COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 5"CC 6 \ COMMENTARY UPON ?OSHVAtfVT>GES AND R V T H. A COMMENTARY UPON THE BOOKS OF . ( , .- ■ ■ '/'(■o//,i/sJ, JOSHUA^ JUDGES AND RUTH. B Y The Right Reverend Father in GOD, SYMON Lord Bilhop of ELY. . .. _ L 0 N D 0 M: Printed for £\t. CljiftiJCll at the Rofe and Crown in St. Faufs Churchyard. 1701. i - ( I ) COMMENTARY UPON THE Book of JOSHUA. THIS Title doth not neceflarily fignifie that this Book was written by JOSHVA, as the five foregoing were by Mofes : but only that it contains the acts done by Joflma : Yet there wants not arguments to prove that JoJIwa was the Author of this Book. For though Grotius and many other modern writers, with fome of the ancients, think they find reafons in the Book it felf againft this opinion : yet the ancient Talwudrjls, and feveral of the latter afcribe it to him, being principally induced thereunto, by thofe words in the laft Chapter of this Book, v. 26. Which I cannot fay are an evident proof of it (for thofe words may relate only to the Covenant menti- oned in that Chapter) but thus they fay expreily in Btvci Bathra, Cap. 1. JoJIwa wrote bis own Booh^ and the eight laft verfes of the Law. And then concerning the five laft verfes of this Book, they write after this manner in the fame place ^ Eleazar wrote the 29th. Vtrfi^ Sec of the XXHrth. Chapter, as Phineas did, v. 33. And there are Men of excellent learning who have undertaken to anUver all that can be objetted un- to this (particularly Daniel Huetiits in his Demon- B Jiratic a A COMMENTARY JlratJo Evang. Propoft IV.) Which objections I fhall confider in their proper places, where they feem to arife in this Book. Which the Jews reckon among the firft Prophets (as they call them) though it contain only an Hiftory of what pafled till the death of Jojhua. Which, in all likelyhood, he would not negledt to write himfelf, as Mofes did what palled in his time : that every Tribe and every Family might have an unqueftionable Title to their Inheritance, under his own Hand :, who had by God's order made a divifion of the Land : and that all Pofterity might fee the promifes made unto them by Mofes were fo pun&ually fulfilled, that there failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had fpoken, but all came to pafs 5 as he obferves, XXI. 45. And that, in a fhort time : for this Book contains the Hiftory of the IfraeUtes from the death of Mofes, to the death of Jojhua. That is, as fome compute, for the fpaceofXVII. Years, or rather near XXVII. See upon XIV. 10. Chapter > ^______ I. W"V^ CHAP. I. Yerfe x. Verfe 1. TVfO^ after the death of Mofes.'] Thus l\l thofe Books are wont to begin, whofe argument relates to the Book before going. As the Book of Judges is in this manner conne&ed with this of Joflma ^ and the Book oiRnth, with that of Judges* And the LXX. make fuch a Preface, to join the Book of Lamentations, with the Prophefie of Jeremiah. After the death of Mofes J] I fuppofe immediately after the days of mourning for him were ended, XXXIV Dent. •&. The upon J O 8 H U A. J he Servant of the LORD.'] See XXXIV Dent. 5. Chapter It came to pafs that the LORD [pake unto Jofona the I. 7 of Nun.] Out of the San&uary, it is mod likely : L/~V~\j tVom whence he had fpoken to him a little before Mofes his death, and made him a promife of what he orders him now to accomplifh (XXXI Dent. 14. 23.) and where E/eazar was appointed long before, to ask counfel for him, when there was great occcafion. XXVII Numb. 2r. Mofes Minifter."] Who had attended upon Mofcs from the beginning, in his higheft employment, XXIV Exod. 13. 1 Dent. 38. Ver. 2. Mofes my Servant is dead."] He hath finilh- Verfe 2. ed his work, and can do me no further fervice. Now therefore arifeT] Put an end therefore unto your mourning for him $ and go about the bufinefs which he hath left thee to perform. Go over this Jordan.~] Within fight of which they lay encamped. Thon and all this People, unto the land which I Jo give to them, even to the Children of Ifrael.~] As he pro- mifed when he changed his name from Ofliea into Jofiua, XIII Numb. 16. I Dent. 38. WlDeut. 28. Ver. 3. Everyplace.'] Within the limits mentioned Verfe 3. in the next Verfe. That the fole of your foot fh all tread upon, that have I given you, as Ifiid unto Mofes.'] He would not have them doubt of what Mofes faid from him (XI Dent. 24.) though he were dead. Ver. 4. FromtheWildemefs. This was the bounds Verfe 4. of the Country, on the South. And this Lebanon!] Which was the bounds on the North. And Jofjua feems now to have been in fight of it : to which the Divine Majeft y dire&ed his ob- B 2 fervaticn. 4 A COMMENT ART Chapter fervation, as the moft Eminent Mountain in thole I. Parts of the World. t/^V'NJ Even unto the great River, the River Euphrates.'] Which was the Eaftern bounds $ and called by other Authors the great River, as I have obferved on I Deut. 7. All the land of the Hittitcs.] Who were a very powerful People in the Country, dwelling together with the Amorites in the Mountainous parts of it* XIII Numb. 29. Some of which were of the race of the Giants : and are therefore particularly mentioned, to fhew that the moft terrible People (hould not be able to ftand before Joflma. But he fhould either de- ftroy them, or expel them, and make them flee their Country : as thefe Hittites did $ of whom we read, and of their Kings, 2 Kings VII. 6. Unto the great Sea.] The Mediterranean, which was the We ftern border, as it here follows* Towards the going down of the Sun, fialt be your co aft 7] See upon XI Dent. 24. and other places. ¥erfe 5. Ver, 5. There fhall not any Man be able to ftand be- fore thee all the days of thy life!] VII Deut. 24. As I was with Mofes fo I will be with thee!] To fub- due all the People of Canaan before him 3 as he did the Egyptians, the two Rings of the Amorites, and the Midianites before Mofes. To counfel alfo, and ad- vife him in all difficulties, as he had done Mofes. I will not fail thee, nor forfake thee.] See upon XXXI Deut. 6. 8. On which promife they relied in future times, 1 Kings VIII. 57. Vtrk 6. Ver. 6. Be firong and of a good courage.] This charge he had given him before the death of Mofes, XXXI Deut. 23. And David gave the fame to Solomon, iChron. XXVIIL 20. For upon JOSHUA. 5 lor unto this People fait thou divide for an inheri- Chapter tancc the land which 1 Jnurc unto their fathers to give I. then/.'] He had promifed him, in the place before L/*V\J named, that he jhould bring them into the land, &c. And here now adds, that he (hould fettle them in the pofleflion of it 5 by adigning every one their portion in it. Which he did by fuch a Divine direction, as lilenced all difputes about it. Ver. 7. Only be thouftrong and very conragioits, f/j