wiTifflniti-ff niT^"^r""" '■ t^"^*w.*-"| u^«»w.|wi^y^jiy si ' ■//. - '/•^ S:$ls, i -' ^>er *- ■•'■ ■> I .», ^?. ;■ .'?'*X *K^ r ^ •^.rfv r.- fi'rf, tf V 1 ^ ■'- 2k.i 'v C . * "^f tAVO* ■ 'y»^:' ■T J- W i^£^~ia£i PRINCETON . NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY Mrs. Zellah E. Sockman /0^/^^ *^^Vi<«^^^^.v. 'l:«f.^^:<5i? ^' "••^WW ^a n. ^A/U^^,^ /¥ THE OLY B I Containing the Old and New TESTAMENTS: Newly tranflated out of the Original Tongues; And with the former TRANSLATIONS Diligently Compared and Revifed, By His Majesty's fpecial Command, Appointed to be Read in Churches, EDINBURGH: Primed by Alexander Kincaid, His Majesty's Printer. ]}ilDCCLXXII. k^ To the mod High and Mighty ?kince JJ M E S, by the Grace of G O L), King oi Great B r i t a i n-, France and Ireland, Defender of the F'aith, &c. The Tranflators of die Bible wifli Grace, Mercy and Peace, tlirougli Jesus Christ our Lord. XT R EAT and maiiifold were the BleJJings (mofi dread Sovereign) which Ahnighty God, \^ t/ie Father of all 3Jercies, ljejhnue.1 upon us t/ie People of England, w/ien firft he J'ent Your Majefl-fi Royal Perfon to rule and reign over us. For whereas it was the Expec- . tation of many^ who wijhed not well unto our Sioii, t/iat, upon the fetti)ig of that bright Occi- dental Star Queen Elifabeth, of inojl happy iMemory, fotns thick and palpable Clouds of Dark- nefs would fo have overihadmved this Land^ t/uit Men Jliould /urve been in doubt wliicli Way they were to walk, and tliat it Jliould hwdly be known who was to dired the unfettled State ; the Appearance if Your Mnjejly, as of the Sun in his Sti-ength, inflantly dijpelled thofe fuppofecl and furrnifed Dlijls, aridgaroewito all that were well-abetted exceeding Cauj'e of Comfort ; ej'pe- daily when we beheld tlie Government ejiablijhed in Your Highnefs and Your hopeful Seedy by ait tmdotibtcd Title, and this alfo accompanied with Peace and Tranquillity at Home a: id Abroad. But, among f} all our Joys, tliere was no one that more filed our Hearts, tJian the bleffei Continiumce of the Preaching of Godi faa-ed Word amongft us ; which is that inejhrnable Treafure, which excelleth all tfie Riches of the Earth ; becauje the Fruit thereof extendetk it- felf, not only to the Time f pent in tliis tra^ifitory World, but direcicth and dijpofeth Men Wii» that eternal Happinefs w/u'ch is above in Heaven. Then not to fujfer this to fall to the Ground, but rather to take it up, and to continue it iit i/mt State wherein tlie famous Predeceffor of Your Highnefs did leavi it ; nay, to go fonvard with the Confidence cnid Refoluiion of aMcui in maiiiiaining thi Truth ofChrijl, and propagcU- iffg it far and near, is that which liath fo bound euid firmly knit tlie Hearts of all Your Majejiy"'* loyal and religious People unto Yoti, that Your very Naitte is precious among tliem; their Eye, dnth bch'^ld You with Ctn/ifort, and they blefs You in their Hearts, as tliat fandified Perfon, who^ r God, is tlie iiwnediate Author of their titte Happiiiefs. And this their Contentment dotft iiminifh or decay, but every Day increafeth and taketh Strength, when ttiey obferve, that the Zeal of Your iMajefiy towards tlie Houje of God doth not J lack or go backivard, but is more and mnre kindled, ma^iifejh'/ig itfelf Abroad in tlie farthefi Parts of Chrirtendom, by writing in Defence of tlie Truth, (wliich hath given fuch a Blow unto that Mcui of Sin, as will not be. healed, ) and every Day at Home, by religious ojid leca-ned Dijcourfes, by frequei.ting tlia Houfc of God, by hearing the Word preached, by cherijhi/.g tlie Teacliers thereof, by caring for the Citurch, as a m»J} tender euid loving imrfiKg Father. There are infinite Arguments of tliis right Clirijh'an and religious Affeiiion in Your Majefly / but none is more forcible to declare it to otiiers, than the vtlieme)it cuid perpetuated Defire of tlie accomplijhing andpublijliiug of this IVork, wliich now, with all Hwriility, we prefent unto Your Majejty. For when Your Highnefs had once, out of deep Judgment, apprehended hovj ■convenient it was, that, out of tlie Original [acred Tongues, togetlier with comparing of tlie Labours, both in our own and otiier foreign Languages, of many wortlry Men who we.-.t before «r, there Jliould be one mve exalt Tranjlation of tlie Holy Scriptures ii.to the Englifli 'Tongue; Your Mqjejly did never dcfijl to urge evid to excite thoj'e to whom it was conviiended, tliat tlut Work might be haj}e)ied, and that the Bufuiefs might be expedited in fo decent a Manner, as a Matter of J'uch Impottance might jiijlly require. And now, at lajl, by the Mercy of God, and the Continuance of our labours, it being brouglit tinto fuch a Conclufion, as tliat we have great Hope, that the Church 0/ England , tail reap good fruit thereby .,- we hold it our Duty to offer it to your Majejty, not only as to our Ki,.g and Sovereig,^, but as to the principal Mover a;. d Author of the work; humbly cravihgofYrurm^Ji facrad MajeJly, that, fince Tilings of this Qiuility have ever been J'ubjed t'j the CenJ'ures ,f ill- A 2 m:(Uiinz vieaning and dlfcojitented Perfons, it may receive Apprebation and Pafnmage ft-om fo learmd a>id judicious a Prijice as Your High; :efs is; zvhffe Allowance andAccepta>ice of our Labours Jliall more honour and ei-icourage us, than all the Cahumaations, and hard Interpretations of other men, (liall difmay us. So that if^ on the one fide, we Jliall be traduced by Popijii Perfons at Home or Abroad., -who therefore will malign us, becaufe we are poor lajh-umei.ts to make Gods holy truth to be yet more and rnore known unto tlie People, whom they defire fill to keep in Ignorance and Darknefs ; or if, on the other Side, we Jjiall be maligned by felf-conceited Brethren., who run their own Ways, and give liking unto nothing but what is framed by thejii' felves., and hamimred on their Anvil ; we may reft fecure, fuppoi-ted within by the Truth and Innocency of a good Coitfcience, having walked the Vvays of Simplicity and Integrity, as before the Lord ; and Juftained without by the p ozverful Protection of Your Majeflfs Grace and Favour, "^vhich will ever give Counte7ianceto hone ft and Chriftian E}uieavours, againft bitter Cenfures, and uncharitable Imputations. The Lord of Heaven and Earth blefs Your Majefly with many and happy Days ; thai, as his heavenly Hand hath enriched Your Highnefs with many lingular and e xtraordinary Graces, fo You may be the Wokder of the World in this latter Age, for Happinefs and true Felicity, to the Honour of that great GOD., and the good of /lis Church., through Jcfus Chrift our Lord and enly Saviour. ^ The Names and Order of all the Books of rhe Old Testament, with the Number of their Cha[>ters. /~^ Enefis hath Chapters VJ Exodus 50 II. Chronicles hath Chap. 36 Daniel hath Chapters 12 40 Ezra 10 Hofea 1*4 Leviticus 27 Nehemiah 13 Joel 3 Slumbers 36 Efther 10 Amos 9 Peuteronomy 34 Job 42 Obadiah I Jofliua 24 Pfalms 150 Jonah 4 Judges 21 Proverbs SI Micah 7 Ruth 4 Ecclefiaftes 12 Nanum 3 I. Samuel SI The Song of Solomon 8 Habakkuk 3 II. Samuel 24 Ifaiah 66 Zephaniah 0 ^ I. Khigs 22 Jeremiah 52- Haggai_ 2 II. Kmgs 25 Lamentations 5 Zechariah 14 t. Chronicles 29 Ezekiel 48 Malachi 4 ^ The Books called Apocrypha. I. T? Sdras hath Chapters 9 I Ecclefiafticus hath Chap- II.J--< Efdras 16 ters 51 14 Baruch, with the Epiftle 1 6 I of Jeremiah 6 6 i The Song of the Three Tobit Judith The reft of Efther "VVifdom 19 Children The Story of Sufanna The Idol Bel and theDra- gon The prayer of Manaffes . I. Maccabees 16 II. Maccabees 15 % The Books of the New Testament. MAttliew hath Chapters 28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 2 1 The Aas 28 The Epiftle to the Romans 1 6 1. Corinthians 16 TI. Corinthians 13 Galatiuiis 6 Ephefians hath Chapters 6 Philippians 4 Coloilians 4 I. Thelfalonians 5 II. Thelfalonians 3 I. Timothy 6 II. Timothy 4 Titus 3 PhUemoii I Plebrews hath Chapters The Epiftle of James I. Peter II. Peter I. John II. John III. John Jude Revelation n 5 5 3 5 I fThc ^ The Fii-n- B o o k of M O S E S, CALLED G E :3e. 8. Pi-;il.3;. 7. & 104. 9. .8.J9. P: J«r. i t Heb. ten- Mer grafs. h Bf ut. 4. 19- Pfahn 136. 7. t Heb. if. tueeit the day and be- tween the night. CHAP. I. I TIw creation of heaver^ and earth, &c. 26 ^f man in tha image of God. 29 T'ie appomtme;.t of food. •'Tr'N '' the begiiining ^>od created E the heaven and the earth. I 2 And the earth was with- M out form, and vo'id ; and dark- nefs zuai upon the face of the deep ; ' and the Spu-it of wod moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God feid, "^ Let there be light ; and there was light. 4 And v/od faw the light, that // was good : and God divided f the light from the darknefs. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darlaiefs he called Night : f and the evening and the morning were the firu day. 6 f And iod faid, ^ Let there be a f fii-maraent in the niidft of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which xvere under the firitiament, from the wa- ters which w^re f above the firma- ment : and it was fo. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven : and the evening and the morning were the fecond day. 9 "il And Cod faid, ° Let the wa- ters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry-land appear : and it was fo. 10 And God called the dry-land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and Gcd faw that it was good. 1 1 And God faid, Let the earth bring forth f grafs, the herb yielding feed, a/2i:/ thefi-uit-tree yielding fruiu after his kind, whofe feed is in itfelf, upon the earth : and it was fo. 12 And the earth brought forth grafs, and herb yielding feed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whofe feed was in itfelf, after his kind: and God faw that it was good. 1 3 And the evening and the uiorn- ing were the third day. 1 4 *[\ And God faid, Let there be ^ lights in the firmament of the hea- ven, to divide f the day from the night : and let them be for figns, and for feafons, aiKl for days, and years. E S I S. 1 5 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven, to give light upon the earth : and it was fo. 1 6 And ; ■ od made two great lights; the greater light j to rule the day, and the leiier light to rule the night : he made ' the ftars aifo. 17 And God fet them in the fir- mament of the heaven, to give light upon the earth, 1 8 And to *^ rule over the day, and over the night, and to divide the light from the darknefs : and ood faw that it -was good. ly x-^nd the evening and the morn- ing were the fourth clay. 20 And ^od faid, ' Let the waters bring forth abundantly the || moving creature that hath ■\ life, and f fowl that may fly above the earth in the f open firmament of heaven. 21 And^ood created great whales, and every living creature that mov- eth, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and eve- ry winged fo\\l after his kind : and God faw that // zvas good. 22 And ■ od blelied them, faying, " Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the feas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. 2 1 And the evening and the morn- ing Mere the fifth day. 24 1: And God faiti. Let the earth bring forth the living ci-eature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beait of the earth after his kind: and it was fo. 25 And God made the beaft of the earth after his kind, and cattle after theirkind,and every tliingthatcreep- eth upon tb.e earth alter his kind: and God faw that it was good . 26 ^ -'iiid God faid, ° Let us make man in our unage, after our likenefs; and '' let cheni have dominion over the filh of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over everycreeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in liis own image? ""■ in the image of God created he him : ' male and female created he them. 28 x\nd God blefied them; and God faid unto them, ' Be fruitful, aad multiply, and replenilh the earth. tHeb. fof t >• nle if Job 38. 7*. k Jernsa 3'- 35- 1 2 EMra* 6. 47- I) Or, creep- ing. tHeb./o!./. t Heb. let fowljiy. tHeb. /ace of the fir- mameni of heaven. m Pfahn io+. 26. n Chap- t\ o Chap, 5.i.&9.<, Markio.*. s Chape 9- l« " t Heb. ereepcth, «Cliap.9.3. pfalui 104. t Hcti. a ihingfonl. «i Ecclu 39. 16. J Tim. The firfl fabbafh. GEN Before and fubdue it ; and have dominion 4:04. over the tilh of the Tea. and over the ~^ ' fowl of the air, and over every living thing that f movech upon the earth. 29 If And^'iod faid, Behold, I have ♦Heb./«d. given you every herb + bearing feed, msfs'^d. ■^vhich/.upontiiefaceofalltheeartli, and every tree, in the which /f the fruit of a tree yielding feed : ' to you it fhall be for meat. 30 And to every beaft of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is -|- life, / have given every green herb for meat : and it was fo. 31 And " God faw every thing that he had made, and behold. itwanij'edfeed. i6iVlaiis pumjhmejit. 22 andlfi of paradife. NOw "* the ferpent was >> more fub- til than any bead of the field which the Lord God had made; and he faid unto the woman, f \ ea, hath Cod faid, V e ihail not eat of every tree of the garden ? 2 And the woman faid unto the ferpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden : 3 ' But of the fiuit of the tree which ii in the midlt of the garden, God hath faid, Ve ihallnot eat of it, neither iiiall ye touch it, left ye die. 4 ■' And the ferpent faid unto the woman, Ye fliall not furely die : 5 For God doth know, that, in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes Ihall be opened ; and ye liiall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman faw that the tree xvm good for food, and that it wai -\ plealaut to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make oyie wife ; llie took of the fruit thereof, ' and did eat, and gave alfo unto her huf- band with her ; and he did eat. - And the eyes of them both were opened, '' and they knew that they xvere naked : ami tiiey fewed fig- leaves together, and madethemfelves II aprons. 8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the t cool of the day : and Adam and his wife hid themfelves from the pre- fence of the Lord God amongit the trees of the garden. 9 And the Lord God called unto Adam, and faid unto him, Where art thou ? ID And he faid, I heard thy voice in the garden : and I was afraid, '^be- cuufe I was naked ; and 1 hid myfetf. 1 1 And he faid. Who told thee that thou waft naked ? Haft thou eaten of the tree, whereof I conniianded thee, that thou ihouldeft not eat ? 1 2 And the man faid. '■ The woman, whom thou gaveft to be with me, ilie gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13 And the Lord God faid unto the woman. What is this that thou haft done •: And the woman faid, The ferpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 14 And the Lord v.od faid ' unto the ferpent, Betaufe thou haft done this, thou rt;Y turfed above all cattle, and above every beaft of the held : upon thy beliy liiait Lhou go, iuid CHAP. Ill, IV. his pwuftimeKt, &c. '' duft flialt thou eat all the davs of Before- thy life. ' '/^"^ 1 5 And I will put enmity between ^T;:^;;^' thee and the woman, and between 's- ^5 t Hcb. ktfire. J Timothy i Chap. a. 23. ||0r, tUn^j to pjrd a- bout. < ■% Chap, a. 3i. h Cha; ■». 18. ' thy feed and "" her feed : ° it iiiall i'Manh.''" bruife thy head, and thou limit bruife =-„\-^ '3. his hc-el. John 8. 44. 1 6 Unto the woman he faid, I will ijohn^i'sl greatly multiply thy forrow and thy « pfaim conception ; in forrow thou fliait naT- /.'m. bring forth children : " and thy defire j^'a,^",!,',,' Jliall be \\ to thy hufband, and he lliall >'• ^'5. '' rule over thee. jjohuV.'t* I : .'Xnd unto Adam he faid. Be- ^t:f^'^j^ caufe thou halt hearkened unto the <• ch.ip. voice of thy wife, *" and haft eaten of j|'J^'^ ^_j_ the tree of which I coniinanded thee, ^'-^ f" '»>• faying. Thou fhalt not eat of it; p^^cori'r.. '" curfed is the ground for thy fake : '*•/!•»• . r nil /--ii, ' Timothy in forrow fhalt thou eat of it all the 2-. ". «-• days of thy life. J'chlp.' ^' 18 Thorns alfo and thirties fliall it =• ^7; \ bring forth to thee : and' thou llialt ll^.~l% eat the herb of the field. RomlB.?,. 19 ' In the fweat of thy face fhalt 1^.}^^ thou eat bread, till thou return unto *"''• the ground ; for out of it waft thou ir^-^T. taken : for duil thou art, and " unto ' -J^^' dull fhalt thou return. u kcciw 20 And Adam called his wifes name "• ^• ■\ Eve, becauie flie was the mother of ^^^^ all living. 2 1 Unto Adam alfo and to his wife did tlie Lord Ciod make coatsofildns, and clothed them. 2?1i And the Lord God faid, "Be- ^^--^f'^* hold, the man is become as one of us, IV- 1'-, «> to know good and evil. And now ^^ . ::. 28, left he put forth his hand, '' and take y chap. alfo of the tree of life, and eat, and "' live for ever ; 23 Therefore the Lord God fent him forth from the garden of Lden, to till the ground from whence hewas taken. 24 So he drove out the man : and he placed, ■' at the eaft of the garden ifg^' of tden, Cherubinis, and a tlaniing '" fuord v.hich turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. CHAP. IV. I T/ie birtli of Caia and Abel. 8 The murder of Abel. 1 1 The curfe of Cain. 19 Lamech and his two ivives. /\ iN'd Adam knew Eve his wife: and *'^- r\. ihe conceived, and bare Cain, and faid, I have gotten a man from the Lord. 2 And fhe again bare his brother f Abel. And Abel wa^ f a keeper t^H*^; of liieep, but Cain was a tiller of the ^ Heh. « JiTOUUd. A 4 o^^ Cain killeth Abel. GENESIS. Lantech, and Jus two wtdei. b Chap. 5l. 2. II Or, have the etcel- lemy. 11 Or, fuh. je.t unto ehaiiter tfr. »;s- C Wirdom MO. 3. Matthew =3- 3S. » John 3- ■-• June II. WHeb. itpods. Jl Or, ilf m? img- Jlfh. Chiiiiach- 3 And f in procefs of time it came to pafs, that Cain brought of the frnit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. 4 And Abel, he alfo brought of the fulilings of his, f flock, and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had ^ refpeft unto Abel, and to his offering : 5 But urito Cain, and to his olfering, he had not refpeft. And Cain was ve- ry wroth, '' and his countenance fell. 6 And the Lord faid unto Cain, Why art thou wroth ? and why is thy countenance fallen ? 7 If thou doft well, {halt thou not II be accepted ? and if thou doft not well fm lieth at the door. And |( un- to thee [hall he his defire, and thou fiialt rule over him. 8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother : and it came to pafs, when they were in the field, that Cain rofe up againft Abel his brother, and" flew him. 9 11 And the Lord faid unto Cain, Where ?'<: Abel thy brother ? And he faid, I know not. Am I my brothers keeper ? I o And he faid, What haft thou done ? the voice of thy brothers \ blood '' cri- eth unto me from the ground. 1 1 And now art thou curfed from the earth, which hath ojiened her mouth to receive thy brothers blood from thy hand. 12 W hen thou tilleft the groimd, it fhall not henceforth yield unto thee her ftrength. A fugitive and a vaga- bond flialt thou be in the earth. 13 And Cain faid unto the Lord, II My punifliment /y greater than I can bear. 14 Behold, thou haft driven me out this day from the face of the earth : and fVom thy face fliall I be hid ; and I fhall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth : and it fhall come to pafs, ^ that every one that findeth me fliall flay me. . 15 And the Lord faid unto him, Tlierefore, whofoever flayeth Cain, vengeance ihall be taken on him ^ fe- ven-fold. And the Lord fet a mark upon Cain, left any finding him fhould kill him. 1 6 % And Cain went out from the prefence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the eaft of Eden. 1 7 And Cain knew his wife, and fhe conceived, and bare f Enoch : and he buikied a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his fon, Enoch. 18 And unto Enoch was born Irad : and Irad begat Mehujael : andMehu- jael begat Methufael : and Methufael l3egat f Lamech. 19 1 And Lamech took unto him two wives: thename of theonextvij A- dah, and the name of the other Zillah. 20 And Adah bare Jabal : he was the father of fuch as dwell in tents, and of fuch as have cattl«. 2 1 And his brothers name was Ju- bal ; hcAvas the father of all f«ch as handle the harp and organ. 22 And Zillah, fhe alfo bare Tu- bal-cain, an + inftruftor of every arti- ficer in brafs and iron : and the fifter of Tubal -cain was Naamah. 23 And Lamech faid unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my fpeech : for || I have flain a man to my woimding, and a young man || to my hurt. 24 If Cain fhall be avenged feven- fold, truly Lamech feventy and fe- ven-fold. 2 5 ^'jAnd Adam knew his wife again, and flie bare a fon, and ^ called his name f Seth: for Cod, faid fie, hath appointed me another feed in ilead of Abel, whom Cain flew. 26 And to Seth, '' to him alfo there was born a fon ; and he called his name f Enos ; then began men jj to call upon the name of the Lord. CHAP. V. I The p[enealogy, age, and death of the patriarchs from Adam Hhto Noah. 24 The godliuefs, &c. of Enoch. THis is the ^ book of the genera- tions of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the ^ likenefs of God made he him : 2 "^ Male and female created he them ; and bleffed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. 3 'I And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, aud begat a fon in his own likenefs, after his image 5 and ■* called his name Seth. 4 ^ And the days of Adam, after he had begotten Seth, were eight hun- dred years : and he begat fons and daughters. 5 And ail the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. 6 t And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and ^ begat Enbs. 7 And Seth lived, after he begat Enos, eight hundred and feven years, and begat fojis and daughters. 8 And t Heb. Khettera W Or, / w>uld Jlay a man in my uoundt «:c. H Or, in my hurtt K Chap. h Chap. S. 6. t Heb. Em/h. \l Or, to tall them. fclVL-s by the name o/ the LOJIU- Luke 3. 36. b Chap. I. 26. \Vird.j.;3. c Chap. \ d Ch.np. 4. 25. 37<9. f Chnp. 3«79' ■f Heh. Kenjn. itog. gemalogy of Adam. G H A P. 8 And all the days of Setb. were nine hundred and twelve years : and he died. 9 ^1 And Enos lived ninety years, and begat f Cainan. 10 And hno^ lived, after he begat Cainan, eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat fons and daughters. 1 1 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years : and lie died. 12 H And Cainan lived feventy years, and begat j Mahalaleel. 13 And Cainan lived, after he be- gat Mahalaleel, eight hundred and forty years, and begat fons and daughters. 1 4 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years : and he died. 15 ^ And Mahalaleel lived fixty and five years, and begat f Jared. 1 6 And Mahalaleel lived, after he begat Jared, eight hundred and thirty years, and begat fons and daughters. 17 And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and fi\'t years : and he died. 18 H And Jared lived an hundred fixty and two years, and he begat ° Enoch. 19 And Jared lived, after he begat Enoch, eight hundred years, and be- gat fons and daughters. 20 And ail the days of Jared were nine hundred iixty and two years : and he died. 33«7. 21 % And Enoch lived fixty and tiS''u'' ^^^ years, and begat f Methuielah. h c i, .m. 2 2 And Enoch '' walked ^^ ith G od , *;'';/i after he begat Methuielah, three hundred years, and begat fons and daughters. 2 3 .\]id all the days of Enoch were three hundred iixty and five years. 24 And ' Enoch walked wiih Cod, and he zvus not : for God took him. 25 1i And Methufelah lived an hun- dred eighty and {exew years, and be- gat f Lamech. 26 And Methufelah lived, after he begat Lamech, feven hundred eighty and two years, and begat fons and daughters. 27 And all tlie days of Methufelah were nine hundred fixty and nine years : and he died. 28 1[ And Lamech lived an hun- dred eighty and two years, and be- gat a fon. 29 And he called his name f Nflah, faying, This fame fiiall comfort us concerning our work anji toil ot our f Hcb. Jcrcd. 3382, KJude jA. 8. g ii6. 9. t Heb. »»43. t Gr. No? Luke 3. i6. zJ'ct.3-20. 24<1»>. V, VI. 3!a>u ivickednefs. hands, becaufe of the ground >■■ whith Before the Lord hath curfed. f^^^ 30 And Lamech lived, after he be- "^^ — ' gat "Noah, five hundred ninety and five 3- iV- & years, and begat fons and daughters. "*■ "* 31 And ail the days of Lamech =353* were feven hundred feventy and fe- ven years : and he died. 32 And Noah was five hundred =44*. vears old : and Noah begat ' Shem, 1 ciiap. Ham, "> and Japheth. ^^,^- CHAP. VI. xo. 2J. I The xvickediiej'i of the world caufeth the flood. 8 NoaJi findeth grace. 14 The order^ form, &c. of the ark. ANd it came to pafs, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daugliters were born unto them, 2 That the fons of God faw the daughters of men, that they wey-e fair , and they took them wives of all v/hich they chofe. 3 And the Lord faid, * My fpirit ^.',^f!; Ihall not always Itrive with man, "for b pra'im that he alfo is fle.'h : yet his days fhall '^- 3'- be an Inuidred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in thofe days : and alfo after that, when the fons of ciod came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them; the fame became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown. 5 !! And God faw that the wicked- nei's of man was great in the earth, and that \\ every imagination of the ij oj; ?^^. tlioughts of his ' heart wcls only evil ^^^^^ f continually. brew w* 6 And ^ it repented the Lord that no^oJjj he had made man on the earth, and '^^::,%^ it erieved him at his heart. t^ZJrf, 7 And the i^oRofaid, 1 will deitroy an^idejin,. man, v.honi I have created, from the %^^^v- face of the earth, f both man and Matthew beaft, and the creeping thing, and 1^^^^.' the fo^\ Is of the air : for it repenteth '^^-^y .6.9 t HeS. fe- vm fe\ien. ANd the Loud fald unto Noah, ^ Come thou, aixl all thy houfe, into the ark : for ^ thee have I leen righteousbeforemeinthisgeneration. 2 Of every clean bealt thou flialt take to thee by f fevens, the male and his female : and of beafts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. 3 Of fowls alfo of the air by fevens, the male and the female , to keep feed alive upon the face of ail the eurtk. 4 For yet feven days, and I will Brfore caufe it to rain upon the earth forty ^349*^ days and forty nigiits ; and every liv- "^ — v-— ' ingfubilauce, that I have made, will I t deltroy from oti' the face of the t Heb. hu,t earth. ""'■ 5 '^ And Noah did according unto ^ chap, all that the L0R.0 commanded him. 6 And Noah was lix hundred years old, when the flood of waters was upon the earth. 7 \ ^ And Noah went in, and his AiPetce fons, and his wife, and his fons wives '' ^°' with hnn, into the ark, becaufe of the waters of the flood. 8 Of clean beafts, and of beafts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, 9 There went in two and two un- to Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And it came to pafs, |j after 1 1, or, cm feven days, that the waters of the %•.'""'** flood were upon tlie earth. 11 ^1 In the fix hundredth year of Noahs life, in the fecond month, the feventeenth day of the month, the fame day were all the foun- tains of the great deep broken up, and the j| windows of heaven were opened. 1 2 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 1 3 Inthefelf-fameday enteredNoah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the fons of Noah, and Noahs wife, and the three wives of his fons with them, into the ark. 14 They, and every beaft after his kind ; and ail the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earch after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every f fort. 15 And they went in unto Noah into the ark, t\^'o and two of ail flefli, wherein is the breath of life. 1 6 And they that w'ent in, went in male and female of ail flelh, as God had commanded him : and the Lord fliut hun in. 17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth : and the waters in- creafcd, and bare up the ark, and it ^^•as lift up above the earth. 18 And the waters prevailed, and were increafed greatly upon the earth; and the ark w ent upon the face of the waters. 19 And the waters prevailed ex- ceedingly upon the earth j and all the high I Or, flvul, gat Si. t Heli.. Ths lucrld dmimed. CHAP « Luke ■VVifi.'io. 4. 1 Hfb. the Irejt »Jthefpi ■?. I'tt. ;. J *i. 6. t Hcb. in goirip, ttirtiing- .n Chap. 7,24. t Heb. t Heb. iti irning J:rth and high hills, that vjere under the whole heaven, were covered. 20 t ifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail ; and the mountains were covered. 21 '^ And all flefh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beaft, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man. 22 All in wliofe nofh-ils was f the breath of life, of ail that was in the dry land, died. 23 And every living fubftance was deftroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven ; and they were dcltroyed from the earth : and f Noah only re- mained alive, and they that were with hmi in tiie ark. 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hur;dred and fii'ty days. CHAP. VIII. I T/ie waters ajjxvage. 18 Noahgoeth forth of t'te ark, 20 biiildeth an al- tar, and ofi'ereth Jacrifice. 21 Gods pmmije to curj'e the earth no more. ANd God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that xvas \A'ith him in the ark : and God made a wind to pafs over the earth, and the waters aiiwaged. 2 The fountains alfo of the deep, and the windows of heaven, were Hopped, and the rain from heaven was retrained. 3 And the M-aters returned from off the earth f continually : and after the end '' of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. 4 *li And the ark refled in the fe- venth month, on the feventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. 5 And the waters f decreafed con- ■ tinually until the tenth month : in the tenth month, on the firft day of the month, were the tops of the moun- tains feen. 6 ^ And it came to pafs, at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the wnidow of the ark which he had made. 7 And he fent forth a raven, which went forth f to and fro, until the wa- ters were dried up from oil the earth. 8 Alfo he fent forth a dove from him, to fee if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground. 9 But the dove found no reft for the fole of her foot, and flie returned unto hUn into tlie ark : for the wa' . VIII. Noahgcetk out of the ark. ters were on the face of the whole c^^^Jf earth. Then he put forth his hand, 2349- and took her, and f pulled her in ^~^_ imto him into the ark. csr/eu'ker JO And he ftayed yet other feven days, and again he fent forth the dove out of the ark. 1 1 And the dove came in to him in the evening, and io, m her mouth was an olive-leaf pluckt off. So Noah knew that the waters were abated from oif the earth. 12 And he rtayed yet other feven days, and fent forth the dove ; which returned not ai^ain unto him any more. 1 3 % And it came to pafs in the fix =34'- himdredth and iii-lt year, in the liril niQ:dh, the fiiifrf^f of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth : and Noah removed the co- vering of the ark, and looked, and behold, the face of the gromid was dry. 14 And in the fecond month, on the feven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. 15 ^i And God fpake unto Noah, faying, 16 00 forth of the ark, tbou, and thy wife, and thy fons, and thy fons wives v.'ith thee. I - Bring forth with thee every liv- ing thing that is with thee, of all ilefh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth ; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and ^ be bciiap^ fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. \'. 'i.' 18 And Noah went iorth, and his fons, and his wife, and his fons wives with him : 19 Every beaft, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatfoever creep- eth upon the earth after their + kinds, t. ha. went torth out ot the ark. 20 % And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord, and took of every clean beaft, and of every clean fowl, and- offered burnt - olterings on the altar. 2 1 And the Lord fmelled f a fweet t hc^.^^ favour; and the Lord faid in hiso/«y?. heart, I will not again curfe the ground any more for mans fake ; jjfor 1^1 o^^,_ the "^ imagination of mans heart is evil c chap. from his youth : neither will I again *i.V,h. fmite any more every thing living, as m- 19- I have done. 22 -j- While the earth remaineth, \^ff/^^t^ feed-time and harvell, and cold and t>}^i''h-^^f heat, and fummer and winter, and 'i day and night, fliali not ceafe. iJ',V^*' CHAP. -°'-^" Gods Sffbre Chriil a Chap. I. 38. jc V t Tim. Aft. IS- 30 c Exod. = 1. ;8. f Pi'alm S. 12. {; Exod. 31. 12. Leviticus Matthew 16. 51- Jlevclat. 13. 10. h Chap. I. 37. 1 Chap. I- ;8. anJ 8.17. i Efclus 4J. II, 1-. covenant with Noah, GEN CHAP. IX. I God bleffeth Noak. 4 Blood wid 7nurder are forbidden. 8 Gods co- iienarA, 1 3 jigi-.ified by the rainbovj. 21 Noafiis dru.'tken, 25 curjeth Ca- iiaan, 29 and dieth. ANd God blelied Noah and his fons, and faid unto them, "* Be fruit- fill and multiply, and replenifh the earth. 2 And the fear of you, and the dread of you fliall be upon every beall of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fi(hes of the fea : into your hand are they de- livered. 3 '' Every moving thing that liveth {hail be meat for you ; even as the '^green herb have I given you all things: "4 '' But tieih with the life thereof, ivhich is the blood thereof, liiall you not eat. 5 And furely your blood of your lives will I require : ' ut the hand of every beait will I require it, and '"at the hand of man, at the hand of every mans brother will I re(^uire the life of man. 6 ^ Whofo flieddcth mans blood, by man Ihall his blood be ined : '' for in the image of C-od made he man. 7 And you, ' be ye fruitful, and multiply, bring forth abu.idantly in the earth, and multiply therein. 8 *\\ And God fpake unto Noah, and to his fons with him,' faying, 9 And I, behoid I, ellabliih my co- venant with you, and with your feed after you ; 10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beaii: of the earth with you, from all that go "out of the ark, to every beait of the earth. ti And ^ I will ellabliih my cove- nant with you ; neither fhall ail tlefh be cut otf any more by the waters of a flood ; neither iiiail there any more be a fiood to del troy the earth. 1 2 And ,-• od faid. This /; the token of the covenant which I make be- tween me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpe- tual generations : 1 3 I do fet my bow in the cloud, and it ihall be for a token of a cove- nant between me and the earth. 1 4 ' And it fiiall come to pafs, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow fhall be feen in the cloud : 1 5 And I will remember my cove- nant which is between nie and ycUj E S I S. fignifiedbytherainhoiv. and every livlntir creature of all fiefli: ^''""re and the waters Inali no more betome =348- a flood to deilroy all flelh. ^ 16 And the bow ihall be in the cloud ; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlalling co- venant between God and every liv- ing creature of all fiefli that is upon the earth. 1 7 And God faid unto Noah, This ;■; the token of the covenant, which I have eliabliliied between me and all flefli that /; upon the earth. 18 H And the tons of Noah, that =3*^ went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth : *" and Ham ";^];'P' is the father of f Canaan. \ i,^.,,'. 19 Thefewre the three fons of Noah: c/xnaaiA andof them wasthe whole earthover- fpread. 20 And Noah began to be an huf- bandman, and he planted a vineyard. 2 1 And he drank of the wine, and was driuiken, and he was micovered within his tent. 22 AndHam, the father of Canaan, faw the ndkednefs of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid // upon both their Ihoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakednefs of their father; and their faces were backward, and they faw not their fathers nakedncfs. 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger fon had clone unto him. 2 5 And he faid, Curfed be Canaan ; a fervant of fervants fhall he be unto his brethren. 26 And he faid, BlefTed be theLoRD God of Shem 5 and Canaan Ihall be IJ his fervant. %^l:„t 27 uod Ihall 11 enlarge Japheth, and " "■"«• he ihall dwell in the tents of Shem ; \^fLadt^ and Canaan Ihall be his fervant. 28 \ And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and flfty years. 29 And all the days of Noah were nine hiuidred and fii'ty y^ars : and he died. CHAP. X. I Noalis s,erierations. 2 Tfie fons of JaplietTi, band of Ham. 8 Nimrod the frft monarch. 21 The fons of Shem. NOw thefe are the generations of the fons of Noah , Shem, Ham, and Japheth : and mito them were fons born after the flood. 2 * The fons of Japheth; Gomer, \ and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Mefaech, and Tiras. 199*. CMic.S-4- The generntiom of Noah, CHAP. 3 And the fons of Comer ; Aflike- naz, and Riphuth, and Togarmah. 4 And the fons of Javan ; Eli(hah, and Tarihilh, Kittim, and ||Dodanim. 5 By thefe were the ides of the Gentiles divided in their lands ; eve- ry one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. 6 ^ '' And the fons of Ham ; Cufli, andMizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. 7 And the fons of Culli; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtecha : and the fons of Raa- mah ; Sheba, and Dedan. 8 And Cuih begat Nimrod; he be- gan to be a mighty one in the eartli. 9 He was a iniglity hunter bet^re theLoiiD: wherefore it is faid, Kven as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. I o " And the beginning of his king- dom was + Babel, and Erech, and *'"'"'"" Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. y Or, II Out of that land |( went forth Low/yri^ Asihur, and builded Nineveh, and Iwr,,,, II the city Rehoboth, and Calah, •/ the city. 1 2 And Refen between Nineveh and Calah : the fame // a great city. 13 And Mi/raini begat Ludim, and Anainim,and Lehabim, and Naphiu- him, 1 .4. And Pathrufim, and Cafluhlm, A I chron. (out of whom tame Philiitim, ) '' and Caphtorim. 1 5 ^i .\nd Canaan begat \ Sidon his firft-born, and Hcth, 1 6 And the jebuiite, and the Emo- rite, and tiie Girgalite, 1 - And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Smite, 18 And the Arvadite, and the Ze- marite, and the Hamathite : and af- terward were the families of the Ca- naanites fpread abroad. 19 And the border of the Canaan- ites was from Sidon, as thou comefl to Gerar, unto -j- Gaza ; as thou goelt unto Sodom and Gomorrah, and Ad- mah, and Zeboim, even unto Lalhah. 20 Thefe are the fons of Ham, af- ter their families, after their tongues, • in their countries, and in their na- tions. 2 1 t Unto Shem alfo the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born. « X Chron. 2 2 Tlic ' children of Shem; Elam, 't'j'.-b. Ar- andA3{liur,andfAi-phaxad,andLud, r*thjhid. aud Aram. 2 j; And the children of Aram : Uz, and Hul, »nd Gether, and iMalU. t Hcb t H« X, XI. and of his fons. 24 And Arphaxad begat f ^ Salah j ^cmxII and Salah begat Eber. ^^is. 25 ''■ And vmto Eber were born two f^^ fons ; the name of one ixjai Peleg, for sheiaL in his days ^\■as the eartli divided ; ^ ^^^' and his brothers name wm Joktan. n. i:.' 26 And Joktan begat Almodad, and k i^chron. Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Je- rali, 2 7 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, 28 ^\nd Obal, and Abinjael, and Sheba, 29 And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab : all thefe were the fons of Joktan. 30 And tlieir dwelling was from Media, as thou goeft unto Sepliar, a mount of the eall. 31 Thefe are the fons of Shem, af- ter their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. 32 Thefe are the families of the fons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations : and by thefe were the nations divided in tlie earth after the flood. CHAP. XI. I Or.e language in the world. 3 Ba- bel biiili. 5 Lnjig!*ages confounded. 1 o The ge^ierafioj2s of Shei7t. ANd the whole earth was of one f language, and of one -{-fpeech. t ha. /<>, 2 And it came to pafs, as they jour- \Jlf/^ neycd || from the ealt, that they tbund \\ or, a plain in the land of Shinar ; and [tfa!^^'' they dwelt there. W.^^,[ 3 And t they faid one to another, ^-^^l^j* Go to, let us make brick, and f burn 13. 6- them throughly. And they had brick I ^^^^y^i^^ for itone, and (lime had they for morter /"A;^. 4 And they faid. Go to, let us build ^ j,,j,. us a city and a tower, whofe fop may *"'J/^^^' reach unto heaven, and let us make us wf. a name, left we be fcattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the Lord came do\vn to fee the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the Lord faid, Behold, the people /; one, and they have all one language ; and this they begin to do : and now nothing will be rellrained from them, which they have imagin- ed to do, 7 Go to, * let us go down, and \^^ there confound their language, that they may not underftand one anothers fpeech . 8 So the L o R D fcattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth ; and they left off to build the city- 9 Therefore The gsireratlom of Shem. GENESIS. rK*!"'? 9 Therefore is the name of it call- ed II Babel, ■•becaufe the Lord did there confouiid the language of all the eartii : and from thence did the Lord fcatter them abroad upon the face of all the eai'th. God callcth Abram. ID *ip Thefe are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood. jj34«. 1 1 And Shem lived, after he begat Arphaxad, five hundred years, and begat fons and daughters. 12 And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Saiah. ajji. 13 And Arphaxad lived, after he begat Salah, four hundred and three yeai's, and begat fons and daughters. 14 And Saiah lived thirty years, and begat Eber. ^j8i. 1 5 And Salah lived, after he begat Eber, four hundi-ed and three years, ■and begat fons and daughters. i. I chron. 1 6 ^ And Kber lived four and thirty *■ ^,^;,7. years, and begat ^ Peleg. ecaiie;!, • 1 7 Aud Ebcr livecl, after he begat rSfc.' ^'' Peleg, four hundred and thirty years, and begat fons and daughters. 32J7. 18 And Pelcg lived thirty years, and begat Reu. 1 9 And Peleg lived, after he begat Reu, two hundred and nine years, and begat fons and daughters. 20 And Reu lived tv. o and thirty years, and begat '" Serug. 2 1 And Reu lived, after he begat Serug, two hundred and feven years, and begat fons and daughters. 22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor. 2 3 And Serug lived, after he begat Nahor, two hundred years, and begat fons and daughters. 24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begat ^ Terah. 25 And Nahor lived, after he be- gat Terah, an hundred and nineteen years, and begat fons and daugliters. 26 And Terah lived feventy years, and ^ begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. 27 1j Now thefe are the genera- tions of Terah : Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran ; and Haran be- gat Lot. 28 And Haran died before his fa- ther Terah, in the land of his nati- vity, in Ur of the Chaldees. 29 And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abranis wife was Sarai ; and tiie name of Nahors wife, ' Milcah, the daughter of Karan, the father of r»iilciih, and the fatlier of Ifcah. S Lake SdruCtt- 2128. Z Lake 5,-.31- Tiura. 2o;6. h .Tofh. 1996. ! Cliap. 30 But •= Sarai was barren ; fne had no child. 31 And Terah took Abram his fon, and Lot the fon of Haran his fons fon, and Sarai his daughter-in-law. his fon Abrams wife ; and they went forth with them from • Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan ; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there. 32 And the days of Terah were two Jmndred and five years ; and Te- rah died in Haran. C H A P. XII. I God calkth Abrcvn, and blejfeth htm with a promij'e of Chrifl : 4 liu de- parture from Haran. 7 Canaan is proniifed. NOw the ^ Lord had faid unto Abram, Get thee out of tliy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathers houfe, unto a land that I will feew thee. 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will blefs thee, and make thy name great ; and thou fhalt be a bleliuig. 3 '> And I will blefs them that blefs thee, and curfe him that curfeth thee: " and in thee Ihall all families of the earth be blelfed. 4 So Abram departed, as the Lord had fpoken unto him ; and Lot went witii him : and Abram was feventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. 5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brothers fon, and all their fubilance that they had gathered, and the fouls that they had gotten ^ in Ha- ran ; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan, and into the land of Canaan they came. 6 "^1 And Abram palled through the land unto the place of Sichem, ■-' unto the plain of Moreh. f And the Ca- naanite wm then in the land. 7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and faid, ^ Unto thy feed will I give this land; and there build- ed he an ^ altar mito the Lord, who appeared tmto him. 8 And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the eaft of Beth-el, and pitched his tent, ha'vij:g Beth-el on the weft, and Hai on the eaft ; and there he builded an altar unto the LoF.D, and ' called upon the name of the Lord. 9 And Abram journeyed, f ''going on frill toward the fouth. 10 % And there was a famine in the land; and Abram » went down into tgypt 1 Nell. 9. • Acts 7. 4. a Clnp. 15. 7. N'ph. 9. J, Act's 7. 3, HeSi-ew5 li. 3. c Ciiap. l3. iS. K 2;. ifi. &.2C. 4. Pr3l.72.17. Acts 3. y. C-U. 3. 8. d Chap. 11.31. Judg. 7. f Chap. I 18, 19. S g Cfiap. 13. IS- h Chap. 13- 4. t Hcb. in gning tsnd k Chap. J3- 3- I Pi.-ilin ioj,i3. Abreon goeth info Egypt. CHAP. ^t*/^^ Egyi^t to fojourn there ; for the fa- '9-"- J mme was grievous in the land. ~^^ 1 1 And it came to pafs, when he was come near to enter into 1 -gypt, that he faid unto Sarai his wife, Be- hold, now I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon. 1 2 Therefore it Ihall come to pafs, when the Eg}'^ptians Ihall fee thee, that they fliall fay. This is his wife : and they will kill me, but they will fave thee alive. aniap. I ^ m Say, I pray thee, thou art my eichap. filler ; that it may be well with me *' ^' for thy fake : and my foul fhall live becaufe of thee. Si-ii>27. 14 '^ And it came to pafs, that, when Abram was come into Fgypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman, that ihezi'G.t very fair. J 5 The princes alfo of Pharaoh faw her, and commended her before Pha- raoh : and tlie woman was taken into Pharaohs houfe. iciisp. 16 And he "entreated Abram well *■ ^*' for her fake : and he hud (lieep, and oxen, and hc-alles, and men-fervants, and maid-fervants, and flie-afles, and camels. 17 And the Lord "plagued Pha- raoh And his houfe with great plagues, becaufe of Sarai Abrams wife. ''• 18 And Pharaoh called Abram, and faid, What is this t/iat thou haft done unto me ? Why didft thou not tell me that fhe was thy wife ? 19 Why faidft thou. She is my fifter? fo I might have taken her to me to wife : now, therefore, behold thy wife, take her, and go tiiy way. 20 And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they fent him away, and his wife, and all that he had. CHAP. xni. I Abram and Lot return out of Egypt: 7 By dij(7gree77zent they part ajunder. 14 Gods promije renexved to Abram. >>■'• A Nd Abram went up out of Egypt, ■l\ he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the fouth. 2 And Abram was very rich in cat- tle, in lilver, and in gold. 3 And he went on his jounieys '•^ "from the fouth, even to Beth-el, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Beth- el and Hai ; '|,_ 4 Unto the ^ place of the altar, which he had made there at the hrft: and there Abram called on the nanie cf the LoRo, XII, XIII. Abram and Lot part. 5 1 And Lot alfo, which went with ^^^ Abram, had flocks, and herds, and cir."!?!*. tents. ^"^ 6 And "^ the land was not able to c chap. bear them, that they might dwell ^''' '" together : for their fubltance was great, fo that they could not dwell together. 7 And there was a ftrife between the herdmen of Abrams cattle, and the herdmen of Lots cattle. "^ And ''^^'j'^S' the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, dwelled then in the land. 8 And Abram faid imto Lot, Let there be no ftrife, I pray thee, be- tween me and thee, and between my herdmen and thv herdmen : for weZ'^ t brethren. i;;;tr c) " Is not tlie ^^'hole land before see ciiap. . thee ? Separate thyfeif, I pray thee, ix- -."13. from me : if t'm^ wilt take the left e Chap. :o. IS. St 34. 13. ir. 191;. hand, then I will go to the right ; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left. 10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it xoas well watered every where, be- fore the Lord deftroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, •" even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as thou comeft unto Zoar. 1 1 Then Lot chofe him all the plain of Jordan ; and Lot journeyed eaft : and they feparated themfclves, the one from the other. 12 Abram dv.ellcd in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the ci- ties of the plain, and pitched Jiis tent toward Sodom. 1 3 But the men of Sodom ^ were ^J-^^' wicked, and iinners before the Lord, L/'ekia exceedingly. ' '*''■ 14 Ij And the Lord faid unto Abram, after that Lot was fepa rated from him, Lift up now thine eyes and look, from the place vv'here thou art, north-ward, and fouth-ward, and eaft-ward, and h ciisp. lu weft-ward. &17.3. & 15 For all the land which thou^e:^;^ feeft, "^ to thee v/ill I give it, and to J^^'/^^.*; *• thy feed for ever. i chap, i?- 16 And ' 1 vv'iil make thy feed as i' ?■;.";.&■' the dull of the earth : fo that if a =«; JJ; ^ man can number the duft of the |;;^;4';/> earth, then lliall thy feed alfo be num- ^i- To. '^ , , ■" Deut. i.to. berect. i Kings I - Arife, walk through the land, \-^°,;an. in the length of it. and in the breadth =7; -^^-^ ^^_ of It : fori will giA^e it unto thee. ^^^ 33- ^^• 18 Then Abram removed his tent, kciiap'."' and came and "^ dwelt in the f plain j4. n- of Mamre, ' which is in Hebron, and i;^[^;, built there an aitar unto the Lord, i ch.pt^ CHAP, l^-.ii: ti Chap, 1.9. 22^ c Dcut. 3.17. T/je battle of the king;. GEN CHAP. XIV. I The battle of the kings izLort aken^ 1 4 ii refc ued by Abram . 1 8 Melclii- zedek blejjetk Abram, 20 zuko giveth him tithe. Before K Nci it caiTie to pafs, in the days v^!'V^2i. ix of Amraphel king * of Shinar, ~^ — ' Arioch king of Ellafar, Chedorlao- I;&ii.'°.' mer king of £lam, and Tidal king of nations ; ■ 2 Tliat thefe made war witli Bera king of Sodom, and witli Birilia king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Ze- boiini, and the king of Bela, which is ^ Zoar. 3 All thefe were joined together in the vale of Siddim, " svhich is the falt-fea. 4 Twelve years the}^ ferved Che- dorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. 5 And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the kings that vjere v-ith him, and fmote "^ the Re- phaims " in Afliteroth Karnaim, and f the Zuzims in Ham, *^ and the Lmlms in II Shaven Kiriathaim, 6 •• And the Horites in their mount Seir, unto ||El-paran, which is by the wildernefs. 7 And they returned and came to En-mi(hpat, which // Kadefli, and fmote all the country of the Amaie- kites, and alfo the Amorites, that dwelt ' in Hazezon-tamar. 8 And there v.-ent out the khig of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrali, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, (the fame is Zoar,) and they joined battle with them in the vale of Siddim ; 9 With Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, and with Tidal king of na- tions, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellafar : four kings with five. 10 And the vale of Siddim wiJx/z.'.V of flime-pits ; and die kings of So- dom and Gomorrah fled, and fell there : and they that remained fled to the mountam. 1 1 And they took all the goods of Sodom and '.lomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their way. 1 2 And they took Lot, Abrams bro- thers fon, (who dwelt in Sodom, ) and his goods, and departed. 13 And there came one that had efcaped, and told Abram the He- brew -. for '' he dwelt in the plain of Maiitfe the AuiQf ite, brother of E/h- d Chap. 15. =0. e Jofhna g Dcat. I, 10, n, rir. 1913 II Or, Vw plain a/K riathaiiK. \\ Deut 2. 1::, 22. II Or, the pl„in 0/ Parcin. Numb. 12 .«.&i3. i 2 Chioa y. Chaf E S I S. Mdchizedek blejfetk Abrcdn^ col, and brother of Aner : and thefe were confederate with Ab)-am 14 And, when Abram heard that his brotiier v/as taken captive, he II anned his ;j \.va!i\\%flfervants^ born in \\or, ud his own houfe, thi-ee hundred and ^"^^ ' • eighteen, and punaed^/2f?72iuntoDan. i>"h^t,3ed, 1 5 And he divided himfelf againft \^X' them, he and his fervanti by night, and '" fmote them, and purfued them =« -''»• 4*' mito Hobah, ^^•hich /; on the left hand '' ^' of Damafcus. 16 And he brought back all the goods, and alfo brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women alfo, and the people. 1 7 \ And the king of Sodom went out to meet him, (after his return from the daughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kmgs that vjere with him, ) at the valley of Shaveh, which is the "Kings dale.' V.\T' 18 And "Melchizedek king of Sa- oiic-brcw» lem brought forth bread and wine : '" '' and he was the prieft of the mofl liigh God. 19 And he blelTed him, and faid, Blelied be Abram of the molt high God, ^ polfeflbr of hea-ven and earth : pver. i^, 20 And blefied be the moll: high iod, which hath delivered thine eaemies intothyhand. And he gave him "'tithes nHci^rcw^ of all. 2 1 And the -king of Sodom faid un- to Abram, Give me the f perfons, t R*^* and take the goods to thyfelf. 22 And Abram faid to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand im- to the Lord, the moil high God, 'the r vej. 19. poflellbr of heavea and earth, '' "'' ^^' 23 That ' I will not take from a thread even to a flioe-latchet, and that I will not take any tiling that is thine, left thou ihouldeit fay, I have made Abram rich : 24 Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, EHicol, and Mami-e ; let them take then- portion. CHAP. XV. I Ahra7n is encouraged, a, A fon ii proinifed: 6 he is juflified by faith. 7 Canaan is proinifed again. AFter thefe tilings, the word of tke Lord came imto Abram in a vifion, faying. Fear not, Abram : I am tliy ^ ihield, aiid thy exceed ing '° great reward. 2 And Abram faid, Lord God, what u^.^i^ wilt thou give me, feeing I go child- ^J^*"^'* lefs, and the ifeward of my houfe ii this Eliezer of Dauiafrus \ 3 And ! So Etlh. iPral.3 ^s- \m Jbm?n jnjlified by faith. CHAP. icfore 3 And Abram fakl, Behold, to me 19 13. thoiT haft given no feed : and lo, one ~v—^ born in my houfe is mine heir. ' 4 And behold, the word of the Lord ccune unto him, faying, This fliall not be thine heir ; .but he that fhall come forth out of thine own bowels fiiall be thine heir. 5 .And he brought him forth a- broad, and faid. Look now toward heaven, and tell the ' ftai's, if thou be able to number them. And he dExoJus faid unio him, ^ So fliall thy feed UeatcT. be. 10. 3.'. I Chron. =7- n- Komaiu 4. 18- Hebrew? ^ fercm. 33- "■^^ Sec Chap. <3. i«» found her by a fountain of water in the wildernefs, * by the fountain in «^^'','J'; the way to f Shur. f kao<)u» 8 And he faid, Hag;ir, Sarais maid, 's- •'*• whence cameft thou ? and whither wilt thou go ? and ilie faid, I flee from the face of my miftrefs Sarai. 9 And the angel of the Lord faid unto her, Return to thy millref., and fubmit thyfelf under her hands. 10 And the angei of the Lord fiiid unto her, « I will niultipl)' thy feed f^f^'^fjj, exceedingly, that it fliall not be num- ^i- 1«]» bered for multitude. 11 And the angel of the Lord faid unto iief) Beiiold, thou artv,'lxh child. Abraiis narne chnymS. GEN U Th..r U, *oY (hall >Hat. li Chap. i Chap< V.%w Chap. 51. 30. I Chap. 14- A:. & -!. li. II That is, th, veil 0/ him ihjt li-.rth and f»th m,. m Nunih. 13. :6. n GjUc. J910. JE95. a Chaji. 28. ;. h Chap. ?. ::. & 48. i;. 8.25. II Or, MP- ri.^ftf, or, fiitceri. t Chap. & ]j. I<. f Cliap. 36. ii. h Cha)), ami Ihalt bear a fdn, and fhalt call his name ]| Iflmiael ; becaufe the Lord hath heard thy affidiou. 1 2 '■ And he will be a ^vild man ; his hand ivill be againll every iivan^ and eveiy mans hand againft him : ' and he ftiall dwell in the prefence of all his brethren. 1 3 And '' line called the name of the Lord that fpake imto lier, Thou God feeft me : tor (he faid, Have I alfo here looked after him that feeth me? 1 4 Wherefore the well was called ' II Beer'lahai-roi : behold, it is "' be- tween Kadefh and Bered. 1 5 ^ And " Hagar bare Abram a fon : and Abram called his fons name, which Hagar bare, Ilhmael. 1 6 And Abram was fouricore and fix years old, when Hagar bare Ifh- mael to Abram. CHAP. XVII. I T/ie coi'eticutt is renewed. 5 Abraitis naf}te changed, i o Circtujicifion in- ftituted. 16 Ifaac proinijed. ANd, when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and faid unto him, * I ojn the Almighty God ; ^ walk before me, and be tliou |i perfect. 2 And I will make my covenant be- tween me and thee, and '' will multi- ply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face : and God talked with him, faying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou Ihalt be a fa- ther of -j- many nations. 5 Neither ihall thy name any more be called Abram ; but '' thy name Ihall be Abraham : ' for a fatlier of many nations have I made thee. 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will miike '" nations of thee ; and kings Ihall come out of thee. 7 ^^nd I will eftablifh my covenant between me arid thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations, for an everlalling covenant ; to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. 8 And *' I will give unto thee, and to thy feed after thee, the land -j- "^ wherein thou art a Granger, all the land of Canaan, for an everhdt- iug polleliion ; and I will be their God. 9 '\ And God faid unto AbraJiam, Thou ihalt keep my covenant there- fore, thou, and thy feed after thee, in their generations. 10 This is my covenant, \\ hich ye lh»il keep btfiwt^en las and you, aiid K S I S. Ifaac is proinife^. thyfeed after thee ; " Every man-child sef... «• among you (hall be cifCMmcifed. i'898.' 1 1 And ye fliall circumcift- the flefli )~^;^tf7f|5 of your fore-fkin, and it fliall be i' a t a^-^ 7. s. token of the covenant betwixt me '^*""" ■•■"*- and you. 12 Andf he that is eight days old j.^;^;,^^ ' fliall be circumcifed among you, '-■•^y- every man-child in )'our generations, l/'^r.'" he that is born in the houfe, or bought ^^^^ ;; '-y with money of any ftranger, which zV Invii. i-"j." not of thy feed. 1 3 He that is born in thy lioufe, and he that is bought with thy mo- ney muft needs be circumcifed : and my covenant (hall be in your flelh, for an everlafting co\ cnant. 14 And the uncirciuucifed man- child, whofe fle(l\ of his fore-ikin is not circumcifed, that foul (liall be cut off from his people : he hath broken my covenant. 1 5 U And God faid wito Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou (halt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah jhall her name be. 1 6 And I will blefs her, and give thee a fon alfo of her : yea, I will blefs her, and f (lie fliall be a mother J^^f^rf^* '" of nations ; kings of people fliall be " ^ "»■ of her. ^ „, rh.,p. 17 Then Abraham fell upon his ^y, '^- ,^, face, " and laughed, and faid in his i p^t. %'i. Jieart, Shall a child be born unto him '1^'^;^^^; that is an hundred years old ? and fliall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear ? 18 And Abraham faid unto God. O that Iflimael might live before thee ! 19 And God faid, " Sarah thy wife " .'/''.''J'^, fliall bear thee a fon indeed ; and thou ■^- •• (halt call his name Ifaac : and I will ellablifli my covenant with him for an everlalfmgcovenant, rtwJwithhisfeed after him. 20 And as for Iflimael, I have heard thee : Behold, I haveblefled him, and will make him fruitful, "^ and will \,^,T multiply him exceedingly : ** twelve afs, when they had brought them forth abroad, that , ^^ .i he faid, Efcape for thy life ; ' look ^atth. 24. not behind thee, neither ftay thou in Luke 9. ft/. ' ' 11 PUilippiaxis The deflru^ion of Sodom. all the plain : efcape to the mountain, left thou be confunied. 1 8 And Lot faid unto them, Oh not fo, my Lord. 19 Behold now, thyfervant hath found grace in thy fight, and thou haft magniried thy mercy, which thou haft ftiewed unto me in faving my life : and I cannot efcape to the mountain, left fome evil take me, and I die. 20 Behold now, this city /; near to flee unto, and it /; a little one : Oh let me efcape thither, (/j it not ^little one ? ) and my foul fhall live. 21 And he faid unto him. See, I t Hell, fky have accepted f thee concerning this thing alfo, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou haft fpoken. 22 Hafte thee, efcape thither ; for ■^ I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither : therefore " the name of the city was called Zoar. 23 •[ The fun was f rifen upon the earth, when Lot entered into Zoar. 24 Then " the Lord rained upon tHeb. Sodom and upon Gomorrah brim- ^»'^/xn."'' ftone and fire from the Lorp out of 2?jl3- heaven. 25 And he overthrew thofe cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabi- tants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. 26 ^i But his wife looked back from behind him, and flie became '' a pillar of fait. 27 ^ And Abraham gat up early in r wifjom the morning, t<> the place where '' he ftood before the Lord. 28 And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and io, the fmoke of the country went up as the fmoke of a furnace. 29 H And it came to pafs, when God deftroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and fent Lot out of the midll: of the over- dirow,when he overthrew the cities, in the which Lot dwelt. 30 ^ And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the momitain, and his two daughters with him ; for he feared to dwell in Zoar : and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31 ^1 And the firft-born faid imto the younger. Our father is old, and there is uot a man in the earth to come in luito us after the manner of ail the earth. 32 Come, let us make our father cjrink wine, and we will lie with € H A P. XiX, XX. Lots incejl. fact' •rtSteChap. 3?. 25, ?6. Keuicr. 9. It- Marie 6. 5. » Chtip. J3- 10. & 13. 19. JcrcinUh fO. 40. i/ckiel j^. 49- II. 8. Amos ■5 Pet. Juii n Ch; Hi. 2 him, that we may preferve feed of Before our father. "X^. 33 And they made their father * — v"*' drink wine that night : and the iirft- born went in, and lay with her fa- ther ; and he perceived not when ilie lay down, nor when ihe arofe. 34 And it came to pafs, on the morrow, that the firft-born faid un- to the younger, Behoid, I lay yeiter- night with my father : let us make him drink wine this night alfo ; and govthou in, and lie with him, that we may preferve feed of ovu- father. 35 And they made their father drink wine that night alfo : and the younger arofe, and lay with him ; and he perceived not when fiie lay down, nor when ihe arofe. 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. 37 And the firft-born bare a fon, 1S97, and called his name Moab : the fame is the father of the Moabites mito this day. 38 And the younger flie alfo bare a fon, and called his name Ben-ammi : the fame /) Lhefatlier of the children of Ammon unto this day. CHAP. XX. I Abraliam denieth his vjtfe, and lojeth lier. 14 Abimdech refloretli lier. ANd Abraham journeyed from '^'•. i«»t, thence toward the fouth- coun- try, and dwelled between ^ Kadefli \^!fj[^^ and Shur, and fojourned in Gerar. 2 And Abrahiim faid of Sarah his wife, ■» She is my lifter : and Abi- ^^f^/^i;- melech king of Gerar fent, and took Sarah. 3 But ■= God came to ^ Abimelech ^^Pf^J" in a dream by night, and faid to him, d job Behold, thou art but a dead man, for 33- '". 'J' the woman which thou haft taken : for file is f a mans wife. \^r)i,i 4ButAbimelech had not come near u cm hup, her : and he faid, Lord, wilt thou '"""^' flay alfo a righteous nation ? 5 Said he not unto me. She is my fifter ? and fiie, even fiie herfeif faid. He is my brother : in the i| integrity l^^^-if^^; of my heart, and innocency of my ji.«"fy. ' liands, have I done this. 6 And God faid unto him in a ^ ciup. dream, Yea, I know that thou didft ]\- '■ ^ this in 1 ■^ I alfo f againft me : therefore fufferedl thee 'f(.^^^, not to touch her. f;^?'6. ,, 7 Now tlierelore reftorc the man prai. si- U- his wife 5 ° for he is a prophet, and R '^f^'"* he iluU pray for thee, and thou fiialt . liings , \ ca, 1 know tnat tuou aiait %. 9% Ahimehch rebuketh Abrahatn. GENESIS. ^cfrfi? ^ ^^^ ■ ^"^ if thou reftore herrynt, know cti-: 'i8.;b. thou, that thou fhalt fureiy die, thou, ^~^ ' and all that are thine. 8 Therefore Abiiuelech rofe early in the morning, and called all his fervants, and told all thefe things in their ears : and the men were fore afraid. 9 Then Abimelech called Abraham, and faid imto him, What haft tiiou done unto us ? and what h3^'e I of- tf }=.'■ fended thee, that >• thou halt brought on me, and on my kingdom, a great fm ? thou hait done deeds unto me that ought not to be done. 10 z'^nd Abimelech faid unto Abra- ham, What faweft thou, that thou haft done this thing? 1 1 And Abraham faid, Becaufe I thought. Surely the fear of God is not in this place ; and they will (lay jne fo. my ^^ ifes fake. 12 And yet indeed ///e /; my fifter ; fhe ii the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother : and Ihe became my wife. 1 3 And it came to pafs, when God caufed me to wander from, my fathers houfe, that I faid unto her. This ii thy kindnds which thou flialt fliew unto jne ; At every place whither s ciiap. Me fiiall come, • fay of me. He /; my '^'' '^' brother. \TS: 1 4 And Abimelech ^ took flieep, and pxen,.and men-fervants, andwomen- fervanta, and gave them unto Abra- ham, and reftored him Sarah his wife. 1 5 And Abimelech faid. Behold, my J; f *,**: tl l^nd ii before thee : dwell f where it **!<■« c =';. pleafeth thee. 1 6 And unto Sarah he faid, Behold, • I have given thy brother a thoufand pecei of filver : behold, he ii to thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee, and with all other : ^hus ihe was reproved. 1 7 H So Abraham prayed unto God : ?ind God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and hismaid-fervantsj and they bare children. 1 8 For the Lord had faft clofed up all the -^'ombs of the houfe of Abi- melech, becaufe of Sarah Abrahams wife. CHAP. XXI. 1 Ifaac is born. 9 Hagar and Jflimael are caj} forth. -12 Abimelechs cave- rn, cimp. iiaKt With Abraha:7z. 'i'.il't. \^^ "^he Lord vifited Sarah as he ^A/ts7- ?. -^^ had faid, and the Lord did unto HebVcwe"' Sarah * as he had fpqken. •'.^^['- 2 For Sarah " conceived, and bare ?7. ^r.' Abraham a foil in his pld age^ <^ at the T//* birth of Jfaaii. fet time of which God had fpoken to Before nim. cif. 189?. 3 And Abraham called the name ^~~~^ — ' of hisfon, that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, "* Ifaac. ^ char* 4 And Abraham tircunicifed his fon ''' '*" Ifaac, being eight days old, ' as God \P'^^' had commanded him. 5 And f Abrah;'m was an hundred '^""■- '^''^' years old, when his fon Ifaac was born \'-. V^^Vj^ imto him. 6 % And Sarah faid, « God hath K.iff '^^ made me to laugh, jo that all that ^■''' >i-'^ hear will laugh vi ith me. *"'' *' '' 7 And file faid. Who would ha^'e faid unto Abraham, that Sarah fhouid have given children fuck ? for I have born Jiim a fon in his old age. 8 And the child grew, and was weaned : and Abraham made a great feaft, the fatiie day that Ifaac A\as weaned. 9 t And Sarah faw the fon of Ha- gar '' the Eg>-ptian, which flie had J'^, '"'"■'' born unto Abraham, ' mocking. ; ^^Vr.t. 10 Wherefore Ihe faid unto Abra- *• ='• ham, '^ Caft out this bond-woman, ^'^'J^,'''' and her fon : for tli^fon of this bond- <• v: woman fhall not be heir with my fon, ':'' i. Jf' even with Ifaac. *"• *• ^' 1 1 And the thing was very griev- ous in Abrahams light, becaufe of hi« fon. 1 2 \ And God faid unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy fight, becaufe of the lad, and becaufe of thy bond-woman ; in all that Sarah hath faid unto thee, hearken unto her voice : for ' in Ifaac fliall thy Hebrew,"' feed be called. "• »*• 1 3 And alfo of the fon of the bond- woman will I make ™ a nation, be- "hl^fV'* caufe he /^ thy feed. j6. lo. c 14 And Abraham rofe up early in '^' *°' the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave /^unto Ha- gar, (putting // on her flioulder, ) and the child, and fent her away : and flie departed, and wandered in the wildernefs of Beer-flieba. 1 5 And the water w as fpent in the bottle, and flie caft the child under one of the (lirubs. 1 6 And Ihe went, and fat her do^Ti over againft him., a good way off, as it were a bow-fliot : for fhe faid, Let jne not fee the death of the child. And fhe fat over againft /«;«, and lift up her voice, and wept. 17 And God heard the voice of the lad : and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and faid untQ her, What aileth thee, Hagar ? fear not : i» I * Nnmb. 16, J ■ Chap* 20. :.& ^ Heb. fit unto Ahinulechi covatant, !cc, CHAP. " r^ not: for God hath heard the voice . ,',.:. of the lad where he rV. — v~^ 1 8 Arife, lift up the lad, and hold s vcr. 13. hhn in thine ii::nd : for " I will make him. a great nation. 1 9 And " God opened her eyes, and ; file fawawellof ^v:lter ; and Ihe went, and filled tlie bottle with water, und gave the lad drink. 20 And God was with the lad, and he grew, and dwelt in the wildernels, J' and became an archer. 21 And he dwelt in the wildernefs of Paran : and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt. 22 *!1 And it came to pafs, at that time, that '' Abimelech, and Phichol the chief captain of his hoft, fpake unto Abridiam, faying, God is with thee in all that ihou doft. 23 "Now therefore fwear unto me here by God, j that thou wilt not . deal faUly witli me, nor with my fon, nor with my Tons fon : //iif ac- cording to the kindnefs that 1 have done unto thee, thou flialt do unto me, and to the land wherein thou haft fojourned. 24 And Abraham faid, I will fwear. 25 And Abraham reproved Abi- melech becaufe of a well ol' water, which Abimeleclis fervants ' liad vio- lently taken away. -'.6 And Abimelech faid, I m ot not who hath done this thing : neither didft thou tell me, neither yet heard I of it but to-day. 2 7 And Abraham took flicep, and oxen, and gave them unto Abime- lech : and both of them made a co- venant. 28 And Abraham fet feven ew- lam.bs of the tiock by themfehes. 29 And Abimelech faid unto A- braham. What mean thefe feven ew-lambs which thou hail fet by themfelves ? 30 And he faid. For t/n'fc feven ew- lambs fhalt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witnefs unto me, that I have digged this well. 31 Wherefore lie called tiiat place II Thar !., || Beer-flieba : becaufe there they itoalh^fware both of them. ' 32 Thus the)' made a covenant at Beer-fheba : then Abimelech rofe up, and Phichol the chief ca])tain of his hoft, and they returned into tlie land of the Philiftines. 33 ^1 And AbraJiam planted a ]| grove inBeer-flieba, and called there on the nanie of tlje Los^Uj ^Ue §verUft;ng Gp4. f SeeCTiap ■S6. K, 18 1891. ^ Or, Inc. Joj. Ant. a Hebrews XXr, XXIT. Abralimns faith and obedienec. 34 And Abraham fojourned in the Before Philiitines land many davs. eir.''lB9 CHAP. XXII. "— V- i Abralimn^ofering Ifaac, 11 is flayed by an aiigel : 1 5 /le is blelfed again. 20 The generation of Nahor unto Rebekah. ANd it came to pafs, after thefe things, tliat -^ God did tempt Abraham, and faid unto him, Abra- "• ''■"• ham. And he faid, f Behold, fiere l^^);J'- I mil. 2 ..\nd he faid, Take now thy fon, thine o\\\y Jan Ifaac, whom thou lov- eft, and get thee '' into the land of ij » «««•«. Moriah, and otfer him there for a *' burnt-olfering upon one of the momi- tains \\ hich 1 will tell thee of. 3 *! And Abraham rofe up early in the morning, and faddled his afs, and took two of his young men with him, and liaac his fon ; and clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and^ rofe up, and went unto the place ot" which God had told him. 4 Then, on the third day, Abraham lift up his eyes, and faw the place afar off. 5 And Abraham faid luito his young men, Abide you here with the afs ; and I and the lad will go yonder and worlhip, and come again to you. 6 And Abjaham took the wood of the burnt-offering, and laid it upon Ifaac his fon ; and he took the tire in his hand, and a knife : and thejT went both of them together. 7 And Ifaac fpake unto Abraham his father, and faid. My tather : and he laid, f Here ayn I, my fon. And J h*. A, he faid. Behold, the tire and the wood: but where is the || lamb for a burnt- II Qr. «-'• offering ? 8 And Abraham faid, My fon, God will provide himfelf a lamb for a burnt-offeriug : fo they went both of them together. 9 And they came to the place whick God had told him of, and Abraham built an altarihere, and laidthe wood in order ; and bound Ifaac his fon, and ' laid him on the altar upon the •^Jj;»«» wood. 10 And Abraham ftretched forth his hand, and took the knife to flay his fon. 1 1 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and faid, Abraham, Abraham.^ And he faid. Here am I. 12 And lie faid, Lay not thins hand upon the lad, nijither do thou ;my thing unto him ; for now I kpo-^y IJ 4 ^n?^ AhrcJiam again blejjed. that thou feareil: God, feeing thou haft not with-held thy fon, tliine only Jon, from me. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind /ii?n a ram caught in a thicket by his horns : and Abraham went and took the x-am, and oftered him up for a burnt-otlering, in the ftead of his fon. 14 And Abraham called the name of that place j| Jehovah-jireh : as it is faid to this day, In the mount of the Lord it ftiall be feen. 15 *;[ And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the fecond time, 16 And faid, "» By myfelf have I fworn, faith the Lord, for becaufe ^ ..^^. thou haft done this thing, and haft Hcb. 6. ij. not with-held thy fon, thine only fo'2 ;. 17 That in bleffing I will blefs thee, and in multiplying I will mul- tiply thy ieed " as the ftar.s of the hea- ven, f and as the fand which ii upon »3- '*• the fea f ihorc ; and '^ thy feed Ihall ♦ "'''"• ''''• polfefl. the gate of his enemies : l^:Z' 18 "^ And in thy feed Ihall all the nations of the earth be blelled ; be- caufe thou haft obeyed my voice. 19 So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rofe up, and went together to Beer-fheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beer-llieba. 20 *; And it came to pafs, after thefe things, that it was told Abra- ham, faying, Behold ' Milcah, /he hath aifo born children mito thy brother Nahor; Huz his firft-born, and Buz ore 36j. II That 1 J, t}u LORD tinll />». .) A P'alm xo;. 9. >Jccl:u 44. 21. Xukvl. 73. eCh. li 3.&i8.ia jy -6. i. ECClHl •44- '^- Art! 3. j{. Cal. 5. 8, a6, 18. i Cliaji. II. ;9' t Jobt. I. _ , his brother, and Kemuel the father ijob3j. 2. 1 of Aram, 22 And Chefed, and Hazo, and Pildalh, and Jidlaph, and Bethuel. jnciiap. 23 And '" Bethuel begat " Rebe- rcan^rt, ^^^^ '■ th^^'e eight Milcah did bear to Kom.9.10. Nahor Abrahams brother. .' ' ■ 24 And his concubine, whofe name luai Reimiah, ilie bare aifo Tebah, and v.aham, and Thahalh, and Maachah. CHAP. XXIIL I Sarahs age mid death. 3 The pur- c/iale of Machpela/i, 19 where Sa- ro/i was buried. t»6o, A Nd Sarah was an hundred and fe- .ii ven and twenty years old : thefe tuere xhe years of the' life of Sarah, a jofima 2 And Sarah died in -^ Kirjath-arba; I'idsieV the fume is Piebron in, the land of Ca- •• *"• naan : and Abraham came to nioui'U for Saruh, and to weep for her. GENESIS. Th^ pur chafe of MachpeM 3 t And Abraham ftood up from Bef< before his dead, and fpake unto the fons of Heth, faying, ' — v — ' 4 •> I ntn a ftranger and a fojoumer \F^i^' with you : give me a pofleffion of a Hei>rew« burying-place with you, that I may "' '^* bury my dead out of my light. 5 And the children of Heth an^ fwered Abraham, faying unto> him, 6 Hear us, my lord : thou (trt f a t ?'''• at mighty prince amongft us; in i\\e uiT.' °^- choice of our fepulchres bury thy dead : none of us (hall with-hold from thee his fepidchre, but that thou mayeft bury thy dead. 7 And Abraham ftood up, and bowed himfelf to the people of the land, even to the children of Heth. 8 And he communed with them, faying, If it be your mind that I Ihould bury my dead out of my fight, hear me, and intreat for me to E- phi-on the fon of Zohar, 9 That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field ; for f as much t n<-;,. /«;» money as it is worth, he Ihall give it """"^' me, for a pofFeifion of a burjving- place amongft you. 10 x\nd Ephron dwelt amongft the children of Heth. And Ephron the Hittite anfwcred Abraham in the f audience of the children of Heth, tHeb.?^; ,j eveji of all that \\ ent in at the gates of his city, faying, 1 1 " Nay, niy lord, hear me : the \ " field give I thee, and the cave th.at is =" therein. I give it thee ; in the pre- fence of the fons of my people give I it thee : bury tliy dead- 12 And Abraham bowed down him- felf before the people of the land. 1 3 And he fpake unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the land, faying. But, \i Xhou wilt give it, I pray thee hear me : I will give thee money for the field ; take it of me, and I will bury my dead there. 1 4 And Ephron anfwered Abraham, faying unto him, 15 jMylord, hearken unto me: the land is xvorth four hmidred '' fhekels l^T,^"' of filver ; what is that betwixt me ^^'^^^^^ and thee r bury therefore thy dead- 1 6 And Abraham hearkened xinto Ephron ; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the filver, which he had nam-' ed in the audience of the fons of Heth, four hundred fliekels of filver, current money with the merchant. 1 7 11 And ••' the field of Ephron, l^^'J^g. which was in Mixchpelah, which w^j '^<>- ■?• before Manire, the field, and the cave "^''' '' ' ' Vv'hicli -*\ Abraham fweett-eth his ferveint. CHAP. which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made lure 1 8 Unto Abraham for a poffeflion in the prefence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city. 19 And, after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in tlie cave of the held of Machpelah, before Mamre: the fame is Hebron iii the land of Ca- naan. 20 And the field, and the cave that is therein, were madeflire unto Abra- bamfor apoflefllon of Jburying-place, by the fon§ of Heth. CHAP. XXIV. * Abraham fendeth his fervant to get a wife fnr his Jon Ifaac: 58 He ob- iaineth Rebei Put, 1 pray thee, thy hand under my thigh : 3 And I will make thee fwear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that " thou llialt not take a wife luito my fon of tlie daughters of the Canaanites amongft whom I dwell : 4 But thou flialt go unto my coun- try, and to my kindred, and take a \vife unto my fon Ifaac. 5 And the fervant fiiid unto him, Peradventurc the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land : jnuft I needs bring thy fon again unto the land from whence thou camel! ? 6 And Abraham faid unto him. Be- ware thou, that thou bring not my fon thitlier again. 7 \ The Lord God of heaven, which * took me from my fathers houfe, and from the land of my kin- dred, and which fpake imto me, and that fware unto me, faying, " Unto thy feed will I give this land; he fliall fend his angel before thee, and thou fhalt take a wife luito my fon from thence. S And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou fhalt be clear from this my oath : on- ly bring not my fon thither again. 9 And the fervant put his hand imder the thigh of Abraham his ma- iler, and fware to him concerning that matter. XXIV. Rebekah tneeteth him. utf* dayt* I Chnp, h Chap. 4'- :9. I Chron* •39. 14 • c iChap. 5<. I;. ?4. 16. JJeut. ;. i- rt C'lap 12. e Cliap. ij. & I,-. i-i.^: tx. 3:. 13. .Peut.34. 4. 10 \ And the fervant took ten ca- Before meis, of the camels of his mafter, ^85'^ and departed ; ( IJ for all the goods of "^ — v — ' his mailer xvere in his hand;) and " '*' *'^* be arofe, and went to Mefopotamia, unto ♦" the city of Nahor. f chaps 1 1 And he made his camels to Imeel ''' ''^* down without the city, by a well of water, at the time of the evening, even the time f ^ that women go out t Heh. tut to draw water. ZTi'ch'draxa 12 And he faid, O Lord God of f^Vtl^' my mafter Abraham, I pray thee g e^- 3. is, fend me good fpeed this day, and J,^,^" *' Ihew kindnefs mito my mafter Abra- ham. 1 3 Behold, »■ I ftand here by the h ver. 4S» well of water, and ' the daughters of ■ chap, the men of the city come out to draw ex.V. i«. water : 14 And let it come to pafs, that the damfel to whom I fhall fay, Let do\\'n thy pitcher, I pray thee, that: I may drmk ; and flie lliall fay. Drink, and I will give thy camels drink alfo : let the Janie be llie that thou haft ap- pointed for thy fervant Ifaac ; and '' thereby Ihall 1 know that thou haft ^.^f^J°^^f* fliewed kindnefs unto my mafter. isim'.f,.';* 1 5 ^ And it came to pafs, before he jo.'*'. had done fpeaking, that behold. Re- iJJ!^"" ^" bekah came out, who was born to Bsthuel, fon of » Milcah, the wife of ^'^^'p- "* Nahor, Abrahams brother, with her pitcher upon her flioulder. i6*And the damfel was \ very fair V";„^j4°!* to look upon, a virgin, neither had "^-'^ any man known her : and ilie went down to the well, and filled her pitch- er, and came up. 17 And the fervant ran to meet her, and laid. Let me (I pray thee) drink a little water of thy pitcher. 1 8 And file faid, Drink, my lord : and (lie hafted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him di-ink. 19 And, when fhe had done giving him drink, fhe faid, I will draw wa- ter for thy camels alfo, until they have done drinking. 20 And five hafted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water^ and drew for all his camels. 2 1 And the man, wondering at her, held his peace, to wit whether the L0K.D had made his journey profper- ous, or not. 22 And it came to pafs, as the ca- mels had done drinking, that the man took a goiden I| ear-ring, of half a jL^j/'™"' iiitkei weight, ajiid two bracelets for /««/««<*. her r Vcr. 5 J Rebekah fjeweth her kind}^^. GEN her liands, of ten Jlwkels weight of gold; 23 And faid, Whofe daughter art thou ? tell me, I pray thee : is there room in thy fathers houfe for us to lodge in ? 24 And flie faid unto him, •" I am the daughter of Bethuel, the fon of Milcah, which flie bare unto Nahor. 25 She faid moreover unto him, We have both ftraw and provender enough, and room to lodge, in. ; 26 And the man " bowed do\\'n his head, and worfiiipped the Lord. 27 And he faid, Blefled be theLoRD God of my mailer Abraham, who hath not left deflitute my mafter of his mer- cy and his truth : I being in the wiiy, the Lord led me to the houle of luy mafters brethren. 28 And the damfel ran, and told them of her mothers houfe tliefe things. 29 ![ And Rebekah had a brother, and his name xvas "Laban : and Laban ran out unto the man, unto the well. 30 And it came to pafs, when he faw the ear-ring and bracelets upon his lifters hands, and when he heard the words of Rebekah his iiiter , faying. Thus fpake the mail unto me ; that he came mito the man, and behold, he flood by the camels at the well. 31 And he faid, Come in, thou blelled of the Lord ; wherefore llandell: thou without ? for I ha\e prepared the houfe, and room for the camels. 33 *!i And the man came into the houfe : and he imgirded his camels, and gave ftraw and provender for the camels, and water to waih his feet, and the mens feet that were with him. 33 AvA there was fet meat before him to eat : but he faid, I %vill not eat, until 1 have told mine errand. And he faid, Speak on. 34 And he laid, I am Abrahams fervant. 35 And the Lord hath bleffed my mafter greatly, and he is become great : and he hath given him Hocks, and herds, and filver, and gold, and men-fervants, and maid-fervants, and camels, andafles. 36 And Sarah, my mafters wife, bare a fon to my mafter \\-hen fhe was old : and ^ unto him hath he gi\en all that he hath. 37 And my mafter made me fwear, faying, Thou llialt not take a %\ ife to my fon of the daughters of the Ca- naanites, in whofe laud I dwell ; E S I S. Abrahmm fervant s prayer. 38 But thou fhalt go unto my fa- Before thers houfe, and to niy kindred, and ^S,'*? take a wife unto my Ion. "^ — >f- — ■ 39 And I faid unto my mafter, Per- adventurethe woman will not follow me. 4oAndhefaiduntome,TheLoRD, ■i before whom I walk, will fend his 1 '■t'«i^ angel with thee, and profper tliy way; "' " " and thou Ihalt take a wife for my fon of my kindj"ed, and of my fathers houfe. 41 Then flialt thou be clear from tJui my oath, when thou comeft to my kindred; and if they give not thee owe, thou flialt be clear from mv oath. ' 42 And r came this day unto the well, and faid, O Lord God of my mafter Abraham, if now thou do pro'- fper my way m hieh I go ; 43 'Behold, I ftaud by the well of rvw. j«. water: and it (hall come to pafs, that when the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I fay to her. Give me, I pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink ; 44 And llie fay to me. Both driiik thou, and I will alfo draw for thy camels : let the fame be the woman whom the Lord hath appofaated out for my mafters fon. 45 And, before I had done fpeaking in mine heart, behold, Rebekah came forth ^vith her pitcher on her flioul- der ; and (he went down unto the well, and di-ew water: and I faid unto her. Let me drink, I pray thee. 46 And flie made hafte, and let down her pitcher from her /hoitltkr, and faid. Drink, and I will give thy camels drink alfo : fo I drank, and Ihe made tke camels drink alfo. 47 And I alked her, and faid, Whofe daughter art thou ? And flie faid. The daughter of Bethuel, Na- hors fon, whom Milcah bare unto him : and I put the ear-ring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands. 48 And I bowed down my head, and worfliipped the Lord, and blefs- ed the Lord God of my mailer Abra- ham, wliich had led me in the right way to take my mafters brothers daughter unto his foil. 49 And now, if you will deal kindly and truly with my nu'Jler, tell me: and if not, tell me ; that I may turn to the right hand, or to the left. 50 Then Laban and Bethuel an- fwcred and faid, The thing proceed- eth from the Lord ; we cannot fpeak UJlto tliee bad or good. 51 Behold, Jfaac meeteth Rebehah. 51 Behold, Rebekahj CHAP. before thee, take her, and go, and let her be thy '*"*' ' Bialters foils wile, as the Lokd hath fpoken. 52 And it came to pafs, that, ^\^len Abrahams fervant heard their words, tVfr. 3t. ]^e •• \vorflfipped the Lord, howi):g iiimfdf Xi^ the earth. 53 And the fervant brought forth tiW'J'" -j- jcwelb of hlver, and jewehof gold, " and raiment, and gave tJmn to Rebe- kah. He gave affo to her brother, and to her motlier, precious things. 54 And they did eat and drink, he and thenie-i thatu'tre with him, and tarried all night: and they rofe up tver. j«. in the morning, and he faid, ' Send *^** me away inito my maUtr. 53 And iior brother and her mother l|oi-,a/i? the elder fhall ferve the younger. _ 24 ^ And, when her days to be de- livered were fulhiled, behold, there were twins in her womb. 23 And the firft came out red, "^ all over like au hairy garment : and they called his name Efau. 26 And after that came his bro- • ther out, and ' his hand took hold on Efaiis licel ; and ' his name was called Jacob : and Ifaac was threefcore years old when Ihe bare them. 27 And the boys grew: and Efau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field ; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. 28 And Ifaac loved Efau, becaufe »;>«xvr.;r "^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^''^■^ venifou : but Re- hii moitL' bekah loved Jacob. 29 "% And Jacob fod pottage : and Efau came from the held, and he was faint. 30 And Efau faid to Jacob, Feed ^HeT..T«tsme, I pray thee, f with that fame 'w-h'th.'t rtdi pottage ; for I «7;2 faint : there- r^portst-e. fore was his name called Edom. 31 And Jacob faid, Sell nj,e this day thy birth-right;. ' ' "^ fc I Sam, Pf. 78.53. ( Chap. »6. 12. kMat. I. t»5f. i Chap. 22. 3 j. ^38. i*>B.oni. ■ I Sam. ■ 1 Sam. Ji Chap. 37. 29. Ms:. I. K.UDI. 9- ^ Chap. 27. II, 16, 2J. rHof.n » Chap. ?7- 36. I'37. tWfb. ve- E S I S.. Ifaac fojourneth in Gerof^ 32 And Efau faid, Behold, I am Befer<. + at the point to die : and what pro- cir.M* . fit fliall this birth-right do to me? ' — ■^ — '' 33 And Jacob faid, Swear to me this ^taf/, . day ; and lie fware unto him : and ' he ' H.i,rew» I fold his birth-righr unto Jacob. **'*'' ' 34l'hen Jacob gave Efau bread and pottage of lentils ; and he did eat and drink, and rofe up, and went his way. Thus Efau defpifed his birth-right. ' CHAP. XXVI. I Ifaac goeth to Gerar. 2 Qod bkjfetk him. 2G Abimelechs covenant with him. 34 Efaus wives. A Nd there was a famine in the land, '^''■- '»*<' -^A befldes *the firft famine that was \^^^^' in the days of Abraham. And Ifaac "'^" ^\■ent unto i" Abimelech king of the ^o^.',?' Philiftines, unto Gerar. 2 And the Lord appeared unto him, and faid, Go not down unto Egypt : dwell in the land which £ fliall tell thee of. 3 Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will blefs thee : for untQ thee and unto thy feed "^ I will \^^' give all thefe countries, and I will &''s''i» perform '' the oath which I fware un- ^ ^hap. to Abraham thy father. "' '*" 4 And " I will make thy feed to \ "^^"p* multiply as the ftars of heaven, and '^'^' will give imto thy feed all thefe coun- tries : and in thy feed lliall all the na- tions of the earth be ""blelled : 5 Becaufe that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my ftatutes, and my laws. 6 *| And Ifaac dw'elt in Gerar. 7 And the men of the place alked -^V7z of his wife; and - he faid, She/x \^]'T-^^'^ my lifter : for he feared to fay, She is =. '3- " * ' my wife ; left, faid ^, the men of the place fliould kill me for Rebekah, becaufe flie ivas fair to look upon. 8 And it came to pafs, v>hen he had been there a longtime, that Abi- melech, king of the Philiftines, looked out at a window, and faw, and be- hold, Ifaac was fporting with Rebe- kah his v/ife. f> And Abimelech called Ifaac, and faid, Behold, of a furety Ihe is thy wife : and how faidft thou, She i^s my fifter ? And Ifaac faid unto him, Becaufe I faid. Left I die for her. 10 .\nd Abimelech faid, What is this thou haft done unto us? one of the people might lightly have lien with thy wife, and ° thou fliouldeft i^ chJi..- have brought guiltinefs upon us. '°' '* I I And Abimelech charged all his people, faying, Ke that toutheth this f Chap,,!!. .&2:.it,' Ifaac ^rorotth rich. CHAP. XXVI, XXVIT. Abimelechsconeneint-withlfadif. f Beb. vient man, or his wife, fhall furely be put to death. 12 Then Ifaac fowed in that land, and f recei^ ed, in the fame year, an hundred-fold, and the Lord blelfed him. 13 And the man waxed great, and \ went forward, and grew until he became very great. J 4 For he had poffeflion of flocks, and pofleflion of herds, and great ftore of li fervants. And the Phili- ftines envied him. 1 5 For all the wells ' which his fa- thers fervants had digged, in the days of Abraham his father, the Philiftines had fto])ped them, and filled them with earth. 16 And Abimelechlaid unto Ifaac, Go from us : for ^ thou art much mightier than we. 17 ^i And Ifaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. 1 8 And Ifaac digged again the wells of water, ^\ hich they had digged in the days of Abraham his father ; for the Philiftines had flopped them after the death of Abraham : and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. 19 And Ifaacs fervants digged in the valley, and found there a well of -j- fpringing water. 20 And the herdmen of Gerar did ftrive with Ifaacs herdmen, faying. The water is ours : and he called the name of the well || Efek, becaufe they ftrove with him. 2 1 And they digged anotlier well, and ftrove for that alfo : and he called the name of it j] Sitnah. 22 And he removed from thence, and digged another well ; and for that they ftrove not : and he called the name of it || Rehobotli ; and he faid, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we fhall be fruitful in the land. 23 And he went up from thence to Beer-ll'.eba. 24 And the Lord appeared unto him the fame night, and faid, I am the God of Abraham thy father : fear not, for I am with thee, and will blefs thee, and mxiltiply thy feed for my fervant Abrahams fake. 25 And he ' builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent there: and there Ifaacs fervants digged a well. 26 ^ Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzsiatli one of Jiis friends, "* and Phichol the chief cap- Bafoi. tain of his army. ci?A^«o«. 27 And Ifaac faid unto them, ^^ — ^ — ' Wherefore come ye to me, feeing ".'^j*',?' ye hate me, and have fent me away from you ? 23 And they faid, f We fawcertain- 1 Hei../^. ly that the Lord was with thee : and "^""•^'~' we faid, Let there be now an oath, betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and let usmake A covenantwiththee j 29 f That thou wilt do us no hurt, t vLeh.if as we have not touched thee, and as ^""■'*'"'^ we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have font thee away in j^eace : thou art now the bleiVed of the Lord. 30 x\nd lie made them a feaft, and they did eat and drink. 31 And they rofe up betimes in the morning, and fware one to another : and Ifaac fent them away, and they departed from him in peace. 32 And it came to pafs, the fa ma day, that Ifaacs fervants came, and told him concerning the well whicU they had digged, and faid unto him. We have found water. 33And he called it ||Shebah: "there- (|Tfiatji» fore the name of tlie city is il Beer- ''"°^"'- _ , 1-1 .» i» n Chap. Iheba unto this day. ai. 3<. 34 ^1 ° And Eftu was forty years '^lllfil'^ old when he took to wife Judith the ti" »"'*• daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and '7'*' Bafliemath, the daughter of Elon the \6}f!^' Hittite : 35 Which ? were f a grief of mind l^^'^l' lUito Ifaac and to Kebekah. t neb. CHAP. XXVII. ^^%tr^ I Ifaac fendetliEfau for vemfon. kfa- cob^ infiraded by Rebekali, obtaiiieth tlie blejfing. 41 EJan thrtiatemug him^ is prfiiented. ANd it came to pafs, that, when »7<*- Ifaac was old, and ^his eyes were ^9}"^' dim, fo that he could not fee, he call- ed EHui his eldeft fon, and feid unto him, My fon : and he faid unto him, Behold, here aj7il. 2 And he faid. Behold now, I am old, I know not the day of my death. 3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and -j- take me j^f/ foma venifon ; 4 And make me favoury meat, fuch as I love, and bring // to me, that I may eat ; that my foul may blefs thee before I die. 5 And Rebekah heard when Ifaac fpake to Efau his fon : and Efau went to the field to hunt for venifon, ctnd to bring /?. •^ 6tAna it/ore tat: yacob ohtainetk the bkjjing. C E N irfore 6 % And Rebckah fpake unto Jacob L-oi. her fon, faying, Behold, I lieard tliy "^ ^ fatlier fpeak unto Efau thy brotlier, faying, 7 Bring me venifon, and make me favourymeat, thati mayeat, and blefs thee before theLoRD before my death. 8 Now therefore, my fon, obey my voice, according to that which I com- mand thee. 9 Go now to the flock, and fetch roe from thence two good kids of the goats 5 and I will make them fa- voury meat for thy father, fuch as he loveth. 10 And thou Ihalt bring it to thy father, that he may eat, and that he may blefs thee before his death. 1 r And Jacob faid to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Efau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a fmooth man. 12 My father, peradvcnture, will feel me, and I fliall feeni to him as a deceiver ; and I (hall bring a curfe upon me, and not a blelling. 13 And his mother faid unto him, Upon me be thy curfe, my fon : on- ly obey my voice, and go fetch me ' them. 14 And he went, and fetched, and brought t'lem to his mother : and his mother made favoury meat, fuch as his father loved. 1 5 And Rebekah took -f- goodly rai- ment of her eldefl: fon Kfau, which were with her in the houfe, and put them upon Jacob her younger fon. 1 6 And flie put the Ikins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the fmooth of his neck. 1 7 And flie gave the favoury meat, and the bread which fne had prepared, into the hand of her fon Jacob. 18 *[[ And he came unto his father, and faid. My father : and he iaid. Here can I ; who art thou, my fon ? 19 And Jacob faid unto iiis father, I am Efau thy firft-born ; I have done according as thou badeil me : arife, I pray thee, lit and eat of my veni- fon, that thy foul may blefs me. 20 And Ifaac faid unto his fon, How is it that thou haft found it fo quick- ly, my fon ? And he faid, Becaufe the Lord thy God brought // fto me. 21 And Ifaac faid unto Jacob, Come near, I pray thee, tiiat I niayfeel thee, iiiy fon, whether thou be my very fon Efau, or not. 2 2 And Jacob went near luito Ifaac his father, and he felt him, and faid, The voice is Jacobs voice, but the haufis iu-Q the haada of Efau. E S I 5. Efaus complaint, 21 And he difcerned hira not, be- caufe hifi hands were hairy, as his brother Efaus hands. So he blefled him. 24 And he faid, Art thou my very fon Efau ? And he faid, I am. 25 And he faid. Bring it near tc» me , and I vv i 1 1 eat of n ly forts ven ifon , that my foul may blefs thee. And he brought it near to him, and he did eat : and he brought him wine, and he drank. " * 26 And his father Ifaac faid unto him. Come near no%\', and kifs me, my fon. 27 And he came near, and kifled ■, him : and he fmelled the fniell of \ his raiment, and blelfed him, and faid, See, the fmell of my fon is as the fmell of a held which the Loru i hath blelfed. > 28 Therefore, ''God give thee of ^^ w**"-. the dew of heaven, and the fatnefs "' *'* of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine. ^ 29 "^ Let people ferve thee, and na- f^^p^; tions bow down to thee; be lord over %^\i^ thy brethren, and ■* let thy mothers dch. 49. »» fons bow dow n to thee : ' Curfed be c ch. u. 3. everyone that cudeth thee,and blefs- Num.J4-«» ed be he that blefleth thee. 30 ^1 And it came to pafs, aflbon as Ifaac had made an end of blefling Jacob, and Jacob was yet fcarce gone out from the prefence of Ifaac his fa- ther, that Efau, his brother, came in from his himting. 31 And he alfo had made favoury meat, and brought it imto his father j and faid unto his father. Let my fa- ther arife, and eat of his fons venifon, that thy foul may blefs me. 32 And Ifaac his father faid unto him, Who art thou ? And he faid, I at7i thy fon, thy firft-born, Efau. 33 And Ifaac -{- trembled very ex- twcb. ceedingly, and faid. Who ? where is Z'thaertai he that hath f taken venifon, and %lftV"^ brought it me, and I have eaten of all t Heb. before thou cameft, and have blefied him? yea, *^;?rf he Ihall be blefled. f(;h.ip. 34 And when Efau heard the words ' "'"''" of his father, "^ he cried with a great ^ "'j'''"; and exceeding bitter cry, and faid un- to his father, Blefs me, even me alfo, O my father. 35 And he faid, Thy brother came with fubtilty, and hath taken away thv blefling. 36 And he faid, ^ Is not he rightly \^T named j| Jacob P for he hath fup- jiThJtis.a planted me thefe tvi'o times : ■ he ichap".'"'* took away my birth-right^ and be- ^iii- hold. m Ver- ;!!. JKtb. II. :;. H/au threatenetk Jacob. CHAP. Before liolci, HOW hc hath taken away my ^l",''.' bleffcig. And he laid, Haft thou not ~"v — ' refei-\ ed a blefling for me ? 37 And liaac anfwered, and fa'd FuiEiied, unto Efan, ^ Behold, I have made ,a^.a me, even me aifo, O my father. tcbr. And tlau lift up his voice, ' and wept . ■ ''" 39 And Ifaac his father anfwered, and faid unto liini, Beiiold, '" tliy dwelling fiiall be || the fatnefs of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above. 40 And by thyfword flialt thou live, and ° ihait ferve thy brother : and °it fhall come to pafs, when thou flvalt have the dominion, that thou llialt break his yoke from oli' thy neck. 41 "1 Ajid Efau hatedjacob, becaufe of the bieffing wherewith his father blefled him : and Kfau laid in bis heart. The days of mourning for my j«ii»d,i:. flither are at lianil, ,'' then will 1 (lay my brother Jacob. 42 And thefe words of Kfau, her elder fon, were told to Rebekah. And fhe fent, and called Jacob, her younger fon, and laid unio him, Be- hold, thy brother Eiau, as touching thee, doth comfort himfelf, purpojiug to kill thee. 43 Now therefore, my fon, obey my voice ; aud arife, flee tliou to La- ^chap. ban my brother, '' to ilaran. 44 And tarry with him a few days, until thy brothers fury turn awayj 45 Until thy brothers anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou haft done to him : then I will fendandfetch theefrom thence. Why Ihould I be deprived alfo of you both in one day.'' »^^»P;;«; 46 And Rebekah faid to Ifaac, "■ I ' ' ' am weary of my life, becaufe of the daughters of Heth : if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, fuch as thefe which eve of the daughters of the land, what good Ihall my life do ine ? CHAP. XXVIII. I Jacob is blejjdd, and J'eut to Padan- j arcm%: 12 His v/Jicji. i^i'fhejiane I of Beth-el. 20 Jacobs vow. ANd Ifaac called Jacob, and blelied him, and charged him, andiaid ^ «h«p. unto him,* Thou i halt not take a wife **■ ^' «f tlie Uaughwrs of Canaan. XXVIII. Jacobs niifion, 3 >> Arife, go to = Padan-aram, to Before the houfe of ^ Bethuel thy mothers ^^Jj,* father, and take thee a wife from "-—^v—-* thence of the daughters of * Laban ^j^",? thy mothers brother. c chap. 3 f .