.^.^Sii.^:;-^;} ■^t,-^ :*• zmd Mi ^- -^-^ ::?%-■- ^ vi^^|^%^-^' «;r tft ^ ■7 /~2J V V I THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, | % Princeton, N. J. Jt^S *■ y ^f J Bequeathed by the Hon. E. BOUDINOT, LL.D. ;| CV/x^!,' Divi:io:'':;.7 ,|l Hhelf, Sec+ion..,.. -....(ll Booh;,, v/ •"; Iff J/ .4^ Vol, 3 ^- V CONSTITUTION, CANONS, &?c. of the J PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, in the STATE OF NEW-JERSEY: A& revised and adopted, in a Convention, held at Burlington, on the 1st and 2ud of May, 1811. ALSO, THE of the PROCEEDINGS OF SAID CONVENTION. / LEWIS DEARE, PRINTER, In Albany-Sti-eet, next door to the City-Tavern. 1811, 7-^ COKBTITUTION and CANON? of tlie in the STATE OF NEW-JERSEY, As revised, and adopted in a Convention, held at the city of Burling'ton, on the 1st and 2d days of May, 1811. I. -1- HERE shall be a Convention of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, in this State, or Diocess, on the 1 st Wednesday in May annually, — to be held in rotation at the following places, viz. Newark, Mount-Holly, Elizabeth-Town, Trenton, Perth- Amboy, Burlington, New-Brunswick, and Swedesborough. II. The Convention shall be composed both of clergymen and laymen. III. Every Priest, or Presbyter, who has been duly instituted Rector of any Church in this Diocess, shall be a member ex- officio. Rectors-elect, and Deacons, who belong to the Dio- cess, and officiate statedly within it, are also admitted to seats, and may express their opinions on all questions that come be- fore the Convention ; but may neither vote, be appointed mem- bersof the Standing Committee, nor be elected delegates to the General Convention. IV. The Laity shall cortsist of a representation, comprizing one, or moi'e deputies from each incorporated, or otherwise regularly established Protestant Episcopal Church in the Dio- cess, which shall, on application, be admitted as a member of the Convention ; such deputy, or deputies, always being a member, or members of the Church, purporting to be repre>% Rented, and residing in the State, and within the commonly re- puted bounds of the congregation of said Church. These de- puties shall produce to a committee, appointed to examine their credentials, certificates of their election, in the form follow- ing- t [Name of tlie chiuxli, the ylace, and date, j This certifies, thai at a meeting of the congregation of this church for the purpose of electing church-oflicers, and depu- ties to the Convention [or, for the purpose of electing depu- ties to the Convention, if the meeting be for that object alonel A. B. C. D. and E. F. were duly chosen to represent the congregation in that boq^ for the year ensuing. In testimony of wliich, 1 have hereunto ser my hand, [or, if two vestry- men subscribe, ' we have set our hands'] the day and year above written. This certificate shall be signed by the Rector, if present ; otherwise, by one warden, or two vestry-men : and the form of it shall annually be inserted at the end of the printed Journals. V. The instituted Rectors, who may be present, at the time of meeting, with the deputies from five such churches, shall constitute a quorum ; but no measure shall be conclusive without the concurrence of a majority of voles of each order ; the clergy voting individually, and the laity by congregations. VI. The Bishop of the Diocess is the President of the Con- vention ex-officio. But, vuitil a Bishop be elected and esta- blished, and, whenever vacancies occur in the episcopal chair, or the Bishop be necessarily absent, the office of Presi- dent shall devolve, in rotation, on the Rectors of the several churches, according to the priority of the date of their Priests* Orders. The absence of the Rector, v/ho is by seniority en- titled to the chair, deprives him of his right in that course, and the next in order succeeds to his place. VII. A Secretary to the Convention shall be appointed at each annual meeting. The President, whenever that office is held by a Rector, — and the Secretary, shall continue in office, till the next stated Convention be organized. VIII. A Treasurer sliall also be appointed, who shall con- tinue in office during the pleasure of the Convention. He shall, if required, give satisfactory security for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and present a statement of his accoimts to each anntial Convention. With him also shall be deposited the manuscript journals, and all other papers of the Convention. IX. At every annual Convention, divine scrvlre shall be performed, and a sermon, suitable to the occasion, shall be delivered, previously to entering on business : and these reli- gious exercises shall commence precisely at eleven o'clock A, M. on the stated day of meeting. X. The Standing Committee, to be appointed in pursuance of the fourth Canon of the General Convention, shall consist of members of both orders ; and, in all cases in which it may be necessary for the s-dd Committee to act, a majority of the members shall asseniblc ; and. their proceedings shall be re- corded by the secretary, and reported to the succeeding Convention. The