At.,. ytvsou §■§■■■■ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY w Division Section get ■ •' ■: • 7 ./Wi '•"• , .-•«** T H E JHHW snu/^ P S A L PARAPHRASED ACCORDIN^ TO New-Testament InterpretaT, AND Adapted to the common Church-Tunes. with An Illustration at the Beginning of each Pfih or elfe a Preference to its Parallels; and an introductory Verse, expreflive of its Spirit and Scope. To the whole is prefixed, A-*General Preface ferving to fhew, thatthefe infpir- ed Songs are not expreflive of the private Frames and Experiences of the Penmen ; but are either hif- torical and commemorative of public Events con- cerning the Church ; or prophetical and delcriptive of the Perfon, Character, Miffion, Offices and King- dom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Defigned to be fung in Churches and Families. By JOHN BARCLAY, A. M. Minifter of the Berean Assembly in Edinburgh, EDINBURGH: fPrinted by James Donaldson for the Author; And fold by A. Donaldson at his Shop (No. 48.) St. Paul's Church-yard, London, and at Edinburgh; alfo by the Author. t M. DCCLXXVI. m C B 1 PREFACE. IS it nor furprifing at this day, when all honeft free* dom of inquiry is beginning to be fo much in- dulged, that thofe vaft mountains of rubbifh which whole legions of commentators have been heaping for ages upon the Pfalms, are flill fuffered to lie al- inoft unmolefted, untouched? For what though fome one, happily, may have discovered, afTayed, and laid open the golden vein of truth which runs through that precious portion of the book of God ; where have they been found who have purfued the track, and wrought the mine ? or, if fome have actually begun to put their hands to the work, yet in fuch a fhy, referred, partial, hidden manner have they pro- ceeded, tha: we may liill fay, where are they ? who are they ? as if they had been ftealing away, rather than boldly avouching the caufe of truth. How much the caufe of truth, to the hurting of many fouls, hath fuffered by wrePting that particular book of divine infpiration, may appear from a com- panion of the common ltream of commentators with the words of the Holy Ghoft; who hath certified us, < that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private < interpretation. For the prophecy came net in old « time,' or at any time, as the margin reads, ' by the < will of man : but holy men of God fpake as they « wcie moved by the Holy Gholt.' Now, where hus the Holy Ghoft, in the whole public interpretation of the Old J ePtament writings by the apoftles, given any one hint for applying any one of the Pfalms, or any one part of a Pfairn, to David, or any on: ol the penmen, concerning whom we hear fo much, whofoever they were? Is not a dead fiience obferved a 2 on i* PREFACE. on this head throughout the whole New Teftament? A fhrewd hint, that, whoever was employed, the Holy Ghoft had no hand in any fuch applications : for he hath kid to the churches concerning the falva- tion which the apoftles preached", « that the prophets « inquired and fearched diligently, who prophefied « of the grace that fhould come unto you : fearching * what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Chrifl * which was in them did fignify, when it teflifled « before-hand the fufferings of Chrift, and the glory f that fhould follow. Unto whom it was revealed, « that not unto themfelves, but unto us they did mi- « nifter the things which are now reported unto youj « by them that have preached the gofpel unto you, < with the Holy Ghoft fent down from heaven ; « which things the angels defire to look into.' Agree- ably to all this David had faid by the fame Spirit in his laiT words, ' The Spirit of the Lord fpake by me, < and his word was in my tongue.* And the Lord faid to the Jews, « Search the Scriptures, for in them « ye think ye have eternal life; and thefe are they < which teftify of me.' It was the Scriptures of the Old Teftament to which they were referred; and this teacheth us, that Chrifl: is the great and princi- pal fubjett of them ; and that our moft painful ftudy and learned refearches are to no profit as to eternal life, and confequently to nothing at all, if we cannot ciifcern God testifying of his own Son, our Lord Je- fus Chrift, in them. As, in that place, he refers to the Scriptures in general, fo, when going to accom- plifh his obedience in his death at Jerufalem, he tells his difciples exprefsly of the matter, pointing to the Pfalms in particular, faying, « The things which are « written in the Prophets and in the Pfalms concern- « ing me have an end/ And accordingly, in the New Teftament we find many of the Pfalms exprefs- ly applied to him ; which (hews, as Chrift is the great fubje& of the Scriptures in general, fo in parti- cular, PREFACE. v cular, and efpecially of the Pfalms: and therefore we fhould fearch for Chrift in them, even in them all : for, if no part of the Pfalms is to be explained of Chrift, but what is in as many words applied to him m theNewTeftament, as fome would make us think, fo neither is any fuch part of the Law and the Pro- phets to be underftood of him ; and fo a great part of the Old Teflament, fpeaking of Chrift, muff, go for nothing as to any faving purpofe-, nay, muft be eon- fidered as a blot upon the face of Jefus ; for the Spi- rit teacheth us by truth, and not by falfehood ; for, if I am reading any paftage fpeaking of Chrift, and apply it otherways, I cannot be profited; it is impof- fible, whatever pious views I may have, feeing I rob God of his glory, and give it to another, deceiving myfelf, and being deceived : now, deceit can never be of God, nor for the glory of God. But, as we have faid, the New Teftament explains the Old, by letting us into the fpiritual intent, truth, or meaning thereof: with this key we are warranted to open up and explain thofe paffages which are not directly mentioned in the New : neither need we be afraid of any dangerous miftake, as long as we are guided by that light which fhineth in the face of Je- fus. If then we would exprefs praife with knowledge, and fing the Pfalms with underftanding and grace (and there can be no grace without truth) in our hearts, we muft go to the apoftles, who alone had the Holy Ghoft given them to fearch into the mind of Chrift, and declare to the churches thofe things which God had kept fecret from the foundation of the world, even the hidden things of God, wrapped up in the myftery of all the prophecies, p/omife?, fignsj and figures, that had gone before, fhewing, like the outer leaves of an unbiown flower, that fome better things were to come, whofe form and beauty fhould appear difplayed to open view, in the fulnefs a 3 of #i PREFACE. of their glory, when the proper feafcn appointed of God fhonld arrive. If this matter had been well attended to, we had not feen reverend fathers, and admired doclors, gravely explaining, that is, perverting and deftroying, the New T eftament by the Old, carting the vail of Mofes again upon the face of Jefus, and hiding the glory by that which in itfelf had no glory, fpreading night and tenfold darknefs between us and the Sun of righteoufnefs, giving us ftones for bread, ferpents for nfhes, the letter, inftead of the Spirit, the mini- ftration of death, inflead of life, the reveries of their own carnalized imaginations, inftead of the eternal truths and confolations of the Holy Spirit. Let the reader, who is acquainted with iuch teachers and their adherents, judge how far they are guilty. How dangerous are their gloffes upon the Pfalms ! Prudential considerations, perhaps, fhould lead one cautioufly to inquire, if it would not be conftrued calumny to infinuate, that you will hardly meet with a place of public teaching in the kingdom wholly free from the grofs abufe here complained of. Therefore, to cut ofToccafions from thofe who might be difpofed to take them, inftead of making irritating afiertions, however juftifiable in proof, let the perfon of like precious faith with the apofties confider, how he ought to be moved with the higheft indignation and pity, when he hears a fet of men, with their admir- ers, fubftituting what they call their moral virtue, fincere obedience, good difpofitions of heart, and jfuch like names, (I fay names, for in their fenfe and connection they can be nothing elfe but names, falfehoods, and not truth), inftead of Jefus Chrift and bim crucified, for the jultification and acceptance of finners with God. They leave you at no lofs for their meaning; for, to pafs by other devices of theirs to eftabhfh an imperfect inftead of a perfect obedi- ence, (O mafkr-plot of hell, to eftablifh the torments of PREFACE. tII of hell lnftead of the glory of heaven !), they will read you all the paffoges in the Pfalms, where the righte- oufnefs, integrity, and uprightnefs of Jefus Chrift are mentioned and rewarded ; thefe they explain for proof and iliuftration of their fenfe, namely, that our own virtuous inclinations and actions are the exprefs conditions of onr obtaining the mercy of God, and acceptance with him. So, many of them are not afhamed, nor afraid, after all that the witneiies for the Lord Jefus have advanced, broadly to fpeak our. They have different ways of phrafing and difguifing the matter: ibmetimes they will tell you, that Jefua Chrift by his death laid a foundation for the accept- ance of your repentance and faith, and that he works thefe graces in you, and upon account of them you are accepted of God ; at other times, to the fame purpofe, they will tell you, that Jefus Chrift purchafed by his death the blotting out of all pad fcores, and that he gives you the Spirit to work i-n you the mo- ral virtues, and ail good works, which if you bring forth, you are juftified and accepted in the fight of God on account of them : whereas, they might as well have taught you of your being accepted and ju- flihed in the light- of God, upon the account of an energy from hell upon your fpirit, the one being 23 true as the other ; feeing there is no acceptance, no juf[inc2tion of any perfcn with God but through the blood of the Lamb only, excluding, in this reipeci, all our good works, as much as our bad works. No matter, they go on in their way, hardy, zea- lous, undaunted : no wonder the blind be fcremoft ; for Satan hath blinded their eyes, and they fee not their danger : how dk could you fee them fet whole congregations of poor deceived people a- Tinging the> xvth and xxivth Pfalms, according to that biafphe- mous view they have given of that righteoulnefs whereby a man can afcenci into the hill of God? as if it could be any other but ihe righteoulnefs of God, even % Hi P P. E F A C E. even the righteoufnefs of his Servant whom he uphold- eth, his Fle<£t in whom his foul delighteth, for whole righteoufnefs fike Jehovah is well-pleafecj, becaufe he hath magnified the law and made it honourable, and is become the end thereof for righteoufnefs to e- very one that believeth ; having purged away the fins of his people by himfelf, and then entered into the highest heavens with his own blood, their accepted Head and Forerunner, having obtained eternal re- demption for them ; who enter along with him in his right, in their appointed time, not by works of righteoufnefs which they themfelves have done, but by that finifhed, accepted, everlafVmg work of righ- teoufnefs which He, their Lord, their Reprefenta- tive, hath done for them ; whom he alfo fanclifies throughout, in body, foul, and fpirit, to the glory of his Father, and fo makes meet for the inheritance purchafed and prepared by himfelf for his faints in Neverthelefs, as if it were a heinous guilt to leave any faying of the Lord unwrefted to the deftruciion of as many as mall fully imbibe the fpirit of their doc- trine, they perfevere in their purpofe, and make the xviiith Pfalm alfo chime in to the fame tune, where it is faid, ' The Lord rccompenfed me according to my 6 righteoufnefs,' &c. ver. it> — 27. which they apply to the good people of their own flock, as being fimi- ]ar in their experience to David. — Not a word here of the good Shepherd who laid down his life for his iheep! In like manner, Pfalm xxvi. never fails to be fung in the fame {train, efpeciaily on a communion occafion, when you behove by all means to be put in mind of fome earthly altar \ < I will wafh mine < hands in innocency / — Whofe innocency? your own indeed! for, does not the royal pfalmift David fay, * I will wafh mine hands in innocency, fo will « I encompafs thine altar, O Lord?' — He had need %o be very pure, who would adventure upon fuch a boafti PREFACE. it boaft f Pfalm cxviii. 19. * Open to me the gates of * righteoufnefs, — this is the door,' &c. feldom efcapea being preffed into the fame fervice. If they happen up- on fuch occafions to drop a word about the righteouf- nefs of Chrift, you may expect to hear it upheld on- ly as a pattern to your righteoufnefs; that, as he en- tered into heaven by his own perfect obedience, even fo might you, by the higheft perfection of obedience •which you can attain to, to wit, your fincere, though- imperfedt obedience, or endeavours after it; which is, they fay, your gofpel-perfection, and which the new covenant, with many other things which the Holy Ghoft gives as little allowance for, admits of, ac- cording to them ; I fay, according to them, if fo be you will allow the fcope of aovhole feimon to ex- plain itfelf. The texts commonly made to ftand on the front of fuch deftroying doctrines are fuch as thefe, all the words of the Lord Jefus fpeaking of himfelf; < I de- * light to do thy will, O my God — O how love I * thy law !' Or, bearing witnefs to the righteoufnefs- of the law wThich he came to fulfil ; < As I live, faith * the Lord, I have no pleafure in the death of hiirr * that dieth,' &c. — c The man that doeth thefe things 1 fhall live by them.' — ' Verily, verily, I fay unto/ * you, except your righteoufnefs fhall exceed the < righteoufnefs of Scribes and Pharifees,' &c. or fome fuch paiTage of a like fpirit, where a righteouf- nefs is recommended, by which a man may have en- trance given him into the kingdom of heaven. As they make this righteoufnefs in their texts fomething elfe, and not the very righteoufnefs of the Lord jefus Chriit, it is evident, that all their af- ter-talk of (mceiity, virtue, repentance, faith, (for faith is a name they muil deal in too, though they* take away the fenfe of it, and give you one more fuitable to their own ideas), goodnefs of difpofition, and the like, can be nothing elfe but a round- abour way £ PREFACE. Way of bringing in an abfolute juggle, (not deign- ed, it may be, by them, but at lead by the father of lies, who makes whom he may the venders of his abominations), a mere muffling, cutting, dealing, and playing, ut a pack of unintelligible words. The effect of thofe their doctrines of vanity, where they take place, may be compared to the ad- million of a multitude of fwine into a garden full of precious roots and flowers. So have they ufed their endeavours to root up every precious thing in the book of Pfalms, and indeed in the whole word of God, as if they had received a commiilion to deal by the Scriptures as the Ifraelites did with regard tQ the land of Moab, ' To fmite every fenced city, * and every choice city, and to fell every good treef * and to flop all wells of water, and to mar every « piece of good land with ftones.' Thus they ut- terly fpoiled the Moa bites. And thus the end of thofe who are pciTefled with fuch a falfe fpirit of doc- trine, except they be again diipoflefled, may be re- prefented by that herd who ran from the Gadarene- mountains violently down a fleep place, and were all choaked in the lea. They who have conscience for it, may call fuch ones Chriitians, if they pleafe, and then, when they have done fo, endeavour to fanclify Satan by calling him Saint. But feints indeed will do well to confi- der thofe words of their Lord, as they (land in their own connection, « Every plant which my heavenly * Father hath not planted mall be rooted up.' Theie are the men who are for ever filling your cars with fomething or other about philofophers, 'Ful- ly, Seneca, Socrates, the divine Plato, as they call that other whom the devil at Delphos is faid to have deified, (honed heathens, the wonderful things the light of nature teaches you !), the moral fenfe, the beautiful, the fublime, the decent, the fair, the hand- fbme, aud ibmetimes the to kuXov and the to n^xo*, (for PREFACE. xt (for they love to fpeak plain!), with other ravings of the fame (lamp. There is another, but in many refpeeb very diffe- rent kind of men, indeed, whom you will find alfo at the head of their thoufands and ten thoufands, who do, verily, highly, as juftly, difapprove of thofe miiinterpretations of the PfaJms, and other fcriptures concerning righteoufnefs, &c. jufl now mentioned, yet are by no means free themfelves of fome fort of corrupt leaven ; which fhews its malignity in them alfo, but in a different appearance from the former. Obferve them only expatiating and enlarging upon their darling heads of fpiritual defertions, hidings of God's countenance, withdrawings of his favour, or atfenfe of it at times from his accepted dear chil- dren, doubts and fears about their eftate, darknefs concerning their intereft in Chriil ; which, with their other kindred topics of difcourfe, make up no fmall part of their doctrine and popularity. To give a tafte of this fame leaven : after thefe, or the like words, of the Lord Jefus have come in their way, « In my profperity I faid, I (hall never be * moved: Lord, by thy favour thou haft made my < mountain to (land ftrong. Thou didft hide thy face, 1 and I was troubled/ Thefe expreffions, the mean- ing whereof is not difficult to fee, when viewed in the light of the apoftolic teftimony, do they compare with, and illuftrate by that teftimony? No; but with the experiences of Job, who, in the day of his affliclion, faid, « O that it were with me as 1 in months pad, when the candle of the Lord fhin- * ed upon my head!' Is the caule of Job's com- plaint a fecret ? but whatever he feared, doubted, or complained of, it was not, certainly it was not, con- cerning his date with God, or his intereft in Chrift; feeing in that he triumphs, and in that only, faying, « I know that my Redeemer liveth. — Though he flay . ■ me, Kii PREFACE. * me, yet will I put my truft in him : — then mall I « be at reft.' They proceed next to David's experiences as what frequently happen, fay they, or may happen to all faints. How they trumpet forth that famous faying ef his which he faid in his heart, f One day I (hall « perifh by the hand of Saul,' fee. If that of David bad any relation to a believer's fears of falling into perdition, it is plain, that the reading of the fentence to the end, would have given the conclusion a quite contrary turn, being a proof, that, like David, they thought they fhould efcape, and not fall. Why do you trifle with us in the name of the Lord ! Have we need of this? or, if fuch a doctrine is to be main- tained, has it need to be maintained with fuch wea- pons ? They are now come to the Pfalms ; and there, fee how they feize upon every ftrong figure of fpeech which the Holy Ghoft hath ufed, exprefiive of the fufTerings of Chrift, and of the following .glory ! Lo, how heartily, blindly, and boldly they apply them all ?.s expreflive of the frames of the fpirits of David, Heman, and Afaph, in the times of their foul-trou- ble and fpiritual defertion ; till at length, through their prayers, fupplications, fallings, and tears, they find a glorious outgate (as they fpeak) by a new and fenfible manifestation ! and thefe fame rifings and fal- lings in their fpirits or frames, through the vain fup- poGtion that they were the experiences of mere mor- tal , are confidered, upheld, and afcertained, as fo many incontrovertible models or patterns of God's fovereign way of dealing with his children, whom the New Teftament fays, he fills with peace and joy in believing, fo that they even glory in God (which is not an accidental coming and going thing, but an eilential permanent part />f their character) through their Lord Jefus Chrift, by whom they have now re- ceived the atonement. i But P Pv E F A C E. X1H But thofe leaders, in diametrical opposition to the spoftles, apply upon occafions to the faints and faith- ful in Chrift Jefus, all fuch paflages in the Pialms as he following: ' My foul is fore vexed — The furrows of death compared me — The pains of hell got hold upon me — Thine arrows flick fad in me — Deep callcth unto deep at the noife of thy water-fpouts : all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me — Horror hath overwhelmed me : I fink in deep mire, where there is no (landing— I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me — 1 am like a pelican of the wildernefe — I have eaten afhes like bread, becaufc thou haft lifted me up, and call me down — The deep waters are come into my fou! — My foul refufed to be comforted — I remem- bered the wormwood and the gall — I remembered God, and was troubled — While I fuffer thy ter- rors, I am diftra&cd,' or torn afunder — < Will the Lord call off for ever? and will he be favourable no more? Is his mercy clean gone for ever? And doth his promife fail for evermore ? Hath God for- gotten to be gracious ? hath he in anger (hut up his tender mercies? Selah. And I faid, this is mine infirmity : but 1 will remember the years of the right hand of the Moil High,' &c. What ideas have thofe men of the power and operation of the Comforter upon the fpirits of the faints, when they think that their (late, even at any juncture, may be defcribed in the very fame language which dcfcrihes the power and operation of God's wrath upon the fpirit and body of their Redeemer, when (landing in their room, and drinking up for them that cup of bitternefs which the Father had put into his hand, that they, in place thereof, might have a cup of fal- vation, thankfgiving, and eternal confolation, put in- to theirs ? O vain men, how came ye to make fad the hearts "fef thofe whom the Lord by the fadncfs of his heart t b hath xiv PREFACE. hath made glad ? how many diftrefTed ones go with a back bowed down always through the influence and burden of yoiir (Irange doctrines? How came ye to rob them of their peculiar privileges and titles, call- ing them defponding believers, whom their God and Father had filled with the Holy Ghoft, and all his divine confolations and fruits, love, peace, hope, joy, joy unfpeakable and full of glory? How came ye to overlook, that the infirmity, or weaknefs, which ye attributed to them, was their ilrength, their glory, their crown ? What elfe mean inch paflages as thefe ? « He was crucified through 1 weaknefs; but faifed again by the power of God * — Put to death in the flefh ; but quickened by the « Spirit.* And the years of the right hand of the fcvfoft High, which he fa id he would remember, are they not explained by fuch pafiagcs as thefe ? « For * the joy that was fet before him, he endured the c crofs, and defpifed the (name, and is now fet down * again on the right hand of the Majefty on high. — I * have glorified thee, upon earth: I have finifhed the * work which thou gavcft me to do. And now, O Fa- * ther, glorify thou me with the glory which I had * with thee before the world was;' which glory is fpo- ken of in the book of Proverbs, * The Lord pofleiTed 1 me in the beginning of his way, before his works * of old. 1 was fet up from everlafting. Then I was* * by him as one brought up with him : and I was * daily his delight, rejoicing always before him : re- 4 picing in the habitable parts of his earth, and my * delights were with the fons of men.' Was it not lor the joy of bringing many fons and daughters to glory, that he came into the world, * made of a wo- 1 man, made under the law, made the curfe?' Yea verily j for their fakes, « in the days of his flefh, he * offered up prayers and fupplications, with fixong < crying and tears, to him that was able to fave him * from death j ' which he was then undergoing, arid was PREFACE. x? was beard according to all his defire, and exalted for his fubmiflion and obedience to his Father. It was he who funk in the miry clay; and was raifed, and fet upon a rock. The waves of wrath went over him, the deep waters broke in upon his foul, and his foul was troubled j fo that he cried, * My foul is furrow - 1 ful, exceeding forrowful,' forrowful round about, « forrowful even to death ' Hib fpirit was diffracted, torn afunder by the tenors of jcbovah. ri he arrows of God Ruck fail in him : the mercy cf God went clean from him ; and the judgments oi God refled upon him, for a light to the nations of them who are faved ; that they might have the bolcnefs, and not the amazement, through the blood of their Lore!, the atonement; who obtained for them the remifTion and kingdom, not in the way cf favour or mercy to himfelf, but in the way of ftricTt abfolute juftice, as the due wages of his own mod abfolute perfect obe- dience in their ftcad. But alas! though all this true doclrine concerning the fufferings of the Lord and following glory be ftrenuoufly maintained by thofe men we fpeak o;, yet they have not thought of it in fuch as the above- mentioned pafiages of the Pfalms; and therefore, ac- cording to the fofteft thing that can be faid, they have inadvertently made all they maintain of the truth in fo far of none effeel:, by pouring into the hearts of God's children the vinegar, wormwood, and gall ot God's wrath, which their Surety drank wholly up to their immortal confolation. Wherefore, to afcrio-t; to them any part of the expiatory fufferings of their Lord, as defcribed in the words of the Holy Ghoft'5 what is it, let candour fay, but implicit blafphe- my ? defigned, or undefigned, does not alter the cafe of thofe who are wounded, when they ought to be healed. The cjueflion here is not, whether there be fuch a doclrine or no, as thofe men plead for ; but whe- b 2 ther xvi PREFACE. ther it be to be found in thofe advanced greets of theirs from the Pfalms, which, it is alledged in op- pofiticn to their fentiments, have a fenfe of their own, quite fqnratc from, and abfolutelv unconnecV ed with, if not altogether everfive of theirs? If they would allow any weight at all to their po- fc therr.ielves with their tenets to ridicule, they ought to i~hew the world the lealed authority of the Lord fupreme, the cnly Judge of fuch controversies. Let them carrj the caufe to the lawful court which binds the confcicnce of the Chriftian, and hear what the apoftles of Chrift 1 .y, whem he ccmmiiTioned his ruling and judging Prin- c;s over all the Ifrael of God, to bind and loofe on earth all thole things which he himielf hath bound und lecied in heaven. We beheld them endowed ! ir :his purpefe with power from en high, ihortly t ihe alcenilon of the Lord, and not before; Bpon their deciGons, therefore, from the beginning of their acls to the end [ reftirrony, let us reft all our matters : neither does this make void Mo- md the Prophets, anv more than the Lord made roid his own parables by his interpretations of them; or the prophecies and the law, b] Dg them. The apoftles, the apoftles alone, are the voice of God to the Chriftian c ; and not Moles and the Prophets. Lei I :erefcre be mt. printed i.r hearty but the hand-writing of the . . iting of the : | Do yon believe, then, O friend?, and free-y al- tbat the Spirit of Chrift in his apoftles is his own, his : rpreter, t and of ail the either give .:, take fhame to ycurfelves, and give I -. or advance :' than the the Pfalms, from Job, or even tl fo much infilled upon bv vou ail, ever and anon in- Cfted PREFACE. xvii filled upon, from Haiab, chap. I. ■ "Who is among « vou that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice * of his fervant, that walketh in darkneis a « no light? Jtrt him trull,' <5cc. Is this a defcrir- of a believer in darknefe, and without light Bient fuppofeth) concerning his fpiritual ftate, or his intercit in the love of God? According to the prophetic ilyle, one would naturally think in place of a perfon in fome temporal caiamitv, t was allured of his eternal happinefs, but u as to the particular event of his earthly arTairs, wl his heavenly Father had kept in his own hand, for the daily exercife of faith, whereby iuch a one was afiured all would be well upon the whole, though for the prefent he had in himicif no aiTurance of wav, but only in his God, whom he could truft in events; as if a fon, deftitute of aJ] things, in t e micit of a dreary wildcrnefs, not knowing one inch lis way towards falety, fliould there, upon the fpet, meet with his own father, friend, and gt. ., who had come forth to feek him, with power, a: d wUJ, and great defire, to conduct him to his own But you have other things in )cur Lead. * Feareth ! and obeyeth!5 Are fear and obedience, then, marks with you of one that knoweth net wbe- thei the Lord Joveth him or not? The apoftles would have taught you, that there can be no fuch, or re\crence and obedience, as here fpoken of, without love ior their principle; 2nd no (dch love without the perfon *s knowledge of God's love to him. 4 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but ::. I * he loved us. — > im, becaufe he firft Loved 1 us;' and manifefted his love to us. Obedience is the expreflioii of this love : thus the debtor and M - ry loved much, becaufe they knew their Lord, their creditor, had forgiven them much. But you join creeds with one who daringly laid, ■ Gcd can read b 3 * the xviit PREFACE. < the truth of love in thy heart towards him, when * thou canft not read the truth of love in his * heart towards thee.' But, fays another, whofo creed is rather more fterling, as being one whom God hath confirmed, and upheld for a pattern to all them who mould afterwards believe, c I know * whom I have believed — Who loved me, and gave « himfelf for me.' Your allegation from Song ii. is anftvered by thefe remarks: for, whatever the fpoufe fought her Lord, her Beloved, for, it was not for clearnefs about her intered in his love ; for (lie loved him becaufe fhe knew her intereft in his love. But how abfurd is your application of this place? is it polTible for you to afcertain your fenfe of it? might you not as well, as fome of you have done, have ailedged thefe words of the Lord in proof of your point, that the chil- dren of God are fometimes forfaken, and know not his love to them ; therefore they cleave to him by the faith of adherence, as you fpeak, while they want what you call the faith of afiurance; and fo cry in, their mournful moods, when they are without the inn, with their Lord on the crofs, * My God, my 4 God, why haft thou forfaken me ? ' Dare you ftand hv this interpretation? fee where it will lead you; being, if it be any thing at all in your way, a con> clufion againft the Son of GoJ, that he was for a time without the knowledge of his intereft ip his Lather's love. But why was he forfaken ? was it not that thofe who believe en him might never be; for* taken ? Again, Ifaiah xlii. 3. < A bruifed reed (hall he * not break ; and the fmoking flax mail he not 4 quench,' makes nothing for your purpofe, being defcriprive of the character cf the Meifiah, going on in the ftcadinefs of his heart, fulfilling his Pother's counfels, upholding his own eleel:, and all things for the elecVs fake, till he has called, prepared, and prefented PREFACE. iii preferred them all to bis Father at the reiteration of all things, when he (hall deliver up the kingdom, and wipe tears from every eye in the new heavens and the new earth, where the inhabitants (hall not fay they are fick : where there (hall be no more figh- ing, nor crying, nor groaning, nor curfe. 80 that* as far as a bruifed reed and the frr.oking flax may be true emblems reprefenting the ftate of a gracious heart, they Avere as true cf Enoch, Noah, Elijah, Daniel, and the Virgin Mary, in their days, and all their days, equally at one time as another, from the firft dawning of faith in their hearts till they fimfh- ed their cou'rfe with joy, as of any other heart what- soever, even of the weakefr, believer in whom the Holy Ghoft dwells at this day. 80 little ground is there for building your doctrine on the words of the prop/.et. But if you leave the prophets, and come to the a pottles; alledging, that even Paul cries out fome- times fo pitiably, Bom. vii. 24. * () wretched man « that I am ! who iliall deliver me from the body of 4 this death f* Obferve, he cries cut atfo with the fame breath in anfwer to his own exclamation, « I thank « God, through Jefus Chrilt our Lord/ "Which fame emphatic queition and anfwer are not to be un- der ft cod of fome particular frames of his, at particu- lar and different times ; but of the one even and un- interrupted echo of the heart of every one of thofe who have the firft fruits of the Spirit, groaning with- in themfelves while in this tabernacle, bei-ng burden- ed, waiting for the adoption, namely, the redemp- tion of the body, when they iliall be delivered from this bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. If it be urged from Heb ii. 15. that there we read of fome weak and doubting believers, • who * through fear of death were all their life-time fub- 1 ject to bondage/ whom Chrift came to deliver. Remark xx PREFACE. Remark the anfvver to your laft argument, and the connexion of the prefent text, and then hone illy fay, if the perfons there faid to have been all their life- time through fear of death fuhject to bondage, are not all thole whom the Lord by his death delivered from fin, death, and the power of Satan, even all whom he fanctified in himfclf, who are all his bre- thren, of one father, with whom he partook in fteih and blood, Abraham, Samuel., and John the apoftle, as much as any other perfon whatfoever of the blood of Adam, whom he loved and warned in his own blood ; having found them all in the fame condem- nation, that lie might bring them all to the fame ah- folution and glory in bimfelf. Now, how oddly does your account of certain faints fearing death and damnation, being in bondage, agree with the apoftle's account of himfelf and all the called of God? * Ye * have not received the fpirit of bondage again to < fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, * whereby we cry, Abba, Father. — We groan to 4 have the earthly houfe of this tabernacle diilolved, < that we may be clothed upon with our houfe from 4 heaven; and in this we are always confident, know- 4 ing that while we are at home in the body, we are > abfent from the Lord. And we wait for the Lord * from heaven.' LaPily, if you infiff. upon 2 Pet. i. 10. where be- lievers are called upon to give all diligence to make their calling and election fure, that therefore believ- ers may be ignorant of their calling and election, and confequently in darknefs as to their intercil iti Chriit ; it is alked of you, to whom is this calling and election to be made fure, according to your fenfe? To God? Abfurd ! can worms of the earth have any influence upon the purpofe or knowledge of God? To themfelves ? No; the addrefs to them came too late for that : for they were already design- ed as Elect, and called according to the foreknow- ledge PREFACE. xxi ledge of God, &c. i Pet. i. 2. as being made par- takers of the divine nature through the knowledge of their Lord and Saviour, &c. Now, if they are fup- pofed not to know their own character and defolia- tion, the exhortation proceeding upon their know- ledge of that character and defignation muft go for nothing. To whom then are they called to fhew their calling and election; even to all who may be- hold them; as the Lord faid to his difciples, John xv. < You have not chofen me, but I have chofen * you, and ordained you, that ye mould go and ' bring forth fruit, and that your fruit mould remain. ' — Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much 4 fruit, fo mall ye be/ that is, approve yourfeives to be, « my difciples.7 And agiin, i The foundation 6 of God itandeth fure, having this feal, The Lord * knoweth them who are his. And, Let every 4 one that nameth the name of Jefus depart from ' iniquity. — I know my ihecp, and am known of ' them, and they know my voice, and they follow * me.' — Shew your faith by your works : as your charity by your alms-giving. Make your calling and election fure. Prove them, manifeft them fure. Let the Spirit of life within you have free fcope in the direction of your life and motion?, that it may ap- pear you were not fealed to the day of redemption for nothing. Thus a man is declared juffc by his work?, even as God himfelf is juftified, or declared j«ft in his works. Thus children, fervants, wives, iubjects, foldiers, make fure their loyalty and love by their obedience according to the relation, election, and .calling, as we may exprefs it, of their feveral respective itates. Thus good fruit makes fure the goodnefs of the mother-tree. Thus Ifaac made it fure that the Lord was true, and Sarah barren no more. Thus all witnefles of truth eilablifh and make fure the facts which they only fhew, and not do. So do ye make your fure calling and election appear, xxii PREFACE. appear, as being God's workmanfhip, created in Chrift Jefus unto good works, which God hath be- fore ordained that ye fhould walk in them ; as dear children, holy and beloved, walking worthy of God to all well-pleafing, as knowing vour election of God. Thofe fpoken of i John ii. 13. are evidently the fame perfons confidered in different rcfpects, and not believers of different ranks, or degrees in grace, as weaker and ftrcnger : certain it is, the weakeft of vtheni, even in your view, are not defcribed as doubt- ing of their intereft in Chrift, but affined of that ; in which point they are equal all of them. « I write * unto you, little children, becaufe your fins are * forgiven you for . his name's fake.- -I have not c written to you, becaufe you know not the truth, < but becaufe you know it, and that no lie is of the * truth : for ye have an un£tion from the Holy One, * and ye know all things.' And again, * Hereby * know we that he abideth in us by the Spirit which < he hath given us. — And we know that we are of * God. — And we know that the Son of God is come, * and hath given us an underflanding that we may * know him that is true: and we are in him that is * true, even in his Son Jefus Chrift. This is the * true Godf and eternal life. Little children, keep s yourfelves from idols. Amen.' It is now entreated of you, in the name cf the Lord Jefus, that you excuie this freedom, and confi- der the anfwers which have been given to your argu- ments, whereby your principal weapons have been endeavoured to be wrtfted out of your hands, that you might not for the future endeavour to abufe yourfelves, and your hearers, by abuHng the book of Pfalms, or any other portion of the book of God ; and that, at leaft, one might be clear of the blood of all men. Beware, O beware of that judaizing fpirit of yours, left thereby it come to pafs that Chriit pro- lit P R E F A C E. xxiii fit you and your followers nothing ; and you be found guilty of undoing, to all intents and purpofes, before God and man, the dodlrine of fanctification, which is by the Spirit of Chrift ; as the former fet of men were found guilty of undoing by their (which you hated) the doctrine of juilification, which is by the blood of Chrift. There is a third fet of people whom it is not eafy to defcribe at full length, as being a mixture of ma- ny things, but who feem to be ftrongly characterized by their leading features in the writings of the apo- ftles, as deceiving, and being deceived, fpoiled and Spoiling with philofophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments or elements of the world, and not after Chrift ; being given up to profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of fci- ence falfely fo called. One of thefe gentlemen will think nothing of reading you a text, for example, out of the iid, xvith, or Ixxiid Pfalm ; and then, w ithout any ceremony, apply it to fome earthly conftitution, or eftablifhment of human wifdem's devihng, which stay have {truck his fancy as a proper fuhject for him to difplay his talents upon, as much (if the Holy Ghoft, Acts ii. and xiii. chap, may be allowed to know his own meaning) in the ipirit of the Pfalm, as if you had been entertained by the performer with a ftcry or two out of the Fairy Tales, or with a parcel of Lady Mary Wortley Montague's Letters from Con» ftantinople, inftro&ing you concerning the feraglios, cuftoms, and drefTes, that obtain among the Turks. This way of doing puts one in mind of that pre- cious creature who courted his miflreis in the words of the Song of Solomon, and called her the Fair Cir- radian -, or that other, a mimiter too, who, in a let- ter I lately faw, congratulated his friend on his hav- ing married a wife with a portion, in the very lan- guage of the Lord Jefus, faying, < The lines have « fallen to me in pleafant places.'' How terrible is this \ hif PREFACE. this ! "Were even thofe rare divines of the lafl age farther gone in guilt and abfurdity, who, in all the long-robed gravity of their wifdom, folemnly bur- Icfqued the Pfalms, and that in the name of the Lord, after prayers read, and a blefling implored that they might be enabled fuitablyto apply and improve? And fo with a vengeance they did apply and improve — how fuitably, let the world judge! The King — the Lord's Anointed — his righteoufncfs — his righteous caufe * — his glory filling the whole land — his flourishing crown — righteous fceptre — peace of his government, &c To whom were all thofe elogiums from the Pialms applied? To the Lord, of whom they were meant? No. To David? Nor to him neither. To whom then ? To whom but to the good King Charles of blefTed memory! Let Eikon Bafilike and Dr. Juxon fpenk the reft, and tell the world one manner in which the Pfalms have been abufed to the vileft of purpofes — and let all others who chufe contend in this point for the palm of impiety and downright jar- gon with Bonaventure the Monk, who applied in. an abominable piece of his (rendered afterwards infallible by his Holincfs at Rome, fo they call their pope) eve- ry word of the Pfalms, f peaking of the Lord Jefus, to his virgin mother. But thofe who have eats to hear, let them hear, and beware of wrefring the holy word, left they wreft it to their own deftruclion ; alter the manner pf a certain celebrated plunderer of hills and glens, who was wont to evade the edge of the eighth commandment, by alledging, that Mofes was no friend to honcft gentlemen of his profc-thon, when he faid, * Thou fhalt not (teal;' but that David, a far better fellow, had repealed that law of Mofes, when he faid, Pfalm 1. to. « The cattle upon a thoufand • hills are mine.' You ice now, it was not of yefterday that the Pfalms began to be perverted; nor in one manner only. But to conjure, if it be poftible, at leaft to ef- I fi>r PREFACE. xxv fav it, all thofe dreams and delufions, puns and for- geries, upon the book of Pfalms, kjt it be ferioufly weighed, if it be lawful for us to give an interpreta- tion of any part thereof different from, that is, con- trary to, what the Holy Ghoft hath given. Would not you plainly fay, that the man openly blafphemed, who fhould give another interpretation of the parables of the fower and feeds, of the wheat and tares, than the Lord hath given? And why-, pray, fhould not we look with equal deteftation and contempt upon the man who fhould deal fo by the Pfalms, or any other part of the Holy Scriptures? Here, perhaps, you will fay, that fome of the Pfalms may be fafely explained in the manner you fpeak of, there is no quefiion ; but would you have us to explain the whole of thera 2fter the fame fafhion? Yes indeed; the whole hun- dred and fifty; if fo be the Spirit by whom they were infpired hath given us a key fo to do. — Make that ap- pear, and the controverfy is at an end. — Amen. Here we reft the ilTue. Take your Bible then with the parallel places, and finiih the proof yourfel£ You will find your profit in the purfuit, and the procefs of the argument fimple and eafy, if you afrord but a moderate degree of candour and attention. ijl, Carefully mark all the Pfalms whereof you fee any part applied to Chrift in the New Teftament, as fpoken of him, or by him. Now, where any part of a Pfalm is explained as fpoken of, or in the peribn of Chrift, fo mull the whole of that Pfalm, whatever feeming objections lie againft it; for this obvious rea- fon, that (as will appear by occular demonftration, if you read the places in quefiion) the whole of every fuch Pfalm is fpoken in one peribn, who is himfelf frequently the continued fubject of the Pfalm from the beginning to the end thereof; and every thing befides in the Pfalm is but a predicate, as they fay, or declaration of the fame fubject, or (which' does net alter the cafe) an imprecation, or a prayer, or a t c bleffing, *xvi PREFACE. bl effing, or a defcription, or a narrative, uttered by the fame perfon. There are indeed a few Pfalms which feem to be in the way of dialogue, or chorus; fuch as Pfalm ii. xxiv. xlv. xci. cii. cxxi. cxxxii. and perhaps feveral others; yet thofe are all evidently fo full of Mefliah the Lord, that, though there be a change of perfons fpeaking in them, they make no infringement upon the gene- ral rule here advanced ; founded, not on a metaphy- seal fubtlety, but on plain common jfenfc, level with every one's apprehenfion who in fuch matters knows but the right hand from the left. For illuftra- lion, take the following examples : Pfal. xl. 6 — 9. is brought in, Heb. x. 5. as fpoken by Chrift : fhew a change of perfon in the fpeaker, and indeed the al- ] edged interpretation of the reft of the Pfalm falls to the ground ; allow the fpeaker the fame, and it ftands good, in fpite of all the power of contradiction and wit. — Pfalm xviii. 49. is applied, Rom. xv. 9. as fpoken by Chrift concerning his bringing the Gen- tiles into the fellowfhip of the gofpel : therefore, as the fpeaker is one, the whole Pfalm is defcriptive of the warfare and victory of Meffiah, the Prince, bring- ing judgment to victory. — Pfalm xxxv. 19. is quoted by the Lord, John xv. 25. as fpoken of himfelf : his words are remarkable, (left we fhould retain fome ridiculous notion of a type and antitype) ; * But this * cometh to pafs, that it might be fulfilled which is * written in their law, They hated Me without a t caufe.' — Pfalm Ixix. .9. is alfo introduced in a very obfervable manner, Rom. xv. 3. * Even Chrift pleaf- f ed not himfelf; but as it is written, the reproaches * of them that reproached thee are fallen upon Me.' Not a word of David! This Pfalm is more frequent- ly quoted of Chrift in exprefs words, than any other in the book. — Pfalm lxviii. 18. is explained, Eph. iv. 3. of Chrift's afcenfion, receiving and giving of the iioly Ghoft. — Pfalm xlix. 4. and lxxviii. 2. are faid fit PREFACE. xxvi* to be fulfilled, Matth. xiii. 35. when the Lord began to open his mouth in parables : this interpretation lets us into the meaning of the hiilorical Pfalms, which are (o many Old Teftament parables, wherein the Lord birafelf is the hiflorian. — Pfalm Ivii 7. and cviii. 3. quoted of Chrift, Rom, xv. 9. where harp and pfaltery are called upon to awake and praife, wjil let us into the meaning of all thole Pfalms where all fuch inffruments of rnufic, organs, and thole of ten firings, are introduced, with cymbals and dances, in- to the worfhip of God ; being defigned, in the tem- ple-fervice, for figures to exprefs that fpirituai wor- fhip, joy, and exultation, which are uttered in har- monious concert by the mouths of all the redeemed afiembly and church of the firft-born, in the powes* and communion of the one Spirit; which fame dan- ces, organs, and inffruments of rnunc of all kinds,- were never more to be employed in fuch fervice, af- ter that difpenfation, and earthly economy, whereof they were a part, along with the temple and fa orifi- ces, were fet a fide and aboliihed for ever, when the true temple and facrifice, even the Lord Chrift, waj come : otherways, if fuch things had been to conti- nue in ufe among the churches of Chrift, we mould certainly have had fome precept or example left us by him, or his apoflles, without which, the uGng of them in churches mull be as ridiculous abfurditv, fu- perilition, and will- worfhip, as if you were to blow" trumpets at the new moon — to circumcife yourfelfc and your fons after the example of Abraham — to pre- sent yourfelf with all your family three times a year before the Lord at Jerufalem — or, after the manner ot Jonah, and upon the fame authority, to make a covenant with the Lord and all the people, according to all the words and manner found written in the book of the law of the Lord by the hand of his fer- vant Mofes ! and indeed, in this laft particular piece of Jewiih fervice, you will find thoulands, and tea c 2 thousands xxviii PREFACE. thoufands of your fellow- fubjects, at their very hearts bloodily in earned to join you. Such -perfons would do well to eonfider the fpirit of the apoftle's doctrine, Gil. v. i 5. where we are plainly given to un- derhand, that, if we acknowledge our obligation in part to bear that yoke and burden, we are bound to the whole; and that the nature of that fame acknow- ledged part is like the poifonous fly in the apotheca- ry's ointment; Chrifr fhall profit us nothing; nay, Chiiit fliall be our death, and not our life: for, if light had not come, there had been no condemnation for walking in darknefs. But of this by the bye. ■ — Pfalm cxvi. 10. is applied, 2 Ccr. iv. 13. as fpoken by Chrift. — So alfo Pfaim c.xvii. 1. in Rom. xv. 1 f. *— Pfalm cxviii. 22. in like. manner, Matth. xxi. 42. — And, to mention no mere under this head, Pfalm cxix. upon the true application whereof fo much de- pends, as for fubftance, in many other places, fo in particular, ver. 139. parallel to Pialrn lxix. 9. js brought by the Holy Ghoft, who leads into all truth, unto the remembrance of the difciples, John ii. 17. as written before-hand of the Lord, the purger of his Father's houfe, « My zeal, the zeal of thine houfe * hath con fumed me, hath eaten me up.' And the very fentence which the Lord p,iff-th, Matth. vii. 23. upon thofe whom he there conden ns, you read ver- batim, ver. 11^. of this Pfaim, < Depart from me, ye * that work iniquity.' So you fee this cxixth Pfalm, and the Sermon upon the Mount, are fpoken by the fame perfon : and, ahs! you are blind, ii you do not fee them both running in the fame ftrain and fpirit, explaining, vindicating, eftablilhing the law in that very fetife in which be alone, who is perfect as his Father is perfcCi, fuliiiltd it in his heart, in his life, in his death, according to the perfection of Jehovah's felf. Rejoice, O'believer! Thefe few examples, out of fifty others equally clear, which might have been brought, may fpffiee by P R E F A C E. xxix by way of a hint, which every one may purfue at pleafure, for the illuftration of the fir ft rule : which brings us to what is equally plain and conclufive, A 2cl rule of interpretation, namely, That where* ever you meet with a Pfalm that is not directly ap- plied itfelf to Chrift, yet, if there be any part of it evidently parallel to any part of another Pfalm which is fo applied, you muft apply them both alike, be- caufe of the famenefs of the perfon and fubject, as argued above; according to that mathematical axiom, If two things are equal to one third thing, they are equal to one another. Thus, for illuitration of this remark, if you allow Pfalm xl. to be fpoken in tho. perfon of Chrift, you cannot deny but the lxxth (which is only a repetition with little variation of the five laft verfes of the xlth) muft of neceliity be ex- plained in the fame way, nor cf David, but of his Lord. In this view, Pfalm cviii. where Chrift's fpi- rituil dominion over his church, gathered out of ail nations, tongues, kindreds, and languages, is de- fcribed in fuch terms as feemed good to the Holy Ghoft, will fix the meaning of Pfalrn Ix. where alfo Moab, Edom, and Phiiiftiar are introduced with Jin ah and Ifrael, as fubjecVed, owning, and tri- umphing in their fubjecYion to their own eternal King. 60 alio, Pfaims ii. xx. xxi. xxiv. Ixi. Ixxii. Ixxxix, cxlix.. afcertain the meaning cf many others, as of one another; where the King and his acts are praifed, according to the quotation from Pfalm ii. by the apofUes> Atis iv. 25. Pfalm xxiv, where the afcenfion of the eternal King,, having re- ceived the exaltation and dominion ever all, for his obedience to the death, is celebrated under the cha- racter ot a perfect man, according to the law, af- cending into the hill of God, from whence he fhould never be moved; this Pfalm, I fay, will vouch for Pialm xv. where the fame character and reward are defcrioed. To call any mere mortal the eternal King, c 3 would xxx PREFACE. would be an iniquity to be punifhed by the judge. And what better is it to tear from him his character for which he received the glory, and give it to ano- ther? Will he give his glory to another? his praife to graven images? Confder this, ye who have afcribed the perfection of rightecufnefs, defcrihed in thofe Pfalms, to finful worms. Pfalm xxii. and cxvi. whcrq the Lord fjys, * I will pay my vows in the prefenco < of the people, in t tie mid ft of the congregation,' c draw away the attention of his hearers from preienc things and occafions, to fomething quite different: from thofe in hand, even as different as heavenly from earthly. The man would appear crazy, who iheuld affirm, that the Lord came down from heaven to inftruet the world in thofe things which they knew •>* well before as iiacc; fuch as the nature of bread, water, PREFACE. xxxis water, fo wing, building, making of war, Sec. though he applies, as the prophets had done before, all thole terms in the manifeftation of his witnefs-beari ng to the truth. But why feek farther for a proof and iiluftratjon of this point, than thofe very Pfalms in difpute? Take Pfalm xviii. for an example of the weal nefs of your objection ; the title is allowed gend, 2 Sam xxii. i. yet vou have fcen the Interpretation the apoftle hath eftablifhed, without any relation ac all to the title or occafioo of its being written ; which fihould have fixed the fenfe to David's own circumfbanccs, as vou alledge. Indeed the title it- fclf, wherein David is called the lervant of the Lord, might have led us to think of feme other one than David j for the fei vants or prophets of the Lord ufed not to be infpired to make declarations of their own fufFerings and glory. What they themfelves at the time underflood of the meaning, is of no importance for us to know, were it in our power to fearch it c-..