T B E J^ Tver of Life, iT"^ ^T ^ -^ ^C E EDI NG out of the Throne of G O D And of the 4^3-^- /y LAMB. A S E l&^O N preached ^ ynmediately before the Sacrament "dfthe^^EoKti^ff '^:- Supper 2it Dunftrmlinep July 6th ^735' • '' IBy the KereretS-MS". Ralph E ^ sk ine Mi- nifter of the 6olpeI thjRr^, ^ Printed by Tbo, Lumifden and Jo. Rohmfo?^ for 7a7iies Seugp Book, feller in 2)mfimltnt M.DCCXXXVI> r Mt, ///>^'i^ ^j ..* ^^v ^^ ^ 'ij '-, iti^ ^i^^O^c^ L The River of Life! Rev. xxii. I. 'And he /hewed me a pire . Water of Ltfe^ clear as Cryjidi proceeding out of the Throne of Gody and of we Lamb. T the laft Sacramental Aftioa that fell to my Share here, I took Occafion to fpeak of our Lord Jefus Chrilt as the Lamb in the Midft of the Throne, i^eu. vii. 17. And now I would fpeak a little (as the Lord may allill) of the great Bleffings that proceed from that Throne, to the everla- fting Salvation, and Confolation of all the Re- deemed. Some underftand all that is faid in the two laft Chapters of this Book, of the State of the Church even here on Earth, in the Glory of the latter Days ^ Others view it as a Repre- A 2 {^Xi" 5CS^?^^ ('4 ) ^rfed and triumphant State of eaven. I reckon it fafeft to f thefe, and apprehend it takes State of the Church, and the eof, commenced in Time here, te through Eternity hereafter. State begins here, fince Grace is ^ of Glory, and Glory the Perfedi- Now^this happy State is defcribed JTfibAto the earthly Patadife, thatwa^ le Sin of the firft Adatriy as another, a Sradife reftor'd by the Righteoufnefs of nd Adam. - ■ f this Verfe you fee a Revelation made to n of the River of Paradife ; and by this Ri- ver I uhderftand the Spirit, and all Ipiritual Blcilings : For To I find the Spjrit frequently in Scripture reprefented, as a River, or a flood of Water, If a. xliv. 3. I "Scl/l fohrWare^ on him that is thirjly^ and Floods upon the dry 'Ground. What is that ^ Ev^en my Spirit ^ and my "Blef- £lng ; as it is explained in the Words immediately following. But then, you have the Quality of this River; it is a fnre River of Water of Life y clear as Cry pal. All the Streams of earthly Comforts are muddy and polluted, and pollu- ting ; but thefe are pure, clear, healing and re- frefhing, giving Life, and preferving Life for ever tpxhem that drink thereof. You have the Rife olf this River, or whence it flows and pro-; ceeds, namely, 0-ut of the throne of God ^ and vf the Lamh. The Spirit, and all the Bleffings and Comforts of Grace and Glory, proceed froni a God in Chriii. As'the. Spirit, with Reference iO his perfonal Property, proceeds from the Fa- ther ( ? ) ther and the Son ; lo, with Reference to hiS Office in the OEconomy of RedeiTiption, he; as a Spirit of all Grace and Coinfoft, procqed^ like a pure Cryftnl River out of we Tbron'^. if God and of the Lamb \ The Spirit^ and all ipN ritual Bleffings^ being from God, through rhe Mediation of the Lamb. But' I Ihail fuiUier explain the Words upon the following Doctrine. Obferve, ^hat the living Spirit of God, communicati7ig all the Skffings of ever- laftif2g Life, gracloz'Jly here, and ^lori- onfly hereafter, proceeds like a pure Cry- flal River out of the 'Throne of God and of the Lamb. And here I fhall^ as the Lord may pleafe to, aflift, (i.) Offer feme Remarks for clearing and confirming the Dodrine. (2.) Notice the Property and Quality of the Water of this Ri- ver. (5.) Shew what may be imported in its being faid to proceed out of the Throne of God and offhe Lamb. (4.) Whence it is, or the Reafon -why this River of Life is faid to pro- ceed out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb. ( 5.) Deduce fome Inferences for the Ap- plication. Firfiy Some Remarks for clearing and Confir- ming the Dodlrine. * ' \, 1. Remark. That Communion with God in Chrift in his Bleffings and Comforts at his Table, whether above or below, is by the Spirit : For, as through Chrift ixe have Accefs to the Father by one Spirit^ Eph. ii. 18. To all the Bleffings. and ( 5 ) and Comforts of the new Covenant are com* municated from the Father, through the Son, by the Holy Ghoft : And hence we enjoy the Grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift, and the Love of God through him, in the Communion of the Holy Ghoft, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. 2. Remark. That all fpiritual Bleffings thus communicated are everlafting. They are the Bleffings of everlafting Life, begun in Grace here, and confummate in Glory hereafter. God himfelf, the prime and principal Bleffing, is the everlalting God, and the everlafting Light, the everlafting Life, the everlafting Heaven and Hap- plnefs of his People. And ail the Streams of Bleffings that flow from this Fountain of living Waters are everlafting. For Example, Is Peace a Stream of this River? Rom. v. i. Seing ju- ftified by Faith y *we have l^eace ivith God. This Peace is everlafting : And hence departed Saints are faid to enter into Teace whenever they die, Jfa. Ivii. 2. Peace here enters into them, and there they enter into Peace. Is Pardon of Sin a Stream of this River ? Yea, nve have Redempti* on through h'n Shod, even the Forgivenefs of Sin, Eph. i. 7. and this Pardon is everlafting : And hence 'tis faid of the Inhabitants of Hea- ven, 1'he People that dixell there (hall he for- given their hiiquity, Ifa. xxxiii. laft. Here they are pardoned, and there the Pardon is length- ned out to Eternity. Is Sandification and Holi- nefs a Stream ? Yea, beholding his Glory /we are changed into the fame Image. Well^ ft is an everlafting Bleffing, for in Heaven it is per- h^td.y I John \\u 2. We Jball be like him, for ii'e fiall fee him as he is. Again, Is the L\(e - of ^ 7 ) of Comfort here a Stream ? Yea^ we joy in God throu^ Chrift. This BlefTing is everla{ting, and therefore called everlajli72g Confolatmiy 2The{r. ii. i6. And hence the Comforter is laid to abide in us for ever, John xiv. i5. Even when the fenfible Comfort is withdrawn, yet the Com- forter abideth for ever. Again, Is the begun Life of Communion with God a Stream of this River of the Water of Life? What is this Fel- lowfliip with the Father and the Son but the Be- ginning of everlailing Communion ? In a Word, Is Grace a Stream of this River of the Water of Life ? What is a Life of Grace here, but the Beginning of the Life of Glory, which is everlafting, and commenced whenever the Soul believes in Chrift? He that helieveth on tbe Son hath everlajling Life. T'his is Life etemali to hnoiv thee the only true God, and Jefus Chrift nvhom thou haft fent. Thus you may fee what I mean by the Bleflings of evcr- iafting Life, to be enjoyed gracioufly here, and glorioufly hereafter, called the Water of Life in the Text. And fo far I have here defignedly prevented myfelf the NecefEty of explaining much further this Water of Life, or the Streams of this River. 3. Remark is, That the Spirit of God, as the great Blefling of the Covenant, and all the other fpiritual Bleffings of everiafting Life, are compa- red frequently to Water in Scripture, ^ohn iv. 14. and 10. V. compared. There Chrifl is faid to give us livtng Water : And again. The Water that I (hall give him that drinketh it, €)ailhe in him a Well cf Water fpri?2ging uf to ever- iafting Ltfi. And, John vil 37. Jf any Man thirft. thirftl let him come to me and drink. He that believer h 012 me, as the Scripture hath Jhid om of his Selly, out of his very Heart and Soul* ^all flow Rivers of liviitg Water, This he fpeaks of the Spirit. But I infift not upon all the loftances I might offer ; only the Spirit and his Influences, Graces, Comforts and Bieffings, raay be on many Accounts compared to Water. I in/ift not upon the Parallel ; only, as Water fs for quenching of Third, wafhing oft Stains, cooling of Heats, healing of Wounds, foftnmg of hard Earth, and frudifying of ijarren Earth * fo the Spirit, in his various Influence^ and Ope- rations, is of manifold fuch like Ufe to the Souls of all his People. 4. Remark I offer is. That this River of Wa- ter of Life, that waters the Church militant and triumphant with all fpiritual. and everlafling Blefllngs, proceeds out of the Thrbne of GocJ and of the Lamb : I mean, the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. Not only doth he fo, as ht\% the Third Perfon of the glorious Trinity, and that by an eternal and ineffable Proceffion.; but aifo, as he is clothed with the peculiar and glorious OfHce of applying thepur- cliafed Redemption, He comes forth from the Father and the Son by a voluntary Subordination. This is plain , from fevera I Scriptures, particular- ly J'ohn xiv. 16. 1 ''joill pray the Father, and he Jball give you another. Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever, even the Spirit of ^rinh. John xv. q.6 When the Comforter is come 3 whom I 'oiiU fend unto yozi from the Fa^ ther, which proccedeth from the Father, he jkalltefiify of ms. John xiv. 2C>. Sut the Com- forter, \ > ) forter^ nsihlch is the Holy Ghofly whom the Fa^ thh will fend in my 'Name, he Jhall teach you all "things. And again^ John xvL 7. Jf I go not a'way, the Cofnforter ivill not come ; but if I depart, I 'will fend himtinto yozi. And when he IS come, he "jojU convince the World of Sin, Righteotifnefs and Judgment. He will guide you into all Truth. He fhall glorify \?ney for he Jball receive of mine, and fhall fiew it unto* you. Whence then fhall we have a good Com- munJon this Day ? whence fhall we have the Spirit, or any fpiritual Bleffing and Comfort ? It is from the Throne of God and of the Lamb ; It is from the Father and the Son. This Water is from God, through the Media- tion of the Lamb. The Sec072d Thing propofed was. To notice the Qualities of this great Bleffing, comprehen- ding all other Bleflings of everlafting Life. The Text calls it a pure River of the Water of Life, clear as Cryftal : Where the Water is defcribed four Ways, namely, from the Plenty, the Purity, the Vertue and the Splendor of it. iji, 'Tis defcribed from the 'Flefity, and there- fore called a River. This is that River, Tfal. xlvi. 4. the Streams whereof make glad the City of God. No Pleafures are like thefe that flow from the Spirit of God. The Fruit of the Spirit is Teace and Joy : But here it is only the Streams of this River that we enjoy, but in Heaven the River itfelf will be enjoy'd. The Holy Spirit is a River, not a Ciflern, to ftww his infinite Plentitude and Fulnefs, and the great Abundance of heavenly Bleffings that flow from B him. him. Our Lord Je'fus hath received ©f this Ri- ver above Meafure, and yet the River is as full as ever. Ail Believers, in all Ages froitt the Be- ginning of the World, Thoufands, and Teh Thoufands, have drawn out of it ; yet it is (liJJ an overflowing River. O let us bring all our empty E ackets here 1 for there is enough here for eve. y Son of Adam^ if he would come ; e- nough for Time, and enough for Ecernity : The River is flowing by our Door ; O may we draw Water out of this Well of Salvation. 2///y, It is defer ibed from its Purity y it is a fure River, The Spirit of God is a pure and holy Spirit, and all his Ble flings and Comforts are pure and holy, purifying and fandifying Bleffings. A Pool or a ftanding Water may be impure ; but a River, tho' it ftiould run through a Jothfom Ditch, will carry away the Pollution of it : No Man's Heart, be it never fo polluted like a ftinking Ditch, but, if a Stream of this River be let into it, and have a free Paflage, it will carry away all the Filth and Pollution there- of. And why is it faid of Heaven, Rev. xxi. lafl:, in the Verfe preceeding our Text, That there [ball in nowife enter into it any Thiiig that defileth ? Becaufe there is the River ever running. Here we have only the Screams run- ning fometimes, but there is the Rivar itfelf, the pure River, continually running. O let impure polluted Souls come now to the Streams of this pure and purifying River, as they are running from Chrift in a Gofpeldifpenfation, and never reft till they win to th^^ River of perfe6t Purity. ^dly^ It is defcribed from the qttickning Ver^ tue of it ; It is a pure River of Water of Zife^ This ( ri ) This River of Water is the living Spirit of God; the Spirit of Life, that quickens ^^hom hewiJl: He harh Life in'himlelf, and by him dead Souis are quickned, and made to Jive for ever. All earthly elementary Waters have a Beginning j but this River, the Spirit of God, is from Ever- lafting to EverlaiUng, v^ ithout Beginning and without End. Other Rivers are fed by Springs and Fountains ; but this River of the Spirit is himfelf the Fountain ot living Waters, as well as a River. This River proceeds from Gud, and yet the River is God himfelf ^ For there are 'Three that hear Record in Heaven^ the Father y the Word, and the Spirit y and thefe Three are One. Tho* God hath provided a Chanel of Or* dinances to convey fome of the Water of this River to us, for quickning and refrefhing us ; yet the River cannot be circumfcribed or limited as it is in itfelf. O let dead Souls conceive Hope of Life ; here is the living and Life-giving Spirit of God, to give the Life of Grace, the Life of Peace and Pardon, the Life of Holinefs and San- d:ification, the Life of Joy and Con{. It (, ^3 ) 2. It, imports, That God and the Lamb have but one and the fame Spirit. The River pro- ceeds from the Throne of God and of the Lamb. The bpirit of God is the Spirit of the Lamb, and the Spirit of the Lamb is the Spirit of God. Happy they that have the Spirit of Chrift in them, for the Spirit of Chrift is the Spirit of God. He is the Spirit both of the Father and of the Son. All Things that the Father hath are mtne^ ^^)sChn{{, yohnx'vl 15. And parti- calarly the Father^s Spirit is the Son's ; Hence it is faid. Gal. iv. 6. Secavfe ye are Sons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your Hearts^crying, Abba, Father. This River proceeds not out of the Throne of God, or the Father's Throne only; but out of theThrone of the Lamb alfo, the Son's Throne. The Spirit of Life, for quickning dead Souls unto everlaiting Life, pro- ceeds not out of the Throne of God as an ab- folute God, but as a God in Chrift ; and there- fore is faid to proceed oin of the T'hrone of God and of the Lamb. 3. It imports. That the Fulnefs of the God- head that is in Chrift is a communicative Ful- nefs ; and hence the River is faid to ifTue from the T'hrone of God and of the Lamb. The ever- lafting Spring of the River is svithin the Throne of God, where the Lamb fits : And the Lamb is anointed with the Spirit above Meafure ; for the Father giveth not the Spirit by Meafure unto him^ John iii. 34, And this Ocean of Divine Fulnefs that is in him is not fhur up within the Throne, but proceeds like a River out of it, that we out of his Fulnefs may receive, and Grace for Grace, ^^ohn i, 16. This Communi- catioa ( H ) cation is free, as free as the Run of a Stream out of a Spring. And as the River proceeds freely ouc of the Throne, fo we may as freely come and drink of the Water of Life that runs out towards vs. But again it imports, 4. That the giving out of the Spirit, and of all fpiritual Bleflings, is a Part of the Royalty of Chrid, and the truit of his mounting the Throne of Heaven after he had finifhed his Work upon Earth : Ar^d hence, ^i&e;i 7:?^ a- fcended up on High^ leading Captivity captive^ he received Gifts for Men, even jor the Rebels lious, Pfal. Ixviii, 18. The giving out of th? Spirit in the moll plentiful Manner was deferred till the Lamb that was flain fhould be in the Midft of the Throne. John vii. 59. *tis faid, > the Hoiy are freely given them of God, i Cor. ii. i2, Thus we fee the diftindt OEconomy of each Perfon of the glorious Trinity in this Matter^ Father^ Son and Holy Ghoft^ One God in Three Perfons; and how we are equally indebted to each of them for the Benefit ot Redemption, 3i This River of Life is difcovered as pro- ceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb, to fliew the efTential Unity and glorious Harmony of the ever-blefled Trinity, botwith- flanding of their perfonal Diftindion ; accor- ding to I yo^n V. 7. 2^^ere are Three that hear Record in Heaveny the Father, the Word^ and the HolyGhoJl, andthefe ^hree are Or,e. And this eflential tJnity or natural Onenels 1%^ t think, pointed out in our Text, where the Throne oeing called the Throne of God and of the Lamb, declares what Chrift himfelf decla- red, John X. 30. i" and my Father are One^ And if the Spirit were not the Fountain of li- ving Water, equally and eflentially One with the Father and the Son, how could he proceed like a River out of the Throne of God arid of the Lamb ? So that, as in this clear Glafs of the Gofpel we fee the diftind OEconoiriy of the glorious Trinity in the Work of Redemption, and their perfonal Diftindion, fo we may fee their eflential Unity or natural Onenefs ; neCe I'hreeare One God, &c. And in the fame Light we fee their glorious Harmony in our Redem- ption-work. As it is laid of the Three that ifear Witnefi on Earthy the Spirit^ the Water and the Slood^ that they agree in One ; fo we may fay of the Three that hear Witnefi ifi Heaven^ that^ ^s thefe "three m Om^ One lii C Na- ( ^8 ) Nature ,• To they agree in one, in one great and glorious Work and Defign towards the Salva- tion of poor Sinners. There is a perfeft Har- mony and Agreement between God and the Lamb upon the fame Throne : And how doth the Spirit harmonize and agree with the Father and the Son proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb like a pure Cryftai Ri- ver ? and thus Ihewing, that everlafting Life is from God in Chrill, by the Spirit. Again, ano- ther Reafon.is, 4. To Ihew the excellent Firmnefs and Stebi- lity of the New-Covenant Blefllngs, and on what a fure Ground and Bottom the eternal Life and Happinefs of the Church militant and triumphant h built. Thefe Bleffings are equally fecured with the Throne of God and of the Lamb, and the perpetual Flow of the River of the Water of Life that proceeds therefrom. The everlafting Life of the Redeemed is fome- Avay interwoven with the perfbnal Properties of the glorious Trinity : For as the Spirit,perfon al- ly confidered, proceeds from the Father and the Son; fo he proceeds communicatively out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb, to water all the Redeemed, as an everflowing and overflow- ing River of everlafting Life. A glorious Tri- nity may be leen in every fpiritual Blefling : Hence may a Believer fay. This Pardon, for Ex- ample, is a Divine Bleffing, it comes from the Throne of God ; it is a purchafed Blefling, it is from the Throne of the Lamb ; it is a feai'd Blefling, by |he Spirit, as a River running from the Throne of God and of the Lamb, lo as the Happinefs of the Redeemed cannot faiJ^ nor the - ( ^9 ) the River ceafe to runout to their everlafting Life,.iJo more than God can ceafe to be God, Father, Son, and HoJy Ghofl, One everlafting .God, in Three Perlbns. The Stream of Grace here, and Glory hereafter, proceeds from a Foun- ''tain that can never be drained j here they will dripk, and bathe, and fwim for ever. The Throne of God will flill be the Throne of the tamb, he will fliJl be a God in Chrift : And the Throne of the Lamb will flill be the Throne of God ; for to him the Father fays, T'hy throne, O God^ is for ever and^ver : And the Throne of God and of the Lamb will flill be a Throne whence the everlafting Spirit will pro- ceed like a pure Cryftal River ; for he will ne- ver ceafe to be a free Spirit, a free Fountain of living Waters. O glorious and blefled Security ! The Fifth Thing propofed was. To deduce fome Inferences for the Application. Is it JTo that the living Spirit of God, communicating all the BlefSngs ofeverlafting Life gracioufly here, and glorioufly hereafter, proceeds like a pure Cry- ftal River out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb ? Then, I/?, Hence fee the Harmony between the Church militant and triumphant ; they drink of the fame River; Only here we have but Drops, but there they have the Ocean, and drink.at the Fountain-head ; The utmoft here is a Staying us with Flagons,. but there the Redeemed fwim in the River of Life. The Saints in Glory, as well as Believers on Earth, hold their Title un- to everlafting Life of Chrift: Their everlafting Happinefs is grounded upon the Blood of the • C 2 Lamb, ( 55 ) lamb, and flows from the Throne of God and of the I-amb. thrift will be the Glafs, even in Heaven/ wherein the Glory of God will be feen through the pure River of the Water of Life clear as Cryftal. ^dly^ Hen^e fee the Happinefs of every Belie- ve that hath got but one faving Drop of this River poured out upon his Heart ; for this Spi- rit of God and of the Lamb will be in him a Well of Water [printing up to enerU^ing Life, John iv. 14. and that becaufe this Water pro- ceeds from the Throne of God and of the Lamb. It i^ a Royal Bleffing from the Divine Throne, and the ^pleffings of the Throne are the beft BleflSngs. Many are content with the Bleflings of the JFootftooL and hunt only after thele, faying, Who iKill fijezv us any earthly Good ? But, blefTed are thefe that cannot be fatisfied with any Thing lefs than Throne- bleflings; JLordJift then up the Light of thy Countenance upon me : ^hen Jball I have more Gladnefs than the wicked World, in the Ttme that their dorn and Wine increaje, Ffal. iv. 6. O fee what a Royal Gift it is to get the Spirit; Chrifl 0fce7ided up 0^1 High, a^id led Captivity captive, ^nd received Gifts for Men. 3^^, tience fee the Glory of God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, fiiining in the Work of Redemption through Jefus, and in the Way of pur Salvation through hi$ Blood and Righteouf- iiels„ Here, as in a Glafs, we may fee the Glo- ry pf God the Father fitting on the fame Throne VYJth Chriftjj that is, appearing as a God in Chrjft; ;he Glory' of Chrift the Son^ our |icd?ernferj cxaltecj to j^he Father^ Throne, af-^ ter ( iT ) ter he had finiihcd his Work ,• and the Glory of the Holy Ghoft in his Breathings and Blef- iings^ and Graces and Comforts, proceeding like a pure CryftaJ River out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb : And alfo the Glory of all the Divine Attributes, their Honour is fe- cured in this Throne of Grace, from whence Grace and Mercy vents, to the Credit and Ho- nour of Juftice and Truth, through the Juftice- fatisfying Blood of the Lamb ; therefore it is faid, ytiftice and Judgmmt afe the Habitation qJ his Throne, ^thly. Hence fee how glorious the Gofpel is, and how powerful, while it is the Chanel where- in the Spirit of Life, the River of the Water of Life runs from the Throne of God and of the Lamb ; Gal. iii. 2. Received ye the Spirit by the Works of the La^vo^ or by the Hearing of Faith ? It is by the Hearing of Faith ; and hence the Spirit and the Word are put together in a Pro- mife to Chrift, and in him to all his Seed, JJa, lix. laft. T'his is my Covenant '^ith thenty faitb the Lord, My Spirit which is upon thee, and my Words which 1 have put in thy Mouth, Jball not depart om of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed's Seed, faith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever. This River of Life for quickning dead Souls runs always in the Chanel of the Word of Grace and Promife, and the Gofpel is the Miniftration of the Spirit in the Hands of his fent Servants ,• and this ought to be highly prized by all that are Followers of the Lamb, and would enjoy the Witnefs of his Spirit from the Thione. Th^rc ^r^ indeed, in gur Day, many ^al ^ C ^ ) many that are but Minitiers of the Letter, thefe ought to be diicouraged and difcountenanced ; but there are feme evidently Minifters of the New Teftament, not of the Letter, but of the Spirit, thefe ought to be highly encouraged and countenanced; for, tho' r^^ Letter ktlls^tbe Spirit gives Life, z Cor. iii. 6, It is dangerous to defert a Minillry wherein the Spirit of Life runs ,• this were to run away from the River that proceeds out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb. This, by the By, may Ihew us a Rule for our Condu^ in this Day of Divifion., when many of the Lord's own Children are ready to run to fome dangerous Extremes with Reference to their countenancing this or the other Minifler. Why, if they are Minifters of the Letter, that have nothing of a Gofpel-fpi- rit, or of the Spirit of Faith or Faithfulnels in preaching or managing ; and, if this be evident, why not? let us teflify duly againft them : But, if we have to do with Minifters of the Spirit, let us remember that fome of thefe are appointed of God for fuch a Work, and fome for another Work ; and fome of them have a greater Mea- Hire of the Spirit of Faith and Zeal than others, and fome of^ them have a lefTer Meafure given them of God, according to the Work he hath for them : But, if they have any Meafure of a Gofpel-fpirit, and of the Spirit of Faith and Faithfulnefs in their Station, tho' they come not up to the fame Meafure and Degree with others, nor be fet upon the very fame Groujnd, beware of flighring and defpifing them ; for the great River of the City of God runs out in many Streams, fome greater and fome leiTer, and ( 23 ) and to dcfplfe the kaft Stream is to defpife the River ; He that defpifeth you defpifeth hw. ^thly. Hence fee what it is that would make good and happy Days in the Church militant, namely, the running out of this River more plen- tifully, Ifa, xxxii. 14, 15, 16 y 17. Until the Spirit he poured upon tis from on high^ and the Wildernefs he a fruitful Field, Sec. O when may we expe<3: fuch a Day 1 Indeed, fuch is the univerfal Corruption of Church and State, and fuch hath been our Perjury, Covenant- breaking and Blood-fhed, unrepented of,- and fuch is the Profanity, Error and Blafphemy of the Day we live in, that in all Appearance, be- fore the happy Day of the Outpouring of the Spirit, we may cxped: a terrible Day of the Outpouring of Flood, w^herein our Land ihaH be turn'd into a Field of Blood, and our Streets to Rivers of Blood. Our National bloody Sins are crying for bloody Vengeance, and many fee it hailing on. But O what is it that will wafh away Scotland's bloody Guilt and bloody Gore at once 1 What but a Flood from Heaven, even a Flow of the pure River, clear as Cryilal, proceeding out of the Throne of God and. of the Lamb 1 Whatever fad Days may come be- fore it, yet this is the happy Day you ought to feek, for Zion's Sake, and for the Sake of rifmg Generations in Scotland^ and of future Ages. CT ;■ Cthly^ Hence fee what would make a heart- fom Communion- folemnity among us this Day^ amidfl all the lad Signs of the Times, namely, the running down of this River. And fee at the fame^ Time what Ground we have to expeA this ( '4 ) this River of Life to run out ; The Ground of Hope is, becaufe the Lamb is enthroned. The Time was that the Spirit, the Holv Gholi, was not given plentifully, becaufe yefus 'was not yet glorified, John vii. 39. But now Jefus is glorified, the Lamb is fitting on his Father^s Throne ; therefore we may ikdk and expect that the Spirit may be poured out. Let Faith ad, for Supplies of this Water, upon Ch rift's Exaltation to the Father's Right-hand to give Repentanctf and Remiffion of Sins i exalted to give the Spirit of Faith and Repentance, to give the Spirit of Holinefs and Comfort ; exalted to the well-water'^d Throne, to let out the River plentifully. Again, ^thlyy To raife our Hope and Expedation, Jet us from thisDodrine fee, that the Throne of God and of the Lamb is no penurious Throne, that hath little to fpare : As in our Father's Houfe there is Bread enough and to fpare, fo about our Father's Throne, the Throne of God and of the Lamb, there is Water enough and to fpare, the pure River of the Water of Life fully and freely proceeding out of it. The feven Spirits are faid to be before the Throne, Rev. i. 4, that is,the one eternal Spirit of God, as a River flowing out in all his various Streams of Gifts^ Graces, Influences, Operations, Breathings^ Bleffings and Comforts ; This River is before the Throne. Which fays, by the By, that it is good to go boldly and frequently to the Throne of Grace ^ for this quickniag River of the Wa- ter of Life being before it, whenever we begin to go to that Throne, the quickning River will meet us by the Way ; and whenever our Feet touch V 2j J touch the River, then, like a Flood, it will carry us off our own Feet, and bear us up to- wards the Throiie, as the Water did the Ark to the Top o( Jrarat._ %thly. Hence fee how we may attain Commu- nion with God at a Communion-table, and how we are t;o go there : You ought to go with as great Awe and Reverence as if you were going to the Throne of God, for his Throne is at the; Head of the T^ble. But then, how fhall we go to the Throne of God, who is ah infinitely ho- ly and juftGod, whereas ^e are guilty, guilty Sinners ? Why, we cannot go to the Throne of God but through Jefus Chrift ; and through him we ought to go boldly, becaufe it is not on- ly the Ttirone of God, but of the Lamb, by v^hofe Blood we have Boldnefs to enter into the Holieft. But again, if you think. How ihall we go thus to the Throne of God and of the Lamb, having no Life or Power to do any Thing ? Why, indeed we cannot win to ic but as it were fwimming in the River that is be- fore the Throne, the River of the Spirit^'s In- fluences and Graces, that proceeds out of the Thfonfe of God and of the Lamb. That which brings us to the Throne muft proceed out of the Throne ; therefore we are to go believingly and dependently, being ftrong only in the Grace that is in Chrift jefus, the Grace that is in the Throne of Grace to be freely communicate from it. pr^/y. Hence we may fee the Marks and Gha- rafters of right and worthy Communicants. They are fuch as have got a Difcovery of what is here fliewed unto John : He (he'wed me a ptir^ ' D Rit .ft ( V<5 ) River of Wate}" of Life yclear as Crystal, proceed- ing out of iheTbrone of God and of the Lamb. I do not mean, that every true Believer gets fuch an extraordinary Difcovery as John here got the Revelation of; but there is fomething of the Myftery thereof in fome Degree that I think every Believer gets fome View of^ particularly in thefe three Things, by which you may examine yourfelf. I. Have you ever got a View of the Throne of God, I mean of Cod himfelf, in his infinite Holinefs and Juftice ? For God fits upon the Throne of his Holinefs, Juftice, and other glo- rious Attributes; and to fee the Throne of God, is to fee and know him to be Majefty jffelf ; for a Throne points out Majefty. Have you ever apprehended the Majefty of his Holinefs and Ju- ftice, and that the Throne of Iniquity cannot have Fellowfhip with him ; that he is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity ; that he is a God that ixill by no Means clear the Guilty ? And hath ever the View of this made you tremble and quake, arid fear left you fhould never have Fellowfhip with him, becaufe you are nothing but a Mafs of Sin and Guilt ? 2. Have you ever, upon the Back of this, got a View of the Throne of God as the Throne of the Lamb, fo as the terrible Majefty of the Throne hath been allay'd by the Appre- henfion of Divine Mercy, venting through the Blood of the Lamb that was flain ; flain virtu- ally from tSe Foundation of the World, flain a6i:ually on the Crofs at Jerufalem^ and now fitting glorioufly upon his Father's Throne ? In this Light have you feen infinite Holinefs ho- noured ( a? ) noured and vindicated by the Obedience of the Lamb, and infinite Juftice pleafed and fatisfied by the Death and Blood of the Lamb ? and hath the View of this turned the Throne of God ^om a terrible to an amiable Throne in your Eye ? The Throne of God and of the Lamb is nothing elfe but a God in Chrift recon- ciling the World to himfelf^ a God declaring iimfelf well pleafed in Jefus Chrift. Hath the View of this turned yonr Fear to Hope^ and your Terror to Triumph ? 3. Have you ever hereupon feen and fek^ to your Experience, living Waters proceeding from the Throne of God and of the Lamb ? Have you feen the Fulnels of the Spirit to be in Chrift, as anointed therewith above Meafure ? And have you ever found this living Water gufhing from the Throne as it were in a fweet Flood of Influences ? when you was pouring out your Heart before the Lord, he was pouring out this Flood upon you, and making you as it were fwim in this River. Belie^^er, know you not fomething left or more about this "i Well, what was the Quality of the Water which you was then baptized with ? May be you came to the Throne empty and deftitute, and dry Ground ; but,before you went away,you was filled as with the Fulnels of a River gufhing out upon you. May be you came to the Throne very dead" and lifelefs, faying, O is it poflibie that thefe dry Bones can live ? but your Soul was quickned and brought ro Life and Livelinefs, fo as you found the Rivfr to be indeed a River of the Water of Life, of Life to your dead Soul, May bp you came polluted and unclean, P a cry- ( 28 ) frying out, Behold, lam vile ; Will ever fucFii a vile pealt have Accels to God^ or be waihen froin fuch Stains ? yet, behold, you found your Soul furrounded with purifying Waters, with the pure River of the Water of Life, infomuch that perhaps at that-Time, tho'it. was a Miftake, yet you joyfully imagined, that all Pollution, Corruption and Impurity was wafhen away with the happy Flood that fweetly overwhelmed you, and drowned all your Lulls : Was not the River then in your View as a pure and purify- ing River ? Again, May be you came to the Throne under many Doubts and Fears, and dark Clouds J but, fay you, before I went away; I got a clear View of the Mercy of God in Chrift, a clear View of his everlafting Love, a clear View of the Door of Hope open to me ; or at leall, that there was Hope In Ifrael even for me. You thus found the pure River of the Water of Life to be clear as Cryltal^ when a Gulh of that Water was able tp clear your Eye when it was dim, to clear your Mind when it was dark and confufed, to clear your Coafcience when it was black with Guilt : The Streams of the River clear as Cryflal, running through your Heart, made all clear before it. Have you ever got any View and Experience of thefe Things in fome Meafure, however fmall the Degree be ? then you have the Mark and Character of fuch as have a Right to the Communion-table : But, if you never got a View of the Throne of God, or of the Majefly of God, fo as to fear his Wrath becaufe of your Sinfulnefs j and if you never got a View of the Throne of the Lamb, or of the Mercy of God in Chrift, fo as to hope in his ( 29 ) his Mercy 5 as venting through the 'Blood of the Lamb ; and if you never felt any Drop of this pure River of the Water of Life, clear as Cry- fhl, proceeding out of that Throne ; if you never found one Gufh of that River of the Spi- rit's Influences, either filling your empty Soul, quickning your dead Soul, purifying your poU luted Soul, or clearing your dark Mind ; then furely you have no Right to the Communion- table, as being a Stranger to Communion and Fellowfhip with God in Chrift by the Spirit. It may be fome poor weak Believer will tell me. Sir, I think indeed I'm no utter Stranger to what you have been faying : There' was fuch a Time, and fgch a Time, wherein I thought I got a View of thefe Things ; but, alas, all is now gone ! the Throne of God and of the L?.mb is out of View, and the Gufh of Influences from the Throne, that I was watered with, is all dried up, and I'm nothing but a Piece of parched Ground. Well, it may be fo, but here is good News ; The Throne of God and of the Lamb is to the fore, the pure River of the Water of Life is ilill to the fore, and the Throne of .God and of the Lamb is ftill the Fountain of living Waters, that can never be dried up or drain'd, but is as full as ever : Therefore wait about the Throne for the Pouring out of the Spirit, as Waters 7tf on the tbirfty, and Floods upon the dry Ground. lothly^ Hence fee the Duty of all that hear this Golpel, namely, to come and take of the Water of Life freely ; to come to Chrift, and drink of the River that proceeds out of the Throne. This Inference is drawn from this Do- (3:rine, ^ .net reveal . ( ^^ ) firine, in the 17th Verfe of the fame Chapter; ^I'he Spirit and the Sride fay. Come--, and let tim that heareth fay^ Come ^ an A let htm that is athirfl come ; and whofoever i&, there are certain Gatherers employed. Tha grea^and glorious Gatherer is God himfelf, vrhen ha draws Sinners to himfelf with the Cords of Love an (9 Ifiify of C^'i^' ^^ glonff Chrift^ to in- ^ ,■■■■■ .