I PRINCETON, N. J. ■J' «» Part -of the t ADDISON ALEXANDER LIBRARY, "J . which was presented by (V Mkssrs. R. L. anp a. Stuart. \J Section No, ....- ■i . 4-."? \^ u ^ utW" CU^J' y HOKJ; PAULINJE; THE TRUTH THE SCRIPTURE HISTORY OF ST. PAUL EVINCED. BY WILLIAM PALEY, D.D. ARCHDEACON OF CARLISLE. NEW YORK: ROBi!.RT CARTER & BROTHERS No. 285 BROADWAY. 1849. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Exposition of the Argument 5 CHAPTER n. The Epistle to the Romans 16 CHAPTER m. The First Epistle to the Corinthians .... 43 CHAPTER IV. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians .... 63 CHAPTER V. The Epistle to the Galatians 96 CHAPTER VI. The Second Epistle to the Ephesians . , . .128 CHAPTER VII. The Epistle to the Philippians 166 CHAPTER Vm. The Epistle to the Colossians 170 CHAPTER IX. The First Epistle to the Thessalonl&.ns . . . .179 CHAPTER X. The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians . . .190 IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. FAOC The First Epistle to Timothy 197 CHAPTER Xn. The Second Epistle to Timothy 207 CHAPTER XIII. The Epistle to Titus 218 CHAPTER XIV. The Epistle to Philemon 226 CHAPTER XV. The Subscriptions of the Epistles 232 CHAPTER XVI. The Conclusion 237 THE TRUTH or THE SCRIPTURE HISTORY OF SAINT PAUL EYINCED. CHAPTER I. EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. The volume of Christian Scriptures contains thirteen let- ters purporting to be written by St. Paul ; it contains also a book which, amongst other things, professes to deliver the history, or rather memoirs of the history, of this same person. By assuming the genuineness of the letters, we may prove the substantial truth of the history ; or, by as- suming the truth of the history, we may argue strongly in support of the genuineness of the letters. But I assume neither the one nor the other. The reader is at liberty to suppose these writings to have lately been discovered in the library of the Escurial, and to come to our hands destitute of any extrinsic or collateral evidence whatever ; and the argument I am about to offer is calculated to show that a comparison of the different writings would, even under these circumstances, afford good reason to believe the persons and transactions to have been real, the letters authentic, and the narration, in the main, to be true. Agreement or conformity between letters bearing the 6 EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. name of an ancient author, and a received history of that author's life, does not necessarily establish the credit of either : because, 1. The history may, like Middleton's Life of Cicero, or Jortin's Life of Erasmus, have been wholly, or in part, compiled from the letters ; in v^hich case it is manifest that the history adds nothing to the evidence already af- forded by the letters : or, 2. The letters may have been fabricated out of the history ; a species of imposture vsrhich is certainly prac- ticable ; and which, without any accession of proof or authority, would necessarily produce the appearance of consistency and agreement : or, 3. The history and letters may have been founded upon some authority common to both ; as upon reports and tra- ditions which prevailed in the age in which they were com- posed, or upon some ancient record now lost, which both writers consulted ; in which case, also, the letters, without being genuine, may exhibit marks of conformity with the history ; and the history, without being true, may agree with the letters. Agreement therefore, or conformity, is only to be relied upon so far as we can exclude these several suppositions. Now the point to be noticed is, that, in the three cases above enumerated, conformity must be the effect of de- sign. Where the history is compiled from the letters, which is the first case, the design and composition of the work are in general so confessed, or made so evident by comparison, as to leave us in no danger of confounding the production of the original history, or of mistaking it for an independent authority. The agreement, it is prob- able, will be close and uniform, and will easily be per- ceived to result from the intention of the author, and from the plan and conduct of his work. — Where the letters are EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. 7 fabricated from the history, which is the second case, it is always for the purpose of imposing a forgery upon the public ; and, in order to give color and probability to the fraud, names, places, and circumstances, found in the his- tory, may be studiously introduced into the letters, as well as a general consistency be endeavored to be main- tained. But here it is manifest that whatever congruity appears is the consequence of meditation, artifice, and de- sign. — The third case is that wherein the history and the letters, without any direct privity or communication with each other, derive their materials from the same source ; and, by reason of their common original, furnish instances of accordance and correspondency. This is a situation in which we must allow it to be possible for ancient writ- ings to be placed ; and it is a situation in which it is more difficult to distinguish spurious from genuine writings than in either of the cases described in the preceding supposi- tions ; inasmuch as the congruities observable are so far accidental, as that they are not produced by the im- mediate transplanting of names and circumstances out of one writing into the other. But although, with respect to each other, the agreement in these writings be medi- ate and secondary, yet is it not properly or absolutely un- designed ; because, with respect to the common original from which the information of the writers proceeds, it is studied and factitious. The case of which we treat must, as to the letters, be a case of forgery ; and when the writer who is personating another sits down to his com- position — whether he have the history with which we now compare the letters, or some other record, before him ; or whether he have only loose tradition and reports to go by — he must adapt his imposture, as well as he can, to what he finds in these accounts ; and his adaptations will be the result of counsel, scheme, and industry ; art 8 EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. must be employed ; and vestiges will appear of manage- ment and design. Add to this, that, in most of the follow- ing examples, the circumstances in which the coincidence is remarked are of too particular and domestic a nature to have floated down upon the stream of general tradition. Of the three cases which we have stated, the difference between the first and the two others is, that in the first the design may be fair and honest, in the others it must be accompanied with the consciousness of fraud; but in all there is design. In examining, therefore, the agree- ment between ancient writings, the character of truth and originality is undesignedness : and this test applies to every supposition ; for, whether we suppose the history to be true, but the letters spurious ; or, the letters to be gen- uine, but the history false ; or, lastly, falsehood to belong to both — the history to be a fable, and the letters fictitious ; the same inference will result — that either there will be no agreement between them, or the agreement will be the effect of design. Nor will it elude the principle of this rule, to suppose the same person to have been the au- thor of all the letters, or even the author both of the let- ters and the history ; for no less design is necessary to produce coincidence between different parts of a man's own writings, especially when they are made to take the different forms of a history and of original letters, than to adjust them to the circumstances found in any other writ- ing. With respect to those writings of the New Testament which are to be the subject of our present consideration, I think that, as to the authenticity of the epistles, this ar- gument, where it is sufficiently sustained by instances, is nearly conclusive ; for I cannot assign a supposition of forgery, in which coincidences of the kind we inquire after are likely to appear. As to the history, it extends EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. 9 to these points : — It approves the general reality of the circumstances : it proves the historian's know^ledge of these circumstances. In the present instance it confirms his pretensions of having been a contemporary, and in the latter part of his history a companion, of St. Paul. In a word, it establishes the substantial truth of the narration; and substantial truth is that v^^hich, in every historical in- quiry, ought to be the first thing sought after and ascer- tained : it must be the groundwork of every other ob- servation. The reader, then, will please to remember this word undesignedness, as denoting that upon which the con- struction and validity of our argument chiefly depend. As to the proofs of undesignedness, I shall in this place say little : for I had rather the reader's persuasion should arise from the instances themselves, and the separate re- marks with which they may be accompanied, than from any previous formulary or description of argument. In a great plurality of examples, I trust he will be perfectly convinced that no design or contrivance whatever has been exercised ; and. if some of the coincidences alleged appear to be minute, circuitous, or oblique, let him reflect that this very indirectness and subtilty is that which gives force and propriety to the example. Broad, obvious, and explicit agreements prove little ; because it may be sug- gested that the insertion of such is the ordinary expedient of every forgery : and, though they may occur, and prob- ably will occur, in genuine writings, yet it cannot be proved that they are peculiar to these. Thus what St. Paul declares, in chap. xi. of 1 Cor., concerning the in- stitution of the eucharist — " For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread ; and, when he had given thanks, he brake it, and 1* 10 EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. said, Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you ; this do in remembrance of me ;" — though it be in close and verbal conformity with the account of the same transaction preserved by St. Luke, is yet a conformity of which no use can be made in our argument ; for, if it should be objected that this was a mere recital from the Gospel, borrowed by the author of the epistle, for the purpose of setting off his composition by an appearance of agreement with the received account of the Lord's supper, I should not know how to repel the insinuation. In like manner, the description which St. Paul gives of himself in his Epistle to the Philippians (iii., 5) — " Circum- cised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews ; as touching the law, a Pharisee ; concerning zeal, persecuting the Church ; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless ;" — is made up of particulars so plainly deliv- ered concerning him in the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistle to the Romans, and the Epistle to the Galatians, that I cannot deny but that it would be easy for an im- postor, who was fabricating a letter in the name of St. Paul, to collect these articles into one view. This, there- fore, is a conformity which we do not adduce. But, when I read, in the Acts of the Apostles, that, when " Paul came to Derbe and Lystra, behold a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman which was a Jewess ;" and when, in an epistle addressed to Timothy, I find him reminded of his " having known the Holy Scriptures from a child'' which implies that he must, on one side or both, have been brought up by Jewish parents ; I conceive that I remark a coincidence which shows, by its very obliquity, that scheme was not em- ployed in its formation. In like manner, if a coincidence depend upon a comparison of dates, or rather of circum- EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. 11 Stances from which the dates are gathered — the more in- tricate that comparison shall be ; the more numerous the intermediate steps through which the conclusion is de- duced ; in a word, the more circuitous the investigation is, the better, because the agreement which finally results is thereby farther removed from the suspicion of con- trivance, affectation, or design. And it should be re- membered, concerning these coincidences, that it is one thing to be minute, and another to be precarious ; one thing to be unobserved, and another to be obscure ; one thing to be circuitous or oblique, and another to be forced, dubious, or fanciful. And this distinction ought always to be retained in our thoughts. The very particularity of St. Paul's epistles ; the per- petual recurrence of names of persons and places ; the frequent allusions to the incidents of his private life, and the circumstances of his condition and history ; and the connection and parallelism of these with the same cir- cumstances in the Acts of the Apostles, so as to enable us, for the most part, to confront them with one another ; as well as the relation which subsists between the circum- stances, as mentioned or referred to in the different epis- tles — afford no inconsiderable proof of the genuineness of the writings, and the reality of the transactions. For, as no advertency is sufficient to guard against slips and contradictions, when circumstances are multiplied, and when they are liable to be detected by contemporary accounts equally circumstantial, an impostor, I should expect, would either have avoided particulars entirely, contenting himself with the doctrinal discussions, moral precepts, and general reflections ;* or if, for the sake of * This, however, must not be misunderstood, A person writing to his friends, and upon a subject in which the transactions of his life were con- cerned, would probably be led in the course of his letter, especially if it was 10 EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. imitating St. Paul's style, he should have thought it nec- essary to intersperse his composition with names and circumstances, he would have placed them out of the reach of comparison with the history. And I am con- firmed in this opinion by the inspection of two attempts to counterfeit St. Paul's epistles, which have come down to us ; and the only attempts, of which we have any knowledge, that are at all deserving of regard. One of these is an epistle to the Laodiceans, extant in Latin, and preserved by Fabricius, in his collection of apocryphal scriptures. The other purports to be an epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, in answer to an epistle from the Corinthians to him. This was translated by Scroderus, from a copy in the Armenian language which had been sent to W. Whiston, and was afterwards, from a more perfect copy, procured at Aleppo, published by his sons, as an appendix to their edition of Moses Chorenensis. No Greek copy exists of either : they are not only not sup- ported by ancient testimony, but they are negatived and excluded ; as they have never found admission into any catalogue of apostolical writings, acknowledged by, or known to, the early ages of Christianity. In the first of these I found, as I expected, a total evitation of circum- stances. It is simply a collection of sentences from the canonical epistles, strung together with very little skill. The second, which is a more versute and specious forgery, a long one, to refer to passages found in his history. A person addressintr an epistle to the pubUc at large, or under the form of an epistle delivering a discourse upon some speculative argument, would not, it is probable, meet with an occasion of alluding to the circumstances of his life at all ; he might or he might not ; the chance on either side is nearly equal. This is the sit- uation of the catholic epistles. Although, therefore, the presence of these allusions and agreements be a valuable accession to the arguments by which the authenticity of a letter is maintained, yet the want of them certainly forms no positive objection. EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. 13 is introduced with a list of names of persons who wrote to St. Paul from Corinth ; and is preceded by an account sufficiently particular of the manner in which the epistle was sent from Corinth to St. Paul, and the answer re- turned. But they are names which no one ever heard of: and the account it is impossible to combine with any thing found in the Acts, or in the other epistles. It is not necessary for me to point out the internal marks of spuriousness and imposture which these compositions be- tray ; but it was necessary to observe that they do not afford those coincidences which we propose as proofs of authenticity in the epistles which we defend. Having explained the general scheme and formation of the argument, I may be permitted to subjoin a brief account of the manner of conducting it. I have disposed the several instances of agreement un- der separate numbers ; as well to mark more sensibly the divisions of the subject, as for another purpose, viz., that the reader may thereby be reminded that the instances are independent of one another. I have advanced noth- ing which I did not think probable ; but the degree of probability by which different instances are supported is undoubtedly very different. If the reader, therefore meets with a number which contains an instance that appears to him unsatisfactory, or founded in mistake, he will dis- miss that number from the argument, but without preju- dice to any other. He will have occasion also to observe that the coincidences discoverable in some epistles are much fewer and weaker than what are supplied by others. But he will add to his observation this important circum- stance — that whatever ascertains the original of one epis- tle, in some measure, establishes the authority of the rest. For, whether these epistles be genuine or spurious, every thing about them indicates that they come from the same 14 EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. hand. The diction, which it is extremely difficult to imi. tate, preserves its resemblance and peculiarity through- out all the epistles. Numerous expressions and singulari- ties of style, found in no other part of the New Testament, are repeated in different epistles ; and occur in their re- spective places, without the smallest appearance of force or art. An involved argumentation, frequent obscurities, especially in the order and transition of thought, piety, vehemence, affection, bursts of rapture, and of unparal- leled sublimity, are properties, all, or most of them, dis- cernible in every letter of the collection. But, although these epistles bear strong marks of proceeding from the same hand, I think it is still more certain that they were originally separate publications. They form no con- tinued story ; they compose no regular correspondence ; they comprise not the transactions of any particular pe- riod ; they carry on no connection of argument ; they de- pend not upon one another ; except in one or two instan- ces, they refer not to one another. I will farther under- take to say, that no study or care has been employed to produce or preserve an appearance of consistency amongst them. All which observations show that they were not intended by the person, whoever he was, that wrote them, to come forth or be read together ; that they appeared at first separately, and have been collected since. The proper purpose of the following work is to bring together, from the Acts of the Apostles, and from the dif- ferent epistles, such passages as furnish examples of un- designed coincidence ; but I have so far enlarged upon this plan as to take into it some circumstances, found in the epistles, which contributed strength to the conclusion, though not strictly objects of comparison. It appeared also a part of the same plan to examine the # EXPOSITION OF THE ARGUMENT. 15 difficulties which presented themselves in the course of our inquiry. I do not know that the subject has been proposed or considered in this view before. Ludovicus^ Capellus, Bishop Pearson, Dr. Benson, and Dr. Lardner, have each given a continued history of St. Paul s life, made up from the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles joined together. But this, it is manifest, is a different undertaking from the present, and directed to a different purpose. If what is here offered shall add one thread to that com- plication of probabilities by which the Christian history is attested, the reader's attention will be repaid by the su- preme importance of the subject ; and my design will be fully answered. ii CHAPTER 11. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. No. 1. The first passage I shall produce from this epistle, and upon which a good deal of observation will be founded, is the following : " But now I go unto Jerusalem, to minister unto the saints ; for it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Ach#ia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem." Rom. xv. 25, 26. In this quotation three distinct circumstances are stated : a contribution in Macedonia for the relief of the Chris- tians of Jerusalem ; a contribution in Achaia for the same purpose ; and an intended journey of St. Paul to Jerusa- lem. These circumstances are stated as taking place at the same time, and that to be the time when the epis- tle was written. Now let us inquire whether we can find these circumstances elsewhere ; and whether, if we do find them, they meet together in respect of date. Turn to the Acts of the Apostles, chap, xx., ver. 2, 3, and you read the following account : " When he had gone over those parts {viz. Macedonia), and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece, and there abode three months ; and, when the Jews laid wait for him, as he was about to sail into Syria, he proposed to return through Macedonia." From this passage, compared with the account of St. Paul's travels given before, and from THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 17 the sequel of this chapter, it appears that upon St. Paul's second visit to the peninsula of Greece, his intention was, when he should leave the country, to proceed from Achaia directly hy sea to Syria ; but that, to avoid the Jews, who were lying in wait to intercept him in his route, he so far changed his purpose as to go back through Ma- cedonia, embark at Philippi, and pursue his voyage from thence towards Jerusalem. Here, therefore, is a journey to Jerusalem ; but not a syllable of any contribution. And, as St. Paul had taken several journeys to Jerusalem be- fore, and one also immediately after his first visit into the peninsula of Greece (Acts, xviii. 21), it cannot from hence be collected in which of these visits the epistle was written, or, with certainty, that it was written in either. The silence of the historian, who professes to have been with St. Paul at the time, (xx. 6), concerning any con- tribution, might lead us to look out for some different jour- ney, or might induce us, perhaps, to question the consist- ency of the two records, did not a very accidental refer- ence, in another part of the same history, afford us suffi- cient ground to believe that this silence was omission. When St. Paul made his reply before Felix, to the accu- sation of Tertullus, he alleged, as was natural, that neither the errand which brought him to Jerusalem, nor his con- duct whilst he remained there, merited the calumnies with which the Jews had aspersed him. "Now after many years (z. e. of absence), I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings ; whereupon certain Jews from Asia found me purified in the temple, neither with multitude nor with tumult, who ought to have been here before thee, and object, if they had aught against me." Acts, xxiv. 17 — 19. This mention of alms and offerings cer- tainly brings the narrative in the Acts nearer to an ac- cordancy with the epistle ; yet no one, lam persuaded, 18 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. will suspect that this clause was put into St. Paul's de- fence, either to supply the omission in the preceding nar- rative, or with any view to such accordancy. After all, nothing is yet said or hinted concerning the place of the contribution ; nothing concerning Macedonia and Achaia. Turn therefore to the First Epistle to the Corinthians, chap, xvi., ver. 1 — 4, and you have St. Paul delivering the following directions : " Concerning the col- lection for the 'saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye ; upon the first day ol the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. And, when I come, whomsoever you shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem ; and, if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me." In this passage we find a contribu- tion carrying on at Corinth, the capital of Achaia, for the Christians of Jerusalem ; we find also a hint given of the possibility of St. Paul going up to Jerusalem himself, after he had paid his visit into Achaia : but this is spoken of rather as a possibility than as any settled intention ; for his first thought was, " Whomsoever you shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality to Jerusalem :" and in the sixth verse he adds, " That ye may bring me on my journey whithersoever I go." This epistle purports to be written after St. Paul had been at Corinth ; for it refers throughout to what he had done and said amongst them whilst he was there. The ex- pression, therefore, " when I come," must relate to a sec- ond visit ; against which visit the contribution spoken of was desired to be in readiness. But, though the contribution in Achaia be expressly mentioned, nothing is here said concerning any contribu- tion in Macedonia. Turn, therefore, in the third place, THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 19 to the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, chap, viii., ver. I — 4, and you will discover the particular which remains to be sought for : " Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedo- nia ; how that, in a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality ; for to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power, they were willing of them- selves ; praying us, with much entreaty, that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints." To which add, chap, ix., ver. 2 : " I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago." In this epistle we find St. Paul advanced as far as Macedonia, upon that second visit to Corinth which he promised in his former epistle : we find also, in the passages now quoted from it, that a contribution was going on in Macedonia at the same time with, or soon however following, the contribution which was made in Achaia ; but for whom the contribution was made does not appear in this epistle at all ; that information must be supplied from the first epistle. Here therefore, at length, but fetched from three dif- ferent writings, we have obtained the several circum- stances we inquired after, and which the Epistle to the Romans brings together : viz. a contribution in Achaia for the Christians of Jerusalem ; a contribution in Mace- donia for the same ; and an approaching journey of St. Paul to Jerusalem. We have these circumstances — each by some hint in the passage in which it is mentioned, or by the date of the writing in which the passage occurs — fixed to a particular time ; and we have that time turning out, upon examination, to be in all the same ; namely, towards the close of St. Paul's second visit to the penin- 20 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANi. sula of Greece. This is an instance of conformity beyona the possibility, I will venture to say, of random writing to produce. I also assert that it is in the highest degree improbable that it should have been the effect of contriv- ance and design. The imputation of design amounts to this : that the forger of the Epistle to the Romans inserted in it the passage upon which our observations are founded, for the purpose of giving color to his forgery by the ap- pearance of conformity with other writings which were then extant. I reply, in the first place, that, if he did this to countenance his forgery, he did it for the purpose of an argument which would not strike one reader in ten thousand. Coincidences so circuitous as this answer not the ends of forgery; are seldom, I believe, attempted by it. In the second place I observe that he must have had the Acts of the Apostles and the two epistles to the Co- rinthians before him at the time. In the Acts of the Apostles (I mean that part of the Acts which relates to this period), he would have found the journey to Jerusa- lem ; but nothing about the contribution. In the First Epistle to the Corinthians he would have found a contri- bution going on in Achaia for the Christians of Jerusa- lem, and a distant hint of the possibility of the journey ; but nothing concerning a contribution in Macedonia. In the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, he would have found a contribution in Macedonia accompanying that in Achaia ; but no intimation for whom either was intended, and not a word about the journey. It was onlv by a close and attentive collation of the three writings that he could have picked out the circumstances which he has united in his epistle ; and by a still more nice examination that he could have determined them to belong to the same period. In the third place, I remark, what diminishes very much the suspicion of fraud, how aptly and connect-. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 21 edly the mention of the circumstances in question, viz. the journey to Jerusalem, and of the occasion of that journey, arises from the context : " Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you ; for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled with your company. But now I go unto Jerusalem, to minister unto the saints ; for it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem. It hath pleased them verily, and their debtors they are ; for, if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things. When therefore I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain." Is the passage in Italics like a passage foisted in for an extraneous purpose ? Does it not arise from what goes before, by a junction as easy as any example of writing upon real business can furnish ? Could any thing be more natural than that St. Paul, in writing to the Romans, should speak of the time when he hoped to visit them ; should mention the busi- ness which then detained him ; and that he purposed to set forwards upon his journey to them when that business was completed ? No. II. By means of the quotation which formed the subject of the preceding number, we collect that the Epistle to the Romans was written at the conclusion of St. Paul's sec- ond visit to the peninsula of Greece ; but this we collect, not from the epistle itself, nor from any thing declared concerning the time and place in any part of the epistle, 22 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. but from a comparison of circumstances referred to in the epistle with the order of events recorded in the Acts, and with reference to the same circumstances, though for quite different purposes, in the two epistles to the Corin- thians. Now would the author of a forgery, who sought to gain credit to a spurious letter by congruities depend- ing upon the time and place in which the letter was sup- posed to be written, have left that time and place to be made out in a manner so obscure and indirect as this is ? If therefore coincidences of circumstance can be pointed out in this epistle, depending upon its date, or the place where it was written, Vv^hilst that date and place are only ascertained by other circumstances, such coincidences may fairly be stated as undesigned. Under this head I adduce Chap, xvi., 21 — 23. " Timotheus, my work-fellow, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen, salute you. I, Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord. Gaius, mine host, and of the whole church, saluteth you ; and Quartus, a brother." With this passage I compare Acts, XX. 4: "And there accompanied him into Asia, Sopater of Berea ; and, of the Thessalonians, Aristar- chus and Secundus ; and Gaius of Derbe, and Timotheus; and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus." The Epistle to the Romans, we have seen, was written just before St. Paul's departure from Greece, after his second visit to that peninsula : the persons mentioned in the quotation from the Acts are those who accompanied him in that departure. Of seven whose names are joined in the sal- utation of the church of Rome, three, viz. Sosipater, Gaius, and Timothy, are proved, by this passage in the Acts, to have been with St. Paul at the time. And this is perhaps as much coincidence as could be expected from reality, though less, I am apt to think, than would THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 23 have been produced by design. Four are mentioned in the Acts who are not joined in the salutation ; and it is in the nature of the case probable that there should be many attending St. Paul in Greece, who knew nothing of the converts at Rome, nor were known by them. In like manner, several are joined in the salutation who are not mentioned in the passage referred to in the Acts. This also was to be expected. The occasion of mention- ing them in the Acts was their proceeding with St. Paul upon his journey. But we may be sure that there were many eminent Christians with St. Paul in Greece, besides those who accompamed him into Asia.* But, if any one shall still contend that a forger of the epistle, with the Acts of the Apostles before him, and having settled this scheme of writing a letter as from St. Paul upon his second visit into Greece, would easily think of the expedient of putting in the names of those persons who appeared to be with St. Paul at the time, as an ob- vious recommendation of the imposture, I then repeat my * Of these Jason is one, whose presence upon this occasion is very natu- rally accounted for. Jason was an inhabitant of Thessalonica in Mace- donia, and entertained St. Paul in his house upon his first visit to that country. Acts, xvii. 7. — St. Paul, upon this his second visit, passed through Macedonia on his way to Greece, and, from the situation of Thessalonica, most likely through that city. It appears, from various instances in the Acts, to have been the practice of many converts to attend St. Paul from place to place. It is therefore highly probable, I mean that it is highly con- sistent with the account in the history, that Jason, according to that ac- count a zealous disciple, the inhabitant of a city at no great distance from Greece, and through which, as it should seem, St. Paul had lately passed, should have accompanied St. Paul into Greece, and have been with him there at this time. Lucius is another name in the epistle. A very slight alteration would convert AovKioginto Aovkus, Lucius into Luke, which would produce an additional coincidence ; for if Luke was the author of the his- tory, he was with St. Paul at the time ; inasmuch as describing the voyage which took place soon after the writing of this epistle, the historian uses the %st person — " We sailed away from Philippi." Acts, xx. 6. 24 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. observations : first, that he would have made the catalogue more complete ; and, secondly, that, with this contrivance in his thoughts, it was certainly his business, in order to avail himself of the artifice, to have stated, in the body of the epistle, that Paul was in Greece when he wrote it, and that he was there upon his second visit. Neither of which he has done, either directly or even so as to be discoverable by any circumstance found in the narrative delivered in the Acts. Under the same head, viz. of coincidences depending upon date, I cite from the epistle the following salutation : " Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my hewers in Christ Jesus, who have for my life laid down their own necks ; unto w^hom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles." Chap. xvi. 3. — It appears, from the Acts of the Apostles, that Priscilla and Aquila had orig- inally been inhabitants of Rome ; for we read. Acts, xviii. 2, that '' Paul found a certain Jew, named Aquila, lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from RomeJ" They were connected, therefore, with the place to which the salutations are sent. That is one coincidence ; an- other is the following : St. Paul became acquainted with these persons at Corinth during his first visit into Greece. They accompanied him upon his return into Asia ; were settled some time at Ephesus, Acts, xviii. 19 — 26 ; and appear to have been with St. Paul when he wrote from that place his First Epistle to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. xvi. 19. Not long after the writing of which epistle St. Paul went from Ephesus into Macedonia, and, " after he had gone over those parts," proceeded from thence upon his second visit into Greece, during which visit, or rather at the conclusion of it, the Epistle to the Romans, as hath been shown, was written. We have therefore the time THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 25 of St. Paul's residence at Ephesus after he had written to the Corinthians, the time taken up by his progress through Macedonia, (which is indefinite, and was probably con- siderable,) and his three months abode in Greece ; we have the sum of those three periods allowed for Aquila and Priscilla going back to Rome, so as to be there when the epistle before us was written. Now, what this quo- tation leads us to observe is, the danger of scattering names and circumstances in writings like the present, how implicated they often are with dates and places, and that nothing but truth can preserve consistency. Had the notes of time in the Epistle to the Romans fixed the writing of it to any date prior to St. Paul's first residence at Corinth, the salutation of Aquila and Priscilla would have contradicted the history, because it would have been prior to his acquaintance with these persons. If the notes of time had fixed it to any period during that residence at Corinth, during his journey to Jerusalem when he first returned out of Greece, during his stay at Antioch, whither he went down to Jerusalem, or durmg his second progress through the Lesser Asia, upon which he proceeded from Antioch, an equal contradiction would have been incurred ; because, from Acts, xviii. 2 — 18, 19 — 26, it appears that during all this time Aquila and Pris- cilla were either along with St. Paul, or were abiding at Ephesus. Lastly, had the notes of time in this epistle, which we have seen to be perfectly incidental, compared with the notes of time in the First Epistle to the Corin- thians, which are equally incidental, fixed this epistle to be either contemporary with that, or prior to it, a similar contradiction would have ensued ; because, first, when the epistle to the Corinthians was written, Aquila and Priscilla were along with St. Paul, as they joined in the salutation of that church, 1 Cor. xvi. 19 ; and because, 2 26 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. secondly, the history does not allow us to suppose that between the time of their becoming acquainted witfi St. Paul, and the time of St. Paul's writing to the Corinthians, Aquila and Priscilla could have gone to Rome, so as to have been saluted in an epistle to that city ; and then come back to St. Paul at Ephesus, so as to be joined w^ith him in saluting the church of Corinth. As it is, all things are consistent. The Epistle to the Romans is posterior even to the Second Epistle to the Corinthians ; because it speaks of a contribution in Achaia being completed, which the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, chap, viii., is only soliciting. It is sufficiently, therefore, posterior to the First Epistle to the Corinthians, to allow time in the interval for Aquila and Priscilla's return from Ephe- sus to Rome. Before we dismiss these two persons, we may take notice of the terms of commendation in which St. Paul describes them, and of the agreement of that encomium with the history. " My helpers in Christ Jesus, who have for my life laid down their necks ; unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gen- tiles." In the eighteenth chapter of the Acts we are informed that Aquila and Priscilla were Jews ; that St. Paul first met with them at Corinth ; that for some time he abode in the same house with them ; that St. Paul's contention at Corinth was with the unbelieving Jews, who at first " opposed and blasphemed, and afterwards, with one accord raised an insurrection against him ;" that Aquila and Priscilla adhered, we may conclude, to St. Paul throughout this whole contest ; for, when he left the city they went with him, Acts, xviii. 18. Under these circumstances, it is highly probable that they should be involved in the dangers and persecutions which St. Paul underwent from the Jews, being themselves Jews ; THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 27 and, by adhering to St. Paul in this dispute, deserters, as they would be accounted, of the Jewish cause. Farther, as they, though Jews, were assisting to St. Paul in preach- ing to the Gentiles at Corinth, they had taken a decided part in the great controversy of that day, the admission of the Gentiles to a parity of religious situation with the Jews. For this conduct alone, if there was no other reason, they may seem to have been entitled to " thanks from the churches of the Gentiles." They were Jews taking part with Gentiles. Yet is all this so indirectly intimated, or rather so much of it left to inference, in the account given in the Acts, that I do not think it probable that a forger either could or would have drawn his rep- resentation from thence ; and still less probable do I think it that, without having seen the Acts, he could, by mere accident, and without truth for his guide, have delivered a representation so conformable to the circumstances there recorded. The two congruities last adduced depended upon the time, the two following regard the place, of the epistle. 1. Chap. xvi. 23. " Erastus, the chamberlain of the city, saluteth you" — of what city ? We have seen, that is, we have inferred, from circumstances found in the epistle, compared with circumstances found in the Acts of the Apostles, and in the two epistles to the Corinthians, that our epistle was written during St. Paul's second visit to the peninsula of Greece. Again, as St. Paul, in his epistle to the church of Corinth, 1 Cor. xvi. 3, speaks of a collection going on in that city, and of his desire that it might be ready against he came thither ; and, as in this epistle he speaks of that collection being ready, it follows that the epistle was written either whilst he was at Cor- inth, or after he had been there. Thirdly, since St. Paul speaks in this epistle of his journey to Jerusalem, as about 28 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. instantly to take place ; and as we learn, Acts, xx. 3, that his design and attempt was to sail upon that journey immediately from Greece, properly so called, i. e. as dis- tinguished from Macedonia ; it is probable that he was in this country when he wrote the epistle, in which he speaks of himself as upon the eve of setting out. If in Greece, he was most likely at Corinth ; for the two epis- tles to the Corinthians show that the principal end of his coming into Greece was to visit that city, where he had founded a church. Certainly we know no place in Greece in which his presence was so probable : at least, the placing of him at Corinth satisfies every circum- stance. Now, that Erastus was an inhabitant of Corinth, or had some connection with Corinth, is rendered a fair subject of presumption, by that which is accidentally said of him in the Second Epistle to Timothy, chap. iii. 20 : *' Erastus abode at Corinth.^' St. Paul complains of his solitude, and is telling Timothy what was become of his companions : '' Erastus abode at Corinth ; but Trophimus have I left at Miletum, sick." Erastus was one of those who had attended St. Paul in his travels, Acts xix. 22 ; and when those travels had, upon some occasion, brought our apostle and his train to Corinth, Erastus staid there, for no reason so probable as that it was his home. I al- low that this coincidence is not so precise as some others, yet I think it too clear to be produced by accident ; for, of the many places which this same epistle has assigned to different persons, and the innumerable others which it might have mentioned, how came it to fix upon Corinth for Erastus ? And, as far as it is a coincidence, it is cer- tainly undesigned on the part of the author of the epistle to the Romans ; because he has not told us of what city Erastus was the chamberlain ; or, which is the same thing, from what city the epistle was written, the setting THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 29 forth of which was absolutely necessary to the display of the coincidence, if any such display had been thought of: nor could the author of the Epistle to Timothy leave Erastus at Corinth, from any thing he might have read in the Epistle to the Romans, because Corinth is nowhere in that epistle mentioned either by name or description. 2. Chap. xvi. 1 — 3. " I commend unto you Phcebe, our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea, that ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you : for she hath been a succorer of many, and of myself also." Cenchrea adjoined to Corinth ; St. Paul therefore, at the time of writing the letter, was in the neighborhood of the woman whom he thus recom- mends. But, farther, that St. Paul had before this been at Cenchrea itself, appears from the eighteenth chapter of the Acts ; and appears by a circumstance as incidental, and as unlike design, as any that can be imagined. " Paul after this tarried there (viz. at Corinth) yet a good while, and then took his leave of his brethren, and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila, having shorn his head in Cenchrea^ for he had a vow ;" xviii. 18. The shaving of the head denoted the expiration of the Nazaritic vow. The historian, therefore, by the mention of this circumstance, virtually tells us that St. Paul's vow was expired before he set forward upon his voyage, hav- ing deferred probably his departure until he should be released from the restrictions under which his vow laid him. Shall we say that the author of the Acts of the Apostles feigned this anecdote of St. Paul at Cenchrea, because he had read in the Epistle to the Romans that " Phoebe, a servant of the church of Cenchrea, had been a succorer of many and of him also ?" or shall we say that the author of the Epistle to the Romans, out of his 30 THE EPIiTLE TO THE ROMANS. own imagination, created Phoebe "« servant of the church at Cenchrea," because he read in the Acts of the Apostles that Paul had " shorn his head" in that place ? No. III. Chap. i. 13. "Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, but was let hitherto, that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles." Again, xv. 23, 24. " But now having no more place in these parts, and hav- ing a great desire these many years (noUa, oftentimes) to come unto you, whensoever I take my journey into Spain I will come to you ; for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you ; but now I go up unto Jerusalem, to minister to the saints. When, therefore, I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain." With these passages compare Acts, xix. 21 : "After these things were ended {viz. at Ephesus), Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem ; saying, After I have been there, I must also see Rome." Let it be observed that our epistle purports to have been written at the conclusion of St. Paul's second jour- ney into Greece ; that the quotation from the Acts con- tains words said to have been spoken by St. Paul at Eph- esus, some time before he set forwards upon that journey. Now I contend that it is impossible that two independent fictions should have attributed to St. Paul the same pur- pose, especially a purpose so specific and particular as this, which was not merely a general design of visiting Rome after he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, THE EriJiTLE TU THE ROMANS. 31 and after he had performed a voyage from these countries to Jerusalem. The conformity between the history and the epistle is perfect. In the first quotation from the epistle we find that a design of visiting Rome had long dwelt in the apostle's mind : in the quotation from the Acts, we find that design expressed a considerable time before the epistle was written. In the history, we find that the plan which St. Paul had formed wasj to pass through Macedonia and Achaia ; after that to go to Jeru- salem ; and, when he had finished his visit there, to sail for Rome. When the epistle was written, he had ex- ecuted so much of his plan as to have passed through Macedonia and Achaia ; and was preparing to pursue the remainder of it, by speedily setting out towards Jeru- salem : and in this point of his travels he tells his friends at Rome that, when he had completed the business which carried him to Jerusalem, he would come to them. Sec- ondly, I say that the very inspection of the passages will satisfy us that they were not made up from one another. "Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you ; for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you ; but now I go up to Jerusalem, to minister to the saints. When, therefore, I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain." — This from the epistle. "Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed thrugh Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem ; say- ing, After I have been there, I must also see Rome." — This from the Acts. If the passage in the epistle was taken from that in the Acts, why was Spain put in ? If the passage in the Acts was taken from that in the epistle, why was Spain left out ? If the two passages were unknown to each other. 32 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. nothing can account for their conformity but truth. Whether we suppose the history and the epistle to be ahke fictitious, or the history to be true but the letter spu- rious, or the letter to be genuine but the history a fable, the meeting with this circumstance in both, if neither borrowed it from the other, is, upon all these suppositions, equally inexplicable. No. IV. The following quotation I offer for the purpose of pointing out a geographical coincidence, of so much im- portance that Dr. Lardner considered it as a confirma- tion of the whole history of St. Paul's travels. Chap. XV., 19. " So that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ." I do not think that these words necessarily import that St. Paul had penetrated into Illyricum, or preached the Gospel in that province ; but rather that he had come to the confines of Illyricum, {jisxQf' ts IXXvqixs), and that these confines were the external boundary of his travels. St. Paul considers Jerusalem as the centre, and is here view- ing the circumference to which his travels extended. The form of expression in the original conveys this idea — ano 'legeaaXTjjLi xat xvxXcp f^^XQ'' ^^ IXXvqixb. lUyricum Was the part of this circle which he mentions in an epistle to the Romans, because it lay in a direction from Jerusalem towards that city, and pointed out to the Roman readers the nearest place to them, to which his travels from Jeru- lem had brought him. The name of Illyricum nowhere occurs in the Acts of the Apostles ; no suspicion, there- fore, can be received that the mention of it was borrowed THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 33 from thence. Yet I think it appears, from these same Acts, that St. Paul, before the time when he wrote his Epistle to the Romans, had reached the confines of Ulyri- CLim ; or, however, that he might have done so, in perfect consistency with the account there delivered. Illyricum adjoins upon Macedonia ; measuring from Jerusalem to- wards Rome, it lies close behind it. If, therefore, St. Paul traversed the whole country of Macedonia, the route would necessarily bring him to the confines of Illyricum, and these confines would be described as the extremity of his journey. Now, the account of St. Paul's second visit to the peninsula of Greece is contained in these words : '* He departed for to go into Macedonia ; and when he had gone over these parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece." Acts, xx. 2. This account allows, or rather leads, us to suppose that St. Paul, in going over Macedonia {disWoiv xa fiegrj Bzewa,) had passed so far to the west as to come into those parts of the country which were contiguous to Illyricum, if he did not enter into Illyricum itself The history, there- fore, and the epistle so far agree, and the agreement is much strengthened by a coincidence of time. At the time the epistle was written, St. Paul might say, in con- formity with the history, that he had " come into Illyri- cum ;" much before that time, he could not have said so ; for, upon his former journey to Macedonia, his route is laid down from the time of his landing at Philippi to his sailing from Corinth. We trace him from Philippi to Amphipolis and Apollonia; from thence to Thessalo- nica ; from Thessalonica to Berea ; from Berea to Athens ; and from Athens to Corinth ; which tract confines him to the eastern side of the peninsula, and therefore keeps him all the while at a considerable distance from Illyricum. Upon his second visit to Macedonia, the history, we have 2* 34 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. seen, leaves him at liberty. It must have been, therefore, upon that second visit, if at all, that he approached Illyri- cum ; and this visit, we know, almost immediately pre- ceded the writing of the epistle. It was natural that the apostle should refer to a journey which was fresh in his thoughts. No. V. Chap. XV. 30. " Now, I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be delivered from them that do not believe, in Judaea." — With this compare Acts, xx. 22, 23 : " And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jeru- salem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there, save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me." Let it be remarked that it is the same journey to Je- rusalem which is spoken of in these two passages ; that the epistle was written immediately before St. Paul set forwards upon this journey from Achaia ; that the words in the Acts were uttered by him when he had proceeded in that journey, as far as Miletus, in Lesser Asia. This being remembered, I observe that the two passages, with- out any resemblance between them that could induce us to suspect that they were borrowed from one another, represent the state of St. Paul's mind, with respect to the event of the journey, in terms of substantial agreement. They both express his sense of danger in the approach- ing visit to Jerusalem : they both express the doubt which dwelt upon his thoughts concerning what might there be- THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 35 fall him. When, in his epistle, he entreats the Roman Christians, '* for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, to strive together with him in their prayers to God for him, that he might be delivered from them v^^hich do not believe, in Judea," he sufficiently con- fesses his fears. In the Acts of the Apostles we see in him the same apprehensions, and the same uncertainty: " I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there." The only difference is, that in the history his thoughts are more inclined to despondency than in the epistle. In the epistle he retains his hope " that he should come unto them with joy by the will of God ;" in the history, his mind yields to the reflec- tion, *' that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city that bonds and afflictions awaited him." Now that his fears should be greater, and his hopes less, in this stage of his journey than when he wrote his epistle, that is, when he first set out upon it, is no other alteration than might well be expected ; since those prophetic intimations to which he refers, when he says, " the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city," had probably been received by him in the course of his journey, and were probably similar to what we know he received in the remaining part of it at Tyre, xxi. 4, and afterwards from Agabus at Caesarea, xxi. 11. No. VI. There is another strong remark arising from the same passage in the epistle ; to make which understood, it will be necessary to state the passage over again, and some- what more at length. " I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together 30 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be delivered from them that do not beheve, in Judea — that I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed." I desire the reader to call to mind that part of St. Paul's history which took place after his arrival at Jerusalem, and which employs the seven last chapters of the Acts ; and I build upon it this observation — that, supposing the Epistle to the Romans to have been a forgery, and the author of the forgery to have had the Acts of the Apos- tles before him, and to have there seen that St. Paul, in fact, " was 710^ delivered from the unbelieving Jews," but on the contrary, that he was taken into custody at Jeru- salem, and brought to Rome a prisoner — it is next to im- possible that he should have made St. Paul express ex- pectations so contrary to what he saw had been the event; and utter prayers, with apparent hopes of success, which he must have known were frustrated in the issue. This single consideration convinces me that no concert or confederacy whatever subsisted between the epistle and the Acts of the Apostles ; and that whatever coinci- dences have been or can be pointed out between them are unsophisticated, and are the result of truth and reality. It also convinces me that the epistle was written not only in St. Paul's lifetime, but before he arrived at Jeru- salem ; for the important events relating to him which took place after his arrival at that city must have been known to the Christian community soon after they hap- pened: they form the most public part of his history. But had they been known to the author of the epistle — in in other words had they then taken place — the passage which we have quoted from the epistle would not havt been found there. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 37 No. VII. I now proceed to state the conformity which exists be- tween the argument of this epistle and the history of its reputed author. It is enough for this purpose to observe that the object of the epistle, that is, of the argumentative part of it, was to place the Gentile convert upon a parity of situation with the Jewish, in respect of his religious condition, and his rank in the Divine favor. The epistle supports this point by a variety of arguments ; such as, that no man of either description was justified by the works of the law — for this plain reason, that no man had performed them ; that it became therefore necessary to appoint another medium or condition of justification, in which new medium the Jewish peculiarity was merged and lost ; that Abraham's own justification was anterior to the law, and independent of it ; that the Jewish con- verts were to consider the law as now dead, and them- selves as married to another ; that what the law in truth could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God had done by sending his Son ; that God had rejected the unbelieving Jews, and had substituted in their place a society of believers in Christ, collected indiflferently from Jews and Gentiles. Soon after the writing of this epistle, St. Paul, agreeably to the intention intimated in the epis- tle itself, took his journey to Jerusalem. The day after he arrived there, he was introduced to the church. What passed at this interview is thus related. Acts, xxi. 19: " When he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry ; and, when they heard it, they glorified the Lord ; and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe ; and they are 38 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. all zealous of the law ; and they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gen- tiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to cir- cumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs." St. Paul disclaimed the charge ; but there must have been something to have led to it. Now, it is only to suppose that St. Paul openly professed the principles which the epistle contains ; that, in the course of his ministry he had uttered the sentiments which he is here made to write ; and the matter is accounted for. Concerning the accu- sation which public rumor had brought against him to Jerusalem, I will not say that it was just ; but I will say that, if he was the author of the epistle before us, and if his preaching was consistent with his writing, it was ex- tremely natural : for though it be not a necessary, surely it is an easy, inference, that, if the Gentile convert, who did not observe the law of Moses, held as advantageous a situation in his religious interests as the Jewish convert who did, there could be no strong reason for observing that law at all. The remonstrance, therefore, of the church of Jerusalem, and the report which occasioned it, were founded in no very violent misconstruction of the apostle's doctrine. His reception at Jerusalem was ex- actly what I should have expected the author of this epis- tle to have met with. I am entitled therefore to argue, that a separate narrative of effects experienced by St. Paul, similar to what a person might be expected to ex- perience who held the doctrines advanced in this epistle, forms a proof that he did hold these doctrines ; and that the epistle bearing his name, in which such doctrines are laid down, actually proceeded from him. THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. No. VIII. This number is supplemental to the former. I pi'opose to point out in it two particulars in the conduct of the argument, perfectly adapted to the historical circumstan- ces under which the epistle was written ; which yet are free from all appearance of contrivance, and which it would not, I think, have entered into the mind of a soph- ist to contrive. 1. The Epistle to the Galatians relates to the same general question as the Epistle to the Romans. St. Paul had founded the church of Galatia : at Rome he had never been. Observe now a difference in his manner of treating of the same subject, corresponding with this dif- ference in his situation. In the Epistle to t*he Galatians he puts the point in a great measure upon authority : " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another Gospel :" Gal., i. 6. " I certify you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me is not after man ; for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ:" chap. i. 11, 12. "I am afraid, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain :" iv. 11, 12. " I desire to be present with you now, for I stand in doubt of you ;" iv. 20. " Behold, I, Paul, say unto you, that, if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing :" v. 2. " This persuasion cometh n^ of him that called you :" v. 8. This is the style in which he accosts the Galatians. In the epistle to the converts of Rome, where his authority was not established, nor his person known, he puts the same points entirely upon argument. The perusal of the epistle will prove this to the satisfaction of every reader ; and, as the observation 40 THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. relates to the whole contents of the epistle, I forbear ad- ducing separate extracts. I repeat, therefore, that we have pointed out a distinction in the two epistles, suited to the relation in which the author stood to his different correspondents. Another adaptation, and somewhat of the same kind, is the following : 2. The Jews, we know, were very numerous at Rome, and probably formed a principal part amongst the new converts ; so much so that the Christians seem to have been known at Rome rather as a denomination of Jews than as any thing else. In an epistle consequently to the Roman believers, the point to be endeavored after by St. Paul was to reconcile the Jewish converts to the opinion that the Gentiles were admitted by God to a parity of religious situation with themselves, and that without their being bound by the law of Moses. The Gentile con- verts would probably accede to this opinion very readily. In this epistle, therefore, though directed to the Roman Church in general, it is in truth a Jew writing to Jews. Accordingly you will take notice that, as often as the argument leads him to say any thing derogatory from the Jewish institution, he constantly follows it by a soft- ening clause. Having (ii. 28, 29,) pronounced, not much perhaps to the satisfaction of the native Jews, " that he is not a Jew which is one outwardly, neither that cir- cumcision which is outward in the flesh ;" he adds im- mediately, " What advantantage then hath the Jew, or what profit is there in circumcision ? Much, every way'"* Having in the third chapter, ver. 28, brought his argu- ment to this formal conclusion, " that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law," he presently sub- joins, ver. 31, "Do we then make void the law through faith ? God forbid ! Yea, we establish the lawP In the THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. 41 seventh chapter, when in the sixth verse he had advanced the bold assertion " that now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held ;" in the very next verse he comes in with this healing question, *' What shall we say then ? Is the law sin ? God forbid ! Nay, I had not known sin but by the law." Having in the following words insinuated, or rather more than insin- uated, the inefficacy of the Jewish law, viii. 3, " for what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sin- ful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh ;" after a digression indeed, but that sort of a digression which he could never resist, a rapturous contemplation of his Chris- tian hope, and which occupies the latter part of this chap- ter ; we find him in the next, as if sensible that he had said something which would give offence, returning to his Jewish brethren in terms of the warmest affection and respect. *' I say the truth in Christ Jesus ; I lie not ; my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart ; for I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ, for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom pertaineth the adop- tion, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises ; whose are the fathers ; and of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came." When, in the thirty-first and thirty-second verses of this ninth chapter, he represented to the Jews the error of even the best of their nation, by telling them that *' Israel, which followed after the law of righteous- ness, had not attained to the law of righteousness, be- cause they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law, for they stumbled at that stumbling- stone," he takes care to annex to this declaration these 42 THE EPISTLE TU THE ROMANS. conciliating expressions : " Brethren, 7ny hearths desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved ; for I bear them record that they have a z&al of God, but not according to knowledge." Lastly, having, chap. x. 20, 21, by the application of a passage in Isaiah, insin- uated the most ungrateful of all propositions to a Jewish ear, the rejection of the Jewish nation as God's peculiar people ; he hastens, as it were, to qualify the intelligence of their fall by this interesting expostulation : " 1 say, then, hath God cast away his people {i. e. wholly and entirel}^) ? God forbid ! for I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his 'people which he foreknew ;" and follows this thought, throughout the whole of the eleventh chapter, in a series of reflections calculated to soothe the Jewish converts, as well as to procure from their Gentile breth- ren respect to the Jewish institution. Now all this is perfectly natural. In a real St. Paul writing to real converts, it is what anxiety to bring them over to his persuasion would naturally produce ; but there is an earnestness and a personality, if I may so call it, in the manner, which a cold forgery, I apprehend, would neither have conceived nor supported. \ L \H CHAPTER III. THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. No. I. Before we proceed to compare this epistle with the history, or with any other epistle, we will employ one number in stating certain remarks applicable to our ar- gument, which arise from a perusal of the epistle itself. By an expression in the first verse of the seventh chap- ter, " now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me," it appears that this letter to the Corinthistns was written by St. Paul in answer to one which he had re- ceived from them ; and that the seventh, and some of the following chapters, are taken up in resolving certain doubts, and regulating certain points of order, concern- ing which the Corinthians had in their letter consulted him. This alone is a circumstance considerably in favor of the authenticity of the epistle : for it must have been a far-fetched contrivance in a forgery, first to have feigned the receipt of a letter from the church of Corinth, which letter does not appear ; and then to have drawn up a fic- titious answer to it, relative to a great variety of doubts and inquiries, purely economical and domestic ; and which, though likely enough to have occurred to an infant so- ciety, in a situation and under an institution so novel as that of a Christian church then was, it must have very much exercised the author's invention, and could have answered no imaginable purpose of forgery, to introduce 44 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. the mention of at all. Particulars of the kind we refer to are such as the following: The rule of duty and pru- dence relative to entering into marriage, as applicable to virgins, to widows ; the case of husbands married to un- converted wives and wives having unconverted hus- bands ; that case where the unconverted party chooses to separate, where he chooses to continue the union ; the ef- fect which their conversion produced upon their prior state, of circumcision, of slavery ; the eating of things of- fered to idols, as it was in itself, as others were affected by it ; the joining in idolatrous sacrifices ; the decorum to be observed in their religious assemblies, the order of speaking, the silence of women, the covering or uncover- ing of the head, as it became men, as it became women. These subjects, with their several subdivisions, are so particular, minute, and numerous, that, though they be exactly agreeable to the circumstances of the persons to whom the letter was written, nothing, I believe, but the existence and reality of those circumstances could have suggested to the writer's thoughts. But this is not the only nor the principal observation upon the correspondence between the church of Corinth and their apostle, which I wish to point out. It appears, 1 think, in this correspondence, that, although the Co- rinthians had written to St. Paul, requesting his answer and his directions in the several points above enumer- ated, yet that they had not said one syllable about the enormities and disorders which had crept in amongst them, and in the blame of which they all shared ; but that St. Paul's information concerning the irregularities then prevailing at Corinth had come round to him from other quarters. The quarrels and disputes excited by their contentious adherence to their different teachers, and by their placing of them in competition with one another, THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 45 were not mentioned in their letter^ but communicated to St. Paul by more private intelligence : " It hath been de- clared unto me, my brethren, hy them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ:" i. 11, 12. The incestuous marriage " of a man with his father's wife," which St. Paul reprehends with so much severity in the fifth chapter of our epistle, and which was not the crime of an individual only, but a crime in which the whole church, by tolerating and conniving at it, had ren- dered themselves partakers, did not come to St. Paul's knowledge by the letter, but by a rumor which had reached his ears : " It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife ; and ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you:" v. 1, 2. Their going to law before the judicature of the country, rather than arbitrate and adjust their disputes among themselves, which St. Paul animadverts upon with his usual plainness, was not intimated to him in the letter, because he tells them his opinion of this conduct before he comes to the contents of the letter. Their litigiousness is censured by St. Paul in the sixth chapter of his epistle, and it is only at the beginning of the seventh chapter that he proceeds upon the articles which he found in their letter ; and he proceeds upon them with this preface : " Now concern- ing the things whereof ye wrote unto me," vii. 1 ; which introduction he would not have used if he had been al- ready discussing any of the subjects concerning which they had written. Their irregularities in celebrating the Lord's supper, and the utter perversion of the institution 46 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. which ensued, were not in the letter, as is evident from the terms in which St. Paul mentions the notice he had received of it: "Now in this that I declare unto you, I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse ; for, first of all, when ye come together in the church, / hear there be dividings among you, and I partly believe it^ Now, that the Corinthians should, in their own letter, exhibit the fair side of their conduct to the apostle, and conceal from him the faults of their be- havior, was extremely natural, and extremely probable : but it was a distinction which would not, I think, have easily occurred to the author of a forgery ; and much less likely is it that it should have entered into his thoughts to make the distinction appear in the way in which it does appear, viz. not by the original letter, not by an express observation upon it in the answer, but distantly by marks perceivable in the manner, or in the order, in which St. Paul takes notice of their faults. No. II. Our epistle purports to have been written after St. Paul had already been at Corinth : " I, brethren, when I came unto you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom," ii. 1 ; and in many other places to the same ef- fect. It purports also to have been written upon the eve of another visit to that church : *' I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will," iv. 19 ; and again, I " will come to you when I shall pass through Macedonia," xvi. 5. Now the history relates that St. Paul did in fact visit Corinth twice: once as recorded at length in the eigh- teenth, and a second time as mentioned briefly in the twentieth chapter of the Acts. The same history also THR FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 47 informs us, Acts xx. 1, that it was from Ephesus St. Paul proceeded upon his second journey into Greece. There- fore, as the epistle purports to have been written a short time preceding that journey ; and as St. Paul, the history tells us, had resided more than two years at Ephesus, before he set out upon it, it follows that it must have been from Ephesus, to be consistent with the history, that the epistle was written ; and every note of place in the epistle agrees with this supposition. " If, after the man- ner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not ?" xv. 32. I allow that the apostle might say this, wherever he was ; but it was more natural and more to the purpose to say it, if he was at Ephesus at the time, and in the midst of those conflicts to which the expression relates. "The churches of Asia salute you," xvi. 10. Asia, throughout the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles of St. Paul, does not mean the whole of Asia Minor or Antolia, nor even the whole of the proconsular Asia, but a district in the ante- rior part of that country, called Lydian Asia, divided from the rest, much as Portugal is from Spain, and of which district Ephesus was the capital. " Aquila and ^friscilla salute you:" xvi. 19. Aquila and Priscilla were at Ephesus during the period within which this epistle was written: Acts, xviii. 18, 26. "I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost :" xvi. 8. This, I apprehend, is in terms almost asserting that he was at Ephesus at the time of writing the epistle. — "A great and effectual door is opened unto me:" xvi. 9. How well this declaration corresponded with the state of things at Ephesus, and the progress of the Gospel in these parts, we learn from the reflection with which the historian concludes the account of certain transactions which passed there : " So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed," Acts, xix. 20 ; as 48 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. well as from the complaint of Demetrius, "that not only at Ephesus, but also throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people :" xix. 26. — " And there are many adversaries," says the epistle, xvi. 9. Look into the history of this period : " When divers were hardened and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and sepa- rated the disciples." The conformity therefore, upon this head of comparison, is circumstantial and perfect. If any one think that this is a conformity so obvious that any forger of tolerable caution and sagacity would have taken care to preserve it, I must desire such a one to read the epistle for himself; and, when he has done so, to declare whether he has discovered one mark of art or design ; whether the notes of time and place appear to him to be inserted with any reference to each other, with any view of their being compared with each other, or for the purpose of establishing a visible agreement with the history, in respect of them. No. III. Chap. iv. 17 — 19. *' For this cause I have sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church. Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come unto you ; but I will come unto you shortly, if the Lord will." With this I compare Acts, xix. 21, 22: "After these things were ended, Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem ; saving, After I have been there, I must also THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 49 see Rome ; so he sent unto Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him, Timotheus and Erastus." Though it be not said, it appears, I think, with suffi- cient certainty, I mean from the history, independently of the epistle, that Timothy was sent upon this occasion into Achaia, of which Corinth was the capital city, as well as into Macedonia : for the sending of Timothy and Erastus is, in the passage where it is mentioned, plainly connected with St. Paul's own journey : he sent them before him. As he therefore purposed to go into Achaia himself, it is highly probable that they were to go thither also. Nev- ertheless, they are said only to have been sent into Mace- donia, because Macedonia was in truth the country to which they went immediately from Ephesus ; being directed, as we suppose, to proceed afterwards from thence into Achaia. If this be so, the narrative agrees with the epistle ; and the agreement is attended with very little appearance of design. One thing at least con- cerning it is certain : that, if this passage of St. PauFs history had been taken from his letter, it would have ^ent Timothy to Corinth by name, or expressly, however, into Achaia. But there is another circumstance in these two pas- sages much less obvious, in which an agreement holds without any room for suspicion that it was produced by design. We have observed that the sending of Timothy into the peninsula of Greece was connected in the narra- tive with St. Paul's own journey thither ; it is stated as the effect of the same resolution. Paul purposed to go into Macedonia ; " so he sent two of them that ministered unto him, Timotheus and Erastus." Now in the epistle also you remark that, when the apostle mentions his hav- ing sent Timothy unto them, in the very next sentence he speaks of his own visit : " for this cause have I sent unto 3 50 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. you Timotheus, who is my beloved son," &c. ""Now some are puffed up, as though I would not come to you ; but I will come to you shortly, if God will." Timothy's journey, we see, is mentioned in the history, and in the epistle, in close connection with St. Paul's own. Here is the same order of thought and intention ; yet conveyed under such diversity of circumstance and expression, and the mention of them in the epistle so allied to the occa- sion which introduces it, viz. the insinuation of his adver- saries that he would come to Corinth no more, that I am persuaded no attentive reader will believe that these pas- sages were written in concert with one another, or will doubt but that the agreement is unsought and uncon- trived. But, in the Acts, Erastus accompanied Timothy in this journey, of whom no mention is made in the epistle. From what has been said in our observations upon the Epistle to the Romans, it appears probable that Erastus was a Coririuiian. If so, though he accompanied Timo- thy to Corinth, he was only returning home, and Timothy was the messenger charged with St, Paul's orders. — At any rate, this discrepancy shows that the passages were not taken from one another. No. IV, Chap. xvi. 10, 11. "Now, if Timotheus come, see that he may be with you without fear ; for he worketh the work of the Lord, as also I do : let no man therefore de- spise him, but conduct him forth in peace, that he may come unto me, for I look for him with the brethren." From the passage considered in the preceding number, it appears that Timothy was sent to Corinth, either with THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 51 the epistle, or before it : " for this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus." From the passage now quoted we in- fer that Timothy was not sent with the epistle ; for had he been the bearer of the letter, or accompanied it, would St. Paul in that letter have said, "TjT Timothy come?" Nor is the sequel consistent with the supposition of his carrying the letter ; for, if Timothy was with the apostle when he wrote the letter, could he say, as he does, " I look for him with the brethren?" I conclude, therefore, that Timothy had left St. Paul to proceed upon his journey before the letter was written. Farther, the passage be- fore us seems to imply that Timothy was not expected by St. Paul to arrive at Corinth till after they had re- ceived the letter. He gives them directions in the letter how to treat him when he should arrive : '' If he come," act towards him so and so. Lastly, the whole form of expression is most naturally applicable to the supposition of Timothy's coming to Corinth, not directly from St. Paul, but from some other quarter; and that his instruc- tions had been, when he should reach Corinth, to return. Now, how stands this matter in the history ? Turn to the nineteenth chapter and twenty-first verse of the Acts, and you will find that Timothy did not, when sent from Ephesus, where he left St. Paul, and where the present epistle was written, proceed by a straight course to Cor- inth, but that he went round through Macedonia. This clears up every thing ; for, although Timothy was sent forth upon his journey before the letter was written, yet he might not reach Corinth till after the letter arrived there ; and he would come to Corinth, when he did come, not directly from St. Paul at Ephesus, but from some part of Macedonia. Here, therefore, is a cir- cumstantial and critical agreement, and unquestionably without design ; for neither of the two passages in the 52 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. epistle mentions Timothy's journey into Macedonia at all, though nothing but a circuit of that kind can explain and reconcile the expressions which the writer uses. No. V. Chap. i. 12. " Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ." Also, iii. 6. " I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." This expression, " I have planted, Apollos watered," imports two things ; first, that Paul had been at Corinth before Apollos ; secondly, that Apollos had been at Corinth after Paul, but before the writing of this epistle. This implied account of the several events, and of the order in which they took place, corresponds exactly with the his- tory. St. Paul, after his first visit into Greece, returned from Corinth into Syria by the way of Ephesus ; and, dropping his companions, Aquila and Priscilla, at Ephe- sus, he proceeded forwards to Jerusalem ; from Jerusa- lem he descended to Antioch ; and from thence made a progress through some of the upper or northern provinces of the Lesser Asia, Acts, xviii. 19, 23 : during which prog- ress, and consequently in the interval between St. Paul's first and second visit to Corinth, and consequently also before the writing of this epistle, which was at Ephesus two years at least after the apostle's return from his prog- ress, we hear of Apollos, and we hear of him at Corinth. Whilst St. Paul was engaged, as hath been said, in Phry- gia and Galatia, Apollos came down to Ephesus ; and be- ing, in St. Paul's absence, instructed by Aquila and Pris- cilla, and having obtained letters of recommendation from THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 53 the church of Ephesus, he passed over to Achaia ; and, when he was there, we read that he "helped them much which had beUeved through grace, for he mightily con- vinced the Jews, and that publicly:" Acts, xviii. 27, 28. To have brought Apollos into Achaia, of which Corinth was the capital city, as well as the principal Chris- tian church; and to have shown that he preached the Gospel in that country, would have been sufficient for our purpose. But the history happens also to mention Corinth by name, as the place in which Apollos, after his arrival in Achaia, fixed his residence : for, proceeding with the account of St. Paul's travels, it tells us that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having passed through the upper coasts, came down to Ephesus, xix. 1. What is said, therefore, of Apollos in the epistle, coincides exactly, and especially in the point of chronology, with what is delivered concerning him in the history. The only question now is, whether the allusions were made with a regard to this coincidence ? Now, the occasions and purposes for which the name of Apollos is introduced in the Ads and in the epistles are so independent, and so remote, that it is impossible to discover the smallest refer- ence from one to the other. Apollos is mentioned in the Acts, in immediate connection with the history of Aquila and Priscilla, and for the very singular circumstance of his "knowing only the baptism of John." In the epistle, where none of these circumstances are taken notice of, his name first occurs, for the purpose of reproving the contentious spirit of the Corinthians ; and it occurs only in conjunction with that of some others : " Every one of you saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ." The second passage in which Apollos appears, " I have planted, Apollos watered," fixes, as we have observed, the order of time amongst three distinct 54 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. events : but it fixes this, I will venture to pronounce, w^ith- out the writer perceiving that he was doing any such thing. The sentence fixes this order in exact conformity with the history : but it is itself introduced solely for the sake of the reflection which follows : — " Neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God, that giveth the increase." No. VI. Chap. iv. 11, 12. "Even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling-place ; and labor, working with our own hands." We are expressly told, in the history, that at Corinth St. Paul labored with his own hands : " He found Aquila and Priscilla ; and, because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought : for by their occupation they were tent-makers." But, in the text before us, he is made to say, that " he labored even unto the present liour" that is to the time of writing the epistle at Ephesus. Now, in the narration of St. Paul's transactions at Ephe- sus, delivered in the nineteenth chapter of the Acts, noth- ing is said of his working with his own hands ; but in the twentieth chapter we read that upon his return from Greece, he sent for the elders of the church of Ephesus, to meet him at Miletus ; and in the discourse which he there addressed to them, amidst some other reflections which he calls to their remembrance, we find the follow- ing : '• I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel ; yea, ye yourselves also know that these hands have min- istered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me." The reader will not forget to remark that, though THE FIKtJT EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 55 St. Paul be now at Miletus, it is to the elders of the church of Ephesus he his speaking, when he says, " Ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities ;" and that the whole discourse relates to his conduct during his last preceding residence at Ephe- sus. That manual labor, therefore, which he had exer- cised at Corinth, he continued at Ephesus, and not only so, but continued it during that particular residence at Ephesus, near the conclusion of which this epistle was written ; so that he might with the strictest truth say at the time of writing the epistle, " Even unto this present hour we labor, working with our own hands." The cor- respondency is sufficient, then, as to the undesignedness of it. It is manifest, to my judgment, that, if the history, in this article, had been taken from the epistle, this cir- cumstance, if it appeared at all, would have appeared in its place, that is, in the direct account of St. Paul's transactions at Ephesus. The correspondency would not have been effected, as it is, by a kind of reflected stroke, that is, by a reference in a subsequent speech, to what in the narrative was omitted. Nor is it likely, on the other hand, that a circumstance which is not extant in the his- tory of St. Paul, at Ephesus should have been made the subject of a factitious allusion, in an epistle purporting to be written by him from that place ; not to mention that the allusion itself, especially as to time, is too oblique and general to answer any purpose of forgery whatever. No. VII. Chap. ix. 20. "" And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews ; to them that are under the law, as under the law." 56 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS, We have the disposition here described exemplified in two instances which the history records ; one, Acts, xvi. 3: "Him (Timothy) would Paul have to go forth with him, and took and circumcised him, because of the Jeios in those quarters ; for they knew all that his father was a Greek." This was before the writing of the epistle. The other, Acts, xxi. 23, 26, and after the writing of the epistle : " Do this that we say to thee : we have four men which have a vow on them ; them take, and purify thyself with them, that they may shave their heads ; and all may know that those things, whereof they were in- formed concerning thee, are nothing ; but that thou thy- self also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. — Then Paul took the men, and the next day, purifying himself with them, entered into the temple.''^ Nor does this concurrence between the character and the instances look like the re- sult of contrivance. St. Paul, in the epistle, describes, or is made to describe, his own accommodating conduct to- wards Jews and towards Gentiles, towards the weak and over-scrupulous, towards men indeed of every variety of character ; " to them that are without law as without law, being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ, that I might gain them that are without law ; to the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak ; I am made all things to all men, that I might gain some." This is the sequel of the text which stands at the head of the present number. Taking therefore the whole pas- sage together, the apostle's condescension to the Jews is mentioned only as a part of his general disposition to- wards all. It is not probable that this character should have been made up from the instances in the Acts, which relate solely to his dealings with the Jews. It is not probable that a sophist should take his hint from those in- stances, and then extend it so much beyond them ; and it THE FIRST El'ISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 57 is still more incredible that the two instances in the Acts, circumstantially related and interwoven with the history, should have been fabricated in order to suit the character which St. Paul gives of himself in the epistle. No. VIII. Chap. i. 14 — 17. "I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius, lest any should say that I baptized in my own name ; and I baptized also the house- hold of Stephanas : besides, I know not whether I bap- tized any other ; for Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel." It may be expected that those whom the apostle bap- tized with his own hands were converts distinguished from the rest by some circumstance, either of eminence, or of connection with him. Accordingly, of the three names here mentioned, Crispus, we find, from Acts, xviii. 8, was a *' chief ruler of the Jewish synagogue at Corinth, who believed in the Lord, with all his house." Gaius, it appears from Romans, xvi. 23, was St. Paul's host at Corinth, and the host, he tells us, " of the whole church." The household of Stephanas, we read in the sixteenth chapter of this epistle, " were the first-fruits of Achaia." Here, therefore, is the propriety we expected : and it is a proof of reality not to be contemned ; for their names appearing in the several places in which they occur, with a mark of distinction belonging to each, could hardly be the effect of chance, without any truth to direct it ; and, on the other hand, to suppose that they were picked out from these passages, and brought together in the text be- fore us, in order to display a conformity of names, is both improbable in itself, and is rendered more so by the pur- 3* 58 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. pose for which they are introduced. They come in to assist St. Paul's exculpation of himself, against the possible charge of having assumed the character of the founder of a separate religion, and with no other visible, or, as I think, imaginable design.* * Chap, i,, I, " Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, through the will of God, and Sosthenes, our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth." The only account we have of any person who bore the name of Sosthenes is found in the eighteenth chapter of the Acts. When the Jews at Corinth had brought Paul before Gallio, and Gallio had dismissed their complaint as unworthy of his interference, and had driven them from the judgment-seat; "then all the Greeks," says the historian, "took Sos- thenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment- seat." The Sosthenes here spoken of was a Corinthian ; and, if he was a Christian, and with St. Paul when he wrote this epistle, was likely enough to be joined with him in the salutation of the Corinthian church. But here occurs a difficulty. If Sosthenes was a Christian at the time of this uproar, why should the Greeks beat him 1 The assault upon the Christians was made by the Jev7S. It was the Jev)S who had brought Paul before the mag- istrate. If it had been the Jews also who had beaten Sosthenes 1 should not have doubted but that he had been a favorer of St. Paul, and the same person who is joined with him in the epistle. Let us see, therefore, whether there be not some error in our present text. The Alexandrian manuscript gives iravrti alone, without ol 'EXXfji/cj, and is followed in this reading by the Coptic version, by the Arabic version, published by Epefnius, by the Vulgate, and by Bede's Latin Version. Three Greek manuscripts again, as well as Chrysostom, give ol lovfiaioi, in the place of ot, EAXijycj. A great plurality of manuscripts authorize the reading which is retained in our copies. In this variety it appears to me extremely probable that the historian originally wrote iravrti alone, and that ol EAX/jf^s, and ol lovSaioi, have been respectively added as explanatory of what the word iravrsf was supposed to mean. The sentence without the addition of either name, would run very perspicuously thus: "koi airriXaaev avrovs airo rov PrjuaTOS' £7Ti\aPoiJL£voi 6e navrti ^o}(TQevr]v rov ap^iavvayoiYov, ervirrov ffiizpoaQev rov ffrinaroi. and he drove them away from the judgment-seat ; and they all," viz., the crowd of Jews whom the judge had bid begone, " took Sosthenes, and beat him before the judgment-seat." It is certain that, as the whole body of the people were Greeks, the appUcation of all to them was unusual and hard. If I was describing an insurrection at Paris, I might say all the Jews, all the Protestants, or all the English acted so and so ; but I should scarcely say all the French, when the whole mass of the community were of that THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 59 No. IX. Chap. xvi. 10, 11. "Now, if Timotheus come, let no man despise him." — Why despise him ? This charge is not given concerning any other messenger whom St. Paul sent ; and, in the different epistles, many such messengers are mentioned. Turn to 1 Timothy, chap. iv. 12, and you will find that Timothy was a young man, younger proba- bly than those who were usually employed in the Chris- tian mission ; and that St. Paul, apprehending lest he should, on that account, be exposed to contempt, urges upon them the caution which is there inserted, ** Let no man despise thy youth." No. X. Chap. xvi. 1. " Now, concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye." The churches of Galatia and Phrygia were the last churches which St. Paul had visited before the writing of this epistle. He was now at Ephesus, and he came thither immediately from visiting these churches : " He went over all the country of Galatia and Phrygia, in order, strengthening all the disciples. And it came to pass that Paul, having passed through the upper coasts/' {viz. the above-named countries, called the upper coasts, as being the northern part of Asia Minor,) *'came to Ephesus :" Acts, xviii. 23 ; xix. 1. These, therefore, description. As what is here offered is founded upon a various reading, and that in opposition to the greater part of the manuscripts that are extant, I have not given it a place in the text. 60 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. probably, were the last churches at which he left direc- tions for their public conduct during his absence. Al- though two years intervened between his journey to Ephesus and his writing this epistle, yet it does not ap- pear that during that time he visited any other church. That he had not been silent when he was in Galatia, upon this subject of contribution for the poor, is farther made out from a hint which he lets fall in his epistle to that church : *' Only they (viz. the other apostles) would that we should remember the poor, the same also which I was forward to do." No. XI. Chap. iv. 18. "Now, some are puffed up, as though I would not come unto you." Why should they suppose that he would not come? Turn to the first chapter of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and you will find that he had already disap- pointed them : " I was minded to come unto you before, that you might have a second benefit ; and to pass by you into Macedonia, and to come again out of Macedonia unto you, and of you to be brought on my way towards Judea. When I, therefore, was thus minded, did I use lightness ? Or the things that I purpose do I purpose ac- cording to the flesh, that with me there should be yea, yea, and nay, nay ? But, as God is true, our w^ord toward you was not yea and nay." It appears, from this quota- tion, that he had not only intended, but that he had pro- mised them a visit before ; for, otherwise, why should he apologize for the change of his purpose, or express so much anxiety lest this change should be imputed to any culpable fickleness in his temper ; and lest he should THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 61 thereby seem to them as one whose word was not, in any sort, to be depended upon ? Besides which, the terms made use of plainly refer to a promise : " Our word to- ward you was not yea and nay." St. Paul therefore had signified an intention which he had not been able to exe- cute ; and this seeming breach of his word, and the delay of his visit, had, with some who were evil affected to- wards him, given birth to a suggestion that he would come no more to Corinth. No. XII. Chap. v. 7, 8. " For even Christ, our passover, is sacrificed for us ; therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." Dr. Benson tells us that, from this passage, compared with chapter xvi. 8, it has been conjectured that this epistle was written about the time of the Jewish pass- over ; and to me the conjecture appears to be very well founded. The passage to which Dr. Benson refers us is this : •' I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost." With this passage he ought to have joined another in the same context : " And it may be that I will abide, yea, and win- ter with you ;" for, from the two passages laid together, it follows that the epistle was written before Pentecost, yet after winter ; which necessarily determines the date to the part of the year within which the passover falls. It was written before Pentecost, because he says, " I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost." It was written after winter, because he tells them, " It may be that I may abide, yea, and winter with you." The winter which the 62 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. apostle purposed to pass at Corinth was undoubtedly the winter next ensuing to the date of the epistle ; yet it was a winter subsequent to the ensuing Pentecost, because he did not intend to set forward upon his journey till after that feast. The words, " let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wick- edness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth," look very like words suggested by the season ; at least they have, upon that supposition, a force and signifi- cancy which do not belong to them upon any other ; and it is not a little remarkable that the hints casually drop- ped in the epistle concerning particular parts of the year should coincide with this supposition. CHAPTER IV. THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. No. I. I WILL not say that it is impossible, having seen the First Epistle to the Corinthians, to construct a second with ostensible allusions to the first ; or that it is impossi- ble that both should be fabricated so as to carry on an order and continuation of story, by successive references to the same events. But I say that this, in either case, must be the effect of craft and design. Whereas, who- ever examines the allusions to the former epistle which he finds in this, whilst he will acknowledge them to be such as would rise spontaneously to the hand of the v^^riter, from the very subject of the correspondence, and the situation of the corresponding parties, supposing these to be real, will see no particle of reason to suspect, either that the clauses containing these allusions were insertions for the purpose, or that the several transactions of the Corinthian church were feigned, in order to form a train of narrative, or to support the appearance of connection between the two epistles. 1. In the First Epistle, St. Paul announces his inten- tion of passing through Macedonia, in his way to Corinth : *' I will come to you vv^hen I shall pass through Macedo- nia." In the Second Epistle, we find him arrived in Macedonia, and about to pursue his journey to Corinth. But observe the manner in which this is made to appear : 64 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. "I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago, and your zeal hath provoked very many : yet have I sent the brethren, lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this behalf; that, as I said, ye may be ready ; lest, haply, if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, we (that we say not you) be ashamed in this same confident boasting :" chap. ix. 2, 3, 4. St. Paul's being in Macedonia at the time of writing the epistle, is, in this passage, inferred only from his saying that he had boasted to the Macedonians of the alacrity of his Achaian converts ; and the fear which he expresses, lest, if any of the Macedonia Christians should come with him unto Achaia, they should find his boasting unwarranted by the event. The business of the contribution is the sole cause of mentioning Macedonia! at all. Will it be insinuated that this passage was framed merely to state that St. Paul was now in Macedonia ; and by that statement, to pro- duce an apparent agreement with the purpose of visiting Macedonia, notified in the First Epistle ? Or will it be thought probable that, if a sophist had meant to place St. Paul in Macedonia, for the sake of giving countenance to his forgery, he would have done it in so oblique a manner as through the medium of a contribution ? The same thing may be observed of another text in the epistle, in which the name of Macedonia occurs: "Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach the Gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus, my brother; but, taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia." I mean that it may be observed of this passage, also, that there is a reason for mentioning Macedonia, entirely dis- tinct from the purpose of showing St. Paul to be there. Indeed, if the passage before us show that point at all, it SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 65 shows it SO obscurely, that Grotius, though he did not doubt that Paul was now in Macedonia, refers this text to a different journey. Is this the hand of a forger, meditat- ing to establish a false conformity ? The text, however, in which it is most strongly implied that St. Paul wrote the present epistle from Macedonia, is found in the fourth, fifth, and sixth verses of the seventh chapter: "I am filled with comfort, I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribula- tion ; for, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest ; without were fightings, within were fears ; nevertheless, God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus." Yet even here, I think, no one will contend that St. Paul's coming to Macedonia, or being in Macedonia, was the principal thing intended to be told ; or that the telling of it, indeed, was any part of the intention with which the text was written ; or that the mention even of the name of Mace- donia was not purely incidental, in the description of those tumultuous sorrows with which the writer's mind had been lately agitated, and from which he was re- lieved by the coming of Titus. The first five verses of the eighth chapter, which commend the liberality of the Macedonian churches, do not, in my opinion, by them- selves, prove St. Paul to have been at Macedonia at the time of writing the epistle. 