-. Perhaps they knew little more of it than cf an afFeel- ing dream or parable, wfaofe meaning, in the time of Gt.d's good pleafure, was afterwards to be difco- vered by the interpretation. Peradventure, the apo- flles were the firil who knew it. Certainly they were, in any thing of a full fenfe. The Holy GhoiC was given in vain, if the leaft one in the kingdom of heaven were not to know the meaning of their prophecies better than the gpeatcft prophet of thern all, whofe faith and patience with their fellow -fain is were iui'lained by the prqfpect of fomethmg afat off, carrying their eyes beyond the things which were then prefent, to the futurities which are now come, which they faw in the dark, like a light at a dulance, pointing cut their own habitation, that they might not, like bewildered, derailing, over-fatigued tra- vellers, fall down and reft on the fpot where they were, before they came to their appointed place. When David was purfued by Saul, by Dreg, by d 2 ' Abfalom, *1 P R E F A C E. Abfalom, by Shimei, when bulking in the wilder- nefs like a partridge on the mountains of Ifrael, be- fct by the Ziphites, infulted by Nabal, hunted on every fide like a wild beaft, ready to fall into every fnare, trembling for his father's family, and all Ifrael whom he loved, in jeopardy every moment of his life, entangled in the thickefl thorns of perplexity, r.ot knowing to-clay how to efcipe to- morrow Was it unlike God to fhew him, and by him all the twelve tribes, in the glafs of a new revelation, on each of tbofe occaCons, fome part of the fufFerings of the Mefliah and of his glorv, for his and their comfort, till the defire of their hearts mould come? In like manner, in the time of profperity, lefl tem- poral victories and deliverances fhould be taken for the fuinefs of their joy, and embraced as the accom- plifhment of the promifes made to the fathers, they were (hewed, as a proper antidote to fuch earthly in- fections, the glories of the Median's reign, fucceed- ing to his fuficrings. Has it not always been the way of our heavenly Father to lifp, as it were, and a£t the child with his children, fpeaking to men, in the language of men, the things of God ; and to every nation and people, according to the natural confufion of their own language and apprehenfions; that light, and fpirit, and heaven, might arife upon ., like the fur. out of darknefs, by the jufl de- grees of his own decree, till the fuinefs of glory ihouid blaze out in meridian io'endour? Hence, in the davs of L: hiinei,, Goliah, — dog*, bulls, lions, wolves, bears, ferpents-, -vipers, unicorns, alps were proper language for de- scribing traitors, brethren, chief prfefts and rulers of the people, fcribes and pharifees, Herod, 1 itius Pilate, foidiere, thieves, murderers, ffan ers, falfe wirnefils, devils-, who all fwarmed about '.he bleOcd Lord to defirov him, and in him bis church. if F R E F A C E. xli If this way of interpretation is not allowed, you rruift lay, the Father of our fpirits has been but tri- fling with us; and that he only meant to fhew us earthly things, becaufe he only ufed, in all his reve- lations to us, our own earthly language, the only g»e he has given us to underftand. Would net this way of yours make the hiftory of the fall an old wile's tale, or fomething fillier? as if the ferpent had- been merely and literally that animal fo called, with- out any evil fpirit informing and actuating him ;, though the devil is called, in plain aiiufion to this- matter, the old crooked ferpent. Laftiy, upon this point; We may fay of every thing chat was prefent to David, the fathers, and all* the prophets, though the revelations to them run in terms correfponding, indeed, to the language, and manners, and things prefent with them, as God faid to Abraham concerning Ifhmael, who was born af- ter the flefh, and not by promife, ' This is not thy * fon ; but in Ifaac ill a 1 1 thy feed be called :' — which feed was Chrift. Obj. 3. David was a type of Chrift 5 and there- fore, though we do not deny there may be fomething ef a fpi ritual meaning in fome of the Pfalms relating to Chrift, yet there is always a true literal fenfe" which we muft keep by; * for our fpiritual edihea-- 1 tion in Chrift, no doubt!' And if at any time they are applied to Chrift, it is only by way of ac-- eommodatioiii in a fecondary kind of fenfe; while the genuine, original, primary fenfe is only true o£ the type, and not of the antitype. Anf* That David, being an anointed king and prophet, had appointed him by the Lord an official part to act, in which fenfe the priefts and all the other kings and prophets of that nation, as well as he, might be called the vifible representatives, meflengers or officers of Chrift, is freely allowed; but that David (or any of them) in any other d. 3 feijfe xlii PREFACE* fenfe was a type 'of Chrift, fo as to luve ftates, frames, and experiences, fimilar to Chrifi's, which were typical of ChrifVs dates, frames, experiences, remains to be proved. Shew wherein David is, and wherein not, a type of Chrift; for that he cannot be fo always, is evident from Pfalm xl. where it is faid, 4 I come to do thy will, O God — -A body haft thou « prepared me' — to wit, for a fcrince or fin-offering. How did David typically offer up himfelf a fnenfice or fin-offering? or what greater likenefs had David to the fufferings of Chrift and following glory, than thou- fands of other believers before or (ince his coming in the fiefti ? They were all ordained to fufier with Chrift in this world, and to reign with him in the next; nay, not only to be as he was, in tribulation while in the body, but alfo to glory, triumph, and reign, even in that tribulation itfelf : fo that when they glory, they glory not alone in the joy to come, but in thofe things alfo which concern their infirmities. Are the faints, therefore, becaufe they have all their adverfity and profperity given them of Go.: for their joy, and his own glory — are they therefore all' types or Chrift ? But left you fay we mock, were all the Old-Ttfta- ment faints types of Chrift? How abfurd the fuppc- fition ! Why then fmgle out David for a type, ex- ec; t you tell us where it is written? It is not fup- pofed you would make him a type alfo in his murder and adultery, though you would do well to confider how far your argument would lead you. As to that fcheme of applying quotations from the Old Tefta- ment to Chrift only by way of accommodation* though all the doctors of the world were at it, asy rdas ! fome of them are, it is fuch an outrageous in- fult and burlefque put upon the Holy Ghoft, that it ought not even to be once named among faints as a thing poftible with God ! It unhinges at one blow the whole Old i'eftament and the New ! It refts the veracity of all the prophets and apoltles, that is, of God, PREFACE. xliii God, upon a mere moveable flip-board of difTimula- tion and deceit! So that, according to it, the gofpel may be yet but a cunningly deviled fable, and not the accomplishment of the promifes made to the fa- thers! By the help of that fame accommodation cf yours, a (harp wit might have taught the a potties to have cilablifhed their doclrine as the fulfilment of ancient prophecies, from the tradition of the elders, yEfop's fables, or even Mahomet's Alcoran, had it then exifted, by taking fuitable pafTages in thofe books, tearing them away from their original fenfe and connection, and framing them fo as to exprefs another quite different meaning in the fame words y. which is your famous accommodation ! a bufinefs fuited only to the genius and abilities of that father of lies, who is faid to have folaced a congregation of witches, on the night before they were to be burnt, by preaching to them, from John xiv. i. * Let not 6 your hearts be troubled; ye believe in God, be- * ljeve alfo in ME;' meaning himfelf. But be that as it will, in his temptation of the Lord, and in all his temptations wherewith he tempts people by mifrepre- tentirig the Scriptures, he difcovers, to thofe who are not ignorant of his devices, his abundant (kill and ad- drefs at accommodating ! Obj. 4. But many parts of the Pfalms are fuch, that it is impoilible to conceive how they can be in- terpreted, as fptken of, or in the perfon of ChriM. Jnf. This is fuch an objection as concludes with equal ftrength againft what yourfelf mult allow to be the apollolic application; all tbwfe things which yoi* ignorantly boggle at, conteffions or fin, heavy com- plaints, prayers and Amplications for pardon and de- liverance, thanksgivings and exultations for thefe, vehement expcflulalions with God, with men, weigh- ty imprecations upon enemies, Jewifii language and manners, (and do you icruple at them in the Bfaims !), and the like, being ail to be found in thofe very Pfalms xliv P R E F A C )BL Pfalms inconteftibly interpreted by the npoftles erf Chriff.: fo that the objection lies not againft man, but the Holy Gholl himfelf : take Pfalms xl. Ixix. xvi. xxii. lxxxix. xxxv. for instances. This is fuch an ob- fervation as the whole weight of the caufe might be made to reft upon :t. Bet to be more particular: it can be no objection again ft our interpretation of the Pfalrtis, though there may be forr.e ftrong metapho- rical expreffions, fpirited exclamation?, and, to our apprehenfion, feveral other very flrange things in them, which we cannot exactly mew the meaning of,. being certain we have all the fenfe or fpirit of them fomewhere in the New Teftament. For the iilufira- tion of this point, you may confider our true court; ry- proverb, Every hair cafts its own fbadow : which re- mains (till true, though it be no eafy affair to untwtft the rope, and fay, which is the particular fbadow of every individual hair. And we are the eaficr en this bead when we hear die apoflle, Heb. ix. in generr.l difcourfing of the holy of holies, the ark of the cove- nant, the golden pot that had manna, Aaron's rod that budded, the mercy-feat, &c. as fhadows, the bo- dily fubftance whereof was Chrift, and then faying,. 4 Of which things we crsnnot new {peak particular- ' Jy.' Thus, when the boufe was built, there was the iefs need of the pattern or model; unlefs you will fay that, becaufe a houle is built alter ionic planj therefore we dwell in the boufe and in the plan toge- ther. Neither need we have infilled fo much upon this point, if it had not been for the mifchicvous con- fequences following upon a misinterpretation of the Pfalms; many things wherein, no doubt, as well as in all the other writings of ancient infpiration, may be like the fnuflers, pans, fhoveis, bafons, pins, loops, taches, knops, flowers, chapiters, and certain addi- tions of thin-work over upon the altar of incenfe; Which things, being part of the tabernacle and tem- ple, were typical; yet who but a madman will offer to PREFACE. xJ* to fhew you their correfpondent antitypes? you may take alfo into this account the almoft universal preju- dice arifing from the falfe teaching of near three thoufand years fince the Pfalms were delivered to the JewiPn church : from whence our tranfiators, though perhaps the mod unexceptionable in the world, hav- ing had David always running in their head, have given their whole t ran nation of the Pfalms a ftrong call towards him. See, for example, how they have called ChriiVs righteoufuefs, as in the margin, Pfdni xxxv. 27. * A righteous caufe,' not knowing fo well how to think of David's righteoufuefs in fuch a con- nection ; as it is not eafy to fee how they could, with- out fastening the matter, and bringing it down the befl: way they could to fit David's cafe. But the moffc egregious blunder of this kind, perhaps, in their whole work, you meet with, Pfalm xxiv. 6. where they make the Spirit to defcribe a generation of people under that one Angular peculiarly-appropriated cha- racter of the only Holy One and Juft, who alone afcended by his own righteoufnefs into the higheft heavens, and received the bleffing from the Eternal, even power over all fle(h, that he might give eternal life to as many as the Father hath given him : * This,* fay they, ■ is the generation of them,' &c. inftead of 4 This!' or « This He! O generation of them that * feek him/ &c. •, This being evidently meant of the Median's felf defcribed in the remaining, as in the former part of the Pfalrn ; while the generation or them that feek him is not fpoken of at all, but on- ly lpoken to, and called upon, as it were, to behold This perfect One, this King of glory. To judify this obfervation to the merely EngHih reader, let him ob- ferve, that the word is, between this and the gene* ration^ is a fupplement of the tranfiators, as will" appear by its being printed in a different letter from the red^ which is the mark whereby to know when they add any word, for which there is none in the original, XiVl PREFACE. original, to fill up what they take to be the meaning, that the fentence may run iYnooth without a break. But to return : though the meaning of many t I in the Pfalros may be ciif&cuit through Co many cau- fes, that it is not eafv to fay precifeiy what it ic ; ne- verthelefs, where the Holy Ghoft hath vouchsafed us a clear revelation of what was hid in the mvfteri s of old, let us not fhut our eyes agamfl the tme light where it fhineth, but wifely co.mder that intimate union, infeparable connection, and eternal fellow* fiiip, fubfjtling between Chrift. and his church-, info- snueh that they are called One, One Peribn, Head 2.nd Members, Spirit and Bodv; (o that their Da £re one. He is the Lord our Rightcoufbeis ; c And * this the name wherew*h£he mall be called, the • Lord our Kighteoufnefs :' he is called the Anoint- ed; they are the arointed : he is the Son of God; they are the children of God in him : he is Heir of God; they are heirs of God, joint-heirs with Chrift : he is the Seed of the woman ; they are the feed of the woman : ihey are called Jacob, Iirael, and David; ib is he, Jer. >:xx. 9. Ezek. xxxiv. 23. Hof. iii. 5. and clie where. Thus, the lpoufe's name, intercft, and euate, are fwallowed up In thofe of her hufband ; her debts are his debts ; her friends his friends, her enemies his enemies, and fo in every inftance ; they are one in law, married to the Lord, one fpirit, one body, no more twain but one : in them, and they in him: « This is a great ;r,\f:ery,' faith the apoltle; f but I fpeak concerning Chriil and his « church.' What God hath joined together let no men put afunder. This indifibluble bond of union between Chrift r.nd his church, whereby lie cannot be considered without her, nor flic Without him, will accoui.: all thofe cunrefiions of fin, prayers for pardon, and deii. :10m grievous difirefies, tiiankfgivings, ^ii.1 pleadings of righteoufae&, appeals to holiiuis, juiUce, PREFACE. iltii juftlcc, mercy, faithfulncfs, truth, earned expoftu~ lations with God, bitter krneo rations, floods of tears, animated exclamation?, hea7y denunciations, vows of obedience, &c. and all thefe uttered, iometimes as bv one, Iometimes as by many, in the ungnlar or plural number, all to the fame meaning, according to the good pleasure of the Holy Gholt, who hath folly afcertaincd his own fenfe throughout the whole ferits of revelations taken together in their own co- herence, which to the children of God arc but one context, whoever were his clerks or penmen — Sup- pose David not merely an an>anuenns or penman, (like all the other prophets), but himfelf the chief ,'-:er, and fpeaker of himfelf indeed, in the Pfalms, and it is all a riddle, paradox, and con: L J jumbled mafs ofconfulicn ! impiety 1 nonfenfc! — h it Chrift the Lord who fpeaks I f him* fclf, [David being only his prophet, (ecretary, or writer), and of his church in himfelf, fore:. be fcparated but for a moment, he from them, or they from him, then they, nay the Godhead, were no more; for he has pledged his faithfulncfs for it, tbat they cannot be feparated : fuppofe it Chrifr, I lav, in this connection with his church, and all is plain, ea- fy, direct truth, light, glory, and eternal joy. How could finners cali his righteoufnefs theirs, if he not called their fin his? Read Ifa. Hi:, and fueh fages as thefe : It pleafed God to « make him 6n : c * us who knew no fin, that we might be made the 1 righteoufnefs of God in him — He bare our Hi 1 his own body — He was made a cuife for us — I ' things made like to his brethren, txeept fin.1 Fcr thougii he had no peffonal Gn, or 6ti which he .... - feif in his own pecfon committed, yet vou fee how he had the fins of his elect charged upon him. Do you marvel then when you fee him, the holy Lamb of God, (landing and bearing the f in the affurance of faith. To conclude: if thefe loofe hints, thrown together in the order in which they occurred, do not make their own apology, it will be in vain to attempt a vin- dication of them, or of the following paraphrafe: thofe who are convinced, and love the caufe, will need none ; thofe who are otherways will receive none. The Scripture of itfelf is our only poflible rule, both for faith and good manners, and not any hu- man book, or pretended ftandard whatfoever; for fo it is written, 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. * All Scripture is * given by infpiration of God, and is profitable for 4 doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for inftruc- 4 tion in righteouihefs ; that the man of God may 4 be perfect, thoroughly fumifhed unto all good * works.' PRAY tell me, friend, what will you be The wifer, if you do not fee The meaning of that page, or book, In which you for initru&ion look ? And fc*t P II E F A C E. And though you fhould the meaning find* Unlefs according to the mind And meffage of the Holy Ghoft, You'll find your pains and labour loft. Yea, though according to the mind And meffage by the Lord defign'd, You are not yet a jot the better, Except yourfelf perceive the matter. Now, how can you perceive it 10, Except you fir ft die Scriptures know? But if you have th^ Scriptures known, The truth of God is all your own : Whence I mod firmly do conclude, The word of God alone is good, To teach, inftrutl, correct, reprove,: To perfect men in faith and lov;. THE THE PSALMS, PARAPHRASED ACCORDING TO THE New-Teftament Interpretation, p s A L M I. That the Perfon who is defcribed and praifed in this Pfalm, can be none other but the very Son ci God, ' made of the woman, made under the ' law, become in all things like unto his brethren, ■ except fin,' may be confidently collected from the abfolute purenefs and perfection of that cha- racter, which is here delineated, and attributed to him : for, as the Lamb of God behoved to be- without fpot and without blemiih, fo this perfon is reprefented, on the one hand, as free of tranf- gretlion, and, on the other, as conformed to the law of the Lord ; which is his perpetual delight and meditation. — Upon which account he is pro- nounced blessed, and, by a refemblance abun- dantly familiar to the infpired writers, likened to a tret planted by ftreams of water, bearing fruit round all the Jeafon, profpering every way, and flouriihing, with nndecayed leaf, in full, un- diminilhed, everlafting glory. Now, all this ex- actly correfponds with the glorious things, every where ipoken of that Holy One of God, Em man u- fl, under thefe facred appellations, « The Stem < of the Root of Jeffe; the Root and Offspring 1 of David; the Branch; the Good Olive ; the « Tree of Life in the mtdft of the paradife cf * Gcd, and on either fide of the river, which t A 4 beareth 1 The PSALMS according to * beareth twelve manner of fruits, and yielded* 1 fruit every month ; and whofe leaves are for the 1 healing of the nations,' foe. We find the Lord himfelf alio, in the fame parabolical ftyle, addref- fing his difciples to the following purpofe, * Now ' are ye clean through the word which I have * fpoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. ' As the branch cannot bear fruit of itfelf, except * it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ve * abide in me. I ara the Vine, ye are the * branches; he that abideth in me, and 1 in him, ' the fame bringeth forth much fruit: for with- * out me ye can do nothing.' — And, on other occafons, dropping the figure, * My meat is to « do the will of him that lent me, and to finiih * his work — Lo, I come to do thy will, O my 4 God; yea, thy law -is within my heart — Fa- 4 thef, the hour is come; glorify thy Sim, that * thy Son alfo may glorify thee — I have glorified < thee on the earth ; 1 have fmiihed the work « which thou gaveft me to do And now, O Fa-- 4 ther, glorify thou me with thine own kif, wit ft « the glory which 1 had with thee before the world * was.' — For this, in anfwer to his prayer, « he 1 was railed from the dead, crowned with glory « and honour, and highly exalted, and a name « given him, which is above every name; that at « the name of Jisus every knee mould bow, of ** things in heaven, and things in earth, and * things under the earth ; and that every tongue c mould conieis that Joins (Thrift is Lord, to « the glory of God the Father.' Thus the Son, who became the fervant of the Father to &fing many fons and daughters to glory, was re- compcnltd, made moft bleifed for ever, and ex- ceeding glad with his Father's countenance. — Now, iurelv, filch a character, and fuch a blct- fedneis, as "the legal due reward of that character* mutt originally, and in the firil inftance, belong to the Son of God, confidercd peribnally*, or by . kifciicif J and to others only by way of imputation, cemmu- i Pfal. i. the New Testament. 3 communication, and derivation from him: for to whom, befides him alone, of all the fons of Adam, will fuch a character and blefednefs otherways ap- ply? For, feparate from him, and as they are in themfelves, the verdict of Jehovah ftands thus declared and confirmed againft them all; ' There * is none righteous? no not one.' Neither can they he juftified in his fight by the deeds of the law: * for by the law is the knowledge of fin.' They are all under the curie, fhut up by the law under fin, under wrath, fcc But, though this be the fitu- ation of all who believe not the gofpcl, yet ' by him * all who do believe it are juftified from all things i from which they could not be juftified by the ■ law of Mofes.' Thus his people all become righteous, as the prophet fpeaks, not indeed through works of righteoufnefs done by themfelves, but * through the righteoufnefs of God, which is * by the faith of Jefus Chrift to all, and upon all * them that believe,' who are * juftified freely by * his grace through the redemption that is in Je- * fus Chrift' — who is made of God the end of the * law for righteoufnefs' (or perfonal juftification) * to every one that believeth' — as it is written, ■ If * thou lhait confefs with thy mouth the Lord Je- 1 fus, and lhalt believe in thine heart that God < hath railed him from the dead, thou lhait be ' faved. Por with the heart man believeth unto * righteoufnefs, and with the mouth confeliion is ' made unto falvation.' — In finging this Pfalm, therefore, the true worfhippers are ciirecred to re- joice in Christ Jesus, their Mediator, Advocate, and Forerunner, who for them magnified the law, and made it honourable, by redeeming them from the curfe thereof with his own blood ; and, being now through the knowledge of the truth fet ever- lading I y beyond the reach and fear of condemna- tion by the law, they are taught to confider it in the hand of the Mediator, as ' the royal law of ' liberty ;' to reverence it, to love it, and to obey it j not with terror, as (laves trembling for fear of A 2 damnation^ 4 The PSALMS according to damnation, nor with mercenary confederations, as hirelings working for the wages of eternal life, but with the pure, generous affections of love, gratitude, and joy, before the Lord their Saviour, who hath redeemed them not only from the curfe of the law, but alio from all fuch unhallowed and difpiriting meditations concerning it; conilrained by his love to hate evrl, and to give thanks at the remembrance of his holinefs ; while, with holy heart-fuhduing awe, aftonifhed and amazed at fuch fovereign, diftinguifhing mercy, manifested towards themfelves, they behold the terrors of the Lord falling dreadful upon all the fearful and un- believing, and overwhelming them with eternal perdition. — So ihall it fare with all thofe whom death, in an evil hour, (bail furprife without faith, and fo without Chriit, * without God, without * hope in the world.' — Like chaff > they lhall be driven aivay in the judgment, and burnt with everlafting fire; whereas thofe, who are in union with Chriit by the faith of his refurreclion, mail, like the pa/m-tree, flouriih evermore: becaufe he liveth, who is the Lord their Righteoufnefs, trom •whom their fruit is found, they Uiall live alio, and live with God. — Upon the whole, it may be cb- ferved, that the fame dtAtncl line of interpretation runs vifibly, like a beam of light, through the other- ways utterly impenetrable darkneis and obfeuri- tyof all the prophetic writings, bur moll eminent- ly through the whole book of Pfalms; difpejitng the clouds of erroneous representation, and clear- ly ('.i covering the glory of Gcd, as it ihines, and ever ihone, in the face of Jefus; and darting, in- to every wife and underilandmg heart, the in- ftruclions and confolations of tne Holy GhoiL See particularly, among many others, Lfiefe fol- lowing Pfalms, i7*z. iii. iv. v. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. xxxv. xl. re. but efpecially the cxix. throughout — All of which, as ihall be ihown in the proper place, belong to the lame clafs, mid W\\i\, of confequence, be opened by the fame key. thy tier- Pfal. i. the New Testament. $ Th9 eternal per feci llejfcdnefs Of David's Lord and Son, IVhofe everlafirg right eoufnefs For us the bleljing tvon, Let all the churches fweetly fing ! And chant aloud their joy I The Lord, Emmanuel, is our King; He'll death and hell deftroy. 1 HPH AT Man ! how great's his bleffednefs \ X And Jesus is the Man, Who comes with perfect righteoufnefs, The Holy peerlefs One ! His Father's law mull be fulfill'd, 80 holy, juft, and good ! Or elie, devoted to be fpill'd, Muft flow, the finner's blood — 2 He rufh'd into the fiery flame, He lov'd the law lb well, For fmners bearing all the blame, And bearing pains of hell. For fons of Adam, all affray, Have wander'd to and fro ; But He's the Shepherd, and the way Whereby the flock (hall go. 3 His fheep (hall hear their Shepherd's voice, (He calls to paftures green), And, hearing, they mall all rejoice, And with him ftili be feen. No fox, nor prowling woif, (hall dare Among them to appear; For pow'r, and love, and wifdom, are Their guardians round the year. 4 Their Lord, exalted, they (hall fee, The Branch of Jesse's fiem. To royal glory, like the tree Of life by Eden's fir earn ; A 3 Whik 6 The PSALMS according to While they around, like all the trees Of paradife, fhall grow; And on them, an immortal breeze, The Breath of God, fh.ili blow. 5 Immortal as their Sire, the King, Immortal are the fons : Immortal praifes they fhall fing, And wear immortal crowns. But, ah! the foolifli are not fo; The fons of unbelief; On them a fiery bin ft fhall blow, And change their joy to grief. 6 Their glory fhall to vapour turn, Their bio fib m fly like fmoke — Thus fin- enchanted fouls (hall mourn, How foon the fpell is broke ! To judgment ! — judgment ! — See the King Amid furrounding fine! AW heav'n before him on the wing, The worlds below retire. The thrones are fet, the heav'ns are fled, The worlds are now no more! — In glory gay the faints are clad"; In hell the tinners roar. Then, now to-day — while yet, « To-day/ The Holy Ghost proclaims, Hear what the Son of God doth fay; "Whofe word — or faves — or damns. PSALM II. This Pfalm (lands in die front of a large cata- logue of parallel ones, all evidently fuppoiing, or exprefsly, as here, declaring and aicertaining, ac- cording to Rom. i. 4. the divine, eternal Sonfhip, character, and office of Jefus CLriil, the Kin* of glory, Ptal. 2. the New Testament. j glory, in his mediatorial kingdom of grace and truth; the bleffednefs of his fetthful fubjeds; and the utrer detiruction of all his enemies, the un- believers, who will not have him to reign over them. Luke xix 14. Acts iv. 25. and xiii. 33. Hen. i, 5. and v. 5. Among many ethers, wherein the exprefiion is various, but the fenfe undeniably the- lame, the following Pialms are parallel with this, and iet beyond all pofiibility of controveriy with regard to their fuijcvi; as any one, Vvho will be determined by the Holy G noil's public and infallible interpre- tation in the New Teltament, may clearly perceive by reading them over, and confufting the margi- nal references as he goes along; viz. the two next, >:vi. xviii. xx. xxi. xxii. xxiv xxix xlv. xivi xlvii, xlvfi. 1. Ix. Jxi. Ixrii. lxviii. Ixxii. Ixxxix. xci. xciii. xcvi. xcvii. xcviii. xcix. cviii. ex. cxlv. and cxlix* Mepah rats' d again from deaf by Declared the Son of God — Kifs yi the ';on — prevent his wrath — > Or fee! his iron rod : For thofe the Saviour fbawte. 1 ~|\fT~* God, Jehovah, fee my (late I -***-*- My foul reforts to thee : She claims thy wings for her retreat From thofe who caufe her flee. O how they How, like vultures keen* In clouds, again ft thy Son, And all, with deadly havock, ween To tear me bene from bone ! Prefer ve me from their cruel claws, And fave me in thy love; 2 Left they fliould triumph o'er thy laws, And o'er thy Turtle- dove* 3 o Pfal. 7. the New Testament. 21 3 O Lord, my God, if I have done A wicked fhing at all ; Then, charge it home on me thy Son, Let me before thee fall. If ere a finful dctd, my hand, A finful word, my tongue, Or iinful thought, my heart has ftain'd, Let me, then, bear the wrong; Let me before the hunters go, Like chaff before the wind ; And Jet my blood like water flow; No mercy let me find. 4 If ere I recompensed ought But kindnefs to my foe, For all the evil he hath wrought Towards my overthrow ; 5 Then, let him tear mine honour down, And lay it in the duft, And tread upon mine ancient crown, His prize and conqueft juft ! 6 But rife, O Lord, in burning wrath, Mine innocence attefi, And give mine ambuuYd foes to death, Who give my foul no reft. Thy faithfulnefs I claim, O Lord; 1 claim no more than due; That I be judged by thy word : • Thy word attefts me TRUE. 7 Thy people, therefore, all around, Redeemed by my blood, Aflcmbled, fhall thy praifes found, Through heav'n and earth, aloud. Advance thy glory, and thy Son, O'er all thy worlds abroad : The glory of thy kingdom won, Returns to thee, O God. 8 Jehovah 22 The PSALMS according f 8 Jehovah (hall the people judge, And judge them by the SON ; Nor (hall the juft his judgment grudge ; But, ah, how miners moan ! Jehovah, judge me by thy word; Jehovah judge thy Son : I'll (land before thy brandifh'd fword ; Nor dread what I have done. I'll plead the perfect righteoufnefs I've finifh'd in my blood ; And, row, thy pledged faithfulnefs Shall make thy promife good. 9 Let mifchief fall on Tinners all, For fo is thy decree; For thou behold'ft, and quite unfold'ft The fecrets thou dofl fee. The juft fliall rife, and reach the Ikies ; But tinners fink to hell : So let them di^i eternally, A gain ft me who rebel. io But God, my (hield, will keep the field, And ward off all their blows : li The juft he loves, and them he proves, And quite deftroys their foes. For the defence of innocence Is aye my Judge's part; But he detdts thole helfifh pefte, The men of double heart. 12 Unlefs they turn, they foon fhall mourn, And feel the glitt'ring iword: I fee it high, in act to By, And finite them, at his word. j 3 For, war declar'd, and bow prepared, W i t h all the lb aft s qf death, He but fufpends, for holy ends, To aggravate the wrath. 14 Beholc^. Pfal. 8. the New Testament. 23 14 Behold, their prince, who fell long fince From truth and glory down, By falfehood he, through God's decree, Soon loft his high renown : He travails ftill with only ill, And falfehood does conceive; Lo, falfehood's birth is all his mirth j For falfehood he fhall grieve. 15 He made a pit, and digged it, An-d he is fall'n therein : 16 Thus mifchief (hall, returning, fall On all the men of fin. 17 But I will praife, in loftieft lays, ConfcfTing to the Lord, His righteoufnefs, and faithfulnefs> According to his word. Median's fong fhall fpread along, And fill the heav'ns and earth, DifFufing all around the ball, His glory, joy, and mirth. PSALM VIII. This Pfahn, fimilar in fpirit and fubjecl to the iid with its parallels, as explained, Matth. xi. 25. and xxi. 16. 1 Cor. i. 27. Heb. ii. 6, 7. and 1 Cor. xv. 27. clearly ascertains and demonstrates the Lord Jefus Chrnt alfo to be the fubject of Pfalms cxiii. and cxlviii. with others referred to the reader — As to the meaning or fpirit of thefe univerfal ex- preflions, * Ail fheep and oxen,' &c. being made iubjecr. to Chriit, confult Ifa. U. with its parallels, as interpreted in New-Teftament language, with- out figure or parallel, according to the words of the Lord, * All that the Father hath given me, ' ihall come unto me' — and c All power in heaven ■ and earth is given unto me.' — And, fpeaking to the Farher, John xvii. 4. ' Thou haft given him 1 (the 24 The PSALMS according to ' (the Son) power over all flefh that he might * give eternal life to as many as thou hafl: given « him/ N. B. As fome inconfiderate perfons have not been wanting, who have thought proper to con- trovert the view here given of this Pfalm, and mod abfurdly to apply it to Adam ; I fhall here quote the words of the prophet, above referred to, at length — ' The abundance of the fea lhall be * converted unto thee; the forces of the Gentiles. ' iliall come unto thee. The multitude of camels * fhall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and ' Ephah ; all they from Sheba fhall come : they « lhall bring gold and inceufe, and they (halHhew ' forth the praife of the Lord. All the flock? of * Kedar fliall be gathered together unto thee; the * rams of Nebaioth mail minuter unto thee: they * iliall come up with acceptance on mine altar, * and I will glorify the houfe of my glory ;' Ifa. 1\\ 5, 6, 7. To the fame purpofe in other places, * The * lion and the lamb fliall lie down together ; and the * child ihall/>/tfy on the hole of the afp,' &c. — Mean- ing, that people * of all tongues, kindreds, nations, * and languages, barbarians, Scythians, bond and '* free,' reprefented by thefe figures, mail, by the everlafting gcfpel, be fubdued and converted to the kingdom of the MclTiah ; who, in point of autho- rity, commiftion, and power, is the Lord and Heir of all things, reigning at the Father's right hand, till his enemies be made his footOool; but all things are not yet aelunlly fubdued by their Lord, nor mail they all in facl be put under him, until the time of the reftoration of all things, when the laft enemy, death, iliall be deftroyed, and death and hell lhall be caft into the lake which burn- etii with fire and brimltone ; when the kingdom fhall be delivered up to the Father, and God ihail be all in all. Mejflab, bkffd for evermore % 1'e fins of God) exalt, adore} 1 sffcr/le Hal. 3. the New Testament. 2$ Jfcribe to him the glory due; For he the kingdom .-. : . j ' ' - ' :•.":.!' :>t :. " - ' :, V.'': -: ."--. . . C: I"::, t. -": i '2 : I - . •.:":■::.: -..J „:::':.:: : : : - '•"• : : : . 2 ■ :.:.:: :~ : rp: :'- ::i. ; I-_: :'-;▼ -":. :>::: i"i .'::: :.Vf.V:, J-fi'r-: •":.: : _~:!f tilt .-, 5:.:".. :':: :':.::: r~: :.: :zz ::£"::: -::.".- d V'"i:r. : r -"• :i:£ :::::::. i:".V-: ir. :"■ :::. L1 ~-.i;.: -.: :•:. I :;.:_:"; -'-: _ :.: ': ::.- p: it iff ri::::':, I". :t ': _ ... _:•;.- :: \ r.;r: . 'I _:y ::!_ :£t :':.::.:'_ iff; :":::":. .-. r. : :'- : _ • ..: : : ". : :rt L~t. ::!.:■: • : : : : — " •;. ::.": ~: : _i: _ . ; i :;::; 1 .". ~ £ ' " " " ~- . : : "." ; : :.;": " ::; _V... f.: ; !■:•: "... :.:.. ::; ; fi:- x 2 For wiaen t2ae Lord lYcmred Idoont : - :." :1-j: : ::' : . : : ■ ~ --. ^ r»:l : > :': : :i; 2 iif-f .": ■ ;■;, - i -.::i _: ' v • ; .;;. ir.i in 7. -•-• L:--. -:- :--.:•:- - f ; BcboUd xSay jnftke fotisfr'd, -■-;•"" :■.-•:! ::: ■;-;- :: :::f. :* — T- ""- :".":r :"i;:"c r.f'„ ":.:iifr, **-"-•" : •" : ~ : "•- - " t " " " - :'-i be i r £ ? :. . 14 1 3.0 The PSALMS according U 14 That I may all thy praifcs fing, "My tongue thy glory tell, "While Zio.i's daughters round the ring Support the chorus well. I'll dance before the Lord of Hods, In his falvation high : My foul i 11 thy lalvation boa (Is •> And fo fhall earth and fky. j 5 The nations, joining all in one, Confpir'd againft my life; But they confpir'd againft their own, And perifh'd in the llrife : They digg'd a pit, they digg'd it deep, A trap they did prepare ; In their own pit themfelves now weep, And mourn in their own fnare. 16 Through Me, Jehovah mail be known To aH the fons of men, WbeH death and hell are overthrown, And I'm retum'd again. Jehovah's judgment fhall take place,. The juft fhail welcome me-, But, for their fin, the guilty race Shall from my prefence flee. 17 Pi] turn the finners into hell, Jtv'n thefe who know not God : Againft me all who dare rebel Shall thus be under-trod. — j 8 Eecaufe this prefent mean difguifey Which hides my giory now, Shall foon cvanifh from their eyes,. My glory brought to view : Though, poor and needy for a while, I wait before the Loid, My faints with me (hall quickly fmile, When I frail be reftor'd.— 10 A rife, Tfal. io. the New Testament. 31. 19 Arife, arife, O Lord, prevail Agiynft my bitter foes ; Ncr let thy fervant longer wail Beneath their cruel blows. 20 Exert thy pow'r, exalt thy Son, Affright the nations all; That they may know thetnfelves undone, ,. Unlefs they humbly fall. And breathe fub million in the dud, Acknowledging their Lord, Medial holy, high, ?.nd juit, Who reib upon thy wo.d : And on thy word, along with me, Thy feints ft all reft them all, * That Anrichrilt oerrhrown (hail be^ * But Chriftians never lhall.5 *«*. P S A L M X. Concerning this Ffalm, nothing more needs be faid, but that it is evidently a continuation oF thelait; with this further evidence of its meaning, that it begins in terms preciiely parallel with th^ xxiid Piaim, and i Aires, like it, in the perfect wc- tory, and eternal reign, of the Median with his faints, contracted with the final aid fearful over- throw or" all the powers of antichriitian darknefs; which fhail be completely accomplished only at the. reiurrecYion of the jnft, and the restoration of all things, when death and hell fhali be call into the lake which burnetii with fire and brimftone, and the mediatorial kingdom delivered up to the Fa- ther, that God may be all in alL MeJJiah) faring for a while r And fore, befit ru)ith nvoes, Repels the Jnrufr, the pride, ire guile, Of all his fpiteful foes ; But, 32 The PSALMS according t» But, ra/fed, by the Lord, cti highy His King for evermore^ Gives all bis friends t eternally y Aloft with kirn to four. 1 TTOW long, Jehovah, wilt thou flay •*- * Away from helping me? In this my fated troublous day, How long I cry to thee ? How long, abfconding from my wo, And deaf unto my groans, Wilt thou permit my tears to flow; My foul to waflc in moans? If thou to fave my foul art flow, 1 hey who my foul purfue, Are not fo flow to make me know The worft their rage can do. 2 Their fwelling pride is hard to bear,. Who thus againfl me fwell, And fill my trembling heart with fear r Their pride, my God, repel. Let them who would my foul furprife Be caught in their own toil; The plots which they for me devife, Upon themfelves recoil. 3 The impious fon of fraud and guile Applauds himfelf and fmiles, While, brooding o'er his projects vile And hatching flier wiles, He glories in his heart's defire, Detefting God the Lord ; But God the Lord's avenging ire Hath doom'd him to the fword. 4 Through pride of heart there is no room For God in him at all ; ,Nor will he pray to change his doom, Till vengeance on him fall. He Pfal. 10. the New Testament. 3.3 He knows not God, and therefore he Abhorreth all his ways ; So proud, he fcorns to bow a knee 3 80 than kiefs, fcorns to praife. 5 His ways directly lead to heiij And thine are far above j Thy ways with him can never dwell, Thy truth can never move. Oppofmg him, at thee and thine, He madly ftorrns and fneers, And puffs at all thy ways divine, And oppofitely Iteers. 6 His vaunting heart hath vainly faid, I never (hall be mov'd, Nor in the dungeon low be laid, Nor ever difapprov'd. 7 His mouth is full of foul deceit, Obfcene and bitter words, Which modefty forbids repeat : He fpeaketh darts and fwords. 8 In ambufli, by the city gates, He lurketh in the dark, A rav'ning wolf, that eager waits His pafling prey to mark j Then, when he fees the innocent, He fprings upon the prev ; And, when his hellifh rage is fpent, He takes the life away. 9 His evil eye 's upon the good ; He turn's to ev'ry fhape ; That he may riot in their blood, And nothing may efcape : Now, roaring like a lion ftrong, He tries the open courfe; That he may feize the flying throng, And ovcrpowr by force : ic Now, 34 The PSALMS according tt> 10 Now, couching private in his den, And crouching as in fear, He fends his eyes ilong the plain, To watch, furprife, and tear. 1 1 His heart's his only counfellor; And there he hath decreed, That God will ne'er obferve him more,. Nor caufe his heart to bleed : For God is far above, fays he, And I am far below ; How can he fuch a diftance fee, To fpy a friend or foe ? 12 Jehovah, rife, arife, my God, And vindicate my caufe ; Lift up thy hand, fmite with thy rod The man who mocks thy laws. Let not the humble be forgot, The meek afflicted one : How they contrive, and fight, and plot, That he may be undone 1 13 But wherefore do they God contemn? And his Belov'd deride ? They think, he never will condemn, Nor check their daring pride. 14 But thou* Jehovah, haft beheld, And feen their defp'rate fpite, Again{t thy Chrift who have rebell'd : i heir fury, Lord, requite. Lo, I to thee commit my caufe, And with thee leave my pica ; Jehovah, judge me by thy laws, By them avenge thou me. 15 Beat back, and break the fword and arm Of my infulting foe ; Anil let himfelf fir ft bear tV alarm Down to the fhades below. 16 Median, JPfal. ii. the New Testament. 35 16 MelTiah now, exalted, reigns Th' eternal, fov'reign King : The worlds to come, in pious drains, Their own Median ting. — The faithlefs, God-defpifing race, Are fled before his name; And painted hypocrites, fo bafe ! Lie buried in their fhame. 17 For God hath heard the humble cries Of his obedient Son, And rais'd him to the heav'nly fkies, Becaufe his will was done. 18 Thus God hath fav'd the fatherlefs, And juJg'd the widow's caufe ; And pluck'd the heirs of righteoumeis From hell's devouring jaws. PSALM XI. See the illuftration of Pfalm lxxv. Mefliah's foes againfl him rife ; But he defies them all, And fearlefs to his ?nountain files, From whence he fees them fall: For his foundation ftands Jecure, The righteoufnefs of God ; While they the fierce/} ftrokes endure Of God's avenging rod* I TEhovah's wings around me fpread; J His wifdom, pow'r, and love, Shall guard and well defend the head Of me his Turtle-dove : "Why fay ye then, « Poor trembler, fly 1 Unto thy mountain ilrong?' For I have built my neft on high The cherubim among. 2 I 3ff The PSALMS according U 3 I fee the fowlers bend their bow, Their arrows on the firing; But laugh at all their fooi'ries, now, Below my Saviour's wing. They thought to fmite me in the dark,. And ftain their (hafts with blood ; But, \o, they mifsM the faireft mark! They aim'd their (hafts at God. 3 If God's foundations be deftroy'd, What hath Mefliah done? Himfelf in vain he hath employ'd, His kingdom dill unwon ! 4 But thou haft p'edg'd thine holinefs, Jehovah, unto me, "When I fulfil thy righreoufnefs, I fiiall thy kingdom fee. In balance of thy holy will, To weigh both great and fmall, Thou reigned on thy holy hill, The fov'reign Judge or ail. .5 For thou art juft, and jaftice thou Wilt give to ev'ry one ; Behold, thy pledged juftice, now, Is cl aim'd by me, thy Son. rJhy Son hath done thine holy willj And magnify**] thy law; Thy loyal fabje&s all to fill With godly fear and awe. But thofe who fpurn thy precious grace^ And trample on my blood, Shall fink to hell before my face, O'erwhelm'd as with a flood. 6 For thou, my God, wilt not forbear To judge the impious train, To fill their trembling heart with fear, And, on their heads, to raia x Fire* Ffal. 12. the New Testament. 37 Fire, ftorms, and tempefts, burning coals, With fierce fulphureous flames, Thy terrors breathing through their fouls — Thus perifh let their names ! 7 Jehovah loveth uprightness, And it alone regards; Median pleads his righteoufnefs, And claims his due rewards : Behold, eternal life for us, He purchas'd by his blood : Let Chriftians glory in the crofs, By which they're juft with God! PSALM XII. This Pfalm, like the laft, abundantly plain of kfelf, needs no particular illuftration ; only the judicious reader will confult the marginal referen- ces. The Prince J\Jefiah intercedes For his own eleel faithful race$ But prays to quaflo the impious deeds Of all the Jcorners of his grace; Though hypocrites may reign a nuhjle, Advanced to fame by this world's god 'j The Lord at length fhall judge the vile', And finite them nvith his iron rod. I TEhovah, help me, help me foon; J My ftrength begins to wafte away, My life is like the waning moon, My body foon will turn to clay ; Jehovah, fave thine elett face ; In faving me thou faveft themj The godly men do fail apace, And few remain to praife thy name. t D 2 The 38 The PSALMS according t* 1 The vile falacious hypocrites Poffefs the hearts of wolves and bears j And yet their countenance invites, As if the hearts of lambs were theirs : They foftly fpeak, and foftly fmile, And foftly ev'ry thing they do, Yet meditating all the while The deadly plots they have in view. Their words and ways are all reverfe; The very faints of God they feem ; And yet their tongues like daggers pierce, Their hearts with adders poifon teem. 3 But will not God confound their tongues, With bold, audacious, boafting pride, Who turn his threats to mirthful fongs, And fcoflingly his name deride? )\ We'll glory in our lips, fay they, We'll triumph in our tongues deceit, And hold them all a lawful prey We catch in our entangling net : We are our own, and all is ours We feize upon by any means; And what we feize our mouth devours: Gdd will not blame, our fancy weens — 5 But for the poor opprefs'd, who groan, Harafled by the lawlefs fword, T' avenge their injuries anon, Lo ! God hath pledg'd his faithful were?. 6 The word of God may well compofe The moil afflicted anxious mind ; His word alone no alloy knows, Like filver perfectly relln'd. 7 Jehovah will his children favc By his pure everlafling word ; With which their foes they welt may brave* As with a (harp two-edged fword. 8 Tbc al- 13. the New Testament. 39 The wicked walk on ev'ry fide, And flatt'ry fills the circle round, Xhe vileft men triumphant ride, And occupy ufurped ground j When, lo, Mefiiab, in his ftrength, Shall break upon them like the fun, And fnine away thofe clouds at length, Which fwiftly from las prefence run — Thou Sun of right eoufnefiy arife, Arife with healing in thy wings , And chafe away thine enemies, And reign for ever. King of Kings ! PSALM XIII. Consult the text and the parallels. Mefiah, mourning heavily, Comprejfed with the grievous load Of our transferred iniquity, Pours o:-i his heart before his God; He pleads the glory of his name, Ho-vj fullied nvould the fame appear, If th' enemy fhoidd work his fna??:e Then fings of God's falvation dear. X TlOWlong, Jehovah, wilt thou leave **■ -*" My foul before thee thus to grieve ? How long fhall forrow me bereave? And wilt not thou my foul relieve ? 2 How long fhail I confuk my foul, And lock upon my running lore, And widi in vain to be made whole, And only on mine anguifli pore? O wilt thou ftill forget me, Lord, And only hide thy face from me? Is this according to thy word ? According to thy own decree? D 2 How 40 The PSALMS according to How long (hall my exalted foe, Triumphing, revel in my blood? And fhall the Lord, my God, not know. Till I am fwallcw'd in this flood ? 3 Confider, Lord, and hear my groans ; OLord, my God, enlighten me, Left thou in death fhall hear my moans; For ev'n in death I'll moan ro thee. 4 Let not mine enemy prevail ; For fee how proudly, Lord, he boafts> That all my tears mall nought avail, Though flied before the Lord of hofts ! " if he prevail againft my foul, And in the tumult o'er me fwell, Who (hall the troubles then confole Of him whom thou dcfl love fo well ? 5 But I have trufted in thy love : Thy love (hall never make me 'fham'd : Nor fhall thy fvveet falvafion move, Salvation which my foul has claim'd. 6 To thee, Jehovah* I will fing; And all thy faints fhall fing with me; For thou haft made Meffiah king; And he makes all his fubje&s free : Meffiah's fubjecls thai! rejoice, And lift aloud the voice of pniife; For God hath filPd him with his joy-:, And he (hall 'ftabiifh all their ways. V S A L M XIV. Consult the text and parallels. The fans of ment gone all ajlray. From God the Lord, have loft the ivaji That leads to peace and bappinefit And turned to thhfe of fiolijbr*fi : Except Pfal. 14. the New Testament. 41 Except they fall repent, tkey die In fin, and perif? utterly ; But thofe ivbo in Mefjiah trufl, Shall fine for ever with the juft. 1 'T'HE fool hath made a foolifh boaft, •*- And foolifhly his foul hath loft ; He faid in's heart, There is no God -, Till, chaftis'd by his iron-rod, He found there was a God indeed; But, ah ! too late his heart did bleed, "When fierce avenging wrath took place, In terror to the faithlefs race. 2 They are corrupt, their works are vile, And all their doings breathe of guile: This was the verdict from on high, When God the Lord did well eipy, And fearched ev'ry fon of man, To fee if there was e'er a one That had a title to be wife, To claim of God the heav'nly prize. 2 They, ev'ry one, have difappear'd, No bold ambitious head is rear'd ; There is not" one, on all the field, That boafts to handle fpear or fhield, To ftand in caufe of God the Lord, And move according to his word : All, fhamefully to rebels turn'd! Away from him are fternly ipurn'd. — 4 Have they no knowledge, none at all, Who fcorn before the Lord to fail 5 But fiercely eat my people up, And glory on their blood to fup ? Away with them ! — their blood fhall flow, Who know not mercy how to fhow j But they fhall know that I am God, When in my fury they are trod. D 3 5 Then, 42 The PSALMS according to 5 Then they fhall fear a grievous fear, And ihed in hell a fruitlefs tear; But then my faints for ever fhine, In their own fphere, their fphere div: For I in them, and they in me, Shall all my royal glory fee ; My royal glory all is theirs : They are my joyful fons and heirs. 6 O wherefore then would you afhame Thofe who my patronage do claim ? "What father will deny his fons? Or will the Lord his chofen ones ? Have I beftow'd my Chrift indeed, Mine only Son, for them to bleed ; And fhall I now withhold the grace He purchas'd for mine elecT: race ? •j Now (hall the Saviour quickly come, To bring mine dei\ Ifrael home: Let Zion's daughter now rejoice, And Judah fing aloud her joys; Jehovah brings his people back, Jehovah's word is never flack ; Let my redeemed captives fmg, Their own Mefliah is their King. PSALM XV. In this Pfalm, under the notion of a fojourner in Jehovah's tabernacle, and a dweller in his hoiy hill, who fhall never be moved, is defcribed, pofi- tiveiy and negatively, t'-e perfeel character and righteoufnefs of the Median, the Shepherd of If- rael, who entered into heaven with his own blood, the Forerunner of all his fleck, having thereby, according to the condition of the law, obtained for the:fi eternal redemption : for only the man who dfAh ihejethihgs JJiall inherit denial life, as the reward Pfal. 15. the New Testament. 43- reward of his own work. — That this is the Mef- frah alone, and none of all his followers, is evi- dent; for it is written, ■ As many as are of the • works of Che law,' (that is, who have no works but what themfelves perform according to the law),- * are under the curfe;' but * Chriil is the * end of the law for righteoufnefs to every one « that believeth ' and hath redeemed them from tKe curfe of the law, being made a curfe for them. — Moreover, the very perfon, defcribed by his character in this Pfalm, is declared juft, and en- titled to eternal life, as the equal reward of his own righteoufnefs according to the law ; as Jehovah fweareth by his own life, Ezek. xviii. and xxxiii. as Mofes alfo, in Jehovah's words, « deicribeth the • righteoufnefs which is of the law, That the man e who doth thefe things fhali live in them.' Rom. x. 5. — Iiaiah alio defcribes the fame character, and (hews the iliue thereof in the exaltation of the perfon to whom it belongeth, chap, xxxiii. 15. \6, • He that walketh uprightly/ r this caufe I will cor.fds ta 1 thee among the nations,' £y, F- Rom. xv. 3 — 13. Bt hold l be fong that D.v From Saul, and all his fiei, ' . ide ;'.':■ — ■ Median's praifis filTd his t: F:r David* j rJj.Ts, and battles nvoh, Were oris frejeml figm% from G. :, Of David's Lord, and David's Sag, Upon the faifits of old beftonifd* 1 t'LL found the vict'ry now at length, * The vicTry of eternal love-, 2 I'll fing Jehovah : he's my Strength, My Rock that never (hall remove : The fea may rage, the waves may roarj But he 's my Bulwark in the lea : They may infult,. and flow me o'er; But they can do no more to me. The row'rs cornbin'd. oi earth and hell,. Arofe again ft me like a flood; My baviour'5 ftrength did theirs excel ; Jehovah then my fortrefs ftood : He is my God, my Mountain high, More firm than tW everlafting hills : In him I hope, to him 1 fly, And he my whole defire faj I was befet upon the field By thoufinds of furrounding fees; E 2 T 52 The PSALMS according to I cry'd, « My God, be thou my fhield ; 4 Defend me from their deadly blows.7 He bore upon them in his ire, And made them from his horns to fly ; He fpurn'd and trod them in the mire, And left them in their blood to lie. 3 I'll fing, in elevated flrains, The Lord who elevated me : I'll invocate my God, who deigns From all my foes to fet me free: Fll praife the Lord with all my pow*r ; I love the Lord with all my heart : The Lord's my Buckler, my High-tow'rj. The Lord is always on my part. 4 The cords of death begirt me round, The floods of Belial round me roar'd ; 5 The bands of death my foul had bound, The horns of hell my fides had" gor'd -r 6 I lifted up my voice to God, My anguiih made my heart to roar; He heard me from his high abode ; He ftamp'd — and bade me mourn no more. 7 Then, lo, the earth in pangs was found ; The folid hills began to make*, The mountains from their bafes bound ; All Nature's frame was made to quake j Becaufe the Lord, in flaming wrath, Had iflu'd forth an awiul oath, That he would give their fouls to death, Againft my foul who had been wroth. 3 Columns of fmoke his noftrils threw, Which roll'd before him as he came ;. And, ifTuing from his mouth, there flew Great floods of melted fire and flame*, 9 The heav'ns he bended as he flew, In light and thunder, from on high, While, Pial. 18. the New- Testament. 53 While, underneath his feet, he threw The clouds and darknefs of the iky. 1-0 Upon the lofty cherubim, Full royally Jehovah rode, Born on the wings of winds, fublime, His glory lightening all abroad. 1 1 $Je made the darknefs round him go ; In circles fire and lightnings play : Deep waters his pavilion flow, Thick clouds their curtains round him lay, •2 The brightnefs of his eye difbell'd, As he advanced nearer me, The darknefs, which his face had veil'd, And made the day like night to be; The clouds evanifh'd faft away, The waters roll'd themfelves afide ; Halftones and coals of fire did play. Along,- as onwards he did ride. 13 Jehovah caus'd them hear a noife, He thunder'd in the heav'ns aloud ; The H'igheft gave his higheft voice, Hailftones and coals of fire from God, 14 He fent his arrows from the bow, And wing'd thorn with his fierceft firej. His lightnings (liot them thro' and throY And fcatter'd them, in dreadful ire. 15 The channels of the deep were feen ; The worlds foundations then were bar'd; At thy rebuke, O Lord, I ween, The boift'rous floods and waves were fcar'd : Thy noftrils breath'd on them a blaft, They quickly fled away for fear — 16 He drew me from the wat'ry wafte, When he himfeif to me drew near. 17 To God, my Saviour, now I fing, And laugh at ev'ry f Direful foe j E 3 They 54 The PSALMS according to They can't approach Jehovah's wing, And there their nets upon me throw, 18 They circumven'd me in the day Of my calamity, but then Jehovah was my Rock and flay, Who fav'd me from thofe cruel men. 19 He brought me forth from ev'ry mare, And fet me in this fpacious place. That I might laugh at fear and care, in brightnefs of his gracious face ; He had companion on my foul, Becaufe I was his fole delight ; Jehovah did my heart confole, Becaufe my ways were always right, 20 According to my righteoufnefs, I was rewarded, Lord, by thee: My perfect work and faithfulnefs Did anfwer to the Lord for me. 21 For I his precepts all had kept, , I magnify'd his holy laws; Nor from his paths afide had ftept, Nor ever had forfook his caufe. 22 His judgments were before mine eye> And from his acls * never fwerv'd. 23 He laid on me iniquity, But I from it myfelf preferv'd : 24 Therefore, I claim'd my due reward, According to my righteoufnefs : I cry'd for juftice, and was heard j Jehovah did my right confefs. 25 Jehovah will his mercy fhew Unto the man who mercy gives; And upright things will furely do Unto the man who upright lives : 26 Pure with the pure, juit with the juft, Thou always wilt thyiclf prefent ; But Tfal. 18. the New Testament. $$ But if vain- man, fprung from the dud, Shall drive with God, he iliall repent. 27 But thou wilt fave th* afRi£ted ones,. And terrify* with dern rebukes, Thofe who have bruis'd the broken bones, And co-w'd the meek with haughty looks :. 2& For thou wilt light my candle (o9 I'll never more in darkncfs mourn ; Jehovah's glories round me glow ; My day to night ihall ne'er return. 29 By thee, I've broke through troops of foes ; By thee, my God, leapt over walls : The more the battle round me glows, The more my God to glory calls. 30 O God, how perfect is thy way! Thy word's a crown of glory pure; A Buckler, too, to all who flay And trull in thee; who trult fecure. 31 O ! fave Jehovah, who is God ? Who is our Rock fave Gcd Mod High ? 32 My feet with drength Jehovah ftiod ; Jehovah made my foes to fly : 33 More fwiftly then the bounding hind, Or roe that Ikips along the hill, He made my feet purfue, like wind, And gave my foes up to my will. He fet me on his royal mount; 34 He taught mine arms to weild the war 5. That bows of ileel, of fmall account. By me, like dubble, broken are. 35 The fhield of his falvation he, Iu kindnefs to my foul, did yield : 36 His light hand hath uphoklen me; His -eve hath made me win the field, 37 BF 56 The PSALMS aczsrding to 37 If any time a narrow pafs Had hemm'ii me in on be a my hands, How fhameful to retreat it was, Fronted by thoufand hoftile bands ! 38 Jehovah bore me fiercely on, Againfl them, like a roaring flood ; Till all the vallies, overflown, "Were made to fwim with feas of bloodl 39 Thy.pow'r, Jehovah, was my fword ;. It fell, like fire, upon my foes,. And fuddenly them all devour'd ; 4© They fell — and never more arofe. 41 They cry'd for pity, even to God ; But ah ! their time was pafs'd away : No pity could to them be fhow'd, Who had tranfgrefs'd th' appointed day.— 42 Thus peri (h all mine enemies, And thofe who hatred bear to me; Let Gcd himfelf forget their cries, And make, them from his pretence flee : For they're delivered to my bow, Like driven Hubble to the wind; Like water, to the earth they flow, And leave no trace of them behind. 43 Thus diffipated, now, the ring Of thofe who round me fought in vain; Jehovah, thou haft made me King, To rule o'er all thy wide domain : No other Head the nations know ; The nations (hall obedient come, And to my fceptre bow them low, And worfbip all around my dome.- 44 The people whom I never knew, Who never heard of me at all, On hearing, they Inall homage do, And at my feet fubmiifivc fell : Tfcc Pfal. 1 8. the New Testament. 