( «8 ) ^ite the People to Chtil^^Rev, xxii. iT.ttfs Spirlf^ iUffi the Bridi fay^ Come : And he not only fays it er»» ,^ernally to the Ear by his Word, but internally to th» tSoul by his common Motions, and efiicacioufly to th« Heart by his irrefiftible Operation ; like that Word fcy which the World was made, when God faid, Le^ $here he Lights and there was Light; fo, when th« Spirit fays, Let there be Faith, there is Faith. Hence, Jie that is called the Spirit of Faiths i Cor. iv. 19. is 4ilfo the Spirit of Power y 1 Tim. i. 7* For he both be- gins and carries on the Work of Faith with Power, ^nd fo powerfully draws. Sinners to Chriff, and efFec- jtually gathers the People to Shihh, The . principal •Xiatberers then are the bleifed Perfons of the glorious vTrinitv : The Father does it, thro* the Son, by the 4^oly vhoft. Thi$ adorableThtHte in One work to each .Other's H^nd.There are fubordinate Gatherers,whic)l pod does employ ; particularly Minifters of the Gof* pel, whofegreateft Work lies in. winning Souls, and .gathering People to Chrift, therefore called. Workeri ■f^igether/ivjih Go(fy 1 Cor. yi. i. Their main Bufinef* is to found the Trumpet* and gather the People to ^hilob ; They are to preach Chrilt, to proclaimChrift, Xo oSct ChMyto invite Sinners to Chrift, and thaft ^Isall they can do : They may caft down ihe Gofpe.l .N«t, but they will catch nothing, unlefs the Lord liimfelf gather in the Fifli ; Except the Lord build th» ptyy the Builders build in vain. The Gofpel is then th« Power of God to Salvation, that is, his Organical I'ower, the Jnftrument of his Powers when it is the Miniftration of the Spirit; ^^^ by Strength nor by Mighty butbi my Spirit^ faith the Lord, Seek then, that hi? Pow er may accompany the Word, otherwife it ^ill not be a gathering Word^ Now, as Minifters are the fubordinate Gatherers under Heaven's Influence l^y Office ; fo may private Chriftians, whofe Souls fre gathered to Chrift : They may be Gatherers in .iheir Station, not indeed by Office minitterially and Authoritativelr. But by privateAdmonition and Coun- TO <;iiar|t^ti:vely»Thpf1PiC^ors| bj ^"» pie to Shilob ; Such^Wreime nf^ ^"''l' ""^ ^^°- walhen,&c/ He gather? hi.4»^°"' -". ^^ "' dirty Mire. Let lone pren^J^P r'°* ""' ■"»* and'let. lime fticfc and'^e flh i'n the «• ' ''r""'^"' defpair, for he is merciful InH^ Mire; Let nona jhe^erV Dung. WhTn'^t^l.^'^^^'i-^^^^f-n' Ditch, into which a Sheen w,.fi(^ P*" ''^ * fays, he pulled it out, thi^ foul f r^-""^ "'*'""'» own Hand J for which he w.. I ""'^j^.'"?. ^i* his and commended ^slil Zw,.T'^t''^\^ '^'<''«''» King of />«/ is yL t'nder 'h?' ^"', '*'^" 'he filth^y Ditches ofSin, i:,o" hfcVhL°."^ ^""^^ '" *i:h MS.arc:Le,a„d'-;^'tl;L";L^rH^S • . ( «3 ) Blood, /^thfyi Agiin, they are gathiered oat of the Air, in a Manner ;. while the Prince of the Power of th4 Air is flyi^g'away with them, they are gathered out of his CLiws, Some that are Satan's Captires, they are frying in the Air as it were, with the Wings of Pride and Vanity, exalting themfelves above all that is tai- led God. They learn o^Luciferto be proud and lofty, looking down upon others as if they were the Dreg» and Offscourings of the Earth : "When God gathers any* fucb,h€ hath^them to bring down from loftyElements, and airy Vanities, that he may humble them under lijs mighty Hanli, and make them Itnop, to Shihh, O- thers are, as it were, building Cafiles in the Air : Such are thete, who being ignorant of God's Righ- teoufnefs, and going about to eftablifb their own Righteoufnefgj will not fubmit totheRighteoufnefs of God, I^om. X. 5» This is a high and lofty Building; "but it is like a Caftle in the Air hating no Founda^- On, bpt the high and airy Imagination of th^Cp t^at 1}uild it ; which the Lord will bring down, when he gathers them out .of their Heights and Altitudes, as you fee he does, i Cor* x. 5. Ithe Weapons ef our War^ fare are not carnal^ hut mighty through God^ to the pulting down efjirong Holds y caflhg 'down Imaginations ^ and everf %)igh *Thing, that exalts it felf againft the Knowledge of Godf and hinging in to Captivity every "Thought to the Obe-* dience of C/>»7/?/*There you fee high Things, high Thoughts, high Imaginations, all high and airy Buili dings exa'ted againft Chrift, and his Righteoufnefs j vea, ftrong Holds, fuch as nothing but the mighty Power of God can pull down : Such are all the falfe Hopes, and legal Dreams of poor Sinners. They hop^ they will mend, before they die • They'll turn a new Leaf, and live a new Life, and fo pay their own I)ebt, and do their own Bufinefs themfelves ; Thu# they build in the Air a Refuge of Lies, which the Hail muft fweep away. And indeed- God raifes ^ Storm in the Air, that he may gather his Remnant from thence. As in a dangerous Storm, the Mariner Y^ill caft Silk and Sattin over Board, and the moft valuabis i 23 ) .valuable Things, lather than perifli ; even fo Ood ^aifes a Storm of Convi&ion in rhe Man's Gon(cien(?e, that threatens, everlafting Shipwreck, that he may caft away bis Carnal Confidence, and legal Rightfe- oufnefs; that what Things were Gain to him, thef* he may count Lofs for Chrift. Thus, I/ay, there ara fome Airths from whence they are gathered : And this leads me to another Remarks Fourthlyy That there are federal Things fuppofeJ| and imported in thisGarbering of the k'eople to Sbi~ ' fob. To mention fome of thefe, ly?, It fuppofes Stray ing, and imports Con verlion. It fuppofes Straying ; and indeed the «atural State is a Straying* and wan- dering State. The Man is wandering away from God^ -wandering from his Oommandmentj, wandering in » •Wildernefs, wandering he knows not where awavj ■ for the Devil hdodwinks him ; The God of thisWorlcl hath blinded/ the Minds of them that believe not* And fo they wander in the Dark, in the DarknelV of Ignorance, Unbelief, Error^Delufion, and Confu* (ion ; and yet in the Darknels of deep Security, nevec imagining but that they are in the- right enou^jh^ Way, tho' it be the Way to Hell, thinking that Goci is altogether like unto themfelves, and approves theic Way, and allows them in all thefe Things where-* ■ in they allow themfelves. Hence it is impoflible lo bring them off from theirwiSarnal Thoughts, and wic- ked "Ways where they are wandering, unlefs God himfelf gather them by his Converting Grace. This Gathering imports Converfion, wherein God fayg with PowerXas he made the World with an omni- potent LET IT BE, fo here) Let the Wicked forfake his W^y, Ifa. Iv. 7, 8. And the unrighteous Matt bis Thwghts^ and let hirh return to the Lord, But this Power of Gdlj, whereby he converts Sinners, rides in the Chariot <^ Grace, faying, as it TqUoWs, Vltba'Os Mercy on him^ .1 will ainndavtly parddp. And here is the Gord of Love and Mercy, with which he Jraws. The Craf- pel of Gi-ace is the Power of God to Salvation, th© ^^wer oJF God to Oiaverfion ; ■w4thout the faith ( 54 ) and Apprehenfion of this Mercy, there is no Oof- pel-repenting, nor Ketnrn, no effeQual Gonverfion; Let him returriy for I wilt abundantly pardon. There is the Motive, which muft be viewed, before any can be moved thereby. But when this Mercy of God in Chrift, in multiplying Pardon, where Sin hath been multiplied, is once viewed, then the Soul is melted and moved. What is there Mercy for the like of me, Pardon for the like of rne, and abundant Pardon, where Sin h;ith fo abounded ? Owill i, for great Sins, i^et great Pardons, and for a Multitude of Sins, a Multitude of Pardons? Will the Mountains of Mercy overtop and cover all the Mt>untains of my Sins ? O, fays God chis, even to wicked me ? This makes all my Bowels melt, and all my Bones to fay, who is like unto the Lord ? Thus he gathers Jn Convc^fion, faying, Wicked Man, turn, for 1 ^^il' abundantly pardon : And O that is a powerful FOR ; like^ Loadftone, that hath a draw- ing Vertue upon the hard Steel, fo will this draw the hard Heart, and diflolve it. This For is backed with another. For my 'Thoughts are not your Thought s^ nor my Ways yoptr Ways ; ql.d. With Refpe£l: to th& proud fecure Sinner, do you think that I am altoge- ther like unto your felf,and that 1 approve of your Ways, as if they were my .Ways, and your Thoughts, •as if they were my Thoughts ? Becaufe you allow your felf in that Way, you think I allow you alfo ; and your Thoughts is that you fhall have Peace, tho' you Walk after the Imagination of your own Heart: Nay, my Thoughts are not your Thoughts. Or,with . Refpeft to the felf-righteous Sinner, what are your Thoughti ? You think that your Way is a very good Way, and fo that it is God's Way: And you think that God will accept of you, becaufe you fay you do your beft, and do as well as you can, and no Body can fay black is your Eye ; you are a good Neigh- bour, you are honeft in your Dealings : And fo yoit think you are every Way right ; and that God thinks 9s well. of you, as you do of your felf; and th4t C 2? ) liat hii Thbupiits are your Thonghts, and that your Way that you are walking in is bis Way r Nay, fays he. My Thoughts are not your Thoughts, neither my Ways your Ways ; for as the Hesvens are above the Earth, fo are my Thonghts and WrySi above your Thoughts and Ways. O do not meai'ure God's Thoughts and Wjys by your fintui or felfifti Thoughts and Ways : If you would not riin inta a Miftake, Man» Woman, look to th© Clouds, a«d fee how far they are above the Earth ; yea, look to the Heavens, and fee how far they ar« above the Clouds ; yea, look ro the God thnt made the H«aven$, and fee how far he is exalted above the Heavens : And if tlie Heavens be fo f;ir above you, that you cannot re^ch them, or meafure tbem/O how far i» God above yout f at you fliould attempt to mea- fure his Thoughts and Ways by yours! Or, sgarn, v/irh Refpeft-to the humbled Sinner, thrit is like to be moved and melted with riie View of Mercy, but yet is tempted to doubt and deny it, faying, O my Thoughts are, that God will never have Mercy oa the like of me, fuch a God provqking Sihner ; and t fear God's Thoughts are the fame with n^ire : Nay My Thoughts are not your Thotights, fays God ^ look to the Heavens Man, look to the Heavens Wo- man, look to the J^eavens Lafs. look to the Heavens Lad ; for as the Heavens are above the Earth, fo are my Ways of Grace, and Thonghts of Mercy, a^ bove your Thoughts and Ways: YourThoughtiare, that I have no Way to fhew Mercy on you ; and therefore, that my Thoughts are to ruine and de- ftroy you : But I have found a Raifom, througK •^hieh my Mercy do^s make way and Vent to the Credit of Juftice; therefore- my Thoughts ard Thoughts of Peace, and not of Evil. Judge not my Thoughrs then by the Standard of yours, but rathei* mike the Height of the Heavens above the Earth to be the Standard whereby to judge of rhe Height of tnj Mercy, for overtopping all your Sins ^^';^h abun- dant Pardon ; therefore turn : Here is the F^y^ th# fbreefold For or Motive, npon which Turning br ( i6 ) ^onverfion is urged* This Gathering;, I fay, fup* pofes Straying, and imports Converfion. tdly. It fuppofes Scattering, and imports Conven- tion^Johr XI. 52. It is a Gathering together into one the Children of God that were fcatteredAbroad.The natural Stare is a fcattered State ; and God's Rem- nant, whom he hath amind to gather, are not*only fcattered here and therethrough the Earth, but be- fore the Lord gather them, they are like dead and dry Bones fcattered about the Urave's Mouthj ?faL cxli. 7. They arc dead in Trefpafles and Sins, dead fpiritually, under the Power of Sin ; dead legally, undertheSentCRCC of Death andDamnation ; and not only dead Bones, but dry Bones, no Sap of Grace or Goodnefs in them : And «ot only fo, but fcattered Eones ; Howfhall thefedry Bones live, or thefe fcat- tered Bones be gathered together ? You fee this re- prefented,^;;:^^, xxxvii.jTheSpirit of Life muft come, and gather together the Bones, and make them live ; and then, and not til) then, are the fcattered Souls conveencd, and gathered to Chrift. Then the fcat- tereii Though^,that were fcattered among the Stuff of the."World,are gathered toChrift, everyThought being brought in Captivity to the Obedience of Chrift. Then the fcitteied Affections, that were loft among the Luftsof the Fleih, tTie Luftsof the Eye, and the Pride of Life, are gathered and conveened together unto Chrift, as the proper Centre. O then- there is a Convention of Hearts, that were fcatte- red among other Objefts, My Son^give me thy Heart. Then there is a Convention of Defires, to him that is the Defire of all Nations ; a Convention of De- lights to him who is the Delight of God andAngels. Infteadofthe. Defires of theFlefb, and th« De- lights of Senfe, the Defire of their Souls comes to be towards him,and theRemembrance of his Name, faying, i^'^^om have I'm Heaven hut Ithee 1 &c. O, are there not here dead and dry Bones fcattered about- ' the/ Mouth of the Grave, dead and dry Hearts and Affe£iions fcattered about the Mouth of Hell ? O, ^' hat Netd of a Gathering ? 5^^^> ( ^7 ) . . • ^Myjt fuppofes Reje^ion, and importsKeceptiao . The naturaJ SutQ is a Srate,wherein the Man is ra - je£^ed ofGodjforiaken of God; he hath forfaken God, and God hath forfaken him. But when God jrather* the People to Shiloh, he receives them into Favour^ If a liv. 7. For a [mall Moment have I forfahen thee^ hut €Li it h great Mercy will I gather thae ] chat is,/ vjittlovc thee freely^ and receive theegracioufly. r^thly^ It fuppofes Separation, and imports Union. The natural State is a State ofSeparation fromGod, wherein the Man is like the Prodigal in a far Coun"- try, far from Goil, and far from Chrift,and far from Gr; and without God in the World, Eph, ii. 12. "There is an infinite moral Diftance, as well as natu- ral, betwixt God and them. The Wall of Separa- tion is fuch,as none but God can pull do^n ; which he muft do, when he gathers the People to ShiUh . And he>€e,ifl gathering Sinners, he not only preach* esFeaceto them that are afar oft, lvit,inChriftJefu«, they tii3t; were afar off, are^made nigh by the Blood ofChrid; They that were feparate from God, and without a Head, fince the ^tH' Adam felt, arc g?.the- led together to God, under a new Head, the fecond Adam, and unite to him, Epb. i. 10. It is called, A Gathering together into onq, aU things in Chril^. They are thus unite to God, and One among them- feives in Chrift. This Union is by the Bond of th» Holy Spirit, and Inftrumentalicy of Saving-Faith ; And the gathered Soul becomes One Building-with Chrift, wnereof Chrift is the Foundation ; one Tem- ple, one Bcdy,one Spirit ; He that is joined to the L»rd, is one Spirit, ')thly^ It fuppofes Rebellion, and imports Sub- je£tion, Reconciliation, and Obedience. The natu- ral State is a State of Rebellion,Alienation aodEu- mity : Before People are gathered to Sbihb^ they are gathered under the Standard of the Devil, and carrying on a Rebellion ngainft Heaven : eve|-y Maa and V/om^n is a Rebel. The carn«J Mind is Enmity ^gainfl: God : Fjrery Thoupiht ot every Man is ^ Re* bel againft God ; every !m iginarion of the Thought of rhe Heart 15 evil, and evil conrinuaily. Now,whefi God gathers People, he brings themij^ Subjeftion to his Son ; as they are unite to'him as 'their Head, fo they are fubjeci tp him as their King; This Sub- jection and Obedience is imported in the Original Word, as I told in the Explication. The gatheredPeo- ■pie are brought Jto fay, ^Otner Lords befides Thee iave had Domi^aovqiPtTs,; But now, by Thee only ■will we make mention of tHyiWa^p^; ,as the ^ewf {aid, We have ooKing hmCe/ar^U) they are brought to fay, We have no King but Shihh, no Lord but the l,prd Jefus, Rebellion ii rnrned to Sabjeaionand O- bcdi&nce, an^^'their Alie- o atruty and Love. In a Word, 6th^.y Il\k *!''>i^^k^E^^Wrailljon or Lo- iing, nnd' imports R^ora t^lJSff^ecovery. The natural State isaloii ihte ;. We are loit in the Rub- bifh of the Pall of Adam ; we are lort privately in that v/e are not what we were, in a §t;ite of Inno- cence and Uprightnefs, nor in a State of Friendlhip ;>nd Fellowlhip wirh God, nor in a State of Power, Strength and Ability to do God's Will ; we have forfeit all this by our Sin and Fall, Ram, iii. 2^. - Ali have Jlrined r4id come port of the Glory of God, We are loft pofitively, in that v»e are that which we fhould |iot be, even filthy Sinners, and guilty Criminals : jilchy,and fo are Children of Difobedience, Eph. n, 3. Guilty, and fo are called Cliildren of" Wrath, £^p^. ii. 5. Our Bodies and alltbeir Members are corrup- ted, which is called the Filthinefs of the Flelh : our Souls and all theirFaculties are corrupted, this is the Filthinefs of the' Spirit : Being filthy and guiltySin- ners, we are pofitively loft. We are loft judicially, as being under a Sentence of Death,, and under the Curfe of the Law, Gal. iii. 10. The Law faith,X^^e Soul tl At Jifineth pall die. We are loft meritorioufly, in that our Sins deferve Death, which is the Wages oCSin, Rom. vi. lafi. And no Wonder ; for it is a Violatioii of God's holy, juft, and good Law, U^m, • ( =9 ) yli. II. It i^ a Contrariety and Conrradif^TOrt to (God*s holy, jurt and good Nature. Hrh.'i. ij In a Word^we are loft in l^oint of Power s.hl >\1»iHrytQ fave and recover our felves, loft as to all Capacity ia tbe Creature co help us : We are by Nitur^ without Strength, Rof7t. v. 6. We are not rubje ' '( ?° ) Second head. The Second genera! Head propofed, was, To fhew ivbo are the People of whom it is faid,The Gathering of the People fhall be to him. Why, in general, by the People you're to underftand the Gentilesy R§m, XV. II. and therefore her« is a Door of Faith open to tls,to g«ther in by it unto«Sr^i/o/>: For the Promife is to us, whofe Forefathers were as black and blinded pagans as any in the \Vorld ; To us is the Word of this Salvation ffe^nt, that the gathering of the People {hall be toShihh. And here is Encouragement to us to gather into him by Faith ; here is a Foundation of Faith for all the People that hear this Gofpel ; God fays. TheXjathering of "the People fhall be to Chrift the Meffias, infomuch that whoever of all the People fhall he perfwaded to gather in undei hisWings, they fhall be welcomed to hina, and, faved by him. Why, faysQne, It may be I'm none of the People here meant, nx>ne of%the Hied that fhall be effectually ga- thered ; and therefore my Attemptrng to come to him n»a,y be vain* In Anfwer hereunto^ you would con- fider, that there are two diftincfQueftions here, name- ly, 1. Whom hedefigns.in his Decree ? 2. Wliom he defines in his Word to be the Perfons that fhall ga- ther ? And we would confider which of the.'e efpe- cially ispropofed in the Gofpel for our EncouMge- ment in gathennt^ unto Sb Hob. As to the Fir/}, Wh(^m he defigns in his Decree to be gathered? Tiiele are indeed the Ele6i:,.who are faid to be^^hofen in Chrifi: bofore the Foun.iaticrn of the World, Epb. i- 4. They are faid to be predeftinate; 2udwhc?n be did pYcdefi'f nateythem be alfo called^ Rom. viii. 50- They are faid to be given to Chrifi ; and, All that the Father hath plvennie^^ail come to ?7?e,' John yi. 57. ^ni^AU that are \rdair2ed to eternal Life^ ^oail belie've^ A£f$ xiii. 48. The 'Hle£iion fliail obtain, Rom. xi. 7. Aod indeed, if God had not in his eternal Purpofe defigned to gather feme, none at all would be gathered. Now,! think it isoWervabie, that in all thwfe Places, >vhcru God's DcriilBT ( 3X ) pefign of gathering the Ele£t to him is mentioned, it is readily brought in either as an Encouragement ! to them that are gathered, that they may have the Comfort of their Ble£ti#n from Eternity ; or as an Encouragement to Minifters that are Gatherers^ that ^ they may knoTV their Labour fhaJi not be uithoui; Succefs ; or elfe as a Check and a Blow to tbefe that are final-Rcjefters of Chrift, and refufeto begathe- red to him : But never is it brought in for a Difcou- rageraent to any People in the \V"orld (o gather un- to 5^/7^^? ; hence tothe J^e^^vs, that obftinately and finally rejected Chrift, he fays, j^hn vi. 3^,' 57. y» will not come ; but kibw to»yourConfufion, that all that the Father hath given me, fliall come. But that none may be hereupon difcouraged, he fays, whofo- ever comes, he will in noways caft^out , Where, as he Ihuts the Door upon final RejeO^ers, fo he openi the Door to all Comers, that they may flock^in to him ; and the rather becaufe it is impoffible they can know their EleSion of God, till oncethey come and gather to Chrift. It is Devilifh Reafoning therefore to fay, I know not iff be an Eleft, and therefore I need not come to Chriit ; for it is Divin* Reafoning rather to fay, I know not my Ele£l:ion, therefore I'll come to him that I may know it, fince it cannot poffibly be known other ways. Ele£iion it- in Chrift, Epb, i. 4. ^e Mre'chofen in him; and thtrefore out of Chrift it cannot be feen. But, If I b« nor e- '-le£led, fay you, I will not get Grace to come. In- 'deed if you hare no Will to come, you hafc no - Grace to come ; and if you hare no Will to come, whom can you blame for yourEnmity but your felref, • that will not come to Chrift? Will you complaia yon have not Grace to come, and yet rejefi the Gofpel of Grace, that only can make you willing ? O then, iVby i «;/// yoH die, Boufe of If r a el ? But, Sir, Is it not true, ' that all will not be i gathered, and therefore may. be not me ? Well, but ii it not as true, that manT ftiall be gathered, aad therefore why not you ? U there ( 3i ) thttt any ifrirant Claiife in the Gofpel, excluding' you from gathering to Shibh ameng the reft? Non- -Electioii can be no Hinderance to you, if a lying Devil and deceitful Heart do not make it fo ; for it is a Secret you're not concerned with ; It is a fecret Thin* that belongs to God, Deut, xxi?;. 29» ^ Your Buiinefs is to notice, .what belongs to you, namely, what Warrant you. have from the Word for your Gathering unto Shiloh. When the Gofpel-Call i»among'your Hands, it belongs not to you to de- mur upon thatQuedion, Whtm he deji^ns in his De' tree t Biit it belongs to you to anfvver to your Name in the ad Queftion, namely, ^^«w hed/'Jl^?is in his iVcrd to be the Per/on s that fhould p^aiher^ and Jh all be gathered-, to ^yhiloh ? And that all may prefs them- felves in upon him, without Fear of Preluroing when they are gathering to him, they are defined by the moil general Terms, namely, the People, Ti? himjhall the gathering of the People be. And that none m.iy have any Reafon to rhink that they are caft out, but that all and every one *may be encouraged to venture their perifhing Souls uponChrift, I fhall fhow what Sort of People are here meant. , (i.) It is a Gathering of Pagan People and Heath- ens that if here meznt, Shiloh jh all come^ and the ga- . ihering of the People to him ; accordingly Chrift came, that the Gentiles might be gathered^ and might glo- rify God for his Mercy ; he came to the J-ews for the Gpod of the Gentiles, fee Rem, xr. 8, 9, 10, 11, < 12. And now for accomplifhing of thefe Piomifes, he allows us to preach among you Gentiles the unfeavch- Mhle Riches ofChrift. This is a Part of the Myftery of Godlinefs, Chrift preached among the Gentiles, I ^im. iii. 16. It was a Myftery eo the Jews and pri- mitive Chriftians, when Chrift was firft preached amorg the Gentiles, Rom. xi. 17, 18. "Why, the Gentiles were the Uncircumcifion, they were abo- minable Ootcafis, whole very entering in,to the Tcnrtple vva$ enough to pollute it. They were Strao- •rs aod AUeos ; But now Goi declares in the Goff^e)^ That ^," ( 33 ) That he will juftlfx the UncircumcIGon thro* Faith, 'Bom. iii. go. And the Scripture fore fee ing^that God >vduid juftify the Heathen thro' Faith, preached the Golpel before to Abrahamt faying. In thee pall alj Na^ tionsbe bleffed. Gal. iii. i8. The Gentiles here meaoc ■were called Dogs, and the Jews were called the Chil- dren J hence faid Chrift to the Wom^n of Canaan^ when trying her, It is 770t meet to take the Cbildrens Bread, andcafi it to Dogs, Without avsBagSy Rev. xxif, 15. but fuch Dogs have been gathered, i Ctr. vi. 9, 10, II. Such were ffme of yott, 8cc. Thus the Peopla that may and fliall be gathered are defined, they are ',, Gentiles, Uncircumcifed, Heathens, Dogs • and if thac be a Defcripcionofyou, Man, Woman, then the Pro- mife concerns you, and you*re called to embrace it •with Aj)plication. Ca.) It is a Gathering oi gracelefs arid ungodly Peo-» pie that is here meant. Tho'he makes them Gracious and Godly when once he hath gathered them ; yet, before they be gathered, and while he is feeking to gather them to himfelf, they are Gracelefs and tJn- .godly, Mayk ii. 17. / came not ta call the Righteous hu^ Sinners to Repentance : And indeed if he would except Sinners, he would except all Mankind, and tall none at all, for all have finned ; therefore fay aor,^ you'fo a Sinner, and therefore cannot be of that Numbei'-tgr -whom this Word of Grace belongs ; for if you ; be -a finful Creature oi Adam\ Family, we are charged to hold out the Word of Salvation to you, Go preach tW, Gofpel to every Creature^ Mark xvi. I 5. C9.) It is a Gathering of the moft finful People that ever were, that's here meant. Chrift (fay you) may gather Sinners, but none fo gra/s as me : Therefore £ tell you, that even the grrjlfeft of Sinners are included in this G/i/j&m;?^ ; hence the ftout hearted People arej,, encouraged to come to him, Ija. xlvi. 12, 13. Heark-' en, ye jiout-hearted, and far from Right eoiifnefs^ I bring neary &c. Hearken to Vi% Reafonin^,."g^rf. i. 18. "Tho* jour Sins he as Scarlet ^ &c. Why fays ne 'thus, but that i^Ie gr^atefi and moft guilty Sinner may not be dif^ j E coitragei 7. I. 84 j fomaged from gatherhgn about the Throne of in- finite Grace ? Hence^ neither the cruel Maffacres and curfed Sorcery ofManajfehy nor the Blafphemy and Perfecution of Vauly did exclude them from oitaining Mercy and h^in^ gathered to Shibh ; yea, the ^ews that murthered the Lord o^Glory, fee then* both called and He hath the Spirit of Holinefs tQ ( IS ) give for curing that. If your Difeafe be V/eakaefs, that you cannot think, yon cannot aft, you cinnot pray, he hath the Spirit of Power to give for curing that. If your Difeafe be Error and Delufion, as well as Dimnefs and Confufion, he hath the Spirit of Truth to give, to lead you into all Truth. If youc Difeafe be Security, fearing nothing, but deeping in the Arms of the Devil, deftitute of all Grace, hlled -with all Atheifra and Blafphemy, and fuch Uncon- cerned nefs and Indifference, that no Arguments ia the World can awaken you ; Behold, Shlloh is come, v/hois theRefurreftionand theLife, having the Spi- rit of all Grace to give, t[a, xlii, i. Behold my Servant, gcc, •/ have put my Spirit upon him^ &c. There is one Difeafe, called the unpardonable Sin, which th« Man that is under would never fo much as wiHi t/ Qod is made ffnt0 m Wi[dQm» R t (^.) It ( 3^ ) {6,) It is a Gathering ot impiifoned People that is here meant ; for Shilohis come to proclaim Liberty to the Captives y and the Opening of the Prifon to them that Are ieundy Ifa. Ixt. i, Now, what Sort of 4 Prifon are you in, Man ? This "Word of Salvation is to you. 'Xurnye to your firong Hold , ye Vrijoners of Hope, Zech. ix. 12. The People that are to he gathered toShiloh^ are defigned Prifoners ; and ii Prifoner be your Name and Defign^ition, be it never fuch a deep, dark and dreadful Prifon, here is a Door of Hope for you. Is your Prifon-door barr'd and bolted, fo as no Man not Angel can open ? Behold, he proclaims the Open- ing of the Prifon to them that are hound. When he in the Gofpel-proclamation is faying,Open Prifon doors, open,.open ; O take hold of his Strength, and invite ills Power to.be put forth^ and you fhall find aJl the Bars lb all be broken to Pieces. To give him Em- ployment to open your Prifon, is one of the Ways of gathering to: him. Do you look upon your felf asa Prifoner in the furtheft Nock, hidden in the deeneft and darkeft Hole of the Prifon ? Behold the gatheringHand of him that can fave to the uttermoft, can reach to the fartheft Nook of the Prifon, and bring you forth, fo as your Name fhall be called bought out and Found outy Ifal 'Ixii. laj}. But, on this Subjefl-, fee my Notes on Ifa, xlii. 6. Now, if the People t&he gathered to Shihh be of that Sort, if it be a Gathering^of Pagans to make them Chriftians, a Gathering of gracelefs People to make them graci- ous, a Gathering of great Sinners to make them great Saints, a Gathering of difeafed People that they may be made whole, .a Gathering of Fools and Mad-men that they may be made wife, a Gathering of Prifoners that they may be made free ; if this be the Defigna- tionofthefe People of whom the Gathering ihall be to Shihh, O then, is your Name and Defignation touched at here ? What hinders but you put in for a Share of this gathering Grace ? By what Chufe are you excluded, if you be one of the People here Hientioned, Man, Woman? And why will you ex- m elude '( 37 ) , elude your f^lves from coming to Chrlft rThe Gof- pel excludes you rot, for ir n ^mes yrou in a Manner; and yoB fhould anfwer to your Na:ne, faying. Lord, here I am: I find Vm^ mentioned ^mong thefe of v^'hom the Gathering IhaU be to Shihb; therefore, behold I come to him, let my Soul and Ml its I^a- culties be centred on him. ^. '^ *- But, in cafe you , think that I have raifs'd yo»r Name, 1 mutt tell you, that all that are called by the Gofpel of Chrift are allo\ved to gather under his Wings, and it is by the free univerfal Cil". pven to all the People to whom'the Golpel comes : ft is by this, that God gathers all his Chofen iq.fOAChrift; and the Promife, given forth indefinitely to aU the People, is a Ground of Encouragement to them all> to come to Shiloh by Faith : Trerefrre fays the A- poftLe to chem whom he was calling- :o come to Chrift whom they had crucified, AHs ii. 59. 'J^^e Prom/fe is t» you and to your Children^ ar?dto all them that arc afar off, even to as many as the Lord our Cod JhallcalL And here, as all that are a far off are called, famore par- ticularly there a're two Sorts of People called, that feme do not dreim to be fo, namely, i. They that exclude themfelves. 2. They that are excluded by Men, they are included in the Call. ifi. They that exclude themfelves; and you'll find, they aie mofl: particularly called, who are moft ready to exclude themfelves. They that are weary andhea- v'y laden, under a Senfe of Sin, and Apprehenfion of God's Wrath, are ready to exclude themfelves ; there- fore they are particularly called. Come unto mc^ all jq that are iveary and heavy laden^find I ivlll give you Refi. Matth. xi. 2 8# I do not confine the Senfe of thefe "Words indeed to the humbled and convinced ; for 1 think that even thefe that are wearying themfelves in purfuing Vanities, and living contentedly under a heavy Load of Sin or Guilt, or wearying themfelves with a Load of legal and unprofitable Service, are cal- led alfo by that Text to come to Chrift, in whom I alone they can , find that Reft and Satisfaction , "which 'they are vainly feeking in dther Thinp;s. Now, tho I judge It would ftraicen the Gofpel-call there, to confine it only to the firft Senfe; yetj reck- on the firft to be fo much imported, that feeinWuch Ferfons as find a Load of Sin and Wrath upon them are readieft to exclude themfelves, therefore they are exprefly called. Thus again, they that fee them- felves deftitute of all good Qualifications, having no Money nor Money-worth, nothing but Poverty and Want and Worthelefsnefs ; thefe are ready to ex- clude themfelves, as being broken and loft ; there- fore they are particularly encouraged, as Ezek, xxxiv, \6. Again, zdly^ They that are excluded by Men ; yea, whom Miniftersare ready to exclude, yet the Call reaches them. Men are ready to exclude from the Call of the Gofpel, fuch as refufe the Call, and pour Con- tempt upon it, viz. Mockers a^d Scorners ; yet«we find fuch are called, Vrov. i. 22, 23. Men are ready to exclude from the Call of the Gofpel, or the Invita- tion to come and gather unto Shiiohy fuch as are not fenfible of the Want of him, and think themfelves happy enough without him. Men exclude unfenfible Sinners, that have no thrifty Defire afrerChrift, but are fatisfying themfelves with other Things: Yet thefe are particularly called, as you may fee, in thefe Two PafTages, Ifa» I v. I, 2. Ho^ every one that thirfieth^ Sec. Now, you may notice, that the Thirfting here is nodefirable Quality, it was a Thirfting for tha^ •which did not falisty,and aLabouring for that which was not Bread ; and yet they are invited to come to him, as to One that hath a Variety of Supply, Water to refrefh, Wine to cherifh, Milk to nouriih ; and all offered freely, without Money and without Price : So that here, even thefe' that are thirfting after their Lufts, and after ^}^Q World, and unfatisfying Vanities, are called. See alfo, Rev. iii. l8. ^l cotsnfel thee to buy of me Gold tried in the Fire that thou mayeji be richy their Need of Chrift : True, thefe that do not fe« their Need will not come ; but v/hether they fee it or not, they are.called and obliged to come. Now, Men are ready to exclude from the Call thefe that are unhumbled, unfenfible Sinaers, that are not con- vinced of their Sin and Mifery ; but becaufe God's free and gracious Call can effeftually work upob un- fenfible, ftupid, brucifh Sinners, a»well as upon th». Objeds that we reckon moft prepared ; therefor© Sinners want of Senfe,and due Conviftion, is brought in as a Reafon why they are called to come ta Chrift : / counfel thee to buy of me tried Gold, zuhite Rai" ment, Eye-fahe j why, Becaufe thou fayeft, I ant rich, &c. and knoweft not that thou art wretched,^ miferable, po^r, blind and naked. Let none think ^then, becaufe they do not fee 'their wretched an^ undone State without Chrift, and therefore- they ara not concerned with this Call: Nay, therefore you are concerned, fays the Spirit of God; and you may objeci what you will, but you will not get it put by you. Shift thisCall as you will, it will rife up in Judg- ment againft yon, if you do not anfwer it. If you are an unfenfible Sinner, not knowing that you are poor and miferable, thinking that you are rich enough al- ready, and does not fee that you are wretched, blind and naked, you have the more Need to come to Chrift, that he may give you Eye-falve, that you may fee your Mifery without him, and^your Reme- dy in him. Thus we are warranted to open theMouth of the Gofpel-Net: And I hope, by this Time you may fee, chat you are all concerned with this Call. And, what do you think we intend by this univerfal Call ? Why, there is One of Two Things will fol- low j either, to the Glory of God's Juftice we get_yo» all left inexcufable ;• or to the Glory of his Mercy, we get you all gathered into Chrift; and if there be fome of both Sorts, then both thefe Ends are reached. But, O to fee the laft efpecially, even a Happy Gathering of the^eople to Shiloh ! Thus you fe0 >^ho are the People, of whom it i» h'^j the Ga- - thgiiag ( 40 ) tlierihg fiiall be to the Meffias. None are excluded, all are invited, and warranted to aflfemble to him • and when God fays, Ito bimpaJl the Gathering of tht People bey all the People fhould fay Amen. THIRD HEAD. The 'Third Thing propofed, was,To fliew to whom Ihall the Gathering of the People be ; or, what is the gathering Place, and where is the Gathering to be. Here we may inquire, jfi. What Place there is in Chrift for the People to gather to ? zdly. In what Kefpeft the Gathering of the People is to him 1 Bfji, AVhac Place there is in Chrift for the People to gather unto : Chrift is the Temple to which we ought to refort; he is the only Refuge and Sanau- ary of poor miferable Souls, and there is Room esr nough in this Temple dn^ San^uary for all that Ihall gather in to it. In general, the very Perfon of Chrift is the gathering Place, the meeting Place, to which People fhould gather : They that come , to Chrift, are to clofe with his Perfon, and then they are interefted in all his Purchafe ; hence the many Calls to come to him, to receive him, to reft oa him, t^ truft in him, to flee to him, and fo to God in him,fqir a God in Chrift, is the Throne of Grace, ,^ to which the Gathering of the People fhould be> H^et. " iv, 16. Let us come boldly j Sec. More particularly, there is a fixfold Place orChamber in the Lord Jefus that I fhall mention, for the gathering of the People into, (i.) There is the Chamber ©f his Right eot^fnefs : No Doubt this is one of the Chambers ^fpoken of Song i. 4.- 'TheKifJg hath brought me into his Chambers; zndlfa. XX vi. 20. Comcj my People j enter into^ your Chambers^ and hide yourfelfy till the Indignation be overpaft. . Indeed there is no elcaping of divine "Wrath and i Indignation, but by gathering in to this Chamber of Chrift's Righteoufnefs. It is one of the moft fplendid and well adorned Chambers that ever was; for it is hung with the red a^d white hangings V'hich JGod himfelf wrought ; I mean, with the fait and T^'hite Obedience, and the ted bloody Suffering ■*r ( 4? J and SatisfaSlon of the Son cf God, guilty Sinneri caa- not be laved, viithout a Law fulfiilinj.