FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 476 ? Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 7 A / >/ MISSIONARY HYMNIBOOK, 32 HYMNS anaptfti to iHiesionari) rufijccto, AND / DESIGNED FOB THE USE CHRISTIANS OF ALL DENOMINATIONS 51 / JOHN LAWSON. (Tiilrutta: PlIINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION P.tESS, CIIICDLAR RO ID 1821 , • A f' ^ ’V .i. ^ ■ . \ 8/5M f I! ,«ni(au 5 9m r Ko< (tx;c9V>m I ezorrAi'jAcoi^'m .uk 'so eiCAiRifluo : . *r^ ? VI O 3 7/ A vl >t f,. •; I not J': I «T! - - . r g? = " . . T v r t» i#: ;ittnlli.t) . - p w ■ -•*4 AA'U^t - r »Jt> a, 4 '/»‘»i« lA o .f)>i A 4. RECOMMENDATIONS. . THE want of a more copious selection of Hymns on Missionary subjects, has beat long felt. fVe have examin- ed the present Selection, and think it made viith consider- able judgment. We therefore beg leave to recommend it, as, in our opinion, well adapted for general use. W. CAREY, J. MARSHMAN, H. TOWN LEY, J. D. PEARSON, G. MUNDY, J. HARLE, DEOCAR SCHMID, J. KEITH, S. TRAMTN, E. CAREY, W. YATES. WE have carefully examined the Selection of Hymns, on the subject of Missions, now presented to the use of the Christian Community; and are of opinion, that it will not only supply a vacancy which has hitherto been experienced in Missionary meetings , but will greatly contribute to promote a spirit of holy zeal, and devotion. We think the method of arrangement judicious, and the selection impar- tial ; and are happy in having an opportunity of recom- mending it to the public. H. BARD WELL. G. H. HOUGH. ■i * i ' Iv., ^ n ^' 7 7f • :\7r^ t •i,y ■ ,m) iT>.av< :a i«i/,OD.i ^ ' 'T' ' RO \j» jinJV jt n V‘«6i« ’>>■ ‘ V >9 ' »«>»D H\VV •U'itr»'5iv^ .y,%\ )4 l»\ nrui\ ij‘* •^>i'UtM)'> -VAfrti VAtt wU ,lv> f }fX'503^v.<>i’ -U ^ .vco^iiw jQ f. ;^a'Tr/' ,7/'''''^' ' ■ .vviJ^nw .& '♦ ' '' ’ . • 'IJJf/:!/l ■ ■%'■ •‘•■‘^' '^''^ „' .. i ; ^ V:'- ■ 1 no (liwirAl ^p »u h»l V<’‘ ile•^^ wttO vURigtity. i 9x0 t^li ov won *.>\t I , ‘^^u Jliii U ,»f 5ri^ei\tt'ir>to ’ 1 pSrift ;Jh • h - ., ivi 1 ■Apa ? n\ \|' lili f(. ; ,, * 4 l .poife 7 >MbRjf',jg 6 !; vjtH^Sp ^ ftVaiVo’ ' j « i\3A3« !>Ai k«jn 1^' Rv> ;»U‘.iisA b’. W« tj -■.■... .iffy ^ ’^,j. • . W,y.Vis»rt ‘ ]u\ - ,|f. ^ ‘ ,i^oji\u .j, r '' ‘* PREFACE. THAT a selection of Hymns, exclusively on Missionary subjects, has long been necessary, will doubtless be admitted by all ; the few to be found in our general Hymn Books having become tedious from their frequent use. The Compiler of the volume now presented to the public, was so- licited by his much esteemed brethren in the mi- inistr)', of two denominations, residing in Calcutta, to supply the desideratum. The task was a pleas- ing one, and the Missionary Hymn Book is a memorial of that Christian friendship, which has so long existed amongst brethren of different religious sentiments, but engaged in the same hallowed work in the land of the heathen. I A very liberal use has been made of all the Hymn Books, Periodical Publications, &c. both cf [Europe and America, within the reach of the Compiler, who, in certain instances, has ventured to make some slight alterations, principally to VI rREFACB. reduce the lines to a known established metre, or to render a good hymn more decidedly adapt- ed for use on Missionary occasions. It is acknowledged, that several of the Hymns i in the following compilation, prefer no particu- n lar claim to poetic excellency ; but the senti- * ments they breathe will plead their excuse with ; n the intelligent pious, while their very plainness ^ will perhaps be their recommendation to many, j The names of Watts and Doddridge, those sweet ' singers of Israel, are the principal ornaments of the selection. It was a prominent design of the Compiler to render his labours acceptable to Christians of all denominations: — he has therefore made use of all their Hymn Books which he could obtain, with- out referring to any of their distinguishing te- nets. Should he, in this, have secured their appro- bation, and should this volume be the means of elevating their devotion in a cause the most sub- lime and glorious, the little trouble it has cost him will be amply rewarded. Calcutta, 11th May, 1821. TABLE OF FIRST LINES. A few from every land ~ ' Page 166 Ah ! reign, wherever man is found • • 137 All glory to God in the sky 151 All hail, incarnate God 16 All hail the power of Jesus’ name 20 All opposition to the reign 214 Amazing, beauteous change ... 200 Arise, eternal God, arise 79 Arise, great God, and let thy grace • 81 Arise in all thy splendour, Lord . . 136 Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise 115 Arise, ye saints, arise and tell 187 Arm of the Lord, awake ! awake ! ... 119 Assembled at thy great command 129 As the good shepherd tends his fleecy care 225 Before Jehovah’s awful throne 6 Before Messiah’s presence meet 227 Before thy throne, eternal King 103 Behold our God, he owns his name 199 Behold the ambassador divine 242 Behold the expectecl time draw near 50 Behold the genial showers descend 155 Behold the mountain of the Lord 229 Behold the temple of the Lord 68 Behold with pleasing extacy 141 Bend, sinners, bend, or you must break 223 Blow ye the trumpet, blow 159 Blest be the tie that binds 245 Bright as the sun’s meridian blaze 1 45 Bring the kingdom. Lord, make haste 122 By whom shall Jacob now arise 7 * Captain of thine enlisted host Come all ye tribes of Jacob’s race 35 87 X TABLE OF THE FIRST LINES Pa^e Come, and let us sweetly join , . 100 Come, divine Emmanuel, come .. 128 Come, Desire of Nations, come . , 135 Come let us join our cheerful songs . . ”21 Come thou long expected Jesus .. 134 Come ye that love the Saviour’s name . . 22 Conquering, the Gospel Lome on every breeze 171 Earth, big with empires, to thy reign . . 12 Eternal God 1 Almighty Cause . . 8 Europe, speak the mighty name . . 259 Exert thy power, thy rights maintain . . 49 Farewell, beloved friends, once more farewell 244 Farewell! ye scenes of sweet delight .. 241 Far from affliction, toil, and care . . 256 Father, is not thy promise pledg’d .. 54 Father of faithful Abram, hear . . 82 Father of glory 1 to thy name . . 7 Father of mercies ! condescend . . 254 Fly, glorious gospel, fly abroad .. 175 Foretold by the reluctant seer . . 130 For Zion's sake I will net cease .. 71 Fountain of truth, and grace, and power .. 75 i From all that du ell below the skies . . 4 Giver of concord. Prince of Peace . . 90 Give us room that w e may dw ell . . 73 Glorious things of thee are spoken . . 70 Go, and the Saviour’s grace proclaim .. 220 God in his earthly temple lays . . 47 God of harvest! our petitl n .. J50 Go, favour’d brethren, and proclaim . . 237 Go forth, ye saints, behold your Kina: .. igs Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lord . . 157 Go, said the voice of heav’nly love . . 157 Go through the gates, 'tis God’s command 218 Great Arbiter of life and death . . 255 Great Father of mankind .. yg] Great God! the nations of the earth .. I12 Great God! whom heaven, and earth, and sea 114 TABLE OF THE FIRST LINES. XI Page Great God, whose universal sway .. 165 Great Leader of thine Israel's host . . 29 Great Saviour, let thy power divine . . 28 Great Spirit of immortal love ‘ ' 109 Great Sun of Righteousness, arise .. 118 Great was the day, the joy was great .. 163 Hail ! everlasting Prince of Peace . . 89 Hail, everlasting spring .. 174 Hail, precious book divine .. 46 Hail to the Prince of Life and Peace . . 37 Happy day of union sweet . . 96 Hark ! a glad voice the lonely desert cheers 206 Hark, the glad sound ! the Saviour comes 208 Hark ! the loud triumphant strains . . 3 Hark, the seventh angel loud proclaims .. 231 Hark, the solemn trumpet sounding .. 186 Hark ! the song of Jubilee .. 1 Hark, 'tis our heavenly Leader’s voice . . 39 Hark ! ’tis the warlike clarion . . 34 Hark ! what triumphant strains are these . . 258 Head cf the Church enthron’d on high . . I77 Here, assembled in thy name , . I07 Holy Ghost, inspire our praises . . 152 Hosanna to our conquering King .. 31 Hosanna to the King . . 18 How are thy servants blest, O Lord . . 248 How beauteous are their feet . . 67 How blest the sacred tie that binds . . 108 How many years hath man been driven .. 221 How pleasant ’tis tc^ see . . 98 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight . . 9i 1 lift ray banners, saith the Lord . . 36 In darkness sunk, by sin enchain’d .. 121 Indulgent God of love and power . . is Indulgent God, to thee we pray . . 238 Infinite excellence is thine . . 25 In Gabriel’s hand a mighty stone . . 52 In serving vain idols why thus spend my days 204 Xii TABLE OF THE FIRST LINES. Page In the last days, the prophet cries .. 58 In vain the hosts of hell combine .. 215 Jehovah reigns ; lie dwells in light . . 11 Jesus, immortal King, arise! .. 120 Jesus, immortal King, go on •• ^1 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee . . Jesus ! our best beloved Friend . . Jesus shall reign where’er the sun • . 1^6 Jesus, soft harmonious name . • 10® J esus, the name high over all . . 13 1 j Jesus, the triumphs of thy cross .. 84 Joy to the world, the Lord is come . . 189 Kindred, and friends, and native land . . 240 King of Zion, give the order .. 219 Let all the earth their voices raise .. 1^^ Let Babel fear when Zion prays . » H3 Let everlasting glories crown . . 45 Let God arise, and let his foes . . 148 j Let God the Father, and the Son . . 261 j Let mortal tongues attempt to sing . . 32 Let party names no more . . 92 I Let saints on earth their anthems raise . . 23 Let us sing the King Messiah .. 19 Let Zion and her sons rejoice . . 64 Let Zion triumph in her King . . 69 Lift to the mountains’ height your eyes . . 228 Lift up your eyes, ye saints, and see . . 60 Lift up your eyes, ye sons of light .. 217 Lo he comes ! let all adore him .. 158 Long have our eyes beheld wi^ pain . . 59 Look down, O God, with pitying eye .. 147 Lord, send thy servants forth . . 86 Lord, send thy word, and let it fly . . 146 Loud hallelujahs to the Lord , . 2 Loud to the Prince of Heaven . . 26 Lo ! w’hat an entertaining sight . . 99 Man shall be sav’d, 'tis God’s decree .. 213 Mark the soft falling dew .. 181 TABLE OF THE FIRST LINES. xiU Page May God his favouring ear incline . . SO Messiah, at thy glad approach . . 207 Messiah, full of grace . . 85 Men of God, go take your stations . . 235 Mighty God ! while angels bless thee . . 14 My soul, indulge the hope . . 104 My soul, with sacred joy survey . , 224 Not to ourselves who are but dust . . 10 Now by the mercies of my God . . 88 Now let our drooping hearts revive . . 257 Now let the trumpet's cheerful sound 179 Now we hail the happy dawning .. 172 O all ye nations, praise the Lord . . 5 O charge the waves to bear our friends . . 243 O’er all the earth the Lamb shall reign . . 182 O’er the gloomy hills of darkness .. 110 O fill us with a seraph’s zeal . . 123 O for a shout of sacred joy . . 27 O for a thousand tongues to sing ■; 209 O God of matchless grace . . 210 O how overjoy’d was I ..113 Oh! who sufficient is to lead .. 154 O much lav’d brethren, haste and rear . . 234 On all the earth thy spirit show’r . . 153 One God, and one Father we own . . 91 On the mountain’s top appearing . . 65 O thou great Monarch, in thy might . . 13 O ’tis a sound should fill the world . . 180 Our eyes salvation see . , 43 O when shall Zion rise . . 139 O Zion, tune thy voice , . 62 Partners of a glorious hope . . 10 1 Praise God from whom all blessings flow 263 Praise him that made you, all ye isles . . 222 Praise the Saviour, all ye nations . . 252 Prince of universal peace . . gj Proclaim my gospel, saith the Lord 184 Proud Babylon yet waits her doom . . 51 \ Xiv TABLE OF THE FIRST LINES. Pa^e Rejoice, the Lord is King .. I 7 Rejoice, tlie Saviour reigns . • 24 Rejoice, ye nations of the world • • 2,'j^ Rise, triumphant Saviour, rise! •• 124 Rise, Zion, sliinej with borrow’d rays .. 63 Saviour, King, assume thy power .. U" Saviour of the world, attend .. l40 See how great a flame aspires .. 194 See, that mountain high exalted . . 230 See the old Dragon from his throne . . 40 . ® ♦ See, the wilderness rejoices . . 2 11 See, ye heirs of sure salvation .. 191 Shall science distant lands explore .. 195 Shepherd of Israel, hear . . 102 Shejiherd of Israel, thou didst lead . . 83 Shine, mighty God, on Britain shine .. 149 Shout, for the blessed Saviour reigns . . 192 Silence ye unbelieving fears .. 216 Sing glory to God the most High .. 219 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands .. 193 Sing ye Heavens, and Earth rejoice . . 202 Sovereign of heaven, thine empire spreads 30 Sovereign of worlds, display thy power 125 Spread the news, go, spread it wide .. 183 Sun of unclouded righteousness . . 132 1 he billows swell, the winds are high . . 250 The dawning day at length appears .. ITS The feeble vessel of my soul . . 205 The heavens, thou awful God, O rend .. 142 The Lord is come, the heavens proclaim 185 'I'he promise we for Israel plead . . 76 The vessel rides before the storm . . 247 This is the word of truth and love . . 44 Thou art, O God ! a spirit pure . . 9 Though it w'ould yield an angel joy . • 138 Through the dark clouds that roll’d on high 38 Thus saith God of his anointed . . 169 Thus far our Saviour’s tender care . . 246 Thus saith the Lord, From east to west 57 TABLK OK TUB FIRST LINES. Thus saith the Lord, jMy Son shall reign Thus the Eternal Father sfiake Thy foes succeeding time shall own Thy kingdom. Lord, we long to see Thy people. Lord, who trust thy word Thy throne is in p-lory above To Christ, the Lord, fair Zion’s king To distant lands thy Gospel send To God the Father, God the Son '1 o our Almighty Maker, God . ! To thee belongs. Almighty Lord M e have heard t!;e jojful news M’hat glory gilds the sacred page What is the world ? — a wildering maze What mighty man, or mighty God What though the Gentiles with the Jews What thiiugh the hosts of hell When Jesus shall descend the skies When Jesus to the heathen lands M here’er the blustering north- wind blows M h; e anxious hopes and fears impress’d ‘ howling shades of death M hile thunder shook the frighted sky M ho besides can man recover Who, mightiest L rd, to Israel’s eves M ho. what are these, that as a cloud Wide as the channels of the deep M Kle o’er all worlds the Saviour reigns ’ M ould you behold the works of God Ye angels roun I the throne Ye children of Abram, be wise Ye islands of the Soufliern sea Ye messengers of Christ Ye saints, your grateful tribute brino- Yes, iiiighty Jesus, thou shalt reion” Yes there are jovs which cannot^die Yes. trust the diiy is breaking Zion s King shall reign victorious ^lon, look round with joifnl eygg XV Page 55 61 2'^6 133 126 144 198 111 260 15 156 1 76 42 43 33 53 56 233 164 127 251 116 173 203 78 66 138 212 249 262 77 169 236 201 170 253 197 162 72 ARRANGEMENT OF SUBJECTS. Universal Praise, from Hymn \ to 6 Of God, 7—13 The Glory of Christ, 14 — 28 The Triumphs of Jesus, 29 — 41 The Bible, 42 — 46 Ancient Prophecy, 47 — 61 Encouragement to Zion, 62 — 73 Restoration of the Jews, 74 — 87 Union amongst Christians, 88 — 109 Prayer for the Spread of the Gospel, 110 — 149 Necessity of Divine Influence, .... 150 — 156 Spread of the Gospel, 157 — 198 Effects of the Gospel, 199 — 211 Encouragement to Missionaries, . . 212 — 202 The Latter Day Glory, 221 — 233 Designation of Missionaries, 234 — 239 Miscellaneous : — Faiewell Hvmns, &c . . 240 —245 For Missionaries at sea. &c. ,, 246 251 Collections. &c . . 252 254 For tbe Funeral of a Missionary, &c. 255 257 Doxologies 259 — 263 MISSIONARY HYMN BOOK UNIVERSAL PRAISE. 1. 7s. Montgomery. Hev. xiv. 2,3. 1. HARK! the sotig of Jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar. Or the fulness of the sea. When it breaks upon the shore: — Hallelujah! for the Lord, God Omnipotent, shall reign j Hallelujah I — let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2. Hallelujah! hark! the sound. From the depth unto the skies. Wakes above, beneath, around. All creation’s harmonies : — See Jehovah’s banner furled. Sheath’d his sword : He speaks — ’tis done • And the kingrloms of this world ^ Are the kingdoms of his Son. 3 . He shall reign from pole to pole. With illimitable sway : ’ He shall reign, when, like a scroll, \onder heavens have passed away: Then the end : — beneath his rod, Man’s last enemy shall fallj Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is All in All. A 2,3 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. L. M. Watt*. Psalm cxiviii. 1. LOUD hallelujahs to the Lord, From distant worlds where creatures dwell Let heaven begin the solemn word, And sound it dreadful down to hell. ' 2 . Wide as his vast dominion lies. Let tlie Creator’s name be known : Loud as his thunder shout his praise. And sound it lofty as his throne. 3. Jehovah! ’tis a glorious word! O may it dwell on every tongue ! But saints, who- best have known the Lord Are bound to raise the noblest song. 4 . Speak of the wonders of that love Which Gabriel plays on every chord; From all below and all above, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord. 3 . P. M. “ The Lord reigneth.’' Psalm scix. 1. 1. HARK! the loud triumphant strains! God the king of glory reigns. All the kingdoms own his sway : Hail the happy happy day. Hail the day by God appointed : Jesus reigns, the Lord’s anointed. 2. Hark ! the sound of sacred mirth ! Jesus reigns throughout the earth. W'ar, and strife, and tumult cease : ’Tis the time of love and peace. See his people rest enjoying : In his mountain none destroying. UNIVERSAL PRAISE. 4,5 3. Zion’s King makes known his name He asserts his lawful claim : His the kingdom, his the power. His the glory evermore. Worldly maxims cease to govern, Jesus reigns. Supreme and Sovereign. 4 . L. M. Watts. Prai$e to God from allnationt. Psalm cxvii. J. FROM all that dwell below the skies. Let the Creator’s praise arise j Let the Redeemer’s name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. 2. Eternal are thy mercies. Lord ; Eternal truth attends thy word ; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore. Till suns shall rise and set no more. 5 . C. M. Watts. Psalm cxvii. 1 O ALL ye nations, praise the Lord, Each with a different tongue ; In every language learn his word. And let his name be sung. 2. His mercy reigns through every land. Proclaim his grace abroad j For ever firm his truth shall stand; Praise ye the faithful God. A 2 6,7 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 6. L. M. Watts. 1. BEFORE Jehovah’s awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone. He can create, and he destroy. 2. His sovereign power, without our aid. Made us of clay, and formed us men; And when, like wandering sheep, we strayed. He brought us to his fold again 3. We’ll crowd thy gates with thankful songs. High as the heavens our voices raise: And earth, with' her ten thousand tongues. Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is thy command. Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. OF GOD. 7 . C. M. Watts. Doctrine and ute of the Trinity. 1. FATHER of glory' to thy name Immortal praise we give. Who dost an act of grace proclaim. And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honour to the Son, Who makes thine anger cease; Our lives he ransom’d with his own, And died to make our peace. OF GOD. 8 3. To thy almighty Spirit be Immortal glory given. Whose influence brings us near to thee. And trains us up for heaven. 4 . Let men, with their united voice. Adore th’ eternal God, And spread his honours and their joys Through nations far abroad. 5. Let faith, and love, and duty join. One general song to raise ; Let saints in earth and heaven combine In harmony and praise. 8. L. M. Unity of God. Dent. vi. 4. 1. ETERNAL God! Almighty Cause Of earth, and seas, and worlds unknown j All things are subject to thy law’s. All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious Being singly stands. Of all within itself possest : Controuled by none are thy commands ; Thou from thyself alone art blest. 3. To thee alone ourselves we owe ; Let heaven and earth due homage pay ; All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4. Spread thy great name thro’ heathen lands; Their idol deities dethrone ; Reduce the world to thy command; And reign, as thou art God alone. A 3 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 9 , 10 9 . L. M. The spirituality of God. 1. THOU artj O God ! a spirit pure. Invisible to mortal eyes ; Th’ immortal, and th’ eternal King, The great, the good, the only wise. ‘ 2 . Whilst nature changes, and her works Corrupt, decay, dissolve, and die. Thy essence pure no change shall see. Secure of immortality. S. Thou great Invisible ! what hand Can draw thy image, spotless, fair ? To what in heaven, to what on earth. Can men th’ immortal King compare. 4 . Let stupid heathens frame their gods Of gold and silver, wood and stone j Ours is the God that made the heavens ■, Jehovah he, and God alone. 5. My soul, thy purest homage pay. In truth and spirit him adore ; More shall this please than sacrifice. Than outward forms delight him more. 10 . L. M. Watts. Perfections of God and vanity of idols. Psalm cxv. 1. NOT to ourselves who are but dust. Not to ourselves is glory due. Eternal God, thou only just. Thou only gracious, wise, and true. 2. Shine forth in ail thy dreadful name ; Why should a heathen’s haughty tongue Insult us, and, to raise our shame. Say, “ Where’s the God you’ve serv’d so long?” or GOD. 11 3. The God we serve maintains his throne Above the clouds, beyond the skies Through all the earth his will is done. He knows our groans, he hears our cries. 4. But the vain idols they adore. Are senseless shapes of stone and woodj At best a mass of glittering ore, A silver saint, or golden god. 5. [With eyes and ears they carve their head ; Deaf are their ears, their eyes are blind : In vain are costly offerings made. And vows are scatter’d in the wind, 6. Their feet were never made to move. Nor hands to save when mortals pray j Mortals, that pay them fear or love. Seem to be blind and deaf as they ] 7. O Israel, make the Lord thy hope. Thy help, thy refuge, and thy rest 5 The Lord shall build thy ruins up. And bless the people, and the priest. 8. The dead no more can speak thy praise. They dwell in silence and the grave; But we shall live to sing thy grace. And tell the world thy power to save. 11. L. M. Watts, Psalm xciii. 1 JEHOVAH reigns ! he dwells in light. Girded with majesty and might. The world, created by his hands. Still on its first foundation stands. 12 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. Bat ere this spacious world was made, Or had its first foundation laid, 'I'hy throne eternal ages stood. Thyself the Everliving God. 3. Like floods the angry nations rise. And aim their rage against the skies; Vain floods, that aim their rage so liigh At thy rebuke the billows die. 4 . For ever shall thy throne endure : 'J'hy promise stands for ever sure; And everlasting holiness Becomes the dwellings of thy grace. 