If- -3 3 Cl393f maaH®Xa ^v- z* e g **•» a >H o Q 5 Q en w fc £ ■« K rvi W W P ■2 MH ►-a H M fe J? 5 i >* PQ Q W O o H i o H W o g s Ph ? < Ph W PQ O ifi w a p W ?K- P4 $-* S g $c6 5» 1 \1(o *h^' : fl Joannes calvinvs Nouiodlwi. ' FOVRE GOD- lye fermons agaynit THE POLLVTION OF 1DOLA- ; tries, comforting men iifl ptttetutu bits, ano teacbpng tftem foljatjpom tnoDttteg ttjct tyal fino in Cbjiffes efturcft , tofttcb tocre p:eacfteD in f renelj bp tbe mofte famoo$ Clarfce Jljon Calup ne , aim tranflatea fpjft into ka* ttne ana aftertuarti into C'ngltffje bp Dtucrs go&lp learneo men* P J A L. I*. I wyl not take the names of the idols in my mouth. C^Mitf et> at ILonfcon bp ttoulann ^a!I, fctorlltng f n cpolot ng lane at tbe figne oftfcetl)?carrofoe0* T7TT fcOVL AND HAH T THs RIADEIU THcrc be thre caufcs fpecially that moueth.me to printe thefc fermons of maifter Ihon Cal- uinethe faithful feruant of god and the apo- ftle of out time.Th'one is the worthincs of themat ter fet furth in thefe fermons. The other is the plai- nes and fimplicitie that thys great clarke yfeth in all his fermons to the people. The third is the reuerent handling of the fcriptures,without tauntes, fkoffes, or ieftes,or any trifling tales /wherby our englifti na cion may fc 3c iudge what power th e word of god hath of it fclf,whe it is moft naked & bare and void of that painted flieathe that men would put vpon it. The matter is mete for al men to know,and ftan deth in thefc foure pointcs.Fyrft, there is a generall admonicion to flye idolatry. Secondly an exhorta- tion to folow Chrift in fuflfering of perfecution.and bearing of the croile . Thirdly c the liberty to feruc god,and the comoditie to Hue in the church or god is commended.Fourthly with how great paine* & care this liberty to worfliip god purely in lorn chri ften congregation oght to be foght for and defircd of all chriftians,is delcribed . And foraconclufion there is addded the expofition of the . 87 . pfalmc, which teacherh that the church of god thogh it feme mifcrablein this worldly et doth it excel al the kyngdoms of the earth becaufe god loueth it go- uerneth it, ftabliilieth it, multiphah it , and t:.keth the count and numbrc of his elect people out of i;. Con- TO THB rbaou. Concernyng the fecond poynt.The fimplicitie it fuch,as our Sauiour Chrift and hys apoftles vfed in their fermons , of the which faincl: Paule fpeaketh to the Connthias, faying that he came not with ex cellencie of wordes,or of mans wifedome to /hew vnto them the teftimonie of God , left the crofie of Chrift and the power of God workvng thereby ftiolde be of none effect, whyles men fhould attri- bute that to eloquence which onl) is wrought by the fpiritc or god in the heartes of the faythrul. For the thyrd : he obferueth the piccept of faindt Peter. Y^any man fpeakc let him fpeakc as the wot des of God So that all hys fermons feme notbyng els but the fwv* te licour of the (captures and liuely word of god,fct furthc before our eyes in Chriftal- line veflels to entice vs to beholde them and to pro uoke vs to taft and to fmel of thefe lvcours of lyfe whichc he brochcth vnto vs of that abundance which god hath geue vnto him in thefe our times. God grant vs grace thankefully to reccyue Gods good gyftes in this and all other thynges offered vnro vs. So be ir. A Sermon wherein AL CHRITIANS ARE MONU flied* to flyc the outward idolatryc,taken out of ihe.iij.verfe of thc.xvj. Pfalmc. 3f tail not eommtimcaee Mtb trjett blco- dicfafttftcc0,ncitl)ctiet!l 3 take tljctt: tiamea uimpmotUj. HE DOCTRINE VVHI- cbtucfljalcntreate tn times place , is plapne pnougb ana eafie , faupng tbat tbe greatcft parte of tbofe tbat pzofeffe tbem fclues to be Cb:tftians,oo fefte out anob?utg, 3 cart not tell fobat fubteltiea to cloke tbepj eutlltoitball ♦ Buttbe famine of tin* iobolle Doctrine is, tbat after iue fenofoe tbe liuing goo to be our fatber , and 3 rp expedient to be prepared and armed in tpme , tbat into fobat ftatc foeuer foe ffjal corner foitb fobat foeuer tern tations toe mape be oppugned , foe nc* tier fluarue from tbe pure foojdc of god* #l^ft it mat? bt tbat many of tbps oure cburcbe and congregation , fyall trap * utiiinto fomepaptilicai countrep-,fobo ogbt greats nofoe to be in a readincs « armed to bateUEbcn albeit CBoo doetb HAUL geuc The fyrftc Sermon geue bs at tbis time liberty to ferne bun purely and godlilpe , pet toe fcnofoe not ijofo long tbis our benefite fyal cottnue* 3let bs tberfo^e tafee tbis time of our qui etnes ana tranquillitie, not ass tbogb it fyal alluates latt, but as it toer a ttme of truce, foberein god dotb geue t>s leafure to ttrengtben our felues, left tuben tue fyalbe called to btter tbe cofeffion of our faith, toe be found nctu and bnpsepared becaufe tue contemned tbe meditacion of tbat matter in due time, j^etber tru* IV ougbt toe to fo:get in tbe mean tubile our b;>etb;>en tobicb are fcepte bnoer tbe t^annpof^nticbnft, oppzclFeo tu^tf) moll miferable bonoage,but to tafee,re> tnemb?ance,pitie ouer tbem,am> to pjai god to ftrengtben tbem foitb tbat con* ff ancle, fobicb be requiretb in bis foo?d* Wit muftt alfo admonitbe and folicite tbem bp al toapes , not to reft in places tobere men are faft on flepe in tbeirbo* luptuoufnelTe, hut to applie diligently tbis tbougbt,and tupl,tbat tbei confelfe tbe glo?ic due bnto god ♦ fm toe are not taugbtof godonelpfo: ourfelues,but tbat euerp man after tbe meafure of bis faitb>ff)uld bzotberip communicat initb bis Of Maiflcr ihoo Caluine. ftt'0 iteigftbo?8, anD titffrtfautc tttf o tljem tbat tbing lie ftatb learned and fcnoteeit in gods fcbole . $ofoe fe toe tben tftat it ts profitable, pea truip neceffarp fo toeli to our felues , as to our brethren , tftat tbe remembrance of tbis doctrine tyuloe be renued fcerp oft, efpeciallpe fepng tfte tert ft felfe fobtcb toe tyal erpouno,dotlj leaoefcs to tfte famepurpofe.SDauto dotlj openlp p:otefr, and as it foer dotb make a folemne fcofo,tbat lie foil neuer be par taker in tbefacnfices of idolaters , and alfo tbat be fopll fo oeteft , and greuoufr Ip bate tbe fools tbat be fopl not at anpe time once name tbe, as tbougb be tyuld defile bis moutb f n namf ng tbenu %\)i& fs not tfte fact of fom one man hut tbe erample of 2Dauio tbe mod excellent fringe and propbet fobicb ogbt to be for* to al gods cbi loren a eertaf n comon rule to rpgbt and goolp life* 0nd to tbentcnt foe map tbe better perceaue tbis ttyng ano more fcebementlp be moued foftfj, tbe true fear of god tbe eaufe i s to be no* ted fobtcb beaddetb foberem truly re* ffetb as it foere a certain foundation of tbat fame alfenatfon and offence tuber* by fte dotft mod greatlp abbo? re tfce com The fyrft Sermon ittumonofioolatours*ffbelo2be,faietb fte to mym enberitaunce ♦ I15ut to not, tbto tbing eomon to ail faitbfui ano goo Ipe men.ffi bere is no man trulp tobpeb Inoionot giojieinfo excellent atbpng. flno tl)ts is fare tmtbout ai Doubt, tbat goo being once geuen bnto bs in tbe pec fon of bis fonne, ootb oaplp entife bs to poffeir bim*U5ut tber be berap feiue tub* cb ar fo affecteo in tbto part,as tbe great nes and fooztbtnes of tbto fame mater ibuto feme to affte ano oeferue ♦ #etber truly can toe bp any meanes poffeflT goo, imies on tbto conoition tbat foe alfo be t ome bps.JDaui o tberfore of gootj rtgbt ano foojtbelp did fef tbe founoatton of fct?s gooipnes, ano religion in tbto fen* tence ano reafonfeing tbat goo is bis en ftcritaunce^befoil refrain from allpob Intions of iooles fobicb oo turue bs, from (0oo bpmfelfe ♦ SEbto is tbecaufe toby tbe pjopbet d;fap,tuben br bao bp* ij:aiocotbe icfoes tbattbep bao geuen tbemfelues to fals ano ftrange goooes* fobo tbep bao maoe , aooeo afterfoaroe, tbeisjaitb be,ar tbp portion figntfieng by tbefefoojos,tbatgoo ootb Deny to tbe tuo;$ippers of iDoles ail bono s felofo* fljippe Of Maifter Ikon Caluine. ffiyppe of couenante ano mfenber^fetlj tbem, ana titterlp oep:tuetb tbem, of tbat fo infinity great bencfite , tobicbe be inoiti bane beftofoeo on tbem^geutng bim felfe tittto tbctm &>om man toil! ep cept anii fat tbat tbe piopbet entreated fntbat place onlp oftbem fobieb put, tbctr affiance m tboie* , ana oeceauetb tbem felues tbo^ofo opinion ano tncre* tmlttte,3! graunt but tbte aifo 3 anftoar pftbeptbatbo tranfferregoos honour: tmfotDoIer, ate fctterlp feparateb ana tut of from bte foiotoftip , tbep aifo Doe are ano Decline fome tubat from bim, lobicb t>oe feme tbem feiuca to confent to fuperfttcions tbojofo feare and toea* fcenelte of mpntie* f m no man can in bearf o? anp confo^ mablefa^tonoMntupll, an&in pur* pofe of minDe,0£ faining,oj bp any true o? faineb foape appzocb to tool* , but be mutt fo far go bacfe fro gob . OTberefo^e let tbte fentenre be tbojotulp perfuabea an& remaine aepelp pjinteb in our bear teMbat tbet tobicb fefce goo ftiitb a tru and pure mtnoe , totbeendetopotTeCTe Ijim fo? tbeir enberitance^fopll baue nd communion ana felofotyip tuttf) iboies* tuttfi The fyrft Sermon." Xmf b tobome goo ftatb tbat nf uojre ana bebate, tlmt l)c tuoln baue al bis to p:o; claim and make r on t tnuall ana fccatlpc fcmrbpontbem. 3nD in tbts place SDa* itib bp name botb erp:eflte, tbat be fopll neuer be partaker oftbetr oblations, ne tber baue tbep: names fn bts trout!) and talking* feemtgbt bane fain on tbis lutfe,3l luil not tiecepuemp felf umb fcn Xotfe ana foltflje beuoctens of tbe bnbe^ leuers, 3 tnill not put my ttuft in fur be abufes,no2 3! totl neuer fojfafee gobbes trutb, to folcfo tbefe lies , but be fpea* feetb not on this maner, but botb ratber J;omtfe c onttantty , tbat be topll neuer e touerfant among tbey j ceremonies. S^berfoje be botb tellifie fo far furtb as coneernetb tbe feruto of go&,bc toill a* iribe continually in al purine anb boly ttes botb of boape and foule.0ndfirft in tbis place toe mufte f ouftber , tobetber tbis be not ibolatrte to ftgntfte anb be* dare by outtoaro tokens, our agremet tDftb tbofe fuperfticions^fcberimtb tbe feruice of gob is corrupted $ btterlp per* uerteb* Cbet tbat ftotm ( as tbe comon fat?ing)bettoirt ttoo foaters.allegetbis iaipng, feing tbat gob tools be bonojeb in Of Matter Ihoa Taluinc^ In fpirtf ,tools ca b? no meancs be bona ceo bnles a ma put bte t raft fit tbe* But to t^tss map be eallp anftocreo, tbat god &otb not fo requtre tbe fpiritual feruiee t aoo?ation of tbe minoe, tbat be gran? tetb ansremittetb tbe otber part of our nature fcnto tools, as tbougb tbat part (QulD feme notbing at al to belong tmto bim* j^o? it is fata in manp places, tbat tbe knees mutt be boVueo bcfo:egoD f al fo tbe banbs Itfteo top to beaucmOTbat tben^furelp tbe cbief bono? tbat goo re? quiretb i* fpiritual but tbe outluarD fig nificatton toberbep tbe faithful oo tefti? fie tbat tt is goo only tobo tbei feme ant) bonour,muft fo immebiatlp folofcntbat tbei mull at one time be ioineo together ]&\xt one place fbal fo fufftce fo? al,to ro fute tbat obiectton fobtcb tbet fnatcb of one foojo,tbat tbei Ibalbe plainly rebu keo $ comtict*3m tbeaiucbao*of SDaniel tt is timtte tbat &iojacb, aWacb $ 0b? &enego,refufeo f oenieotwoer anp ma? ner of colour,to confent bnto tbe fnper ftition fet fcp f erectco bp jstabucbooono fo?, oeclaring tbat tbei tools in no tuife bono? bis goos* jf tbefe gooofy toittte fopbifters bao bene tbere at tbat time, tools Tli e fyrfl Sermon tuolD baue laugbt to fco^te £ fimphcitte of tfjefe tfoe feruants of got)* jfoj 3 fup pofe tftet fools bane taunted tbem foitb fucb iifee foojos,pou foltfy nie, this tru ip w not to bono: tbem , feing pou put no affiance in tbefe tbpnges ♦ Xbcre is no foolatricbut icbere tbere is fceuocio, tftat is to fap,a certain bending $ applt cation of tfte minde to bonour and foo?* fljippe tbeidoles* 115ut tbefe gotJlp men Did folofoe a better $ foifer rounfell, fo j ibis anffoer fobicb tfjet made, pjoccoeo not of ttjetr ofone foit, but ratbf r of tbe ftolp goft,fobicb moueo tbe tbus to fpea fce,fobo if foe foil not refiH,foe mutt ae* cept tbis place $ tbis erample^ as a cer* ten rule $ defimcion,tbat idolatry is an outfoaro action againtt gods b$noj,yea altbougb it p?oceoe not fro tbe foil and purpofe of tbemind,but be only colour rable ana feineo* 3ln fobicb matter tbet mafee goodly eauilatios tbat tber is no fdolatrieatalifobenas our affiance is not put in fools* ptt fljal tbefe me eon* tiuuallp remaine condemned by tbe fen tece fobicb tbe nrigbtieff iudge bat!) p*o notice* But tbefe me do eoteno only fo j tbe name,only 5ot«S about fomdeal to leHon Of Maiftcr lhon Galumc. lelfou tbetr faute, fohich thei cm by no tneanes aefent) o$ ereufe* ^ea, the* foil grant that this thing ts euii none i not rightlp ^ pet nottfftantiing thet foolae hauc tin* fact to be tu&geo a* a certeine fcemnalfpmliBut altbogb foe grant the as touching the name £ thing tbeiaffee pet tbei fljal not get fo much tberbp that ttiet mat mafte their caufe much the bet* tzt. Ilet tos fat thus, that fuch maner of fcmco foo:Cl)tpptgof taols^is not called iDolatrtM?et neuertheles it fljalbe a traf terous enterp^ife againff: goa, a certain fact repugnant to the cofeflTion of faiths $ a foul filth? polutio mod ful of foicfcca faccilege* 3 pjap pott luhen the moft fa* crea feruice $ honoj of got) i& fo tuoiated that foefaldp bjeaft # p^omife foemaae to htm .that tho :ofoc cofoar&ife $ faints nes of ftomack toe uenle croeealp 1 faflp our cb jiftian pjofeffion, that foe becom inconftant ana Double, that foebefple our felues foulpe foith thofe tbinges, fohtch goa hath curfca foirb all fcinoe of maletJtctto : is this fo light a matter that after foe haue Done \U\nt oght oneip to foipe oure mouth, ana confeflTe that foe fcaue committea a certaine fmall fault/ ilet The fyrfl Sermon Het to tberfore put atom? tbefe fl&fffes, fperiallpfeingtbep feruefor no notber tbmge, but to mafeetoboutoer,andto geueto greater, libertie to finite, ana Dotft notbtng , at al Dtminiib our faults fflSefBe alfo otbermo?etmput>cnt,fc)bf cbe no not onip,cbaunging tbe name go about to perfuaoe tbat it ia not fo great and tmfoojtbp a finne : but Do plainly f p?ecifelp deny it to be finne ♦ jt fo fufftct ent fape tbep tbat goo be bonoureo toitb bart and , minde* C&uen fo trul]>e if tbe ftart it felfe foere not do toble* j^finfen tbe nrinDe te truefy founde and pure tbe boope (ball neuer be drafoen into a con* trarppart* Blfoolo fcnotu of tbem fobat tbat is tbat mouetb f ieadctb tbefr fete to tbe temple, fbi tubenlbei go to bere mas ,tbetr legges toil neuer be ftirred of tbep? otune motion , but mud ncoca be mouea hi tbe tntoaro pofoer of tbe mmD: Stben muff tbei neoe* cofes tbat tber is in tbem fclu^s a certain deftr « motion, of mtnoe tuber oftbet be carted to tuoj fijtp toolcs, $ cbefelp becaufe tbep couet to apply tbem felues after tbetr toil and opmton,tobtcb are tmmit* to tbe trutb Eeaanddofoconformetbem feluesto, pieafc Of Maifter Ihon Caluine pleafe tbem,tbat tbep do mucbe mo?e ef teme tber fauour ami tfter ofone lif tben goas bonour ana glo^e* USettoes tbps> tbefr imp uoencpe tg fo mamfett $ (bam* ful, tbat f am afljatneu to otfput agatntt ft,astbougb it bau fome colour ozlpfc* neflTe of reafon,pet J mutt nefces no it>fe tfngtbep do pleafe tbem fellies fo great !£,anD are , as it toere men D^onften in tbefr otone optmones anopleafures ? fal ien fall on flepe ♦ Cbep tfttnfee tbte to v nogb to foozOjtp gob in fp;>tt,ftibof tbert (ball tfte boop be *SCraIi« $* ^aull mo* uetb l3js to honour goMotb in boDp and fpirtt^foj tbep be bte olune $ belongetb to none otber . €>ot> batb createo tbe bo* bp,ano tyal ft be leafull fo? bs tbertuttlj to feme aint f&aul alfoaotb ammonify bs, not to be t tje feruantes of men , becaufe toe toere bougbt $ purebafeb tmtb fo gjeat apriee iuimb is tbe biouo of gods tonne* SDbett fce tbat botb topn ano a&oict bim feife to tbe foiekcb feruice of iboles,botb be not treade bnber bis feete tbe mofie faerefc blooD of |cfus Cbriflktuberm ootb eon* fift tbe piice of tbe eternal anr immortal gloue,fobtcb tue loftefo? in our boniest OTbat reafon is it tbat our bobies fljulo bebefileb f profaned before iboles,feing tbe croton of etemalllpf is p:omtfcbtm to tbem in beuen > %\w tuallotoinge in fatans ttefos andmoffeftltbpe oefilpng is it a mean and toape tober bp toe map come to tbe kingdom of gob i ^ozeouerr It luas not faib tuitbout a great caufe, our bodies ar tbe teples of tbe boli goff, tberfrnctbep tubicb perceaue not , tbat tbep ougbt to be feept in all bolines,ooe plainly fljefo tbem felues to perceaue % tnberfiaub notbing at all of tbe gofpeL alto tbet Declare tbat t bet fcnofo no tobtt at Of M aifter Ifcon Cafuine.' at al tobat fe tfte potoer of Jefus Cbrtff ano of W grace* j*o$ foben it te fata on tbtsstutfe tfrat tuear bone of bus bones ano fietye of bte flelb be og;bt to fcnber* ffanbtbatfoebe topneo tuttbbfm botf) inboopeano foulh SDberefo^e no matt ran befile bfe ofone bobpe tottb any ma* ner of fuperffttton , but be botb feparat btmfelf,from tbat contunetton ano tnto toberbp foe ar made tbe memoes of tbe fonneofgob* l&ut notu let tbefefottyf fubttle bottours anffoerme,fobetbere f bet baue roceatteb bapttfme onlf in tbec fouls, 02 fobetber goo batb tomman&e& ratben tnffttuteo tbat tbteitgneibuUi be tmp:tnteD f n our fleff>» &bal tbe boop tben foberetn tbe marft of Jeftis Cbrtffi t£j p:tntcD 7 be pollutes ano befilebfottl) fo contrary repugnaunt,anb fo tutefeefc abominations? £Ufo tbe lojoes fupper, i& it receaueo tn tbe mind only, and not alfo tn tbe banoea and moutb^atb god rngratten tn oitre bodpes tbe armes and badges of bis fonne,tbat tae aftertoarD itjulopollut ourfelues foitbaltwclean nes,fottb moft foul fpctes ano tbame,f fo bnfemelp defojme our felttes tbat no lunde noj lifeenesof dmfttan befotie WAU (ljulD* The fyrfte Sermon fljulD apeare* 3t in not lafoful in cornfff one pece of goto to pztnte ttuo contrarte toyn;3,netber to fet ttuo feallea tbe on repunguaunteto tbe otber , bnto one tDrittngrana tyal a mortal man tafee tip cnbuntocountrefete ano corrupt bap* tifmcana the mode bolpe fupper of Je* fu* CbriflN ano alfo bebolD to fap tbat, tfter is no euel in fo great f tmftbeuous a faet^&ucbe men trulp at: toiutftMbat tbeir feruanntes tyoulo perffoaoe ♦ 9no matte tbem beleue, tbet baue a great, plcafure, to Da tbem ferutee foben not tmtb ft anomg, t\)?v gene tficm fclues to nepc^pleafurs antral tDlene^anD do not moue one finger to Do anp tuozfee at all. pf tbep fap it is not alike reafo, bpeaufe toe bane ncoe of tbeir labour tbat be lm &ert)s:3ianftoer altbougbgoo baue no neDeofba,petfoj tbat be foil Dfe oure labour,feruice, anD obeDienee, to feme ano bonour bitn,truelp it is to mueb tJrt femelp,anD fin to tbe greatell fbame f infampe^to do all tbtng otber tutfe tbeit beto!ll,anDcleanetobebotD oftbeftu* Dpe ano Dutpe tubtfb foe ofone bnto btrn pea our fbame is fo mucbe tbe greater, tbat tbe foojme of tbe eartb ,ano an Dm iiuing Of Maifter ifcort Caluinc. Wiring creature fyallrcquieremoje po* foeroucrbs, ano honour tbcn btscrea tour, But pet foe ntuft talfee foitb tbefc bcaftes moje plainly SDbep fay it is lea full foj tbem to fein antj clofce tobat fo, tuer tbcp foill emong tbe paptft, ana to tonfojmeibem felues to tbat nraner .% fafl^ton of reltgtou <, fobtcbe ts tbcugbt moff apttonojtflj fuperfttttomWbo is be then tbat geuettj tbcm b:eao tobe fen foitb all ther^Mbo uotft mahe tbe grcr* uno fertile to b^mg fo:th fruit ^Jf goo Do feoe ano nonffte tbem tit tbofe places fober tbet DtocLas lie ootb al otber men in tbe otber partes of tbe earth, fobp to tftet not bono: tbe geuer of $ benefite lfi that part of the felf, fobteb is fo bounty fullp no?ilbe& of him i Witty Do tbep ra* tber obep ano ferue the Deutl foitb their boDtes?|ftbefe men focr in anppartof thiiftiariBi'i fooloetofe foitb tbemmojc foatgbtp ano higher rcafons, $ 3 foolbc afke of the, to fobat eno foe Itne fit this foojlo,ami fobere t»nfo our life ogbte to be referred* l? ut SDmiferable cafetbat tbep fohicb foitb fubtelttcs ana Ihiftes foil Dallp *6 £oo,are fo bwtity, tbat tbet tmttt be baalcD, a* me not only oeftitute J5aii. of Tlic fyrft Sermon if gods fpfrtt,buttnamanerbofd ofna tttral common fence ♦ SDtjettijtnfee tbte i* a fufftctetercufe to fat,tbet Do notbig tn tins ftfnMut fo^feare of perti $ dau* geisbntpftbts colour mapetafte place, tben mufte tue fape tbatjofepb (bulde feauedonenoeutll,£fbebadicommttte& lobo^aome foptb bps matilcer foben tt toas btoletlp offered btm,fetng be l^ula not bauefolo toed bpsofonetupll, but ftaue geuen place to neceltttte and bto* lence tobteb fbc did bnto btm< 3 1 Amide fcaue bene a foltfye facte of btm, to enter fneb peril and infamte,as aftcrfoard be fufferedbptbefalfe aeeufatton of tbat itougbtptooman,fepngbemtgbt baue tfcapeotbofeeutlapf be ban accompli l&ed bee toil* HBut toe ogbt ratber to fo* lotu tbe erample of 33ofepb? and allotoe tbe tefttmonp of tbe bolp gofttobo dotb tommend bta eonffancte. If tbere be no totcfeednea tn tafetng bpo tjs t doletroua religion toben lue do tt to attotoe tbe ra* gtng crueltte of tbe paptft Mbe feruant ftaltuotfpnne, tobo fo? bte matftera pleafure^ftjalplapetbebaude^fcplUand plat? tbe trattour , foi feare to dtfpleafe hi mender tubofe potoer be rs ♦ 115ut J; abide to longe tn tins matter , iu&tcctti Of Maifter John Caluine. (as 3f faio befrne) there is no Dottt o : mf^ ficultic.gt fyail not be far from tbe pur* pofe to conftDer Into boin great confufi* ontbetfaUtubiebtrauail foitb all t bete trafts to efc ape goas iuogemet. others tber be tbat baue fount) another fi)tfte $ ftertingbole,tbei grant.tbat f> fuperfff cion of tbe gentils is a toiekeo i tsetella ble religto,but it ts not al one reafon of ibefe f tbe fupertficions tubif b are fn £ papifme, astbougballtbe falfereiigt* on tbat euertoas amonge tbebettben, tuas not a corrupting $ oep:auaticn of tbe true reltgto ofgoD* j^ro tebece ntn § beatbebzafof tafcto tbefelues tbetrce remonies but of p bolp fatbers^n tub* * tb twig tbis foas tbef r great faut$ tbet bcpzaucD i btterlt peruerteD tbofe tfttget lobtcb tbei bao receiuea tccl $ totfelp in ftitutea of goto, But pet al {> abomin act 5s $ euer toer I p tuoala baue ben clofceD luttb a beuttful title of goo bimfelf,anD tbe couerture of bis religion* 55ut tbofe touterfeit religions bat> neuer $ c omen nation, pofoer f autbo^tie^ goo Di& at anytime app:oue tbofe feruites f con* gregatios , o j $ faftbful me Did fcfe $ fre nuent tbe* 4Do to let fcs p^oceoe further. The fyrft Sermon! 9ltbougb 31 QjulD grant tbe t'Dolatrie of tbe papities to be tjnitke $ Differ fro ibe fuperttitton of tbe olo gentiles, ret ran tbei not Denp but goo fo erneftty DiD for biD tbe religion foicfeeDlp fet bp tn Be* tbel^as al otber fuperttitioa tuljtc!) tecr fntiitnteD $ eelebrateD tn otber places, WCht tbe ealues toer erccteD in SDa and 315etbel tbte toas iuffituteD <* Don bnocr a certain colour of bts name tubicb ban brogbtebis people of Cgipt,i?ct i? fame religto fobicb to as tber apointeo us ma- mfefflpagainfttbeDotfrineof tbe lalo* <0ob Dotb coDemne al tbofe $ go tbitber to Defile $ polute tbefeluea* £nD truly f> fupper of 3!efu$ tbritf f tbe popift) made are no lelfe repugnant $ cotrarp tbe one to tbe otber tben f> facrifices of SEofes £ 3leroboa* ,fro fobecetben tstbis Dtfpnt fatton £ licence to go $ beremaffebnDrr tbts colour tbat tbe fupper of ?eP cbrift is but trafformeo yea ratber in DeDe De formeo? But 3 faie $ affirm cotrarie^ al tbei tbat do fear goD truly f bono: bt goDlp,ougbt fo mucb tbe more to bate f Deteft it, for that it do tb more openly bt olat anD profane tbe boly tnilitution of 3efu0 CWe 9 tben yf it luere not fo repugn Of Maifter Iohn Galuinc. repugnant ana contrary bnto tbc fame. OTbcrefoje let bs feepe tftts romen rule generally, tbat al tbe omittance ana in* uenetons of men p^oponeaanatafce in fcaa to corrupt tb* fimple tnttb of goas fcioja, f to peruert tbat religion tubpeij berequiretbl aUofoctb-,arbcrpfacrtie' ges toitb tDbtcb tbe ctutfftan ma mat in ito-ttrife comunicate,tMtfrout rtatf ntti* rte i contumely tobtcb trea&ctb tnarr fete goas bono? molt ttitcfecD , 3 fenc-ice feci tnougb fro to greuotts * tntollerabie tbte feuere tuagement femetb to tbcm, lobteb toola after tbeir oton tuft $ aehk eat nrin&,be mo je ntrrlye $ nrefeelp fpo* ken to ant) taught* Wl Ijcrin tubat IrolD tbet 3 fynlaao^Mbat numeration fie* nttte l^ula 3! t)fe^ Crulp nolo 3 percey ue boto tenner 1 aeintte tftet ar, 3 eouet fo much as mat be to fpare tbebut botij 3 1 tbet mufte be eonaenmca To fone as goa batb fpofep:tberfoje tf toe toil teaec our oton faluatctom let bid tafee it tn goa part %Mti fap tbet ftna no man mo?e fe uere $ fyarpe tben J am, but 3 tupli ae* clare bnto tbem, on tbe otber parMbat 3 banaie tbemmo:e mefeelp ana tenser IrMfcentbetruetbof tb$ caufey tH too** Tfcc fyrft Scrmoa tooUbpneflTe of gooties name, ano tbepj ©ton faluano OiD require, t&btcb tbmg fcetg fo in tea, truly tijep can not ercufe mio Deliner tbem felue* from tbe wtttU fitieoftbattmtie ano tcftimcnie, tbat tbe propbet^eremie Both requier of the getues capttues f n HBabilon tobo be not unit? fotbtooetb to come neare tbe abbo tnf nation* of tbe Cbaloeana , o* colour rablp ana femeolp to gene anpe confent to tbem, but aifo aotb geue a plain com nraun&ement tbat tbei (Ijulo oeelaretbe Imefceo religion of tbe Cbaloeana to be tonto tbem a moft filtbie fauo?^ ou fyal fap to tbem(faitb tbe p?opbet %tttmt)- tbedftoos tobicbe bane not maoc bea* um ano eartb fljjall perilb botb out from tbe eartb * ano alfo from turner beaucm ffiberetealfo in tbte place anotbercir* tumffanee to be marfceMbat foben tbe pjopbet bao fomtte bis bofee In ^ebjue pet be pnt in tbte fentence erpjett in tbe common tmlgar fpecb of tbe Cbalocas, as tbougb be tnolo bp tbis mcanes con* Uraine tbe jcfoeMo cbange from tbeir tong,to tbe end tbei migbt moje apart* ip p:ofcflTetbebatret> $ oifagremet tbei bane ti tbe fcncfceD idolaters # $ofo let our Of Maiftcr IKor Caluinc. " our nice pongltnges complain of me as though mine abuertifrmet ercebetb all nteafure,f yetjbauenotanp time bed reb § half part of the butte lufticft $ mo* pbet requiretb and affcetb fo earneuli?: but fobatfoeuer be £ matter other of my fating $ moderations? els of my ftlece $ taturmtie * neuertbeles lue are tfeb f bound to that latu tabid) goo both gcue fcnto bs.0notruli it is not icout a r aufe that goo fpeafetng to bis faithful fateth to the •> you are my foitnelTes $ my fer* ttats tuho H baue cbofoOTberfoje fobo foeuer fopl p^oue bimfelfe to be a meb?c of Jefus goos ebtldje fobieb liue tuber the trnpii titm i abomiuatios remain, bo mo:ne ' after The fyrft Sermon after ferample of tbat gostymallotfN f alfo fpeafe fo frc ly> agatntf: fo manp f fo great abominable bices of wen, as gob fyal geue to tbem potuer $ opo:tunitie, ilet t)s nolo com to ftefo eertaincfeinbs of ibolatnes,tubieb ar of mod eft imacio in tbefe bates, (Ifcmog fobicb fo:t # maffe fs cbicf,foberof 31 baue toucbeb fomtbtg before ♦ f 03 altbougb ft be fo famous f notable blafpbcmy botb in abfurbitie f greatnes of mifebief f notbfgea betma gineb mo: foul $ tMcfeeb,t>etffil be tbet patros fouo fo: an euf I caufe , lubtcb bo f rtaefo^tb fn tbis part* I5ut toil tbef nil tbef,tbef fljalbe copellco to cofes tbfs$3l fap 5 tbat y> maflTe by ft felf fs a bcfifallof 3efus cb?itfs beatbf a certain facrflege fnuenteo $ o:befneb by fata to abolify # facrament of § fupper.