President of the Convention for the time being, unless he be the Bishop, shall be President of the Stand- ing Committee, with authority to assemble the members on necessary occasions. XI. The Bishop, or the President, when the Episcopate is vacant, with the approbation ot the Suaiding Committee, or at the request of the Vestries of two churches in the Diocess, expressed to him in writing, (any special circumstance requirinj^ it) may call an occasional meeting of the Convention by a cir- cular letter, addressed to the several churches, giving., if con- venient, six, but not less than four weeks' notice. Occasional meetings shall always be held at the same places at which the annual meetings of the same years were held. XII. The proceedings of the Convention shall be revised and published, vuider the direction of a committee of four members, appointed for the purpose ; of which, three at least must attest the copy by their signatures. XIII. When any alieration of this Constitution is proposed, the consideration of the proposition, if seconded, shall be de- ferred to the next annual Convention, and no decision shall then be had, unless two thirds of the instituted rectors in the Diocessj and representatives from ten churches be present. I. Every clergyman of this Church, shall, under penalty of a censure of this Convention, in his life, manners, and conver- sation, demean himself consistently with the sacred office, which he holds; and shall endeavour to profit the Church of God, having always in mind, that he ought to excel all others in purity of life, that, by example, as well as I)y precept, he may induce the people to live in a christian-like manner. II. As in all ti'ansgressions of the Canons of the Church, the trial of the person offending, is conmiittcd by the General Convention to the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocess in which the offence is committed; whenever therefore, there may be no Bishop in the Diocess, a Bishop of one of the neiglibouring states shall be requested to attend and preside, and, in all things, &hall be considered as a member of the Convention. III. In every church, which is supplied with a clergyi-nan, divine service shall be performed, on the day of the election of church officers. IV. No person shall be eligible to an office in any church, nor be entitled to vote at an election for officers, unless he be a nsernber of said church. Nor shall any person of an immoral character be clected'*t« the offices, either of Warden, Vestry- man, or Deputy to the Convention. V. No person shall be considered as a member, unless he has been baptized, professes to adhere to the Protestant Episco- pal Church, and contributes to its support in the mode prescrib- ed by the Vestry of that particular congregation, to which he belongs. VI. In every congpcgation, the church wardens shall provide a proper book, in wliich the minister, or, if the parish be va- cant, one of the w^ardens, agreeably to the 40th Canon of the General Convention, sliall record the name, parents' names, and age of every person baptized, also the names of all persons married and buried in that congregation, and the time, when such baptism, marriage, or burial took place. And the per- son recordinp; shall annex his name to such record. 1)1" a pennaiient natiiio, auopted hy the Convention at various sittings, and revised and couOrmctl by tlie Convention of 1811. 1 , Resolved, that it be rccornmended to the several churches in this Diocess, to appoint deputies to the Convention, at the usual time of choosing their vestries, and, for obvious reasons, that the number appointed be not less than three. 2. Resolved, that it be recommended to the vacant congre- gations to open their respective churches on every Sunday, and, when they have no occasional supplies of clergymen, to appoint proper persons to perform divine service, and read bcinions of approved writers of our church. 5. Resolved, that, as the consecration of our churches im- plies, that they are exclusively set apart for holy purposes, it be recommended to the several congregations in the Diocess !\f»t to permit theiv respective houses of worship to be used for sny secular object whatever. It is also recommended to theui to enclose and keep in decent repair their burying-grounds, and prevent all other use of them, than that for which they were orii^inally mtended, the cuttmg and removing the grass excepted. 4. Kesolved, thatit be recommended to every congregation of the church in this Diocess, vvhicli has a clergyman, to dis- pense with his services two Sundays in each year, that he may have it in his power to visit, and preach to, those congrega- tions which are vacant: and, whenever a clergyman performs such duty, he shall make a detailed report of it to the next Convention. 5. Resolved, that it be recommended to those congregations, which are not yet incorporated, to avail themselves, as soon as convenient, of the opportunity afforded them by an Act of the Legislature of this State for that purpose, passed March 1 6, 1786. 