5^ The fons of ftrangers fill the throng, And they fab million too mall feign ; But they (hall fear, and pafs along, A bafe, difiembling, godkfs train J 45 The fons of Grangers fade away, And periih in their unbelief; Like fnow diflblvM by heat of day, They melt away, and die it) grief — 46 Jehovah lives : blefs'd be my Rock ! The God of my falvation high — Exalteth me above the mock Of all the dorms abroad that fly. 47 Jehovah gives me full revenge On all the nations who rebel; 13ut he will all my people range Around my throne, who love me well, 48 Til fing my Saviour evermore, From death and bell who fet me free; And all my fubje£ts (hall adore My God, who makes them fing with me,. 49 I will confefs Jehovah's name Among the nations all abroad; From Zion I will found thy fame, Till all the world fhall fing to God. Aloft to God your voices raife, The praife of his falvation fing j Jehovah magnifies his ways ; Jehovah magnifies his King! 50 Jehovah magnified (hall be; His tender mercies fill my foul; His joys have made my forrows flee; His love, my wounded fpirit whole: To him we'll keep a jubilee, When time and all its things are o'er: Jehovah fets Mtfihh free — Chrift — and Lis feed for evermore! PSALM 58 The PSALMS according to PSALM XIX. To a perfon entering, into the New-Teftament view of the Pialms, this one will appear perfectly plain, according to what is attempted in the pa- raphrafe, as exactly paralhl to Pfalm xcvii. with all thole of* the famefpirit and exprefiion, wherein the Godhead and glory of the Son of God, the universal Lord and King over all, are described by the Holy Ghoft as declared from heaven, and filling the whole earth, hot with regard to crea- tion and providence;, (which operations of his alfo are abundantly defcribed elfe where) ; but, with regard to the manifeftation of the everlaft- ing gofpel, and- of the character and glory of God> fhining in the face of Jefus, as held forth in the light of the apoftclic teftimony. — As the apoftle Paul' has actually interpreted this Pfalm, Rom. x. 18. — So that the matter is for ever decided with thofe, who will be determined by the account given by the Holy Spirit of inspiration himfelf. As to the ilrong poetical colourings ufed in this Pfalm, drawn from the grandelt objects in the world, the heavens, the fun, and the glory of warriors, e foul and glory of the day ! He comes, his morning-beams to pour, And o'er the mountains make them play: 6 Arifing in the eaftern fkies, And gradually advancing on In courfe, thro' all the heav'ns he flies, Nor ceafes till his race be done : The fhades of death before him fly, And joys celeftial fill their room; The barren heath, when he draws nigh, Like Paradife begins to bloom. 7 His ways are all eternal love ; How perfect is his holy law ! It turns the heart to joys above, And keeps the paihons all in awe. Jehovah's teflimcny wife, Is faithful to tranfport the heart, To fave the foul in fin that lies, To make the fool become alert. 1 8 Jehovah's Pfal. 19. the New Testament. 6r 8 Jehovah's precepts all are right, All his commands divinely pure, Unto the eyes imparting light, Unto the heart a comfort fure. o, The reverential juft regard Of all the cbaraBcr divine, As God himfelf hath it declar'd, Endures, and makes the face to fhme. The judgments of the Lord are true, And in an even balance weigh'd : He gives to ev'ry one his due ; Nor is by any bias fway'd : I 0 His ways are more defir'd by me, And more to be defir'd by you, Than all the gold that e'er (hall be, Or has been, digg'd in rich Peru : His word more fweet than honey-combs, Than honey dropping from the comb, Into my heart with rapture comes, And brings his heav'n unto me home. 1 1 Moreover, I the truth will tell, Mefliah comes to do thy will; Thy word directs thy fervant well : Jehovah, I thy wore' fulfil. T' obey thy word is to enjoy More revenues than earth can yield \ But O the evils that annoy Who trefpafs on thy will reveal'd ! 12 Their errors who can underftand ? 13 But thou wilt me preferve fecure From ev'ry caufe of reprimand : tSo I fhali ftand before thee pure. 14 Thy fervant, I, Jehovah, come, To plead my perfect innocence, That I may dwell within thy dome, And never know departure thence : t F To Cl The PSALMS according to To fave himfelf, and fave his feed, A righteoufnefs that never fades, In perfect thought, and word, and deed, Thy own Meffiah boldly pleads. PSALM XX. This Pfalm, it is allowed on all hands, is spo- ken in the perfon of the church, glorying in, and ;ympathifing with, her King in the day of his ca- lamity ; while fhe breathes forth, at the fame time, Iier fervent hope-infpired defires for his deliver- ance from all his troubles. — That not David, but his Lord, is the King, is certain from the laft words of the Pfalm, * Save, Lord ; let the King ' hear us when we call.' Tt clothe his faints around with prai/e, And raife them glorious by his fall, In mercy , to fupport their ways, Lo, jefus fights their battles all — They, glorying in the Lord their King, And fympathifing with him too, The travail of his fpirit fmgy And plead for bim the viffry due. 1 I'LL Mng a fong to my Belov'd, ■*■ And in my fong PJ1 breathe my joy, Jehovah fhall himfelf be mov'd : Jehovah fhall my harp employ. Jehovah hear thee in the day Of thy diflrefs, and fend thee eafe ; The name of Jacob's God thee ftay, And fpeedily thy foul rcleafe. 2 Ten thoufand legions from on high, Commiffion'd by the Father, come To lead thy foul above the iky, £fcorting to thy Father's home. 3 Then fal. so. the New Testament. 63 Then {hall thy facrifice receiv'd, A facrifice of pleafing frnell, Ccmpenfate what thy foul has grievY. : Thy foul mail be rewarded well. Let all thy gifts (land up for thee; The Lord fulfil thy counfels all : According to thy wiihes, he Shall make thy foes before thee falT. Thy fubjec"ls, we (hall dance and fing, In thy falvation being h\\\ : We'll fly to heav'n upon thy wing, And tell how well our Prince behav'd, "We'll lift our ftandard in thy name, And elevate" our Saviour's praife ; TV achievements of our God proclaim, And trumpet loud Median's ways. Jehovah mail the kingdoms bring Of all the heathen fcatter'd round, And caufe them round Median fing, Median with his glory crown'd I Known to the univerfe of God, As God hath made him known to me} Median (hall be fung aloud, And all the world mall bow the knee : Anointed with the Holy Ghofl, Th' Anointed of the Lord mod highj Of all Jehovah's pow'r (hall boaft : His arm mail bring falvation r.igh. In chariots fome put confidence, And others fl y with horfes fpeec ; The name of Chrifl: is our defence, Who for his fubje&S came io bleed : He bow'd the head, and cried aloud, T is f 1 n 1 s h ' d now ! — My Father feet I Receive my Spirit, 0 my God! His" death from death his fubje£ts frees. F % S But &f The PSALMS according to 8 But, lo, o'erwhelm'd in endlefs wrath, Their own damnation on their head, They bowM, they fell, they funk in death, The Prince of life who murdered ; But we arofe, and foread our wings, And flew with him to God on high : The church of God exults and fings, King Jesus faves us when ive cry! P S A L M XXI. Sfe the laft Pfalm, whereof this is evidently a continuation; with this difference only, that here the prayers of the church are wholly turned into triumph and praife. — Confult all the parallels, and efpecially from the 2d to the 8th verfe of the Pialm itfelf ; which no confederate perfon, either Jew or Gentile, ever yet thought of applying to any but the MeflSah alone. — For how could they, without falling directly under the charge of Waf- phemy, and high treaibn againfl the King of hea- ven ? The battle fought* the vicl'ry nvon, The churchy rejoicing in the fpoil9 Gives glory to her Lord alone, And hails him home from all his toil: He bought her life nvith his oiun death, And gave her foes to death and hell ; But bis fair kingdvm did bequeath Unto his fpoife he lovd fo well. l "J'LL fing Median, conquering King! •*■ He glories in Jehovah's ftrength : Jehovah will the kingdom bring Subjected to the Son at length. The Son mall in Jehovah joy, In his falvation high exult ; He'll laugh at all that would annoy ; Each proud infulter he'll infult. 2 Hi* Pfal. 21. the New Testament. 65 2 His heart's defire thou gaveft him, The op'ning of his lips prevaiPd ; His eves with longing grew not dim, Till with fticcefs his hopes were feal'd. 3- Thou haft prevented from above, And pour'd thy cboiceft bleflings all; Upon his head a crown of love, His portion, thou haft made to fall. 4 He afked life; and life was giv'n, Ev'n fuch a length of days that he Should live, and reign thy king in heav'n, Nor of his reign a period fee. Beftow'd on him by God above, Of pureft gold a glorious crown : 5 How great's his triumph in thy love, His honour, and his high renown! 6 Thou haft him for a blefTing fet, A blefTing to the nations ail, A blefTing brings them all in debt, Adoring evermore to fall. With gladnefs thou wilt fill his heart, With glory make his face to fhine ; The glory from thy face lhall dart, Which fills thy King with light divine.- 7 Becaufe in thee the King hath hop'd, Jehovah, by thy favour he Hath all his rivals over-tepp'd, And itill Lord paramount fhall be. 3 Thine hand (hall find his enemies; Thine enemies, O God, are his; Thine hand fhall hurl them from the ikkh Downwards into their own abyfs. 9 Exiled from thy face, they roar, Soretofled in the fiery 'lake; And there they roll for evermore, Becaufe they did thy face forfake : F 3 T 66 The PSALMS according U Thus, fwallow'd in Jehovah's wrath, The fire devours them up like grafs •, 10 Their names (hall perifh in their death, Their works and children with them pafs. 1 1 Becaufe they turn'd afide, and chofe Th' abominations of his foul, 12 Jehovah, turning on his foes, Againft them bade the battle roll. Now, ftrangled in their own device, With their own rage and choler choak'd, Fire-beacons, to deter from vice, They Hand, who have Jehovah mock'd. 1 3 Thy ftrength to all the nations fhow, Jlxalt and glorify thy King : When we thy pow'r and glory know, We (hall thy pow'r and glory fing — ■ And thou, O King, our God and ftrength, In thine own glorv quickly come, And to thy Father's boufe, at length, Conduct thy younger brethren home. PSALM XXII. If the Lord and his apoftles knew how to in>- terpret this Pfalm, what betLer than blafphemy, let the honeft reader fay, is the talking of the com- mentators, and thofe who have deviied what they call the contents, concerning David complaining, praying, or praifing in this place? — Thole who deiire to know the mind of Chrift, will diligently compare with the New Teftament not only this, but aho all the parallel Pfalms, as referred to in the margin, which, on account of their number, for brevity's fake are here omitted. The fing ofChriJ}, the Well-belov'd, The Morning-hind Lt loofe, Wkofe fiulj like flowing water, n/cz'd, 0/ words like thefe made ufi9 Dcferted Pial. 22. the New Testament. Cr Dcfcrted by the Lord his God, And caught by death and hellt When, underneath the heavy load Of human guilt, he Jell. 1 1\/fY God, my God, why haft thou me ■*■*-*■ Forsaken, thus to mourn? How long at diftance wilt thou be; Nor to my foul return ? For thy falvation, O my God, How pants my heart and prays t In vain I call on thee aloud : My grief confumes my days. 2 By night, by day, I find no eafe ; 'Tis all the fame to me, Unlefs thy love my foul releafe, 1 hy mercy fet me free. 3 For, fure, thy love abfolved (lands, Thy mercy free from blame ; My fpirit, in thy holy hands, Shall never fuffer mame. For thou inhabited the praife Of Ifra'l thy belov'd; They hop'd in thee, and found thy ways Were peace and truth unmov'd. 4 Our fathers all advanced their claim, And phd thy promis'd grace; 5 They were deliver'd by thy name, And fang the fongs of peace. No fon of Adam e'er believ'd, And hoped in thy word, Who came away afham'd and griev'd, Unfav'd by thee, O Lord. 6 But I'm a worm, and not a man, And as a worm am priz'd ; Opprefs'd and trod by ev'ry one Who fees me thus difguVd ! 7 Amid 6-8 The PSALMS according io 7 Amid the throng when I appear, They mimic with their lips; They fhake their heads, and at me fnecr, While each hi'S neighbour tips. 8 « He roll'd himfelf,' fay they, < on God, < And God may refcue too, c And blefs him in his own abode, 1 If blctTmg be his due.' p But thou haft brought me from the womB, Andufher'd in my birth ; And thou wilt lay me in my tomb, And raife again with mirth. io By thee I hung upon the breaft, 7\nd prefs'd my mother's knee; By thee my mother's heart was blefs'd, And fo the Son's (hall be. 11 On thee, my God, on thee alone, My clafping arms fhall cling. My Father, caft not off thy Son, When ferpents hifs and fting : They wreathe me round, they fuck my bloody Envenoming my foul : O be not far away, my God ! See how they round me roll ! 12 Full many a fell tremendous bull- Of Bafhan round me roar, Who fill my foul with anguifh full, And fiercely at me gore : 13 Like lion?, how they round me rage, And, furious, lafli their fides ! Ten. thou fan d death's my foul befiege, And worfe my foul abides. 1.4 My moifture, like a heavy dew Of blood, around me flows, While all bones disjointed fbew, • To feaft my cruel foes. My, Pfal. 22. the New Testament. 6ij My hearf; like wax amidil the fire, DiiTolved in me, dies; 15 Mv lungs can now no more refpire ; My ftrength like vapour flies. My tongue adhereth to my jaws, In doleful plight I lie; My fpirit pants without a paufe, While no Redeemer's nigh. 16 For dogs furround and prefs me clofe, And prey upon me, fierce; Th' affembled hell-hounds me inclofe ; My hands and feet they pierce. 17 My racked bones all dart and flare, And they who rack deride; And while they view my body bare, They jeft on ev'ry fide. 18 My garments they amongfl them fhare, And for my bloody veil (Becaufe a feamlefs work and rare) By lot they all conteft. 19 But be not thou, Jehovah, far Away from helping me; Upon them turn the tide of war, My Strength, and make them flee. 20 O refcue now my foul from death, My Darling from the fword ; And from the dog's devouring breath Deliver me, O Lord. 21 Lord, pluck me from the lion's jaw, And from the raging bear ; Preferve me from his ftretched paw, That grafps my flefh to tear — Let hallelujahs now be fung, Jehovah, unto thee! From horns of unicorns when flung, Thou halt received me ! 22 How 7* The- PSALMS according t$ 22 How glorioufly thy pow'r is fliown ! (I will the wonder tell f) For thou haft all my foes o'erthrown* And made their bed m hell. 23 This triumph is not folely mine,: But all my brethren (hare : To them thy character divine, Thy name, I will declare. Yea,, in th' affernbly of the juflF, Whom I have wafh'd in blood, I'll paifc thy glory from the duft: The duft fhall fing to God. Let all who reverence thy name*. The univerfal throng Of Jacob, lift aloud thy fame ; All Ifra'l join the fong ; 24 Becaufe the Lord defpifed not,. Nor indignation bore Againft the man of humble lot,. Who did the Lord implore. Jehovah did not hide his face, Nor did refufe his ear, When forrow overwhelm'd my peace;- I cry'd, and he did hear. 25 I'll fill thy houfe with fongs of praife,- For praife I vow to thee : Thy church fhall join in all my lays, And they fhall fcaft with me. 26 Thy poor afflicted ones ihall ear, And fhall be fatisfy'd ; And praife Jehovah ior the, meat, Wherewith their foul 's fupply'd. Your heart for evermore (hall live, Who eat this precious food : (You eat who do by faith receive Emmanuel's flefh and blood : Pfal. 2 2- the New Testament. 71 It is not any fruitlefs fign, That will relieve the foul ; No real bread, no real wine : The truth believ'd 's the whole. They only eat this bread divine, Who on the Lord believe ; They only drink this heav'nly wine, '1 he Spirit who receive). 27 Let all the earth remember now, And turn unto the Lord; Let all the nations to him bow, And hail th' embody'd Word, 28 Becaufe Jehovah is the King, The kingdom is the Lord's; Let all the heathen round him fing, < The kingdom is the Word's.' 29 Proud high-fwoln fons of lofty pride Shall eat, and homage (how, And bow themfelves on ev'ry fide, Ere down to duff, they go. There is not one who drawetn breath Of unbelieving men, Shall -fave his foul alive from death And everlafting pain. 30 But ftill Emmanuel has a feed, Who magnify their King; And generations who fucceed This fon g of Christ mall fing: 31 The) unto fons unborn fliall fhew This everlafting blifs, The righteoufnefs he brought to view : Jehovah hath done this — This work of everlafting praife, Of mercy, grace, and peace; The chief of all Jehovah's ways Of truth and holinefs. PSALM *l% f^ PSALMS according to PSALM XXIII. As to this Pfalm, which is evidently fpoken wholly in one perfon, the only pofiible objection againit fuppofing that perfon to be Jefus Chrift, is this, viz. That he himfelf is the Lord, the good Shepherd, the Shepherd of Ifrael, who laid down his life for his flock; but this is fuch an objection as would lead the faints to conclude, that Jefus Chrift is not their Father, Lord, and God, (though he exprefsly declares himfelf to be fo, John xiii. 13. Rev. xxi. 7.), becaufe he himfelf, in a certain and peculiar refpect, is the Son, even the Only Begotten, the Eternal Son" of the Father, who became the fervant of the Father, that he might bring many fons and daughters to glory. 0 Ifra'l, fie thy Shepherd here, For all his pafiure-jheep appear I Thy Lord, thv Mediator, he, For thee, a jervant deigns to be I Himfelf becomes like one of you, ArtA gives his Father glory due, That ye way fo adore the Son, And tread the track that he hath run. Tyi Y God's my Shepherd ! I'll not ■*•*•*• For any breath of moved air; not care any ' The winds may blow, the (form may roar; Jehovah will preferve his (lore : 1 [e'll hide me from the ftormy wind, And calm the tumults of my mind ; Hell made me from the fcorching heat, And lull my foul in foft retreat. He'll lead me to the paftures green, And from the wolves my life will fcreen ; He'll feed me by the gentle dreams, "Where I (hall balk in funny beams. I 3 Although Pfal. 24. M,' New Testament, 73 3 Although, amazed for a while, Unconfcious of his wonted fmile, O'erwhelm'd with grief, o'erwhelm'd with My foul the Lord reftores again. [pain, 4 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, No terror fhall my heart aflail : I'm with my God, I fear no ill, Thy rod and ftaff me comfort ftill. 5 My table thou haft furnifhed, Thy holy oil anoints my head, Thou fUl'ft my cup with heav'nly wine, Thou mak'ft my face with joy to mine : And, to confound my foes the more, Thefe triumphs of thy love, before Their very prefence thou haft mown, And glorified thy Holy One. 6 Thy love and mercy, all my days, Shall fill my life with joy and praife ; And, when the bleffed hour is come, Thou'lt take me to thy glory home. My Father, Shepherd, Lord, and God, For ever blefs'd in thine abode, I'll fhout and Cng to thee, along With all my circling elect throng: What thou, my Father, art to me, Thy Son to all thy flock fhall be, Till I thy kingdom perfect bring, Their Father, Shepherd, Lord, and King. PSALM XXIV. Although it feems perfectly true, as all the commentators fay, that this Pfalm (and perhaps all the reft) was ufed to be fung in parts, by the different bands of facred mufic which David (no doubt by the direction of the Holy Ghoft) had appointed for the fervice of the fanctuary; yet, if G we 74 The PSALMS according to we attend any further than that, to the dull, drv, hare, and beggaily difquintions of thole carnal! v- jninded Jewifh-fpirited interpreters, concerning the proceffion of the ark, its being received into the ♦emple, and fet upon its own place, with fuch like childifh ideas, and nugatory observations, retailed and enumerated every day, and almoft in every place of wor&ip, in the moft ftale and tedious manner imaginable; how do we find our whole fpirit, fervour, and devotion, in a moft amazing manner, all at once, as if it were by enchantment, damped, deftroyed, and flirunk to nothing, after -the manner, if we may fo fay, of the plump kine, and full ears of corn, which were devoured and fwallowed up by the lean, thin, Waited, and fliri- velled ! — But if, ceafing from the Rabbies and Doctors, we take the fpirit of the Pfaim from the Spirit who infpired it, and read it in its own light, the light of its parallels, and efpecially the light of the NewTeftament, we will find, inftead of the darknefs of the Mofaic veil, the glory of God mining in the face of Jefus, rilling our whole hearts ; particularly, we will difcern, as here clearly reprefented, the three peculiarly diftin- guifhed eftates of the Lord Jefus Chrift, The Son of God: — T. Before his incarnation, as it is writ- ten, John i. i. * In the beginning was the Word; * and the Word was with God, and the Word 6 was God — All things were made by him ; and ' without him was not any thing made that was * made.' — And Col. i. 17. ' He' (the Son) ■ is ■ before all things, and by him all things confift.' So alfo fays the Pfalm, ver. 1,2. « The « earth is the Lord's, and the fulnefs thereof — ' For he hath founded it.' — II. His eftate of hu- miliation in the flefh, as it is written, John i. 14. * And the Word was made nelh, and dwelt * among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory « as of the only begotten of the Father), full of * grace and truth;' — and Gal. iv. 4. « When the * fulnefs of time was come, God feat forth his ■ S:«n, Pfal. 24. the New Testament. 7^ ' Son, made of a woman, made under th- law, ■ to redeem them that were under the law, thas * we might receive the adoption of fons;' — and Phil. ii. 8. « Being found in fafhion as a man, he ' humbled himfelf, and became obedient 1: * death, even the death of the crofs. — Wherefore * God alfo hath highly exalted him/ — So faith al- fo the Pfaim, vcr. 3 7. * Who (hall afcend in- « to the hill of the Lord? — He that hath clean « hands, and a pure heart — He (hall receive the * bleffmg from the Lord.' — (As to the 6th verfe, fee the general preface). — III. His cftate cf exal- tation, commencing, and mamfeiting itfeif, in the glory of his refurreclion, afcenfion, 4jc* as it is written, 1 Pet. i. 21. * God railed him upfront * the dead, and gave him glory;' — and Heb. ii. 9. * We fee Jefus, who was made a little lower than * the angels for the fuifering of death, crowned * with glory and honour' — and Rom. i. 4. * De- ' clared the Son of God with pov.Ter, according to « the Spirit of hoiinefs, by the refurrection from « the dead/ — and Acts i. 9. < W7hile they beheld, * he was taken up, and a cloud received him out * of their fight;' — and ver. 11. (the angels faid), * Ye men of Galilee^ why {land ye gazing up into * heaven r This fame Jefus, which is taken up from * you into heaven, fhall fo come, in like manner * as ye have feen him go into heaven ;' — and chap, iii. 21. * Whom the heavens malt receive till the * times of reititution-oi all things.' — And faith not the Pfalm alfo the fame, addreHmg the heavens, by a figure divinely bold, if it be a ^-ywvz at a!! ; ior what is laid is done? — * Lift up your heads, ' O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting * doors; and the King of glory fhall come i V &c> — Now, unprejudiced reader, fay, if you do not find fpirit and life fpringing up within you irom this view of Jefus, our Forerunner, nailing into the heavens by his own blood once for all, and one for all, having obtained eternal redemp- tion -t and fay alfo, if you do not think this the G 2 lpiiis 76 The PSALMS according to fpirlt and the truth of this prefent Pfalm, and con- fequently of all its parallels, feveral whereof you will have remarked propofed for your own con- sideration in the illuftrations of Pfalms i. ii. iii. and .xv. But, of all the evidences to the fame purpofe, which feize the heart, and command conviclion, innumerabJe as they really are, none feem more furprifingly Itriking (though not quoted in the margin) than thofe which arife from the two fol- lowing Pfalms, viz. Pfal. xlvii. 5. * God is gone 4 up with a fhout;' and Pfal. Ixviii. 18. « Thou * haft afcended on high ;' explained and applied as fulfilled in Chrift, Epji. iv. 8. < Wherefore he * faith, when he afcended up on high, he led cap- * tivity captive, and gave gifts unto men — for the * pei feeling the faints ; for the work of the mi- * nifcry ; for the edifying of the body of ChruV Behold the God, behold the Man, Emmanuel, both conjoined in one, The God of glory. — Zion, fee, Thy mighty One 'who faveth thee. Rejoice, 0 earth, through all thy coafls ; Behold thy King, the Lord of Hojls, Jlfcending heav'n mcfl glorioufy, That men might dwell with God on high I 1 \TTHO owns the earth, and all abroad, ** Th' incarnate Word, the Christ of God, Who fram'd the work's, and all in them — Let heav'n and earth refound his fame! 2 He fpread the dry-land o'er the fea, And bade it on the floods to flay : Litablifh'd by his pow'r divine, Let land and fea to praife him join ! 3 Who, who (hall win the arduous way, And m Jehovah's mountain flay? 4 His hands are clean, his heart is pure, Who there lliall go, and there endure : lie Pfcl. 24. tlk New Testament. *ff We mud not lift aloft his mind To vanities of any kind ; Nor muft he to Jehovah fwear, -And then to vile deceit draw near. : He (hall afcend the heav'nly throne, 1 he prize his righteoufnefs hath won ; To him the kingdom all is due; The kingdom he beftows on you : Behold your King, who dares to truft Himfelf with God, though clad in duft!— - 6 Who Jacob's God defire to fee, Bleft generation ! this is He! 7 Expand ye, wide expand, ye doors, Difplay, difpiay your heav'nly bow'rs ; Expand, ye everlafting gates; The King of glory at you waits'. S But who of glory is the King, Of- whom fo glorioufly you fing ? The Lord of hofts, and none but he, The King of glory boafts to be : He comes to feize the god-like prize; To dwell with God above the ikies ; To claim Jehovah's grace and throne, The prize his val'rous arm has won, 2 Expand ye, wide expand, ye doors ; Difplay, difplay your heav'nly bow'rs;. Expand, ye everlafting gates ; The King of glory at you waits ! 10 But who of glory is the King, Of whom fo glorioufly you fing ? The Lord of Hofts, and none but he. The King of glory boafts to be. He comes to feize the god-like prize ; To dwell with God above the ikies; To claim Jehovah's grace and throne, The prize his valorous foul has won. G 3 PSALJVf 78 The PSALMS according tc P S A L M XXV. To afcertain the meaning of this Pfaim, as at- tempted in the paraphrafe, and applied as fpoken in the perfon of Chrift, (for the whole thereof is fpoken in one perfon), the candid inquirer will carefully confider not only the Piahr itlelf, but al- fo the parallels, and, of thefe, particularly Pfalms lxxxvi. and cxliii. The May: nvho never lifted up His foul to any vanity ; Who never drank of foil/ '/ cup ; IV ho never ftoop\i to raife a lie; V/hofe Jtn, yet ne'ertheleft, ivai great, Though Jin indeed he never knew ; The Son of Man, for mercy fet, In mediation, here we view! 1 rT^O thee my%e:evated foul, ■*■ Jehovah, takes her heav'nly flight ; She foars above th' ethereal pole, And fings thy praife with fweet delight. 2 My God, my God, in thee I hope; Let not my hope be put to (ha me, Left that my foes fhould take me up, And bafely flur thy holy name : How would my foes exult and laugh, If 1 and mine were counted vile, And drove away from thee, like chaff, UnblefTed with thy gracious fmile ! ^ But well I know, my faints with me Shall ne'er be cover'd o'er with fhame, Becaufe we fly, O God, to thee, And take cur refuge in thy name. But let confufion on them feize, Who, with abominable guile, Prevaricate before thy face, And meditate a purpofe vile ! 4 Thy PfaL 25. the New Testament. 79 4 Thy wavs, Jehovah, make me know; Thy footfteps caufe my foul to keep : 5 Then, by thy truth, I'll boldly go : Thy truth ihall never caufe me weep. Thou art my God ; direct my way, And caufe me thy faivation fee; For I have reckon'd night and day, Till I (hall come and dwell with thee. 6 Thy mercies, Lord, remember thou, Thy mercies that have been of old; And, all my fins cancelled now, No more the former things unfold. 7 My children have tranfgrefs'd thy law; But thou haft laid their fins on me: My righteoufncfs, without a flaw, Pciorm'd for them, Jehovah, fee : According to thy tender love Remember me, thy fervant dear; And let thy Surety clearly prove, His clients from the debt are clear. 8 How good and upright is the Lord ! The finners he will teach bis way; 9 He'll lead the humble by his word : The humble hear what he will fay. 10 Jehovah's paths are pure and plain; Jehovah's teftimonies all Are balm, to footh the fierceff pain That can upon my fpirit fall. 1 1 111 keep thy holy covenant ; And, underneath my heavy load Of fm and forrow, when I pant, Til claim thy iuftice, C) my God: I know thou wilt relieve my foul ; Whcp mine iniquities lb great, Like floods of fire ihall o'er me roll, Thy love ihall bid the floods retreat. — I 2 V> bO; 8o The PSALMS according to 12 Who, who is this that fears the Lord ? That reckons 10 upon his love ? That claims the juitice of his word? And pleads that he fhall never move? Jehovah, furely, fhall him teach The way that his own foul fhall chufe; 13 His foul mall dwell beyond the reach Of mifchiefs which his en'mies mufe :• His feed firall dwell upon the earth, The earth and all therein is theirs ; Their fouls fhall never feel a dearth, For they are God's eternal heirs. 14 The fecret of Jehovah dwells With thofe who do Jehovah fear; He'll mew his glory that excels To thofe his love in mind who bear. — 15 Jehovah 's always in mine eye, Becaufe my foul Jehovah frees From all the ftorms abroad that fly, And makes them feem a gentle breeze. 16 I cry'd, Have mercy ; I'm undone Unlefs the Lord his mercy fhew; Have mercy, Father, on thy bon, And fhew me now thy mercy due :- 1 7 The forrows of my heart abound, And thoufands more my heart await; My foul is dafh'd down to the ground, And overprefs'd with anguifli great : 18 Let all my fins be wafh'd away, And, with my blood, my forrows go ; For thofe who hate mc boldly fay, He falls, and fhall no riling know. 19 My God preferve thy darling One, And pluck me from the fiery flame; 20 When thefe confufions all are gone, That I may glory in thy name. 21 Per- Pfal. 26. the New Testament. 21 Perfe&ion pure, and innocence, Jehovah, thou wilt hot refute j Thy righteoufnefs is my defence : I come, my God, to pay my vows. 22 Let Ifra'l all in triumph 6og, And Zion found aloud her joys j For her Redeemer is her King : Let Zion in her King rejoice. All glory to the God of peace, Who bruis'd for us the ferpent's head, And brought to us eternal grace, By bringing Jefus from the dead 1 PSALM XXVI. Read this Pfalm in the light of the glorious gofpel ; behold the glory of God as it ihines in the face of Jefus ; coniider the parallels as cited in the margin, and thofe mentioned in the illuftra- tion of the firft Pfalm ; and then judge for thyfelf as to the propriety of the interpretation propofed in the following paraphrafe. It concerns the read- er thereof to be in the right, as much as the writer. Mefjiah pleads his innocence slnd j a ft ice for kis fure defence ; Though juftice try his heart and reins, Yet juftice nothing there arraigns : The Surety, therefore, boldly claims S aha Hon for his eleel names : His righteoufnefs Jh all ft and for theirs, V/ho ft and his legal fons and heirs. I TEhovah, judge me, judge me now; J Behold, I have perform'd my vow : In my perfection I have walk'd ; Nor fhall my hopes by thee be baulk'd. 2 Jeho- 82 The PSALMS according to 2 Jehovah, fift me, fift me well, If any evil with me dwell ; Pour out my heart and reins, and (how If any curfed thing mail flow. 3 For I have walk'd before the Lord, According to thy holy word •, Behold, I've kept continually Thy loving kindnefs in mine eye. 4 I have not fat with perfons vain, Nor own'd the lewd licentious train : 5 I hate th' affemblies of the vile, And fcorn to eat with men of guile. 6 I'll wafh mine hands in innocence, And claim thy nobleft recompence^ I'll at thine altar keep my guard, And triumph in my jufl reward. 7 Lord, I will all thy glory tell, And on thy name for ever dwell; I'll lift aloud the voice of praife, For thou accepted all my ways. 8 Lord, I have lovM thy dwelling-place, The manfions of thy love and grace; And there for ever I (hall dwell, That I may all thy glory tell. 9 The ways of finners I have fhunn'd, Nor (hall be with their fentence flunn'd io Their hands are full of evil deeds, For which my grieved fjJirit bleeds. 1 1 Thou feed the fervice I have done, Let perfect love reward thy Son ; Lo, thou my witnefs art, my Judge ; With thee my caufe I'll fafcly lodge : 12 For I have walk'd in perfect love, ' And therefore never (hall remove*, My foot fliall ftand upon my Rock, And laugh at ev'ry idle fliock : ni Pfal. 27. the New Testament. 83 I'll praife Jehovah in the ring Of all my faints who round me fing ; My faints fhall know my glory then, And, by thy love, with me fhall reign: For I, their Advocate and Head, Have finifh'd, in their room and (lead, By thy appointment, all thy will, And for them won thy holy hill. PSALM XXVII. See the illuftration of Pfalm iii. Though all the poiu'rs of darknefs roar, And rage like feas againft the Jhore> The Lord's the Light > the Lord's the Reck Of his Meffiah and his flock MeJJiah one thing hath dejird> And for his people hath acquired. To dwell nvith God for ever?noret That they his glory may explore. i r~PHE Lord's my Light, my faving Light, •*- My Life, my Health, my fweet Delight 5 The Lord's a Sun and Shield to me : Of whom afraid then mould I be ? The Lord, my Fortitude and Strength, Will bring me to my home at length -y And, while I am approaching near, My God with me, whom fhall I fear ? 2 When myriads of malicious foes, To eat my flem againft me rofe, As they were coming nigh, they fell — They groan'd in death- — they roar'd in hell. 3 Though fquadrons of embattled men With rage and terrors fill the plain, And legions, leg;ons, on me pour, I'll count them like a fummer-ftiow'r. Let $4 The PSALMS according to Let war arife in ev'ry form, And death and hell increafe the florm, My heart is fearlefs all the while : At war, and death, and hell, I fmile. 4 In this, indeed, I will confide, And glory with a noble pride, Kow veh'mently my foul afpires, And, of the Lord, one boon defires ; That I within the houfe of God For ever may have my abode; And, fitting on his holy hill, May feaft upon his glory full. 5 The Lord, in his pavilion mall Secure when evil things befal, Preferve my foul, beneath his wings, While all my foul his glory lings. 6 Yea now, e'en now, this prefent time, My head fhall rife, and tow'rjublime, Above all thofe my en'mies who Would me deftroy, and quite undo : My heart for joy fhall flng and leap, lhank-off'rings on his altars heap, And fing aloud, in loftieil drains, How gloriouily Jehovah reigns.— j Jehovah, hear me, hear my cry; In kind compafiion to me fly: What agonies are thefe aiTail, And fiercely drive my foul, like hail! Yet, lo, I fee thy beaming face DiiTolve the clouds that fly apace ; They fly, and leave an open fun : My fky again (hall ne'er grow dun. 8 Thou faidfl, Jehovah, < Seek my face:' My heart replied, « Thy face I'll feek :' My heart rejoie'd to run my race. Jehovah fmiles upon the meek. i 9 Than Pfal.27' tlx New Testament. 85 9 Thou wilt not hide thy face from me, Nor turn away my foul from thee; For thou ball been my fafety, Lord, And kindly haft my foul rellor'd. 10 A father, and a mother, both, To (land for me might well be loth, "When fuch a heavy temped fell, As bore me under death and hell ; 2 1 But then the Lord fupported me, I foil lly dandled on his knee; Cor dueling through my darkeft way, \\t led me to the paths of day : 1 2 He made me on my foes to tread, And chained them in death's deep fhade, Lecaufe their ambufli they did lay, And fprang upon me by the way. 13 Unlefs I had believ'd to fee The goodnefs that was promis'd me, My foul had funk beneath the ilream, C'erwhelmed in eternal fhame. 14 Y»rait on the Lord, my faints, awair, And watching ftand before his gate; The Lord fhaJl hold your hearts alive, Wko watch, and pray, and wait, and drive* ho, I, your Lcrd and iSaviour, came To magnify my Father's name; I am the truth, the life, the way : By holding me, you win the day. PSALM XXVIII. See the laft two Pialms. Their blood upon their own head lies, ^Gainfl ivhcm tie Hood of Jesus cries : 0 uh'e liners, then, take heed; For, ifhereaSd, lere.r^J indeed I t H Tow 86 The PSALMS according to Tour fouls defcend alive to helly In darknefs evermore to d-ive/l: Honx) /ball ye mourn for evermore, And yGur neglecled day deplore! i HPO thee, O Lord, I work my way, ■*■ And labour in a heavy fea; Yet all the waves that o'er me play, But only roll me nearer thee: If I ihould fink beneath the ftream, My foul and glory therein loft, My wreck would ftain my Saviour's name, And fpread the flur from coaft to coaft. 2 But when I cry, O Lord, to thee, And lift my hands towards thy hill, Thy nod (hail make my for rows flee, And all my foul with raptures fill. 3 Thou wilt not render up my foul To. thofe who render ill for good, Like raging bears without controul, Who pant to riot in my blood. 4 Thou wilt return their cruel deeds, With intereft, on their wicked head; Th' endeavour that from them proceeds, Shall, like a net, themfelves impede. 5 Becaufe they have defpis'd the work And operations of thy hand, They fhall in utter darknefs lurk, Nor dare before thy face to ftand. 6 Blefs'd be Jehovah in my heart, Blefs'd be Jehovah evermore; For he remov'd my grievous fmart, "When very anguifh made me roar. 7 Jehovah is my ftrength and fhield, On him alone my heart relies ; By aid of him I won the field, By.hi.u my glory reach'd the fries. * Becaufe Pfal. 29. fl&* New Testament. H Becaufe of him my heart is glad, *Tis he who makes my fong to glow; His buckler he around me fpread; I felt their darts as light as mow. Thou, Lord, art my fa 1 vat ion ; thou Haft: made me ride above the heav'n °t The heav'ns below me bend and hew, Such weight of glory thou had giv'u ! 8 The Lord is all his people's ftrength, For he hath his Meffiah hv\i : Meiliah laves them all, at length, For whom the bands of death he brav'd. 9 Jehovah, favethy people now, And feed thine own inheritance ; Now, blefs them on mount Zion's brow, And then to Paradife advance. PSALM XXIX. See Pfalm ii. The Voice, the Word, th? incarnate Word> Th* eternal God, th' almighty Lord, From whom the univerfe began. Who perfcc7s all his Father's plan, Upholding all things by his pow'r — He reigneth King for ever more ; Let heav n and earth in one combine, To give him glory all divine! TI/T FH one confent, let all the hofts Of whom the wide creation boaffs; Ye mighty, ye th* Almighty's fons, Dominions, virtues, pow'rs, or thrones \ Ye angels, and archangels, who Before Jehovah lowly bow ; Ye cherubs, feraphs, ev'ry tribe, Yrourfelves unto the Son alcribe i H 2 2 For 88 The PSALMS according to 2 For of him, through him, to him, all rl he things he made before him fall : The kingdom, pow'r, and glory, give To him in whom yc move and live: The glory to Jehovah due, Median claims the fame of you •, In glory of his holinefs, Exulting, joy and love exprefs ! 3 Median's voice is in the cloud, The Cod of glory thunders loud ; Median rides along the floods, He treads upon the flying clouds ; 4 Meiliah's voice is full of pow'r, His lightnings play when tempefls low'r; 5 Median's voice the cedars breaks, While Lebanon's foundation quakes : tf Median's voice removes the hills, And all the plains with ruins fills; The voice of their expiring God Shall make the rocks to dart abroad 5 Mount Zion, and mount Sirion, Shall bound, along with Lebanon : 7 The flames of fire diall round him wreathe. When he {hall on the ether breathe. S Median's voice fhall diake the earth, And, lo, the graves fhall groan in birth ; 9 Ten thoufand thoufand living fons Shall be the idue of their groans •, They dart alive, and fpring to heav'n, From whence the word of life was giv'n; And there the fons of God (hall iliine, In light and glory all divine ! Median in his temple dwells, And ev'ry one his glory tells ; His voice controuls the raging flood Of people fprung from Adam's blood. 10 lie Ffal. 3^. the New Testament. to He reigns the King, and ever (hall : Adore him, all ye great and fmall : Salute the Son, and hear the rod, The gofpel of the Chrift of God! j i The gofpel's, all the world abroad, The wifdom and the pow'r of God : The peace of Gad, the gofpel founds •, The peace of God, the earth rebounds : The gofpel everlafting fhines, A light from God, that ne'er declines This is the light Jehovah fends, To blefs the world's remoteft ends ! PSALM XXX. This mod delicate and heavenly Pfalm has been molt grofsly and grievoufly abufed by our modern- fons of Levi, together with their bewitched fol- lowers, whom, by their blind zeal and unhallow- ed diligence, they feem to have rendered twofold more (if pofllble) the children of hell than thera- felves, particularly in thele memorable words of 7th verfe, « Thou didft hide thy face, and I * was trcublea ; ' which they, good people and wife! univerfally apply to David, and, by confe- quence, to the weaklings of the iicck, whom they call babes in Chrift, as bein^ often uncertain of "heir foofliip, and that they have known the Fa- ther, and that their fins are forgiven them, (fee 1 John, ii. 12. to the 4th verfe of chap iii.), under certain hidings and withdrawings of their Father's countenance, in certain times of darknefs . a id defertion. — But, leaving dreams and old wires fafetes» the words are expreffive of the ago- nies and death of the perfon who ufes them ; as is clear from Pfalm civ. 29 ; and fo by the Lord they are applied, John xii. 27. £ Now is my foul tr-ou- ' bled: and what (hall I fay : ' — and Matt. xxvi. H 3 5- 9© the PSALMS according io 38. « My foul is exceeding forrowful, even Hat* * death;' — and, chap xxvii. 46. ' My God, my e God, why had thou forfaken me ?' — Ar. B The.'e ■words in the 5th verfe of this Pfalm ought parti- cularly to be remarked, as literally fulfilled in the death and refurre&ion of Chrift, whereof they are an evident prophecy, viz. * Weeping may,' or jhall, * endure,' or commence, • in the night/ {the Hebrew reads, according to the note on the margin, ' in the evening'), the fame night where- in he was betrayed ; ' but joy cometh in the mern- * ing,' namely, of the reiurrectioii, early in the morning of the firA: day of the week, as faith the. Scripture. The Lord of glory dedicates Himfiift with all his houfe, to God, Acknowledging^ in both eftates, The mercy that his Father Jhonvd : His anger la fled but a while ; For, when the night of death was s'er, 1 he rijing morn began to fnile With mercy, lafiing evcr??wret I I'LL dedicate my houfe with joy, * And all the pow'rs of mufic ufe, For God my harp I will employ* And all the loftieft airs will chufe. Jehovah, I will thee exalt, For thou haft high -exalted me, And made my heart for joy to vault, Jehovah, in the praife of thee. My enemies are all o'erthrown, Behold, in dud below they lie ! The kingdom now is ail my own, And rage and difcord from me fly. a Jehovah, I to thee exclaim'd, O why art thou fo far away ? My God no fooner had I nam'd, Than he began my foes to flay. 3 Jehovah, pfal. 30. the New Testament. q* 3 Jehovah, thou had made afcend, From hell's infernal pit my foul ; Nor mall I more to downwards bend My way from this ethereal pole. 4 Sing to the Lord, ye fons of love, And to his memory confefs, For you he reigns and (bines above, In beauty of his holinefs. 5 For, but a moment lads his wrath; Which is no wrath to you at all, But only freedom from the death, Which otherways on you would fall: Both life and glory in his love Are always found with him to dwell ^ And weeping, that (hall foon remove, Foreruns the joy it does foretel. For weeping but a night endures, Like dew that ftrews the dufky plain, Then flies away from all the flow'rs, Whene'er the fun begins to reign : Thus 1, your Lord, upon me felt, Like night defcending on the ground, The heavy prefigures which did melt And iiil my heart with horrors round. Tbe dew of death did on me ly, Tierce agonies tranfpiere'd my foul; The floods of hell did o'er me fly, And turn, and rage, and roar, and roll — - The night retir'd before the day, The angels fang, and hail'd the morn, As birds that chant upon the fpray, And fing their hopes that were forlorn, 6 In my triumphing days, I faid, While erlt I reign'd upon my throne, Adverb* ty may make me fad, But ne'er {halt fee me overthrown : 7 x'cr f>2 The PSALMS according to 7 For thou, Jehovah, haft me made A (landing mountain on the plain, Above the clouds to lift my head, And laugh at weak intuiting men. But when that thou, Jehovah, frown'dr And made thy judgment reft on me, I quak'd, yet ftill I flood ray ground, Nor turn'd my heart away from thee; 8 I cry'd to thee, Jehovah, hear, And in thine ear I'll pour my heart ; If I this load fhould always bear, And forrow ne'er from me depart; 9 Then where's the profit in my blood ? If I fhould always fink in hell, Say, would the dull eonfefs to God ? Would death announce thy praifes well? io Hear, Lord, and vindicate thy cauie, Confider well thy glory now ; If I fhould perifh, where 's th' applaufe Which to thy name my foul doth vow? 11 Lo, thou haft turn'd my wailing wants Into the fongs of joy and praife; My ravifh'd foul her pleafures chants, And all my faints the chorus raife : The fackcloth, loofed from my loins, Shall ne'er be girt about them more ; For God his gladnefs now fubjoins Unto my fadnefs gone before. 12 My God Jehovah I will fing; My church, my glory, foul, and tongue. Shall emulate to praife my 3Cing : Whofe name and praife be ever fung ! — Thus gloriouily Mefliah reigns, And celebrates his Father's praife; Let all the faints, in loyal ftrains,. Still imitate his royal lays ! PSALM Pfai. 31. the New Testament. <>3 PSALM XXXI. Of all the memorable things, teftirled before- hand concerning Chi i ft in the Pfahns, there is none recorded in the New Te (lament, as more re- markably and literally fulfilled than his lall words upon the crofs, crying wiih a loud voice, Luke xxiii. 46. « Father, into thy hands I commend 1 my fpirit : ' which words are evidently taken from the prophetic record in the 5th verfe of this Pfalm. Now, the Pfalm being all fpoken in one peribn, this undeniable application of one confpi- cuous part thereof muft infallibly determine the fenfe of the whole, and, coniequently, for the lame realbn, of all the parallels thereof; for which the reader is referred to his own iagacity and tatte ili iuch matters, and to the marginal references. Mefiah, trufing in his God Unto his lafi expiring breath, Bold through his Jin- atoning blood, Rejoices in the pangs of death ; And loudly cries, (let fumer s hear!) 1 My God, my fpirit I commend * Into thine hands : — Thy fervant dear * Returns to thee, the Jinner's friend lx 1 TN thee, Jehovah, I confide j * Do not deftroy my foul : But, in thy righteoufnefs, provide A balm to make me whole. 2 When I am finking in the deep, Incline thine ear to me ; See how the billows o'er me fvveep ! How I'm ingulfed fee ! Incline thine ear, reach down thy hand. And hear my groans, and lave : I fink in mire, where none can (land, O'erflown by ev'ry wave. 3 But 94 The PSALMS according to 3 But thou fhalt prove a Rock for me, A place wherein to dwell, Where I in fafety ftill (hall be From all the feas that fwell : 4 For thou, Jehovah, art my Strength, My Fortrefs in the fea ; And thou wilt fave my foul fit length, And draw my foul to thee. 5 Into thy hands I recommend My fpirit, O my God; For thou wilt me deliv'rance fend, And refcue from the flood. 6 O Lord my God, I hated ill; I hated ev'ry lie : And, therefore, come to thee I will, And truft thy verity. 7 Exult I will, and dance, and fing, And triumph in thy love; Becaufe thou didft in fafety bring Me to thy joys above. 8 Thou kneweft mine affliction great, When by my foes entrapp'd, And pluckedft me from ev'ry firait, My iron fetters fnapp'cL My feet upon the even ground Did firmly tread along, Andj as they mov'd, at ev'ry bound, Beat time unto my long. p Jehovah, now my foul again Unto thy mercy flies ; Becaufe my ftrength doth wafte amain,. And all my vigour dies. lo My years evanifh in my toil ; My heart within me foils ; My fighs and tears my beauty fpoil, And fore my fpirit ails. My Pfal. 3 r . the New Testament. 95 My bones are fcorched to a coal ; The fire of God confumes, And quite devoureth up my foul, While hell upon me glooms. My fins appear a bright drawn fword, Upon whofe point I fall, "Which hath my inmoft body gor'd, And me disfigur'd all. 1 1 How dreadful is the Tinner's cafe, "Where he himfelf mult bear W7hat fills my heart with fuch difpeace, And gives ms more to fear ! To all my foes I am a fcorn, To all my friends a fear, And they who fee me, cry « Forlorn ! — < What fcare-crow have we here ? ' Both friends and foes retire apace, And leave me 'lone to mourn, And ruminate on my difgrace, WhilO: on my rack I turn. 1 2 I'm fall'n into oblivion bafe, Like one has long been dead, Or fragment of a broken vafe, Upon the dung-hill laid. 13 I've feen the taunting fneer go round, While horror fill'd my foul, To fee their cruel rage abound, And rancour o'er their bowl. They lay their dark confpiracies, Infpir'd by deep deceit, Defiring to decoy my eyes, Till feized in their net. 14 But I, Jehovah, hop'd in thee, And faid, My God art thou ; 15 My times are all in thy decree; Jehovah, refcue now. Behold 96 The PSALMS according ti Behold the malice of my foes, My foul who perfecute, And turn the tempeft, Lord, on thofe Who give me this purfuit. 1 6 The glory of thy countenance, Upon me caufe to fhine ; As when the morning fmiles advance, The frowns of night decline. 17 According to thy gracious word, Preferve thy fervant dear; And let no man upbraid the Lord, Becaufe the Lord I fear. 58 Let them be cover d o'er with fhamc Who have upbraided me ; Who vilify'd thy facred name, Upbraided let them be. In filence of the darkfome tomb, Confounded fhall they ly, Whofe lips of falfehood, from the womb, The truth did falfify. The Lord fhall come in flame and fire, With thoufands of his faints, To execute the judgment dire For all their juit complaints ; 7 he lewd ungodly fons of guile, Againft the Juft who drive, For all their fpeeches hard and vile, Shall then be burnt alive. 19 How great's the goodnefs thou haft hid, , And treafur'd up, for thofe Who talk and walk as thou haft bid, - In prefence of their foes ! 20 For* thou (halt hide them in the wing Of thy mod tender love, From ev'ry tongue, or dart, or fting, That fhall againft them move. 1 ,21 r>jef$'ct Pfcl. 33. the New Testament. 97 21 Biefs'ci be Jehovah for my fake, For he my foul hath blefs'd, And to his heav'n he did me take, Where I (hall ever reft. 2 2 But when I was approaching near, I faid, that I mult die Ere I before thee can appear, And bring my people nigh. For I behov'd for them to die, Whofe lives I came to fave ; But thou in death didft hear my cry, To match me from the grave. 23 Ye fons of mercy, love the Lord, Ye fons of love and faith, All cheerfully obey his word, Who you redeemed hath. Ye faithful, lift your voice aloud, New fongs of praile contrive; The Lord fhall recompenfe the proud, The humble fave alive. 24 Mounted upon Median's wing, The faints to heav'n mail fly; And there Median's trophies ling, For them who won the fky. PSALM xxxir. The id and 2d verfes of this Pialm are ex- plained by the apoflle, Rom. iv. 6. as defcribing the bldfcdnefs of thoie to whom God imputeth the righteoulhefs of the Median, without their own works. — The 3d, 4th,' and 5th verfes, parallel to PfaL xxxviii. 2. xxxix. 2. xl. 12. cii. 3 — 12. ex- prefs the experience and behaviour of the Median, himfelf, bearing, in patient fufFerance and pain, the fins of his own elect, which he confeiTed as his t I CAvn 98 The PSALMS according to own iniquities, (namely by imputation), tili he«bore them all for ever away in his own body on the ac- curfed tree: fo that they were not forgiven or remit- ted to him the Surety, till they were blotted out and done away in his own blood. — The 6th verfe ihews the benefit from thence accruing to the peo- ple of God, viz. fafety and accefs to God in all their tribulation, through which they pafs into the kingdom, by that new and living way, which God hath confecrated for them through the veil, that is to fay, the ftejh of his Son. — The 7th verfe, compared with the marginal references, denotes the perfonal confidence and hope of the Meffiah himfelf, perfevering in the doing and fuffering of his Father's will, till he mould bring judgment to victory, and, by his Father's love, be compaifed evermore around with the whole multitude of his re- deemed, finging fongs of 'deliverance. Selah ! — From the 8 th verfe to the end, the Pfalm aflumes the rnajefty of the One eternal divine Inftructor, God. — ' I will inftruct thee, and teach thee in the way « which thou fhalt go: I will guide thee with * mine eye,' 0 blefTed, bleffed ev'ry man Vvrho (hall the glorious trophy fcan ; O'er whofe tranfgreflions evermore The Lord has drawn tb' expunging fcore; Whofe fins are cover'd in the flood Of Chrift's propitiating blood ! 2 Blefs'd is the man to whom the Lord ■ Will not impute his fin abhorr'dj And in whole heart there lurks no guile, Nor deep di&imulation vile! For who like him who bore can tell The flings of death, the pains of hell 3 Who can from paft experience fhew The wages that to fin are due ? 3 I held my peace, and, Io, my bones Were wafted with my rueful moans; 1 roar'd aloud, and all the day Thine hand upon me heavy lay; 4 For on me, all the day and night. Thy fin-avenging ftrokes did light; The fkreenefs of thy veh'ment wrath Hath fcorch'd me like the parched heatfiv 5 Lo, I confefs my fins to thee, Jehovah, my tranigreffions fee; I will acknowledge all my ways, And mourn before thee all my days ; I will not any fault conceal, Nor all thy wrath refufe to feel ; For thou haft laid the guilt on me Of all the people dear to thee. Behold, the-Lord hath heard my cry, And to my foul the Lord drew nigh, All mine iniquity forgave, And fnatch'd me from the cruel grave. — I 2 Let j co r^ PSALMS according t$ Let all his faints before him bring The tribute due to Chrift their King; Jehovah fav'd their King and them, To found aloud Jehovah's fame. 6 For this (hall ev'ry godly one His pray'r addrefs to God alone; When fearful floods of trouble roll, And roar, environing his foul, Although they fwell up to the brim, They fhall not fvvell perturbing him : Foe God fhall hide him in his ark, High, high above the water-mark. 7 The Lord 's a hiding-place to me ; My foul, Jehovah, hides with thee : He holds me in his hollow hand; "Whence I infult the hoflile band, Whilft all his faints around me dance, With fongs of fweet deliverance; My foul exults, and fings to God, And fpreads his glory all abroad. 8 I'll make you underfland the way That ye ihould walk; if you'll obey, And be directed by mine eye, 1'Jl lead you to Jehovah nigh : o Then be not as the perverfe fool, Who, like the horfe or flubborn mule, Muft be reftrain'd by reins and bits, Left they mould ruih on fnares and pits. 10 Full many forrows fhall abound 1 For death and hell ihall both confound The fearful unbelieving man, Who flouts at mercy's ibv'reign plan : 1. 1 But glory, honour, evermore .Shall fpread the faithful o'er and o'er; Rejoice, exult, and leap, and ilng, Ye fahus, aiound the Lord your King! PSALM Pfal. 33- the New Testament, rot P S A L INI XXXIII. This Pfalm is fpokep by no particular perfon, being t. fofig of praife, ordained and given of the Holy Ghoit to be Tung, as all Pfalms were ap- pointed, unto God and our Father, in the name of th?e Lord Jems Chriit, equally and univerfally by every individual of the whole innumerable multitude of all tongues,- kindreds, nations, and languages, who believe on his name: fo alio the following, viz. xx. xxi. xxiv. and perhaps one full third more of the Pfalms ; which require only to be read, that they may be difcovered. How blefT- ed are they who have caught, or rather have been caught, by this fpirit of praife ! In due feafon the\* fhail be caught up by their Lord to dwell with him ki the third heavens, andfhall defcend no more, Te righteous, in the Lord exult ; Tour proud infulters nana infult ; Tour King has conquered ihevi for you .*' 0 give your King the glory due ; In pro/irate adoration, ally Before his fiotflooi lowly fall : Tour body, foul, and fpirit too, Are wholly to your Saviour due, 1 OOUND, found- aloud, ye faints, to God s- ^ To all the world his praifes tell ; Your fong (hall fwell to his abode, Shall fill the earth, and reach to hell : How comely praife is for the Juft, Who live by God's eternal love! "I hough your foundation 's in the dufr, Yet ye (hall dwell with God above. 2 Confefs, confefs unto the Lord, With harp and pfak'ry's pleafant found. With all that muHc can ifford, Xill wide creation echo round : 1 3 3 &nE 102 The PSALMS according to 3 Sing with your beft harmonious air, And chant to him your neweft fong, Bring all your melody — nor fpare To bring your hearts with you along. 