^Juftice fa- tisfying Righteoufnefs, but when they gather in to this Chamber, they are abfolutely fafe. and may fay. Surely in the Lord have I Righteoufnefs Mnd Strength, Ifa. xlv. 24. The Lord/is well pleafedfoy his Righteoufnefs Sake; mfomuch, that none can lay any Thing to theif Charge, Rem. viii. 33. They may laugh at all Chat%^ lenges, while they Ihut their Chamber Door upoa'- .themfelves : They are then chambred like No^h in the Ark, which waspiiched within and without, Genj vi. 14. fo as no Drop of Water could come in^Co, here. (2.) There is the Chamber of his Nama, fot • the gathering of the People into, Prov. xv'ni, 10. 'Tho Name of the Lord is a flrong Touer^ to which the Riglte- ous run and are fafe. He is the Strength as .well as tho Righteoufnefs of ffrael; and to this Chamber, ia which there is. everlalfing Strength, we ought to throng. Many I Clofet there is in this Chamber : If we fbould mention all his Titles, ail his Offices, ^\i liisRelatlonSjallhis divineAttributes and P^rfeftionst "Which belong to his Name, there would be no End pf telling; but every one of them, and any one of them, is a fit Piacefor gatherifig to : Hvery Corner of this Chamber is perfumed, infomuch that none are gathered into it, bur :hey are tavifhed with the fweec Smell thereof, BeC'wfe cf the Savour tf thy good Ointment^ thyName is as Oivtment poured forth : His Name is Chrifi the Anointed^ and every Name he hath is an anointed I*{ame ; He is an anointed Jefus, an anointed Surety, an anointed King : And \vhen any of his Names are cleared up, and opened, it is like the Opening of a Box of Oinment; it is like theOpening of a Chamber- Door, full of all ravifhing Perfumes (5.) Ther« is the Chamber of his Bcfcm^ for the gathering of the Peo- ple unto, Ifa. xl. II. He gathers them with his Arms, and carries them in his Bofom, his kind and merci- ful Bofom and Bowels, which yea^n tow rds Sinners, yer. xxxi. 20. This is a large Chamber, .j-tw. v. 11, The Lord is very pitiful and of tender Meicy ; tha B Oii- CTfiginal i5 UoW ff'jr^ffl^oi. He is of large Sowels, o* full of Qpwels; there is Place enough in theie BoweU ot infinite Mercy for Sinners to gather in into ; and this Chamber of his Bofora is ftanding open for all Comers; The Chantber-Door of his Heart is open^ that tile Gathering of the People ma^ be in to it ; and as it is a largeChamber, that can contain you all^ heing as broad and wide as the infinite Mercy of a Cod ifi Chrift, fo it is a warm Chamber : O it is a warm and heartfome Chamber, to get in to the Heart and Bofom of Chrift. They that gather in there, will lit at the warmFirefide of God's Love and Grace ii* Chrift; their Hearts are warmed, and made to burn within them» Luke xxiv. ^. Did. not our Hearts burn qvitbin usy when he talked tvith us by the Way^ and ope- ned to us the Scriptures ? While *he was opening the Scriprttre, he was ftirring up^be Fire; they werb . itt the Chartiber of his warm*eart ami Bofom, and It made him to have a warm Heart too ; fnrely^ Be- liever, you know what. a fweet Chamber that is. (4.) There is ftie Chamber of his Fuhefs^ to which the Catherine of the People fhould be This is a Cham- ber, that comprehends all the reft of the Chambers within it ; but becaufe it is (0 notable and glorious^ we name it among the reft, it is the beft furniCh'd Chamber that ever you heard tell of, for all the f ulnefs of th^ Godhead is in ir. It pleafed the Father, that in hijn fhol?Id all FuJnefs dwell. Col, i. i$>. 6c ii>. 9, 10. In him ckvells aU the Fuhefs of the Gcdhead iodily, and ye are complete in him. To this Chamber Ihould all poor Beggars and Dvyonr Sinners, that have loft their Stock in the firft Adam, gather toge- ther, that out of his Fulr^efs they may receive Grace lor Grace, John i. 16. In this Chamber are hid all the Treafuresof WifJom and Knowledge, all ' the Trea- ' fures of Grace and Glory, all the Treafures ot God's Perfections, and ail the Treafures of the Spirit's Gra- cei : Your great Want is the Want of God ; and you may find him in this Chamber: Your next want is the 'Wow expe£i a Time of ga- thering Stones together ! O cry for a Day of Power, a gathering Day, a gathering Time to ^Scotland again, a gathering Time to your felves ; even God's Han4 of Power, for gathering Stones together to Chrift tha q V f ouft- ssaBsaona ( Si ) Foundation ; and; fo, for •gathering the People to Sbihh. F Q U R T H H E A D. Th% TourthThing propofed, was, to fpeak of the Manner of this Gatheiring of the People to Shihb. That which I intend under this Head, diftinCl from the former, is, to enquire, i/, Into the Means of this Gathering ; idlji, The Qualities thereof. Firji, A« to the Means thereof, or by what Means the Ga- thering to ^Shiloh is brought about. By whaf Means^ fay yoa, does God gather the People, or are the Peo- ple fathered to Chtift ? We have Warrant from Scripture to fpeak of thefe Six gathering Means. (i.) A gathering Hedge and Inclofure ; I mean, the Hedge of Providence, by which he gathers People' occanonally,as Sheep within an Inclofure are gathe- red together^ that they may not get Leave to ftray. This is the thor»y Hedge of Affli^ion,* whereby the Lord (lops the finful Carreer of theft, whom he hath amind to gather in to himfelf, Ho/* ii. 6. Be- f)old I will hed^e up thy Way with 'TbornSy and make A fV all that Jbejhall not fndh^r Paths, Thus Manaffeh was catched among the Thorns, t Chro, xxxiii. ii. And to this Purpofe, fays David] It was good for ma that I was aftli^ed ; for before I was affli^ed, I went aftray, PfaL cxix. 67. Thus fome Affliction or other tnany Time is made Ufe of, as the occafional Mean of gathering ftraying Souls to Chrift,or fome alarm- ing Providence, as that which Paul met with, A5ts ix. and the Jiylor, ASis xvi, when the Foundation of the Prifon was fhaken with an Earthquake: Bat this leads me to another Mean. (1.) There -if a ga- thering 3torm and Tempeft, with Thunde? and tight»ing from Mount Si^aiy whereby an Earth- quake is raifed in the Confcignce, or-rather a Heart- quake in the Soul. By this Mean of Law-Terrori and Convi^s where it lifteth, and is thegreat Effi- cient of Regeneration and Aggregation unto Chrift. It is this Wind that gathers dead Sinners out of their Grave of Spiritual Death, Ezek. xxxvii. 9, Come from the four Winds Breathy and breathe^ &c. It is this mighty Wind that blows down the ftrong H.^lds qfSatan, and cafts down Imaginations, S^c. gathering the Thoughts like Captives to him, 2 C<*. X. 5. It is this Windthat makes the Spices of the Believer's Girden to flow out ; for this gathe- ring Wind brings a gathering Rain with it» Pfal. Ixxii. 6, S, Aiv^kty Nii'th Wmdy come thou ^fiutb^ blow upon my Garden, &t. Song iv. lafl. O if is a happy Wind> that can drive a finking Veflel to a fafe Harbour, and gather perifhing Sinners into a Sa- viour ] But where is this Wind to Be had, fay youl W^hy, ir is in God's Hand ; *cis fald with Refpeil to his Kingdom of Providence, That he hatb gathe- red the Witids in bis Ft/fy Frov, xxx. 4. and it is true, with Refpe£t to his Kingdom of Grace* this blefled Wind i», as xt v/ere, gathered in bis Fid ; and what a Man hath gathered in his Fift, he can eafily dif- tfibute*T>f it, by opening his Hand; fo our God •jn eaAly didribucs of the Spirit : This Wind is io Kis F ift, and he hath no more ado, but to openi fai$ Fift. O look to him, and cry tohim, to caft a Gale of this Wind out of his Fift, a Handful of the • gathering Motions of the Spirit, a Handful of the gathering Infiucncesof this heavenly Wind, a Gale of his gathering Opeiations. (5.) I may add, tho' it be very fib to the former, yet it is what may give n» inother diftinftView of the Lord's Way of gather- ing People ; Befides the gathering Wind, there is a gathering Sun : I allude to PfaL civ. 5,2, where it is laid of the young Lions, "The Sun arifeSy and they ^a^ ther themfetves togeihef to their Dens ; a}jd Man goeth forth to his Work and Labour : As the Riling of the Sun makes the Beads gather to their Dens, a'nd Men ga- ther to thei/ Work; fo f he Riling of the Sun of Kighteoufnefs, rn the Manifeiiation of the favour of God in Ghrifl, nakes the Lions of Hell gather to their Dens, in a Manner, and Men to gather to their Work ; I mean to gather to Chrift by Faith, for this is the Wor^ o* God, that )e believe in his Son, ^hooi he hath fent. If is promifed that Men iball go forth when the Sun riles, MaU iv. 2. 'The Sun of Right toufnefsjh all arife, and ye pall go forth and grozv up as Cahef in the Stall, Indeed they that go forth, to meet the rifing Sun by Faith, ihey will fcrow up inall the Graces and Fruits of the Spirit of HoUnefs : However, I fay, it is the Rifing ot the Sun of Righteoufnefs, and Shining in his Gloiy that makes Sinners gather to him by Faith, yohnuu li. He manifefted forth his Glory, and then his Difciple* believed in him. The Difplays of his Glory *are his gathering Arms, Ifa, xlv. 11. He gathers with his Arm«, even the Arms of his Grace and Mercy, yea the Difplays of his glorious Grace are his mi itary Arms, whereby he fubdues them and gathers them into his Camp, Pfal. xlv. 3, 4, 5. (d.) In a Subordi- nation to all thefe gathering Means, there is a gathe- ring Fan, Matth. iii. 12. Lithe ni, if. Jits fan is i» bis Heady and he will thorozvly purge his Fhovy an^ father his Wheat into his Gamer, The Devil hath his Fan, wbere>vith he feek» tQ winnow God*» People ( 51 > People as Wheat, iu Order to fepa/ate them froKi Chrift, and from one another; but Chrift hath his JFan, wherewith he will winnow bis Church and Peo° pie, in order to gather them to himfelf, and to one another in him. By the fan of his "Word, and the Fan of his Rod, he purges the Floor of his Church: It is his threfhing Floor, and fometimes he muft take the Flail of his Doctrine and threfh upon his People^ to feparate the Chaff of Error from the Grains of Truth, and the Sound from the Erroneous. Sometimes he muft take t\iQ Flail of Difcipiine, and fevere Judg- t/'^nrs. Reds and Calamities^ to purge his Floor, and gather the Wheat from the Chaff. Tho' the great Day of Judgment will be the great Day offeparat* ing the Precious from the Vile, and gathering of his Saints, yet there are trying Days in this World, "wherein confiderable Difcoveries are made, and the Lord's fcattered and divided Sheep are gathered to- gether to be more unite to one another id the Lord. It isneceflary fometimes, that the Lord take his Faii in his Hand, for purging his Fioor ; when it is fou1| it needs to be fweept with a Befom: The Floor of his Houfe is fometimes very foul ; and as when one 1 weeps a Honfe, if there be Drofs and Dirt in it, and alfo Cold, and Diamonds, and Jewels lying hid among the Duft, all may be fweept to. the Door together ; but the Jewels being foori miftf^ are gathered again from among the Filth : So, when the Befom of publick Judgments and Calamities come, the Godly, as well as the wicked, may be all fweept to the Door toge- ther, and (haie of the fame outward Strokes ; buC God in due Time will gather his Jewels to his Ca- binet, Mai. iii. 1 7. 'They Jball be mine in the Day and agreeably to the rational Nature, Hof. xi. 4. He draws with the Bands of luovey and the Cords of a Alan, What is that ? He e- ven brings them over by rational Arguments up< (^ the Judgment, and powerful Perfwafion uppn the Will; While the Minds, of Men are blinded with Ignorance, their AflFe£lions are bent upon their Lufts; but now the Underftandins; being cleared, the Affec- tions are captivated, the Man is bound with invin- cible Realon ; and fo he gathers Souls in a Way congruous to the rational Nature, zdly, His gather- ing Power is exerted affectionately and lovingly, Viof, ii. 14. IwlU allure her^ and bring her to the Wilder- vefs^ &c. ril, as it were, beguile her, and fpeak to her Heart, as the Hebrew fignlfies : I'll perfwade her, that there is more Reafon to yield to my In« treaties, than to the Devil's Sophiftry. The Lord fweetly draws up the Lock of the Heart, and wins in upon the AflFe£lions, Jer, xxx. 3. I have loved thee with an everlajiinghove^ and with loving Kindnefs have Indrawn thee : As a Man puts on his beft Robes on his Wedding-Day, fo Chrift intheDay of Efpoufals, •when he would gather the Eyes of the People to look to kirn, and their AfFeCtions to centre or him, he puts on his Robes of Glory and Grace, dothet himfelf with a Garment of Safvati on, with an allu- ring Attire, when he courts Sinners. ^^Z/)*, His ga- thering Power is exerted efficacioufly ; he comes •with that Argument of Omnipotence, whereby he commanded Light to fhins out of Darknefs ; by that fame Argument whereby he commanded the Dead io arif^; dg«s he conquer and captivate the Soul ; by ( S9 ) by that fame Argument whereby Chrift himfelf was raifed,Ef^. i. 19, 20. rill there be no Power to refift,no Strength of Corruption left to oppofe. The infinite Bounty of God, th6 infinite Beaiity of Chrift, and the infinite Power of the Holy Ghoft, all concur to gain the Soul, with infinite ravifhing Sweetnefs : Almigh*^ ty Love kills the mighty Enmity ; and how can he be refilled i Compel them to come w, &c. Before Gon- verfion, the Sinner is unwilling, and he cannot come to Chrift, becaufe he will not ; but in Converfion, the Man is made willing, and fo he cannot refift, be? caufe he will not; theWill is gi'inQdy^Thy Feople Jball ba willing./^thfyyHis gathering Power and Grace is" exerted feafonabiy,for he fpeaks a Word inSeafon to them,//^. 1. 4. "ithe Lord hath given me the 'Tongue of tho Learned ^ tofpeak a Word inSeafon to him that is lueary, A Word of Power comes at a particular Seafon, at God's fet Hour; and People are never gathered till that Hour come. The How cemes when the Dead jhall hear, 6cc» O happy Hour, fays one, wherein the Word and Ordinances are impregnated with almighty Efficacyl When the Minifter finds himfelf in a better Frame than ordinary, he is ready to think, that bleffed Hour is come ; but he may be oft miftaken. However, the CounfelcfGodfia/idsfure, the Lord knows who4irehis; therefore we muft preach in Faith,and pray in Faith, and wait in Hope, and water in Hope, till the ac- cepted Time come, the happy Hour ; and when ic comes, it will Ije an Hour never to be forgotten, a fig- nal Time, on which Eternity depends ; Befides it is feafonable with Refpe£l to the Soul that is ga- thered, it comes at the Nick of Tin>e, when is is in the Extremity of Diftrefs, QPc Hence, ^thfy, This gathering Grace ismanifefted rurprifingly,it is freigh- ted with preventing Mercy : Herein God anticipate* the Current of the carnal Affefiions ; when the Soul is running poft to Hell, God flops his Carreer, as he did that ot Fauly A3s ix. every Sinner that is con- vettedi is gathered befide his proper natural Incen- Hi tionf ( 60 ) tion: Little does the Man forefee what i&God'sDefign, in bringing him to fuch a Plice, to hearfuch a Ser- mon, to live under fuch a Miniftry ; even as little as Saul thought of finding a Kingdom,when he went out to feek his Father's AfTes. Some have co.ne to hear the Word, in a very cuftomarycarelefs Manner, mot knowing where elfe to fpend an Hour ; when lo, on a fudden, an Arrow ofConviflion hath been fhot into their Confciences, and awakned them to feek God. His gathering Grace both in the Beginning and Progrefs thereof, is (Hll exerted in luch a Manner, as fweetly furprifes the Soul, SotJgv'u 12. Or ea marvellous Light difcovering him .n Mmfelf. making him known, tho* not perfeaiy,yet reiHy aad truly at he 11; not noly as he is Mao, bur as God-Mao, BBIlilHMHiMlfli ( 66 ^ having all tlic Folnels of the Godhead in him, and all the Glory of God appearing in his Face, 2 Cor. iv*. 6»Xo as the Soal cannot bat cleave and adhere to him. A painted Sun will neither give Light nor Heat, bnt the real Sun gives both : So a painred Image and Re- prefentation of Chrift in the Imagination gives no fpi- fitual Light, Hear,nor communicates any transform- ing Vertue ; but the true Sun of Righteoufnefs arif- ethwith Healing under his Wings. It is true, this Light is not without Mills and Smoke, fent forth from the bottomlefs Pit, to darken all ; but yet there is fuch a dear Difcovery of theMan's Inability, of God's gracious offer, andChrift's Good-will and Mind to the bargain, as determines the Soul to its Duty. C%») In gathering toShihb^ People are made to a3: Fiducially. This is connected with the former, P/al, ix. 10 They that know thy Name ^ will put their Trufi irt tbee. This I call an A£iing fiducialJy, that is, with a believing Perfwafion and partilpular Application : The good News, that Shiloh is come, that Jefus Chrift is come to fave Sinners, even the Chief of Sinners, as received as a faithful faying, and fo with believ- ing Perfwafion, and as worthy oi all Acceptation^ and fo with particular Application. Perfwafion with Application mxxil be in the Nature of Faith, accord- ing to the Meafure and Degree of Faith. I^ it be weak Faith) it is^ a weak Perfwafion ; if ftrong Faith, a ftrong Perfwafion ; And it is not a natural Perfwa- fion, a Man perfwading.himfelf that all fhall be well with him, and fo no more of it; nay, it is fuper- ftatural and comes of God, which natural carnal Perfwafion does notj GaL v. 8. This Perfwafion comes not of him that calleth you, intimating that right Perfwafion comes of God ; WkQlhzioi Abraham, Bom. iv. 20, 21. He ft angered not at the "Promt fe of God through IJnhetief^ but was firong in the Faith, ii'^if^g Glory to God^ being fully per f waded y that be that hadpromifedwas able $9 perjorm. And like that of the Old Teilament Belie- IFerj, Heb, xi. 13. who rectived not the Promijes by Feel' ^ii:^^* y ^^^^' ^ut bowf Why, chcj were per- fwaije4 ( «7 ) fwaded of them, and embraced them. Bat here thm is a twofold Perfwafion that o\ight to be carcfuHf diftinguiflied, and the Confounding whereof occa- fions many Miftakes and Mifreprefentations ; namely, a Fiducial Perfwafion, and an Evidential Perfwahon. The Former is the AfTurance of Faith, and in the Na- ture of it ; the Other is the Affuranceof Senfe, and confequential to Faith, and is not properly Fa>^h at, all, but Senfe. Now this fidaciil Perfwafion ditters from evidential, in four ^efpeas. i. they differ in their AHs, By fiducial Perfwafipn.ith^ Man receives and refts upon Chrift, and trunrTnhita for Sa v^tien to himfelf, believing and expefiting this S^*^*"?? according to the Promifeof the Gofpel, and asChnlt is offered and exhibite to him therein : But by evi- dential Perfwafion, the Man knows and feeis that he hath received Chrift. The Former every Behevcf hath when he afts Faith ; the Latter many Believers want even when th^y a£i Faith, becaufe, ^^o*.^"^3^ may be confcious that they are afting upon Chrift ior Salvation, yet they may not be confcious of the Q^*' lity of the Aa, if it is faving or not. 2. They diftet in their Order, We firft believe by a fiducial Perfwa- fion, before we can be fure by an evidential ^^'^^' fion ; the one is the Caufe, and the other the Effea; the Perfwafion that is in Faith, is like the Heat ift the Fire ; the Perfwafion that is after Faith, is "^e Heat in the Room, that is the Effea of the former : And, becaufe Aflurance (that is commonly fo called^ pamely, the Affurance ofSett/e) is the EffeS of Faith ; This will not prove, that there is no Afliirance in Faith, no more than Heat in the Room will prove, that there i« no Heat in the Fire ; for the contrary is rather evident. 5. They diflfer in their OhjeH^ and Grounds : Th^ Obj^a and Ground of fiducial Per- fwafion, or of the Aflqrance of Faith, i» ^\F!1° "* the Man, and looks to the Word and Promife of God, f he Blood and Righteoufnefs of Chrift, the Truth and Faithfulnefi of God : Bur,theObiea and Fonn- dacioQ of evidential Perfwafion. or of t^^ Aflu- ( 68 ) fancc of Senfe, is within the Man, and looks to tlflj Work of God within ; fuch as Graces» Attainments and Experiences* As there is a greai Difference be- twixt a Man's being perfwaded, that he hach fuch a Sum of Money, becaufe he hath it upon Bond, or good Security ; and his being perfwaded thereof, be- caufe he hath it in his Hand, in his Chell or Coffers ; !o here, by the Perfwafion of Faith, the Man is per- fwaded of Salvation thro' Chrift, becaufe he hath it upon Bond, namely, God's Promife fealed with Chrift's Blood, which is good Security : But the Ground of the Perfwafion of Senfe, is the Man's hav- ing it in his Hand, or fo much of it, which is not Faith, but Senfe. 4. They differ in their EffeBs ; the Effeftof Faith,or tiducial Perfwafion, is Juibfication; the Effe& of Senfe, or evidential Perlwafion, is Con- folation : A Manis not juliified by his evidential Per- fwafion, or by knowing^nd feeling that Chrift is his; but he is juftifiei by his fiducial Perfwafion, by his fiducial Knowledge, whereby he receives and relis upon Chrift as his, and trufts in him for Salvation to himfelf : By this hducial Knowledge, I fay, is juftifi- cation, I/a. liii. 11. By his Knozukdge pall my righteous Servant jufiifie many. Now, if tbefe two were careful- ly diftinguiftied, and that People confidered, that it is the former, namely fiducial Perfwafion, that we put into the Nature of Faith, as elTenrial to it, not the latter, namely evidential Perfwafion, which is confequential to it ; it would prevent many Miftakes, and Mifreprefentarions on this Head ;as if fome pla- ced Affuarnce foin the Nature of Faith, as that none were to be reckoned Believers, but fuch as have this full evidential Perfwafion, and Affurance of Senfe, which is a grofsMifapprehenfion of Matters, and flows from the confounding of this twofold Perfwafion, which differ as much as Faith and Senfe.- Affuranco of Faith Cirries in ir the Perfwafion of the Faithful- fiefs of God in the Promife ; the Affurance of Senfe * carries in it a Perfwafion of the Reality of Grace in the Heart : By the one vre fee wiih our £yes, as it fi'ere wc?e ; by the other we ha.tJie with our Hands the Word of Life; The one, to wi:, Faith is began Vifion, the other, to wit, Senfe is begun Fruition .• Aflurance X)f Faith is eUentia! coFiich, the Affarance of Senfe is confequeniial to it, and not always in, or with it. And hence we {ay, wlrli Refpefl: to this evidential Aflu ranee and Perfwafion, as out ConfeJJion hath it, 'That it does not [o belor,^; to the EJfence of Faitby hut that a true Believer w/?y lua t lona^^ and conjliB with manj Difficulties before he he Partaker of it ; namely, of that AfTurance, that is gr'nin Jed upon the inward Evidence of Grace, and Telinnony of the Spirit, which is the AfTurance of Senfe there 'poken ofl^But theAffurance of Faith, -which is founded upon the divine Truth of the Promife of Salvation, and upon the Word of God without us, as the Obje£l thereof, this muft be as eifentidi to Faith, as Seeing is effsntial to the Eye .• And y *!: this will not fay, that the Believer hath al- ways even this hduci.il Perfwafion, unlefs his Faith be in Exercile : For, as i: is in the Nature of the Eye to fee, tho'che Man that hath Eyes, is fome- times fleeping, or winking, or dim»fighted ; fo it is in the Nature of Faith, to be perfwaded of the Fa- voucand Good-will of God in Chrift, as revealed in the Word of Grsce, tho'he, that hath this Faith, is fometimes doubting, fometimes Faith is not exercif- ed, fometitnes the bye of Faith is dimmed with the Duft of Corruption a.:\d Unbelief. It is with Faich, as with other Graces.- As fome have a true Love to Chrift, yet dare not fay they love, becaufe they have fo much Enmity remaining : They have true Grace, but dare not fay they have it, becaufe they have fomuch Sin and Corruption ; but their doubt- ing of their Love and Grace doss not infer, that they have no Love, no Grace ; fo fonie have this fiducial Perfwafion, and Affurance of Faith, who yet dare not fay they have it, becaufe they have fo much Un- belief and fo many Doubts : But as L^ve is oppofics to Enmity, and Grace oppofire to Corruption, tho' they are in the fame Subject ; fo is Faith oppofite to Doubt- ( 70 ) Doubting, in its very Nfature, even tho' Faith and Doubting may be in the fame Believer, as Light and Darknefs in the fame Air ; yet their Natures are op- pofite to one another. As this fiducial Aft of Gather- ing to Shikh imports a believing Perfwafion, fo alfo a particular /Application. In the offer of the Gofpel, {Salvation is particularly held forth to every one, fay- ing, '^he Vrom'tfe is to you ; to you is the Word of this Sal- vation fern ^ phejrefore in Gathering to Ghrift, People are JO lay hold on Salvation to themfelves, particu- larly •• Chrifi came to fame Sinners j ofivhom^ays Faith, I am the chief-, Mercy is held out to me, and I lay Hold on it as held out to me : As when the Law comes with Power, ;t fays not only in the general. All have finned j but if comes in particular, faying, Xati ^ave finned ; and makes you fay, I am the Many the linful Man, the guilty Man, the condemned Man ! So vrhen the Gofpel posies with Power, it (yeaks tp the Perfon particularly, faying, Not only, C^rf/? '^^"^e iofavefinners j })ut, Here is a Saviour for you. : And the iSoul is made to fay, / am concerned '^r? this* The Gof- pel offers Life and Salvation to the poo^r 5o^l parti-s cularly, and he is commanded to believe fprSalvatir on particularly, and the ^(!an believes with parncu- lar Application. Thus a certain Divine iUuftrate^it : As the (ad Sentence of the Law, generally and inde- finitely held forth in the Scripture, is particularly applyed for his ConviQion and Condemnation • fp the precious Promife of the Gofpel, gene*"ally and indefinitely held forth to all dinners, that heaj the Gofpel, is particularly applied forSalvationjand with- out this particular Application, there is no effe^ual Gathering to Shihh : When Gofpel-light Ihines into the Heart of the awakened Sinner, it applies the Pro- mife particularly to it felf, as it did formerly apply the Threatnings of the Law particularly ; and as from the Law it did particularly condemn it felf ; f» now from the Gofpel, it does by Faith particularly abfolve ic Telfi or rather find it felf abfolved from the JLaw-Sentcnce, in its being helped of make particu- lar Amplication to the Gofpel-Promifes. Again, (4.) In gathering ofbhiloby the People that are brought to him are made to zGt evangelic ally ^ or to believe, in a Gofjpel-Manner, to receive and reft upon him, as he is offered to osin the GofpeJ. There isa Gofpel-Ground on which the People do gather : Lcr gal Faith a£ls, upon a legal Ground, Ibch as inherent Strength, and natural Righteoufnefs ; but true Faith afts upon the Ground of a borrowed Strength, and an imputed Righteoufnefs of another, faying. Surely in ti^ Lord only have I Righteoufnefs and Strength ^ Ifa. xlv. 24. This Gathering to Sbihh is a Self- renouncing Buiinefs, ftripping the Man of his own Righteoufnefs, of his own Strength, taking him intireW off his own Bottom ; they that are gathered toChrift, are gathe-r red out of thcmfclves. There is a Gofpel-Role alfb, whereby they gather, in a Suitablenefs to the Gofpel- Offer and Difpenfation, i Cor. xv. 11. 5a we preachy and [0 ye believed. Faith anfwers the Gofpel-Call, as the Imprefs upon»the Wax does anfwer the Engra* vings of the Seal , foGhrift offers himfelf, and fo Sin- ners gather to him, and believe in him for Wifdom, KighteoufnefsjSan&ificationand Redemption. Hence again, there is a Gofpel-Order, wherein the Gather- ing of the People is to him ; the Soul, in coming to him, receives firft the Perfon, and then the Portion; even as God gives Chrift, and then with him ail things, Z?oOT. viii. 32. The People gather to him, in a Day of Power, Firfi^ as a Jefus> and then, as a Lord; Kr/?, for Judification, and then, for San^iification. Legal Adventures invert this Gofpel-Order, leeking Sandification firft, that upon that Bottom it may build its Juftification ; feeking Righteoufnefs, as it were by the ^orkscfthe Law, Rom. ix, 51. And how- ever conf ufed and indiftind the true Believer's Faith may be, in nis firft Believing, yet repeated A&$ of •Faith may afterwards make it more and more e- vident to him, that right Believing is in the torefaid Cdfpel-Ofder. Thereisa Gofpel-Warraofiwpon which this ( 72 ) this Gathering proceeds : They that gathei'-W Shilcb ka warantably, upon the Warrant of an objeQive Sufficiency ; there is a fufficient Chrift prefented .• O the Sufficiency of his Perfon, being God-Man in one Perfon-; the Sufficiency of his Offices and Com- miffion, being fealed of God to be a Surety a Savi cur a Prophet, Prieft and King; the Suffic'iency of his Kighteoufnefs, his Doing and Dying, his Obe- dience and Satisfaaion ; the Sufficiency of his Pow- er, as being able to fa- e to the uttermoft • the Suffi- ciency of his Will, while heprodaims his Good-will towards Men ; and that God is in Chrift, reconciling the World to himfelf ! They g.nher up^n the w ^f IT V.^'rFl'"^ ^ofpel-Cfpenf^tion of Grace throughChrift ,n the external Revelation of the Word, where the IleS are not charaOerized more than others but Life and Salvation through Chrift held out to Sinners "f Mankind, without Diftinaion of Nanon, Sr,te or Condit on ; and fo in an indf finite U ay. 1 hus run all the Promifes, except thefe that are niade to Believers, cr fuch a's havTcrace already ; to them indeed the Promifes are definite! fo alio they are definite to the Elea, i„ the Decree (LZ^^h::.:' '"A" "'"T^ Difpenfation of the WM they are indefinite and eenenl r,„,„» x„ you belongs the Covenants and the p'.J-/ I' ^ 4. and as the Promife is indefinite foth^r •■?•"• ""' verfal, whether by Exhortarions Inv.'.r ' r"""'' ties, Counfels. or Co^mandsrin' 'irertint": come and receive Chrift, and all h;. /"""^y^^^^*, ^^ freely, ,/a.W. ,. and upon thefe GofJ"^. 1""^' .he People gather to hlU. in a w:Z ^^v. ole Covenant, and all the Promifes of it [Jlluf^!h to all the People that they may la he to if 7v, give .h^frra Co.er.„, of td fJuf^^^'J^ ^'^Jj^ we are aid, to recu.e the Pr.,„,r, hroJ^Ji^^G^f ni. .4. tote perfivadedof,k,m, ^„d ernbrLtZt' HpK a TheA ( 73 ) ^ Tlieff. 1. TO. Ghrift cannof be reCAived, feat It h9 isoflFered ; he is not offered to Us, bucin 3 W«r « Promife, a Teftimony : Hence the fubfhncj^l At' p€ Faith being an AiTcnc, there molt be a Wotd, Promile, or Teftimony, for Faith's immediate Objeft, wherem ve fee and receive Chrift : JfaM)n vcuid fee bis Shadow in a Glafs, he firft looks to the Glafs. a»d through it fees his ov n Shadow or Ttnage ; the G\aft is the immediate Obje£i, to which hu iight is dire6- ed ; fo, in order ro our feeing of Chrft. the GUfa of the Gofpel-promife is fet before us. Thus a dif- played Covenant ofGr «e, as fta« iling faft inChrift, ieems to be the Warrant for the Gathering of the People to SbiUb, mentionedj jfer. I. 5. Come tnd let 94s join our jelves to the Lordy in a perpetual CotemifJ (fays our KQa.d\ng) th.ttjhall not be forpotf^n : 1 know this is viewedj by fome, in another Stnf«, with Reference to our covenanting ■ but I think the original Read- ing that others notice is very pleafant and evangeli- cal, for it may be read, Come and let us jiin •wfehe^ io the Lord f thi perpetunl Ct^enant Jball not h f^r^^tten^ ^. d. Come and let us gather togetber untp SbiUk ; ■why, the everlaftir.g Covenant, that ftjr-^'s faft itk him, who is the All of the Covenant, fh'jfl sever . be forgotten .• And fo it m^y be lev ed, as an tncou-. xagement of Faith, and Region '^or r;he G^rhering of the People to himj behold he is given for a Cove- nant of the People, and this perpetual Covenant Ihail not be forgotten .-Thus they^ are made to a£t evangelically. ( 5') In gathering to ShihJb, the People that are brought to him are made to a£i cordially ^nd fpontane- oufly, with Heart and Will ; yea, with a Thoufand Good-Wills ; take my Heart, lays the Man, in the Day of Power, take it, and a 'Tloufand BleJJlngs with it, it is true, there is no Gathering, na Appfoaching to him, without a Draught of Omnipotency ; yet there is no Violence in it, no Force or.Compulfion, but when Power comes, it takes away the Backward- HSfsaad Unwillingnefs, P/4/. ex. 3.2^jr People JijaUU K • mllfffg (( m ) mftirt^* Wever did a Mariner draw neaf tp a Shofe- witn betrer Will, after Shipwreck, than the Soul- comes to Ghrift, in the Day of Power ; the Perfoii being dTav/n, yields neceffarily and -willingly both^< DtnW me, we will run after Thee ; Vrawme^ there is the Almig;hry Power exerted, in its irrefiftibte O- petation •, W-e irh Weep- ing ; fo, at the fame Time, the Senfe of God's Fa- vours, and Kindnefs in Chrift, makes them come with Rejoicing ; for vith loving Kindnefs does he draw them, and wirh favours does he lead them : O ^^j frhen be favours'fuch a guiltySinner with a Pardon, «i^-fucb a filthy Sinner with a Laver of Blood, fuch a nake4 (Si ) m^keit Sinner with a Robe of Righteoufiiefs, fuch a black Sinner Tvlth a beautiful Ornanieiir, fuch a Hell- deferving Sinner with a Promife of Glory, fuch a backfliding Bead with a merciful Vifit or Return, and fuch a prodigal Wretch with a compaflionate Em- bracement ; and thus with Favours does lead them. O then it is hard to tell, whether the Voice of Joy, or the Voice of Weeping in the Soul beloudeft. But las we render it alio, it i» moft expreflive of this peni- tential Addrefs, in gathering to Shihh ; with weeping^, and with Supplication does be lead them. Indeed Faith*s Approach is begun, maintained and nourifhed, by Prayer and Supplication, faying, Lcrd I believe, help T?iy Ufibelief'y Lord^ e9:cre.7fe our Faith, There are fomc have a prefumptuous Faith, that can believe when they wiH, without praying down the Spirit ©f Faith from God ; as they can eat and drink, and fleep and walk, and talk, tho* they pray not for Strength to da thefe Things, fo they cinextrcife their natural pre- fnn»ptuv)us haith, faying, I trulHa God's Mercy, and their fdlfe Repentance, faying, God forgive me, I am a great Sinn«r ;\rhey cm believe and repent, without Prayer and SuppMcation for Grace and Strength to do fo : But true Grace, true Faith and Repentance, is attained and maintained^ in a Way of Supplication; And hence true Faith does increafe and decreafe, according to the Increafe and Decreafe ofthe Spirit of Prayer and Supplicution. If it be not fo with }ou,Man, know it, that tho' your faifeFaith may give you iome falfe Peace for a while, yet when Death and Eternity (tare you in the Face, then the Rotten- nefs of your Faith will be dilcc^vered, the Hope of the Vjypocriie will perifn. Tiiey that are gathered to Shitoh^ they come with Weeping, and with Supplica- tion does he lead them. I am not hereto enter. upoa the Difpute, anent the Priority of Faith to Repent- ance, in their natural Order, and in their Afting and Eicereife ; it is well if you know both, whether you know the Order or not; only, if whatfoever is not of I^aith U Sioj youmayguefs what^ort §f R'epeotance X it r 82 ) it II that IS not of ^aith ; And when the Word of God fpeaksany whereof the proper Order, let youf Experience, confonant to the Word, witnefs and you'll find, that fuch as the Faith is, fuch will the Repen* tance be. Legal Faith works legal Repentance ; Oof- pel Faith, Gofpel Repentance ; true Faith, true Re- pentance. Thus, when the People of Niniveh be- lieved God, then they proclaimed a Faft, and put on Sackcloth, Jchtt iii. 5. when they believed his Threatning,and yet that he was not irreconcileable, nor implacable, then they repented. Thus, when a Man believes, and apprehends that God is pacified towards him, then he is confounded and afhamed, -Etefe. xvi. h[t. When you have harfli Thoughts of God, and no Hoj>e of Favour at his Hand, I true then you'll find yo^r Heart hard like a Stone, and inflex- ible ; but when you get kindly Thoughts of God, and Apprehenfion of his Mercy and Good-will, and JLpve to you in Chrift, then I fuppofe you will hnd joyful Meltings, and Gofpel-forrow : O the Fire of God's Love melts the Soul r And the Hardnefs and Impenitency is healed, when the Sun of Righteouf- ne(s arifes with Healing under his Wings, Mai. iv. 2. The Qualities of this penitential Approach you may Tee, t Cor* vii. li- And this penitential A£ling of Faith runs through the whole of the Believer*^ Life, in an laniverfai Teudernefs of Difpofition and Deportment, according to the Meafure of Faith : And there are Sio6 render Things in ic which the Believer hath.