NE HUNDRED ANDREW J. DOLBOW IN HIS EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. XU\ v / .«IiT J. HOOD. r 4:OJ(oB D686 i, 1890. by Jqo. J. Hood. — CTK3 ■ ■■■■■■■■ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY sag V s** 11 OF PI % A NOV 12 1932 3S A /; OplQfil pf **$ INDEX. Alas ! and did my Saviour . 30 All my life long I have pant- . 79 Are you weary, are you heavy- 59 Blest be the tie that binds, . 34 Brother for Christ's kingdom. 7 Christ has for sin atonement . 93 Come, every soul by sin op- . 62 Come over, lost one, come . 92 Come, sinners, to the gospel . 67 Come, sinners, to the Living . ix) Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, 48 Come, ye sinners, poor and . 1 Down at the cross, where my 19 Each cooing dove and sighing 76 Go and tell Jesus, O desolate 78 God loved the world so ten- . 64 Have you been to Jesus for . 21 Hear the earnest invitation, . 95 Heaven's a beautiful city, . 39 Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit, . 20 How tedious and tasteless the 75 I am happy now in a Saviour's 55 I have found a friend in Jesus, 60 I have found repose for my . 23 [ hear the Saviour say, . . 53 [ hear thy welcome voice, . 56 I love my Saviour, his heart . 11 I'm far away from my Father's 81 I'm happy, so happy ! no . 94 In darkness I wandered till . 90 Into the tent where a gypsy . 57 I've reached the land of corn. 27 I want to be a worker, * . 18 I was once far away from the. 82 I will sing you a song, . . 65 Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry, 17 Jesus my Saviour to Bethlehem 49 Jesus thine all-victorious love, 10 Justas 1 am, without one plea 29 Like an army we are march-. 37 Marching on in the light of . 52 My father is rich in houses . 16 My heavenly home is bright . 54 My life, my love, I give to . 50 My Saviour suffered on the . 41 My soul in sad exile was out. 85 O, bless the Lord, what joy . 3 O come, to Calvary turning, . 46 Of him who did salvation bring 44 O for a faith that will not . 74 O happy day that fixed my . 9 O happy day, what a Saviour 40 Oh, blessed f ilowship divine! 73 Oh, how happy are they . 32 Oh, sometimes the shadows . 36 Oh, why should we wrestle . 89 O, I left it all with Jesus, long 86 O Jesus, Lord, thy dying love 63 O land of rest, tor thee I sigh, 31 On Jordan's stormy barks I . 4 On the happy, golden shore, . 6 O prodigal, don't stay away,. 45 Our friends on earth we meet. 38 Out on the desert, looking, . 58 Precious Saviour, thou dost . 42 Rock of ages, cleft for me, . 71 Saviour, lead me, lest I stray, 5 Shall we gather at the river. . 43 Shall we meet beyond the riv- 24 Simply trusting every day, . 77 Softly and tenderly Jesus is . 25 The Lord is my shepherd I . 96 The Lord's our rock, in him . 22 There are lonely hearts to . 8 There are songs of joy that I. 61 There is a fountain filled with 33 There is a home eternal, . 99 There is a land of pure delight 35 There's a great day coming, . 28 There's a shout in the camp . There's sunshine in my soul . Though troubles assail and . Together let us sweetly live . To thy cross, dear Christ I'm Trying to walk in the steps of 87 We are sailing on the old ship Weary with walking alone, . We have heard a joyfulsound. We praise thee, O God for . We shall stand before the K . We shall walk with him in . We speak of the land of the . What a wonderful salvation, . When I survey the wondrous. 70 When Jesus laid his crown a- 68 When out in sin and dark- 80 While struggling through this 83 Who, who is he thatovercom- 72 Will you come, will you come, 14 You ask what makes me hap- 97 93 9 1 47 69 13 66 15 26 2 84 5i ONE HUNDRED S race divine ! And now to realms of endless day, 0, bless the Lord, I'm on the way. Cho.— I'm on the way, I'm on the way, In vain the world would bid me sta? J A crown to wear in endless day, O, bless the Lord, I'm on the way, I 0, bless the Lord, he dwells with me, The voice I hear, the hand I see 4 Renew my strength from day to day While home to him I'm on the way. 3 0, bless the Lord for what I know Of heavenly bliss while here below ! My trusting heart thro' faith can say, To mansions bright I'm on the way. 4 O, bless the Lord 'twill not be long Till I shall join the holy throng, And shout and sing through endless day, Where every tear is wiped away. /^\N Jordan's stormy banks I stand, ^-^ And east a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. Cho. — We will rest in the fair and happy lanu, Just across on the evergreen shore, Sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, by and by, And dwell with Jesus evermore. 2 O'er all these wide extended plains Shines one eternal day ; •" There God the Son forever reigns, And scatters night away. 3 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest ? When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest? 4 Filled with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I'd launch away. 2nd Cho.— I'll be there, I'll be there, When the first trumpet sounds I'll be ther& 3d Cho. — This world is not my resting-place, This world is not my home. :J Music No. ij in "Living- Hymns." Gl AVIOUR, lead me, lest I stray, ^-* Gently lead me all the way ; I am safe when by thy side, I would in thy love abide, Cho. — Lead me, lead me, Saviour, lead me, lest I stray ; Gently down the stream of time, Lead me, Saviour, all the way. 2 Thou the refuge of my soul When life's stormy billows roll, I am safe when tlvui art nigh, All my hopes on thee rely. 3 Saviour, lead me, then at last, When the storm of life is past, To the land of endless day Where all tears are wiped away. b/pcr. of Frank M D»vi3. GL Music No. ijo in "Songs of Redeeming Love, No. 5.' f~\R the happy, golden shore, ^-^ Where the faithful part no more, When the storms of life are o'er, Meet me there. Where the night dissolves away, Into pure and perfect day, I am going home to stay, Meet me there. Cho. — Meet me there, meet me there, Where the tree of life is blooming, Meet me there ; When the storms of life are o'er, On the happy, go' den shore, Where the faithful part no more, Meet me there. 2 Here our fondest hopes are vain, Dearest links are rent in twain, But in heaven no throb of pain, .Meet me there. By the river sparkling bright, In the city of delight, Where our faith is lost in sight, Meet me there. 3 Where ihe harps of angels ring, And the blest forever sing, In the palace of the King, Meet me there. Where in sweet communion blend, Heart with heart and friend with friend, In a world that ne'er shall end, Meet me there. 7 Music No. i6g in "The Temple Trio." T3ROTHER for Christ's kingdom sighing, -■— * Help a little, help a little ; Help to save the millions dying, Help just a little. Cho. — Oh, the wrongs that we may righten ! Oh, the hearts that we may lighten ! Oh, the skies that we may brighten ! Helping just a little. 2 Is thy cup made sad by trial ? Help a little, help a little ; Sweeten it with self-denial, Help just a little. 3 Though no wealth to thee is given, Help a little, help a little ; Sacrifice is gold in heaven, Help just a little. 4 Let us live for one another, Help a little, help a little ; Help to lift each fallen brother, Help just a little. 5 Though thy life is pressed with sorrow, Help a little, help a little ; Bravely look toward God's to morrow, Help ju.-t a little. 7 Q Music No.jjj in "The Quartet" HHHERE are lonely hearts to cherish, -*- While the days are going by ; There are weary souls who perish, While the days are going by. If a smile we can renew, As our journey we pursue, Oh, the good that we might do, While the days are going by, Cho. — While going by, while going by, Oh, the good we may be doing, While the days are going by, 2 There's no time for idle scorning, While the days are going by ; Let our face be like the morning, While the days are going by. Oh, the world is full of sighs, Full of sad and weeping eyes ; Help your fallen brother rise While the days are going by. 3 All the loving links that bind us While the days are going by, One by one we leave behind us While the days are going by. But the seeds of good we sow, Both in shade and shine will grow, And will keep our hearts aglow, While the days are going by. Q Music No. 1 68 in " The Quartet." f) HAPPY day that fixed my choice ^-^ On thee, my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Cho.— Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away ; He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day; Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away. 8 2 O happy bond, that seals my vows To him who merits all my love ! Let cheerful anthems fill his house, While to that sacred shrine I move. 3 Tis done, the great transaction's done ; I am my Lord's and he is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart ; Fixed on this blissful center, rest j Nor ever from thy Lord depart, With him of every good possessed. 5 High Heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. p. Doddridgb. J ] | Q Music No. 181 in " The Quartet" "ESUS, thine all-victorious love Shed in my heart abroad : Then shall my feet no longer rove, Rooted and fixed in God. 2 O that in me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow, Burn up the dross of base desire And make the mountains flow ! 3 O that it now from heaven might fall, And all my sin consume ! Come, Holy Ghost, for thee I call ; Spirit of burning, come ! 4 Refining fire, go thro' my heart ; Illuminate my soul ; Scatter thy life thro' every part, And sanctify the whole. 