^ ■'-■rm.- ^^^m^^m^'Mt '.,■■ *• ,#•■■ . ... ^•.■» - .- •' :^^^j^-l^ *^e -',... THJJOLOGIGAIi A GENERAL CATALOGUE OFFICERS SND SLUMNI OP mmmtm ^tmmnm IN VIRGINIA, 1823-24- -1883-84. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. BALTIMORE : The Sun Book and Job Printing Office. lSS-1. A GENERAL CUTHLOGUE OFFICERS Md SLUMNI / 4> |e0l0gwitl ^".ewiti IN VIRGINIA. 1823--24 1883-84. PREPiiRED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. BALTIMORE: The Sun Book and Job Printing Office. 1884. COMPILEH'S PREFACE. The compiler of this Catalogue has faithfully aimed to make it com- plete. For an)' failure he feels blameless. He endeavored by adver- tisements in the Church papers and on the annual catalogues, to secure the desired information from the living alumni respecting themselves and the hundred and fifty deceased alumni. He then issued six or eight hundred circulars, which were distributed to all Hving alumni, w^hose addresses could be had, specifying all the items of information which were needed. By a most diligent and long-continued corres- pondence, he sought information through every available channel respecting the deceased alumni. In these efforts, both regarding the Hving and the dead, he received from every part of the Union many very gratifying evidences of sympathy in his work, and much and often, unexpected aid. Still he is compelled to issue the work with many gaps. As to the dead, the death of family connections or the removal of many who could not be traced, rendered all efforts unsuccessful. In regard to the living alumni, it will be seen, some have left no trace of their present abode; others have made incomplete returns, failing to give accurate replies, especially of dates ; and a few have neglected or declined, after repeated solicitations, to make any reply whatever. Still, it is believed the work will prove successful to illustrate the value of the Seminary to the Church and world, justify the Board of Trustees in ordering its preparation, and supply the basis for future efforts for enlargement, when the time may arrive to make such desirable. With thanks to all the helpers, and especially to a kind Providence, which has borne him safely through two years, in which all his leisure from projessional work has been given to this enterprise, the compiler submits the results to the alumni and the Church at large. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. Union Seminary was formally opened January i, 1824. The origin of an Institution, especially designed for the education of ministers of the Gospel, is found in the history of the Presbyterian Church, in the Colonial Provinces of North America, settled by emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland. In the early part of the eighteenth century churches were formed, consisting of such emigrants. They were depen- dent on the mother Church in Scotland for a supply of ministers. The rapid increase of population rendering this supply inadequate, measures were adopted for providing for the education of candidates, in classical schools of the highest grade possible, and assigning them, after completing their literary course, to the instruction of " approved divines " for the attainment of a theological education. When circum- stances permitted, some of the candidates resorted to the Universities of the mother country to obtain more extended educational advantages, both literary and theological. The "Log colleges" of the Tennants were illustrations of the importance attached to a thorough education, which has ever been a distinguishing characteristic of Presbyterianism, wherever this form of religious faith and order has existed. While the special purpose of such schools was the education of candidates for the ministry, they were open to all who desired to enjoy the advantages afforded. About the middle of the eighteenth century, Nassau Hall (Princeton College) was established, and before the close of the century other col- legiate institutions were founded : Washington, Jefferson and Dickinson Colleges, in Pennsylvania ; Transylvania, in Kentucky, and Hampden- Sidney and Washington, in Virginia. Connected with this last-named college, while it was known as Liberty Hall and then Washington Academy, there was formed by the Rector, Rev. William Graham, in 1796, the first " theological class " ever known south of the Potomac, and perhaps the first, under Presbyterian auspices^ in the United States. The presidents of these institutions being ministers, and generally teachers of moral philosophy, instructed candidates in their theological 6 studies. In Virginia Rev. Archibald Alexander and Rev. John H. Rice, under the direction of Hanover Presbytery, engaged in efforts, encour- agingly successful, to provide funds for sustaining a professor of theology and for procuring a theological library. In iScQ, the General Assembly took measures to provide more exten- sive advantages for theological education and overtured the Presbyteries to consider and report to the next Assembly, on these three modes of action, (i) the establishment of one theological seminary for the whole church, (2) or, of two, or (3) of one for each Synod. In 18 10, it appeared, that of twenty-seven Presbyteries, six were opposed, for the present, to any action, ten favored the first and ten the third mode, and only one the second. The Assembly decided, that the first plan was favored by a " greater amount of Presbyterial suffrage." This decision was made in view of the importance of prompt action, and the fact, satisfactorily ascertained, that several Presbyteries had rejected that plan under misconceptions, easily obviated. Accordingly, measures were at once adopted, which resulted in the establishment of Princeton Theological Seminary, in 18 12. While, in the Synod of Virginia, some, who had been actively engaged in the work of sustaining the proposed Synodical plan for theological education, yet readily co-operated with the General Assembly, it is evident that the prosecution of the work for the Synodical scheme was not regarded as inconsistent with a sub- mission to the action of the Assembly. Coincidently therefore, with the organization of Princeton Seminary, the Synod appointed Rev. Moses Hoge, D. D. the Synodical " Professor of Theology " and satis- factory arrangements having been made with the Trustees of Hampden Sidney College, of which he was President, by which Dr. Hoge could perform the duties both of the Presidency and the Professorship of Theology, he at once entered on his work. Candidates for the ministry, mostly from Presbyteries East of the Blue Ridge, a few from Lexington and Winchester and from the Presbyteries in North Carolina, resorted to the College for their literary course and continued after its close, pursuing their professional studies under their venerated preceptor. He faithfully performed his duties and his pupils reflected honor on their preceptor in their career in the ministry. The value of Dr. Hoge's labors cannot be too highly estimated. He was an example of true ministerial dignity in daily life, and of eminent efficiency in the pulpit. A thorough, decided and scriptural Calvinist, he was conservative in his teachings, and thus impressed on his pupils and largely on the Synod, a theological character of a decided, yet moderate Calvinistic type, and this has given to that body a potent and happy influence on the Church at large, preventing the growth of ultraism in dogma, on the one hand and of radical and revolutionary- sentiments on the other. After the lamented death of Dr. Hoge, in 1820, the Synod having, for two years, vainly endeavored to fill his place, relegated to the Presbytery of Hanover the authority to carry forward the School of Theology, thereafter changed from being a department in the college, under a Professor of Theology, into a distinct institution, as a " Theological Seminary.'' The Presbytery committed the man- agement of the infant Seminary to a Board of Trustees, consisting of Rev. William S. Reid, of Lynchburg; Rev. Clement Read, of Char- lotte; Rev. John B. Hoge, of Richmond; Rev. Benj. H. Rice, of Petersburg; Rev. John Kirkpatick, of Cumberland; Rev. John D. Paxton, of Goochland ; Rev. Matthew Lyle, Col. James Madison, Capt. Nathaniel P^f' Maj. James Morton, Mr. Moses Treadway and Dr. William S. Morton, of Prince Edward. Rev, Dr. John H. Rice was elected Professor of Theology and the services of Prof. James Marsh, of Hampden Sydney College, were secured to teach the Hebrew lan- guage. Owing to Dr. Rice's serious and protracted illness he did not commence teaching till the fall of 1823, when three students formed the first class. The labors of Dr. Hoge and the character of thirty ministers, trained by him, had a great influence in forming a public sentiment, favorable to the enterprise of establishing the Seminary. The writings of Dr. Rice in the " Evangelical and Literary Magazine " greatly fostered the growth of such a sentiment. Hence, the number of students in 1830-31, had reached nearly fifty. Dr. Rice's labors, during the years 1826-29, had been very successful in increasing the funds of the Semi- nary, In 1826 measures were taken for enlarging the sphere of patronage, by transferring the control of the Seminary to the joint agency of the Synods of Virginia and North Carolina. In 1827 the Synods accepted the transfer and each appointed twelve members of a Board of Directors. This board met November 15, 1827. It con- sisted of sixteen ministers and eight elders. A large majority of them appoinf'd accepted the ofiice and were present at this meeting. To this Board was committed the management of the Institution, except that the Synods reserved the right to elect professors. The election of professors by. the Synods was discontinued in 1834. This power was conferred on an Electoral Board, consisting of the Board of Directors and an Electoral College of the same number of members, appointed by the Synods. All such elections were made by this body, till 1868, when the Trustees, under the charter, were clothed with this authority. Assistant Instructors have been appointed by the Faculty, in some cases, and then confirmed or reelected by the Board; in others, appointed by the Board and in others, for short periods of service, by the Faculty. The Synods retain control of the Board ot Directors and Trustees, exercised by a judgment on their acts, reported to those bodies. The Assembly also has a right of general superintendence, may advise and recommend, but not originate, measures for the management of the Seminary, nor have any controling negative on those of the Board, though, for what may appear good reasons, may send down to the Synods, written expressions of disapproval of the acts of the Board, as reported to it, from year to year. A Catalogue is given below of all who have participated in the instruc- tion of the students, with the dates of the beginning and close of their respective . periods of service. The death of Dr. Rice, September 3, 1 83 1, was a severe stroke of an all wise Providence, and while his place in the instruction of the students was adequately supplied, the institu- tion long felt the want of his services and the loss of his wide and favorable reputation, as a representative of its interests in the churches throughout the land. Of forty-seven students in the year 1830-31, about twenty were from other States than Virginia and North Carolina. Nearly all these failed to return, and the troubles of the Church from 1832 to 1838, culminating in a schism, which separated many active and zealous friends, and lessened many sources of patronage; the pecu- niary disasters of the times ; changes of professors and other causes, greatly retarded the growth and abridged the usefulness of the institu. tion for about twenty years. Yet the Directors, bravely and faithfully sustained by the faculty, reduced after 1838 to two professors and an assistant instructor, never flinched from conflicts with the apathy ot many and the open opposition of others. By judicious agents the funds were gradually increased, and while the support of the instructors was meagre and sometimes very irregularly rendered, the institution was not allowed to incur protracted debts, and in 1852 its interests revived in the Synods, and with three professors since 1849, measures were set on foot, under the encouraging action of the Synods, to add a fourth pro- fessor to the faculty. Vacancies in the faculty by the deaths of Dr. Graham in 1851, and of Dr. Sampson in 1854, were filled. Dr. William J. Hoge was added in 1856, and his resignation in 1859 was followed by the election of Dr. Peck. The year previous to the war found forty students in the Seminary. The war of secession depleted the number of students, till in 1864-65 but one was left. 9 In the summer of 1865 the treasury had no income. The funds, amounting to over $20,000, vested in bank stocks, were a total loss, and the State could not pay interest on its bonds held by the Seminary. In this emergency friends in Baltimore and New York came to the aid of the institution, with contributions sufficient to support it for one year. During 1866-67 the State resumed payment of interest in part on its bonds, and soon, by a noble exhibition of concern for all incorporated literary institutions, ordered payment of full 6 per cent, interest on all bonds held by them. Meanwhile, an effort to repair the loss of bank stock, and also that of investments made in Confederate securities, and to increase the permanent funds, succeeded by the spring of 1869 in addmg nearly $80,000, of which about $15,000 was for library fund and scholarships. A donation of $10,000 was set apart for a library build- ing, and soon after Rev. U. Powers gave, by will, about ten thousand dollars, to be expended, as paid into the treasury, for books. During the last few years Mr. Jos. B. Willson, of Rockbridge, by donations during life and his will, has added nearly $34,000 to the scholarship funds. The seminary has thus not only risen above embarrassment, but has means for an economical support of its instruction and an income from its scholarship fund of $4,000 per annum. The Board not succeeding till 1867 in securmg a charter of incorporation, the funds were deposited for use, under its order, in the hands of the trustees of the General Assembly for several years, and then in the hands of trustees, though with no legal existence. The real estate was placed in the keeping of various trustee boards. In 1867, after various unsuccessful efforts to procure an act of incorporation, the Legislature of Virginia finally granted one, which was accepted. The difficulty of success heretofore grew out of the fact that the Legislature could not recognize an ecclesiastical body as a legal power, and so could not give a charter which took cognizance of the Piesby- terian Church as such. Hence the Legislature would only charter a dose, self-perpetuating corporation, and such a charter the Synods would not accept. In the Act of Jtttr 9, 1867, the difficulty was removed by providing, "The said trustees and their successors, as a board, shall have [.owe:- to fill vacancies in their own body, the persons elected to fill such vacancies to be chosen from the Directors, appointed under the Plan and Constitution of said Seminary." In the fall of 1867 the Synods accepted this charter, and in May, 1868, the Board of 'I'rustees organ- ized. This Board consisted of the members of the Board of Directors. In the catalogue of Directors and Trustees, given on a subsequent page, the letter T prefixed to a name designates the Board as constituted by 10 the Legislature. All Directors elected by the Synods to fill vacancies in the Board of Directors, since 1867, have, by the clause of the charter above quoted, become members of the Board of Trustees. Of the Board as chartered, Messrs. Barr, Cloyd, Tucker, Lanier, Russell, Shepherd and Sherwood do not appear to have qualified as Directors, and so never appeared as Trustees. The present Board, as seen below, contains of course but a small number of the members of the original Board — Rev. Drs. Brown, Read, Rumple, Atkinson and Smith, and Dr. Hutchinson. A house for a Professor with rooms in the third story for ten students, was erected while the Seminary was under control of the Hanover Presbytery. In 1830, two Professors' houses were built. In 1831-32, the first buildmg was extended, a center building and another corres- ponding to the first, as extended in size, were erected, altogether providing a Chapel and Library in its gallery, three lecture rooms and accommodations for about fifty students. In 1854, another Professor's house was built, and about t86o a building was purchased, providing for a mess dining room, eight students' rooms and two for the family attend- ing to the mess. In 1880-81, an elegant and commodious library building, with room for 20,000 volumes, besides 12,000 now held in it^ was erected at a cost of about $17,000, the principal and accumulated interest on the donation for the purpose above mentioned, made by a generous lady of Baltimore. In view of this sketch who " will despise the day of small things ?" How wonderfully has God blessed our Southern Church ?" How eminently wise and foresighted was that eminent man of God, Dr. John H. Rice, whom God raised up and enabled to lay the foundation for the enlarged and abundant facilities now enjoyed by our generation for a complete course of theological training. It is for us rightly to improve for wider blessing to the world, what God has provided for our use! 11 EXPLANATIONS. 1. The word Alu/nni, denotes all who have been matriculated and students of the Seminary for any length of time. 2. The time spent in ihis Seminary iS indicated by a figure in a parenthesis: (2) denotes two years; ( — i) less than one and (i-[~) more than one year. So fractions of 2 or 3 years are denoted. If a graduate, Gr., is added to the figure, as (3, Gr.), or (2, Gr.), &c. If the student has spent any time in some other seminary before coming to this, or after leaving, the name of that seminary is given before or after the indication of time in this, as the case may be, and the time and gra- duation, (if a graduate,) expressed as above, but not in a parenthesis. The class entered is denoted by mid. or sen. preceding the number of the year, thus (mid. 2) denotes entry in middle class and stay of 2 years. 3. Employment of a student, or means of preparation for the Semi- nary, or both, are stated just preceding the above notation of time spent in this Seminary. 4. In the catalogue of alumni, when the minister's work in any place or places is combined in the time, longer spent in another, that work is stated parenthetically, between the date of beginning the longer service and the date of its close. Thus under No. 89 is '' P. Clarkesville '40 — (S. S. and then P. Shiloh, '40 -'42) — 46, which means, P. of Clarkesville '4o-'46 and while thus employed, also S. S. and then P. Shiloh '4o-'42. If only one date follows the name of the church or churches, in parenthesis, it denotes the beginning of that service ; then the figures following the dash after the parenthesis shows that this inter- vening service closed co-incidently with the close of the longer service. Thus No. 655 is " P. Byrd, '81— (Hebron and Rivanna '8? and S. S, Powhatan '83)— '84," which means, that the service of Hebron and Rivanna and Powhatan, commencing '82 and "^i, respectively, closed with that of Byrd, which commenced '81, and ended '84. 5. In the catalogue of officers, the lime when the service commenced is indicated by the date (in years) opposite the name, in theyfr.y/ or left- hand column of dates, and the time when the service ended by the date in the second column. 6. An asterisk preceding the name of an officer or student denotes death ; an asterisk following the date of the close of an officer's service denotes deatli while in office, and following the name of a student, death while a student, 7. The catalogue of Directors and Trustees is confi-ned to those who actually served, and makes no note of appointees by the Synods, who- 12 never attended a meeting and qualified by taking the pledge of office. No notice is taken of the short time in which the Presbytery of Win- chester, while belonging to another Synod, was specially entitled to a representative, since during that time the representation of the Synod of Virginia was reduced by one minister and one elder. 8. If a student is not known to have been a graduate, St or S/i/d. is prefixed to the name of the college or university. When ascertained, the year of graduation is added to the name of the college. Degrees of A. B. and A. M., when reported, are copied into the Record. 9. When the name of a Presbytery has been given connected with Licensure, if ordination has been by the same Presbytery, its name is not repeated. The same rule is observed in recording other relations of a Minister to Presbytery. The name of the Presytery is not repeated till a new presbyterial tirelation may have occurred. ID. Generally the name of the Presbytery to which a church belongs is given. By the changes of Presbyterial relations and other causes, sometimes uncertainty occurs, and the name of the Pby. is omitted. ABBREVIATIONS. ' 1. Names of months and of States and countries are not included in this list, inasmuch as all are presumed to be fam.iliar with such. 2. Alternative forms of abbreviation sometimes occur, which need occasion no difficulty. 3. Some abbreviations, as Col., are used for several full words. Thus Co/, may be for College, for Columbia Sem'y, or Columbia Col- lege. The context will ordinarily make clear what is meant. A. B. C. F. M., American Board of Commissious for Foreign Missions. A. B. Soey., American Bible Society. A. T. Socy., American Tract Society. Acad., Academy ; but also Academical, when used in denoting means of prepara tion for the Seminary. Agt., Agent. A. R. C, Associate Reiormed Chuich. Assoc, Association. Assist. Inst., Assistant Instructor, b., born. Chapl., Chaplain. Chap., Chapel. Ch., Church. Chs., Churches. Col., College. Co., County. Cos., Counties. Com., Committee. G. F. M., Committee of Foreign Missions of Presbyterian Church (South). C. S. A., Confederate States Army. C. S. N., Confederate States Navy. Congr., Congregational. D. D., Doctor of Divinity. D. M., Domestic Missiorary. Ev., Evangelist. E. T., Ecclesiastical Year, as '40-41. 13 F. M., Foreign Missionary. Farm., Farmer. Gr., Graduate. L., Licensed. Lie, Licentiate. Merch., Merchant. My., Missionary. N. S., New School, branch of the Presljytcrian Church. O., Ordained. 0. E. or Ev., Ordained Evan»elist. Orat., Oratory. P., Pastor. P. E., Pastor Elect. P. B. F. M., Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. P. B. P., Presbyterian Board of Publication. P. C. P., Presbyterian Committee of Publication. Ph. D., Doctor of Philosophy. Pby , Presbytery. Pres., President. Prin., Principal. Prof, Professor. R. Rector. Res., Resident. S. S., Stated Supply. St. or Stud., Student. Temp., Temperance. Terry., Territory. U. S. A., United States Army ; also United States of America, used as part title of Northern Church. ABBREVIATED FORMS OF THE NAMES OF COLLEGES. Agr. and M. C, Agricultural and Mechanical College. Amh. C. or Col., Amherst College, Mass. Beth. C, Bethany College, West Va. C. C. K., Centre College, Kentucky. Col. C, Columbia College, Dist. Columbia. Da. C, Davidson College, N. C. Dart. C. or Dartmth. C, Dartmouth College, N. H. D. C. or Dick. C, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. E. and H. C, Emory and Henry College, Va. H. S. C, Hampden Sidney College, Va. J. C. or Jeff. C, Jetferson College, Pa. Jackson C, Jackson College, Tenn. K. C, King College, Bristol, Tenn. La Fay. C, La Fayette or Fayette College, Easton, Pa. Maryv. C, Maryville College, Tenn. Mil. C, Military College. N. H., Nassau Hall — i. e., Princeton College. R. M. C, Randolph Macon College, Va. Rutg. C, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Stew. C, Stewart College, Indiana. So. Han. C, South Hanover College, Indiana. Tusc. C, Tusculina College, Tennessee. Un. Col., Union College, New York. V. M. I., Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. W. C. Mo., Washington College, Missouri. W. C. P., " " Pa. 14 W. C. T., Wasbini;toii College, Teimessee. W. C. v., " " Va. W. and M. C, William and Maiy College, Virgiuia. Westm. Col., Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. Y. C. or Yale C, Yale College, Connecticut. ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES OF UNIVERSITIES. Cumb. Un., Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., sometimes known as Lebanon Universit}-. Cent. L'n., Central University, Kentucky. Ga. Un. or Uu. Ga., University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Johns Hopk. Un., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Ogleth. Un., Oglethorpe University, Georgia. So. W. Un., Southwest L'niversity, Tennessee. Vanderb. Un., Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Un. E. T., University of" East Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Un. Ind. or Ind. Un., University of Indiana. Un. Mich, or Mich. Uu., University of Michigan. Un. Miss, or Miss. Un., University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. Uu. N. C, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Un. O. or O. Un., University of Ohio, Athens, O. Un. Tex. or Tex. Uu., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Un. Va., University of Virginia, Charlottsville, Va. Un. Vt., University of Vermont. ' Uu. W. Va., University of West Virginia. W. an4 L. Un., Washington and Lee University. West. Un., Western University, St. Louis, Mo. ABBREVIATIONS OF NAMES OF PRESBYTERIES. Ab. or Abg. Pby. — Abingdon Presbytery. Ark. " Arkansas " Atl. " Atlanta " • Aug. " Augusta <( Beth. Braz. Bethel " Brazoa (1 C. Miss. " Central Missis sippi Presbytery, C. Tex. Central Texas Charles. " Charleston Chesap. " Chesapeake Chick. " Chickasaw Colb. " Columbia 15 Cone. Pl)y. — Coucord Prc^ ;bytery. E. Ala. " East Alabama u E.Tcx. " Eastern Texas u El). " Ebenezer u Fay. " Fayetteville " Flor. " Florida u Grcenb. " Greenbrier " Harm. " Harmony " Hoist. " Holston (t Knoxv. " Knoxville (( La Fay. " La Fayette (1 Lex. " Lexiuu;ton (( La. " Louisiana " Louisv. " Louisville " Mac. " Macon (( Md. " Maryland (1 Meckl. " Mecklenburg u Memph. " Memphis " Miss. " Mississippi u Mo. " Missouri " Montg'. '' Montgomery u MuhL " Muhlenburg " Nashv. " Nasliville u N. 0. " New Orleans u N. Ala. " North Alabama u N. Miss. " North Mississippi i " Or. " Orange u Ouach. " Ouachita 1( Pad. " Paducah u Palm. " Palmyra u R. Riv. " Red River " Roan. " Roanoke (( Sav. " Savannah u So. Ala. " South Alabama " St. Lo. St. Louis u Transyl. " Transylvania u Tomb. " Tombeckbee " Tusc. " Tuscaloosa (1 Up. Mo. " Upper Missouri u W. Dist. " Western District u W. Lex. " West Lexington u W. H. " West Hanover " Wilm. " Wilmington u Wine. " Winchester " DIRECTORS AND TRUSTEES, 1827-1884, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. T Rev. Henry C. Alexander, D. D 1867—1869 * Mr. Samuel C. Anderson 1832—1841 * Rev. Samuel J. P. Anderson 1844—1846 * Rev. Jesse S. Armistead, D. D 1834—1838 Col. E. M. Armstrong 1868 * Rev. William J. Armstrong 1827 — 1836 T Rev. Joseph M. Atkinson, D, D 1866 Dr. Thomas P. Atkinson 1837—1828 * Dr. Thomas P. Atkinson 1832—1834 Mr. William M. Atkinson (E) 1827—1829 * Rev. William M. Atkinson (M), D. D 1840—1842 * Mr. William Baird 1844—1845 * Rev. Archibald Baker 1847—1854 Mr. R. S. Beale 1871—1874 Mr. John N. Bell 1859—1861 *Col. William A. Bell 1845—1854 * Mr. J. Harman Brown 1877—1879* T Rev. William Brown, D. D 1853 Rev. J. J. Bullock, D. D 1869 Rev. Robert Burwell, D. D 1837—1854 * Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D. D 1827—1828 * Rev Philo Calhoun 1848—1851 Mr. Charles S. Carrington 1848—1855 Mr. William W. Carrington 184'!- 1850 * Mr. James Caskie 1827—1838 Mr. G. Chadburn ■ 1878—1879 * Rev. Nicholas Chevalier 1849—1855 * Rev. Simeon Colton 1837—1838 * Mr. David Comfort 1859 — 1860 Rev. Archibald Currie 1850—1859 * Mr. James Daniel 1827 — 1832 Mr. A. F. Dickson 1873—1874 * Rev. Daniel G. Doak 1841—1843 * Rev. Jacob Doll 1851—1854 Rev. J. W. Douglass 1828—1830 * Rev. J. W. Douglass 1834—1837* * ? Mr. S. D. Downey. 