)e^W£. 5^^ /3 THE PSALMS TRANSLATED AND EXPLAINED J. A. ALEXANDER PROFESSOK IN THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AT PRINCETON. VOLUME III SIXTH EDITION. PIIILADELrHIA : PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 821 Chestnut Street. Entered according to Act of Cout;ress, in the year 1850, by JOSEPH ADDISON ALEXANDER, In tho Clerk's Office of the United Siu'es District Court for tho Ditotri"t of New -fcrsey. JOHN F. TRO'W, PRINTEn, STKREGTYrER, AND ELECTROTTPER, 4S & 50 Greene Street, New York. THE PSALMS PSALM CI. After propounding as his theme the mercy and justice of the Lord, V. 1, the Psalmist announces his determination to be blame- less in his own walk, vs. 2 — 4, and so to exercise his power over others as to favour the godly and drive out the wicked, vs. 5 — 8. 1. Bij David. A Psalm. Mercy and judgment will I sing ; to thu^ Jehovah., icill I play (or make music.) As such a declaration of a present purpose in the Psalms is always followed by its exe- cution, the older interpreters suppose mercy and judgment to be those which David meant to practise, as he states more fully in the remainder of the psalm. But besides that he says nothing in what follows of his mercy., there is no usage of the Psalms more settled than that mercy and justice are combined to denote divine not human attributes, and that to sing and make music to Jthovah never means to praise something else in an address to him, but always to sing praises to himself. See above, Ps. ix. 12 (11.) xiii. 6 (5.) xviii. 50 (49.) xxx. 5 (4.) 13 (12.) xxxiii. 2. Ixviii. 5 (4.) Ixxi. 22, 23, in all which cases the form of expres- sion s«ems to be derived from Judg. v. 3. But the psalm be- fore us contains no such celebration of God's mercy and justice 4 PSALM CI. beyond this first verse. The best solution of this fact appears to be the one proposed by Hengstenberg, according to which the execution of the purpose here avowed is contained in Ps. ciii, which then, together with the one before us, and of course the interveni-ng one, compose a trilogy or series of three psalms, all by David, each complete in itself, and yet designed to be con- nected with the others and interpreted by them. Supposing this to be the case, we must regard them all as psalms of David, whose name is prefixed to the third and the one before us, in which he lays down a rule, as it were, for his own government, and that of his successors, in the regal office. The impression made by these inspired instructions on the first of those succes- sors may account for the remarkable coincidences of expression between this psalm and the Book of Proverbs. 2. I will act wisely in a jpcrfed way. When wilt thou come to me? I will walk in the integrity of rjiy heart within my house. As to the first verb, see above, on Ps. ii. 10. xiv. 2. Its form here is one expressing fixed determination. A jperfed way^ as in Ps. xviii. 31, 33 (30, 32.) This and other favourite expressions of the same kind, Ps. xviii. 24, 26 (23, 25.) xv. 2, are founded upon Gen. xvii. 1. When wilt thou come to mCy and bless me, in fulfilment of thy promise, Ex. xx. 21. This interrogative ejacu- lation implies a sense of his dependence on divine aid for the execution of his purpose. Integrity {integritas^ completeness) of my ficart is an expression borrowed from Gren. xx. 5, 6. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 72, and compare 1 Kings iii. 14. Prov. XX. 7. Way and walk arc familiar figures for habitual conduct. Within^ literally, in the midst (or inside) of my house^ i. e. at home, in private life, as distinguished from the house of God and his official conduct there, to which he afterwards adverts. 3. I will not set before my eyes a word of Belial ; the doing of apostasies I hate, it shall not cleave to me. The positive terms of PSALM CI. 5 the preceding verse are now exchanged for negatives. Having said what he will do, he now sajs what he will not do. See a similar transition, but in the inverse order, Ps. i. 1,2. Set before my eyes^ as a model to be copied, or as an object of ap- proving contemplation. A word of Belial, as in Ps xli. 9 (S), except that word, which there most probably relates to slander or false accusation, may here denote a proposition, and the whole phrase a worthless (i. e. wicked) plan or purpose. AposiasieSy departures, deviations from the right course. See the verbal root as used in_Ps. xl. 5 (4), and a cognate verb in Num. v. 12, 19. Some make the word here used a participle or verbal noun, as in the English Bible, the work of them that turn aside. But its form and the analogy of Hos. v. 2 entitle the other con- struction to the preference. It shall not cleave to me, I will not be concerned or implicated in it ; or more emphatically still, it shall not cleave to me as a reproach or stigma. In favour of the former sense is the analogy of Deut. xiii. 18 (17), from which the expression seems to have been borrowed. 4. A crooked heart shall dejpart from me; evil I will not know. Crooked, froward, or perverse, as in Ps. xviii. 27 (26.) Com- pare Prov. xi. 20. xvii. 20. The whole phrase might be under- stood to mean a person having such a heart, and the whole clause that the Psalmist would have no intercourse with such. The parallel term evil would then mean a wicked person, as translate*' in the English Bible. On the ground, however, that the person of the sinner seems to be reserved for the latter part of the psalm, the best interpreters take evil in the abstract sense of moral evil, wickedness, as in Ps. xxxiv. 17, lii. 5 (3.) The first clause will then naturally mean, my own heart shall not be per verse or froward. 5. (One) slandering in secret kis fellow — him I will destroy ■ (one) lofty of eyes and wide of heart — him I will not beo', . 6 PSALM CI. Having declared what his own course of life should be, he now describes the conduct which he should require in his confidcintial servants. Here again the statement is both negative and posi- tive, but in this case beginning with the former. See above, on V. 3. It is not an improbable conjecture that in specifying slander, David had reference to his suflferings from that cause in the days of Saul. See above, on Ps. xviii. 1. Hi. 4 — 7 (2 — 5), and compare Ps. xv. 3. The verb translated slaoidering occurs, in any of its forms, only here and Prov. xxx. 10. Wide of heart means neither magnanimous nor greedy, but proud, self-confident, as appears from Prov. xxviii. 25. Both figurative phrases here used are combined again in Prov. xxi. 4. The last verb in the sentence usually means to he able, but is here used absolutely, as in Isai. i. 13. 6. My eyes {are) on the faithful of the landj to dwell with me. (OneJ walking in a perfect way — he sJmll serve me. On the faitlt- ful^ literally, in or with them. See above, on Ps. xxxiv. 16, 17 (15, 16), and compare Ps. xxxii. 8 (7.) My eyes are on them is equivalent to saying, I will seek them out to dwell with me and serve me. The word translated faithful is properly a passive participle meaning trusted^ relied upon, confided in. Another passive participle from the same root is commonly supposed to be used in the same sense, Ps. xii. 2 (l.J xxxi. 24 (23.) In the first words of the last clause there is manifest allusion to the form of expression in v. 2 above. This clause is to be understood ex- clusively, such a person and no other. Shall serve me., be em- ployed by me, clothed with responsible and honourable offices. 7. Not in the inside of my house shall dwell (one) practising frauds telling lies ; not settled shall he he before my eyes. Here attain the form of expression corresponds to that in the first part of the psalm. Compare in the midst of my home with v 2, and before my eyes with v. 3. Shall not dwell., or still more strongly. PSALM CI. 7 shnjl f^ot (evenj siV, which is the primary meaning of the Hebrew verb. The corresponding verb in the last clause means to be established, permanently settled, as opposed to a mere tem- porary, transient presence. As if he had said: though they should even gain admission to my house, they ^hall not take up their abode there. 8. In the mvrning will I destroy all the wicked of the land, (so as) to cut off from the city of Jehovah all workers of iniquity. The first phrase literally means at the mornings, and' may be intended to suggest the twofold idea of early and constantly, in the morn- ing and every morning. See above, on Ps. Ixxiii. 14, and com pare Jer. xxi. 12. The last clause serves to show, or to remind the reader, that this rigour was not simply prudential or po- litical, but religious. It had reference not merely to Jerusalem as a city, but as the city of Jehovah, his earthly residence, the centre of the theocracy, the temporary seat of the true religion. See above, on Ps. xlvi. 5 (4) xlviii. 2 (l.)lxxxvii. 3. Under the peculiar institutions of the old economy, the safety of the theocratic state required peculiar vigilance and rigour, in exer- cising even those powers which are common to all governments. PSALM CII. 1. A Prayer. By a Sufferer, when he is troubled, and before Jehovah pours out his comjplaint . The psalm is called a -prayer because petition constitutes its substance. See above, on Ps. xc. 1. The translation for the sufferer (or afflicted) would also be 8 PSALM CI. grammatical, and perfectly consistent with the real design of the composUion. But phrases of this kind, in the titles of the psalms, so constantly indicate the author or performer, and when only one occurs the former, that a departure from this usage here is highly improbable, and the assumption of it altogether arbi- trary. At the same time, the indefinite expression, a sufferer^ or an afflicted 'person^ seems to be intentionally used for the purpose of giving the psalm an unrestricted application, though the pri- mary reference is no doubt to the sufiering kings of Israel, in whom the sufferings of the people were concentrated and repre- sented. The other terms of the inscription all occur in psalms of David ; troubled ( or overwhelmed) in Ps. Ixi. 3 (2) ; com'plaint (or moaning) in Ps. Iv. 3 (2.) Ixiv. 2(1); and jpouring out the soul in Ps. Ixii. 9 (8.) This agrees with the general Davidic character of the composition, and favours Ilengstenberg's hypo- thesis, not otherwise demonstrable, nor even very probable, that this psalm forms the connecting link between the pious resolutions of Ps. 101 and the joyful acknowledgments of Ps. 103, and was composed in prophetic foresight of the straits to which the theo cratical state should be reduced, and in which the sufferings of David, here immediately described, should, as it were, be realized anew. The psalm may be divided into two parts, in the first of which the tone of lamentation or complaint predominates, vs. 2 — 12 (1 — 11), while in the second it is tempered and controlled by the contemplation of God's attributes, and confident anticipation of his favour, vs. 13—29 (12—28.) 2(1.) Jehovah^ hear my prayer^ and let my cry (for help) utUo thee, come. With this verse compare Ps. iv.. 2(1.) xvii. 1. xviii. 