CHILDREN'S" THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. % LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY :.:/:' 7 9 Prayer and Praise #^ oTpfe ^ BOOK/ vv OCT 13 1975 FOR THE SERVICES OF TH iS^'/CAl St^ lundag-jwool m ^ fcMrp's |^ r ^« EDITED BY WILBUR F. PADDOCK, D. D., Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA : FREDERICK SCOFIELD, No. 26 South Seventh St. 1879. 46044 2T b P *i Copyright by Wilbur F. Paddock, 1879. FERGUSON BROS. &. CO., ELECTROTYPERS AND PRINTERS, PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE A successful Sunday-school largely depends upon its Service Book; and such Book must possess those features calculated to secure this end. It must be inexpensive, that every scholar, however limited the resources of the school, may have a Service Book to himself, and not be forced, in order to participate in its prayers and praises, to depend upon the courtesy of another — sometimes at the expense of both bodily comfort and a devotional spirit. It must be simple in arrangement, that there be no difficulty in at once finding any office or hymn. It should be flexible in character, to be adapted to the various needs and occa- sions of Sunday-school and Children's Church-worship, and to afford variety without being either cumbersome or costly. It should be respon- sive and uninterrupted in movement, that the flow of devotion may not stagnate, and -the minds of the children be continually engaged by having an equal part to perform with the Leader of the service. If to these important features of a Service Book it be added, that its prayers should be simple and direct, expressing in plain language the actual needs of Teachers and Scholars, without neglecting — as is too common in Sunday-school services — a full measure of thanksgiving for mercies and blessings received ; that its hymns should be suited to dif- ferent ages, tastes and grades of intelligence, while yet pure in sentiment and teaching, elevated in character, and impressive and inspiring in measure and spirit; then, have we a Service Book possessing the requisites for usefulness and success in the work of the Sunday-school. The aim of the Editor of the present Manual has been to supply just such a book. The work was undertaken at the request of the Superin- tendents and Teachers of his Sunday-schools, and has been prosecuted in the belief that a book of this kind was needed, and would be benefi- cial to schools in general. It was hoped, also, that it would be useful to children and parents at home. PREFACE. Two full and comparatively long services are given for the Morning and Afternoon sessions of the Sunday-school. Each of these services may be divided into three, the division being plainly indicated by rubric, and easily followed by the Leader, — with no break perceptible, or instruc- tion necessary, to the scholar. This affords those who do not prefer the richer services an opportunity of using many shorter ones, with the advantage of variety and of adaptation to special occasions. All prayers, except those of the closing services, are in the form of a Litany, or to be said aloud with the Leader. Pastors and Superintendents should see that these prayers and responses are committed and said by their schol- ars. By also chanting the Psalter responsively, increased life and interest will be given the services. In each part of the Prayer Book, the design has been not only to pre- sent a suitable vehicle for children's devotions, but by such means also, to train them in the services of the Church, and make them familiar with its Liturgy. In selecting the hymns of the Praise Book, care has been taken to choose those most valuable for their gospel teaching and literary excellence; but sometimes the latter quality has been more or less sacrificed to the former when both could not be obtained in verses adapted to an inspiring piece of music. It is believed, however, that the hymns of the Praise Book are not excelled for variety, excellence, beauty and impressive religious teaching by any like collection. The Editor would here convey his grateful thanks for the use of the hymns in this volume, to their authors and publishers. Full lists of both are given in the Indexes, with the Titles of the Books from which the hymns are taken. His thanks are also due to Messrs. Lewis H. Redner and George C. Thomas for counsel and assistance in the man- agement of the work; and especially to M'r. John Graff and Prof. George Colgan for very valuable professional aid in the selection of music appropriate for its hymns, and in preparing its musical portions for the Press. W. F. P. Philadelphia, October, 1879. 4 CONTENTS. PRAYER BOOK. OFFICES OF DEVOTION. PAGE Opening Morning Service, 9 Closing " " 19 Opening Evening Service, 21 Closing " " 32 Special Prayers, 33 II. PRAISE BOOK. TABLE OF SUBJECTS. Morning, Evening, - Lord's Day, Advent, (5) HYMN I 5 18 CONTENTS. HYMN Christmas, - - 22 New Year, 39 Epiphany, 41 Lent, 44 Easter, 52 Ascension, 64 Whitsuntide, 67 Trinity, - - - • 70 Providence, - - - - - 74 Redemption, 77 The Church, 86 Holy Scriptures, 91 Missions, 93 Christian Life, 103 Prayer, 117 Praise, . - 121 Faith, ------ 131 Hope, .....'....... 139 Heaven, 141 Infant Hymns, 150 Anniversary Hymns, - - 168 Miscellaneous Hymns, - - • - - - - 174 I PAGE Gloria Patri, - 247 First Lines of Hymns; and their Authors, - - - - 248 Titles of Tunes ; and their Composers, - - - - 252 Music Books referred to by Abbreviated Titles, - - - 256 (6) I. m (7) MORNING. ^ The School being called to order, the service shall commence by singing from the Praise Book & ipm. ^ Or, may be chanted the following OCOME, let us sing un- | to the | Lord ; Let us heartily rejoice in the | strength of | our sal- | vation. Let us come before His presence | with thanks- | giving; And show ourselves | glad in | Him with | psalms. For the Lord is a | great — | God ; And a great | King a- | bove all | gods. In His hand are all the corners | of the | earth ; And the strength of the | hills is | His — | also. The sea is His, | and He | made it; And His hands pre- | pared the | dry — | land, O come, let us worship, | and fall | down ; And kneel be- | fore the | Lord our | Maker. For He is the | Lord our | God ; And we are the people of His pasture, | and the | sheep of His | hand. (9) 10 OPENING SERVICE. 8 O worship the Lord in the | beauty of | holiness; Let the whole earth | stand in | awe of | Him. 9 For He cometh, for He cometh to | judge the | earth; And with righteousness to judge the world, and the j people | with His | truth, xo Glory be to the Father, | and — to the | Son, And | to the | Holy | Ghost ; ii As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be, World with- [ out end. | A | men. fl Then shall the Superintendent make this DEAR CHILDREN :— In God's Holy Word it is said, " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." "Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you." "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to qur God. for He will abundantly pardon. " "The Lord is rich in mercy to all that call upon Him." "In everything by prayer and supplication with thanks- giving, let your requests be made known unto God." Wherefore, I pray and beseech you, as many as are here present, to accompany me with a pure heart, and humble voice, unto the throne of the heavenly grace, saying : ^ The above Address may be shortened and varied by using only two of its sentences at any one time. All kneeling shall then together say OPENING SERVICE. 11 OGOD, whose ear is always open to the cry of Thy chil- dren, hear us as we come to Thee to confess our sins and seek Thy pardoning grace and guidance. Forgive all that has been wrong in our lives during the past week ; our anger, pride and self-will \ our idle thoughts and unkind words; our neglect of duty and forgetfulness of Thee. Pardon us for the love of Thy dear Son. Enable us to accept Him as the Saviour of our souls, and the Leader of all our lives. Renew within us holy affections and desires. Lift us above a weak or wicked fear of ridicule and reproach when in the path of duty. Give us patience when provoked, courage when ready to despair, and faith alway in Thy promises and sustaining grace. May we so live as to be numbered with Thy faithful soldiers in the life that now is, and with the hosts of Thy redeemed ones in that life which is to come. All which we ask for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. tf Also, m* gtafl'u iron**. OUR Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who tres- pass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 12 OPENING SERVICE. O Lord, open Thou our lips. Answer. And our mouth shall show forth Thy praise. \ All standing shall read responsively, or antiphonally chant one of the §t\ttiwn at fgjtttttng. FIRST SELECTION. PSALMS XXIII. AND CXXI. THE Lord is my Shepherd ; therefore can I | lack j nothing. || He shall feed me in a green pasture, and lead me forth be- | side the \ waters of \ comfort.\\ He shall convert my soul, and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness for His | name's | sake.|| Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy \ staff \ comfort \ me.\\ Thou shalt prepare a table before me against them that trouble me ; Thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my | cup shall — be | full.|| But Thy loving kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ; and I will dwell in the \ house — of the \ Lord for | everJ\ I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence | cometh my | help.|| My help cometh even from the Lord, who \ hath made \ heaven and I earth A\ OPENING SERVICE. 13 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved ; and He that keepeth thee | will not | sleep. || Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall \ neither | slumber nor | sleep. \\ The Lord Himself is thy keeper \ the Lord is thy defence upon thy | right | hand :|| So that the sun shall not burn thee by day, \ neither the j moon by \ night. . || The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil ; yea, it is even He that shall | keep thy | soul.|| The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in, from this time \ forth for | ever | more.\\ Glory be to the Father, | and — to the | Son,|| And | to the \ Holy \ Ghost ;\\ As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be,|J World with- | out end. | — A | men.\\ tf Or this SECOND SELECTION. FROM PSALMS CXVIII. AND VIII. THE Lord is my strength [ and my | song;|| And is be- \ come \ my sal- \ vation.\\ The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings | of the | righteous ;|| The right hand of the Lord bringeth \ mighty \ things to | pass.\\ The right hand of the Lord hath | the pre- | eminence ;|| The right hand of the Lord bringeth \ mighty \ things to \ pass.\\ 14 OPENING SERVICE. I shall not | die, but | live,|| And declare the \ works \ of the \ Z,ord.\\ Open me the | gates of | righteousness, || That I may go into them, and give \ thanks un- \ to the \ Lord.\\ This is the gate | of the | Lord,|| The righteous shall \ enter \ into \ z'/.|| I will thank Thee ; for | Thou hast | heard me,|| And art be- \ come \ my sal- \ vation.\\ The same stone which the | builders re- | fused, || Is become the \ head-stone \ in the \ corner. \ This is the | Lord's | doing, || And it is | marvellous \ in our \ eyes.\\ This is the day which the | Lord hath | made;|| We will rejoice \ and be \ glad in \ /V.|| Thou art my God, and | I will | thank Thee ;|| Thou art my God, and \ I will \ praise \ Thee.\\ O give thanks un- | to the | Lord ;|| For He is gracious, and His \ mercy en- \ durethfor- \ ever.\\ OLORD, our Governor, how excellent is Thy Name in | all the | world: || Thou that hast set Thy \ glory a- | bove the \ heavens /|| Out the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast thou or- | dained | strength, || Because of Thine enemies, that Thou mightest still the \ enemy \ and — the a- \ venger.\\ OPENING SERVICE. 15 For I will consider Thy heavens, even the works | of Thy I fingers j|| The moon and the stars | which Thou | hast or- \ dained.\\ What is man, that Thou art | mindful of | him ?|| And the son of man, | that Thou \ visit est | him.\\ Thou madest him lower | than the | angels, || To crown \ him with | glory a?id | worship )\ Thou makest him to have dominion of the works | of Thy | hands; || A7id Thou hast put all things in sub- \ jection | under his \feet.\\ Glory be to the Father, | and — to the | Son,|| . And | to the \ Holy \ Ghost ;\\ As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be,|| World with- \ out end. \ A — | men. || \ The scholars being seated, there may be read for [The S. S. Lesson, or the Epistle or Gospel for the Day.] \ All shall then rise and sing \ Then all shall say T BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of 1 heaven and earth : And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord j Who 16 OPENING SERVICE. was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary; Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell, The third day He rose from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; The holy Catholic Church, The Communion of Saints; The Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body; And the Life everlasting. Amen. The Lord be with you. Ans. — And with thy spirit. Let us pray. % All shall then kneel, the teachers and scholars saying the Italicized sentences of OLORD, our Heavenly Father, without whose help we can do nothing that is good, be with us and bless us in our present work. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Give to those who shall instruct the young in the knowl- edge of Thy Word, a right understanding of it ; and ability to clearly explain and deeply impress its precious lessons upon the minds of those committed to their charge. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Look graciously upon the scholars of this school ; and OPENING SERVICE. 17 enable them by Thy Spirit, to receive the truth in loving and obedient hearts, and acquire such knowledge of Thy Word and Thy Son Jesus Christ, as shall make them wise unto salvation. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord Help them to watch against temptation, and to resist and overcome it when presented ; to be faithful, brave, and true to their duty and their God ; to hate that which Thou hatest, and love the things which Thou commandest. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Grant that they, being regenerate and made Thy children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by Thy Holy Spirit \ and increase in righteousness and true holiness more and more until they come unto Thy everlasting kingdom. We beseech Thee to liear its, good Lord. Bless their parents, schoolmates, friends, and all who in any way train their minds, and mould their characters and conduct ; and so qualify and guide them by Thy Word and Spirit, that their instruction may ever be wise, their example ever good, their influence ever healthful and helpful. We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. Direct us in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual help \ that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain ever- lasting life ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. We beseech Thee to hear its, good Lord. 2 18 OPENING SERVICE. ^ Then shall all together say TO our prayers, O Lord, we join our unfeigned thanks for all Thy mercies ; for our being, our reason, and all other endowments and faculties of soul and body ; for our home, for our Bible, for the privileges of the Sanctuary, and for a Day of sacred rest and worship. Above all, we adore Thy mercy in sending Thine only Son into the world to redeem us from sin and eternal death \ and in giving the Divine Spirit to direct and assist us in obtaining the benefits of this redemption, and in enriching us with the treasures of grace and glory. And we beseech Thee, help us ever to regard it both a duty and a blessed privilege to acknowledge such mercy and goodness \ and to show our thankfulness by yielding our hearts and consecrating our lives to His service and glory, through whom all blessings come, Thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. \ Then shall follow r PHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of 1 God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. \ Before the Bible Study, there may be sung a ftymw. \ If a short Opening Service be desired, the Anthem after the first Hymn may be read as a Selection, and at the conclusion of the Address, the Leader proceed right to the Litany, p. :6. To vary the Service, he may sometimes commence with the second Hymn, p. 15. CLOSING SERVICE. 19 MORNING. ^ Begin with a ^f Then shall notices of the next Sunday's Lesson, of times of Bible Study, and of other meetings, be given. Afterward all shall kneel, and together say — it having been committed as part of the day's lesson — % Then may follow an extemporaneous Prayer, or one or more " Special Prayers," or only the following ALMIGHTY GOD, we pray Thee, that the truth these children have this day received, may by Thy grace dwell richly in their hearts and bear fruit to Thy glory. Take them under the protection of Thy good Providence this day and all the days of their lives ; and make them to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy holy Name. Wher- ever they are, may they remember that Thou, God, seest them. Be their refuge and strength, their constant and unfailing comfort and joy. Fill them, O Lord, with a love of Thy Day, and of Thy House and its holy services. 20 CLOSING SERVICE. Ever may they feel, that their bodies were formed to be the temples of the Holy Ghost, and should not be desecrated by unhallowed thoughts or denied by unworthy deeds ; but rather given and consecrated to Thy service and worship. May they so live that when Thou callest them hence, they may joyfully obey the summons, and enter into the peace and happiness of the blessed in heaven. All which we ask in the name and through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. \ Then shall be said the Apostolic Benediction, or this THE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always. Amen. ^V. B.—Both the Opening and Closing Morning Ser- vice, may be used in the Afternoon; and also, the Evening Services may be used in the Morning. Such changes ivould, for variety, be sometimes well in Schools having two Sessions on the Lord's Day. When there is only an Afternoon Session, the Morning Offices may, from their flexible character , often be -preferable. In giving the two forms of Devotion, the design has been to afford opportunity of choice, as well as provide Offices suited to par- ticular times. OPENING SERVICE. 21 [For Children's Church also.] evening. ^ Begin by singing from the Praise Book a aftpw. f Then shall the Minister or Leader give this (Exhortation, DEARLY BELOVED : He who searcheth our hearts and knoweth our thoughts, tells us in His holy Word, — " If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." And to encourage such confession and secure our fullest confidence in His readiness to receive and bless us, the dear Lord says : " Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you." " I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me." "Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." Wherefore, I pray and beseech you, as many as are here 22 OPENING SERVICE. present, to accompany me with a pure heart and humble voice, unto the throne of the heavenly grace, saying, % Here all are to kneel, and if the Children's Church Service, make this ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father; We have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against Thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done ; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done ; And there is no health in us. But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare Thou those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore Thou those who are penitent ; According to Thy promises declared unto man- kind, in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake ; That we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, To the glory of Thy holy Name. Amen. ^ If Sunday School Service, this may be said. ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, we come before Thee, confessing that we have sinned against Thee and are not worthy to be called Thy children. But, O most merciful Father, who art ever ready and willing to forgive those who truly repent, pardon, we beseech Thee, all the sins which we have committed against Thee in thought, word, and deed ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. OPENING SERVICE. 23 f Also, Z\\t §0x^0 grayer. OUR Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who tres- pass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. O Lord, open thou our lips. Ans. And our mouth shall show forth thy praise. % Then all standing the minister shall say, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Ans. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Praise ye the Lord. Ans, The Lord's name be praised. r Then shall be read responsively, or antiphonally chanted one of these FIRST SELECTION. FROM PSALMS CXXII. AND CXLV. WAS glad when they said unto me, We will go into the | house — of the | Lord.|| Our feet shall stand in thy \ gates, | O Je- \ rusalem.\\ 24 OPENING SERVICE. Jerusalem is built as a city that is at unity | in it- | self. || For thither the tribes go up, even the tribes of the Lord, to testify unto Israel, to give thanks unto the \ name \ of the \ Lord.\\ For there is the seat of judgment, even the seat of the | house of | David. || pray for the peace of Jerusalem ; they shall \ prosper \ that love \ thee.\\ Peace be within thy walls, and plenteousness with- | in thy | palaces. || For my brethren and companions'* sakes, I will \ wish \ th ee pros- \ perity . 1 1 Yea, because of the house of the | Lord our | God,|| 1 will | seek to \ do thee \ good.\\ I WILL magnify Thee, O God, my King ; and I will praise Thy Name for | ever and | ever.|| Every day will I give thanks unto Thee ; And praise 'Thy | Name for | ever and \ ever.\\ Great is the Lord, and marvellous worthy to be praised ; there is no end | of His | greatness. || One generation shall praise Thy works unto another, | and de- | dare Thy \ power. \\ As for me I will be talking of Thy worship, Thy glory, Thy praise, and | wondrous | works ;|| So that men shall speak of the might of Thy marvellous acts; and I will also \ tell \ of Thy \ greatness. \\ OPENING SERVICE. 25 The memorial of Thine abundant kindness shall be showed; and men shall sing | of Thy | righteousness. || The Lord is gracious and merciful ; long-suffering, | and of | great \ goodness.\\ The Lord is loving unto every man ; and His mercy is over | all His | works. || All Thy works praise Thee, O Lord ; and Thy saints give | thanks | unto \ Thee.\\ They show the glory of Thy kingdom, and talk j of Thy | power; || That Thy power, Thy glory, and mightiness of Thy king- dom, | might be | known — unto \ men.\\ Thy kingdom is an ever- | lasting | kingdom, || And Thy dominion en- \ dureth through- \ out all \ ages. || Glory be to the Father, | and to the | Son,|| And | to the \ Holy \ Ghost, || As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be,|| World with- \ out end. \ A- \ men.\\ U Or, this SECOND SELECTION. FROM PSALMS XXXII AND CXIX. jT)LESSED is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and JL) whose | sin is | covered. || Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth no sin, and in whose \ spirit there \ is no \ guile. \ I will acknowledge my sin unto Thee ; and mine unright- eousness I have I — not I hid. || 26 OPENING SERVICE. I said, 1 7vill confess my sins unto the Lord ; and so Thou forgavest the | wickedness | of my \ sin.\\ For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto Thee, in a time when Thou | mayest be | found ;|| But in the great water floods \ they shall \ not come \ nigh him.\\ Thou art a place to hide me in ; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble ; Thou shalt compass me about with | songs — of de- | liverance.|| / will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein thou shalt go ; and I will \ guide thee \ with Mine \ eye.\\ WHEREWITHAL shall a young man cleanse his way? Even by ruling himself | after Thy | Word.