(i.) He hath a tender Heart, called a broken and contrite Heart, broken for Sin, and from 5in ; Jofiah his Heart "Was tender. (2.) A tender Confcience ; fome have a Confcience feared as with a hot Iron,and that is a filent -Confcience but the Penitent hath a.fmittenConfcience, as David's Heart fmote him, when he cut ofl: theLop ©f5j»/'s Garment. C^j^'iX tender Eye ; 'They p} all look on him whom they ha^piifced, and mourn : Rivers of Tears run down their Jtyes, becaufe of their own Sins, and the Sins of others, who break God's Law. (4.) A tend€r£ar,which being circamci fed, does hear and fear; 2<> this Mart mil I lookf even to him that is poor ^ anil of a contritf ( ^3 ) , e$itlrie Hearty and trembles at tny Word. r50,A tender Lip or Tongue, thai dare not lie,norfpeak prophane- ly : I [aid I will t^he heed to my Ways, that I Sin not wUb my 'Tongue. And, (d.) A tender Hand, that dares not touch the Garment fpotted with the Flefh,but ftudies to fbun all Appearances of Evil ; or, if you vill, you may add, iafily, That he hath a tender Foot, ftying with Hezehahy I zvill gojoftly all my Years in the Bittern efs of my Soul. And this leads to another Q^ia- lity of this regular Approach, zdly, U^hen there is a gathering to Shiloh^ the regular Approach and Ad- drefs to him is made obedient^ ally ^ as well as peniten* tially ; it is an obediential Gathering : And as Faith a£^$ penitentially,* fo it aSs obedientially ; j|or it -works by Love, G/r/. v. 6. it purifies the Heart, y^ff J x\r. (). and the Man that liath it purifies hlmfelf, even as God is pure, i John iii. 5. It ftirrs irp to new Obe- dience ; forFaith withoulWorks is dQ^d^James Ji. 20> 26. Wherever it is, it is ftill wo.king, and ir Can ho more be idle than 1\\q Fire can be. It is true, we are juftihed by Faith without Works, as the Apoftle fays, without the Qafualiiy of Works, without the Conditionality of Works, wirhoiit the Inftrumenta- lity^of Works, and without the Influence of Work* upon our Juftification ; but not v^ithout th^ Prefence ot Works ; for jultifying Faith is a fanciifying Things and natively works, as the Fire natively burns c Common Faith is a dead ufelefs Faith, n^aking no Change or Alteration on theSoul where it is\ but fav* ing faith a£is always obedientially j hence you read of the Obedience of Faith, Rom x/i. 16, importing both that Faith a^s in Obedience to the Divine Call et firft, and that it influences the;Soul to all the A^» ot Gofpel-obedience afterwards. O, fays the return- ing Sinner, that is making this obediential Addrefs to a God in Chrift, I have been a fugitive. Servant to the moft glorious Lord and Mafter ; f have deferted his Service, and denied my Obedience ;< but now. Lord, nail my Ear to thy Door-poft, that I may ferve the^ for ever; nail my Heart to iby Service Li thac ( 84 ^ that no*Tronble, Temptation, De/il or Derertlon may drive me away from thee ; nail my Eyes to thy Service, that I m.iy never look upon Vanity . nail mv Hands to thy Service, that I miy never do an ill Turn ; nail my Feet to thy Wiy, that I may never turn afide from thee .- Let all the FnciiUies of my Soul be nailed to thy Service and Obedience. ^d!y^ When there is a Githering to ,V/^//o/^, the regu- lar Addrels to him x% made fpeedily ; O the poor Soul, thatfees itlelfreidy to drop into Hell, how fpeedily, in the Day of Power, does it flee unto Chriftj! Ifiee to thee to hide nre, f.iys the PfalmiH ; The Flight of Faith is very quick, quick and IwiU as Ligluning, that^oes from the or>e End of Heaven to t/ie other in an Inftant ; fo when the Soul is on Win?;, under the Influence of the Spirit of Faith, it can flee from Fiarth to Heaven in a Momt^nt. But tHis Ipeejy Ga- thering, I underOand e(pecially in Oppofuion to Delays, which are d'.ngerous in Religion: To de'ay coming to Chrill for one Half-Hour, :s dangerous ex- ceedingly ; for, if you die vvithin that H jIf-Hour, you're undone to Eternitv. Now, in a Day of power- ful Gathering, the Soul makes no longer Delay ; but is in an holy Hafle, I made Hafle and delayed rot t9 keep thy righteous Judgrventi. The Man is made to flee with Speed, and to run with.Hifte out oi Sodom, fifthly^ When there is a Gatherivig to S'oiloh^ the re- gular Approach and Addrefs to him is made del be" vately ; tho' ir is with Speed, yet it is with Delibe- ration : Tho' none can believe roo foon by a faving Faitit, yet fome believe too foon by a temporary Faith never havint; weighed Matters in the BaL^ncTfe of the San6^uary. The true Approacher puts the Matterlin'a fiir Balance : He puts the Di 'ad vantages ih one Scale, faying, v.har will be my Fare, it I ctime not to Chrift ? Why, they that are far from him (hall perip : He puts tiie Adv.intages in another Scale^ and comes at length, ro that Concluhon, PfiL Ixxiii • lafi. It is ^ocd for me th\t I draw near to God, O, of all Gatherings, the Gathering to Shiloh is belt; To u^h:*oi Jhall I go? Hs hatbtbe IV^rds^of sternal Lift The Man IS ( 85 ) IS not affecieJ only with a rranfierit Fbfh ; no, he fees the wicked oft in Profpericy, and the Godly in Adverflty; he fees the Jarge and alluring OlFers that Sin, il.itan, and the VV'orld mike ; and yet afcer all, he deliberately affirms, it is good for me to draw near to God and ChrilK- Let others fay as Pfal. iv. 6. Who Willfiezv us any Good? But my Say fhall be. Lord lift thou up the Light of thy Countenance on me. 5f'''^j'» When there is a Gathering lo Shilob^ the regular Ap- proach and Addrefs is made chajlly, and uprightly : The Soul views the Saying, that Chrift came to fave Sinners from Sin and Wrath, not only as a faithful^ Saying, but as worthy of all Acceptation ; becaufe the Beanry of Cluill :s difcovered. Some have their Reafon conquered, but not iheir Love ; aftd there- fore they come to Chrift feignedly, and not with the ■whole Heart ; their Judgment draws one Wayt and their Affections another ; for their Judgment is gained, but not their Affeftions ; As if one fhould marry a Wo- man, not bee uzfe ot her Beauty, but becaufe of her Patrimony; n'^t from Love to her Perfon, but Love to her Portion. Some take on with Chrift, and taka Hold of the Skirt of this y?::;, who yet fee no Form oi> Comelivefs in him. for 'vk'ch he fljonUbe dejlred. But as it is faid, The Upright hve thee ; fo they that iu gather- ing to him a&chaftly and uprightly, tliey come to him out of pure Lo/e, not for fervile Ends, not to gratifie a natural Confcience, not for Fear of Hell only, but from a great Love to him, and a juft £- fteem of him, and a'ftron;; Defire of Fellowfhip with him. The Man is content to come to Chrift on Mount Calvary^ as well as on Mount Tabor ; when going t^ Golgotha in Ignomin)', as well as in riding to Jirufit^ lem in Triumph ; He cleaves to him, when People cry, Avjay with him, away -zvith him\ crucifie him ; as well as when ihey cry , H^fanna to the ■ Son of David, He loves him when lying in i Grave, as we'l as when mounted on a Throne. The cnaft and uprighi: Comer cleaves to him, when Kings and Princes are agaiuft •iSigainfti.him, "whe^Laws and Governments are againf^ him, when Potentates and Parliatnents are againft him, as well as when they feem to be upon his Side. It is too true indeed, chat there are manjr unchalt Thoughts, and Looks and JLuftinj^s after Idols in the Hearts of true Believers, and many Defeftions and Declinings may take Place ;. but thefe are wreftled •with and oppofed by them, and that not only by their Light and Confcience, but by their Love aiid Affe£iion to the Lord Jefus, faying, OJhall I thus rer quite the Lord ? So that in the main they are upright. But, to the fame Purpofe, 6ihly, When there is a or to be in Friendfhip with him who is a holy God. As the true Lover loves iiim, not only becaule he is good and merciful, but be- Ciufe he is a pure and holy JESUS ; fo the true Be- liever employs Chrift for making him holy as well as hippy ; and hence draws Vertne from him for killing of Sin, and quicltning the Soul in the Way of Duty : And indeed the Faith that can never keep yon ' from a Sin, wilt never keep you out ot Hell ; and • the Faith that cannot carry yon to a Duty, will noc carry you pHeaven. Juftitying Faith is a (anftifying Grace, it improves Chrift undivideJly. 'Tis true,aa itfan£lities it does not juftify ; but that Faith that juftifies, does alfofan^ify : As the Sun that enligh- tens bach Heat with it, but it is not Heat oi the Sun that cnlin;hcens,but the Light thereof; fo that Faith tkn juftities hath .'.ove and Saa^ity with it, but it is <- 88 ) is not the Love and Sanftity that juftifies butFaith as clofing with Chrift. "jthlyy When there is a Ga- thering of the People to Shiloh^ the regularApproach andAddrefs to him is made exclujlvely^ excluding all other Saviours, all other Helps, all other Props, faying, I will make Mention of thy Right eoufnefsj ani vf thine only, Pfal. Ixxi. 16. To depend partly upon Chrift and partly upon our own Rlghteoufnefs, is to fet one Foot upon firm Ground, and another upon Quickfand. If a Man fet one Foot upon aRock, and another upon the deep "Water, and lean to them both with equal Weight, yea, if he give any of his Weight to the Foot that is on the Water, he will be fure to fink into the Deep ; fo here : Therefore, in the Day of Gathering to Chrilt, the Soul is brought to fzysjurefy in the Lord only h:ive I Ri^hteoufnefi and Strength^ Ifa. xlv. 24 Thus Vaul excludes the belt jLighteoulnefs that ever he had, either before or af- ter Converfion, from the Matter of his Juftification, Phil iii. S, 9. When )i^ compares his beit Kighteouf- nefs with Chrift's, he looks upon it zs a Dunghill, a linking Dunghill where there is no'Pleafure, and a finking Dunghill where there is no ft^nding. Su?;h is our Righteoulnefs, if it be rot'excluded from our Juftification before God, and Acceptance with him. If we go about to eltablifh our own Righ- tcoufnefs, it ftinks in the Divine Noftrils .as Dung : And rot only fo, but it is a finking Ground to (land upon, there's no firm Footing ; the more a Man leans to it, the more he finks in it. Chrift's Blood is the only Sacrifice of a fweet-fmelling Savour to God ; e- verySaciifice ftinks, that is not perfumed therewith .• Chrift's Righteculnefs is rhe only fure Foundation and firm Ground for ftanding upon before God. A» tl.e Way of Sin is a finking Way, fo the Way of Self lighteoufnefs is little better ; for the Sin that is in Man's belf Righteournef:j trips up his Heels, and lays him in the Pitt, where he finks to He!J, if he be not broi^ght to build upon a furer Ground, and to take a better Way. 8^/./y, When there is a Gnther- ijg to ^/.i' is come, thenfhall the Gathering of the People be to him : And there are two remarkable Seafons of kis Coming, that the Text intends, namely, his Coming in the Tlejhf and his Coming in the Spirit. Now, his Coming in the Flefh, I fpoke of in the Explication ; and his Coming in the Spirit, i fpoke o^, when I fhewed by what Means this Gathering is brought about: Parti- cularly the gathering Wind of the Spirit, when he gathers the dead Sinners, as it were, out of their Graves; according to that Word,Ci?m« from thefcur fVtndj^ Br eai by and breathe upon thefe Jlain^ that tbey may Vncy Ezek. xxxvii. 9. ChrilVs Coming in the Flefh was the Beginning, and Commencement of the New Teftament Difpeniation, v.hich is to laft till his fe- cond Coming ; and during the whole of that Difpen- fation, there will be a Gathering of the Gentiks, a Gathering of the People to him. Chrift's Comiog iri the Spirit, is the very eflScient Caufe of all the ipi- ritual and etfeciual Gatherings, that do take Place under that Difpenfarion ;*and therefore, his Coming in the Spirit, to convince the ^f^urld of Sin f Rigkteoufnefs and jfudgmsnt, is ptomiCed for that End, John xvi. 8. 'His Coming thus is like the gathering Sho-vver fpoken of, Pf.iL Ixxii. 6. Hi jh ill corm djiun like Rain upon the moiuenGrafsy as Showers that Water the Earth ; where- upon a Garhering enCaes, Ver. S. His Kingdom ^allbe from Sea to Sea, and from the River t» the Ends of the Earth, "tciy that dvjsli in the ^f^ildsrne[s Jhall ho'jj before him, and bis Enemies fb til lick the Bufi, The Kings of 'Tarfhifi and the LjUs jh tH bring Prefents, the Kings of Sbeoa and S^oa fuill o^ir Gifts ; and all Nations fijall ferve him. O cry for a gathering Shower of the Spirit's laving Influences and Operations; for there Fill bAno Gaihering cill thea. Sue more pardcular- ir * ( 91 ) • ly, the gathering Seafons may be confiierei urxler a fourfold View. \fi. \<':ih Relation to the pablick and remarkable Garhericg of the Church in gene* ral. idt^. Tv'irh Relation zo the inirial Gathering of Sinner*in particular. ;.?V>, Wirh Relation to the progrellive Gathering yf ? ' ' >• Vs'ith Re- lation to the confumate G^ . _ r,e Siints. 1/?. The gathering Seasons may be crnfidered, with Relation to the pubiick and r^maik-b^e Garhe- ring of the Church in general. Ar..^ r'ere zts j:yr or j^Vff Seafcci, that hare b-en very rem^rka^le, for publick and numerons Gatherirgs af the People to Shihh. As^(\.) R^fmrmingTi^-cj, :n the Church, have been gathering Times, under the po^£rf"ul influence of the Spirit of God acccmpunyir^ Retormacion Work, and leading forv-ard thereunto. Thui v."as it in the Days of H^Zr-^uZ-, vhe" . Mulrirudtr, h^^ic^ deftroyed the Altars of Id ri Hrzeiiab hzw ing joined fervent Prayers 7-::r rmirg Mea- fures, the Lord harkned to Hf^. . ,_:.-: reiled 'he People, 2 Chris, xxx. ic. Kefcrmir.g Trfv have been remarkable gathering Times, in Hr;:.:./; ^rJ Ire' land. The Lord brought GofpeMight very eai ly, par- ticularly in^o S:otJar..i^ by v-hich our Forc-fatbeis Viere delivered from Heathenifm and Paganifm : And "we v."anted no: forae Gofpel-light, for the Space of five hundred Years after Chrift ; Aboct v.hich Time, Popery came to put in its Foot among us, 'v^heri one FaiUMns wasfent from Rsn-.s to corrupt us.' And tho* there was a ftrenuous Oprc"^:.--, for feveral hundred Years after tha:, agairJa /j Rites and Hierarchy ; ye: Popil>- Darknei's ^id gradually cver- ipread thefe Lands, till it came to the gr32tel^ He;ghr, in the Space of a thcufzr.d Years ; after v-hich Time, to vit,in thp/jtcf/r.^c Cei.tury, 1 mean a thcufand five hundred Years after Chrift, which v-as the Reformation Period ; and now, about two hundred Years ago, the Lord v»a$ pleafed to make Reforma- tion-Light to arife, by ftirring up eminent Inftra- mienis to pjeach the Gofpel clearly, acd to put t» M z Ueif { 9^ .) ^ ^helr Hands z-ealoufly to Reformat ion-work ; efper CxtXX"^ ivi Scotland,^ even to the Extirpation of Popery, Prelacy, and Eraftianifm, and the folemn Renuncia- tion thereof, and of all heretical and Se£larian Er- rors, whether in Doftrine, Worlhip, Difcipiine or Go- vernment. Then it was, that Minifters were clothed •with Righteoufnefs and Salvation, and vvere eminent jn their taithfulnefs toGod, in hisTruth and Interefts, and xeaious againft Sin, and all Luke-waxmnefs ia the Lord's Caufe: Then it was that the Reprefenta- rive Body of the Nation put to their Hand for the Reformation thereof : Then it ^yas, that ScotUnA particularly war famed thro* the "World, under the Name oi P H IL AV E L P HI A j'becauie of the Pu- rity of its Reformation, having left all the Rags of Popery behind it in the Grave, from whence it arofe; which could not be faid of many other Churches, particularly of our Neighbour Church of England : For as Lazarus came out of the Grave, bound Hand and Foot, and his Face bound about with a Napkin, fo was it vj'nhEngland in their firftReformation.lt was indeed like a Refurreftion from the Grave, in the Days of King Edward and Queen Elizabeth ) but yet they came out of this Grave, bound Hand and Foot with their Grave-cloths, bringing many Things out with them, which they fhould have left behind, efpe- cially all thefe Ceremonies, Superftitions, and Modes pi Worfhip andGoverpment, wherein they fymbolixe v;ith the Church of Rome, and which they brought along with them, when they left her : Thefe Grave- Clothes they have notcaftoiFto this Day. And alas| luany in Scotland are fond of borrowing from them fome of their old Garments, which fmell of the Pri- fon of Popery, which they left. But with Refpeft to Scotland's Reformatioh'Days, asChrift, when he arofe from the Dead, left all his Linnens and Grave- clothes behind him; fo he helped Scotland in rifing cutof theGraye of Popery, to rife and reform fo pure- ly, as to leave all the Rags of Popery, to be buried in the Grare from whence tbey arofe. And then in tl)ef« ( 93 ) thefc Days it was, that the Work of the Lordprof- pered, the Gofpel floariihed» Iniquity was made td ftop its Mouth , our Church was glorious to all Be- holdei's, and terrible to her Enemies, as an Army with Banners, and Multitudes of People were gathe- red to Shihh. But, alas ! one of the great Reafons^ -why there are fo few gathering to Shiiob now, is top plainly this, that 5leformaiion-wark is much at 3 Stand,littleReformationZeal and Spirit among Ma- gifteates, Minifters, or People, as it is hid,, Nehi hi. ^.jthe Nobles of Teko^h d'id n§t put their Neekes to th$ Work of the Lord : Yea, Deformity, Defilement, Cor- giption^nd Defeftion, inftead of Reformation is too SljAble in our Day, wherein many Pollutions have Slept into our Do^rine, much Defilement into our ijrqrihip, Partiality and Pithlefsnefs into our Difci- pline, and Tyranny and Diforder in the Church-Go- vernment ; manifold Incroachments mide upon the Liberties of the Lord's People, and the Privileges of the Lord's Houfe, too well known thit we ne^d tp mention them all ; infomuch that the '7^ty Founda- tions are ready to fliake, and the Garden is muc^ grown over with Weeds. O cry for the Return of Reformation days ; for till then, there is but little Hope of remarkable Gatherings of the People to Shi- hh : And as Chrift commanded his Difciples to un- bind LazaruSy when he was raifed out of the Grave, and to take away his Grave clothes ; fo feek tha Lord may come, and take away whatever is oppo- •fite to the Doctrine, Worfhip,Difcipline and Govern- ment cf his Houfe^ and to the perfe£iing of the Work of Reformation, and whatever tends to hinder ir. ButMgain, (^i.) Covenantlng*Ttmes in theChurch,have been gathering Times,asyoumay fee in the Time of ^ojiahy 1 Kings xxiii. 5. when the People made a Co- venant, to walk after the Lord, with all their Heart and Soul, and all the People ftood to the Covenant, Thus it was with thefe Lands, when, after the Re- formation, all Ranks were brought into holy and folemri Covenarits with God : In thofe Days the L©rd delighted in us^ and oiu Land was m|rr;ed to him.; vvhei C 94 ) when, with uplifted Hand 5, we fwore Allegiance t# him; and abjar^jd all Rivals wit'i him in his Go* vernment .• Never a Marion \\ .s more folemnly bound to the Lord hy national Covenants, in the j^th Century, the 80;^ and 81/ Yeas thereof; and renewed again and ajrain in the i6:h Century, the 58/^ and 39^.^ Years thereof, aqd in Uter Times al» fo, together with the Solemn League afterwar s, fqr fnithering the Ends, Defigns and Obh-jfions qf the former. I know indeed fome difpiUv^, aft(^ .'er»y the Obligition of thefe Covenants upon PoUefftf : B«t as good J'fi:jh brought b^ck the People, arflcaufe^- them to Ibrd to the Co/enanr of their f ifllVi^ # €hron. xxxiv. 32. fo we find, tl ir religious CoTg^ta^ in Scripture comprehend qbfent, as well as preftil^ and Pofterity to come, as well as the covenantfUpf Fore-fnthers, Dtut. xxix. 14, 15, 22, 24, 25. Now, our folemn Covenants, that our Forefathers entred intO| being Nothing but a fuperadded, and accumu^ Native Obligation, to what we were previoufly bound to by the Word of God, they cannot but ftand bind- it^ upon us their Pofterity. But as thefe covenanting X)ays were Gathering Days, wherein many flocked in to Shiloh.znd whereinGod appended his Seal to the covenanted Work of Reformation, by a nume|:ous Ac- ceflion of Souls to the Mejfiasy under the Influence of the powerful Spirit of God, blefling his Word and Ordinances to their Converfion ; fo our^ Covenants breakingDaySjOn the other Hand, are-far from being gathering Days. Little Wonder, when we have Oc-' cafion to lament, that our Covenant hath, been bro* ken, and burnt, and byried ; and, if our Covenant- breaking be not duly lamented, and covenantedRe- formation revived, we haveGround to expe£i theX-ord will fend a Sword, a dreadful Judgment, to avenge the Quarrel othisCovenant. Till there be a remark- able Reviving hereof,we can hardly expe£^ a remark^ able Gathering of the People to Shiloh, (3,) Confejftng *TtmiS, in the Church, have been gathering Times ; Times of h««lble acknowledg;ing of perfonal and na- tional Guilt, ts you fee, Ez/^f\'nu 2$. & ix. 7. and down' ( J>5 ) downwards, eompareti with Chap, x. i, a, 3. Ifo ■ Doubt, there were better Days oftheGofpel, inRe-" fped of the Power thereof, with us than now,\vhe» there was a publick and fofemn Acknowledgment of publick Sins, and Breaches of Covenant ; fuch a«^ you have an Account of in the ordinary Confejpons of Faith among your«Hands. But in our Days, we feem to be fo far from taking with our publick Sins an* Defe^ions, that we are rather upon the Self-jofti- fying Lay, as if we had done nothing amifs', and a» if Matters had never been better with us. May we not hereupon conclude, that the Lord is fpeaking to ust'as he did of old to Judahy Jer, ii. 54, 35. BeJsoli I will plead with theet hecaufe thou fayefi^ I have not pnned ; ^^^hile our Mother-Church is not duly taking with her Sin, how can we expefl: a, remark- able Gathering of her Children to Shiloh* Whereas if our uncircumcifed Hearts were humbled, and that wo were confefllng our Iniquities, and the Iniquitie^R of GUI' Fathers, thea we might expeft the Lord would yet remember his Covenant, and heal our Land, as it is, heV' XX vi. 40, 41, 42* Not that publick Re- formings, Covenantings and Confeflings have any meritorious Influence upon, or are procuring Caufes of remarkakle Gathetingsunto Sbilob ; only in this Method and Order he ufes to work, preparing the Way of the People, Ifa, Ivii. 14. and Ixii. 10. He gathers out the Stones, lifts up a Standard for the Peoplejand then foUoV'S the Gathering of the People to him i Therefore, while none of thefe National Kevivings or pubiitk Acknowledgments of our own and our Forefathers Iniquities, appear ; little won- der, that, inftead of a Gathering of the People to Shiloh^ we fee Clouds gathering in our Sky, an^ more and. more National Bondage and Thraldom taking Place. We walk contrary to God, and God walks contrary to us, and will punifh feven times more for our Iniquitiesu Therefore, if yoii would wifh for a remarkable fathering, O cry for a re- markable Outpouring of the Spirit of Repentance ( 9«^ ) ah4 Reformatton, whereof there is fo h'ttle to be feeninChurch orState in our Day. O feek for a Return of his departedGlory,and that our Land may not be called ho-ammi and Lo-ruhamahy as it is faid, Bof i. but rather Ammi and Ruhamahy Hof. ii. and that we may be called H^phzibah and Beulah Ifa. Ixii. 4. th4ttbe Lord may yet delight in us»and ourLand niay yet again be married. But, i^.)Sufferi77g and Con^ tendit7g Times in the Church have been remarkable gathering Times. It was in Time of Perfecution and Suffering of the-Qhurch, that fuch great Numbers of People were converted and gathered in to Chrift in the primitive Ages, as you fee, ABs iv. 4. Times of Contending for the Faith have been Times of Con* veening to Chrift thegloriousObjeft of Faith ; Yea* fcattering Times have been gathering Tinies, when the Lerd hath fcattered his Servants abroad, that, by the Preaching of the Word in every Airth to - "wh^ch they were fcattered, there might be a Ga- thering of the People to SUhh^ as you fee it was, ij^i viii. 4. and particularly AHs yd* 19, 20. zu Thus the Jewifh Perfecution firft, and then the pri- mitive Pagan Perfecutions next ; efpecially the^fe- cond under Domitiafjy which was about the ^^th Year of Chrift ; and the 9th and lotb under-4«re/i- us and DitcUfian^ as Hiftorians relate, were the very Means of bringing the Gofpel firft to Scotland ^"^hiX^ eminent Men fled from theie dreadful Tempefts unto this Laad, and fo planted the Gofpel here. Suffering Times, perfecuting Times, and hiding Times, have been gathering Times in the Churchs Some old Perfons here, perhaps, have been Witnef- fes to Days of Power in the Time of Perfecution, in the late fuffering Times inScttland. Our Fathers have told us, how the Lord appeared for them and with them, when Men weie appealing moft bloodily a- gainft them : They have heard the beft News from Heaven, when they heard the w«rft from Earth. God many Times fmiles moft upon hisChurchj when the World frowns moft againft them: When theCawfe ani Ymths of Chrift are moft oppofe4 by Men, God . ttfuallf 1 ?7 ) , , DfualTy puts the mol! remirkable Ssal to them upon the Hearts of many. Some can fay, '^hen they ,^e^e tonrendingmoft for the.Truth, then H^e Loni h;itli made the Trnrh mod fWeetattJj retrkLifuI to them- felves> and ,mort powerful and efli^acior.'? to. otheis, E^e.a a Time of Bonds hath been a Tiine of beget- Cing Children to God ; jliind Onetinia;., -u^ham I ha^f^ legotten in my Bonds, fay&TP^w/, in, the loch Verfe of hisEpiftle to Phiiemo.», Indeed., the Lord*s gather- ing Time is not .confined to fiiifering Periods of the Church • ioT gioriouf Things are f^okeA,-of Zton the City ej GodytvQVi at other Times, tbat thi's Man and that Man w/ts botn there j and I know that it can be faid of our Ziony wichont looking m.-iny Years back, that this Man and that Mantthis; Wt^manand chat Woman was born there. But ^ fpeak of retnarkable Gather- ings, where it can be faid, not only this Man and that Man, but this Multitude and that Multitude, was born there. A"d O for a Tinr.e of the Gather* ing ofMuhiiudes to G.hnft .' I'erhups fad and iuifr-r- jng Days muft come again before we have fucb ga»» theringjDays, and there may be terrible SuffvT.nj^s before there be remark ihle Gatherings; for he whofe Pan is in his Hand, iU//»f. iii. 12. does'ulual'y pur^e his Floor before he. gather in his Wheat. i5,ut as the bay ©f Calamity in it felf is not to be dciired ; fo, that we ffvay not be hopelefs in the mean Time, i I would. further tell you,that the Ci)urc'»^ b.ickflid- ing Times have beenGod*s gathering Times, ac-jord* ing to Jer. iii. 14. ^«r», bacl:JHding Cfu!i{ren, fay^ the Lord^ for I am married unto pu ; ai:d I i:;ill tahejoa one of a C/'/y, and two of a Family ^ and himi^y:u to zi^n. There is a Call in a backfiiding Time ; but lee vm. ^2. whetfS there is nor only agai.iering Call, but a gathering Power accompanying;^ the Call, eyea at a Time wherein they had pervtrted their Way^J, and forgotten the Lord their (Bod : Return ye backfuditi^ Children , and I will heal yoMrEaclrjlidi}7gs\ and then it fol-> lows. Behold -zjre come unto the^y forjhou art the Lord ^ur^od. Behold a Gathering of the Per.pl«* ^noShi- ( 98 ) kh in a backfliding Time ! O then, let backfllding Scotland fay, Behold we come ! O let bickfliding Sinners fay, Behold we come ! O that the Hearts of Hearers were faying, Behold we come ! O there is no national Reformation. can take Place till there- ba perfonal Reformation : Ifperfonal returning to the Lord were general and univerfal, then there would be a national Rerurninp;. Therefore, if you would wifh to fee a national Reviving, let every Perfon put in tor a Share of gathering Power and Grace, faying, Turnmey and I pall be turned; Drazu mcy and I pail run: And, under the ConduQ: of drawing Power, let us fay, Behold ive come to thee, for thou art the Lord our God. Hath your perfonal Backfliding, Man, Woman, been great and grievous ? Hath this been your Dif- cafe all your Days, a backsliding Heart, a backflid- ing Nature, a bickfliding Practice, a Bentnefs to Backfliding in Thought, Word and A£ticn? Is that your Difeafe,th3t you're a bickslidingHeifer,a back- sliding Devil, that, it may be, thinks the Difeafe is defperate and incurable ? O let me afl'ure you that there is a Heuler come here toDay, that fays, / will healyour Backjledings ; and he will not fay the Thing that he cannot do. And while his Mercy is faying, I will heal your Backslidings, let your Heart be fay- ing, Lord, I'll come to thee for that Healing, for that is my Difeafe, and there is none in the World needs it fo much as I : The Church and Nation need to have their Backflidings healed ; but 1 am the particular Perfon that needs it moft of all : Heal me, and 1 fhall be healed ; Behold, I come to thee fjor that End. Is your Heart faying fo ? Then wel- come be all Comers; welcome, welcome, v. el- come ; H/w tiyat comes f I will in nowife'' (aji cut . Nay, he will in nowife caft up your former backsli- dings, but heal you, without upbraiding you ; for he pjves liber ally and upbraids not. I will heal your Back- Jlidivgs : It is Ipoken without Limitation, either of former or future Backflidings ; and therefore the Fear of backsliding again, needs not difcourage you from c*min^;to him ; your former Backslidings will not ( 99) not cafl you out: And the' you backslide again,yet he will not cstf^ you oS ; He may vifit jouy Iniquity with the Rod, but his Lovin^-hndnejs zvill be not take aivay No, he will in nowife caft you out. Backslidings: fliall never part him and you, for hi, will heal your Bickslidings ; / willhealyour Eac'kjlidings , It hath a Refpefi to t!ae future, as well as the prefenf Time ; not to encourage your Sinning for the future,no, no; but to encourage Sinners to come, notwithftanding of their Fears of future Fallings : This fhall be my office and Employment, fo long as you labour under thit Difeale of Backsliding, whicli will be till you come, to th.xt Land, where the Inhabitants pall not fay^ / amfick : Now, till you come theie, Til ay be a Phy- {ician and Hea'er to you, to give you my healing "Word, my healing Blood^my healing Vifits fromTime to Time, and to arife like the Sua of Righteoufnefs with Healing under my Wings from Day to Day c Therefore come, backsliding Soul, a.»d let me have all your Hmployment from Day to D.iy. O is your' Heart hy'mg. Behold we come \ Then, bleffed be the Comers, tho' they have been Backsliders. The Peo- ple, that muft be gathered to Shiloh, are a bJickslid- ing People ; and if it were not fuch, it would be none of Adam's Race, for they areall fmitten with the fame Difeafe ; therefore all the Backsliders here are invited to be Comers. Come and we'come in the Name oi Shiloh, to whom theGathering muftbe; and in his Blefled Father's Name,come and welcome. And if there beany Comers here, then Glory, Glory to God, that, notwithftanding all that is amifs in the Church ot Scotland ^ yet it is a gathering Time ; not- withftanding all our Backslidings, yet iris a gathe- ring Seafon. Thus I have confidered the gathering Seafons with relation to the remarkable Gathering of the Church in general. zdly ^The gathering Seafonsmay becon{idered,vith Relation to the i«/>i*?/Gathering otSinners in particu- lar ; when he begins to gather in Sinners to himfelf, O tJie Freedom and Sovereignty of hi* Grace, thai N 5 ' (hinei (. lOo ) IViines in \ht Seafons and Times oF Qathering » for fome he gathers ar the third Hour,Ai4/. xx. 5. feme at the ftxth Hour, and fome ar the ninchHour, Ver,'^, yea fome at the eleventh HouXyVer. ^tTheie are fou^ Periods and Seafows mentioned ; for he gathets feme in the Morning, fome in the Evening, fome at Mid- day,and fome atMidnight ; whatever be the Hour, it is an happ.y Hour : 'Ths Hour comes when the Dead^ (hall hear ; and O may this be the happy HoaJ^'with ilefpeO: to fo^e here ! More particularly,*' i/f, The Morning is th(^ gathering Seafon, witb 'RefpeQi to fome ; Iraean the Morning of their Xouthi The Lord hath gathered fome very early in the Mom' 5ng before Break of Day, before ever they {a W the Light of Day ; for fome are gathered before they W born, fealed and fatjctified from the Womb, as well as foreknown from Hterniry, >*•. i. 5. Befvre 1 formed^ thee h the Belly, / knezv thee ; and before theu eameft fcrth out oftheWomhJfanHifiedthee^yNhiQh fome have, ai>plied to Regeneration, that fome are fpiritually' born, before ever they are naturally fo. We are fure, that Infants are as capible of all the Effentials of^ Kegenerarion, as ndnlr Perfons arc. The effential Part thereof, \s,Ood' s ptfttitig his Spirit v^ithin them ; and Inf ints are 3- capable of this as aged . erfons, if npfc^ C^re, whild natural Enmity is not ftrengthened by- aaual Rebellions. BuLthis I paf*, as more rare, and v.'h:»t cmtiot be known, bnt by fome remarkable Ef- ieas thPieof. h is not ^o raiely that lome are ga- thered intheMorning ofrheir younger Vears ;fo war if with Jofas.^ho ^Nas Called at eight Years dd, ^K^r.trs xxti. I, 2. fo Nvnsit ^v.^^fh yourj ^/r^.^, who }:m<:j^tVe hoh Scriptures ]vom a Mid, iTtw.nuj y And, if the M< rning of Youth be a gathering Seafon unto- Slihh, let this encoorige young Children, that are iiere to remember their Creator and Redeemer, in the P^ys of their Youth ; O remember to feek MfiV ' ,lv ' / iove ihem that tve >>:e,(ays God,a,jd they that Zk ty' early (h:!if72d me, See alfo ?/i/. ex. 5. 2dly^ Vlia Uvening is the gathering Seafwi, with Re^ f Wci ) (peEb to fome : God gathers feme in the Cvef^ngof^ tneir old Age. Thus we find Abraham was gathered irt his old Age , he was 75 Years old ?when God firft called him,G«w: xii. 4. and it it probable that Nfcode^ mus was an old Man, before he was born again, as ap- pears itomj^/hn iii. 4. Is there any old Sinner here» that hath been a Trahrgreifor from the Womb, and been living without Chrift all your Days? O, it is more than Time you were gathered in to Sbtloh, O. hath the Pevilgottbe Morning, and the Noontide of your Day, and will you give him the Evening toa? O he hath go^ too miich df your Time already ; let Chrift have the reft, if he can have n6 more. I date not fay, that he will not take what theDevil hath left, ^or I have' no Warrant from thie Word, to iay» That old Age cannot be God's gathering Time : 1 am fore my Text ejccludes neither OJd nor Young, ^ Umpalt. the Gathering of the People be ; therefore let even aid and dying People gather in to the nev/ and living Way, ■^hich is confecrated for us,nhro* the Vail of the Mediator'^ Flefli : Sure it is the heft Way, thatyoa can take, before you be gathered into a Grave. 5^^ The Mid-day is God's gathering Seafon, witl* Refpe£fc' to feme': I mean the midle Time of their Age; and vhom God gathers, he moft ordinarily gathers abouf ' the Midft of their Days. Some have j^Klged, that Cod's Remnant are moft ordinarily gathered in, be- twixt the Years of 15 and 25. Others, between 14 and 40. IJ ir I dire not limit the holy One of Jfiaei ; only, feeing the moft Part here are, perhaps, fuch as are abont the Midft of their Day, O, look to God, to hallow the Middle of your Days, as Solomon hal- 16^ id ihe MidJie Df the Court, 2 Chron. vii. 7. A^nd when God fays to the MsfflaSj'TahimJktil the^^hering of the People be ; let all trie People fay, Amen, Ye that are youa^^, ye rhit are old, and ye that are betwixt the two, O i\iy ArneT7 ^ \tz garhefing Power come, 4fWy, T'ie Midnight is a gathering Seafon, with Re- IpeSt to Tome .* I mean n )r only a^Midnight Time of Deatii and approaching Eceiairy» at which Seafon God ( low ) Ood hath gathered fome, as he did the Thief on the Crofs, tho' it is not his orJin;iry Time ; but alfo a Midnight-Stite of Srcurity, wh^n the Soul is in d dead Sleep, evenfuch a Tme hath bee^ a gathering Time. I need not infill hQm on Man t7j[feh^ M.^yy Mag- dalene^ and others : When did the Day oFGrace dawn upon S'^«/, afterwards iPa«/ ? Even when it was the darkeft Hour in the Night, when he was fleeping moft found in the bed of Secnrity. ft is true his Bo- dy was notfleepin^, for he w;)s riding furioufly toD.t- viafcus \ but his Soul w is fo far afleep, that he was Inorcing and breathing very high in his Sleep, ABs ix. I. (Ni may have Occafion to fay, as Vfal. xl. at the Begin- ning, ^c brought me out of the herr'ihle V it y &c. When Jacob was in great Dilhefsi God met with him atB«^ thely Gen. xxviii. and when, Gen» xxxii. he was ia great Fear that God would not accomplifh his Promife, he was prevented by another ViHt ; and it was the moll remarkable Night that ever he h^id .* He calls the Place Pentel ; for he faw God Face to Face, and he had told him before what he had been, and would be to him, faying, / am the Qod of Bethel, $thJf^ The Winter of Downca/ling, hath been a Time of Re« viving, P/al xlii. 6. my God, my Soul is cafi down with* in me ; therefore I ivill remember thee from the Land of Jordan^ &c. And, Deep calleth unto Deep^ at the Noife if thy Water-Spouts ; all thy W^ves and thy Bilh^ hath been a gathering. Time ; for he gathers the Outcafis of Ifrael, Ifa. ivi. 8. I faidy I am cafi out of thy Sights Jonah ii. 4, yet will I look again to thy holy Temple ; There, yoU ' fee, was si gathering Time by Faith unto Chrift, when he was caft outinto the very Belly of.Hell, as it is called, V* 4. You, whofe Name is a C^fiout, may then expe£^ that your Name may be turned to a Sought-outy Ijam Jxii. Ufi, ithly, The Winter-Time ofFeafs^Whnt Time O 7 ( io6 ) I am afraidy I iviJl truft in thee. Feat not^ for I am w'eth^ 2cc. The Time of Hopelefsnefs and Melplefsnefs jjatri bqen a Time of fpiritiial Gathering ro thg People of God, PfaU cxlli. 