to instruct those that oppose themselves, if God, peradventure, will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." "I am. Madam, your Ladyship's most obedient humble servant, Charles Nisbet." " The Countess of Huntingdon." In the same year (1771), when Mr. Wesley^s system of doctrine was attracting considerable atten- tion, and when some measures were taken to draw to it the notice of the theologians of Scotland, Mr. Nisbet drew up a Review of that system, which, though not published at the time, was committed to the press a number of years afterwards in a popu- lar periodical. This Review is a very honourable monument of the learning, taste, piety and ortho- doxy of the author. He treats the erroneous system of that remarkable man with an urbanity, a force of reasoning, and a comprehensive clearness, which evince the hand of a scholar, a logician, and a divine of no ordinary character. Yet it is probable that if the subject of this memoir had undertaken to speak of Mr. Wesley and his opinions twenty or thirty years afterwards, when the character of both was more fully developed, he would hardly have called in question the " sincerity " of that eminent man. His consistency and his orthodoxy he would, no doubt, still have assailed with undiminished confidence; but he would probably have awarded to him the praise of honest zeal, and of no small usefulness, however mis- taken and erratic some parts of his system. 7 74 MEMOIR OF DR. 3IISBJKT- CHAPTER 111. His Ministry in Scotland continued. It was not only in the General Assembly that Mr. Nisbet appeared as the advocate of the rights of the people, against the encroachments of civil or eccle- siastical oppression. He was the uniform and ar- dent friend of this great cause, and whenever he had an opportunity of pleading it, he was ever faithful to his trust, and as able as faithful. Not many years after his settlement in Montrose, the troubles commenced between Great Britain and her North American colonies. In this great contest, though he did not allow himself to violate the duty of a loyal subject, yet, in principle and feeling, he sided with the Colonies. His friend, Dr. V/ither- spoon, had, in 1768, removed to America, and was known there as the active, uncompromising patron of the Colonial claims and feelings. Mr. Nisbet, it is believed, substantially agreed with him in his general sentiments; and though, from the difference of his situation, not prepared to go all lengths with his now American friend, yet he felt and acted, so far as his sacred function called him to act, with the enligh- tened and patriotic Whigs of Great Britain of that day; considering the Colonies as having just grounds of complaint, and as pleading for rights which ought not to have been denied them. In short, Mr. Nisbet was a decided and warm friend of America in the HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLiND. 75 contest in which she was engaged; and manifested his friendship as far as he was allowed by his situa- tion. And as this was no secret, it attracted the no- tice of the partizans of government, and drew upon him the frowns of many a tool of the administration. Being called to preach on a public Fast appointed by government during the American war, he took his text from Daniel v. 5, 25: In the same hour came forth Jingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick, upon the plaster of the wall of the king^s palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote — And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Te- KEL, UfHARSIN. The introduction to his discourse was in the fol- lowing strongly marked and characteristic strain: " We are this day called by our superiours to fast and afflict our souls; and they have not called us to this duty until they had given us abundant reason to do so. We have many enemies: our sins and follies are many also; yet we do not chuse to be told of them. Prosperity intoxicates men's minds; and even a great share of adversity is insufficient to open their , eyes, and bring them to their senses. They love to be deceived, and hope to the last, till the punishment of their sins actually falls upon them. Nineveh is the only instance in history of a people repenting and obtaining a delay of their punishment. To dis- charge our duty with as little offence as possible, we have chose the words of this text for the subject of our discourse on this occasion. They served to awa- ken a mighty monarch, who does not appear to have ever thought before. After the destruction of Nine- 76 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. veh, Babylon was the principal seat of the Assyrian monarch, though that empire did not continue long in vigour after the above period. Under Nebuchad- nezzar it was terrible and extensive; but the weakness and incapacity of his grandson Belshazzar brought it to an end, as we are told in the chapter from which our text is taken, and as it had been long ago fore- told by the prophet Isaiah, Chapter 45, 46, 47. Cy- rus, the instrument chosen of God for that purpose, was named, long before his birth, by the prophet; and on this account, that he was raised up to execute God's judgments against Babylon, and to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, he is called ' the Lord's anoin- ted.' The Babylonian empire consisted of a num- ber of conquered provinces, whose princes were alto- gether kings. Many of these had revolted, on ac- count of the injuries they had suffered by the Baby- lonian monarchs. An empire founded in violence, and stained with blood, can never be called secure, and nourishes in its bosom the seeds of its dissolu- tion. An arbitrary prince rules over enemies, whose weakness alone obliges them to pretend to be his friends; but who are ready to seize the first opportu- nity of revenging their wrongs, by abandoning, be- traying or destroying their tyrant. The Medes and Persians were made use of in the destruction of Ba- bylon, and were part of the nations that had been subject to its dominion in the time of Nebuchadnez- zar." On another public fast day, during the continu- ance of our revolutionary contest, the members of the Town Council of Montrose, who were always in the habit of attending public worship in Mr. Nisbet's HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 77 church, and of occupying a pew in a conspicuous situation assigned to them in their official character, were seated as usual in their appropriate place. Per- ceiving, soon after the commencement of the dis- course, that its character was likely to be by no means agreeable to their taste, they rose in a body and left the Church. Mr. Nisbet, stretching forth his hand toward the seat which they had just occupied, said with emphasis, as they withdrew — '' The wicked flee when no man pursueth." It is hardly necessary to say, that things of this kind drew upon him no little odium from various quarters. But his great talents, his pre-eminent learn- ing, and his acknowledged piety and faithfulness made such an impression on the public mind in his favour, that the friends of the administration did not consider it as either wise or safe to do more than to smile at the wit and sarcasm, and complain of the censure, of which he so frequently and severely made them the subjects. Mr. Nisbet, however, in taking this course, was not alone. Some of the best men in Scotland sym- pathized with him in his principles and preaching, and thus contributed not a little to divide and disarm the odium which might otherwise have borne more heavily on an unsupported individual. Among oth- ers his venerable and highly respected friend, the Rev. Dr. Erskine, of Edinburgh, substantially agreed with him, and in his preaching and publications from the press stood forth as the friend of America. A short time before the breaking out of the war which terminated in the independence of the United States, Dr. Erskine published a pamphlet, entitled " Shall 78 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBETs, we go to war with our brother Benjamin^*' He, too,, was charged with preaching and praying in a manner highly offensive to the advocates of the American war. When besought by a personal friend to pray differently for the king and his ministers, he said — " Do I not pray for them every sabbath?'' — his friend replied — " Yes, but you pray for them as if they were the greatest culprits in all his majesty's dominions." These circumstances, no doubt, among others of a still more interesting character, led to a warm attach- ment between these two friends, which gave rise to much intercourse between them while Mr. Nisbet remained in Scotland, and to a confidential and affec- tionate correspondence, after his removal to this coun- try, which continued as long as Dr. Erskine lived. Some specimens of this correspondence will be given in a subsequent chapter. While Mr. Nisbet proved himself a warm friend to the enlightened claims of civil liberty, he was no less awake to the rights of conscience and of the Church. In 1781, he prepared a series of "Letters to the members of the established Church of Scot- land," in which his views of the unhappy policy pur- sued by the courts of the Church, are presented with great strength and eloquence. Argument, learning, and satire are all brought, with much ability, to bear on the subject. In one of the letters, a draft of a proposed petition to the king is found, in which faith- ful warning, united with intense sarcasm, shows the hand of a great and good man, supremely devoted to what he deemed the best interests of the church, and of the nation. These Letters appear to have been iive in number. Only two of them are found among HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 79 his papers in any good measure complete. Whetlier all, or indeed any of them were ever published can- not now be known. E.ven the two which remain in manuscript, do not appear to have been entirely pre- pared for the press; and the publication of them with- out the others would hardly be doing j^ustice either to the author or the cause. In the year 1782, a special effort seems to have been made in Scotland to obtain from the Parliament a repeal of the Patronage Act, and restoring to the chu+'ches of the Scottish establishment the right to choose their own ministers. At such a time it was impossible for him to be idle. Accordingly, there w^as found among his papers, a series of Resolutions, in his own hand writing, drawn up and adopted at a large public meeting, of which the following is a copy, and which will sufficiently explain themselves. ^^ Montrose, July 15, 1782. "A considerable number of the Elders, and the greater part of the inhabitants of this town and par- rish, who are members of the established Church, having this day met, and being informed that attempts are making, in several parts of this kingdom, to pro- cure a repeal of the Patronage Act, they judged it their duty to join the other parishes and societies in Scotland, which intend to petition for a repeal of said Act; and unanimously agreed to the following Reso- lutions, viz. I. "That patronage is not only contrary to the Scriptures, and the natural liberties of mankind, but also a direct encroachment on the rights and consti- tution of the Church, established by the 5th Act of 80 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. the first parliament of William and Mary, and rati- fied by the Treaty of Union.'' II. " That Patronage, though restored by Queen Anne's Tory Ministry in 1712, was not received or submitted to by the judicatories of this Church, but repeatedly remonstrated against, till about forty years ago, when a corrupt party began to prevail, and the original principles of this Church were in a great measure forgotten. Nay Patronage has been so uni- formly reckoned a grievance in this Church, that even those General Assemblies whose oppressive measures have given so much offence to the members of this Church, have never failed to instruct their commissioners to petition for a repeal of said Act, if a favourable opportunity offered." III. " That although the pretended intention of the Patronage Act was to prevent heats and divis- ions; yet, by the experience of more than forty years, it has been found that the said Act, and the violent proceedings of Church Judicatories in compliance with it, has occasioned the greatest divisions ever known in this Church; and has driven from its com- munion some hundreds of congregations of well dis- posed persons, who are still of the principles of this Church, but who could not submit to such tyrannical usage." IV^. "That the said Act, restoring Patronages, by putting the power of settlements solely in the Patron, has introduced a servile and dependent spirit among the Clergy of this Church, whereby their votes and determinations are entirely governed by their Pat- rons, or friends that procured their settlement; which HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 81 makes them most unfit guardians and representatives of a free and independent church." V. " That, in consequence of this dependent spirit, the General Assemblies of this Church, composed mostly of such men as patronage only could have in- troduced, are become so corrupt, slavish, and tyran- nical in their proceedings, that they are the terror and aversion of all the friends of religion and liberty; as by their foolish and arbitrary proceedings they are lessening the numbers of the members of this Church every year; and thus openly wasting that body which it is their duty to preserve/' VI. <' That if some stop is not soon put to these destructive proceedings, which certainly cannot be expected from General Assemblies, who are the prin- cipal authors of them, this Church mu5t soon be re- duced to a very contemptible number, and all its be- nefices reduced to absolute sinecures; a circum- stance that must hasten the ruin of our Church esta- blishment; and as there already exist parishes, con- sisting of only two, five, eight, and ten individuals, the rest being mostly dissenters, this period can be at no great distance." VII. " That Patronage gives an opportunity for simoniacal pactions, which, though condemned by the laws of all Christian countries, can never be pre- vented where Patronage is established. And, though there is good reason to believe that sundry benefices in this Church have been bought with money; it is of- ten impossible to make legal proof of these deeds of darkness, whereof even the guilty actors are evi- dently ashamed." VIII. ^^And that the people who remain in the 82 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. communion of the Church, by the habit of submit- ting to oppression, have, in a great measure, lost the spirit of libert}^, and become the willing slaves of any that pretend dominion over them." IX. " For these reasons, we hereby declare our resolution to join with the other parishes and socie- ties who have notified their resolution to petition the Legislature for the repeal of this most pernicious and destructive Act; and we appoint these our reso- lutions to be notified to the Constitutional Society of correspondence at Glasgow, and to be published in the Caledonian Mercury, the Edinburgh Evening Courant, and the London Chronicle; and we hereby promise to defray a proportional part of the expense of the application to Parliament, along with all those other societies who shall join in said application." Although ]Mr. Nisbet, by thus opposing, both in church and state, the policy most acceptable in the •' high places" of the land, incurred not a little odium, he held a place in public estimation too high to be contemned, and too firm to be shaken. But not only was the popular voice strong in his favour. Even some of the noblesse of the country were constrained to do honour to his exalted character, and to show that they knew how to estimate pre-eminent accom- plishments and worth, however unbending to the authority of the court. Accordingly, the subject of this Memoir was favoured with the peculiar friend- ship and confidence of a large number not only of the most distinguished and excellent of the clergy and literati of Scotland; but also of some individuals of both sexes belonging to noble families, who delighted to testify their veneration for the piety, the talents. HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 83 and the extraordinary erudition which all parties as- cribed to him. Among a number of names which might be mentioned as examples of this friendship, those of the Earl of Buchan, and the Countess of Leven and Melville, in Scotland, and of Lady Hunt- ingdon, before mentioned, in England, are particu- larly specified, because some remains of their corres- pondence are still preserved among the papers of this remarkable man. A few specimens of the letters of the Countess of Leven will, doubtless, be interesting to the reader, as examples of plain, simple, unpretending, but en- lightened Christian friendship, equally honourable to the illustratious female by whom they were written, and the venerable minister to whom they are ad- dressed. The first is without date as to the year, but proba- bly written about the year 1778 or 1779. " Melville House, Sept. 1th. ''Sir,'' " As I have a great esteem for your character, and some attachment to your name,"^ I take the liberty to write a few lines to you concerning a book which is in your possession, and which, at present, occa- sions a good deal of speculation. I need not, after say- ing this, add the name of the book, which I am not thoroughly acquainted with. The author's name is Nostrodanuis. It would be doing my Lord and me * The Earl of Leven had married Miss JVilhelmina A'lsbet, of a family which, though it bore the name of the subject of this Memoir, was not known to bear any relation to him, of either consanguinity or affinity. 84 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. 9. favour if you would take the trouble to cause to be written out a few of the mo5t remarkable passages, alluding to these times, and send them by post.'^ "Should this correspondence prove an introduc- tion to future acquaintance, it will bring about a wished for event. If it is agreeable and convenient for you, my Lord and I will be glad to see you, either at Melville House, or Edinburgh. '^ " 1 beg you will forgive this trouble; and that you may believe me to be, with esteem/^ " Sir, your humble servant," " W. Leven." " Rev, Mr. Nisbet, Montrose.^' The book mentioned by Lady Leven is a very rare and a very curious one. The author of this Memoir never saw a copy of it excepting the one possessed by Dr. Nisbet, of which he often heard the Doctor speak with no small interest. Nostrodamus was a celebrated physician and astrologer of France, who flourished in the sixteenth century. His prophecies, like those of the Delphic Oracle, were interesting chiefly on account of their mysterious and equivocal character. It was not difiicult to find the fulfilment of an oracle so expressed that it might be made to mean almost any thing. Dr. Nisbet considered this work as one of the most singular productions of modern times, and often amused himself in comparing its pretended predictions with late events. From the same. "iVov. 29, 1779.'' *' Rev. Sir,'' " I would have written before now, to inquire after HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 85 you, and to thank you for your kind visit, had I not waited for a frank; and, in the mean time, a very mounful event occurred, which gave much concern to this family; and I truly believe that the death of our worthy friend. Lady Northesk, has given very general concern. Her own family have sustained a very great loss. But I have no time to enlarge upon this extensive subject.'^ " I am much obliged to you for the frank manner in which you expressed a desire to comply with my request for a reading of your Lecture, had it been written: and still more by your offer to gratify my inclination, recollecting your pious meditations on that rich Psalm, and writing them out for me. I cannot deny myself so far as to decline so instruc- tive an offer, though sensible it must be attended with considerable trouble to you. I do, therefore, thankfully accept of it. And, when a leisure hour may permit, I beg you may fulfil the further offer you made of letting me have your thoughts, now and then, on some further passages of scripture as they may occur. I have an interleaved Bible, in which 1 have collected some Annotations, particularly all that are to be found in Mr. Hervey's writings (should be glad to know your opinion of these writings.) It will be doing me a great favour to send me some notes for that purpose.^' "All this family join in best respects to you; and I beg you may believe me, with much esteem,'^ " Dear sir, your humble servant," « W. Leven." " Rev. Mr. Nisbet.'' 86 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. From the same. ''March 9th, 1780.'' « Dear Sir/' " I received yours of February 21st, which gave me much satisfaction, and for which I do most sin- cerely thank you. IMy good correspondents, and, of course, my inclination for writing, are much fallen off of late. But when I meet with one whose senti- ments agree with my own in so many particulars as you have yet had occasion to mention, it encourages me to proceed, in hopes of receiving profit. As to your sentiments of Sermons, they give me much pleasure, if I mistake them not. I suppose you give the preference to sermons which affect the heart, which many condemn. For my part, those sermons which do not affect my heart, and draw tears from my eyes, have little effect upon me at all. They go in at one ear and out at the other, without making any lodgment in the memory. Your verdict concerning Commentators is also, in general, most just. I never met with one of the few I have seen, without ob- serving the coldness with wHich they could treat of the most interesting truths. I thought you might l^now of one of another spirit; who wrote with more feeling than the generality of Commentators do; and with another view than multiplying their critical notes and observations. This made me prize Mr. Hervey's writings. He writes with such warmth, and his ideas are so exalted.'^ "I am much obliged, and much edified by your notes upon the other verses of the XXXII. Psalm. I say it without an idea of flattery (indeed my opinion is little worth having), that I think you would make HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 87 a most excellent Commentator. And this opinion, I dare say, is not peculiar to me. I should be much indebted to you for any addition to the notes already collected in my interleaved Bible, which are not many; mostly confined to Mr. Hervey's. I cannot name any particular texts or places. Whatever strikes or occurs naturally to yourself will be most agreeable, and from time to time, as you find lei- sure and inclination. I suppose notes from old lectures (if you have them) abridged, would answer very well. But I have some idea that you said you did not write your lectures, which is a pity." " I am glad to find that your health was improved when you wrote last. I hope your family are all well, to which I am persuaded, from your habits, and the character of your mind, you are much attached." '^ I have not been so well for a week past, as for some time before. The degree of health to which I have been restored is a great blessing, and demands my most thankful acknowledgments to my Almighty Deliverer. O that more precious fruits may grow from this new lease of life than I have ever brought forth hitherto; and all be dedicated to Him who has yet Fpared and rexleemed from the power of the grave!" "I tire of writing, so will add no more, but ask your opinion of Baxter's Saint's Rest abridged, and his ' Dying Thoughts' — ^ Converse with God in So- litude' — all abridged, by B. Fawcett. If you noticed a letter in the newspaper (London Chronicle) from Mr. Wesley, concerning Popery, I think you would approve of all. 1 like those pieces of Baxter very much. Perhaps you have not seen them in their 88 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. present state. My Lord, and all the young people, send their best respects. I am, with much esteem, " Dear sir, your humble servant, "W. Leven." « Rev. Mr. Nisbet.'' " P. S. You have heard that Mr. Taylor, of Pais- ley, goes to Glasgow, and Mr. Burnside to Dumfries. A Mr. Buchanan, from Glasgow, is spoken of for Leith. I think that is his name. Mr. Boner might have gone to Glasgow had he inclined; but (what is very uncommon) wisely thought himself too young for such a charge; and that it might have been a loss to him in the most essential respects." From the same. ''Melville House, Nov. 4, 1783.'' ''Rev. Sir,'' " I had the favour of yours, and really take it as a favour; for, although your pen writes readily, it cannot be called ' the pen of a ready writer.' Nei- ther is mine; I am sure, for, whatever it has been, I find a great change. I wish I could say that indo- lence, much as I dislike the idea of thai, was the only cause of my unwillingness to write. But if I ever had any genius for it, it is now lost. Of this, I must not delay to give you a specimen, to convince you that I am not insensible of your favour; and, therefore, write, perhaps a few, perhaps many lines, in answer to your truly valuable letter, for which I thank you, and give you joy of your victory. As matters seem to go on slowly, it will probably come to be another outgo, if then it be restored." HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 89 " Your expectations concerning the effects of peace have been different from mine. I could earnestly wish you had been right; but I always dreaded that when the war ended, people would then imagine they had less to fear, and their minds, consequently become dissipated, especially with regard to secular affairs, as it made a new opening for trade. As for the other warnings from Providence, most awful in- deed have they been; and I trust that those who have been more immediately concerned, have been led to repentance by the judgments of God: but at this dis- tance they seem to have had no effect. Neither do the direful effects of war, or threatened famine, which so many have suffered by, appear to have accom^ plished the purpose for which they were sent. By all accounts, we continue to ^ revolt m.ore and more.' Extravagance and luxury daily increase. God only knows wMiat the consequence will be! He knows what we deserve. No nation has better rea- son to say, that 'judgment is his strange work;' and that ' it is of his mercy that we are not consu- med.' " '' As for the Unitarian sect which you mention as lately introduced at INIontrose, it is pretty plain that God has not joined them together, therefore endea- vours may be used to put them asunder. Yet I dare say, open opposition is the readiest way to make these small beginnings grow and flourish. I remem- ber to have heard that Barclay, the Quaker, was sadly disappointed that he was not persecuted. I just now read a passage, which I will transcribe, as somewhat to the purpose. ' It is meet we should tremble for fear, and stand amazed when we behold 8* 90 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. the most grievous judgments of God; how he con- founds the understanding of the learned of this world ; whilst many persons not indeed destitute of good na- tural understanding and sagacity, are so offended at the great simplicity of the holy Scriptures, that they have found out divers ways of inverting the sense of clear words, and use their utmost endeavours to deny their plain meaning; draw them to a foreign sense, and accommodate them to the taste of their corrupt reason. Although the words themselves be so mani- festly perspicuous as to glare in their eyes, the ex- ample of those men, who look upon the words of St. John, in the first chapter of his Gospel, as divinely inspired, and nevertheless, impugn the eternal divi- nity and majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ, ought to render us cautious and circumspect, that we do not pervert the holy writings to our own destruction; on the contrary, that we strive, with the greatest ear- nestness, to receive the plain truths of God, with plain and honest hearts, and earnestly pray to him for the true sense thereof/ Lord, incline us ever to hear, to receive every truth from thy word, and every dic- tate of thy Spirit with docility and love!" "My Lord, and all the family send their best re- spects. '^ " Ever respectfully yours,'' "W. Leven.'' ''Rev. MrsNishetr Several years before Mr. Nisbet was invited to America, he entered his eldest son, Thomas, as a stu- dent in the University of Edinburgh. On one occa- sion, when the young man returned to his studies in HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 91 that Institution, his father gave him a letter to the Earl of Buchan,* commending him to the paternal notice of that nobleman, with whom his father had been long and intimately acquainted. The follow- ing is the letter borne by the son; and the reply of the Earl is added. " Montrose, 22d October, 1782.'' ''Ml/ Lord,'' ^' If I were not fully assured of your Lordship's goodness and condescension, I would not have taken the liberty, though at your express desire, of pre- senting my son to your patronage and protection, as I hereby do. I should have reckoned them words of course, like the ofifers of service usually made by courtiers. But as I have a quite dififerent opinion of your Lordship, and have been informed of the care you have taken of encouraging youth in the study of letters, I would gladly hope that the very circum- stance of being presented to your Lordship, and the observing, if he were capable to observe, what lustre the study of letters adds to persons of rank, may ex- cite in my boy an ambition to deserve the approba- tion of the declared patron of letters and liberty. Your Lordship will find him extremely raw and un- furnished with ideas, as must be the case with boys * This is the Lord Buchan, who sent to General Washington a box made of the Oak which sheltered the great Sir UlUiam JVallace, after the battle of Falkirk, and to whom the American Chief, with so much characteristic dehcacy and dignity, bequeathed back the inter- esting gift in his last will, not wiUing to take on himself the selection of the man most worthy of possessing it. This Scottish Nobleman seems to have been an enlightened, honest, eminently patriotic and worthy man. 92 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. educated in a country burgh, and merely as the rude block out of which an image is to be cut by the skill of the statuary.'^ " The gentlemen of this country, (I scruple to call them Freeholders) appear to be quite unworthy of your Lordship's late address, and it would be a trans- gression of the express precepts of the gospel to ten- der it to them. For the most part they seem to have no idea of an equal representation, or indeed of any representation at all, except such as may occasionally profit their sons and dependents. Some late incident* contributed to carry the business of making game votes as far as it could go in this country. It is now considered as the law of the land, and though some gentlemen for a time affected to complain of it, each great proprietor grudges to be deprived of the support of his subordinate myrmidons. It is with great con- cern that I observe that our present Premier seems to have referred the business of the Caledonian Band to the arbitrament of the Treasurer of the Navy. I wish that the good genius of Great Britain had desti- ned your Lordship a more equitable judge, but I am not without hopes that the representation of the slate of this country, which will be made by the noblemen and gentlemen concerned, and to which the Lord Ad- vocate cannot yet be a stranger, as well as the distin- guished loyalty and good character of the solicitors, may make some impression even on a person of pre- rogative principles. Poor Scotland can never expect to reap any benefit from the late act for arming the people, nor indeed to be any thing more than a nur- sery of the forces of the Crown, if by any unlucky HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 93 means the present project should be set aside. I am, with unfeigned respect/^ "My Lord," ^•' Your Lordship's most obedient," "Humble servant," " Charles Nisbet." " The Right Honourable, the Earl of Biichan, EdinburghJ^^ The Reply. " Edinburgh, November 2d, 1782." " Reverend Sir,'' "Your acceptable letter of the 22d ult. found me at dinner with the Lord Provost, by which means I was deprived of the pleasure of seeing the bearer of it, to whom I shall pay the attention, during the course of his studies at Edinburgh, which I imagine you would desire." " The great object of education is to form good and useful citizens, and to give a proper direction to the energy of youth." "I flatter myself that I possess the faculty, or ' knack,' as we vulgarly call it, of discerning the forte and the foible of young people, and of laying hold of both or either to set the intellectual machine in motion. I shall be very glad to exercise this gift, and bestow it on the son of a respectable and very singular Scotch Clergyman." " I say singular, not because f think it rare to meet with a respectable clergyman in our Kirk. God for- bid ! Very far from it. But I am sorry to say, that I find it very singular for a Scotch Clergyman to 94 MEMOIR or DE. XISBET. hold so high a place as you do among the friends of liberty, and the English Constitution of government. 