|| With my whole heart have 1 sought Thee ; O let me not go | wrong out of \ Thy com- | mandments !|| Thy words have I hid within my heart, that I should not | sin — against | Thee.|| Blessed art Thou, O Lord ; O \ teach \ me Thy \ statutes /|| With my lips have I been telling of all the judgments | of Thy | mouth. || / have had as great delight in the way of Thy testimonies, as in | all — | manner of\ riches.^ I will talk of Thy commandments, and have respect un- | to Thy | ways.|| My delight shall be in Thy statutes, and L will \ not for- \ get Thy \ word.\\ OPENING SERVICE. 27 Glory be to the Father, | and to the | Son,|| And | to the \ Holy \ Ghost ,\\ As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be,|| World with- \ out end, \ A — | men.\\ ^[ Each of these Selections can be divided according to their Psalms ; thus giving one Psalm of the Selection to each of the Afternoon Sessions of the month. If the Psalms be not chanted, at the conclusion of the Selection may be sung the GLORY be to | God on | high || and on earth | peace, good | will towards | men. || We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we | worship | Thee, || we glorify Thee, we give thanks to | Thee for | Thy great | glory, || O Lord God, | heavenly | King, || God the | Father | Al | mighty. O Lord, the only begotten Son, | Jesus | Christ ;||0 Lord God, Lamb of God, | Son — | of the | Father, || that takest away the | sins of the | world, || have | mercy up- | on us. || Thou that takest away the | sins of the | world, || have | mercy up- | on us. || Thou that takest away the | sins of the | world, || re- | ceive our | prayer. || Thou that sittest at the right hand of | God the | Father, || have | mercy up- | on us. For Thou | only art | holy, || Thou | only | art the | Lord ; || Thou only, O Christ, with the | Holv | Ghost, |j art most high in the | glory of | God the | Father. || A- | men. ^f All being seated, then shall be read the 28 OPENING SERVICE. [The S. S. Lesson of the Day, or any brief passage of Scripture suited to the occasion.] fl Then all shall stand and read or sing this i pRAISE the Lord, | O my | soul ; L And all that is within me, | praise His | holy | Name. 2 Praise the Lord, | O my | soul ; And for- | get not | all His ] benefits. 3 Who forgiveth | all thy | sin, And | healeth | all thine in- | firmities: 4 Who saveth thy life | from de- | struction, And crowneth thee with | mercy and | loving- | kind- ness. 5 O praise the Lord, ye angels of His, ye that ex- | eel in | strength; Ye that fulfil His commandment, and hearken un- | ta the | voice — of His | Word. 6 O praise the Lord, all | ye His | hosts ; Ye servants of | His that | do His | pleasure. 7 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of His, in all places of | His do- | minion : Praise thou the | Lord, — | O my | soul. 8 Glory be to the Father, | and to the j Son,|| And | to the | Holy | Ghost, || 9 As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever | shall be,|| World with- | out end, | A — | men.|j OPENING SERVICE. 29 ^ Let all then say I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth : And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord ; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary ; Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into hell, The third day He rose from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; The holy Catholic Church, The Communion of Saints ; The Forgiveness ,of Sins; The Resurrection of the body; And the Life ever- lasting. Amen. The Lord be with you. Ans. And with thy spirit. Then shall be said the folio-wing Prayers, all kneeling : Let us pray. O Lord, show Thy mercy upon us. Ans. And grant us Thy salvation. O God, make clean our hearts within us ; Ans. And take not Thy Holy Spirit from us. r Then all shall say — it having been committed as part of the lesson — the (tolltti tiv tit* gay. •[ If the service be for the Sunday-school, the Litany in the Morning Service may sometimes be said, instead of the following Prayers : or, the service be shortened by proceeding right from the Exhortation to the Collect for the Day ; in which case, 30 OPENING SERVICE. the Leader shall add to the Exhortation the words, saying, the Litany ; or, saying, thi Collect /or the Day. If this service be used for the Children's Church, after the Collect for the Day, the Minister shall say these 0GOD, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed ; Give unto thy servants that peace, which the world cannot give; that our hearts may be set to obey Thy commandments, and also that by Thee, we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may pass our time in rest and quietness ; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. 0LORD, our Heavenly Father, by whose Almighty power we have been preserved this day \ By Thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night ; for the love of Thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. \ The Sunday-school Service may be shortened by omitting the above Prayers, and after the Collect for the Day, say, BLESSED LORD, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning ; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Thy holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of ever- lasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Ajnen. 0LORD JESUS CHRIST, who didst condescend to be born into this world a little child, that Thou mightest become the children's Saviour, bless with Thy guardian OPENING SERVICE. 31 love, and watch over with Thy tenderest care, these children now gathered in Thy Presence and kneeling at Thy feet. Send down upon them the dew of Thy heavenly .grace. Make them eager to hear and quick to learn ; and may the good seed of Thy Word planted in their hearts to-day bring forth abundant fruit in days to come. Thou hast made their bodies the temples of Thy Presence ; may their lives show forth Thy praise. Befriend Thou them, O Gracious Bishop and Shepherd of their souls, through all their un- known future. Be with them in times of weakness when their strength of spirit or of body fails. Shield them from temptation. Refresh them when they droop, and lift them up when they fall. And in the day when Thou dost throw wide the gates of the Eternal City, may these Thy children press in and up to Thy immediate Presence, ever to be taught of Thee, and ever to share in Thy favor and glory. All which we ask for Thy Name's sake. Amen. % Then shall follow the ^jWjjfolic §me diction, THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. f Before proceeding to the Day's Lesson, there may be sung a iymn. 32 CLOSING SERVICE. EVENING. ^ Let the Service begin with a ftpttt. jf Here give notices of Lessons and Meetings ; and then follow with one or more of the " Special Prayers," or the closing prayer of the Morning Service, or only this GRANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the in- struction which these children have this day received, may be so grafted in their hearts, as to bring forth in them the fruit of good living, to their present and eternal wel- fare. And since Thou hast promised to hear the petitions of those who ask in Thy Son's Name, we beseech Thee mercifully to incline Thine ears unto our prayers and sup- plications ; and grant, that those things which we have faithfully asked according to Thy will, may effectually be granted, to the relief of our necessity, and the setting forth of Thy glory ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. \ Then may be said the Apostolic Benediction, or this §UlMittg. OLORD, bless us and keep us. O Lord, make Thy face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. O Lord, lift up the light of Thy countenance upon us, and grant us peace now and forever more. Amen. SPECIAL PRAYERS. 33 puial |Jraprs, Which may be used with the closing prayer of the Morning or Evening Service. |or tfxt Zm\\m. ALMIGHTY GOD, the Fountain of all wisdom, and the Author of all good, grant Thy grace, we humbly beseech Thee, to the teachers of this school. Enlighten their minds more and more with the light of the everlast- ing Gospel. Graft in their hearts a love of the truth. Inspire them with zeal for Thy glory and for the welfare of souls. Give them gentleness and patience, fidelity and wisdom, in the discharge of their important duties. Reward with abundant success their diligent care and loving service in the spiritual training of their pupils. Help them to rear their tender thought to a ripened comprehension of Thy truth, and their youthful principles and habits to the maturity of well-developed Christian character. And when life's work is over, may they enter into the blessedness of those who, having turned many to righteousness, shine as the stars for- ever and ever in the kingdom of their Father. All this we ask in the name of Thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. A?nen. £ov Wxt $$xm\ oi Wxt (BoujwI. MERCIFUL GOD, who sent Thine only Son to make atonement for the sin of the whole world, and didst 3 34 SPECIAL PRAYERS. command Thy people to spread far and wide the knowledge of the great salvation, give to the members of this school a hearty desire to aid in this blessed work. According to their ability and opportunity may they, in their tender years, convey to those around them some measure of the life- giving truth they have received. Deepen in their minds a sense of the spiritual darkness and slavery of those redeemed by the blood of Jesus in heathen nations ; and make them willing to labor and deny themselves in order to send them the Gospel. May there be some here, who, led by Thy Spirit, shall give themselves in their maturer years to the work of the ministry ; and bear the glad tidings of salvation to the ignorant and the lost in our own and in distant lands. Grant us all the spirit of our dear Lord, who, though rich and enthroned in glory, became poor and an outcast upon earth, that He might make many rich in the favor of God, and in the joys of heaven. Inspire Thy people to great efforts for the conversion of the world ; and hasten the time when the truth shall everywhere be preached, and the king- dom of Thy dear Son everywhere be set up. And this we beg for the great Redeemer's sake. Amen. LOVING SAVIOUR, who when on earth didst take little children into Thy arms and bless them, graciously look upon the dear one whose weakness and suffering appeal to Thee for help and relief. Embrace him in the arms of Thy love and compassion. Minister to his bodily comfort, SPECIAL PRAYERS. 35 and especially to the needs of his soul. Make him patient in his sickness, submissive to authority, grateful for kind- ness, thankful for all Thy mercies. Prepare him for a nobler life, if it be Thy will to extend it \ or for a glorious immortality, shouldst Thou take him hence. Hear us, O loving Saviour; and for Thine own sake, graciously answer our prayer. Amen. % %\\m\^m\\^ Ux %tmtx%. OTHOU mighty Lord, who didst raise even from the dead the widow's son, we yield Thee hearty thanks that Thou hast heard our prayer and restored again to health and strength this Thy child, now present to conjfess Thy goodness and render Thee grateful homage. Through Thy loving kindness, light has entered a darkened home, and the spirit of heaviness been exchanged for the garment of praise. Gracious art Thou, O God, to the children of men. May the life Thou hast prolonged be fully dedicated to Thy service, and ever bear fruit to Thy glory. Make us all sensible how much we owe Thee for Thine unnum- bered mercies; and help us to thankfully receive and wisely improve them, to our own eternal good, and the honor of Thy great Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BT gracious God, who dost not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men, in Thy wise providence 36 SPECIAL PRAYERS. Thou hast taken from our midst one who was very dear to many hearts now sorely stricken and distressed. Look upon them in mercy, and afford them that consolation Thou only canst bestow. As it was in goodness Thou gavest them this blessing, so, may they feel, in goodness Thou hast withdrawn the loved one from their sight. Help us all to realize how short and uncertain our life is, and ever be in readiness to cheerfully obey the call to part with earth and earthly things. And when the gate of death is passed, may each of us, by Thine infinite merit, O blessed Saviour, enter into the mansions Thou hast prepared for those who love Thee ; and with all the dear ones gone before, will we ascribe to Thee, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the praise of our salvation forever and ever. Amen. H. (37) jl« look rejerrd fo % jbtaiatyl fiita The C. P. stands for T. S. S. H. ; The C. T. « / J. & G. H. S. S. H. " ' The G. " ' G. S. & T. B. " — C. S. > S.S.C.&T.B." ■ S. of G. & G. " 1 G. S. * M. C. " ¥ M. S. ■* T. C. H. 1 The S. S. H. C. of C. L. " The Church Porch. Tucker's Sunday School Hymnal. The Crowning Triumph. - Jasper & Gold. Hutchins' Sunday School Hymnal. The Garner. - Goodrich's Service & Tune Book. Calvary Songs. Sunday School Chant & Tune Book. - Songs of Grace & Glory. Golden Sunbeams. Millard's Chaplet. Millard's Selections. Tucker's Church Hymnal. - The Sunny Side. Half Century of Church Life. N. B. — The books above named are placed in the order of their im- portance, the first half containing nearly all the Tunes needed. The music to which a hymn is to be sung, is indicated by the numeral under its title. For example, the First Hymn is set to the 2d Tune of The Church Porch; Hymn 21 to music on page 63 of The Crowning Tri- umph, etc. Hymns marked with a f are found in the Church Hymnal. (38) MORNING. MORNING. ALL PRAISE TO THEE WHO SAFE HAST KEPT. Tune from C. P. No. 2. L. M. 1A LL Praise to Thee, who safe hast kept, l\ And hast refresh' d me while I slept : Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless life partake. 2 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew; Scatter my sins as morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit fill. 3 Direct, control, suggest this day, All I design, or do, or say, That all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. 4 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ; -Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 39 MORNING. THE MORNING BRIGHT. From G. S.*& T. B. No. 54. C. M. THE Morning bright, With rosy light, Hath waked me from my sleep ; Father, I own, Thy love alone, Thy little one doth keep. 2 All through the day I humbly pray, Be Thou my guard and guide ; My sins forgive, And let me live, Blest Jesus, near Thy side. 3 Oh, make Thy. rest Within my breast, Great Spirit of all grace ; Make me like Thee, Then shall I be Prepared to see Thy face. JESUS, HOLY, UNDEFILED. From the C. P. No. 4. 7s. JESUS, holy, undented, Listen to a little child ; Thou hast sent the glorious light Chasing far the silent night. 40 MORNING. 2 Thou hast sent the sun to shine O'er this glorious world of Thine; Warmth to give, and pleasant glow, On each tender flower below. 3 Now the little birds arise, Chirping gayly in the skies ; Thee their tiny voices praise In the early songs they raise. 4 Thou by whom the birds are fed, Give to me my daily bread ; And Thy Holy Spirit give, Without whom I cannot live. Amen. SON OF GOD, ETERNAL WORD. From T. S. S. H. No. 4. 7s. QON of God, eternal Word, " O Glorious Day-spring, Christ the Lord ; Shine upon us with Thy rays, While we celebrate Thy praise. 2 When Thou didst arise from death, We were quicken 'd by Thy breath; We arose with Thee, our Head, First-begotten from the dead. 3 Send to us the Holy Ghost, Give the light of Pentecost ; That we may forever bless Thee, the Sun of Righteousness. 41 + 5 EVENING. 4 Keep us safe from harm and sin, Foes around us and within ; May we know Thee ever nigh, Ever walk as in Thine eye. 5 Lead us onward, Lord, we pray, To the pure and perfect day, Where we may the glory see Of the blessed Trinity. 6 Glory to the Father be Glory, Light of Light to Thee ; With the Father and the Son Praise the Spirit, Three in One. Amen. EVENING. SOFTLY NOW THE LIGHT OF DAY. From the C. P. No. io. 7s. SOFTLY now the light of day Fades upon my sight away ; Free from care, from labor free, Lord, I would commune with Thee. 2 Thou, whose all-pervading eye, Nought escapes, without, within, Pardon each infirmity, Open fault, and secret sin. 42 f 6 EVENING. 3 Soon, for me, the light of day- Shall forever pass away ; Then, from sin and sorrow free, Take me, Lord, to dwell with Thee : 4 Thou, who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's infirmity ; Then, from Thine eternal throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye. Amen. THE DAY OF PRAISE IS DONE. From G. S., page 163. S. M. THE day of praise is done ; The evening shadows fall ; Yet pass not from us with the sun, True light that light' nest all. 2 Around Thy throne on high, Where night can never be, The white-robed harpers of the sky Bring ceaseless songs to Thee. 3 Too faint our anthems here ; Too soon of praise we tire ; But oh ! the strains how full and clear Of that eternal choir ! 43 EVENING. 4 Yet, Lord, to Thy dear will If Thou attune the heart, We in thine angels' music still May bear our lower part. Chorus, — Shine Thou within us, then, A day that knows no end, Till songs of angels and of men In perfect praise shall blend. GOD THAT MADEST EARTH AND HEAVEN. From the C. P. No. 8. 8s, 4s. fry /^OD, that madest earth and heaven, I Vj Darkness and light : Who the day for toil hast given, For rest the night ; May thine angel guards defend us, Slumber sweet. Thy mercy send us, Holy dreams and hopes attend us, This live-long night ! 2 Guard us waking, guard us sleeping ; And, when we die, May we, in Thy mighty keeping, All peaceful lie : When the last dread trump shall wake us, Do not Thou, our Lord, forsake us : But to reign in glory take us With Thee on high ! Amen. 44 EVENING. NOW AS THE DAY IS ENDING. From the C. P. No. 12. 7s, 6s. D. 8ATOW as the day is ending, 1\ With all its toil and care, My heart to heaven ascending, Shall offer praise and prayer. The Lord is ever mindful Of those who seek His face ; And children weak and sinful May feel His saving grace. 2 For all my sin and folly, This day from morn to even, I pray the Lord most Holy, That I may be forgiven. His saving death, most precious, As I recall to mind, Assures me He is gracious, And pitiful, and kind. 3 While I, my sins confessing, Implore His pardoning love, I'll praise Him for each blessing Descending from above ; Then lay me down reposing, Secure from harm and fears, Sweet sleep mine eyelids closing, Till morning light appears. 45 9 EVENING. WHEN LITTLE SAMUEL WOKE. From H. S. S. H. No. 64. 6s, 8s. WHEN little Samuel woke, And heard his Maker's voice, At ev'ry word He spoke How much did he rejoice ! blessed, happy child, to find The God of heaven so near and kind ! 2 If God would speak to me, And say He was my Friend, How happy I should be ! O, how would I attend ! The smallest sin I then should fear, If God Almighty were so near. 3 And does He never speak ! O yes ; for, in His word, He bids me come and seek The God that Samuel heard : In almost every page I see The God of Samuel calls to me. 4 And I beneath His care May safely rest my head ; 1 know that God is there To guard my humble bed* And every sin I well may fear, Since God Almighty is so near. 46 io s u ^ EVENING. SUN OF MY SOUL. From the C. P. No. 18. L. M. of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, is not night if Thou be near ; O, may no earth-born cloud arise, To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes ! 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought, how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast ! 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live ! Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die ! 4 If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurn'd, to-day, the voice divine; Now, Lord, the gracious work begin \ Let him no more lie down in sin ! 5 Watch by the sick, enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store ! Be every mourner's sleep to-night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light ! 6 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take : Till, in the ocean of Thy love, We lose ourselves in Heaven above. Amen. 47 EVENING. ABIDE WITH ME. From the C. P. No. 22. 10s. f 1 1 A BIDE Wlt ^ me : fast falls tne event ide ; XI 1JL The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide : When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all around I see; Thou, who changest not, abide with me. 3 I need Thy presence every passing hour : What but Thy grace can foil the Tempter's power? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me. 4 1 fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless : Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness : Where is death's sting? where, grave, thy victory? 1 triumph still, if Thou abide with me. 5 Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee. In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. Amen. 48 EVENING, NOW THE LIGHT HAS GONE AWAY. From the C. P. No. 80. 7s. 12 N OW the light has gone away, Saviour, listen while I pray, Asking Thee to watch and keep, And to send me quiet sleep. 2 Jesus, Saviour, wash away All that has been wrong to-day ; Help me every day to be Good and gentle, more like Thee. 3 Let my near and dear ones be Always near and dear to Thee ; Oh, bring me and all I love To Thy happy home above. 4 Now my evening praise I give ; Thou didst die that I might live ; All my blessings come from Thee, Oh, how good Thou art to me ! 5 Thou my best and kindest Friend ; Thou wilt love me to the end ! Let me love Thee more and more, Always better than before. Amen. 49 EVENING. OH! DO NOT LET THE WORD DEPART. From the G., page 47. L. M. 1 Q O h ! do not let the Word de P art > xO \J Nor close thine eyes against the Light, Poor sinner, harden not your heart, Thou would'st be saved, why not to-night? Refrain. — Why not to-night ? why not to-night ? Thou would'st be saved, why not to-night ? 2 To-morrow's sun may never rise To bless thy long-deluded sight, This is the time, oh, then, be wise ! Thou would'st be saved, why not to-night? 3 Our God in pity lingers still, And wilt thou thus His love requite ? Renounce at length thy stubborn will, Thou would'st be saved, why not to-night? 4 The world has nothing left to give, It has no new, no pure delight ; Oh, try the life which Christians live, Thou would'st be saved, why not to-night? 5 Our blessed Lord refuses none Who would to Him their souls unite, Then be the work of grace begun, Thou would'st be saved, why not to-night? 50 EVENING. ALL PRAISE TO THEE, MY GOD, THIS NIGHT. From the C. P. No. 14. L. M. f -| A A LL praise to Thee, my God, this night, Jltc l\ For all the blessings of the light : Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thine own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 O may my soul on Thee repose, And with sweet sleep mine eyelids close ; Sleep, that may me more vigorous make To serve my God, when I awake. 4 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply : Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. 5 Praise God from whom all blessings flow ; Praise Him, all creatures here below \ Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 51 THE LORD'S DAY. THE LORD'S DAY. O DAY OF REST AND GLADNESS. From the C. P. No. 23. 7s, 6s, D. 1 1 K f\ DAY of rest and gladness, ±0 \J O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright ; On thee the high and lowly Through ages join'd in tune, Sing Holy, Holy, Holy, To the great God Triune. 2 On thee at the creation The light first had its birth, On thee for our salvation Christ rose from depths of earth; On thee our Lord victorious The Spirit sent from heaven ; And thus on thee most glorious A triple light was given. 3 To-day on weary nations The heavenly Manna falls ; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls ; Where Gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, 52 16 H THE LORD'S DAY. And living waters flowing With soul-refreshing streams. New graces ever gaining From this, our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest. To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father and to Sox ; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. Amen. HOW SWEET IS THE DAY. From G. S. & T. B. No. 107. us. OW sweet is the day of the Lord and its rest ; The day of the week we surely love best ; This morning our Saviour arose from the tomb, And took from the grave all its terror and gloom ! 