\nd God Almighty blefs thee, '/cha°' and make thee fruitful, and multi{rty "■ ^?' thee, that thou mayell be -(- a multi- f^^'l,''?- tude of people : fch.^iV.i. 4 And give thee ^ the blelHng of ' R'-''- o» Abraham, to thee, and to thy feed p^""*'^ "■'' with thee ; that thou mayeft inherit sch.aa.,, the land f ^ wherein thou art a ftraii- „'/',^: -, ger, wliich God gave unto Abraham. jL'rJ:^gs. 5 Antl Ifaac fent away Jacob, and ''^^^.v*. he \\ ent to Padan-aram imto Laban, fon of Bethuel the Syrian, the bi-o- ther of Rebekah, Jacobs and Elaus mother. 6 1i When Efau faw that Ifaac had blefled Jacob, and fent him away to Padan-aram to take liim a wife froiu thence; and that, as he blefied him, he gave him a charge, faying. Thou fhalt not take a wife of the daughter* of Canaan ; 7 And that Jacob obeyed his father, and Jiis mother, and was gone to Pa- dan-aram ; S And Efau feeing that the daugh- ters of Canaan f pleafed not Ifaac his ] "////J'^* father : cytj, &i.. 9 Then went Efau unto Ilhmael, and took, unto the wives which he had, ' Mahalath the daughter of Ilh- }^J]•J^^\f^ mael, Abrahams fon, i^ the filter of nafl^imath. Nebajoth, to be his wife. jj^'^-'!' 10 1[ And Jacob • went out from iHoiva Beer-flieba, and vi ent toward '" Hai-an. "'(.'f"^ 1 1 And he lighted upon a certain aVs"?. i! place, and tarried there all night, be- *^'^"'•"'^ caufe the fun was fet : and he took of the ftones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay dow n in that place to fleep. 1 2 And he dreamed, and behold, a ladder fet upon the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven : and be- hold, " the angels of God aicending ^.'"^ and defcending on it. '«'^''. 1. 14. 1 3 " And behold, the Lord flood ".^^^s.^ii above it, and faid, I wn the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Ifaac : the land whereon thou lieft, to thee will I give it, and to thy feed. 14 And Pthy feed fliall be as the ?3^'X dull; of the earth ; and thou fhalt -)- fpread abroad '' to the weft, and to tHeb.jrw* the eaft, and to the north, and to the ^"q*^^ fouth : and in thee, and '' in thy feed, 1:. «.' fliall all the tauiilics of the earth be ^^h^g- f|- blclled. f -'i- '»- li Aad yacdbs TOW i Q £ ^ 15 And behold, ' I «« with thee, and will keep thee in all places whi- ther thou goeft, and will bring thee again into this land ; for I will not leave thee, until I have done t/iai Which I have fpoken to thee of. 1 6 If And Jacob awaked out of his fleep, and he faid, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew zt not. 17 And he was afraid, and faid, How dreadful is this place ! this is none other but the houfe of God, and this is the gate of heaven. 18 And Jacob rofe up early in the morning, and took the ftone that he *j?ff,"l'' had put for his pillows, and ' fet it up »J- •*• for a pillar, and poui'ed oil upon the top of it. r " l^'^To'. ' 9 -^^^ ^^ called the name of " that H'ofr'4' is- place II Beth-el : but the name of that tiJh'ufi'of ^^^y '"'^^ '^fl/Ze^ Luz at the firit. '■•■"'■ ^ 20 "^ And Jacob vowed a vow, fay- ing, If ^Godwin be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me ^ bread to eat, and raiment to put on ; 2 r So that I come again to my fa- tliers houfe in peace : then ihall the Lord be my God. 22 And this ftone, which I have fet for a pillar, * /hall be Gods lioufe : I" and, of all that thou fhalt give me, 1 will furely give the tenth unto thee. CHAP. XXIX. i yacob, coming to the -well of Haran, 13 is entertained by Labcn^ 18 co- •venoiiteth for Rachel, 23 cmd is de- ceived with Leu/i, 28 but marrieth alfo Rachel. E S I S. T.ahan entertaineth him. Gad X Chap. y Ver. ij » I Tim. • Chap JS- 7, 1 b Levit 37. J3. 9 «cT). lift up hii feet- -A Numb. -3-7- t Hdi. t Heb. I» there peace T Hen Jacob f went on his journey, * and came into the land of tlie f people of the eaft. 2 And he looked, and behold, a well in the field, and lo, there wej-e three flocks of fheep lying by it ; for out of that well they watered the flocks : and a great ftone was upon the wells mouth. 3 And thither were all the flocks gathered : and they rolled the ftone from the wells mouth, and watered the fheep, and put the ftone again upon the wells mouth, in his place. 4 And Jacob faid mito thein, My brethren, whence be ye ? And tliey faid. Of Haran are ws. 5 And he faid unto them. Know ye Laban the fon of Nahor ? And they faid, We know hitn. 6 And he faid unto them, f Is he well? And they faid, He is well: and behold, Rachel his daughter cometh V ith tUe flieep, 7 And he faid, Lo, f it is yet high Bef,«e day, neither is it time that the cattle 'l^^J fliould be gathered together : water "^ — v — ' ye the flieep, and go and feed tk^tt. ,^,?',t dug _ 8 And they faid, We cannot, un- "fi'«"»- ' til all the flocks be gathered together, and till they roll the ftone from tlie wellsmouth; then we water tlieiheep. 9 ^ And, lA'hile he yet fjiake with them, Rachel came with her fathers Iheep : for flie kept them. I o And it came to pafs, when Jacob faw Rachel, the daughter of Laban his mothers brother, and the flieep of ' Laban hisraothersbrother, that Jacob went near, and ^ rolled the ftonefrom ^ ^^'-iw the wellsmouth,andwateredtheflock '' '' ' of Laban his mothers brother. _ 1 1 And Jacob kifled Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept. 1 2 And Jacob told Rachel, that he was her fathers brother, and that he was Rebekahs fon : and llie ran, and told her father. 1 3 And it came to pafs, when La- ban heard the f tidings of Jacob Iiis ^"«'?;, fifters fon, that he ran to meet him, '''■"'"'*' and embraced him, and killed him, and brought him to his houfe. And he told Laban all thefe things. 1 4 And Laban faid to him, "^ Surely ^ ^}\^P' thou art my bone and my flefli : and '' '^" he abode with ,bim f the fpace of a ♦ «^''- moutn. ^„y,, " 15 1 and Laban faid unto Jacob, Becaufe thouor/my brother, fliouldeft thou therefore ferve me for nought? tell me, vf^-dt/hall thy wages beP 1 6 And Laban had two daughters : the name of the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger zvas Rachel. 1 7 Leah was tender-eyed, but Ra- chel was beautiful and well-favoured. 18 And Jacob loved Rachel ; and faid, I ^^'ill ferve thee feven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. 1 9 And Laban faid, It is better that I give her to thee, than that I Ihould give her to another man : abide with me. 20 And Jacob ^ ferved feven j'ears i^^'fl" for Rachel : and tliey feemed unto him hit a few days, for the love he had to her. 2 1 % And Jacob faid unto Laban, Give me my -wife (for my days are »/Jl« fulfilled) that I may go in unto her- 22 And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, andmadeafeaft. 23 And it came to pafs, in the even* ing, that he took Leah his daughter, and brought her to bijB j dlld he went in unto her* i4 Aa^ Jacob is deceived ivilh Lem. C H A kefore 2 4 And Labaii gave unto his daugh- ^ i7[3? ter Leah, Zilpah his maid, for an ^~v— ^ hand-maid. 25 And it came to pafs, that, in the morning, behold, it was Leah : and he faid to Laban, What is this thou haft done unto me ? did not I ferve with thee for Rachel? Wherefore then haft thou beguiled me ? 26 And Laban faid. It muft not be ♦ net. fo done in our -|- country, to give the *'""' younger before the firll-born. • jK'igej 21 " Fulfil her week, and we will **' "■ give thee this alfo, for the fervice which thou ihalt ferve with me yet feven other years. 28 And Jacob did fo, and fulfilled her week : and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife alfo. 29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, Bilhah his hand-maid, to be her maid. 30 And he went in alfo unto Ra- chel, and he loved alfo Rachel more than Leah, and ferved with him yet feven other years. 31 ^1 And, when the Lord faw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren. 32 And Leah conceived, and bare a fir. rjsi. fon, and Ihe called his name || Reu- liTh^^Js ben : for fhe faid, Surely the Lord hath looked upon my affliction ; now therefore my hufband will love nie. 33 And Ihe conceived again, and bare afon; and faid, Becaufe the Lord hath heard that I was hated, he hath there- tir. 1751. fore given me this Jon alfo : and Ihe I) That is, called his name || Simeon. "'"'' 34 And (lie conceived again, and bare a fon ; and faid. Now this time will my hufband be joined unto me, becaufe I have born him three fons : c;r. 1750. therefore was his name called || Levi. 1Lv^!!a se'e 35 •'^'''■^ '^^^ conceived again, and Mum'.'.p.;. bare afon; and ihe faid. Now will I 'f_"";';=" praife the Lord ; therefore (he called his name *■ II Judah, and f left bearing. CHAP. XXX. I Rachels barreiintifs. 22 She beareth Jojeph. 27 Jacobs 7zczu covenant %vith Laban. ^-j His policy to be- come rich. Nd ,when Rachel faw that fhe bare Jacob no children, Rachel en- vied her lifter ; and faid unto Jacob, Give me children, or eUe I die. 2 And Jacobs anger was kindled againrt Rachel ; and he faid, * Am I in Gods itead, who hath with- held from thee the fruit of the womii ? 3 And Ihe faid, Behold, my maid Bilhah, go in unto her: ^ »nd flie t P. XXX. Reubens mandrakes. A' fliall bear upon my knees, " that I may alfo -j- have children by her. 4 And fhe gave him Bilhah, her ^^..^^ _ hand-maid, "^ to wife ; and Jacob le.'j?' went in unto her. LK'4?. 5 And Bilhah conceived, and bare d chap. Jacob a fon. ^s* "• 6 And Rachel faid, God hath judg- ed me, and hath alfo heard my voice, and hath given me a fon : therefore called (lie his name || Dan. 11 th" 0^ 7 And Bilhah, Rachels maid, con- '""*"*' ceived again, and bare Jacob a fe- cond fon. 8 And Rachel faid, With f great l^,%'i„^ WTeftlings have I wreftled with my «/ tiod. fifter, and I have prevailed : and llie called his name || " Naphtali. NJ^ ■* 9 When Leah faw that ihe had left "tZz^'^ ' bearing, fhe took Zilpah, her maid, »,^fV*'^ ,•=",,,'.,, ' Matthew and gave her Jacob to wire. 4- <^- 10 And Zilpah, Leahs maid, bare n't Jacob a fon. 1 1 And Leah faid, A troop com- eth : and ihe called his name || Gad. ii ''"''at is, 12 And Zilpah, Leahs maid, bare 'compSi^' Jacob a fecond fon. 13 And Leah faid, f Happy am I, £'■•• 'rsi- for the daughters will call me blefs- l.ftapp' ed : and ihe called his name || Afher. "'Z'- 14 1 And Reuben went, in the days )|J^.' '*• of wheat-harveft, and found man- drakes in the field, and brought them mito his mother Leah. Then Rachel faid to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy fons mandrakes. r 5 And fne faid unto her, // it a fmall matter that thou haft taken my hufband ? and wouldeft thou take away my fons mandrakes alfo ? and Rachel faid, Therefore he ihall lie with thee to-night for thy fons man- drakes. 16 And Jacob came out of the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and faid, Thou muft come in unto rne, for furely I have hired ^ thee with my fons maildrakes. And he lay with her that night. 1 7 And God hearkened unto Leah, and ihe conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth fon. 18 And Leah faid, God hath given me mine hire, becaufe I have given my maiden to my hufband : and Ihe called his name \\ llfachar. ''"\IIT 19 And Leah conceived again, and a>7hu-l.'** bare Jacob the fixth fon. 20 And Leah faid, Cod hath en- dowed me w'ith a good dowry : now cir. 1749- will my hufband dvv'ell with me, be- |]J,^';;-',j'' caufe I have born him fix fons : and f caiicd, ihe called his name || f Zebulun. ^^^'if.''" g I Sam. 1. 6. Il";ii. 4. I Luke I.: II That i adding* h Chap. 35- V- ! Chap 39- i' Rachel beareth Jofeph. GEN Before 2 1 And af tcrwarcls flie bare a daiigh- «.?[7.4S. ter, and called her name || Dinah. ^i~Th^^ 22 11 And God remembered Ra- \udgnicntl chel, and God hejikened to her, and opened her womb. 23 And fhe conceived, and bare a fon ; and faid, God hatli taken awuy ^ my reproach. 24 And ihe called his name 1| Jo- feph ; and faid, '' The Lord Ihall add to me another fon. 25 1[ And it came to pafs, when Rachel had born Jofeph, that Jacob fliid nnto Laban, Send me away, that I may go nnto mine own place, and to my country. 26 Give mt my wives, and my chil- dren, for whom I have lerved thee, and let me go : for thou knowell my fervice which I have done thee. 27 And Lab an faid unto him, I ri"ay thee, if I have found favour in tliine eyes, tarrv: for ' I have learned by experience, that the Lord hathblefs- ed me for thv fake. 28 And he faid, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it. 2^9 And he laid unto him, Thou knov.eft how I have fenced thee, and how thy cattle was with me. 30 For it vas little which thou hadft before I ca?7ze, and it is nno ■ f increafcd unto a multitude ; and the Lord hath blelled thee f fmce my coming : and now, When Jliall I provide for mine own houfe alfo ? 31 And he faid. What Ihall I give thee ? And Jacob faid. Thou -flialt not give me anv thing ; if thou wilt do this thing tor me, I will again feed and keep thy fiocV; : 32 I will pafs through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence all the fpeckled and fpotted cattle, and all the brown cattle among the iheep, and the fpotted and fpeckled among the goats; and ojfuch liiall be my hire. 33 So Ihall my righteoufnefs au- fwer for me f in time to come, when it fhall come for my hire before thy face : every one. that ii not fpeckled alld fpotted amongl!: the goats, and brown amongft the flieep, that fhall be accounted llolen with me. 34 And Laban faid. Behold, I would it inight be according to thy word. 35 And he removed that day the he-goats, that were ring-ltraked, and fpotted, and all the Ihe-gouts that were fpeckled and fpotted, md every one that had 7p7;2) And " II Mizpah : for he faid, The Lo R o watch between me and thee, when we are abfcnt onefrom another. 30 If thou foalt aiHia: my daugh- ters, or if thou (halt take otiier wives belides my daughters, no man is with us : fee, God is witnefs betwixt me and thee. 5 1 And Laban faid to Jacob, Behold tlu • iieap,andbehold tlds pi!lar,which 1 have calt bttwixt me and thee j f\i T'lftiiia II That W, thf h,,ip 0/ Ji. -.<)■ II That i a i--eaco't *r, Tratc. c:hiitt 1739- or, kiUci E S I S. Jacobs meffage to Efoit^ 52 This heap be witnefs. and thi^s pillar be witnefs, that I will not pals over this heap to thee, and that thou (halt not pafs over this heap, and this pillar, unto me, for harm. 53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the Cyod of their fa- ther, judge betwixt us. And Jacob fware by the fear of his father Ifaac 54Then Jacob || offcredfacrifice up- on the mount, and called his brethren to eat bread : and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the moimt. 55 And, early in the morning, La- ban rofe up, and killed his fons and his daughters, and blefled them : and Laban departed, and returned unto his place. CHAP. XXXII. I Jacobs vifion^ 3 his jnejjage, 1 3 and -prefent to Efau; 24 wrejWng with an ai/gel, he is called IJraeL ANd Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. 2 And, when Jacob faw them, he faid, This is Godsholl : and he called the name of that place |i Mahanaim. iiTh>t,-f, 3 And Jacob fent meilengers before Z'^faLp!. him to Efau his brother, "* unto the a c'j='i"^p,^ landof Seir, ^ thef country of Edom. b^chapter* 4 And he commanded them, f^y- ?*• '''^' '• ing, Thus fliall ye fpeak imto my t"'"'-^'"'' lord Efau ; Thy fervant Jacob faitli thus, I have fojourned with Laban, and ftayed there until now. 5 And I have oxen, and afles, flocks, and men-fervants, and ^^'omen-fer- vants : and I have fent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy light. 6 ^ And the melfengers returned to Jacob, faying. We came to thy brother Efau, and alfo "^ he cometh to meet c ch^i^ thee, andfour hundred men with him. ^^' '* 7 Then Jacob wasgreatly afraid, and diftrelled : and he divided the people tiiat xuas with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands ; 8 And faid. If Efau come to the one company and fniite it, then the other company whicli is left Iliall efcape. 9 ^i And Jacob faid, O God of my fa- ther Abraham, and God of my father Ifaac, the Lo im which faidif uuto me, ** Return unlo thy country, and to thy a cusj.. kindred, and Iwilidealwellwith thee; '" ''' 10 f I am not worthy of the leall iHeb./«« of all the mercies, and of all the af/, &r truth, which thou haft fliewed unto thy fervant : for with )ny itafl'I palled over this Jordan, and now I am be- come two bands. 1 1 Deliver me, 1 pray thee, from the hand of iv.y brotlier, from the huii,ti jMoh xureflkth^uith an mgel : CHAP. XXXIT, XXXIIT. his naine changed to Ifrael. hand of Efau : for I fear him, left he will come and fmite me, ami ' the mother f with the children. 12 And <■ thou faidft, I will furely tHfb.apw. Jq tiiee good, and make thy feed as U^^\Tu- the fand of the fea, which cannot be numbered for multitude. 1 3 fl And he lodged there that fame night : andtookof thatwhichcameto his hand, aprefentforEfauhisbrother; J 4 Two hundred Ihe-goats, and twenty he-goats, two hundred ews, -and twenty rams, 1 5 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twen- ty fhe-affes, and ten foals. 1 6 And he delivered thejjt into the hand of his fervants, every drove by themfeives ; and faid unto his fer- vants, Pafs over before me, and put •i. fpace betwixt drove and drove. 1 7 And he commanded the fore- iiioft, faying, \¥hen Efau my bro- ther meeteth thee, and afl'as left alone : and there wreftled a man M'ith him, until the \ breaking of the day. 25 And, when he faw that he pre- imrmr.z. y2\\ed TiQt agaiuii him, he touched ^e^'Iu'"" t^^ hollow of his thigh : and ^' the s Corinth, hollow of Jacobs thigh was out of joint, as he wreftled with him. 26 And ' he faid, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he faid, •' I will not let th(?e £o, cxcr i't thou biefs m^. 3. 16. t.li>ig i See Luke 1> Hofca 27 And he faid unto him. What is sefora thy name ? and he faid, Jacob. '73^'? 28 And he faid, ' Thy name fhall be '^'^^^^^ called no more Jacob, but Ifrael : for, I'j^}^- as a prince, haft thou powerwith God I7. 34^.' and with men, and haft prevailed. 29 And Jacob alked hitn^ and faid, Tell me, 1 pray thee, thy name. And he faid, "' Wherefore is it, that thou ^ /'jj*^'"' doft afii after my name ? and he blelfed him there. 30 And Jacob called the nameof the place II Peniel : for ° I have feen God ['.,J)"^'J)- face to face, and my life is preferved. cut.' 31 And, as he paffed over Penuel, "f;^'""^""" the fun rofe upon him, and he halted Exodus ^ upon his thigh. 33! Vo. "* 32 Therefore the children of Ifrael ^X"' eat not of the fmew which flirank, l^i^"^ which is upon the hollow of the thigh, 'J-'"- unto this day : becaufe he touched the 6'.''s! hollow of Jacobs thigh, in the fmew that fnrank. CHAP. XXXIII. I The kindnefs of Jacob mid Efau at their meeting. 18 Jacob biiyeth a, field, and buildeth an altar. ANd Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, ^ Efau came, n ciiai.tir and with him four hundred men. And *'' "" he divided the children luito Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the t\\o hand-maids. 2 And he put the hand-maids and their children foremolt, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Jofeph hindermoft. 3 And he paffed over before them, and bowed himfelf to the ground fe^ ven times, until he came near to his brother. 4 And Efau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and killed him : and they wept. 5 And he lift up his eyes, and faw the women and the children, and faid. Who are thofe fwith thee ? And J^j^f- '• he faid, The children which God hath gracioufly given thy fervant. 6 Then the hand-maidens came near, they and tlieir children, and they bowed themfeives. 7 xlnd Leah alfo with her children came near, and bov»-ed themfejves ; and afcer came Jofeph near, and Ra- chel, and they bowed themfeives. 8 And he faid, f What raeaneft ;,«';^-„ thou by all tlj,is drove which I met ? ^^'^^f,'^ And he faid," Theje are to lind grace t/i«V in tlie hght of my lord. 9 And Efau faid, I have enough, mv brother ; -{ keep that thou haft J^,",f ;, „ unto thyfeUff t: 3 io And Jacob bttildetk cm altaf. GEN I o And Jacob faid. Nay, T pray thee ; if now I have found grace in thy fight, then receive my prefent at my hand : for therefore I have feen thy face, as though I had feen the face of God, and thou waft plcafed with me. I I Take, I pray thee, •> my blefiing that is brought to thee ; becaufe God hath dealt gracioufly with me, arid becaufe I have -f enough : and he urged t H-'b. all him, ?nd he took it. 12 And he faid. Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go Ijefore thee. 13 And he faid unto him. My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the iiocks and herds with young are with me ; and if men fhould over- drive them one day, all the ilock will die. 1 4 Let my lord, I pray thee, pafs over before his fervant : and I w\\\ lead on foftly, according \ as the b Jadges T- ";"* wrought folly in Ifrael, in lying with Jacobs daughter ; which thing ought not to be done. 8 And Hamor communed with them, faying. The foul of my fon Shechem longeth for your daugh- ter : I pray you, give her him to wife. 9 And make ye marriages with us, and give your daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you. 10 And ye fliall dwell with us: and the land (hall be before you ; cTwell and trade you therein, and get you poflefiions therein. 1 1 And Shechem faid unto her'fa- ther, and unto her brethren," Let me <^ chapter find grace in your eyes, and what ye fliiill fay unto me I will give. 1 2 Afk me never fo much dowry and gift, and I w^ill give according as ye Ihall fay unto me : but give me the damfel to wife. 1 3 And the fons of Jacob anfwered Shechem, and Hamor his father, de- ceitfully, and faid, (becaufe he had defiled Dinah their filter, ) 1 4 And they faid unto them. We cannot do this thing, to give our filter to one that is uncircumcifed : for '^ that were a reproach unto us. ^ J^SToa 15 But in this will we confent unto you : If ye will be as we be., that every male of j'ou be circum- cifed ; I () Then will we give our daugh-r ters unto you, and we will take your daughters to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one. people. 1 7 But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be circumcifed ; then will we take our daughter, and we Mill be gone. 1 8 And their words pleafed Hamor, and Shechem Homors fon. iQ And Before Chrift <:!r. 173: ShecJtemites Jlnin 19 And the young man deferred not . to do the thing, becaufe he had de- ■' light in Jacobs daughter : and he xoai rat)re honourable than all the houfe of his father. 20 "![ And Hamor and Shechem his fon came unto the gate of their city, and communed with the men of their city, faying, CHAP. XXXIV, XXXV e Cliap. 49. 6. t Hrb. ?»0.'.(/l. r ch.-ip. pfnlin Jacob blejfedat Beth-eJ. CHAP. XXXV. I God fendeth Jacob to Beth-el: 2 /le pnrgefk /as limife of idols, 6 and buildeth mi altar at Beth-el. ANd God faid unto Jacob, Arife, go ^^fj:r,| . up to Beth-el, and dwell there : '^'"•- '^j and make there an altar unto God, * that appeared unto thee ° when thou fleddeft from the face of £fau b chap. Chap. ; I Thcfe men aye peaceable with thy brother lis, therefore let tlicm dwell in the laud, aixl trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough fur them : let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our daughters. 22 Only herein will the men con- fent unto us, for to dwell witii us, to be one people, if every male among us be circumcifed, as they are cir- cumcifed 2 Then Jacob faid unto his houf- hoLd, and to ail tliat were with him, Put away ^ the firange gods that are ^ chap. among you, andbecleaii, and ''change joouia your garments : "^'^^^^^ 3 And let us arife, and go up to 19- »«• Beth-el ; and I will make there an alt»r unto God, who anfwercd me in the day of my diilrefs, aaid was with me in the way wliich I went. 4 And they gave unto Jacob all the 2':^ Shall not their cattle, and their ftrange gods which were in their hand, fubllance, ajid every beait of tlieirs and all t'leir ear-rings which were nx Z-eours? only let us confent unto their ears : and Jacob hid them under them, and tlicy will dwell with us. «= the oak which -aw by Shechem. !-T"";"V 24 And unto Hamor, and unto She- s And they journeyed : and f the j„ik. 9. «• chem his fon, hearkened all that went terror of God wa:> upon the cities tl\at t-^>: --'"^ out of the gate of his city : and every were round about them, iuid they did ..<. -.^-^ s= male was circumcifed, all that went not purfue ;tfter the fons o*" Jacob. fit-uteV. out of the gate of his city. 6 ^\ So Jacob came to Luz. which ',^;,,:';. ,. 25 If And it came to pafs, on the is in the land ot Canaan, (that is ^^-^^1;^^^ third dav, when they were fore, that Beth-el, ) he, and all the people that .4^ m^.^^ two of 'the fons of Jacob, Simeon wef/v with him. .'"•'*•' and Levi, Dinalis brethren, took 7 And he built there an altar, and each man his fword, and ciuue up- "^ called the place || El-beth-el : be- ^g^hap. on the city boldly, and ' flew all the caule tliere God appeared unto him, n Th« u, males. when he iled from the tace ot a.\i Bltiei. 26 And they flew Hamor, and She- chem his fon, with the f edge of the fword, and took DinaW out of She- chems houfe, and went out. 27 The fons of Jacob came upon the (lain, and fpoiled the city; be- caufe they liad defiled their lUler. 28 They took their llieep, and tlicir oxen, andtlieir alfes, and that which brother. 8 But '• Deborah Rebekahs nurfe '^^ciup. died, and (lie was buried beneath Bcth-el under an oak : and the name of it was called || Allon-bachuth. 9 H And ' Ciod ap}>eared unto Ja- --«;."«. cob again, when he came out of Pa- ',,'^"j';» dan-aram, and bleifcd him. 10 And God faid unto him, Thy p That Is, tht tul- of w^fin the city, and tliat which ztvij in name n" Jacob : thy name fliall not the held, 29 And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives took they captive, and fpoiled even all that •was in the houfe. 30 And Jacob faid to Simeon and Levi, f Ye have troubled me ^ to make me to llink among the inha- bitants of the land, amongrt the Ca- uaanites, and the Perizzites : "^ and, I being few in nmuber, they fhall ga- ther themfelves together againlf me, and flay me, and I Thall be deftroyed, I and my houfe. 31 And they faid, Should he deal \vith our filter 45 with an Iwrlut ? be called any more Jacob, ^ but Ifrael k^ci^|?. Ihall be tliy name ; and he called his name IQ-ael. 1 1 And C;od fjid unto him, ' I am \^^^!'^ God Almighty; be fruitful and mul- 4^. 3. tiply : '" agnation and a company of iCliap.l». nations fliali be of thee ; and kings &^»-'?- ilaall come out of tliv loins. which I gave ^'^''/'J'^ id- i, 12 And the land Abraham and Ifaac, to thee will I give it, and to thy feed after thee will * 1 give the land. r3 And God went up from him, in the "place where he talked with him. 14 And ja^ob ° fet up a pillar in o^cmdj the place where he talked with him,- C 4 ii'-iw |i Chap. =8- jsi. The age and death of Ifaat. GENESIS. even a pillar of ilone ; ajid he poured a drink-offering thereon, and he pour- ed oil thereon. 15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God fpake with him, PBeth-el. 16 1[ And they journeyed from Beth-el ; and there was but f a little The generations of Efavt- 51 That Is, th-fo„.,f m,y furrow. ||Th..t;y the /n« of tile right hand. «lCh.48.7. r Ruth. I. a- & 4- !>• s I Sam. iiCh./,?. 4 X Chrou. S«e 2 Sam j6. 33. & 30. 3. .1 Cor. s + Heb. a little pltce 1 ^ , 1 i T-i 1 1 fif ground, way to come to hphrath : and Rachel i.'^v'.^' travailed ; and fhe had hard labour. 1 7 And it came to pafs, when Ihe cir. 1729. was in hard labour, that the midwife faid unto her, Fear not ; thou Ihalt have this fon alfo. 18 And it came to pafs, as her foul was in departing, (for fhe died,) that flie called his name || Benoni : but his father called him || Benjamin. 19 And "^ Rachel died, and was bu- ried in the way to 'Eplurath, which;; Beth-lehem. ■ 20 And Jacob fet a pillar upon her grave : that is the pillar of Rachels grave ' unto this day. 21 And Ifrael journeyed, and fpread t.Mic. 4. 8. jiis tent beyond '■ the tower of Edar. 22 And it came to pafs. vvhen Ifrael dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and " lay withBilhah, his fathers con- cubine : and Ifrael heard it. Now, the fons of Jacob were twelve. 23ThefonsofLeah; ''Reuben,Ja- xCh.46.8. cobs firft-born, andSimeon. and Levi, Kxod. 1. 2. andJudah,andHlachar, andZebuluu. 24 The fons of Rachel ; Jofeph and Benjamin. 25 And the fons of Bilhah, Ra- chels hand-muid ; Dan and Naphtali. 26 And the fons of Zilpah, Leahs hand-maid ; Gad and Ailaer. Thefe are the fons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padan-aram. 27 '^1 And Jacob came unto Ifaac f8^r%'-! ^'^^ father, unto •' Mamre, unto the city of Arbah, (which is Hebron,) where Alsraham andlfuac fojourned. 28 And the days of Ifaac were ail hundred and fourfcore years. »;i«. 29 And Ifaac gave up the ghoft, 'j^iJi-'s! and died, and ' was gathered unto his people, being old and full of days : and his ions, Efau luid Jacob, * bu- ried him. CHAP. XXXVI. 2 Efatis three zuives: 6 his removijig to mount Seir : 9 his fons. "^ Ov.' thefe are the generations of 1^ Efau, who /i t.dom.. 2 ^ Efau cook his wives of the daugh- ters of C.aia.Mi ; Adah the daughter bver. J5. of Elon the i-Uttite, ' aud ^ Ahoiiba- niah the d.uighttr of Anali, Lhe daugh- ter of Zibeon the nivite : ? a Ch'.] -49.31 cir. »;a<'. «i Ch.ip. aC. 31. 3 And *^ Bafhemath, Ulunaels daugh- ter, filler of Nebajoth. 4 And '' Adah bare to Efau Eliphaz: and Balhemath bare Reuel. dTchrou. 5 And Aholibamah bare Jeufli, and »-3i- Jaalam, and Korah. Thefe are the fons of Efau, which were born unto him in the land of Canaan. 6 And 1 -fan took his wives, and his fons, and his daughters, and all the f perfons of his lioufe, and his cattle, t 'Jj]" and all his beails, and all his fub- ftance, which he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the country, ^'r- '74o« from the face of his brother Jacob. 7 'For their riches were more c ch.-ip. ij. than that they might dwell together : '' "* and f the land, wherein they were fc1.np.17. ftrangers, could not bear them, be- " ^ ' "* caufe of their cattle 8 Thus dwelt Efau in^ mount Seir. gJo""-, Efau /; f dom. 9 \ And thefe are the generations of Efau,the father of f the Edomites, t-?'*" m mount heir. 10 Thefe <7rt? the names of Efaus fons; •> Eliphaz the fon of Adah the ^ ''^^^ wife of Efau, Reuel the fon of Ba- *' ^^' fhemath the wife of Efau. 1 1 And the fons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, || Zepho, and Gacam, and Kenaz. T2 And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz, Efaus fon ; and I'he bare to Eliphaz Amalek : thefe -were the fons of Adah, Efaus wife. 13" And thefe are the fons of Reuel ; Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah : thefe were the fons of Ba- fliemath, Efaus wife. 14 \ And thefe were the fons of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon, Efaus wife ; and {lie bare to Efau, Jeufli, and Jaa- lam, and Korah. 1 5 '[ Thefe ivere dukes of the fons of Efyu : the fons of Eliphaz the iii-ft- born /o;^ of Efau : duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz, 16 Duke Korah, Duke Gatam, an^ duke Aiaalek. Thefe are the dukes that came of Eliphaz, in the land of Edom : thefe were the fons of Adah. 17 *jj And thefe «7-^ the fons of Reuel, Efaus fon; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Miz- zah. Thefe are the dukes that carna of Keuel, in the land of Edom: thefe are the fons of Balhemath, Efaus wife. 1 8 t And thefe a:re the fons of Aho- libamah, Efaus wife ; duke Jeuih, duke Jaalam, duke Korah : thefe Wc^rc ■ the QttyZephU Clu'uiu • so- il r. I;i(, •Ir. 1840. i I Chron> 1.3. k Deut. II OT,Aliah, iieinavtf J Cliron* ». 39- I Chroa> J. 40. 1 See Lcv< T//r kingi and dukes if Edom. CHAP. XXXVI , XXXVII. Jofephs two. dr^cor.u the dukes that came of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah, Efaus wife. 19 Thefe are the fons of Efau (who is Edom) and thefe are their dukes. 20 t ' Thefe are the fons of Seir ^ theHorite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, 21 And Diflion, and Ezer, and Di(han : thefe are the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir, in the land of Edom. 22 And the children of Lotan were, Hori, and || Heman : and Lotans filter was Timna. 23 And the children of Shobal were \\or, /itian, thefe J || Alvau, and Manahath, and \^aIT^' Ebal, II Shepho, and Onam. 24 And thefe are the children of Zibeon; both Ajah, and Anah : this was that Anah that found ' the mules in the wildernefs, as he fed the affes of Zibeon his father. 25 And the children of Anah were thefe; Dilhon, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah. 26 Anci thefe are the children of Dilhon ; || Hemdan, and Efhban, and Ithran, andCheran. 2 7 The children of Ezer are thefe ; Bilhan, and Zaavan, and i| Achan. 28 The children of Diihan are thefe ; Uz, and Aran. 29 Thefe a)-e the dukes that came of the Horites ; duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah, 30 Duke Difhon, duke Kzer, (kike Diihan : thefe are the dukes t/iat cavie of Hori, among their dukes iu the land of Seir. 31 ^[ And ■" thefe are the kings that reigned in the laud of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Ifrael. 32 And Bela, the fon of Beor, reigned in Edom : and the name of his city was Dinhabah. 33 And Bela died; and Jobab, the fon of Zerah of Bozrah, reigned in his {lead. 34 And Jobab died ; and Hufliam, of the land of Teraani, reigned in his ftead. 35 And Hufliam died; and Hadad, the fon of Bedad, (who fmote Midi- ;m in the field of Moab, ) reigned in his Itead : and the name of his city %vas Avith. 36 And Hadad died ; and Samlah, «f Mafrekah, reigned in his ftead. 37 And Samlah dird ; and Saul of Kchoboth, bv the river, reigned in II or, I! Or. 1 Cliron i;1o. i;!r. I6j6. 38 And Saul died; andBaal-hanan, thefonof Achbor, reigned in his ftead. 39 And Baal-hanan, the fon of Ach- bor, died; and "Hadar reigned in his ".'jo."""' ftead : and the name of his city was Afr'^A^,' Pau ; and his wifes name was Me- ^"^j'J^" hetabel, the daughter of Matred, the cr^cy,' daughter of Mezahab. ^' ''' '' 40 And thefe are tlie names of "the dr. ^^6 dukes that ccane of Efau, according °.' ^I*™" to their families, after their places, by their names; duke Timnah, duke Ij Alvah, duke Jetheth, 41 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, 42 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, 43 Duke Magdiel, Duke Tram : thefe be the dukes of Edom, accord- ing to their habitations in the land of their pofl'eflion ; he /; Efau, the father of f the Edomites. t"«''' CHAP. XXXVIL 2 Jofeph is hated of Iiis brethren : 5 his two dreams: 18 his brethren cnn- fpire his death : 36 he is fold to Po- tiphar, in Egypt. ANd Jacob dwelt iu the land f " wherein his father was a J/^^v^. ftranger, in the land of Canaan, tiur, r- 2 1 hele are the generations or J a- ^ch.jA. cob; Jofcph being feventeen years ">••''•"•; old, was feeding the flock with his "''• brethren, and the lad was M'ith the fons of Bilhah, and v ith the fons of Zilpah, his fathers wives : and Jo- feph brought imto his father their evil rt'port. 3 Isow Ifrael loved Jofeph more than all his children, becuufe he tuas the fon of his old age : and he made him a coat of tnwiy \\ colours. 4 And, when his brethren faw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, ^ they hated him, and bciup. could not fpeak peaceably unto him. *^' **' 5 11 And Jofeph dreamed a dream, and lie told // his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. 6 And he faid unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed. 7 For "^ behold, we were binding c chap. fheaves in the field, and io, my fneaf 4^; 'a.'i arofe, and alfo ftood upright ; and be- **' '"** hold, your ilieaves ftood romid about, and matle obeifance to my iheaf. 8 And his brethren faid imto him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or Ihalt thou indeed have dominion over us ? anci they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his v.-ords. 9 \Aiid \\Or, putn, J"'ls-5-30i i .S.tni. i:. dChi 1(6. 2 Chap. V ARs 7. 9 f Danucl Luke 2 f/iv bre- thiol, Sec. yofephs brethren hate him, GEN 9 ^ And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and faid, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more, and behold, <■ the fun and the moon, and the eleven ftars, made obeifance to me. 10 And he told // to his flither and to his brethren : and his father rebuk- ed him, and faid unto him, What is this dream that thou hall dreamed? Shall I, and thy mother, and thy brethren, indeed come to bow down ourfeh'es to thee to the earth ? 1 1 And ^ his brethren envied him ; but his father ''obfex^'ed the faying. 1 2 ^ And his bretlu'en went to feed their fathers Hock in Shechem. 13 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem? Come, and I will fend thee unto them. And he faid unto him, Here cun I. 1 4 And he faid to him, Go, I pray *;^*«« 0/ ^^^1 t ^^^ whether it be well with thy brethren, and well \\ith the flocks ; and brmg me word again. So he fent him out of the vale of He- bron, and he came to Shechem. 1 5 t And a certain man foimd him, and behold, lie was wandering in the field : and the man aiked him, faying, What feekeft thou ? 16 And he faid, I feek my bre- thren : tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their flocks. 17 And the man faid, They are ^departed hence : for I heard them fay. Let us go to Dotlian. And Jo- feph went after his brethren, and found them in * Dothan. 1 8 And ^\•hen they faw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they confplredagainft him, to flay him. 19 And they faid one to another, Behold, this f dreamer cometh. 20 Come now, therefore, and let Tis flay him, and caft him into fome fit; and wc will fay, Some evil beaft hath devoured him : and we fliall fee what will become of his dreams. 2 1 And '• Reuben heard /Y, and he delivered him out of their hands j and faid, Let us not kill him. 22 Axid Reuben faid unto them, Shed no blood, but call him into this pit that is in the wildernefs, and lay no hand upon him ; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again. 23 ^ And it came to pafs, when Jo- feph was come unto his brethren, that they ftript Jofeph out of his coat, his ^t,puce>. goat oitna}ly\\coio^^x■i.xX\^XM^as on him. Kmgs 6. 13 ■tHA. ' ,r.aller of it Chap. 42. 33. E S I S. (find fell him into Egypf. 24 And they took him, and cafl: Before him into a pit : and the pit ivas 17:0^ empty, there was no water in it. * — " — ' 25 ' And tliey fat down to eat '^a^^°» bread : and they lift up their eyes and looked, and behold, a company of >= Iflimeelites came from Giiead, J-g^T^'^*'* with their camels bearing fpicery, " '•' " and 'balm, and myrrh, going to car- i.ierent. ry // dowTi to Egj'pt. 26 And Judah faid unto his bre- thren, What profit /; it if we flay our brother, and conceal his blood ? 2- Come, and let us fell him to the Iflimeelites, and let not our hand be upon him ; for he is our brother, and our flefli: and his bretliren f were t Heb. content. hcar,^^ 28 Then there paflTed by "" Midian- m juag^ ites, merchant-men ; and they drew ' ^' and lift up Jofeph out of the pit, " and fold Jofeph to the Iflmieelites ^^p""^)™ for " twenty ^/^6-t/ of filver : and they \'' iVrfom brought Jofeph into Egypt. ^kaI)'. 9. 29 *[ And Reuben returned unto osccMat- the pit ; and behold, Jofeph was not "'' *' in the pit : and he ^ rent his clothes, p Jot- 1<5^ 30 And he returned unto his bre- thren, and faid, The child is not j and I, %vhither fliall I go ? 31 And they took Jofephs coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dip- ped the coat in the blood. 32 And they fent the coat of ma- 7iy colours, and they brought it to their father ; and faid. This have we found : know now, whether it be thy fons coat, or no. 33 And he knew it, and faid. It is my fons coat ; an ^ evil beaft hath l^^^; devoured him : Jofeph is, without doubt, rent in pieces. 34 And Jacob rent his clothes, and put fackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his fon many days. 35 Aiid all his fons, and all his daughters, rofe up to comfort him ; but he refufed to be comforted : and he faid, For ' I will go down into the \s-!T,r" grave unto my fon, mourning. Thus -9. s^- his father wept for him. 36 And ^the Midianites fold him scu. 3!>.i. into Egypt, unto Pctiphar, an f ofE- t Heh. cer of Pharaohs, and f j| captain of BuT'/h/ the guard. ^('"^X CHAP. XXXVm. on'-«,„^ I JiidaJi begetteth Er., Onan, and She- --^J!;.^^,;'"- la^i. 6 Er marTieth Tamar. 8 The cZri'/ers, irefpafs of O-.ian. '"""'^- k Nd it came to pafs, at that time, t Heb. that Judah went down from '^i^ jialghur!' brethren, and turned in to a certain ZZCltl". AduUamite, whole name ■w«^ HiralV. no-.- r;u keeper or the pnfon. 22 And the keeper of the prifon committed to Jofephs hand all the i|^'^'' ^ prifoners that luere in the prifon ; and Prov. 16. 7 whatfoever they did there, he was °'"'" '' '" the doer of it. 23 The keeper of the prifon look-' '^'^' *'=•' ed not to any thing that was under his hand ; becaufe the Lord was with him : and that \^'hich he did, the Lord made // to profper. CHAP. XL. I The butler and baker of Pharaoh are imprifoned: 4 Jofeph hath charge of them: 5 he interpreteth their dreams. ANd it came to pafs, after thefe things, that the butler of the king of Egypt, and his baker, had of- fended their lord, the king of Egypt. 2 ^4jid Pharaoh was wroth againit two of his officers, againft the chief of the butlers, and againft the chief M (be bakers. 3 ^ And h EmoiI. 3. 21. & II. & 12.3d. Tharaohs butler and baker : Before 3 * And hc put them in ward in the Vii^.'T'"o. houfe of the captain of the guard, vn- "^^^^^^ to the prifon, the place where Jofeph ^chap. 39. ^y^^ bound. *"'^''' 4 And the captain of the gtiard charged Jofeph with them, and he ferved them; and they continued a feafon in ward. 47i»- 5 % And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of Iiis dream ; the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the pri- fon. 6 And Jofeph came in unto them, in the morning, and looked upon them, and behold, they zx/ere fad. 7 And he aiked Pharaohs officers that zvcre with him in the ward of his 1 Heb. lords houfe, faying. Wherefore f look /acts'eiu? yefo fadly to day ^ 8 And they faid unto him. We have dreamed a dream, and t/iere z's no in- terpreter of it. And Jofeph faid unto b seechop. them, *■ Do not interpretations belong ua'niei' ;. to God ? tcU mc tkem, 1 pray you. "'■'*■ 9 And the chief butler told his dream to Jofeph, and faid unto him. In my dream, behold, a vine was before me. 10 And in the vine zuere three branches : and it was as tliough it buckled, and her bloflbms (hot forth ; a/id the clufters thereof brought forth ripe grapes. 1 1 And Pharaohs cup rvas in my hand : and I took the grapes, and pr&ffed them into Pharaohs cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaohs hand. 1 2 And Jofepli faid unto him. This is the interpretation of it : The three branches are three days. 1 3 Yet within three days fhall Pha- (7 Kinss raoh '' || lift up thine head, and rellore i'V.ii.'3. 3. thee unto thy place : and thou ihalt iiorr*^''^^^'^'^'" P^^^'''^°'^^ cup into his hand, »-.f!* and the birds fhall eat thy flefli from from th^, off thee. 20 "il And it came to pafs, the third day, which was Pharaohs birth-day, that he ^ made a feaft unto all his fer- 6.""* vants : and he || lifted up the head of 11 or, the chief butler, and of the chief ba- '•"*°"'^- ker, among his fervants. 2 1 And he reftored the chief butler unto his butierfl^p again ; and he gave the cup into Pharaohs hand : 22 But he hanged the chief baker'; as Jofeph had interpreted to them. 23 Yet did not tlie chief butler remember Jofeph, but forgat him. CHAP. XLI. I Pharaohs tivo dreams: 25 Jofeph in- terp-eteth them: 33 he giveth P/in- raoh cowifel. 38 Jofeph is advan- ced: 50 he begetteth Maiiaffeh and Ephraim. ANd it came to pafs, at the end ir'i« of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed, and behold, he flood by the river. 2 And behold, there came up, out of the river, feven well-favoured kine, and fat-fleihed j and they fed in a meadow. 3 And behold, feven other kinc came up after them out of the river, ill-favoured, and lean-fleflied ; and flood by the otiier kine, upon the brink of the river. 4 And tlie ill-favoured and lean- fielhed kine, did eat up the iitvoxi well-favoured and fat kin&. So Pha- raoh awoke. 5 And he flept, and dreamed the fecond time : and behold, feven ears of corn came up upon one flalk, •f- rank and good. \ Hcb. /<». 6 And behold, feven thin ears, and blafted with the eall-wind, fprung up after them. 7 And the feven thin ears devour- ed the feven rank and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and behold, it was a. dream. 8 And it came to pafs, in the morn- ing, ^ that his fpiritvvas troubled; and aD»nici he fent aud called for all the magi- '''* dans b Aap 39. 20. • Chap 40. i- t Pfnlra 105. 20. t Hcb. made hii run* JPkaraohs two dreams .* GEN *efore ciaiis of Egjrpt, and all the wile -men ifif. thereof : and Pharaoh told them his "~v- — ' dream ; but there was none that could interpret them unto PJiaraoh. 9 t Then fpake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, faying, I do remem- ber my faults this day. 10 Pharaoh was wroth with his fervants, ^ and put me in ward in the captain of the guards houfe, b«tkmey and the chief baker. 1 1 And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and he : we dreamed " each man according to the interpretation of his dream. 1 2 And there was there with us a young man, an Hebrew, fervant to the captain of the guard ; and we told jichnp.4o. him, and he "^ interpreted to us our j=. i'~c- dreams : to each man, according to his dream, he did interpret. 1 3 And it came to pafs, as he inter- preted to us, foit was : me he reftored unto mine olfice, and him he hanged. 14 ^ "^ Then Pharaoh lent and call- ed Jofeph, and they f brought him haiViIy out of the dungeon : and he {haved /it>7i/elf, and changed his rai- ment, and came in unto Pharaoli. 15 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, I have dreamed a dream, and t/iere is ^ none that can interpret it : and I have S or,'yiien heard fay of thee, t/iat \\ thou canft \ii"drZ'n, underftand a dream, to interpret it. interpfait. 1 6 Aud Jofcph aufwcred Pharaoh, faying, // /f not in me : God fhall give Pharaoh an anfwer of peace. 1 7 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, In my dream, behold, I flood upon the bank of the river. 18 And behold, there came up out of the river feven kine, fat-flelhed, and well-favoured ; and they fed in a meadow. 19 And behold, feven other kine came up after them, poor, and very ill-favoured, and lean-tlefhed, fuch as I never faw in all the land of Egypt for badnefs. 20 And the lean and the ill-fa- voured kine did eat up the firft fe- ven fat kine. 21 ±\xid, when they had f eaten them up, it could not be known that they had eaten them ; but they were ftill ill-favoured, as at the begiiming. So I awoke. 22 And I faw in my dream, and behold, feven ears came up in one ftalk, full and good. 23 And behold, feven ears || wi- thered, thin, ojid blafted with the 'pt, in the feven plenteous years. 35 And let them gather all the food of thofe good years that come,^ and lay up com luider the hand of Pharaoh, aud let tlieni keep food ia the cities. 36 And that food fliall be for ftore to the land, againll the feven years of famine, which {hall be in the land of Egypt; that the land f perhli not ^'^'^J^j^ through the famine. 37 ^I And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his fervants. 38 And Pharaoh faid unto his fer- vants, Can we 'awAJuch a one as this is, a man ^ in whom the fpirit of God isP f^^y^' 39 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, i)ln. j. im Foralmuch as God hath fliewed thee all this, tkere is none fo difcreet and wiie as tUou art,, 40 " Thois ^ofephs adrjctncetnejit 9 CHAP. 'XLTI. 40 "^ Thou fhalt be over my houfe, had faid and, according unto thy %vord,fhaU all my people -f be ruled : only in the throne will I be greater than thou. 41 And Pharaoh faid xmto Jofeph, See, I have fet thee over all the land of Egypt. 42 And Pharaoh ' took off his ring from his hand, and put it ^jipon Jo- fephs hand, and arrayed him in veftures of ll line linen, ^ and put a gold chain about his neck. 43 And he made him to ride in the Jj Or, ten- der /uther, 1 „ „ ch. 4w 8. laiee t Htb. 4Efth.<;.9. fecond chariot which he had; 'and they cried before hiui, ][ f Bow the and lie made him ruler over all the land of Kgy]3t. 44 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, I mn Pharaoh, and witliout thee (hall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt. 45 And Pharaoh called Jofephs name Zaphnath-paaneah ; and he gave him to w ife Afenath, the daugh- ter of Poti-pherah i( prieil of On : and Jofeph went out over all the land of Egypt. 46 ^ And Jofeph ivns thirty years old, when he ilood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Jofeph went out from the prefence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt. 47 And in the feven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfiils. 48 And he gathered up all the food of the feven years, whicli were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities: the food of the field which ivm round about every city, laid he up m the fauie. 49 And Jofeph gathered corn as the fand of the fea, very much, until he left numbering ; for // was with- out number. 50 "And unto Jofeph were born two fons before the years of famine came; which Afenath, the daughter of Poti-pherah 1| priefl of On, bare unto him. 5 r And Jofeph called the name of cir. .7"- the lii-ft-born || Manafll-h : for God, ^}2-gittins.f^"'l fi>^-, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my fathers houfe. 52 And the name of the fecond called he || Ephraim : for God hath caufed me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. S'^ U And the feven years of plen- teoufnefs, that was in the land of £- gypt, were ended. 54 " And tlie feven years of dearth began, to qoflie, according as Jofeph m Chap 46. 20. ♦8.5. II Or, prtncg a Sam tir. 171 1. 11 That is, fr:dtful. 1708. B Pfalra a Aft? ^ his brethren cojne into Egypt. and the dearth was in all Before lands; but in all the land of Egj-pt ^^Ja? there was bread. "^ — v— 5* 35 And when all the land of Egypt was familhed, the people cried tc» Pharaoh for bread : and Pharaoh faid unto all the Egjytians, Go unto Jo- feph ; what he faith to you, do. 56 And the famine was over all the face of the earth. And Jofeph opened t all the ilore-houfes, and fold imto ] «^^- the Egyptians ; and the famine waxed « a^^' """^ fore in the land of Egypt. 57 "And all countries came into°°y"'f Egj-pt to Jofeph for to buy corn ; be- '" " ' caufe that the famine was fo fore ia all lands. CHAP. XLH. 1 Jaeob fendeth hii ten fons to bity com. in Egypt: 6 they are imprij'oned i>y Jofeph for f pie i. NOw, when ^ Jacob faw that there was corn in Egypt, Jacob faid xuito his fons, Why do ye look oiie upon another ? 2 And he faid, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt : get you down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may i- live, pr^^m'*^'^ and not die. "^.-v- 3 1) Ami Jofephs ten brethren went *"*'*' down to buy corn in EgN'pt. 4 But Benjamin, Jofephs brother, Jacob lent not with his brethren : for he faid. Left, peradventure, mifchief befal him. 5 And the fons of Ifrael came to buy corn among thofe that came : for the famine was m the land of Canaan. 6 And Tofeph was the governor over the land, and he it was that fold to all the people of the land : and Jofephs brethren came, and " bowed down themfelves before = ^''^A him, with their faces to the earth. ^'"'' 7 And Jofeph faw his brethren, and he Icnew them, but made him- felf ftrauge unto them, and fpake -j- roughly unto them ; and he faid jj^f;^^,^ unto tiiem. Whence come ye? Aud ^^^'Artsw* they faid, Erom the laud of Canaan, to buy food. 8 And Jofeph knew his brethren, but they knew not him. 9 And Jofeph ''remembered the 'Jch»p^ dreams which he dreamed of them, ^''** and faid unto them, Ye are fpies; to fee the nakednefs of the land you arc- come. 10 And they faid unto him, Nay, my lord, but to buy food are thy fer- vaiit^ come. II We Bi-fore Chrifl 1707. f Seel Sam, I. 26. & 17. 5!- Judith JI. ?• yftfeph imprifomth his brethren : GEN 1 1 We are all one mans fons : we are true men, thy fervants are no fpies. 12 And he faid unto them, Nay, but to fee the nakednefs of the land you are come. 13 And they faid, Thy fervants are twelve brethren, the fons of one man in the land of Canaan ; and be- hold, the youngeft ii this day with our father, and one " ii not. 14 And Jofeph faid unto them. That is it that I fpake unto you, fay- ing, Ye are fpies. 1 1 Hereby ye fhall be proved : *■ by theilfe of Pharaoh, ye Ihall not go forth hence, except your yomigeft brother come hither. 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye fhall be f kept in prifon, that your words may be proved, vv'hether there be any truth i;-'. you : or elfe, by the life of Pha- raoh, furely ye are fpies. 1 7 And he f put them all together into ward three days. 1 8 And Jofeph faid unto them, the third day. This do, and live : ^for I fear God. 19 If ye be true men, let one of yotir brethren be bound in the houfe of your prifon : go ye, carry corn for the famine of your houfes. 20 But "■ bring your youngeft bro- ther unto me ; fo Ihall your words be verihed, and ye fhall not die. And they did fo. 2 1 1| And they faid, one to another, We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we faw the anguifli of his foul, when he befought us ; and we would not hear : therefore is this diftrefs come upon us. 22 And Reuben anfwered them, faying, ' Spake I not unto you, Hiy- ing, Do not im againft the child ; and ye would not hear : therefore, behold alfo, his blood is required. 2 3 And they knew not that Jofeph underftood them ; for f he fjiake unto them by an interpreter. 24. And lie turned himfelf about from them, and wept ; and returned to them again, and communed with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound him before their eyes. 25 ii Then Jofeph conftnanded to fill their facks with corn, and to re- flore every mans money into his fack, and to give them proviiion for the way: and thus dki he unto them. 26 And they laded their affes with the corn, and departed thence. gathered^ t Nell. !i Chap. «3- 5- & 44. .'3- 57. 21. f Kch. «n viter prefer waa E S I S. t^ieir return to their f other * 2 7 And as •« one of them opened his Before fack, to give his afs provender in the ^7*07. inn, he efpied his money : for behold, ^~'^' ' it was in his facks mouth. ^i-ti- '''' 28 And he faid unto his brethren, My money is reftored ; and lo, it is even in my fack : and their heart f failed thetn, and they were afraid, ^"f y,,.^^. faying one to another. What is this t/iat God hath done unto us? 29 TI And they came imto Jacob their father, unto the land of Ca- naan, and t;old him all that befel xm- to them, faying, 30 The man who is the lord of the land fpake + roughly to us, and took t k*^- us tor Ipies or the country. hardthmti. 31 And we faid unto him, We are true men ; we are no fpies. 32 We be twelve brethren, fons of our father : one // not, and the youngeft is this day with our father, in the land of Canaan. 33 And the man, the lord of the country, faid mito us, Hereby fhall I know that ye are true men ; leave one of your brethren here with me, and take food for the famine of yoiu: houfliolds, and be gone. 34 And bring your youngeft bro- ther unto nie : then fhall I know that you are no fpies, but that you are true men : fo will I deliver you your bro- ther, and ye fhall traffick in the land. 35 H And it came to pafs, as they emptied their facks, that behold, every mans bundle of money was in his fack : and, when both they and their father faw the bmidles of mo- ney, they were afraid. 36 And Jacob, their father, faid unto them, Me have ye bereaved o/'/wyc/w/- dren : Jofeph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away. All thefe things are againft me. 37 And Reuben fpake unto hisfather, faying,Slay my two fons, if I bring him not to thee : deliver him into my hand, and I will bring him to thee again. 38 And he faid. My fon fhall not go down with you : for his brother is dead, and he is left alone ; Uf mifchief J. ch^^p- befal him by the way in the which ye go, then ihall ye "" bring down my m chap^._ gray hairs with forrow to the grave, il". \{'. ' CHAP. XLIII. I Jacob is hardly perfuaded to fend Beijamiii- 15 Jojeph entertaineth his brethreit. ANd the famine was fore in the land. 2 And it came to pafs, when they had eateo up the corn which they had brought t Hfb. Prote/hnt protejlcd. a Chxp. 42. 3". & 44- s?. tHeb. 7nouth» t Hob. cnuti we Benjamin isfent ivith his brethren : C H A brought out of Egypt, their father faid unto them, Go again, buy us a little food. 3 And Judah fpake unto him, fay- ing, The man -f did foleimily proteft unto us, faying, Ye fhall not fee my face, except your " brother be with you. 4 If thou wilt fendourbrother with lis, we will go dovTi, and buy thee food ; 5 But if tliou wilt not fend him, we will not go down : for the man faid unto us, Ye fhall not fee my face, except your brother be with you. 6 And Ifrael faid, Wherefore dealt ye fo ill with me, as to tell the m.an whether ye had yet a brother ? t Hcb. (ipf 7 And they faid, The man -j- adzed L"!' "■^'"'^ us ftraitly of our ftate, and of our kindred, faying. Is your father yet alive ? have ye another brother ? and we told him according to the f tenor of thefe words, f Could we cer- tainly know that he would fay, Bring your brother down ? 8 And Judah fa'd unto Ifrael his father. Send the lad with me, and we will arife and go ; that we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, and alfo our little ones. 9 I will be furety for him ; of my hand flialt thou require him : '' if I bring him not unto thee, and fet him before thee, then Let me bear the blame for ever. I o For except we had lingered, fure- H^th)!!^'" ^y "*^^^ "^^^ ^^^*-^ returned [j tliis fecond time. I r And their father Ifrael faid un- to them, If // mnji' be fo now, do this ; take of the bed fruits in the land in your veilels, and carry down the man a prefent, a little balm, and a little honey, fpices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds. 12 And t;ike double money in your hand : and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your facks, carry // again in your hand ; peradventure it was an overfight. i^ Take alfo your brother, and avife, go again mito the man. 14 And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may fend away your other brother, and c Efthcr Benjamin. '^ l| If I be bereaved of my I Or, and children, J am bereaved. ikV/^l"' '^ "'f "'^"^ ^^'^^ "^^" ^<^o^ ^^''^^ V^'^- fent, and they took double money in their himd, and Benjamin ; and rofe up, and went down to Egypt, and flood before Jofeph. t b Chap 44- 3-- p. XLIIT. Jofeph eiitertaineth them. 1 6 And, when Jofeph faw Benja- Before min with them, he faid to the ruler T^o'/.' of his houfe, Bring thefe men hom.e, "^ — v — ' and f flay, and make ready : for thefe t fs^:J''' men (hall f dine with me at noon, tmh'.t'at. 1 7 And tlie man did as Jofeph bade : and the man brought the men into Jofephs houfe. 18 ^And the men were afraid, be- caufe they were brought into Jofephs houfe, and they faid, Becaufe of the money, that was returned in om- facks at the firfl time, are we brought in, that he may f feek occalion againlt luf^'Jup. us, and fall upon us, and take us for "" "-j- bond-men, and our afles- 19 And they came near to the ftewai-d of Jofephs houfe, and they coimnuned with him at the door of the houfe, 20 And faid, O fir, * f we came d chap, indeed down at the firft time to buy '*■; }' lOOd. ingdov.-,:,ne 2 1 And * it came to pafs, when we "ci'a''p:cr " came to the inn, that we opened our '<■■ -7, 35- facks, and behold, ei'ery mans money was in the mouth of his fack, our money in full w eight ; and we have brought it again in our hand. 2 2 And other money have we brought down in our hands to buy food : we cannot tell who put our money in our facks. 2 :; And he faid. Peace be to you, fear not ; your God, and the God of your father hath given you treafure in your facks : + I had your money. tHeb.jiuf And he brought Simeon out unto u ,,u. them. 24 And the man brought the men into Jofephs houie, and *" gave them fs^'i'l^i water, and they walhed their feet, 'h- r- and he gave their afles provender. 25 And they made ready the pre- fent againlt Jofeph came at noon : for tliey heard that they fhould eat bread there. 26 t And, when Jofeph came home, they brought him the prefent which xvas in their hand into the houfe, and ° bowed themfelves to f^f^^P^'f him to the earth. 27 And he alked them of their t welfare, and laid, + Is your father ^Hcbf "* well, the old man '' of whom ye »' t^"" fpake ? Is he yet alive ? %u"fa- 28 And they anfwered. Thy fer- ""hlpter vant our father is in good health, he *>■ "> *3 is yet alive : and they bowed dov.Tl their heads, and made obeifance. 29 x\nQ[ he lift up his eyes, and faw his brother Benjamin, his mothers fon, and faid, L this your younger D brother. Jofeph feafleth his brethren. G E N brother, ' of \\honi 3'e fpake unto nie ? And he faid, God be gracious unto thee, my fon. 30 And Jofeph made hafte ; for his bowels did yern upon his brother ; and he fought where to weep, and he entered into his chamber, and wept there. 31 And he waflied his face, and \vent out, and refrained himfelf, and faid, Set on bread. 32 And they fet on for him by him- felf, and for them by themfelves, and for the Egyptians, whicii did eat with him, by themfelves : becaufe the ¥.- gyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews ; for that*?; '^ an abomina- tion nnto the Egyptians. 33 And they fat before him, the firll-born according to his birth- right, and the youngeft according to his youth : and the men marvelled one at another. 34 And he took and font mefles im- to them, from before him : but Ben- jamins mefs was five times fo much as any of theirs. And they di'ank, and f were merry with him. CHAP. XLIV. J ofephi policy to flay his brethren. ANd he commanded \ the fteward of his houfe, faying. Fill the mens facks with food, as much as they can carry, and put every mans money in his facks mouth. 2 ^Ind put my cup, the filver cup, in the facks mouth of the youngelt, and his corn-money : and he did ac- cording to the word that Jofeph had fpoken. 3 Alibon as the morning was light, the men were fent away, they and their afles. 4 And.1 when they were gone out of the city, and not yet far otf, Jofeph faid unto his Iteward, Up, follow af- ter the men ; and, when tliou doft overtake them, fay unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil * for good ? 5 Is not this it in M'hich my lord drinketh ? and \\hereby indeed he j!pr,7.«i*. 11 divineth? ye have done evil in fo domg. 6 "ll And he overtook them, and he fo'ake unto them thefe fame words. 7 And they laid unto him. Where- fore faith my lord tliefe words ? God jTorhid t'.rat thy fervants Ihould do ac- co- Bring him down unto me, tliat I may fet mine eyes upon him. 22 And we faid unto my lord. The lad cannot leave his father : for, if he fliould leave his father, his father would die. 23 And thou faidft unto thy fer- vants, " Except your youngelt bro- ther come down with you, you fliall fee my face uo more. 24 Aiid b Ciinp. 4-. li' c Ch»p. 3- i,i* Jofeph titaP.eth himfdf known,, C HA P. ■ .re 24 And it caine to pafs, viien we V-V;^ came lip unto thy fervant my father, -V — ' we told him the words of my lord. h-p- 25 And "* our father faid, Go again, and buy us a little fo'od. 2 6 And we faid,- We cannot go down : if our youngefl; brother be with us, then \^'iU we go dowii : for we mayr.ot fee the mans face, except our youngeft brother be with us. 27 And thy fervant my father faid :!iar- unto us, Ye know that " my wife bare ''' me two fans. 28 And the one went out from me, •I'AP- and I faid, ' Surely he is torn in pieces ; and I faw him not lince. 29 And,- if 3'e take this alfo from :h-n. me, and ^ mifchief befal him, ,ye iliall '='^' bring down my gray hairs, with for- row, to tlie grave. 30 Now therefore, when I come to thy fervant my father, and the lad be Sam. not with us ; (feeing that '" liis life is bound up in tlie IulIs life ;) 31 It Ihall come to pafs, when he fceth that the lad ii not with us, that he will die : andthyfei'vant fliall biing down the gray l:airs of thy rer\'ant our father, with forrow, to the gra.e. 32 For thy fervarit became furety for the lad unto my father, faying, b^p. i If J bring him not imto thee, tlien ^" I fiiall bear the blame to my father for ever. 33 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy fervant abide, in ftead of r lie lad, M bond-man to my lord ; and let the lad go up with his brethren. 34 For how fhall I go up to my father, and the lad U' not with me ? lelt peradventure I fee the evil that fliall f come on my father. : G H A P. XLV. 1 Jofeph maketh himfelf knnw7t to his brethren: 9 he fendeth for 'ijs father^ 25 who is revived at the nev:>. THen Jofeph could not refrain him- felf before all them that ilood by him ; and he cried, Caufe e\ ery man to go out from me : and there flood no man with him, while Jo- feph made himfelf known unto his brethren. 2 And he f wept aloud : and the Egyptians, and the houfe of Pharaoh, heard. 3 And Jofeph faid unto his bretliren, ^ I am Jofeph ; Doth my father yet live .'' and his brethren could not an- fwer him : for they were || troubled at his prefence. 4 And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, Come uear to ipe, \ pray you \ aja4 fortti f.a XLV. md fendeth for his father. they came near : and he faid, I atn sefor* Joft'ph your brother, '' whom ye fokl \Xf. ijito Egypt. I'TTtoT^ 5 Now therefore, be not grieved, r-' ^'^^^ \ nor angry with yourfelves, that ye \ ';'°- fold me hither : '^ for God did fend 'ri!Jre\c' me before you, to preferve life. yS'^y'^l 6 For tliefe two years hath the fa- ir^'- mine been in the land : and yet there j^o^'/o.' are five years, in the wliich there Jhall f^"'"l.'°^" neither be earing nor harvell. see s^sam. 7 And God lent me before you. Acts 4. 24. \ to preferve you a pofttrity in the ^,"'j.Vr*°l'>mndnu g^'eat deliverance. 8 So no\%' it was not you that fent me hither, but God: and he hath made me " a father to Pharaoh, and \^^^^^ lord of all his houfe, and a ruler throughout all the land of Fgypt. 9 Hafte you, and go up to my fa- ther, and fay unto him. Thus faith, thy fon Jofei)h, Gotl hath made me lord of all Fgypt ; com^e down unto me, tarry not. 10 And " thou fhalt dwell in the ^-':'',7* land of Goflien, and thou (halt be near unto me, thou, and thy chil- dren, and thy chiUh-ens children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hail. 1 1 And there will I nourifli thee, (for yet there are^\'eyc^r^ of famine, ) left thou, and thy houlhold, and all that thou haft, come to poverty. 12 And behold, your eyes fee, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that fpeaketh imtu you. 1 3 And you Ihall tell my father of all x\\y glory in Egypt, and of all that you have feeu ; ajxl ye fhall hafte, and *" bring down my father hither. f //^ 1 4 And he fell upon his brother Ben- jamins neck, and wept 3 and BenjamJii wept upon his neck. 15 Moreover, he kifled all hLs bre- thren, and wept upon therii : and, af- ter that, his brethren talked with him. 16 ^1 Ami the fame thereof was heard in Pharaohs houfe, faying, Jo- fephs brethren are come : and it t pleafed Pharaoh well, and his fer- + '^'''■*'^' vants. 17 And Pharaoh faid ujito Jofeph, ' Say imto thy bretliren, This do ye ; lade your beafts, and go, get you imto the land of Canaan, 18 And take your father, and your houfholds, and come unto me : and I wiU give you the good of the land of Egypt, aiid ye fliaU eat ^ tlie fat f^flif of the laud« D :? 19 Now t Heb. let /pare, &c. cayryiti yacob is co)7tforted by God: GEN ^efove 1 9 Now thou" art commanded, this 'i-oL do ye ; take you wagons out of the '^ ' laud of Fgj-pt for your little ones, and far your wives, and bring your fathers and come. 20 Alio f regard not your fhilF: for the good of all the land of Egypt is yours. 2 1 And the children of Ifrael did fo : and Jofeph gave them wagon:,, according to the f commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provifion for the way. 22 To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment : but to Ben- jamin he gave three hundred pieces 6f filyer, and five changes of raiment. 23 And to his father he fent after this 7tianner ; ten alies f laden with the good things of Kg\^t, and ten flie-alfes laden with corn, and bread, and meat for his father by the way. 24 So he fcnt his brethren away, and they departed : and he faid unto tliem, See that ye fall not out by the way. 25 H And they went up out of E- gypt, and came into the land of Ca- naan unto Jacob their father, 2 6 And told him, faying, Jofeph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. ""And f Jacobs heart pTaim' fainted, for he believed them not. iutc'' 27 And they told him all the words 14. ii- of Jofeph, which he had faid unto t Heb. his. jj^gj^^ . ^j^ J when he faw the wa- ggons, which Jofeph had fent to carry him, the fpirit of Jacob their father revived. 28 And Ifrael faid. It is enough ; Jofeph my fon is yet alive : I will go and fee him before I die. CHAP. XLVr. I Jacob ii comforted by God at Beer- Jheba: 5 hi goeth into Egypt: 8 the number of his family : 28 J oj'eph fneett'th hitn. Nd Ifrael took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beer- flieba, and oirered facritices "* imto the God of his father Ifaac. 2 And God fpake unto Ifrael in the vifions of the night, and faid, Jacob, Jacob : and he fild. Here am I. 3 And he faid, I a)7i God, the God of thy father : fear not to go down into Egypt ; for 1 will there make of thee a great nation. 4 I will go down with thee into Egypt 5 and I will alfo furely bring thee up agai}i : and '' Jofeph Ihall put his hand upon thine eyes. 5 And "^ Jacob rofe up from Beer- (heba : and the fojis of Ifrael carried h Jol3 A' b Chap. c Aas E S I S. the number of his faanily. Jacob their father, and their little Before ones, and their wives, m the wagons 1706. which Pharaoh had fent to carry * — "^ * him. 6 And they took their cattle, and their goods which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and cauie into Egypt, ^ Jacob, and all his feed with h jom«a him : fVaim 7 His fons, and his fons fons with {"^Vah^" him, hisdaughters, and his fons daugh- j-- *• ters, and all his feed brought he with him into Egypt- 8 ^i And "■ thefe m'e the names of^E^o^a' the children of Ifrael, which came t! V4. into Egypt, Jacob and his fons : f Reu- f^Nombers ben Jacobs hrft-born. i curon. 9 And the fons of Reuben ; Ha- '' '' noch, and Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi. I o ^[ And "" the fons of Simeon ; R E-o'iii' II Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, I'chron. and II Jachin, and !| Zohar, and Shaul j*,',^^" the fon of a Canaanitifh woman. Ncmuei. I I «„ And the fons of •' Levi ; j| Gcr- \^. flion, Kohath, and Merari. 11 or, 1 2 *I And the fons of ' Judah ; Er, i'chJon. and Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, ^,"iJbron and Zerah : but '^ Er and Onan died 6.'i, i^".' " in the land of Canaan. And ' the n ";;' ^ TT Gcrfliora. fons or Pharez were Hezron and ; , ch'ou. Hamul. -iV.f 13 *1] And '" the fons of Iffiichar ; k chapter Tola, and || Phuvah, and Job, and f'; \^^l^. Shimron. 1 « chrou. 14 \ And the fons of Zebulun 5 ^;„,,^. Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel. 7- •. 1 5 Thefe be the fons of Leah, which |1„°^^ ^,.^ {lie bare unto Jacob in Padan-aram, JaD'ii'- with hisdaugliter Dinah : all the fouls of his fons and his daughters were thirty and three. 16 ^ And the fons of Gad ; " Zi- phion, and Haggai, Shuni, and || Ez- bon, Eri, and || ^\rodi, and Areli. 1 7 11 " And the fons of Afher ; Jimnah, and Ifliuah, and Illiui, and ?• 3=- Beriah, and Serah their filler. And the fons of Beriah ; Heber, and Mal- chiel. 18 P Thefe are the fons of Zilpah, \^.^^ ' whom Laban gave to Leah his q chap, daughter : and thefe flie bare unto ''" ""^ Jacob, even lixteen fouls. 19 \ The fons of Rachel •■ Jacobs ^^^='P' WTfe ; Jofeph, and B-enjamin. 20 And unto Jofeph, in the land of Egypt, were born Manafleh and E- phruim, ' which Afenath, the daugh- J.^'^J"; ter of Potipherah li prieft of On, bare 11 or, ^ u- prince. unto him. '^ 21 1 ^And the fons of Benjamin 7.^?&"* ivare Bclah, aiad j^ech©r, and Aflibel, ^- '■' Gera, nNum. ;«. Mi *"<■• Zephon. II Or, Ozni. ||Or, Arcxl. o I Chroll. Jofcph nieetetk his father, CHAP Cera, and Naaman, " Ehl, and Rod, ■"' Muppim, and || Hiipplm, and Ard. „• . 2 2 Thefe are the Ions of Rachel, ■n Numbers " n , 2«. 38, 39. which ^vere born to acob : ail tne X Numbers fouls lueve fourteen. f^4ll.., 2 3 H 'And the fons of Dan ; I| Humim. J chron. 24 ' And the fons of Naphtali ; shuppim. Jahzeel, and Guai, and Jezer, and "'f Chron' Si^i^l^™- 7.'i2. ™"" 25 " Thefe are the fons of Bilhah, shuham '' which Laban gave unto Rachel his Kumbeis daughter; and Ihe bare thefe unto Ja- z « ck'ron. cob : all the fouls were feven. 7. 13. a Chap. 30. 5. b Chap t Heb thigh. i>'«e Acts 7. »4- 26 "^ All the fouls that came with Jacob into Egj'pt, which came out of his f loins, beiitles Jacobs fons wives, all the fouls were threefcore and fix ; 2 7 And the fons of Jofeph which were born him in Egypt, xvt^re two fouls : '^ all the fouls of the houfe of Jacob, which came into Egypt, ivere threefcore and ten. 28 1j And he fent Judah before him unto Jofeph, to direct his face mito Golhen ; and they came into the land of Goflien. 29 And Jofeph made ready his cha- riot, and went up to meet Ifrael his fa- ther, to Goflien ; and prefented him- felf unto him : and he fell on his neck, and we])t on his neck a good while. e So Luke 3c And Ifrael faid untojofeph, ' Now *■ *°' let me die, fince I have feen thy face, becaufe thou art yet alive. 31 And Joftph faid unto his bre- tliren, and unti) his fathers houfe, I will go up, and fliew Pharaoh, and fay unto him. My brethren, and my fathers houfe, which ivere in the land of Canaan, are come unto me : 32 And tlie men are Ihepherds, for tHeb. thev \ their trade h.itli been to feed cattle; c'attu." "' ;ind they have bi-<'gypt, and in the land of Canaan, for tile corn which they bought : and jofeph brought the money into Pha- raohs houfe. D 3 15 And, yofephs dealing in the famine. GEN Bei'orc 1 5 Aud, wheu money failed in the ir':. land of Egypt, and in the land of ^ ' Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Jofeph, and And, Cji^-e us bread : for why Ihould we die in thy prefence ? for the money faileth. 16 And Jofeph fiid, Give your cat- tle ; and I will gi^^e you for your cat- tle, if money fail. 17 And they brought their cattle ^ unto Jofeph : and Jofeph gave them bread /;/ exchange for horfes, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the t Krtv ii!i herds, and for the afles ; and he -j- fed them \vith bread, for all their cattle, for that year. 18 When that year -was ended, they came unto him the fecond year, and faid unto hira, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is fpent, my lord alfo hath our herds of cattle ; there is not ought left in the fight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands. 19 Wherefore (hall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land ? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be fervants unto Pharaoh : and give us feed, that we may live and not die, that the land be notdefolate. x/ei. 20 And Jofeph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh ; for the Egjq?- tians fold every man his field, becaufe the famine prevailed over them : fo the land became Pharaohs. 2 1 And, as for the people, he remov- ed them to cities from oiie end of the borders of Egypt, even to the ot'ier end thereof. • K." 22 * Only the land of the jj priefts \{or', bought he not : for the priefts had a jrh.^is. portion ajjigmd them of Pharaoh , and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave tliem ; v.iierefore they fold not their lands. 2 3 Tiien Jofepli faid unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day, and your land for Pharaoh : lo, here is feed for you,:ind ye Ihall fovv"the land. 24 And it fliall come to pafs, in the incrcafe, that you fnall give the fifth part uJito Pharaoh, and four parts fhall be your own, for feed of the field, and for your food, and for them of j'our houlholds, and for food for your little ones. "• 25 And they faid, Thou hull; faved our lives ; let us find grace in the fight of my lord, and v.'e will be Pharaohs fervants. 2 6" And Jofeph nade it a law over the land of Egyj^t uuto this day, that E S I S. Jacobs charge to Jofeph. Pharaoh fliould have the fifth part ; Bfjf^« except the land of the |j priefts only, 17^1- • which became not Pharaohs. \^, 27 t And Ifrael dwelt in the land p'-''-"^- of Eg^^it in the countiy of Goflien ; and they had poiTeffions therein, and grew and multiplied exceedingly- 28 And Jacob lived in the land of i*^"?- Egypt feventeen years : fo f the whole ^^"/^y Jj;' age of Jacob was an hundred forty yf^'V/i/Bix and feven years. 29 And the time drew nigh that Ifrael muft die ; and he called his fon Jofeph, and faid unto him. If now I ha\e found grace in thy fight, ^ put, I f ch?.p. pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, "*' "* and deal kindly and truly with me ; "^ bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt. ? so ciwp. 30 But I will lie with my fathers, ^^' "^' and thou Ihalt carryme out of f2gypt, and '• bury me in their burying-place. h chap. And he faid, I will do as thou halt **" "" faid. 31 And he faid. Swear unto me. And he fwareunto him. And ' Ifrael '^f^P/ bowed liimfelf upon the beds head. » i^'":' CHAP. XLVIII. Kebrcw, I Jofeph 'vif.tcth his fick father. '^Ja- cob repeateth the prornife., 2 1 and prophefieth their return to Ca- naan. ANd it came to pafs, after thefe things, that one told Jofeph, Be- liold, thy father is fick : and he took with him his two fons, Manaffeh and Ephraim. 2 And one told Jacob, and faid, Behold, thy fon Jofeph cometh unto thee: and Ifrael ftrengthened him* felf, and fat upon the bed. 3 And Jacob faid unto Jof.^ph, God Alniigii.ty appeared unto nie at ''' Luz ^^^^l' in the lancl of Canaan, and blefled^-sj-'^. me, 4 And faid unto me. Behold, I will ' make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, ' and I will make of thee a multitude of people, and will give this land to thy feed after thee for an everlalling poirefiion. 5 % And now thy i" t^^'0 fon.=;, E- \^^^^^J^^^ phraim and Manafleh, v%hich were f^^^^^ born unto thee in the land of Egj-pt, A-l'^ir before I came unto thee into Egypt, '"" " are mme : as Reuben and Simeon, they fliall be mine. 6 ArA thy ilfue, which thou beget- teit after them, f^iall be tliine, a^id fliall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance. 7 1{ And, as for me, M'hen I came from Padan, ' Rachel died by me in ^ ^'"P' the land of Canaan, in die way, when "'" ''* yet Jacob hlejjeth Jofephs foizs : C H A P. XLVIIT, XLIX. he blejjeth Mi own •i chap, a?- I- + Heb. itavy. ■' f Chap. 17. \ Hcb. c< fijhn do See Kulnb. SO. 34. 37. »• S3>35-J: 3. 19, 5t. Deuteron. 33- 17- Rcvela. /• <*. >*• t Hcb. fulntfs. i So Htiih. 4. II, i;. yet there was but a little M-ay to come unto Ephrath : and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath, the fame is Beth-Iehem. 8 And Ifrael beheld Jofephs fons, and faid, Who are thefe ? 9 And Jofeph faid unto his father, They are my fons, whom God hath giA'en me in this place. And he faid. Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will biefs them. 10 (Now '' the eyes of Ifrasl were f dim for age, Jo that he could not fee : ) and he brought theni near unto him ; and he killed them, and em- braced them. 1 1 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, I had not tliought to fee thy face ; and lo, God hatli fliewed me alfo thy feed. 12 And Jofeph brought them out from between his knees, and he bow- ed himfelf, with his face to the earth. 13 And Jofeph took tliem both, Ephraim in his right hand towards Ifraels left hand, and Manalfeh in his left hand towards Ifraels right hand, and brought them near unto him. 1 4 And Ifrael Itretched otit his right hand, and laid // upon Kphraims head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manaflehs head, guiding his hands wittingly ; for Manafleh was the firft-born. 15 11 And «^ he bleffcd Jofeph, and faid, God, f before whom my fathers Abraham and Ifaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, - 16 llie Angel ^ which redeemed me from all evil, blefs tlie lads ; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraliam and Ifaac : and let them -j- grow into a multitude, in the midil: of the earth. 17 And when Jofeph fa w that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it difpleafed him : and he held up liis fathers hand, to remove it from Ephraims head unto Manaifehs head. 1 8 And Jofeph faid unto his father, Kot fo, my father : for this is the tirft- boru ; put thy right hand upon his head. 19 And his father refiifed, and faid, I know // my fon, 1 know it; he alfo fhall become a people, and he alfo ihall be great : but truly '' his younger brother jhall be greater than he, and his feed fliall become a f multitude of nations. 20 And he blefled them that day, flying, i In thee ihail Ifrael blefs, fay- ing, God make thee as Ephraim, and as Manalleh. And he fet Ephraim before Manafleh. 21 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Behold, I die ; but God Ihall be with you, and brin^ you again unto the land of your fathers. 22 Moreover, ^i hayg given to thee one portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand ' of the Amorite, with my fword and with my bow. C H A P. XLIX. I Jacob calleth his for.s to blefs tJiem: 3 their bkjjlng in particular: 1 9 he charge th tnem concerning his burial: II his death. A'isd Jacob called imto his fons, and faid, Gather yourfelves together, that I may tell you that which Jhall befal you '^ in 'the lail days. 2 Gather yourfelves together, and hear, ye fons of Jacob ; and hearken unto Ifrael your father. 3 \ Reuben, thou art •> my firft- born, my might, " and the beginning of my Itrength, the excellency of dig- nity, and the excellency of power. 4 Unliable as %vater, 'f <* thou fhalt not excel, becaufe thou " wenteft up to thy fathers bed : then defiledll thou /// II he went up to my couch. 5 H ''Simeon and Levi are brethren: II s inllruments of cruelty are in their habitations. 6 O my f0n.1l, come not thou into their fecret ; unto the'r alfembly, ^ nfme honour, be not thou united : for, ' in their anger they flew a man, and, in their felf-will, they || digged down a wall. 7 Curfed be their anger, for it was fierce ; and their wrath, for it was cruel : '^ I will divide them in Jacob, and fcatter them in Ifrael. 8 % 1 Juduh, thou art lie whom thy brethren fhall praife ; "" thy hand jhall be in the neck of thine enemies : " thy fathers children fliall bow down before thee. 9 Judah is a lions whelp ; from the prey, my fon, thou art gone up : " he Hooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion j who Inail roufe him up ? I o i' The fceptre flioll not depart from Judah, nor '' a iav/-giver from between his feet, '' until Shiloh come, ' and luito him jhall the gathering of the people be. I I Binding his fole unto the vine, and Mb ailes colt unto the choice viiic; D4 he k Joffiiia 14. 3i. John 4. 5. 1 Chap. a nfi:t. 4. 30. Nninbers r4. 14- Ifa. ;. 3.& jfv^. It. jer. :3. =o. Dan. z. -r^. A«s3. I-. Hcbr. I. :. b Chan. •■•)• 3:- c Dcuc. ;i. 17. I'ialin 7^. 51. t Heb. dn mt thou ex(et. i 1 Cliron* 5. I. e Chap. 35. :j. 1 Chron. f Chap. 29. 3^,34- |1 Or, their fi::rtr(is :irc* ; c/t>,ct. gCh. :7-3- h Plalm Kil 9. i Chap. !> '^A , k Jf.fli. IJ. I.& ;i. 1 Chap. :;)• a- m Vftlin i«. AO. n I Clvvoa. pNuAib. 10. 11- 7. i- 108. a. iir, 'Job Chap Jacobs fons pca-tkular blejjings : GEN he waJlied his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. 1 2 His ' eyesjhail be red with wine, and his teeth wh.te with milk. 1 3 t " Zebtiiun fhall dwell at the haven of the fea ; and he fhal! be for an haven of fhips : and his border JJiall be unto Zidon. 14 II Iflachar is a ftrong afs, couch- ing down between two burdens. 1 5 And he faw that reft was good, and the land that it was pleafant ; and bowed ^ his (honlder to bear, and became a fervant unto tribute. 1 6 t ^ C>an fl^all judge his people, as one of the tribes of Ifrael. i 7 ^ Dan fhall be a ferpent by the M^ay, f an adder in the path ; that biteth the horfe- heels, fo that his rider iliall fall backward. 18*1 have waited for thy faiva- tion, O Lord. i()\^ Gad, a troop fliall overcome him : but he fhall overcome at the laft. 20 H ' Out of Aflier his bread Jhall befaU and he fhall yield royal dainties. 2 1 H "^ Naphtali is a hind let loofe : he giveth goodly \\'ords. 22 11 jol^ph is a fruitful bough, eveu a fruitful bough by a well, w/io/e f branches run over the wall. 23 The archers have forely grieved him, and fliot at hirn^ and hated him. 24 But his * bow abode in ftrength, and the arms of his hands were made ftrong, by the hands of ^ the mighty God of Jacob : from thence ° is the fhepherd, '" the ftone of Ifrael. 25 ^ E'-oen by the God of thy father, who fhall help thee, •= and by the Al- mighty, ' who fhall blefs thee with bleffings of heaven above, bleflings of the deep that lieth luider, blef- . fings of the breafts, and of the womb. 26 The bleffings of thy father have prevailed "" above the bleffings of my progenitors, unto the utmoft bound of the everlafting hills ; they fhall be on the head of Jofeph, " and on the crown of the head of him that was feparate from his brethren. 27 t Benjamin fhall ravin as a wolf : '^ in the morning he fhall de- vour the prey, 5' and at night he fliall divide the fpoil. 28 ^ All thefe are the twelve tribes of Ifrael : and this is it that their fa- ther fpake unto them, and bleffed them ; every one according to his bleffing he bJeffed them. 29 And he charged them, and faid unto them, I '' am to be gathered un- to my people ; ' bury me with my fa- , Chap. E S I S. his charge about his buriat. thers, ' in the cave that is in the field Before of Ephron the Hittite ; "i!,'.' 30 In the cave that i! in the field ofMachpelah,which/jbeforeMamre, in the land of Canaan, ' which Abra- t chap, ham bought with the field of Ephron ''' "' the Hittite, for a polfeflion of a bury- ing-place. 31 (" There they buried Abraham « chap. ^ and Sarah his wife ; ^ there tliey bu- l^-l^' riedlfaac andRebekah his wife j and xci.ap. there I buried Leah. ) ^'' ^°* 32 The purchafe of the field and of the cave that /) therein, was from the children of Heth. 33 And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his (bus, he ga- thered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghoft, and was ga- thered unto his people. CHAP. L. I The fnourniiigfor Jacob. 7 The fu- neral. 24 Jofeph prophefieth to his brethren of their return: 26 his death. ANd Jofeph ^ fell upon his fathers l^}"^}^ face, and wept upon him, and kified him. 2 And Jofeph commanded his fer- vants, the phyficians, to '° embalm his ^ = chroai father : and the phyficians embalmed .loiin'*" Ifrael. "'• *" 3 And forty days were fultiHed for him, (for fo are fulfilled the days of thofe which are embalmed, ) and the Egyptians h mourned for him three- + "<■'" . =■' ' , 1 , wept. icore and ten days. 4 And when the days of his mourn- ing were paft, Jofeph fpake unto the houfe of Pharaoh, faying, If now I have found grace in } our eyes, fpeak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, faying, 5 "^ My father made me fwear, fay- ^^^^^; jng, Lo, I die : in my grave ^ which I a t chron, have digged for me in the land of Ca- {*'. ;t. 16. naan, there flialt thou bury me. Now ?!,^"of * therefore, let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my father, and I will come again. 6 And Pharaoh faid, Go up, and bury thy father, according as he made thee fwear. 7 f And Jofepk went up to bury his father : and with him went up all the fervants of Pharaoh, the elders of his houfe, and all the elders of the land of Egyjit, 8 And all the houfe of Jofeph, and his brethren, and his fathers houfe : only their little ones, and their flocks, and their herds, they left in the land of Colhen. 9 And Before Clirift 1689. Jofeph comforteth his brethreny 9 And there went up with him both chariots and horfemen : and it was a very great company. I o And they came to the threfhing- floor of Atad, which is beyond Jor- dan; andthere they mourned with a great and very fore lamentation : " and he made a mourning for his father fe- ven days. I I And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, fawthe mourn- ing in the tloor of Atad, they faid,This is a grievous mourning to the Fgyp- tians : wherefore the name of it was called 11 Abel-mizraim, which is be- yond Jordan. 1 2 And his fons did unto him accord- ing as he connnanded them. 13 For "^ his fons carried him into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah ; which Abraham ^ bought with the iield for a poifeffion of a burying- place, of Eplu-on the Hittite, before Mamre. 14 11 And Jofeph returned into Egypt, he and his brethren, and all that went up with him to bury his fa- ther, after he had buried his father. 15 11 And, when Jofephs brethren faw th:it their father was dead, they faid, Jofeph will, peradventure, hate us, and w ill certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him. J 6 And they f fent meflengers un- to Jofeph, faying, Thy fatlier did com- mand, before he died, faying, 17 So ihall ye fay unto Jofeph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the tref- pafs of thy brethren, and their lin ; CHAP. L. find prophefieth tfieir return. for they did unto thee evil : and now, 7.16. V e pray thee, forgive the trefpafs of the fervants of the God of thy father. And Jofeph wept wiien they fpake unto him. 18 And his brethren alfo went and fell down before his face : and they faid, Behold, we Oe thy fervants. 19 And Jofeph faid unto them, '' Fear not : ' for am I in the place of kch.4j.j. God ? » K^o'n- 20 ^But as for you, ye thought evil ^jfa?,,,.;. againfk me ; hut God meant it unto good, to bring to pafs, as // is this day, to fave much people alive. 2 1 Now tlierefore, fear ye not : I will nourifli yon, and your little ones. And he contorted them, and fpake ■J- kindly unto them. r.^fe^/r 22 Ij And Jofeph dwelt in Egypt, >»""■"• he, and his fathers houfe : and Jofeph lived an hundred and ten years. '^JJ* 23 And Jofeph f iw Kphraims chil- dren, ' of the third gei^craiion: '" the Mob45.i«. children alfo of Machir, the fon of ^j.^^";""" Manafleh, " were f brought up upon nch.30. 3. Jofephs knees. tHeb-Aom. 24 And Jofeph faid imto his bre- thren, I die : and "God will furely "Et?. j.er. vifit you, and bring you out of this '^""'•"' land, unto the land '' which he fware pchap. ij. to Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob. &}5.^:.^* 25 And ''Jofeph took an oath oi^^^J^ the children of Ifrael, faying, God ?3-''9-" will fureiy vifit you, and ye lhalU4?'". carry up my bones from hence. Aft^. 7. 16. 26 So Jofeph died, being an hun- dred and ten years old : and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. f The Second Book of Moses, called EXODUS. 3<-f.)re Chrilt 1706. CHAP. I. I The children of Ifrael multiply: 8 they ore oppreffed by a new king. 1 5 The godliuefs of the ■midxvi'ves. NOW " thefe «><^ the names of the children of Ifrael, wliich came into P^gj-pt; every man and his houlliold came with Jacob. 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, andjudah, 3 liiachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, 4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Aflier. 5 And all the fouls, that came out of the f loins of Jacob, were ^ feventy fouls : for Jofeph w as in Egypt al- ready. 6 And " Jofepli died, and all his brethren, and all that geueration. 7 Ij "* And the children of Ifrael Before were fruitful, and increafed abun- ^i'al? dantly, and multiplied, and waxed "^""v-^ — ' exceeding migluy; and the land was 26?5"'' filled with them. a& 7. 17- 8 Now, there arofe up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Jofeph. 9 And he faid unto his people. Be- hold, "^^ the people of the children of ^^^f'^ Ifrael «;v more and mightier than we. 10 Come on, *^let us deal wifely f An? with them, lel1: they multiply ; and '' '*' it come to pafs, that, when there fall- eth out any war, they join alfo unto our enemies, and fight againft us, and Jo get them up out of the land. 1 1 Therefore, they did fet over them talk-mafters, ^ to afflict them k cen. with their burdens. And they built '^' *^' for iti for Pharaoh treafure-cities, Pithom ^' and Raamfes. 12 f But the more they afTlifted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved, be- caufe of the children of Ifrael. ti And the Eg>'ptians made the childi'en of Ifrael toferve with rigour. 14 And they made their lives bit- ter with hard bondage, ' in morter, and in brick, and in all mamier of fervice in the field : all their fervice, wherein they made them ferve, was with rigour. 15 And the king of Egypt fpake to the Hebrew midwives, (of which the name of one iiyis Shiphrah, and the jiame of the other Fuah,) 1 6 And he faid, When ye do the of- fice of a midwife to the Hebrew wo- men, and fee tkem upon the (tools ; if it be a fon, then ye (hall kill him, but if it ^(? a daughter, then fhe fiiall live. 17 But the m;•dwi^es feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt com- manded them, but faved the men- childiren alive. 18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and faid unto them, "Why have ye done this thing, and have faved the men-children alive? 19 And "^the midwives faid unto Pharaoh, Becaufe the Hebrew wo- men are not as the Egyptian women : for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them. 20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives : and the people m.ul- tiplied, and waxed very mighty. 21 And it came to pafs, becaufe i«ee isam. the midwives feared God, 1 that he Vilm. 7. niade them houfes. 11,27,^9- 22 And Pharaoh charged all his & iT." 58."* people, faying, "' Every fon that is ^[f.™. born ye ihall call: into the river, and every daughter ye (liall fave alive. CHAP. n. I M^fes is bom, and caft into the flags : 5 he is found, and brought iij) by Pharaohs daughter. ANd there went * a man of the houfe of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. 2 And the woman conceived, and bare a fon : and when Ihe faw him, that he was a goodly child, fl^.e ^ hid him three months. 3 And when flie could not longer hide him, fhe took for him an ark of bulrufl-ies, and daubed it with flinie and with pitch, and put the child therein ; and fhe laid it in the flags, by the rivers briiik. I Aft, . 19. Hebrews II. 23. D U S. 3I(/es flayeth an Egyptian, 4 ^ And his fifter flood afar off, to Beforo wit what would be done to him. ^s/l'-' 5 t And the daughter of Pharaoh """"^^ came down to wafh herfelf at the =6^59. * river, and her maidens walked along by the rivers fide : and, when fhe faw the ark among the flags, fhe fent her maid to fetch it. 6 And, when flae had opened ??, fhe faw the child : and behold, the babe wept. And fne had companion on him, and faid, This is one of the He- brews children. 7 Then faid his filler to Pharaohs daughter, Shall I go, and call to thee a nurfe of the Hebrew \\omen, that fhe may nurfe the child for thee ? 8 And Pharaohs daughter laid unto her. Go. And the maid went and called the childs mother. 9 And Pharaohs daughter faid unto her. Take this child away, and nurfe it for me, and I will give thee thy wa- ges. And the woman took the child, and nurfe d it. 10 And the child grew, and fhe brought him unto Pharaohs daugh- ^ ter, and he became her fon. And flie called his name il Mofes : and flie \\ '^'^'^ "Vi faid, Becaufe I drew liun out or the water. I [ ^ And it came to pafs, in thofe days, "^ when Mofes was grown, that ^ ^'^'^ he went out unto his brethren, and iiebr™-* looked on their burdens: andhefpied '""^" an Egyptian fmiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12 And he looked this way, and that way; and, when he faw that there was no man, he flew the Egyptian, '^i'' and hid him in the fand. 1 3 And, * when he \\-ent out the ^ *'2» fecond day, behold, two men of the ' Hebrews ftrove together : and he faid to him that did the wrong. Where- fore fmitefl thou thy fellow ? 14 And he faid, Who made thee ■\ a prince, and a judge over us ? in- I )^^^,' ^ tendell: thou to kill me, as thou kill- p"'-*- edfl the Egyptian ? And Mofes fear- ed, and faid, Surely this thing is known. 15 Now, when Pharaoh heard this thing, he fought to flay Mofes. But <■ Mofes {led from the face of Pharaoh, ^ a^* and dwelt in the land of Midian : '* " ' and he fat down by a well. 16 sNo^v the ilprieft of Midian e^^ 5- »• had feven daughters : '' and they ;:,,«?,, ^ came and drew water, and filled the J^^'^^.'"^''* troughs, to water their fethers flock. ~.^'. li. 17 And the fhepherds came, and di-ove them away : but Mofes flood up, Plofis marn'eth Zipporah: vc up, and helped them, and watered 1? their flock. -V — ' 1 8 And, when they came ' to Reiiel :"!f • their father, he faid, How ;; it that you are come fo foon to-day ? 19 And tliey faid, An Egyptian deli- vered us out of the hand of the fhep- herds, and alfo drew water enough for us, and watered the flock. 20 And he faid uuto his daughters, And v.'here ii he ? why is it that ye have left the man ? Call him, that he may eat bread. 2 1 And Mofes was content to dwell with the man : and he gave Mofes Zipporah his daughter. 22 And (he bare him a fgn, and Chap, be called his mime '^ Gerlhom : for icbr. n. he faid, I have been 'a ftranger in a > '*• llrange land. ch. 7. 7. 23 ^ And it came to pafs, ""in :U7. 3Q. pi-Qcefs of time, tliat tlie king of Kgypt died, and the children of Ifrael Numb. « fighed by reafon of the bondage. Gen." and they cried; and " their cry came 'ap°'i:. "P ^"^^^ God, by reafon of the bon- > 27. dage. ."!{. 24 And God heard their groanin''• dren of Ifi-ael, and God f "^ had rc- CI, 7 . fpect unto them. CHAP. in. I Mofss keepeth Jethros flock : 2 God appeareth to him in a bunting bulk : 9 he Jendeth him to deliver Ij'rael. tm- "^[Ow Mofes kept the flock of Je- c!i,ip. 1^ thro, his father-in-law, * the pried of Midian : and he led the flock to the back-fide of the defert, and K-ng'f'*' came to •> the mountain of God, e-ven <■ ^- to Horeb. 2 And the angel of the Lord ap- "?ftV peared unto him, in a "^ flame of tire, cu.-. 30. out of the midit of a buih : and lie looked, and behold, the bufti burned with fii-e, and the bulh was not con- fumed. 5 .\nd Mofes faid, I will now turn rfide, and fee this great flght, \\{iy the bufli is not burnt. 4 -And, when the Lord faw that he turned afide to fee, God called unto !)™f; him <• out of the midft of the bufli, and faid, Mofes, Mofes. And he faid. Here am 1. 5 And he faid, Draw not nigh joo,. hither : * put oiF thy flioes from off itiy. 33. thy feet ; for the place, whereon thoxi ftandeft is holy ground, C H A p. III. /zff is fent to deliver IfraeL 6 Moreover, he fzid, f I ajiz the ^fm God of tliy father, the God of Abra- ham, the God of Ifaac, and the God *^ — ^ — ' of Jacob. And Mofes hid his face ; ^,^^1^}" for '' he was afraid to look upon God. j;f,'5j. 7 ^ And tlie Lord faid, I have ;^;'_i'«^' furely feen the afniction of my people acU^t'. 33. which are in Egy])t, and ^ have heard f !"„„, tlieir crv, by reafon of their taJk-ma- i^-'t Iters : tor I know their foiTows. 6- 2, «. 8 And ' I am come down to deliver i-ch-s.:;* tliem out of tl le h and of the Egyptians, ) °" & "* and to bring them up out of that land, '*• •'• imto a good laud, and a large, unto a land flo\\ ing with milk and lioiiey ; imio the place of "^ the Canaanites, ^ f 'j|; and the Hittitcs, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebuf.tes. 9 Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Ifrael is come unto me ; and I have alio feen the oppref- fion wherewith the Egyptians opprefs them. ro 'Come now, therefore, and 1 1 Pi^^'m will fend thee unto Pharaoh, that '°^" *"* thou mayeft bring forth my people, the children of Ifrael, out of Egypt. 1 1 ^ And Mofes faid uuto God, '"Whort;7i I, that 1 ihould go unto j; '"gy^- Pharaoh, and that J Pno^ild bring forth jw.'i.'<5. the children of Ifrael out of Egypt ? 12 And he faid, "Certainly I \villnJO'''^-'->' be with thee ; and this jhall be a tok- ; en unto tlice, that I have fent thee : When thou hvA brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye fliall ferve God upon this moimtain. 