6. Resolved, that the several clergymen make report annu- ally of the monies collected for the missionary fund, as well in the vacant churches, which they may supply, as in their own. 7. Resolved, that the vestries of the vacant congregations be required to transmit to the Convention, in future, annual re- ports, relative to the state of their respective cliurches. 8. Resolved, that in the opinion of this Convention, the reg- ular mode of church government of congregations in the Pro- testant Episcopal Church, is by a body, composed of a INIinis- ter, (styled, in this State, a Rector,) Church-Wardens, and Vestry -men; and that, for the sake of uniformity, it be recom- mended to all episcopal congregations, not already so organ- ized, as soon hereafter as possible, so to organize themselves; — . and that all the congregations, which shall be so organized, do, at the next Convention of this state, report themselves, that they may be entered on the minutes accordingly: and this formality of two Wardens and a Vestry v/ill be expected of all congregations, wliich shall hereafter apply to be admitted into this Convention. JOURNAIL of the |)cotcet!in0^ of tf^t %mml Conbetttion of tlie PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, in the S1\1TE OF jYEIV-JERSEV, Held in St. Mary's Church, in the City of Btiriington, on the 1st and 2(1 days of Ma), 1 SI 1. s EVERAL clergymen and lay deputies assembled, this dayj at eleven o'clock, A. M. in St. Mary's Church, Burlington; and, after divine service, which was peribrmed by the Rev. Mr. Rudd, and a sermon, delivered by the Rev. Mr. Wilmer, they proceeded to business. The Rev. Mr. Willard, the President of the Convention of last year, not being present, the Rev. Mr. Rudd, the Vice- President, took the chair, and appointed the Rev. Mr. Croes and Jonathan Rhea, Esq. a committee to examine the testimo- nials of the lay deputies, and report the number of churches represented. The committee reported, that deputies were present from tliirteen churches. Of the clergy, there were present, The Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. Rector of St. Mary's Church, Burlington. The Rev. John Croes, Rector of Christ-Church, New-Bruns- wick, and St. Peter's Church, Spotswood. The Rev. John C. Rudd, Rector of St. John's Church, Eliza- bcth-Tov.n. The Rev. Simon Wilmer, Rector of Trinity-Church, Swedes- borough. The Rev. James Chapman, Rector-elect, of St. Peter's Church, Perth-Amboy. The Rev. Daniel Higbce, officiating Minister at St. An- drews, Mount-IIolly, and at St. Mary's, Colc's-Town. 9 The Rev. John Croes, jun. Deacon, ofFiciadng in the church- es, at Shrewsbury, Middletown,and Freehold. Of the Laity, there were present, John Dennis, Esq. from Christ-Church, New-Bruns- wick. Jonathan Rhea, > Esq'rs. St. Michael's Church, Tren-- William Pearson, 5 ton. Andrew Bell, Esq. St. Peter's Church, Perth-Amboy. Joshua M. Wallace, '\ William Coxe, r Esq'rs. St. Mary's Church, Bur- Jackson B, French, ^ lington. William Smith, ) Messrs. John Dobbins, and ') St. Andrew's Church, Mount- James Ceppuck, 5 Holly. Messrs. Emanuel Beagary, and } St. Mary's Church, Cole's- Abraham Harris, 3 Town. Mr. Jacob Holmes* Christ-Church, Shrewsbury. Mr. Robert Sharp, St. Andrew's Church, Amwell. Joseph V. Clark, Esq. und > St. Peter's Church, Berke- Mr. Jacob Snyder, 3 ley.* Edward Carpenter, Esq. St. Thomas' Church, Glass- borough. Mr. David Pigeon, Trinity Church, Swedesborough. Peter Kean, Esq. St. John's Church, Eiizabeth-Town. Daniel Garrison, Esq. St. George's Church, Penns- neck. The number of churches represented, being sufficient to constitute a Convention, the Rev. Mr. Rudd, by the fifth arti- cle of the Constitution, took the chair, as President j and the Rev. Mr. Wilmer succeeded, as Vice-President. Mr. P. Kean was chosen Secretary. On motion, the Rules of Order were read. On motion, resolved, that the Rev. Mr. Turner, jun. of Pennsylvania, be invited to take a seat in this Convention, as an honorary member. On motion, resolved, that the delegates from this Convention to the General Convention, be directed to propose a re-con- sideration of the forty-sixth canon, so far as it respects the reading of the canons of the General Convention, at every State Convention. The Convention adjourned till half past 4 o'clock, P. M. * Formerly, tlio' erroneously, called Sand-Town, 10 Wednesday, hulf past 4 o'clock, P. INI. The Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. A motion wus made, by tiie Rev. Mr. Wilmer, that St. Stephen's Church, lately constituted, at Mullica's Hill, in the county of Gloucester, be received into union with the church in this Stute, and that Capt. Joseph Chatham, their lay deputy, be admitted to a seat hi the Convention. This motion was opposed, on the ground, that that Church had not yet been regularly organized, as neither Wardens nor Vestry had been elected, and consequently the certificate of the lay deputy was not signed by a person, properly author- ized. At the i-equest of the Rev. Mr. Wilmer, the yeas and nays, on this question, were directed to be entei-ed on the minutes. They were as follows. Of the Clergy, In the affirmative, In the negative, The