2 O let us be thoughtful and prayerful to-day, And not spend a moment in trifling or play ; Remembering the Lord's Day was graciously given, To draw us from earth, and prepare us for Heaven. 3 Behold us, our Father ! though children we be, We are not too young to be noticed by Thee ; Our Guardian and Guide be through life's early days; Let us give Thee our hearts, and live to Thy praise. 53 17 THE LORD'S DAY. O SWEET SABBATH BELLS. From the C. P. No. 24. P. M. SWEET Sabbath bells ! A message of musical chiming Ye bring us from God, and we know what you say ; Now rising, now falling, so tunefully calling His children to seek Him, and praise Him to-day. 2 The day we love best ! The brightest and best of the seven, The pearl of the week, and the light of our way ; We hold it a treasure, and count it a pleasure, To welcome its dawning, and praise Him to-day. 3 Oh, sweet Sabbath rest ! The gift of our Father in heaven ; A herald sent down from the home far away, With peace for the weary, and joy for the dreary, Then, oh ! let us thank Him, and praise Him to-day. ADVENT. LO ! HE COMES WITH CLOUDS. From G. S. & T. B. No. 2. 8s, 7s, 4. 1 1 O 1*0' He comes, with clouds descending, _LO i-/ Once for favored sinners slain ; 54 ADVENT. Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Jesus comes on earth to reign. Every eye shall now behold Him Robed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at naught and sold Him, Pierced, and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. 3 Yea, Amen ! let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne ! Saviour, take Thy power and glory ! • Claim the kingdoms for Thine own ! Hallelujah ! Come and make Thy glory known. 4 Yet with mingled hope and fearing, Wait we still our Judge to see ; In the day of Thine appearing, Spotless, blameless may we be ! Ever watching, Teach us. Lord, to welcome Thee. 55 19 ADVENT. LIFT UP THE ADVENT STRAIN. From T. S. S. H. No. 24. 6, 6, 8, 6. LIFT up the Advent strain I Behold the Lore* is nigh I Greet His approach, ye saints, again. With hymns of holy joy. 2 The everlasting Son, Incarnate deigns to be ; Our Goj> the form of slave puts on, A race of slaves to free. 3 Daughter of Sion, rise To meet Thy lowly King I Nor let the faithless heart despise The peace He comes to bring. 4 As Judge in clouds of light He shall come down again, And all His scattered saints unite With Him in heaven to reign. 5 Jesus, all praise to Thee, Our joy and endless rest ; We pray Thee here our Guide to be, Our crown amid the blest. Amen. 56 ADVENT. HARK! THE GLAD SOUND, THE SAVIOUR COMES. From H. S. S. H. No. 4. C. M. t OA TT ARK ! the glad sound, the Saviour comes, hJ\j 11 The Saviour promised long ! Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 He comes, the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes, the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure, And with the treasures of His grace, To enrich the humble poor. 4 Our glad Hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved Name. Amen. HEAR THE NEWS. From the C. T. page 63. P. M. EAR the news, glad news of Jesus : He is coming now this way. Joyful tidings that He brings us, Hail with joy the Lord to-day. 57 21 H CHRISTMAS. Chorus. — Hear the news, hear the news, 'Tis the Saviour comes to-day. Hear the news, hear the news, Now prepare without delay. 2 Hear the news, ye blind ones, hear it, Jesus comes your sight to give ; All ye deaf and dumb, believe it, And the blessing now receive. 3 Hear the news, oh, sad and weary, He, the Lord, is now so near, He will all your burdens carry, And your soul with love will cheer. 4 Hear the news, ye sick and dying : Jesus comes His power to show ; Ask His aid and trust His mercy: Perfect health you then shall know. CHRISTMAS. HARK ! A BURST OF HEAVENLY MUSIC. From the C. P. No. 30. 8s, 7s. Q\C\ TTARK ! a burst of heavenly music, hJ & il From a band of seraphs bright, Suddenly to earth descending, In the calm and silent night : 58 CHRISTMAS. To the shepherds of Judea, Watching in the earliest dawn, Lo they bear the joyful tidings, Jesus, Prince of Peace is born ! Chorus. — Sweet and clear those angel voices, Echoing through the starry sky, As they chant the heavenly chorus, " Glory be to God on high." 2 Slumbering in a lowly manger Lies the mighty Lord of all, And before the holy stranger See the trembling shepherds fall. He has come, the long-expected, Full of wisdom, love and grace, To redeem His ruined creatures, To restore our fallen race. Chorus. — So let angels wake the chorus, So let ransomed men reply, Chanting the celestial anthem, " Glory be to God on high." 3 And the joyful Christmas morning Breaking o'er the world below, Tells again the wond'rous story, Shepherds heard so long ago. 59 CHRISTMAS. Who shall still' our tuneful voices, Who the tide of praise shall stem, Which the blessed angels taught us In the fields of Bethlehem. Chorus. — Hark ! we hear again the chorus, Ringing through the starry sky, And we join the heavenly anthem, " Glory be to God on high." Amen. CHEERILY, CHEERILY, SING WE ALL. From the C. P. No. 32. P. M. OQ /CHEERILY, cheerily, sing we all, hJ*J \J On Christmas-eve the shadows fall, On Christmas morn the Sunlight breaks, And all the world to gladness wakes. The leaves are dead, the birds are fled, The little brooks' tongues are tied with cold : But bells may ring, and children sing, For bright and warm is our Shepherd's fold. Chorus. — Cheerily, cheerily, sing we all, For the day of the year, it draweth near, We, children, love our own to call, Christmas ! sweet Christmas ! welcome here ! O, day of days most dear, most dear, Christmas ! sweet Christmas ! welcome here ! , 60 CHRISTMAS. 2 Heavily hung is our Christmas tree, Its boughs they glitter for you and me, The hemlock branches piled with snow, In evergreen woods bend not so low. God giveth all. The ravens call — He feeds them \ so let us begin. He hears alway when children pray, For He Himself a child hath been. Chorus. — Cheerily, cheerily, sing we all, etc. 3 Dear Lord, we would not selfish be, All hearts are not so glad as we ; Remember then Thy poor to-night, And flood their darkness with Thy light. The hungry feed, the wanderer lead, The sorrowing soothe, the captive free, And pity, we pray, on the children's day, All those who have no Christmas tree. Chorus. — Cheerily, cheerily, sing we all, etc. GLORY ! GLORY ! GLORY TO GOD ! From J. & G., page 108. P. M. Chor. — "Glory! glory! glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth, good-will, good-will to men." C\4 U pLORY to God," the angels sang, hJ^ VJT Through the bright sky the chorus rang ; Joyous we catch the thrilling strain, Echoing back the glad refrain. 61 CHRISTMAS. 2 Jesus, the wonderful Prince of Peace, Cometh in glory to dwell on the earth ; Hasten, ye mortals, your homage to pay, Join in the anthem of praise o'er his birth. 3 Carol each heart, and carol each voice, Carol aloud, let all rejoice ; Carol in gladness, again, again, Carol of " peace and good-will to men." WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED BY NIGHT. From T. Ch. H. No. 113. S. M. D. OK ^\17' HILE sne P nerds watched by night, fyU VV Their flocks on Judah's hill ; About them came a wondrous light, Their souls with dread to fill. The angel of the Lord, Whose glory round them shone, Then spake the joyful news he brought Of God's Eternal Son. 2 " For unto you is born, This day of David's line, A Saviour which is Christ the Lord, And this shall be the sign ; Wrapped up in swaddling clothes, The infant you shall find, And humbly in a manger laid, For you and all mankind." 62 • - CHRISTMAS. 3 Then round the angel came A shining heavenly throng ; The shepherds heard them praise the Lord, And sing the angel's song. I love to hear the strain, And sing the song again — " To God the highest glory be, Good-will and peace to men." 4 God sent His only Son, An humble child to be; And then, to shed His precious blood Upon the cross for me. Oh, how shall I repay The debt of wondrous love ! Dear Saviour, fill my heart with grace, And all my sin remove. COME, HITHER! YE FAITHFUL. From the C. P. No. 35. us. ■ (\f* pOME, hither ! ye faithful, hJyJ \j Triumphantly sing ! Come, see in the manger The angels' dread King ! To Bethlehem hasten, With joyful accord ! O, come ye, come hither To worship the Lord ! 63 CHRISTMAS. 2 True Son of the Father, He comes from the skies; To be born of a Virgin He doth not despise. To Bethlehem hasten, etc. 3 Hark, hark to the angels ! All singing in heaven : " To God in the highest All glory be given ! ' ' To Bethlehem hasten, etc 4 To Thee, then, O Jesus ! This day of Thy birth, Be glory and honor Through heaven and earth ! True Godhead Incarnate ! Omnipotent Word ! O, come ! let us hasten To worship the Lord ! SEE! AMID THE WINTER'S SNOW. From the C. P. No. 38. 7s. 27 S 1 See ! the tender Lamb appears, QEE! amid the winter's snow, Born for us on earth below ; Promis'd from eternal years! 64 CHRISTMAS. Chorus. — Hail ! thou ever blessed morn ! Hail ! Redemption's happy dawn ! Sing through all Jerusalem, Christ is born in Bethlehem ! 2 Lo ! within a manger lies He who built the starry skies : He who throned in height sublime Sits amid the cherubim. — Cho. 3 " Say, ye wand' ring shepherds, say, What your joyful news to-day? Wherefore have you left your sheep On the lonely mountain steep?" — Cho. 4 "As we watch' d at dead of night, Lo ! we saw a wondrous light ; Angels singing, ' Peace on earth/ Told us of the Saviour's birth." — Cho. 5 Sacred infant ! all divine ! What a tender love was thine ! Thus to come from highest bliss Down to such a world as this! — Cho. 6 Teach, oh teach us, holy child ! By Thy face so meek and mild; Teach us to resemble Thee In Thy sweet humility. — Cho. 5 65 28 T CHRISTMAS. THERE'S A SONG IN THE AIR. From G. S., page 105. P. M. HERE'S a song in the air, there's a star in the sky! There's a mother's deep prayer, and a baby's low cry! And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king ! Chorus. — Jesus is King ! Jesus is King ! The manger of Bethlehem cradles a King ! 2 There's a tumult of joy, o'er the wonderful birth, For the virgin's sweet boy is the Lord of the earth; And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King ! 3 In the light of that star lie the ages impearl'd, And the song from afar has swept over the world; Ev'ry heart is aflame, and the beautiful sing In the homes of the nations that Jesus is King ! 4 We rejoice in the light, and we echo the song That comes down thro' the night from the heavenly throng ; Ay ! we shout to the lovely Evangel they bring, And we greet in His cradle our Saviour and King ! 66 CHRISTMAS. ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY. From T. S. S. H. No. 26. 8s, 7s, 4. OQ A ^GELS, from the realms of glory, /C*y l\ Wing your flight o'er all the earth; Ye who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth! Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night; God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the infant-light ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 3 Sages, leave your contemplations ; Brighter visions beam afar ; Seek the great Desire of nations, Ye have seen His natal star : Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 4 Saints, before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending, In His temple shall appear : Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. Amen. 67 CHRISTMAS. HARK! WHAT MEAN THOSE HOLY VOICES? From T. S. S. H. No. 28. 7s. '{" Q A J ARK! what mean those holy voices, OU 1 J. Sweetly sounding through the skies? Lo, th' angelic host rejoices, Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Listen to the wondrous story, Which they chant in hymns of joy — " Glory in the highest, glory ! Glory be to God most high ! 3 " Peace on earth, good-will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeemed and sins forgiven, Loud our golden harps shall sound. 4 " Christ is born ; the great Anointed ! Heaven and earth His praises sing ! O receive whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest, and King! 5 "Hasten, mortals, to adore Him; Learn His Name to magnify, Till in heaven ye sing before Him, Glory be to God most high ! ' ' Amen. 68 310 CHRISTMAS. O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM. From the C. P. No. 43. P. M. LITTLE town of Bethlehem ! How still we see thee lie, Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, The silent stars go by ; Yet in thy dark streets shineth The Everlasting Light ; The hopes and fears of all the years, Are met in thee to-night. 2 For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above, While mortals sleep the angels keep Their watch of wondering love. O morning stars together Proclaim the holy birth ! And praises sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth. 3 How silently, how silently, The wondrous gift is given; So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heaven. No ear may hear His coming, But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him still, The dear Christ enters in. 69 CHRISTMAS. 4 O holy Child of Bethlehem ! Descend to us, we pray, Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us to-day. We hear the Christmas angels, The great glad tidings tell, O, come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel ! RING OUT THE BELLS FOR CHRISTMAS. From the C. P. No. 44. P. M. QQ D ING out tne bells for Christmas, t) hJ JLY The happy, happy day, In winter wild, the holy Child, Within the cradle lay. Oh, wonderful ! the Saviour is in a manger lone ; His palace is a stable, And Mary's arm His throne. Chorus. — Ring out the bells for Christmas, The happy, happy day, Ring out the bells for Christmas, The happy, happy day. 2 On Bethlehem's quiet hillside, In ages long gone by, In angel notes the Glory floats, Glory to God on High ! 70 CHRISTMAS. Yet wakes the sun as joyous As when the Lord was born, And still He comes to greet you On every Christmas morn. — Cho. 3 Where'er His sweet lambs gather Within His gentle fold, The Saviour dear is waiting near, As in the days of old : In each young heart you see Him, In every guileless face, You see the holy Jesus, Who grew in truth and grace. — Cho, 4 Then sing your gladsome carols, And hail the new-born Sun : For Christmas light is passing bright, It smiles on every one. And feast Christ's little children, His poor,- His orphan, call ; For He who chose the manger, He loveth one and all. — Cho. ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY. From the C. P. Xo. 45. S>, 7s, 75. OXCE in royal David's city Stood a lowly cattle shed, 71 CHRISTMAS. Where a mother laid her baby, In a manger for His bed ; Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heaven, Who is God and Lord of all, And His shelter was a stable, And His cradle was a stall ; With the poor, and mean, and lowly, Lived on earth our Saviour holy. 3 And, through all His wondrous childhood, He would honor and obey, Love, and watch the lowly maiden In whose gentle arms He lay ; Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, good as He. 4 For He is our childhood's pattern, Day by day like us He grew ; He was little, weak, and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew; And He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness. 5 And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love, For that Child so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heaven above ; 72 CHRISTMAS. And He leads His children on To the place where He has gone. Not in that poor lowly stable, With the oxen standing by, We shall see Him ; but in heaven, Set at God's right hand on high : When like stars His children crowned All in white shall wait around. CRADLED ALL LOWLY. From T. S. S. H. No. 223. P. M. Qi pEADLED all lowly, Otfc \J Behold the Savioui Behold the Saviour Child, A Being holy In dwelling rude and wild, Ne'er yet was regal state Of monarch proud and great, Who grasp' d a nation's fate, So glorious as the manger-bed of Bethlehem. 2 No longer sorrow As without hope, O earth ! A brighter morrow, Dawn'd with that Infant's birth! Our sins were great and sore, But these the Saviour bore, And Goi^was wroth no more, His own Son was the Child that lay in Bethlehem. 73 35 CHRISTMAS. 3 Babe weak and wailing, In lowly village stall Thy glory veiling, Thou cam' st to die for all ! The sacrifice is done, The world's atonement won Till time its course hath run, O Jesus, Saviour ! Morning Star of Bethlehem. HOSANNA TO KING DAVID'S SON. From T. S. S. H. No. 226. P. M. HOSANNA to King David's Son, Descended from the heavenly throne ; In Christmas songs we hail His birth, Who brought salvation to the earth. Hosanna to King David's Son, Hosanna to King David's Son, Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna to the new-born Child, Of Virgin Mother, meek and mild ! In manger-cradle see Him laid, By Whom the earth and heavens were made. Hosanna to the Wonderful ! &c. Hosanna to the Incarnate Word, In Bethlehem born ! The mighty God ! Our hearts and tongues with joy shall raise Their glad hosannas to His praise ! Hosanna to the mighty God ! &c. 74 CHRISTMAS. 4 With shepherds on Judea's plains, With angels in their nobler strains ; Let our hosannas joyful rise To join the anthems of the skies ! Hosanna, everlasting Father ! &c. 5 Let every nation, every voice, In merry Christmas songs rejoice ; Both old and young with gladness sing, That Christ is born to be our King ! Hosanna to the Prince of Peace ! &c. OUR CHRISTMAS TREE IS DECKED. From T. S. S. H. No. 231. P. M. UR Christmas Tree is deck'd once more, In joy we meet around ; It tells of brighter things in store 3 Let songs of praise resound. The Christmas Tree is an ever-green ; It blooms where frost and snow are seen; The Christmas Tree is forever bright. It shines with everlasting light. 2 Our Christmas Tree is fresh and green, While skies are cold and drear ; Its harvest store of fruit is seen, When winter blights the year. The Christmas Tree is an ever-green, &c 75 36 CHRISTMAS. 3 Our Christmas Tree is shining bright, While evening shades surround : Thus God doth give His children light, When darkness falls around. The Christmas Tree is an ever-green, &c. 4 Kind friends! whose hands have deck'd this Tree, Our grateful thanks receive ; Yet, Lord! for Christmas joys, to Thee Our highest praise we give. The Christmas Tree is an ever-green, &c. HEAR YE NOT THOSE ANTHEMS? From T. S. S. H. No. 220. 8s, 7s, 4. Qry [TEAR ye not those anthems ringing, O i XI Ringing through the midnight plain ? Angel choirs on high are singing " Christ, The Saviour's born to reign ! " Hallelujah ! Christ, The Saviour's born to reign ! 2 Born to reign, though cradled lowly In the stall where oxen feed ; God's own Son of virgin holy Hath an humble birth, indeed ! Blessed Infant, Humble is Thy birth, indeed ! 76 CHRISTMAS. 3 Yet, did royal palace ever Hold, within its courtly hall, One of greater glory ? Never ! For He's King and Lord of all. Hallelujah ! He is King and Lord of all ! 4 Lift we, then, our voices ringing, Ringing with His glorious Name ! Till they blend with angels' singing, Christ is born in Bethlehem. Shout Hosanna ! Christ is born in Bethlehem ! WHAT MEANS THIS GLORY ROUND OUR FEET? From the S. S., page 108. L. M. 38 "W ^^HAT means this glory round our feet," The Magi mused, "more bright than morn?" And voices chanted clear and sweet, " To-day, the Prince of Peace is born ! " 2 " What means that star," the shepherds said, " That brightens through the rocky glen? M And angels, answering overhead, Sang, " Peace on earth, good-will to men ! ,! CHRISTMAS. 3 'Tis eighteen hundred years and more Since those sweet oracles were dumb; We wait for Him like them of yore ; Alas ! He seems so slow to come ! 4 But it was said in words of gold, No time or sorrow e'er shall dim, That little children might be bold^ In perfect trust to come to Him. 5 All round about our feet shall shine A light like that the wise men saw, If we our loving wills incline To that sweet Life which is the Law. 6 So shall we learn to understand The simple faith of shepherds then ; And kindly clasping hand in hand, Sing, " Peare on earth, good-will to men ! " NEW YEAR. FOR THY MERCY AND THY GRACE. From the C. P. No. 47. 7s. H3R Thy mercy and Thy grace, 39 F Faithful through another year, Hear our song of thankfulness, Father and Redeemer ! hear. 78 NEW YEAR. 2 In our weakness and distress, Rock of strength ! be Thou our stay ; In the pathless wilderness Be our true and living way. 3 Who of us death's awful road In the coming year shall tread ? With Thy rod and staff, O God ! Comfort Thou his dying head. 4 Keep us faithful, keep us pure, Keep us evermore Thine own ; Help, O help us to endure ; Fit us for the promised crown ! 5 So within Thy palace gate We shall praise, on golden strings, Thee, the only Potentate, Lord of lords, and King of kings ! I KNOW NOT WHAT SHALL BEFALL ME. From the G., page 66. P. M. 40 I KNOW not what shall befall me ; God hangs a mist o'er my eyes, And at each step in my onward way, He makes new scenes to arise ; And ev'ry joy He sends to me, Is a strange and sweet surprise. 79 NEW YEAR. Chorus. — Not knowing, not knowing, I'll follow Jesus my Saviour : Not knowing, not knowing, I'll follow where'er He leads. 2 I see not a step before me, As I tread on another year; The past is still in God's keeping, The future His mercy will clear ; And what looks dark in the distance, May brighten as I draw near. — Cho. 3 It may be He keeps, waiting The coming of my feet, Some gift of such rare beauty, Some joy so strangely sweet, That my lips shall only tremble With the thanks they cannot speak. — Cho. 4 Oh, restful, blissful darkness ! 'Tis blessed not to know, — It keeps me still in the arms of God, Which will not let me go ; My soul is hushed to peaceful rest In the heart that loves me so. — Cho. 5 So I go onward, not knowing : I would not if I might, — 80 EPIPHANY. I'd rather walk in the dark with God, Than walk alone in the light : I'd rather w^alk 'with Him by faith, Than walk alone by sight. — Cho. EPIPHANY. BRIGHTEST AND BEST OF THE SONS OF THE MORNING. From T. S. S. H. No. 36. us, 10s. t/j 1 D RI GHTEST and best of the sons of the morning, TlX JD Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid : Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 2 Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining, Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker and Monarch and Saviour of all. 3 Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion, Odors of Edom, and offerings divine ? Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine ? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gifts would His favor secure ; Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 6 81 EPIPHANY, 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid : Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. Amen. THE MORNING LIGHT IS BREAKING. From the C. P. No. 54. 7s, 6s. A Q nPHE morning light is breaking, t:/W JL The darkness disappears ; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears : Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar, Of nations in commotion Prepared for Zion's war. 2 Rich dews of grace come o'er us, In many a gentle shower, And brighter scenes before us Are opening every hour : Each cry to heaven going Abundant answer brings, And heavenly gales are blowing With peace upon their wings. 3 See heathen nations bending Before the God of love, And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above : 82 EPIPHANY. While sinners, now confessing, The gospel's call obey, And seek a Saviour's blessing, A nation in a day. SAW YOU NEVER, IN THE TWILIGHT. From G. S. & T. B. No. 16. 8s, 7s, D. 4Q QAW you never, in the twilight, O O When the sun had left the skies, Up in heav'n the clear stars shining, Through the gloom, like silver eyes ? So of old the wise men watching, Saw a little stranger star, And they knew the King was given, And they followed it from far. 2 Heard you never of the story, How they crost the desert wild, Journey' d on by plain and mountain, Till they found the Holy Child? How they open'd all their treasure, Kneeling to that Infant King, Gave the gold and fragrant incense, Gave the myrrh in offering? 