7 *£ It ^6 r 46. 1 12 cask « FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY S/IO Division Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/catholicsundayscOOcath A CATHOLICX SUNDAY-SCHOOL ""hymF'book, CONSISTING OF HYMNS CONTAINED IN THE MANUAL OF THE SODALITY, AND A SELECTION OF OTHER HYMNS ADAPTED TO CHILDREN. Fourth Edition; Enlarged. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY MCGRATH. NO. 1 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. 1850. This little work is respectfully dedicated tO the CHILDREN OF THE CATHOLIC SUNDAY- SCHOOLS throughout the United States, by the PUBLISHER. PART FIRST. INVOCATION TO THE HOLY GHOST. Vebti, Creator Spiritus ; Mentes tuorum visita ; Imple superna gratia, Qua3 tu creasti, pectora, 2 Hostem repellas longius, Pacemque dones protinus : Ductore sic te pra^vio Vitemus omne noxium. Spirit, Creator of mankind, Come, visit every pious mind, And sweetly let thy grace invade Our hearts, O Lord, which thou hast made. 2 Chase from our minds th' infernal foe, And peace, the fruit of love, bestow ; And lest our feet should step astray, Protect and guide us in the way. 4 HYMNS. " Come, Holy Ghost," arranged and adapted to a French Air, called "Esprit Saint, descendez en nous." Come, Holy Ghost, send down those beams, (bis) Which sweetly flow in silent streams, From thy bright throne above. 2 O Come, thou Father of the poor ! Thou bounteous source of all our store ! Come, warm our hearts with love, with love divine, Come, warm our hearts with love, with love divine. Thou bounteous source of all our store, Come, warm our hearts with love. Chorus. — Come, Holy Ghost, &c. Come, thou of Comforters the best, Come, thou, the soul's delightful guest, The Pilgrim's sweetest relief. Chorus. — Come, Holy Ghost, &c. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, With all thy quickening powers : Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. HYMNS. See how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys ; Our souls, how heavily they go To reach eternal joys. In vain we tune our lifeless songs, In vain we -strive to rise ; Hosannahs languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, With all thy quickening powers ; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. See the Paraclete descending, Burning with celestial fire ; Grace and truth on him attending, Men with heavenly love inspire. Let us, Alleluias singing, Offer him our grateful lays; He, all heavenly graces bringing, Merits everlasting praise. 2 Men, in every danger, fearing, Now the greatest dangers scorn ; Amidst tortures persevering, Show themselves in Christ new-born. Let us, Alleluias, &c. Q HYMNS. 3 Fishermen, by thee instructed, Jesus to the world proclaim ; Infants, by thy grace conducted, Rather die than slight his name. Let us, Alleluias, &c. 4 Idols fall, the Devil ceasing O'er the world to be adored ; Faith and love by thee increasing, All confess Thee, sovereign Lord. Let us, Alleluias, &c. 5 Source of love, our hearts inflaming With true zeal and virtue pure ; Grant that we may, in heaven reigning, Sing thy praise for evermore. Let us, Alleluias &c. Ancient Melody, — or see the Paraclete. Veni Sancte Spiritus, Fit emitte caelitus, Lucis Tuse radium : Veni Pater pauperum, Veni Dator munerum, Veni Lumen cordium. O Lux beatissima, Reple cordis intima, HYMN8 Tuorum fidelum ; Sine Tuo nomine, Nihil est in homine. Nihil est innoxium. PART SECOND. HYMNS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, AND FOR HOLY COMMUNION. Litany of the Sacred Heart, as sung in the com munity of the Sacred Heart. Kyrie Eleison. Christe Eleison. Christe audi nos. Christe exaudi nos. Cor Jesu, miserere nobis. Cor Jesu, verbo Dei substantial iter unitum, Cor Jesu, Dei majestate dignum, Cor Jesu, Dei sanctitate sanctum, Cor Jesu, Dei bonitate bonum, Cor Jesu, adoratione Deo debita ado- randum, Cor Jesu, amore Deo digno amandum, Cor Jesu, ineffabile, Cor Jesu, incomprehensibile, I Cor Jesu, sanctissimce Trinitas sane- 1 tuarium, J 9 HYMNS. Cor Jesu, charitatis seternse dignissima' sedes, Cor Jesu, pax et reconciliatio nostra, Cor Jesu, hostia vivens, sancta et Deo placens, Cor Jesu, lancea perforatum, Cor Jesu, refugium nostrum in die tri- bulationis, Cor Jesu, spes in te morentium, Cor Jesu, delicise sanctorum omnium, Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi mise rere nobis, Agnus Dei, oon shall my Jesus rest, Soon shall he be my guest. Nor thence be driven. 2 No, no, my trembling heart, Leave thee ! no, never ! Never shall He depart. What can us sever? HYMNS. 15 No, no, I hear Him say, With my beloved I'll stay, My love shall ne'er decay, But last forever. 3 Then, O my Jesus, come ! Come to this dwelling, Make my poor heart thy home Make thine each feeling. Still, still, my blessed God, Feed me with this sweet food, Still with thy sacred blood All my wounds healing. 4 What, save my God above, Have I in heaven 1 And what to win my love, Can here be given 1 Then, then my happy soul Thou shalt alone control ; Thou shalt possess the whole, To thee still cleaving. 5 O, for such love as this, What now returning ! What shall repay such bliss, But a heart burning ! 16 HYMNS. Burning with flames of love Till with my God above His endless joys I prove. With Him sojourning. Jesus, Saviour of my soul. Jesus, Saviour of my soul, Let me to thy refuge fly While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is nigh : Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past ; Safe into thy haven guide — O receive my soul at last. Other refuge have I none — Hangs my helpless soul on Thee , Leave, ah, leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me : All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing. HYMNS. 17 For Communion, O what could my Jesus do more, Or what greater blessing impart? O, silence, my soul, and adore, And press him still nearer thy heart. 'Tis here from my labors I'll rest, Since he makes my poor hea'rt his abode To him all my cares I'll address, And speak to the heart of my God. For life and for death Thou art mine, My Saviour, I'm sealed with thy .blood ; Till eternity on me doth shine, I'll feed on the flesh of my God. In Jesus triumphant I live — In Jesus exultingly die — The terrors of death calmly brave — In his bosom breathe out my last sigh. Hymn to be sung at the Elevation, Take me, my Jesus, to heaven, To the land of unchangeable love, Let wings to my spirit be given, To soar to my country above 2 18 HYMNS. I am weary of life, and would fain All its joys and its sorrows now leave: I'd flee from this valley of pain, Bliss eternal from thee to receive. Then take me, my Jesus, to heaven, O take me, my Jesus, to heaven. How long in this valley of tears Shall I linger, an exile from thee ? O, when from the dangers and fears That surround, shall my spirit be free 1 When death shall release me at last, And my soul shall from earth wing its way, When the dream of this life shall be past, And I'll wake in eternity's day. Then take me, my Jesus, to heaven, Oh take me, my Jesus, to heaven. First Communion Hymn. Wilt thou come to me, my Jesus, from the highest heavens above, And will my poor inconstant heart be the dwelling of thy love ? Shall I speak to thee within my breast when thou hast entered there, Wilt thou bless and answer, O my God my weak, imperfect prayer? HYMNS. 19 Wilt thou turn thee from the angel band that press around thy throne, In strains of rapturous fervency adoring thee alone ? Shall the golden harp of seraphim all dis- regarded be, While a human heart is thy abode in this sweet mystery ? Yes, thy uncreated splendor thou art will- ing to conceal 'Neath the humble forms of bread and wine, that those thou lovest may feel, Not the grandeur of thy majesty, which fills the courts above, But adore thy dearest attributes — thy mercy and thy love. Attend, angelic hosts, who veil your faces in his sight, Ye powers who tremble and adore— attend, ye seraphs bright ; Bless, praise, and glorify his name, the adoration paid To your God, reposing in the heart which his own hand has made. 20 HYMNS. And thou, angelic patron saint, with the sight of Jesus blest, May our hearts be pure like thine, that there he may delight to rest. Trusting, we beg thy bounteous care — 0, St. Aloysius, pray That we meet thee at the throne of God in realms of endless day. PART THIRD. HYMNS OF PRAISE AND JOY. Thee, sovereign God ! we grateful praise, And greet thee, Lord, in festive lays ,* To thee, great God ! earth's boundless frame, With echoes sounds immortal fame ; Lord God of hosts, the heavenly powers For thee vibrate the vaulted towers. Cherubs and seraphs throned on high, Still Holy, holy, holy, cry. Both heaven and earth aloud display Thy beauty, grandeur, majesty j Thy praises fill the apostles' choir ; The prophets in the song conspire. HYMNS. 21 O grant us, with the saints above, To share thy everlasting love ; Save, Lord, thy people, and enhance Thy grace on thy inheritance. For ever rule and guide their ways, Each day we'll chant aloud thy praise. No age shall fail t' extol thy name, No hour neglect thy lasting fame. Preserve us, Lord, this day from ill, Have mercy, Lord ! have mercy still. As we hoped, so crown our pain, Let not our hope in thee be vain. Strike the harp in praise of God, Wake the timbrel's louder mirth ; Glorious the song must be Of the great Creator's worth. Nature, in her calmness, raises Strains of gladness, peace, and love, Man re-echoes forth her praises, Glory to the God above. Chorus — Strike the harp, &c. Honor him, ye host of heaven ! Worship him, ye realms below 1 Not with outward form alone, But with hearts that purely glow. 22 n y m n s. He who rules the earth — the ocean — - Keepeth silent watch o'er thee, He can tell with what devotion Bows the heart, or bends the knee. Chorus — Strike the harp, &c. Sound the loud Timbrel. Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea! Jehovah has triumphed, his people are free ! Sing, for the pride o the tyrant is broken, His chariots, his horsemen, all splendid and brave ! How vain was their boasting, The Lord hath but spoken, And chariots and horsemen are sunk in the wave. Praise to the Conqueror, praise to the Lord ! His word was our arrow, his breath was our sword ! Who shall return to tell Egypt the story 01 those she sent forth in the hour of h pride ? HYMNS. 23 For the Lord hath looked out from his pil- lar of glory, And all her brave thousands are dashed in the tide. Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea, Jehovah has triumphed, his people are free ! Triumphant Zion ! lift thy head From dust, and darkness, and the dead ; Though humbled long, awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength. Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy excellence be known ; Decked in the robes of righteousness, The world thy glories shall confess. No more shall foes unclean invade, And fill thy hallowed walls with dread ; No more shall hell's insulting host Their victory and thy sorrows boast. God from on high has heard thy prayer, His hands thy ruin shall repair : Nor will thy watchful monarch cease To guard thee in eternal peace. 24 HYMNS. O all ye people the Lord has made, Sing glory to his holy name ; To him be endless honors paid, Let every tongue his love proclaim. Praise to the Lord who all things made, And glory to his holy name : To him be endless honors paid ; Let every tongue his love proclaim. O sing his praise, ye heavenly choirs, Who stand around his awful throne , Repeat on your immortal lyres, That praise belongs to him alone. Praise to the Lord, &c. Thou glorious sun, his image bright, Who rulest the seasons and the days, And thou, fair moon, who rulest the night, Unite in your Creator's praise. Praise to the Lord, &c. Praise him, ye stars, whose trembling lights Like scattered pearls adorn the sky ; Your silent course each heart invites To praise the Lord who reigns on high. Praise to the Lord, &c. HYMNS. 25 The Smile of Jesus. Sweet is the face of nature, When flowers deck the vales ; When air is filled with fragrance, Wafted by vernal gales Yet zephyrs vainly fan me, And flowers to groves invite ; Without the smile of Jesus, They give me no delight. Sweet are the shady bowers — The silent, still retreat — The sunshine, after showers, And morning air are sweet. But vain are nature's beauties, And lost her sweets to me Dear Jesus, naught can charm me, Without a smile from thee. Though crystal streams meander, And fertilize the plain, Though gentle zephyrs wander, And waft each pleasing strain — _ Though valleys, groves, and fountains Unite to charm my sight, Without the smile of Jesus, They cannot give delight. 26 HYMNS. Jesus, thy smile of mercy Can make my spirit whole ; And drive the shades of sadness From my afflicted soul. O pardon my transgressions, And purify my heart ; Speak all my sins forgiven, And bid my fears depart. For thee my spirits languish, While all my joys are fled ; O smile away this anguish, And raise my drooping head ! Then saints shall hear my story And share my happiness ; While thine shall be the glory, And mine the endless bliss*. Earth, with her ten thousand flowers, Air, with all its beams and showers, All around, and all above, Hath this record, " God is love." Sounds among the vales and hills, In the woods, and by the rills, All these songs, beneath, above, Have one burthen, " God is love." HYMNS. 27 All the charities that start From the fountains of the heart, These are voices from above, Sweetly whispering, " God is love." Earth with her ten thousand flowers, Air with all its beams and showers, All are voices from above, Loudly sounding, " God is love." Soldiers of Christ, arise ! And put your armor on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Through his eternal Son. Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in his mighty power; Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. Soldiers of Christ, arise! The God of armies calls Unto his mansions in the skies, His everlasting halls; Lo! the angel host appears, To welcome you to bliss; O, what is earth, its sighs and tears, Tts joys, compared to this. 28 HYMNS. Crushed is the haughty foe, His might, his glory gone: But ye, with victory crowned, shall go To Christ's eternal throne. There shall the conqueror rest, And in that blest abode For ever reign amid the blest, Triumphant with his God. Hark ! my soul, how every thing Strives to serve our beauteous King ; Each a double tribute pays, Sings its part, and then obeys. Nature's chief and sweetest choir, Him with cheerful notes admire; Chanting every day their lauds, While the grove their song applauds. Though their voices lower be, Streams have too their melody; Night and day they warbling run, Never pause, but still sing on. All the flowers that gild the spring, Hither their still music bring ; If heaven bless them, thankful, they Smell more sweet, and look more gay. n v M xs. 29 Only wc can scarce afford This short office to our Lord ; We, on whom his bounty flows, All things gives, and nothing owes. Wake, for shame, my slothful heart, Wake, and gladly sing thy part : Learn of birds and springs and flowers, How to use thy noble .powers. Call all nature to thy aid, Since 'twas He all nature made ; Join in one eternal song, Who to one God all belong. Live for ever, glorious Lord ! Live, by all thy works adored : One in Three and Three in One, Thrice we bow to Thee alone. Hark ! how the watchmen cry, — Attend the trumpet's sound ; Be firm in faith, the foe is nigh, The powers of hell surround. Who bow to Christ's command, Your arms and hearts prepare ; The day of battle is at hand, ? , • Go forth to glorious war. 3 30 HYMNS. See on the mountain top The standard of our God; In Jesus' name 'tis lifted up, All stained with hallowed blood. All power to him is given, He ever rules the same ; Salvation, happiness, and heaven 7 , • Are all in Jesus' name. \ Children of the heavenly King, As we journey, let us sing; Sing our Saviour's worth and praise, Glorious in his works and ways. We are travelling home to God, In the way our fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. O, ye banished seed, be glad, Christ our advocate is made ; Us to save, our flesh assumes, Brother to our souls becomes. Lord, obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below; Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow Thee, HYMNS, 31 The Lord himself, the mighty God, Vouchsafes to be my guide; The Shepherd by whose constant care My wants are all supplied. In verdant meads he makes me feed, And gently there repose ; Then leads me to cool shades, and where Refreshing water flows. He does my wandering soul reclaim, And to his endless praise, Instructs with humble zeal to walk In his most righteous ways. I pass the gloomy vale of death, From fear and danger free, For there, his aiding rod and staff Defend and comfort me. In presence of my spiteful foes, He does my table spread ; He crowns my cup with cheerful wine, With oil anoints my head , Since God doth thus his wondrous love Through all my life extend, That life to him I will devote, And in his temple spend. For other joyful hymns, look at the Hymns for Easter, Ascension, &c. 32 HYMNS. Hymn for Co??fisso?s. This day, with gladness, Christian choirs proclaim His combats, triumph, faith, and glorious name, Who boldly Christ on earth confessed, And now exults among the blessed. Prudence and piety adorned his life, Unstained with ill, and undisturbed by strife; Chaste, humble, meek, he kept his heart, 'Till bid by Heaven from life depart. Th' Almighty now His servant's glory shows, And signal favors through his prayers be- stows ; Diseases fly before his shrine, And health returns by power divine. Let's, then, in thankful songs our voices raise, And sing to him the solemn hymn of praise, That by his prayers, the Almighty may His favors* to our souis convey. H Y H N S. 4| Angels now praise him, Loud their voices raising; The heavenly mansions with joy now ring — To him who is most holy, Be honor, praise, and glory. Let us hasten, &c. To Jesus, this day born, Grateful homage return, 'Tis he who all heavenly gifts doth bring ; Word increated, To our flesh united. Let us hasten, &c. We, joyfully singing, Grateful tributes bringing, Praise him and bless him in heavenly hymns. Angels implore him, Seraphs fall before him. Then ever let us adore him — our God and Kins. To worship thy Redeemer's birth, Creation's works arise ; The heavenly host aloud proclaims The natal day of Christ. 42 HYMNS. Chorus. Come, gratitude and love, Come, animate our tongues ; A God incarnate from above Demands our loftiest songs : A God, a God incarnate from above, Demands our loftiest, sweetest songs. He comes, borne on the wings Of heavenly love ; he comes To ransom human kind : behold, He comes, the Eternal Son. Come, gratitude, &c. O kneel and bless the humble garb That wraps the beauteous babe : From his high throne his Father cries, Your souls he is born to save. Come, gratitude, &c. Redemption's sacred chart His infant hand unfurls ; And lo ! on straw the infant lies, The God. of thousand worlds. Come, gratitude, &c. II Y M N S. 43 The Holy ■'Name of Jesus. Jesus, the only thought of thee With sweetness fills my breast, But sweeter far it is to see, And on thy beauty feast. No sound, no harmony so gay, Can art of music frame, No thought can reach, no words can say The sweets of thy blest name. Jesus, our hope when we repent, Sweet source of all our grace ; Sole comfort in our banishment, 6 what when face to face ! Jesus ! that name inspires my mind With springs of life and light; More than I ask in thee I find, And languish in delight. No art nor eloquence of man Can tell the joys of love ; Only the spirits can understand What they in Jesus prove. Thee then I'll seek, retired apart, From world and business free, When these shall knock, I'll shut my heart, And keep it all for thee. 44 HYMNS. Before the morning light I'll come, With Magdalen, to find, In sighs and tears, my Jesus' tomb, And there refresh my mind. My tears upon his grave shall flow, My sighs the garden fill, Then at his feet myself I'll throw, And there I'll seek his will. Easter. Young men and maids, rejoice and sing : The King of heaven, the glorious King, This day from death rose triumphing, Al- leluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. On Sunday morn, by break of day. His dear disciples haste away, Unto the tomb wherein he lay, Alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. And Magdalen, in company With Mary of James and Salome ; To embalm the corpse, came zealously, Al- leluia. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. H V M N S 45 An angel clothed in white thej see, When thither come, and thus spoke he, " The Lord you'll meet in Galilee," Alle- lulia. Allelulia, allelulia, allelulia. The dear beloved apostle John Much swifter than St. Peter ran, And first arrived at the tomb, Allelulia. Allelulia, allelulia, allelulia. While in a room the apostles were, Our Lord among them did appear, And said, Peace be unto all here, Allelulia. Allelulia, allelulia, allelulia. O ! Thomas, view my hands, my side, My feet; my wounds still fresh abide; Set incredulity aside, Allelulia. Allelulia, allelulia, allelulia. When Thomas his dear Saviour saw, And touched his wounds with trembling awe, Thou art my God, said he, I know, Alle- lulia. Allelulia, allelulia, allelulia. 