^etbcr ar tbej? a bit to Deny butf tbe tuoeatf 5 of faints, * fuffrages fo: tbe beab^are fctrkeD atot fes,tuberbp f> inuocatio of gobs name,a tbing of al otbermoft boli ts p:ofaneb £ tbep tobo amogfpaptllesbobcfilctbe fclucs Id tbefe abbominations bo tbf nfc tbefelues gtltp of no faute.OTbat ffjulb toe bo fai tbetVJt is not lafoful fo: bs to correct i amenb tbofetbingsjtobfcb foe fenofoe Of Maiftcr iKon CaluJne. fenoto tut! t fautie, toe arepjfuafe mm ano tbet tbat bauetbe potocrt publtfce autotftte tic srncftlp oefeo tbcfe tbtng* SDbcrfo %t toe mutt fuffer tfiat titolent ne teflTttte/? graunt all tbts to be truc.315ut 3 fape tU& te not to the purpofe*3t be* iongetft not to tbetr office to correct ano appoint a common ojoje fo:>tbe people, netber ootb anp ma rcquf cr tbte at tbet bano,pct neuertbeleffe tbep ac aornom* fljeo to amcD tbcm Telnet , f to inftttute an boneft ano manerlp bebauour of pit* ttat lpfe,tobtcb tbtng tobttout all ooubt pertatnetb to tbetr outtte.$etber oo toe commauno tbemtoclenfetbe temple* ano tbe common ftreates,but tbat euert man fcepebtts otone boope ano bartttt purttte ano bolpnea , ano labour by all meaner tbat goo map bebonojco,fernet> anoobefeo^tnbteotoncboufe^o^tbefe are fare fcnlpfce ano mucb otlTonaunt to aboltflje tbe maflTe in any regton.ano not to be p:efent at tt^tobcn as tbe fcfe tber* of ano tbat reltgtcn can bp no otber mea nes be letteo but tbcp rcpete ano tterat* tbetr fatng,tbat ts,tbat tbet oo not ocnp tbe oeatb ano palTton of jefus Cbrf ft fe* fo&tfye? i)mz no fucbe purpofe,to too? The fyrft Sermon 1ft tp ft fit tftcir minae . But 3f ao afltc of tftem, tuftat is that a Cft?ifteu matt aotft confeffe lottlj ftis moutft , but Hat fame tftat fte ftcleuetft in ftps ftarte i SDftpst is plain ana , manifeff inougft > tftat tftis tfttngtufticfttftcpao,is moft aifagrcingt luitft tfteconfeflFion of faitft* £>o tftat, as mueft as tn tftcm lietft, tftep 00 not onlp ftpaetfte true ana pjop:e teftimonpe of fattft but aifo Hoc fctterlp aenp e ana fo;>* fake tt*3l foill pet talfee fottft tftem font* tfttng moje familiarly ana plainly foi tfte papiftes aoe fape tftemaffe ts a fa* trifice foftcrin tftet tutl offer gefus cftrift to reconcile tftem felttestogoa. iButtf tftte be fo, it folofoetft tftat 3Jefus Cftrift ftatft not optatneD fcnto tis fat? ftts aeatf> rigftteoufnes ana eternal faluatiomilet tftem fcke al tfte , eompafes ana iftpftes tftep tuill,pet mu(t tftep come ftere tmto tftat all tofttcfte go to maffe, turner tfte name of aeuotion $ religion, ao pjofeflte tftat tftep confent tfter toitft*Cfterfo: as tnucft trulp as in tftem lietft tftcp ffteUie tftat tftep ftaue not tfteir reoemption pec feet inogft ftp tfte aeatft of 3(efus Cftriff. SDfter be manp tftat fpeaftc not fo large* lj,netfter futfer tfteir talfce > to toanaje tfto^oto* OFMaifter iKon Caluine. tbojofoout ail fojfes of maffes', tint is to fape , faeriloges ♦ ffibej? cbofe out one kinoe of mattes onlp f Hat tbei oefeoe: it is ealleo tbe partqj matte, oj tfte btgli matfe,foj tit tbts tbei tbtnk tber is moje itkenes i agceing t6 tbe fupperof Jefus Cb:tff* ^Ino trulp it migbt be fain mo?e aptlp,$al mattes fobitbarfaio botbof tbe pjtetts of the iofocH tiegre, $ alfo of $ean6s,o:oftbofep;neffspbaueccrtcft cbappels,* all otber fobtcb arefouuoeD bp ant? mans toil o: tbat are fo faieable tbat tbei be fet fojtb bnyly to fale , tbat all tbefe 3 fap are not tmlike to bariots iobtcb in § ftefoes fetting tbe felues to fale \6oitt all fljame f bonedte Do make tbetr bo&ies como to al men, but § bigij malt to be tjert like f> fame barlot tobicb Doetb craftelp abufe tbe boneft name of an bufbao to bice ber bnfl)amefaftncs>f to retepn $ befeno tbe eftimaeio of an bo nett t ebaff tuife ♦ 0ltbougb tbts fcmili* tuoe ootb not agre on eueq? parte , be* taufe i5 an barlot ioineD in matrimony to an bufbano toil bans fome (Ijamfaii* nes f moDeftie^ tyz toill not fet fo:tb f make berfelf common to ai i commetb: but tbe parity oj bigb malt is an toojtfy iDolatrg Tlie fyrfl: Sermon ftjolafrt? of al otbermoft eomon,reafcp f fci fc:tb to al mens fccftres attD tupckefc luttes : altbeugbtbefe fsltbye batb&es, Uo colour anD fmotbbere tuitb tbpseo* lour ana fudje betut p, tbat tbep retaine ftil fame relics of gcfus Cbn^es fup* per. at ts luttft tl)i0 as ri tfte tbefe U)bo fcjaqrgetb ants boHctb btmfeif tbcn mo:c Ijigbip a?tn , glonouflre , toben be batb tuoneamj is clotbeo tm'tb tbefpotlesof Ijim tubom be batb flame $ fobofe bo:fe be riaetb on»OTe,fate tbep, fe&e tfte fup per of Jefus Cfmffe, anti luben tue can not being opp:eft tm&ertbat tprannte, tuber in toe DtuclUbaue tbe fame pure, testtjuff be content Uritb tbat tobtcb ties lefttotos , losing fojtbe belpingbana of dDoD. foi fueb a goonip ana p?etiee£ tufe . 115]? caufe tbep baue no , rigbt ami Serfecti)fe,oftbefupper,astbougbtbet atj gotten a promfon,tbep tuttnefl* anD openly p:ofelTtbat tbep bane not 3!efu$ CbJtfte tbe eternall ana only piefte and tberfo:e euerte foeke Do fefee anefo fa* crtftee,to put atuap tbetr finnes. foi all tbis ts in y> btgb maiTe,as tuel as in tbat tubieb is fat&e in tbe name of 0chO' las oj foj tbe seaman fobicb tbmg tbep feme Of Maifter llion Caluine. fern tbem felues to luo^tpe aniDole,! #et Do bfiftt tbat tbei fefee jefus Cb jift: anD beeaufe tbep foolD not feme to fight againff goD tmtbottt ftoerDo: bucfeier* tbei bjtng f obtert tbe antbojitte of tbi* oj tbat man,as tbougb tbe abfolutio of ant? one manne map erempt anD Deliuec tbem tbat tbep be not cocemncD of goo. 31 toil not fate tbat tbei lye greuouftye, ioben tbet alege fucb men as tbet Do fo$ tbe Defence of tb^tr cattfe, iBut in cafe it tuet: fo tbat a Deuout anD goDlf ma, foer fomtime of tbtsminDe^tbat be tbougbt ft loa^ notbing euet to come to tbe btgb ntatre,pet aftertoaro toben be tmefoctfr tbe trutb, pf be Dotb Difalotue anD con* Demne bis former iuDgement,bis latter is fom tube tbe mo:etobe beleueD,foj tbat<£toDbatbe b:ougbtbim, ojratbec compelleDbtmto Difalotoe tbe fame, f beeaufe be pereeuetb l plainly fcnotoetfc tbat be is ouercome tn tbat tbing tobicfc be before DiD greatlpe embrace f alotoe* y5ut fobat neoe toe berin to ftirre tbe trutb, as pf toe fyulD blouno:e anD trou* ble a tuater tbat is jjttre ano clear ♦ SDo tbeptbinfe tbat trntb tbe iuogment ano fatnge of a mojtall man tbe? mape Hep Cttt god The fyrfl: Sermon. goto ant) fje&gefjimin^OTe fertotnetfmt tber to nothing beffoes tbe trutlR&at tri fuogmentogljttopKuaM toitijout the tefpert of anp perfon tbto matter to fuel) tftat tfie parity f anp De* nil fyulD mimfter tbe fupper, it fljulD be nener tbe tooife ♦ £Dn tbe contrary part tf an angelltbnloe (mgmaffe, pet tben fyulDe it be no fobit tbe better. 315 ut foe are notoe in another qucHton , that is, tobetberojoeirsgeuen bp the pope to a monfc no make him apt to the office ano ana function ofapaftoun3f tbeifap con trarp that tbei perceiue, tbat tbig ootb mafc nothing to the purpofe, $ tbat tbei C«tiu to Ttie fyrfl: Sermon no not rhofe in that fo:t the thing ft felf ftctoert cotrariellBut let it be that tfjei as touching the mintffer haue no fueft refpect* J^et mutfeJabiDeinthatout* lnarDepjofeflTton lubtcb tftet tafeefcpon them i too:ihip->pea 3 muft pjrfTe it ear neftlp, as a pjofeffion moffe contrary % tmtoortbpe a cb:iften man • j*o* tins is plain anD mamfeft that thet do ano totll DefenD anD couer themfelues ,tmoer the perfonofapjteftmaDefo^the nonce to colour ano DiflTemble, Wut if thet tooloe rightlp ano iafofitU? celebjat £ fupper, ft teere their otttfe fo to feperat themfel ties from the ojoer ano p *ofe(Tion of ito latours that tftet ftulo apear in that to ftaue nothing common tmth tbennllSut note tbei be fo far from this federation, that thet afcribe themfelues into tl)CT?^ felotuftip ano communion, $ 00 euerpe one of the feineDlp p:ofeiTe themfelues to be memb:es of that boDp . after this thet toil compare fcs to the olo heretifcs, that DiD refufe the fcfe of the facramets fo: the hiees of the minifters,as though toe do here refpect the proper tfnnes of *uerp man 1 not rather the cfimon tlatc t cottDicion*3i Do paffe ouer this matter , fl^t* Of Maifter Ilion Calui'ne. ffjotflp Mtmfatbat iobtcb is fpoften 10 fufficient tnougft to conatnte fo foule $ {tjamefulimpubencie.liSutiftbefemtn be fo folity anD Dul luittcD tbat tbet per teiue not tins filtbincs, tbe tuo:D of goD muftfuff ice bs,\juben the lo:D faietb bp tbep;opbetJercmp,3fraeI .if tbcu uoeft turne,turne Ditto me, ?n luftjcl) Ixiozd^ is moll plainly eriwiTeD tnttb lubat fim pltcttte 1 integritie of mint* tee ogbt to Deale $ foalfee before goD, tuptbout anp tbougbt i tutl to return to tbofe tbings fobtcb toe knotu are not tbafeful no; si* lotuea of binnOTbicb to a caufe tubp fr. Paul alfo Dotb teffifie tbat lie Xuas; fent to turned bnfaitbfulfro tbeir tiantties bnto tbe Uufng got), as tbougb be Ufpte fa)?, it is to no purpofe to cbangefome one olD f accuftomeo eutl xb otber typo* trifes 1 feinings, but bttcrlp to aboUty al fuperftittons^ tbe true religion m$i be fet in ber ofon puritie i belmes* j^o^ toitbouttbis faitft anD integrities men neuer come tbe rigbt tuai tinto gotu but Do alfoats luauer $ ar tjneerten to Uibat part tbet map tourne tbefelues, SDbere be otbers $ ar come tbus far $ tbci oifa* iofo anD refufe t&e maOTc, but tbci foola €Mu bauc TJiefyrft Sermon ftaue fome patcbes fccpt Ml fobteb tbep tal goos ferutee, leaft as fome men rap, tbet 0|ulD feme to be beftf tuts of al relt* ©ton. and it map be tbat font of tbefc be moucb tottb a go&lp mtnb t ?ealc at tbe lead 3 fotll fo tbtnfte -, but fobat foeuer tbetr jcale i pttrpofe be, pet map toe not fap tbat tbet feepc, tbe true rule o^ anpe goon meafure. Sanpfap foe map tome to tbefr baptffmcs , bccaufc tbere is no ntantfeft taolatrte tn tbe* 0s fobo foots fape,tbat tbts faerament lucre not alfo onruptea , anti btterlpcaefoimeo fottb al tunu of eo:ruptton,tn fomucb as je* ftts cbnff map feme to be fitl tn plates boufe to fuffer all opp^obstes $ (games, %o eoneluDcfobercas tbet fapf tbts is tbe caufe,fobp tbep foolbc retaine fome ceremonies, leaf* tbetfijula appcarcto be botoe of al religion, if one (guide era* mine tbetr conferences, tbe fame trulpe fotll anffoere , $ tbef bo it to fattffte tbe papifts,f tbet ebange tbetr countenance ioflfepcrfeeuttd* gDtber fome tip foatcb a time leaft tbet come tn tbe malT lufttic ano vtt tbet com to tbe temple, tbat me fbouloe fuppofe tbet bere malTe* flDthcr' fome com but at euenfong tixrtt? fobo 3f fooloe Of Maifter ikon Galolne. foolb fcnofo , fobetber tbet tbtnfe tbte to be nothing , tftat at tbat fame tbe tools be bonoureo,tbat tbe ptiturcjes f . images be fenfeD kkuniigatios,tbat a foteirne p:aierbemaDeintbe tnterceHtooffcm faint,ano groufcea on bis merttes,tbat saiuc regina be fonge foitb a lou&e boyre, ann that on euerp fine a matter is barDe fo filleD anD repientfl)^ foitb Dcuilrib f curfeD blafpbemfe tbat fj tnf nb fljaU not onel^ abbojre tbe offence of tbe eares f r pes tbere pjefent.feut meft fcebement* Ir> tbet tbougbt anD reco:Dacion tberof. 3 bo palTe ouer tbat £ ftnging tt felfe tit anbnfcnofoen tonge tsmamfeti p:ofa* nacfo of goDs pjatfes $ of bolp fcripture as &.^aule Dotb aDmonifl) in tbe. tutu to tbe Co:tntbes*15«t let tbts laft faut be fozgeuen tbem. Jf tbet come to tut n* fong to geue feme figne $ tefttmonie of tbetr cb^iftianitie^tbei foil do tbts rbtef l# on tbe folemnefeattes.llSut tbe tberc Ibalbe folemne enfenfing tbe cbifeU iDo* Ies,f great plentte of ffoete fumigation pofoieo out j tbe tubicb is a feinDe~of fa* trifice as tbe fcripture teacbetb. ?t foas alfo a maner bfeD amog tbe getils, ana fobrtebp tbei ropelleD f> foeafe mi to dc* The fyrft Sermon mcgrot>*9n&fo2 tbte eaufetbe greateff part of martp?s ato fuffer beatbtfiffant fp,fo:tbat tbep tools not mafte perfu* nrr s and Lnrne incenfe to t&olcs, t!&ben tbefe men be come tbus far, tbat tbet re teauem tber , nofes tbe fauour of tbe fenfours tbep alfo pollute tbem felue* imtb tbat pollution tubirli (0 motf grea tell ana erecrable tier f pet tbet tbtnfee foe ogbt,to bt&e ana rouer tbig fo great iupckeanes ana mifc bef, 15ut 3 befecbe tbem in tbt honourable t bolp name of goMbat tbep toil atltgetlp marketbte fatng of tbe pfalme, tbat iaoles ar fo to beaeteftoaoftbe fattbful $ goalp man, tbat tbep (bula not be in bis moutbeo? tonge,leaft % talke bad of tbe QulD feme to cotaminat ana Defile btm ♦ Cbte one ioo^a ogbt to frate ana xb azafo fo* fro al rongregatto $ felotyfp of taolatonrs * be caufe tbat foe Ituig in ^ cogregatto map eafeli be forappea in ana tsefiIeD*H5ut to fpcafe plailp $ frelp fobat 3 tbtnbe of all tbefe fobtcb fefc amean foat betimrt goo ana £ aeuelttbep baue aoubleana t»ari a* ble mtnae^s 31 can not finae out a moje apt $ fete copartfS to fet tbe out $ patnt tbe in tbetr Uneit colourMb* tbat fame fobrrte Of ,Maifter IoJin Caluinc. labfche map be bought ofCfaujS fame filt^it t Double ma ♦ foz tutjcn be fafoe his brother 3?acob feut bp bts father 3f» ac in to $)efopotamta to fefee a tupf,be* caufe the tuome of f> lann of Canaa fcpD fo much mifitfce the father and bpstopf Rebecca $ tbet thought their Ipfe bitttt f irfefom to Ipue among the s rather let ftetb aeatb^be martetb a nete totf,rem * lubat to fattffie bis parr tus, but he fcoth not put atuat p olD.&o $ he noth feep Uti $ eutl foberof ^faac ato fo greuonfip to* plain, but fomaeal to amena f> matter, hemaneth a neto toifc* Cuen fo tbep $ are fo turappea tip tit p foojlfc ,■$ tbet ca in no totfefolofogoDtJomiglef toffeto gether manp % sitters kiss of religtos f fuperfftctos,p tbet mat applte $ cofirmc tbefelues bp fome foap to p foil of goo, f thet altuais feepe ffil font co;ruptto,fo f tobat foeuer thet Do ea not apear to be pure % ftneere*3i fenofo alfo right tocil # therbe in thofe places manp mtferable fouls,tubicb line there in great uiffuul* ties ana cares , tubicb truip couetctb to toalk rightly loout bipocrtfte, t pet can not loufe tbefelues, out of manp toutca I fcruple&tohuh is no meruel t fo great ano The fyrft Sermon ana bojrible confuffon as foe feeattbusf time tit tbe papifme ♦ taea 3 Doe orreatlp pitie tbetr miferable Hate , fobicbe fefce meanes tuberbp tbep mape ferue goo tie uoutlp an? Itue amonge the enemies of faitb if it map be polfible bp anp foaies* 35ut fobat Uiti foe:>3 can Do notbmg els to the one 02 to tbeotber, but Declare tbeir errour anD (inne,tbattbeptbem felues map aDDe tbe remeDie*3f tbei coe fteraftertoaffceofme tbisoj tbatmoje Dtligentlp anD particularly, J foill fend fucb curioufe tnquifitours to tbe comow rule fobieb baue of goo. 3 fpeak tbis fo$ tbat tber be fome of tbis fojt of mtn fo fmpojtune^tbatpfaman (bulD anffoec all tbeir Difficulties $ooutes,be fyulDc feme neuer to mak an eno of anp tbtng. Sim me tbink fucb men map foelbeco* pareDtotbemfobo after tbetbetaugbt in a fermou to life fob?c apparel anD Dec king of tbe boope tubtbout all DiflTolute anofumptuoitfe trimming, tbcp foolD baue tbe pjiacberto make tbeir boofe ffefoe tbeir tyoes.OTel fobat muft foe Do tbe^n tbis matter tbere is a certain tbing fet befo:e tos tuber bnto foe ougbt to Detect anD conferee our foboll minoe* ftuDtc Of.Malftcr Ihon CMncl ffutue* tbougbt* Kbatte tbattbe jeat of goDcsboufcmat rat tip our bart and ft moue tos, tliat toe bear ano taftc tpott our felues, alDrtbottours, contumelies, ana oppiobzte^ tolwb ar done moff tin* tuoubilp againtf goa* bolp name.OTb* fuel) Defter of gofcs bonour 9 ant) fcruent loucfijallbc feinolco in our partes, not itfee tape Hubble fonefet on fieri eafelp mmgmlbeti, but Itfc a fier tftat burnetb continual!? -, a man fljallbefo far from fufferiug til appsomng tbefe abomitto* lofter toitbtbcnameofgo&mofte ibam full?! bntoojtbclt is pollutes, tbat lube be fljall bebcl&e tbem , be ffjalbe able fit in no toife to fuflfer DtflTimulation, filece anotactturnitie, anoitis Diligently to foemarfteMbatbefaitb,tbe?ealofgot)g boufe,tbattoetb«l&fenototbatto be re ferreMnto tbe outtuara o;&er tobirb to i nffitutea in tbe cburcbe , tbat toe fyul& ererctfeour feluesin eonfeiFionofoure fattb ♦ 3 bo not toep tbe mocfeens tobpri) fap,tbat g,and fo to contend tbat Of Maifter ifion Calomc. rtaf tbef foolo feme to baue gotte a f tu tat ne rtgbt to fcojne t mocfee Iris mate* ftte^but alfo meeting al bo!p fcrtpture, no fpue oute tfjetr biafpbemies , as the greateff fentenres of tbe lafc, and Tirol* btgb decrees. SDbefe me tobom § It o:l& Dot!) bonour as certatne tuoles , fo fene astbeibauefpokenonetmnts, ran not fuffer reafon f truetb to baue ant? pirce to reft in ♦ 115ut t> et bp tbe Uiap 3 astro* nttb $ toarne tbe bcfo it ban ,tftat tt fyal be better fojtbe , to baue feme tcmtm* bianee of tbat fame btnrtbl e fcengeaee, tobieb ts ozoeinea fo; rbrm tbat elmnge lufttce to iniquities trutb, tmtb tying, ^etbertbe oortozst cbamber matfters tbebelitious baefeettoursf fcerybolug tuous me,tafee anp btgb oegre bere^tbe tbat tbef map cbatter in tbetr feaftes,f banquets t bable fo?tb tbetr tiw&es a* gatnft f> beauety matfter^to t»b6 f rutye al me ogbt to geue moft mliget rar*$e* tber ca tbetrgooolt $ famous tttiespiufc any ma fro tbis tuogemet^u Icbtcb tbe lo:oty % reueret abbotes^pztojs.ueans, areb&eeons,asebiefmatiters of f> game (tyalbe copelleo to ieab # Sauce tn $ tbbi natto tobfeb got) tyal mat moft greuous #ofo Tlic fyrft Sermon $otu although the courtearsarefoont to gratifie men fottb the fp:infeling of ttieir bolpe foater , let tbem not tbtnfee that tbei can lutti) that feino of aoing fa ttffie gotuSCo concluoe, al tellers f p?a* ter a let the bolo their toget boff not out their mcrie brittle fapmgcs, oules tbep lutl f eie bte migbtie baa, at fobofe foozti thet ought to tremble, Wherein tbep> rrrour is to muebe foitl^e that beleuetb beeaufe tftet take me fo; their a&ucrfarp tbcrcfructbct (ball not banc goo to be their iuage ♦ ILet tbem fcrape my name cut of their bofces ano fctterlpe btotb ft f o tfb,fpceiallp in this feino of caufe ano queftion, foberein mp purpofe fs onelp that goo be baro ano obepeo, not that J ibulDe rule mens confeiences after mp luff , i charge them u5 anp neceflfitte o; latuc . 0s fo: all others fobicb &o not fd p:ouolr offptfe gods t»o;D,anu pet ar fo fcelicate ano tueafce that tbei can in no Imfe be moueo,? oo moff barttlp befech them,tbat tbei toil tafee mo?e thoughte ano regaro to their o tun tmtp, faluacio, anogoos honour,* Do no mo :e flatter tbemfeiues,as thet baue Done bttberto* ILet them therf oje open their eies , ano rears OF Maimer Ikon Galuinc. reare bp them felues that tbep map be* boloe the mtfcrte lulictretn tbei are* 3 fntota tucllinottgb tbeeuite, utlfical^ ties, attnUoppes tuberin tbei belu?apt emog the papiflte, 3 tio not fpeafte bntc them , as though ft lucre an eafie mat* ter f n the mrDdeft of y> idolatries to tafte tjpon ttttm to defend tbetfure ano fin^ terereligtonofgod^but if tbei lack fire* gtb* 31 aduerttre the to flie fmto god tb* autour ofallpofoer, tbattbcimapbe made ffrong bp htm $ learn to p^efarre bis glo^pbefoiealtbtngsof this tuo?la* f 0? 3 00 earnctflp deficr that all fattb* f ul men fobicb are miferablp afflfaed in the paptfme, fijoulo imderlland f knoiu thte,botoe that the p?opb mamingat 3JerufaleinJclu?poid fend tbts atiuertf fement ana erbiutaciontm to the people tobicb focrc bolden cap* tint ano oppjeflTed In liSabilon . ^f the tlrannp of the pope and of all hfs mini* ft reo be to them ttjarpe ano cruell , tbct muft cotfder,tbat tbejeftics alfo of that time differed beaup ano bitttt bondage ano pet thei are tommaunded in the tout gare fpeach of the countrep to erecrate the tdolatrie of the Gbaldeas, jt is not ©♦it rea* The fyrft Sermo* rcafontbattbetirannpof mm fljcnlfce bicak 02 anp deal otmtmfl) from tos that due honour foe olo tmto goo.l9e re te tto erreptioo2p2ctcnceofp2cuelege,fobtcb hsgb o; lofo ricbe 02 poojc map 02 ought to fcfurpe tonto theni felucs* Let al inrit tberefo2e bofo oofone their necft, 1 foitb titoftchumilitfe fubmit them feluesto god*ilet the pooje ma haue thetrue fear of god , let htm not fay tmeonft antlp j ftnofo not fobat to do, leaft goo anffoer bim,netber fenofo 3 fohat to Do to thee* Cbe ricbe andfocaltbpmenlettbenot like D2unkeu floggards flepe in tbetr foealtb*aud eonfumein their pjofperitp and abunoanee of al tbpnges, as it foer in a certain ojaftubbe , but rather after the erample of ja^aule,lct them learn to efteme al that , as Dirt anD Dammage fobicb Doth foitbdjafo tosfrom goDlpf- thuff tan life, 02 map feme anything to binder fcs ♦ Wit alfo fohiche line here in reft f quiet eniopeng the fcfe of § grca* teft and ftnguler benefits of god, let fcs not forget that J touched in the begin* ning,that foe appip tbefe things to our learning, that fohat foeuer hereafter befall fos, 0; into fohat foeuer countrep foe O/Maiftcr ihen CaluincI ineffjal be leb,pct map foe alfoapeg con ffantlpe abtoetn tbepure confeftfonof our fattb^beteftfngal tboiatrou* reltgi on , fuperftttf on* , anb abufes , lobtcft arc agatnft gotjjss truetb * fco obfeure fjts bonour-, ant) bttcrly fubueit bis religion* The.ii. fermbneon* TfrNING AN EXHORTATION to fufFcr perfecution , that we may therein folow lefus Chriftand his gofpell.taken of this faying,ia the. i j. Cap. to theHc- brues. Hef \>0 so fotcii to film tot ffjoueef)cga^ tc0,an& Cuffct tebafee tottlj r) ttn. it tbe erbojtatfons fobf* cb can be made to f nffrmt t?£R to fuffer pactentlp ana conftantlp fo* CbjittBle* fug name ana bte gofpel* (ball not mucb mouebfc, cnlea toe fenoto ana be perfsttlp perfua* fceo of tbe rigbt, trutbe, ana foonbene* uf tbe caufe foberfoje foe conteno ♦ j^o* SXtu fobetj The feconJ Sermon mtw toe be in tbat fceperdie * Banger that tot muft loofe our Ipfe , toe ougbt to be mott certain of tftat tbmg , tober* fo:etoe enter to fo great peril] • tout tliat confiauncye and funnies ofmtnde ch not bebad,o'nles it bedepci}? fouoed fit a eertaintie * fure perftoafio of fattb. jCber be mans tobicb tottl bnadutfeolps *ralblp Centre to dpcfo* certain folrty opinions inuented of tbefroten bzatm 25utftKbefo:toardnes ofmtnde ougbt ratbertobe tbousbta funoufues tben a cimSian seall ant) lone . f o: alfurcdlp tber is no firmness ctber of minde o? tott 02 of common fence, tn tbefe men tobicb Do raff t\itm fclues in to peril tottb fuel) bardie raftnea . ©oto fo euer it be , go* toil not acfcnotolegc and take bsfoj bis ntauirs ana toitneifes, toitbout a good taufe. #o: oeatb is comon fo: all men,* alfo tbe condemnation of tbcue s and of ffoMcWlwcMfte futferauncepf ftame ant) pumOjment femetb to be al one,mit «cd mafcctli a difference bettotrt tbtM* taufe be can not denie and fotfafee bia oton trutb. £6isalfois required tbat Hie baue a fure toitnes boid of al errour of tbat doctrine, tobtcbe toe Unll defend OTb.erfoj OfMnfter lofcnCaluin. 3®tberfo:e as 3 fato, tber is no erbo?ta< iion fo luetgfttte, tbat can moue ant) per ffoaoe l>£e to faff er fo * tbe gofpel , but pf a true certaintie of faitb be impiinteD tit 8urbartes.j*o:to put our Ipfetn tran* ger,toitbout any coftneratto tmaftutfefc' lp,anDcbauneeabl£, is mod agatiiftna* ture ♦ aria fo to no , fyutt* be tbougbt ra* tberrafynestbetb;tftianboimtes**W^ fliier goD alotoetb nothing tbat tueuo culestoe be plainly perftuaseD tbat it is flu bis name fafce,ano fo: bis catift tbat tbe toojto is fo-agatnft bs , f Dotft bate fcs* But foben 3 fpeak of fucbe certaitic ana perflation of mince, 3 tio not onip ton&erttanDtbistbat foclfctila fcnotuto tufcern anoiusge bettuirttbe triitrett* gion,an&foliffc opinions,! confittutfo* of men , but alfo that lye betbo:otaf# perftoa&eo of euerladtng lyfz ana tbe croitne p:omife& fcnto tsss in brant after cure eonffutintbis too jia. iletbs nofo warfec tuci tbat , tbefetfco reafonsfco partatneto cure tmtpe, anomuftebc gopneo to getter , tbat tbe one map tn no tmfe be feparataD and biftopneD from tbe otber ♦ Jf is mete tberfosc f tafteoure beginning of tbps tbat \vt &M ton* The fecond Sermon bnoerftano ano fcnoto,fobat ia our Cb:f ftian religion , tobatfattb it is tbattoe ogbtto boloe ano folofo , tobat rule of ipfe goo batb geuen bs. $etber ntuft toe cnl£ baue our minos inffruct foitbtbps gouip Dotfrin,but alfo baue our minor* foarmeo ano prepareo,tbat toe mape freli ano bololp oamne all errours ,lics, ano fuperftttions j tubicb $atan batbe b^ougbt it\ to tbe too?lo , to corrupt tint pure fimplicitie of goos ooctrine . Wtott* f o$e it is no meruaill , f tber is fo fmall a number of men,tbat baue a reaop mio ano oeffer to fuffer fo; tbe gofpell , ano tbat tbe greateftpart of tbem, $ p?ofefc tbem felues Cb^iftans , fenotuetb not tbe potoer of tbe Cb?iffian religion,ano tbereotompjofeffiomSUlmeinamaner are negliget, ano baue no oefier o? ben? fmalUtobere ano reao , tubo tbrnftetb it fuff icient , rftbepbaue gotten fome fmall taffe of tbe Ctofftlan faitb < £no tbps is tbe caufe tubp tbere is fene in tbefe no furetp ano conftancte of minoe, ano tbatfo foneastbep come in to an? ronflict , tber are fo abaftjeo , as tfrougb tbei fljulo bi f bi btterlp pertO) fo: fobicb rfiCoeratifi our oefier ogbt to be greater to Of Maifter Iota Caluin. to purfue ana fercbe oute moft Diligent * Ip goDs trutlj,tbat tt)rr\6 our bams map be pcrftoaDco *6 out any Doubt,$e tberistbtsalto bauefucbe ftuotuleDgc ana tmDerttanDing^ 02 to fee man? fo toll trauaileD in goDs o octrtne tbat tbet feme as tbougb tbei tore ftaincD $ DieD tbertDttb,tnlubomneucr tbeleff tbere fs no Defter ana loue of goD,no mo?e tru Iptfteniftbei baD fcnoton notbingeat anpttmeoftbe goolp Doctrin, butbp a certain tmfure,ligbt,anD tuauerfng cpt nion . $5ut U)bat otber caufe i* tbere of ibis fo great imcertaintie anD leuttte, but tbat tbei did neuer perceaue in tbere minDe tbe maieftie of tbe boli feript ure* 9inn truly if to tolD rigbtlp tuape,tbat it is goD tbat fpeaketb to tis tbeirin to tolD bere bim foitb wo it Diligence, at* tention anD retierece.jf to tolD tbtnfe in reading tbe fcripture * tbat toe are in tbe fcboleanD Dtfcipline of angels, to fijiilDe bane an otber matter of Defter to srereifeourfeluesin tbat Doitrine, febt eb is fet fo:tb to fcs, to confer * ftrcngb tbM tnftruct our miDs.noia to fe lubat Is f> foai f o p^epar our felues to patiecef fufferatue fo; § gofpel, f is fo to go f o*< Qtiiiu tor* The feeond Sermon fojfoard fit tbe dortrinc tbercof^tftat be* tngtbjougblpperfuaoedof the true re* ligiou and tbat doctrine fobicb foe ogbt to boloe ant) defende, toe map nothing e^eme, and defptfeal tbe fraudes and ti iufions oftbcdeuell„anaal tbe inucnci* oris of men,as tbings not only of balue but alfo ereeraMe, becaufe tbep bttcrip corrupt tbe ebnttiau ftnceritie. 