3 Know ye not that lowly Baby Was the Bright and Morning Star, He who came to light the Gentiles And the darkened isles afar? 83 _ 44 LENT. And we too may seek His cradle, There our hearts' best treasures bring, Love and Faith, and true devotion, For our Saviour, God and King. LENT. GOD, MY FATHER, HEAR ME PRAY. From T. S. S. H. No. 42. 7s, 6 lines. GOD, my Father, hear me pray, Wash my crimson guilt away; Wretched, helpless, lost, undone, Hear me for Thy blessed Son ; Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. God, my Saviour, look on me ; All my guilt I cast on Thee ! Give my troubled spirit peace ; Bid my fears and sorrows cease ; Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. God, my Comforter, my Light, Strengthen me with holy might, Make Thy dwelling in my heart ! Faith, and joy, and hope impart. Lord, unnumbered sins are mine, But eternal love is Thine. 84 LENT. 4 Blessed, glorious Trinity! Holy, everlasting Three ! Hear, O hear my earnest prayer, And my soul for heaven prepare. Lord, unnumbered sins are mine ; But eternal love is Thine. Amen. COME UNTO ME WHEN SHADOWS GATHER. From C. S., page 107. us, 10s. A r* POME unto Me when shadows darkly gather, 4t^/ \j When the sad heart is weary and distressed, Seeking for comfort from your heavenly Father ; Come unto Me, and I will give you rest, 2 Ye who have mourned when the spring flowers were taken, When the ripe fruit fell richly to the ground, When the loved slept, in brighter homes to waken, Where their pale brows with spirit-wreaths are crowned. 3 Large are the mansions in thy Father's dwelling, Glad are the homes that sorrows never dim ; Sweet are the harps in holy music swelling, Soft are the tones which raise the heavenly hymn. 4 There, like an Eden blossoming in gladness, Bloom the fair flowers the earth too rudely pressed : Come unto Me, all ye who droop in sadness, Come unto Me, and I will give you rest. 85 LENT. OH, WHO IS THIS THAT COMETH? From the C. T., page 21. P. M. rt\J \J From Edom's crimson plain, With wounded side, with garments dyed? Oh, tell me now Thine name. " I, that saw thy soul's distress, A ransom gave; I, that speak in righteousness, Mighty to save." Ref, — Mighty to save, Mighty to save, Mighty to save, Lord, I trust Thy wondrous love, Mighty to save. 2 Oh, why is Thine apparel With reeking gore all dyed, Like them that tread the winepress red ? Oh, why this bloody tide? "I the winepress trod alone, ' Neath dark'ning skies; Of the people there was none Mighty to save." — Ref. 3 O bleeding Lamb, my Saviour, How couldst Thou bear this shame? "With mercy fraught, mine own arm brought Salvation in my name. 86 47 LENT. I the bloody fight have won : Conquered the grave. Now the year of joy has come ; Mighty to save."— Ref. SION, SION, HASTE TO MEET HIM ! From T. S. S. H. No. 50. 7s. SION, Sion, haste to meet Him, Lo ! He comes, your Lord, and King ; Wave the bright palm-branch before Him, And with joy hosannas sing. 2 See the eager crowd around Him Strew with garments fair His way ; Honor to the Son of David ! With glad voices hear them say. 3 Even little tender children, Haste their loving Lord to meet ; Sing hosannas with sweet voices, Strew palm-branches at His feet. THERE IS A GREEN HILL FAR AWAY. From G. S. & T. B. No. 89. C. M. f A Q T^HERE is a green hill far away, ~tO 1 Without a city wall, Where the dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. 87 49 LENT. We may not know, we cannot tell, What pains He had to bear ; But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there. 2 There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin ; He only could unlock the gate Of heaven, and let us in. O, dearly, dearly has He loved, And we must love Him too, And trust in His redeeming blood, And try His works to do. WHEN THE MARTYRED ONE I SEK From the C. T., page 22. 7s. IT THEN the Martyred One I see, VV Think of all His love for me, Love that suffered grief and shame, Crown of thorns, and slandered name ; See His tears of anguish flow, Shed for me, those tears I know, This must still my wonder be, That He died, He died for me ! Chorus. — Jesus died, He died for me!. Bleeding on the cruel tree ; Greater wonder cannot be Than that Jesus died for me ! 88 LENT. 2 Blessed One, hear Thou my cry ! Weak and worthless, Lord, am I; Nothing from Thy hand I claim; No excuse my lips can frame. Help me in Thy love to trust, Merciful and good and just ; Though a wonder still it be, Thou didst die, didst die for me ! 3 When this heart is stilled to rest; When I rise to join the blest; When with that angelic throng, Shall these lips take up the song; Though I sing my Saviour's praise, Through Eternity's glad days, This for aye will wonder be, That He died, He died for me ! ALL GLORY, LAUD AND HONOR. From the C. P. No. 61. 7s, 6s. D\J l\ To Thee, Redeemer, King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. Thou art the King of Israel, Thou David's Royal Son, Who in the Lord's name comest, The King and Blessed One. — All glory, etc. f 51 LENT. The company of angels Are praising Thee on high ; And mortal men, and all things Created, make reply. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went : Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. — All glory, etc. To Thee before Thy Passion They sang their hymns of praise : To Thee, now high exalted, Our melody we raise. Thou didst accept their praises ; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. — All glory, etc. GLORY BE TO JESUS. From T. S. S. H. No. 52. 6s, 5s, D. GLORY be to Jesus, Who in bitter pains, Poured for me the life-blood From His sacred veins ! Grace and life eternal In that blood I find, 90 EASTER. Blest be His compassion, Infinitely kind. Blest through endless ages Be the precious stream, Which from endless torments Did the world redeem ! Abel's blood for vengeance Pleaded to the skies ; But the Blood of Jesus For our pardon cries. Oft as earth exulting Wafts its praise on high, Angel-hosts, rejoicing, Make their glad reply. Lift ye then your voices, Swell the mighty flood ; Louder still and louder, Praise the precious Blood. EASTER. LET THE SONG BE BEGUN. From the C. P. No. 64. 6s. £"0 T ET the song be begun, ZJ HJ \^d For the battle is done, And the victory won ; 91 EASTER. And the foe is scattered, And the prison shattered. Sing of joy, sing of joy, And to-day raise the lay : — Gloria in Excelsis / Gloria in Excelsis I They that followed in pain Shall now follow to reign, And the crown shall obtain ; They were sore assaulted, They shall be exalted. Sing of rest, sing of rest, And again pour the strain : — Gloria in Excelsis / Gloria in Excelsis / For the foe nevermore Can approach to the shore Where the conflict is o'er. There is joy supernal. There is life eternal. Sing of peace, sing of peace, Earth and skies bid it rise : — Gloria in Excelsis / Gloria in Excelsis / Then be brave, then be true, Ye despised and ye few, For the crown is for you : 'Tis your Father's pleasure You should share His treasure ) 92 EASTER. Sing of hope, sing of hope ; And to-day raise the lay : — Gloria in Excelsis ! Gloi'ia in Excelsis ! TO-DAY OUR BLESSED SAVIOUR. From the C. P. No. 67. 7s, 6s, D. 53 TO-DAY our blessed Saviour From death and hell arose, Proclaiming free salvation Triumphant o'er His foes ; And should we fail proclaiming Our great Redeemer's praise, The stones our silence shaming, Would their hosannas raise. To Thee be praise forever, Thou glorious King of kings, Thy wondrous love and favor Each ransomed spirit sings \ We'll celebrate Thy glory With all Thy saints above, And shout the joyful story Of Thy redeeming love. Our souls be filled with gladness, Let rapture swell the breast ; Ten thousand voices singing, Welcome this Easter feast. 93 EASTER. Shout, shout, ye saints in triumph ! The Conqueror comes to reign ; Let earth exalt her Saviour, And bless Immanuel's name. ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! From T. S. S. H. No. 55. 8s, 7s, D. n A LLELUIA ! Alleluia ! ts^k ii Floating o'er the crystal sea, Comes a voice like many waters, Rising up, O Christ, to Thee ! Alleluia ! Lord Almighty ! Thou hast bought us with Thy blood ! By Thy ransom price of Passion, We approach Thee, Christ our God ! 2 Alleluia ! Alleluia ! From the sons of Adam rise Sounds of Resurrection triumph, Upward to the Easter skies : Alleluia ! well-beloved, We receive Thee, Jesus Christ : Earth's ten thousand voices thunder One united Eucharist. 3 Alleluia ! AlleJuia ! Welcome, Child of Mary's womb, Thou hast triumphed, God Incarnate, O'er the dungeon of the tomb. 94 EASTER. Alleluia ! Hell's battalions In the light of Easter morn, Know their brazen portals broken By our Prince the Virgin-born. 4 Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Thou hast bound Captivity, At Thy chariot wheels of glory Death is captive led by Thee : Alleluia ! we salute Thee, Thralls of Death, Thou Lord of life, Breaker of the ancient bondage, Victor in the deadly strife. 5 Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Lamb of God, enthroned Priest, Christ our Passover is offered, Therefore let us keep the feast ; Alleluia ! Christ is risen ! Earth and heaven together sing, Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Christ our King. ANGELS, ROLL THE ROCK AWAY. From T. S. S. H. No. 56. 75, 8s, 7s. t K K A NGELS, roll the rock away ! t)t) XjL Death, yield up the mighty Prey ! 95 EASTER. See, the Saviour quits the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Christ the Lord is risen to-day. 2 Shout, ye seraphs ; angels, raise Your eternal song of praise ; Let the earth's remotest bound Echo to the blissful sound ! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Christ the Lord is risen to-day. 3 Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One, Glory as of old to Thee, Now and evermore shall be. Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ the Lord is risen to-day. Amen. CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TO-DAY. From the G., page 92. 7s. p*f* /^HRIST the Lord is risen to-day ! OU V Hallelujah, hallelujah ! Sons of men and angels say : Hallelujah, hallelujah ! Raise your joys and triumphs high ! Hallelujah, hallelujah ! Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth reply! Hallelujah, hallelujah ! 96 EASTER. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, — Fought the fight, the battle won ; Lo, the sun's eclipse is o'er; Lo ! he sets in blood no more, Lo ! he sets in blood no more. Cho. — Christ the Lord is risen, etc. {First verse.) 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ has burst the gates of hell ; Death in vain forbids His rise ; Christ has opened Paradise, Christ has opened Paradise. — Cho. 4 Lives again our glorious King; Where, O Death, is now thy sting? Once He died our souls to save ; "Where's thy vict'ry, boasting grave? Where's thy vict'ry ; boasting grave? — Cho. HE IS RISEN ! HE IS RISEN ! From the C. P. No. 69. 8s, 7s, 7s. f MS TIE is risen ! He is risen ! I JTl Tell it with a joyful voice ; He has burst His three days' prison, Let the whole wide earth rejoice ; Death is vanquish' d, man is free, Christ has won the victory. 7 97 EASTER. 2 Tell it to the sinners weeping Over deeds in darkness done, Weary fast and vigil keeping ; Brightly breaks their Easter sun ; Christ has borne our sins away, Christ has conquered hell to-day. 3 He is risen ! He is risen ! He has oped the eternal gate ; We are loosed from sin's dark prison, Risen to a holier state, Where a brightening Easter beam On our longing eye shall stream. Amen. SADLY IN THE GATHERING GLOOM. From the C. P. No. 70. P. M. P\Q QADLY in the gathering gloom, ^O O Sate three Marys by the tomb ; Lingering in the chill night air, The last of all that laid Him there : Therefore first their hearts were cheered, Soon as their Lord they saw and heard, Ere the early dawn appeared, On Easter Day at morning. Cho. — Thus, while Nature is weeping, * Faith her vigil is keeping, 98 EASTER. Till the glorious Orb of Day Shall scatter the clouds away. 2 Fondly in their hands they bring Spices for their Lord and King — Aloes, cassia, incense, myrrh — To fill the fragrant sepulchre. Therefore first the risen Lord, To the dear saints that thus adored, Was like ointment sweet outpoured, On Easter Day at morning. — Cho. 3 Last to kiss His feet were they, When in death His body lay ; — Last to weep while they around His limbs the linen grave-clothes wound : First, then, they hear angels tell How the Lord Christ, our foes to quell, Burst the bands of Death and Hell, On Easter Day at morning. — Cho. 4 Love now wins a new employ; Last in grief is first in joy : Woman shall proclaim to men, That Jesus Christ is risen again ! We still hear that message sung, Sweetly as when, from woman's tongue, First its thrilling raptures rung, On Easter Day at morning. — Cho. 99 '59 J EASTER. JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TO-DAY. From G. S. & T. B. No. 94. 7s. JESUS CHRIST is risen to-day, Our triumphant holy day ; Who did once, upon the cross, Suffer to redeem our loss. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Christ the Lord is risen to-day. Hymns of praise then let us sing Unto Christ our Heavenly King, Who endured the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Christ the Lord is risen to-day. But the pains which He endured Our salvation have procured ; Now above the sky He's King, Where the angels ever sing : Hallelujah ! Hallelujah ! Christ the Lord is risen to-day. Now be God the Father praised, With the Son, from death upraised, And the Spirit, ever blest, One true God, by all confessed. Hallelujah! Hallelujah] Christ the Lorl is risen to-day. 100 60 T EASTER. THE DAY OF RESURRECTION. From T. S. S. H. No. 245. 7s, 6s. 'PHE Day of Resurrection ! Earth, tell it out abroad ; The Passover of gladness, The Passover of God. From death to life eternal, From this world to the sky, Our Christ hath brought us over, With hymns of victory. Our hearts be pure from evil, That we may see aright The Lord in rays eternal Of resurrection-light : And, listening to His accents, May hear, so calm and plain, His own "All hail ! " and, hearing, May raise the victor-strain. Now let the heavens be joyful ! Let earth her song begin ! Let the round world keep triumph, And all that is therein ! Invisible and visible, Their notes let all things blend, For Christ the Lord hath risen, Our Joy that hath no end. Amen. 101 EASTER. LET THE MERRY CHURCH BELLS RING. From the S. S. C. & T. B., page 162. 7s, 6s. /**1 T ET the merry church bells ring, U J- xj Hence with tears and sighing ; Frost and cold are fled from Spring, Life hath conquer' d dying. Flow'rs are smiling, fields are gay, Sunny is the weather ; With our rising Lord to-day, All things rise together. Chorus. — Let the merry church-bells ring, Ring, Ring, Let the merry church-bells ring, Ring, Ring, Ring. 2 Let the birds sing out again From their leafy chapel, Praising Him with whom in vain Satan sought to grapple ; Sounds of joy come fast and thick, As the breezes flutter ; Resurrexit, non est hie, Is the strain they utter. — Cho. 3 Let the thought of grief be past ; This our comfort giveth, — He was slain on Friday last, But to-day He liveth : 102 EASTER. Mourning heart must needs be gay, Nor let sorrow vex it ; Since the very grave can say, Christus resurrexit. . THE WORLD ITSELF KEEPS EASTER DAY From the C. P. No. 71. P. M. n>£\ ^HE world itself keeps Easter Day, U/V L And Easter larks are singing; And Easter flow'rs are blooming gay, And Easter buds are springing ; The Lord of all things lives anew, And all His works are rising too. Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Praise the Lord. 2 There stood three Marys by the tomb On Easter morning early, When day had scarcely chased the gloom, And dew was white and pearly : With loving, but with erring mind, They came the Prince of Life to find. Alleluia ! etc. 3 But earlier still the angel sped, His words of comfort giving \ "And why," he said, "among the dead, Thus seek ye for the Living ? ' ' 103 EASTER. The risen Jesus lives again, ' To save the souls of sinful men. Alleluia ! etc. 4 The world itself keeps Easter Day, And Easter larks are singing ; And Easter flowers are blooming gay, And Easter buds are springing ; The Lord is risen, as all things tell, Good Christians, see ye rise as well ! Alleluia ! etc. CHRIST HATH ARISEN ! From C. P. No. 72. P. M. £Q pHRIST hath arisen ! UO \j Death is no more ! Lo ! the white-robed ones Sit by the door. Dawn ! golden morning ! Scatter the night ! Haste, ye disciples glad, First with the light, Dawn ! golden morning ! Scatter the night ! Haste, ye disciples glad, First with the light, First with the light. 104 EASTER. 2 Break forth in singing, world new-born ! Chant the great Eastertide, Christ's holy morn. Chant Him, young sunbeams, Dancing in mirth ! Chant, all ye winds of God, Coursing the earth ! Chant Him, etc. 3 Chant Him, ye laughing flowers, Fresh from the sod : Chant Him, wild leaping streams, Praising your God ! Break from thy winter, Sad heart, and sing ! Bud with thy blossoms fair ! Christ is thy spring. Break from thy winter, etc. 4 Come where the Lord hath lain, Past is the gloom : See the full eye of day Smile through the tomb. Hark ! angel voices Fall from the skies : Christ hath arisen ! Glad heart, arise ! Hark ! angel voices, etc. 105 ASCENSION. ASCENSION. GOD IS GONE UP ON HIGH. From T. S. S. H. No. 59. 6s, 8s. /* A f^OD is gone up on high, Ui VJ With a triumphant shout ; The clarions of the sky, Angelic joys ring out ; Join all on earth, rejoice and sing, All glory give to glory's King. 2 All power to our great Lord Is by His Father given ; By angel-hosts adored, He reigns supreme in heaven : Join all on earth, etc. 3 High on His holy seat He bears the righteous sway, His foes beneath His feet Shall sink and die away ; Join all on earth, etc. •4 His foes and ours are one, Satan, the world, and sin ; But He shall tread them down, And bring His kingdom in ; ' Join all on earth, eto. 106 65 ASCENSION. O CLAP YOUR HANDS. From T. S. S. H. No. 62. P. M. CLAP your hands, ye oceans, Ye floods and streams reply ; Shout, warriors of heaven, Our Glory goes on high ; As King of kings in triumph Above the starry sky : Cho. — Then at the Name of Jesus, All knees created bow, Of things in earth and heaven, And in the depths below. 2 Hark, hark, ye mighty princes ! Your gates wide open fling, O haste to greet your Monarch, Who cometh triumphing, And crowd around Him, crying, Hail, Jesus, wondrous King ! — Cho. 3 Who is this King of Glory, Whose garments purple be, With vesture dyed of Bozrah, Going up with jubilee ? The Lord, in battle mighty, Who quelled our enemy. — Cho. 107 ASCENSION. 4 O Jesus, Thou hast conquered, Unto Thy throne ascend, Sit on the Father's right hand, Thou goal where true hearts tend ; Be Thou our joy in sorrow, Our prize when time shall end. — Cho. REJOICE, O YES, REJOICE. From J. & G., page 34. P. M. P EJOICE, O yes, rejoice, A prophet God hath given, To teach our poor, misguided souls, And lead the way to heaven. 66 R Chorus. — Rejoice, rejoice, Yes, evermore rejoice ! With all the powers of heart and voice, Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice ! 2 Rejoice, O yes, rejoice ! Our great High Priest appears, Himself an offered sacrifice To take away our fears. — Cho. 3 Rejoice, O yes, rejoice ! Since Jesus reigns as King ; Rejoice His scepter to obey, And grateful tribute bring. — Cho. 108 6TH WHITSUNTIDE. 4 Rejoice, yes, rejoice ! Since Death is captive led ; Christ nailed the tyrant to His cross, And rose our living Head. — Cho. WHITSUNTIDE. HOLY SPIRIT, LORD OF GLORY. From H. S. S. H. No. 142. 8s, 7s. XJOLY SPIRIT, Lord of glory, Look on us, Thy flock, to-day ; Meekly kneeling at Thine altar, For Thy sevenfold Gift we pray \ Guide us, all our earthly journey, In the true and narrow way. Foes on every hand are round us, And our hearts are weak and frail ; Gird us with Thy heavenly armor, Never let us yield or quail ! Give us victory in the struggle, When the hosts of sin assail. Lead us by Thy hand, O Saviour, Through the waste, with evil rife, Feed us with the heavenly Manna, That we faint not in the strife ; Slake our weary spirits thirsting From the fount of endless Life. 109 WHITSUNTIDE. Looking ever unto Jesus, Leaning on His staff and rod ; May we follow in His footsteps, Tread the path that Jesus trod ; Till we dwell with Him forever In the Paradise of God ! HOLY SPIRIT, HEAR US. From T. S. S. H. No. 66. 6s, 5s, D. 68 H OLY SPIRIT, hear us On this sacred Day, Come to us with blessing, Come with us to stay ; Come, as once Thou earnest On the faithful few, Patiently awaiting, Jesus* promise true. Up to heaven ascending Our dear Lord has gone ; Yet, His little children Leaves He not alone. To His blessed promise Now in faith we cling, Comforter most Holy ! Spread o'er us Thy wing. 110 WHITSUNTIDE. 3 Lighten Thou our darkness, Be Thyself our Light, Strengthen Thou our weakness, Spirit of all Might ! In our doubts give counsel, In temptation aid, Say to us in danger, "Be not ye afraid !" 4 Spirit of Adoption ! Make us overflow With Thy sevenfold blessing, And in grace to grow ; "Into Christ baptized,'' Grant that we may be ; Day by day, dear Spirit ! Perfected by Thee. OUR BLEST REDEEMER, ERE HE BREATHED. From the C. P. No. 74. P. M. IR blest Redeemer, ere he breathed His tender last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter bequeathed With us to dwell. f 69 UI 2 He came sweet influence to impart,^ A gracious, willing Guest, While He can find one humble heart Wherein to rest. Ill TRINITY. 3 And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, That checks each thought, that calms each fear, And speaks of heaven. 4 And every virtue we possess, And every victory won, And every thought of holiness Are His alone. 5 Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness, pitying, see : O make our hearts Thy dwelling-place, And meet for Thee. TRINITY. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ! LORD GOD ALMIGHTY ! From T. S. S. H. No. 71. P. M. fry A TTOLY, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! 11/ 11 Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee ; Holy, Holy, Holy ! merciful and mighty ; God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity! 2 Holy, Holy, Holy ! All the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea ; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 112 TRINITY. 3 Holy, Holy, Holy ! though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see, Only Thou art Holy ; there is none beside Thee Perfect in power, in love, and purity. 4 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, Holy, Holy ! merciful and mighty ; God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity ! Amen. GLORY TO THE FATHER GIVE. From the C. P. No. 78. 7s. • ry-| r* LORY to the Father give, I J- VJ God, in whom we move and live ; Children's prayers He deigns to hear, Children's songs delight His ear. 2 Glory to the .Son we bring, Christ, our Prophet, Priest, and King; Children, raise your sweetest strain To the Lamb, for He was slain. 3 Glory to the Holy Ghost, He reclaims the sinner lost ; Children's minds may He inspire, Touch their tongues with holy fire. 8 113 TRINITY. 4 Glory in the highest be To the blessed Trinity, For the Gospel from above, For the word that " God is love/' HEAVENLY FATHER, SEND THY BLESSING. From T. S. S. H. No. 139. 8s, 7s, D. TTEAVENLY Father, send Thy blessing 72 X 1 On Thy children gathered here, May they all, Thy Name confessing, Be to Thee forever dear ; May they be like Joseph, loving, Dutiful, and chaste, and pure ; And their faith, like David, proving Steadfast unto death endure. Holy Saviour, who in meekness Didst vouchsafe a Child to be, Guide their steps and help their weakness, Bless and make them like to Thee : Bear Thy lambs when they are weary In Thine arms and on Thy breast, Through life's desert, dry and dreary, Bring them to Thy heavenly rest. Spread Thy golden pinions o'er them, Holy Spirit, from above, Guide them, lead them, go before them, Give them peace, and joy, and love : 114 TRINITY. Thy true temples, Holy Spirit, May they with Thy glory shine, And immortal bliss inherit, And for evermore be Thine. ROUND THE LORD IN GLORY SEATED. From M. C, page 59. 