7 (6.) liv. 4 (2.) There is no more reason for regarding these resemblances as imitations by ^ later writer in the case before us than in any of the others. And if not such, they may serve to show, that David only asks, for the future or for others, that favour which he has himself sought and experienced already. PSALM CII. 9 3 (2.) Hide not thy fact from me; in the day (there is) aistress to me J incline to me thine ear ; in the day I call^ make haste (arid) answer me. Compare Ps. x. 1. xiii. 1. xvii. 6. xviii. 7 (6.) xxvii. 9. xxxi. 3 (2.) Ivi. 10 (9.) Ixvi. 14 (13.) Ixxi. 2. We find here accumulated nearly all the phrases used by David to express the same ideas elsewhere. This is not unnatural if we suppose him to have been preparing a form of complaint and supplication for the use of his successors in their worst distresses. 4 (3.) For wasted in smoke are my days, and my bones like a burning are ki^idled. With the first clause compare Ps. xxxvii. 20. The bones are mentioned as the seat of strength. See above, on Ps. vi. 3 (2.) xxxi. 11 (10.) xxxv. 10. xlii. 11 (10.) This description, although strictly applicable to the case of indi- vidual sufierers, may also be applied to the decline of the theo- cratic monarchy and the approach of its catastrophe. 5 (4.) Smitten like grass and withered is my heart .^ for I have forgotten to eat my bread. The first verb is used to describe the effect of the sun on plants, Ps. cxxi. 6. Isai. xlix. 10. (Compare Jon. iv. 7.) The heart is mentioned as the seat of life. The common version of the last clause {so that I forget) is ungram- matical. The failure of the strength is rather described as imme- diately occasioned by the want of food (1 Sam. xxviii. 20), and this by loss of appetite from extreme distress. See below, on Ps. cvii. 18, and compare 1 Sam. i. 7. xx. 34. 1 Kings xxi. 4. For- gotten to eat, litersLWy, forgotten from eating, so as not to eat, a common idiomatic use of the preposition from in Hebrew. 6 (5.) From the voice of my groaning, my bone cleaves to my flesh. The word voice implies an audible and loud expression of distress. The first clause means, in consequence of the agony which makes me groan. My bone may signify each of my bones, or be used collectively for the whole skeleton or framework of the 1* lO PSA.LM CII. body. The only natural explanation of tbis clause is that it describes emaciation, as a consequence and symptom of extreme distress. See above, on Ps. xxii. 15, IS (14, 17.) 7 (6.) I resemble a pelican of the wilderness ; I am become like an owl (haunting) ruins. The simple idea conveyed by these figures is that of extreme loneliness and desolation. Beyond the fact that they inhabit solitudes, the natural history of the birds mentioned is of no exegetical importance. 8 (7.) I have watched^ and have been like a sparrow dioelling alone upon a house-top. The first words suggest the idea of a soli- tary vigil. As to the word translated sparrow., see above, on Ps. Ixxxiv. 4 (3.) The word dwelling is supplied in the translation of the last clause, in order to retain the form of the original ex- pression, which is that of an active participle. Some suppose the idea to be that of a bird, deprived of its mate or of its young. 9 (8.) All the day my eTiemies have taunted me, my infuriated (foes) swear by vie. The verb in the first clause suggests the ideas of contempt and hatred, calumny and insult. See above, on Ps. xlii. 11 (10.) The first word of the last clause is a pas- sive participle, my enraged (or maddened) ones., those who are mad (i. e. insane with enmity) against me. The last phrase does not mean swear at me., i. e. vent their rage by oaths and curses, nor are sivorn against me., neither of which is justified by Hebrew usage ; but swear by me, i. e. use me as a formula of execration, imprecating upon others misery like mine. Compare Isai. Ixv. 15. Jer. xxix. 22. The preterite forms imply a long previous continuance of this furious persecution, as all the day does its con- stant, unremitted raging. 10 (9.) For ashes like bread have I eaten ^ and my drink with weeping have mixed. The ashes, in which he sat, or with which PSALM CII. 11 he was covered, as a sign of mourning, became mingled with bis food, and bis tears fell into bis drink. Tbis last word is, in He- brew, of tbe plural number, drinks or heve: ages^ analogous to victuals as a simple synonyme oi food. As an opposite example of the same idiomatic difference, tbe word translated ashes is a sin- gular in Hebrew. Tbe whole verse is a strong poetical descrip- tion of constant and extreme distress. 11 (10.) Because of thine indignation and thy wrath; for thou hast taken me up and cast me away. The first clause describes bis suffering as tbe fruit of God's displeasure. See above, on Ps. xc. 7. Tbe antithesis presented in tbe common version of tbe last clause (lifted me itp and cast me down) does not seem to be tbe sense of the original, in which there is probably allusion to tbe figure of a storm or whirlwind catching things up and blowing them away. The Prayer Book version of the first verb {taken me up) is more exact. 12 (ll.j My days (are) like a shadow inclined., and I (myself) like the grass wither. An inclined shadow is an unusual and ob- scure expression, but seems to mean a shadow verging towards its disappearance, ready to vanish away. The double or reflexive pronoun {I myself ) in the translation of the last clause is neces- sary to convey tbe full force of the Hebrew pronoun, which is sel- dom expressed, except when it is meant to be emphatic. 1 wither J am withering, or about to wither. 13 (12.) And thou, Jehovah, to eternity shall sit, and thy memory (shall endure) to generation and generation. Here again the pronoun is emphatic, and exhibits a strong contrast between God's eternity and human frailty. While I wither like tbe grass, thou endurest forever, and not only so, but reignest, sittest on the throne. See above, on Ps. ix. 8(7.) xxix. 10. Iv. 20 (19.) The word memory seems here to be employed for tbe sake of the anti- 12 PSALM Cn. thesis which it implies While I perish and am utterly forgotten, thy existence and thy memory shall last forever. It may, how- ever, have the same sense as in Ps. xxx. 5 (4), namely, thQ di- vine perfection, associated in our memory with the name of God. Thou shalt not only reign forever, but be worthy, as an infinitely perfect being, so to do. 14 (13.) Thou wilt arise J wilt have mercy upon Zion, when (it is) time to favour her, ivhen the set time is come. The pronoun is again emphatic. Thou, the God thus glorious and immutable, wilt certainly arise from this apparent inaction, and have mercy or com- passion on thy people, when the time fixed in thy eteri.al purpose is arrived. The sense of when^ thus given to the Hebrew particle ("13), although less usual, is sometimes absolutely necessary, and is therefore admissible in this case, where it suits the sense much better than the ordinary sense of for. Or the one may be re- solved into the other, by explaining the whole thus : thou wilt certainly arise and have compassion upon Zion, at the proper time, FOR there is a time fixed at which thou dost design to favour her. For the meaning of the word translated set time^ see above, on Ps. Ixxv. 3 (2.) 15 (14.) When thy servants love her stones, and her dust regaid with favour. Both verbs in Hebrew mean to favour, or more strongly, to delight in, to take pleasure in. See above, Ps. Ixii. 5 (4.) Ixxxv. 2 (1.) Stones and dust are here put for ruins or rubbish, as in Neh. iii. 34 (iv. 2.) iv. 4 (10.) The verse may be understood as a condition or a premonition of her restoration, that before it takes place, God will fill his servants with affectionate concern for her desolate condition. The same sense may be ob- tained without departing from the usual sense of the particle. Thou wilt have mercy upon Zion, fop^ thy servants already look: with interest and strong desire on her ruins, a sure sign of the ap- proaching restoration. * PSALM CM. 13 16 (15.) And nations shall fear the name of Jehovah^ and all •tings 'if the, earth thy glory. The impression of awe, unavoidably produced by these exhibitions of Jehovah's attributes, shall not be limited to Israel but extend to other nations, and even kings shall vie with each other in their reverential admiration of his regal honours. Compare the similar expressions of Isaiah (lix. 19.) 17 (16.) Because Jehovah has hidlt Zion ; he has been seen in his glory. These are not 'praeterita 'projphetica., describing future events as past ; nor are they to be taken as mere presents, but aa denoting a relative past, dependent on the futures of the verse preceding. The nations and their kings are to fear because Je- hovah has built (i. e. will then have built) Zion. Still another construction may seem possible, viz. ' when J^,hovah has built Zion, he shall be seen in his glory.' But in this case, Hebrew usage would require the last verb, if not both, to ??aTe the future form 18 (17.) He has turned unto thejprayer of the destitute^ and has not despised their prayer. This verse continues to assign the rea- son why the nations and their kings will be struck with awe, viz. because this great and glorious God has turned round, as it were, and listened to the prayer of the destitute and granted their peti- tion. The word tran-slated destitute occurs only here and in Jer. xvii. 6 ; but from its etymological affinities and its intensivo form, appears to mean stark naked, and then figuratively, strip}>ed oi every thing, impoverished, entirely destitute. 19 (18.) This shall be ivriiten for an after generation^ (Mid a people (yet to be) created shall praise Jah. This fulfilment of Crod'a promise and illustration of his attributes is left on record for the learning or instruction of posterity. Compare 1 Cor. x. 11. An after generation^ as in Ps. xlviii. 14 (13.) Ixxviii. 4. Equivalent in meaning, but abridged in form, is the expression in ^he passage 14 PSALM Cn. upon whicli these are founded, Ps. xxii. 31 (30.) See also Ps Ixxi. IS. Created may have the force of a gerundive, as the pas- sive particle often has in Hebrew ; or it may mean {then) created {hnt not now.) See above, on Ps. xxii. 32 (31.) As the verb (k^^) create is applied only to divine acts, its use here seems to indicate that what is meant is not merely a future generation, a race yet to come into existence, but a people in the strict sense, an organized body to be formed hereafter by sovereign authority and almighty power. Shall praise Jah^ recognize Jehovah as possessing and as being all that is denoted by his name. 20 (19.) For he has leaned from the high-place of his holiness ; Jehovah from heaven to earth has looked. The first word may also be translated that., and the verse bo understood as an ampli- fication of the pronoun this at the beginning of v. 19 (IS.) This is what shall be written for a future generation ; this is what they shall praise Jah for; viz. that he has looked, etc. To avoid the repetition of the English verb, as well as to add life to the de- scription, the Hebrew verb is here represented by what seems to be its primary meaning. See above on Ps. xiv. 2. Ixxxv. 