Rev. Simon Wilmer. The Rev. Dr. Wharton, The Rev. Mr. Croes, The Rev- John C. Rudd. Of the Laity, In the affirmative, St. George's, Pennsneck, Daniel Garrison. St. Andrew's, Mount-Holly, John Dobbins, and James Coppuck. Trinity, Swedesborough, David Pigeon. St. John's, Giassborough, Edward Carpenter. St. Mary's, Cole's-Town, Emanuel Beagary, and Abraham Harris. Five churches in the affirmative. la the negative, Christ-Church, New-Brunswick, John Dennis. St. John's, Elizabeth-Town, Peter Keaii. St. Michael's, Trenton, Jonathan Rhea, William Pearson. St. Peter's, Perth -Amboy, Andrew Bell. St. Mary's, Burlington, J. M. Wallace, W. Coxe, Jackson B. French, and William Smith. St. Peter's, Berkeley, Joseph V. Clark. St. Andrew's, Amwell, Robert Sharp. Seven in the negative. The question was therefore not carried. On motion, resolved, that Mr. Chatham, the deputy from St. Stephen's Church, MuUica's Hill, and Mr. Lewis P. Bayard, a candidate for Holy Orders, residing at Princeton, be invited lu take seats in the Convention, as honorary members. 11 On motion of Mr. Coxe, resolved, that the tlianks of the Convention be given to the Rev. Mr. Wihner for his sermon, delivered this day, at their request. The Rev. Mr. Croes, from the committee apjiointed at the last Convention, to revise the .Tournal, and superintend the printing of it, reported a printed copy, which was approved of. The Rev. Mr. Croes, Treasurer of the Convention, agreea- bly to the fourth article of the ordinance for supporting mis- sionaries, made a report of the state of his accounts, also of the amount of the missionary fund, which report was commit- ted to the Rev. Dr. Wharton, and Joshua M. Wallace, Esq. with directions to report thereon. On motion, the clergy were called on for the parochial re- ports, required by the forty -fifth Canon of the General Conven- tion ; whereupon, The Rev. Mr. Rudd reported, that the congregation of St. John's Church, Elizabeth-Town, consists of Families, and those, who contribute to its sup- port, between - - - - 90 and 100 Communicants ------ 80 Baptisms, since last Conven- 5 advilts 1 > . tion, I children 1 3 3 Marriages, do. ------ 5 Funerals of those belonging to the congrega- tion, '''^12 Others, 5 5 That nothing of importance had transpired in the congrega- tion, since the-last report. The Rev, Mr. Croes reported, that the congregation of Christ-Church, New-Brunswick, consists of Families, - about - - - - 50 ^ • . ^ 5 deceased and removed > Communicants, | ^ ^^ded, ^ 30 Baptisms, since last Convention, - - 7 Marriages, do. ----- 8 Funerals, do. - - - - - 4 That the congregation of St. Peter's Church, Spotswood, consists of ► Families, and others, who contribute to its sup- port, about - - - - - -50 Communicants, j^^""^^"^? - - 19 i 4 added 5 Baptisms, since last Conven- C 2 adults > tion, I 7 children \ IMarriages, do. - - - - . " - ;; 10 12 The Rev. Dr. Wharton reported, that the congregation of St. Mary's Church, BurUngton, consists of Families, between - - - - 50 and 60 Communicants, about - - _ _ 35 Baptisms, since the last Conven- C 2 adults tion, I 8 children ^ Marriages, do. - - - - ' 4 • Funerals, do. ------ 9 That, from a late application for pews, and other circumstan- ces, it appears that the state of the church is rather improving. The Rev. Mr. Chapman reported, that the congregation of St. Peter's Church, Perth-Amboy, consists of Families, about 30 Communicants, - - - - - -24 Baptisms, of the last year, ^^i)^}'f ,H 18 *^ ' •' ' ^children I65 Marriages, -------6 Funerals, -._.__ 9 The Rev. Mr. Wilmer reported, that in the congregation of Trinity-Church, Swedesboroujjh, there are 6 deceased, 3 suspended, Communicants, 302'^ 62 added, since the last report, Baptisms, since the last re- C adults .,.. , ,„.^ port, ^children "" Marriages, _-.-_- jg The Rev. Mr. Higbec reported, that the congregation of St. Andrew's Church, Mount-Holly, consists of Contributors, - - - - - - 31 Communicants, - - - - - 12 ■n .• r.i 1 ^ C adults 17) „_, Baptisms of the last year, ^^i^ii^^,^^ ^^^ 27 Funerals, do. . . _ _ - 1 That the congregation of St. Mary's Church, Cole's-Town, consists of Families, about 50 Baptisms of the last year, - - - _ 3 * Ifi this report of the mtmber of communicants and baptisms in the church nt Swcdeshopough, it is proper to state, that the comnmnicants and bai)tisms of four oUicr cliurchcs are included, viz. St. Peter's, Berkeley ; St. George's, Pennsneck ; St. Thomas's, Glasshorougli ; and St. Stephen's, Mullica's Hill. Committee of JPvblication. 13 The Rev. John Croes, juii'r. reported, that the congregation of Christ-Church, Shrewsbury, consists of Families, about ------ 30 Communicants, about - - - - 15 Baptisms of the last year, {Children 7 ] ^ Marriages, do. ----- i Funerals, do. - - - - - - 1 That the congregation of St. Peter's Church, Freehold, con- sists of ; Families, about - - - - - - 1 8 Communicants, - - - - - 16 Baptisms of the last year, - . - - 4 Marriages, do. 1 Funerals, do. ----- 2 That the congregation of Christ-Church, Middletown, con- sists of Families, about - - - - - - 17 Communicants, ------ e Baptisms of the last year, - - - adults 1 Funerals, ...