wss -. i jr 4t DIVINE SONGS CHILDBED PUBLISHED BY THE BAPTIST GENERAL TRACT SOCIETY NO. 36, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THE WORD OF GOD. "Harriet,*' said Mr. Richards, " will you step up stairs, and tell your mamma that breakfast is ready?" Harriet was about two years and a half old. She was generally a pleasant and dutiful child, but sometimes wanted to have her own way. She did not at this time obey her father, for the weather was cold, and it was rather unpleasant going into the entry and cham- ber where there was no fire. So she stood still and hung down her head. Her father repeated the com- mand, but still she did not go. — Her lips began to pout, and she looked quite sullen. " My daughter," said Mr. Richards, " do you not love your papa ?" "Yes sir," said Harriet in a very low and trending voice. u Then," said her father, " should you not love to obey him?" Harriet did not answer, but her lip quivered, and she seemed to be almost sorry that she could not obey so kind a father; yet her stubborn heart said, I can't do it now. Mr. R. looked firmly and kindly at her for some time without speaking. At last he said, " Harriet, look at your papa." The little girl was very unwilling to lift up her eyes from the floor, but she did not dare to refuse. So she looked at her father's eye. " Now, my daughter," said Mr. R. u tell me what God says to children/' She instantly replied, repeating that verse in one of the Epistles of Paul, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for that is right." Before she had said half the words she was looking towards the door; and as soon asshe had finished she ran off to obey her father, and called her mother to breakfast. The Rev. Mr. Champney, one of Mr. Richards' brethren in the ministry, was present during this scene, and attended to all that passed with deep in- terest. When he saw the obstinacy of Harriet over- come in this, manner, he expressed his sui prise, and inquired low Mr. R. accounted for it. "It was," said Mr. R. " the word of God that subdued her stub- born will, and it is often so. I have accustomed her to consider that tny word must be obeyed, and it is 4 j [Continued on the 3d pa^e. N