5 My steadfast soul, from falling free, Shall then no longer move, While Christ is all the world to me, And all my heart is love. Isaac Watts 9 Music No. jSj in * The Temple Trio." V LOVE my Saviour, his heart is good, -*- He has loved me o'er and o'er ; Tie sought me wand'ring, I'm saved by his blood, And I love him more and more. Clio. — Jesus is good to me, Jesus is good to me, So good ! so good ! Jesus is good to my soul. 2 He calls, I rise, and he maketh me whole, — How fond his tender embrace ! He cleanses and keeps me and blesses my soul, — My day the smile of his face. 3 I want to love him with all my heart, Though all its powers are small ; I will nGt keep from him any part. For he is worthy of all. 4 He's good to me in my sorrow's night, He's good in the tempest's roll ; He bringeth from darkness into light, — With joy he tilleth my soul. JO From "Golden Songs," by per., page 68. ~^^TE are sailing on the old ship Zion, * * We are sailing to the home of the blest, Where the iioly angels wait for our coming, In the city where the saints sweetly rest. Cho. — When the tempest passes over, W T e will meet each other there, on the shore. 2 Millions have already reached the blest harbor, And are singing with the loved ones gone before; M il lions more are sailing over the river To their mansions on the beautiful shore. !> Spread your canvas to the winds ; let the breezes Gently waft the noble ship to the shore; All on board are sweetly singing to Jesus, Who will bring them to the bright evermore. 4 When we all are safely landed in heaven. We will gladly shout our dangers are o'er: We will walk about the beautiful city. And we'll sing the happy song evermore. 1o T c Music No. 6g in " The quartet." ^0 thy cross, dear Christ I'm clinging, • All my refuge and my plea; Matchless is thy loving kindness, Else it had not stooped to me. Cho.— Oh, 'tis glory ! oh, 'tis glory ! Oh, 'tis glory in my soul, For I've touched the hem of his garment^ And his power doth make me whole. 2 Long my heart hath heard thee calling, But I thrust aside thy grace ; Yet, O boundless condescension, Love is shining from thy face. 3 Love eternal, light eternal, Close me safely, sweetly in : Saviour, let thy balm of healing, Ever keep me free from sin. 1 A, Music No. 21 in " The Quartet ." "VX7""ILL you come, will you come, with your pool * * Burdened and sin-oppressed ? [broken heart, Lay it down at the feet of your Saviour and Lord, Jesus will give you rest. Kef. — Oh, happy rest! sweet, happy rest! Jesus will give you rest, Oh, why wont you come in simple, trusting faith ? Jesus will give you rest. 2 Will you come, will you come ? there is mercy for you, Balm for your aching breast ; Only come as you are, and believe on his name, Jesus will give you rest. 3 Will you come, will you come, you have nothing to pay; Jesus, who loves you best, By his death on the cross purchased life for your soul, Jesus will give you rest. 4 Will you come, will you come ? how he pleads with Fly to his loving breast , [you now ! And whatever your sin or your* sorrow may be, Jesus will give you rest. 11 (5 Music No. 85 in " The Quartet." . "W/'E have heard a joyful sound, * * Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; Spread the gladness all around, [Jesus saves, :|| Bear the news to every land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves, Onward, 'tis our Lord's command, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 2 Waft it on the rolling tide, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Tell to sinners, far and wide, ||:Jesus saves, :| Sing, ye islands of the sea, Echo back, ye ocean caves, Earth shall keep her jubilee, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 3 Sing above the battle's strife, Jesus saves, Jesus saves ; By his death and endless life, ||: Jesus saves,:) Sing it softly through the gloom, ^V r hen the heart for mercy craves, Sing in triumph o'er the tomb, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 4 Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Let the nations now rejoice, ||: Jesus saves, :|| Shout salvation full and fre e, Highest hills and deepest caves, This our song of victory, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. j O Music No 5J in " The Quartet" 1WTY Father is rich in houses and lands, - 1 - He holdeth the wealth of the world in his Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold [hands ! His coffers are full, — he has riches unlold. Clio. — I'm the child of a King, The child of a King ; With Jesus my Saviour I'm the child of a King. 12 2 My Father's own Son, the Saviour of men, Once wandered o'er earth as the poorest of men, But now he is reigning forever on high, And will give me a home in heaven by and by. 3 I once was an outcast stranger on earth, A sinner by choice, an alien by birth ! But I've been adopted, my name's written down- An heir to a mansion, a robe, and a crown. 4 A tent or a cottage, why should I care ? They're building a palace for me over there ! Though exiled from home, yet, still I may sing: All glory to God, I'm the child of a King. | "7 Music A 7 o. 79 in "The Quartets TESUS, my Lord, to thee I cry, *~* Unless thou help me I must die ; Oh, bring thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am ! Cho. — Take me as I am, Take me as I am ; Oh, bring thy free salvation nigh, And take me as I am ! 2 Helpless I am, and full of guilt, But yet for me thy blood was spilt, And thou canst make me what thou wilt, But take me as I am ! 3 I thirst, I long to know thy love, Thy full salvation I would prove ; But since to thee I cannot move, Oh, take me as I am ! 4 If thou hast work for me to do, Inspire my will, my heart renew, And work both in and by me, too, But take me as I am ! 5 And when at last the work is done, The battle o'er, the vict'ry won, Still, still my cry shall be alone, Oh, take me as I am ! 13 1Q Music No. 20 in u The Temple Trio." T WANT to be a worker for the Lord, -*- I want to love and trust his holy word ; I want to sing and pray, And be busy every day In the vineyard of the Lord. Cho. — I will work, I will pray. In the vineyard, in the vineyard of the Lord, I will work, I will pray, I will labor every day In the vineyard of the Lord. 2 I want to be a worker every day, I want to lead the erring in the way That leads to heaven above, Where all is peace and love In the kingdom of the Lord. 3 I want to be a worker strong and brave, I want to trust in Jesus' power to bave ; All who will truly come Shall find a happy home In the kingdom of the Lord. 4 I want to be a worker, help me, Lord, To lead the lost and erring to thy word That points to joys on high, AVhere pleasuies never die In the kingdom of the Lord. I Q Music Xo. 27 in " The Quartet** 1 \OWN at the cross where my Saviour died, -^^ Down where for cleansing from sin I cried; There to my heart was the blood applied; Glory to his name. Cho. — Glory to his name, Glory to his name; There to my heart was the blood applied: Glory to his name. 2 I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within ; There at the cross where he took me in; Glory to his name. 14 3 Oh, precious fountain, that saves from sin, 1 am so glad I have entered in ; There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, Glory to his name. 4 Come to this fountain, so rich and sweet ; Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet ; Plunge in to-day, and be made complete ; Glory to his name. 20 Music No. 127 in " The Quartet." npTOVER o'er me, Holy Spirit ; J — L Bathe my trembling heart and brow ; Fill me with thy hallowed presence, — Come, oh, come and fill me now. Cho. — Fill me now, fill me now, Jesus, come and fill me now ; Fill me with thy hallowed presence,- — Come, oh, come and fill me now. 2 Thou canst fill me. gracious Spirit, Though I cannot tell thee how ; But I need thee, greatly need thee ; Come, oh, come and fill me now. 3 I am weakness, full of weakness ; At thy sacred feet I bow ; Blest, divine, eternal Spirit, Fill with power, and fill me now. 4 Cleanse and comfort, bless and save me ; Bathe, oh, bathe my heart and brow ; Thou art comforting and saving, Thou art sweetly filling now. O J Music No. 20J in " The Quartet** TUT" AVE you been to Jesus for the cleansing power ? — L Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? Cho. — Are you washed in the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb ? Are your garments spotless? are they white as snow ? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? 15 2 Are you walking daily by the Saviour's side? Are you washed iu the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the Crucified? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb ? 3 When the Bridegroom cometh, will your robes be Pure and white in the blood of the Lamb? [white, Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright. And be washed in the blood of the Lamb ? 4 Lay aside the garments that are stained w T ith sin, ' And be washed in the blood of the Lamb ; There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean, O be washed in the blood of the Lamb ! 22 t I THE Lord's our Rock, in him we hiJU, -*- A shelter in the time of storm ; Secure, whatever ill betide, A shelter in the time of storm. 2 Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land, Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. 3 A shade by day, defense by night, A shelter in the time of storm ; No fears alarm, no foes affright, A shelter in the time of storm. 4 The raging storms may round us beat, A shelter in the time of storm ; We'll never quit our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm. 5 O Rock divine, O Refuge dear, A shelter in the time of storm ; Be thou our helper ever near, A shelter in the time of storm. 