1 3 And Mofes faid unto God, Be- hold, xvhen I oome unto the children of Ifrael, and fliall fay unto them. The God of your fathers hath fent me unto you ; and they fliall fay to me, What is his name? What fhall I fay unto them ? 14 And God faid unto Mofes, I AM THAT I AM : and he faid, I'hus fhalt thou fay unto the chil- dren of Ifrael, ° I AM hath fent me " c^- «• s- ' 2 Cor. s-23. unto you. Hcb. t?. ». 15 And God faid moreover unto '^*'* * ■*• Mofes, Thus (lialt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob, hath fent me unto you : this is ^ my nauie for ever, and this is my p P^'m memorial imto all generations. '''^" *^' 16 Go, and ^gather tiie elders of ^.^"^if Ifrael together, and fay unto them. The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Ifaac, and of Jacob, appeai-ed unto me, faying, "" 1 \o*^. have B Ckap, 4.31. t Chap. 5- 3- l^; AJo/es Ms inejfage to Ifrael: E X O n?ift ^^^'^ rurely vifited you, ^nAfeen that r-;9i. which is done to you in Egypt. "^ ' 17 And I have faid, I will bring you up out of the affliftion of Egypt, inito the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebufites, unto a land flowing with milk and honey. 1 8 And ^ they fhall hearken to thy voice : and thou (halt come, thou and the elders of Ifrael, unto the king of Egypt, and you fliall fay unto him, The Lord ' God of the Hebrews hath met \\\t\\ us ; and now, let us go (we befeech thee) three days journey into the wildernefs, that we may facrifice to the Lord our God. 19 ^ And I am fure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, || no, not by a mighty hand. 20 And I will ftretch out my hand, end finite Egypt with all my won- ders which 1 will do in the midft thereof : and, after that, he will let you go. 2 1 And I will give this people fa- \-our in the fight of the Egy'ptians : and it fliall come to pafs, that, when ye go, ye fliall not go empty : 22 " But every woman fliall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that fo- journeth in her houfe, jewels of fll- ver. and jewels of gold, and raiment ; and ye fliall put them upon your fons, and upon your daughters : and " ye fliall fpoil II the Egyptians. CHAP. IV. I Mofes rod is turned into a ferpent : 6 his hand is leprous. 21 Gods ■i}ze(fhge to Pharaoh. IS'd Mofes anfwered. and faid, But behold, they will not believe nie, nor hearken unto my voice : for they ■will fay. The Lord hath not appear- ed unto thee. 2 And the Lord faid unto him, What is that in thine hand ? And he faid, " A rod. 3 And he faid, Caft it on the ground ; and he cafl: it on the ground, and it became a ferpent : and Mofes fled from before it. 4 And the Lord faid imto Mofes, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand : 5 That they may believe, that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob, hathappeared unto thee. irha5> Gene.: »5r »4 5t Erek. 39. i:>. A' D U S. his hand leprous. 6 ^ And the Lord faid furthermore Before unto him. Put now thine hand into il^i'-*^ thy bofom. And he put his hand into "^ — "^ — ' his bofom : and, when he took it out, behold,his IranAxvas leprous '' as fnow. ^ Numb. 7 And he faid. Put thine hand into ' "wnss thy bofom again. And he put his hand '' '"" into his bofom again, and plucked it out of his bofom ; and behold, it was turned again as his other flefli. 8 And it fliall come to pafs, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the firfl: flgn, that they will believe the voice of the lat- ter fign. 9 And ic fliall come to pafs, if they will not believe alfo thefe t\vo figns, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou flialt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land : and "^ the \\'ater which thou takeft out ' ^^- ?• ''• of the river, -I- fliall become blood up- t Heh. on the dry land. jimn be. 10 1[ And Mofes faid unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not f elo- tmb. quent, neither -j- heretofore, nor fince ro"!'/".° thou haft fpoken unto thy fervant : L"f;/>,^. but ^ I am flow of fpeech, and of a '^•yV'-fr'" n . * ' fMce the flow tongue. 'Mrdilay. 11 And the Lord faid unto him, Jt^'i-*-"" ^ Who hath made mans mouth ? or i^J'^\^ who maketli the dumb, or deaf, or the feeing, or the blind ? have not I the Lord ? 12 Now therefore, go, and I will be f with thy mouth, and teach thee ftUMhl'/* what thou flialt fay. '=• «!>■ 1 3 And he faid, O my Lord, fend, 13- "'i- I pray thee, hy the hand of hitn whom ^"''"■'•"* thou II v.'ilt fend. 14 And the anger of the Lord was"' kindled againft Mofes, and he faid, Is not Aaron, the Levite, thy brother ? I know that he can fpeak well. And alfo, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee : and, when he feetli thee, he will be glad in his heart. 1 5 And s thou flialt fpeak unto hlra, ^!^^^'. and put words in his mouth : and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye fliall do. 16 And he fliall be thy fpokefman unto the people : and he ihall be, even he fliall be to thee in ftead of a mouth, and h tliou flialt be to him in ftead of; ^^^J' J- God. . 1 7 And thou flialt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou flialt do figns. 1 8 H And Mofes went and returned to f Jethro, his father-in-law, and )f,f^;, tM unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, Jnauld I Chap. I Nitmb. 2M 8, y. J Chap. 7. 3, '3-& 9- j;. &10. 1. & r«. 8. Beuc* ^.30. Joftiua II. 20. rra. 63. 17. John J J. 40. Rom. 9- 18. 314 Rom. 5. 4. n ter. 3'. 9. J«mes I. la. oCh- IT & 12. I.; p Nu;v\b q'joflV. . -. 3- .'fta:;'(3;i meeteih Mofes. C H A thee, and return unto my brethren, which are ni Egypt, and fee whether they be yet alive. And Jetliro faid to Mofes, Go in peace. 19 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, in Midian, Go, return into Egypt : for ' all the men are dead which fought thy life. 20 And Mofes took his wife, and his fons, and fet them upon an afs, and he returned to the land of Egypt. And Mofes took ^ the rod of God in his hand. 21 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, When thou goeit to return into Egypt, fee thai thou do all thofe wonders be- fore Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand : but ' I will harden his heart, that he fiiall not let tlie jxiople go. 22 And thou fliait fay unto Pha- raoh, Thus faith the Lord, " Ifrael /)■ my fon, " even my firft-born. 23 Ami I fay mito thee, Let my ■ fon go, that he may fer\'e me : and if thou refufe to let him go, beliold, "I will flay thy fon, even thy firft-born. 24 11 And it came to pafs by the {.'way, in the inn, that the Lord Pniet him, and fought to kill him. 25 Then Zipporah took *> a (harp llflone, and cut oft' the forelkin of her 1 H^'b fon, and f call/? at his feet, and faid, Iwl'' Siu-ely abIoodyhufbandr.'?Ythou to me. 26 So he let him go : then ihe faid, A bloody hufbaud thou art^ becaufe of the circumcinon. 27 ^ And the Lord faid to Aaron, Go into the wilderncfs to meet Mofes. And he went, and met him in '' the mount of God, and killed him. 28 And Mofes told Aaron all the words of the Lord, who had fent him, and all the figns which he had commiuidcd him, 29 ^ And Mofes and Aaron went, :^nd gathered together all the elders of the children of Ifrael. 30 And Aaron fpake all the words which the Lord had fpoken unto Mofes, and did the ligns in the light of the people. 31 And the people believed: and when they heard that the Lord had vifited the children of Ifrael, and tliat he had looked upon their afflic- tion, then ' they bowed their heads, and worfnipped. CHAP. V. I Pharaoh chideth Mofes and Aaron : 5 he increafeth the IJraelites tajk Nd afterw ard Mofes and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus faith the LcRD God of Ifrael, let my P. V. Pfuiraoh chideth them. r Chap. N people go, that they may hold a feaft Before unto me in the wildernefs. ^'"•'.'* 2 And Pharaoh faid, ^ Who is the '-^^^ Lord, that I Ihouldobey his voice, to ""J """^ let Ifrael go ? I know not the Lord, J** "• »«• neither will I let Ifrael go. 3 And they faid, ^ The God of the ^ chap. Hebrews hath met with us : let us go, ^' '** we pray thee, three days journey into the defert, and facrifice unto the Lor.i> our Gotl ; left he fall upon us with pe- ftilence, or with the fword. 4 And the king of Egypt faid unto them, Wherefore do ye, Mofes and Aaron, let the people from their works ? get you unto your burdens. 5 And Pharaoh faid. Behold, the people of the land now are many, and you make them reft from their burdens. 6 And Pharaoh commanded, the fame day, the talk-mailers of the peo- ple, and their officers, faying, 7 Ye Ihall no more give the people ftraw to make brick, as heretofore : let them go and gather ftraw for themfelves. 8 And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, you Ihall lay upon them; you Ihall not dimi- nilli ought thereof : for they be itUe ; therefore tliey cry, faying. Let us gt» and ftcrifice to our God. 9 f Let there more work be laid t ha. itt upon the men, that they may labour tV^''u^ therein : and let them not regard vain ""««• words. 10 *l And the taflc-mafters of the people went out, and their officers, and they fpake to the people, faying. Thus fiith Pharaoh, I will not give you ftraw. 1 1 Go ye, get you ftraw where you can find it : yet not ought of your work fliall be diminilhed. 12 So the people were fcattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt, to gather ftubble in ftead of ftraw. 1 3 And the tafl<-mafters hafted tfiem, faying. Fulfil your works, your + daily t feJ" ^ talks, as when there was ftraw. a day, « 14 And the officers of the children ^"^'' of Ifrael, which Pharaohs talk-mafters had fet over them, were beaten, and demanded. Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your tafli in making brlclk, both yefterday, and to-day, as here- tofore ? 15 H Then the officers of the chil- dren of Ifrael came, and cried unto Pharaoh, faying, Wherefore deaklt thou thus with thy fervants? 1 6 There God re7ieivcth his covenant. cChap. 6.9. ■tHeb. tn jHnk. 34- ?"• tHeV.. thou kaxt n'A deli- vered- a Chap. 3. 19. b Chap. ji.i.&J 33i 3?-l «; 4<>- 3- iCh. 3. J f Gfn. 3. &i8 r Chap, a. i4' 16 There is no ftraw given unto thy fervants, and they fay to iis, Make brick : and behold, thy fer- vants are beaten j but the fault is in thine own people. 1 7 But he faid, Ye are idle, ye are idle : therefore ye fay, Let us go, mtd do facrifice to the LoPiU. 18 Go therefore now, and work: for there fuall no ftraw be given you, yet fliail ye deliver the tale of bricks. 19 And the officers of the cliiidren of Ifrael did fee tliai t!:ey tuere in evil £afe^ after it \vas faid. Ye fliall not minilli ought from your bricks of your daily taJk. 20 TI And they met Mofes and Aaron, v/ho flood in the way as they came forth from Pharaoh. 21 ''•And they faid imto them, The LoKU look upon you, and judge; be- caufe you have made our favour -|- to be abhorred in the eyes of I'haraoh, and in the eyes of his fervants, to put a fword in their hands to flay us. 22 And Mofes returned unto the Lord, and faid. Lord, wherefore haft thou Jo evil intreated this people ? svhy is it that thou haft fent me ? 23 For, fmce I came to Pharaoh to fpcak in thy name, he hath done evil to this people ; f neither halt thou delivered thy people at all. CHAP. VI. I Godretiewethhis promife by his name JE HOVAH. 14 The genealogy of Reubejt^ iS of Simeon, iG of Levi. THen the Lonu faid unto Mofes, Now flialt thou fee what 1 will do to Pharaoh : for " witli a ftrong handfliall he let them jro, and with a ftrong hand ''fnall he drive them ■ out of his land. 2 And God fpake unto Mofes, and faid unto him, I ain the Loud : 3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Ifaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of "^ God Almighty, but by my ■ name <* J E H O V A H was I not • know'U to them. 4 ^ And I have alfo eftablillied my covenant with them, »'to give them the land of Canaan, the huid of their pil- grknage, wherein they were ftr angers. 5 And * I have alfo heard the groan- ing of the children of Ifrael, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage : and I have remembered my covenant. 6 Wherefore, fay unto the children of Ifrael, I a>7z the Lord, and I v/ill bring you out from under the bur- dens of the Egyptians, and I vi'ill rid you out of their bondage ; and I EXODUS. The genealogies of Reuben, &c, Avill redeem you with a ftretched-out bv'"'^" arm, and great judgments. j""i.' 7 And I will take yoii to me for a "^ people, and I Vv'ill be to you a Gofl : and ye Ihall know that I am the »• Lord your God, which bringeth you out ''from imder the burdens of the ^ chai?. Egyptians. vA\ '' a And I will bring you in imto the '''' *" land concerning the which I did f ' fv/ear to give it to Abraiiam, to t.Ki-.. Ifaac, and to Jacob ; and I will give it m^JI' ' '' you for an heritage : I af?i the Lord, i" ^\'"' 9 ^; And Mofes fpake fo unto the ^f "■;_ cliildren of Ifrael : '^but they hea»-k- [ ocn. is. ened not unto Mofes, for f anguifn of 3*&^'5;,. fpirit, and for cruel bondage. tch. j.^i. 10 x\nd the Lord fpake mito Mo- ^^-';';;yj^ fes, faying, "Zr/!"''''' 1 1 Go in, fpeak unto Pharaoh king of Egyi^t, that he let the children of Ifrael go out of his land. 12 And Mofes fpake before the Lord, faying, Behold, the children of Ifrael have not hearkened unto me ; hovv' then flaall Pharaoh hear me, ' who am of uncircumcifed lips? J.^''''- ?''• « IT n ^ -.>• Chap. 4.10. 13 And the Lord fpake unto Mo- jer. i. 6. fes, and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of Ifrael, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt ; to brhig the children of Ifrael out of the lanci of Egypt. 1 4 f\ Thefe be the heads of their fatliers houfes : "' The fons of Reu- m cendia ben, the hrfc-born of Ifrael : Hanoch, Tch'-on. and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi : thefs *' ^" he the fannlies of Reuben. 15 "And the fons of Simeon ; Je- ^Z^^,''™"*' muel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin,and Zohar, and Shaul, the fon of a Canaanitifli woman : thefe are the famiilies of Simeon. 1 6 ^ And thefe are the names of Gerflion, and Kohath, '^'"■"j;* And the years of the ' ' generations ; and Merari. life of Levi, zuere an lumdi-ed thirty i^'?- and feven years. 1 7 P The fons of Gerlhon ; LibnS, ^',^7!''^"* and Shimi, according to their families, -s- > 1 8 And '^ the fons of Kohath ; Am- q^Numb. ram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and i chron. Uzziel. And the years of the life of <*• '» ' '« Kohath, were an hundi-ed thirty and tliree years. 1 9 And "■ the fons of Merari ; Mahli r i ciiroi^ and Mulhi : thefe are the families ^j.'si. . of Levi, according to their genera- tions. 20 And ' Amram took him Joche- l^''^^*, bed, his fathers fifter, to wife ; and flie Numtei-s bare turn Aaron and Mofes. And the * " "' years I Chron. «• 57, »»■ n Lev. t Chron. 2. 10. rir. ijjo y Kumi, 3- =• & ?«. 6o. I Chrou. 6. 3. & 34. i. z Nuinb. S$> It. Of ivhom came 3Iofes and Aaron. C H A Before years of the life of Amram zvere an i6r9.' hundred and thu'ty and feven years. —v — ' 21 *I And ' the fons of Izhar; Ko- ^'J™''" rah, aiid Nepheg, and Zichri. 22 And " the Ions of Uzziel ; Mi- fliael, and Elzaphan, and Zithri. 23 And Aaron took him Elifheba, daughter of " .^iminadab, fifter of Naafhon, to wife ; and fhe bare him ^ Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 24 And the fons of Korah; Affir, and Elkanah, and Abiafaph : thefe are the families of the Korhites. 25 And Eleazar, Aarons Con, took him one of the daughters of Putiel to wife J and ^ Ihe bare him Phinehas : thefert?r the headsof thefathersof the Levites, according to their families. 26 Thefe are that Aaron and Mo- fes, to whom theLoRD faid, Bring out the children of Ifrael from the land of Egypt, according to their armies. ■49«> 27 Thefe art? they Vi'hich fpake to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to bring out the children of Ifrael iVom Egj-pt : thefe are that Mofes and Aaron. 28 1[ And it came to pafs, on the t^v-ywhen the Lord fpake unto Mo- f?s in the land of Egypt, 29 That the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, faying, I am the Lord : fpeak thou unto Pharaoh, king of Egypt, all that I fay unto thee. 30 And Mofes faid before the Lord, a ver. is. Behold, ' I am of uncircumcifed lips, **"''•"•"• and how fhall Pharaoh hearken unto me? CHAP. VIL < Mofes is encouraged to go toPharaoh: 8 his rod is turned into a ferpent. 13 Pharaohs fieart is hardened. 19 The river is turned into blood. ANd the Lord faid unto Mofes, jtr. i. 10. S^^? I Ii^ve made thee * a god to Pharaoh : and Aaron, thy brother, fliall be thy prophet. 2 Thou flialt fpeak all that I com- mand thee : and Aaron, thy brother, fhall fpeak unto Pharaoh, that he fend the children of Ifrael out of his land. 3 Aud •> I will harden Pharaohs Jieart, ajid multiply my iigns and my wonders in the land of Egypt. 4 But Pharaoh fhall not hearken unLo you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and brmg fortli mine armies, and my people, the children of Ifrael, out of the land of Egypt, ' by great judgments. 5 And the Egyptians fliall know that I ain the Lord, when I flretch iQn\ inJJi? U^ upo# Egyp^; a^'i b Cha?. I. a*. J^Chup, p. VII. Mofes rod lurned into a fei'pent. bring out the children of Ifrael from Before among them. ^J^l^^ 6 And Mofes and Aaron did as ''— v — ^ the Lord commanded tiiem, fo- did they. 7 And Mofes was fourfcore years old, and Aaron fourfcore and three years old, when they fpake unto Pha- raoh. 8 t And the Lord fpake imto Mo- fes, and unto Aaron, faying, 9 When Pharaoh Ihall fpeak unto you, faying. Shew a miracle for you : then thou ihait fay unto Aaron, "^ Take 'i ^''»P' thy rod, and call it before Pharaoh, ''' '' ''* a)td it fliall become a ferpent. I o ^ And Mofes and Aaron went hi unto Pharaoh, and tliey did fo as the Lord had commanded : and Aaron caft down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his fervants, and it became a ferpent. I I Then Pharaoh alfo ' called the e ccneii. wife-men, and fthe furcerers : now^V-ri^ the magicians of Egyj^t, they alfo did, j-"8."^ in like mamier, with their enchant- ments. ^ 12 For they call: down every man his rod, and they became ferpents: but Aarons rod fwallowed up their rods. 1 3 And he hardened Pharaohs heart, tliat he hearkened not unto them j ^ as s ';''^p» die Lord had faid. ■*' *'' 14 11 And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, ^ Pharaohs heart // hardened, he '• <^t- ^^ reiufeth to let the people go. \i\ ?/.°' '* 1 5 Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning, lo, he goeth out unto the water, and thou flialt fland by the rivers brink againft he come, and the rod, w^hich was turned to a ferpent, flialt thou take in thine hand. 16 And thou Ihalt fay unto him, The Lord God of the Hebrews hatli fent me unto thee, faying, Let my people go, • that they may ferve me ' p'^J'-J* in the wildernefs : and behold, hither- j.'i.'s'. to thou wouldefl not hear. 17 Thus faith the Lord, In this thou flialt know that I am the Lord : ^ behold, I \\'ill fmite, with the rod t chap. that is in mine hand, upon the waters *' '" which are in the river, and they fhall be turned ' to blood. If.'lf" 1 8 And the fiih, that is in the river, fliall die, and the river fliall flink; and the Egyptians fliall loathe to clrink of the water of the river. 1 9 ^ And the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and ftretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their ftreams, upo;i their rivers, and upon their pondsj The river turned into bloody E X O jn Chap- It pralm 78. 44. & 105. 29. * Wirdom 17.7. pVer. Before ponds, and upon all their -]- pools of ^«L water, that they may become blood ; ^ — "f — ' and that there may be blood through- latLrmg out all thc land of Egypt, both in watnT. "veffels of wood, and hwejjeh of ftone. 20 And Mofes and Aaron did fo, as the Lord commanded ; and he "' lift up the rod, and fmote the waters that were in the river, in the fight of Pharaoh, :md in the fight of his fer- vants : and all the " waters that zvere in the river, were turned to blood. 21 And the filh that was in the river died ; and the river Hank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river : and there was blood throughout all the land of 22 "And the magicians of Egypt did fo with their inchantments : and Pharaohs heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them ; ^ as the Lord had faid. 23 And Pharaoh turned, and went into his houfe, neither did he fet his heart to this alfo. 24 And all the Egyptians digged round about tlie river for water to drink : for they could not drink of the water of the river. 25 And feven days were fulfilled, after that the Lord had fmitten the river. CHAP. vin. 2 Frogs are fent. 1 6 The diijl turned into lice. 20 The J'wanns of flies. 52 Pharaoh is harde>.'ed. Nd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, Go unto Pharaoh, and fay unto him, Thus faith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may ferve me. 2 And, if thou refufe to let them go, behold, I will fmite all thy bor- a Reveia. ders w ith ^ frogs. *'■ '■*■ 3 And the river Ihall bring forth frogs abundantly, which (hall go up, and come into thine houfe, and into thy bed-chamber, and upon thy bed, and into the houfe of thy fervants, and upon thy people, and into thine L%iu ovens, and into ihy |1 kneading- troughs. 4 And the frogs fhall come up, both on thee, and upon thy people, and upon all thy fervants. 5 If And the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thine hand, with thy rod, over the Itreams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and caufe frogs to come up upon the land of Egj'pt. 7&ff'the Q- A^ D U S. 'and the dujl into lice, frogs came up, and covered the land Befot'e of Egypt. ^J^^ 7 '^ And the magicians did fo wid:.'* — '^ their inchantments, and brought up ^7^7"°"* frogs upon the land of Ecypt. 8 H Then Pharaoh called for Mo- fes and Aaron, and faid, '' Intreat the ^.^IV/^ Lord, that he may take away the i^- '7- ogsrromme, and from my people ; 21.7. and I will let the p and for thy people, f to deftroy the T^^'^' frogs from thee, and thy houfes, thai a^i^uifl they may remain in the river only ? ^,^"^, I o And he faid, || To-morrow. And '" c"« of. he faid, Be it according to thy word ; li-^ji;,/? u~ that thou mayelt know, that there is """•'•'^• none like unto the Lord our God. I I And the frogs fluall depart from thee, and from thy houfes, and from thy fervants, and from thy people ; they Ihall remain in the river only. 12 And Mofes and Aaron went out from Pharaoh ; and Mofes cried imto the Lord, becaufe of the frogs which he had brought againil Pharaoh. 1 3 And the Lord did according to the word of Mofes : and the frogs died out of the houfes, out of the vil- lages, and out of the fields. 1 4 And they gathered them toge- ther upon heaps : and the land ilank., 15 But, when Pharaoh faw that there was refpite, " he hardened his '^^^^f* heart, and hearkened not unto tliem j as the Lord had faid. 16 t And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Say mito Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and fmite the dull of the land, that it may become lice througliout all the land of Egypt. 1 7 And they tlid fo : for Aaron ftretched out his hand with his rod, and fmote the dull: of the earth, and f it became lice, in man and in beaft ; [^^f^^ all the duft of the land became lice, throughout all the land of Egypt. 1 8 And the magicians did fo with their inchantments, to bring forth lice; but they could not : fo there were lice upon man, and upon beaft. 19 Then the magicians faid unto Pharaoh, This is ^ tne finger of God. ^ /^sam. And Pharaohs heart was hardened, pi^J^''^^;?' and he hearkened not unto them 5 as f^^C the Lord had faid. i-^'."^"* 20 t And the Lord faid unto M6- fes. Rife up early in tlie morning, and . ftand before Pharaoh, ( lo, he cometh forth to the water, } and fay unto him, Thus h riiap 9- 4, 2i tHcb. a tlempth II Or, de llrayed- T'lcpldgiies of fjes^ C H A Thus faith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may ferve me. 2 1 Elfe, if thou wilt not let mypeo- ple go, behold, I will fend |( fwarms ., of flies upon thee, and upon thy fer- »eaits, ire. vants, and upon thy people, and into thy houfes : and the houfes of the Egyptians fhall be full of fwarms of fiies^ and alfo the ground whereon they are. 22 And h I will fever in that day , the land of Goflien, in which my peo- ple dwell, that no fwarms of flies ihall be there; to the end thou mayeft know, that I a77t the L o r d in the midll of the earth. '■ 23 And I will put f a dlvlfion be- tween my people, and thy people : ^_ \\ to-morrow Ihall this lign be. 24 And the Lord did fo : and ' there came a grievous fwarm of flies into the lioufe of Pharaoh, and into his fervants houfes, and into all the land of Egpyt ; the land was || cor- rupted by reafon of the fwarm of flies. 25 t And Pharaoh called for Mo- fes, and for Aaron, and faid, Go ye, facrilice to your God in the land. 26 And iviofes faid, It is not meet fo to do ; for we fliall facrifice ^ the abomination of the Egyptians to the Lord our God : lo, ihail we facri- fice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and will they not ftone us ? 27 We will go ' three days jour- ney into the wilder nefs, and facrifice to the Lord our God, as '" he fhall conunand us. 28 And Pharaoh faid, I will let you go, that ye may facrifice to the Lord your God in the wildernefs ; only, you fhall not go very far away: " intreat for me. 29 And Mofes fliid, Behold, I go out from thee, and I will intreat the Lord, that the fwarms of y?/^^ may depart from Pharaoh, from his fer- vants, and from his people, to-mor- row : but let not PJxaraoh deal de- ceitfully any more, in not letting the people go to facrifice to the Lord. 30 And Mofes went out from Pha- raoh, and intreated the Lord. 31 And the Lord did according to the w^ord of Mofes ; and he remov- ed the fv%-arms of flies from Pharaoh, from his fervants, and from his peo- ple : there remained not one. 32 And Pharaoh " hardened his heart at this time alfo, neither would he let the people go. t t Geiicf!!' Ki. i^. Cliap (I Ch.ip Ver. ' baptci' Ver. tj wpter P- IX. murrain, boils, and blmin;,, C H A P. IX. I The murrain ofbeafls. 8 The plague of boils and hlaitis. ^ THen the Lord faid unto Mofes, Befor. Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell ^,9'/' him, Thus faith the Lord God of the * — -^ — Hebrev.'s. Let my people go,tliat they may ferve me. 2 For, if thourefufe to let//z«7zgo, and wilt hold them ifill, 3 Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the liorfes, upon the affes, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the fheep : there fliall be a very griev- ous murrain. 4 And '' the L o R D fhall fever be- » ^iiap, tween the cattle of Ifrael, and the ^" "* cattle of Egypt : and there fliall no- thing die of all that is the childrens of Ilrael. 5 And the Lord appoiiited a fet time, faying. To-morrow the Lord fliall do this thing in the land. 6 And the Lord did that tiling on the morrow, and "^ all the cattle of V'''"]'^ Eg>'pt died ; but of the cattle of the ' " *^' children of Ilrael died not one. 7 And Pharaoh fent, and behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Ifraelites dead. And "^ the heart of !*^'';''- Pharaoh was hardened, and he did '" "^ not let the people go. 8 *! And the Lord faid unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, Take to you hand- fuls of allies of the furnace, and let Mofes fprinkle it towards the heaven in the fight of Pharaoh. 9 And it fhall become fmall dufl in all the land of Egypt, and fliall be '' a boil breaking forth ivith blains, d rcvci, upon man, and upon beait, througti- '^" *' out all the land of Egypt. I o And they took aihes of tlie fur- nace, and flood before Pharaoh, and Mofes fprinkled it up toward hea- ven : and it became ^ a. boil breaking f veat. forth luitk blains, upon man, and ' ' '^' upon beaft. I I And the magicians could not (land before Mofes, becaufe of the boil : for the boil w^as upon the ma- gicians, and upon all the Egyptians. , 1 2 And the Lord hardened the heart cf Pharaoh, and he hearkened not Unto them ; <" as the Lord had ^ "''■^?» fpoken unto Mofes. '*' ''' 1 3 11 And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Rife up early in the morning, and fland before Pharaoh, and fay unto him, Thus faith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Lei my people go, that they may ferve me. K i4Eor J/,. 4. > J' t Hep. Jiarti. Tim plague of kaiL E X O Bcfor. 14 For I will at this time fend all ^%t my plagues upon *-hine heart, and * — >^ — ' upon thy fcrvants, and upon thy peo- ple: that thou mayeft know that there is none like me in all the earth. 1 5 For now I will ftretch out my hand, that I may fmite thee and thy people with peftilence ; and thou (halt be cut otf tVom the earth. * Rom«i» 1 6 And in very deed for ° this coufe lic'ciiap. have I f raifed thee uj), for to Ihew prov'/r'bi in thee my povv-er ; and that my name ;: '.. 8. may be declared throughout all the earth. 17 As yet exalteft thou thyfelf againft my people, that thou wilt not let them go ? 18 Behold, to-morrow about this time, I will caufe it to rain a very grievous hail, fuch as hath not been in Egypt, ilnce the foundation there- of, even imtil now. 19 Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and all that thon haft in the field : for upon every man and beaft which iliall be found in the field, and fliall not be brought home, the hail fhall come down upon them, and they fnall die. 20 He that feared the word of the Lord amongft the fervants of Pha- raoh, made his fervants and his cat- tle flee into the houfes. 21 And he that f regarded not the , word of the Loiiu, left nis fervants and his cattle in the field. 22 t And the Loud faid unto Mo- fes, Stretch forth thine hand toward heaven, that there may be '' hail in all the land of Kg>-pt , upon man, and up- on beaft, and upon every herb of the field, throughout the land of Egyjit. 2 3 And Mofes itretched forth his rod toward heaven, and ' the Lord fent thunder and hail, and the fire ran a- long upon the ground ; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. 24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very griev- ous, fuch as tliere was none like it in all the land of Egypt, fince it be- came a nation. 25 And the hail fraote tliroughout all tlie land of Egypt, all thattffli in tlie field, both man and beaft : and the hail fmote every herb of the field, and brake every tree of the field. 26 '' Only in the land of Goflien, where the children of Ifrael were^ was there no liail. 27 ^ And Pharaoh fent, and call- ed for Mofes and Aaron, and faid mi- W tiiejii, I huve liiintd t/iii tijue ; tlie D U S. The thunder and hail ceafe. ffi K-t his 'iaart u.tSa , .-, J Ohrlrt pie are wicked. i49>. 28 ' Intreat the Lord, (for it is e- J^^Jj^^T^ nough, ) that there be no more fmigh- «■ f j = *• tythunderings and hail ; ami I will let aas's. }«; you go, and ye ihall ftay no longer, l^^,'^ 29 And Mofes faid unto him, A{- cod. foon as I am gone out of the city, I will fpread abroad my hands imto the Lord: and the thunder Ihall ceafe, neither fliall there be any more hail ; that thou mayeft know how that the •" earth is the Lords. f fi?"* 30 But, as for thee and thy fer- vants, I know that ye will not yet fear the Lord God. 31 And the fiax, and the barley, was fmitten : for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was boiled. 32 " But the wheat and the rye " '^".'^ were not fmitten : for they were f not -• -?■ grown up. ^ lulX', 33 And ?vTofes went out of the city oi-.<''jk»- from Pharaoh, and fpread abroad his hands unto the Lord : and the thmi- ders and hail ccafed, and the rain was not poured upon the earth. 34 And, when Pharaoh fawthat the rain, and the hail, and the thunders were ceafed, he finned yet more, and hardened his hear t, he and his fervants. 35 And ° the heart of Pharaoh was "J'^^]^ hardened, neither would he let the chiUh-en of Ifrael go ; as the Lord had fpoken f by Mofes. li^fjf C H A P. X. 0/ -"^"J""' 13 The plague of locufls^ 21 of dark- nefs. 2-7 Pharaohs heart hardened. Nd the Lord faid unto Mofes, Go ? Pfalin /S. 47. & ». 22. U ri. 7- & A' in unto Pharaoh : •* for I have "J'^^^i. hardened his heart, and the heart of /• '+• his fervants ; that 1 might fiiew thefe my figns before him : 2 And that ^ tliou mayeft tell in )l^f^^ the ears of thy fon, and of thy fons 7»- 5. i'~'* fon, what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my figns which I have done amongft them ; that ye may know how that I ain the Lord. 3 And Mofes and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and faid mito him, Thus faith the Lord God of the He- brews, How long wilt thou refufe to humble thyfelf before me ? Let my people go, that they may ferve me. 4 Elfe, if thou refufe to let my people go, behold, to-morrow will I bring the ' loculb into thy coaft. {^f^^ 5 And they fliall cover the i- face t hm. ■ of the earth, that one cannot be able ">"• to fee the earth : and ■' they fliall eat •^.■'-» the reiidue of that which is efcaped, which remajxieth uato you from the hail. plague of locufls. hail, and fhall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the held. 6 And they (hall fill thy houfes, and the houfes of all thy fervants, and the houfes of all the Kgj'jitians ; which neither thy fathers, nor thy fa- thers fathers have feen, fince the day that they were upon the earth, unto this day. And he turned himfelf, and went out from Pharaoh. 7 And Pharaohs fervants faid unto him, How long fliall this man be a fnare unto us ? Let the men go, that they may ferve the Lord their God. Knowelt thou not yet, that Lgypt is deftroyed ? 8 And Mofcs and Aaron were brought again unto Pharaoh : and he faid unto them, Go, ferve the Lord your God : but + who are they that Ihall go ? 9 And Mofes faid. We will go with our young, and with our old, with our fons, and with our daughters; with our flocks, and with our herds will we go : for we mnft hold a feaft unto the Lord. 10 And he faid unto them, Let the Lord be fo with you, as I will let you go, and your little ones : look to it, for evil ii before you. ri Not fo'; go now ye that are jnen, and ferve the Lord : for that you did defire. And they were dri- ven out from Pharaohs prefence. 12 ![ And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Stretch oiit tliine hand over the land of Egypt for the locufts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, tf-jfw all that the hail hath left. 13 And Mofes flretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the Lord brought an eaft wind upon the land all that day, and all that night : o;zrf, when it v as morning, the eaft \dnd brought the locufts. 1 4 And " the locufts went up over all the land of Egypt, and reited in all the coafts of Egypt : very griev- ous were tliey ; *" before them there were no fuch locufts as they, neither after them fhall be fuch. ; . ,. 15 For they covered the face of the whole earth, fo that the land was darkened, and they did eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left : and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all the land of Egypt. ..16 ^ Then Pharaoh, .f called. for. Mofes ajid Aaron in hafte j and he -CHAP. X, XL TJie plague of dm-knefs. faid, I have Unned agaiaft the Lord your God, and againft you. 17 Now therefore, forgive, I pray thee, my lin only this once, and ^ in- treattheLoRDyourGod.th.it he may *' take away from me this deatn «.miy. 18 And he went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the Lord. 19 And the Lord turned a mighty fb-ong weft wind, which took away the locufts, and f eaft them '"into the tw/f^. Red fea : there remained not one lo- h"joei cuft in all the coafts of Egypt. ■■ -=• 20 But the Lord ' hardened Pha- '^f^^f'^ raohs heart, fo that he would not let ''•'<>• the children of Ifrael go. 21 *l And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darknefs over the land of Egypt, f even dark- t Heb, • nefs which may be feit. that onm. . , 7fiay Test 22 And Mofes ftretched forth his ''^'•*"'/'' hand toward hea^'en : and there was '^ a thick darknefs in all the land of )< praim Egypt three days. wir.iom 23 They favv* not one another, nel- '^' '' '^^'' ther rofe any from his place for three days : ' but all tli£ children of Ifrael |.^J'.fP' had light in their d\^■elling.•;. wLrJom 24 11 And Pharaoh called unto Mo- '*' '° fes, and laid. Go ye, ferve the Lord ; only let your flocks and your herds be flayed : let your little ones alfo go with you. 25 And Mofes faid. Thou muft give + us alfo facritices, and burnt-otter- + '*«'" '* . 1 ^ ' _ ... , our haruUi mgs, tliat we may facntice mito the Lord our God. 26 Our cattle alfo Ihall go with us; there ihall not an hoof be left behind: for tliereof muft we take to ferve the Lord our God ; and we know not with what we muft ferve the Lord, until we come thither. ■ ■ 2-' H But the Lord "" hardened >" '^''^g^ Pharaohs heart, and he would not '*' *' let them go. 28 And Pharaoh faid unto him. Get thee from me, take heed to thy- felf, fee my face no more : for, ia thai day thou feeft my face, thou ftalt die. 2 9 And Mofes faid, Thou haft fpoken well, " I will fee thy face again no \^'^^' more. CHAP. XL I God; mejjage to the Ifraelites, ta borrow jewels of their t^eighboun. 4 The death of their firjt-barn is threatened. ANd the Lord faid luico Mofes, . Yet will I bring one plague 77ior5. I'pon Pharaoh, andupon Egypt ; after- ' E 2 wards b Chap. 3- :=• & 12. 3s. e Chap. 12. 36. * Chap. >j. 29. f Chap. The laft plague threatened. E X O -h^°rt wards he will let you go hence: *when 149^- he fiiall let you go, he fhall furely thruil ~y ^ you out hence altog;ether. hap. I.. •' , .0 - 53. 39- 2 Speak now m the ears or the peo- ple, and let every man borrow of his neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour, •'jewels of filver, and jew- els of gold. 3 " And the Lord gave the people favour in the fight of the Egyptians. Moreover, tlie man ^ Mofes xuas very great in the land of Egypt, in the fight of Pharaohs fervants, and in the fight of the people. 4 And Mofes faid, Thus faith the LoRo, * About midnight will I go out into the midft of i" gypt. 5 And f all the firft-born in the land of Egypt Ihall die, from the firft-born of" Pharaoh that fitteth upon his throne, even unto the firft- born of the maid-fervant that is be- hhid the mill 5 and all the firlb-born f>i beafts. 6 And there fhall be a great cry througliout all the land of Eg}'pt, fuch as there was none like it, nor Ihall be like it any more. 7 ^ But againft any of the children of Ifrael, '' fiiall not a dog move his tongue, againft man or beaft : that ye may Icnov/ how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyp- tians and Ifrael. 8 And ' all thefe thy fervants fliall come down anto me, and bow dow n themfclvcs unto me, faying, Get thee out, and all the people -|- that follow thee; and after that I will go out: and he went out from Pliaraoh in f a great anger. 9 And ^ the Lord faid unto Mofes, Pharaoh fiiall not hearken unto you ; Ipan's^"'* that ' my wonders may be multiplied kchap. in the land of Egypt. 10 And Mofes and Aaron did all thefe wonders before Pharaoh: '" and the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart, fo that he would not let the children of Ifrael go out of his land. CHAP. XII. 3 The pajover is injlituted. 29 • The firft-hvrn are /lain. 31 The Ifrael- ites are driven out of the land. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes and Aaron in the land of Egypt, faying, 2 This month Jliall be unto you the beginning of months : it Jiiall be the firli month of the year to you. 3 If Speak ye unto all the congre- gation of Ifrael, faying, In the tenth day of this month, they fhall take to h Jofliua i Chap. IJ 3*. 3J. t Heb. that is at thy feet ; So Jiulges 4. 10. & e. J. 1 Kings 20. 10. 2 Kings 3. 19. & 10. I. lCh.7. 3, m Chap. D U S. The palaver infUtuted, them every man a || lamb, according Be-fpre to the houfe of their fathers, a lamb ui'i'. for an houfe. ^'~^ "* 4 And if the houfiiold be too little kot' for the lamb, let him and his neigh- bour, next unto his houfe, take //, ac- cording to the number of the fouls ; every man, according to his eating, fiiall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb fiiall be '^ without \}-"[:** blemifii, a male -]- of the firft year: J![';{,'" '•®' ye fiiall take it out from the fiieep, or v^"^^ from the goats. ' i.%'.'''^ 6 And ye fiiall keep it up until the t "'i^; ''"" fourteenth day of the fame month : \ ^^XZ' and "^ the whole aflTenibly of the con- f,ru„Vi,er« gregation of Ifi'ael Ihall kill it fin ?g3-« the evening. ceuteron. 7 And they fiiall take of the blood, ' ^eb. and ftrike it on the two fide-pofts, ^'^""^^l and on the upper door-poft of the e-.emnf,., houfes, wherein they fiiall eat it. kj.'C!'''^ 8 And they fiiall eat the fiefii In that night; roalt with fire, and '^ un- j/g^""^ leavened bread, and\i\tw. bitter Iierbi they fiiall eat it. ■ 9 Eat not of it raw, nor fodden at all with water, but roaft with fire: his head with his legs, and with the pur- tenance thereof. 10 ^ And ye fiiall let nothing of it \^^^i:^ remain until the morning : and that 34. ij- which remaineth of it until the morn- ing, ye fiiall burn with fire. 1 1 ^ And thus fiiall ye eat it ; ivith your loins girded, j'our fiioes on your feet, and your ftafl" in your hand : and ye fiiall eat it in hafte ; " it is the ^J^''»t' ■ Lords pafibver. r2 For I will pafs through the land of Egypt tills night, and will finite all the firft-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beaft : and ^ againft all f Nuini« the |( gods of Egypt I will execute \ o,'," judgment ; I am the Lord. pi-inus, 1 3 And the blood fiiall be to you . for a token upon the houfes where you are : and, when I fee the blood, I will pafs over you, and the plague fiiallnot be upon you, f to deftroy t H?b. you., when I finite the land of Egypt. jh^iioH, 14 And this day fiiall be unto you for a memorial ; and you fiiall keep it a feart to the Lord throughout your generations : you fiiall keep Lt a feaft by an ordinance for ever. 1 5 ° Seven days fiiall ye eat unlea- g chap. vened bread, even the fii-ft day ye Ij'. *;.*& fiiall put away leaven out of your 34- '», 2i»" houfes : for whofoever eateth leaven- ed bread, from the firft day until the feventh day, '' that foul fiiall be cut h conrfi. off from Ifrael. ''' '" 16 And ftul. t r.evJt Ic Exodus ag- 15- & 34. iS. T;5all obferve the feafl of unleavened bread; for in this ielf- fame day have I brought your armies out of the land of i^gypt : there- fore (hall ye obferve this day in your generations, by an orduiance for ever. 18 11 'In the firft months on the fourteenth day of the month, at even, ye fhall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month, at even. 19 '^ Seven days fliall there be no leaven found in your houfes : for who- foever eatcth that which is leavened, 1 Kutiibert 1 even that foul Ihali be cut off from ^' '*■ the congregation of IlVael, whether he be altrauger, or born in the land. 20 Ye fliall eat nothing leavened : in all your habitations Ihall ye eat luileavened bread. 2 1 t Then Mofes called for all the elders of Ifrael, and faid unto them, *'■•<• Draw out, and take you a || lamb, according to your families, and kill the palibver. » Hei)rew« 2 2"' And yc fhall take a bunch of *'■ ■" ' hyllbp, and dip it in the blood that i\ in tlie bafon, and llrike the lintel, and the two (ide-pofts, with the blood that /■; in thebaibn : and none of you fliall go out at the door of his houfe until the morning. 23 For the Lord will pafs through to fmite the Egyptians ; and, when he feeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two fide-poits, the Loro will ■ Eiekiei pafs over the door, and " will not fuf- '■ ■ 3. fer " the deilroyer to come in unco your houfes to finite you. 24 And ye fliall obferve this thing for an ordinance to thee, and to thy fons for ever. 25 And it fliall come to pafs, Mhen ye be come to the land which the Lord will give you, according as he hath promifed, tliat ye fliall keep this fervice. :^ 6 ^ And it fliall come to pafs, when your children fliall fiy unto you, What mean you by this fervice ? 2 7 That ye fliall lay, It is the facri- fice of the Lords paiibver, who pafs- ed over the houfes of the children of Ifiael in Egypt, when he fmote the Egyptians, iiad delivers?d wur houfes. « Or &9 b 1 Clorin Bet.fv Ji Jodma 4- *• P- XII. The firfi-born flain. And the people ' bowed the head, Before and worlliipped. ^5^^*^ 28 And the children of Ifrael went ^^"^ away, and did as the Lord had com- 4- ji?' man'ded Mofes and Aaron, fo did tliey. 29 ^ *■ And it came to pafs, that, rchap. at midnight, = the Lord fmote all T-^t,^^, the tirft-born in the land of Jr gypt, ?• '7- ^ ' from the hrft-born of Pharaoh that P^ai™ fat on his throne, unto the tirft-born loi/Vof of the captive that wm in the f dim- & 1|V. \\. geon, and all the iirft-boni of cattle. ' chapter 30 And Pharaoh rofe up in the v.mini night, he and all his fervants, and all fwe"' the Egyptians ; and there was a great ^t^flf cry in Egypt : for there was not a ' ''" * houfe where there was not one dead. 31 H And " he called for Moles and "/''•''ll' Aaron by night, and faid. Rife up, '"*' ^ ' and get you forth frtini amongft my people, -^ both you and the children ^^^hap. of Ifrael ; and go, ferve the Lord, '°' '" as ye ha\e faid. 32 =^ Alio take your flocks, and your y chsv herds, as ye have faid, and be. gone : '°" '*' and blefs me alio. 33 And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might fend them out of the land in halte : for they faid. We be all dead men. 34 And the people took their dough before it was leavened, their ;| Icnead- 11 or, ing-troughs being bound up in tlieir '*'"'**' clothes upon their flioulders. 35 And the chikhen of Ifrael did according to the word of Mofes : and they borrowed of the t-gyj^tians ' jewels of iilver, and jewels of gold, 2 chapwr and raiment. \\JV. ^ 36 * And the Lord gave the peo- achsptcc pie favolir in the light of the Egyp- "' ^' tians, fo that they lent unto them fuch things as they required: aiul ^ they \^^f^* fpoiled the Egyptians. chaptcf 37 \ And " the children of Ifrael pVaim jqtirneyedfroni'' RamefestoSuccoth, \°^^^^, about " fix hundred thoufand on foot 33- 3, s- that were men, belides children. ^^.^ii^" 38 And f a mixed njultitude went e chapter Xip alfo with them ; and flocks, and ^;,^t'er', herds, eoen very much cattle. j- i^- «« 39 And they baked unleavened cakes + ireb* of the dough, which they brought ^„^y".*, forth out of Egypt : for it was not Number* leavened ; becatife *■ they were thruft "chtp- out of Egypt, and couid not tarry, *i.'if^ neither had they prepared for them- felves any victual. 40 If No.w the fojourning of the children of Ifrael, who dwelt in E- gyp*^' wflj" ^ four hundred and thirty b ce^n. years, f^//."*, E3 ^i Andc*''*-^* + Hrb. a pigh, of ol'/efva- iioni. h See Deut. John' J5), 30. The Ifrachies departure. E X O D U scfore 41 And it came to pafs, at the end "^jw*^ of the four hundred and thirty years, "•j-"-^ even the felf-Canie day it came to pafs, t.:at aii the liofL of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt. 42 It is i" '^ a night to be much ob- ferved unto the Lord, for bringing them out from tlie land of Egypt : this /f that night qf the Lord to be obferved of all the children of Ifrael in their generations. 43 *]| And the Lord faiduntoMo- fes and Aaron, This /j the ordinance of the pailb\^er : there fliall no ftranger cat thereof. - 44 But every mans fervant that is bought for money, when thou haft circumcifed him, then fhall he eat thereof. ; 45 A foreigner, and an hired fer- vant, fliall not eat thereof. 46 In one houfe fliall it be eaten ; thou flialt not carry forth, ought of the flefh abroad out of the houfe : ' nei- ther fhall ye break a bone thereof. 47 All the congregation of Ifrael fliall t keep it. 48 And "^ when a ftranger fliall fojourn with thee, and will keep the paiTover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcifed, and then let him come near and keep it ; and he ihall be as one that is born in the land : for no uncircumcifcd perfon iliall eat thereof. i 49 O'AQ law fliall be to him that !s home-born, and unto the ftranger that Pjjourneth among you. ; 50 TIui.s did all the children of If- rael ; as the Lord commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo did they. 51 And it came to pafs, the felf- faiue day, that the Lord did bring the children of Ifrael out of the land cf £gypt ^ by their armies. CHAP. XIII. I The firfl-born are faiidified to God. 3 The meinorial of the pajjb'ver is coiwnai?ded. 2 1 God guideth them by a pillar of a cloud and of fire. Nd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, -. 2 * Sanctify unto me all the firft- born, whatfocver openeth the womb among the children of Ifrael, both of ' rnan and of beaft : it is mine. '; . 3 "il And Mofes fald unto the peo- 3- pie. Remember this day, in which ye came out from Eg^-pt, out of the houfe of -{-bondage ; for by ftrength of hand the Lord brovight you out from tins, place: there fhall no lea- vened Wead be eaten. 5 Clisp^ The memorial of the paffover. 4 ^ This day came ye out, in the month Abib. 5 11 And it Ihall be, when the Lord j^"^ fliall bring thee into the land of the '^3-_ ^g Canaanitcs, and the Hittites, and the ueuter. Amorites, and the Hivites, and the ' ' '' Jebufites, which he fware unto thy fathers to give thee, n land flowing with milk and honey, " that thou fhait \^}'^fl% , keep this fervice in this month- 6 '' Seven days flialt thou eat un- ^^^^j^'ij. leavened bread, and in the feventh day fliall be a feaft to the Lord. 7 Unleavened bread fhall be eaten feven days : and there fliall no leaven- , , ed bread be feen Vv'ith thee, neither ' j fliall there be leaven feen with thee in all thy quarters. 8 t -"^d thou fhalt fhew thy fon in that day, faying. This is done be- caufe of that luhich the Lord did unto me, when I came forth out of Egypt. 9 And it fliall be for *-' a fign unto vl^?,,, thee upon thine hand, and for a me- ^mnbers morial between thine eyes ; that the Dcut. 't. s. Lords law may be in thy mouth : for p,ov.' 1'. 94 with a ifrong hand hath the Lord '/^.'f^. ; brought thee out of Egypt. ^"TT^'.^'* loThou fhaltthereforekeepthisor- >iuttiKiv dinanceinhisfeafonfromyeartoyear. '"' *" 11 ^ And it fliall be, when the Lord fliall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites, as he fware unto thee and to thy fathers, and fhall give it thee, 12 fThat thou flialt f fet apart f,^!;*i''^ unto the Lord all that openeth the 34" V9. 1 r 111- ^i_ ^ Leviticus matrix : and every firuling that com- 27. i«. cth of a beaft, which thou haft, the I'.T?':"' males jhall be the Lords. ?f."7<;: And ^ every firftling of an afs Exekici thou flialt redeem with a || lamb A' l^i umbers «. IS, i; ■^Hcb. ffcrxianii and, if thou wilt not redeem it, then ^^}f„.f*.^ thou fhalt break his neck : and all the jr Number* firft-born of man amongft thy chil- '^-^l^'Jl' dren '' fhalt thou redeem. h Nu'mhen 1 4 l And it fhall be when thy fon ^z^'.'e,^ afl<:eth thee \ in time to come, fay- t Heb. ;ii. | ing, What is this ? that tliou Ihalt fay ""'""^' , unto him. By ftrength of hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt, from the houfe of bondage. - 1 5 And it came to pafs, when Pha- raoh would hardly let us go, that the Lord flew all the firft-born in the land of EgJ'pt' ^oXh the firft-born of man, antl the firft-born of beaft : therefore I facrifice to the Lord all that openeth the matrix, being malesj but all the firft-born of my childreu I redeem. ' 16 And it fhall be for a token up= on thine hand, and for frontlets be- tweea k Chapter {I Or; *v I Ceuefi* Jefliua , Acts 7. i« (n Kumb> 33.6. 34- & Dfut. 1.33' ^'elicratah T/x pillar of /Ire. C H A tween thine eyes : for by ftrength of hand the Lord brought us forth out of Eg>'pt. 17 ^ Anditcametopafs,whenPha- raoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the PhilUlines, although that was near ; for Ciod faid, Left perad- venture the people repent when they fee war, and ' they return to Egypt: r8 But God ^ led the people about through the way of the wildernefs of the Red fea. And the children of If- rael went up || harneffed out of the land of Egypt. 19 And Mofes took the bones of Jofeph with him : for he had ftraitly fworn the children of Ifrael, faying, » God will furely vifit you ; and ye fliall carry up my bones away hence with you. 20 ^ And " they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in E- tham, in the edge of the wildernefs. 21 And " the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way ; and by night in a pillar of tire, to give them light, to go by day and night. ^ia.' ys.'u. 22 He took not away the pillar of %l:\l: ^ the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fctor.jo.i. gre bv night, from before the people. CHAP. XIV. 5 Pharaohs purfuit. 10 Tfie Ifrael- itei murmur : 2 1 they pajs through the Red fea. 23 The Egyptians are drowned. Nd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, a Chapter » that thev turn and encamp before fc Numbers '' Pi-hahiroth, between ' Migdol and S3- 7- the fea, over againft Baal-zephon : c Jeremiah before it fliall ye encamp by the fea. 3 For Pharaoli \vili fay of the chil- dren of Ifrael, They are intangled in the land, the wildernefs hath Ihut them in. 4 And '^ I will harden Pharaohs heart, that he fliall follow after them, and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hoft ; that the Egyp- tians may know that I amtht Lord. And they did fo. 5 t And it was told the king of E- sypt, that the people tied : and " the heart of Pharaoh and of his fervants was turned againft the people, and they faid. Why have we done this, that we have let Ifrael go from ferv- ing us ? 6 And he made ready his chariot, aiid took his people with hint. ?. XIV. The Ifraelites murnntr. 1 And he took fix hundred chofen cliariots, and all the chariots of E- gypt, and captains over every one of^ them. 8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, andhepur- fued after the children of Ifrael : and f the children of Ifrael went out with J,^"!'* an high hand. 9 But the ^ Egyptians purfued af- f^-;"^"* terthem, (all the horfes aud chariots ' Mae. of Pharaoh, and his horfemen, and his army, ) and overtook them en- camping by the fea, befide Pi-hahi- roth, before Baal-zephon. 10 % And, when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Ifrael lift up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marclied after them, and they were fore afraid : and the chikU-en of Ifrael cried out unto the Lord. 1 1 '" /\iid they faid unto Mofes, Becaufe there were no graves in E- gypt, hart thou taken us away to die in the wildernefs ? Wherefore haft: thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of EgvjVi; h VMn A' i Chapter • PPaTm 12 ' Is not this the word that we '\p^^^ did tell thee in Egypt, faying, Let us e- s-" alone, that we may ferve the Egyp- tians ? for /■/ had been better for us to ferve the Egyptians, than that we fliould die in the wildernefs. 1 3 t And Mofes faid unto the peo- ple, ^ Fear ye not, ftand ftill, and \i f"^"^^ fee the falvation of the Lord, which " " * * he will fliew to you to-day : |i for the l^^^ Egyptians whom ye have feen to-r>"'Mv» day, ye Ihall fee them again no more Sgyptium tor ever. 14 ' The Lord fhall fight for you, '/.t."^* and ye ihall hold your peace. 15 *!I And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Wherefore crieft thou unto me ? fpeak unto the children of Ifrael, that they go forward. 1 6 But lift thou up thy rod, and ftretcli out thine hand over the fea, and divide it ; and the children of Ifrael Ihall go on dry ground tl^rougU the mids of the fea. 1 7 And I, behold I, will harden thff hearts of the Egj'ptians, and they fliall follow them : and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hoft, upon his chariots, and upoix his horfemen. 18 And t lie Egyptians fhall know that I am theLoRD, when I have got- ten me honour upon Pharaoh, upou his chariots, and upon his horfemen. 1 9 1 And the angel of God, "" which *;,.";f."^ • went before the camp of Ifrael, re- n' ^-^ £ 4 mo\'ed p Jodiua 3. IS. & iTalm 74- ii- & « Numb ?falm Kebreiv II. 29. r See Pn-I The Egyptians drowned, E X O sefore jnovecl and went behind them ; and 14"/' the pillar of the cloud went from be- ■•^' — ' foretheirface, and ftoodbehind them. 20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians, and the camp of If- ;fe irai. rael ; and " it was a cloud and dark- lotinth. nefs to f//ejn, but it gave light by night '• to thefc: fo that the one came not near the other all the night. 21 And Mofes itretched out his hand over the fea, and the Lord caufed the fea to go back by a ftrong raim ealt-wind all that night, and ° made the fea dry land, and the waters Vv'ere P divided. 22 And ' the children of Ifrael went intp- the midft of the fea upon the dry ground : and the waters xvere a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. 23 1| And the Egyptians purfued, and went in after them to the midft of the fea, even all Pharaohs horfes, his chariots, and his horfemen. 24 And it came to pafs, that, in the morning- watch, 'the Lord look- ed unto the holt of the Egyptians, through the pillar ci-'fire, and of the cloud, and troubled the hoft of the Egyptians, 25 And took off their chariot- wheels, II that they drave them hea- vily : fo that the Eg^-ptians faid, Let us flee from the face of Ifrael ; for the Lord fighteth for them againfl the Egyptians. 26 \ An4 the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Stretch cut thine hand over the fea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their cha- riots, and upon their horfemen. 27 And Mofes llretched forth his hand over the fea, and the fea return- ed to Ills frrength when the morning appeared, and the Egj'ptians fled againft it : and the Lord j- over- threw the Egyptians in the midll; of the fea. - 28 And ^ the waters returned and covered the chariots, and the horfe- men, and all the hoft of Pharaoh tliat came into the fea after them : there remained not fo much as ' one pf them. 29 But " the childrenof Ifrael walk- ed upon dry land in the midft of the fea : and the waters vjeye a wall un- to them or^ their right hand, and on their left. 30 Thus theLoRBfived Ifrael that day out of the hand of the Egyptians: ai^dlA-ael faw the Egyptians dead upon the fea-Ihore. iS. 14. D U 5. The fong of Mofsu 3 1 And Ifrael faw that great f work Before which the Lord did upon the Egyp- i45i. tians : and the people feared the ^J^^lfX""^ Lord, and " believed the Lord, '^'■"^■ and his fervant Mofes. \abfil, CHAP. XV. . I Mofes f org. 22 The people v) ant wa- ter. 23 The bitter waters rf Marahy 2 5 are fweetened. THen fang " Mofes, and the chil- J,y',':'f'^ dren of Ifrael, this fong unto the Lord, and fpake, faying, I will Img unto the Lord, for he hath triumph- ed glorioufty; the horfe and his.rider hath he thrown into the fea. 2 The Lord is my flrength and ^ fong, and he is become my falva- ^ "'^^J*''*. tion : he is my God, and I will prepare vMm ' ^ him an habitation ; my fathers God, ^"."j'. ^ and I will exalt him. 3 The Lord // a man of war : the Lord is his name. 4 Pharaohs chari6ts and his hoft hath he caft into the fea : his chofen captains alfo are drowned in the Red fea. 5 The depths have covered them : " they fank into the bottom as a ftone. 'if^}^' 6 '' Thy right hand, OLord, is aVrahn become glorious in power ; thy right ""-'ii^^' hand, OLord, hath dalhed in pieces the enemy. 7 And in the greatnefs of thine ex- cellency thou haft overthrown them that rofe \ip againft thee : thou fenteft: forth thy wrath, which confumed them = as ftubble. ' I^^^^IX 8 And, f with the blaft of thy no- 47."'4. ftrils, the waters were gathered toge- \^y^f: ther : ° the floods ftood upright as an 1%^;^^^' heap, and the depths were congealed ^. «< ' in the heart of the fea. j/.%f 9 ^ The enemy faid, I will purfue, h judges I will overtake, I wilidividethe fpoil: *' •°* my luft fliall be fatisfied upon them ; I will draw my fword, my hand ihall II deftroy them. I o Thou didft blow with thy wind, the fea covered tliem : ' chey fank as ' ^er. j. lead in the mighty waters. I I k Who is like unto thee, O ^.\ff"" Lord, amongft the || gods ? who is g^^'^^^ like thee, glorious in holinefs, fear- ^r^'^" ^ ful in praifes, doing wonders ? 89! o. 12 Thou ftretchedft out thy right i"';,/.";^^ hand, the earth fwallowed them. ILoj. 1 3 Thou in thy mercy haft led forth S. " the people which thou haft redeemed : thou haft guided the77i in thy ftrength lUito thy holy habitation. 14 I The people fliall hear, and be \y^'^^^' afraid : forrow" lliall take hold on the Dcwer. jnliabijiaaits of Faleftina. joii/.'i.s* • J i "" Then repojfeji. The bitter waters. CHAP. sefoie 15 '"Then "the dukes of Edom fliall be amazed, "the mighty men of Moab, trembling ihall take hold^ upon them : ^ all the inhabitants of Canaan fliall melt away. 1 6 '' Fear and dread fhall fall upon them : by the greatnefs of thine arm , they fliall be as ftill as a ftone ; till thy people pafs over, O Lord, till the people pais over, "" w/iic/i thou Jiall purchafed. 1 7 Thou fhalt bring them in„ and 146. 1 S7- '5 p X S.ii-.i. ij. 34. . ih -s- pjoth-s-t q Deut. 2- :>.& Ji. ?s. Jo/1,. ... ,. r Chap. I s"nmci'' ' plant them in the mountain of thine ^it.^':^. 14. inheritance, in the place, O Lord, 1 Pet. :. 9. -uf/ijc/i thou hail made for thee to *JkioVL dwell in ; in the fanftuary, O Lord, w/u'c/i thy hands have eltabliflied. 18 '■ The Lord fliall reign for ever and ever. 19 For the horfe of Pharaoh went in witli his chariots, and with his horfemen into the fea, and the Lord brought again the waters of the fea upon them : but the children of Ifrael went on dry land in the mids of t^e fea. 20 ^ And Miriam ""the proplietefs, the filler of Aaron, " took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women \\'ent out after her, -' with timbrels and with dances. 21 And Miriam anfwered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed glorioufly; the hoiTe and his rider Lath he thrown into the fea. 22 So Mofes brought Ifrael from the Red fea ; and they went out into the wildernefs of ^ Shur : and they went three days in the wildernefs, and found no \\ater. 23 11 And when they came to *Ma- rah, they could not drink of the wa- ters of Marah, for they zuere bitter : therefore the name of it was called II Marah. 2 4 And the people murmured agalnil Mofes, faying. What fhail we drink ? 25 And he cried unto the Lord, and the Lord ihewed him a ^ tree, "ivkic/i, \\-hen he had caft into the ! Kings waters, the waters were made fweet : jseejorti. there he ''made for them a ffatute, and an ordinance, and there " he proved them, 26 And faid, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that whicii is right in his fight, and wilt give ear to his commxandments, and keep all his fratutes, f I will put none of tliefe difeafes upon tliee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians': for I am the LoRO '-ibac iiealeth thee. b Ecelus 38.5. e Ch.in, {6. 4. : Chap, ■ral. 103 XVI. T/te Ifraeltteshmrmur for bread. 2"] ^ ^ And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threefcore and ten palm-trees : and they encamped there by Xlie jj^''™"' waters. C H A P. XVI. 2 The Ifraelites murjnnr for lack of bread, 1 1 (flails are Jent, 14 aad jizaiina. AKd they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Ifrael came unto * the wildernefs of Sin, which /; be- J,^'""]** tween Elim and Sinai, on the tif- ^ teenth day of the fecond month, af- ter their departing out of the land of Egypt. 2 And the whole congregation of the children of Ifrael murmured againll Mofes and Aaron in the wilciernefs. 3 And the children of Ifrael faid unto them. Would fo God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, '-'when we fat >> Numb- by the flefh-pots, and when we did *^" "*' *' eat bread to the full : for ye Inve brought us forth into this wilder- nefs, to kill this whole afltmbly with hunger. 4 If Then faid the Lord unto lylpfes. Behold, I will rain ^ bread l^^^^^i^' from heaven for you ; and the people \°'- ^°- ihall go out and gather -|- a certam 31. 3?- rate every day, that I may '' prove Jo.°3.'°' - them, whether they will walk in my thf'^no,, law, or no. »/, « day m J And it fliall come to pafs, that, Proverbs on the fixth day, they fliall prepare M^uLew ihat which they bring in; and " it ^- "• iliall be twice as much as they gather %^.^^f.' ,i„;i,, Ecuteron. •■'''".*• 8. ;, i6.' 6 And Mofes and Aaron faid unto e see hew. all the chiklren of Ifrael, *' At even, f\^^^' then ye fhall know that the Lord ^"«=^- '3' hath brought you out from the land of Egypt. 7 And, in the morning, then ye fliall fee ^ the glory of the Lord; f,'"'"',^ . lor that he nearetli your murmunngs againft the Lord : and what ere we^ that ye murmur againfl its? 8 And Mofes faid, This ftiall be, when the Lord fliall give you, in the evening, flefii to eat, and, in the morning, bread to the full ; for that the Lord heareth your murmurings which ye murmur againft him : and what are we ? your murmurings ai not againft us, but ^' iigainit the Lord. 9 % And Mofc's fpake' unto Aaron, Say unto all the congregation of the chikhen of Ifrael, Come near before the \ .';:.mael ihtaih and manna fent. E X O chd" the Lord : for he hath heard your '■"^■- ^ murmurings. "^ lo And it came to j>afs, as Aaron fpake unto the whole congregation of the children of Ifrael, that they looked toward the wildernefs, and t:i.i)v behold, the glory of the Lord 'ap- peared in the cloud. I r \ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 12 I have heard the murmurings cf tlie children of Ifrael ; fpeak unto them, flying. At even ye fhall eat flefli, and in the morning ye fliall be filled with bread : and ye ihall know that I am the Lord your God- 1 3 And it came to pafs, that at even Numb, kthe quails came up, and covered the camp; and in the morning the dew lay round about the hoil. 14 And, when 'the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wildernefs there lay a fmall round thing, ai fmall as the hoar froft on the ground. "* "' 1 5 And when the children of Ifrael |or,rrftjf faw //, they faid, one to another, [(It "ittl'apt^T'. is mamia: for they wift not what it *""'■ was. And Mofes faid luito them, "" This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat. 16 "il This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded. Gather of it, every man according to his eating ; an omer -j- for every man : accordih'g ' to the number of your f perfoas, take ye every man for than which are in his tents. 17 And the children of Ifrael did fo, and gathered, fome more, fome lefs. J 8 And, when they did mete it with an omer, " he that gathered much had nothing over, -and he that gathered little had no lack : they ga- thered, every man according to his eating. 19 And Mofes faid, Let no man leave of it till the morning. 20 ISotwithftanding, they heark- ened not unto Motes ; but fome of them left of it imtil the morning, and It bred worms, and (tank : and Mo- fes was wroth with them. 21 And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating: and, when the fmi waxed hot, it melted. 22 *| And it came to pafs, that on the fixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rnlers of the congregation came and told Mofes. ffnlm 105. 44. Pfalm 78.24. Sc 10?. 40. r(\ John 6. 31. T Corin. or ns.vi ♦ Hf b. « I Cnr. D U S. The fahhath for reji. 2X And he faid unto them, This B.for» ts tiiat which the Lord hath faid, To-morrow is " the relt of the holy fabbath unto the Lord : bake that which ye will bake to-day, and feethe that ye will feethe ; and that which remaineth over, lay up for you to be kept until the morning. 24 And they laid it up till the morning, as Mofes bade ; and it did not ftink, neither was there any worm therein. 25 And Mofes faid. Eat that to- day; for to-day is a fibbath unto the Lord : to-day ye Ihall not find it in the field. 26 Six days ye fhall gather it ; but, on the feventh day, which is the fab- bath, in it there ihall be none. 27 ^ And it came to pafs, that there went out fojjie of the people on the feventh day for to gather, and they found none. 28 And the Lord faid xmto Mo- fes, HoM' long refufe ye to keep my commandments, and my laws ? 29 See, for that the Lord hatli given you the fabbath, therefore he giveth you, on the fixth day, the bread of two days : abide ye, every man in his place ; let no man go out of his place on the feventh day. 30 So the people refted on the fe- venth day. 31 And the houfe of Ifrael called the name thereof Manna : and ^ it ^j^"""** was like coriander-feed, white ; and the tafte of it was like wafers mads with honey. 32 "H And Mofes faid. This is the thing M'hich the Lord command- eth. Fill an omer of it to be kept I'or your generations ; that they may fee the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wildernefs., when I brouglit you forth from the land of Egypt. 33 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, ■I Take a pot, and put an omer full § '^^"8* of manna therein, and lay it np be- Hebr.9.^. fore the Lord, to be kept for your generations. 34 As the Lord commanded Mo- fes, fo Aaron laid it up before the Teftimony, to be kept. 35 And the children of Ifrael did eat manna '' forty years, ' until they ''^^_'^}" came to a land inhabited : they did Dcutcron,, eat manna, until they came unto the s jolima borders of the land of Canaan. 36 Now, an ouj^r is the tenth pa)-t ftf aa ephah, CHAP. Mali. 9- Hn m h Numb. as. 3, 4- z Corin. 10.9. T'ie people nmrmuy for -water. CHAP. CHAP. XVII. i The people murmur for wafer at Rephidim. 5 Mof'es Jent to the rock in Horeb. 8 Amalek is overcoine. ANd " all the congregation of the children of Ifrael joiuuieyed from thewildernefsof Sin, after their jour- neys, according to the commandment of the Lord, and pitched in Rephi- dim : and there was no water for the people to drink. 2 ^ Wherefore the people did chide with Mofes, and faid, Give us water, that we may drink. And Mofes faid unto them, Why chide you with me ? wherefore do ye '■' tempt the Lord? 3 And the people thirfled there for water ; and the people m.urmured againft Mofes, and faid. Wherefore is t\\i?, that thou 'hart brought us up out of Lgypt, to kill us, and our chil- dren, and our cattle, with thirft ? 4 And Mofes cried unto the Lord, faying. What fliall I do unto this peo- ple? they be almortreadytoftoneme. 5 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Ifrael : and thy rod v/lierewith '' thou fmotefl: the river, take in thine hand, and go. 6 ^ Behold, I will Hand before thee there, upon the rock in Horeb ; and thou fhait fmite the rock, and there Ihall come wacer out of it, that the people may drink. And Mofes did fo in the figat of the elders of Ifrael. 7 And he called the name of the place <" il Maflkh, and || Meribah, be- caufe of the chiding of the children of Ifrael, and becaufe they tempted |1 Chap. jr. »0. J05. 41. & fNumb. 20. 13. Pfalin 8r. iiebr?'3. 8. tlieLoRD, faying, Is thc LoRD among II That is ^ ftritcttion' ti' r. Deut. 2J. 17. 1 Samuel JS- :> V/iraoin II. 3. h Called J'/us, Ach 7- «. i Chap. 4' :iS' US, or not ? fl That i!,, 8 ^ s Then came Amalek, and ;'';/,^'f' °'"» fought with Ifrael in Rephidim. 9 And Mofes faid unto ''Jolhua, Choofe us out men, and go out, light with Amalek: to-morrow I will Itand on the top of the hill, with ' the rod of God in mine hand. 10 So Jofuua did as Mofes had faid to him, and fought with Amalek : and Mofes, Aaron, and Hur, went up to the top of the hill. • 1 1 And it came to pafs, when Mofes Iield up his hand, that Ifrael pi-evail- ed ; and when he let do\\ai his hand, Amalek prevailed. 12 But Mofes hands were heavy, and chey took a ftone, and put it un- der him, and he fat thereon : and Aaron and Hur ftayed up his hands, the one oii tlie one iide, and the other XVII, XVIII. Atnalek is cvercoine. on the other fide ; and his hands were fteady until the going down of the fun. 1 3 And Jolliua difcomtited Amalek and his people with the edge of the fword. 14 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Write this for a memorial in a booli, and rehearfc it in the ears of Jofliua: for ^ I will utterly put out there- kKnmii. membrance of Amalek from under i w* .,. heaven. 3. 7-&3o- 1 5 And Mofes built an altar,and call- |'*f J""^* ed the name of it || JEKOVAH-niffi. ii"V- 14» 16 For he faid, || Becaufe f the Jli^^iSi^ Lord hath fworn, that the Lord seej"-^'"--' will have war with Amalek from ge- ^'^'*- ^^ neration to gen.eration. L^L/,** Amalek isnjam,'? t'ie throne of th- LO RD.theTeCoTe.&c."' tOA, tne lurid Lpi,,! tile t.ir'jne of the LO/iO, i »«•♦ CHAP. XVIII. I Jethro briiigcth to Mofes his wife and twofons: 7 Mofes entertainethlum^ 1 3 and aiceptetk his coiinfel. \\/Hen ^ Jethro, the prieft of » chap.,, VV Midian, Mofes father-in-law, "*■^^•" heard of all that God had done for Mofes, and for Ifrael his people, and that the Lord had brought Ifrael out of Egypt : 2 Then Jethro, Mofes father-in- law, I" took Zipporah, Mofes wife, >>ch»p.4'. after he had fent her back, cciS'p'. 3 And jier two fons, of which the ■' "' '^ name of the one was \\ Gerfliom, (for n ti«. », he faid, I have been an alien in a t,,^""^"" Itrange land,) 4 And the name of the other xvas II Eliezer, (for the God of my father, II -nut is, jaid he^ was mine help, and delivered an k*/^." me from the fword of Pharaoh, ) 5 And Jethro, Mofes father-in-law, came with his fons and his wife imto Mofes, into the wildernefs, where he encamped, '' at the mount of God. ^ ",ap. 6 And he faid unto Mofes, I, thy "*" *' father-in-law Jethro, am come unto thee, and thy wife, and her two fons with her. 7 t And Mofes went out to meet his father-iTi-law, and did obeifance, and killed him, and they allied each other of tfteir + welfare : and they ♦ ^'^ ' ' peace' came mto the tent. 8 And Mofes told his father-in-law all that the Lord had done unto Pha- raoh, and to the Egyptians for Ifraels fake,(7;^(/allthetra^elthathad -j-come tHcb. upon them by the way, and ho-iu the thmt. Lord delivered them. 9 And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodnefs which the Lord had done to Ifrael, whom he had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians. 10 ibid I Chap. = :. & <■ 7 * 14. 1«. Number* ^5- 54- ■r Heh. a':-.!: and liii /illoiit-. t NUTnb. I Cliron. »'7. 9- iTfilt. I. J/.&J7. P. Of courifel to Alqfes. E X O 10 And Jethro faid, Blefled be the Lord, who hath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh, who hath delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians. 11 Now, I know that the Lord is greater than all gods : ^ for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly, Ae was above them. 12 And jethro, Mofes father-in- law, took a burnt-otiering, and facri- fices for God : and Aaron came, and all the elders of Ifrael, to eat bread withMolei>father-in-law,beforeGod. 1 3 ^1 And it came to pafs, on the morrow, that Mofes fat to judge the people : and the people itood by Mofes, from the morning unto the evening. 14 And when Mofes father-in-law faw all that he did to the people, he faid, Whiit is this thing that thou doll to the people ? W hy fitteit thou thyfeif alone, and all the people ftand by thee from morning unto even ? 15 And Mofcb faid unto his father- in-law, Becaufe t'the people come imto me to enquire of God. 1 6 When they have a matter, they come unto me, and I judge between f one and another, and I do make i/ie77i know the ftatutes of God, and his laws. 17 And Mofes father-in-law faid ttnto him, the thing that thou doft is not good. 1 8 f Thou wilt furely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee : for this thing /; too hea- vy for thee ; ^ thou art not able to perform it thyfeif alone. 19 Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counfei, and God Ihail be with thee. Be thou for the people to God-ward, that thou mayelt bring the caufes unto God : 20 And thou llialt teach them ordi- nances and laws, and ih;ilt fnew them the way wherein they muil walk, and the work that they nnill do. 21 Moreover, thou iiialt provide, out of all the people, ''able men, fuch as fear *..od, men of truth, hating covetoufnefs ; and place fzu-/i over them, to be rulers of thoufands. ojul rulers of hundreds, rulers of hftles, and rulers of tens. 22 And let them judge the people at all feafons : " and it lliali be, that every great matter they ihall bring unto thee ; but every fmall matter tJaey iliali judge. So liiall it be euiier D U S. Geds tnejjage to tlie people. for thyfeif, and they Ihall bear t!vi Before btiraen with thee. . 1491. 2 5 If thou Ihalt do this thhig, and "^ '' * God command theeyo, then thou ilialt be able to endure, and all this people fliall alfo go to their place in peace. . 24 So Mofes hearkened to the voice of his fyther-in-law, and did ail that he had faid. 2 5 And '^ Mofes chofe able men out k neuw of all ifrael, and made them lieads '' '"*" over the people, rulers of thoufands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 26 And they judged the people at all feafons : the hard caufes they brought unto Mofes ; but every fmall matter they judged thepfelves. 2' ^ And Mofes let his father-in- law depart j and 1 he went his way 1 Kimi. into his own land. jo-i^-j?^ CHAP. XIX. I The people come to mount Sinai. 3 Godi mejfage to the people out of the mount: 8 their cuif-wer re- turned. IN the third month, when the chil- dren of Ifrael were gone forth out of tiie land of Egyi:>t, the lame day ^ came they into the w ildernefs of a Kumb, Sinai. "' "'" 2 For they were departed ^ from tj^iiapj Rephidim, and were come to the de- ''' '' fert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wildernefs; and there Ifraei camped before the momit. 3 And "^ Mofes went up unto God, ^/.^« and the Lord called unto him out'"''* of the mountain, faying. Thus Ihalt thou fay to tlie houfe of Jacob, and tell the children of Ifrael ; 4 •• Ye have feen wliat I did unto cjnent. the Egyptians, and hotv ' I bai-e you l''n'^'^■^,, on eagles wings, and brought you 3^.;."^-,^^ unto inyfelf. rcvcuc. 5 Now 'therefoi-e, if ye will obey \'^^'^^l my voice indeed, and keqj my cove- s- -• nant, then 'ye iiiail be a peculiar ?o°l"".f. treafure unto me above all people : |'^:'i,fj: for '' all the er.rth /i mine. ^ fr^Kn-.' 6 And ye fliall be unto me a ' king- cant.W,"; dom of prieils, and an holy nation. jerVi"^,--. Thefe are the words wliich thou flialt xk."/.'.'/. fpeak unto the children of Ifrael. h ocut. 1 If And Mofes came, and called pr;,i!;f .m- for the elders of the people, and laid .'y^.,j°' ';" before their, faces all thefe words '-.j.'V.^"' which the Lord commanded him. '.'5^^^ 8 And '^all the people anfwered ^^y; ^-/^ together, and faid. Ail that the Lc^HP -;°- ''■ hath fpoken„we wjll do. And Mofes )"'^^j. ^ returned the words of the people uiito ^^^'^^."^ thcLoKD. '*•'■'* »> And Gods Clun. to. 21. ii J4. ^ Hebre«-J nor, Zech. 7. 3 i Coria. 31 Deut. 4- It- & J2. 3. Jutig. ?. 4 Pfal- 6S. Hab. 3. 3. « Helirews 12. 21. h Nehera. 9. 13. f fal. 81. ;. Cantelt. c See prefence in the Mount. CHAP. 9 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Lo, I come unto thee ' in a thick ' cloud, "that the people may hear wlien I fpeak with thee, and "believe thee for ever. And Mofes told the words of the people unto the Lord. ID ^ And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Go unto the people, and fanctify them to-day, and to-rnorrow, and let them " walh their clothes, 1 1 And be ready againft the third day: for the third day the Lord ''will come down, in the figlit of all the people, upon mount Sinai. r 2 And thou (halt fet bounds unto tlie people round about, faying. Take heed to yourfelves, t/iat ye go 7!ot up into the mount, or touch the border of it : ■* whofoever toucheth the moxmt, fliall be furely put to death. 1 3 There fhali not an hand touch it, but he Ihall furely be itoned, or fliot through ; whether it be bead, or man, it Ihall not live : when the II trumpet foundetii long, they fliail come up to the mount. 14 ^ And Mofes went doN^-n from the mount unto the people, and fanc- tified the people, ' and they wallied their clothes. 15 And he faid unto the people, Be ready^gainft the third day : ' come not at vowr wives. 1 6 And it came to pafs, on the third day, in the morning, that there were ' thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud ; fo that all the people that was in the camp trembled. 1 7 And " Mofes brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they Hood' at the nether part of the mount. 1 8 And '■' moiuit Sinai was altoge- ther on a fmoke, becaufe the Lord defcended upon it in fire : ^ and the fmoke thereof afcended as the fmoke of a furnace, and ^ the whole mount quaked greatly. 19 And when the voice of the trum- pet fotmded long, and waxed louder and louder, ^ Mofes fpake, and ''God anfwered him by a voice. 20 And tiie Lord came do-vwi up- on-mount Sinai, on the top of the mount : and the Lord called Mofes up to the top of the niountj and Mo- fes went up. 21 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Go down, f charge the people, left they break through unto the Lord, '^ to gaze, and many of tiiem perifn. XIX, XX. T/ie ten commmdtnenfi^ 22 And let the priefts alfo, which come near to the Lord, fanftify themfelves, left the Lord break forth upon them. 23 And Mofes faid unto the Lord, The people cannot come up to moimt Sinai : for thou chargecKl us, faying. Set bounds about tlie mount, and fanftify it. 24 And the Lord faid imto him. Away, get thee down, and thou (halt come up, thou, and Aaron with thee : but let not the priefts and the people break through, to come up unto the Lord, left he break forth upon them. 25 So Mofes went down unto the people, and fpake unto them. CHAP. XX. I The ten commandments. 22 Idola- try is forbidden. 24 Of what fort the altar jiiould be. ANd God fpake all thefe words, faying, 2 * I am the Lord thy God, which ^l^'-'l' have brought thee out of the land of p^im*' Egypt, •'outofthehoufeof -j-bondage. uor^Vs.4. 3 Thou Ihalt have no other gods '''^''- "J- 3* before me. /."?»>/. ' 4 " Thou fhalt not make unto thee ^i-<=^--<*'5' any graven image, or any likenefs o/pS.'?;.'/! any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water luider the earth. 5 Thou fiiait not bow down thyfelf to them, nor ferve them : for I, the Lord thy God, am '^ a jealous God, c«t,l!j« " viiiting the iniquity of the fathers Jofliaa* upon tiie children, unto the third and Nah.'i. j. fourth^fi-^ztfraf/owofthemthathateme, t^'i't.^^o.'^' 6 And f (hewing niercy unto thou- s-&2«. fands of them that love me, and keep f'nmb' 14. my commandments. J King. 7 ^ Thou Ihalt not take the name j^^ ^l\^ j^ of the Lord thy God in vain: for ^^/ ,'_9- 3 the Lord '■ will not hold him guilt- * '.oV- jV lefs that taketh his name in vain. iot'21. &' 8 Remember the fabbath-day, to jer.^i.,.^ keep it holy. 32. is. 9 ' Six da^/s flialt thou labour, and i>fa1m'^"'' do all thy work : ^»- ^^\ 10 But the feventh day is the fab- \iiw!i^.\z. bath of the Lord thy God; initxXxow. "raT.'/s.'iJ fhalt not do any work, thou, nor thy ^^"^^"^ fon, nor thy daughter, thy man-fer- h Micah yant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy *' ''j cattle, "^ nor thy ftranger that /J within 23."'!'& thyg:ites. |;:'.r.^ 1 1 For 1 in fix days the Lord made '^;;^l{ '' heaven and earth, the fea. and all that ;°-, "• ■ _ , Luke m them /<-, and reited the feventn «• 14. d:iy : wherefore the Lord bleiled the ^3^^^!"* fabbath-day, and hailov.-ed it. icen.2.2.. 12 \ ""Honour Eph. 6. 3 » Mattliew 1 5 p Ucviter- 19. 6. q Afts =0- 33- Kom. 7. 7. r Job 31. 9. s Hebrews 5. 34- Sc 18. ,6. Calat. 3> 19, -.o. Hebrews ij. 19. X Oeut. ^3.3. Idolatry is forbicUen. E X 0 1 2 t "" Honour thy father aud thy mother ;. that thy days may be long upon the land which the LoRU thy God priveth thee. 13"" Thouihalt not kill. 14 "Thoiiflvdlt not commit adul- tery. Thou fhalt not fleal. I" Thou dialt not bear flilfe wit- nefs againft thy neighbour. 1 7 "I Thou flialt not covet thy neigh- bours houfe, '■ thou ihalt not covet thy neighbours wife, noi* his man- fervant, nor his maid-lervant, nor his ox, nor his afs, uor any thing that is thy neighbours. 18 t And ' all the people ' faw the thunderiugs, and the lightnings, and the noife "^of the trumpet, and the mountain fmolcing : and, wlien the people faw it, they removed, and flood afar off. 19 And they faid unto Mofes, "Speak thou with us, and we will hear : but let not God fpeak with us, left we die. 20 And Mofes faid unto the peo- ple, Fear not : ^for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, tliat ye fm not. 21 Aud the people fiood afar off: and Mofes drew near unto *'the thick darknefs where God vjoj. 22 t And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, Thus lliou flialt fay unto the chil- dren of Ifrael, Ye have feeu that I have talked with you ^from heaven. 23 Ye ihall not make *with me gods of filver, neitlier Hull ye make 1 Saranel UUtO yOU gods of gold. VKiogs 24^ An altar of earth thou flialt make E'euJi ""to me, and flialt facrihce thereon 2d. |9. & i;iiy burnt-olierings, and thy peace- ziphiuiuii otterings, ''thy iheep, and thine oxen : 'Vorfd. in all places where I record my name, 14, IS, 16. J ^villcome unto thee, and I will blefs liLev. I. i, ' thee. cDeut. 25 And "^ If thou wilt make me an altar of llone, thou Ihalt not f build it of hewn ftone : for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hait polluted it. 26 Neither flialt thou go up by ftcps unto mine altar, that thy na- kedncfs be not difcovered thereon. CHAP. XXI. 1 Lmus for men-firvantSy 7 for zuo' men-fervants^ 1 2 for vian-J laughter,) 17 (vulforciirfcrs of parents. Sec. a Chap. "VTOw, thefe are the judgments El:"u.t:4.'.4. i^ which thou flialt * fet before bLcwt. them. ifcuter. 2 ■> If thou buy an Hebrew fer- Yer'ii. 14. vantj fix years he fliall ferve ; and, in y Chap* Deut. 5. J I Kings a n«ut. 4. 36. Kehem. Jolbaa 8. i,. I Mac. 4- 47- t Heb. inJid thevi with hfi*. D U S. T/ie laws for feriwifs. the feventh, lie fliall go out free for nothing. 3 If he came in j- by himfelf, he fliall go out by himfelf : if he were married, then his wife fliall go out with him. 4 If his mafter have given liim a wife, and flie haf\-e born him fons or daughters; the wife. and her children fliall be her mafters, and he fliall go out by himfelf. 5 " And if the fervant t ftiall plainly \^^'^*; fay, I love my mafter, my wife, and t wcb. my children, I will not go out free ; jii^J^ay, 6 Then his mafter fliall bring him ^ unto the judges; he Ihall alfo bring 'j^'^.^" him to ;the door, or unto the door- poll : and his mafter fliall bore his ear through with an aul; and he fliall ferve him for ever. 7 1i And if a man fell his daughter to be a maid-fervant, flbie ihall not go out as the men-fervants do. 8 If flie -j- pleafe not her mafter, ,^.f/,^'^^f, who hath betrothed her to himfelf, o»jo/,&e. then fliall he let her be redeemed. To fell her unto a ftrange Jnation he fliall have no power, feeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. 9 And if he have betrothed her unto his fon, he fliall deal with her after the manner of daughters. 10 If he take him another w/fe?' / her food, her raiment, "^ and her duty f i.^om of marriage, fliall he not diminifli. ' " ^' 1 1 And if he do not thefe three unto her, then fliall flie go out free without money. 12 •! t'He that fmiteth a man, fo fCf.":9-<' 1. T 11 1 /• 1 Leviticus that he die, fliall be furely put to 54. 17- , , ' •' * Matthew death. =6.53. 1 3 And if a man lie not hi wait, but God deliver him into his hand ; then ^ I will appoint thee a place ?^^J™'" whither he fliall flee. 1 4 But if a man come prefumptu- oufly upon his neighbour, to flay him with guile ; '' thou ihalt take him from mine altar, that he may die. \^'^^^ 1 5 t ^ind he that fmiteth his father, or his mother, fliall be furely put to death. 16 ^ And ' he that ftealeth a man, 3 "<=«• and felleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he ihali furely be put to death. 17 11 And I'he that |I curfeth his ^„^;^;"' father, or his mother, fliall furely be ^^f^^^"" put to death. iwatti.ew ] 8 t And if men ftrive together, ^i^rk and one finite || an other with a ftone, '^■^°' or with /i/s fift, and he die not, but revuets. keepethtobedj , ^^U^,^?;! 19 If Jofll. ; Kings Divet's laws and ol-dhtancet. CHAP 19 If he rife again, and walk abraad upon his ftaif, then fliall he that fmote /z/;7z be quit : onlyhefhall p'ly for j- the lofs of his time, and fliall caufe /lint to be throughly healed. 20 II And if a man finite his fer- Vant, or his maid with a rod, and he die under his hand ;« hefhall be furely f puniflied. 2 1 Notwithftanding, if he continue a day or two, he fhall not be punilh- ed : for ' he is his money. 22 ^ If men ftrive, and hurt a Vv'oman with child, fo that her fruit d.epart/rw? kcr^ and yet no mifchief follow : he fhall be furely puniflied, according as the womaus huflDand will lay upon him ; and he flaall pay as the judges deter?i2:ne. 2 3 And if any mifchief follow, then thou flialt give life for life, 24 "' Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, ftripe for llripe. 26 1[ And if a man finite the eye of his fervant, or the eye of his maid, that it perifli; he Jlnll let him go free for his eyes fake. 27 And if hefmite out his man- fervants tooth, or his maid-fervanta tooth ; he fliall let him go free for his tooths fake. 28 '^ If an ox gore a man or a wo- man, that they die ; then " the ox fliall be furely ftoned, and his flefli fliall not be eaten ; but the owoier of the ox /)ia/l be quit. 29 But if the ox were wont to pufli With his horn in time paft, and it hath been teftified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a woman ; the ox fliall be ftoned, and his owner alio fliall be put to death. 30 If there be laid on him a fum of money, then he fliall give, for ° the ranfom of his life, whatfoever is laid upon him. 3 1 Whether he have gored a fon, or have gored a daughter, according to thisjudgmentfliallitbedoneuntohim. 32 If the ox fliall pufli a man-fer- vant, or maid-fervant ; he fiiail give • unto their mafter ^ thirty fliekels of hlver, and the ox fliall be ftoned. 33 H And if a man fliall open a pit, or if a man fliall dig a pit, and not co- ver It, and an ox or an afs fall therein ; 34 The owner of the pit fliall make it good, and give money unto the owner of them i and Uie dead beaji fliall be his, t-iK, . XXII. Of theft^ damage^ -!refpalfes, &c. 35 H And if one mans ox hurt an- Betow others that he die, then they fliall fell Vl"^^ the live ox, and divide the money of it, ' — •'-^ and the dead ox alfo they fliall divide. 36 Or if it be known that the ox hath ufed to pufh in time paft, and his owner hath not kept him in ; he fliall furely pay ox for ox, and llig dead fhall be his own. CHAP. XXII. 1 Of theft. 5 Of damage. 7 Of tref pajjes. X 4. Of borrow'mg. joOffir- Kication. 18 Of witchcraft., Sec. IF a man fliall fteal an ox, or a II flieep, and kill it, or fell it; he U 0'-= *-<"=?» ftialLreftore five oxen for au ox, and • four fheep for a fheep. ' a = satq, :; 1 If a thief be found breaking Lukt' up, and be fmitten that he die, t/iere s« p^w. fiall no blood be fied for him. 3 If the fun be rifen upon him, there jhall be blood flted for him : fcr he fliould make full reftitution ; if he have nothing, then he fliall be fold for his theft. _ 4 If the theft be certainly fomid in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or afs, or flieep,- he fliall reftore double. 5 ^ If a man fliall caufe a field or vineyard to be eaten, and fliall put in hisbeaft, and fliall feed in another mans field : of the belt of his own field, and of the beft of his o\\rvL vine- yard, fliall he make reftitution. 6 Tl If fire break out, and catch in thorns, fo that the ftacks of corn, or the ftanding-corn,or the field be con- fumed therewith ; he that kindled the fii-e fhall fm'ely make reftitution, J 11_ If a man fliall deliver unto his neighbour money or ftuff to keep, and it be ftolen out of the mans houfe ; if the thief be found, let him pay double. 8 If the thief be not found, then the mafter of the houfe Ihall ha brought unto the judges, to fee whe- ther he have put his hand "unto his neighbours goods. 9 For all manner of trefpafs, whe' ther it be for ox, for afs, for llieep, for raiment, or for any manner of loft thing, which ojiother challeiigeth to be his, the caufe of both parti'es fliall come before the judges ; a?id whom the judges fhall condeimi, he fliall pay double unto his neighbour. 10 If a man deliver unto his neigh- bour an afs, or an ox, or a fheep, or any beaftto keep ; and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man feeing //; 1 1 Then fliall an oath of the LoRn be betwpeu ^ligm ^h, tiut Jie hath not !• Genefij 31. 39. Divers laws and ordinances^ K X O D U S not put his hand unto his neighbours goons ; and the owner of it Ikill ac- cept themuf, and he Ihall not make it good. 12 And '' if it be ftolen from him, he fliail make reftitution unto the owner thereof. 1 3 If it be torn in pieces ; then let him bring it for witnefs, and he fnall not make good that which was torn. 14 % And if a man borrow ought of his neighbour, and it be hurt, or die, the owner thereof being not with it ; he fhall furely make it good. 1 5 But if the owner thereof ^e? with it, he fliali not niake it good : if it be an hired thi?ig^ it came for his hire. 16 1 And "^ if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her ; he fnall furely endow her to be his wife. 17 If her father utterly refufe to give her unto him, he Ihall f pay money according to the dowry of Virgins. 18^'' Thou flialt not ftiffer a witch to live. 19 H ■"■ Whofoeverliethwith abeaft, fliall furely be put to death. 20 "Tl f He that facrificeth tnito any god, fave unto the Lord only, he Ihall be utterly deftroyed. 21 "jl ° Thou flialt neither vex a ftranger, nor opprefs hhn : .for ye were itrangers in the land of Egypt. 22 1 '^ Ye lliall not affli£l any wi- dow, or fatherlefs child. 23 If thou afflict them in any wife, and they cry at all unto me j I will furely liear their cry : 24 And my wrath fliall wax hot, and I \^'ill kill you with the fword j and ' your wives fhall be widows, and your children fiitherlefs. 25 t ■" If thou lend money to aizy of my people that is poor by thee, thou llialt not be to him as an ufurer, neither flialt thou lay upon him ufury. 26 'If thou at all take thy neigh- i Levit. y. =6, 31 & 30. 37. Deatpr. 18. 10, II X .Samuel 38. 9. f Dcttter. 13. I, 6, I Mac. 2. 14. 23. 9' Levit. 19. 33. & 25- 35- h Dciiter. 10. i8. & 24. 17. & 27. 19- Ifai. I. I?' Zcch. 7.10. Jam. 1.27 1 Pfalm 109. 9. k Levit. 2$. JS, 3<1. 37' Deutcr. jib^°4.3'?9. hours raiment to pledge, thou flialt VoTil^l: deliver it unto him by that the fun "• '7- „ goeth do\^Ti : 27 r or that is his covermg only; it is his raiment for his fldn : where- in fliall he fleep ? and it fliall come to pafs, when be crieth unto me, that I will hear : for I ain gracious. 28 If '" Thou flialt not revile the II gods, nor curfe the ruler of thy people. 2-) "1[ Thou fhalt not delay to offer f the iirlt of thy ripe fruits, and of m Ecdcf. Afts':3. s. juai- K. II Or, Pl-.l. 8:. 6. t Htb. tity Of flojider and falfe tvltnep, thy f liquors : " the firft-born of thy Before fons flialt thou give unto me. ^^Jf? 30 Likewife flialt thou do with thine )~riz — ' oxen, ana\\\va thy fheep : ° feven days n chap. it fliall be with his dam ; on the eighth ^^j^V 19.' day thou flialt give it me. Deu.1j.19. 31 If And ye fliall be holy men unto \^^'^-''.' me : P neither fhall ye eat any flelh v^yp^- that is torn of beafts in the held ; ye i:V.;ki'ci ; fliall call it to the dogs. ^*- ^" CHAP. XXIII. I Of /lander and falfe witnefs. 1 2 Of the fabbath. i'^ Of idolatry. 20 A blsffvig promifed to be obedient. THou "" flialt not || raife a falfe re- ^ P''^'^ port: put not thine hand with the ||'or^," wicked to be an unrighteous witnefs. '•"">'• 2 If '^ Thou fhalt not follow a mul- ^ '•'•^;- titude to do evil ; neither flialt thou DeutV/. -j- fpeak in a caufe, to decline after ^'h'^'. many, to wrell judgment : an/we,-. 2,^" Neitherfhalt thou countenance ^ p^aim a poor man in his caufe. '" "' 4 Tf "^ If thou meet thine enemies ^ °™'^' ox or his afs going aftray, thou flialt i"V'b^" furely bring it back to him again. ilTi^.h 5 *■ If thou fee the afs of him that Mlt'.'s'.^^. hateth thee, lying under his burden, ^"'"o? II and wouldeil: forbear to help him; e oeut. thou flialt furely help with him. \\'ot mm 6 Thou flialt not wreft the judg- <'»>«'«"/* ment of thy poor in his caufe. a/.« ?'^r, 7 Keep thee far from a falfe mat- Tn^elkil ter ; and the innocent and righteous ("u.Jners'' flay thou not : for f I will not juitify f';'- *»'■ .- the wicKed. fm;-i-.' uavs 8 If And s thou flialt take no gift : Vth'hfm. for the gift biindeth f the wife, and rchap. perverteth the words of the righteous. gQ^J^, 9 t Alfo '' thou flialt not opprefs a j,^:;;^;.,', ftranger : for ye know the f heart of i"^i1l\. a ftranger, feeing ye were ftrangers ^"'"9!. in the land of Egj'pt. t iiob. j;^ 10 And ' fix years fhalt thou fow thy -^"c'^fp. land, and flialt gather in the fruits ^^;^^^2_i;^_ thereof. '9- & --y- 1 1 But the feventh year thou flialt \%\ 19.'^ let it reft, and lie ftill ; that the poor tHeb-A- .-. of thy people may eat : and what 'j/f ?.'"■* they leave, the beafts of the field fhall eat. In like manner thou flialt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy II olive-yard. 1 2 1' Six days thou fhalt do thy work, and on the feventh day thou flialt reft : ^^^ that thine ox and thine afs may reft, "T and the fon of thy hand-maid and the \l'!:%. ftranger may be refreihed. 13 And, in all things that I have > ^'»™''- laid unto you, be circumfpecl : and haxx^x. 1 make no mention of the names of joi'..,a'.i other gods, neither let it be heard p}:,rm out of thy mouth. i';;,-.'*^. rr- £41'" Three z.ecii.J3'j* It Or, 6.'; trcis- k Clian. 10. 3. Deuter. Divers laws and ordinances. 14 1[ •" Three times thou (halt keep a feaft unto me in the year. 1 5 " Thou (halt keep the feaft of \m- leavened bread : thou flialt eat unlea- ' venedbreadfeven days, as I command- ed thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib ; for in it thou cameft out from Egypt : ° and none fhall appear before me empty ; 1 6 P And the feaft of harveft, the firft-fruits of thy labours, which thou haft fown in the tield ; and the feaft of in-gathering, which is in tlie end of the year, when thou liaft gathered in thy labours out of the field. 17 "^ Three times in the year all thy males fhall appear before the Lord God. 18 '■ Thou flialt not offer the blood of my facritice with leavened bread, neither fhall the fat of my || facriiice remain imtil the morning. 19 ' The firft of the firft-fruits of thy land thou fhalt bring into the houfe of the Lord thy God. ' Thou fhalt not feethe a kid in his mothers milk. 20 f " Behold, I fend an Angel be- fore thee to keep thee in the %\ ay, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not : for he v.lU not pardon your tranfgreliions ; for my Name is m him. 22 But if thou fhalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I fjieak ; then " I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and j| an adverfary unto thine adverfaries. 21 ^ For mine Angel fliall go be- fore thee, and ^ bring th^-e in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanltes, and the Hivites, and the Jebulites ; and I will cut them off. 24 Thou fhalt not bow down to their gods, nor ferve them, " nor do after their works ; >> but thou fiialt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their image^. 25 And ye fliall ferve the Lord your God, and "^ lie fhail bids thy bread, andthy water ; and '^ I v.ill take ilck- nefs away from the m.idft of thee. 26 1[ ^ There fliall nothing caft their young, nor be barren in thv land : the number of thy days I v.-ill'fultii. 27 I will fend myfear before thee, and will deftroy all the people to whom thou fhalt come, and I will make all thine enemies tiurn their t backs unto thee, t Deuter. 16. 16. n Cha|<. 5. 15. & 13. 3- & 34. 18. o Chap. 34. 20. Deuter. 16. 16. Ecclus 35- 4- p Dcut. X6. 13. q Chap. 34- -3- Deuter. 16. 16. r Chap. 3*- 3S- Lev. ::, II. Deuter* x6. 4. \\ Or, feafi. s Chap. ■22. :g. & 34. 2«. Numbers 18. 13. t Deuter. 14. II- O Chap. 14. ty.S.- 33- ', 14- Numoers Ifa. 63. 9. X Cenefis f»> 5. Deuter. 3°- 7- Jer.30.20 II Or, / them thzt afflid th:!. y Ver. 20. Chapter 33. 2. z Jofliua 34. II. a Levit. 18. 3. Deuter. 12. 31. bChap. 34- 1;. N ambers 33- i-^. lletuer. /• S. =!• & ri. 3. c Deuter. a8. 5, a. d Ch.^pter IS- 2J. Deuter. 7. ij. e Deuter. ?• «4- CHAP. XXIV. Gods promife, and the peoples. 28 And f I will fend hornets be- Before fore thee, which fliall drive out the m,!? Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hit- )~^^2^^ tite from before thee. ?• i^"' 29^1 will not drive them out from ^"l i^f. before thee in one year ; left the V^'.'^^s!'" land become defolate, and the beaft % Dent. of the field nuiltiply againif: thee. '" ""'' 30 By little and little I will drive them outfrom before thee, until thou be increafed, and inherit the land. 3 1 And '■ I will fet thy bounds fi-om h cenefis the Red Tea even unto the fea of the Numb.' Philiftines, and from the defert unto f^^.J;^, the river : fori Mill deliver the inha- '■'■^-\- bitants of the land into your hand ; icing's*' and thou flialt drive them out before prahn"** thee. /-=• «• 32 'Thou flialt make no covenant ■ c^v. with them, nor with their gods. ntut'.