8s, 7s. D. f rVQ r) OUND the Lord in glory seated, 1 O JlV Cherubim and seraphim Fill'd His Temple, and repeated Each to each the alternate hymn, "Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven, Earth is with Thy fulness stored ; Unto Thee be glory given, Holy, holy, holy Lord." Cho. — "Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven, Earth is with Thy fulness stored ; Unto Thee be glory given, Holy, holy, holy Lord." 2 Heaven is still with glory ringing, Earth takes up the angels' cry, "Holy, holy, holy," singing, "Lord of hosts, the Lord most High." With His seraph train before Him, With His holy Church below, Thus conspire we to adore Him, Bid we thus our anthem flow: — Cho. 115 PROVIDENCE. "Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven, Earth is with Thy fulness stored ; Unto Thee be glory given, Holy, holy, holy Lord." Thus Thy glorious name confessing, We adopt Thy angels' cry, "Holy, holy, holy," blessing Thee, the Lord of hosts most High. — Cho. PROVIDENCE. ALL THY WORKS, O HEAVENLY FATHER. From G. S. & T. B., No. 131. 8s, 7s, D. ry A A LL Thy works, O Heavenly Father, I 4: il What- Thou biddest them, fulfil ; Shall not I, Thy child, much rather Sing Thy praise, and do Thy will ? Hitherto Thy hand hath led me, And hath brought me on my way; Thou hast clothed me, Thou hast fed me, Thou hast blest me every day. 2 Lord, 'tis of Thy loving-kindness That Thy Gospel I have known ; Else I might have sat in blindness, Bowing down to wood and stone. 116 75 PROVIDENCE. To Thy font my parents brought me, Ere Thy tender love I knew ; And Thy Minister has taught me What to flee, and what to do. 3 Since my time is like an arrow, Hastening on without delay, And Thy gate is straight and narrow, Very narrow is the way — Thou who gav'st Thy Son to save me, Send Thy Holy Spirit down ; Make me do as Thou wouldst have me, Make me more and more Thine own. GOD HATH MADE THE MOON. From H. S. S. H. No. 139. 7s, 5s, D. GOD hath made the moon, whose beam Shimmers soft o'er hill and stream, Lighting with her silv'ry gleam All our lonely way. Glides she, with companions bright, Through the silent hours of night ; Then fades in overwhelming light, Lost in perfect day. God hath made the glorious sun, Through his daily course to run ; From the dawn till day is done Brightly shineth he. 117 PROVIDENCE. When his circling round is o'er, And we see him here no more, He rises on a brighter shore, Far beyond the sea. 3 God hath sent me here below, In my daily life to show Constant love to friend and foe, As He showed for me. When we here have closed our eyes, Sunk where death's dark ocean lies, To worlds of glory may we rise, Lighted, Lord, by Thee ! Amen. ALL IS BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL ROUND US. From H. S. S. H. No. 137. 8s, 7s, D. ry/^ A LL is bright and cheerful round us ; I U l\ All above is soft and blue ; Spring at last hath come and found us,' Spring and all its pleasures too ; Every flower is full of gladness; Dew is bright and birds are gay; Earth, with all its sin and sadness, Seems a happy place to-day. 2 If the flowers, that fade so quickly, If a day, that ends in night, If the sky, that clouds so thickly Often cover from our sight, — 118 77 REDEMPTION. If they all have so much beauty, What must be God's Land of Rest, Where His sons, that do their duty, After many toils are blest ? There are leaves that never wither, There are flowers that ne'er decay; Nothing evil goeth thither, Nothing good is kept away. They that came from tribulation, Washed their robes and made them white, Out of every tongue and nation, They have rest, and peace, and light. Amen, REDEMPTION. SING OF JESUS. From J. & G., page 5. P. M. SING of Jesus — of His mercy In the pardon of our sin ; Of the precious love that bought us ; Of the blood that makes us clean. Chorus, — Sing of Jesus, sing of Jesus, Of the precious, precious Saviour, Sing of Jesus, sing of Jesus, Sing His praise forever. 119 REDEMPTION. 2 Sing of Jesus — of His patience With our cold, unloving hearts; Of the tenderness that draws us ; Of the grace that peace imparts. — Cho. 3 Sing of Jesus — of His goodness Crowning all our earthly days; Strewing blessings rich and countless, All along life's devious ways. — Cho. 'TIS GRACE! 'TIS GRACE! 'TIS WONDERFUL GRACE ! From J. & G., page 135. P. M. fVQ ''"PIS grace ! 'tis grace ! 'tis wonderful grace ! • O A This great salvation brings ; The soul delivered of its load, In sweetest rapture sings. Chorus — 'Tis grace ! 'tis grace ! Wonderful, wonderful grace ! 'Tis grace ! 'tis grace ! Flowing still, freely for me ! 2 'Tis grace! 'tis grace ! 'tis wonderful grace ! Which saves the soul from sin ; The power of rising evil slays, And reigns supreme within. — Cho. 120 79 T REDEMPTION. 3 'Tis grace! 'tis grace! 'tis wonderful grace ! Its streams are full and free : Are flowing now for all the race ; They even flow to me. — Cho. 4 'Tis grace ! 'tis grace ! 'tis wonderful grace ! Which bears the soul above \ The light which gleams from Jesus' face Is rapture, peace and love. — Cho. THE SON OF GOD IN MIGHTY LOVE. From S. S. C. & T. B. No. 24. L. M. D. T^HE Son of God in mighty love, Came down to Bethlehem for me ; Forsook His throne of light above, An infant upon earth to be. In love the Father's sinless Child, Sojourned at Nazareth for me \ With sinners dwelt the undefiled, The Holy One in Galilee. Jesus, whom angel-hosts adore, Became a man of griefs for me ; In love, though rich, becoming poor, That I through Him enriched might be. Though Lord of all, above, below, He went to Olivet for me; There drank my cup of wrath and woe, When bleeding in Gethsemane. 121 REDEMPTION. 3 The ever-blessed Son of God Went up to Calvary for me ; There paid my debt, there bore my load, In His own body on the tree. Jesus, whose dwelling is the skies, Went down into the grave for me ; There overcame my enemies, There won the glorious victory. 4 In love the whole dark path He trod, To consecrate a way for me ; Each bitter footstep marked with blood, From Bethlehem to Calvary. 'Tis finished all ; the veil is rent ; The welcome sure, the access free ; — Now then, we leave our banishment, O Father, to return to Thee. JESUS ALONE CAN SAVE ME. From J. & G., page 128. P. M. Q A AJOT any works that I may do, Ov l\l However good, and pure, and true, Can my unworthy heart renew. No ! Jesus alone can save me. ' Chorus. — Jesus alone can save me ; Jesus, who shed His blood for me. Jesus alone can save me From my sin. 122 REDEMPTION. 2 My sins may pierce my anguished heart, Until the burning tears shall start ; But tears can never peace impart. No ! Jesus alone can save me. — Cho. 3 'Tis Christ alone who saves from sin ; His blood alone can make me clean, He only can bring peace within. Yes ! Jesus alone can save me. — Cho. THE BLOOD IS ALL MY PLEA. From J. & G., page 130. S. M. Q1 T J ESUS ' blood I owe OJL 1 My soul's supremest good ; It brought redemption down to me, It led me up to God. Chorus. — The blood is all my plea, The blood is all my need, The blood of Jesus cleanseth me, His blood is life indeed. 2 I wandered far from God, The road was rough and wild ; I call'd, and Jesus answ'ring said : " Come unto me, my child." — Cho. 3 I looked, and lo ! I saw The blood-besprinkled door, 7 Twas open, and I hastened in, To wander forth no more. — Cho. 123 REDEMPTION. 4 How happy now my lot, I've found my long-sought rest ; The blood, the blood my only plea, Makes me serenely blest. — Cho. 82 T ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE. From S. of G. & G., page 20. P. M. EARS will not save me! I'll cease then my weeping, The stains of my sin lie too deep on my soul ; I'll flee to my Saviour, whose warm heart is leaping To welcome, forgive, and to make me whole. Refrain. — Jesus can save, and Jesus alone, Jesus alone, Jesus alone ; Now my dear Lord and Redeemer I own, Trusting in Jesus alone. 2 Works will not save me! I'll cease then to trust them; No longer depending on what I have done, I come, in my weakness, to One who invites me And offers/ree pardon in His dear Son. — Cho. 3 Jesus can save me, my glorified Saviour ! The blood that He shed as atonement for sin, Alone has the power to cleanse my defilement ; This only can make me all pure within. — Cho. 124 REDEMPTION. COME, SINNER, COME. From S. of G. & G., page 16. P. M. QQ TTARK! the Spirit whispers low, OO 11 " Come, sinner, come; " To the Saviour humbly bow, Come, sinner, come. Lo ! the Bride invites to-day, Come, sinner, come; And let him that heareth say, Come, sinner, come. 2 Haste, oh haste ! make no delay ! Come, sinner, come ; Christ can wash Thy sins away, 'Come, sinner, come. To that fountain full and free, Come, sinner, come, Flowing still for thee, for thee ! Come, sinner, come. 3 Jesus waits, He lingers still; Come, sinner, come ; Only yield to Him thy will ; Come, sinner, come. Will you not on Him believe? Come, sinner, come ; Oh ! do not the Spirit grieve ; Come, sinner, come. 125 84 L REDEMPTION. LET THE SAVIOUR IN. From C. S., page 86. 8s, 5s. O ! He's knocking at every heart ; Let the Saviour in ! Shall we tell Him He must depart ? Let the Saviour in ! He is waiting beside your door, He is pleading forevermore, Your sweet welcome He doth implore, Let the Saviour in ! 2 Would ye turn Him in grief away? Let the Saviour in ! Sister, brother, do not delay ; Let the Saviour in ! He is mighty to save and keep, He will comfort the eyes that weep, In His presence how sweet our sleep ! Let the Saviour in ! 3 Take Him fondly unto your breast; Let the Saviour in ! He will give to the weary rest; Let the Saviour in ! Shall His summons be heard in vain? Shall we turn Him away again? Ye who linger in doubt and pain, Let the Saviour in ! 126 REDEMPTION. NO LOVE LIKE THE LOVE OF JESUS. From J. & G. } page 26. P. M. Q P H^HERE is no love like the love of Jesus ; OD 1 Never to fade or fall, Till into the fold of the peace of God He has gathered us all. Chorus. — Jesus' love, precious love, Boundless, pure and free ! Jesus' love, precious love, Boundless, pure and free ! 2 There is no heart like the heart of Jesus; Filled with a tender love, No throb or throe that our hearts can know But He feels it above. — Cho. 3 There is no eye like the eye of Jesus ; Piercing so far away, Ne'er out of the sight of its tender light Can the wanderer stray. — Cho. 4 O let us hark to the voice of Jesus ! O may we never roam, Till safely we rest on His loving breast, In the dear heav'nly home. — Cho. 127 CHURCH. THE CHURCH. THE CHURCH'S ONE FOUNDATION. From T. S. S. H. No. 8l. 7s, 6s, D. f Q/* npHE Church's one foundation OU 1 Is Jesus Christ her Lord ; She is His new creation By water and the Word : From heav'n He came and sought her To be His holy Bride ; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. 2 Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation One Lord, one Faith, one Birth ; One holy Name she blesses, Partakes one holy Food, And to one Hope she presses, With every grace endued. 3 Though with a scornful wonder, Men see her sore opprest, By schisms re*nt asunder, By heresies distrest ; Yet saints their watch are keeping, Their cry goes up, " How long?" And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of song. 128 CHURCH. 4 'Mid toil and tribulation, And tumult of her war, She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore ; Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, And the great Church victorious Shall be the Church at rest. Amen. PLEASANT ARE THY COURTS ABOVE. From the C. P. No. 114. 7s, D. Qry pLEASANT are Thy courts above, O I JL In the land of light and love ; Pleasant are Thy courts below, In this land of sin and woe. O my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy saints, For the brightness of Thy face, King of glory, God of grace ! 2 Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy altars, O Most High ! Happier souls, that find a rest In a heavenly Father's breast I Like the wandering dove, that found No repose on earth around, They can to their ark repair, And enjoy it ever there. 9 129 CHURCH. 3 Happy souls ! their praises flow, Ever in this vale of woe ; Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies. On they go from strength to strength, Till they reach Thy throne at length ; At Thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. 4 Lord, be mine this prize to win ; Guide me through a world of sin, Keep me by Thy saving grace, Give me at Thy side a place. Sun and shield alike Thou art ; Guide and guard my erring heart ; Grace and glory flow from Thee ; Shower, O shower them, Lord, on me. Amen. COME, LET US JOIN OUR CHEERFUL SONGS. From J. & G., page 35. C. M. t QQ pOME, let us join our cheerful songs 00 \J With angels round the throne ; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. Refrain. — We come, we come, Our Saviour's Name to praise, We come, we come, His Name to praise. 130 CHURCH. 2 " Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, "To be exalted thus:" "Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, " For He was slain for us." — Ref 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine ; And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever Thine. — Ref. 4 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred Name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb. — Ref. O HEAVENLY FATHER, BOW THINE EAR. From T. S. S. H. No. 167. 8s, 7, 8. QQ C\ HEAVENLY Fa Aer, bow Thine ear, Ot/ \J And hearken to Thy servants here, While we our youthful voices raise In fervent prayers and songs of praise : Gladly to Thy courts we come, O guide us to our heavenly Home. 2 From out the busy ways of life, From all its pleasures and its strife, We seek, O Lord, Thy loving face, And beg the treasures of Thy grace : Gladly to Thy courts we come, O guide us to our heavenly Home. 131 CHURCH. > 3 Teach us, dear Lord, Thy way to know, And help us in that way to go, That so our walk with Thee begun May in Thy footsteps always run : Gladly to Thy courts we come, O guide us to our heavenly Home. 4 Let the sweet sunshine of Thy love, Still hovering o'er us like the dove, Fill all our hearts and homes with joy, And all our grateful hours employ : Gladly to Thy courts we come, O lead us to our heavenly Home. Amen. SAVIOUR, WHO THY FLOCK ART FEEDING. From T. S. S. H. No. S3. 8s, 7s, D. f Q A P AVIOUR, who Thy flock art feeding, «/l/ O With the shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble, gently leading, While the lambs Thy bosom share ; Now these little ones receiving, Fold them in Thy gracious arm ; There, we know, Thy word believing, Only there secure from harm. 2 Never from Thy pasture roving, Let them be the lion's prey ; Let Thy tenderness, so loving, Keep them all life's dangerous way. 132 HOLY SCRIPTURES. Then, within Thy fold eternal, Let them find a resting-place ; Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of Thy grace. Amen. HOLY SCRIPTURES. NO BOOK LIKE THE BIBLE. From J. & G., page 46. P. M. Q-l A TO book is like the Bible, vl 1M For childhood, youth and age; Our duty, plain and simple, We find on every page. It came by inspiration, A light to guide our way, A voice from Him who gave it, Reproving when we stray. Chorus. — No book is like the Bible, The blessed book we love ; The pilgrim's chart of glory, It leads to God above. 2 It tells of man's creation, His sad primeval fall ; It tells of man's redemption, Through Christ who died for all. 133 HOLY SCRIPTURES. In sacred words of wisdom, It bids us watch and pray, And early come to Jesus, The Life, the Truth, theWay.— Cho. 3 O, let us love the Bible, And praise it more and more ; Our life is like a shadow, Our days will soon be o'er. But if we closely follow The counsel God has given, We then may hope with angels To sing His praise in heaven. — Cho. O WORD OF GOD INCARNATE. From H. S. S. H. No. 73. 7s, 6s, D. WORD of God Incarnate, O wisdom from on high, O truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky ; We praise Thee for the radiance That from the hallow' d page, A lantern to our footsteps, Shines on from age to age. The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine, And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. 134 92 MISSIONS. It is the golden casket Where gems of truth are stored; It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ, the living Word. 3 It floateth like a banner Before God's host unfurl'd; It shineth like a beacon Above the darkling world : It is the chart and compass, That o'er life's surging sea, Mid mists, and rocks, and quicksands, Still guide, O Christ, to Thee. 4 O make Thy Church, dear Saviour, A lamp of burnish' d gold To bear before the nations Thy true light as of old : O teach Thy wandering pilgrims By this their path to trace. Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see Thee face to face. Amen. MISSIONS. . THE GOSPEL BANNER. From the C. T., page 38. 7s, 6s. 9Q AJOW be the gospel banner O 1\ In every land unfurled ; 135 MISSIONS. And be the shout, Hosanna ! Re-echoed through the world : Till ev'ry isle and nation, Till ev'ry tribe and tongue, Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. 2 What though th' embattled legions Of earth and hell combine? His arm, throughout their regions, Shall soon resplendent shine: Ride on, O Lord, victorious ! Immanuel, Prince of Peace ! Thy triumph shall be glorious; Thy empire still increase. 3 Yes, Thou shalt reign forever, O Jesus, King of kings ! Thy light, Thy love, Thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings: The isles for Thee are waiting, The deserts learn Thy praise, The hills and valleys greeting, The song responsive raise. FROM GREENLAND'S ICY MOUNTAINS. From H. S. S. H. No. 49. 7s, 6s, D. f Q A T^ROM Greenland's icy mountains, */4r 1 From India's coral strand, 136 MISSIONS. Where Afrits sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle; Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile : In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strewn ; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high ; Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation, O salvation, The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Has learnt Messiah's Name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, His story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole : 137 MISSIONS. Till o'er our ransom' d nature, The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. Amen. UP AND WORK, FOR JESUS CALLS US. From the C. T., page 66. 8s, 7s. QPv T T^ anc * wor k> f° r Jesus calls us, t/tf U Calls to labor every day; Let us work with earnest patience, In His service while we may. Chorus, — Up and work, for Jesus calls us With the voice of love so sweet. Labor ! for each golden morrow Brings us nearer Zion's gate. 2 Let us work and thus grow stronger, Sweetly bringing in the sheaves; — Sheaves, if left a little longer, Might be nothing more than leaves. — Cho. 3 When our sheaves are safely gathered From the torrent and the blast, We shall reach the starry portal, Safe at home in heaven at last. — Cho. WE'LL DO ALL WE CAN. From J. & G., page 56. P. M. E never will think there is naught we can do, Because we can't work like a man ; 138 96 W MISSIONS. The harvest is great, and the lab'rers are few, So we must do all, all we can. Cho. — O, yes, we'll do all, all we can; O, yes, we'll do all, all we can ; The harvest is great and the lab'rers are few, So we must do all, all we can. 2 And if we have only a penny to give, We'll give it, though scanty our store; For they who give nothing when little they have, When wealthy will give little more. — Cho. 3 But if an abundance we have at command, O Father, the spirit bestow To scatter our wealth with a liberal hand, To cheer those in darkness and woe. — Cho. THE FIELDS ARE ALL WHITE. From C. P. No. 145. P. M. Qry O^HE fields are all white V I JL And the reapers are few; We children are willing, But what can we do, To work for our Lord in His harvest? 2 Our hands are so small, And our words are so weak, We cannot teach others — How then shall we seek To work for our Lord in His harvest ? 139 MISSIONS. 3 We'll work by our prayers, By the pennies we bring, By small self-denials; — The least little thing May work for our Lord in His harvest. 4 Until, by and by, As the years pass, at length We too may be reapers, - And go forth in strength To work for our Lord in His harvest. Amen. 98 W BE NOT DISCOURAGED. From C. T., page 56. 7s, 6s, D. HY should we be discouraged? Why let our hearts complain? Why seek we for a harvest Among the springing grain? 'Tis ours to do the sowing; 'Tis God's to give the yield; Then wander not, complaining, About the Master's field. Chorus. — So with earnest patience, Each power and talent wield; 'Tis ours to do the sowing; 'Tis God's to give the yield. 140 MISSIONS. 2 And if He to the harvest Calls others in our stead, And if our ripened vintage Another comes to tread; The Father knows our talents; Appoints to each his task; And strength to do His pleasure Is all that we should ask. — Cho» 3 Then leave to God the planning; Perhaps, if we could stand, And see the ripened harvest Throughout the Lord's broad land, That we might claim the honor, The glory and the fame, And, in our self-extolling, Forget the Father's Name. — Cho. CHILDREN OF LIGHT. From the C. T., page 78. lis, 10s. QQ /^ HILDRENof 1J g ht ! like the stars of tne midnight, t/tf vy Guiding earth's weary ones home to their rest, Shine for the heart that is burdened with anguish ; Cheer up the lonely, the sad and oppressed. Cho. — Let your light shine ! for the world is in darkness. Hide not one ray, lest some prodigal child, Seeking the pathway to home and forgiveness, Groping in darkness, returns to the wild. 141 MISSIONS. 2 Children of light ! oh, how great is your mission ! Shedding abroad the bright Gospel of truth ! Lighting the way to the glory eternal ! Guiding the aged: directing the youth ! — Cho. 3 Children of light ! till the day-dawn appeareth, God has commanded you ever to shine All the long night till the brightness, GoD-given, Loseth its light in the glory divine. — Cho* ONLY REMEMBERED. From C. S., page 123. lis, 10s. 1 AA T IP and away, like the dew of the morning, JLV/ \J U Soaring from earth to its home in the sun, Thus would I pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what I have done. Ref — Only remembered, only remembered, Only remembered by what I have done, Only remembered, only remembered, Only remembered by what I have done. 2 Shall I be missed if another succeed me, Reaping the fields I in spring-time have sown ? No ! for the sower may pass from his labors, Only remembered by what he has done. — Ref 3 Only the truth that in life I have spoken, Only the seed that on earth I have sown, These shall pass onward when I am forgotten, Fruits of the harvest and what I have done. — Ref. 142 101 MISSIONS. 4 Oh, when the Saviour shall make up His jewels, When the bright crowns of rejoicing are won, Then will His faithful and weary disciples \Ref* All be remembered for what they have done. — LITTLE TRAVELLERS ZIONWARD. From the C. P. No. 147. 7s, D. LITTLE travellers Zionward, Each one entering into rest, In the kingdom of your Lord, In the mansions of the blest; There with welcome Jesus waits, Gives the crowns His followers win ; Lift your heads, ye golden gates, — Let the little travellers in ! 2 Who are these whose little feet, Pacing life's dark journey through, Now have reached that heavenly seat They have ever kept in view ? "I, from Greenland's frozen land; I, from India's sultry plain ; I, from Afric's burning sand ; I, from islands of the main. 3 "All our earthly journey past, Every tear and pain gone by, Here together met at last, At the portal of the sky." 143 MISSIONS. Each the welcome u Come! " awaits, Conquerors over death and sin ; Lift your heads, ye golden gates, — Let the little travellers in ! Amen. WITH HEARTS IN LOVE ABOUNDING. From T. S. S. H. No. ioo. 7s, 6s, D. 1 AO "^1 "\ 7"ITH hearts in love abounding, JLv/W YV Prepare we now to sing A lofty theme, resounding Thy praise, Almighty King; Whose love, rich gifts bestowing, Redeemed the human race ; Whose lips, with zeal o'erflowing, Breathe words of truth and grace. 