12 (11), and compare Deut. xxvi. 15. 21 (20.) To hear the groaning of the prisoner .^ to loose the sons of mortality. The construction is continued from the foregoing verse, and the design of God's thus looking down is stated. The word translated groaning is almost peculiar to the psalms of David, and according to its etymology properly denotes sufifoca- tion. To loose., literally to cpen^ sometimes applied to the open- ing of a dress for the purpose of removing it, as in Ps. xxx. 12 (11) ; then to the loosening of chains, as in Ps. cxvi. 16 ; then to the deliverance of the prisoner himself. Sons of mortality or deathj i. e. those doomed to die. See above, on Ps. Ixxix. 11. 22 (21.) To rccoiuit in Ziun the name of Jehovah dni his praise PSALM CI I. 15 in Jerusalem. This, according to the laws of Hebrew syntax, doos not necessarily denote an act of God himself, as the similar construction in the preceding verse does, but may have a vaguer sense equivalent to saying, that his name may be declared in Zion To recount God's name is to recount the mighty deeds which constitute it, and the celebration of which constitutes his praise. Zion is still represented as the great scene of Jehovah's triumphs^ not however as the capital of Israel or Judah merely, but as the radiating centre of religious light and influence to all the earth. 23 (22.) In the gathering of ;peojplcs together, and kingdoms to serve Jehovah. This verse is necessary to complete and qualify the sense of that before it. God has looked down from heaven to deliver his people and receive their praise, not in their secluded, insulated state, but in their glorious reunion with the converted nations. The first verb is a passive infinitive in Hebrew, in their being gathered. The preposition in relates both to the time and to the act of convocation. To serve Jehovah, not only as a King, but as a God, to be both his subject and his worshipper. Com pare Ps. ii. 11. 24 (23.) He has humbled in the tvay his strength ; he has shortened my days. The Psalmist here resumes the tone of complaint, but only for a moment, and as an introduction to what follows. Humbled, weakened, or afflicted. In or by the ivay of his providential guidance, as distinguished from the glorious end to which it led. His strength and 7?iy days seem clearly to refer to the same person. To avoid this harsh enallage, the maso- retic critics changed a single letter, and for (iri3) his strength read ("^H^) my strength, which, though adopted in most versions, is an obvious evasion of a supposed difficulty. With the last' clause compare Ps. Ixxxix. 46 (45.) See also Ps. /v. 24 (23.) 25 (24.) / loill say, Oh my God, take me not up in the half 16 Pf3.\A,^^ CII. of my days ; through generation jf generations (are) thy ycar%. Take up, cause to ascend, i. o. a.N some suppose, like smoke, which is very forced and far- fetched. Others make it simply mean to take away, which gives a good sense, but is not sufficiently eustained by usage. Better than eliivir is the supposition that death or removal out of life is here described by a figure corre- sponding to the actual departure of Enoc^i and Elijah. See G-en. V. 24. 2 Kings ii. 1, 3, 5, 10, 11. In the half (or midst) of my days ; see above, on Ps. Iv. 24 (23), and compare Isai. xxxviii. 10. Generation of generations^ i. e. all generations, as in Ps. Ixxii. 5. Isai. li. 8. He prays that God, whose yearii are endless, would not, as it were, grudge the few days granted to ihii creatures. See above, on Ps. xxxix. 6 (5.) 2Q (25.) At first thou the earth didst found^ and the work of thy hands (are) the heavens. The phrase at the beginning means originally to the face., and then hefore., 'as an adverb both of time and place ; but this would be ambiguous here, since it might be understood as a conjunction, "before thou didst found the earthy expressing the same idea as in Ps. xc. 2. It here means long ago, of old, in the beginning. With the last clause compare Ps. viii. 4 (3.) xix. 2(1.) xxxiii. 6. God's crea- tive power is here added to his eternity, in order to enhance the contrast between his infinity and man's littleness, as a reason for compassion to the latter. 27 (26.) They shall perish and thou shalt stand, a'Tid all of them like a garment shall wear out, like a dress shalt thou change them and they shall change. The contrast is brought out a? pointedly as possible in Hebrew, by the insertion of the pronouns they and thou., neither of which is grammatically necessary to the expres- sion of the meaning. Stand .^ stand fast, endure, remain, continue. All of them., without exception, even the noblest of God's works, ehall at least los? their present form, and in that sense perish, a PSALM CI I. V7 sense which may be still more readily put upon the parallel Terb pass away or change. The twofold usage of the English verb, as active and neuter, or transitive and intransitive, makes it an appropriate representative of the primitive and derivative forms of the Hebrew verb (tj^n). The corresponding verb, in the second member of the sentence, means not only to wax old., but, as the necessary consequence, to wear out. See above on Ps. xxxii. 3, and compare Ps. xlix. 15 (14.) 28 (27.) And Thou (art) He — and thy years shall not hi finished. The construction of the first clause is disputed. Some read it, Thoio thyself and thy years shall not end. Others, Thou art the same., giving ^^X\ the same sense with the Greek o ai'rdjj which is actually used here to translate it in the Septuagint. In favour of the version first above given, is its agreement with the usage of the Hebrew words, with \hQ analogy of Deut. xxxii. 39 and Isai. xliii. 10, and with the context here. The meaning then is, Thou art the Unchangeable One just described. Or, it is Thou, and nothing else, that shall thus endure. Be finished., spent, consumed, as the Hebrew word invariably means. What is elsewhere literally said of the violent destruction of human life is here transferred to the lapse of time. 29 (28.) The sons of t-hy servants shall abide j and their seed before thee shall be established. This might also be translated aa a prayer, let the sons of thy servants contiriue, which is really included even in the prediction. Before thee, as in Gren. xvii. 1. Ps. Ixxxix. 37 (36.) Be established, as in Ps. Ixxxix. 38 (37.) ci. 7. With this conclusion of the whole psalm compare Ps Ixix 36, 37 (35, 36.) xc. 16, 17. 18 PSALM CIII, PSALM CIII. The Psalmist calls upon himself to praise God for personal favours already experienced, vs. 1-5. From these he rises, in the body of the psalm, to the contemplation of Grod's attributes. in themselves considered, and as manifested in his dealings with his people, vs. 6-19. He concludes as he began, with an exhort- ation to bless God, no longer addressed merely to himself, but to all creatures, vs. 20-22. According to the exegetical hypothesis already mentioned, this is the song of mercy and judgment pro- mised in Ps. ci. 1. The arguments in favour of this theory have been already stated. The principal objection to it, and that by no means a conclusive one, is the want of unison and even con- cord, as to tone and spirit, between the psalm before us and the two preceding it. Be this as it may, the psalm before us is a complete and finished composition, being one of the most simple and yet regular in structure that the book contains. This has contributed, with other obvious peculiarities, to make it a favourite vehicle of thankful praise among the pious of all ages. 1. By David. Bless, oh my soul, Jehovah, and all within me (bless) his holy name ! The attempts which have been made by modern critics to discredit the inscription in the first clause chiefly consist in representing the many imitations and allusions to this noble composition in the later scriptures as a cento of citatioDS from those scriptures by the writer of the psalm itself, a prepos- terous inversion of the laws of evidence to which the ncologica? FSALM cm. 1& critics are especially addicted, and by which any thing and ever^ thing can be disproved or proved at pleasure. Bless, when ap- plied to God, means to praise, but with a strong implication of devout affection. By calling on his soul to do this, he acknow- ledges his own obligation, not only to praise God, but to praise him cordially, with all the heart, according to the solemn requisi- tion of the Law (Deut. vi. 5), to which there is perhaps a refer- ence in all such cases. See above, on Ps. iii. 3 (2.) The pa- rallel expression, all loithin me, is the plural form of one repeat- edly used elsewhere and denoting the inside of any thing, and more especially of man, his mind or heart, as distinguished from his mere professions or external acts. See above, on Ps. v. 10 (9.) xlix. 12 (11.) The literal translation of the form here used is my insides or inner parts, the strong and comprehensive meaning of the plural being further enhanced by the addition of all, as if to preclude exception and reserve, and comprehend within the scope of the address all the powers and affections. His name of holiness (or holy name), i. e. the revelation of his infinite perfec- tions. See above, on Ps. v. 12 (11.) xxii. 4 (3.) 2. Bless, oh my soul, Jehovah, and forget not all his dealings. The positive exhortation is repeated as a kind of foil to the nega- tive one following, in which there seems to be allusion to the fre- quent admonition in the Law to Israel, not to forget the Lord who brought him up out of the land of Egypt. See Deut. vi. 12- viii. 11, 14. The last word in the verse before us is the passive participle of a verb which means to treat, and commonly to treat well. See above on Ps. vii. 5 (4.j The idea here conveyed is that of treatment, determined by the context to be kind and gra- cious treatment. The latitude of meaning and the plural form are both represented in the English word dealings, which, though susceptible of either application can, in this connection^ only hava a good one. 20 PSALM cm. 3. Forgiving ill thy guilty healing all thy sicknesses. The par- ticiples are to be grammatically construed with Jehovah, as tho object of the praise required, and assign a reason for the requisi- tion, furnished by the personal experience of the soul itself. The origmal expression is still more definite, each participle having the article prefixed, the (one) forgiving, the (one) healing. See a similar construction carried out still further in Ps. xviii. 