12. L. M. Merrick. 7 /le tiiiirersal Munarch. 1. EARTH, big with empires, to. thy reign Submits, great God, its wide domain ; Whate’er this orb’s vast bounds confine. By just possession, Lord, is thine. 2. That orb amid the watery waste Thy hands, blest Architect, have plac’d; And bid th’ unfathomable deep Beneath its firm foundations sleep. 3. Maker of all! thro’ every land Thy deeds in full record shall stand. And farthest realms converted join In homage to the name divine. THE GLORY OF CHRIST. 13, 14 13 . C M. S. The univer$al Monarch. 1. O THOU great Monarch, in thy might Fulfil the long desire ; A thousand ages in thy sight. Like jesterday retire. 2. O let thy diadem supreme. In full diffusive ray; Now o'er the dying nations beam With life’s immortal day. S. Then shall the desolations cease. And earth in sweetest strain, Throngh the long Jubilee of peace. Sing thy unbounded reign. THE GLORY OF CHRIST. 14 . P. M. Robinson. The Divinity of Christ. 1. MIGHTY GOD! while angels bless thee. May an infant lisp thy name? Lord of men as well as angels. Thou art every creature’s theme. Lord of every land and nation. Ancient of eternal days! Sounded thro’ the wide creation Be thy just and lawful praise. 2. For the grandeur of thy nature, — Grand beyond a serapb’s thought; For created works of power, — Works with skill and kindness wrought ; 16 MISSIONARY HYMNS, For thy Providence, that governs Thro’ thine empire’s wide domain; Wings an angel, g-uides a sparrow : Blessed be thy gentle reign ! 3 But thy rich, thy free redemption. Dark through brightness all along ; Thought is poor, and poor expression : Who dare sing that awful song? Brightness of the Father’s glory. Shall thy praise unutter’d lie ? Fly, my tongue, such guilty silence ! Sing the Lord who came to die 4 , Did archangels sing thy coming? Did the shepherds learn their lays> — Shame would cover me ungrateful. Should my tongue refuse to praise. From the highest throne in glory. To the cross of deepest woe; All to ransom guilty captives; Flow my praise, for ever flow. 5, Go, return, immortal Saviour ! Leave thy footstool, take thy throne; Thence return, and reign for ever. Be the kingdom all thine own. Mighty God! while angels bless thee. Let the heathens lisp thy name I Lord of men, as well as angels. Thou art every creature’s theme ! lo. C. M, Watts. Fsalm xcviii. Part 1st. 1, TO our Almighty Maker, God, New honors be address’d ; His great salt ation shines abroad. And makes the nations bless’d. THE CLORV OF CHRIST. 16 2 , He spake the word to Abraham first j His truth fulfils his grace 5 Tlie gentiles make his name their trust. And learn his righteousness. 8 . Let the whole earth his love proclaim. With all her different tongues; And spread the honours of his name In melody and songs. 16 . 14Sth. The increase 0/ the Messiah's kingdom. 1 . ALL hail, incarnate God; The wondrous things foretold Of thee in sacred writ. With joy our eyes behold. Still does thine arm new trophies wear. And monuments of glory rear. 2 . To thee the hoa.y head Its silver honors pays, To thee the blooming youth Devotes his brightest days. And every age their tribute bring. And bow to thee, all-conquering King. 3. O haste, victorious Prince, That happy glorious day. When souls like drops of dew. Shall own thy gentle sway. Oh may it bless our longing eyes. And bear our shouts beyond the skies. 4. All hail, triumphant Lord, Eternal be thy reign; Beheld the nations sue lo wear thy gentle chain. When earth and time are known no more. Thy throne shall stand fer ever sure. 17 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 17 - 148 th. The kingdom of Christ. Pliil. iv. 4. 1. REJOI<^E, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore; Mortals, give thanks and sing, And triumph evermore : Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I say, rejoice ! 2. Jesus the Saviour reigns. The God of truth and love. When he had purged our stains. He took his seat above : Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again 1 say, rejoice ! 3. His kingdom cannot fail. He rules o’er earth and heaven. The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given. Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I say, rejoice ! 4. He sits at God’s right hand ’Till all his foes submit. And bow to his commands. And fall beneath his feet: Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! 5. Rejoice in glorious hope, Jesus the Judge shall come. And take his servants up To their eternal home : We soon shall hear th’ archangel’s voice. The trump of God shall sound, rejoice. THE GLORY OF CHRIST, 18 18 . 14Sth. ( hi ist the Kim of Righteousness and Peace. HOSANNA to the King OF Righteousness and Peace j Let all his praises sing. The song shall never cease. The theme divine Ye saints pursue. Their songs with you Shall angels join. Their anthems fill’d the sky. When .Jesus first was born ; Glory to God on high. Good-will to men forlorn. ’Twas first begun ’Midst heaven’s applause ; The blessed cause Shall still go on. Though earth and hell oppose. His kingdom cannot fail. But over all his foes Will gloriously prevail. The great I am Is still his name. Who once became The bleeding Lamb, Within the sinner’s breast Will he erect his throne. That is his chosen rest. There shall he reign alone. A rebel once By grace subdued. What 1 pursued I now renounce. B 19 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 5. Ye hIio have known his grace Subserve his glorious plan. Proclaim to all your race. The friend of God and man. How happy they. And they alone. Who gladly own His gentle sway. 6. His conquests shall extend The spacious globe around. And earth’s remotest end With songs of praise resound. Behold the hour. On Satan’s head His feet shall tread. And crush his power. 7. All hail, incarnate Lord : Our souls triumphant cry ; Be thy blest name ador’d. By all beneath the sky. But when we join The host above. We’ll sing thy love. In strains divine. 19 . 8, 7, L A Song to Christ on his power and glory. 1. LET us sing the King Messiah! King of Righteousness and Peace! Hail him all his happy subjects. Never let his praises cease j Ever hail him. Let his honours still increase ! THE GLORY OP CHRIST. 19 2. How transcendent are thy glories, Fairer than the sons of men ! Wliile thy blessed mediation Brings us back to God again. Blest Redeemer, How we triumph in thy reign! 3. Gird thy sword on, mighty Hero! Make thy word of truth thy car ! Prosper in thy course triumphant, All success attend thy warj Gracious Victor, Let mankind before thee bow. 4 . Majesty combined with meekness. Righteousness and peace unite. To ensure thy blessed conquests ; Now assert, great Prince, tliy right ! Ride, illustrious, All around the conquer’d globe ! 5. Let thy right hand scatter terror. Hurl abroad thy keenest darts ; Thus bring down the stoutest rebels. Deep transfix their stubborn hearts ; Let thy power Vindicate thy righteous cause ! 6. Carry on the war with vigour. Let thy foes no respite know. Till the people fall before thee. Lowly at thy footstool bow. Push thy conquests; All the earth by right is thine ! 7. Blest are all that touch thy sceptre. Blest are all that own thy reign ; Freed from sin that worst of tyrants. Rescued from its galling chain. Saints and angels. All who know thee, bless thy name! B 2 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 20. C. M. The Spiiituul Corunuiion. Cant. iii. 1 1. AN'OELS. ALL hail the power of Jesus’ name. Let angels prostrate fall 5 Bring forth the rojal diadem. And crown him Lord of All. CONVEKTED JEW*. Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race, A remnant v/eak and small ! Hail him who saves you by his grace. And crown him Lord of All. BELIEVING GENTILES. Ye Gentile sinners, ne’er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go spread your trophies at his feet. And crown him Lord of All. SINNEKS OF EVERY NATION. Let every kindred, every tribe On this terrestrial ball. To him all majesty ascribe. And crown him Lord of All. OURSELVES. Oh that with yonder sacred throng. We at his feet may fall ; We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of All. THK GLORY OF CHRIST. 2J,22 21 . C.M. Watts. Jesus Christ, the Lamb qf God, worshipped by all the Creation. Rev, V. 11 — 13. 1. COME let us join our cheerful songs, With .mgels round the throne; Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2. “ Worthy the Lamb that died,” they cry, “ To be exalted thus;” “ Worthy the Lamb,” our lips reply, “ For he was slain for us.” 3. Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings more than we can give Be, Lord, for ever thine. 4. Let all that dwell above the sky. And air, and earth, and seas. Conspire to lift thy glories high. And speak thine endless praise : — 5. The whole creation join in one. To bless the sacred name Of him that sits upon the throne. And to adore the Lamb. 22 . c. M. /fing- o/ Saints. 1 COME ye that love the Saviour’s name. And joy to make it known; The Sovereign of your heart proclaim. And bow before his throne. B 3 23 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. Behold your King, your Saviour, crown’d With glories all divine; And tell the wondering nations round. How bright those glories shine. S. Infinite power, and boundless grace. In him unite their rays : You, that have e’er beheld his face. Can you forbear his praise ? 4 . When in his earthly courts we view. The glories of our King, We long to love as angels do. And wish like them to sing. 5. And sliall we long and wish in vain ? Lord, teach our songs to rise ! Thy love can animate the strain. And bid it reach the skies. 6. Oh, happy period ! glorious day ! When heaven and earth shall raise. With all their powers, the raptur’d lay, To celebrate thy praise. 23 . c. M. Prbice of Peace- 1. LET saints on earth their anthems raise. Who taste the Saviour’s grace : Let heathens too proclaim his praise. And crown him “ Prince of Peace.” 2. Praise him, who laid his glory by. For man’s apostate race ; Praise him, who stoop’d to bleed and die. And crown him “ Prince of Peace.” THE GLORY OF CHRIST. 3. Ye nations, lay your weapons down. Let war for ever cease ; Inmiaiiuel for your sovereign own. And crown liiin “ Prince of Peace.” 4. We soon shall reach the heavenly shore. To view his lovely face ; His name for ever to adore. And crown him “ Prince of Peace.” 24 . 148th. Glorying in Christ and in his Cause. 1. RE.rOICE, the Saviour reigns Among tlie sons of min ; He breaks the prisoners’ chains. And makes them free again ; Let hell oppose God’s only Son, In spite of foes, his cause goes on. 2. The cause of Righteousness, And truth, and holy peace. Design’d our world to bless. Shall spread and never cease. Gentile and Jew their souls shall bow. Allegiance due with rapture vow. 3. The baffled prince of hell. In vain new efforts tries. The gospel to repel. By cruelty and lies. Th’ infernal gates shall rage in vain. Conquest awaits the Lamb once slain. 4. He died, but soon arose. Triumphant o’er the grave. And now himself he shows. Omnipotent to save. 25 MISSIONARY HYMNS, Let rebels kiss the Victor’s feet. Eternal bliss his subjects meet. 5. All power is in his hand. His people to defend j To his most high command Shall millions more attend. All heaven with smiles approves his cause. And distant isles receive his laws. This little seed from heaven Shall soon become a tree ; This ever blessed leaven Diffused abroad must be : Till God the Son shall come again. It must go on — Amen — Amen. 25 . c. M. Desire of all Nations. Haggai ii. 7. 1. INFINITE excellence is thine. Thou lovely Prince of Grace ! Thy uncreated beauties shine AVith never fading rays. 2. Sinners from earth’s remotest end. Come bending at thy feet ; To thee their prayers and vows ascend. In thee their wishes meet. 3. Thy name, as precious ointment shed. Delights the Chureh around } Sweetly the sacred odours spread Through all Immanuel’s ground. 4. Millions of happy spirits live On thy exhaustless store j From thee they all their bliss receive. And still thou givest more. THE GLORY OF CHRIST. 2t) 5. Thou art their triumph and their joy 5 They find their all in thee ; Thy glories will their tongues employ Through all eternity. 26. I48th. Doddridgb. The Triumph of Christ in the Cause of Truth, Meekness, and Righteousness. Psalm xlv. 3, 4. 1 . LOUD to the prince of heaven Your cheerful voices raise j To him your vows be given, Aud fill his courts with praise. With conscious worth All clad in arms. All bright in charms. He sallies forth. 2. Gird on thy conquering sword. Ascend thy shining car, .A,nd march, almighty Lord, To wage the holy war. Before his wheels In glad surprize. Ye vallies, rise. And sink, ye hills. 3. Fair Truth, and smiling Love, And injur’d Righteousness, In thy retinue move. And seek from thee redress ; Thou in their cause Shalt prosperous ride. And far and wide Dispense thy laws. 27 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4 , Before thine awful face Millions of foes shall fall. The captives of thy Grace, That Grace, which conquers all. The world shall know. Great Kin^ of Kings, What wond'rous things Thine arm can do. 5. Here to my willing soul Bend thy triumphant way ; Here every foe controul. And all thy power display. My heart thy throne, Blest Jesus, see Bows low to thee. To thee alone. 27. C. M. Watts. Christ ascending and reigning. Fialiu xlvii- 1. O FOR a shout of sacred joy To God the sovereign King! Let every land their tongues employ. And hymns of triumph sing. 2. Jesus our God ascends on high ! His heavenly guards around. Attend him rising through the sky. With trumpet’s joyful sound. 3. While angels shout, and praise their king, Let mortals learn their strains ; Let all the earth his honour sing. O’er all the earth he reigns. 4. Rehearse his praise with awe profound j Let knowledge lead the song j Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. TIIK CLORY (.K CHRIST. 28 5. In Israel stood his ancient throne. He lov’d that chosen race ; But now he calls the world his own. And heathens taste his grace, d. The Gentile nations are ilie Lord’s, There Abraham’s God is known. While powers and princes, shields and swords. Submit before his throne. 28 . C. M. Hough. “ All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." Matt. XWIll. 18. 1. GREAT Saviour, let thy power divine. O’er all the earth be known; Let all, to thee, their will resign. And make thy will their own. 2. Perversion marks the guilty way Which heathens madly tread ; From all thy laws they go astray. And hasten to the dead. 3. Thou, Saviour-God, hast power alone To turn their wandering feet. To bend the soul before thy throne. Low at thy mercy seat : — t. For all the power beneath, above. Thy wounded hands sustain ; Then sway the sceptre of thy love. And let thy mercy reign. 29, 30 MISSIONARY HYMNS. THE TRIUMPHS OF JESUS. 1. GREAT Leader of thine Israel’s host. We shout thy conquering name ; Legions of foes beset thee round. And legions fled with shame. 2. A victory glorious and complete Thou by thy death didst gain ; So in thy cause may we contend. And death itself sustain. 3. By our illustrious General fir’d We no extremes would fear ; Prepar’d to struggle and to bleed. If thou, our Lord, be near. 4 . We’ll trace the footsteps thou hast drawn To triumph and renown ; Nor shun thy combat and thy cross. May we but share thy crown. “ I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” Luke x. 18. 1* SOVEREIGN of heaven, thine empire spreads O'er all the worlds on high : And at thy frown th’ infernal powers In wild confusion fly. 2. Like lightning from his glittering throne The great arch-traitor fell. Driven with enormous ruin down To infamy and hell. 29 C. M. Doddridge. Chiist the Leader of his Hosts. 30 . C. M. Doddridge. THK TRIUMPHS OF JESUS. 31 3. Permitted now to range at large, And traverse earth and air j O’er captive human souls he reigns. And boasts his kingdom there. 4 . Yet thence thy grace can drive him out With one almighty wordj O send thy potent sceptre forth. And reign victorious. Lord. 5. Let wretched prisoners be released The smiling light to view ; Nor let the vanquish’d foe return Their bondage to renew. 6 . May grace complete that wondrous work. Which thy own power begun j And fill, from Satan’s gloomy realms. The kingdom of thy Son. 31 . C. M. Watts. Christ's victory over Satan, 1. HOSANNA to our conquering King! The Prince of Darkness flies ; His troops rush headlong down to hell. Like lightning from the skies. 2. There bound in chains the lions roar. And fright the rescued sheep j But heavy bars confine their power And malice to the deep. 3. Hosanna to our conquering King ! All hail, incarnate love ! Ten thousand songs and glories wait To crown thy head above. 4. Thy victories and thy deathless fame Through the wide world shall runj And everlasting ages sing The triumph thou hast won. c 32 , 33 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 32 . L. M. Watts. IHichaels war with the dragon. Rev. xii. 7. 1. LET mortal tongues attempt to sing The wars of heaven when Michael stood Chief general of th’ eternal King, And fought the battles of our God. 2. Against the dragon and his host The armies of the Lord prevail j In vain they rage, in vain they boast. Their courage sinks, their weapons fail. 3. Down to the earth was Satan thrown, Down to the earth his legions fell ; Then was the trump of triumph blown. And shook the dreadful deep of hell. 4. Now is the hour of darkness past, Christ hath assum’d his reigning power; Behold the great Accuser cast Down from the skies, to rise no more. 5. ’Twas by thy blood, immortal Lamb, Thine armies trod the tempter down ; ’Twas by thy word and powerful name They gain’d the battle and renown. 6. Rejoice, ye heavens; let every star Shine with new glories round the sky; Earth ! while you sing the heavenly war. Raise your Deliverer’s name on high. 33 . C. M. Watts. The triumph of Christ over the enemies of his Church IsHi. Ixiii. 1— 3. 1. WHAT mighty man, or mighty God Comes travelling in state Along the Idumean road. Away from Bozrah’s gate? THE TRIUMPHS OF JESUS. 34 2. The glory of his robes proclaims ’ Tis some victorious King j “ ’Tis I, the just, th’ Almighty One, “ That your salvation bring.” 3. “ Why, mighty Lord,” thy saints enquire, “ Why thine apparel red ; “ And all thy vesture stain’d like those, “ Who in the wine-press tread ?” 4. "I, by myself, have trod the press, “ And crush’d my foes alone j “ My wrath has struck the rebels dead, “ My fury stamp’d them down. 5. “ ’Tis Edom’s blood that dyes my robes “With joyful scarlet stains j “ The triumph that my raiment wears “ Springs from their bleeding veins. 6. “ Thus shall the nations be destroy’d, “That dare insult my saints j “ I have an arm t’ avenge their wrongs, “ An ear for their complaints.” 34 . L. M. J. Lawsov. “ For the battle is the Lokd’s.'* 1st Sam. xvii. 47. 1. HARK! ’tis the warlike clarion. On to the battle, heroes on ! To arms ! to arms ! resounds on high. The voice of war and victory. 2. Haste to the battle. See the Lord, Waves to the clouds his conquering sword ! To arms! to arms! I hear the cry! On, on, to death or victory. c 2 35 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 3. High on the winds the flag unfurled, Reveals the red-cross to the world. To arms! to arms ! 1 haste, I fly. To war and bloodless victory. 4. The fierce embattl’d hosts of hell Before the dreadful onset fell. To arms ! to arms ! was once the cry. But now the trump sounds victory ! 5. Lo ! the white war-horse treads them down*. I know the Rider by his crown. All hail ! all hail ! his legions cry, Jesus, be thine the victory. 35 . L. M. Christ the Captain of Salvation. 1. CAPTAIN of thine enlisted host. Display thy glorious banner high ; The summons send from coast to coast. And call a numerous army nigh. 2. A solemn jubilee proclaim, Proclaim the great sabbatic day: Assert the glories of thy name. Spoil Satan of his wished-for prey. 3 Bid, bid thy heralds publish loud The peaceful blessings of thy reign; And when they speak of sprinkiing blood. The mystery to the heart explain. 4. Fight for thyself, O Jesus, fight. The travail of thy soul regain j Before the blind make light. And crooked paths do thou make plain. * Rev. vi 2. THE TRIUMPHS OK JESUS. 36, 3 36 . W.\TTS. The triumph of Christ, or the luin of Antichrist. 1 ''I LIFT my banners,” saith the Lord, “ Where Antichrist has stood ; “ The city of my gospel foes, “ Shall be a field of blood. 2. “ My heart has studied just revenge, “ And now the day appears, ” The day cf my redeem’d is come, “ To wipe away their tears. 3. Quite weary is my patience grown. And bids my fury go ; “ Swift as the lightning it shall move, “ And be as fatal too. 4. I call for h.'lpers, but in vain j “ '1 hen has my gospel none ? “ Well, mine own arm has might enough “ To crush my foes alone. 5. “ Slaughter and my devouring sword Shall walk the streets around, “ Babel shall reel beneath my stroke, “ And stagger to the ground.” 6. Thine honours, O victorious King ! Thine own right hand shall raise. While we thine awful vengeance sing. And our deliverer praise. 37 . L. M. Doddridge. The keys of Death and the unseen world in Christ's hand. Itev. i 13. 1. HAIL to the Prince of Life and Peace, Who holds the keys of Death and Hell ! The spacious world unseen is his. And sovereign power becomes him well, c 3 38 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. In shame and torment once he died ; But now he lives for evermore. Bow down, ye saints, around his seat. And, all ye angel-bands, adore. 3. So live for ever, glorious Lord, To crush thy foes, and guard thy friends ; While all thy chosen tribes rejoice. That thy dominion never ends. 4. \^'orthy thy hand to hold the keys. Guided by wisdom, and by love ; Worthy to rule o’er mortal life. O’er worlds below, and worlds above. 5. When Death thy servants shall invade. When pow’rs of Hell thy church annoy, Controul’d by thee, their rage shall help The cause, they labour’d to destroy. 6. For ever reign, victorious King : Wide thro’ the earth thy name be known ; And call my longing soul to sing Sublimer anthems near thy throne. 38 . 8, 8, 6. J. Lawson, “ And I sate another Angel Jly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel." Rev. xiv. 6. 1. THROUGH the dark clouds that roll’d on high Soaring, the Angel of the sky. Pursued his solemn way. Bright was his track ; the gloomy night Fled back to hell, and holy light Blushed into lovely day. THE TRIUMPHS OF JESUS. 39 2. Hark ! the shrill trumpet peals ou high, The cry of war and victory, Ruslnng from cloud to cloud. The fiery hosts of raging Mell Astonish'd heard, and vanquish’d fellj — 1 saw the blasted crowd. 