---_ 1 That the members of all these congregations manifest the same zeal and spirit, as when he first settled umong them : that the property of the Middletown and Shrewsbury churches, which has not, for some years past, been very productive, is now in a state that promises soon to yield them a considerable yearly income : that the Freehold church, by the liberality and the exertions of its members, has been very much impro- ved, and now puts on a very decent appearance. The Rev. Dr. Wharton read the followhig report, communi- cated by the Rev. Mr Willard, Rector of Trinity-Church, Newark, who, on account of sickness in his family, was not able to attend the Convention: The Baptisms in Trinity-Church, Newark, since the last Convention, have been - - 1 5 Marriages, do. ----- 5 Funerals, do. - - - - -12 The Rev. Mr. Ward, who has officiated at St. Michael's Church, Trenton, since the decease of the Rev. Dr. Waddell,* their late Rector, reported, through Jonathan Rhea, Esq. That the number of families in that congregation is about 25 Communicants, 13 ^ TheRev. Dr. Waddell flepartcd this life, on the 20tli of January, 1811. Com. Fiib. 14 Baptiams, since the last report, ^children 175 ^^ The Rev. Mr. Barry reported, through the Rev. Mr. Rudtu That the congregation of St. Matthew's Church, city of Jer- sey, continues to manifest a uniform att'^chmcnt to the usages and doctrines of our holy and venerable church ; that tho' the congregation is small, and has had many diflkulties, and much opposition to contend with, yet it has, vvith a becoming zeal, supported its infant establishment, and provided a convenient building for the performance of divine service. The reports of the Vestries of the vacant churclies were now tailed for ; when, Edward Carpenter, Esq, reported, that St. Thomas's Church, Glassborough, twelve miles fsom Swedesborough, is a fiame building two stories high, but unfinished ; that some improve- ment has been made in it during the last year, and, it is ex- pected, that it v/ill be finished in the course of the present one. That the congregation is small but attentive, and is in an im- proving state. I'hat the Rev. Mr. Wilmer frequently attends, and the congregation regularly assemble. The committee, appointed by the last Convention to advise ■with, and aid the Vestry of Trinity-Church, Woodbridge, re- lative to securing the property belonging to the congregation, and repairing the church, presented the following report, which, on motion, was ordered to be inserted at full length in the journal: " The committee, appointed by the late Convention of the Church in New- Jersey, to advise with, and aid the Vestry of Trinity-Church, Woodbridge, relative to securing the property l^elonging to the Congregation, and the repairing of the Church, beg leave to report, '» That, by the blessing of the great Head.of the Church on their undertaking, and by means of the liberal contributions of the pious and benevolent, they have seen their work crowned with a success which has far exceeded the expectations that they entertained, when they first entered upon it. Shortlyafter their appointment, the committee, together with the Vestry, held a meeting at the church, to examine what repairs werenccessary, and to devise means of defraying the expenses, which Avould nccur in making them. They were happy to find that, at the Rame time in which they entered upon the discharge of this duty, Mr. Daniel Terrill one of the Vestry of Trinity-Church, was zealously engaged in the same object. He offered to take upon himself the whole trouble of soliciting donations, and tlie principal superintendance of the repairs, which oflcr 15 was gratefully accepted. To these objects he has, with a laudable zeal, devoted the greater part of his time and atten- tion, since June last At the beginning- of the winter, the church was sufficiently completed for public worship, and ac- cordingly it was opened for that purpose, on the Festival of St. John the Evangelist, Dec. 27th, 1810. Divine service was performed by the Rev. Mr. Chapman, and a sermon, ap- propriate to the occasion, delivered by the Rev. Mr. Rudd, to a full congregation.* Since December, the church has been completely finished, and is now rendered a neat and convenient place of worship. The expences of the repairs, together with filling in, ceiling and plastering the church, which had not been done before, amount to 500 dollars, as nearly as can be ascertained. Thus the committee have the high satisfaction of reporting, that a church, which was truly in a ruinous and for- lorn condition, is not only saved from destruction ; but brought into a more finished state, than it ever hud been. Of the seal, industry, and perseverance, manifested by Mr. Terrill, the com- inittee cannot speak in too high terms. The gratitude of all the friends of our venerable Church is due to him, not only for his exertions in the present instance, but for the new proof, which he has given of what may be done, by proper exertions, tov/ards restoring those churches, which are already in ruins ; and re- viving the interests of those, that are declining. " Respecting the property belonging to the congregation, the committee report, that the Vestry are taking measures for the collection of debts due to it ; and that the land attached to the church, is rendered completely secure by the repairs which have been made, and the re -establishment of divine service in it. " The committee conclude, with requesting, that the thanks of the Convention be given to Mr. Daniel Terrill, for his zeal- ous and indefatigable exertions in this important undertaking, John Croes, J. Chapm.