33-35 (32-34), 48-51 (47-50.) The last word in the verse is an un- usual one borrowed from Deut. xxix. 21, where sicknesses are joined with plagues or strokes, to signify calamities considered as •>enal inflictions. The same idea is expressed in other words, Ex. xvi. 26. The relation of the clauses, in the verse before us, may be that of cause and efiect. Forgiving all thy guilt ani thereby removing all the misery occasioned by it. 4. Redeeming from the grave thy life, crowning thee (with) mercy and compassions. The combination of the article and par- ticiple is the same as in v. 3, the (one) redeeming, the (one) crown- ing. The continuation of the sentence in this form keeps the attention fixed upon the reasons for which, or the characters in which, the Lord is to be praised. As if he had said, Bless him as the one forgiving thee and healing thee, redeeming thee and crowning thee. Redeeming means delivering, but with a strong implication of cost and risk. For the twofold sense of (Cind) the word translated grave, see above, on Ps. xvi. 10, and com- pare Ps. XXX. 10 (9.) The peculiar form of the possessive pro- noun, in this verse and the one before it, has been represented as a proof of later date, but really belongs to the dialect of poetry_ from which, in all languages, certain expressions are continually passing into that of common life, so that what in one age is poet- ical is in the next colloquial, and seems therefore to belong to the later period and to show the recent date of any composition ii^ which it occurs. The familiar use of such words as oftentimes, perchance, etc. in our own dny may thus be used hereafter to prove PSALM Jill 21 the writings of our older poets spurious. The figure of crownings which occurs above in Ps. Ixv. 12 (11), suggests the ideas of dig- nity and beauty, while the absence of merit in the object, and the sovereign freeness of the gift, are indicated by making the crown itself a crown of mercy and compassio7is. The last word in He- brew is expressive of the warmest and tenderest affections. See above, on Ps. xviii. 2 (1.) xxv. 6. xl. 12 (11.) 5. Filling with good thy soul — (then) is renewed, like the eagle,^ thy youth. The peculiar construction of the two preceding verse? is continued through the first clause of the one before us, and then suddenly abandoned. Filling, the {one) filling, in the sense of satisfying or abundantly supplying, but without the accessory notion of satiety. See above, on Ps. Ixxxi. 17 (16.) xci. 16 With good, literally the good, by way of eminence, the chief good or the real good. Thy soul is not a literal translation of the He- brew term, which, in every other case where it occurs, means or- nament or decoration. See for example Ps. xxxii. 9 (8.) The translations mouth, life, etc. are gratuitous conjectures from the context. The best explanation is that furnished by the analogous word (TiiS") honour, glory, which is sometimes applied to the soul as the nobler part of man. See above, on Ps. xvi. 9. This explanation is confirmed by the frequent combination of the noun tout and the verb to satisfy. See above, Ps. Ixiii. 6 (5), and below, Ps. cvii. 9, and compare Isai. Iviii. 11. It is also sanc- tioned by the ancient versions ; for Jilthough the Targum makes it mean old age, a palpable conjecture, the Septuagint and Yul- gate have desire (eittdvfAiav^ dcsiderium), a frequent sense of (llfci) soul in Hebrew, and Jerome translates it literally, or?^<^- mentum. The word then is introduced into the translation of the second clause, in order to retain the Hebrew collocation, which is not without its emphasis. Is renewed, or retaining the reflexive form of the original, renzws itself. The supposed allusion in thi? clause to a fabulous or real renovation of the eagle in its old age. 22 PSALM CI II. rests upon a misconception of the language, as the only point of comparison with the eagle is its strength and vigour, as in 2 Sam. i. 23. Isai. xl. 31, and the whole verse may be paraphrased as follows. ^ So completely does his bounty feed thy strength, that even in old age thou growest young again, and soarest like an eagle.' 6. Doing righteousnesses (is) Jehovah^ and judgments for all oppressed. Thus far the reasons urged for praising God were per- sonal, i. G. derived from individual experience. With these, from the very constitution of our nature, all our grateful exercises must begin. But if genuine they do not stop there, as the Psalmist, at this point, ascends from private causes of thanksgiving to more general views of Grod's administration, as a basis for the universal call with which the psalm concludes. The connection here may thus be stated. ' Such have been the Lord's compassions to my- self, but these are only samples of his goodness. He is not only merciful to me, but to all who are oppressed, and to deliver whom he executes his judgments.' There is no contrast here intended between mercy and justice, with respect to different objects of the Lord's compassion. The meaning is, ihat man's injustice is re- dressed by God's mercy. The redemption of his people is often represented as coincident wtth the condign punishment of their oppressors. Compare my note on Isai. i. 27. Doings i e. prac- tising in general, and executing in particular cases. The partici- ple {doing) signifies habitual and constant action ; the plural form (righteousnesses) completeness and variety, adapted to all possible emergencies. Judgments^ as usual, denotes judicial acts, as dLs tinguished from mere attributes or principles. 7. He makes known his ways to Moses ^ to the children of Israel his (mighty) deeds. The general statement of the fact in the preceding verse is now followed by the great historical example furnished in Jehovah's dealings with his people. This serves , P S A L M c: 1 1 1 . 23 not only to illustrate what was said before, but to show that it was not a mere vague declaration of what God will do te all men, but a definite assertion of his purpose and his practice with re- spect to his own people. All the oppressed^ to whom he grants or promises deliverance, are not mankind in general, without dis- tinction or exception, but his own people when in that condition The first clause contains an obvious allusion to the prayer of Moses, as recorded by himself, Ex. xxxiii. 13, from which pas- sage it appears, that the ways of Grod, which he desired to know, were his modes of dealing with his people, or the com-se of his dispensations towards them. See above, on Ps. xxv. 4. Ixvii. 3 (2.) The knowledge thus imparted was experimental or af- forded by experience. The parallelism between Moses and the Children of Israel shews that the latter were represented by the former. The last Hebrew word is one constantly applied to God's exploits or mighty deeds in behalf of Israel. See above, on Ps. ix. 12 (11.) Ixxviii. 11. 8. Compassionate and gracious (is) Jehovah^ slow to ange? , and rich in mercy. See above, on Ps. Ixxvii. 10 (9.) Ixxviii. 38. Ixxxvi. 15, in all which cases, as in this, the terms of the de- scription are borrowed from Ex. xxxiv. 6. There is here an evident progression in the thought. Not only is God good to me, but to all his people in distress ; not only did he prove this to Moses and to Israel by saving them from Pharoah and their other enemies, but by bearing with their own offences. The previous context might have seemed to concede innocence, if not merit, to God's people, as the object of his kind regard ; but they are here exhibited as sinners, needing his forbearance and forgiveness. 9. ]Yot to perpetuity will he strive^ and not to eternity retain (his anger. J This of course implies that he is sometimes angry, even with his people, and sometimes strives in opposition to their drivings against him. "But as he is always in the right, and they 24 PSALM CI II. * are always in tlie wrong, it is a signal proof of the di\^ine com- passion, that he does not strive and is not wroth forever. The first clause is closely copied by Isaiah (Ivii. 16.) The second is itself derived from Lev. xix. 18, where we find a verb meaning to retain or reserve used absolutely in the sense of harbouring a grudge or cherishing a secret spite. This remarkable form of expression is copied in the case before us and in Nah. i. 2. Jer iii. 5, 12. The original passage is a prohibition, in obeying which the Lord, as it were, here sets his people an example. Compare Matt. V. 48. 1 Cor. xi. 1. Eph. v. 1. 10. Not according to our sins has he done to us, and not ac- cording to onr iniquities has he dealt with us. That the people stood in need of the divine forbearance, is now still more dis- tinctly intimated. The last verb is the one of which the narticiple occurs in v. 2, and might here be rendered, with still closer aa- herence to the strict sense of the Hebrew preposition, /ms ke be- itowed upon us. See the same construction in the Hebrew of Ps. xiii. 6. cxvi. 7. cxlii. 8 (7.) The past tense has reference to the previous history of Israel as a nation, but involves the state- ment of a general truth. At the end of the verse, we may sup- pose it to be tacitly added : as he might have done, not only iv strict justice, but in execution of his express threatening. Lev. xxvi. 21. 11, For as the heavens are high above the earthy mighty is his mercy above those that fear him. The Hebrew preposition is the bame in both clauses, and cannot be varied in translation without weakening the sentence. In the last clause it suggests the ideaa of descent from above, superior power, and protection, in ad- dition to that of mere relation or direction, which is all that is conveyed by the translation to or t^ioards. The force of the original is likewise impaired by substituting great for strong or mghiy. The idea meant to be conveyed is not that of mp.ro PSALM CIII. 25 extent but of efficiency. The literal meaning of the first words is, like the height of the, heavens, or like their heing high. His fearers, or tho&e fearing him, is a common description of the righteous or God's people, who are more particularly character- ked in v. 18. 12. As far as the east is from the west, he hath jput far from us our transgressions. The form of expression at the beginning is the same as in v. 11, like the distance of the east, or like its heiiig far. The Hebrew words for east and west, according to tlieir etymology, denote the place of sunrise and the place of evening. Put far from us, as no longer having anything to do with us, a figure which suggests the idea both of pardon and renewal, justifi- cation and sanctification. 13. As a father has compassion on (his) children, Jehovah has compassion on his fearers. The compound phrase, Jms compassion^ is here substituted for the simple verb pity, in order to retain the preposition on, which follows it in Hebrew, and also because the plural form compassions was necessarily employed in v. 4 to trans- late the cognate noun. The Hebrew verb is peculiarly appropri- ate in speaking of parental love. See above, on Ps. xviii. 2 (1.) The preterite forms represent the fact alleged as one already known and well attested by experience. 14. For he knows our frame, mindful that dust (are) we. Tho fragility of man is here again assigned as a ground of the divino compassion. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 39. Ixxxix. 