•rethersfie" 1 ^, Conn m Manual of the Congregational Church Bf the Lord's Supper, and immediately after the Bermon preceding that ordinance. The candidates, as their names arc called, present themselves in front of the pulpit, and are addressed by the Pastor as follows,] You, who present yourself in this public manner, are now with all your heart and with all your soul, to enter into solemn covenant with God and this church: Admiring the infinite condescension and grace of God in opening a door of life and salvation for perishing sinners, through the mediation and death of Jesus Christ, together with a sense of your own great un- worthiness ; you do now make choice of the living God for your God ; of God, the Father, for your Father; of the Lord Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, for your Lord and Saviour; of the Holy Ghost for your Sanctifier and Comforter, and of the word of God for the rule of your life and practice. And you do dedicate and give up yourself to God, to be only his; to be guided by his spirit; to be ruled by his laics ; to be disposed of by his providence, and to be eternally saved in the gospel way; promising by the help of Christ, (without which you can do nothing.) that you xcill lire soberly, righteously, and godly, all your days. Attend now to the CONFESSION OF FAITH. You believe there is one* self-oxistent,t independent! and eternal^ God; who possess* s infinite perfection, excellency and glory ;| who is the Creator,H Preserver,** and Governor of the anivere * Dent, fi : 4 : Isaiah 45 : 22 ; Mark 12 : 32. t Exodus 3 : 14. { Dan. 4 : 35 ; Bph. 1 : 11 : 1'hil. 2 : 13. § Psalm 90 : 2; IU b 1 : 12. || Job II : 7, 8, 9; James I : 17: Col. 2 : 3. «' Heb. 1 : K) and 3 : 4. and 11 :3; Gen. 1:1; Rev. 4 : 11. ** Heb. 1:3. tt Psalm 83 : 18, and 103 : 19. You believe there are three distinct persons in the Godhead, 4 tin- Father.t the Son,! and the Holy Ghost ;$ and that these three are one God, the same in snbstance,|| eqnal in power and glory.U • Mitt. 28 : 19; 2 Cor. 13 :14; 1 John 5 : 7. f Matt. 7 : 21 and 11 ■ -27. {Luke •24 : 52 : John 1:1: Beb. 1 : 6. § Matt. 3 : 16; John 14 : 16, 17, 26 ; Acts 5 :3,4, II John 10 : 30. fl Phil. 2: G, 10, 11. 35 You believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to le the word of God ;* and the only infallible rule of faith and practice .t * 2 Tim. 3 : 16 ; 2 Peter 1 : 21. t Isaiah 8 : 20 ; Luke 10 : 29 ; Mark 7 : 7, 8. 13 ; John 20 : 31 ; Acts 17 : 11 ; Gal. 1 : 8, 9 ; Rev. 22 : 18, 19. You believe mankind were originally created in a state of holiness,* but have since fallen into a state of sin,t and are in consequence ex- posed to the wrath and curse of God, both in this life and that which is to come.} * Gen. 1 : 27 ; Eccl. 7 : 29. t Gen. 2 : 11 and 3:6; Rom. 5 : 18, 19 and 3:10, 23 and 5 : 12. + Matt, 25 : 41 ; Rom. 6 : 23; Gal. 3 : 10 ; Eph. 5 : 6. You believe that God, who is rich in mercy, has not left all mankind to perish in that estate of sin and misery ; but from before the found- ation of the world, has chosen some to everlasting life,* and ordained to bring them into a state of grace and salvation by a Redeemer.t * Jer. 31 : 3 ; Acts 13 : 48 ; Rom. 11 : 7 ; John 3 : 16 ; Exod. 34 : 6, 7 ; 2 Pttcr 3:9. t Rom. 8 : 29, 30 ; Eph. 1 : 4—14 ; 2 Thess. 