3. Headlong the banner’d multitude. The wrathful Dragon’s hated brood Plung’d from the warring sky. Old Slavery bound in ligliining chains — Corruption with her loathsome stains, In endless ruin lie. 4. Ambition with her scorched crest — Hatred with hot tumultuous breast. And scowling Envy fell : — Black Discord wrangling in his flight. And bloody Power, and howling Spite, Sank to the deeps of Hell. 5. The gospel trump yet louder peals. And beaming light the truth reveals To every land and tongue. Speed, Angel, thy propitious flight ! The Heavens shall sing thy glorious might. And Earth shall join the song ! 39 . C. M. Doddridge. The Christian fVarrior animated and crowned. Rev. ii. 10. 1. HARK! ’tis our heavenly Leader’s voice From his triumphant seat: ’Midst all the war’s tumultuous noise. How powerful and how sweet ! 40 MISSIONARY HYMNS, 2. “ Fight on, my faithful band,” he cries. Nor fear the mortal blow : “ Who first in such a warfare dies "Shall speediest victory know. 3. "I have my day of combat known, "And in the dust was laid; "But thence I mounted to my throne, ",4nd glory crowns my head. 4. "That throne, that glory, you shall share, "My hands the crown shall give; "And you tlie sparkling honours wear, “ While God himself shall live.” 5. Lord, ’tis enough; our bosoms glow \Vith courage and with love : Thy hand shall bear thy soldiers through. And raise their heads above. 6. My soul, while deaths beset me round. Lifts up her ardent eyes. And longs, thro’ some illustrious wound. To rush, and seize the prize. 40 . L. M. Doddridge. Victory orer Satan by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of the testimony of his servants. Itev. xli. II. 1 . SEE the old Dragon from his throne Sink with enormous ruin down ! Banish’d from heaven, and doom’d to dwell Deep in the fiery gloom of hell ! 2. Ye heavens, with all your hosts, rejoice: Ye saints, in consort lend your voice : Approach ypur Lord’s victorious seat. And tread the foe beneaih your feet. THE TRIUMPHS OF JESUS. 41 3. But whence a conquest so divine Gain’d by such feeble hands as mine ? Or, whence can sinful mortals boast O’er Satan and his rebel-host ? 4. ’ Twas from thy blood, thou slaughter’d Lamb, That all our palms and triumphs came ; Thy cross, thy spear, inflicts the stroke. By which the Monster’s head is broke. I 5. Thy faithful word our hope maintains Through all our combat and our pains ; The accents of thy heavenly breath Thy soldiers hear through wounds and death. 6. Triumphant Lamb, in worlds unknown. With transport round thy radiant throne. Thy happy legions, all complete. Shall lay their laurels at thy feet. 41 . L. M. A HYMN OF TRIUMPH. *• Gird tUysu-ord upon thy thigh, O most mighty, witih thy glory and thy majeslij. Psalm xlv. 3. 1. JESUS, immortal King, go on ; The glorious day will soon be won j Thine enemies prepare to flee. And leave a conquer’d world to thee. 2. Gird on thy sword, victorious Chief! The captive sinner’s sole relief : Cast the usurper from his throne ; And make the universe thine own. 3. Thy footsteps, Lord, with joy we trace And mark the conquests of thy grace. Finish the work thou hast begun j And let thy will on earth be done. 42 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4 . Then shall contending’ nations rest. For love shall reign in every breast ; Weapons for war design’d, shall cease Or then, be implements of peace. 5. Hark, how the hosts triumphant sing, “The Lord omnipotent is King!” Let all his saints rejoice at this. The kingdoms of the world are his. THE BIBLE. 42. 0. M. CoWPER. TUe fford, a Light. 1 . WHAT glory gilds the sacred page! Majestic, like the sun. It gives a light to every age— It gives, but borrows none. y. The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat 5 His truths upon the nations rise. They rise, but never set. 3. Let everlasting thanks be thine For such a bright display. As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 4. My soul rejoices to pursue 'I' he steps of him T love ; Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. THE BIBLE. 43, 44 43. 8, 8, 6. Montgomery. T/»e Scriptures, a Guide. 1. WHAT is the world ? — a wildering maze. Where sin hath track’d ten thousand ways. Her victims to ensnare ; All broad, and winding, and aslope, All tempting with perfidious hope. All ending in despair. 2. Millions of pilgrims throng these roads. Bearing their baubles or their loads Down to eternal night : One humble path, that never bends. Narrow, and rough, and steep, ascends From darkness into light. 3. Is there a Guide to shew that path ? The Bible ! — He alone who hath The Bible, need not stray j Yet he who hatJi, and will not give That heavenly Guide to all that live. Himself shall lose the way. 44. L. M. Watts. The power of the Gospel. 1, THIS is the word of truth and love. Sent to the nations from above j Jehovah here resolves to shew What his Almighty grace can do. 2, This remedy did wisdom find. To heal diseases of the mind ; This sovereign balm, whose virtues can Restore the ruin’d creature man. 3, The gospel bids the dead revive ; Sinners obey the voice and live j 45 MISSIONARY HYMNS. Dry bones are raised, and cloth’ d afresh, And hearts of stone are turned to flesh, 4 . [Where Satan reign’d in shades of night. The gospel strikes a heavenly light j Our lusts its wondrous power controuls. And calms the rage of angry souls. 5. Lions and beasts of savage name Put on the nature of tlie Lamb j While the wide world esteem it strange. Gaze, and admire, and hate the change.] 6. May but this grace my soul renew. Let sinners gaze, and hate me too j The word that saves me doth engage A sure defence from all their rage. 45 . L. M. Watts. The Excellency nf the Scripture!. 1. LET everlasting glories crown Thy head, my Saviour and my Lord ; Thy hands have brought salvation down. And writ the blessings in thy word. 2. [What if we trace the globe around, .^nd search from Britain to Japan, There shall be no religion found So just to God, so safe for man.] 3. In vain the trembling conscience seeks Some solid ground to rest upon ; With long despair the spirit breaks. Till we apply to Christ alone, 4. How well thy blessed truths agree ! How wise and holy thy commands ! Thy promises, how firm they be ! How firm our hope and comfort stands ! THE BIBLE. 46 5. [Not the feign’d fields of heathenish bliss Could raise such pleasures in my mind ; Nor does the Turkish paradise. Pretend to joys so well refin’d.] 6. Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treacherous art, I’d call them vanity and lies. And bind the gospel to my heart. 46. I48th. Makshman. On finishing the Translation of the New Testament into Bengulet. 1. HAIL, precious book divine ! Illumin’d by thy rays. We rise from death and sin. And tune a Saviour’s praise : The shades of error dark as night Vanish before thy radiant light. 2. We bless the God of grace Who hath his word reveal’d. To this bewilder’d race. So long in darkness held ; His love designs; his people pray; His providence prepares the way. 3. Now shall the Hindoos learn The glories of our King ; Nor to blind gooroos turn. Nor idol praises sing ; Diffusing heavenly light around. This book their Shasters shall confoun.l. 4 . Deign, gracious Saviour, deign To smile upon thy word ; Let millions now obtain Salvation from the Lord : Nor let its growing conquests stay. Till earth exult to own its sway. D 47, 48 MISSIONARY HYMNS. ANCIENT PROPHECY. 47 . L. M. Watts. Jews and Gentiles united in the Christian Church. I’saliii »cvii. 1. GOD in his earthly temple lays Foundations for his heavenly praise: He likes the tents of Jacob well, But still in Zion loves to dwell. 2. His mercy visits every house That pays its night and morning vows > But makes a more delightful stay Where Churches meet to praise and pray. 3. What glories were described of old ! What wonders are of Zion told ! Thou city of our God below, Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know. 4. Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew, Shall there begin their lives anew ; Angels and men shall join to sing The hill, where living waters spring. 5. When God makes up his last account Of natives in his holy mount, ’Twill be an honour to appear As one new born, or nourished there. 48. S. M. Doddridge. Simeon's Song and Declaration, Luke ii. 30—35 . 1. OUR eyes salvation see. Prepared by grace divine : How wide its splendours are diffus'd ! How bright its glories shine ' ANCIENT PROPHECY. 49 2. Through distant heathen lands It darts a vivid r ly. And to the realms where Satan reign’d. Imparts celestial day. 3. The Israel of the Lord In Christ their glory boast. And on the honours of his name Their whole salvation trust. 4 . By him shall millions rise To an immortal crown. And millions, who his grace despise, Shall sink in ruin down. 5. Our reck’ning is begun. And on th’ account will go. Till clos’d in everlasting joy. Or never- ending woe. 49 L. M. VoKE. Ptayef far the spread of the gospel animated by prophecy. 1. EXERT thy power, thy rights maintain, Insulted, everlasting King! The influence of thy crown increase. And strangers to thy footstool bring. 2. We long to see that happy time. That dear, expected, blissful day. When countless myriads of our race The second Adam shall obey. 3. Thy prophecies must be fulfill’d, 'I’hough earth and hell should dare j The stone cut from the mountain’s side, Ihough unobserv’d, to empire grows. 50 MISSIONARY HV.MNS. 4. Soon shall the mingled image fall, (Brass, silver, iron, gold, and clay,) And Superstition’s gloomy reign To light and liberty give way. 5. In one vast symphony of praise, Gentile and Jew shall then unite j And infidelity, asham’d. Sink in th’ abyss of endless night. 6. Afric’s emancipated sons Shall join with Europe’s polish’d race. To celebrate, in different tongues. The glories of redeeming grace. 7. From east to west, from north to south, Immanuel’s kingdom must extend ; And every man in every face, Shall meet a brother and a friend. 50 . L. M. VOKE. ]. BEHOLD th’ expected time draw near. The shades disperse, the dawn appear; Behold the wilderness assume. The beauteous tints of Eden’s bloom. 2. Events, with prophecies, conspire To raise our faith, our zeal to fire; The ripening fields, already white. Present an harvest to our sight. 3. The untaught heathen waits to know The joy the gospel will bestow ; The exiled slave waits to receive The freedom Jesus has to give, 4. Come, let us with a grateful heart In the blest labour share a part; Our pray’rs and offerings gladly bring To aid the triumphs of our King. ANCIRNT PROPHECY. 51 5. Let us improve the heavenly gale. Spread to each breeze our hoisted sail, ’Till north and south, and east and west. Shall be as favour’d Britain blest. i 6. Invite the globe to come and j)rove A Saviour’s condescending love. And humbly fall before his feet, Assur’d they shall acceptance meet. 7 . Our hearts exult in songs of praise. That we have seen these latter days. When our Redeemer shall be known. Where Satan long hath held his throne. 8. Where’er his hand hath spread the skies. Sweet incense to his name shall rise ; ‘ And Tyre and Egypt, Greek and Jew,’ By sovereign grace be form’d anew. 51 . L. M. VOKE. Babylun's full predicted. Rev. xiv. 8. 1. PROUD Babylon yet waits her doom j Nor can her tottering palace fall, ’Till some ble.«t messenger arise. The spacious heathen world to call. And see the glorious time approach! Behold the mighty angel fly. The gospel tidings to convey To every land beneath the sky. 3. See the dark tribes of Otaheite, With rapture greet the sacred sound j And taught the Saviour’s precious name. Cast all their idols to the ground. D 3 52 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4 . Behold on both the Indies’ coast. And Africa’s unhappy shore, The unlearn’ d savage press to hear ; And hearing, wonder and adore. h. [See, while the joyful truth is told, “ ’i'hat Jesus left his throne in heaven, “ And suffer’d, died, and rose again, “ That guilty souls might be forgiven (>. See what delight, unfelt before, Beams in his fix’d attentive eye ; And hear him ask, “ For wretched me, “ Did this divine Redeemer die ? 7. “ Ah ! why have ye so long forborne “To tell such welcome news as this! “ Go now, let every sinner hear, “ And share in such exalted bliss.”] 8. Now Babylon, thy hour is come. Thy curs’d foundation shall give way. And thine eternal overthrow The triumphs of the cross display, 52 . L. M. Watts. The fall of Babylon. Rev. xviii. 20, 21. 1. IN Gabriel’s hand a mighty stone Lies, a fair type of Babylon j “Prophets rejoice, and all ye saints, “ God shall avenge your long complaints.” He said, and dreadful as he stood. He sunk the mill-stone in the flood : “Thus terribly shall Babel fall: “ Thus, and no more, be found at all.” ANCIENT PItOPHECy. 53, 54 53 . L. M. Davis. “ A light to lighten the Gentiles, ami the glory of thy people Israel." Luke ii. 32. 1. WHAT though the Gentiles with the Jews, The only way to heaven refuse; God shall dispel the shades of night. And Jesus soon become their light. 2. From the creation’s utmost end. Shall sinners see their dying friend ; And Israel glory in his name. And sing the praises of the Lamb. 3. God has pronounc’d the firm decree. That all to Christ shall bend the knee; And in his own appointed hour. He’ll make them willing by his pow’r. 4 . I'hen let the Church rejoice, and pray. That God would haste the happy day: We hail its dawn, and haste to chase The darkness from the heathen race. 54 . C. M. Gibbons. Increase of the Church promised. 1. FATHER, is not thy promise pledg’d To thine exalted Son, That through the nations of the earth Thy word of life shall run ? 2. “ Ask, and I give the heathen lands “ For thine inheritance. And to the world’s remotest shores “ Thine empire shall advance.” 3. Hast thou not said, the blinded Jews Shall their Redeemer own ; While Gentiles to his standard crowd. And bow before his throne ? 65 MISSIONARY HYMNS 4. When shall th’ untutorM Imliaii tribes, A dark bewidered race. Sit down at our Immanuel’s feet, And learn and feel his grace. 5. Are not all kingdoms, tribes, and tongues. Under th’ expanse of heaven. To the dominion of thy Son, ^V’ithout exemption given ? 6. From east to west, from north to south. Then be his name ador’d ' Europe, with all thy millions, shout Hosannahs to thy Lord ! "" 7. Asia and Africa, resound From shore to shore his fame ; And thou, America, in songs Redeeming love proclaim! 55 . C. M. Davis. Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered. Fsalni l.wiii i. 1. THUS saith the Lord, “ My Son shall reign, “ To earth’s remotest bound j “ I will his holy throne maintain, “ And all his foes confound.” 2. Arise, O God, thy strength display. Stretch out thy conquering sword j O’er ev’ry land tby sceptre sway. And shed thy grace abroad. 3. Now let the Dragon’s empire cease. The shades of night dispel ; Thy prisoners from their chains release. And crush the pow’rs of hell. 4. Soon may the Gentile and the Jew, With one consent submit ; And men of every name and hue. Bow at Emmanuel’s feet. ANCIENT PROPHECY. 56 5. Send forth thy Spirit with thy word, To every tribe and tongue ; Let all the nations praise the Lord, In one delightful song. 56 . S M. D..VIS. “ He must reign, till he hath pvt all enemies under his feet." I Cor. XV. 25. 1. WHA^ though the hosts of hell. And sons of men combine j Our Jesus shall their force repel, .\nd work his own design. 2. His empire must increase. Whatever power oppose ; His prisoners he will release. And triumph o’er his foes. 5 . Forbear, ye fiends, forbear ! Your opposition’s vain; Mighty and numerous though ye are, He holds you in his chain. 4 . Ye rulers of the earth. Be wise, and kiss the Son, Before he send his fury forth; Then you will be undone. 5. Lift up your heads with joy. Ye saints, and shout his praise ; Your foes will shortly cease t’aimoy. And sink with sore amaze. 6. What though the night be dark. The day will shortly dawn ; His gracious dispen.sations mark. And wait the cominj; morn. 57 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 7. A few more hours and then. Our King will speed his way ; Jesus upon his throne shall reign. And earth his laws obey. 57. C. M. Davis. “ From the rising of the sun, even unto the going down of the same, my name shall be great among the Gentiles ; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering; for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts.” Mai. i. 11. 1. THUS saith the Lord, “From east to west, “ I’ll cause my praise to sound ; “ And pray’r to me shall be addrest, “ Wherever men are found. 2. “Gentiles shall glory in my name, “ As well as Jacob’s race ; “ They shall beliold the dying Lamb, “ And his dear cross embrace ! 3. “ The savour of his dying groan, “ Like incense shall arise j “ That shall be pleaded at my throne, “By all below the skies. 4 . “ I’ll own the merits of his death, “ They sha’nt be nam’d in vain ; “ Whoever looks to him by faith, “ Shall endless life obtain.” 5. Fulfil t' y promise, O our God, And glorify thy Son ; Sprinkle the nations with his blood. And then their offerings own. ANCIENT PROPHECY. 58 , 59 58. c. M. E. White. Isaiah ii. 3. 1. IN the last days, the prophet cries. What bliss the Church awaits ! Zion above the hills shall rise. And nations throng her gates. 2. Their numerous tribes shall go and say, “ Come haste to Zion’s hill ; “ God will instruct us in his way, “ And we his laws fulfil.” 3. From Zion shall his gospel sound. And fly the nations o’er ; Men shall their swords to ploughshares turn. And practise war no more. 4. The lofty looks of men shall fall. Their haughty strength give way ; And God supreme shall govern all In that auspicious day. 5. Enter the Rock, elude his frown. Ye worms of human birth j For God in majesty comes down To shake the guilty earth. 6. The idols crumble into dust. Where Israel’s God is known ; Cease ye from man, delight and trust In Him, the Lord alone ! 59- L- M. Davis. “ The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as tht waters cover the sea.” Isaiah xi. 9. 1. LONG have our eyes beheld with pain. The vast extent of Satan’s reign ; But his dominion must decrease. And all adore the Prince of Peace. 60 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 9 ,. Let Zion hear her Lord’s decree ; " Like as the waters fill the sea, “ And cover all their spacious bed, “ So shall my saving knowledge spread. 3. The welcome tidings of my grace, “ Shall be revealed in every place ; “ And every heart, and every voice, “ In my salvation shall rejoice.” 4 . Then let us labour to extend The knowledge of our Saviour-friend ; The means are ours, the duty plain. Nor can our efforts be in vain. 60 . C. M. Davis. “.41/ shall know me, from the least to the greatest." Heb. viii. 11. 1. LIFT up your eyes, ye saints, and see How white the fields appear j Th’ accomplishment of God’s decree Is surely drawing near. 2. The veil must shortly be remov’d. That now o’erspreads the mind ; And the Redeemer known and lov’d. And serv’d by all mankind. 3. The rich, the poor, the old, the young. The civiliz’d ^nd rude. Of every clime, and every tongue. Shall be by grace renew’d. 4. Idolatry shall shortly cease. And superstition fall ; And Jesus and his righteousness Become the theme of all. ENCOURAGEMENT TO ZION, 61,62 61 . L. M, Watts. Kinsdnmif Chtisl. Psalm cx. 1. THUS t!.e Eternal Father spake To Christ tlie Son, “ Ascend and sit “ At niy rL^ht liand, till I shall make “ Thy foes subiiiissiv e at thy feet. 2. “ From Zion shall thy word proceed ; “ Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand, “ Shall make the hearts of rebels bleed, “ And bow their wills to thy command. S. “ That day shall shew thy power is great, “ A^'hen saints shall flock with willing minds, “ And sinners crowd thy temple gate, “ Where holiness in beauty shines.” 4. O blessed power ! O glorious day ! What a large victory shall ensue ! And converts, who thy grace obey. Exceed the drops of morning dew. ENCOURAGEMExNr TO ZION. 62. 148th. Doddridge. Isaiah lx. i, 1. O ZION, tune thy voice. And raise thy hands on high ; Tell all the earth thy joys. And boast salvation nigh. Cheerful in Go I, Arise and shine. While rays divine Stream all abroad. E 63 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. He jrilds thy mourning face With beams that cannot fade ; Ilis all-resplendent grace He pours around thy head j The nations round Thy form shall view. With lustre new Divinely crown’d. 3. In honour to his name Reflect that sacred light ; And loud that grace proclaim. Which makes thy darkness bright Pursue his praise. Till sovereign love In worlds above The glory raise. 4 There on his holy hill A brighter sun shall rise. And with his radiance fill Those fairer, purer skies j While round his throne Ten thousand stars In nobler spheres His influence own. 63 . L. M. Isaiah lx. I. J. RISE, Zion, shine; with borrow’d rays. Bright in reflected lustre shine ; Thy light is come, the sun of grace Appears in majesty divine. 2) Jesus, that uncreated sun. Is risen, on his Church to stay. To make through thee his glory known. The glory of eternal day. ENCOURAGEMENT TO ZION. 61 3. While nations unenlighten’d lie. With darkness palpable o’erspread. On thee the day-spring from on high. The Lord his brightest beams shall shed. 4 . Stampt with the sacred character. His praise thou shalt display below. And putting on thy Saviour here, Jehovah’s glorious image shew. 64 . C. M. Watts. Psalm cii. 1. LET Zion and her sons rejoiee ; Behold the promised hour j Her God hath heard her mourning voice. And eomes t’exalt his power. 2. Her dust and ruins that remain. Are precious in our eyes j Those ruins shall be built again. And all that dust shall rise. 3. The Lord will raise Jerusalem, And stand in glory there j Nations shall bow before his name. And kings attend with fear. 4. He sits a sovereign on his throne. With pity in his eyes; He hears the dying prisoner’s groan. And sees their sighs arise. 5. He frees the souls condemn’d to death ; And when his saints complain, ’Twill not be said, “ that praying breath “ Was ever spent in vain.” E 2 65 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 6. This shall be known when we are dead. And left on 1 ng record. That ages yet unborn may read, And trust and praise the Lord. 65. 8, 7, 4. Kelly. Isaiah lii. 7. 1. ON the mountain’s top appearing, Lo, the sacred herald stands } Welcome news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile lands : Mourning captive ! God himself will loose thy bands. 2. Has thy night been long and mournful. All thy friends unfaithful proved ? Have thy foes been proud and scornful. By thy sighs and tears unmoved ? Cease thy mourning Zion still is well belov’iiT S. God, thy God, will now restore thee ! He himself appears thy friend ; All thy foes shall flee before thee. Here their boasts and triumphs end. Great deliverance Zion’s King vouchsafes to send. 4. Enemies no more shall trouble. All thy warfare now is past. For thy shame thou shalt have double. Days of peace are come at last j All thy conflicts End in everlasting rest. ENC<;UKAGEMK>rr TO ZION. 6(),67 66. L- Isaiah lx, 8. 