2. In the First Epistle, St Paul denounces a severe censure against an incestuous marriage, which had taken place amongst the Corinthian converts, with the conniv- ance, not to say with the approbation, of the church ; and enjoins the church to purge itself of this scandal, by ex- pelling the ofl^ender from its society : '* It is reported com- monly that there is fornication among you, and such for- nication as is not so much as named amongst the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife ; and ye are puflfed 66 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you ; for I ver- ily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged al- ready, as though I were present, concerning him that hath done this deed, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord :" chap. v. 1 — 5. In the Second Epistle we find this sentence executed, and the offender to be so affected with the punishment that St. Paul now intercedes for his restoration: "Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many ; so that, contrariwise, ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him, lest perhaps such an one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow; wherefore I be- seech you that ye would confirm your love towards him :" 2 Cor. chap. ii. 7, 8. Is this whole business feigned for the sake of carrying on a continuation of story through the two epistles ? The church also, no less than the of- fender, was brought by St. Paul's reproof to a deep sense of the impropriety of their conduct. Their penitence, and their respect to his authority, were, as might be ex- pected, exceeding grateful to St. Paul : " We were com- forted not by Titus's coming only, but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you, when he told us your earnest desire, your mourning, your fervent mind towards me, so that I rejoiced the more ; for, though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the same epistle made you sorry, though it were but for a season. Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to re- pentance : for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage bj^ us in nothing :" chap. SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 67 vii. 7 — 9. That this passage is to be referred to the in- cestuous marriage is proved by the twelfth verse of the same chapter : " Though I wrote unto you, I did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong ; but that our care for you, in the sight of God, might appear unto you." There were, it is true, various topics of blame noticed in the First Epis- tle ; but there was none, except this of the incestuous marriage, which could be called a transaction between private parties, or of which it could be said that one par- ticular person had " done the wrong," and another par- ticular person " had suffered it." Could all this be without foundation ? or could it be put into the Second Epistle merely to furnish an obscure sequel to what had been said about an incestuous marriage in the First ? 3. In the sixteenth chapter of the First Epistle, a col- lection for the saints is recommended to be set forwards at Corinth : " Now, concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, so do ye :" chap. xvi. 1. In the ninth chapter of the Sec- ond Epistle, such a collection is spoken of, as in readi- ness to be received : " As touching the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you, for I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago, and your zeal hath provoked very many :" chap. ix. 1, 2. This is such a continuation of the transaction as might be expected ; or, possibly it will be said, as might easily be counterfeited ; but there is a circumstance of nicety in the agreement between the two epistles, which, I am convin- ced, the author of a forgery would not have hit upon, or which, if he had hit upon it, he would have set forth with more clearness. The Second Epistle speaks to the Corin- thians as having begun this eleemosynary business a year 68 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. before : " This is expedient for you, who have begun before not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago :" chap, viii. 10. " I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago :" chap. ix. 2. From these texts it is evident that something had been done in the business a year before. It appears, however, from other texts in the epistle, that the contribution was not yet col- lected or paid ; for brethren were sent from St. Paul to Corinth, " to make up their bounty ;" chap. ix. 5. They are urged "to perform the doing of it:" chap. viii. 11. " And every man was exhorted to give as he purposed in his heart :" chap. ix. 7. The contribution, therefore, as represented in our present epistle, was in readiness, yet not received from the contributors ; was begun, was for- ward long before, yet not hitherto collected. Now, this representation agrees with one, and only with one, sup- position, namely, that every man had laid by in store, had already provided, the fund from which he was afterwards to contribute — the very case which the First Epistle au- thorizes us to suppose to have existed ; for in that epistle St. Paul had charged the Corinthians, " upon the first day of the week, every one of them, to lay by in store as God had prospered him :"* 1 Cor., chap. xvi. 2. * The following observations will satisfy us concerning the purity of our^ apostle's conduct in the suspicious business of a pecuniary contribution. 1. He disclaims the having received any inspired authority for the direc- tions which he is giving : '•' I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of your love :" 2 Cor. chap. viii. 8. Who that had a sinister purpose to answer by the recom- mending of subscriptions would thus distinguish, and thus lower the credit of his own recommendation 1 2. Although he asserts the general right of Christian ministers to a main- tenance from their ministry, yet he protests against the making use of this right in his own person. " Even so hath the Lord ordained, that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel ; but I have used none of these things, neither have I written these things that it should be so done unto SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 69 No. II. In comparing the Second Epistle to the Corinthians with the Acts of the Apostles, we are soon brought to ob- serve not only that there exists no vestige either of the epistle having been taken from the history, or the history from the epistle ; but, also, that there appears in the con- tents of the epistle positive evidence that neither was bor- rowed from the other. Titus, who bears a conspicuous part in the epistle, is not mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles at all. St. Paul's sufferings, enumerated chap, xi. 24, — "of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one ; thrice was I beaten with rods ; once was I stoned ; thrice I suffered shipwreck ; a night and day I have been in the deep," — cannot be made out from his history as delivered in the Acts ; nor would this account me ; for it were better for me to die than that any man should make my glorying, z, e, my professions of disinterestedness, void :" 1 Cor., chap. ix. 14, 15. 3. He repeatedly proposes that there should be associates with himself in the management of the public bounty ; not colleagues of his own appoint- ment, but persons elected for that purpose by the contributors themselves. " And, when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem; and, if it be meet that I go also, they shall go with me :" 1 Cor., chap. xvi. 3, 4. And, in the Sec- ond Epistle, what is here proposed, we find actually done, and done for the very purpose of guarding his character against any imputation that might be brought upon it, in the discharge of a pecuniary trust : " And we have sent with him the brother, whose praise is in the Gospel throughout all the churches ; and not that only, but who was also chosen of the churches to travel with us with this grace (gift) which is administered by us to the glory of the same Lord, and the declaration of your ready mind: avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us ; providing for things honest, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men; " i. e., not resting in the consciousness of our own in- tegrity, but, in such a subject, careful also to approve our integrity to the public judgment: 2 Cor., chap. viii. 18 — 21. 70 SECOND EFiai'LE TO THE CORINTHIANS. have been given by a writer who either drew his knowl- edge of St. Paul from that history, or who was careful to preserve a conformity with it. The account, in the epistle, of St. Paul's escape from Damascus, though agi'eeing in the main fact with the account of the same transaction in the Acts, is related with such difference of circumstance as renders it utterly improbable that one should be derived from the other. The two accounts, placed by the side of each other, stand as follows : — 2 Cor., chap, xi.,32, 33. Acts, chap. ix. 23—25. In Damascus, the governor, under And, after many days were ful- Aretas the king, kept the city of the filled, the Jews took counsel to kill Damascenes with a garrison, desi- him; but their laying in wait was rous to apprehend tiie ; and through known of Saul. And they watched a window in a basket was I let down the gates day and night to kill him : by the wall, and escaped his hands, then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket. Now, if we be satisfied in general concerning these two ancient writings, that the one was not known to the writer of the other, or not consulted by him ; then the accordances which may be pointed out between them will admit of no solution so probable as the attributing of them to truth and reality, as to their common foun- dation. No. III. The opening of this epistle exhibits a connection with the history, which alone would satisfy my mind that the epistle was written by St. Paul, and by St. Paul in the situation in which the history places him. Let it be re- membered that, in the nineteenth chapter of the Acts, St. Paul is represented as driven away from Ephesus, or as SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 71 leaving however Ephesus in consequence of an uproar in that city, excited by some interested adversaries of the new religion. The account of the tumult is as follows : " When they heard these sayings," viz. Demetrius's com- plaint of the danger to be apprehended from St. Paul's ministry to the established worship of the Ephesian god- dess, '' they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. And the whole city was filled with confusion ; and, having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre. And, when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not ; and certain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring that he would not adven- ture himself into the theatre. Some, therefore, cried one thing, and some another : for the assembly was confused, and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together. And they drew Alexander out of the multi- tude, the Jews putting him forward ; and Alexander beck- oned with his hand, and would have made his defence unto the people ; but, when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice, about the space of two hours, cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. — And, after the uproar was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples and embraced them, and departed for to go into Mace- donia." When he was arrived in Macedonia, he wrote the Second Epistle to the Corinthians which is now be- fore us ; and he begins his epistle in this wise : " Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, who com- forteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For, as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation 72 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. also aboundeth by Christ ; and, whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suf- fer ; or whether we be comforted, it is for vour consola- tion and salvation : and our hope of you is steadfast, know- ing that, as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation. For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life : but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God, which raiseth the dead, who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver ; in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us." Nothing could be more expressive of the circumstances in which the history describes St. Paul to have been, at the time when the epistle purports to be written ; or, rather, nothing could be more expressive of the sensations arising from these circumstances, than this passage. It is the calm recollection of a mind emerged from the confusion of instant danger. It is that devotion and so- lemnity of thought wdiich follows a recent deliverance. There is just enough of particularity in the passage to show that it is to be referred to the tumult at Ephesus : " We would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trou- ble which came to us in Asia." And there is nothing more : no mention of Demetrius, of the seizure of St. Paul's friends, of the interference of the town-clerk, of the occasion or nature of the danger which St. Paul had escaped, or even of the city where it happened ; in a word, no recital from which a suspicion could be con- ceived, either that the author of the epistle had made use of the narrative in the Acts ; or, on the other hand, that he had sketched the outline, which the narrative in the SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 73 Acts only filled up. That the forger of an epistle, under the name of St. Paul, should borrow circumstances from a history of St. Paul then extant ; or, that the author of a history of St. Paul should gather materials from letters bearing St. Paul's name, may be credited : but I cannot believe that any forger whatever should fall upon an ex- pedient so refined as to exhibit sentiments adapted to a situation, and to leave his readers to seek out that situ- ation from the history ; still less that the author of a his- tory should go about to frame facts and circumstances, fitted to supply the sentiments which he found in the let- ter. It may be said, perhaps, that it does not appear from the history that any danger threatened St. Paul's life, in the uproar at Ephesus, so imminent as that from which in the epistle he represents himself to have been delivered. This matter, it is true, is not stated by the historian in form ; but the personal danger of the apostle, we cannot doubt, must have been extreme, when the '* whole city was filled with confusion ;" when the populace had " seized his companions ;" when, in the distraction of his mind, he insisted upon " coming forth amongst them ;" when the Christians who were about him "would not suffer him ;" when " his friends, certain of the chief of Asia, sent to him, desiring that he would not adventure himself in the tumult ;" when, lastly, he was obliged to quit immediately the place and the country, " and, when the tumult was ceased, to depart into Macedonia." All which particulars are found in the narration, and justify St. Paul's own account, '* that he was pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that he despaired even of life ; that he had the sentence of death in him- self;" i.e., that he looked upon himself as a man con- demned to die. 4 74 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. No. IV. It has already been remarked, that St. Paul's original intention was to have visited Corinth in his vv^ay to Mace- donia : " I was minded to come unto you before, and to pass by you into. Macedonia:" 2 Cor., chap. i. 15, 16. It has also been remarked that he changed his intention, and ultimately resolved upon going through Macedonia first. Now upon this head there exists a circumstance of correspondency between our epistle and the history, which is not very obvious to the reader's observation ; but which, when observed, will be found, I think, close and exact. Which circumstance is this : that, though the change of St. Paul's intention be expressly mentioned only in the Second Epistle, yet it appears, both from the history and from this Second Epistle, that the change had taken place before the writing of the first epistle ; that it appears however from neither, otherwise than by an in- ference, unnoticed perhaps by almost every one who does not sit down professedly to the examination. First, then, how does this point appear from the his- tory ? In the nineteenth chapter of the Acts, and the twenty-first verse, we are told that " Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem. So he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him, Timotheus and Erastus ; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season." A short time after this, and evidently in pursuance of the same intention, we find (chap. xx. 1, 2), that "Paul de- parted from Ephesus for to go into Macedonia : and that, when he had gone over those parts, he came into Greece." The resolution therefore of passing first through Ma- cedonia, and from thence into Greece, was formed by THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 75 St. Paul previously to the sending away of Timothy. The order in which the two countries are mentioned, shows the direction of his intended route ; " when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia." Timothy and Erastus, who were to precede him in his progress, were sent by him from Ephesus into Macedonia. He himself a short time afterwards, and, as hath been observed, ev- idently in continuation and pursuance of the same design, " departed for to go into Macedonia." If he had ever, therefore, entertained a different plan of his journey, which is not hinted in the history, he must have changed that plan before this time. But, from the seventeenth verse of the fourth chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, we discover that Timothy had been sent away from Ephesus before that epistle was written : " For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son." The change, therefore, of St. Paul's resolution, which was prior to the sending away of Timothy, was necessarily prior to the writing of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Thus stands the order of dates, as collected from th( history, compared with the First Epistle. Now let us in- quire, secondly, how this matter is represented in the epistle before us. In the sixteenth verse of the first chap- ter of this epistle, St. Paul speaks of the intention which he had once entertained of visiting Achaia, in his way to Macedonia : " In this confidence I was minded to come unto you before, that ye might have a second benefit ; and to pass by you into Macedonia." After protesting, in the seventeenth verse, against any evil construction that might be put upon his laying aside of this intention, in the twenty-third verse he discloses the cause of it : "Moreover, I call God for a record upon my soul, that to spare you, I came not as yet unto Corinth." And then he proceeds as follows : " But I determined this with my- 76 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. self, that I would not come again to you in heaviness ; for, if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me ? And I wrote this same unto you^ lest when I came I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice ; having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all ; for, out of much affliction and anguish of heart, / wrote unto you with many tears ; not that ye should be grieved, but that ye might know the love which I have more abun- dantly unto you ; but, if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me but in part, that I may not overcharge you all. Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many." In this quotation, let the reader first direct his attention to the clause marked by Italics, " and I wrote this same unto you," and let him consider, whether, from the context, and from the struc- ture of the whole passage, it be not evident that this writ- ing was after St. Paul had " determined with himself, that he would not come again to them in heaviness ?" whether, indeed, it was not in consequence of this determination, or at least with this determination upon his mind ? And, in the next place, let him consider whether the sentence, " I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness," do not plainly refer to that post- poning of his visit to which he had alluded in the verse but one before, when he said, *' I call God for a record upon my soul, that, to spare you, I came not as yet unto Corinth :" and whether this be not the visit of which he speaks in the sixteenth verse, wherein he informs the Co- rinthians " that he had been minded to pass by them into Macedonia :" but that, for reasons which argued no levity or fickleness in his disposition, he had been compelled to change his purpose. If this be so, then it follows that the writing here mentioned was posterior to the change of THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 77 his intention. The only question, therefore, that remains will be, whether this writing relate to the letter which we now have under the title of the First Epistle to the Co- rinthians, or to some other letter not extant ? And upon this question I think Mr. Locke's observation decisive ; namely, that the second clause marked in the quotation by Italics, " I wrote unto you with many tears," and the first clause so marked, "I wrote this same unto you," be- long to one writing, whatever that was ; and that the sec- ond clause goes on to advert to a circumstance which is found in our present First Epistle to the Corinthians ; namely, the case and punishment of the incestuous per- son. Upon the whole, then, we see that it is capable of being inferred from St. Paul's own words, in the long ex- tract which we have quoted, that the First Epistle to the Corinthians was written after St. Paul had determined to postpone his journey to Corinth ; in other words, that the change of his purpose with respect to the course of his journey, though expressly mentioned only in the Second Epistle, had taken place before the writing of the First ; the point which we made out to be implied in the history, by the order of the events there recorded, and the allu- sions to those events in the First Epistle. Now this is a species of congruity of all others the most to be relied upon. It is not an agreement between two accounts of the same transaction, or between different statements of the same fact, for the fact is not stated ; nothing that can be called an account is given ; but it is the junction of two conclusions, deduced from independent sources, and deducible only by investigation and comparison. This point, viz. the change of the route, being prior to the writing of the First Epistle, also falls in with, and ac- counts for, the manner in which he speaks in that epistle of his journey. His first intention had been, as he here 78 THE SECOND EPTSTI-E TO THE CORINTHIANS. declares, to " pass by them into Macedonia :" that inten- tion having been previously given up, he writes, in his First Epistle, *' that he would not see them now by the way," i. e. as he must have done upon his first plan ; but *' that he trusted to tarry a while with them, and possibly to abide, yea, and winter with them :" 1 Cor., chap. xvi. 5, 6. It also accounts for a singularity in the text re- ferred to, which must strike every reader ; '' I will come to you when I pass through Macedonia ; for I do pass through Macedonia." The supplemental sentence, " for I do pass through Macedonia," imports that there had been some previous communication upon the subject of the journey ; and also that there had been some vacillation and indecisiveness in the apostle's plan : both which we now perceive to have been the case. The sentence is as much as to say, " This is what I at last resolve upon." The expression, "6ra>' Mayedoviuv disWuj/^ is ambiguous ; it may denote either " when I pass, or when I shall have passed, through Macedonia :" the considerations offered above fix it to the latter sense. Lastly, the point we have en- deavored to make out confirms, or rather, indeed, is nec- essary to the support of, a conjecture which forms the subject of a number in our observations upon the First Epistle, that the insinuation of certain of the church of Corinth, that he would come no more amongst them, was founded on some previous disappointment of their expec- tations. No. V. But, if St. Paul had changed his purpose before the writing of the First Epistle, why did he defer explaining himself to the Corinthians, concerning the reason of that THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 79 change, until he wrote the Second? This is a very fair question : and we are able, I think, to return to it a satis- factory answer. The real cause, and the cause at length assigned by St. Paul, for postponing his visit to Corinth, and not travelling by the route which he had at first de- signed, was the disorderly state of the Corinthian church at the tinne, and the painful severities which he should have found hinaself obliged to exercise, if he had conae amongst them during the existence of these irregularities. He was willing therefore to try, before he came in person, what a letter of authoritative objurgation would do amongst them, and to leave time for the operation of the experi- ment. That was his scheme in writing the First Epistle. But it was not for him to acquaint them with the scheme. After the Epistle had produced its effect (and to the uU most extent, as it should seem, of the apostle's hopes) ; when he had wrought in them a deep sense of their fault, and an almost passionate solicitude to restore themselves to the approbation of their teacher ; when Titus (chap, vii. 6, 7, 11), had brought him intelligence "of their ear- nest desire, their mourning, their fervent mind towards him, of their sorrow and their penitence ; what careful- ness, what clearing of themselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what revenge," his letter, and the general concern occasioned by it, had excited amongst them ; he then opens himself fully upon the subject. The affectionate mind of the apostle is touched by this return of zeal and duty. He tells them that he did not visit them at the time proposed, lest their meeting should have been attended with mutual grief; and with grief, to him, imbittered by the reflection that he was giving pain to those from whom alone he could receive comfort: "I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness ; for, if I make 80 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. you sorry, who is he that maketh me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me ?" chap. ii. 1,2; that he had written his former epistle to warn them beforehand of their fault, '* lest when he came he should have sorrow of them of whom he ought to rejoice," chap. ii. 3 ; that he had the farther view, though perhaps unperceived by them, of making an experiment of their fidelity, " to know the proof of them, whether they are obedient in all things," chap. ii. 9. This full discovery of his motive came very naturally from the apostle, after he had seen the success of his measures, but would not have been a seasonable communication before. The whole composes a train of sentiment and of conduct resulting from real situation, and from real circumstances, and as remote as possible from fiction or imposture. No. VI. Chap. xi. 9. "When I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man : for that which was lacking to me, the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied." The principal fact set forth in this passage, the arrival at Corinth of brethren from Macedonia during St. Paul's first residence in that city, is explicitly re- corded. Acts, chap, xviii. 1,5; '' After these things, Paul departed from Athens and came to Corinth. And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ." No. VII. The above quotation from the Acts proves that Silas and Timotheus were assisting to St. Paul in preaching SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 81 the Gospel at Corinth. With which correspond the words of the epistle, chap. i. 19: *' For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, even by me, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, was not yea and nay, but in him was yea." I do admit that the corres- pondency, considered by itself, is too direct and obvious ; and that an impostor with the history before him might, and probably would, produce agreements of the same kind. But let it be remembered, that this reference is found in a writing which, from many discrepancies, and especially from those noted No. II., we may conclude, was not composed by any one who had consulted, and who pursued, the history. Some observation also arises upon the variation of the name. We read Silas in the Acts, Silvanus in the epistle. The similitude of these two names, if they were the names of different persons, is greater than could easily have proceeded from acci- dent ; I mean, that it is not probable that two persons placed in situations so much alike should bear names so nearly resembling each other.* On the other hand, the difference of the name in the two passages negatives the supposition of the passages, or the account contained in them, being transcribed either from the other. No. VIII. Chap. ii. 12, 13. " When I came to Troas to preach Christ's Gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother ; but, taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia." * That they were the same person is farther comfirmed by 1 Thess. chap, i. 1, compared with Acts, chap. xvii. 10. 4* 82 SECON^D EriSTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. To establish a conformity between this passage and the history, nothing more is necessary to be presumed than that St. Paul proceeded from Ephesus to Macedonia, upon the same course by which he came back from Ma- cedonia to Ephesus, or rather to Miletus, in the neighbor- hood of Ephesus ; in other words, that, in his journey to the peninsula of Greece, he went and returned the same way. St. Paul is now in Macedonia, where he had lately arrived from Ephesus. Our quotation imports that in his journey he had stopped at Troas. Of this the his- tory says nothing, leaving us only the short account, that " Paul departed from Ephesus for to go into Macedonia." But the history says that, in his return from Macedonia to Ephesus, "Paul sailed from Philippi to Troas; and that, v*^hen the disciples came together on the first day of the week to break bread, Paul preo.ched unto them all night ; that from Troas he went by land to Assos ; from Assos, taking ship and coasting along the front of Asia Minor, he came by Mitylene to Miletus." Which account proves, first, that Troas lay in the way by which St. Paul passed between Ephesus and Macedonia ; secondly, that he had disciples there. In one journey between these two places, the epistle, and, in another journey between the same places, the history, makes him stop at this city. Of the first journey he is made to say " that a door was in that city opened unto me of the Lord ;" in the second, we find disciples there collected around him, and the apostle exercising his ministry wdth what was even in him more than ordinary zeal and labor. The epistle, therefore, is in this instance confirmed, if not by the terms, at least by the probability of the history ; a species of confirmation by no means to be despised, be- cause, as far as it reaches, it is evidently uncontrived. Grotius, I know, refers the arrival at Troas, to which SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 83 the epistle alludes, to a different period, but I think very improbably ; for nothing appears to me more certain than that the meeting with Titus, which St. Paul expected at Troas, was the same meeting which took place in Mace- donia, viz. upon Titus's coming out of Greece. In the quotation before us he tells the Corinthians, "When I came to Troas, I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother ; but, taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia." Then in the seventh chapter he writes, " When we were come into Mace- donia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side ; without were fightings, within were fears ; nevertheless God, that comforteth them that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus." These tvv o passages plainly relate to the same journey of Titus, in meeting with whom St. Paul had been disappointed at Troas, and rejoiced in Macedonia. And, amongst other reasons which fix the former passage to the coming of Titus out of Greece, is the consideration that it. was nothing to the Corinthians that St. Paul did not meet with Titus at Troas, were it not that he was to bring intelli- gence from Corinth. The mention of the disappointment in this place, upon any other supposition, is irrelative. No. IX. Chap. xi. 24, 25. " Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one; thrice was I beaten with rods; once was I stoned ; thrice I suffered shipwreck ; a night and a day I have been in the deep." These particulars cannot be extracted out of the Acts of the Apostles ; which proves, as hath been already ob- served, that the epistle was not framed from the history ; 84 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. yet ihey are consistent with it, which, considering how numerically circumstantial the account is, is more than could happen to arbitrary and independent fictions. When I say that these particulars are consistent with the history, I mean, first, that there is no article in the enu- meration which is contradicted by the history : secondly, that the history, though silent with respect to many of the facts here enumerated, has left space for the existence of these facts, consistent with the fidelity of its own narra- tion. First, No contradiction is discoverable between the epistle and the history. When St. Paul says, thrice was I beaten with rods, although the history record only one beating with rods, viz. at Philippi, Acts, xvi. 22, yet is there no contradiction. It is only the omission in one book of what is related in another. But, had the history contained accounts of four beatings with rods, at the time of writing this epistle, in which St. Paul says that he had only suflfered three, there would have been a con- tradiction properly so called. The same observation ap- plies generally to the other parts of the enumeration, con- cerning which the history is silent: but there is one clause in the quotation particularly deserving of remark ; because, when confronted with the history, it furnishes the nearest approach to a contradiction, without a con- tradiction being actually incurred, of any I remember to have met with. " Once," saith St. Paul, "was I stoned.'* Does the history relate that St. Paul, prior to the writing of this epistle, had been stoned more than once ? The history mentions distinctly one occasion upon which St. Paul was stoned, viz. at Lystra in Lycaonia. " Then came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people ; and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead ;" SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 85 chap. xiv. 19. And it mentions also another occasion in which *' an assault was made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despite- fully and to stone them ; but they were aware of it," the history proceeds to tells us, '* and fled into Lystra and Derbe." This happened at Iconium, prior to the date of the epistle. Now, had the assault been completed ; had the history related that a stone was thrown, as it relates that preparations were made both by Jews and Gentiles to stone Paul and his companions ; or even had the ac- count of this transaction stopped, without going on to in- form us that Paul and his companions were Vaware of their danger and fled,^a contradiction between the his- tory and the epistle would have ensued. Truth is neces- sarily consistent ; but it is scarcely possible that inde7 pendent accounts, not having truth to guide them, should thus advance to the jverj^ brink of contradiction without falling into it.. Secondly, I say that, if the Acts of the Apostles be silent concerning many of the instances enumerated in the epistle, this silence may be accounted for, from the plan and fabric of the history. The date of the epistle synchronizes with the beginning of the twentieth chapter of the Acts. The part, therefore, of the history, which precedes the twentieth chapter, is the only part in which can be found any notice of the persecutions to which St. Paul refers. Now it does not appear that the author of the history was with St. Paul until his departure from Troas, on his way to Macedonia, as related chap. xvi. 10; or rather indeed the contrary appears. It is in this point of the history that the language changes. In the seventh and eighth verses of this chapter the third person is used. *' After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not ; and they pass- 86 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE COKI^^TIIIANS. ing by Mysia came to Troas :" and the third person is in Hke manner constantly used throughout the foregoing part of the history. In the tenth verse of this chapter, the first person comes in : " After Paul had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go into Macedo- nia : assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us to preach the Gospel unto them." Now, from this time to the writing of the epistle, the history occupies four chapters ; yet it is in these, if in any, that a regular or continued account of the apostle's life is to be expected : for how succinctly his history is delivered in the pre- ceding part of the book, that is to say, from the time of his conversion to the time when the historian joined him at Troas, except the particulars of his conversion itself, which are related circumstantially, may be understood from the following observations : — The history of a period of sixteen years is comprised in less than three chapters ; and of these a material part is taken up with discourses. After his conversion he continued in the neighborhood of Damascus, according to the history, for a certain considerable, though indefi- nite, length of time, according to his own words (Gal. i. 18.) for three years ; of which no other account is given than this short one, that "straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God ; that all that heard him were amazed, and said. Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem ? that he increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus : and that, after many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him." From Damascus he proceeded to Jerusalem : and of his residence there nothing more particular is recorded than that " he was with the apostles, coming in and going out ; that he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and SECOND EriSTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 87 disputed against the Grecians, who went about to kill him." From Jerusalem, the history sends him to his na- tive city of Tarsus.* It seems probable, from the order and disposition of the history, that St. Paul's stay at Tarsus was of some continuance ; for we hear nothing of him until, after a long apparent interval, and much inter- jacent narrative, Barnabas, desirous of Paul's assistance upon the enlargement of the Christian mission, went to Tarsus " for to seek him."f We cannot doubt but that the new apostle had been busied in his ministry ; yet of what he did, or what he suffered, during this period, which may include three or four years, the history pro- fesses not to deliver any information. As Tarsus was situated upon the sea-coast, and as, though Tarsus w^as his home, yet it is probable he visited from thence many other places for the purpose of preaching the Gospel, it is not unlikely that, in the course of three or four years, he might undertake many short voyages to neighboring countries, in the navigating of which we may be allowed to suppose that some of those disasters and shipwrecks befell him to which he refers in the quotation before us, " thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep." This last clause I am inclined to in- terpret of his being obliged to take to an open boat, upon the loss of the ship, and his continuing out at sea in that dangerous situation a night and a day. St. Paul is here recounting his sufferings, not relating miracles. From Tarsus, Barnabas brought Paul to Antioch, and there he remained a year : but of the transactions of that year no other description is given than what is contained in the last four verses of the eleventh chapter. After a more /^ solemn dedication to the ministry, Barnabas and Paul proceeded from Antioch to Cilicia, and from thence they * Acts, chap, ix., 30. f Chap, xi., 25. ■-^^ "A: " v.\SS 88 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. sailed to Cyprus, of which voyage no particulars are mentioned. Upon their return from Cyprus, they made a progress together through the Lesser Asia ; and, though two remarkable speeches be preserved, and a few inci- dents in the course of their travels circumstantially re- lated, yet is the account of this progress, upon the whole, . given professedly with conciseness : for instance, at Ico- nium, it is said that they abode a long time;* yet of this long abode, except concerning the manner in which they were driven away, no memoir is inserted in the history. The whole is wrapped up in one short summary, " They spake boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands." Having completed their progress, the two apostles returned to Antioch, " and there they abode long time with the disciples." Here we have an- other large portion of time passed over in silence. To this succeeded a journey to Jerusalem, upon a dispute which then much agitated the Christian church, concern- ing the obligation of the law of Moses. When the object of that journey was completed, Paul proposed to Barna- bas to go again and visit their brethren in every city where they had preached the word of the Lord. The execution of this plan carried our apostle through Syria, Cilicia, and many provinces of the Lesser Asia ; yet is the account of the whole journey dispatched in four verses of the sixteenth chapter. If the Acts of the Apostles had undertaken to exhibit regular annals of St. Paul's ministry, or even any con- tinued account of his life, from his conversion at Damas- cus to his imprisonment at Rome, I should have thought the omission of the circumstances referred to in our epis- tle a matter of reasonable objection. But when it ap- * Acts, chap, xiv., 3. SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 89 pears, from the history itself, that large portions of St. Paul's life were either passed over in silence, or only slightly touched upon, and that nothing more than certain detached incidents and discourses is related ; when we observe, also, that the author of the history did not join our apostle's society till a few years before the writing of the epistle, at least that there is no proof in the history that he did so ; in comparing the history with the epistle, we shall not be surprised by the discovery of omissions ; we shall ascribe it to truth that there is no contradiction. No. X. Chap. iii. 1. *' Do we begin again to commend our- selves ? or need we, as some others, epistles of commen- dation to you?" "As some others." Turn to Acts, xviii. 27, and you will find that, a short time before the writing of this epistle, Apollos had gone to Corinth with letters of commenda- tion from the Ephesian Christians : " And, when Apollos was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, ex- horting the disciples to receive him." Here the words of the epistle bear the appearance of alluding to some specific instance, and the history supplies that instance ; it supplies, at least, an instance as apposite as possible to the terms which the apostle uses, and to the date and direction of the epistle in which they are found. The letter which Apollos carried from Ephesus was pre- cisely the letter of commendation which St. Paul meant; and it was to Achaia, of which Corinth was the capital, and indeed to Corinth itself, (Acts, chap. xix. 1), that Apollos carried it ; and it was about two years before the writing of this epistle. If St. Paul's words be rather 90 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. thought to refer to some general usage which then ob- tained among Christian churches, the case of ApoUos ex- emplifies that usage ; and affords that species of confirma- tion to the epistle which arises from seeing the manners of the age in which it purports to be written faithfully pre- served. No. XI. Chap. xiii. 1. "This is the third time I am coming to you ;" TQI,TOV T8T0 SQXO^ai. ,>V Do not these words import that the writer had been at Corinth twice before? Yet, if they import this, they overset every congruity we have been endeavoring to establish. The Acts of the Apostles record only two journeys of St. Paul to Corinth. We have all along sup- posed, what every mark of time except this expression indicates, that this epistle was written between the first and second of these journeys. If St. Paul had been al- ready twice at Corinth, this supposition must be given up ; and every argument or observation which depends upon it falls to the ground. Again, the Acts of the Apos- tles not only record no more than two journeys of St. Paul to Corinth, but do not allow us to suppose that more than two such journeys could be made or intended bj^ him within the period which the history comprises ; for, from his first journey into Greece to his first imprisonment at Rome, with which the history concludes, the apostle's time is accounted for. If, therefore, the epistle w^as writ- ten after the second journey to Corinth, and upon the view and expectation of a third, it must have been written after his first imprisonment at Rome ; i. e. after the time to which the history extends. When I first read over SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 91 this epistle with the particular view of comparing it with the history, which I chose to do without consulting any commentary whatever, I own that I felt myself con- founded by this text. It appeared to contradict the opin- ion, whicli I had been led by a great variety of circum- stances to form, concerning the date and occasion of the epistle. At length, however, it occurred to my thoughts to inquire whether the passage did necessarily imply that St. Paul had been at Corinth twice ; or whether, when he says, " this is the third time I am coming to you," he might mean only that this was the third time that he was ready, that he was prepared, that he intended, to set out upon his journey to Corinth. I recollected that he had once before this purposed to visit Corinth, and had been disappointed in this purpose ; which disappointment forms the subject of much apology and protestation in the first and second chapters of the epistle. Now, if the journey in which he had been disappointed was reckoned by him one of the times in which " he was coming to them," then the present would be the third time, i. e. of his being ready and prepared to come ; although he had been act- ually at Corinth only oiice before. This conjecture being taken up, a farther examination of the passage and the epistle produced proofs which placed it beyond doubt. " This is the third time I am coming to you :" in the verse following these words, he adds, *' I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present the second time ; and, be- ing absent, now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare." In this verse the apostle is declaring beforehand what he would do in his intended visit : his expression therefore, " as if I were present the second time," relates to that visit. But, if his future visit would only make him present among them a second time, it follows that he 92 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. had been already there but once. Again, in the fifteenth verse of the first chapter, he tells them, " In this confi- dence, I was minded to come unto you before, that ye might have a second benefit." Why a second, and not a third, benefit? Why Sevtsquv^ and not TqnrfV^ x^Q^*', if the TQirov sQxof^ai' in the fifteenth chapter meant a third visit? For, though the visit in the first chapter be that visit in which he was disappointed, yet, as it is evident from the epistle that he had never been at Corinth from the time of the disappointment to the time of writing the epistle, it follows that, if it was only a second visit in which he was disappointed, then it could only be a second visit which he proposed now. But the text which I think is decisive of the question, if any question remain upon the subject, is the fourteenth verse of the twelfth chapter : " Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you ;" Ids j^noy BToifiwg Bxoi eXdeip. It is very clear that the jqitov eioi/ncog exai bXObiv of the twelfth chapter, and the tqlxov jsto BQxofiai, of the thirteenth chapter, are equivalent expressions, were intended to convey the same meaning, and to relate to the same journey. The comparison of these phrases gives us St. Paul's own explanation of his own words ; and it is that very explanation which we are contending for, viz. that iQirov rsio egxo/xat does not mean that he was com- ing a third time, but that this was the third time he was in readiness to come, t^hov sToi/jojg Bxojf. I do not appre- hend that, after this, it can be necessary to call to our aid the reading of the Alexandrian manuscript, which gives BToi/Aug f/w eXdeit^ in the thirteenth chapter as well as in the twelfth ; or of the Syriac and Coptic versions, which fol- low that reading ; because I allow that this reading, be- sides not being sufliciently supported by ancient copies, is paraphrastical, and has been inserted for the purpose of expressing more unequivocally the sense which the SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. 93 shorter expression tqitov toto egxo/nai was supposed to carry. Upon the whole, the matter is sufficiently cer- tain ; nor do I propose it as a new interpretation of the text which contains the difficulty, for the same was given by Grotius long ago ; but I thought it the clearest way of explaining the subject, to describe the manner in which the difficulty, the solution, and the proofs of that solution, successively presented themselves to my inquiries. Now, in historical researches, a reconciled inconsistency be- comes a positive argument. First, because an impostor generally guards against the appearance of inconsist- ency : and secondly, because, when apparent inconsist- encies are found, it is seldom that any thing but truth .renders them capable of reconciliation. The existence 7 of the difficulty proves the want ©C absence of that cau- tion which usually accompanies the consciousness of fraud ; and the solution proves that it is not the collusion of fortuitous propositions which we have to deal with, but that a thread of truth winds through the whole, which preserves every circumstance in its place. No. XII. Chap. X. 14 — 16. " We are come as far as to you also, in preaching the Gospel of Christ ; not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labors ; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule, abundantly to preach the Gospel in the regions beyond you." This quotation affi)rds an indirect, and therefore un- suspicious, but at the same time a distinct and indubita- ble, recognition of the truth and exactness of the history. I consider it to be implied, by the words of the quotation, 94 SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. that Corinth was the extremity of St. Paul's travels hith- erto. He expresses to the Corinthians his hope that, in some future visit, he might " preach the Gospel to the re- gions beyond them ;" which imports that he had not hith- erto proceeded *' beyond them," but that Corinth was as yet the farthest point of boundary of his travels. — Now, how is St. Paul's first journey into Europe, which was the only one he had taken before the writing of the epistle, traced out in the history? Sailing from Asia, he landed at Philippi ; from Philippi, traversing the east- ern coast of the peninsula, he passed through Amphipolis and Appolonia to Thessalonica ; from thence through Berea to Athens, and from Athens to Corinth, where he stopped ; and from whence, after a residence of a year and a half, he sailed back into Syria. So that Corinth was the last place which he visited in the peninsula : was the place from which he returned into Asia ; and was, as such, the boundary and limit of his progress. He could not have said the same thing, viz. " I hope hereafter to visit the regions beyond you," in an epistle to the Philip- pians, or in an epistle to the Thessalonians, inasmuch as he must be deemed to have already visited the regions be- yond them, having proceeded from those cities to other parts of Greece. But from Corinth he returned home ; every part therefore beyond that city might probably be said as it is said in the passage before us, to be unvisited. Yet is this propriety the spontaneous effect of truth, and produced without meditation or design. I CHAPTEE V. THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. No. I. The argument of this epistle, in some measure, proves its antiquity. It will hardly be doubted but that it was written whilst the dispute concerning the circumcision of Gentile converts was fresh in men's minds ; for, even supposing it to have been a forgery, the only credible motive that can be assigned for the forgery was to bring the name and authority of the apostle into this contro- versy. No design could be so insipid, or so unlikely to enter into the thoughts of any man, as to produce an epistle written earnestly and pointedly upon one side of a controversy, when the controversy itself was dead, and the question no longer interesting to any description of readers whatever. Now the controversy concerning the circumcision of the Gentile Christians was of such a na- ture that, if it rose at all, it must have arisen in the be- ginning of Christianity. As Judea was the scene of the Christian history ; as the Author and preachers of Chris- tianity were Jews ; as the religion itself acknowledged, and was founded upon, the Jewish religion, in contradistinc- tion to every other religion then professed amongst man- kind, it was not to be wondered at that some of its teach- ers should carry it out in the world rather as a sect and modification of Judaism than as a separate original rev- elation ; or that they should invite their proselytes to 96 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. those observances in which they lived themselves. This was likely to happen : but if it did not happen at first ; if, whilst the religion was in the hands of Jewish teach- ers, no such claim was advanced, no such condition was attempted to be imposed, it is not probable that the doc- trine would be started, much less that it should prevail, in any future period. I likewise think that those preten- sions of Judaism were much more likely to be insisted upon whilst the Jews continued a nation than after their fall and dispersion ; whilst Jerusalem and the temple stood than after the destruction brought on them by the Roman arms, the fatal cessation of the sacrifice and the priesthood, the humiliating loss of their country, and, with it, of the great rites and symbols of their institution. It should seem, therefore, from the nature of the subject, and the situation of the parties, that this controversy was carried on in the interval between the preaching of Chris- tianity to the Gentiles and the invasion of Titus ; and that our present epistle, which was undoubtedly intended to bear a part in this controversy, must be referred to the same period. But, again, the epistle supposes that certain designing adherents of the Jewish law had crept into the churches of Galatia ; and had been endeavoring, and but too suc- cessfully, to persuade the Galatic converts that they had been taught the new religion imperfectly, and at second hand ; that the founder of their church himself possessed only an inferior and deputed commission, the seat of truth and authority being in the apostles and elders of Jerusa- lem ; moreover, that, whatever he might profess amongst them, he had himself, at other times and in other places, given way to the doctrine of circumcision. The epistle is unintelligible without supposing all this. Referring therefore to this, as to what had actually passed, we find THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 97 St. Paul treating so unjust an attempt to undermine his credit, and to introduce amongst his converts a doctrine which he had universally reprobated, in terms of great asperity and indignation. And in order to refute the sus- picions which had been raised concerning the fidehty of his teaching, as well as to assert the independency and divine original of his mission, we find him appealing to the history of his conversion, to his conduct under it, to the manner in which he had conferred with the apostles when he met with them at Jerusalem : alleging that, so far was his doctrine from being derived from them, or they from exercising any superiority over him, that they had simply assented to what he had already preached amongst the Gentiles, and which preaching was commu- nicated not by them to him, but by himself to them ; that he had maintained the liberty of the Gentile church, by opposing, upon one occasion, an apostle to the face, when the timidity of his behavior seemed to endanger it ; that from the first, that all along, that to that hour, he had con- stantly resisted the claims of Judaism ; and that the per- secutions which he daily underwent, at the hands, or by the instigation of, the Jews, and of which he bore in his person the marks and scars, might have been avoided by him if he had consented to employ his labors in bringing, through the medium of Christianity, converts over to the Jewish institution, for then " would the offence of the cross have ceased." Now an impostor, who had forged the epistle for the purpose of producing St. Paul's au- thority in the dispute, which, as hath been observed, is the only credible motive that can be assigned for the for- gery, might have made the apostle deliver his opinion upon the subject in strong and decisive terms, or might have put his name to a train of reasoning and argumen- tation upon that side of the question which the imposture 5 98 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. was intended to recommend. I can allow the possibility of such a scheme as that. But for a writer, with this purpose in view, to feign a series of transactions sup- posed to have passed amongst the Christians of Galatia, and then to counterfeit expressions of anger and resent- ment excited by these transactions ; to make the apostle travel back into his own history, and into a recital of va- rious passages of his life, some indeed directly, but others obliquely, and others even obscurely, bearing upon the point in question ; in a word, to substitute narrative for argument, expostulation and complaint for dogmatic po- sitions and controversial reasoning, in a writing properly controversial, and of which the aim and design was to support one side of a much-agitated question — is a method so intricate, and so unlike the methods pursued by all other impostors, as to require very flagrant proofs of im- position to induce us to believe it to be one. No. II. In this number I shall endeavor to prove, 1. That the Epistle to the Galatians, and the Acts of the Apostles, were written without any communication with each other. 