1828-1829 17 * V Mr. John Drxx 1838—1840 * ? Mr. B. Emerson 1838—1839 T Rev. T. U. F.vicKTTE 1860—1867 * Mr. J. H. FiTZGEK.VLn 1827—1830 T Rev. James H. Fitzgerald 18.55—1869 T* Rev. William H. Foote, D. D 1838—1869* Mr. James Gauland 1828 — 1829 * Mr. James Oakland 1840 1804 Rev. George M. Gibbs 1856 1864 * Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D 1826 1839 * Rev. John S. Grasty, D. D ; 18.55—1858 * Rev. John A. Gretter 1845 1847 * Rev. James D. Hall 1841 1842 * Rev. N. H. Harding, D. D 1832 1839 * Rev. Elias Harrison, D. D 184] 1842 Mr. Peyton Harrison 1830 i832 * Rev. Andrew Hart 1838—1857 * Rev. John Hendren, D. D 1838 1842 Rev. Halbert G. Hill, D. D 1872 * Rev. William Hill, D. D 1831 1837 * Rev. Edward Hines 1868 1871 Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D. D 1854—1866 Rev. Samuel R. Houston, D. D 1858 186i> * Rev. Alexander G. Hughes 1847 1850 * Rev. Thomas P. Hunt I834 1837 T Dr. E. Nye Hutchinson 1859 Mr. L. C. Ingliss 1883—1884 Rev. Cyrus Johnson 1852 185S T Rev. F. H. Johnston, D. D 1866 Rev. John L. Kirkpatrick, D. D 1870 Major Thomas J. Kirkpatrick 1884 Rev. Drury' Lacy, D. D 1837 I864 Rev. William S. Lacy' 1880 * Rev. James H. C. Leach, D. D 1830-1838 Mr. Nicholas M. Lewis 1851 1854 * Mr. Warner M. Lewis 1836—1838 Rev. John Leyburn, D. D 1843 184T Mr. J. H. Lindsay 1859—1860 Mr. Robert I. McDowell I875 * Rev. Francis McFarland, D. D 1827 1833 Mr. M. E. Gilvary 1874—1878 T * Mr. Archibald G. McIlavaine 1847 1874 Rev. Colin McIvor 1827 1829 Rev. L. McKiNNON 1871—1873 Rev. EvANDER McNair, D. D 1847—1853 * Rev. G. Wtlson McPhail, D. D 1844—1854 Rev. R. F. Marable 1876 Rev. Alexander Martin, D. D 1871 * Rev. W^iLLiAM N. Mebane 1851 1854 * Rev. A. D. Montgomery 1841—1846 * Rev. Gilbert Morgan 1848-1851 * Rev. James Morrison 1832—1843 * Dr. William S. Morton 1844 1848 18 Mr. William Mirdock 1878 Mr. C. T. Ml;kphy 1871—1870 -* Rev. Fredekick K. Nash 1856—1860 * Mr. William N. Page 1837—1834 * Rev. Samuel Paisley 1831—1833 Rev. Daniel A. Pexick 1830—1836 * Rev. Daniel A. Penick 1851—1853 Rev. P. Tinsley Penick •. 1854—1856 * Rev. Henry N. Pharr 1838—1841 Rev. Samuel C. Pharr, D. D 1855—1859 Rev. Walter W. Pharr, D. D 18.56—1863 Rev. Walter W. Pharr, D. D 1872 * Mr. Eli Phlegar 1860—1862 Rev. William S. Plumer, D. D 1828—1831 * Rev. William S. Plumer, D. D 1834—1847 Rev. Theodorick Pryor, D. D 1848—1852 * Rev. James B. Ramsay, D. D 1859—1864 * Rev. Jesse Rankin 1830—1839 * ? Mr. Charles Read 1827—1838 T Rev. Charles H. Read, D. D 1838 T* Mr. Clement C. Read 1834—1871* * ? Dr. Howell C. Read 1827—1838 * Mr. Nicholas C. Read 1838—1848 *Rev. Williams. Reid, D. D 1827—1834 * Rev. Benjamin H. Rice. D. D 1837—1823 Rev. William T. Richardson, D. D 1870 T Rev. Jethro Rumple, D. D 1863 T Dr. Nicholas M. Roane .' 1852—1860 Rev. Colin Shaw 1874 Rev. B. M. Smith, D. D 1840—1847 Rev. B. M. Smith, D. D 1842—1847 T Rev. Jacob Henry Smith, D. D 1866 * Rev. P. J. Sparrow, D. D 1834—1836 Rev. Conrad Speece, D. D 1830—1832 Mr. J. J. Speed 1848-1858 « Mr. Alexander Sprunt 1880-1884* Rev. James Stafford 1827 — 1830 T* Rev. Stephen A. Stanfield 18.55—1870 T Rev. Samuel D. Stuart 1847—1869 Mr. A. T. Summay v . .1871— 1873 Mr. J. M. Sydenstricker 1873 * Rev. Stephen Taylor 1837—1829 Rev. D. McNeill Turner 1838—1839 * Mr. Abraham W. Venable 1831—1844 Judge F. N. Watkins 1873 Mr. Richard V. Watkins 1848—1864 * Rev. Albertus L. Watts 1840—1841 * Rev. James Weatherby 1^32 — 1834 Rev. Frederick N. Whal-ey 1854 — 1864 Rev. Charles White, D. D 1869 Rev. Henry M. White 1869 T* Rev. William S. White, D. D 1838—1868 * Rev. Alexander Wilson 1834—1840 19 * Rev. Samuel B. Wilson, D. D 1827 1838 * Mr. Samuel Winfree 1834—1838 * Rev. John Witiierspoon, D. D 183.S — 1830 Note. — Of the above members, several of whose death there is no certain knowledge by the compiler, an indication is given I)y (V) connected with the (*). OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Presidents. Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D. D 1837 — 1832 Rev. William Hill, D. D 1832— 183S Rev. Nehemiah H. Harding, D. D 1839 — 1840 Rev. William S. Plumer, D. D 1840—1846 Rev. Drury Lacy, D. D 1847 — 1858 Rev. Samuel R. Houston 1859 i860 Rev. Drury Lacy, D. D 1861 1863 Rev. William H. Foote, D. D 1864 1866 Rev. Stephen A. Stanfield 1807 1869 Rev. William Brown, D. D 1870 1874 Rev. Jethro Rumple, D. 1) 1876 — 1876 Rev. Charles H. Read, D. D 1877—1879 Rev. John L. Kirkpatrick. ^.-i??.' 1880 — 1882 Rev. J. Henry Smith, D. D : 1883— Secretaries of the Board. Rev. William J. Armstrong, D. D 1827 — 1828 Mr. William N. Page 1828—1830 Rev. J. H. C. Leach, D. D 1831—1838 Rev. Andrew Hart 1839—1846 Mr. Clement C. Read 1847 — 1871 Judge F. N. Watkins 1873 Treasurers of the Board. Mr. Henry E. Watkins 1837 Resigd. Mr. Charles B. Williams 1837 — 1838 Mr. James D. Wood 1828—1845 Judge F. N. Watkins 1845 Professors and Assistant Instructors. I. — Systematic, Pastoral and Polemic Theology. * Rev. John H. Rice, D. D January, 1824— Sept., 1831.* * Rev. George A. Baxter, D. D Nov., 1831— April, 1841.* * Rev. Samuel B. Wilson, D. D Nov., 1841— August, 1869 * Rev. Robert L. Dahney, D. D., Adj .Sept., 1854— Sept., 1869. Rev. Robert L. Dabnev, D. D., Principal Sept., 1869— January, 1888. Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D. D September, 1883— 20 II. — Ecclesiastical History and Polity. ■* Rev. Stephen Taylor, D. D November, 183.5— May, 1838. * Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D Sept., 1838— Sept., 1839. * Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D Sept., 1849— Sept., 185a. Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D. D Sept., 1853— Sept., 1859. Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D. D Sept., 1860— Sept., 1883. Rev. James F. Latimer, Ph.D., D. D July, 1884— III. — Oriental Literature. * Rev. Hiram P. Goodrich, D. D November, 1880— May, 1838. * Rev. Samuel h. Graham, D. D Nov., 1839— Sept., 1849. * Rev. Francis S. Sampson, D. D Sept., 1849— April, 1854.* Rev. B. M. Smith, D. D Sept., 18.54— Rev. Walter W. Moore, Adjunct May, 1884 — IV. — Biblical Introduction and New Testament Literature. *Rev. William J. Hoge, D. D * Sept., 1856— April, 1859. Rev. Henry C. Ai.exanuer, D. D > Sept., 1869— By special arrangement, Dr. Wilson taught Biblical Introduction and Pastoral Theology September, i860 — August, 1869. Assistant Instructors. Rev. Hiram P. Goodrich Nov. 1828— April, 1830. Rev. Elisha Ballantine Feb., 1831— April, 1834. Rev. B. M. Smith April, 1834— April, 1836. Rev. Elisha Ballantine April, 1836— April, 1839. Rev. Francis S. Sampson Nov., 1839— June, 1848. Rev. William B. Browne Aug., 1848 — June, 1849. * Rev. Dabney C. Harrison Sept., 1854— April, 18.56. Rev. Thomas Wharey Sept., 1859— April, 1860. Rev. Rutherford R. Houston Sept., 1860— April, 1861. Rev. Walter W. Moore Sept., 1883— May, 1884. The blank in the column of dates of closing service shows that the officers are still in office. 1—5 STUDENTS. 1823— '24. tt\* f,^,^f ™^I^ '^^^«^' S-' Cumberland Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 28, 1795. Merchant. H. a (..18.3 (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. July 8, 1826; My. in CartereviUe and vicinity fi ,«r t": '^^"'^'' ^- ^''- '-'-'-'; P- ^^y^^-i"« ^i^- '^8-'43; P. Cmnberland, 4^ b4 inhrm 64-'69. Died at his residence in Cumberland Mav 30, 1869. [While P. m Cumberland he was a successful agent in securing an endowment for H. S. College.] D. D. H. S. C. .o^o^^Y^^^^^' ^^^^«'^' P'-i"<^e Edward Co., Va. ; bora in Dinwiddle Co., Va., June ?o;T- o ^- ^- ^^^^ ^^- ^'■•)' ^- H^"- Pby^t. 23, 1826; My. Franklin Co., Va., 37-'28; S.S. Salem Pby. '29-'30; O. W. ^by, Nov. 27, 1830; Assist. Rev! Messrs. Mitchell and Turaer, Bedford Co., Va., ia30-'31; Mv. Chesterfield Co., Va., 01-33; P. Hillsboro, Or. Pby. '36-'48 ; Teacher and S. S. (in'part of the'time) Hills- boro, 49-'57; Principal Female College, Charlotte, N. C. '57-'72, [and P Paw (Cald- well) eh., Meekl. Pby. '59-'63] ; Principal Peace Institute, Raleigh, N. C, '72-'S4 ; [also S. S. Oakland ch.. Orange Pby. D. D. Un. N. C. 3.* HUNT, Thomas P., Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. Dec. 3, 1794. Teach, and Stud. Theology with Dr. Moses Hoge 1817-'20 (2. Gr.); L. Han. Pby. June 17, 1824 ; O. June 27, 1826; P. Brunswick ch., Han. Pby., '26-'28; S. S. Raleigh ch.. Or. Pby., '28-'30- Agent Temp. Socy. '30-'32; P. Wilmington, Fay. Pby. (now Wilmington Pby.) 3.-'34; Agt. Temp. Socy. '35-'76, and during the time Agt. for the Metropolitan ch. Washmgton city, and for Lafayette College, Pa. Died in Phila. in the Home of a daughter, Dec. 5, 1876. Author; tracts, "Wedding Davs of Former Times " "The Drunkard's Friend," "Death by Measure," "Liquor Selling a System of Fraud," " Judge Johnston and his Times," " It will not Injure me," " The Bible Biiptist." 1824-25. 4.* SMITH, Heniiy, Washington Co., Va. ; b. 1790. Acad. (2.) L. Han. Pby April 30, 1827; O. W. H. Pby. June 4, 1830; My. Lunenburg, '30-'32 ; P. Pole Green and Salem chs., E. H. Pby.'33-'38 [also Principal Washington Henry Academy] ; P. same Han. Pby. (N. S.) '39-'43 ; S. S. New Kent '46-\50; Teacher '51-'5^ ; S. S. Glade Spring New River Pby. (N. S.) 'o5-'58; Teacher in Abingdon \54-'60; S. S. various churches m Tennessee, near Murfreesboro' '00-'67; S. S. Green Spring, Ab. Pby. '(;7-'69. Died Jonesboro , Teun., January 28, 1870. 1825-26. 5.* BARKSDALE, Johx, Albemarle Co., Va. ; b. Oct. 9, 1798. IT. S. C. 1825 (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. April, 1828; O. Ev. Nov. 10, 1828; My. in Amelia and founder of Amelia ch. Died in Albemarle, 1829. 22 i825-'26— 1826-27 6— 6* BARTLETT, Francis, Athens, O. H. S. C. 1825 (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. April 30, 1837; 0. June 20, 1829 ; My. in Brunswick, Va., '27-'31 ; P. Bethel ch., Lancaster Pby., Nov. 28, 1832-'3T; P. Belpre 1837; P. Bethel '39-' 40; Agt. Athens Pby. '•i3-'.55; S. 8. Chester '.59. Probably became P. of Congr. ch. His name no more occurs. Died March 10, 1868. 7. HOWE, NoRVAi. D., Licking Co.. O. L. Han. Pby. October 27, 1829. License revoked W. H. Pby. Oct. 17, ISSI. 8.* McINTYRE, Dugalb, Tennessee. L. (probably), Abingdon Pby. 1827; O. (probably), Abingdon Pby. 1828; S. S. Royal Oak, &c., Ab. Pby.'38-'32; Sharon, &c., '33-3.5, W. C, '3.5-'38. P. Providence ch., Crawfordsville Pby. 1839; Infirm and W. C. till death, E. Y. 1851-2. 9.* TENNEY, Roswell, Hanover, N. H., Dartmth. Col. ? (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. Apl. 26, 1828 ; O. Ev. W. H. Pby. Nov. 23, 1829 ; S. S. Lebanon and Mountain Plains, '30-'31; S. S. Salem and Blacksbury, Lexg. Pby. 1832-'35; S. S. Unity, Lancaster Pby. O. '36-'38; P. Logan, Athens Pby. 39-' 40; 8. S. Fearing and Salem, '46; S. S, Amesville, '.50-'.56; W. C. '58-'66. Died Marietta, O., Aug. 7, 1866. 10.* WHITE, William Spotswood, Hanover Co., Va. ; b. July 30, 1800; H. S. C. (2.) L. Han. Pby. April 30, 1827; My. Amelia, Nottoway and Dinwiddie Cos., 1827-'29; 0. Ev. Nov. 16, 1828, P. Nottoway ch. 1829-'32 ; P. Scottsville and Mar's Hill chs. 1832-'34; Agent of the Am. Tract Socy. 1834^'.36; S. S. South Plains ch. 1837, and then P. l838-'39 ; P. Charlottsville, and in the earlier part of the time, S. S. of South Plains, 1840-' 48 (principal of a female school for the same time) ; P. Lexington ch. Lex. Pby. 1848-'67. Infirm '67-73. Died in the house of his son-in-law, Nov. 29, 1873. D. D. Author " The African Preacher." 1826-2']. 11.* HART, Andrew, Albemarle Co., Ya. ; b. at Sunny Bank, Albemarle, Sept. 1.5, 1804; H. S. C. 1826 (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. May 6, 1829; O. W. H. Pby. Sept. 8, 1830; P. Village ch. Charlotte C. H., Va., 1830-'47; Agent of Un. Seminaiy, 1848-'49 ; S. S. Cub Creek ch. 1849— (Old Concord '51-' .54, and Providence '.55— )-'.57; P. Buchanan ch., Montg. Pby., 1858— (and S. S. High Bridge I860)— 1875. Infirm '75-'77. Died in Buchanan April 23, 1879. 12.* HURD, Samuel, Hanover, N. H. (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. May 6, 1829 ; O. Ev. W. H. Pby. July 10, 1830; S. S. Mar's Hill '31; W. C. '32; S. S. Grcensburg and Mill Cr. Indianapolis Pby. '34-'36; S. S. Holly Springs '38-'41 ; College '42; W. C. '43-' 46. Died in 1847. 13. McCALLUM, Angus, Robeson Co., N. C. Acad. (4. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. April, 1830; O. Oct., 1831; P. Euphrania and Butfalo chs. '31-'38; S. S. Waterford, Hope- well, Greenwood and Carolina chs. in Presbyteries of Tombeckbee, Clinton and Holly Springs, '39-'48 ; S. S. Union Miss. Pby. '49-'.54; Castle Hill, '55; Providence, '56; Ebenezer and Red Lake, '57; Red Lake, '58, Meadsville, '57-63; Providence, '66-'71 aud'76-'80; Ebenezer, '73-' 7.5. Infirm, '81-'84. 14.* McEWEN, John, Camden, So. C, b. in Scotland, 1798. (2.) L. Cone. Pby. 1828; O. Harmony Pby. May, 1830; P. Harmony and Sumterville, '31-'32; S. S. Har- mony and Williamsburg, '33. Died May 31, 1833. 15.* POLLARD, WiLLi.\M H. Acad. Res. Lie. (1.) L. Han. Pby. Oct. 3, 1823; O. Ev. July 7, 1838; My. in Halifax, Campbell and adjoining counties, '28-'38 ; W. C. '38 ■43. Joined the Baptist Ch. in 1843 and died about 1844. 27— 1826-27 — 1827-28 23 16.* ROBINSON, James, Albeniarle, Va. L. Lex. Pby. April 2.5, 1829. Died at PriDce Edward C. H. July 39, 1839. 17.* ROYALL, John G., Lynchburg, Va.; b. Amelia Co., Va., Dec. 2, 180.5. H. S. C. 183G. (:i Gr.) L. Han. Pby. May 0, 1839; O. W. H. Pby. Oct. 34, 1882; S. S. Peters- burg, Va., 1839-'30; My. Fautiuicr Co., Va., '30-'34; P. Winchester, '34-'38. United witli the N. S. ch. in 1839; S. S. Cedar Run, Bethesda, Culpepper and Grove chs.; Fauquier Co., Va., '39-'56. Died suddenly at his home, in Fau(iuier Co., Va., Feb. 17, 185«. 18.* RUSSELL, Daniel Livermore, Concord, N. II.; b. Nov. 37, 1800. L. Han. Pby. May 6, 1829; O. Ev. W. H. Pby. April 36, 1830; S. S. Chapel Hill, Or. Pby., 33, Washington, 1834; S. S. and then P. Oxford, Tom-beckbee Pby., '38-' 42; S. S. Frank- lin, Clinton Pby., '43-' 45; S. S. Richland, '48; joined the Baptist Church, in the communion of which he died. 19.* WATT, John Sinclair, Richmond, Va.; b. Richmond, Va., Jany. 23, 1802. H. S. C. '30. (3. Gr.) L. Han. Pby. May (i, 1839; O. Ev. W. H. Pby. Oct. 34, 1831; My. Amelia, etc., and S. S. Staunton, Va., Lex. Pby., 1831-1840; S. S. Augusta, Ebenezer Pby., '4r43. After returning to Virginia his health and other causes pre- vented any regular ministerial work, and lie engaged mainly in teaching and preacli- ing, as he had opportunity, till his death, in a friend's home near Petersburg, Jan. 5, 1879. 1827— '28. 30. ALLISON, Robert, Iredell Co., N. C. Taken under care of Concord Pby. May 1.5, 1839, and parts of trial assigned, but no further mention of him. 31.* BLAIN, John Stephen, Rockingham Co., Va.; b. about 1800. St. W. C, Va. (1.) L. Lexg. Pby. April 35, 1839 ; O. Ev. Oct. 33, 1830 ; S. S. Tygart's Valley, '30-'40 ; S. S. Rocky Spring and New Bethany, '40-'57; Rocky Spring, '.57-'70; infirm, '71-'72; died Oct. 8, 1873. 33.* BROWN, Joseph, Robeson Co., N. C; b. Aug. 7, 1795. Acad. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. May 1.5, 1830; O. May 19, 1833; S. S. and then P. Ashpole, Little Pedee and Philadelphia '33-'37; S. S. Buffalo '38; P. Hopewell, Harmony Pby., '39-'58. Died May 17, 18.59. 33.* CALDWELL, Robert L., Mecklenburg, N. C; b. 180.5. Uu. N. C. L. Cone. Pby. Nov. 15, 1838; O. Oct. 8, 1831; P. Fourth Cr. Ch. '31-'33. Died Nov. 17, 1833. 34. COINER, David H., Augusta Co., Va. St. W. C. V. (3.) L. Lexington Pby. Oct. 35, 1830; license withdrawn Oct. 8, 1843; O. Franklin Pby. Aug. '48; P. Genoa ch. '48-'.58; teacher, Chap'l U. S. A., S. S. Eden and Res. Kilbourn, Ohio, 1881. 35.* McIVER, Alexander, Moore Co., N. C; b. April 3, 1801. Acad. Teacher (3.) L. Fay. Pby. April 3, 1839; O. Ev. Dec. 18, 1830; My. in eastern part of N. C. '30-'31 : S. S. Grove and Union chs. 1831-'39. Died Oct. 14, 1839. 26.* RUSSEL, Robert D., Guilford Co., N. C; b. March 39, 1793. Acad. (3.) L. Or. Pby. April 38, 1839; My. in Southwest '33-'35; S. S. Nauafalia, So. Al. Pby., '37-43; occasional supply '41-'51, Inrirm '53-'66. Died at Nanafalia, Al., April 16, 1867. 37.* WATTS, Albertus Leander, Iredell Co., N. C; b. Nov. 35, 1801. Un. N. C. (2.) L. Cone. Pby. Nov. 1.5, 1838; S. S. Drusilla ch. '29; 0. Ev. Or. Pby. Dec. 10, 1831; My. in Caswell Co., N. C, '31-'33; S. S. Bethany '33; P. Nutbush'33; My. ';i4_'35; s. s. Emmanuel and Long Cr. chs., Morganton (noAv Concord) Pby., '3.5-'3G, and P. of same '37-'38; P. Lincolnton and Long Cr. chs. '39-' 40; S. S. Steele Cr. ch.. Cone. Pby., '41, and P. of same '43'-54. Died at his home, near Charlotte, N. C, January 33, 1855. 24 1828-29 28— 1828— '29- 38. BALLANTINE, Elisha, Athens, Ohio; b. Schodach Landing, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Oct. 11, 1809. Ohio Uu. (3 + Gr.) L. Pby., Columbus, Oct., 1831 ; O. Ev. W. H. Pby. April 18, 1834; Assistant Instructor Union Seminary, Va., February, '31, April, '34; again, after absence in Europe, April, 1836, September, 1838 ; Teacher Prince Edward C. H. '39-'40; P. Douglas ch., Han. Pby. (JS. S.) '40-'48; P. First ch., "Washington city, '48-'51; infirm '.52-'.54; Prof. Greek Un. Ind., Bloomington, Ind., ■54-'o7; S. S. Bloomington ch. '.57-'70; half time (except '67-'69 whole time, and ■'67-'69 Teacher in Lane Theol. Seminary) W. C. Res. Blooniington,'79-'84. Author ; ♦> Christ His Own Witness." l:>mo.; N. T., 1877. 29.* CABLE, Jonathan, Athens, Ohio; b. Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., Ju. 15, 1799. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 18, 1831 ; O. Ev. July 10, 1832 ; W. C. '33-'34; My. Lancaster Pby. '36-'37: "W. C. '38; P. Reynoldsvillc, ()., and Sand Cr.. Ind.; S. S. various churches in Ohio, cS.c., till 1881. Res. Danville, Iowa, 1884. Died Danville, June 13, 1884. 30.* GOLLADAY, Pktek H., Montgomery Co., O.; b. Augusta Co., Va., April 10, 1802. W. C. V. 1828; Teacher, &c., Lex. Pby. 1831; S. S. Kerr's Cr. ch. '31; O. E. Oxford Pby. 1832; S. S. Eaton ch. '33-'34; Venice '3fi-'37 ; New Lexington '38; Venice '39; Harrison '40-'55 (and Providence '44-48); Sardinia and Union, White Water Pby., '55-'60; Mt. Carmel '61-'65; Harrison again, Oxford Pby., '67-'69 ; Dunlaps- ville, AVhite Water Pb}-., '70-'74; Centreville '74-'7(5; Harrison again '74-83. Died at his home in Harrison, December 16, 1883. 31.* HENDERSON, Daniel C, Robeson Co., N. C. Acad. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Oct. 10, 1831; O. Clinton Pby. 1836; S. S. Harmony, Mineral Spring, tvzc, '31-'33; S. S. Pisgah, Miss. Pby., '34; S. S. Pine Grove, La. Pby., '37; S. S. Birdville, Texas, •53-'58; S. S. Delhi and Union chs., C. Miss. Pby., '58-'69. Died November, 1809. 32. HOWE, Hiram R., Licking Co., O. ; b. Franklin Co., Vt., May 25, 1798. Acad. <3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 18, 1831; My. in Buckingham Co., Va ; O. Jun., 1832 ; P. Huntington and Raccoon chs., Athens Pby., '32-'84. 33. HOWE, Timothy W., Licking Co., O.; b. May 12, 1804. Teach. St. Ohio Un. (3. Gv.) L. W. H. Pby. April 18, 1831; O. E. H. Pl>y. May, 1S34: 1'. Amelia ch. '34- '39; P. Pataseala, Lancaster Pby., '41-84. 34.* KNOX, James, Carlisle, Pa.; b. Junes, 1807. D. C. Pa. a.) 2, Princeton. L. Carlisle Pby. 1830; O. New Castle Pby. Nov. 21, 1832; P. New Castle ch. '32-'34; S. S. Congl. ch., Norwalk, Conn., '34-'39; S. S. Bethel, Conn., '40-'42; P. 2d ch., Washing- ton City, '43; P. 10th ch., N. Y., '46-'52; Teacher Sturgis, Mich., '53-'59; P. Hillsdale, '60-'61; P. E. 1st ch., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, '64 -'7.5. Died Delphos, O., Oct. 10, 1875. 35. LACY, Druky, Prince Edward Co., Va.; b. Aug. 5, 1802. II. S. <;. 1822. Teach. '23-28. (3. Gr.) L. W^ H. Pby. April 11, 1833; My. in Amelia, ^tc, '3:V;34; O. Ev. E. H. Pby. April, 1833; P. Newbern, Or. Pby., '34-'37; P. Raleigh '37-'.55; Pres. Davidson Col. '.5.5-'61 ; My. Or. Pby. '61-'62; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'fl5; S. S. Melbourn, Oakland, Haywood and Pittsboro chs. '66-'78, and Teacher Peace Institute part of this time. Infirm '78-84. Author of ''Occasional Sermons." D. D. Un. No. C. 36.* LINDLEY, Daniel, Athens Co., O.; b. Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1801. Univ. O. 1824. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. Oct. 10, 1831 ; O. Cone. Pby. Nov. 7, 1832; P. Rocky River ch. '32-'34; My. among the Zulus, under A. B. C. F. M., '34-'77; Agent A. B. C. F. M. in N. Y. '77-'80. Died'in N. Y. Sept. 3, 1880. —45 1828-29— 1 828-^o 25 :JT.* .Mi(;UT(IlAN, John S., Kockhiitue Co.. Va.; b. Augusta Co.,Va., Julyl), 1807. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pbv. April 30. 1H3] ; O. Ev. Or. Pby. June 23, 183:5; S. S. Nutbush '33-34; S. 8. Morj^auton ch., Morgantou (now Concord) Pby. '30-'39; S. S. and then F. Goshen and New Hope 1840-'45 ; S. 8. and tlicn P. Bethany and Tabor 1846-'4S. Died in Salem, Va., on his way to Roekbridiie, Va., June 2V), 1848. 38. MAHON, JosEi'ir, Shippeusburg, Fa.; b. in Cumberland Co., Pa., June 25, ISOo. Jet". C. 1824. Teaeher. (2. Gr.) Princeton. L. Carlisle Pby. 1831 ; O. N. Bruns- wick Pby. April 1836; Agt. Board of Education '31-'3o; P. Lawrenceville, N. Y., '36-' 48; Agl. Board of Publication '50- o4 ; Agt. Pa. Col. Socy. '5(>-'(i0; Chapl. U. S. Army '62-'(54; S. S. Petersburg and Irish Grove chs.. 111., '7l-'72; Ev. '74-'84; Res. Shippensl)urg, Pa., 1884. 30.* MEBANE, Alexakuek, Orange Co., N. C. : b. Orange (now Alamance Co.,) N. C, Sept., 1800: L. Or. Pby. Oct 10, is:il ; O. Ev. E. H. Pby. May 19, 1832; S. S. Third ch., Riehmond, '30-38; P. '3()-'40. Died at his residence in Richmond, Jan. 20, 1846. 40. MORRISON, James Elijah, Cabaniis Co., N. C. ; 1). Sep. 5, 1805. Un. N. C, Teacher. (3.) L. Cone. Pby. April, 1832; O. Sept., 1834; S. S. '36-'37; then P. Beth- phage and Concord town '28-'52; My. Cone. Pby. '52-'69; S. S. Lebanon '69-'80, teacher six years in Concord and Principal Anson Academy 'G5-'84. 41.* RAMSAY, Jesse T., Alexandria, \a. L. Dist. Col. Pby., 1851. Withdrew from the ministrv with consent of Pbv. ix'-'A : died 1860. 1829 — '30. 42. AGNEW, JoHS Robinson, McCoiinelsburg, Pa. ; b. June 8, 1810. D. C. Pa. 1829. (2.) Princeton, L. E. Han. Pby. April 16, 1834 ; O. Ev. Alleglicny Pby., April 3, 1838; My. Choctaw Indians '34-'36; S. S. and then P. Scrabgrass, Lawrcnceburg and Harrisville ciis.. Pa.. '37-45; Agt. Lafayette Col. '46; W. C. '48; S. S. Welsh Run ch. '49-51; Agt. Board of Colportage, Synod of Pittsburg, '51-'52; S. 8. Pine Cr., Deer Cr., &c., '52-53; Chestnut Grove ch.. Bait. Pby., '53-'55; Smithtield and Rich- mond, near Steubenvillc, O., and Prof. Female Seminary '55-'59; S. S. Monnaghan ch., itec, 1860-61 ; Agt. Liueolu Univ. ; Supeiiutendeut of Col'd School and church, Columbia, Tenn., '67-'()9; Chapl. Missouri Penitentiary "69-'71; Agent Am. Bible Soc'y '71-72; Res. VV. C. Greeucastle, Pa., '73-'84. 43. BARR, Absalom K., Rowan Co., N. C. Uu. N. C. (2.) L. Cone. Pby., Oct. 5, 1832 ; O. Nov. 5, 1S;54; S. S. 1st ch., Cato, Cayuga Pby. '36; S. S. 2nd church, Mar- -'50; S. S. Steuben, O., '51-53; W. C. '54; suspended Sep 6, 1854. 44.* BISHOP, FiEKEi'ONT Edwauds, Prince Edward Co., Va. ; It. Amherst, Apiil 11, 1803. H. S. C. 1829. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 19, 1833; O. E. Bethel Pby. April 26, 1833; S. S. Ebenezer church, Belhel Pby., '35-'37; P. of same '38-' 46; S. S. Yorkvillc '47 ; S. S.'50, and P. of Bcthesda '50-56 ; S. S. Bcunettsville and Great Pedce, Harmony Pby., and then P. Great Fcdee '5(;-'57, and Bcunettsville '58-'59; died March 5, 1S.59. 45." BROWN, Henrv, Rockbridge Co., \'a. ; b. Nov. 28, 1804. W. C. V. 1827. Princeton. (2.) L. Lex. Pby. April 25, 1S20; O. Aug. 27, 1831; My. and S. S. Shema- a-iah, '3]-'37; Wilmington, N. C, '38-40; Harrisonburg, Va., '40-52; P. Goshen and Pisgah '53-57 ; Lake City, Fla., '57-59; S. S. m Cherokee Pby., Ga., '59-'61; Chapl. C. S. A. '61-'65; S. S. Mars Hill, Lel)anon and Pleasant Forest, Tenn., Knoxv. Pby., "'66-'73; S. S. Palatka and Enterprise, Fla., St. John's Pby., '73-'77; Ev. Rockbridge •Co., V:i., '77-'S0. Died at his son's residence, Marliii, Tex., Jan. 14, 'SI. 26 1829-30 46— 46 * CALHOUN, Philo, Green Co., N. Y. ; b. Sept. 6, 1805. Un. C. 1825. Teacher, (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 32, 1833; O. Ev. April 19, 1833; S. S. Washington, N. C, '33; Finneywood, Lacy-Hoge and Bluestone, '34-'36; Prof. W. C. Va. '37-. 53; Prin. ^/ Female School, Christiansburg, '.5.5-'59 ; Teacher Selma, Ala., '59; Thibodeaux, La., '60-'61; Houuna'fil-'62; in various places Y)2-'(i5 ; Prof. Oakland Coll., Miss., '66-'68; S. S. Bethel, Ark. Pby., '69; Osark '70; Jerterson, Tex., '71 ; S. S. Vienna, La., '72: Died in Vienna, July 29, 1872. 47.*- COCKE, Stephen Frederick, Spring-tield, Washington Co., Ky. ; b. Jan. 1, 1810. (2.) Princeton. L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 22, 1832; O. E. Jun. 14, 1834; P. Bethany J '35-'37; S. S. Fincastle, Lex. Pby., '37-38 and P. same '39-' 44 ; Res. Little Rock, Ark.,'4.5-'46; S. S. Victoria, Texas, '4(>-' 49 ; My. Residence, Port Lavaca, '49-' 52: Agt. Indianola '.52-'.56. Died at his home in Texas, July, 18.50. Author "Funeral Sermon of Col. Wm. Anderson," 1839. 48.* FOREMAN, Stephex, Oo-you-giligee, Cherokee Nation, Ga. ; h. Oct. 22, 1807. Acad. (1.) Princeton. Theol. Depart., Marysville Coll., Tenn. ; L. Union Pby. 1833(''); O. 1834; S.S. Candy Cr. ch., Cher. Nat., '3^'38: My. in Cher. Nat. '38-'6l'; Res. Tahlequah, Ark., '62-'64; Park Hill, Cher. Nat., Indian Terry. ; My. '6.5-'67; Res. Tahlequah, Ark., '07-'70; S. S. Park Hill '71-' 74; F. M. '7.5-'80; S. S. Park Hill '81. Died E. Y. 1881-'82. 49.* JOHNSTON, Tiiomas P., Iredell Co., N. C. ; b. Rowan Co., N. C, Oct. 28, 1808. Un. N. C. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. Oct. 5, 1832; O. Ev. Oct. 4, 1833; My. Trebizond, Turkey, '33-'53; My. in Cone. Pby. and Agt. A. B. Socy. in Miss. '54-'59; My. again and Colporteur '60-'82. Died, Fort Mills, So. C, May 31, 1883. 50.* McINTOSH, John R., Richmond, N. C. Acad, and St. H. S. C. (4. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Oct. 4, 1834; O. Nov. 24, 1836; S. S. Centre '37-'38 and P. '39-'46; W. C.'47; Pres. Laurel F. Col. '48; S. S. Laurel Hill '49-'54; S. S. Eufaula, Ala., '.5.5-'57, and again '60-'62; Teacher '63-'66; Teacher, Columbus, Ga., '67-'76; W. C. '77-'80. Died E. Y. 1880-'81. 51. McINTYRE, James, Chester Co., Pa.; b. Oxford, Pa. J. C, Pa.,{l+.) Andovcr gr. L. Newcastle Pby.; O. same; P. Elkton and Glasgow chs. twelve years and Ashland four years. Res. Elkton, Md., 1883-'84. 52. McLEAN, Hector, Robeson Co., N. C ; b. Aug. 18, 1807 St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 6, 1832; O. Dec, 1833; P. Antioch ch. '33-'84. 53. McNAiR, EvANDER, Richmond Co., N. C; b. Robeson Co., N. C, April 7, 1814. Acad. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 6, 1832; O. Dec. 21, 18.33; P. Bethesda, Long St- and Cyprus, '33-'51 ; P. Galveston, Tex., '.52-'.55; S. S. Fayctteville, N. C, '56; P. Eufaula '59-'66 ; (also Chaplain C. S. A.) S. S. Pine Bluff, Ouachita Pby., '67-79; S. S. Lebanon and Bethesda, Fay. Pby., '81-'84. D. D. 54.* McNEILL, Hector, Richmond Co., N. C. L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 9, 1833; O. June 6, 1835 ; P. Averasboro and Shiloh 1836-'38; S. S. Bethel, Lumber Bridge, Ac, '39-'41; and P. '45-'71. Died Melrose, N. C, Nov. 21, 1871. 55.* MANN, Royal, Grafton, N. H.; b. Oxford, N. H., Nov. 6. 1805. Dartm. Col. 1829. (2.) Andover Gr. Teacher six years. O. Congr. Assoc, at Marion, Mar. 10, 1839; P. Cong, ch., Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., and Teacher Marion College '39-' 43 ; P. Congr. ch., Chili, then Presby. ch. Webster, then at Marion again; then Presby, ch. Hector, and afterwards at Pentield, 1859, and in N. Y., engaged in farming. Res. Marion, where he died Aug. 10, 1875. 56.