4, 5. I Utlied on my Right-hand, and heheld ; hut there was no Man that would know me, all Refuge failed me ; 'J^hen i cried to thee, Lord, and/aid^ ^hou ^rt my Refuge^ and my Portion ' in the Land of the Living: When their Hope is perifhed, and Nothing but the Sentence of Death palling, then the Lord hath been gathering,. 2 Cor, i. 9. We had the Sentence of Death in our /elves, that ive fliould not trufi in our felve Sy but in God which raifeth the Vend, Yea, when the Soul hath not only been fentenced, but flain in a Man- ner, and iaid in, the Grave, then hath it been a Time of Gathering, £?:ffL xxxvii. 11, 12. Our Bones aye. dried, fays the Church, our Hope is lofi, we are cut off for our Parts : But, behold, faith the Lord, I will ^pen your Graves, and caufe you to come up, and I will put my Spirit in you, and you Jhall live, ^thly. Yea, a Winter-Time of Sinning, and Declining, and Depart-: ing from the Lord, hath been a Time of Gathering of his People ; and this is moft wonderful of all, as I faid before of a backfliding Time : O that is a flrange Word. Ifa. xliii. 25, 24, 25. 'Ihou hafi made me to ferVe with thy Sins, and wearied\me withJhine Ini- quity : Tet, I even I am he that bletteth out thine Ini' quitiss for my Name's Sake, There is one of the bit** rereft Challenges for Sin, and that backed with one ©f the fweetelt Promifes of Pardon and Pity, and of gathering and reftoring Mercy : Will this encourage a Believer to Sin, becaufe the Time of your Falling down may be a Time of God*s Gathering-up 1 O no; Nothinj^ will humble and melt theBeliever's Heart for Sin more, than to think of the Kiches of DivineMercy, andSovereign Grace . When he ftoops down to gather ypuout of the Dirt, that you fall into, and recovers your Soul and your Graces. Some tell us that Musk, vhen it hath loft its Smell and Sweetnefs, if it be put into a Sink among Filth it recovers it ; fo when the Believer's Graces have loft their Flavour and favour/ r 107 ) faroury txercife, the Lord in a Manner, l«ts tKemi fall into the Dirt, that their decaying Graces mzy be recovered and revived. Thus Peter vasfuffered to fall into the Dirt of dreadful Sinning, and then his Graces were revived, his Humility revived, he was humbled to the Duft *, his Repentance was revived, he went out and wept bitterly ; his fpiritual Remem- brance was revived, for he remembred the Words of Chrift to him ; and all flowed from this, that it was even Chrift's gathering Time ; for while he was yet among the Dung, into which he fell, Chrift looks upon Petevy with a gracious gathering Eye, Luke xxii, 6i, 62. Lee the Believer then, for the Upftirring and tncouragement of his Faith, know, that his faddeft Winter-Time may be, God's gathering Tiifte to draw, and fhould be his gathering Time to turn to Shilob, Your halting Time may be his gathering Time: When your creeple Feet make you go halting in the Way of the Lord, A/a:. iv. 6. I'lvill ajfemble her that haltethj a fid gather her that was driven out. Your fallingTime may bQ his raifing andupgatheringTitne, your perifhing Time may be his faving Time ; for his Thoughts are not your Thoughts, e^c And his taking fuch a Time, makes his Interpofal at fuch a JunSurethe more wonderful,and the more welcome. But no\Y, as, in thefe InftaRces, God is pleafed to glo- rify his Sovereignty, and fhew that he does not ty himfelf to Means, in thefe progreflive Gatherings of Believers, any more than he did in the initial Ga- thering of Unbelievers to himfelf; fo to glorify his Holixiefs, and to put Honour upon the Means of his own Appointment, you would know alfo, that, C5.) There are Spring-Times of fpiritual Duty ani Golpel-diligence, which Believers have, which are alfo God's gathering Times, with refpeft to their progreflive Gathering to Shiloh (3y the By, negleS rot Means, on Pretence that Gt.ace mutl do all ; it. were an ill Argument. Water only refrefhes, there- fore cur off all Cocks and Pipes) But to return, fuch x Spring-time as this you read of 5w^ ii. 10, 11, 12, O 2, J5» ( io8 ) I5.A4y Betovidfpakey^c. For loathe Winter is^afyiU Tlowers appear «• Arlfe^ my Love^ my fair One^ and come. *way. Why, \X is a gathering Time, therefore conie away. Now^ what are thefe Fruits and Flowers that appear io the fpiritual Spring-time, which prognof- tifates a gathering Time to be at Hand, yea, that it is a gathering Time at prefent ? There are feve- ral Fruits of the Spirit, that appear in the Cofpel- Spring time, which betoken a gatiiering Time ; As, I. A Believing Time i» a gathering Time ; Faith is ©ne of the Fruits and Flowers' that appear in this Spring, A believing Time is fo much a gathering Time, that Gofl's Gathering, is his giving Faith, and our Gathering, is our exercifing Faith. But a believing Time is alfo a prognofticating Time, be- tokening a further prpgreffive Gathering, lo as to be brought to more and more Nearnefs to the Lord Jefus : Hence believing Times are glorious Times ; Said I not unto thee^ if thou wouldeft helieie thoufhouldft fee the GUfy ef God, John xi. 40. When God's Children are in the txercife ot Faith, then the Lord is plcal- ed to make known his Goodnefs. Relieving Times are fealing Times, £/j&. i. 13. In whom after ye believed^ ye were fealed with the Holy Spirit of Promife. Believing Times are rejoicing Times, i Pet. i. 8. In whom though flow we fee htm not, yet believing werejoice^ &c. There is J'^y ^^^ Peace in Believing, Faith ordinarily brings jn Senfe ; fpiritual Senfeand Feeling is the Fruit of Faith: Tho*, by the By, I rouft tell you what is the Fault and Folly of the moll Part even of Belie- vers themfelves, from whence it flows that they feel fo little of the fwcet Fruits and /^dvar.tages of Faith, they make Senfe and Feeling the Root and Ground of Faith, whereas it is only the Fruit and l^{Fe£i; of Faith, But know, that when Senfe is made the Support ot Faith, it frequently leaves Faith in the Mire; for when Senfe, which they made the Ground ef their Faith, tails, then their Faith fails ^ith Ur The only fare Ground of Faith is God'§ Word, ( lOp ) Word, his Truth, his Faithfulnefs, which is an iin« changeable Ground. Now, if you make God's Work upon you, Tuch as fpiritual Senfe,G races, Experience, or the like, the Ground of your Faith, you'll find thcfe to be fuch changeahleGrpunds, fo niuch up and down, that your Faith mart be up and down Vflth them, and you will totter fooner than yoq*re aware .• Or, if you build your Faith partly uponSenfe, Feel- ings, o*^. and partly upon God'sTriuh, you're chea like a Man that Tecs oneFoot upon a firm Orqund, and the other upon a floating Board ; when the loofe float- ing Board fails or flips^you will hardly ftand faft,how- ever firm the other Foot ftands. Who among all ordi- nary Believers knows not the Ebbings andFlowingf, theUp5 andDowns of Frames and and fpiritual Feelr ings 'i They miy rife and fall ter. Times in an Hour, as the Wind blows. Now, if your Faith be built u* pon ihefeLove tokens, and depend upon them ; then, as your Faith mult be very wavering, fo God, feeing ^imfelf robbed of the Dependance'due to him, may purpofely withhold rhefe Things from you, that you may learn not to truft in uncertain Experiences, but pn the living God: Why, f:iy you, when I get thela Love tokens, it is not upon tiiefe that 1 truft, but on the God that Tent them. Well done, if it be true But I fear it isorherwife ; for if Chrif^ himfelf and his Truths be the Grounl of your Faith, whpn you get thefe Love rokens.then how comes it, that when thefe Love-tokens are gone, and when Senfe and i^eeling is gone, your Faith is to feek ? 1 trow,when Feeling is up, rhen your Faith is up;and when Feel- ing is down, your Faith k^own. Now, if the whole building of your Fairh were upon the unchangeable Kock, you would fee no more Caufe of Doubting when the changeable Feeling is gone, than when it is prefent ; an*i therefore, I ^ear it be your Fault, Believer, as well as mine, that many Times we lay too much Weight upon that thawing Ice, and make Senfe and Feinting the Ground of our Faith. But if God make you a Believer at all, Man, he will bring you off gradually from this Evil ; and if you never be- ^ ' * >AiJ^. MU I ( tto ) believe till yoa get fpiritual Senfe, you will never be a Believer ; forFeeling followsBelieviDg,and there- fore Believing muft be beforeFeeling. To buildFaith upon Senfe thert,is like a Man fetting up theCouples of a Houfe, and then beginning at the Rigging or Roof of the Hoiire,and building it downward, fuch a Houfe can never be built. This is one Leflbn by the By, which tho* we fhould tell you it Twenty Times, we v.ill need to tell it over again ; however, I fay it is a believingTime that is a gathering Time, for Faith hath Influence upon all other Graces : It is like a Silver Threed, that runs through a Chain of Pearls : It puts Strength and Vivacity into all other Virtues." It applies and "appropriates all to itfelf,even God, 'and Chrift, and the Promifes, and all.* It is like the Spring of the Watch, that lets all the Golden Wheels of Love, Joy, Comfort and Peace agoing ; for it fees in Chrilt's Righteoufnels aFulfiefs, aGlo- Ty that fills theHeart with glorious Joy. Chrift is the Centre of Faith, and therefore a believing Time;" is a Timeof gathering to iS'Mo^. But left any fays O, I do not find it a believing Time with me ; therefore, ft. A Repenting Time is a gathering Time, and Re- pentance is one of the Fruits that appears in this Spring-Time that I fpeak of; and Gofpel-Repen- tance natively fprings from Faith, for, in fhort, it is a Turning from Sin to God through Chrift by Faith ; and furely where there is no fuch Turning from Sin, there is no Gathering to Sbiloh, Z^. Iv. 7. There you fee this Gofpel Repentance defcribed, ift the feveral Parts that I have mentioned, i/. It is a Turning from Sin ; therefore it is faid,L?/ the Wicked forfake kis Way^ and the unrighteous Man his 'Thoughts .' All Sins of Heart and Way, Thought, Word or AQi- on. idly-y It is aTurning fromSin to God ; therefore it is faid. Let him return to the Lord : There is the End. gi/y, It is a Returning from Sin to God through Chrift ; t+Terefore it is faid. Let him return to the Lordy and he i^ill have Mercy upon him, and abundant* ^pardon: Aiidfoici^ a merciful Sin pardoning God, (. Ill ) Qod, that is, a God inChrift in whom alone God i« jeconcjled, and well pleafed : And without this Ap- preheniion oi the Mercy of Gad in Chrift, there can be no kindly Repentance. Therefore, ^.thfyy It is a Returning from Sin to God throughChrift,by Faith i Hence it is laid, Let him return, for he ivill abundantljf A^trtio;;. Faith -looks tothisFOR, this Motive of Re- turning ; Faith views the Morive, and fo influencet the' Return. As it is a good FOR, fo it is a good TURN that is influenced thereby . and as the Mo- tive to an A£lionis viewed, before theAft be elicite, fe here the Motive, tho' the laft Thing in the Ex- prefiion, yet is the firft Thing viewed by Faith. O! is there Mercy with him for the like of me,and Par- don, yea, abundant Pardon, great Pardon foi tny great Sins,multiplied Pardon for my multiplied Sins ; O this Kindnefsof God melts the Heart, this Good- nefs of God leads to Repentance ; and fo the Faith of God's Favour and Mercy in Chri(t,influencesthis Gofpel Repentance. And indeed the whole Progrefi of the Believer, in this continued progrelfiveGathe- ring to Shiloby is intermixed with this penitentDifpo- fiticn; He cannot ceareRepenting,till he hath ceafed Sinning, and confequently till he hath ceafed Liv- ing * And his moft joyful Days of Communion with, God, on Barth, are ftill attended with the joyful Tears of Repentance-; and he fows in Tears,tiU ho teap in Joy. He never comes to Chrift, by any live- ly A£t of Faith, but, at the fame Time, with Marfy he waflies his Feet with his Tears, in a Manner^ and wipes them with the Hair of hii Head. But ia cafe any fhould think their Faith and Repentance is to feek, therefore it is no gathering Time with them ; Why then, 5. APK/ty^w^. Time isand bodes z <»atheriog Time : I fpeak of the Prayer of Faith, V^n, ix. 20. while T>anitl was praying, and confef- fing his own Sins, and the Sins of his People, the Lord appeared to him, and gives him aDivineTouch, and tells him, That he is a Man greatly beloved : Of this we have the Inftance of Corrtefmiy alfo, ABs ^ ^t the Begianing. fio4 lov^ to load cbe Wings of ( "i ) t»f I^rayer with the choiceft and chiefed BlefUngt^ the beft and fweetell Flowers o^Paradife^ God givei td his People, when they are upon their Knees. Thus many have found praying Times to be fealing Times, wherein the Lord hath been pleafed graci- ously to lift up the Light of his Countenance upon them. After much Praying, Weeping and Wreft- ling, God ufually comes, with his Hand and (lit Heart full of Mercy to his People ; he loves not to come empty Handed to thefe that have fitten long begging at Mercy's Door. But becaufe fome poor Soul may think, either they cannot pray, or they have been long praying, and yet hav6 not com6 Speed ; Therefore, 4. A Waiting Time fpeiks forth a Gathering Time, Hab.'n, 9. "the Vifion is for an ap' pointedl*tmej at the End it willfpeaky and not lie; tho' it tarry waitfr^ U, becaufe it will fur ely come, it will hot tarry, God never did no( will fail the praying and waiting Soul, for they that wait on him fhall not be afhamed. Ifa, ydix, aj. They pall not be afhamed that wait for me ': Yea, Ifa. xl. Ufi. 'they that wait en the Lordfball renew their Strength ^ they pall mount w/>, &c. Therefore we are to wait for him, as the Musband-Man waits for the precious Fruits of the Earth, anxl hath long Patience for it till he receive the early and latter Rain, y^wf.v. 7. Tho* yon do rot reap the very Day you fow, yet, in due 'Time you pall reap, ifjou fa^t n9ty Gal. vi. P. David found this waiting Time to ufher in a gathering Time, VfalyX* I, ai 3. I waited patiently on the Lord, and be inclined to me, and heard my Cry, he brought me out •f the horrible Pit, &c. Old Simeon had waited for the Confolation of ffraely and behold the Holy Ghoft led him to a Sight of Chtift in the Temple, L$tke ii. 25. and downward. And this made the old Man fing, and fay, Now let thy Servant depart in Peace : O 1 have lived long enough, for now I have got Chrift in my Heart, and Chrift in my Hand s^ who is my Light, my Life, my Love, iny Joy, my Crown ; my Glory, my All. O Believer, have you not^found, when you have been iveepiog weeping and waiting at the Door of Mercy,how th^^^ JLord hath fometimes caufedhisLove andGoodnefs to beam forth upon you, fo as to make your Heart re- joice,and your Tongue to fing \ yea, fo as to gather your Soul to Sbilohy and to gather i\\ the Lines of your AfFe^ions to meet in him, as theCentre of your KeiJ, and fo as you could have wifhed the Valley of Vifion had been your Burial PJacCj and that your Eyes might ne\/er fee another Sight than the glori- ous Jefui, that was difcovered to you, when you wat waiting on him in publick Ordinances, or in a certain fecret Corner? But in Cafe any poor Soul may be faying, O, I have been waiting, and yet find fo little Succeis, that I fearj I am a Stranger to the tight Art of Waiting. Therefore, ^thly^ A. LongingTime mzy be a gathering Time, and hath t)een fo; for, P/af^ cvii. 9. He fatisfies the longing Soul, and fills the Hun- gry with good. Things. Are you at David's four How ktigs'i Pfal. xiii. I, 2, How longy Lord, wilt thou forget tna for ever ? H<>w long wilt thou bide thy Face from me ? How long fhall 1 take CounleJ in mySoul, hav- ing Sorrow in my Heart daily ? How long fhail mine Enemies be exalted over me ? It feerns his Long- ing was foon backed with gathering Influence? drawing out his whole Soul towards the Lord, and filling his Heart with Joy, and his Tongue withSing- ing^Ver. 5*6. I have trufied in thy Mercy -^ my Heart Jhall rejoice in thy Salvation ; yea, I will fing unto the Lord, becaufe he hath dealt bountifully with me. O Be- liever, when you are longing, he is waiting, and waiting to be gracious, Ifa. xxx. 18. Surely you have found it in your Experience, that your longing Time hath been his gathering and gracious Time: But, left you miftake, know that I fpeak of Gathe- ring, in the whole of my Progrefs here, both in an aftive andpaflive Senfe ; both pajftvely, tharisiGod*s Gathering his People to Shilohy^nd to irtofe and more Nearnefs to him ; and aHively, that is, their a&ve Gathering to him thro* bis Grace. No\v, I fgy ^ longingTime is, and bodes a further gathering Time^ ^ fo# V Ji4 ; for he fills the Hungry with good Things. Some have found that Prom ife of Utisfying the longing Soul, as clearly made our, as it is evident, that the Light of Day fhines at prefent. But fome poor Soul may fay, 1 fear it is no gathering Time with Re- fpeft to me ; for I find no fuch Difpofition as you have been fpeaking of ; it is neither a Believing nor a Repenting Time with me,neithera praying, wait- ing, nor longing Time with me. Therefore, 6thly^ An Attending Time, O Believer, may be a gathering Time ; your attending Time, I fay, O Soul, may be Qod*s gathering Time. It is true, bodily Attendance^ like bodily Exercife, profits little; whenPeople come to Duties and Ordinances with their Bodies only, CO fee and hear, and hardly that, while their Eyei and Ears are fometimes fhut with Sleep and Heavi« nefs : But becaufe preventing Grace hath laid Hold upon Sinners many Times, and taken them napping, and gathered them to Shihh ; therefore I ihali not difcour^ge Peoples giving their bodily Attendance on Gofpel-Means and Ordinances, even tho* they have neither an outward Ear, or inward Difpofition towards a'regnlar Attendant : Becanfe tho', in fuch a Cafe, Juftice might takeAa vantage againf) them righ- teoofly ; yet none knows, but Mercy may catch them at a Difadvantage gracioufly ; as it did the Man, whd coming to Church, yet hating to hear, fet his El- bows on the Desk, and put his Fingers into his Ears; but while he was napping, one of his Elbows falls tlown, and as his Finger went out of his Ear, a Word of the Sermon came in to it, by which the Lord catched him, converted him, and gathered him t« Sbihh,But the 5ubje£^ ] am upon, at prefent, relates to Believers, and their progreflive gathering ; and it may be their Cafe fometimes, that an outward At* tendance is all thatthey can win at; they can find nei« ther any believing, repenting, praying, waiting, or longing Difpofition of Soul in them: They can find nO Lite, no Light, noLibeity, no Grace, nofpiritoal Mo- tion or gracious Difpofition ; but on the contrary^ mu^h Pfiikacfsi Deadnefs^ Duloefs| Defpondency, Dif* •^ ttaftion, ( I'i ) traftion, Hardnefs, Heavinefs and all fpintual Udif- pofition .* Only this is all they can fay, Some fecrec Hair of Hope hath broughc them to attend^and giv© their bodily Prefence, that they may hear what God YfiW fay to them, and fee what God will do to them. Well, poor Soul, eren fuch an attending Time at tkismay be a gathering Time, as you may fee it wat with thefe fpoken of, ASs x^i'^.Weare all ben prefent^ fay they, befrre Goiy U bear all Things that are command' edtbee efGod: What they were to get, or receive from God, they knew not as yet ; but all they could fay at prefent, was, that they had broughttheir Souls and Bodies before God, to attend opo& him in his Ordi- nances : It feems they had fome fecret Hope, that thty might get fome good by Peter*s Preaching ; and be- hold, it was a remarkable gathering Time, as you fee, Ver. 44. Fot while he /pake, the Holy GhoB fell en an all that beard the Word : Therefore, if any poor Creature be here, faying, It does not look like a gathering Time with Refped tome; for it is not a believing Time, but a doubting Time ; it is not a repenting Time, but rather a rebelling Time ; it is not a pray- ing Time, but rather a perplexing Time; not a waif ing, but a wearying Time ; not a longing but a Ian- guifhing Time; I cannot fo much as pray, nor pant, nor long, nor lookup; I can hardly give an hearty Sigh, or a Grone upwards. Well, but poor Thing, caa you fay, Lord, 1 am here prefent before thee, thoa knoweft this is all that I can do ; I have no more^ under Heaven, about me, of Difpofition to any Duty or Ordinance, but a fecret May be the Lord will pity^ and may be not ; I am jaft at the Footftool of Sove- reignty. Well, fuch a Time may be agarhe ing Time; when they were all preient before the Lord hearingt a gathering Wind came, and they were all ft led with the Holy Gholi. This is one of the loweft h oweri> that appear in the Believer's Sprmg-time, when no Grace is appearing in his View at all, but only he is prefcnting himCelf before the God of all Grace j and does Qot the Believer find this to be even a Pa gathg- ( 1^6 ) gathering Time, now and then in fecret, as well as publick, when all he can do is juft to caft himfelf down on his Knees, before the Lord his Maker, as it is, Pfal, xcv. (5., with a Who knows but the herd may pityX This Attendance on the Lord, even in this Manner, hath been bleffed with a mighty gathering Wind a- bout their Souls, that hath blown them nearer to the Lord, their Harbour of Reft, than ever they were before : Therefore, Believer, however low your Cir- cumftances may be, when you can do no more but attend, as it were^ at a fecret Duty or pubHck Ordi- nance, never baulk your Attendance on the Lord,and prfefenting your felves before him ; feeing your At- tending Time may be his gathering Time. Thus I have mentioned to you fome of the Believer's Spring- times of Duty, and fome of the Fruits and Flowers that appear therein, which fpeak forth a gathering Time, and bode an Harveft^ And this leads me to fpeak of another gathering Seafon, with Refpect to the Believer's progreflive Approach to Chrift, or Gathering to5'i&i/oi[). (4.) There ^xQ Harveft-Times o^Memn Ordinances, or Gofpel-Solemniries, not only teaching but fealing Ordinances, which his People fometimes have, and which are God*s gathering Times, and the Believer's gathering Times, with Refpe£i to their progreflive gathering unto Shiloh, Andtho' the Lord oftheHar- veft,who fends forth Labourers thereunto, and takes them away when he pleafes ; as he hath lately remo- ved one, that ufed to be an eminent Laboiuer at Solemnities, in Airtb \ on which Occafion, if we can- not fay in Point of Paucity, that tho' the Harveft be great the Labourers are few ; yet fure I am, we maj^ "withGrief of Heart fay, in Point of Q,qaliry, that the Hirveft is great, and tMe honeft evangelical La- bourers are the fewer that he is gone ; And the only Thing that makes fuch an heavy Lofs tobe fupportable is, that the Lord of the Harveft is to the fore, who can fend forth Labourers, qualified for whatfoever Work he harh ado: But what I i»'as faying, is that tho' the Lord of the Harveft makes thefe Gofpel Solemni- tie» ,r% ( "7 ) . ■ ties, frequently to be thegatheringTimes for Sinners, inRefpeft of their initial Gathering, of which I fpoke before ; yet the fpecial Defign of thefe Commuhion- Solemnities, is, foe advancing the progreffive Gather- ing of Believers : And tho* the moft remarkable Progrefs of the Believer may be upon his Knees in fecret Duties, and in feererTrayer, and fecrer Inter- courfe betwixt God and him ; yet publick Ordinan- ces are the Means of thefe private Intercourfes, tho* the fecret may be moft comfortable and refrefhful, yet the publick Ordinances lay the Foundation o£ chat fecret Comfort and Refrefhment. It is in this, as it is with the publick Well of a City, from whence People go and fetch Water to their private Houfes ; for ordinary, there is not fo much U(e made of the Water at the publick Well it felf, till once they bring it Home in their Veflel to the private Houfeor Fami- ly, and there it is more freely made Ufe of for feve- ral neceflary Purpofes,fuch as for Drink, and refrefli- jng Meals, the liquid Part whereof is moftly made up of the Water, that was fetched Home from the Well: Publick Ordinances are the Wells ; but, for ordinary, the Children of God are not fo much refreshed with the Water thereof, till once they win Home to fome fecret Corner with it, and there they get a more hearty Draught, and refrefiiing Drink ot the Water ©f Life, than they got at the publick Well , but ftill it is from thence it was fetched ; and fo the Foun- dation of thefe private and fecret refreOiing Meals, is ordinarly laid in the publick Ordinances. It is true, fome that go to fetch Home Water from the Well, pay, according to their Need, get a hearty Drink of Water, even at the Side of the Well, before they bring any Water Home; and fo the Lord's People may, and fometimes do, get a very heartfome and refrelhing Draught of living Water, even at theWell- C\de qf publick Ordinances, while they are hear- ing the Word, or receiving the Sacrament of the Sup- per. Now the Harveft-time of Gofpel -Solemnities, for the Believer's progreffive Githering unto Skihbj is |5\ypfold, Teacbh^ and Sealirtg, (i.) The Harveft- Time (118 ) Time o£Teach'tf7g Solemnities is his hearing Scafon, i^hich frequently is God's gathering Seafon ;the*Ga' thering ot the People to Shihh is ordinarily made uP in the Time of Hearing the Word, for Faith come* by Hearing ; and the progreflive Gathering of Be" lievers is ordinarily made up alfo in the Time o^ Hearing the Word, fpr the Increafe of Faith comes by Hearing, l Pet, ii. i. As new born Exhes defire the fncere Milk cf the Wordy that ye may grow thereby. And hence, the Doftrinc of the GofpeJ is the ordinary Means of v/orkins and increaiing Faith ; becaufe it is the MiniftraCion of the Spirit, Gal. iii. 2. Rece'fued ye the Spirit, by the Works of the Law^ or by the Hearing cf Faith 1 This Gol'pel is the Power of God to Salva- tion, both for workingFaith and for advancing itjRom. i. 1 7. For therein is the Right eoufne/s of God repealed from faith to Faith* By this Means v.e advance, if io be we have heard of him, and been taught by him, as the Truth is in Jefus, Eph iv. 21. The Gofpel is like a Ladder, by which we climb up to a God in Chrill, -when he is gathering us to him ; and every Truth of the Gofpel is like fo many Steps, or Rounds of the Ladder, and every o»eofthem fhould be main- tained and contended for : If any of the Rounds of the Ladder be broken o£F, you're in Danger of fall- ing down, and your Climbing up is rendred more dif- ficult or impodible : Fvery Truth denied, or Error maintained, is like a Cutting out, or Breaking off a Round of the Ladder ; and whenever a Breach is made in it, the Climbing up by it is rendered im- prafticable, if it be a fundamental Error; or greatly pbftruSed, if it nearly concewi the Fundamentals of Keligion: We need therefore to be concerned, that every Truth be maintained by us, and tranfmitted to our Poflerity pure and intire. It is our Mercy, that y,e have pure Standards; and if any latter Aftsofthis Church fefcm to clalh therewith, we hope they have no the deliberate Approbation, even of thofe that fra^Tied them ; however all Gofpel-Truihs ought to be facred to us^us v/eUas ail the purchaft Liberties and Pfi- / 119 ) Privileges in God*« Houfe ; the Lofs of'tlieteaft whereof, is the Lofs of a Jewel of the' Mediator's Crown: Chrift is the Head and Centre of all Gofpel* Truth, and we ought to hold by the Head ; and fo we fhall hold by the Truth, as it i$in JefiistheHead. The Apoftle complains of fome, their not holding the Head, CoU ii. 19. Some inilead of holding theHead^ they hold.by the Feet : It is enoligh to them that fucK a good Man, or fuch a learned Man faysfo and fo» concerning this or that Truth ; and fo let the Head go, and hold by the Feet, not regarding the Truth, as it is injefus; but theTruth,as it is delivered by fuch a Man, whom they efteem, or fuch another Man that hath this or that good Chara^^er : But we ought to hang and hold by the Head, and not to hang our Faith at the Belt of any Man or Angel ^Fo**, ifwe^or an Angel from Heaven preach another Do^rine^ let him be accitrfedy Gal. i. 8. Now, 1 fay, that the Gofpel-Seafon is the gathering Seafon ; while Gofpel-Truths are pubhlbed, they are the Standard of the Captain of lialvation, to which the Gathering of his Soldiers ftiOuld be, and will be when the Gofpel comes, not in Word only, but ivi Power. But again, idly^ The Harveft Time of fealing Solemnities, that is the Be- iever's receiving Seafon, which frequently is God*s athering Sealon, when he forwards their progreflive iathering to Shiloh, This Ordinance of the Supper, being, in a fpecial Manner, appointed, not for Con- verfion, butConftrmation ; not for begetting fpirituat Life where there is none, but for ihcreafing ic where begun : It is in thisOrdinance,that the Lord is plead- ed, fometiraes to feal up the Promife, tofeal up the Covenant, to feal up his Love, and feal up their Par- don fenfibly to their Souls; and to make himfelf knowft to them in the breaking of Bready Luke xxiv. 5 5.He bringt them under the Shadow of a Sacrament, and hit Frttitisfweet unto their Tafie, and his Glory bright im their bye ; whereas they came ftark blind, they have got their tyes opened : Yea, fometimes they get there » fweet Breathing of Gloryi an holy Perfume of g ( tao ) of the-fveet imbalming Love ofChriftj SoBnedmet a young Hraven, a green Glory, aTafte of the Grapes of the good Land beyond Jordan^ to keep the Tafte in their Mouth, till they come to drink of the new Wine in their Father's Kingdom. Many a fainting Soul hath been refrefhed and revived with the Wine tpon the Lees, in this Ordinance ; while He hath come, and pardoned all their Sins, healed ail their Sores, fupplied all their Wants, cleared all their cJoudy SKifcs, and dung the Bottom out of all their Doubts and Fears; and thus gathered them, and' brought them to more Nearnefs and Conformity ta bim : For, as when a Man makes a Timber Veflel for holding Food or the like, the firft Caft may be very tough, and therefore he fmoothsand fits it more and more for Ufe ; fo the Souls of the Saints are at tirft Converfion but rough caften, as it were, there- fore the Lord by cifiiing of them, and manifefting himfelf to them in his Ordinances, does more and more fit the Veffel of Mercy for a Fill of the Liqudf of Glory : Hence, thefe Divine Incomes now and then that make them cry ou-t, my Soul thirfts f»r Gcdy for the living Gody ivlenJhaJl I come and appear before Go4f Pfal. xlii. 2. As the tofled Mariner longs for theHaven, the Harbour ; fo does the Soul, ^^^^ ^^^^ ""^^ ^^^^ God in Ordinances, long to meet with hitn in Heaven* As one tells us, 'That when ome the Gaals of eld had tafied of thefiveet Wine that was made of the Grapes of Italy, Nothing would fatisfie them hut Italy, Italy ; fo the Soul that hath once tailed of the Goodnefs of God, and Swcetnefs of Chrift, and the Grapes of Pa- radife. Nothing fatisfies that Soul at fuch a Time, but O Taradife, Paradife ! O to be in Glory's Land, in ImmanueVs Land ! O to be for ever with the Lord! It is true, as the Lord is Sovereign, and fomctimei hides his Face from his Children in thefe Ordinan- ces, and facramental Solemnities, infomuch that they go mourning without the Sun ; fo the Meafures of his Communications are various, fometimes more bright and glorious, and fometimes more dark and cloudy; but as vrc enjoy the Light and Benefit i 121 ) ef the Sun, even when we cannot fee it, becinfa of the Clouds ; Co Believers do foraetimes enjoy mucb ofjthe Light, and Heat, and Warmth' of the Sun of Righteoufnefs, even sfhea by Reafonofmany Cloud© they cannot fee hira fo clearly as at other Time* ; however every Glance of his Glory, in thefe Galleries of Ordinances, hath fuch a Soul-gathering Influence, fuch an Heart-drawing Vertue, that thisHarveil»tim© may be called a gathering Seafon ; while all the Fa- culties of the Soiu, all the Affeftions of the Heart are gathered to, and cencered on Chrift, and longing to be gathered about the Throne, to fee him Face to Face. And this leads me to the fct^rtb andjaft Period, T'ith Refpe^i to the Seafon of this Gatheiiog ot tho People to Sbilob, % (4.) The gathering Seafon* may be confkiered, ■with Relation to the confumate Gathering ot tha Saints ; and of this final Gathering there are two Sea- fons, namely, The Day of Death, and the Day of ^udg" went, ly?, The Day of Death is a gathering Day to the Saints ; for thea Cbrift gathers his Lilies to him- felf, Song vi. 2. My Beloved is gone down into his Qar- den, te gather Lilies : When the Lilies a/e ripe, her gathers them into his Bofom ; he picks up one here« and another there ; and. indeed fome of the fweeteft fmelling Lilies in all the Garden of his Church, par- ticularly in this and fome neighbouring Presbyteries, hath the Lord been lately gathering ; and among the reft, that Lily that ufed to caft fuch a favoury Gof- pel-Smell, at former Solemnities here ; you cannot but know what 1 mean : But, O Sirs, if God (hall ga- ther up all the faireft and fweeteft of his Lilies front among us, our Garden will become but unbeautiful and unfavoury: The Beauty and favour is gone, when the Lilieg are gathered ; unlefs the Lord himfelf (hall ftiake other fuch Lilies to grow up in their Room, I remember that one of the laftSavoury Smells th^t that Lily caft among us, at the laft Year's Soletnnity, wa§ in the pleafant opening of that Word, Ni^w tie /e4 through a Qkfs darkly^ but then Facg to Face : And, h0 Q, Doubt, Doubt, it was in the Profpefl: of being gatbeFcd to the Place of immediate Vrfion, and full enjoyment of Cod and the Lamb. And indeed a Time of Death is a Time of Gathering of the Saints to Glory, where their dark, and partial, and tranfient Enjoyment of God here, is turned to a clear, and full, perfeft, per- manent, and uninterrupted Enjoyment : For then, they know him, as they are known ; And there is no U^emple therey Rev. xxi. 22. for the Lord God Almighty ^ * and the Lamb are the 'Temple of it : And therefore, to him, as the Temple in Heaven, fhall the Gathering of the People be. Hence Death to the Godly is called a Gatherings Gen, xUx. lafi. It is faid of yacoby when he died^ He was gathered unffi his People; why, on* weuld think, he was rather taken away fi^om his People ; for he was dying, and all his Children and Grandchildren about him ; yea, but he had Peopl^ elfe where, and better Company that he was going to, even the General /4JfemhIy and Church of the Firfi-Born^ that are written in Heaven ^ the Spirits cfjuft Men made perfeBf and all the Saints that had gone before him. O Sirs, fee what Company ye chufe now ; if ye be of the wicked and ungodly, your Death will be but a Gathering t^ the Devil and Reprobates in Hell ; if yoU mifs Heaven at the firft Shot of Death, you are gone for ever : When a Man fhoots at a Mark in his Life- time, if he mifs at one Shot, he may ihjOot another, and Ihoof again and again, till he hit; but if you laifs Heaven at the firft Shot of Death, you are not to live again, to Shoot another Shoot for it : ThereforCi let your Life now be a PreJJlng towards the Mark, a Shooting at the right Mark, a Gathering to Shiloh ; for thefe that are gathered to him gracioufly in Life, •will be gathered glorioufly to him at Death; for then, Sibc Souls of Believers do immediately pafs into Glory ; vhen their Bodies are laid in the Duft, their SouU are gathered to th6ir People in Heaven, where Chiift it the Centre of the Aflembly, i The/, iv. 17. And fo fhall we ever be with the Lord, There are Angels and Arch-iing«ls in H^aven^theie ste Saints and Seraphims (hers ; ■•f^ ( 12? ) there ; but all will not make an Heaven without Chrift ; he is the Light of the Place, and the Heart of the Company for ever, and to him fhali the Ga- thering of the People be. But then, idfy, TheJDjy of Judgment will be a moft remarkable Seafon of the confumate Gathering of his People to him : The rText indeed (p&aks mainly of Chrift's firft Coming in the Flefh, The Sceptre jh all not depart from Judah^ till SbiUh come y and to him jballthe Gathering of the Veo- pJe be ; but it will be alfo true of his fecond Coming in the Qouds of Heaven ; for then will he gather his Saints together unto him, thefe that have made fi Covenant with him by Sacrifice, F/al, 1. 