1 wish I could call it B?ntish." "Your alliteiations on the C. B. are much relish- ed.'"^ "I am, Reverend Sir, with regard, your obliged humble servant, Buchan." '^ Rev. Mr. Nisbef, Montrose.^^ Mr. Nisbet to the Earl of Buchan. ''Montrose, Nov. I2th, 17S2." " Ml/ Lord;' "Your Lordship's letter of the 2d instant, which I duly received, entirely justified, but could not ex- ceed the opinion I had conceived of the Earl of Bu- chan. I greatly respect the Scotch Peerage; but I feel a far greater respect for persons possessed of ele- vated sentiments, public and private virtue, and a true regard to the welfare of our country. Poor Caledonia has suffered and still suffers much, by the rarity of these qualities in men of rank. It is now visible, that neither high descent, great wealth, nor a mysterious and haughty behaviour will command the esteem of freeborn Britons, nor even of degene- rate Scotchmen, even though attended with polite- ness of address, connections with ministry, and pos- session of the most lucrative offices. Since we daily see persons possessed of all these advantages, as far from obtaining as they are from deserving the re- ■* There is an allusion here to a literary ^'e?i rV esprit of a very in- genious and highly amusing character, which Dr. Nisbet, a short time before, when on a visit to the Earl of Lcven's family at Melville House, had sent to the Earl of Buchan. HIS IvIINISTRY IN SCOTLASD 95 jard of their fellow subjects. I hope your Lordship las discovered the true secret of becoming import- mt, by meriting the esteem of the public, instead of challenging it as due by hereditary right, without merit. In private life, mankind know their friends, and respect them: though I am sorry to observe that with regard to their sovereigns they have generally paid the greatest honours to those who do the most mischief. It is natural for great men to desire to rule, and to have an extensive influence among their inferiors in rank, and those are not last in feeling his desire who are conscious of their title to the re- spect of the public; but if I had the honour to be ad- nitted of their privy council, I would respectfully lint to them, that they mistook the road to influence md esteem, if they thought of forcing it by autho- rity, or attracting it by outward show, and the trap- pings of false dignity. To convince the public that one wishes their welfare will establish a greater and more permanent interest than legions of superiority votes, or the temporary power of distributing places and pensions. Your Lordship has laboured to con- vince your countrymen that you understand their in- terest, and are zealous to promote it. I hope that they will at last be convinced of it, and that the man of the people will soon be a more honourable, as it is certainly a more solid distinction, than the friend of the king. The order of nature requires that some should be exalted above others; but if those whom Providence has exalted, do not show a desire to be- nefit, as well as to command others, they have no reason to complain when they are neglected or de- spised by their inferiors. A little benevolence, con- 96 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET, descension and humanity goes a great way, when it comes from persons of quality. And as the virtues of men of rank bear a higher proportion to those of others in the esteem of the public than that of gold to silver, it is not a little surprising that persons of distinction should be so negligent in acquiring, and so parsimonious in circulating, this sort of coin. With the abilities they already possess, they might have far greater influence, and benefit their country much more into the bargain, if they took care to give them a proper direction. A visible regard to virtue and religion in the representative of a great family, will go farther to the reformation of their de- pendents and domestics than many sermons and ad- monitions. Scotchmen, above all others, love to be led by authority, and to imitate the example of their superiors; so that^those are surely blameable who do not acquire influence among us, where it is so easily gained. If the mere shadow of popularity, and an artful, though counterfeit, imitation of public virtue, have raised some wicked and designing men to great esteem and authority, what may not we expect from true and permanent patriotism, which is now become almost a title of reproach? I should have asked par- don for using a style so different from that in use, or rather have declined using it at all, were I not per- suaded that I know the person to whom I am writ- ing. I know that it is commonly objected to political reformers, that their notions are quite visionary, and that they expect from men a higher degree of virtue than can be found among them, and that they dream of a Republic like Plato's. But surely it is no Utopian dream to expect a much higher degree of virtue and HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 97 public spirit than is presently the ton among great men; That which has been done, may be done again; and human nature may yet produce as shining charac- ters as it has ever produced. I have been much provo- ked at hearing human infirmity pleaded in excuse for the most scandalous enormities, as if men could not be men of virtue unless they were canonisable saints; and as if it were only an imperfection to be an infa- mous knave, or a mischievous tyrant. I wish our times were showing some symptoms of reformation by the appearance of some more characters similar to your Lordship. I consider you as the Apostle of the higher classes, and hope you will preach so as to make many converts. I find the degeneracy of our people prophesied in the Canon law, but lest I should have lost credit with your Lordship in quoting anti- quity, I assure you that the following passage is co- pied from the Decretum Gratiani, printed at Paris, 1550, Distinct. bQ, fol. 100, Col. 4. < Bonifacius Martyr, Scribens Regi Anglorum,' Si Gens Anglo- rum, ait, * sicut per istas provincias divulgatum est, et nobis in Francia et in Italia improperatur, et ab ipsis Paganis improperium nobis objicitur, spretis legalibus connubiis, adulterando, et luxuriando ad instar sodo- miticse gentis foedam vitam duxerit, de tali commix- tione meretricum sestimandum est, degeneres populos et ignobiles et furentes libidine fore procreandos, et ad extremum universam plebem ad deteriora et igno- biliora vergentem, et novissime nee hello seculari fortem, nee in fide stabilem, et nee honorabilem Iho- minibus, nee Deo amabilem esse venturam.' I am afraid that if any body should write the King of Eng- 9 98 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. land in such a style at this day, he would quickly have the same honour conferred on him as St. Boni- face. I am with sincere respect," "MyLord,'^ " Your Lordship's much obliged,'' " Humble servant," '* Charles Nisbet." " The Right Honourable, the Earl of Buchan, Edinburgh.^^ At the Commencement in Princeton College in the year 1783, the Trustees of that Institution, with cordial unanimity, conferred upon the subject of this Memoir the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He was then in the 48th year of his age. His reputation had been for several years well and honourably known on this side of the Atlantic; and his affectionate friend, Dr. Witherspoon, the President of the College, de- lighted, no doubt, to co-operate in bestowing this testimonial of respect on his old friend and beloved brother. Academical Degrees were never of much value. They are every day becoming less and less worthy of regard. But it would be happy for Col- leges, as well as for the learned professions, if colle- gial honours were generally bestowed with as enligh- tened a regard to intellectual and literary merit as in the case of this distinguished man. It is not impro- bable that this public testimonial of respect and es- teem would have been given at an earlier period, had the intercourse between this country and Great Brit- ain been regular and amicable. But a seven year's war between the United States and that country had HIS MINISTRY IN SCOTLAND. 99 scarcely closed. During the continuance of the con- test, the college at Princeton was in a great measure abandoned; and the usual interchange of kind offices between Americans and Britons had been almost en- tirely suspended. 100 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. CHAPTER IV. His Invitation and Removal to the United States. Soon after the return of peace, measures were taken to establish a new College in the town of Car- lisle, in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, one hun- dred and twenty miles west of Philadelphia. Among the gentlemen most zealous and active in founding this institution, were the Hon. John Dickinson, then Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, and ce- lebrated as the author of some eloquent and popular publications connected with American Independence; Dr. Benjamin Rush, William Bingham, Esquire, Henry Hill, Esquire, and several others, distin- guished for their wealth, patriotism, and public spirit. This institution received the name of Dickinson College, in honour of the eminent statesman and political writer who nominally took the lead in its establishment, and who was also its most liberal be- nefactor. This name it still bears. Its erection was no sooner agreed upon, and in some good degree realized, in the year 1783, than the attention of the Board of Trustees was directed to Doctor Nisbet, as the first President* of their new College. This choice * In the Charter and laws of Dickinson College, the title of the presiding officer was *' Principal," and by that title was Dr. Nisbet addressed in all official acts. But as this title is scarcely known, in any other instance, out of Scotland; and as to the ear of a large por- REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 101 was made on the 8th day of April, 1784, not only with unanimity, but with a warmth and cordiality which indicated the peculiarly high estimation in which his chafacter was held on this side of the At- lantic. Measures were immediately taken to apprise him of the choice, and to urge him to accept of his new appointment. Besides the official communica- tion of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Dickinson and Dr. Rush* each addressed to him several private let- ters, in which, with great fervour and eloquence, the attractions presented by the office to which he was chosen, were earnestly laid before him; promising him every thing that wealth, honour, and Christian kindness could bestow, if he would leave his native country, and accept the chair to which he was elect- ed. This strain of eloquent importunity, and of high- wrought glowing anticipation, especially character- ized the letters of Dr. Rush, and was adapted to make a deep impression on the mind ofonewhohad never seen the new world to which he was invited, and who knew not from experience how to estimate its habits or its institutions. The fact is, the establishment of Dickinson Coi- tion of the American community it would not convey a very definite meaning — tlie title " President" is here and elsewhere used, as more in accordance with American usage ; as more universally intelligible ; and quite as perfectly in accordance with substantial fact. * Dr. Bexja]min Rush had received his Medical education in the University of Edinburgh ; had been acquainted with Dr. Wither- spoon in Scotland ; had some agency in prevailing on him to accept the presidentship of the College of New Jersey; and, it is believed/ during his residence in Britain, also made the acquaintance of Doctor Nisbet, He returned from Scotland to Philadelphia in the year 1769, 9* 102 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. lege was not now called for, either by the resources* of the country, or by its literary wants. The " Uni-^ versity of Pennsylvania," in Philadelphia, on the one hand, and " the College of New Jersey," at Princeton, on the other, furnished all the means of instruction which were then really demanded, and indeed more than could receive adequate patronage in the impoverished and embarrassed state of the country. The small number of students in both these institutions plainly showed that another was not required. But some movements of the Legisla- ture of Pennsylvania, in 1779, in founding and en- dowing the " University," had exceedingly disoblig- ed a number of gentlemen in Philadelphia, and none more than Dr. Rush. He indulged a strong animo- sity against the Rev. Dr. Ewing, the " Provost" of* the University, and little less against the Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, the President of the College at Prince- ton. From this animosity, there is little doubt, arose, at least in part, the plan of founding a new College at Carlisle. Even the clergy, and other lite- rary men in the immediate neighbourhood of Carlisle, did not at first see either the wisdom or the practi- cability of establishing the new institution. But the unwearied zeal and eloquence of Dr. Rush, and the sanguine hopes and promises of the opulent gentle- men in Philadelphia, who lent their names, and pledged their purses in its behalf, at length removed every difficulty. Objections were obviated. Pros- pects were made to appear fair. A Charter was ob- tained; and the College set in motion with flattering hopes of success. All this might have been fair and proper enough REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 103 bad the personal and domestic comfort of none been implicated but those who were acquainted with our country, and capable of estimating the character and prospects of the projected institution. But the first, and indeed the most vital step; nay, that which was relied on for giving life and vigour and success to the whole plan, was to invite a learned and venerated stranger, who was wholly unable to estimate the probabilities of the case, to leave a comfortable sta- tion at home, and commit himself to the fortunes of a new and hazardous enterprise. This invitation was one of very serious import. The venerable man to whom it was directed had now passed the meridian of life; was in a very important sphere of usefulness as a pastor; was greatly respect- ed and beloved by a large circle of friends; was favoured with a temporal support equal to all his wants; was surrounded with the most ample means of gratifying his literary and pious taste; and more unfit than most men of his talents and learning, to be a pioneer in the track of a dubious enterprise, or to cope with, and overcome the difficulties of a new in- stitution, and of a country just starting in its career of independence, and national cultivation. We may, therefore, naturally suppose that it cost him many a painful conflict before he could persuade himself ta give up all the advantages which he enjoyed, and to cast himself upon all the contingencies of an arduous and untried undertaking. While his mind was agitated with the decision of a question so important to the future prospects of hinoself and his family, his oJd fciend, the Countess. 104 MEMOIR OF i)R. NISBET. of Leven and Melville, addressed to him the two fol- lowing letters. '^Melville House, July 26ih, 1784.'^ "Dear Sir,'' "I received yours, with the inclosed. The day on which it came to hand I have forgotten, being wholly engrossed by the present distress in this fa- mily. Lord Balgonie's second son, one of the finest little creatures I ever saw, has been near three weeks ill of a worm fever, so that his life is despaired of, and, to all appearance, he cannot live long. I must leave all reflections upon this melancholy event to your pious mind. For my part, I am so overcome with the thought of God's goodness in bestowing so many comforts of this nature, and continuing them so long, that I cannot get utterance to speak of it. It well becomes us to be submissive to his divine will in all things. Parting with such bewitching com- forts is not an easy duty: but God, by his goodness? which endureth continually, and is ever a present help in time of need, can make his grace sufficient for us, and his strength perfect in our w-eakness. My dearly beloved Mary — like the mother of our Lord, ponders things in her heart, and truly behaves in the most exemplary manner. Calm and quiet as a weaned child, waiting the Lord's will, and adoring him as the author of all her mercies, and justifying him when calling for what he gave* I could write a long time on this sweet but melancholy subject, did not my duty call me to be with her almost every hour, when she is not reposing for rest; and, indeed, I am wonderfully enabled to do more than could be REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 105 expected from my small bodily strength, and present feelings. But, to the praise of God be it said, I have ever found this to be the case.'' " I cannot mention the half of the thoughts which occur to my mind upon perusing your letter and the enclosed. Only this, in general, I think is plain, that you ought to be in no hurry with your positive determination ; as the foundation of the College seems not yet to be laid. I said before that it would be a dreadful idea to me to say any thing against a clear call in Providence: and also it would give me pain to think of counteracting a design and earnest wish of my kind friend, Dr. Rush, whose name, upon one particular account, especially, will ever be dear to me and all this family; and I should be sorry he should ever know that I wrote to you upon this subject.- But, at the same time, as a fool may give a wise man good counsel, 1 cannot help saying what occurs to me on this subject. I find, from what I can learn, that the whole originates from Dr. R. His temper is warm and lively, and has the same impression upon the people there, that his importunate expostulations have had upon you. His eloquence I have had much experience of by a long correspondence with this fa- mily; and by his persevering, and overcoming all Dr. Ws difficulties, which were many and great, though small, 1 think, when compared with yours.* How do you know whether the forti/ members of the Board of Trustees, of whom you have heard, will all continue of one mind, especially as they are compo- sed of all sects? How will the duty of teaching * The Countess here probably refers to the importunity which drew Dr. Witherspoon from Scotland, in which Dr. Rush had also a share. 106 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. three hours every day agree with you? How do you know but that Dr. — . is in the right, and that he is really your friend, in dissuading you from going? He is a good man, and we should not suppose that mercenary views would induce him to mislead a brother. Have you a turn for managing a farm, and improving land? Consider the great difficulties that have been surmounted (if they have been surmount- ed) in bringing this College to a bearing. Indeed it has not yet come the length of the infant described by the good Doctor. I find that much of the good opinion conceived of you in that quarter rests upon Mr. B.'s evidence; and how do you know but that, like Dr. — . you might not bring the same character back with you to Scotland, that you carried with you to America? It is a business of importance, which, like matrimony, ought to be well weighed, as it can- not ever be undone with honour. Remember that I write to you in confidence, never to be read but by yourself. But your situation craves the attention and the interference of your friends. I wish I was a fitter one to advise. Indeed it is presuming too far to say as much I have done: but the dread of your being decoyed away from your country and friends, where you and other good people are as much need- ed as you can be any where, makes me think it ne- cessary to give only this hint, to take good heed, and ponder well the path of duty. No doubt you have done this: but oh! it is sometimes hard to know; and it is a great mercy when the Lord sets a plain path before us. You seem to make little account of the removal of an "obscure individual:" but this you would not do, if that individual was not yourself. REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 107 We should not, I believe, so much consider whom the Lord will or can raise up, as to work the work given XLS to do. I tremble while I m.ention this, and am ready to blot it out, when I compare myself with the person to whom I write. But as there are very few to do the Lord's work among us, an obscure in- dividual is of great importance. We see what great things have been sometimes done by an individual. I dare say, it will ever be your ^ chief end to glorify God,' wherever or in whatever work he may be pleased to employ you; but surely you need not leave this country to seek opportunities of greater useful- ness: and you say yourself, that we should bless God that ' we are not persecuted for the faith, nor obliged to fly to a different country for safety^ — Uhat we should be thankful for the tranquility of our station, and labour to improve it to the honour of the Giver of all good.' I should think the call to such a sort of vigorous duty, was more the province of pious young men, than one come to your time of life, with such indifferent health as yours." " ] took a spare half hour to scribble this, at two different times. Since it was begun, it has pleased God to call away from us our dear little lam.b. I can only add, that many merciful circumstances might be mentioned. Oh that I could be watchful in search- ing out the innumerable instances of that love that never faileth. Alas, it is little of it we know. I, in particular, inexcusably neglect to observe and im- prove the operations of his hands, who is ever em- ployed in doing what is good and best for us. I am sure you would be pleased to see my dear Mary's behaviour upon this occasion; who, though one of 108 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. the most affectionate, attentive mothers, who devotes her whole time to her children, is, nevertheless, as composed and resigned as you ever saw a person. What a mercy! We have been truly much afflicted, and no wonder upon this occasion. May the Lord sanctify the dispensation, and unite our hearts more closely to himself, and be weaning them more and more from the love of the creature! Pray for us, dear sir, and believe me, with much esteem, &c." "Your sincere well wisher," "W. Leven." «i?€V. Br, Nishetr From the same. ^^ Melville House, Nov. 20M, 1784." « Dear Sir/' " I received your long letter, and do really regret the trouble you take in writing to me as one of your ad- visers, which I have told you I never would pretend to be; though I felt an irresistible desire to offer some thoughts that occurred to my weak judgment, perhaps ill supported by sense or argument, and also too partial to be sustained as of much weight. I see the wise and good often so different in their judg- ment in matters of importance, that they think it their duty to argue and act in opposition to their own inclination, from a dread that a bias that way may lead them to measures contrary to the will and pro- vidence of God. But to such tender consciences, does not God, in mercy, ordinarily make the way clear, and scatter the clouds which darken their minds? Too much consulting with flesh and blood, is not the'way to come to the knowledge of the truth — (but I need REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 109 not tell you this ) Those who advise to the side that nature leads to, are suspected of partiality; while some who put nature out of the scale for others, would find it a more weighty matter were they ba- lancing for themselves. I think the Lord in mercy often forms our natural tempers according to the work to be done. You are not endowed with a hardy spirit. You do not seem form formed for en- terprise in the bustle of public life. Perhaps you may step out of your proper sphere of action, in con- tradiction to your own inclination, from a dread of sinful indulgence. Surely, there are many argu- ments on the staying side y^ry weighty, as well as upon the side of removing, had I the pen of a Rush to illustrate them. I do not think his fixing on you, at the distance of twenty years, at all sur- prising. It is a question if he h-ad heard much con- cerning people in your line during that time; and scarcely of any one whose character he could depend upon as friendly to America. So that he had, per- haps, no choice; unless, upon your refusal, he had made inquiry, and consulted vv'ith you and others for a suitable one, who had less (in the Providence of God), to detain him on this side of the Atlantic than you have. I hope this is no improper parenthesis. Are not your long settlement in a charge; — your age; — your wife and family; — your happy connec- tions; — all detaining arguments of some weight? The present call from abroad certainly appears far from clear; and is at best but an indigested scheme, of the maturity of which one may lawfully entertain great doubts, considering the contentions which at present appear to exist among them. Your ideas of 10 110 MEMOTR OF DR. NISBET. the other side of the water, present, I am afraid, too flattering a picture. What good reason is there to believe that they are a sheet of clean paper, as you seem to think they are? ^ Every thing,' you say, * is to form; the minds of men there are free from the shackles of authority; and can more easily yield to reason, &c. &.C.' I wish I could perceive good reason to see with your eyes, the people there in such a favourable light. But though I have ever been partial to them, and have fought many small battles for them, I cannot but believe that they are like ourselves, — much improved in the knowledge and practice of evil. We read of contentions and animosities begun and carrying on with a high hand; and while there are so many masters^ I fear there will be constant division among them.'' " I thought I had put a finis to this subject when 1 wrote to you at the end of the last month — but one word brings on another; and it is said of our sex that we like to have the last. But this is not the case with me; for I like to have you in my debt, which is the reason I am swifi to reply. This is little for your ease, but I can wait your time till the conven- ient season arrives, and till you get answers to some important queries you expected to have solved be- fore you formed any determination. I am always angry at myself for saying too much upon a subject on which I have so little title to advise; and yet al- ways fall into the same error, though ready to con- fess myself the most unfit of all your correspodents to be of any use to you either by prayer or counsel, though I honestly wish it was otherwise." " I told Mr. T. of your difficulties, and, as impar- REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. Ill tially as 1 could, your reasons for and against remov- ing. He seems to think that the state of affairs there, and more especially that of the College, is very precarious; and that it ought to be further advanced, and the state of affairs more settled, before it would be prudent to engage, or for any to leave his country, where he is of great use, which he is cer- tain is the case with you, and a very wise sagacious man he appears to be.^^ ^'The parish of M are exceedingly happy in having obtained Mr. T. for their minister; and likewise rejoice that my Lord was victorious over all the means that could possibly be used to defeat the settlement. But this must be the business of conversation, not of correspondence. About two hundred of them came here on Sabbath to hear him, in a pour of a rain and high wind, and said they were well requited for their trouble. An elder said that ' had Lord Leven given the parish three thou- sand guineas, he would not have made them so hap- py. Adieu! It is not from having much time to spare that I write you such a long letter, but for the esteem with which I am," " Your sincere well wisher," '' W. Leven." " Rev, Br. Nishety "P. S. When an opportunity offers we shall be very glad to see you. Lord B. leaves us before or about Christmas. I wish you could have seen them. Lord B. would like to hear all your ideas concern- ing many things. I do not rightly understand what 112 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. you say concerning the Kast India Company, and the forfeited estates." The writer of the foregoing letters would have been a noble woman without her title. The union of so much piety, w^isdom, unobtrusive delicacy, and yet faithfulness of friendship, are rarely found united in epistles not intended for the public eye, but as a confidential testimonial of respect and Christian af- fection. The reader will be very much struck with the con- trast between the prudence, the caution, and the dis- cerning hesitation of Lady Leven, and the sanguine calculations, the unlimited confidence, and the un- qualified promises of Dr. Rush. He thus writes to Dr. Nisbet. " Philadelphia, May 1 5M, 1784." " Dear Sir.^^ "I did myself the honor of writing a long letter to you last month, in which I endeavoured to state your appointment to be Principal of Dickinson Col- lege, in Cumberland County, in such terms as to in- duce you to accept of it. 1 informed you of the great opportunities of usefulness which were befoce you, and of the happiness you might enjoy in your new and elevated station. 1 have now only to add, that the public mind is more filled than ever with expec- tations from your character. They destine our Col- lege to be THE FIRST IN America, Under your direc- tion and government. The Ministers who compose the Synod of New York and Philadelphia begin to feel themselves interested in your arrival. They ex- REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 113 pect, in proportion to your superior knowledge and abilities, that you will bear a superior share of the labour in the harvest fields of the church in Ameri- ca.'^ "Mr. Bowie tells me that you have a dislike to the sea. I am not in the least jealous of that element. It cannot —it must not separate you from us. Your benevolence and sense of duty, I am sure, will over- come every fear, and even antipathy itself. Remem- ber the words of the Saviour — " It is /'^ — '^I, who " govern both winds and waves. I, who have quali- " fied you with so many gifts and graces for the sta- " tion to which you are called. I, who by my Pro- " vidence have made your name known and dear to "the people of America. I, who have many people "in that country, to be enlightened and instructed, " directly or indirectly, by you. I, who preside over "the whole vineyard of my Church, and, therefore, " know best in what part of it to place the most skil- "ful workmen. It is I, who call you to quit your " native country — and to spend the remainder of " your days in that new world in which the triumphs " of the Gospel shall ere long be no less remarkable "than the triumphs of liberty. I have now done " with ministers of my Providence. Washington, " and the Adams' have finished their work. Here- " after I shall operate on the American States chiefly "by the ministers of my grace." " I neglected to inform you in my last letter of the seal of your College. The device consists of a Bible, a Telescope, and a Cap of Liberty — the two last placed over the first. The motto is Pietate et Doc- trina tuta libertas. This excellent sentiment was 10* 114 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. suggested by our worthy Governor, Mr. Dickinson, a gentleman who unites with the finest accomplish- ments of the man, and the patriot, a sacred regard to the doctrines and precepts of Christianity. You will receive with this letter a duplicate of his letter of invitation, together with a copy of the minutes of your election, and No. 3 of a bill of Exchange.'' " We expect to see you this fall. I beg, upon your arrival in our river, near our city, that you would convey notice of it to me. My carriage shall be ready at a moment's warning to conduct Mrs. Nisbet to my house; where I shall insist upon you and your whole family making your home till you set out for Carlisle." •^ Adieu — yours — yours, sincerely, "B. Rush." " The Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet , Montrose.