* MASON. John, of New York; b. Nassau, N. Y., Dec. 4, lSi07. Un. C. 1828; Princeton (1. + ) Princeton. O. N. Y. Pby. Nov. 13, 1833; P. Rondout, N. Y., '3:3-'35 P. New Rochelle '36-'37 ; P. Bridesburg, Pa.; '38-' 40. Died 1844. —66 1829-30— i83C-'3i 27 57. PATTON, John, D. D., Cecil Co., Md.; h. May 18, 1808. J. C. Fa. (2.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct., 1831; O. New Castle Pby. Dec. S), 1833; S. S. Chestnut Level and Little Britain '32, and P. '32-'35; P. Western cli. 4th Pby. Phila. (N. S.) '35-'43; P. Ist oh. Northumberland, Harrisburg Pby. (N. S.) '43-'-47; Agt. Phila. Ed. Socy. and S. S. Logan Sq. ch. (N. S.) '47-'65; P. Forest ch., Wilmington Pby. (N. S.; '65-'80; W. C. Res. Philadelphia, '81-84. 58.* PHARR, Dion Cassius, Mecklenburg, N. C; b. Feb. 25, 1800. H. S. C. 1829. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 21, 1832; O. Lex. Pby. Aug. 22, 1836; S. S. Covington ch. '36-'51 ; and Locust Bottom '5;i-'54. Died Covington, Nov. 20, 1854. 59.* PIERSON, Philip, Granville, N. C; 1). May, 1801. Acad. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. Oct. 11, 1831; O. Ev. Jun. 22, 1832; S. S. Lex. ch. '34-'35; S. S. Harmony ch., Harmony Pby., '37; P. Midway '38-'73. Died in his pulpit Nov. 9, 1873. 60.* PRICE, S.A.MUEL Joseph, Prince Edward Co., Va.; b. Sept. 30, 1809. H. S. C. 1829. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 22, 1832; O. Or. Pby. Oct., 1833; P. Hillsboro »33-'35; 8. S. Peaks and Pisgah, W. H. Pby., '36; Prin. Female School, Charlotte C. H., Va., '37-' 40; S. S. Hat. Cr. and My. Campbell Co., Va., '40-'43 ; S. S. Bethlehem and Walker's chs. '43-'51; P. Bethlehem and Little Concord, '52-'57; Agt. Union Scmy. '58-'60 and '63-64; My. '62-'65 ; Teacher Yanceyville, N. C, '65-'66; Prin. Female Col. Lausous C. H. So. C. and S. S. Friendship ch.. So. C. Pby., '66-' 69 ; Teacher Laurens C. H. '70; P. Lancasterville and Douglass chs., Bethel Pby., '70-'71. Died Lancasterville, Nov. 1, 1871. 61. SMITH, Aristides Spyker, Petersburg, Va.; b. Abingdon, Va., Mar. 18, 1809. Y. C. 1828. (1 +.) Princeton Gr. L. E. H. Pby. 1832; O. Ev. 1833; My. Brunswick Co., Va., '33-'34, and Southampton '35; P. Drummondstown '37-'39; Teach. Abing- don '39-' 40; O. Deacon in P. Episcopal Ch. Oct. 18, 1840, and Presbyter Nov., 1841; R. Brandon Parish 1841-'45; S. S. and Prin. School, Tuscaloosa, Alab., '45-'47; Prin. Norfolk F. Institute '47-'61; R. Christ ch., Nashville, '61-'62; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'64; S. S. and Prin. School, Balto., '65-'67; R. St. Paul's Parish, Q. Ann Co., Va., '67-'72; Teach. Petersburg, Va., '72-'73; R. Riugwood, N. C, '73-'84. D. D. Un. N. C, 1879. 62. SMITH, ViNAi., Albany, N. Y., Licentiate of W. H. Pby. in '37-'39. W. C, no farther trace. 63. TOWLES, John Wolcott, Montgomery, Mass. (-1.) No effort to trace him has succeeded. Probably he entered the ministry of the Cong. Church. 64. WILLIAMS, Caleb Steadman, Winthrop, Mass. S. S. in Amelia. United with Cougr. Church in Maine, 1832. Never ordained. Deposed for unsoundness oi doctrine, 1842. 65. YATES, William Black, Charicston, S. C; b. Feb. 19, 1809. (1.) Princeton and then Columbia. L. Charicston, Union Pby., 1833; O. Dec. 2, 1835; S. S. 1st ch., Charicston, '33; Chapl. Seaman's Chapel '36-'82. Died July 12, 1882. 1830— '31- 66.* BALLANTINE, Henry, Athens, O.; b. Schodach, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Mar, 5, 1813. (1.) Princeton and Andover. L. Portsmouth Pby. O. (?) O. Columbus Pby. April 6, 1835 ; My. A. B. C. F. M. in India ; Ahmednuggur '36-' 49, '52-'65. Died at sea, off Cape St. Vincent, Portugal, on return to L^. S. Nov. 9, 1865. ■2S 1830-3 1 — 1831-32 67— 6T. CALDWELL, Johx M. M.. Mecklenburg, N. C; b. near Charlotte, N. C, July 17, 1S13. St. Un. Ga., 1829. (3.) L. Cone. Pby. Sept. 5, 1831; My. in Rutherford and Anson Cos. '34-'37; O. Oct. 30, 1835; P. Sugar Creek '37-' 45; My. in Western Ga, '45-'52; P. Rome, Ga., '52-'57; Pres. Synod F. Coll., Rome, '57-'63; Prest. F. Col. ot ■Cone. Pby. Statesville '64-'67; Pres. Edgeworth F. Col. Greensboro, N. C, '68-'71 ; Pres. Fern. Col. Rome, Ga., '71-84. 68.* CAMPBELL, Alexa>-i)ER Wheeleh, Lexhigtou, Ky.; b. Fleets, Chesterfield Co., Va., May 4, 1803. Acad. (2.) L. W. Lex. Pby.; O. W. H. Pby. Sept., 1831; S. S. Ne-iv London, Va., '33-'84; Ev. Wluc. Pby. '35-'36; P. Lovettsville '36-'37. Seceded to New School Ch. '39, D. May '41; Winch. Pby. (N. S.) to Green River Pby. (?) N. S.; S. S. Paducah ch. '43-'48. Died Paducah, Ky., Jan. 9, 1848. 69.* DUTTON, Francis, of Connecticut: b. Lebanon. Conn., June 28, 1790. Liceutiate of Lex. Pby. Oct. 23, 1826. (3. Gr.) O. Lex. Pby. Ap. 28, 1835; S. S. Point Pleasant '34-'38. Died there Aug. 15, 1839. 70. HALL, James Davidson, Iredell Co., N. C; b. near Statesville, N. C, Mar. 17, 1806. Un. N. C, 1828. Teacher in Washington, N. C, '28-'ri9. (2.) L. Cone. Pby. Mar. 6, 1833; O. E. Or. Pby. Nov. 8, 1834; P. Thyatira and Franklin ehs., Cone. Pby., ^36-' 46; S. S. Goshen, New Hope and Olney '46-'58; P. Gbshen '58-'76. Infirm and W. C. '76-' 84. 71.* Mccormick, Duncax S., Richmond Co., N. C. L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 9, 1833; O. So. Al. Pby. Oct. 1, 1838; P. Pea River ch., So. Al. Pby., 1838-40. Died between Oct. 15, '40, and Ap. 1, '41. 72.* PEABODY, David, Massachusetts ; b. Topsfield, April 16, 1805. Dart. C. 1838. Andover(mid. 1.) O. Not. 5, 1832; P. 1st ch., Lynn, Mass., '32-'35; P. Worcester '35-'38 ; Prof. Orat. Dart. C. '88-'39. Died at Dart. Col. Oct. 17, 1839. 73. PRYOR, TiiEODORiCK Bland, Dinwiddle; b. Jany. 5, 1805. H. S. C. 1828. /J Lawyer. (1.) Princeton ^. Gr. L. E. H. Pby. April, '32; O. Nov. 18, 1832; P. Notto-^ way ch. '3^'53; P. Third ch'., Baltimore, '53^' 54; P. Second ch., Petersburg, '54-'63;' My. C. S. A. '64-'65; P. Brunswick '66-'67; P. Nottoway '67-'84; D. D. H. S. C; Mod. G. A., 1883. 74.* RICE, Samuel Davies, Bedford, Va.; b. 1795. Acad. (2.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 19, 1833; O. Ev. Oct. 29, 1842; S. S. Chestnut ch. '43-'48 ; Teach. '49-'52; S. S. Diamond Hill '53-'63. Died Feb., 1863. 75.* SMITH, Leonidas L., Petersburg, Va.; b. Chesterfield Feb. 1, 1812. H. S. C. 1829. (1 +.) Princeton, Yale and Andover '31-'35; L^_and O^Tlurd Pby., N. Y., ? Teacher; O. Deacon Ep. Ch. '43, and Presbyter '45; R. Emmanuel 7;Ii7,"WaiTeutbn, N. C, '53-'57; R. Christ eh., Nashville, '57-'61 ; Teacher, Baltimore, '61-'65. Died in Baltimore Nov. 11, 1865. 76.'^SPOTSWOOD, Joun Boswell, Dinwiddie Co., Va.; b. Feb. 8, 1808. Amh. C. 1828. Teach. (1.) Princeton. 2. Gr. L. E. H. Pby. April, (V) 1833; O. Ev. Oct. 19. 1834; S. S. '34, and P. Sussex ch '35-' 40; S. S. Mt. Parau and Ellicott Mills, Bait. Pby.. '40-'42; P. New Castle, N. Castle Pby., '42-'84. 1831—32'. 77. HOUSTON, Samuel RuTiiERroRu; b. Rural Valley, Va., Mar. 12, 180r,. D. C. Pa., 1825 ; Instructor Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, Philadelphia, Pa., '25-'ol ; Princeton— —1. (2.) L. Lex. Pby. Jun. 24, and O. Ev. Jun. 26, 1834; My. A. B. C. F. M. Scio, Turkey, '34-'87; Areopolis, Greece, '37-41; Prin. Academy, Uniou Monroe, '45-'67 ; S. S. '42; Union and Mt. Pleasant, Grb. Pby., and P. '45-'84; D. D. W. and L. Un Author " Discourse on Eldership" and "Discourse on Temperance.'' — 87 1831-32 29 78.* MATTHEWS, Samiei., Easthampton, Mass.; b. Chester, Mass., Feb. 20, 1803. Anih. Col., 1829. L. W. H. Pby. April 11), 1834; O. New River Pby. (N. S.) Teacher; voice too Aveak to preach; reed, by Lex. Pby. Dec. 29, 1834; Prin. Augusta F. Semi- nary, Staunton, Ya., '48-'53. Died at Perth-Aniboy, N. J., Dec. 30, 1853. 79.* McNeill, J.vmes Ale.xander, Robeson Co., N. C; b. Feb. 8, 1809. L. Fay. 'Phy. Oct. 4, 1834; O. E. Jun. 13, 1835; S. S. Wilmington 1836; W. C. 1837. Died at his sister's home. Miss.. Sept. 37, 1837. 80. MORROW, Thomas, Somerville. Al.; h. (iricnville Dis., July 31, 1808. A. B. of C. C. Ky. 1838. Teacher 2 years. Printer. (2.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 19, '33; O. Ev. Tombeckbee Pby. April 3, 1837; My. Creek Nation, E. Al., '33-'37 ; Mj'. and Teacher Pickens Co., Al., '37-56; Sup. Public Schools and My. Morgan Co., Al., '.56-84. Author " Blow at the Root of Scientific Infidelity," «&c. D. D. 81.* PHILLIPS, James W.,AVincliester, Va.; h. May 16, 1804. Columl)ia Col., D. C. (2.) L. Winch. Pby. Oct. 31, 1833; O. Ev. April 35, 1835; My. Winchester Pby.' 1836; P. Salem, Ind., '30-'37; P. Cook's eh. and Harrisonburg, Winch. Pby. (N. S.) '37-'40 ; in Harrisonburg Pby. (N. S.) '41-'53 ; P. First ch., Hannibal, Mo. (N. S.) '.olJ-'OO; S. s'. Marion Enterprise, -' 75. Died Demopolis May 9, 1875. 82.* SHANE, John Dabney, Cincinnati, O.; b. 1812. St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Cine. Pby. May 27, 1843; O. West Lexington Pby. Aug. 31, 1844; S. S. Versailles, Ky., '43- '44; S. S. '44, and P. North Middlcton '45-54; (and also S. S. Green Cr. ch. '51-'54); W! C. '56-'59; S. S. Loveland Pby., Cinn., '60-'63. Died Cincinnati Feb. 7, 1864. 83.* SHAVER, Anoi.rHus C, Abingdon, Va.; b. Mar. 13, 1813. Methodist Reformed. (1.) Preached in Northumberland Co., itc, '33-'35. Died in Abingdon, Va., Au"- 2, 1830. 84. SMITH, Benjamin Mosbv, Powhatan Co., Va.; b. June 30, 1811. H. S. C. 1829. (3 +.) L. W. H. Pby. April 19, 1834; O. Ev. Oct. 19, 1835; S. S. Guinea ch.' 1835-6; Assist. Instr. Un. Semy. April,'34, April '36; in Europe, '36-'37; P. Danville Va., Or. Pby., '1838-40 ; P. Tinkling Spring and Waynesboro ch., Lex. Pby., 1840-'45 ; P. Staunton ch. 1845-'54; Secy, of Board Publication '53-54; Co. P. College ch. W. H. Pby., '58-74; Prof. Oriental Languages Union Theo. Semy. 1854-1884. (Supt. Public Schools P. Edward Co. 1871-83. ) Author several printed addresses and ser- mons, "Commentary on Psalms and Proverbs," an "Introduction to Poetical Books ofO. T.," published in Glasgow, Scotland, and Philadelphia, and republished in " Bible Commentary," Knoxville, Tenn., " Family Religion," P. B. P., and '' Questions on the Gospels;" P. C. P., Richmond, Va.; Mod. G. Assemblv, 1876. D. D. and L. L. D. H. S. C. 85.* VENABLE, Hknuv Isaak, Shelby Co., Ky. ; b. Jun. 38, 1811. C. C. K. (2. +.) L. VV. H. Pl»y. April 19, 1834; O. Ev. Transylv. Pby. Oct. 10, 1834; My. A. B. C. F. M. in Zululand, Africa,'34-'39; S. S. Paris, lll.,'39-'41 ; Prin. Academy, Paris, Ill.,41-'50; S. S. Charleston, 111., '53-'.50; Bethel '56-59; P. same '60-'65; S. S. Newton '65-'67; Carlisle, Claiborne and Smyrna, '67-'70; Prin. Edgar Col. Inst., Paris, '70-'78; died Paris, III., May 33, 1878. 86. WILSON, Samuel Bi.axn Owen, Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. May, 1809. N. H. (3. Gr.) L. W. IL Pby. April 19, 1834; 0. Jun. 15, 1835; S. S. '34-'35, and then P . Scottsville and Mars Hill'35-'38; P.Hopewell and Six Mile Cr. chs.. Bethel Pby., '39-'41; Prof. Davidson Coll. '41-'53; P. Third Cr. ch.. Concord Pby., '53-'61 ; P. Mt! Carmel ch., Memphis Pby., '61-'83; infirm ; res. Woodville, Tenn.,W. Dist. Pby., 1884. 87. WITHEROW, William Edgar, Lewisburg, W. Va., withdrew for ill health engaged in secular business and removed to Illinois. 30 1832-33 88- 1832— '33- 88.* CUNNINGHAM, David H., Rockingham Co., Va.; b. Dec. 30, 1794. Acad. —1.) L. Lex. Pby. April 27, 1833; O. June 18, 1836; P. Pisgali '3r>-'41; 8. S. Diamond (Hill, W. H. Pby., '43-'46; Walker's ch. '47; P. Summerville, Greenb. Pby., '.50-'52. Infirm '.53-'G0. Died Mt. Meadow Blufl", Greenb. Co., W. Va., Dec. 28, 1861. 89.* DOAK, Daniel G., Guilford, N. C; b. near Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 30, 1806. Un. N. C. (2.) L. Or. Pby. Sept. 20, 1834; O. Ev. Nov. 21, 1835; S. S. Little River Eno, &c., '36-'39; P. Clarksville '40— (S. S. and then P. Shiloh '40-'42)— '46; S. 8. Salem and Hopewell, W. Tenn. Pby., '48-' 49 ; Mt. Pleasant, Maury Pby., '.50-'.53; S. S. Zion '.51, and P. '.52-55; College Ch., Chickasaw Pby., '56 (or College Hill, N. Miss. ^^7-'68; S. S. Sardis '69-' 71, and Teacher '72. Infirm '73-' 77. Died in Sardis, Miss., Feb. 24, 1877. 90.* DUTTON, Warren Backus, Lebanon, Conn.; b. Sept. 16, 1803. Yale C. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 18, 1835; S. S. Farmville ch. and Agent Un. Th. Semy. 1836-'42; O. Winch. Pby. Nov. 20, 1842; P. Charlestown '42-' 46; infirm '67; 8. 8. Harper's Ferry '68-' 70. Died, Charlestown (from injuries received in a flood at Harper's Ferry) Sept. 5, 1874. D. D. of Un. Col. 91. JACOBS, Ferdinand, Alexandria ; b. Aug. 10, 1807. H. S. C. 1832. Teacher. (3. Gr.) O. Lewes Pby. 1836; Prin. Wash. Acad. '.36-'37; P. Princess Ann and Salis. bury chs. '37; S. S. Yorkville, Bethel Pby., '41-'45 ; Prof. Oglethorpe Un. '45-' 49; Prin. Female Semy., Charleston, '49-'61 ; S. 8. Fairview ch., 8. Ala. Pby., '62; Pres. Laurenville Female Semy. '6:>-'65; Teach. Washington Co., Ga., '66; P. Waynesboro and Bath chs., Augusta Pby., '67-'6S; Prin. Lacey Cobb. Inst. '69-'71 ; P. Tallahassee, Fla. Pby., '74-'76; Teacher and 8. 8. Third ch., Atlanta, '77; Pres. Laurens Female Semy. '78-'80; P. James Island ch., Charleston Pby., '80-'83. 92.* KLIPSTINE, Louis F., Winchester. H. S. C. '32. (3.) L. Winch. Pby. Oct. 17, 1835; S. S. Leesburg ch. 1835; seceded to the Winch. Pby. (N. 8.), then went to Charleston and to N. Y. and engaged in literary pursuits. His license was revoked by Winch. Pby. Oct. 3, 1840. Died Aug., 1879. Author "Grammar and Reading Book of Anglo-Saxon." 93.* LAMBERSON, Samuel Lewis, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. ; b. Sept. 14, 1809. Un. C. 182S. Princeton. (2. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 18, 1834; S. 8. 80. Plains and Gordonsville 1835; 111 health '36-' 43; Teacher, Princeton, 111., '41-' 44; O. Rock River Congr. Assoc. Jan. 8, 1843; Teacher and Occasional Supply Galena Pby. '4.5-' 48. Helpless in Pittsfield, Mass., '49-'7.5. Died there July 17, 1875. 94. McCORKLE, Alexander B., Rockbridge Co.,Va. ; b. Oct. 1.5, 1806. St. W. C.V. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. Oct. 17, 1835; 0. Ev. Oct. 28,1836; My. Rockingham Co. '3.5-'36; 8. S. Shemariah '36-'37; P. Bethel '37-' 40; My. Chatooga Co., Ga., '41-'44 ; S. S. Talladega, E. Al. Pby., '4.5-'71; Infirm; Residence Augusta Co., Va., '71-'81; La Grange, N. C, '82; Albermarle, N. C, '83-'84; Talladega '84. 9.5.* OWEN, Thomas R., Wilmington, N. C. ; b. Owen Hill, Bladen Co., N. C, Mar. 9, 1810. Un. N. C. (2.) L. Fayetteville Pby. Oct. 4, 1835; O. June 4, 1836; P. Black River and 8. S. Hunt's '37; W. C.'38; 8. 8.'39; P. Washington Or. Pby.'40-'42; 8. 8. Gilead '43; W. C. '44-'48; Teacher Tarboro '49-'59 ; not reported '60, and after. Joined the Baptist Church. Died at his daughter's home, Tipton Co., Teuu., July 2, 1882. 96.* PAINE, Henry H., Lexington, Va. Acad. (1 +.) L. Lex. Pby. June 21, 1834; O. June 17, 1837; S. S. High Bridge '37-'38 ; Buchanan '39-'40; Loc. Bottom '41 ; P. Fincastle '48-'.55 ; P. Holly Springs '56-'69 ; Prin. Female Col. H. Springs 1870 ; 8. S. H. Springs '71; Teacher Memphis, and then in Texas 1872. —107 1832-33— 1833-34 31 97. ROYSTER, Alfked W., Mecklenburg, Va. Acad. (3 +.) "Honorably dis- missed " in ill health Sept. 5, 1835. No record of any licensure. 98. SHAW, William A., M. D., Washiuijtou, N. C. ; b. Mar. 9, 1804 Uu N C Gr Med. School Phila. L. Or. Pby, Mar. 3. 1834; O. Ev. June 27, 183.5; P. Washington" N. C. '36-'39 ; S. S. Clarksvillc, Tenn. '40; (of the period '40-'70 no account can be ob- tained) ; S. S. Galatin and Round Top, Brazos Pby. '71-'72; P. Hempstead '73 • S S same '74; Res. Raleigh '74-'80; Hempstead '8l-'84. Infirm. 99. STEELE, John A., Lewisburg, W.Va., Un. 0. (1.) L. Lex. Pby. Oct 18 1833- O Jun. 30, 1834; P. Staunton ch. '34-'37; D. to Palestine Pby. Delays occurred in his settlement (for which he was not responsible) till 1843; S. S. Hel)ron, Palestine Pby '43-' 45; Charleston, '46; Grand View '47-'.59 ; Topeka, Highland Pby. '62-'64 Died April, 1865. 100.* VAN RENSSELAER, Cortland, Albany, N. Y. ; b. May 26 1808 Y C 18-57 • Princeton (1. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. Ap. 23, 1833; O. Ev. April, 1835; My. to Slaves 1833-'3o; P. Burlington, N. J., '37-'40; S. S. 2d ch. Washington, D. C, '41-'42- Agt Princeton Semy. '44; Secy. Board of Ed. '46-'60. Died Burlington, N. J., July 25* 1860; D. D. Mod. G. A. 1857; editor of "Home, School and the Church,'" and "of "Presbyterian Magazine." 101.* WILSON, Alexander Erwin, M. D., Cabarrus Co., N. C. ; b Dec 11 1803. Un. N. C, 1823; L. Cone. Pby. Sep. 18, 1834; 0. E. Sep. 19, 1834- My to Africa, Capetown, So. Africa '35-'38; in U. S. '3S; My. Cape Palmas 1839-'41 Died Fair Hope, Cape Palmas, Oct. 13, 1841. 102.* WILSON, Samuel,- Athens, 0. Un. O. (1). Western Theol. Semy Died June, 1834. " •■ ' 1833— '34- 103.* BARNES, Stephen, Blairsville, Pa. ; b. Sep. 3, 1800. St. Jeff Co Pa Left the Seminary Nov., 1834 in ill health ; went to Liberia, Africa, with Gov. Pinney to be a My., but died there 1834. He had never been licensed. 104.* CADWELL, Benjamin Hayes, Auburn, N. Y. ; b. 1813. From Auburn Semv. (2.) Gr. Auburn Semy. ; Teacher Fulton, N. Y., '53-'54. Reported to have died in 1859. 105.* ELY, Jonathan Trumbull, New York city; b. Lebanon, Conn., Sep. 25, 1802. Merchant, Princeton. (Mid. 2. Gr.) L. Or. Pby., April 22, 1836 ; O. Oct. 20, 1837 ;' S. S. Lexington, N. C, '37-'38 ; Teacher Lebanon, Conn., and Rahway, N. J., '39-'.51. Died Rahway, N. J., Sep. 2, 1851. 106.* HAMNER, Thomas L., Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. 1806. St. Un. Va. (2.) L. Baltimore Pby., Oct. .5, 1836; S. S. Sykesville, Lisbon and Ridgeway, '36-'39 ; O. Dist Col. Pby. (N. S.) Oct. 14, 1839; P. Lisbon and Ridgeway, '39-'40; S. S. and then P. Harrisonburg and Cook's Cr., Winchester Pby. (N. S.) '43-'44; Teach. Baltimore 1845 ; Agt. of Am. S S. Union, '45-'.54. Died Phila., Aug. 2, 18.54. 107. HARRISON, Peyton, Cumberland Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 19, 1800. St. W. C. V. • Lawyer five years (2+.) L. W. H. Pby., Oct. 20, 1835; S. S. Bethel ch., Lex. Pby.^ but for only a few months ; ill health led to a withdrawal from the work. O. Winch. Pby., Sept. 29, 1837; P. Martinsburg, '37-'44; health failed and disease of throat led to give up all farther ministerial work, except part of a year during the war. S. S. Lebanon ch., W. H. Pby. W. C. and infirm ; Res. Baltimore. '65-'84.' D.D. of H S C 1884. ■ ■* 32 i833-'34 -108 10><* HOLLADAY, Albekt L., Spottsylvania Co., Va. ; b. July 14, 1805. St. Un. V'a. Teach. Kichmond, Va., and iu Charlottesville; Prof. Anc. Lani^uagcs Hampdeu Sidney Col., April, 1831, Sept., 1833. (3. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby., April 18. 1836 ; O. E. E. H. Pby., Nov. G, 1836; My. in Persia under A. B. C. F. M., '3t5-'49; P. So. Plains ch., W. H. Pby., '53-'56; Pres. Elect of Hampdeu Sidney College, '56. Died Oct. II, lSo6. 109.* KING, Junius Bayard, Iredell Co., N. C. ; b. Nov. 18, 1810 Un. X. C. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby., Oct. 14, 1836; S. §. Valley Cr. ch. So. Al. Pby., 1838; O. Oct. 2, 1838, P. Valley Cr. ch., '38-'50. Died Selma, AL, Nov. 18, 1850. 110. •=- LEYBUKN, George Willam, Lexington, Va. : b. Jan. 2, 1809. N. H. 1829; (1 +.) Princeton Gr. L. Lex. Pby., Nov. 18, 1834; O. Ev. Ap. 30, 1S3() ; My. A. B. C. F. M., Areopolis, Greece, '37-' 42; Teacher Bedford, Fluvanna, itc, ■42-47; Agent Coin. Socy. '48, and also '54-'55; S. S. Piedmont, Leesville and Castle Craig, Montg. Pby., '57-58; Ed. "Presb. Witness," Knoxville, Tcnn., '58; Agt. Am. Tr. Socy. and My. C. S. A., '61-'65; S. S. Appomattox C. H., '66, and P. '67-75; My. Salonica, Turkey, '75. Died there Aug. 14, '75. .\uthor "Message to the Young"' and Tracts. A. M. 111. LEYBURN, John, Lexington, Va. ; b. . W. C. V. and N. H. (2 +.) L. Lex. Pby., Aug. 27, 1836 ; S. S. Oak Grove. 1837 ; O. Tuscaloosa Pby., April 4, 1838 ; 8. S. Gainesville, Ala., '38-39; P. Petersburg, 1840-48; Secy. Bd. of Publication, '49- '52; Ed. " Presbyterian," '52-61; Secy. P. C. P., '60-65 ; S. S. Indep. Presb. Ch., Bait., '66-'69 and P. '70-'84. D.D. 112.' MORRISON, William Newton, Cabarrus Co., N. C. ; b. July 2, ISIO. W. C. V. 1828. Teacher. Princeton 1+. (2.) L. Cone. Pby., April 30, 1835 ; O. Ev. Mor- o-anton (now Concord) Pby., Nov. 11, 1837; S. S. Goshen and New Hope, '36-'37; P. Goshen, '37-'40and S. S. New Hope, '37-'41 ; S. S. Swannanoa, Ream Cr. and Flat Cr., '41_'54; My. in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Macon, McDowell and Watauga Cos.,. '54_'75; My. and colporteur. Buncombe Co. ; Res. Ashville, N. C, '76-'84. 113.* RANKIN, Jesse, Leaksville, N. C. ; b. Guilford Co., N. C, May 5, 1802. Acad. Teacher. Ordained minister of Or. Pby. (—1.) L. Or. Pby., Oct., 1824; O. Ev., May 15 1825; S. S. Harmony ch., '26-27; Salisbury and Concord town, Cone. Pby., '27-'31 ; My. Rockingham Co., N. C, Or. Pby., '31-'34; S. S. Oxford, '35-37; Nutbush, '38; Lexington, N. C, '39-' 43; D. My., '44-'47; Teacher, '48-' 49; S. S. of various churches and teacher ; res. Lexington, '50-' 54 ; Teacher Salisbury, '54-'57 ; Ev. Cone. Pbv. and S. S. Lenoir and Newton, '57-'69; P. Lenoir, '69-74; Infirm, '74-'76. Died ia Lenoir, Octt. 18, 1876. 114.* RICE, William Branham, Nicholasville, Ky.; b. Jessamine Co., Ky., March 5 1807. C. C. K. Lie. of Louv. Pby. 1831 ; O. Louisville Pby. May 19, 1836 ; S. S. Elizabethtown '37; Pennsylvania Run '38; Goshen '39; S. S. (.'arrolton ch., Madison Pby., '40. Died Carrol ton, Ky., Sept. 15, 1840.'/ llo;'^' STRATTON, James, Cumberland Co.,^vJ.; b. Aug. 10, IsiO. N. H. 1830. Princeton— 3. (1.) L. ; O. Ev. Flint E;^t*^by. April, 1836; S. S. Macon. Ga.. '36-'38; Eufaula, AL, '39; P. Jackson, La., '60-'84. 116. TAPPAN, Samuel S., Boston, Mass. No cti'orts to trace him have succeeded. 117.* THOME, A. E., Guilford Co., N. C; b. Oct. 20, 1808. Un. N. C. Teacher. (4. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April 22, 1836 ; O. Greenb. Pby. Nov. 10, 1839 ; S. S. Western Ch. '41-42; Oak Grove '42-'43 ; 1st Ch., Covington, Eben Pby., '43; Cynthiaua '44; W. C. '45-'46; Russellville, Bowling Green Pby., '47; Agt. Nashville Pby. '48-'.50 ; Prest. and S. S. Bethesda, Maury. Pby., '.51-'52, and Fountain Hill and Bethesda '53; Prof. Huntsville, Texas, '54-'58; Teach. Thibodeaux '59; My. Highland, Kansas, '60. Died 1860. —126 1834-35 33 1S34— '35- lis. BLAIN, 8AMIE1. Wii„soN, Lexington, Va.; h. Feb. 0, 1807 W C V IS") St of Law and Lawyer '2(i-'34. (3.) L. Lexg. Pby. April 2S, 1837; My. i„ Arahers^ Albe- marle and Fluvanna Cos. '.37-'40; O. W. H. Pbv. Nov. 13, 1841 ; P. Lebanon '41-'54- Teacher '54-'59; My. James City Co. '59-'r,2; Chapl. C. S. A. '(i8-'0.5; S. S. Ashland" and preachin- as „pp„rtunity allowed, 'fiS-'TI; P. Carrolton, Ky., '71--77- inlinn but preachmg ofcasioually, '77-'8-t; Res. Louisville, Ky., '84. 119. BAKDWELL, Houatio ,)., Oktibbeha Co., Miss.; b. Hertford Co N C Nov 311813 N.H. 1830. (3. Cr.) L. Tombcckbee Pby. Oct. 30, 1838 ; S. S. StarkviUe (then Mayhew) '39: O. Dec. 11, 1839; P. Mayhew '39-'4(;; P. Bethlehem, Lebanon and Louisville 40-0.3; S. 8. Kosciusko and Oluey and Ed. "Miss. Presbyterian" '5-2-'53 Died in Kosciusko Aug. 30, 1853. 130. FAIRCHILD, John, Burlington, Vt.; )>. Georgia, Vt., Aug. 31, 1804. Un. Ver- mont. (3 +.) L. Congreg. Assoc, Vermont, Fall ot-1834; Teacher and Mv. Bucking- ham and Bedford Cos., Va., '36-'40; O. Pby. Crawfordville, Spring '1841 •> Newton and Rodney chs. '41-'53 ; My. Tndianopolis Pby. '53-'57; S. S. Huntington and other places in Fort Wayne Pby. '.57-'«3; S. S. Marinette, Wise, '0:}-'71 ; My. at laroe too infirm for regular service, 'Tl-'84. Res. JIariuette, Wise, '84. " " ' 131. KIRKPATRICK, John Lvcan, De Kalb Co., Ga.; b. in Mecklenburg Co N C Jan. 30, 1813. H. S. C. 1833. Teach. '33-'34. (3.) L. W. H. Pby. March, 1837;' o' Nov., '37; P. 3d Ch.. Lynchburg, '37-'41 ; P. Gainsville, Al., '41-'53; P Glebe St ch Charleston, S. C, '53-'60 ; Prest. Davidson Col., N. C, 'KO-'0(i ; Prof. Moral Philosophv W. and L. Univ. '6()-'84; D. D. Mod. G. Assembly 1863. 133.* McLAURIN, Hugh, Marlb. Dist., S. C. L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 34, 183(); O E Sept. 15, 1837; S. S. Harmony, Bensalem, etc., '37-'38; 8.' S. Bensal'em, Mineral Spring, ttc, '39-'51. Died Upstoie, Ga., Aug. 31, 1853. 133. Mcpherson, James Pinckney, Iredcll Co., N. C; b. Mar. 30, 1808. \cad (1 +.) L. Cone. Pby. Oct., 1836; O. Ev. Oct., 1837; P. Lebanon '38-'41 ;'s. S. Darling- ton and Great Pedce, Harmony Pby., '41-'44; P. Indiantown '44-'53; "S. S. Bethcar and St. Pauls, Fay. Pby., 1853; P. St. Pauls and S. S. Lumberton and Bethcar '54-'55 ; S. S. Laurel Hill and Montpelier '56-'59; P. Laurel Hill and S. S. Montpelier '60-'66;' S. S. Montpelier, Lebanon and McPherson '07; McPherson and Galatln '68, and Sandy Grove added '69-'71; Galatia, McPherson and Lumber Bridge '73-"; 7; Same, except McPherson, '78; then Salem added '79 ; S. S. Lumber Bridge and Salem '80, aiid Long Street '81-'83 ; Lumber Bridge, Long St. and Barbecue '83. St. Clk Favetteville Pby. 30 years. 134. MURRAY, Lemuel; b. Sept. 37, 1808. St. Un. N. C. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pbv. October, 1837; S. S. Rutuerfordton, Little Britain, -'48; S. S. Lebanou '50-\58; S. S. Little Pedee, Harmony Pby., '.59-'62; W. C. '63-'69. Died E. Y. '68-'69. 187. WATKINS, Samuel Venable, Prince Edward Co., Va. ; 1). April 14, 1819- H. S. C. and Res. Gr. N. H. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 6, 1843; Res. Gr. Princeton '44-'45; O. Aug. 2, 1845 ; P. So. Plains '4.5-' 48; S. S. Village ch. '48: W. C. '49-'.52 ; S. S. New Store '.54; W. C. '55; S. S. Lebanon '57-'61 ; W. C. '62-'«i5 (on duty at home); S. S. Appomatox ch. '66; My. '67; W. C. '68-'70; S. S. Massanutton, Lex. Pby., '71-'S4. 188. WILSON, William Vexable. Kanawha Co.,Va. ; b. near Farraville. Va., Jan. 18, 1819. St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) Teacher. L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 6, 1848 : O. Mar. 15, 1845; P. Finney wood '45-'46 ; S. S. Amherst C. H. '46; S. S. '48 and P. Clarksville '49-'51; P. 2ud ch. Petersburg, Va., '51-' 55; P. Mooretield, W. Va., '.5.5-'62; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'65; S. S. Marion, Va., '66-'74; P. Anchor of Hope '7.5-'84. 1841 — '42. 189.* BINGHAM, John A., Hillsboro, N. C. ; h. Repose, Orange Co., N. C, Oct. 5, 1815. St. Un. N. C. Teacher '33-'44. (1.) L. Or. Pby. August, 1844: My. Granville Co., N. C, '44-'45; Teacher Caldwell Institute and S. S. Fairfield '45 and Greers '46 ; ill health ■4fi-'47; Teacher and S. S. various churches '4S-'49 : infirm fill he died, Oct. 18, 18.55. 190.* DAVIS, Thomas E., Cabarrus Co., N. C. ; b. Lancaster, S. C, 1809. Da. C. 1840. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. Oct. 12, 1844; O. Hoist. Pby. Jan. 19,1845; P. Back Cr. and Bethany •4S-\50: S. S. Rutherfordton '.51-' .57; S. S. Antioch, So. C. Pby., '.58-'62; W. C. Res. Dav. Col. '63-'65; S. S Ramah and Bethel, Cone. Pl)y., '66-67; W. C. '68; Teacher, Marion '69; S. S. Olney and Union, Meckl. Pby., '70-'75; S. S. Clarksville, Ga., ";6-'77; S. S. Seneca, So. C. Pby., '78; W. C. '79-'83. Died in Seneca, So. C, Jan. 11, 1883. 191. DUNLAP, Mitchell D., Augusta Co., Va. ; b. Jan. 16, 1809. W. C. V. 1841. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April, 1844; O. Greenbr. Pby. April, 1846 : S. S. Oak Grove, Huntersvillc and Academy '46-76. No regular charge '77-'84. 192. EWING, Daniel Blaise, Rockingham Co.,Va. ; b. July 7, 1821. Marion Col., Mo., 1843. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 23, 1844; Assist, to Pastor Char- lottsville ch. '44-' 45; O. W. H., July 4, 1846; P. Orange and Madison 184()-'64 and Gordonsville '.57-'64; P. Bell Spring, Montg. Pby. '(>4-'69; P.Hebron, Lex. Pby. '70-'77; Agt. H. S. College '78; Prin. Lewisburg F. Acad. '79-'81 : Teacher, Win- chester, Ky., and S. S. neighboring churches '81-'84. D. D. H. S. C. 193 HOWISON, Robert R., Richmond, Va. ; b. Fiedericksburg, June 22, 1820. Acad. St. and Practitioner of Law. (2.) L. E. H. Pby. April 27, 1844; O. Lexg. Pby. Oct. 4, 1844; P. Staunton ch. '44-' 45; Relation dissolved on account of ill health and allowed to demit the ministery Oct., '45 ; again a lawyer '46-'70: in private life from injury by fall of a floor in the Capitol '70-'78; resumed practice of Law '73-'80; license renewed by E. H. Pby. April, '80; O. E. H. Pby. .April 15, '81; P. Samuel Davies ch. '81-'83 ; P. 3d ch. Richmond '83-'84; Author " Histoiy of Virginia," 2 vol., "Lives of Morgan, Marion and Gates" in Carey and Hart's "Washington and his Generals," "Fredericksburg Past, Present and Future," "Report on Treatment of Prisoners of War" in Pollard's "Lost Cause," " God and Creation." — 202 1841-42 — 1842-43 41 194.