48 (47.) Frame, formation, constitution, or as we say familiarly in Eng lish, our make, our build. The Hebrew noun is derived from tho verb used in Ps. xciv. 9, and may therefore be intended to suggest the same idea that is there expressed. He who formed us knows of course how we are formed. The same noun is applied to the moral constitution, Gen. vi. 5, viii. 21, Deut. xxxi. 21. The word VOL. III. 2 26 PSALM CI I.I. translated mindful is, in form, a passive participle, (^^IDT] meaning -emcmhercd^ but equivalent in use to tbe active, remembering, or the verbal adjective mindful^ just as the like form (nps) trusted is equivalent to truUing^ Ps. cxii. 7, the English rejoiced to rt- joicing, etc. We are dust, i. e. made of it, and tending to it Compare Gen. ii. 7, iii. 19, Ps. xc. 3. 15. (As for) man, Ms days (are) like the grass ; like the blossom of the field, so he blossoms. As the preceding verse expresses the fragility of man by referring to his origin and end, so this verse does the same by a familiar but beautiful comparison, borrowed from Ps. xc. 6, and repeated in Isai. xl. 6 — 8. Job xiv. 2. The very name here given to the race is one denoting fi-ailty and in- firmity. See above, on Ps. viii. 5 (4.) 16. For a breath passes over him and he is not, and no more shall his place know him. The pronouns may, with equal gram- matical correctness, be referred to the grass and rendered it, its. The primary meaning of the first noun {breath) is, in this con- nection, stronger than the secondary (icind.) The wind may bo a whirlwind ; but to say that a mere breath is sufficient to de stroy one is the strongest possible expression of fragility. That the wind is called the breath of God, as the thunder is his voice, is a striking and poetical but needless supposition. He is not or 710 more, there is none of him, no such thing or person. See above, on Ps. xxxvii. 10. With the first clause compare Isai. xl. 7 ; with the second. Job vii. 10. The last verb means to recognize or know again, as in Ps. cxlii. 5 (4), and the whole clause, that death makes men strangers to the objects with which they have been most familiar 17. And the mercy of Jehovah (is) from eternity even to eternity upon those fearing him, and his righteousness to children^ children. Having carried the description of man's frailty to th«» PSALM cm. 20 furthest point, the Psalmist suddenly contrasts with it God's everlasting mercy. The use of the simple copulative and^ in such a marked antithesis, where hut might to us seem indispens- able, is one of the most strikiiw and familiar' Hebrew idioms. Ufoii those, fearing him suggests the idea of a gift from above To children'^s children simply means given (or belonging^ to them Unless we make the last clause a threatening of hereditary vengeance to the wicked, his righteousness can only mean his rectitude, including his veracity and faithfulness in exercising covenanted mercy. Childrenh children^ literally, sons of sons. 18. To the keepers of his covenant, and to the rememberers of his laws, to do them. This is the necessary qualification of a pro- mise which might otherwise have seemed too absolute. Even to the descendants of those fearing him the promise availed nothing, unless they themselves were faithful to his covenant and obedient to his law. The last words {to do thevi) show that the remem brance of the law required was not merely intellectual but practi cal and tending to obedience. 19. Jehovah in the heavens has fixed his throne, and his Jang- dom over all rules. Not only is he infinitely merciful and faith- ful, but a universal and almighty sovereign, no less able than willing to fulfil his promises and execute his purposes of mercy. The word translated fixed, like its English representative, sug- gests the two ideas of preparing and establishing. The same combination with throne occurs above, Ps. ix. 8 (7.) See also Ps. xi. 4. xlvii. 9 (8.) Over all ; the original expression is still stronger, over the whole, the universe, to nuv. The same phrase is applied to the entire human race, Ps. xiv. 3. The past tense of the last verb represents this unlimited dominion as already established or revealed. The future would have made its ulterior continuance the prominent idea. 28 PSALM cm. 20. Bless Jehovah^ ye his angels, mighty in stiength, doing his inord, (so as) to listen to the voice of his word. Having finished his assertion of God's claims to universal praise, the Psalmist resumes the tone of exhortation with which he began. His appeal, however, is no longer to his own soul, but to the hosts of heaven, the noblest of God's creatures, the highest order of finite intel- ligences. Mighty in strength, more exactly, mighty (ones) of strength, or, as the first word is applied as a substantive to warriors or conquerors, heroes of strength or mighty heroes. See above, on Ps. xxiv. 8. Ixxviii. 25. The construction in the last clause is obscure. The infinitive may here have the force of a gerund, audicndo, auscultando, by listening to the voice of his word, or, as in Ps. Ixxviii. 18, it may denote the extent or the effect of their obedience, so as to hearken, or so that they hearken, \. e. listen for the faintest intimation of his will. The expression hearken to his voice, as thus applied, is a Mosaic one. See Deut. xxvi. 17. XXX. 20. 21. Bless Jehovah, ye his hosts, his mi7iisters, the doers of kit will. As the word hosts is applied both to the angels and the heavenly bodies (see above, on Ps. xxiv. 10), some interpreters, in order to relieve this verse of a tautology, suppose it to relate to the heavenly hosts in one sense, as the preceding verse does in another. In the same way they account for the change of ex- pression in the last clause. Only intelligent creatures can be literally said to listen for God's word and to obey it ; but even the inanimate creation may be said, without a metaphor, to exe- cute his will. This last phrase occurs also in Ps. xl. 9 (8.) 22. Bless ye Jehovah, all his works, in all places of his realm ; bless thou, oh my soul, Jehovah ! The angels and heavenly bodies, with men and every other creature, are now slimmed up in the comprehensive phrase, aZZ his works, i. e. all that he has made, all creatures, and invited to bless God, which invitation the ALM CIV. 29 Psalmist then addresses once more to himself, and thus, by a beautiful transition, brings us back to the point from which we started. PSALM CIV. We have here another of those psalms, in which the hopes of God's people are excited and their faith strengthened by a view of the authority and providential care which he exercises over the creation. The sum of the whole psalm is contained in the first verse, and its application indicated in the last. Here, as in Ps. viii, xix, xxix, Ixv, the description of God's glory, as exhibited in nature, is entirely subservient to a moral and religious purpose, and the psalm is therefore fully entitled to a place in the collec- tion, and adapted to the permanent use of the church. The ar rangement of the psalm is founded on the history of the creation, but with such variations as were suited to the writer's purpose. After a general statement of this purpose, v. 1, the Psalmist traces the creative and providential agency of God in the works of the first and second day, vs. 2 — 5, then in that of the third, vs. 6 — IS, then in that of the fourth, vs. 19 — 23, then in that of the fifth, vs. 24 — 26, with an allusion to the rest of the seventh day in V. 31. The psalm closes with a summary statement of the de- pendence of all living creatures upon God's care and bounty, vs. 27 — 32, a resolution to glorify him accordingly, vs. 33 — 34, and a pregnant inference, that they who are under such protection have nothing to fear from human enemies, v. 35. According to Hengstenberg, this and the two next psalms compose a trilogy 30 PSALM CIV. added to the Davidic one immediately preceding (Ps. ci — ciii) about the time of the Babylonish exile. This hypothesis, he thinks, accounts for the occun-ence of Davidic psalms m this part of the Psalter, which would otherwise have found their place among the Psalms of David in the first division of the book. But having been made the basis or ths nucleus of later compo- sitions, they were naturally placed with these in their proper chronological position. 1. Bhss^ oh my so7il, Jehovah ! Oh Jehovah^ my God^ thou art great cxceediTigly ; honour and majesty hast thou piit on. The resemblance of the first clause to Ps. ciii. 1 shows the designed con- nection of the two psalms. The remainder of the verse is a kind of response to this invocation, and contains, as it were, the words in which his soul does actually bless God. At the same time it ex- hibits in advance the sum and substance of the whole composition, the design of which is to describe the glories of creation and providence as the royal robe of the divine sovereign. Compare Ps. xlv. 4 (3.) xciii. 1. xcvi. 6. Job xl. 10. Isai. li. 9. 2. Wearing light like a rohe^ spreading heaven like a curtaiyi. In carrying out the idea summarily stated in the first verse, he bef^ins where the cosmogony in Genesis begins, with the light and the firmament, not the act of their creation, but their use, as the Creator's robe and curtain. It follows of course that light and heaven must be taken in their popular and ordinary sense, and not as denoting the heaven of heavens and the light inaccessible in which he is elsewhere represented as dwelling. The definite forms of the original, the robe, the curtain., as contrasted with the vao-uer forms, light., heaven., may be intended to suggest the idea of the robe and curtain known and used in common life, which man puts on and stretches out with perfect ease, but not more easily than God puts on the light and stretches out the sky. Compare uen i. 6. Isai. xl. 22. Job. ix. 8. PSALM CIV. 31 3. Framing with loater his halls ; r/iaking clouds his convey- ance ; moving on wings of the icind. The first word means laying beams or rafters. The next phrase may either mean in or with water. The first is more obvious, the last more striking, as it represents a solid building, made of a liquid or fluid ma- terial. In the other case the waters meant are those above the firmament. See Gen. i. 6, 7. Ps. xviii. 12 (llj, where the clouds and the wings of the wind are also mentioned in the same con- nection. The word translated halls denotes the highest room of an oriental house, which is frequently the largest. Hence the frequent mention, in the New Testament, of the vnagojoy as a place of assembly. Making, literally, setting, placing. Chariot is too specific a translation of the Hebrew word, which means anything on which a person rides. The preposterous figure of icalking on icings belongs entirely to the versions, ancient and modern. The Hebrew word, though often so applied, is a generic one, denoting all progressive movement, and nearly equivalent to our word going, which is not so agreeable, however, in this place, to English usage, as the more general and poetical term moving. See above, on Ps. xviii. 