0na bere fit toe differ as true martpjesof3|efu$ Cb;aft 7 from tbe furious ann fftfnecfcea men, fobicb fuffer fo? tbetr otonefoiitye apinios*feecodlp lue ougbt to be fo mm ded,tbat being allured of t!)e rigbt and goodness of tbe eaufe, lue lljouloe be en* flamed foitb tbis due defter to folofoe god tobitber fo euer befljal r al bs,to cm teacc bis fowo tottb fuebe reuerence as it is tuojtbiN and being called bacfee fro tbe decettfull fasten of ibis foo?loc,as menrauifbed , Inttft tbeir tubole minde and endenour iboulo be caried to an bea uenlp Ipfe. H5ut £D moft miferablc cafe, tbat ttibcu tbe ligbte of goddotb fitfne tinto bs tit tbefe daies fo b:igbt as ithi* neuerfbmein tbe remcmb:ace of men, yet fb litle jeale fauour and loue fljould be fomtde ♦ Mberein our miferic is fa ntucfyc Or Maifter In on Caluine. much tbe greater, Hat in fo great filibi nes i tintfianftfuine* fes are not ouciv tobeimeDtaitb blufijingffjattie^o: fee mnft ibojtip come before tbat iuoge, be* fo:e febom our tri ce anu euell febirb toe bp all meaner go about to bife , ffjaibe brought fortb.feitb tbat rebufee t cberis tobefbp tbe tuft t aufe of our oeff rurticti (bal appeare* j^o> if fee be fo en&ettefc $ bounoe to goo , t!)at fo: tbe fenofeletige he batb geucn fcs , toe ougbt to geue to ban bonourable ana tbanfcfull teffimo* np,febp isourffoma&fo abal^jeD f fear ful to entre into tbe battel^ CfpectaUp feing gctnntbis ourage, batb fo ope* ttco bimfelf^tbat \t map be rtgbtlp fapc ana trulp,tbat be batb openrD f plafnip fet furtb.tbe greateft treafures of bis te cretes.$8ay not tbis be fate, tbat fee fo tbinfe of gets as tbogb fee femes to Sad no neae of bint at n\U foi if fee baa anpcofitieratio of b?s maicffie,feet!urff neuer be fo bolo to turn § fcoctrinefebirb jnocroetb out of bis moutbe into pljtlo^ fopbie an!) tain fpemlatiom jn fine fee canbauenoereufe, but tins muff be tn to fcs tbe greateft f^ame^eaan bo;ri< feic conDemnatio jtbat in fo great ftnofe The fecoal ScrmoiL Iebge,obtafne& bp tbe Angular goobne s of go&toebaue fo litle loutt minseto DefenD i kepe tbe fame . f-o: firft >pf foe toil call to our remebjance tbe mart^s of ola time, f copare tbeir foon&erful ro ttancie \i tbis our tenser floutbfuines* iue (ball finoe pairing great caufeto&e* tell our ofon filtbmes. <*o* tbei toer not f q: the moft part fo trauailea f ererctfea in tbe fcriptures, tbat tbei coul& lerueo Ip Defpute of al matters* H5ut firft of al, tbei kneto f belt) fail tbis, tbat tbere is one goo, tobo tbei ogbt to feme ant) bo* no* : tbemtbat tbei foere reuemeo fottfr tbebloo&ofjefusCbjiff:, tbatinbim ontp f in bis grace tbei ifjul&e put tbeir affiaunce, ana truft of faluaeiom Qbo&t ucr tbep Dtti tuoge ail otber inuenctons ant) omittances of men,to luo^tp goo, fo bntooubp filtbinr s, tbat tbei couioc eaflp conoemnc al idolatries * fuperff u tionstto cocluDetn fefo fooj&s tbts foas their Deutnitie, tber is one only goto tbe maker of tbe tobole too:lo , tufttcb batb Declares fonto 1 3 bis toil bp ® ofes s tbe pjopbets, stben bp 9iefus Cbjitt * bra apoftles ♦ Wit baue one renemer, forth lubofe blooD foe foec bougbts bp fobofe grace Of Maifter Iohn Caluin. (Trace foe ftope t o be fauetu 01 tfie tooles tf tlje foojtoe, are to be aetctf eo $ accur* feo. £t)et came ftoutlp ano faoiDlt? to tfce ficr,o: otbcr feinac of oeatb, ano puntty went, tnftrurteo tuttft no otbcr fcoctrine anomo:e Wttotn fenofolesge. attotfte numb:eoftt)efoas not fmal, as oftfoo o: tfoe, but fo great tftat tbe multitude of tl)ce ,tut)tc!) foere cruelly fcereo * to?* rttented of tbe tpjants femes innumcra bie ana infinite* H5ut toe are fo taugljt * fnffrutteo , tljat foe paffc all our aunce* tours in fenofolesge $ tmoerffanDtng of fcolp fcrfpture.OTe ttjinfee in our felues ana it is true, as touctnng ttje fcnoerfia ntngoff fcripture, goo batb cntmeatos Id fo ntucb fcnofoleoge- as fte tjatfo geue to anp age at anp time* 0nD pet tftere is fn\)s fcantlp tbe leaft t>?oppe of feruent ioue tofoarosgoa.&ber ts no rcafo lain foe fyuloe no2tfy tftts nice cofoartmcs of wtnue,onlelTe foe fools foillingip $ foft ttnglp p?ouofce f> fojatt) s Vengeance of got>,agatnff our felues. Wbat mnft foe tben^Cruty foe muft tafteto tis a (tout, foolM coftat mint*. Me mixft ibtKy to* tfoerbofo p:ecious $ bono:abley cofef* 85 s teftifieatifi of our fattb is befoj goa The fccond Sermon* $oi toe tso title fenofo.boloe goa &ofb e* fttnxt tbis cofeflTton, tuben our life lulju cb is of ho balue , ts mo.:e fet bp i Dears fmto fcs ♦ OTbcrcTn offr iSoitDerfull anb &catflp folifljnes is fljefoea : fo: foeran not in tbis fo:t fpare our life, 55F ioi nrult neocs confelte tbat toe fet mo?e tbercUp , tbctfbp goos bonour and ouc atone faltiactott.a certain bcatben man eoulD tjfe tins fapmg^tbat it is a mifera jble tbing*to fo jfafee $ betrap tbe caufc* ix)i)V toe life foj % cortferuacion of life, ^ct Ire anu fits like DtD neuer ftnofo tru* lp to tubat eno me iuer fet in tbe tuo^lD, ano foberefose tftet Ipueo therein* Cbei migbt lue! fay, tbat fcertue is to be efte* met) ana folofoea, f tbat tue ogbt to liue anboncftltfe toitbont blame .$Su tali ibeiefcertues foere nothing els but co* lours ana fliaDolues* But lue baue btU tertinsernranDing, tubcreunto our life imtft be referred iubicb is , tbat toe bo; nour go^toilb al pjaife ano glo:&tbat bcbimfelfmapbeour glo:p* WXitbout btm,our life is mifcrable,tbe lubicb foe can not continue tbe lead moment,TFuF foefljnll beapefcponour felucs,apcr* pctuall malediction ♦ &n0 ret foe ar no* tbing Of Maifter Ilion CakJnc ! tbinor afftamea fo: tbe foinning of a fete &apes,fof tiffs febleltfe^to refufe tfje e* ternal fungaom,$ to fepcrat our (tint* from btm,bp tDljofejjo^cLjitiice. conti nueo in tbto Itfe.^mfiaftulD examine tbe moft tjulcrneu^ pea tbofe fobofe font to fo bafcu , ana fobofe life to fo bolup* fuous , tbat tbepbe moftlifeetobiiitc beafts, fobat maner of life to appointefr tbem,tbep Durft not fop plainly f open* Ip, tbat it C^oulD conttfl; only in eating, &2infeing,ant> fieping ♦ ?n tljef Itnofoe tbat tbep are creates to a better, foo:* tbier ana mo:e bigbcr tbpng : fobicb to nothing els, but to feme ana bonout goo foitb al feinne of honour, % to fuffec our felues as gooo cbil&jen to beoj&e* tea ana rules bp our moft benignefa* tber,tbat after tbe eno of tbps frail and tinfure life, foe map be receiueo into bis tteruallberetage. ?n tbe appotntpn Tf foinningcftbisenb,confttfetbtbecbe* feftana greateft point of ourfelicttie, pea all tbe fobole foeigbt of euerlattmg life* H5ut foben foe carp our minbes ana tbougbts auotber foat,$ do fnatcbefaff bola of tbto p?efet life foo:fe tbe a tbou* fan&aeatbes, fobat ercufeca lue bmtt foil The Seconde Sermon' J*oM'olpueatt&beignorautofficaufe$ foberfo?e foe l?ue,fe fonnaturaL li5ut to fojfafce tbecaufes foberfoze foe liue bere fo? tbe uefier ana loue to p?ol5g our life as it foer fo? tb?e naies in tbis oeceatful foo:to,anDtobefeparateo from goo tbe autbo? of lpfe,i s fucbe a befoitcbing ana furioufe matmeiMbat a ftnofo not tottft fobat foo?&cs foe og'ot to erp?elfe ana tyefo ft. Wut fobat fo eucr fcnofolegc foe ftaue^ano bofo fo cuer our lyfe is apotn* teo, fo? fo mucbe as not foitb ffan&pnff tbe perfections are no lc CTc ana bitter, let tis confiocr bofo ano bv fobat mra n* tbeCb?tftianmen mas confirme tbem felues in patience , ana fo ttrcngbtbcit tbetrmim>es,tbattbep map conffantlp tenter to aaunger tbeirlpfe fo: goooes tructb.&bisfametert fobicbefoebaue recited , being foell fcnocrftanoeD mape fczingtos to tbat tnotfferencpe of minoe, Vtn to tbat foilltngnes ■> tbat foe Hall not refuce to fuffer oeatb fo? <0ot>oes name ♦ net tos go fo?tbe of tbe cptie, faitb the apoffle, after the lo?D Cb?ifte, fcerig bis opp?ob?ie,firft be notb teacb f aomonitt) t*s,tbat altbougb t Tfoeros ar not alreabt t>?afoe toiultos>o? tbefiers KinolcD Of Maifter iHon Catiline funbteb to b:otle $ burne fa,yef tbat toe tan not truly be topncD li the fonneof #oo,ro long as toe baue the roots of our tbougbtes $ betters firea in tbts too:lD* OTberefdzetbc Cbnften manmutf al* toaf s , althongli be be in cjutet, baue one fote lifted fa to tbe battel,attD not onlp tbat.but alfo bis minbe muff be bttcrlp feparatea ffo tbe totnlb altbougb bis bo top be therein* altbougb tbts at tbe fp?ft ftgbt mat> femetmrefonable,rrt one fat tngof $>.l3aul, ogbt to be fuffident to perfuabe bs -» fo^ tbat toe be calleb f ap* pointe&totbte,tofufferperfecution. Sis tbougb be fljulo fap,fttcb ts tbe con* fitetoit of our cb:tftiamtte,tbat toe mutt neoes enter in f palte tboaoto tbpstoap £f toe totll foloto CbMft ♦ fh fljeme'ane feafon, to eafe our tnftrmitte $ to mftf * gate tbe tebioufnes $ beauines , XWrt) perfections b:pngeib , toe baue tbps great ana f toete comfo:t,tbat toe fuffe* ring all tbefe tncomotiities, oppjob:ies ana Dangers of life foz tbe gofpeU^Tfoas it toere fet our fete in euerp foteftep of gobs fort, % fto foloto btm as our p?twe ano gutbe # 3if ttbab beneonelp fapobn* to fa, tb at toe mull paiTe tbjougb al tb « oppjo The Seconde Sermon ' opp;*o!ntes of y tuo:ls to !te»e tbe tljziftil an p:ofeiTion,ano aifo fuifer oeatb frelp ano ftitbout feactDgeh fociicr^oDs luiil lDere,nktbtnfttue(bulo feaucljaD fomc colour to anfteer ano fa?? cont:arfe, tftat ft fg atbtngtuucrs am» abbojrtng from cuntature to tuaoer fo ttutbout a gf use l&nt fctngtncarefbargeo f commanoeD to fololu £ lo:ti?cfujs5,5t5 leamngougbt to feme fo rtgbt am? boitoiable, tbat toe bane no tuft ercufeto refrain o? refufc b*s comman&ement»l!5ut tbat toe ftjulD bane mo?e earneft ioue $ Defter totua^D^ tbts latooable ano f)dtl)fuH erantp! e , ft laas not onlp fapD tftat Hefus Cft^fHc tioti) leao tbe leap as a gutoe ano pstnee but aifo tftat Ice are maoe iffte bnto ftps fmage^o^ fo. &>. 33anl in tbe epfftle to tbe {&om*fpeafeetb>tbat goo batb cbofe an!) called al tbem tubom be batb tafeen fit to tbe ttumbzeof bis cbtto:eu ,tbat tbcp fbulo be itfec fafbumeo after tbe jmage of bpm tobfeb fs apofnteotfck patterne antibeaoe oueralh OTftaf* are foefo nice ano tenser tbat tue ran m totll bear ano fuffcr uofb^nge QulU EJben muft toe neoes refufe goos grace foberbp be caletb ti£s to {> bope of faluatf * on Of Maifter lhon Caluine. mtanoleaoetbtos tbertobp tbfs tea^ fat tbefe tteo arc fo iopneo to getber # tbe one cannot be feparateo front tbe otber,tbat toe be tfte members of jefus Cb:ifte , ano tbat bp means of tbts con* function ana communis, tee be erercifeO teitb manp affltrtiones ano calamities* Cbisfame manerofour tyfefo iopneo teitb goos fonne,anO fucbe confojmitie to btm, teeogbttoeltememo?etbetee Oo,anoalfoto Juoge it not onlpbp all toapes moll teotfbpe to be p^ofefTco but alfo to be foloteeo. %\st fuffering of eala tnities foj tbe gofpell, in tbe opinio ano 3|uogmentoftbeteo?lo, is tbe greateft infamie but feing tee fenote tbat all tbe imfattbfull ar fo blinoeo , tbat tbep can fee oj rightlt tuoge nothing at al,ougbt not tee tobaue cleareies,«J&aul ootb ftetets by bis erample,tbat tee baue great occafion to ghup intbefcarres of 3?efus CbJilMno as it teer in certain markes imprinted In tos, fiber teitb tee being markeoano oeckt, goo ootb acknoteleg ano receaue fcsfojbtsferuaunts ano elect* #no tee €*u knotee Thciecond Sermon fcnoto tin's $ & ♦llufce fcotb rtbearfe of peter s gjoljn, tbat Hep toere fcerp glao ana iopfuUtbat tbep tuere tfeougbt tuoj tbpto differ fojtbelome Jefus name, fdan&er rebukes anti fyame. OTbere in ttuo tbinges mape be fenecontrarie in ibem f clues, fljame, ana bono?, bp tft^s tbat tbe iuojlD running bcblong in furp and maones,ootb iu&ge again!* all rea* fon , f bp ibis meanes tiotb cbange tfte glo:t> of jjod tuitb tJt'(|pnourjlitfatttfj^ ILTFuot Tfs nofii Difoain fo to be aifpifed ana to be rebuked of tbe too?lD,tbat foe map hereafter obtain to goa ana bis an geis, bono;,glo;>p $ pjaifc.OTe fe tobat gteat labors ambitious me taketb to ob tain tbe o:acr of fome king, f after tbet baue atcbcuc&ik JEtotriunipbesiii^ make:buHbe fonne of goD uort offer to fcs bis o?aer,$ pet eueri one aefpifctb it $ is tournea to tbe tubole pofoer of tbe minae to v tiauitie of tbe tuo^io»3! PW pou luben toe bebaue our feines p?oua* l> § tmtbakfullp,ar int foo?tbr tjJtoue^ atop tbtng comon Id l)imt 3ltbougb our fcnaerftaaingcan pcrceiuejtc6pjeben& notbing berein, 'pfoTatrutb tbefe are t&e proper $ bono?ablc baages f armes of Of Maifter Ikon Galumc." uf beuenlp ttobtlftte ♦ finpjtfontnefiti?^ banilbments, maledictions, ffitiThTG* pinion of men bjingnotbingeU^tJen great ffjame $ infamie . ^SurE5aTtiot5 let to* to fee tubat god dotb iudge f p 20* trounce of tbefe tbings,fauing our otmt infidelity Wberefo?e toe mull labour # 1 1) e name of goes fonne be of fuel) autbo ritte , toaigbt, f bonoj toitb tos, as ft is moll toojtbp, tftat tpe tbinft toe are toel and bonojablp oelt tfiai.tftat bis burner as it Uiere certain badges are panted in tos,o;> els our tmtimn kfulnes can f n no iotfe be bojue^god tyuftTperfecute bi& after oar merites,batb be not full caufc cuerp dap to cballffe and jmnifbe ts in* finite tuapes.Pea furelt? no tjeatbes put tonto fcs inere able to recgmpence£leatt part of our mifebief* l£ui of tbts great | infinite goodnes,be treadetb tonder fote al our finnes,$ dotb totterl}? abolifbetbe fame,and tubereas be migbt puniflje ts accoutring to j> greatnes of our finnes be Ijatb inuented anotber merueilous Xnap loberbptbeaMictiosare traduced from our deferued papnc and puntiljment , to a great bonour and a certaine p?iuilege and ft ngulcr benefit* , becaufe tbat bp The fecond Sermon tf>c partafttng and fufTering of tftem toe arc reccatted into ttie felotuffjip of gods fonc^ap it be otber toates fato o: ttto^ ged,tbcntbath)c, fefngtoe dcfptfe ana HtfDatn tftt£B fo txt client anD bltffull con* dtttonanomancr of Itupng, Ijaueiptle p:ofetteo in tbe cbztfttari dortrtn i %\m ts tbe caufe lobp £>. peter after be baa mouedtos to ipue a godlp % bolp Ipfe in {* fear of god^farr from tftat Ipfe ioberfo^e otber men as tbeues , tobojmongcrs, aoulterours ? and menkillcrs ruffer , bp andbp addetb tfots, pffoemufte fuflfee as dmftenmen,tbcre in toe geueglo^ to goo fin tbat great and fingulcr bene* fite,iobtcbbebatbbeftotoeo onts»#o$ tt is not fin uotbt ng tbat tfte^olpjnan fpeaftctb tftua^SWaTSriTfiie, 3 p?ap poti tbat toe tyuld be toitneflTes of gods trutft £ as it toere pjoctours apomted to defea ftis caufe* USebold tue be mtferabie men as tt toere toojmes of tfteeartb, creature full of toamties f ites,pet god totll fjaue fiis trutl) defended bp ts, totneb ts truip fo great bono:, tbat tt femetb not to per tatetopangclls inbeuetbis onereafo luel confiocred, ogbt tt not to enflame f Hire top our mtnocs, to offer ou re felues tobolj Of M.iifter lokn Caluin, toljolp to gotM to (Ijeto our tofjoll cnfce* noire in fo ftolp ano erceliet a matter to yleafe htm^nt) t?et manp ca not forbear but j thti toil fpfcafe againtf gon c: at § ieaft ttjet toil eomplaine,tl)at fcetoatli no greater regara to eafe tftctr imbecillitte* it to a merueilous material tbet, f feig goa fjatt) bonie bs ttjus mutfo fauour , # fce batb ebofe tig to be tjto rinlD?Met be toil fuffer t)0 to be fo crullp fceireB $ op* pjeflTeD of totefceo mtn. 3 00 pet anftoer tbefemen, tbat although toefencto no reafon tobp goa Dotb fo Deal tuttft tis,yet i)to atstftontte fljula be fuel) \r t»s ^ toe tyulD appipe , ana cofo *me our feluea to ftto toil but noto tofte toe fe 3efus ttmtt to be fet fozan erample to tosleafftoe ftoulafefte anp other , ogbt toe not to tfaiU our feluea greatly happpe,$ toe be fo ajatoen after bte image ana Itknesj? D&o:ouer<0oaaoeth fetfo^thanafyetoe play ne ana mantfefl; raufr & , toherefo:e he tutll haue to* to fuffer perfecution, emonge tohiel^pf there toere non ether bnt $ reafon anaaauertifmet tohub.^* peter geuetb toe mull neaeg be foerp pe iitfl) t fluraponles toe be fatiffiea tberiu SDhte to hte reafS ? ]5 fetng golo 9 iiiuec tiii, tohuhs Tfie fecond Sermon tobtcb are corruptible mutate are pur« geo and tried in the fier,it is reafon that cur faftb alfo , fobicb in balue erceiletft all ricbes , be tries ana app^oueo foptlj fucb perils of Ipfe and greues*l£e cauls bp and bp after our calling , foitbout a* np conflict $ fufferpng of tbefe calami* ties baue ccofoned fcs*U5ut as be fooloe fiauednfoiftto raigne in tbe middeff of bis enemies f ttxtn fo be foolac bauc tos alfo dfoeiling amonge tbe felfe fame, to bear $ fuffer tbeir Violence f oppjeiriott fcntil toe be dcliuered from tbefe aff iirti* ons f calamities bp bim* #nd 3 am not ignorant, tbat tbe fleib foil tben greats ip fpurne and refufe to be ruled, foben it tnuft be bjougbt into tbis Hate, but pet tbe foill of god muft rule al our tbogbts and luftes* j^f foe fele in our felues fon* contradiction $ refinance it in not great ly to be merucplcd at. j*o;> tbat is plan* ted 1 engrauen in our nature to flpe tbe rroffe.^et let fcs abide Hill, in tbat ten* dernes of tbe fledje,but let fos go on foj* foarde , imofoing tbat our obedient e is tbanfcfui $ acceptable to god,fo tbat foe caff dofon our fenfes 1 appetites? $ do fo fubdue tbew, tbat tbei be tender bts po* foer. ©f Maifter Iokn Caliiin. lner* jjietber DiD the p?opbetes attD apo* files come to Death \x> minDe , that tbcp DiD not perceaue their tuill to be againifc ft,i enclining another foap» Sbepfbal lean the fobetber thou fooulo not, fapDc our lo:D 3Jefuss to peter ♦ £>o toben fuch fear of Death Doth p:iri*e our minoes let tos labour by all meaner that foe mapc fcaue the ouerbanDe , o? rather that goo mat ouercome, $ in the meane tobile let fcs thus perfuaDe our felues.tbat it is to htm a molt pleafaunt facriftce fol;en foe refill our appetites , * do fo foitbtfauDe tbMbat bp this meanes being fubDucD tnDer his pofoer , lue map o:Der $ lease our life after his toil t pleafure* s:bis is the ehefeft f greateft battel, foberefento goD toil haue al his u5 al their pofoer to applie,to thenDe thet mat labour, to raft Dofone f Dep:elTe all that fobicb Doth fo much eralt it felf in their fences, foitts * appetites, that it Doth carp % \t>D:afo them fro the foay, fobicb goD Doth fyc fo totbe*3ntbemeanfeaf6,§ionfolatios are fo great f foetgbtp,]5 it can not be er p:e(TeD,hoU) much Deintp cofoarDncs is m fcs, fohen tue foare faint hearteo anD gcue oucr fo; thefe perils auo troubles* Cattu 3n The fecond Sermon 3Jh olde timt tbe ntimbje lDa«ss almoff fit finite of tbem , tnbfcb fojtbe defter of a garland made of co:rupttble leauea, did refufe no laboure,paine and toraftiinge and alfo did fo fuffer deatb it felfe , tbat tbetmigbt fcmetobaue tbeir ipfe in no P?ice* 0nd pettbcr tuas none of tbem, But did contend cbanceablp being tmc er* taine, fobctber be fljould tuinne , oj lofe tbe game,<0od dotb fet before fcs and int tno?tall croton^tuberin toe map optaine ftis oton glorpe. 0no be batb not apoin* ted bs,an tmcertaine and cbanccable to* flut,but dotb pjomife fucb a retuard , to tbe tubicb tue ougbt to confer all tbe cou feills , ftudies -, and defiers of our Ipfe* OTbat i* tbe caufe , tbat foe ar fo fapnt fterted in tbe largenes and tooztbines of tbis bonour, tubicb is certaine $ eter nate 3Do toe tbinfe tbat tbis tuas fpofcett in baine,tbat tue Ojal Ipue foitb Cfcifi, j?f toe be dead tuitb bpm * £Cbe triumpb is prepared foj fcs,but tue fo tnucb as tue map do flpefrom tbe eonflpcteand bat* tell ♦ HBut tbps doctrine is fucbe , tbat it femetb plainly to otfagre tuitb wans gudcrement ♦ Cbps \b true* $etber alfo Cbjiftfobe be p^onouncetb tbem OfMaifterlohnCaluiue. tbem bleUct! tobtcb fuffer perfection fo: rigbteoufnes lafte , fcaetb p jopounD fuel) a fentence as $ opinion of ^ toouae tools alloto o: rece^ue^ea be toil baue to to tbinfte tbat tbe cbefeft fcitcttta, tobicbtoeiu&getbe greateft mifcrie* OTetbinfceourfclucs mod miferable, toben got) ootb fuffer to to be afflicte* anti oppjeflTea toitb tbe t^ani? an* cruel tfe of our enemies* H5ut toe to toonaer* full? erre in tbiMbat toe fct not before our eies goto pzomifes, tobicb to plain ip confirme totto to, tbat al things $al come to our perfect, io?, ana faluacion. Wit tail totou our ftomacfees anti uu> paire toben toe fee toirfeeo ann nougbtj> mtn to baue tbe ouer bad on to, $ to to tbat crueltie to to y tbei feme to trea&e toton our necke \x> tbeir feet* But tbp $ fame molt cruel deration of tbe toic^eD f fo great trouble $ confufio of tbtngs, as &-#aul toarnetb.ogbt ratber to con firme our minoecs raife fcp f lift tbe into beaueu, j*o: becaufe of our oton nature toe ar bent to tbe £ut>p $ loue of tbings p:efet,t ar fo iflameDtbat to our tobcic fenotolet>ge,minDe f cogitatto, toear oc cupico in to mucb lo«i0 * W* n S tft w ten <£♦&♦ nitie: The fecond Sermon.* gob,foben be fuffretb fcs to be tbus euel tjereD and banMeDf tbe foicfteb to groin ana flo^tfij tn al things, ootb teacbe ano aDmoniff) bs bp tbefe plaint and notable fingti of bismoftiuftjuDgement, tbat, tbat Date fyal once come,tube all tbings tbat be nolu troubled f confufeb, ffjalbe fattlco , 15ut fftfiat fame time feme far $ long toilet bs flpc to § reamebie , s let 133 not flatter our felues in our toiee* j^or tbts is eertaine tbat foe baue no fattb at alonlettfoe caff§eiesof our minse to tbeljonourable coming of gefus Cb:itf ♦ £iTD becaufe got) foolb leaue out no con; fit>eratton,tbatmtgbt be apt to motief lltrre bs,be dotb fet fotfbe one Hat one part pjomtfes , on £ otbtr part tbrea* tenings ♦ SDo toefele tbat tbe p?omifes of gob baue not foue Jnougb ano au* totititin bs:>SDo eonfirme tbcmtoitb* al let to join tbertotbe tbreatcnings* Wit fyefo our felues foonbjoufip for; toara , fence tue beleue gobbes p?omt; fes no mo;e then foe boe* OTben tbe lojoejefus Cbjifte ♦ fattb , befoill ac* fcnofolcge bs foa bis ofoue ana cofeffe fo of bs before bis father, fo y foe alfo con* fclF bim before me , fohat tyuld let bs to geue OfMaiftcrlohnCaluin. creue to ftim $ confefiTion,tofticft fte requi nth of to- OTfte men ftaue Done aitftet? can, tfte too?ii tftet ma? Do is tc » take a< toap our liues- ^otu precious tftcn fftal tfte ftcauelp life be toi'o to toften It 10 co mm tf tftis parent life toftuft w loft* 3t is not mp purpofe in tftts place to col fed a tfte piomffea fet totfft to tfte fcnp ture to tftis emu pet fence tftet be repea tea fo often times rcnueu toito to , toe Dalit fo to be evperienfed not onlp tn tfte teasing, but alfo in $ SnotolrtBe « coto lattf of tfte, tftat toe mtgftt be as tt toec Die* i furelp confirmed in tftcm- tt5ut pf tuften tfte plage ftangetft ouer our fteaos tine o: four of tfte are not fufftetet to co firme I Hrengtften to, trulp an ftu*?etlj ftulD be fuificiet to ouereo al aDuerfete * contrary tentatios- 115 ut if tottft tftefe irreat ftoete p:omifes can not entice f malu to to ¥m , are toe not tor? great tmUeras, s betle fteafc* > toften netfter p feuer threatening* can tooj&aupmojc in tofiefus Cft:ift Dotft apoint a Dai to accufe al tft I before ftis fatfter tofttcft DC* np tfte trutft fo % feare of loftng tftts life, foztoftomfteDeclaretft DeHrutfion ft.otft Df boDvanOfouleto be pjepareo* xii'o THe feeond Sermon.* Slfo in another place be pioteffetb tbat fte lupi! refufe all matter of communion tottb tbem tbat Seine btm before men, tSDbefe toojbs onlelTe iue be btterlp toot* of all fence ougbt bebententlptomoue our mmDes $ fo to frap to, tbat fo;* feac tfte beares of our beau Iboul&e ftert bp* 35ut boto fo euer it be , onlelTe toe be fo afferteo t moueb ag tbe greatneg of tbe matter ana Danger requtretb , tbere re* matnetb nothing els fo: to, but to lofee fo? bo:rible anb moll mtferable ronfufi* omtoberetn toe map ercufe our faute fo nrucbe as ttie lull, $ toe map fap tbat in tbte great fratltte anb toeaftene* of na* ture, toe ratber are tootfbp of mertp tbe ofanp feuerttie $ fbarpenes of pumib* ntent,fMml not ferue*i^o.:tt to tojttten on tbe contrary parte, tbat S^ofes after fte bad fene goo bp faptb toas fo baroe* neb anb ftrengtbeneb , tbat no btolence oftemptacton coulbemelt bis mtnbe,f bzn^z him fro $ great conftancte*OTber fo:e toben toe be fo tenberano flerible % tbere apear in to no potoer of firme anb conttant minbe , toe figntfie anb beclare plainelp tbat toebebtterlp ignorant of gob anb bis ftmgbonu #lfo toben toe ar toar* Of Maifter Ihon Catiline toarneb tbat toe ougbt to be toftteti ana couplet) Id our beao, toe baits gotten at gooolp colour toerempt $ feperateouc felues from1)tm,tf toe fap toe are mem anatoerenottbeg tbat toere before tos men fo toel as toe are^ea ff toe ftatj na tl)tng els, but cum tbe bare ooctrtne of goDlmes,£et toere al tfcc ercufes totncft toe can bnng toea&e $ of no baltte* 35ut noto aretoo?tbp moje greater cbecfte f condemnation, fence toe bane fo great f notable eramples, tobofe great autbo* rttte ogbt foebemetlp to erctte $ cofirme our mtnoes* SDbere are ttoo cbefe parts of tbts our erbo^tacion o: confolattoit to be conffoereo, Cbe firft is $ tbts batlj bene a comon Hate to tbe bmuerfall bo* fcp of $ cburcb altoates f euer fyalbeto § eno of tbe too:lo , $ it toas tares \& fuclj tniuries and contumelies of tbe toicfeed as it ts reported in $ jDfolimcrrfr ♦Cbet baue bered me tutn notoe fro my poutft ftitberto, f baue 0;>atoen a plough oucr and ouer euer]? part of mp bacfee* fflbe bolp goft uubts place ootb bjing in tbe olo cburcb fpeafttng on tbts totfe tbat it Ibulo not feme no to tonto bs a neto tbtg nojgreuous, tf toe fe in tbefedapes our caufc The Sccondc Sermon taufe i eonmtfon to be like.&.