2 So reign, O God of heaven, Eternally the same ; And endless praise be given To Thy Almighty Name. Clothed in Thy dazzling brightness, Thy Church on earth behold, In robe of purest whiteness, In raiment wrought with gold. 3 And let each Gentile nation Come gladly in her train, To share Thy great salvation, And join her grateful strain : 144 CHRISTIAN LIFE. Then ne'er shall note of sadness Awake the trembling string ; One song of joy and gladness The ransom 'd world shall sing. Amen. CHRISTIAN LIFE. LIVE FOR GOD. From J. & G., page 20. P. M. 1 AQ TTARK ! a warning voice within, XUO ii Live for God, live for God; Now the Christian life begin, Live for God, live for God. Love the right, forsake the wrong ; We are weak, but He is strong ; Let His goodness be our song, Live for God, live for God. Refraifi. — Let us all live for God, Let U3 all live for God ; Marching onward, looking upward, Let us all live for God. 2 Early choose the better part, Live for God, live for God; With an humble, trusting heart, Live for God, live for God. 10 145 CHRISTIAN LIFE. Learn the yoke of Christ to bear, Welcome burden, toil and care ; Faithful, watching unto prayer, Live for God, live for God. — Re/. 3 Ever clinging to the cross, Live for God, live for God; Counting earthly gain but loss, Live for God, live for God. While we all His will obey, Let us walk the narrow way ; This our watchword day by day, Live for God, live for God. — Ref. I CAST MY SOUL ON THEE. From J. & G., page 1 8. L. M. 1 A A A MID the shadows and the fears Ivtc l\ That overcloud this home of tears; Amid my poverty and sin, The tempest and the war within : Chorus. — I cast my soul on Thee, Jesus, thou Son of God, Mighty to save, mighty to save, Even me, even me. 2 Mine is a day of fear and strife, A needy soul, a needy life, A needy world, a needy age, Yet, in my perilous pilgrimage, — Cho. 146 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 3 On Thee I rest, Thy love and grace Are my sole rock and resting-place ; In Thee my thirst and hunger sore, Lord, let me quench for evermore. — Cho. "IT IS I! BE NOT AFRAID." From J. & G.,page 51. P. M. 1 f\K T7 EAR not tne gloo m of the midnight, JL\Jt/ 1 Dread not the storm of the sea; 'Tis I, who am coming to save thee, 'Tis I! art thou trusting in Me? Chorus. — Trusting in Thee, yes, trusting in Thee : I'll doubt Thee no more, my Redeemer, Yes, trusting in Thee, yes, trusting in Thee, I'll ever be trusting in Thee. 2 Fear not the heat of the furnace, The Master is speaking to thee ; 'Tis I, who am cooling the footsteps, 'Tis I! art thou trusting in Me? — Cho. 3 Heed not the wrath of the tempter, My presence thy shelter shall be; 'Tis I, who am keeping thy spirit, 'Tis I! art thou trusting in Me? — Cho. 4 Fear not the chill of the valley, For death but a shadow shall be ; My rod and My staff shall support thee, 'Tis I! keep on trusting in Me. — Cho. 147 CHRISTIAN LIFE. THROUGH THE NIGHT OF DOUBT AND SORROW. From H. S. S. H. No, 147. 8s, 7s, D. 1 (\(X 'THROUGH the ni £ ht of doubt and sorrow, Xv/U JL Onward goes the pilgrim band, Singing songs of expectation, Marching to the Promised Land. Clear before us through the darkness Gleams and burns the guiding Light ; Brother clasps the hand of brother, Stepping fearless through the night. 2 One the Light of God's own Presence, O'er His ransom' d people shed, Chasing far the gloom and terror, Brightening all the path we tread ; One the object of our journey, One the Faith which never tires, One the earnest looking forward, One the Hope our God inspires. 3 One the strain the lips of thousands Lift as from the heart of one ; One the conflict, one the peril, One the march in God begun ; One the gladness of rejoicing On the far eternal shore, Where the One Almighty Father Reigns in love for evermore. 148 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 4 Onward, therefore, pilgrim brothers, Onward, with the Cross our aid ! Bear its shame, and fight its battle, Till we rest beneath its shade ! Soon shall come the great awaking; Soon the rending of the tomb; Then, the scattering of all shadows And the end of toil and gloom ! Amen. ONWARD, CHRISTIANS, ONWARD GO From the C. P. No. 143. 7s. MAXWARD, Christians, onward go, \J Join the war, and face the foe : Will ye flee in danger's hour? Know ye not your Captain's pow'r? 2 Let your drooping hearts be glad : March, in heavenly armor clad : Fight, nor think the battle long, Victory soon shall tune your song. 3 Let not sorrow dim your eye, Soon shall every tear be dry; Let not fears your course impede, Great your strength, if great your need. 4 Onward, then, in battle move, More than conquerors ye shall prove; Though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldiers, onward go. Amen. 149 CHRISTIAN LIFE. JESUS, SAVIOUR, GREAT EXAMPLE. From the C. T., page 43. P. M. "1 AQ TESUS, Saviour, great Example, J-UO Pattern of all purity, I would follow in Thy footsteps, Daily growing more like Thee. Cho. — More like Thee, more like Thee, Saviour, this my constant prayer shall be, Day by day, where'er I stray, Make me more and more like Thee. 2 Lest I wander from Thy pathway, Or my feet move wearily, Saviour, take my hand and lead me, Keep me steadfast : more like Thee. — Cho. 3 When temptations fiercely lower, And my shrinking soul would flee, Change each weakness into power, Keep me spotless : more like Thee. — Cho. 4 When around me all is darkness, And Thy beauties none may see, May Thy beams, O Glorious Brightness, In effulgence shine through me. — Cho. I KNOW NO LIFE DIVIDED. From the C. T., page 89. 7s, 6s, D. KNOW no life divided, O Lord of life, from Thee; 150 109 I 110 CHRISTIAN LIFE. In Thee is life provided For all mankind and me. I know no death, O Jesus, Because I live in Thee : Thy death it is which frees us From death eternally. I fear no tribulation, Since, whatsoe'er it be, It makes no separation Between my Lord and me. If Thou, my God and Teacher, Vouchsafe to be my own, Though poor, I should be richer Than monarch on his throne. Lord, with this truth impress me, And write it on my heart, To comfort, cheer and bless me ; — That Thou my Saviour art. Without Thy love to guide me, I should be wholly lost : The floods would quickly hide me, On life's wide ocean tossed. LORD, GUIDE OUR WAY. From the C. T., page 90. P. M. LORD, guide our way ! May we Thy voice obey ; 151 CHRISTIAN LIFE. And by Thy hand may we be led To an eternal day ! Through deserts drear We'll walk and never fear : The narrow path we'll meekly tread ; For Thou, our Lord, art near. Chorus. — Lord, guide our way I May we Thy voice obey I We'll follow Thee, we'll follow Thee To an eternal day ! Hold Thou our hand, Until with Thee we stand; All danger o'er for evermore, Safe, in our Fatherland. 2 Still lead us on, Until our rest be won : Until we reach the heavenly shore, Oh, ever lead us on. Wipe every tear ; In times of sorrow cheer ; And safe we'll go midst many a foe; For Thou, O Lord, art near. — Cho. 3 Thus guard our way ; And let us never stray From Thee aside, from Thee our Guide, To an eternal day, 152 CHRISTIAN LIFE. Hold Thou our hand, Until with Thee we stand ; All danger o'er, for evermore Safe, in our Fatherland. — Cho. MY SOUL, BE ON THY GUARD. From T. S. S. H. No. S6. S. M. till H/T^ sou ^ ^ e on ^y gu ar d ; XXX IVl Ten thousand foes arise ; The hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. 2 O watch, and fight, and pray ; The battle ne'er give o'er; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the victory won, Nor lay thine armor down : Thy arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. 4 Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ; He'll take thee at thy parting breath, Up to His blest abode. AmenI 153 L CHRISTIAN LIFE. I WILL FOLLOW JESUS. From J. & G., page 54. us. 11Q T WILL follow Jesus whither He may lead, XX hJ 1 In the thorny* pathway, in the flow'ry mead; In His blessed footsteps walk the heav'nward way, Till I reach the summer land of endless day. Cho. — Yes, I'll follow Jesus, follow only Him, Who hath died to save me from the curse of sin. Follow where He leadeth, follow all the way, Till He leads me to the realms of endless day. 2 I will follow Jesus though the cold world frown, Bearing scorn in meekness, pressing^ for the crown ; Humbly going onward, counting all but loss, If I may but follow Him and bear the cross. — Cho. 3 I will follow Jesus, till my work is done; Till the foe is conquer'd and the vict'ry won. I will follow Jesus, to the mansions bright, There to wear the crown of gold and robe of white. — Cho. THE MISTAKES OF MY LIFE. From J. & G., page S6. P. M. HE mistakes of my life have been many, But the sins of my heart have been more ; And I scarcely can see for my weeping, But I'll knock at the open door. 154 113 T CHRISTIAN LIFE. Chorus. — I know I am sinful and unworthy, And now I feel it more and more, But Jesus invites me to come in — I will enter the open door. 2 I am lowest of those who would love Him, I am weakest of those who would pray; But I come to Him as He has bidden, And I know He'll not say me nay. — Cho. 3 My mistakes His free grace now will cover, And my sins He will wash all away ; And the feet that now stumble and falter Soon may enter the gate of day. — Cho. 4 The mistakes of my life have' been many, And my spirit is weary with sin ; Though I scarcely can see for my weeping, Yet the Saviour will let me in. — Cho. THE LOVE OF CHRIST. From J. & G., page 105. P. M. OH, wondrous love, the love of Christ ! The soul's sweet resting-place ; The palm tree where we find a shade; The Rock on which our hopes are laid ; — This love is perfect peace. Ref. — Perfect peace, perfect peace, this love is, &c. 155 114 CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 A refuge from each raging storm, A shelter from the heat ; A tower of strength, a quiet home, Where weary troubled hearts may come ; A sure and safe retreat. — Ref. last line. 3 Our every burden He will bear, When we, in simple faith, In child-like trust, cling and adore, And learn to love Him more and more, Believing what He saith. — Ref. last line. THE SON OF GOD GOES FORTH TO WAR. From T. S. S. II. No. 715. C. M. D. 1 1 1 K / T HE Son of GoD goes forth t0 war ' -LJLsJ 1 A kingly crown to gain : His blood-red banner streams afar, Who follows in His train? Who best can drink his cup of woe Triumphant over pain; Who patient bears his cross below, He follows in His train. 2 The martyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave, Who saw his Master in the sky, ■ And call'd on Him to save: 156 CHRISTIAN LIFE. Like Him, with pardon on his tongue, In midst of mortal pain, He prayed for them that did the wrong: Who follows in his train? 3 A glorious band, the chosen few On whom the Spirit came : Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, And mock'd the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandish' d steel, The lion's gory mane; They bow'd their necks the death to feel: Who follows in their train? 4 A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, Around the Saviour's throne rejoice, In robes of light arrayed: They climb'd the steep ascent of heaven Through peril, toil, and pain : O God, to us may grace be given To follow in their train ! Amen. 116 THOSE ETERNAL BOWERS. From T. S. S. II. No. 76. 65, 5s. THOSE eternal bowers Man hath never trod, Those unfading flowers, Round the throne of God : 157 PRAYER. Who may hope to gain them, After weary fight? Who at length attain them, Clad in robes of white? 2 He, who gladly barters All on earthly ground, He, who like the martyrs, Says, " I will be crowned: " He, whose one oblation Is a life of love ; Clinging to the nation Of the blest above. 3 While I do my duty Struggling through the tide, Whisper Thou of beauty On the other side ! Tell who will the story Of our now distress; O the future glory ! O the loveliness ! Amen. PRAYER. GO WHEN THE MORNING SHINETH From H. S. S. H. No. 153. 7s, 6s. mf^ O when the morning shineth, VJ Go when the noon is bright ; 158 PRAYER. Go when the day declineth, Go in the hush of night : Go with pure heart and feeling, Cast earthly thoughts away, And in thy chamber kneeling, Do thou in secret pray. 2 Remember all who love thee \ All who are loved by thee f Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If any such there be. Then for thyself in meekness, A blessing humbly claim \ And link with each petition Thy great Redeemer's Name. 3 But if 'tis e'er denied thee In solitude to pray, Should holy thoughts come o'er thee When friends are round thy way — E'en then, in silence breathing, The spirit, rais'd above, Will reach the throne of glory, Of mercy, truth, and love. 4 When'er thou pin'st in sickness, Before His footstool fall : Remember in thy gladness, His love who gave thee all. 159 118 PRAYER. Oh ! not a joy or blessing With this we can compare, The power which He has given, To approach His throne in prayer. Amen. SHEPHERD SWEET AND FAIR, AND HOLY. From T. S. S. H. No. 175. 8s, 7s, 4. SHEPHERD sweet and fair, and holy, Hear, O hear me, while I pray; Let a child, so weak and lowly, Be thy care in life's young day. " Jesus only! " Hear in pity, hear me pray. 2 When Thy voice, the stillness breaking, Seems to whisper soft to me : " Child of sin, the world forsaking, Take thy cross and follow me." " Jesus only ! " Give me grace to learn of Thee. 3 Grace to seek Thee as my Saviour, Grace to trust Thee as my Friend, Grace to love Thee as my Father, And Thy sweet commands attend. "Jesus only! " Now and ever without end. 160 119 PRAYER. 4 Like a lamb of Thine forever, Bear me, Saviour, on Thy breast, Guard me, keep me, leave me never, With Thy blessing make me blest. "Jesus only ! " Guide me to Thy home of rest. Amen. SAVIOUR, LISTEN TO OUR PRAYER. From C. S., page 125. P. M. SAVIOUR, listen to our prayer, Poor and sinful though we are ; Guilt-confessing, give Thy blessing, Grant us Thy loving care. Chorus. — O God our Father, Christ our King, Now to Thee our hearts we bring; Keep them ever, blessed Saviour, Till in heaven Thy love we sing. 2 Strength is Thine ; we often stray From Thy pure and holy way ; Wilt Thou guide us, walk beside us, Nearer every day? — Cho. 3 Then may we, when life is o'er, Stand with Thee on yonder shore : Freed from sinning, heaven winning, Praising evermore. — Cho. 11 161 120 PRAYER. EVER WILL I PRAY. From J. & G., page 53. 6s, 5s. FATHER, in the morning Unto Thee I'll pray; Let Thy loving kindness Keep me through this day. Chorus, — I will pray, I will pray, Ever will I pray ; Morning, noon, and evening, Unto Thee I'll pray. 2 At the busy noontide, Pressed with work and care, Then I'll wait with Jesus Till He hear my prayer. — Cho. 3 When the evening shadows Chase away the light, Father, then I'll pray Thee Bless Thy child to-night.— Cho. 4 Thus in life's glad morning, In its bright noon-day, In its shadowy evening, Ever will I pray. — Cho. 162 PRAISE. PRAISE. SONGS OF PRAISE THE ANGELS SANG. From C. T., page 95. 7s, D. PONGS of praise the angels sang, 121 O Heaven with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When He spake and it was done. Songs of praise awoke the morn When the. Prince of Peace was born ; Songs of praise arose when He Captive led captivity. Heaven and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise shall crown that day : God will make new heavens and earth ; Songs of praise shall hail their birth. And shall man alone be dumb Till the glorious kingdom come ? No ! the Church delights to raise Psalms and hymns and songs of praise. Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. Borne upon their latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death ! Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ. 163 122 PRAISE. THE MORNING STARS WERE SINGING. From C. T., page 83. 7s, 6s, D. THE morning stars were singing With joy, when time began ; And heavenly peals were ringing, When God created man. The universe was swelling, With jubilant delight, While all to all were telling Jehovah's power and might. A higher song of glory Was sung in after time ; And shepherds heard the story, Rehearsed in sounds sublime; Of Jesus in a manger, God's well-beloved Son, Who came to save from danger A race by sin undone. A multitude of voices Have learned this holy song ; And earth with heaven rejoices, To roll the sound along. With saints and angels o'er us, Who sing by us unheard, We join the gladsome chorus, And echo every word. 164 123 A PRAISE. ANGEL VOICES EVER SINGING. From H. S. S. H. No. 141. P. M. \ NGEL voices ever singing Round Thy throne of light, Angel harps, forever ringing, Rest not day nor night ; Thousands only live to bless Thee, And confess Thee, Lord of might ! 2 Thou, who art beyond the farthest Mental eye can scan, Can it be that Thou regardest Songs of sinful man? Can we feel that Thou art near us And wilt hear us ? Yea, we can. 3 Yea, we know Thy love rejoices O'er each work of Thine ! Thou didst ears and hands and voices For Thy praise combine ! Craftsman's art and music's measure For Thy pleasure, didst design. 4 Here, great God, to-day we offer Of Thine own to Thee ; And for Thine acceptance proffer All unworthily, Hearts and minds, and hands and voices, In our choicest melody. Amen. 165 124 PRAISE. SUMMER SUNS ARE GLOWING. From H. S. S. H. No. 145. 6s, 5s, D. SUMMER suns are glowing Over land and sea, Happy light is flowing Bountiful and free. Everything rejoices In the mellow rays, All earth's thousand voices Swell the psalm of praise. 2 God's free mercy streameth Over all the world, And His banner gleameth Everywhere unfurled. Broad and deep and glorious As the heaven above, Shines in might victorious His eternal Love. 3 Lord, upon our blindness, Thy pure radiance pour ; For Thy loving kindness Make us love Thee more. And when clouds are drifting Dark across our sky, Then, the veil uplifting, Father, be Thou nigh. 166 125 PRAISE. 4 We will never doubt Thee, Though Thou veil Thy light ; Life is dark, without Thee ; Death with Thee is bright. Light of Light ! shine o'er us On our pilgrim way, Go Thou still before us To the endless day. Amen. COME, SING WITH HOLY GLADNESS. From T. S. S. H. No. 106. 7s, 6s, D. COME, sing with holy gladness, High alleluias sing, Uplift your loud hosannas To Jesus Lord and King; Sing, boys, in joyful chorus Your hymn of praise to-day, And sing, ye gentle maidens, Your sweet responsive lay. 'Tis good for boys and maidens Sweet hymns to Christ to sing ; 'Tis meet that children's voices Should praise the children's King: For Jesus is salvation, And glory, grace, and rest ; To babe, and boy, and maiden The one Redeemer blest. 167 126 PRAISE. 3 O boys, be strong in Jesus, To toil for him is gain ; And Jesus wrought with Joseph, With chisel, saw, and plane. O maidens, live for Jesus, Who was a maiden's Son ; Be patient, pure, and gentle, And perfect grace begun. 4 Soon in the golden City, The boys and girls shall play, And through the dazzling mansions Rejoice in endless day. O Christ, prepare Thy children, With that triumphant throng, To pass the burnished portals, And sing th' eternal song. Amen. LOVE DIVINE, ALL LOVE EXCELLING. From T. S. S. H. No. 112. 8s, 7s, D. LOVE divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down, Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown : Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art ; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart. 168 PRAISE. Breathe, O breathe, Thy loving Spirit Into every troubled breast \ Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find Thy promised rest \ Take away the love of sinning, Alpha and Omega be, — End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy grace receive ; Suddenly return, and never, Never more Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing ; Serve Thee as Thy hosts above \ Pray, and praise Thee, without ceasing; Glory in Thy perfect love. Amex. From M. C, page 9. 8s, 7s, D. LORD, WITH GLOWING HEART. t "1 C)' T ' M but a stranger here : XtcU 1 Heaven is my home ; Earth is a desert drear : Heaven is my home ; Danger and sorrow stand Round me on every hand, Heaven is my fatherland, Heaven is my home. 2 What though the tempests rage : Heaven is my home ; Short is my pilgrimage : Heaven is my home ; Time's wild and wintry blast Soon will be overpast, I shall reach home at last, Heaven is my home. 3 Therefore I murmur not, Heaven is my home ! Whate'er my earthly lot, Heaven is my home ! 188 147 HEAVEN. And I shall surely stand, There at my Lord's right hand: Heaven is my fatherland, Heaven is my home ! HARK ! I HEAR THE ANGELS CALLING. From the C. T., page 67. 8s, 7s, D. TUST beyond the rolling river, I I've a home all fair and bright; Angels guide me safely over, Where they're clothed in robes of light There bright sunbeams gild the pathway, Beams of pure eternal love, And sweet flowers bloom immortal, In the pilgrim's home above. Chorus. — Hark ! I hear the angels calling; Yes, they're calling me away, Far away beyond the river, Where my kindred spirits stay. 2 Though the pathway lies through ^>rrow, Dangers all along the way, Oh, there is a bright to-morrow, Perfect bliss and endless day. For we'll meet with many loved ones Who have crossed the path before, Sing with them the songs immortal, On that glad and happy shore. — Cho. 189 148 HEAVEN. 3 Often sad along the journey, Thorns oppress my weary feet; Yet my watchword shall be onward, For my resting-place is sweet. Soon I'll drop this robe of sadness, Sing no more earth's pilgrim song, Strike a higher note of gladness, Gathered with a holy throng. — Cho. TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND. From the C. T., page ioi. P. M. TEN thousand times ten thousand, In sparkling raiment bright, The armies of the ransomed saints Throng up the steeps of light : 'Tis finished, all is finished, Their fight with death and sin : Fling open wide the golden gates, And let the victors in ! Wh^t rush of hallelujahs Ffll all the earth and sky ! What ringing of a thousand harps Bespeaks the triumph nigh ! Oh, day for which creation And all its tribes were made ! Oh, joy for all its former woes A thousand-fold repaid ! 190 HEAVEN. 3 Oh, then what raptured greetings On Canaan's happy shore, "What knitting severed friendships up, Where partings are no more ! Then eyes with joy shall sparkle That brimmed with tears of late : Orphans no longer fatherless Nor widows desolate. HARK! THE SOUND OF HOLY VOICES. From the C. P. No. 103. 8s, 75, D. f "1 A Q TTARK ! the sound of holy voices l^rv 11 Chanting o'er the crystal sea, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Lord, to Thee. Multitude, which none can number, Like the stars in glory stands, Clothed in white apparel, holding Palms of victory in their hands. 2 They have come from tribulation, And have washed their robes in blood, Washed them in the blood of Jesus ; Tried they were, and firm they stood ; Mocked, imprisoned, stoned, tormented, Sawn asunder, slain with sword, They have conquer' d death and Satan By the might of Christ the Lord. 191 150 INFANT HYMNS. 3 Marching with Thy cross their banner, They have triumph' d, following Thee, the Captain of salvation, Thee, their Saviour and their King; Gladly, Lord, with Thee they suffer'd; Gladly, Lord, with Thee they died; And by death to life immortal They were born and glorified. 4 Now they reign in heavenly glory, Now they walk in golden light, Now they drink, as from a river, Holy bliss and infinite : Love and peace they taste for ever, And all truth and knowledge see In the beatific vision Of the blessed Trinity. INFANT HYMNS. LITTLE CHILDREN, COME TO JESUS. From the C. P. No. 8i. 8s, 7s, D. LITTLE children, come to Jesus, Hear Him saying, Come to me; Blessed Jesus, who, to save us, Shed His blood on Calvary. 192 INFANT HYMNS. I Little souls were made to serve Him ; All His holy law fulfil : Little hearts were made to love Him ; Little hands to do His will. 2 Little eyes to read the Bible, Given from the heavens above ; Little ears to hear the story Of the Saviour's wondrous love ; Little tongues to sing His praises; Little feet to walk His ways; Little bodies to be temples Where the Holy Spirit stays. Amen. THY HOME IS WITH THE HUMBLE, LORD. From the C. P. No. 77. C. M. 1 £\1 T^HY home is with the humble, Lord, -LfJJL JL The simple are Thy rest ; Thy lodging is in child-like hearts : Thou makest there Thy nest. 2 Dear Comforter ! Eternal Love ! If Thou wilt stay with me, Of lowly thoughts and simple ways I'll build a nest for Thee. 3 Who made this beating heart of mine, But Thou, my heavenly Guest ? Let no one have it then but Thee, And let it be Thy nest. Amen. 13 193 152 INFANT HYMNS. JESUS, SAVIOUR, SON OF GOD. From the C. P. No. 132. 