2 : 13 ; Rev. 17 : 14 ; 1 Peter 2:9. You believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is both God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, is the only Redeemer ;* that he hath offered up himself a sacrifice to God : and by his obedience and sufferings and death has made ample atonement for sin in our stead ;t that he is now exalted at God's right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to grant repentance and remission of sins, to all who go unto God through him.} * 1 Tim. 2:5; Acts 4 : 12. t Heb. 7 : 27 and 9 : 12, 14, 22 ; 1 Teter 1 : 18, 19 ; Heb. 2 : 10 ; Isaiah 53 : 4, 5, 6 ; Rom. 5 : 6 ; 2 Cor. 5 : 21 ; Gal. 3 : 13 ; Eph. 5:2; Heb. 10 : 5, 10. + Rom. 3 : 25, 26 and 4 : 5. You believe in the doctrines of Regeneration,* Repentancet and Faith,} and that if ever we are saved, it will be owing to the free, rich and sovereign grace of God in Christ Jesus.§ * John 3 : 3 and 1 : 13. t Acts 2 : 38 and 3 : 19 and 11 : 18 ; Luke 13 : 3. J Mark 16 : 16 ; Acts 16 : 31 ; John 3 : 18, 36. § Acts 4 : 12 ; 1 Cor. 3 : 11. You believe in the final perseverance of the saints;* in the resurrec- tion of the dead ;t and in a future judgment.} * Job 17 : 9 ; John 10 : 27—29 ; Phil, 1:6; Col. 3:3; Heb. 10 : 39. t D:m. 12 : 2 ; Job. 19 : 26 : Hosea 13 : 14 ; 1 Cor. 15 : 20—22 ; Rev. 20 : 12. J Matt. 25 : 31, 32 ; Rom. 2 : 5—11 ; 2 Tim. 4 : 1 ; 2 Cor. 5 : 10. You believe at the last day the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven, with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and will summon the whole human race to appear before him, to give an account of their conduct ; and will then doom the wicked 36' t > everlasting destruction, :uii\. 1829 Timothy C. Dix, 1857 E Thomas H. Klfred, 1834 P Henry Fowl, 185? Roswell Fox, ltc.7 " Mrs. Bqswell Fox, 1S49 Charles Francis, 1829 Mis Charjes Francis, (Emily Blinn,) 1821 Daniel W. Francis, 1857 Mrs. George Francis, (Mrs. E. Stoddard,) 1826 Rev. James H. Francis, 1816 Jane C. Francis, 1858 Mrs. John Francis, (Maria Francis,) 1841 Lucy Francis, 1852 Martha Francis, 1843 Matthew Francis, 1858 Mrs. Matthew Francis, 1843 Mrs. J. H. Freeland (Adeline I.Woodhouse.) 1843 t Mrs. G. A. French, (Sarah Ann Stillman,) 1826 G Alhert Galpin, 1847 If Mrs. Alhert Galpin, 1847 Samuel Galpin, 1816 Mrs. Samuel Calpin, 1816 Mrs. Elizur Goodrich, (Prudence Fortune,) 1834 Mrs. Joshua (Goodrich (Mary Ann Wells,) 1823 Khoda Goodrich, 1821 Mrs. Margaret Cornelius Goodrich, 1860 Mrs. Levi Goodwin, 1857 Mrs. S. B. Goodwin, 1823 Charles F. Griswold, 1857 E. Augusta Griswold, 1857 Ellen M. Griswold, 1857 Franklin W. Griswold, 1831 Mrs. Franklin W. Griswold (Emily Adams.) 1834 D. W. Clinton Griswold, 1857 Hannah Griswold, 1839 James Griswold, 1843 James S. Griswold, 1821 Mrs. James S. Griswold, 1821 Justus Griswold, 1839 Mrs. Justus Griswold, 1835 Justus W. Griswold, 1841 Lucy W. Griswold, 1857 Martin S. Griswold, 1848 Mrs. Martin S. Griswold, 1857 43 Mary Ann Griswold, 1857 Stanley Griswold 1839 Mrs. Stanley Griswold, (Lucy Wells,) 1821 Mrs. Thomas Griswold, (RhodaS. Wright,) 1814 Thomas Griswold, 1821 Mrs. Thomas Griswold, (Jerusha Wells,) 1827 T. Newton Griswold, 1857 Mrs. T. Newton Griswold, (Jeannette W. Butler,) 1857 Mrs. Josiah Griswold, 1831 Mrs. Justus