^oul alfo reciting tbe fame place of an otber pfaL luber it is fato* Wit foer as it foer fyepe lea to tfte daughter , tsotb declare tf tftts pertaieo not onlp to one age, but it luas $ ftaibetbe common, bfuallf continual Hate of £iteift* cburcb.g>o tbat tfluc fee fntbis time tbe eburcb tobefo banDlea $ fcercD, by j> infolencie ano pjioe of tbe lmcke&,tbat fome bark at ber,fome bite fier, man? afflict ber, saituaies inuent fome mifebef $ peftilcnt oeftrurtion to fcer, peai fettopon ber foftbout ceafig as it toere mat) oogges i twice rauenfg beaftes,let bs ca! to remembjeunce tbat fyt foas fo beret) affliftea ana opp^effcD in al times before ♦ <0oo Dotb geue bnto fcer fomtime,fome reft $ refrefl)ing $ as tt foere atime of truce , and tbis is tbat lubicbis fpofcen in tbe pfal obcueaile* geD,tbe rigbteous load &otb cut in fo&cr tbe co^aes of tbe foicfeeDtann in an otbec place, tbat be bjeafcetb tbeirroODe, left tbe gooti being to tnucb pjefteD lbul& ana moue tbeir bauaes :to inniquitit. Witt goatuola altuaies baue bis cburcft to be toft in tbps tuojla , ano as it foere alfoares in a certaine conflict referuig fo$ Of Maifter Ihon Calutnc fo % ber quiet red in beauen . SCbe eno of tbefe afflirtions toas alfoaies blefiTeo, pea trulp goo forougbt tbis i tbecbnecb altoaies pjelTeo toitb mam and gre at tit fficult ealaminites, foas neuer btterlg opp;>eireD* 0s ft is faioe in an otftcr pla* te>tbe tuicfeeotmtb all tbeir iaboujDtD netter optain tbat tbep oefiereo.g^aul alfo Dotb fo glo^e of like bapppe end and iflTue of afflictions , tftat be fljefoett) tbis grace of goo to be perpetuall in bis tburcb . OTefaitb be, arep:ctt tmtb all fcind of afflictions, but tue are not killed toitb fo^oto ano care, tue liue in great nede % pouertie^et are tue not fojfafcett toe are caff ooton but perifi) not,alfoais tarrieng about tbemo:ttficatione of our iojo Jefus Cbjift , tbat bis life alfo map be Declared in our mortal boope* ffibis tflTueano end, as foe fee tbat goo batb alfoaies made, it bapppe$p:ofperoufe tntbe perfections of tbeebtircb , ogbt to boloen bs , feing toe fenotoe tbat our fatbers , tobo alfo acftnotoleged tbeir frailty ano toeaftnes ,bad altoaies tbee bictojie ouer tbeir enemies , be caufe tbep continued , conftaunt Sn paciencge* 3bo The Scconde Sermon 3 to entreat tins firtt part of mp erboj* taeion bticflyi tbat 3 mape come tfje fo* tter to tbe fecona, tubtcb Dot!) mo?e per>- taine to tbe purpofe* 0nt> tbat is,tbat tucappliecertatneeramples of tbe mar tyics tobieb toere before fcs,to our con* foiaeion f comfo:t*£tnD tit tbisfetn&e oj ttumb^e tbere be not ttuo o % tb?ee,but a great t tbicfee clouoc as tbe apoftie tu:i* tetb to § J£eb;>ues*]riuOTberebpbefig* itf fietb.tbat tber ts fo great a multitude of tbem, tobieb baue fuffereo fo? tbe te* ft imonie of tbe trutb, tbat fo toel tbe a* bun&ance of excellent examples, as tbe moft graue autbojitp ougbt to piouofee ts to contentacion,pacience, ant> moae ration of min&e* 0nD leaftmp oration ft olo toare to longtnbeaptngbp toge* tber an infinite multuoe of er amplest lotlonlpfpeafeeoftbeSletDes^lubtcbfuf fereDmoftgreuous perfecution fo:tbe true reiigion,botb bn&er tbe ttrannp of lung antiocbus , $ a Ifotyojtlp after bis fceatb»OTecan not fap tbat tbe numb?e of tbe affiirteo men toas fmal , toben a great mtgbtp armre as it toere of mar* tp?s toasp?epareb to maintain $ aefenD tbe religion . $etbercan toe alieoge tbat Of Maimer iKon CaJuine. $ tbey lucre certaine excellent pjopbef* tobo goo i)ao ebofen fo jtb ano feparatefc frome tbe ronton fojt of peopled tbert foere toomemboyes, ana infantes, alfo in that number of martyrs. $etber foill toe fay that tbet pafTeb tlwo to tbat per* fecution, only tuitb fome iigbt loffe, x&e out great peril of lyfe, toitbout great patnes anb tozments of bobies , feing, tbertoas no feinbe of cruelty bpp?oueb in affltrtjngjjjenng,! to^mettng tbem* 3llF5s~bere alfo tobattbe apoffle botb fayeof tbem,anb botb fet fojtb fojbs to folofo* &ome fait!) be , toere bangeo bp like belies anb ftret cbeb * bifpiffng to be beiiuereb tbat tbey migbt optaine a btt ter refurrertiomotber toere plotted tuttb opprobrious toojaes anbffrippes , ojrf bonaes f pjifonment:otbertoere ffoneb o j cutt infonber, o : killed toltb § f toerb: otber fome toent toanbering betber ana tbetbertbo k :otDebillesjmocauesqf tbe eartb ♦llet '60 nolo com? to mafee com? parifon bettoijrt tbem ano bs /^f tbcp fuffreb fo many ano great to^mentes fo: tbe trutb ^ tubicb Jnas as tben but obfeure , tobat ogbt toe to boe tt\ this great ligbttobicb batb fytned bnto bsin ThcTscond Seneca, ft ts f (me i <25o& fpeafe etft tint &fts not oo as toftb full moutb ♦ Cbegreatelt gate of tbe ftmgaom of beau c it f s masc open fcntobs* jefus Cbjtftcomcnfrcmbea* tien bnto fcs not b To call bs to l)im, tbat toe fjaue bmtjnejftntj^^ our efcs.ftffQbQto great ingratitude f fbamcf ul tot ckcDnes fl;al toe runne into if toe bauc leflfe ftomafee i loue to bcarc ant) fuffer fin the gofpcll, tftcn tljct ban toftf cb &po beboloe tbe p;omf fes of goD tut as tt toere a farce of, tobo bab but a tier^ iptle oo;e openeo to f nter into tbe btngpom of goo, tobo bab reeeauea onlp aremembzance ana obfeure teftfmonfe in 'figured of Jefus CbnflfcCbefe great matters can not be Declares and erpjcf* fed toftb anp too iocs as tbc t be too:tbp* «l?crefo?e 3 leaue tbem to be toefeb in etterp mans tbougbts ana mebftacfos* %W uortrtne as ft batb a common anti fcnf uerfall reafon, fo ft mutt be referred to tbeerereffe f ojber of euerpmas Iffe» H5ut euerp man muff apply ft to bfs p?o p:cbfef jjjofftjpt fo?bf^pipnc.confo^ Iatfon.^nD3|fpeaSefBtsfo^ tbfs caufe leaf* tbat tbe? tobf eb fee tbem felues to be fn no mamfeff per?U, ftouio fuppofe Of Maifter Ihon Caluine. tbfs bottrfne to befcaine ano not to per* taine to tbetm$ofoe tl)ty arc not in tbe banos of tirantea, but tobat fcnotu tbe? bofo goo foil neaie tottlj tbem berafter* ffiberfo:e foe muff be of tbat mt noc ana f uogcmet tbat if anp per fecutio, EEkJl toe lofteo not foj happen tmto ** , tbat foe fall not therein to tonfoares ana ton* pzouioco^but tbatfoe come to it pjcpa* red long before ftamnlBut 3Teare tftere be man? oeapb eares to fobom tbis my o:atton te maoe foitbout fruit* fot tbet tbat hue fit quiet bautng all tb* nges at toil, are fo far from preparing tbem fel* nes to take ano fuffer ocatb foben neoc ffjalbe.tbat tbei baue no care no % tbogbt of feruing goo at all . Writ tbte ougbt to be al our ftuov eontinuallp,efpeeiallp in tbefe great troblefom ttmcs.foberin toe line in great perpH* jn tbe meant tints tbei fobome goo calletb to fuffer foj tbe tefttmonpe of bpa name,muft tbinfce in: fcerpoeoe tbat tbei foere paepareolong before, and bjougbte to tbio fufferancs of cuils, bp tbe mocion f certain iuoge* ment of tbe fpirit,tbat tbcp migbt bear tbem fcluea tberin bolblp ano conffant* ty. ffibenalfo tbepmull mligcntty call JMi. to The fecoiitHermoa to tit rentcmb:ance al tbe erbo:tatfona lubicf) tbcp fjaue f;erD before, ana be fo^ ftlrreo Uritfnbe asuerttfmentof tbem, as t^e fcaliaun t fculDiare to take bis ar# mour foben be beretb f? trumpet blotue. liouttuIiStftkelucr'SLruIp fit tbefepc rils toe Do noting ells: but feke ^tftc« f tea»es Ijofo to efcape ♦ 5 meane tbfs bp | mod part of men ♦ j^o;* tftfc fame per* lecution is as5 it tuerr a toucbe ffone, Xubertmib goa Dot?) ifcpe anti pzcue tubo fccftfetbut tber are fctue-founDof tbat fait I), coturage anagoDltnes totcaroes goD , tbat tbep toill offer tbem felues franfcelp ano freely tsnto ueatb fo.: bi* names fake. SCi)ts is a tbtng almoU fn* credible, tbat tbep fobtcb Bo glo:p r tbat tbcp baue fome ftnotulegc tn tbe gofr pell, are fo tmpuDentano tntljamfaff, tbep foil tjfe fucb c autfiatios. g>ome tb(l fap,tubat fl)al it auail to cofeflTour fait!) befo:e tbofe ffubbo^ne ftifnecfeeD men, XDfnfearepurpofcDtotuarreagaift goD fttmfelfe. v J* not this to raft pearler be f02cfiufne^9 cofelTioti of our fattb&otbfauour fbuetip before gofral' tbougb it b^igeoeatb ana oeffrud:tonto tuiefceb men ♦ Cbere be otber alfo U fttefobenttfljaUfemetogeue mo:e of< fence tben t3ttlttte^ gs tbougb gob batb left to tbem felues fire cbopfe to bye lube tbep tfriil o: foben tbep fyall tbtnfc it tbe jnoftaptetimeof bcatb i UBiit tee con* trade tmfe Do obet bint but as fo j $ fruit tbat mutt comebp ourt>eatb*tueleaue to tbe bano * pjouibence of gob. OTber> fozetbe cbztftianman 'mnft mofccbiflp in tobat place fo euer be be,btiigcnt!p fe that be itutc in tbat fimplicitte and tnte* grttte tbat gob requiretb,<*uDtbatbe be not b:oug~bt from tbat mint) f mancr ofgobipanbbolp life at anpttme fcntb an? baungers o}tb?eatitfnare*.lLctbim efebue fo mucbe as is poUtble tbe ragig mabnes of tbe fooiucs , fo tbat tbe fame toarenes be not topneb imtb tbe prubence ana erafttnes of tbe fle0>* J?p:tt of al let btm to tbte, tbat be geue euer ana refigne bis l?fe into tbe bans* fAiu gf The fceon J Sermaa of god tfje moft faitbfull feeper ♦ OTbeit be bath ojoeined and kept mligentlpe tbi* maner ana fafyton oflpfe, pf after* luaro be fal m ta tbe bandea of enemies letbimtbtnfte ana perfuade bimfclfe* tbat be is brought into tbat place of gon,fo : tbis caufe that lie mat baue btnx a tqttnea of ftps fonne. Cberefoje feing be (3 called and bjougbt to that confeflTi on bp tbe certain decree of goo, tbere is no tuap to ge backe, on Ics be luii be ton* fattbfulltmtobtm,totDbome tuebaue p:omifeo all our endeuoura botb to Hue aud dpe:pea tobofe foe are altbougb toe badpjomifednotbing at all. 3 means not berebp to d;>f ue euerp man of necef* &tit at all timt to geue a full ano perfect confrflTion of tbeir faitb, no not feme ti me* toben tbei be affeeo* j^o* 3 fenofoe' fobat meafure and mooeratio ^^aule fcfed, tuho foas as ready Uittft beart ano mindeto defendetbe gofpell asanpo* tber* #eitberfoastbte fpofccnbptbe 3lo:ac Bpefus and pjonufeo loitbout a caufe ■> tbat gob fooulde geue bs in tbat tpmeand matter , amoutb ano p:u* deuce. 0s though be ioould baue fapoe, tbe office of the bolp gboft, is not onelp to Of Maiftcr lohn Ciluin. to confirme bs, tbat toe map be foflltng boloe ana ftronge, but alfo it eonfittetb in geutng bs f u&gement , p:ut)enee ana touitfafl , bo to toe map, as tt becometft lis , goueme ano rule our felues , in fo great ant> fo bar&c a matter* 3Dr ulp tbt* toboletreattfetstotbtseno tbat tbep tbat be tn fuel) mareiTes ffjouloe Defter ana recepue from beauen tbat mobera* tionanopjuDence, not folotopngetbe xounfei of tbe fleflje to fcfee fome fljtfres to efcape* JBut tber be tljat bo obtecrt (tt tins place, tbat tbe lojbe 3fefus pea tot)* betoasaffceDtoouloema&eto tbemno anftoere, H5ut 3 fape that tbts fuff tcctb nottotafeeatoape tbat rule, tobtebbe ftatb geuentobs, totoftnes ourfaptb tben toben tbe eonfeffton tbereof ts ne* eetTartlp required* j*urtbermo?e , .tbat be did netter DtlTemble 02 feepe file nee fo2 tbts pttrpofe to faue bps Ipfe.ilaft of all tbat be opo neuer make fo ooubtfull an anftoere, but it contetneo an apt te* fftmome of tbat tobtcb be baa fpoken be fo:e,o^ els trio firft fattffie tbetbat lap in toatte to marfce botb bis too:t>s * bcbes OTberfoje let al cbufftas be toel perfua fceD t fare of tbis tbtng, f no man ogbt fAttU mo;e The fcconi Sermon tnoje to ttttmtW life tfteit tbe ttftU jnonie of tbe trutb toberin sod toil bau e tbe p^aife f glo,:p of bis name to apear* 3s tt toitbout a caufe that be eailetb 5istottnefTes(fo;>tbisDoetb tbe too?D* martp* ti#niftt ) tobo are b?ougbte to ntafee anftoere before $ enemies of faitb ano religions £D?is not tbts ratbertbe cattfe,fo; tbat be tools bfe al tbeir fpea* fepng anD tobole cottrfe of life to tbe eon feltioit of bis name^OTberein euerp ma mutt not To lofce to bis neighbour $ fe> loto, tbat be toill feme to Do notbpng at al toitbout bis erample ana teftimome, #no tbis curtofittie t0 fomucb tbe moje to be efcbueD beeaufe toe are pjone to tbisfeieeofourotonnature.petertobr be baD bearo of Cb;ift tbat be i^ould be !eo in bis olD age tobetber be tooulD not be enquires tobat fbuto become of 3ob« bis feloto f copanion.Chere is none of bs, tobicb to auoiDe perill ano Daungcr, tooulD not glaDlp make anftoere in tbat toife^becaufe toben toe (bouloe fuffer a* np tbing , bp ano bp tbis eometb into our minse, tobat is tbe eaufe toberefo?* 3 IboulDe fuffer moje tben otbers* 15ut fcfus Cb^tt Dotb eoufel f montib other toift Of Maiftcr Ihon Caluinc. fairebs al in comomand tnttit mmyii tiatljN to be prepared and rcadte, tbat as be called one o* otber,fo cuerie ma cent fojtb in bis o:d$e, and J baue fbefoed tbisbefo2e,tbatfoeibalbebnarmedand tmpjepared to take ana fuffer martprdo cnlctte foe be fefed and armed foitb tbe pjomifes of goo ♦ $ofo rematnetb to de* dare plentifully fucb pjomifes^not tbat foe foil fettfo:tb euerie one eractlt but to fyefoe tbe cbefe and mott ercellcnt tbing,foicb goo'foolo baue bs to bope fo^tocomfo^tebsin our calamities, #no tbere be tbje fucb tbinges , tbe firfl; tbat fefng al tbe times botb of our Ipfe and deatb do eonftft in bis bad, be foil fo defend bs bp bis pofoer ?$ not one bcare of our bead fljal fall but after bps foylU OTberfojealfattfull men ogbt tbusto be perffoatied , in fobofe banoes fo euertbepbetofTed,tbat god in no foife foill lay a ftdetbat gouernauncei cu* tfooic,fobicb bebatb taken bpon bim fo$ tbem foitb fo great care* ^f tbis perffoa fion of gods fatberlp care and pjouidece did reft and clcaue depe in our bartes foe Ibuld be deliuered out of band, of f> grca left pari of tbefeooubtes $ difficulties, ^♦b* tobiebs The feco»£ Scrmo«T faWcb Do nolo trouble $ btnDer our mitp Wit bebolD nolo § bitterneflT oftfje tpra* unts, * tonbztoleo erueltie 7 bratDlingpt> uttljlp in ai tyarpncs of pun ifmrts* £InD here bp toe tudge that got) bath no mojc carc.no; regaro to DefenD anD hcpe fost n fauette • 0no tberfo:e toe be fo (ttrreo f p;ouofeet>,b£our ofon reafons tolooUe ana p?outoe,fo; our fclues , as though § tobole hope of goo* belpcant) fuccouc loere clean tafccn atoate • But on the o* tbcr part, the fo great pjoutoence of goD as fie bath fljctucD bn to bs , ogb t to be im to tos lifce a ffronge fenced caUle , tobicb tan be ouercome foitb no potoer.tlet fcs therefore learn anb bolb fafctbps tyojt fentence,tbat our booies are tn bis band f potoer , fobo alfo oto creat them ♦ 3no this Is the caufe, foberfoje goD batb be* iiuereDbps,aftera meruefloufe fo;te, ana con trade the opinion ana hope of all mtn , as Styhmv > #ifacb , ana 0b* fcenago , fo ;th of the burning ouen, SDa* ntel out of the lions aenne , peter out of l^eroas p jifon , tobere tn be teas (boat f tuatcheo mo ft aUtgetlp fall bo u d in chat ties. 315 p thefe eramples he foola Declare tmto t>s,£ be coulD (tare our enemies as Of Maifter ihon Cabinet It foere toftli a certaine toifcle , atiu tbat be baa tbat potuer tbat tDbenbefooia, !je coulD pjeferue ana as it foere plufe fca cutoftbemoutbof aeatbtt felf*$ot£ *e Doetb allaaies tbus&eiiuer bis from fucb perils , but ofrigbt bauing tbe au* to>itte to apoint our life f aeatb, be lutll -tyaue fcs perfua&eo , that foe are fo con* tinueoano kept bn&erbiscuftofcpeanD tuition,tbatfobatfo euertbe tpraunt* tK) imtet ,o; Inttft fobat furte fo euer ttjet fet bpon bs,pet it is onlp tn bis bana to jipoint Ii?fe o? aeatbtano therefore tbps ntatcrogbtonelpto be referred to bp* toiK HBatff be fuffer# terauntsto fepl 1as,t>et our Iffe is tnto btm aeare $ mucb wo2e fett bp of bpm tben tt is foojtbie. ffibefobteb beoio plainly aertare to be fo foben be pzonoueea bp tbe tnoutb SDa ttia,tbat tbe aeatb of bis faints foas bo* ttourable ana p:ectoufe in bis figbt* 3nD alfo tube be fap bp efap , tbat tbe eartlj it felf IbulD fljefo fojtb tbe bloua tbat foas fljeaae fobicb femetb al to geber btaaen*$ofo tben let tbe enemies of § gofpel be as boutifui t p:oatgal in fljea* : twg y> martp:s bloua^as tbei toti pet tbis muttbe,£tbei fljaimakea recfteningt Iwrible The Ccconi Sermoiu fco^rtbleaceomptof tbeeffufion of tbat aeareana precious blood , pea turn totbefcttermollDjoppe. HSutnofoe, in ttjps time tbet Do feo:nefullp ant) pjoud If laugb* tuben tbet burnt tbe fattbfull men, ana after tbet? bane utpt t tunned tbem felues tit tbetr blooo,tf)ep become fo t>;>onkem tbat tfte^ care notbing at al 4 tubat murtbers tbet &o»U5ut if toe topll Ijaue tins Cap and moderation of mind, that toe can pacientlp abide, god toil at tbelafUeclare,tbatittoasnottoitbottt acaufe tbat be fo greatlp effemedour ltfe,and bad it in fo great honour ♦ Jn § meane tobtle^let to* not take it to grief, f?f it be noto beitotoed to ronfirme f gar nifl^tbe gofpel, tobicb ercelletb feeauen and eartb in toojtbtnea ♦ &no tbat toe map bemoje furelp perfttaoed tbat god toil neuer leaue to* as abietfea in f> ban' as of tbe enemies, let fc<> not forget tbat fame fapina of jefus Cbztft > tobcrein fte fatetb,tbat it is be bimfelf tobo mm doperfecuteinbte membjes* <25odbaa fata before bp ^acbar^tobo fo toucbetb poufoticbetbtbefigbt of mineete. SEbis i* mucb nwe erpaelfeo,if toe fuf* fer fo; tbc gofpell fake, it i* euen as tbe fonn$ Of Maifter Ihon Calnlne fonne of hint felfe foere anD fuffereD In that affliction ♦ Cberefo:e let i355 tbtnfee fo tbat %z(m Cbnftmutt forget btrnfeif ff be fljoulD baue no care anD tbougbt of ta at the time foben toe be in pjffoti anD Hanger of life fo: bte t aufe ano glo?p : f let bs alfo fcnofo $ d5oD lo^l tafte al tbe contumelies ano iniurfes , as Done a* gainftbis ofone fonne ♦ lletbs come to the feconoe place of eonfolation , tobicb te one of tbe gceateft among goaspzo* mifes:tbat goo to^li fo bolD t»jst bp tuptti tbebertueof bis fpirit i n tbefe afflicts ons,tbat our enemies tubatfoeuer tbep Do ,no.: &atan their cfjt cfe captaine tyzl in any tbpug go atoape tuitb tbe ouer* fcano* 3no trulp toe Do fee bottie in tbat neceltitie^be Dotb (bciu the fuccour anD bclpes of ftis grace* j*o: tbe fnufnctblt ffoutnesanDconftancieofmins>tobic& is fene tn tbe true mart^:s,ts a notable token of tbat fame mod migbtp potuer tohith goo bfetb in hid fainetes ♦ Cberc be tluo things in perfections grcuous teDionfe i intolrable to tbe fiefy fobere* of tbe one conOUetb in the cbeefces anD rebuks of men, tbe otber in tbe papne % to;mrt of tbe boa?, jn botb tbefe kinos of The fccond Sermon affemtationsgoa Dot!) p?omffe fo bte aflTiftaunce tbat Ute ftal eafely oucrc om ai tbe tnfamie i fofolenee of tbe grcfe* and paym 0na truly fobat be pjomifctft fce aotb perfo:me f n Dene foitb moft ma* nifeftana affurea belpc ♦ ILettos tbett fake tbfe bucklere to aefena lis againft al feare,ana let tos not meafitre tfte po* loer of goas fpirit fo fclcnajely ,tbat toe IIjulD not tbiitfee and bclctic, tbat be mil eafely oucrcome all tbe tniuvitBj bitter* nrs,anD contumelies; of men. 3no cf bis amine ana tnuincible operation, emong all other foe baue a notable er ample in tins our age ♦ 0certaine yongeman, fobo Kuea goaiylyebere faith ** in tbis tvtit , foben be foas taken at IDojnicfc foas eoaemnea luttft tnis fentence , tbat yf be foola aenpe tbe eofeflTio of bis faitb be flfjula be but bebeaaea , but yf be per* feuerea in bis purpafea opinion,be flmlo beburnea*OTben be foas afkea tube* tber be foola ao, be anffoerea plainly, fcefobofoill treueme tbys grace to ape patiently fo;Tbis name.foil alfo foo:k by f felfe fame graced v 3 may abiae b:oy* ling ana burn! g. We ogbt f o take tfcys fentence not as pjonouteaofa mojtall 'man OF-Maiftcr Ikon Catuine m5,but of § bolp go(l,# toe Ojolo tfcfnfte f goo c a To lucl cofinne,f make ks once com al papns t to:mets, as to mouebs totakeanpotberktnoeof mekerocatfr fit gooo part.^ea toe fee * often times, tobat eoftacp be geuetb to euelf tutcfeeD men,tobo fuffer foj tbetr euel oeoes ana Imcfceones.J oo not fpeake of fucb as be obfttnat f ftartmea fn tbeir totckefcnes, tobteb baue no repetace,but ef tbe tobi* cb bo perreaue cofolatf o by f> grace of jc fus CbntM fo oo take f fuffer quietly f Id gooo toil mod greuous s fyarpe patti a* toe fee a notable erample tit $ tbefe tobo turneo at # oeatb of one lo?o 3efua tb Jift.Mil goo tobo afftffetb \>5 fo great potoer toicfteo men tbat fuffer eoomglp fo; tbetr euell attes , fozfaketbem tob* oefeo bte caufe, $ toil be not ratber g;tnz tbe tnulnetble potoer ^Cbetbtro place of p:omifes,tobfeb goopzomtfetb to \m ntartpres,te f> fruit tobtcb tbet ogbt to lofee fo: of tbetr fuffertg $ of oeatb it feif t>f neoe f o requtenBut tbts fruit ts,£ af tertbep bauefetfojtb f bonoureo goo* name,f eotfieo btscburcb *6 tbetr teffu ntonte , tbep ma)? be gatbereo together in tmmcutall glorr tottfc t\)Z ioio Jcfiuv J5ut The SeeoncJe Sermon y$\xt beeaufe tuc baue fpofeen largelp inougb bcfo:e of this refoara of eternal gIoi£,tt is nolo ftifffcfcttt , to renue the memo:Jc of tt)o r e tings that arc alreafcp fpo&en^OTberfojelct the faithful leant to reare fcp their beat) to the crotunc of tmmostall glo:p, tobereunto goa Doetft call tbcm,let them not tafte the loflTe of this life greuoufly ,eofitoering the greats nesiana foojtbtnes of tfte retuarD. and that tbei map be fute ana perfectly per* fuaaea of tbtjes fo great a goca thing, as tmnotbz ctpzcflTet) tuttbany fpeacbe, no: in thought be compjeben&e&,no; \& any honour inougb eftemea,let tbem ftane continually before their eyes this ItfceatiD consumable reafon tuitb our iloju gefus Ch^ill that in Death ft felfe ibzv beholoe life , as he by ignotm* tile of the eroife $ tnfamie came to glorious refurrertton, foberin all our feltettie, triumph ana to? conftfteth* Sltnw* The thirde Sermon WHEREIN- THE FAITHFVL ' arc admoniflicd how greatly thei oght to cfteme it to liuc in the churche of god, where they may purely and with liber lie woifliip him, taken forth of this fenrence of the, Pfalm.2,7. £>ne ttyttq hunt 31 demanded of t fje !o#e ef>attopll3Itequtre,triat3Ima^Dtoel in tlje Ijoufe of trie lo^d al tlje dape* of mp Itfe^tljatJlmape fee trie deatitte of the ILojde. $c ^Itfiougft amonge* men, tftere be focbe a toarictte $ defferenceof myndes ana defp^eMbat ft 13 a Ido^Id to re tftem, pet do ail ton* _^igfe^ fcntano agre in tins on* popnte moffe plainly, tbat 16 bole barts $ mpnde tftef are occupied in tbe foojids Cuerpone 3 graunt, fopilbaue foms tnbat apart, foberinbedotb let bis bote felleitie, ant) tuberunto be tupll applps anotbercfopon bGftofoe all bis care ana ftudp and tbe tobole trade of bpa Ipfe* 25ut tbtefcamtte beared rule general* TliethyrdeSwmoa. Ip in nU tbat tbei fefte tbefr ft Utitk an* principal cdmomtfc, none otber fobcre, hut in this psefrnt life fubiect to e omip ttcn. SSbe&bubtbwgDedarctbmofte cuiaentlp tbat men iubtcbe bai*e raffe aotunetbeir mpnoes , bopeant) tufcge* men, from tbefcignttie ano ereellencp* of tfjeir nature , are fo aegenerat anD grotuenoutoffctnDe, tbat tbei fcemebt terlpfobetoutebeaftes. j^oj tee lucre createDto another enu farrecontrarpe, that tobtles foe remain in ttjtg toojlDe, tee l^oulD tuitl) our tebolc minDe « rare tonten&e totesraes tbc bcaurnlp king* some of dDot>* 8na tbis is tbe fcerp caufe loberefrne this pjefent Ipfe is names a certain pilgrimage conrfe o: tnutatle. OTberefcuctebo foeurrtmil not toft* ting!? ana tDtlimglp Dcprf uc bimfclf of tbe eternal! inberttance of tbe fcingocm of goo , be muff neoes begin big eourfc ant) to:nep at tbis p?ine:ple to tutt^tbat fee ogbt to cut of al tbe folifije $ Itgbt oe* fires toberbp be map be reteinefc $ Imtb* feoluen tn tbe foojlse : fo tbat bis cbtefe tare f Defter alteaps be to Djato nere tin to <£od , ana tbat be baue nons tmpc&t' mcrtt , but tbat in mtno$ $ Defter at tbe ieaff Of Maifter Ihon Caluioe. leaft be baft tfittftcr . ?n mf nfte 3f fas ana Defier at tbe lead , beeaufe it foer* gr^atlp to be Defirea anD tDtll;eD , tbat all eartblp affections , tobtcft Dt) foitb* &:afoebs fromCtot), ttjoulcebebtterlp pluckeoijp s rooteDfojtb of our minors tbat toe mi gbt fpeot lp pafTe ouer $ race and fpace of t&ts foo?ld fobicb foe baue to runne tbo;*ofo,an& to attepne to tbat place fobitber our iojney lietfj* But be* caufe foe are fo far bnable to baue fucb a mynoe as t* pure ana foopfce from all euel affections: tbis rcmatnetb that foe conquer ana ouercome all the impetus mentes tbat bpnaer &s, tbat fobat faut 01 ftoppe fo euer be in fog, foe purfue our tourfe foitb tbat minae ana Delire, tbat in our greatrtf infirmities,foe alfoapes jneferre tbe beauenlp life to al foo^lalp tbwges ♦ 15ut nofoe let tos confiacr by fobat loaves ana meanes foe map (earn tbis ♦ Jt nettber lietb in mans foit no* autbo:ttie , to inuent o? appoint tbem: but tbofe foapes are to be troaen an* boiaem fobicb goa batb o?aeinea ana ap pointea fcnto tos fobereof tbe cbiefe ano moll fure arebere namea of SDauia^tbat te to fa^>tbc o^acr ano policfe ano ftatr &AU of The thyrdc Sermon. of a rtutrcbe To gouernefc, tbat toe mape bctaugbttberein ano inftructeo in the Voaite ofgotj^tbat lue map ti>o:ftip bun tuttfj common confenM p;ap tnto bim ano pjatfe bint toitf) one topee , $ beue tbe rigbt tjfe of bts facramentes as tbe apDes ant) (tapes of bis fobole luo^tp and religion ♦ j*oj tbefe are tbe rules tnberein toemuftejrercifeour felf , tbat toe map be t onfirmeo in faitb>in § feare of goo,tn bolines , finallp in contempte oftbetuo:lt)eano loue of tbe beauenlp life, ano to tbte purpofe ana none otber perteinetb SDatrios teftimonie anD p^ai* er,tbat emonges manp tbinges tobtcb be tuas moueo to tmlbe anD oefire in bis imnfQmcnt tbis foas tbe cbiefe * pjin* cipaltbatbe migbt otuel in tbe temple of goo. 5^03 bnoer tbis name of tbe tern plebeootbcompjebenD tbat freoomef Iibertie,foberebpbemap botb tDO?ff)ip goapurelp t goolp to tbe faitbfull, ana geue tbe confeflTion of bis fattb ■> P?a£fe goo ana make bis p:aier$,anD to be par taker affoel of al tbefe fo great comfov tcs anO topes, as alfo of tbe facraments lubicb tuere in tbat temple rigbflp ana lafofttlip institute ♦ j^o? at tbat time itt ftette Of Maifter Ikon Calutne Se&ediJot) baa cbofen a eertafne place, (n tbe tol)!cft !>e commanfcca to offer facri* fice bitto bim,ana to tycfc bim all reue* reitce ana bonour : fobcrcbp tbei migl)t pjofelTe ana tefttfie tbat be toac tbeir jonlp got) tit tobom tbet put tbeir truft, iH? fobofe lafoe tbcp ffjoula be tnftructea and finally l^ulD tljer bane al tbe tokes of bps Pretence. 0n& tioubtlesbebinn' fclf btteretb mod plainly , tefcat it is beteus af fucb a man,tbat by tbe Declaration of fuebe a feruent oefpie be batb tetttftea, bofobonojable be etteamct>f> onttnarD oj&er ano regiment foberbp tbefaitbful are gotuxuca in tbe cburcbe ♦ 3nD to bt> ter in fefoe looses fobat 3 tuiige bereof be (tgmfietb ant> seclaretb tbat it tea lingular benefite ana fucbe a fptcial pre rogatpue as can not fo: £ great utgnttte tberof fufftctcntlp be \>n j tt* to rematnc ana Ipue fit tbe cburcbe , tbat be may b$ partaker of all tbofetbtgs foberbp <0ou Botb touebfafe to allure ano to topngns btecbtttwifontobpm. 