^' From the Same. " Philadelphia, Ju7ie 1st. 1784." " Dear Sir.'' "A vessel that sails in a few hours gives me an opportunity of acknowledging the recept of your po- lite and interesting letter of the 5th of February last, by the English Packet, which came to hand this day. My letter by Captain T.ofthe22d of April, will give you, I hope, the satisfaction you have required upon the subject of the College at Carlisle. Our pros- pects with respect to that Institution brighten daily. Our funds amount to near three thousand pounds; and as to buildings, we expect to purchase some pub- lic works built with brick, within half a mile of Car- lisle, during the late war. They are large and com- REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 115 modious, and may be had at a small expense from the United States. Our Legislature has patronized the new College, insomuch that we expect an endowment from them, at their next session, of five hundred pounds a year. From the plans which have been adopted for obtaining funds for our College, we have little doubt but what we shall have ten thousand pounds in the course of a year or two, from public and private donations. Indeed, sir, every finger of the hand of heaven has been visible in our behalf. Our enemies have not only become our friends;^ but have co}it7nbuted ]sir^e\y to our design. Dickinson College, with Dr. Nisbet at its head, bids fair for being the first literary institution in America.'' *' I am happy to find that you feel such an attach- ment to your profession as a minister of the gospel. You will have an opportunity of preaching every Sunday at Carlisle. It will be expected — nay more — it will be required of you for the benefit of your pupils. The pastoral charge of the Congregation of Carlisle will be given to the Rev. Dr. Davidson, who will fill a subordinate Professor's chair in the College. As the bounds of the Congregation extend four or five miles from Carlisle, most of his time will be taken up in visiting his people. His name will be of use to us, for he is a man of learning, and of an ex- cellent private character. If your preaching should prove acceptable at Carlisle, (which I am persuaded will be the case, for you and the Presbyterian con- gregation there hold exactly the same principles), I am well assured that you will receive fifty pounds a year from them, in addition to your salary from the College. The duties of your exalted station, in teach- 116 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. ing — governing — seeing company — corresponding — and attending Presbyteries, Synods, &c. will be such that you will be glad to be excused from performing any other of what are commonly called pastoral du- ties, than preaching^ "Calvinism, among Protestants of all denomina- tions, is the fashionable religion of our country. Mr. Haslet (a disciple of Dr. Priestley^s), has attempted to introduce Socinianism among us. But he met with so little encouragement, that he is obliged to betake himself to teaching in order to gain bread for his family. He preached once in your church in Car- lisle, when his principles were detected, and exposed with all the zeal of orthodox indignation.^' "I shall communicate your hints respecting pro- viding for emigrants from the North of Scotland to some of our enterprising merchants.'' " The letter which you will receive from Mr. Coop-. er and Mr. Linn will, I hope, be acceptable to you. The former is a, learned and respectable divine; the latter is an elegant scholar, and a very popular and eloquent preacher. They are both men of great prudence and piety." '^ Adieu, yours — yours," "Benjamin Rush." " To the Rev. Br. Nisbet.'' From the same. '^Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1784." " My Dear Friend,'^' " I am afraid-I shall oppress you with the number and postage of my letters; but f cannot omit an op- portunity which offers to-morrow, by the way of REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. Il7 London, of informing you, that I have written three letters to you within these three weeks, in each of which I have given you such assurances of the safety and flourishing state of our College, as will determine you to embark in the spring for Pennsylvania. Mr. Dickinson seems very sensible of the prematurity of his fears communicated to you by the November Packet. You will receive with my letters a letter from him, in which he acknowledges a change in his opinions and prospects. If our river should not freeze before Christmas, you will receive a letter from the Trustees in the neighborhood of Carlisle. But if the obstructions in our navigation should check any future opportunities of writing to you, you may pre- sume as much upon their honour and friendship as if you had received bonds from each of them. Not only honour and friendship, but interest, patriotism and religion are all concerned in your support.^' " I find, by your papers, that your ministry pro- pagate as many falsehoods about us iioiv as they did during the war, when it was more difficult than at present to contradict them. The factions, riots, and executions in London, and the bankruptcies, clamours and distresses of eveiy part of England and Scotland, afiord a most striking contrast to the order, industry, and contentment which prevail in every part of this country. After the disbanding of an army of 10,000 men, it was expected that the strength of our govern- ment would have been tried. But we have happily been mistaken. Not a single instance has occurred of a soldier having broken the peace in any one of the states. All the crimes that have been commit- ted since the war, have been by deserters from the 118 MEMOIR OF DR. NISEET. British army, and emigrants from Britain and Ire- land. And indeed even these have been compara- tively few. The means of subsistence here are so easy, and the profits of honest labour so great, that rogues find it less difficult to live by work than by plunder. You are at liberty, if you please, to make this information public through the channel of your newspapers.'^ " We have allotted a room in our house for your reception, which goes by the name of" Dr. Nisbet's room.'' My little folks often mention your name, especially my hoys, who have been taught to consi- der you as their future master. Possibly this will be the last letter you will receive from me on the other side of the Atlantic, To the direction and protec- tion of Heaven I commit you, till I take you by the hand on the peaceful shores of Pennsylvania. Adieu ! Adieu!" " Yours," " BENJiiMiN Rush." " The Rev. Br, Charles Nisbet, at Montrose, Scotland.^' In other letters, written about the same time. Dr. Rush represents the prospects of the rise and firm establishment of the College as unquestionable and brilliant; assures Dr. Nisbet that its funds were such as might be firmly relied on; that his ample support as President rested upon a solid basis which could not possibly fail; that the Board of Trustees embra- ced a large number of men of wealth, several of them of very great wealth — every one of whom would con- sider his estate and his honour pledged to see that their newly elected President should not have a REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 119 want as loiip; as he lived; and that the most gratifying amount both of usefulness and honour awaited him on his arrival in America, and entering on his new charge. So far as the College and its endowments were con- cerned, these promises, as we shall see in the sequel, were not realized, though honestly intended, and ought never, in this alluring form, to have been made. There was, indeed, a moral impossibility, that in the then existing state of the country, immature in all literary matters at least, and just emerging from the exhaustion of the severe revolutionary contest, ex- pectations thus excited should have been satisfacto- rily answered. The truth is, Dr. Rush was an ardent and sanguine man. His whole soul was embarked in the cause of the College at Carlisle. His patriotism, and his zeal for the advancement of literature were unfeigned and great; but in his plans in relation to the College — for he might be said to have been, in the outset, the master spirit of the whole scheme — there was, as we have seen, a large admixture of the stimulus of personal and party feeling. Without this, the enterprise would scarcely have been undertaken, at the time, and by the men who urged it on: and when this stimulus ceased to operate as powerfully as at first, the College, and its learned and venerable Head, engaged less of the attention of its original friends than they did in the beginning. New diffi- culties arose; their primitive zeal had cooled;- and their early pledges were in a great measure forgotten. Dr. Nisbet, indeed, was not without some intima- tions unfavourable to his acceptance of the Ameri- can call from gentlemen on this side of the Atlantic. 120 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET, Governor Dickinson himself, at one time, was dis- couraged by the aspect of things, and felt bound to express doubts whether the Doctor ought, in exist- ing circumstances, to take a step so momentous to himself. After the receipt of such a communication from such a source, he seems, for a time, to have abandoned all thoughts of coming to America. It was in this state of mind that he addressed the fol- lowidg letter to his old and firm friend, the Earl of Buchan: " Montrose, 5th Jan. 1785." " My Lord,'' " As your Lordship has been so good as to take an interest in my affairs, I think it my duty to in- form you of a material alteration in them that has lately taken place. I received lately a letter from Governor Dickinson, informing me that, by the new elections on the 12th October, a great change in the political affairs of that state has taken place; so that he thought himself obliged, in honour and justice, to request me not to think of coming out to America in its present divided state. Since the re-admission of the loyalists the majority is against my friends, and what is wonderful, they exclude Quakers, though near half the state, from the privilege of citizens, giving as a reason for it, their attachment to the go- vernment of Great Britain, and they have now voted out that majority which voted them in. Perhaps this delusion may not continue. I imagined that a coalition of parties was in view, as I received in Au- gust last, a very polite and friendly letter from General Reed, the head of the now prevailing party, REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 121 expressing his great satisfaction at the news of my going to America, and begging me to number him among my friends. But the admission of the loyalists has put that matter out of sight. Perhaps the late As- sembly of Pennsylvania have been too much in haste to obtain the reputation of being humane and merciful, by taking in those who have turned out themselves. If they had contented themselves with restoring the loyalists to their estates, but denied them the privi- lege of voting, till they had passed a novitiate often or twelve years, the present confusion might have been avoided. The loyalists could have had no ex- ception at being put in the same state in which the Quakers, a more numerous and respectable body, have remained for eight years past. But imprudent counsels are common in all states. Wishing your Lordship and Lady Buchan many happy years, I am, with great esteem," " My Lord,'' "Your Lordship's most obedient,'' "Humble servant," " Charles Nisbet." " The Right Honourable, the Earl of Buchan, EdiyihurghJ' To this letter, Lord Buchan returned the follow- ing characteristic answer: " Reverend Sir,'' "A mother whose constitution is broken, seldom produces healthy children." " I am sorry to see the features of the mother grow every day stronger in North America; and I can hard- 11 122 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. \y condole with you upon your being obliged to live among your countrymen." " I flatter myself that posterity will discover, that I have endeavoured, not altogether without success, to make Scotland more worthy of retaining you as a citizen, and a pastor of our Church, than it has been heretofore." " That you should have been prevented from ac- cepting your appointment in the proposed College at Carlisle, by the Calvinistic party in Pennsylvania, is amusing enough; as are the strange inconsistencies of admitting the loyalists to citizenship, and exclud- ing the followers of the legislator or founder of the commonwealth." " I have marked, with a jealous eye, your whole conduct; and I can find no fault with it, but that you are more honest and open than I am, and that your enemies have availed themselves of it." "Since 3^our train of thought has been led to the institution of youth, why are you to be prevented from the exercise of your talents and your laudable ambition here, because you are not allowed by pru- dence to white-wash the ill instituted youth of a dis- tant country?" " Only prove it is in your power that you can make a man, and you will have many at your com- mand. In the mean time, allow me to call your at- tention to a learned subject, which I have been lately endeavouring to elucidate — the prog7^ess of the Roman arms in your part of the world,^^ " There are the remains of two camps, about six miles from each other, connected with a causeway, and these are not far from you. They are called the REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 123 Haw-dykes and the Battle-dykes. Mr. Jamieson, of Forfar, has informed me of them, and I wish to have a description and measurement of them, accom- panied by a drawing, and a map of the adjacent country, representing the nature of the ground inde- pendent of cultivation. From these, and a string of Roman entrenchments, through Strathmore to the pass of the Grampian, near Slonehive, I mean to fol- low Agricola in his march, and to determine the field of the last great battle where Galgacus, and the combined clans, were defeated." " Lady Buchan desires me to present her compli- ments; and I am,'^ " Rev'd sir, with great regard," " Your obedient humble servant," "Buchan." " To the Rev. Br. Nisbet, Montrose.^^ The suggestion in Lord Buchan's letter, that Dr. Nisbet's election to the Presidency of Dickinson College was opposed by " the Calvinistic party of Pennsylvania" is as totally destitute of foundation as possible. Two classes of persons only, so far as is now known, opposed the measure, viz: 1st, the cau- tious and calculating, who were afraid of exciting expectations which could not be fulfilled, and who strongly doubted the propriety of bringing so distin- guished and venerable a man from Great Britain to a situation less comfortable than that which he occu- pied in his native country; and, 2dly, the few who feared that the erection of a new College in Carlisle might interfere with the prosperity of institutions already existing, and with which they were con- 124 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET#-^' nected. But Calvinism, assuredly, formed no part of the dividing line in either case. Among all the opposers of both classes, only one nominal Calvinist is now recollected; whereas the great mass of Cal- vinistic influence in Pennsylvania was ultimately in favour of Dr. Nisbet's appointment. In the mean while, some of the Trustees of the College, having heard of Mr. Dickinson's letter to Dr. Nisbet, and the unfavourable impression which jt had made on his mind, although there could not be a formal meeting of the Board, determined to address to him a joint and countervailing communication. This was done in the following terms: '^ Philadeljohia, Nov. IQth, 1784.'' « Sir;' "Mr. Dickinson having communicated to us, the subscribers, Trustees of the College at Carlisle, occa- sionally met in Philadelphia, a copy of his letter to you of the 25th of October, we are happy in an op- portunity of informing you that we conceive the apprehensions and fears contained in that letter to be wholly without foundation." "We beg leave to inform you that the aforesaid letter was written by Mr. Dickinson in his private capacity, without the knowledge of any one of the Trustees, and that we are fully of the opinion that the charter of our College is as secure as any private property in the state." "'We expect to have the pleasure of seeing you in the spring, and to realize all our expectations of the future usefulness of our College, from your patron- age as its Principal." REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 125 " In the mean while, we beg you would place the fullest confidence in the assurances and obligations of the Board of Trustees, contained in their public letter of the 30th of September last, which was signed by their order, by the President of our Board." " With sincere wishes for your prosperous voy- age to America, and assurances of future friendship, we are," " Sir," " With great respect," " Your obed't humble serv'ts," ^r TT r Collesre of Car- Henry Hill, f ^.^^J -^ Benj'n Rush, J After much hesitation, and many conflicts, the im- portunity and solemn assurances of Dr. Rush, and other members of the Board of Trustees, prevailed. Dr. Nisbet declared his acceptance of the office to which he had been elected, and, in a short time, pre- pared for his voyage to America. In taking leave of the Presbytery of Brechin, of which^4ie had been, for many years, a member, the following testimonial was given him by that body; which, as it is much more extended than is com- monly given on such occasions, and especially as it was voted by a body in which he had long been, and continued to be, in a struggling and persevering minority, a minority to many of the important and controuling members of the church of Scotland in no small degree ofiensive, is the more worthy of re- gard. Such a testimonial, in such circumstances 11* 136 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. could not have been accorded except to a man whose talents, learning, and acknowledged piety, were so pre-eminent as to triumph even over party animo- sity. "At Brechin, the 6th day of April, 1785, the Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet, who has been minister of Montrose, within the bounds of this Presbytery, since the 17th day of May, 1764, having signified to us his intention of removing from his present charge to a settlement in a distant part of the world, We hereby certify, that the said Dr. Nisbet, has, dur- ing the time of his residence within our bounds, dis- charged the several duties of the pastoral office, with great faithfulness, diligence, and assiduity; and that his conduct, both in private and in public life, has been in every respect unexceptionable, and highly ornamental to his character and profession, as a Chris- tian, and a minister of the Gospel. We deplore his re- moval, as depriving this Presbytery of a worthy and valuable member; as a loss to the town and parish of Montrose in particular, and to the Church of Scot- land in general; and we are fully confident, from our own knowledge and experience, that he will prove a real blessing to any Christian society in any part of the world, with which he may happen to be con- nected, and in any station or department in which Providence may place him. Signed in the name, in the presence, and by the appointment of the Presby- tery of Brechin, at Brechin, place and date as above, by'' " Robert Hannah, Moderator .^^ "John PiRiE, Clerks But before Dr. Nisbet left Scotland, his faithful REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 127 and anxious friend, Lady Leven, addressed to him the following letters: ^'Melville House, Jan.. 17, 1785.'' ''Ddar Sir;' " I intended to have written to you before now, had not the high postage laid an embargo. Mr. Mar- tin has been so good as to give me a reading of your letter to him, which is the cause of my taking the pen immediately; in case I should by mistake, be classed among your " mistaken Right Honourable friends;" that I may assure you, that whoever these may be, I never was among the number; but had penetration enough, upon the first reading, to discover the true import of the words. And I really tliink it required but a small degree of penetration to pass a true judg- ment upon them by any person who knows the au- thor's manner and feelings. I thought the words alluded to could never have been construed in any light but in jest, though the writer had been un- known; but surely none that know the humanity of your disposition, and your sympathy with all in dis- tress, could suppose you guilt}'' of hard measures. 1 think it was not prudent to write in that style to such a distance. The other particulars of your letter to Mr. W. I remember little about; the note about the Loyalists being the only thing I had taken notice of, and on which I was at a loss for a commentary. I hope you keep good health in this severe season. Both my Lord and I have been ailing. He has shar- ed in a distemper very epidemic of late in many places, a complaint in the bowels, attended with a flux. He is now pretty well again. A great mercy 128 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. — among many mercies to his family, that cannot be numbered." " We have no word yet of the ship in which our son David sailed for Gibraltar the end of November last, which is matter of great anxiety to my mind. Dr. Erskine's only remaining son has been very ill, and is still far from well. They dreaded water in his head. The worthy man is very low." '' I only got your letter yesterday from Mr. M. He only got it himself on Saturday, as he had been in Edinburgh. I should not write so soon, but did not wish that you should suppose me so ignorant of your Christian disposition as to misconstrue your words when they would bear a meaning that implied no evil." "In haste, adieu. I take the opportunity of our carrier to send this to Edinburgh. I am. Reverend and dear sir, " Yours, with great regard," " W. Leven." " The Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbef,'' " Montr osQ.^^ From the same. " Melville House, March 23, 1785." " Rev. and worthy Sir.'' " It was lucky for me that your final departure was sudden and unexpected the day you left Melville House. I had no apprehension that it was to be the last meeting. It is always very hard upon me to bid adieu to a friend, much more especially when I never expect to see him again. You have by this time, no doubt, felt enough of this trial, which to me is al- REMOVAL TO THE UJ5ITED STATES. 129 ways aflfecting. I intended writing to you before now, but waited for some convenient opportunity. But upon hearing accidentally that you was to be at Dundee on Wednesday, on your way to Greenock, I take up the pen to express my good wishes for a safe and easy passage, and that you may be long pre- served for valuable purposes. I heartily sympathize with Mrs. Nisbet. If her views are not clear as to the path of duty, she must suffer deeply . I beg that you will write to me sometimes. And do not conceal the truth, if matters do not answer your expectations. I still think you have been hurried off this stage, which I do most sincerely regret. My worthy friend. Dr. Rush and I would be antipodes in your affairs. I beg, however, that you will assure him of my constant love and regard, for the friendly duty he performed, to the last remains of Him, whom I loved as my own life.* I have half written several * The repeated and strong expressions of grateful attachment to Dr. Rush, on the part of the Countess of Leven and her family cannot have escaped the notice of any attentive reader. It is due to the memory of both paities to assign the reasons of this attachment. When Dr. Rush vi^as pursuing his medical studies in the University of Edin- burgh, he became particularly acquainted with the Earl of Leven's family, and was a frequent visitor at Melville House. Nor will any one who ever had an opportunity of observing the refined and polish- ed manners, and the peculiarly fascinating conversational powers with which he was endowed, wonder that, when he returned to America, he left behind him in such a family, not only a respectful, but even an affectionate memorial. But there was another tie still more tender and deeply interesting which bound him to that noble family. In the British army sent over for the subjugation of the Colonies, the Earl of Leven had a son — the honorable Captain William Leslie, of the 17th Regiment, who is said to have been an elegant and pro- mising young man. In the battle of Princeton, January 3d, 1777, 130 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. letters to him, and write him many in my thoughts; but never could get one completed that pleased me. My Lord has written to the Doctor three or four times, both before and since hostilities closed. I hope he has received some of them. I would not for any thing have him suspect any diminution of the grateful sense which all this family will ever retain of the regard due to one who showed himself to be such a friend in a far country. It gives me great pleasure to learn, from time to time, that he is so happy in his domestic concerns. I have desired my daughter to put into your keeping a smidl box direc- ted to Dr. Rusli, which you will be so good as to take care of and deliver to him." this young officer was among the slain. After the retreat of the Bri- tish, leaving a number of their killed and wounded on the held, Uene- ral Washington, accompanied by Doctor Rush — then Physician Ge- neral of the American army — and several other gentlemen, rode up to that part of the ground on which the greatest number of the killed and wounded were lying, and made some inquiry concerning the regiments which had been engaged, and especially respecting the body of an officer immediately in view, which attracted his particular attention. It was answered, that that was the body of ^he honourable Captain Leslie, of the 17th Regiment. Upon hearing this, Dr. Rush was much affected; immediately dismounted; with the aid of a servant, laid the body on a suitable vehicle, which happened to be near at hand; took it with him when the American army withdrew from Princeton • and when they halted at Pluckamin, a small village, a httle more than twenty miles north of Princeton, caused the interesting remains of his friend's son to be interred with appropriate honours and solemnity. This distinguished respect and sympathy on the par^ of an old acquain- tance — now a magnanimous foe — made, as it well might — a deep im- pression on the minds of the Earl of Lcvcn's family. That it should never be effaced frorh a mother's heart, every one acquainted with ma- ternal feelings would, of course, expect. REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 131 " I write this in a hurry, having no time to lose. I shall wish you and your family well, in all places, and at all times; being, with much esteem and regret, your humble servant," '' W. Leven.'' " T/ie Rev. Dr, Charles Nisbet." After perusing such letters as these, it is probable that every reader will feel more and more surprise, that Dr. Nisbet, after having lived nearly half a cen- tury in Scotland, and after having long enjoyed the intercourse and affectionate confidence of .swcA friends, should consent to tear himself away from their socie- ty, and from all the attractions connected with it, and to launch, after having passed the meridian of life, into new scenes; among entirely new connections; and on a theatre of action as arduous as it was un- tried and responsible. Nor did Dr. Rush's generous conduct end here. Knowing that the location of the remains of a stranger, deposited in an obscure village church yard, might soon pass from the memory of those who felt little interest in the deceased, he caused a handsome marble monument to be erected over the grave, bearing the following inscription: — " In memory of The Honourable Captain William Leslie, Of the 17th British Regiment, Son of the Earl of Leven, In Scotland. He fell January 3d, 1777, aged 26 years, At the battle of Princeton. His friend, Benjamin Rush, M, D. Of Philadelphia, Hath caused this stone to be erected, Asa mark of his esteem for his worth, And of his respect for His noble Family." 132 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. Yet when we consider the pictures of certain and great usefulness which were held up to his view; the prospect of being able to raise the standard of knowl- edge and intellectual improvement in the new world; and the solemn, reiterated pledges of ample and even generous support to the end of life, given by men of so much elevation in society, we shall easily be able to understand how his difficulties were overcome, and he constrained to commit his future comfort to the .new enterprise. Dr. Nisbet sailed from Greenock, with his family, on the 23d day of April, 1785, and after a voyage of what was then deemed a medium length, and mark- ed by no very unusual circumstances, landed at Phi- ladelphia on the 9th day of June following. He was now in the fiftieth year of his age. He had lost by death four children, — two sons and two daughters in Scotland. The family which he brought with him consisted of Mrs. Nisbet, together with two sons and two daughters. Thomas, the elder of the sons, had passed through a regular course of study, and been graduated in the University of Edinburgh, before he left Scotland. He was a young man of uncommon- ly fine talents, and of accurate and mature scholar- ship, and promised, at that time, to be an ornament and a blessing to his family. Dr. Nisbet remained with his family in Philadel- phia nearly three weeks after their arrival. During this time, according to a previous arrangement, the house of Dr. Rush was their home. Here they re- ceived all those kind and polite attentions from the family of their host, and from the citizens of Phila- delphia, which strangers so interesting, and so high- REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 133 ly esteemed might have been expected to draw from an intelligent and polished community. During this interval he paid a short visit to his old friend, Dr. Witherspoon, of Princeton, by whom he was cordially received, and introduced to the litera- ry gentlemen connected with the College in that place. In four or five days after his arrival in Philadel- phia, he wrote thus to his friend, the Earl of Buchan : ^' Philadelphia, June 131 h, 1785." " Ml/ Lord," " As your Lordship is kind enough to take an in- terest in my affairs, I give you the trouble of this to inform you, that after a pretty good passage of seven and forty days, I arrived here on Thursday last at three o'clock afternoon. We had several smart gales, and one calm with a high sea, near the banks of Newfoundland. I used the directions I got from your Lordship, having procured a bag of saffron at Greenock. I had no attack of the sea sickness all the passage, but my youngest boy had it severely for eight days, but is now well recovered. The spring has been rainy and backward in this country. The weather is only become fine and clear since our ar- rival. 