W. Griswold, 1859 Mary Griswold, 1859 Martha Griswold, 1860 H Rev. Albert Hale, 1821 Caroline D. Hale, 1857 Elizabeth Hale, 1857 Hannah M. Hale, 1857 John Hale, 1843 Simeon Hale, 1817 Simeon Hale, Jr., 1841 Mrs. Francis Huldah Haniner, 1821 Hannah Hanmer, 1838 Henry Hanmer, 1831 Lucy Ann Hanmer, 1826 Lucy Hanmer, 1821 Nancy Hanmer, 1831 Sarah Hanmer, 1814 Mrs. Win. Hanmer, 1839 Fanny A. Harris, 1857 Mrs. Jared Harrison, (Caroline Loveland,) 1820 Mrs. Ormond Harrison, 1838 Edwin M. Havens, 1857 Mrs. Edwin M. Havens, (Julia Ann Wells,) 1857 Elizabeth R. Havens, 1843 Emily B. Havens, 1843 Mrs. John Havens, (Martha Wells,) 1838 Nancy Havens, 1821 Sarah Havens, 1826 Huldah S. Havens, 1857 Mrs. Thomas Havens, 1834 William A. Havens, 1821 Mrs. S. Hayford, 1821 Sarah P. Hillhouse, 1842 Ann Elizabeth Holcomb, 1858 Abigail Hubbard, 1843 II Jane Hosford, 1860 J If Elisha Johnson, 1847 H Mrs. Elisha Johnson, 1847 John I >. Knapp, 1 357 Mrs. John 1>. Knapp, 1857 44 K L Mrs. Zechariah Larkin, 1814 Mrs. .Mary Ann Latimer. 1811 Henry Lockwood, 16 ' Aire. Henry Lockwood, 1852 John Loveland, 1831 Lucy Loveland, 18 19 Rebecca Loveland, 1821 Henry A. Lyon, 1857 M Mrs. Henry Marsh, (Sarah B. Skaats,) 1839 Abigail Marsh. 1804 Lydia Marsh. 1804 Hannah McCnllen, 1857 James M. Merrow, 185? Harriet Montague 1834 Rossiter R. Montague, 1843 Mrs. Stephen Morgan, 1816 Da vies Morris. 1814 Mrs. Davies Morris, (Harriet Risley,) 1821 Samuel W. Morris, 1858 Mrs. W. W. Morton. (Eunice E. Deming,) 1846 Harriet Moseley, 1826 Mary Ann Murphy, 1858 Jane Mygatt, 1813 Mrs. F. Morrison, (Elizabeth D. Stillman,) 1848 P Mrs. Nathan W. Pelton, 1820 Mrs. C. A. Phelps, (Lucy Louisa "Woodhouse,) 1843 B Caroline Rhodes, 1838 George Rhodes, 1831 Mrs. George Rhodes, 1821 Mary S.Riley, 1834 Chauncey Bobbins, 1841 IT Mrs. Chauncey Bobbins, 1851 If Mrs. E. G. Robbins, (Elizabeth Tucker,) 1846 Fanny C Robbins, 1857 Henrv Robbins, 1814 Mrs. Henry Robbins, (Celia Talcott,) 1821 Mrs. Joshua Robbins, 1820 Josiah Robbins, 1831 Mrs. Josiah Robbins, (Harriet Crane,) 1921 Rev. Loren H. Robbins, 1839 Mary E. Robbins. 1S.77 Mrs. Oliver Robbins, (Rebecca A. Woodhouse,) 1821 45 \ If Mrs. Richard Robbies, 1838 Richard A. Robbins, 1841 Mrs. Richard A. Robbins. (Harriet Wells,) 1341 Robert B. Robbins, 1857 Silas W. Robbins, 1841 Mrs. Silas W. Robbins, 1859 Thomas W. Robbins, 1847 Mrs. William Robbins, 1834 Mrs. Ashbel Robertson, 1839 A. Louise Rogers, 1857 IF Theodore B. Rogers. 1857 I Mrs. Theodore B. Rogers, 1857 Mrs. Robert Robbins, 1801 S Mrs.L. A. Sackett, (Harriet Roberts,) 1843 Charles H. Sanford, 1857 Horace Savage, 1843 Mrs. Horace Savage, (Sarah Pett's,) 1816 Mrs. Jacob Sebor, 1817 Edward Shepard, 1857 Elizabeth Shepard, 1857 Abraham Skaats, 1821 Mrs. Abraham Skaats, 1818 Abraham Skaats, Jr., 1857 Mrs. Abraham Skaats, Jr., 1857 David Skaats, 1838 Mrs. David Skaats, (Dolly Cowdrey,) 1843 Jane H. Skaats, 1846 James Smith, 1821 Mrs. James Smith, 1825 Rev. John Smith, 1814 Sophia S. Smith, 1841 William Smith, 1821 Mrs. William Smith, 1821 Mrs. J. Standish (Cynthia Wells,) 1315 Fanny Stanton, 1860 1 Grace P. Stanton, 1835 IT Hannah Stanton, 1839 Jane T. Stanton, 1860 f Henry A. Stillman. 