4 Sing, that the word of God is right, And all his works are truth and faith ; 5 Strict juftice is his pure delight, His walk is Love and Mercy's path ; His goodnefs fills the hill and plain ; 6 His Word hath made the earth and iky, With all the living numerous train Which breathed from his Spirit fly. 7 He fpread the feas and floods abroad, He bade the waters roll and roar -, The deeps applaufive roar to God, And fpread his praife from ifiore to more, 8 Let all the earth before him fear, And ev'ry creature fland in awe; 9 Fcr he commanded, and they were Subjected to creation's law. xo The wifdom of the nations, he Hath quite confounded by his word; They cry for wifdom ; — wifdom, lee Difplay'd in counfel of the Lord. The unbelieving jew, a fign, And vain philofophy, the Greek, Supplanting precious truth divine, With much unhallow'd labour feek : i j But Chrift, the wifdom and the pow'r Of God, the preached gofpel ihews3 To fave the hypocrite, or whore, Believing, whether Greeks or Jews i This is the counfel of the Lord, Which lafts thro' generations all, His heart revealed in his word, Which judges people great and fmall. j 2 O! Pi'il. }3«' the New Testament. 103 12 ()! fing the high peculiar blifs Of that dear nation whom he chofe, To make them know, that he did this, And fav'd them from eternal woes : Median is the Lord their God ; Their God's their heritage divine. And they are his — and his abode He fixes, Jacob, in thy line. 13 Not only fo — with equal eye MeiTiah fees the nations all; 14 He looketh from his throne on high, And views the whale terreftrial ball : He form'd the earth, that men might dwell On face of all the world abroad ; He form'd them all his praife to tell, And bade them ferve and worfhip God : 15 Alike he fafhions all their hearts, He fafhions for eternal fcenes; Alike his heav'niy glory darts, AHke o'er Jew or Gentile reigns: He fees them all 3 fallen race, From Adam down to Mofes' law, From Mofes down to lateft fpace, No foul without the finful flaw; He weighs their works, he fees them vile, With guilt he flops the bokiefl mouth; Lays open deepeft fcenes of guile, By pureft light of piercing truth : 16 He fa vet h not by fword or bow; But Itaineth all the pride of man ; . For fin is all that man can do, Since A da in from his Maker ran : MefTiah {hews falvation nigh ; The kings are all but Oaves to fin; 1 7 The horfes with their riders fty To ruin — ere the prize thev win ; No : a j, The PSALMS according U No king is fav'd by pow'r and force-, No mighty gi?nt by his ftren^th ; The proudeft armies run their courier, And fall among the flam at lengt: j 8 Thus ail devices are a lie Which men have forgrd to work their pe?.ce i But thofe who fee Meiliah's eye, Behold it full of love and grace : "ah's eye is always en The mild, the meek, the humble men; They reap the fpoil Median wen Upon the wcll-ccntelted plain. 19 He'll fave their fouls alive from death, When famine rages ev'ry where; His love (hall be their life and breath, Their fears are blown into the air. 20 Hofanna to Median ! loy He comes our Sun and Shield to be ! 21 Our hearts, and all the world, (hail knew The joy they have who truft in thee ! 2 2 Thy mercy, O MtfTsah, dwells With all the thousands who rejoice And hope in thee, wnofe love excels The mod exalted earthly joys : For as thy heav'n furp?.iTeth hell, So far our ioy f or pallet h theirs, On worldly things alone who dwell, Who fill their hearts with lails and csres. PSALM XXXIV. In this remarkably inftrui 1 it : but according to all the ordinances of the 1 Fafivcr (hall ye keep it.' — That the Lord Jefus Chriit, by his Spirit in the prophet, is alio the fpeaker in this Pi aim, is evident to the wife dil- cerner, from the very reading of the firft five ver- ies thereof, but efpecially from the addrefs in the 1 ith verfe, * Come, ye children, hearken un:« * me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord,* Receive injlr ■•action from the fount Of ' ever I a < fling tru: That knowledge only bears a::. That /;-a\r from Jtef*s* mouth. 'Tis all but lofs and dung befides\ And viuft be tofl a-iay j Bit that to God and glcry guides, icb Chriji the Lord'dZh fay. 1 I'LL lift aloud the voice of joy, ■* And praife hirn evermore, My foul and harp I will employ, And never will give o'er. 2 My foul (hall giory in the Lord ; The Lord delights in me : The humble (hall embrace my word, And joyful (hall they be. 3 O magnify the Lord with me; My faints, with me rejoice ; 4 I cry'd unto the Lord, and he, For forrows, gave me joys. 5 The patriarchs of former time, When they were fore diiirelVd, Ail io6 The PSALMS according to All look'd to him in heav'n fublimej He fmil'd, and they were blefs'd. 6 Behold, the Son of for rows cry'd, And pour'd his heart to God ; His Father fav'd him from the tide, When forrows overflow'd. 7 The angels of the Lord encamp Around the men of God ; No horror from within mail damp, Nor raging foes abroad. 8 O tafte and fee that God is love, Who hopes in him is bleft ; 9 Their bleffings never (hall remove, Who on Jehovah reft. io The lions young, who roam the wood, May roar in vain for prey, And rage, and die, for lack of food ; For death 's more fell than they : But thofe who love Jehovah's ways, And follow where he calls, In plenty (hall poffefs their days, Whatever (trait befals. 1 1 O Children ! would ye know the way Of being ever blefs'd ? Come, hearken to the words 1 fay, And be of God pofTeis'd. 12 Who is the man deGres to live, And never die the death ? Attend the precepts I will give ; Believe, and fear no wrath. 13 A feigned heart the Lord deteils; The double tongue he cuts : Such bafe abominable pells Away to hell he puts. Within thy heart let candour dwell, Thy lips exprefs the fame \ Andy Pfal. 34. ^ New Testament. i©7 And, when thy tongue the truth mall tell, Thy face (hall bear no fhame. 14 Thy foot from evil turn away; Thy hand be doing good : Though Peace ihould fly you night and day. She mud be ftiil purfu'd. 15 Jehovah's eyes are always keen Upon the fons of faith ; To fee their garments always clean, Who walk in mercy's path : His ears are open to their cry; He ponders well their plaint ; And, ere the ills they fear draw nigh, Deliv'rance fhall be fent. 16 Jehovah's face fhall chafe away The rueful fons of fhame, And banifh, from the face of day, Their mem'ry and their name. 1 7 But thofe who cry unto the Lord, Who cry to him in faith, Shall find deliv'rance in his word, And fing along their path. 18 The Lord is nigh the broken heart; He foothes the tender foul, And mitigates the painful fmart, Until the wound be whole. 39 How many fad afflictions fall On God's beloved Son ! But he, deliver'd from them all, Shall fing the battle won. 20 Jehovah keepeth all his bones ; Not one of them is broke : And fo he keeps the faithful ones, And faves from ev'ry iliock. 21 But Death, with defolating wing, Shall clear the world, and iweep The ■ dc ifcjJi^B» bock zsxr znd ki^g, : : - .. ZrJ: - - r - — _ . . . . : : - -- : - ' -_: ~ -: :-_._-:--. . -. - - : v :_ "i; - r . :::.:--_:_'" ;.-. : :;:__:. :::: .... -' Pfal. 25- the New Testament. 109 1 tEhovah, I appeal to thee; J Contend with thofe contend with me; Thy righteoufnefs defend my right ; With thofe who fight againfl me fight. 2 In my defence, my God, draw near, Grafp, grafp thy buckler, fhield, and fpear ; 3 Advance thyfelf upon the field ; Thy fhout fhall caufe my foes to yield : See how they bear upon my foul ! The deep-embody'd fquadrons roll, And f"orce their way unto mv heart; My GocL, command them to depart : Say ro my foul, 1 am thj Life ; And then my foul fhall mock their fa :' 4 Let them, confounded, fneak away With fhame, who feek my foul to flay : Let them into confuiion turn, With fhame eternal let them bu Who have devis'd my overtly row, Condemn'd unto perpetual woe. 5 More fwiftly than the downy flue, AJoft when whirling winds purfuc, The angel or the Lord behind, Shall drive ther.i fiercer than the wind, 6 Let darknefs brood upon their way, And Satan on their fpint prey ; 7 For caufelefsiy they fpread their net, And, for my fowl, a trap they fet. 8 Let dire d.ftruclicn fceal behind, And feizc him, viewlefs like the wind ; That, unawares himfelf eninar'd, May rue the work his hands prepar'd. 9 And then my foul, replete with joy, Shall glory in her fweet employ, And fmg falvation to the Lord, By me and all my faints ador'd. t K 10 Ml no 7^ PSALMS according to lo My bones (hall all rejoice, and fing, Who is like thee, O Lord, my King, To caufe the bruifed heel to tread The bruifing ferpent on the head ? 1 j Falfe witnefies againfl: me rofcj Suborned by my bitter foes ; They brought a heavy bloody charge, And did my feigned crimes enlarge. 12 For thoufand bleilings I beilow'd, They paid with evil what they ovvM . Thus, thus they prey'd upon my foul, And wiih'd to have devour'd me whole. 1 3 But when they were in agonies, The briny ftreams did fill mine eyesj When I beheld their hour, and pow'r Of heavy darknefs o'er them low'r, I fpent my foul in mournful cries, While all the man within me flies Into my heart — but while I mourn'd, My pray'r into my bofom turn'd. 14 Wrhat tides of anguim o'er me flow'd, When I beheld them fcorn'd of God -, I mourn'd as for a brother dear, Or one who bears his mother's bier. 15 But when the tempeft fell on me, Their hearts were filled with mirth and glee, They made a high caroufing feaft, And with my bitter fufPrings jefl: 16 Yea, thofe who were at war before, In mutual league againfl me roar, And meanly make the bowl go round « To his confufion,' whom they wound: Their mirth to me 's a bitter bowl, They harrow up my very foul ; While rage makes all their blood to feethe, They gnafh and tear me with their teeth. 17 How "Plat. 35. the Nr.w Testament. r 11 17 How long, O Lord, wilt thou look on, And not deliver thy dear Son ? O (natch my foul from rage of men, My darling from the lion's den ! 1 3 So, in the great affembly, I AViil raife thy name above the fky; When all my faints around me flow, We'll praife thee with a glorious mew, 19 O let not thofe malignant elves With my deftru&ion fport themfelves, Who wrongfully my foul abufc, Without a colour for excufe -T They tip the wink, and fquint the eye, Whene'er they fee me palling by; 20 If any time they feign a face, Intending war, and mention peace, You may prepare you for the plot They hatch againfl you on the fpot ; Like cockatrices eggs, they teem With ill, to all who god-like feem. 21 On me they roared open-mouth, Becaufe I preach 'd the God of truth ; « Aha ! aha !'' fay they, « our eye « Hath feen the King of Judah die!'' 22 This thou haft feen, Jehovah, too; O be not far from helping now ; A filent flill fpedtator more O be not thou, when I implore ! 23 Awake, arife, canvafs my plea'; . My Lord, my God, avenge thou me; 24 O Lord, my God, according to My righteouihefs thy judgment mow : Let not mine adverfaries proud With laughter lift their voice aloud, And in vile bacchanalian fongs Make game of all my woes and wrongs. K 2 2cO 112 The PSALMS according to 25 O let not them their fouls applaud, And bug themfelves with joy and laud, And cry, « Ahai aha ! ' aloud, « He's fwallow'd up ! and fo he fhou'd ! * 26 But God their Babels (ball confound, With their confufions load the ground ; "Wit" fhame, death, hell, and horror, prefs Their fouls, who vaunt o'er my diilrefs. 27 But let them fliout for joy aloud, Who of my righteoufnefs are proud; They fhall. be glad and full of praife, "Who Morv in Meffiah's wavs ; They (hall advance their heav'nly fong, Which future ages fhall prolong, And fing, « Jehovah hath approv'd * His chofen fervant whoia he lov'd.' 28 Eternally I will conftfs, And found abroad thy righteoufnefs; Th' afTe tnbly of thy faints fhall join In thy MefTiah's fong divine. PSALM XXXVI. This Pfalm alio is all fpoken in one perfon ; and that the Median is he, will need no laboured proof ;o fatisfy thofe who lhall confider who is the ipeaker in Pfalms xvi. lvii. and cviii. whofe illu- ftrations the reader is referred to, as alfo to that of Pial xxxiv. with its parallels there mentioned. Behold the natural man defcriFd, And found to be a fool, Whofe conference by his lufi is bribed, Whofs tongue is Satan's tool. Here, toy, behold the fountains pure Of cverlafling light, (God's mercies are for ever fire), And drink with fweet delight ! i WHEN- fTal%6. the New Testament. 113 1 TT7HEN I behold the wicked's way, * * My heart within me lays, No glimpfe of grace, no heav'nly ray Itfelf in him difplays; For did he know the ways of God, His heart" behov'd ro fear, And tremble at the paths he trod, Which unto death draw near. 2 But he, betw itched in his views, And blinded in his eyes, Will his iniquities refuie, Until in hell he cries. 3 The words proceeding from his mouth Are vile pernicious lies ; He laughs at God's eternal truth, And fcorneth to be wife. 4 Where wifdom would defire repofe, He plots upon his bed, Anil there devifeth caufe of woes, Which fall on his own head. 5 But, Lord, in heav'h thy mercy dwells*- Thy truth doth reach the iky, And there, in glory which excels, Thy faints do fhine on high. 6 Thy righteoufnefs, like mountains great,.- And th' everlafling hills, Is fixed. by thy word of fater And all the world it fills. Thy judgments are a great abyfs, And like the floods below -, No mortal dares fay, WThy is this ? Or, Why are thefe things fo ? 0 Lord, how precious is thy grace ! For thou prelerveft all, From thefe who fee thy brighter! face,- To tbofe who creep and crawl, & 3 7 Bur 114 7*^ PSALMS accenting to J But O how pleafant is thy love Unto the fons of men ! In fhadow of thy wings, thsy prove* < That goctiinefs is gain/ 8 Their fpirits thou wilt elevate, "With fatnefs of thy houfe ; And floods of pleafures delicate, Thou for their drink wilt chufe. 9 O God, with thee life's fountains, pure And everlalting, How; And, in thy light, which fhall endure, We'll fear no (hades below. io Thy loving- kindnefs O prolong To thofe who know thy name; And make thy righteoufnefs the fong Of thofe who love the fame. 1 1 Let not the foot of raging pride Advance to tread me down ; Nor let their hands who me deride Prevail to take my crown. — 12 There! there! the Antichriftians fall, And fink alive to hell ; From whence arife they never fhall, But there for ever dwell. So perifh all MefTiah's foes Wrho rife againil their God! They wail o'er their eternal woes, In Satan's dire abode. PSALM XXXVII. With regard to this, a Pfalm rather of inftruc- tion than of direct, devotion and praife, as it is al- lowed on all hands, as well as all the reft, to have been infpircd by the Holy GhonV and as, for aught I know, Pfal. 37. /^ New Testament. 115 I know, there lias been no wrefting thereof, ad- vanced under pretence of any fancied experience of the penman; without faying any thing more pofitive or particular, I would beg leave to refer the reader to the paraphrafe, written, I trull, according to the analogy of the one faith of God's eleft, in the light of the whole connected teftimo- ny of God. If the reader's views differ from mine, he certainly has as good a right to exercife his own privaie judgment as I have; only, in all our exercifes, we have both equal rcafon to take heed, Jell we interfere wkh the one public interpretation of this and of all the other prophetic writings, which the Holy Ghoft who inspired them has gi- ven us plainly, and without any figure, in the New Teif anient. See the illultration ot Pfal. xxxiv. Beheld the different nuays and ends Of all Lord, my God, ( ' be not far from me ; 22 Make hafte to help me- — in my blood, My Lord, thy fervant fee ! PSALM XXXIX. This Ffaim feems a continuation of the laft ; and the IHuftration may be the fame. See parti- cularly the next. Behold the Laml cf God, decreed) Before the ivor/d began to be, For all the flock of God to bleed, That they might by his blood go free T When his appointed hour was come, No mun;i'r'nig from his fpirit broke ; A Lamb before his jlyearers dumb) He bore the fin averging Jlroke. l T Said, I will look to my ways, * •*■ Left with my tongue my heart fliould fin; I'll watch my tips, cv'n all my day?, Left any fraud be found therein: 111 leep the reins upon my mouth, While wicked men around me ftand j I'll ev'n refrain from fpeaking truth, Or utt'ring any reprimand : 2 For P&J. 39. ^ New Testament. 125 2 For prudence bound my tongue from fpeech, Yea, ev'n I held my peace from good, Till forrows, burning thro' the breach, Broke in upon me as a flood ; 3 My heart grew hot within my bread, And, while I mus'd, the fire did burn; My tongue was loofed then in hafte, And thus my heart began to mourn— 4 Lord, make me know my latter end, And meafure of my days decreed, That I my foul may recommend Into thy hands before I bleed. 5 Lo, thou haft made my days a fpan, Mine age is nothing in thine eye ; So is the ftate of ev'ry man, At beft but wholly vanity. ■•6. Sure each man walks an empty {hew, They are difquieted in vain; They heap up wealth, without a view Of who fhall riot on their gain. 7 And now, O Lord, what wait I for? My hope relies on thee alone •, I come thy kingdom to reftore, And reign with thee when that is doxz> 8 Deliver me from all my fins, Which thou my God haft laid on me, That, when my foul the kingdom wins, I may from fools reproach be free. 9 My mouth was dumb, mine eye chaftis'd, And difcontent 1 ne'er betray'd, Becaufe the Lord the ftroke devis'd By which my fpirit was difmay'd. 10 Remove thy ftroke away from me ; I am confumed by the blow Which from thy hand doth light on me; Lord, fave me from my feared wo. L 3 u When 126 The PSALMS according U 11 When thou, eternal God, doft fmrte Vain men, the ehildren of a day, Their beauty quickly takes its flight, Their moth like glory fades away : Sure ev'ry man is vanity, And lighter than the feather'd flue That plays and fports thro* all the Iky, And paiTes like a tranfient view. 12 But my requcft and pray'r, Lord, heary O now unto my cry attend : I flied the fympathizing tear, And come my brethren to befriend : O let my tears for them prevail, And let my blood their guilt atone j For them a ftranger thro' death's vale,. As all my fathers, I have gone. With- thee my fathers all fojourn'd, And they endur'd as feeing thee ; 13 O let me not from thee be turn'd, Nor any one that walks with me. O fpare. me to recover ftrengtfr, And to recover life for men ; That I may come to thee at length, And make thy faints with me to reigm PSALM XL. This Pfalmis a mine of gold to the true wor* fhippers, who worfnip God in the fpirit, and in the truth, rejoicing in Chrift Jems, and having no confidence in the flefh ; and, as explained by the Holy Ghoft in the xth chapter of the Epiille to the Hebrews, may ferve as an infallible KtY to all the reft of the Pfalms. — After what has hecn ulicady fuggefted from the Scriptures to the com- mon ienfe of mankind in the general- preface, it may Pfal.+O. the New Testament. 127 may be reckoned fuperfiuous to fay any more ; on- ly the reader may notice, once for all, what a fall's light he fellows, when he regards the contents pre- fixed to the top of each Pfalm, (not to fpeak an/ more of the commentators, who are all of one fpirit), by comparing them with the unqueftion- ab!e New-Terlament interpretations : witnefs this Pfalm, the x\ith, xxiid, and Ixixth. — For paral- lels, Pfalm and verie, confult the references 011 the margin : fee efpecially the following, all pre- cifely (as this) fpoken in one perfon, and of the fame fpirit and irrain of expreflion, viz* Pfalms ivi. xxii. xxv. xxvii. xxx. xxxi. xxxv. xxxviii. xxxi\> xli. xlii. xliri. 1. !i. !vii. Ixi. lxix. b:x. Ixxi. cxix* .xxxix. &c No facrijice nor off rings were Sufficient to re?nove the guilt ; No jin- atonement cculd be there. Where only cuttle* s blood wai fpilt ; Then, hy Emmanuel thus did fay , / cone, 0 God, to do thy will; ¥11 bear the f.tu of men a--.cay, And lead them to ihy holy hill. 1 YY7HEN ftation'd in the loweit deep, * * O Lord, my God, by thy decree,. Although mine eye did forely weep, And heavy moans I heav'd to thee j I waited patiently till thou, Beholding all my fad diilrefs, In kind companion down didft bow, And draw me up thy name to blefs, 9 2 He fet my feet upon a rock, And ail my ways eftablifh'd well 5 Superior now to ev'ry mock, Thn-fhaketh heav'n, or earth, or bell, I look with plealurc where I fit, Surveying ail the lhades belcw — Hew 1 2 8 The P S A L M S according to How horrible the miry pit, And dire deep fcenes my foul went thro' i 3 He put a new fong in my mouth, Ev'n praife unto our God and Joy ; Many (hall fee and blefs the truth, While my fweet tranfports they enjoy. 4 O blefs'd the m&n, and he alone, Who makes the Lord his refuge high, Defpifmg ev'ry lofty one, Who builds his refuge on a lie! 5 O Lord, my God, full many are The works of wonder thou haft done; For high above our reck'ning far Thy thoughts and ways of love are gone : If any one can tell the fand That bounds the roaring of the fea, Then he the numbers may command That would exprefs thy thoughts to me. 6 No facrifice nor offering, (Which by the law prefented are), Didft thou defire— but, lo, I bring My body which thou didft prepare : Mine ear thou boredft to thy^poft; To leave thy houfe 1 did rei'ufe; My foul did of thy fervice bcaft ; I lov'd my Lord, my foiis, my fpoufe— • How could I leave my fpoufe to wail, Forlorn in bondage all her days ? Or on my children dear entail Their wretched mother's ilav'ry bafe? Behold me, then, thy urvant, Lord : O God, behold thy Lamb, and lee! See here my gift with merit ftor'dj The offering thou dehYft of me. 1 I come to do thy perfect will, To fan&ify thy people, Lord \ And Pfal. 40. /^ New Testament. 129 And thus thy counfels I fulfil, As written of me in thy word. 8 To do thy will is my delight, And yield the life which thou haft crav'd j For on my heart thy law is writ, And 'midft my very bowels grav'd. 0/ My trumpet I will found aloud, Alarming all the world around, To hear the joyful news of God, TV acceptance that my foul has found : Thy rightecufnefs I have maintain'd, And to thy faints thy glory mown ; From truth my lips I ne'er refrain'd, As thou, O Lord my God, haft known, 10 Yea, I will glory in this theme; I never hid thy righteoufnefs ; Thy truth I always did proclaim, And thy falvation did exprefs : Thy loving-kindnefs and thy truth, Thy congregation joy'd to hear, While draughts of pleafure from my mouth They drank, like water pure and clear. 11 'Twas fweet to them — but unto me My forrows greatly did abound — Thy tender mercies, kind and free, O pour them all into my wound I I cry'd, My God, preferve my foul ! Mercy and truth prevent -me now ! 12 For ills innumerable roll, And bear me to the depths below ; My fins have taken hold on me, And, grappling bear me down to hell ^ From whence I cannot look to thee, Till thou (halt all my guilt cancel : More num'rous than the driving hail, More fiercely too, they beat me down, Th' in:- 13© Thz PSALMS according to Th' iniquities which do prevail O'er me, and caufe my heart to fwoon ! 13 Be pleas'd, O God, to refcue me, Jehovah, haften to mine aid : 14 Shara'd and confounded iet them be, Who wifh to fee my foul difmay'd ; Againft my foul who dare advance, For glory, contempt let them have, And fall in heaps, deftroy'd at once, That they may glut the cruel grave. 15 Let defoiations on them fall, Who fay unto my foul, Aha; And thus afhamed be they all, Who fcorn Jehovah and his law. 16 Let thofe who feek thee ling thy praife, And evermore in thee be glad, And found thy name in loftieft lays, With thy faivation being clad. 1 7 BlefsM be Jehovah for his love, Who thinks on me when poor and weak; O fend and fave me from above ; My God, my help, no tarrying make. PSALM XLI. This Pfalm, being fpoken alfo in one perfon, and interpreted, John xii; 18. by the Lord con- cerning himfelf, when betrayed by Judas, perfect- ly afcertains, in like manner, the meaning and true application of thefe two following ones, viz. Pfal. xxvii. and iv. with their parallels. Behold the Lord, the Lord of all, For us become fo nveak and pocr, That he behold on God to call, To faze j?m in his artful lour I — Behold Pfal. 41. /^ New Testament. 131 Behold if? ingratitude confcft Of Judas' bafe and treacherous heart ; A ftid example to the reft, Who from the Lord their God depart I 1 r\ BlefTed ever be my God, ^-^ Who wifely doth obferve the cafe Of him whom many forrows load, And fmile upon his marred face — More marred than the fons of men, Ten thoufand troubles o'er him flow, Like wave fucceeding wave amain, Till he (hall God's falvation know. 2 Jehovah (hall preferve him well, And dial! revive him when lie faints; And, blefs'd upon the earth to dwell, Shall free him from his fore complaints, The Lord will not deliver him Into the hands of cruel foes ; 3 Nor {hall his eyes, with ficknefs dim, Be worn, lamenting o'er his woes. If languor any time aiTail, And heavy anguifli throw him down, The Lord will hear him ere he wail, And make him lie on beds of down. The Lord will turn him on his couch, And mitigate his fierceft pain ; He'll make his hand his heart avouch, And raife him up in love again. 4 I cried, in my mourning days, Jehovah, eafe my grieved heart; From underneath this load me raife, My people's fins, for which I fmart. I will confefs they are my fins; For thou halt laid them all on me; And, when mine agony begins, Thou wilt behold, and fet me free. 5 Mine 732 The PbALMb according to 5 Mine enemies behold, and fpeak The earned wifhes of their heart ; c He'll die and perifh — See, how weak « Already! — He will foon depart/ 6 And mould my bafe betrayer come, And fee me — with a flatt'ring voice, And fmiling eye, he'll peer and roam O'er all my perfon, and rejoice : His heart will glow to drink my blood ; And, when he goes abroad, he'll tell, And feaft with joy the neighbourhood : When I am ill, they cry, 'Tis -well/ 7 They whifper with a bitter breath, Who hate me, and my hurt devife ; < He's caught in clutches of grim Death; * He lieth, and mall never rife.' 8 Yea, ev'n mine own familiar friend, To whom I trufted all my (tore, And did my very life commend, Whofe leaning arm my bofom bore ; Ev'n he who took the fop I gave, Who dipt my bread, who drank my cup 5 Who like my brother did behave, His heel againft me lifted up. — But fo the Scripture was fulfill'd, The fervant did betray his Lord; And fo the Paflbver was kill'd, Which life to Ifra'l doth afford.— 9 But thou, Jehovah, in thy love, And tender mercy, wilt me raife, That I may all my foes remove, And banifli them with dire difgrace. 10 By this I know thou dolt accept The off'ring that my foul hath brought; Becaufe thou haft difcharg'd my debt, And rais'd me from the death they wrought. 1 They Pfal. 42. the New Testament. 133 They wrought my death, who were my foes ; But thou devifedft well for me ; For, when thy King triumphant rofe> Thou madeft all his foes to flee. 11 Now I, thy King, -triumphant reign, And righteoufnefs upholds my throne.; Mine enemies fhall rage in vain ; For God rewards the work I've done. 42 I dwell for ever in his eye, In mining brightnefs of his face. .13 Blefs'd be the Lord, let Krai cry; His work is everlafting peace. Blefs'd be Jehovah, Ifra'l's God, From days of everlafting love To everlafting — Sing aloud, Meffiah's kingdom ne'er fhall move. PSALM XLII. To fave tranfcribing, read the parallels in the margin, with others which your own good fenfe will fuggeft, particularly thefe two, viz, Pfal. ktii. and lxxxiv. whofe illuftrations fee. As bunted hart for water brays, MeJJlah mourns, and pants, and prays ; Yet, trufing in the Lord his God, He perfeveres beneath the rod. Till, chafen'd for his people's Jim* The following glory all begins To overflow his troubled foul, And floods of glory o'er him roll, In/lead ofev'ry prefent wave, And water-fpout, which o'er him heave. The TITLE Paraphrased. I to the conqu'ring King will ftng, And in my fong inftruc"tion bring To all the underfta id ones ; "Mufic divine to ..'a his fons. t M ~ 1 AS 134 The PSALMS according to. i A S hunted hart for water-brooks, •^*- So pants my eager foul, and looks, O God, the living God, for thee! When fhall my foul thy glory fee ? 2 My thirfty foul longs veh'mently! When (hall I come and climb the Iky, And reigir with thee upon thy throne, When all thefe fcenes of wo are gone ■ 3 My tears have been my daily food, While night and day my neighbourhood Continually unto me fay, * Where is thy God ? where gone away?' 4 V/hen I remember former fcenes, When God rryoie'd my heart and reins, My foul is poured out in me ; My God, how I remember thee ! For Tthe multitude had join'd, And gone with a rejoicing mind, Ev'n with the multitude of thofe Who dance when new-moon trumpet blows. We kept the feafts with joy and praife -y We dane'd to God on holy days ; And, lifting loud the voice of joy, Eadh pOw'r of mufic did employ. 5 O why art thou caft down, my foul ? And why do troubles in thee roll? Hope thou in God, whom I fhall praife, And balk me in his brightelt rays. 6 O God, ray God, my foul's caft down Within me, when thy face doth frown •, But I will thee remember Hill, From Jordan's land, from Mizar-hill j From fartheft bourne of Hermonite, So far from thee, my dear delight, Mount Zion, where I'll foon be feen, Though death and hell now roar between !— 7 Deep Pfal. 43. the New TF.sTA-Mr.NT. 135 7 Deep calleth unto deep, when o'er My ibul thy waves and billows roar, While water-fpouts, which play around^ Re-echo loud the dreadful foun3. 8 But thou, my God, wilt yet command Thy love for me within the land : By day thou (halt be all my praife ; By night thy fongs mail me folace : To thee, by whom I live, I'Jl pray, 9 And unto God, my Rock, will fay, Why haft thou thus forgotten me ? Mourning, before my foes I flee! 10 As with a fword within my bones, I'm pierced by the cruel ones, Who me upbraid, and daily fay, Where is thy God now gone away ? 11 O why art thou, my foul, caft down ? This ftorm -will foon be overblown : Hope thou in God, and patient wait: I'll praife him yet in Zion's gate j I'll fee him on his holy hill, And praife him with my choiceft fkill, While all mine holts (hall round me fing, Our chief mufician 's Chrift, our King. PSALM XLIIL The illuftration the fame as the lad. See ho the New Testament. 139 Thou makeft us a fneer and fcom To all our neighbours round ; The high derifion we have borne Our fpirits fore doth wound. 14 Thou makeft us a bye-word vile Among the village- fwains ; The rulers fhake their heads and fmile, And taunt in mirthful {trains. 15 Lo,, all the day I bear my fhame ; My blufhes cover me, 16 For voice of thofe who do blafpheme,. Bafely reproaching chee. The enemy, th' avenger,, now, Who claims his day and dies, Thou for a feafon wilt allow, And then at once furprife : 17 But we, who are thy people dear, Along with Chrift our King, Though this, and tenfold more, we bear From. Satan's cruel fting, Have not forgot, nor ever {Hall To glory in thy name ; Nor from thy covenant to fall, Shall we be left with fhame : 18 Our hearts are firm, like walls of brafs *, Nor have our fteps declin'd, As hypocrites, who fly and pafs* Like feathers in the wind : 19 Although thou haft us bruifed fore, Withimthe dragon's den, And with death's iliadows wrapt us o'er. And fill'd with dreary pain. 20 If we've forgot to call thee God, Or to pronounce thee ours; Or ftretched out our hands abroad To any idol-pow'rsj 12 Shall j 40 The PSALMS according to 2 1 Shall not Jehovah fearch this out, Who knows the fecret hearts ? 2 2 Yea, for thy fake we're tofs'd about, And {lain by thoufand darts : From earlieft morning of our days, When firft we draw our breath, The ilaught'rer marks our harmlefs ways, As lambs are doom'd to death. 23 Awake, why fleepefl thou, O Lord ? The maflacre 's begun ; Arife and fave us from the fword ; Arife and fwiftly run. 24 O wherefore hidefr. thou thy face. And winkeft at our woe? For our afflictions wax apace, And our oppreffions grow. 25 Our foul is bow'd down to the duft, We cleave unto the ground : 26 Arife, and vindicate the Juft, And heal each painful wound : Let thy Meffiah quickly come, To fave us from above, And take us to thy kingdom home, According to thy Jove. P S A L M XLV. This divinely glorious Pfalm. parallel in fub~ je<5r, fpirit, and expreffion, to the Song of Solo- mon, (whereof indeed it is the key), explained and applied, Keb. i. S. to the Lord Jefus Chrift, is a clear and decifive proof of the true interpre- tation of all its parallels, as recited in the margi- nal references ; a larger catalogue whereof the reader will find in the illttftratkm of Pfal. ii> God Pfal. 45. the New Testament, 14-1 God over all, tilefid evermore , The Lord the Son, the King, Let all the heavenly hojis adore ! Let all the churches Jing! 0 daughter I fee thy glory come! 0 daughter of thy God! Thy fpoufe, he comes to take thee ho77ie To heav'tiy thine own abode ! TheTITLE Paraphrased.. I'll fing the Lily of the vale ; I'll fjng of Chri'ft the King, Whole loves above all loves prevail 1 So fliall the long I fing, 1 TV/I Y heart 's a bubbling fount of joyy IV J. Whence living raptures flow, Whertil my choiceft (kill employ, And make my tranfports glow ; My tongue 's a pen that fwifily writes, When I defcribe my King,. And breathe the praife my heart indites. My foul does foar and fing. 2 Thou'rt fairer than the fons of men ; Into thy lips is pour'd The love which doth our hearts conftrain^ For God hath thee empower'd, To. be a blerling evermore, '1 j blefs the people all ; The people (hall thy pow'r adore, And low before thee fall. 3 Go,, gird thy fword upon thy thigh,. Thou high and mighty Lord, With gjory great and majefly, Whofe name fhali be ador'd. 4 In majefty ride profp 'roufly, Udou thy word of truth ; Thy 142 The PSALMS according to Thy foes (hall fly, and dead fliall ly, North, eaftV, and weft, and fouth ; The humble all upon thee call, And meekly cry for love; Thy righteoufnefs, and faithfulnefs, Shall fave them from above : Thy right-hand (hall thee teach, O King, In great and noble feats ; 5 Thy fhafts fhall pierce, and downwards bring Each heart that proudly beats. 6 Thy throne, O God, when time's no more, Shall, like thyfeif, endure ; The fceptre that thou fwayeft o'er * Thy kingdom, 's right and pure. 7 Thou loveft right, and hatefl ill, Therefore thy God, ev'n he, Anoints thee with his gladd'ning oil, The Lord of all to be: Above thy fellows thou art bleft; Thy foul in God fliall boaft : Above all meafure thou'rt pofTeft Of God the Holy Ghost. 8 Thy garments breathe a pleafant fmell, Like fields the Lord hath bleft; For with thee all the bleffings dwell Whereof thy God's pofTeft : Of aloes, myrrh, and caffia, And ev'ry fpice that flows, As thou advanceft on thy way, 'I he wind the fragance blows. 9 Kings daughters fair compofe thy trains Of honourable dames; The queen, on thy right-hand who reigns, in gold and glory gleams. io O Pral. 45. /^ New Testament. 143 10 O daughter, hearken, and behold, And do thine ear incline; Likeways forget thy fathers old, And people who were thine : 1 1 For he's thy Lord, and fee that thou Him worlhip reverently. Unto thy King thy fpirit bow; He loves thee veh'mently. 12 The daughters fair of foreign lands, From ev'ry kingly court, With gifts and orr'rings rn their hands, To thy levee refort : The daughter there cf Tyre (hall be, To lead the chorus round ; For all, who rivals w^re to thee, With joy before thee bound : They {hall enjoy thy favour great, And dance before the King, Exulting in thine high eftate, Yvhiie they thy glory fing. 13 The daughter of the King, behold, Does all in glory fhine ! Her garments of embroider'd gold Were wrought with fkill divine. * 14 She fha!l be brought to Chriir. her King, In robes with wifdom wrought ; Her fellow- virgins, following, Shall unto thee be brought. 15 With gladnefs and rejoicing, they Shall in proceflion fing, While all the pow'rs of mufic play In praifes of the King. They fliall within the palace go, And each pofiefs a throne, Whence they (hall no removal know, Efpoufed to the Son, 1 6 Inftead 144 The t'bALMb according tc 1 6 Inftead of tbofe thy fathers dear, Thy love thy children claim, Whom thou fhalt to thy Hufband bear, To propagate his name : Thofe tender darlings thou (halt take, Thy babes, and train them well, As princes, for thy HufbaiKTs fake, In all the earth to dwell. 17 Thy r.ame remember'd, I will caufe. Through ages all to be; And evermore their juft applaufe, Thy fons fhall yield to thee. Beheld the myji'ry here difplay'd, Messiah and his fpoufe ! Let no believer be afraid This Jong of love to life* PSALM XL VI. This Pfalm, which may be confidered as a fe- quel to the former, fhines forth confpicuoufly tri- umphant, and, if we may fo fay, exalted to the very pinnacle and perfection of heavenly joy and praife divine !— In the fame light, behold and fing its parallels — and fmg, O faint! with thy God for «ver.! t/cvj bleji are they, and only they,, Infpirited by faith and hope, Who dare adept this heavenly lay, Which all the faints of God adopt] — 1 The Lcrd of Hofis is' en our fide! 4 The Lord of Hofis is King for ay! * The God of viercy is our guide! * He'll guard our fieps by night and day t* I f^i OD is our Refuge, and our Strength ; ^-^ A very prefent Help in need; He -works our freedom at the length, Though for a while he fees us ble: I 2 " Pfal. 46. the New Testament. 145; 2 Hence, though the folid earth fhould bound, And hills be hurl'd into the fea; Though roaring billows fpurn their mound, As if they fcorn'd thy fixt decree ; Although the fea fhould rear its head, And heave whole oceans to the fky-; Yea, mould the world itfelf recede, And all its frame to ruins fly : I Ev'n then we would not be afraid, Nor in the leaft diflurb'd appear : \ We have a river makes us glad, "Whofe gentle dreams our fpirits cheer- How fweet the pleafant waters flow Through ail the city of our God, The holy tabernacles know, Where God Moft High hath his abode. 5 God in the midft of her refides •, She never fhall removed be; Her God her Helper ftiil abides ; But foon remov'd her foes fhe'll fee. 6 The heathen rag'd, and rais'd a noife ; The nations all with wrath were mov'd : Th' Almighty uttered his voice; The earth was melted, and reprov'd. 7 The Lord of Hofts is on our fide, And Jacob's God 's our Refuge ftrong : Come, fee what defolations wide! — The works of God the earth along ! 8 He to a period brings the wars, And calms them into gentle peace; He breaks the bows, he burns the cars, And turns the battle to a chafe. He with his breath the tumult quells, And cries, Be ftill, be hufod^ to all; Know, I am God ; there is none elfe; Let all the earth before me fall. t N I'll 146- The PSALMS according to I'll be exalted evermore, Among the heathen people high : Let all the worlds their God adore, Whofe glory 's far above the fky. 10 The Lord of Hofts is on our fide, And Jacob's God 's our Refuge ftrong Let all the faints in Chrift confide; To Chrifl the kingdom doth belong. P S A L M XLVII. The fame as Pfalm ii. with its parallels. See Pfal. lxviii. 24, 25. interpreted, Eph. iv. 8. of ChrilVs afceniion and its cuniequences. Tb* afcenfion of the Lord on high Hath pav'd for us the heav'n/y ivay, That ive might dwell beyond the // y7 In regions of eternal day. Where Chrifl the Lord is gone before, And reigns in majefly above, Let our affeclions upwards foar Upon the nvings of faith and lot?. 1 r\ All ye people, clap your hands ; ^^ To God the Lord with triumph fhout* 2 Mefiiah reigns o'er all the lands, Great Lord and King the earth throughout. 3 The people all our King fubdues ; The nations throws beneath our feet: 4 For us our heritage he'll chufe ; And Jacob's portion (hall be fweet. 5 God is gone up with fhouts and fongs, The Lord, with trumpets founding-high : Sing praife to God; for praife belongs To Chrifl our King, from earth and fky : 6 Sing praife, fing praife, adore and blefs ; 7 For God is King o'er all the earth ; With Pfal. 48. the New Testament. 147 With understanding praife exprefs ; Sing ye to Chrilfc with joy and mirth. 8 God over all, and blefs'd, he reigns, The heathen's Head, for evermore ; Difpoilng all, he holds the reins : In holinefs, ye faints, adore. 9 The princes of the people all, Together in a body run, Who on the God of Abra'am call, Humbly to greet and kifs the Son: For ail thofe fhields, who do defend The earth, belong to Chrift the Lord. Who can his greatnefs comprehend, By all in heav'n and earth ador'd? PSALM XL VIII. This Pfalm feems to be only a fecond part of the laft; and the meaning of it is equally obvious. The univerfal ponv'r and fway Of Jefut Chrtfi the Lord of Hofts> Through all the nations force their way, And fill the world through all her coatfj-, Let Zion mount rejoice and fingl Let all her children join their voice ! Hofanna to the Lord our King, Who fills us with eternal joys ! i /^PvEAT is the Lord, and greatly he ^Jr Is to be prais'd on Zion- hill : O, all ye faints, in one agree, i'o praife him with your chiefeft (kill . Within the city of our God, Mount Zion, on thy pleafant brow, Where God hath made his fix'd abode, His faints fliall in his glory glow. N i 2 How MS The PSALMS according to 2 How beautiful mount Zion (lands, For fituation glorious, The joy of all furrounding lands ! How lofty fhitfeth God's dear houfe ! Fronting the boiiVrous north, her tow'rs, Depending on th' eternal Rock, Supeiicr rife to hcilile pow'rs* And all her proud afluilants meek. 3 Within her royal palace dwells, Her everlafting Refuge, God : 4 His look :h' affembled princes quells : Away they in a tumult rode. 5 For lo^ they faw, and, marvelling, Were troubled fore, and fled away; 5 As oi a woman travailling, Fierce pains prevent them in their day. 7 When thoufands fquadron'd fliipa affail'd, And our deftrud'tion was their boafl, Thine interpofing blaft prevail'd, And ftrew'd their wreck o'er all the coal?. 8 As we have heard, fo have we fecn, In city of the Lord of Hods ; So all our foes have routed been : In God's protection Zion boaft?. 9 We of thy loving- kindnefs mus'd, And in thy temple fang thy praife, According as thy fervants us'd. Rejoicing in the ancient days. > 10 According to thy name, O God, So is thy praile in all the earth ; For thou haft fown thy name abroad, To fpring up into joy and mirth. Thy righteoufnefs thy hand fliall fpread. 1 1 Let Zion-mount rejoice and ling ; Let Judah's daughters all be glad, And praife the judgments of their King. 12 Walk Plal. 49. the New Testament. 149 1 2 Walk about Zion, and go round j In high proceflion, as ye go, Obferve her borders and her ground., And all her fweet environs know ; 13 Confider well her palaces, And all her tow'rs and bulwarks tell, That ye may fhew the following race The things ye have remarked well. 14 Go, tell the nations ail abroad, That this is God, this God is ours, Median's felf, our Lord and God, Who built and guards mount Zion's tow'rs. Through generations all he lives, And ev'n to death conducts us well j Then, after death, his glory gives,, And makes us laugh at death and hell. PSALM XLIX. The fpeaker in this Pfalm (for it is all fpokeii in one peribn) is the Lord Jefus Chrift ; as he al- io is in Plal. Ixxviii. : for the 2d verfe of that, and the 4th of this, are fo interpreted, Matt, xiii 15. where it is written, * All thele things fpake Jefus 4 unto the multitude in parables ; and without a 1 parable fpake he not unto them ; that it might ' be fulfilled which was fpoken by the prophet, 4 faying, I will open ?ny mouth in parables ; I will * utter things which have been kept fecret from the * foundation of the world.1 — Among other paral- lels, fee Pfal. xxxix. lii. and lxii. TV Eternal Wifdom fends her call, And makes her voice to fiow, Like founding winds, around the bail, To all the high and low : * Be wife, repent and live, to-day; * Tc-mrrow you fhall die-^ N 3 - As 150 The PSALMS recording to * As ttf axe -ft ruck tree flj all yield arid fix) ay * So Jhall it ever lie' 1 A LL people that on earth do dwell, •£*• Draw near, and hear my fpeech * My fpiric flows a living well Of water in your reach. 2 Ye noble and ignoble ones, Ye wealthy and ye poor, Together come to me at once,. And liften at my door. 3. My mouth fhall only wifdom tell; My meditations deep, Wherewith my lab'ring breaft doth fwelfc. Conceal'd I will not keep. 4 O blefTed are your ears who hear, Your hearts who underftand, And fee thofe things advanced near*. Yea now ev'n at your hand ! Thofe things which many a noble prince, And mighty king of old, In vain defir'd to fee, long fince As prophets had foretold ! I will advance my parable, And on my harp difclofe, The myfi'ries hid within the veil ; Nor yet to fools expofe. 5. Why fliould Ifear in evil day, Or dread my bruifed heel, Since I the ferpent's head fhall bray, And court the bruife I feel ? For thouj my God, haft laid on me The fins of all my feed ; I therefore will confers to thee,. Aud for my. trefpafs bleed. Although Pfal. 49. the New Testament. 1.5,1. Although my burden (hall opprefs, And bear mc to the ground, I'll glory therein ne'erthelefs, And death by death confound. 6 But thofe who glory in their wealthy And boaft their heaped ftore ; They only glory in their Health, And foon (hall boaft no more : 7 For none his brother can redeem ; None can redeem himfelf, Nor from the grave his life exeem,. By. all his hoarded pelf.. 8 Whatranfom (hall he give to God3 That he may never die, Nor in the filent dark abode, Among the dead may lie? 9 But. the redemption of the foul,. More precious far than gold, Muft ceafe for ever in that gaol, For all that's bought or fold. 30 For he perceives that wifdom fails*. Wherr death is on the field ; Whofe hand o'er ev'ry rank prevails3 And makes the boldeft yield. The brutifh fool efcapeth not, But falls beneath the blow;. He perifheth upon the fpot, To mourn in fhades below : He leans upon his heaps of gold, Till, bre?thing out his laft, Unwillingly he quits his hold, While others feize them fait. II Their inward thought is, that their houfe Shall evermore remain, And that the heritage they ufe, Shall ay their names retain ; 12 But iji Tie PSALMS j.': — ..' ts i : But man in glory (hall not flay, A Wowing fiow'r at belt ; He withereth, and fade? As perilheth a bead. 1 3 Such is their wifdom and their war ; . I mds con left; But yet their children fondly fay, t, f :re blefi. \\ Like I h.eep they in the grave are laid, :h In all on them feed ; A.:~.:ugh they never were afraid, N : : to their ways took heed : But when tbey ri:>, the fons of God em have pow'r ; I - em, in their dark and dire abode, Both death and hell i : But Gog redeems me from the gn e pow'r of bell; \:h open arms he will rece: t My foul, with him to dv :6 Be not difcour2g'd at thy view** TTiough one in ri :ie, And though the glory of bis bouie By far excelleth - 1 : vfaca hi, he leaves bis ftore; He carries nought away ; His glory 's gene for evermore, As night abforbs the day. i S Though, wbile be liv'd, his foul he U - And men will praifes give "When thou of riches art pofle:. And thrivingly doft i: j o He (hall to aH : I go, d generations dead : Kg more the light of life they knew; PCil. 50- the New Testate ~ be man who doth in honour \z. And underitandeth not, A :""-' •.' :: -:_....-, memory lhall rot : :he wile, bright* Shall ever thine with me ; »Ie fools, like beafts who periOi quite, . . . - . . : ? S a 1 :: i. I . 1 L -. .. - - muft worfnip him in that fpirit, «£nd in that troth. . re-:. — In a word, the meaning of this and the next on is, in; a (hcrt fum, the meaning of 2 connected teniaiony of God. See Pfelm ii» zhy and thole on the margin. 7 AmliH tbs angels if bis p&w*r9 His fcrcanfs talents t9 refuir?, B lb 7 - . ■ . .. " Y 1 1 E ghty God of gods, the Lord, -*- Hath fpoken to the earth, ac ] ili'd) : From riling of the morn: j To where he fink?, and hides his fa c r.akes his awi'ul fummons rcn, To cite the liping a~ i : - 154 The PSALMS according to 2 His glory, burfting through the cloud, Hath mined forth moft glorioufly, Enlightening all the world abroad, From Zion, his excellency. 3 Our God, he comes, the Lord reveal'd ; He rides fublime on clouds of (ire: His judgments all, no more conceal'd, Shall be fulfill'd at his defire. The folding flames before him roll ; The heav'ns beneath the temped bend •, The earth becomes a burning fcroll, O world, to folemnize thine end. 4 He to the heav'ns above hath call'd, And to the earth, their charge to yield; To all the fummons is propal'd, To haften to the judgment- field. 5 Come, all my covenanted train, Who've wanVd your garments in my blood v The Lamb, your Judge, for you was flain : Come boldly forth, and meet your God. — 6 Behold, the heav'ns thai! then declare Emmanuel's righreoufnefs abroad, "When all mankind affembled are, To worfhip him their Judge and God. j Hear, O my people, and I'll fpeakj O Ifra'l, lend thine ear to me : How fimple is thine heart, and weak? The Lord thy God, confronteth thee. 8 I'm God, thy God ; I'll not reprove Thee for thy iaoririces few ; Nor {hall thine holocaufts remove Thy fins, though always in my view. 9 I'll take no bullock from thy flail, Nor lamb, nor he-goat from thy fold ; io For beafts of forefls, great or fmall, Are all mine own, both voung and old : ' The Pfal. 50. the New Testament, 155 The cattle on a thoufand hills, Belong to me the Lord thy God : I've fown the grafs, I've pour'd the rills, That fill them both with drink and food. ill know the fowls of ev'ry wing, Who o'er the rocks and mountains fly; The birds of prey, and thofe who fing, The harmlefs tenants of the fky. The wild beads of the field who roam, And fcent about in fearch of prey, To me for leave behove to come; 1 throw their portion in their way. 1 2 If I were hungry, I would not Complain, and tell my cafe, to thee: The world is mine — an ample lot ! And all its {lores belong to me. 13 Do 1 delight, fool I doft thou think, To eat the rlefh of goat or bull ? Or, if I'm thiritv, will I drink The blood of lambs till I be full ? 14 Nay rather, if thou'lt hear thy God, And hearken to the voice of love, Behold the paths that I have ihow'd, The paths Jehovah doth approve. If thou wilt enter into life, By any deed or work of thine, It mufl not be an idle ftrife, But perfect as my law divines But if thou wilt beiieva, and fee The labours finifh'd in my blood, Be juftified, and follow me, And glory in thy Shepherd good. Then, offer thou the facrifice Of thankfgiving and praife to rrre, "Which are mod pleating in mine eyes, And verily becoming thee. 1 5 Perform 156 'PSALMS according U 15 Perform thy vows to God mod high, And call upon me in thy day Of trouble; I will hear thy cry, And thou my glory (halt diiplay. 16 But God unto the wicked faith, "What has my foul to do with thee : Since thou art void of truth and faith, Why meddleft thou with my decree ? "Why doth thy mouth my name pollute ? Thy lips my covenant profane ? 1 7 Since thou intlrutHon cafteft out, And fpum'ft my words as vile and vain : 18 When thou a thief perceived'ft, then Thou didft along with him confent; And, with the lewd adult' rous train, Thou to thy lewdnefs gaveft vent. 19 Thy mouth thou giveft unto ill, Thy tongue deceit doth only frame, 20 Thou fitteft on the plot, to ipill Thy brother's character and fame : Thy father's houfe, difturb'd by thee, Yea, thine own mother's tender fon, "Whom thou haft ilander'd, cry to me, On thee to pour my wrath anon. 21 Thefe things thou wickedly haft done, And I kept filence all the while That thou prefumptucufly haft gone In ways of lewdnefs, fraud, and guile; Thou thoughteft I was wholly fuch As thou, and did approve thy way; But I \vill now reprove thee much, And range thy fins in juft array. 22 Confider this, ye great and fmall, Who fearlefsly forget the Lord; Left I in pieces tear you all, While none deliverance can afford. 1 23 Who 5i- *&* New Test a mint. 157 23 Who ofFreth praife, me glorifies, Rejoicing in my gofpel - grace ; He mali obtain the heavenly prize, And triumph in eternal peac. For whofo ordereth an His life, and converfaricn pure, To him Til fhew my glory bright, And make him dwuil with me fecure. PSALM LI. Aftsr all that ha- already been a great length in the general preface concerning the penmen of the Pfalms, the times and occafions whereon they were penned, £"*". and concerning this Pfalm in particular, the reader may fum up the whole procefs cf the argument for its interpre- tation, and application to the Lord Jefus Chriit, the Mediator and Surety cf the better Teilament, as attempted in the following paraphrafe, in this m ner: — The Pfalm is ev tvery word of it, fpoken by one perfon : the words in ver. 1 6. c Thou * defireft not facritice,' c.. clearly importing the fame meaning with ver. 8. of the laft Pfalm, * I * will not reprove thee for thy facrinces,' &c. and with ver. 6. of Pfalm il. * Sacrifice and offerings * thou didil not defire,' &c. are exprefsly (as ob- ferved in the illustration of Pfalm xl. which is the key to this one and all its parallels) applied by the Holy Ghoft, the alone witnefs of thofe things, as fpoken by Chriit coming into the world, Heb. x. 6, uc. — If any man, now, pretend to give ano- ther turn to thofe words, he lays thereby, that he :han God — and he who provokes him to Joory, lhould confider, if he be firongcr too! — ; fubfeqaent paraphrafe is made particularly large and full upon every fentence in the F. to ihew, that there is no blaiphemy (as many have mod blafphemoufly alledet :hii man- O ncr 1 58 The F S A L M S according to nerof interpretation ; which mufi: cither be atl- mitted, or the New Te (lament made void! See particularly the whole Epiftle to the Hebrews. N. B. From ver. 5. to 18 of the Pfalm, thofe fentences, which in our verfion (land in the form of petitions or prayers, are in the paraphrafe turn- ed into the form of predictions of things, which were to be fulfilled in the Son of God. Thus, * Create in me.' or rather, * Thou fhalt create in * me a clean heart, O God,' Ce. refpect the hu- man nature in its perfection, prepared or created for the eternal Son of God, who behoved to be made in ail things, reipecting that nature, like un- to his brethren, except fin. — This liberty of chaa- 1 the form of the above fentences, all the com- entators allow, when they tell us the curfes or * nprecatiohs in the Pfalms fhould rather be ren- dered predictions. However, either way the knle is the fame: fo that there needs be thought no oc- casion of Humbling here upon that account. — 4 God ■ hath made drill to be (in for us, who knew no 4 fin, that we might be made the righteoufnefs of * God in him.' 2 Cor. v. 21. Ifa. liii. Gai. in. 13. 1 Pet. ii 24. — Sec all the parallels o{ thefe para- ges, and or this Pfalm; and then judge, and fay, « Let God be true, and every man a liar.' Amen. Wten David fuvfd with Bathh/jeha, slnd Jhed Uriah's blood; A* Nathan did the Jim* le draw, 7 '.: ki>ig cor reded fiood ; * Than art the man,' the prophet fa;dj * On thee the fxvord Jliall be : * Thy neighbour then haft murdered ; * His wife debauch1 d by thee : * Bat yet thy Jin is put away ; 1 Thv guilt is covered : « Thy fan Mefiah, in his day, 1 For thee his blood jhall J/:ed.f — Pial. 51. the New Testament. 159 Then David, moved by the Lord, Prophetic, breath' d this Pfalm ; Meffiah's labours to record — Bis Jinrjlrucli foul to calm. 1 pEhold, my Father, fee thy Son! & I bend beneath, my load-: For mine iniquities 1 groan, Prefs'd by thy hand, O God. Were not thy terukr mercies fure, And loving- kindneffes, "When I engaged to endure The frownings of thy face? I thought them fure ; nor can I lefs ; Yet in the pangs of death, When juftice fierce, and holir.efs, Are drinking up my breath. I yield it up ; for why mould I Deny my ibiemn vow i Uimfelf my God cannot deny : Before my God 1 bow. Have mercy thou on me, my God, According to thy love ; And free me from this heavy load, Which thou alone canft move : For thou haft laid this load on me, And bound it by thy pow'r ; According to thy mercy, fee, And fave me from this hour : O lift thine eye, and kindly mine Thefe heavy clouds away, The crimes which thou accounted mine, And change my night to day. 2 O wafh me, walh me from my guilt, And cleanfe away my fin; Though for my ftains my blood be fpilt, I know no ftafin wiihin. O 2 2 Yet I Go The PSALMS according ta 3 Yet I acknowledge, Lord, to thee All my tran-fgreffions high j My fins are flill confronting me, And flare me in the eye. 4 'Gainft thee, O Lord, 'gainft thee alone, Was my tranfgreflion wrought j And in thy fight- this evil done, For which my blood is fought : * This debt is mine by thy decree, And juftifies my God, In taking vengeance upon me,. And calling for my blood. 5 Behold, in fulnefs of the time, I'm form'd the womb within. Involved in the deadly crime Of my imputed fin : My mother's felf, a finful wight, In fin conceiveth me ; And I'm a finner in thy fight, Altho' from finning free : For fin thou makeft me, O God, Though fin I never knew-, That lighteoufnefs might be beilow'd Where death was only due. Let all believers now rejoice In (Thrift their R.ighteoufnefs; My forrows are their only joys, My death their happinefs. 6 Behold, O God, thy heart's defire Is truth the heart within ; And thou wilt give what thou'lt require, And with the heart begin : Thou'lt furely make me wifdom know Within my inner part ; And thou wilt all thy glory fliow In centre of my heart. 7 With BTal. 5r- the New Testament. 161 7 With my own blood thou'lt purge me fo, As fignify'd of old, When hyilbp-bunches blood did throw, Which Mofes hath foretold : Thoul't make me whiter than the (how, And wafh me pure as God; For this my blood in dreams fhall flow, And fprinkle all abroad. 