2 3 Music No, jSo in " The Quartet.'* I HAVE found repose for my weary soul. Trusting in the promise of the Saviour; And a harbor safe when the billows roll, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour. 16 I will fear do Toe in the deadly striie, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour •, I will bear my lot in the toil of life, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour. Kef. — Resting on his mighty arm forever, Never from his loving heart to sever, I will rest by grace in his strong embrace, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour. 2 I will sing my song as the days go by, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour ; And rejoice in hope, while I live or die, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour. 1 can smile at grief, and abide in pain, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour ; And the loss of all shall be highest gain, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour. 3 Oh, the peace and joy of the life I live, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour; Oh, the strength and love only God can give, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour. Whosoever will may be saved to-day, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour; And begii* to walk in the holy way, Trusting in the promise of the Saviour 6 24 Music No. j6 in " The Garner? G^HALL we meet beyond the river, ^ Where the surges cease to roll? Where, in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul? Cho. — Shall we meet, shall we meet, Shall we meet beyond the river ? Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll? 2 Shall we meet in that blest harbor, When our stormy voyage is o'er? Bhall we meet and cast the anchor By the bright celestial shore ? B 17 3 Shall we meet in yonder city, Where the towers of crystal shine ? Where the walls are all of jasper, Built by workmanship divine? 4 Where the music of the ransomed Rolls its harmony around, And creation swells the chorus With its sweet melodious sound ? 6 Shall we meet there many a loved one, That was torn from our embrace ? Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face ? 6 Shall we meet with Christ our Savioui^ When he comes to claim his own ? Shall we know his blessed favor, And sit down upon his throne ? OR Music No. 200 in "Living Hymns." O OFTLY and tenderly Jesus is calling, ^ Calling for you and for me, See on the portals he's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Cho. — Come home, come home, Ye who are wea y, come home, Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home ! 2 Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, Pleading for you and for me ? Why should we linger and heed not his mercies, Mercies for you and for me ? 3 Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me ; Shadows are gathering, death beds are coming, Coming for you and for me. 4 Oh ! for the wonderful love he has promised, Promised for you, and for me ; Tho' we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me. lij per. of W. L Thompson St Co., E. Lirorpool, Ohio, and Chicago. 18 26 ""Y\7"E praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love, * * For Jesus who died and is now gone above. Cho. — Hallelujah! thine the glory, hallelujah! amen; Hallelujah ! thine the glory, revive us again. 2 We praise thee, O God, for thy Spirit of light, Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. 3 All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and cleansed every stain. 1 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, [ways, Who has bought us, and sought us, and guided out h Revive us again ; fill each heart with thy love ; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above.. 07 Music No. 216 in " The Quartet." T~^VE reached the land of corn and winej -*- And all its riches freely mine ; Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. Clio. — O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, • Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, — My heaven, my home, for evermore ! 2 My Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; He gently leads me by his hand, For this is heaven's border-land. 3 A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from ever- vernal* trees, And flowers, that never-fading grow Where streams of life forever flow. 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels with the white-robed throng Joia in the sweet redemption song. 19 23 Music No. 1 68 in "Silver Trumpet" f I ^HERE'S a great day coming, a great day coming, -*- There's a great day coming by and by, "When the saints and sinners shall be parted right and Are you ready for that day to come ? [leit, Cho. — Are you ready? are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready ? are you ready For the judgment day ? 2 There's a bright day coming, a bright day coming, There's a bright day coming by and by, But its brightness shall only come to them that love the Are you ready for that day to come ? [Lord, 3 There's a sad day coming, a sad day coming, Th re's a sad day coining by and by, When the sinner shall hear his doom, " Depart, I know Are you ready for that day to eome? [ye not," 29 Music No. 134 in " The Quartet** TUST as I am, without one plea, *-* But that thy blood wxs shed for me And that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come ! 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot O Lamb of God, I come ! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within, and fears without, O Lamb of God, I come ! 4 Just as I am — poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, liealing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come ! 5 Just as I am — thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come ! 20 6 Just as I am — tliy love unknown Hath broken every barrier down ; Now to be thine, yea, thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come ! A LAS! and did my Saviour bleed? -^"^- And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 Wa3 it for crimes that I have done. He groaned upon the tree ? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide. And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died, For man, the creature,'s sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While his dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away,— 'Tis all that I can do. Mztsic No. 326 in " The Quartet." /~\ LAND of rest, for thee I sigh, ^-^ When will the moment come, When I shall lay my armor by And dwell in peace at home? Cho. — We'll work till Jesus comes. :|| And we'll be gathered home, 2 No tranquil joys on earth I know, No peaceful sheltering dome, This world's a wilderness of woe, This world is not my home. 21 3 To Jesus Christ 1 fled for rest ; He bade me cease to roam, And lean for succor on his breast, Till he conduct me home. 4 I sought at once my Saviour's side, No more my steps shall roam ; "With him I'll brave death's chilling tide, And reach my heavenly home. OO Music No. 1 86 in " The Quartet" f^\ H, how happy are they ^-^ Who the Saviour obey, And have laid up their treasures above; Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love. ^HO. — It is good to be here, it is good to be here, Thy perfect love now drives away all our fear, And light streaming down makes the pathway all It is good for us, Lord, to be here. [clear 2 That sweet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I received thro' the blood of the Lamb ; When my heart first believed, What a joy I received — What a heaven in Jesus' name! 3 'Twas a heaven below My Redeemer to know, And the angels could do nothing more Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat, And the Lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus, all the day long, Was my joy and my song; Oh, that all his salvation might see: He hath loved me. 1 cried, He hath suffered and died, To redeem even rebels like me. 22 OQ Music No. 78 in " The Quartet '." HHHERE is a fountain ||: filled with blood, -*- Drawn from Immanuel's veins, And sinners plunged ||: beneath that flood, :|| Lose all their guilty stains. Cho. — Oh, glorious fountain ! Here will I stay, And in thee ever Wash my sins away. 2 The dying thief ||: rejoiced to see :|f That fountain in his day, And there may I, ||: though vile as he, :|| Wash all my sins away, 3 Thou dying Lamb, ||:thy precious blood :|| Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed ||: Church of God :|| Are saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since by faith ||: I saw the stream :|| Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love ||:has been my theme, :|| And shall be till I die. 34 Tune No. 158 in ''Songs of Redeeming Love, No. 2." "IDLEST be the tie that binds -*-^ Our hearts in Christian love ! The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one— Our comforts and our cares. 8 We share our mutual w r oes, Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 From sin, and curse, and shame, Now are our souls set free : And perfect love and freindship reign Through all eternity. 23 35 'TWERE is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign, Infiuite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. Cho.— There you'll sing hallelujah, And I'll sing- hallelujah, And we'll all sing hallelujah, In that bright world above. 2nd Cho. — I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too, I want to go where Jesus is, I want to go there too. 8d Cho.