1. WHO, what are these, that as a cloud Swiftly divide the darken’d sky, Like flocking doves, a countless crowd. Like doves which to their windows fly ? Weary of wandering after rest, Lo, to the ark, the Church, they come ; And housing in their Saviour’s breast. Haste by a heavenly instinct home. 3, Surely for Christ the isles shall wait. And ships shall bring thy sons from far ; They come from their dispersed estate. With all they have and all they are. 4 Jesus thy Lord, the Holy One Of Israel, for their God they claim. Who makes in thee his mercy known. His image, and his glorious name. 6^. S. M. W'atts. Isaiah Ui. 7. 1. HOW beauteous are their feet. Who stand on Zion’s hill ! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal. 2. How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are ! “ Zion, behold thy Saviour King, “ He reigns and triumphs here.” 3 How happy are our ears. That hear the joyful sound. Which kings and proj)hets waited for. And sought, but never found. £ 3 68 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4. How blessed are our eyes. That see this heavenly light ; Prophets and kings desir’d it long, But died without the sight. 5. The watchmen join their \ oice. And tuneful notes employ 3 Jerusalem breaks forth in songs. And deserts learn the joy. 6. The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad j Let every nation now behold. Their Saviour and their God. 68. 8, 8, 7. “ For the house which I um about to build ahull be teondeijul great.” 2 Chron. ii. 9. 1. BEHOLD the Temple of the Lord ! The work of God, by man abhorr’d, Ap])earing fair and splendid 5 It lifts its head in spite of foes. And though a hostile world oppose. The work will yet be ended. 2. A building this not made with hands : On firm foundations, lo ! it stands. For God himself hath laid them : The workmanship of God alone 3 The rich materials all his own, ’Twas he himself that made them, 3. He builds it for his glory’s sake 3 Its solid frame no force can shake. However men despise it 3 And time, that other works destroys, 'Gainst this in vain its power emj)loys. The work of God defies it. ENCOURAGEMENT U> ZION. (> 9 , 7 •I From age to age his work goes on : The stones collected one by one : Ere long it will be finish’d : And wlien he works his grand design, The Temple will for ever shine \A'ith lustre undiminish’d. 69 . L. M. I>AVis. “ I will mrtke thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many genera- tions." Isaiah lx. la. 1. LET Zion triumph in her King, And of his royal splendour sing j Let her proclaim her Saviour’s worth. To all tlie nations of the earth. 2. His throne shall stand, ’tis God’s decree. More settled than the mountains be ; The knowledge of the Lord must spread. Till all acknowledge Christ their head. 3. Gentiles of every name and tongue. And Jews, shall make his grace their song j Their enmity shall shortly cease, And earth adore the Prince of Peace. 4 Wherever Adam’s race is found. The Mediator’s praise shall sound; The heathen world his grace shall shew. For all shall know and love him too. 70 . 8 , 7 . Glorious things spoken of Zion. 1. GLORIOUS things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God ; He, whose word cannot be broken. Form’d thee for his own abode : 70 MISSIONARY HYMNS. On the Rock of As^es founded, W-hat can shake thy sure repose } With salvation’s walls surrounded. Thou may’st smile at all thy foes. 2. See, the streams of living waters. Springing from eternal love. Well supply thy sons and daughters. And all fear of want remove : Who can faint, while such a river Ever flows thy thirst t’assuage ? Grace, which, like the Lord, the giver. Never fails from age to age. 3. Round each habitation hovering, See the cloud and fire appear ! For a glory and a covering. Shewing that the Lord is near. Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day. Safe they feed upon the manna Which he gives them when they pray. 4. Blest inhabitants of Zion, Wash’d in the Redeemer’s blood ! Jesus, whom their souls rely on. Makes them kings and priests to God ’Tis his love his people raises, Over self to reign as kings ; And as priests, his solemn praises Each for a thank-offering brings. 5. Saviour, if of Zion’s city I through grace a member am ; Let the wo*ld deride or pity, I will glory in thy name : Fading is the worldling’s pleasure. All his boasted pomp and show ! Solid joys and lasting treasure None but Zion’s children know. ENCOURAGEMENT TO ZION. 71,72 71 . L. M. C. Wesley. Isaiah Ixii. i — 3. ]. FOR Zion’s sake I will not cease I n agony of prayer to cry j No, never will I hold my peace, ’Till God proclaim salvation nigh : 2. Worthy in her great Saviour's w'orth Till Zion doth illustrious shine. And as a burning lamp goes forth The blaze of righteousness divine. 3. Thy righteousness the world shall see. And Gentiles on thy beauty gaze. And all the kings of earth agree In wondering at thy glorious grace. 4. Thy glorious grace what tono-ue can tell ? The Lord shall a new name impart, Th’ unutterable name reveal. And write it on his people’s heart. 3. Zion, for thee thy God shall care. And claim thee as his just reward ; Thee for his crown of glory wear, The Royal Diadem of thy Lord. 72. L- M. Isaiah lx. 1. 1. ZION, look round with joyful eyes. On all the gathering nations gaze ; Behold with one consent they rise. And flock, and flow to thy embrace ! 2. Thy countless sons and daughters see 5 They come from far with duteous speed. Come to be nurs’d, and fed by thee. With milk sincere and living bread. 73 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 3. For hosts and fleets to thee resign The fulness of the lands and floods. And earth, and sea, and all is thine. And thou art Christ’s, as Christ is God’s. 73 . P. M. Kelly. “ Tiun thou shall say in thiae hia’t. Who h tth begotten me these Isaiah xlix. 21. 1. " GIVE us room that we may dwell,” Zion’s children cry aloud : See their numbers how they swell, How they gather like a cloud ; Go and tell the joyful story : ’Tis the day of Zion’s glory. 2. O how bright the morning seems ! Brighter from so dark a night : Zion is like one that dreams. Fill’d with wonder and delight : Zion’s night of grief is ended : Zion of her God befriended. 3, Zion now arise and shine ; Lo ! thy light from Heaven is come : These that crowd from far are thine ; Give thy sons and daughters room : Sorrow fiom thy cup is taken : Thou shalt be no more forsaken. 4. Lo ! thy sun goes down no more ; God himself will be thy light ; All that caused thee grief before, Buried lies in endless night. Earthly pomp is short and wasting j Thine is glory everlasting. RSSTORATION OF THE JEWS. 74,73 RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 74. C. M. Kelly. “ liy u'hnm shall Jacob arise? ’ Amos vii. 2. 1. ‘‘BY whom shall Jacob now arise?” For Jacob’s friends are few: And, (what should fill us with surprize,) They seem divided too. 2. “ By wliom shall Jacob now arise ?” For Jacob’s foes are strong, I read their triumph in their eyes. They think he’ll fall ere long. 3. “ By whom shall Jacob now arise ?” Can any tell by whom ? Say, shall this branch that wither’d lies. Again revive and bloom ? 4. Lord, thou canst tell — the work is thine, 'J'he help of man is vain ; On Jacob now arise and shine. And he shall live again. 75 . C. M. E. T. 1. FOUNTAIN of truth, and grace, and power. Thy word can ne’er decay j But firmly fix’d, shall still endure. When worlds are passed away. , 2. O smile propitious, while we dare The promises to plead. Which thy own sacred pages bear To faithful Abram's seed. MISStONARY HYMNS, 70,77 3. H<^st thou far off thy people cast, For ever to remain ? Will thou not. Lord, return at last, .And visit them again ? 4. Yes, thou hast pass’d thy royal word, Ncr canst thyself deny. That Jacob’s race shall be restored. To favour and to joy. 5. Hasten, O Lord, the happv hour ^Vhen this shall be fulfilled ; And thy dear Son with mighty pow’r. To Israel be reveal’d. 6. Then Jew and Gentile shall combine Emanuel’s name to praise; And sound his mercy all divine Through everlasting days! 76. S, 8, G. 1, THE promise we for Israel plead ; Oh, that the once- beloved seed Back to their Lord might come ! Now bid them look on thee and mourn Where’er disj)ers’d, collect and turn. And bring thy wanderers home. 2. To Jews the gospel faith impart, And pastors after thy own heart. Thine ancient flock to feed With knowledge of the Crucified, The Lord who by their malice died. And suffered in their stead. 77 . 8s. Bishop. 1. YE children of Abram, be wise ; Come, hear the glad tidings of peace : RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. 78 That Jesus whom now ye despise Is able to sign your release; And can you yet longer refuse ? And will you contend against God ? Beware. O ye obstinate Jews, Lest vengeance should speak from his blood. 2. But through the dark cloud that appears, We see a bright morning draw nigh ; A few revolutions of spheres. And Christ shall descend from on high. We see him his banners erect. And all of you flock to his arms : With pleasure we daily reflect AV^hat raptures will flow from his charms. 3. Then Gentile and Jew shall be one; One shepherd shall guide us along, — We’ll join in surrounding the throne. And burst into one common song ! AVith angels unitedly sing His honours, who saves us with blood ; AV’hile heaven’s high arches shall ring AA'ith praises eternal to God! 78. L. M. A'oke. 1. AA-'HO, mightiest Lord, to Israel’s eyes Shall bid the wish’d salvation rise ; From Zion’s hill it’s healin;? ray Extend, and round them pour the day? 2. Hail ! fairer than the sons of men ! Grace on thy lips, and beauty reign. That speak '1 hee honour’d from above ; Ihou, thou shalt bless the world with love. 3 . Hail, Thou whom nations own their Lord ; Gird on thy thigh thy glittering sword, F 79, 80 MISSIONABY HYMNS. By mercy, truth, and justice led. Bide glorious on, thy conquests spread. 4. When Thou thy captives shalt restore. Thy praise shall sound through Judah's shore ; And ceaseless shouts, through heav’ns wide frame Loud echoing, Jacob's joy proclaim. 79 . 112th. Merrick. Psalm xliv. 23, 24. 1. ARISE, Eternal God, arise! Why sits this slumber on thine eyes ? Awake ! nor from thy care e.xpel. Thy once regarded Israel ; Say why from their afflicted race. Why veils th’ impervijus cloud thy face ? 2. O tell us why thine ear denies To hear thy captive people’s cries. As sunk with sorrow’s weight they bend. And prostrate in the dust descend ? Arise, thy saving power disclose. And heal with pitying hand their wees ! 80 . P. M. Merrick. Psalm Ixvii. 1. MAY God his favouring ear incline. And bid his face on Israel shine. That all thy counsels. Lord, may know. Where earth extends, or oceans flow. And, thankful, to their wondering eyes Behold thy wish’d salvation rise. To Thee, of life th’ eternal spring, Invisible, almighty king. One chorus let the nations raise. One shout of universal praise. RKSfORATION OF THE JK\AS. 81 2. Ye distant realms, your voice employ 111 songs of gratitude and joy ; Exult each tribe, exult each land ; Heaven’s mighty Lord with equal hand The balance holds, and earth’s domain Shall own to latest age his reign. To Thee of life, &c. 3. So warm’d by genial suns, the field Witli full encrease it’s fruit shall yield, And God, thy God, O Israel, shed His choicest blessings on thy head : God shall on us his blessings show’r. And man’s whole race revere his power. To I'hee of life, &c. 81. L. M. Merrick. Psalm Ixxxv. 1. ARISE, Great God, and let thy grace Its beams effuse on Jacob's race ; Restore the long lost scattered band. And call them to their native land. 2. Their misery let thy mercy heal. Their trespass hide, their pardon seal ; Check in mid course thy dreadful ire. And bid its kindling flames expire. 3. O grant them still thy love to share ; Incline thine ear, accept our prayer j Cleanse them from unbelief and sin. And gather too the Gentiles in. 4. How long shall Jacob's offspring prove The sad suspension of thy love ? Say, shall thy wrath perpetual burn ? And wilt thou ne’er, appeas’d, return ? f2 82 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 5. Thy quickening Spirit now impart. And wake to joy each grateful heart. While Israel’s rescued tribes in Thee Their bliss and full salvation see ! 6. No longer, heavenly Sire, delay ; Thy wonted mercy now display. And let thy all-disposing will Thy people’s stedfast hope fulfil. 82 . 112th. Wesley. Rom. xi. 1 , 2. 25, 26. 1. J'ATHER of faithful Abram, hear Our earnest suit for Abram’s seed j Justly they claim the softest prayer From us adopted in their stead. Who mercy through their fall obtain. And Christ by their rejection gain. 2. Outcast from thee, and scattered wide Through every nation under heaven. Blaspheming whom they crucified. Unsav’d, unpity’d, unforgiven ; Branded like Cain, they bear their load, Abhorr’d of men, and curs’d of God. 3. But hast thou finally forsook. For ever cast thy own away ? Wilt thou not bid the murderers look On him they pierced, and weep, and pray ? Yes, gracious Lord, thy word is past j " All Israel shall be sav’d at last.” 4. Come then, thou great Deliverer, come } The veil from Jacob’s heart remove j Receive thy ancient people home. That, quickened by thy dying love. The world may their reception view. And shout to God the glory due. RESTORATION OK THE JEWS. 83, 84 83. L.M. Yoke. il. SHEPHERD of Israel, thou didst lead Thy closen flock the desert through, i And from between the Cherubim i Thy mercy and thy favour shew. js. And though their sins provoked thee oft, ' To give them to their foes a prey. Yet didst thou for thy mercies’ sake I As often turn tliy wrath away. !3. But ah ! they fill’d the me.asure up i Of all their aggravated guilt, ! When on the hill of Calvary The blood of thine own Son they spilt. 4. And now for ages they have been Cast out and banish’d from thy sight. Wandering through all the earth, as those In whom thou hast no more delight. 5. Yet is thy word of promise sure. That they shall be a?ain restor’d. And with the Gentile Church unite To worship and to serve the Lord. 6. Our faith in expectation waits. To see that glorious morning rise, O bid the shadows flee a^vay, And satisfy our longing eyes. 84. L. M. Yoke. Jews received into the Christian Clutrch. 1. JESUS ! the triumphs of thy cross With holy wonder we proclaim. And join with the celestial host In loud hosannahs to thy name. f3 85 MISSIOKARY HYMNS. 2. Thy prayer was heard, “ Father forgive, “ The murderers know not what they do And we in this far distant day. It’s blest effects with rapture view. 3. We see the seed of Abraham come. Trophies of thy victorious grace; lo worship at thy sacred feet. With sinners of the Gentile race. 4. No longer now in unbelief. They’re grafted into their own tree ; And if the first fruits precious are. What shall the future harvest be? 5. Our faith takes wing, and hails the day Af'^hen they shall all be gather’d in ; When thou wilt turn thy wrath away. And freely pardon all their sin : 6. When Zion shall be built again. And all the earth thy glory see. And every nation thou has made Pay their glad homage. Lord, to thee. 85 . S. M. 1. MESSIAH, full of grace Redeem’d by thee we plead. The promise made to Abraham’s race. To souls for ages dead. 2. Their whiten’d bones dried up, ' Throughout the vale appear. Cut off and lost their last faint hope To see thy kingdom here. RESTORATION OP THE JEWS. 86 , 87 3, Open their graves and bring Tlie outcasts forth to own, Thou art their Lord, their God, their King, Their true Anointed One. 4 To save the race forlorn. Thy glorious arm display. And shew the world a nation born ; A nation in a day. 86. s. M. 1. LORD, send thy servants forth, To call the Hebrews home ; From east, and west, and south, and north. Let all the wanderers come. 2. Where’er in lands unknown The fugitives remain. Bid every creature help them on. The holy mount to gain. 3. An offering to their Lord, There let them all be seen. Sprinkled with water and with blood. In soul and body clean. 4. With Israel’s myriads seal’d. Let all the nations meet And shew the mystery fulfill’d. The family complete. 87^. L. M. Davis. “ O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light qf the Lord ” Isaiah ii. 5. 1, COME all ye tribes of Jacob’s race. And listen to your Saviour’s voice. No longer put away the grace. That makes the Gentile world rejoice. 87 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. What can ye look or wish for more. Than .Tesus has perform’d for you ; Tlie prophecies that went before. Have been fulfill’d and clearly too. S. His name is great through all the earth. His empire’s large beyond degree ; Nations of every clime and birth. Confess his right, and bend the knee. 4. The men that love the law of God, Are all enamour’d with his charms j And find a virtue in his blood. That sin, and death, and hell disarms. 5 . There’s no salvation out of Christ, All other confidence is vain ; There’s no acceptance with the High’st, But through the great sin-offering slain. 6. O search your prophecies and see. Embrace the hope your law reveals. Your fathers lov’d his name, and ye Shall share the grace that in him dwells. 7. Lord ! rend the veil from off their eyes. Dispel the gloomy shades of night j Thou lovely star of Jacob rise, And let his children see thy light. UNION AMONGST CHRISTIANS. 88, 8P UNION AMONGST CHRISTIANS. 88. L M. Arguments for Christian Union. 1, NOW by the mercies of my God. His sharp distress, his sore complaints. By his last groans, his dying blood, I charge my soul to love the saints. Clamour, and wrath, and war be gone. Envy and spite for ever cease j Let bitter words no more be known Amongst the saints, the sons of peace. 3. The Spirit, like a peaceful dove, Flies from the realms of noise and strife; Why should we vex and grieve his love. Who seals our souls to heavenly life. 4 . Tender and kind be all our thoughts. Through all our lives let mercy run ; So God forgives our numerous faults For the dear sake of Christ his Son. 89. C. M. Doddridge. 1. HAIL! everlasting Prince of Peace; Hail ! Governor divine ! How gracious is thy .sceptre’s sway. What gentle laws are thine ! 2. Thy tender heart with love o’erflow’d. Love spoke in every breath ; Vigorous it reign’d through all thy life. And triumphed in thy death. 90 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 3. All these united charms how strong, Our frozen souls to move ! And this the proof of love to thee, That we each other love. 4 . O be the sacred law fulfill’d In every act and thought ; Each angry passion far remov’d. Each selfisli view forgot. 5. Be all our hearts dilated wide. By our Redeemer’s grace : And in one grasp of fervent love. All earth and heaven embrace. 90 . C. M. 1, GIVER of concord. Prince of Peace, Meek, lowly Son of God, Bid our unruly passions cease. And quench them with thy blood. y. O let thy love our hearts constrain, Jesus the crucify’d j What hast thou done our hearts to gain Languished, and groan’d, and died ! 3. Who would not now pursue the way Where Jesus’ footsteps shine ? Who would not own the pleasing sway Of charity divine ? 4. O let us find the ancient w'ay Our wondering foes to move ; And force the heathen world to say, ” See how these Christians love !” UNION AMONGST CHRISTIANS. 91 1)1 . P. M. Nil '• Hare we not all one Father ?" Mai ii. 10. 1. ONE God and one Father vve own, All sprung from the same common stock ; We acknowledge one Saviour alone. Who laid down his life for his flock. No ties upon earth can be found So tender, endearing, and strong. As those with which brethren are bound, \A'ho to the Redeemer belong. 2. His blood their full ransom has paid. Their trust is alone in his name. United in Him as their head. Their hopes and their joys are the same. May we all of his spirit partake. That our interest in him we may prove. And abound, for the Saviour’s dear sake. In gentleness, meekness, and love. Be that bigotry far from our breast. Which would brother from brother divide ; Which by blind party-zeal is caress’d, The offspring of Folly and Pride. Names, parties, and sects, disappear. With their separate interests and laws ; No name but of Christ would we hear. No interest but that of his cause. 4 . O! how do we long for the hour When each nation, and kingdom, and tribe. Salvation, and glory, and pow’r. Shall to the Redeemer ascribe ! Those predictions, dear Jesus, fulfil ; Erect and establish thy throne In each sinner’s heart, that thy will May on earth, as in heaven, be done ! 92, 93 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 92 S.M. Beddomk. Christian Lore. Gal. iii, 28. 1. LET party names no more The Christian world o’erspread ; Gentile and Jew, and bond and free. Are one in Christ their head. 2. Among the saints on earth. Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance. With mutual blessings crown’d. 3. Let Envy, child of hell ! Be banish’d far away ; Those should in strictest friendship dwell Who the same Lord obey. 4 . Thus will the church below Resemble that above; Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And every heart is love. 1 HOW sweet, how heavenly is the sight When those that love the Lord, |In one another’s peace delight, Aud so fulfil his word ! 2 . When each can feel his brother sigh. And with him bear a part : When sorrow flows from eye to eye, .\nd joy from heart to heart. 3. When free from envy, scorn, and pride. Our wishes all above. Each can his brother’s failings hide. And shew a brother’s love. 93 C. M. Swain. UNION AMONGST CHllISTIANS. 94 4 . When love, in one delightful stream, Through every bosom flows ; When the calm fire of blest esteem. In every action glows. 5. Love is the golden chain that binds The happy souls above ; And he’s an heir of heaven that finds, His bosom glow with love. 94 . L. M. Montgomert. For Missionaries at their social Prayer- Meetings 1. JESUS ! our best beloved Friend, O di’aw our souls in sweet desire j Jesus ! in love to us descend. Baptize us with thy Spirit’s fire! On thy redeeming name we call. Poor and unworthy though we be ; Pardon and sanctify us all. Let each thy full salvation see. 3 . Our souls and bodies we resign, To fear and follow thy commands ; O take our hearts — our hearts are thine, Accept the service of our hands. 4 . Firm, faithful, watching unto prayer. Our Master’s voice will we obey. Toil in thy vineyard here, and bear The heat and burden of our day. 5. Yet, Lord ! for us a resting place. In heaven — at thy right hand prepare ■, And, till we see thee face to face. Be all our conversation there, G 95,96 MISSIONARY HYMNS, 95. L- M. 1. INDULGENT God of love and pow’r. Be with us at this solemn hour ! Smile on our souls; our plans approve. By which we seek to spread thy love. 2. Let party prejudice be gone. And love unite our hearts in one; Let all we have and are combine. To forward objects so divine. 96. 7, 6, 8. 1 . HAPPY day of union sweet ! O when shall it appear ^ When shall all thy people meet In amity sincere ? Tear each other’s flesh no more. But kindly think and speak the same All express the meek’ning pow’r And spirit of the Lamb ? 