8 Thou'lt joy and gladnefs make me hear, And caufe my bones rejoice, Whillt 1, exulting, drawing near, 8hall celebrate my joys : For all my bones, reftor'd by thee, The bones which thou haft broke, Shall laugh, and fing, and joyful be, And future bruifes mock. 9 Thou'lt hide thy face from all my fins, And all my forrows chafe, Wrhen mine iniquity begins To rob my foul of peace. io And when my frame thou (halt create, My body and my-fool, Thou'lt make me in a perfect ftate, Thy work divine the whole : My heart within me fhall be pure, The heart which thou'lt create; My fpirit conftant fhall endure, Nor change its perfect ftate : As Adam, thou wilt not reject Thy Chrift, the Lord from heav'n; For thy commands I will not break, Nor fwerve from precepts giv'n. 3 1 Thou wilt not from thy prefence caft, Nor drive me from tny face, As Adam, when he over-pafl The barrier thou did ft place ; O3 Thy 1 62 The PSALMS according to Thy Spirit thou'lt not take away, Nor leave me in the pow'r Of fubtile ferpent, to betray, And then my foul devour. 12 The joys of thy falvation thou Wilt unto me reftore, Which, all the fallen race till now, In Adam loft, deplore. Thou'lt with thy Spirit me uphold, Thy Spirit kind and free; And, thro' thy mercies manifold, The kingdom give to me. 13 Then will I (hew thy ways unto Tranfgreflbrs ev'ry where, When thou'lt the Holy Ghoft beflow On rne, thy Son and Heir. Then fmners fhall converted be, And turned to their God, Away from ev'ry vanity, In all the world abroad. 14 Thou'lt me deliver from the blood Of all thine eleci race; For by thy love I'll bear their load; My blood fhali be their peace : And of the unbeliever's blood, Becaufe he me withftands, When 1 proclaim thy counfel good, I'll boldly wafh my hands : Aflbil'd from bloods, O God, by thee, Of my falvation God, I'll of thy juflice pure and free For ever fing aloud. j 5 Thou wilt enlarge my heart and mouth, And fill them with the praife Of thy pure everlafting truth, And all thy gracious ways. 16 For Pfal. Jf. the New Testament. 163 1 6 For thou defir'ft no facrifke Which 'mortals can afford ; No incertfe blazing to the fkies, Will fatisfy the Lord : He laughs at their phantaftic dreams Who think to purge their guilt, With blood that fmokes in thoufand (breams* Though thoufands more were fpilt. 17 A facrificed perfect heart, A fpirit all contrite, Which from thy ftatutes ne'er depart, In thefe thou wilt delight ; And thefe thou wilt provide for me : I come to do thy will, And claim acceptance, Lord, of thee. Thy laws when I fulfil : I come not for myfelf at all, But thofe thou gaveft me, That I may fave them, great and fmall, By glorifying thee. 18 Do good, in thy good pleafure, Lord, Unto thy Zion now; And k*t Jerufalem, reftor'd, Be builded row by row. 19 Then (halt thou, O my God, approve Their fruits of righteoufnefs ; For ofF'rings pure of faith and love Thine altars, Lord, fhall prefs : The calves which from their lips proceed, Their holocaufts of praife, Becaufe thy Lamb for them fhall bleed, O God, thy fame (hall raife : To thee, ivhofe temple is all /pace, Wboft altar earth, feasy Jkies, For all the blefiings of thy grace, Le: hallelujahs rile. FSALM - : A L M : _ - -': ■--"- _"■: O: ' ----- - - ~ : : _ :ljc* and i- - r - ".-: : t _ - ^ t: r - d ; .-- - "I ,-i: ■9U n*b fc, '. -r. : - s r. r,d this the righteous (hall bebol And fear their God, as Noah en, in t: fent of He faw the faithlels people hid : v (hall be fii*:' lughter loud, , Behold the man who fcorn'd To truft in God, he was £> proud, :d at the Al m He ?rtimde 0 4 pe and hoarded gel [ B tntfted Hi 1 Of tinners rouni ung and old* I I am like an olive g:: No mildew ■ rlanch; coarts, O G With plealant leaf and fpreading branch . I'll t crcy e?c And drink th' eternal dews cf lore, And laugh at all the (torn rive I fa :'rom thy dwellings to rerr. . 9 I'll praife r. :-., Becaufe he hath ;■.. Thy Son, O God, : e; before th P S A L M LIII. W -: then Mrj conl cDncerair . in this P;alm, ( which ;termine or and ct his pc. - . the awful d q of, an^: - out God, a£ J without hope ia die wori. 1 66 T^ PSALMS according to irretrievable overthrow of all the fearful and un- believing, the neglecters of the great falvation — contrafled and aggravated by the confederation of the eternally triumphant joy, and long of But God fhall cut their days in twain, In mid-career require their foul* But, O Jehovah, I will truft, And place my whole delight, in thee j For thou art holy, good, and juft: Thy Chrift (hall feel thee fo to be. P S A L M LVI. The illuftration the fame as the cxvi. andexviii. to which it is exactly parallel. The Lord for mercy cries and prays ; The n/ercy that he came to give. According to jfehovab's nvays, The Surety dies, the /tuners live : But ivo to all his enemies* Who thought to Jhva/foiv him alive I For God Jljall lanijh them the jhcsy But by his glory him revive. The TITLE Paraphrased. I fing the mute, the mourning dove, Who pants upon her way to fare,. But Pul. $6. the New Testament. 173 But can no more her pinions move, Entangled in a cruel fcare. 1 TT AVE pity, O my God, on me; *■"*• For man would f wallow me alive; All day the warriors round me be, Who for my foul's oppreffion drive. 2 Mine enemies do daily gape, And fight to fwaliow up my foul; But by thy favour I'll efcape ; For thou 'It prefer ve me found and whole. 3 When Fm afraid, I'll truft in thee : 4 In God, I'll praife his holy word ; In God my confidence (hall be ; I will not fear a human fword. 5 Each day they turn my words awry; Their thoughts are all def;gning ill j 6 In ambufh they againft me ly, And watch my ways my blood to f 7 Shall they by their iniquity, Efcape thy judgments, O my God ': Their ways to thee for vengeance cry ; In anger crufh them with thy rod. 8 Thou all my wand'rings knoweft welf, And thou doft regifter each groan; 'lhou all my trickling tears cfoft tell, And fcai'ft and bottle ft ev'ry one. <) When I complain, O Lord, to thee. Mine enemies (ball then give wr,v ; For this I know, God is for me ; And God will hear me when I prav. 10 In God, I'll praife his holy word; O Lord, thy word (hall praifed be : 11 For 1 confide in thee, O Lord : What' is it man can dc t ine ? * 3 1 74 The PSALMS according tc 12 Thy vows are on me, O my God ; I'll render praifes unto thee : 13 For thou the paths of life haft fliow'd, When death's grim terrors were on me - And wilt not thou deliver, now, My feet from falling ever free ? That I may walk, and pay my vow, O living God, in fight of thee. Thy ways were all before me plain, When I engag'd to do thy will ; To die for men, and rife again, And reign thy King on Zion-hill, I'll therefore praife thee evermore, When I thy glory all fhall fee, And thine eternal love explore, As thou haft promis'd,. Lord, to me. P S A L M LVII. See the lad Pfalm, but chiefly the xvi. xxxvi. and cviii. all precifely parallel, with ethers cited in the margin. The fixed hart, the fixed heart Of Jefus pants, and founds, and brays ,. While, trembling like the hunted hart, To God he. files, and cries, and prays — Till his purfaers, fierce-purfifd, By all their thoufands round him fall ; And he his Father's face has view d. His fears and forroivs fwa!lo Triumph'uig all the world abroad : The faints, his glory, priefls and kings ! Sing evermore aloud to Cod* I O PfaL'57* the New Testament. 175 1 f^\ Pity me, Lord pity me ; ^^ My foul hath plac'd her hope in thee ; Yea, to the ihadow of thy wings, I'll tfy when evil on me fprings, Till all thefe fad calamities Be overpaft, which force my cries: 2 For I will cry to God Mod High, "Who all my wants doth well fupply. 3 He (hall from heav'n fend down, and fave My foul from ev'ry fwelling wave -r For floods of ill men me furround, And roar, and rage to fee me drown'd. God (hall his mercy fend, and truth, 4 And fave my foul from lion's mouth y For lions, roaring for their prey, Befet my foul both night and day. I'm ftation'd among burning fires, Ev'n fons of men, whom hell infpires : Their teeth are fpears and arrows, Lord ; Their tongue's a (harp and furbifh'd fword, 5 Be thou exioll'd, O God, on high, Above the earth,, above the Iky : For lb, thy glory's very far Advanc'd above the higheft flar.. 6 They have for me prepar'd a net, And for my fleps a fnare have fet;. They've digg'd a pit before my way, In midft whereof they fell and lay, 7 My heart is fixt, my heart is fixt, O God ; with praifes intermixt, And gratitude, I'll fill my fong, Which endlefs ages (hall prolong. 8 Awake, my glory, all, awake, Ye pow'rs of mufic, for my fake; For I myfelf will early rife, And praife the Lord above the ikies : I'll 1-6 The PSALMS according to I'll praife thee, Lord, amons: the crowd Of all thy faints, and fing aloud ; I'll fpread thy name the world around, Till all the nations catch the found. 9 1*11 found aloud my heav'nly joy j I'll glory in my grand employ ; Thy mercy's great above the Iky; ri hy truth above the clouds doth fly. Be thou extoli'd above the heav'nj By all the earth be glory gr/n : For thou my God and Father art, The boaft and glory cf my heart. PSALM LVIIL- See Pfal xxxv. and HI. with their parallels. The rulers of the people met, Like wolves -around a lamb combined, Jgainfi the Lord of glory Jet, Contrive the death they had defignd : But ah ! the blood they mean to jbed, (Which fiO Wlxn chafend by the rod ; Which our kind Father doth ewplc • To glue our hearts to God, Till light a/id glory overcome.. And fcallo-vj up ou< fears : When Jefus comes to bring us hoh'i^ HSU ivipe dvoaj our tears, 1 C\ God, thou haft rejected us, ^-^ And caft us far away ; Subjected to the heavy curfe, We bow down all the day: 2 Thou hall us fcatter'd by thy rod, And made the world to quake; The earth doth tremble all abroad, Accurfed for our fake. 3 O heal the breaches thou haft made; Thy own mount Zion quakes : With gall, for wine, fhe (hakes her he-ad; She feeds on bitter cakes. 4 This thou haft done for holy ends, To fhew thy love at la ft ; That he, thy love who comprehends, May Ting the forrows pa ft : For thou a banner haft difplayM To thofe who love thy name, t Q^ That 1 82 f^ PSALMS according to That in thy truth we may be glad, And found abroad thy fame. 5 That thy Beloved might be fav'd, And fav'd by thy right hand, I have obtained all I crav'd, And joyful made thy land. 6 God in his holinefs hath fpoke j I will rejoice indeed : For Sechem firfr fhall own my yoke; Then Succoth's vales fucceed. 7 Gilead is mine by right divine ; ManafTeh is mine own ; Ephraim mines in foremoft lines ; But Judah wears the crown. •8 Moab's my pleafant-water'd field, Where all my flocks I'll feed : Thou, Edom, fhalt me fervice yield, Where- e'er my foot fhall tread : Philiftia, thou fhalt triumph too, Becaufe of me thy King, And dance upon mount Zion's brow, While Judah's daughters fing. 9 Who, now, will lead me to the gates Of Edom's flrongeft hold, Where all the flow'r of Edom waits, Her portals to unfold ? id O wilt not thou, the Lord our God, Who haft difpleafed been, And fcatter'd Ifra'l all abroad, Whofe armies foil'd have been ? I i O give us help from trouble now ; For vain 's the help of man : 12 Through God we valiant things fhall do; For God fhall lead our van. Let IfraTs youth rejoice and fing ; Let Judah's daughters dance : In i. the New Test aUZ&t, 183 In name of our exalted King, Our banners we'll advance. PSALM LXI. Spoken by the Lord Jefus Clirift, and parallel to Pfalna ii. Let churches Jtng with Chrifl their King* And fend aloft their huirts : He leads their praifs, and leads their -:;>;.> And gives them each their parts. His wings Jbatl hide them r.. In Jbeiter of his nai?:e : F:r evermore, the Lord before, He lives ; they do the fame. 1 (~\ Hear my cry, thine ear apply, ^^ My God, unto my pray'r ', For daily I before thee ly, And pour my inmofl care. 1 Prom fanhefr bound of earth, my found Shall reach, O Lord, to thee : If e'er 1 found, in forrow drown'd, My heart o'erwhdm'd in me, Lo then, behold, thou didft unfold The fweetnefs of thy love, And lead me hold to my ffrcng-hold*, -c:\ cannot move. 3 Tor thou haft been for me a fcr^ 1 , And fortrefs from my foe, Where ftiil Vm feen, and tee, I ween, O Lord, thy wing below : For lo, in thy pavilion, I For ever lhail abide, Above the iky, to found on high Thy praiies far and wide : Qji 4 Fo* 1 84 The PSALMS according to 4 For thou, O Lord, wilt me afford, According to my vow, And thy fure word, which I'll record, An everlafting now, With thee to dwell, thy ways to tell To thofe who love thy name, Whom I love well, who (hall excel : This heritage I claim. 5 Thy King (hall know no change, nor wo, Through years an endlefs train : 6 For thou'lt beftow what thou doll owe, An -everlafting reign. 7 Before thee fall he never fhall, The Lord of all thy houfe. 8 Chrift's fubje&s all him Sovereign call, And daily pay their vows. PSALM LXII. This Pfalm, fpoken alio in the perfon of the Meffiah, is evidently one of the fame fpirit, and line of interpretation, with Pfalm xxxiii. xxxiv. and xxxvii. The Lord of Life, the church* j Head, Her Life, her Pattern, Joy, and Praife% To Gcd fuhmitted in her flcad, Is the example to her ways : He glory1 d in his Father' 's 'will, fill he fulfil? d it in his death ; That so the church might glory fillf Redeemed by his blood from wrath. I VEA truly, truly, I do wait, -*- O Lord, my God, for only thee: With thy falvation recreate The foul of poor affli&ed me. 2 Thou ?fal. 62. the New Testament. 1S5 2 Thou only my Salvation art, My Rock amidii the raging waves; I'm built on thee, and {hall not Hart, For all the billows ocean heaves. 3 How long will ye devife and plot, Ye fons of men, againft the man, Who comes to meliorate the lot Of thofe who love the holy plan. But ye (hall all be flain and fall, When his artillery flia.ll play; Ye mall be as a bowing wall, Of tott'ring rampart giving way. 4 They only plot to caft him down From his excellency and pow'r : But he (hall wear th' eternal crown, When death's grim train fhall them devour.- In only lies they do delight ; And lies (hall be their refuge then, When thou (halt, putting them to flight, To their damnation fay, Amen* Their lips they open with a fmile, And blefs you, fmirking in your face; But, ah ! their mouth is full of guile ; In heart they curfe you and your race. 5. My foul, upon thy God await; My expectation is from him: I (hall not perifh at his gate, Nor, looking long,, mine eyes grow dirru- 6 He only my Salvation is; He is my Rock amid the fea :.. I laugh and overlook, th* abyfs ; The boldeft wave cannot move me.- 7 In God my glory is fecure; My fweet Salvation I'll adore : My Rock, my Refuge mail endure ; For God 's my Rock for evermore. y> g^ry, glory fing Unto the Lord our God alone t Our God, cur Glory is our King! We II join the praifes s/the Son : t R The 1 74 r^.PSALMS according to The Son or God condufts our fongi He leads us on to heavenly joy ; Through floods and flames ive /I Jing along% ■ And praife Jl?ail be our fole en/p/oy. i A LL lands to God, in joyful founds, -^*- Sing forth the honour of his name, Till all the world aloud rebounds, 2 And glorious make his praife and fame : 3 Sav unto God, How terrible Art thou in all thy works of pow'r ? Thy greatnefs fhall thy foes repel, Thy terrors fhall thy foes devour. 4 Lo, all the earth fhall worfhip thee, And thoufand worlds to thee mall fingj Thy name fhall fung and prai fed be, O thou Almighty Lord and King. 5 Come, and behold the works of God; How great and terrible are they, Towards the children all abroad "Who dwell in mould'ring tents of clay! 6 He turn'd the liquid into dry, And thro' the flood they march'd on foot ; He made the boiifrous billows fly, To right and left — to guard the rout : There we in him did much rejoice, And Ifra'l fang his Saviour's praife; The fhores, rebounding with our joys, Ptefponfive rang to Miriam's lays. 7 By his puiflance ruling aye, His eyes behold the nations fl 111 : Let no rebellious ftandards play, Life let them dread his pow'r and will. 8 O blefs our God, ye people all, And make the voice of praife rebound ! 9 By him we live, both great and fmall, And tread our foes into the ground. xo For Pfal. 66. tie New Testament. 195 10 For thou, O God, haft proved us, And melted us to thy defire; So gold and filver, tried thus, Are melted in the fmer's fire. 1 1 Thou broughteft us into the net; Thou laidft ailliction on cur loins ; 12 And fquadron'd hods, in battle fet, Have o'er us rode, and trode our lines : Thro' fire and water we have gone; But (till thou didft uphold our march, Ami fafe conduct us ev'ry one Thro' deferts which the drought did parch :. Then broughteft us to pleafant lands, Into a wealthy heritnge : 13 With ofPrings I will fill my hands; To pay my vows my heart I pledge. 14 My lips have uttered my vows In anguiih great, my mouth did fay? 15 I'll bring the orFring thou deft chufe; Myself I'll on thine altar lay. 16 Come, hear, all ye who love the Lord, I will declare what he hath done; Salvation he did me afford ; He fav'd my foul when aim oft gone : 17 To him I cried with my mouth ; H e w a 1 ex: 0 1 1 e . 1 " w i t h no 7 tongue: 18 If in my heart there's ought but truth, The Lord will (corn my pray'r and fciig. 19 But verily my God hciili hear And lent his ear my pray'r to hear; 20 O blciVd be God who did regard, Who fav'd his Chrift, his iervant dear: He fiv'd my foul from death and hell, And made me htir of ail the worl< My faints with me in heav'n ihall dwell, When ail my foes are downwards hurl'd. K 2 PSALM LLN La - -- 1 - - - - _ - - pimiiispm '-- -- . G - 1 ■■ :- ■', - - : - - - t : — ■ : [ Of 7 Ol - PSALM LXVIU. -'.:, prophetic . - • - - - - ■ ■ } 7 - '7 . 7 L . - : T ET God arife, and burft tbe bands* DC ; His lOcr . : them b &3 j 98 The PSALMS according to 2 As fmoke is driv,n before the wind, So drive them fuddenly from thee; As wax that melts to fire confign'd, Confum'd before thee let them be. 3 But let the juftrfied, glad, Before their Juftifier ting, In robes of royal glory clad, Exulting in the Lord their King, 4 Chant to your God melodioufly, Sing, fing to your Emmanuel's name.: . He rides along the heav'ns on high, By his name Jah, i\\q Lord fupreme: Exult before him, dance and fing; 5 The widow's heart mail bound for joy, The fatherlefs ihall leap and fpring, And hope the heavy heart (hall buoy : fn 's holy habitation, he, The widow's Hufband, Judge, and God9 Shall vindicate and fet her free, And train her children with his rod. 6 God makes the folitary dwell Jn rr.anfions of eternal love, And draws the ilaves of death and hell, By pow'r divine, to heav'n above ; But thofe who rife againft their Prince, And fcorn to wear the chains of grace, Their doom is part in heav'n long fince, That they mall never fee his face : In darknefs how they mourn and wail, And curfe their refuges of lies, Now fwept away by driving hail, In depths of hell, no more to rife ! 7 O God, when thou in glory didft Before thy people lfra'1 march, The howling wildernefs amidft, Where drought and heat the ground did parch, 8 Lo, Pfal. 68. the New Testament. 190 8 Lo, then the earth a-trembling fell, And then the heav'ns began to drop, Before the God of Ifrael, Defc ending on Mount Sinai's top: Thou Sinai, too, didft quake and bow, And totter to thy very rcot, When God Almighty on thy brow Did {lightly prefs thee with his foot. 9 Then thou, O God, didil fend thy rain In plenty on the weary ground, Whereby thou didil revive again Thy parch'd inheritance around : 10 Thy congregation, Lord, did make With thee their habitation there, And of thy goodnefs did partake, Which for the poor thou didil prepare, 11 The Lord himfelf did give the word, The word divine abroad did fpread ; Great was the company, C) Lord, Of thofe the fame who published,. 12 Kings of great armies foiied were, And forc'd to fly away apace ; The prince who ruleth in the air, With all his hofls, the Lord did chafe. — » But his dear fpoufe, who (laid at home, He call'd to diftribute the fpoil ; She fprang- with joy to fee him come,. Returning glorious from his toil. 13 Though ye have lien among the pots, Like doves anon ye (hall appear, Whofe wings with gold and filver fpots, In varied hue, mine bright and elear. 14 When there th' Almighty fcatterd kings, Who glow'd in robes of gloiTy white, Death flew on them with thoufand wings, Like driving mow on Salmon's height. 15 The 2co Tm PSALMS according to 15 The hill of God, as B#fhan-hill, As Bafhan-hi»! both high and great, With wonder ihall the kingdoms fiJl, And all the world with pomp and (late. 16 Why do ye leap, ye lofty hills, Thus far retiring from your place? This is the hill Jehovah fills With grace, with mercy, truth, and peace* &-■ Jehovah dwells for evermore, And here alone defires to dwell, On Zion-hill \ — where, o'er and o'er, We (hall his glorious actions tell. 17 God's chariots twenty thoufand are, And angels thoufands thoufands bright,, His pow'r and glory do declare, And celebrate with matchlefs might : The Lord among them ever reigns, As lately on Mount Sinai's brow, He gave his law in awful ftrains, Along their ranks, in Ifra'ls view,. j.8 Thou haft, O Lord moll glorious, Afcended up to God on high, And, in triumph victorious, Haft captive led captivity. Thou haft received gifts for men, Yea, ev'n for thofe who did rebel ;- That God the Holy Ghoft might reign,. And evermore within them dwell. 19 Blefs'd be the Lord, who daily does With his moll gracious bleQings load The happy dwellers in his houfe ; Who is of our falvation God ! 20 For he who is our God moil high, Is our Redeemer kind and good, Who came from heav'n our fouls to buy,- To buy them with his precious blood : Ev'n Pfal. 68. the New Testament. 2ci Ev'n to our God the Lord belong The ifilies both from death and hell ; 21 But God (hall quell the fmfui throng, Againit his gofpel who rebel. 2 2 The Lord hath faid, I'll bring again My faints from Hainan's fartheft hill; Yea, from the deep devouring Main My people bring again I will ; 23 O Jacob, that thy foot may be Dipt in the blood of all thy foes, And that the dogs who fawn on thee May lap it as it fmokes and flows. 24 Thy goings have confpicuous been, The goings of my King and God ; His ways the people ail have feen, Within his holy high abode. 25 The fingers rais'd the lofty fong, The players caught the folemn found, The tab'ring damfeis play'd along, And fweetiy led the choirs around. 26 Blefs, blefs ye God, th' avTembly fings, Blefs, blefs the Lord, from Ifra'ls Fount ; The tc-nple all rebounds and rings, While God's high praifes they recount. 27 Lo, there is little Benjamin, With him the Ruler of their flock j. T liy princes, Judah, there are feen, With their grave fenatoriai (lock ; The princes too of Zebulun, With thofe of Naphtali, the hind; With ail the thoufands round them run, When IfruYs Hags play in the wind. 2^Zion, thy God commands thy Itrength ; O ftrengtben, Lord, thy Zicn now, That we may fee thy face at length, And all thy glorious works may know. 29 Becaufe 20 z The PSALMS according t§ 29 Becaufe of thy Jerufalem, And temple thou haft built thee there, Great kings {hall come, and bring with them Rich royal prefents, treafures rare! 30 O God, rebuke thofe companies Of fpearmen, with that multitude Oi bulls, who roaring round us rife, Raging and bellowing for our blood: Let all the people fly like calves Purfued hard by (laughter-hounds ; Nor foil thy foes, O God, by halves, But let them fall by mortal wounds ; Unlefs themfeives they foon fubmit, And for their tribute off'rings bring; For they muft fall into the pit, Who rife againfl the Lord their King. 31 Princes mall come from foreign lands, Thou, Egypt, foon flinlt bow to God; Thou, Ethiopia, ftretch thine hands, And pay the homage thou haft ow'd. 32 Let all the world adore and bow; Let all the kingdoms of the earth Sing praife, fing praife their Lord unto! Let all the nations fhew their mirth ! 33 To him who rides upon the heav'n, The heav'n of heav'ns which were of old*. The pow'r aifl kingdom both be giv'n ; His glorious acts we will unfold. Ke fendeth out his mighty voice, His mighty voice (hall found abroad ; His tidings of eternal joys Snail fill the univerie of God. 34 To Oh rid: afcribe ye flrength and might, His glory over Ifra'l iliiaes ; His excellence is joy and light, To manifeft his high dehgns : Hi* Pfal. 69. the New Testament, 203 His glory is above the clouds ; 35 Q God, how terrible art thou ! In heav'n thou ruleft o'er the gods ; The angels to thy fceptre bow : O IfraTs God and Saviour, Thou giveft to thy people might ; Blefs'd be our God, our ftrength, our powV, Our joy, our praife, our life, our light! PSALM LXIX. This, like the xxii: xxxv. and xl. is one of the principal Key-p/alms (if I may ufe the expreffion) to the whole book. See the general preface, and the marginal references, which, to fave tranfcrib- ing, I purpofely omit. — I would only here once for all obferve, that there is not one objection that has been, or can poffibly be brought againft this method of interpreting the Pfalms, and applying them to Chrift, but what is undeniably contained in this Pfalm; which, being all fpoken in one per- fon, and that perfon by the Holy Ghoft declared to be Chrift, is an infallible proof, that to load this interpretation with objections, is to load the Holy Ghoft with lies. — But to follow out this matter, would be to write a large book. — Let the reader, who defires fatisfaction, only compare the citations in the New Teftament from this Pfalm, as any margin will direct him ; and, without being willingly ignorant, he cannot fail to perceive the blafphemy of fuppofing David to be the hiftorian of his own experiences therein, toge:her with the blafphemous confequences following thereupon : from which may the good Lord deliver us ! Amen. See Rom. xv. 3, &c. Lo, finking in the miry c/ay, The depth of ivaters overflowed The Lord of glory in his day, When reconciling us to God: The s 2<*4 The PS ALMS according to The zeal he bore his Father's houfe, Confuvfd a?id prefd upon his foul: That he might bear the curfe from us, Hinifelfdid undergo the whole. AVE me, for, lo, the floods, O God, My foul have fill'd and overfiow'd. I fink into the miry deep, And can no more my (landing keep : The billows roll me to and fro, "While o'er my foul the waters flow. I'm weary of my fighs and moans, My throat is dry'd with cries and groans. My longing eyes grow dim, and fail, While for my God I wait and wail. They who me hate without a caufe, Allow my foul no reft nor paufe; And more in number than the hair That grows upon my head they are; Moreover, thofe who would undo My foul, are ftrong and mighty too : Againfl me, lo, how they combine, For no offence nor fin of mine ; For thou haft laid this load on me, That I might all thy people free : Then I reftor'd thy broken law, "Which ne'er by me receiv'd a flaw : For, Lord, thou know'ft my foolifhnefs, And all my fins which do me prefs : My debts they are, yet ne'er by me Contracted were, thou, Lord, doll fee; But I difcharge them ev'ry one, That God may praife the work I've donee O let not thofe afhamed be On my account, who wait on thee, Lord God of Hofts ! nor let them fall, For my fake, who on thee do call. i 7 Becaufe, Pfal. 69. the New Testament. 205 7 Becaufe, O Lord, for fake of thee, Reproach has been endur'd by me ; My face is cover'd o'er with fhame, For love I bear to thy dear name. 8 Becaufe I do my Father's will, My brethren vvifn my blood to fpill; My mother's children call me madt Becaufe my heart in God is glad. 9 For, Lord, the zeal of thy dear houfe, Where I perform my facred vows, Diflblves my heart, and burns like fire ; I'm quite confum'd with ftrong defirei Lo, ev'ry feoff and bafe reproach Of thofe who on thy name encroach, Are fall'n upon my willing head, "While boldly for my God I plead. 10 When dreaming tears did from me flow. And when my chaflen'd foul did go Mourning and fading for thy name, Ev'n that was turned to my (hame. 1 1 When I went forth in fackcloth clad, My garment my reproach was made ; I was a proverb to the vile, See ! fee ! fay they, and leer and fmile. 12 The elders too, array'd in white, Who Iliould in innocence delight, Spu'd out their malice in the gate, From feats of judgment where they fat: Then all the black-guard of the flreet. With foul infulting language greet, As harmlefsly I pafa along ; I am the drunkard's daily fong. 1 3 But as for me, my pray'r, O Lord, Is unto thee, who wilt afford, According to thy love and pow'r, Thine anfwer, in th' appointed hour : S Accord- 206 The PSALMS according to According to the multitude Of thy fweet mercies to me vow'd, In truth of thy falvation, now, O God, unto me downwards bow ; 14 Deliver me out of the mire, Nor let me fink, Lord, I defire : O draw me from my cruel foes, And this deep flood which o'er me flows. 15 Let not the water-floods devour, Nor let th* abforhing deep have powV To fvvallow up alive my foul ; Left hell for ever o'er me roll. 36 Hear me, O Lord •, for, lo, thy \ovq And kindnefs mall eternal prove : Turn thou to me, according to Thy love, and all thy mercies fhow. 15O hide not thou thy hce from me, For thou mine agony doft fee : My foul finks under my diffcrefs ; O fave me foon in righteoufnefs. I 8 Draw nigh unto my foul, O God, Redeem me from this heavy load ; Deliver me becaufe of thofe Mine enemies, who caufe my woes. 19 Thou knowefl my reproach and fhame, And my difhonour for thy name; And, lo, behold mine enemies, 0 Lord, are all before thine eyes. 20 Pieproach, like to a pointed dart, Hath run me through, and broke my heart ; I'm full of heaviness and pain, Ten thoufand forrows o'er me reign : 1 look'd around me full of grief, For fome kind pity and relief; But there was none of all around To comfort me who could be found. 2i Yea, Pfal. 69. the New Testament. 207 2 1 Yea, when I hung upon my crois, Their cruel infults were fo grofs, That for my food they gave me gall And vinegar to drink withal. 22 For which their table is a fnare, And that which ihould have been their fare, Is grown a trap, themfelves to catch, "Who for my itumbling lay in watch : Their temple, which was all the boaft Of pried: and people, fhall be loft, With ev'ry ficrifice and pray'r, Which th' unbelievers oiTer'd there; Becaufe the temple they deftroy'd, Which their Mefliah had employ'd In ofFring up the facrifice Of his own blood before their eyes. 23 But, having eyes, they did not fee ; And, therefore, darken'd let them be : Lord, make their loins with terror (hake, Becaufe they flew me for thy fake. 24 Pour out thine indignation fierce, On thofe, O God, who did me pierce -9 And let thy wrathful anger feize, With fpiteful mockings who did teafe. 25 And let the place wherein they dwell, Their nation which they love lb well, Be defolate for evermore, A ruin'd wafte where dragons roar. 26 For they have perfccuted me, When 1 was fmitten, Lord, by thee j And they ipfult, in fcoffing ftrains, Thofe thou hart: fill'd with wounding pains. 27 Add thou iniquity unto Their firft iniquity, who do Advance from ftep to ilep in guilt, Nor halt till righteous blood be fpilt : S 2 For 2c8 The PSALMS according to For had no light and life been fhown, No fin nor guilt they would have known In fhedding of my righteous blood, Had I not done the works of God : But fince I came and fpoke to them, They have no cloak to hide their blame: Give them no portion in my blood, Who have thy rightecufnefs withftood. 28 Let them be blotted from thy book, Who have the living God forfook ; Nor let thou them enrolled be With thofe who do believe on me. 29 But I am poor and full of grief; Let thy falvation fend relief, And ^t me up, O God, on high : Beheld, I with my blood draw nigh. 30 I'll praife thy name, O God, and fing, And touch my mod melodious firing ; I'll magnify my God and Lord, And all his mercies will record. 3 1 This too (hall pleafe the Lord my God, More than the flefh, or flowing blood Of bullock, bull, or horned ox, Or lamb, or kid, among the flocks. 32 When this the humble ones mail fee, How glad and joyful mall they be! Your heart, who truft in God, fhail live ; For in your (lead my life I give. 33 Jehovah heard me in mine hour, And quickly ran to fave the poor; Jehovah all his people hears, And ne'er contemns his prifoners. 34 Let heav'n, and earth, and feas him praife 5. Let all that lives his glory raife; For God will Zion fave anon, And Judah's cities build each one : Jehovah *s Pfal. 70. the New Testament. ncp Jehovah's people are his heirs, •And all his kingdom fair is theirs ; For he for them MefTiah gave: Median came them all to lave. 35 Median's feed with him (hall dwell, In light and glory which excel ; And all who love th-?.Lord their King, '1 his fong of Chriit mall ever fing. PSALM LXX. The fame as Pfal. xl. being only a repetition of the five laft verfes thereof. //; Jorm of God although he nvas, Into a fervile humbled doivn, Obedient to his Father's lanvs, Behold tti eternal peerlefs Son : Mqual with God, his equal praifc To claim, he thought it robbery none-; Tety poor, afflicted, here he prays — Come, praife him, praife him, ev'ry one. 1 A ft AKE hafte, make hafte, O God, to me, ■**"*■ Make hafte and fave my helplefs foulj All helplefs, helplefs but for thee, My God, on whom myfelf 1 roll. 2 Sham'd and confounded be my foes, "Who thus my dove-like foul purfue, As vultures, when the trumpet blows, "With blood and carnage in their view : Let them be backward turn'd with fhame; O Lord my God, put them to flight, Who wifh confuiion to my name; Their own confufion on them light. 3 Let them, condemned by thy law, For. a reward of this their lhame, S 3 Who lio The PSALMS according to Who fay infultingly, Jha^ Be giv'n to feed the fiery flame! 4 Lord, let all thofe on thee who ftay, Pvejoicingly exult in thee ; Let fuch as love Emmanuel, fay, Continually, Cod praifed be, 5 But I am poor and igtedy, Lord ; Make hafie, and ifiy to fave thy Son; Thy fpeedy, fpeedy help afford ; If thou fhould tarry I'm undone ! PSALM LXXI. This glorious Pfalm lies fo deep-buried in the rubbifh which the commentators, from generation to generation, have been heaping upon it, that, at the hrft view, one may be ready to mppofe it, like the firi> temple, absolutely loft in its ruins, and may, with the dying mother, when told of the ark's departure, cry out, Ichabod! Where is the glory ? — It was but lately that one of your moft re- nowned divinity doctors, before his afTembJed ad- mirers, openly and avowedly, as if he had been recovering a Jolt ftandard from the hand of an enemy, gloried and triumphed, with no little pulpit-pride, in wreftir.g this Pfalm from the Sftouth of David's Lord and Son, that he might put it into the mouth of David's felf, as the more becoming of the two for fuch a Pfalm ! — So judged he. — But let the reader judge for hifnfelf, and read the Pfalm in its own light, and the light of its parallels, and the whole in the light of the New Teftament, which is the light and glory of God ihining in the face of Jefus ; and then let him fay, who is the fpeaker and memo- rialist of his own particular perfonal experiences therein ; David, or his Lord \ Who is the fpeak- er in Pfalm xxv. 2, 3.? The fame here, ver. if Who in Pfalm xxxi. 1, 2.? The fame here, ver. j, 2, \ Who in Pfalm xxii. 9, 10. ? The fame Pfal. 71. the New Testament. 211 here, ver. 6.? Who in Pialm xxxv. 4, 26. Pfahn xL 14, &c. P The fame precifely here, ver. 13, and {o forth. — But the grand objection, which thcv think fufficient to Item all this itream of feripture-argument, they draw from a childuh view of ver. 9, and 18. of the Pfalm, which there is a necetlity of confidering fomewhat more parti- cularly.— iy?, Soberly weigh ver. 9. in its context, * Caft me not off in the time of old age.' — In the foregoing words, the fpeaker praifedi God by afcribing to him his birth, and ail the fcenes of his progrefiive life till now; then, in the cited words, he prays to be preferved by the fame fovere:Vn, fpecial, and peculiar care of his Father, God, in the laft flage, or finilhing period of his life, which, in the language of men, (and what language but that pray would you have had the man Jefus to ufe in fpeaking of his human itate?) is called old age: but the ftyle is maniietily figurative, and the meaning is explained in the next words, \ Forfake * me not when ray ftrength faileibJ — If you afk what is meant by his ftrength failing, confider the fcene referred to in the next words, ( For mine * enemies fpeak again!!: me, and they that lay wait « for my foul (or life) take counfel together, * faying,' he. — What, pray, would a man in the flower of his age make of that fame flower of his age, and prime of ltrength, more than an old man of his old age, if God were to leave him I — But we pals to ver 17. ' O God, thou haft * taught me from my youth ; and hitherto I * have declared thy wondrous works. Now alio, « when I am old and gray-headed, O God, for- ' fake me not, until I have ihowed thy ftrength to ■ this generation, and thy power to every one that ' is to come.' — The margin has another reading, which is according to the Hebrew, ' Unto old a^e% * and gray hairs, O God, forfake me not' — or, abandon me not — Now. where is there anything dark here, but the prepofTeifed judgments of the commentators ? — How amazing is the power of prejudice * 2 12 The PSALMS according to prejudice ! — When we hear of a man who has lived faji, and wafted his ftrength in riot and debauch- ery, it is reckoned even elegant, as it is indeed molt expreflive language, to lay, that fuch a one is an old man, or an extreme old man, (meaning in conftttution), although he has not attained to what, in another foliation, would be called the flower of his age. — but when the Son of Da- vid, a man of forrows, and acquainted with griefs ; who, when he was feen, had no form nor comeli- nefs, why he mould be delired ; whofe vifage was more marred than the fons of men ; who himfelf bare our infirmities and pains, and became like a bottle in the fmoke, confurned with the zeal of his Father's houfe ; who wafted himfelf in watchings, faftings, and prayers, by night and by day, doing the work which he came to finim in his blood : — when he, I fay, defcribes his perfonal fufferings, and the real vifible effects thereof upon his body, rendering him, when but about thirty years of age, apparently feeble and weak like an old man ; infomuch (which even the commentators allow, and make their own ufe of upon occaiions) that his countrymen when ridiculing him for fay- ing, ' Berore Abraham was, I am,7 cry out, * Thou art not yet fifty years old, and haft thou 4 feen Abraham?' — If his countenance had not borne the traces of near fifty years, they would furely have taken nearer marks of his age, to have inl'ultcd him the more. — But yet he cannot be al- lowed the common ufe of common language, to dcfcribe one of the plainest things in all the now revealed myftery of godlinefs ! — But Satan and his mini Iters could not lb effectually hide the gofpei from the minds of men, nor have the honour of marching ih popularly and cordially, upon the head of their thoufands and ten thoufands, to hell, were it not for their artlu! blinds, and deceitful manceuverings about the Pialms. May the fovereign Lord of ai!, whofe words they have grievouily and fatally "•welted, pluck the blind leaders and the blind led, as Pfat. 71. the New Testament. 213 as brands from the fire, and fave them by his own blood ! In various forms, and various phrafe, Obedient to his Father's will, Mejfiah /peaks his Father's praife, And k a ft ens to his holy kill: Grown eld and weak with pain and grief, Before his years were half" complete-, He calls on God to fetid relief Preventing him with mercy fweet, 1 TN thee, O Lord, I put my truft, "*■ Let me be never put to {name : 2 Deliver me, for thou art juft, Caufe me efcape for thy own name : 3 Incline thine ear to me, me fave, O God, and be thou my firong fort j That I may fafe protection have, And always may to thee refort. Thou haft commanded to preferve Thy fervant, whom thou loveft well : Thou art my Rock, that will not fwerve, Tho' batter'd by the gates of hell. 4 Thou art my God, O pull me from My impious foe, who grafps me round. And from the hand of violence come And loofe me, with opprefiion bound. 5 For thou, my God, art all my hope, And all my expectation thou Hail ever been from my youth up; My Pvefuge, do not leave me now, 6 My infant arms around thee clung, Ere I began to prefs the knee; Ere on my mother's bread I hung, O God, my foul did cleave to thee. He brought me from my mother's womb, He iuim'd me ther-e with fpecial" Ikili ; He 214 The PSALMS according to He will conduct me to my tomb ; Then raife me up again he will. He is my praife for evermore ; In him my foul fhall joyful be; His ways I always will adore, Tho' forrow dwelleth yet with me. 7 To many I a wonder am, Like fome ftrange fight to caufe alarm ; But thou, my God, wilt ftfve thy Lamb, From lions teeth, and foxes harm. 8 My mouth (hall found thy praife aloud, My lips thy glory all day long ; Thine honour fhall be understood ; By night my God (hall be my fong. 9 When I am drawing near the grave, O God thou wilt not caft me off; When, like old men, no Strength I have, My Father will not ftand aloof. 10 For, lo, mine enemies do talk As if there were no help for me, And for my life like fowlers ftalk, That wounded by them I may be : 1 1 They fay, His God has him forfook, We'll perfecute and feize him quick; For there is none who will rebuke, Or dare our counfels to reftri£t. 12 O God, be not fo far away, My God, my Saviour, now, from me; Make hafte, before they do me flay ; Let my foul's foes confounded be. 13 Let them be cover'd o'er with fhame, Their own difhonour wring their hearts, Who feck my hurt, who wound my name With {landers, as with poifon'd darts. 14 But I will hope continually, And will yet praife thee more and more ; 1 5 My Pfal. 71. the New Testament. 215 1 5 My mouth {hall (how forth faithfully Thy righteoufnefs the world before •, For all day long thy kindneffes, And fweet falvation, I'll record ; Thy mercies, Lord, are numberlefs, Which to my foul thou doft afford. 16 I will, in ftrength of God the Lord, Rejoicing evermore, go on ; And I the juftice will record, O Lord my God, of thee alone. 17 O God, thou haft my teacher been, Ev'n from my earlieft days of youth \ And I've declarM the works I've feen, Thy wondrous works of grace and truth. 18 Now alfo, when I'm old and weak, And all my vifage forely marr'd, Do not my feeblenefs forfake, Till I have all thy ways declar'd : I will beftow my lateft breath, In (hewing forth thy works at length; Thy finifh'd work mall be my death ; Of all thy fons unborn the ftrength. 19 O God, thy righteoufnefs is high ! "What grand and noble a£ts are thine I Above the earth, above the fkv, O God, thy majefty doth mine. 20 Thou, who haft me afflicted fore, And bruifed, in my troublous day, Shalt quicken me, to die no more, From depths of earth, where erft I lay, 21 Thou fhalt my greatnefs much increafe, And comfort me on ev'ry fide ; And blefs me with a num'rous race, By my dear church, my royal bride. 22 I'll 2i6 The PSALMS according to 22 I'll lift to thee the voice of joy, And praife thy truth with Pfalm and fong; My choiceft airs I will employ To God my King, his faints among. 23 My lips fhall very joyful be; And thou my foul, redeem'd from death, "When I, O God, fhall fing to thee, And praife thee with my ev'ry breath. 24 My tongue fhall all the day relate Thy love, thy righteoufnefs and truth ; The live-long night I will repeat Thy works of wonder with my mouth : For, lo, refembling Babel's tow'r, They are into confufion hurl'd, "Whofe proud, afpiring, lofty pow'r, High-domineering, fway'd the world. They fought my hurt, and found their own ; They thought to lord it over me : But thou haft Antichrift o'erthrown — Amen! confounded let him be. PSALM LXXII. The fame as Pfalm ii. with its parallels. Refund aloud the voice of praife! Let foal and voice afcend to heav'n! Neffiab claims your highefl lays : To him the glory due be gh'n! The King of Righteoufnefs extol! The King of Righteoufnefs and Peace! Where rivers fleiv> and oceans roll, Let nations all his reign increafe! (~\ God, thy judgments give the King; ^-^ Thy juflice give thy royal Son : His fceptre fhall fubjedted bring To thee the kingdom he hath won. 1 2 He Pfal. f 2. ^ New Testament. 217 2 He fhall thy people juftly judge, And thine opprefled vindicate ; Becaufe thou doit thy judgment lodge In God reveal'd in human ftate*. 3 The mountains fhall go big with peace, The little hills with righteoufnefs ; For there the mefTengers of grace, His royal gofpel-laws exprefs : The people mall exult and fing, To us a Son, a Saviour 's born ! They fhall afcribe to God their King, The glory of that joyful morn. 4 He (hall the meek and lowly ones, Who gladly hear the joyful found, Deliver from their tears and groans, And make their hearts with joy to bound : He fhall the fons of poverty Advance to high and great eftate i But all their proud oppreilbrs high, Confound and flay with difmal fate. 5 They fhall, with filial fear and awe, While fun and moon in heav'n endure, Submit themfelves unto thy law, In everlafting peace fecure. c5 He fhall defcend like gentle rain, In pleafant fhow'rs upon the earth, To fill the hill, and fill the plain, With beauty, plenty, joy, and mirth. 7 The juft fhall flourifh in his days, And everlafting floods of grace Shall gently roll, and found his praife, Where-e'er they flow, in ev'ry place ; * John v. 24. f T For 2i 8 The PSALMS according to For peace fhall like a river flow, And truth o'er all the earth (hall ftrer.m, That all mankind his ways may know, And bow at their Emmanuel's name : His reign of peace {hall ever laft, When fun and moon (hall ceafe to fhfne; When all the prefent things are pad : This King 's of God's eternal line ! His fubjects too fhall ever fhine, And l?ve in his eternal light ; For he 's their light and life divine, Who faves them from eternal night. S His great and wide dominion fhall Extend from fea to fea abroad, DifTus'd o'er all the earthly ball, Submiflive to his royal nod. 9 The dwellers in the wildernefs Shall bow themfelves before his face; And all his foes his foot fhall prefs ; They lick the duft who fcorn his grace. i© The kings afar upon the fea, Shall bring the tribute of their iiles -9 Sheba, and Seba's kings fhall be R.eceiv'd by him with pleafant fmiles. 1 1 All kings upon the earth who reign, Shall reign fubjecled to his nod ; And all the nations in their train, Shall come and ferve the Lord their God. 1 2 For he {hall fend falvation foon, When men diftrefs'd on him fhall call ; When they {hall fee their helpers gone, Their Lord their King fhall help them all. 13 He mall the poor and needy fpare, And bundle up their fouls in life : Below his wings, no foe fhall dare To move them more with future ftrife. 14 He Hal. 72. the New Testament. ng 14 Ke fhall redeem their fouls from hell, And from the hand of vi'lence fave ; Their blood, which he efteemeth well, He fhall deliver from the grave. 15 For he bimfelf fhall ever live, And they with him iliall live along ; They mall the gold of Sheba give, And daily praife him in their long : To him, their Sov'reign, they fhall prar, And he lhall lend a willing ear; Before they can their willies fay, Their wifh'd-for anfvver (hall appear. 16 The joy and plenty of his reign, All men with wond'ring eyes (hall fee ; For on bare fcorched mountains then A grain of corn a fheaf (hall be. The waving harveft on the hills Shall (hake like trees on Lebanon, When roving wind the forefl fills, And fmoothly blows the groves upon. The city (hall be flourifhir.g, Her happy citizens abound In number (hall, and upward fpring, Like grafs that grows upon the ground, 17 Endure for ever fnall his name, And, like the fun, moft glorious (bine -r Men fn.ill be bleiTed in the fame, And glory in their blefs divine: Bleft! bleft.! all nations fhall him call, For all iliall hear the joyful found, And lowly at his footftool fall, I Adoring proflrate on the ground. *8 Now, blefTed be the Lord our God, The God and King of Ifrael, Who hath declar'd his works abroad,. His works in wonder which excel : T 2 19 And 220 The PSALMS according to 19 And blefled be his glorious name, Whofe glory fills the world amain, O'erflowing like a mighty ftream. Amen, for evermore, amen. PSALM LXXIII. The paraphrafe of this Pfalm the reader will perceive to be full and explicit, I truft, in every particular, exactly fquared according to the paral- lels, and the analogy of the common faith of God's elect. — If that does not fatisfy, the writer has no more to fay but this only, that, as the Pfalm is all fpoken in one perfon, this interpretation mud be allowed, or that of feveral of the parallels, fuch as Pfalm xvi. xvii. xxvi. xxxv. xxxvii. <&c (which by the New Teftament, I fuppofe, is put beyond all controverfy) mud be rejected. — The ftructure of the Pfalm is what may be called hypothetical, con- lifting of a feries of conditions, the fuppofing any one whereof to he true, would he to Lin.j »K* **-- gument in a manifest abfurdity : — a method of rea- soning, which is exceedingly common, not only in the Holy Scriptures, but alfo in all writings and difcourfes whatfoever. — The objections they bring againft the application of this Pfalm, as fpoken in the perfon of the Mefliah, they think unanfwer- able ; as from ver. 2. ■ But, as for me, my feet * were almoft gone ; my fteps had well nigh fltpfc.' But what can be inferred from thefe words, but that the fpeaker, in the circumftanccs ;uppofed and defcribed, was in great anxiety and preillire of fpi- 1 it, almoft overwhelmed and overcome by the confideration of the matter in his view ? — Which 'u really confirmed and demonftrated by the next words, properly underftood ; although the tranf- lators, filled with nothing in their minds but the perfons, fituaiions, and frailties of the penmen, as appears from their contents of all the Pfalms, as well as of this, have accommodated the turn of the Pfal. 7j. tie New Testament. 22 i the words to thejtate of their fancied fpeaker, and have made him fay, * I was envious/ Cc which upon any occailon but the prefent, where they mofc deferved, would have been rendered thus, ' I was moved with zealous indignation, ' or, * I * was exceedingly grieved at the foolifh,' fat. — It would lock very like affectation, and an uiebf. difplay of what the moft part of my readers would call pedantry, to endeavour to j'uftify, by quota- tions from the critics, this obfervation upon ver. 3, which I (hall leave to every honeft and wife heart to confider; and pais on to ver. 16. * When I ' thought to knew this, it was too painful for me' — or rather, as the margin tells us, according to the Hebrew reading, * It was labour in mine * eyes.' Now, what can be underftood by this plain Hebrew reading, but that it was painful or grievous to behold: — And hew remarkably wai this fulfilled-, when Jefus faw the buyers and lellers in the temple, and in him was fulfilled this faying, 1 The zeal of thine houfe hath eaten me up:* John ii. 17. — Ver. 21. explains the whole in plain terms, * Thus my heart was grieved, and I was * pricked in my reins. '• — But what fhall be madr of the next verfe, * So foolllli was I, and ignorant ;' (Heb. as the margin, * I knew not') ; * I was as 1 a bead before thee;' (Heb, marg. * with thec'J ? — Pfal. xcii. 6. is by no means parallel to this, al- though quoted on the margin. — If the paraphrafe of this verfe fhonld fail of giving fatisfaclion to our bold objectors, I would alk them, what good con- fident fenfe they will put upon thefe words of the prophet, which the Holy Ghofl is witnefs, are fpoken of the Lord Jefus Chrift ? ■ Who is blind 1 but my Servant ? or deaf as my Meffenger that ■ I lent ? Who is blind as he that is perfect, and *' blind as the Lord's Servant? Seeing many thing?, * JUut tbfrn chfervefl not; opening the ears, but he * hsareth not!' Ifa. xlii. 19, 20. — ' He was led 25; *,a fheep to the daughter; and like a lamb dumb * before hi* (hearers, fo opened he MX his mcuth ; ' T 3 If,,, 222 The PSALMS according to Tia. liii. 7. — and, * I am a worm, and no man!' Pfal. xxii. — Meaning, in all thefe paflages, the ap- pearances he made in his eftate of humiliation among men, and the eftimation wherein he was held of them; as a man of forrows, and acquaint- ed with grief; without form or beauty, in their eyes, why he ihould be defired, £sc. Hoew zealoujly his fpirit bur?i>d, When he their bold deeds faiv, And nvas to indignation turned At breakers of the laiv J Tety patient as a lamb, he lay, Stiff1 ring his Father's will, Until for us he pav'd the way Unto his holy hill. 1 VET, God is good to Ifrnei, ■*■ For all that comes and goes ; Aitho' high lofty billows fcvell, And loud the temped blows : The pure in heart, the fons of faith^ Who fee within the veil, May joyful hold upon their path, Though wickednefs prevail. 2 For, as for me, my feet had gone, My fteps had well-nigh dipt -, When wordly men in glory fhone, They had me aim oft tript. 3 For when I faw, 1 burn'd with zeal A gain ft the foolifh men, Who did by wickednefs prevail, And profper in their reign. 4 They burft the bands of godly fear, They fcorn the bonds of death, Their ilrength is firm, their heads they bear Aloft till late ft breath. 5 They're Pfal. 73. the New Testament. 223 5 They're not diftrefs'd like other men, Nor plagu'd as others be ; 6 Pride, theiefore, like a circling chain, Around them girt we fee : And vi'lence, as a robe of (late, Arrays them gorgeoufly ; Such is the picture of the great; 7 How lofty fhines their eye ! Their wealth is more than heart could wifh, And fumptuoufly they fare; Garnifh'd with many a princely dim, Their table's rich and rare. 8 Lewd and obfcene, their filthy fpeech, From mouth to mouth o'erflows ; The fm titty joke, from each to each, Around the table goes : And if to politics they turn, They talk as big as kings ; The pow'rs ordain'd of God they fpurn, As defpicable things : What high and haughty fpeech they make, Of proud opprefTive fchemes ; To wreathe their yokes about the neck Of men, as oxen teams ! 9 They fet their mouths againft the heav'n, Their tongues traverfe the earth ; They turn the grace that God hath giv'n To ridicule and mirth. 10 For this, the faints of God are glad To low'r beneath his wings, Whilft their opprefFors lift the head, Like domineering kings. 11 Difdainfuijy they fmile, and fay, If there's a God on high, To watch our motions, night and day, With his all-piercing eve-, He's 2 24 The PSALMS according- ta He's not fevere — he cannot be Severe to mark our fin : Perhaps he deeps, and mar not fee What's done the world within. 12 Behold, thefe are the godlefs crew, Who profper in the land; And all the world to them mud bow, Or feel their fcourging hand: In riches, pomp, and pride they grow, Increasing ftill in powV; No bounds does their ambition know y They all the poor devour. If thefe enjoy immortal grace, Who my falvation fcorn, And lay them down and fleep in peace,. And hail a joyful morn — 13 Then, verily, my heart in vain I have preferv'd from fin, And wafh'd my hands, without a ftainr In innocency clean. 14 For all the live- long day I have Been plagu'd and chailen'd fore ; And, while my forrows to me clave. My anguifh made me roar. 15 If I fhould fay the cafe were fo With thofe unhappy men, I fhould deny the truth I know, And caufe thy faints complain ; I fhould deny thy grace, O God, And make my death a crime; If thefe fhould vifit thy abode Who fcorn thy ways fublime. 16 But this was far beyond the ken Of any fon of man, Until the Lord reveal'd to men His holy fecret plan : For Pfal. 73. the New Testament. 225 For who can know the things of God, Unlefs that God reveal ? 17 But this to me my Father fhow'd, Which I will not conceal. And, lo, behold their difmal end, And wifely underftand ; 1 8 They (hall into the pit defcend, And perifh out of hand : For therefore they are fet on high, As all the feers unfold, That they may perifh utterly, Like Pharaoh king of old. 19 How they're to defolation brought, In twinkling of an eye ! They're feizM with terrors on the fpot, And doom'd in hell to lie. 20 As perfons, when awake, refledfc Upon tbeir morning-dreams ; So feems m them the retrofpedt Of life among the flames : So fhalt thou, Lord, their image blot, When thou'lt to judgment rife; Their name and memory fhall rot, And perifh from thine eyes. 21 But, when I thought of their eftate, I felt like other men : Becaufe their mifery was great, The greater was my pain ! 22 So fimple, like a child, was I, And, like a child, I cry'd, When dreadfully, approaching nigh, Their ruin 1 efpy'd : So ignorant I was, O Lord, And mute before thine eve, Directed only by thy word ; No knowledge elfe had I. I was 226 The PSALMS according to I was before thee as a lamb, And took the ftroke from thee ; For I thy fervant, Lord, became \ And thou initrucledit me. 23 Lord, ne'erthelefs continually, For all that me befel, Thy right-hand held perpetually, And me conducted well. 24 Thou with thy counfel, while I live, Shalt me conduct and guide; Then to thy glory me receive, For ever to abide. 25 Whom have I in the heavens high, But thee, O Lord, alone ? And in the earth, for whom I cry, Befides thee there is none. 26 My feeble flem doth faint and fail, My llruggling heart gives way, When thoufand foes at once afikU* And deadly engines play : But of my heart God is the Pvock, And Portion evermore ; Who breaks the fierce invading fhock,- When huge fea-billows roar. 27 For, lo, the men who (land aloof, And never join with thee, Thou wiit behold the fame far off, Till they con fumed be : Thofe who a-whoiing from thee go, Thou malt deftroy them all •, That God tn Avenger they may know, Who fcorn'd at mercy's call. 28 But, furely, it is good for me, That I draw near to God •, That I may all his glory fee, And lhew his name abroad. In Pfal. 74. the New Testament. 