^' 33 They fliall not dwell in thy ''■ *' land, left they make thee fin againft me : for if thou ferve their gods, '' it \^-}'lf,''^ will furelv be a fnare unto thfee. iieuter. C H A P. XXIV. ]oL. I Mofes is called up into the iizoun- ju>g?c. 3. tain. 3 The people promife obedi- jg^T'l'^''^ evce. 9 The glory of God appear- •"o^ "l.^ eth. 10 • a - ANd he faid unto Mofes, Come up unto, the Lord, thou and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, ■^ and feventy of \ ^!'_'P' the elders of Ifrael : and worfliip ye '^" afar olF. 2 And Mofes alone fliall come near the Lord : but they fliall not come nigh, neither fhall the people go up with him. 3 11 And Mofes came and told the people all the words of the L o r d , and all the judgments : and all the people anfwered with one voice, and faid, ^ All the words which the Lord hath j!,y'"- /• faid, will vv'e do. i.^V's?'^ 4 And Mofes wrote all the words ""It?" of the Lord, and rofe up early in the morning, and builded an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Ifrael. 5 And he fent young men of the cliildren of Ifrael, which offered burnt-otferings, and facrificed peace- otFerlngs of oxen unto the Lord. 6 And Mofes took half of the blood, and put // in bafons ; and half of the blood he fprinklt- d on the altar. 7 And he took tlie book of the co- venant, and read in the audience of the people : and they faid, " All that cver- 3< the Lord hath faid, will we do, and be obedient. 8 And Mofes took the blood, and fprinkled it on the people, and faid, F Behold, God f' C'.Tap. Ccnefis 13- ^3- E Chap. l;. i6. h Ch?p. a- 7- 5 Chapter ]'. Kur.ib 1 Ecatear in Chsp. BeiU. 9- 9 /<),■ ..I?. ajferir.g. a Chapter a Chron. -9- 3> 5> if Or, f.ik appiareth in the mount. ■ EXO Behold, >^ the blood of the covenant, which the Lord hath made with you, '' concerning all thefe words. 9 'il Then wcntupMofes and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and feventy of the elders of Ifrael. I o And they faw the God of Ifrael : and-i/iere was under his fiSet, as it were a paved work of a " fapphire- ftone, and as it were the body of hea- ven in kis clearnefs. I I And upon the nobles of the children of Ifrael he laid not his nand : alfo *" they faw God, and did , eat and d.'-ink. 12 t And the Lord faid unto Mo- fes. Come up to me into the mount, and be there : and I will give thee s tables of Hone, and a law, and com- mandments which I have written j that thou mayeft teach them. 13 And Mofes rofe up, and ■> his minifter Jofnua ; and Mofes went up into the mount of God. v 14 And he faid unto the elders. Tarry ye here for us, until w'e come again iinto you : and behold, Aaron and Hur are with you ; if any man have any matters to do, let him corns unto them. 15 And Mofes went up into the mount, and ' a cloud covered the mount. 16 And ^ the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it lix days : and the feventh day he called unto Mofes out of the midil: of the cloud. 1 7 And the fight of the glory of the Lord was like ' devouring hre on the top of the mount, in the eyes of the children of Ifrael. 1 8 And Mofes went into the midft of the cloud, and gat him up into the mount : and "" Mofes was in the mount forty days, and forty nights. CHAP. XXV. I T/ie offering of the tabernacle. \oThe form of the ark . 1 7 The mercy -feat. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, that they \ bring me an || offering : ^ of every man that giveth it willing- ly with his heart, ye Ihall take my offering. p, And this /; the offering which ye {hall take of them; gold, and hlver, and brafs, 4 And blue, and purple, and fear- let, and ll hue linen, and goats hair, 5 And rams ikius dyed red, and badgers Ikins, c^iid jhittiiii-wood, D U §. Thi offering for the tabernacle f 6 ^ Oil for the light, ' {i5ices for B-fnr^ anointing oil, and for '' fweet iacenfe, 't^^ij 7 Onyx-ftones, and ftones to be fet '^^'^^^[^ inthe'^ephodandinthe'breaft-plate. ^7- =°- 8 And let them make me a fane- \o!'ll'. tuary, that ^ I may dwell amongft a chap. them. e Chap. 9 According to all that I ftew 28.4,6. thee, after the pattern of the taber- {^}'l]': nacle, and the pattern of all the in- g chap, ftruments thereof, even fo fliall ye j'^ku^V make it. Tcorin. 10 *i| ^ And they fliall make an ark (" i<'- ^^ of fliitthu-wood : tvm cubits and a kcv.':i! 3.* half (hall be the length thereof, and ^'^^''/p'" a cubit and a half the breadth there- kebr. 9- *■• of, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. 1 1 And thou (halt overlay it with pure gold, within and without flialt thou overlay it : and flialt make up- on it a crown of gold round about. 1 2 And thou flialt cail four rings of gold for it, and put them in ^the four corners thereof ; and two rings Jhall be in the one fide of it, and two rings in the other fide of it. 1 3 And thou flialt make ftaves nf fliittim-wood, and overlay them with gold. 14 And thou flialt put the ftaves in- to the rings, by the fides of t!ie ark, . that the ark nlay be born with them. 1 5 ' The ftaves fliall be in the rings L,' J:'""'" of the ark : they fliall not be taken from it. 1 6 And thou flialt put into the ark- i^tlieteftimonywhichlihallgivethee. \^-^'^v-- 1 7 And 1 thou flialt make a mercy- i^: \%\ feat of pure gold : two cubits and a °<^'."','=/- half '(hall be the length thereof, and a l^^^i' cubit and a half the breadth thereof. Hebr- 18 And thou flialt make two che- ; e;,,,^ rubims o/gold : of^ beaten work flialt 37- "• thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy-feat. 19 And make one cherub on the one CHd, and the other cherub on the other end ; even \\ of the mercy-feat ^^l^,f/„f fliall ye make the cherubims on the j^'if^i^^y. . two ends thereof. 20 And "' the cherubims fliall ?! '..'"'"S'' ftretch forth their wings on high, co- j^chron. . vering the mercy-feat with their iiebr. <,. s^v wings, and their faces jliall look one to another ; toward the mercy-feat fliall the faces of the cherubims be. 2 1 " And thou flialt put the mercy- feat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou flialt put the teftimony that I fliall give thee. ", 22 And " there I will meet with 3=^^ ^ tkee, and I will coiiimuue with thee, Nmab. ' fiom ''• *• n C!ia». . 4-- & . 36. ■ihe materials thereof. ^ctrift (™"^ ^''°^'° ^^^ mercy-feat, from ^^91- '' between the two cherubims which pT^j;;;^ a7-e upon the ark of the tefti-.nony, of 7- »>■ all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the chiidi-en of Ifrael. P^'!: 23 5 ■* Thou Hiak alfo make a ta- 1 Kinj/s ble i9/lhittim-woo(l : two cubits ///«// i'cVon. i'e the length thereof and a cubit the "*• *• breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. 24 And thou flialt overlay it with pure gold, and make thereto a crown of gold round about. 2 J And thou Ihalt make unto it a border of an hand-breadth round about, and thou ihalt make a golden crowTi to the border thereof romid fibout. _ 26 And thou (halt make for it four ring^ of gold, and put the rings in the four corners that are on the four feet thereof. 2 7 Over aeainfl the border fliall the rings be ror places of the Haves to bear the table. 28 And thou ihalt make the ftaves of fliittim-wood, and overlay them with gold, that the table may be born with them. ► Numb. 29 And thou flialt make ■■ the didies thereof, and fpoons thereof, and co- I Or, to vers thereof, and bowls thereof, |( to "itiu"* cover withal : o/pure gold {halt thou make them. 30 And thou flialt fet upon the ta- ^t,nc1''4. -, ^^^^^ ^^^ candleitick be made; his Leveiation ftaft, and lus brauches, his bowls, his : Y: * knops, and his flowers Ihall be of the fame. 32 And fix branches fliall come out of the fides of it : three branches of the candleitick out of the one fide, and three branches of the candleitick out of the other fide. 33 Three bowls made like unto al- monds, with a knop and a iiower in one branch ; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, -vith a knop and a flower : fo in the fix branches that come out of the candleitick. 34 And in the candleftick Jhall be four bowls macle like unto almonds, tvith their knops and their flowers. 35 And there Jnall be a knop un- der two branches of the lame, and a knop imder two branches of the fame, and a knop under two bran- ches of the fame, accorcljjjg to the CHAP. XXVI. The curtains of the tnleVnOch. fix branches that proceed out of the Be-nr- candieftick. ^iriit 36 Their knops and their branches "^ — v — ^ flnil be of the lame : all it (hall be one beaten work of pure gold. 37 And thou flialt rfiake the feven lamps thereof : and " they fliall || light » chsp. ' the lamps thereof, that they may ''give & jo.'s. light over agalnrt f it. ^1%',^. 38 And the tons;s thereof, and the 11 or,'r«l/i fnutf-diflies thereof jhall be (f pure ^ n 'T gold. 8. ;!!" ■ 39 0/a talent of pare gold Ihal! ;,^;^> I*- HeSr. E- 5. t He J. tuhlih thou ed to fee. he make it, with all thefe veflels. ych.p. 40 And ^ look that thou make theji^ ;f,',n: b. after their pattern, f which was fhew- 'o^"™- ed thee in the mount. C H A P. XXVI. I The tea curtains of tlie tabernacle 3 1 The vail for the ark. Moreover, ^ thou ihalt make the ^ ch.p tabernacle with ten curtains ^'' " of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and fcarlet : with cherubims f of cunning v.ork Ihait thou make t H^b.*** them '"'.^*.or * 2 The length of one curtain JJiall '";;''*;"''' be eight and twenty cubits, and the ^'■''^"^"^^• breadth of one curtain four cubits : and every one of the curtains Ihall have one meafure. 3 The five curtains fnall be coupled together one to another : and other five curtains Jiiall be coupled one to another. 4 And thou flialt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain, from the fehedge in the couplino- : and likewiie fliaft thou make in the uttermofi: edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the fecond. 5 Fifty loops Ihalt thou make ia the one curtain, and iifty i6ops fl^ilt thou make in the edge of the cui'tain that /( in the coupimg of the lecond, that the loops may taKe hold one o^ another. ' 6 And thou flialt make fifty taches of gold, and couple the curtains to- gether with the taches : and it iliail be one tabernacle. 7 11 And 1^ thou flialt make curtains ^p^^P' of goats hair to be a covering upon ^ ' '^ the tabernacle : eleven curtains Ihalt thou make. 8 The length of one curtain fliall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits : and the eleven curtains jh.all be all of oua meafure. 9 And thou flialt couple five cur- tains by themfelves, and iix curtains by theaafdves; and flwjit double the X .:3 fixtlv II Of'. tovertng >, neb. i'i the re- or, r<'r- 3C,. 19 Mnteriah for the tabernacle, E X O sefore fixtli curtaiii iH tlic forcfiont of the %t tabernacle. , «r 1 ^-v — ^ I o And thou fhalt make fifty loops dn the edge of the one curtain that is outmoft in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which coupleth the fecond. 1 1 And thou fhalt make fifty taches of brafs, and put the taches into the loops, and couple the ji tent together, that it may be one. 1 2 And the remnant that remauieth of the curtains of the tent, the half- curtain that remaineth, fhall hang over the back-fide of the tabernacle. 13 And a cubit on the one fide, and a cubit on the other fide f of that which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent, it fhall hang over the fides of the tabernacle, on this fide, and on that fide, to cover it. 1 4 And " thou fiialt make a covering for the tent, of rams fkins died red, and a covering above o/badgersfluns. 1 5 1| And thou flialt make boards for the tabernacle, of fnittim-wood, {landing up. 1 6 Ten cubits fiall be the length of a board, and a cubit and an half (liall be the breadth of one board. 1 7 Two f tenons fmll there be in one board, fet in order one againff another : thus flialt thou make for all the boards of the tabernacle. 18 And thou flialt make the boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards on the fouth-fide, fouth-ward. 10 And thou flialt make forty fock- etsGf filver, under the twenty boards: two fockets under one board for his two tenons, and two fockets under another board for his two tenons. 20 And for the fecond fide of the tabernacle, on the north-fide, there fiiall be twenty boards, 2 1 And their forty fockets of filver : two fockets under one board, and two fockets under another board. 22 And for the fides of the taber- » Aacle well- ward, thou flialt make fix boards. 23 And two boards fhalt thou make for the corners of the tabernacle in the two fides. 24 And they fhall be f coupled to- gether beneath, and they fhall be 'coupled together above the head of it unto one ring : thus fliall it be for them both J they ihall be for the two corners. 25 And they fliall be eight boards, and their fockets of filver, fixteen ibtkets ; two fogkcu under, one t Hell hand!- tHcTi. PUS. T^ie vail for the ark- board, and two fockets under an- Bc^.re other board. /-w^ ->6 1 And thou flialt make bars of fliittim-wood : five for the boards ot the one fide of the tabernacle, 2" And five bars for the boards ot the other fide of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the fide of the tabernacle for the two fides wefi;-ward. , 28 And the middle bar in the mids of the boards fliall reach from end to - 9 And thou flialt overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings of gold for places for the bars : and thou fhalt" overlay the bars with gold. 30 And thou fhalt rear up the ta- bernacle << according to the fafhion ^5. >;'/;,, thereof, which was fliewed tnee m ^^^^-^f;, themomit. ., eltr."' 11 And " thou flialt make a vail '^(,.\J. of blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and '^_^J-;"- fine twined linen of cunning work : m.^ with cherubims fliall it be made. Hete. 9- 3* 32 And thou fhalt hang it upon four pillars of fliittim-wooJ, overlaid with gold : their hooks fliali be of gold, upon the four fockets of filver. 33 t And thou flialt hang up the vail under the taches, that thou maj-- eft bring in thither, within the vail, the ark of the teftimony : and the vail fliall divide unto you, between ^ ^^^^ f the holy place and the moft holy. ,. ,_ 3. 34 And thou flialt put the mercy- feat upon the ark of the teftimony, in the moft holy place. 35 And ^ thou flialt fet the table I ,. without the vail, and the candleftick over againft the table on the fide ot the tabernacle toward the fouth : and thou flialt put the table on the north- " 36 And "thou flialt make an hanging 5^<;'^';^; for the door of the tent, of blue,_ and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with needle-work. 37 And thou fhalt make tor the hanging, five pillars of fhittim-woorf ^^^^^_ and' ' overlav them with gold, and 36. ,». their hooks fhall be of gold: and thou fhalt caft ^ve fockets of brafs tor them. ,,,_ CHAP. XXVII. I The altar of burnt-offering, with the vi'ljeh. 9 The court of the taberna- cle. 20 The oil for the lamp. A Nd thou flialt make ^ an altar of*^^^- A fliittim-wood, five cubits long, k-cu.j and five cubits broad : the altar fhall be four-fquare, and the height there- of fhall bi thi-ee cubits. The altar of burnt-offering. CHAP Before 2 And tliou flialt make the horns ^4,;','.' of it upon the four corners thereof : ^^-^r—^ his horns (hall be of the fame ; and bseevum. b thoii (halt overlay it with brafs. * " ^ ' 3 And thou fhalt make his pans to receive hisafhes, and hisflioveis, and his bafons, and his flefh-hooks, and his fire-pans : all the vefiels thereof thou flialt make of brafs. 4 And thou fhalt make for it a grate of net-work of brafs ; and upon the net fhalt thou make four brafen rings in the four corners thereof. 5 And thou flialt put it under the compafsof the altar beneath, that the net may be even to the midft of the altar. 6 And thou fhalt make flaves for the altar, flaves o/'fliittim-wood, and overlay them with brafs. 7 And the- flaves fliall be put into the rings, and the ftaves fliall be upon the two fides of the altar to bear it. 8 Hollow with boards fhalt thou t Chap, make it : "^ as f it was fliewed thee in M'. to. ^ the moimt, fo fliall they make //. r Heb. he 9 ^ And ^ thou flialt make the 'icvt. court of the tabernacle for the fouth- »3' s- ' fide, fouth-ward : there fliall be hang- ings for the court of fine twined li- nen of an hundred cubits long, for one iide. I o And the twenty pillars thereof, and their twenty fockets, jhall be of brafs : the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, jhall be of filver. I I And likewife for the north-fide, in length, there jhall be hangings of an hundred cubits long, and his twen- ty pillars, and their twenty fockets of brafs : the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets of filver. 1 2 \ And for the breadth of the court on the weft-fide, j]iall be hang- ir^s of fifty cubits : their pillars ten, aird their fockets ten. 1 3 And the breadth of the court on the eaft-fide, eaft-ward, jhall be fifty cubits. 14 The hangings of one fide oftJie vate jliall be fifteen cubits ; their pil- lars three, and their fockets three. 1 5 And on the other fide jliall be hangings fifteen cubits ; their pillars three, and their fockets three. 16 *[! And for the gate of the court, JJiall be an hanging of twenty cubits, of" blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and hue twined linen, ^\Tought with needle-work ; ayid their pillars jhall he four, and their fockets four. 1 7 All the pillars round about the court Jliall be iilleted with filver ; . XXVni. . The oil for the Imnp. their hook?, fliall be of filver, and their Before foclcets of brafs. 1491. 18 ^f The length of the coxivt JJiall "-^ — ' be an hundred cubits, and the breadth f fifty every where, and the height j"^.^-'^'"'y five cubits of fine twined linen, and " '' '' their fockets of brafs. 19 All the velfels of the tabernacle, in all the fervice thereof, and all the pins thereof, and all the pins of the court, fliall be of brafs. 20 % And *■ thou fhalt command « lwu. the children of Ifrael, that they bring '^^ '" thee pure oil-olive beaten, for the light, to caufe the lamp f to burn Micb^ ^?<>^ always. 2 1 In the tabernacle of the con- gregation f without the vail, which i^j'^f'^^ , is before the teftimony, ^ Aaron and g cbap. his fons fhall order it from evening Tsamuei to morning before the Lord. It Jhall f-i;^;,„„, be a ftatute for ever unto their gene- n- "• rations, on the behalf of the children of Ifrael. CHAP. XXVIII. I Aaron and hisj'ons arefet apart for ' the priejlsojfice. bTheephod. 'loThe Uriin and rhiunjnim, &c. ANd take thou unto thee ' Aaron a Hcbr, thy brother, and his fons with*"''''* him, from among the children of If- rael, that he may minilter unto me in the priefts office, even Aaron, Na- dab and Abihu, Eieazar and Itha- mar, Aarons fons. 2 And '^ thou flialt make holy gar- t ch^p.^ ments for Aaron thy brother, for \y. I'. glory and for beauty. 3 And ' thou flialt fpeak unto all « chap. that rtre- wife-hearted, ■'"whom I have achap. filled with the fpirit of wifdom, that 3'- 3^ & they may make Aarons garments to confecrate him, that he may minilter unto me in the priells office. 4 And thefe are the garments t which they fliall make ; a breaft- plate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle : and they fliall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his fons, that he may minilter unto, me in the priefts office. 5 And they fliall take gold, and blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine linen. 6 % And they fliall make the ephod^ of gold, of blue, and of purple, 0/ fcarlet, and fine twined linen, with cmming work. 7 It fhall have the two flioulder- pieces thereof joined at the two edges thereof; and Jo it fliall be joined to- gether. F 3 8 Anci Before Chrift HOI- (If • ■"■•!<■. I om T7ie form of the ephod. E X O 8 And the || curious girdle of the ephod, which /f upon it, fiiall be of the fame, accord hig to the work thereof} even of •goiA, of'blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen. 9 And thou (halt take two onyx- ftones, and grave on -them the names of the children of-Ifrael : 10 Six of their names on one ftcne, and the other iix names of the reft on the other ftcne, according to tlieir birth. 1 1 " With the -work of an engraver in ftone, like the engravings of a fig- net-, flialt thou engrave the two ftones, with the names of the children of If- rael : thou flialt make them to be fet in ouches of gold . 1 2 And thou flialt pat the two ftones upon the fhouiders of the ephod, for ftones of memorial unto the children trf Ifrael. And Aaron fliall bear their names before the Lord, upon his two ihouiders, for a memorial. 1 3 *lf And thou flialt make ouches of gold ; 1 4 And two chains of pure gold at the ends : qfwreathen work ihait thou make them, and faften the wreathen chains to the ouches. 15 t And f thou (halt make the breaft-plate of judgment, with cun- ning work, after the work of the ephod thou flialt make it ; o/"gold, of blue, and of purple, and 0/ fcarlet, ynd of fine twined linen Ihalt thou make it. 16 Four-fquare it fhall be, being doubled ; a fpan Jhall be the length there i)',, and a fpan y/M//*t? the breadth thereof. 1 7 s And thou (halt f fet in it fet- ^H.-i^'^'^ tings of ftones, even four rows of !i'[J^ ftones; the firft vow (hall be tl \\ far- ',.> '■h,!c. dius', a topaz, and a carbuncle : this fl Or, rwy flail be the firft vo\w. 18 And the fecoud row fJtall he an emerald, a fapphire, and a' diamond. 19 And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyft. 20 And the fourth row a beryl, rjid an onyx, and a jafper : they fliall i TTei.. be fet in gold in their f inclofings. ^'""^" 21 And the ftones fliall be with llie names of the children of Ifrael, twelve, according to their names ; like the engravings of a fignet, e\ery one with his name fliall they be ac- cording to the twelve tribes. 22 ^1 And thou flialt make upon the bfeaft-plate, chains at the ends, of wreathen work, of pure gold. D U S. The TJrim and Thunnnim. f fhsr. 25 And thoxi flialt make upon the ucfme breaft-plate two rings of gold, and i'lg,. flialt put the two rings on the two ^ — '^ ' ends of the breaft-plate. 24 And thou flialt put the two wreathen-c/7fT//7^ of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the breaft-plate. 25 And the other two ends of the two wreathen-c/7(i/;.'i, thou flialt faften in the two ouches, and put t/iern on the flioulder-pieces of the ephod be- fore it. 2 6 1 And thou flialt make two rings of gold, and thou flialt put them upon the two ends of the breaft-plate, in the border thereof, which /; in the fide of the ephod inward. 27 And two other rings of gold thou ftialt make, and flialt put them on the two fides of the ephod, under- neath towards the fore-part thereof, over againft the othc'r coupling there- of, above the curious girdle . of the ephod. 28 And they fliall bind the breaft- plate by the rings thereof, unto the rings ot the ephod with a lace of blue, that it may be above the curious gir- dle of the ephod, and that the breaft- plate be not loofed from the ephod. 29 And Aaron fliall bear the names of the children of Ifrael in the breaft- plate of judgment, upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before the Lord con- tinually. 30 t And ^ thou flialt put in the h lcvu. breaft-plate of judgment the Urim Nnn'b. and the Thummim ; and they fnall dchu'i'. be upon Aarons heart, when he go- j^i-g^;,, eth in before the Lord : and Aaron ^- <>• fliall bear the judgment of the chil- 2'%. dren of Ifrael upon his heart, before ^'.''tj?" the Lord continually. 31 '^ And ' thou flialt make the robe of the ephod all of blue. 32 And there fliall be an hole in the top of it, in the niids thereof : it fliall have a binding of woven work round about the hole of it, as it, were the hole of an habergeon, that it be not rent. 33 Ti And beneath upon the 1| hem H.^^ of it thou Ihalt make pomegranates o/"blu^, and o/' purple, and 0/ fcarlet, round about the hem thereof ; and bells of gold between them round about. 34 A golden bell and a pomegra- nate, a golden bell and a pomegra- nate, upon the hem of the robe roimd about. 35 "^ And. 3». ^;^ rhe 1 Chap. 39- 3»- m Cliap. a«. 8, 9. & 39. j8, 41. £zL-kicl 44. i». ji CUnp. . 39. ;. & 3D. .,0. & 40. 15. Lev. lo. 7. + Hcl.. m tluir lianj. t neb. j7f/7, nakednefs^ t Hell. i'e. a Levi t. J.:. fc Lcvlt. p/fl/<» (5/ the mitre. CHAP 35 ^And it fhall be upon Aaron, to minifter : and his found (hall be heard when he goeth in unto the ho- ly place before the Lord, and when he Cometh out ; that he die not. 36 1[ And • thou fiialt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engravings of a fignet, HOLI- NESS TO THE LORD. 37 And thou fhalt put it on a blue lace, that it may be upon the mitre : iiDon the fore -front of the mitre it fhall be. 38 And it fliall be upon Aarous forehead, that Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things, which the children of Ifrael fhall hallow in all their holy gifts : and it (lull be al- ways upon his forehead, that they may be accepted before the Lord. 39 \ And thou fhalt embroider the coat of fine linen, and thou llialt make the mitre c/"fine linen, and thou fhalt make the girdle o/'needle-wbrk. 40 \ '" And for Aarons fons thou fhalt make coats, and thou fhalt make for tliem girdles, and bonnets fh.alt thou make for them, for glory and for beauty. 41 And tliou fhalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his fons with him : and flialt " anoint them, and \ confecrate them, and fanftify them, that they may minifter unto me iu the priei^s olHce. 42 And thou fl:alt make them linen breeches to cover \ their nakednefs; from the loins even imto the thighs they fliall -j- reacli. 43 And they ihall be upon Aaron, and upon his fons, when they come in unto the tabernacle of the congre- gation, or when they come near ° un- to the altar, to minift;er in the holy place; that they bear not iniquity, and die. it jhcdl be a ftatuLe for ever unto him, and his feed after him. CHAP. XXIX. I The facrifice^a^id ceremonies of con- fecrating the priefls. 38 The con- tinual biirnt-ofeying. A Nd this is the thing that thou ■t\ fnalt do unto them to hallovv' them, to minifter unto me in the priefts ofHce : ^ Take one young bul- lock, and two rams without blemilh, 2 And •> unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened, tempered with oil, and wafers unleavened, anointed vvith oil ; o/wheaten flour flialt thou make them. 3 And thou flialt put them into •ne ba|ket, and bring them w the S Chai*, i^. 25. Levit. I, . XXIX. The corfecration of priefi. bafket, with the bullock and the two rams. 4 And Aaron and his fons thou fhalt bring unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, " and fhalt walli them with water. 5 '^ And thou flialt take the gar- ^ Chap, ments, and put upon Aaron the coat, and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breaft-plate, and gird him with " the curious girdle of the e ct^p. ephod. 6 f And thou flialt put the mitre ^.^JJ"''' upon his head, and put the holy croMTi upon tlie mitre. 7 Then ihalt thou take the anoint- ing '' oil, and pour // upon his head, and anoint him. 8 And thou ilialt bring his fons, and put coats upon them. 9 And thou fhalt gird them Vv-ith girdles, (Aaron and his fons,) and t put the bonnets on them ; and the J.™'* priefls office fhall be theirs for a per- petual ftatute : and thou flialt f ^con- \i^ti'J". fecrate Aaron and his fons. k chap' 10 And thou fhalt caufe a bullock ■*■*'• to be brought before the tabernacle of the congregation : and ' Aaron, and his fon.s, lliall put their hands upon the head of the bullock. 1 1 And thou flialt kill the bullock before the Lord, by tiie door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 12 And thou tliak take of the blood of the bullock, and put it upon ^ the ;\?'l?3i. horns of the altar with thy finger, and 3'- =• pour all the blood befide the bottom of the altar. 13 And 'thou flialt take all the ' /-"^tf fat that covereth the inwards, and ' ^' . II the caul that is above the liver, and [.'th /"^ni, the two kidneys, and the fat that is tp'-^y. and' upon them, and biu'u theiiz upon the do-tcrs, f. ' -^ to he the altar. vtUH^: 14 But ™ the flefii of the bullock, "',!-«. 4. and his fkin, and liis dung, fhalt thou Hl'brewj * burn with lire without the camp : it '^' ''" is a fin-oifering. 1 5 t " Thou flialt alfo take one S.'^s?* ram; and Aaron and his fons fhall put their hands upon the head of the ram. 1 6 And thou flialt flay the ram, and thou flialt take his blood, and fprin- kle it round about upon tlie altar. 17 And thou ihalt cut the ram in pieces, and wafli the inwards of him, and his legs, and put thef?i unto his pieces, and || unto his head. j!,^; iSAndthouflialtburnthewholeram' * upon the altar ; it is a burnt-offering unto the Lord : it is a fweet favour, an oiler ing made by tire unto theL o r d . F 4 ly It "AaU The facrifice and ceremoniei E X 0 Before 1 9 t ° And tliou fiialt take the other \'llf. ram, and Aaron and his fons fliall put ^"^:;^r~' their hands upon the head of the ram. Lev. s. .i. 20 Then (halt thou lull tlie ram, and take of his blood, and put // up- on the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his Ions, and upon the thumlj of tlieir right hand, and upon the great toe of their right foot, and fprinkle the blood upon the altar round about. 2 1 And thou flvalt take of the blood 11 cha].. 30. xhsit is upon the altar, and of '' the ''*' ^'' anointing oil, and fprinkle it upon Aaron, and upon his garments, and upon hisfons, and upon the garments «) Hcbiews of his Tons with him : and "^ lie (Viall "' "' be hallowed, and his garments, and his fons, and his fons garments ^\ ith him. 22 Alfo thou flialt take of the ram the fat and the rump, and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right Ihoulder ; for it is a ram of confecration : 1- T.cvit. 2 3 '' And one loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer out of the balket of the unleavened bread that is before the Lord. 24 And thou Ihalt put all in the_ hands of Aaron, and in the hands of his fons ; and flvalt f wave them for a wavc-otfering before the Lord. 25 ' And thou ilialt receive them of their hands, and burn ///t^mztp^w the altar for a burnt-offering, for a fweet favour before the Lord : it is an of- fering made by lire unto the Lord. 26 And thou ihalt take ' the breaft of the ram of Aarons confecrations, and wave it /era wave-offering before the Lord : and " it ihall be thy part. 27 And thou fiialt functify '■the breaft of the wave-offering, and the fliouldcr of the heave-offering, which is waved, and which is heaved up of the ram of the confecration, even of that which is for Aaron, and of that which is for his fons. ■ 28 And it fliall be Aarons and his fons by a ftatute for ever, from tire children of Ifrael ; for it is an heave- offering : and '' it Ihall be an heave- offeriiig from the children of Ifrael of the facritice of their peace-offer- ings, even their heave -offering unto the Lord. ■ • 29-^ And the holy garments of Aaron fhall be his fons after him, ^ to be anointed therein, and to be con- fecrated in thein. t He'll. Iluwe to iind fro \\ PCalm 9y. 6. X Lcvit. 7- 34. Nuuincrs i8. 18. y Lertt. D U S. of confecratit!^ the priefr:. 30 And f * that foil that is prieft Bctn in his ftead fhall put them on feven days, when he cometh into the ta- bernacle of the congregation, to nii- n'lCteT m the holy p luce. 31 *i And thou flialt take the ram of the confecration, and feethe his flefli in the holy place. 32 And Aaron and his fons fliall eat the flefli of the ram, and the i- bread that is in the baiket, by the ^ f;' !'■ door of the tabernacle of the con- ^:/r:. » 7 gregation. 33 And they fhall eat thofe things, whereM'ith the atonement was made, to confecrate arid to faiictify them : but a ftranger (hall not eat t/tercof becaufe they are holy. 34 And if ought of the flefh of the confecrations, orof the bread, remain unto the morning, thenthouflialt burn the remainder with fire : it (hall not be eaten, becaufe it is holy. 35 And thus flialt thou do unto Aaron, and to his fons, according to all things which I have commanded thee : "-"feven days Ihalt thou confe- '-?:•<'"*"' crate them. )■«;»'■ «■ 36 And thou flialt offer, every day, ^^' ^'' a buUock/ir a lln-offering, for atone- ment : and thoii flialt cleanfe the al- tar, wlieii thou haft made an atone- ment for it, ^ and thou flialt anoint t^^f/fc it, to fanctify it. 40- lo- 37 Seven days thou flialt make an atonement for the altar, and fantlify it ; ' and it fhall be an altar moft ho- ^^^'p- ly ': f whatfoever toucheth the altar, ^ riv,p* fliall be holy. _ ^-^^^ 38 ^ Now this is tnnt w'hich thou =3- 19- fhalt offer upon the altar ; ^ two s ^''™'- lambs of the tirft year, '^ day by day i, <;\,e continually. g^T^.^Ii? 39 The one lamb thou fhalt offer "* in the morning : and the other lamb thou flialt offer at even. ■ 40 And with the one lamb a tenth deal of hour mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil : and the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink-offering. 41 And the other lamb thou flialt offer at even, and fhalt do thereto according to the nieat-oHering of the morning, and according to the drink- offering thereof, for a fv/eet favour, an offering made By tire unto the Lord. 42 This Jhallbe ' a continual burnt- ^^';''b.''- offering throughout yourgenerations, " at the door of the tabernacle of the congi-egation, before the Lord; k where I will meet you, to fpeak ^,5 y,!' there imto thee, Nun-ber^ AX And '•'", The altar of incenfe. Before 43 And thcrc I will meet with the ^^J'l*} children of Ifrael, and |j the tabernacle "^^^ — ' ihall be fanclified by my glory. iiraei. 44 And I will fan£tify the taber- nacle of the congregation, and the altar ; I will fanftify alfo both Aaron and his fons, to niinifter to me in the priefts office. iEx.2,s-^^- 45 ^[ And 'I will dwell amongft zech.Mls! the children of Ifrael, and will be l?io?' their God. rr^!*' 46 And they fhall know that I am the Lord their God, that brought "" them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell amongft them : I am the Lord their God. CHAP. XXX. I The altar of incenfe. ii Theranfoin of fouls ' 22 The holy anointing oil. 34 The compofition of the perfume. Aisd thou flialt make " an altar ^ to burn incenfe upon ; of Ihittim- wood flialt thou make it. 2 A cubit //w// be the length there- of, and a cubit the breadth thereof, (four-fquare Ihall it be,) and two cMb'its Jliall be the heiglit thereof; the horns thereof fiall be of the fame. 3 And tliou Ihalt overlay it with piu-e gold, tlie f top thereof, and the -|- lides thereof round about, and the horns thereof : and thou ftialt make unto it a crown of gold roimd about. 4 And two golden rings flialt thou make to it, under the crown of it, by the two f corners thereof, upon the two fides of it flialt thou make it: and they Ihall be for places for the ftaves to bear it withal. 5 And thou (halt make tlie ftaves of fhittim-wood, and overlay them with gold. 6 And thou flialt put it before the vail, that is by the ark of the tefti- mony ; before the mercy-feat, that is over the teftimony, where I will meet with thee. 7 And Aaron fhall burn thereon ■ ffweet incenfe every morning: when ^ he dreffeth the lamps he fliiiU burn incpi:ife upon it. 8 And when Aaron || f lighteth the lamps ]■ at even, he fhall burn incenfe upon it ; a perpetual incenfe before the Lord, throughout your generations. 9 Ye ihall offer no ftrange incenfe thereon, nor burnt-facrihce, nor meat- otfering; neither fliall ye pour drink- oitering thereon. I o And ■' Aaron fliall make an atone- ment upon the horns of it once in a year, with the blood of the llii-otfer- C H A p. XXX. The ranfom offoiih. ing of atonements ; once in the year Bef« " " he make atonement upon it, iJ"' fliall throughout your generations : it /; ' — v — ' moft holy unto the Lord. 1 1 And the Lord fpake unto IN^o- fes, faying, 12 ^ When thou takeft the fum of c ci.3i^ the children of Ifrael, after -f- their ?fam^er« number, then fhall they give, every l^y^y "^ man, a ranfom for his foul imto the t Hei'. Lord, when thou numbereft them ; ot"fo'*?' that there be no plague amongft them see'tfUmw when thou numbereft them. s'- 5"""' * 1 3 This they fliall give, every one that palfeth among them that are numbered ; f half a fhekel, after the [7";"''' fhekel of the fanftuary : (^^ a Ihekel // g Lcvtt. twenty gerahs : ) an half fhekel Jhall l^^Xrs be the offering of the Lord. ^lekiei 14 Everyone that pafieth among 4,. ij^. them that are numbered, from twenty years old and above, fhall give an offering unto the Lord. 15 The rich fhall not f give more, t h^w. and tlie poor fliall not f give lefs than "hpk''' half a flic kel, when they give an ofter- ''""'"Ij/t. ing unto the Lord, to make an atone- ment for your fouls. 16 And thou fhalt take the atone- ment-money of the children of Ifrael, and ''flialt appoint it for the fervice h cbsp. of the tabernacle of the congrega- ^^' "'* tion ; that it may be a memorial unto the children of Ifrael before tlie Lord, to make an atonement for your fouls. 17 * And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 1 8 ' Tiiou Ihalt alfo make a laver ■ cii^p. of brafs, and his foot alj'o ofhrais, to ^^' *" walh zuithal: and thou flialt put it between tlie tabernacle of the con- gregation and the altar, and thou flialt put water therein. 19 For Aaron and his fons i' fhall !!f^,^^"."" wafh their hands and their feet ""^'^ thereat. Hcbr.'w. 20 When they go into the taber- '°' "* nacle of the congregation, they fliall wafli with water, that they die not : or, when tliey come near to the altar to niinifter, to burn offering made by fii-e unto the Lo/iu. 21 So they fliall wafh their hands and their feet, that they die not : and it fhall be a ftatute for ever to them, even to him and to his feed, tlirough- out their generations. 22 11 Moreover, the Lord fpake unto Mofes, fliying, _ 23 Take thou alfo unto thee prin- cipal fpicej, of pure myrrh five hun- dred Jlwkeli, and of fweet chmamon half 1 C\iap. ay. 40. perfumer jn Chap 40. 9. Nwmbero 7. I. B Chap, ay- 37- • Chnp, 5*/^? compofiiion of the peifume. E X O Beforr half fo much, even two hundred and liyl'' fifty Jhe.keh, and of fweet calamus ■ — v — ' two hundred and iifty Jhekels, 24 And of cailia live hundred fJie- hls, after the fliekel of the fanc- tuary, and of oil-olive an * hin. 2 5 And thou ihalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment com- pound after the art of the jl apothe- cary : it Ihall be an holy anointing oil. 26 " And thou flialt anoint the ta- bernai-le of the congregation there- with, and the ark of the telliniony, 27 And the table, and all his vefTel-, and the candlellick and his velfels, and the altar of incenfe, 28 And the altar of buvnt-ofTering, with ail his veflels, and the laver and his foot 29 And thon fhalt fan£tlfy them, that they may be mod holy : " wliat- foever toucheth them fr.all be holy. 30 ° And thou Ihalt anoaa Aaron '^''" and his fons, and confecrate them. that tkey may niinifter unto r,:, ■:; the priefts ohite. 31 And thou faalt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael, faying. This ih;-;ll be an holy anointing oil unto me, throughout your generations. 32 Upon mans Hefli fliall it not be poured, neither fliall ye make a;:y other like it, after the compofition of it : it is holy, and it fliall be iioly unto you. 33 Whofoever compoundeth any like it, or whofoever putceth rt;/)' of it upon a ftraiiger, ^ fhall even be cut oft" from his people. 34 % And the Lokd faid unto Mo- fes, '' Take unto thee fweet fpieces, ftafte, and onycha, and galbanum ; t/iej'e fweet fpices, with pure frank- incenfe : of each fliall there be a like weight. 35 And thou flialt make it a per- fume, a confccllon after the art of the apothecary, f tempered together, pure (2/7^ holy. 36 And thou flialt beat fame of it very fmall, and put of it before the te- ftimony, in the tabernacle of the con- gregation, '' \\^liere I will meet with thee : it fliall be unto you molt holy. 37 And as fur the perfume which thou flialt make, you fliall not make to yourfelves according to the com- polition thereof : it fliall be unto thee holy for the Loko. 38 Whofoever Ihall make like unto that, to fmell thereto, fliall even be cut otf from his people. t Hcb. r Sen 17- «4 ^ Chap ♦ Heb r Chap. 39- 37. 4' I.cir. 10. ; D U S. TJie fabhath to be obferveit CHAP. XXXI. I Bezaleel andAholiab are called for tlie work of the taOernacle. 12 Of the fciblaih. 1 8 IMcfes recei'veth the two tables. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes laying, _^ 2 "* See, I have called by name, Ee- a^h^ zaleel the ''fon of Uri, tJie fon of 2^,'^°,^^ Kur, of the tribe of Judah : -•-''■ 3 And I have '^ filled him v/ith the c i ku.; fpirit of God, in wifdom, and in un- '"'^■*' derftanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanfliip, 4 To devife cunning works, to work in gold, and in filver, and in brafs, 5 And in cutting of Hones to fet thejn, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of worlcmanfliip. 6 And I, behold I, have given with him Ahc)iiab,the fon of Ahifaniach, of the tribe of Dan; and, in the hearts of ail that are wife-hearted, I have putv/ifdora, that they may make all that I have commanded thee : 7 The tabernacle of the congre- 'l t'on, and the ark of the teftimony, 'aid the mercy-feat that is thereupon, and all the -j- furniture of the taber nacle, 8 And the table and his furniture, 'I and the pure candleftick with all his furniture, and the altar of incenfe, 9 And the altar of burnt-offering with all his furniture, and the laver and his foot, ■jo And ''the clothes of fervice, ^.^^^\^ and the holy garments for Aaron the Kumw/ prielt, and the garments of his fons, ■*' ' to minifter in the priefts otrlce, 1 1 ^ And the anointing oil, and 'S^-i'it^. ,^ ^'eet incenfe for tlie holy place: ac- ' ■ cording to all that I have command- , ed thee, fliall they do. j 12 "II And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, ' 13 Speak thou alfo unto the chil- dren of Ifrael, faying, <"Verily,myfab- ^^"■''■•, baths ye fliall keep : for it is a fign be- ,5?j6.'2. * tv.^een me and you, throughout your f j,%i."°* generations; that ye may Know that I a70i the Lord, that doth fanctify you. 1 4 ""• Ye fliall keep tne fabhath there- ^„';V/* fore ; for it is holy unto you. Every D««er, one that deiileth it, fliaii furely b? put iVeWei to death ; , for '' whofoever doth any ^°chap. work therein, that foul fliall be cut 3'^^-^^^ off from amongft his people. 15. 34. 1 5 Six days may work be done ; but, in the feventh, is the fabbath of reft, f holy to the Lord : ^^ hofoever doth f„^-^^^^^ a'.y work in the fabbath-day, he faall furcly be put to death. 16 Wherefore The molten calf. CHAP, ?hruf 1 6 Wherefore the children of Ifrael 149^ fnall keep tlie fabbath, to obferve the fabbath through out their generations, for a peqietual covenant. 17 It /i a fign between me and the cen. 1. children of Ifrael for ever : for, " in fix days, the Lord made heaven and earth, and, on the feventh day, he refted, and was refrelhed. 18 t And he gave unto Mofes, when he had made an end of com- muning with him upon moimt Sinai, ^^tl'zz ^ t^'^'" tables of teltimony, tables of >• i^- ftonc, written with the finger of God. "^o. ; CHAP. XXXII. or- J- 3- J 2^/^g people caufe Aaron to make a calf 19 Mofes breaketh the tables, 25 The idolaters /lain. 30 Mofes prayeth for tlie people. ANd, when the people faw that Mofes delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gather- ed themfelves together unto Aaron, A^'^;- and fa id unto him, ^ Up, make us gods which (hall go before us : for as for this Mofes, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 2 And Aaron faid unto them. Break off the golden ear-rings which are in the ears of your wives, of your fons, and of your daughters, and bring thetn unto me. 3 And all the people brake off the golden ear-rings which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. ^y^^F 4 ** And he received tlmn at their aim hand, and fafliioned it with a graving ■ "■ tool, after he had made it a molten Kehem. ^y^f : and they faid, ^ Thefe be thy gods, O Ifrael, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 5 And, when Aaron faw /?, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and faid, To- morrow is a feaft to the Lord. 6 And they rofe up early on the morrow, and offered burnt-offerings, and brought peace-o&er jngs : and the '.^7?''" ^ people fat dowTi to eat and to drink, and rofe up to play. 7 \ And the Lord faid unto Mofes, '.?.'■ * Go, get thee down : ffor thy people, :hap. wh'.ch thou brcughteft out of the land lin'c'i of Egypt, 8 have corrupted themfelves. o/u't. ^ They have turned afide quickly ■ 5- ■ out of the way which I commanded them : they have made them a molt- en calf, and have worfliipped it, and have facrilked thereunto, and faid, :King3 h Thefe be thy gods, O Ifrael, which have brought thee up out of the land 9f Egypt. XXXII. Mofes appeafeth Cods ar.gar. 9 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Before ' ; I have feen this people, and behold," "'^^t: it zj a ftiff-necked people. ^ — v — ' 10 Now therefore, let me alone, \i-'T that my ^rath may wax hot againft " "3. "' them, and that I may confume them : ""'• "*• ♦* and ^\ will make of thee a great ^ ^"'"''* nation. '*' *'* 1 1 ' And Mofes befought f the Lord' nent. his God, and faid, Lord, wliy doth pfa'if,; thy wrath wax hot againft thy peo- \%i,}- pie, which thou haft brought forth j;^ ^^^^ out of the land of Egypt, v/ith great power, and with a mighty hand ? 12 '"Wherefore fliould the Egyp- '" Namb. tians fpeak, and fay. For mifchief did ntuJcr'. he bring them out, to fiay them in \ifii)^ the mountains, and to conlume them fz-om the face of the earth ? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil againft thy people. 1 3 RememJjer Abraham, Ifaac, and Ifrael, thy fervants, to whom thou fwareft by thine om'U felf, and faidil: unto them, " I will multiply your ",^-.';'t' feed as the ftars of heaven, and all 'i- '!•'& this land that I have fpoken of, will \l\l'-l.!s I givH unto yom- feed, and they Ihall %'. Ul^ inherit it for ever. 14 .^d the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. 15 1[ And Mofes turned, and went dov.-n from tlie mount, and the two tables of the teftimony were in his hand -.the tablesw^re written on both their fides ; on the one fide and on the other ivere they written. 16 And the ° tables \vere the work \?!'*i: of God, and the writing vjas the writ- ing of God graven upon the tables. 17 And when Jolhua heard the noife of the people as they Ihouted, he faid unto Mofes, There is a noife of war in the camp. 18 And he faid, It is not the voice of them that fliout for maftery, nei- ther is it the voice of tliem that cry for f being overcome \ but the noife \^}^, oi them that {mg., do I hear. "'^ 19 ^ And it came to pafs, as foon as he came nigh unto the cam.p, that he faw the calf, and the dancing : and Mofes anger waxed hot, and he caft the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the m.ount. 20 ''And he took the calf which i' ^'"*- they had made, and burnt // in the '" "" fii-e, and ground it to powder, and rtravv'ecl it upon the w^ater, and made the children o( Ifrael chink of it. 21 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, What did this people unto thee, that the- a The % CTiap. 33- 4. 5- r ^ CliroH' 28, 19. ■t Heb. titem. t Kumb. Peuter. 33- »• t Ueuttr. 3.?- 9i »'• 11 Or, i^nrf Crmfecrate yourfeh-es to.cidv to the LORD, hccaufe tvry man hath been a^ainf} his f'ni, and ^ again/i his irother,kc- t Heb. Fill lour h^ids. u J Sam. J6. 13. Amoss.ij. r. pra'tii 6y. =». 11001.9.3. V Pfalin J5. 8. & 139. 16. I>an. 13. I' Pliil. 4. 3- Rev. 3. >• fci3. 8.& 20. x::. z Lcvit. aj. 30. E7Ckiel 18.4. dolaters Pain. thou haft brought fo great a fin upon them ? 22 And Aaron faid, Let not the anger of my lord \\ ax hot : thou knoweft the people, that they are Jet on mifchief. » 23 For they faid unto me, Make us gods, which fiiall go before us : for as for this Mofes, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 24 And I faid unto them, Whofo- ever hath any gold, let them break // off. So they gave it me : then I caft it into the' lu'e, and there came out this calf. 25 ^ And. when Mofes" faw that • the people xvere ** naked, (for Aaron ■■had made them naked unto their fiiame, amongft f their enemies, ) 26 Then Mofes ftood in the gate of the camp, and faid, Who is on the Lords fide ? let him come unto me. And all the fons of Levi gathered themielves together unto him. 27 And he faid unto them, Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, Put every man his fword by his fide, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and ' flay eve- ry man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. 28 And the children of Levi did according to the word of Mofes : and there fell of the people, that day, about three thoufand men. 29 ' [I For Mofes had faid, \ Con- fecrate yourfelves to-day to the Lord, even every man upon his fon, and upon his brother ; that he may bellow upon you a blelling this day. 30 1 And it came to pafs, on the morrow, that Mofes faid unto the people. Ye have linned a great fin : and now I will go up unto the Lord ; "peradventure I fliall make an atone- ment for your fin. 3( And Mofes returned unto the Lord, and faid. Oh, this people have finned a great fin, and have made them gods of gold. 32 Yet now, if thou wilt, forgive their fin : and if not, ''blot me, I pray thee, ^ out of thy book which thou haft written. 33 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, ^ Whofoever hath fmned againft me, him will I blot out of my book. :>4 Therefore now go, lead the people unto the place of wlxich I have EXODUS. Cod refufeth to go with the people. fpoken unto thee. ^Behold, mine Befm-. Angel Ihall go before thee : never- \^\\. thelefs, •> in the day when I vifit, I ^7;;^ ^\'ill vifit their fui upon them. y„'^tc^' 35 And the Lord plagued the peo- 20. 16. pie, becaufe they made the calf, which ^^0^'^'; Aaron made. CHAP. XXXIIL I The Lord refufeth to go ivith the people. 9 The Lord talketh with Mofes. 1 2 Mofes defireth to fee the glory of God. \ Nd the Lord faid unto Mofes, 1\ Depart, and go up hence, thou ^ and the people which thou haft ^j";''^"?* brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the land which I fware unto Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob, fay- ing, ^ unto thy feed will I give it. \p^- 2 " And I will fend an angel be- cjufter fore thee ; and I will drive out the ^f^^^^ Canaanite, the Amorite, and the 3yj4.^ Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hi- 7-_^^_^-^' vite, and the Jebufite ; ^4.'". 3 Unto a land flowing with milk and honey : for I will not go up in the midft of thee, for thou art a '' Itilf- i^^^f- necked people , left ' I confume thee ^^^^^r. in the way. e chap. 4 11 And when the people heard -i- -'■■ thefe evil tidings, they mourned : f and no man did put on him his f ir.'^iA ornaments. 5 For the Lord had faid unto Mofes, fay unto the children of Ifrael, Ye are a ftiil^-necked people ; I will come up into the midft of thee in a moment, and confume thee : therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee. 6 And the children of Ifrael ftript themfelves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb. 7 And Mofes took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp, afar off from the camp, ^and called it the if^'^lr'^'' Tabernacleofthecongregation. And it came to pafs, tluit every one which fought the Lord, went out unto the tabernacle of the congregation, which wrtj without the camp. 8 And it came to pafs, when Mofes went out unto the tabernacle, that all the people rofe up, and ftood every man at his tent-door, and looked af- ter Mofes, until he was gone into the tabernacle. 9 And it came to pafs, as Mofes entered into the tabernacle, the clou- dy pillar defcended, and ftood at the door of the tabernacle, and the LORD. talked with Mofes. ^ ^ 10 Ami 3Iofe! defireth to fee Gods gloty. CHAP. Before lo Aiid all the people faw the l^i'jl" cloiidy pillar ftand at the tabernacle- — V — ' door : and all the people rofe up and worfliipped, every man in his tent- door. Ota. 1 1 And '' the Lord fpake unto Mo- Mnbers fes facc to face, as a man fpeaketh un- ifer. to his friend. And he turned again • "• into the camp ; but his fervant Jo- fliua, the fon of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle. 12 ^ And Mofesfaid unto theLoRD, See, thou fayeft unto me, Bring up this people ; and thou haft not let me know whom thou wilt fend with me : rerern. yg^ ihou haft faid, ' I know thee by ^' name, and thou haft alfo found grace in my fight. 1 3 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy fight, fhew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy fight ; and coniider that this nation is thy people. tfaiah 14 And he faid, ''My prefence fhall ' '' go ivit/i t/iee, and I will give thee reft. :iiai.. 1 5 And he faid unto him, ' If thy ■'' prefence go not wit/i me, carry us not up hence. 1 6 For wherein fhall it be known here, that I and thy people have found grace in thy fight ? Is it not in Chap, tjiat thou goeft with us? So ""ihall we be feparated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. 1 7 x'ind the Lord faid unto Mofes, I w ill do this thing alfo that thou haft fpoken : for thou haft found grace in my fight, and I know thee by name. i8 And he faid, I befeech thee, fhew me thy glory. :hap. 19 And he faid, " I will make all ' '' ' my goodnefs pafs before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord lorn. before thee ; ° and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will Ihew mercy on whom I will fhew mercy. 20 And he faid, Thou canft not jcnofis fee ixiy face : for ^ there fhall no man utt-r. fire me, and live. j^s 21 And the Lord faid. Behold, '.".'j. there is a place by me, and thou flialt ■'• '; ftand upon a rock. 22 And it fhall come to pafs, while my glory paffeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock ; and will cover thee with my hand while I pafs BfPe^- ..'- 23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou fhalt fee my back-parts : but my face ihall not be feen. XXXIV. Tke tables are renewed. • Numb. 14. 18. CHAP. XXXIV. I Tfie tables are renewed. 5 The name of the LORD proclai;:iecl. 10 God niaketh a covenant with them. ANd the Lord faid unto Mofes, * Hew thee two tables of il;one like unto the firft ; and I will write, upon thefe tables, the words that were in the firft tables which thou brakeft. 2 And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and prefent thyfelf there to me, '' in the top of the mount. i^'lol* 3 And no man fhall " come up with c ci.ap. thee, neither let any man be feen ■9- '-''3' throughout all the mount ; neither let the flocks nor herds feed before that mount. 4 \ And he hewed two tables of ftone, like unto the firft ; and Mo- fes rofe up early in the morning, and went up imto mount Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tables of ftone. 5 And the Lord defcended in the cloud, and ftood with him there, and '' proclaimed the name of the Lord. • Gods Before Chi-iil 1491. k Chap. 23-32- jDCQt. 7. 2 1 Chap. Deut. 12.3 t Hcb. jlilues. m Jadg. «S. as. 18. 4. & 33. 14- 1 Chron. 3r.i.& ^4. 3> n Chap. ao. 5- • I KlnRs Kehem. ii-2, S. p Numb, aj. J, 3. ^ ehap. 3i. 8. I Chai>. i:. 15. & ai- 15. 8 Chap. as- 4. X Chap. Izckiel 44. 30. Z-uke 1. 23. u Nuinb. J8. ij. Jl Or, kid. % Chap. 23. li. Dcuter. j6. 16. J Samuel 9. 7, 8- , T2 Samuel 54- 24- y Chap. ^3. I!. Deiitur. 5- 12. Luke J3- 14- 2 Ch?p. 33. 16. t Hel.. _ revatutlon of the year. a Chap. 23. 14, 17. Deutcr. 1*. 16. 1) Sec Cen. 35- 5- - 2 Chr«n. 17. la AftsiJ. 10, C Cha]. 33- »»■ d Chaf. 12. 10. e Chaf. covenant roiih I/fad. E X O 12 I'Take heed to thyfelf, left thou make a cox-enant with the in- habitants of the land whither thou goeft, left it be for a fnare in the midil ' of thee. 1 3 But ye (hall deftroy their altars, ' break their f images, and ™ cut dovra . their groves. 14 For thou flialt worfhip no other God : for the Lord, whole name is Jealous, is a "jealous God ; 1 5 Left thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go awhoring after their gods, and do lacritice unto their gods, and o?ie call tiiee, and thou eat of his facrifice, 1 6 And thou take of " their daugh- ters unto thy fons, and their daugh- ters '' go awhoring after their gods, and make thy fons go awhoring after their gods. 1 7 "^ Thou fliait make thee no molt- en gods. 1 8 *f The feaft of '' unleavened bread flialt thou keep. Seven days ihalt thou eat imleavened bread, as I commanded thee in the time of the month Abib: for, in the ' month Abib, thou cameft out from Egypt. 19 'AH that openeth the matrix is mine : and every firftling among thy cattle, -whether ox or iheep, that is male. 20 But ° the firftling of an afs thou flialt redeem with a || lamb : and if thou redeem hijn not, then fnalt thou break his neck. All the firft-born of thy fons thou Ihalt redeem : and none Ihall appear before me ^ empty. 2 1 ^1 * Six days thou ihalt work ; but, on the feventh day, thou flialt reft : in earing-time and in harveft thou Ihalt reft. 22^^ And thou (lialt obferve the feaft of weeks, of the firft-fruits of wheat-harveit, and the feaft of in- gathering at the f years end. 231^ Thrice in the year liiall all your men-children appear before the Lord God, the God of Ifrael. 24 For I will caft out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders : ''neither Ihall aziy man defire thy land, when thoit ftialt go up to appear be- fore tlie Lord thy God thrice in the year. 25 "^ Thou fhalt not offer the blood of my facrifice with leaven ; * ni^ither fnall the facrifice of the feaft of paiib- ver be left unto the morning. 2() " The firft of the firlt-fruits of thy land thou laait bring unto the koufe of tjie Lo.ro thy God, Thou D U S. Mofcs face piinetL flialt not feetlie a *" kid in his mothers Before milk. 149,. 27 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, J^^^;5J;7~' Write thou ^ thefe words : for after 23- !■;. the tenor of thefe words I have made it^"! a covenant with thee and with Ifrael. |.''""' 2b> '' And he was there with the h ciia,,. Lord forty days and forty nights; at'^fj. he did neither eat bread, nor drink P' '^• water: and ' he wrote upon the ta- ';^.^Tfc bles the words of the covenant, the nt'uJer. ten -j- commandments. *• '3- & 29 *\\ And it came to pafs, when t ^uh^' Mofes came down from mount Sinai, ''""'''''• (v/ith the two tables of teftimony in Mofes hand, wlien he came down from the mount, ) that Mofes wift not that'' the (kin of his face ihone, while \.\\"i^ he talked with him. 30 And when Aaron, and all the • children of Ifrael, faw iMores,behold, the Ikin of his face ftone, and they were afraid to come nigh him. 31 ^\nd Mofes called unto them; and Aaron, and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Mofes talked with them. 32 And afterward all the children of Ifrael came nigh: and he gave them in commandment, all that the Lord had fpoken with him in mount Sinai. 33 And //■// Mofes had done fpeak- ing with them, he put ' a vail on his face. 34 But when Mofes went in before the Lord, to fpeak with him, he took fhe vail off, until he came out. And he came out, and fpake unto the chil- dren of Ifrael ti'iai which he was com- manded. 35 And the children of Ifrael faw the face of Mofes, that the lldn of Mofes face Ihone : and Mofes put tlie vail upon his face again, until he went in to fpeak with him. CHAP. XXXV. I Tlie fabbath. 4 The free gifts for the tabernacle. 20 The readinej's of the people to o-ff'er. ANd Mofes gathered all the con- gregation of the children of Ifrael together, and laid unto them, Thefe are the words which the Lor a hath commanded, that ye fhould do them. 2 ^ Six days (hall work be done j J^*^''"?!^ but, on the feventh day, there fliall 3°. M,ii be to you \ an holy day, a fabbath of dcuV.Y.'i' reft to the Lo:Id : whofoever doeth \f^-'i,, work therein '.hall be put to cleath. t Heb. 3 '■ Ye Ihall kindle no fire through- J"''"''"' 1 • ■ 1 ^1 ° (nap, out your habitations upon the lab- i6. .!, b;iU;-day, • 4 1 And 1 7 Cmsj 3. 13. t Cliap, Chap. S. I, ix-c CIia)i. Clup, -hap. T/ic free gifts for tlie iahernacle. CHAP 'hriit* "+ ^ "'^"^ Mofes fpake iml:o all the i.-"i. congregation of the childrenof Ifrael, "^^ ' faying. This is the thing which the LoRo commanded, faying, 5 Take ye from amongfi: you an oifering unto the Lord : " Whofo- ever is of a willing heart, let hi;n bring it, an oiteriRg of the Lord ; gold, and filver, and brafs, 6 And blue, and purple, and fear- let, and fine linen, and goats hair^ 7 And rams Jkins dyed red, and badgers ikins, and lliittim-wocd, 8 And oil for the light, '•and fpi- ces for anointing oil, and' for the fweet incenfe, 9 And onyx-ftones, and ftones to be fet, for the ephod, and for the breaft-plate. 10 And '■'every wife-hearted among you, r.iall come and make all that the Lord hath commanded ; If *"The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his taches, and his boards, liis bars, his pillars, and hisfockets, r 2 The ark, and the ftaves tnereof, Willi tlie mercy-feat, and the vail of the coA'ering, 13 The table and his fcaves, and all hisvellcis, " and the fhew-bread, 14 The candlefcick alfo for the light, and his furniture, and his lamps, M'ith the oil for the light, 15 ''And the incenfe-altar, and his ilaves, and the anointing oil, and the fwcct incenfe, and the hanging for the door, at the entering in of the tabci'nacle, 16 'The altar of burnt-offering, with his brafen grate, his ftaves, and all his veffels, the laverand his foot, _ 1 7 The hangings of the court, his pillars, and their fockets, and the hanging for the door of the court, 18 The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of the court, and their cords, 19 The clothes of fervice, to {}^o fervice in the holy placc^ the holy garments for Aaron tlie prielt, and the garments of his fons to miniiter in the priefts office. 20 \ And all the congregation of the children of Ifrael departed from the prefence of Mofes. 21 And they came every one whofe heart ftirred him up, and every one whom his fpirit made willing, and tliey brought the Lords offering to tlie work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his fervice, . and for the holy garments. • 22 And they came, "both men and xvomen, as niaay as v/ere wiiiinf^- XXXV. The peoples readinefs to offer.- hearted, and brought bracelets and Befor. ear-nngs, and rings, and tablets, ail ^J^'.'! jewels of gold : and every man that '— v— ohered, offered an oifering of gold unto the Lord. 23 And every man with whom M-as found blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and line linen, and goats iuiir^ and red flans of rams, and badgers Ikins, brought tfiem. 24 Every one that did offer an offering of filver and brafs, brought the Lords oirerlng : and every maa \yith whom was found fhittim-wood for any work of the ferv ice, brought //. 25 And all the women that^were wife-hearted, did fpin with their hands, and brought that which they had fpun, both of blue, and of purple. and of fcsrlet, and cf fine linen. 26 And all the women whofe heart ftirred them up in wifdom, fpun goat* mir. i. a 27 And the rulers brought onyx- ftones, and ftones to be fet for th© ephod, and for the breaft-plate : 28 And k fpice, and oil for the light, k cha?, and for the anointing oil, and for the ^"^ '*" fweet incenfe. 29 The children of Ifrael brought a willing offenng unto the Lord, every maa and woman, whofe heart made them willing to bring for all manner of work, which the Loru had commanded to be made, by tha hand of Mofes. 30 ^ And Mofes faid unto the chil- drea of Ifrael, See, ' the Lord hath ' ci-.a,.. called by name Bezalccl, the fonof^'"'' Uri, the fon of Hur, of the tribe of Judah : 31 And he hath filled him with the fpirit of God, in wilUom, in under- ftanding, and in knowledge, and in ail manner of workmaniiiip j 32 And to devife curious works, to v.'ork in gold, and in filver, and in brafs, 33 And in the cutting of ftones to fet tl'u;in^ and in carving of wood to make any manner of cimning work. 34 And he hath put in hifi heart that he may teach, ht'i he and Aho- liab, the fon of Ahifaniach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wif- dom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the em- broiderer, in blue, and in purpie, in fcarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, e\ysn of them that do any work, The peoples liberality reflrained. EXODUS. •thrift work, and of thofe that devife cun- I49I- ning work. "^^■^ CHAP. XXXVI. I The offerings are delivered to the workmen. 5 Tlie liter ality of the people is reftrained. 1490. 'THHen wrought Bezaleel and Aho- -l liab, and every wife-hearted man, in whom the Lord put wif- dom and underltanding, to know how to work all manner of work for the fervice of the fanttuary, accord- ing to all that the Lord had com- manded. 2 And Mofes called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wife-hearted man, in whofe heart the Lord had put wif- dom, even every one \\'hofe heart ftir- red him up to come unto the work to do it. 3' And they received of Mofes all the offering which the children of Ifrael had brought, for the work of the fervice of the fanftuary, to make \t withal. And they brought yet unto him free-offerings every morning. 4 And all the wife men that wrought all the work of the fanftuary, came every man from his work which they made. 5 *i And they fpake unto Mofes, faying. The people bring much more than enough for the fervice of the work which the Lord commanded to make. 6 And Mofes gave commandment, and they caufed it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, faying. Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the fanauary. So the people were re- flrained from bringing. 7 For the fluff' they had was fuffi- cient for all the work, to make it, and too much. 8 % "And every wife-hearted man, among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains of tine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and fcarlet : with cherubims of cunning work made he them. 9 The length of one curtain xuas twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits : the curtains were all of one fize. 10 And he coupled the five cur- tains one unto another : and the other five curtains he coupled one unto an- other. 1 1 And he made loops of blue on the edge of one curtain, from the felvedge in the coupling : likewife he made in the uttermoll fuie of The curtains^ ^c. for the tabernacle. in the coupling of a CTiap S6. 3, ' another curtam, m the coupling ot Befm^ the fecono. ^po- 1 2 '' Fifty loops made he in one ^7h^ curtain, and fifty loops made he in •<'• »«• the edge of the curtain which ivas in the coupling of the fecond : the loops held one curtain to another. 13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled the curtains one unto another with the taches. So it became one tabernacle. 14 1[ And he made curtains of goats /w/r, for the tent over the ta- bernacle : eleven ciu"tains he made them. 1 5 The length of one curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits zvas the breadth of one curtain : the eleven curtains were of one fize. 16 And he coupled five curtains by themfelves, and fix. curtains by themfelves. 1 7 And he made fifty loops upon the uttermofl edge of the curtain in the coupling, and fifty loops made he upon the edge of the curtain, which coupleth the fecond. 1 8 And he made fifty taches o/brafs to couple the tent together, that it might be one. 19 And he made a covering for the tent of rams fluns dyed red, and a covering of badgers fkins above that. 20 II And he made boards for the tabernacle of Ihittim-wood, {landing up. 2 1 The length of a board luas ten cubits, and the breadth of a board one cubit and a half. 22 One board had two tenons, equally diflant one from another : thus did he make for all the boards of the tabernacle. 23 And he made boards for the tabernacle : twenty boards for the fouth fide, fouthward. 24 And forty fockets of filver he made mider the twenty boards : tv.o fockets under one board for ihis two tenons, and two fockets under ano- ther board for his two tenons. 25 And for the other fide of the ta- bernacle, ivhich is toward the north- corner, he made twenty boards, 26 And their forty fockets of fil- ver : two fockets xmder one board, and two fockets mider another board. 2 7 And, for the fides of the taber- nacle welhvard, he made fix boards. 28 And two boards made he for the corners of the tabernacle in the two fides. 29 And c Chan. 3°- i- i Chap T/ie *i]ail for the tabernacle. CHAP. 29 And they were -f- coupled be- neath, and coupled together at the head thereof, to one ring : thus he did to both of them in both the corners. 30 And there were eight boards, and their fockets xvere fixteen fockets ■^ HeT). two of filver, + under every board two lockets, two c I „^„ focketl mi. lockets. iILT 3 1 H And he made " bars of fliittim- wood : five for the boards of the one fide of the tabernacle, 32 And five bars for the boards of the other fide of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the taber- nacle, for the fides weft-ward. 33 And he made the middle bar to Ihoot through the boards from the one end to the other. 34 And he overlaid the boards with gold, aild made their rings of gold to be places for the bars, and overlaid the bars with gold. 35 ^ And he made "* a vail of blue, and purple, andfcarlet, and fine twin- ed linen j with cherubims made he it of cunning work. 36 And he made thereunto four pillars of ftiittim-wooJ, and overlaid them with gold : their hooks were of gold, and he caftfor them four fockets of filver. 37 ^ And he made an ^ hanging for the tabernacle-door, o/"blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fiiie twined linen, \ of needle-work, ■ 38 And the five pillars of it with "/.' their hooks ; and he overlaid their chapiters, and their fillets with gold : but their five fockets were of brafs. CHAP, xxxvn. I The ark, 6 the mercy -feat with che- rubims, 10 the table, ly the can- dle/tick, 25 t/ie altar of incenfe. ANd Bezaleel made * the ark of Ihittim-wood : two cubits and a half ifar the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the height of it. 2 And he overlaid it with pure gold within and without, and made a crown of gold to it round about. 3 And he caft for it four rings of gold, to he fet by the four corners of it : even two rings upon the one fide of it, and two rings upon tlie other lide of it. 4 And he made ftaves 0/ ftiittim- -vood, and overlaid them with gold. _ 5 And be p'fit the ftaves into thi^ rings, by the fides of the ark, to bear the ark. ^ __ 6 ^ And he made the ^ mercy-feat ofT[^uxf gold : two cubits and an half : Chap. t«. 36. . Htli. he vorl- of needle- uark nbroider- Chap S' 10. Or^ out , &«. Or, out chap. XXXVII. The mercy -fedt, withcherubinis* was the length thereof, and one cubit and an half the breadth thereof. 7 And he made X\\o cherubims of gold, beaten out of one piece made he them, on the two end;* of the mercy-feat ; 8 One chernb |[ on the end on this fide, and another cherub i| on the ot!ier end on that fide : out of the mercy-feat made he the cherubims on the two ends thereof. 9 And the cherubims fpread out their \A?ings on high, ayid covered with their wings over the mercy-feat, with their faces one to another ; even to the mercy-feat- ward were the faces of the cherubims. 10 t And he made '^ the table o/c chaj^. fhittim-wood : two cubits was the ^^' ^ length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. 11 And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made thereunto a crown of gold round about. 12 Alfo he made thereunto a bor- der of an hand-breadth round about ; and made a crown of gold for the border thereof round about. 1 3 And he caft for it four rings of gold, and put the rings upon the four corners, that were in the foUr feet thereof. 14 Over againft the border were the rings, the places for the ftaves, t'j bear the table. 1 5 And he made the ftaves of fhit- tim-wood, and Overlaid them with gold, to bear the table. 1 6 And he m.ade the veffels which were upon the table, his ^ difiies, and ^ ^''^i'* his fpoons, and his bowls, and his co- vers II to cover withal, o/"pure gold, "o^^'^l^ 1 7 11 And he made the ' candle- «""•"'• ftick of pure gold : of beaten work l/i'^jl'; made he the candleftick, his flaaft and his branch, his bowls, his knops, and his fiowers were of the fame. 1 8 And fix branches going out of the fides thereof : three branches of the candleftick out of the one fide there- of, and three branches of the candle- ftick out of the other fide thereof. 19 Three bowls made after the fafliiou of almonds^ in one branch, a knop and a flower ; and three bowls made like almondis, in another branch, a knop and a flower : fp throughout the fix branches, going out of the candleftick. 20 iind in the candleftick irerj four bowls made like almonds, has knop? and his flowers. G 31 An* Before ChrJft f Chap The altar of mcdnfe. E X O 2 1 And a knop under two branches of the f.ime, and a knop under two branches of die fame, and a knop under two branches of the fame, ac- cording to the fix branches going out of it. 22 Their knops and their branches were of the fame : all of it was one beaten work of pure gold. 2 7, And he made his feven lamps, and^his fnulFers, and his fniiif-diflies, of pure gold. 24 Of a talent of pnre gold made he it, and all the veifels thereof. 25 1i f And he made the incenfe- altar of fnittim-wood : the length of it luas a cubit, and the breadth of it a cubit, (it tvas four-fquare, ) and two cubits zvas the height of it ; the horns thereof were of the fame. 26 And he overlaid it with pure gold, bot/: the top of it, and the fides thereof round about, and the horns of it : alfo he made unto it a crown of gold round about. 27 And he made two rings of gold for it under the crown thereof, by the two corners of it, upon the two fides thereof, to be places for the Haves to bear it withal. 28 And he made the ilaves of fliit- tim-wood, and overlaid them with gold. 29 II And he made ^the holyanomt- ingoil, and the pure incenfe of fweet fpic'f.. according to the work of the apothecary. CHAP. XXXVIII. I r/ie altar of hirrt'ofenng. 8 The laverofbraf. ^fF lie court. 21 The fiitn of the offering. Nd ^ he jnade the altar of burnt- offering of fliittim-w^ood : five cubits v,c:s the Length thereof, and live cubit- the breadth thereof, (it was four-f-uire, ) and three cubits the height thereof. 2 And he made the horns thereot on^the four corners of it : the horns thereof were of the fame, and he overlaid it with brafs. :; And he made all the veilels ot the altar, the pots, and the Ihovels, and the bafons, and the fleft-hooks, and the fire-pans : all the veffels thereof made he of brafs. 4 And he made for the altar a trafen grate oi net-work, under the compafs thereof, beneath tmto the midit of it. ^ , 5 And he call four rings for the four ends of the grate of brafs, to be places for the ilaves. D U S. the cottYi of the tabernacle. 6 And he made the ftaves o/fliittim- »'?<»« wood, and overlaid them with brafs. 7 And he put the ftaves into the rings on the fides of the altar, to bear it withal : he made the altar hollow with boards. 8 *\ And he made ^ the laver p/brafs, ^^^hap. and the foot o'l it of brafs, of the " II lobking-glaifes of the xvo-.nen f af- lrVr',„, fembling,\\^hich aflembled at the door .?••'/"• % Chanter 2 J- 23>3J s C'.-.ap A= of the tabernacle of the congregation. ,|/f,;;iimA, 9 f And he made '= the court : on 'iTOk. the fouth-fide fcuthward, ^ the hang-^-^^^^__- ings of the court were of fijie twined ;;. 9!"' linen, an hundred cubits. 10 Their pillai's were twenty, and their brafen fockets twenty : the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets were of filver. 1 1 And for the nortli-fide, the hang- ii.'7^i were an hundred cubits, their pitlars ivere twenty, and their fockets of brafs twenty : the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of filver. 1 2 And for the weft-fide wev£ hang- ings of fifty cubits, their pillars ten,^ and their fockets ten : the hooks of the pillars, and their hllets, pf fiiver. 1 3 And for the eaft-fide, eaft-ward, fifty cubits. ^ 14 The hangings of the one fide 0/ the gate were fifteen cubits, their pil- lars three, and their fockets three. 1 5 And for the other fide of the court-gate, on this hand and that hand, xvere hangings of fifteen cu- bits, their pillars three, and their fockets three. 16 All the hangings of the court round about, were of fine twined, linen. 1 7 And the fockets for the pillars were of brafs : the hooks of the pil- lars, and their fillets, of filver ; and_ the overlaying of their chapiters, 0} filver : and all the pillars of the court were filleted with iilver. 1 8 And the hanging for the gate ot the court was needie-work, of blue, and purple, andfcarlet, and fine twhi- ed linen : and twenty cubits was the length, and the height in the breadth . was five cubits, aufwerabie to the 1 hangings of the court. I 1 9 And their pillars vcsre four, and i| their fockets of brals four; their hooks :> of filver, and the overlaying of their chapiters, and their fillets, of filver. 20 And all the ^ pins of the taber- J^ci-y^ nacle, and of the court round about, •were of brafs. 2 1 ''I This is the fum of the taber- nacle, even of the tabernacle of tefti- monvj The fum of the offent2S,s\ C HA P. sefore mony, as it was counted according to ■: m'v!^. the commandment df Mofes, for the * *' ' fervice of the Levites, by the Hand of Ithamar fon to Aaron the prieft. 22 And Bezaleel the fon of Uri, the fon of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the LoJtD commaiided Mofcs. 23 And with him was Aholiab fon of Ahifamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver, and a cunning work- man, and an embroiderer in blUe, and in purple, and in fcarlet, and line linen. 24 All the gold that was occupied for t!ie work, in all the work of the holy place, even tlie gold of the offer- ing, was twenty and nine talents, and feven hundred and thirty fliekels, af- • <;'yr- ter " the fhekel of the fanttuary. 25 And the filver of them that Vv'ere niimbered of the congregation, was an hundred talents, and a thou- farid feven hundred and threefcore and fifteen Ihekels, after the fliekel of the fanftuary. f Chap. 26 '■ A bekah for f every man, that t HebV '-f h^^f ^ ftiekel, after the fliekel of a pall. the fanftuary, for every one that went to be irombered, from twenty 8 Numb, years old and upward, for ° fix hun- *' '''" dred thdufand, and three thoufand, and five hundred and fifty men. 27 And of the hundred talents of h chapttr filver, were caft '^ the foekets of the %\ 3'' *'' fanctilary, and the foekets of the vail ; an hundred foekets of the hun- dred talents, a talent for a focket. 28 And of the thoufand feven hun- dred feventy and five Jhekels, he made hooks for the pillars, and overlaid their chapiters, and filleted them. 29 And the brafs of the oftering laai feventy talents, an^i two thou- fand and four hundred fhekels. 30 And therewith he made the foekets to the door of the tabernacle of th^ congregation, and the brafen altar, and the brafen grate for it, and all the veflels of the altar, 31 And the foekets of the court round about, and the foekets of the court-gate, and all the pins of the ta- bernacle, and all the pins of the court round -aboxit. CHAP. XXXIX. I The clothes offerw'ce, and holy gar- ments. 2 The ephod. 8 The breafx- plate. 22 The robe of the ephod. ANd of the blue, and purple, and ^ _ fcarlet, they made clothes of ji. iZ'it fetvice, to do fervice in the holy 3J- '>• place^ and • made the holy gayiiients XXXIX. The ephod, ojtd hreafr-plafc. for Aaron 5 '^ as the Lokd command- srfore ed Mofes. ^,\f^. 2 And he made the ephcd, flfeold, ^Trv — " 11 1 1 \ ^ \ '^ ^ • ^ Chap, blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and ^^- ■»• fine twined linen. 3 And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires : to work it in the blue, and in the pur- ple, and in the fcarlet, and in the fine linen, with cunning work. 4 They made ihbulder-pieces for it, to couple it together : by the two edges was it coupled together. 5 Ajid the curious girdle of his ephod that was upon it, vjas of the fame, according to the work thereof, o/gold, blue, and purple, aiidfcaiiet, and fine twined linen ; as the Lord commanded Mofes. 6 ^ '^ And they wrought onyx- cc;,ap, ftones inclofed in oiiclies of gold, gra- '*'■ ''' ven as fignets are graven, with the names df the child) en of Ifrael. 7 And he put them on the Iho-jl- ders of the ephod, thai they Jiioiild be Hones for a ^ memorial to the chil- 'l^'^^^^ dren of Ifrael j as the Lord com- manded Mofes. , S ^ And he made the breaft-plate q/"cunning work, like the work of the ephod; 0/ gold, blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen. 9 It was four-fquare, th^y made the breaft-plate double : a fpan was the length thereof, and a fpan the breadth thereof, bei7ig doubled. 10 ^ And they fet in it four rows af__ftones ; the firjl row za as a f| far- dius, a topaz, and a carbuncle : this was the firll row. 1 1 And the fecond row, an eme- rald, a fapphire, and a diamond. 12 And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an amethyil. 1 3 And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jafper : they were inclofed in ouches of gold in their inclolings. 14 And the ftones ivere^ according to the names of the children of Ifra- el, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a fignet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes. 1 5 And they made upon the breaft- plate chains at the ends, o/wreathen- work of pure gold. 16 And they made two ouches of gold, and two gold rings : and put the tv7o rings in the two ends of the breaft-plate. 1 7 And they put the two wreatheit chains of gold in the two rings on the ends of th5 breaft-plate. G 2 18 And 7, ir c. The T Before Chrift 1490- ■obe of the epJwd. E X O D U S. 18 Aud the two ends of the two wreathen chahis they faftened in the ' two ouches, and put them on the (lioul- der-pieces of the ephod before it r Chap. 28. 3i. Tlie tabernacle brought to 3'Iofes. gatiou finilhed . and the children of Ifrael did according to all that the Lord LOinmandedMores,fo did they. 'And they brought t'-e tabei Before Clu-ifl g Etek. h Chap. 38. 4i< 19 And they made two rings of nacle unto Mofes, the tent, and ail his gold-, and put' tkem on the two ends furniture, his taches, his boards, his of tlie breall-plate upon the border bars, and his pillars, and his focicets, of it, which was on the fide of the ephod Inward. 20 And they made two of/ier golden rings, and put them on the two fides of the ephod underneath, toward the fore part of it, over againtl the ot/ier coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod: 21 And they did bind the breaft- plate by his riiigi unto the rings of the ephod, with a lace of blue, that it might be above the curious girdle of the ephod. and that the brealt- I Cbap. 'aS. 3n, andtiie glo- ry of the LoRu iii:c;i the tabernacle. 35 And Mofes was not able tc en- ter into the tent of tne congrtg • cion, becaufe the cloud abode tiiereow, and the glory of the Lord riii.ed the ta- bernacle. 36 ^ And, when the cloud was ta- ken up from over the ta'j:;rnacle, the children of Ifrael f went onward in all their journeys : 37 But, if the cloud wsre not ': ikeh up, then they journeyed net, tiii the day tnat it ",va . caken up. 38 For '^ the -loud of the Lord ■was upon the tabf^rnacle )y day, and hre was on it by n:ght. in the fig it of all the houfe of ifrael, clirou^nout all their journeys. G 3 t Tlie. 30. 7. m Chap. 30. 9. n Chajjv 30. ij. 16. 2. Numb. 9. IS. I Kjngi 8. to. . CUron. J.13.& 6. 4., acvel. ij. 8. t Hcb. joarneyed* The Third Book of M o s e s, called LEVITICUS. a Chan. 33. I^. t Chjp. 14, -jj. «.- 16. HI. Exodus 39. 10, r d Chap. S-8 CHAP. I. Tke burnt -oferihgs, 3 of the herdy 10 of the flocks^ 14 of the foiuls. N D the Lord called unto Mofes, and fpake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, ^ If any nian of you bring an ottering unto the Lord, ye fhall bring j'our offering of tlie cattle, even of the herd, and cf the flock. 3 If his offering be a burnt-facri- fice of the herd, let hiui offer a male ■without blemifli : he (hall offer it of his o\vn voluntary will, at the door of the tabernacle pf the congregation before the Lord. 4 ^ And he fhall put his hand upon the head of the burat-offering : an<^ it fhall be accepted for him to make atonement for him. 5 And he fhall kill the bullock be- 35'.^;";™"' ^^^^ t^^ LoRi^ : " and the priefts, Aarons ions, fhall bring the blood, ^ and fprinkle the blood round about upon the altar, that is by th? door of tlie tabernacle pf the congregation. 6 And he fhall flay the burnt-ofter- ing, and cut it into his pieces. ' 7 And the fons of Aaron the prieft (hall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire. 8 And the priefts, Aarons fons, fhall lay the parts, the head, and the fat, in order upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar. 9 But his inwards and his legs fhall he wafri in water : and the prieft fhall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt- facrifice, an oflefing made by fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord. iQ ^ And if his offering be of the flocks, namely of the fneep, or of the goats, for a burnt-facrifice ; he fliall ^ring it a male without blemifh. 1 1 And he ikill kill it on the fide of the altar north-ward before the Lord : and the priefts, Aarons fons, fhall fprinkle his blood roimd about upon the altsr. 12 And lie fhall cut it into his pieces, with his head and his fat ; and the prieft iliall lay them in order on the ■\vood that is on the file which is. up- on the altar. ■ 13 But he fhall wafh the inwards and the leg:^ with water ; and the prieft fliail "bring it all, and burn it tipo!^ the altar : it ii a burnt-facrilice, : Chjp. Or, nrh .f f hea-t an offering made by fire, of a fweet Before favour unto the Lord. ^49^*: 14 Tl And if the burnt-facrifice for '^ — "^ — his offering to the Lord be of fowls, then he fhall bring his offejing of ' turtle-doves, or of young pigeons. fj And the prieff fliall bring it unto the altar, and || wring off his head, and burn it on the altar : and the blood thereof fhall be wrung out '"nau.*"' at die fide of the altar. 16 And he fliall pluck away his crop with II his feathers, and caft it 11. or, befide the altar on the caft-part, by 'thcr"il. the place of the afhes. 1 7 And he fliall cleave it with the wings thereof, hit *" fliall not divide [c™.^ it afunder ; and the prieft fhall burn it upon the altar, upon the Mood that is upon the fire : it is a burnt- facrifice, an offering made by fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord. CHAP. II. I The ineat-ojferiitg of flour vjith oil and incenfc, 1 2 and of the firjt- fruits in the ear. 13 The fait of the meat-ofering. ANd when any will offer ^ a meat- a chap. offering unto the Lord, his of- ,: ',V,^ fering fliall be of fine flour ; and he ^^'i"^; fhall pour oil upon it, and put frank- iiicenfe thereon. 2 And he iliall bring it to Aarons fons the priefts : and he fhall take there- out his handful of the flour thereof, and of the oil thereof, with ail the frankincenfe thereof ; and the prieft fhall burn '° the memorial of it upon b Vfr'-e the altar, to be an offering made by ci.ij'rer . fire of a fweet favour unto the Lord. & ;t/'^.' 3 And "^ the remnant of the meat- J.'^'^!;,,';'- offering fiall k^ Aarons and his fons; 45-''*- d it is a thing moll holy of the offer- 'f/^X ' ings of the Lord made by fire. r°dis' 4 ^ And if thou bring an oblation 7- s- of a meat-offering baken in the oven, ^/:''^f"* it /hall be unleavened cakes of fine ^g'™']-- flour mingled with oil, or unleaven- ed wafers " anointed with oil. e Exoda» 5 1i And if thy oblation be a meat- offering baken \\ in a pan, it fnall be [,l^°j'^.j of fine flour unleavened, mingled p^^ite, or, with Oil. 6 Thou Ihalt part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon : it is a meat-offe*- ing. 7 II And if thy oblation be a meat- offering baken in the frying-pan, it fhall he made of fine flour with oil. 8 And thou fhalt bring the meat- ofiering tliat is made of thefe tilings untQ Jlice. T4e imat-offerhig. CHAP More unto the Lord : and, when it is pre- VJJ'o'? fented unto the prieft, he lliall bring — V — -^ it unto the altar. 9 And the prieit (hall take from the Vex. 3. meat-offering f a memorial thereof, and fhall burn // upon the altar : it is Exdus an ° offering- made by fire, of a fweet ■ '*' favour unto the Lord. 10 And that which is left of the meat-olfering Jhall be Aarons and_ his fons : it is a thing moft holy, of the offerings of the Lord made by fire. 1 1 No meat-offering, which ye fhall bring imto the Lord, fliall be made !« with " leaven : for ye ihall burn no ;*'w! leaven, nor any honey, in any offer- '^5. ing of tlie Lord made by fire, 'kc 12 Ti ' As for the oblation of the zur. firft-fruits, ye fliall offer them unto lut. the Lord : but they fhall not f be ixoJus burnt on the altar for a fweet favmir. •*"5.'" 1 3 And every oblation of thy meat- offering "^ fhalt thou feafon with fait ; neither fhalt thou fuffer ' the fait of the covenant of thy God to be lack- ing from thy meat- offering : witli all thine offerings thou flialt offer ialt. 14 And if thou offer a meat-offer- ing of thy firft-fruits unto the Lord, thou ftialt offer, for the meat-offering of thy firft-fruits, green ears of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears. 1 5 And thou ihalt put oil upon it, and lay frankincenfe thereon : it is a meat-offering. 1 6 And the prieft fliall burn the me- morial of it, part of the beaten corn thereof, zwA part of the oil thereof, \vith all the frankincenfe thereof : // is an offering made by fire unto the Lord. CHAP. HI. r The peace -offeriiig of the herd^ 6 of the flocky 7 either a Icanb^ 12 or a goat. s Chap. 7' \ Nd if his oblation be a^ facrifice III ^i\f, l\ of peace-offering, if he ofrer it of the herd, whether it be a male or female ; he flrall. offer it without ble- mifli before the Lord. 2 And ^ he fhall lay his hand upon the head of his offering, and kill it at the door of the tabernacle of tlie congregation : and Aarons fons the priefts fhE.ll fprlnkle the blood upon the altar round about. 3 And he iTiall offer of the facrifice of the peace-offering, an offering c Exodus^ made by fire unto the Lord; "^ the Tot?}mh. II ^^'- ^^^^ covereth the inwards, ajul all the fat that is upon the iiwards. II, 111. T/ie peace-oferiHgu 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat Bef s. »■• 12 ^ AiiiX if his offering be a goat, j'! Vs'. then he ihall offer it before the Lord. ^I'^yJ^ 13 And he fliall lay his hand, upon W'']^^^}, the head of it, and kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation : and the fons of Aaron fhall fprinkle the blood thereof upon the altar round about. 14 And he fliall offer thereof his pffering, even an offering made by fire unto the Lord ; the fat that co- vereth tlie inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards. 15 And the two kicfney?, and the fat that is upon them, which /; by the flanks, and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys.it fhall he take away. 1 6 And the prieft fliall burn theni upon the altar : it is the food of the offesing made by fire, for a fweet fa- ^ cn^pt«- vour. "f All the fat is the Lords. 7. n, =*- 1 7 It fall be a perpetual ftatute ?:f/^";'l-.* for your generation;; throughout all j3. \l';^ vour dwellings, that ve eat neither Dca.ir.if •. ^ cull " ' Samuel tat nor ^ blood. - m- j^- Tlw fin- offering of ignorance LEV C H A p. ■ IV. ' I The fin-offertng of ignorance, '^ for the pJ'ie/}, 13 the congrcgatioriy 22 the ruler, 27 or for the people. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, i Cliap. e. i:. c Chap. g. I. i Chsp. p Chap. j6. 14. f Chap> 3- 3t. h Exod, 29- 14. Kumb. ip- 5- t Heb, J? '^''"■'"'< jne cdmp. iCh.C. u Jt Hebrew IV ill T I C U S. for the priej}, Sec.' wood with fire : -j- where the afhes Before are poured out, fhall he be burnt. ^490! 1 3 ^ And ' if the whole congrega- ^"j^X^ tion of Ifrael fm through ignorance, tk,pmrms " and the thing be hid from the eyes 1%^/. * ^ of the affembly, and they have done ' Numb. 2 Speak xmto the children of Ifrael, fomewhat again ft any of the com faying, * If a foul fhall fm through ig- norance againft any of the command- mentSof theLoRD, {concerning things which ought noj, to be done,) and fhall do againft any of them : 3 I' If the prieft that is anointed, do fm according to the fm of the peo- ple ; then let hmi bring for his fin which he hath finned, *" a young bul- lock without blemifli, unto the Lord for a fin-offering. 4 And he fiwil bring the bullock nnto the door of tlie tabernacle of the congregation, before the Lord ; ** and iliall lay his hand upon the bul- locks head, and kill the bullock be- fore the Lord. ■ 5 And- the prieft that is anointed * fhall take of the buUocte blood, and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation. . 6 And the pri eft fhall dip his fin- ger in the blood, and fprinkle of the blood feven times before the Lord, before the vail of the fanftuary. mandments of the Lord, concerning things which fhould not be done, and are guilty : 1 4 When the fin, which they ha\'e finned againft it, is known, then the congregation fhall offer a young bul- lock for the fm, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation. 1 5 And the elders of the congre- gation fhall lay their hands upon the head of the bullock before the Lord; and the bullock fhall be killed before the Lord. 1 6 And the prieft that is anointed fliall bring of the bullocks blood to the tabernacle of the congregation. 1 7 And the prieft fhall dip his fm- ger iiifome of the blood, and fprinkle it feven times before the Lord, even before the vail. 18 And he fhall put fame of the blood upon the horns of the altar, which ii before the Lord, that ii in. the tabernacle of the congregation, and fhall pour out all the blood at m Chip. 7 And the priefi: fiiall put feme of the bottom of the altar of the burnt- the blood upon the horns of the al- tar of fweet incenfe before the Lord, which is in the tabernacle of the con- gregation : and fnall pour ^ all the blood at the bullock at the bottom of the altar of the burnt'offering, which is at the door of the taberna- cle of the congregation. ■, 8 And he fiiall take off from it all the fat of the bullock for the fm- cfl-ering J the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that // upon the inwards. ; 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the flanks, • and the caul above the liver, witii the kidneys, it iliall he take away, • 10 ° As it was taken off from the bullock of the facriftce of neace-olFer- ings : and the prieft fhall' burn them upon the aitar of the burnt-offering. 1 1 '' And the flvin of the bullock, and all his flefh, with his head, and with his legs, and his inwards, and his dung, 12 Even the whole biillock ihall he carry forth ■\ without the camp, unto a clean place, ' where the afhes are pojircd out, and ^^ burn him on the offering, which is at the door of tlxe tabernacle of the congregation. 1 9 And he fhall take all his fat from him, and burn it upon the altar. 20 And he fhall do with the bullock as he did " with the bullock for a fm- » v.w. 3, offering, fo fhall he do with this : and the prieft fhali make an atonement for them, and it fhall be forgiven them. 2 1 And he fhall carry forth the bul- lock without the camp, and burn him as he burned the firft bullock : it is a fin-offering for the congregation. 22 H When a ruler hath fumed, and done fomewhat through igno- rance againft any of the command- ments of the Lord his God, concern- iiig things which fhould not be done, and is guilty ; 23 Or if his fin, wherein he hath finned, come to his knowledge : he fhall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a male without blemifh. 24 And he fliall lay his hand upon the iiead of the goat, ;md kill it in the place where they kill tlie burnt- offering before the Lord : it is a fm- ofiering. ' 25 And the prieft fliall take of the blood of the fm-olfering with his fin.. ^ 1 Offerings for Before ger, aod put it upon the horns of the ^%'o. altar of bunit-oftering, and fliall pour ~^ ' out his blood at the bottom of the al- tar of burnt-offering. 26 And he iliall burn all his fat up- =hap. on the altar, as ° the fat of the facri- ^* ficeof peace-otFerings: and tlie prieft fliall make an atonement for him as concerning hisfui, and it fliall be for- given him. 27 ^ And P if f any one of the f common people fin through ig- norance, while he doih foinewhat again fl any of the commandments of the Lord, concerm/:g thir/gs which ought not to be done, and be guilty ; 28 Or if his fin, which he hath fmned, come to his knowledge ; then he fliall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without bieniiih, for his fin which he hath finned. 29 And he Ihall lay his hand upon the head of the fin-offering, and Hay the fin-offering, in the place of the burnt-offering. 30 And the prieft: fliall take of the blood thereof with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and fliall pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar. 31 And '^ he fliall take away all the fat thereof, "" as the fat is taken away from off the facritice of peace-offer- ings ; and the prieft fliall burn it up- on the altar, for a ' fweet favour unto the Lord : and the prieft fliall make an atonement for him, and it fliall be forgiven him. 32 And, if he bring a lamb for a fm-offering, he ihall bring it a female without blemifli. 33 And he fliall lay his hand upon the head of the fm-ofering, and flay it for a fin-offering, in the place where they kill the burnt-ofering. 34 And the prieft fliall take of the blood of the lin-oliering, with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and fliall pour out all the blood tliereof at the bottom of the altar. 35 And he fliall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb is taken away from the facrifice of the peace-offerings ; and the prieft fliall bum them upon the altar, ' according to the offerings made by fire unto the Lord : and the prieft fliall make an atonement for his fm that he hath committed, and it fliall be forgiven him. CHAP. v. f,,:i cf ignorance. CHAP. V. I Of him thatconceakthhii knowkdgey 2 in touching an unclean things 4 or in making an oath. 1 4 Thx tr^fpafs- ojferiNg in facrilegCy 1 7 and in fins of ignorance. ANdif a foul fin, ^and hear the voice of fwearing, and /; a wit- nefs, whether he hath feen or known of it ; if he do not utter //, then he i5'.V7.i fliall bear his iniquity : 2 Or, '' if a foul touch any unclean b chap. thing, whether it be a carcafe of an 3!; j,.'*' Uiiclean be^ft, or a carcafe of unclean cattle, or the carcafe of unclean creep- ing thmgs, r.nd if it be hidden from him; he alfo inall be imclean, and guilty: 3 Or, if he touch "^the uncleannefs cchaj.. of man, whatfoevcr uncleannefs it be k'lf.'^' that a man ihall be denied withal, ai;d It be hid from him ; when he knoweth of it. then he fliall be guilty : 4 Or, if a foul fwear, pronouncing to do << '^« , • Samuel with his lips "^ to do evil, or good, whatfoever if be that a man -,• — Ihall pronounce M-ith an oath, and it '^.^^ be lud from him ; when he knoweth <>• ^i- of it^, then he ihall be guilty hi one of thofe. 5 And it fliall be, when he fliall be guilty in one of tliefe things, that he fnall f confefs that he hath fmned in fNumw tlrat thing. ''''' 6 And he fliall bring his trefpafs- oftering unto the Lord, for his fin which he hath Ihined, a female from tile flock, a Iamb or a kid of the goats, for a fin-oftering : and the prieit fliall make an atonement for him concern- ing his fin. 7 And '^ if f he be not able to bring a f chap. Iamb, then he fliall bring, for his tref- H'. ^ i.* pafs which he hath committed, two t «=''• >"''' "turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, nachtotke unto the Lord ; one for a fm-ofiering, -^faS. and the other for a burnt-offering. '^ chap. 8 And he fliall bring them unto the prieft, who fliall offer that which /j for theXm-offering firft, and ' wring \^*^-' ofl' his head from his neck, but fliall " '^" not divide it afunder. 9 And he fliall fprinkle of the blood of the fm-offering upon the fide of the altar; and Hhe reft of the bloocl^.'^7'';f'; fliall be WTung out at the bottom of 3°. 34- * the altar : it is a fm-ofi-ering. 10 And he fhall offer the fecond for a burnt-offering, according to the II ' manner : and the prieft fliall make II or, an atonement for him, for his iin rcTar!"* which he hath fmned, and it fliall be '• '■*• forgiven him. It T But The trefpafs -offering. 1 1 *| But, if he be not able to bring t%vo turtie-doyes, or two youno; pi- geons; then he that fiiined fliall bring, for his oiterlng, the tenth part of an qihah of fine tioiir for a ihi-otfering : "• he Ihall put no oil upon it, neither ihall he put fl/zj'frankincenfe thereon; for it ii a fm-otFcring. 