11 (10.) 4. Making his angels winds, his ministers Jlaming fire. Ac- cording to the simplest and most obvious construction of this verse, it can only mean that God makes his angels or ministering spirits swift and ardent in his service. But such a statement would be wholly out of place in a psalm, the rest of which relates exclusively to the material creation. The best interpreters are therefore of opinion that angels and ministers are predicates not subjects, or in other words, that the idea meant to be conveyed is, that he makes the winds his messengers or angels, and the flam- ing fire his minister or servant. This agrees exactly with the Drevious declaration that he makes the clouds his chariot or con- veyance, and moves upon the wings of the wind. It may ?rem, howe'^er, *^ be inconsistent with the use made of the passage in 32 PSALM CIV. Heb. 1. 7, as a proof that the angels are inferior to the Son of God. But how could this inferiority be proved by the fact that the angels arc spirits, or even wind and fire ? The latter cannot be literally true, and if metaphorical, can only mean that they are swift and ardent in God's service, which they might be and yet equal to the Son in nature, who, considered as a messenger or agent of the Father, exhibits precisely the same qualities. The truth is that the passage, as thus understood, is perfectly irrelevant and useless to the argument, and therefore that this mode of explaining it is not entitled to the preference, what- ever difficulties may attend the other. Let it be observed, too, that the Septuagint version, which is quoted in Heb. i. 7, is an exact transcript of the Hebrew, both as to the sense and colloca- tion of the words, so that if the original admits of a different con- struction, it may be extended to the version likewise. The most satisfactory conclusion is, that the words are not quoted as an argument or proof of the inferiority of angels, but merely as a striking yet familiar form of words in which to clothe the writer's own idea, which is this, that angels are mere messengers and ministers, and as such may be classed with the material agencies which God employs in execution of his purpose. The wind and the lightning are God's angels and his ministers, and are ex- pressly so described in the Old Testament ; but they are nevei called his sons, much less addressed directly as the sovereign, eternal, righteous, ever-blessed God. Nor are the ministering spirits, who share with these material agencies the character of messengers and servants, ever so described or so addressed. By thus supplying the suppressed links of the chain of argument, the verse before us, in the only sense of which the context really ad- mits, will be found not only as appropriate as the other to the purpose for which it is quoted in the New Testament, but incom- parably more so. 5. HefouTided the earth on its bases ; it hhall not he moved for* PSALM CIV. 55 ever and ever. The idea of bases is rather suggested by the con- text, and especially the verb founded^ than expressed by the Hebrew noun itself, which properly means jplaces., or more specifi- cally, fixed and settled places. See above, on Ps. Ixxxix. 15 (14.) xcvii. 2, and with the whole verse compare Ps. Ixxviii. 69. Ixxxix. 12 (11.) cii. 2Q (25.; 6. (With) the deep, like a garment, thou didst cover it ; above the mountains stand the waters. Next in importance to the separ- ation of the land and water in the beginning (Gen. i. 9, 10), was the temporary confounding of the two in the universal deluge fGen. vii. 19, 20), which the Psalmist therefore here con- nects with the creation, as equally demonstrative of almighty power, and also for the purpose of founding on this seeming vio- lation of the promise in the last clause of v. 5, a still more solemn repetition of it. The grammatical objection that the pronoun in the phrase didst cover it is masculine, and cannot therefore refer to earth which is feminine, is easily removed by a reference to the general license of the Hebrew syntax with re- spect to genders, and the idiomatic tendency to use the mascu- line, not as a distinctive but as a generic form, in cases where the subject is sufficiently indicated by the context. There are more- over several clear examples of the masculine construction of this very noun (f '15<) besides those in which earth or land is put for its inhabitants. See e. g. Gen. xiii. 6. Isai. ix. IS. The allu- sion in the last clause to Gen. vii. 19, 20, is too plain to be mis taken. 7. At thy rebuke they flee, at the voice of thy thunder they hasten away. The same power that produced the deluge put an end to it. The verbs agree with waters in v. 6. The divine command that they should cease or disappear is poetically spoken of as a rebuke. See above, on Ps. xviii. 16 (15.) Ixxvi. 7 (6), and com- pare Isai. 1. 2. The Hebrew particle means /ro7;t, denoting both 2* ^4 PSALM CIV. the time and cause of the effect described. The last verb is a passive meaning strictly to be panic-struck, or to flee in conse- quence of being panic-struck. See above, on Ps. xxxi. 23 (22.) xlviii. 6 (5.) The voice of thy thunder may be literally under- stood to mean the sound of thunder, or, according to a well-known Hebrew idiom, thy voice of thunder, cr thy thundering voice. 8. Theij go up mountains^ they go down valleys^ to this jplar^ thou hast founded for them. The first clause is a beautiful de- scription of the fluctuations which attend the subsidence of swollen waters, not only in the case of Noah's flood (Gen. viii. 4 — 5) to which the words relate in the first instance, but in all other cases, where the same rule still holds good, so that the verse, by an insensible transition, founds the statement of a gen- eral truth on that of a particular event. The use of the de- monstrative {this) is highly idiomatic. The original construc- tion is, to a place, this (which) thou hast founded for them. This form of expression is equivalent to pointing with the hand, and therefore adds not a little to the graphic vividness of the descrip- tion. 9. A hound thou didst set, they shall not pass over, they shall not return to cover the earth. This grand exception to the law which governs the relations between land and water is the only one to be permitted or expected. The limits broken were re- newed with an assurance that henceforth they should be inviol- able. See Gen. ix. 15. Besides the immediate reference to the flood, the verse contains the Btatement of a general fact in the economy of nature, and thus furnishes a natural transition to the bimilar statements of the next verse. 10. Sending springs into the valleys ; between hills they go. The participial construction, interrupted by the parenthetical ac- cour* of the flood, is here resumed, the participle, like the others, PSALM CIV. ^j^ agreeing directly with Jehovah understood, as the (one) sending^ which is the precise form of the original. See above, on Ps. ciii. 3 — 6. SjpTings or fountains^ not in the restricted sense, but comprehendinT both the source and stream, as in Joel iv. 18 (iii. 18.) The word translated valleys is restricted in usage to such as have streams flowing through them. The last word is the one translated walketh by the English Bible in v. 3 above, but here run^ although icalk is given in the margin, as a more pre- cise and literal translation, while Jerome inserts it in his text, ut inter medios monies amhulent. 11. They uatcr every least of the field ; (at them) loild asses quench their thirst. The subject of the first verb is still the waters. The verb itself means to icater, in the sense of giving drink to animals, though sometimes metaphorically applied to irrigation. See Gen. ii. 10. The form of the parallelism in this verse is peculiar, although not uncommon in Hebrew poetry, the last clause containing a specification of the general statement in yhe first. What is first said of animals, or wild ones in the gen- eral, is then said of the wild ass in particular. Quench, literally, break, i. e. subdue, assuage. A derivative noun is applied in Hebrew to corn or grain, as that which breaks or assuages hunger, although most interpreters and lexicographers suppose a reference to the literal breaking or grinding of the corn itself. 12. Above them the birds of heaven dwell, from between the branches they give voice. The poetical character of the compo- sition is in nothing more obvious than in these minute strokes of exquisite painting, superadded to the more essential parts of the description. At the same time, these are not to be regarded as mere lavish or gratuitous embellishments, since the Psalmist's purpose is to celebrate God's wonderful and bountiful provision for his living creatures, and the running brooks would fail to an- swer one of their most valuable ends, if there were no birds to give 36 PSALM CIV. voice or sing among the branches of the overhanging trees. The word translated birds is a collective answering to the old English fowly not as used in the version of this psalm, where it is plural, but in that of Gen. i. 20, 22, 26, 28. That passage furnishes an explanation of the phrase fowl (or birds) of heaven^ in the fuller description (Gen i. 20), fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament cf heaven, i. e. through the air, across the face of the expanse or visible heaven. 13. Watering mountains from his upper rooms — frcm the fruit oj thy works is the earth filed. He still returns to God as the author of these merciful provisions, and represents him, by a beautiful figure, as pouring this abundant supply of water from his upper rooms, the same word that was rendered halls in v. 3 ; but here the connection seems to require that its precise etymo- logical iniport should be prominent. The fruit of thy works, the result or product of thy creative energy. Filled, not in the sense of being occupied, which would require a different Hebrew verb, but in that of being abundantly supplied or saturated. See above, on Ps. ciii. 5. The sudden apostrophe to God himself enhances the poetical effect. 