46 HYMNS. Blessed are they who have not seen, And yet whose faith entire has been,- Them endless life from death shall screen, Allelulia. Allelulia, allelulia, allelulia. Solo — Strike the cymbal, roll the timbrel, Let the trump of triumph sound; Chorus — Joyous singing, tributes bringing Th' isles exult and seas resound Lo! he's risen from death's dark prison, Rays divine his eyes relume ; Judah's Lion, King of Sion, Lord o'er hell, hath fled the tomb. Allelulia, allelulia. Mortals, strike your tuneful lyres, Holy mirth the day inspires. Judah's Lion, King of Sion, Lord o'er hell, hath fled the tomb. God of thunder, Lord of wonder, Vain are mortals, vain their boasts. What are nations, what their stations? Christ our God is Lord of hosts. H VMNS, What arc Jewry's monarchs now? Low before Emmanuel bow, Lord eternal, God supreme, Mortals, mortals to redeem. Praise him, praise him, Exulting nations praise him, Praise him, praise him, Exulting nations praise, Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna. 47 Ascension. Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high, The powers of hell are captive led, Dragged to the portals of the sky. There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay; Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates- Ye everlasting doors, give way ! Loose all your bars of massive light, And wide unfold th' ethereal scene; He claims these mansions as his right, Receive the King of glory in. 48 HYMNS. Who is the King of glory? — who? The Lord, that all his foes o'ercame ; The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrew, And Jesus is the conqueror's name. Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay; Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates — Ye everlasting doors, give way. Who is the King of glory? — who? The Lord, of glorious power possessed; The King of saints, and angels too; God over all, for ever blessed. Co^iE, let us lift our joyful eyes Up to the courts above, And smile to see the Father there, Upon a throne of love. The peaceful gates of heavenly bliss Are opened by the Son ; High let us raise our notes of praise, > tv .- cs And reach the Almighty throne. 3 n v to N S . 49 O heaven! O land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign, Whence endless day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain! When shall my soul, from darkness free, To thy bright seats remove, For e'er to praise my dearest Lord? . In endless peace and love? Trinity Sunday. Let us give immortal praise To God the Father's love, For all our blessings here, And better hopes above. He sent his own Eternal Son, To die for sins Which we have done. To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too, Who saved us with his blood From everlasting woe. Now Jesus lives, And glorious reigns, And reaps the fruit Of all his pains. 4 50 HYMNS. To God the Holy Ghost Immortal worship give, Whose new-creating power Makes the dead sinner live. His work completes The great design, And fills the soul With joy divine. Almighty God, to thee Be endless honors done, The consubstantial Three, And undivided One. Where reason fails, With all its powers, There faith prevails, And love adores. For Swiday. O, great Creator of the light, Who, from the darksome womb of night, Brought'st forth new light at nature's birth, To shine upon the face of earth ; Who by the morn and evening ray Hast measured time and called it day, Whilst sable night involves the spheres, Vouchsafe to hear our prayers and tears. HYMNS. 51 Lest our frail minds, with sin defiled, From gifts of life should be exiled, Whilst on no heavenly thing she thinks, But twines herself in Satan's links. O, may she soar to heaven above, The happy seat of life and love ; Meantime all sinful actions shun, And purge the foul ones she hath done. This prayer, most gracious Father, hear ; Thy equal Son, incline his car, Who, with the Holy Ghost and thee, Doth live and reign eternally. PART SIXTH. IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Christie audi nos. Christie exaudi nos. Pater de ccelis, Deus, miserere nobis. Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, miserere nobis. Spiritus Sancte Deus, miserere nobis. Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, miserere nobis. 52 HYMNS. Sancta Maria, Sancta Dei genitrix, Sancta virgo virginum, Mater Christi, Mater divinae gratia?, Mater purissima, Mater castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudentissima, Virgo veneranda, Virgo prsedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum justitise, Sedes sapiential, Causa nostra lsetitioe, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devotionis, Rosa mystica, Turris Davidica, H V M N S 53 O -3 O Turris eburnea, Domus aurea, Foederis area, Janua cceli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Reiugium peccatorum, Consolatrix afflictorum, Auxilium Christianorum, Retina ans;elorum, r ° Regina patriarchum, Regina prophetarum, Regina apostolorum, Regina martyrum, Regina confessorum, Regina virginum, Regina sanctorum omnium, Regina sine labe concepta, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis, Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos, Domine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Christe audi nos. Christe exaudi nos. Ave Maria ! gratia plena, Dominus te- cum; benedicta tu in mulieribus, et bene- 54 HYMNS. dictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatori- bus, nunc et in hora mortis nostras. Amen. O sanctissima ! O purissima ! Dulcis Virgo Maria. Mater amata, intemerata, Ora, ora pro nobis. Tota pulchra es, O Maria ! Et macula non est in te. Mater amata, &c. ►Sicut lilium inter spinas, Sic Maria inter filias. Mater amata, &c. Ave maris stella! Dei mater alma, Atque semper virgo Felix coeli porta. Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace. Mutans Hevse nomen. . HYMNS. 55 Solve vincla reis, Profer lumen csecis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona cuncta posce. Monstra te esse matrem* Sumat per te preces, Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos, Mites fac et castos. Vita prresta puram, Iter para tuum, Ut videntes Jesum, Semper colletemur. Sit laus Deo Patn, Summo Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen. 56 HYMNS.. Bright mother of our Maker, hail! Thou Virgin ever blessed, The ocean's star by which we sail, And gain the port of rest. Whilst we this ave thus to thee From Gabriel's mouth rehearse; Prevail that peace our lot may be, And Eva's name reverse. Release our long entangled mind From all the snares of ill ; With heavenly light instruct the blind, And all our vows fulfil. Exert for us a mother's care, And us thy children own ; Prevail with him to hear our prayer Who chose to be thy Son. O, spotless maid ! whose virtues shine With brightest purity, Each action of our lives refine, And make us pure like thee. Preserve our lives unstained with ill, In this infectious way, That heaven alone our souls may fill With joys that ne'er decay. II V M N S . 57 To God the Father, endless praise, To God the Son, the same ; And Holy Ghost, whose equal rays One equal glory claim. Amen. The Sodalisfs Hymn. Children of Mary, high your voices raise ! Ye on whom she cast a tender eye ; Children of God, sing her immortal praise, And all exalt her glory to the sky. I see, ascending to her glorious throne, The fervent prayer of every Sodalist, Each heart erects an altar to her name, Where Mary lives in everlasting fame. Children of Mary, &c. Happy Sodalist, who, from life's earliest scene, Strive and delight your mother still to love ; Hasten to Mary, send your fervent prayer : Mary, the children's refuge and delight ! Yes, 'tis her pleasure to assist each child Who calls upon her aid in humble prayer ; Past ages, speak ! O, was there ever one Whose vows our mother dear refused to hear? 58 HYMNS. Hail, happy queen, whom heaven's choice Has made the source of all our joys ; Since he by whom we move and live From thee would life and food receive. He whom the sun and moon obey, To whom all creatures homage pay, The mighty Ruler of the skies, In thee, concealed, an infant lies. gracious mother of mankind, What Eve had lost in thee we find ; The way to heaven is now, by thee, To mourning sinners opened free. Hail, heavenly queen ! hail, foamy ocean's star ! O be our guide ; diffuse thy beams afar. Hail, mother of God, above all virgins blest ! Hail, happy gate of heaven's eternal rest ! Hail, foamy ocean's star ! hail, heavenly queen ! O be our guide to endless joys unseen ! Hail, full of grace ! with Gabriel we repeat Thee queen of heaven, from him we learn HYMNS. 59 Then give us peace, which heaven alone can give, And, dead through Eve, through Mary let us live. O break our chains ; thy guilty slaves re- lease : O give us light, and let our blindness cease : Let every ill that preys upon our hearts Fly at thy voice, which every good imparts. Thy children save ; O gracious mother, hear ; From brimful eyes, O deign to wipe the tear : Our anxious prayers to God, thy Son, pre- sent, Whose life and blood for sinful men were spent. Hail, Mary, Queen and Virgin pure ! With every grace replete ; Hail, kind protectress of the poor! Pity cur needy state. O thou who fillest the highest place Next heaven's imperial throne, Obtain for us each saving grace, And make our wants thy own. 60 HYMNS. How oft, when trouble filled my breast, Or sin my conscience pained, Through thee I sought for peace and rest, Through thee I peace obtained. Then hence, in all my pains and cares, I'll seek for help in thee ; E'er trusting, through thy powerful prayers, To gain eternity. Fading, still fading, the last beam is shining ; Ave Maria ! day is declining; Safety and innocence fly from the light ; Temptation and danger walk forth in tba night : From the fall of the shade, till the matin shall chime, Shield us from danger, and save us from crime. Ave Maria, audi nos ! Ave Maria, O hear when we call! Mother of Him who is Saviour of all ! Feeble and fearing, we trust in thy might,* In doubting and darkness, thy love be our light : HYMNS. 