7s. JESUS, Saviour, Son of God, Who for me life's pathway trod, Who for me became a child ; Make me humble, meek, and mild. 2 I Thy little lamb would be, Jesus, I would follow Thee ; Samuel was Thy child of old, Take me, too, within Thy fold. 3 Teach me how to pray to Thee, Make me holy, heavenly ; Let me love what Thou dost love, Let me live with Thee above. Amen. 153 JESUS LOVES ME. From the C. P. No. 88. 8s, 7s. JESUS loves me, Jesus loves me ; He is always, always near: If I try to please Him truly, There is nought that I can fear. 2 Jesus loves me ; well I know it, For to save my soul He died : He for me bore pain and sorrow, Nailed hands and pierced side. 194 INFANT HYMNS. Jesus loves me; night and morning Jesus hears the prayers I pray : And He never, never leaves me, When I work or when I play. 4 Jesus loves me ; and He watches Over me with loving eye ; And He sends His holy angels, Safe to keep me, till I die. 5 Jesus loves me ; O Lord Jesus, Now I pray Thee by Thy love, Keep me ever pure and holy, Till I come to Thee above ! Amen. 154 MY SHEPHERD. From C. S., page 33. P. M. THOU art my Shepherd ; Caring in every need Thy little lamb to feed, Trusting Thee still ; In the green pastures low, Where living waters flow, Safe by Thy side I go, Fearing no ill. Or if my way lie Where death o'erhanging nigh, My soul would terrify With sudden chill, — 195 INFANT HYMNS. Yet I am not afraid ; While softly on my head Thy tender hand is laid, I fear no ill ! GRACIOUS SAVIOUR, GENTLE SHEPHERD. From H. S. S. H. No. 113. 8s, 7s. 1 r r pRACIOUS Saviour, gentle Shepherd, JLt/t) VJ Little ones are dear to Thee; Gathered with Thine arms, and carried In Thy bosom may we be ; Sweetly, fondly, safely tended, From all want and danger free. 2 Tender Shepherd, never leave us From Thy fold to go astray ; By Thy look of love directed May we walk the narrow way ; Thus direct us, and protect us, Lest we fall an easy prey. 3 Let Thy holy Word instruct us ; Fill our minds with heavenly light ; Let Thy love and grace constrain us To approve whate'er is right, Take Thine easy yoke and wear it, And to prove Thy burden light. 196 INFANT HYMNS. 4 Taught to lisp the holy praises Which on earth Thy children sing, Both with lips and hearts unfeigned May we our thank-offerings bring ; Then, with all the saints in glory, Join to praise our Lord and King. Amen. JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR. From H. S. S. H. No. 152. 6s, 5s. 1 ^A T ESUS CHRIST > our Saviour, X^JU Once for us a child, In Thy whole behavior, Meek, obedient, mild; In Thy footsteps treading We Thy lambs will be, Foe nor danger dreading, While we follow Thee. 2 For all Thou bestowest, All, Thou dost withhold Whatsoe'er Thou knowest Best for us, Thy fold ; For all gifts and graces While we live below, Till in heavenly places We Thy face shall know : 197 15T INFANT HYMNS. We, Thy children, raising Unto Thee our hearts, In Thy constant praising Bear our duteous parts. As Thy love hath won us From the world away, Still Thy hands put on us ; Bless us day by day. GROWING UP FOR JESUS, From the C. T., page 40. 6s, 5s, D. GROWING up for Jesus, We are truly blest. In His smile is welcome; In His arms our rest. In His truth our treasure; In His love our rule, Growing up for Jesus, In our Sunday-school. Chonis. — Growing up for Jesus, Till in Him complete ; Growing up for Jesus, Oh ! His work is sweet. Growing up in Jesus, Till in Him complete; Growing up for. Jesus, Oh ! His work is sweet. 198 INFANT HYMNS. 2 Not too young to love Him, Little hearts beat true : Not too young to serve Him As the dew-drops do. Not too young to praise Him, Singing as we come ; Not too young to answer When He calls us home. — Cho. 3 Growing up for Jesus ; Learning day by day How to follow onward In the narrow way. Seeking holy treasure, Finding precious truth ; Growing up for Jesus In our happy youth. — Cho. I AM LITTLE, BUT I LOVE. From the C. T., page 73. 7s. 1 KQ T AM little? but 1 love > JL^/O 1 I love Jesus, He loves me: I am little, but I love Near His precious side to be. Chorus. — I am little, Jesus knows, For He sees me every day ; I am little, Jesus knows, So He leads me all the way. 199 159 I INFANT HYMNS. 2 I am little, but I sing, — Sing of Him who came to save ; I am little, but I sing, Now His pardon I may have. — Cho. 3 I am little, but I pray; Jesus listens, He is nigh ; I am little, but I pray, And He hears my humble cry. — Cho. 4 I am little, but I hope Up in heaven at last to dwell ; I am little, but I hope, There for aye His praise to tell. — Cho. I AM A LITTLE SOLDIER. From the G., page 85. 7s, 6s, D. AM a little soldier, And not yet very old ; I mean to fight for Jesus, And wear a crown of gold ; I know He makes me happy, And loves me all the day; I'll be His little soldier, The Bible says I may. I love my precious Saviour, Because He died for me, And if I did not serve Him, How sinful I would be ; 200 160 INFANT HYMNS. He gives me every comfort, And hears me when I pray ; I want to live for Jesus, The Bible says I may. 3 I now can do a little ; But when I am a man I'll try to do for Jesus The greatest good I can ; God help and keep me faithful ■ In all I do and say ; I want to live a Christian, The Bible says I may. GOD IS IN HEAVEN! CAN HE HEAR? From the C. P. No. 136. . C. M. GOD is in heaven ! Can He hear A little prayer like mine ? Yes, thoughtful child, thou need'st not fear, He listeneth to thine. God is in heaven ! Can He see When I am doing wrong ? Yes, that He can ; He looks at thee All day and all night long. God is in heaven ! Would He know, If I should tell a lie ? Yes ; though thou said'st it very low, He'd hear it in the sky. 201 INFANT HYMNS. 4 God is in heaven ! Does He care, Or is He good to me ? Yes ; all thou hast to eat or wear, 'Tis God that gives it thee. 5 God is in heaven ! May I pray- To go there when I die ? Yes; love Him, seek Him, and one day, He'll call thee to the sky. Amen. LORD, TEACH A LITTLE CHILD TO PRAY. From the C. P. No. ioo. C. M. mT ORD, teach a little child to pray, 1j And' O accept my prayer ; Thou canst hear all the words I say, For Thou art everywhere. 2 A little sparrow cannot fall Unnoticed, Lord, by Thee ; And though I am so young and small Thou dost take care of me. 3 Teach me to do whate'er is right, And when I sin, forgive ; And make it still my chief delight To serve Thee while I live. Amen. 202 INFANT HYMNS. LAMB OF GOD, I LOOK TO THEE. From the C. P. No. 94. 7s. 1 A9 T AMB 0F G0D ' J look t0 Thee> J-VJ/O Ly Thou shalt my example be; Thou art gentle, meek and mild ; Thou wast once a little child. 2 Let me, above all, fulfil God my heavenly Father's will ; Never His good Spirit grieve, Only to His glory live. 3 Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb, In Thy gracious hands I am ; Make me, Saviour, what Thou art, Live Thyself within my heart. 4 I shall then show forth Thy praise, Serve Thee all my happy days ; Then the world shall always see Christ, the holy Child, in me. Amen. JESUS, HIGH IN GLORY. From the C. P. No. 96. 6s, 5s. 1£0 TESUS, high in glory, J-UO J Lend a listening ear ; When we bow before Thee, Children's praise to hear. 203 INFANT HYMNS. 2 We are little children, Weak and apt to stray ; Saviour, guide and keep us In the heavenly way. 3 Save us, Lord, from sinning ; Watch us day by day ; Help us now to love Thee ; Take our sins away ; 4 Then, when Jesus calls us To our heavenly home, We will gladly answer, " Saviour, Lord, we come." Amen. AS HELPLESS AS A CHILD WHO CLINGS. From the C. P. No. 120. C. M. D. 1 /? /I AS helpless as a child who clings XUtfc jfjL Fast to his father's arm, And casts his weakness on the strength That keeps him safe from harm : So I, my Father, cling to Thee, And every passing hour Would link my earthly feebleness To Thine almighty power. 2 As trustful as a child who looks Up in his mother's face, ■ And all his little griefs and fears Forgets in her embrace : 204 INFANT HYMNS. So I to Thee, my Saviour, look, And in Thy face divine Can read the love that will sustain As weak a faith as mine. 3 As loving as a child who sits Close by his parent's knee, And knows no want while it can have That sweet society : So, sitting at Thy feet, my heart Would all its love outpour, And pray that Thou wouldst teach me, Lord, To love thee more and more. Amen. ABOVE THE CLEAR BLUE SKY. From H. S. S. H. No. 103. P. M. 165 ABOVE the clear blue sky, In heaven's bright abode, The angel host on high, Sing praises to their God. Alleluia ! They love to sing to God their King Alleluia ! 2 But God from infant tongues On earth receiveth praise; 205 166 INFANT HYMNS. We then our cheerful songs In sweet accord will raise : Alleluia ! We too will sing to God our King Alleluia ! 3 O blessed Lord, Thy truth To us Thy babes impart, And teach us in our youth To know Thee as Thou art. Alleluia ! Then shall we sing to God our King Alleluia ! 4 O may Thy holy Word Spread all the world around ; And all with one accord Uplift the joyful sound, Alleluia ! All then shall sing to God their King Alleluia ! Amen ! GLORY TO THEE, O LORD. From H. S. S. H. No. 41. S. M. GLORY to Thee, O Lord, Who from this world of sin, By the fierce monarch's ruthless sword Those precious ones didst win. 206 INFANT HYMNS. 2 Glory to Thee, for all The ransom' d infant band, Who since that hour have heard Thy call, And reach 'd the quiet land. 3 O that our hearts within, Like theirs, were pure and bright; O that, as free from wilful sin, We shrank not from Thy sight ! 4 Lord, help us every hour Thy cleansing grace to claim ; In life to glorify Thy power, In death to praise Thy Name. Amen. THERE'S A FRIEND FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. From T. S. S. H. No. 178. P. M. 1 QTt r T HERE ' S a Friend for little children -1-U I x Above the bright blue sky, A Friend that never changes, Whose love will never die ; Unlike our friends by nature, Who change with changing years, This Friend is always worthy The precious Name He bears. 207 INFANT HYMNS. There's a rest for little children, Above the bright blue sky, Who love the blessed Saviour, And to His Father cry : A rest from every trouble, From sin and danger free ; There every little pilgrim Shall rest eternally. There's a crown for little children, Above the bright blue skv, And all who look to Jesus Shall wear it by-and-by; A crown of brightest glory Which He shall sure bestow On all who love the Saviour, And walk with Him below. 4 There's a song for little children, Above the bright blue sky, And a harp of sweetest music For their hymn of victory: And all above is pleasure, And found in Christ alone ; O come, dear little children, That all may be your own. Amen. 208 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. WAKE! WAKE THE SONG! OUR GLAD JUBILEE. From S. of G. & G., page 51. P. M. • 1 PQ A^/'^^' wa ^ e tne son & • our g^ jubilee lUO VY Once more we hail with sweet melody, Bringing our hymns of praise unto Thee, O most holy Lord ! Praise for Thy care by day and by night, Praise for the homes by love made so bright ; Thanks for the pure and soul-cheering light Beaming from Thy word. D. C. Then wake! &c. 2 Marching to Zion, dear blessed home ! Lord, by Thy mercy hither we come ; Guide us, we pray, where'er we may roam, Keep us in Thy fear; Fill every soul with love all divine, Now cause Thy face upon us to shine ; Grant that our hearts may truly be Thine All the coming year. D. C. Then wake ! &c. 3 Yet once again the anthem repeat, Join every voice the Master to greet; Love's sacrifice we lay at His feet In His temple now. 14 209 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. Jesus, accept the off'ring we bring, Blending with songs the odors of spring ; Still of Thy wondrous love we will sing, Till in heaven we bow. D. C. Then wake ! &c. THE WISE MAY BRING THEIR LEARNING. From H. S. S. H. No. 131. 7s, 6s, D. 1 Ctd npHE wise may bring their learning, J-vJt/ X The rich may bring their wealth, And some may bring their greatness, And some bring strength and health : We, too, would bring our treasures, To offer to the King ; We have no wealth or learning — What shall we children bring? 2 We'll bring Him hearts that love Him, WV11 bring Him thankful praise, And young souls meekly striving To walk in holy ways. And these shall be the treasures We offer to the King, And these are gifts that ever The poorest child may bring. 3 We'll bring the little duties We have to do each day, We'll try our best to please Him At home, at school, at play. 210 I ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. And better are these treasures To offer to our King, Than richest gifts without them ; Yet these a child may bring. Amen. GENTLE SAVIOUR, BLESS US CHILDREN. From H. C. of C. L., page 133. 8s, 7s, D. 1 7H P ENTLE SAVIOUR, bless us children, X I U \J Gathered on this sacred day ; May we feel Thy presence with us As we meet to sing and pray. Safely through the year departed, Thou hast kept us by Thy grace ; Now we come with joy to praise Thee, Come to seek our Father's face. Chorus. — Love us ever, gracious Saviour : Let Thy Life rule every heart ; Till in heaven we are gathered, Nevermore from Thee to part. 2 Thou hast spoken words of comfort, "Let the children come to Me;" Though our hearts are weak and sinful, We may bring them, Lord, to Thee, Gentle Saviour, while we thank Thee For this Anniversary day, Turn our hearts from earthly pleasure; Lead us in the shining way. — Cho. 211 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. 3 Bless our school, increase its numbers ; Every soul with rapture fill ; Give our teachers heav'nly wisdom In Thy cause to labor still; When the day of life is ended, Bear us on Thy wings of love; There to join the saints in glory, In our Father's home above. Chorus. — Then shall endless praise be given Blessed Trinity to Thee ; Glory as it was and now is, And for evermore shall be. WE GATHER, WE GATHER, DEAR JESUS. From H. S. S. H. Carol $%. us. mlTTE gather, we gather, dear Jesus, to bring VV The breathings of love 'mid the blossoms of spring ; Our Maker ! Redeemer ! we gratefully raise || : Our hearts and our voices in hymning thy praise. :|| 2 When stooping to earth from the brightness of heaven, Thy blood for our ransom so freely was given. Thou deignedst to listen while children adored || : With joyful Hosannas, the bless'd of the Lord. :|| 212 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. 3 Those arms, which embraced little children of old, Still love to encircle the lambs of the fold ; That grace which inviteth the wandering home, || : Hath never forbidden the youngest to come.:|| 4 Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Dear Saviour ! we raise Our hearts and our voices in hymning Thy praise ; For precept and promise so graciously given, || : For blessings of earth, and glories of heaven. : || Amen. O CHILDREN, LIFT YOUR VOICES. From H. S. S. H. No. in. 7s, 6s, D. 1 79 C\ CHILDREN > lift y° ur voices, jL\ hJ \J Triumphant songs to raise, Till heav'n on high rejoices, And earth is filled with praise. Ten thousand hearts are bounding, With holy hopes and free ; The Gospel trump is sounding, The trump of Jubilee. 2 O Christian children, glorious Shall be the conflict's close ; The cross hath been victorious, And shall be o'er its foes. Faith is our battle token ; Our Leader all controls ; Our trophies, fetters broken ; Our captives, ransomed souls. 213 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. 3 Not unto us, Lord Jesus, To Thee all praise be due ; Whose blood-bought mercy frees us, Has freed our brethren too. Not unto us — in glory The angels catch the strain, And cast their crowns before Thee Exultingly again. 4 Captain of our salvation, Thy presence we adore ! Praise, glory, adoration, Be Thine for evermore ! Still, on in conflict pressing, On Thee Thy people call ; The King of kings confessing, Thee crowning Lord of all. Amen. JOY AND GLADNESS, WITHOUT SADNESS. From T. S. S. H. No. 122. 8s, 7s, D. mT OY and gladness, without sadness, Fill our hearts this festal day, Joys unceasing, e'er increasing, Smile upon us day by day. Love to Jesus is our motto; Faith in Him our only trust ; Bible rules we seek to follow, And be truthful, kind and just. 214 ANNIVERSARY HYMNS. From pollution and oppression, Christ hath set our spirits free ; He hath bought us and hath brought us Into glorious liberty. Sound we then His praise and glory ! Thankful hearts your tribute bring ! Tell the world the wondrous story, Until all believe and sing ! 3 We are going where the glowing Beams of sunless days arise, O'er bright towers, streets and bowers, In the city of the skies. Christ, our Lord, hath called us thither; He our coming there awaits; Bids us not to stop or linger, But press onward to its gates. Oh, what pleasure, without measure, When with Jesus we shall be ! See His beauty, share His glory, Throughout all eternity ! Come, poor wand'rer, journey with us, Leave the world and sin behind ; Go and meet our blessed Jesus, And eternal blessings find. Amen. 215 1T4 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. THE BLIND MAN, IN HIS DARKNESS. From G. S. & T. B. No. 81. 7s, 6s, D. THE blind man, in his darkness, Beside the wayside sat ; He heard the trampling footsteps Throng through the city gate. They told him Christ of Nazareth That hour was passing by : And "Jesus, have Thou mercy! " Was then the blind man's cry. And when the people chid him, Still louder cried he, " O Jesus, Son of David, Have mercy upon me!" O, joy ! He stands and calls him; O, gush of great delight ! His pitying words have given The blessed gift of sight. We, too, had sat in darkness, Lost in our sin and care, With blind eyes turned to heaven That saw no Saviour there, If Jesus had not made us His own by love and grace, Here in His Church to serve Him, And see at last His face. 216 MISCELLANEOUS. 4 Then let us rise and follow, Since Christ has called us in, And cast away the garments Of slothfulness and sin ; Till from our darkened vision, Each scale be rent away; And we behold His glory, And see the perfect day. ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME. From S. S. C. & T. B., page 75. 7s, 6 lines. 175 ROCK of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, From Thy side, a healing flood, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath, and make me pure. 2 Should my tears for ever flow, Should my zeal no languor know, This for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone ; In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy Cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyelids close in death, 217 MISCELLANEOUS. When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. Amen. 1 NEED THEE EVERY HOUR. From J. & G., page 91. P. M. 1 7£ T NEED Thee ever y hour > X I U 1 Most gracious Lord ; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. Refrain. — I need Thee; oh, I need Thee ! Every hour I need Thee ; Oh, bless me now, my Saviour ! I come to Thee. 2 I need Thee every hour ; Stay Thou near by ; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh. — Ref 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. — Ref. 4 I need Thee every hour : Teach me Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fulfil. — Ref. 218 177 J 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 5 I need Thee every hour, Most holy One ; O, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son ! — Ref, JUST AS I AM, WITHOUT ONE PLEA. From C. T. Xo. 113. L. M. tl 'TT JUST as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within, and foes without, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 4 Just as I am, — Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, — O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 5 Just as I am, Thy love, unknown, Has broken every barrier down ; Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come, I come. Amen. 219 178 MISCELLANEOUS. PEACE ! IT IS I. From the G., page 30. 6s, 4s, D. FIERCE was the billow wild, Dark was the night ; Oars labor' d heavily, Foam glimmer' d white, Trembled the mariners, Peril was nigh ! Then said the God of gods, "Peace! It is I." Chorus. — Peace, peace, peace, it is I. Peace, peace, peace, it is I. Jesus still says to the heart-weary mariner, Peace, peace, it is I. 2 Ridge of the mountain-wave, Lower thy crest ; Wail of the tempest-wind, Be thou at rest ; Sorrow can never be, Darkness must fly, When saith the Light of light, "Peace! It is I.-"— Cho. 3 Jesus, Deliverer, Come Thou to me ! Soothe Thou my voyaging Over life's sea: 220 179 MISCELLANEOUS. And when the storm of death Roars, sweeping by, Whisper, O Truth of truth, "Peace! It is I."— Cho. TENDER SHEPHERD, HELP ME, SAVE ME! From the G., page 49. P. M. npENDER SHEPHERD, help me, save me ! I I have wandered far away ; I am helpless, sick, and dying; Wilt Thou not take me back to-day ? Chorus. — O Thou tender Shepherd, I've wandered far away from Thee; Take me back, loving Shepherd ! Is there not room in Thy fold for me? 2 Tender Shepherd, lead me, feed me ! Or I famish by the way ; For I faint for heavenly manna, And I need it day by day. — Cho. 3 Tender Shepherd, watch me, guide me ! Rough and dark I find the way ; And I need Thee close beside me, For I wander day by day. — Cho. 4 Tender Shepherd, take me, keep me When I lay me down to die ! For I'm lost, unless the Shepherd Takes me to the fold on high. — Cho. 221 180 MISCELLANEOUS. WHITER THAN SNOW. From the G., page 54. us. DEAR JESUS, I long to be perfectly whole ; I want Thee forever to live in my soul ; Break down ev'ry idol, cast out ev'ry foe; Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow ; Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 2 Dear Jesus, let nothing unholy remain ; Apply Thine own blood, and extract ev'ry stain; To have this blest washing I all things forego, Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. &c. 3 Dear Jesus, come down from Thy throne in the skies, And help me to make a complete sacrifice; I give up myself, and whatever I know, Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. &c. 4 Dear Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait ; Come now, and within me a new heart create ; To those who have sought Thee, Thou never said'st no, Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. &c. 222 MISCELLANEOUS. IN GOSPEL ARMOR NOW I STAND. From the G., page 88. P. M. MTN gospel armor now I stand, 1 Enlisted under God's command; I'll be a valiant soldier, and battle for my Lord : Through Christ the conquest I shall win, O'er death and hell, the world and sin; I'll be a valiant soldier, and battle for my Lord. I'll press on to victory, On, press on, on, fight on, I'll press on to victory,- My Saviour leading on. • 2 I know that in my Saviour's might I'll put a thousand foes to flight; I'll be a valiant soldier, and battle for my Lord : Already they are giving way, I conquer while I watch and pray ; I'll be a valiant soldier, &c. 3 I soon shall lay my armor down, And wear in heav'n my victor's crown; I'll be a valiant soldier, and battle for my Lord : And when the ransom' d throng I join, The glory, Lord, shall all be Thine; I'll be a valiant soldier, l I AY U*1 1 & <* i r VT7 a@» s3? #> ^ ti zf sin of sin per and care ; '. the Lord, - fid world, - feet love ; N J • ^ord, ri ere Hold Liv - m di - rect to - day ■ ing high ing high us ! Lord, de - fend are crowned with sil the gos - pel ban be - yond earth's va ■ « JJ -*- * us! - ver, - ner, pors, m **tf» | BWi ? I II 1 * ** ' 1 1 ^V- r * -J^t — — m & — — — — i ^ — -*> — HO Foes Teach Here Blest are 'round us ers of the so ma - ny as those are l^S 1 - L ev' - ry-where. ho - ly word. years unfurled, blest a - bove. 241 We are march-ing Some are with the Let us join that May the lov - ing MISCELLANEOUS. f- . . rail, J=5t * !F~* ^E with the ar - my, Which, for fif - ty years, hath borne Church tri- umph- ant, Who have crossed the storm-y flood, bless - ed ar - my, Not one sin - gle child a - stray, mind of Je - sus, Be in ev' - ry heart to day, f*v a «i — mm m *m -0- J E^ Z M i^E tempo. -n. =*=a= =s=r =3=g= r for Je - sus* ban-ner for the children Ev'ry blessed Sabbath morn, Souls redeemed and saved by Je-sus, Shining in the light of God. Who, in full tri -umphant chorus, Sings our Ju -bi - lee to-day. Honored pas-tor, faithful teachers, Lit-tle children, now we pray, £EE£ 4 3=E m W- .ft. _*. jt.. s^S -jp — »■- T CHORUS. Repeat softly. § 4t 2^Ep&£ WE We are pilgrims marching onward, Thro* a world of sin and care; Lord, di-rect us ! L ord, defend us ! Foes are 'round us ev'rywhere. M. JL -gl -m-P 242 1 fj ^J Written for its Semi- Centennial Celebration. Harriet B. McKeeyee. J- Lewis H. Redder. i ^BS£ 9 bi - lee is hushed both far we part -* ^t 3r- has come, And in death, And and near, This to meet, Now 1 Our year 2 Now many 3 Throughout 4 We meet of a this to Ju ■ voice land part, m ^S^E t =*! •- we, a scattered band, many a head laid low, sa - cred pul - pit's voice clasp the part - ing hand, Are gath - ered here once That loved and la - bored Hath sent its mes - sen- For though no more we more to praise Our Fath - er's guid - ing hand; here with us, Full fif - ty years a - go; gers of love, Ma -king this earth re - joice ; meet on earth, No more to - geth - er stand, 1 /TV * m m -m- J5p *L -&- • flv^V * . i i . 