227 In thee, O Lord, I put my truft, And all thy works I fing ; For thou wilt magnify the Juft, Thy holy Christ, thy King. PSALM LXXIY. Similar to Pfalm xliv. which fee. The temple fryd, the glory gone, The people fcatter'd to and fro, Behold nvhat God the Lord hath do?ie ! Let all the world his Judgments know. By tribulations he fuhdues, /Ind for himfelf his elecl trains : The God of all the ancient jfetvst The fame o'er all the Gentiles reigns. 1 C\ God, why dofl thou caft us off? ^^ Shall this thine anger aye endure ? Why dofl thou (land fo far aloof, And thus negleft thy helplefs poor ? Why doth thine indignation fmoke, And why thy fury, ceafelefs, burn Againft thine own defencelefs flock ? Thy fheep from thee, why doft thou fpurn? 2 Remember thine afTembly, Lord, Which thou haft purchafed of old ; Let thine inheritance, reftor'd, Sing of thy mercies manifold : Let Zion-mount be fill'd with joy, When all her woes and wars are gone3 And all her foes, who would deftroy Thy temple there, are overthrown. 3 Arife, O Lord, againft the camp Of thofe who rife againft thy hill ; Eternal defolations ftamp On thofe who rife thy faints to kill, 4 Thine 228 The PSALMS according to 4 Thine enemies by thoufands roar Amidit th' aflemblies of thy Tons : Where all was holinefs before, Their enfigns now pollute the ftones. 5 In famous days of Jerubaal, An high renown was fairly won, By hewing down the groves fo tall, Where foul idolatry was fhown ; 6 But now, at once, with might and main, With axes, hammers, they break down The carved myftVies, which contain The fymbols of the Holy One ! 7 Thine holy place, with fiery flame, They have demolifh'd and laid wafle : The dwelling of thy glorious name, Down to the ground is bafely caft. 8 Within their fanguine hearts they faid, Let us deftroy them all at once : God's fynagogues in aihes laid, They leave, where- ever they advance. 9 We fee no more our wonted figns; There is no prophet any more ; There is no perfon who divines, How long 'tis ere this dorm be o'er. so How long fhall thefe malicious ones Blafpheme thy holy name, O God, And fneer at our mod piteous groans, While we ly weeping on the clod ? 11 O why withdraweft thou thine arm, Thine everlafting arm, C) Lord ? O ftretch it forth, and fend th' alarm Of death upon them by thy fword : 12 For God is mine eternal King, Who works falvation in the earth; Who proud King Pharaoh down did bring, That mourning Jacob might have mirth, i 13 Thou Pfal. 74. the New Testament. 229 13 Thou diclft by ftrength divide the fea, And crufh the dragons in the flood ; 14 Leviathan was flam by thee, And on the fowls beftow'd for food. 15 Thou didft the mighty Jordan cleave, And to her fountains drive her flood ; The waters did their channels leave, And, rear'd aloft, like walls they ftood. 16 The day is thine, and thine the night ■, Thou haft prepar'd the light and fun-, "Thou mad'ft the moon to rule by night i Thou bad'ft the ftars their circles run. 1 7 Lord, thou haft all the borders fet Of heav'n and earth, from end to end : The winter's cold, and ftimmer's heat, From thee on high do both defcend. ]8 Remember this, that we confefs, And give to thee thy glory due ; Which heathens, in their fooliftmefs, Do attribute their gods unto: O Lord, they have reproached thee, And wickedly bhfphem'd thy name, jo, O do not thou deliver me, Thy Turtle-dove, my God, to them ; Forget not thou th' aiTcmbly dear Of thy dejected poor for aye •, 20 But for thy covenant appear, And cheer us with thy dawning day : For, lo, thy dark, benighted lands, Which Iy in death's molt drfmal fhade5 Are full of cruel, bloody bands, Who ev'ry-where deftruclion fpread. 21 O, when thy poor, opprefled, mourn, And fly to thee, the Lord their God, AiTiamed let not them return ; But let them Cng thy praife abroad. t U ^22 Arifc, 23© The PSALMS according to 22 Arife, O God, and vindicate The caufe which thou haft made thine own See how the foolifh people hate, And counteract thy ways each one! 23 Forget not thou the f welling voice Of all thine enemies, O Lord; The tumult and the rifing noife Of thofe who rufh upon thy fword : Deftroy, by thine almighty ftrength, Thy foes who caufe thy faints to weep; That we may fing to thee at length, The Lord for ever truth doth keep. PSALM LXXV. Parallel to Pfal. ci. and others quoted in the margin, and fpoken all in one perfon, is evident- ly fpoken by the Lord the Median, as appears from ver. 3. ■ The earth and all the inhabitants * thereof are diffolved : / bear up the pillars of it. * Selah.' Who dares fay this, but he who up- holdeth all things by the word of his power ? Behold, the Son, the Heir of ally By whom all things were made. Upholding all things great and f mall ; The fov'reign Lord and Head. He gives the retribution due, To ev'ry fon of man ; The kingdom to the faithful fe The Lord, th' eternal King, Brings all bis chcfen IfraU kerne > On Zion- mount to Jing. By him fuhdud, iheir emv&ies Shall be cor.figri 'd to hell ; But they with' him, ahoie the jkies> In endlefs glory dwell. 1 CTRIKE ev'ry moil harmonious firing, ^ Give all your fpirit play, "While you announce the Lord our King, And hail his coming day : His name is known, our God is known, In Judah's happy lands ; His name is great in Ifra'l fhewn; 2 Kis tent in Salem ftands : His dwelling-place in Sion is, And there his glory fhines; 3 There he aiiail'd his enemies, And brake their marfhallM lines ; The arrows, with the bended bow?, The fhield, the fword, the fpear, He dalli'd to pieces with his blows, And finiuYd there the war. 4 More glorious thou than hills of prey, More excellent and fair ! 5 The flout of heart did melt away, And quite defpoiled were : They fieep their fleep, and waken not j The mighty move no more : 6 At thy rebuke, upon the fpot, The horfemen ceafe to roar : When Pfal. 76. the New Testament. 25$ When Jacob's God appear'd in view, Their noife was huihM full foon j The chariots, and the riders too, Were caft into a fwoon. 7 Thou, thou, ev'n thou alone, O God, Art to be fear'd by all ; For if thine anger once is (how'd, The proud eft heart muft fall. 8 Thy judgment, Lord, from heav'n was heard? The earth with fear did paufe, 9 When God to fave the meek appear'd, -And vindicate their caufe. jo The wrath of man, before the Lord, With ev'ry paffion elfe, By him approved, or abhorr'd, To praife him he compels — The remainder thereof reftrains, To (hew his fov'reign will, Whofe hands almighty guide the reins With wife unerring (kill. 1 1 Vow to the Lord your God, and pay The vows that you have vow'd •, Your ofT'rings on his altar lay, And round about him crowd ; For he alone is to be fear'd, And prais'd for evermore, Median's felf, our King rever'd, Whom heav'n and earth adore. 12 Earth's proud rebellious princes all. Who fcorn to hear his word, Deftroy'd by him, fhall fureJy fall,. Ami know that he's the Lord. U3 PSALM XJ4 The PSALMS according to PSALM LXXVII. The fame as Pfal. Ixxxviii. and cxliii. with their parallels ; whofe ill lift rations feer efp«cially the cxliii. with the general preface. Who came to fave us, from on high, By his almighty ponxfr — In day of his deep agony , And in the darkej} hour. While death and hill poftfs'd his foulj Bereft of ev'ry joy — His deflations to confole, He thought on the Most High, i fji Y voice to God I'll early raife; iV1 My cry to God I'll fend ; And be mall hear the voice of praife? For he fhall me defend. 2 When trouble fore upon me lav, In day of my diftrefs, To God my Saviour I did pray, Nor found my trouble lefs ; I fought the Lord, and yet my fore Did run the live-long night : When (hall this darknefs all be o'er ? When fhall I fee the light? My foul refufed to have eafe ; 3 I thought on God the while; Yet this increafed not my peace, My Father would not fmile; My fpirit, broke with moans and figbs, Complaineth heavily, While floods of terror o'er me rife, With billows fwclling high. 4 Thou makeit fleep forfake mine eyes, My pain drinks up my fpeech ; My reft, like cloud- made {hadows, flies; Yet I'll not thee impeach. 5 For Ffa!. 77. the New Testament. 2 — 5 For I conficler days of old, The years of ancient time, Before creation did unfold Thy purpofes fublime : I cail to mind my glory then* When thou poiTeiTedft me, Rejoicing in the fons of men, Ere they began to be. 6 I think upon my fong and joy, And thus I fpend my night; My meditations me employ ; My fpirit waits the light. 7 What, will the Lord for ever (lay? And favour me no more ? But turn his countenance away, Which fhin'd on me before? S What, are his bowels ever gone? His promile turn'd to lies? i) His kind companions funk to none I Has mercy fled the fkies ? Hath he in anger fhut the ipring Of his eternal love ? And will my Father never bring Me to his joys above? 10 I argu'd thus, and eas?d my fmart j My faith fuftained me ; My hope poffefFed all my heart, That I fhould foon be free : For this is mine infirmity ■, The tafk appointed me, Thro' iveaknejs for my flock to die, O God, by thy decree : I give my life at thy command, And in my fufij I die, To rife by thine almighty hand, And live eternally ; j I there- 236 The PSALMS according t* I therefore will remember dill The years of thy right-hand, When I did, ere thsfe thy worlds were. Before thy prefence fland. j 1 I'll too record thine a£ts, O Lord, Which were of former days, Since thou began to (hew to man Thy wond'rous works and ways. 12 Thy works, O God, I'll think upon, And talk of all thy ways ; 23 All holinefs thy ways are known : O God, how great 's thy praife ! 14 Thou art our God, the God who dofr In glorious deeds excel ; Thy pow'r and miracles we'll boaft, And all thy wpnders tell. 15 Thou haft, with thine outftretched arm> Redeem 'd thy people, Lord •, And faved Jacob's fons from harm,. By thine avenging fword. 16 The waters, Lord, perceived thee;. The waters faw thee well, And at thy prefence they did flee ; The deeps in labour fell. 1 7 The clouds in floods were pour'd abroad^ Sound loudly did the Iky, And fwiftly thro' the world, O God, Thine arrows fierce did fly. 18 Thy thunder's voice tremendoufly Alongft the heavens flew, Thy lightnings flafh'd thro' all the fky; Ihe earth affrighted grew. j 9 Thy marching was amidft the fea, Thy footfteps in the wave ; Th' affrighted waters then did flee ; No trace thy foot did leave. 20 Thou TtA. 78. ike New Testament. 237 2© Thou didfi thy people lead, O God, And guard thy pafture-fheep, By Mofes and by Aaron's rod, Who truth doft ever keep : Thou wilt them feed for evermore, By thy Mefihh's fkill, Secure from all the biaits that roar — O Zion ! on thy bill. PSALM LXXVIU. Historical and commemorative ; fpoken in the peribn of Chrilt. concerning thofe things, which happened unto the people or old for enfamples un- to us ; that we, through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, might have great confolation, who have fled for refuge to the hope fet before us. See Pialm xlix. parallels, and references. Behold* the things of ancient days, Which were of old conceal* d, The ways of God} in fongs of praife, Are deary here reveal* d I They were enfamples unto us, (For God is ft ill the fa??ie), Who occupy' \l our Father 's houfe In days of ancient fame. i A TTEND, my people, to my law -, ■*■*- Incline your ears to me •, Receive my words with godly awe: My words (hall, make you free. 2 My mouth fhail hidden wifdom tell, And parables fhall fing; My fpirit is a living well, Whence truth doth ever fpring : 3 The 238 The PSALMS according to 3 The fayings dark of former days, • k Which patriarchs of old Have handed down in ancient phrafe, I clearly will unfold' : 4 The doctrines we have heard and learn'd, The fame our fathers taught, Which we have weigh'd, and well difcern-M. With deep inftru6Hon fraught, We will not from their fons conceal, But will declare abroad; And to the lateft race reveal The glorious praife of God. The Lord Almighty is our ftrength : His wondrous works of pow'r We will record, and fhew at length, And ling them o'er and o'er. 5 For he eftablifhed his word, His teftimony fure, A monument of Jacob's Lord, In Ifra'l to endure : Wrhirh he enjoin'd our fathers all, Unto their race to fhow, That all the people, great and fmall, Might learn their God to know. 6 And that the nations to be born, The children to arife, Might to the Lord their God return, And hear inftrudHon wife; 7 That they might fet their hope in God, And fuffer not to fall, The glorious works that he hath fhow'd, Out of their minds at all ; 8 But might bis holy will obferve, Nor, like their fathers, be A race rebellious, who did fwerve, And from his precepts flee : A ge- Pfal. 78. the New Testament. 239 A generation bafe and vile ! Accurs'd of God they were; Their hearts were full of fraud and guile, Altho' their fpeech was fair. 9 The fons of Ephraim well array'd, Equipt with fword and bow, Revolted from the Lord, afraid To march againft the foe. 10 They broke the covenant of God, They broke their plighted faith ; They turned from the royal road Into rebellion's path : 1 1 His works and wonders foon forgot, His miracles of fame, Altho, they prais'd him on the fpot, His praife they turn'd to fhame. 12 His marvellous and glorious deeds, Their fathers joy and praife, In Egypt and in Zoan's meads, For trophies he did raife. 2 3 He faid unto the roaring fea, Divided be thy waves, And make my chofen race a way, The race my favour faves : He made the waters ftand aloft, Like tow'ring mountains high, And fafely thro' his Ifra'l brought, Upon the channel dry. 14 By day he wrapt them in the cloud, And made a cool retreat, From burning Wafts their heads to fhroud, And from the fultry heat : And all the live-long dreary night The pillar'd flames afpir'd, To (bed a glorious beaming light, Until the fnades letir'd. 15 H* 240 The PSALMS according tz 15 He clave the rocks in deferr land, And forth deep waters burft, Then thoufands, thoufands, 'longft the Arand, Did quench their grievous thirft. 16 He brought the waters from the rock, And pour'd the floods along : The rivers ferved Judah's flock, With all the mingled throng. 1 7 And yet, though freed from their diflrefs, They finned ftill the more, The Lord mod high, in wildernefs, Provoking very fore. 1 3 Thus they began to tempt their God, "Within their hearts unjuft, And with reproaches him to load By afking meat for luft. 10, Yea, faid they, in prefumptuous mood, Gainfaying God the Lord, Can he a table ftor'd with food, In wildernefs afford ? 20 We own, indeed, he fmote the rock; The waters gufli'd amain, And overflowing rivers broke In floods along the plain : But can he alfo furnifh bread j And can he flcih provide -, That fo his people may be ied, So well with drink fupply'd? 2 r The Lord did hear, and was difpleasM ; And fore his anger burn'd ; The flaming fire 'gainif Jacob blaz'd, And wrath on lfra'1 turn'd j 22 Becaufe they had not faith in God, Nor hoped in his love, Though he his glory clearly fhovv'd, Pteveal'd from heav'n above. 1 23 Yet Ffal. 78. the New Testament. 24: 23 Yet he commanded, fpeedily, The ikies to pour their (lores; And then the heavens from on high Did open all their doors : 24 He rained on them manna down, And fili'd the fields around, That they might eat, and not difown The goodnels they had found. 25 He g2ve them of the heav'nly corn, And fili'd their foul with good ; Ajid man that was of woman born Did cat the angels food. 2u He caus'd an eafbwind fwiftly blow, 2\nd in the heav'ns it flew ; And by his pow'r the fouth-wind, fo As he inclin'd it, blew. 27 He rained flefh upon their head As thick as dult or hail ; And feather'd fowls on fowls fucceed In (warms upon the gale : 28 They fell ainidfr. their camp, and round Their tents on ev'ry fide, Like land for number on the ground, About them far and wide : 29 So they did eat, and filled were With their own dear defire : For he their ill-advifed pray'r Did grant them in his ire. 30 They from their luft were not eftrang'dj But, while their meat they chew'd Within their mouths, the fcene was chang'e. And death their feaft purfu'd : 3 1 The wrath of God upon them came, And flew along like fire, And wrapt them in a fearful flajnc Of indignation dire : t X Ht 242 The PSALMS according to He flew the fatteft of them all, And fmote their chofen men, Then Ifra'l did by thoufands fall, Who ne'er mould rife again. 32 Yet, for all this, they finned ftill; And, difbelieving God, They perfever'd in their own will, For all the works he (how'd. 33 Therefore he did their days confume In vanity and fhame; And did their years to trouble doom, Till death upon them came. 34 But when he flew them, then they prayM, And fought him earnefliy, Touch 'd by his hand, ami fore afraid Oi future mifery: 35 Then they remembered God, their Rock, And their Redeemer high, Who fav'd them from the cruel ycke Of Pharaoh's tyranny. 36 Yet, ne'ertbelcfs, they poured 'out But feigned prayVs to God •, With flatt'ring tongues they went about And utter'd lies abroad. 37 For they with him were not fincere \ They erred from the truth; His covenant they could not bear; Their heart bely'd their mouth. 38 But, full of pity, he forbore, And long he fufFer'd them, And pafs'd their high tranfgremons o'er, Nor flew them for the fame : Yea, many a time he turn'd away The fierccnefs of his wrath, And fpar'd them in the evil day, And fav'd their fouls from death. 30 It Pfal. 78. the New Testament. ^ 24J 39 For that they were but fading clay, To mind he did recal ; A wind that paffeth foon away, And not returns at all ! 40 How often, in the wildernefs Did they provoke their King; And grieve him, in their lonelinefs, Who hid them with his wing? 41 Yea, in their hearts they turned back. And tempted God, and faid, Is not the God of lira'] flack? Or limited? or ftaid ? 42 For they remember'd not his band,- Nor thought upon the day When he redeem'd them from the land Of Pharaoh's iron fway; 43 Nor how he rear'd his enfigns high, And made his foes to yield, In Egypt's land, (fo glorioufly!) And how in Zoan's field. 44 He turn'd their rivers into blood, Their ponds to clotted gore : That when the thirfty fought the flood, They could not drink it more. 45 Ten thoufand various tribes of flies, Arm'd with devouring flings, He pour'd among them from the fkies, With death in all their -wings. And fwarming frogs, from lake and fen, And where the Nile doth flow, Againft thofe proud ungodly men, With miffion'd vengeance go. 46 He gave their increafe to the worm, Their toil to locufls teeth : And death devour'd in ev'ry form The men ordain'd to death. X 2 47 He 244 rhe PSALMS according to 47 He flew their vines with fire and hail, Their fycamores with froft : 48 Their flocks and herds aJong the dale, With thunder- bolts he toft. 49 The fiercenefs of his fury fell On them like burning flame, And wrath and anger, hot as hell, With evil angels came. o rrtinr|v, o 50 His anger, like a roaring flood, Out o'er their fouls made way ; He fpared not their rebel-blood, But bade defhuttion flay. 51 The peftiience devour'd their life-, All Egypt's firft-born fell : The death of Ham did end his ftrife With thy God, Ifrael ! 52 Jehovah, brought his people forth, And led them fafe along The wlidernefs, with joy and mirth \ And Miriam led the fong. 53 They had no foe to raife their fear; Their fears the Red-fea drown'd : Jehovah in his wings did bear And cover them around. 54 He brought them to his holy court, Where Judah's daughters fing, Mount Zion, where the tribes refort To praife their onqu'ring King. $$ He drove the heathen from their face, And cafl; them out of fight; And gave by line their pleafant place To IfraT his delight. 56 Yet Ifra'l ftill did more provoke And tempt the Lord mod high; The tender ties of love they broke, Revolting wickedly ; 57 His Pfal. 78. the New Testament. 245 57 His teftimonies they abhorr'd, And bafely turn'd afide ; And dealt unfaithful with the Lord, Like to a whorifh bride : For they had learn'd their fathers' ways, And had forgot their God, Like a deceitful bow, that (trays, Whofe arrows mifs their road. 58 For they provok'd, with hill and grove, His love to jealoufy ; And with their images did move His anger from on high. 59 When he beheld their fhameful ways, And heard the veh'ment cry Of their tranfgreffion, in thofe days, He turn'd away his eye — 60 Then he forfook his holy place, And left thofe wicked men ; And Shiloh faw no more his face, "Where he had wont to reign. 61 Then he his flrength delivered Unto the enemy ; Whofe hand the ark and glory led Into captivity. 62 He gave his people over to The all-devouring fword ; Then flew deftru&ion fiercely thro' The portion of the Lord. 63 With fire their young men he confum'd, Forlorn their maidens figh'd ; 64 Their priefts unto the fword were doom'd j Their widows heard — and dy'd. 65 But lo, when Ifra'l well-nigh fail'd, And almoft was no more, Then, giant-like, the Lord aflail'd Their foes, and quell'd their roar. X 3 66 He 246 The PSALMS according to 66 He fmote his en'mies in the rear, And drove them headlong down, That none of them durfl more appear, On Ifrael to frown. 67 But he refufed Jofeph's houfe, Nor would with Ephraim dwell ; 68 But did the tribe of Judab chuie ; Mount Zion he lov'd well : 69 And there he built his palace high, On his own holy hill; Which, like the earth, perpetually The Lord eftablifh will. 70 His fervant David he did chuie, And took him from the fold, From following of the pregnant ews, The kingly reins to hold. 71 He fet him on his royal throne, And bade him Jacob feed, The people be took for his own, Ifra'l his chofen feed. 72 So faithfully the flock he fed. And watchM by night and day > So fkilfully the fceptre fway'd, His throne (hall laft for aye. Behold, the Son, Messiah, reigns, God blefTed over all : Let all his bleft and high domains Before him lowly fall. PSALM LXXIX. A fecond part, as it were* of Pialm lxxiv. fimi- lar to, and explained by Pfalm xliv. Although rial. 79. the New Testament. 247 Although ive are brought very lonv, And very lo The Son of Man, the chofen One, Thy ftrengthen'd Branch, thy fceptra! Rod ! 1 7 So will we not go back from thee, Nor turn from thee, O Lord, at all ; When we, with him, fhall quicken'd be, 1 hen we by him on thee will call. 18 Turn us again, Lord God of Hofts, And caufe thy face on us to fhine ; That light and life, in all our coalts, May ever reign by love divine. P S A L M LXXXI. Full of praife and divine expoftulation with ihe ions of men — the meaning obvious. The Jhadonvs all for ever o'er, Believing Greek, believing Jew, 0 praife the Lord for evermore ! 0 praife the Lord with fpirit new ! — ■ Behold the humanized heart, That fed the fympathijing tear Of jfefus — when the tender part He acted o'er the city dear * ! 1 QlNG, fing aloud to God our Strength ; ^ Sing Pialms of joy to Jacob's God ; 2 Take up the fong, and found at length The fvvelling notes of praife abroad. * Luke xix. 41 • Anef, when he was come near, he beheld the dtv, and wept over it. ■ ' 3 The 252 The PSALMS according to 3 The figns fhall in the fubftance fink; The fhadows foon fhall fly away : When we the promis'd new- wine drink, We'll ling to God a newer lay. But hand me, now, the timbrel here, The pleafant harp, the cymbal fweet; Blow up the New moon trumpets there: Let all be gladnefs when we meet. 4 Let us obferve our (tatutes now ; Let Ifra'l joy in lfraTs law; Let Zion's daughters pay their vow, And nigh to God let Judah draw. c This, he in Jofeph did ordain, For a memorial firm and fure, When, marching through th' Egyptian plain, He faw the ills they did endure. I heard their lewd barbarian tongues; Their fpeech I did not underitand, WThen I avenged IfraTs wrongs, And brought him from the curfed land. 6 I mov'd his fhoulder from the yoke; His hands I loofed from the pot; His proud opprefTors there I broke, And dafh'd, like potfherds, on the fpot. 7 OpprefTed, thou didft call on me, And I deliver'd thee anon ; In fecret I did anfwer thee : Oh, badfl thou heard my voice alone — W7hen thunders roll'd above thine head, And lightnings flafli'd before thine eyes! When I of thee a trial made, Where, Meribah, thy dreams arife 1 8 O thou, my people, give an ear ; Lo, I will teftify to thee, To thee, O Ifra'l, if thou'lt hear, And wifely hearken unto me. I 0 In Phi. 81. the New Testament. 253 9 In midft of thee there fhall no more Be any ftrange god found at all ; Nor unto any god unknown Thou, bowing down, from hence (halt fall 10 I am the Lord thy God, thy guide, Who brought thee from the (hanger's land Open thy mouth, and open't wide; I'll feed thee with my lib'ral hand. xi But yet, my people to my voice Would not — would not attentive be ; Ev'n Ifra'l, whom I made my choice, He would have none — have none of mc 12 So then I yielded them unto The lufls of their own foolifh hear^; And, Jo, they wander'dto and fro, A dray from me, in defert party. 13 O that my people had me heard ! That Ifra'l had my counfels choie ! 14 I had their en'mies loon debarr'd, And tum'd my hand upon their foes 15 The haters of the Lord to him, Submimon lowly ihould have feign'd , But as for them, tn* accepted time Should have for evermore remain'd, 16 He fhould have kd them, to their will. With rinevf. of the chofen wheat; Of honey from the rock, thy fill I fhould have made thee freely eat. Beheld, defcrib'd. Meifiah's reign ! Meffiah reigns for evermore, God Bleffed over all, amen. Let loyalty and love adore. * PSA *54 The PSALMS according to P S A L M LXXXII. Descriptive of the glory of the Son of God* rrnd giving inftructioii to rulers. See John x. 3,1. and Pfal. ii. A?nong the gods the Lord is God ; Advance his praife on high ! Let all the princes kifs the rod, And fall fubmijfively ! — The world's into confufion gone, And all its gods floall die ; But nue adore th' eternal Son, Th' eternal God iMost High. 1 TT^ ftands the Son of God declar'd, " God blefled over all •, Among ta' allembled gods, prepnr'd To judge both great and fmall. 2 Plow long will ye unjuftly judge, Accepting perfon's vile, And bear my holy ones a grudge., Becaufe devoid of guile? 3 Defend the poor and fatherlefs ; Do juflice to the weak : 4 Deliver thofe whom men opprefs ; Their proud opprcflbrs break. 5 They know not, nor will underftand ; They walk in darknefs on : All the foundations of the land Are to confufion gone. 6 I have pronoune'd you gods, and all The fons of the Mod High ; 7 But ye fhall die like men, and fall, As all the princes die. 3 Arife, O God, and judge the land; For nations all are thine : And we, thine heritage, fhall (land •, Tor thou haft hid our line. as A X M Pfal. 83. the New Testament. 25^ P S A L M LXXXIIL Of the fame fpirit with Pfal. ii. and xsxv. Behold, thine enemies advance With roaring rage, like feas, To fwal/onu up thy faints at once. Devouring thejn with eafe, Unfefs thou, Lord, in mercy come, And drive them back again — Behold, MeJJiah brings us home, And with hi in makes us reign f 1 f~\ Be not filent, thou our God ; ^-^ O hold thy peace no more : 2 For, lo, thine enemies abroad Like bears againit thee roar. They foam, and rage, and ftamp, and fweJL And make a tumult high : Arife, O God, the tumult quell Of thefe who thee defy. 3 For crafty counfels they prepare Againfl thy hidden ones; That they may take them in their fnare3 And ridicule their groans. 4 Come, come, fay they, let us deflroy Thole people, great and fmall ; That Ifra'l may no more annoy ; Nor be a name at all. 5 For they confpire with one confent, And all their pcw'rs combine, In fworn confederacy bent, O Lord, 'gainlt thee and thine. ■j The tents of Edom form the van, With thofe of th' Imma'hte; Moab and Hagar, as one man, With heart and hand unite; Y 2 7 Geba!,. 2 5 6 The V S A L M S according to 7 Gebal, and Ammon, Amalek, Anil thofe of Paleftine, 8 Againft the Lord their wrath to wreak, With Tyre and AiTur join : Lo, with a proud menacing eye, Like death and hell they frown, And lift aloft their hand on high, To fmite thy people down. o Do to them as fo Midianite, Who fell beneath thy rod , Like Sifera and Jabin finite, As erft at Kifon flood : io Make them as thofe who perifhed Where Endor's fountains rife, Who fell, and all on heaps were laid. The land to fertilize. 1 1 Like Oreb, and like Ze-eb, now Make thou their nobles fall, Like Zeba, and Zalmunna too, Make thou their princes all : 12 Becaufe they vaunted in their pride, And boafled to deftroy God's heritage on ev'ry fide ; That they might all enjoy. 13 My God, let their foundations move, And roll like wheels away ; And let them like the ftubblc prove, When fweeping whirlwinds play ; 14 As fire confumes the parched wood, As flames the mountains fire; 15 So chafe them with the temped loud, And whirlwind of thine ire. 16 O fill their faces, Lord, with fhame, And caufe them lick the duft, That they may dread Mefliah's name, And mourn their ways unjuft. 17 Let Fial. 84. the New Testament. 257 17 Let them, confounded and difmay'd, \v ith fliame eternal fall ; Th?.t men may fee thy name difplay'd, Jehovah over all. PSALM LXXXIV. Exactly fimilar in all refpects to Pfalm lxiii.- whole illuftration fee. To man /ions in our Father's houfie, Our Forerunner has gone, That he may them prepare fir us, And come again anon: ffo*w pleafant were they unto him! Hoew plea fa tit now to us ! Our glory there Jhall ne'er grow dim ;. Our gain ne'er fujfer lofs I : T T Q~W lovely is thy dwelling-placeD -*1- O Lord of Holts, to me ! The tabernacles of thy* grace, How pleafanr, -Lord, they be! 2 My thirity foul longs veh'rnent'y, Yea faints, thy courts to fee ; My very heart and flefh do cry, O living God, for thee. 3 My fpirit like the fwallow flies, And round thine altar plays, With anxious purpofe, while (he plies Her domicil to raife ; And, like the fparrow, ever near, She hops and fprings about, Within cfiy walls beffelf to cheer, And bring her fam'ly out; Y 3 Q> 258 The PSALMS according to O thou almighty Lord of Hods, Who art my God and King, To reign with whom my fpirit boafts. And boafts of thee to fing, Behold, with all my faints I come, (Thy love invites us nigh), To dwell within thy heav'nly dome, Ptejoicing glorioufly. 4 How bleft are they, and only they, Within thy houfe who dwell ! They never ceafe by night or day Thy praifes, Lord, to tell. 5 Bleft is the man whofe Strength thou art> In whofe heart are thy ways : . Thy ways revive his fainting heart : From thee he never ftrays. 6 Bleft are they all who march along By Chrifl's conducting eye : Their fteps they meafure by their fong5 And danger all defy. While palling thro' the parched vales Which lengthen out the way, The falling rains firpply the wells, Their thirfty fouls to flay. 7 So they from ftrength unwearied go Still forward unto ftrength, "Until in Zion they iliall know The glorious Lord at length. 8 Lord God of Hofts, the God of peace^ Mine interceffton hear ; 9 O God, our Shield, behold the face Of thine Anointed Dear ! 10 Within thy courts one day excels A thoufand other where; Within thy houfe my fpirit dwells : My pleafures all are there. 11 For Pfal. 85. the New Testament. 259 1 1 For God the Lord 's a Sun and Shield; He'll fhine our fears away, And make our foes to fly the field, As darknefs flies the day: He'll grace and glory to us give, And will with -hold no good From thofe who uprightly do live, And walk in gratitude. 1 2 O thou almighty Lord of Hofts, How greatly blefs'd is he, In thee alone whofe fpirit boafts ! 80 bleft thy Chrift (hall be: So bleft thy Chrift, and all his feed ; From glory, glory, they Onwards, like rifing funs, proceed Unto the perfect day. PSALM LXXXV. Descriptive and commemorative, according to the feafon then being, of the paft, prelcnt, and future ways of the Lcrd God towards his people, his elected church; who indeed, as to their per- fons, are innumerable, but, as to their fpirits, are one with their Lord their Head, in whofe name and communion, by the Holy Ghoft who dwelleth in them all, they are authorized and led, conjunil- ly and feverally, to breathe forth their joyful fpi- rits into their Father's bofom, in this glorioufly triumphunt fong of praile. Behold the blefmgs, here defcrib'd, Of ever la fling Grace* Whofe reign is only circumfcrib\i By thy utmoji bounds of /pace : For truth and mercy both are one: Juftice hath kijjed peace; ArJ God *i come down to join with tnan In a divine emirate! 1 THY 2s5o The P S A L MS according' to i HPHY face, O Lord, hath burn: the cloud, A And uYin'd away our fins ; And thy beloved land aloud To fing thy praife begins : Jacob's captivity, return'd, .Shall ever joyful be; % For all our guilt, in which we mourn'd. Is buried now by thee. 3. Thou haft thy burning wrath remov'd,. And turn'd it all away From us, upon thy dear Belov'd, Thy Lamb, whom thou did'ft flay. 4 Turn us, our Saviour and our God, Con (train us by thy love, And make our hearts thy firm abode, And never more remove. 5 Thine indignation overpaft, And all thine anger gone, Let net this tribulation Iaft, For which thy people groan. 6 Wilt thou not us revive again, That we may joy in thee ? 7 And by thy mercy eafe our pain, And fet thy children free? 8 I'll hear what God the Lord will fpeak • To faints he fpeaketh peace; But let them never more betake Themfelves to fooiifhnefs. 9 Sure his falvaticn mult be near; The day begins to dawn : That glory may anon appear, The morning-fhade's withdrawn* Our land fhali foon be fill'd with joy, And everlafting peace : IsIefTiah mall our foes deftroy ; He comes with truth and grace. ic Merer Pfal. 86. the New Testament. 261 10 Mercy and Truth in him combine, To blefs the human race-, While Peace and Juftice kifs and twine In a divine embrace. 1 1 Truth fpringsfrom earth — of woman born, The Saviour {hall appear; While Righteousness falutes the mom Which brings the Saviour near. 1 2 Yea, what is good the Lord (hall give j Our land mall yield increafe. Juftice to lead us while we live, Shall go before his face. * PSALM LXXXVI. The fpeaker in this Pfalm (for there is but one) finds himfelf authorized to plead his own holinefs, as the foundation of his claim to the divine fa- vour: wherefore he fays, ver. 2. * Preferve my ' foul; for I am holy: O thou my God, fave ' thy Servant that trufteth in thee.' — See paral- lels, Pfal. xxxv. xl. cxvi. &c. — Who can this be but the Lord of David ? 77-/? Father* s Servant here become^ IV ho was in God' 7 otun form, The Son, Jhall bring his chcfen homey And ail his nvill perform ; He boldly pleads lis bolhufi, When he to God dranvs near ; Nor ivill the Lord reject the face Of his Anointed Dear.. 1 "DOW down thine ear, O Lord, aae hear; ** For I am poor and low : In this mine hour my plaint I pour Into thy bofom, fo! % Preferve 262 The PSALMS according to 2 Preferve my foul, and me coniole, For I am holy, Lord : 0 thou, iny God, let love be fhow'd To him who trulls thy word. 3 The mercy fhew to me that 's due; I daily cry to thee : Do thou afford an anfwer, Lord, Unto my righteous plea : 4 Rejoice my foul, where troubles roll y For I'm thy Servant, Lord ; 1 cry to thee, do thou me free, And fpeedy help afford* 5 For thou art kind, to love inclin'd, O Lord, and full of grace : Thy mercies flow, in ftreams, unto All thofe who feek thy face, 6 Give ear, O Lord, when I've implor'd Attend unto my cry : 7 In day of fear, when trouble's near, My pray'r thou'lt not deny. S Among the gods of wood and ftone, Lord, who is like to thee? Or may the works which they have done- With thine compared be ? 9 The nations all whom thou haft made, Shall come and woifhip thee; And bow before the Lord their head, And bend the pliant knee. ro For thou art great, and great thy deeds y Thou, thou art God alone; Thy glory far all fearch excae J 9 In vifion to thy Holy One, Thou fpakeft then, and faidft, Upon A mighty Saviour I have laid My people's everlafting aid •, A chofen One, whom I have found, Out of the people call'd, and ciown'd; 20 Ev'n David's Son, whom I have* lov'd, And with mine holy oil approv'd. 21 With him my band fhall ftablifh'd be; Mine arm and ftrength fhall fet him free : 22 On him no ioe fhall e'er exaft, Nor fon of malice turn him back; 23 I'll beat down his malicious foes, Before his face, with plagues and blows: 24 But I from him will ne'er remove My pledged faithfulnefs and love; And, in my name exalted high, His horn fhall flourifh gloriouilv. 25 His hand and pow'r fhalj reach afar. And turn again the tide of war , Kis 27.2 The PSALMS according to His right-band fhall controul the tea j The rivers (hall his vaffals be. 26 Thou art my Father, he fhall cry, My Rock, my God, my Saviour high ; And i to him will bow mine ear, AncR ere he cry, will bend to hear. 27 I'll make him, my Fir-st-born, more high Than all the kings, afar or nigh. 28 1*11 ever keep my love for him : My covenant remaineth firm. 29 His fQQd I will eftablifh fure, And make them by my pow'r endure y And, as the days of heav'n, the throne I will eftablifh of my Son. 30 But if his children go aflray, And from my precepts burft away ; And in my judgments fhall not walk, But, wand'ring from my ways, go back; 31 If they my ftatutes fhall profane, And count my high commandments vain : 32 Then will I vifit with my rod, And mark their fin with ftripes and blood; 33 Yet Til not take my love from him, Nor will I make his glory dim. My faithfulnefs fhall never fail : And who my purpofe fhall repeal ? 34 My covenant I will not break, Nor will I void my promife make : 35 Once by my holinefs I fwore To David — I'll repent no more : 36 His Seed for ever fhall endure, And his dominion firm and- lure: Like yonder fun, for evermore, In brighter! glory me before, The Sun of Righteoufnefs fhall fhine, J.n light and glory all divine; 37 Whatever- Ffal. Sg. the New Testament. 273 37 Whatever changes come or go, They're only changes but in fhow ; There is no change in his hi^h name, Like moon, or rainbow, ftill the fame. 38 And yet, how great a myftry's here? What changes do to us appear ? Thou haft caft off, as one abhorr'd, Thine own Anointed One, O Lord. 39 Thou haft been wroth, and tore the crown Of.thy belov'd dear Holy One: His diadem is foil'd in duft, And bafely thrown away, and toft. 40 Thou haft his hedges vilely torn, And all his tow'rs defac'd with fcom : 41 And all who pafs him feize the fpoil, And feaft upon his grief the while. 42 Thou haft advanced his foes aloft, And made them glad at him who fcoff'd ; 43 On him thou mad'ft the battle fall; Nor haft thou ftrengthenM him at a]J, 44 His glory tnou haft made to ceafe, And n-arr'd the brightnefs of his face; Haft thrown his throne down to the ground, And fcatter'd all the fragments round; 45 His days of youth haft fhortened, And him with (hame haft covered — 46 How long wilt thou thyfelf retire? How long fhall burn thy wrath like fire? 47 Remember, Lord, how fhort a time I dwell with men in earthly clime ; Hafte, hafte, return to me again : Thou haft not made me Man in vain. 48 Behold, I die to do thy will; And, after death, Til mount thy hiil : I die for men ; for who is he That lives, and death fhall never fee ? And 274 The PSALMS according; to And who, unlefs the Lord fliould fave, Should free his foul out of the grave? 4y Remember, Lord, thy kindnefTes, Which thou didft fwear to David's face;. That I mould rife again, and fing To thee, my Father, God, and King* 50 O wipe away my fad difgrace, Which I have bore for thy dear race. 51 And let thy foes, who rage and roar Againft thee, roar and rage no more : For they have rais'd their horn on high,. The Lord's Anointed to defy. — 52 The praifes of the Lord pur God, Let all the faithful founcf Woad : The Lord and his Anointed reign: Amen, for evermore ; amen. PSALM XC. The fenfe is obvious. A fong of Mofes, man ef God, Jnfpir'd nvith heavenly fire, Who for the Prince Melfiah floods And tun'd his fateful lyre : The days of man are but a fpan, And fly like fhades away ; But ev'ry faithful- hearted one Shall reign with Chrift for aye. ¥ ORD, .thou had been our dwelling-place- *-* In generations all: Before thou did'ft the mountains trace Upon this earthly ball; Ere thou a being did'ft impart x To all the worlds abroad ; Ev'iJ thou from Cverlafting art To everlafling God. 7 But Pfal. 90- ^ New Testament. 2~-; 3 But man, fubje&ed to decay, Mud fad mutation know, And fall deftroy'd, to death a prey, Till thou revoke the woe : For thou wilt fay, Return again, Ye fons of men, return ; The grave (hall yield alive her flain, And death bereav'd fhall mourn. 4 But, in thy fight, a thoufrnd years Seem but as yefterday, Or as a watch by night appears, When paft and fled away. 5 Thou carried them as with a flood, Like wreck along the wave, Till they are fwallow'd in the blood* And-fowtf-devor.ring grave : They dumber on full many a year, A length of time unknown, Till thou, O glorious Lord, appear To raife the overthrown : How foon, O Ifra'l, is thy day, When thou mult drink thy cup, And on the bed of death thee lay, Till Chrift mall roufe thee up ! 6 Man, in the morning of his day, Is like the tender flow'r; It fmiles and hails the new-born ray, And glories for ai» hour; But when the fervent noon-day beams Have beat upon its head, It's vap'ry fpirit flies in fleams, And leaves it funk and dead : 7 So by thine anger we're confum'd, And troubled by thy wrath, Within the darkfome charnel doom'd To be devour'd by death. * Fof 276 The PSALMS according to 8 For thou our fins haft made the butt At which thine arrows fly; And our iniquities haft put Direct before thine eye. 9 Therefore our days fly all away, Purfued by thy wrath ; And leave us lone, a mangled prey, Caught in the jaws of death : Our days are like a tale twice told, And like a bird that's flown ; In (pending they grow ftale and old, And, fpent, no more arc known. 10 Our days and years, the utmoft fum, Are threefcore year1: and ten, Or if, by ftrength, there may be fome The length of fourfcore gain ; Yet is their ftrength but labour hard, With forrow, pain, and toil : "We fly away, and foon are fcar'd, Like birds by fowler's guile. 1 1 Who knows the pow'r, Lord, of thy wrath : If once thy wrath fhall blow, To item the way is inftant death, And endlefs overthrow : Thy wrath, according to thy fear, Is paft conception all ; 1 2 Teach us our end in mind to bear, And frailty to reca4 : So fhall we then our hearts apply Unto thy wifdom, Lord; And meditate continually On thy eternal Word. 13 Return, return, O Lord, how long Wile thou remain away? Come, turn our mourning into fong, And our long night to day. i 14O Pfal. 91. the New Testament. 277 14 O fatisfy thy fervants, thou, Right early with thy lovej And give us confolations now, Which (hall no more remove : 15 So (hall we triumph evermore, And all our days be glad, When all thefe tranfient fcenes are o'er, Wherewith thou mad'ft us fad. 16 O let thy work and pow'r appear Unto thy fervants foon, And let thy glory, bright and clear, Unto their fons be mown : I 7 And let the beauty of the Lord, Our God and Saviour dear, Shine forth, according to thy word, In thine accepted year : Meffiah, then, fhall lead eur path ; And thou, O God, approve Our works of gratitude and faith, Our labours, and our love. PSALM XCI. Although, by applying it directly to Chrift, Matth. iv. 6. Satan may be faid to have approved, himfelf a better commentator upon this Pfalm than many of his minifters ; yet it is not upon his au- thority, but upon that of the prophet of God, If. xliii. 2. and xlix. 2, Thro* this grand work of thine: I'll triumph in the works were made By thine own hands divine : 5 O Lord, how great thy wonders be, Thy thoughts how very deep, 6 No brutifh man can ever fee, No fool can therein dip. 7 For, when the wicked fpring as grafs, And evil-workers bloom; It is that they may quickly pafs, And feel a heavy doom. 8 For thou, O Lord, art God Moft High, The God for evermore, Lord Paramount o'er earth and iky ; Whom heav'n and earth adore. €) But, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, Lo, all thine enemies, Shall perifti by thy furbifh'd fword : They fall, and never rife. io But Pfal. 93. ^ New Testament. 2S1 10 But thou my horn (halt high exalt, High, like the unicorn; Thou with frefh oil anoint me (halt, And hail me thy First-born. 1 1 Mine eye (hall fee my heart's defire On all mine enemies; Mine ear (hall hear what I require On thofe who 'gainft me rife. 12 But like the palm-tree flourifh'd high Shall be the Righteous One ; And cedar-like (hall reach the fky, Like thofe in Lebanon. 13 Thofe that within the houfe of God Are planted by his grace, They all (hall grow and fpread abroad In our God's holy place. 14 And in old age, when others fade, They fruit ftifl forth fhall bring; They fhall be fair, and rear their head, And aye be flourifhing: 1 j To fhew that upright is the Lord; He is a Rock to me ; And he from failure in his word Is altogether free : He pledg'd his word that he would raiie Me and my faints on high : I therefore, with my faints, will praife His word eternally. PSALM XCIII. As Pfal. ii. with its parallels. See the margin. Whofe r.ameys the Word of God. tie King, Who comes to bring the faithful hi Th> eternal Lord of Glory ftng ! fie %v*/; mid is, arj is U 6tm; : A a 3 The 232 The PSALMS according to The floods had lifted uf> their voice ; The floods had lifted tip their waves : He faidy Be ftill ; ' and hujlfd their ncife? His people by his poiv'r h>e faves* 1 TV/I ESSIAH reigneth ; he's array'd •*~ ■*■ With mnjefty and glory bright ; The Lord with ftrength and pow'r is clad ; He girds himfelf about with might : The world he poiz'd upon the flood, That it cannot be mov*d away : 2 Thy throne, O everlafting God, Shall unto everlafting (lay. 3 The floods have lifted up aloud, The floods have lifted up their voice ; The floods lift up their waves to God ; But he commands, and ftilis their noifec 4 The Lord on high is mightier far Than many founding waters be-, Yea, than the mighty waves that war, Revolving, roaring on the fea. 5 Thy teftimcfflfes firm and pure, In faithfulnefs and povv'r excel; The boift'sous waves could not endure — At thy rebuke they funk and fell. Lo«, holinefs becomes thine houfe, O Lord our God, for evermore : In mercy fmile and mine on us, That we may (land thy face before. ' *" PSALM XCIV. As Pial. x. with its parallels. The eves of God are ev'ry where, Beholding all the world abroad: He firw'd. the ey? ; he form'd the ear: i.w- rules th' nations hy hi; W(L Confounded Pfal. 94. /^ New Testament. 2^3 Confounded fly all the atheift Jfy, And all the proud opprejjors die ; In bell their opened eyes fall fee, 1 Messiah ivaj the King on high!' 1 r Ord God, in juft vindi&ive wrath, ■*-* For vengeance unto thee belongs, Arife, inflict deferved death On thofe who load thy folk with wrongs, 2 Shine forth, and difTipate our fears, Thou Judge of all the world abroad; Preferve thy wheat, burn up the tares, And manifefk thyfelf our God. 3 How long, how long fhall wickednefs Triumphantly advance her reign ? How long fhall infolence opprefs Thy loyal ones in thy domain ? 4 How long fhall they pour forth their gall, And boaft themfelves againft the Lord? 5 Like rav'ning wolves, on us who fall, And give thy children to the fword I 6 In widows and in Grangers blood, How they imbrue their butchering hand \ "While murder, like a raging flood, O'erwhelms the orphans in the land 1 J Themfelves they flatter ne'erthelefs, And fay, Jehovah fhall not fee ; Nor Jacob's God e'er think of this, Nor of our actions confcious be. 8 Ye brutifh people ! undeFftand; Fools, when will ye fee wifdom clear I The Lord did plant with his own hand The ear — and fhall himfelf not hear? « The Lord himfelf did form the eye 9 Shall he himfelf not clearly fee ? He unto man brings knowledge nigh, And fhall himfelf not confcious be ? 10 He 2 34 The PSALMS according to !© lie that the nations doth correct, Shall he not forely chaftife you ^ And on your heads his vengeance wreak, That ye may then your folly rue? 1 1 Man's thoughts, but froth and vanity, The Lord doth well difcern and fee : 12 Bleft is the man whom thou dofl try, And fcourge, to learn, O Lord, of thee. 13 Thou'k give him, in the rufhing dream Of fad calamity, to reft, Until the pit be digg'd for them "Who have thine heritage oppreft. 14 For thou, O Lord, wilt not caft off Thy people, nor thy flock fcrfake ; Nor (land aloof and fee the wolf Fierce inroads on thy paftures make. 1 5 But judgment fhall to righteoufnefs, My righteoufnefs divine, return, When all my foes have fled my face, And all my brethren ceas'd to mourn : Then thou in juflice fhalt reward The work, O God, \vhich I have done : And when thy love (hall be declar'd, The nations after it mall run. 16 O who will now rife up for me, To (tern the tide of wicked men? When roaring pride rolls like the fea, O who will turn the floods again r 17 Unlefs the Lord had been my help, My foul had foon to Tilence fled, When lions fierce and lion's wheip Their mad afTaults upon me made. 1 8 When I had faid, Mv foot is gone, Thy mercy, Lord, fupporred me : !p And when a flood of thoughts had flown Along my foul, I joyM in rhee. 2© Bet Pful. 95. the New Testament. 285 20 But fliall the throne of fin and (hame, The throne that's built in guilt and blood, Which mifchief by a law dotb frame, Have fellowfhip with thee, O God ? 21 In counfei they affemble clofe, And plot againft my righteous foul, To fpill my blood on yonder crofs ; But thou, my Father, feeft the whole. 22 The Lord is my Defence, and King, My God, my Rock, my Refuge ftrong; To me he mall falvation bring, And raife me to my throne ere long. 23 But God fhall bring the wicked down, And on them lay their heavy fin: He'il make their glory vanifh foon, And lay them low the pit within. PSALM XCV. Interpreted and improved by its Author, Heb. iii. 4. concerning Chrift and the gofpelday* — And fo, for the fame reafon, its parallels mud be ap- plied. To-day , ta-day, the Holy Ghost Upon the faints doth loudly cally In Christ alone tz make their boajl. And lowly at his forAJlcol fall : For unbelievers evermore, Who Jin againff the Holy Ghost, In outer darknefs howl and roar, And wail Godys refl for ever lofl I I r\ Come, let us fing to the Lord -, ^^ And make a fweet melodious found Unto our Rock, which doth afford cUiVAUon when- oui toes iurround. 2 Let 286 The PSALMS according to 2 Let us before his prefence joy, With thankfgiving and founding Pfalm; 3 For God the Lord is God moft high, The mighty King, whofe name's I am. 4 The depths of earth are in his hand, The heights of hills are alfo his; 5 The fea is his, and his the land ; His word has form'd the vail abyfs. 6 O come, and let us worfnip him And bow before our Maker all ; For he's the Lord, our King fublime : Proftrate before him let us fall : 7 For he's our God, the people we Of his own pafture furely are, And of his hand the fheep ; if ye To-day his voice will duly hear — $ Then harden not your hearts, as in The provocation, on the day Of the temptation, and your fin, When ye blafphem'd at Meribah : 9 When me your fathers try'd and prov'd, And grievoufly did ftrive with me; Full forty years my wrath they mov'd, And fully did my working fee: xo I faid, This people err in heart, My ways they never yet do know : I fware in wrath, and faid, Depart ; Into my red ye ne'er (hall go. PSALM XCVI. Similar to Pfal. ii. See the margin. y/dvance, advance the voice cf praife! Let heav'n and earth refound Our lays I l\ieffnih reigns for evermore I Lei all the world their *fudgt adore I i o o Pfal. 96. the New Testament. 287 To the Lord Median firig; Sing new fongs to the Lord our King ; Let all the world, with joy and mirth, Sing to the Lord of all the earth. 2 Sing to the Lord, and blefs his name, From day to day his praife proclaim-, His glory to the nations fhew, His tidings glad, and ever new. 3 Great is the Lord, and greatly. he, Above the gods, mud feared be : 4 For all the gods are idols dumb, To which the blinded nations come. 5 The Lord hath made the earth and fkies : Above them both his glory flies: 6 The glory of his face doth ihine With tlrength and majefty divine : The beauty of his holinefs "With glory fills his holy place; And nought but glory (ball appear, Before the Lord, for ever here. ~7 Afcribe to Chrift, the Lord your God, All kindreds of the world abroad, Afcribe to Chrift the glory due, Who gives his glorious flrength to you. 8 Give to the Lord his glorious fame, And all aloud proclaim his name : Come, come into his courts, and bring Tour/elves your offering to your King. 9 In beauty of his holinefs, Unto the Lord your God confefs : I ' Worihip and fear before him, all Ye fons of this terreftrial ball. 10 From pole to pole the tidings found, MelTiah reigns the world around : The world is fix'd, and fhall not move, Till all the world his judgment prove. 1 1 All 2$ 8 The PSALMS according to 1 1 All nature (hall renew'd appear, Before him, in th* accepted year : The Heav'n mail lift aloud her voice, And, with her fitter Earth, rejoice : 12 The Sea (hall, with her fulnefs, roar, And Thunder praife from fhore to more ; The joyful fields fhall laugh and fing ; The trees (hall bow to hail their King: 1 3 Before the Lord, the univerfe, By him rdtor'd, (hall then rehearfe The wonders of his kingdom all, "When he from duft the dead fhall call. He comes, in his appointed hour, To judge the earth with truth and pow'r : He'll judge the world with righteoufnefs, And all the folk with faithfulnefs. PSALM XCVII. Ascertained, with all its parallels, and applied by the Father to the Son, Heb. i. 6. * When • he bringeth in the Firft-begotten into the world, • he faith, And let all the angels of God nuorfhip • ytn? — as written in ver. 7. of this Pfalm, * Wor- * Jhip Mm, all ye gods.3 See Pfal. ii. and margin. Here in the Son behold and trace (Of all his Father's ponv'r pofefj, The bright nefs of his Father's face ; Jehovah's gkry full exprejil 1 TEhovah reigneth ; let the earth, J With all her multitude of ifles, Kejoice, and give her joys a breath; For her MeiTiah on her fmiles. 2 Though clouds and darknefs round him roIJ, And hide his glory for a while, He'll make them, like a burning fcroll, To fly away, and ne'er recoil ; 1 For Pfal. 97. rife New Testament. 289 For righteoufnefs and judgment, dill The habitation of his throne, Eftablim'd ftand, like Zion-hill, Till all his holy will be done. 3 A fire before him burns, and goes, Devouring all his foes around ; 4 His lightning's flam the world o'erthrows-, Th' earth faw, and trembled at his found. 5 The mountains at his prefence fled ; The hills, like melted wax, did flow : Median comes to make us glad With his bleft prefence here below. 6 The heav'ns announce his righteoufnefs j All people fee his glory fhine : The Holy Ghoft, with voice exprefs, Attefis his majefty, divine. 7 All who ferve graven images, Confounded let them ever be: Themfelves, in idols who do blefs, Confounded from his face {hall flee, But fee the Image God hath chofe, His brighter!: glory to difplay; For in him all the Godhead glows, And beams with undiminim'd ray. O angels of Jehovah, all, Behold the Son on throne fublime! Before his face with rev'rence fall, (For he's your Lord), and worfhip him ! 8 Zion did hear, and joyful fang ; Glad, glad, thy daughters, Judah, were, When light amid thy darknefs fprang, And (hew'd thy lov'd Median near. .9 Above all other gods, O Lord, Thou doft, exalted, reign on high; By all who know thee, lov'd, ador'd, God over all, eternally, t Bb 10O 2f>o f^ PSALMS according to j o O ye that love Meffiah, now, Becaufe of his forgiving love, Unto your Lord profoundly bow, And, hating ill, from ill remove : For he preferv'd your fouls from hell, And faved you from Satan's pow'r : O let not then your fouls rebel, Which he redeem'd for evermore ! 1 1 Light, light, is fown for all the faints, And joy for ev'ry upright one : Let faith and hope prevent your plaints ; Dry up your tears, and hum your moan 12 Rejoice, ye heirs of righteoufnefs, The righteoufnefs of Chrift above j Recal to mind his holinefs, And gratitude repay for love. PSALM xcvur. Interpreted as the lafl Pfalm. Let all the world with reverence fall Before the Lord, the Judge of all! He comes with thoufand thoufand faints > Ts dry our tears, to heal our plaints. 1 f\ Sing a new fong to our King, \J To Chrift the King of Zion fing; For he hath works of wonder done, His right hand hath the vi&'ry won. 2 He his falvation hath made known, His righteoufnefs reveal'd and mown, Among the heathe«s, in their fight, Now brought from darknefs into light. 3 Now Zion fhall no more deplore ; For grace and truth are at the door j And P£d. 99- *&* New Testament. 29: And the ialvation of our God Is feen by all the world abroad. 4 Earth, make a joyful noife, and fing New fongs of praife to Chrift your King : He comes to fill the earth with joy, And her deiiroyer to deflroy. 5 With all the melody of praife, 6 With muiie varied thoufand ways, "We will hofanna Chrift the King, Who makes the .light from darknefs fpring. 7 Let feas revolve his glory o'er, And each applaufive billow roar; 8 Clap, clap your hands, ye murm'ring floods, Shout, dance, and fing, ye hills and wood* , 9 Before the Lord ; behold him near, To bring the long-defired year; To bring his own redeemed home, To give the world impartial doom: He'll judge the earth in righteoufnefs, And all the world with faithfulnefs : According as the tree (hall fall, There it remain for ever fhall : How blefs'd are they his voice who hear! But, ah ! how curs'd, if ye forbear ! To-day, to-day, to-day alone, Is th' only day 10 kifs the Son ! P S A L JM XCIX. The praife and majefty of Chrift's kingdom,. See Pfeim ii. &c. IV ho nvas, and is, and is to be. The fame to-day and evermore^ The God of glorious majejiy, Tour King — ye faints of God, adore ! B b z 1 THE. 292 The PSALMS according to i 'THE Lord MefTiah reigns the King, ■*- Let men with trembling awe revere j He rides upon the Cherub's wing, Let th5 earth be mov'd, and quake with fear, 2 The Lord is great in Zion-hill, The Lord fupreme, God over all; 3 Thy name is high and terrible, To be rever'd by great and lmall. 