61 Let us sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, And wake in thine arms when the morning returns. Ave Maria, audi nos ! As the dewy shades of even Gather o'er the balmy air, Listen, gentle Queen of heaven, Listen to my vesper prayer. Holy mother, near me hover ; Free my thoughts from aught defiled ; With thy wings of mercy cover — Keep "from sin thy helpless child. Thine own sinless heart was broken , Sorrow's sword has pierced its core : Holy mother! by that token, Now thy pity I implore. Queen of heaven ! guard and guide me , Save my soul from dark despair : In thy tender bosom hide me, Take me, mother, to thy care. 62 H Y ftl ft s . Jesu Mater ! thy holy name shall cheer The poor wanderer still doomed to roam, Thro' the darksome land of this exile here, Till we reach our eternal home, {thrice.) We know that the bowers are ever fair On that bright and ever blissful shore : And we know that the souls of the just are there ; They are there, and they weep no more. O Mother ! O Mother ! Mother of Him Who has died to save the world from sin, May we, when death, and the terrors of the grave (bis.) Are passed, be then called to thee, {thrice.) Be called from earth, in joy to share In the happiness that's given The soul to taste, and, in fulness, know When it rests in heaven, (thrice.) Mary, our mother be, And hearken to thy children's prayer; Mary, we turn to thee ; Still may we find a mother's care. JI VJI NS. 63 Mother dear, Lend a gracious ear, As thy suppliants' praise to thee ascends; Virgin pure, Ever allure, Till in thy smile our life shall end. Mary, ever is thine The sweetest smile of heaven's love; Mary, mother, incline With thine own Son, Jesus, above. Spouse of the Dove, Ever may we prove Faithful till the shades of even ; Bring us near Thee, ever dear, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. Mary, my mother, thou friend of my bosom, Methinks I behold thee in glory arrayed: 1 always have found thee, when life seemed so toilsome, A gracious protectress whenever I strayed : Bright queen of my country, thee humbly addressing, With Gabriel thy angel I bid thee all hail: 64 H Y M N S. O shed on an exile a mother's fond bless- ing, And guide me secure through this sor. rowful vale. Amen. Ave sanctissima, We lift our souls to thee: Ora pro nobis, Thou bright star of the sea. Guard us when sin is nigh, Snares round our path are spread, Hear the heart's lonely sigh, Thine too hath bled. Thou that hast looked on death, Aid us when death is near ; Whisper of heaven to faith, Sweet mother, sweet mother, hear! Ora pro nobis! From sin our slumbers keep, Ora, mater, ora, Star of the deep. Ave purissima, List to thy children's prayer: Audi Maria, And take us to thy care. HYMNS. 65 When darkness comes o'er us, Whilst here on earth we stay, Thy light shine before us, Guide of our way. Thou that hast looked on death, Aid us when death is near; Whisper of heaven to faith, Sweet mother, sweet mother, hear! Ora pro nobis, Let angels guard our sleep, Ora, Mater, ora, Star of the deep. Ave Maria, guardian bright, Watch over thy children to-night. Mother of the sinless Son! Hear our evening anthem soar — To the throne that thou hast won, Far beyond the thunder's roar. Chorus — Aye Maria, guardian dear, Hover round thy children here. Be our guardian, be our stay, While the darkness rides its round; Keep up till the morning's ray, Wake again our anthem sound. Ave Maria, &c. QQ H Y M N S. Mother, taintless, undefiled, Sinless let our slumbers be; Mother of the sinless child, Hear the prayer we raise to thee. Ave Maria, &c. Thou hast made our desert bloom, Mary, deign to hear our prayer; If to-night we seek the tomb, Shine upon the desert there. Ave Maria, &c. Jesu Mater, Ave. Jesu mater, ave, Thou virgin bright and fair, O Maria, salve, Hear the exile s prayer. When wild the tempest lowers, My spirit turns to thee, Then through its gloom, O gently smile, Thou star of life's dark sea! Then through its gloom, O gently smile, Thou star of life's dark sea! Mater audi, O Virgin, hear Thy suppliant's prayer, Virgo semper pulchra. II 2 M N 3. 67 Thou purest gem of heaven, O regina mea, Thy aid to me be given: A light amid life's troubled waves Thy name hath been to me; still protect my trembling bark, Thou star of this wild sea! still protect my trembling bark, Thou star of this wild sea! Mater audi, O Virgin, hear Thy suppliant's prayer. Mater angelorum, Bright Queen of heaven's host! Salus Christianorum, Sweet hope of sinners lost. Ne'er shall we cease to sing thy praise, Until we reign with thee; Then prove to all a mother's love, Thou star of life's dark sea ! Then prove to all a mother's love, Thou star of life's dark sea ! Mater audi, O Virgin, hear Thy suppliant's prayer. 68 HYMNS. Trio.— Words by the Rev. J. McCaffrey. Hail to the Mistress of the skies, The Queen of seraphs bright; Our hope in gloom, Maria, rise And guide us unto light! O star of ocean's wave ! While o'er life's sea we darkly glide, And fear and grief prevail, Illume our course, our pathway guide, And cheer us as we sail, O star of ocean's wave ! On thee we turn our weeping eyes, When round us dangers start, Then let thy radiant beams arise, And light and cheer each heart, O star of ocean's wave! Then o'er life's sea we'll calmly steer Unto the port of rest, Where thy bright beams shall ever cheer And shine upon the blest, O star of ocean's wave ! HYMNS. Qy Holy Mary ! Mother mild. Holy Mary, mother mild I Hear ! O hear a feeble child Who on life's tempestuous sea Is cast alone — O, succor me ! Waves of sorrow o'er me roll ! Storms of passion shake my soul! Dangers press on every side! Star of ocean, be my guide. Brightest in the courts above ! Joy of angels ! queen of love ! Comfort of the sorrowing, hear ! And grief and tears will disappear. Throned in majesty and might, In the realms of fadeless light, Maiden mother ! list our prayer, Prove to us Ihy loving care. Mother of our Saviour, God, Guide us in the path He trod, Till to thy children it be given, To bless with thee his name in heaven. 70 II V M N S . Sunday ivitkin the Octave of the Nativity Hail, Mary ! O, how pure love's flame Glows in that holy, blissful name ! What thoughts can fathom — words can tell The sweets that from that fountain swell. Hail, Mary, full of grace ! to thee My lips I vow, with accents free, My heart to quicken thoughts of love, My lips and tongue those thoughts to prove Hail, Mary ! as a little child, I haste to thee, my mother mild ! O, bend on me thy loving eyes, And hear thy child's endearing cries. Hail, Mary ! thou hast stood beside The cross, and wept as Jesus died : O, grant that I may with thee weep, With thee may watch and vigil keep. Hail, Mary ! thou hast sinless risan, And burst the bonds of earthly prison ; Grant me with thee to rise in heaven, And by thy Son be all forgiven. H Y M N S 71 Hail, Mary ! morn, and noon, and eve, To thee my wreath of praise I'll weave ; O, when I die, stand by my side, — Watch me, and be my guard and guide. Benedette sia la Madre. Words by E. J. S. O, blest fore'er the Mother, And Virgin full of grace, Who bore our God ! our Brother ! The Saviour of our race. Sweet Jesus ! low before thee We bend in fear and love ; O, grant we may adore thee In thy bright realms above. Sweet Jesus, &c. Pure as the light of heaven, In meekness nearest thee, 'Tis thou hast Mary given, Our guide, our friend to be. Sweet Mother ! tears are falling From hearts that love thy Son- Then hear thy children calling On thee, and bless thy own. Sweet Mother, &c. 72 H Y M N S . Christmas Hymn. Air — Strike the Cymbal. Hark ! from heaven, the message given ! Joy beams from the Almighty's face ; Now his anger's done, lo ! he sends his son To redeem a fallen race. Hail, O happy day, let our hearts repay, And with love celestial burn ; Purest offerings bring to our infant King, On this blest, this glorious morn. See, amazing, around him gazing, All the bands of heaven uniting, Every soul to joy inviting, Raise blest anthems high, let them reach the sky, Our Redeemer, Christ, is born. Arms extending, sweetly bendinj, He would save our souls from harm ,' Let us hasten, meet his blessing, Fly to our Redeemer's arms. O, ye haughty spirits, now To your humble Saviour bow. Lord eternal ! God supreme ! Mortals, mortals to redeem. Praise him, exulting nations, Praise him. Hosannah, hosannah. II V M N S . PART SEVENTH IN HONOR OF THE ANGELS AND SAINTS. lb our Guardian An gel. O God, how ought my grateful heart To praise thy bounteous hand, Who send'st thy angel from above, To be my guide and friend ! My soul is surely something great, Meant for eternity, That angels thus should be employed In watching over me. When I, within my mother's arms, Enjoyed her fond embrace ; He, hovering round on airy wings, Divinely did me bless When first I from my mother learnt My Jesus' name to praise, He softly whispered to my heart, "How sweet are all his ways!" Celestial guardian, thus with thee, And by thy constant care, May I the world's corruption flee, And heavenly blessings share. 73 74 HYMNS. Blest spirits of light, O, ye have not for- saken The children of earth and the fallen from bliss ; Then still watch around us, our bosoms awaken To thoughts of a world that is brighter than this. Chorus.— O, fondly watch o'er us ! O, guard and protect us ! Blest angels direct us to mansions of bliss. The lily of innocence fondly still cherish, Averting whate'er may its purity stain ; And O, when 'tis fading and ready to perish, Support and restore it to beauty again. O, fondly watch, &c. Thou chiefly, archangel, whose strength was victorious Against the proud spirit that dared the Most High, From thy dwelling in heaven all blissful and glorious, Cast down on each votary a fond guard- ing eye. O, fondly watch, &c. II V M N S. 77 Sow seated high in heaven, present our vows To him who would on earth be called thy Son; And jointly with fliy glorious virgin spouse, Ne'er cease to plead our cause before the throne. St. Aloy sius. The youth who wealth and courts despised, His spotless mind above to raise ; Who every rising thought chastised — 'Tis Aloysius claims our lays. Amiable and angelic youth, Aloysius, pray for us. His infant words, the first he frames, He utters with a trembling voice ; Jesus, Mary ! hallowed names, Dwell on his lips, and speak his choice. Amiable, &c* Charmed with the Deity alone Terrestrial pursuits he forsakes, And ere yet half to manhood grown, His virgin vows to Mary makes. Amiable, &c. 78 H Y M N S. Enamored of celestial joys, Let pride and wealth my choice withstand, I scorn their gifts, they are but toys, He said, and joins Loyola's band. Amiable, &c. • To gain perfection's utmost height He tries, nor was his trial vain; Of sanctity a model bright, He stands a mirror clear of stain. Amiable, &c. St. Stanislaus Kostka. O, ye angelic bands, attend ! From heaven's high exalted spires, With mortal accents deign to blend The voice of your harmonious choirs. In early 'life's most tender state, (O thy designs, how great, O God!) Young Stanislaus could emulate The virtuous path that saints have trod. Thy tenderness, O Virgin bright, Places within his youthful arms The object of his soul's delight, An infant Saviour's lovely charms. HYMNS. 79 O happiness supremely great ! No grandeur can his heart decoy ; Jesus, thy order grants a seat, Receives the youth and crowns his joy. Deluding world, thy threats are vain, Your tinsel pleasures lose their charms ; The generous youth they can't detain, He lives secure in Jesus' arms. In joyful strains come sound his praise, With anthems strike the vaulted sky ; Ye angels, strike your choicest lays, And greet the saint now flown on high. St. Francis Xaverius, With grateful hearts, let's all combine, And sing to-day our choicest lays, Let's all in tuneful accents join, To sound the great Xaverius' praise. Xaverius, great Loyola's son, By words divine from error gained, By fervor so^n the conquest won — The earth once loved, he soon disdained. 