12 Then fliall he bring it to the prieft, and the prieft ihall take his handful of it, ''even a memorial thereof, andbm-n it on the altar, "ac- cording to the otFerings made by fire unto the Lord : it is a fm-otfering. 13 And the priell fliall make an atonement for him, as touching his fm that he hath finned in one of thefe, and it fliall be forgiven him : and ^ the re)nuant fliall be the priells, as a meat- otfering. 14 ^1 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 15 "* If a foul commit a trefpafs, andfui tlirough ignorance in the holy things of the Liiap ; then he Ihall bring for his trefpafs unto the Lord, a ram without lalemifli out of the flocks, \vith thy eftimation by fliekels of fil ver, after "■ the fliekel of the faiic- tuary, for a trefpafs-otfering. 16 And he fliall make amends for the harm that he hath done in the holy thing, and ' fliall add the fifth part thereto, and give it unto the ' prieft : and the prieil fliall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trefpafs-otfering, and it fliall be furgiven liim. 1 7 t And if a ' foul fin, and com- mit any of thefe things which are for- bidden to be done by the command- ments of the Lord ; ''though he wift it not, yet is he guilty, and iliail bear his iniquity. r8 And he Ihall bring a ram with- out blemifli out of the flock, with thy eftimation, for a trefpafs-otfering unto the prieif : and tlie prieft fliall make an atonement for hhii concern- ing his ignorance wherein he erred, and v.ift it not \ and it ihall be for- given iiini. 19 It ii a trefpafs-otfering: he hath certainly trefpalfed againft the Lord. CHAP. VI. I The trefpnfi-offerings fnr fun done wittingly. 19 The offering at the conj'ecration of a priejh ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 If a foul iin, and commit a tref- pafs agalnil the Lord, and lie unto his neighbour in that which was deli- B?for« Chr'iic m Nnmb. B Chap ) Chap. f Cliap q Chip 32. 14- s Ci-ap. Id. & 27 Kuinb. 5 t Chap. u I.uke 12. 48. LEVITICUS. The Imv of 'mmit-(^fferingu vered him to keep, or in i[ i* fellow ihip, or in a thing taken away by vio leuce. or hatlideceivedhis neighbour . n ^^^ ,,, 3 Or have found that which was a^Mnz- loit, and lieth concerning it, and J;"/";/?/; ^ fweareth falily ; in any of all thefe '•■'"'f- that a man doth, iinning therein : j.^c"" ' 4 Then it ihall be, becaufe he hath finngd, and is guilty, that he ihall reftore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the loit thing which he found, 5 Or all that about vvhich he hath fworn falfly ; he fnall even '> reftore \^ll}' it in the px-incipal, and ihall add the fifth part mere thereto, and give it unto him to whom it appertaineth. 11 f in the day of his trefpafs-oliering. \^'il"h!l' 6 And he fliall bring his trefpals- ^'";;f/'""-'' ojferhig unto the Lord, a ram with- * ha. out bleniilh out of the ' flock, \s\\\\ ];;■ ;;';-5 ,'';>^-. thy eftimation for a trefpufs-oifering, ^'"/,^;,p_ unto the prieft. s- >;• 7 And the prieft 'fliall make an atonement for him before the Lord : and it ihall be forgiven hun, for any thing of all that he had done, in tref- paflmg therein. 8 1i And the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, faying, , . . ^ 9 Command Aaron and his ions, faying, This is the law of the burnt- ottering : (it /f the burnt-offering, II becaufe of the burning upon tlie l[,f^^^ altar all night unto the morning, and A"™r^. the fire of the altar fliall be burning in it. ) 10 '' And the prieft fliall put on his ^r/.^" linen garment, and his linen breeches ^^l;;]., fliall he put upon his flefli, and take up the ailies which the fire hath con- fumed w^ith the burnt-oiferiug on the ^^ altar, and he ihall put theni ' befide \. ,o/' the altar. 1 1 And he fliall put otF his gar- ments, and put* on other garments, and carry forth the aflies without the camp, ^unto a clean place. 4.1:. 1 2 And the fire upon the altar fliall be burning in it, it fliall not be put cut : and the prieft fliall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt-otfering in order upon it, and he fliall burn thereon ^ the fat of the R^chs,. peace-oiferings. 1 3 The fire fliall ever be burning upon the altar; it ihall uever go out. 14 V' And this Is the law of the i^'/^^"^r- meat-otfering : the Ions of Aaron N>'»^'i><:rSj fliall otler it before the Lord, be- '" ' ^ fore the altar, , ^ J 15 And m The taw of the me&trofftrivg. C H A : Refore 1 5 And he fliall take of it his haud- M9o' ful, of the flour of the meat-pffering, ~->j — ' and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincenfe which U upon the meat- offering, and fliili burn it upon the ' altar, for a fweet favour, ei-e^t the :uaj».' j niemorial of it unto the Lord. chgp. 1 6 And 1= the remainder thereof 3- fliall Aaron and his fons eat : with unleavened bread fhall it be eaten :h«p. in the holy place ; ' in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation they fliall eat it. 17 It Ihall not be bakeu with Iqa- Kuwh. ven : " I ha^'e given it unto them for • '* '"■ their portipii of my oilerings made ExoJuj byiire j " it i; modi holy, as ii the fm- ap^ ':• 3- otfering, and a§ the trefpafs-offermg. 1 8 All the males among the chil- dren of x\aron {hall eat of it ; // jhall be a ftatiite for ever in your genera- tions concerning the oiferings of tne ixodm Lord made by iire : " every one that 'ap.'--:. toucheth them iliall be holy. *' " 19 1[ And the ho'Mi Ipake unto Mofjps, faying, sxoHus 20 P This is the ofFerhig of Aaron, and of his funs, which they Ihall offer imtD the Lord, in the day when he is anointed ; the tenth part of an Exodus -J ephah of fine flour for a meat-ofFer- ' " '' ing perpetual, half of it in the morn- ing, and half thereof at night. 21 In a pan it fnali be made with oil, and ixkeyt it is baken, thou fhalt bring it in : and the baken pieces of the meat-otfering Ihalt thou offer for a fweet favour unto the Lord. :h3r- 22 And the priell of his fons *■ that ■"' is anointed in his ftead, fliall offer it : it is a ffatute for ever unto the Lord, .xn.ius » it fhall be wholly burnt. 23 For every mer.t-offering for the prieil fhall be wholly biurnt : it fhall not be eaten. -4 11 And the Lord fpake unto Ivlcfes, faying, 25 Speak unto Aaron and to his :hap. Tons, faying, ^ This is the law of the iha". t. fi"-pffering : "In the place where the J, i^i. burnt-oilering is killed, fhall the fm- ,11-' offering be killed before the Lord; :hap. X i^ j^ jjjp£^ Yioly. y-mr.b. 26 '' The priefl that ofFereth it for •*• fm. fliall eat it; in tiie holy place fliall it be eaten, in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation. 27 Whatfoever fhall touch theflelh thereof fhall he holy: and when there IS fprinkled of the blood thereof upon any garment, thou fhalt waih that whereon it \vas fprinklsd, iii Uie holy piitfe, * ' ' - Chap. ■>-33, ?. VII. The lavj of the irefpafs-ojferirig. 28 But the earthen velTel wherein Bafor. it is fodden, ^ fhall be broken : and if ij," it be fodden in a brafen pot, it fliall \ be both fcoured and rinfed in water. 29 All the males among the priefts fliall eat thereof : it is mofl holy. 30 •'And no fm-offering whereof fl;iv ^ ^^''^p- of the blood is brought into the taber- j ••/'■s' 21. nacle of the congregation to reconcile iielrews" u'it/tai in the holy "plac-c^ fhall be eat- '^" "" en : it fhall be burnt in the iire. CHAP. VII. I The law of tlie trejpafs-offerivg, ' I and of the peace- offering. 2 2 T/ie fit, 2 6 arid the Hood are for hidden. LIkewife * this is the law of the ^ '^^•p- trefpafi-oflering ; '"it/jmofiholy. bchap. 2 *^ In the place where they kill -■■ =-• the burnt-offering, fliall they kill the l.'i'X'- trefpafs-oifering: and the blood there- %*'^^,' of fhall he fprinkle round about upon the altar. 3 And he fliall offer of it, ^ all the fat l*;*"''?;, thereof; the rump, and the fat that S.- ^.'s. \. covereth the mwards. :?. 13. 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, wl^ich is by the fianlcs, and the caul that i< above the liver, with the kidneys, it fnali he take av,'3y. 5 And the prieft fnali bum them upon the altar, for an offering made by fire unto the Lok.d : it is a trefpafs- offering. 6 " Every male among the priefts 'g^'""^;,^ fliall eat thereof; it fhall be eaten in the holy place : f it is mofl holy. ^^j.''"' 7 A3 the fui-offering is, fo is ^ the g chap, trefpafs-offering : there is one law for '• *'^" them ; the priefl that maketh atone- ment therewith, fiiall have it. 8 And the priefl tliat oifereth any mans burnt-oitering, ei-efi the prieil fliall have to himfelf the fKin of the burnt- offering which he hath offered. 9 And ''all the meat-oifering that ncw^. is baken in the oven, and ail that is Kumber's- drefled in the frying-pan, and |( in ||*^.'^„,fc, the pan, fhaU be the priefts that of- >j' 'p'^'te, lereth it. 10 And every meat-offering ming- led with oil, and dry, fhall all the fons of Aaron have, one as ?}iuch as another. 1 1 And ' this is the law of the fa^ j.^^'t;,. orifice of peace-offerings, which he j^, 21. fliall offer unto the Lord. • 12 If he offer it for a thankfgiving, then he fliall offer, with the facrifice of thankfgiving, unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers *= anointed with oil, and cakes ^ ^^^f' iiiixiale4 witli oil, of fine flour, fried, wnmb^, i3Befides'-'^- Before Chrlft 1490. I Chap. d, 7, 8 The Ictw of the peacc-offerbigs. L E V I T I C 1 3 Befides the cakes, he fiiall offer for his ottering leavened bread, with the facrifice of thankfgiving of his peace-offerings. 14 And of it he fliall offer one out of the whole oblation, for an heave- offering unto the Lord, aitd it fhall be the priefVs that fprinkleth the blood of the peace-offerings. 1 5 And the tielh of the facrifice of his peace-offerings for thankfgiv- ing, flmll be eaten the fame day that it is offered ; he (hall not leave any of it luitil the morning. 16 But ' if the facrifice of his of- fering be a vow, or a vokmtary offer- ing, it fhall be eaten the fame day that he offereth his facrifice : and on the morrow alfo the rema'mder of it fhall be eaten. 1 7 But the remainder of the flefli of the facrifice on the third day, fhall be burnt with fire. 18 And if any of the flefh of the facrifice of his peace-offerings be eat- en at all on the third day, it fliall not be accepted, neither fhall it be im- puted unto him that offereth it : it fhall be an abomination, and the foul that eateth of it fhall bear his iniquity. 19 And the flefli that toucheth any unclean thi/ig^ fhall not be eat- en, it fhall be burnt with fire : and as for the fiefh, all that be clean fhall eat thereof. 20 But the foul that eateth of the flefh of the facrifice of peace-offer- ings that pertcun unto the Lord, "" having his uncleannefs upon him, even that foul " fhall be cut off from his people. 21 Moreover, the foul that fhall touch any imclean things as ° the un- cleannefs of man, or any ^ unclean • beaft, or any abominable imclean thing, and eat of the flefh of the fa- crifice of peace-ofterings, which per- tain unto the Lord, even that foul Ihall be cut off from his people. 22 ^ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 3 Speak unto the children of Ifrael , faying, "^ Ye fhall eat no manner fat, of ox, or of fheep, or of goat. 24 And the fat of the f beaft that dieth of itfelf, and the fat of that which is torn with beafis, may be ufed in any other ufe : but ye fhall in nowife eat of it. 25 For whofoever eateth the fat of the beafl, of which men offer an offering made by fire unto the LoRP, w Cl>ap « Chap. V- ^' 13 &t5. p Chap. 34, 28. q Chap. IHeb. U S. Tlie portion of the priejls, ■ even the foul that eateth it fhall be Bef,,i-r cut oft' from his people. '1490'! 26 *■ Moreover, ye fhall eat no man- ^r^;^;;;;^ ner of blood, w/iether it be of fowl or '>-*\^^ of beaft, in any of yovu- dwellings. 3- 17- fc 27 Whatfoever foul it be that eateth '''■ *■*' any manner of blood, even that foul fhall be cut oft" from his people. 28 t And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 29 Speak unto the children of If- rael, faying, Hfe that offereth the fa- crifice of his peace-offerings unto the Lord, fhall bring his oblation luito the Lord of the facrifice of his peace-offerings. 30 ' His own hands fliall bring the ' chap.^ offerings of the Lord made by fire, 9, m-'*' the fat with the breaft, it fhall he bring, that ^ the breaft may be wav- ' '""i,"^''"'-, ed far a wave-offering before the Lord. 31 And the prieft fhall burn the fat upon the altar ; but the breaft fhall be Aarons and his fons. 32 And the right flioulder fhall ye give unto the prieft for an heave- offering, of the facrifices of your peace-ofterings. 33 He among the fons of Aaron that offereth the blood of the peace- offerings, and the fat, fliall have the right fhoulder for his part. 34 For " the wave-breaft, and the l',^^??' heave-fhoulder have I taken of the chapter children of Ifrael, from off the facri- Niimber*- fices of their peace-offerings, and ueuler- have given them unto Aaron the prieft, and unto his fons, by a ftatute for ever, from among the children of Ifrael. 35 IJThis/V the portion of the anoint- ing of Aaron, ami of the anointing^ of his fons out of the offerings of the Lord made by fire, in the day wlien he prefenced them to minilter unto the Lord in the priefts office; 36 Which the Lord commanded to be given them of the children of Ifrael, ''in the day that h them by a ftatute for ever, through- ekoj: y out their generations. 37 This is the law of the burnt- offering, of the meat-offering, and of the fm-offering, and of the tref- pafs-offering, and of the confecra- tions, and of the facrifice of the peace-ofterings ; 38 V/hich the Lord commanded Mofes in mount Sinai, in the day that he commanded the childi'en of Ifrael to offer their oblations unto the Lord, ia the wildeniefs of Sinai. CHAP, 18. >• anointed 5 'I'l'^o. ojfl S Exod. '^aron and his /ons cfinfecrcaed. CHAP. viir. t Mofes confecrateth Aaron and his fons: i£,their fm-offering: \% their burnt-ofering. 22 The ram of con- jeer ations: 31 the place and time of their confecratlon. A Ndthe Lord fpake unto Mofes, i\ faying, 2 * Take Aaron and his fons with him, and •> the garments, and "^ the anointing oil, and a bullock for the fm-oifering, and two rams, and a balket of unleavened bread. 3 And gather thou all the congre- gation together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 4 And Mofes did as the Lord com- manded him, and the affembly was gathered together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 5 And Mofes faid unto the congre- gation, ■* This /,; the thing which the Lord commanded to be done. 6 And Mofes brought Aaron and hrs fons, " and wafhed them with water. 7 <" And he put upon him the ^ coat, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod upon him, and he girded him with the curious girdle of the ephod, and bound it unto him therewith. 8 And he put the breaft-plate up- on him : alfo he *■ put in the brealt- plate the Urim and Thummim. 9 ' And he put the mitre upon his head ; alfo upon the mitre, even up- on his forefront did he put the golden plate, the holy crown j as the Lord 8. ^ Commanded Mofes. 10 • And Mofes took the anointing oil, andanointed the tabernacle and all thatwrtj therein, and fonaified them. 1 1 And he fprinkled thereof upon the altar feven times, and anointed the altar and all his veflels, both the laver and his foot, to fanftify them. ,^ 12 And he ""poured of the anoint- ■ ing oil upon Aarons head, and anoint- ed him, to fanftify him. 13 "And Mofes brought Aarons fons, and put coats upon them, and girded them with girdles, and f put bonnets upon them; as the Lord commanded Mofes. 1 4 ° And he brought the bullock for the fin- offering : and Aaron and his fons p laid their hands upon the head of the bullock for the fm-ofFering. 15 And he flew //, and Mofes took the blood, and put it upon the horns of the altar round about with his fin- ger, and "i purified the altar; and poured the blood at the bottom of the CHAP. Vnr. The rmt of confecratlon altar, and fanclified it, to make re kExnd. 37) '^(' I Kxod. 30. 2<5. m Chap. u. 10, ] JTalm ■4J. 15. Ji Exoiius 39. 8. tHeb. heund' • Exodus 59. 10. P Chap. « Exod. Before conciliation upon it. "^jf^ 1 6 And he took all the fat that ' — "^ — * was upon the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and Mofes burned rt upon the altar. 1 7 But the bullock and his hide, his fiefli and his dung, he biu-nt with fire without the camp; as the Lord "^ commanded Mofes. rchap. 18 If ' And he brought the ram for ExJdij the burnt- offering ; and Aaron and '/j^„*,„ his fons laid their hands upon the head U^ilt" of the ram. 19 And he killed it, and Mofes fprinkled the blood upon the altar round about. 20 And he cut the ram into pieces, and Mofes burnt the head, and the pieces, and the fat. 21 And he wafhed the inwards and the legs in water ; and Mofes burnt the whole ram upon the altar : it was a burnt-facrihce for a fweet favour, a}:d an offering made by fire unto the Lord ; ' as the Lord com- t Exodos manded Mofes. ^'' '*' 22 t And " he brought the other „ Exodus ram, the ram of confecratlon : and ^»* "' 2* Aaron and his fons laid their hands upon the head of the ram. 23 And he flew it, and Mofes took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aarons right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 24 And he brought Aarons fons, and Mofes put of the blood upon the tip of the right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and up- on the great toes of their right feet ; and Mofes fprinkled the blood upon the altar round about. 25 And he took the fat, and the rump, and all the fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and the right fhoulder. 26 " And out of the bafliet of un- x Exodus leavened bread, that was before the ''' '^* Lord, he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put thetn on the fat, and upon the right fhoulder. 27 And he put all ^upon Aarons y Ex^d. «?. hands, and upon his fons hands, and '*' *"'* waved them for a wave-offering be- fore the Lord. 28 And Mofes took them from off their hands, and burnt them on the altar, upon the burnt-offering ; they v,'ere confecratiojis for a fweet favour: ^hs place ivid time of coj-ifecration. LEV ^ it /; an offering made by fire unto vthe Lord. 29 And Mofes took the breall, and waved it fvr a wave-cftering before the Lord : for of the ram of confe- cfjitloii, it v/'as Mofes * part j as the Lord commanded Mofes. 30 And '' Mofes took of the anoint- ing oil, and of the bicod which ivai upon the altar, and fprinkled ii upon, Aaron, ar.A npoa his garments, and upon his fons, and »pon his fons gar- ments with hhn ; and fan£titied Aa- ron and his garments, and his fons, and his fons garments with him. 31 11 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, and to his fons, Boil the tielh at the door of the tubernacle of the con- gregation ; and there "^ eat it with the^breiid that is in the balket of confecralicns, as I commanded, fay- ing, Aaron and Ins fons Ihall eat it. 32 And that which remainerJi of the flelh, and of the bread, fell ye burn with fire. 33 And ye Ihall not go out cf the door of the tabernacle of the congre- gation in feven days, until the days of your confeeration be at an end : for ** {e\t\\ days Ihali he confecrate you. 34 As he hath done this dn.y, fo the Lord hath commanded to do, to make an atonement for you. 35 Therefore fliall ye abide at the door of the tabernacle of the congre- gation day and night, feven days, and keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die not : for fo I am commanded. 36 So Aaron and his fons did all things which the Lord comnlanded by the hand of Mofes. CHAP. IX. I, 8 Aarons fin-offering aitd biirnt- offering for himfelf cmd the people. 2 3 The people blejfed. 1 4 Fire from heaven. Nd ^ it came to pafs, on the eighth day, that Mofes called Aaron and his fons, and the elders of Ifrael ; 2 And he faid unto Aaron, ^ Take thee a young calf for a fm-offering, *^ and a ram for a burnt-offering, without blemiih, and offer them be- fore the Lord. 3 And unto the children of Ifrael thou (halt fpeak, faying, ^ Take ye a kid of the goats for a iin-offering ; and a calf, and a lamb, both of the firft year, without biemilh, for a burnt-otferlng ; 4 Alfo a bullock and a ram for peac«-oiii?rings, to facrifice before A Exodus 29- 3S. J Exo*. meat-offering that remaineth of the chapl offerings of the Lord made by fii-e, ^''' aud eat it without leaven belide the altar ; for '^it /f moft holy. . kchap. 1 3 And ye ihall eat it in the holy place, becaufe it is thy due, and thy fons due, of the I'acrifices of the Loju> made by fiie : for ' fo I am commanded . ' ci'v- 1 4 And "'the wave-breaft aud heave- l'- it. flioulder fliali ye eat in a clean place ; f ^-^jf^' thou, and thy fons, and thy daughters chV- r- v.'ith thee : for t/iey be thy due, and ^'' ^^" thy fons due, luhich are giveu out of the facrifice of peace-offerings of the childicn of Ifrael. 15 " The heave-fiioulder, and the " chap. 7. wave-breaft ihall they bring, with'''^"" the offerings made by lire of the fat, to wave it for a wave-oiiering before the Lord, and it Ikdl be thine, and thy fons with thee, by a ftatute for ever; as the Lord hath commanded. 1 6 *[ And Mofes diligently fought ° the goat of the fm- offering, and be- o oap. hold, it was burnt : and he was angr>' '" "** with Eleazar and Ithamar, the fons of Aaron, which xvere lelt a/ive, faying, 17 •" Wherefore have ye not eaten pchajter the fin-offering in the holy place, fee- ''"'''' ing it is moft holy, and God hath given it you to bear the iniquity of the con- gregation, to make atonement for them before the Lord ? 1 8 Behold, the blood of it was not brought in within the ho]y plat;e: ye fhouid indeed have eaten it in the holy place, "^ as I commanded. 2^^' 19 And Aaron laid unto Mofes, Behold, "" this day have they offered •■/,";: their fiu-offering, and their burnt- ' ' ^ offering before ilie Lord j and fuch things Beafls clean mi iinckdn. L E V I T I C U S. Of unclean fowls, &C, Bsfore thiflgs liavc befalleii me : and if I had eaten the lin-otfering to-day, fnould it have been accepted in the light of the Lord ? 20 And when Mofe heard that, he was content. CHAP. XI. J, t^Of rmat; dean, 13 atnl unclean. ANd the Lord fpake unto Moles, and to Aaron,, -laying unto tnem, 2 Speak unto the children of IlVael, faying, ^Theic are the beafts which ye Ihall eat, among all the bealb that ore on the earth. 3 Whatfoever parteththe hoof, and ascloven-footed,a/iiicheweththecud among the bealts, that Ihali ye eat. 4 >ievertheief3, thefe Ihaii ye not eat, of them that chew the cud, or of them that aivide the hoof : as the cvunel, becaufe he cheweth the cud, but dividetli not the hoof j he is un- clean unto you. 5 And the coney, becaufe he chew- eth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he /; unclean unto you. 6 And the hare, becaufe he chew 1 7 And the little owl, and the cor- morant, and the great owl^ 1 8 And the fwan, and the pelican, and the gier-eagle, I y And the ftork, the heron after her kind, andthe lapwing, and the bat. 20 Aii fowls that creep, going up- on all four, jhall be an abomination unto you. 2 1 1 et thefe may ye eat of every fiyuig creeping -thing that goeth up- on all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth : 22 Even thefe of them ye may eat : " the locuft after his kind, and •.'^*"''* tlie bald-iocuft after his kind, and i*ia^J^ the beetle after his kind, and the grafliopper after his kind. 23 But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, JlialL be an abomination unto you. 24 And for thefe ye fliall be un- clean : whofoever toucheth the car- cafe of them fhall be unclean until the even. 25 And whofoever beareth ought of b 1 Mac. A. 18. a 7. I. clfa. 6s. <. & 60. 3i 17- cth the cud, but divideth not the the carcafe of them, f Ihall walh his fch^=p-^_ clothes, and be unclean until the even. &:8.' 40. 26 The carcafe s of every beatt which ,o"'32.' i;'' divideth the hoof, and /; not cloven- 5'" '*• footed, nor cheweth the cud, are un- clean unto you: evei-y one that touch- eth them Ihali be unclean. 27 And whatfoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of bealls that go on all four, thofe are unclean unto you ; whofo toucheth their carcafe liiall be miclean until the even. 28 And he that beareth the car- cafe of them Ijiail walh his clothes, and be unclean until the even : they are miclean unto you. 29 '^i Thefe alio jhall be unclean unto you among the creeping things that creep upon the earth 3 the wea- hoof ; he ii unclean mito you 7 And ''the fwine, though he di- vide the hoof, and be cloven-footed j yet he cheweth not the cud : ' he is miclean to you. 8 Of their flefh Ihall ye not eat, and their carcafe Ihall ye not touch : ^ they are unclean to you. 9 \ Thefe ihall ye e^t. of all that are in the waters : whatfoever hath tins and fcales in the waters, va the feas, and in the rivers, them Ihail ye eat. 10 And all that have not lins nor fcales in the feas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is n\ the waters, they Jhall be an abomination unto you. 1 1 They ihaii be even an abomi-_ nation unto you ; ye ihali not eat of their fleih, but you ihall have their carcafes in abomination. 12 Whatfoever hath no fins nor fcales in the waters, that jhail be an abomination unto you fel, and Hhe mouie, and the tortoife p^if^'j'* after his kind, 30 And the ferret, and the chame- leon, and the lizard, and the fnail, and the mole. u Thefe ere unclean to you among 1 3 11 And thele are they which ye all that creep : whofoever doth touch ■ • • ' them when they be dead, ihall be unclean until the even. 32 And upon whatfoerer a7ty of them, when tihey are dead, doth tall, it fliftU be unclean, whether it be any vefiel of wood, or raiment, or Ikin, or fack, whatfoever veflel // be, where- in a)iy work is done, it muft be put into water, and it fhall be unclean uiitU the even j fo it fiiail be cleanfed. 33 And ftiall have in abominauon among the fowls, they ihall not be eaten, they are an abomination : the eagle, and the oiTifrage, and the ofpray, 14 And'the vulture, and the kite after his kind : 1 5 Every raven after his kind : 16 And the owl, and die night- hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind, Unclean creeping things. CHAP, Bf for. 33 And every earthen veflel, where- 1^)90. into any oi tlieni falleth, whatfoever 7^];^j;7~' /f in it ihall be unclean ; and '' ye Ihall 2B.^& break it. 34 Of all meat which may be eaten, that, on which fuch water cometh, fhall be unclean : and all drink, that may be drunk, in every J'tick vellel, fliall be unclean. 35 And every things whereupon any part of their carcafe falleth, ihall be imclean ; xuhether it be oven, or ranges for pots, tliey Ihall be broken down : /()/• they are unclean, and ihall be im- clean unto you. 36 Neverthelefs, a fountain, or pit Koi. a f u'/iereifi tliere is plenty of water, l''f,™/ Ihall be clean : but that which touch- wuu,;. eth tlieir carcafe ihall be unclean. 37 And li any part of their carcafe fall upon any fowing-feed, whicli is to be fowai ; it Jhall be clean. 38 But if any water be put upon the feed, and any part of their carcafe fall thereon, itjhail be imclean unto you. 39 And if any beaft, of which ye may eat, die ; he that toucheth the carcafe thereof fliall be unclean until the even. ■inp. 40 And ' lie that eateth of the car- iVcr* ^^^^ °^ ''' ^^^^ '*'^''^'^ ^"^ clothes, and ."'"■ be unclean until the even : he alfo "^If^ that beareth the carcafe of it lliall ■ 3'- wadi his clothes, and be unclean un- til tlie even. 41 And every creeinng tlung, that creepeth upon tlie earth, jli^Ul be an abomination ; it fliall not be eaten. 42 Whatroe\er goetli upon the belly, and whitibever gocth upon all ^t'.ui ^"^'^' "'' whatlbe\'er f hatli more feet 'i}%t. among all creeping things tJiat creep upon the earth ; them ye Ihall not eat, for they are an alionunatiun. ;vinp. 43 I* \ e ihall not make your -j- felves leh.' abominable with any creeping thing <*• that creepeth, neither (liall ye make yourfelves unclean with ihem, that ye fliould be dehled thereby. 44 For I ani the Lord your God : ye thall therefore fanftify yourfelves, b^p^ and 1 ye Ihali be holy ; for I am ho- rh^^ir ^^.' "^'^'^^r" ''i^lf ye defile yourfelves 7.'' ■ with any manner of creeping thing TiTi6. that creepeth upon the earth. 45 For I am the Lord that bring- eth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God : ye (hall therefore be holy, for I am. holy. • 4^J This is the law of the hearts, and of the fowl, and of every living creature Uiat i?ioveth i;i th« waters, t XII, XIII. The purification of women. and of everv creature tliat creepeth Before upon the earth : "f/i! 47 To make a difference between ' — ^'~"*' the unclean and the clean, and be- tween the beaft that may be eaten, and the beaft that may not be eaten, CHAP. XII. I W omens purification^ 6 and offerings, ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, If a ^ woman have coix-eived \ '^_"'« ' (eeA^ and born a man-child ; then ^ Ihe h uikJ fhall be unclean feven days : "^ accord- ^•- -•• ing to the days of the feparation for ^j?'/ ; f r the raw fteili ii unclean : .41 i^ a. leprofy. % Heb. the ^uicl.'-iiing of thing T T C IT 5/ i?fl iifcern the lep T 6 Or if the raw flefli turn again, and be changed unto white ; he fliall come unto the prieft. I - And the prieft fliall fee him : and behold, if the plague be turned into white ; then the prieft fliall pro- nounce ///7«clean tliathath the plague: he is clean. iS t The flefli alfo, in which, ei^en In the fldn thereof, was a bile, and is healed, 19 And in the place of the bile there be a white rifing, or a bright fpot white, and fomewhat reddilh, and it be fliewed to the prieft; 20 And if when the prieft fceth it, behold, it be in fight lovver than the fldn, and the hair thereof be turned white, the prieft lliall pronounce hini unclean : it is a plague of leprofy broken out of the bile. 2 1 But if the prieft look on it, and behold, there be no white hairs there- in, and /fit henot lower than the Ikin, bat ^(^ fomewhat dark; then the prieft fhall lliut iiim up feven days. 22 And if it fpread much abroad in the fldn, then the prieft fliall pro- nounce him unclean ; it is a plague. 23 But if the bright fpot ftay \\\ his place, and fpread not, it is a burn- ing bile ; and the prieft HiuU pro. nounce him clean. 24 t Or if there be any flefli, in the fldn whereof tliere is f a hot I burning, and the quick fie fit that/"" burneth have a white bright fpot, fomewhat recldifli or white ; 25 Then the prieft fliall look up- on it : and behold, if the hair in the bright fpot be turned white, and it be in itght deeper than the fldn ; it is a leprofy broken out of the burning : wherefore the prieft In all pronounc* him unclean ; it is the plague of le- profy. 26 But if the prieft look on it, and behold, titere be no white hair on the bright fpot, and it be no lower than the"^o//;f/- fldn, but be fomewhat dai-k ; then the prieft fliall fliut him up fe- ven days. 27 And the prieft fliall look upon him the feventh day : atd^ if it be fpread much abroad in the fldn, then the prieft fliall pronounce him un- clean ; it is the plague of leprofy. 28 And if the bright fpot ftay in his place, and fpread not ui the Ikin, but it be fomewhat dark ; it is a rifing of the burning, and the prieft fliall pronounce him clean : for it is an in- ftauuuauoa of tlic burning. _ 29 1 1* "^tl Laiv! and tokeni :29 f If a man or woman hatli a plague upon the head or the beard ; 30 Then the prieft fliall fee the plague : and behold, if it be in fight fleeper than the fkin, and t'len be in it a yellow thin hair ; then the prieft Ihall pronounce him unclean : it ii a th-y fcall, even a leprofy upon the head or beard. 31 And if the prieft look on the plague of the fcall, and behold, it be not in fight deeper than the Ikin, and tluit there ii no black hair in it ; then the prieft Ihall iliut up him that hcah the plague of the fcall feven days. 32 And in the feventh day the prieft fliall look on the plague : said behold, if the fcall fpread not, and there be in it no yellow hair, and the fcall be not in fight deeper than tlae fkin ; 33 He 'hall be fliaven, but the fcall {hall he not Ihave : and the prieft fliall fhut up him that hath the fcall feven days more. 34 And in the feventh day the prieft fliall look on the fcall : and behold, if the fcall be not fpread in the fliin, nor be in fight deeper than tlie ikin ; then the prieft fliall pronounce him clean : and he lliall wafli his clothes, and be clean. 35 But if the fcall fpread much in the fliin, after his cleanling ; 36 Then the prieft fliall look on ' him : and behold, if the fcall be fpread in the ikin, the prieft fliall not feek for yellow hair ; he ii unclean. 37 But if the fcall be in his figlit at a ftay, and that there is black hair grown up therein ; the fcall is healed, he is clean : and the prieft fliall pro- Jiounce him clean. 38 If If a man alfo or a woman have in the flun of their flefli bright foots, eien white bright fpots ; 39 Then the prieft fliall look : and behold, //'the bright fpots in the fldn of their flefli be darkiili white ; it is a freckled fpot that groweth in the fliin : he is clean. 40 And tlie man wliofe f hair is fallen off liis head, he is bald : yet is he clean. 41 And he that hath his "hair fallen off from the part of his head toward his face, he is forehead bald : yet is he clean. 42 And If there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white red- difli fore, it is a leprofy fprimg up m ^tis bald head, or his bald forehead j _ 43 Then the prieft fliall look upon . 16 : and beiiokl; ;/ the riiuig of tlis CHAP. Xlir. to difcern the leprofy, fore be white reddlfli in his bald head Before or in his bald forehead, as the leprofy ^l^'L*^ appeareth in the Ikin of the flefh, * — ^'~~' 44 He is a leprous man, he is un- clean : the prieft fliall pronounce him utterly unclean, his plague is lu lus head. 45 And the leper, in whom the plague is, b his clothes fliall be rent, h F,,Mei and his head bare, and he fliall put a ^'' \^ covering upon his upper lip, and fliall cry, Unclean, unclean. 4<' All the days wlierein the plague fiall be in him, he fliall be defiled ; he is unclean : he fliall dwell alone ; '^ without the camp fhal/ his habita- <^ ^"•'™'''* tion be. {-^rrt 4-1iThegr.rmentalfo thattheplague r.^^'.'i* of leprofy is in, tvhetherit be a woollen J'cbVon. garment, or a linen garment, 2'- "■'■' 48 Whether // be in the warp, or woof, of linen or of wclleu, whether in a fldn, or in any + thing made of t "<^b', fliin: '^■"''•'■^* 49 And if the plague be grcenifli or reddiih in the garment, or in the fldn, either in tlie warp, or in the woof, or in any f thing of fldn ; it is a 1 'J^/-- plague of leprofy, and Ihall be fliewcd '''''>-'- ' unto the prieft. ""■"' 50 And the prieft fliall look upon the plague, and fiiut up // that hath the plague feven days. 51 And he fliall look on the plague on the feventh day : if the plague'be fpread in tiie garment, either'in the warp, or in the woof, or in a fkin, or in any work that is made of fldn, the plague is a fretting leprofy j it ii unclean. 52 He fliall therefore burn that garment, \\ liether warp, or v.oof, in . woUen or in linen, or any thing of fldn, wherein the plague is : for it is a fretting leprofyj it fliall be burnt in the fire. 53 And if the prieft fliall look, and behold, the plague be not fpread in the garment, either in tlie warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of Ikin ; 54 Then the prieft fliall command that they ^^'afh t/ie thi»g wlierein the plague ?y, and he fiialffliut it up "iz- ven days more. S'i And the pi-ieft fliall look on the plague after that it is waflied : and behold, //the plague have not chang- ed his colour, and the plague be not fpread ; it is unclean, thou ihalt burn it in the fii-e : it is fret inward, f vjhe- ther it be bare within or without. 56 And if the prieft look, and be- JlqUI? tiie plague be fomewhat duik, }„ad,h>rm._ H z alter "•'' wbethcr it be bald in t'.e head tlrrrof, or Laws hi difcernin^, and LEVI after the wafliing of It ; then he fliiU rend it out of the garment, or out of the fkin, or out ot the warp, or out of the woof. 57 And if it appear ftill in the garment, either in the warp, or in the A\'ouf, or in any thing of lldn, it is a fprcading plague; thou fliak burn that wherein the plague ii with fj-e. 58 And the garment, either warp or woof, or %\lKi.tfoever thing of Ikiii // be^ which thou (halt wa(h, if the plague be departed from them, then it Ihall be waflied the fecond time, and fliall be clean. 59 This /; the law of the plague of leprofy in a garment of woollen or linen, either in the warp or woof, or any thing of Ikins, to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean. CHAP. XIV. I The rites niid Jhcrifices in clean fing of the lever. 33 The jigns of leprofy in an hvnj'e: 48 the cleanjing of that houj'e. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faving, 2 This niall be the law of the le- per, in the day of his cleanfmg ; He ^ lliall be brought unto the prielt. 3 And the prieft fliall go forth out of the camp : and the prielt (hall look, and behold, if the plague of leprofy be healed in the leper ; 4 Then flrall the priell: command to take for him that is to be cleanfed,two y birds alive, «Kf/ clean, and ^ cedar- wood, and ' fcarlet, and ^ hyflbp. 5 And the prielt (liall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen veficl, over running water. 6 As for the living bird, he fhall take it, and the cedar-wood, and the fcarlet, and the hylfop, and fhall dip them and the living bird, in the blood t)f the bird that was killed over the running water ; 7 And he fhall fprinkle upon him that is to be cleanfed from the leprofy feven times, and (liall pronounce him clean, and fhall let the living bird iTieii.u/iiin loofe f iuto the open field. "•■ '"■"' "' 8 And he that is to be cleanfed^ fhall wafh his clothes, and fliuve off 'all his hair, " and wafh hinifelf in water, that he may be clean : and after that he fliali come into the camp, and '" fliall tarry abroad out of his tent feven days. 9 But it fhall be on the fcventh day, that he ihall fhave all his hair off his head, and his beard, and his eye-brows, even all bis h»ir he lli»U T I C U 5. cteanfmg the kprofy, fliave off : nnd he fliall wafh his clothes, alfo he fhall wafh his flefh in water, and he fliall be clean. I o And on the eighth tlay he fhall take two he-lambs without blemifh, and one ew-lamb f of the firft year, J «rt. rte withoutblemifli,and thi'ee tenth-deals ./h^ryran of fine flour for « a meat-offering, s c,'';^- mingled with oil, and one log of oil; fmuH. I I And the prieft, that maketh hijn clean, Ihall prefent the man that is to be made clean, and thofe things be- fore the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 12 And the prieft fhall take one he-lamb, and *> offer him for a tref- ^ /■»;»?• pafs-offering, and the log of oil, and . ^'J^^^ ' wave them for a wave-ottering be- jy. 24' fore the Lord. And he fhall flay the lamb ^ in ^,^^1. a Mitth. p. :. 4- JMark l. 40, 44. l,akc ?. 1; Of, /par- tows. h Niunb. ip. 6. t Hcbr. 9. 19. tl Flalm Ihr fa . Xht field t Chip. f Niimtj. the place where he fliall kill the fin- '^^^^-^l' oifering, and the burnt-oftering, in 4, -4. , the holy place : for ' as the fin-offer- 1 cuap. ing is the priefts, fo is the trefpafs- "■ "* offering ; '" it is mofl holy. m ch.ip. 14 And the prieft fliall take fonie V,.'''.,. of the blood of the trefpafs-offering, and the prieft fliall put it " upon the ^,,^*™; tip of the right ear of him that is to ch«P; be cleanfed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 1 5 And the prieft fliall take foiric of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand : 16 And the prieft fhall dip his right finger in tlie oil that is in his left hand, and fhall fprinkle of the oil with his finger feven times before the Lord. J 7 And of the reft of the oil, that is in his hand, fliall the prieft put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleanfed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the trcfpals-oft^ering. 18 And the remnant of the oil, that is in the priefts hand, he fliall pour upon the head of him that is to be cleanfed ; and the prieft fhall make an atonement for him before the Lord. 19 And the prieft fliall offer " the '.'^['fP- fm-oftering, and make an atonement for him that is to be cleanfed from his uncleanncfs, and afterward he fhall kill the burnt-offering. 20 And the prieft fliall offer the burnt-offering, and the meat-offer- ing upon the altar : and the priell fliall make an atonement for him, vind he fliuU be tleLUi, 21 And Before Clirilt J 490. Tfie manner of cleanfmg the leprofy. C H A 21 And '' if he be poor, and \- can- not get fo much ; then he fliall take one lamb /or a trefpafs-offering, \ to be waved, to make an atonement for him, and one tenth-deal of fine flour mingled with oil, for a meat-otfer- ing, and a log of oil, 22 And two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, fucli as he is able to get ; and the one ihall be a lin-offcr- ing, and the other a burnt-oft'ering. 23 And he fliall bring them on the eighth day, for his cleanfmg, unto the priell, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord. 2 4 And the pricil fliall take the lamb fcf the trefpafs-otiering, and the log of oil, and the prieit Ihall wave them/or a. wave-otfering before the Lord. 25 And he ihall kill the lamb of the trefpafs-oftering, and the priell: fliall take fotiie of the blood of the trefpafs-offering, and put // upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleanfed, and upon the thiunb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. 26 And the priell fliail pour of tlie oil into the palm of his own left hand, 27 And the prieft flaall fprinkle with his right finger fome of the oil that is in his left hand, fe\eu times before the Lord. 28 And the prieft fliall put of the oil, that is in his hand, upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be tleanfed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of the blood of the trefpafs-otiering. 29 And the reft of the oil, that ii m the pr lefts hand, he fliall put upon the head of him that is to be cleanfed, to uiake au atonement for him before the Lord. 30 And he Ihall offer the one of the tuitle-dovcs, or of the young pigeons, fuch as he can get ; 31 Ei'ei: fuch as he is able to get, the one for a fm-oHering, and the other for a bunit-oifcring, with the nieat-oflering. And the prieft fliall make an atonemenL for him that is to be cleanfed befoie the Lord. 32 This is the law of him in whom is the plague of leprofy, whofe hand is not able to get "^ that which per-> tainet/i to his cleanfmg. 33 *\\ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, 34 When ye be come into the land of Cunaaji, ^^ liith I gne to jou fo;- p. XIV. The figm of a leprms-houfe. a pofleflion, and I put the plague Before of leprofy in a houfe of the land of '.'^'io! your pofleflion, '^ — v— — ' 35 And he that owneth the houfe fliall come and tell the prieft, faying, it i'eemeth to me there is as it %\ ere a plague in the houfe ; 36 Then the prieft fliall com- mand that they || empty the houfe, jj,^"''; ''"'' before the prieit go into it to fee the plague ; that all that is in the houfe be not made unclean : and after- ward the prieft fhall go in to fee the houfe. 37 And he fliall look on the plague, and behold, if the plague be in the walls of tlae houfe, with hollow ftrakes, greenilh or reddifli, which in iiglit are lower than tlie wall ; 38 Then the prieft fliall go out of the houfe to the door of tlie houfe, and fliut up the houfe feven days. 39 And the prieft fliall come again the fe'-enth day, and fliall look : and behold, if the plague be fpread in the walls of the houfe ; 40 Then the prieft Ihall command that they take away the ftones, in which the plague ?j, and they fliall caft them into an imclean place with- out the city. 41 And he fliall caufe the houfe to be fcraped within round about, and they fliall pour out the duft that they fcrape off, without the city, into an unclean place, 42 And they fliall take other ftones» and put ihe7n in tlie place of tliofe ftones ; and he fliall take other mor- ter, and fliall plaifter the houfe. 43 And if tlie plague come again, and break out in the houfe, after that he hath taken away the ftones, and after he hatli fcraped the houfe, and after it is plaiftered ; 44 Then the prieft fliall come and look, and behold, (f the plague be fpread in the lioufe, it is u fretting leprofy in the houfe : it is unclean. 45 And he fhall break down the houfe, the ftones of it, and the timber thereof, and all the morter of the houfe : and he fliall carry them fortli out of the city, into an unclean place. 46 Moreover, he that goeth into the houfe, all the while that it is fliut up, fliall be unclean until the even. 47 And he that lieth in the houfe fliall wafli his clothps ; and he that eateth in the houfe fliall waih his clothes, 48 And if the prieft \ fliall come 1^;);;,% in, and look i■ the law for all manner plague of Icprofy and ' fcail, 55 And for the leprofy of a gar- ment, and of aji houfe, 56 Aud for a rsfrng, and for a fcab, and for a bright fpot ; 57 To teach f when // is unclean, and when // is clean : this is the law of leprofy. CHAP. XV. ifXCfUncleannefs by ijjltes: 1 3, 28 t/ieir clecmjing. TNd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and to Aaro;i, faying, 2 Speak unto the cliildren of Ifrael, and fay unto them, '-^ When any man hath a !{ running iffue out of his fleih, ■ becaufe of his ifliie he is unclean. 3 And this Ihall be his uncleannefs in his ifiiie : whether his flefh run with his iflue, or his flelh be flopped from his ifliie, it is his uncleannefs. 4 Every bed whereon he iieth that hath the iiilie is imclean ; and every -j- thing whereon he fitteth lliall be imclean. 5 And whofoever toucheth his bed fhall wafli his clothes, ^ and bathe hiir.felf in water, and be unclean un- til the even. 6 And he that fitteth on any thing whereon he fat, tliat hath the ifllie, Hiall wafh his clothes, and bathe him- felf in water, and be unclean until the even. 7 And lie that toucheth the flelh of Ikiiii that hath the ifuic, ili.ill walli LEVITICUS. A' Of uncleannefs by ijfues, his clothes, and bathe hhrtfelfxa. wa- »cfor» ter, and be unclean until the even. ^^^'f. 8 And if he that hath the iflue * — '■'"' fpit upon him that is clean ; then he fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe ///?;«- felf in water, and be unclean until the even. 9 And what faddle foever he rid- eth upon, that hath the iifue, Ihall be unclean. 10 And whofoever toucheth any thing that was under him fliall be unclean until the even : and he that beareth any ofthofe things fhall waflj his clothes, and bathe hi, njelf in wa- ter, and be unclean until the even. 1 1 And whomlbever he toucheth that hath the iflue, (and hath not riuf- ed his hands in water, ) he fliall waili his clothes, and bathe himfelf in wa- ter, and be unclean until the even. I z And tlie " veffei of earth that I '^'^^^'^ he toucheth, which hath the iffue, n-'3^,si fhall be broken : and every veifel of wood ihall be rinfed in water. 1 5 And when he that hath an ifRie is cleanfed of his ifihe ; then ^ he fliall <' chnp. number to Mmfelt feven days for his "*' '** clennfing, and waili Jiis clothes, and bathe his tlelh in running water., aud fliall be clean. 1 4 And on the eighth day he fliall take to him'' tv>o turtle-doves, or two c chap. young pigeons, and come before the *■*' "* Lord, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and give them unto the prieft. 15 And the pried: fliall offer them, the one for a iin-oifering, and the other for a burnt- otiering ; and the priefl fhall make an atonement for him before the Lord, for his iffue. 16 And *" if any mans feed of copu- ^""^ lation go out from him, then he fliall wafh all his flefh in water, and be unclean imtil the even. 1 7 And every garment, and every fl. days ; and whofoe\'er toucheth her p:-r^ti'"^' fliall be unclean until the even. 20 And every thing that fhe lietli. upon, in her feparatioil, fliall be un- clean ; every thing alfo that flie fit- teth upon fliall be imcleau. 21 AnU of cleanfmgwpj'mts.ijjues. C H A 21 And whofoever toucheth her bed fliall vvaOi his clothes, and batlie hh>tfclf'm water, and be unclean un- til the even. 2z And whofoever toucheth any thing that flie fat upon, fhall waih his clothes, and bathe himfelfiw wa- ter, and be unclean until the even. 23 And if it bf on her bed, or on any thing Vvhereon ilie fitteth, when he toucheth it, he fliali be unclean until the even. 24 And '' if any man lie with her at all, and her fiowers be upon hini, he Ihall be unclean ie\cn days : and till the bed whereon he lieth faall be luiclean. 25 And if ' a woman have an ifllie of her blood many days out of the time of her feparation, or if it run beyond the tune of her feparation ; all the days of the iiaie of her un- cleannefs Ihall be as the days of her feparation : (lie jhall be unclean. 26 Every bed Vvhereon flie lieth, all the days of her iflue, ihall be unto her as the bed of her feparation : and whatfoever (lie fitteth upon fliall be unclean, as the uncleannefs of her feparation. 27 And whofoever toucheth thofe things fliall be unclean, and fliall waili his clothes, and bathe himfclf in water, and be unclean until the even. 28 But if flie be cleanfed of her iflue ; then fiie ihall number to herielf feven days, and after that fhe fliall be clean. 29 And on the eightli day flie fliall take unto her two turtles, or two young pigeons, and bring them unto the prieft, to the door of the taber- nacle of the congregation. 30 And the prieft fliall oifer the one for a fin-offering, and t!ie other for a burnt-offering ; and the prieft fliall make an atonement for her be- fore the Lord, for the ilfue of her inicleannefs. 31 Thus fliall ye feparate the chil- dren of Ifrael from their uncleannefs; that they die not in their micleannefs, when they defile my tabernacle that ii among them. 3-' This ii the law of him that hath an iflue, and of him M'hofe feed goeth from him, and is defiled therev.ith : 33 And of her that is lick of her florvvers, and of him that hath an iflue, of the man, and of the wo- man, and of him that lietU witU iier V'hich L luicleaa. •.3S- P. XVI. The high pricfts fiH'^fferin^, CHAP. XVI. 1 1 The high priejis fin-oferiag. zoThe J'cape-goat. k isd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, B^rorts r-\ after •' the death of the tM-o fons '^'^^t of Aaron, when they offered before ^7;;^ — the Lord, and died : 10. if" 2 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Speakunto Aaron thy brother, that he ^ come not at all times into Vae ^eko^. holy ^/(7rc within the vail, before the '&.vtir mercy-feat, which is upon the ark ; h!.w7" that he die not : for " I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy-feat. 3 Thus fliall Aaron come into the r. ,,- holy place ; "* with a young bullock ,1 ci.ap. for a lin-offei-ing, and a ram for a *" *' burnt-offering. 4 He fliall put on ^ the holy linen ^^E:«>'f< coat, and he fliall have the linen «. ^f* breeches upon his flefh, and ihall be ula. girded with the linen girdle, and wit a tlie linen mitre fliall he be attired : thefe are holy garments ; therefore 1" fliall he waf/i his fielh in '.vater, and <" e^*^ Jo put them on. 5 And he fliall take, of the congre- gation of the children of Ifrael, two kids of the goats for a fin-ofrerlng, and one ram for a burnt-offering. 6 x'*..nd Aaron fliall oi+er his bullock of the fin-offering, v.hich is for hini- felf, and ^ make an atonement for s ",'''"■•, himfelf, and for his houfe. &>.V 7 And he fliall take the two goats, and prefent tliem before the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 8 And Aaron fliall caft lots upon the two goats : one lot for the LoiiD,and the other lot for the -j- fcape-goat. ' ^"*j. 9 And Aaron- fhall bring the goat, upon wliich the Lords lot f fell, and ^j„^f^^ offer him for a fin-offering : 10 But the goat on which the lot fell, to be the fcape-goat, fliall be prefented alive before the Loinj, to make an atonement with him, (ind to let him go for a fcrpe-goat hito the wildernefs. 11 And Aaron fliall bring the bul- lock of the fin-offering, which is for himfelf, and fliall make an atone- ment for himfelf, and for his houfe, and Ihall kill the bullock of the fin- offering, which is for himt'elf. 12 And he fliall take '' a cenfer full \^'}'lf'' of burning coals of Are from off' the altar before the Lord, and his hands full of ' fweet incenfe beaten fniall, \^-^^f^ and bring it within the vail. 13 And he fliall put the incenfe upon the iii'^ before the Lord, that Jt 4 the The i. Hebr. 2- '3. ^S i;.v.J- t Heb. tiiL-iltcth. pi rt unity • t ^^''^. nf J-(;.arM.n Jin-ofering for the people. L E V I T the cloud of t!)e incenfe may cover the mercy-feat that ii upon the tefli- ■^ mony, that he die not. 14 And '■ he fhall take of the blood of the bullock, and ' fprlnkle it with his finger upon the mercy-feat, ea(t- ward : and before the mercy-feat liiall he fprinkle of the blood with his finger feven times. 15 1[ Then ftall he kill tlie goat of the fm-offering that ii for the peo- ple, and bring his blood within the vail, and do with that blood, as he -\nd bringeth it not unto the door of the tabernacle of the congre- gation, to offer an offering unto the Lord before the tabernacle of the Lord, blood Ihall be imputed unto that man, he hath llied blood ; and that man fliall be cut off' from among his people : 5 To the end that the children of Ifrael may bring their facritices, which they offer in tlie open iield, even that they may bring them unto the Lord, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the prieft, and offer them for peace-offerings luito the Lord. 6 And the prieft fliall fprinkle the blood upon the altar of the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the con- gregation, and burn the fat for a "= fweet favour unto the Lord. 7 And they Ihall no more offer their {^icrifites ■'unto devils, after whom they "■' have gone a-Vv'horing. This fliall be a ftatute for ever unto them throughout their generations. 8 •,[ .^nd thou llialt fay mito them, \\'^hatfoever man t/iere be of the houfe of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers whiclj fojourn among you, tlaat otfereth a burnt-offering or facrilice, 9 And jjringeth it not unto the door of the tabernacle of the congrega- tion, to offer it unto the Lord, even that man Ihall be cut oft' from among his people. ID 5| ^And whatfoever man t/:ere be of the houfe of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers that fojourn among yqu, that eateth any manner of blood; ^ I will even fet my face againft that foul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people. 1 1 For the Kfe of the tlelh is in the t>lcod, and I have given it to you upon the altar, to make an atone- ment for your fouls: for ''it is the blood tbnt maketh an atonement for the foul. 1 2 Therefore I faid unto the chil- dren of Ifrael, Ko foul of you fliall eat blood, neither ihall any itranger, that fojourneth among you, etiC blood. 1 3 And whatfoever man tbere be of the children of Ifrael, or of the lirangers tlwt fojouni among you. CHAP. XVII, XVIII. 0/ unlaivful marriages. \ which ' hunteth and catcheth any Before beaft or fowl that may be eaten ; he ^Jpj,? fliall even pour out the blood thereof, \^'—r' and cover it with duit . hu«teth a.;y 14 "^For it is the life of all flefli, 'l""!,'"^- the blood of it is for the life thereof; ?• "• therefore I fairi unto the children of ^.^^!'' Ifrael, Ye fiiall eat the blood of no ^^^\'J- manner of flelli : for the life of all ''' flefli is the blood thereof; whofoever eateth it fliall be cut off. 1 5 1 And every foul that eateth \ f"""^' ■}- that M'hich died of itjelf or that ciiaj.te'r which was torn with bea/ls, {w/iether r^Win it be one of your own country, or a + hcI'" ftranger, ) "' he fliall both wafli his 'a cariafe. clothes, ° and bathe /«>w/t?/f in water, '"..'^J'/J'" and be unclean until the even ; then n chap. Ihall he be clean. 'J* *• 1 6 But, if hewafli tJiem not, nor bathe his flefli ; then he fhall bear liis iniquity. CHAP. XVIII. I Zhilaivfid 7/iarriuges. n) Unlauful lulls. a Corin- JO. io, Kevfla. e E7eV. S3. 8, j6, 55 g Jerem 44. II. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, I am the Loro your God. 3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, fliall ye not do : and " after the doings of the ?^^^?; land of Canaan, whither I bring you, fliall ye not do ; neither fliall ye walk in their ordinances. 4 Ye fliall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk there- in ; I am the Lord your God. 5 Ye fliall therefore keep my fta- tutes and my judgments ; " which if I'^j^^j'^''^' a man do, he fliall live in them : I am i-^i%' ''^ the Loud. 6 ^ None of you fliall approach to J,°',/j any that is f near of kin to hhii, to un- t Keb cover their nakednefs : I mn the Lord 7 ' The nakednefs of thy father, or c chap the nakednefs of thy mother, ihalt " ' * " thou not uncover : flie is thy mother, thou fiialt not imcover her nakednefs. 8 '' The nakednefs of thy flithers ^J^\*l- wife fl-ialt thou not uncover ; it is thy ^f"^";- fathers nakednefs. '-• ^^• 9 "= The nakednefs of thy filter, the rf. 10. daughter of thy father, or daughter ^°^;; of thy mother, whether Jlie bt born at echap. home, or born abroad, eve^i. their na- 'tslll-A kednefs thou llvilt not uncover. ixck'ei 10 The nakednefs of thy fons -• "• daughter, or of thy daughters daugh- ter, eve}i their nakednefs thou fiialt not uncover : for tlieiru. is thine owu nakednefs. 1 1 The der 29. ly. SO. I ft Cli.ip, { Chap. so. 21. Matt'r.ew 14- <• See Deut, «5- S. 1: Chap. 3». 14. II Or,., one v.tfe Co *i Chnp, It Chap. I Kln^s II. 33- s Kings 13. 10. Jcr. 19-S Ezek- 23. 37. 39- • Called, Aa?/. 4? Koloch. f Chap. 30. 13. X Cor. 6.5 X Tim. ». 10. % Chap. »3. If, v6 #8!iap. -Z0> 22. 0/ unlawful luj}{. LEVITTCUS. 'hrift ' ' "^^^ nakednefs of thy fathers 'ifo'>- wifes daughter, begotten of thy fa- "*' ' ther, (Ihe is thy lifter,) thou fhalt not uncover her nakednefs. 1 2 *" Thou Ihalt not uncover tJie nakednefs of thy fathers iifter : flie is thy fathers near kinfwoman. 1 3 Thou flialt not uncover the na- kednefs of thy mothers iilher : for Die is thy mothers near kinfw-oman. 14 '^ Thou fhalt not uiicover the nakednefs of thy fathers brother, and thou fhalt not approach to his wife : fhe /; thine aunt. 15 •'Thou Ihalt not uncover the nakednefs of thy daughter-in-law : fhe is thy fons wife, thou Ihalt not uncover her nakednefs. 1 6 ' Thou fhalt not imcover the nakednefs of thy brothers wife : it is thy brothers nakednefs. 17 ■= Thou flralt not uncover the nakednefs of a woman and her daughter, neither Ihalt thou take her fons daug'iter, or her daughters daughter, to uiicover her nakednefs ; for they are her near kiufwonieu : it is wickediiefs. 18 Neither fiialt thou take i[ a wife to her lifter, to vex. her, to uncover her nakednefs, behdes the other, in her Y\ie-ti7ne. 19 ' Alfo, thou fiialt not approach unto a woman to uncover her naked- nefs, as long as (lie is put apart for her uncleannefs. 20 Moreover, "" thou fhalt not lie carnally with thy neighbours wife, to defile thyfelf with her. 21 And thou fhalt not let any of thy feed " pafs through the fire to * Molech, neither Ihalt thou profane the name of tliy G od : la;n the Lord. 22 P Thou Ihalt not lie with man- kind, as with womankind 5 it is abo- mination. 23 "J Neither fiialt thou lie with any beaft, to defile thyfelf therewith : neither fiiall any woman ftand before a beaft to lie down thereto ; it is con- fulion. 2 4 Defile not you yourfelvcs in any of thefe things ; for in all thefe the na- tions are defiled which I caft out be- fore you. 25 And the land is defiled : there- fore I do vifit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itfelf vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26 ''Ye fiiall therefore keep my ftatutes and my judgments, and fliall not commit any of thefe abomina- lionsj neither any of your own na- A repetition, offundry law ft tion, nor any ftranger titat fojoxu-netli Bcfcr* among you : ^"^'Jo* 27 (For all thefe abominations have ' — "^ — ' the men of the hind done, which were before you, and the land is defiled ;) 28 That '^ the land fpue not you \^"^^' out alfo, when ye defile it, as itfpued '•«-'<•' j** out the nations that vjere before you. '*' ^'' 2 9 For whofoever fiiall c onimit any of thefe abominations, even the foul.s that com.mit them fiiall be cut olf from among their people. 30 Therefore fiiall ye keep mine ordinance, ' that ye commit not my ci^m,|* oi;e of thefe abominable cuftoms -°-'^*' which were committed before you,- and that ye defile not yourfeives therein : I ^772 the Lord your God, CHAP. XIX. A repetition of fuudry laivs. ANd the LoRDYpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, ^ Ye fliall be holy ; for I,, \^J''-''*^ the Lord your God, am holy. 20-^7^2',. 3 ^ I* Ye Ihall fear evei-y man his \}'IIV^ mother and liis father, and "^ keep my \ exoj, fabbaths : I am the Lord your Cod. ^ E^nJ, 4 '' Turn ye not unto idols, " nor ;'J; ^- * make to yourfelvcs molten gods : I \ exJ. am tlie Lord your Cod. er4*fl* 5 \ And *■ if ye offer a facrifice of 34-^7- peace- offerings unto t!ie Lord, ye "7?">? Ihall ofier it at your own will. . f cW» / 6 It fiiall be eaten the fame day ye ^* ' '^ offer it, and on the morrow: and if ought remain until the third day, it fiiall be burnt in the tire. 7 And if it be eaten at all on the third day, it is abominable ; it fliall not be accepted. 8 Therefore, every one that eateth it fhail bear his iniquity, becaufe he hath profaned tlie hallowed thing of the Lord ; and that foul fiiall be cut oil from among his people. 9 \ And, 2 wlien ye reap the har- f,^"!'?* veil: of your land, thou fiialt not f""'["/ wholly reep the cornei's of thy field, r«'»>."i» neither fliait thou gather the glean- '^'**' ings of thy harveil. 10 And thou fiialt not glean thy vineyard, neither flialt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard ; thou ihalt leave them for the poor and ftranger : I am the Lord your God. ^ ^ 1 1 t ** Ye fhall not ft.eal, neither --f^n.' deal falfly, neither lie one to another. 7, Vs'.'* 12 11 And ye fhall not ' fwear by _^^»^';;*- "^ my name falfly, neither fhalt thou 20. 7. ' profane tlie name of thy God : I am Deucor." ^ tUejLoRi*. ^i:,V.'j.3i. *3 ^ '^ TUOU J■W^SJ•l^^ Dim m Dciit. 3J- i^. Dent. t-i7- & .6. ly. &^7- 'V- Proverbi Js;nes3. ?. o Exod. ?3. I. Plal. i;. 3. & 10. 20. ProF. 11.3. & JO. 19. p I John 2. II. ii a- ><• q tccluj 19. Ij. >i.»tthfW 18. IS. iiike 17- 3- Cal. 6' I. Xplwl". 5. n. iThii.5.:o. II, o-.-., /.'Uf thnu ^ tear wit Jut forlw,,, Sec Roio. 3-' $• 2 5. II. lTi]n.5.:2. 5 John J0> I.I- r Proverbs 20. 27. JIat. J. ',3. 6 21.39- Horn. 13. 9- Gal. 5. 14. Jamrs 2. 8. 4 Deuter. ::. 9, 10. t Dent. 12. II. il Or, abi./- ed hy any* 1 He:>. reproached h'< oi'i /i"" il Or, tfity. t Hell. then Jhall le..fcourg- i! Chap. kolhiffs Df pru!ff. Ir. the LOm, slows CHAP. I :; 1 5^ Thou flnlt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob /n'm: 'the wi'ges of him thut is hired fliall not abide with thee all night until the morning. 1 4 1i Thou ftalt not curfe the deaf, " nor put a Humbling block before the blind, but flialt fear thy God : I nwthe Lord. 15 ^1 Ye fliall do no unrighteouf- nefs in judgment ; thou fiialt not " re- fpect th.e perfon of the poor, nor ho- nour the perfon of the mighty : i>ut in righteoufnefs fnalt thou judge thy neighbour. 1 6 ^ ° Thou flialt not go up and down as a tale-bearer aiw>ng thy peo- ple ; neither llialt tlicu fiafid againft the blood of thy neighbour : I am the Lord. 17 tj P Thou flialt not hate thy brother in thine heart : "' thou flialt in any wife rebuke thy neighbour, Il and not fuller fin upon him. 1 8 % Thou fhalt not avenge, nor bear any gi-udge agamfl the children of thy. people, "^ but thou l^alt love thy neigh- bour asthyfelf : I am the Lord. 19 II \e (hall keep my ftatutes. Tliou Ihalt not let tlry cattle gender vvit'.i a diverfe kind. ' Thou ihalt nut fow thy held with mingled feed ;_ " neither ih'all a garment, mingled of linen and woollen, come upon thee. .".o ■fl And wJiofoever lieth carnally •with a woman that is a bond-maid, II f betrothed to an hulband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her, II f i\\e Ihall be fcourged : they fliall not be put to death, becaufe Ihe was not free. 2 1 And " he fliall bring his trefpafs- offering unto the Lord, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, eveji a ram for a trefpafs-oHering. *22 And the prielt iliall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trefpafs-olferiiig before the Lord, for his liii which he hath done ; and the iin which he hatli done (hall be forgiven him. 2 3 % And when ye fliall comxC into the land, and fliall have planted all manner of trees for food, then ye fliall count the fruit thereof as mi- circumcifed : three years fliall it be as uncircumcifed unto you ; it fliall not be eaten of. 24 But in the fourth year all the fruit thereof liiall be f holy to praife tlie Lord iviihal. 25 And in the fifth year fliall ye eat of the fruit thereof, tliat it may XIX, XX. miS. orSinancef, yield unto you the increafe thereof : Befm-e I am the Lord your God. '^%f. 26 t ^Ye flia'li not eat ai^y thing )j::^^^r;^^ with the blood ; ^ neither fliall ye ufe "" ^'c- inchantment, nor cbferve times. ?2?2> 27 ' Ye fhall not round the corners ^^^'^l' of your heads, neither fhalt thou mar • san-.uex the corners of thy beard. Tzll'p. 28 Ye fliall not ' make any cuttings }er.^9.56. in your flefii for the dead, nor print i*^ 43- 37-' any marks upon you : I am the Lord. \fX!' 29 "l ^ Do not f proflitute thy J"';,|^-^» daughter, to caufe her to be a whore ; b ueut. ' left the land fall to whoredom, and -'■■ '^' the land become full of vvickeclnefs. l,o}ane, 30 1i *^ Ye fhall keep my fabbaths, ^^'^'■^p- and reverence my fanftuary ; I am' '^' the Lord. 31 ^[ "^ Regard not tliem that have fo?6v'^*7. familiar fpirits, neitlier feek after ^"f"- W'izards, to be defiled by them ; I atn ifa';. e. ,.j. the Lord your God. "^"^ '"• '*' 32 1} ^ Thou flialt rife up before e i xim* the hoary head, ^nd iionour tlie face '" ^' of the old man, and fear thy God : I ai:z the Lord. 33 ^ And t'if a ftrai7ger fojourn f^^i^'-j^ with thee in your land, ye fliall not ^s-p-' Ij vex him. 11 o;' 34 ^ But tlie itranger,that dwelleth g Exod. witli you, fliall be unto you as one ■^' '• born amongfl: you, and ■' thou flialt \„^'^* love him as thyfelf; for ye were ftrangers in the land of Egypt : I am the Lord your God. 35 t Ye fhall do no unrighteouT- nefs in judgment, in mete-yard, in weight, or in meafure. 36 ' Jurt balances, jufl: f weights, a ",.'^«",f;, jufl ephah, and a juft hin fliall ye ^J°^/'};/* have: I^wtheLoRD your God, which & !o'. lol brought you out of the bnd of Egypt. j^'^'^)i 37 Therefore fhall ye obferve all my ftatutes, and all my judgments, and do them: I a7U the Lord. CHAP. XX. ^ Of giving feed to Molech: C of xvi- zards: 9 of curftng of parents, &c. ANd the Lord fpake iiuto jMofes, faying, 2 '' Again, thou flialt fay to the chil- s^civv. drenof Ifrael, '^WhofoeverZ'eZ'eof the I ^l^i children of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers \\}°^^^ that fojourn in Ifraek that giveth any y- i|j & of his feed unto Molech, he fliall jercm*. furely be put to death ; the people of 3'- 3**. the land fliall ftone him with ftones. 3 And ' I will fet ray face againft \^}'^" that man, and will cut him off from among his people; becaufe he hath given of his feed unto Molech, to de- file my fanftuary, and to profane my holy name. 4 Aud tffanaification, &c. L E V I T I C U 5. Ofwtcleannefs, Sec,"" And if the peov>le of the land mothers daughter, and fee her na- <1 chap. S Ciiap. % Chap. hChap. k Chap. Dcatcr. 22. 2?. John «-4,i. I Chap. IB. I. jn Chap. 18. n- Deuior. 3/. ;3. • Chap. |8. a.. 4> ChajiK J> Chsp. iDcuter. S;. 21. Ucuttr. do anywife hide their eyes from the man, when he glveth of his feed im- to Molech, and kill him not ; 5 Then <* I will fet my face agaiuft that man, and " againlt his family, and will cut him off, and all that *'go a-whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people. 6 ^1 And s the foul that turneth after fuch as have familiar fpirits, and after wizards, to go a-whoring after them, I will even fet my face againll that foul, and will cut him olt from among his people. 7 11 "^ Sanctify yourfelves therefore, and be ye holy : for I am the Loro your God. 8 And ye fliall keep my ftatutes, and do them: I am the Lord which fanclify you. 9 T[ ' For every one that ciirfeth his father, or his mother, fliall be furely put to death : he hath curfed his father or his mother ; his blood Jliall be upon him. 10 *f And "^the inan that conanit- teth adultery with anothsr mans wife, Cdun he thap committeth adultery with his neighbours wife, tlie adul- terer and the adulter efs fliall furely be put to death. 1 1 ' And the man that lieth with his fathers wife, hath uncovered his fathers nakednefs : both of them (hall furely be put to death ; their blood jhall be upon them. 1 2 '" And if a m.an lie M'ith his daughter-in-lav/, both of them lliall furely be put to death : they have \Trought confufion; th^ir blood y/w/7 be upon them- 1 3 " If a man alfo lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed z,n abomina- tion: they fliairfurelybe put to death; their hlood. Jhall be upon them. 1 4 ° And if a man take a wife, and her mother, it is wickednefs : they fliall be burnt with fire, both he and they ; that there be no wickednefs among you. I ^ ^ And if a man lie with a beaft, he (hall furely be put to death : and ye (hall flay the bead. i 6 And if a woman approach vmto any beaft, and lie down thereto, thou Ihalt kill the woman and the beafl : they fliall furely be put to death; their blood jliall be upon them. ^17 ''And if a man fliall take his filler, hib fathers daughter, or his ?, 52. kednefs, and fhe fee his nakednefs, it zi a wicked thing ; and they fliall be cut olf in the fight of their people : he hath tuicovered his lifters naked- nefs, he (hall bear his ijiiquity. 18 ''And if a man fhall lie with a raup. woman having her ficknefs, and fliall sce cu'ap. ' uncover her nakednefs, he hath f dif- J^^^*; covered her fountain, and (he hath """'••" uncovered the fountain of her blood : "'"''*' and both of them fliall be cut off from among tlieir people. 1 9Mnd thou (halt not uncover the na- ^j^*",''' ,^ kednefs of thy mothers fifter, nor of thy ' ''''*•*' fathers fifter ; for he uncovereth his near kin rtliey fliall bear their iniquity. 20 ' And if a man (hall lie with his » chip, imcles wife, Ue hath uncovered his '''■*' > uncles nakednefs : they fliall bear their fm; they (hall die childlefs. 2 1 " And if a man (hall take his bro- "^^'l^^* tilers wife, it is -\ an unclean thing ; ^ Hew. n ■ he hath uncovered his brothers na- .''^'""'""'''' kednefs : they fliall be childlefs. 22 5 Ve (hall therefore keep all my H\ atutes, and all my judgments, and do ^^'^'^^' them : that the land whitherlbring you to dwell therein, ^ fpue you not out. y ch.ip. 23 -^ And ye fliall not wtdk in the '^c,;;,',', manners of the nations which I call: «*• 3) j°» out before you : for they committed all thefe things, and ^ therefore I \^^^^' abhorred them. neutcv. 24 But I have faid unto you, Ye '" *' fliall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to poflefs it, a land that floweth with milk and lioney : I am the Lord your God, which have feparaicd you from ulher people. 25 I' i'e (hall therefore put diffe- ^ ci,jp» rence between clean beafts and un- ueutcr. clean, and between uncleanfowls luid '*' ■*' clean : and ye fliall not make your fouls abominable by beaft or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that li creepeth on the ground, which I i{,°^;;,. have feparated from you as unclean. 26 And ye fhall be holy unto me : ''for I the Lord nm holy, and have j^iY^'pt',^' fevered you from otfier people, that ^'^^^^ ye fliould be m.ine. 1. lO- 2 7 11 '^ A man alfo, or woman, that ^g*;'-'?; hath a familiar fpirit, or that is a E""'!"' wizai-d, fliall furely be put to death : dV»L\s. they (hall ftone them with Hones; fi^ami.ci their blood fhall be upon them. :^- ?»'*•. CHAP. XXL Of the priefti tnoT^a-ning and tn0'- riages. ANd the Lord faid unto Mofes, Speak unto the priefts, the fons of Aaron, and fay luito them, ' There 'f ;]=; fiiall Gf the prlefli moUrjiing. GHAT. Before lliall none be defiled for the dead Mvo. among his people. ~v — ' 2 But for his kin that is near Unto him, that is, for his mother, and for his father, and for his fon, and for his daughter, and for his brother, 3 And for his filler a virgin, that is nigh unto him, which hath iiad no hufband ; for her may he be dctiled. Or, A^m^r 4 But 11 he Ihall not detile himfelf, beifjg a cliief man among lus people, to profane himfelf. 5 •> They iliall not make baldnefs upon their head, neither fliall they ihave off the corner of their beard, . Chap. ^ nor make any cuttings in their Heili. n'ut. ''<•»'• ^ They fliall be holy unto their ll^\o} God, and not profane the name of their God : for the otferings of the : See Chap. LoRD made by fire, and '^ the bread '■ "■ of their God they do oiFer j therefore they fliall be holy. iF.«k. J ^the crown of the anointing oil of his God is upon him: I ajfi the Lord. r 3 And ' he Ihall take a wife In her virginity. 14 A widow, or divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, thefe Ihall he not take : but he fliall take a vir- gin of his own people to wife. 15 Neither fhall he profane his feed among his people : for I the Lorp do fanclify him. 16 *!j And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 1 7 Speak unto Aaron, faying, Who- foever he b^: of thy feed in their gene- XXI , XXIT. Of priejis bkmijiies. rations, that hath miy blemifli, let Bcfoi-s hi hi not approach to otter the 1| bread u?"' of his G od : iT^P'fc^. 1 8 For whatfoever man he be that hath a bleiniih, he fliall not approach; a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nofe, or any thing ™ fuperfluous, ^.f!"'?* 19 Or a man that is broken-footed, or broken-handed, 20 Or crook-backed, or || a dwarf, '] ^^ "'» or that hath a blemifli in his eye, or '"""""* be fcurvy, or fcabbed, or hath his Hones broken : 2 1 No man that hath a blemifli, of the feed of Aaron the prieft, fliall come nigh to otfer tiie olferings of the Lord made by fire ; he hath a blemiih, he fliall not come nigh to otfer the bread of his God. 22 He fliall eat the bread of his God, both of the moft holy, and of the holy. 23 Only he fliall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the al- tar, becaufe he hath a blemifli ; that he profane not my fanftuaries : for I the Lord do fanclify them. 24 And Mofes told it unto Aaron, and to his fons, and unto all the chil- dren of Ifrael. CHAP- XXII. I T/ie priefls in their unclcannefs inufl abflain from holy things, &c. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, 2 Speak unto Aaron, and to his fons, that they feparatethemfelves from the holy things of the children of Ifrael, and that they profane not my holy name in thoj'e t/tiiig^ which they hal- low unto nie : I ain the Lord. 3 Say unto them, Whofoever fie be of all your feed, among your gene- rations, that goeth unto the holy things, which the children of Ifrael hallow unto the Lord, having his imcleannefs upon him, that foul fliall be cut off from my prefence : I am the Lord. 4 What man foever of the feed of Aaron is a leper, or hath ^ a f run- ]^}^^' ' ning iluie, he iliall not eat of the holy ^ hcV. things ^ until he be clean. And '^ who- X"r"iH"J fo toucheth any thing that is unclean b chap. by the dead, or "^ a man whofe feed ',-! Jj.^ goeth from him : "i^."^^' 5 Or '^^ w hofoever toucheth any j chap', creeping thing, whereby he may be '5- '_^»- made unclean, or *" a man of whom \^. fl.' he may take uncleannefs, whatfoever f ch^p- uncleannefs he hath ; 6 The foul which hath touched any fuch fhall bs unclean luitil even, and HcTM piiefls Jhaine cleanfgS. lEVtTICUS. Before and fliall not eat of the holy things, mV- unlefs he waih his fleili with water. "^ ' 7 And V. hen the fun is down, he /haJl be clean, and Ihall afterward eat of the holy things, becaiife it is his food. 8 s That which dieth of itfelf, or is torn zuith henfts, he (hall not eat to defile himft-lf therewith : I am the Lord. 9 They fliall therefore keep mine ordinance, left they bear fin for it, and die therefore, if they profane it : I the Lord do fanftify them. 10 ^ There faall no ftranger eat of the holy thing : a fojourner of the prieft, or an hired fervant, fliall not eat of the holy thing. 1 1 But if the prieft buy any foul •f with his money, he fliall eat of it, f Exoil. 2;. 31. Chapter 17. IS. Er..-kiel ♦4' Si- ll Set X Sainacl 31. A. tHeb. m man a Jhrangtr> i Chap purciutfeaf and he that is born in his houfe ; they ■>u.,n.ney. fliall Cat of Ms meat. 12 If the priefts daughter alfobe married unto f a ftranger, fiie may not eat of an offering of the holy things. 1 3 But if the priefts daughter be a widow, or divorced, and have no child, and is returned unto her fathers houfe, ' as in her youth, flie flrall eat of her fathers meat ; but there ftiali no ftranger eat thereof. 1 4 ^ And if a man eat of the holy thing unwittingly, then he fliall put the fifth part thereof unto it, and fliall give it unto the prieft, with the holy thing. 1 5 And they fliall not profane the holy things of the children of Ifrael, which they offer unto the Lord ; 16 Or II fuffer them to bear the „,»,.,... i"iqu"'ty of trefpafs, when they eat t!-7/p"j-s'i'n their holy things : for I the Lord thtir cat- j r -i-i" -.u do fanctiiy them. 17 ^ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 18 Speak unto Aaron, and to his fons, and unto all the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, ^ What- foever he be of the houfe of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers in Ifrael, that will offer his oblation for all his vows, and for all his free-will-offerings, which they will offer unto the Lord for a burnt-offering ; 1 9 ' Ye Jliall offer, at your own will, a male without blemifliof the beeves, of the Iheep, or of the goats. 20 " But whatfoever hath a ble- mifli, that fliall ye not offer ; for it fliall not be acceptable for you. 2 1 And " whofoever oitereth a fa- cyi;&ce of peace offeiinsi u«to tiie thernfetves lu/itk the iniquity nf *tf. kChar 9»i, I 15. a I. a Chap, The age of the facrifice^ Lord, to accomplifn his vow, or a free-will-offering inbeeves, or||fiieep, it fliall be perfeft, to be accepted: ..^j. there fliall be no blem.iih therein. 22 ° Blind, or broken, or maimed, <> ver. :•»• or having a v/en, or fcui-vy, or fcab- bed, ye fliall not offer thefe unto tlie Lord, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the Lord. 23 Either a bullock, or a |( lamb, :!or,/f.n( that hath any thing '' fuperfluous or v <:' -ip- lacking in his parts, that may eft ilum offer for a free-M'ill-offering ; but for a vow it fliall not be accepted. 24 Ye fliall not offer unto the Lord that which isbruifed, or crufli- ed, or broken, or cut ; neither Ihall you make any offering thereof in your land. 25 Neither, from a ftrangers hand, fliall ye offer the bread of your God of any of thefe ; becaufe their cor- ruption /; in them, and blemiflies he in them : they fliall not be accepted for you. 26 f And the Lord fpake imto Mofes, faying, 27 "^ When a bullock, or a flieep, ^^''f*^ or a goat is brought forth, then it ;3- ^v' & fliall be feven days under the dam j neuter. and. from the eighth day, and thence- "•' "* forth, it fliall be accepted for an oiier- ing made by fire unto the Lord. 28 And whether it be cow or j| ew, j^,^*^'^,, ye fliall not kill it, " and her young, v ceua. both in one day. ^•' *' 29 And when ye will offer a facrl- fice of tliankfgiviiig unto the Lord, offer it at your own will. 30 On the fame day it fliall be eaten up, ye fliall leave ^ none of it l.'^J^® until the morrow: I atn the Lord. ' 31 Therefore fliall ye keep my commandmentSj and do them : I am the Lord. 32 Neither fliall ye profane my holy name, but ' I will be hallowed l^^i^ among the chiklren of Ifrael ; I am the Lord N\hich hallow you, 33 That brought you out of the land of l-.gypt, to be your God : I atn the Lord. CHAP. XXIII. I Of fundry feajh. 26 The day of atonement. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofesj faying, 2 Speak unto the childi-en of Ifrael, and fay unto tiiem, Coticerning the feafts of the LoR.n, which ye fliall proclaim to be holy convocations, e-jm tliefe Gf^ niy feafts,, 3 'Six effmiry feaffs. CHAP. Before 3 " Six days fhall work be done ; u9o' but the feventh day is the fabbath 73^ of reft, an holy convocation, ye fiiall do no work therein: it is the fabbath of the LO110 in all your , dwellings. • 4 \ Thefe are the feafls of the Lord, even holy tonvocatlons, which ye Ihall proclaim in thejr feafons. 5 i' In the fourteenth day of the firfl month, at even, is the Lo rds paflbver. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the _ fame month, is the feaft of unlea- ' vened bread unto the Lord : feven days ye muft eat imleavened bread. 7 In the firll day ye fhall have an lioly convocation : ye fliall do no iervile work therein. 8 But ye Ihall oifer an offering made by lire unto the Lord £esQ\\ <]ays : in the feventh day is an holy convocation, ye fliall do 110 fervile •V'ork therein. 9 ^ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, andfay unto them,'' When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and fliall reap the harveft thereof, then ye fliall bring a || f flieaf of the firft-fruits of your harveft unto the priefi: ; 11 And he fliall wave the flieaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you : on the morrow after the fab- bath, the prieft Ihall wave it. 1 2 And ye fliall offer that day, when ye wave the flieaf, an he-lamb with- out blemiHi, of the firlt year, for a burnt-offering unto the Lord. 13 And the meat-offering thereof jliall be two tenth-deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the Lord for a fweet fa- vour ; and the drink-offering thereof fmll be of wine, the fourth part of an hin. 1 4 And ye fliall eat neither bread, Jior parched corn, nor green ears, imtil the felf-fame day that ye have brought an offering unto your God : it fliall be a flatute for ever through- out your generations, in all your dwellings. 1 5 ^ And ^ ye fliall count unto you from the morrow after the fubbath, from the day that ye brought the iheaf of the wave-offering; feven fabbaths fliall be complete : 16 Even unto the morrow after the feventh fabbath fliall ye num- ber fjfry days, and ye fliall offer a new aieat-Qlierijng imto tlie Loiu),. XXm. The Say of aionentent, 17 Ye (hall bring out of your ha- Bef,« bitations two wave-loaves, of two %f tenth-deals : they fhall be of fine ^ — ^^ flour, they fliall be baken with lea- ven, they oi-e " the firft-fruits unto the « e^oh- Lord. &^;,'%'" 18 And ye fliall offer, with the f^ii,•he^^• bread, feven lambs without blemifh, JJ; J^; * of the firft year, and one young bul- D*'otcr. lock and two rams : they iliall be fcr **' " a burnt-offering unto the Lord 3 witli their meat-offering, and their drink- offerings, even an offering made by lire of fvv^eet favour unto the Lord. 19 Then ye fliall facrifice *' one kid f ciui^ of tlie goats for a fm-otrering, and *' '* two lambs of the firft year, for a fa- criflce of ^ peace-offerings. g ciuj, 20 And the prieft fliall wave them ^' '* with the bread of the firft-fruits, for a wave-offering before the Lord, with tlie two lambs : '^ they fliall be i. Kamb. holy to the Lord for the prieft. ieut• feven days unto the Lord. 35 On the firft day fliall be an holy convocation : ye fhall do no fervile work t/ie?-em. 36 Seven days ye (hall offer an of- fering made by fire unto the Lord ; 'on the eighth day fhall be an holy convocation unto you, and ye fhall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord: it/;a ffolemjiaflembly, and ye fhall do no fervile work therein. 37 Thefertj-^thefeaftsof theLoRD, which ye fhall proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord, a burnt-offer- ing, and a meat-oftering, a facrifice, and drink-oflerings, every thing upon his day : 38 Befide the fabbaths of the Lord, and b elide your gifts, and befide all your vows, and befide all your free- will-offerings, which ye give unto the Lord. 39 Alfo, in the fifteenth day of the feventh month, when ye have ga- thered in the fruit of the land, ye ihall keep a feaft unto the Lord fe- ven days : on the firft day jhall be a fabbath, and on the eighth day jhall be a fabbath. 40 And ' ye fliall take you, on the firft day, the f boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm-trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook ; and ye fhall rejoice before the Lord your God feven days. 41 And ye fliall keep it a feaft unto the Lord feven days in the year : it jhall be a ftatute for ever in your ge- nerations, ye flmll celebrate it in the feventh month. 42 Ye flvdll dwell in booths feven days : all that are Ifraelites born Ihall dwell in booths ; Bcuti'i r John retlraint ssChr. 7.9. tKch, fruit. I C U S. The Jliew-bread. 43 That your generations may know Brfor* that I made the children of Ifrael to ?4"of dwell in booths, when I brought them ' — ^^ out of the land of Egypt : I am the Lord your God. 44 And Mofes declared unto the chil- dren of Ifrael the feafts of the Lord . CHAP. XXIV. 1 0 Slielomitks J'on blafphetneth. 1 3 The law of blafphemy: 17 of murder: 18 of damage. 23 T/ie'blafphemer is floned. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, V 2 "^ Command the children of Ifrael, »ex«j. that they bring unto thee pure oil- ""' '^' olive beaten, for the light, f to caufe J"^^,,"' the lamps to burn continually. a/cVi-t. 3 Without the vail of the teftimony, in the tabernacle of the congregation, fhall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning, before the Lord continually : it Jhall be a ftatute for ever in your generations. 4 He fhall order the lamps upon «'thepiu-e candleftickbeforetheLoRD b rxm. continually. 5»- «• 5 II And thou flialt take fine flour, and bake twelve " cakes thereof : two c •e-<^. tenth-deals fhall be in one cake. "•*■ ^" 6 And thou Ihalt fet them in two rows, fix on a row, upon the pure ta- ble before the Lord. 7 And thou fhalt put pure frank- incenfe upon each row, that it may be on the bread for a memorial, even an offering made by fire unto the Lord. 8 Every fabbath he fhall fet it in order before the Lord continually, being taken from the children of Ifrael by an everlaiVmg covenant. 9 And "^ it fliall be Aarons and his a Exni. fons, and they fhall eat it in the holy v'h4-' place : for it /; moft holy unto him, f'slln. of the offerings of the Lord made ^J^^^',;, by fire, by a perpetual ftatute. U' 4-" 10 ^1 And the fbn of an IlVaelitifh woman, whofe father was an Egyp- tian, went out among the cliildren of Ifrael ; and tliis fon of the Ifruelitiih woman and a man of Ifrael, Itrove together in the camp : 1 1 And the Ifraelitilli womans fon blafphemed the name of the LORD, and curfed : and they brought him unto Mofes; (and liis mothers name was Shelomith, the daughter of Di- bri, of the tribe of Dan ; ) i:» And they 'put him in ward, eNmaw. ■\- that the mind of the Lord might ^^^x^' be fliewed them. fi-ypo,mri 1 3 1; And the L O R D fpake unto according MofcS; faying 14 Bring "'*""^°' The lm.v of hlafphemy* C H A i 4 Bring forth him that hath ciirfed, without the camp, and let all that heard hhn *" lay tlieir hands upon his head, and let all the congrega- tion {tone liim. 1 5 And thou flialt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, Wholbever curfeth liis God Ihall bear his lin. 1 6 And 2 he that blafphemeth the Name of the Lord, he lliall furely be put to death, and all the congre- gation Ihall certainly itcne him. ; as \\e!l the ftranger, as lie that is born ia the land, when he lilafphemeth the Name of the LOR]), liiall be put to death. 17^'' And lie that f killeth any man fliall furely be put to death. 1 8 And he that killeth a beaft lliall make it good ; f beaft for beaft. , ... 19 And if a i!ian caufe a blemifh T„:Xt°^ '^^ his neighbour ; as ' he hath done, fo fhail it be done unto him. 20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth ; as he liath caufed a blemllli in a man, fo fliall it be done to him again. 2 1 1^ And he that killeth a beaft, he fiiall reftore it : and he that killeth a man, he Ihall be put to death. 22 Ye fliall have ' one manner of law, as well for the Itranger, as for one of your own country ; foi' I am the Lord your God. 23 % And Mofeb fpake unto the children of Ifrael, tliat tliey jliould bring forth him tluit hud curfed out of the camp, and fione him with Hones : and the children of Ifrael did as the Lord commanded Mofes. CHAP. XXV. ^Thejiibile. 1 ^ Of opjbrejjioii, 25 ofid compaj/loji, Sec. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, in mount Sinai, faying, 2 Speak unto the cliildren of Ifrael, and fay unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then fliall the land f keep » a fabbath untp the Lord. 3 Six years thou flialt few thy field, and fix years thou flialt prime thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof : 4 But in the feventh year fliall be a fabbath of reft unto the land, a flibbath for the Lord ; thou flialt neither fow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. 5 ^ That which growech of its own accord of thy harveft, thou fnak not 'hf%:/. ^f ^P' neither gather the grapes f of 'Mi.r, thy vine undrefied : for it is a year 9f relt imto the land. b Esod. '21- 12. Kiimb. 35- ?»• Dejrer. t Hcb. fmitctk t Heb. ii'f rar lift. i Er,od. 11. 54. Deurer. J9. .1. >latth. 5.33. ic Z%ai, 2£. ii. J Exo.i. ii. 49. tHeb. rfjK a Exod ? Chap. • 34- > 1 Kings 19. js». P. XXV. The yeai- ofjuh/k, 6 And the fabbath of the land Ihall Before be meat for you ; for tliee, and for thy "i^',^. fervant, and for tliyniaid, and for chy ' — y — ' hired fervant, and for thy ftranger that fojoarneth with thee, , 7 And for thy cattle, and for the beaft that are in thy land, fliall all the increafe thereof be meat. 8 ■; And thou fliak number fevcn fibbaths of years unto thee, feven times feven years, aad the fpace of the feven fabbaths of years fhall be unto thee forty and nine years. 9 Then flialt thou caufe the trum- pet j- of the jubile to found, on the t »«*. tenth day of the feventh month : * iniow"' the day of atonement fliall ye make <^ chapter the trumpet found thi-oughout all '^' ""** ''' your land. 10 And ye ftiall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty through- out a/l the land, unto all the inha- bitants thereof : it fliall be a jubile unto you, and ye fliall return every man unto his poflefiion, and ye fliall return every man unto his family. 1 1 A jubile fliall that fiftieth year be unto you : ye fliall not fow, nei- therreap that which groweth of it- felf in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undrefied. 12 For it ii the jubile, it fliall be holy unto you ; ye fliall eat the in- creafe thereof out of the field. 1 1 In the year of this jubile ye fliall return every man unto his pof- fellion. 14 And if thou fell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyeft ought of thy neighbours hand, ye fiiali not o})prefs one another. 15 Accordi;ig to the number of years after the jubile thou flialt buy of thy neighbour, and according un- to the number of years of the iruits he fliall fell unto thee. 1 6 According to the multitude of years thou I'hait increafe the price thereof, and according to the icw- nefs of years thou flialt diminifli the price of it : for according to the num- ber of the years of the fruits doth he fell unto thee. 1 7 Ye fnall not therefore opprefs one another ; but thou fhalt fear thy God : for I am the Lord your God. J 8 ^ Wherefore ye fliall do iny fta- tutes, and keep my judgments, and do them ; and ye Ihall dwell in the land in fafety. 19 And the land fliall yield her fruit, and <• ye fliall eat your fill, and ^^^"^ tlweli liierejai in fafety, * ' ^' I 20 An^ ^he redempL'on of Inn'd. t E V I T i C IT S. Of cotnpajjton id the poof. tut vjf. t H.+- /"- tutting oi! e Plalm ti^- or increafe : but ^ fear thy God ; that DeuteV. thy brother may live w ith thee. piovf' 37 Thou flialt not give him thy^^;^^'/^ money upon ufury, nor lend him ^'*- »• t thy victuals for increafe. i'vl\u 38 I (V7i the Lord your God, s- »• which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God. 39 11 And ' if thy brother that\***i''' dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, Ke'uur. and be fold unto thee ; thou flialt jc-i-cm' ' notf compel him to ferve as a bond- '*• '^" ,- ' -^ t Heb. lervant : ./Vrwrty. 40 But as an hired fervant, aj7d az^hmJ^% a fojourner, he fliall be with thee, ^^^f"'"''** and fhall ferve thee unto the year of 1 jubile. 41 And then fliall he depart front ' i thee, both he and his children witb' him, and fhall return unto his own family, and unto the polTeffion of his fathers fliall he return. 42 Forthey <3re myfervants, which I brought forth out of the land of Egypt : they fhall not be fold f as ^?ff /j, bond-men. {"f^man, 43 "* Thou flialt not rule over him mEph."" with rigour, but flialt fear thy God. *-^,9-^_ 44' Both thy bond-men, and thy 4- 1- ' ' bond-maids, which thou fhalt have, jhall be of the lieathen that are round about you ; of them fliall ye buy bond-men, and bond-maids. 45 Moreover, of the childi-en of the ftrangers that do fojourn among you, of them fliall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land ; and they fliall be your polTefEon. 46 And ye fhall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a poffeflion, f they fliall be your bond-men ^^^jj^ti'AX ever : but over your brethren, the rf^'f^'^'^ children of Ifrael, ye fliall not rule '^' ' *""* one over another with rigour. 47 *lf And if a fojourner or ftranger f M-ax rich by thee, and thy brother lf„f-„^p, that dwelleth by him w'ax poor, and tSn, &« fell himfelf unto the ftrajiger or fo- journer The xxvr. A curfe threatened. 6 And I will give peace in the land, Btfor« and ^ ye flvall lie down, and none fliall ';;';'.'? make )'o« afraid : and I will -j- rid evil ' bealls out of the land, neither fliall the fword go through your land. 7 And ye fliall chafe your enemies, %''^Y\ and they fliall fall before you by the t ::4.' Avord. ' '■'%'*' redemption offervmtu CHAP journer by thee, or to the ftock of the Itrangers family : ~ After that he is fold, he may be redeemed again ; one of his brethren may redeem him : 49 Either his uncle, or his uncles fon may redeem him, or ajiy that is nigh of kin unto him, of his family, may redeem him.; or, if he be able, 8 And '' five of j'ou fliall chafe an hncur he may redeem himfelf. htindred, and an huiulred of you fliail >f: ?« 50 And he fliall reckon with him put ten thoufand to flight : and your '^' ''"' that bought him, from the year that enemies ihall fall before you by the he was fold to him, unto the year of fword- jubile : and the price of his fale fliall 9 For I will have refpeftunto you, be according unto the number of and make you fruitful, and multiply years ; according to the time of an you, and eitablifli my covenant witli you. 10 And ye fliall eat old (tore, and bring forth the old becaufe of the, I Or. [y thfft jticiint. I Exnd. to. 4. 3cut-. 5. P '7- 7- I Or, nlUr, \ Hcb. a /one <.f 'iclurc- Chap. • ^3- Chap. hired fervant fliall it be with him. 5 r If t/ief-e be yet many years te- Aind, according unto them he fliall give again the price of his redemp- tion, out of the money that he was bought for. 52 And if there remain but few years unto the year of jubile, theii he fliall count with him, mid according unto his years fliall he give him again the price of his redemption. 53 A^id as a yearly hired fervant fliall he be with him : and i/ie other fliall not rule with rigour over him in thy flght. 54 And if he be not redeemed |( in thefe year!, then he fhall go out in the year of jubile, bot/i he, and his children with him. 55 For unto me the children of Ifrael are fervauts ; they are my fer- vants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt : I oin the Lord your God. CHAP. XXVI. I Of idolatry, t, A blejfing proinifed. 1 4 A curfe threatened. YE fliall make you * no idols, nor graven image, neither rear you up a II ftanding image, neither fliall ye fet up any i| f image of flone in your land, to bow down unto it : for I am the Lord your God. 2 >> Yefliall keep my fabbaths, and re- verence my fanftuary : I (t;;2 the L o rd . 3 ly " If ye walk in my ftatutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; 4 Then I will give you rain in due feafon, and the land fliail yield her hicreafe, and the trees of the field fliall yield their fniit. 5 And ^ your threlhing fliall reach unto the vintage, and the vintagefliall reacli unto the fowing-time : and ^ ye 1 1 ' And I will fet my tabernacle i ezA, amongft you : and my foul fliall not ''^' ^'" abhor you. 1 2 •= And I will walk among you, k 5 cor, and will be your God, and ye Ihali '"^^' be my people. 1 3 I am the Lord your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye ihould not be their bond-men, and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright. 14^' But if ye will not hearken \^'^'^' unto me, and will not do all thefe Lament, commandments ; ~^\S.\. j» 1 5 And if ye fliall defpife my fta- tutes, or if your foul abhor my judg- ments, fo that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant ; 16 I alfo will do this unto you, I will even appoint f over you terror, t Krfi. a>s confumption, and the burning-ague, ""''"'" that fliall confume the eyes, and caufe forrow of heart : and ™ ye fliall fow m ceuf. your feed in vain, for your enemies job fi. ?* fliall eat it. tV.\i: 1 7 And " I will fet my face againft n chsp. you, and ye fliall be flain before your ''"' "' enemies : they that hate you Ihall reign over you ; and ° ye fliall flee "jf^i^ when none purfueth you. p^°^'- 1 8 And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will puiiifli you P feven times more for your ilns, p Y^'""' 19 And I will break the pride of '^'[''^j^^^ your power ; and I will make your Pr"" heaven as iron, and your earth as" brafs. 20 And your ftrength fliall be fpent in vain : for your land fliall not yield 34. x4» fliall eat your bread to the full, and her increafe, neither fliall the trees of dwell in;your land fafely, the land yield their fruits. I 2 21 ^ And Plagues threatened. L E V I T jscfore 2 1 f And if ye walk 1| contrary 149V." unto me, and will not liearken unto ' me.; I will bring feven times more plagues upon you, according to your lins. tlo>- 11 Micah liug.''i. i vcr."4. 2 2 "J I will alfo fend wild beads «iD.-nt. among you, which fliall rob you of izkjtl your children, and deftroy yoiu" cat- ■*■ '"■ tie, andmake youfewin niunber,and 5."'"?^^' '' your high-\\'a.y^ Ihali be defolate. = ci^oa. 25 And if ye will not be reformed iWii. 8. by me by tliefe things, but will walk i^m. 1.4. contrary urtto me ; s ; -^im. 24 ^ Then v/ ill I alfo walk contrary iu\m' unto you, and will puniili you yet ■" ' '^' ii\-en timer, for your fns. 25 And I \\'ill bring a f^^'ord upon you, that ihall avenge the quarrel of 77zy covenant : and when ye are ga- thered together within your cities, I •will fend the peftilence among you ; and ye fliall be delivered into the hand of tlie enemy, tira.^. I. 26 ^ ^?.' J when I have broken the 4. j6f& ftaff of your bread, ten women Ihall \';!\\T bake yoxw bread in one oven, and they fliall deliA'er youyowr bread again by weight : and " ye fliall eat and not be fatisfied. 27 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto uic, but \Aalk contrary unto me ; 28 Then I will walk contrary unto you alfo in fury : and I, even I, will challife you feven times for your fins. ?.9 " And ye Oiall eat the fiefli of your fons, and the flefli of your daughters fhall ye ent. 30 And I will deUroy your high places, and ^ cut down yo\w images, itvx!'-.i. 9. -and cafl: your carcafes upon the car- «rA''3- ^'^^^^ of your idols, and my foul fhall abhor you. 31 And I will make your cities wafle, and ' bring your fanclunries unto defolation, and J will not fmell iVX'p- 6. ^'-^ favour of your fweet odours. 6c 21. 7. ^2 And I will bring the land into defolation ; and your ci;emies, which dwell therein, fhall be ailonii'hedat it. ?""%!' 33 And ^ I will fcatter you among «'-. 04- the heatlien, and will draw out a fvv'ord after you ; and your land (hall be defolate, and j'our cities ^^'afte. -4' ^^' 3'-^ ^ Then fhall the land enjoy her ^ ■ "'■ fabbaths, as long as it lieth defolate, and ye ba in your enemies huidj even then fliall the land relt, and enjoy her fabbaths. 35 As long as it lieth defolate it fliall reft ; becaufe it did not reil: in c CHap. your "^ fabbatlis, \vher;i ye dwelt up- »i- »• Oil it. y ; Clir. I mil 74- 7- I C U S. Godi promrfes to the penitent. 36 And upon tiiem that are left a- Before live of you, I will fend a faintnefs into 1 "v'l . their hearts in the lands of their ene- ^—-^—^ mies ; and '• the found of a f Ihaken ^jy^''/ leaf ihall chafe them ; and they fhall t hcu. flee, as fleeing from a fword : and ''"""• they fhall fail when none purfueth. 