4 Jehovah's Strength, the Lord our King, Judgment and juftice cr.Iy loves; Judgment to vieVry he will bring, Who rightecufnefs alone approves. 5 The Lord our God exalt ye high, And low before his footllool fall ; For he \\ holy ; fanClify His holy name, and en him call. res and Aaron led the v?.n Among his priefts, and Samuel too ; They call'd on Chriii, nor call'd in vain; He g -ve them all art anfwer due. 7 He fpake to them amidft the cloud, The cloud by day, the lire by night : They kept the (latutes of their God, His ordinances all aright. 8 Then anfwer'dft them, O Lord our God, Thou waft a God that them forgave, Tho' thou tcok vengeance by thy rod Of their inventions — them to lave. <9 Exalt the Lord, our God and King, And wo'rfhip at his holy hill; The Lord our God is holy; bring The oiFrings of your heart and will. PSALM PfaJ. 100. the New Testament. 295 P S A L M C. A Pfalm of thankfgivmg. See Pfal. xcv. and margin The Holy Ghcfl conj}rai?:s us all Before the Lord our God to fally jfhd give to him the- ghry due, Whofe mercies are for ever new. W ITH one confent, and one accord, Let all the people praife the Lord : 2 Come, ferve the Lord with joy, and ling, Soaring to God on lofty wing. 3 Know ye, the Lord is God indeed, The Son of God, and David's feed : 'Tis he who form'd us in his love, And gave us grace that, ne'er (hall move : Unto ourfelves we nothing owe, And nothing on ourfelves bellow : "We are his work, and only his; His bcth cur being and our blifs: We are his people, and the fheep Whom he doth in his paflure keep : Let us unto our Shepherd bow; Our Shepherd's faithful, good, and true, 4 O enter then his gates with praife, And in his courts his glory raife; Be thankful to him, blefs his name, And let your ways your love proclaim. 5 For why ? The Lord is always good, His love from everlafting flood ; His truth endureth evermore : Let all the world the Lord adore. Bb3 PSALM 2£4 The. PSALMS according to PSALM CI. Christ's undertaking and vow. See Pfal. Ixxt A fan? of God's beloved Son, Which he to David did i?npart, Concerning ail the ivays, anon To be fulf.Wd in ChrijVsown heart. ft T Mercy will and judgment fing; ■* Mercy and judgment are thy choice : Vl\ fmg'to thee, my God, my King, And all my fubjefts ihall rejoice. 2 With perfect wifdom I will act, Within my church, my houfc, my homej; And with a perfect heart will walk : Tome, my God, when wilt thou come?. 3 I will endure no Belial thing To be at all before mine eyes : I hate the works of thofe who fwing With ev'ry guft of wind that flies. 4 No fro ward heart to me fhall cleave, But from me (hall depart away : No faithlefs peribn I will fave,. Nor hear the wicked when they pray. 5 Whofo fhall flander privily His neighbour, I will cut him ofT: The proud and domineering eye, Unknown by me, Ihall Hand aloof. 6 Upon the faithful of the land Mine eye (hall look, and always fmile; The man who walks in thy command,. My Servant, yea, my Son, i ftyle. 7 But he that worketh bafe deceit Within my houfe lhall never dwell ; Nor {hall he tarry in my fight, Who wicked wanton lies will 'tell. 8 ■ Ffal. 102. the New Testa men.t. 295 8 I will deftroy the curfed tares, As faft as tney ihall fill- the ground ; My zeal no evil doers bears To be within God's city found. psalm en. In this Pfalm we behold the fufferings of (Thrift, as expreffed in his own perfon, by the Holy Ghoit, from the beginning to verfe 12. ocntrafted with the following glory, as declared, by the fame Spirit in the perfon of the Father,, from verfe 12. to 23. Then, from the 23. to the middle of verfe 24. the dialogue is again re- newed, as at the beginning of the Pfalm, in the perfon of the Son — to whom, from the middle of ver. 24. to the end of the Pfalm, the Father is again reprefented, as replying according to the former manner,, mentioned from ver. 12 to 23.: for (o this Pfalm, ver. 25, &c. is exprefsly applied and interpreted by the Holy Ghoft, Heb. i. * Un- ' to the Son he faith, Thy throne, O God, is for * ever and ever — And thou, Lord, in the begin- * ning, haft laid the foundation of the earth; and 4 the heavens are the works o{ thine hands,' &c — * And they (hall be changed: but thou art the. * fame, and thy years fhall not fail.' A prafr of God's afflicled Son, With anguijlj ivell-nigh overwhelmed — When to the Lord he poured his moany He found his fpirit all becalm' d. 1 T ORD hear my pray'r, and let my cry **-* Afoend into thine ear and heart; For by thine arrows pierc'd I lie ; My fpirit's drunk by fire and dart. 2 Hide not thy face from me, when I, In my calamity and pain, Mourn, Lord, to thee; O fpeedily To this my call an anfwcr deign. 3 My 2g6 The PSALMS according to 3 My days are all confum'd to fmoke, My bones are burnt up as an hearth ; 4, My heart, with grief and anguifh broker Like grafs, is wither'd on the earth : My foul forgets and loatbs her bread, My Father's wrath poflefTeth me ; I'm almoft number'd with the dead ; Yet death from me doth daily flee* 5 By reafon of my groaning voice, My fkin adhereth to my bones; My flelh is fled with all my joys, And nothing left but fighs and moans.- 6 I'm like the mournful pelican, Alone in wildernefs, and lorn ; Or, like the defert owl, a man Of all my fellow-men the fcorn. 7 I like a matelefs fparrow am, That watches on houfe-top alone ^ No man regardeth whence I came ; No man regardeth when I'm gone, 8 Fin like a lamb among the wolves ; My foes devour me all the day; In mad-1 worn wrath, each one refolves Who (hall be foul to flay. 9 I've eaten afhes for my bread, And mingled all my drink with tears; 10 But 'tis thine anger makes me bleed ; Thine anger fills my- heart with fears : For thou haft lifted me on high, And dafh'd me fiercely down again; My heavy fetters, Lord, untie, And loofe me from my weighty chain. 1 1 My days are as a vapour flown, And like a fhadow fled away : I'm wither'd like the grafs, and blown About, the fport of ev'ry day. — ia But Ffal. 102. *the New Testament. 297 1 2 But thou, O Lord, when this thy day Of fad calamity and tears h wholly fpent, and blown away, Shalt live an endlefs length of years : Thou (halt for evermore endure, Thy memory thro' ages all Shall, like the fun, be bright and pure, Nor any blot mail thereon fall. 13 Thou (halt arife, and mercy have Upon thy Zion, in the day When thou (halt triumph o'er the grave, And unto death, Be slain, fhalt fay : Behold, the time of favour comes, The very time which thou haft let : Jerufalem thy glory blooms; Zion, thy God is at thy gate. 14 Thy fons take pleafure in thy (tones, O thou belov'd Jerufalem : Zion, thy God hath heard thy groans, He comes from duft to raife thy name. 15 So (hall the nations round thee fear Thy name, O Cbrift, my holy King y So (hall the kings their glory dear, With all their ofFrings, to thee bring, 16 When thou, O Lord, (halt Zion build3 Thou. in thy glory fhalt appear-, And be thyfelf their Sun 2nd Shield, A Sun and Shield for ever near. iy The pray'rs of all the deftitute Their High-pridt never will defpife; For he himfelf was cloth'd about, With all the like infirmities. 18 This (hall be wrote for future times, Thro' generations all to come; For people in remoteft climes, Whom their. Creator (lull bring homa. 19. They 298 The PSALMS according to 19 They (hall record his glorious praife, And fing the wonders of his way ; For he from heav'n beheld their ways, And faid, I'll fave them in their day : 20 I'll hear the groaning prifoner, And loofe the children doom'd to die* 21 To mew the Lord is ever neir, A ready help when trouble /s nigh. The Lord in Zion ever dwells, And in Jerufalem his name; His name o'er ev'ry name prevails, And over praifes all, his fame : 22 Behold the people gather'd round, Thro* all the world to ferve the Lord, AfTembled at the joyful found, The tidings of th' Eternal Word ! — 23 My ftrength he weaken'd on the road,, He iopt away my future days \ 24 I cry Id, O fpare thou me, my God, And let me live to fhew thy praife. — . Thy years thro' ages all fhall laft, "When time itfelf mall be no more, 25 When heav'ns and earth, O Lord, are paft, Which both were founded by thy pow'r : 26 They all fhall periih from thy light, Lo, as a garment they wax old, But thou malt live and change them quite,. And as a velhire roll and fold : They ihall be chang'd, and pafs away; 27 But thou remained fliil the fame : Thy years are an eternal day, And an eternal throne thy claim. 23 The children alfo of thy love, A faithful, loving, chofen race, Shall never from thy foot remove, But ever dwell before thy. face. PSALM Pfal. 103. the New Testament. 299 psalm cm. This and the following Pfalm need no illuika- tion. A fong by GccPs Mefliah fung> When floods of light , from darknefs fprung^ Began to rufh into his foult Where waters deep before did roll. (~\ Thou my foul, arife, and fing; ^^ Blefs God thy Lord for evermore ; And all within me, hail thy King; His holy name blefs and adore : Blefs, O my foul, the Lord thy God, And, ever mindful of his love, Proclaim his holy name abroad; And all thy pow'rs within thee move. Sing to the Lord, and boldly tell, The Lord doth all thy fins forgive; All thine infirmities doth heal, And faith to thee, For ever live : The Lord redeems thy life, that thou Within the pit (halt not remain ; With loving- kindnefs crowns thy brow; And high exalts thy head again ; . The Lord with goodnefs fills thy mouth, And makes thy heart with gladnefs fing ; The Lord again renews thy youth, And makes thee foar with eagle's wing. The Lord, to all cppreffed ones, Will juftice pure and judgment give; For he hath heard my dying groans, And bid me, in his mercy, Live. His ways to Mofes he did (how, And unto Aaron in their day; Ifra'l he made his a£ts to know ; And Ifra'l fang with joyful lay. 8 The 300 The PSALMS according to 8 The Lord is kind and gracious ; He is to wrath and anger flow ; In mercy he is plenteous; In him companions always flow* 9 He will not always chide ; nor will He keep his anger evermore : 10 He hath not recompens'd our ill, But kindly blotted out the fcore : 1 1 For as the heav'n, in all its height, The earth furmounteth very far, So great to thofe, who do delight In him, his tender mercies are: 12 For as the eaft is diftant from The weft, fo far hath he remov'd Our fins from us, and made them come, In their full weight, on his Beloved. 1 3 Such pity as a father's heart Feels for his tender children dear ; Like pity does the Lord impart To thofe who wormip him in fear : 14 For he remembers we are grafs, And he our fading frame well knows : 15 Frail man, his days like (hadows pafs; As fiow'r in field he buds and grows : 16 For over it the wind doth pafs, And it away is ever gone ; And, of the phce where once it was, k ihall no more at all be known. 17 But as for thofe who know his name, And of his righteoufnefs approve, Who found his everlafiing fame, He fhall to everlasting love. i8 To fuch as keep his covenant, And only walk in wifdom's ways, A full fupply for ev'ry want, His love almighty (till conveys. 1 19 The Pfal. 104. the New Testament. 30 1 19 The Lord in heav'n hath built his throne; His kingdom ruleth over all : 20 Ye angels, blefs him, ev'ry one, And lowly at his footftool fall; For therefore ye in ftrengrh excel, That ye his high behefts may bear, And execute his pleafure well, "When ye his mighty mandates hear. 21 Blefs ye the Lord, all ye his hofts, Who faithfully perform his will : Let ev'ry thing whi-ch being boafts, Join in the fong with various (kill. 22 Blefs, biefs the Lord, ye great and fmall, In his dominions, ev'ry-where: Blefs thou the Lord, my foul ; and all His glory evermore declare. PSALM CIV. S*f. the laft, with parallels on margin of both* The Father, Son, and Holy Gkofl, The one eternal God alone. Praised hy the faints, and keav'nly hcjl, For all his works of wonder done ! 1 T>LESS, O my foul, the Lord Moft High: •*-' My God, thou art exceeding great ; With honour thou and majefty Aft clothed, as with robes of ftate! 2 Thcu dwell'll in unapproached light, Which, as a garment, thee arrays ; And fpread'd the fky, thy curtain bright, To made th' infuffcrabie blaze. 3 His palace- beams, in airy floods Above the firmament, he lays ; He makes his chariot of the clouds, And of the winged winds bis wavs. t C c 4 He $e* The PSALMS according U 4 He makes his angels fpirits pure, His minifters a flaming fire : 5 He makes the founded earth endure, And fays, Thou never Jhalt retire. O Thou coveredft the earth with waves, As with a garment fpread along; The deep, above the mountains heaves Its head, with waters fierce and ftrong: 7 At thy rebuke the waters fled, Affrighted at thy thunders, lo, 8 They from the mountain-tops recede, And down the hollow valleys flow. They hailed from thy voice away, And found their own appointed place: 9 Thou didft a bondage on them lay, That they fhould never more tranfgefs : When they perceived in the cloud, Thy faithful covenant of peace, No deluge more jbould be allow' dy They fank their head, and kept their place. 10 Into the vales he fends the fprings, "Which run among the little hills, 1 1 Drink to afford all living things ; Wild affes drink, and blefs the rills : 1 2 By them the fowls of every wing, Which fmg among the branches, dwell ; Which to the God, who feeds them, fing : To God of heav'n their notes they fwell. 13 He from his chambers fends the rain, And opens ail his refervoirs, To water both the hill and plain, According as their need requires : He fhow'rs his goodnefs on the earth j The earth is grateful to his love : The world is fill'd with joy and mirth ; All breathing life his bounty prove. 1 4 He Pfal. 104. the New Testament. 30^ 14 He makes the grafs for cattle grow, And herb to flay the heart of man ; That he may caufe the food to flow From earth, which fatiates ev'ry one, 15 The wine that cheers the human heart; The oil that makes their faces (nine ; The bread which (rrength to man imparts* All-bounteous God, are gifts of thine t 16 The trees of God are full of Jap ; The cedars tall of Lebanon, The Lord, their Planter, doth adapt Unto the foil they tow'r upon : 17 The birds beneath their (hadow dwell ; The fir-tree is the ftork's delight : 18 The wild-goats love the mountains well > The conies court the rocks' fteep heights 19 For feafons, he appoints the moon, Who walks majeftic through the clouds; He taught the fun to know his noon, And when to plunge him in the floods. 2oThou makeft darknefs, and 'tis night : Then all tht beads of for eft creep, In filcnt abfence of the light, Afraid to fee the morning peep. H The lions young roar for their prey, And make the rocks around them yell y They cry to God, both night and day, For meat to quench thjir hunger fell : 22 But when the fun doth gild the clouds,. And pour his beams along the plains,. Then favage monfters of the woods, Retire and flink into their dens. 23 Man to his labour goeth forth, To occupy the given day; And let him work with joy znd mirth, Before the Lord, ti.l th' ev'ning-ray. C c z 24 How 304 The PSALMS according to 24 How grand, how various, are thy works.1 In wifdom had thou made them all : No want, no blemifh, in them lurks; No incidents unfeen befal. The earth is with thy riches ftor'd: 25 So is this vaft and fpacious fea ; There, worlds of wonders are explored ; THere, fmall things creep, and mongers' play; 26 There, fails the gallant, (lately pine ; There, that magnificence of God, . Flounces and gambols in the brine, The mighty whale, who rules the flood. 27 Thefe all arrang'd before thee wait, And crave of thee their proper food ; Thou giveft them to fatiate Their longing appetites with good : 28 They gather what thou fcattereft, And greedily the fame devour: Thine hand thou open'ft, they are bleft, And blefs the bounties of thy pow'r. 29 Thou hidMl thy face from them again ; Thou wrap'ft them in the (hades of death: They gafp, and perifh in their pain, And turn to dufr, depriv'd of breath. 30 Thou fendefl forth thy Spirit, ftill Creating others in their room : The earth, renew 'd by thy good -will, Shall with eternal verdure bloom. 31 Thy glory, Lord, (hall' ever fhine, A bright and undiminifh'd blaze; And thou, in all thofe works of thine, Be glad, and glad them with thy rays. 32 If thou upon the earth but frown, The fame fliall tremble all, and quake; If thou but touch the hills, anon They fmoke, and from their bafes break. 33 "i Pia-1. roc-.- the New Testament, 3:^ 5-3 I'll blefs the Lord as long'b I live, And all h« praifes loudly ling 5 Yea, while I am, I'll glory give To thee, my Lord, my God, my King. 34 My meditation lhail be fweet; For in my God 1 will be glad : - Let them go mourn, for' whom 'tis meet; Let finners in the earth be fad : 35 Let all the wicked be confum'd, And let the finners be no more; For they, to endlefs forrow doom'd, In outer darknefs fhall compiore : But thou, my foul, O blefs the Lord : Let all the blefs1 d with thee combine, To blefs the i^ord, with one accord, With hallelujahs all divine ! PSALM CV. Historical, commemorative, and monitory; fetting forth the ways of the Lord towards his peo- ple, and their Conditions before him — lerving for examples to us. See 1 Cor. x. 4. ' Now thefe tilings • were our examples,' fyc. — and, Rom. xv. 4, *' For whatfoever things were written aforetime* 1 were written for otft learning/ &c. 0 thanks and praife be to the Lord For all his holy 'd in Egypt great alarms, la chambers of her kings. 3. He Pfal. 10$. the New Testament. 309 31 He fpake, and there came divers forts Of odious lice and flies ; Through all their coafts, and royal courts, In fwarms they did arife. 32 He gave them burning hail for rain; And flaming (ire there flew In floods, along th' Egyptian plain, Which men and cattle flew : 33 He fmote their vines ; their fig-trees failM, With all their trees abroad ; Their daughters for the vintage waii'd, And trembled at the rod. 34 He fpake, and then the locufls came; And caterpillars ran, With worms of ev'ry various name, To eat the hope of man : 35 They prey'd on ev'ry tender herb, (A fierce devouring band!), And ev'ry blofTom'd tree, fuperb, They lbipt through all the land. 36 But that which laid them low and lorn, And ilew their ftrength indeed! He fmote their glory, their firfl-born ; All Egypt's veins did bleed. 37 He alio brought his people forth With lilver much, and gold ; *Then lfra'1 fang wirb joy and mirth, And danc'd both young and old: '] here was no languor in their tents, Nor feeble in the throng; For God, their King, umov'd their plaints, And led the tribes along. 38 tgvpt was glad when they were gone; And fear upon her fell, When fbe beheld what God had done For his lov'd JUraci. 39 He 3io The PSALMS according U- 39 He made his cloud their canopy, To fcreen them from the light; And pillar'd flames, high in the fky, To fhine on them by night 40 They afked, and he brought them quai!sr And manna, heav'nly food, To (till their grievous cries and wails, When murmuring aloud. 41 He opened the flinty veins, * And clave the rock in two : Then waters gufh along the plains; Floods through the defert flow : 42 For he remember'd, then, his love To Abraham his friend ; His covenant that fhould not move, To love them to the end: 43 And fo he led his chofen flock, With joy and mirth along ; The children dear of Abra'ms flock, Who march'd with dance and fong. 44 He gave them then, with his own hands",* Their fpecial lot and line; For heritage, the heathen lands, By providence divine; 45 That they his flatutes might obferve,* And keep his holy laws. Praife ye the Lord, and never fwerve From your Mefliah's caule. P S A L M CVI. A continuation of the la(t ; (hewing the rebel* lion of the people again!! God, and concluding with mercy triumphing over judgment; ending, as it begins, wi;h Hallelujah* See the margin. High Pfal. 106. the New Testament. 311 High hallelujahs found to God, For all his love to rebels fooiy'd ! For they againji him proudly Jlrove ; But he ftibdu d them by his love! o Praife the Lord, and thankful be; And for his goodnefs thanks give ye: The Lord is good, whom we adore 5 His mercy lafts for evermore. I O who can utter haif his praife, Or (hew forth all his mighty ways? 3 How blefs'd are they who do his will; Who keep his holy precepts ftill ! 4 Remember me, O Lord my God, With favour on thy faints beftow'd ; And vifit me with tender love, And caufe me thy falvation prove; 5 That I thy chofen's good may fee, And joyful with thy nation be; And glory with thy children dear, When all thy glory fhall appear. 6 We, with our fathers, have tranfgrefs'd ; (And IfraTs fins fhall be confefs'd) ; We have done very wickedly, And bafely wrought iniquity. 7 Our fathers never underitood His wonders by th' Egyptian flood; And they remember'd thee no more, Nor thy love at the Red- Sea fhore. 8 Yet ne'erthelefs he faved them, Ev'n for the fake of his own name, For all their provocation fhown, To make his mighty pow'r be knowr* 9 The Red- Sea, then, at his rebuke, Her channel inftamly forfook ; And, dry'd up to the very rock, freparM a pafiage for his flock: And $12 The PSALMS according U And fo he led them through the deep, As fnepherds lead their paiturM fheep; He brought them to their refting-place, And warch'd them in the wildernefs. 10 Redeemed from the hoitile bands, He faved them from robbers hands : 1 1 The waters cover ev'ry foe ; Ten thoufand billows o'er them flow. 12 They then believ'd the word they faw, And for a while were (truck with awe; They joined Mofes in his praiie, And fang of all God's mighty ways. 13 But, ah ! his works they foon forgot, And did not for his counfel wait : 14 They lufted much irr wildernefs, And tempted God in defert place. 15 He gave them their requeft, 'tis true; But to their fouls fent leannefs too. 16 They envy'd Mofes in the camp, And Aaron, faint of God, did damp. 17 The yauning earth afunder flew, And fhew'd a fearful thing and new — Dathan, alive, fhe fwallow'd then, And clos'd on all Abiram's train : j 8 The Lord perceiv'd their difcontenr, And kindled fire among them fent; Then death and dire destruction came, And burnt with fierce devouring flame. 19 They made a calf in Horeb too, And to the molten god did bow : 20 And thus, their glory and their god, (According to th' Egyptian mode), Moft vainly chang'd, and imag'd they, Like to an ox that eateth hay: 21 Thus God their Saviour they forgot, In Egypt who fuch wonders wrought: l 22 Hw Pfal. io6. the New Testament. 313 22 His wond'rous works in land of Ham, To their remembrance never came *, Nor all the pow'r he did difplay, In dreadful a£ts, at yon Red* Sea. 23 Therefore he faid, he would deftroy Thofe rebels, and his fword would cloy With drinking their degen'rate blood ; If Mofes had not for them flood : Mofes was chofen, by his grace, To fill the Mediator's place; He ftood before him in the breach, Before his wrath could Ifra'l reach ; He acled th' intercefibr's part, And fpoke MefTiah's very heart: Mefliah only was their Lord, And Mofes only fpake his word. 24 But they defpifed both the Lord, And Mofes who proclaim'd his word; For they defpis'd the pleafant land, And faid, His promile would not (land : 25 Murm'ring, and deaf unto the Lord, They difoeliev'd and fcorn'd his word: 26 Therefore he lifted up his hand, T' o'erthrow them in the defert land ; 27 To make their haughty fpirits fall, And fcatter them through nations all. 28 To bafe Baal-peor's fhame they fell, And facriflc'd to fouls in hell. 29 Thus, with their lewd inventions ill, T:.iey rous'd his wrath againft them ftiil; And then, with hot-confuming ire, The plague brake in on them like fire: 30 Till Phineas rofe, and Zimri flew ; And forthwith then the plague withdrew: 31 And that was reckon'd evermore, For righteoufnefs, to Phineas* fcore. t D <1 32 And 3 1 4 the PSALMS according U 32 And at the waters, where they ftrove, To anger they provok'd his love; So that with Mofes it went ill, Becaufe of their moft wayward will: 33 For they provok'd his fpirit fo, That unawares from him did flow Words unadvifed, in the ftrife, For which the Lord cut fhort his life. 34 The nations they deftroyed not, Concerning whom a charge they got; 35 But, mingling with the heathen, they Did learn their evil works and way. 36 They ferv'd their idol gods, which were To them, and to their feed, a fnare : 37 Their fons and daughters, tender names! They threw to devils 'midfl the flames. 38 The very blood of their own fons And daughters, heedlefs of their groans, They poured out to ev'ry god, And fill'd the land with guiltlefs blood. 39 Thus, by their own device defil'd, With bafe inventions lewd and wild, They went a-whoring from the Lord, And fell by his devouring fword : 40 His wrath upon them burft abroad; The rebels were abhorr'd of God : 41 He gave them to the heathens fword, Who his inheritance devour'd. 42 He brought them under bondage vile, And all their haters laugh'd the while; Their foes opprefs'd them grievoufly, And gall'd their hearts with cruelty. 43 He many times deliver'd them, And ftill they turned to their (hame, And mov'd him with their counfels (o9 That in his wrath he brought them low. 44 Yet, Pfal. 107. the New Testament. 44 Yet, ne'erthelefs, he heard their cry, When fore opprefs'd with mifery : 45 And then deliver'd them again, Becaufe his mercy did remain. 46 He made them to be pitied Of all who had them captive led, And they obtained favour great In ev'ry kingdom and eftate. 47 Save us, and gather us, O God, From 'mong the nations ail abroad j To triumph in thy holy name, And gratefully thy praife proclaim. 48 Blefs'd be Jehovah, IfraTs God, Who ruleth all the world abroad ; Let all the people fay, Amen ; And ever praife Meffiah's reign. PSALM cm ■ Giving thanks always for all things unto God and our Father, in the name of the Lord Jefus Chrift.' See Pfal. xxiiii. 0, to the Lord, that wen would give. As ail the faints of God nvill do. Unto the Lord by ivhom nve //tv, The j'lj} returns of glory duel /~V Give ye thanks unto the Lord, ^ For he is good and gracious \, His mercies (land upon record, For ever fure and plenteous. Let God's redeem'd fay fo, whom he From death's devouring jaws hath freed, And gather'd out from fea to fca, Eaft, weft, fouth, north, a chofen feed. Dd2 3 Thro' 3i6 The PSALMS according to 3 Thro' wafte and howling wildernefs, They flray'd and roam'd for an abode; Eut never found a refting-plaee, Until they found their reft in God: 4 No city was for them allow'd, In all their rfefert pathlcfs way; That they might fojourn, as they fhould, Pilgrims and ftrangers all their day : £ Wltb thiiil and hunger pained fore, Their fainting fouls would often fail ; 6 And then they Would the Lord implore, Who foon forbade then* more to wail : 7 He led them forth by proper ways, That they might to a city go, Where all their prayVs fhould turn to praife, And they no more mutation know. — 8 O men, if ye your duty knew, And obligations to your God, To render him the glory due, For all his love on you beftowM ! 9 For he it is who fills the foul, The longing foul, with joy and good; Who doth the fierce ft pangs controul, When gnawing hunger calls for food. jo See how the ions of darknefs mourn, And low'r beneath the wing of death, Bound in affliction's heavy iron, Still dreading more impending wrath! 11 Becaufe they haughtily rebell'd Againft the counfel of their God, And all his words in contempt held, He fmote them with his iron rod. 12 He brought their heart down very low, With labour, pain, and grievous toil ; They look'd around for help, and, lo, There was no eye on them to fmile : i 3 They Hal. 1:7. the New Testament. 317 13 They then began to think on God ; They call'd upon his name an in; He heard them, and remov'd bis rod, Then pluck d their foul from death and pain* 14 For darknefs, light around them (hone, 1 heir bands at once afunder flew ; Death's fhadow, in a moment gone, EvaniuYd ere their foals well knew — * »5 O men, if ye your duty knew, And obligations to your God, To render him the glory due, For all his love on you beftow'd ! 16 For he hath burft the gates of brafs, And broke the iron bars in twain ; That death and hell away might pafs, With fin and forrow in their train. 17 Becaufe of their tranfgreflion, fools, Who tread the paths of fin and fhames Whom Satan makes his filly tools, ftluft mourn in anguifli for the fame: 18 Their fouls abhor all kind of food, And they draw near the gates of death; 19 To God they lift their voice aloud, And he rcftores again their breath : 20 He fent his word and healed them, When with diftrefs their hearts did bleed ^ His instantaneous mercy came, And them from dire deitru&ion freed. — 21 O men, if ye your duty knew, And obligations to your God, To render him the glory due, For all his love on you beftow'd !' 22 O do ye facrifices bring, Ycur facrifice of joy and praife; Yourfelves prefent before your King, And fing of ?J1 his wondrous ways. V d 3 23 Th:r 3 1 S TJ:>e PSALMS according to 23 They who go down upon the fea In (hips, tranfa&ing bus'nefs there, Where waters great and roaring be, Cry, Lord, hew great thy wonders are! 24.Thefe fee the doings of the Lord, And all his marvels in the deep : 25 For he commands, and at his word The ftor t.y winds the furges fweep : 26 Lifted aloft, the billowy waves, Like mountains heaving to the fky, Defcend again to fee the graves Where thoufimds dead below them !y; They mount to heav'n, they fink to hell, Their foul is melted like the wave-, The howling winds around them yeil, And feem to knell them to their grave: 27 They fink, they cry, they roar, they rave, In trouble to and fro they red ; Like drunkards, whom their fenks leave, "What dire confufions do they i^tl ! 28 Their w iff loin's fwallow'd up by fear, Until they cry unto the Lord ; 'The Lord anon their cry will hear, And hufn the tempefi with a word: 29 He makes the ftorm obey his nod; nnd evVy hoifl'rous wave is ftill; The fea is htifiVd, ami, hearing God, Stands chie'den ior her wayward will. 30 Then, then the mariners refpire, Bccaufe they feel themfelves alive, And gladly at their port afpire, Until he makes them fare arrive. — 31 O men, if ye your duty knew, And obligations to your God, To render him the glory due, Tor all his love en you bcflow'd ! 32 In Pfal. 107. the New Testament. 319 32 In your affemblies him extol, And praife him where the people be. Among the elders lift your ibul, And, all ye elders, praife him ye. 33 He makes the wildernefs to flow With floods of water ev'ry- where. And water-fprings again to grow Dry ground, with land and channels bare. 34 The fruitful land he lows with fait, And turns it into barrennefs, Becaufe the dwellers are in fault, And grieve him with their wickednefs. 35 He turns the rock into a flood, And dry-ground into Water- fprings, Exchanging often ill and good, By ftrange vicifiitude oi things. 36 He makes the hungry with him dwell, Where he their city hath prepar'd; They fow the fields, and plant them well; Much increaie (ball their toil reward. 37 He alfo greatly will them blefs, And pour them all abroad like floods; Their cattle mall not fed decreafe, Nor wolf, nor murrain, feize their goods. 38 Again they are dimimfhed, When waves and winds adv Zion, in midlt of thee, Before the Lord, we'll pay our vows : Pralfe to the Lord give ye. PSALM CXVII. Explained, Rom. xv. 1 1. of all the kingdoms of the earth becoming the kingdom of the Lord, and .of his Chrifl; which ihall be completely fulfil* led, when all the people of all tongues, kindreds, nations and languages, orda'ned to eternal lire, fhall, through the everlaiting gcfpel, preached to every creature under heaven, by the miniilraticn of the Holy Gholt, the rod of his git. a: power, h\t added to the Lord. Gathered frc'rfi the world around . Let ail th churches loudly fund The pralfe s of the Lord their Kin?, Who gives them this new Jong to Jing ! 1 r\ All ye nations, found abroad ^-^ The voice of joy and praife to God ; Exult, ye people ail, and fing Hoianna to the Lord our King. F f 2 2 H:c 340 The PSALMS according to 2 His mercy rolleth like a flood, To wain away our fins in blood : His truth endureth evermore. Median for his grace adore. PSALM CXVIII. ' This is the (tone which was fet at nought of ' you builders, which is become the head of the ' corner: neither is there falvation in any other; * for there is none other name under heaven given ■ among rr.en, whereby we muft be faved ; ' Ads iv. ii. and Mat. xxi. 42. — See this Pialm, ver. 22. with all the marginal references. Thus in his day Mefiah fang ; To whom the churchy re- echoing, rang Refponjive to his glorious praife, Devon to the prefent go/pel -days : j4nd, to his fecond coming* they, Who Jhall be born, prolong the lay. Then nve floall /bine in light divine, Like funs, which never Jhall decline''. X T^Xalt the voice of gratitude, *-J And blefs the Lord ; for he is good : For ever and for ever laft His mercies, wherewith we are blefl. 2 Let Ifra'l now, rejoicing, (ing The tender mercies of her King; The mercies wherein (he is bleft ; The mercies which for ever laft. 3 Let Aaron now advance and fing Th' eternal mercies of his King, And celebrate, in higheft (trains, His priefthood, which for aye remains. 4 Now let them all, who love the Lord, With heart and voice, in fweet accord, Join in their own Mefliah's praife, And fay, His mercy ne'er decays : 5 ^r> Pfal. ir-8. the New Testament. 34^ 5 For. lo, in day of my diftrefs, When forrow did me fore opprcfsr I cail'd upon the Lord, and be Immediately md aniwer me: He ftt me in a fpacious place, And made me dwell before his face. € Jehovah (lands upon my fide; I'll laugh at human rage and pride. 1 Jehovaih taketh part with thofe Who Hand for me againft my foes; I therefore my defire {hall fee On all the proud who fight with me. 8 'Tis better on the Lord to trull, Than to confide in human duft ; 9 'Tis Better on the Lord to flay, Than to rely on royal clay. 1-0 All nations me environed, But foon before my prefence fled : For, in the name of God the Lord, I drove them all before my fword : I 1 They me environed, I fay, And ail around befieging lay; Lut, in the name of God the Lord,. I drove them all before my fword : 12 They me environed like bees, By myriads fwarming in the breeze; Till quenched as the fiafny flame, When thorns all- fiercely crackling gleam :' For, in the name of God the Lord, T made them fall before my word : So fhall it fare, when they arifc, With all my raging enemies. 13 With vi'lent thruftitig, thou haft drove To make me from my (landing move, Proud haughty foe i but then the Lord Ran to my h-ip» when I implord. Ff3- HtTfe 342 The PSALMS according to 14 The Lord's my fong, the Lord's my Strength, He's my falvation now at length : The temped now has ceas'd ro roar, Though all my day the ftorm I bore, 15 The voice of joy, the voice of praife, And fweet falvation I will raife, "Within the tents of all the Juft, Who in the Lord Jehovah truft : The right-hand of the mighty God All valiantly hath valour fnow'd : 16 the right hand of the Lord is high, And ever does moll valiantly. 17 I fhall not die, but live, and tell God's works, in glory which excel : E§ He hath indeed chaitis'd me fore, But not to death deliver'd o'er. 19 Open to me th' eternal gate Of righteoufnefs : behold, I wait $ I'll enter in by righteoufnefs; And there Jehovah I'll confefs. 20 This is Jehovah's royal gate, The Juft {hall enter in thereat; In ftate and glory high they mine, Who enter by this gate divine. » 21 I'll ling and praife thy name, O Lord, Becaufe thou hall my foul reftor'd — 2 2 That Rock of ages, God's Elect, Which Jewiih builders did reject, The Lord bath made head Corner- (tone, To found and rear his church thereon: 23 This work is God's, which we admire, Our whole falvation and defire : 24 This day his wonders fignalize; Let (bouts of triumph rend the ikies. Ye children, catch the joyful lays, Left Hones ihould rival you in praife ; With Pfal. 119. the New Testament. 343 With olive branches flrew the road, And bow the knee before your God : 25 Hofanna to our King molt high ; Jehovah, fend profperity ; Let peace with beav'n attend his reign, And glory in the highefl /train. 26 He comes! he comes! in God's great name. Our fouls to fave! found loud his fame : We, from the houfe of God the Lord, Pronounce you blcfled by his word. 27 God hath made light to us arife ; To tk( altar bind the facrifice. 28 Thou art my God, thy name PI1 raife ; Thou art my God, I'll fpread thy praife; 29 Thy gocdnefs found on evVy firing, And thy eteFnal mercy fing. P 8 A L M CXIX. That this glorious Pfalm is all fpoken in one perfon, is evident from the bare reading of it; and that the Son of God, * made of the woman, * made under the law,' is the fpeaker, appears equally plain from the whole itrain and complexion thereof. To pafs by the evidences fupporting this aflertion, contained in every one of the other verfes of the Plahn beiides, confider impartially ver. 115. * Depart from me, ye evil-doers' — and ver. 139. ■ My zeal hath confumed me' — (the He- brew, according to the margin, reads, kath cut me off J — compared with the (New-Teltament ap- plication of thefe remarkable palfages in Matt. vii. 23. John ii. 17. — See alfo Pfal. i. with all its pa- rallels, and the marginal references. — N. B. As to the interpretation given in the following para- phrale, particularly of ver. 9. 67. and 167. of this Pfalm, the uiiiverie of God is hereby challenged to 344 Th* PSALMS according to to overturn the fame, if it can be overturned, while the analogy of faith is allowed to (land. The exercifes, hopes, and fe.irs, Exfrofudations) praftsy and ie.irsy CokfeJJionsi tbankfgivistgs, and praife, I,i various viefws^ and various pbrafcy Of Jesus Christ, the "Son of God, Bending beneath the heavy load, Which God his Father laid on .hin;t Under the la-vj for human crime ! A L E P H. Part I. r DLessed are they who undehTd, *-* In femblnnce as a little child, Abstaining perfectly from fin; Who to the law's perfection win : 2 BlefTed are they who walk fecure ; Who keep his tefti monies pure-, Who feek the Lord with their whole heart;. Who never from his ways depart : 3 They no iniquity mud do, But mull: the perfect path purfue : 4 So thou commanded us to keep T.hy perfect ways, though {trait and fteeps 5 O then direct my heart and ways, To keep thy ftatutes all my days ! For, lo, thy fervant, Lord, mail be Subjected wholly unto thee : 6. And then I (hall not be afham'd, When 1 my due reward have claim'd, Eternal life and happinefs, When I have done thy righteoufnefs : 7 Then I will praiie thec uprightly, When I have learned faithfully To yield obedience to thy word 13 y fuff'ring all thy judgment?, Lord : libit Ffal. 119. /^ New Testament. 345 8 For I determine in my heart, That from thy yoke I will not ftarr, Till I perform thy ftatutes all : My God, uphold me left I fall : And, though thou frown on me a while, Again revive me with thy fmile ; And do not utterly defert The man who for thy love doth fmart. BETH. Part IT. 9 By what means fnall that chofen Son, Who comes his Father's ways to run, Direct his fteps, and keep his path ? — By hearing what his Father faith : The words which from thy mouth proceed, My Father, wing my feet with fpeedj They alfo keep me in the way, And point my fteps by night and day. 10 With my whole heart I've fearch'd for thee, O fly not thou away from me ; I'll trace thee in thy beaten path, And liilen to thy word of faith. 1 1 Within my heart I've hid thy word, That I olfend not thee, my Lord : 12 Bleffed art thou, O Lord my God : O teach me with thy word and rod. 13 I've with my lips declared ail The judgments from thy mouth that fall: 14 I've in thy ways rejoiced more Than mifers do in hoarded ftore. 15 I*]] in thy precepts meditate, And all thy ways before rne fet : 16 I'll in thy ftatutes greatly joy, And make thy word my whole employ: Thy words, tlvy ways, thy judgments all, Foe my whole lb ul and fpint call ; And 346 The PSALMS according tn And I will ever perf vere To lend my God mine heart, mine ear. G I M E L. Part III. 17 Thy bounty to thy fervant fhow, That I may live and pay my vow : I vow to keep thy hoiy word ; And (hew perfection to my Lord. 1 8 Unfeal mine eyes, and I (hall fee The wonders in thy law that be : 19 I am a pilgrim in the land ; Hide not from me thy juft command. 2e My foul within me melts away, "With veh'ment longing, night and day, , Which love unto thy judgments pure, O Lord, conftrains me to endure! 2 1 The curled proud thou hall chaftis'd, Who all thy precepts have defpis'd : 22 Roll thou away reproach and fhame From me, for I have lov'd thy name. 23 The princes all affembled round, From ev'ry mouth againft me found; But I, thy Servant, evermore, Unmov'd, thy (brutes, Lord, explore- 24 Thy tefti monies, Lord, I (hall For ever to my connfel call : '1 hey always counfcl me aright; They only are my heart's delight. D A L E T H. Part IV.. 25 My foul unto the daft adheres, For love unto thy word it bears : According to thy pledged word, Raile from the dead thy Servant, Lord. 26 I have declared my deli re, With all my ways, before my Sire ;. And. Pfal. i r9- the New Testament. '347 And thou haft heard me in my day : Teach me thy ftatutes, Lord, I pray. a»7 The way of all thy precepts make Thy Servant know, for thy name's fake : On that fole theme my heart (hall dwell, And all thy glorious wonders tell. 28 My foul diflblves, and falls as fnow, If flaming fire, for wind, fhould blow, Beneath thy flaming wrath, O God, With Hoods of death and hell o'erflow'd : Be thou my ftrength and fortitude, That I at length may (tern this flood, And turn away thy wrath from men, llcilored by thy word again. 29 Kemove from me the way of lies, And grant thy law before mine eyes : 30 I've chofcii, Lord, the way of truth, T' eiplore the judgments of thy mouth. 31 I to thy teftimonies cleave; To fhame, O Lord, do not me leave : 32 I'll run the way of thy commands, When thou hail loos'd my heart and bands. H E. Part V. 33 Teach me, O Lord, thy holy ways, And I'll obierve them for thy praife: 34 Give me to underftand thy law, Which I regard with perfect awe : I'll keep it in a perfect way; My heart fhall never go altray : 35 Give me to tread in thy foot-path, Wherein my foul her pleafure hath. 36 My heart, O Lord, incline unto Thy teftimonies pure and true; For fin, in ev'ry form and guife, Is the avert! on of mine eves* 3-0 348 The PSALMS according to 37 O turn thou, Lord, mine eyes away, Whea vanities before them play : Mine eyes are only (ix'd on thee; Lord, in thy way, receive thou me ; 38 Confirm to me, devoted, Lord, Unto thy fear, thy plighted word ; 39 And turn away my fear and fhame, For glory of thy holy name : 40 Behold, thy precepts I've defir'd ; And by thy precepts I am flr'd, In righteoufnefs to do thy will ; Lord, quicken me when men mall kill. V A U. Part VI. 41 O let thy mercies to me come, And raile me from the rueful tomb, According to thy faithful word, That I may boaft in thee, O Lord : 42 So (nail I have wherewith I may '1 he fpeech of my upbraiders flay : Becaufe I've hoped in thy word, And lying vanities abhorr'd : 43 O never take thy word away, Nor difannul the word I (ay ; For in my mouth thy judgments dwell, Which I ro all my brethren tell. 44 So (hall I keep for evermore Thy laws, and con them o'er and o'er: 45 And I will walk with God at large, Becaufe I keep his holy charge. 46 I'll of thy teflimonies fing Before the proudeft fwelling King ; Nor will I ever be afliam'd "When I have God my Father nam'd : 47 I'll glory in my goodly theme, And all thy glorious ways proclaim ; 1 For Pfal. 119. the New Testament. 349 For I have lov'd, and ever will, Thy holy laws, which I fulfil : 48 I'll lift my hands up to thy laws, Which I have lov'd, and made my caufe; I'll meditate upon thy will, Vvrhich is my ground of glorying dill. Z A I N. Part VII. 49 Remember, Lord, thy gracious word. Which thou haft pledged to me ; Which is my only hope, O Lord, . My only ground of plea : 50 Thy word 's my comfort on my crofs, Thy word (hall quicken me : 5 1 The proud have trod on me as drofs. But to thy law I flee. 52 I call'd to mind thy judgment's all, 0 Lord, and was rejoic'd ; 53 For horrors deep on me did fall, When men thy law defpisM. 54 Thy ftatutes, Lord, are aye my fong, In houfe of pilgrimage; And all my weary night fo long My forrows they afTwage : 55 For all my days and nights, O Lords 1 think upon thy name ; Thy laws and name, by me.ador'd, Are evermore my theme : 36 This comfort was beftow'd on me, Becaufe I've kept thy ways : Thy precepts kept have made me frse^ And fill'd my mouth with praife. C H E T H. Part VIII. 37 Thou art my portion, O my God; I've faid, I'll keep thy word ; t G g O lot § 5 o The P S A L M S' according te O let thy love to me be fhow'd, As thou haft promis'd, Lord. i.58 I thought upon my ways, O Lord, My ways appointed me ; 59 And turn'd my feet unto thy word, As I was led by thee : 160 I haften'd me without delay, To keep thy holy will ; But wicked bands did me belay, And fought my foul to kill : 61 They robbed me in fearful guife, With raging wrath and pride; Yet ilill thy laws, before mine eyee, Suflain'd me till I dy'd : 62 Butt, in midft of darken: night, Arofe to give thee praife : Becaufe I lov'd thy judgments right, Thou didft thyfelf me raife. 63 I am the friend of ev'ry one Who loves thy holy name, Who glories in what thou haft done, And founds abroad thy fame. 64 The earth is with thy mercy ftor'd ; Teach me thy ftatutes frill : So {hall I found thy name, O Lord, From Zion's holy hill. T E T H. Part IX. 65 Well hafl thou with thy fervant dealt, According to thy word, O Lord •, Thy confolations which I've felt, I'll regifter, and aye record. €6 Goodnefs, and truth, and knowledge, Lord, O teach thou me in all my ways : For I the precepts of thy word Believe* and live by all my days. 67 Till Pfal. 119. the New Testament. 351 67 Till I afTum'd my humble ftate, I walk'd before the Lord at large ; Now, bound by my afflictions great* I bind myfelf1 to keep thy charge. 68 Good thou thyfelf, and doing good, Teach me thy ftatutes, O my God r So, filPd with purefl gratitude, I'll fill with praife thy world abroad. 69 The. proud have forg'd malicious lies, And held confpiracies en me ; Their contradictions I defpife, And praife thee on ttf accurfed tree. 70 Their heart is waxen fat and grofs, With worldly eafe, and wealth, and pride $. But I will glory in my crofs, And joy fall y in God confide. 71 'Tis good for me my crofs to bear, That I may foon be fili'd with joy: I'll tread and bruife the ferpent there, And fin, and death, and hell deftroy. JZ The law that from thy mouth does f.o;v, Flows to my heart a living well; Thy laws are all the joy I know, Gold's glitt'ring glory they excel. J O D. Part X. To Thy. hands have made and framed me y0 Give me thy will to underftan;'- j Let all my members, form'd by thee, Obfequious be to thy command. 74 The lovers of the Lord {hall fee, And when they fee they lliall be glad, For all the glory giv'n to me, Becaufe thy word my hope I made. 75 I know, and will acknowledge, Lord, Thy judgments all are righteoufnefs ;. G g 2 Thou 35* The PSALMS according to Thou haft, according to thy word, Afflicted me in faithfulnefs. 76 Now, let thy mercy to me come, And give me confolation fweet, When I have undergone my doom, And fallen at thy mercy's feet. 77 Let thy Aire mercies to me come, And quicken me within the ground ; That I may live, and leave my tomb As empty as the fame I found : For I've delighted in thy law, And its conditions all have done; My righteoufuefs without a flaw, Let promis'd life reward anon : 78 So iliall the proud afharned be, Unjuflly who've condenm'd thy Son, Alive-prefented, when they fee Me juftify'd, with all I've done: I've made thy ways perpetually My meditations night and day; That I thy righteoufnefs fo high Might duly to the world difplay. 79 Let thofe who love thee turn to me, And thofe who've waited for my'day; For lo, my God, I come to thee, And am to thee the only way : 3t> Sound in thy ways let me be found, That I may never be afham'd, Nor any of my faints around, To whom thy ways I have proclaim'd. C A P H. Part XI. 3 1 My foul for thy falvation faints; But faith in thee my foul prevents : , For I have hoped in thy word ; Nor (hall I be afham'd, O Lord. 82 Mine Pfal. ircj. the New Testament-. 353 82 Mine eyes have fail'd to fee fulfilFd Thy word, for which my blood is fpill'd ; When wilt thou come and comfort me, And make me thy falvation fee? 83 I'm like a bottle in the fmoke, My beauty's gone, my heart is broken Yet I retain the precious wine Of all thy ftatutesT Lord, divine. "84 How many are thy fervant's days? And, Lord,, how various are thy ways? When wilt thou make mine eyes to fee Thy doom on thofe condemning me? 85 The proud have digg'd for me a pit, . Againft thy law, for keeping it : 86 All thy commands are faithfulnefs; Lord, help thou me when men opprefs. 87 They thought they had me quite confum'd From earth, when they my death had doom'd y ' But I abandon'd not thy way, Wrhen they arofe my. foul to flay. 88 After thy loving- kindnefs, Lord, My blood, now drunk up by the fword,. O gather thou, and quicken me : Upon thy word I found my plea. LAME D. Part XII. 89 For ever and for ever, Lord, In heav'n (hall ftand thy faithful word, Firm as thine own eternal throne; Fixt as thyfelf who fitt'fl thereon. 90 Thy faithful nefs for ever fhall Endure through generations all. The earth, eftablifhed by thee, Remaineth ftill, by thy decree. 91 Lo, all thy works, O Lord, fhall (land, According to thy juft command ; Gg 3 They 354 The PSALMS according to They (land to-day, and ever fhall, Becaufe they are thy fervants all. 92 Unlcfa thy everlafting law, My pearl of price without a flaw, Had been my joy and fole delight, I'd funk by my affliction's weight. 93 For ever, and for evermore, Thy precepts, Lord, I will explore; For they have been the life of me, Thro' them I was reftor'd by thee. 94 To thee, my God, I bend me low; Down to the fhades of death I go, To fhew how much I love thy word; From duft and death O fave me, Lord. 95 My bitter foes in ambufh lay, And waited on, my foul to flay : But I thy teftimonies ftill Confider'd have, and ever will. $6 An end of all perfection, I, Within the reach of human eye, Have feen, and ponder'd well, O God; But, oh, thy law 's exceeding broad : So broad, fo long, fo high, fo deep, No man can know, no man can keep; But I, for honour of thy name, Will honour it, and keep the fame. MEM. Part XIII. 97 O how I love thy law ! It is My meditation night and and day : It is my only fource of blifs While prifond in this cage of clay : 98 Than all my foes, I'm wifer far Made by this holy law of thine; For I, by it, fhall end this war With victory and peace divine. 99 In Pfal. 119. the New Testament. 355 99 In underftanding I excel The fcribes and elders ev'ry one, Becaufe thy teftimonies dwell Within my heart, and they alone. 100 The ancients all are fools to me, For I thy precepts keep alone ; But they have gone aftray from thee, And teach traditions of their own. 101 From ev'ry evil way my feet I have refrained, through thy love, That, with obedience, I might meet Thy perfect precepts from above. 1C2 I have not from thy precepts fwerv'd, Becaufe thou haft inftructed me : Let my obedience, my deferv'd And fure reward, receive from thee. 103 More fweet unto my tafte thy truth, Than honey from the comb that flows, Delicioufly it fills my mouth, And down into my belly goes, j 04 I, through thy ways of truth and love, My underftanding all acquire ; Therefore, from falfehood I remove My heart and foot, as from the fire. NUN. Part XIV. j 05 A lamp unto my foot thy word, A light and guide unto my path> Direct me conftantly, O Lord, To keep the way of perfect faith. 106 Lo, I have fworn •, and will do more, I will perform, before the Lord, "With faith fulnefs, the oath I fwore, That 1 will keep his hoiy word. 107 I am afflicted very fore; But I will not draw back from thee : Behold, 3 $6 The PSALMS according t$ Behold, thy mercy I implore; Lord, fend thy word, and quicken me. 1 08 Accept, accept, I thee befeech, The free-will offVmg of my mouth, O Lord; and me thy judgments teach, And fill me with thy word of truth. IC9 In battle's fiery front I ftand, " And am befieged very fore ; My life is always in mine hand; Yet frill mine eyes thy laws explore, 1 10 The wicked laid for me their fnare, And lurk'd, like leopards, for their prey^ Yet never caus'd my foul to err, Nor fray'd me from thy laws away. 1 1 1 Thy teftimonies I have chofe For me, an heritage divine; And they, amidft my bitt'reft woes* Do glad my foul like heav'nly wine.. 112 I have inclin'd my heart unto Thy teftimonies, Lord, alone, And laid, that I the fame will do, Till thou (halt fay, The Work is done. S A M E C H. Part XV. 113 A vain device my foul abhors;. But loves thy law, and it explores : 1 14 Thou art my Hiding-place and ShieW ; Thy word's my treafure in my field. 1 15 Depart from me, ye finners all ; For ye were deaf when I did call : My blood fulfill'd the law of God; But ye upon my blood have trod : Your own blood, therefore, reft on you, Becaufe ye fcorn the work I do ; Your fin fhall ly at your- own door, Becaufe my gofpel ye abhor. ii<5Thy Pfal. 119. the New Testament. 357 1 16 Thy word, my God, fhall be my prop, That I may live, and, in my hope, May glory now, and evermore ; While finners, all afham'd, complore. 117 Suftain thou me, and I fhall (land Solaced (till by thy command. 1 18 Thou treaded down the finners all : Their lies and folly on them fali 1 19 Thou haft remov'd the earthy drofs, The wicked en'mies of my crofs : Therefore I love thy righteous laws., And glory, glory in thy caufe. 12© Although my ftefh, with grief and fear, Trembles, O Lord, when judgments near Opprefs and overwhelm my foul, As all thy billows o'er me roll ; Yet ftill I cleave more clofe to thee, The more my foul 's opprefs'd in me : My Father, now receive thy Son ; Behold, Thy work is fully done I A I N. Part XVI. 121 I juftice have and judgment done ; O do not thou abandon me To thofe who would opprefs thy Son : My Father, lo, to thee I flee. 122 Be Surety to my foul for good ; .And let the proud opprefs no more; That I may fing my gratitude, When thou haft ftill'd their mad uproar. 123 Mine eyes for thy falvation fail, And for thy word of righteoufnefs : 124 In mercy with thy fervani deal, And (hew me, Lord, thy faithfulnefs. 125 I am chy Servant; thou, my Lord, Give understanding unto me, That 358 The. P S A L M S according to That I may know and keep thy word, According to thy fure decree. 126 'Tis time for thee, O Lord, to rife, (For they have difannull'd thy law), And lnew thy work before their eyes ; That ail the world may (land in awe, 127 Therefore, I love thy precepts, Lord, Above the pure ft Ophir-gold; My fpirit dwells upon thy word, Exploring treafures manifold : 128 Thy precepts, therefore, which I love, Concerning all thy holy ways, Themfelves unto my heart approve j My heart abhorring folly hafe. P E. Part XVII. 129 Thy teftimonies, marvellous, How greatly I refpect ! The rules and ftatutes of thy houfe My motions all direct. 130 The entrance of thy word gives light And wifdom to the fool: To order all my ways aright, Thy word's the only rule. 131 "With open mouth, I pant and run, Like hart before the hounds, Until my lawful prize be won, For which my fpirit hounds: The prize I feek's thy holy law, That I may reach the fame; A pearl of price, without a flaw, The glory of thy name. 132 Behold then me, O Lord my God, Thou mailer of the race ! And let my due reward me load, According to thy grace *, As PfaL 119. the New Testament. 359 As thou haft pledg'd thy word to me, To fill my mouth with praife, When I prefent, O Lord, to thee My perfect righteoufnefs. 133 Direct my goings by thy word; And no iniquity Shall have dominion, O my Lord, O'er me, or come me nigh. 134 From man's oppreffion me redeem, 80 I will keep thy way ; For all thy precepts I efteem, And never from thee flray. 135 Upon me make thy face to fhine; Thy flatutes teach thou me ; And fo my (leps fhall ne'er decline, O Lord, my God, from thee. 136 Rivers of waters down mine eyes Continually do flow, Becaufe vile men thy laws defpife ; Thy laws they do not know. TSADDI. Part XVIII. 137 How juft art thou, O Lord, my God! Thy judgments how upright ! 138 Thy teftimonies thou haft fhow'd, How faithful all, and right ! 139 My zeal hath broke my fpirit down, And eat my flefh away; Becaufe my haters all are gone, Lord, from thy words aftray. 140 Thy word is like the pureft gold, In fiery furnace fin'd ; Thy Servant, therefore, fafl doth hold And lodge it in his mind. S41 I'm fmall, and much defpis'd, yet I, O Lord, remember thee; For 360 The PSALMS according U For daily to thy word I fly: O Lord, remember me. 142 Thy righteoufnefs is righteoufnefs Which everlafting is : Thy law, thy truth, thy faithfulnefs, Replenifli me with blifs. 