— I'll be there, 111 be there, When the first trumpet sounds I'll be there 2 There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering- flowers ; Death like a narrow sea divides This heavenly land from ours. 8 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dressed in living green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. Q Q Music No. 86 in " The Quartet." /^H, sometimes the shadows are deep, ^-^ And rough seems the path to the goal, And sorrows, sometimes how they sweep Like temptests down ovei the soul. Cho. — Oh, then, to the Rock let me fly, To the Rock that is higher than I. :| 2 Oh, sometimes how long seems the day, And sometimes how T weary my feet ; But toiling in life's dusty way, The Rock's blessed shadow how sweet! 3 Oh, near to the Rock let me keep, Or blessings, or sorrows prevail ; Or climbing the mountain-way steep, Or walking the shadowy vale. 24 Q7 Music No. i j in "Sunlit Songs*' "T" IKE an army we are marching, -*-^ In the service of the Lord ; Marching onward to the vict'ry He has promised in his word. Cho. — Marching, marching, Marching brave and strong, Like an army we are marching. While we sing our happy song. 2 Like an army we are marching, With our banners, day by day, Looking ever unto Jesus, Trusting him to guide onr way. 3 Like an army we are marching, From the Sunday-school we come ; Trained to follow our Conmander, Till he brings us safely home. 4 Like an army we are marching, Many trials tho' we meet, — We shall count them scores of blessing, When we rest at Jesus' feet. 38 Music No. 14s in "Radiant Songs." /^)UR friends on earth we meet with pleasure, V^ While swift the momen ts fly, Ye ever comes the thought ofsadness That we must say good by. Cho. — We'll never say good by in heaven, We'll never say good by, Por in that land of joy and song We'll never say good by. 2 How joyful is the thought that lingers, When loved ones cross death's sea, That when our labors here are ended, With them we'll ever be. 3 No parting words shall e'er be spoken In that bright land of flowers, But songs of joy, and peace, and gladness, Shall evermore be ours. 25 39 "piTEAVEN'S a beautiful city, -*--■- Its streets are all paved with pure gold, Its walls are made of jasper, Its beauties have never been told. Cho. — I long, I long, I long to meet you there ! :j| 2 Heaven's a beautiful city, The robes and the crowns I see ; Its joys will last forever, — Oh, that is the home for me ! 3 Heaven's a beautiful city, To its glories I fain would fly ; I'm going to see king Jesus, In the land where we never shall die. 4 Will you go to that beautiful city? Or will you forever be lost ? No sickness nor death shall part us When once the dark river we've cross'd. 40 Music No. 52 in " The Temple Trio." f~\ HAPPY day ! what a Saviour is mine ! ^-^ T am redeemed, praise the Lord ! All to his pleasure 1 gladly resign, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Jesus hns taken my burden away ; Jesus has turned all my night into day ; Jesus has come to my heart, — come to stay, — 1 am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Cho — O happy day, what a Saviour is mine ! I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! All to his pleasure I gladly resign, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! 2 clap your hands, all ye people of God, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Let every tongue speak his mercy abroad, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! His loving kindness is better than gold ; He doth bestow more than my cup can hold ; Wondrous Salvation ! that ne'er can be told,— I am redeemed, praise the Lord. 2G 3 Thanks be to God for the great viet'ry given, I am redeemed, praise the Lord I Now I am free ; every chain has been riven, — I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Out of the pit, and the mire, and the clay, Jesus has borne me in triumph away ; Safe on the rock I am standing to-day, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ) 4 Glory to God, I would shout evermore, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! O for a voice that could reach every shore, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! Help me, ye ransomed, awake, every string, Let earth rejoice and the whole heavens ling, While we the chorus unitedly sino-, I am redeemed, praise the Lord ! A ( Music No. 304 in " The Qziartet." nV/TY Saviour suffered on the tree. -^-^- Glory to the bleeding Lamb ; Oh, come and view the Lamb with me, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! Cho. — The Lamb ! the Lamb ! the bleeding Lamb i I love the sound of Jesus' name, It sets my spirit all aflame, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 2 He bore my s'ns, and curse, and shame. Glory to the bleeding Lamb ; And I am saved through Jesus' name, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 3 I know my sins are all forgiven, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ; And I am on my way to heaven, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 4 And when the storms of life are o'er, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ; I'll sing upon the happier shore, Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 5 And this my ceaseless song shall be,— Glory to the bleeding Lamb ; That Jesus tasted death for me, Glory to the bleeding Lamb I 42 "P>EECI0U8 Saviour, thou dost save me; -*"- Thiue and only thine I am. Oh ! the cleansing blood has reached me ; Glory, glory to the Lamb. Cho. — Glory, glory, Jesus caves me ; Glory, glory to the Lamb ! Oh! the cleansing blood has reached me: Glory, glory to the Lamb! 2 Long my yearning heart was trying To enjoy this perfect rest ; But I gave all trying over ; Simply trusting I was blest. 3 Trusting, trusting every moment, Knowing now the blood applied ; Lying at the cleansing fountain, Dwelling in my Saviour's side. 4 Consecrated to thy service, I will live and die for thee; I will witness to thy glory, Of salvation full and free. 5 Yes. I will stand up for Jesus — He hath surely saved my soul ; Cleansed me from inbred corruption ; Sanctified, and made me whole. d»3 G1HALL we gather at the river, ^ Where bright angel feet have troc^ With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God ? CHO.— Yes, we'll gather at the river. The beautiful, the beautiful river, Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river. W ashing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy golden day. 28 44 [feEre we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down, Grace our spirits will deliver And provide a robe and crown. 4 Soon we'll reach the shining river, Soon our pilgimage will cease, Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. /^F him who did salvation bring, ^^ I'm at the fountain drinking, I could forever think and sing, I'm on my journey home. Chorus. — Glory to God, r I'm at the fountain drinking, Glory to God, I'm on my journey home. 2 Ask but his grace, and lo ! 'tis given, I'm at the fountain drinking, Ask and he turns your hell to heaven, I'm on my journey home. 3 Though sin and sorrow wound my soul, I'm at the fountain drinking, Jesus, thy balm will make it whole, I'm on my journey home. A, Q Music No. 147 in " The Temple Trio!* f~\ PRODIGAL, dont stay away, ^^ The Father is waiting to-day, Tbere is room and to spare, There is raiment to wear, O prodigal, dont stay away. Cho.— Will you come, will you come, Will you come, come home to day i There's a welcome for you, There's a kiss, kind and true, Then, O prodigal, dont stay away, 29 2 O prodigal brother, come* home., % Why longer in wretchedness fount 1 You're lonely and lost, You're driven and tost, O prodigal brother, come home, 3 O prodigal, what will you do? Love's table is waiting for you, Forgiveness so sweet, Sure your comLig will greet, O prodigal, what will you do? 4 O prodigal brother, arise, For pardon look up to the skies, No longer then stray From thy Father away, O prodigal brother, arise. dLQ Music No' 56 in " Radiant Songs? r\ COME, to Calvary turning, ^-^ Jes;is is calling for thee ; His heart so tenderly yearning, Jesus is calling for thee. Come now, and enter the fountain, Fountain of mercy so free ; Though sin arise like a mountain, Jesus is calling for thee. Cho. — Calling, calling, Jesus is calling for thee, Calling, calling, Jesus is calling for thee. 2 hark ! in life's sunny morning, Jesus is calling for thee, Sweet flowers thy pathway adorning, Jesus is calling for thee. He sends you gladness and pleasure, Wilt thou not thank him to-day ? Come now, and seek endless treasure, Joys that are brighter than day. 30 8 O soul so burdened and weary, Jesus is calling for thee ; He'll lift the shadows so dreary, Jesus is calling for thee. In love thy troubles are given, Sorrow is only his voice That bids thee look up to heaven, Look, and in Jesus rejoice. &7 Music No. jo in " The Quartet** f I THOUGH troubles assail, and dangers affright, - 1 - Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, The promise assures us, — the Lord will provide. Cho. — Yes, I will rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, Yes, I will rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, Yes, I will rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, Will joy in the God of my salvation. 2 The birds, without barn or storehouse, are fed ; From them let us learn to trust for our bread, His saints, what is fitting, shall ne'er be denied, So long as 'tis written, — the Lord will provide. 3 When Satan appears to stop up our path, And fills us with fears, we triumph by faith ; He cannot take from us, though oft he has tried, The heart-cheering promise, — the Lord will provide, 4 He tells us we're weak, — our hope is in vain: The good that we seek we ne'er shall obtain : But when such suggestions our graces have tried, This answers all questions, — the Lord will provide. 