14. Causing grass to grow for the cattle and herb for tin culture of man, (so as) to bring forth bread from the earth. In this verse there is a transition from God's care of the inferior ani- mals to his care of man. The word translated herb denotes any green plant or vegetable, and is here applied to such as constitute or furnish human food. The common version of the next words, for the service of man, can only mean for his benefit or use, a Bsnse not belonging to the Hebrew word, which, as well as its verbal root, is applied to man's servitude or bondage as a tiller of the ground (Gen. iii. 17 — 19), and has here the sense of husbandry gr cultivation, as in Ex. i. 14. Lev. xxv. 39, it has that of com- PSALM CIV. 37 pulsory or servilo labour. The infinitive in the last clause indi- cates the object for which labour is imposed on man. 15. Aiid wine, gladdens the heart of man — (so as) to make his face shine more than oil — and bread the heart of man sustains. The general expression at the end of v. 14 is now rendered more specific by distinctly mentioning the great staples of production and subsistence in the Holy Land. The only doubt is whether two or three are mentioned. The text of the English Bible makes oil a distinct item in the catalogue, and oil to make his face to shine. But this is an impossible construction of the Hebrew, in which the infinitive {to make shine) bears the same relation to jfhat go&s before as the infinitive (to bring forth) in the verse pre- ceding, and is therefore expressive not of a distinct cause and efibct, but of a consequence resulting from the one just men- tioned. The true construction is given in the margin of the English Bible, to make his face shine with oil, or ?nore than oil. To the first of these alternative translations it may be objected that wine cannot make men's faces shine with oil, unless there is allusion to the festive unctions of the ancients, which however were restricted to the head. The other, therefore, seems to bo the true sense, in which oil is merely mentioned as a shining sub- stance. The description of food as sustaining the heart is very aacient. See Gen. xviii. 5. Judg. xix. 8. 16. Full are the trees of Jehovah; the cedars of Lebanon which he planted. Full, i. e. abundantly supplied, saturated as in v. 13 The English versions supply sap ; but the idea suggested by the context is the more general one of moisture, irrigation. The mutual relation of the clauses is the same as in v. 11. What is first said of trees, or of the noblest trees, in general, is then said of the cedars in particular. The trees of Jehovah., like the cedars of God in Ps. Ixxx. 11 (10), are those which he has planted (Num. xxiv. 6), those which, by their loftiness or fruitfulness or 38 PSALM CIV. beauty, bear the strongest impress of their Maker's hand. The cedars of Lebanon are often mentioned as the noblest and most famous of their kind. See above, on Ps. xxix. 5. xcii. 13 (12.) 17. Where ike {small) birds nestle; {as to) the stork, the cypresses {are) her house. He again recurs to the provision made for birds, which is here connected with the trees, as it is in v. 12. The word translated birds is not the one there used, but the same with that in Ps. Ixxxiv. 4 (3.) cii. 7, where it is commonly trans- lated sparrow, though supposed to be a general term for small birds, so called from their chirping, twittering noise. Here it may represent the smaller and the stork the larger class of birds. The Hebrew name of the stork means merciful or pious, and is supposed to have reference to the natural kindness of that bird, both to its parents and its young. Nestle or build their nests. The choice between the old translation, fir-trees, and the new one, cypresses, is exegetically unimportant. 18. Mountains, the high {ones), are for the wild-goats — rocks {are) a refuge for the conies. The idea seems to be, that even the wildest situations, and the most inaccessible to man, afford shelter and subsistence to some form of life, and are therefore proofs of the divine benevolence and wisdom. Of the names of animals here mentioned, the first occurs also in the book of Job (xxxix. 1) ; the second in the lists of unclean beasts, Lev. xi. 5. Deut. xiv. 7 ; and both in the writings of Solomon, Prov. v, 19. XXX. 26. Of the second, various explanations have been given, but none of them more probable than that derived from the rab- binical tradition. Nor is the question of the slightest exegetical importance, since the only peculiarities involved are those sug- gested by the text itself, to wit, that the animals intended must be such as inhabit rocks and mountains. Some supply a refuge in the first clause from the second ; but a better sense is yielded by the simpler construclion, they belong to (or are intended for) the icUd PSALM CIV. 39 goats^ which agrees exactly with the drift of the whole psalm to show that all parts of the inanimate creation contribute something to the comfort of the living sentient creature. 19. He made (he moon for seasons; tliz sun knows his setting Even the heavenly bodies have a reference to man's advantage The moon is a measure of time, and the sun defines the period of active labor. The word translated seasons is the plural of the one translated set time in Ps. Ixxv. 3 (2.) cii. 14, and the same that means assemblies in Ps. Ixxiv. 4, 8. It is here put for all divi- sions of time, including the succession of day and night, to which there is perhaps a special reference, as in the other clause, where the meaning seems to be, that the sun knows when and where to set, and does not make the day, with its attendant toils, perpetual. This is a strong poetical description of an obvious and familiar fact, and no more presupposes a particular theory or system of astronomy than the similar language of uninspired poets among ourselves, 20. Tkou makest darkness and it is night ; in it begins to move every beast of the forest. The first verb in Hebrew means to set or place^ but is used precisely as a word of the same meaning is in V. 3. Its abbreviated form does not indicate an optative meaning, but is substituted for the full form by poetic license. [tis nighty or night is, night begins to be. The same inceptive meaning is expressed in the translation of the third verb, which denotes animal motion, but is specially applied to that of reptiles. The idea of a secret, stealthy motion, as suggested by the com- mon version {do creep forth) , can hardly be intended, as the con- text shows the main idea of the passage to be this, that as the day affords a time for active motion to mankind and to domestic animals, the night affords a like time for the wilder beasts, or beasts of the forest J an expression which occurs above, in Ps. I. 10 40 PSALM CIV. 21. The young lions roaring for the prey^ and to seek from God their food. By translating the participle and infinitive both as presents, the common version makes this a distinct propo- sition. But in Hebrew it forms part of the preceding sentence, and contains a specification of the general statement there made. When night comes on, all the beasts of the forest are aroused, and among the rest the lion, roaring for his prey, (is roused) to seek his food from God. This last expression implies no such purpose on the lion's part, but merely that he seeks what can only be bestowed by an almighty being, which idea is suggested by the name of God here used. 22. 7^he sun rises — they are gathered — a7id in their dens lie down. The first clause may also be translated, let the sun rise^ they are gathered^ or paraphrased in more accordance with our idiom, when the sun rises they are gathered ; but neither of these con- structions is so striking and poetical as the exact version first above given. Gathered.^ i. e. called in from their wanderings and dispersions. The word translated dens means abodes or homes., and is a cognate form to that in Ps. xc. 1 ; but the form here used is specially applied to the lairs or resting places of wild beasts, not only here but in Am. iii. 4. The last verb is also one appropriated to the lying down of animals. See above, on Ps. xxiii. 2. The construction is a pregnant one : they lie down to (or into) their dens., i. e. go into them and lie down. 23. Forth goes man to his work., and to his labour until evening. This verse presents the day-scene corresponding to the night- scene of the two preceding verses. When night comes on, the beasts of the forest are in motion ; when the sun appears, they gather to their lairs, and man comes forth to labour until evening., when the scene is shifted as before. Leaving out of view all higher claims to admiration and respect, the poetical merit of ' SALM CIV. 41 this whole description is of the highest order. The word trans- lated labour is the same that was translated culture in v. 14. 24. How manifold are thy works^ Jehcvah ; all of them in wis- dom hast thou wrought ; full is the earth of thy riches. The first verb in Hebrew strictly means are many., but as the context has respect to the variety, and not to the mere number, of God's works, the sense is well conveyed by the term used in the English versions [manifold.) Works and wrought represent a cognate verb and noun in Hebrew, a combination which adds point and ani- mation to the sentence. The last word in the verse is derived from a verb which means to acquire, either by creation or by purchase. While the noun, therefore, strictly denotes acquisitions or pos- sessions, its etymological affinities would instantly suggest to every Hebrew reader the idea of creation, as the ultimate source of these possessions, a modification of the thought which cannot be conveyed by any mere translation. 25. Here is the sea, great and wide on all hands; there are moving things, and without numler, small animals icith great. The exclamation or reflection in the preceding verse affords a transition to the survey of other parts of the creation, not included in the catalogue before recited, yet no less striking in themselves, and as proofs or illustrations of the Maker's wisdom. Such is the sea, or here for instance is the sea, are the phrases which would probably be used in our idiom, to introduce the first example The same thing was probably intended by the Hebrew phrase, this (is) the sea, as if the speaker at the same time pointed to it. See above, on v. 8. Wide of both hands is another idiomatic phrase used also by Moses (Gren. xxxiv. 21) and Isaiah (xxxiii. 21.) It obviously means stretching out in all directions. The sense of hand, as thus used, is the same as in the English phrase on all hands, and is probably derived from the use of the right and left hand to distinguish position or direction. Bloving things 42 PSALM CIV. IS here used to translate a single Hebrew word (b^tl)) ^^^ cognate noun of the verb employed in v. 20 to denote animal motion. It is applied to marine animals, as here, in Gen. i. 9. Ps- Ixix. 35 (^34.) The use of the word leasts^ in the common version of the last clause, is not consistent with its modern usage, which re- stricts it to terrestial quadrupeds. 26. There the ships go — Leviathan — this {that) thou hast formed to play therein. While the ships connect the sea with man's activity and interests, Leviathan, the standing representative of aquatic monsters, may be here put for the population of the sea itself. To jplay therein., as* in his native element. Compare Job xl. 20. The idiomatic use of this is like that in v. 25. The word translated go., in the common version of the first clause, is the same that was rendered walk in v. 3, and run in v. 10. 