143 Trouble and anguifli have me found, And taken hold on me; The bands of Belial me furround ; Yet 1 forfake not thee. 144 Eternal righteoufnefs is in Thy teftimonies all : Let me by them the vict'ry win, And ever live I (hall. KOPH. Part XIX. 145 With my whole heart I've cry'd to thee; 0 Lord, give audience unto me: So I will keep thy ftatutes all, And never from thy precepts fall. 146 Pve invocated thee, O Lord ; Preferve me through thy holy word, And draw me from the hoary deep; For I thy teftimonies keep. 147 I rofe before the morning- ray, And prayed long before the day; 1 cryM to thee, my God, my Lord, Behold, my hope is in thy word. 148 Mine eyes the watches of the night Have oft prevented with delight; That I might meditate, with joy, Upon thy words which never cloy. 149 According to thy mercy, hear, And lend me, Lord, thy gracious ear; According to thy judgments, raife My foul from death, to fmg thy praife. 150 Far, Pfel. 119. the New Testament. 361 150 Far, far eflranged from thy law, The fons of mifchief nigh me draw; 151 But thou, my Lord, my God, art near; All thy commands are pure and clear. 152 From everlafling I have known Thy teftimonies, clearly fhown, That thou haft founded them for ever, Becaufe thy mercy faileth never. R E S H. Part XX. 153 See mine afflictions, fave me, Lord ; For I remember (till thy word : 154 Plead thou my plea, and me redeem; Thy laws I more than life efteem. 155 Salvation's from the wicked far, For they with me have wag'cl their war; i56Great are thy mercies, Lord, to me, Let me by them revived be. 157 My perfecutors many be, And mighty too, who war with me: Yet from thy teftimonies I Have never turned, Lord, awry. 158 I've feen the wicked hypocrites, "With will-worfhip and human rites, Tranfgrefling grievoufly thy word, Which griev'd me fore before the Lord ; 159 But fee how I thy precepts love; Thy juftice muft my cauie approve; According to thy plighted word, O -quicken me again, O Lord : 160 Thy word is truth, from flrft to laft, The future, prefent, and the paft ; Thy righteous judgments all are fure, And fhall for evermore endure. t Hh SCHIN. q6z The PSALMS according to SCHI N. Tart XXL 161 Princes have wrefted all their laws, To wrefi, O Lord, my righteous caufe: Herod and Pontius both combine-; Yet from thy laws I ne'er decline. i6z Thy word makes me exult and fmile, As one that findeth hills of fpoil : 163 I lying vanities defpife, But in thy law my treafure lies. 164 Full feven times, and feven more, A-day, my God I will adore, Becaufe of all thy righteous ways, Mine everlafting joy and praife. 165 Great peace have they thy law who love, Whofe convention's all above; No flumbiing-block (hall them offend, Nor (hall they to the pic defcend. 166 For thy falvation, Lord, I long, For mercies which to me belong: Becaufe I've done thy holy will, I wait to fee thy holy hill. 167 My foul thy tefti monies keeps : For love to them fhe mourns and weeps: 168 I'll keep thy precepts all my days; Behold before thee all my ways. T A U. Part XXII. 169 Near let my cry before thee come, O Lord my God, unto thee home: Give understanding unto me, According to thy fure decree. j-oO let my fupplication rife, And grateful feem before thine eyes: Deliver me in mercy, Lord, - According to thy faithful word. If t Mi Pfal .1:9. the N e w Testament. 3 6 > 171 My lips (hall utter all thy praife, When thou haft taught me all thy way- , j 72 Thy words alone fiiail fill my mouth ; For all thy words are perfect truth. 173 () let thine hand give help to me, For I have always clung by thee : 1 74 I've long'd for thy falyation, Lc And always clave unto thy word, 175 Let my foul live, to give And keep thy judgments all my d\.^ For ever and for ever more, The Lord, my Shepherd, IT adore. 176 I've fcQn thy people all aibay, Wand'ring in defert pathlefs way; But I have all their paths explor'd, To bring them back to thee, O Lord ; I've left the righteous ninety-nine, Thine angels, who in glory fhine, Ele£t, confirrn'd, around thy throne; And all in queft of Tinners gone : I've trae'd their wand'rings foot by foot, I bear their name, I bear their blot; I am a Man i behold thou me ! For all their fins I'll anfvvtr thee : I am thy Servant, fearch my car.le, And judge me, Lord, by ail thy laws : I come to glorify thy name; Lord, wipe away my fin and fhame : The fin and fhame thou Iaidft on me, Altho' from both my foul is free ; Behold, 1 hear the fms of men, To bring them to thy fold again. For men, thy law I magnify; For men I live, for men I die ; For men I rife, afcend, and reigr, Till aH things are reftor'd again ; Hh 2 Lei 364 Tne rbALMb according to Let men receive the joyful found, And fill the -world with joy around — JMy Lord, my God, thy ivcrk is done My Father, giorify thy Son. P S A L M CXX. This Pfalm, with the following fourteen, is en- titled A Song of degrees , and is, like all of them, eminently pichirefque, and defcriptive of the gra- dual progrefs and advancement of the Lord Jefus Chrift, the Prince of Peace, the Captain of Salva- tion, going forwards, by the due degrees appoint- ed of the Father, to the heavenly kingdom and glory. — Parallel to Pfal. cxviii. &c. The Lord of Life, the Prince of Peace, Among his bitter foes fojonrns — Honv fad, hoiv defp'rate is the cafe Of kim iL'fo at the Saviour fpums .' \ TN my diftrefs I rais'd my cry, * When low before the Lord I lay j He heard me from his place on high, And quickly did his love difphy : 7. O Lord, deliver thou my foul From lying lips and guileful tongue, When floods of malice rife and roll A gain ft me, with a tide fo ftrong ! 3 O thou deceitful, deadly tongue, What mall be added unto thee? What portion fhall to thee belong, Thy due reward for fmiting me? 4 Behold, I will denounce thy doom ; Sharp arrows fhall thee cut in twain-, Fierce fiery flames fhall thee confume, And fill thee with eternal pain. 5 Wo, Ffal. 12 r. the New Testament. 3<£y, 5 Wo, wo is me, I iojourn With Mefech's wicked ions lb long ; And in the tents of Keddt, Among fo lewd a Be :al tr :>ag ! 6 My foul hath ever loved peace, My tongue hath ever fpbken truth ; But, ah! the bafe degen'rate race Have gnafh'd at me with venom'd tooth. 7 Thus, thus they uie the Prince of Peace, And always are for battle keen ; When I proclaim my Father's grace, They hear my words with rage and fpleen. What mighty matter, then, if ye Who are my fons and fervants all, In fpiteful ways, reproached be, Your Lord when Beelzebub they call ! P S A L M CXXI. Spoken partly by, and partly of, the Prince Meiiiah,. the Shepherd of Iirael ; whofe itate and* fafety, in connection with his followers, by the way of dialogue and chorus, are here declared and described. — Parallel to Pfaim xvi. xci. &c. Our S> ephrd, Father^ Lord, and God,- Our Guide and Guardian evermore, Shall had us to hi: amm abode ; For CtriJ] our Captain goes before. 1 CHALL I to mountains lift mine eye?, ^ For armed hoflswith fwerd and fpear ? From whence fhould aid to me arife, When dangers prefs me front and rearf 2 From whence, but from the Lord of Kofts, .- Who made the heav'ns and earth abroad. In whom my Spirit boldly. boafts, Who is my everiafring God ? H fa 3 3 A-l. j66 The PSALMS according to 3 And, « Boifl thou may'ft,' I hear him fay, Thy God fhall never fhame thy foul ; When hell fhall all her batt'ries play, Thou (halt the rage of hell controul. He will not fuffer thee to Aide, Nor tec thy foot be mov'd away — He is Jehovah who 's thy guide, Who {lumbers not by night nor day, 4 Eehold, he that keeps Ifrael, He flu m hers not, nor fleeps at all ; 5 Jehovah guides ? Jehovah keeps thee from all ill ; He keeps thy foui in all thy way, Until thou reach his holy hill : 8 From henceforth, and for evermore, Thy goings out and in he'll keep — ■ The wolves may howl, the lions roar; God keeps the bhepherd and the fheep. PSALM CXXII. Christ is the fpeaker of this Pfalm ; and his angels exprefs the fpirit of it, while they fing, with- glory lhining all around, * Glory to God in the * highert I peace en earth I good-will towards 1 men i ' 0, Pfal. 122.- the New Testament. 367 0, firry, glory, glory found, Jerufalem, unto thy God! Let heaven and earth thy fong rebound I Fcr grace and peace are thine abode. 1 7V/TY heart within me danc'd and fprang, ***■ And lightly bounded like a roe, When chorifters around me fang, Lo, to the houfe of God we"il go. 2 Jerufalem, within thy domes Our tczt fnall fhoftly (landing be; Behold, the Lord of glory comes, With all his holts, to enter thee: 3 Jerufalem a city flands, Compactly built of living ftone; Yea, built by God's eternal hands, The everlafting Hock upon: 4 Lo, thither go the chofen tribes, The God of glorv on their van; His glory all the hoft imbibes, And ipreads his praife from man to man, They fing bis praifes, ever new, "With heav 'nly fym phony folemn, The praife to Ifra'Ys Fountain due, In midft of thee, Jerufalem : 5 Lo, there the thrones of judgment fct, MeiTiah with hia princes all ! Upon his nod the nations wait, Lowly before his feet to fall. — 6 Pray, that Jerufalem may fhine, With peace and fair prolperity : God blefs them all with peace divine, Who wifh to 'ee thee tow'ring high ! 7 Peace be within thy walls ! I'll fay ; And proip'rous be thy palaces! Let truth, like fun-beams, on thee play, Thy God, thy glory, and thy grace ! 8 No\V, 3 And all their for row; nvou/id his heart, j /^V Thou who dwelled in the heav'n, ^~f I lift my wo- worn eyes to thee, Till thy falvation (hall be giv'n, To fet my foul from forrow free. 2 As fervants eyes explore and trace The motions of their mailer's hand, When fketching o'er, with care and grace, Some rare deiign which he hath plann'd^ As hand-maid's eyes her miftrefs view, With expectation eager, keen, When pointing out fome fervice new, And which file ne'er before had feen j Ev'n fo our eyes, O God, do live And dwell upon thy Providence, Till thou thy promis'd mercy give, Our painful toil to recompence.- 3 Exeecnv Pfal. 124. the New Testament. 369 3 Exceedingly, with fore contempt,' Our foul replenifh'd, wails and mourns 5 Of all thy flints, no one exempt From pain before the Lord fojcurns. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy now, Have mercy on thy fervants dear j Bring thy new covenant to view, And let the eld one difappear: 4 Our foul is fill'd exceedingly With feern of thofe that dwell at eafe, And with the contempt of proud, high- Swoin, lofty-minded pharifees. PSALM CXXIV. The church delivered, and triumphing with her Lord. Th' almighty Lord, upon our Jidey ( Avaant ye ait malicious foes! ) floH'd back again the /welling tide, When death and hell again]} us rofe, j TTAD not the Lord efpous'd our caufe, -* **■ God's Ifra'l now with joy may fing, When men arofe our name to raze, Defying Ifra'l, with her King: 2 Had not the Lord efpous'd our caufe, God's Ifra'l, now efcap'd, may tell, 'When they arofe againft his laws, With all the raging pow'r of hell ; 3 Then they had fw-allow'd us alive, Confumed by their flaming wrath; 4 And made their billows o'er us drive, And roll-'d us dowiv the fteeps of death : 5 Then -70 The PSALMS according to 5 Then had the fea's devouring waves, O'erwhelming us, gone o'er our foul ; The waters proud had been our graves, Which fiercely round us then did row!. 6 Blefs'd be the Lord, who gave us not Unto their rav'nous teeth a prey ; But quell'd their rage upon the fpot, And made them, fcreaming, fly awayl 7 Our fouls efcaped as a bird Out of the fowler's deadly gin ; The fnare is broke — they were abfurd Who thought to keep our foul therein : 8 Our help is in Jehovah's name. Who made the earth and high heav'ns too; Median's he who both did frame : To God and his Meffiah bow. PSALM CXXV. The {lability of God is the liability of his faints, but the overthrow of his enemies. As Zh?i- mount for ever rears Her height and glory o'er the plain ; So all her Jons y through eudlefs years, Who trujl in Gcd, with God Jball ragn.- 1 "T^HOSE in Jehovah- who con tide, -*■ Like Zion-mount, {hall ne'er remove j. But (hall for evermore abide, Efbiblifh'd in Jehovah's love. 2 As round about Jerufalem The everlalling mountains {land, Jehovah fo furroundeth them Who faithful, are in Zion's land : 3 For3 Pfal. 126. the New Testament. 371 3 For, lo, the rod of wicked nefs On Zion's lot fhall not remain; Left thofe who love her righteoufriefs Aflbciate with the wicked train. 4 Do good, O Lord, to thofe who love To fee thy grace and glory fhine-, And thofe who in their hearts approve Of truth and righteoufneis divine. 5 And as for thofe who go aftray, And love the hateful ways of hell ; The Lord for hypocrites fhall flay, But peace fhall be on Ifrael. $-1 , _ PSALM CXXVI. The eternal redemption of the church cf God, with her Redeemer on her Head, leading capti- vity captive, defcribed and piaifed in heavenly ftrains of gratitude and joy. Let earth arife, and meet the fkiesl The Lord he comes again Froi?i yojider Jkiesy and fays •, Arife, Ye dead, 'with me to reign. 1 ,IT/'HEN Zion's bondage God recall'd, - * * We were like men that dreanVd ; So in a moment difinthrall'd, It fcarcely real feem/d. 2 With laughter then he fill'd our mouth, Our tongue burfts out and rings — The heathens all exclaim, « Of truth, « God does for them great things !' — 3 Great things God does for us indeed ! For which we praife his name; Lord, perfect all thy works with fpeed, Thy works of noted fame : 4 Lord, 372 The PSALMS according U 4 Lord, call thy whole election home, Recal our bondage all ; Lord, all in ftreaming glory come, And us to glory call. 5 They fow in tears, who reap in joy, Before the Lord their God ; Whofe glory none can e'er enjoy, Unchaften'd by his rod : 6 O blefs'd is he, who, going forth, And, mourning as he goes, With ftreaming eyes bedews the earth. While precious (ccd he fows : Bearing his bafket bath'd in tears, You fee him for a time; Bur, lo, with joy he turns, and bears His (heaves along with him : So came Meliiah, friend of men ! (A Man- of forrows he!) To fight with grief, and tears, and pain, That we might conqu'rors be; Behold, he comes the fecond time, To wipe away our tears, And takes us all along with him, For everlafting years. PSALM CXXVII. Reader, if thou art one Spirit with the Lord, «oes not thy very heart within thee burn and glow with holy indignation and fhame, for the grofs proiVitution, and moil unhallowed applica- cation, of this and the following divinely delicate Pfalms, to the ordinary purpofes of a breeding nuifl', nvith a parcel of children about her in a maris houfcl — How grofsly have they infulted the Spoufe of Chrift! The Lord, her Hufband, vindicate his glory. I ChrlWs Pfal. 127. the New Testament. 373 Chrift's children are his heritage. Whom he himfelf creates : And for her fons > in ev'ry age, The church his feafon waits. 1 pXcEPT Jehovah build the houfe, r-1 The builders build in vain ! Except Jehovah watch for us, The watch men lofe their pain : 2 'Tis vain for you to rife betimes, Or late from reft to keep, To feed on tears, and fears, and crimes : God gives his children ileep. 3 Lo, children are the heritage Of Jefus Chrift the Lord ; The womb's fruit is his deareft pledge, Begotten by his word : 4 As arrows in fome hero's hand, So are the fons of youth, Before the Lord, a joyful band ! The fons of grace and truth : 5 O blefied be the Holy One Whofe quiver *s fill'd with thofe ! Emmanuel, GW conjoin'd with man^ By them confounds his foes : They, unafhamed in the gate, Their en'mies (hall fubdue ; For God, the mighty Lord and great, Their vigour fhall renew : Behold in this a myft'ry deep, Unplumb'd by human line; But thofe within the veil that peep Shall fee it all divine : por he who buildeth all is God; His people are his houfe, Wherein he maketh his abode; His church his wedded fpoufe : t I * Th 374 The PSALMS according to 'Tis Chrift himfelf who calls his Tons, And builds his houfe alone, Of fair and poIinYd living ftones, Th' Eternal Rock upon : The Lord Almighty is our Rock; The Lord alone be prais'd ; The pow'rs of hell ill all never (hock The Church that Chrift hath rais'd. PSALM CXXVIII. See the laft Pfaloi, general preface, and mar- •gin. The pfory of our Father's htufe, With which the world [hull ring, 1 he Lord Redeemer, and his SfouJ?, The Spirit bids us ftng. i TTOW blefsM is he that loves the Lord. ■* •*• That walketh in his ways! 2 Thy labour fhajl thee meat afford, Ancj pleafure all thy days : 3 O blefTed ever. fbalt thou be ! Thy wife a fruitful vine, By thy houfe fides thine eyes mall fee Her blooming branches twine : Like olive plmts thy children, too, With glory all divine, For ever blooming in thy view, Around thy table fhine : 4 Behold, thus blefied mall he be Who keeps Jehovah's law : But who of Adam's fons is he Whofe love's without a flaw? Behold, the fecond Adam fee In pure perfection (bine ! Each Pfal. 129. the New Testament. 375 Each faint of God 's an olive-tree, His church a fruitful vine. 5 The Lord fhall blefs thee, Son of God, From Zion evermore; Thine eyes fhall fee Jerus'lem's good, For ever thee before : o Yea, thou (halt fee an endltfs train Of children's children rife, Who fhall with God their Father reign, And thee, above the fkies : Peace, peace on Ifra'l thou (halt fee, And thou fhalt be their peace : Eternal praife, O Chrift, to thee, For all this truth and grace. PSALM CXXIX* 1 Christ alfo fufFered for us, leaving us an ex- * ample that we fhould follow his Heps. 1 Pet. ii. 20, It. The Lord for us a pattern lefty The Shepherd for his flock : Of ev'ry human prop bereft, He leaned on God his Reck. 1 "]VyjUCH from my youth, may Ifra'l fly, ™*- Have they afflicted me ; 2 Much from my youth, and all my day, Hay Ifra'l fing to thee; For thou, O Lord, halt (till prevail'd, And prov'd thyfelf her God •, To frve her, when fhe mourn'd and waii'd Beneath th' afflicting rod. 3 The plowers plow upon my back, And long their furrows draw ; Ii ^ On 37<5 The PSALMS according to On me fierce fcourges leave their track, Became I keep thy law. 4 But thou, O Lord, flialt righteoufly Lift thy avenging fwcrd ; And make their yoke in pieces fly, With bondage of their cord. 5 Let Zioti's haters all be fham'd, Confounded asd undone; Bet bie the cruel talk they claimed To wound tV afflicted One : 6 Let them be as the draggling grafs I. pon : i high houfe-top, Which, wichtr'd, all away fhall pafs, And ne'er become a crop :. 7 The mower fhall not fill his hand, But think he grafps the air ; Who binds the (heaves fhall empty (land* Nor fill his bofom there : 8 Nor fhall the travelers- by the way, When they behold them, cry, God's blefling reft on you, we pray; God blefs you from on high.' But Zion f call rejoice , and fin g This fori g in future days, Mefiab did by- f iff Wing brirg To us this joy and fraife. P S A L M GXXX. Never. Pfalm has been more grofsly and greimdlefsly abufed than this; It is the famous De profundi s of the Papiits ; it has alfo been laid by the notable and, in many refpecls, great Dr. Owen as the grand foundation -work of his deep myfterious foviHhing concerning faith and repent- ance, ■ < Kal. rjo.. the New Testament. 377 ance, which he fuppofed to lie fomcwhere here- abouts, which yet he could never perfecrTy define, nor clearly diicover where it was '*ealiy tc be found: it has been offered by the modern Phafi- fees as a remarkable and eminent ground for mint- ing at what they call believing, &c. — la1., if Chri- ftians are allowed to be complete in Chriil, with- out the complement of rnonaitic drea is, 3) /ive* tales, and the additional work of fond aypocrifi- cal fancies, which ffral&e void the word of God, the PTalm of itfelf is as plain a^ the fuflferings of Christ,, and the following glory. From deeps profound, loy y^fus cries — - (Where nve deferv'd to lie) ; That he might raife us to the Jkies, To Jbig nvith' God on high, I T ORD, from the deeps to thee I cry'd,, *** And mourned night and dav ; Lord, in thy mercy I confide: Lofd, hear me now, I pray. a If thou, O Lord, fhould mark the fin? Of men to their account, No fon of Adam e'er mould win, Lord, to thy holy mount : 3 For while for them thy fervant bleeds,, Thy billows o'er me roll ; My head is wrapped in the weeds -t Deep waters fill my foul : I am amazed very forer And troubled unto de?th y Within my heart I mourn and roar, For anguifh of thy w?rath — But, lo, my foul the ftorm has brav'd ! Apace my farrows flee; The fnare is broke !— The Surety fav'd, Shall fet the pris'ners free? 1 £ 3 4 Be- 378 The PSALMS according U 4 Behold, forgivenefs is with thee, That men may hold thy grace, When a eonfuming fire they fee Their God in Jefus* face. 5 My foul hath waited for the Lord, My foul hath waked long; I plac'd my hope upon his word ; Nor did I place it wrong: 6 Yea, more than they the dawn who wait, My foul hath watch'd for thee; Than they who watch at Zion's gate, The morning light to fee : 7 Let Zion in Jehovah hope, And liill remember me; Behold, I come to raife you up ; Your own Median fee ! Mercy and truth, for evermore, Shall with Jehovah dwell, And of redemption's plenteous {tore, For all his Ifrael : & Let Zion take the cnp of praife, And to her Father fing, P«.edeem'd from all her evil ways, By Chrift, her Lord arfd King ! PSALM CXXXL From henceforth, and for evermore, let the doating annotators, with their fairy tales, about David, with his fpeeches and patterns, in this Pfalm, be flared out of countenance by the fol- lowing New Teftament text, twz. ' Let this mind * be in you, which was alio in Chrift Jefus: who, « being in the form of God, thought it not rob- * bery to be ec.uil with God : but made himfelf * of no reputatron, and took upon him the form 1 of a fervant, and was made in the likenels of € men: Pfal. 131. the New Testament. 379 * men : and, being found in fafhion as a man, he * humbled himfelf, and became obedient unto ' death, even the death of the crofs. Wherefore ' God alfo hath highly exalted him, and given * him a name which is above every name ; that at ' the name of Jefus every knee mould bow, of * things in heaven, and things in earth, and * things under the earth ; and that every tongue 4 mould confefs, that Jefus Chritt is Lord, to the * glory of God the Father.' Phil. ii. 5, 6v. The lovjlir.efs of Jefus fee In colours deep a i [play* J ; All week ci7id lo-ivlyy as nuas he, It: d'tjl let us be laid. 1 T Walk not with a haughty heart, * Nor with a lofty eye , Nor act a proud and lordly part. Nor deal in things too high : But, Jo, I come to do thy will, O thou, my Lord and God, i\nd perfrvere to do it (till, Submiffive to thy rod. 2 Behold, I have myfelf behav'd Witn fpirit meek and mild ; LTntil the Lord rny fpirit fav'd, Tvvas like a weaned child : Like child of mother wean'd, I laid Me qui. tly down to reft; My fpirit on thy word was ftaid} And lean'd upon thy bread. 3 O Zion, henceforth, evermore, Behold thy King and Lord: Hid deep humility explore, And hope thou in his word : If Chriit was humbled all fo low, Let pride be hanifb'd ear:b i For 380 The PSALMS according r> For down to hell his foul did go, To fill our fouls with mirth ! PSALM CXXXII. Messiah reigning on his father David's throne, exprefsly called the throne of Jehovah, 1 Chrou*- xxix. 23. and 2 Chron. ix. 8. See Pial. ii. Peace, peace on earth, pood-nuM to men! Hofanna to our King ! Ckrifi if our peace : tb' eternal reign Of grace a fid 7nercy Jing / 9 Tp Emember, Lord, thy Well~belot'd: ■^ In his afflictions rU : His oath, which never can be mov'd, To mem'ry, Lordt recal ; 2 How he, from everlading days, Rejoicing thee before, In view of all thy future ways, To thee, Jehovah, fwore ; As prophets, fince, by thee infpir'tT,, Have publifh'd all abroad ; That he, with zeal eternal fiVd, Hath vow'd to IfraTs God j 3 Within my tabernacle, lo, My foot fli all never be, Nor ro-my royal couch {hall go, Till 1 have found for thee, 4 Before mine eyes iliall flumber fee, An everiafting dome, 5 An habitation, Lord, for thee, And for thy faints an home. — € Lo, Ephratah, we heard the found Of iShilcti all in praife, Til! all the fields and woods around llcfounded Shiloh's lavs ; 7 We'll' Pfal. 132. the New Testament. 381 7 We'll now into God's temple go, And round his footftool fall, While all the priefts, in many a row, Shall for his glory call : 8 A rife, O Lord, poffefs thy reft, Thou and thy glory all — The Lord hath heard his own High-Prieft : He'll hear us when we call. 9 With righteoufnefs thy priefts array; With joy thy faints around; That we, in chorus, loudly may DifTufe the joyful found. 10 Now, for the fake of thy Belov'd, Thine own Anointed Dear, Thy Servant, whom thou haft approv'd, Let Chrift our King appear. 11 The Lord himfelf to David fwore, In truth and mercy great, Upon thy throne, for evermore, Thine offspring I will fet: 12 And, if his children (hall obferve My faithful covenant ; Nor from my tefti monies fwerve, Which in their hearts I'll plant; I'll make them all, a glorious train? The partners of my throne, For evermore along to reign With mine Eternal Son. 13 The Lord of Zion h.ith made choice,, For ever there to dwell : 14 This is my reft; here I'll rejoice, For I do love it well : 15 Her meat (hall be my manna fine, Her drink, the water pure, That i flues from my Rock divine, To fatiate all her poor : 16 Her 3S2 The PSALMS according to 16 Her priefts, I'll wrap them round and round, With my falvation high ; Her faints for joy fhall dance and bound, And fliout eternally: 17 There, my Beloved's horn fhall fpring. And bud forth pleafantly : I'll make the ftrengtb of Zion's King To fhine forth glorioufly : 18 His glory, mining like the fun, Shall fhame his enVnies all j For on the head of Chrift, my Son, The crown aye fiourim (hall. PSALM CXXXIII. Brotherly love. — ' A new commandment I ' give unto you, that ye love one another ; as I * have loved you, that ye alio love one another.' John xiii. 34. The new command tf Cbrifl our King!— With one divine accord^ Let all the Brethren fiveetly Jjng, One fpirit nuith the Lord ! 1 TVEhold, how comely 'tis and good •■-' For children, lovingly, To dwell together (as they fhou'd) In mutual harmony. 2 Tis like the precious oil that flows, And fills the temple round ; Down Aaron's head and fkirts it goes, Bedewing all the ground : 3 'Tis like the dew on Hermon-hills, That reits eternally, And feeds ten thoufand cryftal rills, That glide down pleafantly i As heav'nly^tew on Zion-hillj Jehovah's bled abode! The Pfal. 134. the New Testament. 383 The Holy Ghoft, defending (till Upon the fons of God, Commands eternal life and joy, With glory from above ; That they may love eternally j For God himfelf is Love. PSALM CXXXIV. m < Sing praife, fmg praife, fing praife ; ling praife unto our King ! ' Pfal. ..vii. Redeemed by the Lord of No/If, The Lord in whom our fpirit boafs, ■ This fong of praife > for evcrviors, Let his redeem 'd j'tng o*er and o'er! 1 /^v Blefs the Lord, his fervants all, ^^ Who watch within the temple- wall, And nightly praife him as ye ftand, With lifted eye, and lifted hand ! 2 Clap, clap your hands, exult and fmg, In holinefs of Chrifl: your King : Behold, he hath redeemed you, To blefs and praife him as ye do. 3 The Lord who made the earth and heav'n, The blefling to the nations givn, From heaven blefs thee evermore, O houfe of God, the Lord before! The bleffings of eternal love, The bleflings of th* Eternal Dove, All falling down in heav'nly fhow'rs, Fill Zion's fields with fruits and flow'rs ! Let Zion now rejoice, and bring Her precious fpices to her King, Her faith, her hope, her joy, her love, Which all defcended from above ! PSALM 384 The PSALMS according to PSALM CXXXV. — * To (hew forth the praifes of him who hath 6 called you out of darknefs into his marvellous * light/ 1 Pet. ii. 9. This fong to God, their Lord and King, Let God's peculiar people Jing ; j4nd, while his glory they confefs, * With knowledge let them praife exprefs ! 1 /^\ Praife Jehovah, praife his name, ^S His fervants all, hi6 praife proclaim : 2 Ye in Jehovah's houfe that ftand, In Zion's courts, a joyful band ! 3 Praife ye the Lord ; the Lord is good : Sing to his name with gratitude ; For it is pleafant fo to do, And much, ye faints, befeeming you : 4 For ye are his beloved race, The chofen vefTels of his grace, Whom he hath form'd for his own pleafure, His own peculiar royal treafure ! 5 Mefliah is the Lord we fing ; The Chrift of God is Chrift our King: The Lord our King is very great, Above the gods of higheft ftate ! 6 What thing foever pleas'd the Lord, He hath accomplifh'd by his word; The heav'ns, the eartji, the deeps, the feas, He does his will in all of thefe; 7 He caufeth vapours to afcend, Around the earth, from end to end j He wings the lightning's fiery way, And makes them thro* the temped play; 1 He Pfal. 135. the New Testament. 385 He from his treafures brings the winds, Whofe wings within his fills he binds ; He makes his thunders round him roll, And (hakes the world from pole to pote: 8 The elements, with all their laws, Jehovah joined in his caufe, When he the ftrength of Egypt flew, Her firft-born, men and cattle too : 9 He made the world his wonders fee, O Egypt, in the midft of thee, On Pharaoh and his fervants all, O'erthrown with an eternal fall. 10 Great nations, Lord, are fmote by thee, And mighty kings before thee flee; Sihon, high king of Amorite! Proud Og of BaPnan! wing'd their flight: Yea, Canaan's high and lofty kings, Exclaiming, trembling, cry \i for wings ! '1 hey fled — they perifh'd in their fear — For God appeared on their rear : 1 1 He gave their land in heritage To Ifra'l, for a prefent pledge Of future and fuperior joy, Which foes, or time, (hall ne'er deftroy, 11 O Lord, thy name fhall frill endure, And thy memorial ever fure : And, after time mail be no more, Eternity mail thee adore. ij The Lord fhall judge his people; he O'er them fhall always watchful be, To turn their forrows into joy, And their deftroyers to deiiroy. 14 The forrows of the Gentiles all, Their idol-gods on which they call, Of molten filver, molten gold, The works of men who made their mold — * f Kk 15 Mouths 386 The PSALMS according to 15 Mouths they pofTefs, but never break Their filence ; for they cannot fpeak : 16 Eyes have they too, yet fee they not ; ry And ears, but have no hearing got : They neither promife life nor death ; For in their mouth there is no breath : 18 Their makers are like them, and all Who lowly down before them fall! 19 O houfe of Ifra'l blefs the Lord, With one confent, and one accord : O houfe of Aaron, blefs thy God, And found Jehovah's p-raife abroad. 20 O houfe of Levi, join'd to heav'n, Thy praife to God the Lord be giv'n : O,. all ye lovers of the Lord, For evermore his praife record. 21 Biefs'd be the Lord Mefliah, who, Ye fons of Zion, dwells with you : Blefs ye your Father, and adore His Holy Spirit evermore. PSALM CXXXVI. Commemorative, defcriptive, and expreffive of the name, character, and ways of the Mefliah, the Son of God, the brightness of his Father's glory, and the expreis image of his pcrfon ; and, in him, of the Father, and of the Holy Ghoft ; for thefe Three are ONE. See Pfal. ii. Heb. i. &i . The Father f Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God alone of/fra'i's hoj}, Wkofe mercy lafts for evermore, Lei Ifrcfl re cr mire adore I I Confefs Pfal. 136. the New TESTAMENT. 387 1 /^Onfefs the Lord Median's praiic; ^ Confefs nnd praife him all your days ; For he is good ; for evermore His mercy Lifts: your God adore. 2 Give thanks to God, the God of god . His mercy mounts above the clouds ; His mercy ! a its for evermore; Your God, the Gcd of gods adore. 3 O thank the Lord, the Lor.' af Lord His pow'r repels the boldeft i\vor..- His mercy lafts for evermore; Your Lord, the Lord of lords, ad. 4 The Lord alone, who wenders dee?, "VVhofe glory far exceeds your views ; Whofe mercy lafts for evermore ; The God of glory, praife, adore ! 5 The Lord, who made the heav'ns on high, Whofe wifdom fpread the curtain'd fky, Whofe mercy lads for evermore, The Lord Creator, praife, adore ! 6 The Lord who ftretch'd the earth abroad, And built the mountains on the flood; Whofe mercy lafts for evermore; God over alJ the eartrjj adore! 7 The Lord who made great lights to fhir.e, The Lord of Hie, ibe light divine, Whole mercy lads for evermore ; M he Lord, your light and lire, adore 1 8 Who made the fun to rale the day, . And bade his beams of glory play ; Whofe mercy laits for evermore ; The Sun of Kighteoufnefs adore ! 9 Who made the moon fo clear and bright. With twinkling itars, to rule the night, Whofe mercy lafts for evermore; Y^our God who changes act, adore! Kk 2 10 Wa<: jo a a ne r o a .l. jvi a according to jo Who Egypt fmote in her firft-born, That Ifra'l might not mourn for>orn ; Whofe mercy lafts for evermore; Thy God, O Ifrael, adore ! 1 1 Who hath fuch works of wonder wrought, Who Ifra'l hath from Egypt brought ; Whofe mercy lafls for evermore; Thy Leader, Ifrael, adore ! 12 Who ftretched out his mighty arm, And favM thee from the grand alarm ; "Whofe mercy lads for evermore; Thy Saviour, Ifrael, adore! i 3 Who made the Red-fea part in twain, And for his chofen form a lane ; Whofe mercy lads for evermore; The wonder-working God adore ! 14 The Lord, who carried Ifra'l through The waters, which afunder flew; The Lord who rules the floods adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. I 5 The Lord, who Pharaoh overthrew, And Pharaoh's mighty army too, Amidft the Red-fea — O adore; His mercy lafts for evermore* 1 6 The Lord who through the defert led His people, whom his lcve made glad ; The Lord our Shepherd, blcfs, adore; His mercy lafls for evermore. 17 Who great and mighty princes fmote, With mighty armies where they fought j The Lord, th' almighty Lord, adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. 18 Who flew great kings of high renown, A*td trod them under Ifra'l down; The Lord, the King of kings, adore; ius mercy lafls for evermore. 19 Who Pfal. 136. the New Testament. 389 10 Who Sihon, king of th' Amorite, Deftroyed for his haughty fpite; The Lord, th' avenging Lord, adore; His mercy lads for evermore. 20 Who Og, the King of Bafhan-hill, That vow'd in IlraTs blood to fwill, Deftroy'd in wrath — the Lord adore 5 His mercy lafts for evermore. 21 Who gave their land for heritage, Of heav'nly reft an earthly pledge To God's redeem'd — the Lord adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. 22 Who gave their land to Ifrael, His fervant, whom he lovd fo well : The God of Ifra'l, O adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. 23 Who us into his mind did call, And rais'd us from our deadly fall : The Lord, our Saviour, blefs, adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. 24 The Lord who us delivered From all our foes, by whom we bled ; Our Lord, Redeemer, O adore ; His mercy lafts for evermore. "25 The Lord who gives all flefh their food, Who fills our hearts with gratitude; The Lord, the bounteous Lord, adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. 26 The Lord, the Lord of earth and heav'n, To him alone be glory giv'n ! The Lord Meffiah blefs, adore; His mercy lafts for evermore. Kk* Seconp 3^u i rjn i u-n..ijjLuo according 10 Second VERSION i pRAISE God, for be is good ; <* Unto Mefliah fing Sweet fongs of gratitude ; For he's the Lord our King : For evermore His light divine, Wherein we fhine, We (hall explore. 2 He is the God of gods; Let all the gods him praife3 With high celeflial odes, And everlafting lays : For he, in love Perpetual, Hath made them all To fhine above. 3 He is the Lord of lords, The fov'reign Lord of all ; Let them revere his words Ail round the earthly ball : For, by his nod, Their fceptres they Have leave to fway, And lift the rod. 4 He works the wonders all Which make the nations flare \ The kingdoms, great and fmall,. By him created were : Let them obey, In love and faith, Whate'er he faith ; Left they decay. 5 The Tfal. ij6. the New Testament. 391 5 The heav'ns by wifdom he Expanded all abroad ; And ftretch'd his canopy All over our abode : Let heav'n and earth* Beneath the wing Of God their King, Exprefs their mirth. 6 He fpread the earth above The horrors of the deep,. And bade them ne'er remove, But their own bound'ries keep r 0 let them now, Submi (lively,. Before him lie, And lowly bow. 7 He is himfelf the light; He made the light to fpring From the primeval night, That we might ever fingr 1 He is the Light, < The Life of men ; « With him we reign ' In glory bright/ 3 He made the fun to rule, And meafure out the days^ For he is bountiful To all beneath his rays : O let the fun, "With all below, Set forth and fhow W7hat he hath done. 9 He made the moon and ftars, And hade them rule the night > The glory that is theirs Is but the (hade of light ; But 392 The PSALMS according to But let them fhine In their own place, To patch the face Of Light divine. 10 He fmote th' Egyptian race, And flew their whole flrft-born; Becaufe they fcorn'd his grace, They mourn'd their hopes forlorn : O tremble then, Who fpurn his way, In this your day, Ye fons of men. 1 1 Ifra'l he fav'd, and led From their tyrannic lords, "Who fcorn'd the Lord their Head, And laugh'd at all his words : Let Ifra'l, then, The Lord adore, For evermore Bled in his reign. 12 By his almighty hand He fav'd his chofen race, And brought them from the land Of bondage and difgrace : O then adore The Lord your King, Who you did bring From flav'ry fore. 13 He made the Red-fea fly In twain, to right and left ; And Ifra'l marched dry, When he the billows cleft: O Ifra'l, thou, Thy Lord adore For evermore, And pay thy vow 14 Ifra'l Ffal. 136. the New Testament. 393 14 His Ifra'l through he bore, And made him pafs along, Where billows erfl did roar, By his puiilance ftrong : Ifra'l, adore Thy God, thy Guide On ev'ry fide, For evermore. 15 He Pharaoh overthrew In midfl: of the Pted-fea; The furges o'er him flew, O fea, in midft of tbee : O praife thy King, Who faved tbee, And through the fea, Did fafely bring! 16 He Jacob led along Amidft the wildernefs, And fav'd his chofen throng From ev'ry dire diftrefs ; Let Jacob praife, Eternally, The Lord on high, Who led his ways. 17 He fmote and flew great kings, By his almighty arm, Who vow'd to do great things, That fhould the world alarm : Advance his praife, Ye people all, Both great and fmall, Who know his ways. 18 Kings great and mighty he Deftroy'd utterly, That they no more fhould be The rivals of the iky : Let 394 The PSALMS according to Let his redeem'd, Through all their days, Advance his praife, By him exeem'd. 19 Sihon, the Amorite, That proud and haughty king! He Toon fubdu'd his fpite, And down to duft did bring : Let thofe rejoice, "Whom he hath freed From fear and dread ; And fmg their joys. 20 He Og, the Bafhanite, Deliver'd to the bow; And ftrengthen'd Jacob's might, His foes to overthrow : Let Jacob, now, Advance his praife With loftiefi lays, And pay his vow. 21 The heathens land he gave, A faithful pledge to [hem Whom he decreed to fave ; Who glory tn his name : O let the blefl For ever (ing To God their King, In whom they relt. 22 He gave the lot to us, Who are his fervants dear; The children of his houfe, Who lerve him without fear : Let us conjoin, With hand and heart, And all our art, In 's praife divine. 23 He, Pfal. 137. the New Testament. 395 23 He, in our low eftate, Remember'd us forlorn -, And, in our mis'ry great, Discharged us to mourn ; For he is love, And all his ways, Which fpeak his praife, The fame do prove. 24 He from our foes redeem'd, When we were fore oppreft ; And when he had exeem'd Us, then he bade us reft : Redeem'd, we reft, And afk no more, For evermore In Jefus bleft. 25 He giveth food to all, That all may blefs his name ; He hears us ere we call ; O found aloud his fame : Let all the faints For ever fing To Chrift our King, Who hears our plaints. 26 Give thanks to God alone, The One Eternal Three, The Three Eternal One, Who was, is, and to be j Who heav'n above, And earth below, Hath made to know That HE IS LOVE. PSALM 396 Tke PSALMS according to PSALM CXXXVII. < All thefe things happened unto them for 4 enfamples (or types) to us: and they are writ- ' ten for our admonition, upon whom the ends ' of the world are come.' i Cor. x. 1 1. See Pfal. xliv. be. * By Babel's J} reams they fat, and nueptjy But JIM their heart Jerusalem kept: And fo, till time ffiall be no more, On earth the fins of God complore ! 1 T>Y Babel-ftreams we fat, we mourn'd, *-* While all our thoughts on Zioii turn'd ; 2 Our harps befide us, all unftrung, Upon the drooping willows hung. 3 Ev'n there, our fpiteful jeering foe, Infulting o'er our grief and wo, Said tauntingly, < Cheer up, and fing Some fong of yours to Zion's King:' Our fpoilers call'd for mirth,* and they "Who led us captive, bade us play ! — 4 In this ftrange land how (hall we fing The fongs of Chrift, our Lord and King, To give thofe (Irangers joy and mirth, Who give to all our forrows birth, And grievoufly augment our thrall By cruel mock'ries at our fall ? 5 But if, Jerus'lern, I forget, On thee alone my heart to fet, Let my right-hand forget her ikill, And play no more on Zion-hill! 6 If I do not remember thee, Then let my tongue be loft to me, And, ufelefs, cleave to my mouth's roof: Nay, death itfelf be my reproof — I If Pfal. 137. the New Testament. 397 If 1 prefer not far above My chiefeft joy, my life, my love 3erufalem, for evermore, Where ftill my heart doth God adore! 7 Remember Edom's curled race ; O Lord, remember, in thy grace, How Edom, in Jerus'lem's day, With rankling wrath, did roar and fay — * Raze ! raze it to the very rock ! < Let not a ftone efcape the fhock, * Till Zion, wholly overthrown, < Shall, name and place, no more be known!' 8 O daughter, thou, of Babylon, Devoted to thy doom anon ! How happy, happy mail he be, Thy deeds to us who turns on thee ! 9 He (hall receive a noble prize, Who taketh up, before thine eyes, Thy tender little darling ones, And dafheth them againft the (tones;: Thus periih all the foes of God And Zion, all the world abroad ! Thus Babylon dcftroy'd mall be, A type, O Jntichrijl, of thee : Thou, Zion, by thy Lord redeem'd, From all thy woes at length exeem'd, Shalt be an everlafting fign Of glory great, and love divine : With glory great, and majefty, O Jefus, come thou from on high; That Zion's wounds may all be heaPd, And all her fons with thee teveal'd. LI PSALM PSALM CXXXVJII. Full of Chrift, and confolation to the Chriftian. See margin. Our Shepherd fang along his it- ay, Approaching to his Father's hom: ; 'That nve might no 1 3 They 4ea The PSALMS according to They in thy book were all pourtray'd, Their life, their manner, and their way, Ere length of days their form difplay'd, With life infus'd, and fafhion'd clay. 17 How precious are thy thoughts to me, O Lord, my God ! How great's the fuml 38 If I fhculd fum them up to thee, Amazement, lo, would ftrike me dumb: They're more in number than the fand, Or wat'ry drops that fvvell the fea! O Lord, the wonders of thy hand Are almoft infinite like thee! When I awaken in the womb, Arrayed in my robes of clay, And when I waken in my tomb, Lo, ftil), O Lord, with thee I flay. 39 But thou the wicked men {halt flay, And bid them far away be gone ; Their blood on their own heads thou'lt lay Who tread the blood of thy dear Son. 20 Againfl thee wickedly they fpeak, 0 God, and take thy name in vain; JVefumptuoufly thy laws they break, And fcorn thy ways in jeering ftrain! 21 How I do hate them, O my God, Who hatred bear to thee and thine ! How I dtied that curfed brood, Who rife againfl: thy ways divine ! 22 With perfect hatred them I hate; 1 count them all my mortal foes : To duft and death my foot (hall beat Thofe ferpents with refiftlefs blows. 23 But fenrch thou me, O God, and know My inmoft heart, and fecret thought, And iVe, if any caufe of wo, Within the fame has e'er been wrought : 24 Explore Pfal. 140. the New Testament. 403 24 Explore and fife me thoroughly, And winnow all my heart and ways; If fin is with me, let me die, And never more again me raife : But if I ftand thy teft, O God, Shew me thine everlafting ways ; That I may fhew thy ways abroad, And fill the world with joy and praife : So I mall fing for evermore, And all my faints (hall fing with me; Redeeming love they mall adore ; For I their Surety fet them free. PSALM CXL. Antichrist, * that wicked, (the man of fin), ' revealed, whom the Lord (Kail confume with the • Spirit of his mouth, and mall deltroy with the ' brightnefs of his coming.* 2 ThefT. ii. 8, fac. See Pfalm vii. 6v. Lo! Antichrif, with all bis ways, By Chrift the Lord deft r of d fhall be : To Chrift a hue be all the praife! He comes to fave and fet us free. 1 ' r ORD, refcue from the man off*, *■*-* Preferve me from the vi'lent man : 2 Who mifchief roll their heart within, Still plotting war in dark divan. 3 Their tongues are fharp like ferpents flings* And, brandifh'd, quiver in their mouth ; Fierce adders poifon%ever fprings Beneath their lips, the foes of truth ! 4 Keep me, Jehovah, from the hands Of that prefumptuous hellifh foe ; Preferve me from the vi'lent bands, "Who would my goings overthrow. 5 The 404 The PSxA.LMS according to 5 The proud have hid a f;.are for me, And by the way- fide drawn their cords; Their nets are fpreacl where'er I flee : They mean to trap me in my words. 6 I cryM unto the Lord, and faid, Thou art my God, I flee to thee; The Lord regarded when I pray'd, And fpeedily relieved me. 7 My God, my Lord, my Strength, my Might, And my .Salvation evermore, My head who cover'ft in the fight, When rage and war againft. me roar; 8 O grant them not their wicked will, Nor proiper thou what they devile; Led, when they have achiev'd their ill, They vaunt them of their enterprize. 9 The works of their own lips furround The heads of thofe furrounding me; Let burning coals upon them bound ; Their fi.e unquenqhed ever be : io They (hall poffefs the fiery flame — The Like of brimflone, evermore; Becaufe they fcorn'd Meffiah'j name, The floods of hell (hall o'er them roar. 1 1 That man of tongue, that ion of lies, That hypocrite, that antichrift — O God of truth ! againft him rife : Soon let him be from earth difmifs'd. 12 I know Jehovah will maintain Tne caufe that is Jehovah's own ; The Chrift of God fhall ever reign, While antichrift is overthrown : 13 The Chriftinns, reigning with their Lord, Shall praife the Fatkf.r, with the Son, And thee, O Spirit, blefs'd, ador'd ; Th' eternal God, the Three in One. P S A L M Pfal. 141. the New Testament. 405 PSALM CXLI. This Pfalm may be confidered as the fequel of the la(t, with this difference only, that, as in the former ihe High-prieO: of our profeilion, Jesus, intercedes agafnft his and our enemies ; ib here he more immediately makes interceffion for his friends, interpofmg himfelf, with his own blood, IB the breach between them and all danger. — Reader, thy foul is at ftake ! Confider the Apoftle and High-prieft of the Christian profeiT- fion, Jesus: his blood is thy life, or thy death ! The Angel of the covenant, Who brings the merey that ive nvanty Stand's up for all his chofen feed, And J mites the ferpent on the head, 1 f ORD, how I mourn and cry to thee! *-J O fwifdy fly, and anfwer mej Give ear unto my plaintive voice, And change my forrows for thy joys: 2 Thine own Mefliah intercedes, And, in the breach, before thee pleads, The High-Prieft of thy faints, O God, Who fheds for them his facred blood : O let my mediation be, My God, accepted now by thee ; And let my pray'r before thee rife, As clouds of incenfe, to the ikies: Accept my ev'ning facri6ce, My lifted hands before thine eyes; Accept me with my ev'ry gift, Upon my crofs when they me lift. 3 They drive to catch me in my words, While their own tongues arc brandiih'diVords; Be thou the watch, Lord, of my mouth, And iet my lips be kept by truth. 4 Incline 4o6 The PSALMS according ti 4 Incline thou not my heart unto The evils which 1 mould not do ; ■ But draw away my heart from thofe Who work the works that bring them woes. 0 rather let me ne'er be bleft, Than that their dainties I mould taftej Their works of wiekednefs I hate, And fcorn the pleafures of their ffate : 5 O let the righteous God me fmitej To do his will is my delight: Let mercy thro' my fufFrings come: My blood mall bring the banim'd home : Let God correct me for their fin ; My foul for that (hall ne'er repine : It mall be like a precious oil, Which mail not bruife, but caufe me fmile: My head mall never bruited be By all my God mall do to me : My pray'r to him fhall ever rife, To fave my faints from miferies : 6 And when their judges are o'erthrown, Who rife againil: thy Holy One, 1 will not leave them fatherlefs, To wander lone in wildernefs: I'll caufe my voice invade their ear, And ftrike them all with joy who hear; How pleafantly my words mall greet, And turn their bitter things to fweet ! For I am with my chofen flill, Their Shepherd, on my holy hill: What tho' our bones are fcatter'd round, Like cloven wood upon the ground — 7 What tho' the grave devour us up? We lay us down in certain hope, That we ilia II rife in joy anon — Behold, O God, thy men Son ! 8 Mine PfaL 142. the New Testament. 407 8 Mine eyes to thee with boldnefs look, Tor I have borne thy fierce rebuke, Thine indignation, Tor my flock, Jehovah — look on Zion's Rock 1 In thee I truft; O leave not me, Now deftitute, whofe hope's in thee: 9 Preferve me from the deadly gin Of men who glory in their fin. 10 In their own nets let finners fall, Whillt that my foul efcapes withal ; And let my faints efcape with me : My blood their pajfover fliall be. PSALM CXLII. ' The fufferings of Chrift, and the following ' glory' — 1 Pet. i. 11, LESS'D be Jehovah evermore, *J My Strength, my ilock, who teacheth me, When tides of war againfl me roar, To roll them back on their own fea. 2 My Mercy and my Fortrefs, he, My Tow'r, my Elevation high, My Sun, my Shield, my Sword, mall be My God, on whom I will rely. 'Lis he my people mail fubdue, And fays, My kingdom ihall be thine; For ev'ry knee to thee (hall bow, And tongue confefs thy pow'r divine. 3 Lcrd, what is man, (thou knoweft him!) Or Son of Man, that he mould be Advanc'd to glory fo fublime, To dwell and reign, O God, with thee ! 4 Yet man is like to vanity; His days as fhadows pafs away, And, like the vapours of the fky, His prefent likenefs (hall decay. M m 2 5 Lord, 412 The PSALMS according to 5 Lord, let thy wonders all appear; O bow thy heav'ns and come thou down ; Touch thou the hills, they'll fly for fear; The mountains fmoke when thou (halt frown. 6 Caft forth thy lightnings all abroad, And fill the world with fear around, And fcatter all my foes, O God; Let them in their own floods be drown'd. 7 O downwards reach thine hand to me, And rid me from the raging wave, For rolling waters round me be : Me from the fons of Belial fave. 8 Their mouths in ambufnment they lay; With lies they occupy their ground, "While hell's artillery they play, And throw their faliehoods all around. 9 But I, victorious over all, Victorious by thy word of truth, Will all the pow'rs of mufic call Into my heart, into my mouth ; And I will fjng, O God, and play A new-fong unto thee aloud, And all my faints, in joyful lay, Shall fing the praifes I have vow'd. io 'Tis he, my God, the '.King of kings, Who gives falvation unto men, Who his beiov'd MeiTiah brings From death and hell, with him to reign r 1 1 Ev'n fo, my God, deliver me From ferpent's pow'r, and ferpent's feed ; Let me, the woman's Seed, go free, When I have bruis'd the ferpent's head. 12 Let Zion's fons, as plants grown up, The glory of the God of truth, Bloom, Pfal. 145. the New Testament. 413 Bloom, full of faith, and full of hope, Of joy, and love, in endlefs youth ! Let Zion's daughters ever mine As pillars in thy houfe, O God, Polifh'd with care and (kill divine, Thy praife in all the world abroad i 13 Lee all thy treafures overflow, Affording all delights in (lore ; That all thy fam'ly, Lord, may know Thy loving-kindnefs evermore! 14 Let thoufands and ten thoufands go, And let them lead ten thoufands more, Who fhall thy gofpel-trumpet blow, To fpread thy joy all nations o'er ! Let no in-breaking ever be, In going out, or coming in ; From all complaints our ftreets be free, Our God, our Glory dill therein! 15 Thus bleffed (hall the people be With everlafting truth and grace, Whofe God Jehovah is — for he Shall make Meffiah's blood their peace ! PSALM CXLV. Messiah, glorified, fmgs to God, with all his faints around. See Pfal civ. cviii. c -.. The triumph cf ihe Son of God, Who gUrionfly triumphant rode, In chariots of fahation grand., Vielorious o'er the hellijh bana\ Afcribing to his Father's praife The glory of his Father's ways, And teaching all his faints, a Una; To join kim w his joyful fng. M in 3 1 I'LL 414 The PSALMS according to- 1 T'LL thee extol, my God, O King, A And all my faints with me mall fing : I'll praife thy name for evermore, And all thy glorious ways explore. 2 I'll blefs thee, Lord, and, all day long, Thy name fhall ever fwell my fong : 3 The Lord is great, and greatly he Is to be praifed ftill by me : His greatnefs far all fearch exceeds, And like himfelf are all his deeds : 'i h' expreffions of Jehovah's love, Jehovah -like, (hall never move. 4 Race unto race mall fhew thy ways, And fing the glory of thy praife; They (hall declare each work of thine,. And praife the joys of love divine. 5 Thy glorious Majefty 111 tell, And on thine honour ever dwell ; Thy works of wonder 1*11 difplay, And mufe upon them night and day. 6 My faints around me catch the theme.> And fmg the glories of thy name, Thy terrible tremendous ways Become the fubje£t of their praife : For, while thy greatnefs I defcribe, My fong and fpirit they imbibe; And, while thy glory circles round, Both earth and heav'n with joy refound : y They publifh mall abundantly The mem ry of thy love fo high : The glory of thy righteoufnefs, In fongs of praife they (hall exprefs. 8 The Lord is very gracious, In him companions ever flow; In mercy he is plenteous, An-J unto wrath and anger flow. The Pfal. 145. the New Testament. 415. 9 The Lord our God is good to all ; Like dews and rains his bleffings fall L^pon the evil and the good : O were his bleilings underflood ! But, oh ! the myft'ries of his love, The chofen few alone fhall prove : His mercies are fo great and high, They fill the earth and fill the fky. 10 Lord, all thy works thy praife proclaim* And all thy faints {hall blefs thy name: 1 1 They fhall thy kingdom's glory tell, And on thy pow'r and love fhall dwell ; 1 2' To make the fons of men to know 1 he mighty actions he (hall fhow, And all the glorious majefty Of his Median's kingdom high. 13 Thy kingdom, Lord, thro' ages all., With thy dominion, ever iliall Remain the fame, the Lord before — When time itfelf fhall be no more. 14 The Lord alone upholdeth all, And' raifeth thofe again who fall : 15 The eyes of all attend on thee, That they with food may filled be: 16 Thine open hand moft lib'rally Doth all their craving wants fupply, O thou, the giver of all good : Let men be fill'd with gratitude! I 7 The Lord is juft in all his ways ; His holinefs proclaims his praife : 18 The holy Lord is nigh to all That call on him, in truth that call. 19 He will fulfil the Juff's defire, And grant them, ere they can require. Who love, and glory in his name, The bleihngs that are meet for them. 20 The 4 ! 6, The PSALMS according to 20 The Lord preferveth in bis joy The faithful, who tliemfelves employ In works of faith, in works of Jove, That they may all his glory prove: But he will overturn them quite, Who in their perverfe ways delight; Who his falvation great neglect, The Lord will evermore reject. 21 My mouth the praifes of the Lord .Shall evermore with joy record : Let all flefh blefs his holy name, And found his everlafling fame: Clap, clap your hands, ye faints, to God, And found your Father's praife abroad; Around MeiTiah, evermore, Your Father and your God adore ! PSALM CXLVI. The fpirit and fubjecT: of this, and the four fol- lowing Pfalms, may raoft concifely be expreifed in that one word, wherewith they both begin and end, viz* Hallelujah, rendered, ' Praife ye the • Lord;' which may be called their illuftration or title. — Se? Pfalm xxxhi <&>c. Come* celebrate % with raptures great. With holinefs and joy, The reign of grace, truth, mercy, peace, IV hie h we with Chrifl enjey ! 1 *~VO God let hallelujahs rife; ■*- My foul| O praife him thou : 2 For, while I live, l'il praifes give Unto my God, I vow: n Pfal. 146. the New Testament. 417 I'll praifes fing unto my King, And glory in my God : And, while I live, I will contrive To found his praife abroad. 3 Trufl not in kings, nor earthly things ; The fons of men are duft : In man there is no help nor blefs ; In God Jehovah truft. 4 For man mall die, his breath (hall fly; Unto his earth he turns : That very day his thoughts decay; His friend who trufts him mourns. 5 O happy he, whofe help fhall be The God of Jacob, then, Whofe hope is on the Lord alone ! His God fhall him fuftain : 6 His God, who doth delight in truth, Who made the earth and heav'n, The fea, and all 2round the ball, His plighted faith hath giv'n ; 7 That he will do the judgment true For all oppreffed ones, And will fupply the poor who cry, And hear the pris'ners groans : 8 The Lord the blind, in eyes and mind, Will blefs with pleafant fight; The Lord will raife the low and bafe, And make their darknefs light : The Lord beholds, and ftill upholds, The fons of righteoufnefs ; But all their foes he fills with woes, And fhame, and dire diflrefs. 9 The Lord obierves, and ftill preferves, And helps the fatherlefs, The widows too, and all who do Delight in holinefs ; But 41 a The FbALMb according U But yet, alas ! the wicked's ways Provoke his anger fore : He turneth them into the flame Of hell, for evermore! 10 Jehovah reigns, who holds the reins; Zion, thy God 's thy King For evermore — Thy God adore; And hallelujahs ring! PSALM CXLVII. Hallelujah. With gratitude to God, fo goody Come, let us found our joy aloud! For