'The heats however are not yet come on. I have been waited on since my coming here by many people of property and influence in this State, from whom 1 have received every mark of respect and attention, and the republicans here, I am assured, never deign to bestov/ these where they are not in earnest, as they have nothing to ask of any man liv- ing. I lodge with my family in Dr. Rush's house 12 134 MEMOIR or DR. NISBET. where we are entertained with a hospitality that would do honour to any age or country. I have been visited by sundry ministers of the English, German and Scotch churches, who have cordially welcomed me to this country. Party spirit is beginning to sub- side, and commerce appears to flourish, from the vast number of ships of all nations with which the river is lined for a mile and an half opposite this city. Every thing seems quiet and orderly, and those in office are respected by all parties. A Spanish fri- gate brought over an Ambassador from his Catholic Majesty to the United States. England, who will send none, has fairly outdone the Spaniards in haugh- tiness. The people here bear no grudge at Great Britain, and continue to prefer her manufactures. I am assured that British debts are recovered every day in the courts of this State, whatever is said on your side the Atlantic, Dr. Rush has written an Essay on the progress of Agriculture and Population in Pennsylvania for the information of a friend in London. I have begged a copy to enclose for your Lordship, with which I hope you will not be dis- pleased. As Agriculture and Commerce are the chief objects here, there cannot be much literature, though I am assured there are more than could have been expected, who possess no small degree of learning. There is a Philosophical Society in this city, which has subsisted for some time, and has already pub- lished a volume of their transactions. They are just now getting a hall built for their meetings, the Assembly having given them the ground for that purpose. Perhaps it is possible to make the sciences Nourish without royal patronage. The like societies REMOVAL TO THE UNITED STATES. 135 exist, as I am informed, in the Ncrthern States, and are rising to reputation. If this country continues in peace for a considerable time, as 1 hope it will, learning and good taste may be diffused among its citizens to a much greater degree than at present, as they are still far from having acquired that portion of wealth which enervates the mind, and renders it incapable of exertion. 1 should imagine likewise that the general sobriety that prevails here, must be favourable to regular thinking and distinct perception. The West Indians, and the inhabitants of the South- ern States, on account of their dissipation and intem- perance, cannot be expected to figure in science, or even to live so long as to be able to acquire it. The mania of purchasing vast quantities of land prevails not a little among the people of property in this coun- try. Many are distressed, and unable to pay their debts, merel}'^ on account of their extensive purchases. The mania of possessing land after the price is spent, is the nearest thing you have to it in Great Britain. The greatest inconvenience of this country at pre- sent is the suspension of private credit, which keeps much money out of circulation, and the want of ex- ports to answer their imports. Luxury in dress and furniture prevails more than excess in eating and drinking. Frugality and moderation is rendered more difficult by the vast importations of European goods. The intercourse with the Spanish settle- ments is perhaps the most profitable branch of trade possessed by these States. It is much to be wished that they may cultivate the friendship of that Court. But this may be rendered difficult by the high spirit and thoughtlessness of our back settlers. In regard 136 MEMOIR 01 DR. NISBET. to my own affairs, my prospects are more encoura- ging than I expected. I mean to leave this city next week, as some gentlemen of Carlisle are expected to convey me thither. No regulations are yet estab- lished, and the whole will be left to my discretion. I have not been at Princeton, and perhaps may not have it in my power to get there till September next. If your Lordship desires any information from this country which I can furnish, I shall be proud to re- ceive your commands. I beg my sincere respects to Lady Buchan, and remain," "My Lord," " Your Lordship's most obedient," " Humble servant," *^ Charles Nisbet." " The Bight Honourable, the Earl of Buchan, Edinburgh,''^ RESIDENCB IN THE UNITED STATES. 13.7 CHAPTER V. His Residence in the United States. Early in July, 1785, Doctor Nisbet set out from Philadelphia, for Carlisle, and reached it on the fourth of that month, in the midst of the spirited and patriotic celebration of the Anniversary of Inde- pendence. The inhabitants of the town and neigh- bourhood, who had assembled in great numbers to commemorate the day, being informed of his ap- proach, dispatched a deputation of the citizens, toge- ther with the Carlisle troop of horse, to escort him into the borough. He entered it in the midst of joy and congratulation, and was received and. treated with all those marks of respect and esteem which distinguished and long expected strangers, having so many strong claims on the public favour, had a right to anticipate. On the next day, the 5th of July, the oath of office was administered to the Doctor; and he immediately began to address himself to those duties which devolved on the Head of an infant In-. stitution, existing, as yet, chiefly on paper; whose students were to be attracted; whose character was. to be formed; and whose success, under God, was to be insured only by the wisdom and reputation of a. distinguished individual called to preside over it. It was on this, occasion, that Dr. Nisbet delivered- the only discourse that he ever allowed to be printed. It was founded on ^cts vii. 22: ^* t/2nd Moses w^s, 12* 138 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and vjas inighty in words, and in deeds.^' The scope of the sermon was to show "the importance of the union of piety and learning. '' It is hardly neces- sary to say that the sermon was an able one, and that those who have read it, have been disposed instinc- tively to regret that the author should not have pub- lished much more. Scarcely had he entered on the arduous duties of this new and responsible office, before he and several members of his family, were attacked with a severe and protracted illness. Although Carlisle and its neighbourhood have, in general, been and still are considered as rather remarkably healthy; yet th esse interesting strangers underwent what has been called a seasoning to the climate, of the most dangerous and trying kind. Most of them were seized with an obstinate fever, which brought them very low, and from which their recovery was difficult and ex- tremely slow. The Doctor himself suffered more severely than any other member of the family. His strength was so greatly reduced by the obstinate continuance of the disease, that he was confined in a great measure to his house for several months, and rendered wholly unfit for any effort, either bodily or mental; and so completely discouraged, that, on the ISth of October following his arrival, he sent in to the Board of Trustees of the College, his resignation of the office of President, and determined on return- ing to Scotland. The Board received this commu- nication with great regret, and were unwilling to accept it. But finding the Doctor's mind filled with the most gloomy impressions concerning his pros- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 139 pects, and in a state which precluded the hope of being able to retain him, they at length, with much reluctance, determined to yield to his desires, and accepted his resignation. In this state of depression and despondency, he addressed the following letter to the Earl of Buchan: " Carlisle, i5t/i December, 1785." '' My Lord r ^' I had the honour of your Lordship's esteemed letter of the 14th, Sept. eight days ago. It will no doubt surprise you to learn that I am preparing to leav^e this country by the first opportunity. I have not been in a condition to enjoy life, or do business since I entered it. The great heats, though last sum- mer was one of the mildest ever known here, are be- yond the conception of any person who has not felt them. Fevers and agues are the reigning distresses, to some they are annual and periodical, and in all cases most violent and oppressive to the nervous sys- tem. I run a great risk of falling a sacrifice to the climate. My whole family were ill for three months together^ and I have heard of their lasting five years. Immoderate heat extinguishes activity, and damps the spirit of enterprise in persons of my weak nervous con- stitution. I can give no other reason for the universal gravity that reigns among the people of this country, but that their nerves are quite relaxed. Tliey would answer Lord Chesterfield's taste to a tittle." "America will doubtless be a great and flourishing, empire, but it must undergo a great change before it becomes so. They must have more virtue, more in- 140 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. dustry, and more confidence in one another than afr present. What looks most ominous for the rising generation is the extravagant indulgence that is shown to children. They must have the choice of their masters, and may go to school or not as they please. The whip is reserved for negroes. Yet the Roman ferula, of the very shape in which it is represented in the statue of the Schoolmaster at Lyons, is used in, schools here, and often is not idle." Those who have not been in Europe, who are the majority, and consequently the rulers, have no. notion of any difference betwixt a college and a school for boys and girls of six years of age. They would have their teachers be mere day-labourers for seven hours a day, for summer and winter, and allow only two months a year for vacation. For which reason the lessons they receive are crude and indigested. Pri- vate study is impractible, no time being left for it, and the students acquire only a confused and imper- fect idea of what they think they have learned, not to mention that many contract a decided aversion for books and learning, in consequence of the great con- finement and little satisfaction they experience at their colleges.'' *' Parents would have their children become learn- ed, but. the way in which they are to attain it must- be dictated by those who know nothingof the matter. The power of the Trustees is absolute, and without appeal. They receive the tuition money paid by the parents, and allow the teachers what salaries they please: they turn them off when they think proper, and they confer degrees phno jure, the teachers RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 141 serving only as clerks for drawing up and signing the diplomas, the Trustees receiving the money that is paid for them. It is no wonder that they should be bestowed on subjects that disgrace them. Nor is the case altered though some of the Trustees should be persons of virtue and learning. They will oblige their friends, and take such measures as may render their college agreeble to the people, and draw stu- dents from a distance. What they consider as the ultimate end of learning, is that students may be able to speak readily in public; so that the preparing and delivering their speeches, make the greatest part of their employment. ^^ "I know not when or whether these things will be altered, as the Americans seem much more desirous that their affairs be managed by themselves than that they should be well managed. Many Aca- damies and Seminaries are erected or erecting in diflferent Slates, but from the foolishness of their plan I suppose that learning will be long a stranger in this country. Their taste seems to belike that of the Romans, who made every thing subservient to orato- ry. They are strongly attached to liberty, and can make great exertions upan any sudden emergency, but are quite inattentive to futurity. The general mania of removing to the westward must be hurtful to the other parts of this State. I imagined that, as I was acceptable to all parties, I' might cure them of their wrong notions of education and Colleges; bu-t when I presented a few hints to the meeting of the Trustees, not the smallest attention was paid to them, though I know that many of them approved of them, 142 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. in their hearts. Every thing was ordered according to the old mumpsimus. Will your Lordship blame me for leaving this country ? I beg my sincere re- spects to Lady Buchan. I am," «'My Lord/' " Your Lordship's most obedient" " Humble servant," " Charles Nisbet." " To the Right Honourable, the Earl of Buchan, Edinburgh^ An immediate return to Scotland, however, being impracticable, for want of strength and spirits,, and of a good opportunity; and a voyage in mid-winter being both uncomfortable and unsafe, it became ne- cessary to remain in Carlisle until the ensuing spring. But before the close of winter, both the Doctor him- self and all the invalids of his family had so far reco- vered; and with the return of health, their spirits and comfortable feelings had so far rallied; that they be- gan to admit the idea of remaining with health and usefulness in America. Under the influence of these altered feelings, he thus announced the change in his purpose, to his old friend, Lord Buchan. « Carlisle, 20th ^pril, 1786." " My Lord,'' " I informed your Lordship, some month ago, of my resolution to leave this country, in which, indeed, I have met with many discouragements and disap^ pointments; but as it pleased God to restore my RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 143 health in December last, and many people were still earnest for my staying, I intimated to the Trustees my willingness to resume my former office, to which I hope to be re-elected in May next. This country is in a torpid state with regard to public spirit, arts and industry, and far from being united in politics. Indeed, private interest seems every where to be pursued in preference to the public good. Some few are wise, but the far greater part otherwise. Their public debts, though easily payable by good management, bear hard upon them. Industry and manufactures, even with the thin population we have, might extricate us from our difficulties; but most people here think that what has not been done can never be done. The ruinous practice of moving to the westward still continues, both in this and sundry other States. Kentucky is daily growing at their expense, though I cannot see how. a people that live a thousand miles from the sea can find any market for their produce, or subsist by themselves. On ac- count of the scarcity of working people, agriculture is in a low state, and the want of proper exports is continually taking money out of this country, and run- ning our merchantsin debt to England more than they can pay. The easy and extensive credit granted by English merchants prevents people here from think- ing of manufactures, but as a corn-trade is a very bad staple, our people cannot long make punctual remit- tances, and necessity and want of credit must at Jast drive them to do something for themselves. Some small beginnings of manufactures have taken place in the northern States, but there is no appearance of any such thing here. A love of letters and know- 144 MEMOIR OF DR. NISEET. ledge prevails among the youth; but the seminaries of this country are upon the worst footing, owing to their being too often under the government of igno- rant Trustees." "The national frugality and industry of the Ger- mans render them the most thriving inhabitants of this State, but their ignorance and superstition are much against them. A deference to absurd customs, and an aversion to labour, prove a dead weight on all schemes of improvement. Hence the lands produce little; most of the ground is in wood or waste; the highways in a state of nature; and the inhabitants, by living so distant from each other, are deprived of the benefit of society, and especially of that emula- tion which is excited by neighbourhood. Indefed, societies for improvement of agriculture have been formed at Philadelphia and Baltimore; but their out- set is very faint, and the people are not disposed to listen to them. The few rich men lay out all their money on land, which they keep up, in hopes of a high price; but personal credit does not exist, and no man chooses to trust another without a mortgage. I hear of no such thing as a man of fortune residing on his estate in the country, and setting an exatrtple of rational agriculture to his neighbours. Hence the meanness of the country houses, and the neglected and squalid state of farms. In the southern States, indeed, there are men of fortune, who occupy large territories, but they have no neighbours, and live on the labours of herds of slaves, without elegance, taste, or usefulness." " If any thing worthy your Lordship's attention should come to my knowledge, I shall be ready to RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 145 Communicate it. I beg my best respects to Lady Buchan, and remain, with esteem/^ "My Lord," " Your Lordship's most obedient" ** Humble servant," "Charles Nisbet." '' The Eight Hon. the Earl of Buchan^ Edinburgh, ^^ According!}', on the lOth of the following May, 17S6, he was unanimously re-elected to the office which he had relinquished, and immediately re- sumed the perform.ance of its duties. Happily, in the good providence of God, the climate of Carlisle never afterwards subjected him to a similar trial. His health was never again, for any length of time, seriously interrupted, until the approach of that fatal illness which, many years afterward, terminated his life. It was not, however, for a number of months after he went abroad, and began to resume the duties of his station, that he recovered his usual strength of body, and his wonted vigour and activity of mind. During the continuance of this impaired mental pow- er, when his memory, which might be considered as one of his master faculties, did not serve him as promptly as usual, an intelligent gentleman inform- ed the author of this Memoir, that he heard Dr. Nisbet preach. He remarked that his preaching was, so far as he could judge, as rich and instructive as usual; but not marked with so much vigour and sprightliness. But what struck him as evincing a slight failure of memory, and at the same time the 13 146 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. wonderful fertility of his mind was this. When he had gone through the expository and didactic part of his discourse, he distinctly announced his purpose to apply the subject, and made a practical application, in the usual form, and, in the estimation of the gen- tleman, in a very appropriate and happy manner. But, just as he had completed it, his recollection seemed, for a moment to fail him — and he said, a second time — " Let us now apply the subject.'^ Upon .which he commenced a new application, drawn out into a number of particulars — without repeating a single idea that he had already expressed, and yet all equally appropriate and happy with that which he had before delivered. Here appeared an anomaly of memory of a peculiar kind. It failed him as to the fact, that he had already applied his subject; but did not fail him with respect to the topics on which he had just enlarged, and which he had urged in ma- king that application. His mind was so fertile and full that he evidently had the power, wiihout pre- vious preparation, to illustrate and apply the same subject in a variety of different ways, without inter- ference or confusion. This failure of his memory, however, lasted only for a short time. The full ex- ercise of that faculty, so peculiarly strong in him, was soon restored, and continued to serve him with its wonted promptness and vigour, until the approach of his last illness. The Rev. Dr. John Erskine, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, was mentioned in the preceding chap- ter as one of Dr. Nisbet's early and affectionate friends. This excellent man, who seemed to take an interest in ^^^vy thing benevolent or useful in every RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 147 part of the world, by no means ceased to care for his beloved brother after his removal to America. Hear- ing of his sickness, his discouragement, and his seri- ous thoughts of abandoning the country, and return- ing to Scotland, he vvTote to him in the most affec- tionate manner, and at the same time expressing with candour his opinion of the course which ought to be pursued. Among the letters written on this occa- sion, the following will serve to manifest the spirit and practical character of the venerable writer. " Edinburgh, July 28, 1786." '' Dear Sir,'' ^^ I v/rote, and sent you a small parcel of books, for your College, to the care of Dr. Wistar, of Philadel- phia, now in London, three days ago. The only in- tention of this is to give you the satisfaction of send- ing three letters, which will show you the deep affec- tion for you, and concern for your interest felt by Dr. and Dr. . I beg that they may be burnt, that no person may know of the contents of them; particularly that the writers may have no hint of my having sent them to you. I have equal proofs of Sir Henry Moncrieff's, and of Mr. Henry Ers- kine's attention, though I do not send them. I am, however, of opinion that all your friends in Scotland, (except, perhaps. Lady Leven) think that, although there is room to doubt as to your first success in the Presidentship of Dickinson College; there is none that your staying in America will be more for your honour, your interest, and the general interests of religion, than your returning." " Let me know what branches you teach in the 14S MEMOIR OF BR. NISBET. College, and what are taught by others, whether Pro- fessors or Tutors; and also what place in London parcels for you, or for Dickinson College, should be left at." "I am, my dear Sir," *^ Yours, affectionately," " John Erskine." '' To the Rev. Dr. Nisbet, President of Dickinson College, Carlisle.'^'* From the Same. " Edinburgh, Sept. 2Qth, 1 786." *•' Dear Sir,'' "Nothing important has occurred since my last letter of July 2Sth. I send this chiefly for the pur- pose of inclosing one to you from Lord Buchan." " Holland seems on the eve of a civil war, in which some of our shallow, short-sighted politicians are re- joicing, on account of the temporary advantage to our commerce; not considering the increase of the power of France which must be produced by their ruin, and probably soon involve Britain in the same fate. But the popular voice will be— let the ungrateful Dutch fight their own battles — and the ministry will listen to it." "As you are in a strange country, remember that you have two cars and but one tongue; and therefore, without necessity, and a thorough knowledge of the prudence as well as honesty of your correspondents, write nothing which you would be uneasy if it was published." " I wish you would fix on places at London, Phi- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 149 ladelphia, and New York, for sending parcels to your self or your College.^' *^I am, dear Sir," " Yours, affectionately," " John Erskine.'* " To the Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet, President of Dickinson College y Carlisle.^ ^ Dr. Nisbet's faithful and enlightened friend, the Countess of Leven and Melville, whose anxious mind followed her venerable correspondent to America, about this time, having received from himself an ac- count of his safe arrival, addressed to him the fol- lowing letter.. " Melville House, August 8, 1785." '^ Dear Sir,'' "I am much indebted to you for writing me so soon after your arrival, and acquainting me with your safe landing on the American shore. You give me a very distinct account of your voyage. Your son's dangerous illness would, of course, divert your fears for one week: though I dare say you had many awful alarms, and your poor wife would be in great distress. I do not know how it has been with you as to the article of heat; but we have seen no such warm summer for twenty or thirty years. Tliere was also a great deal of thunder and lightning on Tuesday the 26th of last month, which seems, ta have been universal; at least, we have heard of its effects, east and west, south and north." <' I rejoice that you found the worthy Dr. Rush in comfortable circumstances. I shall never be indif- 13* 150 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. ferent concerning him. He gained my good opinion in his early days, and lias done much since to con- firm it. I never think of him but with affection. My not writing to him is not a mark of my want of esteem; but that the subject which first presents itself to my mind, when I attempt to write to him, (which 1 have done often) is too tender. He has a feeling heart. I wish you had told me whether the box directed to him, which followed you to Glasgow, by Mr. Lake, arrived in safety. When you write, let me know about his family, &c. and also about your fellow voyager, Mr. Thompson; and whether he has got any thing in a settled way. Poor Mr. Peterkin has waited for some time for a ship; and, in the mean time, Mr. G. is dead, who was chaplain of Sterling Castle, and Mr. P. has applied for that small living. If he succeeds, it will prevent the necessity of leav- ing his poor family; who will be in a very poor way If he is obliged to leave them.'' •' Your Glasgow correspondents will write you all about a Jew who has been preaching there and in Edinburgh. I would gladly hope it is the beginning of a more plentiful harvest. He has published a short account of his conversion, which Mr. Peterkin will carry, if he goes. 1 intend to send this letter by him, which causes me to write in a hurry, as his motions are uncertain. It will soon be known if there is any hope of his success." '' I have the pleasure to inform you, that Lord Balgonie has a son. The mother is well, and mak- ing a fine nurse. We expect them (God willing) in about a fortnight. This is a very comfortable event. I hope you will not forget your friends in your pray- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 151 ers, now that you are in a far country. No distance of place can remove us from Him who is the confi- dence of all the ends of the earth, and is not far from every one of us. that I felt this truth in such a manner as to have its due influence upon all my thoughts, and words, and actions!'' " I have little new to write, for either instruction or comfort. What takes up the attention, and is the foundation of much speculation at present, is calcu- lated for neither of these ends, viz: that Mr. M., of B. at the age of above sixty ^ has gone off with a lady between thirty and forty, and left his worthy wife to mourn for his absence and his sins. She is a very pious good woman, and at present will find abundant use for the exercise of all Christian graces. She will have the prayers of many good people in her singu- larly trying situation. He has 5610,000 sterling a year, and left a letter for the minister of the parish, requesting him to take care and comfort Lady Catha- rine." " For Church new.«?, 1 leave it to all yoiir brethren to communicate; and for State news, I do not allow myself to interfere with it. I shall be glad to find that Presbyterians with you stand their ground, f suppose, after you are settled, you will find time to write to old friends, and will sometimes find private hands coming in case you have any pamphlet or parcel. I think much of your writing to me so soon. JNIy Lord joins, with all the family, in best respects to you. If Mr. Peterkin should go out, I hope you will show him some favour. I am per- suaded that he is a very serious good man. This is all I can give you at present. We are all much as 152 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. you left us, which is a singular mercy. My best respects to Mrs. Nisbet. She has not yet forgotten Montrose. Believe me, with much esteem,'^ " Your humble servant,'^ "W. Leven." " The Rev. Br. Charles Nisbet.'' The following letter, also from the same excellent lady, will show how strong the attachment of the Church at Montrose was to the venerable Pastor of whom they had been recently deprived, and with what cordiality they would have received him back, had he been willing to return. It appears from the statement of Lady Leven, that Dr. Nisbet's sickness soon after his arrival; his discouragement; his inten- tion of leaving Carlisle, and returning to his native country — were all, to some extent, known in Scot- land; and that his friends, in the spring of 1786, were every day looking for his return with the deep- est interest, and were greatly disappointed at his de- termining t'o remain in America, " Melville House, Jiiig. 2.5th, 1786." '' Dear Sir,'' " Just when I was meditating a letter to you, yours of June 24th, came to hand. Had 1 been in good health, I should not have been so long in acknow- ledging your letter ivithoiit date, which I received about three or four weeks ago. It filled me with much surprise, considering its immediate predeces- sor, and that we had long looked for you, and daily expected your arrival on the Scotch coast. I had. heard surniises, but none of them appeared such as RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 153 could be depended on, till I had it from your own hand. Most wishfully your friends were expecting you, and tlie people at Montrose kept the Church vacant till your not coming was almost certain. But perhaps you did not know of this. I trust that you have been directed to what is best, and most for pro- moting that interest which you wish to spread. I am sorry to find that your health has been again af- fected in the hot weather, and that your family are suffering by it. I shall be glad to learn that you are all better, and other particulars concerning them." "I am much obliged to you for writing me so par- ticularly concerning the state of religion. I fear you are prejudiced, and, therefore, do not do all the justice to the Methodists that many deserve who go under that designation. You know they were al- ways in two parties. Those bearing the name of Mr. Whitefield are orthodox, as I suppose, in all points. And, although some of Mr. Wesley's are not so; yet I am persuaded they have done a great deal of good in reforming the lives and manners of thousands; and that Mr. Wesley has been counte- nanced in his indefatigable labours by his Divine Master. To Him, according to his views, he has been a faithful servant for 70 years. He is now near 90, still active and vigorous, and anxiously con- cerned, I truly believe, to do the will of his heavenly Father." "• I should be glad to learn more particulars con- cerning the ^ Shakers j^ being entirely ignorant of their history or tenets. I will be much obliged to you for writing frequently. I am sure you will hear much good of Mr. Whitefield, and still find 154 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. some of his disciples making a good figure. It is always a pleasure to me to hear any thing to his praise. You will have heard, perhaps, before this reaches you, of the great loss which the Church and people of God have met with in the death of the precious Lady Glenorchy. I fear we shall never see her like again. But the subject is too copious. I must only give you the text, which you can en- large upon better than I. She left only the scrawl of an unsigned will, in which she devised £5000 to fhe Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge in Scotland; and a like sum for pious uses in England, It is not ascertained whether or not Lady Souther- land and her husband will fulfil her intentions; but I should suppose their doing so cannot be doubted. There is a good deal more devised for pious uses." "As I suppose you get Scotch newspapers which go to Philadelphia, I need not write concerning cur- rent news. Many strange things daily fall out. We hear of much evil, and little good. May a hap- py reverse soon take place! Shall we ever see the unhappy division between America and her mother made up again? Shall we see that breach which was and is the cause of so many evils, repaired? I am persuaded that both parties would be happier and more affectionate than ever. Alas! pride, that easily besetting sin, stands in the breach, ever indus- trious to widen it. that men were wise!" " Let me know if it be true that Dr. Witherspoon has given up the Presidentship of Princeton College. I am glad to find that Mr. Thompson is alive and well. We had heard that he was dead. As I have an opportunity of sending this free and safely, I has- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 155 ten to conclude. I hope our worthy friend, Dr. Rush, and family, continue well and happy. I had a kind letter from him lately, which gave me very great pleasure. Had I been well, I should have written an answer before now, and have sometimes been on the point of doing it, but have been prevented. My best respects and wishes ever attend him and all his concerns." '' All this family desire to be kindly remembered to you and the worthy Dr. Rush. I am ever, with esteem, dear sir," " Your humble servant," "W. Leven." " The Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet, Care of Dr. Rush, Philadelphia.