80 H * Al IN S. With toils immense, both sea and land, Immortal souls to God to gain, He measures o'er at God's command, Then dies upon a desert plain. St. Patrick. Hibernia's champion saint, all hail ! With fadeless glory crowned ; The offspring of your ardent zeal This day your praise shall sound. Great and glorious St. Patrick, Pray for that dear country, The land of our fathers ; Great and glorious St. Patrick, Hearken to the prayer of thy children. Borne on the wings of charity, To Erin's coast you flew, Bade Satan from her valleys flee, And his dark shrines o'erlhrew. Great and glorious, &c. From faith's bright camp the demon fled, The path to heaven was cleared ; Religion raised her beauteous head, An isle of saints appeared. Great and glorious, &c. II V M .\ S . 81 To God, who sent you to our isle, Be endless glory given : O may he ever on it smile, And lead its sons to heaven. Great and glorious, &c. St. Rose of Lima. First floweret of the desert wild, Whose leaves the sweets of grace exhale, We greet thee, Lima's sainted child- Rose of America ! all hail ! {twice.) When first appeared the infant smile, Beaming upon thy features meek, It seemed as if there blushed the while The rose-bud on thy virgin cheek. And hence thy name, St. Rose, was given, Not by thy earthly parents' choice ; But by the holy Queen of heaven, Who bade thee in that name rejoice. And once, amid thy rapturous prayer, Thy heavenly Spouse himself came down — Most sweetly breathing in thy ear, " Rose of my heart, receive thy crown 1" 6 82 HYMNS. And whilst amid his glories now Thou seest him face to face, O deign, St. Rose, to hear thy suppliants' vow, That grace and glory we may gain. To St. Cecilia. Let the deep organ swell the lay, In honor of this festive day ; Let the harmonious choirs proclaim Cecilia's ever-blessed name. Let the harmonious choirs, &c. Cecilia, with a two-fold crown Adorned in heaven, we pray look down Upon thy fervent votaries here, And hearken to their humble prayer. Let the harmonious choirs, &c. Rome gave the virgin martyr birth, Whose holy name hath filled the earth: And from the early dawn of youth, She fixed her heart on God and truth. Let the harmonious choirs, dec. II Y M N S S3 Tfeen from the world's bewildering strife, In peace she spent her holy life — Teaching the organ to combine With voice, to praise the Lamb divine. Let the harmonious choirs, &c. Most firmly did her heart withstand ; She smiled upon the fell command To plunge her in a bath of fire; There to be tortured and expire. Let the harmonious choirs, &c PART EIGHTH. MISCELLANEOUS HYMNS. To thee, O God, our Saviour, Each heart exulting sings — Rejoicing in thy favour, Almighty King of kings. We'll celebrate thy glory, With all the saints above ; And tell the joyful story Of thy redeeming love. ' , Chorus. God is great ; let all adore Kim : Come, with joyful songs, before him Heart and voice, with one accord, Praise, adore, and bless the Lord, 84 HYMNS. Soon as the morn with roses Bedecks the dewy East, And when the sun reposes Upon the ocean's breast, Our humble supplication, Well pleased, deign to hear ; O grant us thy salvation, And keep us in thy fear. God is great, &c. Come, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing ; Jehovah is the sovereign Lord — The universal King. Praise ye the Lord, alleluia, Praise ye the Lord, alleluia, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Praise ye the Lord. He formed the deeps unknown ; He gave the seas their bounds : The watery worlds are all his own, And all the solid grounds. Praise ye the Lord, &c. HYMNS. 85 Come, worship at his throne ; Come, bow before the Lord ; We are his works, and not our own : He formed us by his word. Praise ye the Lord, &c. To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod ; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God. Praise ye the Lord, &c. Hymn for Confessors. This day, with gladness, Christian choirs proclaim His combats, triumph, faith, and glorious name, Who, boldly, Christ on earth confessed, And now exults among the blessed. Prudence and piety adorned his life ; Unstained with ill, and undisturbed by strife: Chaste, humble, meek, he kept his heart, Till bid by heaven from life depart. OQ HYMN'S. The Almighty now his servant's glory shows, And signal favors through his prayers be stows : Diseases fly before his shrine, And health returns by power divine. Let's then, in thankful songs, our voices raise, And sing to him this solemn hymn of praise; That by his prayers, the Almighty may His favours to our souls convey. To him be glory, power, and endless fame, Whose wisdom rules the whole creation's frame ; And fills the bright celestial throne — The great mysterious Three in One. Evening Hymn. Depart awhile, each thought of care — Be earthly things forgotten all ; And speak, my soul, thy vesper prayer, Obedient to devotion's call. H V M N 8. ^7 For hark! the pealing chorus swells, Devotion chants the hymn of praise, And now of joy and hope it tells, Till, fainfing on the ear, it says, Gloria tibi, Domine. Thine, wondrous babe of Galilee! Fond theme of David's harp and song, Thine are the notes of minstrelsy, To thee its ransomed chords belong; And hark! again the chorus swells, The song is wafted on the breeze, And to the listening earth it tells, In accents soft and sweet as these, Gloria tibi, Domine. My heart doth feel that still He s near, To meet the soul in hours like this; Else why, O why that falling tear, When all is peace, and love, and bliss? But hark ! the pealing chorus swells Anew its thrilling vesper train; And still of joy and hope it tells, And bids creation sing again, — Gloria tibi, Domine. 88 HYMNS. To the Blessed Virgin. Ave Maria, by Gabriel saluted, Blest amongst women, chaste, imdefiled, Vessel of sanctity, pure, unpolluted, Favored of heaven, gentle and mild, Mother of Jesus, all hail. Ave Maria, the bright stars are telling The power of their Maker divine; Yet thou art the fairest in that happy dwell ing, And none can thy power outshine. Star of the ocean, all hail. Ave Maria, bright lamp of devotion, That kindles the flame of the soul, And gently burns with undying emotion, To light us to heaven's bright goal. Help of the Christian, all hail Ave Maria, our hearts lowly bending — We sinners our sorrows disclose; come to our aid, thy pity extending, And save us from misery's woes. Queen of the angels, all hail. Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. INDEX. PART I. Invocation of the Holy Gliost. V'eni Creator Spiritus ... 3 Spirit, Creator of mankind 3 Come, Holy Ghost 4 Come, Holy Spirit 4 See the Paraclete descending 5 Veni Sancte Spiritus ... 6 PART II. Hymns to the Blessed Sacrament and for Holy Communion. Litany of the Sacred Heart Tantum ergo sacramentum Adoro te supplex latens Deitas Ave verum corpus natum - O Salutaris Hostia - My God, my life, my love What happiness can equal mine Though all the powers Saving Host, we fall before thee Can it be that my God Jesus, Saviour of my soul O what could my Jesus do more Take me, my Jesus, to heaven - Wilt thou come to me, my Jesus / 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 10 17 17 18 90 INDEX. PART III. Hymns nf Praise and Joy. Thee, Sovereign God - - - 20 Srike the harp in praise of God - 21 Sound the loud timbrel - - - 22 Triumphant Zion, lift thy head - 23 O all ye people the Lord has made - 24 Sweet is the face of nature - - 25 Earth, with her ten thousand flowers - 26 Soldiers of Christ, arise! - - - 27 Hark, my soul, how every thing - 28 Hark, how the watchman cries - - 29 Children of the heavenly King - - 30 The Lord himself, the mighty God - 31 This day with gladness Christian choirs 32 PART IV. Hymns of Mourning. Vital spark of heavenly flame - - 33 Lord, thou wilt hear the prayer - 34 Christians, who of Jesus' sorrows, - 31 Stabat mater dolorosa - - - 35 Dies iree, dies ilia - - - - 36 Jerusalem, my happy home - - 37 All is but vanity - - - - 37 Saviour, when, in dust, to thee • - 38 INDEX. 91 PART V. Festivals throughout the Year. With hearts truly grateful - - 40 To worship thy Redeemer's birth - 41 Jesus, the only thought of thee - - 43 Young men and maids - - - 44 Strike the cymbal, roll the timbrel - 46 Our Lord is risen from the dead - 47 Come, let us lift our joyful eyes - 48 Let us give immortal praise * - - *49 O o;reat Creator of the light - - 50 PART VI. To the Blessed Virgin. Litany 51 Ave Maria - - - ... 53 O Sanctissima - - - .54 Ave maris stell - - - - 54 Bright Mother - - - - 56 Children of Mary .... 57 Hail, happy Queen - - - - 58 Hail, heavenly Queen - - - 58 Hail, Mary, Queen and Virgin pure - 59 Fading, still fading - - - - 60 As the dewy shades of even - - 61 Jesu Mater - • - - - 62 Mary, our mother be - - - 62 O Mary, my mother - - -63 92 INDEX. Ave sanctissima - - - - 64 Ave Maria, guardian - - - 65 Jesu Mater ave - - - - 60 Hail to the Mistress - - •• 68 Holy Mary, mother mild - - - 69 Hail, Mary! O how pure love's flame 70 O blest fore'er the mother - - 71 Hark! from heaven, the message given 72 PART VII. In honor of the Angels and Saints. O God, how ought my grateful heart 73 Blest spirits of light - - - - 74 Holy Patron, thee saluting - - 75 O thou great favorite - - - 76 The youth who wealth - - - 77 O ye angelic bands, attend - - 78 With grateful hearts - - - 79 Hibernia's champion saint - - 80 First floweret of the desert wild - 81 Let the deep organ swell the lay - 82 PART VIII. Miscellaneous Hymns. To thee, O God our Saviour - - 83 Come sound his praise abroad - - 84 This day wilh gladness - - - 85 Depart a while, each thought of care- 86 Ave Maria, by Gabriel saluted - . 88 SACRED MELODIES, CONTAINING A SELECTION MOST APPROPRIATE AIRS, AND DESIGNED AS A COMPANION CATHOLIC SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMN BOOK, MANUAL OP THE SODALITY, SACRED WREATH, &C. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you ahundantly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God." — Col. hi. 16. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY H. McGRATH, NO. 1 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET. 1851. PREFACE. This little -work is a choice selection of Catholic Music, adapted to Choirs, Sodalities and Sunday Schools. The want of a work in the present form, must not only be evi- dent to all, but must have been regretted by the lovers of Sacred Music. We had an abundance of beautiful devo- tional words, but no airs, — hence, at the solicitation of Clergymen from several States, the Compiler has selected from various sources, but particularly from the celebrated " Canticles Saint Sulpice," (now used in the Church for more than a century,) the choicest airs, and arranged them to our English and Latin poetry. The advantage and beauty of this music will not only be found in solos, duets, trios and quartettes in choirs, but the simplicity of the style is such, that when hundreds of roices are united, as in Sundaj 5 - Schools and Sodalities, the effect is truly religious and most pleasing. Neither time, research, talent, nor expense have been spared in this collection ; hence we humbly hope this little work will be so spread all over the Union, that the Catholic children of America, when surrounding the holy altars of religion, though far away from home and relatives, may find familiar, pleasing and pious reminiscences in these pimple but beautiful Catholic Melodies, now presented to them. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1850, By H. McGRATH, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. KING & BAIRD, Printers, No. 9 Sansom Street, Phoa.'" PREFACE TO THE VOCAL EXERCISES. This short combination of rudiments is written without any further explanation, because it cannot be expected that any person would attempt to teach themselves music without the assistance of a teacher, whose business it is to explain matters to the best of his knowledge. By the use of these printed Exercises, the teacher may dispense partly, or entirely, with the use of the black board, and the pupils in singing will show whether they understand the explanations of the teacher, and whether they are able to apply the theory to the performance of vocal music. Pitch and Length are the two principal qualities of musical sounds, and these two being so intimately con- nected together, as to make it impossible to separate them from each other, I leave it to the judgment of the teacher, in what succession to use this short sketch of Exercises ; and I hope they will find them as complete for the instruc- tion of beginners, as in these few pages allowed for this purpose could be expected. EDWARD PIQUE, Pro/eseor of Vocal Music. ITALIAN WORDS USED TO DESIGNATE THE POWER AND THE MOVEMENT IN PERFORMING MUSIC. No. I. — In Regard to Power. pp. — Pianissimo. — Very soft. p. — Piano. — soft. m. — Mezzo. — Neither loud nor soft. /. — Forte. — Loud. //. — Fortissimo. — Very loud. Crescendo. -=d Increasing. Decrescendo. ) _ . - .. _. . , >• "~>- Decreasing the power. Diminuendo. J af. — Sforzando. — Loud on a sudden. No. 2. — In Regard to Movement. Expressions for Slow Movements. Largo. Larghetto. Adagio. Lento. Andante. An Jantino. Moderate Expressions for Quick Movements. Allegretto. Allegro. Presto. Prestissimo. Accelerando. — Quickening the time. Ritardando. [ Slowering the time. Rallentando. J A tempo. — In time. RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. SCALE IN NOTES OF VARIOUS LENGTHS. No. 1.— Whole Notes. ^ C D E P G B C HHHgi DC Mi Fa Sol la Si Do VI RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 3.— Half Notes. 3=£L 3=B£ &: No. 3. — Quarter Notes. No. 4.— Eighth Notes. turn 1 ™rr -hr No- 5.— Sixteenth IVotes ■~i~r - H "' R - - ' ^ m~*' — )— — 1 — , -&* I— 1-1- illi No. 6. "^: Illllllli Do Si La Sol Fa Mi No. 7. ~^y gfcjj~j J^^E No. 3. No 9. '&~&' Bp^ppgl RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 10 :di^:nz ^SEE&E=!EEi^ 1 I No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. -S-S- ^ t ^' &- — S3 No. 14. SSI szt:^ IIP No. 15. -=-t-- rT h-J^^ g RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 16. -z^fSiiP! #ts§ I No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. 1 r ■„-•—- 37FHEE3 No. 20. No. 21 s No. 22. Lql^i! ■"i — i — rr □ No. 23. No. 24. ~ — h^ : — fmi No. 25. IT'S &~t*~* — r~^J 1 No. 26. 3! qig:tg£f-_ ^8-^--H- f^:gjqf No. 27. RUDIMENTS Ui' SING1NU. No. 28. IX No. 29. j ^r' i! E pft"^ i- No. 30. — fl— IT No. 31. No. 32 ^ty" 3EPe3 '*-&- No. 33 No. 34. No. 36 i ij # * ^rrrrrP #^ — i — ct No. 36. __lf = ^5 e —r-fqrt No. 37. -^# No. 38. :«?!=Jl. — * RUDIMENTS Or SINGING. EXERCISES IN REST, No. 1.— Whole Rests. m rEE=-= I-^-T— t© iiHH No. 2.— Half Rests. " T — r — r .«_.C^_-c. m No. 3.— Quarter Rests. ,- V I >*' 25IE No. 4.— Eighth Rests. 1 2 3t 1 — 9j ^ 1 @) — i — H — -J — -j — __J__* ?Z- ^ _*_ 9 * RUDIMENTS OF SINGING- XI 3 4 12 •~ — w-~ n r~ > t 4 j=jg= jg=g No. 5. No. 6. i rr r No. 7. *=J No. 8. No. 9. r f '~Ti~~ zr ii fe^S xn RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 1.— Triplets. — 3 — m"H"n~n-7 No. 2. 3 3 H"l r* m ng I ij. ^ — — _. ^ _| — l DOTTED NOTES. No. 1.— Dotted Whole Notes. JBifeM No. 2.— Dotted Whole Notes. •gp 35: RUDIMENTS of RINGING. Xlll No. 3. -eP -] r 1 : s=3 1 No. 4. ~&^ — rh-rH H r No. 5. «Z=^J l_ 1 ip No. 6.— Dotted Quarter Notes. ^ — i r XIV RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. 3ES 3EJ=P No. 7. -#v-» E5- r^Efa — g, _j_ # _ . ( a ( |_ , 9 Bffft. i^^: Q ] ! | ^p ff • — ji — •T * # ^_ No. 9. * ... J J d* * \ RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. XV No. 10— Dotted Eighth Notes. No. 11.— Dotted Rests. '~ri «~ ^* — ^ — *~ No. 12. i— #j — # — . XVI RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No 1.— Pour Quarters. (Common Time.) F^BS No. 2.— Three Quarters. i— H^- ^n - — \ZmiMzJ — i — ! h£—r: i" E^fe^E^I No. 3.— Two Quarters. — P-i — != F — i — - RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. XV11 No. 4.— Six Eighths, -^f-. *■ — ^— p ^— s — g 9 •r • 9— 9 — ^r— No. 5.— Three Eighths, q «* _, N 1 1 J=4 F>-F i - I l^H No. 6.— AUa Breve. l£ ^— & 1 I 3E3: — r--- 1 |-r i i r L xvm RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. INTERVALS. The blaclc Notes are to be sung by the teacher and pupil, but the lohite Notes by the pupil alone. A 2d 3d 4 th 5th 6th 7 th Octave. \J E j& ^j s> r f/n ^ o f is I No. 3.— Thirds Ascending. 3=5 lEj^Eg^ EgE RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 4.— Thirds Descending. xix fepfei 3EE No. 5.— Fourths Ascending". E^afe -# — No. 6.— Fourths Descending 1 . { * zr No. 7.— Fifths Ascending. 3n™ '■&- - n _. _ 3fi No. 8.— Fifths Descending. yrrbj . Li. J E f :3= XX RUDIMENTS OF SINGING No. 9.— Sixths Ascending. — s>~ T " No 10.— Sixths Descending-. m & :~^: Slf P No. 11. — Sevenths Ascending. q=zi=±j:=c=t3_±=±fc±zd No. 12.— Sevenths Descending. S?" §3 EEEEE No. 13.— Octaves Ascending. izezez 5: f pg^ No. 14- — Octaves Descending. :3E "ST 3': RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. XXI Skips from one to three, five and eight. , ' i J- J J - f — — ! — i — i — 2 — m — # r -#_? /r ^ ft No. 15. I=53=3=il?=i=i=l No. 16. — Ascending*. No. 17.— Descending". T3 ■0 BE g )—<—&-- Skips from one to four, six and eight. 1 No 18. S-» i r fe-f" i r 1 -e>- XX11 RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 19.— Ascending. X "il I it it"! — hr it it — g^ti j hrg rigrr it — s?t — r~t ~r s?ti — II 1 ~i~^-tizrd:iir-t# iezzzLzzzt ~^3 T~ w -f- -40- -#- No. 29.— Descending :s? v?a "Z5" t 3T-T3T LOWER AND HIGHER NOTES. A B C D E F G SHARP, jft FLAT, U NATURAL, fa No, 1. — Sharps, £ :^rs^T.a#^rs»-^ 1=S ii — i i lU'Dl MIDI'S Ui' bliNOi.NMJ No. 5. i : rF — 1 — rF~i — i — rf— i — ] 1 ^TO :s?§^ Sfee: No. 2.— Flats. E&feF^fepI .mi&z^it^ ,*J 1 Le?- ^S^-grrgj- g 3= _ i pi-— ! f — j 1 f No. 1— Key of C. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 XXIV RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 2.— Key of G— has one Sharp. I 1 |— j ~l 1 ~2 ~e ?—* ^1 *f£ I i No. 3.— Key of D— has two Sharps. No. 4.— Key of A— has three Sharps, n — c Sz — i 1 i~n 2 — S^ — ft? — No. 5.— Key of E— has four Sharps. 1 i No. 6.— Key of F— has one Plat. 1 9 "^ : 1 — i 1 — 2 w~r~r ^ i;> DIMENTS OF SINGING. * xv N0 '_Z.'"~ Key ° f BFlat ~ has *wo Flats. J 1 NoJ?-K e y of 5 Flat-has three Flats. * -5#— * — ^===^EE i . 9.-Key of A Flat-has four Flats, r i 7 ' MIXOR KEYS. No. 10 -Key of A Minor belongs to C Major. _G 7 8 Nb.JU.-Eey of B Minor belongs to G Major. XXVI RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. No. 12- -Key of D Elinor belongs to F Major. 1 1 (1 1 , 1 4±J « £ W\ 1 1- — h !_ -J- -W- T «^f-f vJ/ 1 m 1 •7 SIGNATURE. No. 1. iHL_i J I :«3 •#— i — i — j — < "S?" i No. 2. ■*=& 1 1 :zr iZS ; -ft-zi — — — *+ * * * J '- No. 3. I I _ 1 — i-t — ; — |— j— rr~m~T ^~r ts. RUDIMENTS OF SINGING. XXV11 No. 4. ^ d=3S= •*»-?* lill No. 5. I I 3E*^ %e-o-9 §^L i i" '■* Z *^- L ^- 111 ,4n accidental Sharp or Flat affects through the whole measure all the notes of the same name. No. 1. ™r :r~\ — r zr i_Z_t. r 3 1 XXV111 No. 2. RUDIMENTS OP SINGING. ■A-e -#*- ill No. 3. -@—0 -•— J— I — ==1 ■»» — s — « — 1-- r_M E=S 5bf: •n' "# — | f The Treble Clef— also called the G Clef. ^ C D_ E F G A B__ C_ I I I gei The Bass Clef— also called the F Clef. =F r n j G PART FIRST. t m • o • — INVOCATION TO THE HOLY GHOST. No. 1, pag-e 3. mmm^ Ve - ni Cre - a - tor Spi - ri- x: -; m- f i» | J =£ tus ; Men - tes tu - o - rum Yl - SI ~fV _ -g EI "Tf 4Q :_^=*l_ SHE: " 1 1 _ i T -F — H J_ ta ; Im - pie su - per - na gra - ti - e . , T~ 1 — FHH 33 1 t-$-9 -g 1 " 1 r_ ce, Quoe tu ere- as - ti, pec - to - ra. SACRED MELODIES. No. 2. ■#r* — ^ — i — RH"i — tlzt m Spi - rit, Cre-a - tor of mankind, 2i;^: 2 H 3ES Come, visit eve - ry pi - ous mind, And TT r-f- sweet - ly let thy grace in vade Our — I — i — h"i — i — j \ ~r hearts, Lord, which thou hast made, Our Pv ~i^" — i — r~ m hearts Lord, which thou hast made. Ho. 3, pag-e 3. S3 8~&-W Spirit, Cre-a - tor of mankind, Come vis-it SACRED MELODIES. =J ^ V e rrVf-rrt -# — |— •-#-* L r" ^ ^ every pious mind, And sweetly let thy grace in- 3 s vade, JEg^^g *-*-* — — w Our hearts Lord, which thou hast n # 5r — i — P~\ — * T m .s- ^ * ~ P f i \C\ rl ' i r - r i i i ^ made. Chase far away the mortal foe, And peace t ?' — ^_ p & the fruit of love bestow. Let thy direction on us \J ^ & i • 'JL \ * m 1 5* i r f f -g & ■v ^ v * i ■ i — shine, That sin and vice we may de- cline. No. 4, page 4. -P-- zpzjizr : :^_^z^_ # : :^_dz25^_^: : «£- Come Holy Ghost send down those beams, Come Holy SACRED MELODIES. Uj i i i i ■ 1 .. _ ijL \<0—o—d- :sl-p-=; T^-F--^-r* :: VM/ t ^ 1 ^ * Ghost send down those beams Which sweetly flow in p-w silent streams, From thy bright throne a bove Which 3__ L ( ( 3—^ SL sweetly flow in silent streams, From thy bright throne above. wrwrn irnrri'TsiznrTs; come thou Father of the poor, Thou bounteous S-J^#-# source of all our store, Come warm our hearts with love, with £? "T - I — "J — I — I — I ! ™ — i "*( — I — i love divine, Come warm onr hearts With love, with love divine. Thou SACRED MELOD IKS. #«##«# ffn* arrti i i 5^P CS' bounteous source of all our store, D. C Come warm our hearts "with love. No. 5, pag-e 3. & , ma , r Spi- rit, Cre-a- tor of man-kind, -i — i r i r *" Come visit ev- e - ry pi - ous mind, And EESEEQf£te£E5E swect-ly let thy grace in - vade Our hearts, Lord, which thou hast made, Our hearts, Lord, which thou hast made, Our SACRED MELODIES. rrjz:JrjrTZ^wz :r~rr:rnr^p^z»: : hearts, Lord, which thou hast made, And sweet - lj let thy grace in - vade Our hearts, Lord, which thou hast made. PAET SECOND. HYMNS FOR HOLY COMMUNION. No. 6, page 10. To thee, to thee SACRED MELODIES. ;*=.