2. That the epistle, though written without any com- munication with the history, by recital, implication, or reference, bears testimony to many of the facts contained in it. First, the epistle, and the Acts of the Apostles, were written without any communication with each other. To judge of this point, we must examine those passages, in each, which describe the same transaction ; for, if the author of either writing derived his information from the THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 99 account which he had seen in the other, when he came to speak of the same transaction, he would follow that account. The history of St. Paul, at Damascus, as read in the Acts, and as referred to by the epistle, forms an instance of this sort. According to the Acts, Paul (after his conversion) was certain days with the *' disciples which were at Damascus. And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God. But all that heard him were amazed, and said. Is not this he which destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests ? But Saul in- creased the more in strength, confounding the Jews which were at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ. And, after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him. But their laying wait was known of Saul ; and they watched the gates day and night to kill him. Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket. And, when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples." Acts, chap. ix. 19 — 26. According to the epistle, " When it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his own Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen, immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood, neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me ; but I went into Arabia, and returned again to Damascus ; then, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem." " Besides the difference observable in the terms and gen- eral complexion of these two accounts, " the journey into Arabia," mentioned in the epistle, and omitted in the his- tory, affords full proof that there existed no correspond- ence between these writers. If the narrative in the Acts 100 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. had been made up from the epistle, it is impossible that this journey should have been passed over in silence ; if the epistle had been composed out of what the author had read of St. Paul's history in the Acts, it is unaccountable that it should have been inserted.* The journey to Jerusalem, related in the second chap- ter of the epistle (" then, fourteen years after, I went up again to Jerusalem"), supplies another example of the same kind. Either this was the journey described in the fifteenth chapter of the Acts, when Paul and Barnabas were sent from Antioch to Jerusalem, to consult the apos- tles and elders upon the question of the Gentile converts ; or it was some journey of which the history does not take notice. If the first opinion be followed, the discrepancy in the two accounts is so considerable that it is not with- out difficulty they can be adapted to the same transac- tion : so that, upon this supposition, there is no place for suspecting that the writers were guided or assisted by each other. If the latter opinion be preferred, we have then a journey to Jerusalem, and a conference with the principal members of the church there, circumstantially related in the epistle, and entirely omitted in the Acts ; and we are at liberty to repeat the observation, which we before made, that the omission of so material a fact in the history is inexplicable, if the historian had read the epistle ; and that the insei'tion of it in the epistle, if the * N.B. The Acts of the Apostles simply inform us that St. Paul left Da- mascus in order to go to Jerusalem, " after many days were fulfilled." If any one doubt whether the words " many days " could be intended to ex- press a period which included a term of three years, he will find a complete instance of the same phrase used with the same latitude in the First Book of Kings, chap. xi. 38, 39 : " And Shimei dwelt at Jerusalem ma7iy days ; and it came to pass, at the end of three years, that two of the servants of Shimei ran away." THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 101 writer derived his information from the history, is not less so. St. Peter's visit to Antioch, during which the dispute arose between him and St. Paul, is not mentioned in the Acts. If we connect with these instances the general obser- vation that no scrutiny can discover the smallest trace of transcription or imitation either in things or words, we shall be fully satisfied in this part of our case ; namely, that the two records, be the facts contained in them true or false, come to our hands from independent sources. Secondly, I say that the epistle, thus proved to have been written without any communication with the his- tory, bears testimony to a great variety of particulars contained in the history. 1. St. Paul in the early part of his life had addicted himself to the study of the Jewish religion, and was dis- tinguished by his zeal for the institution, and for the tra- ditions which had been incorporated with it. Upon this part of his character the history makes St. Paul speak thus : " I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tar- sus, a city of Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers ; and was zealous towards God, as ye all are this day." Acts, chap. xxii. 3. The epistle is as follows : " I profited in the Jews' relig- ion above many my equals in mine own nation, and being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers." Chap. i. 14. 2. St. Paul, before his conversion, had been a fierce persecutor of the new sect. "As for Saul, he made havoc of the church ; entering into every house, and haling men and women, committed them to prison." Acts, chap, viii., 3. 102 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. This is the history of St. Paul, as deUvered in the Acts : in the recital of his own history in the epistle, " Ye have heard," says he, " of my conversation in times past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God." Chap. i. 13. 3. St. Paul was miraculously converted on his way to Damascus. '* And as he journeyed he came near to Da- mascus : and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven ; and he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, w^hy persecutest thou me ? And he said. Who art thou. Lord ? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest ; it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he, trembling and astonished, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ? Acts, chap. ix. 3 — 6. With these, compare the epistle, chap. i. 15 — 17. "When it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen ; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood, neither went I up to Jerusalem, to them that were apostles before me ; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus." In this quotation from the epistle, I desire to be re- marked how incidentally it appears that the affair passed at Damascus. In what may be called the direct part of the account, no mention is made of the place of his con- version at all : a casual expression at the end, and an ex- pression brought in for a different purpose, alone fixes it to have been at Damascus : " I returned again to Da- mascus." Nothing can be more like simplicity and unde- signedness than this is. It also draws the agreement be- tween the two quotations somewhat closer, to observe that they both state St. Paul to have preached the Gos- pel immediately upon his call : " And straightway he THE EPISTI.E TO THE GALATIANS, 103 preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God." Acts, chap. ix. 20. "When it pleased God to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen, immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood." Gal., chap. i. 15. 4. The course of the apostle's travels after his conver- sion was this : He went from Damascus to Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem into Syria and Cilicia. " At Damas- cus the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket ; and when Saul was come to Jeru- salem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples." Acts, chap. ix. 25. Afterwards, " when the brethren knew the conspiracy formed against him at Jerusalem, they brought him down to Csesarea, and sent him forth to Tar- sus, a city in Cilicia." Chap. ix. 30. In the epistle, St. Paul gives the following brief account of hi^ proceedings within the same period : " After three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days ; afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia." The history had told us that Paul passed from Cassarea to Tarsus : if he took this journey by land, it would carry him through Syria into Cilicia ; and he would come, after his visit to Jerusalem, " into the regions of Syria and Cilicia," in the very order in which he mentions them in the epistle. This supposition of his going from Csesarea to Tarsus, by land^ clears up also another point. It ac- counts for what St. Paul says in the same place concern- ing the churches of Judea : " Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia, and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea which were in Christ: but they had heard only that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed ; and they glorified God in me." Upon which passage I observe, first, that what is here said of the churches of* 104 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. Judea is spoken in connection with his journey into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. Secondly, that the passage itself has little significancy, and that the connection is in- explicable, unless St. Paul went through Judea* (though probably by a hasty journey) at the time that he came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. Suppose him to have passed by land from Ca3sarea to Tarsus, all this, as hath been observed, would be precisely true. 5. Barnabas was with St. Paul at Antioch. " Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul ; and, when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled them- selves with the church." Acts, chap. ix. 25, 26. Again, and upon another occasion, "they (Paul and Barnabas) sailed to Antioch : and there they continued a long time with the disciples." Chap. xiv. 26. Now what says the epistle ? " When Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed : and the other Jews dissembled likewise with him ; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation." Chap. ii. 11, 13. 6. The stated residence of the apostles was at Jerusa- lem. *' At that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem ; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. Acts, chap. viii. 1. " They (the Christians at Antioch) determined that Paul and Barnabas should go up to Jerusalem, unto the apostles and elders, about this question." Acts, chapter xv. 2. * Dr. Doddridge thought that the Csesarea here mentioned was not the celebrated city of that name upon the Mediterranean Sea, but Caesarea Philippi, near the borders of Syria, which Ues in a much more direct line from Jerusalem to Tarsus than the other. The objection to this, Dr. Ben- son remarks, is, that Caesarea, without any addition, usually denotes Caesa- rea Palestinae. THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 105 With these accounts agrees the declaration in the epistle : " Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me," chap. i. 17 : for this declaration im- plies, or rather assumes it to be known, that Jerusalem was the place where the apostles were to be met with. 7. There were at Jerusalem two apostles, or at the least two eminent members of the church, of the name of James. This is directly inferred from the Acts of the Apostles, which in the second verse of the twelfth chap- ter relates the death of James, the brother of John ; and yet, in the fifteenth chapter, and in a subsequent part of the history, records a speech delivered by James in the assembly of the apostles and elders. It is also strongly implied by the form of expression used in the epistle : " Other apostles saw I none, save James, the Lord's brother ; i. e. to distinguish him from James the brother of John. To us who have been long conversant in the Christian history, as contained in the Acts of the Apostles, these points are obvious and familiar ; nor do we really appre- hend any greater difficulty in making them appear in a letter purporting to have been written by St. Paul, than there is in introducing them into a modern sermon. But, to judge correctly of the argument before us, we must discharge this knowledge from our thoughts. We must propose to ourselves the situation of an author who sat down to the writing of the epistle without having seen the history ; and then the concurrences we have deduced will be deemed of importance. They will at least be taken for separate confirmations of the several facts, and not only of these particular facts, but of the general truth of the history. For, what is the rule with respect to con'oborative testimony which prevails in courts of justice, and which 5* 106 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. prevails only because experience Has proved that it is a useful guide to truth? A principal witness in a cause delivers his account : his narrative, in certain parts of it, is confirmed by witnesses who are called afterwards. The credit derived from their testimony belongs not only to the particular circumstances in which the auxiliary witnesses agree with the principal witness, but in some measure to the whole of his evidence ; because it is im- probable that accident or fiction should draw a line which touched upon truth in so many points. In like manner, if two records be produced, manifestly independent, that is, manifestly written without any par- ticipation of intelligence, an agreement between them, even in few and slight circumstances, (especially if, from the different nature and design of the writings, few points only of agreement, and those incidental, could be ex- pected to occur), would add a sensible weight to the au- thority of both, in every part of their contents. The same rule is applicable to history, with at least as much reason as any other species of evidence. No. III. But, although the references to various particulars in the epistle, compared with the direct account of the same particulars in the history, afford a considerable proof of the truth, not only of these particulars but of the narra- tive which contains them ; yet they do not show, it will be said, that the epistle was written by St. Paul : for, ad- mitting (what seems to have been proved) that the writer, whoever he was, had no recourse to the Acts of the Apos- tles, yet many of the facts referred to, such as St. Paul's THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 107 miraculous conversion, his change from a virulent perse- cutor to an indefatigable preacher, his labors amongst the Gentiles, and his zeal for the liberties of the Gentile church, were so notorious as to occur readily to the mind of any Christian who should choose to personate his char- acter, and counterfeit his name ; it w^as only to write what every-body knew. Now I think that this supposi- tion — viz. that the epistle was composed upon general in- formation, and the general publicity of the facts alluded to, and that the author did no more than weave into his work what the common fame of the Christian church had reported to his ears — is repelled by the particularity of the recitals and references. This particularity is ob- servable in the following instances ; in perusing which, I desire the reader to reflect, whether they exhibit the language of a man who had nothing but general reputa- tion to proceed upon, or of a man actually speaking of himself and of his own history, and consequently of things concerning which he possessed a clear, intimate, and cir- cumstantial knowledge. 1. The history, in giving an account of St. Paul after his conversion, relates " that, after many days," effecting, by the assistance of the disciples, his escape from Damas- cus, " he proceeded to Jerusalem/' Acts, chap. ix. 25. The epistle, speaking of the same period, makes St. Paul say that '* he went into Arabia," that he returned again to Damascus, that after three years he went up to Jeru- salem. Chap. i. 17, 18. 2. The history relates that, when Saul was come from Damascus, " he was with the disciples coming in and go- ing out." Acts, chap. ix. 28. The epistle, describing the same journey, tells us " that he went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days." Chap. i. 18. 3. The history relates that, when Paul was come to 108 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIAN8. Jerusalem, " Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles." Acts, chap. ix. 27. The epistle, "that he saw Peter ; but other of the apostles saw he none, save James, the Lord's brother." Chap. i. 19. Now this is as it should be. The historian delivers his account in general terms, as of facts to which he was not present. The person who is the subject of that account, when he comes to speak of these facts himself, particu- larizes time, names, and circumstances. 4. The like notation of places, persons, and dates, is met with in the account of St. Paul's journey to Jerusa- lem, given in the second chapter of the epistle. It was fourteen years after his conversion ; it was in company with Barnabas and Titus ; it was then that he met with James, Cephas, and John ; it was then also that it was agreed amongst them that they should go to the circum- cision, and he unto the Gentiles. 5. The dispute with Peter, which occupies the sequel of the second chapter, is marked with the same particu- larity. It was at Antioch ; it was after certain came from James ; it was whilst Barnabas was there, who was carried away by their dissimulation. These examples negative the insinuation that the epistle presents nothing but indefinite allusions to public facts. No. IV. Chap. iv. 11 — 16. "I am afraid of you, lest I have be- stowed upon you labor in vain. Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am, for I am as ye are. Ye have not injured me at all. Ye know how, through the infirmity of the flesh, I preached the Gospel unto you at the first ; and my temp- tation, luhich was in the Jlssh, ye despised not, nor re- THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 109 jected ; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. Where is then the blessedness you spake of? for I bear you record that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them unto me. Am I therefore become your enemy, be- cause I tell you the truth ?" With this passage compare 2 Cor. chap, xii., 1 — 9 : *' It is not expedient for me, doubtless, to glory ; I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago (whether in the body I cannot tell, or whether out of the body I cannot tell ; God knoweth) ; such a one was caught up to the third heaven; and€ knew such a man (whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell ; God knoweth), how that he was caught up into Paradise, and heard un- speakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such a one will I glory, yet of myself will I not glory, but in mine infirmities : for though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool ; for I will say the truth. But now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. And, lest I should be exalted above measure, through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me. My grace is sufficient for thee ; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." There can be no doubt but that the '* temptation which was in the flesh," mentioned in the Epistle to the Gala- tians, and " the thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to bufiet him," mentioned in the Epistle to the Corinthi- 110 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. ans, were intended to denote the same thing. Either, therefore, it was, what we pretend it to have been, the same person in both, alluding, as the occasion led him, to some bodily infirmity under which he labored ; that is, we are reading the real letters of a real apostle ; or it was that a sophist, who had seen the circumstance in one epistle, contrived, for the sake of correspondency, to bring it into another ; or, lastly, it was a circumstance in St. Paul's personal condition, supposed to be well known to those into whose hands the epistle was likely to fall ; and, for that reason, introduced into a writing designed to bear his name. I have extracted the quotations at length, in order to enable the reader to jud^ accurately of the manner in which the mention of this particular comes in, in each ; because that judgment, I think, will acquit the author of the epistle of the charge of having studiously inserted it, either with a view of producing an apparent agreement between them, or for any other purpose what- ever. The context by which the circumstance before us is introduced is in two places totally different, and without any mark of imitation ; yet in both places does the cir- cumstance rise aptly and naturally out of the context, and that context from the train of thought carried on in the epistle. The Epistle to the Galatians, from the beginning to the end, runs in a strain of angry complaint of their defection from the apostle, and from the principles which he had taught them. It was very natural to contrast with this conduct the zeal with which they had once received him ; and it was not less so to mention, as a proof of their former disposition towards him, the indulgence which, whilst he was amongst them, they had shown to his infirmity : "My temptation which was in the flesh ye despised not nor THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. Ill rejected, but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. Where is then the blessedness ye spake of," i. e. the benedictions which you bestowed upon me ? •' for I bear you record that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me." In the two epistles to the Corinthians, especially in the second, we have the apostle contending with certain teachers in Corinth who had formed a party in that church against him. To vindicate his personal authority, as well as the dignity and credit of his ministry amongst them, he takes occasion (but not without apologizing re- peatedly for the folly, that is, for the indecorum, of pro- nouncing his own panegyric)* to meet his adversaries in their boastings : " Whereinsoever any is bold (I speak foolishly) I am bold also. Are they Hebrews ? so am I. Are they Israelites ? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham ? so am I. Are they the ministers of Christ ? I speak as a fool, — I am more ; in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft." Being led to the subject, he goes on, as was natural, to recount his trials and dangers, his incessant cares and labors in the Christian mission. From the proofs which he had given of his zeal and activity in the service of Christ, he passes (and that with the same view of establishing his claim to be considered as " not a whit behind the very chiefest of the apostles") to the visions and revelations which from time to time had been vouchsafed to him. And then, by a close and easy con- * " Would to God you would bear with me a little in my folly, and indeed bear with me !" Chap. xi. 1. " That which I speak, I speak it not after the Lord, but as it were fool- ishly, in this confidence of boasting." Chap. xi. 17. " I am become a fool in glorying, ye have compelled me." Chap. xii. 11. 112 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. nection, comes in the mention of his infirmity : '' Lest 1 should be exalted," says he, " above measure, through the abundance of revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me." Thus, then, in both epistles, the notice of his infirmity is suited to the place in vi^hich it is found. In the Epistle to the Corinthians, the train of thought drav^^s up to the circumstance by a regular approximation. In this epis- tle, it is suggested by the subject and occasion of the epis- tle itself. Which observation we offer as an argument to prove that it is not, in either epistle, a circumstance industriously brought forward for the sake of procuring credit to an imposture. A reader will be taught to perceive the force of this argument, who shall attempt to introduce a given circum- stance into the body of a writing. To do this without abruptness, or without betraying marks of design in the transition, requires, he will find, more art than he ex- pected to be necessary, certainly more than any one can believe to have been exercised in the composition of these epistles. No. V. Chap. iv. 29. " But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now." Chap. V. 11. "And I, brethren, if I yet preach cir- cumcision, why do I yet sufler persecution ? Then is the oflfence of the cross ceased." Chap. vi. 17. " From henceforth, let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." From these several texts it is apparent that the perse- THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 113 cutions which our apostle had undergone were from the hands, or by the instigation, of the Jews ; that it was not for preaching Christianity in opposition to heathenism, but it was for preaching it as distinct from Judaism, that he had brought upon himself the sufferings which had at- tended his ministry. And this representation perfectly coincides with that which results from the detail of St. Paul's history, as delivered in the Acts. At Antioch, in Pisidia, "the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region ; but the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expel- led them out of their coasts" — Acts, chap. xiii. 50. Not long after, at Iconium, *'a great multitude of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed, but the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affect- ed against the brethren." Chap. xiv. 1, 2. "At Lystra there came certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people ; and, having stoned Paul drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead." Chap. xiv. 19. The same enmity, and from the same quarter, our apostle experienced in Greece : " At Thessalonica, some of them (the Jews) believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas : and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few : but the Jews which be- lieved not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the basert sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city in an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people." Acts, chap. xvii. 4, 5. Their persecutors follow them to Berea : *' When the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred up the people." Chap. xvii. 13. And lastly at Corinth, when Gallio was deputy of Achaia, 114 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. " the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment sea." I think it does not appear that our apostle was ever set upon by the Gentiles, unless they were first stin-ed up by the Jews, except in two instances ; ia both which the persons who began the assault were immediately interested in his expulsion from the place. Once this happened at Phi- lippi, after the cure of the Pythoness : " When the mas- ters saw the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the market-place unto the rulers." Chap. xvi. 19. And a second time at Ephesus, at the instance of Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, " who called to- gether workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth ; moreover ye see and hear that not only at Ephesus, but almost through- out all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded away much people, saying that they be no gods which are made with hands ; so that not only this craft is in danger to be set at nought, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be de- stroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth." No. VI. I observe an agreement in a somewhat peculiar rule of Christian conduct, as laid down in this epistle, and as ex- emplified in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. It is not the repetition of the same general precept, which would have been a coincidence of little value ; but it is the general precept in one place, and the application of that precept to an actual occurrence in the other. In the sixth chapter and first verse of this epistle, our apostle THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 115 gives the following direction: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye, which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness." In 2 Cor., chap. ii. G — 8, he writes thus : " Sufficient to such a man" (the in- cestuous person mentioned in the First Epistle) " is this punishment, which was inflicted of many : so that, con- trariwise, ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him, lest, perhaps, such a one should be swallowed up with over-much sorrow: wherefore 1 beseech you that ye would confirm your love towards him." I have fttj^l^' doubt but that it was the same mind which dictated these two passages. No. VII. Our epistle goes farther than any of St. Paul's epistles ; for it avows, in direct terms, the supersession of the Jew- ish law, as an instrument of salvation, even to the Jews themselves. Not only were the Gentiles exempt from its authority, but even the Jews were no longer either to place any dependency upon it, or consider themselves as subject to it on a religious account. " Before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed ; wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith ; but, after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster ^ Chap. iii. 23-^25. This was undoubtedly spoken of Jews, and to Jews. In like manner, chap. iv. 1 — 5. " Now, I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all ; but is under tutors and gov- ernors until the time appointed of the father : even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the ele- 116 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. ments of the world ; but, when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." These pas- sages are nothing short of a declaration that the obliga- tion of the Jewish law, considered as a religious dispen- sation, the effects of which were to take place in another life, had ceased, with respect even to the Jews them- selves. What then should be the conduct of a Jew (for such St. Paul was) who preached this doctrine ? To be consistent with himself, either he would no longer comply, in his own person, with the directions of the law ; or, if he did comply, it would be for some other reason than any confidence which he placed in its efficacy as a relig- ious institution. Now, so it happens that, whenever St. Paul's compliance with the Jewish law is mentioned in the history, it is mentioned in connection with circum- stances which point out the motive from which it pro- ceeded ; and this motive appears to have been always exoteric, namely, a love of order and tranquillity, or an unwillingness to give unnecessary offence. Thus, Acts, chap. xvi. 3, " Him (Timothy) would Paul have to go forth with him, and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters^ Again, Acts, chap. xxi. 26, when Paul consented to exhibit an exam- ple of public compliance of a Jewish rite by purifying himself in the temple, it is plainly intimated that he did this* to satisfy *' many thousands of Jews who believed, and who were all zealous of the law." So far the in- stances related in one book correspond with the doctrine delivered in another. THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 117 No. VIII. Chap. i. 18. " Then, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days." The shortness of St. PauFs stay at Jerusalem is what I desire the reader to remark. The direct account of the same journey in the Acts, chap. ix. 28, determines no- thing concerning the time of his continuance there : " And he was with them (the apostles) coming in, and going out, at Jerusalem ; and he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians : but they went about to slay him ; which, when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Csesarea." Or rather, this account, taken by itself, would lead a reader to sup- pose that St. Paul's abode at Jerusalem had been longer than fifteen days. But turn to the twenty-second chap- ter of the Acts, and you will find a reference to this visit to Jerusalem, which plainly indicates that Paul's contin- uance in that city had been of short duration : " And it came to pass that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance, and saw him saying unto me, Make haste, get thee quickly out of Jerusalem, for they will not receive thy testimony con- cerning me." Here we have the general terms of one text so explained by a distant text in the same book as to bring an indeterminate expression into a close con- formity with a specification delivered in another book ; a species of consistency not, I think, usually found in fabu- lous relations. No. IX. Chap. vi. 11. " Ye see how large a letter I have writ- ten unto you with mine own hand." 118 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. These words imply that he did not always write with his own hand ; which is consonant to what we find inti- mated in some other of the epistles. The Epistle to the Romans was written by Tertius : " I, Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord." Chap. xvi. 22. The First Epistle to the Corinthians, the Epistle to the Co- lossians, and the Second to the Thessalonians, have all, near the conclusion, this clause, " The salutation of me, Paul, with mine own hand ;" which must be understood, and is universally understood, to import that the rest of the epistle was written by another hand. I do not think it improbable that an impostor, who had remarked this sub- scription in some other epistle, should invent the same in a forgery ; but that is not done here. The author of this epis- tle does not imitate the manner of giving St. Paul's signa- ture ; he only bids the Galatians observe how large a let- ter he had written to them with his own hand. He does not say this was different from his ordinary usage ; that is left to implication. Now, to suppose that this was an artifice to procure credit to an imposture, is to suppose that the author of the forgery, because he knew that others of St. Paul's were not written by himself, there- fore made the apostle say that this was : which seems an odd turn to give to the circumstance, and to be given for a purpose which would more naturally and more directly have been answered by subjoining the salutation or signa- ture in the form in which it is found in other epistles.* * The words irrjXiKois ypa^fiaaiv may probably be meant to describe the character in which he wrote, and not the length of the letter. But this will not alter the truth of our observation. I think, however, that, as St. Paul, by the mention of his own hand, designed to express to the Galatians the great concern which he felt for them, the words, whatever they signify, belong to the whole of the epistle ; and not, as Grotius after St. Jerome, in- terprets it, to the few verses which follow. THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 119 No. X. An exact conformity appears in the manner in which a certain apostle or eminent Christian, whose name was James, is spoken of in the epistle and in the history. Both writings refer to a situation of his at Jerusalem, some- what different from that of the other apostles ; a kind of eminence or presidency in the church there, or at least a more fixed and stationary residence. Chap. li. 12. " When Peter was at Antioch, before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles." This text plainly attributes a kind of pre-eminency to James ; and, as we hear of him twice in the same epistle dwelling at Jerusalem, chap. i. 19, and ii. 9, we must apply it to the situation which he held in that church. In the Acts of the Apostles divers intimations occur, conveying the same idea of James's situation. When Peter was miraculously delivered from prison, and had surprised his friends by his appearance among them, after declaring unto them how the Lord had brought him out of prison ; " Go, show," says he, "these things unto James, and to the brethren." Acts, chap. xii. 17. Here James is mani- festly spoken of in terms of distinction. He appears again with like distinction in the twenty-first chapter and the seventeenth and eighteenth verses : " And when we (Paul and his company) were come to Jerusalem, the day following, Paul went in with us unto James, and all the elders were present." In the debate which took place upon the business of the Gentile converts, in the council at Jerusalem, this same person seems to have taken the lead. It was he who closed the debate, and proposed the resolution in which the council ultimately concurred : 120 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. "Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them which from among the Gentiles are turned to God." Upon the whole, that there exists a conformity in the expressions used concerning James^ throughout the his- tory, and in the epistle, is unquestionable. But, admitting this conformity, and admitting also the undesignedness of it, what does it prove? It proves that the circum- stance itself is founded in truth ; that is, that James was a real person, who held a situation of eminence in a real society of Christians at Jerusalem. It confirms also those parts of the narrative which are connected with this cir- cumstance. Suppose, for instance, the truth of the ac- count of Peter's escape from prison was to be tried upon the testimony of a witness, who, among other things, made Peter, after his deliverance, say, *' Go, show these things to James, and to the brethren ;" would it not be material, in such a trial, to make out by other indepen- dent proofs, or by a comparison of proofs, drawn from independent sources, that there was actually at that time, living at Jerusalem, such a person as James ; that this person held such a situation, in the society amongst whom these things were transacted, as to render the words which Peter is said to have used concerning him proper and natural for him to have used ? If this would be per- tinent in the discussion of oral testimony, it is still more so in appreciating the credit of remote history. It must not be dissembled that the comparison of our epistle with the history presents some difficulties, or, to say the least, some questions of considerable magnitude. It may be doubted, in the first place, to what journey the words which open the second chapter of the epistle, " then, fourteen years afterwards, I w^ent unto Jerusalem," relate. That which best corresponds with the date, and that to which most interpreters apply the passage, is the journey THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 121 of Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, when they went thither from Antioch, upon the business of the Gentile converts ; and which journey produced the famous coun- cil and decree recorded in the fifteenth chapter of Acts. To me this opinion appears to be encumbered with strong objections. In the epistle, Paul tells us that " he went up by revelation." Chap. ii. 2. — In the Acts, we read that he was sent by the church of Antioch : " After no small dissension and disputation, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to the apostles and elders about this question." Acts, chap. xv. 2. This is not very reconcileable. In the epistle, St. Paul writes that, when he came to Jerusalem, *'he com- municated that Gospel which he preached among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation." Chap. ii. 2. If by •' that Gospel" he meant the immunity of the Gentile Christians from the Jewish law (and I know not what else it can mean), it is not easy to conceive how he should communicate that privately which was the ob- ject of his public message. But a yet greater difficulty remains, viz. that, in the account which the epistle gives of what passed upon this visit at Jerusalem, no notice is taken of the deliberation and decree which are recorded in the Acts, and whicJi, according to that history, formed the business for the sake of which the journey was under- taken. The mention of the council and of its determina- tion, whilst the apostle was relating his proceedings at Jerusalem, could hardly have been avoided, if in truth the narrative belong to the same journey. To me it ap- pears more probable that Paul and Barnabas had taken some journey to Jerusalem, the mention of which is omitted in the Acts. Prior to the apostolic decree, we read that " Paul and Barnabas abode at Antioch a long time with the disciples. Acts, chap. xiv. 28. Is it un- 6 122 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. likely that, during this long abode, they might go up to Jerusalem and return to Antioch? Or would the omis- sion of such a journey be unsuitable to the general brevity with which these memoirs are written, especially of those parts of St. Paul's history which took place before the historian joined his society? But, again, the first account we find, in the Acts of the Apostles, of St. Paul's visiting Galatia, is in the sixteenth chapter and the sixth verse : " Now, when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they assayed to go into Bithynia." The progress here recorded was subsequent to the apostolic decree ; therefore that decree must have been extant when our epistle was written. Now, as the professed design of the epistle was to estab- lish the exemption of the Gentile converts from the law of Moses, and as the decree pronounced and confirmed that exemption, it may seem extraordinary that no notice whatever is taken of that determination, nor any appeal made to its authority. Much however of the weight of this objection, which applies also to some other of St. Paul's epistles, is removed by the following reflections. 1. It was not St. Paul's manner, nor agreeable to it, to resort or defer much to the authority of the other apostles, especially whilst he was insisting, as he does strenuously throughout this epistle insist, upon his own original inspiration. He who could speak of the very chiefest of the apostles in such terms as the following — •'of those who seemed to be somewhat, whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me ; God accepteth no man's person ; for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me" — he, I say, was not likely to support himself by their decision. 2. The epistle argues the point upon principle ; and it is not perhaps more to be wondered at, that in such an THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 123 argument St. Paul should not cite the apostolic decree, than it would be that, in a discourse designed to prove the moral and religious duty of observing the Sabbath, the writer should not quote the thirteenth canon. 3. The decree did not go the length of the position maintained in the epistle ; the decree only declares that the apostles and elders at Jerusalem did not impose the observance of the Mosaic law upon the Gentile converts, as a condition of their being admitted into the Christian church. Our epistle argues that the Mosaic institution itself was at an end, as to all effects upon a future state, even with respect to the Jews themselves. 4. They whose error St. Paul combated were not per- sons who submitted to the Jewish law because it was im- posed by the authority, or because it was made part of the law of the Christian church ; but they were persons who, having already become Christians, afterwards vol- untarily took upon themselves the observance of the Mo- saic code, under a notion of attaining thereby to a greater perfection. This, I think, is precisely the opinion which St. Paul opposes in this epistle. Many of his expressions apply exactly to it : " Are ye so foolish ? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect in the flesh V Chap. iii. 3. " Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?" Chap. iv. 21. "How turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, where- unto ye desire again to be in bondage ?" Chap. iv. 9. It cannot be thought extraordinary that St.- Paul should re- sist this opinion with earnestness ; for it both changed the character of the Christian dispensation, and derogated expressly from the completeness of that redemption which Jesus Christ had wrought for them that believed in him. But it was to no purpose to allege to such persons the decision at Jerusalem ; for that only showed that they 124 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. were not bound to these observances by any law of the Christian church : they did not pretend to be so bound : nevertheless they imagined that there was an efficacy in these observances, a merit, a recommendation to favor, and a ground of acceptance with God for those who com- plied with them. This was a situation of thought to which the tenor of the decree did not apply. Accord- ingly St. Paul's address to the Galatians, which is through- out adapted to this situation, runs in a strain widely differ- ent from the language of the decree : " Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law," chap. v. 4 ; i, e. whosoever places his dependence upon any merit he may apprehend there to be in legal observances. The decree had said nothing like this ; therefore it would have been useless to have produced the decree in an argument of which this was the burden. In like manner as in contending with an anchorite, who should insist upon the superior holiness of a recluse, ascetic life, and the value of such mortifications in the sight of God, it would be to no purpose to prove that the laws of the church did not require these vows, or even to prove that the laws of the church expressly left every Christian to his liberty. This would avail little towards abating his estimation of their merit, or towards settling the point in controversy.* * Mr. Locke's solution of this difficulty is by no means satisfactory. " St. Paul," he says, " did not remind the Galatians of the apostolic decree, be- cause they already had it." In the first place, it does not appear with cer- tainty that they had it ; in the second place, if they had it, this was rather a reason than otherwise, for referring them to it. The passage in the Acts, from which Mr. Locke concludes that the Galatic churches were in pos- session of the decree, is the fourth verse of the sixteenth chapter ; " And, as Ihey " (Paul and Timothy) " went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem." In my opinion, this dehvery of the decrees was con- fined to the churches to which St. Paul came, in pursuance of the plan up- THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. 125 Another difficulty arises from the accoLint of Peter's conduct towards the Gentile converts at Antioch, as given in the epistle, in the latter part of the second chapter ; which conduct, it is said, is consistent neither with the revelation communicated to him, upon the conversion of Cornelius, nor with the part he took in the debate at Je- rusalem. But, in order to understand either the difficulty on which he set out, "of visiting the brethren in every city where he had preached the word of the Lord ;" the history of which progress, and of all that pertained to it, is closed in the fifth verse, when the history informs that " so were the churches estabUshed in the faith, and increased in num- ber daily." Then the history proceeds upon a new section of the narrative, by telling us that, "when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the re- gion of Galatia, they essayed to go into Bithynia." The decree itself is di- rected to " the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia;" that is. to churches already founded, and in which this question had been stirred. And I think the observation of the noble author of the Miscellanea Sacra is not only ingenious, but highly probable, viz., that there is, in this place, a dislocation of the text, and that the fourth and fifth verses of the sixteenth chapter ought to follow the last verse of the fifteenth, so as to make the entire passage run thus : " And they went through Syria and Cilicia," (to the Christians of which countries the decree was addressed), " confirming the. churches ; and, as they went through the cities, they de- livered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem ; and so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily." And then the sixteenth chap- ter takes up a new and unbroken paragraph ; " Then came he to Derbe and Lystra," &c. When St. I^ul came, as he did into Galatia, to preach the Gospel, for the first time, in a new place, it is not probable that he would make mention of the decree, or rather letter, of the church of Jeru- salem, Avhich presupposed Christianity to be known, and which related to certain doubts that had arisen in some established Christian communities. The second reason which Mr. Locke assigns for the omission of the de- cree, viz. that " St. Paul's sole object in the epistle was to acquit himself of the imputation that had been charged upon him of actually preaching cir- cumcision," does not appear to me to be strictly true. It was not the sole object. The epistle is written in general opposition to the Judaizing incli- nations which he found to prevail amongst his converts. The avowal of his own doctrine, and of his steadfast adherence to that doctrine, formed a necessary part of the design of his letter, but was not the whole of it. 126 THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. or the solution, it will be necessary to state and explain the passage itself. " When Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed ; for, before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles ; but, when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision ; and the other Jews dissembled likewise with him, insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation : but, when I saw they walked not uprightly, according to the truth of the Gospel. I said unto Peter, before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews ?" Now the question that produced the dispute to which these words relate, was not whether the Gentiles were capable of being admitted into the Christian covenant ; that had been fully settled : nor was it whether it should be accounted essential to the profession of Christianity that they should conform themselves to the law of Moses ; that was the question at Jerusalem : but it was, whether, upon the Gentiles becoming Christians, the Jews might henceforth eat and drink with them, as with their own brethren. Upon this point St. Peter betrayed some in- constancy ; and so he might, ag/'eeably enough to his history. He might consider the vision at Joppa as a di- rection for the occasion, rather than as universally abol- ishing the distinction between Jew and Gentile ; I do not mean with respect to final acceptance with God, but as to the manner of their living together in society ; at least he might not have comprehended this point with such clearness and certainty, as to stand out upon it against the fear of bringing upon himself the censure and com- plaint of his brethren in the church of Jerusalem, who still adhered to their ancient prejudices. But Peter, it is i-^ THE El'ISTl.E TO 'J'llE GALATlANS. 