5 No strength of our own, nor goodness we claim ; Our trust is all thrown on Jesus' great name : In this our strong tower for safety we hide ; The Lord is our power, — the Lord will provide. 6 When life sinks apace, and deatli is in view, The word of his grace shall comfort us through : Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting. — the Lord will provide. 31 43 Music A0.32J in " The Quartet." /^OMF to Jesus, come to Jesus, ^-^ Come to Jesus just now, Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. 2 He will save you. 3 Oh, believe him. 4 He is able. 5 He is willing. 6 He'll receive you. 7 Flee to Jesus. 8 Call unto him. 9 He will hear you. 10 He'll have mercy. 11 Hell forgive you. 12 He will cleanse you, 13 He'll renew yon. 14 He will clothe you. 15 Jesus loves you. 4.Q Tune No. ~l in ''Songs of Redeeming Love, No. 2." ~T~ESUS, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came, *-* Born in a manger to sorrow and shame— O it was wonderful ; blest be his name ! Seeking forme, forme, Seeking for me, for me, Oh, it was wonderful, blest be his name ! Seeking for rne, for me. 2 Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of old, Paid the great debt, and my soul he set free, O it was wonderful, low could it be? Dying for me, for me, Dying for me. for me, Oh, it was wonderful, how could it be? Dying for me, for me. 3 Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of oM, While I did wander afar from the fold, Gently and long he hath pled with my soul, Calling for me, for me, Calling forme, forme, Gently and long hath he pled with my soul, Calling for me, for me. 32 4 Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from ou high \ Sweet is the promise as weary years rly ; O I shall see him descend ng the sky, Coming for me, for me, Coming for me, for me, I shall see him descending the sky, Coming for me, for me, gQ Music No. 288 in " The Temple Trio** TV/P Y life* m y l° ve > I g ive to thee, - iy - M - Thou Lamb of God, who died for me ; Oh, may I ever faithful be, My Saviour and my God ! Cho. - I'll live for him who died for me, How happy then my life shall be ! I'll live for him who died for me, My Saviour and my God ! 2 I now believe thou dost receive, For thou hast died that I might live ; And now henceforth I'll trust in thee, My S aviour and my God ! 3 Oh, thou who died on Calvary, To save my soul and make me free, I consecrate my life to thoe, My Saviour and my God ! 51 "\X7"E speak of the land of the blest, * * A country so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories con'fest, But what must it be to be there. Cho. — In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore, In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. 2 We speak of its pathways of gold, Its walls decked with jewels so rare, Its wonders and pleasures untold, But what must it be to be there. 33 3 We speak of its peace and its love, The robes which the glorified wear, The songs of the blessed above, **ut what must it be to be there. 4 We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, From trials without and within, But what must it be to be there. 5 Do thou, Lord, midst pleasure or woe, For heaven our spirits prepare, Then shortly we also shall know, And feel what it is to be there. QO Music No. 6 1 in "Songs for the Ransomed* 1 TV/T ARCHING on in the light of God, -*-*-■- Marching on, I am marching on ; Up the path that the Master trod, Marching, marching on. Cho. — A robe of white, a crown of gold, A harp, a home, a mansion fair, A victor's palm, a joy untold, Are mine when I get there. 2 Marching on thro 1 the hosts of sin, Marching on, I am marching on ; Victory's mine, while I've Christ within, Marching, marching on. 3 Marching on while the skeptics sneer, Marching on, I am marching on • Perfect love casteth out all fear, Marching, marching on. ,1 Marching on with the flag unfurled, Marching on, I am marching on ; Preaching Christ to the dying world, Marcking, marching on, 34 53 54 r HEAR the Saviour say, -*- Thy strength indeed is small ; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in me thine all in all. Cho. — Jesus paid it all, All to him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain : He washed it white as snow. 2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and thine alone, Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone. 3 For nothing good have I Whereby thy grace to claim — I'll wash my garment white In the blood of Calvary's Lamb. "X/TY heavenly home is bright and fair: XV-L. N or pain nor death can enter there; Its glittering towers the sun outshine ; That heavenly mansion shall be mine. Cho. — I'm going home, I'm going home, I'm going home to die no more ; To die no more, to die no more, I'm going home to die no more. 2 My Father's house is built on high, Far, far above the starry sky. When from this earthly prison free, That heavenly mansion mine shall be. 3 While here, a stranger far from home, Affliction's waves may round me foam ; Although, like Lazarus, sick and poor, My heavenly mansion is secure. 4 Let others seek a home below, Which flames devour, or waves o'erflow f Be mine the happier lot to own A heavenly mansion near the throne 5 Then fail the earth, let stars decline. And sun and moon refuse to shine, AU nature sink and cease to be, That heavenly mansion stands for me. 65 |" AM happy now in a Saviour's love, -■- And, whatever may betide, I am trusting in him who reigns above, And keeping by his side. Cho. — Oh, sinner, why will you not come And join this happy band. So you'll be sure to reach that home Up in the heavenly land ? 2 And as I journey along the way With joy my heart is filled, My Saviour will be my guide and stay Till in death this heart is stilled. 3 The Saviour waits to welcome you, Oh, why will you not come? Now from this time bid sin adieu, And start for the heavenly home. 4 The ways of sin are dark and drear, With no hopes in the life to come, But the way to heaven is bright and clear, So start for the heavenly home. 5 Narrow is the way to heaven's bright laud, And oh, the joy that's to come ! When we will join the angel band Up in the heavenly home. — jas. Mani*y. 56 T HEAR thy welcome voice, -*- That calls me, Lord, to thee For cleansing in thy precious blood That flowed on Calvary. Cho. —I am coming, Lord ! Coming now to thee ! Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Calvary. 36 2 Though coming weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure ; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, Till spotless all and pure. 3 'Tis Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, For earth and heaven above. 4 'Tis Jesus who confirms The blessed work within, By adding grace to welcomed grace, Where reigned the power of sin. 5 And he the witness gives To loyal hearts and free, That every promise is fulfilled, If faith but brings the plea. E\~7 Music No. j 2 in " The Sacred Trio." TNTO the tent where a gypsy boy lay, -*- Dying alone at the close of the day, News of salvation we carried, said he, " Nobody ever has told it to me 1 " Ref. — Tell it again ! tell it again ! Salvation's story repeat o'er and o'er, Till none can say of the children of men, " Nobody ever has told me before." 2 " Did he so love me, — a poor little boy ? Send unto me the good tidings of joy ? Need I not persh? my hand will he hold ? Nobody ever the story has told I" 3 Bending we caught the. last words of his breath, Just as he entered the valley of death ; " God sent his Son ! " — " whosoever? : ' said he ; "Then I am sure that he sent him for me ! " 4 Smiling, be said, as his last sigh he spent, ' ■ I am so glad that for me he was sent I " Whispered, while low sank the sun in the west, " Lord, I believe, tell it now to the rest ! " 37 QQ Music No. 374 in " The Quartet. n /^\UT on the desert, looking, looking, ^S Sinner, 'tis Jesus looking for thee; Tenderly calling, calling, calling, Hither, thou lost one, O come unto me. Cho. — Jesus is looking. Jesus is calling, Why dose thou linger, why tarry away? Run to him quickly, say to him gladly, Lord, I am coming, coming to-day. 2 Still he is waiting, waiting, waiting. O what compassion beams in his eye ; Hear him repeating gently, gently, Come to thy Saviour, O why wilt thou die. 3 Lovingly pleading, pleading, pleading, Mercy, though slighted, bears with thee yet? Thou canst be happy, happy, happy, Come, ere thy life-star forever shall set. 4 Spirits in glory, watching, watching, Long to behold thee safe in the fold ; Angels are waiting, waiting, waiting, When shall thy story with rapture be told ? AQ Music No. 28 in " TJie Quartet." /V RE yon weary, are you heavy-hearted 1 Jzy - Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Are you grieving over joys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone. CHO.— Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known ; You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. 2 Do thp tears flow down your cheeks unbidden? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Have you sins that to man's eye are hidden? Tell it to Jesus alone. 33 3 Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow ? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; Are you anxious what shall be to-morrow ? Tell it to Jesus alone. 4 Are you troubled at the thought of dying? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus ; For Christ's coming Kingdom are you sighing ? Tell it to Jesus alone. 