^^ Dr, Nisbet, aS soon as his health was established, not only entered on the duties of his office; but per- sued them to an extent, and with an alacrity and vi- gour which none butaman of his extraordinary resour- ces, and great energy could have safely undertaken. He immediately began the preparation and delivery o^ four co-ordinate courses of Lectures — One on Logic; another on the Philosophy of the Mind; a third on Moral Philosophy; and a fourth, on Belles Lettres, including interesting views, historical and literary, of the principal classical writers, both Greek and Latin. These were all carried on at the same time, and with the greatest apparent ease; the lecture of each successive day being, for the most part, writ- ten, so far as it was committed to writing at all, on the preceding evening. But it was not necessary for him to write more than the leading outlines of a 156 MEMOIR 0$" BR. NISBEf. Lecture on almost any subject. His mind was so full of digested and arranged matter, that a little premedi- tation, and committing to paper a few facts, dates and hints, were all that he required for an ample prepa- ration to meet and gratify his class. But besides the four courses of Lectures already mentioned, this learned man delivered a fifth on Systematic Theology y which deserves particular no- tice, as it was, probably, the w&ry first cou rse of Lec- tures on that subject ever prepared and delivered in "the United States. A small band of pious students, who graduated in the College in 1788, conceived so high an opinion of this venerable man as an instructor, in every depart- ment of knowledge through which he had conducted them, that they requested him, after the completion of their collegiate course, to give them some instruction and aid in pursuing their theological studies. With this request he promptly consented to comply; and at once formed the plan of preparing and delivering a regular course of Theological Lectures. To a mind so highly furnished and active as his, the distance between plan and execution was very small. He im- mediately addressed himself to the preparation of the proposed couise, and after the short vacation, which commenced with the last week of September, he en- tered on the public delivery of it. W\s first Theo- logical Lecture was delivered October 31, 1788, and the last January 5, 1791; thus extending to a little more than two years and two months. The whole number of Lectures comprised in the course, was four hundred and eighteen. His habit was, during term time, to deliver a Lecture every day in the RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 157 "Week, excepting Saturday and the Lord's day. These lectures were fuHy written out, and slowly read; and each hearer was required to take down the whole from the lips of the Lecturer. So that every stu- -dent was expected to possess a complete copy of the whole course. The theological class to which these Lectures were delivered consisted of about eiii;ht or nine. Of these, one or two had not the patience or perseverance to follow the venerable Lecturer through the whole course, but left him before it was finished. Then, as well as now, young men were found unwise enough to prefer iheir ease or convenience to their solid im- •provement, and upon various pretexts to deprive themselves of precious opportunities of instruction. Dr. Nisbet never affected novelties in theology. He was not ambitious, in hi^ theological instruction, to appear as an inventor of new opinions; or even of new exhibitions of truth. He, therefore, apprised his pupils that, in these lectures, he did not claim to -be entirely original; that he drew freely from appro- ved authors; and specified Tarreline^ Witsius, Ri- vet, Le Blanc, and others, as those which he most largely employed as auxiliaries and guides. And, accordingly, it has been stated, by one, if not more, of this class of students, that when a suggestion was made to him, that it might be desirable to commit these lectures to the press, he repelled the proposal with evident marks of disapprobation; because he would by no means palm them upon the public as an entirely original work. When the Doctor had closed ^is course of lec- tures on Theology, the members of the class felt themselves so much gratified and interested by them, 14 158 MEMOIR OF BR. NISBET. that they requested him to give them some instruc- tion on the Pastoral Office. With this request he also readily complied, and delivered on this subject twenty-two lectures, which were deemed excellent, and which were taken down from his lips by the students in the same manner as before. In addition to all his labours as the President of the College, and lecturer on so many different branch- es of knowledge, he regularly preached in the Pres- byterian church in Carlisle, alternately with the Rev. Dr. Davidson, Vice President of the College, and Pastor of the church. In this part of his public duties, as well as others, he was highly acceptable and popular. Without what are commonly called the graces of delivery, and though always preaching without written preparation, his discourses never fail- ed to be in a high degree instructive and interesting. Dickinson College, under the supervision of her learned and accomplished head, soon began to rise in reputation and in the number of her students. The first Commencement in that Institution was held on the 2t)th day of September, 17S7; when nine young gentlemen received from his hands the first degree in the arts. But notwithstanding these favourable circumstan- ces, it cannot be denied, and there seems to be no ade- quate reason for concealing, that Dr. Nisbet, in com- ing to America, was not a little disappointed. It could scarcely, indeed, have been otherwise. The truth is, the first five or six years after he arrived in the United States formed one of the most unfortunate periods in which*a stranger could have transferred his residence from Great Britain to this country. A RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 159 protracted and exhausting war had just closed. The currency and commerce of the nation were in a state of deplorable depreciation. In fact, the States, in their united as well as individual capacity, might be said to be bankrupt. Public and private credit had sunk to a very low ebb. The value of real estate was de- pressed to a most discouraging degree. Enterprise had no reward. There was no harmony of action among the States. The government of the Union, so far as it deserved the name, was in a great mea- sure inert, for want of adequate powers. Indeed from the year 1784 to I7S9, when the Constitution of the United States went into operation, so many were the difficulties of our confederated republics, and so gloomy their prospects, that many of the zeal- ous advocates of Liberty and Independence began to be less sanguine in their hopes from the American revolution; and to doubt whether we were yet pre- pared to take that stand among the nations of the earth which the God of battles had assigned to us. Such was the state of the country at large. The state of Dickinson College partook of the na- tional embarrassment. An infant Institution, and, from the first but slenderly endowed, it was beset with most formidable difficulties. Neither its funds nor its students had increased as rapidly as its sanguine founders and friends had expected. Money was too scarce to allow many parents who desired it, to give their children a liberal education. The Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania was not then sufficient- ly alive to the interests of literature to make any considerable grants to seminaries of learning. And, to crown all, the Board of Trustees of the College IGO MEMOm OF DR. NISBET^ was a body so large, and consisted of gentlemen sor- little homogeneous in their principles and character, that united and energetic action for any length of time together was not to be expected, and certainly was not realised. They honoured the accomplish- ments, and were proud of the reputation of their new President; but they found it difificult to sustain him in that ample and honourable manner which he had been led to expect. . But besides all the difficulties of his official station, the social atid literary state of the country, and the general state of public improvement, were such as was ill adapted to answer the expectations, and grati- fy the feelings of one who had been in Scotland al- most the idol of a large circle of friends; who, when- ever he went to Edinburgh, is said to have had at least one hundred intelligent and literary acquaint- ances, gentlemen of wealth and leisure, some of them among the first noblemen of the country, who re- joiced to see him, and in whose sociely and conver- sation he enjoyed the most refined satisfaction. In intercourse with such circles, and with easy access to large Libraries, in which he took so much delight, he found himself in circumstances, in many respects^ eminently congenial to his taste. It is true, indeed, that long before the subject of this memoir came to America, he had imbibed feel- ings of strong partiality to our country. He sympa- thized with us in our revolutionary struggle, and' wished well to us in all our interests, before he was induced j>ersonally to cast in his lot with us. He- came to the country, therefore, with partial feelings. And though he was aware that a body of youthful RESIDENCE IN THE rNlTED STATES. 161 colonies, recently become independent, could not be expected to present all the stability of order, and all the maturity of improvement, to be looked for in older states; yet he imagined that in a population in which there had been displayed so much intelligence as to understand, and so much high-minded patriot- ism as to contend for, the rights and privileges of freemen, he should find more of the simplicity and sturdiness of virtue than in his native land. The very circumstance of those who called him manifest- ing, in all their communications, an ardent zeal for the promotion of literature; and an earnest desire to attract from the other side of the Atlantic great and good men to '' go in and out before them," for the purpose of lifting up the literary character of our country, was well adapted to beget a confidence that such men, when obtained, would be cordially wel- comed, and honourably supported. No wonder, then, that some degree of painful disappointment ensued, when he found on his arrival in this country, that the general standard of literature was low; that a thorough classical and scientific course would be sub- mitted to by very few of the youth who aspired to Collegiate honours; that the very small number of professional and other gentlemen who laid claim to literary character, were generally so busy as to ren- der much social intercourse wholly impracticable; and that, of course, with his habits and estimates of things, there was little prospect of his being able very essentially to benefit the counti-y, or to become, speedily, if at all, instrumental in elevating the cha- racter of its literature. And when, above all, he found the state of religion so low and languishing as 14* 162 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. it undoubtedly was, for a number of years after the- revolutionary war, it can hardly be imagined that a mind so enligiitened, so sensitive, so enlarged, and so intent on the literary and religious improvement of a^Il around him, as his. could be otherwise than dis- posed to gloom. Besides these cornsideratlons, so well adapted to make an unfavourable impression on his mind, there were other considerationvS, more immediately per- sonal, which could not fail to concur in diminishing his cornfoi-t. His salary, though by no means large, was imj)erfectly paid. The provision made for ac- commodating his family with a dwelling, was, from the beginning, far from comfortable; and the retired place of his residence, though, in many respect.^, exceedingly pleasant, presented very few social cir- cles adapted to gratify a man so pre-eminently devo- ted to books, and so well fitted to instruct and enter- tain those in the highest stations. As these things cauld not fail painfully to impress his mind, so it was natural that he should, from time to time, make some reference to them in correspon- ding with his fi'iends in Scotland, many of whom took a deep interest in liis comfort, and followed him with anxious inquiries as to his situation and pros- pects. Accordingly it is easy to see, from the lan- guage of several of his correspondents in Britain, that his situation was far from being one of unmixed comfort; and that as late as the year 1794 or 1795, the idea of his return to Scotland, ihough laid aside by himself, was not wholly abandoned by his^frieudj- m the other side of the Atlantic. RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 163 The following letters will serve to throw some light on the subject of the foregoing remarks. Dr. Nisbet to the Earl of Buchan. " Baltimore, 2Alh June, 1786.^^ '^ My Lord;' " Being detained here by a fit of the ague, and un- derstanding that there are several English ships in this port, I take the opportunity of testifying my sin- cere respect to your Lordship, though I have very little intelligence to communicate. Knowledge \s very rare in this country, and has been the least of our importations. The love of money checks its progress, and the desire of it among the generality, is not great. It is true that Colleges. Academies and Schools are founding in many places; but there is a penury of m.en, books and rational regulations. Po- litical knowledge, however necessary in this country, is very imperfect, on account of the undue and false notions of liberty that generally prevail. Public spirit is rare; and even where it exii^ts, it is checked by the dreadful reflection, that it can be of no use unless it can be infused into a majority. And where is the community so enlightened that a majority of it are wise men? A king, surrounded with guards, ministers and courtiers, is not more inaccessible than the minds of a multitude beset with prejudices and ignorance. Natural knowledge, however suitable and necessary in this country, where it has so large a field, does not flourish among us. No species of science is so much honoured as Mathematics, which, however excellent as an adminicle, is barren in itself. The king of Franee has purchased a Botanic Garden: 164 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. in Jersey, which may, perhaps, excite some curi- osity for Natural History. Mines have been said to be discovered in several places, but I cannot ascer- tain the fact; and even if the report were true, the possessors of those mines would do well to keep them a secret. I believe the ancient adage still holds — Si giia/oret icllus qux fulvum milter et aurum, hos- iis erat. I have discovered a strange coincidence between a part of the superstition of the Indians, and that of the ancient inhabitants of Europe. Where- ever the Indians discover bees, they take for grant- ed that white men will soon come after them. In the seventh book of the iEneid, when a swarm of bees had hived near the palace of king Latinus, the same construction was put on the phenomenon. Con- tinuo vates; externos cerjiimus, inqiiit, adveniare viros. This is strange enough. Virgil never visit- ed America; nor did the Indians ever read Virgil. I have been assured that in the western parts of this country, on both sides of the Mississippi, there are monuments discovered which render it almost cer- tain that that region has been inhabited by a people much more civilized than its present-inhabitants. A gentleman who is proprietor of a mine, assured me that they had discovered digging tools many fathoms under ground. I was informed by another, that, in sinking a well, he found a small furnace of brick work thirty feet below the surface, with coals and brands that had been ignited. Near the falls of the Ohio there is a salt spring in the bed of the river, which had been inclosed with stone work of un- known antiquity, to keep out the fresh water; but this inclosure being ruined by the freshets, the inha- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 165 b-Itants have no use of the spring except when the river falls so low as to leave its environs dry. In many places circular fortifications have been disco- vered, inclosed with deep ditches, and fenced with a breast work. Yet no traces of ancient habitations are to be seen. Perhaps the inhabitants have been contented with wooden houses, like Attila, though m possession of a great part of the Roman empire. Pit coal is found in abundance in the western counties of Pennsylvania, and at Wyoming on the Susquehanna; but the great abundance of wood renders it of little use as >'et. The u-ant of industry is one great cause of the little progress of the useful arts in this coun- try; but the climate is enough to damj) the most ac- tive minds. Many people here observe the siesta as regularly as the Spaniards and Italians; finding their animal spirits, if such there are, very apt to be evaporated by the intense heat of the sun: yet we hear of none dying here by a coup de soleily though that accident is common in France and Italy. '* "The humour of making new States seems unpro- pitious to this country. Kentucky is admitted into the Union on condition of their putting themselves in the order of a Slate before a given day, and taking a proportional share of the public debt of Virginia, Vermont is tacitly permitted to govern itself, but not represented in Congress, or admitted into the confe- deration. The state of Massachusetts threatens di- vision, though it has not yet taken place. The dif- ferences at Wyoming still subsist, though not pub-' licly supported by the Slate of Connecticut. Ethan Allen is actually amongst them, and undertakes to command their forces against all opposition; and a 166 MEMOIR or DR. NISBET. number of ill-disposed and profligate people are as- sembling from all the slates, which may occasion a civil war for a time." *• I hear that grants of American lands are becom- ing merchantable commodities on the Exchange of London: and I am just now informed that an eminent American land-jobber is actually at Hamburgh, and finds purchasers in that city. If this is true it will interest foreigners in the prosperit}^ of this country, and may be a means of encouraging industry, and introducing useful hands, and useful arts among us, of which we are still in great want." " I beg m}' best respects to Lady Buchan, and am with the most unfeigned esteem," '^ My Lord," *' Your Lordship's much obliged," "Humble servant," " Charles Nisbet." " The Eight Honourable the Earl of Biichdii, Edinbiirgh.^^ The next letter is from Dr. Nisbet, to the Rev. James Paton, the pious and excellent pastor of Craig, a town in the neighbourhood of Montrose, with whom the Doctor maintained a long and en- deared friendship. " Carlisle, lOth Jan. 1787." " Dear Sir,'' "Yours, of the 9th of August, reached Philadel- phia on the 22d of November, but did not reach me for three weeks afterwards, as we have no post 3'et established on this road, and communication is diffi- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 167 cult this hard winter. I had got a detail of all the transactions of your neighbourhood by Dr. Erskine, and some others. 1 had no design of writing you in a dark manner; but many things here cannot be re- lated in a few words. I am sorry for the deaths you acquaint me with, especially for those of wor- thy ministers, who have been at all times scarce. I am glad to hear of the welfare of your family, and wish I could give you any idea of this country. Knowledge, industry, virtue and religion are greatly wanting; and though every man is a politician, true politics are little understood. The lands are mostly possessed by poor, ignorant, or indolent farmers; and yield extremely little in comparison with what they might yield under wise and efficient manage- ment. Trade is in a low state. Labour is very dear; and servants scarce, bad, ignorant and lazy. In the possession of an industrious, enterprising peo- ple, this country would be a very rich one. To- bacco, hops, vines, and all sorts of fruit thrive here, but none of them to any extent are cultivated in this neigiibourhood. Hemp and flax are rarely culti- vated; though what little is sown rises plentifully. The people here have no attachment to their estates, but are ready to sell them whenever a buyer offers, and to retire into the wilderness. As this new world is unfortunately composed, like that of Kpi- curus, of discordant atoms, jumbled together by chance, and tossed by inconstancy in an immense vacuum, it greatly wants a principle of attraction and cohesion. Such may come in time, but it has not yet taken place. Legislative wisdom is greatly wanting, as most of our members have no other poll- 1G8 MEMOIR OF DR. NISEET. tical qualifications than their election bestows or them. Common sense may be introduced, but it must be gradually, and with difficulty. The great extent of the country is likewise agninst its improve- ment. With regard to my own situation it is tole- rable, though not according to expectation, and must improve only by the improvement of the public. 1 have more trouble with the old than with the young, Our Trustees are generally men of small acquaint- ance with letters, even those that have been bred to learned professions, and can scarcely be made to un- derstand their duty. The impoitation of books has almost ceased since the war, except novels, plays and Buch trifles. There is little curiosity, and conse- quently little knowledge. The youth readily re- ceive the superficial and introductory parts of know- ledge; but are little fit for abstract studies, or any thing that requires perserverance and application; and being mostly destitute of books, helps, and ob- jects of ambition, it is no wonder that they flag in their studies, and sit down contented with low at- tainments.'^ " My department in this College is moral philo- sophy; but, for the want of an adequate number of teachers, I am obliged to give a course of logic and metaphysics. We have but four efi'ective teachers, though we need two more at least. Donations have raised our library to about 2800 volumes. It con- tains many good books; though our wants in that department are still numerous. Our numbers are short of a Scotch seminary, but nearly equal to those of this country. We have been in pretty good health since July last; though the extremes of heat RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 169 and cold are still hard on us. As to sending out Probationers from Scotland to this country, I could not advise it till the people here are more sensible of their wants. A man must have the spirit of martyr- dom that would travel thousands of miles, over large deserts, not knowing where he is to settle, and when settled, having no certainty that most or all of his congregation may not leave the place, without taking him along with them. In September last, I made a journey to New York, which is 210 miles hence. The country of Jersey is flat and pleasant, and pretty well settled, though numbers of the inhabitants are daily moving westward. The Raritan, the Passaic, the Hackensack, and the Hudson are fine navigable streams, though little commercial, except the last. New York is beautifully situated on the extremity of an island, and resembles an European city more than any place I have seen on this continent. I viewed, with a mixture of pleasure and concern, many of the scenes of last war, and surveyed the progress of the fire which was once so fatal to this city. Almost all the ruins were built up in a tolera- ble, and some of them in a magnificent manner. The houses are higher than those in Philadelphia, though mostly of brick. The inhabitants are gay and luxu- rious in the extreme, though not much attentive to religion, or paying their debts. I preached to two very large congregations, the most genteel in appear- ance I ever saw, though I believe very few are opulent. I dined next day with the President of the Continental Congress, and the Representatives of nine States. Some of them are decent sensible men, and others young and raw, having been chosen only 15 170 MEMOIR OF BR. NISEE'T. for their military service last war. Long Island is almost as near New York as Ferryden is to Mont- rose. It is a beautiful high land, seemingly well cultivated, and affords a fine prospect as far as the Narrows, about ten miles below the city. Staten Island has a wilder, but not a disagreeable appear- ance. Mr. Thompson, after his wanderings in Vir- ginia, has got a good congregation in Johnstown, 150 miles above New York, Mr. Monro was or- dained in June last, about 70 miles east from Car- lisle, on the frontiers of Maryland; but I have never seen him, or had a letter from him. Mr. Addison, who went out with us, has been a year at Washing- ton, 225 miles west of this place; but not being able to get settled, on account of the refractory humour of his Presbytery, is likely to change his profession for the more gainful one of the law. A daughter of Mr. Grant, late minister of Dundurcus, to whom he was engaged, came over to Philadelphia last summer. He went down, and they were married in Septem- ber last, and passed this place on their way home, while I was at New York. Mr. Ross and his wife are settled at Pittsburgh, where he has made pur- chases, though I do not know whether they will be gainful, at least for a time. He is building a distil- lery, and has boats for supplying the town with coal. It is probable that Pittsburgh will be a considerable place in a short time, as so many are daily flocking to that neighbourhood. Twenty waggons, upon an average, every day, have passed that way in the course of this year, and we have seen them passing even since the snow fell.'' " What may be the fate of this country is uncer- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 171 tain; but there is a large scope for industry, if direct- ed by wisdom, and not interrupted by war. We have little or no inteliigence here, which makes us very dull, and the people in general are not curious either as to what passes among themselves or else- where. We are alarmed with the report of a war with England, upon a suspicion, it is said, that the people of this country intend to seize some of their West India Islands; but your ministry would be foolish indeed were they to entertain any such sus- picion of people that have neither ships nor any de- sire for insular possessions. The people here are not in the least disposed to make war against any power whatever, except with Spain, whose posses- sions are too distant to be in any danger from their efforts, at least for a century to come. Some thought- less people in the southern States would be glad ta declare war against Spain, for opening the navigatioa of the Mississippi, though they have no use for such a navigation at present, and cannot procure the con- sent of the other States to any thing of this kind. I hear of little or no emigration to this country: 520 people, being a whole parish in the Isle of Skye, emigrated this spring; but were advised to land at Quebec, as they were assured that England would make war against this country in a little time. I observe in the London Reviews, that pamphlets are writing in England, prophecying the submission of this country to Great Britain; and Lady Leven's letter, without date, which accompanied yours, con- tained a question, whether there was a disposition in the people here to return to their allegiance. I suspect that something is brewing among you to re- 172 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. vive the horrors of war in this country; but I hope that the death of the Prussian monarch may turn the attention of your great Commoner to conquer Ame- rica in Germany, which will give no disturbance here. Manufactures must be introduced into this country before it can flourish; and this cannot be done but by a long peace, and the removal of strong prejudices.'^ " I have just now read Dr. Anderson's book on the improvement of the British Fisheries and West- ern Islands. It contains many maxims of sound sense and good policy. I only differ from him as to the consequences of emigration; though he says that Dr. Price has been brought over to his opinion. He does not consider that almost every person who emigrates from Great Britain is in distress and po- verty, and can get little or nothing to consume at home, for the encouragement of industry at home: whereas in his reasoning he supposes them all to be people of fortune, and excellent customers to the far- mer, the butcher, the brewer, and baker, whereas most of them have not a morsel of bread, nor can get any work to earn it. Were Dr. Anderson's scheme to be instantly carried into execution, emi- gration might become less necessary for many of the poorer sort. But at present I am certain that it is the interest of poor working people to emigrate to this country. If they come over young, they may, by industry, acquire the property of a good planta- tion in ten or twelve years, whieh they could never hope for at home. If this country were cultivated by English or Scotch farmers, its product and riches would be very great, and it might maintain a large RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 173 and opulent landed interest. But no body will be a tenant in a country where he can so soon become a j3roprietor; so that our landed interest consists of a yeomanry who labour their own lands, and who are, of course, not very enlightened. Their children, al- most uniformly, embrace the same profession, as lands are always to be had. A tradesman, though he might make more money, is little thought of in compari- son with a farmer. This perverse way of thinking, however, must continue either until they are in dis- tress for want of foreign commodities, or till some projecting genius embraces the profession of a trades- man or manufacturer. Dr. Anderson seems like- wise to be wrong in discouraging the building of villages, as all towns have grown out of them, even Rome and Laurence-kirk not excepted. They may be improper in the Hebrides, but in a fertile country I think they ought to be encouraged; as all counties here are divided into townships. I have frequently told our farmers that they ought to build the rudi- ments of a town in the most convenient situation near the centre of each of these townships, and told them that these would soon increase, especially if they would breed some of their children to trades, and settle them in these villages. The whole lands of the townships would rise in value. But this is what they cannot comprehend; and they would be sorry to contribute to the emolument of the proprietor of the lands nearest the village." " I am in hopes that the difficulties we are under here in discharging the high taxes laid in the last years of the war, will be soon over. Our ordinary taxes are a mere trifle in comparison of yours iq 15* 174 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. Great Britain, and cannot occasion the smallest incon- venience. I am pleased to observe that our Legis- lature are beginning to discern the importance and necessity of making good roads, and setting about that great work. I wish also that they could be per- suaded to discourage travelling on the Lord's day, which abounds here to a shameful degree. We have laws good enough for that purpose, but nobody is appointed or encouraged to put them in execution. In a word, many things among us need reformation; and, though we have the means in our own hands, there is little prospect of their being reformed in haste. The ignorance of many of our citizens, who have come hither in a rude state, and their wanting opportunities of improvement by the distance of their dwellings, and the general neglect of public worship, as well as the scarcity and dearness of good books, contribute greatly to continue them in their igno- rance, and to strengthen their prejudices. The Courts of Law are almost the only operative cause that brings men together here, or awakens the facul- ties of their minds; and you cannot imagine to what degree these are employed and encouraged among us. Our Lawyers are not so learned as yours; but they are generally men of respectable knowledge and liberality of manners. The landed interest are the least enlightened, though there are some honourable exceptions. I imagine that the want of genius among our news-writers, and the barrenness of events in our papers, are likewise partial causes of that stagnation of the human faculties which prevails in this coun- try; as well as the want of cross posts, and readiness of communication. 