127 siiid, compelled the Gentiles la^aiL^siv — ''Why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?" How did he do that ? The only way in which Peter appears to have compelled the Gentiles to comply with the Jewish institu- tion was by withdrawing himself from their society. By which he may be understood to have made this declara- tion : " We do not deny your right to be considered as Christians ; we do not deny your title in the promises of the Gospel, even without compliance with our law : but, if you would h a v e us Jews liv e with you as we do with one another, that is, it you woufd'in all respects be treated by us as Jews, you must live as such yourselves." This, I think, was the compulsion which St. Peter's conduct imposed upon the Gentiles, and for which St. Paul re- proved him. As to the part which the historian ascribes to St. Peter in the debate at Jerusalem, besides that it was a different question which was there agitated from that which pro- duced the dispute at Antioch, there is nothing to hinder us from supposing that the dispute at Antioch was prior to the consultation at Jerusalem ; or that Peter, in conse- quence of this rebuke, might have afterwards maintained firmer sentiments. CHAPTER VI. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. No. I. This epistle, and the Epistle to the Colossians, appear to have been transmitted to their respective churches by the same messenger : " but, that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychlcus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things ; whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might com- fort your hearts." Ephes., chap. vi. 21, 22. This text, if it do not expressly declare, clearly I think intimates, that the letter was sent by Tychicus. The words made use of in the Epistle to the Colossians are very similar to these, and afford the same implication, that Tychicus, in conjunction with Onesimus, was the bearer of the letter to that church : " All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minis- ter, and fellow servant in the Lord ; whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts ; with On*simus, a faith- ful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They shall make known unto you all things which are done here." Colos., chap. iv. 7 — 9. Both epistles represent the writer as under imprisonment for the Gospel ; and both treat of the same general subject. The Epistle therefore to the Ephesians, and the Epistle to the Colossians, import to be m THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 129 two letters written by the same person, at, or nearly at, the same time, and upon the same subject, and to have been sent by the same messenger. Now, every thing in the sentiments, order, and diction of the two writings, corresponds with what might be expected from this cir- cumstance of identity or cognation in their original. The leading doctrine of both epistles is the union of Jews and Gentiles under the Christian dispensation ; and that doc- trine in both is established by the same arguments, or, more properly speaking, illustrated by the same simili- tudes :* " one head," " one body," " one new man," " one temple," are in both epistles the figures under which the society of believers in Christ, and their common relation to him as such, is represented.! The ancient, and, as had been thought, the indelible distinction between Jew and Gentile, in both epistles, is declared to be "now abol- ished by his cross." Besides this consent in the general tenor of the two epistles, and in the run also and warmth of thought with which they are composed, we may nat- urally expect, in letters produced under the circumstan- ces in which these appear to have been written, a closer resemblance of style and diction than between other let- ters of the same person but of distant dates, or between letters adapted to different occasions. In particular we * St. Paul, I am apt to believe, has been sometimes accused of inconclu- sive reasoning, by our mistaking that for reasoning which was only intended for illustration. He is not to be read as a man, whose own persuasion of the truth of what he taught always or solely depended upon the views un- der which he represents it in his writings. Taking for granted the cer- tainty of his doctrine, as resting upon the revelation that had been imparted to him, he exhibits it frequently to the conception of his readers under ima- ges and allegories, in which, if an analogy may be perceived, or even some- times a poetic resemblance be found, it is all perhaps that is required. t Compare Ephesians i. 22: iv. 15 : ii. 15 : with Colossians i. 18 : ii. 19 • iii. 10, 11. Also, Ephesians ii. 14, 15 : ii. 16: ii. 20 : with Colossians ii. 14 : i. 18—21 : ii. 7. 6* 130 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. may look for many of the same expressions, and some- times for whole sentences being alike ; since such expres- sions and sentences would be repeated in the second let- ter (whichever that was) as yet fresh in the author's mind from the writing of the first. This repetition occurs in the following examples :* Ephes., ch. i. 7. "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins."t Colos., ch. i. 14. *'In w^hom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins."J Besides the sameness of the words, it is farther re- markable that the sentence is, in both places, preceded by the same introductory idea. In the Epistle to the Ephe- sians it is the " beloved''^ (i^yaTtijuerc^ ; in that to the Colos- sians, it is ^'his dear Son" (j5£(Tiv Tcov ra(ja7rrw//arwj/. ^ Colos., chap, i., 14. Ev oS e^ofiev ttjv airo^VTpwatv 6ca tov aiixaros avroVf TTjv afeeiv twv ajjiaprioiv. However it must be observed that, in this latter text, many copies have not 6ia tov aiftaTos avTov. ^ Ephes., chap, i., 10. Ta te ev tois ovpavoti Kai Ta em Tr)s yrn, ev avTtji. II Colos., chap, i., 20. At avTuv, a-e Ta siTt rrjs yrjs, £«r£ Ta ev rots ovpavois. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 131 two epistles. The words also are introduced and fol- lowed by a train of thought nearly alike. They are in- troduced by describing the union which Christ had ef- fected, and they are followed by telling the Gentile churches that they were incorporated into it. Ephes., ch. iii. 2. " The dispensation of the grace of God, which is given me to you ward."* Colos., ch. i. 25. " The dispensa^tion of God, which is given to me for you."t Of these sentences it may likewise be observed that the accompanying ideas are similar. In both places they are immediately preceded by the mention of his present suf- ferings ; in both places they are immediately followed by the mention of the mystery which was the great subject of his preaching. Ephes., ch. v. 19. "In psalms and hymns and spir- itual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord."J Colos., ch. iii. 16. "In psalms and hymns and spir- itual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."§ Ephes., ch. vi. 22. " Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts. "|| Colos., ch. iv. 8. " Whom' I have sent unto you for * Ephes., chap, iii., 2. Ttji/ oiKovoixiav ^apiros tov Qeov r/75 Sodeians l^oi eii vixai. t Colos., chap, i., 25. T/jv oiKOVo^iiav tov Qeov rtjv SodeKrav fioi eii vfjiai. I Ephes., chap, v., 19. '^aXjxoii Kat vfipois, Kai wSacs irvEVjiaTLKats, aSovres KUL ipa'k'Kovrei ev rr] KapSia Vfioiv rw Kvptw. (j Colos., chap, iii., 16. "^oKfioii Kai invois,Kai wJatj TrveviiariKais, ev x^f"" aSovres ev ir) KapSia vyLOiv rcJ KvpJW. II Ephes., chap, vi., 22. 'Ov eitsjiipa npog v/xoj eis avro tovto, Iva y^^'''^ '"* nepi fijAwv, Km irapatca^^ear) rag Kupdiag vjiOiv. 132 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts."* In these examples, we do not perceive a cento of phrases gathered from one composition, and strung to- gether with the other ; but the occasional occurrence of the same expression to a mind a second time revolving the same ideas. 2. Whoever writes two letters, or two discourses, nearly upon the same subject, and at no great distance of | time, but without any express recollection of what he had ' written before, will find himself repeating some senten- ces, in the very order of the words in which he had al- j ready used them ; but he will more frequently find him- I self employing some principal terms, with the order inad- vertently changed, or with the order disturbed by the in- termixture of other words and phrases expressive of ideas rising up at the lime : or in many instances repeating not single words, nor yet whole sentences, but parts and frag- ments of sentences. Of all these varieties the examina- tion of our two epistles will furnish plain examples ; and I should rely upon this class of instances more than upon the last ; because, although an impostor might transcribe into a forgery entire sentences and phrases, yet the dis- location of words, the partial recollection of phrases and sentences, the intermixture of new terms and new ideas with terms and ideas before used, which will appear in the examples that follow, and which are the natural properties of writings produced under the circumstances in which these epistles are represented to have been composed — would not, I think, have occurred to the invention of a for- ger ; nor, if they had occurred, would they have been so ea- sily executed. This studied variation was a refinement in * Colos., chap, iv., 8. 'Of e-n-eii^a irpos ^nai cij avro rovro, tva yvM ra ixcnt. vficov, Kai rro!j9tt^-a^£(r7J raj KapSia^ vfioiv. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 133 forgery which I believe did not exist ; or, if we can sup- pose it to have been practised in the instances adduced be- low, why, it may be asked, was not the same art exercised upon those which we have collected in the preceding class ? Ephes., ch. i. 19 ; ch. ii. 5. " Towards us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, (and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and do- minion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but in that whjch is to come. And hath put all things under his feet : and gave him to be the head over all things, to the church which is his body, the fulness of all things, that filleth all in all) ; and you hath he quick- ened, who are dead in trespasses and sins, (wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience ; among whom also we all had our conversation, in times past, in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewithal he loved us,) even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ."* Colos., ch. ii. 12, 13. ''Through the faith of the ope- ration of God, who hath raised him from the dead : and you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of the flesh, hath he quickened together with him."t * Ephes., chap, i., 19, 20 '. ii., 1, 5. Tlovs nKTrevovras Kara Tt]v evepyeiai/ vro Kparovs ttjs la^vos avrov, t]v £vr]pyr](rev ev tco XjOiotw, eysipas avrov ek VEKpwv' KOI CKaQiaev ev Ss^ia avrov ev rots eirovpavioii — Kai vp-a^ ovras veKpovi tois napairru)- paffi KUi TUis apapriais — Kai ovras hpo-i vEKpovi rois -irapanTOipacri^ ^iBvov in both places: Bmxoqi^yovfiBvov answering to Bnvxoq^ Tjyiag : diu jwv dgpwv dia naaijg dq^rjg : av^Bt ttjp av^rjaiv noisixai, rrjv ttv^i]aiv : and yet the sentences are considerably di- versified in other parts. * Colos., chap. iii. 12 — 15. Ei/Svaaade ow Wf £K\£KTOt Tov Qeov ayioi Kai flyunrjuevoi, (TirXay^va oiKTipjiCov, ^priiTTOTriTaf Taireivocppoavvriv , npaoTrira, jiaKpodv- uiav' avE)(^oiJ£voi aXX'jXcoi', KUi jfapii^oyLtvoL iavrois, eav rij ttjOoj riva e^ri nofKpriv' Kadcji Kai XjOtoTOf ex^^pidaro Vfxiv, hvroi Kai ijieis' tin iraari 6e rovroii rrjv ayanrju, riTis eatri cvvSeffnoi rrii TeXftorjjTOf Kai ^ Eiprjvn rov Qeov PpaPeveru) ev rais KapSiais vfxiov, ets hvKai CK^tjOriTe cv ivi aomari, t Ephes., chap, iv., 16. E| hv irav to awjxa tTVvapjxo'Xoyovfievov koi avi^0i0a' ^ojievov Sia nacrris a Kat avi)(ii8a^njX£vov^ av^£t ttiv av^rtJtv tov Qeov. 136 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. Ephes., chap. iv. 32. " And be kind one to another tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven you."* Colos., ch. iii. 13. " Forbearing one another, and for- giving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any; even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."t Here we have " forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake (sr XQiam), hath forgiven you," in the first quotation, substantially repeated in the second. But in the second the sentence is broken by the interposition of a new clause, '' if any man have a quarrel against any ;" and the latter part is a little varied ; instead of " God in Christ," it is " Christ hath forgiven you." Ephes., ch. iv. 22 — 24. " That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt ac- cording to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind ; and that ye put on the new man, which after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness."{ Colos., chap. iii. 9, 10. *' Seeing that ye. have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge, after the image of him that created him."§ In these quotations, " putting off the old man and put- ting on the new," appears in both. The idea is farther explained by calling it a renewal ; in the one, ''renewed * Ephes., chap, iv., 32. Vn'ccOe 6s et; aWrjXovg ^priffroi, svanXayvvoi, %«f)£- ^ofi£vui lavTOig, Kadws Kat o Qeos iv j^piarcii e^apiffaro Vfiiv. t Colos., chap, iii., 13. A-VE^x^ojievoi aAX/jXui/, kui x'^pi^o^ivoi lavroii^cav ti rpoi Tiva E^rj no^(i)r]v' Kado)i Kai h XjOtorof Ej(^api(TaTo vjiiv, bvTU) koi viieis. t Ephes., chap. iv. 22 — 24. A.iTo9e(jdat vjxas Kara TTjv TrpoTEpav avaarpoipriv, Tov TToKaiov avdpcoTTov rov (pQcipojiEvov Kara ras ETzidvjiiai rris arrar/js* avavsovaOai 6e Tb) TvevjjiaTi TOV voos viiwv, Kai evSva-aaOai rov Kaivov avdpwrtov^ tov Kara Qeov Krta- devTa Ev StKaiotTvvT) Kai bciorrjTi rr]s aXrjdEias. § Colos., chap, iii., 9, 10. AnEK6v(7aii£voi tov vaXatov avdpcoTTov aw rats npa^Eoiv avToV Kai EvSvaajxEvoi tov veov,tov avaKaivovjiEvov eig Eniyvwaiv kot' eiKOva rov KTicravTOS avrov. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 137 in the spirit of your mind;" in the other, "renewed in knowledge." In both, the new man is said to be formed according to the same model ; in the one, he is after God created in righteousness and true holiness ;" in the other, "he is renewed after the image of him that created him." In a word, it is the same person writing upon a kindred subject, with the terms and ideas which he had before employed still floating in his memory."* Ephes., ch. v. 6 — 8. " Because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the childen of disobedience : be not ye therefore partakers with them ; for ye were some- times darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord ; walk as children of light."t Colos., ch. iii. 6—8. " For^ which thing^s sake the wrath of God cometh upon the children of disobedience ; in the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. But now ye also put off all these." J These verses afford a specimen of that partial resem- blance which is only to be met with when no imitation is designed, when no studied recollection is employed, but when the mind, exercised upon the same subject, is left to the spontaneous return of such terms and phrases as, having been used before, may happen to present them- selves again. The sentiment of both passages is through- * In these comparisons, we often perceive the reason why the writer, though expressing the same idea, uses a different term ; namely, because the terra before used is employed in the sentence under a different form : thus, in the quotations under our eye, the new man is Kaivog avQptoTzos in the Ephesians, and rov veov in the Colossians ; but then it is because tov kuivov is used in the next word, avaKaivovixevov. ■j" Ephes., chap, v., 6 — 8. Ata ravra yap epx^rai h opyrj rov Qeov £t:i tovs iiovi TTjs aizstdsiai. Mr? ovv yivtaOe aviifxero^oi avrov. Hre yap ttots ff/forof, vvv Se 00)? ev Kupuo' wj rcKva (pMTOi mpnraTEiTe. X Colos., chap, iii., 6 — 8. At a epxCTai h opyr/ tov Qsov cm rovi viovi rrn aiTtideiai' tv his Kai vjiEU nepiEiraTnaare ttote, ore s^rire tv aVTOig. "Nvvi Se ano- deadc Kui vfieii ra navra. 138 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. out alike : half of that sentiment, the denunciation of God's wrath, is expressed in identical words ; the other half, viz. the admonition to quit their former conversation, in words entirely difterent. Ephes., ch. v. 15, 16. " See then that ye walk circum- spectly ; not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time."* Colos., ch. iv. 5. " Walk in wisdom towards them that are without, redeeming the time."t This is another example of that mixture which we re- marked of sameness and variety in the language of one writer. "Redeeming the time" (e^ayogaQofAefot, lov xatQov)^ is a literal repetition. '"'Walk not as fools, but as wise," neginuTens (xrj (b? aaocpoc, aW (bj aocpoi^^ answers exactly in sense, and nearly in terms, to "walk in wisdom," (ev aocpia TIB QinuT bite). liBQinaiBne axQiGcog is a very different phrase, but is intended to convey precisely the same idea as nBQinocTBus TTQog zovg eiw. jnQi^wg is not Well rendered "circumspectly." It means what in modern speech we should call " correctly ;" and when we advise a person to behave " correctly," our advice is always given with a reference " to the opinion of others," nqog jovg e^w. " Walk correctly, redeeming the time," i. e. suiting yourselves to the difficulty and ticklishness of the times in which we live, " because the days are evil." Ephes., ch. vi. 19, 20. " And (praying) for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds, that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."J * Ephes., chap, v., 15, 16. BXeireTeow :r6Jf aKpiPcJS TrtpnraTeire' fit] wj acro' foif aW wj ffo^ot, c^ayopa^ojjLCVoi rov Kaipov. t Colos., chap, iv., 5. Ei/ ao(pia TreonraTEire Kpog rovg £|a), rov Kaipov t^ayo pa^ofiEvoi. X Ephes., chap, vi., 19, 20. Kat vncp e/xovy Iva jiol Sodeit} 'Xoyoi iv avoi^e* THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 139 Colos., ch. iv. 3, 4. "Withal praying also for us that God would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds, that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak."* In these quotations, the phrase '' as I ought to speak" (ihg dec /ue Xahjoui), the words ''utterance" (^-oyog), "a mys- tery" (jLtvartiQiot), "open'^ (^ufoi^ri and ev afoi^ei), are the same. " To make known the mystery of the Gospel" \^YtMgia(xi 70 fivorriQiot'), answers to "make it manifest" (tV« (fx'xreQMao) uvio) ; " for which I am an ambassador in bonds" (i5ne^ 6v n(jea6svoj sp uXvaet), to *' for which I am also in bonds" ((^t' 6 x«t dedejuai). Ephes., ch. v. 22. " Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as unto the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and he is the Saviour of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your ivives, even as Christ also loved the church, and. gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the wash- ing of water by the word ; that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing ; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself; for no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church ; for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother, and be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one Tov (rTOfiaTos //on ev nappriaia, yi/wptirat to [ivarrjpiov rov evayys'Xiov, imp bv irptc- 0ev(ii Ev dXvaei, Iva ev avros napprjaiaawpLai, 0)5 6ei [ic Xa^rjaai. * Colos., chap, iv., 3, 4. Tlpoaev^^^onevoi cLjia kui itepi ^^cji^, Iva b Qeog auoc^rj I'lfiiv dvpav TOV Xoyov, XaXj^o-ai to p.vaTr)pi.ov tov ^pioTOV 6i b Kai Sc/Sejiai, iva drnvC" qoiaoi avTo^ wj hi pie XaXrjo-ai. 140 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIA^^S. flesh. This is a great mystery ; but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Children, obey you?' parents, in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and thy mother (which is the first command- ment with promise), that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the fiesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ ; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart ; with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men ; knoiving that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. And ye, masters, do the same thing unto them, forbearing threatening ; knowing that your Master also is in heaven, neither is there respect of persons with him."* f Colos., chap, iii., 18. " Wives, submit yourselves * Ephes. chap, v., 22. 'At yvvaiK£i, tois iSiois avSpatnv VTToraircTeade, wj to •j" Colos., chap, iii., 18. ' Ai ywacKes, viroTauutaQt rois iStois avSpaaiv, ws avr}KEv €v J^vpio). Ephes. 'Ot av6pcSy ayanare ras yvvaiKOS eavTcop. Colos. 'Ot avSpcs, ayanare rag yvvaiKas. Ephes. Ta TCKva, {lira overe rots yovsvaiv v^iwv ev Kuptw" tovto yap eari SlKUlOV. Colos. Ta TSKva, viraKovsre roig yovevtn Kara TzavTa" tovto yap eaTiv Evaptarov TO) KiipioJ. Ephes. Kai hi irarepeg, fir) irapopyi^cre Ta TEKva vfioiv. Colos. 'Oi TraTEpzi, fin eoeOi^ete* Ta TEKva v/itoj/. Ephes. 'Ot 6ov\oiy vnaKovETE roij KVpioig Kara oapKa fisra yap Kuptoi Xpiffroj 6 ivXEVtrr. 142 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. up into the principal subject. The affinity between these two passages in signification, in terms, and in the order of the words, is closer thaii can be pointed out between any parts of any two epistles in the volume. If the reader would see how the same subject is treated by a different hand, and how distinguishable it is from the production of the same pen, let him turn to the sec- ond and third chapters of the First Epistle of St. Peter. The duties of servants, of wives, and of husbands, are enlarged upon in the Epistle to the Ephesians ; but the subjects both occur in a difl?erent order, and the train of sentiment subjoined to each is totally unlike. 3. In two letters issuing from the same person, nearly at the same time, and upon the same general occasion, we may expect to trace the influence of association in the order in which the topics follow one another. Certain ideas universally or usually suggest others. Here the order is what we call natural, and from such an order nothing can be concluded. But when the order is arbi- trary, yet alike, the concurrence indicates the effect of that principle by which ideas which have been once joined commonly revisit the thoughts together. The epistles under consideration furnish the two following re- markable instances of this species of agreement. Ephes. ch. iv. 24. " And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true ho- liness ; wherefore, putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of an- other."* Colos., ch. iii. 9. " Lie not one to another ; seeing that * Ephes., chap, iv., 24, 25. Kai cv6v(jaaQai tov kuivov avBpuTTOVy rov Kara Qiov KTiaQtvra ev diKaioirvvri kui oaiOTrjTi rrn aXr)deias' 6io airoQtyLevoi to ii/enJof, AaXstre aXridaav eKaaroi jxera tov r\ri Qeov. At yvi'atKff, tois iSiois avSpaaiv iiroTaaascrde ug tw KvptM. + Colos,, chap, iii., 17. Kat nav b, ti av TTOtriTe, sv XoyWj r/ ev £py(i>^ rravTa £v ovonuTi K.vpiov Iriaov, ev^apiaTovvrei rfJ Geo) Kat Ttarpi Si avTOV. 'At yvvaiKes, viroTaaaEcrBE tois iSioig avdpaoiv, wj avrjKSv sv ^vpiM. 144 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. ' epistles be the true one, that is, if they were both really- written by St. Paul, and both sent to their respective destination by the same messenger, the similitude is, in all points, what should be expected to take place. If they were forgeries, then the mention of Tychicus in both epistles, and in a manner which shows that he either car- ried or accompanied both epistles, was inserted for the purpose of accounting for their similitude ; or else the structure of the epistles was designedly adapted to the circumstance : or, lastly, the conformity between the con- tents of the forgeries and what is thus directly intimated concerning their date was only a happy accident. Not one of these three suppositions will gain credit with a reader who peruses the epistles with attention, and who reviews the several examples we have pointed out, and the observations with which they were accompanied. No. II. There is such a thing as a pecuHar word or phrase cleaving, as it were, to the memory of a writer or speaker, and presenting itself to his utterance at every turn. When we observe this, we call it a cant word, or a cant phrase. It is a natural effect of habit ; and would appear more frequently than it does, had not the rules of good writing taught the ear to be offended with the iteration of the same sound, and oftentimes caused us to reject, on that account, the word which offered itself first to our recol- lection. With a writer who, like St. Paul, either knew not these rules, or disregarded them, such words will not be avoided. The truth is, an example of this kind runs through several of his epistles, and in the epistle before us abounds ; and that is in the word riches (nloviog), used THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHE3IANS. 145 metaphorically as an augmentative of the idea to which it happens to be subjoined. Thus, " the riches of his glory ;" " his riches in glory ;" " riches of the glory of his inheritance ;" " riches of the glory of this mystery :" Rom., ch. ix. 23; Ephes., ch. iii. 16; Ephes., eh. i. 18; Colos., ch. i. 27 : " riches of his grace," twice in the Ephesians, ch. i. 7. and ch. ii. 7 ; ^^ riches of the full assurance of un- derstanding," Colos., ch. ii. 2; ''riches of his goodness," Rom., ch. ii. 4 ; " riches of the wisdom of God," Rom., ch. xi. 33; ^'riches of Christ," Ephes., iii. 8. In a like sense the adjective, Rom., ch. x. 12, ''rich unto all that call upon him ;" Ephes., ch. ii. 4, " rich in mercy;" 1 Tim., ch. vi. 18, ''rich in good works." Also the ad- verb, Colos., ch. iii. 16, "let the work of Christ dwell in you richly" This figurative use of the word, though so familiar to St. Paul, does not occur in any part of the New Testament, except once in the Epistle of St. James, ch. ii. 5 ; " Hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith ?" where it is manifestly suggested by the antithesis. I propose the frequent, yet seemingly unaf- fected, use of this phrase, in the epistle before us, as one internal mark of its genuineness. No. III. % ... There is another singularity in St. Paul's style, which, wherever it is found, may be deemed a badge of authen- ticity ; because, if it were noticed, it would not, I think, be imitated, inasmuch as it almost always produces em- barrassment and interruption in the reasoning. This sin- gularity is a species of digression which may properly, I think, be denominated going off at a word. It is turning aside from the subject upon the occurrence of some par- 146 THE El'ISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. ticular word, forsaking the train of thought then in hand, and entering upon a parenthetic, sentence in which that word is the prevailing term. I shall lay before the reader some examples of this, collected from the other epistles, and then propose two examples of it which are found in the Epistle to the Ephesians. 2 Cor., ch. ii. 14, at the word savor : " Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place, (for we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ in them that are saved, and in them that perish ; to the one we are the savor of death unto death, and to the other the savor of life unto life ; and who is sufficient for these things ?) For we are not as many which corrupt the w^ord of God, but as of sincerity, but as of God ; in the sight of God speak, we in Christ." Again, 2 Cor., ch. iii. 1, at the word epistle. *'Need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or of commendation from you ? (Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men ; foras- much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God ; not in tables of stone, but in the fleshy tables of the heart.)" The position of the words in the original shows more strongly than in the translation that it was the occurrence of the word emoToXri which gave birth to the sentence that follows : 2 Cor., ch. iii. 1. El i-irj /Q7]^o^u€t',(hg jivsg, avaTanxojv eniajo)My Tigogvuag, »/ e| {)/iib)y avaraTiy.wv ; -^ sttiotoXi] r]ub)v {ifieig fare, syyeyquiJiuevi] Bv Tuig xuQdiaig ri/nojv, yircoaxoinevi] xat avuyit'Ooaxo/JEVT] vno nav- imv avOqunoiv (pavsqti^evoi on eaie sttigtoXtj Xqiotb diaxovTjdeiaa {kP* -^iitoiy, eyyeyQa^fAevt] s fieXavi^ aXXa nvsvfioctt, Qeov ^wMog- 8« sv ttXu^i XiQivaig^ aXV ev jiXa^i xagdtag craQXivaig, Again, 2 Cor., ch. iii. 12, &c., at the word vail : "See- ing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 147 of speech : and not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished. But their minds were blinded ; for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament, which vail is done away in Christ ; but even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart : nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away (now th*e Lord is that Spirit ; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.) But we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not." Who sees, not that this whole allegory of the vail arises entirely out of the occurrence of the word, in telling us that " Moses put a vail over his face," and that it drew the apostle away from the proper subject of his discourse, the dignity of the office in which he was engaged ; which subject he fetches up again almost in the words with which he had left it : " therefore, seeing that we have this ministry,. as we have received mercy, we faint not." The sentence which he had before been going on with, and in which he had been interrupted by the vail, was, " Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plain- ness of speech." In the Epistle to the Ephesians, the reader will remark two instances in which the same habit of composition obtains : he will recognize the same pen. One he will find, chap. iv. 8 — 11, at the word ascended : " Wherefore he saith. When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he as- cended, what is it but that he also descended first unto the lower parts of the earth ? He that descended is the 148 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. same alse that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) And he gave some apostles," &c. The other appears, chap. v. 12 — 15, at the word light: ** For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret : but all things that are re- proved are made manifest by the light : for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circum- spectly." No. IV. Although it does not appear to have ever been disputed that the epistle before us was written by St. Paul, yet it is well known that a doubt has long been entertained concerning the persons to whom it was addressed. The question is founded partly in some ambiguity in the ex- ternal evidence. Marcion, a heretic of the second cen- tury, as quoted by Tertullian, a father in the beginning of the third, calls it the Epistle to the Laodiceans. From what we know of Marcion, his judgment is little to be relied upon ; nor is it perfectly clear that Marcion was rightly understood by Tertullian. If, however, Marcion be brought to prove that some copies in his time gave ev Aaodinsia m the superscription, his testimony, if it be truly interpreted, is not diminished by his heresy ; for, as Gro- tius observes, ''cur ifiea re mentiretur nihil erat causes. The name ev Eq,so(d, iriThe first verse, upon which word singly depends the proof that the epistle was written to the Ephesians, is not read in all the manuscripts now ex- tant. I admit, however, that the external evidence pre- ponderates with a manifest excess on the side of the re- THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 149 ceived reading. The objection, therefore, .principally arises from the contents of the epistle itself, which, in many respects, militate with the supposition that it was written to ttie church of Ephesus. According to the his- tory, St. Paul had passed two whole years at Ephesus, Acts, ch. xix. 10. And in this point, viz. of St. Paul hav- ing preached for a considerable length of time at Ephe- sus, the history is confirmed by the two Epistles to the Corinthians, and by the two Epistles to Timothy. •' I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost," 1 Cor. ch. xvi. ver. 8. *' We would not have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia,'' 2 Cor., ch. i. 8. " As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedo- nia," 1 Tim., ch. i. 3. " And in how many things he min- istered unto me at Ephesus thou knowest well," 2 Tim., ch. i. 18. I adduce these testimonies, because, had it been a competition of credit between the history and the epistle, I should have thought myself bound to have pre- ferred the epistle. Now, every epistle which St. Paul v/rote to churches which he himself had founded, or which he had visited, abounds with references, and ap- peals to what had passed during the time that he was present amongst them ; whereas, there is not a text in the Epistle to the Ephesians from which we can collect that he had ever been at Ephesus at all. The two Epis- tles to the Corinthians, the Epistle to the Galatians, the Epistle to the Philippians, and the two Epistles to the Thessalonians, are of this class ; and they are full of al- lusions to the apostle's history, his reception, and his con- duct whilst amongst them ; the total want of which, in the epistle before us, is very difficult to account for, if it was in truth written to the church of Ephesus, in which city he had resided for so long a time. This is the first and strongest objection. But farther, the Epistle to the Co- 150 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. lossians was addressed to a church in which St. Paul had never been. This we infer from the first verse of the second chapter: "for I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you and for them at LaodiCea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh." There could be no propriety in thus joining the Colossians and Laodiceans with those " who had not seen his face in the flesh," if they did not also belong to the same description.* Now, his address to the Colossians, whom he had not visited, is precisely the same as his address to the Chris- tians to whom he wrote in the epistle which we are now considering : '' We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints," Colos., ch. i. 3. Thus, he speaks to the Ephesians, in the epistle before us, as follows : " Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, cease not to give thanks for you in my prayers," ch. i. 15. The terms of this address are observable. The words, "hav- ing heard of your faith and love," are the very words, we see, which he uses towards strangers ; and it is not prob- able that he should employ the same in accosting a church in which he had long exercised his ministry, and whose *' faith and love" he must have personally known.f The * Dr. Lardner contends against the validity of this conclusion; but, I think, without success. Lardner, vol. xiv. p. 473. edit. 1757. ■f Mr. Locke endeavors to avoid this difficulty, by explaining " their faith^ of which St. Paul had heard," to mean the steadfastness of their persuasion that they were called into the kingdom of God, without subjection to the Mosaic institution. But this interpretation seems to be extremely hard ; for, in the manner in which faith is here joined with love, in the expression, " your faith and love," it could not be meant to denote any particular tenet which distinguished one set of Christians from others ; forasmuch as the expression describes the general virtues of the Christian profession. — Vide Locke in loc. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 151 Epistle to the Romans was written before •St. Paul had been at Rome ; and his address to them runs in the same strain with that just now quoted : " I thank my God through Jesus Christ, for you all, that your faith is spoken of through the whole world :" Rom., ch. i. 8. Let us now see what was the form in which our apostle was ac- customed to introduce his epistles, when he wrote to those with whom he was already acquainted. To the Corin- thians, it was this : " I thank my God always in your be- half, for the grace of God which is given you by Christ Jesus :" 1 Cor., ch. i. 4. To the Philippians : *' I thank my God upon every remembrance of you :" Phil., ch. i. 3. To the Thessalonians : We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remem- bering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love :" 1 Th'is., ch. i. 3. To Timothy : '' I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day :" 2 Tim., ch. i. 3. In these quo- tations, it is ajsuaUy his remembrance, and neyer-iHS hear- ing, of them, which he makes the subject of his thankful- ness to God. As great difficulties stand in the way, supposing the epistle before us to have been written to the church of Ephesus, so I think it probable that it is actually the Epis- tle to the Laodiceans, referred to in the fourth chapter of the Epistle to the Colossians. The text which contains that reference is this: "When this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodi- ceans, and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodi- cea," ch. iv. 16. The " epistle /ro7?2 Loadicea" was an epistle sent by St. Paul to that church, and by them trans- mitted to Colosse. The two churches were mutually to communicate the epistles they had received. This is the 152 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. way in which the direction is explained by the greater part of commentators, and is the most probable sense that can be given to it. It is also probable that the epis- tle jalluded to was an epistle which had been received by the church of Laodicea lately. It appears then, with a considerable degree of evidence, that there existed an epistle of St. Paul's nearly of the same date with the Epistle to the Colossians, and an epistle directed to a church (for such the church of Laodicea was,) in which St. Paul had never been. What has been observed con- cerning the epistle before us shows that it answers per- fectly to that character. Nor does the mistake seem very difficult to account for. Whoever inspects the map of Asia Minor will see that a person proceeding from Rome to Laodicea would probably land at Ephesus, as the nearest frequented sea- port in that direction. Might not Tychicus then, in pass- ing through Ephesus, communicate to the Christians of that place the letter with which he was charged? And might not copies of that letter be multiplied and preserved at Ephesus? Might not some of the copies drop the words of designation ^v rr^ Aaodinsiq* which it was of no * And it is remarkable that there seem to have been some ancient copies without the words of designation, either the words in Ephesus, or the words in Laodicea. St. Basil, a writer of the fourth century, speaking of the pre- sent epistle, has this very singular passage : " And writing to the Ephesians, as truly united to him who is through knowledge, he (Paul) calleth them in a peculiar sense, such who are ; saying to tJw saints who are and (or even) t/ie faithful in Christ Jesus ; for so those before us have transmitted it, and we have found it in ancient copies." Dr. Mill interprets (and notwith- standing some objections that have been made to him, in my opinion rightly interprets) these words of Basil, as declaring that this father had seen cer- tain copies of the epistle in which the words, " ia Ephesus," were wanting. And the passage, I think, must be considered as Basil's finciful way of ex- plaining what was really a corrupt and defective reading ; for I do not be- lieve it possible that the author of the epistle could have originally written oytoij Toii uaivy without any name of place to follow it. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 153 consequence to an Ephesian to retain ? Might not copies of the letter come out into the Christian church at large from Ephesus ; and might not this give occasion to a be- lief tha't the letter was written to that church? And, lastly, might not this belief produce the error which we suppose to hav^ crept into the inscription ? No. V. As our epistle purports to have been written during St. Paul's imprisonment at Rome, which lies beyond the pe- riod to which the Acts of the Apostles brings up his his- tory ; and as we have seen and acknowledged that the epistle contains no reference to any transaction at Ephe- sus during the apostle's residence in that city, we cannot expect that it should supply many marks of agreement with the narrative. One coincidence however occurs, and a coincidence of that minute and less obvious kind, which, as hath been repeatedly observed, is of all others the most to be relied upon. Chap. vi. 19, 20, we read, *' praying for me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds." "/% bonds,"" sv dlvoet, in a chain. In the twenty-eighth chapter of the Acts we are informed that Paul, after his arrival at Rome, was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him. Dr. Lardner has shown that this mode of custody was in use amongst the Romans, and that, whenever it was adopted, the prisoner was bound to the soldier by a single chain : in reference to which St. Paul, in the twentieth verse of this chapter, tells the Jews, whom he had assembled, " For this cause therefore have I called for you to see you, and to speak with you, be- 7* n 154 THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. cause that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain^^ tij^ dXvac>^ javirjv nsQtxei/Ltah. It is in exact con- formity, therefore, with the truth of St. Paul's situation at the time, that he declares of himself in the epistle, nQeaSevo) Ev dXvaei. And the exactness is the more remarkable, as dkvaig (a chain) is nowhere used in the sijigular number to express any other kind of custody. When the pris- oner's hands or feet were bound together, the word was deajiioi (bonds), as in the twenty-sixth chapter of the Acts, where Paul replies to Agrippa, " I would to God that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost and altogether such as I am, except these bonds," naQsxTog T(av deaf/cjv xovjoiv. When the prisoner was con- fined between two soldiers, as in the case of Peter, Acts, chap. xii. 6, two chains were employed ; and it is said upon his miraculous deliverance, that the " chains" (aXvaeig^ in the plural) " fell from his hands." deafiog^ the noun, and deqf^ai the verb, being general terms, were ap- pUcable to this in common with any other species of per- sonal coercion ; but dlvuig^ in the singular number, to none but this. If it can be suspected that the writer of the present epistle, who in no other particular appears to have availed himself of the information concerning St. Paul delivered in the Acts, had, in this verse borrowed the word which he read in that book, and had adapted his expression to what he found there recorded of St. Paul's treatment at Rome ; in short, that the coincidence here noted was af- fected by craft and design ; I think it a strong reply to remark that, in the parallel passage of the Epistle to the Colossians, the same allusion is not preserved ; the words there are, " praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ, for which / am also in bonds,^' dl 6 xourdeofiat. After what THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. 155 has been shown in a preceding number, there can be lit- tle doubt but that these two epistles were written by the same person. If the writer, therefore, sought for, and fraudulently inserted the correspondency into one epis- tle, why did he not do it in the other ? A real prisoner might use either general words which comprehended this amongst many other modes of custody ; or might use ap- propriate words which specified this, and distinguished it from any other mode. It would be accidental which form of expression he fell upon. But an impostor, who had the art, in one place, to employ the appropriate term for the purpose of fraud, would have used it in both places. CHAPTER VII. THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. No. I. When a transaction is referred to in such a manner as that the reference is easily and immediately understood by those who are beforehand, or from other quarters, ac- quainted with the fact, but is obscure, or imperfect, or re- quires investigation, or a comparison of different parts, in order to be made clear to other readers, the ti'ansaction so referred to is probably real ; because, had it been fic- titious, the writer would have set forth his story more fully and plainly, not merely as conscious of the fiction, but as conscious that his readers could have no other knowledge of the subject of his allusion than from the in- formation of which he put them in possession. The account of Epaphroditus, in the Epistle to the Philippians, of his journey to Rome, and of the business which brought him thither, is the article to which I mean to apply this observation. There are three passages in the epistle which relate to this subject. The first, chap. i. 7 : " Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the Gospel, ye all are ovyxoivojyot fxa xTjg xaonog, joint contributors to the gift which I have received."* Nothing more is said * Pearce, I believe, was the first commentator who gave this sense to the expression ; and I believe, also, that his exposition is now generally assented THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPiANS. 157 in this place. In the latter part of the second chapter, and at the distance of half the epistle from the last quota- tion, the subject appears again ; " Yet I supposed it ne- cessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and companion in labor, and fellow-soldier, but your messen- ger, and he that ministered to my wants : for he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had been sick : for indeed he was sick nigh unto death ; but God had mercy on him, and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. I sent him therefore the more carefully, that when ye see him again ye may rejoice, and that I may be the less sorrowful. Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness ; and hold such in reputation ; because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not re- garding his life to supply your lack of service towar^d me ;" chap. ii. 25 — 30. The matter is here dropped, and no farther mention made of it till it is taken up near the con- clusion of the epistle as follows: "But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again, wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. Not that I speak in respect of want ; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound : everywhere, and in all things, I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound, and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me. Notwithstand- ing, ye have well done that ye did communicate with my affliction. Now, ye Philippians, know, also, that in the to. He interprets in the same sense the phrase in the fifth verse, which our translation renders "your fellowship in the Gospel;" but which in the orig- inal is not KOivwvin Tov EuayyfAtov, or KotvcovtoL ev rw EvayysXiM, but Koivwvio. cis TO EuayyeXioi'. 158 THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. beginning of the Gospel, when I departed from Macedo- nia, no church communicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. For even in Thessa- lonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Not because I desire a gift ; but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. But I have all, and abound : I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you :" chap. iv. 10 — 18. To the Philippian reader, who knew that contributions were wont to be made in' that church for the apostle's subsistence and relief, that the supply which they were accustomed to send to him had been delayed by the want of opportunity, that Epaphroditus had undertaken the charge of conveying their liberality to the hands of the apostle, that he had ac- quitted himself of this commission at the peril of his life, by hastening to Rome under the oppression of a grievous sickness ; to a reader who knew all this beforehand, every line in the above quotations would be plain and clear. But how is it with a stranger ? The knowledge of these several particulars is necessary to the perception and ex- planation -of the references ; yet that knowledge must be gathered from a comparison of passages lying at a great distance from one another. Texts must be interpreted by texts long subsequent to them, which necessarily pro- duces embarrassment and suspense. The passage quoted from the beginning of the epistle contains an acknowl- edgment, on the part of the apostle, of the liberality which the Philippians had exercised towards him ; but the al- lusion is so general and indeterminate that, had nothing more been said in the sequel of the epistle, it would hardly have been applied to this occasion at all. In the sec- ond quotation, Epaphroditus is declared to have "minis- tered to the apostle's wants," and " to have supplied their lack of service towards him ; but Jwio, that is, at whose THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 159 expense, or from what fund he " ministered," or what was "the lack of service which he supplied," are left very- much unexplained, till we arrive at the third quotation, where we find that Epaphroditus " ministeretl to St. Paul's wants," only by conveying to his hands the contri- butions of the Philippians ; " I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you ;" and that "the lack of service which he supplied" was a delay or interruption of their accustomed bounty, occa- sioned by the want of opportunity : " I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again ; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity." The afl^air at length comes out clear, but it comes out by piecemeal. The clearness is the result of the reciprocal illustration of divided texts. Should any one choose therefore to insinuate that this whole story of Epaphroditus, or his journey, his errand, his sickness, or even his existence, might, for what we know, have no other foundation than in the invention of the forger of the epistle ; I answer, that a forger w^ould have set forth his story connectedly, and also more fully and more perspicuously. If the epistle be authentic, and the transaction real, then every thing which is said con- cerning Epaphroditus, and his commission, would be clear to those into whose hands the epistle was expected to come. Considering the Philippians as his readers, a per- son might naturally write upon the subject, as the author of the epistle has written ; but there is no supposition of forgery with which it will suit. No. II. The history of Epaphroditus supplies another observa- tion : " Indeed he was sick, nigh unto death ; but God 160 THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. had mercy on him, and not on him only, but on me also lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow." In this passage, no intimation is given that Epaphroditus's recovery was miraculo*us. It is plainly, I think, spoken of as a natural event. This instance, together with one in the Second Epistle to Timothy (" Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick/') afFoi'ds a proof that the power of performing cures, and, by parity of reason, of working other miracles, was a power which only visited the apostles occasionally, and did not at all depend upon their own will. Paul undoubt- edly would have healed Epaphroditus if he could. Nor, if the power of working cures had awaited his disposal, would he have left his fellow-traveller at Miletum sick. This, I think, is a fair observation upon the instances ad- duced ; but it is not the observation I am concerned to make. It is more for the purpose of my argument to remark that forgery, upon such an occasion, would not have spared a miracle ; much less would it have intro- duced St. Paul professing the utmost anxiety for the safety of his friend, yet acknowledging himself unable to help him ; which he does, almost expressly, in the case of Trophimus, for he " left him sick ;" and virtually in the passage before us, in which he felicitates himself upon the recovery of Epaphroditus, in terms which almost ex- clude the supposition of any supernatural means being employed to effect it. This is a reserve which nothing but truth would have imposed. No. III. Chap. iv. 15, 16. "Now, ye Philippians, know, also, that in the beginning of the Gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me, as con- THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 161 cerning giving and receiving, but ye only. For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity.' It will be necessary to state the Greek of this passage, because our translation does not, I think, give the sense of it accurately. OtduiB de xai i^ueig, fpiXmnTjaiot, on sv cxg^r] t« Evayyelia, ore e^rjldov ano MayteSoviag^ ede/nia fiiot exxlrjaiu exoivojt'Tjaep, eig Xoyor doaecog xut Xijtpeojg, ei /ui] \)/itEtg fiopor on xai bp QeaaalovLxr^ xai u/ial xat dig eig tijv xQ^*-^^ f^^'' STie^ipaTe. The reader w^ill please to direct his attention to the cor- responding partiG»i*tt8-oTi and on xai, which connect the words sp (xQx.ri xa Evayyelis, bte b^tjIOov ano MaxEdopiag, with the words sv Qeaoalovlxr^, and denote, as I interpret the passage, two distinct donations, or rather, donations at two distinct periods, one at Thessalonica, unu^ xui dig, the other after his departure from Macedonia, 6is s^rjXdov ano MaxBdoviag* I would render the passage, so as to mark these different periods, thus : " Now, ye Philippians, know, also, that in the beginning of the Gospel, when I w,as de- parted from Macedonia, no church comnTunicated with me, as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. And that also in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity." Now, with this exposition of the passage, compare 2 Cor., chap. xi. 8, 9 : "I robbed other churches, taking wages of them to do you service. And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man ; for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied." * Luke, chap, ii., 15. Kat tyzvzro, wj anriXdov an avrav eig tov ovpavop ol ayycXoi, " as the angels were gone away," i. e., after their departure, hi iroi- liEvei etiTov iTpos aXXjjXovj. Matt., chap, xii., 43. 