\n, Joseph Mahsh, Andrev^t Bell." On motion, resolved, tliat the thanks of this Convention be presented to Mr. Daniel Terrill, for his laudable exertions, and assiduous labours, in re-establishing Trinity-Church, at Wood- bridge. It was moved, and resolved, that the clergymen now make reports respecting the fulfilment of their appointments to offi- ciate in the vacant churches. Upon which, * The Rev. Mr. Croes of New-Brunswick Mas prevented by sickness fi eio attenUiDg on this occasion. 16 The Rev. Mr. Crocs reported, that, agreeably to the direc- tion of the Convention, he visited St. Thomas's Church, King- wood, on the 1 6th Sunday after Trinity, and officiated to a con- siderable congregation of attentive hearers: tliat, on the fol- lowing day, he performed divine service, and preached to the congregation of St. Andrew's Church, Amwell. He also reported, that, by an exchange of services with his son, he caused divine service to be performed twice at St. James's Church, Knovvlton, on the 7th Sunday after Trinity, once at the Log Gaol on the day following, and once at New- town, on Tuesday ; that 4 infants were baptized at Knowl- ton, 1 idult at the L.og Gaol, and 1 infant at Newtown. In addition to his appointnaents, he officiated in the afternoons of the 22d Sunday in Trinity, the first Sunday in Advent, and the 3d Sunday in Lent, at St. James's Church, Piscataway. The Rev. Mr. Rudd reported, that he performed divine ser- vice once, and preached to a good congregation in Bridge- Town : That, on the festival of St. John the Evangelist, he preached in Trinity-Church, Woodbridge, to a good congre- gation ; divine service being performed by the Rev. Mr. Chap- man. It was with regret, he stated to the Convention, that, owing to a variety of circumstances, it had not been in his pow- er, without, as he conceived, the neglect of higher duties, to meet the other appointments of the Convention. He trusted, however, that he should not hereafter be under any necessity of apologizing for not fulfilling the expectations of the Conven- tion. The Rev. Simon Wilmer reported, that he had frequently of- ficiated at St George's Church, Pennsneck; St. John's Church, Salem ; St. Thomas's Church, Glassboiough ; St. John's Church, Timber Creek; and St. Stephen's Church, Mullica's- Hill, a new building, lately opened for worship. That he had several limes visited the neighbouring villages, a Lutheran Church, and a Moravian Church, which latter has recently been placed under tlie care of, and is occupied by, our members. The Rev. James Chapman reported, that he officiated in the Academy at Woodbridge-, (the Church not being in a fit con- dition for divine service) on Sunday P. M. July 22d, 1810; in St. James' Church, Piscataway, on Sunday, Nov. 4th, 1810; in Trinity-Church, Woodbridge, on Sunday, P. M. Jan. 6th,' 1811; and in the same Church, on Sunday P. M. April 28tb. 1811. He further reported, that the congregation in Trinity- Church, was very large on the last mentioned day, as it was 17 also on Thursday, P. M. April 18th, when the Rev. David Moore of Staten-Island, ofiiciated there, The Rev. John Crocs, jun. reported, that, agreeably to the appointment of the Convention, he officiated in Allentown, twice, on week days, and once on a Sunday, and baptized one child ; that he also gave notice to the congregations at Pis- cataway and Woodbridge, of his intention, to officiate for them, but that, on the days appointed, he was prevented by storms. The Rev. Dr. Wharton reported, that, owing to indisposi- tion, aj^the fall and winter, he did not preach in any vacant churcHT'except once at Trenton. The Rev. Mr. Willard, thiough Dr. Wharton, reported, that he had not attended to the missionary duty assigned him, except, at Orange, where the number of the congregation had considerably increased. The Rev. Mr. Higbee reported^ that circumstances had pre- vented his preaching in the vacant churches, to which he had been appointed. The clergy were called on for their reports, of the collec- tions made, during the past year, for the misbionavy fund. The Rev. Dr. Wliarton reported, that, on account of the situation of the Church, a collection could not conveniently be made for the missionary fund ; but, that one would be made soon, and it was hoped successfully. The Rev. Mr. Croes reported, that two collections had been made in Christ-Church, New-Brunswick, amounting to S29 25 That no collection had been made in St. Peter's, Spotswood, owing to the Convention's sitting earli- er than usual. That, when he officiated at