0nolettjs note Diligently bte Digmtie and autbo:tte f fpeafeetb tbti^ ♦ j^befoas not cneof tbe rutie multitude a man icout fcnoto* ie&geano erperience, but tbe mode er* tellent p:opbete tbat etter leas fcotbe fn fccrtue ana .Into&leage ano mfpiratum aftbebolpgbofte* J^eaotbnot berefpeafte fobattep:o* fttable 02 comfortable fo; tbe multitude but in tf)ts pcttrto bailing onlpregarac af b& ofom p:o6tc ano fcicltbe , be aotbe lottites moile planly,tbatbc neitberc iuityttl) Of Maiftcr Ifcon Cafuine iDftyetb no: oefyretb any t&faffe me:e eaweftly,tben to be tti tbat company f afftmbly of the people of goD, tobcrinbe way declare fttjes fattbe^anD may tofcrme antj eoefye bimfclfe,bytbeboly facra* nients ana tbe bolfomc soctryne there pzeaebe& ♦ $etber gy uctb , be tbis teUu tnonytn tbis place only but alfo in ma* ny otber be occlaretb bis mode Tmient Defy :e to tbe fame as in tbe fo inter pfaU be faitb? <£ Iojd 3J loue tbe babttacion of tby boufe^ano tbe place laberin tby glo* 2y batb bis refttiens*0gain pfalme.rliu lyfce as tbe l^ynDeb:ayctb fo.: tbe Urn* ter b;ofce s fo my foul pantetii after goo nty foull is a tby:H for dPoti euen,fo; tbe lyuingc0oo faing, tubanfball 3 come and appeare, befo:egoD^ 3t baa bene cnogbto bane faya tbefe looses but bis fcebement affertio tiotbcary bim big* ber* ^ojemmeaiatlybea&Detb tbat be tuas fea luitb tearcs in tteane of b:eace al tbat tune tbat be tuas abfent? colDc not come to tbe temble of got*. 3nDbe fo:tbermo;e asioyneo tbat bis bcarte is potureofoub lyfeefoater , tuitbin bj?re felfe, fo % tbe remembrance of tbat t^mt feban%$wme to tfje, temple ibitb tbe <0od %\sl after fo many $ fo greate mo?mgs anofoaf lings, anddefyres motUameta bit? opp?eireo,be fpndetb no better com* fotfbe tben in tint erpectacion and bope lobicb beconcetuetb of god, tbat be topi refto;e agapne tinto bpm the benefpte f tomfojtbto&icbebebaoloffe, $)p foule faitb be IdIj^ arte tbou fo tiered fo bnqui ct and troubled foitbiu me^put tbp truft in (Pod fo ? 3 topll pet gtue bpm tbanises foztbe eomfoitbeof bis countenaunce. &ndfntbe*lrrrim ♦pfalmebe declared anefpeciall define of goingetoptaber* nacle and trifitinge , tbe eourte of dftoo, fo* after fie bad made an erclamatiom jSDlojdeofboaffes botu amiable is tbp tabernacle v fie faitb tbat bis bearte and bodpe dpd leape and dance fo? jj earnelt defyje to enter into tbe eourte of f lojo, and be giuetb tbis reafomfo? tbei are al IBleflTefrtbat dtuell in tbe boufe of dpod: feeeatffe tbep do pzaife bim^tbat te to fap tbep acknowledge bis benefited tuttba tbanftfullminde andfrritb one comune confent andpeldtng a confefftonof tbeit faitb do glojifie bpm* $ofo toban SDautd fucbe a too#b£ man tobiclj Of Maifter John Caluin. Inbub tuas fo tieaplt? grounded m al croft ipnes f religtou lubo if ucn fa £ bwlde Ipfte an 0ngell feute front beauen dotb tofeffebifeifenotbing nonriftanotngto baue nedc of fucbe apdes nteanes and fpurres as ©odbatb appointed to bps people, fobat is to be fuppofco of lis 3 be recbepou,tobo arefo rude and earnall, andtobofefattbeisfofoeafce tubofe re* iigton is fo eolde and barren^&ttrelp tue ogbt tb«s to iudge ant) tbtnfee of our fel ue0,tftat altbogb dauto fo? bis perfem5 tolde baue Wanted tbefe inferiour a^des andbelpes,pet bnto bs tbep are alfoat* t& mofte neceitarp, namely fo? tbat tn* firmitie tobertuitb tue are oppreffed rort tinuallp*115ut ioberof doubte toe^ j&ueb as baue attained to greater perfection,! nto:e foo^tbp commendation of bertue, do better bnderffande bofo mucbe tbep yet foante tben tbofe tobicb baue no tier tat at ail* SDauid Id as endued $ ado:ned loftb Angelical bertues* Cbefobub tx* tellencp of bettues and perfettto in bim nraftetbbpm better to bnderftande and perceiue , bofo neceffarp , it teas bnto bpm,anobofcumetefo3 tbe comfo^tb of jjis confctenc^ and bis faluation^to be $A. ftprrtd The rbyrJe Sermoa ftyrrtotip aminflameD moje anD moie to tbe lone ant> t>efp:e of a goDlp Ipfe , bg tlje pzeacljtitg of § tooiD,bp facraments. ant) otber fuebe like erercifes. But tbefe great boaffers bopae of ail bertues, but notable in all fpns anD bices tobicb at tins Dap Dcfppee tbtngs fo erccltent , fo tteeelTarp , fo bolfome , Declare tberebp m'otte euiDentlptbat tbrpbauenotone &:oppe of Clmffen religion anD true bo Ipues.JDofpeafceoffucb great clarftes anD graue pbilofopbers, in corners ana cbambers tubtcb do Irue in tbe papiffrs not p:ofeCTing anp religion* &ucbe do fap, £D it is a gooDlp matter anD mucbe to tbe purpofe, tbat no matt raubea,€bnfttan onles be runne to €>eneua,tbat be map tbere fpl bis tares luttb tbe farmons f t)fe fucb ceremonies as tn tbat titit are obferueD, can not toe ourfelues cuerp one , alone botbe reaDe ana p:a^e:'tobat^muft foe all neoes go, to tbe cburcbe to be taugbt,toben euerp one batbtbe fcripture at borne* STo tbe labicb tbings g do tbus anffoer* WSHt Do binse no man to Departe from tbat place tcbmn be Dfoclletb anD batb bts certac traDe,23utratber if titsm&Do liue pure if Of Miifter John Calum. I !£ *ti& gotsip fenaer # fame nramip efffte Vope^anD ttwtyip ♦ dPoa as be ogbte , 3 linir accompt bim of far grratter prpre, tbenbstbatbauetbtsrrftana tyfcertp* $6ut bcare 3 mutt semantic, it* our tttons firtt,tubetber furbe do frn tobieb feeling ' tbeir fnfirmftte ana tof almes to refojte to fome Cij^tftfan cburcbe.tbat tfcrt map fprrtse tbers tbat comfoate ano nmfirma* ttoit of conference tobiebe EDanto fougbt fo: at Jcrttfaiem tn bis f tmef&cc onfcip, tubetbertbat alt generally euen furbe as beretetneoantjoppjctlet) bp btolcnce, ogbtnottofobbesto fpgbeto mourne anti to lament, toben tbep fe tbemfelues fceffttute of tbofe means, ana far of from tbofetcatestobtcbenugbt, gupactbem anobrtngetbem bntodDoo. SCbe brute beetles tubteb tuanteaUreafcn,to crpe foifoDe foban bounger , aflTatieti) . £no ftyall tbe? tubtcbe p^otWe tbemfetues to be tbe fons of dPob bane no care no : cert ^Deration of tbat tbmg,fc;bcrin onit tbs moft bolfome foue of faitbe ana tt*e mod Cable cotnfonb tberofts ccntetne&: , £Dj can tbet not be tbns ccntcnt,tbus paouo Ip tbemfelfe to trcaoe tmoer fote tbt gra it* of <0oD ns erceUcnt ano jwicus oit THc rfcyrcle Sermon It* alto tbep oerpoe tbem fobfeb flpe fn* to ftrange countries to feefee fuebe con* fotfbe bp <25oalp ?eale ana do emope tb* fame tmtb mod pleafant , tranqutllttte of tbe mpnae ant> tope oftfie fpmt fober in tbelr pjou&e ft omalt ana $ arrogancp ioberbt? tbep are b^ogfet to tbto optnton to tuoge fermou£i,facraments ana pub* Ipfte pzapers imputable and fcatne fo: thtm to fo fare ana cleare a tefttmonp £ tbep ogbte to be ercomuntrate ana cade fonbe of tbe cburcbe , tbat tbere neac none otber tnfttted. 5*02 paull aotbe not fap tbat tbto ozaer fobfeb tbe lojae batb appotntea in bto cburcbe ,aotb only per* tetne to tbe ruoe ana ignorant, but tbat it to* commune to all mtmbii* , of tbe tburcbe fottbout ereeptton,of any. SDbe lojae fattte be , batb ojaef nea teacbers, #poffles ana pafto?s to tbe reftaurattS of tbc fatnfcMo tbeeatftcatfon of tbe bo *p of eb?fft , ftntttl foe all 00 come to tfoe fcnitte of fattb , to a parfpte man , to tbe meafure of a per fpte age in Cb?ttf ♦ firtte of all let to, note tbat be fattb 5 not tbat goD baa lefte b to fcrtpture fo: euert man to reaae it alone, but tbat be batbe orac neD fucbe a poltcg ana owe of tbe cb«r* Or Maifter Ihon Caiuine. cbe, toberfn certain men apporfehtbottj t cache others: bpthefob'cb onlp office he fcnscritan&etb comp:cben&etb ail op tber things luhirh , acpenae of the fame imctriuc.tl&ijerfozcthougbe eucrpmati map pzpttatelp reaae it,pet ttys oght to he no hindrance hut that , they fftoloe heare it opelp* 113«t tobo are the? tabon* ijecalletb totbis^pubtifte Doctrine ana irifeiplme^Botbe bpgbe anD lotoe tuttb* out anp ereeptiomOTbat aotbe he binae ft to one tiap^o furety, hut he comma* heth to tofe continually tbts ojtier of pub like ana eccleftalltcai aifcipltnefcnto the laffeen&eof our Ipfe , euento the Da? of Deathe toberin beginnetb our reoemp* tton. ^uche tberfo^eas aifoaigneto be bjogbt ton&er this, tufcipline as hnto a certain ojoer toberbp tbep being gouer* neabp the commune o v :aer of the cbur* ebe,mape grotoe ftntoarae in faitbe ana in all fem&e of fcertues, can cutte them* felfeof from the communion and felo* Itytp of tbeebplajen of <0ot>bp nothing fo muchetllet them ercufe the matter as fjmelp ana craftelp as tbep lifte* fo% the fentence of paul is molt cuiaent, $ none is of C^iifta boos neither can oa oght to be The thyrde Semioa lie rompted a mcxnbiz thereof , cnlcs 6e> fubmtf himfcife to tins commune rule f ojoer,ft&berfo:eoearc bjetlmtt, Itet to not fo p:ouMp lifte ftp our barts:but ra> tfcer fccredie and call , dofcme our feines, andlctfcs, not tempte Cod Imtbtbrs great temcrttic.tfjmiring curfelues able toflpetoitbeut toings, li5utfomemanr lopl! obtecte : ££bat dauio did fpcafce of tbat ttmt, toban tbe fijadofoes f figures luere in their fmtt.fri? Cot tfcm goucr net) fjts people lifee cbilozen tottti child* like tJtfctpttne. £te fante paull fpeafeetb, and tberfiue tbofe fo feruent, defyrr & do not belonge to fcs at tbts p jefent zfyuu allp nolo ,feing toe are compared , fcnto tftcm,fobo beig patted their infancy and tbiidbode aregrofonetoa mo^effronge and Cable age. 3ganft the iobicb opinto and reafon thus 3 anffoerttbat tue baue as great necefTitie as bad tfte ancient fa* tberes , to be taught by fermones.to be tonfirmed bp facraments,to beerercifed *n commune pjapers , and to mafee con* feflTionofourfaitb. and to this purpofe pertaine fo manpe pzomf res , efperiallp tbofc i C-fav to?itettr.bp fobom god p?o* ntmncttl) tbat btscburcbctyaltbaue in* finite Of Maifter Hon Camms. finite cbtttocn.tobome it (ball ,not onlf tonceiue ano bcare but, alfo no^tftje ano b jtng bp* Che tubiebc ,tbtnge can bp no means be oenico but tbat , it pertcinetb bnto tbe fctngoome of 3efus Cbjtlfc ano to tins oure ,time efpeeiallp* jptoto cb tuas oiTeren bnto bautb fit tbe temple of i torn Wit are not nolo , in tbe btter tourtes as 2Dautb fpeafeetb, nettberis tbere ant teal BDjafone ant mo?e to bol& fcsbaefee from tbe fantuarp toberfojef lupll afftrme platnelp tbat foe fmallp re garae anD do not rtgbtlp ftnoto,# great nes of fo Itberall benefited , foben oure befpers are not equall at tbe lead to tbe goalp jele of Dauto 0nb tbt s bo 3 fpeafee to teacb tbe matter fimplp anb platrtelt: asfoj erbojtatton tt fljallfolofo afters lnarb fit bue place, jjiofo tben let bs eofi^ uer fobat foas bis fo great ?ele £ better $ . tberunto toe map applp $ frame our life as bnto a certain form, anb rule toberbp foe tbuloe Icats our Ipfe. £Dne tbittg fattb be , baue 3 required of tbe lo^be , fobere fpeafeing of one certatne tbtng be botbe ftgntfie tbat be foas fo befirous anb care full tbereof tbat be contemneb all otber anbbefptfeb tbemas tbogb be bab bt* tttlf Of Maifter Ihon Caluioe, ferty forgotten tbfcm* #no bad JDauid all otber tfttitg«s to be He fpred fo at topil , tbat be tuanteo no* tbtng but tbts one timig tubic!} be fo samcftlp required ?$ap furelpbe foa* feamtyeD bts centrep ant) fled from place to place as an erile ♦ 0nd in the fame ep tie anii bmytytmznt be toantedbps fa* tbersboufe, anotbemoffe ftueteeom* panp of bis frendes s familiars , be toas fpopled of all bps goooes , depjpued of tnoffe bpg:be honors and Dignities tobi* tb be bad in bis eontrep,bps fopfetoas taken from ftiun JPinallp be feamed in j> trite to be a ma fpoileo of al good tbinge and commodities and btterlp deformed and defaceo limb all calmities andmp* ferf es.pet fo* all tbis of fo manp fo great and mode comfortable tbings tubiebbe tben tuanted,tbe luante of none toas fo greuous and painfull tonto bpm,as tbat be migbt not go and baue tbe erercife in tbe temple , emongs otbers, Ipfee as be conclirtietb tbe fame tbing in p contrarp affection of gladnes ; toban be bad , all tbings at, pieafure , tubere be gtuiettj tbsnUestmtodffo&fojali tbe benefpte* tubiebbe bad abcundantlp beftotecofcp l9Au on Thctfiyrde Scrmos. on bpm? after be ftrrofpokcttof meate iu'nfce ana reft ano of bcr co*po:all cent' tnoDtties in $ rnoe of tbe pfaimc be tints conrluaetb btspjapcrt tbanfeefgcntng: tbat be tupll blurt! , all tlje trmr of br* Ipfc in tbe temple anD boufe of (Don* IB|j tfte tobub nefp:e anD earned purpofe be tefttfietb £ tn all bte foeltbe $ pltafurr* ant) qu:etnes,be careo fo : not bing mo:e no: tompteo anp tbi ngn?o:e pleafant oj nto:c pzectous, tben tbat lunDe of Ipfc f romterfattQ,fobertn be toas lifte a fljepe In tbe fiocfee of tbe faitbfull ano tber fed mode ftoeatlp,tbat fo be mtgbt be lec to tbe cbtrfe feltcttie. OTberfojc let bs c on* Coer tnltgentlp > tbat SDaufo in all bps cbanges botb in abucrfitie s p*ofperiti* reteineD tbat imrnoe ano Defy je, tbat be nriorbt fcfc tbat libertie continually fobt fb^5oobao gewento tbecbilDztnofjf* racl: tubteb can be compf eb no fmall bcr* tut ♦ j^o: toe fecben? many , tobo tubetf tbcp are in Danger ano DtffrcfTcfn affile ction ano mtferp Do remember ©oD gla& Irtbut fo foone as tbcp arc DelpucrcD f baue cffeapeD all oangers,foben tbei are once as tbcp toolDe be, tben call tbcp all tnemojp anD remembrance of €>od fojtlj of Of Maifter Ifcbh Caluine aftbcirmpn&a, peaaiiD fobkbte wofie fl)antfuli,tbep rag* ano flrnge top tbcte beelca agantt <25od ■, Ipfce bo:ffe that arc fro arts fceote ouer p^otifclr ♦ 3na others Do beare fticfie asticrfitiefo bcautipatio grcauouflp ano are To angrp $ gru&ging aganft <35otj tftat tbep arc mcfte great** ouflp offeniJtDif there be an? thing but fpolmi of d3oD ♦ liButSDautBhafc afara* t&et mp noe tofoaroa d£oo alfoape $♦ luas ft e not fo , affitrtco anD oppjeire& lmth calamities i mtferirs pairing nom feer ana meafure , that be fecmra mofte mtferable of all men in the fcwl&e^et teas the grief of Waminuc Co farre from tooun&pngan&bypreinngbinT, that be flpTlB be trobletrur grietico at tbe men* tton of (0oo, that cotraryfotfe that fame mention that be titaftetb of bis moftgrc nous Hnotoes tea moil ttuetc tomfmth t nto bim,euen tben tohen be its net able iotbinkeanp thtngeaf,<£>oobut tuitb this eomplantetbat be t* bantfljeo from tbe temple ant>Dep2puc& of § farramen^ tcs ants other crercifes of tbefattbc: ne* uertbelestbe eatiSo&mticn ana Lament tacion foj tbofe** mfcsmmoDitiea teas tnaftjjttafaattato bintof al other tfiigjes ft. tin #eto Tlic tiyrJ Sermon 0oh) of tbe otber fiae toban $ ffate to** cbangeo f be tuas rcftcueD to al bono* f Jiofperitie^foas be tberbp cbagetu ©po e notfo ouercom bts enemies £ be eniof CD § fungtjom tocl f peaeeablp o^ao of all men ^ao he not aife that a fcotm Dance cf ailtbpnges fuebe plenty ant) iibertie tbat be migbt baue geucn bpmfeifeto tniopeallplcafutes^ct ootbebe fipit fceape tbat conff ant minoe and purpefe, tbat be altuaes eftcametbano iu&gets? ft to be bpa onelp felicitie , tbat be batb aeceffe ana entrpe into tbe temple of goo tbat be map bepartakeroft.be a^etap Siointeo m tbe cbtircb*2Cberefo:st)oefoc eetbat be pjofetTetb botolp anirtitaol?* tbat be batb not m baine requires of tb* lozoe tbte one tbinge fo ofte.anD earned Iv.fot tbi8 toas fo beare bnto bpm an& fo tntube befpjeb,^ be cola© be tocl con* tent to giue al bis otber comomttes bo* nojs f fopes fo? tbe fame ;i j£ofo letbseonfi^e tobiebe ofbsbatbe tbebefp:e ana tuogment tbat traniatbe bao ♦ OTpl tbep tbinfe pou(tobo fet tbeic bolefeltcitfc in tbofe goooes tubtcb tbep nolo emote ) p:efere tbi* libertie to catt ijpotitbc name of dUoo pnrelf , to bears Of Maiftcr flion CaZumc fcte fooj&e , to trfe bfc faeramentcs , be* fojetbete aeeutfomeD comnTotatieg ana pleafnres^ap berclf^tljc^ ace alltoge* *feer fo b?ogbt a fleape loftti tbe fcamng of tbetr pantye ano fat te beip , $ ttfeame fa muebe of tbetr fcelites anfc pleafurcs, ffrat tbeptare fo; notbtng but topam* pietbetrcarkes ano'to Ipue&eltcatelp, 3ano to fpeafce tbe matter at a&b:b fnrb ts tie 3juDgenteat antJ fcefp:e of tbe bole foojloe, f> it baa tatber to baueatrogbe fareeo ano fplieii loftfi tneate ? i^itc a f$tz ibpffepnesil gpuen to the bel^tmose f bey fet bp ft tben bp tftc bol? temple of (25oD.&o foone a^ anp talfte oj mmo: te ra$"e& of tbofe tuarres , ana tumiilte* fobitftare begonne ai rea&p ana are itfcc mo tofoloio mo*egreaitotis,euer£ man Dotbe feare tbe fpople of bps gooses ano ctber atfeommooittes truoblcss ana Dan ffcr&labkb oaenfeue § toarres. 15 ut to fote § pjeacbfng of f oortrine of falnatiS titoant # pure aomimftratto of y farra? menta ano otfterbelpea auo erercctfes fifreitgfofoberlmtb ,foeare topnettm to (55oono man tnaftetb mention 1 ney* ther ootbe fo greatc an cueil ano pen? iouaSDangeCj anj fobrttemoue , tw. The tfiyrd Sermon jj-tef tljer no toe fee tbem tWfutt btfrrlp oeftttuteanu Depjpuebof tbefefomanp' anofogreatc trcafures ano comfonbes greatly care fo; tbem: 4Dnlea tber rents ana rcuenctoea be able ■> tofceape tbeni tbojofo out tbe bole peare ana manteme tit in tbat Hate of lyfcpompe f banitte toberunto tbet ambition mouetb tbenu tftbetuapesano means offtepingtbetr traoe atto encreafing tbetr fubftance Doe; faile , if tbep lofe tbeir bononr ana effU mation emongs mem ffibej? are fo ,. trobieD amti berco tbat tbey tbtnfte tbenifelue's btterlp bn&ene tbbcras in tbe mean ceafon tbcp bttctlp Defpe ana fet at nogbtc tbe peculiar am* true foobe tbe o:mnarp ano bfuat meats of tVt fons pf (!0oo fo* i> fobtcb tbet fbolo be moffe byugrv i rarefull pet tbe lo:oe tbreatntng bp biap:opbete ^betooloc feno a famine ^ not of breao $ tuater but of tbe foo;3e of f fct fotf b bp 'v tobicb tmmt> aDfo^nttb,^ be lupU require again v tbig tobtcb be be fojebaa affteattoberbp beftgmfietb ^ be toas itorcnflaniro Ui attp fooauir patTto tofcfcb Ojbitli? after toas febte I roi&e,tii fraue jtbtd care of religion I but $ he toa<* tben -ronttaitt f todl&fo remanent fear* tbfngfo: tbte pnncipall matter; £&e to fire fomc Uifttcbe are mouea toltb fuebe a ferucnt ?ele''$ltoanc mottonytbat tbe nerte sap after tbep be fo totubeo , tbcp feame reaDp to fo:fafee Vail ^ few tbep baue ♦ But tbat constants tofr&of nauiti fpcafcctb is 'accftatttfear* $ fp&iallfcer^ mt.tn fo imicbf tbtfniofrpart'Oftbe in tob&fe ift!irtbxr v wi^ xtfe6f retrgtonbatti be.ne fcenalcD , tiAmg tbci ocebt to flue* tityt tbat fttetf teer tfle atto lo-tt'e mtgbt encreare tbrtDo Unntieri^ crtmgmibe f> ftmc.Wut tf^concerhfg o&tifeiue baue t\)t The thy tic Sermon f be like feftfmonp In tbat pfafmt iubub 3 before alie&gcb * j^oj tebereft , migbt tjaue bene faio bnto bim^tbat beig bani* fije& ana D:puen from 3!urp,be migbt go fceare o % tbere, to fomc otbere place , be mafeetb an erclamatton:Cl>tne alters o Una of boftes,my €>o& ana mp Inn ge,a$ tbogbe be IbulD fap. Cbat tbogbe be ba& at rommanbement ano poflTeueb all tbe palaces of tbe teojio , pet coloe be fpnus wo place, pleafant no? acceptable tmto itm,tebiles tbat bebab no aaztttto tbt temple of 0ou,beootb alfo complains # fpatrotees $ ftoaliotees both fintje tb$«* fotfbe places to buploe tber neffs tbers: tut bis csb&ton teas mtt*b teo:fe ♦jtebg fo 31 p:ap powWas it becaufe be bat) w tber futtbin no? Camber? i£ot fo: But fcecaufe befoiifce no plate mete no: plc^ fant,forbpm toleab bte lifclberin tebai fee teas feciuDe&frt^ tbe aititrs-of <0job»r 3no in tbts banffftnient no place jcolbs tie fo pleafant,but fe teolo compte ft bit tec to Dteeil tbtrtn * j£ote this is tftbflfe certanetf;iftbts tJoctrine;te^e teellper> ftea&ea tmto pur bearts tee (bote not b% fo mucb binDjeb , o? ratberfo y£ D?aten$ fro | ejrereffe f p?a# tfe of tbofe meanes tebuij Of Maifter lofi n CaJmn . fobtc& god ftatft geuen Da to go fojfoara in # toat tobtcb ieaoctf) to euerlaffig life W\xt iDtl #e bane § ten caufe tberofrtbe ambitions oefier of bono: liboloetb fom m erectitlg tbeir offices $ mainteintng tbeir rftatcft-ff entitytb otbers to fefce f to couet tbe like ofgnities $ p;*omott6s, touetoufnes enragetb otbers \ri a gre&p Defter of gsUttf carietb tbr backtoar&,att ctber fojt mintjetb notbigeis but tbeir fcelitCiSf pleaftira f tljetr bain * fctflTolut loanto life . #*a aWuerp one &6 fo &al* loto f tbeir Juft&# f f arnall coiujMfcece, $ lion at al tbusirietb:tbine altars o lo;6 luber art bine altars omp gc&s mifeig* $o certenip: § foanitg of tb is iuojiftbea retb fticb ruleampgstjbe # tbei ra bv no uieanes fttffec $*beftjjftnce of gob* ECbia 1do:d alfp is of great jmpo?tace 7 fobere JDauio faptb p be batb erneflSlp required ef goo £ tbtg Juberof be fpeafcctb.^t is a toeri fmal tfityttet; to giue fucb tofces of bo lines f rcligio befo? me i tbei map feme to-be fet on fier \& lingular jealc % lone tberoftbut tbe map a ma fap,afFurcDty $ be co^tb tmfancDlp to be eoucrfat amog i to jds fiocft tube be ts moueii 45 tbis er neft Defter of bolincs altbogb be baue no m otber feitnes of bis ml o but goo alon " Tie tfcyrde Sermoa fojtufjen tee muffecomc to tbts tu&ge, tb?n ail bipocrific f fainco fljetu of boll/ ne^ mutt be put atoap: ana tbe tructb f parents of tbc beart foil appear. flBtnoe toe tben to folofcue tbc notable erample of SDauttJ ^Uet cucri? man entre into bis ofon confeiencc ano Direct bis pjaier tin*' to goo ano fap . 2D to rt>e tboti fenotoeft that a 00 eftemc tbe focietie of tbp cbur* cbe mo# tbrn a! the gooos of tbe foojia bercof alfo are foe in tWa place to be ao* momfljeo, left in fojofofng, mourning, 05 complaining % 1nt bpf e tbe bnole an* grunge at our ftate : but Direct our oefr* res tjnto'Wm, ano pofo'e fe :tb d'nr cotrf plaints as it foerejntobis bofome, fobt rb'onlp can rcmetfieour gfiefe and mife ri?s. ano tbis mtjti; foclfnofoe airureoig tftaf tbis bo:ribl&£o2ruption anoconfu Hon of religion fobicb foe fee at tbis Dap in tbat tbc fobole foo:fbip of goo is co |a rupteo , tbc Uoctrtne of fbe foojoe is atM utterat>oep?aueo ano altera, al tbe fa* cramentes arc contaminate oefileo antf peruerfeo,is tbegrcuous $ fojepunifyc ment offins prorefmng fromgoos molf tuft MDffoment. Co fobom tben Ojal foa flit foj.tjie rco;etre * amenbmet of tbete fo OF Maimer Ifaon Calnlne." (o great cutis, tbat toe map obf cpne tfte puce Doctrine oftbe faeraments $ cal bp qn the nameof gao n5 libertic $ make co Litton our fattb.but tonto htm tubicb d o *tb cbaftife fcs 16 tbis fo miff rable foant ana loflTe of fo great treafuresd£ofobeit pet tbis grcuou* bitternes of pain f pu* mfljucnt ogbt not fo to alienat s turne bs fro go } , that tucftulo not comebnto fttm tn tob6 all fuccour f mercp ts onlp to be fouo. $>ucb leflte tben map toe fuels agatnff the pnefee, gruogpng f mfbcp* iting t6 our felues to fefee ttje rejttcop at bis b&lfom baa tub o batb laior tbis gre uousano Dangerous plague fcpotos.JDa nto tn oeae feneaj ngbt foel p be foas ba tttfljea from Jurp not loout gobs p:oui* fcreerpct ts be not thereby ftapeb no; let tea to come tonto goo obfenre ties of f Doctrine tobicbbtnD:etb y tntier ffaDig of tbefe matters fo mud) as tbetc oton toiefesD toils toberin tbet tojap tbe fetues,fefting al tbiftes tbat tbei czn by tbetr fubteltiefinoe out to obfeuretbat tbing tobicb is of it felfe cleare anD tuu toznt. ffiut in tbts rettftance yet finoe toe tbfs eomeDitie tbat toe are copelleo tber by to Declare mo:eplaincly $ Diligently botoe tbts Doctrine tobicb toe bauep:o* nounceD^Dotb alfo pertein bnto our age 31 bo grant in DeDe tbat noto tbere is no mo:e material tepletnto tbe tobicb toe mutt go to offer our faertfiee , but $ toe are noto y fpiritual teplesf tbat toe mat in a! places lift tip our fjanos to tbe bea* neti Of Maifter lion Calumet item nottmtbffabing tbe ojbcr f matter of calling bpon goote ailoate^ one. $eitber map that inuocation be eoptea amongs tbe figure? of offfte oioe tefta* ment : but iuogeb ana effemeo as a utoff certain rule tbat onr loja 3(efug batb ge uen bs to obferuetmto the enae.OTftsr* fojetbougbtbe temple of &>ionanbtbe maneroftbe faccifices tben inftitutef religiouflp obferueb mafectb fome biffe* rence f triuerfitie bet foirte bs f 2Daui&* Jet furelp in tbis point foe are like tmta itn>$ foe eal Upon gob $ pja* Unto bint publikelp i fo ttb one content f tbat toe come into one comon place to Declare § confeltion of our faitb. WHt are not note as ebilojen to be kept bnber f> ffcooling of ^ofes lafo:pet are toe me $ tyalbe fa log as gob permitted tos in tljts to o us* OTberefoje tbogb § figures $ fbasofoes fobicb baa tbeir fojee in§ time of aauia to nol» notblg pert cm bnto bs pet bane foe great neceffitp to be ftirrea tip $ aja foen to h fer uice of goo botb bp tbe pjea cbfgof fgofpel % % atnninillratio $ par* tipacto of v facramets* jfcofo if attp foill (triue agatntt tbts fentence $ ojaer tocrfc wpcriece mat bt b^ogbt to couince binu The thyme Sermon j?o: tbti tftat baue meC of ai pnjfiteD in rcltgto t3o moft euioentlp delate in tbc tourfe of tbeir tobolc lift tbe nccclTtti? of ibis goolp ftclpc to be mod mttt f p:ofc tabic to rcleuc tbetr i&xt$iik. Wit take not in bans bere to tJtfputB tubctber goD tangonerncanDlea&cbis people ixiout anpinfenonr aloes o; meanes, but to declare bofoe bis imll is to gouerne ant> gutoe fcs $ to retepne fcs in 610 true too % 5)fp ant? fcrntcc.#Q2 tins is certain tbat goo of bis great icuc $ merrte fcing otic tnfirmitic ana tucafcenes,batb geuen fcs as it foere certain apfces $ tfapes tuber* ijp foe being toeafce ana feable migbt be ffapeo»»bat folp 3 P*ay pou, ano bdtu great fcltffjnes is tbis , foben tue feele cur feete to faile,ano our legges to bote ton&erbsto contemneanti Defplfetbefc fo great ants nceciTarpe helper to p?op f flap our feete, as tbougb tbere toere no pjofit at ail of fucb tbiriges*OTberefo:e lobatoiffercneafoeucr is bettpcnefcsf tbe gefoes, ytt mull toe ftnofo tbat this Doctrine tubicb SDauio bere fettetb fo:tb is contort fo % al. Oje name of tbe temple onelp mutt be cbangefc beeaufe $ tue are no mo;e bou& no; tics to onexerte place lout Of Maifter ifion Caluine. 5B tit as concerning tbe ojder $ maner tt lmuflMp oo appointed tbat tbefaptb* full QoulDe come to one place to beare tbe toozde off €>od bimfelf 9 foolae pet reft tberbpon tnoft fotlinglp , and tuolo glue bim mod fceartp tbanfces $ it pleafetb bim bp fucb means to ebertfye f fufteine our infirmi tie bofo be it pet as toe bane befoze oecla redtuedofeale^fruite ofreligio iulwb cometb tmto tos of tbis inftitution s oji finance of god to be mod abundant and mofte excellent »!