37 And " tliey fiiall fall one upon « iriii^Ji* another, as it were before a fword, when none purfueth : and ye fliall have no power to Hand before your enemies. 38 And ye fhall perilh among the heathen, and the land of your ene- mies fliall eat you up. 39 And they that are left of you f fliall pine away in their iniquity, in ^.°t,!'i your enemies land; and alfo in thes-^-'-^ iniquities of their fathers fliall they jVAm.'' '" pine away with them. ?y.'J!',%. 40 ^ If they fliall confefs their ^.■"/■'.'i^. iniquity, and the iniquity of their ^- v- ^^ fathers, v. ith their tr'efpafs, whicli 24- ^i- & they trefpafled againft me, ami that %'. '^i^ alfo they have walked contrary unto ff^l, me ; il% 4r And that I alfo have walked con- ^ ^im*. trary unto tliem, and have brought {'-lin^^^ them into the land of their enemies; ^' 33. if then their '' uncircumcifed hearts uscc jcr. be humbled, and they then accept of ^; ^°; ;^^ the puniihmcnt of their iniquity : Roma'as . 42 Then will I remember my co- coioii-. venant with Jacob, and alfo my co- ^' *'' venant with Ilaac, and alfo my co- venant with Abraham will I remem- ber : and I will remember the land. 43 The land aUb ihall be left of them, and fhall enjoy her fabbaths, while flie lieth defolate witliout tliem : and they (liali accept of the punilliment of their iniquity ; be- caufe, even becaufe they defpifed my judgments, and becaufe their foul ab- horred my ihitutes. 44 And' yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, •■ I will not call them away, neither '•^'Oc^*- will I abhor them, to deltroy them r r^'ars utterly, and to break my covenant "• ^ ' with them : for I am the Lord their God. 45 But I will for their fakes re- member the covenant of their an- certors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt, in the light of the heathen, tliat I might be their God : 1 run the Lord. 46Thefe are the llatutes, and judg- ments, and laws, ^ which the Lord \^^^'^' made between him and the children of Ifrael in mount Sinai, by the hand of Moles, CHAP. A' ef dedicated tfjiigs, CHAP. Bcw. CHAP. xxvn. j^'i. I Cuficer»ing vow^. 28 Ao devoted —v — ' thing may be redeemed. 3a T/ie tithe viay not be changed. Nd the Lord Ipake unto Mofes, 2 Speak unto the children of If- r;iel, and fay unto them, When a man fliall make a fingnlar vow, the perfons {hail be for the Loud, by thy elUmation- 3 And thy eftimatioii floall be, of the male froin twenty years old, even unto fixty years old, even thy eiti- mation fiiall be fifty iliekels of filver, after the fliekel of the fanctuary. /J Ajid if it be a female, then thy ■cftimation fhail be thirty lliekels. 5 And if it be from ftve years old, even imto twenty years old ; then thy eflimation fnall be of the male twenty ihekels, and for the female ten fiiekels. 6 Aiid if it be from a month old, even unto live years old ; then lliy ettimatlon iliall be of the male five fiiekels of filver, and for the female ihyeftimation/W/ be three ihekels of filver. 7 And if it be from fixty years old and above ; if // be a male, then thy eftimationfhall be fifteen fiiekels, and for the female ten fliekels. 8 But if he be poorer than thy efli- mation ; then he fliall prefent himfelf before the prieft, and the prieft fliall value him : according to his ability that vowed fhall the priefl: value him. 9 And if it be a beaft whereof nien bring an offering unto the Lord : all that any mim giveth of fuch unto the Loud fiiall be holy. 10 He fliall not alter it, nor change 5t, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good : and if he fhall at all change beaft for beail ; then it, and the ex- change tliereof, fliall be holy. 1 1 And if it be any unclean beafl, of which they do not offer a facrifice imto the Lord ; then he fliall pre- fent the beaft before the prieft : 12 And the prieft fliall value it, » Heb. whether it be good or bad ; f as thou tTihy%. valueft it ivho art the prieft, fo fliall mati-n, 0 jj- Kp ■fruji, &c. 'L oe. 1 3 But if he will at all redeem it, then he fliall add a fifth part thereof unto thy eftimation. 14 ij And when a man fliall fanctify his houfe to be holy unto the Lord ; then die prieti fiiall eftimateit, whe- . Iher it be good or bad : as the prieft (IjaU eftiiuate it; fo fhall it itaad. Or, tliff ;i.l o)' <;« xiitr, cK* XXVir. ti'jd their ejlitnation. 15 And if he that fanftified it will redeem his houfe ; the?i he fliall add the fifth part of the money of thy eflimation unto it, and itfliuil be his. 16 And if a man fhall faiictjfy un- to the l.OKO fi>!}zepari of a field of his pofieflion ; then thy eftimation iliuli be accorcriDgro the feed thereof: ij an homer of barley-feed Jhall be I'alucd at fifty ihekels of filver. 1 7 if he fanctify his field from the year of jubile, according to thy efti- mation it ihall ftand. 18 But if he fanclify his field after the jubile ; then the pxieft fliall reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain, even unto the year of the jubile, and it Ihali be abated from thy eftima'cion. 19 And if he that fanclified the fieltf will in any ^^ ife redeem it ; then he fliall add the fifth part of the m.oney of thy eiriniation unto it, and it fliall be aflured to him,. 20 And if he will not redeem the field, or if he have fold the field to another man, it fhall not bci redeem- ed any more. 21 But the field, when it goeth out in the jubile, fliall be holy unto the Lord, as a field devoted : the pofTefiion thereof fliall be the priefts. 22 And if a man fanclify unto the Lord a field Vvhich he hath bought, which is not of the fields of his pof- fellion : 2 3 Then the prieft fhall reckon un- to him the worth of thy eftimation, eve>i unto the year of the jubile : and he fliall give thine eftimation in that day, as a holy thing mito the Lord. 24 In the year of the jubile, the field fliall return unto him of whom it was bought, even to him to whom the pofleiHon of the land did belong. 25 And all thy eftim.ations fliall be according to the (hekel cf the fanc- tuary : ^ twenty gerahs fhall be the aExoij, Ihekel. ^=;„'g: 26 1[ Only the f i* firftling of the j.-^^^^.-^j beafts, which fliould be the Lords 45- 12- firftling, no man Ihall fanftity it ; l^,'J';^',f- whether it be ox or fheep, it is the b Exod- Lords. '^-'^^'^ 2 7 And if it be of an unclean beaft, then he fliall redeem it according to thine eftimation, and fliall add a fifth part of it thereto : or if it be not redeemed, then it fhall be fold ac- cording to thy eftimation. 28 *•' Notwirhftanding, no devoted « Ti'*"* thing that a man fhall devote unto the Lord, of ail that he haUij botk I 3 ^ rju i. Numb' 21.2,3. e Gen. Numb. 3 Chron. 31- S. (1, 12. Wal. 3. 8, 10. people numbered, N U M of man and beaft, and of the field of his pofr^flion, luall be fold or redeem- ed : every devoted thing is mofl holy unto the Lord. 29 "^ None devoted, which fhall be devoted of men, fhall be redeemed \ but iliall furely be put to death. 30 And ^ all the tithe of the land, whether of the feed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, ii the Lords : it is holy unto the Lord. 31 And if a manM'ill at all redeem ought of his tithes, he Ihall add there- to the fifth part thereof. B E R S. The number of every tribe, 32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the Hock, even of what- foever ^ paffeth under the rod, the tenth fiiall be holy unto the Lord. 33 He fiiall not fearch whether it ^i-ii be good or bad, neither fliall he change it : and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof fhall be holy j it fhall not be re- deemed. 34 ^ Thefe are the commandments f^*^'"?' which the Lord commanded Mofes, ' "'** for the children of Ifrael, in mount Sinai. f The Fourth Book of M o s e s, called NUMBERS. 4 'Exod. CHAP. L 17 The men of -war ttmnbered. 47 The Levites exempted. K D the Lord fpake unto Mofes in the wildernefs of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the fijlt day of the fecond month, in the fecoiid year, after they were come out of the land of Egypt, faying, 2 ^ Take ye the fum of all the congregation of the children of If- rael, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by tlieir poll; 3 From twenty years old and up- ward, all that are able to go forth to war in Ifrael : thou and Aaron fhall number them by their armies. 4 And with you there fliall be a man of every tribe ; every one head of the houfe of his fathers. 5 Tl And thefe are the names of the men that fliall Hand with you : Of the tribe of Reuben j Elizur the foil of Shedeur. 6 Of Simeon; Shelumiel the fon of Zurifhaddai. 7 Of Judah; Nahfhon the fon of Amminadab. 8 Of Ilfachar ; Nethaneel the fon of Zuar. ' 9 Of Zebulun; Eliab the fon of Kelon. 10 Of the children of Jofeph : of Ephraim, Elifliama the fon of Am- mihud; of Manaiieh, Gamaliel the fon of Pedahzur. 11 Of Benjamin; Abidan the fon of Gideoni. 12 Of Dan; Ahiezer the fon of Ammifliaddai. 13 Of Allier; Pagiei t.he fon of Ocran. 14 Of Gad; Eliafaph the fon of ^cw ''Deuel. _ 349'^- 1 5 Of Naphtali ; Ahira the fon of bTh^JT^ Enan. ult\wi 16 "^ Thefe luere the renowned of ^""'^ the congregation, princes of the tribes 2/. 16."^ of their fathers, heads of thoufands in Ifrael. 1 7 *[[ And Mofes and Aaron took thefe men, which are exprefled by their names, 18 And theyafTembled all the con- gregation togetlior, on the firfl day of the fecond month ; and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, accord- ing to the number cf the names, from tv\'enty years old and upward, by tlieir poll. 19 As the Lord commanded Mo- fes, fo he numbered them in the wildernefs of Sinai. 20 And the children of Reuben, If- raelseldefl: fbn, by their generations, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the number of thenames, by their poll, everymale from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ; 21 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Reuben, were forty and fix thoufaiid .and five hundred. 22 t Of the children of Sim.eon, by their generations, after their fa- milies, by the houfe of their fathers, thofe that were numbered cf them, according to the nymber of the names, by their polls, every male from twenty years old and upM'ard, all that were able to go forth to war ; 2 3 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Simeon, were fifty and nine thoufand and tlire© hundred. 34 1 Of T^ietmn of G H A P. T. war mimhered, 24 ^ Of the children of Gad, by cording to the number of the names, their generations, aftertheirfamilies, by the houfe of their fathers, accord- ing to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that ^ve^e able to go forth to war; 25 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Gad, were forty and five thoufand fix hundred and fifty. 26 *! Of the children of Judah, by their generations, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, accord- ing to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ; 27 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Judah, ■were threefcore and fourteen thou- fand and \\-K hundred. 28 f Of the children of Iflachar, by their generations, after their fami- lies, by the houfe of their fathers, ac- cording to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ; 29 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Iflachar, were fifty and four thoufand and four hundred. 30 11 Of the children of Zebulun, by their generations, after their fami- lies, by the houfe of their fathers, ac- cording to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ; 31 Thofe that were numbered of jhem, even of the tribe of Zebulun, 7vere fifty and feven thoufand and four hundred. 32 11 Of the children of Jofeph, nmnely^ of the children of Ephraim, by their generations, after their fami- lies, by the houfe of their fathers, ac- cording to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ; 33 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Ephraim, ■were forty thoufand and five hundred. 34 H Of the children cf Manafleh, by their generations, after their fami- lies, by the houfe of their fathers, ac- cording to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, iill that were able to go forth to war j 35 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Manafleh, ■were thirty and tv»o thoufand and two hundred. 36 ^ Of the children of Benjamin, by their generations, after their fami- lies, by the l:oufe of their fathers, ac^ _ Befnre from twenty years old and upward^ ^49"' ■ all that were able to go forth to war ; ^ — y^ 37 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Benjamin, were thirty and five thoufand and four hundred. 38 11 Of the children of Dan, by their generations, aftertheirfamilies, by the houfe of their fathers, accord- ' ing to the number of the names, from t\\'enty years old and upward, all that \\ere able to go forth to war; 39 Thofe that v.ere numbered of them, even of the tribe of Dan, xvere threefcore and two thoufand and feven hundred. 40 \ Of the children of Aflier, by theirgenerations, after theirfamilies, .by the houfe of their fathers, accord- ing to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go fortli to war; 4 1 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Aflier, were forty and one thoufand and five himdred. 42 % Of the children of Naphtali, throughout their generations, after their fanfilies, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the num.ber of the names, from twenty years olcjl and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ;. 43 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Naphtali, v:ere fifty and three thoufand .an4 four hundred. 44 Thefe are thofe that were num- bered, which Mofes and Aaron num- bered, and the princes of Ifrael, beings twelve men : each one was for the houfe of his fathers. 45 So were all thofe that were i. bered of the children of Ifrael, ^, the houfe of their fathers, from twen- ty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war in Ifrael ; 46 Even all they that were num- bei-ed, were ^ fix hundred thoufand, \^^^ and three thoufand and five hundred seJExod, and fifty. chnrtVr 47 t But '^ the Levites, after the ''^■^^^• tribe of their fathers, v/ere uotnum- chapw bered among them. Xl^yi- * 48 For the Lord had fpoken unto J.":™'«, Mofes, faying, 49 *■ Only thou flialt not number \2^^^x the tribe of Levi, neither take the fiu^i " of them among the children of Ifrael; 50 But thou fl^alt appoint the Le- vites over the tabernacle of terti* mony, and over all the vefleb thereof, J 4 ?r4 The order of the Before aiicl ovcr all things that belong to it : ''1490. they llmll bear the tabernacle, and *~'V~^ all tne \'efleis thereof, and they fliall iniuiiler unto it, and Ihall encamp rountl about the tabernacle. 5 1 A)id, \yhen the tabernacle fet- teth forward, the Levites Ihall take it down ; and, when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites fhall let e. ciiap-^ it up : 2 and the ftranger that cometh |'t».' jj." nigh, fliall be put to death. 52 And the children of Ifrael fliall pitch their tents, every man by his ov\ai camp, and every man by his own flandard, tiiroughout their hofts. 53 But the Levites fhall pitcli round about the tabernacle of teftimony ; that there be no wrath upon the con- gregation of the children of Ifrael : and the Levites Oiall kt;ep the charge of the fabernacle of terdmony. 54 And the children of ifrael did according to all that the Loro com- manded Mofes, lo did they. C H A p n. The order of the tribes i^ their tents. ANd the Lord fpakc unto Mofes, and uuto Aaron, faying, 2 Evei"y man of the children of Ifrael iliall pitch by his own iiandard, with the enlign of then-fathers houfe : 1 ^^°"''"" + f'^if off about the tabernacle of the ■ • ' congregation Hiall they pitch. 3 T; And on the eait lide, toward the riling of the fun, ihall they of the llandard,of tlie camp of Judah pitch, throughout their armies : and Nah- Tnon, the Ton of Amminadab, //iiri// Z'tf captain of the children of Judah. 4 And his holt, and thofe that were numbered of them, were three- fcore and fourteen th'mfand and lix hundred 5 And thofe that do pitch next unto him (hall be the tribe of Ihachar : and Nethaneel, the fon of Xxwxw jlinll be captain of the children of lilachar. . 6 A nd ills lioft, and thofe that were numbered tl^reof, ivere fifty and four thoufand and four hundred. 7 Then the tribe of Zebulun : and Kiiab, the fon of Helon, yyw// te cap- tain of the children of Zebulun. 8 And his holl:, and thofe that were numbered thereof, were lifty and fe- ven thoufand and four hundred. 9 All that were numbered in the camp of judah, were an hundred thoufand, and fourfcore thoufand and fix thou- fand and four hundred, throughout their armies': thefe ihail firll: let forth. 10*1 On the fouth fide fiiall be the iiandard of the cuijip of ReubeUj ac-^ NUMBERS. irihes in their tents. cording to their armies : and the cap- Bef.«e tain of the children of Kewhtn Jlial I V"?! be Elizur the fon of Shedeur. *^ ^ * 11 And his holl, and thofe that were numbered thereof, were forty and fix thoufand and five hundred. 12 And thofe \\ hich pitch by him, Jlinll be the tribe of Simeon : and the captain of tlie cliildren of Simeon Jludl be Sheiumiel the fon of Zuri- fhaddai. 13 And his ho ft, and thofe that were numbered of tliem, were fifty and nine thoufand and three hundrecl. 14 Then the tribe of Gad : and the captain of the fons of Gad Jludl be Eliafaph the fon of \\ Reuel. ]!,o:^_ 15 And his holt, and thofe that ciiai'.'f. were numbered of them, %vere forty I*/, i-l'iz and five thoufand and fix himdred»and "" '^' fifty. 1 6 All that were numberecl in the camp of Reuben, .were an luindrcd tlioufand, and fifty and one thoufand and four hundred and fifty, tiirough- out their armies : and they fiiall let forth in the fccond rank. 17 11 Then the tabernacle of the congregation Ihall fet forward with the camp of the Levites, inthemidit of the camp : as they encamp, fo fliall they fet forward, every man iu his place, by their ftandards. 18 11 On the weft fide flwll be the ftandard of the camp of Ejihraira, ac- cording to their armies : and the c.Tp- tain of the fons of Epliraim Jlia/l be Elifhanra the fon of Ammihud. 19 And his holl, and thofe that w^cre numbered of them, were forty thoufand and hve hvmdred. 20 And by him fiall be the tribe of Manafleh : and the captain of the children of Manalfeh fiall be Gama- liel the fon of Pedahz.ur. 21 And his holt, and thofe that M-ere numbered of them, were thirty and two thoufand and two huiulreak 22 Then the tribe of Benjamin ; ami the captain of the fons of Fenjamiu Jhall be Abid;m the fon of Gideoui . 23 And his hoft, and thofe tluit were numbered of them, xvere thirty luid five thoufand and four hundred. 24 All that were numbered of the^ camp of Ephraim, %vere an hundred tlioufand, and eight thoufand and an hundred, tiiroughout their armies -, and they fhall go forward in the third rank. 25 H The ftandard of the camp of Dan faall be on tlie north fide, by their ar.uiiei : and the captain of tlie childrexi gS. 2/,. The Leviies fei'vke: C H A a»\A children ef Dan fliaU be Ahiezer the 'w^' fou of Ammiihadtlai. "*' ' 26 And his holt, and thofe that were numbered of them, it'f;r tbree- fcore and two tiioufancl and itsi^w hiUKh'ed. 27 And thofe that. encamp by him Jiiatl be the tribe of Afl)er : and the captain of the children of Alher fnall ke Pagiel the fon of Ocran. 2S And his hal\, and thofe that were numbered of theni, ware forty and one thoulaud and live hundred. 2) "\ 'iien tb( cnbe of Naphtali : and the captain of tlte children of Naph- tali piall be Ahira the fon of Znan. 3oAndhis!io!l:, and thofe that were numbered of tliem, xvere fifty and tiiree thoufand and four hundred. 31 All they that were numbered in the cauip of Dan, were an hundred thonfaiul, and fifty and feven thou- fand and fix hundred : they fliali go hindnioil: with their Ifandards. 32 H Thefe are thofe which were numbered of the children of Ifrael, by the houfe of their fathers : ^ all thofe that were numbered of the camps throughout their holts, were lix hmidred thoufand, and tiiree thou- fand and ti\'e hundred and fifty. 33 But " the Levites were not num- bered among the children of Ifrael j as the Lord commanded Mofes. 34 And the children of Ifrael did according to all that the Lord com- manded Mofes : fo they pitched by their llandards, and fo they fet for- W'ard, every one after their families, accordingto the houfe of their fathers. CHAP. III. 3 The Levites Jervicc. 40 Th? firft- born are freed. THefe alfo are the generations of Aai-on and JNIofes, in the day that the Lord f})ake with Mofes in mount Sinai. 2 And thefe are the names of the fons of Aaron ; Nadab the "hrft-born, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 3 Thefe are the names of the fons of Aaron, the priefts which were + «=•> . ^ anointed, -{- whom he confecrated to •aui-^ife hand • • n .1 - r, ^t- pt f.tud. mmiiter m the pnefts office. 4 ''And Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord, when they offered ftrange tire before the Lord, in the wildernefs of Sinai, and they had no children : and Eleazar and Ithamar miniftred in the priefts office, in the fight of Aaron their father. 5 *: And the Loud fpake uiito Mo- fes, faying a E:--o-1. C -J. 1490. b Lovit. C;hapter 36. 61. I Chron. P> llf. their families nittnberei. 6 Bring the tribe of Levi near, and Before prefent them before Aaron the prielt, "if^ that they may minifter unto him. ' — vr-^ 7 And they fliall keep his charge, ai]tl the charge of the whole congre- gation before the tabernacle of the congregation, to do 'the fervice cf ^f'''^^^^* the tabernacle. 8 And they lliall keep all the inftru- ments of the tabernacle of the con- gregation, and the charge of the chil- dren of Ifrael, to do the fervice of the tabernacle. 9 And •* thou flialt give the Levites n chaf. imto Aaron and to his fons : they are ^' ''" wholly given unto him out of the children of Ifrael. 10 And thou fhak appoint Aaron and his fons, and they Ihall wait on their priefts office ; ^ and the ftranger = vt. j*. that Cometh nigh lliall be put to death, k'^icllo.^' 1 1 t And the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, faying, jf2.AndI, behold I, fhave taken f9"p-». the Levites from among the children '*'^^^' *'* of Ifrael, in Itead of all the firft-born that openeth the matrice among the children of Ifrael ; therefore the Le- vites lliall be mine, 1 3 Becaufe ^ all the firft-born are f ^xsa-' mine j ^for, on the day that I fmote i.c'> I'ticu*' all the firft-born in the land of F-gypt, ch'apw 1 hallowed unto me all the firft-born Luke/.*'?.' in Ifrael, both man and bealt, mine h exo-jos they ihall be : I am the Lord. '^' "' '''' 14 1i And the Lord Ipake unto Mofes, in the wildei-nefs of Sinai, faying, 15 Number the children of Levi, after the houfe of their fathers, by their families : * every male, from a 'l^,^^f' moiith old and upward, flialt thou " number them. I () And Moles nmnbered them ac- cording to the f word of the Lor.d, t iiefc. as he was commanded. """"'' 17 '=And thefe were the fons of if^ccn. Levi, by their names ; Gerllion, and K>i.-.(ias Kohath, and Merari. ciiapter i 18 And thefe a?-e the names of the \''(:hIU. fons of Gerihon, by their families; t'-.^if^ Libni, and Shimei. 19 And the fons of Kohath, by their families; ^ Amram, and Izehar, He- IJ^-^f' bron, and Uzziel- 20 And the fons of Merari by their families ; Mahli, and Muflii : thefe are thefarailiesof the Levites, accord- ing to the houfe of their fathers. 2 1 Of Gerihon was the fanfily of the Libnites, and the family of the Shi mites : thele are the families of tjie Gevfaonites. Z2 Thofe M CUap o Exod. s6. 1. p Exodos a6,7, 14. H Exnd. :6. 36. r Kxod. 27. 9. » Exod- 27. 16. t Exod. 35. ,8. u I Chron T/ie enlarge df tJie Leviies. N U ?vl Sffwe 22 Thofe that were numbered of ^I'Jo? them, according to the number of -^ — ' all the males, from a month old and upward, even thofe that were imm- bered of them, ivere feven thoufand and five hundred. 23 The families of the Gerflionltes fliall pitch behind t^ie tabernacle, weftward. 24 And the chief of the houfe of the father of the Gerfhonites jhall be Eliafaph the fon of Lael. 25 And ™ the charge of the fons of Gerflwn, in the tabernacle of the con- gregation, fliall be ° the tabernacle, and "the tent, ^the covering thereof, and "^ the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, 26 And ""the hangings of the court, and ' the curtain for the door of the court, which is by the tabernacle, and by the altar roimd about, and ^ the cords of it for all the fervice thereof. 27 If ''And of Kohath -ivas the fa- mily of the Amramites, and the family of the Izeharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites : thefe are the families of the Kohathites. 28 In the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, ivere eight thoufand and fix hundred keep- ing the charge of the fanctuary. 29 The families of the fons of Ko- hath fhall pitch on the fide of the ta- bernacle fouthward. 30 And the chief of the houfe of the father of the families of the Ko- hathites Jiiall be Elizaphan the fon of Uzziel. 31 And '^ their charge fiall be ^ the ark, and '^ the table, and ^ the can- dleftick, and i' the altars, and the vef- feJs of the fan£hiary wherewith they minifter, and "^ the hanging, and all the fervice thereof. 32 And Eleazar, the fon of Aaron the prieft, Jhall be chief over the chief of the Levites, and have the overfight of them that keep the charge of the fancluary. 33 "f[ Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites, and the family of the Mufliites : thefe are the families of Merari. 34 And thofe that were numbered ©f them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were fix thoufand and two hundred. 35 And the chief of thp houfe of the father of the families of M^-ari was Zm-iel the foA of Abihaii ; tlieje 4, M- Exod. 1 10. Exod. I Exod. 3'- Exod. I. & 3c. 1. e Exod. 86. 31. B E R S. The firfl-bom are freeg, fliall pitch on the fide of the taber- nacle northward. 36 And f <• U7ider the cuftody and ^^ ^^^ charge of the fons of Isleraxi jhall be "fflc'ihth the boards of the tabernacle, and the a ciiap". bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, *■ 3'- . and the fockets thereof, and all the veifels thereof, and all that ferveth thereto, 37 And the pillars of the court round about, and their fockets, and their pins, and their cords. 38 1[ But thofe that encamp before the tabernacle toward the eafi, even before the tabernacle of the congre- gation eaft-ward JJidll be Mofes and Aaron, and his fons, keeping the charge of the fan£hiary, for the charge of the children of Ifrael } and ' the rtranger that cometh nigh fhall sVfr.i«< be puc to death. 39 f All that were numbered of the {^''=^J^''^?» Levites, which Mofes and Aaron num- bered at the commandment of the Lord, throughout their fimilies, all the males, from a month old and up- ward, were twentyand two thoufand. 40 ^ And the Loud faid unto Mo- fes, Number all the lirft-boni of the ' males of the children of Ifrael, from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names. 41 And thou flialt take the Levites for me, (I am the Lord,) inftead t>f all the firil-born among the children ^ of Ifrael ; and the cattle of the Le- vites, inftead of all tliefirftlings among the cattle of the children of Ifrael. 42 And Mofes numbered, as the Lord commanded him, all the firft- born among the children of Ifrael. 43 And all the firft-born males by the number of names, from a month old and upward, and thofe that were numbered of them, were twenty anci t^^'o thoufand two himdred and tliree- fcore and thirteen. 44 Ti And tlie Lord fpake unt» Mofes, faying, , . 45 Take the Levites, in ftead of all the lirft-born among the children of Ifrael, and the cattle of the Levites in ftead of their cattle, and the Le- vites fliall be mine : I am the Lord. 46 And for thofe that are to be re- deemed of the two hundred and three- fcore and thirteen, of the firft-born of the children of Ifrael,which are more than the Levites ; 47 Thou flialt even take five fhe- s^f^ keis apiece by the poll, after the fhe- Lcvui-us, ! kel of the fanftuary (halt thou take chapter. them I ^ the ihekel ii tvrqnty gorahs. ^^^k 48 Aini««i<'« Tlte Invites age and fervid. C H A Btfove 48 And thou (halt give the money, ^,!%f. wherewith the odd number of them * — *«^ — ' is to be redeemed, unto Aaron and to his Tons. 49 And Mofes took the redemption- money of them, that were over and above them that were redeemed by the Levites. 50 Of the firft-born of the chil- dren of Ifrael took he the money ; a thoufand three hundred and three- fcore and five Jhekels, after the flie- kel of the functuary. 51 And Mofes gave the money of them that were redeemed, imto Aa- ron and to his fons, according to the word of the Lord ; as the Lord commanded Mofes. CHAP. IV. 1 T/ie Levites Jervice, 1 7 a}id office, ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, 2 Take the funi of the fons of Ko- hath from amojig the fons of Levi, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers ; b Sec Chap. 2 ^ From thirty years old and up- ' '^' ward, even until fifty years old, all that enter into the lioit, to do the work in the tabernacle of the con- gregation. 4 This Jhall be the fervice of the fons ofKohath,in the tabernacle of thecon- gregation, about the moll holy things. 5 t And, when the camp fetteth forward, Aaron fliall come, and his fc -:;»\ fons, and they fliall take down ^ the '"'"*'' covering vail, and cover the ark of teflimony witli it ; 6 And fliall put thereon the cover- ing of badgers flcins, and Ihall fpread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and « Kxnj. fliall put in '^ the (laves thereof. d'f xod, : 7 -And, upon the '' table of fliew- 'i- 5^-' bread, they fliall fpread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the diflies, and the fpoons, and the bowls, and covers « Or, to ]| cover withal : and the continual ^itiiai. bread fliall be thereon. 8 And they fhall fpread upon them a clorh of fcarlet, and cover the fame \\\i\\ a covering of badgers fkins, and fhall put in tJie ftaves thereof. 9 And they fliall take a cloth of « Exoti. blue, and cover the ' candleftick of f Exodu: ^'^^ light, f and his lamps, and his 3j- 37. 38- tongs, and his fnuff-diflies, and all the oil-veflels thereof, vv'herewith they minifler mito it. I o And they fliall put it, and all the vefiels thereof, within a covering of badgers fkins. and fliall put it upon a bar.. p. IV. Tht office- of the Kohathiteu 1 1 And, upon the golden altar, they b. fnre fhall fpread a cloth of blue, and cover 1490. it with a covering of badgers jkins, *■ ^'""^ and fhall put to the li:a^ es thereof. 12 And they fhall take all the in- ftruments of miniftry, vvherewith they minlfter in the ianftuary, and put thetn in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of badgers fkins, and fliall put them on a bar. 1 3 And they fhall take away the allies from the altar, and fpread a purple cloth thereon : 1 4 And they fhall put upon it all the veffels thereof, wherewith they ■miniiler about it, even the cenfers, the flefh-hooks, and the fhovels, and the II bafons, all the veffels of the \\^^.' altar; and they fhall fpread upon it a covering of badgers fluns, and put to the ftaves of it. 1 5 And when Aaron and his fons have made an end of covering the fanftuary, and all the veflels of the fanftuary, as the camp is to let for- ward ; after that, the fons of Kohath fliall come to bear ;/.• "" but they fhall l'|.^"* not touch any holy thing, left they die. '■ Thefe thi)igs are the burden of \^'':i'^' the fons of Kohath, in the tabernacle of the congregation. 1 6 ^ And to the office of Eleazar, the fon of Aaron the prieft, pcrtain- eth ^ the oil for the light, and the ■^fweet incenfe, and ' the daily meat- k*EN offering, and the ™ anointing oil, a?id ^^^:^^*^ the overfight of all the tabernacle, igiTo. and of all that therein is, in the fane- ^,^^^''- tuary, and in the vefiels thereof. 17 •[[ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, 18 Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites. 19 But thus do unto them, that they may live and not die, when they approach unto the moft holy things ; Aaron and his fons fliall go in, and appoint them every one to his fervice, and to his burden. 20 ° But they fliall not go in to nStcETTsa; fee when the holy things are covered, I's^u'ici left they die. '^' "• 2 1 t And the Lord fpake mito Mofes, faying, 22 Take alfo the fum of the fons of Gerflion, throughout the houfes of their fathers, by their families : 23 From thirty years old and up- ward, until fifty years old, flialt thou number them ; all that enter in f to +^^rt^ ^^^ perform the fervice, to do the work in wurjart. the tabernacle of the congregation. 24 This ExojJ 25. 6. viarf.ri. a Exod. Levites feveral N IT-M 24 This n- the fervlce of the tami- lies of the Gerfliomtes, to ferve, aiid for II burdens. 25 And *thcy fliall bear the cur- tains of the tabernacle, and the ta- bernacle of t]\e congregation, his co- %'ering, and tlie covering of the badg- ers fliins that is above upon it, and the hanging for the door of the taber- nacle of the congregation, 26 And the hangings of the court, and the hanging for the door of the gate of the court which is by the taber- nacle, and by the altar round about, and' their cords, and all the inltra- inents of their fervice, and ail that is made for them : fo ihall they ferve. 27 At the fappointment of Aaron, and his fons, fliatl be all the fen-ice of the fons of the Gerfliouites, in all their burdens, and in all their fer- vice : and ye iliall appoint unto them in charge, all tiieir burdens. 28 This /.f the fervice of the fami- lies of the fons of Gerfhon, in the ta- bernacle of the congregation : and their cliarge pmll be under tlie hand of Ith^mar, thefon of Aaron the pr'ell. 29 5! As for the fons of Merari, thou fhalt number them after their fami- lies, by tlie houfe of their fathers ; 30 From thirty years old and up- ward, even unto fifty years old, fliult thou number them, every one that enterer'ii into the f fervice, to do the work of the tabernacle of the con- gregation. 31 And >' thi.s is the charge of their burden, according to all tlieir fervice ia the tabernacle of the coiigrega- tion ,• '^ tlie boards of the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars tliereof, and the fockets thereof, 32 Ajid the pillars of the court round about, and their fockets, and their plus, and their cords, witli all their inftriinwnti, and with all their fer- vice : and by name ye fliall reckon the iqlhiimeats of the charge of tlieir burden. 33 This is the fervice of the fami- lies of the fons of Merari, according to all their fervice in tlie tabernacle of the congregation, unde!" the hand of Ithamar, the fon of Aaron the pried. 34 II And Mofes, and Aaron, and the chief of tlie congregation, num- bered tlie fons of the Kohathites, af- ter their families, and after the houfe of their fathers; 35 From thirty years old and up- ward,even unto fifty years old, evei-y «ne dwt enceretli ujto tiie fervice> B E 11 S, charges and office^.' for the work m the tabernacle of the ^p^t congregation : ^4^0? 36 Au'A thofe that were numbered "^ — ^^~ of them by their fainlhes, were two thoufand feven hundred and fifty. 37 Thefe were they that were num- bered of the families of the Koha- thites, all that might do fervice in tlie tabernacle of the congregation, which Mofes and Aaron did number, accord- ing to the commandment of the Lord, by tlie hand of iMofes. 38 And thofe that were numbered of the fons of Gerflidn, throughout their families, and by the houfe of their fathers ; 39 From thirty years old and up- ward, even unto fifty j'ears old. every one that entereth ' into the fervice, for tile work in the tabernacle of the congregation : 40 fiven thofe that were numbered of tiiem, throughout their families, by the houfe s of their fathei>% were tw» thoufand and iix hundred ar.d ttiirty. 41 Thefe are they that were num- bered ot the families of the fons of Gerflion, of all that might do fer- vice in the tabernacle of the congre- gation, ^^llom Mofes and Aaron did number, according to the command- ment of the Lord. 42 H And thofe that -were num- bered of the families of the fons of Merari, througliout their faniilies, by the houfe of their fathers ; 43 From thirty years old and u]">- ward, even unto iif.;y years old. every one that entereth into the fervice, for tlie work in the tabernacle of the congregation : 44 Even thofe that were numbered of them, after their families, were three thoufand and two hundred. 45 Thefe be thofe that were num- bered of the families of the fons of Merari, whom Mofes and Aaron num- bered, according to the word of the Lord, by the hand of Mofes. 46 All thofe that were numbered of the Levites, whom Mofes and Aa- ron, and tlie chief of Ifrael, num- bered, after their families, and after die houfe of their fathers ; 47 From thirty years old and up- ward, even unto fifty years old, every one that came to do the fervice of the miuiftry, and the fervice of the burden, in ^he tabernacle of the con- gregation : 48 Even thofe that were nunibered of them, were eight thoufand and live huuUi'ed dSM\ fourfcore. 49 According A' RefliHdion in irefpnpi. C H A Before jj^ Accoriling to the commandment *i%f. of the Lord, they were numbered by -^-v—~' the hand of Mofes, every one accord- ing to hi'sfervice, and according to his burden : thus were they numbered of him, as the Lord commanded Mofes. CHAP. V. 5 ReJiitutio7z is enjoined. 1 1 The trial of jealoufy. Kd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Command the children of Ifrael, that they put out of the camp e\'ery * leper, and everyone that hath au ^ ili'iie, and whofoever is defiled by the "^ dead. 3 Both male and female fliall ye put out, without the camp fhall ye put them; that they defile not their camps in the midft whereof I dwell. 4 And the children of Ifrael did fo, and put them out without the camp : as the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, fo did the chiUiren of Ifrael. 5 % And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 6 Speak unco the children of Ifrael, ^ When a man or woman (hall com- mit any {\n., that men commit, to do a trefpafs againlt the Lokd, and that perfon be guilty; 7 ' Then they fliall confefs their fin which they ha\ e done : and he fhall recompence his trefpafs ^ with t'ne principal thereof, and add unto it the liftli part thereof, and give it iiiito him againft whom he hath tref- pulled. 8 But If the man have no kinfman to recompence the trefpafs unto, let the trefpafs be recompenced unto the Lord, even to the prieit ; belide ^the ram of the atonement, wliereby an atonement fliall be made for Iiim. 9 And every || ^ oifering of all the holy things of the children of Ifrael, which they bring unto the priell, fiiall be his. I o And every mans hallowed things fhall be his : whatfoever any man giveth the prieil, it fliall be ' his. I I ^ And the Lord fpai' *"''' 20 But if thou haft gone afide/otHeb. aiiother in ftead of thy hufband, and 'iZji^^ if' thou be defiled, and fome man hath lien with thee beiide thine hufband; 2 1 Then the prieft fhall charge the woman with an oath of curfing, and the prieft fliall fay unto the woman. The Lord make thee a curfe,. and an oath among thy people, when the Lord doth malce thy thigh to f rot, « R% and thy belly to fwell : 22 And this water, that caufeth the curfe, fhall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to fwell, and thy thigh to rot. And the woman fliall fay, Amen, amen. 23 And the prieft fhall write thefe curfes in a book, and he fhall blot tliem out with the water ; 24 And he fhall caufe the womaa to drink the bitter water that caufeth the curfe : and the water that caufeth the curfe ihall enter into her, aiid becrnne bitter. 2 5 l^hen the prieft fhall take the jea- loufy-ofi^ering outof thewomans hand, and fhall wave the offering before the Lord, and olfer it upon the altar. a6 Aad ll!>?iir Je.-. 24. 9. & :9- Zech. S. .3. ilOr, tlicaifclves %^ Or, ■itejliij,. t Hcb. a Juilp. SLcr. 10. .-e. Chapter /kw of tJie Naz.i)-!tes, K U M B 26 knd the prieil {hall take an handful of the otfering, evun the me- morial thereof, and burn // upon tlie altar, and afterward Ihall caufe the woman to drink the water. 2 7 And when he hath made her to I'lrink the water, then it fliall come to pafs, that if flie be detiled, and have tlone trefpafs againll her hulband, that the water that caufeth the curie ihall enter into her, and become bit- ter, and her belly fliall fwell, and her tlfigh Ihall rot : and the woman ^ ihall be a curfe among her people, 28 And if the woman be not de- filed, but be clean ; then Ihe (hall be free, and Ihall conceive feed. 29 This is the law of jealoufies, when a wife goeth afide to another in Head of her hufband, and is defiled ; 30 Or when the fpirit of jealoufy Cometh upon him, and he be jealous over his wife, and fliall fet the wo- man before the Lord, and the priell ihall execute upon her all this law. 3r Then Ihall the man be guiltlefs from iniquity, and this woman Ihaljl bear her iniquity. CHAP. VL 1 The lazv of the Nazarites. 22 The fomi of hlejjing the people. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, When either man or woman lliall || feparate themj'ehes to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to fepa- rate ihenif elves unto the Lord : 3 He ihall feparate himfelf from wine, and ftrong drink, and fliall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of ftrong drink, neither fhall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moift grapes or dried. 4 All the days of his || reparation fliall he eat nothing that is made of the f vine-tree, from the kernels even to the hulk, 5 All the days of the vow of his fe- paration, there Ihall no ^ razor come upon his head; until the days be fulfilled in the which he feparateth hlmj'df unto the Lord, he fiiall be holy, and fhall let the locks of the hair of his head grow. 6 All the days that he feparateth liimfe If wnto the Lord, ^ he fliall come at no dead body. 7 "" He Ihall not make himfelf un- clean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his filter, when they die : becaufe the f confecration of his God ii upon his head, E R S. and their offerings to the tori. 8 All the days of his feparatio'i he ii holy unto the Lord. 9 And if any man die very fuddenly by him, and he hatli defiled the head of his confecration ; then he fhall fliave his head <* in the day of his cleanfing, 4, ire filDli. 4. J>. CHAP. VII. the dedication of the tabernacle. 8 ^ And four wagons and eight uetore oxen he gave unto the fons of Me- ^y'd! rari, according unto their fervice, ^TcbTT"* " under the hand of Ithamer the fon '*■ i'^' of Aaron the prieft. t^sfi?, 9 But unto the fons of Kohath he gave none : becaufe ^ the fervice offchap. the fantluary belonging unto them, *" '^' ^ zvas that they Ihould hear upon s '^'"p* their fhoulders. 10, !.,'i4, 10 ^ Ajid tlie princes offered for 2.^6,"iV '' dedicating of the altar, in the day n see that it was anointed, even the princes zt?^s-^' offered their offering before the altar, l^'^f'^ 1 1 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, ^'■■"■*^_ They fhall ofi'er the offering each Nehcli. prince on his day, for the dedicating prau'^o. of the altar. ''""• 12 \ And he that offei-ed his offering the tirlt day, was Nahflion the fon of Ammiiiadab, of the tribe of Judah. 1 3 And his offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof wia.r an hundred and thirty Jlickels, one filver bowl of feventy fhekels, after ' the > ^--^i* fiiekel of the fanftuary, both of ''' ' '* them were full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a *■ meat-oftering : l^iT"'' ' 14 One fpoon of ten jhekels of gold full of inceufe : 1 5 ' One young bullock, one ram, > l*'^'^ one lamb of the lirft year, for a '' ^' burnt-offering : 16 One kid of the goats for a '" fin-offering : I ^f^*- 1 7 And for " a facrifice of peace- ° ^evii;. offerings, two oxen, five rams, five ^' ** he-goats, five lambs of the firft year. This was the offering of Nahihon the fon of Amminadab. 18 ^ On the lecond day Nethaneel the fon of Zuar, prince of liiachar, did offer. 19 He offered /cT his offering one filver charger, the weiglit whereof ivas an hundred and thirty jhekelsj one filver bowl of feventy Ihekels, after the fhekel of the fan£tuary, both of them full of fine flour ming- led with oil, for a meat-offering : 20 One fpoon of gold of ten JheA'els full of incenfe : 2 1 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the lii-ft year, for a burnt- offeruig : 22 One kid of the goats for a fin- offering : 23 And for a facrifice of peace- offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the firft year. This was the oiierijig of Nethaneel the foa of Zuar, 24 11 Ob The cferings of the princes N U M Bffove 24 H On the third day Eliab the 14^0? fon of Helon, prince of the children — V — ' of Zebulun, did ofer. 25 His offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof zvns an hundred and thirty //zf/je/j-, one fiiver bov/1 of feventy fhekels, after the fhe- kel of the f;inctuary, both of them full of line fiour mingled with oil, for a meat-offering: 26 One golden fpoon of ten /i^Mi full of incenfe : 27 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the lirft year, for a burnt-oifering ; 28 One kid of tlie goats for a fm- effering : 29 And for a facrifice of peace- efferings two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the firft year. This was the offering of Eliab the fon of Helon. 30 ^ On the fourth day Elizur the fon of Shedeur, prince of tlie cbll- drea of Reuben, did offer. 31 His offering was one filver charger, of an hundred and tiiirty Jhtkels., one illver bowl of feventy iliekels, after the ftekel of the fanc- tuary, both of them full of iif.e fiour ■ mingled with oil, for a meat-oiiering : 32 One golden fpoon of tea Jhekels full of incenfe : 33 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of tlie firft year, for a burnt- ofiering : 34 One kid of the goats for a fm- offering : 35 And for a facrifice of peace- offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the firlt year. This was the offering of ElTizur the fon of Shedeur. 36 "% On the, fifth day Shelumiel the fon of Zurifhaddai, prince of the children of Simeon, did offer. 37 His ofiering was one filver charger, the \'\'^eight whereof was an hundred and thirty Jhekels, one filver bowl of feventy fliekels, after the fiiekel of the fanrtuary, both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a ineat-oftering -. 38 One golden fpoon of ten y/.'^A-f A- full of incenfe : 39 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the firft year, for a burnt- offering : 40 One kid of the goats for a fin- offcring : 41 And for a facrifice of peace- pfferings, two oxen, five rams, five Jie-goatSj five lambs of the firrt year. B E R S. at the dedication of the altar: This was the offering of Shelumiel Before the fon of Zurilhaddai. ^^"^^. 42 ^ On the fixtii day Eliafaph tiie " — '^ — fon of Deuel, prince of the children of Gad, offered. 43 His offering xuas one filver charger of the weight of an hundred and thvciy (liekelij a filver bowl of feventy fhekels, after the fhekelof therani"LU- ary, both of them full of fine fiour miugl^d with oil, for a moat-ottering: 44 One golden fpoon of ten ffieAe/s fidl of incenfe : 45 One yoimg bullock, one ram, one lamb of thefiril: year, for a burnt- offering : 46 One kid of the goats for a fin- offering ; 47 And for a facrifice of peace- offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the fiifl year. Thisxt'(7; the offering of Eliafapli the fon of Deuel. 48 Ij On the feventh dayElifhama, the fon of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, offered. 49 His offering ruas one filver charger, tlie weight whereof ruas an hundred* and thirty Jhekels, one filver bowl of feventy lliekels, after the Ihekel of cLe fanftuary, botlt of them full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a meat- ofi^ring : 50 One golden fpoon of ten JJiekek full of incenfe : 51 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the tirft year, for a burnt-offering : 52 One kid of the goats for a fin- offering : 53 And for a facrifice of peace- offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the firft year. This was the offering of Eliliiama the fon of Ammihud. 54 If On the eighth day offered Ga- maliel the fon of Pedahzur, prince of the children of Manafieh. 55 His offering %vas one fdver charger of an hundred and thirty fliekels, one filver bowl of feventy ihe- "kels, after the fliekel of the fanclu- ary, both of them full of fine Hour mingled with oil, for a meat-offering •. 56 One golden fpoon of ten/liekels full of incenfe : 57 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the firft year, for a burnt-offering : 58 One kid of the goats for a fin- offeruig . 59 And for a facrifice of peace- ofleiiugs, twy o^,eUj ilye rams, five Jje-goats, fke offerings of the princes C H A Btforc he-goats, five lambs of the firft year. i4$o.' Th is u-as the offering of Gamaliel the -^ — ' foil of Pedahzur. . 60 ^ On the ninth day Abidan the foil of Gideon), prince of the chil- dren of Benjamin, offered. . 61 His offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof vjas an hundred and thirty jhekels, a filver bowl of feventy Ihekels, after the Ihekel of the fanctuaiy, both of them full of fine fiour mingled with oil, for a iheat-offering : 62 One golden Ipoon of ten Jlie- kels full of incenfe : 63 One young bullock,, one ram, one lamb of the firlt year, for a burnt- offering : , 64 One kid of the goats for a fin- offering : 65 And for a facrifice of peace- offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of tlie firll year. This xvc^s the offering of Abidan the foh of Gideoni. . 66 H On the tenth day Ahiezer the fon of Ammilhaddai, prince of the children of Dan, offered. 67 His offering vjas* one filver charger, the weight ^^^hereof was an hundred and t\\nty JJiekels^ one filver bowl of feventy fliekels, after the ihe- kel of the fanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a meat-offering: . 68 One golden fpoon of ten Jlie- kels full of inceiife : 69 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the nrlt year, for a burnt- offering : , 70 One kid of the goats for a fin- effering : 7i_ And for a fiicrifice of peace- offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the fii-lt vear. This was the offering of Ahiezer the fon of Ammifliaddai. 72 \ On the eleventh day Pagiel the fon of Ocran, prince of the chil- dren of Aftier, ofiered. . 7 3 His offering was one filver char ser, the weight whereof was an hundred and tKmyJhekds, one iilver bowl of feventy fiiekeis, after the fiiekel of the fanauary,bothofthemfulloffineflour mingled with oil, for a meat-offering-: 74 One golden fpoon of ten Jheke/s full of incenfe : 75 One young bullock, one ram, «ne lamb of the firfl year, for a burnt- offering : 76 One kid of the goats for a fin- clierma; ; r. VII. rf/ fTie dedication rf the alta}\ 77 And for a facrifice of peace- Before offerings, two oxen, five rams, five "f^^o. he-goats, five lambs of the firlt year. * — *— ' This xvas the oftering of Pagiel the fon of O.cran. 78 ^ On the twelftli day Ahira the fon .of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, offered. . 79 His offering was one filver charger, the weight whereof ivas an hundred and thirty y??*?,^*?//, one filver bowl of feventy Ihekels, after the fiie- kel of the fanduary, both of them full of fine fiour mingled with oil, for a meat-offering : 80 One golden fpoon of ten ffeke/s fiiH of incenfe : 81 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of thelirft year, for a burnt- offering : 82 One kid of the goats for a fin- offering : 83 And for a facrifice of peace? offerings, t^yvo oxen, five rams, five he-goats, fi,ve Iambs of the firfi: year. This was the ofiering of Ahira the fon of Ena«. , 84 This was the dedication of the altar (in the day when it was anoint- ' ed) by the princes of Ifrael : t^yelve chargers of iilver, twelve filver bowls, twelve fpoons of gold ; . 85 Each charger of filver rw/;g;/wV7g- an hundi-ed undthirty Jheke/s, each bowl feventy : all the filver vefi'els wejglied t^^^o thoufand and four hundred jhe- kels., after the fliekel of the fan£hiary. 86 The golden fpoons were twelve, full of incenfe, weighing ten Jliekels apiece, after the fliekel of the fanc- tuary : all the gold of the fvoon^ ivas an hundred and twenty Jliekels. 87 All the oxen for the burnt-offer- ing zvere twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the fti-ft year twelve, with tlieir meat-offering : and the kids of the goats, for fin-ofiering, twelve. 88 And all the oxen for the fa- crifice of the peace-offerings, were tvventy and four bullocks, the rams fixty, the he-goats lixty, the lambs; of the finh year fixty. This was the dedication of the aitar, after that it was a,nointed. 89 And v»'lien Mofes was gone into the tabernacle of the congrega- tion, 'to fpeak with |f him; then he n Thas heard ° the voice of one fpeaking nn- J,''j*^°jJ'^ to him from off the mercy-feat that ^s-TiV was upon the ark of tellimony, from between the two cherubims : and he fpake unto him. K CHAP, 25. 46. ilew tlte lainps are /1 be lighted. K U M l"c HA p. vni. I How the Imnpi are to be lighted. . 5 The conjiijrntion of the Levites ? 23 tiie nge and time of their jervice. AiNd the Lord fpalie unto Mofes, laying, 2 Speak unto Aaron, and fay unto him, When thou "^ lighteit tlie lamps, the feven lamps iliall give light over againfl the candleiiitk. 3 And Aaron did fo : he lighted ?he lamps thereof, ever againit the candleliick; as the Lord command- ed Mofes. 4 ^ And this work of the candle- ftick xvas of beaten gold, unto tlie fliaft thereof, unto the tiowers there- of. %uai '^ beaten work : '' according unto the pattern which the Lord had Ihewed Mofes, fo he made the candieitjck. 5 *f And the Lord fpake imto Mo- fes, faying, 6 Take the Levites from among the children of Ifrael, and cleanfe them. 7 And thus (halt thou do unto them, tO.«p. tg. to cleanfe them ; Sprinlcle '^ \\'ater of '',/',' y.,' purifying upon ihem, and f let them the,,, ci'Aihave all their tielh, f and let them paf! ovir, wafiitheirclothes, andyomaketnem- f Lcvit. felves clean. J'- •■>■ 8 Then let them take a yomig bul- gLevie. lock with^ his meat-oifering, even fine flour mingled with oil, and ano- ther young bullock hiait thou take for a fm-oifering. 9 And thou fliait bring the Levites before the tabernacle of the ceiigre- gation ; and thou ihalt gather the whole aifenibly of the children of Ifrael together. 10 And thou flialt bring the Le- vites before the Lord, and the chil- dren of ifrael Ihall put their hands upon the Levites : 1 1 And Aaron fliall f offer the Le- vites before the Loud, j'>r an -f of- fering of the children of Ifrael; that -\- they may execute the fervice of the Lord. 1 2 And the Levites fliall lay their hands upon the heads of the bullocks: and thou (halt offer the oile for a lin- olfering, and the other /"t a burnt- oirering unto the Lohd, to make an atonement for the Levites. I ;; A. id thou (lialt fet the Levites before Aai'on, and before Jiis fons, and offer them for an offering unto the Lord. 14 Thus (halt thou feparate the ieyites from aoiong the chilUreu oi' h EsoJ. 13. 2, 1 Clmp. i Hob. ferlKg. t Keb. »< fo tie- mHt, tc, B K R S. TheosnfecrationoftheLb'yttts. L'l-acl ; and the Levites ihall be ^ mine. 15 And after that fhall the Le- vites go in, to do tlie fervice of the tabffraacle of the congregation : and tht»n Ihalt cleanfe them, and olrer them f"r an offering. 16 For they wr VvhOlly. given un- to me from among the children of Ifrael ; • in iiread of fuch as open every womb, e->e 12 in fie ad of the (int- born of all the children of Ifrael have I taken them unto me. r 7 ^ For all the Mrlt-born of the children of Ifrael are mine, ^"*2man and beatt •. on the day that T fmote every {irll-born in the land of Egj'pt, I fandiiied tliem for myfelf. 18 And I have taken the Levites for all the firil-born of the children of Ifrael. 10 And ^ I have given the Levites as \ 3. gift to Aaron, and to his fons, from among the children of Ifrael, to do the fervice of the children of Ifrael in the tabernacle of the con- gregation, and to make an atonem.ent for the children of Ifrael 3 "" that there be no plague among the children of Ifrael, when the children of Ifrael come nigh unto the fancluary. 20 And Mofes and Aaroii, and all the congregation of the children of Ifrael, did to the Levites according unto all th?.t the Lord commarided Mofes concerning the Levites, fo did the children of Ifrael unto them. 2 1 And the Levites were purified, and they waHied their clothes : and Aaron offered them ai an offering be- fore the Lord ; and Aaron made an atonement for them to cleanfe them. 22 And after that went the Levites in, to do their fervice in t!ie taberna- cle • Chapter a. 7, I* f rs-p. if. /. NUMBERS. the remointig of the canipt^ 16 And over the hoft of the tribe B'^f'rr of the children of Zpbulun, wfljEliab ^9°^ the fon of Helon. " 1 7 And '^ the tabernacle was taken \'/']^'_p- do%\ii : and the Tons of Gerfhon and the fons of Merari fet forward,' bear- ;.^I';f ^r. ing the tabernacle. ' 1 8 H And ^ the ftandard of the camp ^^1.^7- of Reuben fet forward according to their armies : and over his hoft was Elizur the fon of Shedeur. 19 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Simeon, xvat She- lumiel the fon of Zurifnaddai. 20 And ever the hoft of the tribe of the children of Gad, wai Eliafaph the fon of Deuel. -> I And the Kohathites fet forward, bearing the 'fanauary; and 1| ihe\'^\% 7 But when the congregation is to^ other did fet up the tabernacle agamft 7. 9.^^^ ^^ begatherecltogether, you (hall blowj they c^me^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ of die ^f camp of the children of Ephrann fet ^f';-r;','^v forward according to their armies : ^^ j.„,p,^ and over his hoft vjai Elifliama the 5- »*• fon of Ammihud. .^ 23 And over the hoft of the tribe of the chiklren of Manalleh, ixiai Ga- maliel the fon of Pedahzur. 24 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, -was Abidan the fon of Gideoni. 05 \ And " the ftandard of the ^^^^^f' eamp of the children of Dan fet for- J^*.'-* ward, which was tiie rere-ward ot all the camps throughout- their hofts : and over his hoft was Ahiezer the fon of Ammilhaddai. 26 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Aiher, luas Pagiel the fon of Ocran. 2-7 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Naphtali, tvas A- hira the fun of Euan. , ^ o3 t Thus were the journeymgs ot ,}.,f,v: the children of Ifrael, according to their armies, when they fet forward. 29 t And Mofes faid unto Hobab, the fon of Ragucl the Midianite, Mo- fes tather-in-law, We are journeyuig unto the place of which the Lord faid, I will give it you : come thou with us, and " we will do thee good; oji^i^: for the Lord hath fpoken good con- cerning Ifrael. 30 And he faid unto him, I will not go : but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred. 31 And he faid. Leave us not, I pray tliee ; forafmuch as thou know- eft how we are to encamp in the wd- dernefs, and thou mayeft be to us m ftead of eyes. 32 Ant! but yoa lliall not found an alarm 8 ^. And the fons of Aaron, the priefts, fliall blow with the trum- pets : and they fliall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations. 9 And " if ye go to war in your land againft the enemy that opprefs- eth you, then ye ihall blow an alarm with the trumpets : and ye fliall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye fliall be laved from your enemies. 10 Alio ■' hi the day of yoin- glad- nefs, and in your folenm days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye fliall blow with the trumpets over votir burnt-offerings, and over the facrificesof your peace-oifcrings ; that they may be to you for a memorial bef:>re your Gocl : I am the Lord your God. 1 1 "ii .-^Jid it came to pafs on the twentieth day of the fecond month, in the fecond year, that the cloud was taken up from oif the tabernacle of the teftirrrony. i: And the children of Ifrael took *■ their jom-neys out of the wildernefs 6f Sina'i ; and the cloud r efted in the ' Wildernefs of Paraii. 1 3 And theyhrft took thoir journey, according to the commandment of the Lord by the hand of JMofes. 14 ^ ''In the tii-ft flace went the ftandard of the camp of the children of Judah according to their armies : and o\er his hoft ivas ^ Nahflion the fon of Animinadab. 1 5 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Ilfachar, was Ne- tliaueel the fon of ZuAr. «j Dent. . !• 33- Jtrem. IrekVel r £xod. 13. 21. J, :r. & Manna locdhed. C H A 32 And it fiiall be, If thou go with us, yea, it fliall be, that what gootl- nefs the Lord fliall do unto us, the fame will we do unto thee. 33 \ And they departed from ^ the mount of the Lord three days jour- ney : and the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them in the three days journey, '' to fearch out a refting-place for them. 34 And "■ the cloud of the Lord was upon them by day, when they went out of the camp. 35 And it came to pafs, when the ark fet forward, that Mofes faid, ' Rife up, Lord, and let thine ene- miesTie fcattered ; and let them that hate thee flee before thee. 36 And when it relied, he faid, J;.o"/trf" Return, O Lord, unto the f many th'jufands. thoufands of Ifrael. CHAP. XL 4 Manna loathed. 1 6 Thefeventy el- ders. 31 Qiiails given in wrath. a Dent. \ Kd * xvhen the people || complaln- \\or,were "^ ^d, f it dlfpleafcd the Lord : ZiirJ7. ^"^ *^he Lord heard it ; and his an- ger was kindled ; and the fire of the Lord burnt "» among them, and con- fumed them that were in the utter- moft parts of the camp. 2 And the people cried unto Mo- fes ; and, when Mofes prayed unto the Lord, the fire f was quenched. 3 And he called the name of the fl Thaus. place II Taberah : becaufe the fire of """"•g- ^jjg Lord burnt among them, c As^Exod. 4 ^ And the " mixt multitude that tiieb. 'iu/i. was among them -f- fell a luiting : and ,daufi. the children of Ifrael alfo f wept again, and faid, '' Who fliall give us flefli to eat ? _ 5 ^ We remem.ber the fiflnvhich we did eat in Egypt freely ; the cucmu-- bers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick. 6 But now our foul is dried away ; there is nothing at all, befides this manna, before our eyes. ^^_ 7 And *" the manna tuns as cprian- ,,,' der-feed, and the f colour thereof as '' " the colour of ^ bdellium. 8 And the people went about, and gathered it., and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it ; and the tafte of it was as the tafte of frefli oil. 9 And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the mamia fell upon it. 10 ^[ Then Mofes heard the people weep throughout their families, every fiian in the door of his tent : and '' the eompiairi' ers. t Hcb. i tvaj evil Ihe can «/, &c. b Pfalra JS. 21. tHeb, funk. ■i Heb. Tcturned ■'''•«•>' of the fpirit which is upon thee, and '" ''* will put it upou thein ; and they fliall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear // not thyfelf alone. 1 8 And fay thou unto the people. Sanctify yourfeives againft to-mor- row, and ye fliall eat flefli : (for you have wept in the ears of the Lord, faying, Who fliall give us flefli to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt : ) therefore the Lord will give you, flefli, and ye fliall eat. 19 Ye Ihall not eat qne day, nor tv o tlaj'Sj nor five days, neither ten days, nor tv/enty days j 20 " But even a f whole month, t^VMra. ^^.^-.^ „.,♦•„.- ,,^,,,- „„a„:i„ ] ?'*• :')• & 72. 21. until it come out at your noftrils, and ^c... .,. it be loathfome unto you : becaufe t if'^ that ye have defpifed the Lord w hich rf!,™'." °^ is among you, and have wept before him, faying, i' Why came we forth p cil-ip. out of Egypt I ''"'"' 2 [ And Mofes faid, ** The people, q Exodut amongft whom I am., are fix hundred p! ^a'.^' thcufaiid foot-men; and thou haft j''^;'"/" faid, I will give them flefli, that they may eat a whole month. K 3 22 "ShalJ Shtails given in xvrath. NUMBERS 3Iiriam and Aaroi rebuke J. 3 Kings 3. I). » ^ee 1 Samuel j.-iei 36. i 2 2 "■ Shall the flocks and the herds be llain for them, to fuffice them ? or Ihall all the ti.h of the fea be gathered together for them, to fuffice them ? 23 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, 'Is the Lords hand waxed {hort ? thou flialt fee now whether my v.ord Ihall come to pafs unto thee, or not. 24 f And Mofes went out, and told the people the words of the Lord, and leathered the feventy men of the elders of the people, and fet them rouiid about the tabernacle. 25 And the Loni) came down in a cloud, and fpake unto him, and took of the fplrit thatu'^i upon him, and gave // unto the feventy elders : and it came to pafs, t/iat, '■ when the fpirit refted upon them, " they pro- pheiied, and did not ceafe. 26 But tnere remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one ivm Kldad, and the name of the other Medad : and the fpirit refted upon them, (and they iv/ this fide, and as it were a days jour- ney on the otiier fide, round about the camp, and as it were two cubits high, upon the face of the earth. 32 And the people ftood uji all that day, and all tliat night, and all the next day, and they gathered the quails : he that gathered leaft, ga- thered ten homers ; and they fpread th^ni all abroad foi" thenifelves round about the camp. 33 And while the ''flefh ivns yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the \^ratli of the Lord was kindled againft the people ; and the Lord frnote the people with a *ery great plague. • T.:'.r>i. If . 13, PfaliU JOS. ..o. t Heb. ar it irn b »fal. ;8. 34 And he called the name of that Bcforo place, II Kibroth-hattaavah : becaufe ^4,0.' there they buried the people that jT^^j^^iT* lulled. H' S'0.let 35 " AndtXxe people journeyed from c'chap". Kibroth-hattaavah, unto Hazerothj 33- v- and t abode at liazeroth. Ucvzl,,-* CHAP. XII. '■'" *^"^- I Miriams andAarons fedition rebuked. 1 o 3Iiriain; leprofy. ANd Miriam and Aaron fpake againft Mofes, becaufe of the |l Ethiopian woman whom he had iJ.,,^!;j,, married : for '' he had \ married an 0 exoj. Ethiopian woman. '" -'■ 2 And they faid. Hath the Lord tu'en'. indeed fpoken only by Mofes ? '• hath ^ E:«d. he not fpoken alfo by us ? A.nd the Micau Lord heard it. *' *" 3 (Now the man Mofes tuns "^ very c ecciu* meek, above all the men wKxchxvere '*'"*' upon the face, of the earth. ) 4 And the Lord fpake fuddenly imto Mofes, and innto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out. 5 And the Lord came down in the pil- lar of the cload, and flood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron andM iriam: and they botli came forth. 6 And he faid, Hear now my words ; if there be a prophet among you, / the Lord will make myfelf known unto him "* in a vifion, and ','.'i".'V,''* will fpeak unto him " in a dream. •J"^.^'-^- '<• 7 My fervant Mofes /j not fo, ''who Han/s.^." is faithful in all mine houfe. «6,'°7?' 8 With him %\'ill I fpeak, ^ mouth ^ f^™- 3t- to mouth, even apparently, and not \°k\nii in dark fpeeches; and the ilmilitude ^" ^' of the Loud Hiall he behold: where- ^j."".'"'- fore then were ye not afraid to fpeak g E-^od, againft my fervant Mofes ? m'uu'^ 9 And tiie anger of the Lord was ^*' "• kindled againft them, and he de- parted. 10 And the cloud departed from oif the tabernacle, and '' behold. Mi- i;n™». r'v,irA became 'leprous, white as fnow: ; ^Kin^s and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and s- 't- behold, /7.'i? xuas leprous. I r And Aaron faid unto Mofes, Alas, my lord, I befeech thee, lay not the Cm upon us, wherein we have done foolilhly, and wherein we h ave iinned. 12 Let her not be as one dead, of whom the fleih is half confumed, when he cometh out of; his mothers "Vvomb. 1 3 And Mofes cried unto the Lord, flying. Heal her now, O God, 1 be- fcQch thee, 14 •; An<* spies fint t9 /e fruit of it. ; DcutV 28 Neverthelefs, '^the people be\'^['^^^^ ftrong that dwell in the land, and -■• 'o,''^i^ ' the cities are walled, audvery great : ;.° j^/* and moreover, we faw the chiklreii ' of Anak tliere. 29 "' The Amalekltes dwell in the ™ l^^^b- land of the fouth ; and the Hittites, * *" and the Jebudtes, and the Amorites, dwell in tlie moiuitains ; and the Ca- the fon of naanites dwell by the fea, and by the coait of Jordan. 30 And "Caleb ftilled the people "SifOhsji, before Mofes, and faid. Let us go up '"*' '*" at once, and pofiefs it: for we are well able to overccnne it. 31 But the men that went up with him, faid, Wc be not "ble to go up Iv 4 ai:aiiU^ NUMBERS they •— V- i^t Jiatu f Dcut. i3. & 9 A' T/^^ people murmur : (fhri,* againft the people; for flronger than we. "^ 32 And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had fearched, unto the children of Ifrael, faying, The land, thi ougli which we have gone to fearch it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof ; and ° all the people that we faw in it, tn are ■]• men of a great ftature. "■ 33 And there we faw the giants, ';. ? the fons of Anak, ivhich come of the giants : and we were in our own fight as grafhoppers, and fo we \\=ere in their fight. CHAP. XIV. The people^ mwinurhig at tlie report^ are reproved. Nd all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried ; and the people wept th^t night. 2 And all tiie children of Ifrael murmured againilMofes, andagainft Aaron : and the whole congregation faid unto them. Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt, or =* would God we had died in this wildernefs. 3 And wherefore hath the Loro brought us unto this land, tn fall by the fword, that our wives and our chil- dren fhould be a prey ? were it not better for us to i-eturn into Egypt ? 4 And tliey faid one to another, i-!"6?*"'' ^^t us make a captain, and !> let us retr.rn iiito Egv^Jt. 5 Then "^ Mofcs and Aaron fell on their facesbefore all the affemblyof the congregatioiO of the children of Ifrael . 6 ^ And Jofliua the fon of Nun, and Caleb the fon of Jephunneh, ivhich vJere of them that fearched the land, rent their clothes. 7 And they fpake unto all the company of the children of Ifrael, faying, ^ The land v,hich we paffed through to fearch it, is an exceeding good land. 8 If the Lour) delight in us, then he will bring us into this huid, and give it lis; a huid whieii floweth with milk and honey. 9 Only rebel not j-e againft the Lord, " neither fear ye die people of the laud : for they nre bread for us : tl;eii' f defence is dej^arted from them, and the Lord is Vv'ith us; fear them not! 10 But all th? congregation bade ftone them with ftones : and *' the gk)ry of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of the congregutionjbefure all tlie cliilclren of Ifraef. ' c Chap I Chap. So- V * D»nt. 30. 3. •.•/: 16, l^ ■;. 40. 34. (.ev. 9. :j i-.Uv if- Mofes interceedeth for them. I r ^ And the Lord faid unto Mo- Bj^re fes. How long will this people pro- m9'<'. voke me ? and how long will it be * "^ * ere they believe me. for all the figns which I have fliewed among them ? 12 I will fmite tliem with the pe- ftilence, and difmherit them, and ^ wijl make of thee a greater nation, |j^^* and mightier than they. 1 3 Tj And ^ Mofes faid imto the i> Exod, Lord, Then the Egj'ptians fliall hear Denter. j^, (for tliou brought eft up this peo- ^'' ^^° • pie in thy might from among them ; ) 14 And they will tell it to the in- habitants of this land : '/or they have \txai. heard that thou. Lord, art among Johi'li'. 9, this people, tliat thou, Lord, art feen ^i-^- face to fece, and that >= thy cloud ^^"1°,% ftandeth over them, and that thou *°- »'• goelf before them, by day-time in a pillar if a cloud, and in a pillar of fii-e by night. 1 3' Now, if thou {halt kill all this people as one man, then the nations which have heard the fame of thee, will fpeak, faying, 16 Becaufe the LoRDwas not ' able ^Yl^^' to bring this people into the land which he fware unto them, there- fore he hath flain them in the wil- dernefs. 17 And now, I befeech thee, let the power of my Lord be great, ac- cording as thou haft fpokeri, faying, 18 The Lord is "' long-fuffering, ^^^' and of great mercy, forgiving 'mi- p^'^'™^ quity and tranfgreflion, and by no \aX-«- nieans clearmg the guilty, " viiitmg ;; j.^^^, the iniquity of the fatliers upon the =°- s-aj children, unto the third and fourth ^'^' '' generaiiun ; 1 9 Pardon, I befeech thee, the ini- quity of this people, according unto the greainefs of thy mercy, and as thou haft forgiven this people, from Egypt, even || until now. ji,.,^^;^^. 20 And the Lord faid, I have par- doned according to thy word : 21 Bvit c/f truly as I live^ all the earth lliall be tilled with the glory of the LoR!). 22 "Becaufe all thofe men which ^Z;^';**- have feen my glory, and my niiracles p"""''" ^ which I did in Egypt and in the vvil- Vo}.!{l. tlernefs, and have tempted me now "*J!""* thefe ten tinies, and have not heark- ened to my voice ; 23 i' t Siirely ihey fliall not fee the ^,^'j'^i;* land which I fv^'are unto their fathers, tHH,. , neither Jhall any of them, that pro- 'S.DZd'*''. voiced me fee it : 24 But my fervant ^ Caleb, becaufe ll'fl''^ \ he had another fi>irit with Uim. and 9. m'- '■.hath Deut. Hcbr u S-e Vci. ill ted up ipy hanU, T/ie vumnurers threatened. C H A ^ hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the Iknd whereinto he went ; and his feed fhall poffefs it. 25 (Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites dwelt in the valley. ) To- morrow turn you, ' and get yon into the wildernefs, by the way of the Red fea. 26 t And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, 27 How long jhall I bear zvitli this evil congregation which murmur againft me ? I have heard the mur- mur ings of the children of Ifrael, which they murmur againft me. 28 Say unto them, ""As truly as I live, faith the Lord, "as ye have fpo- ken in miiie ears, fo will I do to you : 29 Your carcafes fliall fall in this wildernefs ; and all that were num- bered of you, according to your whole nimiber, from twenty years old and upward, which have murmured a- gainft me, 30 Doubtlefs ye fhall not come into the land, concerning which I f fware to make you dwell therein, fave Ca- leb the fon of Jephumieh, and Jofliua thefonofNun. 31 But your little ones, which ye faid fliould be a prey, them will I bring in, and they fliall know the land ^^'hich ye have defpifed. 32 But ai fur you, your carcafes they fhall fall in this wildernefs. 33 And your children fhall || wan- xserDcut. der in the wildernefs ''forty years, ^' '■*■ and bear your v.horedoms, until your carcafes be wafted in the wildernefs. y Chap. 34 > After the number of the days '^' "^' in which ye fearched the land, eveji %}!f^ ' forty days, ( each day for a year, ) Ezck. 4. 6. fliall ye bear your iniquities, even iMerh," of f*5i"ty years, and ye fliall know || my my p::rj,f/e. breach of promifc. 35 I the Lord have faid, I will furely do it unto all this evil congre- gation, that are gathered together againft me : in this wildernefs they fliall be confumed, and there they fliall die. 36 And the men which Mofes fent to fearch the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur againft him, by bringing up a flander upon the land ; 37 Even thofe men, that did bring np the evil report upon the land, lo'.*!?!' ^ ^'"'^'^ '^y "^'-^ plague before the Lord. iicbrevvi 38 b gjn joHuia the fon of Nun, and Caleb the fon of Jephuuneh, tu/i/'c/i luere of the men tliat went lo fearch tlie land, lived /////, II Or, feed. p. XV. T/ie people arc fn^tten, 39 And Mofes told thefe fayings unto all the children of Ift-ael : and the people mourned greatly. 40 H And they rofe up early in the morning, and gat them up into the top of the mountain, faying, Lo, we "^ be here., and will go up unto the c nm, place which the Lord hath pro- ''**' mifed : for we have fmned. 41 And Mofes faid, Wherefore now do you tranfgrefs ^ the com- a tw. sj. mandment of the Lord ? but it fhail not profper. 42 ^ Go not up, for the Lord is enent, not among you; that ye be not fmit- '' ^^^ ten before your enemies. 43 For the Amalekites, and the Ca- naanites are there before you, and ye fliall fall by the fword : becaufe ye are turned away from the Lord ; there- fore the Lord will not be with you. 44 But theyprefumed to go up unto the hill-top : neverthelefs, the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and Mofes, departed not out of the camp. 45 Then the Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill, and fmote them, and <" difcomfited them, even unto f Drot. s Hormah. CHAP. XV. 1 The laxv of fvmdry offerings, fabbath-breaker Jlnned. ANd the Lord fpake imto Mofes, faying, 2 "^ Speak unto the children of If- rael, and fay unto them, When ye be come unto the land of your habi- tations, which I give unto you, 3 And will make an oiFering by fire unto the Lord, a burnt-offering or a facrifice, '' in f performing a vow, or b Lev. y. in a free-will-offering, or '^ in your isjfi."* folemn feafts, to make a ^ fweet fa- + h<^^^j . _^ vour unto the Lord, of the herd or Tj!^^."f.' of the fiock : chaptcf ' 4 Then ^ fliall he that offereth his -^•J^>^7- offering unto the Lord, bring ^as/ij". "' meat-oftering of a tenth-deal of iiour, ^IT".' mineled ^ with the fourth part of an ^ Exod. mil or oil. cLfv.t. r. 5 And the fourth part of an hin of ^^^^' wine for a drink-ofvering flialt thou 39- V-' prepare, with the burnt-offering or \Y-%- facrifice, for one hmib. g Lev;t. ■ 6 Or for a ram, thou faalt prepare '*' "' for a meat-offering, two tenth- deals of flour mingled with the third part of an hin of oil. 7 And for a drink-offering, thou fhalt offer the third part of an liin of wine, for w fweet fjvour unto the Lord. S And, g Chap» 32 The if: a LeWt. 23. 10, Before Chrill 1+90. h Levit, 7. ti. k Esoi- T^e law of fundry offerings. 8 And, when thou prepared a bul- lock for a burnt-offering, or for a fiitriticc in performiiiu u vow, or •"pea-e-o&rings unto the Lord ; 9 Then fliali he bring wit'i a bul- lock, a meat-oifering of three tenth- denis of flour, mingied with half an liii^ of oil. I o And thcrii Dialt bring for a drink- oftering half anhin of wine, for^^n of- fering nvdde by fire ' of a fweet favour unto the Loro. I I Thus ihall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid. r :; According to the number that ye fnali prepare, fo iiiall ye do to every ©ne, according to their number. 1 3 All that are born of the coun- try, fiiall do thefe things after this manner, in offering an offering m^de by fire of a fweet favour unto the Lord. 1 4 And if a ftranger fojourn with you, or whofbever be among you in your generations, and will offer an offering made by fire of a fweet fa- vour unto the Lord : as ye do, fo he fliall do. ij.'^One ordinance fliall be both for you of the congregation, and alfo for the ftranger that fojourneth zvlth you, an ordinance for e\er in your ecaeratioDs': as ye are, Co fliali the uranger be before the Lord. 16 One law and one i manner fliall be for you, and for the ftranger tliat fojourncch with you. 17 '[ And the Lord fpakc unto Mofes, fiiying, iS Speak unto the children of If- rael, and fay unto them. When ye come into the land whither I bring yju ; 19 Then it fhall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye fnall offer up an heave-offering unto the Lord. 20 Ye fliall offer up a cake of the firfi: of your dough, for an hea\e- ofFering : as y^' do ' the heave-offer- ing of the tiireijuing-floor, fo fliall ye heave it. a I Of the fird of your dough ye fliail give unto the Lord, an heave- cffcring in ycur generations. 22 1| And "' if ye liave erred, and nctobferved all thefe ccmmandmtnts \\'hich the L o Ji D hath fpoken unto Mofes, 2^ E'ven all that the Lord hath commanded you by the hand of Mo- fes, from the day that the Loko Tlie ff^baih-hreaker floneti Moles, and hencefor- Befows (Jliriil N U M- B E R S. commanded ward among your generations : 24 Then it fnall be, if ouglii be ^~~^ — ' committed by ignorance, -j- without t ."^''^ oruwancf the knowledge of the congregation, «yw that all the congregation Ihall otier one young bullock for a burnt-o-ffer- ing, for a iw'eet favour unto the Lord, with his meat-ofiering, and his drink-offering, according to the !i maimer, and one kid of the goats H *^' tor a fin-oitenng. 25 And the prieR fliall make an atonement for all the congregation of the children of llVael, and it fliall be (.forgiven them, for it is ignorance : and they fliall bring their offering,, a facriiite made by fj-e unto tlie Lord, ^nd their fin-offering before the Lord, for their ignorance. 26 And it fliall be forgiven all the congrega'iion of the chadren of If- ' rael, and the ilranger that rojourneth among tliem ; feeing all the people ' were in ignorance. 27 "^ And "if any foul fin tlirough "J;7.'*' ignorance, then he ihali bring a fhe- goat of the firii; year ixir a fm-oiiering. 28 And the priefc fliall make an atonement for the foul that finneth ignorantly, when he finneth by igno- rance before the Lord, to make an atonement for him ; and it fliall be forgiven him. 29 You fliall have one law for him that f finneth through ignorance, J^^/lJ* both for him that is born amongil the children of L'iael, and for the llrau- ger that fojourneth among th.em. 30 % "But the foul that doth otiglzt oDeur> -|- pi-eiiiniptuoufly, {xvhetiicr lie be born ^ '•^^■^[ in the land, or a Uranger, ) the fame J^^^^/;^! reproacheth the Lord; and that [ foul Hall be cut off from among his i people. 31 Becaufe he hath defpifed the word of the Lord, and hatii broken his commandment, that foul ihall utterly be cut off 5 his iniquity //;«// be upon him. 32 *i And, while the children of Ifrael v,ere in the wildernefs, '• they \'^^^v \ found a man that gathered flicks upon ' * ' the fabbaih-day. 33 And they that found him gather- ing iticks brought him unto Mofes and Aaron, and unto all the congre- gation : 34 And they put him '' in ward, \lf^ becaufe it. was not declared what fliouid be done to him. 3;; And tlie Lord fj id unto Mo- fes7' The man jhail be fm-ely put to ^^X death : ebellm of Komit, CHAP. XVI . death : all the congregation fliall (tone morrow Dathan and Abiram and it fl\all be that the him with ftones without the camp. 36 And all the congregation brought him without the c'anip, and Honed him with Hones, and he died; as the Lord comnranded Mofcs. 37 If And the Lord fpake unto Mcfes, faying, man whom the Lord doth choofe ci he jhall be holy. IV tnke too mucli upon you, ye Ions of Levi. 8 And Mofes faid unto Korah, Hear, I pray you, }'e fons of Levi : 9 Seemeth it but a fiiiall thiiig un- to you, that the God of Ifrael hath Bofor* Chrift. 47«- 38 Speak unto the children of If- feparated you from the congregation rael, and bid ' them that they make them fringes in tlie borders of tlieir garmeats, throughout their generati- ons, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribbajid of blue. 39. And it fliall be unto ycu for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remembtr all the commandments of the Lord, and do tiiem; and that ye ' feek not after your own heart, and your own eyes, after which ye ufe " to go a whoring : 40 That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. 41 I ain the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God : I ai7t the Lord vour God. C H A P. XVL 1 The rebellion of Korali., &c. 31 their punijiiment. TOw " Korah the fon of Izhar, N of Ifrael, to bring you near to liim- felf, to do the fervice of the taber- nacle of the Lord, and to Hand before the congregation, to niiniller unto them ? 10 .\nd he hath brought thee near to him^ and all thy brethren the fons of Levi with thee : and feek ye th* prieiihood aifo ? 1 1 For which caufe b:>th thou, and all thy company fl/r gathered together againil the Lord : and jj/hat /.■ Aaron, that ye murmur againft him? 1 2 '% And Mofes fent to call Dathait and Abiram the fons of Eliab ; whicli faid, We will not come up. 1 3 Ji it a fmuU thing that thou liaft brought us up out of a land that iioweth with m.illc and honey, to kill usinchewildernefs, except thou make thyfelf altogether a prince over us? i4Moreover, thouhaft not brought us into ^ a land that floweth with * ek<»j. the fon of Kohath, the fon of milk and honey, or given us inheri- u- Levi ; and Dathan and Abiram the fons of Eliab, and On the fon of Peleth, fons of Reuben, took vieii. 2 And they rofe up before Mofes, with certain of the children of Ifrael, two hundred and fifty princes of the aflembly, '' famous in the congrega- tion, men of renovvu. 3 And '^ they gathered themfelves together againft Mofes, and againft Aaron, and faid unto them, -j- Ye take too much upon you, feeing all the congregation are holy every one of them, and the Lord /; among them : wherefore then lift you up your- felves above the congregation of the Lord? 4 And when Mofes heard /f, ** h6 fell upon his face : 5 Aiici he fpake unto Korah, and unto all his company, faying. Even to-morrow the Lord will fliew who are his, and who is holy; and will caufe him to come near unto him : even him whom he hath cliofen, will he caufe to come near unto him. 6 This do : Take you cenfers, Korah, and all his company; ; And put fire therein, and put jncenfe su t^em before the Lord to- tance of fields and vineyards : wilt ''°' "•** thou t put out the eves of tliefe men ? t h<-j. ■ 1; ' bore cut, we Will not come up. 1 5 And Mofes vvas very wroth, and faid unto the Lord, ^ Refpect not <"f"'»»^-4» thou their offering : ^ I have not y.','s.ia. taken one afs fi-om them, neither 'j^-.J- have I hurt one of them. T' "" 1 6 And Mofes faid unto Korah, ;. Z' Be thou and all thy company before the Lord, thou, and they, and Aaron, to-morrow: 17 And take every man his cenfer, and put incenfe in them, and bring ye before the Lord every man his cenfer, two hundred and fifty cen- fers ; thou aifo and Aaron eacli nf yon his cenfer. 18 And they took every man his cenfer, and put fire in them, and laid incenfe thereon, and fiood in the door of the tabernacle of the con-t gregation v/ith Mcfes anci Aaron. 19 And Korah gathered all tha congregation againli: them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congre- gation : and " the glory of the Lord h Ex«t, appeared unto ail the congregation. Ll; ll 2oAnd the LoRofpake unto Mofes, c:,.;;l' and unto Aaron, faying, '•'• "' z \ ' Separate The rebels punijhmtni. N U M 21 ' Separate yourfelves from a- mong this congregation, that I may conlume them in a moment. 2 2 And they fell upon their faces, and faid, Q God, '' the God of the ^^ fpirits of all flefli, fliall one man fin, job'i:'. 10. and wilt thou be wroth with all the JEcclns. j;. 9. Zrch. JScfore Chrift «ir. 1471 j SeeGirn. y<>- 17,32 Jer.5«./>. Kev. li. 4 ]( Chap. 1 IfaUh man dUth, tHc>i. *r^ te a ereuti'.ri congregation r 23 •; And the Loud fpake unto Mofes, faying, 24 Speak unto the congregation, faying, Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. 25 And Mofes rofe up and went unto Dathan, and Abiram ; and the elders of Ifrael follov.'ed him. 26 And he fpake unto the congre- gation, faying, ' Depart, I pray you, from the tents of thefe wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, left ye be confuraed in all their fms. 2 7 So they gat \v;y from the taber- nacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram on every fide : and Dathan, and Abi- ram came out, and ftood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their fons, and their little childi'en. 28 And Mofes fiiid, Hereby ye Ihall know that the Lord hath fent me to do all thefe viorks : for / ha've not do72e tlieiyi of mine o\\ti mind. 29 If thefe men die -j- tlie common death of all men, or if they be viiited, after the vifitation of all men ; tJien the Lord hath not fent me. 30 But if the L o R D f make a new . thing, and tlie earth open her mouth, and fwallow them up, with all that appertain imto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then. ye Ihall underftand that thefe men have provoked the Lord. 31 1[ ■" And it came to pafs, as he had made an end of fpeaking aU thefe words, that the ground clave afunder that ^vas imder them : 32 And the earth opened her mouth, and fwallowed them up, . and their houfes, and " all the men that appertained luito Korah, and all their goods. 33 They, and all that a^pertainticl to tl"»em, went down ali\e into the > pit, and the earth clofed upon them : and they perilhed from among the congregation. 34 And all Ifrael, that were round about them, fled at the cry of them : for they faid. Left the earth fwallow U3 up alfo. 35 And there came out a fire from the Lord, and coufiiniecl ihe two B E R S. Aa'cott fiayeth the plagu; hundred and fifty men that offered b t incenfe. cir.'i 36 ^ And the Lord fpake imto ^ — « Mofes, faying, 37 Speak unto Eleazar the fon of Aaron the prieft, that he take up the cenfers out of the burning, and fcat- ter thou the fire yonder ; for ° they " S" " are hallowed. 38 The cenfers of thefe finners a- gainft their own fouls, let them make them broad plates for a covering of the altar ; for they offered them be- fore the Lord, therefore they are hallowed: '' and they fliall be a fign l^^^i unto the children of Ifrael. 39 And Eleazar the prieft tool? the brafen cenfers wherewith they that were burnt had offered; and they were made broad plates for a covering of the altar : 40 To be a memorial unto the chiil- dren of Ifrael, "^ that no ftranger, i^';"?' which is not of the feed of Aaron, ^* '"' come near to offer incenfe before the Lord ; that he be not as Korah, and as his company : as the Lord faid to, him bv the haad of Mofes. 41 it But on the morrow, all the congregation of the children of Ifrael murmured againft Mofes and againft Aaron, faying. Ye have killed the people of the Lord. 42 And it came to pafs, when the con- gregation \Yas gathered againft Mofes and againft Aaron, that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congre- gation : and behold, the cloud covered it, andthegloryoftheLoRD appeared. 43 AndMofes and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation. 44 II And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 45 Get you up from among this < congregation, that I may confume them as in a moment : and ''they fell \^^^^. upon their faces. 46 t And Mofes faid unto Aaron, Take a cenfer, and put fire therein from off the altar, and put on incenfe, and go quickly unto the congregation, and make an atonement for them : ^ for there is wrath gone out from the Lord ; the plague is begun. 47 And Aaron took, as Mofes com- manded, and ran into themidft of the congregation; and behold, the plague v.as begun among the people : and he put on incenfe, and^nade an a- tpnement for the people. 48 And he ftood between the deacV and the lining, and the plague was ftayed. ({.9 Now ^ChafV, 3. 12. ■M.'Mn rodhuMeth. CHAP. 49 Now they that died in the plague, were fourteen thoufand and feven hundred, bcfide them that died about the matter of Korah Scforc Chritt XVII, XVIIT. The prkjli c^idtt^. 1 2 And the children of Ifrael fpake By'".™ 'anto Mofes, faying, Behold, we die, c\r. '"7. we perifh, we all perilh. _ '^ «"" Whofoever cometh any thing 50 And Aaron returned unto Mo- nearuntothc tabernacle of the Lord, fes, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation : and the plague was ftayed. CHAP. XVII. I Aarom rod biidding^ 10 is left for a fnonimtent. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and take of every one of them a rod, according to the houfe of their fa- thers, ofall their princes, accorfling to the houfe of tlieir fathers, twelve rods: write thou every mans name upon his rod. 3 And thou fnalt write Aarons name upon the rod of Levi : for one rod Jhall be for the head of the houfe of their fathers. 4 And thou flialt lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation before the teftimony, " where I Nvill meet with you. 5 And it fhall come to paf;, t/iat the mans rod, ^ whom I (liall choofe, fliall blolfom: and I will make to ceafe from me the raurniurings of the children of Ifrael, whereby they murmur againft you. 6 ^i And Mofes fpake unto the^ children of Ifrael, and every one of their princes gave him f a rod apiece, 'e'^iZe, for each prince one, according to their " ' fathers houfes, eve)i tv/elve rods : and the rod of Aaron was among their rods. 7 And Mofes laid up the rods be- fore the LoKD, in the tabernacle of witnefs. 8 And it came to pafs, that, on the morrow, Mofes M^ent into the taber- nacle of witnefs ; and behold, the rod of x'iaron for the houfe of Levi was budded, and broiight forth buds, and bloomed blolibms, and yielded almonds. 9 And Mofes brought out all the rods from before the Lord imto all the children of Ifrael : and they looked, and took every man his rod. 10 "f And the Lord faid unto Mo- ■ fes, Bring "^ Aarons rod again before the telrimony, to be kept for a token againit the -f rebels ; and thou flialt quite take away their murmurings from me, that 'they die not. 1 1 And Mofes did fo : as the Lord commanded- him, fo did lie, >.i- to. prince IhuU die : fuall we be confumed with dying ? CHAP. XVIII. I Tke charge of the pr lefts andLevites. 9 The priefts, 21 and the Levites portion. \ Kd the Lord faid unto Aaron, i A Thou and thy fons, and thy fa- thers houfe with thee, fliail bear thtr iniquity of the fanctuary : and thou and thy fons with thee fhall bear the iniquity of your prieftliood. 2 /Vnd thy brethren alfo of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thyfiuher, bring thou \\ ith thee, that they may - be " joined unto thee, and ^ mlnifter = s^e imto tiiee : but thou and thy fons ^J"^'^^ with thee fhall minifter before the \ ^"^p, tabernacle of witnefs. ^" 3 And they fliall keep tiiy charge, and *^ the charge of all the tabernacle : c c^^p- only they fliall not come nigh the vef- 5t,'i;od. *?• »3- Mofes, faying, 26 Thus fpeak unto the Levites, and fay unto them, When ye take of the children of Ifrael the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye fiiall offer up an heave-offering of it for the Lord, e'ven a tenth part of the tithe. 27 And this your heave-offering fliall be reckoned unto you, as though it were the corn of the threlliing- floor, and as thefulnefs of the wine- prcfs. 28 Thus you alfo fhall offer aa heave-offering unto the L o r d of all your tithes which ye receive of the chikU'en of Ifrael ; and ye fhall give tliereof the Lords heave-offering ta Aaron the prleft. 29 Out of all your gifts ye fliall offer every heave-offering of the Lord, of all the -j- belt thereof, eveft t He% the hallowed part tliereof, out of it. •'''*■ 30 Therefore thou llialt fay unto them, When ye have heaved the beft thereof from it, then it fhall be CQunted unto the Levites as the in- creafe of the threfhing-fioor, and as the increafe of the wine-prefs. 31 And ye fhall eat it in every place, ye and your houHiolds : for it IS ' your reward for your fervice, in the tabernacle of the congregation. 32 And ye Aiall bear no fin, by r^ufbn of it, when ye have heaved from it the beft of it : neither fliall ye pollute the holy things of the chil- dxiXi of Ifrael, l^ic ye die. CHAP. Tti» 2S.fc The vfftter offcpamfion: CHAP. XIX, XX. the ttfe thereof for purification. CHAP. XIX. ftuiU be cut otf from Ifrael : becaufe I T'le water of fepriratici?7: ri theufe' the water of fepciration was not cf it for piirificatiori of the unclean, fprinkled upon him. he ihall be un- clean; his iiiicleannefb/ji yet upon hha- 14 This is the law v.'hen a mrin dieth in a tent ; All that come into the tent, and all that ii in the teuc, llrall be unclean feven day;. 15 And every ''open veliel, which'; chap, hath no covering bound upon it, is ^'" "** unclean. 16 And whofoever toucheth one that is {lain with a fwcrd in the opeu fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, inall be unclean feven days. 1 7 /ind, for an unclean perfcn, they fir,;!! take of the f allies of the burnt tjid(» heifer of purilicaticn for lin, ana f running water inail be put thereto f ,:-ieb. in a veliei ; tcr^ASi 1 8 And a clean perfon fliall take ^ ' ^'''*"' ' hyfTop, and dip it in the water, and ' pf-^* fprinkle it upon the tent, and upon *'" all the veffels, and upon the perfons that were there, and upon hiui that tonched a bone, or one (lain, or one dead, or a grave : 1 9 And the clean perfon fliall fprin- kle upon the unclean on the third day, and on the feventh day : and, on the feventh day, he Ihah purify himfelf, and waih his clothe;., anil bathe himfelf ill water, and Ihail bs clean at even. 20 But the man that fliali he un- clean, and /hall not purify himfelf, that foul llxail be cut otf from ai.;i;;ng the congregation : becaufe he hati\ defiled the fancluary of the Lord, the water of feparation hath not beea fprinkled upon him, he ii unclean. 2 1 And it fiiall be a peri>etual fta- tute unto them, that he that fprink- leth the water of ft-paration fliall walh his clothes, and he that touch-, eth the water of feparation Ihall be unclean until even. 22 And whatfoever the unclean perfon toucheth Ihail be unclean : and the foul that toucheth // Ihall be unclean until even. CHAP. XX. ~l I\iofesbri:'.geth xvater out of the rock. 2i Aarom ikath. ^T^Hen came the children of If- »4?3. J. rael, even the whole congre- gation, into the deiert of Zin, in the firit month : and the people abode in Kadefh; and Miiiam died there, and was buried there. 2 And there was no water for the eon^egation : and they gathered A'Nd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, ■2 This /y the oi-dinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded, faying. Speak unto the children of If- rael, ttiat they bring thee a red heifer without fpot, wherein ii no blemiih, * and upon v.hicir never came yoke. 3 And ye fhail give her unto Ele- azar the prieft, that he may bring her •> forth v.'ithout the caiup, and one (hall flay her before his face. 4 And Eleazar the pried (hall take of her blood with his finger, and *^ fprinkle of iier blood direcl:ly before the tabernacle of the con- gregation feven times. 5 And one fiiall burn the Ijeifer in his fight ; '' her Ikin, and her flefh, and her blood, with her dung, fliall he burn. 6 And the prieft fnall take cedar- wood, and hViTop, and fcarlet, and eaft it into the midil of the burning of the heifer. 7 * Then the prieft fnall v/afli his clothes, and he fiiall bathe his flefiiin \vater, and afterward he fiiall come into the camp, and the priell fliall be unclean until the even. 8 And he that burneth her, fliall walh his clothes in water, and bathe his fleih in water, andlhall be vmcleau until the even. 9 And a man that is clean fiiall gather up *" the afiies of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp in a clean place, and it fiiall be kept for the congregation of the children of Ifrael, for a water of feparation : it is a purification for im. 10 And he that gathereth the aflies of the heifer fiiall waih his clothes, and be unclean until the even : and it fnail be unto the children of If- rael, and unto the ftr.ui^er that fo- j our net h among them, ior a faitute for ever, IT fl s fje ^-j.^!- t,oucheth the dead body of any f man fiiall be unclean feven days. 1 2 ^ He fliall purify himfelf with it on the third day, and on the leventh day he fiiall be clean : but if he purify not himfelf the tiilrd day, then the feventh day he fiiail not be clean. 13 Whofoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth iK't Iiimfeif, ' defileth the tabei-Kacle of theLoi\» } a»d tJiai; foai I Ciiap. 33- 3*-" c ChaPi , »• '. 33- fc i«. 37. t l(S. 3;, 3s, 46. (i £xoJ. e f.hap. 14- S-& f Chap. 14- lb. g Exod. 17. 5. i Pfalm 100. 33. k Exod. 17. 6. 1 Cor. 1 Chap. 37- & :(S. & » Df Ht. 33- 8. Plal. 95- f fc 106. 3:, *~c- II That i^, Mfm: Sue txoil. 17. 7. n Dent. 2. 4, i-f. & n- ;• Obadiah 10, 12. + Heh. fisiind i.j. Ifraelites iTtummrfor ivciter. NUM. themfelves together agahift Mofes, and againft Aaron. 3 And the people •> chode with Mo- fes, and fpake, faying, Would God that M^e had died '^ when our brethren died before the Lord. 4 And '' why have ye brought up. the congregation of the Lord into the wildernefs, that we and our cat- tle ftiould die there ? 5 And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place ? it is no place of feed, or of figs, or vines, or of pomegranates; neither is there any water to drink. 6 And Mofes and Aar6n went from the prefence of the affenibly, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and " they fell upon their faces ; and '" the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. 7 1| And the Lord fpake mito Mo- fes, faying, 8 ° Take the rod, and gather thou the aflembly together, thou and Aa- ron thy brother, and fpeak ye unto the rock before meir eyes, and it fliall gwke forth his water, and ^ thou Ihalt bring forth to them water out of the rock : fo thou flialt give the con- gregation and their beaits drink. 