St. Thomas's, King- wood, a collection was made, amounting to - 7 25 That, when he caused divine service to be per- formed at St. James's, Knowlton, a collection was made, amounting to 7 00 That he received from a member of his chutxh, at New-Brunswick, two donations, one in June, 1810, 4 00 And one on the 29th April, 1811, - - - 3 00 Amount, S50 50 The Rev. Mr. Willard made no report. The Rev. Mr. Rudd reported, that a collection liad been made, in St. John's Church, lilizabeth- Town, amounting to - - - - - 10 00 18 The Rev. Mr. Wiimcr reported, that 20 dollars would be furnished from Trinity Church, Swedes- borough, - - - - J. - - - g20 0® The Rev. Mr. Higbee reported, that a collection had been mude, in St. Andrew's Church, Mount- Holly, Limouiiiing to - - - - - 10 50 The Rev. Mr. Chapman reported, that he had made the foUowhig collections for the missionary- fund, viz. one in St. Peter's Church, Perth-Amboy, amounting to - - - - - - 1258 One, in St. James's, Piscuiaway, do. - 3 34 One, in Trinity-Church, Woodbridge, do. - 3 60 Amount, §19 52 The Rev. John Croes, jun. reported, that two collections had beenmade in Christ-Church, Shrews- bury, amounting to - - - - - -12 22 Two, in Christ-Church, Middletown, do. 8 00 And one, in St. Peter's, Freehold, do. - - 5 00 S25 22 A report was also made by Jonathan Rhea, Esq. of a collection, made in St. Michael's Church, Trenton, on the 28th October last, amounting to - - II 00 The Rev. Mr. Barry reported, that a collection had been made, in St. Matthew's Churcjh, Jersey, amounting to 10 00 The whole amount of the collections of this year, S156 74 The Rev. Mr. Croes, from tlie Standing Conmiittce, made a report of the proceedings of that body, which was read, and ordered to be printed in an appendix to the Journal. On motion, the report of the Committee, appointed by the Convention of 1809, to examine what alterations are necessa- ry in the Constitution and Canons of the Church, in this State, which was presented at the last Convention, read, and ordered to be published, for the consideration of the members, was no\T read a second time. On motion, the Convention adjourned till nine o'clock, to- morrow morning. Thursday Morning, May 2, 9 o'clock. The Convention met, pursuant to .Adjournnxnt, and, after divine service, v/hich was performed by the Rev. John Croes, jun. proceeded to business. 19 The Rev. Mr.Higbee, and Messrs. Pearson and Smith, were absent. Mr. Holmes obtained leave of absence for the remainder cf the session. On motion, the Convention went into the consideration of the Constitution, Canons, 8cc. reported by the Committee, and, after discussing them by paragraphs, and making some altera- tions and amendments, finally adopted them, and ordered them to be printed. On motion of the Rev. John Croes, jun. resolved, that a Committee be appointed to advise with, and aid the Vestry of Christ-Church, at Newton, in Sussex. The following gentlemen were appointed. Rev. Mr. Rudd, Rev. Mr. Croes, jun. Isaac Williamson, "J William Chetwood, / ^ , Robert W. Rutherfurd, and f ^^^ ^'^• Peter Kean, 3 The Convention now went into the appointment of a Standi ing Committee, for the ensuing year, when, in addition to the President, who is ex-officio President of that body, the follow- ing persons were chosen : The Rev. Dr. Wharton, Joshua M. Wallace, Esq. Mr. Croes, and William Chetwood, Esq. Mr. Willard, Dr. Matthias Williamson, and of the Clergy; and Peter Kean, Esq. of the Laity. The following persons were also elected delegates to the next General Convention : The Rev. Dr. Wharton, Joshua M. Wallace, \ Mr. Croes, John Dennis, ( „ , Mr. Willard, and Peter Kean, and T ^^^ *'^- Mr. Rudd, Edward Carpenter, 3 • of the Clergy; and of the Laity. Joshua M. Wallace, Esq. from the committee, appointed to examine the Treasurer's accounts, reported, that thev found the fund for supporting missionaries amount to £1769, of which sum §1555 are put out at interest, and §204 in the hands of the Treasurer, agreeably to a statement of the Trea- surer's account, herewith returned, to be placed on the files of the Convention. The sums received by the Treasurer, from collections, in- terest, kc. since his last report, they find to be the following; 20 1810. July 3. The interest, then due on bond No. 6. gO 88 A donation from a member of his Church, 4 00 Aug. 7. A collection, made in St. Jumes' Church, Knowlton, 7 00 Sep. 30. A collection from St. Thomas's, Kingwood, 7 25 Oct. 30. The interest on a bond for 400 dollars, 28 00 Dec. 2. A collection, made in Christ-Church, New -Brunswick, 17 00 1811. March 24. The interest on S50 for 9 months, 2 62| April 27. The interest on S -00 for one year, 14 09 do. ifS. A collection from Christ-Church, do. New-Brunswick. 