* McAllister, Hectok, Cumbcrlaud Co., N. C; b. Feb. 21, 1811. Un. N. C. (3). L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 6, 1844: O. Feb. "J, 1847; P. Rockfish Factory''47-'51 ; P. China Grove '52— (Cypress '54-'55; Galatia '.lO-'.^T— )— '58; infirm '.W-'71. Died at home nearBluft' eh., Aug. 8. 1871. ' 195. McBRIDE, J. B., Fincastle, Va.: b. Bollefonte, Pa., Aug. 23, 1822. Jeff. C. Pa., Teaching (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 23, 1844; O. Ev. Or. Pby. April 18, 1847; S. s! Fairlield, Eno, &c., '47; My. Holston Pby. '48-'49; S. S. Rogersville and N. Provi- dence '50-' .52; P. N. Providence '53-'.55; S. S. New London Pby., Iowa, '58-'60'; Bentons- port, Fairfield. Iowa Pby., '(il-'62; P. E. 2d church Cedar Rapids '62-'64; P. Prince- ton, Iowa, '64-'72; P. Venice and MiUersburg, Rock Island Pbv. '72-'7G; Occasional Supply '7f)-'83; S. S. Bethel, Iowa City Pby '83-'S4. 19(J.-» McDonald, Neill, Moore Co., N. C; b. Oct, 1812. Donaldson Acad Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. April 5, 184.'>; O. E. Nov. 14. 1846; S. S. Mt. Carrael and Harmony '47-'51 ; Ashpole and Smyrna '51-'56, also Teacher; S. S. and then P. St. Pauls, Beth-Car, &c., '57-'68; S. S. Lancaster, C. Texas Pby., '68-'72; S S N Basque, &c., '72-'74. Died Turnersville, Texas, 1875. 197.* McMillan, Andrew, Richmond Co., N. C. ; b. Laurel Hill June 27 1814 Un. N. C. 1840. (2). L. Fay. Pby. Apl. 13, 1S44; 0. E. Apl. 6, 1846; S. S. Laurel Hill H?; Supply of Vacant chs. '48; Dom. My. '49-'50; S. S. and P. Bethel E Ala Pby ^52-'56; S. S. Antioch '56-'60 ; W. C. '61-'r,2; S. S. St. Mark's, &c., '6;V79- Teach' ""SO; W. C. '81-'84. 198.* McNEILL, Angus Curry, Robeson Co., N. C, b. May 4, 1812. Un. N. C (3)'^ L. Fay. Pby. April 13, 1844; O. E. April 6, 1846; S. S. Cypress '47-'49, and Union '50; P. Centre Ridge So. Alab. Pby. '53-'60. Died in his pulpit Oct. 14, 1860. 199. SHEPPERSON, Charles M., Hanover Co., Va.; b. Mar. 22, 1812. St. H. S. C. (2). L. Evangl. Lutheran Synod, Sept. 12, 1845; O. E. Hopewell Pby. Apl., 1851;' P.' Sardis, Cherokee Pby. '.54-'57; S. S. Calhoun, &c., Flint River Pby., '58-'60; Ev. E. Texas Pby. '67-'75; P. Plaquemine, La. Pby. '76-'77; S. S. Ashpole, Fay. Pby. '78 ; P. Plaquemine and Woodville, La. Pby., '79-'81 ; S. S. Union City, Westn. Dist! Pby., '81-'82; S. S. Monroe, Red River Pby., '83; P. E. Washington, Ebenezer Pbv ' ■'83-'84. D. D. •'■' l842-'43. . 200.* BEARD, William S., Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Dec. 14, 1817. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. May 3, 1845; My. Fayette Co., W. Va., '45-' 46; O. Grcenb. Pby. May 8, 1847; P. Parkersburg '47-'50 ; My. and Teacher, Greenb. Pby. '50-'54. Died Centreville' Monroe Co., W. Va., April 30, 1854. ' 201. CAMP, Philander, Bradford Co., Pa. ; b. Feb. 14, 1818. Lafayette Col. 1842. Teach. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. May 4, 1846; S. S. Canton Susquehanna Pby. '47; O. Sep. 13, 1848; P. Canton '49-'.56 ; Prin. MoAlister Academy '57-'.58 ; S. S. Horicou, Winnebago Pby. '.5'.»-'60; S. S. Canton, Susc]. Pby. '61; My. "in Western N. Y. '62-'70; S. S. Fall Br )ok, Wellsboro Pby. '70-'76; S. S. Lycoming Centre, Northumberland Pby. '76-'84. 202. COCHRAN, Warren, VVinhall, Vt. Oberliu Col. P. Congregational ch., Baraboo, Wisconsin, 1846. No farther trace can be ascertained. 203. CURRIE, Arcuibald, Moore Co., N. C. ; b. Oct. 15, 1817. Donaldson Acad. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 1, 1845; O. Or. Pby. Aug. 30, 1846; P. Eno. S. S. Fairfield and Little River '46-'56; S. S. Graham '56-'66 and P. '66-78; Teacher Reids- ville '80-'81 and Caldwell Inst. '82 ; S. S. Fairfield '83-'84. 42 1842-43— 1843-44— 1 844-45 203— 204. RICHARDSON, William T., Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. June 18, 1820. H. S. C. and St. Un. Va. Tutor H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 6, 1845; O. Lexg. Pby. April, 1847; P. Waynesboro '47-70, (also Teacher part of the time); P. Warrentoih '71- 73; Prof. Augusta F. Sem'y '73-'79; editor 'Central Presby'n" '79-'84.— D. D.^ H. S. C. Author of an address to Soe. Inquiry, " Choice of a Field of Labor." 205. SCOTT, John A., Sr., Hardy Co., W. Va.; b. Martinsburg, Jan. 7, 1820. Jeff, Col., Pa. Teacher. (3 Gr.) L. Wine. Pby., April 1, 1845, O. W. H. Pby., Aug., 1846; P. Halifax C. H. '4<3-'62; Chaplain C. S. A., '63-'65; Prin. Ann Smith Acad., Lex.. Va. '65- -'70; P. Elk Branch. Win. Pby. '70-84. 1843— '44- 206.* CALDWELL, C\kls K. Mecklenburg, N. C. ; b. 1821. Da. Col., 1841. (S Gr.) L. Cone. Pby., Sep. 29, 1846, O. Or. Pby., Dec. 19, 1847; P. Bufialo and Bethel,. '48-'59; P. Pittsboro, '60-66; P. Denmark, Westn. Distr. Pby. '67-'76. Died there Mar. 29, 1876. 207.* HOGSHEAD, Alexander Lewis, Monroe Co., W. Va.; b. Oct. 8, 1816. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Greenb. Pby., Oct., 1846; S. S. and My. Amelia and Appomattox Cos. '46-'50; Agt. Colport. Coin., Synod of Va. '50-'51, O. Montg. Pby., Sep., 1852; P. Covington, Va. '52-'56; S. S. Beaver Cr. and Green Sp., Ab. Pby. '56-'61 ; S. S. Col- lierstowu and Oxford, Lex. Pby. '61-66; P. Rock Spring, Ab. Pby. '66-'70; S. S. (Treen Spring, 'T()-'80. Supt. Pub. Schools '70-79. Died suddenly at his home, Dec^ 2, 1880. 208.* HUMPHREYS, David C, Augusta Co., Va. ; b. Oct. 2, 1817. St. W. C. V. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby. Aug. ;M, 1846; My. Appomattox Co., Va., '46-'47. Intirm Winter '47-' 48. Died at his father's residence Sept. 21, 1848. 209. HUMPHREYS, James Mooke, Augusta Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 12, 1816. St. W. C. V. Teacher. (3. (4r.) L. Lex. Pby. April 4, 1846; My. So. West Va., '46-' 49; O. Montg. Pby. Oct. 15, 1850 ; Teacher '.50-'83. 210.* RICE, James M., Franklin Co., Va. ; b. Bedford Co., Va., 1821. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. May 4, 1846 ; My. Patrick Co. and S. S. New Castle '46-' 48 ; O. Montg. Pby. Oct. 29, 1847; P. Mountain Union '48-'55 ; P. Locust Bottom '.55-'.59 ; P. Coving- ton '59-80. luliriu, '80. Died in Covington, Aug. 16, 1880. 211. SMITH, Jacob Henry, Lexington, Va. ; b. Aug. 13, 1820. W. C. V"., Teacher. L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 24, 1846: O. W. H. Pby, July 1847; P. Pittsylvania C. H. '47-'50; Prin. S. Davies Inst. '51-'54; P. (-harlottesville '.54-'o9 ; P. (ireensboro, N. C, '59-'84. D. D. Un. N. C. and H. S. C. i844~'45. 212 DABNEY, Robert Lewis, Louisa Co., Va.; b. Mar. 5, 1820. St. H. S. C; A. M. Un. Va. Teacher. (2. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. May 4, 1846; O. Lex. Pby. July, 1847; P. Tinkling Spring '47-'52 ; Prof. Ch. Histy. and Polity, U. T. S., '53-'69 ; Adj. Prof. Theology '6(>-'69; Prof Theology '69-'83; Prof. Moral Philosophy, Univ. Texas, '83- also Co-P. College Ch. '.58-'74; D. D. and LL.D. H. S. C. Mod. G. Assembly 1870. Author " Defence of Virginia and the South," "Life of Maj. -General Thos. J. Jackson," "Theology," '• Sensualistic Phil()soi)hy," " Sacred Rhetoric," "Life of Dr. Sampsoi." 213. KIMMONS, Hugh H., Oxford, Miss.; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, July, 1818. Dav. Col. (2.) Discontinued studies for ministry. Teacher '45-'60; M. D. 1865-'84. ■223 1844-45— 1845-46 43 .•314.* M< I'HAILL, Bkn.iamin G., Norfolk, Va.; b. Jan. ;30, 1818. Jeff. Col. (1.) L E. H. Pby. Sept. ;37, 1S4.'5; My. Louisa, Gooehland, Ac, '-t7-'48; S. S. Scottsville '4P- Kocktish \50; Teacher, Scottsvillc, 'o\-'rr.l- P. Suow Hill Pby., E. Shore '53-'57' Died there May 9, 1857. " ' 315. PHAKR, Samuei. C, Meckleuburi;-, N. C. ; b. uear Susiar Cr. eh. Mar. H) 1825 Dav. Col. and N. H. (:5. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. April 10, 1847; O. May 2H, 1848; P. Provi- dence and Sharon '48- 55; Prof. Knoxville and S. S.Lebanon, Knoxv. Pby. '5G-'.57- P. Hopewell, Cone. Pby. '58-'66 ; S. S. and then P. Thyatira and Franklin, '67-'73'. Severed connection with Presbn. Cli. and joined the .Methodist 1874. 316. ROI)(4ERS, William M., Prince Edward Co., Va.; b. October 29, 1815 of Baptist family. St. II. S. C; Licentiate of New Salem (Baptist) ch., Charlotte Co., Va.; O. by a Presbytery of Baptist Ch. Sept. 32, 18.53; My. in Lunenburg Prince Edward, Nottoway, Pittsylvania and Halifax, and Tea.liinii"; pastoral relation with Banister ch., held for a short time, '53-'84. 317. *STANFIELD, Stephen Andeilson, Halifax, Va.; b. Feb. 30, 1823 Un N. C.(3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April 17, 1847; (). Ev. Dec. 8, 1S48 ; P. Spring Hill '50-'57" S. S. Red House '47-'(iS; P. Milton '57-'()S; s. S. Red House '70-71; Evang. Eastern N. C. '71-'74; Agent and Teacher f> yr,s. Died at home, near Milton, Jan. 15, 1874. 318. STODDERT, William, Prince William, Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 5, 1834 H S C (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. May 14, 1847 ; O. N. Ala. Pby. Oct., (?) 1873; S. S. of various churches m N. Ala. Pby. and for a short time of New Store, W. H. Pby., from 1847 to '77; P. Cumberland ch. '78-83; S. S. Mexico, Mo. Pby., 1883. D. D. w! and M. Col. 319. VAU(iHAN, Clement Read, Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. July 15, 1837. H S C (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. May 14, 1847; My. to Negroes and S. S. 1st' ch. Lynchburg '47-'49; O. Dec. 23, 1849; P. 1st ch. Lynchburg '49-'57; Intirm '57-'71; S. S. Macon (4a. '71-'73; 3d ch. Richmond '73; Prof. K. Col.'74; S. S. 1st ch. Raleigh, N. C.'77-'78;' Central ch., Atlanta '79; Chaplain Un. Va. 'r0-'81 ; P. New Providence ch Lex Pbv' '81-'84. D. D. W. and L. Un. ' ^' 330.* WILSON, James M., Union Seminary; b. in Frcdericksbui-g, Va., 1831 W C. V. (3. (ir.) L. W. H. Pby. May 14, 1847 ; 6. Montg. Pby. August 38, 1849; My in Henry and then Floyd Cos. '48-'53; S. S.Jacksonville '53-'60; S. S. and Teacher Rogersville, Tcnn. '(i0-'(53; S. S. Wattensaw, Ark. '63. Killed by fall from a bu^a-y July 3, lS(i2. ' ^^■^' i845-'46. 331.* (iliASTV, John Shaksuall, Pittsylvania, Co., Va. b. Mt. Airy, Pittsylv April 34, 1825. St. W. C, Va. (3. (4r.) L. W. H. Pby., May 6, 1848, O. Or.' Pby., July 5, 1850; P. Yanceyvilk and S. S. Grier's' '50-'56; P. Fincastle and Mt. Union, '56-'67; P. Shelbyvillc, Ky., '(m-'74; P. Austin, Texas, '74-'76; S. S.Columbia, Mo. 76-'79; s! S. Mexico, Mo. Pby., 'T'.>-'S2. Intirm, '8r2-'S3; D. D. Died Kansas City, April 18, 1883. Author Tracts •■ Way to /ion," "Sin and its Wages," "Jehovah our Home," "Faith and Assurance of Faith," vols., '• Faith's Battles and Victories," " Life of Rev. Samuel Brown McPheeters." 333.* HUGHES, James E., Cumberland Co., Va.; b. Jan. 37, 1834. H. S. C. (3. Gr ) L. W. 11. Pby., May (i, 1848; D. My., '48-'49, O. Winch. Pby., April 19, 1850; P. Salem, Fauquier Co., Va. and S. S. and then P. Front Royal, Va., '50-'.55; P. 12th ch, Balti- more, '5(i-'.5s. Intirm, '59-'-'77; S. S. Mt. Olivet '78-'79; S. S. Mt. Olivet, Dallas^ Pby., X), and College Hill 'SI; S. S. Ennis and Hundley '81-'84. . 243.* MOORE, William S., Cherokee Co., N. C; b. Macon Co., N. C, Mar. 18, .1825. Da. C. 1849; (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. July 2, 18.52; O. Ev. Sept. 3, 1853; D. M. S. S. Franklin, Ebeuezer, vtc, '54-'58; P. '.59-'65. Died Aug. 19, 18()5. . 244.* SHERWOOD, John Milton, Lexington, N. C; b. near Greensboro, N. C, June 3, 1822. Acad. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. June 12,1852; O. Dec. 12, 1854; P. Washington, N. C, '.54-'«0; Editor '60-'tV2 ; P. Fayetteville '03-'67; S. S. Big Rock- .fish '68-'70; S. S. same and St. Paul's and Editor '7]-'72. Died Fayetteville Jan. 6, 1872. 245. TOWLES, Daniel Thomas, Raleigh, N. C; b. Northumberland Co., Va., Nov. 27, 1823. Un. N. C. Merchant (3. Gr.) L.'Or. Pby. Spring 1852; O. Fay. Pby. Sept. 2, 1854; S. 8. Long Creek, Keith, &c., '56-'65; S. S. Six Mile Cr. Bethel Pby. '66-'67; Teacher, Rocky Mt., N. C, '69-'70; Teacher and S. S. Hendersonville, Meckl. Pby. '73; Teacher and S. S. Bethel '74; Teacher '75, S. S. Bethel '76-'77, and '79-'81 ; D. M. '82-'83. 246.* WHARTON, William P., Guilford, N. C. ; b. near Greensboro, N. C, 1826. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Or. PV)y. Jan. 12, 18.52; S. S. New Monmouth Lex. Pby. '52-'53 ; O. Or. Pby. July 1, 1852; P. Milton '54-' .56. Died in Milton, N. C. Aug. 6, 1856 247. WHITE, Charles, Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. Oct. 31, 1827. N. H. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. Oct. 15, 1852; O. July 28, 1854; P. Berryville '54-'75; P. College ch., W. H. Pbv. '75-' 84. D. D. 1850— '51. 248.* BARR, James S., Rowan Co., N. C. ; b. Sept. 27, 1826. Da. C. 1847. Teacher. Col. Semy. 1. Princeton and Col. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. July 2, 1852; S. S. Bethany and Mt. Tabor '.52-'.55 ; O. Ev. Ouach. Pby. Aug. 24, 18.56 ; S. S. Camden and Mt. Horeb, Ark. '56-'57; Mt. Holly '57-'58; Scottland '57-'60; Three Rivers '59-'60; S.S.Concord and Shiloh, Concord Pby., '60-'65 ; Ev. and Teacher Lincoln ton '65-'67; S. S. Dallas and Olney '67-'68; Olney and Caldwell 69; My. Lincolnton '70-'72. Died Lincoln- ton, N. cl, Feb. 2, 1872. 349. MONTGOMERY, John W., Acad. (2.) Princeton. L. Or. Pby. July 3, 18.53; O. Aug. 26, 185(i; S. S. Reidsville, N. C, '54-'55: P. Bethesda '56-'64; S. S. Ocala, Fla., '65^.70: P. Fleming-ton and Walthourville, Sav. Pby. '71-'83. 250.* TAYLOR, Robert J., Lex. Va.; b. Oct. 11. 1816. W. C. V. and U. Va., Lawyer (2.) L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 21, 1851; O. Ev. April 24, 1853; P. High St. Ch., Portsmouth, Va.. '53-'02; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'65; S. S. Timber Ridge and Bethesda, Lex. Pby. '6()-'69, and P. T)9-'73. Died in Bethesda Manse April 7, 1873. 251. WITHEROW, Thomas Scott, Frederick Co., Md.; b. near Emmittsburg, Md., Aug. 14, 1837. Jeft'. Col. 1849 (2.) Princeton Gr., Teacher; L. New Brunswick, Pby. April 27, 1853; S. S. Hartwood, Va., '.55; O. Winch. Pby. July 14, 1855; S. S. and then P. Washington, Rappah. Co., Va., '55-'60; S. S. Mt. Horeb '61 ; My. and Bible Soy. Agt. '61-'83. Res. Orlando, Nelson Co., Va. —261 1851-52— 1852-53 47 i85i'-52. 352. CAMPBELL, Charles Newton, Berkley Co., \V. Va. ; b. July 10, 1S27. N. H. Teacher (.3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. April 22, 18.54; O. Chesap. Pby. April 22, 1869; P. Lovettsville and Poolosville chs. 'r»!)-'81 (also Teacher). Teacher Charlcstown, Jell'. €0., W. Va., '8;3-'84. 253. CAMPBELL, Samuel B., Kockbrldiie Co., Va. ; b. Jun. 10, is:>r. W. C. V.; Teacher (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby. April, :8.54; O. Ev. Moutg. Pby. Oct. 1855; S. S. Pleasant Grove, Ab. Pby. '55-. 58. Rogersville Hoist. Pby. '.59-'61 ; New Bethel, &c., ''62-'65; Luesburg, Rheatown, itc, 'OG-'Tl ; Ev. and then S. S. Carniel, Rose Hill, &c., "■T^-'Si; (also Teacher and '75-'84 Prest. Cumberland College, Lee Co., Va.) D. D. of King Coll. 254. ROSE, Henky Bates, Allegheny Co., Va. ; b. Mar. 6.1825. W. C. V. 1850. "Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. April 2!), 1853; O. E. Greenb. Pby. Nov. 10. 1859; S. S. Carinel '00-'6G ; S. S. Beaver Cr. Ab. Pby. '67-'74; S. S. Burnet, C. Texas Pby., ^74-'78; S. S. Pleasant Hill '79-'80; Ev. C. Texas Pby. '81; S. S. Burnet '82; Pleasant Hill '83. ^852-'53. 255. CAMPBELL, William A.. Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Nov. 13, 1829. W. C. V. Teacher. (3. dr. ) L. Lex. Pby., Jun. 1, 18.55, O E. H. Pby., Jun. 1, 1856; P. Powhatan •ch. and Teacher, '.5()-'71; S. S. Manchester, '71-'82; Ev. E. H. Pby, '82-'84; St. Clk. E. H. Pby., '70-'84. Author "Commentary on Mark's Gospel." 256.* HARRISON, Dabney C.U{r, Cinnberland, Va.; b. Sep. 12, 1830. N. H. (3. Gr.) X. W. H. Pby., April 8, 1854, O. April 18, 18.57; Asst, Instr. Un. T. Semy., April, '54, Apl. '.56; Chapl. Un. Va. '57-' 59; S. S. Bcthcsda, E. II. Pby. '.59-'61. Died from wounds in the battle of Fort Donaldson, Feb. 16, 1862. 257.* McMASTER, Robert B. McKee, Rockbridge, Co., Va.; b. Oct. 19. 1829. W. €. V. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby., Jun. 1, 18.55; My. Louisa Co. '.56- \57. Died at his father's ■residence, Nov. 13, 1858. 258. MARTIN, Alexander, Richmond, Va. ; b. July 10, 1822. St.W. C.V. (3. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby. April 9, 18.54; O. Oct. 19, 1856; P. Bethlehem ch. '.56-' 58; P. E. Pittsylva- nia C. H. ch., Roan. Pby., 18.58; P. Roanoke ch. '.59-69; P. Danville '69-'84. D.D. 2.59.* PORTER, Edward Ethel, Memphis, Tenn. ; b. Liucolnton Mar. 27, 1833. «o. Han. Col. (3. Gr.) L. Memphis Pby. Sept. 31, 18.55; O. May 7, 18.56; S. S. and then P. E. Third ch., Memphis. '56-'61; in C. S. A. '61-'65; infirm '66-'67. Died October 7, 1867. 260.* SAWTELLE, Ben-iamin Niles, Binghampton, N. Y.; b. Dec. 19, 1830. So. Han. Col. 18.53 ; Princeton (—mid. 3. Gr.) L. Memphis Pby. Sept. 31, 1855 ; O. Arkansas Pby. ■Oct. 12, 18.^6; P. Batesville, Ark., '.56-'61; S. S. Tuseumbia, Ala., '61-'70; and P. ''70-'72 [Prin. State Normal School, Tuseumbia]. Died Tuseumbia Feb. 13, 1872. 261. SEE, Ch.\rles, S. M., Preston Co., W. Va., b. Sept. 15, 1826. W. C. V. Std. Law. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. June 1, 1885; S. S. Bethesda and Hcrmon W. H. Pby. \55-'.56; O. Lex. Pby. Nov. 20, 18.56; P. Tinkling Spring Ch. '.56-'70; My. Barbour :and Randolph Counties, W. Va., '70-'71; S. S. Pisgah and Crab Bottom '71-72, and P. '74— (and Montcry '79)— '81; S. S. Cliburn, Dallas Pby., '81, and P. '82-'84. 48 i852-'53— 1853-54 262— 262.* TUCKER, Alfred B., M. D., Winchester, Va.; b. Oct. 4, 1830. Left in ill health, and by consent of Pby. withdrew from its care as a candidate. Returned to practice of medicine in Winchester, then Savannah,- tlien in the army. Died at Marietta, Ga., September 25, 1862. i853--'54. 263. CARUTHERS, William, Union Seminary; b. Fredericlisbura-, 1831. Teacher (3. Gr.)L. W. H. Pby., Sept. 5, 18.56; Teacher '56-'84. Withdrew from ministerial duties 1858. 264. DAVIS, John- H., Hampshire Co., Va.; b. Hardy Co., Oct. '.», 1837. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. May 39, 18.56; O. Sept. 5, 1857; P. Yellow Chapel (Hartwood> '57-'63; P. Bethlehem and Concord, Roan. Pby. '62-'73; P. Spring Hill '7:3-'84. 265.* DAVIS, Samuel Hamner, Fiederick, Md.; b. Oc^., 1833. H. S. C. (3. Gr.> L. Bait. Pby. April, 1856; O. E. H. Pby. May, 1857: P. Amelia Ch. '57. Died at Amelia C. H. July 19, 1857. 366.* GOUL, JoHX M., Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Mar. 38, 1839. Farmer. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. Jan. 10, 1857; O. Et., May 10, 1863; S. S. New Providence, then Providence, Louisa, W. H. Pljy. and Chapl. C. S. A. Died at home, Rock- bridge Co., Va., Aug. 9, 1862 267.* McCLELLAN, James H., Cabarrus Co. N. C; b. 1835. Da. C. 1853 (l+.> Left in ill health and remitted farther preparation for the ministrj'. Teacher '54-'68. Died in Bethphage Congr. Dec. 1868. 268. MILLER, Willis L, Wake Co., N. C. Acad. (1.) Dismissed at his request Nov. 30, 1854. L. Or. Pby. Oct. 37, 1855; O. Dec. 3, 1857; P. Pittsboro '57-' 58; S. S. Alamance '59-67: joined the Presbyn. Ch. U. S. A.; Prof, and S. S. Lloyd, Catawba Pby. '6S; S. S. Carthage, Ozark Pby. '73; Salem, Shiloh, etc., '74-'76; Palo Pinto and Bellville, Trinity Pby., Tex, '79; S. S. Gainesville and Saint Jo., N. Texas Pby. '80-'83; S. S. Salem and Shiloh, Ozark Pby. '83-'84. 269. MORRISON, William Walker, Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Feb. 24, 1831. W. C. V. 1853. Teacher. (2.) L. Lex. Pby. Jun. 1,18.55; O.E. Alab. Pby. April 19, 1857; S. S. New Harmony, Auburn, Ilayueville, Lowndsboro and (iood Hope '58-'59; P. Hatchet Cr. '60-'61; S S. New Harmony and Lafayette '61-66; S. S. Lake City, Fla., '66-'67;, S. S. Sweetwater and Madisonville, Tenn., '67-72; S. S. Jcmesboro and Johnson City '72-'74; S. S. Greenville, E. Al. Pity. '74-'75; S. S. Maryville and Rockford, Knoxv. Pby. '75 370.* 0(iDEN, Thomas Spenckii, of Michigan; b. near Pcnnii)gt(jii, N. J., Jan. 9^ 1832. U. Mich. (1.) Princeton, Gr. L. N. Brunswick Pby., April 29, and O. Ev., Aug. 10, 1857; My. Corisco, Africa, ^57-'61. Died there May 13, 1861. 271. PHARR, William W., Cabarrus Co., N. C; b. Jan. 1, 1832. Da. C. (3.) L. Cone. Pby., July 31, 1856, O. :May, 18.58; P. Bethphage and Central chs. '58-'84. 272. PUGH, John W. L Pby., August, 1855 and O. Oct.. 1855; P. War- renton and Greenwich chs., '55-'69: P. 4th St. ch., Owensboro, Loiiisv. Pliy., '69- '77; P Frankfort cli. '77-'83; P. Franklin ch., Indiana Pby., '8:3-'84. —282 1853-54— 1854-55 '^^ 273. SCOTT, Joseph Morton, Hardy Co., W. Va. ; b. Jan. 18, 1830. H. S. C. 1852, Teacher (2) ; Danville Semy. Gr. ; L. West Lex. Pby. ; called to Winchester an* ordained and installed in 18.57. " Since then, P. of Carrollton, Mo., Joseyville, 111., Waverly, Mo., and Point Pleasant, W. Va. ; serving, in intervals, as S. S. Clinton- ville and Cherry Hun, Carlisle and Sharpsburg chs. in W. Lex. and Ebenezer Pbys." 274. WALKER, Rohekt C. ; b. . W. C. V. Teacher (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April 11, 1857; O. Nov. 9, 1857; P. Union in Augusta Co., Va. '57- 7(>; W. C. Res.. Augusta Co., Va. '77-'84. i«54— 55- 275.* BARR, John Andrew, Rowan Co., N. C. ; b. Sept. 5, 1832. Da. C. 1852. (2.+.) L. Cone. Pby. Jan. 17, 1857; O. Ark. Pby. April 8, 1860; S. S. Searcy, Ark. Pby. '59-'63.. Died at Searcy, July 18, 18(53. 270. BLANTON, Linoley Hitghes, Cumberland Co., Va. ; 1). Jan. 20 1830. H. S. C. 1853, Teacher (1.) Danville— Mid. 2. Gr. L. Louisville Pby. April, 1857; O. W. Lex. Pby. April, 1858; P. Versailles, Ky. '57-'01 ; P. Salem, Roan. Co., Montg. Pby., '61- '68; P. Paris, Ky. '69-'80; Chanc. Central Un. '80-'84. D. D. H. S. C. 277.* BOWMAN, Francis Henry, Greensboro, Ga. ; b. Charlottesville July 9, 1833; Oglethorp Un. 1851; St. Un. Va. '54; (1.) Princeton Semy. (—mid. l+Gr.) L. Hopewell Pby. April 5, 1856; O. Ev. Ga. Pby., Mar. 29, 1857; S. S. and Co-P. Congr. ch. Riceboro, Ga., '57-'59; S. S. Pres. ch. Greensboro, Al. '5"^-'62; P. Augusta ch. Lex. Pby. '62-'68; P. Memphis 1st ch. '68-73. Died of yellow fever, in Memphis, Oct. 6, 1873. 278. MEACHUM, John Henry, Susquehanna Co., Pa. ; Un. Col.; Episcopal Theol. Semy. at Alexandria, Va. (2.) Left and subsequent history cannot be traced. 279. PENICK, Daniel Allen, Jr., Cabarrus Co., N. C. ; b. Milton, N. C, April 15, 1834. H. S. C. 1854. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. April 8, 1857; O. Jany. 28, 1858; P. Poplar Tent '58-74; P. New Monmouth, Lexg. Pby. '74-'84. 280. PITZER, Alexander White, Salem, Roan. Co., Va. ; b. Sep. 14, 1834. H. S. C. 1854. (1.) Danville Sem. mid. 2. Gr. L. Montg. Pby. Sep. 1850; O. Highland Pby. Kansas, April 5, 185S; S. S. and then P. Leavenworth, Kans. '5S-'01; S. S. Sparta, (ia., )62-'64 ; My. of (4. Assembly to the C. S. A. of Tenn. '04-'65; S. S. Liberty and Cave Spring chs. Roan, (now Montg.) Pby. '65-'06 ; P. Liberty '67; P. Central ch. Washing- ton, D. C. '6S-'84; Prof. Bibl. Study, Howard Un. (Col'd.) Washington, D. C. D. D. Ark. Coll. Author " Ecce Dens Homo," " Christ the Teacher of Men," " The New Life and the Higher Life," "Shall God's Houses of Worship be taxed?" 281. PRICE, William Thomas, Pocahontas Co., Va. ; b. July 19, 1830. W. C. V. 1854 (3. Gr.) L. (ireenb. Pby. May 2, 1857; O. Lex. Pby. April 16, 1858; My. Bath and Highland Cos., Va., '.58-'09 [teaching four years of the time]; P. (Jook's Cr. '69-'84; Author "Faithful Word," "Gone to be with Jesus," "Memoir Rev. John Pinkerton," "Memoirs Edward 11. Scott, M.D.," Communicants' Manual ; "With Christ or Against Him," " Doctrine of Foot Washing Ilir-torically and Scripturally Connected." Editor of " Young Virginian " four years. 282. RUSSELL, (tEORGe A., Alamance Co., N. C; b. Orange Co., N. C, Sept. 20,. V827. Acad. Teacher (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Oct., 1857; O. Oct., 1859; P. Carthage eh. '.59-'63; P. Summerville '63-'64; P. Tir/.a, and S. S. Barbacue, Memphis Pby., '66-'67;. S. S. Somerville '07-'70; S. S. Brownsville, W. Dis. Pby., '77, and P. '72-'78; S. S. Franklin, Tenn., '79-'84. 50 1854-55— 1855-56 283— 283* 8ELDEN, Samuel. Norfolk, Va., b. 1834. On account of ill health with- 7; S. S. St. Mary's, Ga. 'f)7-'68; Columbus, W. Texas Pl?y. '08-'69 ; Gouzalcs, Ae. '09-'73; Goliad, Fort "Worth, &e. '73-'77; Fhitouia, ttc. '78-^81 ; Nnvidud, Arc. '8;i-'8:;; Agt. A. B. S. ; Res. Vietoria, Texas '84. 316. KIRKLAND, Alex.vnueh, Chapel Hill, N. C; b. Orange Co., July 1.5, 1839. Un. N. C. (2. +). L. Or. Pby., Jun. 18(11; O. E. Wilni. Pby., Oct., 1879; S. S. Mt. Zion, &c. 'n^-'OC; S. S. Chapel Hill, Are. '07; S. S. Oak Plain, &c. '68-'78; S. S. Clin- ton, '78-'81; Whiteville, '83-'84. 317. NIVEN, Thornton McNes!>, Bloomiugsburg, N. Y.; b. Newburg, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1836. Teacher. Assoc. Ref. Theol. Semy. 1+ (— mid. 2. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby., April ■6, 1860; My. Madison Co., Va. '60-'01; Chapl. C. S. A., '61-'03, O. Ev., Roanoke Pby., July 29, 1866; S. S. and then P. Mercy Seat, '68-'67; P. Dobb's Ferry (now Greeubui-gh, Westchester), 2d N. Y. Pby. '67-'84." 318. SMITH, James Power, Winchester, Va.; b. New Attiens, O. July 4, 1837. Teacher. JeflT. C, Pa. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby., Dec. 29, 1863, O. Montg. Pby., Oct. 13, 1866; (Captain Staft Gen. T. J. Jackson, C. S. A., '61-'65); P. Big Lick, now Roanolie, '66-69; P. Fredericksburg, '69-'84. 319. VASS, Lachlan CuMMiNG, Warrenton, \a., b. Fredericksburg, Va., Mar. 20, 1831. N. H. Danville Semy. (—Mid. 2. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby., Jun. 1, 1860; S. S. Am- herst C. H., '60-61, O. April 19, 1861; P. Amherst, '61-'6.5: Chapl. C. S. A., '62-'65 ; S. S. Tabb St. ch., Petersburg, '05-'66; S. S '66 and P. Newburn N. C. '66-'84; Delgt, of U. S. Ev. All. to " World's Conference," Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 31, 1884 and Delgt. to Presbn. AIL, Belfast, Ireland, 1884. Author " The New Triumph." 320. WHITE, Thomas Wakd. Richmond, Va. St. H. S. C. (2.) L. E. H. Pby. April 4, 1860 ; O. Roan. Pby. July 10, 18(;2 ; P. Ebenezer ch. '62-'68 ; S. S. Helena, Ark. Pby. '68-'71; Pres. Female Col. Pendleton, S. C. '71-'75; Pres. Greensboro Fem. Col., Alab. '7.5-'80; Ev. N. Miss. Pby. '80-'84 and E. Texas Pby. '84. 1859 — '60. :331. ARMISTEAD, Charles James, Cumberland Co., Va. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. P. April 25, 1862 ; License revoked Nov. 26, 1869 ; Inlirm '68-'84. 323.* CARRINGTON, Edgar Wirt, Charlotte, W. Va. ; b. Oct. 12, 1835; St. H. S. C. (1.) Killed in battle. Seven Pines, May 31, 1862. 323. DENNY, George Hutchinson, Riclmiond, Va.; b. June 11, 1834. St. H. S. C. (3.) L. E. H. Pby. April 20, 1863; C. S. A. '64-'65; O. July 14, 1866; P. Bethlehem and Pole Green and Salem chs. '66-'72; P. Horeb ch., Lexg. Pby., '72-'78; P. Amelia, E. H, Pby. and S. S. Jamestown, W. H. Pby. '78-'84. 334. GILMER, George H., Charlottesville, Va. ; b. July 31, 1836. W. C. V. and St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby., April 25, 1862; O. Roan. Pby. July 4, 1868; P. Mercy •Seat '68-'74; S. S. Drapers Valley and Dublin, Ab. Pby., '74-'83; P. Draper's Valley '83-'84. (Fifteen years teaching in connection with ministerial work.) 335.* GILMER, Thomas Walker, St. Louis, Mo. ; b. Charlottesville July 26, 1834. Un. Va. Lawyer. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 25, 1862; O. July 17, 1866; P. Freder- icksburg '66-'69. Died suddenly in Fredericksburg April 5, 1869. 54 i859-'6o 326— 326. GILMORE, Harvey, Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 7,1838. W. C. Y. 1859; (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby. March, 1863; Chapl. 0. S. A. '63; S. S. Fairfield '64-'69; O. Jan., 1868; S. S. Fairfield and Sliemariah '70-'74; P. Shemariah '7f>-'78; P. Tuscarora aud Falling Waters '78-'S4. 