60 r HAVE found a friend in Jesus, he's everything go -*~ He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul ; [me, The Lily of the Valley, in him alone I see All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole ; In sorrow he's my comfort, in trouble he's my stay, He tells me every care on him to roll. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. [Star, Cho. — In sorrow he's my comfort, in trouble he's my stay, He tells me every care on him to roll. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. [Star, 2 He all my griefs has taken, and all my sorrows borne; In temptation he's my strong and mighty tower; I have all for him forsaken, and all my idols torn From my heart, and now he keeps me by his power; Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal, [sore, He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. [Star, 3 He will never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, While I live by faith and do his blessed will ; A wall of fire about me, I've nothing now to fear ; With his manna he my hungry soul shall fill ; Then sweeping up to glory to see his blessed face, Where rivers of delight shall ever roll. He's the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. [Stat 39 61 r I THERE are songs of joy that I loved to sing -*- When my heart was as blithe as a bird in spring; But the song I have learned is so full of cheer, That the dawn shines out in the darkness drear. Cho. — O the new, new song ! O the new, new song ! I can sing it now with the ransomed throng : Power and dominion to him that shall reign; Glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain ! 2 There are strains of home that are dear as life, And I list to them oft 'mid the din of strife ; But I know of a home that is wondrous fair, And I sing the psalm they are singing there. 3 Can my lips be mute, or my heart be sad, When the gracious Master hath made me glad? When he points where the many mansions be, And sweetly says, " There is one for thee " ? 4 I shall catch the gleam of its jasper wall Wh£n I come to the gloom of the evenfall ; For I know that the shadows, dreary and dim, Have a path of light that will lead to him. 62 /^OME, every soul by sin oppressed, ^-^ There's mercy with the Lord, And he will surely give you rest, By trusting in his word. Cho. — Only trust him. only trust him, Only trust him now ; He will save you. he will save you, He will save you now. 2 For Jesus shed his precious blood Rich blessings to bestow ; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest; Believe in him without delay, And you are fully blest, 40 4 Come, then, and join tnis holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow. gQ Mustc No. J 16 in "The Temple Trio." f~\ JESUS, Lord, thy flying love ^-^ Hath pierced my contrite heart ; Now take my life, and let me prove How dear to me thou art, Cho. — At the cross :'| where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy night and day ! 2 Amid the night of sin and death Thy light hath filled my soul ; To me thy loving voice now saith, Thy faith hath made thee whole. 3 I kiss thy feet, I clasp thy hand, 9 I touch thy bleeding side ; let me here forever st and, Where thou wast crucified. 4 My Lord, my light, my strength, my all, I count my gain but loss ; Forever let thy love enthrall, And keep me at the cross. fi4- Music No. 42 in " The Temple Trio." /^T^OD loved the world so tenderly ^^ His only Son he gave, That all who on his name bel'eve Its wondrous power will save. Cho. — For God so loved the world Th^it he gave his only Son, That whosoever believeth in him Should not perish, should not perish, That whosoever believeth in him Should not perish, but have everlasting life. 41 2 Oli, love that only God can feel, And only he can show ! Its height and depth, its length and breadth Xor heaven nor earth can know ! 3 Why perish, then, ye ransom'd ones? Why Blight the gracious call? Why turn from him whose words proclaim Eternal life to all? 4 O Saviour, melt these hearts of ours, And teach us to believe That whosoever comes to thee Shall endless life receive. 65 T W ILL sing you a song of a beautiful land, -*- The far away home of the soul, Where no storms over beat on the glittering strand, |: While the years of eternity roll, :|| Where no storms ever beat, etc. 2 O that home of the soul ! in my visions and dreams, Its bright jasper walls I can see ; Till I fancy but thinly the veil intervenes || : Between the fair city and me, :| Till I fancy, etc. 3 That unchangable home is for you and for me, Where Jesus of Nazareth stands ; The King of all kingdoms forever is he, J ■ And he holdeth our crowns in his hands :J The King of all, etc. 4 O how sweet it will oe in that beautiful land, So free from all sorrow and pain, With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands, |] : To meet one another again ! : ! With songs on our, etc. gg Music Ko. 140 in " Tlie Temple Trio.** •"\\TEARY with walking alone, ^* Long heavy-laden with sin ; To ; ling all night without Christ, Rest for my soul shall I win — 42 Cho. — Leaning on Jesus, I walk at his side ; Leaning on Jesus, I trust him, my Shepherd and Guide. 2 Fearing to stand for my Lord, Trembling for weakness in prayer ; Yet, on the bosom divine. Losing each sorrow and fear 3 Anxious no longer for self, Shrinking no longer from pain ; Leaning on Je^us alone, He all my care will sustain. 4 Leaning, I walk in "the Way," Leaning "the Truth" I shall know; leaning on heart-throbs of Christ, Safe into "Life " I may go. Q7 Music No. i8j in "Radiant Songs.*' Z^IOME, sinners, to the gospel feast ; ^-^ It is for you, it is for me , Let ev'ry soul be Jesus' guest : It is for you, it is for me. Cho.— Salvation full, salvation free, The price was paid on Calvary ; O weary wand' re r, come and see, It is for you, it is for me. 2 Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind, 3 Sent by my Lord, on you I call ; The invitation is to ail : 4 Come, all the world ! come, sinner, thou II All things in Christ are ready now. 5 Come, all ye souls by sin oppressed, Ye restless wanderers after rest ; 6 Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind In Christ a hearty welcome find. 7 My message as from God receive ; Ye all may come to Christ and live 43 68 Music No. 112 in "Songs of Redeeming Love, No. 2* "VV^HEN Jesus laid his crown aside, * * He came to save me ; "When on the cross he bled and died, lie came to save me. Cho.— I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm so glad that Jesus came, And grace is free, I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm so glad that Jesus came, He came to save me. 2 In my poor heart ho deigns to dwell, He came to save me ; 0, praise his name, I know it well, He came to save me. 3 With gentle hand he leads me still, He came to save me ; And trusting him I fear no ill, He came to save me. 4 To him my faith with rapture clings, He came to save me ; To him my heart looks up and sings, He came to save me. 69 rpOGETHER, let us sweetly live, -*- I'm bound for the land of Canaan. Together let us sweetly die, I'm bound for the land of Canaan. Cho.— Oh, Canaan, bright Canaan, I'm bound for the land of Canaan, Oh, Canaan is my happy home, I'm bound for the land of Canaan. 2 If you get there before I do, Then praise the Lord, I'm coming too. 3 Part of my friends the prize have won, And I'm resolved to follow on. 44 70 Music No. 1 66 in " The Quartet." "V\T"HEN I survey the wondrous cross * ^ On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. 3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down : Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small : Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. 71 Music No. i6g in " The Quartet." *L> OCK of ages, cleft for me, -**- ^ Let me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. 2 Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and thou alone s In my hand no price I bring ; Simply to thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee on thy throne, Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in the**. 45 70 Music No. gi in "Songs of Redeeming Love, No. 2." "VXTHO, who, is he? :|| that overcometh v y By the blood of the Lamb ? ||:He that believeth and is | born of God, :| Shall overcome by the blood. Ref. — Oj, the precious, precious blood ! O, the cleansing, healing flood ! O, the power and the love of God, Through the blood of the Lamb ! 2 What shall he wear? :| that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb ? J: He shall be clothed in | raiment white, :J That overcomes by the blood. 3 What shall he eat? :|| that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb ? J: He shall eat of the i tree of life, :| That overcomes by the blood. 4 What shall he be ? :J| that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb ? J: He shall be a pillar in the I temple of God, :[ That overcomes by the blood. 5 What shall we hear? :[ that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb ? He shall hear his name con- | fessed in heaven, That overcomes by the blood. 6 What shall he have ? :| that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb. J : God will give him all things, and | make him his That overcomes by the blood. [son, :| 7 Where shall he sit? :| that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb? |: He shall sit with | Jesus on his throne, :J That overcomes by the blood. 8 What is the victory? :| that overcometh By the blood of the Lamb? II .