2, Visit us, bright Morning Star, And bring the perfect day ! Urg’d by faith’s incessant pray’r. No longer. Lord, delay : Now destroy the envious root. The ground of nature's feuds remove Fill the earth with golden fruit, With ripe millennial love ! Union amongst Christians. 97,98 97. 7 , e, 8 . 1. PRINCE of universal peace. Destroy the enmity : Bid our jars and discords cease, Unite us all in thee ! Cruel as wild beasts we are. Till vanquished by thy mercy’s pow’r ; Men, like wolves, each other tear. And their own flesh devour 2. But if thou pronounce the word That forms our souls again. Love and harmony restor’d Throughout our earth shall reign : When thy wondrous love they feel. The human savages are tame ; Rav’nous wolves and leopards dwell. Together with the lamb. 3. O that now, with pardon blest. We each might each embrace ! Quietly together rest, And feed upon thy grace ! Like our sinless parents live ! Great Shepherd, make thy goodness known: All into thy fold receive. And keep us ever one. 98. Proper Tune. Watts. Fsalm cxxxiii. 1. HOW pleasant ’tis to see Kindred and friends agree ; Each in his proper station move ; And each flilfil his part. With sympathizing heart. In all the cares of life and love 1 g2 99 MISs-IONARV HYMNS. ’Tis like the ointment shed On Aaron’s sacred head. Divinely rich, divinely sweet : The oil through all the room Diffus’d a choice perfume. Ran through his robes and blest his feet. 3. Like fruitful show’rs of rain. That water all the plain. Descending from the neifrhbouring hills ; Such streams of pleasure roll. Through ev’ry friendly soul. Where love like heavenly dew distils. [Repeat the first stanza.] 99 . C. M. Watts. ANOTHER. 1. LO ! what an entertaining sight. Are brethren that agree j Brethren whose cheerful hands unite. In bands of piety. 2. When streams of love from Christ, the spring Descend to every soul. And heavenly peace with balmy wing. Shades and bedews the whole. 3. ’Tis like the oil divinely sweet On .Aaron’s reverend head ; The trickling drops perfumed his feet. And on his garments spread. 4. ’Tis pleasant as the morning dews That fall on Zion’s hill. Where God his mildest glory shews. And makes his grace distil. UNION AMONGST CHRISTIANS. 100, 7s double. 1. COME, and let us sweetly join, Christ to praise in hymns divine j Give we all, with one accord. Glory to our common Lord. Strive we, in affection strive. Let the purer flame revive. Such as in the martyrs glow’d, Dying champions for their God. 2. Sing we then in Jesus’ name. Now as yesterday the same ; Hands, and hearts, and voices raise. Sing as in the ancient days. Christ is now gone up on high. Thither all our wishes fly ; Sits at God’s right hand above. There with him we reign in love. 101. 7s double. 1. PARTNERS of a glorious hope. Lift your hearts and voices up j Jointly let us rise and sing Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King. Monuments of Jesus’ grace. Speak we by our lives Ids praise. Walk in him we have received. Shew we’ve not in vain believed. 2. Let us all our brethren love, laithlully our gifts improve; Carry on the earnest strife. Walk in holiness of life. 102 MISSIONARY HYMNS. Still forget the things behind, Follow Christ in heart and mind ; I'o the mark unwearied press, Seize the crown of righteousness. 102 . s. M. Tsaiali ii. 13. 1. SHEPHEllD of Israel, hear Our supplicating cry j And gather in the souls sincere, That from their brethren fly. 2. Scattered through devious ways. Collect thy feeble flock ; And join, by thine atoning grace, And hide them in the Rock. S. O end the wrangling storm, That keeps us still apart ! The thing impossible perform. And make us of one heart. 4 . One Spirit, and one mind. The same that was in thee ; O may we all again be join’d. In perfect harmony. 5. Jesus, at thy command. We know it shall be done j Ephraim and Judah in thy hand. Like brethren shall be one. 6. One body and one fold. We then shall sweetly prove ; And live in thee, like them of old, A life of hallow’d love. UNION AMONGST CHRISTIANS. 103 103. L. M. A Hymn for Minislrrs unitins: together. 1. BEFORE thy throne, eternal King, Thy ministers their tribute bring ; Their tribute of united praise For heavenly news and peaceful days. 2. We sing the conquests of thy sword. And publish loud thy healing word ; While angels sound thy glorious name. Thy saving grace our lips proclaim. 3. Thy various service we esteem Our sweet employ, our bliss supreme ; And while we feel thy heavenly love. We burn like seraphim above. 4 . Nor seraphs there can ever raise With us an equal song of praise : They are the noblest work of God, But we, the purchase of his blood. 5. Still in thy work would we abound ; Still prune the vine, or plough the ground Thy sheep with wholesome pasture feed. And watch them with unwearied heed. 6. Thou art our Lord, our life, our love. Our care below, our crown above ; Thy praise shall be our best employ. Thy presence our eternal joy. 104. S. M. Amintor. Psalm cii. 13. 14. 1. MY soul, indulge the hope. The happy time draws near. When God will build his Zion up. And teach the world his fear. 105 MISPIONARY HYMNS. 2. For lo, with sweet accord, Her j arring sons have met To spread their wants before the Lord, And mourn her ruin’d state. 3« Scarce one dissenting voice Tlirough all her tribes we hear ; But distant lands with us rejoice. And feel her interests dear. 4 . We see th’ unerring sign. And will not God arise ? He bids his saints their voices join. And must attend their cries. 5. Yes, thus shall Christ be known. And heathen lands shall see. Him stoop to hear the prisoner's groan. Who died to set him free. 105. r*. “ Re. And, Oh ! when heathens bend the knee To call up n thy name. Stretching their willing hands to thee. Dear Lord, remember them ! T. But chiefly when before the throne, , O interceding Lamb, Wrestling thou pleadesl for thine own, O then remember them ! 117. 7s. double. 1. SAVIOUR, King, assume thy power. Thou that art the Conqueror ; Lead thy promis’d glory on, ' Bring the nations to thy throne. Japhet’s isles do bless thy name. Let the West thy worth proclaim ; Wash the Ethiopian clean. In the East new signs be seen. 1. Great the band of those be found. Who proclaim the joyful sound ; Let it to thy Israel come. Let it bring the wanderers home. To the brightness of thy face. Fly in troops the suppliant race j Princes shall adorn the train, Monarchs bow and bless thy reign. 3. When, like lightning through the skies. Will thy latter glory rise ? When shall we behold thy power. When salute the accomplish'd hour ? Quickly, Lord, thy triumphs bring. Tongue^ and kindred wait to sing ; Then shall all the chosen race Shout aloud redeeming grace. II 3 118, 119 MISSIONAHY HYMNS. 118. LM. Christ the Sun of Righteousness. 1 . GREAT Sun of Righteousness, arise, Bless the dark world with heavenly light j Thy pospel makes the simple wise. Thy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 2. Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest, Till through the world thy truth has run : Till Christ has all the nations blest. That see the light, or feel the sun. 3. Thy noblest wonders here we view. In souls renew’d and sins forgiven j O then the heathen world renew. And make thy word their guide to heaven. 119. L M. “ Awake, awake, put on strength. O aim of the Lord.’’ Isaiah li 9. 1 . ARM of the Lord, awake ! awake ! Put on thy strength, the nations shake i And let the world adoring see. Triumphs of mercy wrought by thee. 2. Say to the Heathen, from thy throne, “ I am Jehovah, God alone !” Thy voice their idols shall confound. And cast their altars to the ground. S. No more let human blood be spilt. Vain sacrifice for human guilt ! But to each conscience be applied. The blood that flow’d from Jesus’ side. 4 . Arm of the Lord, thy power extend. Let Mahomet’s impostures end ; Break Superstition’s Papal chain. And the proud scoffer’s rage restrain. PRAYER FOR THE SPREAD OP THE GOSPEL. 5. Let Zion’s time of favour come, O ! bring the tribes of Israel home. And let our wondering eyes behold Gentiles and Jews in Jesus’ fold. 6. Almighty God ! thy grace proclaim. In every clime of every name ! Let adverse powers before thee fall. And crown the Saviour, Lord of All ! 120 . C. M. Fsalm xlv. 3. 1. JESUS, Immortal King, arise! Assume, assert thy sway. Till earth, subdued, its tribute brings. And distant lands obey ! 2. Ride forth, victorious conqueror, ride ! Till all thy foes submit. And all the poweis of hell resign Their trophies at thy feet ! 3 Send forth thy word, and let it fly. This spacious earth around ; Till every soul beneath the sun. Shall hear ” the joyful sound !" 4. O may the great Redeemer’s name. Through every clime be known ; And heathen gods, like Dagon, fall. And Jesus reign alone. 5. From sea to sea, from shore to shore. May Jesus be ador’d ; And earth, with all her millions, shout Hosannas to the Lord. 121, 122 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 121 . L M. R. C. Psalm Ixxii. 19. 1. IN darkness sunk, by sin enchain’d. Behold ! the moral world appears j With awful crimes and vices stain’d, A prey to miseries and tears. 2. Here Afric’s sons, a numerous host. Degraded and untutor’d stand j There Asia’s soft luxuriant coast Enwrapt in Superstition’s band. 3. Shine from on high. Almighty Lord ! On Pagan lands with splendour shine. And let thy powerful saving word Go forth in triumphs all divine. 4. Behold ! thy promise, full of grace. Thy fix’d, immovable decree. That men, of every clime and race. At length thy glory. Lord, shall see. 5. Hear our united earnest prayer. Our inmost soul’s supreme desire. The banner of the cross uprear. With heavenly zeal thy hosts inspire : 6. Till nations, or remote or nigh. On Jesus’ holy name shall call. And join with saints above the sky. To crown the Saviour, Lord of All ! 122. r, 6, 8. Praying for the coming of Chiist's kingdom. Matt. vi. 10. 1. BRING the kingdom. Lord, make haste. Bring on the glorious day ; From the greatest to the least, \V hen all shall own thy sway : PRAYKR FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 123 Then the convert world with grief Shall see the error of their ways, Lay aside their unbelief. And jield to sovereign grace. In thy gospel chariot. Lord, Drive through eartli’s utmost bound. Spread the odour of thy word, 1 hrough all the nations round : Fill the darken’d earth with light Thine own victorious course advance; Take the heathen as the right Of thine inheritance. In our day expose to view 'I he standard of the Lamb; Bid the nations flock thereto. Who never knew thy name : Let them quit the downward road, Compell’d thy gospel to receive. Turn’d from Satan unto God, With one consent believe. 123 . 8, 8, 6. J. S. O FILL us with a seraph’s zeal. With pure affection now to feel For all the heathen race; Thy Spirit’s copious influence pour. In wisdom, knowledge, faith, and power To spread a Saviour’s grace. ^^'ith potent sway, blest Jesus, make Thy entry, and possession take Of all the sea-?irt isles ; Like lightning swift, or wind, or fire. Come thou, ‘of nations the desire,’ And frustrate Satan’s wiles. 124 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 3. Let the foul votaries of sin, Of lust, and blood, and rites unclean, Yield to thy blissfal sway ; Now /bid the world’s wide empire bow. Thy rule to own, for only thou Canst take the curse away. 4. No more let India’s flames arise To immolate the sacrifice. Nor Ganges’ streams devour j But heavenly Truth’s resistless sway Drive error, sin, and death away. To tyrannize no more. 5. Come by thy word, O quickly come ! Come by thy Spirit, and dethrone The ruling power of sin : Let holiness, and faith, and love. Each earthly passion far remove, And rule supreme within. 124 . 7 s. double. E. T. 1. RISE, triumphant Saviour, rise! Now display thy boundless power ; Bid the earth, and seas, and skies. Thy all-glorious name adore. Now thine ancient word fulfil. Through the earth extend thy sway 5 Let the nations know tliy will. Let them all that will obey. 2. Where the pow’rs of darkness still Hold an arbitrary reign, Jesus, now thyself reveal. Bind them with an iron chain : O ! that heathen lands may know Thee, their Saviour, God, and Friend j All to thee for succour flow. All on thee for help depend. PRAYER FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 3. Satan long has fill’d the seat. Thine by dearly-purchas’d right; Make the haughty foe submit, To thy far superior might. Thou, the woman’s conquering seed. Hurl the base usurper down ; Then tiie captives thou hast freed. Shall thy brow with victory crown, 4. Grant thy servants great success. While they wield the gospel sword, All their earnest labours bless. Send thy Spirit with thy word. Soon may Heathens — Hebrews — all. Shout Hosannahs to thy name ; Prostrate at thy footstool fall. Glory render to the Lamb. 125 . L. M. 1. SOVEREIGN of worlds ! display thy power Be this thy Zion’s favour’d hour ; Bid the bright morning star arise. And point the nations to the skies. Set up thy throne where Satan reigns. On Ai'ric’s shore, on India’s plains. On wilds and continents unknown ; And be the universe thy own. 3. Speak ! and the world shall hear thy voice Speak ! and the desert shall rejoice ; Scatter the gloom of heathen night. And bid all nations hail the light. 126, 127 MISSIONARY HYMNS, 126. L. M. Yoke, Psalm ii. 8. ], THY people. Lord, who trust thy word. And wait the ‘■milings of thy face. Assemble round thy mercy seat. And plead the promise of thy grace. 2. ^Ve consecrate these hours to thee. Thy soverei n mercy to intreat j And feel some animating hope. We shall divine acceptance meet. 3. Hast thou not sworn to give thy Son, To be a light to Gentile lands ? To open the benighted eye. And loose fhe wretched prisoner’s bands ? 4. Hast thou not said, from sea to sea His vast dominion shall extend ? That every tongue shall call him Lord, And every knee before him bend ? 5. Now let the happy time appear. The time to favour Zion come ; Send forth thy heralds far and near. To call thy banish’d children home. 127. L. M. A blesiiog on IHissiont and .Visiionaries requested. 1. WHERE’ER the blustering north-wind blow And spreads its frost or fleecy snows j Y'here’er the sun, with quickening ray. Shines all abroad and gives the dayj 2. Where’er the lesser orbs of light Dart forth their beams and gild the night; 1 here may his heralds loud proclaim The Saviour’s love, the Saviour’s name. PRAYER FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 128 3. For work so pleasing, so benign. Lord, grant thy influence divine. Till all ' the spacious globe around’ With raptured songs of praise resound. 128. 7s. double. C. Wesley. Re V. xi. 15. 1. COME, Divine Emmanuel, come. Take possession of thy home j Now thy mercy’s wings expand. Stretch throughout the happy land. Carry on thy victory. Spread thy rule from sea to sea. Call in all the ransom’d race. Save us, save us. Lord, by grace. 2. Take the purchase of thy blood. Bring us to a pardoning God ; Give us eyes to see our day. Hearts the glorious truth t’obey j Ears to hear the gospel sound. Grace doth more than sin abound, God appeased and man forgiven. Peace on earth and joy in heaven. 3. O that every soul might be Totally subdued to Thee ! O tliat all in 'Ihee might know Everlasting life below. Now thy mercy’s wings expand. Stretch throughout the happy land j Take possession of thy home. Come, Divine Emmanuel, come’ i 129, 130 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 129. L- M. CciLYER. For lyjissumary Associations. 1. ASSEMBLED at thy great command. Before thy face, dread King, we stand } The voice that marshall’d every star. Has call’d thy people from afar. 2. Constrain’d by love to Him who died. Thy churches pour th’ o’erflowing tide ; Midst congregated thousands hear ! In all thy ancient pow’r appear! 3. We meet through distant lands to spread The truth for which the martyrs bled ; Along the line — to either pole — The thunder of thy praise to roll. 4. First bow our hearts beneath thy sway j Then give thy growing empire Avay, O’er wastes of sin — o’er fields of blood — 'lill all mankind shall be subdu’d. 5. Our pray’rs assist — accept our praise — Our hopes revive — our courage raise — Our counsels aid — and oh ! impart. The single eye — the faithful heart ! 6. Forth with thy chosen heralds come, Recal the wandering spirit home : From Zion’s mount send forth the sound To spread the spacious earth around. 130. 112th. C. Wesley. “ There shall come a Star out of Jacob." Num. xxiv. 1 1. FORETOLD by the reluctant seer The star is out of Jacob come j The king from Israel did appear. His churches’ foes received their doom. HSAYBR FOR THE SPREAD OK THE GOSPEL. And Christ, our manifested God, Hath Satan with his works destroy’d. 2. Yet come, thou radiant morning star. Again in human darkness shine ; Arise, resplendent from afar. Assert thy royalty divine ; Thy sway o’er all the earth maintain. And now begin thy glorious reign. 3. Smite dow'n the strength of Moab’s pride. The sons of Sheth do thou o’erthrow, (Whate’er the world and Church divide) That every soul its Lord may know. Thee, Jesus, King of Kings adore, ’Till time and death shall be no more. 131 . CM. “ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. Phil. ii. 9. 1. JESUS, the Name high over all In hell, or earth, or sky ! Angels and men before it fall. And devils fear and fly. 2. Jesus, the Name to sinners dear. The Name to sinners given ! It scatters all their guilty fear ; It turns their hell to heaven. 3. Jesus the prisoner’s fetters break s, And bruises Satan’s head ; Pow’r into strengthless souls he speaks. And life into the dead. 4. O that the world might taste and see The riches of his grace : The arms of love that compass me, Would all mankind embrace. i2 ]32 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 5. His only righteousness 1 show, His saving truth proclaim : ’Tis all my business below. To cry , — “ Behold the Lamb !” 6. Happy, if with my latest breath I may but gasp his name ! Preach him to all, and cry in death, “ Behold, behold the Lamb !” 132. 112th. L SUN of unclouded Righteousness, With healing in thy wings arise, A sad, benighted world to bless. Which now in sin and error lies. Wrapt in Egyptian night profound. With chains of hellish darkness bpund. 2. The clouds of the infernal cave. Which half the Christian world o’erspread. Disperse, thou heavenly Light, and save The souls by that Impostor led. Whose Arab hordes, profanely bold. Once quite destroy’d thy Asian fold. 3. O might the blood of sprinkling ery For those who spurn the sprinkl’d blood ; Assert thy glorious Deity ! Stretch out thy arm, thou triune God ; Let all thy Deity confess. Let all receive thy righteousness. 4. Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou Three in One, and One in Three, Resume thy own, for ages lost. Finish the dire apostasy ; Thy universal claim maintain. And Lord of the creation reign ! PRAYER FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 134 133 . 112th, C. Wesley. Num. xxiv. IS. 1. THY kingdom. Lord, we long to see : Thy sceptre o’er the nations shake, (T’erect that final monarchy,) Edom for thy possession take. Take, for thou did’st their ransom find. The purchas’d souls of lost mankind. 2. Now let thy chosen ones appear. And valiantly the truth maintain. O spread thy gracious kingdom here, Fly on the rebel sons of men. Seize them with faith divinely bold. And force the world into thy fold. 134 . 8, 7. Madan’s Collection. ‘ Luke ii. 2.5. L COME, thou long expected Jesus ! Born to set thy people free ; From our fears and sins release us. Let us find our rest in thee : Israel’s strength and consolation, Hope of all the saints thou art ; Dear desire of every nation — Joy of every longing heart. 2. Born, thy people to deliver ; Born a child, and yet a king j • Born to reign in us for ever. Now thy gracious kingdom bring. By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone. By thine all-sufficient merit. Raise us to thy glorious throne. i3 135, 136 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 135 . Ts. double. 1. COME, Desire of Nations, come ! Hasten, Lord, the general doom : Hear the Spirit and the bride. ; Come, and take us to thy side. Thou who hast our place prepar’d. Make us meet for our rev\ard j Then with all thy saints descend ; Then our earthly trials end. 2. Shorten these vindictive days, Mindful of thy chosen race. Who for full redemption groan. Hear us now, and save thine own. Now destroy the man of sin ; Now thine ancient flock bring in ; Fill’d with righteousness divine. Claim a ransom’d world for thine. 3. Plant the heavenly kingdom here. Glorious in the saints appear ; Speak the sacred number seal’d ; Speak the mystery fulfill’d. Take to thee thy royal power ; Reign, when sin shall be no ii:ore ; Reign, when death no more shall be ; Reign, to all eternity. 1. ARISE, in all thy splendour, Lord, Let pow’r attend thy gracious word ; Unveil the beauties of thy face. And shew the glories of thy grace. 136 L. M. Sunk. Isaiah lx. i, 2. PRAYER FORTIIK SPREAD OF TEIE GOSPEL. 137 2 . Diffuse thy light and truth abroad. And be thou known th’ Almighty God 5 Make bare thine arm, thy pow’r display, While truth and grace thy sceptre sway. 3. Send forth thy messengers of peace. Make Satan’s reign and empire cease; Let thy salvation. Lord, be known. That all the world thy pow’r may own. 4. Though darkness the whole world pervades. And men are plunged in dismal shades ; God will arise, at the set time, On Zion, with a light divine. 5. Then nations, with his grace replete. Shall spread their trophies at his feet ; Cloth’d with immortal bliss, to prove. The pow’r and greatness of his love. 6. O may the triumphs of thy grace Abound, while righteousne.'S and peace, In mild and lovely forms display. The glories of the latter day. 137. L M. Guion. TRANSLATED BY COWPEF. J. AH ! reign, wherever man is found. My Lord, beloved and divine ! Then shall my noblest joys abound. When every human heart is thine. 2. A thousand sorrows pierce my soul. To think that all are not thine own : Ah ! be ador’d from pole to pole ; Where is thy zeal? arise! be known, 3. All hearts are cold in every place. Yet earthly good with w'armth pursue ; Dissolve them with a flash of grace. Thaw these of ice, and give us new ! 138 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 138 . 8, 8, 6. SCHUBERTCS. 1. WIDE as the channels of the deep, * Where’er its foaming surges sweep. And lash the sounding shore; Jesus! thy charming name shall spread, Arabs shall crown thy sacred head. And Indian tribes adore. 2. Rise, sun of Righteousness divine. On this benighted world, and shine With beams of heavenly light : Pour on the realms of Pagan sway A plenteous flood of gospel day. And make their prospects bright. 