-£- ^m come to O me from hca\ 'n above, '0 * o -. a M -it 9 r S> u\\ ' ^ ! I Vvl/ 1 I And be my God, my m all, f-1* P g ?= i My faith be - holds thee, Lord, Concealed in hu - man food l [ ~^~g~T 'i 9 S~ ~# f 1 fa My sens - es fail ; but in thy word ' * 1 £ n ' * « X ^ 1 p d r i r f (fi) ' * i i i — i — t i I trust and find my God. 10 SACRED MELODIES. trust and find my God. %F=£ No. 7, pag-e 10. i r~!irrr" •r—r— ^-spr- My God , my life, my love, * m To thee, to thee I f-r-f-^- &"-&—9 — gfi" ff[) 1 i i 1 II 1 ' vj/ 1 U r 1 call: come to me fromheav'n a-bove, And be my God, my all ?B i sp"r~r~r~ \i ^ 7L ^ v a #• ^ rrhj r i i " h H~ My faith beholds thee m s g Lord, Concealed in hu- man food, My SACRED MELODIES. 11 sens-es fail ; but in thy -word I trust and find my Q #"' a I /V- S3 * ~ l ' f m J 1 i ™ ff\ i 1 T r # J —& S ... ' I * Ood, My God, my life, my love. No. 8, page 10. My God, my life, my love, t^ p To thee, to thee I call : come to me from ' \J w > m * e . * A f • ' p.- ^ P • a ■p— p— P~ I f" i*F=^— VM/ i P i i •/ i heaven above, And be my God, my alL 12 SACRED MELODIES. .___ 6? My faith beholds thee Lord, Con-ceal- ed in hu-rnan 1 1 N P- « /t ' ' m r .«•.-£. *•" r~ ' ffh *• * i F 1 i i i V_U> " ' ___ t i* w •7 food ; My senses fail ; "but in thy word m * m 1 ^ A * 1 * " ^ i i ' Kg k* ^ 1** # -9 . » I trust and find my God. No. 9. page 10. Zl Si^ES H-- My God, mm my life, my love, To 1 — -; thee, to thee I call, SACRED MELODIES. 13 HU_t J (Z : i J I r : come to mo from heav'n above. And be my God, my "1 ^=z^zt±z. lT_J — ) ]=&:: all. My faith be-holds thee, Lord, Con- cealed in human food ; My senses fail ; but EI r #_ i . ^^ ±=M-j=* I in thy word I trust, and find my God. No. 10, pag-e 11. -#- ^ E^\-J = T = ^ S. What hap-pi - ness can e - qual 2 14 SACRED MELODIES. assar — — 0- mine ? I've found the ob - ject of my \j i I m~~&{ * — ^ w ~ II! "~~m a 9 — w ~ ^ - i "i- love ; My Jesus dear, my King di- -P d? - 1 - 1 l-J— rn — 3 r 0- vine, Is come to me from hea - ven a- :&~0 f=? isizfrz±. Ill a- 1 bove ; He chose my heart for his a- : P=*EE^ £ f ~r-r f-f-f-i bode, He there becomes my dai - ly frga -# — — * — *- bread ; There on me flows his heal- ing SACKED MELODIES. 15 &^§^g§5f blood, There with his flesh my soul is fed. No 11, page 12. Though all the power,s of hell sur- ■— rT - r w---r \-f-f-^fBE£ rouud, No e- vil will I fe- * r£B m ar; For while my Je- *-? PW ■\-r-9-r-P 4 - is my friend, No dan- ger can come 16 SACRED MELODIES. Then bless - ed Je - sus s> — i- ££=£ ■OB 3^ dwell with me, And make me *Zj: ISC S3 =3 : burn with love of thee Oh 1 i-t£-» z gjgznzigzjg: :rzp_" tzrz:?:; : ^_^l_rlWzjZ tZt bless- ed Je- sus live with me, tzw. -J 1 Oh ^ ^ i r^L—CLP ' ^ bless- ed Je- sus live with me : Till ^-f— ^ — # ^ — W ~ I may die and live with thee, Till SACRED MELODIES. 17 ;^e£ j^rz ti ft : I may die and live with thee. No. 12, page 14. ■* 4»— #'t»- Can it be that my God Comes down from »-*'-»t*-— j-*- 1 J s » =: ff-*-BrFf hea-ven ! Makes my heart his a-bode, To me ia i — rr^t -VILWi gi - yen ! Yes, yes, with - in my breast > 15 t-g — p r # — jr. " # ~t Soon shall my Jc - sus rest, Soon shall ho 2* 18 SACRED MELODIES. — is 1 1 9 i — i m 1 1 i--r be my guest, Nor thence be dri - yen No. 13, page 17. l*r£ZMm Take me, my Je- sus to heav'n, y i^ w * iM ] " - ^ t : i. ": m - # — 9— 1 -^ * _-Pti^_6t. 9 £> -H: ' •r • g# To the land of un-change- a - ble -J-g-iH*-*— love, 1 I Let wings to my -?~ spi - rit be given, To SACRED MELODIES. 19 Boar to my coun- try 3 a- bove I am wea - ry of life, and would fain All its joy s and its sor-rows now le- ave : I'd flee from this val-ley of paiD, Bliss ter - nal from thee to re- g^x - ^tt^ ceive. Then take me my 20 SACRED MELODIES. EjifiSlli Je- sus, to hea P T N 9 =* take me, my Je - sus, to heaven. No. 14, page 17. -# 3 ^v; what could my Jesus do more, Or \) ^ N s&~^ C^ par- z:q^ n^n _,# !•_»_"& * fib «»^» r i r^r #^ -Li-JC*. what greater bless-ing im- part ? O, w= s 5¥=£-- ei-lence, my soul, and a- dore, And SACRED MELODIES. 21 press him still nearer thy heart. 'Tis ^Sn^-iTZ? Bfe^^F^ Since here from my la- bors I'll rest, he makes my poor heart his a - bode ; To him all my cares I'll ad-dress, And 2ZZKJU znczn i speak to the heart of my God. 22 SACRED MELODIES. PART THIRD HYMNS OF JOY AND PRAISE. No, 15, page 20. zzpfcqs tzze: ■f— w— f- t ~wrr—w w & Thee, sove-reign God ! we grate - ful A & as *" L^ i=] EmFS ! U p p \S> P P P, praise, And greet &~&jpzz thee, Lord fes - tive lays ; To thee, great El "« rti — p — r fczff i f— r God, earth's bound-less frame, With echoes a » r S| sounds im-mor- tal fame j SACRED MELODIES. 23 — # __ — * , # _ — m -9 — -, ^— ^ ^ r— : Lord God of hosts the heaven- ly powers For thee p i VI- brate the vault-ed tow-ers, Lord. iEfcfetb? No. 16, page 20. 'g?~ £? Cherubs and seraphs throned on high, Still '-W-J rwn F3E^ ^ -^ ho - ly, ho - ly, cry. Both heaven and earth a- 24 SACRED MELODIES. zs P-J3—PTP-J- S loud, display Thy beau £ rf: :wr&: i — r T~Z± ty, gran - deur ma- PZ9 MS 'car i " F jes - ty ; Thy praises fill the a-posties' 1 WrrwrjpT-w l r 5QQE 'UZMl fa choir ; Thee, sovereign God ! we grateful praise gs P-v-^—tj?- And greet thee, Lord, in fes - tive lays ; To % iqpFfcE ^Z^" ~p~p" thee, great God ! earth's boundless frame, With ech- oes sounds im- mor- tal fame : Lord SACRED MELODIES. YW-arwrwwvP-p- 25 t± God of hosts, the brate the vaulted heavenly powers For thee vi- wjgngnrm lElE -&& i i i r~r' t— |— r— prpr towers, Lord God of hosts, the heavenly powers For thee vi- brate the vaulted towers, For thee vibrate the vaulted towers. No. 17, page 25. \) c 1 " N 1 * jfi \i u # ^. ! 1 1 J r_m* m . :. ffh U Q I r # # # • r^ i i r # f=S:^d ^ ^ Um * Sweet is the face of na - ture, When S&, K_T sp flow ers deck the vales; 3 When 26 SACRED MELODIES. air is filled with fragrance, Waft- ed by ver- nal :izz_^3 ?ti w~\ ft tf -9- gales, Yet zephyrs vain- ly fan me, And £ q^g^p flowers to groves invite ; And flowers to groves in- 1 P* Ie4 vite ; With-out the smile of Je- sus, they \i £± i %&U*=i 1 M M 9- m—m~m~^ " N 1 \ \ \ * •> * * -^r— i ^i give me no de - light, Without the smile of -p-p p-p- Je-sus They give me no de-light, SACRED MELODIES. No. 13, page 27. 27 h* **~ F Sol-diers of Christ, a- rise ! And r-f^i&—-f-f- 1 — n put jour armor on, *-*—* Strong in the strength which God sup-plies through his e - ter - nal Son. T=-r± e—0—e ^j Strong is the Lord of hosts, and in his mighty r=5=fr 3T r — *i — L~ power ; Who in the strength of Je - sus trusts, is £5- -m dfz than con - que - ror. 28 r SACRED MELODIES. No. 19, page 28. f -.-a-?- Wake, for shame, my slothful heart, Wake, and y # & r r -r—p-v—jr TZ^ZTZ^: glad-ly sing thy part ; Learn of birds and springs and -9— ! * ' * Iin^s __Z 1 fa-®T---i-@- W -# 1 & & ' 1 T - t •/ & & flow-ers , How to use thy no-ble powers. VJ 1^4 " K Ri ~~~ 1^~T^ " ra-FzJ'z -J—m—-^-^—0— m - i 1 — m~r - 9 | •/ p * Hark ! my soul, how ev - e - ry thing Strives to serve our beauteous King ; Each a dou-ble tri - bute pays, Sings its part, and then o - beys. SACRED MELODIES. No. 20, page 31. &5 m The Lord him-self, the mighty God, Vouch- safes to be my guide ; The Shepherd by -whose 8 rj- H~ — r J — i — □ " ~ con- stant care My wants are all sup- (J *• TS~2- -^ jf\ h* f/A 1 | r~ l»

reach the Al - migh - ty throne. High let us m~g -o^jsa&jzri $ -& S&- ■p 4T lift our notes of praise, And reach the Almighty throne, ♦ SACRED MELODIES. PENTECOST. No. 26, page 6. 37 g s^sjj^g ii Vo - ni Sanc-te ! Spi - ri - tus, \J I a ^ J «i— j-f- Et mit - te cse - li - tus, £ *— ^: Lu Tu - se ra - di - um ; — s— ja?d? — toe Ve- Pa - ter pau - pe-rum, ■r—f — ' — P— i Ye- s=Kg ■p s: Da - tor niu - ne- rum, f — * I »: Ve ni Lu - men cor di - um. 38 SACKED MELODIES. t TRINITY SUNDAY. No. 27, page 49. pH Let us give im-mor - tal praise To —I — m—A — <- 0—0 G— Ogf- - God the Fa - tier's :& love, For -. r-#ai-,-^ t-p —0 — &*] 1 all our blessings here, And "better hopes a- :-d bove. He : 5EEt sent his W-J- 1 TZrJf E - ter - nal Son, ±e ^r To die for 8ms Which we have done. He sent SACRED MELODIES. ~tP limns his own E - ter- nal Son, To die for f ^ ¥w~ f £ w -n — E~ E55 sins Which we have done. CORPUS CHRISTI. No. 28, page 9. :fcfc= ^e-i— f -,©— =— , ^ A- do- ro te sup- plex la- \# ' r r s# • r^~ / *' 4 1 1 -^ • r i * "i i #h * p «• m P^ ! i vy> [ ^ ■ . tens De - i - tas, Quce sub his fi - gu- '1 f pis ve - re la - ti- tas, Ti- 40 SACRED MELODIES. e=c I yTr~~f 9-m 9 3* i bi se cor me-um to - turn sub-ji-cit, Qui- f"£S a te contemplans to f~r~\ — i " r~-~p- pi :r H 5 "15 ^ t. A- do-re-mus in fe - ter-num sanc-tissi *=**¥*■ num sane - tissi-mum Sa - cramentum. BJo. 29, pag-e 13. gZ7J=£=i ^ : u^ Saving host, we fall be- fore thee, Trusting SACRED MELODIES. 41 p — -^ nzzp ^m in our Saviour's word ; Thee we own the Lord of SE >- ff *- glo - ry, Thee we own our sove-reign gjrr f Lord, Thee we own the Lord of ti*i&F&m it glory, Thee we own our sovereign Lord. ■*r#- 8 No. 30, page 7. :r -e^=-7f-,*^ iss Ky - ri - e e - lei - son. Pa - ter do coe - lis Be - us Cor Je - su 4* 42 SACRED MELODIES. Chris - mi - se mi - se "S? le- no - no - 1 - son. bis. bis. \J ' / ' 1 J * i - § i m-&- — m—4- i i I "5=E" Chris - te Filii ve Cor Je - su au - di nos. Chris - mun - di Deus mi - se - ver - bo Dei, &c. re 31 in au - di - nos. no - bis. CHRISTMAS. No. 31, page 41. To worship thy Redeemer's birth, Cre« SACRED MELODIES. 43 ation's works a - rise ; The heavenly host a- PpfeS: 9 9 9' I f" p — V t • P loud pro-claims The na-tal day of Christ. 522= 3£E^^^ffi| Come, gra - ti - tude and love, Come an - i- j — — — ^— p=— — h — z^i^r^ti — i — *g-jg- ir ■■■ — &~~&~^ mate our tongues ; A God incarnate from above Dc- wv h — rr '#~"h — ^ mauds our loftiest songs A God, L 9 P—J r—\ — p~r God in - carnate from a - bove Be - 44 SACRED MELODIES. tZW ^ms mands our lof - tiest, sweet - est songs. PART FIFTH. IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, No. 32, page 51. Sane - ta Ma - ri - a, Sane - ta De- i z#zfir-^Ezr:i£zE - ni - trix, Sane - ta vir-go vir - ginum, i ■P-w fc* *M? je^s O - ra pro no - bis, - ra pro LED MELODIES. 45 =S no - bifc, ^5 - 9 ra pro no - bis, t ra pro "I rz bis, - ra pro no bis. No. 33, page 51. =% 4,zz^:t—t—v :srj-e=3=£ — ; — ^ Sane - ta Ma - ri - a, \J && Jlj,!^; / * & •> * .... .- # Sancta De - i gen - i - trix, Sancta virgo 46 .SACRED MELODIES. vir - gi - num, ^ — fh — i^~ ■ft *~¥in^ ^ 0- pro IP" bis, p~~~i — ~r~r ra pro no - "bis, 9 — # i~ h# — i" ~r~w~r — i — #z±c:~ # - :g — ^ » h I pro no - bis. No, 34, pag-e 54. BACKED MELODIES, 47 De - i ma - ter al - ma, Atque sem- per ta. At - que sem - per -*-*■ =J go, Fe - lix coe - li por - ta. No. 35, page 54. ^fr 1-8- IzflP ~m -*■ 9JgJ~r~WW " 'WW A - ve ma - ris stel- la ! De - i ma- ter 48 SACRED MELODIES. Fe - lix coe - li por - ta. At- que sem-per #V* ar - — £ — T -. — ^~i~i i — r~T;2 _ #~" # ~ of the poor ! Pi - ty our nee - dy state. No. 39, page 71. -# -8-*— gm 25 0, blest fore'er the Mo- ther, And SACKED MELODIES. 