1 live a very laborious life, and RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 175 must expect no interruption of labours for at least nine months to come. 1 am endeavouring to get the people to attend public worship, and we hope to have two sermons next sabbath, which is a great reform. Some people are beginning to think, and I hope bet- ter times are approaching. Nine of my pupils are destined to the service of the Church, and have meet- ings for prayer. But things must go on slowly. I consider myself as engaged, with others, in the inglo- rious but useful labour of digging under ground, and laying the foundation of a building that may rise and make some figure in another age. Let me hear from you soon, and send me all the intelligence, public and private, that you can collect, Remember me kindly to all friends. I am, Reverend and Dear Sir, yours, aflfectionately,," " Charles Nisbet." ^^ Rev. Mr. James Paton.^^ Every one who recollects the state of our country from the close of the Revolutionary war in 1783, to the adoption and organization of the Federal govern- ment, in 1789, during which the foregoing letter was written; — the wide-spread poverty — the prostration of commerce — the general discouragement — the mu- tual distrust — the absence of enterprise — and the pre- vailing gloom — which were portrayed in a preceding page — will undoubtedly regard the picture drawn by the venerable writer as an unexaggerated one; and will only wonder, that, coming as he did from a land of wealth and of established order — he did not load his canvass with still darker colours. The truth is, this learned and excellent man fell into a mistake very common among the most enlightened who 176 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. visit our country from the other side of the At- lantic. He found it difficult to make the requisite allowance for a young countr}^, struggling into na- tional organization and order. He measured Ame- rican facts hy European principles. Had he lived thirty years longer, he would have seen that the want of intelligence, of wakefulness to their advantages, and of enterprise in pursuing opportunities of im- provement and of profit, was one of the last charges justly imputable to the inhabitants of the United States. It was remarked, in a preceding chapter, that, in the great contest between the British government, and her American colonies, which is.«ued in the in- dependence of the United States, Dr. Nisbet was a warm whig, and gave much offence to m.any in his own country, by taking, on a variety of occasions, the side of the Colonies. With these feelings he came to America, ft cannot be disguised, however, that when he found, after being for a time in the country, the general state of things to be so different from what he had been taught to expect; — the low state of literature; the deranged condition of our com- mercial affairs; the failure of the founders and guar- dians of his College to redeem their pledges; and the erratic notions and conduct of many of our politicians respecting the govermental questions of the day ; — he was not a little revolted, and began to fear that the Republicanism of the United States would prove a miserable failure. And it must be acknowledged that the character of the first five or six years of his resi- dence in our country, was such, that a mind of his sen- sibility, and accustomed to European establishments. RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 177 might well be pardoned for giving way to such a re- vulsion. To this may be added, that the impression from what hesawaround him, was greatly deepened by the occurrence of the French Revolution, and the terrific scenes which, for more than ten years, that nation presented to the civilized world. From the moment that revolution commenced. Dr. Nisbet seemed to regard it with horror, and predicted most of the dread- ful results which are now matters of history. Of course, when he saw so many in the United States disposed to rejoice in that Revolution, and to applaud its worst features, he found it difficult to restrain his feelings, or to repress the language of indignant vituperation. When this subject was alluded to, it seldom failed to call forth his keenest wit, his most biting sarcasm, and the most distressing apprehen- sions of fatal mischief likely to be poured forth from France, as from an awful volcano, on ourselves, and on every other nation within the sphere of her influ- ence. In the course of a most interesting and long- continued correspondence with him, the writer of these pages recollects no one subject on which he poured out so much weight of thought; so much fer- vid eloquence; so much that was adapted to exhibit him, amidst all his cutting severity, as one of the most benevolent and patriotic of men. From the Countess of Leven and Melville. " Dear Sir,'' . " Melville House, Jan. 20th, 1788." " I received your letter dated the 17th of Septem- ber, about a week ago; by which I am sorry to find 178 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. your situation is not likely to become more agreea- ble; and that you cannot give a more favourable re- presentation of the state of religion, &c. in that part of the world where you now are, I am afraid the pic- ture you exhibit is by no means a caricature, extorted by predjudice or discontent; as I find others corrobo- rating your statement, especially concerning the state of religion. A young gentleman from this neigh- bourhood writes in the very same strain. He says the holy sabbath is not regarded, and the churches of Philadelphia very ill attended; not above forty communicants, he states, in the church which he at- tended. I have always wished, since you landed there, that you had come out from among them: for instead of being of more use there than at home, as matters now stand, I fear you are of much less, I have never had more than one view of that matter alto- gether, as you well know; for I always told you my sentiments, though with much diffidence, and am sor- ry that you did not take your departure from Ameri- ca, as you had once firmly resolved to do. I always think that you will yet end your daj^s on this side of the Atlantic. To be sure much depends on the state of your family, of which you never say any thing; how^the children are situated and employed, &c. Your letters are very entertainingand instructive; but always make one sorry upon your own account, and on account of the woful change for the worse upon that once highly favoured part of the world. I forget who it is that'says— " Religion stands on tiptoe in our land, <'Read)' to fly to the American strand." RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 179 And surely 1 thought it had taken its fliglit thither; for once I thought they were all saints, especially from some samples I saw of them, and good reports we heard. But, by all accounts, religion has taken wing again; though, alas! I do not find that she has landed on the British shore, or would meet with a welcome there." " I look for something extra coming from our be- loved Sovereign's tedious illness; — that it will not be unto death, but for the glory of God. It has called the attention of all ranks, and made a sort of solemn pause, and given many people time to consider who never think at all. The public amusements are all hushed, and churches crowded to hear the many fer- vent prayers to heaven for the restoration of his pre- cious health. The royal family are all quite deject- ed, and afflicted, which may be of great use by the blessing of God. The last time the king was abroad was at the Chapel, where he would be, in spite of ad- vice to the contrary; and the Queen, and Princes and Princesses have the worship^of God in the Queen's apartment. These, and other things too tedious to mention, appear to be tokens for good. The nation was never more united, or more fervent in their Vv'ishes than they are at present for the preservation and establishment of the king's health. Surely there never was a sovereign more universally beloved." " I am at a loss how to fill the rest of my paper with such intelligence as would be interesting, to you. All your friends are well, so far as I know." "March 2d. I must just say to you, as the wor- thy and Rev. Mr. Newton said to me, in a letter which I received from him lately, — began about two 180 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. months before it was finished; — that he sent the first part to convince me of his intentions; but from vari- ous occurrences, he had never found it convenient to finish what he had begun. This too, has been the case with me; and I would not send such a confused scrawl to such a distance, were it not as a proof that I had not forgotten you. My fear is, that my long silence may make you suspect what can never be truth concerning me, that I forget or can make light of a friend. Beside that, you may be assured I con- sider the loss as my own, as your letters are a great entertainment to me. But .the truth is, I am kept too busy; though I fear often idly busy. I hope this will find you well." "Since this letter was begun, a great change has been wrought in the state of affairs in Britain by the happy recovery of our beloved Sovereign. The joy is beyond description or imagination from the low- est to the highest. I must refer you to the public papers for all that happened during the sad interval of his illness. There appears to be a great work up- on the wheel at present. I wish I could have an opportunity of conversing with you, to hear your lively observations and animadversions about many things. Let me know how you are as to health and contentment; and whether you feel settled in life; or intend to end your days in Britain." " I am sorry to find that poor Mr. Muir has got no settlement. Perhaps, by this time, it may be otherwise. He is, I believe, a good man; what his foibles are I cannot say. When you write, pray let me know the history of your own family. This fa- mily, by the blessing of God, and his infinite mercy, RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 181 are all alive, and much increased. Lord Balgonie has three sons. Mary has had nine children, of whom seven are still living; and she does not look to be above twenty. Remember us in your prayers. We have much to be thankful for,'' " I thought you had corresponded with worthy old Dr. Gillies. He is alive and well, and would es- teem a letter from you very highly. Mr. Martin and family are all well. He remains * the husband of one wife,' notwithstanding your prediction. My Lord sends his best respects to you, in which my daughters join. Please to oflfer mine to Mrs Nisbet; and be assured that I continue to be with real esteem, your humble servant," "W Leven." " The Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet, Carlisle.'' From the same. '' Melville House, August 1st, 17S8." ^< Dear Sir,'' ^' Though I am distressed with sore eyes, I have taken a large sheet of paper, in case I can find where- withal to fill it. It is with regret that I reflect how long it is since I had your's of December 25th. Not answering it immediately is the reason of the delay; for a variety of pressing occupations makes me neg- lect many necessary duties which slip out of my mind." " I am sorry that you have no better news to write from your quarter, either with regard to 370ur own situation, or the state of religion among you. I shall be glad to hear what your great expectations have resulted in from the new Constitution of the United 16 18:2 MEMOIR OF DR. NISEEf. States lately proposed and adopted. When I mtri^ tioned Ihe possibility of di young man being better to go to America than you, I surely intended to say to combat, not to compli/ with^ the prejudices of the people; for in many res])ects, indeed, this might be much ag;iinst a nnan's character. In all difficult emergencies a steady person is the fittest; as sinfu! compliances are always attended with bad consequen- ces. Though in other matters it is often necessary and winning to use gentle means.'' "It is a mutter of deep regret to be informed of such a woeful change for the worse as America, in general, has undergone of late. I once looked upon it as the most highly favoured corner of the earth, in many respects, but chiefly with regard to religion. When the Lord honoured Mr. WhiteSeld to be a lead- ing man among them, in many places religion flour- ished and increased. He had no bye views or ends.' The glory of God, and the good of souls, were the main spring of all his movements. The war did much hurt; turned the people idle and forgetful of God, and indeed of every thing but liberty, falsely so called. And, 1 doubt not, it has been to many a fatal liberly, very different from that of 'the chil- dren of light.' Poor Mr. Thompson is arrived, in a very depiessed situation. It is several months since he came to Hritain. He is now in Dundee. He describes iiis situation to have been most affecting. Some of tile people were unable to pay his stipend, from poverty; others, from want of will. The mo- ney he carried out, (having sold his annuity,) he bought land With, of which he could make nothing; and was obliged to slip away, even without his poor RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 183 wife, who staid, I fear, as a hostage. I hope the people of Dundee mean to serve him in some shape or other. lie has, indeed, had a sore time of it." "There is nothing in this country to write about but what you will get from the newspapers and magazines, A great deal is said and attempted about Sunday schools, and reformation of manners, which, by the blessing of God, I hope will have a good effect. The former have already had wonderful effects, especially in large trading towns, both in Scot- land and England . Youv friends about Glasgow, &c. could tell you much about this. I thought that Dr. Gillies and you corresponded. Surely Dr. Wither- spoon and he correspond. He is always busy about something, and will be to the last, if his faculties re- main. I beg to be remembered to Dr. Wilherspoon, when you see him. I regretted not seeing him when he was in Scotland.* It surprises me that, when you write, you say nothing about your own family. I hope your son has gotten rid of all impediments in his sight, and is doing as you could wish him." " I find, by a letter from Mr. Muir, who was at Bermuda, that he is gone to New York. Of this Dr. W. would inform you, as he has written a short Pre- face to a few Sermons he has published; the price of which, by tlie time it reached me — a single volume — was 19 shillings and 2 pence. He thoughtlessly sent it by post; whereas in a ship it would only have been a triiie, if any thing. He is a pious, good man, * Dr. Witherspoon, soon after the close of the American war, W8S commissioned by the Trustees of Princeton College to visit Great Britain, for the purpose of soliciting donations to that Institution, Hia mission, however, was not attended with much success, 184 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. I am persuaded, and wish he may succeed where he now is. He married too young, which is sometimes no small evil. He does not mention whether he has any children. 1 should be glad to know how he is received, or whether he is in any settled way. I am glad he is under the tuition of Dr. Rodgers, to whom he desires me to direct for him." "I shall be gratified to be informed how you and your family keep your health. Have you laid aside all thought of returning to your native land? I sin- cerely wish you and yours may be happy. You have imbibed, I perceive, a bad idea of the Methodists since you went abroad. There are good and bad in all sects and parties. Yet strange that one who ever knew that eminent and favoured saint, Mr. George Whitefield, should harbour a doubt that the Lord was with him of a truth, and countenanced his labours more than those of any other man since the Apostles' days; and at this moment I dare say that the best people in America are plants of the precious seed sown in his time. It hurts me to find you speaking lightly of the Methodists in general. The good that some of them have been enabled to do is most amazing. It is no wonder that Satan opposes them, and lays snares for them." ^*But my paper is nearly full, and my eyes are failing. 1 dare not send any pamphlets, as the trans- portation of them is so expensive. I will try to get this letter sent a pennyworth. I fear at best you will think it a poor one. If I knew of any persons or family you wished to hear of, I would mention them. Mr. Martin is well; as are all this family, present or absent, so far as I know. Remember us RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 185 in your prayers. Good reason have we to say, that the Lord is good and gracious. My Lord sends his best respects. Give mine to Mrs. Nisbet. How- would she like to come back to Montrose? With much esteem, I am, Sir," " Your humble servant," ^' W. Leven." *' The Rev. Dr. Nishei, Carlisle College.'' From the same. ''Melville House, Nov. 27, 1789." '' Dear Sir,'' " It is truly presumptuous in me to begin upon a full sheet. Good example, I know, is of much worth: but we are often imitators in those things which we are least qualified to copy after. Your great letter of August 9th came to hand September 12th, and was a fund of entertainment and instruction, in regard to many things which we were before unacquainted with. To get these testimonies from a far country, upon the word of veracity itself, is rare news. Plen- ty of news, indeed, pours in upon us, but little truth. What David said 'in his haste' that 'all men are liars,^ a worthy friend once remarked, he might now say at his leisure. Your letters always give me plea- sure; but I still find a cloud hanging over them: and my regret for your absence from your own country, is increased by every insinuation of your own for having left it. The decaying state of religion^and its fatal consequences, must greatly affect yours, and every righteous spirit. The famine of those fit to be made friends, and of hearers in your Church, must cast a damp even upon your good spirits. It is a 16* 186 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. great mercy that you and your family have enjoyed good health; and you have all reason to hope that your indefatigable labours will be blessed. But you cannot expect to be long able to undergo such an ex- ertion of strength of body and mind, as your present labour requires. You do not mention what assist- ance you have, or whether those employed are dili- gent and useful among the students, &c. If you were destitute of such comforts as the world cannot give, your situation would indeed, be most uncomfort- able; as it is so little suited to your natural genius. But you have the comfort of knowing, that whatso- ever state you are in, it is by the Divine Providence; that God has the ordering of it; that all the ingredi- ents in your cup, and all the varieties of your state, are from Him. When you consider that there is no present stateof things, how favourable soever, without an alloy; that there is something in every condition of life, in every place, to convince us of the fruitless effort of seeking rest here below. While we com- plain of grievances in this or that situation, we might find worse in another. In every state there is some- thing amiss; but, blessed be God, there ia no state that can exclude those comforts and consolations- which cannot be taken away. Peace grows every where from Him who is * our Peace.' He is the Comforter of all the ends of the earth.'' *' I cannot think of any thing to write for your amusement. There is nothing on this side of the Atlantic in which you are interested, but what you know as much of as you probably wish to know. Nothing seems to be improving so fast as the art of swindling, and deceiving the unwary. There are RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 18? many ^masters of arts' in this profession; so that one cannot help admiring their ingenuity, while they grieve that it has not been employed to better pur- pose. The state of the French nation, and of many places in Germany, you will be informed of. They are in a most deplorable situation; and I believe the the vviset politician can form no idea of what will be the issue. Mr. Martin has written you all the news he could collect, which I am glad of, as I find that my letters can be little else than tokens of remembrance and of good wishes for you and your family. I hope your son will do well, and disappoint all your fears. Our youngest son, George, is now settled in business at Ostend, and is much satisfied with his situation. Has your son gotten his sight perfectly in his eye that was afiected? My mind is at present in much anxiety and concern about my dear and only sister, Lady Bantf. She has been in a declining state, from various causes, for these twelve months past. She has been better and worse; but there seems little appearance of returning health. That sweet fa- mily will experience a great loss, if it should please God to take her to himself. She has three daughters still unmarried; and Mrs. Murray, whom you will remember, has not seen a day's health these three years, since she had her third child; but I hope is now getting better.'' " I write all this as if to obtain your pious prayers. But, alas! what changes may have taken place before k can make its way to you! Mr. Martin will have mentioned about the weather, earthquakes, &c. No- body remembers such a wet season. My Lord in- tends to send with this a few Magazines, containing 188 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. some account of General Assembly matters^ and a few Scotch newspapers, which we hope will amuse you. Though I know nothing that at present occurs which promises to interest you, I beg you will con- tinue your interesting and amusing history to me. We have little from America that can be depended on. Mr. Martin, I take for granted, wrote you about Dr. M'Gill. Nobody can say how that matter will end. It had much need to amend. I hope you will hear from Dr. Gillies what the Presbytery of Glasgow has done, and mean to do. If you send a commission to procure any books for your Library, I wish you would get two volumes entitled ^ Horae Solitarise,' or Essays, both Doctrinal and Practical, upon the Divinity of Christ and the Holy Spirit, and also upon the subject of the Trinity, showing it to have been a truth received from the earliest ages, and confirmed by the principles of the Gospel, in two volumes, octavo. The author's name is not prefix- ed to the work; but it is well known to be by Am- brose Serle, Esquire, Secretary to Lord Howe, du- ring the American war. He is also the author of " The Christian Remembrancer," .which I will send with the Magazines. His works are very much es- teemed by good people; and I dare say you would admire that work very much, as it is esteemed a masterly performance; I mean the Horse Soliiarise.^^ ^' I must now conclude this VQYy trifling epistle, which I am ashamed to think is to travel so far, to so little purpose; and which can serve only as a mark of that esteem which I have entertained for you ever aince Nostrodamus introduced us to each other's acquaintancej or rather those enemies of yours, who RESIDENCE IN THE tTNITED STA°*rES. 189 raised such ridiculous stories about a sermon of your's, which I resolved to get to the bottom of by inquiring at the fountain head. Best respects await you from all here, and mine to Mrs. Nisbet. My Lord is much entertained with your letters, and de- sires to be particularly remembered to you. Many thanks for the Pastoral Letter. It is an exceedingly good one. I would be much indebted to you for any scraps of lectures, or explanations of any passages of scripture, which you may juflge adapted to be useful, lam very partial to your talents in this way; and really few possess them. You ought to publish a volume." "How do Dr. Rush and all his family? It is a long time since I had the pleasure of hearing of them; but 1 do sincerely wish them well. Believe me, with much esteem and friendship, your humble servant.'^ *' VV. Leven." '' The Rev. Dr. Nisbet, Carlisle College.'' The Earl of Buchan was a less punctual and a less devoted correspondent than Lady Leven. Still his letters are peculiarly characteristic, and by no means uninteresting. The following are a specimen. '' Bryburgh Abbey, December 21, 1790.'^ " Rev. and dear Sir.'' "I did not receive yours, of March last, by the way of Liverpool, until two days ago: and since that letter contains observations and reflections which in- dicate the uneasy state of your mind, which I wish to remove, I lose no time in giving you my opinions without reserve, which you will, I dare say, think 190 'MEMOIR or DR. NISBET. worthy of your deep and frequent attention, and will ponder them in your mind yet oftenerand more ma- turely than tiiose relating to the future state of Ame- rica, with respect to which I find no cause to change my opinion.'^ " Re-enter, I beseech of you, into your own mind, and study more the itoXi; R. NISBET. many think has gone as far to one extreme, as Mr»' Dunn's sermon to the other. Both of them are able men, and diligent and useful ministers; and, I believe, prompted in this instance by an honest zeal, the one for reforming things amiss in the constitution or ad- ministration of goveraraent;. and the other for pro- moting good order, and a just subjection to lawful authority. But the zeal of neither has been, I think, according to knowledge:. — and both verify the max- im, that not only stulti, but sapieiites dum vitia fugiunt^ in contraria currimt. Indeed Paine, and many of the anonymous writers on the same side, have probably — ^some with design, and some without it — vented sentiments which lead to violent means for essentially altering our constitution, and even to an equalizing of property; and many of the replies, in their loyalty, have forgotten whig principles, and vindicated as necessary government carrying on their measures by bribery and corruption. Dr. Hunter, however, Mr. M'Gill, of Eastwood; and Mr. Somerville, of Jedburgh; have steered clear of these extremes. On the other band, many, who had no other design, have been unjustly branded as. friends of sedition, especially by those who belong to the moderate party. Mr. Thompson, of Ochil- tree, and Mr. Davidson, of Dundee, are instances of this; of whom ill-natured calumnies have been in- vented anxl spread, and found too ready a belief from those whose distance and circumstances did not allow them to examine the change." " I know not how this war is more unpopular than that with America was, though administration plead aecessity, as France, when pretending friend- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 235 ship, by secret emissaries, was encouraging disaffec- tion and rebellion. Yet this notwithstanding, though many disapprove particular measures of government, our enemies are much mistaken, if they flatter them- selves that we wish to get rid of our king and con- stitution. There are some such among us;^ but their aumbers, rank, character and influence are not alarm- ing. It is fortunate for the interest of religion, that some, unjustly termed Uhe wild Clergy,' were the earliest to warn against and reprave the riots of 179^; and that Palmer, the head of all the professed Socinians here, is thought to have been active in spreading seditious papers. " " You have, no doubt, heard of my colleague, Dr. Robertson's death. Our opposite sentiments and conduct as to Church policy, and the late American war, did not hinder our mutual regard. He endured, for six weeks before his death, violent pain, with much fortitude and resignation. He was no friend to the Ayrshire doctrines as to the divinity and Atonement of Christ; and I have reason to. think our sentiments as to the present posture of afl'airs, were much the same. The Sabbath after his burial I preached two sermons; the first on 1 Peter, i. 12 — 15; and the second on 1 Chronicles xxix. 12: In thine hand is to make great — which I have been much urged to publish; though publishing the first is im- possible, as nothing of it was written, except what related to. my colleague's character, Mr. Baird, who has been only nine months a minister of Edin- burgh, succeeds him as Principal of the University. His diligence in public and private ministerial duties, persuade me that he will do no dishonour to that 236 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. office; although those who wished it for the aged Dr. Blair, or the eloquent Dr. Hardie, make a great out- cry against Provost Elder, for doing for his son-in- law what, perhaps, in a similar case, they would have done for theirs." "I herewith send you a small bundle of books, chiefly German periodicals." " I find that the observation which I ascribed to Mr. Nathaniel Mather, was indeed the observation of Mr. Samuel Mather. You will find it in Dr. Cot- ton Mather's Magnalia, Book IV. p. 152. With best compliments to Mrs. Nisbet and your family, in which my wife and family join," " I am, dear Sir," *^ Yours, affeclionately," "John Erskine." « Rev. Dr. NisUt.'' From the same '^ Edinburgh, July 24, 1797." *' Dear Sir,'' "Four days ago, I wrote you a hasty line, which was all that my time then allowed, being much oc- cupied by my * Sketches,' vol. ii. I was favoured the day after with yours of May 2.2d. My parcel to you goes under cover to Mi'. Samuel Campbell, b-y a ship from Leith for New York. I send this letter by another hand, ii> the same ship, that it may go by post from New York, and inform you of the parcel." " The ignorance of Church history, and especiaUy of the Church history of the present century, appears to me very deplorable, and to mislead many well- wieaning men. My second volume is almost coa- RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 237 fined to the modern history of Popery; and, I think, shows that, though Louis XVI. and the unfortunate King of Poland, were of tolerant principles, and the Emperors Joseph and Leopold not only friends to liberty of conscience, but promoters of the reforma- tion of some of the greatest abuses of Popery; yet that the absurdities, idolatries, superstitions, and per- secuting spirit of a great part of the Popish Church, remain the same. I think I have also given some reasons in opposition to the Seceders and others, who think as ill of Popery as I do, that the extremes of atheism, of infidelity, and of a levelling, anarchical spirit, when the evils engendered by them are for a time felt, will stimulate men to fly from them to the opposite evils of arbitrary power and superstition, being ignorant of the true cure in genuine Chris- tianity." "The bad efiects of the revolution in Holland will not, I suppose, immediately appear; as many of the worthiest ministers there continue to be supported by their wealthy hearers, and continue to preach and to write as formerly on the great doctrines and du- ties of Christianity. But as no clergymen are to be paid by the state, if (which appears to me probable from the speeches which are published) private do- nations to religious purf)oses are to be considered as sacred, the consequence will be the Roman Catholics in Holland will return to the possession of the many legacies and endowments made in their favour be- fore the Reformation; and, consequently, will be able to maintain their clergy at less expense, which must tempt covetous worshippers, of little conscience, at once to go over to their communion.'