243 MISCELLANEOUS, H#^= I ■- — id — +- — \— — 1 The But Bish - In. h hand they - ops eaven's . #. .. 4 that are and tri ■ — f- - *— reared here, Min . umph m — — 2— this we - ist - - ant — jo- bless feel ers Ju - •r., — 10 — ^ ■ f r -' - ed church, That them here, In for Christ, And bi - lee, Our =3 % tfj k^fl 1#_ H " 1 — & r Up r ■ — i — 1 i 1= § *£= ^m f=*= ^ --&£ cher-ished all her youth; The hand that keeps her throng- ing crowds they come, Join - ing our hymns of teach - ers in their train, A line of a - pos- toils end tri - als o'er, We'll meet a - gain, the m «^?= Ei5 ^E 3fc ^ -3f- Z^ :i£ m rf= qg*= pure and warm, This bul - wark of the truth. Ju - bi - lee In this, their earth - ly home. to - lie zeal, Whose bless - ed works re - main. l6ved and lost, Where part - ing comes no more. feEfe 244 MISCELLANEOUS. CHORUS. \M -iij. t-^ *=m- ^=* Roll on, roll on, ye fleeting years, And bring us safely home T~T~ — K I ' I f 200 Isaac Watts. i i " T 1 i W. F. P. h _/ ■ '? • H /^ •' '• <*J — rr* b/ V 9 ' •• * s ** • g\ .) A . & *■ j» — ^ • « _*! - ^V * | f When I I My rich sur - vey the wond rous cross - est gain I count but loss, a f See, from I Did e'er His head, His hands, His feet, such love and sor - row meet, 1 -f»- -o- -m- -m- -- • i.^r: rH-S '— S— — -3 — ^ *» — i _ *z* F^k ^ ■ r h 1 245 MISCELLANEOUS. -£- 1 1 : 1 1 : : 1 1 — i i ^-^ /ib J | | $F — Zh 1 «fa J- ^— -. -T|J— ■ €1 ?d — ; i 7 f On LAnd [ Sor . i Or « ,« 1 1 which the pour con row and thorns com 09 — 1 £5, — 1.— — Prince - tempt love - pose 1 «[ -»- •of on flow so Glo all min - rich — 9 — - r y my g kd a i 1 f^ : ^U I died, pride, down ! crown? P r g • 6*). i p (zs • _ es> K» -»r_p | j | r I I I i I £=■1= =fc SEE ^r- ^£ For - bid it, Lord, that I should boast, Were the whole realm of na - ture mine, -ex-*. *• -ft r , -g- " 1 F 1 Save in the That were a ±: £ -l I 4= — m *t :f- r death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that charm me trib - ute far too small, Love so a - maz - ing, so di- -k2> h -=H =S= •f -f- .. I :»: £%: ^x: ESEE EgEE 3= r most, I sac - ri - fice them to His blood, vine, De-mands my soul, my life, my all. ■*£ — p- 246 GLORIA PATRI. L. M. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heaven adore, Be glory as it was -of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. Amen. C. M. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore, Be glory as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. Amen. 5. M. To God the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be As 'twas, and is, and shall be so To all eternity. Amen. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One ! Glory, as of old, to Thee, Now, and evermore shall be ! Amen, 6s, 5s. Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, And to Thee, blest Spirit, Whilst all ages run. Amen. 7s, 6s. O Father ever glorious, O everlasting Son, O Spirit all victorious, Thrice Holy Three in One, — Great God of our salvation, Whom earth and heaven adore, Praise, glory, adoration, Be Thine for evermore. Amen. 8s, 7s, 4. Praise the Father throned in heaven ; Praise the everlasting Son; Praise the Spirit freely given; Praise the blessed Three in One. Hallelujah! Long as ceaseless ages run. Amen. All praise and glory to the Father be, And Son and Spirit, undivided Three, As hath been alway, shall be, and is now, To Thee, O God, the everlasting Thou. Amen. 6s, 4s. To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, Three in One, Our songs we raise : ' Glory to God on high, Glory from earth and sky, Let man with angels vie In endless praise. Amen. 7s, 5s. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One, Hallelujahs round Thy throne, Rise eternally. Amen. 8s, 4s. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thou One in Three, Praise to Thine eternal merit, All praise to Thee : From the morning of creation, From the tribes of every nation, Glory, power, and adoration, Thine ever be. Amen. . 8s, 7s. Praise the Father, earth and heaven, Praise the Son, the Spirit praise, As it was, and is, be given Glory through eternal days. Amen. 8s, 6. O Holy Father, Holy Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in One, As was, and is, and shall be done, Glory to Thee, O Lord. Amen. 247 FIRST LINES OF HYMNS; AND THEIR AUTHORS. HYMN ii Abide with me ! fast falls the eventide Rev. H. F. Lyte. 165 Above the clear blue sky " Church Hymns and Tunes'* 54 Alleluia ! Alleluia ! floating o'er. Gerard Moultrie. 50 All glory, laud, and honor John M. Neale, D. D. 76 All is bright and cheerful round us John M. Neale, D. D. 134 All my doubts I give to Jesus English. 14 All praise to Thee, my God, this night Bishop T. Ken. 1 All praise to Thee who safe hast kept 74 All Thy works, O heavenly Father Bishop J. F. Young. 104 Amid the shadows and the fears Horatius Bonar, D. D. 29 Angels, from the realms of glory James Montgomery. 55 Angels, roll the rock away Thomas Gibbons. 123 Angel voices ever singing Francis Pott. 164 As helpless as a child who clings 135 As thy day thy strength shall be Mrs. P. Munzinger. 41 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning Bishop R. Htber. 23 Cheerily, cheerily, sing we all 99 Children of light, like the stars of the midnight M. E. Servoss. 139 Children of the heavenly King. John Cennick. 63 Christ hath arisen E.A. Washburn, D. D. 56 Christ the Lord is risen to-day Rev. C. Wesley. 26 Come hither ! ye faithful Tr. Rev. E. Caswall. 88 Come let us join our cheerful songs Isaac Watts, D. D. 187 Come let us sing of Jesus Geo. W. Bethune, D. D. 125 Come sing with holy gladness J. J. Daniell. 45 Come unto Me when shadows darkly gather 34 Cradled all lowly 180 Dear Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole James Nicholson. 120 Father, in the morning A. Cummings. 189 Father, though Thy N ame be holy 105 Fear not the gloom of the midnight Rev. John Parker. 178 Fierce was the billow wild St. Anatolius. 185 Fight the good fight, Christian soldier M. E. Servoss. 39 For Thy mercy and Thy grace Henry Downton. 183 Forward be our watchword E. Wiglesworth. 94 From Greenland's icy mountains Bishop R. Heber. 170 Gentle Saviour, bless us children 51 Glory be to Jesus Italian tr. Ed. Caswall. 24 Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest , 248 FIRST LINES. HYMN 71 Glory to the Father give % Montgomery. 166 Glory to Thee, O Lord Emma Toke. 117 Go when the morning shineth Jane C. Simpson. 75 God hath made the moon, whose beam J. H. Hopkins, Jr. 64 God is gone up on high Rev. Chas. Wesley. 160 God is in heaven ! can He hear? 44 God, my Father, hear me pray James Holme. 7 God that madest earth and heaven Bishop R. Heber. 155 Gracious Saviour, gentle Shepherd Rev. C. Wesley. 157 Growing up for Jesus ...P. J. Ozvens. 22 Hark ! a burst of heavenly music 103 Hark ! a warning voice within Mrs. V. A. 20 Hark ! the glad sound ! the Saviour comes Dr. Doddridge. 149 Hark ! the sound of holy voices Bishop C. Wordszuorth. 83 Hark ! the Spirit whispers low W. F. Sherzuin. 30 Hark ! what mean those holy voices John Cazuood. 21 Hear the news, glad news of Jesus J. E. Hall. 37 Hear ye not those anthems ringing G. A. Crooke, D. D. 72 Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing . . *. Bishop C. Wordszuorth. 57 He is risen ! He is risen ! Cecil F. Alexander. 128 Holy Father, we adore Thee E. F. Stewart. 70 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Bishop R. Heber. 197 Holy offerings, rich and rare .'. . 68 Holy Spirit, hear us C. F. H. 67 Holy Spirit, Lord of glory 140 Hoping in Jesus, hoping in Jesus M. S. Servoss. 35 Hosanna to King David's Son Frederick Ogilby. 16 How sweet is the day of the Lord and its rest 137 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds Rev. John Newton. 159 I am a little soldier 158 I am little, but I love J. E. Hall. 109 I know no life divided Tr. R. Mtssie. 145 I know not the hour when my Lord will come P. P. Bliss. 40 I know not what shall befall me 133 I love to trust in Jesus Mary D. James. 146 I'm but a stranger here Thos. R. Taylor. 176 I need Thee every hour Anne S. Hawks. 181 In gospel armor now I stand James Nicholson. 132 It is better to trust in the Lord . . . IV. F. Sherzuin. 188 It is not time that flies Horatius Bonar, D. D. 112 I will follow Jesus whither He may lead Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman. 141 Jerusalem, the golden .St. Bernard. 59 Jesus Christ is risen to-day Old Latin Hymn. 156 Jesus Christ our Saviour ■ W. Whiting. 163 Jesus high in glory 3 J esus, holy, undehled Cecil F. Alexander. 153 Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me Anon. 108 Jesus, Saviour, great Example 193 Jesus, Saviour of my soul Rev. Chas. Wesley. 152 Jesus, Saviour, Son of God x 73 J°y and gladness without sadness W. F. Paddock, D. D. 177 Just as I am, without one plea Charlotte Elliott. 147 Just beyond the rolling river Miss Maloney. 249 FIRST LINES. HYMN 162 Lamb of God, I look to Thee „..- Rev. Chas. Wesley. 195 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us J. Edmeston. 136 Leaning on Thee, my Guide and Friend 61 Let the merry church bells ring Anon. 52 Let the song be begun. , 19 Lift up the Advent strain ! J. CJiandler. 150 Little children, come to Jesus Mrs. C. L. Holmes. 101 Little travellers Zionward 18 Lo ! He comes with clouds descending Rev. Chas. Wesley. 84 Lo ! He's knocking at every heart George Cooper. 138 Lord, forever at Thy side y. Montgomery. no Lord, guide our way ! 161 Lord, teach a little child to pray 127 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise Thee Francis S. Key. 126 Love divine, all love excelling Rev. Chas. Wesley. 131 My faith looks up to Thee Ray Palmer, D. D. in My soul, be on thy guard George Heath. 191 Nearer, my God, to Thee Sarah F. Adams. 91 No book is like the Bible : Fanny Crosby. 80 Not any works that I may do Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 8 Now as the day is ending , ■. 93 Now be the gospel banner Dr. Thomas Hastings. 12 Now the light has gone away Frances R. Havergal. 172 O children, lift your voices 65 O clap your hands, ye oceans " People ' s Hymnal." 15 O day of rest and gladness Bishop C. Wordszvorth. 13 O do not let the Word depart ' Anon. 89 O heavenly Father, bow Thine ear H C. Lockzvood. 46 Oh, who is this that cometh Rev. R. W. Tood. 114 Oh, wondrous love, the love of Christ Mrs. E. W. Chapman. 31 O little town of Bethlehem ! Phillips Brooks, D. D. 33 Once in royal David's city Cecil F. Alexander. 192 One is kind above all others Maria?ine Nunne. 186 On our way rejoicing, as we homeward move. . . ."Church Hymns and Tunes." 107 Onward, Christians, onward go 184 Onward, Christian soldiers Rev. S. Baring- Gould. 142 O Paradise, O Paradise Rev. W. F. Faber. 1 7 O sweet Sabbath bells 144 "O there is a beautiful city Rev. A. A. Graley. 69 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed Harriet Auber. 36 Our Christmas Tree is decked once more Frederick Ogilby. 199 Our year of jubilee has come .Harriet B. McKeever. 92 O Word of God Incarnate Rev. W. W. How. 87 Pleasant are Thy courts above Rev. H. F. Lyte. 194 Press on, my soul, nor heed the deep'ning gloom Felix R. Brunot. 66 Rejoice ! O yes, rejoice ! . . . Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth. 129 Rejoice! rejoice! for Jesus reigns M. E. Servoss. 32 Ring out the bells for Christmas E. A. Washburn, D.D. 175 Rock of ages, cleft for me Rev. A. M. Toplady. 73 Round the Lord in glory seated . , Bishop Mant. 58 Sadly in the gathering gloom : 196 Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise Rev. y. Ellerton. 190 Saviour, blessed Saviour Thwing. 119 Saviour, listen to cur prayer , E. W. Kellogg. 250 FIRST LINES. HYMN 90 Saviour, who Thy flock art feeding W. A. Muhlenburg, D. D. 43 Saw you never, in the twilight H. Kingsbury. 27 See ! amid the winter's snow Rev. W. E. Caswall. 118 Shepherd, sweet and fair and holy G. T. Congreve. 77 Sing of Jesus, of His mercy Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 47 Sion, Sion, haste to meet Him ^ E. Wiglesivorth. 5 Softly now the light of day Bishop G. W. Doane. 121 Songs of praise the angels sang J. Montgomery. 4 Son of God, eternal Word Bishop C. Wordsworth. 182 Sound the battle-cry William F. Sherwin. 124 Summer suns are glowing " Church Hymns and Tunes." 10 Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear John Keble. 82 Tears will not save me Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 179 Tender Shepherd, help me, save me ! Arr. by J. H. Stockton. 148 Ten thousand times ten thousand Dean Alford. 174 The blind man in his darkness 86 The Church's one Foundation J. S. Stone, D. D. 6 The day of praise is done Anne Steele. 60 The Day of Resurrection St. John Damascene. 97 The fields are all white 113 The mistakes of my life have been many Una Locke. 2 The morning bright Thomas O. Summers, D. f D. 42 The morning light is breaking Samuel F. Smith. 122 The morning stars were singing Thomas Mackellar. 48 There is a green hill far away Cecil F. Alexander. 85 There is no love like the love of Jesus 167 There's a Friend for little children. ... Rev. Albert Midlane. 28 There's a song in the air, there's a star in the sky Dr. Holland. 115 The Son of God goes forth to war Bishop R. Heber. 79 The Son of God in mighty love 169 The wise may bring their learning. .«. 62 The world itself keeps Easter Day Anon. 116 Those eternal bowers " Hymns of the E. C." 154 Thou art my Shepherd Miss Thalheimer. 106 Through the night of doubt and sorrow " Church Hymns and Tunes." 151 Thy home is with the humble, Lord F. W. Faber. 78 'Tis grace ! 'tis grace ! 'tis wonderful grace Rev. W. H. Bur re 11. 53 To-day our blessed Saviour. Anon. 81 To Jesus' blood I owe Louise Eisenbise. 100 Up and away like the dew of the morning H. Bonar, D. D. 95 Up and work, for Jesus calls us Estrella. 168 Wake ! wake the song ! our glad ubilee Wm. F. Sherwin. 198 We are pilgrims, marching onward Harriet B. McKeever. 130 We bring no glittering treasures Phillip Phillips. 171 We gather, we gather, dear Jesus, to bring 96 We never will think there is naught we can do 38 What means this glory round our feet James Russell Lowell. 200 When I survey the wondrous cress Isaac Watts, D. D. 9 When little Samuel woke Jane Taylor. 49 When the martyred One I see 25 While shepherds watched by night Felix R. Brunot. 143 Who are these like stars appearing Theo. Schenk. 98 Why should we be discouraged ? M. E. Servoss. J02 With hearts in love abounding Harriet Auber. 251 TITLES OF TUNES; AND THEIR COMPOSERS. TUNE. HYMN. Adeste Fideles F. Reading. . 26 Agnus Dei C. P. Morrison . . 27 Alleluia! Alleluia! Rev. Gerard Cobb . . 54 All is bright and cheerful W. H. Walter. . 173 All Saints Dr. H. S. Cutler.. 115 All Saints A. S. Allen.. 23 All Thy works, O heavenly Father Bishop y. F. Young. . 74 Angels from the realms of glory Dr. H. S. Cutler. . 37 Angels, roll the rock away Richard Redhead. . 55 Angel voices Arthur S. Sullivan . . 123 Antwerp Hollandish air. . 164 Aurelia Dr. S. S. Wesley. . 86 Austria yoseph Haydn . . 149 Be not discouraged Adam Geibel. . 98 Bethany Dr. L. Mason. . 191 Be ye joyful H. Millard. . 127 Calkin y. Baptiste Calkin . . 156 Children of Light < Adam Geibel. . 99 Children's Voices E. y. Hopkins. . 165 Christ hath arisen Dr. L. Mason. . 63 Christ the Lord hath risen to-day .. Wm. y. Kirkpatrick. . 56 Christmas Bells H. Millard. . 73 Christmas Carol Rev. C. W. Wendti.. 38 Christmas-tide T. C. O'Kane.. 24 Come, sing with holy gladness Win. Dressier. . 125 Come, sinner, come : Wm. F. Sherivin . . 83 Come unto Me Mendelssohn. . 45 Cradled all lowly Ch. Gounod. . 34 Dominus Regit Me Rev. y B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . . 1 Dulce Carmen Michael Haydn . . 195 Easter Day Dr. S. P. Tuckerman . . 62 Easter Hymn 59 Ellacombe St. Gall.. 172 Evening 8 Evening Hymn T. Tallis. . 14. Evening Prayer A. Randegger . . 12 Eventide W. H. Monk. . 11 Ever will I pray y. H. Tenney. . 120 Ewing W. H. Monk. . 14 1 Fairfield Rev. P. La Trobe. . 25 252 TITLES OF TUNES. TUNE. HYMN. Father, though Thy Name be holy 189 Ferrier Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . . 3 Fight the good fight Geo. C. Hugg. . 185 Gardiner Thomas Gardiner . . 117 Gentle Saviour J. E. Roe . . 163 Gloria in Excelsis J. S. B. Hodges, D. D... 52 Glory to Thee, O Lord Tune Book of St. Albans, Holborn. . 166 God is gone up on high . .E. y. Hopkins. . 64 Goodwin Geo. yames Webb.. 42 Gottschalk Gottschalk. . 138 Grateful Praise F. L. Armstrong. . 130 Greenland Lausanne Psalter. . 187 Growing up for Jesus W. y Kirkpatrick. . 157 Hark ! I hear the angels calling Aaam Geibei. . 147 Hark! what mean those holy voices G. W. Warren. . 30 Haven Blumenthal. . 193 Hear the news ■ J. E. Hall. . 21 Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing W. H. Walter. . 72 Heaven is my home Adam Geibei. . 146 He died for me Wilbur A . Christy. . 49 He is risen ! Bishop y. F. Young. . 57 Herold Her old. . 152 Hodges y. S. B. Hodges, D. D... 15 Holly George Hews. . 5 Holy Father, we adore Thee Adam Geibei. . 128 Holy Offerings 200 Hopkins , J. H. Hopkins, yr . . 75 Holy Spirit, hear us H. Millard. . 68 Hosanna to King David's Son Dr. H. S. Cutler. . 35 How sweet the day 16 Hullah . ., yohn Hullah. . 143 Hursley German — W. H. Monk . . 10 I am little J. E. Hall.. 158 I cast my soul on Thee T. C. O' Kane . . 104 I know no life divided W. A. Ogden. . 109 I long to be there Rev. A. A. Graley . . 144 I love to trust in Jesus yno. R. Siveney . . 133 I need Thee every hour Rev. Robert Lozury. . 176 In Jesus Adam Geibei. . 140 Innocents W. H. Monk. . 71 Italian Hymn F. Giardini. . 131 Italy Italian Air . . 22 It is I ! Be not afraid Wm. Fischer. . 105 Irby Dr. Gauntlett . . 33 Ives E. Ives. . 101 I will follow Jesus T. C. O'Kane.. 112 Jehovah's Praise G. y. Elvey . . 121 Jesu, Bone Pastor Dr. y. H Willcox . . 155 Jesus alone can save me TC. O'Kane.. 80 Jesus calls us George C Hugg. . 95 Jubilee Hymn Lewis H Redner. . 199 Last and First Dr. J. H Hopkins. . 58 Leaning on Thee T. C. O'Kane. . 136 253 TITLES OF TUNES. TUNE. HYMN. Let the merry church bells ring Louis H. Redner . . 61 Let the Saviour in H Millard. . 84 Lift up the Advent strain Sir John Goss. . 19 Litany Spanish. . 44 Little children, come to Jesus Mozart. . 150 Little Samuel J. Tilleard. . 9 Little Soldier Rev. y. H. Stockton. . 159 Live for God S. y. Vail. . 103 Lo, He comes with clouds descending 18 Lord, guide our way yohn Ford. . no Love divine, all love excelling . Ami Bost. . 126 Lux Benigna ■ .. .Rev. y. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . . 194 Lux Roi 76 Mighty to save.... Harry Saunders. . 46 Missionary /. N. Metcalf. . 97 Missionary Hymn Dr. Lowell Mason. . 94 More like Thee : W. J. Kirkpatrick. . 108 Morning Hart.. 2 Mozart Mozart. . 139 Munich German. . 53 My Shepherd Cramer. . 154 Nicaea Rev. y. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . 70 No book like the Bible Asa Hull. . 91 No love like the love of Jesus : W. y. Davies. . 85 Not knowing yno. R. Sweney. . 40 Nutneld IV. H. Monk.. 7 Nuremburg y. Rudolph Ahle. . 4 O clap your hands, ye oceans Henry Parker. . 65 O Heavenly Father, bow Thine ear H. C. Lockwood . . 89 One is kind, above all others E. y. Hopkins. . 192 On our way rejoicing Frances R. Havergal . . 186 Our Christmas tree is decked Dr. H. S. Cutler. . 36 Only Jesus can save A. y. Armstrong-. . 82 Only remembered IVm. W. Bentl^y. . 100 Our glad jubilee IVm. F. Sherivin . . 168 Ovio Dr. L.Mason.. 153 Paddock W. F. P... 79 & 200 Paradise Rev. y. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . . 142 Parting Hymn E. y. Hopkins. . 196 Peace, it is I yno. R. Sweney. . 178 Prayer I. N. Metcalf. . 160 Quebec From Pearce' s Hvmn Music . . 177 Redhead ; R. Redhead. . 107 Regent Square Henry Smart. . 29 Rejoice evermore Adam Geibel. . 129 Rejoice evermore .' T. Martin Towne . . 66 Requiem 67 Ring out the bells y. S. B. Hodges, D.D... 32 Ruth Saviuel Smith . . 124 Salford 20 Saviour, blessed Saviour From " Hymns of E. C." . . 190 Saviour, listen to our prayer E. IV. Kellogg. . 119 Saw you never in the twilight A. F. "Narrative Hymns." . . 43 254 TITLES OF TUNES. TUNE. HYMN. Scholars* greeting song T. C. O' Kane . . 88 Schumann R. Scktimann. . in Shepherd, sweet, and fair, and holy E. J. Hopkins . . 118 Sing of Jesus .' S. y. Vail.. 77 Sion, Sion, haste to meet Him Walters' Manual. . 47 Songs of Praise Adam Geibel. . ii\ Sound 'the Battle-cry Wm. F. Sherwin . . 182 Spring jfoseph Hadyn . . 161 St. Agnes Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc . . 151 St. Andrew's j^okn Graff. . 170 & 198 St. Asaph ArtJitir S. Sullivan . . 106 St. Boniface Henry Gadsby . . 183 St. Cuthbert Rev. J. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . 69 St. George's Sir. G. J. Elvey. . 87 St. Gertrude Arthur S. Sullivan. . 184 St. John's Dr. H. S. Ctitler. .. 51 St. Louis Lotiis H. Redner. . 31 St. Peter's A. B. Reinagle. . 137 St. Theodulph M. Teschner . . 50 Sunday • A. Randegger . . 17 Tender Shepherd Wm. y. Kirkpatrick . . 1 79 That will be heaven for me yames McGranahan. . ^45 The armies of the Lord Dr. y. G. Burnett. . 148 The blind man in his darkness 174 The blood is all my plea yno. R. Sweney . . 81 The day of Praise is done 6 The day of Resurrection. y. C. Knox. . . 60 The Gospel Banner y. A . Getze . . 93 The love of Christ y. H. Tenney . . 114 Theodora From Handel. . 39 The open door T. C. O'Kane.. 113 The Promise > F. L. Armstrong. . 135 There's a Friend for little children Rev. y. B. Dykes, Mus. Doc. . 167 There is a green hill far away 48 The Star of Bethlehem 28 The valiant Soldier yno. R. Sweney. . 181 The wise may bring their learning "Hymns of F. C." . . 169 Those eternal bowers E. Baker. . 116 Time and Eternity IV. y. Kirkpatrick. . 188 Toplady Thomas Hastings . . 175 Trusting George C. . 134 Trust in the Lord Win. F. Sherivin . . J32 Webbe Samuel Webbe . . 41 Weber Von Weber . 162 Welcome, happy morning Arthtir S Sullivan . . 171 We'll do all we can ' T. C. O' Kane. . 96 Weston.. .* y. E. Roe. . 90 Whiter than snow j no , R, Sweney. . 180 Why not to-night? J. S. H.. . 13 With hearts in love abounding yoseph Hadyn . 102 Wonderful Grace ! Rev. % Ballzell. . 78 Zoan Rev. Dr. Havergal. . 92 255 MUSIC BOOKS REFERRED TO BY ABBREVIATED TITLES. Book. The Church Porch. J- Calvary Songs. The Crowning Triumph. The Garner. Golden Sunbeams. Service & Tune Rook for Sunday Schools. Half Century of Church Life. Sunday School Hymnal & Service Book. Jasper & Gold. The Chaplet. Millard's Selections. Abbr. Title. H. C. of C. L. H. S. S. H. } J. & G. | M. C. J M.S. Songs of Grace & Glory, j- S.ofG. &G. The Sunny Side. )- The S. S. Sunday School Chant and Tune Book. The Church Hymnal. The Children's Hymnal. > T. S. S. H. Editor and Publisher. Ed. by W. R. Huntington, D. D. Pub. by E. P. Dutton & Co., N. Y. Ed. by C. S. Robinson, D. D.,&T. E. Perkins. Pub. by Am. S. S. Union, Phila. Ed. by G. C. Hugg & F. L. Arm- strong. Pub. by F. A. North & Co., Phila. /Ed. by John R. Sweney, M. B. \ Pub. by John J. Hood, Phila. Ed. by D. F. Hodges & J. H. Tenney. Pub. by T. Whittaker, N. Y. (Ed. by A. B. Goodrich, D. D. ^Pub. by Gen. P. E. S. S. Union, ( N. Y. Ed. by W. F. Paddock, D. D. . Pub. by M'Calla & Stavely, Phila. /Ed. by Rev. C. L. Hutchins. ( Pub. by the editor, Medford, Mass. J Ed. by T. C. O'Kane. ( Pub. by Hitchcock & Walden, Cinn. J Ed. by H. Millard. I Pub. by G. D. Russell & Co., Boston. /Ed. by H. Millard, t Pub. by S. T. Gordon & Son, N. Y. / Ed. by W. F. Sherwin & S. J. Vail. ( Pub. by Horace Waters & Son, N.Y. 'Ed. by Rev. C. W. Wendte & H. S. Perkins. Pub. by Wm. A. Pond & Co., N. Y. Ed. by Com. of Clergymen. Pub. by E. P. Dutton & Co., N. Y. Ed. by J. I. Tucker, D. D. Pub. by F. J. Huntington & Co., N. Y. fEd. by J. I. Tucker, D. D. -< Pub. by F. J. Huntington & Co., ( N. Y. 256