327. HAYNES, James, Pocahontas Co., W. Va.; 1>. .Monroe Co. Aug. 16, 1833. W. C.V. 1859 (3. Gr.) L. Greenb. Pby. April 19, 1S62; 8. S. Anthony's Cr. '62-'63; 0. Ev. April 16, 1864; Cliapl. C. S. A. '6:3-'65; My. Muddy Ci., West (Trcenbrier and Fayette, Raleigh, Nicholas and Webster Cos. '65-'84. 328. ISLER, Simmons Hakrison, Goldsboro, N. C; b. Jones Co., N. C, Aug. 31. 1838. Un. N.'c.(3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Mar. 16, 1861; O. Ev. April 10, 1863; S. S. Goldsboro '61-'65; S. S. Beaver '66, and P. '67-'69; P. Dover '70; S. 8. Ricliland, Semi- nary and Cobl)'s Mills, Wilni. Pby. '70-'84. 329. LACY William Sterling, Davidson Col. ; h. Raleigh Mar. 25, 1842. Da. C. 1859(2.+) L. Roan. Pby. April 25, 1862: Chapl. C. S. A. '62-455; Teacher and S. S. various vacant chs. '65-'68; O. Ab. Pby. Oct. 2, 1869; P. Anchor of Hope and Cove, cbs. '69-73; 8. S. Butfalo and Euphronia, Fay. Pby. '7:^74, and P. of same '74-'84. 330. LIFE, George M.. Highland Co., Va. ; W. C. V. No reply to repeated appli- cations for information. 331.* LIGHTNER, Samiel Milton, Pocahontas Co. Va., Dec. 27, 1832; St. Un. Va (2.) C. S. A. Died of camp fever in Stanardsville, Green Co., Va., May 18, 1862. 332. LYLE, George Tate, Montgomery Co., Va. ; b. Buchanan Va., Jun. 18, 1836. W. C.V. 1858' (2.4-). L. Abingd. Pby. Sep. 8, 1865; O. Montg. Pby. Mar. 6, 1871; P. Loc Bottom '71-'73; S. S. Salem and Carmel Greenb. Pby. and Teacher in part of the time '7:>-'79; S. S. Providence, New Providence, Lee and Concord in Hoist. Pby. '80-'82; Teacher Kiugsport, Tenn. '83-'84. 333 * LYNCH, James Montgomery,* Chesterfield ; b. Laurel Branch, near Peters- burg April 11, 183«. H. S. C. (2.): C. S. A. '61-'62. Died at home of camp fever Jun. 29, 1862. 334.* Mc'COWN, John Wilson,* Rockl)ridge Co. Va.; b. April 12, 1836. W. C. V. 1859 (2.) ; left in ill health. Died at home May 28, 1862. 335 McCOY, Henry P. R., Charlottesville, Va.; h. Fauquier Co., Va., Feb. 2, 1830. Un'va. Teacher. (3.) L. W. H. Pby. April 25, 1862; Chapl. C. S. A. '(i;3-'65; 0. Oct. 21, 1866; P. Providence (Louisa) '60-'81 ; P. Kirk of Clifl"77-'84. 336. MORROW, Calvin Newton, Alamance, N. C; b. Sept. 19, 18:J2. Un. N. C. 1359 (_^i.) L. Or. Pby. Oct. 22, 1860; O. Ev. April 12, 1862 ; 8. 8. Ashboro '6:i-'64; S. S. Bethlehem '65-'73 ; P. Hawticlds and Cross Roads '73-'82. Res. Hartsville, Tenn., 1883. 337 MORTON, Pail Carrington, Botetourt Co., Va. St. W. C. V. No reply to repeated applications. :B38* POAGUE, James Wilson,* Rockbridge Co., Va. ; I). April 2S, 1h:J4. W. C. V. 18i57 (2.) C. S. A. Died (from wounds received May 7.) at home. May 26, 18(>4. 339 SHANKS, Davii> W., Memphis, Tenn. : 1). Fincastle, Va., Dec. 11. 1830. St. W C. V. and St.Law and Gr. Un. Va. Merchant and Lawyer. (3.) L. Montg. Pby. April 27 1861; O. E. H. Pby., Nov. 29, ISfU; S. S. Amelia ch. '(i2-'(;4, and P. '64-'68; P. FalHng Spring, Montg. Pby. '68-'83. Intirm. Res. Lexington, Va. 'S3-'84. 340 SHEARER, James W., Appomattox Co., Va. ; b. Oct. 4, 1840. St. H. S. C. r Left the Seminary and did not return till the session of '67-'68.] (3. (ir.) L. Roan Pby. April 18, 1870 ; O. E. Or. Pby., May 12, 1871 ; S. S. Madison, '71 ; WentwortU andLeaksville, '72; P. Gallatin, Nashv. Pby. '7:^'74; P. Liberty Corner, Elizabeth, N. J Pby. '76-78; Evangelist, '79; P. Huntington, Greenb. Pby. '80-'82; P. let ch.,. DcLand, Fla. 'k:V84. Author; •' Phonetic Spellin-- Book." —351 i859-'6o— i86o-'6i 55 341. WALKUP, Joseph W., R()ck))iidiie Co., Va. ; b. Dee. 28, 1820. W. C. V, 1844 and St. Un. Ya. Teaclier. (2.) Ai;cijt Am. Tr. 8oey. in Roekbridgc and Augusta Go's, and Lynehburg and Norfolk '4«-'61 ; L. Montg. Pl)y. Aug. 17,1861; O. Roan Pby. Sep. S, ISfiT; P. Old Coneord '07-'73; Evangl. Winches^ter Pby. '73-'84. 342. WHAREY Ja.mes Mokton, Prinec p:d\vai-d Co., Va. ; b. Gooehland Co. Jany. 28, 1839. H. 8. C. 1857. Teaeher. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 25, lSf;2; O. Montg. Pby. April 12, ISCO; P. Cove ch., Pulaski Co., Va., 'm-y>7\ P. CunilH-ihuid, W. H. Pby. '07-'74; P. Roeky River, Cone. Pby. '76-'84. 343. WILITELM, William Franklin, Rockbridge, Ya. ; b. April 25, 1S37. St. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. April 13, 18(;2 ; O. Jun. 2, 1867; P. Blaoksburg, Va., '67-'80; Assoc. P. Lewisburg, Grecub. Pby. '80-'82; P. Roncevcrte and Richlands '83-'83; P. Chapel Hill and HillsboKO, Or. Play. '83-'S4. 344.* WHITE, Hugh Augustus, Lexington, Va. ; b. Sep. 0, 1840. W. C. Y. Tutor. W. C. V. Teacher. (2.) C. S. A. '()l-'f,2. Killed at the head of his company Aug. 30, 1862. i860— '6i. 345. BLAIN, Daniel, Williamsburg; b. Cumberland Co., Ya., Nov. 30, 1838. W. C. V. Teacher. (2.) Interrupted by the war. L. Lex. Pby. Sept. 22, 1866; O. Nov. 30, 1867; P. CoUierstown '67-'71 ; P. Christiansburg, Va., 1871- 84. Author; "History of Christiansburg Church." 346. BROWN, Henky Clay, Montgomery Co., Ya. ; b. Floyd Co., Ya., 1834 (?). St. \Y. C. V. and H. S. C. Farmer and Teacher. C. S. A. '61-'65. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. Oct. 6, 1863; O. Ark. Pby. Oct., 1867; P. Macedonia ch. '68-'70; Ev. Synod of Memphis, '1870; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '70-'73; S. S. Tuscumbia, Al., '7:3-'74; S. S. Shep- herdstown, W. Ya., '74-'75; P. E. Falling Waters and Tuscarora '75-'77; S. S. Darnes- town, Md., '7S-'83; S. S. Appomattox C. H. '83-84. 347. DARNALL, Henky Thomas, Waynesboro, Va. ; b. July 28, 1837. W. C. V. 1859. Teacher. C. S. A. '61-'65 (1. +). L. Montg. Pby. April 19, 1867; 0. Sept., 1868; P. Pcarisburg '68-'70; P. Amelia, E. H. Pby., '70-'75; S. S. Milton, N. C, '75- '80; P. Durham '80-'84. 348. GREENLEE, James Samuel, Rockbridge Co., Ya. ; li. :\Iay 30, 1S34. W. C. Y. Teacher. (2.) Teacher till L. C. Texas Pby. 1883. 349. HOUSTON, W^illiam W., Wheeling, W. Ya. ; b. Sept. 21, 1839. Teacher. St. W. C. v. (1.) L. Lex. Pby. July 16, 1863; Chapl. C. S. A. O. Sei)t. 21, 1866; P. Warm Springs and Windy Cove '66-'()9; P. Salem, Roanoke Co.,Va., '69-'79; S. S. 2d Ch. Memphis, and then N. Providence Ch., Lexg. Pl)y. (each 6 mo), 'S0-'81; P. Wyoming, Cincin. Pby., '82-'84. 350. LUNSFORD, J. B., Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. June 4, 1838. St. H. S. C. Teacher. (3.) L. Palmyra Pbj'. April 17, 1869; O. Sept. 18,1870; S.S.Paris and Pleasant Hill '71 ; S. S. Florida '7'3-'73; P. Etna (now Granger) and S. S. Alexandria and Des Moines (also Teacher '7'2-'73) 1874-'77; S. S. Philadelphia, Mo., and Warren '79-' 84. 351. McINTYRE, Kenneth Mukchison, Moore Co., N. C. ; b. Feb. 10, 1836. St. Un. N. C. and Un. Ya. Columbia Semy. (—mid. 2.) L. Fay. Pby. Aug. 1, 1863; 0. April, 1868; P. Mineral Spring '68-'81 ; S. S. Bcnsalcm, Sharon, Pedec, itc, '68-'84. 56 i86o-'6i— i86i '62 352— 352. MARTIN, Stephen Taylok, Richmond, Va. ; b. . St. Un.Va. (3. Gr) L. E. H. Pby., April 13, 1867; O. W. H. Pby. July 5, 1868; P. Byrd and Hebron, '68- "•70. Infirm '71'-72; Prin. Concord F. Institute, '73-'75; Prin. Charlotte F. Inst. '75- '78; Evangl. Meckl. Pby. '78-'83; Agt. Union Theol. Semy. '83-'84. 358. MILLER, William Henrt, Woodstock, Va. Roan. Col. Dismissed at his -own request to Zion(Luth.) ch., Shenandoah. 354. SLAUGHTER, John William, Culpepper Co., Va. Un. Wise; withdrew; never licensed ; Merchant. 355. VENABLE, Paul Carrington. withdrew. Now Ruling Elder, Danville, Va. 356. WINFREE, James Henry Harrison, Chesterfield; b. Powhatan Co., Va., Aug. 4, 1841. H. S. C. ; C. S. A. '62-'65; (3. Gr.) ^L. E. H. Pby., April 11, 1868; O. Lex. Pby., Jun. 17, 1869; P. New Bethany and Stony River, -'09— (Rocky Spring, '72— )-'81; Rocky Spring and Shemariah, '81-'82; R. Spring and Lockwillow, '82-'84. 357. YEARGAN, Leonidas H., C. S. A., and ceased to be a candidate of Or. Pby. '65, and returned the money (I500) expended for him — 1870. 1861— '62. 3.58. BACHMAN, Nathan, Kingsport, Teun. ; b. Sullivan Co., Tenu., Dec. 13, 1832. E. and H. Col., Un. Semy. N. Y. (—mid. 1.) L. Holston Pby. 1862; O. '62; S. S. '02-'ee and then P. 2d ch. Knoxville '66-76; Evangl. '76-'84. 359. BARNET, Edward Hammet, Christiansburg, Va. ; b. Oct. 8, 1840. H. S. C. 1861. C. S. A. '62-'65. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. April 19, 1867 ; Asst. Dr. Ramsey 1st ch. Lynchburg '07-'09; O. Jan. 14, 1870; P. Sinking Spring (Abingdon) Ab. Pby. '70-'82; P. First Church, Atlanta '82-' 84. D. D. 360.* BLAIR, Brice Benton, Dillsburg, Pa.; b. Mar. 9, 1830. Jefl". C. 1850. Teacher. Princeton (1.) L. Greenb. Pby. Sept. 22, 1862; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'65; O. Oct. 12, 1867; P. Point Pleasant '67-'71. Died at his father's residence, near Shippensburg, Pa., Jun. 19,1871. 361.* COMFORT, David, Charlotte Co., Va.; b. Prince Edward Co. July 29, 1837. H. S. C. 1858. Teacher. Princeton (1.) L. Roan. Pby. April 17, 1803; S. S. Valdosta and Bethany, Ga., 'OJ^'OO; 0. Flor. Pby., May 20, 1866; P. same churches '66-'73. Died Boston, Ga., Jany. 22, 1873. 362. FLOURNOY, Parke Poindexter, Richmond, Va.; b. Chesterfield Co., Va., Sept. 25, 1839. H. S. C. C. S. A.,'61-'65. (2. Gr.). L.W. H. Pby. April 26,1866; Asst. Dr. McFarlaud, Bethel ch.. Lex. Pby., '66-'67; S. S. Salisbury, Del., '67-'68; O. Louisville Pby. May 5, 1869; P. Elizabethtown, Ky., '69-'75; P. Rockville and Betliesda, Md. Pby., '75-'82; P. Springfield and Lisbon, Md., 1882-'84. 363.* HEISKELL, Isaak P., Romney, W.Va. ; b. Hardy Co., April 3, 1834. St. Un. Va. ; withdrew in ill health. Teacher Moorfield and in Kentucky. Infirm health, 1862-'77. Died at his home, in Hardy Co., Nov. 19, 1877. 364. HILL, Halbert Green, Milton, N. C; b. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 20, 1831. H S. C. 1857. Teacher '57-'61 (1.+) L. Or. Pby. April, 180^2; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'63; O June 1, 1864; P. Hillsboro '64-'66; S. S. Oxford and Grassy Cr. and Priuc. of Fem Seminary, Oxford, N. C, '67; P. Fayetteville '6S-'84. D. D. —373 i86i-'62-'63-'64-'65-'66 57 365. HITNER, John Kennedy, CarliBk-, Pa. ; b. Jany. 35, 1839. St. D. Col., Pa., aud Un. Va. Merchant and Teacher. C. S. A., '61-' 65. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby., April 27, 1867; S. S. New Store and Appomattox, '67-'68; O. Knoxville Pby., Jany., 1869. S. S. Cleveland, '69-'71; S. S. Taylorsvillc, Ky., '72-79; S. S. Beard, Providence, &c.l W. Lexg. Pl)y., '81-'84. 366. LUPTON, Jonah W., Winchester, Va. Acad. St. U. Theol. Semy., N. Y. (1.) L. Wine. Pby., April 25, 1862; S. S. Round Hill, &c., '62-'64 ; O. E., Apl. 25, 1864; As.st. P. to Dr. Boyd, '65-'67 ; P. Leesburg, '67-'72; P. Clarksville, Nashv. Pby., '72-'84. 367. McCORKLE, Samuel Valentine, Greenville, Tenn. ; b. May 8, 1841. Greenv. Col. and N. H. Stud. Med. Teacher. (—1.) L. Holston Pby., 1865 ; O. Pby. of Ga- lena and Belvidere, III., 1866; P. E. Mt. Carroll eh, 67-'68; S. S. aud then P. Greenv. Hoist. Pby., '6S-'75; S. S. Kingston, '7.5-'78; S. S. and then P. Rogersville, '78-'84. 368. McCORKLE, Tazewell M., Lynchburg, Va. ; b. June 5, 1837. St. W. C. V., '53-'57; Clerk, '58-'59; H. S. C, '59-'61; C. S. A., '61-'65; Farmer, '66-'69. (2.) L. Montg. Pby., Sep. 9, 1871; S. S. Pearisburg, Giles Co., '73. Health failing withdrew from the ministry; Merchant in Lynchburg, '74-'84. l862--'63. 369. BROOKS, William Chauncey, Louisville, Ky. ; N. H. (1.) L. W. H. Pby., Apl., 1864. License revoked April 29, 1871. 1863— "64. 270. BAILET, William L., Nelson Co., Va. St. H. S. C. (3.) L. W. H. Pby., April 37, 1867; S. S. Point Pleasant and Pleasant Flats, '81-'83. 371. SLAUGHTER, George, Dinwiddie Co., Va. Acad. (1 +.) Left the seminary and united with Methodist Ch. ; local preacher. 1864— '65. No students tiddcd. 1865— '66. 372. DINWIDDIE, John Calvin, Albemarle Co., Va. ; b. New Concord Manse July 1, 1834. A. B. Un., Va. and St. H. S. C. Teacher fifteen years. (1 month.) L Montg. Pby., May 5, 1871; O. W. H. Pby., Oct. 38, 1871 ; P. Orange C. H. and Gordons ville, '71-'77; P. Big Lick (now Roanoke), '78-'81; P. Concord (Old and New), '81-'84, 373. FINLEY, George Williamson, Clarkesville, Va. ; b. Caswell Co., N. C, Dec, 1. 1838. St. H. S. C. ; A. B. W. C. V. Clerk and Farmer. C. 8. A., '61-' 65. (3.) L Or. Pby., Oct., 1867; O. Winch. Pby., Oct. 30, 1868; S. S. Gerardstown, '69-'70; P Romuey and Spring Hill, '70-'84. 58 i865-'66— 1866-'67 37 374. HOUSTON, Matthew Hale, Wheeling, W. Va. ; 1). Jany. 19, 1841. W. C. V. Tutor in W. C. V., one year, and Teacher year and half in Acad., Waynesboro, Va. ; L. Lexg. Phy., May, and O. Ev., July, 1868; My. China, '68-'75; Agt Couun. Missions, '75-'77; P. JefTersonville and Liberty Hall, Abg. Pby., '77; Acting P. Prytania ch., N. Orl., '78; P. Taylorsville and Cave Run, Louisv. Pby., '78-'81 ; My. in China, '81-'83; Agt. Comm. Missions, '83-84. D. D. H. S. C. 375. HUNTER, Joshua L., Appomattox Co., Va. ; b. Aug. 26, 1844. Acad. (3.) L. Meth. Ch. Conference, Nov., 1870. On circuit two yeais each, Bedford, Prospect, and four years each Louisa, Centenary, (Lynchburg) and Farmville, '83-'84. 376 LANE, Edward, Richmond, Va. ; b. Dublin, Ireland, 1837. St. Ogleth. Un. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby., May 2, and O. Nov. 17, 1808; My. W. H. Pby., '68-'69; F. My. Campinas, Brazil, S. A., '69-84. 377. LEYBURN, (iEOBGE Lacon, Bedford, Va. ; b. Marie, part of old Sparta, Greece, May 21, 1839. W. C. V. Teacher. Un. Semy., N. Y. (— Mid. 2. Gr.) C. S. A., '61-65 ; L. Piedmont Pby. (N. S.), Jany, 1864; O. Winch. Pby., Nov. 14, 1867; P. London St. ch., Winchester, '67-75; My. in Greece, 75-'78; P. Lexington, Mo., '78-84.' 378. MclVER, John McMillan, Moore Co., N. C. ; b. Nov. 6, 1838. Un. N. C, 1862; C. S. A., '61-65. Teacher. (1.) Released by Fay. Pby. on account of diseased eyes. Now Rul. Elder in Gulf ch.. Or. Pby., 1883-'84. 379. MORTON, George Nash, Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. Marshall Co., Miss., Apiil 14, 1841. H. S. C. L. May 1,'and O. Roan. Pby., Aug. 15, 1868; My. C. F. M. Pbn. Ch. to Brazil, '68-'79. Teacher, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and occasional supply as My. at large in that region, '80-'82 ; W. C. Res. N. Y., 1884. 380. MURKLAND, William Unwick; b. Demerara, So. Am., Nov. 17, 1842. H. S. C, 1862; C. S. A., '61-05. (3. Gr.) L. W. IL Pby., Nov 4, 1867, and O. April 9, 1869; S. S. and then P. Centre ch., '67-'70; P. Franklin St. ch.. Bait., '70-'84. D. D. H. S. C. 381.* MURPHY, Robert Thomas, Bladen Co., N. C. ; b. Sampson Co., N. C, 1836. (1.) L. Fay. Pby., Spring of 1866. Died at home, Nov., 1866. 382. NALL, Robert H., Tuskegcc, Al. ; b. Marion, Perrj' Co., AL, Jany. 19, 1842. Oglth. Un., Ga. (3. Gr.) L. E., Ala. Pby., June 10, 1868; O. Oct. 16, 1869; S. S. LaPlace, Tuskegee and Greenville, '68-'69; P. Tuskcgec, '69-71 ; S. S. GritHn, Atlant. Pby., '71-'77; P. Greenville, Enore Pby., '78-'84. 383. SWOOPE, Fr.\>-cis McFarlaxd, Augusta Co., Va. ; b. Apiil 13, 1839. St. W. C. V. and Un. Va. (2.) L. Lex. Pby., April 23, 1869; S. S. McDowell and Mingo Flats in succession. License withdrawn Sept. 26, 1879. 384. YOUNG, John Silas, McMinnville, Tenu. ; b. Feb. 9, 1840. Cunib. Un., 1859. C. S. A. (3. Gr.) L. Roan. Pby., May 1,1869; O. So. C. Pby., Spring, 1871; P. Roberts and Good Hope chs., '71-75; P. 2d ch., Nashv., '76-'83; (also S. S. Ninety-six and Smyrna chs., '70-'71), W. C, 1884. l866-'67. 385. CONVERSE, James Booth, Louisville, Ky. ; b. Philadelphia, April 1, 1844. N. H. Clerk. (3. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby., April 8, 1868; O. April 8, 1869; P. Makemie ch., '70-'71 ; Ed. "Chn. Observer," '71-'79; Ev. Holston Pby., '80-'81 ; P. Blounts- ville, New Bethel, Holston, &c., '81-'84, —398 I '^66-6'] 59 380. CONVERSE, Thomas Edwards, Luuisvillc, Ky.; b. Philaaelphia Oct. 25, 1841. N. H. 1802. Teacher '02-'00. (2. Gr.) St. Medical School, Richmond, Va., 'C8-'09; My. in China '(i9-' 70; P. Woodstock and Strasburg, Winch. Pby., '71-70; P. Bards- town, Ky., '70-'7!>; Ed. " Ch. Observer" '79-'S4. 387. COWAN, Alexandek, Shclbyvillc, Tenn.; b. Jan. 2, 18:j<). Jeff". Col., Pa., 1859. Western Theol. Semy. '59-'00. (3. Gr.) L. Nash. Pby., Spring, 1809; 0. Summer, 1870; P. Hendersonville and S. S. Shiloh '70-'79. Teacher. P. McMinnville '79-'80; My. Nashv. Pby. '80; S. S. Hondersonvilie and Madison '81-'84. 388. CURRIE, Lauchlin W^ashington, Moore Co., N. C. Acad. (3.) L. Apl. 15, 1872; S. S. Moscow, Livingston and Woodville, E. Tex. Pby., '83-'84. 389. GLASS, Hauvey, Taylorsville, Ky.; b. Feb. 20, 1843. C. C. K. Duuville Seminary (—mid. 2. Gr.) L. Louisv. Pby. Jan., 1808; O.Wcst Lexg. Pby. Jan., 1870; P. Cynthiana '70-'74; P. New Providence, Transylv. Pby., '74-'79; P. Richmond, Ky., '79-' 84. 390. HELM, Ben., Elizabethtown, Ky.; b. Dec. 18, 1844. C. C. K. 1865. Danville Semy. (—mid. 2. Gr.) L. Louisv. Pby. Jun. 13, 1867, and O. Ev. July 5, 1868; My. in China '08-'78; P. Carrolton, Ky., '80-'83; S. S. and P. E. Ocala, Fla., '83-'84. 391. HILL, William Ezekiel, Covington, Va.; b. Roanoke Co. May 32, 1837. Teaclier. Officer C. S. A. '61-6.5. St. V. M. I. and St. H. S. C. 1866. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pl.y. May, 1869; O. E. H. Pb}'. Nov. 1, '69; P. 3d Ch., Richmond, '69-'71 ; S. S.^, Lebanon, W. H. Pby., and St. Un. Va., '71-'72; P. E. Buifalo, Greenb. Pby., '73; P. Point Pleasant and S. S. Pleasant Flatts '74-'79; P. Newbern, Montg. Pby., '80-'82 ; (Teacher '74-'79) Teacher, Covington, 1883; S. S. Covington 'S3-'84. 392. LAIRD, Henry Ruffner, Rockbridge, Va.; b. Aug. 10, 1842. St. W. C. V. C. 8. A. '61-,65. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April, 1869; O. Ev. Hoist. Pby. April, '70; S. S. Rose Hill '70; P. Spring Hill and Mt. Carmel, Greenb. Pby., ''71-'76; S. S. Arbuckle, Bethel and Hinton '76-'78; S. S. Alderson, Fort Spring, &c., '79-'81; P. Alderson '81-'83; P. Gonzales, Tex., 'S3-'84. 393. LAPSLEY, William Johnston, Eldorado, Ky.; b. Mercer Co., Ky., May 30. 1844. C. C. K. 1804. Danville Semy. 'e7-'6S (—Sen. 1. Gr.) L. Transylv. ipby. April, 1866; O. Ev. St. Louis Pby. Jun. 4, 1868; S. S. Mizpah 'n8-'74, and P. '75; P. Troy, Ky., '76-'81 ; P. 1st ch., Shelbyville, Ky., '82-'S4; 394. McFADYEN, Archibald, Cumberland Co., N. C; b. near Fayetteville, N. C, April 6, 1836. C. S. A. Teacher. (2.) Teacher. L. Fay. Pby. Aprilll, 1868; O. Ev. April 16, 1870; S. S. Beth-Car., Wilm. Pby., '71-'84; P. Beth-Car., Brown Marsh. Mt. Horeb and So. Rivr. chs. and S. S. Elizabethtown '82-'84. • 395. MORTON, William Dennis, Botetourt Co., Va.; b. Jun. 7, 1843. St. H. S. C. C. S. A. '63-'65. Teacher '65-'0(). (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. May 2, 1868; O. Ev. Muhlenburg Pby. De-.. 11, 1869; Ev. and S. S. Greenville ch. T)9-'72; P. Morganfield, Paducah Pby., '73-'81; Ev. Synod of Ky. '81-'84. 396. SHANE, Washington Cosby, Covington, Ky.; b. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 11, 1838. Acad. (1.) Never licensed; lived a pious life, and died Jun. 14, 1879. 397.* SMITH, Joei.\H Morrison,* Union Seminary; b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Sept. 13, 1840. H. S. C. 1860. Teacher 'OO-'Ol; C. S. A. '61-'()5. (1.) Infirm '07-'0S. Died at Union Seminary Oct. 10, 1808. 398. WOODS, Francis, Marion Co., Mo.; b. Belmont Co., Ohio, August 22, 1843. W. C. Pa., 1804. Semy. of North West (—Sen. 1. Gr.) L. Chicago Pby. Feb. 20, 1806 ; O. E. H. Pby. Nov. 3, 1866; P. Hartwood Ch. '67-'72; P. West Middlesex. Shenango Pby., '73-'79; P. Martinsburg, Winch. Pby., '79-'84. 60 1 867-68— 1 868-69 399— 1867— '68. 399. BASKERVILLE, Henry Coleman. Un. Ga. (Athens). L. Roanoke Pby. May 1, 1869; S. S. Rappahannock 1872; O. Chesapeake Pby. Dec. 5, 1872; P. Laurel, Md., '73-'75. Withdrew and joined Methodist Ch. 1876. 400. HOGE, Edward T., Christiansburg, Va.; b. Oct. 21, 1811. Acad. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. May 25, 1871; O. Lex. Pby. June, 1872; P. Oxford '72-'77; S. S. Homer, Bethany, Ac., E. Texas Pby., '82; Res. Christiansburg '83 401. HUNTER, John Garniss, Georgetown, Ky.; b. Maysville, Ky., Nov. 13, 1840. C. C, K. Lawyer, and in C. S. A. '60-'65. (3. Gr.) L. Ebenezer Pby. July 20, 1870; O. W. Lex. Pby. Sept. 14, 1871; P. Georgetown, Ky., '71-'84. D. D. Westni. CoL 402. LEWIS, Jacob W., Greenbrier Co., W. Va.; b. Sept. 0, 1832. Acad. Teacher. (2.) L. Greenb. Pby. Sept. 10, 1870; O. Oct. 1.5, 1871; P. Muddy Cr. '72-'84; Rich- lands '72-'82; McElhenny '73-'84 ; Green Sulphur '83-'84; P. Alderson '84. 403. SCOTT, Charles Henry, Fredericksburg, Va.; b. Oct. 16, 1843. St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) Teacher. L. E. H. Pby. Oct. 7, 1870. Surrendered his license honorably Oct. 21, '7L Engineer '71-'84. 404. SYDENSTRICKER, David S., Greenbrier Co., Va.; b. Jany. 2, 1835. Acad- (3. Gr.) L. Greenb. Pby. July 23, 1870 ; S. S. Richlands, Muddy Cr. and McElhenny '70-'71 ; S. S. Huntersville, Baxter and Liberty, and P. E. Oak Grove, '73; S. S. Searcy Valley, Ark Pby., '74; P. Oak Grove '7.5-'84. i868— '69. 405. BOURNE, Morton Lewis, Nicholasville, Ky.; b. Jessamine Co., Ky., 1838. St. C. C. K. Apothecary. (2.) L. Transylv. Pby. Sept. 17, 1870. License withdrawn April 7, 1876. 406. BROWN, George L., Salem, Roanoke Co., Va.; b. Sept. 7, 184.5. Roan. C, 1868. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pbj-. April 24, 1871; O. Lex. Pby. Oct. 5, 1872; P. Warm Sps. '72-'84; P. Windy Cove '73; My. Greenwood '81-'82; P. of same '83-'84. 407. DYER, William C. L. St. Louis Pby. Teacher in and about St. Louie '72-'84. 408. JOHNSON, Lewis Bur well, Salem, Roauoke, Va.; b. Dec. 26, 1847. H. S. C. 1868. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. May 22, 1871; O. W. H. Pby. Aug. 20, 1871; P. Byrd and Hebron '71-' 80; P. Gordonsville and Orange C. H. '80-'83; P. Henderson and Nutbush, Or. Pby., '8.3-'84. 409. JONES, James Alfred, Ohio Co., W. Va.; b. Aug. 6, 1844. Beth. C. Alle- gheny Semy. (—mid. 2. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 14. 1870; S. S. Big Lick (now Roanoke) and Mountain Union '70-'71; O. Lex. Pby. May 14, 1872; P. Collierstown '72-'74. In Europe, St. Free Assembly, United Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian and Independent, Theological Halls, Edinburg, also of Leipsig Univj'. , '7.5-'77; S. S. Old St. ch., Petersburg, E. H. Pby., '77-'81 ; P. Fairfield and Timber Ridge, Lex. Pby., '82-'84. 410. McCLUER, Uncas, St. Louis, Mo.; b. St. Charles, Mo., Mar. 13, 1843. H. S. C. 1868. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 16, 1870; O. E. Ab. Pby. Oct. 7, 1872; S. S. Rich Valley '73-'77; Ev. Potosi Pby., Mo., '78-'79; P. Greenwich ch., Chesap. Pby., '70-'80; Teacher and S. S. Marion, Ab. Pby., '81-'82; S. S. Bethel '83-84. —422 1 868-67— 1869-70 61 411. PRIMROSE, JoHX W., Warren Co., N. C. ; b. Newbern, N. C, Nov. 22, 1838. N. H. 1860. C. S. A. ( Prisonei- part of the time,) '62-'65. Teacher and St. Law. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April 7, 1871 ; O. E. April 8, 1872 ; Ev. of Or. Pby. in eastern part of N. C. '72-'82; P. Oxford, Grassy Cr. and Shiloh '82-'84. Author "Presbytery and Prelacy." 412. ROTHROCK, John Tho.mas, Brick Cliurch, Tenn. ; b. Franklin, Tenn., Dee. 20, 1844. W. and M. C. Va. 1868. (.3. Gr.) L. N. Alab. Pby. Jan., 1871 ; S. S. Rich- land, Betliany and Elk Rid^e '71-'75; O. 1875; P. Lewisbnrjr and S. S. Rich- land, &c., '75-'80; P. Trenton, W. Dist. Pby., '80-'84. 413. SMITH, J. RocKWKi.i., Lexington, Ky. ; b. Dec. 29, 1846. St. Un. Va. (3.) L. West Lex. Pby. Jun., 1871; O. Dec. 18, 1872; S. S. Winchester ch. '71-'72; My. in Brazil (Penianibuco) '7o-'83 ; visited U. S. 1883-'84. 414. STRICKLER, Givexs Bkown, Lynchburg, Va. ; b. Strickler's Gap, Rockbridge Co.. Va., April 2.5, 1840. W. C. V. Tutor in W. C. a year (—Mid. 2. Gr.) L. Montg- Pby. Sept. 2, 1870; O. Lex. Pby. May 19, 1871 ; P. Tinlding Sp. '71-'83 ; P. Central eh* Atlanta, '83-'84. D. D. W. and L. Uu. 415. WALKER, Geokge W., Berkeley Co., W. Va. H. S. C\ (1.) Withdrew to secular pursuits. 416. WALLACE, James A., Chattanooga, Tenn. ; b. Soddy, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1836. Maryv. C, Tenn., St. and Practitioner Law '.57-'07. (1.) L. Knoxville Pby. April, 1868 ; O.July, 1869; S. S. Soddy ch. '69-'70; S. S. Cleveland '71-'72; S. S. '72-' 73 Sweetwater and Madisonville and P. '73-'84. 1869 — 70. 417. COOK, Geokge Lewis, Augusta Co., Vu.; b. near Hebron Ch. Mar. 6, 1846. St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pl)y. April 27, 1872; S. S. Broadway '72-'73; O. Dec- 12, 1874; P. Collierstown '74-'77; S. S. Paw Cr. ch., Meckl. Pby., '77-'84. 418. CRANE, Julius Mentor, Mobile, Ala.; b. Newark, N. J., Feb. 12, 1840. Telg. Operator '63-'67. St. Un. Va. '6]'-'69. (3. Gr.) L. So. Ala. Pby. Nov. 5, 1871; 0. E. Nov. 8, 1872; S. S. Mouroeville and Scotland chs. '72-'74; S. S. Shiloh, Geneva, Montpelier and Hopewell '74-'84. 419. DAVIS, JoHX Wright, Salisbury, N. C; b. July 2.5, 1849. Da. C. and St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. Nov. 7, 1872; O. Ev. Oct.,' 1873 ; F. My. Soochow, China. '7a-'84. Author (transl. into Chinese) : "Gospels and Acts of Apostles and Psalms," "Question Book on (4ospels," "Primary Geography," &c. Member of Conim. on translation of parts of Old Testament. A. M. Da. Col. 420. DAVIS, William Henry, Salisburj', N. C; )>. July 11,1S4.5. Da. Col., 1869. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. April 22, 1872; O. E. Oct., 1872; P. Sharon Ch. '74-"78; S. S- Bethany and Oakland, Augusta Pby., '78-'79; S. S. Davidson River, Mecklenburg Pby., '79-'80; Lincolnton, Aug. Pby., '81-'82; Davidson River (again)- '82-'84. 421. GORDON, Edward Clifford, Lexington, Va.; b. Richmond Sept. 1, 1842. St. W. C. V. and Un. V. C. S. A. '61-'65. Farmer, Teacher, '66-67; Proctor W. C. V. '68-'69. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April, 1871; O. Jun. 1.5, 1872; P. Lebanon '72-'74; Co-P. Indep. oh.. Savannah, '7'4-'80; P. Salem, Roanoke Co., Va., '80-'84. . 422. GRAYBILL, Anthony Thomas, Botetourt Co.,Va.; b. Feb. 24, 1841. Farmer. Roan Co., 1869. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. April 27, 1872; 0. Ev. Sept. 13, 1873; My. in Mexico, Teacher Acadl. and Theol. Students, and P. Matamoras, San Juan, '74-'84. 62 1869-70— 1870-71 423— 423. HODGE, Benjamin Templeton. L. Lex. Pby, Sept. 23, 1875. Teacher. Oceasioual supply for various ehs. in Greenb. Pby. and elsewhere '75-'84. 424.* JOHNSON; William S., Memphis, Tenn.; b. Aug. 37, 1845. Un. Miss. (3. Gr.) L. Memphis Pby. May 8, 1873; O. Ev. C. Texas Pby. May 81, 1874; S. S. Waxa- hachie '73, and P. '74-'78; Ev. C. Texas Pby. '79-'81 ; S. S. Gainsville and Pilot Point '81-82; S. S. Alab. St. ch., Memphis, '83. Died in Memphis Oct. 6, 1883. 425. PAINTER, Joseph Crocket, Draper's Valley, Pulaski Co., Va.; b. July 10, 1845. H. S. C. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Abiug. Pby. Jiiu. 13, 1872; O. E. H. Pby. April 25, 1874; P. Hartwood '74-'81; P. Waddell aiid S. 8. Madison '81-'84. 426. PAYNE, Charles Montgomery, M. D., Lexington, N. C; b. Oct. 19, 1843. St. Dav. C. and in C. S. A. '60-'65. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April 6, 1872; O. April 17, 1873; P. Madison and Wentworth and S. S. Leakesville '73-'74; P. 2d Church, Wil- mington, N. C, '74-'84; P. Concord ch.. Cone. Pby., '84. 427. ROSEBRO, John William, Statesville, N. C; b. Nov. 11, 1847. N. H. (4. Gr.) L. Ccjnc. Pby. April 32, 1873; O. Lex. Pby. Aug. 1, 1873; S. S. and then P. Mossy Creek Ch. '73-'82; P. Lewisburg, Greenb. Pby., *83-'84. 428. SCOTT, William Nelson, Dufflelds, W. Va.; b. Halifax C. H. Sept. 25, 1848. St. W. C. V. Teacher, Norwood School, '68-'69. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. May 39, 1873; O. E. Han. Pby. Oct. 8, 1873; P. Saral. Davies ch. '72-'75; P. 3d ch., Richmond, Va., '75-'83; P. 1st ch., Galveston, Texas, '83-'84. 439. SNODDY, Alexander C, Hamblin Co., Tenn.; b. Feb. 6, 1846. Acad, and St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Hoist. Pby. 1871; O. Ev. 1873; S. S. Pisgah '73-'73; Concord ''73-'78; Daudridge '73-'76; Horeb '76-'77; Evangl. '75-'77; Lebanon, Knoxv. Pby., '79-81, and Coal Cr. '79-'82. Infirm '83-'84. 430. TUTTLE, Romulus Morrison, Caldwell Co., N. C; b. Dec. 1, 1843. Da. Col. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. April 32, 1873; O. Oct., 1873; P. Prospect '73-'77; S. S. Ridg- way, Paducah Pby., '77-'78; S. S. Rockdale, Zion, &c., C. Texas Pby., '80-'81; S. S. Victoria '82; S. S. Union, Lexg. Pby., Augusta Co., Va., '53-'ff4. 431. WATKINS, John Sims, Halifax Co., Va.; b. Mayo, Jany. 4, 1844. Uu. Va. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Roan. Pby. April 20, 1873; O. July 6, 1873; S. S. and then P. Roanoke ch. '73-'78; P. 1st ch., Raleigh, '78-'84; Prof. Moral Phil. Peace Inst., Raleigh, '80-'84. 433. WEBB, Frank Bell, Eutaw, Ala.; b. Nov. 5, 1848. St.W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. E. Ala. Pby. Nov. 30, 1873; O. Dec. 1, 1873; P. Union Springs '73-'84. 433. WILSON, Edwin Lindley, Falling Waters, Berkley Co.,W.Va.; b. July 14, 1845. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. Mar. 16, 1872; O. Oct.3, 1872; P. Hancock '72-'74 ; P. Gerardstown '74 ; P. Bunker Hill '75-'S4 ; also P. Smithfleld '76-'80, and S. S. '81-'84 . 434. WOODS, James Allen, Lewisburg, Tenn.; b. Marshall Co., Tenn., Sept. 30, 1837. St. Lebanon (Cumb.) Un. C. S. A.. '62-'65. Teacher '65-'69. (I. +.) L.Colum- bia (N. Ala. Pby.) April, 1871; O. Nov., 1871; P. Uniou and Petersburg chs. '73-'78 ; S. S. Bethany '79; S. S. Swans' Cr. '81 : S. S. Hopewell, Nashv. Pby., '83; S. S. Beth- lehem and Decherd '83-'84; also Teaching '78-'84. iSyo-'yi. 435. ANDERSON, Henry Martyn, St. Louis, Mo.; b. Nottoway Co., Va., Mar. 32, 1841. W. Un., St. Louis. St. Law. C. S. A. Lawyer '61-'69. (3.) L. Nashville Pby. June 14, 1871; O. E. H. Pby. Oct. 35, 1873; P. Holmes ch.. Teacher, and S. 8. Bell Haven '74-'78; P. Olivet and Bethany '78-'80; Ev. Fla. Pby. '81-'84. —448 ■ 1870-71 6a 436.* BAIRD, William Gilliam, Granville, N. C; b. Juu. 30, 1840. St. H. S. C> and Un. Va. C. S. A. '61-'65. Farmer. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April S, 1873; O. Nov. 33, 1873; Ev. Or. Pby. '73-'76; Consumptive '76-'78. Died at Home, Granville Co., N. C, Mar. ^2, 1878. 437. BOYLE, John, Danville, Ky.; b. Spencer Co., Ky., Mar. 1, 1845. C. C. K. Teacher (—mid. 2. Gr.) L. and O. Ev., Transyl. Pby., Jun. 6, 1872; My. Pernambnco,. Brazil, '73-75; Campinas '75-'78; Mogy Mirim '79-'84. Author ''India E. O. Christianism." 438. CANNON, John FraiNKlin, Mecklenburg, N. C; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, Jany. • 3. 1851. Da. C. and St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Meckl. Pby. May 20, 1873; O. Cliesap. Pby. Oct. 31, 1873; P. Lecsburg '7:5-'81 ; P. Shelbyville, Tenn., '81-'84. 439. CARSON, James Campbell, Washington Co.,Va.; b. Jun. 2, 1842. St. H. S. C. .'3.) L. Abg. Pby. Juu. 12, 1873; O. Ev. ApL 28, 1873; S. S. Rock Spring ch. '73-'75; Ev. Abg. Pby. '76-'84; P. E. Lebanon, Lex. Pby., '84. 440. CLIFFORD, Branch Greenleaf. Salisbury, N. C; b. Haverhill, N. H., Dec. 1, 1843. Da. C. 1870. (3. +.) L. Cone. Pby. April 33, 1873; O. E. Bethel Pby. April, 1876; S. 8. Unionville, S. C, and Teacher '77-'84. 441. COCHRANE, William Samuel, Dresden, Tenn.; b. May 12, 1851. St. Cole- raine, Ireland. (0. Gr.) L. W. Dist. Pby. Jun, 4, 1873; O. May 1, 1874; P. Marl Bluff '75; S. S. of same and Bethel '77; S. S. Ebenezer and Saulsbury, Memphis Pby., '7t>; S. S. '80, and P. Somerville '81-'83; Ev. and P. E. Bolivar '83-'84. 443. DOWNEY, William Walton, Charlestown, Jeff. Co., W. Va.; b. Feb. 13, 1849. H. S. C. (3.) L. Winch. Pby. May 29, 1873 ; O. May 9, 1873 ; P. Falling Waters '73-'74; P. Paxton, Carlisle Pby., '74-'77; P. Duncannon '7.S-'81. W. C. Res. near Martinsburg, W. Va., '81-'84. 443. GAMMON, James Polk, Jonesboro, Tenn.; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., Oct. 19, 1843. St. Un. E. T. (Kiioxville). St. Law. Merchant. (3. Gr.) L. Holston Pby.' Jun. 13, 1873; O. Knoxville Pby. Dec., 1873; S. S. 3d ch., Knoxville Pby., '73-'74; S. S. Pisgah, &c., '75-' 77; S. S. Asheville, N. C, '77, and P. '78-'84. 444. GRAVES, Joseph Armstrong, Liberty, Va.; b. Hillsboro, Albemarle Co.,Va., Sept. 38, 1846. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. May 29, 1873; O. C. Miss. Pby. May 38, 1876; P. Raymond '76-'78; S. S. Lebanon and Bethesda '76-'80; S. S. Cape Girardeau and Jackson, Potosi Pby., '81; S. S. Madrid and Clarkton'83; S. S. Mt. Pleasant and Green Hill, Paris Pby., Texas, '83. W. C. Res. Liberty, Va., '84. 445. HAMILTON, Augustus Houston, Monroe Co., W. Va.; b. Jany. 26, 1846. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Greenb. Pby. July 4, 1873; O. Sept. 19, 1874; P. Liberty and' Baxter chs. '74-'75; P. Mt. Carmel, Lex. Pby., '75-'84. 446. HENSLEY, Phillip Henry, Lavacca, Texas ; b. Juu. 16, 1850. St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. E. Tex. Pby. Nov. 4, 1873 ; O. W. Tex. Pby. April 3, 1875 ; S. S. Osage- and Columbus '77; S. S. Concrete, Live Oak, &c., '78-'79; Teaching '80-'81; S. S. Leesville, Belmont and Shiloh '83; S. S. Weimar, Columbus and Bethany '83-84. [First native of Texas who has entered the Presbyterian ministry.] 447. HOGLE, Charles Lehman, Danville, Ky.; b. Jun., 1849. C. C. K. Danv. Semy. (—mid. 2. Gr.) L. Transylv. Pby. Sept. 13, 1873; City My. Louisville and S. S. Beulah ch. '73-'73; O. Ev. Louisv. Pby. Nov. 17, 1874; P.Lebanon, Lex. Pby., '77-'84. 448. IRVINE, William, Danville, Ky.; b. near Danville, Ky., Aug. 16, 1848. C. C. K. 1867. Teach. Danville Semy. (—mid. 3. Gr.) L. Transyl. Pby. Jun., 1873; O. Louisv. Pby. Nov., 1873; P. Mulberry ch. '7;3-'84. 64 1870-71 — 1871-72 449— 449. LAIRD, Alexander Franklin, Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Kerr's Cr. Jany. 1, 1847. St. W. C. V. (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby. Sept. 5, 1873; O. Montg. Pby. May 6, 1874; P. Greenwood and Mountain Grove '74-' 77; S. S. Rehoboth '76-' 77; P. Beulah '78-'82; Mountain Grove '78-80; Greenwood '78-79; S. S. Pisgah and Monterey '82 ; P. Horeb '83-'84. 450. McCUTCHAX, Frank, Augusta Co., Va.; b. Nov. 30, 184.5. W. C.V. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 2, 1873; O. May 24, 1874; P. Waynesboro '74-'84. 451. PAINTER, George Whitfield, Wythe Co., Va.; b. Sept. 9, 1839. St. Mai-je. C. Tenn. and Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. and O. by Evangelist in China Juu., 1879; Con- finned by G. Assembly 1879 ; My. Hongchow, China, 1873-84. 452.* PINKERTON, John Dandridge, Augusta Co., Va.; b. Covesville, Albemarle Co., Dee. 29, 1848. St. W. C. V. (3.) L. E. H. Pby. April 25, 1874. Designated as My. to China. Died haemorrhage of lungs, in Staunton, July 2, 1874. 453. PLANCK, David Andrew, Elizaville, Ky.; b. Fleming Co., Ky., April 5,1846. C. C. K. 1869. (—mid. 1.) Princeton 1. Gr. L. Transyl. Pby. June, 1822; O. N. Miss. Pby. Oct. 10, 1873; P. Port Gibson '7.3-'84. 454.* PRICE, Joseph John*, Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Sept. 12, 1847. H. S. C. (2.) Died by stroke of lightning, on his way to engage in Christian work, Jun. 22, 1873i 4.55. ROSE, John McA., Fayetteville, N. C; b. Oct. 16, 1849. St. Da. C. and Un. N. C. Teaching. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. Jun. 6, 1872; O. E. H. Pby. Dec. 7, 1873; P. Portsmouth, Va., '73-'Sl; P. 2d ch., Memphis, '81-'83; P. Goldsboro, N. C, '83-'84. .456. SUMMEy, George, Asheville, N. C; b. Jnn. 3, 1853. A. M. Da. Col. 1870. (3. Gr.) L. Meckl. Pby. Aug. 31, 1872; O. Memphis Pby. Oct. 14, 1873; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '73-'75; P. 2d ch., Covington, Ky., '75-'8] ; Evangl. '81 ; P. Graham ch., Or. Pby., '82-'83; P. Chester, So. C, Bethel i?by., '84. 457. TURNBULL, Lenox Birkhead, Baltimore ; b. Feb. 19, 1850. St. H. S. C. and Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Chesap. Pby. Nov. 11, 1874; 111 health '75-'77; O. Nov. 7, 18"(8; P. Farmwell ch. '78-'84. 458. WIGGINS, James Hannibal, Rusk Co., Tex.; b. Oxford, N. C, Jany. 26, 1848. St. H. S. C. (2. +.) L. E. Texas Pby. Fall, 1873 ; O. Fall, 1874; P. Longview '74-'81 ; P. Texarkana, Paris Pby., '81-'84— (also S. S. Rusk and Harmony '74-'81). 1871— '72. 459. ALLISON, Thomas Johnston, Cabarrus Co., N. C; b. May 3, 1849. Da. C. 1871. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. April, 1874; O. Or. Pby. Nov. 8, 1875; P. Tarboro '75- '78;'s. S. Rockingham and Lumberton, Fay. Pby., '78-'79; S. S. and then P. Mebanes- ville and Bethlehem '79-' 84. 460. CALDWELL, John Livy, Greensboro, N.^Q^b. Rome, Ga., April 25, 18.50. N. H. 1870. (2.) Princeton, 1. Gr. L. and O. Ev!^y. S. S. Independence, Mo., '74-'75; S. S. Pleasant Hill and Liberty '76; S. S. Ist ch.. Bowling Green, Ky., '77; then P. '7S-'84. 461. COWAN, James Chalmers, Leesburg, Tenn.; b. Jany. 13, 1848. K. C. 1870. Tutor in K. C. '7L (3. Gr.) L. Holston Pby. May 2, 1874; S. S. Ripley, W. Dist. Pby.^ '74-'75; S. S. Rogersville, Tenn., '76-'Sl (Teacher three years of the time); P. McKinney, Texas, '82; Infirm '83-'84. — 47 7 iSji-'/- ^^'"^ 4*;2. E\VIN- 77— )— '84. 4(54. GROVES, William HENKY,Wilnnn!i:ton, N. C. 8t.Da. C. {2.+.} O. Al)ingd. Pby., Aug. 2S, 187.5; S. S. Fayetteville, ColuniUia Pby. 'Sl-'84. 465. HENRY, Hi;(;ii, Salem, Roanoke Co., Va ; b. Front Royal, Warren Co., Va. , May 11, 1847. Roan. Col. Teacher. (:5. Gr.) L. Mout.^^ Pby., April, 1874; O.W. H. Pby., May, 1875; P. Lebanon, '7.5-'S(); S. S. Tabor, '80— (Olivet, '83— )— .84. 466. HOLLIS, Causon Wilson, Berkeley Co., W. Va. ; 1). Jan. 4, 1852. H. S. C, 1871. (o. Gr.) L.Wine. Pby., April :.'5, 1S74 ; S. S. Harper's Ferry '74-'75 ; O. Feb. 20, 1876; P. Front Royal '76— (Strasbur-;- '77-82; White Post (now Nineveh) '82)— '84. 467. HUMPHREYS, Cavet Wiley, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. ; b. April 9, 1844. Acad. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Le.xg. Pby. May 1, 1875; O. Nov. 12, 1875; P. Bethesda '75-'80; S. S. Paris, Mo. '80-'82 ; S. S. Perry, Pleasant Hill and Palmyra Pby. '82-'84. 468. KERR, RonEKT Pollok, Nashville, Tenn. ; b. Greensboro, Al., July 19, 1850. Jewell Col. Mo. (3. Gr.) L. Nashville Pby. April 1872; O. LaFay. Pby. Sep. 1874; P. Lexington, .Mo., '74-'78; P. Thomasville, Ga., '78-'80; Co-P. Indep. ch. Savannah, Ga., '80-'S2; P. Tabb. St. eh. Petersburi;-, Va., E. H. Pby. '82-'83; P. 1st eh. Rich- mond, Va., '84. 469. MILLER, CoKNELius, C'olnml)us, Miss. ; b. May 11, 1847. Un. Miss. Teach- ing. (3. Gr.) L. W. H Pby. April 1874; O. Or. Pby. Oct. 30, 1875; P. Madison and S. S. Wentworth and Leak&ville '75-'81; S. S. Madison, »fec., '82-'84. 470. MOFFETT, Alexander Stuart, Augusta Co., Va. ; b. Sep. 12, 1847. St. \V. and L. Un. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April 24, 1875; O. Aug. 4, 1S77; P. Lochwillow '77-'81 ; P. Round Hill, Winch. Pby. '81-'S4; 471. MOORE, John Heni4y. 472. MORTON, John B., BotetoUrt Co., Va. ; b. Aug. 30, 1837. Teacher. St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 12, 1873; O. Augusta Pby. Oct. 11, 1874; P. New Hope and S. S. Danielsville, Elberton, &c., '74-'76; S. S. Same '77; P. and S. S. (as in '74-'76) '74; Same, with S. S. Lexington, '79; P. N. Hope and Lexington, and S. S. Elberton, '80-'81 ; S. S. of all '82; P. Lexington and N. IL, and S. S. Elber- ton and Clarksville, and P. E. Sparta and Zion, '83. 473. PHARR, Dion C, Jk., Covington, Va. ; b. Oct. 15, 1845. St. H. S. C. (1. ) With- drew on medical advice, and practicing medicine in Monroe, W. Va., '80-'84. 474. RAWLINGS, James Minor, Charlottesville, Va. ; b. Louisa Co. Dec. 19, 1846. St. Un. Va. (2. (ir.) L. W. H. Pby. April 12, 1873; O. Sept. 20, 1873; P. Appomat- tox C. H. ch. '73-'77; P. 2d ch., Lynchburg, '77-84. 475. SCOTT, John Addison, Berkeley ('o., W. Va. ; b. Halifax Co., Va., July 9, 1852. St. W. and L. Un. and H. S. C. (3. (iv.) L.Winc. Pby. April, 1874; O. Chesap. Pby. April, 1875; P. Warreuton '75-'82; P. Hat Cr. ch., Roan Pby., '82-'84. 476. WALLACE, Jesse Albert, Soddy, Tenn.; b. Jany. 16, 1846. K. C. Farmer. (3.). L. Knoxville Pby. April, 1876; O. E. Holston Pby. April, 1875; S. S. Jonesboro and Johnson City '74-76; S. S. Mossy Cr. '7<>-'79; Prof. Moral Philosophy King. Col. '79-' 84. 477. WILSON, Danikl Love, Augusta Co., Va.; b. Feb. 16, 1849. VV. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April 2.5. 1874; O. Sept. IS. 1S74; P. Broadway •74-'80; P. Pulaski, Colutu. Pl>y. 'S0-'84. 66 1871-72— 1872-73 478— 478. WOODS, Neander Montgomery, St. Louis; b. Harrodsburg, Kj'., Sept. 4, 1844. St. Un. Mich, and Druggist. St. Wa.sbg. L"u., St. Louis. Lawyer. (2.) L. E. H. Pby. April, 1873; O. Oct., 1873; P. 2d cb., Norfolk, '73-81; P. Galveston, Tex., '81-'82; P. 2d ch., Charlotte, N. C, 'S2-'8L 479. YERGER, Henry Sale, Memphis; b. Washington Co., Miss., July 24. 1849. St. Uu. Miss and W. and L. Un. (2. + ) L. Memphis Pby. May, 1873; O. May, 1874; P. Palestine, E. Tex Pby., '74-'7.5; P. Murfreesboro, Tenn, '76-78, and S. S. '79; S. S. 2d ch., Edgefield, '80; P. E. of same '81; S. S. Feruandina, Fla., '82-84. i872-'73. 480.* ARMSTRONG, James Andrew, Salem, Roanoke Co., Va. ; b. Romney, W. Va., Sep. 7, 1849. H. S. C. Teacher. (2.+) L. Arks. Pby. April 19, 1875; O. Oct. 10, 1875; S. S. Shepherdstown and Kearueysville, Winch. Pby. '7G-'80, and P. of same '80-83. Died at his father's home, near Salem, July 14, '83. 481.* BOOKER, Samuel Robert, Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 19, 1850. H. S. C. (0. Gr.) L. Roan. Pby. April 34, 1875; S. S. Cotton Plant, Ark. Pby. '75. Died at Pass Christian, Miss., on his way home Jany. 26, 1876. 482. BROWN, Paul Frederick, Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. Madison, Ind., April 18, 1850. St. H. S. C. Clerk (3. Gr.) L. Roan. Pby. April 24, 1875 ; Res. Charlotte ; occasional supply various chs. '76-'81 ; O. E. May 1, 1880 ; Ev. Carter Co., Ky., '82-'83; S. S. Maysville, W. H. Pby. '83-'84. 483. CHP:STER, Samuel H., Mt. Holly, Union Co., Arkansas; b. Jany. 17, 1851. Farmer and Teacher. W. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Ouachit. Pby. April, 1875; O. Meckl. Pby. Nov. 1875; P. Castanea Grove and Unity, chs. '75-82; St. Un. Semy. N. Y., and then Res. Maysville, Ky., '83-'84; P. Hawfields and Cross Roads chs., '84. 484. CLARK, William C, Ringgold, Walker Co., Ga. ; b. Chatooga Co., Ga., Sept. 28, 1849. St. Da. C. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Cherokee Pby. April 24,1875; O. New Orleans Pby. Nov. 2, 1875; P. Pass Christian and Teacher '75-'81 ; S. S. and then P. Greensboro, Al., '81-84. 485. CURRIE, James Lauchlin, Hampdeu Sidney; b. Orange Co., N. C, Jun. 17, 1849. H. S. C. 1872. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April, 1875; O. "Fall" 1875; P. Fairfield, Eno and Little River '75-'83; Chapel Hill '80-83; P. Griers, Stony Cr., Eno and Little River chs. '83-'84. 483. DOAK, Algernon Sidney, Clarksville, Tenn. ; b. Sept. 11, 1846. Stewart Col. (So. W. Uu.) L. Holston Pby. May 4, 1875; O. Ev. Sept. 11, 1875; S. S. New Bethel '75-'76; S. S. Weatherford, C. Texas Pby., '77, Unity '78, and North Basque '79-'80; Unity '81; Ev. C, Texas Pby., '82; S. S. Robinson '83-'84. 487. ERWIN, Erasmus Ellerbe, Manning, So. C. ; b. Clarenton Co., S. C, Mar. 10, 1847. Da. C. 1872. (2. +) L. Harmony Pby., Spring, 1874; O. E. Meckl. Pby., Fall, 1875; S. S. Rutherfordton, N. C, '75-76 ; S. S. Salem and Union '76 ; then Salem and Walnut Hill, W. Lex. Pby., '79-'80; S. S. Washington, Eben. Pby., '80-'83; S. S Paint Lick., Trausylv. Pby., '83-'S4. 488. FISHBURN, James A., Waynesboro, Va. ; b. April 10, 1850. W. and L. Un. 1870. Teacher '71-'72. (1). Withdrew '73; Teacher " Fishburn School," Waynes- boro, Va., '80-'84. —502 1^7 ^--n 67 4s9. JIOWISON, William Thomas, Fulton, Mo.; b. Callowaj' Co., Mo., May 30, 1851. Westm. Col. (3. Gr.) L. Missouri Pby. Maj' 10, 1875 ; O. Jun. 17, 1876; S. s! Augusta, E. Tex. Pby., '77; Tcxarkana '7S; Hope, Ouacjiita Pl)y. '79 and P. '80-'82. S. S. Arkadelphia and Carolinasville '83-'S4. 490. LaFEVKE, John Speck, Berkeley Co., W. Va. H. S. C, 1871. 491. LEWIS, Fkank W., Augusta Co., Va. ; b. Roanoke (then Big Lick), Jany. 15, 1851. VV. and L. Un. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Lex.. Pby. April 35, 1874; O. E. E. H. Pby. Oct. 7,1875; S. S.Williamsburg '75-'78; P. Catlettsburg, Ky., '78-83; S. S. Opelousas, Louisiana Pby. '83-84. 493. LINGAMFELTER, Charles Scott, Berkeley Co., W.Va.; b. Hedgesville April 1, 1853. H. S. C. 1873. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. April 34, 1875; O. Nov. 11, 1875; P. Berryville '75-'80; S. S. and Teacher, Darncstown, Md., '80-'81 ; P. Poolesville '83-'84. 493. McDonald, Kenneth, Fayetteville, N. C; b. Cumberland Co., N. C., May 34, 1840. St. Da. C. C. S. A. '61-'05. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. April, 17, 1874; O. Wihn.' Pby. July, 1876; P. Black River Chapel '70-'79; S. 8. Keith and Moore's Cr. chs. '78, and B. Riv. Chap. '70; S. S. Moore's Cr. '80; S. S. White Hall, &c., '81; Ev. '83-'84. 494.* MORRISON, Alfred James, Lincoln Co., N. C; b. Dec. 11, 1849. Dav. Col., 1869. (3.+) L. Meckl. Pby. April 18, 1874 ; O. Ev. April 15, 1875 ; S. S. Franklin,' N. C, '75-'70; P. Selma, Alab., '76. Died in Memphis July 6, 1876. 495. PRITCHETT, Elias F., Greensboro, N. C. ; b. Guilford Co., N. C, Jun 3, 1844. Da. C. (3. Gr.). L. Or. Pby. April 34, 1875; O. E. Ark. Pby. Oct. 19, 1875; S. S. Powhatan and Walnut Ridge '75-'76; Res. Lawsou, Mo., '77-'79. Allowed by Presby. to demit the ministry. Ruling Elder in Robinson ch., Texas, at one time. Farmer in Texas 18Sl-'84. 496. RICHARDSON, William Hall, Louisville; b. April 6, 1849. St. Un. Va. (3.) L. Ebenezer Pby. 1876; O. E. So. Al. Pby. Oct., 1877; S. S. Salem, &c., 1878; P. So. Franklin St. ch.. Mobile, '79-'81; Prof. Tuscaloosa Institute (CoPd) and P. E. Uniontown, So. Ala. Pby., '81-'83; P. '83-'84. 497.* SCOTT, Isaac Van Meter, Charlotte Co., Va.; b. Sept. 16, 1850. St. W. and L. Un. and H. S. C. L. Roan. Pby. April 34, 1875; S. S. Old St. Ch., Petersburg, summer of 1875. Died at his mother's home in Charlotte Co., Va., Sept. 35, 1875. 498. SMITH, Nicholas Keff, Uniontown, Tenn.; b. New Market, Tenn., Jany. 19, 1851. Tusc. Col., Tenn. (3. Gr.) L. Holston Pby. April 39, 1874; O. Memphis Pby. Sept. 14, 1875; S. S. and then P. Bolivar ch. '75-'79; P. 3d ch., Atlanta, '79-'84; Ev. Augusta Pby. '84. 499. STEPHENSON, Philip Dandridge, St. Louis; b. Sept. 7, 1845. St. Westm. Col., Mo. C. S. A. '61-'65. (3. Gr.) L. St. Louis Pby. April 38, 1875; O. W. Dist. Pby. Nov. 31, 1875; P. Trenton '75-'80; P. Sedalia, Mo. Pby., '80-'81; P. Hancock •and Ev. Maryland Pby. '83-'83; P. Sinking Cr. ch., Abingdon Pby., '83-'84. 500. THOMSON, Alexander, Toronto, Canada. (1.) L. Pby.; O.Highland Pby. Oct. 3, 1873; S. S. Holtou, Highland Pby., Synod Kansas, '73-'74; S. S. Paoli '75-'76; S. S. Troy '81-'83; Toledo, Ohio, '83-'83; W. C. '84. 501. TRIPLETT, John Edwin, Shenandoah. Va.; b. Mt. Jackson, Va., Nov. 37, 1846. H. S. C, 1873. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. April, 1874; S. S. Pearisburg .and Walker's Cr., Giles Co., Va.; O. Montg. Pby. May 31, 1876; P. of the same churches ■'76-'79; S. S. Cynthiana and Mt. Pleasant, W. Lex. Pby., '79-'8l; Ev. Transylv. Pby. '83-' 84. .503. WASHBURN, Edward Davis, Savannah, Ga.; b. Jany. 13, 1848. A. B. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby, May 1, 1875; O. E. Sept. 3, 1876; S. S. Maysville '76-'78; P. same and S. S. N. Store '79-'83; S. S. Liberty, Montg. Pby., '83-'84. 68 187 3 -'74 ^^g^- 1873— '74- 503.* BETTS, BAitHEE, Ahiiiurtun, ^■a.; h. irichnidiul, \';i., July I, IS.V). II. S. C. (3. Cr.) L. Abingxl. Pby. May C, ISTC; O. Ev. Eheiiezcr Phy. Sept. :;(», ISTC; Ev. EbeiK'zer Pliy. '77-80; P. New Pnividonoc, Tniiisyl. Pl.y. 'S()-'S->. Diod in New Provideuce Manse Nov. 14, 1881. 504. BISHOP, William Fkost, Pctersburi--, Va.; b. Oct. :,', 1S,V.>. If. 8. C. A. M. Gr. Un. Edinbiirg and Un. Jena, and Free Ch. Thcol. College, Ediubiirg. L. E. 11. Pby. April, 1877; O. May 30, 1877; P. Ashland, and two years Prof, in Ashland Institute, '77-'8o; P. Central ch., Kansas City, Upper Missouri Pby., 's:i-'S4. Author Twelve Sermons in "Southern Pulpit." 505. COPPEDGE, Waltek R., Liberty, Va.; b. Lynchburg Aug. 1, 1851. A. M. H.,, 8. C. Teacher '74-'70. (2.+). L. Nashville Pby. April ri, 1877 ; S. S. Decherd ch. '77-'78; O. Montg. Pby. Jun. 29, 187H; P. Catawba and S. S. Sinking Cr. '78, and alsi>- S. S. Bethel '79; P. Sinking Cr. and S. S. Bethel 'SO; P. of all three and S. S. New Castle '81 ; P. of all four '8:i-'83. 506. DABNEY, William Ani>ekson, Atlanta, (icorgia. St. W. and L. Un. Col.. Semy. (3.) L. Atlanta Pby., Jun. 30, 1875; City My., Atlanta, '75-'7r.; O. Jun. 7, 1876; P. Centre St. ch. '76-'79; S. S. Pine Blutf, Ouachita Pby., '79-'80; S. S. Cov- ington, Va., '81-'83; P. Castauea Grove and Unity, Meek. Pby., '83-'84. 507. DUPUY, Benjamin Huntek, Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. May 11, 1845. St. H. S. C. (3. (U:) L. Roan Pby., May 0, 1876; O. E. H. Pby., Aug. rt, 1876; P. Pow- hatan ch. and S. S. Willis, W. H. Pby., '76-'83; Ev. W. Dis. Pby. '83-'84; P. 3d ch., St. Joseph's, Mo., '84. 508.* DUPUY, JosEPU, Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. Jun. 30, 1851. H. S. C. (l.> Withdrew. Teacher in Northern Va. and Maryland '74-'S2. Died Frederick Co.. Md., May 13, 18S3. .509. GAINES, Fkank IL, M. D., Sweetwater, Tenn.; b. Monroe Co., Teiin., July 35,1853. Cumberland Un. (Lebanon). St. Med, 1. -f . (3. Gr.) L. Know. Pby. April 17, 1875; O. Ebenezer Pby. Sept. 30, 1876; P. Hopewell ch. '76-78; P. Hebron, Lex. Pby., '78-83; P. Falling Spring ch., Montg. Pby. '83-'S4. 510. GROVER, Alfkei) Evans*, Richmond, Va.; b. Henrico Co., \'a., June .5, 1S4.S. St. H. S. C. and Un. Va. (3. (h:) L. E. H. Pby. April 15, 1876; O. St. Louis Pby. Sept., 1876; P. Mizpah ch. '76-77; S. S. Shelbyville, Tenn., '77-'80; P. McMiunvitle,. Nashv. Pby., '81-'83; S. S. Humboldt, Tenn., '83-'84. 511. GUERRANT, Edward Owing?;, M. D., Mt. Sterling; b. Sharpsburg, Ky., Feb. 28, 1838. C. C. K. 1860. Danville Sem. '61. C. S. A. '6r2-'65. St. Med. Jetf. School, Phila., and Bellevue Hosp., N. Y. Practiced Med. '67-'73. (2.) L. W.,Lex. Pby. April 10, 1875; O. Oct. 30, 1875; P. Salem and S. S. Union '75-'76; P. Mt. Sterling and S. S. Springfield and Owingsville '76-'78; P. 1st ch. Louisville '79-'83; Evl. Synod of Ky. '83-'S4. 513. McCULLOUGH, -James, Louisville. St. Assembly's Theol. College, Belfast, Ireland. L. Louisv. Phy. 513. McDonald, Ango, Athens, N. C. ; b. Pleasant Hill, Cumberland Co., N. C, Feb. 11,1846. St. Da. C. (3. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. April 1876; S. S. Mission Chap. Louisville '76-'77; O. Louisv. Pby., Spring 1877; P. Elizabcthtowu, Ky., '77-'84 ; P. E. 3d ch. Henderson, Pad. Pby '84. — r)2G 1873-74 GO TiH.* M.(aLVAllV. Wii.i.iA.M Mai. (oi.M, Moore Co., N. C. ; b. Fob. 27, 1847. Da. f. 1872. TeacluT. (:J. (ir.) L. Fay. Pby. April 22, 1870; S. S. Bethleht-m aud Buffalo, Roan Fby. '70~'77; S. S. Rutherlordton and Little Britain, Mekl. Pby. '77-'78; O. ^Tuu. 1, 1878: P. Little Britain aud S. S. Ruthcrfordton '82- 811 Died Feb. 12, 1883. 515. MUNROE, Colin Ai.exandek, Manchester, N. C. ; h. Troy, Montgomery Co., N. C, Oct. 11, 1844. Da. Col. 1872. (?,. (ir. ) L. Fay. Pby. April 24, 1875; O. Miss. Pby. Oct. i:i, 1877: P. Chrystal Sp. '77-'82; Ev. Old Fort, McDoncll Co., N. C, '83; S. 8. 1st vh. Huiitiuiiton, W. Va., (ireenbrier Pby. '8:j- 84. 510. MUNROE, Dio.vi.i), Manehcster. N. C. ; b. Troy, Moutgouiery Co., N. C, Auir. 21, lS4fi. Da. Col. 1872. Teacher. (:5. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby., April, 1870; O. E. Knoxville Pby., Sept., 1876; S. S. Soddy '70, and P. '7t-'83; S. S. Washinfjton '77- "'80, and Dale Cr. '80-'8:]. .517. REED, Ri( iiAKi) Ci.akk, Soddy, Tcun. ; b. Hamilton Co., Tenu., Jany. 34, 1851. K. C. (:5. (ir.) L. Knoxville Pby., May, 1870; O. E. Memphis Pby., Sept., 1870: 8. S. Somerville, Teun., '70-'77; P. Village ch.. Roan Pby., '77-'84. 51S. RUFF, Anduew W.vllaoe, Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. near Lexington Feb. 2fi, 1847 W and L. Un. (o. Or.) L. Montg. Pby., April22, 1876; O. Sept. 29, 1877; P. Loc. Bottom ch. '77-(8. 8. Carmel '78, and Rich Patch '8r)-'8>: S. S. Mountain •Grove, Bath Co. and Beulah, Highland Co., Lex. Pby., '8:V84. 519. SAMPSON, TiiOKNTON RcxiEits, Richmond, Va. ; b. Un. Seminary O^'t. 9,1852. H S. C. Teacher. St. Un. Va. and New Coll. Free Ch. of Scotland, each one year, :and Un. Leipzig two years. (1. Or.) L. W. H. Pby., April 18, 1878; O. Ev. Aug. 4, 1878; My. in Greece '78-'84; Agt. Am. and the Brit. Bible Societies. 520 SEXTON, -Iames Wittin, Wvtheville, Va.; b. July 7, 1850. Sr. H. S. C. .(3. Gr.) L. Ab. Pby. April, 1870; o] Ev. Brazos Pby. April, 1877; S. S. Huntsville, Willis and Waverly chs. '77-89; P. Bryan ch. '80-'84. 521. SHAW, John SiMTEK, Liberty, Miss.; b. Feb. 9, 1848. Da. C. Soldier and Planter (:!.)' L. N. Orleans Pbv. April, 1870; O. Miss. Pby. April, 1877; P. Rodney :and Bethel chs. '77-'79; Ev. Miss. Pby. '79-'82; P. Pine Ridge, Greenwood, Fayette and Red Lick '83-84. .522 SMITH, S.VMtTEi. Macon, Greensboro. N. C; b. Hampden Sidney July 20, 1851. ■St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby. April 22, 1870; O. Ev. Nov. 10, 1870; P. Washing- ton, N. C, '77-- 84. .5-'3 SPE\RS WiM.iAM TiioMi'soN, Madisonville, Tcnn.; 1). July 13, 1848. K. C, 1873 ' Farmer and Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Knoxv. Pby. May, 1875; My. in Knoxv. Pby. ■'7.5-'7G, aud in W. Lex. Pby. '70-'77; O. Ev. W. Lex. Pbr. April, 1877; Ev. 1877-'79; P. Richwood, Ebcnezer Pby., "79-84. .524 TADLOCK, Alexander Doak, Bristol, Tenn. ; b. Wash. Col., Washington <:o., Tenn., May 27, 1851. K. C. (3.) L. Holston Pby. April 6, 1876; O. Ebeuezer Pby. Oct. 1,1870; P Bayless Memorial c'h. '77— (S. S. (ireeniip Union '78— )— '81 ; Ev. Muhleuburg Pby. '82-'84. .525. WALDEN, Ji-Lius Walker, Talladega, Al.; b. Centre, Cherokee Co., AL, Feb. 28, 1851. St. W. and L. Un.; Teacher. St. Law. (1.) L. So. Al. Pby. April, 1875; O. Oct. 1875; P. So. Franklin St. ch., Mobile, '7.5-'78; P. Dayton, O., '78-'81; F. Is't ch. Covington, Ky., Eb. Pby. (of U. S. A.) '82-'84. .526. WALLACE, William Craig, Hamilton Co., Tenn.; b. July 9, 184S. K. C. 1873. (3. Gr.) L. Knoxv. Pby. May 2, 1870; O. E. Oct., 1870; S. S. Soddy and Bethel -'76-''77; S. s! (iraham, DallasPby. '78-'79; S. S. Beaumont, E. Tex. Pby. '79-'84. 70 i874-'75 '^27- i874-'75- 537. BRANTLEY, Erskine, Clarksville, Tenu. ; b. Giles Co., Tenn., Feb. 1, 1850. Stew. C. (S. W. Un.) Teacher, (o. ) Ill-health prevented graduation. L. Nashville Pby. April 23, 1877; O. Bethel Pby. April 13, 1878; P. Zion eh. and S. S. Olivet '78-'81 ; S. S. Hall and Woodbury, Nashv. Pby. '81-'82, and Stone River '83—; Res. Callins- ville, Texas. 528. CAMPBELL, Is^c Newton, Augusta Co., Ya.; b. Aug. 15, 1846. St. W. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. April 28, 1877; O. W. H. Pby. Sept. 23, 1877; P. Appo- mattox C. H. ch. '77-78; S. S. Sheniariah and Union chs., Lex. Pby., '78; P. Union '79-'82; P. Strasburg, Wine. Pby. '8:3-'84. 529. CHANEY, Leonidas Beverly, New Roe, Allen Co., Ky. ; b. May 4, 1847. St. W. and L. Univ. (3.) L. C. Tex. Pby. June 27, 1877; O. Dallas Pby. April 15, 1878; P. Weatherford ch. '78-'84. 530. CONVERSE, Charles S., Richmond, Va. ; b. Phil. Jany. 1, 1847. N. H. 1868. Teacher and Lawyer. (— Mid. 1.) Princeton Gr. L. New Brunswick Pby. April 25,. 1876; O. May 8, 1876; P. Amwell, N. J., '76-'81; 8. S. Morris Ch. Rawlins, Wyom- ing Ter. '81-'83 ; S. S. Westminster Ch. Dakota Ter. '83-'84. 531. CREWS, James Richard, Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 24, 1845. C. S. A. wounded. St. H. S. C. (3.) L. Roan. Pby. April 2^, 1877 ; O. Sep. 22, 1877 ; P. Buffalo- and S. S. Bethlehem '77— (P. '79)— '84; P. 3d ch. Lynchburg, Montg. Pby. '84. 532. FOGARTIE, JaxMes Edward, Charleston, S. C. ; b. Feb. 10, 1850. Da. C. Merch. (2.) Columb. Gr. L. Charleston Pby. May 1877; O. Dec. 1877; S. S. and P. Edisto Isl. ch. '77-'8l; S. S. Burnsville, Ga., '82; Ev. Meckl. Pby. '83-'84. 533. JOHNSON, Charles W., Wytheville; b. May 18, 1852. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Ab. Pby., April, 1877; O.July 4,1878; P. Jellersonville, '78-'82, and Liberty Hill, '78-83 ; S. S. Jonesboro, Tenn. '84. 534. KELLER, William Edward, Harrodsburg, Ky. ; b. Feb. 12, 1840. Lawyer and Judge '66-'72; Stud, privately '72-'73. (1.) L. Trans. Pby. and O. Ev. April 1876; S. S. Big Spring ch., Louisv. Pby. '78 and P. 79; P. Mt. Sterling and Spring- field, Trans. Pby. '80-83; P. E. Bardstovvn, Louisv. Pby. '83. 