^otD foeuer tbemat> ter ts, tubere as ^ paul declared) v tbis fs tbonlp toap fobicb leadetb to tbe per* fife % bleflTed Ipfe tbat toe do rematne tit $ ojoer of tbe .eburcbifobtcbCbjtff ojdei ned toben be apointed paftojs: curfed be tbeir pjpoe % arrogancie * fobicb toil! fie in tbe apce | Xo tbeir fcaine (peculations 3M* clpms The thyric 5ermon. tlpmbe tip to beauen fettf ng at nogbt a I noarine ana fetrmms anDbfe of tbe fa* cramets,as tijogrft tbet toere fucb baine t cremomes,tBberof fmall commoDttie * p:ofit eolDebcreeemeD.3iiD beare Deare bzMni 3 Dcfpjc pou to confine f marfte offobatmanerofme3Do note fpcafee. i^o: 3 Do graunf e bnaontteDlp tbat goa tmtbepjeferue !)ts t>ntirr tbc tyjannpof <3nttcbztfte,anD tbat miferablt tapttut* tte,altbog6e tbcp do tuaitte tbefe at?Des anDbelpea tubicbtoe bauetoitb greate liber tte^fCbetuojDe of CDoDtsnotpjea* tbeobnto tbem,nettberbauetbep ang place fobertn it is iatufnll to mafte pjo* feiTton of tftetrfattft, yea § Sacraments aretafeen atoapfrom tbenulButbetanfe tbet feperate tbefelues from tire abbomf nation of antictoift ftJo Cpgbesmorne n eomptettanbeaupburtben tbattbe? loant tbofe tbtgs fobtcb tbep no compte tnoff ncceflTart to eonfolatio $ comfojtb* goo bp tbe bertue of bte fptrtte iuojfcetb fit tbe s ftippiietb tbeir tuant.)i5ut tbere beotbers, tubtcb i* y'gteattctt parte of tbofe # tbere do tarp tubo tbogbe f bei be btterlp oeftttut of tbefe molt necelfarp % comfortable tbigs pet are tbes ben loell pleafeo Of Maiftcr Ifion Calulnc. Sleafefc * bting: in ertreme famfne, tfje* aue no lttft at all to eate ♦ £E I)o fc ace $ men # fepgne tbemfelues great pbilofo* pbcrs,f pzofeffe tbemfelues bpgtje dar* fecs^tobidb tW nke tt enogbe to fcnofo all $ can be ftnotoe tf tbct baue ret) ouer one feafe o v * t toane* 2Cbefe men tbtnfce tf tbe felnes p tftci? baue no neoe of pjeatbtng t tiortrine foj as concerning $ lojos top* pet tbcp tfitnfte tt mafrctt) no matter at al tonto tfte ttjonrt) tbet neuer come neare tjnto (t* 0no tftef retecte $ outtuar&e polf cpof$eburcbeto pong cbtlo^en as ouer bare i tmtoonbl fo: tbe.fobat 3 pzai poti map tnetuoge 02 Tap of tins ftinoe of me but $ tfttp are tottcrlp bltn&e in mfnte f faDgment^i^et nottift anmng tbep ca ac tufet)s,betaufe loeerborte tbem Unto inborn dPoo batb oeclareo his tuill to fcfe tbofereafonst means tofycb dPo&batl) prepares to encreafe ourfaitbs to con* firme it f to mantef ne $ fame fcnto § laft *ap of our life* TObp so tbet fo^but tbat tbep can not abpfce to be afcrncnityea bp tos ano to be foafeenefc as it lucre fo:tbe of flepe, tbat tbep mapbauefomefattouc ant> felpng of tbofe eupls tuberem tbep arc.lUt to* tfeus tu&ge | tbtnke of tbe ro 3Mi. tbat The thyrdc Sermon. tbat tbep Do not toozfyip no? reuerencc jooics tuttb tftc otber papitts, pet truip tl)cr? tan not Denpe but $ it 10 a mtfera^ hit bonoage ano bp all means to be ab* bojreo ano auopDcD tbat tbep can not be fuffreDnotonipe tocalltopentbe name of <25oD anD Je fus £b:ifte tutth anp pub Ipfce teftimonp oftbeir ronfetTion nep* tberpctto mention o? acfenofoiege tbe fame bp anp meanes ♦ %bt bolpe gbofte ioben be tuoioe tuounoe tbe confeiencea of tbe faitbfull tofttcft toercatH5abiIon molt oep'p,be gfuetft tbem tbis fentence to grate tipon bolt) can toe fpng $ Vi*W fes oT § lo jDe in a Grange lanoe, 3 Do gra unte berelp tbat tbe ftingoom of tbef tobicb are no tftrg moueD \tf ani grief of miDe 0? fo?ofo ofbeartfo: tbiscaufe^tbeieamafeeno p:oteftatto of tbeir fattb netber fet fo tffc f public fip;atfc of c?od bp anp mean* are Of Mxifter ifcon Caluinc are all together oppzeflteDiD moll groffe fculnes f t>aiftng maDncs $ctt) £ cbiloje of goo mull take beoe t be taugbt bt tbis a&monition Diligently to betesre # tbep do not eaft tbemfeiucs into $ fame errc z f oatCng of beart. 315ut as cocerning tfje tufttcb fcojnefuilf bo babies quelttcnlf tberbenone otberiuapto beauebutbg CPeneua: foolo to dPoo tbei ba& $ beart f care, $ m fobat place fccucr tbei remain tbei luolo o: col&e baue fame bolp aUcm bites anDcogregattons gatbereb in tbe name of Jefus Cbitft, f tbat tbei tocloe fet fcp in tbeir otun boufes ana tbcir net* bojs tit forme of fucbe a eburcb as map be like tbps of ours in fome point.^oto be it lo tbeir great f ercellcnt tutfoomc, that in aifpiftng ana calling atuap tbefe ilapes of religion f faluattcn , tbep tuill be counted religious $ to baue faluatto* SDbis in as mucbe,as if they* fboloe afke if tbep migbt faile into tbe bauen , tity uing to tbe contrary fioe as far from tbe bauen as tuere polTible: fo: fofcotbep temptinggoD ano bsclininsc from tbe foap of faluatton enquire if tbei can net cum to faluatiomlBut lettbem make as bolDe b^agges f take tmto tbem as bigb 3Mti. ano The thyrJ Scrmoa ami ff out e eojage as tfec^ Iptf , f bat fo re fttng bpontbetr pofore ariapjp&e tbep ma? fall ftotott tjcaoi ong to oeftrnctton, fo # fattbfull men tafce that tbcp be not puffeD bp fo pjouolp Inttb tbem,but tbat tbef retetne t bemfr Ife tn al moDeffie bu* mtlttte ana reucrence. 0no tf tber be ani oftbemtbat eanbpno meaner Ipue tn Cfotffs ebureb,i?et let Wm no tbat tbing iubtc b no man can let btm,tbat ts to fa? tbatbemournetmpf ntgbt fottbtiauto: SEbtne altars o lojfce. seberc to nonco* tber thing tbat 3 Defpje but tbtne altars a m? dPou ana m? fei nge* 8nt>tbe fere of tb to mod bolt loue ano oeftre ogbt fo en flame al goot) bcarts, tbat tbet ft)cl& not tbtnfcett painfull to fuffer ant tbig tbat can come, no not to confume tbemfelue* tobolp bptbtefo great jeleanooefpze, nettber tbat tbere fboloe be an? t?me fo longatfferreo fobicb fljoto quenebe oj t>U minify* tbto feruent ttefp?e, but ratbere tontfnallp require tbto tbing moft care* full? tbat tbep mape once be b?ogbt bn* toCbjtffesfoloe, $ojeouer euerp man ogbt to con0o:e ibytby bpmfelfe bofoe bemape mofte tpeaatl? get bimfelfe to t be ttan&ero , fo foone Of Miifter Ikon Caluinc foorteaaourlojDlljal graunt an? libera tp to come tberunto jMnalli to mafec an eno of tW erbo^tatto, noto it remaietft tbat toe Do Diligetlp note $ tobtcl) canto aDtopgnetb that is:Cbat be toill beboto | beatotp of the lo v :D f eonfioer bis tern* pie* iritis not encgbe^toe ftulfcebs erercifcD in $ outtoaro o*t?er $ oifcfpline of § cburcb erecpt toe baue our etes bent ano fpcctall regaroe to tbte eno tbat toe mapefenotogoD bimfeifeewermojeanD mo?e ♦ ffibere be ttoo tinged tofetctj are fceare requtreo: § one tbat toe Do occnpp tbe time of $ pjearirings f pttblike pjaie rs \j6 all care * Diligence : tfre otber tbat toe Do fcnDsrttanD tbe caufe of our affem blie* f commlngf ogetber tn§ cburcbes. foi manp Do come tbitber oratoenio a certane foltfyc Deuotion tbinking $ tbei baue Done tbeir bole Deutp^f tbep come fo?tbe into $ place f ftjeto tbrfelues once in $ temple let &s tafce beaoe tberfo^e Dt iigentlp Deare bjetb^n tbat toe Do not fal into anp fault of negligence of igno* raunceojoffoliffjncs. f*l it i* greatly to be feareD left tbe tnoft part of tbe tbat ar bereto bo mai be cooemneo in f> one of tbefe ttoo Wt* : £ % iiiu fitbcc The thyrd Sermon eftber tbef are negltget to come to tbcfe afltembles tn § cbttrcbiOj els tl?ep Do not lobatgb \& tbemfcluea noj tceil bnber* ftao toberfoie tbet Do come tbttbcr feclu manp are tbep$ come to the fentioncs, tubtc'o UiolD be mod glao neuer to bcare of anp fermons ♦ l!5ut 3 totll not fpeafee oftbetobtcb tntbe bole courfe oftbetc life Do fyetu tbefelues mantfeff contemn ners of <0od*31 Do fpeafec of $ contempte tobtcbtemanptobofoolDe neuer seme* b;te to come to tbe fermon but tbat § fon Dap Dotb montflje tbem % moue tbem to com tbttber anD tbat fo v : maner fake on* Ip as tbogbe tbep toolDe tben mafce bp f> nomber of mam runtg together to goo. ffibe bell map toell ring Datlp % call tbe together* 115ut it f fuffictcnt foj fucbe if tben at laft tbep come fojtb tn tbe enDe offfoeftebntofuburcbf company off cogregattom SDbct are ralieo four tunes ruerplT5Dap,but tbet come berp notably if tbet once map be feeneto baue beene tbere* fni tberebe manpoftbem alfo lubpcb take to tbem tbps Ipbertp tbat t bep tupll fcarfe come euerp ♦ rt . SDape* 0nD furelpe tbe molle parte p?oouctlj tbptf pjouerbe to be trefoe tbat bepng; ntgb ©f Maimer lohn Calum. npgl) to tfte Cburdje tbep art tjrrpe farre from god . ^tnti fome of tbtm be cf that fojt tolneb tmut left tbeir contreg tbat tfje^ mfgbt feme goo , ti*fjo r*t iri %fWB part of goos ferutce t>o IfttVu tbtftl* uesouernegligcntOTbstoctfittoetf a to Uo^ &ttag goo coetb fo ftcto fnmfelfe tinto fos let t)s bebol&e bis beauty not paflTe bp the meaner toberebp toe map ntoft cleared bane tbe fruition f cotcm ptattonpftbts l;is beautte* Efjat ts to fap to y> toe map be mouers f as it tone raufQtft 16 tfte Ictie cf bmi % as f$J$w\ faff!) tbat tot be tranfftnmeo % cbangca tnto fits ftmitu&e 1 iifeenes. ana to come *s tbis point, toe muft confiDcr mo:e tU iigentlp f earnclHp tben toe baue arm* (tomeo tobat gois Dotb pjopcua tnto fes tn bis cburcb ♦ ^foj fcbat is tberaufeSf pzny pou, tob^ toe no talis fo (male p:o* fit of tfte fermons f fscrsmets, but tbat toegtue no fetiigente to tbrtbtngs tbat arc tbeir fpoken 1 &omv ^UTe baue our tares beaten ir» continual Dermis? tober as our minus srefcosfce j barren cf goes mocfons f not touches \$ an? goes affc* tttori . Q5o jconr r alfo t bere be fome tbat fecrc neucr tbe toboie tertnon bat ftt re f 3,fc. tbert The thyrde Sermon • fbere a tuo k :u o: half a too ?a ratfict toftfi out re garD.OTbcrf0.2e ©auto fatetb not tottbent great caufe,tbat be toouloe go to tbc temple of tbe Io?D to titOt anD re* garo tt,\6 great care f Diligence anD the tobole ttuDp of i|t0 mtnDe. 0nD Doubtless tbe excellent treafures of {7 great totfe* Dome of god tobteb are tberetn fet fojtb bnto bs, are matt too^tbt? to baue £ eies of our minDstobolp bent f fet tftertjpo. 33 ut as 33 baue noto touched got) tooulo not baue bs to bcbolDc tbefe treafnrc0 unit? to pleafe our tit* t fo to depart \&t out am>p:ofit ♦ lletbs tbercfo:cfcnDer; ttanD,tbat $ Doctrine of cbtfft bath tben (betoeD in b£ bet fo?ce f fruit tobm our tmnDe* life f mancrs are fo cbaungeD $ tuecan toojflnp goD purely f feruebim \riout corruption* 0nD tins is it tftat SDa uiDfaitb.pfalmJrrniit.ffbattbei tobt* cb Dtoell fit § boufe of $ Idjd u)all pjapfe bim fo2 euer* Wberfo;e tbe do toe alTem ble our felue* ito one placer tub* tc £ gof pel pjeacbeD bnto bsrlnbp do toe bfe bap ttfme f tbe lo;as fupper but $ goD fljulD be pjatfeD f magnifieD bp bs to all fefua of pjalfcartbetobicb pjaifetfanDetb not onlp fit tbe iipc, but continued al y life long Of Mutter I oh n Caluin . long ntin flojffljetb foj euer ♦ ffiberefoje faitft tie fn another place* 3 toil toafl) mp ban&s © lo*o fn f nnocencfe f then topll 3 enter bnto tbtne altare* $oto do toe fee tobat is the true $ latofull t)fe of all the jaer tn the cburcb^to toft , that toe bepng m If gently tntlrtirteD therein map toojtijpp dDotJ purely anu as beeometb bps feruaunta ♦ Jn the olne time tnuec the lato tbef that came to the temple to toozfytp goo^efpecfallp the pjciff cs tobe tbef IbulD erceute thefr offfce,tbcp con* tfnuallp toafbea them felucs.SLbte cere monpfn &eoefs paired atoape, but the truth that pet remaf neth ogbt of bs uU toapes to be mat ntepneu anD p?artffeD, 0no becaufe toe notoe fco Un toe all the toats $ meaner, toberbp toe map attepti totbemottperfitf purctooafljfp of goo toberefojetoe muft enter an&bol&e the toap of Iffe mo2e toarelp the others^o; the mo:e furtherance $ toe haue graun* teD fcs bi^ goD.fo much IcflTe of ercufe (bal be left onles* toe uo applf $ fame both bit to our bfe $ pjofitc t alfo to f? true too?* Ibtp of goto* j?oj ff toe so Humble bp the toape ft is not becaufe toe fcoenot fee a plafn f troDcu toap before our fete* 0n& The tliyrde Sermon if toe Do ffrap fojtij of tfte foap i foanber imtboutaCfurauncc^toccannot blame gob tl)crfo?c as tbougb fie tstD not contt' nuallp fet bp tbe dear Itgbt of bis foo:& Hnb tf foe Do fozget our butte,tbts neglt genee f fojgetfulnes cometb not berof, tbat toe not aomomfljeo of gob molt bv If gentl? called to ail Ctettttan buctpc: fo j goo leauct b no meaner at all bbrre fit tbere mat? be anp furtherance to reii^ !fton,to boltnes,to falnactomSDberfrue ett)s fear $ rcbufee tubtcb goo bfetb bp § uroutl) of bis pjopbet Cfaf .3 bauc batlp ftretefteo fojtb mpne armes bnto a ftub* burnt $ rebellious people, 3?f tbet fobftb foanber f go attrap bp tbebefert place* of tbe paptttrte ano tbat bo?rtble tuiluer nes,0)al not efcape tuff punt (bment and toengeace becaufe tbet baue not folofoed tbe rtgbt foape, fobat mape toe lofee fo? fobtcb are bjogbt bp i no:fffjeD at borne Itfec cbtlD?en in t\)t cy tr> of our benucnlp fatber. feome batb leaft tbetr moft beare tontrep anb tbe place foberetn tbet focc bojne $ b:ogbt bp,tbat tbet mtgbt come to fome rtmftcu cburcb. £Dtber batb got ten a greater benefite $ as tt foer a fpert al p?erogattue>tbat It plcafctb goo to bt fite OFMaifter iHon Caluinc. fit the fn their oton countrep as ft toerr tit their oton mfk. $otoe tf tftet that are bo:ne here toil not acfenotoleage this fo great fauour of goa,f meanes of faluae* on mod to be fcetfreo ana 16 tbanfcefull minus f mfnbful fcart$ tellifte § fame# tbef map tobolty giue f confecrat tfcefci ties tmtogoD$ comctb fonigbtottotbr cart tin* ingratituoe remaine fcnpum* tycoyHet them rather fap thus: fl) &o?& thou bad here but toed tbp temple f fet Dp thine altar amongs tosrgrant toe bz* fecbe thee fo? thine euerlafttng goo&nes anaerceoing mercp tfjat grace tonfota tbattoemapebepurgeommin&e, life, and maners , that toe 00 not polttte tfyp bolt? gifts toitb the filtbp fpottcs of our fumes % fo turnetbe ercellent glojpeof thy benefits into rep?oebe % l$ame* 3no thei tobicb 00 come from far eountrepea ntutt be toare,totfe,ano Diligent, $ tbep Ho liue fo goftlpt blameles as becomctfc men in § boufe of go&.SOm might bane liueti in other places to iltAy $ toanton 1? neither HjoulD thei fo jfafee the papiffrie fo ? this end, that thei fljuto lease a uiiTo lute life not comely fo? the gcfpel in the church of goo. Sno furel?i here be font* to The thyrde Sermon' to fof)5 ft bab ben mueb better tbat tbrf bat) b*ofeen tbeir ncc&es fobw tbei fet * tfrft fotefojtb of tbeir Dojes , then that tbei tyulo entre into tbis cburcbe to be* fiaue tbem felues tbertn fo (bamefullp f InfcfeeMp. ^omelinefctbemfelues fottb tbe frontiers i moefeers,ano fo conftrme tbe moje i mo:e in tbeir malt ce, £Dtfter do line moft rietouflp in meats * &#nfce ahD al fein&e of plcafurcs, g>omc as cne* wte0 of all ^eace anD conco:be, eonet no tbtng but mfcome,Debate ana fallings anotberebefome families foberm tbe man* toifebobjattle * ftrtueltftebogs ana catts. Hno certein tutll feme yonge pzinttz , enereaftng <* amplifipng tbeir ffateimtboutmeafure,geucnfobollpto Sompe,to eoftlpnes, $ to ereelTe of tbps jo?loe*0n& otbers are fo tolefo Sep ntp fo Delicate , tbat tbei can not tell fobat ft is to labo?, ana vtt no liutng ran fatif fie tbetm iMnallpe tbere be fome ffelan* toerous backbiters tobtcb couloe fpnbe fome faute euen fottb tbe berpe angels: fobo reaop to bitft tuttb tbeir mantfeloe tjices,fet all tbeir bolines only in tbps, tbat tbei requter a ftrait accompte bofo tbeir neigbbo;* do iiue, fnppofing tbat Con Of Miiftcr llioa CUluiRC eofoptbtbe Cbaffe,lctbs futfer tbp* confufum fostb all patience ano qu(etne« Thctbyrdc Sermon tjufetnestobtles tbat got) (ball tafceto titan alnar fro tbe eopanp of f fofefeeo. j*oj it iz no Doubt but tbat tbta cburcbe (toberin toe are)te Itfee a toucb Hone ap pointed to trie manp men s to mafte He fenotom* l£oto fo etfer tbe matter be let tos noty benne our felfea to tbts minoe * purpofc fetng goo bp bfe toon&erful ana infinite mercp bat!) gatberea ts borne into bis famtlf e from tbat miferable loa aerpng, tbat toe beftoto al our triltgenee tpon purr nes of life innocence ana bo? ipnes , afcbozrpng from all polutfoti of tbe too: toe Vubtcb mape fpot 02 blemti^e tbe p:cfea v ion of an bolp f cb:ttten Ipfe, tbat after toe baue enoeu tbecourfeof tbts life , tbe iloj&e Jefuo at tbat great anDglcjtouatmp map admotule&gc t>3 anbaceompte Ijs amongeo tbat compa* tip tbat baue callefc tpon bts nam* purelp ana trulp tottbout ang tmtrutbo?b?pQ' crffie* The fourth Sermon WHEREIN IT IS DECLARED with howe great paines and care the liberty to worfliip God purely in fome chiiftian church oght to be fought , taken forth of this fen te nee off the. 17. Pfalmc. $3 V iicatt I) atl) fapoc of tyee, feeke pe mj face.Cljp face topll 3 fedu £> Ho*oe. j^fee as men catte tbem* felues into fto^rfble con* fuCon , toben tfte^ loufc tbe biftile to tbefr con* cuptfeence ano lufts run "s^^^ npng at rpot tobptber tbep luff, euen fo ts ft a rare f nroft btgb tDffuom to fearcb fo?tb tbe eommaunoe ments of goto ano to embrace ana foloto tbem imtb the tubole heart $ OfUgence. «berof foe baue in this place an errei< ienteraplemoftfootfbp to be folotueo* ^oiSDautb foas not frenoj bopoe alto* getter of tbofe perturbations of tbe mtaoe foberebp toe are foje enttceo an* tut uen tbe contrary foaptbut be fcoutles toas ntoweo fottb futb tentattons tubers _^ ^ r The fourth Sermon, • bvlftS fjnrifc ropg&te foatiDet-anD go aSrapfrorndBoD. $>otoe be it to fpriDe a remeatip a* gawftal fuct> orxaftons,toUcrbi? luc fall itomtftyefearc of dJoD antrtrtie jjoltncs;, g to iicape t%0fi!Pc : tDa^ e,6eti0tft cnli re garde tbat tyljtcl) dDeDbotl) Declare fcnto !)£% tljat Dotlibe meDitate anD ponDec tit lyis nmtD. 3no tfr Declare tins pjecepte « admonition in : fctu - 1»oiDcsr^ob Dotlj iftne.altfttfattljfnl anD crba2tet.fc.nr.t0 feefcc W fare . tfnoVot Dauto tmtnelFeri* tfoat bebatb foapiicD all to Dtlpgcnce in obfermng ar£b Iscaptng tins coirouiDe went, t&at there ss a gooDlp barmonp co (tnt i agreement bcttutrt goD that ttnte fpcaketlj anD c ommanDeib: &efcei?e my fare, anD l)tm tfjat anftucrctbfo,my too 3 fopll fcefte tliee, t5ntbeare tmitfcffoc coijftDcr ? lul)erfo;eeoDputtetl) t\)is na* me faecsrprefffcDlp. jfo? if be b^b no face but as tt foere a ft'etoe anD fljaDofo of a face toljcrcm be foouioc fbctoebpmfelfe tmtoi)3 , In* fljonlDc Dpfceatittj^cfcm* maturing fcs , to fcclte tbat tnbprb coloe not be fonnDc no: pcrceaucD m bim.^et am J not jgnojant that tbtrcbemanp fejpcb luolDc fljetuetbe ? fyarpencaof tbeic OF Maimer ihon CalmW fbefr taf ttes in tbte place , fatpngtbat tbistano mo;e tben tf ttljau bene fim* pip fpofcen*g>efeeme* $otfoitbffanDui!j tbofe that bane bene Diligently erercifeo tn tbe bolp ftriptures ftall eatflp pet* teaue tbat <£od tuouloe note fojtbe anD Declare a certain maner anD o^Der <, tubi* c6 be altuae^ tofetbto fyetue anD offer btmfclfe bnto men moll familiarly 0nD certainly to name tbe fanrtuarp anD tbe arfee of tbe couenante tbe face of £D2T> fobo f n bis ^ature anD ^aieffp is 3!mom^ p:ebenltble finDetb cerfapne meanes ttteete fo; tb* OTeafcnes anD rubencs of men foberebp be ma? b;tnge tbem tinto SDbefcwlDein DeDcDotb matte to it felfe altuaes falfeanD fcapne 3mage£ eounterfaitingtbe face of (25 £> 3D W* rnptli? anD fonDlp* i^oUbefe tbat toe inuentbpoarc toyttts are none otber but falfe ana Deceauable foifers toberebp €>£>3).:is pbantafpcDo:tofpeafee mo^e plspnely fjatSDoejuDge oftbat fiipcrfticiori ftAu to&cn The fourth Sermon. toben mm Do faigne to tbemfelues anp fojmc o: tmagctbat tbep map fraue goo trifible tbei Do nothing but maftc i too:* fbip an 3Dole. But tobe goo bp bid gooD topll atiD pleafure Dotbe rep;:efent bpm* felfe tonto bd anD giuctb bd fucb tofmed anDfpgned toberbp be map beknofoent of fcs , tben rereametb be as it tuere aeertaine facetobcrin be map be fcno* toemMbcrinbeaDmoniffjetb anD com* tnanoctb bd , p etierp oneofbd (bouloe torne our epes to tbat countenance ano tbat toe tyotilQ bebolo it 16 great beetle, care ana Diligence . f*i tbis certanlp id ourfelicttie tubcruS toe muff once be fa* tiate anD filleD aboun&antlp , $ toe map baue tbe fruition of tbe ixgbt anD face of les fef ng rfmff toas tber rcuealeo, tobat otber tbing can toe fap then tbat Iptbe boleojDcrSn&ttiite inthcifym* cbc bp bpm , ootbe iljetoc tbe fame Ggbtbnto&s. lutff* £fjer* Trie fourth Sermon ffiberfoje let tbe pjoua daggers of t bte foo:loe moefte tbis o?oer $ contemplacio of goo afmucl) as tbei foil:pet feing tbat goo oealctb fo louinglp ano gentlp tuttft tos, tbat be Ooetb fubmit bim felf bp tbis meaner bnto fos, letnottsbeafljamto to renoer tbps honour to bis foojo f fa* traments^ tbat tue bebolo ano fe bim in tiie m as it lucre in tbe face* j£ot tbat foe are reteineo ano boloen m tbe elements oftbisfoo:lDfubietfto corruption it?fec tbe papiftes 3 fobo abufetb tbefe figncs fuperftictouap to poolatrie , fobicb CFoo batb geuenfotto bs tbat foe fboul&ebe bjogbt bp tbem tmto jefus Cbriff. H5ut if foe foil bereafter baue tbe fruition f ul ip f perfitelp of tbat moffe comfortable p defence of goo fo incb is moft to be oefi* reo, foe muftc mm by tbis bumble ano lofoe foap ano maner come bnto bpnn ^ofoebe it tbis tbatg fape is not fo ffrattlp to be tmoerffanoe as tbougb tbe faptbfull fcpo neuer approcbe o? come neare tmto<25oo faue tben^ fobentbep come into tbe temple • j^ojtbis opinion reffpngeano ftpefcpug toanp certapnc place foere a fuperftition ouer folifte. y5ut tbus 3 oo mcane, tbat foe map not fet Of Miiftei- Iolin Calufne. (ttacramente# lnbercof J fpeafce ant! of all tbe o jdc t cf the Cburcbe , tfrcp Diftepgne to tec
aluacton , ana tbat b£ mape b:png fcs tonto tbe trcfoe am* jerftte feitcttte from tbe fobpebe luc OkAiiu arc Tne fourth Sermon arefofarre afoaj? b^ nature* But tbte muffe toe alfo marfee and ronfiDcr that goooothprtefteantJinouetosbpalttTea* nes, totafeebe&etbattoe fall not into mift tit. fitft of al toe baue epes fo toan bertng s toanton , that it femetb a fcerp miferable cafe. j*oj ! al this cur life tber i* nothing but y Canities of tin's to o:iD tobtcb Do fcepe all our fenfes occupies, t featan liatft infinite oelufions ana tbofe moft eraftp, toberbp be c ontinuallf oo* f th circumucnt ana beg^lc fcs. 0ltbogh al bis; gyle* ano fcifccafs are none other tbing,but certain folith infers $ fbetoes trfflpngano counterfaite pageants ano fugling* of game plaiers ♦ Wut erpert* enee both teach plainly botoe foltfl^e toe are,hotoe mad ana oeltitute of all fenfe fepng that toe fitifer our felues fo eaflp ano fo often tpmes to be oeluoeb ana De eeiueth OTberfoje pf toe tocr toife $ toel tfcuifeo this topee CboulD founoc contt> nuallp in our eare**g>efce mp fare* flno tobat fefeee toe * She mo:e careful! ana Of liget that goD is in pjoeurpng our fal u arion, toe are the mo :c carries f flotoe In folotopng after it . 3n& tooulo to go& toe lucre not like kicking ana rctty bo v fc* Of Maiftcr Iohn Caluin. fes moje reaop to go bacfefoaroe tbett fo:toaro* $ot tottbftanoing tbte eraple te not fct fonb bnto fca t bain* .f o? tbte reuercnt anftnere ano pjoteftattott of SDauto that be mo meottatetbte ooctrtne in Ins beart,loberbp be ano al tfte fattb full are aomontfteo to fefce tbe fare of goo ootl) oeciare tnto bs to tabat thing toe ought to applpe our ftn&t? ano otli* gence,tbat goo calling bsbntobtmiofe bis labour altogether bpon to . 0no in this boctrine there be ttoo points ntcft liwtbp to be martteo ♦ SDbe ftrH fe that fo foone as comanoements of goo of this ft.b, imnoe, The fourtH Sermon tttiD,tliog?) £ ntoff part lotl faf affertbte fojt f ttfe £ Itfee anfiuer trult tt te our Du tyrfoe ogbt not no? ca not fpeafe againft ft.HBut tbatfoberunto tbet agre to tbetr moutbe*MS far atoaf fr5 entrf g f percfg Into tbetr mtnDs, Cberfoje let bs learn ftereby to lap $ beginning of our rcltgto tftat toe Do anftoere bnto goo truly $ tilt fetnDly $ toe Do fully imDertfaD t felebte moft cjrcellet benefit toben be c allctb bs fo mercifully to bebolD bte face ♦ W&fyzn tbtefenfet felfgbatb tbus toucbeDtbe ftart I prepared it*, it ca not be but i tbe otber part of reltgto f Duty ityal ffratgbt luafcs foloto,tobteb te , a potoer to per< fozme^y^WrttMeDobnotDto be moll f uttly comanoeD of goD ? to belog to our ftnguler eomoDt tie ♦ 5*0? SDautD baD no colD no:DeaD meDltatto lt>out any moci on 02 appltcatto of j> tobole life to be hz* ffofoeD r £fcfetngf bebolDtgtoff>facecf goD^ut fo fone as be batb Determine* i> be ogbt to fefee goD be gotb fojtoaro Id tbte p:oteffatto $ be toil pjofe cut tbtsDe fire of bis bartrf al Dthgcee.toberin tbei muff neDes be mucb atljameD tobicb p?o feirctbefeluegcbztfttas f netber baue$ Delire of bart no; gooD mocto>netber yet apply Of Maifter ilion Caluine applp no? erercifc tbefelues in $ Dtttp pf life fobicb uepeDetft tberefcpo* 15ut fomc lutl fat tfeti8,£ it is not laluful foj tftr to fo:fafc tftetr contrie toberut tbet ar boan: altbogb tbetbetieftttutcof (rfo&cof itfe f notbtg be fene tber but an tjo;ribic &e* folatiS tobcrebp £ bole o:Dcr of $ cburcft is Dcfowiea o: ratber aeftroied^bi fo^ left tijot bzeafc tbctr allegiance tbci fay $ tabid) tbei do oto to tbeir natural % ctuii gouerno2„3j tail anftucr to f bis tbeir rp tttfe t fefoUwD*:3l no affc of tbe tbis tbig enlp if tbei foer t fucb penury $ tuat of It uing i tbet bafc notbtg at borne to eate $ mitt tnolD ant fucb aout fiat tbe tn tbofc placesrtber is no ma truij? tobicb foolcc not afk parao to fojfafcc bts centre*? £ be ffarue not fo: btigre* 31 luti alfo put tbis cafe tabic!} is of no necefirttjnif tbcrftula be offrea bnto tbe tn a ftrage cotrei tyre times fo mucb ricbes as tbet baue I tbeir ctumtber fl)u!D notbig ftai tbe fro f> to^ ncv v tbet migbt attain fucb poCTeinos. WXbat nene tbet tben to bzf g fucb clofes t coloured ercufes fetng£ it is ruifcent % plain tbat tbeir talfcc is far atua?e from tbattberoofeele in tbctr olimc confer encc ♦ mc treate not tbts matter tbat tbep The fourck Sermon f bep map be lettea \i nothing but $ tbe* mape p:ap bolilp purclp i p^ofitablp fo % tbis prince i all bis fubiettcs. jftoto fucb a Hojnap plainclp taken to fucb a place ca be no mo;e crtmmnal tbe otbera fcbi* cb are taken fo: § comooities f appo:tu* nitte of tbte pjefent life , lobtcb no man ta blame t anp poinMBut let bs fartber fetf tbts neeefTttte bo fufficienflp ercufe tbem»li5ebolo it is tbe loj&s fobicb com* tna&etb l faitb&eeke pott mp face, 2Ebe cf ullemageftrates nolo fall fro goo i tie time atoap moftfarre t oo copcll otbers to tbe fame Defection f rebellions at $ leatteboebepjpue tbemiferablc fouler of tbetr bailp fobe ana rapfc bp tbe tnue tfonsoffuperifteioua Jbolatries in tbe ffeaooftbefaee of(0ob*Sa ft rtgbte in this point to pjeferre mo;tall men top lining anu tmmo :tal <0oD. 3f Ctob muft be obepc&.tbcr ogbt ratber to trauail in to all p coaftes of tbe iro:!