5. Ther^ fore the Apoftle joins his fecond Coming, and thit glorious Gathering together, a ^hef, ii. i . We befeecb youy Brethren J by the Coming of our Lord Jefus Chrifi, 4nd by our Gathering together unto him, Ithen will he fend his Angels^ iviththe great Sound of a Itrumpety and they (ball gather together his EleBfrom thefoitvWinds,M^tlh^ xiii. 27. & Yxiv. 31. from one End-of Heaven to another ; wherever the Wmd^of Providence hath driven their Duft : Tho* the Duft of the Believer's Body may be fcattered to all Corners of the Earth and Sea, and re- folved to the original Elements, of which it was at firft compounded ; yet God will gather it altogether again, when he makesthe Earth to give up its Dead, and the Sea to jijive up its Dead, Rev. xx, 13. And therefore, tho* Worms deftroy this Body ^ yet in their Flejt Jball they fee God, according to the Words of jS^^ wherein heexpreffeth his Faith of the happy Refur- reftion. Job, xix. 25. / know that my Redeemer livhth, <5cc. for then, as God will gather together their fcat- iered Bones and Duft, fo he will bring their glori- fied Souls along with him, 1 *Thef. iv. 14. and he will reunite thefe Two intimate Friends, Soul and ^ody ; they ftiall meet with one another, and meet the Lord in the Air ; O let none of us think it incredi- ble, that God ffiould raife the Dead ; for in that Day when Shiloh comes again, he will gather toge- ther and mate up all his Jewels^ M^» iii. 17. Tho' :^ Q t his ( 1^4 ) kis Jewels be lying among the Duft, yei he will ft- ^^rate his Jewel-Duft from the reft of the Duft : For as ChriiJ isihe Load-ftone, that draws the Hearts of People to him, that are gathered to him by his Grace now, according to his own Word, When I am lifted up, I willdraij all Men unto me ; So at his fecond Coming, he will be the glorious Load-ftone, fhat will draw all the precious Duft of the Saints to- gether to him. You that know the Vertue of the L oad-ftone will know this, (which I have fometimes tried, with a Load-ftone in my Hand) Let the Filc'- ings of Steel, never fo fmailj be mixed with Duft, fo as it is impolfible, you would think, to feparate the Duft of the Steel from the Duft of the other Earth , yet, if you bring near the Load-ftone, all the File- , ings of the Steel will feparate from the reft, and fly up to the Load-ftone, in the tenth Part of theTwink- ling of an Eye. O, if the Load-ftone have fuch a Vertue, what mnft be the Vertue of him that gave Vertue to it? When-ever Sbihh comes in the Clouds of Heaven, behold, in the Twinkling of an Eye, all the Redeemed that deep in the Duft will be gathe- red ;'the glorious Load-ftone wiH put forth its Ver- tue, and they will be all drawn to him in a Moment. I Coy. XV. 52. I 'Thef, iv. 1 5, 17. There is the glo- rious and confumateGathering of the People to Sbilob ; It is true, the Day of Judgment will be a Separating pay, the Sheep will be feparate from the Goats, and the Wheat from the Tares; fee Matth, xiii. :?». But however terrible that Day will be to the Chriftlefs World, that could never be gathered to Sti'oby when they fhall be gathered together in Bundles, and caft into the Fire^ God's everlaftinj; Wrath ; yet glori' ous, glorious will th^athering be of all theRedeem- ed ; as they will be gathered to him, fo they will be AfTeflors with him in Judgment ; Knozv ye not that the Saints pall judge the Fk'orld 1 Yea, they fhall judge Angels, I Ccr, vi. 2, 3. They will it upon the Bench of Judgment with Chrifti and applaud him in all his ipdiciai frocidqre againft wicked M^n and Devil*. Tiiefe, tm Tbefe, who formerly trampled them, like Dirt ondit their Feet, will then ftand like fo ma«y guilty Pan- nels before them; and when the irreverfible Doom goes forth, Depart from meyeCurfed, &c. the gathe- red SattBts will joyfully adore the Equity of the Judge, and will not give fo much as a Sigh or ^ Sob at the Terror of the Sentence againft the wiek« cd, but clap their Hands, and fend them to Hell with a Shout. O that wicked and Chriftlefs SouU •would fear and tremble, and flee from the Wrath to come, in the awful Apprehenfion of this glori- ous Day! Devils quake at the Apprehenfion of this Day, they believe and tremble, and yetfinful Mea are fearlefs ; but when the great Judge will eiea his fiery Tribunal in the Air, fee if you fhail be awfc to bear up, be as ftout-hearted as you can, O Mi^ peath is infenfibly dealing away your Breach, and ^ after Death comes the Judgment, and then comes the doleful gathering of the wicked to be the Fewel of eternal Flames: But oft wou-ld he have gathered you, as a Hen doth her Chickens under her Wings, but ye would not be gathered, therefore you'll be feparated from him for ever; you would njc come for his BleiEng) therefore you muft depart with this Curfe, Depart from, me, ye Curfed ; then Jhall they be puniped-iV'.th eVerlafih^ Deflruci ion from the Prefence of the Lord^ and the Glory of his Power. O Sinner, flee, flee to Sbiloh ; Let the Gathering of the People be to hint now, that you may fhare of the Glory of that confu- mate Gathering of the 5aints: After Judgment, the gathered Saints will return, and come to Zion with Songs ; God having in that Diy gathered together, and made up all his Jewels, what a bright Conftella- tion will rhefe Jewels make, when they (hall be all gathered together in the Firn\iment of Glory, Dan, xii. 5. Vea, they ^'iW fhiife as the Brt^btnefs of the Fir- mamentt and as tht Stars for ever and ever. Mat. xiii. 45. "Then^ fays Chrift, /ball the Righteous fiine as tbs Sua in the Kingdom of their Father ; that is, even all thefe poor Things that have been gathered to SbiUhy as ^he Lord their Righteoufaefa aad Strength. O Sits, this ( 126 ) this glorious Gcithering Day will be upon you, be- fore we be all gathered together upon Earth again: Some that were at the laft Year's gathering here, are now gone to Eternity* and you'll never fee theii again, till you and they be gathered together befoVj^ the awful Tribunal ; and, without ^11 Peradventure, there are here that will never fee another Sacrament at Airth ; it may be you, Man, it may be you, Wo- man ; it may be fuch a Minifter, or (uch *a private Perfon ; it may be fuch a Laird or Lady, fuch a La4 or Laf«, as have little Thoughts of Death at prefenr. O Sirs, I am looking xo you, and you to me.; but we ■will never all fee one another, tilb we fee the Son ^f Man, the Son of God, coming in the Clouds of jReaven, and gathering all the World before him ; And therefore, in the View of that gathering Day, O let not this Gathering of People here part from one another anddifmifs, till once there be a Gather- ing unto Shiloh, Now, we befeech you. Brethren, by rhe Coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and by our Gathering together unto him at the great Day of his Appearance, that you confent ro be gathered, ami that this prelent Gathering be not diflblved, till your Hearts and AfFeQ:ions be gathered to Shiloh^ and cen- tred in him. O choofe rather to die upon the Spot, than not be gathered unto him this Day. Mjny a gathering Word and Call you have got thefe Days bygone, and Chrift is faying, how oft would 1 have gathered you, yet ye would not] O, is he faying, I \vould gather you, Man, Woman ? Then, What xvould you? Have you no will to be fathered out of the ftinking Prifon of your Luftsand uiols, your Self jind Self-Rig hteoufnefs, your Worldlinefsand Cove- toufnefs, ycur Pride and Vanity? Whatever be the Ulthy (linking Prifon that you are like to perifh in, he is faying, I would gather you o^t of it . And, Q Man, Womai, would you rather be gathered ro^the Devil, than gathered unto Sbilah ? Would you rather be gathered to a Tavern of Drunkennefs, Lewdnefs and Carnality, thap gatheied to the Temple of Grace and ( >27 ) , and GXotff WonW you be garhered to Shifeh^ w,' not / It is come juft to this, Man, What tteul'dyou thai I Jh&uld da unto you 1 Would you that I fhould ga- ther you? Behold, he is declaring his Will in this (SoU pel. Is he faying, The Gathering of the People fiialt be to him? Does he fay, it {hail be? Then O fay. Amen, Lord, fo let it be. The Srfength of Unbelief lies in your Unwillingnefs to be gathered ; and if th» Will were once broken, it would be a Day of Power, r(aU ex. 3. ^hy People fiatl be willing in the Day of tbf Power, O, has there any Power been here to mako you willing ? Willing to be gathered to Him as a Prieft, and a Prince botK ? Willing to be gathered out of the Prifonof Sin, as well as out of the Prifott of Hell and Wrath ? Willing to be gathered to hiri for Wifdom, Righceoufnefs, SAn6J:ification,and com- plete Redemption, and to be indebted to him for all and every Part of his Salvation ? Willing to have all from him for nothing, fo as the Praife and Glory of all may redound to himfeH*? O, are you thus wil- ling to be gathered undt^r his Wings of Grace and Glory 1 Then Glory to God, for the Power that hath made you willing ; or if you cannot fay, that that Power is what you have felt, yet is it that Will-breaking Power you would be at, faying, O let this gathering Power be exerted 1 There is Hope in Jfrael concerning yoc. O may Sinners be gathered to him: This is God's Defign by the Gofpel, and we hope, it is our Defign in preaching it, to get Sinners gathered. And, O let me tell you, That there xs fuch a glorious Gathering of excellent Things in him, as may engage the Hearts of all the Sinners here to ga- ther unto him, and aJl ih^ Believers here to be ay gathering to him more and more. Why, what for aGathefing is therein him? O there is a Ga- thering of all Glories in him, |he Glory of Saints, the Glory of Angels, the Glory of God is in him, fo that he is altogether lovely .• The Gathering of all Perfeaion is in him, and all Divine Attributes And Fulnefs ; for it pleafed the Father that in him Ihould all Fulneli dwell, fo thai he hath all Fulnefs ot ( 128 ) ©r Ability and Authority to favc The Gaftb^rlng of ill ' Righteoufnefs and Strength is in him; therefore, to him fnould Men come, l/a, xlv. 24^ The Gathering of all the Promifes is 'm him, for all the Promifes are Yea and Amen in him; there is no Promife out of him : The Gathering of all Graces is in him, that out of his Folnefs we may come and receive Grace for Grace ; and to whom fhould the gathering of the People be, but to him that hath all Grace for them? The Gathering of all Blcffings is in him, fpr all fpiritual Bleffings in hea- venly Places are only inChrift Jefus, Epb. i. 5. And to whom fhould the Gathering of the People be, but to him, of whom it is faid. That Men Jh all beblefi in 'blm and all Nations pall call him Blejfed^ Pfal* Ixxii. 17. and no Bleffing is to be had out of him : The Ga- thering of all Mercies is in him, and therefore all the Mercies of the everlafting Covenant are called the fure Mercies oi David ; all the Mercies of God is in Chrift, and there is no Mercy in God out of Chrift towards any Sinner; The Gathering of all Gifts is in him, he hath received Gifts for Men, even tor the JLebellious, that God the Lord might dwell among them ; the Gift of the Spirit efpecially, for he hath received the Spirit above Meafure, and fo hath all the Influences of the Spirit to give : He received Gifts for Men, all is for Men, and for the People ; all thepromifed Highteoufnefs, Graces, Bleflings, Mer- cies and Gifts that he hath received, as Mediator, and that are gathered in him, is for the People, that the Gathering of the People may be to him. There is a Gathering of all Things in him, for he is All ia all ; and all Things are yours, if once you be gather- ed to him ; whereas you have nothing at all but Sin, Dfeath and Mifery out of him. In a Word, there is a Gathering of all the Treafures of Wifdom and Knowledge, and all unfearchable Riches in hitr., for making you up, and making you happy for ever ; and towhom Ihould thegatherii^ of poor People be, hui to him 1 Whac ihali 1 fay ? There is a Gathering of ' ( 1^9 ) •fall faving Offices in him ; he is a Pfopher, Prleft, King, Mediator, Redeemer, Surety, and all Offices in one •• Whatever be your Want, he hath an Office for fupplying it; whatever be your Debt, he hath am Office for paying it ; whatever be your Difeafe, he hath an Office for curing it ; for Difeafes in the Mind, he is a ftophet, for Difeafes of the Confcience, he is a Prieft ; for Difeafes of the Will, he is a King , and for all other Maladies that can be named, he hath all other healing Offices that can be named : Yea, for "Wonderful Maladies he hath wonderful Offices, for -wonderful Sinshe hath wonderful Pardons, for Won- derful Plagues he hath wonderful PJaif^ers. O, i^ there fach a Gathering of all good Things in him for the People, and fhall there be no Catherine' of the* People to him ? Chrift hath no other VCe for thefe Things that are^thus gathered in him, but for the Behoof of the People that gather to him ; and they ij;ould a 1 bQufelefs, if there were no gathering of the People t^ him. O fhall he bean ufeltfs ShilobC you ? And have you no Need of him, no Vfe for him? O Dole^and Miiery . Will you ftand abadt from him, as ;f he were an Ufeleh Cbrift ? But if you have any Ufe for him then, all that he'^ants s to have your Employment ; to believe is to emDlo* him to do all your Work in you and for you?Do^^ ing and Beheving are very different Things ; if yo« be for doing all your felf, in order ro your own Sal f^r " *?^.M^fication, then you make Chrrft ufe. lefs, and his Death vain,G^/. ii. la/} IfPinui \r r for Behemg, theo kno^ xvhat Believing crPahh IS. Faith does nothing, but gives Chrift all Xl i. sl^^gth-i^^^-rfe^^^^ Strenghtmng, „ can do all Thing,. No^. O fhaU *■ - Chrit ( ^50 ) Cbrjff pt no Employwerr here i Will there be no Gathering to fa im for Righteoiifnefs and ^tre.cth 1 hoFefome have been gathered and drawn to him andean fay, the Lord God of the Hehnivs met with us,^and made a SouUgathering influence run through $r|d through cur Hearts. O, let the whole of your Life be a Gathering to Shiloh, and a Living iifen him- And now the ^reit Gathering of the Peopje hero may be joyfully difmiflfed, tho* they fh.ll never all meet together in Time, ,f this Promife of Chrift hath taken tffea. To htmjhall the Gathering cf the People be. ■' ♦ At Carnoch, July 4th and5th, 1725. SIXTH HEAD. The Sixth general Head was, to give you the Rea- fons of the Dodrine;and here I am to fhow you, ly?. Why there muft be a gathering of the People, the Gentiles 1 zdly^ Why to Shilx>b muft the Gathering be? Why to him ? (lO Why are the People, the QeniiUs to be gathe- red ? For this Part of the Text concerns the Gentiles, in Contradiftinflion from ih^ Jews ; I'o him fhall the Gathering of the People 6*, the Gentile People. It was in Purfuance of this Defign that the Apoltle P4w/ was called the Apoftle of the Gentiles ; and he magnified c his OfEce, and boafls of it, faying, Eph. iii. S. To me, who cm lefs than the haft of all Saints y is this Grace pi'ver-^ t^at I JhocuM preach the unfearchable Riches of CbrijK This is a Queftion ot the greateft Concern to us Gentiles .* Why, is our Name put in Chris's Com- rciflion ? O, it would be good News to us ; and for confirming oar Faith herein, take thefe Six Grounds ajid Realons for it, I. There mufl be a Gathering of Gentile People to him, for filling up the Room which the yewj left. Chrift came to his own, and his own received him not ; and (ince the Jeivs reje£lcd him, :nd call our themfelvgs by Unbelief, the Gentiles are taken in, to fucceed to to them in their Church Pri- 'rileges, "fym, xi. 1 1. Through their Fall, SnlvAtion is •. come ( >3i ) c»me to tbi Qttttites ; and, *. 19. ■Tbefe Braachfs toer^ t^ken off that the Gentiles njigbt be grafted in. The Room w^ich the yeivs left vacanc muft be filled up with Gentiles,L#rA'f xiv. 1 5. and downwards, where there the Gorpel-tnrertainmenc i» compired ro a great Man's Slipper, towhich rainy were bidden; fome reject the Invitation, particularly the^^w/, that had the firft Honour of being invited to the Bantw p 1^1 V '^^^"^'^^^ ^'^v^our, i, reprefented in the Parable, L«i'.xv where the elder Brother enviedthe' Reception and Entertainment of the Prodigal Geft- ^L'w'r. r^'^'iP^'^"^^* ^"^^ ^'"- 45. where you fee how the Gentiles were received, in t,. 46/47. 48. faul had a Commilfion to go the Gentiles fee how they were provoked, ^5. Li. ^^^"^X'J," theTr Sin that they were thu, enraged/ and G^d makis oftenrimesPeople. Sin their PuniWnt; A Man^^s T ^'""^•r.^^^S"^' »*^^n to be Jeft to the im.et^! Kage of hi« own Lufts- However ;,.« /'"Pf^"^"* ( 132 ) sVtUh came, the Jews have been fet to the Door, and the Gentiles gathered in : Yea, 5. There muft be a Gathering of the People, the Gentiles, to pave a Way for the glorious Gathering ofthe Jews again, Epm, xi. 25, 24, 25, 16, Here is a twofold Myltery, namely, that the Gathering of the Gentiles will make Way for the renewed Gathering and Converfion of the Jews. I {hall read you foma Promifes you have thereof, 7/4, xi. 10, 11, 12. ^^^i*. xxiii. 3, 4, 5,6. Thefe, you may fee, have evidently a further Look than their Deliverance from Babylon, Zech. xii. lo. & 15. I. As we have Encouragement to pray for the Conver(ion of the Jewsy fo,if chere were a Spirit of Prayer to a God in Chrift among us, in their Behalf, who were his ancient People, we might then think, the happy Day were h illninf(, wherein it is promi- fed, That the Gentiles fliall further the Gathering ofthe Jewsy Ifa. xlix. 22. 8c Ix. 9, lo. & Ixvi. 18, 19, lb, 21, 22, 29. See Zech. ii. 10, 11, 12. 6c viii, 21, S2, 25. Again» 4. There muft be a Gathering of the People, the Gentiles^ to fhew the Sovereignity of his Grace, and Freedom of his Mercy, R(ym, ix. 15. iThat he ivlll have Mercy on fwhom i)e ivill have Mercy, and Companion on whom he will have Compaffion .* Thcyeivs expe8:ed to monopolize this Privilege, of being God's People and Church, continually to thcmfelves ; and few thought, that the Gentiles (hould become Felbiv-'Citizens of the Saints ^ and of the Houjbold of God : But God's Thoughts are not our Thoughts ; *he fhew8 his Sovereignity, in'pitching upon what Nation ofthe Earth it pleafes him. The Potter hath Vowef oyer the, C//ry, of the fame Lump to make one Vef- feho Honour and another to Pifhonour : The great Crea- tor of the Ends ofthe E;irth.does thus fhew his Pow* er and Authority, in making *i?^^ a People that were fio Feople^ and thefe his People that were not his People^ Kom. ix. 25. 26. This therefore was one of the ^^4^ Myfteries of Godlinefsy Chrifi preached unto *^ff Gentiles, 4nd believed on in the Worldy 1 Tim. iii. 16. This was a Mvftery>that with g^eat Pifficulty could b©^r€^eived, < ' • and ( 133 ) and believed by the Apoltl js ; for when Feter was per- fwaded, by the Vifion of a Sheer knit at the fourCor- i>er>', wherein WIS nil !yi inner of tour-foored lieifts, and creeping Tilings, laJ fovls or' the Air, not to de- fpile the Gtntihs ;is common and unclean, and accord- ingly had pre tched the Gofpel with Succefs to them, he was accufed by the rett of the Apoftles, AHsx'i. i, 2, 5» i\\\ Peter vr\\k\r\^ his Defence, "They held their yeaccy and gbrified Gj^, faylnrr^ then hath God granted to *J5>5 Gentiles K^pentatJce u/tto fjfe^ Ver. i8» And in all this, the Lord acled ina Sultablenefs to his ancient Proraife, concerning: the CalH^ig and Inbringing of the Gentiles. It is lon^i; fince God pro^nifed to Noah, (slY~ in^fGodJhall evlirp^ejaphst^ and he fh-'tll dwell in the 1'entsofShim, Gen. ix. zj, Nqv^ o^ faphet came the Gentiles, Gen. \'. 5. and of She^n came the j^ews ; '^io that by this Prophecy ,there is a clear Prediction of the Converfion of theG^«/:/^/,and their inheriting the Privileges o{ the ^ews, to the Praife of ibvereign Gr^ce. 5. There muit be a Githering of the People, theGentileSy to (liew the Extent and Sufficiency of^his Grace, as well as the.So/ereignity and Freedom of it : How extenfive is his Grace and Ooodnefs, in Gather- ing in the Ger.tilest as v.ell as die JeivSj under the Wings of his Favour and Mercy.? While hefets open his entertaining-room Doors to Stjnners, out of every Tongue; and Nation, and Kindred, where neither Je:v nor Greeks Circiimcjfion nor Oncircumcifion, |Sarbarian, ^cytHant Bond nor Fre'e are excluded ;buC all are one and alik^ in JefiiftChriff, G^l. iii. 28. Colx iii. ti. Herein he appears to j£l with aGreuneis like himfelfjbecoming his boundlefs Infinity, and nor after the Manner of Men, h\n like a God ; and fo (igna* lixe his Good nefs beyond theCompifs of M"^ i ^'^*' he IS God^ and not Mnn^ Hof. xi. 9. It were a Diminu- tion of the Glory of his Grace, if it vvere, fiid. This is Nothing, but what a M m might do. It is his Glo- »y> to a£t in fuch a Manner, as is propar to none but a God, a God of boundlefs Grace and unparallelled popdnefs ; that when poor Dogs, Pagans, Gcnn'ie» find ,( '34 ) find his GooJnefs, even exiendirrg to themCaft-aways, that weie reje^ed o{ Men, the) may have it lo fay. Is this the Manner of Aden, Lord 1 6. There mi\i\ bl a Gathering of the People, the Gentdes^ lo fbew the Glory and Gre«tnefs ot Chrill's Kingdom ; That his Dtrtiinion reAcheth from Sea to Sea^ and from the River to the Ends of the Earth : See Pfal, Ixxii. 8 lo. As it is the Glory of a King, to have many Subjects, a nu- merous Train, and a great Retinue ; fo it is the Glory of our Shilohf that the GAtherin^ of the People is imio Jiim, even Gentiles as weli as y^a/ ; and fo many the inore to celebrate the Praifes of free Grace . and to adorn theTiiumph of his glorious Thrcne above,v.ith loud Acc\!in\. rUons'of GracefGr^ce. SoUwoi: tells us, Pr^J'y. 3tiv. 28' That the Glory of a King is in the Multitude ©f his Subjefis; fo it is the Glory ot King Jefus, to have a Multitude of People gathered to him ; and O, that he may get Honour here this Day, by gathering a Multitude of Souls, that they miy come and fet the Crovn upon the Hcadofan exiJied Jefns! (jj Why to Sbihh mult the Gathering of the Peo- ple be ] Why, ifi. To him muft the Gathering of the People be, becaufe to him the Headfhipand (jovern- pnent of the People does belong : All the People, that ^«^me of A4am^ have loft their Head fince Ad:mi\ Fail; Cf 5 if ihey have no other Head than the firft Adaniy they are no better than an headiefs Company, yea and worfe ; for, from Ad.1771 their firft Head, there IS Nothing but Sin, and Dejth conveyed, Rem, v. 12 . But now, the fecond Adam^ the promiled Shihh, is conftitute the Head of the People, the Head of the Body the Church, 'J^hat iv ail Things he might h/ive the Fre- eminence t Coh i. 18. and to whom fhould the Catheringof the People be, but to him, who is the Kead of rhe People, and the Head over all Things to the Church ? Epk i. 22. He is the Head influential and political: The Head of Influences ; for all the Influ- 90C6S of tight, and Life, and Stiengtbjand Comfort, come ( I3J ) come from him : The Head of Government; for» Ifii, ix. 6. 'the Gtvernment.is laid upon bis Shoulders, anidf the Increafe of bis Government and Peace ibere [ball he m End ; upon the "ThrMe ofDavid^ and upon his Kin f dim f$ order it^ and to efiahlifh it ivitb Judgment and Jupicef^ ever. Ver. ). The Sceptre is departed from Judih * but it fhall never depart from JefuSy the Lionof tha Tribe ot Judah ; The Sceptre is fallen into his Hand; and to whom fhould the Gathering of the People be, but under the Sceptre of this glorious King ? O that there were a Flocking to touch the 'Sceptre ot King Jefus ! For God hath made this Jefus^ who was cruitfed, to be both Lord and Chrift, AQts ii, ^6. He hath fet his King itpon his h6ly Hill ofZion^ Pfal. li. 6. He hath exalted him ^ by hit right Hand^ to be a Prince and a Saviour^ A£ls v. ;i. The Sceptre, and the Lav^giver is deputed from judah^ from the fews^ fince Sbiloh came ; but the Sceptre and the Lawgiver is come to the Gentiles \ For, the Lord is oitrjudire^ the Lord is our La^givevy the Lord is our King^ he willfave us^ Ifa* XXX. 2z. Thejre needs no other Reafon, why the . Gathering of the i^eople muft be to him ; for he be- ing me Head and King of the People, by God the Father's Appointment, all Divine Honours are owing , to h4m; he .nnft be theObje£lof ourFaith, Love Truft, Obedience and Worfhip, as he is God-Man Mediator; and it is the Will of the Father, that all Men hon- our the Son, even as they honour the Father ; and to him muft the Glory of the Gathering be, lfa» xxii. 24. Upon him muft be hung all the Glory of his Father's Houfe, even all the Veflells of fmal! Qjiiantity, as well as great, from the Veffelsof Cupj to the VeiTelsof Flagons ; all the VefTei* of Mercy^ that are gathered together to God's Houfe ; they muft be gathered to him, and faftned on him, as the glorious Nail in a fure Place , For it is he that builds the ^em^li of the Lord , Zech. vi. 15. and fyall bear the Glory : For he pall jit and rule upon his 'Throne : People gather about the Throae of a King ; and O, fhoulJ not not the Gathering of the People be about the Throne of Grace, to fee the Glory, and touch the Sceptre of him that fits upon the Throne? To him the Head- Ihip and Government of the People does belong ; therefore to him muft the Gathering of the People be. idiyy To him miift the Gathering of the People be ; becaufe to him does the Work of the People belong : As he is appointed to be an Head to them, fo a Wotker for them, ever fince the Covenant ot "NV^orks was broken ; and fo our working Arm bro- ken, we b^ng by Nature without Strength, it is he that works all our Work in us, and for us, Ifa. xxvi. jz. Hence Tays the Pfalmift Davidy Pfal. Ivii. 2./ Kvill cry unto God mofi High y unte God that performs all *I'hir?gsfor me. There is a twofold Work that we need to have performed, namely, Work fatisfying to the Law, as a Covenant ; and Work fuitable to the Law, as a l^uJe, Now the performing of both thefe Works belongs to Chrift, as he is made of God to us, both Righteoufnefs and Sanflification : The Work fatis- fying to the Law, as a Ccvenanty isperforined by hira as our Righteoufnefs while he fulfils the Righteouf- nefs of the La^v for, and in his People, Rem. viii. 4. The Work iuitable to the Law, as a RuJe^ is performed in and thro* him, as our Sanftification \ "while he puts his Spirit within us, and caufes US fo walk in his Statures, Ezeli. xxxvi. 27. And hence, fays Chrifl, Johnjiw. 5. Without me ye can do nothing. The Word is, ^^utn ^l^^i fevered from me, or feparatefrom me ye can do Nothing: Why then,v.e muft not remain feparate from him; bur gather to him as he is the N^ediaior, and the All of the Covenant* The wimple Weight and Work of the Covenant be- longs to him, and this makes it a Covenant of Grace to us, and nor of Works; becaufe all the Work fails to his Share .* There is his dtnrg Work, for the Peo- ple ; for he cann to fulfil all Righteoufnefs, thatfo the People mi^ht fny, In the Lord have I RigUeoufnefSt Ifa. xlv. 24. Thereioreit follows, To him pjaH Adsn come. Again, Ti ere is his fuffcring Work for the Peo- ple, on which Account the Gathering of the People * ' fticuM' ( 137 ) (hoold be tn Jiim, Heb, xiii. 15. ^thai he might fanHi^ ff the People uitb his own Blood, he fuffered without the Gates ; therefore let us go forth to him : Theie is his Dying Work ; for he fuffered unto Deaths and his Death was an A^ of Obedience, he being obedient unco Death, even the Death of the Crofs : This is the Gofpel delivered unto us, to be preached unto the People, How that Chrifi died for our Sins according to the Scripiurey i Cor. xv. 5. And (hall he die for the People, and yet there be no Gathering of the Peo- ple to him ; There is his Repairing Work, for tha behoof of the leople ; and in the Works juft now mention«d, this reparin^ Work is Qccomplifhed ; for he repairs theBreachtrvScf the Law, that our Sin made: And net only is the Lnw magnified, and made ho- nourable, by his Doing and Uying, while his Doirtg anfwers the Precepr, aJid his Dying the Threatnihg thereof, and that to uifinire Advantage; but the Glory of the Lawj^iver is repaired : The People had come fliort of the Glory of God ; but he, to whom the Gathering; of the Peop'emull be, did rfepair the Honour and Glory of his Hchnefs, by a peffe£i Obe- dience ; and the Glory and Honour ofhis Juffice, by a condign SatisfaSion , and thii brought in Gloty to God in the Higheft ; yei, and made all the other glorious Atcribures or God fhine forth glorionfly ahd harmoniouQy, in the Work of our Red[emption. And hence, when Chrilt was about this Work, he fays, thiv if the Son of M-m rioriffdyand God is glori^ed in hmiy John xiii. 31. Titere is his piirchafij^g Work for the Behoof the Heople : He ha'h l.oupJ:t the People icit^., fi Price, i Cor. vi. laji ; And fh ;ll not the Gathering of the l^eople be to nim, v hoCe Blood w.js the Price of the Peoples Soul>, and the I'urchafe Money for buying Gr.ice and Glory to th^m ? There is his plead' ing Work for the People ; Fnr le is ^Ue to fnve to the utterwofiy^ll that come to God li him, hec/iufe he ever lives to make Interceffion for thcnty Hcb. vii^ • 5. And this is the Reafon for tueir Coming and G.jthering tahim for in (o doing, they Jbail have an Evidence, thai kis pleading for them hath been, and wUl be fot S e/et ( 138 ) tszt cflFeftual. There is alfo a cofjqueritig "Work, that belongs to him, according to Pfal. ex. 5. Thy People .(ball be ivilllng in the Day of thy Vower : Therefore the Gathering of the People fhall be to him, becaofe the Conquering of the People belongs to him ; and how he corquers them, by the Sword of his powerful Grace, you fee, PfaL xlv. 5 , 4, 5. Indeed there will be no Gathering to him, till this conquering Power come ; and therefore, it you would be gathered, cry to him to gird his Sword upon this Thigh, and to fend the Rod of his Strength out of Ziorty that it ma,y be mighty through God to the pulling down of ftrong Holds, &c, O that his Voice in the Gofpel were powerful! Sonr.e tell us that the Lion's Whelps are born dead at firft, till by the roaring of the old Lion over them, they are quickned : it is true enough in the Cafe of the People that are gathered to Shileh ', they are born dead, and remain fo, till the Lion of the Tribe o^Judah roa/fo loudly, as to quicken them with his powerful Voice, according to yohn v. 2.S. The Hour comes^ when the Dead pall hear the Voice if the Son of God,' and they that hear (hall live; his Voice quickens, conquers, and captivates them : And as it is his Work to conquer them ; fo to conquer all their Enemies for them, whether it be Sin, Satan, Death, Hell, or the World, that they may be more than Conquerors thro' him ; and all this conquering Work belongs to him, that theGathering of the People may be to him. And in a Word, there is a ftrengthning Work, that belongs to him as well as a leading, guid- ing, comforting, and counfelling Work, that I might mention, togtther with all the other Parts of his fa- ving Work; / can do all Things thro' Chrijl firenghten- tpg w^, fays Paul, And it is upon this Footing, that all the Fruits of Faith come in, even all the Works of fpiritual Gofp el Obedience. When we go forth to any Work, we are to go in the Strength of the Lord, making mention of kis Eight ecufnefs^ and cf his only ; being ftrong in the Lord, and in the Power t)f his Might ; iucig in the Grace that is in Chrift Jefnti r 139 ) Jefii'Sjand fl-rengthned with Might bj^his Spirit in th^ inner Man : His Strength being made perfeff in our Weahirfs ; and hewcrking in us both to ivill and to do of his goodPteafitre. Th^s he is the Strength o^ lfraeI,l\iQ Strength of the People; for which Caufe, the Ga- thering of the People muft be to him ; and becaufe, in thii manner, the Work of the People belongs to h^m, to work all their Works in them and for them. But tlien again, 5^/y, To him muft the Gathering of the Peop'e be, becaufe to him does the Inftruftion of the People belong ; for as the Purchafe of the People belongs to him a* a Prieji^ and the Conqueft of the People belongs to him, .^s a King ; fo the Inftruftion ot tjie People belongs to him, as a Prophet. And in- deele, he does not add, him that was qiven I'll in nowife caft out, but him that comes I'll in nowife caft out, intim.uing, That as this Giving is not the Primary Objeft of Faith, fo it cannot be fee n or known, bur in the Way of Coming ; and they have this ( 143 > this Encouragement to come, that in coming they may know they were given to me. They that have no Will to be gathered, cannot know they were gi- ven;but all that would be gathered, may be furethey •were given : Therefore let this be a Ground for the Gathering of the People to him, that as the People to be gathered weve given to him from Eternity, fo they that would be gathered may know and be af- iured, that they v/ere given to him, John xvii. ^• 'ihine they were^ and thou gavefi them me. They were thine by Eleftion, and thou gaveft them me, to be redeemed by me. O h.