3. Be this the highly favour’d hour, J To humble Babel’s tyrant pow’r. And bid the monster die ; May Rome’s proud tow’rs, and monkish gloom. Her glittering spires, and gilded dome. No more insult the sky. ^ 4. Hasten the time when Turkish slaves. Who plough in chains old Ocean’s waves. Shall w orship at thy throne ; When deserts shall rejoice and sing. And rugged rocks and caverns ring With melody divine. 5. Let every kindred, every race. Bow to the sceptre of thy grace. And own thy gentle sway : On Jewish pride erect thy throne, And reign ador’d, and reign alone, I Exalted in that day. PRAYER KOR THE SPR1«A» OK THE GOSPEL. 139. 148th.' 1. O WHEN shall Zion rise, And all her foes retire, All nations lift their eyes. And after truth aspire ? Let India’s realm Thy gospel hear. Thy truth revere. And bless thy name. 2. When will the idol gods At Jesus’ presence move. And cruelty’s abodes O’erflow with pardoning love ? Let India’s realm, &c. 3 When shall the angel fly. His holy course foretold. In view of every eye The gospel wide unfold ? Let India’s realm, &c. 4 . Lord, let it not be long. Ere comes the happy day. When ev’ry voice and tongue. Shall chant some hallowed lay. Let India’s realm Thy gospel hear. Thy truth revere. And bless thy name. 140. 7S" double. I. SAVIOUR of the world, attend. Hearken to thy people’s moan ; Art thou not the sinner’s Friend > Art thou not their Friend alone? Hougu. 141 MISSIONARY HYMNS. Hear’st thou not the many prayers. Offer’d by the Church to thee ? See’st thou not the thousand tears, Pour’d before thy majesty ? 2. Is it nothing, Lord, to thee. That so many years they’ve cri’d ? Must their suit unanswer’d be. Shall their pray’rs be still deni’d ? Be the captive exile loos’d. Lord, the Jubilee proclaim ! All who liberty refus’d. Let them call upon thy name. 3. Let thy blood of cleansing power. Wide as the creation reach ! Sweetly loud from shore to shore. Thy eternal mercy preach. Lift tliy ensign very high. Let the bloody cross be seen. Let thy scarlet banners fly Glorious in the sight of men. 141 . L. M. Doddridge. A nation born in a day ; or the rayid progress of the gospel desired, Isaiah Ixvi. 8. 1. BEHOLD with pleasing extacy Ihe gospel standard lifted high. That all the nations from afar May in the great salvation share. 2. Why then. Almighty Saviour, why Do wretched souls by millions die. While wide th’infernal tyrant reigns O’er spacious realms in ponderous chains ? 3. And shall he still go on to boast. Thy cross its energy hath lost ? And shall thy servants still complain. Their labours and their tears are vain > PRATER FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 142 4 . Awake, all-conquering arm, awake, And hell’s extensive empire shake ; Assert the honours of thy throne. And call this ruin’d world thy own. 5. Thine all-successful power display j Produce a nation in a day ; For at thy word this barren earth. Shall travail with a general birth. 6. Swift let thy quickening Spirit breathe On these abodes of sin and death ! That breath shall bow ten-thousand minds. Like waving corn before the winds. 7. Scarce can our glowing hearts endure A world, where thou art known no more ; Transform it, Lord, by conquering lovej Or bear us to the realms above. 142 . L. M. “ O that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou loouldsi come down, Isaiah ixiv. ). 1. THE heavens, thou awful God, O rend. And with thy mighty grace descend j Proclaim thy name of great renown. Subdue the world, and wear the crown. 2. Ride in the chariot of thy word. Ride on and prosper, gracious Lord : Forth conquering, and to conquer gp„ And smite a world of rebels low. 5 . Bid thy commission’d saints proclaim. The glories of the Saviour’s name ; Till worlds unborn shall learn to praise. The conquests of almighty grace. 143, 144 MlfS«OT:SIONAI5V HYMNS. All are sinners needing grace, God’s own word has said it ; Go with speed to every place. And unwearied spread it. And may he whose errace it is. Give the word a blessing ; Make the conquered nations his. Every ill redressing. Mav he take the vail away All the earth o’erspreading ; And his mighty power display. All our hopes exceeding. 177. L. M. 1. HEAD of the Church enthron’d on high. Yet present with thy flock below. Thou dost our every want supply. And every gift and grace bestow. 2. Hence, Patriarchs, Priests, and Prophets rose. To Judah’s favour’d land confin’d, ’Till thou didst in our flesh disclose. The light and life of all mankind. 3. Then came thy Spirit’s promis’d hour. And lo ! glad heralds bore the news Of dying love, and rising power. To save the Gentiles with the Jews. 4. We distant followers in their train Would spread the sound from place to place. And see, with holy joy, again Thy servants crowd thy throne of grace. 5. Oh ! may thy Spirit now descend. And warm each heart with love divine : Send whom thou wilt, — thy Gospel send. And call the heathen nations Thine. 177 4 , SPKKAD OF I'llK GOftl’EL. 178, 179 178. L. M. Dk. Collier. The Light of the Gentiles. Luke ii 32 1. THE dawninjj day at length appears. The day foretold by ancient seers ; And over nature’s gloomy night Prevails the morning’s rising light. The nations watch the promis’d ray, Whose blushes kindle into day, ■Vnd see, with eager, anxious eye. Its saffron tint spread o’er the sky. 3. He comes ! He comes ! the Sun appears Eclipsing reason s darkened spheres ! He shines above the eastern hills. And every heart with transport fills. 4 . IVhile India’s sons, adorn’d with gold. The source of light and life behold 3 Releas’d from Superstition’s chains. No bloody rite their altar stains. 5. The sun upon the Persian’s head, His scorching rays no more shall shed : Burning amid unclouded skies. He sees a fairer orb aiise. 6. Behold the nations wait thy light. To scatter their remaining night : To every clime extend thy ray, O source of everlasting day. 179. 115th. “ To proclaim liberty to the cupticts ” Lsaiah Ixi. i. J. NOW let the trumpet’s cheerful sound, Alake known the Avelcome news abroad. And to the world’s remotest bound. Proclaim the Jubilee of God. M 2 180 MISSION ART HYMNS. The day appears, to dry all tears ; The day to break the oppressor’s rod. 2. Ye slaves throughout the world give ear. Ye who have sold yourselves for nought ; In Zion’s sacred gates appear And see what Zion’s King hath wrought. Behold he reigns! He breaks your chain. And sends you liberty unsought. 3 . Come home ye wanderers, now come home. Receive th’ inheritance you sold : The year of Jubilee is come j The year by prophets long foretold : — The truth believe ; the gift receive : ’Tis yours again unbought with gold. 4 . And now let cheerful songs arise. From th’ utmost limits of the earth : The jubilee a theme supplies 3 A Joyful theme of heavenly birth 3 Let songs abound, the world around. The season calls for sacred mirth. 180 . 112th. Kelly. “Let the earth hear.” Isaiah xxxiv. I. 1. O ’TIS a sound should fill the world ! The sound of mercy through the Lamb : Lo, Satan from his seat is hurl’d. Unable to withstand his name ! From heaven like lightning see him fall ! Struck by the arm that conquers all, 2. Lord, give the word ! — and waked by thee. Let many tongues thy victory tell ! That hopeless sinners now may see. That thou hast vanquish’d Death and Hell Sound, sound the joyful truth abroad ! Let sinners now draw nigh to God ! SPREAD OK THE GOSPEL. 181, 182 3. And thou, victorious Lord, all hail ! Immortal honours shade thy brow ! Wlien. Death and Hell thy friends assail, They find in thee a refuge now : Thy name shall furnish them with arms. And free their souls from all alarms. ISl. 148th. Doodridoe. 1. MARK the soft falling dew. And the descending ra^n ! To heaven from whence it fell. It turns not back again j But waters earth, through every pore, •\nd calls forth all her secret store. Array’d in beauteous green The hills and vallies shine. And man and beast are fed By providence divine. The harvest bows its golden ears. The copious seed of future years. 3. So, saith the God of grace. My gospel shall descend. Almighty to efiFect The purpose I intend ; Millions of souls shall feel its power, .\nd bear it down to millions more. 182 . L. M. Davis, “And the Lmd shall be King over all the earth; in that day shall there be vne Lord, and his name one.’ Zeeli. xiv. 9. 1. O ER all the earth the Lamb shall reign. The Lamb that suffered on the tree j The holy blood flow’d not in vain — ’Twill save a world, ’tis God’s decree. M 3 18 :} MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. Poor heathens, who have never heard His name, shall soon be taught his fear j Acknowledge him their rightful Lord, And midst his numerous train appear. 3. Moloch, and Baal, and Jaggernaut, Before the sacred ark must fall ; Their memory shortly be forgot. And Jesus’ name be all in all. 4. O glorious day ! We see the dawn. The holy light spreads far and wide } All nations soon the Lord shall own. And worship him and none beside. 183 . P.M. Kelly, ‘‘ This is a day of good tidings.” 2 Kings vii. 9, 1. SPREAD the news, go spread it wide. Spread the joyful story ; Tell how Jesus lived and died : Spread the victor’s glory. He is now by angels crown'd. He, whom man rejected : Tell to all the nations round. What he has effected. 2. Having heard the joyful news. Let us not conceal it j Rather let his people choose Boldly to reveal it. ’Tis the joyful news when known, Takes away our sadness j This it is, and this alone. Fills the heart with gladness. 3. Let us then with zeal engage In a work so glorious ; Knowing, though the foe should rage. Truth will prove victorious. SPUR \ I) OK rHK GOSPKL. 185 'Tis a cause that must prevail. Let who may desert it ; Since the arm that cannot fiiil, Will with power assert it. 184. LM Cole. “ Beginning at Jerusalem.” Luke xxiv. 47. 1. “ PROCLAIM my gospel,” saith the Lord, “Ye preacliers of my sacred word ; Let every nation hear the theme, Beginning at Jerusalem. 2. Go, let the chief of sinners know, 'J'hat I have blessings to bestow j Proclaim salvation in my name. Beginning at Jerusalem. 3. Where I was treated with disdain, AVhere I was crucified and slain ; There shall my gospel gain esteem. Beginning at Jerusalem. 4. My pardoning love proclaim abroad. And shew the virtue of my blood ; Till time shall end proclaim my grace, To every land, in every place. 5. In yonder world, behold the train. Of sinners saved from endless pain ; Ascribing glory to the Lamb, Within the new Jerusalem.” 185. L. M. Watts. Christ s incarnation. 1. THE Lord is come, the heavens proclaim His birth j the nations learn his name j An unknown star directs the road Of eastern sages to their God. 18G MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. All ye bright armies of the skies. Go, worship where the Saviour lies ' Angels and kings before him bow. Those gods on high and gods below 3. Let idols totter to the ground, And their own worshippers confound : Let Judah shout, let Zion sing. And earth confess her sovereign King. 186. P M. Kelly. “ Thou shall cause the ti umpet of the juhile to sound.'' Lev. xxv. 9. 1. HARK, the solemn trumpet sounding Loud proclainis the Jubilee: ”lis the voice of grace abounding, Grace to sinners, rich and free ; Ye who know the joyful sound. Publish it to all around. 2. Is the name of Jesus precious ? Does his love your spirits cheer } Do you find liim kind and gracious. Still removing doubt and fear ? Think that what he is to you. Such he’ll be to others too. 3. Were you once at awful distance, M'andering from the fold of God ? Could no arm afford assistance. Nothing save hut Jesus’ blood ! Think how many still are found. Strangers to the joyful sound. 4. Brethren, join in supplication. Join to plead before the Lord : 'Tis his arm that brings salvation. He alone can give the word : Father, let thy kingdom come. Bring thy wandering outcasts home. SPREAD OP THE GOSPEL. 187 5. Brethren, let us freely offer; All we have is from above ; Let us give, and act, and suffer; What is this to Jesus’ love? Did he die our souls to save ? Then we’re his and all we have. 6. Hark, the saint’s triumphant chorus ! “ Worthy is the Limb,” they cry : They have gain’d the prize before us; Soon we hope to share their joy ; But while here remember still. They who love him, do his will. 187 . L. M. “ We also believe, therefore speak'’ 2 Cor, iv. 12. 1. ARISE, ye saints, arise and tell The great good news come down from God ; Arise, and with devoted zeal. Convey th’ intelligence abroad. 2. To sit at ease would ill became. The people whom the Lord has bless’d ; Let those who make the world their home. Be silent, and remain at rest. «. But let us rise and speak aloud. And tell the world the things we know : How God the heavens in mercy bow’d. And liv'd a man of grief below. 4 . Shout, for the God who reigns above Was once on earth a man of grief : Ye nations hear it, “ God is love,” And brings a ruin’d world relief. 5. In streams of blood his mercy flows ; The blood of him who bore the cross : Who suffer’d death, and then arose; And lives to plead the sinner’s cause. 188, 189 MISSIONARY HYMNS. O'. Now let the idols fall around. And be the Saviour’s name ador’d : His gospel through the world resound. And all the nations call him Lord. 188. L.M. S. M. B. 1. THOUGH it would yield an angel joy To sound through earth -the Saviour’s name. Mortals are blest with such employ — We may extend Immanuel’s fame. We long to spread the truth around. O’er distant climes where pagans dwell ; And waft afar its peaceful sound To realms enslav’d by death and hell. 3, Great God ! where darkness veils the soul. Impart a bright celestial ray ; Where tyranny usurps control. Asunder break the iron sway. 189. c. M. Watts. Psalm xcviii. part 2. 1. JOY to the world, the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King : Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing. 2. Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns ! Let men their songs employ j While fields, and floods, rocks, hills, and plains. Repeat the sounding joy. 3. No more let sins and sorrows grow. Nor thorns infest the ground. He comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found. SPRKAD OF THE GOSPEL. 190 He rules the world with truth and grace ; And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness. And wonders of his love. 190 . 113th. Watts. Psalm xcvi. LET all the earth their voices raise To sing the choicest psalm of praise. To sing and bless Jehovah’s name : His glory let the heathen know. His wonders to the nations show. And all his saving works proclaim. The heathens know thy glory. Lord : The wond’ring nations read thy word ; In India is Jehovah known : Our worship shall no more be paid To gods which mortal hands have made ; Our maker is our God alone. He fram’d the globe, he built the sky. He made the shining worlds on high. And reigns complete in glory there ; — His beams are majesty and light ; His beauties how divinelv bright ! His temple how divinely fair ! Come the great day, the glorious hour, M hen earth shall feel liis saving power. And barbarous nations fear his name : Then shall the rate of men con, ess, 1 he beauty of his liolincss. And in his courts his grace proclaim. 19], 192 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 191. b,7,4. 1. SEE, ye heirs of sure salvation, Jesus’ most majestic grace. At his final revelation ; While he pompously displays All his glories. All the Godhead in his face. 2. From the mystic volume hearing How his kingdom is restor’d. Look ye for his last appearing : True to his prophetic word, Lo, he cometh ! Go ye forth to meet your Lord. 3. To his royal proclamation Earth’s remotest sons attend. In his state of exaltation. While he doth with clouds descend. Brings the kingdom. Gives the joy that ne’er shall end. 4. Power is all to Jesus given : All thy foes must fall before Thee, great king of earth and heaven. When thou comes t with thy power * Now assume it, Jesus, reign for evermore. 192. L M. Beddome. 1. SHOUT, for the blessed Saviour reigns. Through distant lands his triumphs spread : And sinners, freed from endless pains, Oe\n him their Saviour and their Head. 2. His sons and daughters from afar. Daily at Sion’s gate arrive} 'J'hose who were dead in sin before. By sovereign grace are made alive. SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. J93 3. [Oppressors bow beneath his feet, O’ercome by his victorious power j Princes in humble posture wait. And proud blasphemers learn t’ adore, 4 . Gentiles and Jews his law obey. Nations remote their offering bring ; And, unconstrain’d, their homage pay To their exalted God and King.] 5. O may his conquests still increase. And every foe his power subdue j Wliile angels celebrate his praise. And saints his growing glories shew. 6. Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb, From all below, from all above j In lofty songs exalt his name. In songs as lofty as his love. 193 . IVatts. Christ's first and second coming. Psalm xcvi. 1. SING to the Lord, ye distant lands. Ye tribes of ev’ry tongue; His new discover’d grace demands A new aYid nobler song. 2. Say to the nations, Jesus reigns, God’s own almighty Son ; His power the sinking world sustains. And grace surrounds his throne. 3 Let heaven proclaim the Joyful day, Joy through the earth be seen j Let cities shine in bright array. And Helds in cheerful green. 4. Let an unusual jov surprize The islands of the sea ; Ye mountains sink, ye vallies rise. Prepare the Lord his way, N 194 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 5. Behold, he comes ! he comes to blest The nations as their God ; To show the world his righteousness. And send his truth abroad. 6. But when his voice shall raise the dead. And bid the world draw near. How will the g:uilty nations dread To see their Judge appear ! 194 . 7s double. 1. SEE how great a flame aspires. Kindled by a spark of grace ; Jesus’ love the nations fires. Sets the kingdoms on a blaze. More and more it spreads and grows, Ever mighty to prevail ; Sin’s strongholds it now o’erthrows. Shakes the trembling gates of Hell. 2. Sons of God, your Saviour praise. He the door hath open’d wide ; He hath spoke the word of graces Jesus’ word is glorified. Jesus, mighty to redeem. He alone the work hath wrought ; Worthy is the work of him. Him who spake a world from nought. S. Saw ye not the cloud arise. Little as a human hand ? Now it spreads along the skies. Hangs o’er all the thirsty land ! Lo ! the promise of a show’r Drops already from above ; But the Lord will shortly pour All the Spirit of his love. I SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 195, 196 195 . C. M. A HYMN Fon BKITAIN. 1. SHALL science distant lands explore. Commerce her wealth convey ; Shall sin extend from shore to shore Its desolating sway 2. And shall there not be Christians found, AVho will for Christ appear. To make a stand on heathen ground. And preach salvation there ? 3. Shall Britain to remotest climes Transmit her guilt alone. And not (with her infectious crimes) Make her great Saviour known ? 4. O! may our warm and kindling zeal Burn to a holy flame ; Wide as the world his truth reveal. And all his love proclaim. 5. Great God ! if thou our efforts bless. If thou direct our ways. Then shall the lands which share the grace, Reverberate thy praise. 196 . L. M. Watts. Christ's kingdom among the Gentiles, 1. JESUS shall reign where’er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore. Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2. Behold the islands with their kings, And Europe her best tribute brings ; From north to south the princes meet To pay their homage at his feet. n2 197 MISSIONARY HYMNS, 3. There Persia, glorious to behold. There India sliines in Eastern gold; And barbaious nations at his word Submit, and bow, and own their Lord ! 4. Peo|)le and realms of every tongue. Dwell on his love with sweetest song ; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 5. Blessings abound wliere’er he reigns, 'i’he prisoner leaps to lose his chains ; The weary find eternal rest. And all the sons of want are blest. 6. Where he di.s|)lays his healing power. Death and the curse are known no more : In him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. 7. Let every creature rise, and bring. Peculiar honours to their King ; Angels descend with songs again. And earth repeat the loud. Amen ! 197 . 7 , 4 . “ The Lord hath made bare his holy arm, in the eyes Who besides him. Save from sin’s eternal night ? 2. Lo ! that Lord the Son of God is ; Through him saving blessings flow ; And the sinner that adores him. Will get o’er eternal woe ; Who besides him, Can redeem from endless woe ? EFFECTS OF THE GOSPEL. 203 3. In this world with sin defiled. There is none exempt from blame j He who saves the world excepted — Jesus is the Saviour’s name. Jesus, Jesus, Is the mighty Saviour’s name. 4 . That dear Lord from heaven descended. Rebels to redeem like me : Whosoe’er has faith t’adore him That’s the man that can get free. Who but Jesus, Can set captive sinners free. 5. Him, an holy incarnation, With, and without form, we own As the universal sovereign, — As the way to lieaven alone. Jesus, Jesus, Is the way to heaven alone. 6. Hear, O sons of men, his saying. For his words are very true ; “ Come to me, whoso is thirsty ; “ Livins streams I’ll give to you.” Who besides him, Li%ing streams can give to you ? 7. Having found the friend substantial. Therefore, O my soul, adore ; Saviou.s ! — there are none besides him. Vain ’twill be to seek for more. None but Jesus Can a ruin’d soul restore. 204 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 204. Us- “ What have I to do avy more with Idols?" Hos. xiv. 3. A HYMN FOR A BENGALEE. Writlen in the Bengalee langna;;e by Dr. Carey, and trans- iateii by Mr Fountain into Engli.^b. 1. IN serving vain idols why thus spend my days, Since nought but destruction attends all my tvays ? The Lord of the world did descend from on high — A^'as born in our nature all sin to destroy. 2. Till now my whole soul full of darkness has been, And like other people, I’ve gone on in sin : ith them I was drowning in misery’s deep ; On earth I discovered no way of escape. 3. Seeb, Doorga, and Kalee, could give me no aid ; No Debta nor Debee, no off rings I made. No Brahman, no Yogee, no deed done by me. Nor all these united can set my soul free. 4. These all are quite useless, I’ve found them all vain. But from the Lord Jesus some hope I obtain ; These heav’ns and this earth are the work of his hands ; — He animates all things ; all superintends. My sin and my holiness now are my shame: — My passions, my wishes, my honour, my name ; I now lay all down at ( lirist Jesus’ feet. And trust, though a sinner, I mercy shall get. 6 Ho ! all sinful people, this good news attend. Salvation and righteousness now apprehend ! This, this is the order he now gives to \ou. And then after death you to glory shall go. EFFECTS OF THE GOSPEL. 205, 206 205. 112th. The shipwrecked sinner lookings to Jesus. Hymn composed by Kiiistno. ami sang by the Bengalee con- verts, Translated into Englisb by Mr. Maushman. 