-Faith is the victory that | overcometh, :[ By the blood of the Lamb. 46 7 3 Music A r o. 206 in "The Quartet." f~\YL, blessed fellowship divine i ^-^ Oh, joy supremely sweet! Companionship with Jesus here Makes life with bliss replete ; In union with the purest one I find my heaven on earth begun. Cho. — Oh, wondrous bliss ! oh, joy sublime ! I've Jesus with me all the time. :|| 2 I'm walking close to Jesus' side, So close that I can hear The softest w r hispers of his love, In fellowship so dear, And feel his great, almighty hand Protects me in this hostile land. 3 I'm leaning on his loving breast, Along life's weary way ; My path, illumined by his smiles, Grows brighter day by day ; No foes, no woes my heart can fear With my almighty Friend so near. 4 I know his shelt'ring wings of love Are always o'er me spread, And though the storms may fiercely rage, All calm and free from dread, My peaceful spirit ever sings, " 111 trust the covert of thy wings." 74 f~\ FOR a faith that will not shrink, ^^ Though pressed by every foe, That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe ! 2 That will not murmur nor complain "~ Beneath the chastening rod, But, in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God : 8 A faith that shines more bright and deal When tempests rage without ; That when in danger knows no fear, Ix\ darkness feels no doubt ; 47 4 1'h at bears unmoved the world's dread frown, Nor heeds its scornful smile ; That ^eas of trouble cannot drown, Nor Satan's arts beguile ; 5 A faith that keeps the narrow way- Till life's last hour is fled, And with a pure and heavenly ray Illumes a dying bed. 6 Lord, give us such a faith as this, And then, whate'er may come, We'll taste, e'en here, the hallowed bliss Of an eternal home. 75 Tune, "Sweet by and by." T TOW tedious and tasteless the hours -*--*- When Jesus no longer I see! Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers. Have all lost their sweetness to me ; The midsummer sun shines but dim, The fields strive in vain to look gay ; But when I am happy in him, December's as pleasant as May. Cho. — I believe Jesus saves, And his blood washes whiter than snow if 2 His name yields the richest perfume, And sweeter than music his voice ; His presence disperses my gloom. And makes all within me rejoice; I should, where he always thus nigh, Have nothing to wish or to fear ; No mortal so happy as I, My summer would last all the year. 3 Content with beholding his face, My all to his pleasure resigned, No changes of season or place Would make any change in my mind: While blest with a sense of his love, A palace a toy would appear ; And prisons would palaces prove. If Jesus would dwell with me there. 46 7Q Music A T o. 75 in "The Quartet." ' L^ACH cooing dove and sighing bough, * J That makes the eve so blest to me, Has something far diviner now, It bears me back to Galilee. Cho. — O Galilee ! sweet Galilee ! Where Jesus loved so much to be ; O Galilee ! blue Galilee ! Come, sing thy song again to me ! 2 Each flowery glen and mossy dell, Where happy birds in song agree, Through sunny morn the praises tell Of sights and sounds in Galilee. 3 And when I read the thrilling lore Of him who walked upon the sea, 1 long, oh, how I long once more To follow him in Galilee. ^"7 Music No. j88 in " The Quartet?' G< IMPLY trusting every day; ^—^ Trusting, though a stormy way; Even when my faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Cho. — Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by, Trusting him, whate'er befall, — Trusting Jesus, that is all. 2 Brightly doth his Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine; While he leads I cannot fall, — Trusting Jesus, that is all. 3 Singing, if my way is clear ; Praying, if my path is drear ; If in danger, for him call, — Trusting Jesus, that is all. 4 Trusting him while life shall last, Trusting him till earth is past — Till within the Jasper wall — Trusting Jesus, that is all. D 49 78 T AM a poor pilgrim of sorrow. -■*- Tossed out on this wide world alone, No hope in this world of to morrow, I've started to reach a far home. Cho — Sometimes 1 am tossed and driven, Sometimes 1 know not where to roam, I hear of a city called heaven, .1 am striving to make it my home. 2 I am wandering through this land o? sorrow, No cheering nor comfort have I, I have come through so many hard terrors, Lord, must I now perish and die? 3 I know that I am weak and unworthy, My heart is so prone to sin, But Jesus the Saviour almighty Says, come, pilgrim, I'll take you % And this my cry, as time rolls by, I want more faiih in Jesus. 2 To war against the foes within I want more faith in Jesus ; To rise above the powers of sin I want more faith in Jesus. 3 To brave the storms that here I meet I want more faith in Jesns ; To rest confiding at his feet I want more faith in Jesus. 4 I want a faith that works by love, A constant faith in Jesus ; A faith that mountains can remove, A living faith in Jesus. 53 Q4 Music .\o. 66 in "Smniii Songs." " i \\7^E shall walk with him in white, * * In that country pure and bright, Where shall enter naught that may defile; "Where the day-beam ne er declines, For the blessed light that shines Is the glory of the Saviour's smile. Clio. — Beautiful robes, Beautiful robes, Beautiful robes we then shall wear, Garments of light, Lovely and bright, Walking witli Je-us in white, Beautiful robes we shall wear. 2 We shall walk with him in white, Where faith yields to blissful sight, When the beauty of the King we see; Holding converse full and sweet, In a fellowship complete; Waking songs of holy melody. 3 We shall walk with him in white, By the fountains of delight, Where the Limb his ransomed ones shall lead, For liis blood shall wash each stain, Till no spot of sin remain, And the soul forevermore is freed. QK Music No. 158 in "Sunlit Songs." "\ /TY soul, in sad exile, was out on life's sea, -*-*-*- So burdened with sin. and distrest, Till I heard a sweet voice saying, make me you choice, And I entered the ' ' Haven of Rest ! ' ' C110.— I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more ; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep, In Jesus I'm safe evermore. 54 2 1 yielded myself to his tender embrace, And faith taking hold of the word, My fetters fell oif, and I anchored my sonl ; The haven of rest is my Lord. 3 The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole, Has been the old story so blest Of Jesus, who'll save whosoever will have A home in the " Haven of Rest." 4 How precious the thought that we all may recline, Like John the beloved and blest, On Jesus' strong arm, where no tempest can harm, — Secuie in the * ' Haven of rest." 5 Oh, come to the Saviour, he patiently waits To save by his power divine ; Come, anchor your soul in the haven of rest, And say, " my Beloved is mine." 85 Music No. 161 in "Precious Hymns.** (~), I left it cill with Jesus, long ago, long ago, ^-^ My sinfulness I brought him, and my woe ; And when by faith I saw him on the tree, And heard his still small whisper, "Tisfor thee," From my weary heart the burden roll'd away, roll'd away, And now I'm singing glory, happy day. 2 O, I leave it all with Jesus, for he knows, for he knows, Just how to take the bitter from life's woes, And how to gild the tear-drop with his smile, To make the desert garden bloom awhile ; Then with all my weakness, leaning on his might, My soul sings hallelujah, all is light. 3 O, I leave it all with Jesus, day by day, chy by day, My faith can firmly trust him, come what may ; For hope has dropped her anchor, found her rest, Within the calm, sure haven of his breast : And oh ! 'tis joy of heaven to abide, to abide Close to my dear Redeemer, at his side. 55 Q7 Music No. 33 in "Sunlit S HHRYTNG to walk in the steps of the Saviour, ~*"- Trying to foMow our Saviour and King ; Shaping our lives by his blessed example, Happy, how happy, the songs that we bring Cho. — How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Stepping in the light, [Saviour, Stepping in the light, flow beautiful do walk in the steps of the Saviour. Led in paths of light. 2 Pres ing m >re closely to him who is leading. When we are tempted to turn fr -m the w.iy; Trusting the arm that is strong to defend us, Happy, how happy, our praises each day. 3 Walking in footsteps of gentle foibearance, Footsteps of fa thfulness, mercy, and love, Looking to him for the grace freely promised, Hippy, how happy, our journey above. 4 Trying to walk in the steps of the Saviour, Upward, stiil upward we'll follow our Guide, When we shall see him, "the King in his beauty, 1 ' ' Happy, how happy, our place at his side. QQ Music No.jl in "Sunlit Songs." "\\TITAT a wonderful salvation! * * For its length and breadth and height Far excel the grandest knowledge Of the seraphim in light ; I can never, never fathom Half its holy mystery, But I know it is for sinners, And it just suits me. Cho. — |:It just suits me, It just suits me, This wonderful salvation, It just suits me.: j| 56 2 Oh, this blessed " whosoever," Calling ev'ry one who will, To the sparkling, living waters Flowing fully, freely still ; No, I know not why he loves me, But his blood is all my plea ; I can trust his " whosoever/ ; For it just suits me. 3 Precious promises of Jesus, Sweeping ev'ry human need ! For the grace of our Redeemer Must our highest thought, exceed; To the mighty, royal storehouse Let me use the golden key, Find the special, tender promise That will just suit me. 4 What a perfect, present Saviour ! What a true and loving fiiend ! Can we ever praise him rightly? Tell how grace and glory blend ? Now the Prince of Peace is reigning, Over-ruling all I see ; So, whatever lot he orders, May it just suit me. QQ Music No. i§r in "Precious Hymns** /^H, why should we wrestle with fears ^-^ And doubts, which the Spirit must grieve ? And why should we languish in sorrow and tears, When there's nothing to do but believe. Cho. — Believe, believe, Only on Jesus bel : eve ; Salvation is waiting for you and for me, There is nothing to do but believe. £ His word is assurance complete ; Thy sins and thine idols now leave ; Come, pleading his promise, and fall at his feet, Then you've nothing to do but believe. 