535. KING, Rutledge F., Sullivan Co. -K. C. 536. LAW, Patrick Redd, Wentworth, N. C. ; b. Martinsville, Va., Dec. 7, 1849. Da. C. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby., April 28, 1877; O. Ev. Nov. 13, 1877 ; Ev. and S. S. Pitts- boro, Haywood, Mt. Vernon and Gulf, '77-'82; Supt. Publ. Schools Chatham Co., N. C. 537. McCONNELL, Thomas Maxwell, Washington Co., Va. ; b. July 13, 1851. K. C. Col. Semy. (—Sen. 1.) L. Ab. Pby., April 21, 1875; O. Jun. 29, 1875; S. S. and then P. McMinnville, Tenu. '75-'79; P. Westminster ch, Nashville Pby. '79-'84. 538. McCOWN, James Harvey, Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. April 7, 1853. A. B. W. and L. Un. 1874. (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby., April 2S, 1877; O. Sept. 1.5, 1877; P. Huntersville, Baxter and Liberty, Greenb. Pby., and Huntonsville. Lexg. Pby., '77- '82. Res. Greenbank, W. Va., 1SS3. 539. McLELLAND, William Rankix, Fancy Hill, Iredell Co., N. C. ; b. Feb. 13, 1849. Teacher. Da. C. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby., Apr. 25,1876; O. E. Texas Pby. ^ Nov. 6, 1878; S. S. Tyler '79; Troupe '80-'81; P. Tyler '82-'84. 540. McMURRAY, John Addison, Corsicana, Texas; b. Alamance Co., N. C, Oct. 21,1849. Da. C. Teacher. (3.) L. Centr. Texas Pby., April 1,1877; O. Ev. Fall meeting, 1877; S. S. Corsicana '77-'80; Evang. C. T. Pby. '80-'84. —555 1874-75 '^^ 541. MOLLOY, John C, Memphis, Teiiii.; b. Holly Sp, mgs, Miss., Nov. 23, 185.5 St. So. W. Un. (3.) L. Louisv. Pby. April :26. 1877; O. Sept. 21, 1877; P. Owens- boro '77-'84. 543. MORROW, RoBEKT Orlando Baxter, Somerville, Al., Aug. 28, 1846. Un. Miss. Farmer, 18(54. C. S. A. 'fU-'O."). Col. Sem. (1+). L. Chickasaw Pby. April, 1875; O. W. Dist. Pby. Nov. 30, 1870; P. Zion ch. '76-'78; S. S. Monmouth and Brandon, C. Miss. Pby., '78-'79; S. S. West and Lexington chs. '80-'84; S. S. Hendersonville and Mill Kiver, Meckl. Pby., '84. 543. MUNROE, Edmund Mars^hall, Manchester, N. C; b. Troy, Montg. Co., N. C, May 16, 18.50. Da. C, 1873. Teacher. (3. (ir.) L. Fay. Pby. April, 1876; O. Ouachita Pby. April 12, 1878; P. Camden and Mt. Holly '78-'S4. 544. QUIGT.EY, John H., Shepherdstown, W. Va. St. H. S. C. (1.) Withdrew "With consent of Winch. Pby.; never licensed. 545. RAMSAY, James Alston, Salisbury, N. C; b. Aug. 6, 1852. Da. C, 1874. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby. April, 1876; O. May, 1877; P. Thyatira and Back Cr. chs. '77-'84. 546. RAMSEY, Emmet A., Maysville, Teun. ; b. Catoosa Co., Ga., Dec. 9, 1849. Da. C. Farmer and Teacher. (1. +.) L. Knoxv. Pby., Sept., 1876; S. S. London ch. '76; O. Jun., 1878; P. Loudon '78— (and Mars Hill '81)— '84. 547. RUFF, John, Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 18, 1851. A. B. W. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby., April, 1877; O. Dec. 1877; P. Peaks and S. S. Bufordsville and Otterville, and then P. Otterville, '77-'84. 548. SHERRARD, John L., Romney, W. Va. ; b. Bloomery, Hamp.shire Co.,W.Va., Jany. 21, 1843. W. and L. Un. Civil Engineer. Teacher. (3.) L. Winch. Pby., April, 1877; O. Ev., Sept., 1849; S. S. and My. Petersburg, W. Va., and vicinity, and P. E. Zion ch., '79-'82. Res. Berryville '83-'84. 549. SLOAN,JosEPH Milton, Gibson Co., Tenn. ; b. Sept. 12, 1845. A. B. Un., Miss. Farmer and Teacher. (2.) L. W. Dist. Pby., April 9, 1876; O. Dec. 3, 1876; P. Ripley '7t)— (also S. S. Nutbush and Stonewall '80)— '84. 550. STIMSON, Robert De Lanson, Statesville, N. C. ; b. April 23, 1849. Da. C. 1874. (3. Gr.). L. Cone. Pby. May 9, 1877; O. E. H. Pby. Nov. 27, 1877; P. Holmes eh. '77— (and S. S. Belle Haven '80— )— '84. 551. STRATTON, William M., Jackson, E. Feliciana Parish, La. ; b. Portsmouth, Va., Sep. 16, 1846. St. Centenary Col., Al. C. S. A. Col. Semy. (2.). L. Louisiana Pby. April 3, 1875 ; O. St. Louis Pby. April 13, 1878 ; P. Mizpah '78— (and S. S. Potosi, Potosi Pby. '80— )— '82 ; Res. Potosi Mo. '83 ; S. S. Bladon Springs, So. Al. '83-'84 ; P. Demopolis '84. .5.52.* STUART, Ebenezer Erskine,* Rockbridge Co. ; b. Mar. 29, 1848. St. W. and L. Un. (1.+ ). Left in ill health and died at his lather's residence Sep. 24, 1879. 553. TRENHOLM, George A., Charleston, S. C. ; b. Aug. 30, 1845. Acad. Merchant. (2.). Col. Semy. Gr. L. Charleston Pby. May 10, 1877; O. Bethel Pby. Nov. 21, 1877; S. S. Edgefield ch., Nashv. Pby. '77-'83' and P. '83-'84. 554. TRIMBLE, William L., Santa Fc, Mo. ; b. Augusta Co., Va. Westminster Col. (3. Gr.) L. Palmyra Pby., May 16, 1876; O. Sep. 27, 1877; S. S. La Belle, Zion's Hill, Alexandria, Des Moines, Athens, etc. '78-'84. 55.5. WILSON, Goodrich A., Smythe Co., Va. ; b. Clarksville, Va., Oct. .5, 1850, Clerk. St. Em. and H. Col. and H. S. C. Teacher. (3. (ir.) L. Abg. Pby., April 28, 1877; O. Greenb. Pby., Sep. 15, 1877; S. S. Huntington, \V. Va., '77-'79; P. Apponi. C. H. ch., W. H. Pby. •79-'S2; P. Blackst)urg, Montg. Pl)y. ■82-84. 72 i874-"/5— 1875-76 556— 550. WILSON, Lewis T., M. D., Auousta Co., Va. St. Uu. Va. and U. 8. C. (3.) L. and O. E. Texas Pby. Allowed by Dallas Pby. to demit the ministry, Oct. IT, 1881. 557. WINN, Samuel K., Decatur, Ga. ; b. DeKalb Co., Ga. Teacher. St. VV. and L. Un. (8. (Jr.) L. Atlanta Pby., May, 18?.»; O. Cliesap. Pby., Nov. 28, 1877; P. Cul- peper, '77-79; P. 2d ch., Petersburg, E. H. Pby. 'T9-'84. 558. WOODS, William IL, Lebanon Co., Ky. ; b. (4reen Co., Ky., Nov. 17, 1852. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby., Oct. 20, 1877; O. May 25, 187S; P. Cedar ClitT and Cedar Creek '78-' 84. 559. YERGER, Okvii.le M., Memphis. St. H. S. C. {■'>.) Withdrew from care of Pbv. Never licensed. i875-'76. 560. ALLEY, Kkiiaki) B., Christiansburg, Va. St. K. C. (L) Withdrew. Never licensed. 561. ANDERSON, Isaak Samiel, Bristol, Tenn. ; b. Dec. 9, 1,S54. K. C. (3. Or.) Un. Semy., N. Y. L. Hoist. Pby., Dec. S, isrs ; O. Ev., April 24, 1880; S. S. Lee ch., Jonesville, Va., '82-'83. 562. ANDERSON, John G., Cumberland Co., Va. ; 1). near Gordonsville, Va., Dec. 8, 1850. Farmer and Teacher. St. H. S. C. and Un. \a. L. W. H. Pby., April, 1878 ; O. E. H. Pby., May 2, 1879; P. Makemie ch. '79-'s4; P. Hampton and Williams- burg, and S. S. Smithtield and Newport News, '84. 563. BIGGER, Eber Elam, Oxford, Miss. ; b. Pontotoc, Miss. Nov. 5, 1848. Un. Miss. 1875. (1.). Princeton Gr. L. Chickasaw Pby. . Tun. 27,1877; O. E. N. Miss. Pby. April 9, 1879; S. S. College ch. '77-79; S. S. Philadelphia and Byhalia '80-'81 ; Alabama St. ch., Memphis Pby., 'Sl, and P. Walnut Hill and Salem, W. Lexg. Pby., '82-84. 564. BOOKER, James Edward, Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 9, 1850. H. S. C. Un. Gottingeu and Un. Leipsig '74-75. (3.). L. W. 11. Pby. April 1878; O. Lexg. Pby. Sep. 28, 187S; P. 2d ch., Staunton, Va., '78-'84. .565. BURWELL, Rk'hard Sputswood, Raleigh; b. llillsboro, N. C, July 8, 18.53. Da. C. (3. Gr.). L. Or. Pby. April 2:>, 1878; O. E. Dallas Pby., April 12, 1879; S. S. Denton '79-'82; P. E. Graham '83-84. 566. CHANDLER, George T., Geneva, Ga.; b. Columbus, Ga., July 20, 1851. K. C. (2). L. Macon Pby. April, 1877; My. in bounds of Macon Pby. '77-'7H; O.April, 1879; P. Americui- ch. '79-'81 ; S. S. (ieneva '82 and Ephesus '83. 567. COIT, Alhert B., Charlotte, N. C; b. Cheraw, S. C, June 15, 1853. Da. C. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April, 187S; S. S. Starksvillc, Miss., Tombeckb. Pby. '78-'79; O. E. April, 1880; Evl. Tomb. Pby. '80-84; Res. Gariandsville, Miss. 568. COLDWELL, Joseph C, Shelbyville, Tenn.; b. Oct. 27, 1853. S. \V. Un. 1873. Teacher. (3. Gr.). 1^. Nashv. Pby. April 22, 187S; S. S. Lynuville and Culleoka '75 ; O. Columbia (N. Ala.) Pby., May 4, 1879 ; P. Culleoka and S. S. Lynuville '79-82 ; S. S. New Providence, Transyl. Pby. '83-'84. 569. GOODE, Benjamin E., Prince Edward Co., Va.; b. Chestcrtield, Va., Oct. 9, 1857. H. S. C. Teacher. (3. (ir.) L. W. H. Pby. April 18, 1878; S. S. Valdosta, Savan. Pby. '78-'79; O.April 19, 1879; P. Valdosta '79-'81 ; ill-health '82-'83; S. S Alderson, W. Va., '83-'84. —583 ^^75-7^ '''» oTO. .Tl'LIAN, Kivii I'kk i:, I.cxiimtoii, N, ('.; li. Salisbuiy, N. C, March 31, 1855. Da. ('. IVacher. C!. (ir.) I- ("iic. Pby. May, ISSl ; (). Mont--. I'by. O^t. ItJ, ISSl ; P. ■:iil ch., Lynchhiiri;, 'S1-'S4. 571. LATHAM, J.VMES Euwakd, Maiuit Hope;, Mo.; I). iie;u- liiistol, Tenu., April :2J, 1854. K. C. Tutor in K. C. (:'.. (rr.) L. H )lston Pl)y. April, 1ST7; O. E. Palmyra Pby. April (1, 1S7.I; Prin. of an Aculi'iny '7-<-'S'); S. S. Bi-- ('reck and Monroe City .(•lis. '80-'S;!. 57:3. McCORKLE, Emmkt Wallace, Rockbriduc Co., Vk.; h. Aug. 38,1855. W. and L. Uu., 1875. (:!. (iv.) L. Lex. Pby. .M ly Hi, 1S7S; S. 8. Walker's Cr. ch. '79-'80; (). Montg. Pby. (),-t. K!, l^^l -. I'. Clifton Kor^e and Sharon "si—;and Low Moore -S:;i)_'84. 573. McKAY, .Malcolm MoNaik, Eiifauhi, Ala,; b. CiimliL'rhmd Co., N. C, April :2f), 1853. Da. Col. (8 weeks.) Sore eyes prevented longer study. L. Macon Pby. April. 187<;; O. E. Al. Pby. Nov. 4, 1877; P. and Teacher, Greenville, '78; P. Griffln, Atlanta Pby., '79-'84. 574. McPHEETERS, Willlvm M., 8t. Louis, .Mo.; b. April S, isVi. W. and L. Un. Teacher. (3. (ir.) L. .Montg. Pby. May 10, 1878; O. E. ();-t. 'is, lsri»; P. Rocky Mt. <'h. '80— (and Piedmont '81— )— 'S4. 575. MEBANE, Bknjamix W.vtkins, (Ireensboro, N. C. ; b. May 31). is.50. Da. C. Teacher. (3.) L. Or. Pby., April 3',», 1878; (). Nov. 17, 1S7S ; P. (iraham, '78-'81 ; 8. ;8. Hillsville, Ab. Pby. '81-'83; 8. 8. 2d ch. Bri.stol-Cojd-^on, 'Si and P. 's;i-'84. 57(5. MOORE, Henry Coles, Northampton Co., Va. ; !•. Jany. :!, 1850. St. H. S. C. •. ; 1>. Albemarle Co., Va., July 30, 1S48. Mendmnt. St. U.S. C. (S.) L. Montg. Pby., Miy 11, 1S7S; O. Jun., 1K79; Assist. Dr. Hall, 1st ch., Lynchb,, isrs; ]'. Liberty ch. '79-'SS; P. Mo-sy Cr., Lex. Pby., "83-' 84. .580. SEN(JER, John C, Wilmington, N. C. St. Vincent's Col., under Papal Bishop <)f Erie, Pa. (3. Gr. ) L.W. H. Pby., April is, isr-i. Lieeu^e withdrawn by the Pres- bytery Oct., 18H3. .581. SPENCER, Loris ()., Catlettsbnrg, Ky. ; I'. I'^l'K Stewart Col. (So. W. U.) Teacher. (3. (ir. ) L. Ebenezer Pby., April IS. 1S7>; O. Paduc Pby., Sept. 30, 1878; P. Princeton and Kvl. of Pad. Pby., also 8. 8. .Marion. '7S-'S4. .583. SPRCNT, Alexanker, Wilmington, N. C. ; b. (ilasuow, Scotland, July 10, 18,53. Da. C. (3. (ir. ) L. Wilmington Pby., April 3(;, IsrS; O. Ev. Winch. Pby., Nov. r8, 1878; P. Augusta Ch., Lexg. Pby., '79-'S4. .583. STOREY, (iRANviLLE Theodore; b. (ireene Co., Al., Sept. C, 1S51. Un. Miss. 1S75. (3. Gr. ) L. C. Miss. Pby. April 13, 1878; O. Ev. April U, 1S78; S. S. Dry Cr. <'h.,Mie8. Pby., '7S-'83; S. 8. Starksville, Tombeckbee Pby., '83, and P. of same and S. S. Bethel 'S3-'S4; Teacher most of the time of his ministry. 74 i875-'76— 1876-'77 584— 584. STRIDER, John P., Halltown, Jefferson Co., W. Va.; b. Harper's Ferry, Va., May 19, 1849. A. M. W. and L. Un. ; St. Free Ch. Col. in Theolosiy, Ediuburg; (—Mid. 3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby. June 22, 187() ; O. Chesap. Phy. Nov. 27, 1877 ; P. Rapi- dau '77-'79; ill-health '80; P. Rapidan and Culpeper '81-'83; S. S. 1st ch., Savannah, '83-'84. 585. WADDELL, George R., Victoria, Texas; b. Jasper Co., Miss., Dec. 15, 1844. Un. Miss. 1868; Teacher and Civil Engineer '(;8-'75. (2.) L. W. Texas Pby. April 27, 1877; O. Ev. April 14, 1878; Ev. of N. W. part of W. Texas Pby. '78-'80; Ev. S. W. part of Ouach. Pby., '80-81; Prof, of Nat. Sciences, Batesville, Ark. College, and S. S. Batesville and New Port '81-'83; resigned Professorship Maj% '83; S. S." Bates- ville '83-' 84. 586. WILSON, Robert W., Eaglesville, Teun. ; b. Maury Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1846. Stewart Col. (So. W. Un.) Colporteur (3.) L. Nash. Pby. April 24, 1877; O. Sep. 1878; P. New Hope ch. '78-'84 ; (and S. S. Harpeth '78-'8], and Hermitage '82-'83^ and College Grove '83.) i876-'77, 587. ARROWOOD, William Bltlek, Old Furnace, Gaston Co., N. C. ; b. April 1,. 1850. Teacher. Da. C, 1876. (3. Gr.) L. Meckl. Pby. April 1878; O. Montg. Pby. Oct. 1879; P. Pearisburg. Walker's Cr. and Hoge's chs. '79-'82; Evl. Cone. Pby. '82-'83. 588. CAMPBELL, William Creighton, Gerardstown, W. Va. ; b. Dec. 6, 1850. Farmer and Teacher. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Wine. Pby. April 26, 1879 ; O. April 24, 1880; S. S. and then P. E. Harper's Ferry '79-'81; P. Roanoke, Montg. Pby. '81-'84. 589. CATTANACH, John C, Quebec, Canada. Withdrew in a few weeks. 590. CAVE, William Edward, Salem, Fauquier Co., Va.; b. Luray, Page Co., Va.,^ Feb. 25, 1851. H. S. C, 1876. (3. Gr.) L. Maryland Pby. May 3. 1879; O. Louisv. Pby. April, 1881; P. Big Spring '81-'83; P. Paducah '83-'84. 591. CAVITT, Clarence VoLNET, Bryan, Texas; b. Robertson Co., Tex., Mar. 5, 1855. Roan. C, 1876. (1.) Col. Semy. Gr. L. Brazos Pby. Nov. 1879. Returned' license 1881. Farmer '82-'84. 592.* COSNER, William Francis. Hardy Co., VV. Va.; 1>. Nov. 29, 1845. Farmer and Teacher. W. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Wine. Pl)y. April 2(i, 1879; O. Ev. Oct. 4, 1879. Died in missionary work Nov, 17, ISSO. 593. DABNEY, John William, Campinas, Brazil. II. S. C. Teacher in Virginia- five years and two years at Campinas, Brazil. (2.). L. and O. E. H. Pby. April 28, 1878; F. M. in Campinas '78-'84; Prin. Campinas College '78-84. 594.* DALTON, Archie Carter,* High Point, N. C. ; b. Statesvillc, Dec. 4, 1853. Da. C. Ill health. Died in a few weeks, Sept. 19, 1876. 595. DAVIES, George Whiting, Campbell Co., Va. ; b. Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 3, 1853. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby., Ajtril 19. 1880; O. Ouachita Pby. . Engaged in secular pursuits, '82-'84. 596. EPES, Theodoric Pryor, Nottoway Co., Va. ; b. Jan. 4, 1S.")4. W. and Lee- Un. Teaching. (3. Gr.) L.E. H. Pl)y., May, 1879; O. E. W. H. Pby., August, 1880 My.; Madison Co. '80-'81 ; P. Greenwich, Chesap. Pby. 'Hl-'83; P. Manchester, E. H. Pby.. '83-' 84. —609 1876-77 — 1877-78 75- 597. GRAYBILL, Waltok Jonathan, Botetourt Co., Va. ; b. uear Salem, Roanoke Co. Va., Aug. 2, 1853. Farmer. 11. S. C, 1876. (3. Gr.) Teacher. L. Moutg. Pby. April 17, ISSO; Gr. Med. School, Louisv., Ky., July 1, 18S1; My. near Louisv. '80-'81 ; 0. Montg. Pby. Sep. 30, 1881 ; My. Mexico, '81-'83 ; Ev. Synod of Ky. '83-'84. 598. MORRISON, Jamks Hardy, Swannanoa, Buncombe Co., N. C. ; b. Feb. 2, 1849. Da. C. 1875. Teacher. (2.) L. West Lexg. Pby. May 7, 1878 ; O. E. Sep. 11 , 1878; P. Portland Av. Ch. Louisville '79-'84. 599. SCOTT, Lyttleton Edmunds, Jefferson Co. W. Va. ; b. Halifax C. H., March 1, 1856. St. H. S. C. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Wine. Pby. April 1879 ; O. E. Nov. 14, 1879; S. S. Suffolk '80-'83 ; S. S. Bayliss Memorial, Grayson, Carter Co., Ky., '84. 600.* THOMPSON, Ballard Franklin, Shop Spring, Tenn. ; b. Wilson Co., Tenn., Oct. 10, 1847. Stewart Col. (So. W. Un.) 1875. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Nashv. Pby April 23, 1879; O. Ev. Jany. 1880; My. to Pernambuca '80— '81. Died there April 27, 1881. 601. WASSON, John B., M. D., Lexington, Ky. 603 WEAVER, James Henry, Atoka, Tenn.; b. Hardeman Co., Tenn., Dec. 15, 1848. So. W. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Memphis Pby. April, 1879; O. Nov., 1879; P. Atoka and Big Cr. chs. '79-'81. S. 8. Kerrville, '81-'84. 603. WHALING, Horace MoRLAND, Lynchburg, Va. St. Da. Col., then Richmond Col. (1. • L. Charleston Pby. April 26, 1879 ; O. Memphis Pby. Nov. 28, 1879 ; P. Park Av. ch., Memphis, '80-81; S. S. Lake City, Pueblo Pby., '83; S. S. Denison, Texas, '83-'84. i877-'78. 604. BEALE, Weisel, Berkeley Co., W. Va.; b. Cumberland, Md., Dec, 1849. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Wine. Pbg., Spring Meeting, 1880; O. Potosi Pby., Fall 18S3; S. S. Union and Hebron Chs. '80 ; S. S. Brazeau and 1st Apple Cr. chs., Potosi Pby., '81-83. j P. 1st Ch., Apple cr., '82-'84. 605. BRIDGES, James Robertson, Farmville, Va.; b. St. Louis, Sept. 29, 1852. H. S. C. Teacher, Acconiac, Va., '74-'7.5, and Yolo Co., Cal., '75-'77. (3. Gr.) L. W. H. Pby. April 23, 1880; S. S. Pine Grove, W. Lex. Pby., '80-'81; O. E. W. Tex. Pby. Nov. 17, 1881; Res. as Evang., Uvalde '83-'83; 8. S. Miss. Chapel of Indep. Pbr. ch., Balti- more, '83-'84. 606.* CAMPBELL, James F.* Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Dec. 27, 1854. A. B. W. and L. Un. (1.) Died at his home Aug. 13, 1878. 607. CHINN, WiLLiAM, Salem, Fauquier Co., Va. ; b. Sep. 1, 1854. H. S. C. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Chesap. Pby. April 22, 1880; O.April 15, 1881; S. S. and then P. Hartwood and Grove Chs. '81-'84. 608. DIXON, John Howie, Mecklenburg, N. C. ; b. Sep. 1, 1853. Un. N. C. (3.) Col Semy. L. Mecklinburg Pby. April 16, 1881. Teacher and S. S. Rutherfurdton '81-'82 ; O. E. Enore Pby. Sep. 1, 1882 ; S. S. at Gaffneys '82-'83 ; My. Muufordville,.. Hart Co., Ky., '83-'84. 609. GHISELIN, Charles, Norfolk, Va. ; b. Jany. 26, 1853. A. M. H. S. C. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby. May 3, 1879; S. S. 4th ch. Richmond, Va., '79-'80; O. E. Winch. Pby. May 7, 1881; S. S. and then P. Berkley Springs '81-'83; P. . Shepherdstown and Kearueysville '83-'84. 7«i i877-'78— 1878-'79 'Jl<>— CIO.* 1IAHHE1>I>, Fkank PiKitcK. LumbiTtoii, Robeson Co., N. C. ; b. Nov. (">, 1852. Da. Col., 1S7T. Teacher. (:i. Gr.) L. Fay. Pby. April 2r), iss(); (). Cone. Pl)y. Dec. 4, 18S0; S. S. and then P. Prospect ch. '80-'s:i. Died Jun. 2'.), lHs;j fill. McELPvOY, IsAAK Htiaut, Lebiinon, Kentucky: b. July :!(), 1853. Transyl. Mil. Col. and II. S. C. Teacher six years. (— Sen. 1.) L. Transyl. Pby. May 1H77 ; O. E. Missouri Pby. Sei). 1878; S. S. Keytcsville '79-'S(); P. Stanford, Transyl. Pby. '8]-'84. V,\2. Mi,rAM W., Koekliridge Co., Va.. St. W. and L. Uii. (3. Gr.) L. :Montii. l^by., April 17, 1880; O. Pby.; P. Mexia and S. S. Oak Island, C. Texas Pby., '82-'84. G15. SMITH, James Henderson, Va. Mil. Institute; b. Nov. 5, 1S56. V. M.I. 1876, and St. W. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby., May 1, 1879; O. May 15, 1880 ; S. S. and then P. Fairtield, '79-'80; P. Leesburg, Chesap. Pby., '81-'84. 616. SMITH, Joseph Addison, Bastrop, Texas; b. Lockhart, Tex., July 39, 1854. Bt. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. St. Louis Pby., April 38, ISSO; O. E. April 33, 1S81; S. S. Joachim '81, and Des Peres, '82; S. S. Des Peres and Maline Cr., '83-'84. (117. STOKES, Colin, Jr., Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. Lunenbun;-, Va., Aug. 27, 1854. Farmer. H. S. Cr. (3. Gr.) L. W. II. Pby., April 33, 18sO ; O. Oct., 1881; P. Amherst ch., '81-'83; P. Collierstown, Lex. Pby., 18S3-'84. (il8. SUMM.ERELL, James Nortu Howard, Salisbury, N. C. ; b. Aug. 31, 1854. Da. C. 1873. Free Ch. Col., Edinb. (2. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby.. Oct. 31, 1879; O. May 29, 1881; S. S. and then P. Poplar Tent, '7S-83; P. Tarboro and Rocky Mount, Or. Pby., '83-'84. 619. SYDENSTRICKER, Hiram Mason, Greenbrier Co., W. Va. ; b. Aug. 36, 18-18. St. W. and L. Un. Farmer and Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Greenb. Pby., Jun. 24, 1879; •<). St. Louis Pby., .May 15, 1881; P. Montgomery City, '81-'83; S. S. Water Valley, N. Miss. Pby., '8ri-'84. <)30.* WAILES, RoisEKT Austin, Nelson Co., Va. ; b. May 11, 1855. H. S. C. (3. Or.) L. W. H. Pby., April 23, 18S0; S. S. Miss. Chapel, Lynchburg, '80-'81; O. Or. Pby., Dec. 11, 1882; P. Tarboro and Rocky Mount, '83-83. Died in Tarboro Jun. 14, 1883. 621. WALTON, T. Peyton, Cumberland Co., Va. ; b. May 33, 1850. O. E. Missouri Pby., Oct. 1880; S. S. Triplet, Clark and Brunswick, '80-'81 ; S. S. Ashley and Ebenezer, Palmyra Pby., '81-'84; P. Portsmouth, E. H. Pby., '84. l878-'79. 633. BARKS, Hokace B., Perry, Ralls Co., Mo.; b. Warsaw, Benton Co., Mo., Oct. 4, 1849. Westm. Col. 1878. (3.) L. Palmyra Pby., April, 1880; O. E. Sept., 18S0; S. S. La Belle, '83-'83. 633.* COWAN, Joseph McLAtKiN, Telford Co., Tcnn. ; b. April 14, 1S.53. K. C. <(3. 1 Intirm; never licensed. Died in San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 7, 1883. —638 1878-79 "" f>-i4. t'OCKK, Ai.oNzo Hi( K, Hecltbrd Co., Va. ; b. CainplK'H Co., Va., Jauy. 7, lsr)S. A. B. W. and J>. L'n. (;^. Gr.) L. Monti;-. I'bv., April, ISSO; O. r.ex. I'by., Jini. 1(». 1881 ; P. Wiiuly Cove, '81— (Milll)oro 'S:i)— ',S4. r.25. FETZEH, IIenkv, Wayne Co., O., of the Canaan (iennan Kef. Ch. (1.) Na- report seeured, after diligent etibrts to ol)tain one. ()2(i. HEISKELL, Cu.vklks J.wies, Menipliis, Teini. ; b. Hoiiersvillc, Tenn., .Inn. 22, 185S. St. Un. E. Tenn. (Knoxville). (■]. Gr.) L. Memphis Pby., Spring, ISSl ; S. S. Auu'usta, Ark., Park Av. eh., Mempliis and Longview, Texas, '81-'s:j. Ros. Memphis 'S4 (after retnrning from a visit to Seotland, &c., in '8;-5-'84). (i2T. HOLT, Jamks William, Hamlin, W. Va. ; b. Craig Co., Va., Aug. 17, ls52. St. W. and L. Un. Clerk and Agent. (:!. Gr. ) L. (ireenb. Pby., May 7, ISSl ; Q. E. May, 1882; S. S. Salem, Carmel and Hillsdale, 'S2- S4. 628. KENNEDY, Makion S., Corncrsville, Tenn.; b. Green Co., Tenn., Nov. IT, 1854. W. and M. Col., Va. (:!. Gr.) L. Columb. Pby., Aug. 27, Issi ; O. April 1, 1882; S. S. and then P. Levvisburg, '81-'84. 029. LAIRD, AViLi.iAM Ramskv, Roekbridge Co., Va. ; b. Kerr's, Ct. Sept. 30, IHoti. St. H. S. C. and W. and L. Un. (M. Gr.) L. Lexg. Pby., May, 1881; O. Memp. Pby., Nov., 1881 ; P. Mason; Centre and Tahernacle ehs., '81-'88; S. 8. and P. Millers- burg, Eben. Pby., '8:3-'84. 630. LANCASTER, Jamks Leach, Cumberland Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 10, 18.54. St. H. S. C. Farmer. (3. Gr.) L. Maryl. Pby., May, 1881; S. S. 2d eh., Norfolk, E. H. Pby., and then My. Boone Co., Mo., '81-'82; S. S. Old St. eh., Petersburg, '82-'83; O. N. Miss. Pby., Nov. 8, 1883; P. Holly Springs eh., '83-'84. 631. McLEAN, James Dunning, Oxford, A1. ; b. Mobile, Ala., Jany. 2, 18.5(). St. Oxfd. Col. (3.) L. So. Ma. Pby., April 17, 1880; O. Tuseal. Pby., May 1, 1881; p. (iadsden, Tusealoosa Pby., '81-'84; S. S. Mosspoiut, N. Orleans Pby., '84. 632. MILLARD, Makshali, Wallace, Union, Tenn. ; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., Jan. 20,18.53. K. C. Farmer. (3.) L. Holston Pby, April 16, 1881; O.April 1, 1882; S. S. Mossy Cr., Dandridge and Mt. Horeb ehs. '82-83; S. S. (ireenville, Paris Pby. '83-'84. 633. MOORE, Waltek W., Charlotte, N. C. ; b. Jun. 14, 18.57. Da. C. L. Meekl. Pby. April 16, 1881 ; O. E. Aug. 30, 1881 ; S. S. Swannanoa and Oak Forest ehs. '81-'82; P. Millers1)urg, Ky., 'sr>-'83; Asst. Inst. Union Seminary '83-'84 ; Adj. ProL 1884. 634. MORTON, Oscau Gilciikist, Columbus, Tenn.; b. Trenton, Tenn., Jun. 2'.), 1855; St. Vanderbilt Un. (1.) Lane Semy. L. Paduc. Pby. April 25, 1880; D. to Cine. Pby. Sep. 25, 1880, and O. Alton Pby. May 10, 1882; S. S. '81, and P. Chester, Alton Pby. '82-84; S. S. Greenville, 111., '84. 635. MURRAY, James T., Sweetwater, Tenn.; St. K. C. (1.) Dropped from roll of candidates of Knoxville Pby. 036. OCHILTREE, William H., Roekbridge Co., Va. ; b. Jun. 2\ 1S42. D. and D. Institution and St. W. and L. Un. (3.) L. .Montg. Pby. April 17, 18S() ; O. July 31,1881; P New River '81-'.S4. 637. PRAKJG, John (i., Mt. Sterling, Ky. ; b. Louisville, Ky., Jun. 27, 1840. C. C K. 1857. Teacher and Lawyer. Danville Seray. ( — raid. 2.) L. Knoxv. Pby. Sep. 18, 1880; O. Ev. Tusealoosa Pby. July 1, 1881; S. S. Carrollton, Al., '82-'84. 638 RANKIN, JosEi'u K., Lenoir, N. C. : Da. C. Allowed liy Pby. to withdraw from its care as a candidate. 78 1878-79— 1 879-'8o 639— 639. RAYMOND, Thomas Ware, Maiiou, Ala. ; b. Jun. 23, 185S. A. M. Howard ■Col., Al., (2.+). L. So. Ala. Pby. April 17, ISSO; O. E. Cherokee Pby. Nov. 18SI; S. S. UT.l thou P. Cave Spring '81-83 ; S. S. Brownsville, W. Dist. Pby. '83-'84. 640. ROBERTSON, Walter HE>fD3S33y, Max Meadows, Va. ; b. Amelia Co., Va., Jun. 7, 1847; St. Un. Va. (1. + ). L. Abing. Pby. April 20, 1880; O. E. E. H. Pby. April 15, 1831 ; P. Gloucester ch. '81-'84. 641. SIMRALL, T. Smith, Sludbyville, Ky. ; b. May 11, 1848. St. James Col., Shel- byville, Ky. (3. Gr.) L. Louisville Pby., Jun. 15, 1881; O. Ev. W. Lex. Pby., April 10, 1882; S. S. Owingsville, '81-'83; S. S. Park Mission, Louisv. '83; S. S. and then P. Troy, '82-'84. 642. SMITH, Hugh Calvin, Union, Tenn. ; b. New Market, Jefferson Co., Tenn., Dec. 4, 1854. Tusc. Col., 1878. Merchant. (3. Gr.) L. Hoist. Pby., May 6, 1881; O. Ev. April 9, 1882; S. S. Old. St. ch., Petersburg, E. H. Pby. '81-83; P. E. Calvert, Brazos Pby. '83-'84. 643. SMITH, James M., Mt. Carmel, Miss.; b. Covington Co., Miss., Jun. 26, 1853. Stewart Col. (S. W. Uu.) Farmer. (2.) L. Miss. Pby., April, 1880; O. Ev., Oct., 1880; S. S. Rodney and Bethel, '81; Aenon, '82; Pass Christian, '83-'84. 644. SYDENSTRICKER, Abs.alom, Greenbr. Co., W. Va. ; b. Aug. 12, 1852. W. andL. Un., 1878. (2.) L. Greenb. Pby., May 5,1880; 0. Ev., Aug. 3,1880; My. Hangcbow, China, '80-84. 645. THOMPSON, George Eagletox, Shop Spring, Tenn. ; b. Wilson Co., Tenn., July 13, 1853. Stewart Col. (So. W. Un.) 1878. (3.) L. Nashv. Pby., April, 1881; (). Sept. 16, 1882; P. Hopewell, '82-'84. 646. VANCE, James Nicolls, Kingsport, Tenn.; b. Dec. 18, 1857. K. C. (3. Gr.) L. Holston Pby., May 6, 1831; O. Cent. Miss. Pby., Oct. 7, 1831; P. Lebanon and Bethesda, '81. Died there Dec. 29, 1831. 647. WARDLAW, De L.4.CEY, Shelbyville, Tenn. ; b. Paris, Ky., Nov. 5, 18.56. N. H. Princeton (—2. Gr.) L. Nashv. Pby., April, 1879; O. Ev. Jun., 1880; My. Per- nambuca (Brazil), '80-'82 ; Ceara, '82-'84. 648. WHITE, William Donaghe, Winchester; b. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Nov. 21, 1851. H. S. C. Teacher. St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Wine. Pby., Jun. 18, 1831 ; S. S. Har- per's Ferry, '81-'83; O. Oct. 7, 1883; P. Harper's Ferry, '82-'84. 649. WILSON, Thornton Sampson, Black Walnut, Halifax Co., Va. ; b. near Kes- wick, Albemarle Co., Va., Oct. 29, 1855. St. Un. Va. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. Roan. Pby.,' May 9, 1881; O. Aug. 13, 1881; P. Oak Level, '81, and Mercy Seat '83— (S. S. Chatham '82) -'84. 1879— '80. 650 BUCKNER, Albert G., French Broad, N. C; b. June 17, 1850. Farmer and Teacher. Da. C. (3. Gr.) L. Meckl. Pby. May, 1883; 0. E. Dec. 1, 1882; S. S. Wades- boro', Lebanon and Polkton chs., Anson Co., N. C, '82-'84. 651. CUMMINS, Thomas, Marion, Al. ; b. Tyrone, Ireland, 1854. Book-keeper. H. S. C. (3.) L. So. Alab. Pby. April, 1881; 0. April, 1883; S. S. Camden, '82; P.Vicks- •burg, C. Miss. Pby., '83-'84. —666 i6'79-'8o— i88o-'8i 79 652.* FLEMINCi, Wii.ijam Cai.vix. Monterey, Highland Co., Va.; b. Mar. 8, 1853. St. W. and L. Un. Teacher and Fanner. (—1.); ill-heath, Col. Sem'y '82-'88; Gr. L. •Charleston Phy. April 14, 1888 ; 8. 8. 8unimerville, S. C, '88. Died Columbia, 8. C, Feb. 5, 1884. 658.* LEE, Thomas J.,* Richmond, Ky.; \k Millersburg, Ky., Feb. 19, 1855. Cent. Un. Col. Semy. ( — mid. 1.). Health failed. Residing at Lyon Mountain, N. Y., for improving health, died there Aug. 1, 1881. 654. McCLUER, Edwin Brown, O'Fallon, Mo. ; b. St. Charles, Mo., Dec. 20, 1854. St. Westm. Col. (3.) L. Montg. Pby. May 10, 1882 ; 0. E. Han. Pby. April 18, 1884; S. S. Falling Sp. ch., Lexg. Pby. '82-'88; S. S. Mission Chapl. of 1st ch. Norfolk, '88-'84. 655.* McLEAN, Henry Herxdox, Oxford, Al. ; b. Mobile, Al., Mar. 13, 1858. Oxf. ■Col., Al. Teacher. (2. +). So. Ala. Pby. May 7, 1881 ; O. W. H. Pby. Nov. 27, 1881 ; P. Byrd '81— (Hebron and Rivauna '82 and S. 8. Powhatan '83— )— '84. Died April 18, 1884. 656. PITMAN, Francis W. T., Woodstock; b. near Midway, Rockbridge Co., Va., Jan. 20, 1851. St. H. S. C. Farmer. (8. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby. April 1882; O. Ev. Winchester Pby. Sep. 23, 1882 ; My. in vicinity of Petersburg and in Mineral Co., W. Va., '82-' 84. 657. STEWART, John Calvin, Alexandria, Va.; b. Gerardstown, Sept. 28, 1848. Merchant. St. H. S. C. (3. Gr.) L. Chesap. Pby. May 5, 1882; O. May 13, 1883; P. Salem, Fauquier, '83-84. 658. THOME, William F., Greensboro, N. C. L. Or. Pby. April 29, 1882; 0. Ev. May 28, 1883. i88o— '8i, 659. BE DINGER, William L., Florence, Ky.; b. Boone C, Ky., July 16, 1856, C. C. K. Merchant. (3. Gr.) L. Louisv. Pby. May 2, 1883; S. S. Carrollton, Ky., '83-'84. 