& to feeke hist face.fober be ootb fbeto ittbe to Ipe lur> king f ppntng in tber netlea fobafoeuer tben p pjinees comanb oj enterpjife an! tbig pjeinbtciall bnto btm $ batb f cfttcf autbo:itfe f pofoer oner tbe f bpo eue> rp one of tbe tber te no iniurp bone bnto tb*m Of Maiftcr Ikon Calumet tbe fbogb me do not obep tbe • 0ltbogb r befpoes $ tobicb 3 baue note fpofte,fucfr me 00 fuff eeientlp Declare , f tbet neuec baue contiDereono; ponoerreo tobatia tbcr ftate t eooition,bofo miferable anD filtbp 16 $ captiuitte toberin tbep are re* teineo f oppzeflTeo* gDnlestbeirrofcieee tuere altogether bjogbt a fleepe,it foere not polTiblc but )5 tbep fyonio be in con* iinual angrilb 1 grfef of minbe as great as if tfictr boop lucre in patne f torment. j*o ; iubat iibertie baue tbep to bonouc <0on in tbeirfamplpea $ boufes bp anjj means^a* foj an erample,3f anp of tbe banc a cbtlo be:ne 3 bis oeutp is to oflfre bim to d5oo tii p:aper t tbankesgeuing, ano to require,^ bts boot map be fpgneD 506 baptifnte tobicb is p fpgne of faluacto fl o to toe tro fenoU) $ bapttfme is fo co:* nipt t £ paptffri f fo oefUeotf fucb fupec ffion 1 pollution , tbat tbe cbtlb can not receiue it, butj> be is ffreigbtfoats pol* luteb f oefileo. ^0 $ p fatber fa not bap* ti*e p infant \pout fpn. 2Ino if be abfteiti fte fpnnctb iifceioife,altbogbe it tuere in notbfgelspetin tbispoint^be giuetb offence bnto me omitting f neglecting t facramet tobicb y fon of goo batb inlli tm The fourth Sermon tutt. 3?h fofiat perplentte tfcen ttafnfcetft fits mtttDc^ § matter ca itett bcr be Done no: tonaone but $go& mutt mod greuouf ip be offeitoeDfJ bo not reljearfe tbeir o< tber fncomemtieg $ miferies,fo2 tbte on Ip example is mojetbe fuff icient to De* tiare tbeir mffcrable ffate ana coDitton. $oiu tirfjan a man batb htnein tbis mi? ferabfe perplerttte^all ftts Itfe longetm* tertatfefobetbertoturne btmfeife, pet at # aeatbe mutt be lofee foj mott grea/ uous afTaltes $ tentattotts^foj tftf u cer* tatnlp fata tuti beape f ogetter al ftps ar tiiiarpe f of tbis mtferafcie capture toas letteD before $ be colfcenot feme got) f&£ $ foUtettufce $ care of bte tutf^ $ fanulte tben at p point of Deatb f)is tfate is nfofE miferable* OTijerfiw tftet iufttc!) uoute tobetber tfret map rtti tbemfeiues fonbe of tbts mireo,:ratber fo:tft of tbis bell£ pttte,fcmDer a certainop^eterac of obebi tmt tmto too;lalp p:ince,ao perucrte at % ojtier of nature*^ o?,tljat fatofullpja^ rr tubicb <25o& allotuetfte tbat toe fb»li& make fo: our pjtnce^te agteable ano W rap cottuentcnt,botft tatbetr autlwttief tobirb be giuetb tbem and alfo to tbe of fice foberfottfrbe batb bounty cbar&ea to Of Maifter ihon Cabinet fog totoaroes tbem. %\)M ^.paulbotbe erbort tmto p?ap era to be baD anD mabe fo: kings i magistrates, # tue map leaa agoDlr quiet f peaceable life iriijoneffp $ tbefcar ofgoD, iButtbtsamplificatio £ fetting fonb ofpobeDiecebnto ertblp pzincesisto far aboue meafure>foban it is iopiteaxc tbe Departing fr5 goD $ $ at ntmifljing of $ bono: * tuojfljip tubidj to Defo to $ beauenlp feing* &bemiferablc Vetoes tnrDebe toer copelleD to remain fo long in $ tannage af Babilon tubiles # time foas fulfilled lobicb foas appointed of got) to fuf£re$ miferabiecaptiuiti:but let tbefeme i talke fo mucb of mas lain ano obeMcnce>iD tobo 3 baue to Do , De* elare£ foe etut&tan* are bofono fo far bp ItfceobeDience, £o"f our ofon aerobe foe mud;D(5p.:itteoin , felfesQftl)ofefpiritual beitefites -fobtcb gas geuct^ mod liberal lp to bisxfiilorem Cftep Do feele a great tteceinte lubereiiij tbepare fooie pirCTeb,; f tbeiare«greatlp entieea bp tbeir qfom* tnftrmtterbnt goD flfctpstb tfct § remeD£ fojtbefe fo great ettvte* $UbaMs § caufc tbat tfreiDefpieetbefeio great bclpes f benifitesf o: § obeoiencc $ ferutcc of tb£ $ tafccjtljcic feeao fo^tbe of tljcir banDs? The fourth Sermon Ebecattfefs greater of a man fotuarne Ins foife o: of tbe tutfe tofoaroe tbe buf> fcanfce ♦ f o; feing that goD batb iopneD tbe togetber into one fleff>,£ oneca not Do foell in ani» cafe to fo:fafce tbeotbec fcnaer a certain colour to fefee gob ♦ $ot only tbat tbei map not Depart far a fun* Der to let tbe Dutpe bettuirt man i fotfe but tbat eueri one ogbt ratber bv al mea nes ano tuitb all Diligence to labo? tbat fee map D?afo anD feeing tbe feloto $ com panionoftbatbolplpfeto tbe foo;fljip of got?* Cbis tben i& tbe Dutpe $ tbe one otuetb to tbe otber, tbat tbe bufbaD mat Declare bnto tbe toife , ftoto miferable f tmbappp tftei are^beeaufe tbet tuant tfte bolp company f felofofyip of p faitbfull beeaufe tbei are Deftitute of tbe facrame its ana fcrmons(fobtcb are mod: fure fiv gnes , pledges $ teftimonies $ be fullp aflTureD tuberbp toe map fenoiu tbat goo Dfoelletbamogstos) again bemuffe er* bo:t ber tf tye Do not oifpaire no: Diftrutf but truft in goDs mercies. 0no if be can not pcrfuaDe ber no: tuin ber fo fone ad be foolDe,let bim neuer be foetp tobiles be baue gotte bis purpofe. aintf alrbogft bis toife bo refill bis purport molt ear* nettlg OF Maimer lEorTCahiine. nelllp.neucrtbeles let not tbe man ceafe fpeciailp becaufe be fcnofoet b tbeir ruoe anD tueafee nature, but f f tbis oration ano aomonicion lucre fo altoge tber fireo In all mens beartes tbat all men foouloe come at tbe lead to fome cb^iffian cburcb fobere tbep mpgbt fcpe quietly ana peaceably tbere fooul&ebe none iubicb fooulo not cafelp and quick JUif, Ipe The fyrfte Sermon. Ipc gather top their burow ano prepare them fclues»li5ut fobat oo foe fehe^ Cue rp man topi Ipue , ana that foitb all cafe ahb pleafure , euerp man in that ftpnoe of pleafure ano Utile tubercfoitb be is Icd ano o:atoen, 2Dbis is caufe tobcrfo^e the church of goo fo much is contcmneo ano rctetfeo to oap.^ea ano there ar ma np tutttte ano fubteil to inutnt anofet before their epes fuch lettrs and bpi\pe' ranees as map bjing tbem from tbarttu Up of $oMmcs that toas in SDanio. £8o:?oucr tbei bring this in, fobat (hall foe profit fap tbep, tf tue Do chaunge pla res/ Whether foeuer tue go tue thai fino the too jioe no leflTc then in our r ountric. Sbereis at this fimeafoonoerfullw ruption ofmaners ano of al things. 311 things ar full of offences tetatlons ano fuch corruptions toberebp mtn$ mmoa mar cafelp fal from the true fear of goo tofloueoftbefoojloe- 3 cofcflTe in Deoe that all thinges are as tbep both tbinfcc ano fpeafce . H5ut if their botp foereitt oaunger i thep foere aomoniibeo fobere thep might finoe both learneo ano mete phpficions ano alfo pjopje f bealtbefiill remeoies f other helpes either to reftore 0} Of Mutter Iohn Caluine. 02 pjeferut tbeir bealtbe tbcn , % fape, tbep fooul&e not fap that tbei eareD not fo: it o: fette tygbt bp it bccaufe tbat in all places Dpfeafes map come bntp mem ffgraunt tbat in fobat place foeuer foe e foe fljallfinoe infinite occafions to tm euelle,co:ruptions, ant) tntifemets of $ foo:loe but tber is; great Difference tube tber foe baue ap&s i belpes foberc foitft foe mape otber be feeptein office oleics hauing erreo from our office mare be re ftojeoo: fobetber toe fee altogetber u* pjiuefc of tbentlet it be agreo tbat tmes nofoeboereigne anoareoflpfee fojecin tbe foortoe fo tbat bp tber poifon tbe ate is infecteD no lelTe tbe tottb a peftilencer are foe not in better contrition tbe otber f n £ foe baue fucb rcmebics as aregcuen cfcpofc to bis cbilD^en,fobere\» foe map stberajiueafoape fromfcs greuousbe* feafes nofo coming ana affauttng o? els purge ano put tbem afoaye being nofoe p*efente. j^urtber mo it 3 tbinfee £ botb tbe Doctrine of tit gofpcll foben it is purely pjeacbeb ana alfo tbe facramr nts foben tbeir lafofull trfe is kepte ano alfc common platers ana otber meanes be* (fc&es,are aifoaesfcerp neceltarp to H^e iLAiit fcs Thefyrfte Sermoa I* bp and to admontflje Us tint tot be not infected toitb tbe corruptions and tent ations oftbe toojloe as tt tocretuitb tertaine poifcns. jSctu ail men so fenolu tbat tbere is none of all tbefe fo great f fo bolfome remedies and benefits in tbe papiftrp but cotrarplm'e all tuiefeednes and ertreme Danger of l&(Te of life ano fal uation*»berfiw let bs tafee beau tbat foe oo not refufe tbe belp, tbat goo moff mereifullp offered in tbis great neccflTt tie toberin tueffano f neao of great belp tofoard our falnation* pet tber be fome tbat bomet fojtb nto;e euioentli? tbe fyl tbe ano DifTeafe of tbeir ft omafee ♦ tubat my tbet,ff)al tot go to tbat cbu:cb fober in foitb our great grife tot tyal fee tbofe ntatlons ano offences >tobicb nolo being bnknoiu i bnto ts,oo not offeno our eies and mpnoesj'if tbere tuere focbe regimet ano ojoer of £ cburcb tbo fe places tuber tbe gofpell is pjeacbed tabid) tuere to be required fojour edification, if toe foere fure to finoe none tber but angels fobicb migbtleaoebs into paradffetoe tuoloe runne tbitber tuitb all bafte $ diligence* 35uttuben toe (ball ccmetbptber* toe fijall beare man? tbtngs tbat (ball fooje offended Of Mjiftcr Iolin Caluiae. •ifenu bs,affl> fee manp mo tbcn tuere tie cefTarpt&bertopil bemanpmcnpjone to al matter of tutefcemtes t fmpuiscncte* tubteboo oiffame $ fblanDtr tbcgofpcll by tftetr Dtfolute Ipfe , Canities j pompe pjtoe ana bionfeenes to^iiae mojc comon tbentDereronuement:9£o2eouer tabid* t'0 mofte greuous ano intolerable of all, man? fliail fljefo tbemfelues tbere fo fctt rulp f outrageous contemners of geD,# mo:e totcbeones Qail appeare tn tbcte Ipues tben emongs tbepaptffs , fojtber ittoze emongs tbe magtffrates ana tbem tbatfl&oulo txtmtt iuogement tftertutl be fouttD as much r o :r u p ttoit * t)iTo :tcr, tmrigbtoufnes as t other places- 0no al fo in tbe $ are apotntco to pjeaeb $ gof- pel many tblngs fljal appear tufticb ffjal feme footfbi? of rep;ocbe f rebufte ♦ j*oj fome of tbe totlbe neglent in y mtniftrp, 62 fo occupies f tbetr pnuat * aomcftteal buftnes,i5 tbe fioelttte,mitgece l ftneert* tv$ tbei fljulo fefofoub ffjal not be mud) regaroeD of tbe* $n* tnbicb ts tbe towtt of al,amogtbts kino of me, tber be fom fo geuen to pleafures «, f tbty are p:one to al luftes off fiefy i belli? cbere f care f 02 notb tna els but to Hue at eafe a tin ta i,.iiiu pampct The fourth Sermon pamper tbe fleffie, and that tftef map trtie tftts at moze iibertte , tbep iopne tbefel » yes 16 foiekeD me f baut tbeir eopanp in all mifebief f bi lanp, Well, let bs grant fo $ there tie; ten times mo;e eutll tbere, tben tber is in DeDe,o; tben men Do pba* tafytpet mttlt tbte ercufe be bain altoaia )buto the fobicb mafee tbem lets f impe* Diments bnto tbem f tbei CbelD not com to tbe cfeurcl) of goD ♦ 0nD that toe mape p:oue this matter,let bs mark the eiram pie of SDiuhd # foe baue in bano 16 mo:e Depe coGDcratton $ Diligence. Was tber fueb iuftice i integritie obferucu in tb& uaies of &aull,3l befeeb i?ou,in f iubge* tnent s otber offices , as tbe ftate of tbe tommonforltb % tbeDignitie of $ cburcft required/ $ap cotrarifoife toe do bear £ great copl'aints fobicb DauiD maketb of* tttimt^ off malice off frauDs t Deceits off fearcenes $ £ p^iae botb of § king $ of otbers $ foer i auto;itie,f iuagemet f in cimoti offices. 0nDfo* tbe pjieffs and 2leuites,DiD tbei f office of tbe pjfettboD % minifferp of belptbings fo purely anD goDlp $ tbti baD iuft caufe to retopfe fo: tbefelues f tbe cbnrcb i £D;> map toe not ratber gatber, $ tbe mott part of tbe did foloto Of Maiftei Ilion Caluine folotu § comon tiees $ corrupt ios pea # &p tbeir fiatteq? foftreD $ nourtfljea toft* feetmes^no as touebtng $ people $ com tjton multitude tbet tuer ful of Inpocnfie f mamfolo fins f crimes motf mamfcff* l?etFojall$S>auto Dotbnot tberfojcab fiozre $ aftembl^netber refufetb to com f cntre into tbe eburrb netberpet quert ftetb no: DtmtntOjetl) fits oefire $ be baa to fe it. 3t is a ben? greiuous f fo:e ten* f ation 3 no grant* f o; $ nto *e eawetllp tbat a ma i$ moueD to tbe jele $ aefire of ibe bono; of goo $ moje great raufebatb be to fo:otu $ mojne fobe in $ polutio of his ebttrcb be uotb fe bint moff greatlp to be m(fjoHo:ca: but y meanes to ouercom all tbefe incomoMttes t impediments ts fceelarea by £>auiMo Intt, v toe fefee tbe face of f lozo f tbat toe fet al ourpleafuc ana felicitie of lifefullp contented in tbe figbt f beboltJtng tberoM £ againft al $ grcues $ fata ootb raifeagatnff fcs foe ht termine f cocluuef notbtgtsmo:eplea fant no; selectable tben to Dtecl in $ tern pie of got) fober bis facemai befene:tbu* ffjal toe remeb:e as oft as fucb offecs ar pffreo tmto fos p fata labo:ctb afterbis ti (ml manerto&ajel our eiess to troblefcs Tlie fyrfte Scrmoa SBntberefn let tos be tuife f conffant , f toe be ncuer ojafocn afomv from tberS*. temylation tberof,but tbat tue take our : bole aito full pleafure of tbe motte com* rotable bebol&png of tbe fame. SEbe mi ferablep&olaters ogbt to maftebs afta> tnea* foiif anpoftbem after be baus ronfumeo botbe bis botip in gopng a fo* lift pilgrimage, toben be eommetb bnto tbat place fobttber be purpofeMo finoe an boffe lubicb botb affec moncp of brat autofallreafon , D:tcrletsanDtrucll fmaucs lubicb fcotb bim tninrie,o: eoue* tous viizfta tbat beguile bpm,anD to bz fbojtfinoenotbpngtbcrebut eonfufion an?) mfojber, set are tbere no eupls no* Difcomom'ties fo great, tbat can cbangc bis purpofe from tbts religion 01 ratber fuperftieion once bcgonne* j*o: be topll Tap tbat be is come tbitber fo? tbat caufe tbat be mape loojfljpp tbe bob? of foms feleflTea ^aintte , o: fome Jmage of oure 31 asp as tbcg terme ber , o ; fome maner ofrcliques* 3nn fljall in berpe beoe tbe onlp fpgbt of fome carfeas, oj tile joole, bauemo?e fojce to caufe tbe mifcreants tbat bane m faitb » to continue Qbftfnateintbcpj fuper* Of Maiftei Ilion Caluine fuperfftttoms,tben tfte face ano p:efence of goo bfmfelfe to eonftrme bs ana bjing to* fuel) conffancte ass i* necelfarpe to fo* lofo after ana attatne fo great gooones/ 3f foe Do fetftte oj tbat tabid) mat? £ricf o,: trouble our ratmaes €>bo ralletbbs agapne bnto bpm ano toplletft bs tn tbe bebolopngano lofepngbpon bis face to reeepuetbat comfo;t ano pleafuretbat toe map beare pactentlp otber of fcommo ottteg. OTberefoje let tftts be tbe tyylu ano refuge to all goaty ano fattbful men tbat tbep cleaue conttnuallp lofepngbp* on the face ano countenance of goo btm* felfe,botoe fo euer &atan labour f pjae* ttfe to carp tbem afoap*0no furelp tf lot can berelp ano as toeougbt effemetbt face of goo,tue fyal neuer accompte anp fjurt o: oamage in tbe lolTe of otber tbm ges tobat foeuer toe fuffer . % bougb to fap f be trutb^tbe greateff part of tbem 1$ not fo much btnoereo bp Doubtfulnej* of mtnoe as bp tbe leant ano otfeommo* Ottfeoftbofe tbpnges tbat pertapneto tbe boope : not but tbat tbe cbpl&jen of <25oo baue great ano focie battatls in tbeirronfcfencc teben tbep fpnbetbefe offencs toberof toe baue fpofcen tn tbofo cbwrcbes The fourth Scrmoa tbttrcbea tbat ar called reformed. Wber foje tbet tbat are determined to go bnto fuel) places tuber tbe gofpell t* p jeaebco mutt be aomonilbed befoj of manp f gre nous offences * mud prepare tbefelues to fuffer f ouercome tbem: and ttjet tbat banc alreadp tailed f pzouco tbofe dtfc6> modifies $ impediments ogbtto cofirros tbcmfelues moft of alUtbat in oefpptc of £>atan tbet mat fefee tbe face of god moft conftantIp,23ut If al tbings l^albr tried n confiocred artgbt tbere ftalbe nothing found but berp dittrutf $ bnbeliefe tobi* tb btnderetb tbe multitude and greatett part of mem and as men arc berp toitty to finde out ercufes,tbe ricbe men baue tbepjs ofoncfoste, andtbepooieb^ing tbepjs alfo* l^ofo can it be faptb f> rpebe man tbat 3! tbonlo leaue al tbat 3 baue* febuld 3 tbus fpoile mp felf of all mp ri* tbe* $ poUcfftcns -: 3 baue a inifc $ cbtl ' d :cn toe baue accuttomed to Hut at eafe foptboutanptrauaple. WiHt (ball foe do in a ff range eountrep fobere foe fqall baue no rentes no? re* utntfnt* i liBut tbe poose alledgetb of tbe contrarpe : 3 baue in dede berp Iptle but 3! am amonges mp frenbs bp fobofe liberty Of Miifter iKon Caluine. liberalise mp pouertps an3 mttttittz is rcheueb* $©P labour is fo foell imotuen anb caw not be toanteb tbat 3 can beare Ipue of mp labour. Wbatfijalig&oamonges ftraungc ana bnfenotuen men, baupnge neptber i^alfepcnp no? j* artbpng,affl> fyall be bolpen bp tbe acquafntauncc, frenafljpppe, fauouro?reltefeof none^ #no ft map be in bcbe tbat fucbe ereufe* mape be partlp tretoe: 3nb to reafon no mo:e aboute tbe matter tbat it is a tbpnge&erpegcieuoua ana tmpleafant notonelpto leauetbe eountreptebere* in tbou tuafte bojne , but alfo tbat place luberefnbplonge ana familiar conuer? fattou tbere femetb, to be notoe gotten aeertapneaifpofittonofnature, HBut all tbefe pet imagine, botoe tbep mape fette befo:e tbep? epea tbofe ivm> peaimcntes tuberebp tbep mape lloppe tbe tuape tuberebp tbep (Ijoulae come tonto d5 3D 2D , tbat is to fape: SCtjougb tbep bo not fpnae tbe matters fo barae ana intricate ad tljep make tbem : j^et topll tbep couer tijcrn felues glaalp luptb tobat eloftcs tbep can ♦ ana foben tbep &aue potojeb f ojtb tbcfe greucus % mifera* The fyrftc Serrasn tntferable comptefnts tbep tbfnftg tftep baue flopped <£>ods moutb , ano tbat be &otb tbem great tmurp tf be ftpll cbarge tbem as tbogb betoolde compell tbem to tbofetbings tobicb tuere notpcflTtble tobeoom* SDrulpgbauenotbingtoan ffoerto tbefetbtngsbut tbat tubtcb is turttten tn tbe pfalme* Irrrittf. tbat is $ tbe fattbfull pairing by tbe halites ano &rpe foil&ernes tbat tuant all ftmtertml tngge tbemfelues ptt0 ano citterns, ana gtbinfectbisfufficfentto oticrrometbc tbat tupll not refitt <0od of obffinate ma lice, Wberfoje tbep tbat fee tbemfelucs fo befett toptb fo great oifcommotuties t Dangers tbat tbep can fee no foai? no? patbe to go bUmutt rememb^e tbat eitett tbe ueferte places, tuberefn tbere tie; no Dzoppe of foater to be gotten ogbt not to let tbelr ioanap. ana tbat toe map tm&er ffano tbis fentece mo;e feitfiblp $ plaine ip, toe muff marft* tbat <0oos purpofe is to be fogbt of bis cbtln:en,not bp tbe gre en meootues tbat map oeltte tbem foitlj tartetfe of ftoetefloto?e0,nettber bp tbe ffoete arb:cs ano pleafant Canoes : but bproagbeanDfffepetoapesbpbtls and fcafle* by ditches f fand pittes,bj? batren contreptf OtMaifter IfcW Cafulfli. rontrepa ana teaffe Xmlo ernes : ami all tbte is do one fo: that purpofe tfjat tbetr fattb map be ererrtfeb and tbattbeir fee uentjele ana oefp:eto come bntobpm mapebepiooueo anbtrpoe.OTberefo;* tbougb foe can not tome bnto dDob, but $ foe mull paflTe bp fome foplberne* anD foaff e ano foploe tiefert bp tbe tuap , let bs ftnofo tbat tbf <* not tbe firff tpme tbatcPoD dealetbfo foptbbps fatthfull and let b$ prepare our mpnocs ano f ullp betermie to folo fo tbem fobo baue gone a longe tpme before bs, iScftoes tbefe botbe tbe touncel of gob ano tbe notable eraple of tbe godlp tbat ogbt to be folofoeb, tbere ougbt to be in tbe cbf lozen of <0od fueb a jeale and fer* ttent mftt&Mbat notbpng bo djafo tbem afoap fro p rtgbt fcMntbipping f ferutnff of bim. Sfrbefobteb pet is fenetnberpe fefo nolo a oapsrall are almoft fo delteat ano btintyt , tbat it tbere be but a mots in tbe foap it map bolD tbe ftil tbat tbe* topi not go fo:foatde> Wtttan go no fur tber fap tbep,OTbp fo^Beeaufe tbet foil take no pam to fojaftle out of a If tie tm Sediment Herelp tbe defter of tbe mtnde 1 tiers t^bU tbat u focafcenes ano ouer cents Tfic fourth Sermon com \& fo fmal maters* f oj foe ogbf not onlp not to be DifcouragcD ana as tt foer ftanDtng in a ff ap ana bncertaine fo? tbe boutfulnes of tbe foap fo to pcnflie , but foe ogbt to be armeb agaf nil all flapea % tmpeotments be tbet neuer fo great oj manp»Co attetne hereunto foe mull al* foaes fteape tbte leffon in remembrance tbat (HJobknofole&gctb none fo: bte cbtl b;>en,huttbofetbatfeefte btm bp&rpef baren places,! btgge tbem cedents fobec not one b:oppe of foater apearetb*15p § fobtcb foo?aes to ment anb figntfie* tm* tobstbatno iaboj ojgriefogbttobefo great,fobtcbfoe ogbt not to bnacrtafee ana to fuffer tbat foe map baue tbe fttrf* tio.n of tbe face of dpoa^uft tbere neaes be tbe a place fogbt out,foberm foe map baueltbertfeto foo:ff)ip anafcrue C3ob purelp^fobat paflTage fo etierbe offerea, 02 bofo bara fo euer tbe bopage be , pet notfottbftanbtng tbe t'ournat mull be bn bertafeen anb aecompltffjea* g>ball foe fuffer bunger anb tbtrft bv tbe foap^ ^tt inat foe not fatnt in co?age in fucb foant anb neceflTttfe , but mofle cbearfullp go fojfoarae*lBat let no man loke tofoaras me^ana fpnae cauillations, astbogbS bpo Of Maimer Jhon Caluine. 3 D^ti fpeafte of tbte matter f n mi? great qufetnea fealfng no grief mp felf* #03 ft is tbe bolp god tbat teacbetb bstbat foe ogbt rather to oelue ano of g f ti tbe eartb tben to oeclf ne 03 tourne afoape fro tb£* fcopage tofoaroes tfte cburcb of goo that tsmoftgoolpcnterpjffeo ano begonne* $ofo If tftet that ofoell in farre contrfe* ano bp foozlolp f uogement are ejrcluoeo from all tbefe meanes foberbp tbep ntap come to tb at place tobere tbe (0ofpell f p:eacbeo,baue none ercufe, tobat mutle tbep lofte fo^ fobo baue tbe gofpel fofth in tbefr gates $ pet topll not moue one fote fojtoaroe to entrfe f nto tbe cburcbe of goo.-^ermons are p;eacbeo oaflp ano publtftepjapersare maoe alfoanotbep neoe not palTe onlp $ bzeaoetb of a Great t?et lo , euerp one fopll fape tbat be batb fomebufpnes at borne* anotobelbojre ntanp fet tbefr felfcf tfe in tbps popnt pf tbep can foftba^afo tbemfelues ano bolo tbem bacfee altogether fro goo,#o? tbei tbfnftetbemfelues tben to baue gapneo all,ff thef baue gotten fonie Ifgbt f bam creufefoberebp tbepmap flpeafoapfro tbe company of tbe goblp % tbe ff gbte of goo, $ofo becaufe of nature toe 00 fo ab ©♦*♦ fcojre The fourth Sermon, bo:r? god f bat foe foould fle from bpm * be abfent fo far as foer poff tble, pea and tbett tiiouloe feperate our felues tbe fur* , tbeft fr5 bint foben be cometb ntoff near fcnto bs:let bs p:ap tjnto god $ be foolde tonfirme bs (n tbat mpnde $ defp:*e tbat foe map fo long continue ana cberefullp gofo:foardintbcio2nep begonne fobf* les tbat foe mape fpnde tbcre tbe Ipuelp fountapnes of faiuacicn fobere befoze foe cold find notblg but extreme d^ougbt and foant of foaters* 0nd tbougb al tbts Ibiilo foant pet let bs digge citterns and foapt foj ratne from beauen: gf it be not gods pleafure tbat foe lljolD fele bis com fojt fo fone let bs not pet ceafe to go fo^ foaroe fottb ai diligence. 1iBut j am fure tbat tbts tbtug foill feemc berp darfee to maup.liBut fobeme commetb tbte darfce nes and mfftcuitte but tbat it foas neuer mrcifed p;:artifcd noj put in experiences fo : foe mat be taugbt a.^peres anD pet not percepue one ttwde of tbte doctrine, bntpll foe baue learned b^ experience fobat it is to make a iojnct b^ a d?ie and tbpzftpfoape foben foe l^oulcie comefo god ♦ Cberfo^e tbte doctrine ougbt to be berp familiar to al tbe faitbful : to foit # tbei fl^uld prepare $ arme tbefclues dtli* OFMaifter lhon CaJuine." Qitly agafnff al $ tef aeios fobirb fat an fijal cnterp^tfe lip ant means to bjeafc of $ io?nep by § fobicb tbei Quid be b:ogbt to goo. i^o: furelp fobofceuer no bcffofo tbeir fobole oliigence faitbfuliy tit tbps alone to tott , to fefee out goo, altbougb tbei ffirre not out of tfce place f n fobicbe tbep are^et tbep iball fin&e many grei* uous DifriJmomties fobicb migbt turne tbem bacfce ano call tbem to tbe contra? vy parte , tonleflTe tbcp baa tbeir mimrcs liable $ reap to reftihbut tbis is a tbtng to be lamcnteo tbat tbe mod part of tbe as 3 baue fapb,arc foeafeeneb ana ouer* come by tbefe Difficulties tbat are offreD to tbem by tbe foape. Cbei foill conftCTc finrotb tbat tbep ogbt tbus to no. % bty Ibal feme to be reaap ana foell prepared foj y tojncp, but foben tbei fljula go foj* foara f enter tnto § tomet t\)l tbeir bait faiietb tbem , % tbofe $ are foel entrea f tuel fcufoara alfo, often tpmcs fails ana are totterlp qtuc ouer eucnintbemia; loaf. Cbe mo:e tberfrue ogbt tbis leffon to be committee to our memo?p tbat foe ma? aigge ptttes, tbat is, tbat foe mays fe&e ataes anabclpes euen bpa ano ton* fenofoen tonto bs,tbat foe mat? ftptt con* Q&AL tinuallg The fourth Sermon. tf nualfe p:occoe ana go fojtoartuilet ba labour (3 fape ) ana contenfce aboueall mans poUue.3if tbtngs com not to paffe as fee tooutae, pet let to not ceafe to fo* lofoftil}$gooocourfetDberefn godbatb fet to* Jt 13 molte certatne tbat be tftoe cat bpoh bf m f n fattb can tourne tbe &;>p fcul&ernes into fountains ; "But m tbe tneaneceafenttts meete accojbpnge to our Dutte that toe not p&let^no? Ipc ffpll as tbogb toe tuantcotbe fence ana mo* upng of armesana legged* ^eaterelpe <5ob eommaunaetbtotbatteetbuiara tber atg ptttes.llet to tben labo? in tbte blfirarpns fo kmge , turtles foe baue ftnt* fbca our lo:nep begonne ♦ llet to fet be* fo je our epes t-fte mtferable contrition of foumoursf tobfeb cuerp monetb fet fotfb tbelr Ipfe to tbe fale ♦ 3f tbep be In tbe tampe no man is able futftcientl? to er* p:clTe fobat incommoaittes ana miferies tbep fuffer : 3f tbcj? be beficgea in anp place tben tbep enaure pet mocbe mo:e gretuouss tbtngs ♦ 3f atofagebeimaec taken tbat tbep lbo«lne go to an? place, tbep can ncttber be let no? ftapea bp anp tolae qj beate tupnae 0? rapne from tbe lo;ncp appointea ana tbe enterp?tfe bt> goune* Of Maifler Iohn Caluine. gonne. 3nd fome times tbei arc b^ougfcf to fuel) crtrenritte ttiat onlea tbey diggc tbe eartb to gett tuater, tbep banc not a d:oppeoftoaterto ^tnfec* Eberelsno labo;> DtftrtiTe noj mtferp fo greattubtcb tbep fopll not fuffer to attetne to $ fobt^ rt tbep baue purpofed and bndertafeem 0nd pst fobeu tbep baue dooue andfufr fered all fobetber tbep efeape or be.fiatne tbep baue loft alltbte tbeir diligence $ laboj>beeaufe fn tbe fuffering of all tbefe fo great miferies tfeet onlp ferue g>atam SCbefonofdPodbatb cbofenbs tbattue Ojuld figbt bnder bte ftanderd,s tbat Vot fbuldbefaitbfulfoudio:** bntobim and ferue bun dili$etlp ♦ 0nd tue fenoto tobafc retuard of all our labors and dangers be pjomifetb fcnto fcs.