12 25 do. 29. A donation from a member of do. 3 00 do. 30. A collection from St. Michael's, Trenton, 1 1 00 do. 30. do. St. Matthew's, Jersey, 10 00 May I. do. St. Petcrs's, Amboy, 12 58 do. do. do. St. James's, Piscataway, 3 34 do. do. do. Trinity, Woodbridge, 3 60 do. do. do. St. Andrew's, Momit-Holly, 10 50 do. do. do. Christ-Church, Shrewsbury, 12 22 do. do. do. Christ-Church, Middletown, 8 00 do. do. do, St. Peter's do. Freehold, 5 00 do, do. do. Trinity -Church, Swedesbo- rough, 20 00 do. do. do. St. John's Churcli, Eliza- beth-Town, 10 00 S202 24i Charles H. Wharton, Joshua M. Wallace. On motion, resolved, that it be recommended to those con- gregations, where the custom of ringing the passing bell, on the decease of persons belonging to the congregations, pre- vails, to discontinue the same. In conformity with the eleventh article of the ordinance for supporting missionaries, the following appointments to supply the vacant churches, were made, viz. The Rev. Dr. Wharton, two Sundays at Trenton. The Rev. Mr. Croes, on a Sunday, at Kingwood, and on a ■weekday, at Amwell. I'he Rev. Mr. Witlard, on a Sunday, at Booneton ; and on a Sunday, at Morristown, on week-days, at Orange. 21 The Rev. Mr. Rudd, at Newton, on a Sunday, and at Knowlton, on a Sunday ; on week days at the Log-gaol, and Newton and Knowlton. The Rev. Mr. WUmer, at the churches in Saiem, Penns- neck, and Glassborough, when convenient. The Rev. Mr. Higbee, on a Sunday, at Amwell, and on a Sunday, at Allentown. The Rev. Mr. Chapman, on a Sunday, at Woodbridge, and on a Sunday, at Piscataway. The Rev. John Croes, jun. on a Sunday, at Trenton, on week days, at Allentown. On motion, resolved, that the Rev. Mr. Croes be request- ed to preach, at the opening of the next Convention, and, in case of his absence, the Rev. Mr. Chapman is requested to preach . On motion, resolved, that 250 copies of the Journal be printed, and that they be distributed in the same proportion, as the Journal of the last year. On motion, resolved, that the Rev. Mr. Croes be added to the comraittse, already appointed, lo confer with Mrs. Frazer, respecting the property of the church at Amwell. It was moved also, and carried, that the Rev. Messrs. Croes and Rudd, and Messrs. Dennis and Boggs be a com- mittee to correct the Journal, and superintend the printing of it, with power to draw on the Treasurer for the expence they may incur. On motion, the thanks of the Convention were given to the President and Secretary for their services. It was moved, and carried) that the Convention rise. JOHN CROES, ) JOHN C. RUDD, ( Committee of revising and JOHN DENNIS, ( printing. ROBERT BOGGS, ) lO* The next annual Convention will be held at Swedes- borough, on the first Wednesday in Mayj 1812. *^* Form of the testimonial t(!t be given to lay deputies. [Name of the Church, the place, and date.) This certifies, that, at a meeting of the congregation of this church, for the purpose of electing church -officers, and deputies to the Convention [or, for the purpose of elcctbg de- puties to the Conventionj if the meeting be for that object 22 alonej A. B. C D. and E. F. were duly chosen to repre- sent the congregation in that body, for the year ensuing. In testimony of which, I have hereunto set my hand, [or if two vestry-men subscribe, ' we have set our hands'] the day and year above written. This certificate shall be signed by the Rector, if present ; otherwise, by one warden, or two vestry-men. 5^roceetiin0^ of tj&e J>tant!tn3 Committee of tlie CONVENTION of the PROTESTAJy-T EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN NEW-JERSEY, Per the year, ending May 1st, 1811. Thursday, May 31, 1810. The committee met at St. Michael's Church, TrentoB. PRESENT. The Rev. Mr. WiHard, chairman, The Rev. Dr. Waddell, William Coxe, The Rev. Mr. Croes, Jonathan Rhea, and The Rev. Mr. Rudd, and Robert Boggs, Escj'rs. Mr. Coxe was requested to officiate as Secretary. The Rev. Mr. Croes laid before the Committee a certificate from the Wardens and Vestry of St. Peter's Church, Perth- Amboy, stating that the connection, v^'hich had existed between them and the Rev. Jasper D. Jones, their Rector, was dissolved by mutual consent ; and further, that he, the said Jasper 1). Jones, had not been justly liable to evil report, for error in religion, or viciousness of life, during the three years last past. Whereupon, in conformity to the 3 1st Canon of the Gen- eral Convention, the Committee directed a testimonial to this effect, signed by all the clerical members, to be delivered to the Rev. Mr. Jones. The Rev. James Chapman, Deacon in St. Peter's Church, Perth-Ambovj and the Rev. Daniel Higbee, Deacon in St. An- i4 drew's Church, Mount-Holly, and St. Mary's Church, Cole's- Town, severally made application for the testimonial required in the 1 2th Canon, for the government of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in the United States of America, preparatory to their obtaining Priest's Orders; and, having satisfied the Committee, relative to their moral and religious conduct, for the three years, immediately preceding, it was untinimously re- solved, that the testimonial be gi-anted to each of them.* The Committee adjovirned. Joseph Willard, Chairman, * Priest's Orders were afterwards conferred on the Rev. Mr. Chapman, bj the Right Rev. Bishop Moore, of New -York; and on the Rev. Mr. Higbec, fcv the Right Rev. Bishop White, of Pennsylvania. ■'■*■, ■ V. ^ V r ■i» ^ 2i I m. -m^^*^ f ^.^*^,. *-^^^ -: %i ^:*^ ^ ^^■ ir^ I 1.^