53 W fF frTfTf Yir-gin full of grace, Who bore our God our ]^ZZ— D Bro-ther ! The Saviour of our race. "X *~i — Sweet Je- sus ! low be- fore thee We - 9 — ^ fl-fZZ^'Tm^- Stand in fear and lore 0, grant we may a- dore thee In thy bright realms a-bove, 5* 54 SAUK ED MELODIES. No. 40, page 61. IzbS^ s? P-sr m wr w i — P-m~i gp As the dewy shades of e-ven Gather o'er the balmy air, Listen gentle Listen Queen of heaven, fw—M • jr — r 1^- to my vesper prayer. Free my Holy mother, near me hover ; /" is W |s~Pi — zzt- n — r-g#~i — r gf thoughts defiled; With cover, Keep from aught thy wings of mercy from — w r p g i r— r s» ~ " g P ~P~PT-1^ gg sin thy helpless dewy shades child. As the ' of e-ven Gather -A W j — shin - ing ; A - ve Ma - ri - f ~r~r - a 58 SACRED MELODIES. €i^L*^rz*z: day is de - clin- ing ; Safe - ty and ^=S#=# in - no cenee flv : 5- ~<*~ ^Z^~- a -r-W-*-^^^W^r-- Tempta- tion and dan - ger walk forth with the :±i-*M*-«v Jk^ZlL night : From the fall of the shade till #~~# the ma-tin shall chime, Shield us from :gir # :rq i — p _ i — ^jpt m:r~ & V y*~\ j i k* ^ a God, a - bove all virgins blest ! Hail, happy gate of 9 — r- heaven's e - ter- nal rest ! Hail, foa - my ~&~ « ? * a r~ w ~ zri — 'JL £l _fe^i r- r^ i w un ^ i i r^ v cean's star ! hail, heavenly queen ! 52: ■ft) 1 be our guide to endless joys unseen 6* 66 SACRED MELODIES. No 48, pag-e 69. Holy Mary, mother hear a mild ! Hear ! 'SEISEX feeble child, Who on life's tempestuous sea Is cast alone, succour me ' r~r~iP"T i o'er me roll ! Waves of sorrow Storms of passion shake my soul ! Dangers press on JJ every side ! Star of ocean be mj guide. i It* — w =§3 Ho- ly Ma-ry, mother mild ! Hear, hear a SAUUCD MELU1UKS. 157 j^Z^ r~m w -.-t>-r--—t- a 1 feeble child, Who on life's tempestuous sea Is cast a- p~.- 9 — - — T n -*-&~0T9 TS^ 3 T lone, succour me, Brightest in the courts JOSI gels ! queen of hear ! And grief and tears will disap- pear. PACREB MELODIES. PART SIXTH, IN HONOR OF THE ANGELS AND SAINTS. No. 49, page 73. ^ —-3> -9-fZ^. E? s God, how ought my grateful heart To m — a~^ — i n* — \**i — iwTisr" "i — in — r #~^~r-ri — r^L"*" 3 ;*l praise thy bounteous hand, Who send'st thy an - gel 5IZ1 F^ "~S" ifaE from a- bove, To be my guide and 35 i§r — r i friend, To be my guide and friend. SACRED MELODIES. No. 50, page 74. saken The cbil-dren of earth and the "9 _& fond - ly watch o'er us ! O guard and pro- 70 SACKED MELODIES. tect us ! Blest an - gels di- rect us to f\ l-» # p i* — #r -p — p r~ r p p r QL & # "r EP— f- man-sions of bliss. Blest an- gels di- PS rect us to man-sions of bliss. No. 51, page 74. have not for- sa - ken The children of SACKED MELODIES. 71 E^P p= f r r . .gzg f — i — Ft earth and the fall- en from bl?5s ; Then r~ #-f ~~1 J :g=i-g--g_g^: still •watch a-round us, our bo S^fi 1 r~ 'I 1 — r~ Tva- ken to thoughts of a world that is S . # _5j_-s: n bright- er than this. fond - ly -watch o'er us, guard and pro - tect us ! Blest P — &~m i 1 r I^ES ?~^ an - gels di- rect us to man-sions of 72 SACRED MELODIES. "bliss. fond -ly watch o'er us, 0, (tar &ZJgL guard and pro - tect us ! Blest an-gels di- t—f^-P & rect us to mansions of bliss. No. 52, page 75. Ho - ly Pa- tron ! thee sa- lut - ing, Here we meet, with hearts sin-cere ; SACRED MELODIES. 73 Blest St. Jo - seph, all u - nit ing q* >=£=£ 2 Call on thee to hear our prayer. 7 V gf-EP^R ^^ Hap - py saint, in bliss a - dor - ing r C f r f i g f f . r ^ F Je - sus, Sa - vi - our of mankind, jH--f- .f-f- =f> » f- - W "- i 4-f-r 1 -Ir 1 Hear thy children thee im- plor - ing ; II =F r =3 ^^ May we thy pro - tee - tion find. 7 74 ,6-6-'- SACRED MELODIES. No. 53, page 75. t- ;s=* Ho - ly Pa - tron, thee sa- :--- r -- F r f : — i h- 1 1 — lut - ing, Here we meet with hearts sin- I^-T~'-"-^ p=F=f=P=F f&> ' * 'I p vw i Blest St. Jo - seph, all u r::f nit - ing, Call on thee to hear our prayer. P^£ Hap - py saint, in "bliss a - dor - ing 1 r rr 7L^T ^ * ft- P^«- 1 ' zn CZI'rt Serf* ■•■■ siL & — *s* Je - sus, Sa- viour of mankind, Hear thy SACKED MELODIES. 75 "ft chil-dren thee im - plor - ing, May we *n thy pro - tec - tion find. No. 54, pag-e 76. '^-^V-f thou great favorite of the heavenly -(£?-,- i — r~H»f King, Who, now transport- ed to the fc? 2 - realms a - bove, Whose choirs ce - les - tial =g^=l^g|^ 76 SACRED MELODIES. V a ^ . ...... j ^ X r * « ^ * • J^ i 1 i i. ff5 Lj ' • * ' rf # « -i. 5^ Sp N v %T * loud thy glo - ries sing, E^=S Re - ceive the tri-bute of our afccrH s^- s= praise and love, Re - ceive the P-9 Pe St tri - bute of our praise and love. No. 55, pag-e 77. r — i — +- 9 1 — 3 3 -#— ^^n§ - ~i t?— p~t #~r* * _ jzt The youth who wealth and courts dea- SACRED MELODIES. 77 JL. £=«Q=fc pised, His spot- less mind a p p_ bove to raise ; Who eve- ry -** H >ing thought chas - tised — 1 1 I 1 ; Tis A - lo - y - sius claims our W ±r=2d = C__-r± lays. 'Tis A- lo y - sius ^# I claims our lays. A - mia - ble and 78 SACRED MELODIES. an - gelic youth, A - lo-y us pray for us. No. 56, pag-e 78. ^ 9 1 ye an - gel ic bands, at - Pj> 1 &~T PS f & tend ! From heaven's high ex- alt- ed S=g , spires, "With m oi'tal ac - cents deign to t m SACKED J1EI.0DIKS. 79 I C g p C g FpH^T 1 ^ blend The voice of your har- mo- nious 1 — f-p ?—- Ik In ear- ly life's most ten - der state, _t_ *^r ^~i!z:ri O thy de- signs, how great, God ! Young Stan-is - laus could em _A • » A * ~P "TJ ( r m r \ i 1 9 T "P — 1 *~ £— L4 ± ziriZ^si— &=Ff sound. This day your praise shall . — f ^=1 n f sound. Great and glo - rioua EE=£=^E5^^E3Ea St. Pa- trick, Pray for that dear coun - try, The 0— a tfTT^T land of our fa-thers ; Great and glo-riouj 84 SACRED MELODIES. - St. Patrick, Hearken of thy children, to the prayer No. 59. pag-c 81. ^^hr-rjfeg First floweret of the de - sert g — J~ 9 — 9 — J # — T ~* T wild, Whose leaves the sweets of JJ___r^ — p3_ rib=q= "u» m r £/T\ 9 gm r f w V^J/ __ r ■ __** grace hale. We greet thee • # — ^ — # Li - ma's saint - ed child, Rose of A- SACRED MELODIES. 85 T=^&^im ca ! All hail ! We =f m T-l pr ?=E==g I greet thee Li - ma's saint - ed child, Sfr^fel Rose of A - me - ri ca ! all hail ! No. 60, pag-e 82. Let the deep or - gan swe - 11 the \J IT ■ jr. 9 ?* 1 a i l fjn\ W 4 _^_. in #_.. \\J/ | P 1 •/ " P P lay, In hon- or of the 8 86 SACRED MELODIES. s=ls Ce - ci- lia's ev - -ft- r^v — i jt &L W- S gF ~- r" # P * A fjft 1 1 > J 1 I P w & + * 6? k__ name, Let the liar - mo - nious choirs pro ^ ZZBZZZZM claim Ce - ci - lia's e - ver u " •/ 1 &_. r^f- ■f—p—B-r; \m) * ^ bless - ed name, Ce - lia SACRED MELODIES. 87 ^* ■f — i — * ^ rP: llll two - fold crown p I&i£lSJif A - domed in heaven, we ^trr-p pray look down r-w 9? On thy fer - vent vo - taries II here, And hearken i-I€-Sl=l to tlioir hum bio prayer. 88 SACRED MELODIES. No. 61, page 32. JL_4_t «Ll- This day, with glad - ness, — 1— H — ^ f-n r^J~® TIT - £ — i — r-f-^ ri 1 t?~r Christian choirs proclaim =5 His coin-bats tri - umph, faith, and glorious name, — (__ — — 9 ~w^v Who bold - ly Christ on earth confessed, And -9—9- e—@ F 1 *-* now ex - alts a- mong the SIZE This day with -SF~A ^4 \@zzw. Se3 i^zzts: glad - ness, Chris-tian choirs pro-claim. SACRED MELODIES. 89 MISCELLANEOUS, No. 62, page 13. Though all the powers of hell surround, 90 SACRED MELODIES. come \i **4 . . ( ( yf j f^ «M vyj c? 9 9 -- ■ 9 ■■ - near. Then bless ed -|z=:Sz£#= Je - sus ! dwell with me. And make me -e- burn with love of thee ; bless- ed Je - sus ! live with me, Till y i i a ~ X_^ — |p — *_?__ ■ 9 w v may die, Till SACRED MELODIES. 91 I may die and live with thee, Till may -#". I may die and live with thee. I No. 63. Hail, Yir- gin dear- est Mary, rqs: ^T5 : — 0- Our love - ly queen of I ^~ May, 92 SACRED MELODIES. * * -0- To bright-est realms of clay. Thy chil- dren hum-bly bend- ing 0—0 — A - round thy love - ly shrine, Their hearts and voices blend - ing, If i In u - ni - son com - bine. SACRED MELODIES. No. 64, page 54. 93 run -r ui A - ve ma - ris stel - la ! De- i ma - ter al - ma, At-que semper irf-f-.-f. ■-p- — «-; — r yir - go, Fe - lix coe - li por- ta. Lau- \J 9 # fe-^^-.-f] m &• & tr ".*•-•" -(• — ^T "^T - r r i r \M/ ^ i i * "; "1 "■ «? 1 da - te, Lauda- te, Lau-da - te Ma - ri - am, Lau- SFF I . .K» Etrl 'I X da - te, Lau-da- te, Lau- da- te Mari - am. 94 CONTENTS. CONTENTS. In the Sacred Melodies. Hymns to the H. Ghost, from page 3 to 7 ' " B. S acrament and for H. Com- munion, from page 7 to 21, and page 89 " " of Praise and Joy, 22 to 30 FOE THE FESTIVALS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Page. Hymns for Christmas, 42 " " Lent, SO & 31 " " Passion Week, 33 " " Easter, 34 " " Ascension, '■ 15 " " Pentecost, 37 ■■ " Trinity Sunday, 58 " " Corpus Christi, 39 to 41 " " Sacred Heart of Jesus, 41 ? of the B. V. Mary, 44 to 69 " « " " 91 &93 " " Angels and Saints, 68 to 72 " *• St, Joseph, 72 to 76 " " St. Aloysius, 76 " " St. Stanislaus Kostka, 78 " " St. Francis Xaverius, 80 " St.Patrick, , 82 " " St. Rose of Lima, 84 " " St. Cecilia, 85 ** for Confessors 88 1XDKX. 95 ALPHABETICAL INDEX '.'«r<- in tha 5. S Hymn Boole. Adoro te suppiex, 9 All is but vanity, 37 Ave maris Stella, 54 As the dewy shades, 61 Ave Maria, guardian, 65 Bright Mother of our, 56 Blest Spirits of light, • 74 Come Holy Ghost, 4 Can it be that my God, 14 Christians, who of Jesus, 34 Come let us lift our, 48 Children of Mary, 57 Fading, still fading, • 60 First floweret of the desert, 81 Hark, my soul how, 28 Hail, heavenly queen, 58 Hail Mary, Queen and Virgin. 59 Hail to the mistress. 68 Holy Mary, mother mild, 69 Hail Mary, how pure, 70 Holy Patron, thee saluting, 75 Hibernia's champion, 80 Hail virgin, dearest Mary, 10 Litany S. Heart, 7 Let us give immortal, 49 ; 33 Litany of B. V.M., 51 Let the deep organ, 82 8, 9 My God, my life, 10 Mary our mother be, $2 96 INDEX. N f s ' of Page in the *"*■ S. S. Hymn Book. 14 O what could my Jesus, 17 42 Mary, my mother, 63 39 blest forever, - 71 49 God, how ought my, 73 54 thou great favorite, 76 56 ye angelic bands, 78 2, 3. & 5 Spirit Creator, 3 29 Saving host, we fall, 13 17 Sweet is the face, 25 18 ' Soldiers of Christ, 27 21 Saviour, when in dust, 38 1 1, 62 Though all the powers, 12 13 Take me, my Jesus, 17 15, 16 Thee, sovereign God, 20 20 The Lord himself, ; 31 61 This day with gladness, : 32 31 To worship thy Redeemer, * 41 55 The youth who wealth, 77 1 Veni Creator Spiritus, 3 26 Veni Sancte Spiritus, 6 10 What happiness can equal, 11 67 With grateful hearts let's all, 79 24 Young men and maids, 44 ALL HYMNS OF 12 Syllables may be adapted to aire No. 42, 51. 10 " " " «« 47,54. 8 " " " " 40, 46, 56. 60 8 & G Syllables " " 31, 32, 36. 7 & 6 " " " 17, 39. 6 " « « 6, 7, 8, it. 34 35. 64. m m •±* mf*^