* 238 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. "The Rev. Dr. Peirson, minister of the English church at Amsterdam, has been one of the greatest sufferers by the revohition. Apprehending it, he had sent on board an English ship silver plate, jewels, &c. belonging to his wife, and very valuable furniture, worth nearly £1400 sterling, which was seized in the Texel, by De Winter, then in the French service, and now the Prince of Orange's successor as Admiral of Holland. De Winter did not report the capture to the French commissaries. His roguery and meanness were condemned; but the Doctor could procure no restitution. On the first day of June, 1795, it was moved in the Classis at Amsterdam, to congratulate the municipality of that city on the treaty between France and Holland. The Doctor opposed the motion, and said, that the day of signing that treaty appeared to him the most sad and dismal day Holland had ever seen. The motion was over ruled by a majority of two votes, which discouraged attempts at procuring such con- gratulations from other classes. The rulers were amazed at the Doctor, and became more so on his refusing a declaration, when summon from the various societies in England and Scotland. Mr. Clark, at Sierra Leone, whose labours were so much blessed in this city, to a Sunday morning school, and to boarding schools, where he occasionally exhorted, united zeal with prudence; and there are now promising appear- ances of his usefulness. A Dr. Vanderkemp, from Holland, studied medicine in Edinburgh more than twenty years ago, and pubh'shed an uncommonly able and ingenious Thesis. Afterwards, he made a great figure, first in the medical line, and subsequently as an officer in the Dutch army. But all this while he was a thorough sceptic, or rather desplser of Chris- tianity. On a fair and promising day, he, his lady, and his only child, went on a pleasure party on the water. A sudden water-spout overturned the boat; his lady and child perished; and he was preserved in a manner next to miraculous, by a boat from the land being driven to the place where he was about to sink. This deliverance, however, made no saving impres- sion on his mind . But on a certain occasion worldly motives led him, notwithstanding his unbelief, to at- tend and partake of the Lord's Supper. A deep conviction of guilt was made upon his mind, and his heart was soon opened to the King of glory. He immediately determined to devote himself to the ad- vancement of the Redeemer's kingdom; and being warmly recommended by some worthy Dutch minis- ters, he has offered himself to the London Missionary MKXOim OF 9X. inSBCT. V. to so as ai MisskwvT whithcfsoeTcr tk^ ^ to scad lum.'^ 50Be HieBibcrs of oor EdmlMiT^ ~^ve HMde excorsioos, ospeoaHy lod p re a U ie d witkoot ordi> ^r rece ive d my letter and Julv. When too hare D irom Newr-Yorkj ^T^.JokoThoBBp- JCis of COOFtT- ._v yours,*' *^T J was-dated the 1st : el were sent o« ^ Xotwithstatmlir - :* oar allies IB SwiixeKaod, It^ly ii^d Z . of the French aod SpMiish fieeisi^.:. . .^ming event, which I leu* b little bid Whether the J are intended ibr the Bist I or fix- Irebnd, if providence pre - ■weting them, or giving them qpi tom maj prove moat d of e5A>/n^ published the ' Wolfenbuttle Fragments,' which had a great run in Germany. The tendency of all these fashionable writings was to render the old doctrines contemptible. These doc- trines were on all sides exposed to ridicule, as irra- tional, absurd and pernicious; and the teachers of them were held up to view as bigots, blockheads, and ignoramuses, &c. Many treatises were published against the new doctrines; but these, by being mis- represented and abused in. the fashionable journals, were little read. John Frederick Teller, superin- tendent of Zeitz, wrote a Dictionary of the New Testament, in opposition to his brother, before men- tioned: but without naming him. But it would be endless to enumerate all the answers that have been made to the New Reformers, especially as tliese are not perfectly consistent with each other, or with the doctrines of the first Reformers. But many of them are excellent; — John E. MebiiiSy a Dutch minister, has published three volumes of Letters against Steinbart'sFhilosophy of Christianity, and a humour- ous performance entitled 'Letters from a Travelling Jew,' exposing these doctrines to deserved ridicule. A treatise entitled ' The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing,' without the name of the author, was printed in 1783, but it never appeared in the Booksellers' shops, as it not only refuted the doctrines of the New Reformer* RESIDENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. 279 by arguments, but exposed them to deserved ridicule, the author having a talent for humour. This trea- tise is highly commended by the orthodox journalists, and seems to have made a considerable, though tem- porary impression." "As to religious revolutions in Holland, Switzer- land, Denmark and Sweden, I know but little; but as French fashions have long prevailed in those coun- tries, it cannot be wonderful if French infidelity should likewise become fashionable among them.'' " With regard to the most important of all sub- jects, to wit, the state of orthodoxy and vital piety in the Church, I fear you will be obliged to represent it in the Eighteenth Century as every where decli- ning^ and in most places, awfully declining. In the Reformed Churches of Germany, France, Hol- land, Svvitzerland, and Geneva, this representation, we all know, applies in a most distressing degree; and even in Great Britain, with few exceptions, it is also applicable. We have sometimes hoped that a revival of evangelical preaching, and of attachment to Gospel truth, was beginning to dawn on Scotland toward the close of the century. But, if I mistake not, it is certain that a more decisive revival of true religion has, within a few years, taken place in Eng- land, both among some portions of the Dissenters, and still more remarkably in the established Church; under the ministry, and from the writings of such men as Romaine, John Newton, Simeon, Cecil, Scott, and others, distinguished for the general soundness of their opinions, and the fervour of their piety. When Romaine and Hervey arose, in the early part of the century, to plead for evangelical religion, thcsy 280 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. stood almost alone among the clergy of the establish- ment. The spiritual desolation of the Church of England was then deplorable. A gratifying change has since taken place: but even yet I hear of scarcely any participation in this revival in the Miigh places' of that Church." " Thus have I gleaned, with great weakness and imperfection, a few hints concerning discoveries and improvements in the century just about to expire, and to which you may think proper to refer, either in the text or the notes of its funeral Sermon. You had no need to be apprehensive that your queries would give me trouble. They do me honour. I should be glad if I had such a man as you in my neighbourhood, who might put such questions to me every day. May the next century bring you peace, happiness and success in your ministry, and better prospects to the public than we have at present!" ''^ I remain, with sincere and unaltered esteem, Dear Sir, your very humble servant," " Charles Nisbet ." ''Rev. Mr. Miller, New York.'' In tlie perusal of the foregoing letter, it ought to be borne in mind that it was written forty years ago, when the errors and leaders of the Ratioiialists of Germany were less extensively and familiarly known than they have since become; and, of course, that the sketches concerning them which it contains, were then of greater value than they would be now, when information on the subject is much more common. Still they indicate a mind alive to every thing which had a bearing on Religion, in every part of the world.. RESIDENtJE IN THE UNITED STATES. 281 And, probably, there was not another individual in the United States, at that time, when an attention to Ger- man literature had gained so little popularity even among the literati of our country, who had kept him- self so well informed concerning every important movement in that cauntry; — a country which, ever since his day, has been teeming with literary and theological labourers greatly beyond any other section of our globe; and which has exceeded all others in the strange, grotesque, and impious productions of the press, as well in the science of Mind, as in that of Theology. 24* 2S2 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. CHAPTER VII. His last Illness and Death. For a number of years before his decease, Dr. Nisbet was not only diligent but uninterrupted in his attendance on the duties of his office. From, the time of his recovery from the severe illness which reduced him so low soon after his arrival in the country, until the access of that disease which terminated his life, such were his fidelity and zeal, that he had scarcely ever been prevented, for a sin- gle day, from attending on the public duties of his station. He shrunk from no reasonable task, and was ever ready to undertake any labour which pro-= mised real benefit to the institution committed to his care. Indeed, literary labour, and especially that which consisted in imparting the elements of know- ledge to ingenuous youth, appeared to be the delight of his heart. He was often, indeed, not a little distressed to find the Trustees of the College entertaining opinions so entirel}^ different from his own, respecting the time necessary to be bestowed on a course of study, and in regard to the best means of conducting the affairs of a literary institution. Instead of enlarging and improving the system of public instruction, they were rather disposed to make it more narrow and su- perficial; and a course already meagre, still more ineagre, and adapted to disappoint the friends of mS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 2 83 sound learning. Accordingly, the Trustees, several years before the Doctor's death, directed the course of study in the College to be shortened, and required as much to be done in one year as had formerly oc- cupied two years. To this measure, he strongly objected, as a kind of literary quackery; as adapted to deceive the public; to impose upon young men seeking a liberal education; and as pandering to po- pular ignorance and parsimony in a manner disgrace- ful to the guardians of education. His remonstrances, however, were in vain; and there is every reason to" believe that the mortification and discouragement connected with this measure, and some others of a similar kind, and indicating the same spirit, preyed upon his mind, and convinced him, that the great hope which had brought him to the country, that he might be instrumental in raising the standard of knowledge and public improvement, could no longer be cherished. His letters, about this time, bear the marks of great, depression of spirits, and the gradual departure of those fond expectations which he had once entertained of extensive usefulness to the cause of Literature in the United States. A few months before his. death, in addressing the students of the College, he expressed himself thus: " You have studied at a time when the most false and absurd opinions concerning learning have been current, prevalent, and even rampant. We mean those opinions which suppose that a liberal educa- tion may be attained in a very little time; that the study of the ancient languages is useless; that edu- cation may be completed in the space of a year; that two years is too long, and that a great part of the 284 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. time of education ought to be allotted to amusement, &c. The encouragement that has been given to these opinions among us, has been of far greater de- triment to this Seminary than the most active malice of its numerous enemies; as they have rendered it impossible for its numerous friends to recommend or defend it. Who would undertake to recommend a Seminary that produces yearling graduates, and in vs^hich the studies of youth are conducted in the most expeditious manner? We ought not to wonder, therefore, that those gentlemen in other States, who have received advice from the newspapers of its pre- sent state, have given it no countenance, though pre- viously disposed to encouraged it.'^ And, in the last address which he made to the students before his decease, the following strain of remark sufficiently indicates the bitterness of spirit with which he con- templated his situation. " While this Seminary con- tinues to exist, though in a degraded state, when compared with others, we shall think it our duty to do all that our circumstances permit, for the instruc- tion of those who are committed to our care. It is, indeed, to be lamented that the teachers of youth among us, owing to the disgraceful subjection in which they are placed, cannot do what they would for the improvement of their pupils. To raise ex- pectations which cannot be fulfilled; to undertake to accomplish what they know to be impracticable; to promise to do as much in one or two years, as other Seminaries can do in three or four, is undertaking an impossibility. Men of learning and experience would disdain to use the language of quacks and im- posters; and they would be inexcusable if they did HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 285 it of their own accord. But when it is imposed on them by others, without their consent, their situa- tion is singularly calamitous, and their circumstances make them resemble a sect under persecution . But, as in this new country, every thing is in a state of infancy; and as in the imperfect state of human af- fairs, a considerable time is necessary before rational opinions, and salutary institutions, can be introduced, the teachers of youth must be contented to do what they can, though they have it not in their power to do what they would." "Some of those who have had the government of Seminaries have greatly deceived themselves and th& public, by appreciating the labours of learned m,en by the standai;cl of mechanics and day-labourers, and im- agining that the education of youth could be conduct- ed on agricultural and mechanical principles. They seem to have entirely forgotten that the will and ex- ertions of the student are indispensably necessary ta his receiving instruction; that the master can only give lessons and exhortations; but that it depends wholly on the will and inclination of the student whether he will give any attention to them or not, A remedy for this, though a very imperfect one, has been proposed, by examination. But unless exam- ination had a charm to draw out of the head of a stu- dent what had never got into it, it is of no effect. A student on examination can only repeat what he al- ready knows and remembers; but he cannot repeat any thing that he has lorgotten, or to which he had never given any attention. Where such opinions are formed by the managers of Seminaries, it is im- possible that learning should prosper, as they proceed 286 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. from a profound ignorance of human nature. The human mind which is the object of education, is not a mere passive subject, like arable land, wood, or metal, which can make no resistance to the operations of the husbandman or mechanic; — but it is a spiritual substance, endued with understanding and will, the former, perhaps, very weak, and the latter very strong and obstinate; and if the will does not con- sent to the cultivation of the understanding, all the efforts of the teacher must be fruitless. It some- times requires a long time to excite the attention of youth, and to make them receive and comprehend the ideas contained in their lessons; and oftentimes a much longer time to make them delight in them, and receive them with sensible pleasure; and till this is the case no valuable progress can be made in learn- ing.'^ for no one will learn any thing against his will, or labour to understand what he dispises, and what gives him no pleasure." " Those who imagine that a liberal education may be obtained in a year or two, do not seem to consider tbis, but to suppose that scholars will as freadily receive instruction as the earth yields to the plough-share, or the hot iron to the stroke of the hammer. But those who are practically acquainted with education, know by experience that this is not the case; but that many youthful minds re- sist instruction for a considerable time, and occupy themselves with any trifles rather than their lessons, who, nevertheless, may afterwards be awakened to attention, and be successful, and, in some cases, even highly successful, in the acquisition of know- ledge. Their time of awal^ening must be wateh'^ HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 287 ed and waited for, and much instruction must be dispersed in the air, before they can be made to receive any. We must follow nature; we cannot contradict or control it. The quantity of knowledge acquired by any student must be in the compound ra- tio of his natural capacity, and the degree of his atten- tion and willingness to learn. And this accounts in the most satisfactory manner for the great difference that we discover in the attainments of students who have had the same opportunities for acquiring know- ledge.'^ " Hence we may see the absurdity and folly of all short roads to learning. They all proceed on false principles, and must end in miserable disappointment. Quacks and projectors in education have indeed pro- posed an endless variety of plans for diminishing the labour, and shortening the time of study, by pro- mising to teach as much in a few lessons as has been hitherto done by the labour and application of seve- ral years. In Germany and elsewhere, quacks have undertaken to teach young men every science by way of diversion: but not one real scholar has ever been formed by these compendious methods, which have never produced any thing else than dunces and smatterers." While these trammels on the discharge of his offi- cial duties mortified and grieved him, he was not free from embarrassment in regard to his temporal support. The salary which the Trustees of the Col- lege originally promised to pay him, was ^£2 50 ster- ling, or about $1200. A few years before his death, finding the number of students small, and the finances of the Institution declining, they reduced 2S8 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. his salary to ^800; a sum altogether insufficient for the comfortable support of his family. Even this sum, however, was miserably paid. Arrears were allowed to accumulate to an extent mortifying to him, and embarrassing to his family. Insomuch that, at the time of his decease, these arrears had nearly reached the amount of four or five years salary; and were recovered at last only by a legal process. The Church at Carlisle, to w^hich he steadily rninistered alternately with Dr. Davidson, as has been already mentioned, also stipulated to pay him a small salary for his services. It was a mere pittance; but, pit- tance as it was, it was never punctually paid; and a considerable balance had accumulated at the time of his death, which his executor recovered by a similar process. It is unnecessary to say, that these things could not fail to make a deep impression on one who had laboured so faithfully and ably to serve the In- stitution committed to his care; and who had left his native country on the faith of the prospects and prom- ises which have been already described. About the beginning of January 1804, Dr. Nisbet was seized with a severe cold, accompanied with in- flammation of the lungs and fever, which gradually gained ground until it terminated his life. After the disease began to assume a threatening aspect, and es- pecially within a few days of the closing scene, he appeared to suffer exceedingly; but he endured it all with remarkable patience and fortitude. He retain- ed the possession of his mental powers to the last. The only faculty which appeared to be strikingly impaired was his memory, which in health, was among the master powers of his mind. This pre- HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DilATH. 289 vented his holding much connected conversation with those around him during his last hours. The exercises of devotion appeared to occupy his heart and his lips as long as he was able to utter them. The last efforts of vocal utterance which could be distinguished, were employed in articulating with great tenderness, the name of his wife; and in say- ing with peculiar fervour, " Holy, Holy, Holy!" With these words on his lips, he gently fell asleep, on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1804, having within three days completed the sixty-eighth year of his age. It is hardly necessary to say, that the demise of the venerated President, covered not only his family, but also the whole College with the mantle of mourn- ing. For, notwithstanding all the failures of the Trustees of the College to fulfill their engagements, and to provide for his comfort and that of his family, these failures were rather to be ascribed to the de- plorable scantiness of the funds committed to their care, and the want of skill and enterprize in mana- ging them, than to the want of respect or affection for his high character. The decease of this excel- lent man called into exercise and manifested a widely extended and peculiar attachment and veneration. The College — the town — the whole neighbourhood were moved, and appeared as mourners. The fune- ral was attended by multitudes. The Trustees, Fa- culty and students of the College appeared in a man- ner which marked their deep sense of the loss which they had sustained. A sermon was preached on the occasion by the Rev. Dr. Davidson, Vice President of the College, and Pastor of the Church in Carlisle. 25 290 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. Of this sermon it is judged proper to give the follow- ing extract. " We are called this day to perform a very mourn- ful office indeed ! To convey to the house of silence what was mortal of a highly respected Brother and Servant of the lord. Great is the loss which we have this day to deplore! The world is deprived of a Scholar and a Divine worthy to be ranked among the most eminent that ancient or modern times have produced. The occasion will justify me in depart- ing from our usual practice, and attempting a brief sketch of so worthy a character. This tribute is due to his great talents and services. Nor can I with- hold it without doing violence to my own feelings. Having been associated with him in the duties of the same pulpit, and of the same literary institution for nearly nineteen years, no one can have had a better opportunity of observing and admiring his extensive acquaintance with languages and science — his benevolent aims and exertions — and his ardent zeal for the interests of religion and learning." " When some gentlemen of a truly public spirit had obtained a charter for a College in this Borough, (to bear the name of one of our earliest and most ac- complished Patriots,) it was their wish to place at the head of it some one who was distinguished in the literary world; well knowing that the reputa- tation and usefulness of such a Seminary would de- pend greatly on the plan of education first adopted, and the manner in which that plan was carried into effect. A Seminary in a neighbouring State, had risen to high reputation, under the direction of a President called from North Britain;— a country HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 291 long and justly famed for its learned Universities, and eminent scholars. It was expected by the founders of this institution, that, under a similar head, it might acquire an equal degree of celebrity, and become equally useful." "The Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet was known to be a scholar uncommonly well skilled in languages, an- cient and modern, and in those sciences which are most necessary to form the minds of young men. But he was, at that time, and had been for more than twenty years, comfortably settled as a pastor of a large Church in Montrose; and to that people we are assured he had officiated, during that time, with such ability and assiduity, that they were greatly attached to him." " The Trustees, however, of the new College, hav- ing unanimously chosen him for Principal, thought it their duty to press him by every affecting argu- ment, to the acceptance of an office, in which they hoped he would be as comfortable as in his former station, and far more extensively useful. Great was the perplexity of his mind, during a whole year, be- fore he could come to a final determination. To leave a society so much pleased with him as their spiritual teacher; to bid a last adieu to his native land, and the companions of his youth; to cross an ocean whose dangers appeared formidable; and to cast himself among strangers, in a new world; what a sacrifice of his feelings to a sense of duty did this require!" " He arrived here on the 4th day of July, 1785, to enter immediately on the duties of his office; hoping soon to see his prospects of usefulness realized. But 292 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. how uncertain are all our possessions, and all our prospects! Very soon after his arrival, by a violent fit of sickness, he was rendered incapable of any public duty. From the shock which his constitu- tion then received, it seems never to have fully re- covered; and such was his debility, and consequent dejection of spirits, that a return to his native land was seriously contemplated.^' " As soon, however, as his health, in the follow- ing season was, pretty well restored, he resumed his former station. And now we see him entering on a scene of active usefulness, which it would be great injustice to his character to pass lightly over." "Such was his desire to put this College on a most respectable footing; and such were his ideas of the evils of a superficial education, and the advantages of a thorough and solid one, that he spared no pains to have his pupils well initiated in every branch of use- ful knowledge. His acquaintance vs'ith books and languages was far, very far beyond what is common- ly acquired by those who obtained a liberal educa- tion. His memory was indeed extraordinary, and retained with ease whatever was committed to it! With the languages necessary to be known in order to a critical knowledge of ancient authors, sacred and profane, he was intimately conversant. The beau- ties of the Greek and Latin classics lay unveiled to his penetrating eye; and there was scarcely a re^ markable passage which he could not accurately re- peat at pleasure. To show still further the amazing powers of his mind, and the abundant sources of his knowledge, it is proper to mention, that his acquaint- ance with the French, Uali,an, German, Low Dutch HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 295 and Spanish languages, gave him easy access to the most celebrated works in these modern tongues. Hence we see how it was practicable for him to com- pose, and deliver, from day to day, (as he did in the first years,) those Lectures on Criticism, Logic, and Moral Philosophy, which have been so much ad- mired." " In addition to these duties, after he had been some time here he undertook and executed another very important work, — which scarcely any other man in his circumstances would have attempted. This was, to write and deliver, from day to day,, for more than two years, a course of lectures on theological subjects. These lectures form one of the most valuable systems of Divinity that the world has perhaps ever seen. And these he had the patience to dictate to his pupils, (as he did also his philosophi- cal lectures,) so that they could write down every sentence." "To complete his character let it be remembered, that he was an eminent minister of the Gospel; and that in addition to all his other labours, he preached for the most part statedly, as one of the pastors of this church. The soundness of his principles and the solidity of his sermons are well known." " The study of the holy Scriptures was his chief delight, and in the exposition and application of di- vine truths, he was indeed a master in Israel. How serious and solemn was his manner! How plain and perspicous his style, and perfectly free from every thing pompous or affected ! He sought not the applause of men, but the salvation of souls, and the glory of his Redeemer. Ever solicitous to exalt the 25* 2^4 MEMOIR Op DR. NI8BET. love and grace of God, and to humble the pride of man, salvation by grace was his favourite theme. At the same time, no one could be a more severe re- prover of vice, or more forcibly inculcate that purity of heart and life, without which all pretences to faith and religion are vain. — To you my friends, the peo- ple of this congregation, there is a voice addressed this day, calling upon you long and affectionately to remember him, who has so long dispensed unto you the precious word of life; to retain his instructions, and continue stedfast in your Christian profession. Remember also the excellent example which he set before you. View him sustaining with propriety every endearing relation, and with exquisite sensibili- ty, attentive to every social duty. Was he not a most agreeable companion, especially in his more tranquil days.-^ Was he not ever most happy when in the com- pany of his friends, and diffusing cheerfulness all around him? Who could but admire his lively re- marks, his quick replies, and the severe strokes he was frequently aiming at what he conceived to be the follies, the extravagancies, the injustice and im- pieties that so greatly abound? To see religion flou- rishing, and mankind rejoicing in its richest bless- ings, together with the benefits of a wise and effi- cient government, — this he earnestly desired, and for this he fervently prayed.'' "• His addresses to the pupils, and especially at Commencements, contained most important direc- tions for their conduct in life; and showed his great detestation of every vice, and of slavery and op- pression under every form. Those addresses alone would make a considerable volume. — Let all the HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 295 sons of this Seminary affectionately remember the exhortations received from him, who felt for them all the solicitude of a Father.'^ "Finally, let the Trustees and Patrons of this Seminary, amidst all their discouragements (and this which may appear the greatest of all,) be exhorted, not to faint or grow weary in well doing. This was an event sometime and certainly to be expected. — An entire year has not yet elapsed, since your de- ceased principal saw, to his great grief, the beautiful Edifice, that you had nearly finished, envoloped in flames. Yet you persevered in the good work you had undertaken; and in lieu of that which you lost, a much larger and more convenient building has ra- pidly progressed, under your direction. how it would have pleased him to have seen it completed, and the institution, which has already sent forth so many young men to fill important stations in society, brought to the desired perfection, and placed on a broad and permanent basis! — But such was not the will of Heaven! His race of usefulness here was run.'' " Attacked with violence, on the first day of the year, by a pulmonary complaint, that had been for some time growing upon him, the remaining days of life were spent with much bodily distress. But when the important moment arrived, — quietly, with- out a groan, he breathed his last; and committed, as we have sufficient ground to hope, into the hands of his Redeemer, a spirit ripe for glory ^ — and, bidding a world of uncertainty and sorrow an everlasting adieu, entered into the promised rest. — At a good age, — -at the close of his 68th year— concluded his 296 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. active and useful life. — May we all live the life, as we would hope to die the death, of the righteous; and may our last end be like his!" Dr. Erskine, the excellent friend and affectionate correspondent of the subject of this Memoir, died just one year before him. In his will he bequeathed to Dr. Nisbet a large part of his Library, as a testimo- nial of respect and affection. No information, how- ever, of this bequest reached America before Dr. Nisbet's decease. In a few days after the death of Dr. Erskine, his surving Son addressed a letter to Dr. N. announcing the demise of his Father, but not mentioning the legacy. Toward the close of the year 1803, Miss Erskine addressed a letter to the venerable legatee — announcing this token of her Fa- ther's affectionate remembrance. But before this letter reached its destination, Dr. Nisbet was no more; and nothing further, of course, was said or done respecting the bequest. Soon after Doctor Nisbet's decease, the following Latin Ode to his memory was prepared by Mr. James Ross, who had once held a Professorship in Dickinson College; and was, at the date of this com- position, a Professor in Franklin College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; who knew him well, and was a warm admirer of his character. It seems to have been sub- mitted to the judgement and the disposal of the res- pectable Gentleman whose name appears in the In- scription, — and was probably by him committed to the press. And although its claims on the score of La- tin poetry are indeed very humble, yet as a testimo- nial of respect from a most excellent man, it is wor- thy of being here recorded.. HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 297 Ad GULIELMUM HAMILTON SALUTEM. Hos ego versiculos ; in memoriam viri integerrimi, nee non et ex omnibus quos aetas prsesens, annis multis per orbem terrarum tulit, doctissimi, tesserulam honoris, typis, ad Te, tuis mandandos, mitto ; quippe qui te facilem et commodum meis, aliis occasionibus, haud se- mel precibus dedisti. Ja. Ross. In Obitura Viri ckrissimi CAROLI NISBET, D. D. Coll. Dickinson. Praesidis, qui octodecimo Januarii, A. D. 1804, vita decessit. Te quoque, qui nostris dignatus vivere Nisbet Finibus, eripuit mors ! fera Te eripuit ! Tu, tandem, fessus, metam finemque laborum Docto, invenisti, corpore deposito. Preclarus, turbas hominum, sociosque relictos, Morte redemptus, nunc despicis altivolus. Divitias quoque habes partas hie, munera culta Mentis nempe bonae, quas dedit ipse Dkus . Hsec autera, vestes, aurum, popularis et aura, Grata licet quondam, et fulgida, diffugiunt. Finito ergo opere, propter quod missus in orbem, Tempore et expleto, convenit utiedeas. Haud aliter servus, longas legatus in oras Qui, domino, rediit, jam revocante domum. Nuncius Ameiicorum hie tristes pervolat oras, " Nisbet mortuus ! Heu ! doctus et ille perit !" Mentibus, ore, oculis, Studiosi (Academia plorat) Nisbet nunc quaerunt auxilio ut subeat ! Nisbet namque docens, vestigia, quae sua, pressit ; Non aliena sequens : legit at ille sua. Nisbet eos docuit falso secernere verum, Atque domique foris sedulus officio. Nisbet eos dscuit rerum cognoscere causas ; Nisbet et instituit quaerere vera bona. O quoties, praeco pandis cum theraata sacra, " Vivito" dixi " nee sit brevis hora tua ; <' O felix, sortita Hunc, fausta Columbia, tellus ! " Vivito Nisbet ! nee mors fera Te rapiat !" 