'Orai/ Se to OKudapTov KVEv^a E^t\Or) ano TOV avBownov, when the unclean spirit is gone, i.e., after his de- parture, j££j9Y£ra«. John, chap, xiii., 30. 'Ors e^riKBe (lov5:ii) "when he was gone, i. e., after his departure, \<:yci Ir/aouj. Acts, chap, x., 7, w? 6e anrfK- Oiv ayytk'^i o \i\'mv tw K)pt.'r,\tM, " and when the angel which spake unto him was departed," i. e. after his departure, cpcovijoras 6vo tcov oiketuv, &c. 162 THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. It appears from St. Paul's history, as related in the Acts of the Apostles, that, upon leaving Macedonia, he passed, after a very short stay at Athens, into Achaia. It ap- pears, secondly, from the quotation out of the Epistle to the Corinthians, that in Achaia he accepted no pecuniary assistance from the converts of that country ; but that he drew a supply for his wants from the Macedonian Chris- tians. Agreeably whereunto it appears, in the third place, from the text which is the subject of the present number, that the brethren in Philippi, a city of Macedo- nia, had followed him with their munificence, ore etrjldov txno 3lu}<8doviacj when he was departed from Maceuonia, that is, when he came into Achaia. The passage under consideration affords another cir- cumstance of agreement deserving of our notice. The gift alluded to in the Epistle to the Philippians is stated to have been made " in the beginning of the Gospel." This phrase is most naturally explained to signify the first preaching of the Gospel in these parts ; viz. on that side of the iEgean Sea. The succors referred to in the Epistle to the Corinthians, as received from Macedonia, are stated to have been received by him upon his first visit to the peninsula of Greece. The dates therefore assigned to the donation in the two epistles agree ; yet, is the date in one ascertained very incidentally, namely, by the considerations which fix the date of the epistle itself; and in the other by an expression (''the beginning of the Gospel") much too general to have been used if the text had been penned with any view to the corres- pondency we are remarking. Farther, the phrase, " in the beginning of the Gospel," raises an idea in the reader's mind that the Gospel had been preached there more than once. The writer would hardly have called the visit to which he refers the " begin- THE EPffeTLE TO THE PHII.IPPIANS. 163 ning of the Gospel," if he had not also visited them in some other stage of it. The fact corresponds witli this idea. If we consult the sixteenth and twentieth chapters of the Acts, we shall find that St. Paul, before his impris- onment at Rome, during which/ this epistle purports to have been w^ritten, had been twice in Macedonia, and each time at Philippi. No. IV. That Timothy had been long with St. Paul at Philippi is a fact which seems to be implied in this epistle twice. First he joins in the salutation with which the epistle opens : " Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Phi- lippi." Secondly and more directly, the point is inferred from what is said concerning him, chap. ii. 19: "But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be (>f good comfort when I know your state ; for I have no man like minded who will nat- urally care for your state ; for all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's ; but ye know the proof of him, that as a son with the father he hath served with me in the Gospel." Had Timothy's presence w^ith St. Paul at Philippi, when he preached the Gospel there, been ex- pressly remarked in the Acts of the Apostles, this quota- tion might be thought to contain a contrived adaptation to the history ; although, even in that case, the averment, or, rather, the allusion, in the epistle, is too oblique to af- ford much room for such suspicion. But the truth i^'' that, in the history of St. Paul's transactions at Philippi, which occupies the greatest part of the sixteenth chapter of the Acts, no mention is made of Timothy at all. What 4 164 THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. appears concerning Timothy in the history, so far as re- lates to the present subject, is this : " When Paul came to Derbe and Lystra, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, whom Paul would have to go forth with him." The narrative then proceeds with the ac- count of St. Paul's progress through various provinces of the Lesser Asia, till it brings him down to Troas. At Troas he was warned in a vision to pass over into Ma- cedonia. In obedience to which he crossed the iEgean Sea to Samothracia, the next day to Neapolis, and from thence to Philippi. His preaching, miracles, and perse- cutions at Philippi, follow next ; after which Paul and his company, when they had passed through Amphipolis and Appollonia, came to Thessalonica, and from Thessa- lonica to Berea. From Berea the brethren sent away Paul ; " but Silas and Timotheus abode there still." The itinerary of which the above is an abstract is undoubt- edly sufficient to support an inference that Timothy was along with St. Paul at Philippi. We find them setting out together upon this progre^ from Derbe, in Lycaonia ; we find them together near the conclusion of it, at Berea, in Macedonia. It is highly probable, therefore, that they came together to Philippi, through which their route be- tween these two places lay. If this be thought probable it is sufficient. For what I wish to be observed is, that, in comparing, upon this subject, the epistle with the his- tory, we do not find a recital in one place of what is re- lated in another ; but that we find what is much more to be relied upon, an oblique allusion to an implied fact. THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 165 No. V. Our epistle purports to have been written near the conclusion of St. Paul's imprisonment at Rome, and after a residence in that city of considerable duration. These circumstances are made out by different intimations, and the intimations upon the subject preserve among them- selves a just consistency, and a consistency certainly un- meditated. First, the apostle had already been a prisoner at Rome so long^-as^hat the reputation of his bonds, and of his constancy under them, had contributed to advance the success of the Gospel : '* But I v^ould ye should un- derstand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the Gos- pel ; so that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places ; and many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to. speak the word without fear." Secondly, the account given of Epaphroditus imports that St. Paul, when he wrote the epistle, had been in Rome a consid- erable time : " He longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had been sick." Epaphroditus was with St. Paul at Rome. He had been sick. The Philippians had heard of his sick- ness, and he again had received an account how much they had been affected by the intelligence. The passing and repassing of these advices must necessarily have oc- cupied a large portion of time, and must have all taken place during St. Paul's residence at Rome. Thirdly, af- ter a residence at Rome thus proved to have been of con- siderable duration, he now regards the decision of his fate as nigh at hand. He contemplates either alterna- tive : that of his deliverance, chap. ii. 23 ; "Him, there- 166 THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. fore, (Timothy,) I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me ; but I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly :" that of his con- demnation, ver. 17 ; " Yea, and if I be offered* upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice with you all." This consistency is material, if the considera- tion of it be confined to the epistle. It is farther material, as it agrees, with respect to the duration of St. Paul's first imprisonment at Rome, with the account delivered in the Acts, which, having brought the apostle to Rome, closes the history by telling us " that he dwelt there two whole years in his own hired house." No. VI. Chap. i. 23. '* For I am in a strait betwixt two, hav- ing a desire to depart, and to be with Christ ; which is far better." With this compare 2 Cor., chap. v. 8 : " We are confi- dent and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord." The sameness of sentiment in these two quotations is obvious. I rely, however, not so much upon that, as upon the similitude in the train of thought which in each epistle leads up to this sentiment, and upon the suitable- ness of that train of thought to the circumstances under which the epistles purport to have been written. This, I conceive, bespeaks the production of the same mind, and of a mind operating upon real circumstances. The sen- timent is in both places preceded by the contemplation of imminent personal danger. To the Philippians he * AXA' £1 Kai cTisviofiai em rjj Ovaia r/?j iriareoii vjiwv, if my blood be poured out as a libation upon the sacrifice of your faith. THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPI ANri. 167 writes, in the twentieth verse of this chapter, '- Accord- ing to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in noth- ing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death." To the Co- rinthians, " Troubled on every side, yet not distressed ; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsa- ken ; cast down, but not destroyed ; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus." This train of reflection is continued to the place from whence the words which we compare are taken. The two epistles, though written at different times, from different places, and to different churches, were both written under circumstan- ces which would naturally recall to the author's mind the precarious condition of his Hfe, and the perils which con- stantly awaited him. When the Epistle to the Philippians was written, the author w^as a prisoner at Rome, expect- ing his trial. When the Second Epistle to the Corin- thians was written, he had lately escaped a danger in which he had given himself over for lost. The epistle opens with a recollection of this subject, and the impres- sion accompanied the writer's thoughts throughout. I know that nothing is easier than to transplant into a forged epistle a sentiment or expression which is found in a true one ; or, supposing both epistles to be forged by the same hand, to insert the same sentiment or expression in both. But the difficulty is to introduce it in just and close connection with a train of thought going before, and with a train of thought apparently generated by the cir- cumstances under which the epistle is written. In two epistles, purporting to be written on different occasions, and in different periods of the author's history, this pro- priety would not easily be managed. 168 THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. No. VII. Chap, i., 29, 39 ; 1, 2. "For unto you is 'given, in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake ; having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me. If there be, there- fore, any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies ; fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." With this compare Acts, xvi. 22 : " And the multitude (at Philippi) rose up against them (Paul and Silas) ; and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them ; and when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely; who having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks." The passage in the epistle is very remarkable. I know not an example in any writing of a juster pathos, or which more truly represents the workings of a warm and affec- tionate mind, than what is exhibited in the quotation be- fore us.* The apostle reminds his Philippians of their being joined with himself in the endurance of persecution for the sake of Christ. He conjures them by the ties of their common profession and their common sufferings, " to fulfil his joy ;" to complete, by the unity of their faith, and by their mutual love, that joy with which the instan- ces he had received of their zeal and attachment had in- spired his breast. Now if this was the real effusion of St. * The original is very spirited: Ei th hv TrapaKXrjcris ev Xptorw, a ti napc^v y^ Oiov ayaT/jj, ei m Koivwvia ITi/eo/iaroff, ti riva a}T\ayj(^va Kai oiKTipfioi, TrXripuiaaTe fib ^apav. THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 169 Paul's mind, of which it bears the strongest internal char- acter, then we have in the words, " the same conflict which ye saw in me," an authentic confirmation of so much of the apostle's history in the Acts as relates to his transactions at Philippi ; and, through that, of the in- telligence and general fidelity of the historian. 8 CHAPTER VIIL THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. No. I. There is a circumstance of conformity between St. Paul's history and his letters, especially those which were written during his first imprisonment at Rome, and more especially the epistles to the Colossians and Ephesians, which being too close to be accounted for from accident, yet too indirect and latent to be imputed to design, can- not easily be resolved into any other original than truth. Which circumstance is this, that St. Paul, in these epis- tles, attributes his imprisonment not to his preaching of Christianity, but to his asserting the right of the Gentiles to be admitted into it without conforming themselves to the Jewish law. This was the doctrine to which he con- sidered himself a martyr. Thus, in the epistle before us, chap. i. 24, (I Paul) " who now rejoice in my sufferings for you" — "ybr you,^^ i. e. for those whom he had never seen : for a few verses afterwards he adds, "I would that ye knew what great conflict 1 have for you and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh." His suffering therefore for them was, in their gen- eral capacity of Gentile Christians, agreeably to what he explicitly declares in his Epistle to the Ephesians, iv. 1 : " For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ, for you Gentiles''' Again, in the epistle now under consid- eration, iv, 3 : " Withal praying also for us, that God THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. 171 would open nnto us a door of utterance to speak the mys- tery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds." What that " mystery of Christ" was, the Epistle to the Ephesians distinctly informs us : " Whereby when ye read ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which, in other ages, was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit, that the Gentiles should he fellow- heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel.''' This, therefore, was the con- fession for which he declares himself to be in bonds. Now let us inquire how the occasion of St. Paul's imprison- ment is represented in the history. The apostle had not long returned to Jerusalem from his second visit into Greece, when an uproar was excited in that city, by the clamor of certain Asiatic Jews, who, " having seen Paul in the temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him." The charge advanced against him was, that ''he taught all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place ; and, farther, brought Greeks also into the temple, and polluted that holy place." The for- mer part of the charge seems to point at the doctrine, which he maintained, of the admission of the Gentiles, under the new dispensation, to an indiscriminate partici- pation of God's favor with the Jews. But what follows makes the matter clear. When, by the interference of the chief captain, Paul had been rescued out of the hands of the populace, and was permitted to address the multi- tude who had followed him to the stairs of the castle, he delivered a brief account of his birth, of the early course of his life, of his miraculous conversion ; and is proceed- ing in this narrative, until he comes to describe a vision which was presented to him, as he was praying in the temple ; and which bid him depart out of Jerusalem, 172 THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. " for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles" Acts, xxii. 21. *' They gave him audience," says the historian, '^ unto this word; and then lift up their voices, and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth !" Nothing can show more strongly than this account does what was the offence which drew down upon St. Paul the vengeance of his countrymen. His mission to the Gentiles, and his open avowal of that mission, was the intolerable part of the apostle's crime. But, although the real motive of the prosecution appears to have been the apostle's conduct towards the Gentiles ; yet, when his accusers came before a Roman magistrate, a charge was to be framed of a more legal form. The profanation of the temple was the article they chose to rely upon. This, therefore, became the immediate subject of Tertullus's oration before Felix, and of Paul's defence. But that he all along considered his ministry amongst the Gentiles as the actual source of the enmity that had been exercised against him, and in particular as the cause of the insurrection in which his person had been seized, is apparent from the conclusion of his discourse before Agrippa : " I have appeared unto thee," says he, describing what passed upon his journey to Damascus, " for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness, both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee, delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. Whereupon, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision ; but showed first unto them of Damascus, and of Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judea, and then to the Gen- THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. 173 tiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me." The seizing, therefore, of St. Paul's person, from which he was never discharged till his final liberation at Rome ; and of which, therefore, his imprisonment at Rome was the continuation and effect, was not in consequence of any general persecution set on foot against Christianity ; nor did it befall him simply as professing or teaching Christ's religion, which James and the elders at Jerusa- lem did as well as he, (and yet, for any thing that ap- pears, remained at that time unmolested) ; but it was dis- tinctly and specifically brought upon him by his activity in preaching to the Gentiles, and by his boldly placing them upon a level with the once-favored and still self- flattered posterity of Abraham. How well St. Paul's let- ters, purporting to be written during this imprisonment, agree with this account of its cause and origin, we have already seen. No. II. Chap. iv. 10. " Aristarchus, my fellow- prisoner, sa- luteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas, (touching whom ye received commandments : If he come unto you, receive him ;) and Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision." We find Aristarchus as a companion of our apostle in the nineteenth chapter of the Acts, and the twenty-ninth verse: "And the whole city of Eph^sus was filled with confusion ; and having caught Gains and Aristarclms, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre." And we find him 174 THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. upon his journey with St. Paul to Rome, in the twenty- seventh chapter, and the second verse : " And when it was determined that w^e should sail into Italy, they de- livered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus's bund : and, entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coast of Asia ; one Aristarchus, a Macedonian of ThessaIo7iica, being with us.^^ But might not the author of the epistle have consulted the history ; and, observing that the historian had brought Aristarchus along with Paul to Rome, might he not for that reason, and without any other foundation, have put dow^n his name amongst the salutations of an epistle purporting to be written by the apostle from that place ? I allow so much of possi- bility to this objection that I should not have proposed this in the number of coincidences clearly undesigned, bad Aristarchus stood alone. The observation that strikes me in reading the passage is, that, together with Aristar- chus, whose journey to Rome we trace in the history, are joined Marcus and Justus, of whose coming to Rome the histoiy says nothing. Aristarchus alone appears in the history, and Aristarchus alone would have appeared in the epistle, if the author had regulated himself by that conformity. Or, if you take it the other way ; if you suppose the history to have been made out of the epistle, why the journey of Aristarchus to Rome should be re- corded, and not that of Marcus and Justus, if the ground- work of the narrative was the appearance of Aristar- chus's name in the epistle* seems to be unaccountable. '• Marcus, sister''s son to Barnabas." Does not this hint account for Barnabas's adherence to Mark in the contest that arose with our apostle concerning him ? " And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS, 175 the word of the Lord, and see how they do ; and Barna- bas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark ; but Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work ; and the contention was so sharp between them that they departed asunder one from the other : and so Barnabas took Mark and sailed unto Cyprus." The history which records the dispute has not preserved the circumstance of Mark's relationship to Barnabas. It is nowhere noticed but in the text before us. As far, there- fore, as it applies, the application is certainly undesigned. " Sister's son to Barnabas." This woman, the mother of Mark, and the sister of Barnabas, was, as might be ex- pected, a person of some eminence amongst the Chris- tians of Jerusalem. It so happens that we hear of her in the history. " When Peter was delivered from prison, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, whose surnaine was Mark, where many were gathered together praying."' Acts., xii. 12. There is somewhat of coinci- dence in this ; somewhat bespeaking real transactions amongst real persons'.'' No. III. The following coincidence, though it bear the appear- ance of great nicety and refinement, ought not, perhaps, to be deemed imaginary. In the salutations with which this, like most of St. Paul's epistles, concludes, " we have Aristarchus, and Marcus, and Jesus, which is called Jus- tus, who are of the circumcision J^ iv. 10, 11. Then fol- low also, "Epaphras, Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas." Now^ as this description, " who are of the cir- cumcision," is added after the first three names, it is in- 176 THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. ferred, not without great appearance of probability, that the rest, amongst whom is Luke, were not of the circum- cision. Now, can we discover any expression in the Acts of the Apostles which ascertains whether the author of the book was a Jew or not ? If we can discover that he was not a Jew, we fix a circumstance in his character which coincides with what is here, indirectly indeed, but not very uncertainly, intimated concerning Luke: and we so far confirm both the testimony of the primitive church, that the Acts of the Apostles was written by St. Luke, and the general reality of the persons and circum- stances brought together in this epistle. The text in the Acts, which has been construed to show that the writer was not a Jew, is the nineteenth verse of the first chapter, where, in describing the field which had been purchased with the reward of Judas's iniquity, it is said " that it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem ; insomuch as that field is called in tJieir proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, The field of blood." These words are by most commentators taken to be the words and observa- tion of the historian, and not a part of St. Peter's speech, in the midst of which they are found. If this be admit- ted, then it is argued that the expression, " in their proper tongue," would not have been used b};; a Jew, but is suit- able to the pen of a Gentile writing concerning Jews.* The reader will judge of the probability of this conclu- sion, and we urge the coincidence no farther than that probability extends. The coincidence, if it be one, is so remote from all possibility of design that nothing need be added to satisfy the reader upon that part of the argu- ment. * Vide Benson's Dissertation, vol. i. p, 318, of his works, ed. 1756. THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. 177 No. IV. Chap. iv. 9. " With Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. ''^ Observe how it may be made out that Onesimus vv^as a Colossian. Turn to the Epistle to Philemon, and you will find that Onesimus was the servant or slave of Phile- mon. The question therefore will be, to what city Phile- mon belonged. In the epistle addressed to him this is not declared. It appears only that he was of the same place, whatever that place was, with an eminent Christian named Archippus. "Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly be- loved and fellow-laborer ; and to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellow-soldier, and to the church in thy house." Now turn back to the Epistle to the Co-, lossians, and you will find Archippus saluted by name amongst the Christians of that church. " Say to Archip- pus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it :" iv. 17. The necessary result is, that Onesimus also was of the same city, agree- ably to what is said of him, " he is one of you." And this result is the effect either of truth, which produces consistency without the writer's thought or care, or of a contexture of forgeries confirming and falling in with one another by a species of fortuity of which I know no ex- ample. The supposition of design, I think, is excluded, Yiot only because the purpose to which the design must have been directed, viz. the verification of the passage in our epistle, in which it is said concerning Onesimus, " he is one of you," is a purpose w^hich would be lost upon ninety-nine readers out of a hundred ; but because the means made use of are too circuitous to have been the 178 THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. subject of affectation and contrivance. Would a forger, who had this purpose in view, have left his readers to hunt it out, by going forward and backward from one epistle to another, in order to connect Onesimus with Philemon, Philemon with Archippus, and Archippus with Colosse? all which he must do before he arrives at his discovery, that it was truly said of Onesimus, " he is one of you." CHAPTER IX. THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. No. I. It is known to every reader of Scripture that the First Epistle to the Thessalonians speaks of the coming of Christ in terms which indicate an expectation of his speedy appearance : '* For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are aUve and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God ; and the dead in Christ shall rise first : then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds. — But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief." Chap. iv. 15, 16, 17; chap. v. 4. Whatever other construction these texts may hear, the idea they leave upon the mind of an ordinary reader is that of the author of the epistle looking for the day of judgment to take place in his own time, or near to it. Now the use which I make of this circumstance is to de- duce from it a proof that the epistle itself was not the pro- duction of a subsequent age. Would an impostor have given this expectation to St. Paul, after experience had proved it to be erroneous ? or would he have put into the apostle's mouth, or, which is the same thing, into writ- ings purporting to come from his hand, expressions, if 180 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. not necessarily conveying, at least easily interpreted to convey, an opinion which was then known to be founded in mistake? I state this as an argument to show that the epistle was contemporary with St. Paul, which is little less than to show that it actually proceeded from his pen. For I question whether any ancient forgeries were exe- cuted in the lifetime of the person whose name they bear ; nor was the primitive situation of the church likely to give birth to such an attempt. No. II. • Our epistle concludes with a direction that it should be publicly read in the church to which it was addressed : " I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren." The existence of this clause "in the body of the epistle is an evidence of its authenticity ; be- cause to produce a letter purporting to have been pub- licly read in the church of Thessalonica, when no such letter in truth had been read or heard of in that church, would be to produce an imposture destructive of itself. At least, it seems unlikely that the author of an impos- ture would voluntarily, and even officiously, afford a han- dle to so plain an objection. Either the epistle was pub- licly read in the church of Thessalonica during St. Paul's lifetime, or it was not. If it was, no publication could be more authentic, no species of notoriety more unquestion- able, no method of preserving the integrity of the copy more secure. If it was not, the clause we produce would remain a standing condemnation of the forgery, and one would suppose, an invincible impediment to its success. If we connect this article with the preceding, we shall perceive that they combine into one strong proof of the THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. 181 genuineness of the epistle. The preceding article carries up the date of the epislle to the time of St. Paul ; the present article fixes the publication of it to the church of Thessalonica. Either, therefore, the church of Thessa- lonica was imposed upon, by a false epistle, which in St. Paul's lifetime they received and read publicly as his, car- rying on a communication with him all the while, and the epistle referring to the continuance of that communi- cation : or other Christian churches, in the same lifetime of the apostle, received an epistle purporting to have been publicly read in the church of Thessalonica, which nevertheless had not been heard of in that church ; or, lastly, the conclusion remains, that the epistle now in our hands is genuine. No. III. Between our epistle and the history the accordancy, in many points, is circumstantial and complete. The his- tory relates that, after Paul and Silas had been beaten with many stripes at Philippi, shut up in the inner prison, and their feet made fast in the stocks, as soon as they were discharged from their confinement, they departed from thence, and, when they had passed through Am- phipolis and Apollonia, came to Thessalonica, where Paul opened and alleged that Jesus was the Christ : Acts, xvi. 23, &c. The epistle, written in the name of Paul and Silvanus (Silas), and of Timotheus, who also appears to have been along with them at Philippi, (vide Phil., No. iv.), speaks to the church of Thessalonica thus ; "Even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the Gospel of God with much con- tention:" chap. ii. 2. 182 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. The history relates that, after they had been some time at Thessalonica, *'the Jews who believed not set all the city in an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, where Paul and Silas were, and sought to bring them out to the people :" Acts, xvii. 5. The epistle declares, " when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation ; even as it came to pass, and ye know ;" iii. 4, The history brings Paul, and Silas, and Timothy to- gether at Corinth, soon after the preaching of the Gospel at Thessalonica : " And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia (to Corinth), Paul was pressed in spirit :" Acts, xviii. 5. The epistle is written in the name of these three persons, who consequently must have been together at the time, and speaks throughout of their min- istry at Thessalonica as a recent transaction : " We, breth- ren, being taken from you for a short time, in presence not in heart, endeavoring the more abundantly to see your face, with great desire:" ii. 17. The harmony is indubitable ; but the points of history in which it consists are so expressly set forth in the nar- rative, and so directly referred to in the epistle, that it becomes necessary for us to show that the facts in one writing were not copied 'from the other. Now, amidst some minuter discrepancies, which will be noticed below, there is one circumstance which mixes itself with all the allusions in the epistle, but does not appear in the history anywhere ; and that is, of a visit which St. Paul had in- tended to pay to the Thessalonians during the time of his residing at Corinth : " Wherefore we would have come unto you (even I Paul) once and again ; but Satan hin- dered us:" ii. 18. "Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith. Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. 183 unto you:" iii. 10, 11. Concerning a design which was not executed, although the person himself, who was con. scious of his own purpose, should make mention in his letters, nothing is more probable than that his historian should be silent, if not ignorant. The author of the epis- tle could not, however, have learnt this circumstance from the history, for it is not there to be met with ; nor, if the historian had drawn his materials from the epistle, is it likely that he would have passed over a circumstance, which is amongst the most obvious and prominent of the facts to be collected from that source of information. No. IV. Chap, iii.,1 — 7. " Wherefore, when we could no longer forbear, we thought it good to he left at Athens alone, and sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith ; — but now when Timotheus came from you unto us, and brought us good tidings of your faith and charity, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith." The history relates that, when Paul came out of Mace- donia to Athens, Silas and Timothy staid behind at Berea : " the brethren sent away Paul to go as it were to the sea ; but Silas and Timotheus abode there still ; and they that conducted Paul brought him to Athens." Acts, chap. xvii. 14, 15. The history farther relates that, after Paul had tarried some time at Athens, and had proceeded from thence to Corinth, whilst he was exercising his ministry in that city, Silas and Timothy came to him from Mace- donia. Acts, chap, xviii. 5. But to reconcile the history with the clause in the epistle, which makes St. Paul say. 184 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. *'I thought it good to be left at Athens alone, and to send Timothy unto you," it is necessary to suppose that Timo- thy had come up with St. Paul at Athens ; a circum- stance which^the history does not mention. I remark, therefore, that, although the history does not expressly notice this arrival, j-et it contains intimations which ren- der it extremely probable that the fact took place. First, as soon as Paul had reached Athens, he sent a message back to Silas and Timothy " for to come to him with all speed." Acts, chap, xvii., 15. Secondly, his stay at Athens was on purpose that they might join him there ; *' Now, whilst Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him. Acts, chap. xvii. 16. Thirdly, his departure from Athens does not appear to have been in any sort hastened or abrupt. It is said, *' after these things," viz. his disputations with the Jews, his confer- ences with the philosophers, his discourse at Areopagus, and the gaining of some converts, " he departed from Athens and came to Corinth." It is not hinted that he quitted Athens before the time that he had intended to leave it ; it is not suggested that he was driven from thence, as he was from many cities, by tumults or perse- cutions, or because his life was no longer safe. Observe, then, the particulars which the history does notice, — that Paul had ordered Timothy to follow him without delay, that he waited at Athens on purpose that Timothy might come up with him, that he staid there as long as his own choice led him to continue. Laying these circumstances which the history does disclose together, it is highly pro- bable that Timothy came to the apostle at Athens, a fact w^hich the epistle, we have seen, virtually asserts, when it makes Paul send Timothy back from Athens to Thes- salonica. The sending hack of Timothy into Macedonia accounts also for his not coming to Corinth till after Paul THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIAN3. 185 had been fixed in that city some considerable time. Paul had found out Aquila and Priscilla, abode with them and wrought, being of the same craft ; and reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath day, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. Acts, chap, xviii. 1 — 5. All this passed at Corinth, before Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia. Acts, chap, xviii. 5. If this was the first time of their coming up with him after their separation at Berea, there is nothing to account for a delay so contrary to what appears from the history itself to have been St. Paul's plan and expectation. This is a conformity of a peculiar species. The epistle discloses a fact which is not preserved in the history, but which makes what is said in the history more significant, probable, and consistent. The history bears marks of an omission ; the epistle by reference furnishes a circumstance which supplies that omission. No. V. Chap. ii. 14. " For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus ; for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews." To a reader of the Acts of the Apostles, it might seem, at first sight, that the persecutions which the preachers and converts of Christianity underwent were suffered at the hands of their old adversaries the Jews. But, if we attend carefully to the accounts there delivered, we shall observe that, though the opposition made to the Gospel usually originated from the enmity of the Jews, yet in almost all places the Jews went about to accomplish their purpose by stirring up the Gentile inhabitants 186 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. against their converted countrymen. Out of Judea they had not power to do much mischief in any other way. This was the case at Thessalonica in particular : " The Jews which believed not, moved with envy, set all the city in an uproar. Acts, chap. xvii. ver. 5. It was the same a short time afterwards at Berea : " When the Jews of Thessalonica had acknowledged that the word of God was preached of Pnul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred up the people." Acts, chap. xvii. 13. And before this our apostle had met with a like species of persecution in his progress through the Lesser Asia : in every city "the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil-affected against the brethren :" Acts, chap. xiv. 2. The epistle therefore represents the case accurately as the history states it. It was the Jews always who set on foot the persecutions against the apostles and their followers. He speaks truly therefore of them, when he says in his epistle, "they both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us, — forbidding us to speak unto the Gentiles :" ii. 15, 16. But out of Judea it was at the hands of the Gen- tiles, it was " of their own countrymen," that the injuries they underwent were immediately sustained : " Ye have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews." No. VI. The apparent discrepancies between our epistle and the history, though of magnitude sufficient to repel the imputation of confederacy or transcription, (in which view they form a part of our argument,) are neither nu- merous, nor very difficult to reconcile. ( THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. 187 One of these may be observed in the ninth and tenth verses of the second chapter : " For ye remember, breth- ren, our labor and travel ; for, laboring night and day, because w§ would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the Gospel of God. Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily, and justly, and unblamably we behaved ourselves among you that believe." A per- son who reads this passage is naturally led by it to suppose that the writer had dwelt at Thessalonica for some consid- erable time ; yet of St. Paul's ministry in that city, the his- tory gives no other account than the following : that " he came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews; that, as his manner was, he went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures ; that some of them believed and consorted with Paul and Silas." The history then proceeds to tell us that the Jews which believed not set the city in an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, where Paul and his com- panions lodged ; that the consequence of this outrage was, that '' the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea:" Acts, chap. xvii. 1 — 10. From the mention of his preaching three Sabbath days in the Jewish synagogue, and from the want of any farther specification of his ministry, it has usually been taken for granted that Paul did not continue at Thessalonica more than three weeks. This, however, is inferred without necessity. It appears to have been St. Paul's practice, in almost every place that he came to, upon his first arri- val to repair to the synagogue. He thought himself bound to propose the Gospel to the Jews first, agreeably to «i^hat he declared at Antioch in Pisidia ; "it was neces- sary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you ;" Acts, chap. xiii. 46. If the Jews rejected his ministry, he quitted the synagogue, and betook himself to 188 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. a Gentile audience. At Corinth, upon his first coming thither he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath ; "but when the Jews opposed themselves, and blasphe- med, he departed thence, expressly telling them, " From henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles ; and he remained in that city a year and six months :" Acts, chap, xviii. 6 — 11. At Ephesus, in like manner, for the space of three months he went into the synagogue ; but " when divers were hardened and believed not, but spake evil of that way, he departed from them and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus ; and this continued by the space of two years :" Acts, chap. xix. 9, 10. Upon inspecting the history, I see nothing in it which negatives the supposition that St. Paul pursued the same plan at Thessalonica which he adopted in other places ; and that, though he resorted to the synagogue only three sabbath days, yet he remained in the city, and in the exercise of his ministry amongst the Gentile citi- zens, much longer ; and until the success of his preach- ing ha;d provoked the Jews to excite the tumult and insur- rection by which he was driven away. Another seeming discrepancy is found in the ninth verse of the first chapter of the epistle : *' For they them- selves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God." This text contains an asser- tion that, by means of St Paul's ministry at Thessalonica, man}^ idolatrous Gentiles had been brought over to Chris- tianity. Yet the history, in describing the effects of that ministry, only says that " some of the Jews believed, and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the cjjief women not a few :" chap. xvii. 4. The devout Greeks were those who already worshipped the one true God ; THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. 189 and therefore could not be said, by embracing Christi- anity, " to be turned to God from idols. This is the difficulty. The answer may be assisted by the following observations : The Alexandrian and Cam- bridge manuscripts read (for twi' aeSo/nsvuv 'EllrjvMv noXu Tjlr^dog^ jcov aeSojusvcov xai 'EXXtjvmv txoXv nXrjdog' in which reading they are also confirmed by the Vulgate Latin. And this reading is, in my opinion, strongly supported by the considerations, first, that ^i aeSouspoi alone, i. e., with- out 'EXXyveg, is used in this sense in the same chapter — Paul, being come to Athens, dieXsyero sv rri awayMyri joig laSaioig y.at joig aeSo/uevoig ; secondly, that aeSofiBvoi, and EXXrjveg nowhere come together. The expression is redun- dant. The ot asSo/itet'oi' must be 'EXXrjveg. Thirdly, that the aui is much more likely to have been left out incuria manCis than to have been put in. Or, after all, if we be not allowed to change the present reading, which is undoubtedly retained by a great plurality of copies, may not the passage in the history be considered as describing only the effects of St. Paul's discourses during the three sabbath days in which he preached in the synagogue ? and may it not be true, as we have remarked above, that his application to the Gentiles at large, and his success amongst them, was posterior to this ? \\> . \^^<..^J CHAPTER X. THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. No. I. It may seem odd to allege obscurity itself as an argu- ment, or to draw a proof in favor of a writing from that which is naturally considered as the principal defect in its composition. The present epistle, however, furnishes a passage, hitherto unexplained, and probably inexpUcable by us, the existence of which, under the darkness and difficulties that attend it, can be accounted for only upon the supposition of the epistle being genuine ; and upon that supposition is accounted for with great ease. The passage which I allude to is found in the second chapter : " That day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Remember ye not that when I was yet with YOU I TOLD YOU 'THESE THINGS ? And iiow ye kuow what withholdcth, that he might be revealed in his time : for the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he that now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way ; and then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall con- sume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming." It were superfluous to prove, because it is in vain to deny, that this passage is THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE TIIESSALONIANS. 191 involved in great obscurity, more especially the clauses distinguished by Italics. Now the observation I have to offer is founded upon this, that the passage expressly refers to a conversation which the author had previously holden witlPthe Thessalonians upon the same subject : " Remember ye not that when I was yet with you / told you these things ? And now ye know what withholdeth." If such conversation actually passed ; if, whilst " he was yet with them, he told them those things," then it follows that the epistle is authentic. And of the reality of this conversation it appears to be a proof, that what is said in the epistle might be understood by those who had been present to such conversation, and yet be incapable of being explained by any other. No man writes unintelli- gibly on purpose. But it may easily happen that a part of a letter which relates to a subject upon which the par- ties had conversed together before, which refers to what had been before said, which is in truth a portion or con- tinuation of a former discourse, may be utterly without meaning to a stranger who should pick up the letter upon the road, and yet be perfectly clear to the person to whom it is directed, and with whom the previous com- munication had passed. And if, in a letter which thus accidentally fell into my hands, I found a passage ex- pressly referring to a former conversation, and difficult to be explained without knowing that conversation, I should consider this very difficulty as a proof that the conversation had actually passed, and consequently that the letter contained the real correspondence of real per- sons. 192 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. No. IJ. Chap. iii. 8. " Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought, but wrought with labor night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you : not because we have no power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow." In a letter purporting to have been written to another of the Macedonic churches, we find the following decla- ration " Now, ye Philippians, know, also, that in the begin- ning of the Gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as conceiving giving and receiving but ye only.'^ The conformity between these two passages is strong and plain. They confine the transaction to the same period. The Epistle to the Philippians refers to what passed " in the beginning of the Gospel," that is to say, during the first preaching of the Gospel on that side of the ^gean Sea. The Epistle to the Thessalonians speaks of the^apostle's conduct in that city upon " his first en- trance in unto them," which the history informs us was in the course of his first visit to the peninsula of Greece. As St. Paul tells the Philippians " that no church com- municated with him, as concerning giving and receiving, but they only," he could not, consistently with the truth of this declaration, have received any thing from the neighboring church of Thessalonica. What thus appears by general implication in an epistle to another church, when he writes to the Thessalonians themselves, is noticed expressly and particularly : " Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought, but wrought night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you." THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS, 193 The texts here cited fjjirther, also, exhibit a mark of conformity with what St.'Paul is made to say of himself ill the Acts of the Apostles. The apostle not only reminds the Thessalonians that he had not been chargeable to any of them, but he states likewise the motive which dictated this reserve ; " not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.'* Chap. iii. 9. This conduct, and what is much more pre- cise, the end which he had in view by it, was the very same as that which the history attributes to St. Paul in a discourse which it represents him to have addressed to the elders of the church of Ephesus : '• Yea, ye your- selves also know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the v^eak.^' Acts, chap. xx. 34. The sentim.ent in the epistle and in the speech is in both parts of it so much alike, and yet the words which convey it show so little of imitation or even of resemblance, that the agree- ment cannot well be explained without supposing the speech and the letter to have really proceeded from the same person. No. III. Our reader remembers the passage in the First Epistle to thTThessalonians,"in which St. Paul spoke of the com- ing of Christ ; " This we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are aUve, and remain unto the com- ing of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep: for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first ; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the 9 194 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TH|: THESSALONIANS. clouds, and so shall we be ever with the Lord. — But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should over- take you as a thief." 1 Thess. iv. 15 — 17, and chap. v. 4. It should seem that the Thessalonians, or ^ome, how- evei^ amongst them, had from this passage conceived an opinion (and that not very unnaturally) that the coming of Christ was to take place instantly, oxl evsuTrjxev ;* and that this persuasion had produced, as it well might, much agitation in the church. The apostle therefore now writes, amongst other purposes, to quiet this alarm, and to rectify the misconstruction that had been'put upon his words : — " Now we beseech you, brethren, by the com- ing of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from uSy as that the day of Christ is at hand." If the allusion which we contend for be admitted, namely, if it be admitted that the passage in the second epistle relates to the passage in the first, it amounts to a consid- erable pi^oof of the genuineness of both epistles. I have no conception, because I know no example, of such a device in a forgery, as first to frame an ambiguous pas- sage in a letter, then to represent the persons to whom the letter is addressed as mistaking the meaning of the passage, and lastly, to write a second letter in order to correct this mistake. I have said that this argument arises out of the text, if the allusion be admitted : fori am not ignorant that many expositors understand the passage in the second epistle, as referring to some forged letters, which had been pro- duced in St. Paul's name, and in which the apostle had been made to say that the coming of Christ was then at * 'On £vt(JTr]Ktv, nempe hoc anno, says Grotius, evcarnKtv hie dicitur de re praesenti, ut Rom. viii. 38 ; 1 Cor, iii. 22; Gal. i. 4; Heb. ix. 9. THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THES3AL0NIANS. 