9 And Mofes took the rod from before the Lord, as he commanded him. 1 o And Mofes and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he faid unto them, ' Hear now, ye rebels, nurlt we fetch you water out of this rock ? IT And Mofes lift up his hand, and with his rod he fmote the rock twice ; and i^the water came out abundantly: and the congregation di-ank, and their beaits alfo. 1 2 ^i -ind the Loud f)xike unto Mofes and Aaron, Becaufe ' ye be- lieved me not, to fmclify me in the eyes of the children of Ifrael, there- fore ye ihall not bring this congrega- tion into the land wliich I have giviu them. 2 3 '" This is the water of j( I\Teri- bah, becaufe the children of Ifrael ftrove with the Lord : iind he was fanciified in them. 14 ^ And Mofes fent meffengers from Kadefli,unto the king of Edom, "Thus {liith thy brother Ilrael.Thou knowelt all the travel that hath -f be- fallen us ; 15 How our fathers went down luito Egypt, and we have dwelt iu B E R S. Mofes mefpxge to the king ofEdotit. Egypt a long time : and the Egyp- Uefor. , tians vexed us and our fathers. ^i'^'j'^ 1 6 And "" v/hen we cried mito the ""rrr^ ORD, he heard our voice, arid ^ fent •■ n-i^- an angel, and hath brought us forth p'/^'^. out of Egyjit; and behold wearem u.'i9-& Kadelh, -a city in the uttermofl of '^' "' ' thy border. 1 7 Let us pafs, I pray thee, through thy country : we will not pafs through the fields, or through the vineyards, neither will we drink of the water of the \ve\h ; we will go by the kings «; /iig/i-\vayj we will not turn to the .31 right hand nor to the left, until we i| have paffed thy borders. 1 1 8 And Edom faid unto him. Thou x flialt not pafs by me, left I come out againft thee with the fword. 19 And the children of Ifrael faiti unto him, We will go by the high- way ; and if I and my cattle drink of thy water, "^ then I will pay for it : q Dr-,ir. I ^Yl\^ only (without doiNg any thing "' ''' '"' elf) go through on my feet. 20 And he faid. Thou Ihalt not go through. And Edom came out againft him v.'ith much people, and with a Itrong hand. , . 2 1 Thus Edom "" refnfed to give Ifrael I ^f "=«'* pallage through his border : where- *" '^' fore Ifrael ' tui-ned away from him. s Dent. . 22 ^f And the children of Ifrael,- };:i;,^- eveif, the whole congregation, jour- "• '^• neyed f : om ' Kadefn, " and came unto t f-'^ar. mount Hor. , ^n'cll\ 23 And the Lord fpake unto' Mo- -^•''- fes and Aaron in m.ount Hor, by the coaft of the land of Edom, faying, ::4 Aaron Ihall be gathered unto his people ; for he fliall not enter into tlie land which I have given unto the children of Ifrael, becaufe ye rebell- ed againit my f word at the water t iieh. of Meribah. "'°""" 25 ^Take Aaron,andEleazarhisfon, -■ chnp. and bring them up unto mount Hor ; ul'Jf,-. 26 Anuftrip Aaron of his garments, "'' ''"■ and put them upon Eleazar his fon : and Aaron fliall be gathered unto his \ people y and fliall die there. 2 7 And Mofes did as the Lord comma'nded : am* they went up into mount Hor, in the fight of' all the congregation. , 28 * And Mofes ftripped Aaron of >■ Exod.: his garments, and put tliem upon ''•■'^■3' Eleazar his fbn ; and '^ Aaron died ^J'^'v. there in the top of the mount : and 3?! sc. Mofes and Eleazar came down from *^5^' the mount. 29 And when all the congrega- tion f;iw that Aaron was dead, they raourned The Cl.ap. peopU pln^iiei. mouriieJ for Aaron ^ thirty days, even all the houfe of Il'rael. -[. C ri A P. XXI. 4 The people plagued with fiery fer- penis, 7 are healed by a brafen fer- peiit. ANd when " khig Arad the Canaan- ite, which dweit in the fouth, heard tell thatlfrael came by the way of the fpies ; then he fonght againft If- rael, and tookywwf of theniprifoners. 2 And Ifrael vowed a vow ilnto the Lord, and faid, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand,then I will utterly deftroy their cities. 3 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Ifrael, and delivered up the Canaanites ; and they utterly deftroy- ed them and their cities : and he call- I ed the name of the place || Hormah. 4 'ii And ^ they journeyed from mount Hor, by the way of the Red fea, to compafs the land of Edom : and the foul of the people was much II f difcouraged becaufe of the way. J And the people fpake againftGod, and againft Mofes, Wlierefore have ye brouglit us up out of Egypt, to die in the ^^'iidernefs ? for there is no bread, neither is there any water, and "^ our foul loatheth this light bread. 6 And '' the Lord fent "^ iiery fer- pents among the people ; and they bit the people, and much people of Ifrael died. 7 % Tlierefore the people came to Mofes, and faid. We ha\'e linned, for we have fpoken againilthe Lord, and againft thee ; f pray unto the Lord that he take away the ferpents from us : and ^vlofes prayed for the people. 8 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Make thee a fiery ferpent, and fet it upon a pole : and it fliall come to pafs, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, fliall live. 9 And s Mofes made a ferpent of brafs, and put it upon a pole ; and it came to pafs, that if a ferpent had bit- ten any man, when he beheld the ferpent of brais, he lived. ID "11 And the children of Ifrael fet forward, and '' pitched in Oboth. 1 1 And they journeyed from O- both, and ' pitched at ]| Ije-abarim, in the wildernefs vhich is before Moab, toward the fun-riling. 12 % kprom thence they removed, and pitched in tlie valley of Zared. 13 From thence rhey removed, and pitched on the other fide of Arnon, wiiich is in the wildernefstbat cometh out of the coalts «f the Amorites : CHAP. XXI. Thejourneyings of the Ifrael ites. for 1 Arn6n is the border of Moab, nefor, between Moab and the Amorites. 'i'J's';' X4 Wherefore it is faid in the book ^"ryT^ of the vv'ars of the Lord, || What he ir."ia" did in the Red fea, and in the brooks [I ?,"'!, ,•„ or Arnon^ supimh. 1 5 And at the ftream of the brooks that goeth down to the dwelling of Ar, ■" and f lieth upon the border of >" D|"«» Moab. ^''h,;. . 1 6 And from thence they went " to ''^"'"•' Beer : that is the well whereof the ^.■'"i''.""' Lord fpake unto Mofes, Gather the people together, and I will give them . water. 1 7 H Then Ifrael fang this fong, t Spring up, O well, j| ling ye unto it : ^j^,^^j^ 18 The princes digged the well, nor! * the nobles of the people digged it, by "«/''"•« the direction of the law-giver, with, their ftaves. And from the wilder- ' nefs they went to Mattanah : 19 And from Mattanah to Naha- liel : and from Nahaliel to Bamoth : 20 And from Bamoth, in the valley that is in the f country of Moab, to t wd,. the top of II Pifgah, which looketh jf'^;^" " toward II Jefhimon. ' u,/hiii. 21 ^ And ^ Ifrael fent meffengers "^^^^f; unto Sihon king of the Amorites, 11 or, 'the faying, vHdemtfi. 22 '' Let me pafs through thy land : V.c!7:. we will not turn into the fields, or -J"'.'',". into the vineyards, we will not drink q ch^p. of_ the v.-aters of the well ; Imt we "' '''" will go along by the kings high-way^ until we be pait thy borders^ 23 "■ And Sihon would not fufFer^""'f' Ifrael to pafs through his border ; but '*' '* Sihon gathered all his people toge- ther, and went out againlt Ifrael into the wildernefs : ^ and he came to Ja- ' Jn^^", haz, and fought againft Ifrael. 24 And ^ Ifrael fmote him with the \ ^^\ edge of the fword, and polielTed his ^s-^i?. land from Arnon unto Jabbok, even i°!''".''a unto the children of Ammon : for the Keh-m. border of the children of Ammon was l]X\ ftrong. 10, it. 25 And Ifrael took all thefe cities: Amns'"' and Ifrael dwelt in all the cities of *■'" the Am(n-ites, in Helhbon, and m all tlie t villages thereof. + "^h , • 26 ror hieihbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought againft the former king of Modb, and taken all his land out of his hand, even unto Arnon. 2 7 Wherefore the)'that fpeak in pro- verbs fay. Come intoHeflibon, let the city of Sihon be built and prepared. 28 For there is " a fire gone out of V^"''^ HeiUbon, a flame from ^he city of* "*"'* L Sihon : X Judges airings 3 Kings 3j- 13. * Tfrcm. 4^ i», ; q. I. & bPfal.r3 10, Ji. i IJ6. 20. 31- -l^. K CllSp 8. JJ. 31. d Dcat. 33. 4. Jofhua !?• I, :• >i!C. 6. J. jFct. J. 15. Jule II- Rev. :. 14- Scut. ^ji-^< overcome. N IT M Sihon : it hath conrumed Ar of Moab, and the lords of the high places of Arnon. 29 Wo to thee, Moab ; thou art Undone, O people of " Cheraofh : he hath given his fons that efcaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Si- hon king of the Amorites. 30 We have Ihot at them : Hefli- bon is perilhed even '' unto Dibon, ■ and we have laid them valle even unto Nophah, which reacheth unto IMedeba. 31 \ Thus Ifrael dwelt in the land of the Amorites. 32 And Mofes fent to fpy out Jaa- zer, and they took the villages there- of', and drove cut the Amorites that "wers there. 33 1[ ^ And they turned, and went up by the way of BaOian : and Og the king of Baflian w ent out againil them, he and all his people, to the battle "" at Edrei. 34 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Fear him not : for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all his peo- ;. pie, and his land ; and >> thou Ihalt do to him as thou didft unto Sihon king of tlie Amorite.-?, which dwelt at Helhbon. 35 So they fmote him, and his fons, and all his people, until there was none left hini alive : una they pof- feffcd his land. CHAP. XXII. I Balah fir flimffage for Balaam ii re- fiifcd: 15 hisjecoudnu'lpige obtain- elh him: 22 an aiigcl ivould have (lain him, if hii. afs had not. faved 'him : 36 Balak eniertainsth htm. \ Nd ^ the children of Ifrael fet x\ forward, and pitched in the plains of Moab, on this fide Jordan by Jericho. 2 11 And Balak the fon of Zippor faw all that lilael had done to the Amorites. 3 And ^ Moab was fore afraid, of the people, becaufe they were many : and Moab w as dirtrefl'ed, becaufe of the children of Ifrael. 4 And Moab faid unto " the elders of Midian, Now fliali this company lick up all that are round about us, as the ox licketh up the gr^ifs of the field. And Balak the fon of Zippor was king of the ?vIoabites at that time. 5 ^ He fent meflengers therefore "s- unto Balaam the fon of Beor, to "•■ Pe- thor, which is by the river of the land of the children of his people, to call hiiii, faying, Beh'old, there i* a B E R S. Balak ferJeth for Balaam. people come out from Egypt : behold, Before they cover the f face 'of the earth, ^Jj". and they abide over againft me. ^"H^bT" 6 Come nowthei-efore, I pray thee, ^y^- f curfe me this people, for they are f dap. too mighty for me : peradventure i "^ ' '" lliall prevail, that\ve may fmitethem, and fhat I may drive them out of the land ; for I wot that he whom thou bleifefc is blelTed, and he whom thou curfell is curfed. 7 .^d the elders of Moab, and the elders of Midian, departed, with the rev/ards of divination in their hand ; and tliey came unto Balaam, and (pake unto him the words of Balak. 8 And he faid unto them., Lodge » . here this night, and I w-ill bring you word again, as the Lord flmll fpeak unto me : and the princes of Moab abode ^^ath Balaam. 9 And God came imto Balaam, and faid. What men are thefe with thee ? I o And Balaam faid unto God, Ba- lak the fon of Zippor, king of Moab, hath fent unto me, faying, I I Behold, there is a people come out of Egj-pt, which covereth the face of the earth : come now, curfe me them; peradventure f I fliall be able to over- t^-,^'';.f come'them, and drive t-hem out. i'fii hi 1 2 And God faid unto Balaam, Thou ^fJujf flialt not go with them, thou fnalt not '""" curfe the people : for they are blefled. 1 3 And Balaam rofe up in the morn- ing, and faid unto the princes of Ba- lak, Get you into your land : for the Lord refufetli to give me leave to go with you. 14 And the princes of ]Moab rofe up, and they went unto Balak, and faid, Balaam refufeth to come with us. 1 5 If And Balak fent yet again princes, more, and more honourable than they. 16 And they came to Balaam, and faid to him, Thus laith Balak the fon of Zippor, t Let nothing, I pray thee, ^Heb. hinder thee from coming unto me ; <4,'; lettn 1 7 For I will promote thee unto ^""'' '^" very great honour, and I will do whatfoever thou fayeft unto me : come therefore, I pray thee, curfe me this people. 18 And Balaam anfwered and faid unto the fervants of Balak, « If Ba-J^^'';''; lak would give me his houfe full of fiver and gold, ■■ I cannot go beyond ^,' ^;;'s» the word of the Lord my God, to [^^^y do lefs or more. 19 Now therefore, I pray you, tar- ry ye alio here this night, that I may know Balaam goeth to Bnlak. CHAP. Before loiow wliat the LoRD will fay unto 14 1:- me more. ~^ ' 20 And God came unto Balaam at night, and faid unto hhn, If the men come to call thee, rife up, and go with '"^\ '!; them ; but ' yet the word which I '('• Ihall fay unto thee, that fhak thou do. 2 1 And Balaam role up in the morn- ing, and faddled his afs, and went with the princes of Moab. 22 H And Gods anger was kindled, becaufe he went ; and the angel of the Lord flood in the way for an ad- verfary againft him : now he was rid- ing upon his afs, and his two fervants ijtre with him. ««^^ 23 And ^ the afs faw the angel of i;"?' the Lord Handing in the way, and 7.' his fword drawn in his hand : and the '5,. afs turned afide out of the ^vay, and 't^r went into the field ; and Balaam e'li. fmote the afs to turn her into the way. 24 But the angel of the LofiD ftood in a path of the vineyards, a walJ beihg on this fide, and a wall on that fide. 25 And when the afs fiw the an- gel of the L o R D, ihe thruil herfelf unto the wall, and cruflit Balaams foot againft the wall ; and he fmote • her again. 26 And the angel of the Lord went further, and flood in a narrow place, where wm no way to turn, either to the riglit hand or to the left. 2 7 And when the afs faw the angel of the Lord, fliefell down under Ba- laam: and Balaams anger was kindled, and he fmote the afs with a ftaif. 28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the afs, and ihe faid unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou haft fmi tten me thefe three times ? 29 And Balaam faid unto the afs, Becaufe thou haft mocked me ; I would there were a fword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee. 'Z.'^' 30 ' And tlie afs faid unto Balaam, •I'- An not I thine afs, f upon which thou ^1p. haft ridden || ever fmce I xva$ thine T evey """"^ ''"^^ ''''^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ WOnt tO dO • 'ttoT fo unto thee? And he faid, Nay. •ecen. 31 Tlieu tile Lord ""opened the ''aV ^y^^ °f Balaam, and he faw the angel 3.. ■ of the Lord Handing in the way, and his fword drawn in his hand ; and he ^ bowed down his head, and |j fell flat elf. on his face. 32 And the angel of the Lord faid unto him. Wherefore haft thou fmit- ten thine afs thefe three times ? be- '^'an ^"l*-!^ I went out f to withftand-thee, -/■;r.v becaufe ihy way is perverfe before nie, XXII, XXIIJ. Balak entertaineth Bataanu 33 And the afs faw me, and turned Before from me thefe three times : imlefs Use "j;"'-'.* had turned from me, furely now alfo ^— ^ I had flain thee, and faved her alive. 34 And Balaam faid unto the an- gel of the Lord, I ha-^e ruined ;. for I knew not that thou ftoodeft in thi? way againii: me : now therefore, if it i difpieafe thee, I will get me back \ "'V;. again. t;-/«;.v7/, 35 And the angel of the Lord l^aid unto Balaam, Go v.ith the men: but only, the word tj]at I ihal! fpeak unto thee, that thoii (halt fpeak. So Ba- laam went with the princes of Balak. 36 \ And when B'alak heard that Balaam was come, he w^ent out to meet him, unto a city of Moab, wliicli* is in the border erf Arnon, which is \\x the utmbft coaft. 37 And Balak faid unto Balaam, Did I not earneuly fend unto thee to' call thee? WhercfoVe cameft thoil not unto me ? Am I not able mdeecl to promote thee to hono'ur ? 3^ And Balaam faid unto Balak^ Lo, I am come unto thee ; have t now any power at all to fay any thing? the word that God putteth in my mouth, that fhall I fpeak. 39 And Balaam went with Balatc^ and they came unto {| Kirjath-huzoth- i- Or.e 40 And Balak otFered o:fcen audyv'.X fiieep, and fent to Balaam, and to the princes that were with him. 41 And it came to pafs^ on the mo'r- row, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up into the high place>' of Uaal, that thence he might fee th« utmoft ^«>t of the peoph*. CHAP. XXIII. I, 13, 28 Balaks jacrifice. 7, i8 5fl= laams parabh. A Nd Balaam faid uflttf BalaKj, ■^ y Build me here feven altars, arid prepare me here {^vcn oxen, and fe- ven rams. z And Balak did as Ealaam had{}5ok- en; and Balak and Balaam offered oil every altar a bullock and a ram. 3 And Balaam faid unto Balak. Stand by thy buriu- offering, and I will go; peradventure the Lord will come to meet me : and whatfoever hefiieweth me, I will tell tliee. And li he went to an high place. l| dfi, , 4 And God met Balaam; and he/S^/ faid unto him, I have prepared feven altars, and I have offered upon t-asry altar a bullock and -a ram. 5 And the L o r i> put a word iii Balaams mouth, and faid, Return un- to Balak,- and thus thotf Ihalt fpeak. L 2f 6 And Brfore a Chap 6, II, b Dfut 33- =«■ 13. to. t Heb. 7ny fwl, or, my d Pfalm Hi. lj« 1^ Balaks facrlfices. N U M 6 And he returned unto him, and lo, he ftood by his burnt-fa.criiice, he, and all the princes of Moab. 7 And he took up his parable, and raid, BaUik the king of Moab hath brought nie from Aram, out of the moinnainsof the e-i\\.^ faying, ''Come ^ curferae Jacob, and come, defy Ifrael. 8 How Ihall I curfe whom God hath not curfed? or how ihall I defy luhoni the Lord hath not detied? c) For from the top of the rocks I fee him, and from the hills I behold him : lo, ^ the people fliall dwell alone, and fliall not be reckoned among the nations. 10 " Who can count the duft of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Ifrael? Let f me die ''the death of the righteous, and let my laft end be like his. 11 And Balak faid unto Balaam, What haft thou done unto me ? I took tliee to curfe mine enemies, and be- hold, thou haft bleired//-'t';;/altogether. 1 2 And lie anfwered, and fald, Muft I not take lieed to fpeak that which the LoKu hath put m my mouth? 13 And Balak faid unto him, Come, I pray thee, with me unto anotlier place, from whence thou niayert fee them : thou Ihalt fee but the ulmoft part of them, and llialt not fee them all ; and curfe me them from tlience. 14 % And he brought him into the fieldof Zophim,to the top of ||Pifgah, and built ?Q\ei\ altars, ;uid ottered a bullock and a ram on every altar. 15 Aiul he faifl unto Balak, Stand here by thy bunit-otfering, while I meet ihe LORD yonder. 16 And the Lord met Balaam, and *put a word in his mouth, and faid, (io again unto Balak, and fay thus. 17 And W'hen he came to him, be- hold, lie flood by his burnt-otfering, and the princes of Moab with him : and Baiak faid unto him, What hath the Lord fpoken? 1 8 hrA he took up his parable, and faid, Rife up, Balak, and hear: heark- en luito me, thou fon of Zippor : 19 ''God is not a man, that he ftiould lie, neither the Ton of man, tluit he (hould repent : hath he faid, antl'llw 11 he not do it P or liath he fpok- en, and UkUI lie not make it good? 20 Behold, I have received coni- TKamhncnt to blefs ; and he hath blef- i'cC\, and I cannot reverfeit. z 1 He liath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither iiath he feen perverfe- B E R S. Balaams parahte^ nefs in Ifrael : the Lord his God is Bffov with him, ^ and the Ihout of a king Vi'V. /; amonu; them Or, tht B C!l='D. 2S- 3j- Titns o - e Pfalm 2 2 ^ God brought them out of sp- >s- Egypt ; he hath, as it were, the \^^X' ftrength of an unicorn. 33?'/-.'.' 23 Surely there is no enchantment ' ' '' II againft Jacob, neither is there any II or, w. divination againft Ifrael : according to this time it ihall be faid of Ja- cob, and of Ifrael, What hath God wrought ! 24 Behold, the people fliall rife up ' as a great lion, and lift up himfelf j^^*;"^; as a young lion ; '' he ihall not lie i. om, down until he eat if the prey, and " =-• drink the blood of "the flain. 25 ^ And Balak faid unto Balaam, Neither curfe them at all, nor blefs them at all. 26 But Balaam anfwered, and faid unto Balak, Told not I thee, faying, • All that the Lord fpeaketh, that I M'^^^F muft do ? 27 f And Balak faid unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee, I will bring thee unto another place ; peradventure it will pleaie God, that thou mayeft curfe me them from thence. 28 And Balak brought Balaam un- to the top of Peor, that looketh '" to- "^f:^^ ward Jelhimon. 29 And Balaam faid imto Balak, Build me here feven altars, and pre- pare me here feven bullocks, and fe- ven rams. 30 And Balak did as Balaam had faid, and offered a bullock and a ram on every altar. CHAP. XXIV. Balaam prophsficth Ifraels hnppinefs. ANd, when Balaam faw that it pleafed the Lord to blefs Ifrael, he went not, as at ^ other times, f to \f'^f^^. feek for enchantments, but h€ fet his 5 He' face toward the wildernefs. J/V,| 2 And Balaam lift up his eyes, and "'«'' he law Ifrael abiding in his tents ac- cording to their tribes, and the fpirit of God came upon him. 3 !> And he took up his parable, \f:\^J% aud laid, Balaam the fon of Beor hath faid, and the man f whofe eyes J.,"'^^ are open hatli fiiid ; t.ta/.'bHt 4 He hath faid, which heard the uow oi-oi words of God, Mhich faw the viiion of the Almiglity, ' falling into a trance^ \ f |f„,: but having his eyes open : j,';^,^.^^-, 5 How goodly are thy tents, O Ja- /.__;8^^ cob, and thy tabernacles, O Ifrael ! 8.''"sr. u 6 As the vallies are they fpread J,°;;f; forth, as gardens by the rivers Hde, - '?• , '' --■ ■ 1 which the J^Pf*;" LOKU as the trees of lign-aloes cen. E alaivnn prophecy ofChrifl^ and !i-ioi= Lord hath planted, cv^d as cedar- 14". trees befide the waters. ~^ ' 7 He fliall pour the water out of } lis buckets, and his feed (hall be in many waters, and his king fliall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom (hall be exalted. ivip. g e (^yfj brought him forth out of F.gypt ; he hath, as it were, the llrength of an unicorn : he Ihall eat up the nations his enemies, and fhall break their bones, and pierce t/ieni through with his arrows. len. ^ »' He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion : who fliall ftir him up ? ^ Blelled // he that blef- ieth thee, and curfed is he that curl- eth thee. I o 'I And Balaks anger was kindled xki«i againfi: Balaam, and he '' fmote his u\i.' hands together : and Balak faid unto Balaam, I called thee to curfe mine enemies, and behold, tliou haft alto- gether blefl'ed them thefe three times. I I Therefore now iiee thou to thy place : I thought to promote tliee lui' to great honour, but lo, the Loud hath kept thee back from honour. 12 And Balaam faid inito Balak, Spake I not alfo to thy mellengers, which thou fenteft unto me, faying, X 13 ' I^ Balak would give me his houfe full of filver and gokl, I can- no-go beyond the commandment of the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own mind ; but what the Lord faith, that Mill I fpeak? 14 And now, behold, I go unto my ic. 6. s. people : come therefore^ and "^IwWl ' advertife thee what this people fliall mffi5 clo to thy people ' in the latter days. 15 t And he took up his parable, and faid, Balaam the fon of Beor hath faid, and the man whofe eyes are open hath faid; 1 6 He hath faid, which heard the words of God, and knew the know- ledge of the moft High, "Lvhich faw the vifion of the Almighty, falling into a trarzce, but having his eyes open : 1 7 I fliall fee him, but not now ; I fliall behold him, but not nigh : rtattit. there fliall come '" a Star out of Ja- cob, and " a Sceptre fliall rife out of pfaini Ifra^l? and fliall || finite the corners 'o. :. of Moab, and deftroy all the children •^likt of Sheth. 1 8 And " Edom fliall be a pofleffion, Seir alfo fliall be a pofleilion for his enemies, and Ifrael fliall do valiantly. 19 Out, of Jacob fliall come he that fliall have dominion, and Ihali deftroy iiiai that remaineth of ilic ciiy. CHAP. XXV. the deJlruc'Uott of fome nailons. ~"2o And when he looked on Amalek, B'?f'>re he took up his parable, and faid, ^'l]'!. Amalekwas || the firft of the nations, ]^l^pf^ but his latter end || Jha/I be, that he {'"7;';* "" perifli for ever. t\ct '-lar- 2 1 And he looked on the Kenites : Y/nHf'^'"'^ f.QVc\ nces 0/ ! Sam. 8. 2 I n Sam. and took up his parable, and laid, }■' ^ '■J' Strong IS thy dwelling-place, andbc^i,fnto thou jnitteft thy neft in a rock. fsam;*'."* 22 Neverthelefs \the Kenite fliall i.Hcb., be wafted, || until Asfliur jhall carry nor^iou, thee away captive. iuff'Jr''" 23 And he took up his parable, ^ysT.ar. and faid, Alas, who fliall live when 'awayap. God doth this ! '"'• 2 4 And fliips fliall cojne from the coaft of i' Chittim, and fliall afHift ^o"?'"' Aslhur, and fliall afflict "^ Eber, and f;*.";;'. he alfo fliall perifli for ever. qoen. 25 And Balaam rofe up, and went "^" '' and '' returned to his place: "ud Ba- ^'-'^^^■'^'^' lak alfo went his way. CHAP. XXV. I The Ifraelites vjho7-edo77i and idolatry . 6 Zimri and Cozbi Jlaiii. AKd Ifrael abode in " Sliittim, and ?o"l6^& '' the people begun to commit 3j. 4v. whoredom with the daughters of \o. c'."^' Moab. 2 And "^ they called the people unto ^ J"f:^» ^ the facrifices of their gods : and the p/"^'™^ people did eat, and bowed down to hoK l'.\a. their gods. ^,~'"/' 3 And Ifrael joined hlmfelf unto I'corin. Baal-peor : and the anger of the Lord was kindled againil Ifrael. 4 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, •Take all the heads of the people, and ^."|:''' hang themup beforetheLoRD agalnlt J°"'^'5 the fun, that the hercec.nger of the '"* Lord may be turned away fromlfrael. 5 And Mofes faid unto 'the judges ^g^'^",'!". of Ifrael, * Slay ye every one his men « Exoa. that were joined unto Baal-peor. '^'' ^^' 6 1j And, behold, one of the chil- dren of Ifrael came, and brought un- to his brethren a Midianitifli woman, in the fight of Mofes, and in the fight of all the congregation of the chil- dren of Ifrael, who "wre weeping be- fore the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 7 And '' when Phinehas ' the fon of ^'Jl^]!^, Eleazar, the fon of Aaron tlie prieft, • m^^- faw it, hs rofe up from amongft th^ Ie^U. congj-egation, and took a javeliu in ^- -s- his hand ; 8 Anci he went affer the man of Ifrael into the tent, and thruft both of them through, the man of Ifrael, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was ftayed from the thikli'eii of Ifl-ael. L 3 9 And Cods 1 rraiiii % ^\ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 17^ \'ex the Midianites, and finite them : 18 For they vex you with their w'iles, wherevvith they li.ive beguiled you in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a prince of Midian their filter, which was fiain in the day of the plague, for Peors fake. CHAP. XXVI. I Ijyad numbered, s- The inheritance (if the land divided. ANd it ca;iie to pafs, after the plague, that the Loud fpake unto Ivioles, and unto Eleazar the fon of Aaron the prieft, faying, 2 " Take tlie funt of all the coUt gregation of the children of Ifraei, '' from twenty years old, and upwajrd, throughout their fathers houfe, all that arc able to go to war in Ifraei. 3 And Mofes, and Eleazar the iprieft, fpake with them in the plains of Mqab, by Jordan, 7iear Jericho, faying, '■ 4 Take the ftim of the people., from twenty years old, and upward j as tlie Lord " commanded Mofes and the cTiildren of Ifraei, which went forth out of the land of Egypt. " ' 5 '1 '' Reuben, the eldelt fon of If- raei ; the children of Keuben , H4-; B E R S. Ifraei numbered. noch, of 'ivhom cometh the family of the Hanochites : of Pallu, the family of the Palluites : 6 Of Hefron, the family of the Hefronites : cf Carmi, the family of the Carmites. 7 Thefe are the families of the Reu- benites : and they that were number- ed of them, \\ere forty and three thou- fand and feven hundred and thirty. 8 And the fons of Pallu; Eliab. 9 And the fons of Kiiab ; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. This is thctt Dath?vn and Abiram which xuere ^ famous in the congregation, who "■ '^''fP' ftrove againft Mofes and againfl: Aa- ron in the company of Korah, when they ftrove againfc the Loud : 10 And the earth opened her mouth, and fwallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died, what time the fire devoured tw o hun- dred and iifty men : '"and they became f ch-^r, align. See : I'tt, 1 1 Notwithftanding the children '• ^" of Korah died not. 1 2 t The fons of Simeon after their families : of *^ Nemuel, the family of .i; ccneiii theNemuelites : of Jamin, the family j'cmuci. of the Jaminites : of ''Jachin, the ','\'^'"'<»' family of the Jachinites. j'arib. 13 Of ' Zerah, the family of the -, ccncnt Zarhitcs : of Shaul, the family of the f^^^i Shaulites. 14 Thefe are the families of the Simeonites, twenty and two thou- fand and two hundred. 15 ^f The children of Gad after their families : of ^ Zephon, the fa- ^^■'^'^f'^ 1 mily of the Zephonites : of Haggi, z;>;ilo«. the family of the Haggites : of Shuni, the family of the Shimites : 1 6 Of li Ozni, the family of the Oz- |i or. nites: of Erijthe family of the Erites: c'eiici-! 17 Of 'Arod, the family of tne J'^^^'^^^; Arodites : of Artli, the family of.i6.7o. ' the Arclites. ^''■°"'" i 18 Thefe are the families of the children of Gad, according to thofe that were numbered of them, forty thoufand and five hundred. 19 °|[ "" The fons of Judah were Er in concfis and Onan : and Er and Onan died in &%6'.'ij. ' the land of Canaan. 20 And " the fons of Judah, after ^'Ciuon, their families, were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites : of Pharez, the family of the Pharzites : of Ze- rah, the family of the Zarhites : 2 1 And the fons of Pharez were ; of Hefron, the family of the Hef- ronites : of Hamul, the family of the liaiiuUites. ■ ■ ' ' ' 22 Thefe The families ^ and C H A Before 2 2 Thefe are the families of Juclah, il\\. according to thofe that were num- 'T^ — ' beredof tliem, threefcore and lixteen thoufand and five Imndred. BcncHs 21 %° Of the foiis of IHachar after :hruu. their families : of Toki, the family ^ of theTolaites: of jj Pua, the family uv^h. of the Pmiites : jr, Job. 24 Of II Jafimb, the family of the Jafliubites : of Shimi'on, the family of the Shimronites. 25 Tliefe are the families of Ifia- char, according to thofe that were numbered of them, threefcore and four thoufand and three hundred. ;«ifr,s 26 ^[ P Of the fons of Zebiilnn after their families : of Sered, the family of the Sardites : of iilon, tlie family of the Elonites : of Jahleel, the fa- mily of the Jahleelites. 27 Thefe are the families of the Zebulunites, according to thofe that were numbered of them, threefcore thoufmd and five hundred. ssnefis 28 ^ '^ The fons of Jofeph, after their ■ ''°* families,wt?f^ Manafleh and Ephraim. 29 of the fons of Manalieh : of ofliua ""Machir, the family of the Machir- ites: and Machir begat Gilead ; of Gilead co7]7e the family of the Gilea- dites. 30 Thefe are the fons of Gilead : of «/r ' ' Jeezer, the family of the Jeezerites : hua ' or Helek,the fomiiy of the Helekites : ■ec's 6. 31 And of Afriel, the family of ''^'=^' the Africlites : and of Shechem, the family of the Shechemites : 32 And of Shemida, the family of the Shemidaites : and of Hepher, the family of the Hepherites. ''.Ts 33 If And ' Zelophehad, the fon of XI. Hepher, had no fons, but daughters: and the names of the daughters of Ze- lophehad, %vere Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. 34 Thefe are the families of Ma- nalieh, and thofe that were numbered of them, fifty and two thoufand and feven hundred. 35 t Thefe are the fons of Ephraim, after their families : of Shuthelah,the fo':'''"" family of the Shuthalhites : of'" Be- e* cher, the family of the Bachrites : of Tahan, the family of the Tahanites. 36 And thefe are the fons of Shu- thelah : of Eran, the family of the Eranites. 37 Thefe are the families of the fons of Ephraim, according to thofe that were numbered of them, thirty and two thoufand and five hundred. Thefe are the fens of Jofeph after their families. P. XXVJ. izumber of all Ifrael. gg «j X 'pjjg {-Qj^g q£ Benjamin after Befme their families : of Bela, the family of the Belaitcr. : of Afhbel, the family ' of the Aflibelites : of '' Ahiram, the family of tlie Ahiramites : 39 Of " Shupham, the family of f^V-ron. the Shuphamites : of Knpham, the s-, ^^ ,^ family of the Huphnmites. iccndi's 40 And tlie fons of Bela were * Ard 1,'i;";,,, and Naaman : of Ard, the family of ^iS'ife'Ip. tlie Ardites : ajid of Naaman, the fa- a'Tchroiu mily of the Naamite s. ^- 1- 41 1 hcie are the fons of Benjamm after their families : and they that were numbered of them, were forty and five thoufand and lix hundred. 42 11 >> Thefe are the fons of Dan ItTi!* after their families : of || Shuham,the I! O'' family of the Shuhamites. Thefe are ""-''""" thefamilies of Dan after their families* 43 All the families of the Shuham^ ites, according to thofe that were numbered of them, were threefcore and four thoufand and four hundred. 44 'H " Of the children of Aliier 'JfYy'!'' after their families : of Jinma, the ■ Ltuon. funily of the Jimnites : of jefni, the '* ^^' family of the Jefuites : of Beriah, the family of the Beriites. 45 Of the fons of Beriah ; of Heber, the family of the Eleberites: of jMal- chiel, the family of the Malchielites. 46 And the name of the daughter of Aflier was Sarah. 47 Thefe are the families of the fons of Alher, according to thofe that were numbered of them ; wko were fifty and three thoufand and four hundred. 48 "^ Of the fons of Naphtafi after . I, It). The number of the Lemies. NUMB iefore to pvcry oue fliall his inheritance be i4s'. given, according to thofe that were "^ ' numbered of him. 55 Nofyvithftanding, the land fliall be *" divided by lot : according to the names of the tribes of their fathers they {hall inherit. 56 According to the lot fliall the pofleffion thereof be divided, between many and few. 57 II ' And thefe are they that were numbered of the Levites after their families : of Gerlhon, the family of the Gerflionites : of Kohath, the fa- mily of the Kohathites : of Merari, the family of the Merarites. 58 Thefe are tb.e families of the Levites : the family of the Libitites, the family of the Plebronites, the fa- mily of tlie Mahlites, the family of the Mufliites, tl»e family of the Kora- thites : and Kohath begat Amnim. 59 And the name of Amrams Mife 7uas ^ Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, whom /ler mot/ier bare to Levi in Egypt : and flie bare unto Amram, Aaron, and Mofes, and Miriam their filler. 60 And unto Aaron was born Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 61 And ' Nadab and Abihu died, U'hen they offered ftrange tire before the Lord. 62 '" And thofe that were ninnbered of them, were twenty and three thou- fand, all males, f^-om a month old and upward; "for they weve not num- bered among the children of Ifrael,be- caufe there was no inheritance given ^hem among the children of Ifrael. 63 ^j TJiefe are they that were numbered by Mofes and Eleazar the prieft, wlio numbered the children of Ifrael in the plains of Moab, by Jordan «t?r/r Jericho. ' 64 "But among thefe there was net a man of them whom Mofes and Aaron the prieil numbered, when they numbered the children of Ifrael in the wlldernefs of Sniai . 65 For the Lok.d had faid of them, They ''lliall furely die in the wllder- nefs: and tlicre was not left a man of them, faye Caleb the fon of Jcphun- neh, and Jofhua the Ton of Nj.ui. C jH A p. :^xvii. 6 7Vzc /azv of iKJieritances. 1 2 Mofes ^ bei/i^ (uld of his death, fueth 'for a Juccfjfor. 18 Jojhim is appointed -to fruceed him. THen ci^me the daughters of =" Ze- lophchad the fon of Hepher, the fon of Gilead, the fon of Machir , the 1 I.PVit jn See Chapter 3- 39- B Chap. i. 49- 9 Cli|p. t Hfb. d*« s -Chap. 4«ai. 17. 3 E R S. The laiu of inhsritances.' fon of Manaffeh, of the families of Ber<.r9 Manaffeh the fon of Jofeph : and m'- thefe are the names of his daughters, '^ — '■' — ' Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah. 2 And they il:ood before Mofes, andbefore Eleazar the prielt, and bcr fore the princes, and ail the congre- gation, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, fajfing, 3 Our father ''died in the wilder- bcimp. nefs, and he was not m the company It'.tll^jM of them that gathered themfrlves to- 1 gether againft the Lord '^ in the com- l^^^^'i pany of Korah ; but died in his own lin, and had no fons. 4 Why fliould the name of our fa- ther be f done away fi'om among his family, becaule he hath no four '' Give unto us therefore a polfeiUon f/.°Jl"' among the brethren of our father. 5 And Mofes brought their caufe before the Lord. 6 ^ And the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, faying, 7 The daughters of Zelophehad fpeak right : ''thou flialt furely give ^^'^'"J'' them a poflefllon of an inheritance among their fathers brethren ; and thou Ihait caufe the inheritance of their father to pafs unto them. 8 And thou fhalt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael, faying. If a man die, and have no fon, then ye Ihall caufe his inheritance to pafs unto his daughter. 9 And if he have no daughter, then ye fliall give his inheritance unto his brethren. 10 And if he have no brethren, then ye ih.all give his inheritance un- to his fathers brethren. 1 1 And if his father have no bre- thren, then ye fliall give his inheri- tance unto his kinfman that is next to hini of his family, and he fliall pof- fefs it : and it fliall be unto the chil- dren of Ifrael a liatute of judgment j as the Lord commanded Mofes. 12 t ^"^"'1 the Lord faid unto Mo- fes, fGet thee up into this mount f,';'''T; Abarim, and fee the land wliiich I i}^^'"; • have given unto tiie chilch-en of Ifrael. 49". & l 13 And, when thou hail: feen it, thou alfo flialt be gathered unto thy people, as ° Aaron thy brother was gathered. d'."' "' i 14 For ye ''rebelled againft my io."6'i'^' ■ commandment (in the defert of Zin, J^^^'^'^ ;;, '' in the ftrife uf the congregation) to iVin."'i.3|l fanftify me at the water before their [d.^li. ;■ eyes : that is, the -water of Meribah ' k-^^* ;I in Kadelh, in the wildernefs of Zin. '''■'* :, uHAnd :, Chap. (. .0, II I Kingi 3. 17. tech. lio. s. iMatth. iVIiirk 6.3J- ,n Gen. igi- k Samuel X6. 13, I oDcat. 34. 9. Chapter 2 Ki-.ii;. a. 15. jlSee luJi'. J. & -.0. l3, 1 Samuc: 23- In the ^ firft day Ihall be an ho- k exoj. ly convocation ; ye Ihall do no man- Lc'vit.' ner of fervile work therein. '*■ '* 19 But ye fliall offer a facrifice macie by hre/o?- a burnt-offering un- to the Lord; two young bullocks, and one ram, and feven lambs of t!ie firll vear: ' thev ihall be unto you iver. 31. Without biciniiii, ^i). a, 20 And Offer iiigs at feafls Bffore 20 And their meat-offering Jliall n)\. be of flour mingled with oil : three * ^ ' tenth-deals Ihall ye offer for a bul- lock, and two tenth-deals for a ram, 2 1 A fe\'eral tenth-deal llialt thou offer for every lamb, throughout the feven lambs : :32 And one goatjTor a fin-offering, to make an atonement for you. 23 Ye fhall offer thefe belide the bxirnt-cffering in the morning, which is for a continual burnt-offering. 24 After this manner ye fliall offer daily throughout the feven days, the meat of the facrifice made by fire of a fweet favour unto the Lord : itfliall be offered befide the continual burnt- offering, and his drink-offering. 2j And on the feventh day ye fliall have an holy convocation ; ye fliall do no fervile work, m Exod. 2 6 1[ Alfo ■" in the day of the firft- lf34V22, fruits, when ye bring a new meat- ^r'lo. offering unto the Loao, after your lis^Io. weeks l^e ont, ye Ihall have an holy convocation : ye fhall do no fervile work. 27 But ye fliall offer the burnt- oftering for a fweet favour unto the Lord, two young bullocks, oneram, "feven lambs of the firlt year j 28 And their meat-offering of flour mingled with oil, three tenth -deals unto one bullock, two tenth-deals unto one ram, 29 A feveral tenth-deal unto one lamb, throughout the feven lambs : 30 And one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you. 31 Ye fliall olier them befides the continual burnt-offering, and his ^ ver. 19. meat-offering ( " they fliall be unto you without blemilh) and their di'ink-offerings. CHAP. XXIX. I The offering atthe feaft oftnnnpeti^ 7 at the day of affiidiiig their j'uuh^ 12 and on the eight days of the feafl of tabernacles. ANd in the feventh month, on the firft day of the mouth, ye fliall have an holy convocation : ye fliall a Leyit. do no fervile work ; " it is a day of ''^' **' blowing the trumpets unto you. 2 And ye fliall offer a burnt-off^r- ingfor a fweetfavour unto the Lord, one young bullock, one ram, and feven lambs of the firft yeai- without blemilh : 3 And their meat-offering fiall be of flour mingled with oil, three tenth-deals for a bullock, and, two tenth-deals for a ram. N U Isl B E R S en feveral days. 4 Arid one tenth-deal for one lamb, Bcf.„<, throughout the feven lambs ; ^J,'r;'* 5 And one kid of the goats for a * — \r-— fm-offering to make an atonement for you : 6 Befide ^ the burnt-offering of the t chap. month, and his meat-offering, and *^' "* ' the daily burnt-offering, and his c ch»p. meat-offering, and their drink- offer- **'^' ings, according unto their manner, for a fweet favour, a facrifice made by fire unto the Lord. 7 ^ And'' ye fliall haveon the tenth iner j 2S ^^id one goat/^r a fin-offering, befide the continual burnt -offering, and his meat-offerhig, and his drink- offerhig. 29 li And on thefixthday eight bul- locks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of the tirit year without blemifn : 30 Ant.1 their meat-offering, and their drinlc- offerings, for the bullocks, for tile rarns, and for the lambs, jhall be according to their number, after tlie m-nner; 31 And one goat /or a fin-olTering, befide the continual burnt-offenng, his meat-offering, and his drink-offering. 32 ^ And on the feventh day feven bullocks, tworams,fl;i;c/foiu-teenlambs of tlie firil year witiiout blemifli : 33 And their meat-offering, and tlieir drink-offerings, for tlie bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, jl'.all be according to their number, after the manner ; 34 And one goat for a fm-offering, befide the continual burnt-oilering, his meat-offering, and his drink-of^ /ering. XXIX, XXX. onfeveraldays. 35 f[ On the eighth day ye fliall Befn.e have a ' folemn afferably ; ye Ihall do ^45"' no fervile work therein. iTTwtT"' 36 But ye Ihall offer a burnt-offer- ■^i- 1<>. ing, a facrifiice made by tire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord, one bullock, one ram, feven lambs of tlie tirft year without blemifli : ■ 37 Their meat-offering, and their drink-offerings, for tlie bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, jhall be according to their number, after the manner ; 38 And one goat for a fui-offering, b^iide the continual burnt-o0ei'ing, and his meat-offering, and his drink- offering. 39 Thefe things ye fiiall || do unto \\ov,of(r. the Lord in your fetfealis, beiides your ■" vows, and your free-will- ^ LevH.^ offerings, for your burnt-offerings,''"''' and for your nieat-offeringo, and for your drink-offerings, and for your peace-otlerings. 40 And Mofes told the children of Ifrael according to all that tlie Lord commanded Mofes.' C H A P. XXX. I Vows are not to be broken. 9 Of a wi- dows -jow, or her imt is divorced. ANd Mofes fpake unto rhe heads of tlie tribes, concerning the children of Ifrael, faying. This is the thing which the Lord hath com- manded. 2 * If a man vow a vow unto the a ncuf. LcRD, or fwear an oath to bind his Kccierl foul with a bond ; he fliall not «• i- f break his word, he fliall do ac- j,,.^/^^,:,. cording to all that proceedeth out of his mouth. 3 If a woman alfo vow a vow un- to the Lord, and bind herfelf \>y a bond, being in her fathers houfe in her youth ; 4 And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith flie hath bound her foul, and her father fliall hold his peace at her : then all her vows fliall lland, and every bond wherewith ftie hath bound her foul ihall ftand. 5 But if her father difallow her in the day that he heareth ; not any of her vows or of her bonds wherewith foe hath bound her foul, fliall ifand : and the Lord fliall forgive her, be- caufe her father difallowed her. 6 And if fne had at all an huflsand when T hie vowed, or uttered ought t hsTj. out of her lips, wherewith flie bomid xveie«po» her foul ; 7 And her hulband heard //, and held his peace at her in the day that ■ he Concerning -vcnvs. N U M nf"ft ^^ 5ieard // : then her vows fliall 'ns\. Hand, and her bonds wherewith flie ""*' ' bound her foul, iliall fland. 8 But if her hnfljand dilallow her on the day that he heard // ; then he fhali make her vow which flie vowed, and that wliich flie uttered with her lips, wherewith flie hound her foul, of none effect : and the Lord fliall forgive her. 9 But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their fouls, fhall ftand againfl her. I o And if file vowed In her hufbands houfe, or bound her foul by a bond with an oath ; I r And her hufband heard /f, and held his peace at her, and difallowed her not : then all her vows fhall ftand, and every bond wherewith fhe bound her foul fliall ftand. 1 2 But if her hufband hath uttterly made them void on the day he heard tlieni; then whatfoever proceeded out of h^r lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her foul, fliall notfland: her hufband hath made them void, and the Lord fliall forgive her. 1 3 F.very vow, and every binding oath to afHiil the ibul, her hufband may eftablifli it, or her hulband may make it void. 14 Bat if her hufband altogether hold his peace at her, from day today ; then he eltablifheth all her vows, or all her bonds which are upon her : he confirmeth them, becaufe he held hir, peace at her, in the day that he heard them. f 5 But if he fhall any ways make them void after that he hath heard them; theii he fliall bear her inicjuity. i6 Thefe are the ftatutes whicli the Lord commanded Mofes between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter being yet in her youth in her fathers houfe. CHAP. XXXI. 1 The 31idia7iites are fpoiled^ and Ba- laam J lain. 1 3 Mofes is wroth with the officers J for falsing the women aliTe. ANd the Lord fpake mito Mofes, faying, ciiap. 2 =" Avenge the children of Ifrael of the Midianites: afterward flialt Chap, thou '• be gathered mito thy people. ■ '^' 3 And Mofes fpake unto tlie peo- ple, faying. Arm fome of yourfelves imto the war, and let them go againfl the Midianites, and avenge the Lord of Midiau, B E R S. Th- Midianites fpoiled. 4 f Of every tribe a thnufand, Bcfo,» throughout all the tribes of Ifrael, ^4;:'.^ fhall ye fend to the war. ^^^^^^"^ 5 So thei-e were delivered out of •.: '-^ '/j"!* the thoufands of Ifrael, a thoufand of 'a iV^upA every tribe, twelve thoufand armed "' '' ''"'' for war. 6 And Mofes fent them to the war, a thoufand of every tribe, them and Phinc'lias the fbn of Eleazar the prieft, to the war, with the holy in- ftruments, and "^ the trumpets to blow c cbay, in his hand. ''' *' 7 And they warred againfl: the Mi- dianites, as the Loud commandedMo- fes ; and '' they flew ^ all the males. ^ rx-jf. 8 And they flew the kings of Midi- juiis.-s an, befide the reft of them that were Vi'n'. flain ; namely, f Evi, and Rekem, y;^., and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five "■ '5", i«» kings of Midian: ^ Balaam alfo the juj^e.^. fon of Beor they flew with the fword. '- -'^J- 9 And the children of Ifrael took i/"',: all the women of Midian captives, r. J"fii- and their little ones, and took the '^' ''* fpoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly caftles, with fire. 1 1 And ^ they took all tke fpoil, i' H"!^ and all the prey, both of men and of '^' '*' beafts. 12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the fpoil unto Mofes, and Eleazar the prieft, and unto the congregation oftlie children of Ifrael, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan 7iear Jericho. i3.1[ And Mofes, and Eleazar the prieft, and all the princes of the con- gregation, went forth to meet them without the camp. 14 And Mofes %vas wroth with the officers of the hoft, luith the captains over thoufands, and captains over hinidreds, which came from the 1 Oattie. ri]UjK(ir. 15 And Mofes fiiid unto them, Have ye faved ' all the women alive .'' '^s-e 16 Behold, "^ thefe caufed the chil- :o.",?. dren of Ifrael, through the ' counfel l;'^™' of Balaam, to commit trefpafs againfl ^^ chap. the Lord, in the matter of Peor, and ^'c,,\,'p. "' there was a plague among the con- J^p^'^f;. gregatiou of the Lord. -■ is- 1 7 Now therefore "kill every male l,"'^-'"^" among the little ones, and kill every n judges woman that hath known man by lying ='• "' with f him. \'^»taL 1 8 But all the women-children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourfelves. 1 9 And T/ie purifying of tJie cnpthes. CHAP. Erf..re 19 And ° do ye abide without the *i4i'i: camp feven days: whofoever hath 3^;^7-^ killed any perfon, and ? whofoever :•"''' hath touched any flain, purify both Vlf.'irc. yourfelves and your captives, on the third day, and on the leventh day. I 20 And purify all your raiment, Sm^Jr ^^^ ^^^ t ^^"^^ is' made of fldns, and ™"'w ' all work of goats hair^ and all things ■' ""' made of wood. 21 H And Eleazar the prieft faid unto the men of war which \vent to the battle, This is the ordinance of the law which the Lord command- ed Mofes; 22 Only the gold and the filver, the brafs, the iron, the tin, and the lead, 23 Every thhig that may abide the fire, ye flrall make it go through the hre, and it ihall be clean ; neverthe- c^^p- lefs it fliall be purified "^ with the wa- ^' ''' ''' ter of reparation : and all that abid- eth not the fire, ye fimll make go through the water. i-ev. 24 'And ye Ihall wafh your clothes '' "''* on the feventh day, and ye fiiall be clean, and afterward ye fliall come into the camp. 25 1[ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, Hell, nf 2 6 Take the fnm of the prey f that %i"''"' was taken, both of man and of bead, thou and Eleazar the prieft, and the chief fathers of the congregation : \^°f; 27 And ' divide the prey into two r Sam. parts ; between them that took the '"' '■*■ war upon them, who went out to battle, and between all the congre- gation. 2 8 A nd levy a tribute imto the Lord of tlie men of war, which went out to battle : ' one foul of five hundred, both of the perfons. and of the beeves, and of the aifes, and of the iheep. 29 Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the prieft, for an lieave-otFering of the Lord. 30 And of the children of Ifraels^ half, thou flialt take cue portion of fifty, of the perfons, of the beeves, of the afles, and of the |j flocks, of all manner of beafts, and give them unto the Levites, " whlcli keep the charge of the tabernacle of the Lord. 31 And Mofes andEleazar the prieft did as the Lord commanded iNIofes. 32 And the booty, beii^g the reft of the prey which the men of war had caught, was fix hundred thoufand and feventy thoufand and fi\'e thoufand flieep, 33 And threefcore and twelve thoufand beeves, XXXI. Tlie dividing of the prey. 34 And threefcore and one thou- Bjf°« fand alles, 14; 2. 35 And thirty and two thoufand "^ ^ ' perfons in all, of women that had not knowai man by lying with him. 36 And the half, vuhich was the portion of them that went oat to war, was in number three hundred thoufand and feven and thirty thou- fand and five hundred flieep ; 37 And the L o r ds tribute of the flieep was fix hundred and threefcore and fifteen. 38 And the beeves were thirty and fix thoufand, of which the L o r ds tribute zvas threefcore and tAvelve. 39 And the aiies zuere thirty thou- fand and five hundred, of %vhich the Lords tribute was threefcore and one. 40 And the perfons zvere fixteen thoufand, of which tlie Lords tri- bute zuas thirty and two perfons. 41 And Mofes gave the tribute, which was the Lords heave-offering, unto Eleazar the prieft; ^ as the Lord ji se? ^ commanded Mofes. s.T,.' 42 And of the children of Ifraels half, which Mofes divided from the men that warred, 43 (Now the \\dM that pertainedtmto the congregation, was three hundred thoufand and thirty thoufand and fe- ven thoufand and five hundred flieep, 44 And thirty and fix thoufand beeves, 45 And thirty thoufand afles, and five hundred, 46 And Iixteen thoufand perfons, ) 47 Even of the childi-en of IfraeU half, Mofes took one portion of fifty, bath of man and of beaft, and gave them unto the Levites, which kept the chargeof the tabernacle of the Lord J as the Lord commanded Mofes. 48 ^ And the officers which were over thoufands of the hoft, the cap- tains of thoufands, and captains of hundreds, came near unto Mofes : 49 And they fiiid unto Mofes, Thy fervants have taken the fum of the men of w^ar which are under our -|- charge, and there lacketh not one t^"^^. man of us. 50 We have therefore brought an oblation for the Lord, what every man hath i- gotten, of jewels of gold, ti'ev. chains, and bracelets, rings, ear-rnigs, and tablets, to make an atonement for our fouls before the Lord. 51 And Mofes and Eleazar the prieft took the gold of them, even aii wrought jevvclb. 52 And The String. y Deut. :o. 14. » Chap. Jolii. IVcr. 36. Beth. nimrah^ c Ver. 38. Shihmah. e Chap. 31.34,34. f Chap. 13- 3. '' jDeut. h Chap. »3- 24. i Chap. 14. 21. I4.;8, 29. ReubemVes and Gadites fuit: NUMBERS. iheir offer td Mofes. 52 Al\A all the gold of the \ offer- land wliich I Tware unto Abraham, Before ing that they ofcred up to the Lord, unto Ifaac, and unto Jacob ; becaufe ^4'.? of the captains of thoulands, ^and of ' they have not f -wholly followed me : '^^Z^fT' 12 Save Caleb the fon of Jephun- m-24, 3- neh the Kenezite, and Jofnua tne fon la^'ei of Nun; for they have wholly fol- "^'"' "■■• lowed the Lord. 13 And the Lords anger was kindled againft Ifrael, and he made \ the captains of hundreds, was fixteen thoufand feven hundred and hfty Ihekels. 53 {For ^ the men of war had taken fpoli, every man for himfelf. ) 54 And Mofes and t.leazar the prieft took the gold of the captains them v.ander in the wiidernefs forty of thoufands, and of hundreds, and brought it into the tabernacle of the congregation, for a memorial for the children of Ifrael before the Lord. c H A P. xxxn. T/ie Reubenites and Qaditesjuefur their inheritance 0:: that fide J or doit. "Ow the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, had a very great multitude of cattle : and when they fa\v the lujid of -^ Jazer, and the landofGilead, that behold, the place was a ]nace for cattle ; . 2 The children of Gad, and the children of Reuben, came andfpake unto Mofes, and to Eleazar the prieft, and unto the princes of the congrega- tion, faying, 3 Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and ^ Nimrah, and Hefiibon, and E- lealeh, and '^ Shebam, and Nebo, and ^, Beon ; . 4 Even the coimtry ^ which the Lord fmote before the congregation of Ifrael, is a land for cattle, and thy fervants have cattle. 5 Wherefore, faid they, if we ha\'e found grace in thy fight, let this land be given unto thy fervants for a pof- fpllion, and bring us not over Jordan. 6 ^ And Mofes faid unto the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and Ihall ye lit here? 7 And wherefore f difcourage ye the heart of iae children of Ifrael, from going over into the land which the Lord hath given them? 8 Thus did your fathers, f when I fent them from Kadefh-barnea, ^ to fee the land. 9 For '' when they went up unto the valley of Efhcol, and faw the land, they difcouraged the heart of the children of Ifrael, that they Ihould not go into the land which the Lord had given them. 10 ' And the Lords anger was kindled the fame time, and he fware, faying, 1 1 Surely none of the men that came up out of Egj-pt, ^from twenty years old and upward, fli^U fee the years, until ail the generation that had done evil in the fight of the Lord was confumed. 14 And, behold, ye are rifen up in your fathei s fiead, an increafe of lin- rul men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the Lord toward Ifrael. _ 1 5 For if ye turn away from after him, he will yet again leave them in the wiidernefs, and ye lliall deilroy all this people. 1 6 ^1 And they came near unto him, and faid, We will build Iheep-folds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones; 1 7 But '" we ourfelves will go ready "i J"fi'» armed before the children of Ifrael, "'' '^" until we have brought them unto tlieir place : and our litde ones ihall dv.ell in tlie fenced cities, becaufe of the inhabitants of the land. 18 " We will not return unto oiu" ^J^Om houfes, until the children of Ifrael "'' ^' have inherited every man his inheri- tance : 19 For we will not inherit with them on yonder fide Jordan, or for- ward ; becaufe our inheritance is fail- en to us on this fide Jordan eaft-ward. 20 II And " Mofes faid unto them, °J^^f^' If ye will do this thing, if ye will go joft." armed before tlie Lord to war, '" '^' 21 And v/ill go all of you armed over Jordan before the Lord, until lie hath driven out his enemies from before him, 22 And ^ the land be fubdued be- pDcut. fore the Lord: then afterward ye ^' "' fiiall return, and be guilllefs before the Lord, ^and before Ifrael ; and ^this land fhall be your polfeffion be- 5 Dent- fore the Lord. '^?,"*** 2 3 But if ye will not do fo, behold, \°,,^ & ye have fmned againll: the Lord: '^- ^• and be fure your lui will find you out. 24 Build ye cities for your little ones, and folds for your flieep ; and do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth. 25 And the children of Gad, and the children of Reuben, fpake unto Mofes, faying. Thy fervants will d» as my lord comniandeth. a 6 On- t Reuben and Gads inJieritance. CHAP, 26 Oui- little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all our cattle, fliall be there in the cities of Gilead; 2 7 ■■ But thy fervants will pafs over, every man armed for war, before the Lord to battle, as my lord faith. 28 So ' concerning them Mofes commanded Eleazar the prieft, and Jofliua the fon of Nun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of the children of Ifrael : 29 And Mofes faid unto them, If the children of Gad, and the children of Reuben, will pafs with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle l^efore the Lord, and the land fliall be fubdued before you ; then je ftaall give them the land of Gilead for a pofleflion : 30 But if they will not pafs over with you armed, they fliall have pofleflions among you in the land of Canaan. 31 And the children of Gad, and the children of Reuben, anfwered, faying. As the Lord hath faid unto thy fervants, fo will we do. 32 We will pafs over armed before the Lord into the land of Canaan, that the pofleflion of our inheritance on this fide Jordan may be ours. 33 And ' Mofes gave unto them, cjen to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manafleh the fon of Jo- fepli, " the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Baflian, the land with the cities thereof, in the coaflis, tve>i the cities of the country round about, 34 \ And the children of Gad built '-' Dibon, and Ataroth, ^ and Aroer, 35 And Atroth, Shophan, and ^Jaazer, and Jogbehah, 36 And^Beth-nimrah, andBeth-ha- ran, fenced cities : and foldsforflieep. 37 And the children of Reuben •■ built Heflibon, and Elealeh, and Kirjathaim, 38 And Nebo, and Baal-meon ("^ their names being changed) and 5'Lm''"' Shibmah : and f gave other names unto the cities which they builded. 39 And the children of ^ Machir the fon of Manafi'eh went to Gilead, and took it, and difpoflefled the A- morite vv'hich was in it. 40 And Mofes "^ gave Gilead unto Machir the fon of Manafleh; and he dwelt therein. 41 And *" Jair the fon of ManaflTeh went and took the fmall towns there- of, aiKl called thcni '^ Havotii-jnir. peni Chap. Chap. 3.45,46. De-it. 36. Ver. I, 3 Ver. 3. "unrah. Chap. he names r the itUi* Cen. 0.-3. ; Dent. 1. le, jo. 4. i Kings »3« e Exoi. 13- 37- XXXIII. The jonrmyi of the Ifraelites. 42 And Nobah went and took Ke- Befon nath, and the villages thereof, and ^^"'i" called it Nobah, after his own name. "^ — '^ CHAP. XXXIH. I Two and forty jnnmeys oftfie Ifrael- . - ites. 50 2'he Canaanites are to be deftroyed. THefe are the journeys of the children of Ifrael, which went forth out of the land of Egypt, with their armies, under the hand of Mofes and Aaron. 2 And Mofes wrote their goinga out according to their journeys, by the commandment of the Lord : and thcfe are their journeys, according to their goings out. 3 AxT.d they * departed from Rame- ^ e-oJ. fes in the firll month, on the fifteenth ^',4^1 day of the firft month : on the mor- row after the paflbver, the children of Ifrael wentout'' with anhighhand, ^ ekoJ, in the light of all the Egyptians. 4 (For the Egyptians buried all their firft-born, "^ which the Lord cEtod. had fmitten among them : ^ upon ^"j,'^" their gods alfo the Lord executed ^-j--^ judgments.) iraiaii' 5 " And the chlldren^of Ifrael re- p'eV'i. m.oved from Ramefes, and pitched in ' Succoth. 6 And they departed from f Sue- fE.< coth, and pitched in Etham, which '^" " '" is in the edge of the wilderiiefs. 7 And ^ they removed from Etham, \f^°^^^ and turned again unto Pi-hahiroth, which is before Baal-zephon : and they pitched before Migdol. 8 And they departed from before Pi-hahiroth, and ^ pafled through \^'°^; the midlt of the fea, into the wilder- & 's- nefs, and went three days journey' in "*' " ' the wildernefs of Etham, and pitched in Mar ah. 9 And they removed from Marah, and ' came unto Elim: and in Elim ^ ^oi. zuere twelve fountains of water, and '^" •" threefcore and ten palm-trees; and tiiey pitched there. 10 And they removed from Elim, and encamped by the Red fea. 1 1 And they removed from the Re£l fea, and encamped in the ^ wil- k e,mjj. dernels or bm. 12 And they took their journey cut of the wildernefs of Sin, and en- camped in Dophkah. 1 3 And they departed from Doph- kah, and encamped in Alufli. 14 And they removed from A- lufli, and encamped at 1 Rephidim, 1 e^"!- where was no water for the people %'. i". to di-iuk. 15 And f Chap. x;. i6. I Muc. j. 9. ' Dear. 10. 7. t Deux- I. a. 1 Kingt 9. 76. n Ch.ip. 70. I. & -7- I^. X Chap. fe JI. 4- y Chap. ■30. 15. Deut. 10. ^. & 31. jO. journeys of N U M 15 And they departed from Rephi- dim, and pitched iii the ™ wildernefs of Sinai. 16 And they removed from the defert of Siuai, and pitched "at ||Ki- broth-iiattaavali. 17 And they departed from Ki- broth-battaavah, and ° encamped at Hazeroth. 1 8 And they departed from Haze- roth, and pitched in ^ Rithmah. 19 And they departed from Rith- mah, and pitched at Rimmon-parez. 20 And they departed from Rim- mon-parez, and pitched ia Libnah. 2 1 And they removed from Libnah, and pitched at Rilfah. 22 Anil they journeyed from Rif- fah, and pitched in Kehelathah. 23 And they went from Kehela- thah, and pitched in moimt Shapher. 24. hsvA. they removed from mount Shapher, and encamped in Haradah. 25 And they removed from Hara- dah, and pitched in Makheloth. 26 And they removed from Mak- heloth, and encamped at Tahath. 2 7 Ajid they departed from Tahath, and pitched at Tarah. 28 And they removed from Tarah, and pitched in Mithcah. 29 And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in Hallimonah. 30 And they departed from Hafli- monah, and ** encamped at Moferoth. 31 And they departed from Mofe- roth, and pitched in Bene-jaakan. 32 And they removed from "^ Be- ne-jaakan, and '^ encamped at Hor- hagidgad. 33 And they went from Hor-hagid- gad, and pitched in Jotbathah. 34 And they removed from Jotba- thah, and encamped at F.bronah. 35 And they departed from K- bronah, ' and encamped at Ezion- gaber. 36 And they removed from Ezion- gaber, and pitched in the " wildernefs of Zin, which ;; Kadefn. 37 And they removed from " Ka- defh, and pitched in mount Hor, in the edge of the land of Kdom. 38 And ^ Aaron the prieil went up into mount Kor, at the command- ment of the Lord, and died there in the fortieth year, after the children of Ifrael were come out of the land of Egypt, in the firlt day of the fifth month. 39 And Aaron wns an hundred and twenty and three years old, %vhen he (lied in mount Hor. a Chap, Chap. d Ch.ip. h Chr.p. I! Or, B E R S. Vie children of Ifrad. 40 .And '^ king Arad the Canaan- ite (which dwelt in the fouth, in the land of Canaan) heard of the coming of the children of Ifrael. 41 hnA they departed from mount * Hor, and pitched in Zalmonah. 42 And they departed from Zalmo- nah, and pitched in Punon. 43 And they departed from Pimon, and '° pitched in Oboth. 44 And '^ they departed from Oboth, and pitched in || '' Ije-abarim, in the border of Moab. 45 And they departed from lim, and pitched * in Dibon-gad. 46 And they removed from Dibon- ^■^]'ll'. gad, and encamped in Almou-fdibla- f ezcIc. thaim. ^- '^• 47 And they removed from Almon- diblathaim, ^ and pitched in the^i.^ol" mountains of Abarim, before Nebo. 48 And they departed from the mountains of Abarim, and "^ pitched in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, 7iear Jericho. 49 And they pitched by Jordan from Beth-jeiimoth, everi unto || ' Abel- fliittim, in the plains of Moab. 'iO ^ And the Lord fpake unto Mo- i,?,?- fes, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, J""'- '• near Jericho, faying, 51 Speak unto the children of If- rael, and fay unto them, ^ When ye ^."t"^* are pafled over Jordan, into the land J'_'"'"» of Canaan; 52 1 Then ye fliall drive out all the l,^"',"^; inhabitants of the land from before li- ^,_ you. and deftroy all their pictures, and iVcur.''7. deftroy all their molten images, and iV.'i- quite pluckdowuiiUtheir high places. 53 And ye fliall difpoffefs the inhabi- tants of the land, and dwell therein : for I have given you the land to poflefs it. 54 And "* ye fnall divide the land '^^^'•'l^; by lot, for an inheritance among your " families; and to the more ye lliall -j- give the more inheritance, and to the fewer ye fliall f give the lefs in- heritance : every mans inheritance ),';, fliall be in the place where his lot "'^ falleth ; according to the tribes of ,/,;>. your fathers, ye fliall inherit. *." 55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you ; tlien it fliall come to pafs, that thofe which ye let remain of them jhall he " pricks in your eyes, and "^.1 thorns in your fides, and ihall vex jai you in the land wherein ye dwell. sV, 56 Moreover it Ihall come to pafc, ■^■ that I fhall do unto you, as I thought to do unto thera. CHAP. of 1 t Hrb. ' borders of the land: C H A P. G H A P. XXXIV. I The bor-ders of the land: r6 the 7imnei of the vzen which Jhall di- vide it. ANd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, "^ 2 Command the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan, (this is the land that fliall fall unto you for an inheritance, eve?it\\e land of Canaan, with the coafts thereof, ) 3 Then ^ Your fouth quarter Ihall be from the wildernefs of Zin, along by the coaft of Edom, and your fouth border ftall be the outmoft coaft of '' the fait fea eaftward. 4 And your border fliall turn from the fouth " to the afcent of Akrabbim, and pafs on to Zin : and the going forth thereof lliall be from the fouth ^ to Kadefli-barnea, and Ihall go on to h. ' HazaTraddar, and pafs on to Azmon. 5 And the border lliall fetch a com- pafs from Azmon '" unco the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it Ihall • be at the fea. 6 And as for the weftern border, you fhall even have the great fea for a bor- der : this fliall be your weft border. 7 And this Ihall be your north bor- der j from the great fea, you fliall point out for you ^ mount Hor. 8 From mount Hor ye Ihall point out yotir border '' unto the entrance of Hamath : and tlie goings forth of the border fliall be to Zedad. 9 1[ And the border ihall go on to Ziphron, and the goings out of it fhall be at Hazar-enan : this fliall be your north border. 10 And ye fliall point out your eaft border from Hazar-enan to Shepham. 1 1 And the coaft fliall go down from Shepham ' to Riblah, on the eaft lide of Ain; and the border fli;dl defcend, and fhall reach unto the J hde of the fea ^ of Chinnereth eail;- ward. 12 And the border fliall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it fliall be at the fait fea : this fliall be your land, with the coafts thereof round about. 1 3 And Mofes commanded the chil- dren of Ifrael, faying. This is the land which ye fliall inherit by lot, which theLoPvD commanded to give unto the nine tribes, and to the half-tribe. 14 ' For the tribe of the children of Reuben, according to the houfe of their fathers, and the tribe of the children of Gad, according to the + XXXI V. their names -who jhall divide it. houfe of their fathers, have received Bsfore tlieir inheritance^ and half the tribe 'i!;';':'.'' of Manaire2i have received their in- "^ — "^ — heritance. I ■< The two tribes, and the half- t)-ibe, have received their inheritance- on this iide Jordan 7;;6?(7rJericIio, eait- ward, tovv-ard the fun-riiiug. 16 ^fAnd tlie Lord fpake untd Mofes, faying, 1 7 Thefe are the names of the men which ihall divide the land unto you : '" Eleazar the prieft, and Joi'hua the r;/°?^K fon of Niui. 19. 51- 18 And ye fliall take one prince of every tribe, to divide the land by in- heritance. 19 And the names of the men are thefe : "of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the fon of Jephunneh. 20 And of the tribe of the childreri of Simeon, Shemuel the fon of Am- mihud. 2 1 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Eli- dad the fon of Cliillon. 22 And the prince of the tribe of the childi-en of Dan, Bukki the foa of Jogli. 23 The prince of the children of Jofeph, for the tribe of the children of Manafleh, Hanniel the fon of Ephod. 24 And the prince of the tribe of the children of Ephraim, Kemuel the fon of Shiphtan. 2 J And the prince of the tribe of the children of Zebuhm, Elizaphan the fon of Parnaeh. 26 And the prince of the tribe of the children of IlTachar, Paltiel the fon of Azzan. 27 And the prince of the tribe of the cJiildren of Afiier, j\hiliud the fon of Shelomi. 28 And tlie prince of the tribe of the children of Naphtali, Pedahel the fon of Ammihud. 29 Thefe are they whom the Lord commanded to divide tlie inheritance unto the children of ifrael in the land of Canaan. CHAP. XXXV. I Eight and forty cities given to the Levites : 6 fix of them .'.'>, be cities of refuge. 9 The law, of murder. A Nd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, '•«J»^ ■t\ in the plains of Moab by Jordan wf^r Jericho, faying, 2 ^ Command the children of If- \}''^^% rael, that they give unto the Levites & -'•' 3« of the inheritance of tneir poii'effion, cities to dwell in ; and ye ihali give aljo unto the Levites fuburb's for the cities round about tliem. M 2 Aiitl Before tl;rilt The citiei of the Livitef.- N U M 3 And the cities (hall they have to dwell in, and the faburbs of them ' fliall be for their cattle, and for their goods, and foi" all their beafts. 4 And the fuburbs of the cities which ye fhall give unto the Levites, Jhall reach iVbni tlie wall of the city and outv.ard athoufand cubits round Before Chrift l»Dem. 4- 41- Jaftiua 30. 2. & ai. 3, at. t Heh. uioi's them ytJhM ■ ehe. c Chap. i6. i4> t Hel). thcv m Ittrit. dDcut. 19- 2. Jolhua e Exod. 21. 13- t Heb. ly error f Dcut. JO. 6. 20. 5. g Ueut. 4- 41- IiiThuii so. 8. about. 5 And ye ftall meafur-e from with- out the city on the eaft-iide t-vvo thou- fand cubits, and on the fouth-ilde two thoufand cubits, and on the wert-fide tv.'o thoufand ciibits, and on the north-fide two thoufand cu- bits ; and the city (liall bt in the midil : this Ihall be to them the fuburbs of the cities. 6 And among the cities which ye fhall give unto the Levites, there jhall be ^ fix cities for refuge, which ye ftiall appoint for the man- flayer, that he may tiee thither : and f to them ye Ihali add forty and two cities. 7 So all the cities, which ye fliall give to the Levites, jliall be forty and eight cities : them jhall ye give with their fubiubs. 8 And the cities, which ye fhall give, (hn'l be of the poifeflion of the children of Ifrael : '' from t^iem that have' m\.\x\y^ ye iliall give many ; but from them that have few, ye fliall give few : every one fhall give of his cities unto the Levites, according to his in- heritance which f he inheriteth. 9 \ And the Lord fpake unto Mo- fes, faying, 10 Speak unto the children of If- rael, and fay unto them, '' When ye be come over Jordan, into the land of Canaan ; 1 1 Then ye " fhall appoint you ci- ties, to be cities of refuge for you ; that tlie flayer may flee thither wliich Idlleth any perfon f at unawares. 12 i' And they ihall be unto you ci- ties for refuge from the avenger : that the man-flayer die not, luitil he Hand before the congregation in judgment. r3 And of theie cities which ye Jliall give, fix cities fhall ye have for refuge. 14 ^ Ye fliall give three cities on this fide Jordan, and three cities ihall ye gi^'e in the land of Canaan, which ihall be cities of refuge. 15 Theie fix cities ihall he a re- fuge, both for the children of Ifrael, aud for the ftranger, and for the fo- journer among them : that every one that killethany perfon unawares may ftee tliither. B E R S. T'he laws of tnurdefi 1 6 *" And if he fmite him with an inih-ument of iron, (fo that he die, ) ^ he is a murderer : the murderer fhall ^;^;^;^;^ furely be put to death. I'.V.tlcus''' 17 Aik4 if he fmite him f with 24. i?- throwing a ltone,(wherc^^•ith he may ^Hj^t^^jJ^ die, ) and he die, he is a murderer: the ti» a^jA murderer flmll furely be put to death. r8 Or if he fmite him with an hand- weapon of wood, (wherewith, he may die,) and he die, he is a mur- derer : tlie murderer fliall furely be put to death. 1 9 The revenger of blood himfelf fhall flay the murderer : when he meereth him, he fhall flay him. 20 But ' if he thruft him of hatred, \^^f-^ or hurl at him by laying of wait, that he die ; 21 Or in enmity fmite him with his band, that he die : he that fmote him fhall furely be put to death ; for . he is a murderer : the revenger of blood fhall flay the murderer when he meeteth him. 22 But if he thruft him fuddenly k without enmity, or have cail upon ^ Ex<'^^^ him any thing without laying of wait ; 23 Or with any ftoue wherewith ii man may die, feeing/(;V72 not, and cait it upon him that he die, and ivas not his enemy, neither fought his harm : 24 Then tlie congregation fliall judge between the flayer, and the revenger of blood, according to thef« judgments. 1^ And the congregation fliall de- liver the flayer out of the hand of the revenger of blood, and the congrega- tion fliall reflore him to the city of his refuge, whither he was fled : and^ he fhall abide in it unto the death of the lijgh priefl, ' which was anointed '^ Ktod, with tlie holy oil. ^",''k 26 But if the flayerfliall at anytime VJ\<,. come without the border of the city of his refuge, whether he was tied ; 27 And the revenger of blood find him without the borders of the city of his refuge, and the revenger of blood kill the flayer ; f ^^^ ^i'^^^ "^^ i^hjI;;^ be guilty of blood : ^»f. '■•* 2^y Becaufe he ihould have remain- " ""'• ed in the citv of his refua^ until the death of the high prieil : but after the death of the high priefl the flayer ftnall return into the land of his pofleffion. 29 So thefe things Ihall be for a fta- tute of judgment unto you throughout „ ncur. your generations in all your dwellings. ; ^; ''if 30 Whofo kiaeth luiy perfon, the >|«rt. murderer fliall be put to death by the ^ co.i«. » mouth of wiUielVes : but one wit- H.'biAvs nefs "•'' T/ze ia^vi of murder, C! H A P auora nefs (hall not teftify againft any per- ls',, foil, to cmije him to die. '-^ — ' 31 Moreover, ye lliali take no Ta- tisfaftion for the life of a murderer, ■j^h. which is f guilty of death : but he % fhall be furely piit to death. 32 And ye Jliali take no fatisfac- tion for him that is fled to the cit^ of his refuge, that lie lliould come again to dwell in the land, until the death of the prleft. 33 So ye Ihall not pollute the land riicaii wherein ye are: for blood " it Setileth j^'j the land, and f the land cannot be rfC(i» cleanfed of the blood that is Jhed "/ow'/or therein, but by the blood of him that '"""• fhedit. Bcfc Chr . XXXVI. The inheritance of dctUghkrs., heritance of the tribe whereunto tJiey are received ; fo Ihall their iuhefitaiice be taken away froni the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers. 5 And Mofes coniniaiided the chil- duen of Ifrael, according to the word, of the Lord, faying, The tribe of the fons of Jofeph hath"^ faid well. 6 This /; the thing which the LoRii doth command concerning the daugh- ters of Zelopliehad, fayhig, Let then! ■\ marry to whom they think bell; tHcii,:,^, ^ only to the family of the tribe oi'''^^^- their father fliall they marry : i. ».'" 7 So fhall not the inheritance of the children of Ifrael remove from tribe to tribe : for every one of the 34 Defile not therefore the land children of Ifrael fliall f keep himf elf t.»ri..-. which ye fhall inliablt, wherein I to the inheritance of the tribe of his «;."&c* dwell : for I the LoRU dwell among fathers, the children of Ifrael. 8 And f every daiTghter that pof- f • chwii(| CHAP. XXXVI. feffeth an inlieritance, in any tribe of '^' "' I The iiicnti-veuit'iu-e ofthi: inheritance the children of Ifrael, fhall be v/ife, of daughters, 5 is reviedied by mar- mito one of the family of the tribe o? her father, that the children of Ifraei ANfiJ the chief f ithers of the fami- may enjoy every man the inheritance lies of the " children of (.\\\e,u\. of his fathers. 9 Neither ihall tlie inheritance re- move from 0;.? tribe to another tribe^ but every one of the tribes of the children of Ifrael fnall keep himfelf to his own inheritance. 10 Even as the Lord cominandedf Mofes, fo did the daughters of Zeio- phehad. i I ° For Mahlah,Tirzah, and Hog- b c^^h- lah, andMilcah.andNoah.thedaugh- ''" " ters of Zeiophehad.were married lui- to t.li^ir fathers brothers lon'i. 12 Aid they were married -f- into t Heb. the families of the fons of Manalleh !",'Tfr« the fon of Jofeph, and their inheri- °.';/'v/'** tance remained in the trib^ ctf the iamily of their father. vying in their oivii tril/e. Nfiil the chief f ithers of the fami- lies of the " children of Gilead, the fon of Machir, the fon of Manaf- feh, of the families of the fons of Jo- feph,came near, andfpakebefore Mo- fes, and before the princes the chief fathers of tlie children of Ifrael : 2 And they faid, '" The Lord com- manded my lord to give the land for an inheritance by lot to the children of Ifrael ; and "^ thy lord was com- manded by the Lord to give the in- heritance of Zelophehad our brother unto his daughters. 3 And if t'liey be married to aijy of the fons of the other tribes of rhe chil- dren of Ifrael ; then fliall their inheri- tasice be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and Ihall be put to the inheritance of the tribe f whereunto they are received ; lb ihaD li be tarken from the lot of om- inheritance. 4 And when ^ the jubile of the children of Ifrael fhall be, then ftiall tjieir inheritance be put imto tb.e in- 13 Thefe are the commandments and the judgments which the Lord commanded by the hand of Mofes, unto the children of Ifrael in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Je.- richo, U Tfe€ Filth Book of M o S e s, called D E U T E R O N O xM Y. Chap. i. I Mofes, in the end of the fortieth year, briefly rehearfeth the Jiory, 6 of Gods ^pronijfe^ 34 and his anger, &c- T' ^ "\ H L S E *f tlie words which Mofes fpake unto all Ifrael * on this fide Jordan, in thewildernefs,in the plain over ii«;ainft the || Red fea^ betws^jj proni I Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Ha^eroth, and Dizahab. 2 {There are eleven days journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir, i" unto Kadefh-barnea. ) _ 3 And it came to pafs •= in the for- tieth year, in the eleventh month, on the firft day of the month, that Mefes fpake luito the children of jW- « Ifrael, b Numb* 13. 26. c Kuiiib. 33. 38. Mofes reh'earfefrv Ifrael, according unto all that the Lord had given him in coniiiiand- ment unto them ; 4 ^ After he had (lain Sihon the king of the Amorites, which d\yelt in Hefhhon, and Og the king of Ba- fhan, which d\yelt at Altar oth * in Edrei. 5 On this fide Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Mofes to declare this law, faying, 6 The Lord our God fpake unto us f in Horeb, faying, Ye have dwelt long * enough in this mount : 7 Turn you, and take your jour- ney, and go to the mount of the A- morites, and ^unto -j- all the places nigh thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, and in the fouttf, and by the fea-fide, to the land of tlie Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Euphrates. 8 Behold, . I have f fet the land before you : go in and poflefs the land which the Lord fware unto your fathers, '' Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, to give unto them, and to their feed after them. 9 ^ And ' I fpake unto you at that Chrill d Numb,- 31. 34.33' e Namb. ■"■a- Jolhui 13. li. f Exocl. 3. I. p See Exod. jy. I. Mumb. JO. II. t Hrb. alt hi! -eigh- iours* Chapter 16. 19- I Sam. DEUTERONOMY. , Gods former promifes. 1 7 "I Ye fliall not -j- refpeft perfons Brfo in judgment, but you fliall hear the ^4" fmall as well asthe great ; you fliall ''~[2f,, not be afraid of the face of man, for ■"the judgment is Gods : and the caufe that is too hard for you, bring it un- to me, and I will hear it. "°7"' 1 8And I commandedyou at that time Ja-nf- '• »• all the tilings which ye Ihould do. l^m'iJge 19 •[ And, when we departed from f"'": Horeb, we went through all that \^. 0"°"* great and terrible wildernefs, which m9o« you faw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites, as the' Lord our God commanded us ; and ' we came sKumb. to Kadcflvbarnea. '^' * * 20 And I faid unto you. Ye are come unto the mountain of the Amo- rites, which the Lord our God doth give unto us. 2 1 Behold, the Lord thy God hath fet the land before thee : go up and poflcfs /■/, as the Lord God of thy- fathers hath faid unto thee } ^ fear t jodwa not, neither be difcouraged. '" *' 22 ^ And ye came near unfo me every one of you, and faid. We will fend men before us, and they- fliall fearch us out the land, and laring us word again by w'hat way we muft go time, faying, I am not able to bear up, and into what cities w^e fliall come k Gin. IP Genefis 15. J. i- = :■. 17. & t Heb. Civ. t HA. £ave. you myfelf alone : 10 The Lord your God hath mul- tiplied you, and behold, '' you are this day as the ftars of heaven for multitude. n (' The Lord God of your fa- thers make you a thoufand times fo many more as ye are, and blefs you " as he hath promifed you. ) 12 How. can I myfelf alone bear yoiu' cumbrance, and your burden, and your ftrife ? 13 f Take ye wife men, and un- derftanding, and knowTi among your tribes, and 1 wU make them rulers over you. 14 And ye anfwered me, and faid, The thing which thou haft fpoken is good for us to do. 15 So I took the chief of your tribes, wife men, and known, ° and -f- made them heads over you, cap- tain., over thoufands, and captains over hundreds, and captains over fif- ties, and captains over tens, and officers among your tribes. 16 And I charged your judges at that time, faying, Hear the caufes between your brethren, and ° judge 2 3 And the faying pleafed me well : and " I took twelve men of you, one " ^"*'*' of a tribe. 24 And " they turned, and went up ^,^'"?)** into the mountain, and came unto the 4. =4' valley of Efiicol, andfearched it out. 2 5 And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us word again, and liiid, =' It is a good land i-*f"™}" which the Lord ourGoddothgiveus. 26^ Notwithftanding, ye would not ? Numb, go up, but rebelled againft the com- '*' '" mandment of the Lord your God. 2 7 And ye murmured in your tents, and faid, Becaufe the Lord hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egj-pt, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to deftroy us. 28 Whither fliall we go up ? our brethren have \ difcouraged our *^«'^^-_ heart, faying, ^ The people is greater ,, vamb. and taller than we, •> the cities are ^3; ;;^ great and walled up to heaven, and i, chai.. moreover, we have feen the fons of '■'• '" the '^ Anakims there. ^]!"'s\ 29 Then I faid unto you, Dread neither be afraid of them. not, iivxi.11^1 ^^ oi.cvxvi ^^ ^..^.... ■ .30 '' The Loud your God, which ^^"Tt^. righteoufly between every man and goeth before you, he fliall light for ^/^^o"'* his '' brother, and the ftranger that- you, according to all that he did for is with liini. you in Egypt before your eyes : 31 And Gods anger for incredulity. fore 31 And in the wildernefs, where \"!) thou liafl: feen how that the Lord thy God "bare thee as a 'man doth bear his fon, in all the way that ye went, until ye came unto this place. se''/ra'A«s 32 Yet in this thing ye did not be- 13- «8- lieve the Lord yonr God, 33 <■ Wlio went in the way before you, ^ to fearch you out a place to pitch your tents /«, in fii'e by night, to fhew you by what way ye (hould go, and in a cloud by day. 34 And the Lord heard the voice of your words, and was WTOth, ""and fware, faying, 35 ' Surely there fliall not one of thefe men of this evil generation fee that good land, which i fware to give unto }'our fathers; 36 ''Save Caleb the fon of Jephun- neh, he fhall fee it, and to him will I give the land tliat he hath troden upon, and to his clfildren, becaufe ^ he hath f wholly followed the Lo ro. 37 '" Ahb the Lord was angry with goiftlr^" ^^ f*^*" y"""^ fakes, faying, Thou alfo liialt not go in thither. 38 Bur Joihwd. the fon of Nun, e thap. 37. II, I ICa. AC. f Exod. 13.21. g Kumb. 10. 3> x.zeKiel hChap. It Joftaa 1 Nnmb.7, go jm Numb 7- «pter mount Seir many days. '" *^' 2 And the Lord fpake unto me, faying, 3 Ye have compafled this mountain ''long enough •„ turn you northward. 7,^^7** 4 And command thou the people, faying, "^ Ye are to pafs through the « N"'"''- coaft of your brethren the children of"" "*' Efau, which dwell in Seir, and they fhall be afraid of you : take ye good heed unto yourfelv'es therefore. . 5 Meddle not with them ; for I will not give you of their land, f no \^^^\\ ,^^ not fo much as a foot-breadth, ^ be- trfiMng Numb. 4- 45- caufe I have given mount Seir unto 0/ 'thefo't. Kfau for a poilellion. 'i^^T""' 6 Ye fliall buy meat of them for .t<>ft»iia money, that ye may eat ; and ye"*'** fhall alfo buy water of them for mo- ney, that ye may drink. 7 For the Lord thy God hath blef- fed thee in all the works of thy hand j he knoweth thy walking through this great wildernefs : " thefe forty }'ears j.^J',^!'' the Lord thy God hath heeu with thee, thou haft lacked nothing. 8 f And, when we palled byfroni our f jaHses bretliren the children of Efau, which "' '*' dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath, and from Ezion- gaber, we turned and palfed by the \\ay of the wildernefs of Moab. 9 And the Lord faid unto me, II Diftref^- not the Moabites, neither ilor.^ contend with them in battle ; for I i/^/iu^ will not give thee of their land/or a.fiZt'' polFeifion, becaufe I have given *^ Ar s Numb, unto '' the children of Lot for a pof- "cen." feffion. »9- 37» 10 'The Emims dwelt therein ih'Gcn times paft, a people great, and many, '*" *' and tall as '^ the Anakims ; •= ^umi. 1 1 Which alfo were accounted gi.- '^" '^'^*' ants, as the Anakims, but the; Moab- ■ ites call them Emims. " 1 2 ' The Horims al^'o dwdt hi Seir 1 ocnefis before tiute, but theciiildrehof Efau It. la.* M 3 ' '[- fucceedcd ■meb. inherited them. II Or, jn Numb, 21. 12. %MUey- SI Nnmb. 13. 2<5. tPV^,i w^3- 3- M Jerem 35, 30. xGen. 'to. 14. *■/• y NnmJ). of thee, and fhall tremble, and be in Bcfnr* anguiili becaufe of thee. m"- 26 ^ And I fent meffengers out * *'"*" of the wildernefs of Kedemoth, un- to Sijwji king of Hefhbon, * with J^^'^fi"; words of peace, fayhig, 2- '' Let me pafs through, thy land : ^,^'"J^Vii.i I will go along by the high-way, I .|"'|j>^ will neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left. 28 Thou ftialt fell rqe meat formo- ne5% that I may eat ; and give me wa- ter for money, that I ijiay drink: on- ly I wi i I pafs through on my feet : 29 ('" A.s the children of Efau which ^sc<- ch»p dwell in Seir, and the Moabiteswiiich juiiK.'^t. dwell in Ar, did unto me;) until I ''' ' iliall pafs over Jordan, into the land '\vhich the Lord our God givetli us. 30 ^ But Sihon king of ^Hefhbon d-Nnmb. would not let us pafs by him : for "^the Lord thy God f hardened his t,-{"1^5* fpirit, and made hi;, heart obftinate, f K-.oii. that he inight deliver him into thy '*' ''! Rand, as appearcth tlii:; day. 3r And the Lord faid unto me. Be- hold, I have begini to give Sihon and his land before thee : begin to poffefs, that thou mayeft inherit his land. 32 ^ Then Sihon came out againft us, ^,'^'"™^ he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. 33 And "the Lord our God deli- )!^^\ vered him before us, and ' we fmote \°- '*• him, and his fons, and all his people. \^''^^t; 34 And we took all his cities at that time, and "^ utterly deftroyed ?7!'^.^ f the men, and the women, and the ^.''^l'^'" little ones of every city ; we left none t Hi'b. . to remain : X'^"*^ 35 Only the cattle we took fpr a ;;,"'^"'^;,rf prey unto ourfelves, and the fpoil ^'<"'<'«^ of the cities which we took. 36 1 From Aroer, which h by the l,,*^','ffij brink of tlte river Arnon, and frotn \j^^^ the city that is by the river, even ^a.'?.* ; \into Gilead, there was not one ciity too ftrong for us : the Lord our God delivered all unto us. ' 37 Only unto the land of the chil- dren of Ammon thou cartieft not, ricr unto any place of the river '" Jabbok, "'.*^/ nor unto the cities in the mountains, ^',''",^'_^ nor unto whatfcever the Lord our Cod forbad us. ' CHAP. in. I Of Og king of Bafliaii. 23 Mofts ,pray\ir to enter into the lavjl; 26 he iS pevmittty.l to fee it. THen we turned, and went up the wav to Baflian : and * Og Tfie h I Chron J. 53- 1 Chap. in z Sam. IJ. i6. JlT. +«. 2 91. JJ. 8, i^c. <1 Jolhuj ?3- '3- ,X J Sam. 10. 6. £ Kumb. eonqueji of Og. C H A 2 And the toRD fald UHto me, Fear him not ; for I will deliver him, •* and all Ills people, and his land, into thy hand, and thou (halt do unto him as 'thou didft unto ''Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Helhbon. 3 So the I^pRU our God delivered into our hands "^ Og alfo, the king of Baihan, and all his people : and we fniote him until none was left to him remaining. 4 .Ind we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threelcore cities, ' all the region of Argob, the king- dom of Og in Bafljaii. 5 All thefe cities zuere fenced with high walk, gates and bars, befide un- walled towns a great many. 6 And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king ^ of Heih- bon, utterly dertroying the men, wo- men, and children of every city. 7 But all the cattle, and the fpoil of the cities, we took for a prey to ourfelves. . 8 And we took, at that time, out of the hand of the two king^? of the Aniorites, the land that was on this fide Jordan, fromi the river of ..Irnon unto mount Hermon : q {Which ^Hermon the Sidonians call Sirion j and the Araoritei call it »'Shenir:) 10 ' All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and i' all Bafhan, unto Salchah and EdreL, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bafhan : 11 ' For only Og king of Bafhan remained of the remnant of giants ; behold, his bedftead was a bedftead of iron : is it not in '" Rabbatji of the children of Ammon ? nine cubits x[)ai the length thereof, and four cu- bits the breadth of it, after tjie cubit of a man- 1 2 And this land rohlch we poffefs- ed at that time, "fromAroer, which is by the river Anion, and half mount Gilead, and "the cities thereof, gave I unto the Reubenites, and to the Gadites. 1 3 And the reft of Gilead, and all Bafhan, being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half-tribe of iVla- nafT^h ; all the region of Argob, with all Baflian, which was called the land of giants. 14 ''Jair, the fon of Manafleh, took all the country of Argob, '' unto the coafts of Gefhuri, and '' Maachathi ; and called them after his own name, BalhaxL- ' havoth-jair, unto tliis day. p. HI. Mofes pifsfy'sy. I g ^ And I gave Gilead unto Machir. scfore 1 6 And unto tlie Reubenites, " and ^451. unto the Gadites, I gave from Gilead ^^ even unto the river Arnon, half the i^- 39- valley, and the border, even unto the "_j| ^''"* river Jabbok, "^ which is the border of x Numb. the children of Ammon : joihua 17 The plain alfo, and Jordan, and '-•'• the coalts thdveof, from ^ Chinnereth ^J^^f^' '^even imto "the fea of the plain, ,ci>ai'. ? even the fait fea, 1| under Aihdoth- I'^f^^ pifgah e aft ward. aoen. lb li And I commanded you at that '"^^J' time, faying. The Lord your CjcA ur.<:! tie hath given^you tliis land to poflefs {Jiyv^', or it : •> ye fliall pafs over armed before ^%^b". your brethren the children of Ifrael, j^'- ;«•' all t/iat are f meet for the war. r^n,*'^-'/ 19 But your wives, and your little >»»«'■' ones, and your cattle {for I know that ye have much cattle) fliall abide in your cities which I have given you; 20 Until the Lord hath given reft unto your brethren, as well as unto you ; and until tiiey alfo poilefs the laud which the Lord your Gcd hatii given them beyond Jordan : and t/ieu fliall ye " return every man unto his ',-;"*"* pollellion which I ha\ e given you. 2 1 H And ■' I commanded Jofhua l^-^s^ at that time, faying, Thine eyes have feen all that the Lord your God hatli done iinto thefe two kings : fo fhall ~ the Lord do unto all the kingdoms wluther thou pafl'eil;. 22 Ye fhall not fear them : for the Lord your God he Ihall tight for you. 23 And ' I befoughe the Lord at «*'^,. that time, faying, ii- «. >• 24 O Lord Goo, thou hxft begun to fliew thy fervant thy greauiefs, and thy mighty hand ; for f what God /.• U^.^'l\ there in heaven or in earth, that can |^; ^^- ^ do according to thy works, and ac- cording to thy might i* 25 I pray thee, let me go over and fee the good land that is beyond Jor- dan, that goodly momitain, and Le- banon. 26 But the Lord ^ was.wroth with f ^^'°^ me for your fakes, and w-ould not heai* f .'7;,J*' me: and the Lord faid unto me, 'i^'^y'^l. Let it fuffice thee, fpealcuo more un- pij'i'.t*- to me of this matter. i'iwm*" 27 ''Get thee up into the top of i^a-i^^ yPu'gah, and lift up thine eyes weft- t.^?,":^ ward, and northward, and ibutli- ^y>^- . ward, and euftward, and behold it'"'" with thine eyes: for thou ihalt not go over this Jordan. 28 But ' charge jofnua, and ertcoa-vKwrv rage him, and ftrcngthon nun: for ''" ' ' he^il-all go over before thio people. M 4 aii" )'; the fun, and the moon, and the ftars, ' ' " ' even ',all the hoft of liea ven, fliouldeft ' cen. j. i. be driven to worihip them, and ferve them, which the Lord t!iy God hath !( divided unto all nations mider the JL°J; whole heaven. 20 But the Lord hath taken you, a nd ' b rought you forth o u t of the iron '^ « King* furnace, eve?'i out of Egypt, "to be jeAm. i unto him a people of inlieritance, as ^'p_*^j_ ye are this da v. ly- 5- ■' T^ 1 V t T Chapter 2 1 1 urtherniore, the Lord was an- 9. 29. & gry with me for your fakes, and fware ^'^.'"^.i,, that I fliould not go over Jordan, and i"-,''--^, that I fliould not go in unto that good ,.'37'." land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. 22 "But >' I muft die in this land, I I p"er i. muft not go over Jordan : but ye fiiall '5. '4. 'i- go over and poffefs that good land. 2 3 Take heed unto yaurfclvej, left ye forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, or the likenefs of any ^w//;g; '■ whicli Lord thy God hath forbidden thee. aci.. 9-?,- 24 For "the Lord thy God is a HcbA^^s'*" confuming fire, (fven ''a jealous God. l'^^^'„,j, 35 "J When iia.^/.i/ tipartedt the :^^:. An exhortation to obedknce. C rfaiah ^^icah d Levit. a6. 33. Chapccr -8.63, 64. 1. 8. e Chap. 28. 64. 1 Sain, ■26. 19' Jereni- 16. 13. f Pfalm .IS.4.S.! '35- 'S- ll..iah 44. 9. & 46. 7- g Lcv}t. j'i. 39- Chap. 1^0. I. i Clirop.. 15. 4. Nelicm. 1. 9. + Heb./iai /f)w;jd //in ti G«n. 4S' !• 1 Mattln J Chap. 7- W- & 3?- 3- mChap. 33. 39. Jfa. 4S-S, l3, 2;. Slavk J2. ^9, ?2. n Esniius iv- ';.";•& ilO. 18 ;j. & ;4- iC. |Kcbr<-vs 25 t When thou flialt beget chil- dren, and childrens children, and (halt have remained long in the laud, and fliall corrupt yuwj'ehes, andniake a graven image, or the likenefs of any t/iwg, and fliall do evil in the fight of the Lord thy God, to provoke him to anger : 26 ' I call heaven and earth to witnefs againft you this day, that ye Ihall foon utterly perifli from off the land whereunto you go over Jordan to pollefs it : ye fhall not prolong your days upon it, but lliall utterly be de- Itroyed. 27 And the Lord <» fliall fcatter you among the nations, and ye fhall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the Lord Ihail lead you. 28 And "^ there ye fliall ferve gods, the work of mens hands, wood and ftoae, f which neither foe, nor hear, nor eat, nor fmell. : 29 ^ But if from thence thou flialt feek the Lord tliy Gou, tb.ou flialt find him, if thou feek him v^'ith all thy heart, and with all thy foul. 30 When thou art ui tribulation, and all thefe things f are come upon thee, '» ew« in the latter days, if tliou- turn to the Lord thy God, and flialt e be obedient unto his voice, 31 (For the Lord thy God zs a merciful God, ) he will not forfake thee, neither deftroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he fware unto them. 32 For afli now of the days that are palt, which were before thee, iince the day that Cod created man upon the earth, and rjh ' from the one fide of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been n/iy Juch thing as this great thing /j", or hath been heard like it ? 33 k Y)\c\ ever people hear the voice of God fpeaking out of the midft of the lire, as thou halt heard, and live ? 34 Or hath God allayed to go n/vr/ take him a nation, from the midll; of another nation, ' by temptations, by figns, and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a rtretched-out arm, and by great ter- rors, according to all that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt, be- fore your eyes ? 35 Unto thee it was fheM ed, that thou mightell: knovv' that the Lord he iV God; '" there is none elfe be- fides him. 36 " Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might inltrutt CHAP. IV. T'le three cities of refuge. thee ; and upon earth he fliewed thee Before his great fire, and thou heardeft his words out of the midft of the fire. * ^ ^ 37 And becaufe he loved thy fa- thers, therefore he chofe their feed after them, and " brought thee out o exo5. in his fight, with his mighty power \\'^^. out of Lgypt : 38 To drive out nations from be- fore thee, greater and mightier than thou art; to bring thee in to give thee their land/br an inheritance, as // is this day. 39 Know therefore this day, and ^ , „,^ confider it in thine heart, that ^ the 3- m.' Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath : tfiere is none elfe. 40 Thou fhalt keep therefore hisfta- tutes and his commandments which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayeil prolong thy days upon the earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for ever. 4t t Then Mofes *» fevered three ^^^"^^^ cities on this fide Jordan, toward the fun-rifing : 42 '■ That the flayer might flee thi- ^ ci-^a^ ther, which fhould kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not in times_ part ; and that, fleeing unto one of thefe cities, he might live : 43 Namely, ' Bezer in the wilder- 5 j..n>. nefs, inthe plain-country of the Reu-"' benites; and Ramoth in Gilead, of the Gadites ; and Golan in Baiiian, of the ManalTites. 44 t And this is the law which Mo- fes let before the children of Ifrael : 45 Thefe. flri? the teilimonies, and the Itatutes, and the judgments, which Moles fpake uiKo the children of If-_ rael, after they came forth out of Egypt ; 46 On this fide Jordan ' in the val- t chap, ley over againil Beth-peor, in the ^' ' ' land of Sihon king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Helhbon, whom Mofes and. the children of Ifrael " fmote, « n-J'*- after they were come forth out of chap, t.gypt. 47 And they pofTefied his land, and the land '^ of Og king of Balhan, two ^.'l''^''^ kings of the Amorites, which xwrf on ^i>=r- thisfide Jordan, toward the fun-rifing; 48 From Arocr, which is by the bank of the river Amon, even unto mount Sion, whicli is >' Hermon.^ >' •^,5;?- 49 Andall the plain on this fide Jor- k^i'»^ dan eaft ward, even unto the fea of the '^^^^'' plain, under the ^ furings of Pifgah. i. vf' CHAP. A' a E-xod. J9- S- 1491. h Sea Mitch, H.;br. ». 9. 34. 10. r/j? iffti C3}nma;tdms:ds. D E cfe>r5 G H A P. V. uji" i 7"/^? covenaitt in Horeb. 6 T"/*^ ten ■v— ^ commandments. 22 At the peoples Teqiieft Mofes receiveth t'ls law from God. ' Nd Mofes called all Ifrael, and faid unto them, Hear, O Ifrael, the ftatutes and judgments which I fpeak in your ears this day, that ye V^d^'thlZ "^^y ^^^™ them, and f keep and do ' them. 2 * The LoRB om- God made a covenant with us In Horeb. 3 The LoiiB '^ made not this cove- nant witli our fathers, but with us, ft). 6. 4. I'falm t Krf>. 3«. 7. 3;. i8. fijaftl 3!. 2. Ivekiel ia. 12. UTERONOMY. Mr>fes reeelveth the letm, 15 And remember that thou waft a fervant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thee *" out thence through a mighty hand» and by a ftretclied-out arm : there- fore the Lord thy God commanded thee to lietii the fabbath-day. 16, !f ' Honour thy father and thy \^^T-^ mother, astlie Lord thy God hath ^^'.''Ji. commanded thee; that thy days may i.