660. BOHBECK, Philip, Sweden; b. Philiptown. Werneland, April 27, 1849. Mechanic. Acad. Col. Sem. (—Sen. 1.) L. So. Al. Pby. May 7. 1881; S. 8. Washington. 1st ch. Pby. St. Louis, '81; My. Hyrum, Utah Ter., in connection with Presby. Ch., U. S. A., '81-'84. 661. BOOSER, Thomas Frederick. Adger C. Col. (—Mid. 2.) 662. BROCKINTON, James S., Kingston, S. C. H. S. C. Called home within a week providentially ; ill health prevented a return. 663. BUCKLE, George, St. Louis; b. Bristol, England, Nov. 10, 1855. St. Westm. Col. (8. +). L. Lex. Pby. May 9, 1883; My. Highland Co., Va., '83-'84. 664. DAVIS, William T., Bloomfield, Ky.; b. Dec. 11, 1858. A. B. So. W. Un. and St. N. H. Col. Sem'y. (—Sen. L) L. Louisv. Pby. June, 1880; O. E. Transylv. Pby. June, 1882, S. S. '80-'81, and then P. Pleasant Grove, and S. S. Mocksville '82-'84. 665. ERWIN, Samuel B., Batesville, Ark.; b. Glenville, Gilmer Co., W. Va., June 12,1858. Ark. Col., Batesville; Teacher. (2.) L. Ark. Pby. June 15,1882; 0. E. April 21, 1883; S. S. Van Buren, Alma and Charleston '83-'84. 666. FRENCH, Junius B., San Antonio, Texas; b. Jan. 29, 1858. Roan. C; Merch't. (3. Gr.) L. W. Texas Pby. Jan. 11, 1884; S. S. San Marcos and Kyle chs. '84. CKKK, Winchester, Va. ; h. .Iiin. 4, 1S5S. II. S. C. IBlfe. 7/ IC), iss:i; (). Mtiryhl. Pby., Nov. 22, 1SS3; P. Bethesda^/ 80 1 8 So-' Si <)G7 — 067. FUl/rON, ANii.i.i AM A., IVvj; f^priii--, Ky. C. C. K. (1.) Withdrew. Never licensed. 66S. GAUSS, Josicrii H., St. Louis; b. Chariton Co., Mo., Aus;-. oO, 1855. Acad. Teaching. (I.) Stud, privately. L. Missouri Fby., Spring, 1882; O. LaFayette Pby.^ Spring, 18S3 ; S. S. and then P. Brownsville, '8o-'S4. 6fi9. GRAHAM, Alfued Tucki (3. Gr.) L. Winch. Pby., May and Rockville ch., 'S3-'84. «T0. HODGE, RoBEUT Bui ( k. White Stone, Teun. ; b. Oct. >',. 1856. St. K. C. and So. W. Un. Farmer. (.3.) L. Hoist. Pt)y., April 20, 1SS3; S. S. Comanche ch., C. Texas Pby., and Columbia, Brazos Pby., 'S3-'S4. 671. nOGE, Pkytos Hakkison, Richmond, Va. ; b. Union Sciny. Jany. 6, 1858. H. S. C. (2. Gr.) L. E. H. Pby., April 7, 1SS2: O. Oct. 1, 1SS2; P. 4th Ch., Rich- mond, '82-'S4. 672. HOKE, E. F., Martinsburg, W. Va. ; b. (ienirdstown, Sept. 6, 1S.5(). St. Westm.. C. Mercht. Banker. Teacher. (—Mid. 2. Res. Lie.) L. E. Texas Pby., May 23, 1878; S. S. Washington, Eben. Pby., '80; S. S. Catlettsburg, '82-'.S4; O. Pby.; P. Big Spring, Louisv. Pby., '84. 673. JOHNSON, James Fuancis, (iallatin, Teun. ; b. Fcrmoy, County Cork, Ire- land, Mar. 7, 18.54. So. W. Uu. (—mid. 2.) L. Nashv. Pby. May 11, 1882; O. E. Sep. 16, 1882; My. in China (Haugchow) '82-'84. 674. LAPSLEY, Rohekt Alukkti, Selma, Ala. ; b. Oct. 18, 18.58. Da. Col. Teacher. Col. Semy. (—Sen. 1.) L. So. Al. Pby. April 17, 1880; O. Memphis Pby. Jun. 12, 1881; P. Lauderdale St. ch., .Memphis, '81-'82 ; S. S. Ebenezer, Charleston Pby.. '82 and P. '8:5-' 84. 675. LESLIE, Jamks Douglass, Covington, Teun. ; b. Statesville. N. C., Jun. It- 1860. S. W. Uu. (3.) L. Memphis Pby. April 14, lss:j ; O. Sep. 13, 1883; S. S. and then P. Centre and Atoka chs. '83-'84. 676. LYONS, John S., Tazewell C. H. Va. ; b. Feb. 8, 1861. K. C. (3. Gr.) L. Abing. Pl)y. Mayo, 1883; O. Transylv. Pby. Dec. 9, 1883; P. Lawrenceburg '83-'84. 677. McLIN, Jaaies L., Anderson Co., S. C; 1). Aui;-. 12, 1840. Farmer. Teacher. Ersk. Col., Due West. Col. Semy (—Sen. 1. Gr.) L. So. C. Pby. April 10, 1880; O. Harmony Pbv. April 30, 1882; S. S. and then P. Centre Point and Turkey Cr. chs. '81-'84. (i7!S. MILLER, JAmes P., Chester C. H., S. C. Adger C. Col. (—.Mid. 2.) 679. TANNER, James G., Lyuchburii', Va.; b. May 7, 18.59. Va. Ag. and M. CoL Bookkeeper. (3.) L. Montg. Pby. April 20, 1ks3; 6. E. N. Ala. Pby. Nov. 25, 1883; S. S. Decatur 'S3; S. S. Goliad, C. Texas Pby., '83-84. 680. THOMPSON, Charles T., Ruddell's Mills, Bourbon Co., Ky.; b. May 31, 1858. C. C. K. Teacher. (3. Gr.) L. W. Lex. Pby. Jun. 4, 1883; O. Sept. 29, 1883; P. Mt. Pleasant ch. and S. S. Beard ch. '83-'84. 6S1. VANDEVENTER, James N., Waterford, Va. ; b. near Waterford, Aug. 30, 1857. St. II. S. C. (3.) L. Lex. Pby., Jun. 13, 1883; O. Oct. 12, 1883; P. Philippi ch. '83-'84. 682. WHITE, Anj)UEW Walker, Concord, N. C. Da. C. (3. Gr.) L. Cone. Pby., May 9, 1883; O. Sep. 14, 1883; P. Third and Fifth Cr. chs. '83-84. 683. ZERNOW, Horace B., Charleston, S. C. ; b. 1857. Da. C. (2.) Col. Gr. L. Charleston Pby., April 14, 1883; S. S. Pisgah ch., Transylv. Pby. '83-'84. —703 i88i-'82 81 iSSi — '82. 6H4. ALLEN, Junius W., Water Valley, Yalabnsha Co., MIsb.; b. Feb. 5, 1855. Un. Miss. (3. Gr. ) L. N. Miss. Pby. June 13, 1884. 685. BLACK, Malcolm J., Caldwell Co., Texas; b. Austin Co., Texas, Dec. 10, 1854. St. Agric. and Mech. Col., Texas. (3.) D. to Columbia Sept. 36, 1883; L. C. Texas Pby., Spring, 1884; S. S. Blue Ridge, Marlin, &c., 1884. 686. CALDWELL, Robert Ernest, (ireensboro', N. C. ; b. Oct. IS, 1858. St. Un. N. C. (3. Cyr.) L. Or. Pby. April 35, 1884; S. S. Staunton and then Vicksburg '84. 687. CHEATHAM, Alfred J., Princeton, Ark. (3.) D. to Col. Sept. 36, 1883. 688. CURRIE, John D., Dundanach, N. C; b. Robeson Co., June 36, 1854. Da. Col. (—3.) L. Fayetteville Pby. April 11, 1S84; S. S. Mineral Spring, itc, '84. 689. DE VAULT, John B., Leesburg, Washington Co., Tenn. ; b. July 36, 1858. K. C. (3. Gr.) L. Holston Pby. Jun. 4, 1884; My. Estill Co., Ky., 1884. 690. DOGGETT, M.4.RSHALL W., Morell's Mills, Tenn.; b. April 14, 1855. K. C. (3.) L. Abg. Pby. May 10, 1SS4 ; S. S. Jefferson, Liberty Hill and Thompson's Valley, 1884. 691. DUCKWALL, J. McCaktv, Martinsburg, W. Va. ; b. Feb. 34, 1855. Acad, and Lawyer. (3. +). L. Winch. Pby. April 1884; My. in Grant Co., W. Va., '84. 693. HALL, Samuel Oscar, Munford, Talladega Co., Ala.; b. Nov. 4, 18.56. Howard Col. Al. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. May 1884; My. Giles Co., Va., '84. 693. LATHAM, Charles W., Odessa, Mo.; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., July 20, 1857. K. C. (3. Gr.) L. Palmyra Pliy. Jim. 8, 1884; S. S. Big Creek and Monroe city chs. 84. 694. LAYTON, DAvri) Martin, Leroy, Augusta Co., Va.; b. Rockingham Co.,Va., Aug. 19, 1835. Elder of Horeb eh.. Lex. Pby. (3.) L. Lex. Pby. May 3, 1884; My. Gilmer Co., itc, W. Va., '84. 695. LINK, Luther, Macon, Ga.; b. Mar. 7, 1859. Mercer Un., Ga. (3.) 696. McCLUNG, James Crawford, Rockbridge Co., Va.; b. Deertield, Augusta Co., Va., Jany. 35, 1859; St. W. and L. Vn. (:'.. Gr.) L. Lex. Pby. May 3, 1884; My. in Pendleton '84. 697. MILLER, Henry, Raymond, Miss.; I1. Pontotoc, Miss., Feb. 10, 1855. Miss. Un. Teacher. Princeton (—Mid. 1.) L. W. Lex. Pby. Jun. 4,1883; Assistant of Pastor and then S. S. Versailles ch. '83-84. 698. MILLKR, William MoClanahan, Christiansburg, Va.; b. April 3, 1857. W. and L. Un. (3. Gr.) L. Montg. Pby. May, 1884. 699. RICHARDSON, Wili,iam W., Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. July 1, 1859. H. S. C. 700. SHIVE, Walter E., Tanglewood, Texas; b. (Juilford Co., N. C, Feb. 9, 185(i. Da. C. Teacher. (3.) L. C, Te.xas Pby., April, 1883; My. in C. Texas, '83-'84. 701. STEPHEN, William O., Clarke Co., Mo. ; b. Peakville, Mo., Jany. 35, 1855. Wash. CoL Mo. (3. (iv.) L. W. IT. Pby., May, 1884; S. S. Old St. cIl. Petersburg, E. H. Pby. '84. 703. WILLIAMS, Charles Craig, Wallaceburg, Ark. ; b. Williamsl)urg, S. C, April 13, 18.56. St. Batcsville Col., Ark. (3.) L. Ouachita Pby., Ai)rJl 30, 1883 ; O. C. Miss. Pby., Jan. 3, 1884; P. Brandon, C. Miss. Pby. '84. 703. WILLIS, Richard B., Leaksville, N. C. ; b. May 30, 1855. St. Un. Va. (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pl)y., May 33, 1884; Asst. Dr. Welsh, Little Rock, Ark., 1884. y 82 i88i-'82— 1882-'83 704— 704. WOODS, Henry Martvn, Charlottesville, Va. ; b. Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1857. St. Un. Va., and Free eh. Coll. Edinburg. (—mid. 2. Gr.) L. and O. Ev. W. H. Pby. Oct. 80, 1883. My. to Chinklang, China, '83- '84. 1882— '83. 705. BEDINGER, Benjamin Franklin, Anchorage, Ky. ; b. Oct. 10, 1S54. H. S. C. (2.) L. Louisv. Pby. May 2, 1883. 706. BITZER, George L., Winchester, Va. ; b. Clarke Co., Va., Dec. 21, I860. St. W. and L. Un. (2.) 707. CAMPBELL, Robert F., Lexington, Va. ; b. Dec. 22, 1858. A. M. W. and L. Un. Teacher. (2.)' 708.* EDMISTON, S.4.muel H.,* Giles Co., Tenn. ; b. Aug. 29, 1854. St. So, W. Un. (2. mo.) Ill health prevented longer study. Died Wildwood, Fla., Oct. 29, 1883. 709.* EPPERSON, John Rufus,* Hartsell, Ala. ; b. Morgan Co., Ala., Nov. 1, 1850. Ala. Normal School. Withdrew on account of failing health. Died Aug. 30, 1883. 710. GREGORY, Edward D., Johnson City, Tenn.; b. Elk Creek, Grayson Co.,Va., Nov. 12, 1867.i(.fr)n iTnl. 1882. (2.) 711. GRINNAN, Randolph Bry.vn, Orange Co., Va.; b. Madison Co., Va., Apr. 21, 1860. St. H. S. C. (2.) 712. HAGAN, William C, Jr., Christiansburg, Va.; b. July 28, 1855. H. S. C. (2.) 713. HERBENER, John H., Portsmouth, Va. ; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1862. H. S. C. (1.) D. Princeton, Sept. 26, 1883. 714. HOBSON, Benjamin L., Lexington, Mo. ; b. July 31, 1859. Cent. Uu., Ky., and St. Johns Hopkins Un. (1.) D. Princeton Sept. 26, 1883. 715. JEFFRIES, Elias D., Greenbrier Co., W. Va.; b. Monroe Co., W. Va., Nov. 39, 1854. W. Va. Un. (2.) 716. LAMBDIN, Milton B., Alexandria, Va.; b. Baltimore Feb. 27, 1850. St. H. S. C. (2.) L. Maryland Pby. May, 1884. 717. McOLURE, Millard Fillmore, Somerville, Al.; h. Si)ring Place, Murray Co., Ga., Sept. IT, 1854. St. Ala. Normal School. (2.) 718. McDonald, William G., Turnersville, Tex.; b. Cumberland Co., N. C, Nov. 22, 1855. Acad. (2.) 719. MOORE, Carr, Portsmouth, Va.; b. Norfolk, Va., July 28, 1857. H. S. C. (3.) 720. NEWMAN, Henry Harrison, Giles Co. Va.; b. Mossy Creek, Jefferson Co., Tenn., Nov. 8, 1851. St. K. C. (l.)D. Columbia, Sept. 26, 1883. 721. PENDLETON, Baldwin Alexander, Richmond, Va. ; b. Dec. 5, 1856. St. Richmond Col. (2. ) 722. RALSTON, Calvin J., Harrisonburg, Va.; b. Jan. 7, 1851. Minister Christian Church South. (2.) Received as an ordained minister by Lex. Pby. May 2, 1884. My. in Highland and Bath Cos. 1884. 723. RICHARDSON, James MoGavock, Pulaski Co., Va.; b. Millwood, Wythe Co., Va., March 16, 1861; St. H. S. C. (3.) 724. ROBINSON, Richard Arthur, Robinson, McLellan Co., Texas; b. Dec. 8, 1855. So. W. Un.; A. B. Un. Va. (1.) D. to Union Seminary, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1883. —744 1882-83— 1883-84 83 725. SINNUT, William Isidork, Brandon, Miss. ; 1). Mobile, Nov. 24, 1855. Un. Miss. 1877; Un. Va. and Jolnis Hopkins Un. (—Sen. 1.) L. C. Miss. Pby. May 3, 1882; O. E. Clierokee Pby. Jan. 28, 18S4; S. S. Duraut, Madison, &c., Miss.; Cumber- land, Jamestown, Arc, W. II. Pby. '82-'83; 8. S. and then P. Hopewell and Talla- hatchie, Chickasaw Pby. and S. S. Philadelphia and Banner chs. '83-'84. 736. SPENCER, J. M., Fincastle, Va. ; 1). Charlotte Co., Va., April 17, 1854. Kec'd as a candidate from the Methodist Church (a local preacher) by Montg. Pby. (2.) O. May 8, 1884; P. Sinking Cr. ch. 1884. 727. STOVER, P^dwin' H., Augusta Co., Va. St. H. S. C. Withdrew in ill health a month after entering the Seniy. 728. TIDBALL, Charles M., Alamance Co., N. C. ; b. Millersburg, O., Aug. 3, 1854. St. Da. C. and Johns Hopkins Un. and Uu., Va. (2.) 1883— '84. 729. BEAR, James Edwin, Augusta Co., Va. ; b. May 8, 1859. W. and L. Un. (1.) 730. CAMPBELL, William Spencer, Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. Powhatan Co., Va. Feb. 5, 1859. W. and L. Un. (1.) 731. JUNKIN, Daniel Penick, Houston, Tex. ; b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Aug. 25, 1861. W. and L. Un. (1.) 732. KIMMONS, Levi Hope, Oxford, Miss.; b. Jun. 27, 1852. U. Miss. (1.) 733. LITTLE, Archibald Alexander, Richmond, Va.; b. Fredericksburg April 28, 1860. H. S. C. (1.) 734. MOWBRAY, Thomas, Augusta, Ga.; b. Scotland, July 6, 1850. St. Bingham School and H. S. C. (1.) 735. PALMER, Robert Branch, Corsicana, Tex., b. Aug. 20, 1857. H. S. C. (1.) 736. PAUL, Lamartine Houchens, Waynesboro, Va.; b. Aug. 20,1857; St. W. and L. Un. (1.) 737 SMITH, Egbert Watson, Greensboro, N. C; b. Jany. 15, 1862. Da. Col. (1.) 738. SPURLIN, William Dexter, Camden, Al.; b. Jjln. 24, 1860. H. S. C. (1.) 739. TIDBALL, William Jared, Greensboro, N. C; b. Prince Edward Co. Oct. 12, 1856. Da. Col. St. Johns Hopkins Un. (1.) 740. VANCE, Jamec Isaac, Bristol, Tenn.; b. Sept. 2.5, 1863. K. Col. (1.) 741. WALTON, Roberta., Norfolk, Va.: b. Cumberland Co., Va., Jun. 30, 1857. H. S. C. (1.) 742. WHARTON, Turner AsiiBY, Greensboro, N.C.; b. July 5, 1862: Un. N. (J. (1.) 743. WHITE, William Chester, Worsham, Va.; b. Salem, Mass., Oct. 25, 1858. H. S. C. (1.) 744. WOOL, John C., Petersburg, Va.; b. Nyack, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1858. Acad. (1.) i3sriDE22:, The number prefixed to a student's name denotes the number in the Catalogue. The first and last of the numbers contained in any two pages, opposite each other, are found at the top and inside corners of such pages. «. Aguew, J. K. 286. Alexander, J. C. 684. Allen, J. W. .560. Alley, R. B. 30. Allison, R. 4.59. Allison, T. J. 435. Anderson, H. M. .561. Anderson, I. S. .562. Anderson, J. G. 143. Anderson, t<. J. P. 221. Arniistead, C. J. 1. Arniistead, J. S. 139. Armstrong, G. D. 480. Armstrong, J. A. 287. Arnold, E. P. .587. Arrowood, W. B. 130. Atkinson, J. M. P. :>5S. 370. 436. 157. 28. ()6. 119. 622. 5. 103. 3.59. 43. 248. 279. 6. 399. 131. 604. 200. 705. 659. 144. 503. 563. 189. Baehnian, Nathan. Bailey, W. L. Baird, W. G. Balver, Archibald. Ballantinc, E. Ballautine, H. Bardwell, H. J. Barks, H. B. Barksdale, John. Barnes, Stephen. Barrett, B. H. Barr, A. K. Barr, James S. Barr, J. A. Bartlett, Francis. Baskerville, H. E. Baxter, Joseph F. Beale, Weisel. Beard, W. S. Bedingei-, B. F. Bedinger, W. L. Bell, Robert S. Betts, Barbee. Bigger, E. E. Bingham, J. A. 44. Bishop, P. E. 504. Bishop, W. F. 70(5. Bitzer, G. L. 178. Black, D. B. 685. Black, Malcolm. 345. Blain, Daniel. 21. Blain, John S. 118. Blain, S. W. 360. Blair, B. B. 276. Blanton, L. H. 145. Bocock, John H. (560. Bohbeck, Philip. .564. Booker, J. E. 481. Booker, S. R. 661. Booser, Thomas F. 405. Bourne, M. L. 277. Bowman, F. H. 437. Boyle, John. .527. Brantley, Erskine. 605. Bridges, James R. 662. Brockinton, James S. 369. Brookes, W. C. 406. Brown, G. L. 45. Brown, Henry. 346. Brown, H. C. 22. Brown, Joseph. 482. Brown, P. F. 132. Brown, William. 230. Browne, W. B. 663. Buckle, George. 650. Buckner, A. G. 133. Buell, W. P. .565. Burwell, R. S. 2. Burwell, Robert. 29. Cable, Jonathan. 104. Oadwell, B. H. 146. Caldwell, A. H. 206. Caldwell, C. K. 460. CaldAvell, J. L. 67. Caldwell, J. M. M. 686. Caldwell, R. E. 295. Caldwell, R. H. 86 INDEX. •33. Caldwell, K. L. 46. Calhoun, Philo. 201. Camp, Philander. 68. Campbell, A. W. 252. Campbell, C. N. 528. Campbell, I. N. 606. Campbell, J. F. 707. Campbell. R. F. 253. Campbell, S. B. 255. Campbell," W. A. 588. Campbell, \V. C. 730. Campbell, W. S. 438. Cannon, J. F. 305. Carrington, A. B. 322. Carrington. E. W. 439. Carson, J. C. 263. Caruthers, William. 589. Cattenach, J. C. 590. Cave, W. E. 591. Cavitt, C. W. 566. Chandler, (i. T. 529. Chanej-, L. B. 687. Cheatham, A. J. 483. Chester, S. H. 607. Chiun, William. 4S4. Clarke, W. C. 440. Clitford, Branch. 231. Cochran, E. L. 232. Cochran, J. M. 202. Cochran, Warren. 461. Cochrane, W. S. 624. Cock, A. K. 47. Cocke, 8. F. 24. Coiner, D. H. 567. Coit, A. B. 568. Coldwell, J. C. 361. Comfort, David. 134. ConoUy, M. C. 530. Converse, C. S. 385. Converse, J. B. 386. Converse, T. E. 417. Cook, George L. 505. Coppedge, W. R. 179. Cosby, J. V. .592. Cosner, W. F. 387. Cowan, Alexander. 461. Cowan, James C. 623. Cowan, J. McL. 296. Craig, J. N. 418. Crane, J. Mentor. 531. Crews, J. R. 651. Cummins, Thomas. H8. Cunningham, D. H. 203. Currie, Archibald. 688. Currie, J. D. 485. Currie, J. L. 388. Currie, L. W. 241. Curtis, D. E. .593. Dabney, J. \V. 212. Dabney, R. L. .50(i. Dabney, W. A. .594. Dalton, A. C. 226. Dalton, P. H. 161. Dame, G. W. 347. Daruall, H. T. .595. Davies, G. W. 2m. Davis, J. H. 419. Davis, J. W. 180. Davis, R. N. 265. Davis, S. H. 190. Davis, T. E. 420. Davis, W. H. 664. Davis, W. Y. 323. Denny, G. H. 689. Devault, J. B. 372. Dinwiddle, J. C. 608. Dixon, J. H. 486. Doak, A. S. 89. Doak, D. G. 690. Doggett, M. W. 162. Doll, Jacob. 442. Downey, W. \V. 691. Duckwall, J. M. 147. Dudlej', J. D. 191. Dunlap, M. D. 507. Dupuy, B. H. 508. Dupuy, Joseph. 69. Dutton, Francis. 90. Dutton, W. B. 407. Dyer, W. C. 708. Edmiston, S. H. 105. Ely, Jonathan T. .596. Epes, Theodoric P. 709. Epperson, J. R. 487. Erwin, E. E. 242. Erwin, T. W. 665. Erwin, S. B. 462. Ewing, C. L. 192. Ewing, Daniel B. 120. Fairchild, John. 233. Faucette, Thomas U. INDEX. 87 625. Fetzer, H. D. :i73. Finley, G. W. 488. Fishburn, James. im. Fitzgerald, J. H. 4G8. Fleming-, K. 11. 652. Fleming-, W. C. 362. Floui-noy, P. P. 532. Fog-artie, J. E. 48. Foreman, S. 666. French, Juuius B. 667. Fnlton, William. 509. Gaines, F. H. 443. Gammon, J. P. 668. Gauss, J. II. 609. Ghiselin, Charles. 148. Gibbs, G. W. 324. Gilmer, G. H. 325. Gilmer, T. W. 326. Gilmore, Harvey. 389. Glass, Harvey. 30. GoUaday, P. H. 569. Goode, Benjamin E. 421. Gordon, E. C. 266. Goul, John M. 669. Graham, A. T. 221. Grasty, J. S. 444. Graves, J. A. 306. Graves, R. J. 422. Graybill, A. T. 597. Graybill, W. J. 170. Greeuleaf, J. P. 348. Greenlee, J. S. 710. Gregory, E. D. 711. Grinnan, R. B. 510. Grover, A. E. 464. Groves, W. H. 511. Giierrant, E. O. 712. Hagan, W. C. 70. Hall, James D. 692. Hall, S. O. 445. Hamilton, A. II. 106. Hamner, T. L. 149. Hamnei-, W. C. 288. Harding. E. H. 610. Harrel', F. P. 107. Harrison, P. 256. Harrison, D. C. 11. Hart, Andrew. 327. Haynes, James. 626. Heiskell, C. J. 363. Heiskell, I. P. 390. Helm, Ben. 31. Henderson, 1). G. 465. Henry, Hugh. 446. Hensiey, P. H. 713. Herbener, J. H. 171. Hickman, W. P. 364. Hill, H. G. 391. Hill, W. E. 163. Hines, Edwaid. 365. Ilitner, J. K. 714. Hobson, B. L. 158. Hobson, B. M. 423. Hodge, B. T. 670. Hodge, R. B. 400. Hoge, E. T. 181. Hoge, Moses D. 671. Hoge, P. H. 207. Hogshead, A. L. 182. Hogshead, W. H. 447. Hogue, C. h. 672. Hoke, E. F. 108. Holladay, A. L. 466. Hoi lis, C. W. 289. Holmes, S. C. 627. Holt, J. W. 290. Hooper, T. W. 307. Hopkins, A. C. 374. Houston, M. H. 314. Houston. R. R. 77. Houston, S. R. 349. Houston, W. W. 32. Ho-we, H. R. 7. Howe, N. D. 33. Howe, T. W. 193. Howison, R. R. 489. Howison, W. T. 183. Hughes, A. (-;. 222. Hughes, James E. 208. Humphreys, D. C. 209. Humphreys, James M. 467. Humphreys, C. W. 3. Hunt, T. P. 401. Hunter, J. G. 375. Hunter, J. H. 13. Hurd, Samuel. 448. Irvine, William. . 328. Isler, S. H. 91. Jacobs, Ferdinand. 715. Jetfries, E. D. 172. Jennings, J. H. .533. Johnson, C. W. INDEX. 424. Johnson, W. S. 673. Johnson, J. F. 408. Johnston, L. B. 391. Johnston, F. H. 49. Johnston, T. V. 135. Jones, E. C. 409. Jones, J. Alfred. 150. Jones, Thomas. .570. Julian. K. P. 731. Junkin, D. P. 534. 1.59. (528. 468. 315. 213. 732. 109. 535 . 316. 122. 234. 92. 34. 35, 308. 329 . 490. 449. 392. 629. 716. 93. 630. 376. 393. 674. 693. 571. .536. 694. 653. 675. 491. 402. 173. 377. 110. 111. 330. 831. Keller, W. E. Kelly, David. Kennedy, M.S. Kerr, P.obert P. Kilpatrick, W. L. Kimnious, H. H. Kimmons, L. H. King, Junius B. King, R. F. Kirklaiid, A . Kirkpatrifk, J L. Kirkpatrick, J. M. Klipstine, L. F. Knox, James. Lacy, Drury. Lacy, M. L. Lacy, W. 8. La Fevre, J. 8. Laird, A. F. Laird, H. K. Laird, W. R. Lambdin, M. B. Lamberson, 8. L. Lancaster, J. L. Lane, Edward. Lapsley, W. J. Lapsley, R. A. Latham. C. AV. Latham, J. E. Law, Patrick R. Lay ton, D. M. Lee, Thomas J. Leslie, J. D. Lewis, Frank W. Lewis, Jacob II. Lewis, James N . Leyburn, G. L. Leyburn, G. W. Leyburn, John. Life, George M. Lightuer, S. C 36. Lindley, Daniel. 492. Lingamfelter, C. L. 695. Link, Luther. 733. Little, A. A. 1.51. Loughridge, W. 3.50. Lunsford, T. B. 366. Lupton, Jonah W. 332. Lyle, George T. .333. Lynch, James. 676. Lyons, John 8. 194. McAllister, Hector. 195. McBride, J. B. 13. McCallum, Angus. 267. McClellan, J. H. 6.54. McCluer. E. B. 410. McCluer, Uncas. 696. McClung, J. C. 717. McClure, M. T. .537. McConucU, T. M. 94. McCorkle, A. B. 572. McCorkle, E. W. 367. McCorkle, S. Y. 368. McCorkle, T. M. 71. McCormick, D. S. 235. McCormick, R. M. 538. McCown, James H. 334. McCown, J. W. 335. McCoy, H P. R. .512. McCuUough, J. M. 4.50. McCutchan, Frank. 37. McCutchan, John S. .513. McDonald, Angus. 309. McDonald, E. H. 493. McDonald, Kenneth. 196. McDonald, Neill. 718. McDonald, W. G. 611. McElroy, I. 8. 14. McEwen, John. 394. McFadyen, A. 514. McGilvary, W. M. 292. McIhvaine,.R. 51. Mclntire, James. 8. McTntyre, Dugald. a51. Mclntyre, K. M. 50. Mcintosh, John. 25. Mclver, Alexander. 378 . Mclver, John M . 573. McKay, M. M. 122. McLaurin, Hugh. 655, McLean, Harry H. .52. McLean, Hector. 631. McLean, J. D. 612. McLean, L. A. 539. McLelland, W. R. 677. McLin, J. L. 357. McMaster, R. B. 197. McMillan, Andrew. 540. McMuiray, J. A. 53. McNair, Evander. 297. McNair, Malcolm. 184. McNeely, O. D. 79. McNeill, James A. 19S. McNeill, A. C.' 54. McNeill, Hector. 314. McPhail, B. G. 186. McPhail, G. W. 574. McPheeters, W. M. 137. McPherson, J. E. 123. McPherson, J. P. 38. Mahon, Joseph 55. Mann, Royall. 138. Marquess, W. H. 258. Martin, Alexander. 236. Martin, Edward. 353. Martin, S. T. 56. Mason, John. 139. Mathes, Archibald A. 78. Matthews, Samuel. 378. Meacham, J. H. 39. Mebane, A. 575. Mebane, B. W. 632. Millard, M. W. 239. Miller, C. A. 469. Miller, Cornelius. 678. Miller, J. P. 697. Miller, Henry. 353. Miller, W. H 268. Miller, Willis L. 698. Miller, W. McC. 470. Moffett, A. S. 541. Molloy, J. C. 249. Montgomery, J. W. 719. Moore, Carr. 576. Moore, H. C. 298 . Moore, John A . 471. Moore, J. H. 310. Moore, Samuel M. 243. Moore, W. S. 633. Moore, Walter W. 223. Moorehead, T. H. 494. Morrison, A J. 40. Morrison, J. E. 598. Morrison, James H. 112. Morrison, W. N. 269. Morrison, W. W. INDEX :. 336, . Morrow, C. N. 542, . Morrow, R. 0. B. 80. Morrow, Thomas. 379. Morton, G.N. 473. Morton, J. B. 634. Morton, 0. G. 337. Morton, P. C. 395. Morton, W. D. 399. Moseley, B. W. 577. Mosele)', R. K. 734. Mowbray, Thomas 515. Muuroe, Colin. .516. Munroe, Dugald. .543. Munroe, E. M. 380. Murkland, W. U. 381. Murphy, R. T. 300. Murray, James. 635. Murray, J. T. 134. Murray, L. 89 382. Nail, Robert H. 125. Nash, Frederick. 174. Naylor, Jamfes. 301. Neal, John P. 317. Nevin, T. M. 730. Newman, H. H. 636. Ochiltree, W. H. 270. Ogden, Thomas S. 95. Owen, Thomas R. 96. Paine, H. H. 451. Painter, G. W. 435. Paintei-, J. C. 153. Palmer, I. S. K. 735. Palmer, R. B. 311. Pannill, D. H. 57. Patton, John. 736. Paul, L. H. 136. Paxton, J. H. 175. Paxton, T. N. 185. Paxton, J. T. 436. Payne, C. M. 73. Peabody, David. 731. Pendleton, B. A. 279. Penick, D. A. 337. Penick, P. T. 58. Pliarr, D. C. 473. Pharr, D. C, Jr. 215. Pharr, S. C. 176. Pliarr, Walter W. 271. Pharr, William W, 81. Phillips, J. W. 90 INDEX. 613. Phipps, Joshua. 59. Pierson, Philip. 452. Pinkerton, J. D. 656. Pitman, F. W. T. 280. Pitzer, A. W. 453. Plank, D. A. 338. Poagaie, J. W. 15. Pollard, W. H. 259. Porter, Edward E. 637. Praig^, J. G. 578. Preston, J. A. 302. Preston, T. L. 454. Price, Joseph J. 60. Price, Samuel J. 281. Price, W. T. 303. Prime, G. W. 411. Primrose, J. W.. 495. Pritchett, E. F. 73. Piyor, Tlieodorick. 272. Pugb, J. W. 544. Quigley, J. H. 579. Railej', F. Goocb. 722. Ralston, C. J. 545. Ramsa)', J. A. 546. Ramsey, E. A. 41. Ramsey, J. T. 113. Rankin, Jesse. 638. Rankin, Joseph K. 474. Rawlings, James M. 639. Raymond, T. W. 517. Reed, R. C 210. Rice, James M. 74. Rice, Samuel D. 114. Rice, W. B. 723. Richardson, J. McG. 496. Richardson, W. H. 204. Richardson, W. T. 699. Richardson, W. W. 640. Robertson, W. H. 16. Robinson, James. 724. RobinsoD, R. A. 127. Robinsan, S. E. 153. Robinson, Stuart. 216. Rodgers. W. M. 254. Rose, H. B. 455. Rose, James McA. 427. Rosebro, J. W. 140. Ross, John B. .412. Rothrock, J. T. 17. Royall, J. J. 97. Royster, A. W. 518. Rufir, A. W. 547. Rufi; John. 614. Ruff, William. 226. Rutfner, W. H. 18. Russell, D. L. 282. Russell, G. A. 26. Russell, R. D. 154. Sampson, F. S. 519. Sampson, T. R. 260. Sawtelle, B. N. 227. Scott, Alexander. 402. Scott, Charles H. 497. Scott, Isaak V. 205. Scott, John A. 475. Scott, John A., Jr. 273. Scott, Joseph M. 599. Scott, Littleton E. 160. Scott, William C. 428. Scott, William N. 261. See, C. S. M. 283. Selden, Samuel. 580. Senger, J. C. 520. Sexton, J. W. 82. Shane, J. D. 396. Shane, W. C. 339. Shanks, D. W. 83. Shaver, A. C. 164. Shaw, Colin. 521. Shaw, J. S. 98. Shaw, W. A. 340. Shearer, James W. 293. Shearer, John B. 228. Sheets, W. C. 199. Shepperson, C. M. 155. Shepperson, J. G. 548. Sherrard, J. L. 244. Sherwood, J. M. 700. Shive, W. E. 641. Simral, T. S. 725. Sinnot, W. I. 371. Slaughter, G. a54. Slaughter, J. W. 549. Sloan, J. M. 61. Smith, A. S. 84. Smith, B. M. 165. Smith, C. R. 737. Saiith, E. W. 4. Smith, Henry. 642. Smith, H. C. 211. Smith, Jacob H. 615. Smith, James H. 643. Smith, James M. 318. Smith, James P. 616. Smith, Joseph A. 397. Smith, Josiah M. 418. Smith, J. Rocliwell. 75. Smith, L. L. 498. Smith, N. KeflT. 522. Smith, S. M. 238. Smith, T. C. 62. Smith, Vinal. 429. Snoddy, A. C. 523. Spears, W. T. 581. Spencer, L. O. 726. Spencer, J. M. 76. Spotswood, J. B. 582. Sprunt, Alexander. 738. Spur 1 in, W. D. 317. Stantield, S. A. 99. Steele, John A. 701. Stephen, W. O. 499. Stephenson, P. D. 657. Stewart, J. C. 177. Stickley, W. W. 550. Stimson, R. DeL. 218. Stoddart, W. 617. Stokes, Colin. 583. Storey, G. T. 727. Stover, E. H. 156. Straiten, Daniel. 115. Stratton, James. 551. Stratton, W. M. 414. Strickler, G. B. 584. St rider, J. P. 552. Stuart, Erskine E. 225. SturgesB, Henry. 456. Summey, George. 618. Summerell, J. N. H. 186. Sutton, W. C. 383. Swoope, F. McF. 644. Sydenstricker, A. 403. Sydenstricker, D. S. 619. Sydenstricker, H. M. 524. Tadlock, A. D. 679. Tanner, J. G. 110. Tappau, S. S. 250. Taylor, R. 1. 9. Teuney, Roswell. 117. Thome, A. E. 658. Thome, W. F. 600. Thompson, B. F. 680. Thompson, C. T. 645. Thompson, G. E. 141. Thompson, J. C. 312. Thompson, S. H. 500. Thomson, Alexander, 728. Tidball, C. M. 240. Tidball, W. B. 739. Tidball, W. J. 245. Towles, Daniel T. 63. Towles, J. W. 304. Travis, J. M. 553. Trenholm, G. A. 554. Trimble, W. L. 501. Triplett, J. E. 262. Tucker, A. B. 457. TurnbuU, L. B. 430. Tuttle, R. M. 740. Vance, James I. . <546. Vance, James N. 681. Vandev«nter, J. N. 100. Van Rensselaer, C. 319. Vass, Laehlan C. 319. Vaughan, C. R. 85. Venable, H. I. 355. Venable, P. C. 585. Waddell, G. R. €20. Wailes, R. A. 525. Walden, J. W. 415. Walker, G. W. 374. Walker, R. C. 341. Walkup, J. W. 416. Wallace, J. A. 476. Wallace, Jesse Albert. 526. Wallace. W. C. 741. Walton, R. A. 621. Walton, Thomas P. 647. Wardlaw, De L. 502. Washburn, E. D. 601. Wasson, J. B. 431. Watkins, John S. 187. Watkins, S. V. 19. Watt, John S. 27. Watts, A. L. 603. Weaver, J. H. 432. Webb, F. B. 166. Welton, Felix B. 329- Whaley, F. N. 603. Whaling, H. M. 342. Wharey, J. M. 384. Wharey, Thomas. 742. Wharton, T. A. 24a Wharton, W, P, 91 92 INDEX. 682. White, A. W. 247. White, Charles. 294. White, G. W. 313. White, H. M. 344. White, Hugh A. 128. White, Robert B. 320. White, T. W. 743. White, W. C. &48 White, W. D. 10. White, W. S. 458. Wiggins, J. H. 343. Wiihelm, W. F. 167. Williams, Albert. 702. Williams, C. C. 64. Williams, C. S. 168. Willie, L. R. 703. 101. 477. 433. 55.5. 220. 285. 556. Willis, R. B. Wilson, A. E. Wilson, D. L. Wilson, E. L. Wilson, G. A. Wilson, J. M. Wilson, John D. Wilson, L. T. 586. Wilson, R. W. 102. Wilson, Samuel. 86. Wilson, S. B. O. 649. Wilson, T. S. 188. Wilson, W. V. 356. Winfree, J. H. H. 557. Winn, S. K. 251. Witherow, T. S. 87. Witherow, W. E. 398. Woods, F. M. 704. Woods, H. M. 434. Woods, J. A. 478. Woods, N. M. 558. Woods, W. H. 744. Wool, J. E. 142. Wright, A. H. 65. Yates, W. B. 357. Yeargan,'L. 559. Yerger, H. S. 479. Yerger, O. M. 384. Young, J. S. 683. Zernow, H. B. Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01251 2994 DATE DUE 1 ik^^j^^i^ GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. Am