195 hand. In defence, however, of the explanation which we propose, the reader is desired to observe, — 1. The strong fact, that there exists a passage in the first epistle, to which that in the second is capable of being referred, i. e., which accounts for the error the writer is solicitous to remove. Had no other epistle than the second been extant, and had it under these cir- cumstances^ came to be considered, whether the text before us related to a forged epistle or to some miscon- struction of a true one, many conjectures and many pro- babilities might have been admitted in the inquiry, which can have little weight when an epistle is produced con- taining the very sort of passage we were seeking, that is, a passage liable to the misinterpretation which the apostle protests against. 2. That the clause which introduces the passage in the second epistle bears a particular affinity to what is found in the passage cited from the first epistle. The clause is this : " We beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and hy our gathering together unto him." Now in the first epistle the description of the coming of Christ is accompanied with the mention of this very circumstance of his saints being collected round him. " The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first ; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." 1 Thess. chap. iv. 16, 17. This I suppose to be the " gathering together unto him" intended in the second epistle ; and that the author, when he used these words, retained in his thoughts what he had written on the sub- ject before. 3. The second epistle is written in the joint name of 196 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS. Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus, and it cautions the Thes- salonians against being misled "by letter as from us" {(^g di fiuoiv). Do not these words 8i t'^o^r, appropriate the ref- erence to some writing which bore the name of these three teachers ? Now this circumstance, which is a very close one, belongs to the epistle at present in our hands ; for the epistle which we call the First Epistle to the Thessalonians contains these names in its superscription. 4. The words in the original, as far as they are mate- I'ial to be stated, are these: sig to /uij raj^fw; aaXevdrjvai, {ifiag arro za voog, firjis ■d'goeiadai, I^V^^ ^*" nrsv/uaTog, firjXB diu Xoya^ /urjis dl snioToXrjg^ &g di r^^oiv^ &g biv sveaTrjuev r^ i^^eqa m Xqiars. Under the weight of the preceding observations, may not these words f^rjTB dia koys, /utjts 8i entOToXrig, &g dl •^lucov, be construed to signify quasi nos quid tale aut dixerimus aut scrip serimus* intimating that their words had been mistaken, and that they had in truth said or written no such thing ? * Should a contrary interpretation be preferred, I do not think that it im- plies the conclusion that a false epistle had then been published in the apos- tle's name. It will completely satisfy the allusion in the text to allow that some one or other at Thessalonica had pretended to have been told by St. Paul and his companions, or to have seen a letter from them, in which they had said, that the day of Christ was at hand. In like manner as. Acts xv. 1, 24, it is recorded that some had pretended to have received instructions from the church at Jerusalem, which had been received, " to whom they gave no such commandment." And thus Dr. Benson interpreted the pas- sage jiT)TC BpoEKjOai, jxriTC Sia Trrfu^iaroj, tii7r£ 6ia Xoyb,jjinT£ 6i CTriaroXrn, if Si fjjiwv, " nor be dismayed by any revelation, or discourse, or epistle, which any one shall pretend to have heard or received from us." CHAPTER XL THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. From the third verse of the first chapter, " as I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedo- nia," it is evident that this epistle was written soon after St. Paul had gone to Macedonia from Ephesus. Dr. Benson fixes its date to the time of St. Paul's journey- recorded in the beginning of the twentieth chapter of the Acts ; " And after the uproar (excited by Demetrius at Ephesus) was ceased, Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them, and departed for to go into Mace- donia." And in this opinion Dr. Benson is followed by Michaelis, as he was preceded by the greater part of the commentators who have considered the question. There is, however, one objection to the hypothesis, which these learned men appear to me to have overlooked : and it is no other than this, that the superscription of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians seems to prove that, at the time St. Paul is supposed by them to have written this epistle to Timothy, Timothy in truth was with St. Paul in Macedonia. Paul, as it is related in the Acts, left Ephesus •' for to go into Macedonia." When he had got into Macedonia, he wrote his Second Epistle to the Co- rinthians. Concerning this point there exists little vari- ety of opinion. It is plainly indicated by the contents of the epistle. It is also strongly implied that the epistle was written soon after the apostle's arrival in Macedo- nia ; for he begins his letter by a train of reflection, refer- 198 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIx\IOTHY. ring to his persecutions in Asia as to recent transactions, as to dangers from which he had lately been delivered. But in the salutation with which the epistle opens, Timothy was joined loith St. Paul, and, consequently, could not at that time be " left behind at Ephesus." And, as to the only solution of the difficulty which can be thought of, viz. that Timothy, though he was left behind at Ephe- sus upon St. Paul's departure from Asia, yet might follow him so soon after as to come up with the apostle in Mace- donia, before he wrote his epistle to the Corinthians ; that supposition is inconsistent with the terms and tenor of the epistle throughout. For the writer speaks uniformly of his intention to return to Timothy at Ephesus, and not of his expecting Timothy to come to him in Macedonia : " These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly ; but, if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself:" chap. iii. 14, 15. " Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine:" chap. iv. 13. vSince, therefore, the leaving of Timothy behind at Ephesus, when Paul went into Macedonia, suits not with any journey into Macedonia recorded in the Acts, I con- cur with Bishop Pearson in placing the date of this epistle, and the journey referred to in it, at a period subsequent to St. Paul's first imprisonment at Rome, and consequently subsequent to the era up to which the Acts of the Apos- tles brings his history. The only difficulty which attends our opinion is, that St. Paul must, according to us, have come to Ephesus after his liberation at Rome, contrary as it should seem to what he foretold to the Ephesian elders, *' that they should see his face no more." And it is to save the infallibility of this prediction, and for no other reason of weight, that an earlier date is assigned to this epistle. The prediction itself, however, when THE FIRST lil'ISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 199 considered in connection with the circumstances under which it was delivered, does not seem to demand so much anxiety. The words in question are found in the twenty- fifth verse of the twentieth chapter of the Acts : " And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more." In the twenty-second and twenty-third verses of the same chapter, i. e. two verses before, the apostle makes this declaration : " And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there ; save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me." This " witnessing of the Holy Ghost" was un- doubtedly prophetic and supernatural. But it went no farther than to foretell that bonds and afflictions awaited him. And I can very well conceive that this might be all which was communicated to the apostle by extraordi- nary revelation, and that the rest was the conclusion of his own mind, the desponding inference which he drew from strong and repeated intimations of approaching danger. And the expression, " I know," which St. Paul here uses, does not, perhaps, when applied to future events, affecting himself, convey an assertion so positive and absolute as we may at first sight apprehend. In the first chapter of the Epistle to the Philippians, and the twenty-fifth verse, " I know," says he, " that I shall abide and continue with you all, for your furtherance and joy of faith." Notwithstanding this strong declaration, in the second chapter and twenty-third verse of this same epis- tle, and speaking also of the very same event, he is con- tent to use a language of some doubt and uncertainty : " Him, therefore, I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. But / trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly :" and, a few verses 200 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. preceding these, he not only seems to doubt of his safety, but almost to despair ; to contemplate the possibility at least of his condemnation and martyrdom : '' Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice with you all." No. I. But can we show that St. Paul visited Ephesus after his liberation at Rome ? Or, rather, can we collect any hints from his other letters which make it probable that he did ? If we can, then we have a coincidence. If we cannot, we have only an unauthorized supposition, to which the exigency of the case compels us to resort. Now, for this purpose, let us examine the Epistle to the Philippians and the Epistle to Philemon. These two epistles purport to be written whilst St. Paul was yet a prisoner at Rome. To the Philippians he writes as fol- lows : " I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly." To Philemon, who was a Colossian, he gives this direction : " But, withal, prepare me also a lodging, for I trust that, through your prayers, I shall be given unto you." An inspection of the map will show us that Colosse was a city of the Lesser Asia, lying eastward, and at no great distance from Ephesus. Philippi was on the other, i. e. the western, side of the ^gean Sea. If the apostle executed his purpose ; if, in pursuance of the intention expressed in his letter to Philemon, he came to Colosse soon after he was set at liberty at Rome, it is very improbable that he would omit to visit Ephesus, which lay so near to it, and where he had spent three years of his ministry. As he was also under a promise to the church of Philippi to see them " shortly ;" if he THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 201 passed from Colosse to Philippi, or from Philippi to Colosse, he could hardly avoid taking Ephesus in his way. No. II. Chap. V. 9. " Let not a widow be taken into the num- ber under threescore years old." This accords with the account delivered in the sixth chapter of the Acts. " And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration^ It appears that, from the first formation of the Christian church, provision was made out of the public funds of the society for the indigent widows who belonged to it. The history, we have seen, distinctly records the existence of such an institution at Jerusalem, a few years after our Lord's ascension ; and is led to the mention of it very incidentally, viz. by a dispute, of which it was the occa- sion, and which produced important consequences to the Christian community. The epistle, without being sus- pected of borrowing from the history, refers, briefly indeed, but decisively, to a similar establishment, sub- sisting some years afterwards at Ephesus. This agree- ment indicates that both writings were founded upon real circumstances. But, in this article, the material thing to be noticed is the mode of expression : " Let not a widow be taken into the number." — No previous account or explanation is given, to which these words, "into the number," can refer ; but the direction comes concisely and unpre- paredly ; " Let not a widow be taken into the number." Now this is the way in which a man writes who is con- 202 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. scious that he is writing to persons already acquainted with the subject of his letter ; and who, he knows, will readily apprehend and apply what he says by virtue of their being so acquainted ; but it is not the way in which a man writes upon any other occasion ; and, least of all, in which a man would draw up a feigned letter, or intro- duce a supposititious fact^ No. III. Chap. iii. 2, 3. *' A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach ; not given to wine, no * It is not altogether unconnected with our general purpose to remark, in the passage before us, the selection and reserve which St. Paul recommends to the governors of the church of Ephesus in the bestowing relief upon the poor, because it refutes a calumny which has been insinuated, that the lib- erality of the first Christians was an artifice to catch converts ; or one of the temptations, however, by which the idle and mendicant were drawn into this society : " Let not a widow be taken into the number under three- score years old, having been the wife of one man, well reported of for good works ; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work. But the younger widows refuse," (v. 9, 10, 11.) And, in another place, " If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged ; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed." And to the same effect, or rather more to our present purpose, the Apostle writes in the Second Epis- tle to the Thessalonians : " Even when we were with you, this we com- manded you, that, if any would not work, neither should he eat," i. e. at the public expense. " For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busy-bodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quiet- ness they work, and eat their own bread." Could a designing or dissolute poor take advantage of bounty regulated with so much caution ; or could the mind which dictated those sober and prudent directions be influenced in his recommendations of pubUc charity by any other than the properest mo- tives of beneficence 1 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 203 striker, nor greedy of filthy lucre ; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous : one that ruleth well his own house." '' No striker ;" That is the article which I single out from the collection, as evincing the antiquity at least, if not the genuineness, of the epistle ; because it is an arti- cle which no man would have made the subject of cau- tion who lived in an advanced era of the church. It agreed with the infancy of the society, and with no other state of it. After the government of the church had acquired the dignified form which it soon and naturally assumed, this injunction could have no place. Would a person who lived under a hierarchy, such as the Chris- tian hierarchy became when it had settled into a regular establishment, have thought it necessary to prescribe, concerning the qualification of a bishop, *' that he should be no striker ?" And this injunction would be equally alien from the imagination of the writer, whether he wrote in his own character, or personated that of an apostle. No. IV. Chap. V. 23. '* Drink no longer water, but use a lit- tle wine for thy stomach's sake and^ thine often infirmi- ties." Imagine an impostor sitting down to forge an epistle in the name of St. Paul. Is it credible that it should come into bis head to give such a direction as this ; so remote from every thing of doctrine or discipline, every thing of public concern to the religion or the church, or to any sect, order, or party in it, and from every purpose with which such an epistle could be written ? It seems 204 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. to me that nothing but reality, that is, the real valetudi- nary situation of a real person, could have suggested a thought of so domestic a nature. But, if the peculiarity of the advice be observable, the place in which it stands is more so. The context is this : " Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins : keep thyself pure. Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities. Some men's sins are open before- hand, going before to judgment ; and some men they follow after." The direction to Timothy about his diet stands between two sentences as wide from the subject as possible. The train of thought seems to be broken to let it in. Now when does this happen ? It happens when a man writes as he remembers ; when he puts down an article that occurs the moment it occurs, lest he should afterwards forget it. Of this the passage before us bears strongly the appearance. In actual letters, in the negligence of real correspondence, examples of this kind frequently take place : seldom, I believe, in any other production. For the moment a man regards what he writes as a composition^ which the author of a forgery would, of all others, be the first to do, notions of order, in the arrangement and succession of his thoughts, present themselves to his judgment, and guide his pen. No. V. Chap. i. 15, 16. " This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners ; of whom I am chief. Howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 205 might show forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe in him to life everlasting." What was the mercy which St. Paul here commemo- rates, and what was the crime of which he accuses him- self, is apparent from the verses immediately preceding: ' I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the min- istry ; who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious : but I obtained mercy, because I did it igno- rantly in unbelief:" chap. i. 12, 13. The whole quota- tion plainly refers to St. Paul's original enmity to the Christian name, the interposition of Providence in his conversion, and his subsequent designation to the minis- try of the Gospel : and by this reference affirms indeed the substance of the Apostle's history delivered in the Acts. But what in the passage strikes my mind most powerfully is the observation that is raised out of the fact. " For this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting." It is a just and solemn reflection, spring- ing from the circumstances of the author's conversion, or rather from the impression which that great event had left upon his memory. It will be said, perhaps, that an impostor, acquainted with St. Paul's history, may have put such a sentiment into his mouth ; or, what is the same thing, into a letter drawn up in his name. But vv^here, we may ask, is such an impostor to be found ? The piety, the truth, the benevolence of the thought, ought to pro- tect it from this imputation. For, though we should allow that one of the great masters of the ancient tragedy could have given to his scene a sentiment as virtuous and as elevated as this is, and at the same time as apropriate, and as well suited to the particular situation of the person 206 THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. who delivers it ; yet whoever is conversant in these inquiries will acknowledge that, to do this in a fictitious production, is beyond the reach of the understandings which have been employed upon any fabrications that have come down to us under Christian names. CHAPTER XII THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. No. I. It was the uniform tradition of the primitive church, that St. Paul visited Rome twice, and twice there suffered imprisonment : and that he was put to death at Rome at the conclusion of his second imprisonment. This opinion concerning St. Paul's two journeys to Rome is confirmed by a great variety of hints and allusions in the epistle before us, compared with what fell from the Apostle's pen in other letters purporting to have been written from Rome. That our present epistle was written whilst St. Paul was di prisoner is distinctly intimated by the eighth verse of the first chapter: ''Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner." And whilst he was a prisoner at Rome, by the sixteenth and seventeenth verses of the same chap- ter : " The Lord gave mercy unto the house of Onesi- phorus ; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain : but when he was in Rome he sought me out very diligently, and found me." Since it appears from the former quotation that St. Paul wrote this epistle in confinement, it will hardly admit of doubt that the word chain, in the latter quotation, refers to that confinement ; the chain by which he was then bound, the custody in which he was then kept. And if the word " chain" desig- nate the author's confinement at the time of writing the 208 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. epistle, the next words determine it to have been written from Rome : " He was not ashamed of my chain ; but, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently." Now, that it was not written during the Apostle's first imprisonment at Rome, or during the same imprisonment in which the epistles to the Ephesians, the Colossians, the Philippians, and Philemon, were written, may be gathered, with considerable evidence, from a comparison of these several epistles with the present. I. In the former epistles the author confidently looked forward to his liberation from confinement, and his speedy departure from Rome. He tells the Philippians (chap, ii. 24), " 1 trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly." Philemon he bids to prepare for him a lodg- ing : " For I trust," says he, " that, through your prayers, I shall be given unto you :" ver. 22. In the epistle be- fore us he holds a language extremely different : " I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith : henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day :" chap, iv. 6—8. II. When the former epistles were written from Rome, Timothy was with St. Paul ; and is joined with him in writing to the Colossians, the Philippians, and to Phile- mon. The present epistle implies that he was absent. III. In the former epistles Demas was with St. Paul, at Rome : " Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas greets you." In the epistle now before us, " Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is gone to Thessalonica." IV. In the former epistles, Mark was with St. Paul, and joins in saluting the Colossians. In the present epis- THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 209 tie, Timothy is ordered to bring him with him, '' for he is profitable to me for the ministry :" chap. iv. 11. The cnse of Timothy and of Mark might be very well accounted for, by supposing the present epistle to have been written before the others ; so that Timothy, who is here exhorted " to come shortly unto him," (chap. iv. 9), might have arrived, and that Mark, " whom he was to bring with him," (chap. iv. 11), might have also reached Rome in sufficient time to have been with St. Paul when the four epistles were written ; but then such a supposi- tion is inconsistent with what is said of Demas, by which the posteriority of this to the other epistles is strongly in- dicated : for, in the other epistles, Demas was with St. Paul, in the present he hath " forsaken him, and is gone to Thessalonica." The opposition also of sentiment, with respect to the event of the persecution, is hardly recon- cilable to the same imprisonment. The tv/o following considerations which were first sug- gested upon this question by Ludovicus Capellus, are still more conclusive. 1. In the twentieth verse of the fourth chapter St. Paul informs Timothy " that Erastus abode at Corinth," Eqaa. Tog e^nivev ev KogiiOco. The form of expression implies that Erastus had staid behind at Corinth when St. Paul left it. But this could not be meant of any journey from Corinth which St. Paul took prior to his first imprison- ment at Rome ; for when Paul departed from Corinth, as related in the twentieth chapter of the Acts, Timothy was with him : and this was the last time the apostle left Cor- inth before his coming to Rome ; because he left it to proceed on his way to Jerusalem ; soon after his arrival at which place he was taken into custody, and continued in that custody till he was carried to Caesar's tribunal. There could be no need therefore to inform Timothy that 210 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. " Erastus staid behind at Corinth" upon this occasion, be- cause if the fact was so, it must have been known to Tim- othy, who was present, as well as to St. Paul. 2. In the same verse our epistle also states the following article : " Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick." When St. Paul passed through Miletum on his way to Jerusa- lem, as related Acts, xx., Trophimus was not left behind, but accompanied him to that city. He was indeed the occasion of the uproar at Jerusalem, in consequence of which St. Paul was apprehended ; for, " they had seen," says the historian, " before with him in the city, Trophi- mus, an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple." This was evidently the last time of Paul's being at Miletus before his first imprison- ment ; for, as hath been said, after his apprehension at Jerusalem, he remained in custody till he was sent to Rome. In these two articles we have a journey referred to which must have taken place subsequent to the conclusion of St. Luke's history, and, of course, after St. Paul's lib- eration from his first imprisonment. The epistle there- fore, w^hich contains this reference, since it appears, from other parts of it, to have been written while St. Paul was a prisoner at Rome, proves that he had returned to that city again, and undergone there a second imprisonment. I do not produce these particulars for the sake of the support which they lend to the testimony of the fathers concerning St. Paul's second imprisonment, but to remark their consistency and agreement with one another. They are all resolvable into one supposition: and, although the supposition itself be in some sort only negative, viz. that the epistle was not written during St. Paul's first residence at Rome, but in some future imprisonment in that city ; yet is the consistency not less worthy of ob- THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 211 servation : for the epistle touches upon names and cir- cumstances connected with the date and with the history of the first imprisonment, and mentioned in letters writ- ten during that imprisonment, and so touches upon them as to leave what is said of one consistent with what is said of others, and consistent also with what is said of them in different epistles. Had one of these circum- stances been so described as to have fixed the date of the epistle to the first imprisonment, it would have involved the rest in contradiction. And when tha number and particularity of the articles which have been brought to- gether under this head are considered ; and when it is considered, also, that the comparisons we have formed amongst them were in all probability neither provided for, nor thought of by the writer of the epistle, it will be deemed something very like the effect of truth, that no invincible repugnancy is perceived between them. No. II. In the Acts of the Apostles, in the sixteenth chapter, and at the first verse, we are told that Paul " came to Derbe and Lystra, and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman which was a Jewess, and believed ; but his father was a Greek." In the epistle before us, in the first chapter, and at the fourth verse, St. Paul writes to Timothy, thus : "Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy, when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice ; and lam persuaded that in thee also." Here we have a fair un- forced example of coincidence. In the history, Timothy 212 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. was the " son of a Jewess that believed ;" in the epistle, St. Paul applauds, "the faith which dwelt in his mother Eunice." In the history it is said of the mother, " that she was a Jewess, and believed ;" of the father, " that he was a Greek." Now, when it is said of the mother alone " that she believed," the father being, nevertheless, men- tioned in the same sentence, we are led to suppose of the father, that he did not believe, i. e. either that he was dead, or that he remained unconverted. Agreeably here- unto, whilst praise is bestowed in the epistle, upon one parent, and upon her sincerity in the faith, no notice is taken of the other. The mention of the grandmother is the addition of a circumstance not found in the history ; but it is a circumstance which, as well as the names of the parties, might naturally be expected to be known to the apostle, though overlooked by his historian. No. III. Chop. iii. 15. *' And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation." This verse discloses a circumstance which agrees ex- actly with what is intimated in the quotation from the Acts, adduced in the last number. In that quotation it is recorded of Timothy's mother, " that she was a Jewess.'* This description is virtually, though I am satisfied, unde- signedly, recognized in the epistle, when Timothy is re- minded in it, " that from a child he had known the Holy Scriptures.'' " The Holy Scriptures" undoubtedly meant the Scriptures of the Old Testament. The expression bears that sense in every place in which it occurs. Those of the New had not yet acquired the name ; not to men- THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 213 tion that, in Timothy's childhood, probably none of them existed. In what manner, then, could Timothy have " known from a child" the Jewish Scriptures, had he not been born, on one side or on both, of Jewish parentage ? Perhaps he was not less likely to be carefully instructed in them, for that his mother alone professed that religion. No. IV. Chap. ii. 22. " Flee also youthful lusts : but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them than call on the Lord out of a pure heart." " Flee also youthful lusts." The suitableness of this precept to the age of the person to whom it is addressed, is gathered from 1 Tim. chap. iv. 12 : Let no man de- spise thy youth." Nor do I deem the less of this coinci- dence, because the propriety resides in a single epithet ; or because this one precept is joined with, and followed by a train of others, not more applicable to Timothy than to any ordinary convert. It is in these transient and cursory allusions that the argument is best founded. When a writer dwells and rests upon a point in which some coincidence is discerned, it may be doubted whether he himself had not fabricated the conformity, and was endeavoring to display and set it off. But when the ref- erence is contained in a single word, unobserved, per- haps, by most readers, the writer passing on to other subjects, as unconscious that he had hit upon a corres- pondency, or unsolicitous whether it were remarked or not, we may be pretty well assured that no fraud was exercised, no imposition intended. 214 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. No V. Chap. iii. 10, 11. "But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra ; what per- secutions I endured ; but out of them all the Lord de- livered me." The Antioch here mentioned was not Antioch the cap- ital of Syria, where Paul and Barnabas resided " a long time ;" but Antioch in Pisidia, to which place Paul and Barnabas came in their first apostolic progress, and where Paul delivered a memorable discourse, which is preserved in the thirteenth chapter of the Acts. At this Antioch the history relates that the " Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts. But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came into Iconium . . . And it came to pass in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake that a great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed ; but the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil-affected against the brethren. Long time, therefore, abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the multitude of the city was divi- ded ; and part held with the Jews, and pait with the apostles. And when there was an assault made, both of the Gentiles and also of the Jews, with their rulers, to use them despitefuUy , and to stone them, they were aware of it, and fled into Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 215 and unto the region that lieth round about, and there they preached the Gospel .... And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. Howbeit, as the dis- ciples stood roun^J about him, he rose up and came into the city ; and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe : and when they had preached the Gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and to Antioch." This account com- prises the period to whiph the allusion in the epistle is to be referred. We have so far, therefore, a conformity be- tween the history and the epistle, that St. Paul is asserted in the history to have suffered persecution in the three cities, his persecutions at which are appealed to in the epistle ; and not only so, but to have suffered these per- secutions, both in immediate succession, and in the order in which the cities are mentioned in the epistle. The conformity also extends to another circumstance. In the apostolic history, Lystra and Derbe are commonly men- tioned together : in the quotation from the epistle, Lystra is mentioned, and not Derbe. And the distinction will appear on this occasion to be accurate ; for St. Paul is here enumerating his persecutions : and, although he un- derwent grievous persecutions in each of the three cities through which he passed to Derbe, at Derbe itself he met with none : " The next day he departed," says the histo- rian, " to Derbe ; and, when they had preached the Gos- pel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra." The epistle, therefore, in the names of the cities, in the order in which they are enumerated, and in the place at which the enumeration stops, corresponds exactly with the history. But a second question remains, namely, how these per- 216 THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. secutions were " known" to Timothy, or why the apostle should recall these in particular to his remembrance, rather than many other persecutions with which his min- istry had been attended. When some time, probably three years afterwards (vide Pearson's Annales Paulinas,) St. Paul made a second journey througk the same coun- try, " in order to go again and visit the brethren in every city where he had preached the word of the Lord," we read, Acts, chap. xvi. 1, that " when he came to Derbe and Lystra, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus." One or other, therflfcre, of these cities, was the place of Timothy's abode. We read, moreover, that he was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium ; so that he must have been well ac- quainted with these places. Also, again, when Paul came to Derbe and Lystra, Timothy was already a disciple ; "Behold a certain disciple was there named Timotheus." He must, therefore, have been converted before. But since it is expressly stated in the epistle that Timothy was converted by St. Paul himself, that he was " his own son in the faith ;" it follows that he must have been converted by him upon his former journey into those parts ; which was the very time when the apostle underwent the perse- cutions referred to in the epistle. Upon the whole, then, persecutions at the several cities named in the epistle are expressly recorded in the Acts ; and Timothy's knowl- edge of this part of St. Paul's history, which knowledge is appealed to in the epistle, is fairly deduced from the place of his abode, and the time of his conversion. It may farther be observed that it is probable from this ac- count that St. Paul was in the midst of those persecutions when Timothy became known to him. No wonder, then, that the apostle, though in a letter writen long after-i THE SECOND EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. 217 wards, should remind his favorite convert of those scenes of affliction and distress under which they first met. Although this coincidence, as to the names of the cities, be more specific and direct than many which we have pointed out ; yet I apprehend there is no just reason for thinking it to be artificial ; for had the writer of the epis- tle sought a coincidence with the history upon this head, and searched the Acts of the Apostles for the purpose, I conceive he would have sent us at once to Philippi and Thessalonica, where Paul suffered persecution, and where, from what is stated, it may easily be gathered that Timo- thy accompanied him, rather than have appealed to per- secutions as known to Timothy, in the account of which persecutions Timothy's presence is not mentioned ; it not being till after one entire chapter, and in the history of a journey three years futur3 to this, that Timothy's name occurs in the Acts Df *>? ^ postles for the first time. 10 CHAPTER XIII. THE EPISTLE TO TITUS. No. I. A VERY characteristic circumstance in this epistle is the quotation from Epimenides, chap. i. 12 ; " One of them- selves, even a prophet of their own, said. The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies." TSLprjres ast ipivarai, kuku Bnpia, yaaTvpss apyai. I call this quotation characteristic, because no writer in the New Testament, except St. Paul, appealed to heathen testimony, and because St. Paul repeatedly did so. In his celebrated speech at Athens, preserved in the seventeenth chapter of the Acts, he tells his audience that " in God we live, and move, and have our being ; as cer- tain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." ra yap kui ysvog etr^EV. The reader will perceive much similarity of manner in these two passages. The reference in the speech is to a heathen poet ; it is the same in the epistle. In the speech, the apostle urges his hearers with the authority of a poet of their own ; in the epistle, he avails himself of the same advantage. Yet there is a variation, which shows that the hint of inserting a quotation in the epistle w^as not, as it may be expected, borrowed from seeing the like practice attributed to St. Paul in the history ; and it is THE EPISTLE TO TITUS. 219 this, that in the epistle the author cited is called Viprophet, ** one of themselves, even a prophet of their ov^^n." Whatever might be the reason for calling Epimenides a prophet ; whether the names of poet and prophet v^ere occasionally convertible ; whether Epimenides in partic- ular had obtained that title, as Grotius seems to have proved ; or whether the appellation was given to him, in this instance, as having delivered a description of the Cretan character which the future state of morals among them verified : whatever was the reason, (and any of these reasons will account for the variation, supposing St. Paul to have been the author,) one point is plain, namely, if the epistle had been forged, and the author had inserted a quotation in it merely from having seen an example of the same kind in a speech ascribed to St. Paul, he would so far have imitated his original as to have introduced his quotation in the same manner ; that is, he would have given to Epimenides the title which he saw there given to Aratus. The other side of the alternative is, that the history took the hint from the epistle. But that the au- thor of the Acts of the Apostles had not the epistle to Titus before him, at least that he did not use it as one of the documents or materials of his narrative, is rendered nearly certain by the observation that the name of Titus does not once occur in his book. It is well known, and was remarked by St. Jerome, that the apothegm in the fifteenth chapter of the Corin- thians, "Evil communications corrupt good manners," is an Iambic of Menander's : ^deipbffiv T]dri x?^"^^ hjiiXiai KUKai. Here we have another unafTected instance of the same turn and habit of composition. Probably there are some hitherto unnoticed : and more which the loss of 220 THE EPISTLE TO TITUS. the original authors renders impossible to be now ascer- tained. No. II. There exists a visible affinity between the Epistle to Ti- tus, and the First Epistle to Timothy. Both letters were addressed to persons left by the writer to preside in their respective churches during his absence. Both letters are principally occupied in describing the qualifications to be sought for in those whom they should appoint to offices in the church; and the ingredients of this descrip- tion are in both letters nearly the same. Timothy and Titus are likewise cautioned against the same prevailing corruptions, and, in particular, against the same misdirec- tion of their cares and studies. This affinity obtains, not only in the subject of the letters, which, from the simi- larity of situation in the persons to whom they were ad- dressed, might be expected to be somewhat alike, but extends, in a great variety of instances, to the phrases and expressions. The writer accosts his two friends with the same salutation, and passes on to the business of his letter by the same transition. *'Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith; Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord. As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus^ when I went into Macedonia,^' &c., 1 Tim. chap. i. 2, 3. " To Titus, mine own son after the common faith : Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. For this cause left I thee in Crete." Titus, chap. i. 4, 5. If Timothy was not to"^ii;e heed to fables and endless genealogies^ which minister questions," 1 Tim. chap. i. 4 ; THE EPISTLE TO TITUS. 221 Titus also was to " avoid foolish questions^ and genealo- gies, and contentions, chap. iii. 9 ; and was to " rebuke them sharply, not giving heed to Jewish fables,'^ chap. i. 14. If Timothy was to be a pattern {rvnog)^ I. Tim. chap, iv. 12 ; so was Titus, chap. ii. 7. If Timothy was to " let no man despise his youth," 1 Tim. chap. iv. 12 ; Ti- tus also was to "let no man despise him, chap. ii. 15. This verbal consent is also observable in some very pe- culiar expressions, which have no relation to the particu- lar character of Timothy or Titus. The phrase, " it is a faithful saying," {maTog 6 loyog), made use of to preface some sentence upon which the writer lays a more than ordinary stress, occurs three times in the First Epistle to Timothy, once in the Second, snd once in the epistle before us, and in no other part of St. Paul's writings ; and it is remarkable that these three epistles were probably all written towards the con- clusion of his life ; and that they are the only epistles which were written after his first imprisonment at Rome. The same observation belongs to another singularity of expression, and that is in the epithet '' sound''' {iyiaivfav)^ as applied to words or doctrine. It is thus used twice in the First Epistle to Timothy, twice in the Second, and thr^e times in the Epistle to Titus, besides two cognate expressions, Tuyiuivoi'zag t?/ niaTet and ^oyop -vytT] ; and it is found, in the same sense, in no other part of the New Testament. The phrase, " God our Saviour," stands in nearly the same predicament. It is repeated three times in the First Epistle to Timothy, as many in the Epistle to Titus, and in no other book of the New Testament occurs at all, except once in the Epistle of Jude. Similar terms, intermixed indeed with others, are em- ployed in the two epistles, in enumerating the qualifi- 222 THE EPISTLE TO TITUS. cations required in those who should be advanced to sta- tions of authority in the church. " A bishop must be blarneless, the husband of one loife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach, not given to loine, no stinker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in sub- jection with all gravity." * 1 Tim. chap. iii. 2 — 4. "If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of riot, or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God ; not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wiiie, no striker, not given to filthy lucre ; but a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate." f Titus, chap. i. 6—8. The most natural account which can be given of these resemblances is to suppose that the two epistles were written nearly at the same time, and w^hilst the same ideas and phrases dwelt in the writer's mind. Let us inquire, therefore, whether the notes of time, extant in the two epistles, in any manner favor this supposition. We have seen that it was necessary to refer the First Epistle to Timothy to a date subsequent to St. Paul's first imprisonment at Rome, because there was no journey into Macedonia prior to that event which accorded with the circumstance of leaving " Timothy behind at Ephe- sus." The journey of St. Paul from Crete, alluded to in * '* Aet »v Tov eTTKTKOiTov avET!i\r)TTTOv civai, liiaiyvvaiKOi avSpa, vrfpaKiov, cwtppova, KOffjJiiov 0(Ao^e>'Oj', iiSuKTiKOv, fir] napoivov, jxtj -r'XrjKTrjv^ firj aia^poKcpSr]' dXX ctruiKri, a[Jiaj(^ov, a(pi\apyvpov' ru iSiy oikv ^caXwj Trpoi'arafievov, reKva e^ovra ev vnoTayriiura iraa-ris (rzjivoTr]TOiV ■j" " Et Ttj tariv aveyKXriros, ytiag yvvaiKosavrip^ tekvu fx^wvTTiiTTa, [iri tv Kurriyopta aawTias^ ri avvTroTaKra. Aei yap tov eniaKoirov aveyK\r}Tov eiva-^ wj Qtov oikovo^ov, jirt avda6n, /<'? opyi\op, [tri napoivov, [it] v'XriKTriv, fir] aiirxpoKepSri' aWa (piXo^svov, fiXa' yadov, aoxppova, SiKdio' y buiov, eyKoarr)." THE EI'ISTLE TO TITUS. 223 the epistle before us, and in which Titus " was left in Crete to set in order the things that were wanting," must, in Hke manner, be carried to the period which intervened between his first and second imprisonment. For the his- tory, which reaches, we know, to the time of St. Paul's first imprisonment, contains no account of his going to Crete, except upon his voyage as a prisoner to Rome; and that this could not be the occasion referred to in our epistle is evident from hence, that when St. Paul wrote this epistle, he appears to have been at liberty ; where- as, after that voyage, he continued for two years at least in confinement. Again, it is agreed that St. Paul wrote his First Epistle to Timothy from Macedonia : *' As I be- sought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went (or can>e) into Macedonia." And that he was in these parts i. e. in this peninsula, when he wrote the Epistle to Titus, is rendered probable by his directing Titus to come to him to Nicopolis : " When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent (make haste) to come unto me to Nicopolis : for I have determined there to winter." The most noted city of that name was in Epirus, near to Actium. And I think the form of speaking, as well as the nature of the case, renders it probable that the writer was at Nicopolis, or in the neighborhood thereof, when he dictated this direction to Titus. Upon the whole, if we may be allowed to suppose that St. Paul, after his liberation at Rome, sailed into Asia, taking Crete in his way ; that from Asia and from Ephe- sus, the capital of that country, he proceeded into Mace- donia, and crossing the peninsula in his progress, came into the neighborhood of Nicopolis; we have a route which falls in with every thing. It executes the intention expressed by the apostle of visiting Colosse and Philippi as soon as he should be set at liberty at Rome. It allows 224 THE EPISTLE TO TITUS. him to leave " Titus at Crete," and " Timothy at Ephesus, as he went into Macedonia ;" and to write to both not long after from the peninsula of Greece, and probably the neighborhood of Nicopolis : thus bringing together the dates of these two letters, and thereby accounting for that affinity between them; both in subject and language, which our remarks have pointed out. I confess that the journey which we have thus traced out for St. Paul is in a great measure hypothetic : but it should be observed that it is a species of consistency which seldom belongs to falsehood, to admit of an hypothesis which includes a great number of independent circumstances without con- tradiction. CHAPTER XIV. THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. No. I. The singular correspondency between this epistle and that to the Colossians has been remarked already. An assertion in the Epistle to the Colossians, viz, that " Ones- imus was one of them," is verified, not by any mention of Colosse, any the most distant intimation concerning the place of Philemon's abode, but singly by stating Ones- imus to be Philemon's servant, and by joining in the sal- utation Philemon with Archippus ; for this Archippus, when we go back to the Epistle to the Colossians, ap- pears to have been an inhabitant of that city, and, as it should seem, to have held an office of authority in that church. The case stands thus. Take the Epistle to the Colossians alone, and no circumstance is discoverable which makes out the assertion that Onesimus was "one of them." Take the Epistle to Philemon alone, and noth- ing at all appears concerning the place to which Philemon or his servant Onesimus belonged. For any thing that is said in the epistle, Philemon might have been a Thes- salonian, a Philippian, or an Ephesian, as well as a Colos- sian. Put the two epistles together, and the matter is clear. The reader perceives a junction of circumstances, which ascertains the conclusion at once. Now, all that is necessary to be added in this place is, that this corres- pondency evinces the genuineness of one epistle, as well V> 10* 226 THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. as of the other. It is like comparing the two parts of a cloven tally. Coincidence proves the authenticity of both. No. II. And this coincidence is perfect : not only in the main article of showing, by implication, Onesimus to be a Co- lossian, but in many dependent circumstances. 1. "I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have sent again/' ver. 10 — 12. It appears from the Epistle to the Colossians, that, in truth, Onesimus was sent at that time to Colosse : " All my state shall Tychicus declare, whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, with Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother." Colos. chap, iv. 7—9. 2. " I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds'^ ver. 10. It appears from the pre- ceding quotation that Onesimus was with St. Paul when he wrote the Epistle to the Colossians ; and that he wrote that epistle in imprisonment is evident from his decla- ration in the fourth chapter and third verse : " Praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utter- ance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bondsy 3. St. Paul bids Philemon prepare for him a lodging : " For I trust," says he, '' that through your prayers I shall be given unto you." This agrees with the expectation of speedy deliverance, which he expressed in another epis- tle written during the same imprisonment : " Him" (Tim- othy) " I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me : but I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly." Phil. chap. ii. 23, 24. THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. 227 4. As the letter to Philemon, and that to the Colossians, were written at the same time, and sent by the same mes- senger, the one to a particular inhabitant, the other to the church of Colosse, it may be expected that the same or nearly the same persons would be about St. Paul, and join with him, as was the practice, in the salutations of the epistle. Accordingly we find the names of Aristar- chus, Marcus, Epaphras, Luke, and Demas, in both epis- tles. Timothy, who is joined with St. Paul in the super- scription of the Epistle to the Colossians, is joined with him in this. Tychicus did not salute Philemon, because he accompanied the epistle to Colosse, and would un- doubtedly there see him. Yet the reader of the Epistle to Philemon will remark one considerable diversity in the catalogue of saluting friends, and which shows that the catalogue was not copied from that to the Colossians. In the Epistle to the Colossians, Aristarchus is called by St. Paul, his fellow-prisoner, Colos. chap. iv. 10 ; in the Epistle to Philemon, Aristarchus is mentioned without any addition, and the title of fellow-prisoner is given to Epaphras.* And let it also be observed that, notwithstanding the close and circumstantial agreement between the two epis- tles, this is not the case of an opening left in a genuine writing, which an impostor is induced to fill up; nor of a reference to some writing not extant, which sets a sophist at work to supply the loss, in like manner as, because St. Paul was supposed (Colos. chap. iv. 16) to allude to an * Dr. Benson observes, and perhaps truly, that the appellation of fellow- prisoner, as applied by St. Paul to Epaphras, did not imply that they were imprisoned together at the time ; any more than your calling a person your fellow-traveller imports that you are then upon your travels. If he had, upon any former occasion, travelled with you, you might afterwards speak of him under that title. It is just so with the term fellow-prisoner. 228 THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. epistle written by him to the Laodiceans, some person has from thence taken the hint of uttering a forgery un- der that title. The present, I say, is not that case ; for Philemon's name is not mentioned in the Epistle to the Colossians ; Onesimus's servile condition is nowhere hinted at, any more than his crime, his flight, or the place or time of his conversion. The story therefore of the epistle, if it be a fiction, is a fiction to wiiich the author could not have been guided by any thing he had read in St. Paul's genuine writings. No. III. Ver. 4, 5. " I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers, hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints." *' Hearing of thy love and faith," This is the form of speech which St. Paul was wont to use towards those churches which he had not seen, or then visited : see Rom. chap. i. 8; Ephes. chap. i. 15; Colos. chap. i. 3, 4. Toward those churches and persons with whom he was previously acquainted, he employed a different phrase; as, "I thank my God always on your behalf, 1 Cor. chap. i. 4; 2 Thess. chap. i. 3; or, "upon every remembrance of you," Phil. chap. i. 3 ; 1 Thess. chap. i. 2, 3 ; 2 Tim. chap. i. 3 ; and never speaks of hearing of them. Yet 1 think it must be concluded, from the nine- teenth verse of this epistle, that Philemon had been con- verted by St. Paul himself: "Albeit, I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides." Here then is a peculiarity. Let us inquire whether the epistle supplies any circumstance which will account for THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. 