^'i!';. be prolonged, and that it may go well <■'"'';«■' wdth thee, in the land which the ^' '"' Lord thy God giveth thee. 1 7 ™ Thou llialt not kill. ™ ^',;'"" 18 " Neither fhalt thou commit n jlke adultery. '"• =°' 19 " Neither flialt thou fteal. o Rom. 20 Neither flialt thou bear falfe '^' ^' witnefs agaiuft thy neighbour. 2 1 P Neither fnalt thou defire thy p R<"tv neiglibours wife, neither Ihalt thou '' ''' covet thy neighbours houfe, liis field, ' or his man-fervant, or his maid-fer- vant, his ox, or his afs, or any thing that is thy neighbours. 22 "^ Thefe words the Lord fpake unto ail your ali'embly in the mount out of the midrt of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darknefs, with a great voice, and he added no more ; .and "i he wrote them in two tables of 1 'S'"?"'' ftone, and delivered them unto me. 23 "" And it came to pafs when ye rExod. heard the voice out of the midft of *°' '*" the darknefs, (for the mountain did burn with fire, ) that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders, 24 And ye faid. Behold, the Lord our God hath fiiewed us his glory, and hisgreatnefs, and ' we have heard his voice out of the midft of the fire ; we have feen this day that God dotll, talk with man, and he "^ li\eth. tcha?. 25 Now therefore why ihould we *u.f|c, die ? for this great fire will confume '^' ^•* us. If we f hear the voice of the t Heh. < Lord our God any more, then we *° '"'"'■ Ihall die. 2 6 For v/ho /; there of all flefli that hath heard the voice of the living God, fpeaking out of the midft of the ' fire (as we have) and lived? 27 Go thou near, and litar all that theLoRDourGodfhallfay; and"fpeak "of^'t thou unto us all that the Lord our Hebr. God (hall (peak unto tiiee, and we '*' will hear it, and do it. 28 And the Lord heard the voice of your words, when ye (pake unco me ; and the Lord faid unto me, I have heard the voice of the words oi tlii« people, wliich they have fpoken unto 19. 19- An exhorlatimt i.j.f,*. f^^i overt $.. 8. b Ifaiati 4J. 8. Mark i;. 19. John 17. 3. I CorlJi. *. 4, 6. »Chap. 10. li. Katch. Harl* JJ- 30. Luke 10. v *• otf the face of the earth. 16 f ""Ye fliall not tempt themiwattu. Lord your God, ° as ye tempted taia him in Maflah. nK^V 1 7 You fliall diligently keep the ^7jj;;^^^ commandments of the Lord your Ut^,"^ God, and his teftimonies, and his fta- ^ ''" ♦' tutes, which he hath commanded thee. 18 And thou flialt do thca -which is right aucl good in the fight of the Lord : that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayeft go in aud poflefs the good land which the Lord fwars unto thy fathers ; 19 ° To caft out ail thine enemies from before thee, as the Lord hath fpokeu. 20 ^wrf when thy fon afketh thee f in time to come, faying. What jnemi ]^^i^ the teftimonies, andthe ftatutes, and the judgments which the Lord our God hath commanded you ? 21 Then thou flialt fay unt<\ thy fon, We were Pharaohs bond-men in Egypt, -and the Lord brought us out of Egypt '' with a mighty hand. l^^V 22 And the Lord fliewed figns 13- 3- and ^vonders, great and f fore, upon ]^l^- Eg>'pt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his houlhold, before our eyes : 23 And he brought us out from tljence, that he might bring us in, to give 1 Namh. 33- 52- Commtmion with the «1 Rom. Xo. 3.5 a Cliap. 3i- 3- fc Cea. ^.e Leviticus 37. 21, ^S. Numb. 33- 53- .Jr,)h.«.I7. & 8. :4- & J[0.28,4C.S£ II. It, 12. dExofi. j:;. ■ 52. & 34- 1«, IS, Ifi. See Chap. ■20. lO, Jofh. 2. 14 & 9- 18. Jud. I. 24 e I digs II. 3. f Exodus ■J3. 24. & 3*- 13- Chap. ij. 3. t H-b. /ta. Uit^ or, fallari. S Chap. 14- 2. ir a6. 19. Ffal.^o.S. Jer. :. 3. h Exof!. -19. <. Amos Ji Peter a. 9. JChnp. give us the land which he fware unto our fathers. 24 And the Lord commanded us to do all thefe ftatutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that he might preferve us alive, as // is at this day. 25 And ^ it fliall be our righteouf- nefs if we obferve to do all thefe commandments, before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us. CHAP. VII. I All communion -with the naiions is forbicldeit, 4 for fear of idolatry. WHen the "Lord thy God ihall bring thee into the land whi- ther thou goeft to poffefs it, and hath call out many nations before thee, •> the Hittites, and the Girgafhites, and the Amorites, and the Canaan- ites, and the Peri^zites, and the Hi- vites, and the Jebufites, feven nations greiiter and mightier than thou ; 2 And when the Lord thy God fhall deliver them before thee : thou fhalt finite them, and " utterly deftroy them, ^ thou fhalt make no covenant ^\'ith them, nor fiiew mercy unto them : _ 3 * Neither (halt thou make mar- riages with them ; thy daughter thou fhalt not give unto his fon, nor his daughter flialt thou take unto thy fon. 4 For they will turn away thy fon from following me, that they 'may ferve other gods : fo will the anger of the Lord be kindled againft you, and dellroy thee fuddenly. 5 But thus Ihall ye deal with them, ye fliall f deftroy their altars, and break down their \ images, and cut dowii their groves, and burn their graven images v/ith iire. 6 ^ For thou (Vi-t a holy people un- to the Lord thy God : ^ the Lord thy God hath chofea thee to be a ■ fpecial people unto hirafelf, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. 7 The Lord did not fet his love upon you, nor choofe you, becauie ye were more in nmnber than any people, (for ye -were the fevvell of all people : ) 8 But ' becaufe the Lord loved you, and becaufe he would keep the oath which l^e had fv/oru unto your ■fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeem- ed you out of the honfe of bond-men, from the hand of Pharcioh king of DEUTERONOMY. natiom forbidden. 9 Know therefore that the Lord Before thy God, he is God, ^ the faitliful God, 1 which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him, and 49- 7^* keep his cbmm.andments, to a thou- \?T-t' fand generations ; '=•. '3- > o 7 2 Conn. 10 And ™ repayeth them that \^l^ hate him, to their face, to deftroy s- ^4-'.* them : he will not be flack to him \7f.^' thathateth him, he will repay him X^l'l' to his face. "ei"-- 1 1 Thou flialt therefore keep the » John commandments, and the ftatutes, \'yXoi. and the judgments, which I com- -°-<'- mand thee thi.s day, to do them. Z^f" 12 ^ " Wherefore it (hall come to n Lev. pafs, f if ye hearken to thefe judg- cuaj?.' ments, and keep and do them ; that "'"• '' the Lord thy God fliall keep unto llaw'/e* thee the covenant and the mercy which he fware unto thy fathers. 1 3 And he will love thee, and blefs thee, and multiply thee : he will alfo blefs the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increafe of thy kine, and the flocks of thy Iheep, in the land which he fware unto thy fatliers to give thee. 14 Thou Ihalt be blefled above all people : ° there fhall not be male or © exi^. female barren among you, or among ^c.'*' your cattle. 15 And the Lord will take away from thee all ficknefs, and Avill put none of the ^ evil difeafes of Egypt p Exej. (which thou knoweft) upon thee; ?;.'*;.^ but will lay them upon all them that jg^^^'/''^,, hate thee. 16 And thou flialt confume all the people which the Lord thy God fliall deliver thee, thine eyes fliall have no pity upon them : neither flialt thou ferve their gods, for that xvill /5e ** a 4 { Chap. Neh. 9- E i Sam 21 Thou (halt not be affrighted at them : for the Lord thy "God is among you, a mighty God and ter- rible. 22 And the Lord thy God will \ put out thofe nations before thee by little and little : thou mayeft not confume them at oyce, left the beafts of the field increafe upon thee. 23 But the Lord thy God fliall deliver them f unto thee, and fhall deftroy them with a mighty deftruc- tion, until they be deftroyed. 24 And ' he fliall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou (halt deftroy their name from under hea- ven : there fliall no man be able to ftand before thee, until thou have deftroyed them. 25 The graven images of their gods " fliall ye burn with fire ; thou '^ flialt not defire the filver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, left thou be *■ fnared therein : for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God. 26 Neither flialt thou bring ;in a- bomination into thy houfe, left thou be a curfed thing like it : but thou flialt utterly deteft it, and thou flialt utterly abhor it j * for it is a curfed thing. CHAP. VIII. Jn exhortation to obedience in regard of Gods dealintr^ with them. A LI the commandments which I command thee this day, fliall ye obferve to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and pofl'efs the land which the Lord fware unto your fathers. 2 And thou flialt remember all the way which the Lord tliy God led thee * thefe forty years in the wil- dernefs, to humble thee, and *> to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldeft keep his commandments, or no. 3 And he humbled thee, and '^ fuf- fered thee to hunger, and ^ fed thee with manna, (which thou kneweft not, neither did thy fathers know, ) that he might make thee know that man doth '■■ not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. 4 *" Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did tliy foot fwell thefe forty years. 5 ^ Thou flialt alfo confider in thine heart, that as a man chafteiieth his fon, fo the Lord thy God chaf- t«netli thee, CHAP. VIIT. Ifraelites to obedience. 6 Therefore thou flialt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him. 7 For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, ^ a laixd of '^'Chap.^^^ brooks of water, of fountains, and depths that fpring out of vallies and hills, 8 A land of wheat and barley, and vines, and fig-trees, and pomegra- nates, a land f of oil-olive, and honey, J,,?^.f,v;f 9 A land wherein thou flialt eat «/«"• bread without fcarcenefs, thou flialt not lack any thing in it, a land ' whofe i^chap/ ftones are iron, and out of whofe hills thou mayeft dig brafs. 10 ^ When thou haft eaten and tchap.^ art full, then thou fhalt blefs the " "' ' ' Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. 11 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judg- ments, and his ftatutes, which I com- mand thee this day : 1 2 ' Left when thou haft eaten \f}'^^; and art full, and haft built goodly i^^j^-ij. houfes, and dwelt therein; 30.9. 13 And ivhen thy herds and thy "3." flocks multiply, and thy hlver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou haft is multiplied, 1 4Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy G od ( which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the houfe of bondage ; 1 5 Who led thee through that great and terrible wildernefs, "' wlierein ^.N""*' were fiery ferpents, and fcorpions, and J/^r^^* drought, where there was no water ; " who brought thee forth water out ? ^urnb. of the rock of flint; Ys%''' 16 Who fed thee in the wildernefs n*- s. with ° manna, which thy fathers °^exoj. knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove; thee, to do thee good at thy latter end ; ) 1 7 ^ And thou fay in thine heart, p_ch»P- My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth. 18 But thou flialt remember the Lord thy God : for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may eftablKUhiscovenant, which hefware unto thy fathers, as it /f this day. 19 And it Ihall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and Vv^alk after other gods, and ferve them, and worfliip them, I teftify againft you this day, that ye fliall fiu-ely perifli. 20 As the nations which the Lord deftroyeth before your face, fo fliall ye Before Chrift 1*5 1- e • Cll>!f b Nurob « Chap dChap. B. 17. Rom. II Aj 70. I Cor. •♦» 4, 7- c Gea. 15. 16. f Tit. 3. gGcii. I Jj. & ij 2- ? '7- a. Si 36. 4. & iS. Li. hBr.oA. 33- 3- & 34- ». i EMod .^fo/^; rekearfet/i D E U T E ye perifla ; becaxiTe ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lqrp your God. CHAP. IX. Mofes dijjuadet/i ikem f)-07n the opi- nioti of their oxv/i rfghteoufnefs., by r£isarfin the children of the Anakims, whom thou knoweit, and of whom thou hart heard fay^ Who can ftand before the children of Anak 1 3 Underftand therefore this day, that the L o R D thy God is he which goeth over before thee as -a. " con- fuming iire; he fliall deftroy them, and he Ihail brin^ them down before thy face: fo {halt thou drive them out, and deftroy them quickly, as the Lord hath faid unto thee. 4 Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the Lord thy God hath cart them out from before thee, fay- ing, <* For my righteoufiiefs the Lord hath brought me in to polTefs this land J but ^ for the wickednefs of thefe nations the L o r d doth drive them out from before thee. • 5 *■ Not for thy righteoufnefs, or for the uprightnefs of thine heart dotl thou go to polfefs their land : but for the wickednefs of thefe natioas the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and th-at he may perform s the word which the Lord fware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob. 6 Underftand therefore, that the Lord thy God giveth thee not this good land to poflefs it, for thy righ- teoufnefs; for thou «?•/ ""a ftilf-necked. people. 7 t Remember, and forget not how thou prov()kedrt the Lord thy God to wrath in the wildernefs : 'from the day that thou didft depart out of the land of Egj^pt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been ^pbellious agalnlt the Lord. 8 Alfo * in Horeb ye provoked the Lord to wrath, fo that the Lord was angry with you, to have de- Itroyed you. 9 ' When I was gone up into the mount, to receive the tables of ftone, COSH the tables of the covenant which the L o r D made with you, then '^ I abode in the mouat %ty days ^ad R O N O- I\I y . 0.a,ls rebelUms. forty nights, I neither did eat bread uefor, nor drink water : '^'''^■'i IQ And " the Lord delivered ur- * — ^^ to me two tables of ftone, written 3- "'s": With the hnger of Got!, aiitl oj; them was written according to sil the words which the L o 11 o Ipake witli you in- the mount, out of "the midft of fd-e, " in the da^y of the ailembly. o E^od. ^ 1 1 hs\A it came to pafs at the end of '1'. \l' ^ forty days and forty nights, that the Loud gave me the twa tables of ftone, even the tables of the covenant. 12 .^d the L o RD laid unto me, P Arife, get thee down quickly from p exoJ. hence; for thy people which thou^'"'' haft brought forth cut of Egypt, have corrupted thmnfelves: they are quick- ly turned afide out of the way which I coiitnianded them ; they liave made them a molten image. 13 Furthermore, the Lord fpake unto me, faying, I have feen this peo- ple, and behold, '^ it is a ftiff-necked i ver. «. people. "iS^^lu 14 Let me alone, that I may de- Twugs ftroy them, and '' blot oiit their name \''-^^^- from mider heaven : and I will make ^9- :°^' of thee a nation mightier and greater l^fil'ii, tlian they. 15 So I turned, and came down from the mount, and the mount burn- ed with fire : and the two tables of the covenant were in my two hands. 1 6 And ' I looked, and behold, ye ^ eso From thence they journeyed 5 Namw Gudgodah ; and from Gwdgo- W, i-\' to Totbath, a land of rivers of )C(ii. (I- S7. , Sum. I*. :s. ■■Exo.i IJ. »:. kuinb. 14. 16 1^ Vjk*A. 34,. 1. *j. 5, «i * 17- I' I49I. according to the || tirft time, forty ^J^S. ' days and forty nights, and ° the ^l"^?; ,j. Lord hearkened unto me at that 11 or, time alfo, and the Lord would not dTj"'."" deftroy thee. r^ff/si. 11 ° And the Lord faid unto me, l-jl-'v-* Arife, f take thy journey before the ^^%'. people, that they may go in, and pof- °^'1°^\ i'ek the land which I fv\ are unto their ji- 1"-' fathers to give unto them. lo'il^ur. 12 H And now Ifrael, ^ what doth "<•>• the Lord thy God require of thee, ^'."b*" but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and '' to love him, J'^J'^* and to ferve the Lord thy God with Mattij. all thy heart, and with all thy foul, '"' ^'* 1 3 To keep the commandments of the Lord, and his ilatutes which I command thee tlais day for thy good ? 14 Behold, "■ the heaven, and the r evoJ- heaven of heavens, is the Lords thy Piiim God, ' the earth a/Jh with all that l'{'J. \. therein is. _ ;^<^em 15 Only the Lord had a delight piahu' in thy fathers to love them, and he ^'" " chofe their feed after them, evenyQ}x above all people, as it is this day. 16 Circumciie therefore ^ the fore- fkin of your heart, and be no more llitf-necked. 17 For the Lord your God n ^" God of gods, 3nd " Lord of lords, '.V » great '» t See l,ev. It'. 44. jer. •. , , living fub' Jixnct which /c/- loiued hem. tKeb. a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which " regardeth not perfons, nor ■^ taketh reward. ^ 1 8 '^ He doth execute the judgment of the fatherlefs and widow, and lov- ri. eth the ftranger, in giving him food ;. and raiment. '• 1 9 ''Love ye therefore the ftranger : for ye were ftrangers in the land of Egypt. 20 ^ Thou flialt fear the Lo\d thy God ; him Ihalt thou ferve, and • to him flialt thou '^ cleave, "^ and fwear by his name. 2 1 "^ He is thy praife, and he is thy '• God, that hath done for thee thefe great and terrible things which thine eyes have feen. 22 Thy fathers went down into 3. Egypt, " with threefcore and ten per- ' fons; and now the Lord thy God hath made thee f as the liars of hea- ven for multitude. '• CHAP. XL I An exhortation to obedience. 26 A blejjing and a citrj'e is fet before them, THerefore thou fiialt love the Lord thy God, and keep his charge, and his ftatutes, and his judgments, and his commandments alway. 2 And know you this day: for / /peak not with your cliildren which have not known, and which have not feen the chartifehient of the L o k d your God, his greatnefs, his mighty hand, and his ftretched-out arm ; 3 And his miracles, and his acls which he did in the midil: of Egypt, unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and unto all his land ; 4 And what he did unto the army of Egj-pt, unto their horfes, and to their chariots, ^ how he made the water of the Red fea to overflow them as they purfued after you, and how the Lord hath ddtroyed them unto this day ; 5 And w'hat he did unto you in the wildernefs, until ye came into this place J 6 And '' what he did unto Dathan and Abiram, the fons of Eliab, the fon of Reuben : how the earth opened her mouth, and fw allowed tliem up, and their houfholds, and their tents, and all the II fubitance that f u-as in their pofleffion in the midft of all Ifrael. 7 But your eyes have feen all the great a£ls of the Lord which he did. 8 Therefore lliall ye keep all the commandments which I command Promifes to the obedient > you this day, that ye may be ftrong, Before and go in and iiofTefs the land whi- "si'^ tlier ye go to polfefs it : >>— y_— 9 And that ye may prolong your days in the land which the Lord fv.are unto your fathers to give unto them, and to their feed, a land that lloweth with milk and honey. 10 II For the land whitlier thou goeft in to polfefs it, /; not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou fowedit thy feed, and wateredft // with thy foot, as a garden of herbs : 1 1 But the land whither ye go to poflefs it, is a land of hills and val- lies, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven ; 12 A land which the Lord thy God f careth for : "^ the eyes of the j "eb. Lord thy God are always upon it, ci*k'^« from the beginning of the year, even '• 3- unto the end of the year. 13 If And it fiiall come to pafs, if you Ihall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to lo\'e the Lord your God, and to ferve him with all your heart, and with all your foul ; 14 That I will give yoii the rain of your land in his due feafon, <* the lirft ^ ^,"«' rain, and the latter rain, that thouJ^mes mayeft gather in thy corn, and thy^' '' wine, and tliine oil. 15 And I will f fend grafs in thy t Heb. fields for thy cattle, that thou mayeft ^""' eat and be full. 1 6 Take heed to j'ourfelves, ^ that \^}^l^l your heart be not deceived, and ye turn afide, and <" ferve other gods, {^'^''f' and worfliip them ; 17 And then the Lords wrath be kindled againfl you, and he ^ flnit up the heaven that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit, and left ye perifli quickly from off the good land which the Lord gi- veth you. 18 If Therefore »■ Ihall ye lay up S.*^^^.*p- thefe my words in your heart, and in your foul, and • bind them for a fign \fs^^- upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. 19 ^ AiiA ye fliall teach them your J.^^^fg. children, fpeaking of them when thou & "•' 7- fittefl in thine houfe, and when thou walkeil: by tlie way, when thou liell down, and when thou rifeft up. 20 And thou Ihalt write them up- on the door-polls of thine houfe, and upon thy gates : 2 r That your days may be multi- plied, and the days of your children, iii I Kings 35. I Pfal.u ;.. J. & Bg. 29, 30 m Jofi t. V ; 14- 3- Blejjfirigs and cUrfinga. C H A eforc in the land which the Lord fware i4i't. unto your fathers to give them, ' as ' the days of heaven upon the earth. 22 If For if ye fhall diligently keep all thefe commandments which I command you to do them, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him ; 25 Then will the Lord drive out fill thefe nations from before you, and ye Ihall poffefs greater nations, and mightier than yourfelves. . 24 "' Every place whereon the foles of your feet fliall tread, fliall be yours : ° from the wildernefs, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermoft fea fhall your coaft be. 25 There ihall no man be able to {land before you : for the Lord your God (liall lay the fear of you, and P- Xlt. Idolatry io he deflro^^ed, 2 ^ Y-e fliall utterly deftroy all the K.ior* Chap. places wherein the nations which ye li'si? fliall Ij poffefs ferved their gods, up- ^7;;;^ on the high mountains, and upon the %'^n'. hills, and under every green tree. f!'^^}''* 3 And '' you lliall f overthrow their [l^O"-, altars, and break their pillars, andb"Tu"g'« burn their groves with fire, and you i; '\ A^nii 1 . ^ Nxxnin. Inau new aown the graven images of ?3- 52. their gods, and deftroy the names of 4^"/^" them out of that place. a™"' 4 Ye ihall not do fo unto the Lord your God. 5 But unto the place which the Lord your God floall " choofe out of ^,^^;;;'» all your tribes, to put his name there, ')■ ?J-^ even unto his habitation ihall ye feek, 8.^'9.^* and thither thou ihalt come : 7.^^^™"' 6 And '' thither ye ihall bring your ^ Levit. burnt-offerings, and your facritices, '''' ^* andyour 'tithes, and heave-ofieringst-ir"t;.'f' the dread of you upon all the land of your hand, and yourvows,and your '*■ •■^'•'& that ye ihall tread upon, " as he hath free-will-oiferings, and the tirftlings '^' ''" '" of your herds, and of your flocks. 7 And f there ye fliall eat before the \f^2'. Lord your God, and ye fliall rejoice in all that you put your hand unto, ye and your houfliolds, wherein the Lord thy God hath bleiled thee. 8 Ye ihall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every mail whatfoever ii right in his own eyes. 9 For ye are not as yet come to the reft, and to the inheritance which the Lord your God glveth you. 10 But vjlien ye go over Jordan, and dwell in the land which the" Lord your God giveth you to inhe- rit, and wkeu he giveth you reft from all your enemies round about, fo thaC ye dwell in fafety ; 1 1 Then there fliall be ^ a place g vcn f^ which the Lord your God fliall '"*' ' '- faid unto you 26 f P Behold, I fet before you this day a bleiling and a curfe : hap. 2 7 ^ A bleffing, if ye obey the com- mandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day ; i-P; 28 And a ' curfe, if ye will not obeythe commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aiide out of the way which I command you this day, to go aflcer other gods which ye have not known. 29 And it ihall come to pafs, when the Lord thy God hath brought thee in unto the land whither thou goeil upter to poffefs it, that thou ihalt put " the nV '"" blelfing upon mount Gerizzim, and ^' the curfe upon mount Ebal. 30 Are they not on the other fide Jordan, by the way where the fun goeth down, in the land of the Ca- naanites, which dwell in the cham- r.. plan over againft Gilgal, ' beilde the plahis of Moreh ? 31 For ye fliall pafs over Jordan, to go in to poflefs the land which the Lord your God giveth you, and ye fliall polfefs it, and dwell therein. 32 And ye iTiall obferve " to do all the ftatutes and judgments which I fet before you this day. CHAP. XII. I Monuments cf idolatry to be deftroy- ed. 5 The place of Gods fervice to be kept. 16, 21 Blood forbidden. 'T^Hefe are the ftatutes ancf judg-' jL ments which ye fhall obferve to do in the land which the Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to poffefs it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. t Jge Ch^p, 32- choofe to caufe his name to dwell 'm.''?^!& there, thither fliall ye bring all that ;i; l^'^'S-c, I command you ; your burnt-olfer- g J^;' ^; ings, and your facritices, your tithes, ^n'.^L and the heave-otfering of your hand, & ^.' ll. and all -{- your choice vows which ye is?',.^ vow unto the Lord. § ^'jp 1 2 And ye fliall rejoice before the ""^"'^g^, Lord your God, ye, and your fons, ^ '^^^' and your daughters, and your men- J^/ ^^^'^^ fervants, and your maid-fervants, and vou^s. the Levite that is \\ ithin your gates ; forafmuch as '' he hath no part nor \f^^^' inheritance with you. 1 3 Take heed to thyfelf that thou offer not thy burnt-otferings in every place that thou feeft. 14 ' But in the place which j:he ' ^■«'"*^ Lord fliall choofe in one of thy tribes, t-here thou (halt otfer thy burnt-otfer- N ings, J c th,ill. ly. 3<. & The place am 7nanncr D E U T E Before ing-s, and there thou flialt do all that Chrirt T ° ] ^, 145 1. I command thee. "^ — ^ — ' 15 Nof.vithftanding. thou mayeft kill and eat iie!h in all thy gates, whatfoever thy foul lufteth after, ac- cordins; to the blelling of the Lord t'.iy God which he hath given thee : k Ver. 33. k the unclccui and the clean may eat thereof, as of the roe-buck, and as of the hart. 1 6 > Only ye fimll not eat the blood; ye Ihall pour it upon the earth as water. 1 7 *lf Thou mayeft not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or of thy oil, or the tird- lings of thy herds, or of thy flock, nor any of thy vows which thou voweft, nor thy free-will-offerings, or heave-offering of thine hand ; 18 "■ But tr.ou mull eat them be- fore the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lor o thy God fiiall choofe, thou, and thy fon, and thy daughter, and thy man-fervant, and thy maid- fervant, and the Levite that is with- in thy gates : and thou fhalt rejoice before t!ie Lord thy God in all that thou putteft thine hands unto. 1 9 " Take heed to thyfelf that thou forfake not the Levite f as long as thou livell upon the earth. 20 11 When the Lord tliy God fliall enlarge thy border, ° as he hath promifed thee, and thou flialt fay, I will eat fietli, (becaufe thy foul long- eth to eat fieili, ) thou mayeft eat tlelhj whatfoever thy foul lufteth after. ^ 21 If the place which the Lord thy God hath chofen, to put his name there, be too far from thee ; then thou flialt kill of thy herd, and of thy flock, which the Lord hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, aiTd thou flialt eat in thy gates whatfo- ever thy foul lufteth after. 22 1' Even as the roe-buck and the hart is eaten, fo thou flialt eat them: the unclean and the clean Ihali eat of them alike. 23 "^ Only f be fure that tliou eat not the blood : ' for the blood Is the life, and thou mayeft not eat the life with the fleih. 24 Thou Ihalt not eat it ; thou flialt pour it upon the earth as water. 25 I'hou fhalt not eat it, that it may go well with thee, and with thy thiidi-en after thee, ' when thou flialt do tknt -which is right in the fight of the Lord. 26 Only thy holy things which thou haft, and thy vows, thou Ihalt Uke, n Cliap. 14- 37. £cclui 7. ii. t Heb. all thy o Genefis 15. 18. & Chap. p Ver. ij. ^Ver. 16, T Ush. be T G.-ne;i« 9. .-.. Leviticus »7- II, 14. e Chan. »3» i». I ■•refs. R O N O M Y. 0/ Godi worjlilp and go unto the place which the s-r Lord ftiall choofe. 27 And ' thou flialt offer thy burnt- ^ ^^^,^ oiFerings, the ilefli and the blood, up- s, v, • on the altar of the Lord thy God : and the blood of thy facritices fliall be poured out upon the altar of the Lord thy God; and thou flialt eat the flelh. 28 Obferve and hear all thefe words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy chil- dren after thee for ever, when thou doft that which ii good and right in the fight of the Lord thy God. 29 % When the Lord thy God fliall cut oif the nations from before tliee, whidier thou goelt to poilefs them, and thou f fucceedeft them, 1 Hei.. and dwelleft in their land ; ^ ot!'"^'., ro Take iieed to thyfelf " that thou ;'/,;^": be not fnared -j- by following them, ". .'<'/ after that they be deftroyed from be- l^l'^^'- fore thee, and tliat thou enquire not them. after their gods, fiying, How did thefe nations ferve their gods i even fo will I do likcwife. 31 Thou flialt not do fo unto the • Lord thy God : for every y abomi- 1^^^„„^ nation to the Lord which he liateth, "" »/"«' have they done unto their gods ; for -• even their foiis and their daughters If,,^^":,'^/. they have burnt in tlie fii-e to their cha., and ■^ cleave ^'X; unto him. 5 And ' that prophet, or that ej:hap. dreaJKer of dreaais flmli be put to .W-u'.'s death , ^"''" '^"^ Idolaters to be flatted. CHAP. >hsp. :orin. haj). hapter '3- judge deatli ; (becaufe he hatH f fpokea to turn ynu away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the ;, laud of Egypt, and redeemed you 5- out of the houfe of bondage, to thruit thee out of the way which the Loro thy God comuianded thee to walk ^- m : ) '" fo fhalt thou put the evil away *■ from the midft of thee. 6 t ^ If thy brother the fon of thy mother, or thy fon, or thy daughter, ■ or ^ the wife of thy bofom, or thy friend, which is as thiue own foul, entice thee fecretly, faying. Let us go and fevve other gods, (which tJion hait not known, thou, nor thy fathers ; 7 Namdiy, of the gods of the peo- ple which are round about you, high imto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth, even unto the ot//ey end of the earth, ) 8 Thou flialt not conlent unto lii?n, nor hearken unto him ; neither Ihall thine eye pity him, neither Ihalt thou fpare, neitherllialtthou conceal iiim. 9 But ' thou (halt furely kill him ; ^ thijie hand Ihall be firlt upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of ail the people. 10 And thou fhalt ftoiie jiim with ftones, that he die ; becsufe he hath fought to thruft thee away from the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the houfe of f bondage. 1 1 And 1 all Ifrael fliall hear, and fear, and fnall do no mor** any fuch wickednefs as this is among you. . 12 *1I '" if thou fhalt he-drjiiv in oite of thy cities, which the Lord thy God hath given thee to dvyell there, faying, i_3 Certain men, j| the children of . Belial, " are gone put from among you, and have withulravv^l the inha- bitants of their city, faying. Let us go and ferve other gods, (which ye bave not known, ) I A Then flialt tiiou enquire, anercy, and have compaJ^on upon thee, and multiply thee, as he hath fworn unto thy fathers ; \% When thou flialt Irearken to the voice of the Lord tliy God, keep all his commandments which I command thee this da;-, to do thai XV hick ii right in the eyes of the Loru thy God. CHAP. XIV. I C-ods cliikben are not to disfigure thaiffehes in mm'jfhl7:g. 3 7\0iai may be eaten^ and what not. "E are tlie children of the Lord a Lwif your God. " i'e fhall nor cut .. yourfelves, nor ma1;e any bald.nefs i: between your cyCs for the Ae?.{[ : ^}j'- ?• 2 ^ For thou art m\ holy people 4. 13". ' unto the Lord thy Cod, and the ^.'^^'.'g Lord hath chofen thee to be a pe- '•'^- i*- culiar people unto liimfetf, above all the nations that are upon the earth. 3 17 Thou fhak not eat aiiy abo- minable thing. 4 " Thefe are the beafts which ye 'l^^-" flull eat : the ox, the flieep, and the '' ^~'° goat, 5 The hart, and the roe-buck, and the fallow-deer, and the wild goat, and the !| f pygarg, and the ^wild 'f^or, ox, and tlie ch:inK)is. /m. 6 And every btati: that parteth the '^^°^ hoof, and cleavetii the cleft into two claws, a/ul cheweth the end amoiigll the beafts; that ye fhall eat. 7 Neverthelefs, thefe ye fhall not . eat, of them that obew the end, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney : for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof j therefore they are unclean unto you. 8 And the fwine, becaufe it divid- eth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. : ye fhall noteat of their fielh, '^ nor touch their ^ ^'^^ dead carcafe. 9 "ii ' Thefe ye fliall eat of all tfcat ^ /■"';• are in the waters ; all tliat have fins "' "' and fcales fliall ye eat : 10 And Vi'hatfoever hath not frns and fcales, ye may not eat ; it is un- clean unto you. 1 1 ^ 0/all clean birds ye fhall eat. 1 2 But thefe are they of whicli ye fhall not eat : the eagle, and the ol^rage, and the ofpray, W a 13 And f LeVit. Ji- 9- S See Lev, Of nthes and offer'mgs. D E IT T E R ■ 13 And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind, 14 And every raven after his kind, 15 And the' owl, and the night- hawk, and thecuckow, and the hawk after his kind, 16 The little owl, and the great •owl, and the fwan, 1 7 And the pelican, and the gier- eagle, and the cormorant, 18 And the ftork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the f bat. iq And ^ every creeping thing that flieth is unclean unto you : theyfliall not be eaten. 20 But o/all clean fowls ye may eat. 21 % Ye Ihall not eat of any thing that dieth of itfelf : thoiifhalt give it tuito the Itranger that is in thy gates, that he may eat it, or thou mayeft fell it unto an alien ; for thou art an holy people imto the Lord thy God. ^ Thou ihalt not feethe a kid in his mothers milk. 22 ' Thou flialt truly tithe all the increafe of thy feed, that the Held bringeth forth year by year. 25'' And thou ihalt eat before the Lord thy God, in the place which he fhall choofe to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thyv^^incand of thine oiU and ' the hritlings of thy ' herds, and of thy flocks ; that thou mayeft learn to fear the Lord thy God always. 24 And if the way be too long for thee, fo that thou art not able to car- ry it, or if the place be too far from thee which the Lord thy God Ihall choofe to fet his name there, when the Lord thy God hath blefled thee ; 25 Then flialt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and iiialt go unto the place which the Lord thy God Ihall choofe. 26 And thou (lialt bellow that mo- ney for whatfoever thy foul lufteth after, for oxen, or for Iheep, or for wine, or for ftrong drink, or for what- foever thy foul f dehreth : and thou Ihalt eat there before the Lord thy God, and thou iiialt rejoice, tliou and thine houlhold. 27 And "" th.e Levite that is within thy gates, thou (halt notforfal<;e him: for " he hath no part nor inheritance with thee. 28 ^ " At the end of three years thou (halt bring forth all the tithe of thine increaie the fame year, and Jhalt lay it up Within thy gates.. . •;3. 19. S: 34. -.(>• i Chapter Ji. 6, 17' Sc Ciiap i2. i- 1 Chapter a- 19, Jt ajktth if fn Chap. 12. 19. n Nnmb. 18. -23. €hapter iS. 1. o Chap. ■26. 1^. 0 N O M Y. • Tlw yeai' of releafe. 29 '^ And the Levite, (becaufe "^ he Before ; hath no part nor inheritance with iljV. thee. ) and the ftranger, and the fa- ^^c?^' therlefs, and the widow, whi^h are -<■- '■• within thy gates, {hailcome, a.:d unit '•''"' '''■ eat and be f.it:,fied ; th^.t * the Lord 1^%,^^'^] thyGodmay blefsthee in allthework of thine hand which thou doi^. C H A P. XV. 1 IVie five 'it'? year a year of Teleafe for the poor : 7 // mnj} be no let of lendi,g or giving- AT the end of ^ ei'ery feven years, a Eyc^-iu, thou ihalt make a releafe. ^?'.':=^ 2 And this is the manner of th'e re- ^^''^Ta. ''< leafe : every -j- creditor that lendeth c><-ip'j_i- ought unto his neighbour, fhali re- .icr.m. leafe it ; he lluU not exaft it of his ^"neV." neighbour, or of his brother, becaufe Xf/J^' it is called the Lords releafe. '^g^^f ''>'■ 3 b Of a foreigner thou mayeft ex- t,Xe aft it agai'i : but that which is thine tha> ^ with thy brother, thine hand lliall releafe ; 4 II Save w^hen there fliail be no !].pj;-^^^^ poor among you : for the Lord Ihall f^"J'if/^i greatly blefs thee in the land which amwsy* the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to pollefs it ; 5 Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the Lord thyGod, to obferve to do all thefe command- ments which I command thee this day. 6 For the Lord thy God blefleth thee, as he promifed thee, and '^ thou ts^\X[ Ihalt lend unto many natioiK, but thou (halt not borrow ; and thou (halt reign over manynations,buttheyihall '\ not reign over thee. ■ . 7 .^. If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren, within any of thy gates, in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou flialt not harden thy heart, nor fliut tliine hand from thy poor brother ; 8 '^ But thou Ihalt open thine hand ^.-'\',^."' wide iinto him, and ihalt furely lend, Luke «. him futncient for his need, in that " which he wanteth. 9 Beware that there be not a f thought in thy f wicked heart, ]Zf.' faying. The feventh year, the year ^h^v.^- of releafe is at hand ; and thine "^ eye ^ p"^,;, ■ be evil againft thy poor brother, and -j^^-j*^^ thou giveil him nought, and he cry 2^^6.1 unto tiie Lord againft thee, and it Ui<.iu. be fm unto thee. . "! '*' 10 Thou flialt furely give him," and thine heart ihall not be grieved when thou giveft unto him : becaufe that for this thing the Lord thy .QM fnall blefs thee la ail thy works, and redemption of fervcmts. CHAP. XVI ■ and in all that thou putteft thine hand unto.. 1 1 Foi- f the poor flmll never ceafe out of the land . therefore I command thee, fayhig, Thou (halt open thine hand wide unto thy brotlier, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. The feafl of the pctjfovsn C H A P. XVI. I Thefeafl ofiliepajfuver, 9 of weeks, 1 3 of tabernacles . 1 8 Of judges an d jujiice. 21 Groves and iijzages are forbidden. /^Bferve the ^ month of Ablb, and keep the paflover unto the Lord And ^ if thy brother, an He- thy God : for, " in the month of Abib,. "— ^L^^— ' brew man, or an Hebrew woman, the Lord thy God brought thee forth '-'• iT^f- Uy God trough out of Egypt " by night. \ ^f°'^- 2 Thou inalt therefore facrifice the c i::oiu? pahbver unto the Lord thy God, of "*■''"- the flock and <* the herd, in the "^ place ^i^'"™^' out free from thee, thou liialt not which the Lord Ihali choofe to place ecJap'. let him go away empty: his name there. " n'-s-' 14 Thou fhalt furniih him libe- 3 fThoufiiaiteatno lea%-enedbread ''^-™''-, rally out of thy flock, and out of thy with it; feven days Ihalt thou eat un- & 3<- V^-' leavened bread therewith, even the. bread of atiiicaon : (for thou camelt be fold luito thee, and ferve thee lix ytars ; then, in the feventh year, thou fiialt let him go free from thee. I :; And, when thou fendeft him. floor, and out of thy wine-prefs ; of i/w/ wherewith the Lord thy God hath blefled thee, thou Ihalt give un- forthoutoftheiandof Kg^-ptinhaite;), to him 1 5 And thou flialt remember that thou V. ait a bond- man in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God re- deemed thee : therefore I command thee this thing to-day. 1 6 And It ihall be, if he fay unto thee, I will not go away from thee, (becaufe he loveth thee and thine houfe, becaufe he is well with thee, ) 17 '' Then thou flialt take an awl, and thruft it through his ear unto the door, and he fliall be thy fervant for ever ; and alfo unto thy maid-fervimt thou flialt do likewlfe. It fliall not feem hard inito that thou mayeit remeniber tne day M'hen tnou camefl; forth out of the land of Lgypt all the days of thy life. 4 '^ And tnere Ihall be no leavened ? f""^' bread feen with thee in all thy coaits " " ' * feven day.s; '■ neitiier fliall there any h Exod- t/mig of the flefli which thou facri- ficedll: the flrft day at even, remain all night until the morning. 5 Thou mayelt not |i facrifice the n 0"» *'•'/• paflover within any of thy gates which the Lord thy God givtt'h thee. 6 But at the place which the LoRO tliy God fliail choofe to place his name in, there thou fiialt facriiice the paffover '■ at even, at the going • ex^j. thee when thou fendeit him away dow n of tlie fun, at the feaibn that free from thee ; for he hath .been worth ' a double hired fervant to thee, in ferving thee fix years : and the Lord thy God fliall blefs thee in all that thou doft. 19 t "^All the firftling males that come of thy herd, and of tliy flock, thou flialt fanaify unto the 'Lord tLy God : thou flialt do no work with the firftling of thy bullock, nor fliear the firilling of thy iheep. 20 ' Thou flialt eat it before the Lord thy God year by year, in the place which the Lord Ihall choofe, thou and thy houihold. 2 1 ^ And if there be any blemifli therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill biemilh, thou iiialt not facrifice it unto the Lord thy God. 22 Thou ihalt eat if within thy gates: "the unclean and the clean perfon jhall eat it alike, as the roe- buck, and as the hart. 23 "Only thou flialt not eat the thou camell forth out of i.gypt. 7 And thou flialt roait and eat it va, the place which the Lord thy God fliall choofe : and thou ihalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy tents. 8 Six day.s thou ihalt eat unleavened bread, and on the feventh day y/.W/i^f? a f foiemn afiembly to the Lord thy <■ ^'<^'". , God: thou flialt do no work tnerein. () \^ Seven v/eeks flialt thou num- ^- ^'f^,\ ber unto thee : begin to number the i-%-r-- feven weeks from /Mc/i time as thou .T'ls- beginnell/o put tlie iicklc to the corn. ^8T"6'. 10 And thou flialt keep the feait of weeks unto the Lord thy Cjod, with, II a tribute of a free-will- ofiering of I] pr, thine hand, which thou flialt give unto the LORD thy God, according as the Lord thy God hath blefled thee. 11 And thou flialt rejoice before the Lord thy God, thou, and thy fon, and thy daughter, and thy man-fer- vant, and thy maid-fervant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and- blood thereof ; thou ihalt pour it the ilrangcr, and the fatheriefs, and upon the ground as water. the widow, that are among yoii, in N 3 the Gf Judges and JuJJice. DEUTERONOMY. PimiJJttnent for idolatry. the place \vhich the Lord thy God evil-favourednefs : for that is an sbo = 3- 34. Nuiuli. 39. i:. t Heb. foor, itnd th" wins- prlfi. Ill Nehcm. .!«,; mination unto the Lord thy God 2 1 I'lf there be found among yoii, ^;"^^ within any of thy gates which the 'S- ^• Lord thy God giveth thee, man or woman that hath wrought wicked- nefs in the fight of the Lord thy God, in tranfgrefling his covenant, 3 And hath gone and ferved other sods, and worlliipped them, either ^^ o , - "^i f 1 ; /T_ c Chen. ' the fun, or moon, or any or the holt 4- of heaven, ^ which I have not com- ■^''^^^ ^_ manded ; --. -3* 4 And it be told thee, and thou halT: heard nf it^ and enquired dili- gently, and behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that fuch abomi- nation ie wrouglit in Ifrael : 5 Then fhnlt thou bring forth that man, or that woman, (which have committed that wicked thing, ) imto thy gates, even that man or that wo- man, and Mhalt ftone them with ^J:7;'|' {tones till they die. .lo/iuV- =j. 6 *" At the mouth of two witnelTes, ^N'^""'. hath cliofen to place his name there 1 2 And thou ihalt remember that thou waft a hond-man in Egypt : and thou ftjalt obferve and do thefe Ita- tutes. \-^\^ Thou fhalt obferve the feafl of tabernr.cles feven days, after that thou haft gathered in thy \ corn, and thy wine. 1 4 And "" thou flialt rejoice in tliy feafi, thou, and thy ft^n, and thy daughter, and thy m-.m-fervant, and thy maid-fervant, and tlte Levite, the ftranger, and the fatherlefs, and ths widoNV, tiiat are within thy gates. 15 Seven days fhalt thou keep a folemn feaft unto tlie Lord thy God, in the place wiiich the Lord ihall thoofe ; becanfe the Lord thy God fhall blcfs thee in all t'ay increafe, and in all the works of thine hands, therefore tliou fnalt furely rejoice. 16 If ^ Three times in a 3'ear ihall all thy m.ales appear hefcrt-e the Lord _ _ ^^.^ thy Ciod, in the place which he (Irall or three witnefTes, fliall he that is h^^^^ p ExnHus 53. I's- & »4- :^- J^ccliis 35-4. t He''-. ficardirJP tn the gift f Chap. i. 10. ■ » Chron. iV A- & 55.^9. 2 Chvnn. ^ Exod. 25. 8. ;|,cvit. J9. IS; Proverbs i-.8,,3. JlOr. wUt.rrs. i Hcb. r Exodi 34- Ji- Jiat:u- a f.h.lli. IS. 31. U,ii, 1. 3- choofe ; in the feaft of unleavened bread, and in the feaft of vv'eeks, and in the feaft of tabernacles: and °they jliall not apnear before the Lord empty. I 7 Every man JJinU give f as he is able, accordiaig to the bleiliug of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee. 18^ ''Judges and officers fiialt thou make thee in all thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee through- out thy tribes: and they Ihall judge the people with juft judgment. 19 Thou fnalt not wreit judgment, thou (halt not refpe£t peiTons, '^ nei- ther take a gift : for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wife, and pervert the II words of the righteous. ■ , 2 ^ f That which is altogether juft flialt thou follow, that thou mayeft live, and inherit the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. ' 21 1[ ■■ Thou ihajt not plant thee a grove of acy trees near unto the altar of the Lord thy God, which thou flialt make thee. worthy of death be put to deatli; ia.'if.. but at the mouth of one witnefs ^ cor!n.'^* he fnall not be put to death. {'tuu. 7 "The hands of the witneiles (hall v }v- be firft upon hmi to put hnn to death, ,0. =8. and afterward, the hands of •all the r,';''^»p- people: fo ''thou fhalt put the evil Acts 7. se- away from among you. ^^'^''i 8 t ' li" there arife a matter too >9- '9- hard tor thee in judgment, ''between Ig.'io?''' blood and blood, between plea and !,Y^s- /;_'/■ plea, and between flroke and ftroke, Ks«Exo(i being matters of controverfy within :;';V8.&'! thy gates: then ilialt thou arife, 'and ^r^^;b.35. get thee up into the place which the ^■;^»*;,^'S' Lord thy God fliall chopfe ; 19.4, lo- 9 A.ud "thou flialt come unto the i_ chap^ priefts, tlie Levites, and " unto the 19' 17- judge that fhall be in thofe days, and ^[^l'". enquire ; and they fhall fhew thee '^^f^^'g;'"*' the fentence of judgment. nchap. ' 10 And thou fliidt do according to 19- »/• the fentence which they of that place (v^'hich the L"Ru fliali choofe) fhall fhew thee, and thou fhalt obferve to du according to all that they inform thee : 1 1 According to the fentence of thr Neither fhalt thou fet thee up law which they fhall teach thee, and which the Lord thy 22 any || imagi God hateth CHAP. XVIL I Thiyigs fncrificed timjt be found. 2 Idolaters mxifi be jlain. la^The eleiiio?!, 1 6 ojfd diu'y of a kiJig. *T^Hou " fhalt not f acrifice unco the accortinig to the judgrnent which they fh.all teU thee, thou Ihalt do ; thou Ihalt not decline from the fen- tence which they fhall fhew thee, to the right hand, nor to the left. ^ ^,^^^^ 1 2 And " the man that will do pre- .5. 30^ ^ famptuoufly, f and will not hearken iioV! I,!"*. J- Lord thy God n:!y bullock, or unto the prieft (''that ftandeth to mi- t^'^^^';;.;;,"^ "Iheep wherein is blemiih, or any niftertherebeforetheLoRDthyGod) i;^;;;^; ... or 4«'i.7' The ekHlan and duty of a k:vg. C H A P. Before or unto the judge, even that man ftall die : and thou fhalt put away the evil from Ilraei. 1 3 "^ And all the people fliall hear, and fear, and do no more prefump- tuoufly. 14 "J When thou art come unto the land which the Loao thy God giveth thee, and /halt polTel's it, and Ihalt dwell therein, and fhalt fay, ' I will fet a king ovel- me, like as all the nations that are about me : 1 5 Thou ihalt in any wife fet fiijn king over thee ' whom tiie Loud thy God {hall choofe ; one ' from among thy brethren fhalt thou fet king over thee : thou mayeft not fet a ftranger over thee, which is not thy brother. 1 6 But he fnall not multiply " horles to himfelf, nor caufe the people ^ to return to Kgypt, to the end that he fhould multiply horfes ; forafmuch as ^the Lord hath faid unto you, '^ Ye firnll henceforth return no more that way. 1 7 Neither fhall he multiply wives to himfelf, that ^ his lieart turn not away ; neither fhall he greatly mul- tiply to himfelf iilver and gold. 18 I' And it fnall be, when he fitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he flaall write him a copy of this law in a book, out of "^ that which fs be- fore the priells the Levites. 19 And '^ it ihall be with him, and he fhall read therein all the days of his life ; that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and thefe llatutes, to do them : 20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not afide from the commandment, to die right hand or to the left ; to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children, in the niidft of Ifrael. CHAP. XVIIL 1 The Lord is the priefls and Levites inheritance. 15 Chrift the prophet is to be heard. 20 The prejumptuoiis prophet is to die. THe priefts, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, "^ fliall have no part nor inheritance with Ifrael : they ''fliall eat the offerings of the Lord made by fj-e, and his inheritance. 2 Therefore fhall they have no in- heritance among their bretliren : the I.ORD is their inheritance, as he hath faid unto them. 3 !1 And this fliall be the priefls due from the people, from them that ro. 26. & it. i;. I Chron. 13. 10. ; Jcrem. 50. i I. i I KiliKS ». 2b. & to. 26, :3, tll"3. 31. I. Eztkicl [7. 15. 1 Exud. IJ. 17. SJ umbers 14- 3> 4- t Chap. :8. 08. rtof. 11.5. ice Jei-. r- !;• 1 Sec I Killg5 II. 3, 4. y ? Kings II. i:. C Chap. Uoili.i-S. Ch. 10.9. b I Corln. 9. 13. X VI n . The priefts and L.e'-.ntes inheritance. offer a facriiice, whether // be ox or B;-tme fiieep ; and "^ they flir.ll give unto the \Z''- prieil: the fhoukler, and the two "^"[^^^f^ cheeks, and the maw. r-—-i^- 4 <' The hrll-fruit alfn of thy corn, :',e^-o 1 1 ■>' Or a charmer, or a confulter l'^^^''^' with familiar fpirits, or a W'izard, or , '^ ' ' 1 I Sam. a ' necromancer. ^a, 7. 1 2 For all that do thefe things are an abomination unto the Lord : and becaufe of thefe abominations, the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. n Thou ihalt be !( perfeft with if.or. ^-.o- the Lord thy God- /wc«t. 14 For theie nations, which thou flialt 1! poffefs, hearkened unto ob- jj^or;.,^ fervers of times, and unto diviners : but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not fuffered thee fo to do. 15 t "'The Lord thy God will ^^ ^^^l"' raife up unto thee a Prophet from the ^"^ 3- --• niidil: of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me ; unto him ye fiiall liearkeu. 1 6 According to all that thou de- firedft of the Lord thy God in Ho- reb, "in the day of the affembly, fay- ",'^^;^J'' ing, ° Let me not hear again the voice r. iw.ai. of the Lord my God; neither let ^"^tt'e^., me fee this great tire any more, that "• •>• I die not. 17 And the Lord faid unto me, '' They have well fpoken that which ^.'iV/* tliey have fpoken- K4 x8 nwill 11 A?l5 3' 'i' The cities of refuge i8 "i I will raife them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like un- to thee, and ■" will put my words in his mouth, ' and he ihall fpeak unto them all that I ihall command him. 19 And it Ihall come to pafs, thai whofoever will not hearken unto my words which lie Ihall fpeak in my name, 1 will require it of him. 20 But ' the prophet which fliall prefume to fpeak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to fpeak, or that fliall fpeak in the name of other gods, " even that prophet liiall die. 21 And if thou fay in thine heart. How fliall we know the word which the Lord hath not fpoken? 2 2'^ Wlien a prophet fpeaketh in the a Cliap. + Hfh. inhrritef}, M'li. ' b Exod, X .Tcrcm, y See Chap. nameoftheLoRD,* if thethingfoUow '^* '' not, nor come to pafs, that is the thing which the Lord hath not fpoken, but the prophet hathfpoken it prefumptu- ouCly: thou flialt not be afraidof him. CHAP. XIX. I The cities of refuge. 1 6 The pu- nijhment of a fnlfe witnefi. WHen the Lord thy God Miath cut oif the nations, whofe land the Lord thy God giveth thee, and thou t fucceedefl them, and dwelleft in their cities, and in theu* houfes; 2 '' Thou fnalt feparate tliree cities for thee in the niidft of thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee to poffefs it. 3 Thou llialt prepare thee a way, and divide the coafts of thy land (which the Lord thy God giveth thee to inherit) into three parts, that every flayer may flee thither. 4 ^ And "^ this ii the cafe of the *** ""' * flayer which fhall flee thither, tliat he may live : Whofo killeth his neighbour ignorantly, whom he hat- + Hcb. ed not -f- in time pail. 'JiTdcI'^ihe 5 As when a man goeth into the third day. .^yood with his neighbour, to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a Ifroke with the ax to cut do\\'n the tree, and the f head llippeth from the f helve, and f lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die ; he ihall flee unto one of thofe cities, and live : 6 "^ Left the avenger of the blood purfue the flayer, uhile his heai-t is hot* and overtake him, becaufe the way is long, and f flay him, whereas he was not worthy of death, inafmuch as he hated him not \ in time pail. - Wlierefore I command thee, fay- ing. Thou Ihait feparate three cities for thee. DEUTERONOMY. Of a falfe witnefs. 8 And if the Lord thy God " en- Before large thy coaft, (as he hath fworn \^\'t unto tliy fathers, ) and give thee all ^"^^v — ' the land which he promifed to give ^5;^,'^^^ unto thy fathers ; li. so. 9 ( If thou Ihalt keep all thefe com- mandments to do them, which I com- mand thee this day, to love the Lord thyGod, and to walk ever in his ways; ) f then ihalt thou add three cities more {Jofma for thee, beilde thefe three : I o That innocent blood be not fned in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and Jo blood be upon thee. II ^1 But ° if any man hate his "^exo,?. m, neighbour, and lie in wait for him, k.!u,iv.i-s and rife up againft him, and fmite chajuii-''" him f mortally that he die, and tleeth "^•/,''- into one of thefe cities ; mTifi 1 2 TJien the elders of his city fliall fend and fetch him thence, and de- liver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die. I 3 Tliine eye fliall not pity him, ^ but thou fhalt put away the guilt q/" 3 j'^'j?;"",-, , innocent blood from Ifrael, that it may go well with thee. 14 t ' Thou flialt not remove thy : chap. neighbours /rt-vf/-mark, which they of Piove'i-bs old time have fet in thine inheritance Hac.'j.'io. which thou ihalt inherit, in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to poifcfs it. 15 ^1 "^ One witnefs fliall not rife tNi™:,. \\\-> againft a man for any iniquity, or cl'.!?'. .-,. for auyim, in any fin thathelhmeth: i^'^"'"™ c Cluii. t Hcb. t Hi-b. furUtk. d N'umbi ■t Hcb. /ii.itf him in life- 1 Heb. ftrr'lay, the thirUiiay. the mouthof three witnelies ihall the jij..'-^ matter be eftabliflied. s- "<>'■' 1 6 % If a falfe witnefs rife up againft ^o^'^sT any man, to tcilify againft: liini i| tfiat 11 or, which is M'rong ; away'. 1 7 Tiien both the men, between whom the controverfy n, fhall fland before the Lord, 'before the priefts, \f]''l^,' and the judges \vhich fhall be in thofe days. 18 And the judges fliall make dili- gent inquilitiou : and behold, // the witnels be a fldfe witnefs, and hath teftiiied falflv againft his brother ; 19 "'Then fhall ye do unto him, %^\"^^. as he had thought to have done unto ^^^}^l his brother : fo " flialt thou put the ncbnp. evil away from among you. |^; ^•.^' 20 " And thofe which remain fliall ^;;,-/-* hear, and fear, and ihall henceforth & '4. V-' commit no more any fuch evil among ",^'';f; you. 2 r And thine eye fliall not pity, but p ewiI. I" life (hall go for life, eye for eye. tooth LVvi^" for tooth, haiid for hand, foot for foot. IXlu'^. CHAP, s- 38- w The people encouraged to battle. CHAP. Brfore C H A P. XX. "fr? I The 'priefls exhortcdion to encourage —^ — ' the people to battle. loHoiutoiife the cities, that accept or refufe the proclamation of peace. i6 What citiei 77iujl be devoted. Hen thou goeft out to battle againlt thine enemies, and pAim ^^^^ ^ horfes and chariots, and a peo- >o[ T. pie more than thou, be not afraid of n^t theni : for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 2 And it Ihail be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that l!ie prieil ihall approach and fpeak unto the people, 3 And lliall fay unto them. Hear, O Ifrpel, you approach this day unto battle againrt your enemies : let not I ^t'ey y^^"" ^^^1^^=^ t fahit. fear not and do rnX'-mai! not \ tremble, neither be ye terrified ^^''- becaufe of them. 4 For the Lord your God is he that goeth v/ith you, to tight for you againlt your enemies to fave you. 5 *] And the officers ihall fpeak imto the people, faying. What m.an is there that haih built" a new houfe, and i> See hath not ^ dedicated it ? let hun go and ^:!'';".' return to his houfe, left he die m the si! 'ii'tie. battle, and "another man dedicate it. 6 Ai:d what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and liath not yet t Hcb. f eaten of it ? let him alj'o go and re- '"mmc,«. turn unto his houfe, left he die in the i":'^7:4. battle, and another m.aij eat of it- ch.ii.itr J c ^ji^j -^vhat man is there that c cifap. hath betrothed a Wife. and hath not »*• J- taken her ? let him go and return un- to hiilicufe, left he die in battle, and another man take her. 8 And the officers lliall fpeak further unto the people, and they ihall fay, i jmiges d What man is there that is fearful and '■ ^" faint-hearted ? let him go and return imto his houfe, left his brethrens heart \ Hcb. ■\ faint as well as his heart. """• 9 And it fliall be, ^hen the officers have made anendoffpeakingtmtothe people, that they ihail make captains t Hfb. tn of tiie armies -]- to lead the people. hVii'^'the lo t When thou comeft nigh unto people. ^ j,-,^ J.Q J- j,^ aeainlt it, ' then pro- e 2 Sam. ■, . ■' ° ^ . ' >■ 30. j8. claim peai.e unto it. 1 1 And it ihall be, if it make thee ani^wer of peace, and open unto thee, then it ihall be that all the people t/iat is found tlitiein (hall be tributaries unto thee, and they liiall ferve thee. 12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but v.-ill make war againft thee, then thou flialt befiege it. XX, XXI. Whal- cities, mufl Le dejlroyei^ 13 And when the Lord thy God Brfoi^ hath delivered it into thine hands,. ^4,'',. f thou ihalt fmite every male thereof ^^^r>;^ With the edge of the fword. ^ 31- 7- 14 Btit tne women, and the little ones, and= the cattle, and all that is |/2?'°* in the city, e?t'e;2 ail the fpoil thereof fhalt thou t take unto thyfelf : and^^.J^' thou flialt eat the fpoil of thine ene- mies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee. 1 5 Thus fiialt thou do unto all the cities which arevevy far off from thee, which are not of the cities of thefe nations. 1 6 But ^ of the cities of thefe people '^,^'^;^** which the Lord thy God rioth give tW"- thee /or an inheritance, thou ilialt^''"^' fave alive nothing that breatheth ; 17 But thou ilialt utterly deftroy them, harneiy., the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perlzzites, the Hivites, and theje- bulites, as the Lord thy God hath. commanded thee : 1 8 That they teach yon not to do af- ter all their uboir.inations, wlilch they have dene unto their gods ; fo fliould ye lin againft the Lord your God. 1 9 % When thou ihalt bel'iege a citv a long tune, in making war againit it to take it, thou flialt not deftroy the trees thereof by forcing an ax againO: them : for thou mayeit eat of them, and thou fnalt not cut them down ( II for the tree of the held is mans ^ ^^^_ ^^^ life) t to employ them in the fiege. *rf.,?{^l''/'^ 20 Only the treeswliichthou know- i'.pi'oledZ eft that they be not trees for meat, '^'*' ' tiiou fhalt deftroy andcutthemdown ; »j and thoulh.alt biiildbuhvarks againft " the city that maketh war with thee, until t it be fubdued. J CHAP. XXI. I The expiation of an uncertain mur- der. IS The frft-horn Is not to be difinherited lApou private affection. 1 8 A ftubborn Jon is to be Jtoned to death. r' one be found flain in the land which tlie Lord thy God giveth thee to poifefs it, lying in the held, _<7;/i it be not kno'AH who hath Oain him ; 2 Then thy elders, and thy judges Ihall come forth, and they fliall mea- fure unto the cities v/hich are round about him tliat is ilain. 3 And it ihall be that the city which is next unto the flatn man, even the elders of that city fliall take an heifer which hath not been wrought with, a?td which hath not drawn in the yoke. 4 And ftr. H?b. t* fro-.n Af« re thee. Expiation of uncertain muyder. DEUTERONOMY. A fiiihlmrn fon to he fioited. rfore 4 And the elders of that city iliall fore the fan of the hated, which is Bef., lAii. bring down the heifer unto a rough indeed the 'nr^ -horn: ""■', ■^^ ' valley, which is neither eared nor 1 7 But he Ihall acknowledge the ' — v^ fown, and fliall flrike oif the heifers fon of the hated for the firft°born, ' by giving hi'.n a double portion of; s ! a Chap. 10. 8. J ChroB. 23. 13. licdas 45- '5- b Chapter 17.8, 9. t Hch. mouth. Matthew 2;. 34. i Jonah neck there in the valley. 5 And the priefts the fons of Levi fhall come near, (for * them the Lord thy God hath chofen to minilter un- to him, and to blefs in the name of the Lord, ) and '' by their f word lliall every controverfy, and every Itroke, be tried. 6 And all the elders of that city that are next unto the flain 7nan., '^ fliall wafti their hands over the heifer that is beheaded in the valley. 7 And they ihall anfwer and fay, Our hands have not fhed this blood, neither have o;u* eyes feen it. 8 Be merciful, O Lord, unto thy people Ifracl, whom thou haft re- deemed, •* and lay not innocent blood t Heh. in t "nto thy people of Ifraels charge. the miiji. And the blood Ihall be forgiven them. 9 So flialt thou put a\\ay the guilt of innocent blood from among you, ' when thou flrilt do t/iat which is right in the fight of the Lord. 10 ^ When thou goefl: forth to Avar againft thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou haft taken them captive, 1 1 And feeft among the captives a beautiful woman, and haft a defire «nto her, that thou wouldeft have her to thy wife ; , 1 2 Then thou fl'ialt bring her home to thine houfe, and ihe Ihall (have her V,Or,fttffer head, and || f pair her nails. ^HebT" 1 3 -'^n^l fte (liall put the raiment of majf, or, her Captivity from off her, and Ihali remain in thine houfe, and ^ bewail her father and her mother a full month : and after that thou fhalt go in unto her, and be her hufband, and flie fliall be thy wife. 14 And it fliall be if thou have no delight in her, then thou Ihalt let her go whither fhe will, but thou flialt not fell her at all for money, thou flialt not make merchandife of her, f be- caufe thou haft humbled her. 15^ If a man have two wives, one beloved ^ and another hated, and they have born him children, both c See Pfnlm 45- 10, f .Tndgcs 19. :4. Chapters all t that he hath ; for he is ^ the be- j.?™"' ginning of his ftrength, the right of t ha. that the lirlt-born /; his. 'lUthMm. 18 *[f If a man have a fhibborn "^ cen. and rebellious fon, which will not "'' ^' obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and thai., when they have chaftened him, will not hearken unto them ; 19 Then fnall his father and his mother lay hold on hhn, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place : 20 And they fliall fay unto the elders of his city. This our fon is. ftubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice ; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 2 1 And all the men of his city fhall ftonehim withftones, that he die : ' fo (halt thou put evil away from among you, and alllfrael ihall hpar, and fear. '''"'' '* 22 11 And if a man have commit- ted a im \'i'orthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree : 23 "• His body fliall not remain all ™ ^B"'* night upon the tree, but thou flialt "o.'l'o^ in any wife bury him that day, (for " he that is hanged, is -j- accurfed of |j caiat. God,) that thy land be not defiled, ''nX. which the Lord thy God giveth 'J'/^^Y' thee for an inheritance. s<-e Niimb CHAP. xxn. >h™ Of humanity toxvard brethren., a?td of I's,^,^,] divers other laws. -'• '• THoH * flialt not fee thy brothers ^^^/'^f- ox or his iheep go altray, and " hide thyfelf from them : thou flialt in any cafe bring them again unto thy brother. 2 And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, or if thou know him not; then thou flialt bring it vmto thine own houfe, and it fhall be with thee until thy brother feek after it, and thou flialt reitore it to him again. 3 In like manner Ihaltthou do with his afs, and fo iTialt thou do \\ith his raiment, and ^^'ith all loft things of thy brothers, which he hath loft, and h 7 ChroB. XX- :9, 32. the beloved and the hated; and if thou hait found, Ihalt thou do like- the firll-born fon be hers that was wife : thou mayeft not hide thyfelf. hated ; ^ 4 ^ t Thou ihalt not fee thy bro- 1 6 Then it (hall be, '' when he ma- thers afs or his ox fall down by the keth his fons to inherit that which way, and hide thyfelf from them : he hath, that he may not make the thou flialt furely help him to lift fon of the beloved iii-ft-born, be- ihem up again, 5 ^ The Dheys laws tmd ordinances. CHAP. XXiT, XXIII. Of adultery, rap?. Src, 5 % The woman fhallnot wear that which pertahieth unto a man, neither iliall a man put on a womans gar- ment : for all that do fo are aboini- jiation imto the Loau thy God. 6 t If a birds neit chance to be be- fore thee in the way in any tree, or on the ground, xvhether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam fitting up- on the young, or upon the eggs, thou Ihalt not take the dam with the young. 7 But thou iliait in any wife let the dam go, and take the young to thee, that it may be well with thee, and that thoumayeft pi-olong thy days. 8 ^ When thou buUdeft a new. houfe, then thou fhalt make a battle- ment for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine houfe, if any man fall from tiience. 9 ^ " Thou fhalt not fow thy vine- yard with divers feeds : lell the f fruit of thy feed which thou halt fown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled.' 10 TI '' Thou fiialt not plow with an ox and an afs together. 11 1J '■ Thou ihalt not wear a gar- ment of divers forts, as of wooiien and linen together. 12 % Thou fhalt make thee f fringes, upon the four -j-ciuarters of thyvefture, wherewith thou coverefl thyfelf. 1 3 "tI If any man take a wife, and go in iinto her, and hate her, 14 And give occafion of fpeech a- gainft her, and bririg u'p an evil name upon her, and fay, I took this woman, and when I came to her I found her not a maid : 15 Then fhall the father of the damfel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damfels vii-ginity, unto the elders of the city in the gate. x6 And the damfels f^ither fliall fay unto the elders, I gave my daugh- ter unto this man to wife, and he hat- eth her, 1 7 And lo, he hath given occafions of fpeech again fl her, faying, I found not thy daughter a maid ; andyetthefe are t'm tokens of my daughters virgi- nity : and they ftiall fpread the cloth before the elders of the city. 1 8 And the elders pf that city fliall take that man and chailife him. 19 And they fhall amerce him in an hundred fliekels of filver, and give tliem unto the father of the damlel, becaufe he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Ifrael, and (he fhall be his wife ; he may not put iier away all his days. 20 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damfel : 2 1 Then they fliall brnig out the damfel to the door of her fatlisrs houfe, and the men of her city fnall ftone her with ftones that Ihe die ; becaufe flie hath wrought folly in If- rael, to play the whore in her fathers home : ^ fo flialt thou put evil away ^ ch»P' from among you. 22 *; " If a man be found lying with h lct* a woman married to an hufband. then ."john°* they ihall both of them die, both the *" ** man that lay with the woman, and the woman : fo flialt thou put away e^il from Ifrael. 2^ ^i If a damfel that is a virgiu be betrothed unto an huflaand, and a man find her in the city, and lie witli her : 24 Then ye fhall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye fliall flone them with Hones that they die ; the damfel, becaufe ihe cried not, toV^o; in the city, and the man, ' becaufe he hath humbled his ; ch^r. neighbours wife : >= fo thou flialt put ^ ^ "^^ away e\\l fvom among you. 21, 22. 25 *![ But if a man find a betrothed damfel in the fieid,and the man || force [|.a-,fa*e her, and lie with her ; then die man »/ a^. °^ only that lay with her fliall die. 26 But unto the damfel thou flialt do nothing, there is in the damfel no fin luorthy of deatli : for as when a man rifeth againit his neighbour, and flayeth him, even fo is this matter. 2 7 For he found her in the field, and the betrothtd damfel cried, and there was none to fave her. 28 ^ ' If a man find a damfel that , ^^^^ is a virgin, ^\'hich is not betrothed, "• »"- and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found : 29 Then the man that lay with her, fhall give unto the damfels father fifty Jhekels of filver, and flie fliall be his ^gi'^'j- •Vi'ife, becaufe he hath humbled her; ^^°-'j'- he may not put her away ail his days. '. °.""' 30 t '" A man fliall not take his « see fathers wife, nor " difcover his fa- ?.%. thers flurt. ' ic^a, CHAP. XXIII. I Who may, and who may net enter into the congregation. 9 Vnclean- 7iefs to be avoided in the camp. HE that is wounded in the ftones, or hath his privy member cut otf^ fliall not enter.into the congregation of the Lord. 2 A baftard fhall not enter into the congregauonof theLoRD ; even to his tenth aKehem. fcStcCliap, 9. II. + K-b. Vnckcmn^fs to be avoided. D E U T E R jcfore tenth generation (hall he not enter t4i'i' into the congregation of the Lokl>. 3 ' An Ammonite or Moabite fiiall not enter into the congregation of the Lord ; even to their tenth generation fnall they not enter into the congre- gation of the Loud for ever : 4 ^ Becaufe they met you not \vith bread and with water in the way, when ye came forth out of Egypt ; and "^ becanfe they hired againit thee Balaam the Ton of Beor of Pethor of Mefopotamia, to cm-fe thee. 5 Neverthelefs, the Lord thy God would not hearkeri unto Balaam : but the Lord thy God turned the curfe into a bleffing unto thee, becaufe the Lord thy God loved thee. 6 '' Thou fliait not feek their peace, nor their \ profperity all thy days for ever. 7 f Thou flialt not abhor an Fdom- ite, for he is thy brother : thou ilialt not abhor an Egyptian, becaufe thou waft a flranger in his land. 8 The children that are begotten of them fliall enter into the congregation of the Lord in their third generation. 9 ^ When the hod goeth forth againft thine enemies, then keep thee from every wicked thing. ip ^ * If there be among you any man tliat is not clean, by reafon of uncleannefl; that chanceth him by night, tlien fliail he go I'.broad out of the camp; he Ihall not come within the camp. 1 1 But it fliall be when evening f cometli on, f he fliall wafli hinifetf vc\x\\ water •, and, when the fim is do\^'n, he fliall come into the camp again, T2 t Thou flialt have a place alfo without the camp, whither thou fnalt go forth abroad. 1 3 And then flialt have a paddle upon thy weapon : and it fliall be, when thou f wilt eafe thyfelf abroad, thou flialt dig therewith, and flialt turn back, and cover that which cometli from tliee. 14 For the Lord thy God walk- eth in the midil: of tliy camp, to de- liver thee, and to give up thine ene- mies before tlie.e : therefore ihall thy camp be holy, that he ^ce no f un- clean thing in thee, and turn away from thee. 15 \''^ Thou flialt not deliver un- to his mafter the fervant which is efcaped from his mafter unto thee. 1 6 He fliall dwell with thee, evett among you, '' in that place which he f Lcvlt f He'cv tHrt. rtalicdne/s of any tiling. ^ I San). 33. ij. h Chap ON O M Y Of ufury, vows^ &c.- fliall choofe, in one of thy gates where Before it t liketh him beft : thou fhait not. ^l"-' opprefs him. ^i^^ • \- % There fliall be no |i wlioi'e {^^^^^-^ • of the daughters of Ifrael, nor a fo- '[fori"" domite of the fons of Ifrael. /jj . 'i?,/,. 18 Thou flialt not bring the hire ',,,':' ;5: of a whore, or the price of a dog into !;;'°^';°''' the houfeof the Lord thy<';odfor any " ' * vow: for even both thefe are abomi-. nation unto the Lord thy vl«od. 19 ^ ''Thou flialt not lend uponkExod. ufury to thy brother ; ufury of mo-, LcVitVcas ney, ufury of victuals, ufury of any tfjhl^,'. thing that io lent upon ului-y. p^,^ r- 20 ' Unto a ftr?.nger thou mayeft I'n'l'- d lend upon ufury, but unto thy brother ,'^,^^j'^^, thou flialt not lend upon ulury r that (v- a'- & the Lord thy God mj.y blefs thee ',5''."/."^ in all that thou fetteiJ; thine hand to, in the land whitlier thou goeic to poflefs it. 2 1 *| "" When thou flialt ^'ow a vow m f^^'''- unto the Lord thy God, tuou fluittccrc'r. not flack to pay it : for the Lord thy ^" '*' God will furely requn.. it of thee j. and it would be fin in thee. 22 But if thou Ihalt forbear to vow, it fliall be no fin in thee. 23 That which is gone out of tliy lips thou flialt keep and perform;, even a free-will-ofering, according as thou haft vowed unto the Lord thy God, which thpu haft promifed with thy mouth. 24 ^ When thou conieft into thy neighbours vineyard, then thou may- eft eat grapes thy fill, at thine own plea;fm-e ; but thou flialt not put any in thy veilel. 25 When thou comeft into the flanding-corn of thy neighbours, " then thou mayeft pluck the ears ".^^j"."*** with thine hand : but thou flialt not M^jk, move a fickle unto thy neighbours Loki6.i. ftanding-corn. CHAP. XXIV. I Of divorce. 6, 10 Of pledges. 7 Of ntan-ftealers. %Qf leprojy. \&,Tlie hire is to be given. 1 6 Gfjiijlice. "il 7 Hen a " man hath taken a wife a Matth. VV and married her, and it come \\)fy. to pafs that flie find no favour in his ^i^''^. eyes, becaufe he hath found -j- fonie t^^^J;-^^ uncleannefs in her ; then lethim write 'w-ke'i'mji. her a bill of f divorcement, and gi\e t,Ket>- ^^ it in her hand, and fend her out of his houfe. 2 And when flie is departed out of his houfe, Ihe may go and be another mans wife. 3 And // the latter hufliand hate her, aiKl write her a bill of divorce- ment. bjcr. 3 c Chap. 30. 7- fHeb. n'.t any _ thins fh.: ' p:2/s upon !t Of jnan-J}eakrs 3i-»orc ment, and gtveth it In her hand, and ^4;',^ fendeth her out of his houfe ; or if -V — ' the latter hufband die, which took her to be his wife ; 4 1' Her former hufband, which fent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that fhe is de- hied : for that /J abomination be- foi-e the Lord, and thou Ihalt not caufe the land to fin, which the L o :i D thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. 5 •[ "= When a man hath taken a new wife, he Ihall not go out to war, f neither fhall he be charged with any bufinefs : but h^e fliall be free -at home one year, and Ihall cheer up his wife which he hath taken. 6 1i No man {hall take the nether or the upper milftone to pledge : for he taketJi a mans life to pledge. 7 *|i ■* If a man be found ftealing_ any of his brethren of the children of Ifrael, and maketh merchandife of him, or fclleth him ; then that thief fhall die, ' and thou llialt put evil away from among you. 8 % Take heed, in f the plague of leprofy, that thou obferve dili- gently, and do according to all that the priefts the Levites fhall teach you : as I commanded them, fo ye Ihall obferve to do. 9 Remember what the Lord thy God did "^ unto Miriam by the way, ,450. after that ye were come forth out ot Egypt. tcb. 10 *! When thou doft \ lend thy •; Vfu»y brother any thin^, thou flialt not go y.*"' into his houfe to fetch his pledge. 11 Thou Ihalt ftand abroad, and the man to whom thou doll lend {hall bring out the pledge abroad un- to thee. 1 2 And if the man be poor, thou flialt not fleepwith his pledge. 1 3 '' In any cafe thou flialt deliver him the pledge again when the fun goeth down, that he may fieep in his own raiment, and blefs ' thee : and ^ it fhall be righteoufnefs unto thee before the Lord thy God. 14 •[ Thou flialt not opprefs an hired fervant that is poor and needy. G H A P. XXIV, XXV. Ofjzijilce cuid chan'iy, 1 6 " The fathers fhall not be put Bef™ g Kumb h ExqJ. 5 Job. 31. 20. k Chap. 1*" child, the .wife of the dead fliall not \\^' marry --• 2^' ROr, eKatU t}f unjufl u-cirlits. D E U T E Before marry without unto a ftr anger : her I'^ii Ij iiuibar.ds brother uiall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an hufbauds brother unto her. 6 And it fhali be, that the firft- born which fhe beareth, (hall fuc- ceed in the name of his brotiier •which is dead, that his name be not put out of Ifrael. 7 And if the man like not to take his 11 brothers wife, then let his brothers vuuu iii/<. ■'vite go up to the gate unto the elders, and' lay, ' My huibands brother re- fufeth to raife up unto his brother a name in Ifraei, he will not perform the duty of my hufbands brother ; 8 Then the elders of his city fiiall call him, and fpeak unto him : and if he (land to it^ and fay, I like not to take her ; 9 Then fiiall his brothers wife come imto him in the prefence of the el- ders, and loofe his Ihoe from off his foot, and fpit in his face, and Ihall anfwer and fay. So fliall it be done unto that man that will not btiild up his brothers houfe. 10 And his name fliall be called in Ifrael, The houie of him tliat hath ills Ihoe loofed. 1 1 "ji When men ftrive together one with another, and the wife of riie one draweth near for to deliver her huf- band out of the hand of him that fnnteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the fecrets j 1 2 Than thou ihalt cut off her hand, thine eye {hall not pity /ler. 13 ^ *" Thou llialt net have in thy bag f divers weights, a great and a fmall. 14 Thoii Hialt not have in thine Ifhlrand houis f divej-s meafures, a great and a fmall. 1 3 But thou flialt have a perfecl and juft v^^eight, a perfeft and jutl meafure ib^lt thou have ; that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 16 Tor 2 all that do fuch things, cmd all that do nnrighteoudy, are an abomination unto the Lord thy God. 17 1i '' Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt : 18 How lie met thee by the way, and fmote the hindmoit of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou waji faint ajid weary ; and he feared not God. 19 Therefore it ftiall be, ' when the LojUd thy God hath given thee f LCT. 19 35. 3<- Prov. »i- I" Ezek. 45 t ficb. ct! £phu'h tind an ephuh* t ProT. h ExoJ. 17.8. 13 Sam IS- 3- R O N O M Y. Ofofering the firJl-fruiU. reft from all thine enemies round i!efor< about, in the land which the Lord ^451" thy God giveth thee for an inheri- '' — v- tahce to poffefs it, that thou Ovalt blot out the reraembrauce of Ama- lek from under heaven ; thou flialt not fcrget it. CHAP. XXVL I The confejjion of lum that offereth the bajket of frji-fruits. 16 T/is covenant between God and t'le peo- ple. ANd it fliall be when thou art come in unto the laud v.hich the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and poffeffeft it, and dwellelt therein, 2 ^ That thou flialt take of the t^^""^'^ firft of ail the fruit of the earth, 3*' '^. " which thou flialt bring of thy land j'il'.^'ij. that the Lord thy God giveth thee, and ihalt put it in a baiket, and flialt go unto the place which the Lord tliy God fliall choofe, to place his name there. 3 And thou flialt go unto the prieft that fliall be in thofe days, and fay unto him, I profefs this day unto the Loud thy God, that I am come unto the country which the Lord fware imto our fathers for to give us. 4 And the prieft fliall take the bafl-; — ^ abomination unto the Lord, the work- of the hands of the craftfman, and putteth it in a kcret place: and ■ all the people flaall anfwer and fay, ' Amen. • 1 6 ^ Curfed be he that fetteth light by his father or his mother ; and all the people faall fay, Amen. ry ' Curfed be he that removeth his neighbours land-mark : and all the people fliall fay. Amen. 1 8 "' Curfed be he that maketh the blind to wander out of the way :' and all the people ihall fay. Amen. 19 ° Curfed be he that perverteth the judgment of the ftranger, father- lefs, and widow : and all the people fliall fay, Amen. DEUTERONOMY ft 3«- 17- I.ev. 19. . & 26. k. CHap. 4. & J. 8. i Sec Jer. XI. «. I Corin. 14. i6. k Exod. 30. It- & 01. 27. tevir. T/iC blejjings for obecUcjtce. and the fruit of thy cattle, the in- Before creafe of thy kine, and the flocks of ms'I'.' thy (heep. "^ — » — 5 BlelFcid Jhall be thy bafcet and thy il rtore. IM.';. ,,^ 6 '' Blelfed j72(7// thou be when thou -"ftliiW-' cometl; in, and blefled jhalt thou be uTrfi'.'" when thou goeft out. '-'• ^• 7 The Lord fliall caufe thine ene- mies that rife up againft tliee '^ to be ^ ^"- 'i* fmitten before thy face : they liiaU come out againft thee one way, and flee before thee feven ways. 8 The LoKD lliall command thp ble'ling upon thee in thy || ftore- y^^°7, houfes, and in all that thou fetteft thine hand unto : and he fliall blefs thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 0 f The Lord {hall eftablifli thee f^Ex"^ 20 "Curfed be he that lieth with an holy people unto himfelf, as he (^'w-'t-** p Levit. 18. =3. <] T.ev5t. l3. g. r Trfvlt. 18. 17. & ao. 14. Kunib. 3?- ?»• his fathers wife ; becaufe he unco vereth his fathers fkirt: and all the people fliall uiy. Amen. 21 ^ Curfed be he that lieth with any manner of beaft : and all the peo- ple fliall fay. Amen. 22 "^ Curled be he that lieth with his filter, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother : and all the people fliall fay. Amen. hath fworn unto thee, if thou Ihalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways. 10 And all the people of the earth fliall fee that thou art called by the name of the Lord, and they fliall be afraid of thee. 11 And ° the Lord fliall make f ^^'i^p- ^^ thee plenteous |j in goods, in the fruit \('J^\ of thy f body, and in the fruit of thy f'"-s°ii' 23 'Curfed be he that lieth with cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, 1^/;^.* his motlier in law : and all the peo pie fliall fay. Amen. 24 ' Curfed be he that fmlteth his neighbour fecretly : and all the peo- ple Ihall fay. Amen. 25 ' Curfed be he that talieth r'&- in the land which the Lord fware unto thy fathers to give thee. 12 The Lord fliall open unto thee his good treafure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his feafon, and to blefs all the work of thine ■31. 8. f;!iapter': 10. ty. & i6, 19. Eick. 3J. i:. ^ « Jcrfin. » LeWt. 36. J. bChjp. %i, 19. ward to flay an innocent p^'rfon : and hand : and '' thou ihalt lend unto many ^^f'^^P" nations, and thou ihalt not borrow. I :; Anil the Lord fliall make thee ' the head, and not the tail ; and thou \l[^ll.^' fliak be above only, and thou flialt not be beneath ; if that thou hearken unto the com.mandments of the Lord thy God, which I command tliee this day to obferve and to do them: 14 And thou flialt not go afide from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to ferve them. 15 H But it fliall come to pafs, ^ \?)t}"Z' thou wilt not hearken unto the voice ^ain^.^ of tlie Lord thy God, to obferve to do Dan. 9. all his commandments and his (tatutes l\'J. 3. j, -vhich I command thee this day, that ^'f^o." A' C Gfn» 49. 2?. Ptklm IS/. 3. all the people fliall fay. Am; 26 " Curfed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do ■them : and all the people ihall fay, -Amen. CHAP. XXVIIL I T/iC blejfiiigs for obedience. 15 The ciirfes for dij obedience. Nd it iha'U come to pafs, ' if thou Ihalt hearken diligently -unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to obferve and to do all his command- ments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God >> will fet thee on high above all nations of •the earth. 2 And all thefe bledings fliall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou Ihalt hearken unto the voice of the t,ORD thy God. 3 Blefled Jhcdt thou be in the city, a;id blefled fialt tliou be in the field. 4 Bleiied fiiall be " the fruit of thy body, ajid the fruit of thy ground, all thefe curfes fliall come upon thee, and overtake thee. 1 6 Curied Jhnlt thou be in the city, and curfed fhalt thou be in the iieJd. 17 Curfed. y?Jfl///r thy bailiet and thV {lor^. 18 Curfed Curfes and puniflimentt C tt A P. etore r8 Curfecl JJiall he the fruit of thy iliii'? body, and the fruit of thy land, the -^ ' increafe of thy k'\ae, aud the tlocks of thy Ihcep. 19 Cixrkd Jhalt tlioii he when rhou comeft in, and curled Jlialt thou Le when thou goell out. 20 The Lord fhall fend upon thee curfing, vexation, and rebuke, in all eb. that thou fettelt thuie hand unto t for '\iJ^t" to do, until thou be deltroycd, and until thou perilh quickly ; becaufe of the wickednefs of thy doings, where- by thou haft forfaken me. 2f The Lord ihatl make the pefti- lence cleave unto thee, until he have confumed thee from olr the land, whither thou goeft to poflVfs it. "j^; 22 ' The Lord fliall finite thee with aconfumption, and with afever, and with an inflammation, and with an ex- r^^ treme burning, and with the || fword, ^"n„,' and with '" blailing, and with mildew: '■ and they {hall purfue thee until thou perirti. "•:i-- 23 And " the heaven that is over '*■ thy head fliall be brafs. and the earth that is under thee fhall be iron. 24 The Lord ihall make the rain of thy land powder and duft : from heaven fhall it come down upon thee, until thou be deftroyed. ";• 7- 25 ° The Lord Ihall caufe thee to 33. be fmitten before thine enemies : thou ',". Ihalt go out one way againft them, and fleefeven ways before them; and '"&■ '' flialt be f removed into all the king- ifi'.i doms of the earth . -»»• ,. 26 And '^ thy carcafe (hall be meat 3 rt. unto all fowls of the air, and unto the !"^^ hearts of tlie earth, and no man fiiall '-.. fray them away, s!"' 27TheLoRDwillfmitetheewith''the M'l? botch ofEgypt,andwith' the emerods, K°!ic'" and with the fcab, and with the itch, whereof thou canft not be healed. 28 The LoKu (hall fmite thee with mudnefs, and brmdiiefs, and alloniili- ment of heart. t Job 29 And thou fhalt * grope at noon- Jyt'l'i. ^^y^i as the blind gropeth in dark- nefs, and thou llialt not profper in thy ways: and thou flnlt be only op- prefied, and fpoiled evermore, and no man (hall fave thee. xjob'a'.'."; 30 " Thou (lialt betroth a wife, and Amm""!?' ^""'^''^*' 1"^!^ "^a'l I'ie with her : ''thou z-!^r.'i".l]! flialt build an houfe, and thou ilwlt y^_\r' not dwell therein : '' thou Uialt plant t H?'". ^ vineyard, and (halt not f gather the CfuJ'h gt'^pes thereof. m'eaT-'T" 5 ' Thine ox flinll be (lain before ch»r-:o.hcdienc(, thereof: thine afs y/iiv// ^^e violently Bc-fore taken away from before thy face, mid ^^l\f. f fliall not be reftored to thee ; thy ''~^:; — ^ flieep Jhall he given unto thine eue-A;/.'';''^, mies, and thou (halt have none to 7iuV." ** refcue tfiS7n. 32 Thy fons and thy daughters /7,^// be given unto another people, and tliine eyes Jhall look, and fail ivitk longing for them all the day long : and there Jhall be no might in thuie hand. 33 '^ The fruit of thy Hnd, and all , T,.v:f, thy labours, ihall a nation w hich thou uW'm. knoweft not eat up ; and tl'.ou flialt 5- '^• be only opprefTed and crnlhed alway : 34 So that thou flialt be mad, ^ for =" V"^"". tn the iight of thine eyes which thou Ihalt fee. 35 The Lord fliall fmite thee in the knee'i, and in the legs, with a fore botch that cannot be healed, from tlie fole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. 36 The Lord fliall bring thee, and i" thy king which thou fh:ilt fee o\'er b ? kjurs thee, unto a nation which nc-lrher j/;/;,':. thou, nor thy fathers have known ; ?-'(.^,;;„i' ■^ there fhalt thou ferve other gods, h- •••" wood and ftone. ^.'^!'?.''' 37 And thou fhalt become ^ an I;"'/';. aftonifliment, a proverb, "^ and a by- a , kihj? word, among all nations whither the j;,.^",^.,,. Lord fhall lead thee. ^ V/'- 38 ^Thou ihalt carry much feed out e p^.-m^'^' into the field, and ihalt gather but lit- V .'*' tie in : for the locull fhall confume it- ).^]'^!^ 39 Thou ihalt plant vineyards, and "/ftf"' drefs t/iem, but fnalt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes: for the worms fhall eat them. 40 Thou fhalt have olive-ti'ees throughout all thy coallis, but thou flialt not anoint thyfelf with the oil : for thine olive fliall call his fruit. 4[ Thou flialt beget Tons and daugh- ters, but •]- thou fhalt not enjoy them: t itri.. «?» for they fliall go into captivity. ^il'i-L!^"' 42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land fliall the locuft || confume- t! 0% • 43 The ftranger that is within thee ''"■^'^" fiiall get up above thee very high ; / - and thou flialt come down very low. 44 He fhall lend to thee, and thou flialt not lend to him : ^ lie flisli be ^'^^■'■/:" the head, and thou fiialt be the tail. 45 Moreover, all thefe curfes fhall come uponthee,and ihallpuifue thee, and overtake thee, til 1 thou be deftroy- ed : becaufe thou hearkencdft not un- to the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments ai.d his fta- tutes which he commanded thee. O a6 IyXi4. Ii Cliap. 3s- ii- 3e. 14. Luke 19- 4?- 1 Jer»m. 48. 40. & Lunietit* 4. 19. 8. I. t Hcb. hear. T Hcb. I'roverbs 7- 13- Efcur. Cttrfes tkreatetted D E U T E refore 46 And they fiiall be upon thee for \%f. a fign and for a wo-nder, and upon -^ — ' thy feed for ever. 47 Becaufe thou fervedft not the Lord thy God with joyfulnefs and with gladnefs of heart, ^ for the abundance of all things ; 48 Therefore (halt thou ferve thine enemies which the Lord fhall fend againlt thee, in hunger, and in thirit, and in nakednefs, and in want of all^ things : and he ' ftiall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have deftroyed thee. 49 I* The Lord fhall bring a nation againft thee from far, from the end of the earth, ' as fxvlft as the eagle flieth, a nation whofe tongue thou flialt not \ underftand : 50 A nation f of fierce counte- nance, ■" which fiiall not regard the perfon of the old, nor ihew favour to the young. 51 And he fiiall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be deftroyed : which nifo fiiall not leave t\\ee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increafe of thy kine, or flocks of thy fiieep, until he have de- ftroyed thee. 52 And he fiiall befiege thee in all gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou truftedft, throughout all thy land : and he fiiall befiege thee in all thy gates, throughout all thy land which the Lord thy God hath given thee- 53 And ° thou ihak eat the fruit of thine own f body, the flefii of thy fons and of thy daughters, (which the Lord thy God hath given thee, ) in the fiege, and in the ftraitnefs, wherewith thine enemies fiiall di- ftrefs thee. 54 So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye (hall be evil toward his brother, and toward ° the wife of his bofoni, and towards the remnant of his children which he fiiall leave : 55 So that he will not give to any of them of the flcfh of his children whom he fiiall eat ; becaufe he hath nothing left him in the fiege, and in tJie ftraitnefs wherewith thhie ene- mies fiiail diftrefs thee in all thy gates. 5 6 The tender and delicate wo- man among you, which would not adventure to fet tlie fole of her foot upon the ground for dellcatenefs and tendernefs, her eye fiiall be evil to- wards the hufiaaad of her bofora; and R O N O M Y. to the difobedieyzt. i'^hy ■3 Kinijs 6. 38, 59. t Heb. . Cliap towards her fon, and towards her urfor* daughter, ,«5i. 5 7 And towards her \ young one '^'^^ — '* that conieth out from between her ^f'r-' feet, and towards her children which file (hall bear : for Ihe fhall eat them for want of all things fecretly in the fiege and ftraitnefs wherewith thine enemy (hall diftrefs thee in thy gates. 58 If thou wilt not obferve to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayelt fear this glorious and fearful name> THE LORD THY GOD; 59 Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy feed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and fore fick- neffes, and of long continuance. 60 Moreover, he will bring upon thee all '' the difeafes of Egypt, which p chsp. thou waft afraid ofj and they Ihall '' ''* cleave unto thee. 6 1 Alfo every ficknefs, and every plague which /..■ not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord -|- bring upon thee, until thou be de- l^j!^f^ ftroyed. a/unu. 62 And ye "^ fiiall be left few in ^.'I'y.''" number, whereas ye were '' as the r cuap. ftars of heaven for multitude : be- "=• *" caufe thou wouldeft not obey the voice of the Lord thy God. 63 And it fhall come to pafs, thai as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you ; fo the L o RD ' will rejoice over you to deftroy s Pr«. you, and to bring you to nought : and IhLk ye fiiall be plucked from off the land '• ''*' whither thou goeft to pofiefs it. 64 And the Lord ' fhall fcatterthee t i,cvir. among all peoi)le, from the one end ^>|,.'V. 9. of the earth even unto the other ; and i^"™*" there thou flialt ferve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and ftone. 65 And " among thele nations fiialt 'l^^** thou find no eafe, neither fiiall the fole of thy foot have reft : but the Lord fliall give thee there a trem- bling heart, and failing of eyes, and forrow of mind. 66 And thy life fiiall hang in doubt before thee, and thou fiialt fear day and night, and (halt have none af- furance of thy life. 67 " In the morning thou fiialt fay, ^ /»)". Would God it were even : and at ' even thou ihalt fay. Would God it were morning, for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou fiialt fear, and ^ for the fight of thine eyes which '' '''"■ ^♦^ thou {halt fee. 68 And < Chap. Exod. »• 4- Chap. .34.8c . 18. Thcr. Chap. Number: • ", 33 np.r.3:. J. I. ;hap. f,. fhua lingt 3- ee Jofli, '.231=7 exhortation to obedience. CHAP. 68 And the Lord ^fliall bring thee into Egypt again, with ihips, by the way whereof I fpake unto thee, * Thou (halt fee it no more again ; ^' and there ye fliall be fold unto your enemies for bond-men, and bond- wo- men, and no man ihall hw^ you. CHAP. XXIX. 2 An exhortation to obedicNce. 29 Se- cret things belong wito Cod. THefe are the words of the cove- nant which the Lord command- ed Mofes to make with the children of Ifrael in the land of Moab, befide ' the covenant which he made with them in Horeb. 2 H And Mofes called unto all If- rael, and faid unto them, ^ Ye have feen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt, unto Pharaoh, and unto all his fervants, and unto all his land ; 3 ' The great temptations which thine eyes have feen, the llgns and thofe great miracles : 4 Yet '^ the Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to fee, and ears to hear unto this day. 5 ' And I have led you forty years in the wildernefs: f your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thyfiioe is not waxen old upon thy foot. 6 Ye have not eaten bread, neither have you drunk wine, or ftrong drink ; that ye might know that I atn the Lord your God. 7 And when ye came unto this ■ place, 8 Sihon the king of Hefhbon, and Og the king of Balhan, carrie out againft us unto battle, and we fmote them. 8 And we took their land, and '' gave it for an inheritance unto the Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to the half-tribe of Manafleh. 9 ' Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may profper in all that ye do. 10 *! Ye ftand this day all of you before the Lord your God ; your captains of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men of Ifrael, 11 Your little ones, your wives, and thy ilranger that is in tliy camp, from ^ the hewer of thy wood, unto the drawer of thy water : 1 2 That thou fhouldeft f enter into covenant with the Lord thy God, and into his oath, which the Lord thy God maketh with thee this day ; 13 That he may eftablilh thee to- day for a people unto himfelf, aad XXIX. Frefumptuous firmer i threatened, that he may be unto thee a God, as B'-fore he hath faid unto thee, and as he "^i^l^^. hath fworn unto thy fathers, to A- ' — ^ — ' braham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob. i4Ncither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath ; 15 But with him that ftandeth here with us this day before the Lord our God, 1 and alfo with him that is ' ^'^ a"» not here with us this day : icl^n. 16 (For ye know how we have'"'*' dwelt in the land of Egypt, and how we came through the nations which ye paffed by ; 1 7 And ye have feen their abomi- nations, and their f idols, wood and + ^^'^' ftone, fdver and gold, which were'sM'' among tiiem : ) 18 Lett there fhould be among you man or woman, or family, or tribe, " whofe heart turneth away ■" ^''"p* this day from the Lord our God, to "" '*' go and ferve the gods of thefe na- tions; " left there fhould be among " "'"r. you a root that beareth || f gall and i) or''^ wormwood : /"'>W 19 And it come to pafs, when he /hJ,. heareth the words of this curfe, that ''"^''^ he blefs himfelf in his heart, faying, I Ihall have peace, though I walk "in "^u^.b. the !| imagination of mine heart, »'to |ior!''.vj. add \ drunkennefs to thirft ; tomn,/,. 20 'i The Lord will not fpare him, ^V"".'" but then the anger of the Lord, and t " ' '*/ his jealoufy, (liall fmoke againft that 'thTth'i",''. man, and all the curfes that are writ- "^ '^"■'■•|'i ten in this book iliall lie upon him, "' '' and the Lord "■ fliall blot out his •■ '-''^'P' name from under heaven. ^' "*■ 21 And the Lord Miiall feparate ^ ^"'Z''' him unto evil out of all the tribes of "*' "' Ifrael, according to all the curfes of the covenant that f are written in l"f7«.'* this book of the law : 22 So that the generation to coma-- of your children that fliall rife up after you, and the ftranger that Ihall come from a far land, fhall fay, when they fee the plagues of that land, and the ilckneffes f which the Lord hath t H«b. laid upon it; ^i'l'ota 23 And that the whole land thereof /r'f.r'' is brimrtone, ' and fait, and burning, '•'^■^^'"• that it is not fown, nor beareth, nor zcph. 2. 9. any grafs growech therein, "like the '.V?7/,%. overthrow of Sodom and Gomor- rah, Adniah and Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath : 24 Even all nations (hall fay, " Wherefore hath the Lord done ^.'e^'"'* thus unto this land .^ what /wa/.v/// J//^"- the heat of this great anger ? 0 3 25 Then th II Oi-, who hiJ rot ,yi t Hb. divided' b Clup. Mercies to the penitent. D E U T K Before 25 Tlieu iwii ftiall fay, Becaufe T*- ." they have forlakcn the covenant of -'-v^^ the Lord God of their fathers, which he mad? with them when lie brought them forth out of the land of Kgypt. 26 For thev went I'tnd ferved otiier gods, and worlhipped them, ?.ods whom they knew not, and j| w'loin he had not + given unto tliem.. 2- And the anger of the Loud was kindled agiinft this land, to bring up- on it all the curfes that are written m this bonk. 28 And the Lord rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and caft them into another land, as it is this day. 29 .The fecret thing'; l>eUiiig unto the Lord our God ; but thofe things ■which art: revealed bi-hng unto us, and to our children, for ever, that •we may do all the words of this law. CHAP. XXX. I Great mercii^spromijedtn the penitent, 1 1 The commnndintiHt is mariifejl. 1 5 Death and life are fct before tliem. » A Nd it fliall come to pafi, wlien r\. i* all tliefe things are come upon thee, the blelling and the curfe which 1 havefet before thee, and thou Ihalt call them to mind among all the na- tions whither the L0K.D thy God hath driven thee, 2 And {halt return unto the Loud thy God. and (halt obey his voice ac- cording to all that 1 command tliee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy foul ; '\'' That then the Lord thy Ciod wiil ;urn thy captivity, and have com- panion upon tliee, and will return and <» gather thee from all the nations whi- ther theLoRD thy God hath fcattered thee. 4 * If rtn'v of tliine be driven out unto the owimo^parts of heaven, from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee. , . 5 And the Lor d thy God will ormg thee into the land which thy fathers poUelled, and thou (halt polfefi it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers. 6 And '■ the Lord thy God wnl circumcife thine heart, and the heart ofthyfeed, tolove the Lord thy God with all thine heart, aiid with all thy foul, that thou mayert live. 7 And the Lohd thy CJod will put all thefe curfes upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, wiiich perfecutiL'd thee- R O N O M y. Ufe and deAtft^ 8 And thou (halt return and obey Bof.,| he voice of the Lord, and do all his ,iVt. 106. 45- & lli- I. Jcrenuah e ('.hi>\>. Noliem- f Cli»!>. n>. 16. Jercm. 36. 26. coinmandments which I command thee this day. 0 « And the Lord thy God will f,';'';!^ make tiiee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, an