1. THE feeble vessel of my soul On li e’s deceitful shallows struck ; The foaming billows o’er it roll. The sails are split, the masts are broke : Yet why, my soul, this anxious fear? Say, why thus sinking in despair? 2. If thou indeed wouldst cut the sand, And heaven-ward urge thy future course. Then hear ! there’s help divine at hand, The shipwrecked sinner’s last resource ; Then why, my soul, this anxious fear ? Say, why thus sinking in despair ? 3. In faith on Jesus loudly call; This instrument thy bark shall move;* Thus let thy vessel floating fall. And swim in boundless seas of love ! Then why, my soul, this anxious fear ? Say, why thus sinking in despair ? 206. lOs, Pope. 1. HARK! a glad voice the lonely desert cheers! Prepare the way ! a God, a God, appears ! A God ! a God ! the vocal hills reply j The rocks proclaim the approaching Deity ! ^ * In Bengal they have a macbiiie, uinrh being fixed on the 4 sand close by the shore, will ihi nst elf a large vessel, by means i of a windlass mined hy several men. To this the allusion is I made in the last siiiiiz.i. O 207 MlbSlONARY HYMNS. 9. The Saviour comes ! by ancient bards foretold Hear him, ye deaf! and all ye blind, behold ! He from thick films shall purge the visual ray. And on the sightless eye-ball pour the day 3. 'Tis he th’ obstructed paths of sound shall clear. And bid new music charm th’ unfolding ear ! The dumb shall sing, the lame his crutch forego. And leap exulting, like the bounding roe ! 4. No sigh, no murmur, the wide world shall hear. From every face he wipes off every tear ! In adamantine chains shall death be bound. And hell’s grim tyrant feel th’ eternal wound. 207^. C. M. Logan. Isaiah Iv, 12, 13. 1. MESSIAH, at thy glad approach. The howling wilds are still j Thy praises fill the lonely waste. And breathe from every hill. 2. The hidden fountains at thy call. Their sacred stores unlock j Loud in the desert, sudden streams Burst living from the rock. 3. The incense of the spring ascends Upon the morning gale; Red o’er the hill the roses bloom. The lilies in the vale, 4. Renew’d, the earth a robe of light, A robe of beauty wears ; And in new heavens a brighter sun. Leads on the promis’d years. 5. The kingdom of Messiah come Appointed times disclose ; And fairer in Emmanuel’s land The new creation glows. EFFECTS OF THE GOSPEL. 208 6. Let Israel to the Prince of Peace The loud hosanna sing ! With hallelujahs, and with hymns, O Zion, hail thy King. 208 . c M. Doudridob. Luke iv. 18, 19. 1. HARK, the glad sound ! the Saviour comes ! The Saviour promis’d long ! Let every heart prepare a throne. And every voice a song. 2. On him the Spirit largely pour’d. Exerts his sacred fire ; Wisdom and might, and zeal and love. His holy breast inspire. S. He comes the prisoner to release. In Satan’s bondage held ; The gates of brass before him burst. The iron fetters yield. 4 . He comes, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray. And on the eyeballs of the blind To pour celestial day. 5. He comes, the broken heart to bind. The bleeding soul to cure. And with the treasures of his grace T’ enrich the humble poor. 6 His silver trumpets publish loud The jubilee of the Lord ; Our debts are all remitted now. Our heritage restor’d. 7, Our glad hosannas. Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heavens eternal arches ring With thy beloved name. o 2 209, 210 MISSION ARV HYMNS. 209 . C. M. 1. O FOR a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer’s praise ! The glories of my God and King, 'I he triumphs of his grace ! 2. My gracious Master and my God, Thy mercy I’ll proclaim. Through all the earth I’ll spread abroad The honours of thy name. 3. Jesus, the name that charms our fears. That bids our sorrows cease : ’Tis music in the sinner’s ears ; ’Tis life, and health, and peace. 4. He speaks ! and, listening to his voice. New life the dead receive ; The mournful, broken hearts rejoice : The humble poor believe. 5. Hear him, ye deaf ! his praise, ye dumb. Your loosened tongues employ ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come. And leap, ye lame, for joy ! 6. Look unto him, ye nations ; own Your God, ye fallen race ; Look ! and be sav’d through faith alone. Be justified by grace ! 210. 148th. Marshmax. On the first Hindoo lenviTig all for Christ’s sake. 1. O GOD of matchless grace ! Thy power and glory shine Before our blushing face. And all appears divine. Our fears are dumb before thy nod ; We cry. Behold the hand of God ! EFFECTS OF THE GOSPEL. 211 2. Let missionaries pray ; Let saints renew their trust ; The idols melt away : Let Brahmans cease to boast : The mighty chain that millions bound, Asunder burst, bestrews the ground. 3 . Dear Saviour ! from above Regard these feeble sheep ; Encircle them with love. Their souls in safety keep ! Let Hindoos speak thy praise aloud. While millions join th’ adoring crowd. 211. P.M. “ And the desert shall rejoice." Isaiah xxxv. !• 1. SEE, the wilderness rejoices! Lately ’twas a barren spot ! Let us raise our thankful voices! Let us own what God hath wrought! Who could think of such a thing! God has made the waste to sing ! 2. Here, where nought but thorns and briers Lately grew and wildly spread, Lo, the cedar now aspires! Lo, the cypress lifts its head ! Lord, we own the work divine! All the glory, Lord, be thine ! 3. See the trees thine hand hath planted. Watch them with a constant care : O let our request be granted ! Make them fruitful, make them fair; Keep, O keep them still in view ! Let them live and flourish too ! o3 212 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4. Further, Lord, ’tis our desire, (Turn not thou away thine ear) Root out every thorn and brier ; In their place let trees appear : Thus from plants injurious freed. Shall the desert smile indeed. ENCOIRAGEMENT TO MIS- SIONARIES. 212. 113th. Doddridge. Christ ever present with his ministeis and churches- Matt, xxviii. 2'.t. 1. WIDE o’er all worlds the Saviour reigns ; Unmov’d his power and love remains ; And on his arm his Church shall rest. Fair Zion, joyful in her King, Through every changing age shall sing. With his perpetual presence blest. 2. Tyrannick Death, in vain thy rage. Thy triumphs new in every age. O’er the first heroes of his host j Conscious of more than mortal aid. Our bleeding hearts are not dismay’d. But an immortal Leader boast. 3. Though buried deep in dust they lie. Whose tuneful voices, rais’d on high. Led the sweet anthems to his name j The children learn the father’s song. And unform’d tongues shall still prolong The ever-present Saviour’s fame. BNCOURAoEMENT TO MISSIONARIES. !2I4 4. The present Saviour, he shall give Millions of future saints to live. And pour on heathen wilds his grace : The present Saviour, lo, he comes To call whole legions from their tombs. And teach their dust sublimer praise. 213. L M. Davis. •' The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." Isai. ix. 7. 1. MAN shall be saved, ’tis God’s decree. Resolved from all eternity ; The great Redeemer shall obtain The sure reward of all his pain. 2. What though the powers of darkness join. And death and hell their force combine. To overthrow the gracious plan. Concerted in behalf of man ! 3. What though his soul be dark as night ! Soon shall he hail the glorious light ; The heavy clouds shall haste away. Before the 'olaze of gospel day. 4. The scoffing Greek, and envious Jew, 'I'he cruel Turk, the dark Hindoo, Shall hear the messages of grace, .\nd the Redeemer’s cross embrace. 5. ’Tis God’s own work, and must prevail. Although the gates of hell assail j Jehovah’s zeal shall well fulfil The solemn purpose of his will, 214. L. M. Uavis. 1 ALL opposition to the reign Of our Redeemer must be vain j 215 MISSIONARY HYMNS. For God hath glorified his Son, And pledged his oath to guard his throne. 2. Then let us all our powers carabine. To forward his declar’d design ; The means are ours, and God will bless Our efforts with d.vine success. 3. Let us observe his mighty hand. And execute his great command ; O, be it our determined aim. To spread the blessings of his name. 215 . L.M. Davis. “ The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.' Isaiah liii. lu. 1. IN vain the hosts of hell combine. To overthrow Jehovah’s planj He must accomplish his design. His gracious purposes for man. 2. Jesus the mediator stands. Supported by his Father’s pow’r ; His pleasure prospers in his hands. And will till time shall be no more. .3 The empire of the cross shall stretch. Through the daik world’s extensive bound Its servants shall its doctrines preach. Wherever sinners can be found. 4. Nor can their labours be in vain. While God ensures divine success ; Satan must fall, and Jesus reign O’er all the earth in righteousness. 5. Ride on and prosper. Prince divine. And make thy saving mercy known ; Perform thy Father’s will and thine. And wear the universal erown. BNCOUHAGEMENT TO MISSIONARIES. 217 216. L- M. double. C. Wesley. “ Lei us go up at once and possess it ; for we are well able lo overcome it.’' Niim. xiii. 30. 1. SILENCE ye unbelieving fears, Who clamorously deny the word ! The promise on our side appears. The power and goodness of our Lord ; Let us go up in Jesus’ name j The heatlien shall to Christ submit. He who for us the world o’ercame. Shall bruise the fiend beneath our feet. 2. Is any thing too hard for God ? Through Jesus we can all things do; Who Satan and his works destroy’d. Shall make us more than conquerors too; Let us at once the land possess. And taste the blessings from above. And see the fruit of pardoning grace. And hail the reign of perfect love ! 2 \ 7 . L. M. C. Wesley. John tv. 35, 3G. 1. LIFT up your eyes, ye sons of light. Ripe autumn paints the scenery ; Look on the fields and see them white. Already white to harvest see. 2. Moved by the Spirit’s softer wind. The sinners to their Saviour turn. Their hearts are all as one inclined. Their hearts are bow'd as waving corn. 3. The Reaper too receives his hire. Fill’d with unutterable peace; But farther still his hopes aspire, ^ ' And labour for eternal blUs, * 218, 219 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4 . The ripest fruit he gathers there. The fulness of his vast reward. Ordain’d the Sower’s joy to share, And reign triumphant with his Lord. 218 . L. M. C. Wesley. Isaiah Ixii, 10 — 12. 1 . GO through the gates, ’tis God commands, Workers with God, the charge obey ; Remove whate’er his work withstands. Prepare, prepare his people’s way. Lift up for all mankind to see The standard of their Saviour-God, And point them to the shameful tree. The cross all stain’d with hallow’d blood. 3. Sion, thy suffering Prince behold. Thy Saviour and salvation too — He comes. He comes, so long foretold, Cloth’d in a vest of bloody hue. 4. Himself prepares his people’s hearts. Breaks and binds up, and wounds and heals A mystic death and life imparts. Empties the full, the emptied fills. 5. He fills whom first he hath prepar’d. With him all needful grace is given ; Himself is here their great reward. Their future and their present heaven. 219 . 8s. Auquis, Isaiali ii. 4 1. SING glory ^ to God the most High, For peace upon earth is begun. Goodwill through the nations shall fly. And men be in brotherhood one. ENCOURAGEMENT TO MISSIONARIES. 220 Oh, now may the season appear. When princes, ambitious no more. Shall banish the sword and the spear, The prune-hook and plough to restore. 2. Great Saviour and Prince of our peace. Thy sceptre of mercy extend. Thy subjects and kingdom increase. Thy realm without limit or end : — Thine heralds with wisdom inspire. And patience to fight the good fight 5 Give spirits renewed for their hire. Translated from darkness to light. 3. Oh ! banish the arrogant claims Of mortals to fetter the soul ; The dungeons, the racks, and the flames Of base superstition controul : Shall nations to darkness be driven. Who longed for the dawning of day ? Shine forth, thou bright Day-star of heaven, And chase the black demons away. 4. Rise! Soldiers of Jesus, arise! Around you the enemies press; Your Captain safe armour supplies. And leads you to certain success. Of old the Omnipotent Word The legions of Satan o’erthrew ; And, strong in the strength of the Lord, The world shall be conquer’d by you. 220 . c. M. M. 1 . GO, and the Saviour’s grace proclaim Ye messengers of God ; Go, publish, through Immanuel’s name. Salvation bought with blood. 221 MISSIONARY HYMNS. ' 2 > What though your arduous track may lie Through regions dark as death ; What though your faith and zeal to try. Perils beset your path : 3. Yet, with determined courage, go. And, arm’d with pow’r divine. Your God will needful aid bestow. And on your labours shine. 4 . He who has call’d you to the war Will recompense your pains ; Before Messiah's conquerinsr car. Mountains shall sink to plains : 5. At his approach the hosts of hell From their strong-holds are driven ; Dissolv’d is Superstition’s spell, Lo ! Satan falls from heaven. 6. Shrink not, though earth and hell oppose. But plead your Master’s cause ; Nor doubt that e’en your mighty foes Shall bow before his cross. THE LATTER DAY GLORY. 221. L M. Longing fin- the Latter day glory. 1 . HOW many years hath man been driven Far off from happiness and heaven ? When wilt thou, gracious Lord, restore Thy wandering church to roam no more ? 2. Six thousand years are nearly past. Since Adam from thy sight was cast ; And ever since, his fallen race. From age to age are void of grace. THE LATTER DAY GLORY. 222 3 When will the happy trump proclaim The judgment of the martyr’d Lamb > When shall the captive troops be free. And keep th’ eternal Jubilee? 4 . Hasten it. Lord, in every land 3 Send thou thine angels and command, “ Go, sound deliverance 5 loudly blow, “ Salvation to the saints below.” 5 . Exert that power which could subdue The furious, slaughter-breathing Jew 5 And make him, in thy cause, become ' Victorious over Greece and Rome. 6. From every nation, every tongue, A remnant must to Thee belong; Nor can there be too vile a race To furnish trophies of thy grace. 7. O let the wondrous day appear. The promis’d, great. Sabbatic year. When, far from grief, and sin, and hell, Israel in eeaseless peace shall dwell. 8. Till then we will not let thee rest. Thou still shalt hear our strong request ; And tins our daily prayer shall be. Lord, sound the trump of Jubilee. 222 . L. M. Swain. The dawn n/ the latter day glory. 1st Part. 1 . PRAISE him that made you, all ye isles. Let every nation join the song 3 Give thanks for your Creator’s smiles. Redemption will not tarry long. P 223 MlfSlONARy HYMNS. 2. Jesus his glorious march begins, (Be/ore him loud hosannas sound,) To save his people from their sins. And break the chains that bind them round. 3. His chariot wheels of living tire Fly through the heavens, and burn their way Through all that checks his grand desire To spread the light of heavenly day. 4. Array’d in robes of morning light. The glorious Conqueror sits on high ; And “ King of kings,” by sovereign right. And “ Lord of lords,” adorn his thigh. 5. The glorious r.dnbow round his head Mercy and truth at once displays ; And peace and justice round him spread Their radiant arms in close embrace. C. Omnipotence is his bright bow. His Father’s will employs his hand ; His polish’d shafts of love strike through The souls to endless life ordain’d. 7. But when his mighty bow he draws To make his persecutors smart. Those rebels that despise his laws Shall feel his arrows in their heart. , 223 . L M. Sw.uN. 2d Fart. ]. BEND, sinners, bend, or you must break j You’ll sing in heaven, or groan in hell j Not earth and hell combin’d can check The power of Christ’s all-conquering will. 2. Ten thousand thunders silenc’d, hide Their dying sounds before his voice j He speaks of peace, and empires wide. In his all-cheering word rejoice. 1 HE LATTER DAY GLOhY. 224 3. Before him free salvation flows. Like a broad river full and strong, IVith crystal streams of life, for those Who worship as he rides along. A. His countenance exceeds the blaze Of our most splendid noon-day sun ; Millions of dazzl’d seraphs gaze With reverence while he shines alone. 5. The sun of righteousness, he shines The light and life of heaven and earth ; His beams create celestial mines. And give celestial millions birth. 6. By him they live, to him they sing. To him they look for life to come ; The church obeys him as her King, The church enjoys him as her home. 224 . L. M. Kelly. Isaiah xliii. 5, 6. 1 . MY soul, with sacred joy survey The glories of the latter day : Its dawn already seems begun. And promises a future Sun ! 2. The friends of truth assembled stand (A chosen consecrated band) : The standard of the cross display. And cry aloud, ‘ Behold the way !' 3. ' Behold the way to Zion’s hill, ‘ Where Israel’s God delights to dwell ; ‘ He fixes there his lofty throne, ‘ And calls the sacred place his own.’ 4 . ‘ Behold the way,’ ye heralds cry : Spare not, but lift your voices high : p 2 225 MISSIONARY HYMNS, Convey the sound from shore to shore, And bid the cnptive sigh no more ! Swift on the wings of heavenly zeal They fly, nor seem their toils to feel ; But, faithful to their Master’s will, Their sacred embassy fulfil. 6. The North ‘gives up;’ the South no more ‘ Keeps back’ her consecrated store ; From East to West the message runs, And either India yields her sons ! 7 . Auspicious dawn ! thy rising ray. With joy I view, and hail the day ! Thou Sun arise, supremely bright. And fill the world with purest light ! 225. 10^- Pope. 1. AS the good shepherd tends his fleecy care. Seeks freshest pasture, and the purest air. Explores the lost, tl,e wandering sheep directs. By day o’ersees them, and by night protects ; ‘ 2 . The tender lambs he raises in his arms. Feeds from his hand, and in his bosom warms ; I'hus shall mankind the guardian care engage. Of Him, the Father of th’ eternal age, 3, No more shall nation against nation rise. Nor ardent warriors meet with hateful eyes. Nor fields with gleaming steel be cover’d o’er — The brazen trumpets kindle rage no more, 4 Rise, crown’d with light, imperial Salem, rise. Exalt thy towei*y head, and lift thy eyes ! See barbarous nations at thy gates attend. Walk in thy light, and in thy temple bend ! THE LATTER DAY GLORY. 226, 227 5. No more the rising sun shall gild the morn, Nor evening moon shall fill her silver horn ; But in thy courts the light himself shall shine Reveal’d, and God’s eternal day be thine. 226. L. M. Merrick. The reign of Messiah. Psalm Ixxii. 1st Part. 1. THY foes succeeding times shall own. Long as the sun and waxing moon. With varied light, in swift career. Alternate guide the circling year. 2. The Son from heaven his grace shall pour. Delightful as the copious shower. Whose drops refresh the new-shorn plain. And swell with life the foodful grain. 3. His care the just aloft shall raise. Nor fair prosperity his days Desist to crown, till round the pole. The measur’d months shall cease to roll. 4 . From sea to sea his wide command Shall reach, and from Euphrates' strand Through realms of various tongue extend. Far as to earth’s remotest end. 5. To him the desert tribes shall kneel ; His foes, that on their conquering steel Repos’d erewhile their frantic trust. Shall prostrate fall and lick the dust. 227 . L. M. Merrick- Psalm Ixxii. 2d Part. 1. BEFORE Messiah’s presence meet The chiefs, at whose imperial feet Arabia's far- divided shores Prolific spread their richest stores. p 3 228 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 2. See kings from Tarshish and each isle, Their presents bring with willing toil j Each prince to him shall homage pay. Each nation own his equal sway. 3. He, when the helpless poor shall cry. Shall hear propitious from on high j Health to their fainting souls convey. And challenge from the grave its prey. 4. Nor fraud, nor rapine’s iron hand, Shall dare to touch the pious band ; For sacred is their blood, and high Its price in his paternal eye. 5. Long shall he live, and Sheba's gold In tributary heaps behold Dis()lay’d, while crowds shall suppliant bow. And thankful pay their daily vow. 229. Merrick. Psalm Ixxii. 3d Part. 1. LIFT to the mountain’s height your eyes. And see the yellow harvest rise. Wide-waving, as the verdure spread On Lebanon’s exalted head. 2. Behold his cities o’er the plain Pour from their gates a numerous train. And healthful as the vernal birth. That shades with green the joyous earth. 3. From ace to age the orb of day His brighter glories shall survey ; While man’s Whole race his love confess. And, blest in him, his name shall bless. 4. Exalt, exalt your heavenly Lord, In all his wondrous acts ador’d: To him in loftiest praises join. And bless the Majesty divine j — THE LATTER DAY GLORY. 229 5. That Majesty whose cloudless rays O’er earth’s capacious round shall blaze : — To him again in praises join ; O bless the Majesty divine ' 229. C. M. Logan. Mic iv. I — 5. 1. BEHOLD ! the mountain of the Lord In latter days shall rise Above the mountains and the hills. And draw the wondfiring eyes. 2. To this the joyful nations round. All tribes and tongues shall flow ; Up to the hill of God,” they’ll say, “ And to his house we’ll go.” S. The beam that shines on Zion’s hill Shall lighten every land ; The King who reigns in Zion’s towers. Shall all the world command. 4. No strife shall vex Messiah’s reign. Or mar the peaceful years j To ploughshares soon they beat their swords. To pruning-hooks their spears. 5. No longer hosts encountering hosts. Their millions slain deplore ; They hang the trumpet in the hall. And study war no more. 6. Come then — O come from every land. To worship at his shrine: And walking in the light of God, • With holy beauties shine. 230 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 230. P- M Kelly. Isaiah ii. 2—6. 1. SEE that mountain high exalted; ’Tis the mountain of the Lord: Much exposed and oft assaulted ; Lov’d of God, by man abhorr’d. Now it stands above the hills ; Now its destin’d place it fills. 2. O ye mountains strong and towering. Boast no more nor triumph now: Zion’s head sublimely soarinsr. Leaves your summits far below : Know ye, this is God’s own hill; Here Jehovah loves to dwell. 3. Hark, a cry among the nations ! Come and let us seek the Lord : “ Vain our former expectations ; “ V^ain the idols we ador’d. ” Zion’s King is God alone : “ Let us bow before his throne.” 4 . See! from every quarter flowing. Joyful crowds assemble round: Love in every heart is glowing: Praise is heard in every sound ; While Jehovah shews his face. Glory fills the sacred place. 5. Weapons meant for mutual slaughter. Now are instruments of peace ; They who taste the living water. Learn from war and strife to cease. Jesus reigns — the earth is still; All the nations do his will. TUB LATTER DA^ GLORY. 231. L. M. The Millenium. 