57 8 How easy tlie terms of Lis grace : 'Tis only to ask and receive ; The seal of his favor, the smile of his face, Are for those who will only believe. QQ Music Xo. 92 in " Sunlit Songs." ~T~N darkness I wandered till Jesus 1 1'ound, -"-And then, praise his name ! The clear light of heaven my pathway shone round, And peace to my spirit there came. Cho.— And now I'm confiding, And sweetly abiding In Jesus, my Saviour, Companion and Guide : His name I'm confessing, He fills me with blessing ; To me he's far dearer than all else beside. 2 The birds o'er my head seemed to sing a new s >ng, So wohdrously sweet; All nature seemed praising in notes loud and long, My Saviour, when first we did meet. 3 And now we are walking together along, My Saviour and I ; He blesses and leads me with hand kind and strong, And freely his grace does supply. 4 Oh, wonderful Brother, Redeemer and Friend ! I love him I know ; This blessed companionship, never to end, Grows sweeter as onward I go. Q I Atusic No. fj/ in "Sunlit Songs.'' npHERE'S sunshine in my soul to-day, -*- More glorious and bright Than glows in any earthly sky, For Jesus is my light. 58 Ref. — Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, When the peaceful, happy moments roll ; When Jesus shows his smiling face There is sunshine in the soul. 2 There's music in my soul to-day, A carol to my King, And Jesus, listening, can hear The songs I cannot sing. 3 There's springtime in my soul to-day, For when the Lord is near The dove of peace sings in my heart, The flowers of grace appear. 4 There's gladness in my soul to-day, And hope, and praise, and love, For blessings which he gives me now, For joys "laid up " above. OO Music No. 68 in "Sunlit Songs." /^OME over, lost one, come ^-^ Over the line to-day, Where Jesus bids you stand ; Oh, come away. Cho. — Come over, oh, come over, Come over the line to-day ; And heav'n delight, while men invite, And angels seem to say, Come over, oh, come over, ( ome over the line to-day ; To Jesus bow, he calls you now, Come over the line to-day. 2 Only a step to God, One step to cross the line ; Hasten. O dying one, Touch the divine 1 59 3 Moment of priceless worth, When God has drawn so near ; 1 1 is wondrous tenderness, Sinner, levere. 4 Dare not this call refuse, When duty is so plain ; The Spirit long denied Conies not again. 5 Lost one, this call to you May be the very last ! Haste ! ere forevermore Your day be past yd Music No. 66 in " Precious Hymns." t I ^HERE'S a shout in the camp, for the Lord is here, -**- Hallelujah ! praise his name ; To the feast of his love we again draw near, Praise, oh, praise his name. Clio. — Room for the millions ! room for all ! Hallelujah ! praise his name ; Come to the banquet, great and small, Praise, oh, praise his name. 2 There's a shout in the camp like the shout of oM r Hallelujah ! praise his name ; For the cloud of his glory we now behold, Praise, oh, praise his name. 3 There's a shout in the ranks of the King of kings Hallelujah ! praise his name ; While we drink at the Rock from the living springs Praise, oh, praise his name ; 4 There's a shout in the camp while our souls repeat Hallelujah, praise his name ; Theie is room for the world at the Saviour's feet, Praise, oh, praise his name. 94* Music No. jn in "Sunlit Songs." T'M happy, so happy ! no words can express -*- The joy and the comfort I see, For Jesus hath purchased, thro' infinite grace, A perfect salvation for me. GO (Jho. — Saved, saved, oh, glory to God ! I feel the assurance divine ; Saved, saved, oh, glory to God ! His Spirit bears witness with mine, 2 I'm happy, so happy ! while trusting in him "Whose presence o'ershadows my way; Who leadeth my soul by the river of peace, And giveth me strength as my day. 3 My love may be tested, my faith may be tried, The depth of its fervor to prove, But welcome each trial, m} 7- Saviour designs The gold from the dross to remove. 4 O blessed Redeemer, some day I shall stand O'erwhelmed with the light of thy face, Adoring forever, and shouting thy praise, Because thou hast saved me by grace. 95 Music No. 57 i?i "Precious Hymns" ~T~~i~EAR the earnest invitation, Wanderer from the path of light^ Jesus offers his salvation ; Will you come to Christ to-night ? Cho, — Will you come? will you come? Come and at his altar bow ; Will you come? will you come? Jesus waits to save you now. 2 Christian souls are fervent praying, Holy Spirit, send thy light, Why afar in darkness staying? Why not come to Christ to-night? 3 Angels near us, eager bending, Friends beloved from homes of light, With our hearts their question blending, Will you come to Christ to-night? 4 Hear the Saviour interceding, Nor his gracious message slight ; Will you pass his cross unheeding ? Oh, return to Christ to night. 61 Q6 Music No. 135 in "Precious Hymns" HH HE Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, -■- He maketh me down to lie In pastures green, he leadeth me The quiet waters by. Cbo. — His yoke is easy, his burden is light, I've found it so, I've found it so ; He leadeth me, by day and by night, Where living waters flow. 2 My soul crieth out : l( restore me again, And give me the strength to take The narrow path of righteousness, E'en for his own name's sake." 3 Yea, thy I should walk in the valley of death, Yet why should I fear from ill? For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff me comfort still. Q7 Music No. 160 in "Precious Hymns." V/ OU ask what makes me happy, my heart so free -*- from care, It is because my Saviour in mercy heard my prayer; He brought me out of darkness, and now the light I see ; O blessed, loving Saviour ! to him the praise shall be. Cho. — I will shout his praise in glory, So will I, so will I, And we'll all sing hallelujah in beaven by and by;; I will shout his praise in glory, So will I, so will I, And we'll all sing hallelujah in heaven by and by ; 2 I was a friendless wand'rer till Jesus took me in, My life was full of sorrow, my heart was full of sin ; But when the blood so precious spoke pardon to my soul ; Oh, blissful, blissful moment ! 'twas joy beyond control. 3 I wish that every sinner before his throne would bow ; He waits to bid them welcome, he longs to bless them now; If they but knew the rapture that in his love I see, They'd come and shout salvation, and sing his praiso with me. 62 4 I mean to live for Jesus while here on earth I stay, And wher his voice shall call me to realms of endless day, As one by one we gather, rejoicing on the shore, We'll shout his praise in glory, and sing forever more. 98 Music No. ig in ,l Sunlit Songs. /CHRIST has for sin atonement made ^-^ What a wonderful Saviour ! We are redeemed ! the price is paid ! What a wonderful Saviour ! Cno. — What a wonderful Saviour Is Jesus, my Jesus ! What a wonderful Saviour Is Jesus, my Lord. 2 I praise him for the cleansing blood, What a wonderful Saviour ! That reconciled my soul to God ; What a wonderful Saviour ! 3 He gives me overcoming power, What a wonderful Saviour ! And triumph in each conflict hour, What a wonderful Saviour ! 4 To him I've given all my heart, What a wonderful Saviour ! The world shall never share a part, What a wonderful Saviour ! QQ Music No. 128 in "Sunlit Songs." r I THERE is a home eternal, -*- Beautiful and bright, Where sweet joys supernal Never are dimmed by night ; White robed angels are singing Ever around the bright throne ; When, oh, when shall I see thee, * Beautiful, beautiful home? Cho. — Home, beautiful home, Bright beautiful home ; Home, home of our Saviour, Bright, beautiful home. 63 2 Soon shall I join that anthem, Far be\ ond the sky : Jesus became my ran om, Why should I fear to die? Soon my eyes will behold him Seated upon the bright throne ; Then, oh, then shall I see thee, Beautiful, beautiful home ! | 00 Music No. 8 j in "Radiant Songs. '' /"^OME, sinners, to the Living One, ^^ He's j u st tb e s a m e Jesus As when he raised the widow's son, The very same Jesus. Cho. — The very same Jesus, The wonder working Jesus : Oh. praise his name, he's just the same, The very same Jesus. 2 Come, feast upon the "living bread," He's just the same Jesus As when the multitudes he fed, The very same Jesus. 3 Come, tell him all your griefs and fears, He's just the same Jesus As when he shed those loving tears, The very same Jesus. 4 Come unto him for cl« arer light, He's just the same Jesus As when he crave the blind their sight, The very same Jesus. 5 Calm 'midst the waves of trouble be, He's just the same Jesus As when he hushed the raging sea, The very same Jesus. 6 Some day our raptured eyes shall see lie's just tl e same Jesus ; Oh, blessed day for you and me ! The v*>ry same Jesus. 64 -GlQ- — MUSIG BOOI^S in which may be found almost any of the la^ and most useful hymns. ■RAO.. PI | RADIANT SONGS, - - . - * .35 * SUNLIT SONGS, .... .35 PRECIOUS HYMNS, ... .35 TEMPLE TRIO, No. 1, - - - .85 »>LE TRIO, No. 9, ... .85 THE QUARTET, .... .85 A Sample Copy of any of these books maile retail price. If you will give us the first title of hymn or music you are in search of v try to find it for you. Address, John J. Hood, 1024 ARCH STREET Philadelj ta n — -o e GAYLORD BROS. MAKERS SYRACUSE, -N.Y. PAT. JAN. 2 1, I8O8 1