^.ppy People, whom a Day of Pov^er haih made fo willing, that indeed they would be gathered to Sb:hh ; Tliey may know that they were in God's Hand fr.')m Eternity, and out of God's Hand they w ere put as a Compliment into Chrift's Hand, if I may fo express it : and indeed he is infi- nitely well pleafed wkh the Complijnent, betakes an Armsful of ti.em, as it were, out of God's evet- lafting Arms, and he hugs them in his Bofom, for his Delights were, with the Sons ofMen ; and when- ever he fees the Travel of hii, Soul, he is fatisfied ; and when he h;ith huj^ged. them in his redeeming Arms, till he hath juliified, fanSified, and completely faved them, then lie will give them back to the Fa- ther's Hand again, prefenting them blamelefs to him, hy'w^^ Behold I , avd the Children which thou haft gheH me. There muft ihen be a Gathering of the People to him, becaufe there was a Giving of the People to him. A poor Compliment, you may think with Wonder, of the like of me, to pafs betwixt theHands of the eternal Father, and his eternal Son, in Con- ^turrence with the eternal Spirit, One God in Three Perlgns ; But little Matter how poor and mean the Corepliment feem ro be, and really is in it felf, if God be glorified, and Shibh magnified, and you faved. O, let the Confideration of what a large Dominion» from Se.i t,o Sea, and from the River to the Ends of the Earth, is given to Chrift ; yea, a numberlefs Number, that no Man can number, of all Nations, i and ('44') ind ICindreds, and Tongues, and People, that fh all Hand before the Throne of the Lamb, with white Robes, and Palms in their-Hands, Re^Mi, 9. laying. Salvation to our God, that Jits upon the 'throne y and to the Lamb for ever and ever ; Let the View of that innu- merable Multitude of People that are given to him, llir up and provoke the Gathering of ihe People to him , He is come to demand what was given him. But then again, 6thJyy I'o him mufi the Gathering of the People bey becaufe, as the People are given to him, fo he is given to the People for this End, that the Gathering of the People may be to him : And hence to all the People of the vifible Church, ir is faid, S^0us a Child isborn^to us a Son is ^izen, I fa. ix, &. nvhofe Name is called PVONDERFUL^ &c. I fpeak not here of his being given in aftual Pcffeffioh to Uelievers, they th^jt take the Gift of God are poflef- fcd of it ; butf fpeak even of a Giving in the Gof* pel-Difpenfation and Offer, for no Man can receive Y/hat is not given : Receiving fuppofes Giving, and Chrift is fo far given to all the Hearers of the Gof* pel, that they are obliged to receive him, and be- lieve in him, upon Perjl of Damnation ; He that be- Ittves notjhall be damned. Thus he is given to many • that rejed him ; Hence, fays Chrift, to thefe that were reie£iing him, yohn vi, 32. My Father gives you the true Bread from Heaven , that is, in order to be re* ceived by you ; for, in rejefting of this Bread that my Father gives you, your Souls will ftarve. This will ag- gravate the Damnation of the DamnedjthatChrift wat given to them in the Gofpel-Offer, and they rejefted the Gift of God : However, the good News of the Gofpel is, John iii. 16. Godjfo Jove d the Worlds that he gave lis only begotten Son, that fxhofoever believes on him, or gathers in to him, may not per ip^, but ha'de ever- lafiing Life, This Reafon, for the Giving of the People to Shihh, is imported in the very Bofom of the Text ; Shihh is come to you, that you may come to him ; he is come in the Plefh, he is come in the Cofpel, and m^^y we hope he is come in the Spirit ; he is <' '45 ) , , . iscome to the People, tbat the People may be ga- thered to him ; and he is come as a Shiloby that i«^ the Mejpas, the Sent of God, that the People may "Welcome God's Send, faying, Blejfed is h§ tbat cornet in the Name of the Lord. To you is bom a Saviour^ wbkb is Chrift the Lord \ This is |:ood Tydings to all People, Luke Vu 10. To jdu is the Word of this Salvation fent^ Afts xiii. 26. Chrift the Shihh is the promifed Seed, the leading Promife, and the Promife is to you, and f your Children, A£ls ii. 5p» that you may receive him in the Promife. He is the Sent of God to you, that you may gather to him ; he is fenr to be the Saviour of the People, the Helper oi the Peopiej and feni by Way ot free Gift and Donition, l/a. xli. 27. / will give to yerujalem Cnethat brings goodTydiK^s ; and for what is he given to the People ? See I/a. Iv. 4. He is , given to be a Witnefs to the People^ and a leader ^ and Commander to the People: Yea, xlii. 6. He it ^iven for a Covenant to the People ;.And why is he thus, given to the People, but that the Gathering of the. People may be to him ? The People then are promi- fed to him, and he is promifed to the People ; and therefore there niuft be a Gathering of the People to him. Sh lob is come to feek the People that were promifed and given to him ? Let the People feek that Shilohy that is promifed and given to them. In a Word he is the true Temple, to which the Gathering, mu^^ be ; He is the Mercy-Seat, at which God and the Peo' pie may meet together; and you cannot moet with God but in him, for in him alone God is wellpleafed;. And when you gather in to him, you win in to tie Heart of God ; for he lies in the Father's Bofom, be-, ing his Eleft, in whom his Soul delights. So much for the ReafoRs. APPLICATION. i have endeavoured in thero£lrinal Parr all along ?o deliver the Matter in a praQical and applicaroty' Strain, and alfo inlarged it fo much; that I need the lefs to iniift upon many infe rerces, wherein I hav»al- ready anticipated ttSy felf. The main Ufej I -defieo X U6 ) M tot thtotmLtion of fome Trnthfi an j Extort &- tlan td fom6 Duties. ' fitp, Fot INFORMAtlOM. Is it (o, that tfie Cdunfel 6f Heaven hath determined concernine Ghrift the MeiBaSj that to him Ihall the Gathering of the Peiraple be ? Hente fee, i. The doleful State of the Jews at^refent, and the lamentable Circum- ft:«ncC8 they have been in ever fince the Coming of Shiidh tht'u promifed Meffias. While a Multitude of dcntilei, that vrere but Dogs, are gathered to God's Hbufe, and they in the tnean Time unchurched and caft out, tho' to them pertained the Adoption, and the Glory, and the Covenants, and the Giving of the Law, and the Service of God, and the PromiieS ; and tho* of them, as concerning the Flefh, Sbtiob came, even Chrilt, who is over all God bleflfi'd for ever^ fti>fn* ix.4, 5. Tho* they were the Feopl© of his firft Love, tho Seed of Abrahamy Ifaacy and Jact>h^ to vi horn f6 many precious Promifes were made in Behalf of their Seed : Behold their Shiloh comes to them, and ihey wiU not have him ; Ht came Uhis oivyi^ and his 0iOrf ftdeived him nQt, They owned the Sceptre w as dcpatted from Jiidahy when they fald//^? h,i that the King of the Jews fhould come to the Gentiles, and be crowneJKir.g among them, that To the Jewsmight have it to fay ft length, that the King of the Gentiles is become the King of the Jev/s ; as well as th^ Gea- tiles have it to ray,That the King of the Jews is be- come the King of the Gentiles. Therefore, tdlj^ Hence fee the l(>vereign Mercy of God in Chriff to- wards the poor Gentile Nations, and the Ides of the Gentiles not forgotten ; for he particularly promifes, that the IJles jhallivait for bis La'd,\ Ifa. xlii. 4. And O tionderj that we in this remote liland were in hi« Vieyr. vchen he promifed that to hi^fi^tt^d fbc Qatherhg T » 4 ( t48 ) •f the fe0pJe be. Jacob by Inlpiration bf rhe Spirit ef "od, faid it on his Death-bed, and it is now more than ^ooo Ycirsago ; that is indeed to !um not fo much as three Days, for to him a tho-^fand Years are as one I>ayy &c. Thoufands of Years interveenin^ cannot make him forget his Promife ; and,fo tar as there i$ or fhallbe a Gathering of the People to Shilohy fo far dpcs this Promife take HffeQ:. There was a Promile of ChiS) more ancient yet, Gen, jjc. ^7. God pall irt' iargCy or perfwade jfaphet^ and he pall dwell in the 'Tents ef Sbem : There is a Promife zhu the Gentiles fhouUi b« gathered in to partake of the Privileges of the Jews, for oxfaphet came the Gentiles, and among his Pofterity were the Ifles of the Gentiles divided ; fee Gen. x. I, 1, 5. and probably this Iflmd among the reft. For confirming whereof, I fhall not be po- fitive in iverring what fome alledge, That as Gct-'r was the eldeft Son of Japhet, and of him came the People called Gomeyl or Cymbri ; fo the firft Inhabi- tants of this Ifland of Britain came of the Pofterity Gijaphety one of the Sons ot Noah, narnely of the faid yaphet\ eldeft Son Gomxr ; and hence from Go- tnerl came Cambria^ which is the Latine Napie of Wales in this Ifland to this Day, to which Place the ancientBri/pwi retired at the coming in of the Sax- em ; Hence they fuppofe that the Ifle of Britain is particularly intended here. But I (liall not found a- ©y certain Conclufion upon a doubtful 5uppofition, tho' it be generally ajrreed to by fome good Hifto- rians. We may fee it pUin from the Hvent, that God had a particular Defign thai there fhoiild be a Ga- thering of the People to Shiloh in thefe Lands, and c^- ven in Scotland. I have fhcwed formerly, how early the Lord vifited us \yith the Gofpel, and that we were among the firft of the Gentile Nations that ever were inlightned there vvith, after Chrift's Afcenfion, by which we were delivered from grofs Paganifm. And whenlfpoke of the remarkable gathering Seafons, I took notice of our Reformation-days from Popery^ and aficrwjrds from Prelacy, our Covenanting-days, Afid the like; and theretbre I am not here to infift thereupoa ( '49 ) thereupon.Only,as there hjve been remarkaMtf gather* ing Times in Scotland^ and as thcLord couotenaacea yet the gathering Means and Ordinances among us ; fo ve ougnt to blefs him thac ev^er G )rpel-iighr (hinned up>n us» and wait on him for more oF char gathering Power of his Spirit, that Scotland' & Barrennefs now^^nd Unfruitfulnefs under the Means of Grace, may not provoke him wholly to leave us, and make oarNam* Ijoammi^^c. ^dly^ Hence fee the Excellenqf of the Gofpel, and Reafon of the Efficacy thereof. Behold the Excellency of the Gofpel, which brings the glad Tidings of a Saviour to the People, and of a gathe- ring Place for the poorGentiles,as well as the Jews ; r God-Man,in whomGod and Man might meet together! that fcattered Sinners feparaced from God might be gathered to him. Behold the Condefcenfion of our Lord jefus Chrift proCiiimed in this Gofpel, that he ftoops fo low as to be rhe g.uhering Room for poor finful People, to which tiiey may refort f6r fhelter and Salvation. Shihh is orsie, he is come in our Na- ture, and with humane Nature he puts on humane Bowels, that into his very Bofomthe Gathering of the People may be, that all the Good they have loft mar be fout.d inChriit ; yea,th it theGod whom they have loft may be found in him^ov God is in Cbrifi reconciling theV/crU to himfelf. But asTiereisi we fee theExcellen- cy, fo alio behold the Efficacy of rhe Gofpel, and the Power rhereof : What was the Realon of the won- derful Spreading and Influence of rheGofpel ofChrift, efpecially in the firft Ages ? It is a Matter for which no human2 Policy can ;^ccount, that the Gofpel, preached in Simplicity, by Men of the meaneft Cha- ra^er, (hould make its Way through Forces of D.f- vils apd Men, fhould gain fo many Profelytes, liib- duefo many Kingdoms. Had this Do6Jrine been fuited to FleHi and Blood, and, like LUhomst, in- dulged Men in f^^nfual Enjoyments, an"! prorfifed af- terwards the highelt Degrees of fenfu^l Ple.ifnres ; had the Gofpel been defi^ned for increafing the Srock of earthly Treafure, it were no Wonder that it l>iou\i have ( 1/0 ) hive giiped ih much Ground ; for all c*rna! Men v^opjd readily receive this Doctrine, and ter.atioufly re(^in ir. N^yihad it proceeded upon rationnlGrounds and JFoHfidations, fome Philofopbers, ac icuift, would have embraced it. But, tiiata Doctrine, tha^c teaches to depy Ungqdlinefs ^nd woildly Lu/isja Do^rine, |hat teaches to crucify th^ old Man tvith his Affcw^i- ©nsi and ]L«fts, the Lufts of the Hye, the Lulls of rh« l^lefh, and the Pride of Life ; aPoflrine, that bids lool^ to things chat are not ^cein ; a Do^rine, that l^ids us leare all Things, deny our felves, and counf all but Lofs and Dung for the Excellency ot the JCnowIedgeof Chrift ; That this Doiirine, however tiighly Kational, yet hath no Foundation in Keafon, aipd admits Confequences of no rational Demonftra- lion,m^ny thereof jbeing above theReach of Keafon ; that this Potirine, that owes nothing to the Cha-^ fifter of its Preachers, and owes as little to humaof Force ; thit this DoQrine Ihould h4ve gained fo great a Ground^ obtained fo vatt Succefs in a Time, therein If we look to the Views and Defigns of the moil Part, we will find, that the Gathering to thiioht is leart of all in their View. As there were •wife Virgins and fodlifh, fo there are wife Hearers and foolilh ; fome come to Ordinances, only for » Kame, becaufe they would not bethought any worfia than their Neighbours; fome conie for Diversion, to fpend an Hour or two in Hearing, becaufe thsy have little elfe ado; fome come for Attendance Sake, becaale they are waiting on their Mafter or Miftrefs ; fome come for Company's Sake,their Fellows fayiag. Let us go, to Sermon ; Content, fays the Other, and fo they go for Compaiiir ; fome come for Cnriofity'i Sike, chey have heard People fpeak to the Praife, or Difpraife of fuch and (uch a Man, and they will fee whether it be as they fay ; fome come for Carp- ing and Cavilling, not.to be judged by the WorJ, but to judge it, and cenfure it, being content to find fome Word, that they reckon may be to the Minifter's Prejudice, or Reproach ; and tho' thejr ihould forget all the relt of the Word, yet this they will mind, to report it to their Confidents, either out of Malice, becaufe they receive not the Truth in the Love thereof, or out of Pride, becaufe they would have Others, that hear their cenlori* ous Remarks, to elleem them to be jliiiciousperfons, and competent Judges, while, in the mean Tiin^^ tiey are but bewraying their own Ignorance, Mi- lice and Pride. Hence, fome come to warch, if .my Thing can be wrefted, th.tt is uttered, that they may zQt the Devil, in accufin<; the brethren ; fome gap« iwt neinarkable Phrafet) that, whea ihey come to tbeif ( 1/2 ) their ordinary Company, they may have fom^thing to g race and adorn their Tales ; fome never conae CO hear -what ihall be faid to themfelvesiand therefore ■ever prick up their tars, till they fuppofe they heaf che Minifter expofinp the Crimes Of Others; foftie come to gaxe and look about them, to fee >vho are there, and what** their Busk and Behaviour ; fome come to mufe,and dream, arid rove, and if they notice any Word that is flid, it will perhaps occalion a hun- dred impertinentThoughts to keep out the reft of the Sermon, and the Mind will run a thoufand Ways be- fore it can get another Word noticed, and, may be, the Sermon is done before they cart gather their Thoughts together again, ^4any• fuch accidenial H&arers there are, that gather toOrdinsnces, but not to Shiloh. They ; ome to meet vith their Friends, that it may be conveen at fnch a Sermon, but not to meet with Chrift. They are like Children that gather td a Market, and fit in the Market place, but neither to buy nor fell. But as many Fox-es have been taken,' when they came to take, fo fome thit have come on- ly to fpy ferlies, yea, to feoff and fcorn, have changed theirMinds before they ventHome. And O thatGrace *vould come and catch fome that are here, and yet are fceking nothing liere, bur, like Babes, to c^itch Butterflies 1 O that Chrift, the greateft Treafure in the World, fhould be moft defpifed, and that the Gofpel-ftar, which fhould lead you to the Place where lie is, that you may be gathered to him, that this Star fhoaldnot be marked. <)tHy^ Hence fee what is the great Mark, at which Miniiters of the Gofpel fhould dioot, in difpenfing thereof; why, it is juft the Gathering of Souls to Chrift .* To him fhall the Ga- thering of the People be. Wo, wo to the Minifter, whofe great Defign is ofaly to gather a Multitude ot People to himfelf, and enhance theif Applaufe. It hath been indeed the Lot ox fome of the moft faith- ful Minifters of Chrid, lo be thus reproached and caVumniare, as if ail their Dejign were to recom- mend themlelves to the I'opui^ce, and gather a Multitude ro their Fj^ion ; they have been branded ( tn ) , at Self-feekfcrSi iftftead of bcin^ Soul-5{neri;and Vhjl^ Becaufe Providence hacH comA^only otdered that thofo iFvho have been moft den^ and mortified to Seif^ have been mott followed ; tin the more they -were loK to>^ed, the more they vere envied by thofe that trulf fought themfelves : Hence, as none was more follow- td than Chrift, fo none 'was more envied by the Self-)«eking Pharifeei, John xii. i^. Perceive ye howfe frev4il noibmg ? Behold the World is gene afHrhint* And as we read not that Cbrili reproved any for following tim, tho* he reprovea them For th«ir lalfe Ends in ^ doing (o^ John vi. id. So^ no Gofpel minifter will b# difplcafed, that he hath many Filhes before the Ncti in Hopes that fome may be gathered ; yet it is> and yt\\\ be the Chara^ier of all faithful Miniftets, which the Apoftle relates, i Cer, iv. 5. We prtscb mt eutfelves^ hut Chrifi Jefus the Lord, and our fefnes your Servants ftf JeftiS Sake. And r Cer, ii. t, I determined to know^ or, ,||xnake known, nothing among youy fave Jefus Chrifi ani ^ him etucified. The great Gofpel-de^n ib*n is, tQ gather Souls to Chrift, feeing they can never be haf^» py or holy, but in him. And while ypu find that to o^ your Minifters great Scope, you ought to regard aad hear them as you would do a Voice ftom Heaven; ^ yea, and more, while they fpealc the Mind of God, from the Word of God, which is the more fure Word of Prophecy ; for it is the fame as if you beard CiiiiA himfelf : Therefore he iays. He tb^ hears yoti^ bears me y and be that defpi/es yoUf.de/pifesMie. K you truly regarded that Word of Chrifi, you would hear the Voice of the Preacher, as you would hear the Voicak of God. U Samuel had thought it was God that fpok# to him, he would not have flepi j but becaufe ho thought it was not pod, but Eli, therefore he ffept on* So, while People do not think it. is God that fpeak$ to them, but only a Man, they will neve* re* gard it, atid never will there be a Gatherinft*to Shilob, till the Wotd be received, Njt ai thi W$ri «f Msff, ( I a>|ft ii, 13. ytul as if is HI Trtftb tb9 ( 1^4 ) ^ pfdfd of God, fjfhleb effeHually ruorks in you that leUeve^ 'VThcre alfo that Queftion if obviau, How fhall we know, when the Minifter fpeaks his own W ;'-d»> of God's Word ? Why, let the^Word of God be received, and it will fpeak for it feif, for it wiM effectually JNOtk in yon that believe : And when the Words of one Preacher feem to clalh with the Words of, an- other, this efFflual working of the Word will teacH you how to judge Things that differ really, and how to prove all Things, and hold fafJ that which is good. The treat Mark then, J fay, tl^t the Gofpel-mmif^er aims at, is the Gathering of the People to Shilohs 'nd the pointingoncofChriftto them, for Wifdom, Righ- teoufnefs, San£iitication and Redemption. Surely^ my Friends, we know no other Way to fave you, nor cur felves ; if we did, how wretched were "^e. to keep it from you?" Since we have no other Calling, but to fhcw you the Way of Salvation. dfMjf. H nee, v^e may alio fee what is the Centre of all Gofpel-|| Truth. Chrif^ is the Centff, wherein all ahe Liaes of Evengelical Doftrine are gathered together, and do ' mee*. It wouli not be the Duty of People, to beaeve in him, or gather to him by Faith, if he were not the Truth as well .\s the Wiy ; Yea, the Centre and Subftance of all Truth : ind that is not the Truth that does not lead to him. Here is the raoft lureTeft* ' of Orthodoxy ; whatever pretends to be the Truth, and yet tends only to lead aMan in to himfeif, ard not out of himfeif MChrif* ; whatever Do£irine tends to jnake yc-u tninl^you mufi: produce fome Hi lint- s or good Qualifications from within, your felf, vi r.out gathering firft to i'-iiob. to get it, you n^y k it is not orthodox Do^riae .♦ Whatever DoQ:rine^^nds to the Dilpai^gemcnt of Chrift or to the K ab.ng hin of any Part of the Glory of Salvation >^rk, is to be reje^ed as Erroneous : tj: ^'^ hint cfh^c vKiy the 'Xaathering of the People be : And to him only ^.>- 1 -'■'^^ Olory ot our wV.ole Salvafir .^-rTi firft f:o,laSt» be- long. Chrift is much .obbed n{ his Gioi-y \uBritatn^ at thisD.iy ; t^amn.ible Av'tanDod'ty'i^- is fpreading, whereby Chrift is robbed oi the Glory ^f bis < u; ) fapreme Deity, denying hu. being the eternal Son of God, CO equal and co-eflenti:il v/ith the Father. Th6^ Devil himfelt >v.is more orcnodox th n our Avian Doc» tors,v^henheowned,Ai^/. viii. 29. that Chrjft was th^ Son of God» yiHyat have we to do with thee^ J-efus tbot£ Son afGodl The Devil fpoke more honourabiy oi him, than they do, when he faiJ, Mark i, 24. / hnoxothee who thou art^ the holy One oj God. My Text leads me to what I am faying ; for, itChrift were pot the lupreme God, equil with the Father, the Gathering of tha People CO him, to believe in him, to worfhip and a- dore him, would be unLwful i it would be Idolatry* ^ For, as the Lord our God i$ oqe Lord, fo we muft worlbip the Lord our God, and him only muft \sq ferv^ ; and it ik Idolatry to worfhip any other. Yea, - to the Son, Tie fays, Le^ all ths Angeh of God worjhip , him ; and for this End muft all rhe i^eople be gaf he- xed to him. My prefenc Work allows me not to trace the other Do^irinev, that rob him of his Glory, and tend to lead People elfe where than to Sbiloh : Only,' ^ "whatever Mask of Truth or Holinefi, any Do^rine fhall put on» if it tend to gather People to Mofeii and not to ShiJo^ or to lead them to the L4W, and not to Chrift, whols the End of the Law for Righteoufaers to every One that bgheveth, it favours noi of ihe Truth as it is in Jefus» £'/>^. iv. ^i. But the mam in- "^ference I defigned at prefent, was for Exhortatioa; and therefore, pafling all other Inferences that might be drawn, I come to apply it, Secondly, for E 1 H O K T A T I O N, Arid f defign, at the Lord may pity and aflift, to direft it to three Sorts of Pexfonis, with Relation to this gathering of the People to Shiloh, ift. Soma mgy be dQubt*ai, whe*« tber they were ever gathered to Sbihh^ or not ; There- fore I would exhort theip to try. zdly- Som^ m^y b^ fure they were'never yet gathered toS^kiloh^ thetefore I would exnorr ihem to gather under his Win^^s. ^^/y* Some are Beltevers, that have thrcugd Grace been fathered by him^ aad made to gather to him ; ani .1 U % woul4 ( 156 ) #ouId ea^orc them to their Duty, with Refped'to their further Gathering to tiitn ifif^ome may be doubtful, whether they were ever gathered to Sbilohy or not ; and therefore my E\'hor* cation to fuch, is, That they/would try and oramiT^e, whether it be lo or not. Examination is a neceffiry Duty ai allTimes,as well after,as before aCommunion, He that fays» with Reft fence to the Sicrament, Let a Man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat, fays alfo, vith Reference to any Seafon, Examine yottr /elves, % Cor. xiii. 5-. whether you he in the Faith, prove your ou;» (elves \ know ye not your own felves^ how that Cbrifi is in foUi except ye be Reprobates 1 Q poor dying Mortal! vill yoatry if you have been gathered to Shihh, or not? Whether you have win into him by a Faith of* his own Operation ? For according as this rakes place, fo will it fare with you through afl Eternity. If you die out of Chrift, or in Unbelief, you die in youp SinSy John viii. 24. And better die in a Ditch, and die like a Dog, than die in your Sins. If you die in your Sins, you'll rife in your Sins, and ftmd before theTri-* buna^of God in your Sins,and fo be condemned, If you |;athered to Chrift, you will be found in him, and lb fouTid happy, when Death, Judgment and Eterni* iy appear ; therefore I exhort you folemniy to refleflfe upon this Matter, whether yo.u be gathered, or not/ if all that you're worth in a World 'ay in one pre?- ' cions Stone, and that Stone were to be iried by a skilful Jeweler, whether it were true or falfe, whether it would fly, or endure under the fmart Stroke of his Hammer ; furely, your Thoughts vould not be unconcerned about the IfTue of fuch a Trial. "Wliy, Man, Woman, all that you're ivorth 1^ this World, and the World to come, de- pends upon this Matter, whether you be of the Peo-? pie that are gathered to Stiloh, or not. Try whethei your Faith in the promifed Shihh^ will fly, or enduri the Stroke of the Hammer of God's Word ? Have you no Concern in this Matter ? You would be loth to put toSea,tbo' it were bni to croft ^ {^rrawf^erry^io a rot^ < m ) ten leaky Vcflel; a6d will you xiare to venture on jhe Ocean of Eternity, in a falfe rotten Barque ? "Whatever Profeffion you have, whatever BUie you make, whatever Efteem Others may have of you, whatever Opinion you may have ot your felf, and of your Faith, you'll be drowned for ever in the De- luge of God's Wrath, if you be not gathered in tp the Ark, Jefus Chrift : 1 would therefore ofter you Tome Helps to make*this Trial. And here ail that I faid upon the 4th Head, concerning /the Means nnd Manner of this Gathering, how God aSts in gather- ing, and how he makes the Soul to a£l, might be brought in ; but, pafling all thefe, I offer thefe few following Mark*, by which you may try whether or lioti you have ever been gathered to Shilob* (i,) If ever you was gathered 10 Sbiloh^ then Shiloh bath come to you, before ever you was gathered t» him. The Text makes the Coming of 5/&//tffc to betht very Caufe of theGathering of the PeopJe to him : At hik Coming in the Flefh did uflier in the G»therinjr of the Gentiles, fo it is his Coming in tbe Spirit that malces the fpiritual Gathering to him. Try then, if ever he hath come to you. Snrely,if you be gtahered to him, you can fay, 1 would never have come trt him, unlefs he had come tome : Now, if Chrift never came to you by his Spirit,' as a Spirit of Conviflion, convincing you of Sin and Mifery, and difcovering^ your Need of Chrift, and that you was loft for ever without him, furely you have not yet been gathered to him. You that never yet-had a forrowful Hour for Vrant of Chrift, and was never brought to zWo*s m^, for I Wfljtt Cbriji and Sah/itiiv^ nor to a IVhat [hall J d§ to be favedl you have Reafon to conclude thai you was never yet gathered to him ;.For, when he corner by his Spirit, he convinces the VTorld of Sin; wheat he gathers the People to him, he comes and convin- ces them of Sin,becaufe they believe not in himyjohm xvi. 8. Some never wanted Faith, which declares they neverTiad it ; they never mifs'd Chrift, which fayi they never m^icched with l^im. A» be t^at was C 158 ) never a real Winter, was never a real and true Suit-. er ; fo it is the needy Wanter rhat is the fteadySviicer. Thus here, Man» Woman, if you had never a W nt of Chrift, you was never in Suit of him. never ga- thered to him : Tho* he harh been in Suit of you by the Gofpel "Coffer may be a Tuoufand Times, yet voU being pleafed with your old Mach y mr Sms, Luih, Idols, Self-righteoufnefs, or rhe Wo-d ; bis uit vas never regarded, becaufe you ws never a Wanter ; and being never a true Wanrer,^ you was never a fue Seeker or Receiver of him, and fo never gathered to him : For you w%s never convinced of your Wa.i: of" Chrift and Want of Faith in him Decei -e not your felf, O Sinner ; you was never a Betiesfer, if you was never a Wanter; if the Spirit of Convi3:ion never can»e and made you fay, O 1 want Grace, I wane Holmefs, 1 want Faith, Love, Repentance and all Good; yea, I want God, I wantChnit, I want the Spirit Hence it ia the Property of a Beiieveri not- •wifUftanding all he gets, yet he is uy a Wanter, ay poor and needy, and nothing in himf !F: An J it is the Property of an Unbeliever, notwithftanding ill that he wants.yet he is ay rich ntidincreafedzuithGoods ^ snd wants nothing ; hence we find fome ignorant Peo- ple exprefiing what others that pretend to more Knowledge do conceal : Ask them, Do you wint Faith f O no, we ay trufted in God. Do you -want Hope? No, we hope in his Mercy. Do you wantLpve? Ko, I had ay a Love to God and his People all my Days. Do you want Grace ? Nay, God forbid that I fhould be altogether gracelefs. Do you want Chrift ? O no, my fweet Saviour, what would come of me if I •wanted Chrift ? Why, Man, Woman, I know nothing that you want, you*re not a Wanter : The Lord pi- ty you ; for, what you dream you never wanted, yea never had to this Day. TheSpirit ofConyi£tion hath inevercome, and,inftead ot being gathered tc. Shilob^ you was never yet gathered to the Pore -door of true Chriftianity ; tor the Spirit's Coming to con 1 nee pf the Wane of Chrift, and of Faith inhim, is the very < ^59 ) rety Befjinnlng of all tru.^ Religion. But if SbM hatncome by his Spirit, and fhewn yoo your. Wane of all Things but Sin, it is a good Beginning ; for thus he gatners you out of your falfe Hopes and ly- ing Refuges. But next If Sbihh hath come to you for gathering you to himfelf, then he hath como not only as a Spirit of ConviSion, but'alfo as a Spiric of powerful Illumination, difcovering the Glory of Shilob to you, even the Gloiy of his Perfon, Ofli- ces,Righteournefs,Fulners,and other.thingsof Chri^, fo as to glorify Chrift in your View, J^/&» xvi. i^He Jhall gforify me ; for be pjail receive of rmne^ and pevf it unto you. Now, if Sbihh never came by his Spirir tn the Gofpel, to ijiew fomerhing of the Glory of Chri^ to you, and the Glory of God's PerfeSions in him» foas to make him appear more glorious to you than all the World, it feems vou have not yet been ga- thered ; For if ourG [pel be hidy it is bid to them that are fofi^ iCor. iv. 3, 4. J;iays, without ever applying it to your own Ufe, and Hearers of the general Otfet aad Promifc 6tChrift|Withouc ever feeing your felvei ( »6i ) Involved, indofed and included in the general Pro- mife and Offer, and without erer making a particu- lar perfonal Application thereof you are not yet ga- thered to Shiloh ; for, when Souls are gathered, tba general Call gets a particular Anfwer, Pfal, xxvii. ,8. PVhen thou /aid ft y feek ye my Face ; my Heart /aid, *Ihy Face^Lo^dy will I feek. The Gofpel-call is general, Be* lieve in the Lord Jefui Chrifi ; but the Anfwfer muft be particalar, Lord^ I believe, help thou my Unbelief. When People fuffer Gofpel-truths to hover in the 6raio, without Application, or learn Things as Childrem do their Cttechifm by Rote, never refleSing, What am I doing ? Where am I going ? What will become of me ? And wh^t EfiFeft hath this Word upon me 1 Unbelief remains undifturbed, the Word comes add goes, and there is no Good done, no Gathering to ^ Shiloh, becaufe no particular Application. It is thel^ very Defign of the Spirit's convincing and enlightnlng Work, to bring the Soul to this particular Applicati- on of Chrift; and therefore tins Mark may clear the former. If you think, How ihall I know if I have fuch a Meafure of Conviftion and Illumination as is fufl&cient to evidence that lam gathered loShUohl'^hYi any Meafure that God pleafes to give is enough, if it iflue in the Soul's particular Reception and Appli- cation of Chrift. When is it that the Mcttal is melted enough fn the Fire ? Why, it is melted enough when it runs eafily into the Mould. Now there may be na- tural Meltings, under the common Influences of the Spirit : But, when is the SoUl melted enough with th6 Beams of the .Sun of Righteoufnefs, or with the Fire of the Spirit ? Why, it is melted enough when it runs into the Gofpel-mould. There are fome that have as it were too much of the Fire ;thefe are they that apprehend themfelves fuch great Sinners, that they dare not come to Chrift : There are others that have as it were too little of the Fire ; thefe are they that only think they are not fo good asthey oiighc to be, and therefore they JI?c«/^ not come to Chrift: There are others that have nothing of the Fire at all^ llHd thff« iie they that think they arfe good enough ( i<53 ) already, and they need not come to Chrid : Bat then only is the Soul fufficiently melted, when it runs in- to the Mould. What is the Cofpel-mould ? It is even Chrift ; and when the melted Soul runs in to this Mould, there does it get the right Shape and Form, and there only. As it is not the Melting of the Met- tal that gives it a Shape, Fafhion or Form, but the Mould that gives it the Form ; fo never iexpeft to have any good Form, any good Shape, any gcol Qualification, till your Souls run in to this Mould. It is the very Defign of the Spirit's Coming to ding People out of their own fancied Goo/nefs, and mako them come to Chrift for all. Try thcv, if ever you -was gathered to Shihh yhytUiiy namely. Whether your Soul, in a Day of Divine Power, waa ijade to run in to him like melted Lead in to a Mould, clof- ing with, and cleaving to him by a particular Appli- cation. But how the Soul a^s here, by a particular Appropriation and fiducial Perfwafion, upon the Di- vine Word, under Divine ConduS, I have formerly iSefcribed; therefore I proceed to another Mark. (^.) If ever you was gathered to ShlJoh^ then the gathering Place will be very precious to you, I mean the promifed S^i^;&,Chrift himfelf, i Pet. ii. 7. There he is held forth as the chief Corner Stone, to which all the Stones of the fpiritual Building are gathered together, and unite ; and to all fuch as are gatherd to him, it is declared, he is precious. And the Word fig- nifies, he is honourable) he is an Honour to them, and they put Honour upon him, and entertain him honou- rably, in a Suitablenefs to his high Qjnality, as he is God-Man, and particularly as he is the Shilob, that 5s, the Meflias, the Sent of God, the Father's extra- ordinary AmbafTador. Some efteem Chrift, but not according to his Grandeur and Glory, and therefore it is evident, they are not gathered to him, as the ^hihhy the Sent of God ; but they that are gathered to him, they receive, efteem, and entertain him, ac- cording to hisDignity. If a Siibjeft fhall receive, or ontertw hii Prince, or the King's extraordinary Am; ( i«3 ) Ambaflador, nootherwife than he would do hU Country Neigh bouir, this would be interpreted a Contempt : So if Chrift be not received, efteemed and entertained, according to his Grandqur, Dignity and State, he counts it a Contempt, rather than a due Re- ception or Eftimation of him. If Chrift be not el^eem- ed as a King, he is but difefteemed ; if he be not ho- noured as the Father's Ambaffador-Extraordinary, h^ is but dishonoured : For, as Shihby he hath Heaven's fealed Commiffion, Him ha$h God the Father feaJei. The Unbelieving Jews were content to receive and efteem Chrift as a great Prophet, as the Mahometans do ; but phey would not receive and entertain him ac cording to his Greatnefs, Grandeur and Glory, which he wasinvefted with ; therefore they were challenged as Rejefters and Defpifers of him, ABs xiii. 41. He camp if his owny and his own received him not ; For they did not receive him, as the Son of God, and the Sent of God: Whereas, it is faid of the Believing Jews^ who received Chrift, That they beheld his Glory, as the Glory of the only Begotten of the Father, that is, they fo received him in all his Glory, Grandeur, Majefty'and Splendor, that they efteemed honourably ' of him. Hence J fays Chrift, John xvii. 8. 'They havtk known that I came out from thee^ and have believed that thou didfi fend me. If you be gathered to Shihby then you efteem honourably of him, as he is theglorioai Shihb, the Sent of God. Is Chrift thus precious to you, and honourable ? C4O If you be gathered unto Shihh^ then yoiV will be clothed with him, for he U fent to be a Robe of J^tghteoufnefs ; and all that are gathered to him, do put on that Mantle, and gather in under that Cover, and in that Clothing do they ftand perfeQly Righte- ous in the Sight of God ; being accepted as Righte- ous in his Sight, only for the Righteoufnefs of Chrift* Hence,'it is given as a Mark of the true Church and Children of God, that are gathered to Chrift, that they are clothed with the Sun,/?ev. xii. i. I( fj in-r 4efKi called a ^reat Wonder, for the Myftery of free and perfea Juftification, and of being clothed with a perfeft Righteo&fnefs is fuch a Myftery, that na- tural Men cannot conceive it, nor believe it, tho- a Man fhould declare it to them, as the Apoftle fpeaks, AHs xiii.41. Yea,'the Believer himfelf<:annot believe it, without holy Wondering, and joyful Trembling, jFer, xxxiii. 8, 9. This Wonder is faid to be of a Woman in Heaven, that is the Church-Militant, and every particular Believer under a Gofpel-Difpenfaii- on, wherein there is a full Revelation of his Righ- teoufnefs. Now, here it is faid alfo, Ihe was clothed With the Sun, that is, with Chrift the Sun of Righ- teoufnefs ; the Woman being married to Chrift, as the Lord her Righteoufnefs, fhe is as it wei'C gathe- red in to the Sun in the Firmament, and fo clothed with the perfeS Righteoufnefs of Chrift ; that how- ever black and dark (he is in her felf, yet, in Point of Juftification, this Sun, wherewith (he is clothed, makes her fhine in a perfe£tRighteoufnefs,as gloriouf:? ly inGod's Eyes, as the bodily Sun fhines glorioufly in our Eyes, when it fliines in its meridian Splendor. The Believer is not only fair as the Moon, in the • Sight of Men, in Point of Sandification ; which Moon, may be indeed, and is full of Spots, and very changeable ; But clear as the Sun, in the Sight of God, in Point of Juftification ; the Sun of Righteouf- nefs, with which he is clothed, being perfe£liy glori- ous. S^efl, But, if this be a Mark of One that is ga- thered, that he is clothed v/ith the Sun of Righte- ] oufnefs; how fhall i examine my felf by this, or know that I- am thus clothed? Why, you may examirie it by what follows. If .you be clothed with the Sun, then you have got the Moon under your Feet, and upon your Head a Crov/n of twelve Stars. Have you got the Moqn under your Feet ? "What is that ? I find fome underftand two Things by if, the One is the Moon of your own Rir;hte- opfnefs, and the Other is the Moon of the World. As to the former then, if you be gathered to Chrift, and clothed with the Sun of Righte- 1 oufnefs, then you have got the Moon of your own j Rightc-r (16^ ) Righteoafnefs under your Feet ; Thatis.you'll make no Account of your own Righteoufnefs, ofS^rnftifi- cation before God, in Comparifon of the Garment of Chrift s Righteoufnefs, which is the Sun, that you're fo glorioufly clothed wich. Nay, when your own RighteoufneG or Graces put in for any Share of Juftification before God, you'll, in t his Refpe^, tram- ple them under your Feet as a menftruous Cloth, as the Prophet i?/"^i^^ did, I/a, l»tv. 6. All our Righte* tu/nejfes are atflthy Rags^ Yea, when it claims to be a Righteoafnefs, before an infinitely holy and juft God, you'U trample it under your Feet as Dung, as the Apoftle Paul did, Phil. iii. 8. Tea douhtUfSy I count all 'things httt Lofs, for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Cbriji ; yea J I do count them but Dung, that I may vjln Cbrifl^ and be found in him^ not having mine own Righ- teoufnefs ^ that is after the Lav;, but that which is thro* Faith of Chrifif the Righteoufnefs which is of God by Faith,* This he fpealcs not only of his Pharifaical Righte- oufnefs before his Converiion, but his Righteouf- nefs ofSan£iificacion after his Con ver (Ion. The Man that is clothed with the Sun of Righteoufnefs, ac? counts his own Righteoufnefs a contemptible No- tking, in Comparifon of Chrift's Righteoufnefs, It is not Gain, but Lofs, becaufe, as Chryfofiome, one of the Fathers, fays, i'^'benthsSun fhines^ it is b:st Lofs to fit by a Candle-light ; ^yhy, becaule his Righteouf- nefs is God's Righteoufnefs. God is the Worker of it ; and, in Comparifon thereof our bell Righteouf- nefs, whereof we are the Workers, even wich Di- vine Affiftanee, is but Dung to be trampled upon, when it competes with the Other, or would have any 6'hare in the Matter of our Juftification before God. If you be clothed with the Sun then, and be thus gathered to Shilob, you have got this Mm^n un-r der your Feet ; and whatever Light of Sanclifisa- tion you have, it will fl )W from your Juftificition:,. as the Light of the Moon does come from the Sun ; and as the Moon gives Light in the dark Night, fo will the Moon of your Saa^i&CiCion give Light CO r >66 ) to Other Men, walking in the dark Night of this "World : Your Light will fo fiiine before Men, that ihey feeing your good Works, miy glorify God. And there is a Myftery in the Believer's Life ; he fhines like the Moon, in Poinr of San£iification, doing ai! the good Works he can, that he may glorify God, and edify his Neighbour in the World ; and yet he^keeps this Moon of his own Works and Righteoufnefs under his Feet, and trarr.ples upon it, in the Matter of Jul- lification, becaufe, in that Refpeft, his only clothing is the Son of of Righteoufnefs. Again, as to the other Senfe, if you be clothed with the Sun, and gathered to Sbilohy then you'll have the Moon of this World under your Feet ; the Profits, Honours and Pleafures of the World, which being changeable and uncon- ftant as the Moon, the Believer hath it under his Feet ; becaufe, being c!orhed with the glorious Sun of Righteoufnefs, and thereby decerniog theGlory of God and Chrift, and heavenly Things^ he cannot but defpifeand undervalue all earthly Things, when com- ing in Competition v.ith heavenly ; 2sMofes didy Heb, xi. 25, i6. v/hen he vilified all the Glory and Gran- deur oi Ph^.raoh's Court, Qpc. You that had never the Moon of this World under your Feet, but have the 'World in your Heart, and nothing but the World, furely you are not gathered unto Shiloh ; for they that are gathered to him, they are gathered out of the Woildjand fet apart from the reft of the World; they are not of the World, butchofen out of the World, lience they that are ^^thetQd tc Skilob, are brought off from their old worldly Companions .