298 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET, ' Fidite ne vestris ; heu ! vana opera omnia,' dixit, ' Confugite ad Jesum, vita in eoque salus.' Vivere si licuisset nunc, o si ! frueremur Voce tua, aspectu, consilioque pio. O utinam vixisses ! omnia namque videnur Rapta simul Tecum, volaque nostra jacent ! Ceciopidse Anytique reum flebantque Platona, Nisbet, Te Juvenes non secus atque gement ! Vivet in seternum virtus tua, nulla vetustas Delebit famam, conspicuumque decus. De patria que tua sors si certabitur olim, Te volet esse suum hsec, illaque et esse suum, Nulla aetasque futura tacebit nomina Nisbet, Per terrarum orbem clara, negata niori. Coll. Franklin Lcmcastria, Kal. Mart. 1804. The Trustees of the College desired, and we are assured, intended, to erect a suitable monument over the grave of their venerated President; but their poverty and a load of debt, together with their want of zeal and enterprize, prevented the execution of their wishes. At length however, this memorial of re- spect was completed by the filial affection, and at the expense, of his only surviving son, the Hon. Alex- ander Nisbet, Judge of the city court of Baltimore. The following is the epitaph which it bears, and which is ascribed to the pen of the late Rev. Dr. John M. Mason, who is universally known as hav- ing been one of the most accomplished and eloquent divines which have adorned the American Church, and who was one of the successors of Dr. Nisbet, as President of Dickinson College. M.S. Caroli Nisbet, S. S. T. D. Qui unanimi hortatu Curatorum Academise Dickinsoniensis, HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 29& Ut Primarii ejusdem munia susciperet, Patria sua, Scotia, n licta, Ad Carleolum venit, A. D. 1 789. Ibique per novem decern annos Summa cum laude Muneri suo incubuit, Viri, si quis alius, probi piique Omni doctrinaornatissimi, Lectione immensa, memoria fideli, Acumine vero ingenii facetiis salibusque Plane miri, et undique clari. Nemini vero mortalium nisi iis infensi, Qui cum Philosophiae proetextu sacris insultant. Familiae autem suae amicisque, Ob mores suaves, benignos, hilares comesque Unice delecti. Animam placide efflavit 14mo. Kal. Feb. 1804, Anno aetatis 68vo. Abiit noster: proh dolor ! Cui similem baud facile posthac visuri sumus ! At quern Terra amisit, lucrifecit Ccelum, Novo splendore Corporis resuscitati, vitaeque eterni Cum Domino Jesu, omnibusque Sanctis, Ovantem rediturura. Dr. Nisbet's person was, in height, rather below the middle stature, and, in earl}' life, slender and full of agility. He often said, that in his youth, in walk- ing, it was easy for him to keejo pace with an ordi- nary horseman; and that he frequently, on a winter morning, walked twenty or thirty miles before break- fast, without any painful effort. Before his arrival at middle age, however, he became corpulent, and continued so to the end of life. It came upon him suddenly, like a disease; and no degree of abstinence which he could adopt, appeared to arrest or diminish it. Yet his corpulence did not interfere much with 300 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. activity, even in advanced age. His motions were habitually rapid, and such as might have been ex- pected in one who had been once so remarkably agile. He was characteristically quick in every movement, physical and intellectual. There was nothing sluggish or drawling in his constitution. Neither did his corpulence interfere with his health. This was seldom interrupted. He was, indeed, oc- casionally troubled with some disorder of the sto- mach, somewhat similar to the modern fashionable- disease, called dyspepsia. He, however, very sel- dom took medicine; but generally found himself en- tirely relieved by a fast of twenty-four hours, which was his unfailing remedy. The Print prefixed to this Memoir is copied from a painting taken about the fortieth year of his age; which is said, by those who knew the venerable original at that early period, to be an excellent like- ness of what he then was. The Mezzotinto copy here presented, is executed with admirable success. Mrs. Nisbet survived the Doctor more than three years. Her health and strength declined from his decease. She departed this life on the 12th day of May, 1807, in the hope and consolation of the Gos- pel. She was an excellent woman, greatly aj,tached to her husband, and peculiarly adapted and devoted to his comfort. The library which Dr. Nisbet left, was a peculiar one. It was rather select and curious than large. Such a collection of books is rarely found. Of what may be called common-place works, he had compa- ratively few. But of books singular in their charac- ter, or very rare, he was a zealous collector. In thii HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. SOI respect, his library was probably a unique in our country. It comprised works not only in the Latin and Greek, but also in the French, German, Spanish, and Italian languages, all of which, it is believed, he read with entire ease. As he made no will, this collection fell, without any testamentary disposition, into the hands of his widow and children. Some years after his death, two of his grand children, viz. the Right Rev. Bishop M'Coskry, of Michigan, and Henry C. Turnbull, Esq. of Maryland, who had ob- tained the disposal of the Library, generously made a present of it to the Theological Seminary at Prince- ton, as the most suitable ultimate destination of a collection of books made by a Presbyterian minister, whose ruling passion was the diffusion of human and divine knowledge, and who had come to our coun- try, as has been already stated, with the hope of be- ing able to contribute something toward elevating the standard of education, and especially of Theologi- cal education, on this side of the Atlantic. This donation to the Theological Seminary being made at a time when it was uncertain whether heresy or schism, or both, might not expose every thing committed to that Institution to the danger of per- version; the generous donors thought proper to con- stitute the Presbytery of New Brunswick Trustees of the Library, to guard against its being employed to promote principles hostile to those of the original possessor, and, in case of such perversion, to make an ultimate disposal of it. This trust the Presbytery has accepted. The present chapter will be closed by a brief state- 26 302 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. ment of the surviving children and descendants of this eminent man. At the time of his decease he left two sons, and two daughters living. His eldest son, Thomas^ survived him only a short time. He was never married, and died with- out reformation. His second son, Jllexander, after graduating in Dickinson College, studied law with Judge Duncan, of Carlisle, and settled, in the practice of his profession, in the city of Baltimore; where his talents, integrity, and application soon secured him a respectable amount of professional success. He has occupied the ofiice of Judge of the City Court of Baltimore for twenty-two years. He married Miss Mary C. wings, of Maryland. They have had seven children — three sons, and four daughters. The daughters only survive. The Doctor's eldest daughter, Mary, who, as was before stated, married William Turnbull, Esquire, died about twenty years after her father. She left nine children; four sons and five daughters. Of these, all, except one of the sous, are still living, and in various highly respectable situations. The Doctor's younger daughter, *^//.90?2,j^'ho mar- ried Dr. M'Coskry, in 1795, was left a widow, in the year 1818, and is still living. She has had six children; three sons and three daughters. Of these one son only, and two daughters survive. The son is the Right Reverend Samuel M'Coskry, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Michigan, Of the daughters, Mary, the second, married the Rev. Erskine Mason, D. D. of the city HIS LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. 303 of New York; and Alison the youngest, married Mr. Charles D. Cleaveland, late Professor in Dickinson College, now Principal of a respectable literary In- stitution in the city of Philadelphia. In a (e\v months after the decease of Dr. Nisbet, an extended JMonody to his memory was published by Charles Keith, M. D. a Physician, of Scotland, who afterwards removed and practised his profession in England. He considered himself as deeply in- debted to the Doctor, for a large part of his early education, and for his success in life; and was ar- dently attached to his memory. After Dr. Nisbet's death. Dr. Keith, in a letter to his younger son, Alex- ander Nisbet, Esquire, of Baltimore, expressed him- self concerning his reverend friend in the following strong language. " Ever dear to me must be the Son of my ever honoured and much lamented Friend. Proud I am to have had such a Friend: for, take him for all and all, I never knew his equal; and proud you may well be to have had such a Father. His death was to me a grievous affliction. His loss I can never supply. But if I have lost so much in a friend separated from me by the wide Atlantic, what must not your mother and all of you have lo.st!" After the decease of Dr. Nisbet, Dickinson College continued still further to decline. Its deplorable povert}^, and the still more deplorable want of zeal, harmony and efficiency on the part of the board of Trustees ensured an existence, if continued, sickly and feeble. Five or six Presidents in succession were appointed, but without any effectual relief; un- til at length the Presbyterian board — for such was the predominant influence which sustained the InstU 304 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. tution — surrendered it into the hands of gentlemen connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. By the brethren of that denomi- nation, the Institution has since been borne onward and upward with commendable zeal, and with a very respectable degree of success. HIS CHARACTER, ETC. 505 CHAPTER VIII. His Character, ^-c. The attentive reader will have seen enough in the foregoing statements and remarks to enable him to make a distinct estimate of the character of Dr. Nis- bet, without any formal attem})t to draw his por- trait. Yet for the sake of furnishing a convenient medium for presenting to the public some of the Let- ters, and other testimonials which follow, and which might have been greatly multiplied, this closing Chapter is added to the foregoing. The writer ac- knowledges, too, that in making this addition, he is in some degree influenced by a lurking reluctance to take a final leave of a character so endeared to him self by a thousand most respectful and affectionat' recollections. Probably no minister in the American Church naw living, was at once more intimately acquaintec with Dr. Nisbet, and more capable of appreciating his character, than the Rev. Dr. Ashbel Green, lat' President of the College of New Jersey, and still, ii a venerated old age, zealously and ably serving th cause of evangelical truth and order. This Fathe of ihe American Church, at the request of the write of the present Memoir, transmitted to him the fol lowing Letter, which is inserted for the double pur pose of presenting to the public the interesting fact and opinions vvliich it contains; and also, as a memo 26*. 306 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. rial of that early and long continued friendship which led to this union and co-operation in erecting an humble monument to the memory of the illustrious dead. '« Philadelphia, Spril ^Oth, 1839/' " Rev. and Dear Sir,'' " I am now to fulfil a promise which you drew from me, that I would furnish you with some of my reminiscences of the late Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet. '' '' My first acquaintance with this eminent man was at Princeton, shortly after his arrival from Scot- land, in the year 1785. My impression and belief is —although I cannot affirm it as a fact — that before he went to Carlisle, he left his family in Philadel- phia, and made a short visit to his old friend Dr. Witherspoon. I was then a professor in the College at Princeton, and was, as a matter of course, introdu- ced to Dr. Nisbet, with whom however I had but little intercourse or conversation. Nearly the whole of what I distinctly remember of him, at that time, is, that Dr. Witherspoon conducted him into the college chapel, where he offered the usual evening prayer with the faculty and students.'' "It was not till the month of February, in 1786, that I was licensed to preach, and not till tlie spring of 1787, that I was settled in Philadelphia; and du- ring this period I knew nothing more of Dr. Nisbet than I have already mentioned, except that he was established at Carlisle, as the President of Dickinson College." " Shortly after my collegiate connection with Dr. Sproat, I obtaiaed — but from whom I do not remena- HIS CHARACTER, ETC 307 ber — a copy of a printed sermon delivered at Car- lisle by Dr. Nisbet, soon after he had entered on his official duties in that place. So far as I know, this was the only publication that he made in this coun- try. It has been, I find, a prevalent belief, that after he left Scotland, (how it was before I know not,) he never made a publication of any kind: but of the sermon to which I have referred, I have a distinct recollection; and I have a strong impression, yet not amounting to confidence, that the text of the sermon was Acts vii. 22: ' And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.' "' "Dr. Nisbet was in the habit of visiting Philadel- phia at the annual meetings of the General Assem- bly of our church. When he was a member of that body, he came here of course: and when he was not a member, he selected this period to make an excur- sion for the benefit of his health, and to see and con- verse with his clerical brethren, from all parts of our country; as well as to enjoy the company of a large circle of friends in this city — friends among other denominations of Christians, as well as his own. He excelled in conversation, and greatly delighted in social intercourse. I well remember to have heard him remark, that at the meetings of our Presbyte- ries, Synods, and General Assemblies, the private and friendly intercourse of the ministers and elders of our church, was, in his opinion, as useful as their ecclesiastical acts as judicatories; and to me, he ad- ded, far more pleasing,'' " It was at an early period of my pastoral life, but the year I do not remember, that at one of his an- nual visits to Philadelphia, we renewed our former 308 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. acquaintance; and from that time till his death, I had much intercourse with him, both in personal con- versation and in epistolary correspondence. Most of his letters to me were of great length — closely written, but as legible, nearly, as a well printed book; for his hand writing was beautiful, and remarkably distinct. He very rarely erased or amended a single word that he had first penned. 1 once asked him how he could do this, as I knew he never used trans- cription. His reply was characteristic. 'Your question, said he, is easily answered. I always write what first comes into my head, and leave it to my correspondents to erase and amend just as much as they please.' I regret to say, that I have lent and given away his letters, till I have not one remaining, of those he addressed to myself. A long one to Br. Witherspoon has come into my hands, which I hope to insert in his life. " "Dr. Nisbet, was, beyond comparison, a man of the most learning that I have ever personally known. Of this learning, however, he was 7iever ostentatious. It discovered itself in his conversation and letters, but without any thing like intentional display. In my hearing, he never even adverted to his various attainments. Yet from what I observed, and what I have learned from others, I believe it maf be safe- ly stated, that beside his own language, he was skill- ed in Hebrew, including the Chaldee, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and probably Erse. Whether he was, or was not, acquainted with the Arabic, Syriac, Persic or Sanscrit, I do not know. With the ancient classics, and with the modern tongues I have mentioned, his familiarity was great HIS CHARACTER, IJTC. 309 — in each, he had read a considerable portion of the best authors. When he left Europe, he was suppo- sed to be among; the best Greek scholars it contain- ed. While at the University, 1 have been credibly informed, that, during one of the vacations, he read all the Homilies of Chrysostom. Of the Iliad of Homer, he could repeat by memory a great, if not the greater part. But he was not merely a linguist. There was scarcely a subject, or topic, in any depart- ment of liberal knowledge, and even in some of the mechanic arts, with which he was not acquainted — doubtless with some, more accurately and extensive- ly than with others. Of what are usually called the exact sciences, I think his knowledge was only gen- eral. I have reason to know that he was an anato- mist. Being greatly afflicted, in the early part of my ministry, with weak eyes, and observing that, at the age of about sixty, he never used spectacles, I asked him what means he had used to preserve his eye-sight, in what appeared to me a state of perfec- tion. He took up the subject at once, and after ex- plaining the structure of the visual organs, with ana- tomical exactness, he applied the explanation to the means which he had used, and which others might use, to preserve them in a healthy state. By follow- ing his directions, in connection with the use of some additional means of my own devising, the complaint of my eyes was gradually and entirely removed; so that now, in the latter part of my seventy seventh year, m}' vision is far better, than is common, in men of my age." " In stating my reminiscences, this may be as pro- per a place as any other, to mention a remarkable oc- 310 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. currence in the life of Dr. Nisbet, relative to an affec- tion of his sense of tasting, the state of his stomach, and probably of his whole corporeal system; a descrip- tion of which I received from his own lips. He said that at one period of his life, he was, for seve- ral years, without any sensation of hunger, any de- sire of food, or any relish of it, when it was taken; so that if he had been starved to death, he thought he should have died without any craving of suste- nance. His general health, however, did not suffer much; and he took his meals, both as to time and quantity, as his judgment dictated, and without loathing, but without any sensible gratification. At length, having occasion to go to a distance in a stage coach, he resolved to make the first stage, of some twelve or fifteen miles, without his breakfast; and that, on calling for it at the stage house, he, for the first time in tvvelve years, ate a part of a beef-steak, with appetite and relish. The whole time I was acquainted with him, he was, in his person, fleshy, without being corpulent, very active, and quick in all his muscular motions. He dined with me a number of times; and I remarked nothing peculiar in his eating or drinking, except that he always re- fused gravy with his meat." ^ "Dr. Nisbet's extensive reading in the principal languages of modern Europe, had rendered him well informed of the state and tendencies of society, in the several nations of that quarter of our globe. Hence it was, that from the very origin of the French revolution, he foresaw and predicted its desolating course, and denounced it with as much decision and bitterness as Edmund Burk himself. With the most HIS CHARACTER, ETC. 311 of my countrymen, I thought favourably of it at first; and, in one of my letters, told him, that I hoped it might be the design of God, in this provi- dential dispensation, to make use of the rough hand of infidelity to prostrate the barriers of Popish igno- rance and superstition, and then to pour out his Spirit on the immense population of that kingdom, and produce a glorious revolution, in favour of pure reli- gion, and the liberties of mankind. He answered me by saying, that if it was a desirable thing to pull down the Pope, and set up the Devil, it must be confessed that a glorious revolution was going on in France; and that if it was the design of God, in his providence, to make the enormities perpetrated among that people productive of any immediate good, we could only say, * How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!' My par- tiality to the French revolution was terminated at an early period of its progress, and the Doctor, from that time, had no hesitation in giving me his whole mind on the subject. From some cause or other, he was able to predict coming events at that period, even in opposition to existing appearances. Thus, at the time when the Constituent Assembly had de- creed that France should remain a monarchy, and the people were enthusiastically swearing fealty to their king, Dr. Nisbet wrote to me, as near as 1 can recollect, in these words: ^ Poor Louis, he will have a sham trial, and a real execution.' When I com-, plimented him on the sagacity manifested in his prognostics, he told me, that he deserved no other credit for his predictions, than what was due to his lucky interpretation of the prophetic enigmas of the 312 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. celebrated Nostrodamus; that when he wished to know what was to come next, he had only to con- sult Nostrodamus, (no doubt, in his ' Centuries of Quatrains,') and employ his skill in solving his pro- phetic symbols; in which he had hitherto been very successful. I told him, that since Nostrodamus was 80 sure a guide, I should like to know how the French revolution was to terminate. * 0,' said the Doctor, * it will all go to the Devil at last. ^ How much, or how little, of exact truth there was, in this statement about Nostrodamus, I pretend not to deter- mine. Dr. Nisbet never trifled with truth, when the subject was serious; but he both hated and ridi- culed the French revolution, and that incessantly. I could fill more than this second sheet of my remi- niscences, with his ludicrous allusions to the events, and the language to which it gave rise. I will men- tion but a single instance. While the General As- sembly of our Church was in session, in May, 1796, a very valuable horse was stolen from me, out of a pasture-lot in the vicinity of the city. Dr. Nisbet, who was paying us his annual visit, on hearing of this occurrence, hastened to my house, and some- thing like the following colloquy ensued: * So,' said he, ' 1 understand you have lost your hors^-' Yes, Doctor, I replied, the night before last, a thief fancied him, and I fear I shall never see him again. 'No doubt,' said he, * it was done by one of the sovereign people; he was taken, without your leave, by a pure act of sovereignty. But, sir, it was only a forced loan; it was an act of practical Liberty and Equal- ity; the rascal thought that you had been riding long enough, and that, by all the laws of equality, it HIS CHARACTER, ETC. 313 was his turn to ride naw; and so he made use of his liberty to appropriate to himself a part of your pro- perty, without your consent.^ ^' "Lord Kames, in his Elements of Criticism, says, * Memory and wit are often conjoined, sound judg- ment seldom with either.' Of the justice of at least the first half of this dictum of his countryman. Dr. Nisbet might be referred to, as a striking example. In memory and wit, I always viewed him as a pro- digy. I do not mean to say, that his memory was without a parallel; for both in ancient and modern times, I have read of those who equalled him in this faculty. But I can truly say, that I never myself have known an individual that could pretend to be his equal. Every thing that he had read, heard or seen, seemed to be immovably fixed in his mind, and to be ready for his use. Not only could he refer to any fact or reasoning, in the numerous authors which he had perused in various languages, but all the incidents in the newspapers of the day, and in other ephemeral publications that fell under his no- tice, he never forgot. His letters to me sometimes referred to occurrences in this city, which, although on the spot, I had not observed, or had entirely for- gotten, till he called my attention to them. He told me, however, in one of the last interviews that I had with him, that he found his memory was less faith- ful and tenacious than it had formerly been. In re- gard to his wit, it seemed to be instinctive, and to gush out, almost involuntarily, on all occasions. Sometimes it showed itself in that pleasant play of the fancy which is denominated Humour; and sometimes and oftener, it might be called broad Wit, irresistibly 27 314 MEMOIR OP DR. NISBET. provocative of agitating mirth, or laughter. Too often for his own quiet, it was satirical, or sar- castic; causing loss of friendship in some who could not make allowance for an overbearing propensity. For truly, in him, satirical remark or allusion was not prompted by a misanthropic or malignant spirit, or disposition. On the contrary, he was benevolent, compassionate and kind, in no ordinary degree. Seldom have I known a man, more easily or certain- ly melted by distress or misfortune; or more ready to do all in his power to relieve it. After the dread- ful calamity, the yellow fever of 1793, his sympathy was so awakened by the death of his friends, that on his next visit to our city, he exhibited little else than sadness in his demeanour and conversation. I once took the liberty to say to him, that it seemed to me, that whether in the communications of others, or by his own observation, his attention was drawn, with somewhat more than ordinary force, to an ob- ject, he speedily saw it in some obliquity of aspect, in some grotesque or ludicrous form, that rendered it ridiculous, or the fit subject of satire. He frank- ly replied, * I think there is something in that.-* I thought it an evidence of deep conscientiousness, that, as far as possible, he restrained himself from saying what would cause levity and laughter on the Lord's day; and that he did not intentionally admit any eifusion of wit into his sermons. You will no- tice the qualification with which I have expressed myself in the last sentence; for the truth was, he was sometimes witty, and caused a smile, without intend- ing it, or probably being conscious of it himself. Thus, he once made me smile, while preaching for me in my own pulpit; by comparing a man who is HIS CHARACTER, ETC 315 ^ carried about by every wind of doctrine,' and appa- rently afraid to trust his own understanding to fix him steadfastly in any article of his relij>;ious creed, to a man who should make the experiment of tying up his own eyes, to see how he would walk blind- folded. Expressions of this character were so com- mon with him, both in conversation and writing, that I think he probably often used them, without being at all sensible that they were ludicrous." '' He never showed a note in the pulpit; and what- ever he mio;Iu have done in the early periods of his ministry, I am persuaded that while I knew him, he rarely, if ever, wrote a sermon. His mind was so stored with ideas on every topic of a religious kind, and his acquaintance with the holy Scriptures was so accurate and familiar, that with his ready utter- ance, he could preach on any subject without much labour of preparation. His public discourses abound- ed in thought, and thought that was pertinent, useful, and often striking; but he was loose and miscellane- ous, rather than close and methodical. He always, indeed, adhered to a general method, in the treat- ment of his subject; but he was not solicitous to put each expression in its most proper place, or to ex- clude matter merely collateral, if it fell in his way. His voice in preaching was articulate, but not power- ful; not loud enough to reach the remote parts of a large and full church, so as to be heard without a painful listening. He was not aware of this, till he heard of it in the way of complaint; and then he altogether refused to attempt a publi*c service in the larger churches of our city. * I cannot preach in your mammoth houses,' was his reply to every in- vitation, after he had formed the resolution I have 316 MEMOIR OF DR. NISBET. mentioned. Yet he was always ready, and apparent- ly gratified to preach in any place or circumstances, in which he could he easily and fully heard. 1 once accompanied him when he went, I believe on his own voluntary offer, to preach to the convicts, in the pub- lic prison of this city; and I was never better pleased with any sermon that I heard from him, than that which he delivered on this occasion.'^ ^^In Theology, Dr. Nisbet was a decided Calvin- ist, of the old school, and deeply read in the writings of its most distinguished masters. Yet he was not intolerant of other denominations, if they held what he regarded as the fundamentals of religion. I never heard him speak with severity of any religious sect, except the Universalists. Of an individual of that sect, whom he believed to be a very bad man, I once heard him say, * His is the only good rogue's re- ligion. He knoVvs, if that dont save him, he has no chance at all.' " "Of his general character as the President of a College, I know but little. Living at the distance of one hundred and twenty miles from Carlisle, and ha- ving visited it but once during his presidency, and that at a time of vacation in the College, I had no opportunity to make any observations for r»yself. I have always understood, that in the business of in- struction, he never failed to perform with ability, diligence and punctuality, every duty to which he was pledged. I also know that he was greatly dis- satisfied with the hasty and imperfect course of study, which he found himself obliged to tolerate; and that he gave great umbrage to some of the Trustees of the Institution, by the severity of the remarks which he made, on the disposition which he believed they HIS CHARACTER, ETC, 317 eherislied, to favour a superficial system of educa- tion." "In like manner, I must state, that I know but little, from personal observation, of Dr. Nisbet's do- mestic character. I have uniformly heard him repre- sented as peculiarly amiable and kind, not only in his family, but in alt his intercourse with othei'S, in private life. When the General Assembly met at Carlisle, in 1792, he invited a company to dine with him, of whom I was one; and this, as far as I recol- lect, was the only time, except on the following Lord's day, that I ever made a part of his domestic- circle. The dinner party to which I have referred, was received and treated in a handsome style; and at its close, the Doctor indul