229 it. We have seen that it may be made out, not from the epistle itself, but from a comparison of the epistle with that to the Colossians, that Philemon was an inhabitant of Colosse : and it farther appears, from the Epistle to the Colossians, that St. Paul had never been in that city : " I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh." Col. chap. ii. 1. Although, therefore, St. Paul had formerly met with Philemon at some other place, and had been the immediate instrument of his conversion, yet Philemon's faith and conduct after- wards, inasmuch as he lived in a city which St. Paul had never visited, could only be known to him by fame and reputation. No. IV. The tenderness and delicacy of this epistle have long been admired : " Though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient, yet for love's sake I rather beseech thee, being such an one as Paul the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ ; I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, w^hom I have begotten in my bonds." There is something certainly very melting and persuasive in this, and every part of the epistle. Yet in my opinion, the character of St. Paul prevails in it throughout. The warm, aflfectionate, authoritative teacher is interceding with an absent friend for a beloved convert. He urges his suit with an earnestness befitting perhaps not so much the occasion as the ardor and sensibility of his own mind. Here also, as everywhere, he shows him- self conscious of the weight and dignity of his mission ; 230 THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. nor does he suffer Philemon for a moment to forget it : "I ■might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient."' He is careful also to recall, though obliquely, to Philemon's memory, the sacred obligation under which he had laid him. by bringing to him the knowledge of Jesus Christ : *' I do not say to thee how thou owest to me even thine own self besides." Without laying aside, therefore, the apostolic character, our author softens the imperative style of his address, by mixing with it every sentiment and consideration that could move the heart of his correspondent. Aged and in prison, he is content to supplicate and entreat. Onesimus was ren- dered dear to him by his conversion, and his services ; the child of his affliction, and "ministering unto him in the bonds of the Gospel." This ought to recommend him, whatever had been his fault, to Philemon's forgiveness: "Receive him as myself, as my own bowels." Every thing however should be voluntary. St. Paul was determined that Philemon's compliance should flow from his own bounty : " Without thy mind would I do nothing, that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity, but willing- ly ;" trusting nevertheless to his gratitude and attachment for the performance of all that he requested, and for more : " Having confidence in thy obedience, I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say." St. Paul's discourse at Miletus ; his speech before Agrippa ; his Epistle to the Romans, as hath been re- marked (No. VIII.) ; that to the Galatians, chap. iv. 11 — 20 ; to the Philippians, chap. i. 29, chap. ii. 2 ; the Sec- ond to the Corinthians, chap. vi. 1 — 13; and, indeed, some part or other of almost every epistle, exhibit examples of a similar application to the feelings and affections of THE EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. 231 the persons whom he addresses. And it is observable that these pathetic effusions, drawn for the most part from his own sufferings and situation, usually precede a com- mand, soften a rebuke, or mitigate the harshness of some disagreeable truth. CHAPTER XV. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE EPISTLES. Six of these subscriptions are false or improbable ; that is, they are either absolutely contradicted by the contents of the epistle, or are difficult to be reconciled with them. I. The subscription of the First Epistle to the Corin- thians states that it was written from Philippi, notwith- standing that, in the sixteenth chapter and eighth verse of the epistle, St. Paul informs the Corinthians that he will "tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost;" and notwitstanding that he begins the salutations in the epistle by telling them "the churches of Asia salute you ;" a pretty evident indication that he himself was in Asia at this time. II. The Epistle to the Galatians is by the subscription dated from Rome : yet, in the epistle itself, St. Paul ex- presses his surprise " that they were so soon removed from him that called them ;" whereas his journey to Rome was ten years posterior to the conversion of the Galatians. And what, I think, is more conclusive, the author, though speaking of himself in this more than any other epistle, does not once mention his bonds, or call himself a prisoner ; which he had not failed to do in every one of the four epistles written from that city, and during that imprisonment. III. The First Epistle to the Thessalonians was written, the subscription tells us, from Athens ; yet the epistle refers expressly to the coming of Timotheus from Thes- THE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE EPISTLES. 233 salonica, chap. iii. 6 ; and the history informs us, Acts, xviii. 5, that Timothy came out of Macedonia to St. Paul at Corinth. IV. The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians is dated, and without any discoverable reason, from Athens also. If it be truly the second ; if it refer, as it appears to do, chap. ii. 2, to the first, and the first was written from Cor- inth, the place must be erroneously assigned, for the his- tory does not allow us to suppose that St. Paul, after he had reached Corinth, went back to Athens. V. The First Epistle to Timothy the subscription as- serts to have been sent from Laodicea ; yet, when St. Paul writes, " I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, noQEvofiepog sig Maxedoviav (when I set out for Macedonia)," the reader is naturally led to conclude that he wrote the letter upon his arrival in that country. VI. The Epistle to Titus is dated from JVicopolis in Macedonia, whilst no city of that name is known to have existed in that province. The use, and the only use, which I make of these ob- servations, is to show how easily errors and contradic- tions steal in where the writer is not guided by original knowledge. There are only eleven distinct assignments of date to St. Paul's Epistles (for the four written from Rome may be considered as plainly contemporary) ; and, of these, six seem to be erroneous. I do not attribute any authority to these subscriptions. I believe them to have been conjectures founded sometimes upon loose traditions, but more generally upn a consideration of some particu- lar text, without sufficiently comparing it with other parts of the epistle, with diflferent epistles, or with the history. Suppose then that the subscriptions had come down to us as authentic parts of the epistles, there would have been more contrarieties and difficulties arising out of these 234 THE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE EPISTLES. final verses than from all the rest of the volume. Yet, if the epistles had been forged, the whole must have been made up of the same elements as those of which the sub- scriptions are composed, viz. tradition, conjecture, and in- ference ; and it would have remained to be accounted for, how, whilst so many errors were crowded into the concluding clauses of the letters, so much consistency should be preserved in other parts. The same reflection arises from observing the over- sights and mistakes which learned men have committed, when arguing upon allusions which relate to time and place, or when endeavoring to digest scattered circum- stances into a continued story. It is indeed the same case : for these subscriptions must be regarded as ancient scholia, and as nothing more. Of this liability to error I can present the reader with a notable instance ; and which I bring forward for no other purpose than that to which I apply the erroneous subscriptions. Ludovicus Capellus, in that part of his Historia Apostolica Illustrata, which is entitled De Ordim Epist. Paul., writing upon the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, triumphs unmerci- fully over the want of sagacity in Baronius, who, it seems, makes St. Paul write his Epistle to Titus from Mace- donia upon his second visit into that province ; whereas it appears, from the history, that Titus, instead of being at Crete, where the ^episTTe places him, was at that time sent by the apostle from Macedonia to Corinth. "Ani- madvertere est," says Capellus, " magnam hominis illius u6le\ipiay^ qui vult Titum a Paulo in Cretam abductum, illicque relictum, cum inde Nicopolim navigaret, quern tamen agnoscit a Paulo ex Macedonia missum esse Cor- inthum." This probably will be thought a detection of inconsistency in Baronius. But what is the most remark- able is, that in the same chapter in which he thus indulges THE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE EPISTLES. 235 his contempt of Baronius's judgment, Capellus himself falls into an error of the same kind, and more gross and palpable than that which he reproves. For he begins the chapter by stating the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and the First Epistle to Timothy to be nearly contemporary ; to have been both written dunng the apostle's second visit into Macedonia; and that a doubt subsisted concerning the immediate priority of their dates: " Posterior ad eosdem Corinthios Epistola, et Prior ad Timotheum certant de prioritate, et sub judice lis est ; utraque autem scripta est paulo postquam Paul us Epheso discessisset, adeoque dum Macedoniam peragraret, sed utra tempore praecedat, non liquet." Now, in the first place, it is highly improbable that the two epistles should have been written either nearly together, or during the same journey through Macedonia ; for, in the Epistle to the Corinthians, Timothy appears to have been with St. Paul ; in the epistle addressed to him, to have been left behind at Ephesus, and not only left behind, but directed to continue there, till St. Paul should return to that city. In the second place, it is inconceivable that a question should be proposed concerning the priority of date of the the two epistles ; for, when St. Paul, in his epistle to Timothy, opens his address to him by saying, " As I be- sought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia," no reader can doubt but that he here refers to the last interview which had passed between them ; that he had not seen him since : whereas, if the epistle be posterior to that to the Corinthians, yet written upon the same visit into Macedonia, this could not be true ; for, as Timothy was along with St. Paul when he wrote to the Corinthians, he must, upon this supposition, have passed over to St. Paul in Macedonia, after he had been left by him at Ephesus, and must have returned to 236 THE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE EPISTLES. Ephesus again before the epistle was written. What misled Ludovicus Capellus was simply this, — that he had entirely overlooked Timothy's name in the superscription of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Which over- sight appears not only in the quotation which we have given, but from his telling us, as he does, that Timothy came from Ephesus to St. Paul at Corinth, whereas, the superscription proves that Timothy was already with St. Paul when he wrote to the Corinthians from Mace- donia. CHAPTER XVI. THE CONCLUSION. In the outset of this inquiry, the reader was directed to consider the Acts of the Apostles, and the thirteen epistles of St. Paul, as certain ancient manuscripts lately discov- ered in the closet of some celebrated library. We have adhered to this v\ew of the subject. External evidence of every kind has been removed out of sight ; and our en- deavors have been employed to collect the indications of truth and authenticity, which appeared to exist in the writings themselves, and to result from a comparison of their different parts. It is not, however, necessary to continue this supposition longer. The testimony which other remains of contemporary, or the monuments of ad- joining ages, afford to the reception, notoriety, and public estimation, of a book, form, no doubt, the first proof of its genuineness. And in no books whatever is this proof more complete than in those at present under our consid- eration. The inquiries of learned men, and, above all, of the excellent Lardner, who never overstates a point of evidence, and whose fidelity in citing his authorities has, in no one instance, been impeached, have established, con- cerning these writings, the following propositions : 1. That in the age immediately posterior to that in which St. Paul lived, his letters were publicly read and acknowledged. Some of them are quoted or alluded to by almost every Christian writer that followed ; by Clement of Rome, by 238 THE CONCLUSION. Hermas, by Ignatius, by Polycarp, disciples or contempo- raries of the apostles ; by Justin Martyr, by the churches of Gaul, by Irenasus, by Athenagoras, by Theophilus, by Clement of Alexandria, by Hermias, by Tertullian, who occupied the succeeding age. Now, when we find a book quoted or referred to by an ancient author, we are entitled to conclude that it was read and received in the age and country in which that author lived. And this conclusion does not, in any degree, rest upon the judg- ment or character of the author making such reference. Proceeding by this rule, we have, concerning the First Epistle to the Corinthians in particular, within forty years after the epistle was written, evidence, not only of its being extant at Corinth, but of its being known and read at Rome. Clement, bishop of that city, writing to the church of Corinth, uses these words : " Take into your hands the epistle of the blessed Paul the apostle. What did he at first write unto you in the beginning of the Gos- pel ? Verily he did by the Spirit admonish you concern- ing himself, and Cephas, and Apollos, because that even then you did form parties."* This was written at a time when, probably, some must have been living at Corinth who remembered St. Paul's ministry there, and the re- ceipt of the epistle. The testimony is still more valuable, as it shows that the epistles were preserved in the churches to which they were sent, and that they were spread and propagated from them to the rest of the Chris- tian community. Agreeably to v/hich natural mode and order of their publication, Tertullian, a century after- wards, for proof of the integrity and genuineness of the apostolic writings, bids " any one who is willing to exer- cise his curiosity profitably in the business of their salva- tion, to visit the apostolical churches, in which their very ♦ See Lardner, vol. xii. p. 22. THE CONCLUSION. 239 authentic letters are recited, ipsae autlienticae literoe eorum recitantur." Then he goes ^M : " Is- Achaia near you ? You have Corinth. If you are not far from Macedonia, you have Philippi, you have Thessalonica. If you can go to Asia, you have Ephesus ; but, if you are near to Italy, you have Rome."* I adduce this passage to show that the distinct churches or Christian societies, to which St. Paul's epistles were sent, subsisted for some ages after- wards ; that his several epistles were all along respec- tively read in those churches ; and that Christians at large received them from those churches, and appealed to those churches for their originality and authenticity. Arguing in like manner from citations and allusions, we have, within the space of a hundred and fifty years from the time that the first of St. Paul's epistles was writ- ten, proofs of almost all of them being read in Palestine, Syria, the countries of Asia Minor, in Egypt, in that part of Africa which used the Latin tongue, in Greece, Italy and Gaul.f I do not mean simply to assert that, within the space of a hundred and fifty years, St. Paul's epistles were read in those countries, for I believe that they were read and circulated from the beginning ; but that proofs of their being so read occur within that period. And when it is considered how few of the primitive Christians wrote, and of what was written, how much is lost, we are to account it extraordinary, or rather as a sure proof of the extensiveness of the reputation of these writings, and of the general respect in which they were held, that so many testimonies, and of such antiquity, are still extant. '* In the remaining works of Irenseus, Clement of Alexan- j dria, and Tertullian, there are, perhaps, more and larger quotations of the small volume of the New Testament * See liardner, vol. ii. p. 598. f See Lardner's Recapitulation, vol. xii. p. 53. 240 THE CONCLUSION. than of all the works of Cicero in the writings of all char- ^ acters for several ages. We must add that the epistles of Paul come in for their full share of this observation ; and that all the thirteen epistles, except that to Philemon, which is not quoted by Irenaeus or Clement, and which probably escaped notice merely by its brevity, are sever- ally cited, and expressly recognized as St. Paul's, by each of these Christian writers. The Ebionites, an early, though inconsiderable Christian sect, rejected St. Paul and his epistles ;* that is, they rejected these epistles, not because they were not, but because they were, St. Paul's ; and because, adhering to the obligation of the Jewish law, they chose to dispute his doctrine and authority. Their suffrage as to the genuineness of the epistles does not contradict that of other Christians. Marcion, an he- retical writer in the former part of the second century, is said by Tertullian to have rejected three of the epistles which we now receive, viz. the two Epistles to Timothy and the Epistle to Titus. It appears to me not improba- ble that Marcion might make some such distinction as this, that no apostolic epistle was to be admitted which was not read or attested by the church to which it was sent ; for it is remarkable that, together with these epis- tles to private persons, he rejected also the cathohc epis- tles. Now the catholic epistles, and the epistles to private persons, agree in the circumstance of wanting this partic- ular species of attestation. Marcion, it seems, acknowl- edged the Epistle to Philemon, and is upbraided for his inconsistency in doing so by Tertullian,t who asks, " why, when he received a letter written to a single person, he should refuse two to Timothy and one to Titus composed upon the affairs of the church ?" This passage so far favors our account of Marcion's objection as it shows that * Lardner, vol. ii. p. 808. f Ibid. vol. xiv. p. 455. THE CONCLUSION. 241 the objection was supposed by Tertullian to have been founded in something which belonged to the nature of a private letter. Nothing of the works of Marcion remains. Probably he was, after all, a rash, arbitrary, licentious critic, (if he deserved, indeed, the name of critic), and who offered no reason for his determination. What St. Jerome says of him intimates this, and is besides founded in good sense : Speaking of him and Basilides, " If they had assigned any reasons," says he, " why they did not reckon these epis- tles," viz. the First and Second to Timothy and the Epis- tle to Titus, " to be the apostle's, we would have endeav- ored to have answered them, and perHaps might have satisfied the reader : but when they take upon them, by their own authority, to pronounce one epistle to be St. Paul's and another not, they can only be replied to in the same manner."* Let it be remembered, however, that Marcion received ten of these epistles. His authority, therefore, even if his credit had been better than it is, forms a very small exception to the uniformity of the evidence. Of Basilides, we know still less than we do of Marcion. The same observation, however, belongs to him, viz. that his objection, as far as appears from this passage of St. Jerome, was confined to the three private epistles. Yet is this the only opinion which can be said to disturb the consent of the first two centuries of the Christian era; for, as to Tatian, who is reported by Jerome alone to have rejected some of St. Paul's epistles, the extravagant, or rather delirious, notions into which he fell, take away all weight and credit from his judgment — if, indeed, Jerome's account of this circumstance be correct ; for it appears from much older writers than Jerome, that Tatian owned and used many of these epistles.f * Lardner, vol. xiv. p. 458. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 313. 11 P>4 242 THE CONCLUSION. II. They who in those ages disputed about so many other points agreed in acknowledging the Scriptures now before us. Contending sects appealed to them in their controversies with equal and unreserved submission. When they were urged by one side, however they might be interpreted or misinterpreted by the other, their au- thority was not questioned. " Reliqui omnes," says Ire- nseus, speaking of Marcion, " falso scientiae nomine in- flati, scripturas quidem confitentur, interpretationes vero convertunt."* III. When the genuineness of some other writings which were in circulation, and even of a few which are now received into the canon, was contested, these were never called into dispute. Whatever was the objection, or whether in truth there ever was any real objection, to the authenticity of the Second Epistle of Peter, the Sec- ond and Third of John ; the Epistle of James, or that of Jude, or to the book of the Revelation of St. John ; the doubts that appeared to have been entertained concern- ing them exceedingly strengthen the force of the testi- mony as to those writings about which there was no doubt : because it shows that the matter was a subject, amongst the early Christians, of examination and discus- sion ; and that, where there was any room to doubt, they did doubt. What Eusebius hath left upon the subject is directly to the purpose of this observation. Eusebius, it is well known, divided the ecclesiastical writings which were ex- tant in his time into three classes : the avixrrtiJ^ijTa uncon- tradicted," as he calls them in one chapter ; or, " scriptures universally acknowledged," as he calls them in another : the •' controverted, yet well known and approved by many ;" and "the spurious." What were the shades of differ- * Iren. advers. Hser., quoted by Lardner, vol. xv. p. 425. THE CONCLUSION. 243 ence in the books of the second, or of those in the third class ; or what it was precisely that he meant by the term spurious, it is not necessary in this place to inquire. It is sufficient for us to find that the thirteen epistles of St. Paul are placed by him in the first class, without any sort of hesitation or doubt. It is farther also to be collected from the chapter in which this distinction is laid down, that the method made use of by Eusebius, and by the Christians of his time, viz. the close of the third century, in judging concerning the sacred authority of any books, was to inquire after and consider the testimony of those who Hved near the age of the apostles.* IV. That no ancient writing, which is attested as these epistles are, hath had its authenticity disproved, or is in fact questioned. The controversies which have been moved concerning suspected writings, as the epistles, for instance, of Phalaris, or the eighteen epistles of Cicero, begin by showing that this attestation is wanting. That being proved, the question is thrown back upon internal marks of spuriousness or authenticity ; and in these the dispute is occupied. In which disputes it is to be observed that the contested writings are commonly attacked by arguments drawn from some opposition which they be- tray to " authentic history," to " true epistles," to the " real sentiments or circumstances of the author whom they personate ;"t which authentic history, which true epistles, which real sentiments themselves, are no other than ancient documents, whose early existence and recep- tion can be proved, in the manner in which the writings before us are traced up to the age of their reputed author, * Lardner, vol. viii. p. 106. I See the tracts written in the controversy between Tunstal and Middle- ton, upon certain suspected epistles ascribed to Cicero. 244 THE CONCLUSION. or to ages near to his. A modern who sits down to com- pose the history of some ancient period, has no stronger evidence to appeal to for the most confident assertion, or the most undisputed fact, that he deHvers, than writings whose genuineness is proved by the same medium through which we evince the authenticity of ours. Nor, whilst he can have recourse to such authorities as these, does he apprehend any uncertainty in his accounts, from the sus- picion of spuriousness or imposture in his materials. v. It cannot be shown that any forgeries, properly so called,* that is, writings published under the name of the person who did not compose them, made their appearance in the first century of the Christian era, in which century these epistles undoubtedly existed. I shall set down under this proposition the guarded words of Lardner himself: " There are no quotations of any books of them (spurious and apocryphal books) in the apostolical fathers, by whom I mean Barnabas, Clement of Rome, Hermas, Ignatius, and Polycarp, whose writings reach from the year of our Lord 70 to the year 108. / say this confi- dently, because I think it has been proved."*' Lardner, vol xii. p. 158. Nor when they did appear were they much used by the primitive Christians. " Irenaeus quotes not any of these books. He mentions some of them, but he never quotes them. The same may be said of Tertuliian : he has mentioned a book called" Acts of Paul and Thecla ;" but it is only to condemn it. Clement of Alexandria and Origen have mentioned and quoted several such books, but never as authority, and sometimes with express marks of dislike. Eusebius quoted no such books in any of his * I believe that there is a great deal of truth in Dr. Lardner's observa- tion, that comparatively few of those books vphich we call apocryphal were strictly and originally forgeries. See Lardner, vol. xii. p. 167. THE CONCLUSION. 245 works. He has mentioned them indeed, but how ? Not by way of approbation, but to show that they were of lit- tle or no value ; and that they never were received by the sounder part of Christians." Now, if with this, which is advanced after the most minute and diligent examination, we compare what the same cautious writer had before said of our received Scriptures, " that in the works of three only of the above-mentioned fathers there are more and larger quotations of the small volume of the New Testament than of all the works of Cicero in the writers of all char- acters for several ages ;" and if with the marks of obscu- rity or condemnation, which accompanied the mention of the several apocryphal Christian writings, when they happened to be mentioned at all, we contrast what Dr. Lardner's work completely and in detail makes out con- cerning the writings which we defend, and what, having so made out, he thought himself authorized in his conclu- sion to assert, that these books were not only received from the beginning, but received with the greatest re- spect ; have been publicly and solemnly read in the as- semblies of Christians throughout the world, in every age from that time to this ; early translated into the languages of divers countries and people ; commentaries writ to ex- plain and illustrate them ; quoted by way of proof in all arguments of a religious nature ; recommended to the pe- rusal of unbelievers, as containing the authentic account of the Christian doctrine ; — when we attend, I say, to this representation, we perceive in it not only full proof of the early notoriety of these books, but a clear and sensible line of discrimination, which separates these from the pre- tensions of any others. The epistles of St. Paul stand particularly free of any doubt or confusion that might arise from this source. Until the conclusion of the fourth century, no intimation 246 THE CONCLUSION. appears of any attempt whatever being made to counter- feit these writings ; and then it appears only of a single and obscure instance. Jerome, who flourished in the year ?92, has this expression : " Legunt quidam et ad Laodicenses ; sed ab omnibus exploditur ;" there is also an epistle to the Laodiceans, but it is rejected by every- body.* Theodoret, who wrote in the year 423, speaks of this epistle in the same terms.f Besides these, I know not whether any ancient writer mentions it. It was cer- tainly unnoticed during the first three centuries of the church ; and, when it came afterwards to be mentioned, it was mentioned only to show that, though such a writing did exist, it obtained no credit. It is probable that the forgery to which Jerome alludes is the epistle which we now have under that title. If so, as hath been already observed, it is nothing more than a collection of sentences from the genuine epistles ; and was, perhaps, at first, rather the exercise of some idle pen, than any serious attempt to impose a forgery upon the public. Of an Epistle to the Corinthians under St. Paul's name, which was brought into Europe in the present century, antiquity is entirely silent. It was unheard of for sixteen centu- ries ; and at this day, though it be extant, and was first found in the Armenian language, it is not, by the Chris- tians of that country, received into their Scriptures. I hope, after this, that there is no reader who will think there is any competition of credit, or of external proof, between these and the received epistles ; or, rather, who will not acknowledge the evidence of authenticity to be confirmed by the want of success which attended im- posture. When we take into our hands the letters which the suflfrage and consent of antiquity hath thus transmitted to * Lardner, vol. x. p, 103. f Ibid, vol. xi. p. 88. THE CONCLUSION. 247 US, the first thing that strikes our attention is the air of reality and business, as well as of seriousness and convic- tion, which pervades the whole. Let the sceptic read them. If he be not sensible of these qualities in them, the argument can have no weight with him. If he be ; if he perceive in almost every page the language of a mind actuated by real occasions, and operating upon ; real circumstances, I would wish it to be observed, that -' the proof which arises from this perception is not to be ; deemed occult or imaginary, because it is incapable of '■ being drawn out in words, or of being conveyed to the | apprehension of the reader in any other way than by sending him to the books themselves. And here, in its proper place, comes in the argument which it has been the office of these pages to unfold. St. Paul's epistles are connected with the history by their particularity, and by the numerous circumstances which are found in them. When we descend to an examination and comparison of these circumstances, we not only ob- serve the history and the epistles to be independent doc- uments unknown to, or at least unconsulted by, each other, but we find tiie substance, and oftentimes very minute articles, of the history, recognized in the epistles, by allusions and references which can neither be impu- ted to design, nor, without a foundation in truth, be ac- counted for by accident ; by hints and expressions, and single words dropping as it were fortuitously from the pen of the writer, or drawn forth, each by some occa- sion proper to the place in which it occurs, but widely removed from any view to consistency or agreement. These, we know, are effects which reality naturally pro- duces, but which, without reality at the bottom, can hardly be conceived to exist. When, therefore, with a body of external evidence, 248 THE CONCLUSION. which is relied upon, and which experience proves may safely be relied upon, in appreciating the credit of ancient writings, we combine characters of genuineness and orig- inality which are not found, and which, in the nature and order of things cannot be expected to be found in spuri- ous compositions ; whatever difficulties we may meet with in other topics of the Christian evidence, we can have little in yielding our assent to the following conclu- sions : That there was such a person as St. Paul ; that he lived in the age which we ascribe to him ; that he went about preaching the religion of which Jesus Christ was the founder : and that the letters which we now read were actually written by him upon the subject, and in the course of that his ministry. And, if it be true that we are in possession of the very letters which St. Paul wrote, let us consider what confir- mation they afford to the Christian history. In my opin- ion they substantiate the whole transaction. The great object of modern research is to come at the epistolary cor- respondence of the times. Amidst the obscurities, the silence, or the contradictions of history, if a letter can be found, we regard it as the discovery of a landmark; as that by which we can correct, adjust, or supply, the im- perfections and uncertainties of other accounts. One cause of the superior credit which is attributed to letters is this, that the facts which they disclose generally come out incidentally, and therefore without design to mislead the public by false or exaggerated accounts. This rea- son may be applied to St. Paul's epistles with as much justice as to any letters whatever. Nothing could be far- ther from the intention of the writer than to record any part of his history. That his history was in fact made public by these letters, and has, by the same means been transmitted to future ages, is a secondary and unthought THE CONCLUSION. 249 of effect. The sincerity, therefore, of the apostle's decla- rations cannot reasonably be disputed ; at least we are sure that it was not vitiated by any desire of setting him- self off to the public at large. But these letters form a part of the muniments of Christianity, as much to be val- ued for their contents as for their originality. A more inestimable treasure the care of antiquity could not have sent down to us. Besides the proof they afford of the general reality of St. Paul's history, of the knowledge which the author of the Acts of the Apostles had obtained of that history, and the consequent probability that he was, what he professes himself to have been, a compan- ion of the apostle's ; besides the support they lend to these important inferences, they meet specifically some of the principal objections upon which the adversaries of Chris- tianity have thought proper to rely. In particular they show, — I. That Christianity was not a story set on foot amidst the confusions which attended and immeditately preceded the destruction of Jerusalem ; when many extravagant reports were circulated, when men's minds were broken by terror and distress, when amidst the tumults that sur- rounded them inquiry was impracticable. These letters show incontestably, that the religion had fixed and estab- lished itself before this state of things took place. II. Whereas it hath been insinuated that our Gospels may have been made up of reports and stories which were current at the time, we may observe that with re- spect to the Epistles, this is impossible. A man cannot write the history of his own life from reports ; nor, what is the same thing, be led by reports to refer to passages and ^ transactions in which he states himself to have been im- mediately present and active. I do not allow that this insinuation is applied to the historical part of the New 11* 250 THE CONCLUSION. Testament with any color of justice or probability ; but I say that to the Epistles it is not applicable at all. III. These letters prove that the converts to Christian- ity w-ere not drawn from the barbarous, the mean, or the ignorant set of men which the refiresentations of infidelity would sometimes make them. We learn from letters the character not only of the writer, but, in some measure, of the persons to whom they are written. To suppose that these letters were addressed to a rude tribe, incapa- ble of thought or reflection, is just as reasonable as to suppose Locke's Essay on the Human understanding to have been written for the instruction of savages. What- ever may be thought of these letters in other respects, either of diction or argument, they are certainly removed as far as possible from the habits and comprehension of a barbarous people. IV. St. Paul's history, I mean so much of it as may be collected from his letters, is so implicated with, that of the other apostles, and with the substance indeed of the Chris- tian history itself, that I apprehend it will be found im- possible to admit St. Paul's story (I do not speak of the miraculous part of it) to be true, and yet to reject the rest as fabulous. For instance, can any one believe that there was such a man as Paul, a preacher of Christianity, in the age which we assign to him, and not believe that there was also at the same time such a man as Peter and James, and other apostles, who had been companions of Christ during his life, and who after his death pubHshed and avowed the same things concerning him which Paul taught? Judea, and especially Jerusalem, was the scene of Christ's ministry. The witnesses of his miracles lived there. St. Paul, by his own account, as well as that of his historian, appears to have frequently visited that city ; to have carried on a communication with the church i THE CONCLUSION. 251 there ; to have associated with the rulers and elders of that church, who were some of them apostles ; to have acted as occasions offered, in correspondence, and some- times in conjunction, with them. Can it, after this, be doubted but that the religion and the general facts relat- ing to it which St. Paul appears by his letters to have delivered to the several churches which he established at a distance, were at the same time taught and published at Jerusalem itself, the place where the business was trans- acted ; and taught and published by those who had at- tended the Founder of the institution in his miraculous, or pretendedly miraculous ministry ? iFiToFservable, for so it appears both in the Epistles and from the Acts of the Apostles, that Jerusalem, and the society of believers in that city, long continued the centre from which the missionaries of the religion issued, with which all other churches maintained a correspond- ence and connection, to which they referred their doubts, and to whose relief, in times of public distress, they remit- ted their charitable assistance. This observation I think material, because it proves that this was not the case of giving ouf accounts in one country of what is transacted in anothei^, without affording the hearers an opportunity of knowing whether the things related were credited by any, or even published, in the place where they are re- ported to have passed. '.'i V. St. Paul's letters furnish evidence (and what better evidence than a man's own letters can be desired ?) of the soundness and sobriety of his judgment. His caution in distinguishing between the occasional suggestions of in- spiration, and the ordinary exercise of his natural under- standing, is without example in the history of human enthusiasm. His morality is everywhere calm, pure and rational ; adapted to the condition, the activity, and the 252 THE CONCLUSION. business of social life, and of its vai'ious relations ; free from the over-scrupulousness and austerities of supersti- tion, and from, what was more perhaps to be apprehended, the abstractions of quietism, and the soarings and extrav- agances of fanaticism. His judgment concerning a hesi- tating conscience ; his opinion of the moral indifferency of many actions, yet of the prudence and even the duty of compliance, where non-compliance would produce evil effects upon the minds of the persons who observed it, is as correct and just as the most liberal and enlightened moi'alist could form at this day. The accuracy of mod- ern ethics has found nothing to amend in these determi- nations. What Lord Lyttelton has remarked of the preference ascribed by St. Paul to inward rectitude of principle above every other religious accomplishment is very ma- terial to our present purpose. " In his First Epistle to the Corinthians, chap. xiii. 1 — 3. St. Paul has these words: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angelsj and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge ; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove moun- tains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing S Is this the language of enthusiasm? Did ever enthusiast prefer that universal benevolence which comprehendeth all moral virtues, and which, as appeareth by the following verses, is meant by charity here ? did ever enthusiast, I say, prefer that benevolence ? (which we may add is attainable by every man) " to faith and to miracles, to those religious opinions which he had em- braced, and to those supernatural graces and gifts which THE CONCLUSION. 253 he imngined he had acquired ; nay, even to the merit of martyrdom ? Is it not the genius of enthusiasm to set moral virtues infinitely below the merit of faith ; and, of all moral virtues, to value that least which is most par- ticularly enforced by St. Paul, a spirit of candor, modera- tion, and peace ? Certainly neither the temper nor the opinions of a man subject to fanatic delusions are to be found in this passage." Lord Lyttelton's Considerations on the Conversion, ^c. I see no reason therefore to question the integrity of his understanding. To call him a visionary because he appealed to visions, or an enthusiast because he pretended to inspiration, is to take the whole question for granted. It is to take for granted that no such visions or inspira- tions existed ; at least it is to assume, contrary to his own assertions, that he had no other proofs than these to offer of his mission, or of the truth of his relations. One thing I allow, that his letters everywhere discover great zeal and earnestness in the cause in which he was engaged ; that is to say, he was convinced of the truth of what he taught ; he was deeply impressed, but not more so than the occasion merited, with a sense of its importance. This produces a corresponding animation and solicitude in the exercise of his ministry. But would not these considerations, supposing them to be well founded, have holden the same place and produced the same effect, in a mind the strongest and the most sedate ? VI. These letters are decisive as to the sufferings of the author ; also as to the distressed state of the Christian church, and the dangers which attended the preaching of the Gospel. " Whereof I Paul am made a minister ; who now re- joice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is 254 THE CONCLUSION. behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his body's sake, which is the church." Col. chap. i. 24. " If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." 1 Cor. chap. xv. 19. " Why stand we in Jeopardy every hour ? I protest by your rejoicing, whicn 1 have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. If, after the manner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not ?" 1 Cor. chap. xv. 30, &c. " If children, then heirs ; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ ; if so be that we sufl^er with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be com- pared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Rom. chap. viii. 17, 18. " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword ? As it is written. For thy sake we are killed all the day long, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Rom. chap. viii. 35, 36. *' Rejoicing in hope, 'patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer." Rom. chap. vii. 12. "Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord ; yet I give my judgment as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful. I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress ; I say that it is good for a man so to be." 1 Cor. chap. vii. 25, 26. " For unto you it is given, in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake, having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me." Phil. chap. i. 29, 30. *' God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of THE CONCLUSION. 255 our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." " From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." Gal. chap. vi. 14, 17. " Ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost." 1 Thess. chap. i. 6. We ourselves glory in you in the churches of God, for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and trib- ulations that ye endure." 2 Thess. chap. i. 4. We may seem to have accumulated texts unnecessarily ; but, besides that the point which they are brought to prove is of great importance, there is this also to be remarked in every one of the passages cited, that the allusion is drawn from the writer by the argument or the occasion : that the notice which is taken of his sufferings, and of the suffering condition of Christianity, is perfectly incidental, and is dictated by no design of stating the facts themselves. Indeed they are not stated at all ; they may rather be said to be assumed. This is a distinction upon which we have relied a good deal in former parts of this treatise ; and, where the writer's information cannot be doubted, it always in my opinion, adds greatly to the value and credit of the testimony. If any reader require from the apostle more direct and explicit assertions of the same thing, he will receive full satisfaction in the following quotations. " Are they ministers of Christ ? (I speak as a fool) I am more ; in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned ; thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the 256 THE CONCLUSION. deep ; in journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren ; in weariness and pninfulness, in watchings often, in hun- ger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness." 2 Cor. chap. xi. 23—28. Can it be necessary to add more ? "I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death ; for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. Even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling-place ; and labor, working with our own hands : being reviled, we bless ; being persecuted, we suffer it ; being defamed, we entreat : we are made as the filth of the earth, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day." 1 Cor. chap. iv. 9 — 13. I subjoin this passage to the former, because it extends to the other apostles of Christianity much of that which St. Paul declared concerning himself. In the following quotations, the reference to the au- thor's sufferings is accompanied with a specification of time and place, and with an appeal for the truth of what he declares to the knowledge of the persons whom he addresses : " Even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the Gospel of God with much contention." 1 Thess. chap. ii. 2. " But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra ; what persecutions I endured : but out of them all the Lord delivered me." 2 Tim. chap. iii. 10, 11. I apprehend that to this point, as far as the testimony THE CONCLUSION. 257 of St. Paul is credited, the evidence from his letters is complete and full. It appears under every form in which it could appear, by occasional allusions and by direct as- sertions, by general declarations and by specific exam- ples. VII. St. Paul in these letters asserts, in positive and unequivocal terms, his performance of miracles strictly and properly so called. " He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles {sveqyiav dvpa/ueig) among you, doth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ?" Gal. chap. iii. 5. " For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me,* to make the Gen- tiles obedient, by word and deed, through mighty signs and wonders (^^ dwa/uei arjfxeioiv xav TfottTWj'), by the power of the Spirit of God : so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ." Rom. chap. xv. 18, 19. " Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs and wonders, and mighty deeds," {^p arj/neiotg xai reguai xav dvi'otfieai).-^ 2 Cor. chap. xii. 12. * i. e. "I will speak of nothing but what Christ hath wrought by me ;" or, as Grotius interprets it, " Christ hath wrought so great things by me, that I will not dare to say what he hath not wrought." ■f- To these may be added the following indirect allusions, which, though if they had stood alone, i. e. without plainer texts in the same writings, they might have been accounted dubious; yet, when considered in conjunc- tion with the passages already cited, can hardly receive any other interpre- tation than that which we give them. " My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit, and of power : that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." 1 Cor. chap. ii. 4 — G, " The Gospel, whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the 258 THE CONCLUSION. These words, signs, wonders, and mighty deeds, (ar^^eia^ xai TSQuia, x«« dvfajLieigj'^ are the Specific appropriate terms throughout the New Testament, employed when public sensible miracles are intended to be expressed. This will appear by consulting, amongst other places, the texts referred to in the note ;* and it cannot be R^own that they are ever employed to express any thing else. Secondly, these words not only denote miracles as opposed to natural effects, but they denote visible, and what may be called external, miracles, as distinguished. First, from inspiration. If St. Paul had meant to re- fer only to secret illuminations of his understanding, or secret influences upon his will or affections, he could not, with truth, have represented them as " signs and wonders wrought by him," or " signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds, wrought amongst them." Secondly, from visions. These would not, by any means, satisfy the force of the terms, " signs, wonders, and mighty deeds ;" still less could they be said to be ^'wrought by him," or " wrought amongst them^" nor are these terms and expressions any where applied to visions. When our author alludes to the supernatural communica- tions which he had received, either by vision or other- wise, he uses expressions suited to the nature of the sub- ject, but very different from the words which we have quoted. He calls them revelations, but never signs, won- grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power." Ephes. chap. iii. 7. "For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the cir- cumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles.'' Gal. chap, ii. 8. " For our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance." 1 Thess. chap. i. 5. * Mark, xvi. 20. Luke, xxiii. 8. John, ii. 11, 23; iii. 2; iv, 48, 54; xi. 49. Acts, ii. 22: iv. 3; v. 12: vi. 8; vii. 16; xiv. 3; xv. 12. Heb. ii. 4. THE CONCLUSION. 259 ders, or mighty deeds. " I will come," says he, to " vis- ions and revelations of the Lord ;" and then proceeds to describe a particular instance, and afterwards adds, "lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there vv^as given me a thorn in the flesh." Upon the whole, the matter admits of no softening quali- fication or ambiguity whatever. If St. Paul did not work actual, sensible, public miracles, he has knowingly, in these letters, borne his testimony to a falsehood. I need not add that, in two also of the quotations, he has advanced his assertion in the face of those persons amongst whom he declares the miracles to have been wrought. Let it be remembered that the Acts of the Apostles describe various particular miracles wrought by St. Paul, which in their nature answer to the terms and expressions which we have seen to be used by St. Paul himself. Here then we have a man of liberal attainments, and in other points of sound judgment, who had addicted his life to the service of the Gospel. We see him, in the prosecution of his purpose, travelling from country to country, enduring every species of hardship, encounter- ing every extremity of danger, assaulted by the popu- lace, punished by the magistrates, scourged, beat, stoned, left for dead ; expecting, wherever he came, a renewal of the same treatment, and the same dangers ; yet, when driven from one city, preaching in the next ; spending his whole time in the employment, sacrificing to it his pleas- ures, his ease, his safety ; persisting in this course to old age, unaltered by the experience of perverseness, ingrat- itude, prejudice, desertion : unsubdued by anxiety, want, labor, persecutions : unwearied by long confinement, un- dismayed by the prospect of death. SCich was St. Paul. 260 THE CONCLUSION. We have his letters in our hands ; we have also a history purporting to be written by one of his fellow-travellers, and appearing, by a comparison with these letters, cer- tainly to have been written by some person well ac- quainted with the transactions of his life. From the letters, as well as from the history, we gather not only the account which we have stated of him, but that he was one out of many who acted and suffered in the same manner; and that, of those who did so, several had been the companions of Christ's ministry, the ocular witnesses, or pretending to be such, of his miracles, and of his res- urrection. We moreover find this same person referring in his letters to his supernatural conversion, the particu- lars and accompanying circumstances of which are re- lated in the history; and which accompanying circum- stances, if all or any of them be true, render it impossible to have been a delusion. We also find him positively, and in appropriated terms, asserting that he himself worked miracles, strictly and properly so called, in sup- port of the mission which he executed ; the history, meanwhile, recording various passages of his ministry, which come up to the extent of this assertion. The question is, whether falsehood was ever attested by evi- dence like this. Falsehoods, we know, have found their way into reports, into tradition, into books ; but is an ex- ample to be met with of a man voluntarily undertaking a life of want and pain, of incessant fatigue, of continual peril ; submitting to the loss of his home and country, to stripes and stoning, to tedious imprisonment, and the con- stant expectation of a violent death, for the sake of car- rying about a story of what was false, and of what, if false, he must have known to be so ? 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