• There are finful Gatherings, wicked Clubs and Cabals, that will be hateful to them ; of which, their Heart will fay, as Jacob faid of Simeon ^ud Lfui, Gen. xlix. 5. rt/y Soul, ccme net thou into 'their Secret ^ tf their AJfemhly mine Honour J be thou not united; znd with David, Pfal, yisi^i,^. Gather not my Soul with Sinners, If you be- Ipng to thefe drunken, tippling, idle and debauchc (Caihering? ; you piay b« fure, that you are not ga- chere4 ( ^6-1 ) thered unto Shiloh The Godly may indeed fall info fuch Company, but i«- is not their Element^ to embrace heir Society: Nay, fdiowlhip with the Saints, the excellent Ones of the Earth, is thair Delight ; and Fellow{hip with the Wicked, is fo far from being their Delight, that their Society is rather a Burden, and brings them to a fVo is me^wo is mcy that Ifojourn in Mejbecby &c I had rather be a Door keeper^Scc, NoW fee to it, if you be not gathered out of the World, you're not yet gathered to Shiloh : For, if you ba clothed with the Sun, then you have the Moon of this World under your Feet, and upon your Head a Crown ot twelve Stars : That is, the DoSrineof the Gofpel, delivered by the twelve Apoftles,and preach- ed by Gofpel-miniilers, which are called Stars in his right Hand, will be your Crown, a golden Crown to you . Yea, his Word will be to you, as more to be defired than Gold, yea, than much Ene Gold. And this leads me to another Maxk ot rhofe that are ga>* thered to Shiloh, (5.) If you be gathered to Shilobt then gathering Means and Ordinances will be always defirable to you ; for they that are gathered, will be always a ga- thering to him, till they be for ever with him, in tha full and immediate Enjoyment of him ; Now try yourfelf by this Mark. I enlarge a little upon each, becaufe I defign not to multiply Particulars, If yoQ be gathered wShiloh, then the gathering Means will be defirable to you : Now, what Confcience do yoo make of the MeaRS ? For there is a Generation, that boldly fay, they have Religion, yet they ufe not duly> either publick, private, or fecret Means. If ever you be gathered to Chrift, all the gathering Means, all his Ordinances will be fweet to you ; yot* will feek him where he is to-be found, not only in the City, about the Streets and firoad-ways, among the Watch men, but a little further, S^rg iii.a, 9, 4. They that never ufed Means, were never gathered ; they that are gathered, are ay en- deavouring to improve them^ becaufe rhsy are ay (168 ) ay gathcfirg to him ; thertfore try your felvtft here farther, on this Score, and fee where you are, InShilohy tr not. If you be gathered to Shilohy you viiW be ay gathering; to him, and living on him ; for fuch are not of thofe that draw back to Perdition, tut of thofe that believe, to the faving of their Souls. They that go out from him, were never of him; therefore fays Chrift to his Difciples, Will ye alfo g9 aqvay.'i Johnvi,6T, To v/hich the true Believer's Aniwer is, L4w found the MeJ[iaSy come and fee him ; John iv. 19- When Chrift manifefted himfelf to the Woman of SamartMy Ihe invites the Men of the City to come to him, come fee a Adaii^ that told me all lyings thai tver I did. Never a Soul was gathered to Chrift, bpc deftred to gather Others, efpecially its Friends and Relations. The Parent th^t is in Chrift, will be care- fi^l to gather his Children to Chrift, the Mafter hii Servant, Gen, xviii. ig.I know^ lays God of Ah tab am ^ That be will command bit Children and bis Houjbold after him, and they jhalll keep the Way of the Lord, It is noC pofEble, but that Soul that comes to Chrift, and hath gotten a Draught of his free Love, if it could com- naod tea tlfoyfandi it would command them fo y «oia« ( I70 ) come to Clirift. If you never had a Care or Concera- this Wait to make thcfe in your Family to know the Lord, y9 declare you was never gathered to him. But, you whofe Soul's Defire is, to gather Others to Chri^, yott may be Aire, concerning your felf, that you're gathered to Shihh. Now, If yoa try your (elves impartially by thefe Marks, you may come to find whether you nave been gathered to Sh'iloh^ yea or not. Second Sonihcn^ that I would fpeak to, are fome that may be furc, that they were never gathered to tblhh ; and it is to be feared, that Unbelievers make up the greateft Part oi this Affembly ; And therefore I muft be allowed to fpeak, efpecially to them ; and if Believers themfelves give Ear, and the Lord concur with the Word of general Exhottation, they may get a new Gni^oi Shilohy by the By, My Exhortation to the People in general, then, elpecially thofe that were never gathered unto Chrift, is in the Words of the Prophfct, Zeph. ii. i. Gather your fehet togeihsTtyea^ gather to^ethfy Nation ftot defired; That is, either ■ot deHring, even you that have no Deiire toward* God and Chrift, and his Grace and Favour, but are very indifferent about it; or Nation not defirable, having nothing lovely or amiable about you, to re- comend you to God : Yet, O gather together, before the Decree bring forth, and before the fierce Anger of the Lord come upon you ; for if once his Wrath begin to burn, blelfed are all they that truft in him» and gather to him. Alfo, in the Words of the Pro- phet, ^» fer upon the People ; and Ihall not the Gathering of the People be to him ? p, Vhat of God is ia liim ! (4O The Righteoufnefs of God iis in him, and hisRighteonfr.efs is the Righteoufnefs of God,which is revealed to you in this pofpel,from Faith toFaith, Eom, i. 17. (5.5 The Love of God is in him, for Di- vine Love is wrapt up in this Garment of Flefh and Blood, I yohniv. 9. (n this ivas manifefied the Love ef God towards us, becaufe Godfent his only begotten Son in- -to the World) that we might live through him. (5.^ The Mercy of God is in him. O poor Sinner, when you come to the laft Gafp, readily God's Mercy will be your Cry ; but in vain will you feek God's Mercyt to the Prejudice of God's Tuftice ; and behold, Tuf- fice and Mercy meet together, and kifs one another, only in Ghrift : Mercy will vent no ocherwife,but in Chrift, in whom alone God is well pleafed, and hj ^hom his Jufticeis fatisfied. What fhall I fay?C70 The Salvation of God is in him, A^s iv. 12. Neither is there falvation in any other ^ for there is no Name give» under Heaven f &c. Yea, (8.) The Fulnefs of God is in kimi QyU i. J^. Br it hath pUafU the fatUr^ that in him Ihould ftm over, that fo his Cup of Judgments ndf run over alfo ; for a Gloud of Wickednefs is gather* ing more and more. {2.) Ciovadsof Error are gather- ing alio ; a black Cloud efpecially of irianifm^ which threatens the Deftrudion of the very Foundation of Cbriftianity ; And if the foundations be deftroyed, iuhai Jhail the Righteous d$ ? Of this 1 fpoke formerly ; there- fore Ifhall only fay, When rhefe Clouds of Wicked- tith and Error are gathering to a prodigious Blackneft of Darknefs, it is Time for us to be gathering to ShVoh^ who is the Way and the Truth ; the Way to walk in, in Oppoficion to the Way of Wickednefs ; and the Truth to be belie"ed,in Oppofition to all the Paths of Firror. But moreover, thefe black Clouds bode more a-coming. (5.) There is a Cloud of l¥rath ga- thering oyer Britain ; a Cloud of Judgment and Ca- lamity is gathering owet Scotland ^ ^i\6. hath been ga- thering thefe many Years bygone, efpecially fince the 'Time that Scotland was' incorporate with her Neigh- bour : A Cloud of Wrath hath been gathering over OS, both as a Church and Nation; What Drops have fallfen out of that Cloud to rhe Rending and Dividing^ of our Church, and to the finking and impoveriihing of our State ; what Clouds of Diforder and' Confufioa are hovering over our Head, is too well known : Yea, a Piece of the Cloud is already broken zbouiGlafgow within this Fortnight; but the Lord knows what will be the End of thefe Things, more dreadful Show- ers of temporal Judgments are in all Appearance haft- mng on : And O, is it not Time to be gatherinjg ia to %hiloh, the only Place4f Soul-fafety ? They that are in h:m have the Lee fide of the Bufti, whatever Waf the Wind blow. But tho* you fhbuld efcape the Cloudi of nationaljudgments, yet there l$^a Cloud ofperfo- nal Affliftion gathering, be it Sickhefs on jour fiod/ or the like: Is it not beft to be under Goyert before the Shower come on ? Or, if you fhould efbape that» yet, (4.) Certainly there is a Cloud of r>e4f^ gather- ing and coming upon you, as faft as Days, and Hours, and Momenta flee away ; and if your Bodiei be ga- 7: theied i 178 ) theted to tlie Grave before your Souls be gathered C9 thiioby you'll be miferable as long as God ihall be blelTedjthat is for ever and ever. V'ou may make aShifc to live a^ merrily as you can now 5 biit, ^hat will you do in the Day ofVifitation ? iCa. x. 5. What vill you do >^hen the King of Terror* is gatfierin^ his Forces againft you, and when you (hill be gathered before God's a>^ful Tribunal? &'c. $thly^ Confider how long he hath been offering to gather you. And how oft, O Sinner, would he have gathered you, as a Heri does her Chickens under her Wings, biit ye would not ? Ktow long ? Even all Day long, Rom, 3C. laft. All Day long have I Jlretched fertb my Hands unto a difobedient and gain fay ipg People, God hath been ftietching out his Arm ro p;etiGripof you^ even the Arm of his Grace in the Gofpel-ptfer and Invitation, and ycuVe not gripped ro this Day. All the Day long that the Gofpel-hin hath been Ihiriing have I been ftretching out my Arms, fays God ; for God counts the Time how long he wafts upon you, he reckons up the Time how long yon let him ftand knocking at the Door of your Heart : He counts every Hour's Refufal, and every Year's RefufaUtho' it be Forty Years ; ¥orty Tears long was t grieved with this Generation, God hath been calling on fome of vou Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty Years, and, it may be, to gray Hairs, but he counts the T^me how long : He hath been chafing you with his Grace, while you have been biit Chafing Feathers in the Wind, de- lighting your felves in nothing but Vanity, yea ly- ing Vanity, forlaking your own Mercy; as Perfons that have neither Care for Heaven, nor a Fe»rfor Hell What if the Time be now come, wherein he is faying, I'll wait no longer : Ephraim is joined to his l- dobylet him alone \ If this very Call be {lighted, mj Spirit fh all ftrive nO nhore with /ou ; 1 have long fought your Kindnefs, and you refufed it ; I offered my Kindnefs, and you thought nothing of it; I wculd have gathered you^ and you wottld Wrl The Catife of your Damnation then, if you perjfh, is noc in ( 179 ) „ in God, but in you, it is not in his Aa of Reproba- lion, but in your ASt of Rebellion and wicked Will* You're a gainfaying and rebellious People againft the God that ftretcbed forthjhis Hands towards you ; Say not then. What ails God at me ? But rather, What ails your wicked Nitureat God? O may conquering Grace at lengch come! But again, . ' 6thly^ Coniider what Relation Chrift ftands in to the People, that the Gathering of the People may be to him .- Not only is Shiloh come in our Nature, b^r he income in the Capacity of a Sbilohj that is, the ^ent of God, ande'r fuch manifold Relations to th^ People, as may engage the Hearts of the People. Since the Text makes him the Sent of God, let us lee what he is fent for, and whether thp People have atiy Con- cern. He is fent to be the Saviour of the P^ople> Luke ii. 1 1. To you is born m the City of Vavidy a Saviour ^ which is Chrift the Lord^ T'htf is indeed the Chrift ^ the Sa- vjour of the Worlds Job. iv. 42. Is he fent to be the Sa- viour of the People; and (hall eot the Gathering of the People be to him ? He is fent to be the Deliver- er of the People, Rom. xi. 29. 'There is come out of Zien the Deliverer y thatp^il turn away Un^odlinefs from J-acob, O (hajl he come to deliver the People, and none of tne People come to be delivered by him ? He is fent to be the Helper of the People ; yea, all the Help qt the People is laid upon him, Pfah Ixxxix. 19,/ have laid Help upon One that is Mighty ; Ifraely thou haft 4eftroyedthy felfy but in me is thy Help, Is he the Helper of the People, and the Help it felf ; and fliall nor the People come to him, to feek his Help, a.id take his Help 1 He is (ent to be the Prophet of th,» People, Ifa, 1. 4. The Lord hath f;iven him the Tongne of. the Learned, to fpeak a Word in Seafon to the Weary. He is the only powerful Preacher and Teacher of the People ; never Mah fpake like this Man .- And fjiould not the People hear him ? This is my beloved Sony 6tc. hear ye him. He is fent to be the Prieft, aM tbe Sacrifice of the People, Eph, v. 2. As he is Z 2 a ( i8o ) a Prieft for ever, for he gave himfelf to beanOffef ing, and a Sacrifice of a fweet fmelling Savour unco God ; and ail was, that the People may gather un- der the Covert of the Blood of the Sacrifice. Again, He is fent to be the King of the People. Pfal. ii. 6» I have fet my King upon my holy Hill of Z ion. Shall he have no SubjeSs for your Part ? &c. He is fent to be the Friend and Favourer of the People; hence called, a Friend of Publicans and Sinners ; not a Friend to their Sins^ butfuch a Friend to their Souls, as ^ofave them from their Sins. He is fent to be the Juftifier of the PeopIe,the Juftifier of them that believe in Jefus: Yea, hence he is faid to juf^ify the Ungodly, for he came not to be a Condemner, but a Juftifier, j^ohn iii. 17. God fent not his Son to the Worlds to condemn the Worlds but that the IVorld thro* him might be faved. O Shall not guilty People come to him to be juftified from all Things, from which they could not be juf- tified by the Law of Aiofes ? He is fent, 1 Pet. ii. hft, to be the^ Shepherd and Eifhop of the People, that ^he People may return iinto him. as the Shepherd and Bifhop oi their Souls. He is fent to be the Phy- ficiaii of the People ; hence, his Name is Jehovah-Ro^ iihiy the Lord hath healed thee : And as many as touched him were healed, 'the Whole need not the Ph)flci^ dn but' they thai are fick. And who are they that need not this Healing? -Therefore let the Gathering of the People that need Healing be to him. He is fent to be the Witnefs, the Leader and Commander of the People, JfaAv. 5. Behold^ I have given him for aWitnefs M, Leuder and Commander of the People ; and all that the Gathering of the People may be to.him. He is fent to be a Couhfeller, a Father, and a Prince of the Peo- ple, !f^. ix. 6. "To us a Child is bom, to us a Son is given^ and his Namefhalt be called iVonderful, Counfellery the mighty Godf the everlajlin^r Father y^he Prince of Peace^ and the Gcuemment jhall be upon his Shoulders, He i$ fent to be the Builder of the People, and the Foundation-ftone, upon which the People fhould bnild, Zecb* vi. 13. Even be fhall build ^the Temple -,■■■■':■ • of ( »RI ) of the Luri, and he pall bear the Glory, Ifa. xxvni. l6. Behold I lay in Zion^ for a Foundation y a Stone y a tried Stone f a precious Corner-pon&y a fare Foundation ; a»id all that the Gathering ot the People may be to hitru He is fent to be the Bleffer of the People, tiiat the Peoplfe may gather to him for a Blefling, 4Bs iii. lift* God having raifed up his Sonjefus, hath fent him to blefs yoUyin turning aivay every One of yott from his lni It. 8. For my ^thoughts are not your 'ThcughtSy 6cc. aad, is the Heavens are higher than the Earthy fo are mf thoughts higher t^an your *£heughts^ ThereforCj (jj.) What tho* you be unworthy to come to him, yet cm) there is Place in him for bn worthy Sinners to gathcf into. Are you- iiR worthy c^f him ? Well I v-ot that is true, as frue a Word as ever you fpake ; but rhe more unworthy you are, the more welcome to him, who Kath Worth enough for you and him both; He ex- pefts no Worth to be in vou, till once you come to him. What is it that makes you unworthy? is it, that you are poor miferabie, wrerched, blind and n?ikcd^ Or i»it,tnat you are ftupid and (enrelefs,and kno'v not that you are in thtrfe dilnial Circumftances? Why, he makes that the very Keafon of ius inviting you to gather in to him ; Becnufe than fiyeft ^ I am richy and hnowcft not that thou art uretched^S/cc. Rev. iii. 17, 18. therefore I counfel thee to buy of me Gold. Unworthy Sin- ners, gather in to that ' ell-furnifhed Houlc, where all yoii need to make yoQ happy and holy is t be had: And fay not you are unfit to come ; for there yott fee, that even impoteat and unfen/ible Sinners, whom "we are ready to fhuc out, Grace is ready to take in. Yea, (lo.) What tho'you be nnabie to come to him, and gather in to Shiloh, yet there is Place in him for your girhering to him, Ifa. xi. 29. For he gi'oes Pezi/'er to the Faint ^ and to them that h^xve no Might he incrs^7feth Strength. If you vould be gathered, he Hands xeady to reach you lusHelpingHand.and bids you take HoM of bis Strength, that you may make Peace with him, and you fhall make Peace with him, Ifa, xxvii, ^, Yea, what tho' you have been unwilling all your Days till this very Moment, onwillm^ to be gather- ed ? Yet he who fays. How oft would I have gather- ed you, and you would not i Is now faying, if yoa votiid be gathered, 1 am here, and my Pother and Grace is at your Service, for drawing you nearer. Yea, -what rho' you find mjich UnwilJingnefs and Enmity this Moment in your Heart againft him ; Yet if you vonid be content that he break your Hnmity, and roake you willii.g, O there is place, there is place in him for ycu to gather in to. Yea, What Ihall 1 fay ? ^hr: ^Q^ tjg 35 unwilling a$ ever you was, and your ( i89 ) your '111 will againft him is ready to fend yoa into the burning Lake; yet kndw, O 'de- vililh Enemy to God and Chrift, lie is c^^lling yon lc|>come to him, faying, Whofaever ivilllet him come, O, \vw you not be gathered ? Why will you die ? A« £ live, I ha/e no Pie » Cure in your Dearii ; 1 have in- finitely greater Pleafure in your Gtrherint^ lo Sbihby in whom all my Attributes are glorified and well pleifed. And if this Call do at lall kinJle a fecret Wifh and Defire in your Soul, faying, O that he would come and gather me ! Beh.->ld his gathering Arms are ftretched out towards you, and you fhall be as welcome to him, as e er any .?oul was finca the World began. Well, is there fuch a Gathering Place for the People hercifwch a Gafhering-Houfe, with fo many What iho's written oo the Sign of the H )ufe,' or the Face of the Door, to invite all Paf- fengers, that are travelling to Eternity, to com^in, and be happy for ever ? And fhall there be no Ga- thering of the People to Shihb ? Nay we hope, that Divine Power hath madeforoe to be willing, and that they are either fiying, Behold we co m«i o thee, for thou art the Lord our God ; or elfe, Lord, come and draw, come and gather, and get the Glory to thy Name for ever. Hiving offered thefe Motives and Confideration»; I Ihould oflFsr next fome Di regions. It is Divine Power only that does the Bufinefs ; and therefor^, I ihaU only give foi ihofe two Dire£tions in cafe yoa would know how to nianage,fo as you may not be de- ceived in this Matter. If I could help you to Heaven, 1 think, I would defire to do it ; and, for your H«lp and Direfiion, in order to your right gathering to Sbt- Job, I would fay to you, (i) Never fatisfy your felrei ivith gathering about him and his Ordinance, with- out gathering to him. Many, like the Multitude in the Gorpel,.may gather about him, yea, fo near as to prefsupon him, while there was but out poor Wo- man, that was gathered to him, aad touched him. SomeBody hath touched me, faysChrifi: Why,fay'the Pifciples, the Multitude p re(s upon you ; and what mtiti " :v ' " ■ i *j i M.iiii.i ,-"fi ' i*. ' i.. ' .a^> ( '90 ) meaii yau,Lord,by ch?it,-'^ome bo iy ^-'tli tQuchcd me? Nay, but as one of the F^chers uidS^-^^-tprernityJiies tan^it ; jheMulrituJe prefs, hut Faici* coucheth. Sa- tisfy not your feives th»en, f l;iy, with .1 Girti^rin^^ a- bout him, unlefs you b. gatheritd to him .• People may gather about a Tr^e to p!ud< the Fruit rherdof, but itisanotherThing to be gathexed to it, To «s either to become a Branch, or have an Inte/«(i in it ; even fo may fome People eat of the Fruit of the Tree of JLife, in refpeS of common Providence, common GraceS) conwnon Influences ; but it is anotherThing to have an Interett in the Tree, anti Uaion to it : $0 here, &*c. O Sirs, fay you, that i« a hnrd Note, that cads me all down agiin. Wiiy, cnqy the Lord him- felf bring down ail fatfe Xefuges .• Bat in cafe it perplex any pf>or Soul, that^harii been iiiting under Chrift'sShadow at th-isOacaiion,andhisFraif hath been fweet to theirTafte,and they m^s^ytii ink, that all tiiey got, i» but only rheFruit,«/hiia they have noQnion to ©r Intereft in the Tree, ^cf^^'dj you rhen,Ho\v fhall One know if he only eats ot che Froit, and hath no Intereft in the Tree ? In Anfwer to which,! U endea- vour to illuftrate it by this plain Simile; You know, when a Man hath no Interell in the Tree of a Gar- den,if he get the Frait,he cares not whu come of the Tree, tho' the Branches of it were all broken down ; He loves the Fruit, and takes if» but the Tree is not his own, he hath no Concern about it : But, the Man that haihanlntereflin theTree,tho'hc lovestheF/uit, yet he loves the Tree better than the Fruit ; and therefore,he would rather that People fhould take all the Ftuit away f fom him,than break and deftroy the Branches of theTree ; for/he efteems the Tree better than all theFruit that grows upon it. The Applica- tion thereof is eafy ; for, even fo the Hypocrite that «Qts of the Fruit of theTree of Lite, as it were,but hath no Intereft in/the Tree ; the Fruit, the Frame, ♦theEntargementjOr ihe like, is ail that he wants ; the Gifts and common Graces he gets, \t what be fola- ceth himfelf withal; be reft«there,and fits down fatif- €ed«withoutChrift himfel^or aay true Love to hin\» % and ( ^91 V and onfeigiied Concern for his Glory and Intercft • Self is upmoft with him, and Therefore he pleafei 'liiinfelf ■with the Frait, and loves it n^ore than the Tree. But, the true Celiever, that is gathered to Chrift, he loves the Fruit indeed, and takes Plea- fure in^the ComiPUrtication ; but the Tree it felt is above all Things to him, and the Fruit he tafted ftill the more recommends theTree to him. O Chrift'f Gifts are ftveet.but himfelf fweeteft of all ! The Be- liever's Frame is like the Frame of a PiSure ; he is not taken up with the Fr;ime, but with the PiSure that is within the Frame, even Chrift, who is the PiSure of God, the l^iage of the invifible God. See, I fay, that it be Chrift' himfelf, that you are gathe- red to. . (a.) Be ftill about his Hand, in the Ufe of appointed Means, but with a conftant Eye to Divine Power : Let Means and Otdinances be ftill ufed ; For,tho*,as they are your Performances, they cannot be profitable, yet, as they are his Ordinance,he may put a Blefling in them. Therefore, be ftill in the King's High-way, in the \.He of Means ', for, tho* the natural Ufe of Means, and God's faving Grace, have noConne£iion, yet there is far lefs aConne£iioa betwixt that Grace, and the NegleQ: of Means. The poor Beggar, that needs an Alms from the King, goes to the King's High -way, where he paf- fes ; and furely he is nearer his Purpofe, than if he Ihould go to the Top of a Mountain, where the King never comes :So,be you ftill in theUfe of Means in the Lord's Way ; but reft not there, left you be like One, that, upon Pretence of feeking a Treafure on the other Side of a Kiver, fhouldcpiiie totheBoat, which is the Mean,and reft there, without going fur- ther ; Why, he may thus milslhe Treafure for ever. In yourUle of the Means;, look beyond the Means, and cry for Atm^'ghty dra v. in^ Power, without which it is ftmply impofiible you can m^ke one Step towards Shilob, God knows, yon can do nothing this Way your fclf, and he doesnor expeft it of you, that you ilioald come to him in your own Strength ; nay, if you eft'ay to do fo, vou hue ^firont him, Tvho is the Strength ( ips ) icI yedifpai Strength of Ifrstl-, ancf ye difparage his Power, ss if a Creature, far lefs a filthy finful Oeacure, dead in TrefpafTes and Sinj, v^ould ad independently of him. O then, caft yourfelf ay into his Almighty gather- ing Arms ! crying, O Power, Power, Power of the E- ternal Spirit of God, come ! Cry for the powerful Convi£iion of theSpirir, whereby yOu may fee how far off you are from God and Chrift : 1 hey that are ga- iheted to him,are made to fee how far they are fepa- rate from him, and to fay, Lord, I am lying in the Arms of the Devil, and I know not hnw foon I may be "with him in Heil ; O pity, pity of thy fovereign Mercy J Cry alio for the powerful Illuniinririon of the Spirit, that you may fee a God in Chrill ; not an abfoiute God, fitting on the Throne of Aiming Juftice, but on the Mtrcy-feat, fpiinkleif with the Juftice-fuisfying Blood of the Lamb, from whence Mercy does vent it felf, to the hi^heft Honour, and greateft Glory of infinite Juflice. Cry, in a Word, for the powerful Operation of the Spirit, the irrefif- tible, efficacious Pull of his omnipotentArm ; O lofig ^ ior a Day of Power, a gathering Day ! Many a black), powerful Hindrance and Drawback you have : Eve- ry Luft iaysupoo the Matter, If I can get my Will, he Ihall never be gathered to ShUoh\ the Devil fays, If 1 can get my Will, he fhall never win to Chrift ; > the WorH, and the Cares of it, lay the fame , your ^ I gracelefs Neighbours and wickedCompanions,fay the fame ; There is a ilrong hellifh Combination to hin- der your coming to Shtlob, Yet nevcrthelefs, tho' all the Inranglcments of the World, all the Corruptions of thft Heart, and all the Devils in Hell fhould joia Counfel together to keep your Soul back fromChrift> one Divine Draught of the Cord of Love \sill make them all lo yield. Thefe are potent Enemies, but here is an omnipotent God ; they are Mighty, but he is Alnoighry. O cry, and continue to cry for this gathering Power ! and tho* you have been Jonj; feeking an omnipotent Pull of Divine Grjce, and to your Senfe have not got it, yer^ifyou; ^ait for it, and try for it, it u a Thciifdnd tc One J ( '93 ) if yoii mifs it : Nay, it cannot be^ for be is a God ©f judgment, and blefled are aH the]p that wait for him, i/a. XXX i8. Judgmeni here, is nor Juogmenr in Dp- pofition to iv eicy, bur Judgrocnt in Oppofition to Fol- ly ; that is, he is an n.finirely wife God, that knows the beft Time of coming and paying his Vifit; and becaufe he is a Goo of Judgment, bltfTtsd are all they that \vait for him. He hath long waited for >ou. O wait for him in bis own Way ! And when he is ftretcbing forth his Arms toward you in this Gofpel, offering lo gather you; let your Heart ay to him, faying. Lord, thou that gathers the Lambs with thine Arm, O do thou not only ffretth forth t.iine Arms towards me, but clafp thine Arms about me; gather me, and I fhall be gathered. If you b« brought, to this, I would hope the good Woik were begun. The T'z&W Sort to whom I propofet! lo direO my Exhortation, was to Believers, that are gathered un* to Shiloh. My hxhortation to you is,That, thro' Gratfe, you would g^ather more clofly to Shi/oh, than ever you have done, fo as to be rooted in him and abide in him, Col. n 7. foh» xv. 5. O cry for more atid more of his gathering Power and Grace, to bring you heaier and neirer to him : More particularly, ( 1.) Hath Shi- lob come and gathered y* u to himfclf? Then O live upon him, for that is the tnd for which you are ga- thered to him, Gal ii. 20. that the Life you lire may be a Life of Faith on the Son of God, who not onlf loved you, and gave hin^reif for you, but gathered you alfo out of rhe ftinking Grave of Sin ^nd Mifery» wherein you was. You need ro li/e , Lift of Depen- dance upon him ; for all oth t Things m.y foon fail you and nothing in :y your holy Converfation, Others may be gathered unfo Sbihh too. (5.) Are you gathered ? O let ^ot Believers, that are gathered to Shilohj forget their Ciathering together for Chriftian-f<;llowfhip and Prayer, H(?^. X. 24, 25. Let tts con fider one another ^ t9 provoke unto Love, and to ^ood Works ; not forfaking the AJfembling your j elves together, as the Manner of feme hf hut exhorting one another, and fo much the more as you fee ihe Day appra aching. The wicked that are to be ga- thered to the burning 'Tophet, are making Speed in ijnful Ways»and gathering in Clubs and Cabals, to hearten and harden one another : And, O fhall not the Godly gather together, ro exhort and excite one another in theWay toHeaven; as Irorn fharpens Iron, fo does the holy Gathering of Saints ufe to (harp- fn the Edge of their Spirits in the Lord's Way ; But fince Fellowfhip-Meecings have been deferted, many Profeflbrs are blunted and rufted ; feveral Chriftiaa Societiej are broken and evaniiht, even at a Time, "when they that fear theLord fhonld fpeakof^en one to another in Spiritual Conferences. Q, if you be gathered unto 5^i/(J^, let your Zeal for him appear, in reftoring and reviving thefe Chriftian Gatherings in a ffgqlar Manner ; and pray, That the Devil's fcatter- ing Wind that he hath raifea in our Day, for fepa- rating and dividing Minifters and Chriftians from one another, may be laid, (d.) To add no more, and to encourage you in the wholeof your Chriftian Courfe* Q you, that through Grace hath been gathered to Sbilohf take home with you the Comfort that belongs to your gathered State. As to thefe that are yet in a di^a^t State, feparate froiii the Lord Jefus, we have iit^je. Comfort to offer, if you abide there ; for in the i-ord*s Ti.nr^e you'll be gathered to the Grave, and af- eer Ehat, you'll be gathered before the Tribunal of Goda 1_--.-^ ( 1^7 ) /M God, to receive the dreadful Sentence, Depart frofA me^ye curfed ; and, in ail Appearance, fome here will be gathered before that awful Tribunal, before they be gathered together here again : We are not all to meet till we meet before the Fiery B^nch of the Glorious Judge ; and if you be not gathered to him, as an amebic Jefus now, you muft be gathered to him as a terrible Judge then. And, O that the Thoughts of this would excite poor Souls to think of gathering to Shiloh before they part, that they may part with God's Blefling, and not under his heavy Curfe ! But, as to yon that have been gathered un- to Chrift, I would have you know, that God allows you ttrong Confolation. You having fled for Refuge to the Hope fet before you, you may rejoice in the Hope or the Glory of God, that the Joy of the Lord may be your Strength, in the whole of your Work '^ and Warfare, as you go through the Wiidernets. You may rejoice in this, that as your Hearts are ga- thered unto Shihh now, fo your happieft Gathering Time is but coming ; for he that hath begun to ga- ther you as Stones for the Spiritual Building, will never leave the Work, till the Building be com- pleted, with Shoutings of Grace^ grace unto it. He will never give over gathering you, till you be com- pletely happy : From Time to Time the Work will be advanced, by the Means of his Word and Ordi- nances, till the Confummation of the Work in Glo- ry ; f )r he hath ippointed a Gofpel Miniftry for the perfe^iing of the Saints, for the edifytng of the Bo- dy of Chrift, till they all come, &c, Eph, ir. i^. He hath appointed thefe three fearful FhingSjDeath, Judgment, and Eternity, to be Three happy Gathe- rings for you ; the initial Gathering being over, by your getting in to Chrift, after your progrelUve Ga- thering is come to a Clofe, in your having finifhei your Courie, and fought the good Fight of Faith your glorious and canfum nate Gathering wilf take Place : The Day of Death will be the glorious Com- meocement of it, ^nd Eternity will be the everiaftint*- Coa- r i?8 ; ation of it. The ftrft Coming of Shi f oh hath afhe- rea in a s^racious Gachering, his feconii. Coming wil produce a glorious ^G.itherii>g,; but of thefe gacher- ing Seufons, I formerly ipoke .a U'rge; I only fay therefore, that then, O Ikijever, tlien fball yoti be for ever with the J^orJ ; -af.d it. is for this Rejfon you are now garheied to bisn, chat there you may be tor fcver with him : And fo fu'-e as you are ga- thered to him in Time, ibluie, fiiail you be with him through Eternity ; not only for ever with the PatsiarchSy and fropnets, and Apolties ; not only for ever with Angels and Aich-Angeis ;■ not only for e- ver with Saints and Seri^phimji ; bur for ever with the Lord ; for none of rKele,can make a Heaven wiiho^itt him. Ciiiift himfeif will be the Centre of the Aflembly, nd Heart of the Meeting. And the* ispw you are but with him for a Start, and he is^ " with you but fo* a. Mcrpei.c, and fo yoi*r Commu- niort with him is ,but in tranfient Glances of hi* Glory; m.»y be juff noyir you are wkh him in the Banqueting- Ho ufe, but inlHntly you are, as it were, attheBack of theDoor; It is only for a little, but then •for ewer : And it is hin-dJittkofhim that you have fdr a fiHle fwhjle ; Yet then, O rh'_n fhall you be for ever with the Lord, i*Vharefo^e comfort ojie anothet -duth t\efe ■W»rdiy.\ Their, iv. ialt. JCnow, that being gathered Xi^ him on Lartb, ywi iliall be gathered to him in Hea ven ; and biiing gathered in Grace,yot» .ftiali he gai^h^red in Glory; for ail the Pronnifes of rG«ce and Glory are gathered in him, and you being gathered to him, are in him aifo, in whom :iU the PfOmifes arel>'« and Amen, And, now this Gathering of the People here is to part ; But, O happy Parting, to thefe who can date • their 'iirft or farther Gathering to Shdoh from their Gathering to Oavnock ' For,part with whom you will, Chrift and you fliali never part again ; what(|yer Clouds may be in your Sky,yec your Sun is rifen^ and Tvtll never 'iti. But the moft Part of you here were fievsr yetgathered to Shdoh ; and, O how ca,n yqu "find in-your Heart to go away without him, and with- , ( IP? ) ' 1 without fo much as a Defire after him, who is the DeHre of ail Nations! For my own Part, I « >^ not think of your going away ir fuch a Cafe. O, (hall he have it to fay, I would h we gathered you, as a i Hen does her Chickens under her Wings, but yoa 1 would not! O, wherefore did you gather to this Place, if you would not be gathered to Shiloh ' Arul it you be more willii.g, to be gone, than willing to be gathered. Wo is me, that my Text will be no more but a W^itnefs againft you upon Camock-Green^ that you would not ? and, that the Devil, and the AVorld, and your Lufts, v«ere more defiribleto you; and you had more Heart to be gathered to them, than to be gathered to Shiloh. O then, heartlefs Parting, while you are content to part with ShiUb for ever, rather than part with a baCe Luft, or a black Devil. If ttiat be not your Chcice, then«let you Heart fay, in t'le Sight of the Living God if you can, Lord, 1 think i would be gathered, and .."would rather thooie ro die upon the >por than not to be gathered unto Shihh ; and, my Soul could wiih, that all my dearell Luibwere buried in this Green, never to rile again, md that Chrift might have my Heart tor ever, in Room of them all. Why, Man, car. you fay th»f,ro the Heirt fearching God ? Then, poor Soul, let me defire you to take the hrlt conve- nient Ciofet or Corner you cm get, and there tell him this oi er again m>)re loiemnly ;and, at the fame Xime, bieis him ihat ever SUl h tame lo y t u, and that ever you feit the Vertue of this Pro- mife, that 'To hlrn {b::Il the gatberiitg of the Peo^ ^le be. .^/ N I S. ^^ ^^ u V i /^ I O /A }Sh