^otu mucb moje cou ragf ous tben ogbt tue to be to do our tu* tiebnto bun tbe are tbefe nnferable $ tie fperat me to purfue tber oton aeftructioj' $etber is tbf onli beare treated \> eaerjt nta ftjoloecompte v uombrc of tbcmtfcj f meafur al f fpace fobicb is httMxt U& ftt'g boufe $ tbat place inhere be ma^fre ip frwtbip d3od $ make eonfefHori of bis faftb,f beare tbe pure p?cacbing of $ doe trine of £ gofpel.toe mult pet go fartber #atf t and The fourth Sermon ana finite a loiterer f ojnap to matte, tober in tbe tubole eourfe of oar life mnft fobol Ip be fpcntl^auc tut bauntea $ ebnrcb of €>od one pere ot tnoxtf 3!f tue continue f remaine tue ftal oailp fm&e netue cares* jfoj fomctimes tue ffjallbetufitea tuitb fifencsjomttmes tuttb erftreme poucrtp ana tuant of all tbtngs necelfarp , mo?e* ouer our Uipues ana cbtl&jen ftall tipe, f alfo it mape come to palfe tbat tue baue not that libertie ana freaome to UwQtp US 3D 2D as tue baa at tbe fp^ft • i^inallp tbere is no fetna of trobles o? grief tuber from toe map tbinfee our felites free tbat tue ffjoula not tbertuitb be aiTaileavtuber fo?e tbat eonftancp of mint) ana ftabtlitie and paeiencets require* of bs^tbst fcntd tbe tierpcna tue baue our banaes reaap to apgge tbe pittes , ana our natles aU fotoffcratte tbe eartbe pf necefTptpe fo requp:e.gf a man fap,botu tften* are tue not in {> temple of tue mutt come mo?e neare ana enter uailp into it . SDrutbe it is tbat foe aailp bebolae tbe face of d&oa, but tue are not fullp fatpafe no? fpilca tuttli bis moll beautiful countenance as iueftallbetuben be fyalltafee tjs tmto btm Of Miiftcr Iohn Calmne. frinnSEberfoje muft foe al trenerallp ap> pip tbis to £ p:acttfe of f> life : $ as fatan fs eucr bufp to let $ trouble al tbe fobicb foolo go bnto goo,fo let cuerp man con* firme bimfelf, i giue al oiligrce $ be con ttntte moft eoffantlp in ooing f too jfcig $ fame to mojofo p be ftatb Done to Dap* i^o? if § enemp\i5out fainting o£ foeari; nes is fo Diligct to turn back cur icjncp t to ojiue 1)3 fro our courfc begon tofoar ties goo^mueb lelTe cugbt foe to lofc our towage , $ foe mull mo:e go fojfoara al* foaps f ojafo nere tjnto goo euer gatbe* rig nefo itregtb eotinuallp toSoutccaftng 31But to oo tbis tbing s to continue in it, is requires of necelTitte to be impjinteD in cur bearts # utogement $ feruent &e* fire fobicb foas in JDauio meff excellent* 3 bat) ratber fapetb be, toofoell at tbe tlttefftolD of tbe boufe of goo tben in the tentes f tabernacles of $ foickeatfober* fit be plainly oeclarctb, $ be foil be ten* tit to be b:ogbt to a date ntoft bafe nrotf iofo ana DifpifcD, to gain tbis benefit to afoel in y boufe off? lojo.j befecbrou let fos eofioer a litle fobat foas bis Hate, %£ foas § fcings fori in lafo 7 one of tbe cbicf ponces of 3uoea in mod bpgb bono: : f autlfo^itieniot foitbftaHingbcis cotcnt Trie fourth Sermon foftb al bfe beart to lofe tljat bfgb bono* f m gnitye, $ to be ma&e as one of $ bafe como people,fo $ be mar baue Com ly tie corner fit tbe cbureb of goo^f tbis Defirc toer fo great $ excellent tn al,tbet foolae not fpeno fo mucb ti me tn beutfing $ p?e paring fo? tbercbange $ tbei mull mafec tuben tbei fo?fafte tbetr boufe % tbetr con trie to com to $ cbureb of goo*15ut tbere be founbe bery fetoe , tobtcb can tafte in gooa part, $ toil bear quietly y m mf ntffj tng of tbeir fubff ance ana tbe abaftng of tbeir (late c &cgre*(ll;uery ma botb great iy oeftre Dentil? to be carfeu in a bojfcli* ter to ff place tobere be may ttwtbtp go& at liberties alfo tbat al f> lanbs f poUel ffon^al y gain ,|&aule fettetb fojtb bp I)!* eraple fo? fcs to folotoe: tbat to, tbat toe tfjoulD compt al tbtnga a* filtbe and dongetbat ootb binder^* tbat toe can* not attetn tmto Cb?ilf $ poflTelTe btm, $ tbat toe ffjuld caff tbat atoai as damage f loflTe Imotopng tbat al tbat leadetb fte atoap from ltfe,mutf nedes bjing fcs ton to deatb. 3nd tbto ouroeftre of deintines and toeltb to far from emb zafing tbat tx botfation $ fro folotoing f aomonitio $ our famour jefris eb^tft batb gcue,f lue (bulD fel al v toe baue f n tbto too ?lo $ fo* fake it fo? tbe fetngdo of beaut imototng $ tbto to fucb a precious ffoneV as bp bto crccllencppaitetb farre all tbofe tbmgs tbat men fo mucb oefire f elteroe*3f anp man toil obtcrt $ a man map come to tbe kwgooin of beauen tuout tbto forking ffl*t)» of The fourth Sermon of fjfe fjoufe : 3 Do anffoerc £ ft fe not frt foamc^otir fauiour ootb tints nametbe p jeadnng of the gofpeUbecaufe tbet tbat iuantetlicnoctrtncofflic Cofpel s tjaue ttocareno?regarDetofefee tbofemean* i occafions,fo6erbp tftet map cntope tbis fo great gooDnea,Do Declare tbat tbep do cleaue to tbe tbtngs of tin's foo:lDe \\\o?x couetottflp anD greaDtlp tben tbet flniloe anD arc not pet p:cpareD to tbat ercbang iobteb tbet ogbt to make v6 tbe fcf ngoom of beaue*$oto tf tbet itttgbt entope botl) furelp 31 tuolDe not cnupe tbefr fo grcate feltetttc, x*ut if tbet canot rctctnetbetr poffeffton no : Ipe Ittll tn tbctr neff ,onlcs tbefDcfrauoetbetnfeluesoftbemottbol fomei onlpfooDeof$cbtlD;>e<0fgoD,no$ remaine tn $ Hate fuljeri tbet nolo ar,on le$ tbet cut of tbefelucs from tbe cburcb of goDtft te tbeir Dutp to cofiDer {> necefr fttp tbat goD lapetb fcpon t\)i.%bti map lotll b:wig Mm creufes tbep tofll , but all fucbe rlofces f 1^ tftcs tutll notbtng a wall tbe foben § moffe btgbe tuDge (frail tbonaer fcpo tbem all v6 l)te tertbte botce tubtcb fet mo^e bp p eartbp life tf fe romo tntotislmtbtbebutte bcaffeatben tbe eternall bcritagc fobtcfre be Ijatlj oppoin tea Of Maifter Ikon Calmnc feti fo: bis cbf lojemanb ft t& a bert foltf^ tbpnge ano notbyng to tbe purpofe that many Hunk to ffopp our moutbes onles toe tio alFigne tbe fome means ana Hate foberbi tbei mat Mae m fen uing got?, SPp cooitio fat tbei is tbus t my cotr^ff 3? &o fojfafee ft fobat foil come bpo me?OTbat bope is tber to nourifb f fuffei ne me? 0s tbogbgoo ba&appoiteotbetf p?eacbe£ gofpel to be baiiifs $ ttefoaros to apoint to euerp man bi s ff at i bis oj&inari, fflbe ojoer manp ttme^ is fo pcruertea anti trobicD $ tbep fobtcft tueremoffe toojtbp tobt p^omoteoare mott negletfea oj fet t § lofoett aegretfb t* fame tentation trulp mfgbt tourne* tfte bacfcei ealltbeatoap fcome tbetrofcme faluaeion , onles tbep fo reffeo in tbe bo fome of § cburcb $ tljet baa ratber to bef> icaftanD moff contemner fntbeboufe of <25oa,tben to Ittie tn mod great bono? be £ttg feparate tberfro*Cbua # men $ are fattbful tn tieae iobfcb baue not al $ com nroatttea $ tftet toere accuffomeD but co* trarf fotfe feie tbofe trifcomeattte $ grtfs iobteb ar fcerp manp t (> fojfafttng of tbec contrpmuftleameto comfort $ cofirme tl>emfelues to tftefe fetu toojaa: But foe ar tn $ boufe of goa*notu let y toojtoligs aertoe tjs tmtcb as tbep Ittte , pe a <* burte to* outragloullp tn tbetr pjtoe as abtetfs t outcaftcs,pet tins muft fufffce tis, tftat <©oo&otbe fcouebefatfeto gtue tos tbfs honour to feeape fcs, tnbps palace auo fantuarp*We fee tobat labour ana pat* ncjj , tbe ambtctona anatoaine glorious of tfjie too?lae ooe tafte , tljat t|ic^ map The fourth Sermon be eompfeo of the boufe $ family of tome p:ince*2Dbei tbtnfee tbcfelucs mod bap* p^ if ttief map come into tfte lutcbin oj {> fcauic.^ofo tober as lue bp § opinion of tbe Uwlo ar molt abictt * oefpifeo ptt fo $ toe be of tbe cbtircft of goo , toe are ieD tip bim to $ moft bigb $ mcrueplous fe* trets of bis toifoo \r> fucb familiarity as tfte fatberfcfetb 16 bis ebiltncn. OTeare fcerp cburlify $ fcntbanfeful onles tbis re compenfe content our minors, Cbogb § faitbfui in oeoc map be greuouflp temp* ten $ moueo alfo to a certain inoignaeio ano offence of minoe,toben tbeir cafe fe* jnetb too;fe f too:fe,t tbe lutcheD fiojiff) ffil in ai pjofperttie.^et tf tbei contrary totfe confioer tbat tbei are cbofen of goo to be of bis boufe , ano to be intertepned tbere as bis cbtlojcn , tbis comfort batft Iptle fojee-,if it Do not Dimtniltye ano mu tigate al tbe greuous tbogbts of tbe m* tOmooities $ alfo toipe clean atoap alp f o?oto of beart $ can come foj tbe fame* #no certenlp tbei i> murmur % gruoge # tbet are not tntreateo of got) as tbep oe* fire,o i fucb as no to repent $ tbei baue be gon to liue oroolp^ Uo eafelp Declare tbat t bcioio not foio to tbe counftl of our Io:o ana Of Maifter ilion Galuinc". and matff er tit anp pofnt,tobteb fs, tbat at tubat time a butlDtng ib begonnf tbe compt mu&t diligently be caft fobat all tbe eofts i cbarges foill be fobieb are re* quired to aecoplitye § building,left it tt* pent tbe after tbei baue beffofoed moje the tftet ffjuio i fo leaue p tuojfce bnfinf* fyed.lBut tbte te pet foozfe s mo^e fljam full tbat many of tbem tbat tbus are foe tied tit tbe mid foaMo leaue of foitbout any eaufe*OTberein tbei fl&etu tbcfeluea mod impudent ♦ foi tutn tbep tbatne tber bad boufe no: lanos $ iubtcb baa no Mfcomooitte but ntigbt as tuel liue in § fartbell part of $ too^lD as in tbeir ofott contrie ar not afljameo to topbjaid gob $ tbep baue left tbts and tbat fo: bte fake* lloutlettoagraunt tbattbep baue tbua lofte f can not tell fobat of tbetr goods and fubftaunee:#et is it a folpfye tbpnj mojeto ettemeadandtp^attbeacrotDn o.j a gold noble* 3n tbe meane feafon no tbpng is beard but tbefe murmurpnges auocomplapntes* andfooulaetodtfod tbefe carefull eomplapners tuere farre afoap fromfcs $ tbep migbt entop tbepj rpm mom tics andpleafures altbougb no tber pojeno: rube baue anv tuttecaufe to The fourth Sermon fo&epartfrotbatbolpf goDlp purport,, neptberanp ercufe foj tbofe afflictions ioblcb f location of groD $ bis obemence tiotb bztng tbe bnto. lout becaufc ibis t)5 mod barb bnto bs,tbcrfo;>e f> rcme&ie is asclareD in # p falmJrrjr iiii* tubeittmutD after be bats faia $ ma is blclTea^ bopetb in goo am'opnetb ffraigbt toa?es,anD m labofe beart are bis loaves, as tbogb be fljtiio fay, be $ batb bis mvnoe btnt ano boilp ccuertca to entre ito $ toai to bolD on i to fintlbe ft tobicb goo batb coman* &ctu3bberfo:earetberetfoo tbings tbat can not be feperate tbe onje fro tbe otber tbat toe banc our bope on goti, f tbat toe ioaifte in v ftreigbt foap:tberfo?c as our f nfirmitie Dotb let bs $ toe ca not go fo^ toaro o? maftetb bs fo oentp $ fiofo $ foe IdoID turn afioe fro bis moll bolp tooeatt on f calling i turne anotber toap: let bs cofirme our felf in faitb -f bope befecbig our goo mod liberall $ mercifull tbat be lml turne our eies tonto bim tbat notblg map trouble bs tobiles tue bebolae bps face f truff in tbefe bis pjomifes , tobere bp be batb alTureo bs $ be fopll be tut>tf| to* fo; eucr botb in life ano in ocatbe* so be it. . Afhortdeclarati- ON OF M. IHON CALVIN vpon the.87.Pfalmc. ^cn as al tfjf ngs g* foci font) tire clnlDjr oftJnsfoo:itMBcfee ftofoe grcatlp tfceic otuntfatcDottjpIcafe tftem.t fcofo tuonDet full? 16 a p:ouoe eontempte of t&e e&urcf) ttjcf Do ertol tfte fame*#ea $ altbougt) tbei be b^ougfjt fcnDet lottf) v plagues of goDpetDotftep not forget tftetr carnal confiDence foljer fottl) tftet are DjoncfeemBut f n tfce meane feafon tljcp earcleflp tjcrptce reltgfo t tije true fcwtyip of goo:fo?romuc& as tftet being con ttnt xo Delicate $ pleafant tfnnges as rtcftes anD tbe fajt grbtncs of Dig tutp anDljonoj t&tnfce tfjemfeluc* fclefTco v6 out (Cod ♦ anD it eometb often to paflfe f goo Dotb as it tuer make fuel) men fall to all fc^noe of gooD things to tlie intent $ at the lengtf) be mat puniQe tfftm iufflg £*t« anb A Jhorcc Decliraciom and in due time fo; tbeirbntbank fulnes: ana tbat bis cburcbmape be oppjcflfed 02 at tbe lead kept btt tier a lata and bumble degre to tbe intent tbat it map feme mifcrablc to it felf f be fubieet to contempt* SEberefoje leatf tbat tbis batne fljelo oceet ue tbe faitbful it is nede fulltbeibe called toanotberron* ftoeratiou to imtte tbat tbcp doe conclude tbat tbat is true ibbt'cb tbe.nriif.^falme dotb teacbe* SDbat bleflTeo is tbepeoplcto fobo tbe lo:r«e is «Dod, SCberefoje let tbe effect of tbps pfalme be , tbat tbe cburcb of god tbougb it be but one pet dotb it ereel al tbe kingoomes and commen foeltbs of tbis toojld feecaufe god is cbief ruler of tbis co mon toaltbe and it is gouerned bp bis empire, fititt to tbe intent it map abide fafe amongcft £ raging tumultes and fearefull tempefte* tobere loitb tbe fobole foo*Ide is often ibafeen.&econdlt? and cbief Ip tbat it being tuonderfullp kept bp tbebelpeoftbefame <0oomap,at tbe iengtb after tbi* long Warfare attains vppn the .$7. p&Ime. aetafnc to tbe fcfttojfons era tune of tbe bcaucnip bocatfon. 0nD tbte is a rpecial benefits of ibement of iBabflon f tbe cburcb of as tJaungcrous IcaGc tber fqouloe be oueceeme eitber tc tbe former mi* ferpe 02 els fojtbepjefent calami* ties fyouloe be oppjelfeD anb fall botane anb fo at lengtb ? mttibes of tbe fattbfull ttjoulb fall into bif* paire^berefoje leaft tbep fljoula faint ano lie oofcwe tm&er fueb fa* lamttea t!je Hojbe botbe psomife tbat t&ep fyali not ouelp recouer tftat vpon the .$7. pfalme. tftat iuljtcl) tljc^ bad ioff , but atfo Uftetb them top into tftc bope of an incomparable glo:peacco;*&fngto tbat pjopbecp of aggeusi. SDbe glo rpeof tbefecon&e temple (ball be greater tben % glojp of tbe firth i^otn iaft of ai tt remaf netb tbat toeleaweto applptbtspfalmcal fotoourpjofite. anfcfuretye tbte tomfo^t ougbt to baue bene of ftuij fojee to tbe goalp men of tbat age, tbattbep tbouloefn tbetrafflutf* ons not onelp baue ftano toprtgbt but alfo $ tffti ljulo bane lift tbrfel ues top to beaue tbougb tbcp toere in tbe graue but tonics at tbta vw fent Dape our fatbers experience iopnea foftb§ toojosoo confirme our fattbfomucb tbe monetae are mo:e tbenfngrat fincetue fenofo tbat all is fulfilled tbat tobatfoe* uertbeboipgboftbatbfpofcen fo$ ft can not beinougb erp:efFeofoj ibetuojtbfncs tbereofbotobcautt fullp (be oto Deck t\)t cburcb at bte commpng* 5*03 tben tbe true reli- gion tubtcb afo;e luao ll)utte top m I ftraita of 3urp urns fpjeo ab^ous $AiL tb;ougij A fliortc Declaracio* ttoougb al tbe fcwloe* ffibeti (Sod lubtcb afo,:e toas imofoen but of one famtlte began to be calico bp* on of oiucrs tonges of al nation*. JEben tbe toojlo tobtcb afoje toa$ fojneinpeeciamiferailp tuttbm* numerable fcrtes of fupcrftittos I erroura foas fcnitco in tbe boipe fcnitpeuf faitb* ©ben all gatberco tbem felues to # SJefocs iubome a* foje tbe^ abbo:reo. 2Cbe fepngs of tbe eartbanb nations oio billing It? obeg Cb;tft^ &be foolues ano \U ons lucre cbaungets intolambes. SDbegiftegoftbeboIp goofttuere pofojeo bpontbe faptbfull fobtcb &io eircell al tbe glojp of tbte taojlo al beautiful tbings ano all rtcbes. ffibe bo&p of tbe cburcb being toon fcerfullp gatbereo out of countrcte tap Offfant incrcafeo i pjcfcruco. ffibefpjeaoingoftbe gofpellinfo tyotf time teas fcmreotble fpecf al* lv being ioincD iuttb y> ftuitt tbere of no leflTe notable. OTberefo;e if tbe oignitie of tbe cburcb bao ne* tier bene oeclareobptbis pjopbct yettbat notable ano feneompara* bj* ypo* the ,t?. pfafme. ble condition of tftatdUolDen agrei notfj eutocnttye Declare tbat it is trulp v beauenlp fetngoom of goo. H3utit tuas neceffarpe tbattbe faptbfull tyouloebaueabiertatfe tben bp tbe iuogement of tbe fiefy In effemtmgetbeopgnptpeof tfje eburcbefojfoben it opomofte flo> rifyeittria not Hj^ne toptb purple goloeoj pearles but \i tbe bloooc of mart^s I ft^cbe fte teas luitft tbebolpedDbofte nenertbeles tfce lna0 poo:e ano laefceo tbe eartbelp goooes:fb* toas noble ant> bonoja ble botb before ©00 ano angels bp ftolpnes but flje foas tontemptt* fcleintbetoojloe* Cbere foerema npeoutluar&e ant) open enemies iobptb opo ettfter truellp rage a> gapnflbber o? els &W bp futie eraf* tes tnuent toiefceo tbinges agaf nff 6er. ano foitbin tber foas nothing but terror ano p:iup tranestfinf* all? tmoe r tbe eroffe of Cb^ift tbec iape t?et bio in bonojable oignitpe but it foas fpttituall ♦ Wberefo;*e tbe confolation tubprb is in tbis pfalme toas tben alfo in Hue time 0AUU tUt A ihorte Declaraeion tbattfce fattbfullmfgbt rffefcpftt tbetrminDs toanwe perfect ftate oftbecburcb. ButourcaufefsDt* tiers. Cbcrcfoze (t ts come to paffc bp tbe faitt of our fathers t bat tbat fafrefonneof tbe eburebbatb line fcnoer the feetc of tfic totcfeeD tsefo: med ano frltbp ♦ 0no at r bis tpmc befttg ouerlatieD Xmtb our fpmics, Doetb tnourne tmaer mtferable ae* ffrttition tmoer tbe aerpfpon ana tnockpngof tbe Deuel f tbe U)o:loc Imaer the cweltpe of tp?auntes, fcn&ertbe tomufte flaunoer of bet enemies :fot bat tbere tsnotbtng ieflfe Defire&oftbe cbtituencf tbc ioo;lDiobfcb tuoulDtbat allluent Xucl tottli tbem tben to be counten tbe people of ome of tbe 3e toes alfo tbougbt notbmg mo^e Imelp tben to refer tt to j> pfalme, and fo by a metapber tbep erpoud tttbe founoarpons of tbe matter (of v pfalme)bpcaufe be intreatctb of p bolp ettfeof Jerufalem iubtcb toaofettntbemountatnes , But me tbinfce tbe tvut and right mca* mngtstbat <2?oobatb cbofen tbe boty mountatnes in tbe fobicb be fijoulde found bis o&ne cttte* f n #*b. tt A ftiortc Oeclaraciou it folotoetb a litlc after in tfte ttit The moft hieft fhal cftablifhc it. ©e fs alfo £ btrilocr of other tityi but toe mutt rea&e tbat be fata of anp otbec citte* Cbfe te mt teff ing place fouuer, 3 toill titueit here, brcaufc 3 baue cbofen it, lit tba fj&falutt/tvwiU- J^o: toe ntuft altoapes put tbfe tiif ferenee tbattbougb otberdtfes as touebpnge tbe outtoartse pollute toerema&ebptbepotoerano pao* uioenceofgoD,£et3|erufalemtoas bte peculter bolpe place and king* Ipefeate. after tbe fame fatbton Dot!) afapasfpeafceCbapter.ritiu ^ea, anbtbougball3|eto;>p toas bolp fento £lo , tbc aCribeof (£pb;afm, tbs taber* vpon the .S? . pfalmc. tabernacle of Jofepb , $ be mfgb* fcfoel tit &icn &bicb be baD Ioucd. jf urtbermo?e tbe p;opbcte fcotb Declare tbe caufe toberefo?e ©: buttbernaetBajs, fbat tbere mtgbt be a eertatnc place tit tbe tubtcb trelD? religion mtgbt remavne tmto tbe totmnpnge of CbsiiMo tbe intent tftattlje tin? tie of faitb mtgbt be nojiQetr, ana fromtubenceaftertoartic treto re* Itgion .QmtlD flotofo all t coaffes oftbcfcuojlse* S&lberefose tbe gDjopbcte fcctb p:apfe 9enifalem tintb tbte title, tbat tt batb <5ou fo: a cfetefe but I* aer ans clmfc gouernour.&ccons* Ip be afcnbetb al tbe tngnitic fofci> tb tt batb befc;e otber places to tbe A ftiorte Dedaracion t fee grace ana a&optf on of gob ♦ 0s fo.ubattbatbcbatb put jbfonfo* 1 geriifalem * ana tbe gates foj tbe labole compaffe of tfte cine, it te a ^synccdo/ double * g>i?necoocbe, chcisa fi. Commonipe tbcptafce tfte ftplles gurc vther fOJ ^tOH anD ^Ojfaft t fofttd) J tJO m the part not rctect , tbougb it map be fc^a* is ukc for foen furtber, bceaufe tbe countrep the whole luasfull of mountatnes roun&ea* bout , ano tbe Cttte toas fet tit an , Ijic place. The 5. "Wonderful things are fpoken of thce(thou) Terre - citieofthelorde. OTojoe foj too^ ft te, tbat tbat fe fait) tn tbe are tmm&erful tbmges. But toe mnft confiber tbe coun* eel of tbe pjopbeto? ratbertbepu? pofeof tbebolpgoott fpeaftmg bp tbemoutb of Ins pjopbet ♦ oo bath fpo* fcenotberfoifeof the ffatc thereof tofttclj is to come • ^o j tt fs not to beoouteobuttbat tbep are called from tfte fight of tbinges p:cfent tmto the p:omtfes tuhich Din tnfr nfffer hope of an tmcre&iblc glojp. SDherefo^e though uotbpng apear tuherof one map much reiopce,pet the prophet biaactb the cbtlojen of ©oD to ffanoe fcp as it lucre in n foatcbtottue anb patientlpe tuattc foj the tbinges that arc pjomifea* £Dn this manertuere the faitbfull aDmoni(h^fp:fttbat tbep might geucearetotbeoloeo:acles ,ano tall them to minttz fpeciallp tbofe iubicb are fo?tttcn in gfap,frout § rUbap*hnto y eno of (> bofee, $ fe* conoigc t&at tbep might barken to the A fhorte Declaracioa i f fjc feruatmtes of <25od tobicf) tXjett ms p;eacb of the fcing&o of Cb?tE: to!)erebp it folotoefij tbat toe can not tuuore a rigbt of tbefeiicftfe of ibe c tjurci) tmfe* toe iuDge of tt af> tertijefcw&ofgoD, I wil reh carle Rahab & Babel amongeft the* that know me.behold the" PhiJiftineSjTirus and Ethiopia he was borne there. 2Di)c name of ttabab is taken fo; <£gipt i mam places of $ fcripture tfte tobicb ftffntfiration fcotb toei agce to tin s placetfo; tfiepjopbets uttnDe i$ to Defer* be tbat toontier* full grcatnesof tbecburcbtobtclj toas as ret fcta in it felf. 2Eberfo:e fee fapetb tfiat tbep tobicb afo^e tocre greuotis enemies o? altoge* tljer Grangers ftouio not onelp be famf Iter fren&es but alfo tyouioe be grafted in one bocj? fo tbat tbet l^oui0e be counteu citifins of 3Je^ rufalem ♦ 0no in tbe firft claufe be faietb:^ totll rebearfe Cgipt and 23abplon amongeS tbem of my fcoufyottujn tbe feconae betiD&etft tbe ^biltffines tbe Brians and tbeC : tlnopian$ ? tofio toerebitbee to . Vpon ike ,%j 4 pfatoae. to at fitch tiartaunce to the peoplf of goD fljall nofo agre aOucll as if tbet foeretnbabttants. |t is a footi fcerfullofgnttte of the church that tbep fljall gather tbem felues to it roun&e about tofttcti Dio contemns it and that tbei fobicb did lattljc it tJtterl^ rafeo out t acftropcD 0?ulti tountttacbief honor to be $ cite* tin* thereof , f fo to be counteo: f al (ftal tmllpnglp refufc the name of their eountrie of p fobfcb befo;s tbeifoer fop^ouo. Cberfo^e tuber foeuer tbepfoerebonie, either in paleftina either tn (Ethiopia oj in SDfrn* , tbei thai pjofes tbefelues to be citefins of the bolt cf tic. 2Eb* 3cturs5 oo crpou it this place thus tbat feto fljoulo come out of otber nations tobicb ercclleo f> others in lDtt f tiertueg but tbat tber OjoulD be great abundance tn Jfrael. £eantip(fa£thci)thal there amon geff the Syrians Ctbipioans , (£* gfptians o: an)? otber particular men foo:tbpe of p:apfefo tbat^f tbere be anp fucb be map be poin* m out fcritb the finger fo? tbe fear tltie vpon the .87. pfalnie. rttfe: but U\ g>ion man anbmait tyailbe bo:nc tbat is to Tape there tyali be greate abounoaunce.SDbe CbuOtians Doe almoft tmtb one ae cotoe refer it to €b:ift ana tfttnke tbat tbe p:opbet boetb rentier tbe taufe fobp tbep ffjoulbe be counteo amongetttbe cptefens of3!erufa* icm tubpeb bitberto foere ftraun* gers $ fo:e enemia; becaufe diM ftuit; be bo;me tbere tobofe tmette ft f to gatber me fcatereb as mem b:es to,:ne a fonder into tbefcnitte of faptb l bopeof euerlalfpng life* asfonbe firft interpretation be^ ta,ufe tt is alt ogetber tuafteo it ne* Detb no refutation ♦ 0sfo*tbefe* ronae becaufe it is mo?e futle tbe w founoe 3 00c not recciue* And o( Zion it fhall be faid,A man and a man is borne in it and the moft hicft fliall dhbhfhc it. ike conttnuetb tbe fame fentence tbat nelue citizens fljall be gatbe* reotntotbecburcbofgoo out of at tterfe partes of tbe tuo;lDe*^ofobe it fie bfetb anotber figur tbat ff rau gcrs %il be countea amongeft tbe vpon the .$7. p&hnc. holyt people aa tbougb tbep fmt> bene bojneof tbe fatber 0b;abam ©e fatoe in tfte former tierfe • SDbe Cbaldeana and C-gtptfana fljal be come off bouftoldeoftbe cburcb* SDbe Ctbtopami pbtlifftne* ano tbe men of 2Ep?e C^all becountea amongetf bps cbplo?en • $ofoe be aotbaooe in fteaoeofa confirma* ftontbat tlictre fljaibe an infinite multitude of netu feedfo tbat tbe titit f&albe filled foitb a great peo* pletobiebfoaa ucfolattfo? a time ano afterfoarde toas but balfe full iuitbalitle nomber ofmen*#n& tbis fobicb te bere ftojtelp pjomi* fed t0 Declared mo;e at large of 33 * fap* JSjapfe 3D tbou barren fobpeb niooeff beare cbU&jemfoj tbe cbpl* fc?en of tbe befolate fozfafcen arc tnotbenofber fobpeb i* marpcD* #afee large tbe place of tbp tent ftretebe out tbe co^aea and ffreng* tften tbp ftaftea f c*lLifeetoife*2;bp cbtlajen Ojal come from farre, lifts tptbtnectesrounde about (f02) all tljefe Ojalbe gathered to tbee . #na in tfje vlttit* Cbapter almoft tbe j®tff fame AfliortcDccUraciott fame mattec of fpeaclje te fafncd o$ at leaffe one tubtcb o^atoetb ncare to tins iubicb ts here ♦ SCbte man tyallfapjamoftbe lojoebefl&aU be called bp tbe name of Jacob. SDbis man fyall fo?ite \x> bte otone bano 3 am tl)e lo^ds : an& be (ball call btmfelfe after tbe name of jfr raell ♦ $cptbcrbotbetbep;*opbct tuitboutcaafe tfgmfiebp $tao2Dc of bearing tbat § ©gtpttans Cbal beans ana fucb itltc (boul&e be of tbe flocfee of dDoos people* j*oj altbougb bp nature tbep tuere not bojne of ^fon but ougbt to be grafteo tn bt? aboptpon tn* to tbe bobpe of tbe bolpe people: jet becaufe our entrpc Into tbe tburcb is tbe feconb bfrtb, this ma ner of fpeafepng ootb agre berg tnelLJ^Cbjtffbotb tafeef faltb full to btm tn marriage toitfi tb ys conMcton , tbat tbep forget tbep % ofone people artb tbetr fathers boufe*jafalme.]clb*an?i being fafljf ones and bo^ne a nefo of f ncojrup* tlble feebe into nefoe creatures mage begin to be tbe fonne* both of vpon the .87. 'pfulme. af €>o& ana of the church, <0aL iUK £no furelp foe are bojne a nefo in to % beauenlp life none other foap then bp the minifterp of the cbur* eft* HBut tit themcane feafon foe mull marfee the difference Hat the apoff le putteth betlmjrt the earth* lp 3etufalem,fohicb as it is a fer* uaunt fo engenojetb children to fubiection, and theheauenlp fobi* tb b?pngetb foub fre children bp the gofpell 3i» the feconft parte of the herfe , the long ourpng of the fame is aeclareatfoj often timt&it tometb to palTe$ the foner $ cities Doe creepe tjp into a foonaerfuil height p (hotter fohple aoetb their pjofperous ftate ensure* &no leaft that the felicttie oft church thoulD feme after this fo$te to be tmtfable tbep2ophetooeth pronounce that herftabilitiet^allbeofthe lojaas though he Choulo fape that it tuere no merueil though other cities Did flfjafte* foere fubiert totmierfein* ritnationstbecaufe thep are toffeo foitbtbefoo?lD $ hauenot euerla* Hin$ lepers, S5ut nefo 3erufalem A fliorte Declaracion teofauotberfojt fobofe ttttnitit betug grounbea in § pottle of goo (tjalftanD tbougb beaue f eartb fal God fliall count his people by writing: he was borne there. Selah. 2Gb t p^Opbet tneanetb tbat tbe name of ^pon (ball be fo famous that all lljall lu mod feruent oetfre go about to be counted tntbe numbje ana oegre of tbe tittitn* thereof* ?m be fpea feetb of amoffe bonojable Degree: a* tbougb be l^onlo fa^tuben god ft all make a count of tbe nations tbem tobom be faill cbteflp bonour 6e topllaceounte ratber to ^toit tbett to Babtlon o: any otber tu ties* fn tbte (ball be agreater hu gnttfe to be in tbe lofcucft oegre amongeft tbe Ctttjen* of 2rpon fben anp otber tubere to be of tbe ebfef: pet in tbe meant feafonbe aomomibetb fcs from Sobence men $ areffraungera get fucb bonor fo foaenlptto tutt, oftbefreegpft of gofc* 2Ln* furely tbet fobtcb are tbe feroantsof tbedcufllana of ffnne *an neuer get bg tbetr ofone MM* getice tbe frebem of tbe beauenlp ntie vpon the .Zf. pfalme. tititSt fe tfie lojo alone tobo pja* tttbthc people tntbetrfeuerai De- grees as tt femeD gooD to btm:an& lobereas tbe eonDicf on of tneit is a like be puttetb Difference bettoti* one i' another ♦ 3s foj tbe footing iobereof be maftetb bere mention* pert apnetb to tbe eaiipnge fo$ al> tbongb be batb tojitten bis cbtl* him tn tbe boofce of life before tbe treationoftbefoo^lDepet be tbeit tountetl) tbem at lengtb tn v num bit of bis cbtlD,:e tuben as be ootb feale tbem being regenerate imtb tbe marfce of tbe fpirit of aDoptiS. Afwcll the fy ngers as the players on infhu- mentes,all my fountaynesareofthee. partly tbe great (bonnes part* IptbeDoutfuilfigm&cationofone ino^De ootb make £ fentence Dariu 0s foj tbe luo?o fountaines, tbere is no Dottt but tbat it ts tranflateo from tbe rigbt fignifitation f bfea bere bp a $®etapber ♦ ffiut fo? all $ f erpounDers Do Differ tn tbe zctU ration of tbe SDetapber . £cmre no erpounD it bope , fome affections, fome tbe intoaro tbougbte s.^otu &Aiu be A flhorte DecTaracion • 6e (t,3lifooulD gladly agre to f feefc fententefobieb interpret it fong*