1859 I Mrs. Henry A. Stillman, 1859 Clarissa Stillman, 1821 George Stillman, 1827 Mrs. George Stillman, (Mabel Griswold,) 1831 f Isabella Stillman 1857 1 Levi Stillman, 1857 if Mrs. Levi Stillman, 1857 Martha B. Stillman, 1857 Mary C. Stillman, 1857 Sarah W. Stillman, 1814 46 M i - aeon StDlman, (Nancy Deming,) 18 I Sonthmayd Still, an, l - Amelia Stoddard, 1821 Uarriel Stoddard, I81ti T Sarah T. Talcott, 1831 Ann Tryon, Mn Wm. B. Thrasher, (Julia Wright,) If W 1 Abner s. Warner, 1848 • Mrs. Abner & Warner, 1848 Anne B. Warner, 1821 Hnl. lah W. Warner, 1821 Mrs. Robert W. Warner. 1818 Mrs. William Wataon, (Mary Marsh,) 1798 Augustus Webster, 1867 Mrs. Augustus Webster, 1857 Mrs. Benjamin Weeks, 1831 Ashbel Wells. 1843 Mrs. Ashbel Wells. 1821 Catharine L.Wells, 1857 Clarissa Wells, 1838 Elizabeth A. Wells, 1857 Ellen E. Wells, 1857 Emily II. Wells, 1849 E. Woleott Wells, 1858 Francis N. Welles, 1841 George W ells, 1831 George L. Wells, 1813 Mrs. George L. Wells, (Martha V. Wells,) 1841 Mrs. Henrv Wells. 1818 Henry Wells, 1841 Mrs. Henrv Wells. 1857 f Mrs Horace Wells, (Lucy Blinn ) 1832 '58 John Wells, 1831 Mrs. John Wells. (Mary W. Woleott.) 1831 Mrs. Joseph Wells, 1812 Joseph Wells, Jr., 1821 Mrs. Joseph Wells, (Sarah Dix,) 184G Julia Welles, 1835 Leonard B. Welles, 1835 IT Mrs. Leonard R. Wells, 1835 Mrs. Mary Ann Wells. 1843 1 Mrs. Martin Welles, 1829 Mary Q. Wells, 1841 Mary M. Wells 1857 Romania We'ls, 1814 Mrs. Romanta Wells, (Mary Ann Morgan,) 1814 Rossitur We 1 s, 1807 Mrs. Rossitur Wells, (Emily Butler,) 1814 47 Samuel Wells, 1827 Samuel R. Wells, 1841 Mrs Samuel R. Wells, (Martha Butler,) 1838 Stephen M. Wells, 1849 TT Mrs. Stephen M. Wells, 1857 Adeline M. Willard, 1857 Mrs. William Willard, 1814 H William Willard, 1854 IT Mrs William Willard, 1854 11 Mrs. Thomas W. Williams, 1853 Charles Wolcott, 1843 Mrs. Charles Wolcott, (Hannah Blinn,) 1846 Mrs. Elisha Wolcott, 1832 Horace Wolcott, 1821 Mrs. Horace Wolcott, (Rhoda Rohhins,) 1821 Samuel Wollcott, 1857 Mrs. Samuel Wolcott, (Mary E. Morgan,) 1857 Sarah N. Wolcott, 1841 Ann Woodhouse, 1816 Elizabeth Woodhouse, 1818 Harriet Woodhouse, 1821 Mrs. Humphrey Woodhouse, 1821 Laura AVoodhouse, 1821 Lucy Woodhouse, 1810 Mrs. Manna Woodhouse, 1821 Mary Woodhouse, 1821 Mary Woodhouse, 2nd, 18 21 Rebecca B. Woodhouse, 1814 Mrs. Samuel Woodhouse, 1846 Samuel Woodhouse, 1846 Mrs. Samuel Woodhouse, 1820 Sarah H. Woodhouse, 1821 T Sarah N. Woodhouse, 1840 Frances Wright, 1821 Mrs. Horace Wright 1821 Joseph Wright, 1843 Mrs. Joseph Wright, 1843 Nancy Wright, 1814 William Wright, 1821 CORREC TIONS J'- ». a: Btfa nape, p. 26, at 34 cL *, d. 2d coL P*8fa J p. 20, to « removed to other churches." p. 88, tu Wid ow James Mitchell. P- 30, to Maria Crane. 1- », to Edwd P, Griswold. ftUMa Dates. p. 41, Roy. Wm. Chester, 1810 to 131C. Mr. C. Col man, 1806 to 1846. p. 42, Thos. H. Elfired, 1864 to 1657. J as. Griswold, 1843 to 1821. Jas. S. Griswold, 1821 to 1 S Mn. J. 8. Griswold, 1821 to 1868. 1». 43, Lucj Ann Humor, 1826 to 1827. p. 45, Mrs. g, w. Bobbins, 1850 to 1866 p. 40, A. S. Warner, 1848 to 1849. Mrs. A. s. w., [848 to 1849 George Welles, 1631 to 1821. Mrs. Benj. Weeks, 1831 to 1821. Mrs. Jos. Wells, 1643 to 18-11. Leonard 11. Wells, 1635 to 1834. Mrs. L.B.W.,1835t0 l~ P. J4, foi Mrs. II. Marsh road Mrs. Henry Mack M GAYLORO PRINTED IN U S A et °n Theo/, 09'cal Sem 1 101 2 00037 8093 • •- i ■ E i