1. HARK, the seventh angel loud proclaims — — While through the air his vial streams — ■ ‘ ’Tis done:’ away with shields and swords, The peaceful kingdoms are the Lord’s. 2. With numerous crowns he rides on high. His name recorded on his thigh : Chain’d in black shades let Satan roar. He shall deceive the earth no more. 3. The sun no more remits his rays. But steady shines with seven-fold blaze: The moon, her softer journeys run, Reveals the radiance of the sun. 4. Open the heavenly temple stands, 1 he ark appears not made with hands : The veil that once all faces bound. Lies rent and scattered on the ground. 5. See from the dust the Church arise, Brest with the beauties of the skies; With songs the bride moves on to taste The pleasures of the marriage feast. 6. Mountains and hills their transport Join, Clap their glad hands and pour their wine Creation feels divine release. Her pains, her groans, her travails cease. 7. Well pleas’d, from his eternal throne The King of Kings looks mildly down. Accepts the universal song. And bids the ages roll along. MISSIONARY HYMNS. 232 C. M Isaish ii. 2, 4, 20. 1. REJOICE, ye nations of the world, And hail the hapf)y dav. When Satan’s kin;;doiTi, downward hurl’d; Shall perish with dismay. 2. Rejoice, ye heathens ; wood and stone Shall form your gods no more j Jehovah ye shall trust alone. And him alone adore. a. Christians rejoice; — each party name, Each different sect shall cease ; Your error, grief, and wrath, and shame. Shall yield to truth and peace. 4. Ye sons of peace, the triumph share; Trumpets no more shall sound ; The murd’rous sword, the bloody spear. Shall cultivate the ground. 5. Bright o’er the mountains may we see This blessed morning ray; And glorious may its splendour be. E’en to the perfect day. 1. WHEN Jesus shall descend the skies. And form a bright, a dazzling day ; The paints shall view with sweet surprize. His grand, his universal sway. 2. The lion and the lamb shall feed Together in his peaceful reifrn ; And Zion, blest with heavenly bread, Shall never more of want complain. 233 L. M, Rev. XX. 4. Isaiah Ixv. 25. DESIGNATION OF MISSIONARIES. ^34 3. The Jew, the Greek, the bond, the free. Shall boast their several rites no more ; But join in sweetest harmony, Their Lord, their Sovereign to adore. 4. O happy day! when all th’ elect, Complete in number shall be found j And like their Lord, their mystic head. Be with eternal honours crown’d. DESIGNATION OF MISSIONA- RIES. 234. L M. B. H. D. 1. O, MUCH-lov’d brethren, haste and rear. The gospel standard void of fear: Go, seek with Joy your destin'd shore. To view your native land no more. 2. Yes — Christian Heroes 1 go, proclaim Salvation through Immanuel’s namej To India’s clime the tidings bear. And plant the Rose of Sharon there. 3. He’ll shield you with a wall of fire, \I'ith flaming zeal your breasts inspire j Bid raging winds their fury cease. And hush the tempests into peace. 4. And when our labours all are o’er. Then we shall meet to part no more; Meet with the blood- bought throng to fall. And crown our Jesus Lord of All! 235 , 236 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 235. 8, 7, 4. Kelly. “ Cry aloud, spare not " Isaiah Iviii, 1. 1. MEN of God, go take your stations ; Darkness reigns throughout the earth j Go, proclaim among the nations, ' Joyful news of heavenly birth. Bear the tidings. Of the Saviour’s matchless worth. 2. Of his gospel not ashamed. As “ the power of God to save,” Go where Christ was never named; Publish freedom to the slave ! Blessed freedom. Such as Zion’s children have. 3. What though earth and hell united. Should oppose the Saviour’s plan Plead his cause, nor be affrighted; Fear ye not the face of man. Vain their tumult; Hurt his work they never can. 4 . W'^hen opposed to fearful dangers, Jesus will his own defend: Borne afar ’mid?t foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your friend; And his jtresence Shall be with you to the end. 236. S M. Yoke. 1. YE messengers of Christ, His sovereign voice obey ; Arise ! and follow where he leads, .\nd peace attend your way. DJ4SIGNATI0N OF MISSlONAaiiSS. 2. The master whom you serve Will needful strength bestow ; Depending on his promis’d aid With sacretl courage go. 3. Mountains shall sink to plains, And hell in vain oppose ; The cause is God’s, and must prevail. In spite of all his foes. 4. Go, spread a Saviour’s fame ; And tell his matchless grace To the most guilty and deprav’d Of Adam’s numerous race. 5. Hope in his sacred name The most divine success ; Triumph! for He who sends you forth Will your endeavours bless. 237. ^ 1. GO, favour’d brethren, and proclaim The kind Redeemer you have found ; Publish his ever-precious name To all the wondering nations round. 2. Go, tell th’ unletter’d wretched slave. Who groans beneath a tyrant’s rod. You bring a freedom bought with blood. The blood of an incarnate God. }. Go, tell the panting sable chief. On Ethiopia’s scorching sand. You come — with a refreshing stream To cheer and bless his thirsty land. i. Go, tell the distant isles afar, That lie in darkness and the grave. You come — a glorious light to shew. You come — their souls to seek and save. Q 238 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 5. Go, tell on India’s golden shores, Of a rich treasure, more refin’d : And tell them, though they’ll scarce believe. You come — the friend of human kind, 6. Say, the religion you profess. Is all benevolence and love j And by its own divine effects. Its heavenly origin will prove. 238. L. M. 1. INDULGENT God, to thee we pray ; Be with us on this solemn day j Our b-ethren bless, their zeal approve. That zeal which burns to spread thy love. 2. With cheerful steps may they proceed. Where’er thy providence shall lead; Let heaven and earth their work befriend. And mercy all their paths attend. 3. Great let the bands of those be found. Who shall attend the gospel sound ; And let Barbarians, bond and free. In suppliant throngs resort to thee. 4 . Where pagan altars now are built. And brutal blood, or human, spilt. There be the bleeding cross uprear’d. And God, our God, alone rever’d. 5. Where captives groan beneath their chain. Let grace, and love, and concord reign ; The aged and the infant tongue Unite in one harmonious song. MISCELLANEOUS. 239. 8, /. 1 KING of Zion, give the order ; Send thy light and truth abroad : O let Zion stretch her border, Zion favour’d of her God. Thou canst form the zealous preacher; Thou canst light and love imparl : — Send thy word to every creature; Send it to the sinner’s heart. 2. Send thy truth to every region : Let the distant heathen hear : Let them turn from false religion. And to truth alone give ear. Thou art God : who would not fear thee ? Who that knows thy glorious power? O that all the world may hear thee. And be slaves of sin no more ! MISCELLANEOUS. 240. s. The Missi'itiarie^ Farewell. 1. KINDRED, and friends, and native land. How shall we say farewell ? How, when our swelling sails expand. How will our bosoms swell ! 2. Yes, Nature, all thy soft delights. And tender ties we know ; But love, more strong than death, unites To Him that bids us go. 3. Thus, when our every passion mov’d. The gushing tear-drop starts ; The cause of Jesus, more belov’d. Shall glow within our hearts. q2 241 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4. The sighs we breathe for precious souls. Where he is yet unknown, Might waft us to the distant poles. Or to the burning zone. 5. With the warm wish our bosoms swell. Our glowing powers expand ; Farewell ! then we can say, Farewell ! Our friends, our native land ! 241 . L. M. Haweis. A Misfionaiy embarking, 1. FAREWELL! ye scenes of sweet delight. Vanish’d as visions of the night j Onward, by duty urg’d, I go. My course to finish here below. 2. The cloud and pillar mark the road. Which leads to glory’s bright abode j And every step on him 1 lean. Whose strength is in my weakness seen. 3. I know my habitation’s bound. Predestin’d, love encircles round : — The desert smiles, the darkness flies ; His presence makes it Paradise. 4. Glory to God in every place. Who by us manifests his grace ; And from the earthen vessel’s store His excellence displays the more. 5. Oh make me faithful unto death. Thy witness with my latest breath To tell the glories of the Lamb, Him whom I serve, and whose I am I miscellaneous. 242 , 243 242 . C. M. Logan. Christ, the Divine Ulissionavy — or the Missionary's great* exami>le. 1 . BEHOLD th’ ambassador divine. Descending from above. To publish to mankind the law Of everlasting love ! 2. On him, in rich efFusion pour’d. The heavenly dew descends ; And truth divine he shall reveal. To earth’s remotest ends. 3. No trumpet-sound, at his approach. Shall strike the wondering ears ; But still and gentle breathe the voice In which the God appears. 4 . By his kind hand the shaken reed Shall raise its fallen frame ; The dying embers shall revive. And kindle to a flame. 5. The onward progress of his zeal. Shall never know decline : Till foreign lands, and distant isles. Receive the law divine. 243 . C. M. Ward. Prayer for Missionaries embarking. 1. O CHARGE the waves to bear our friends In safety o’er the deep. Let the rough tempest speed their way. Or bid its fury sleep. 2. Whene’er thy sons proclaim good news, Beneath the Banian’s shade. Let the poor Hindoo feel its power. And grace his soul pervade. q3 244, 245 MISSIONARY HYMNS. S. O let the heavenly Shaster spread, Bid Brahmans preach the word ; And may all India’s tribes become, One Caste to serve the Lord. 244 . lOs. A. Fuller. Farewell to the Missionarier. 1. FAREWELL, beloved friends, once more farewell! For you our hearts have felt, and still shall feel : Of late we’ve car’d, and some attention given, Now we must leave you to the care of heaven. 2 . If w'e should ever wickedly omit To aid, or offer up our strong desire. Let our right hands their wonted skill forget. And all our hopes and joys in death expire ! 3. Go then, dear friends, in your Kedeemer’s cause. Go plough the briny wave, and brave the deep : Mercy and truth be with 3 'ou as you pass. Preserve your souls, j'our lives in safety keep. 4. Go, join those much-lov’d names on yonder shores. Go, share their ardent honourable toil. Mingle your souls with theirs, with theirs your joys. And bear to them the blessings of your isle. 5 . Go, teach the nations, sound the Saviour’s name — As he was sent of God, he doth you send ; His word of promise still remains the same, “ Lo, 1 am with you always, to the end.” 245 . S. M. Fawcett. A parting Hymn. 1. BLEST be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love j The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. MISCELLANEOUS. 346 "i. Before our Father’s throne We pour our ardent prayers : Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one. Our comforts and our cares. 3. We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4. When we asunder part. It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be join’d in heart. And hope to meet again. 5. This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives. And longs to see the day. 6. From sorrow, toil, and pain. And sin, we shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign. Through all eternity. 246 . L. M. Ward. Hymn for Misnonaries at sea. 1. THUS far our Saviour’s tender care Has brought us safely o’er the deep. And charg’d the winds and waves to spare A few, the meanest of his sheep. 2. O, let our souls with praise record The thousand mercies we enjoy. Beneath the safeguard of our Lord — Kept as the apple of his eye. 3. The burning heat, the threat’ ning foe. The tempest’s rage, the lightning’s pow’r; All his eternal Godhead shew. And wait on him through every hour. 247, 248 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 4 . Yes, we are safe beneath thy shade, And shall be so midst India’s heat: What should a missionary dread > For devils crouch at Jesus’ feet. 5. There, sweetest Saviour ! let thy cross Win many Hindoo hearts to thee ; This shall make up for every loss. While thou art our’s eternally. 247 . C. M. Hough. The same. Written at sea. 1 . THE vessel rides before the storm, And ploughs the foaming deep ; The weak disciples in alarm. Behold their Lord asleep. 2. The Lord who walks upon the wind, And traverses the wave. To sweet composure is resign’d — But yet has pow’r to save. 5. His fearful children to him fly, T rembling with wild despair ; And in distress they loudly cry, “For us hast thou no care?’’ 4 . He rises then in godlike form. Rebukes their unbelief j He speaks, and stills the threat’ning storm, And gives their hearts relief. 248. C. M. Addison. Tlie same. 1. HOW are thy servants bless’d, O Lord, How sure is their defence; Eternal Wisdom is their guide. Their help Omnipotence. MISCELLANEOUS. 249 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care. Through burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 3. When by the dreadful tempest borne High on the broken wave. They know thou art not slow to hear. Nor impotent to save. 4 . The storm is laid, the winds retire. Obedient 'to thy will ; The sea, that roars at thy command. At thy command is still. 5. In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths. Thy goodness we’ll adore ; We’ll praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 249 . L. M. Watts. The same. Psalm cvii. 4th Part. 1. WOULD YOU behold the works of God, His wonders in the world abroad. Go with the mariners, and trace The unknown regions of the seas. 2. They leave their native shores behind. And seize the favour of the wind. Till God command, and tempests rise. That heave the ocean to the skies. Z Now to the heavens they mount amain ! Now sink to dreadful deeps agrain ! What strange affright young sailors feel. And like a staggering drunkard reel ! 4. When land is far, and death is nigh. Lost to all hope, to God they cry : And mercy hears their loud address. And sends salvation in distress. 250 MlSSlONAnV HYMNS. 5. He bids the winds their wrath assuage ; The furious waves forget their rage : And missionaries smile to see. The haven where they wish’d to be. 6. O may the sons of men record The wondrous goodness of the Lord ! Let them their private offerings bring. And in the Church his glory sing. 250 . L. M. CoWPER. honking upwards in a storm. The same. 1. THE billows swell, the winds are high, Clouds overcast my wintry sky ; Out of the depths to thee I call. My fears are great, my strength is small. 2. O Lord, the pilot’s part perform. And guide and guard me through the storm Defend me from each threat’ning ill, Controul the waves, say “ Peace be still.” 3 . Amidst the roaring of the sea. My soul still hangs her hope on Thee ; Thy constant love, thy faithful care. Is all that saves me from despair. 4 . Dangers of every shape and name Attend the followers of the Lamb, Who leave the world’s deceitful shore. And leave it to return no more. 6. Though tempest- toss’d and half a wreck. My Saviour through the floods I seek j Let neither winds nor stormy main. Force back my shattered bark again. MISCELLANEOUS. 251, 252 ! 251. LM. On receiving’ /avoitraSle iiitel/ige/ice from foreign count lies. 1. WHILE anxious hopes and fears impress’d The pious heart, the feeling: breast ; ! Behold ! the hai>py news arrives. Our faith confirms, and joy revives. 2. Great God ! with wonder and with joy. These mercies all our souls employ ; And to thy name, thy grace, we raise Our grateful songs, our loudest praise. ! 3. Still shall our distant brethren share Our cordial love, our fervent prayer: Lord, with thy choicest mercies bless. And crown their Mission with success ! 4 O may thy glory rise, and smile On every distant Heathen isle ; Let Satan and his kingdom fall. And Jesus Christ be all in all. 252. 8, 7* B. Francis. At u Collection for the spread of the Gospel. 1. PR.MSE the Saviour, all ye nations. Praise him all ye hosts above j Shout with joyful acclamations. His divine victorious love : Be his kingdom now promoted. Let the earth her monarch know ; Be my all to him devoted. To my Lord my all I owe. 2. See how beauteous, on the mountains. Are their feet, whose great design. Is to guide us to the fountains '1 hat o’erflow m ith bliss divine : — 253, 254 MISSIONARY HYMNS. Who proclaim the joyful tidings Of salvation all around. Disregard the world’s deridings. And in works of love abound. 3. With my substance I will honour My Redeemer and my Lord ; Were ten thousand worlds my manor. All were nothing to his word j While the heralds of salvation. His abounding grace proclaim. Let his friends, of every station. Gladly join to spread his fame. 253 . c. M. ANOTHER. 1. YES, there are joys which cannot die M’ith God laid up in store j Treasures beyond the changing sky. Brighter than golden ore. 2. The seeds which piety and love Have scatter’d here below. In the fair fertile fields above To ample harvests grow. 3. The mite my willing hands can give At Jesus’s feet I lay j Grace shall the humble gift receive. Abounding grace repay. 254 . c. M. M. Prayer fora Missionary brother departing to his station, 1. FATHER of mercies! condescend To hear our fervent prayer. While this our brother we commend To thy paternal care. MISCELLANEOUS. 255 ^ Before him set an open door. His various efforts bless; On him thy Holy Spirit pour. And crown him with success. 3. Endow him with a heavenly mind. Supply his every need ; Make him in spirit meek, resign’d — But bold in word and deed. 4 , In every tempting, trying hour. Uphold him by thy grace; And guard him by thy mighty pow’r. Till he shall end his race, 6. Then, follow’d by a numerous train. Gather’d from Heathen lands, A crown of life may he obtain. From his Redeemer’s hands. 255 . C.M. G. Timms. J. L. For the Funeral of a Mission try. “ Thu will be done.'’ 1. GRE.\T Arbiter of life and death. We bow to thy decree; From thee first came the vital breath. We yield again to thee. 2 Thou who canst clear the darke t day. Or cloud the brightest sun. Grant us submission still to say, “ Thy will, O Lord, be done.” 3. [Thy solemn voice in darkness spake. It called our brother home. It bade his soul to life awake Beyond the dreary tomb. Jl!^SroNAUY HVJVINS. 266 4. It bids US, while the grave we view. Remember death’s cold night. And every plan of love pursue Still with encreasing might.] 5. O holy Lord ! help at thy call. Each comfort to resign — Our health, our friends, our earthly all — And lose our will in thine. b‘. Thus sooth’d, by sentiments so pure. May w e serene — retire j Thus arm’d, the day of toil endure; Or, thus prepared — expire. 256 . c. M. For the Funei al of a Missivnaiy. 1. FAR from affliction, toil, and care. The happy soul is fled; Ihe breathless clay shall slumber here, Amongst the silent dead, 2. The gospel was his joy and song. E’en to his latest breath; The truth he had proclaim’d so long Was his support in death. 3. Now he resides where Jesus is. Above this dusky sphere; His soul was ripen’d for that bliss While yet he sojourn’d here, A. The Churches’ loss we all deplore And shed the falling tear; Since we shall see his face no more Till Jesus shall appear. MISCELLANEOUS. 257 5. But we are hastening to the tombj O may we ready stand ! Then, dearest Lord, receive us home. To dwell at thy right hand. 257 . C. M. Doddridge, Comfort under the loss of Missionaries- 1. NOW let our drooping hearts revive. And all our tears be dry : Why should those eyes be drown’d in grief. Which view a Saviour nigh ? 1. What though the arm of conquering death Does God’s own house invade ; What though the prophet and the priest. Be numbered with the dead ! 3. Though earthly shepherds dwell in dust, 1 he aged and the young ; The watchful eye in darkness clos’d. And mute th’ instructive tongue 4 . Th’ eternal Shepherd still survives. New comfort to impart ; His eye still guides us, and his voice Still animates our heart. 5. ‘ Lo ! I am with you,’ saith the Lord, ‘ My church shall safe abide j ‘ For I will ne’er forsake my own, ‘ Whose souls in me confide.’ 6. Through e^ery scene of life and death. This promise is our trust; And this shall be our children’s song. When we are cold in dust. R 2 258 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 258 . L. M. Vok'k. /I Song in Heaven. 1. HARK! what triumphant strains are these. Which echo through the vault of heaven: — “To Jesus, once on Calvary slain, “ The kingdoms of the earth are given.” 2. Hark! the new song before the throne. Which only the redeem’d can raise j Angels may tune their golden harps. But cannot reach these notes of praise. 3 They worship our exalted Lord, And hail him universal King ; But saints — the purchase of his blood — Can strike a sweeter, nobler string. 4. The wonders of his dying love. Their hallelujahs loud proclaim. While with exlatic joy they shout New honours to his sacred name. 5. From every kindred, every tongue, From barbarous nations long unknown. From polish’d Greeks and Scythians rude, A countless host surround the throne. 6. In robes of spotless white array’d. And palms of victory in their hand. With holy wonder and delight, The trophies of his grace they stand, 7. [ And still, till time shall be no more, 'J'he mighty concourse shall increase ; For Cliristians gain in heathen lands. New subjects to the Prince of Peace.] DOXOLOGIES. 259, 260 DOXOLOGIES. 259. 7s, J. Lawson. 1. EUROPE, speak the mighty name, Loud tli’eternal Three proclaim ; Let thy deep seraphic lays. Thunder forth the echoing praise. Asia, thy raptur’d songs; Let innumerable tongues Swell the chord from shore to shore, ^^’here thy thousand billows roar. Sable Afric, aid the strain. Triumph o’er thy broken chain; Bid thy wildest music raise All its fervour in his praise. Shout, America, thy joys. While his love thy song employs ; Let thy lonely wilderness High exalt his righteousness. 3. Xll as one, adore the Lord — Father, Spirit, and the Word. Hail! Thou glorious Three in One, W'orthy thou to reign alone. Praise him, all ye nations, praise ! Saints in heaven your anthems raise ! Angels join the solemn chord ! Reign, for ever. Holy Lord ! 260. L. M. Watts. TO God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory given. By all on earth, and all in heaven. 261 , 262 MISSIONARY HYMNS. 261. C M. Watts. LET God the Father, and the Son, And Spirit be ador’d, licre there are works to make him known. Or saints that love the Lord. 262. S. M. Watts. YE angels round the throne And all that dwell below. Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. Praise ye the Lord, . Hallelujah ! 263. L M. Bp. Ken. PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow j Praise him, all creatures here below ; Praise him above, ye heavenly host j Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. FINIS. _ .>1 f fty ♦ _Lf\ J I • ''n ' 1 V ■/•r "{» if .' *• t r « . .V V. .. --V, f ' ..- - ■ ~li r< ''■ r> 4 K'. y ■ / /*• <:•■ " ■• . • *■ d ^ II ' -i^Lj 1 - ' f ^ 4-r- j r »• * ^ :i^^- ., . ■• V If . >■ ■*, ■ 4--‘ t. i,‘*. vW‘ •5 T 4 •■■ • r i T'=F * ^ \ # »'•* f;' .-. -,l ^ ’ *'.iU. V\ ''-it- '■ •rw; % . . ■ *j' f'?' ^ ■’* fjy j > • ' '■ ♦• - ' »- • - < :• * .r* ■: ■; i), 'I . . T* , 5' 4- fi' ii J*?? JR ■ K' ■'>r^ li.- ''. ‘ di^Jn. ' ■?Si' . ..■ j . irfiiit -'4 •iif'lt ' "