27. All of them on thee rely., to give their food in its season. The all of them obviously relates to all the living creatures previously mentioned, and not to any one or more exclusively, the proposition being no less true of men than brutes, or of brutes than men. On thee rely is not an exact translation of the He- brew, which indeed does not admit of one, because it combines a verb a,nd preposition which cannot be combined in English. The form of the original is, to thee tcait, expect., or hope., the verb ex- pressing confidence, the particle the act of looking towards the object thus confided in. The description of the animals as thus expecting their supplies from God, is merely the poetical costume in which the Psalmist clothes the fact, that they are really, although unconsciously, dependent on him. In precisely the same manner, other poets represent the earth, in time of drought, as parched with thirst and longing for the rain, which expressions no sane man would either charge with falsehood, or consider as implying a belief in the conscious personality of PSALM CIV. 43 Earth Compare my note on Isai. xlii. 4 In its season, i. e. when they need it. 28. Thou giv est to them, they gather; thou openest thy hand, they are filled {with) food. The point of the significant anti- thesis is this J that God as easily bestows as they receive. He has only to give, they have only to gather. He has but to open his hand, and they are instantly provided, even to satiety. Filled, satisfied, abundantly supplied, as in v. 13. The verb rendered gather means to pick up or collect from the ground. It is used in the history of the manna (Ex. xvi. 1, 5, 16), to which there is obvious allusion. The act of gathering from the ground seems to presuppose a previous throwing down from heaven The common version, that (meaning lohat) thou givest them they gather, weakens the sentence, if it does not render it unmeaning 29. Tho2t hidest thy face, they are confounded ; thou icithdraweit their breath, they expire, and to their dust return. The hiding of God's face is the opposite of looking with a favourable aspect. See above, on Ps. xiii. 2 (1.) [t here means the suspension or withdrawing of the various benefits before described. They are troubled is, in every case, a feeble version of one of the strongest words in the language, which has been already more than once explained. Even confounded, though much stronger, does not perfectly convey the idea, which is that of being agitated, terror- stricken, or convulsed. See above, on Ps. ii. 5. Ixxviii. 33. xc. 7 Their breath, the vital principle imparted by the Spirit of God (Gen. ii. 7), who is the God of the spirits of all flesh, i. e. the author of all life whatever. See Num. xvi. 22. xxvii. 16, and compare Heb. xii. 9. The verb expire is used in the account of the destruction of all living creatures by the flood. Gen. vii. 21, 22, to which there is no doubt allusion, as there is in the next clause to Gen. iii. 19. Compare Ps. xc 8 ciii. 14. Ecc. xii 7 44 PSALM CIV. Their dust, their own, their native dust, to which they belong, and from which they sprang. 30. Thov, sendest thy breath, they are created, and thou r«* newest the face of the earth. The absolute power of God over the life of his creatures is expressed by representing him as annihil- ating and creating the whole race at pleasure, by a breath. With equal correctness we might read thy spirit, but thy breath is more poetical, and therefore better suited to the context as the primary meaning, though the spirit be really intended. They are created refers the effect more directly to God's power than they live or they revive would do. In the last clause there is evident allusion to the renovation of the earth desolated by the flood, and the joyous change of its face or aspect when re-peopled. 31. Let the glory of Jehovah be forever ; let Jehovah rejoice in his works. The optative form of the first verb here determines the meaning of the other. It would also be grammatical, though much less natural in this connection, to regard the abbreviated form of the first verb as a mere poetic license, and explain both as futures proper. The glory of Jehovah shall be to eternity ; Je- hovah shall rejoice in his works. The grammatical question is of less importance, because one of these senses really implies the other. The wish is not for something doubtful but infallibly cer- tain, and the prediction is in strict accordance with the wish of him who utters it. In this verse some interpreters suppose an allusion to God's satisfaction in his own work of creation when he rested from it on the seventh day. See Gen. ii. 1, 2. 32. He that looks at the earth and it quakes, touches the hills and they smoke. There is something in the form of this verse similar to that of V. 28. God has only to look at the earth to make it quake. He has only to touch the mountains and they smoke. His controlling and terrifying acts are as prompt and easy as his PSALM CIV. 45 acts of grace. There seems to be a reference to tlie words of Moses in describing the effects of the theophany at Sinai, when its summit smoked, and its very roots or bases were on fire See Ex. xix. 18. Deut. xxxii. 22. To those familiar with the con- Btant use of mountains as a symbol of great monarchies, this verse would necessarily suggest the thought, that God's power over states is no less absolute than that which he exercises over indi- viduals, or over the inanimate creation. 33. I will smg to Jehovah tvhile I live, I will make music to my Godiohile I still (exist.) This is the Psalmist's conclusion from the view which he has taken, with respect to his own interest and duty. If the Lord be such a Grod to all his creatures, then I can do no better than expend the remainder of my life in praising him. The two verbs are those continually joined to denote vocal md instrumental praise. The closing words of each clause, and especially the second, have a highly idiomatic character. The phrase translated ivhile I live means literally in ??iy life or lives. The corresponding one can scarcely be translated, as it is com- posed of the preposition in, the adverb yet or still, and the pro- noun of the first person, in my yet, i. e. i)i my {being) yet, while I still am, or continue to exist. 34. Sweet shall be of him my meditation ; I will rejoice in Je- hovah. , The ancient versions and the Prayer Book, with some of the best interpreters, put an optative sense upon the first clause, may my thought (or sjpeech) be acceptable to him. In favour of this interpretation is the fact that a synonymous verb, followed by the same preposition (i?)j means to be pleasing to a person, in fs. xvi. 6. In favour of the other is the want of anything to indi- cate a wish, and the parallelism of the second clause, which relates to the expression of his own feelings towards Jehovah, not to the dispositions of Jehovah towards himself Thus understood, the whole verse completes the Psalmist's practical conclusion from 46 PSALM CV, the view which he has taken of God's power, wisdom, and good« ness, namely, that the knowledge and possession of this God is happiness. 35. Consumed are sinners from the earthy and (as for) wicked men, they are no more. Bless, oh my soul, Jehovah. Hallelujah ! This verse has no perceptible connexion, either with the verse immediately before it, or with the general drift of the whole psalm, except upon the supposition, that the whole psalm was in- tended to derive, from the view of God's authoritative care over his works, an encouraging assurance that his people must be safe ; that he who feeds and shelters the inferior animals, and makes provision for the physical necessities of men in general, cannot fail to provide for the security and happiness of those whom he has set apart for himself, or to free them from the malice of those sinners who are equally the enemies of God and of his people. The psalm, like the one before it, closes with the same words which began it. The last word, Hallelujah (praise ye Jah), occurs here for the first time, and is supposed by some to form no part of the original composition, but to have been added for the purpose of adapting it to some public service at a later date. PSALM CV. This, like the Seventy-Eighth, is a historical psaim, recounting God's ancient dealings with his people, especially in Egypt. The practical design of the commemoration is not to bring the people to repentance, as in the case referred to, but to excite their hopes of an analogous deliverance. According to a theory PSALMCV. 47 already mentioned, this is the second member of a trilogy, added to one of older date (Ps. ci--ciii) during the time of the cap- tivity. It differs from the psalm before it in deriving from his* tory the same consolation which is there derived from nature. After the introduction, vs. 1 — 7, the arrangement is simply chrono logical, beginning with the promise to Abraham, and ending with the conquest of Canaan, vs. 8 — 44. The first fifteen verses of this psalm are found in 1 Chron. xvi, combined with Ps. xcvi and three verses of Ps. cvi. See above, on Ps. xcvi. 1. 1. Give thanks unto Jehovah^ call upon his name^ maJce known among the nations his exploits. The original meaning of the second phrase is, call {him) by his na7?ie^ i. e. give him the de- scriptive title most expressive of his divine perfections ; or more specifically, call him by his name Jehovah, i. e. ascribe to him the attributes which it denotes, to wit, eternity and self-existence, together with that covenant relation to his people, which though not denoted by the name was constantly associated with it, and therefore necessarily suggested by it. The meaning of the next phrase is obscured, if not entirely concealed, in the common ver- sion, among the people. The plural form and sense of the original expression are essential to the writer's purpose, which is to vlorify the Grod of Israel among all nations. See above, on Ps. xviii. 50 (49.) Ivii. 10 (9.) For the meaning of the last word, see above, on Ps. ciii. 7. 2. Sing to him., play to him., muse on all his wondrous deeds. The exhortation seems to be addressed to the Gentiles, who are called uDon to join in the praises and to share the blessings of the chosen people. For the meaning of the last verb, see above, on Ps. civ. 34. 3. Glory in his holy name ! Glad shall be the heart of those wh(\ ^eek Jehovah. Congratulate yourselves that you possess a right 48 PSALM CV. and interest in the favour of so glorious a Being. The last clause presents as an inducement, that to seek the favour of this Grod is a source, and by implication the only source, of joy and happi- ness. Compare Ps. xxxiv. 3 (2.) xl. 17 (16.) Ixix. 7 (6.) 4 SeeJc Jehovah and his strength^ seek his face evermore. The Hebrew verbs, although synonymous, are not identical. And his strength^ the protection secured by his almighty power. Sec' him, not as a finite being, but as the omnipotent Jehovah, the source, as well as the possessor, of all strength. Seek his face,, not merely his presence, but his countenance, his favourable look r aspect. With the several expressions of this verse compare Ps. ix. 11 (10.) X. 4. xiv. 2. xxiv. 6. xxxiv. 5 (4 ) Ixi. 4 (3.) Ixii. 8 (7.) Ixiii. 3 (2.) Ixviii. 35 (34) xcvi. 7. 5. Remember his ivondroits dtids lohich he did, his miracles and the judgments of his mouth. They are exhorted not to forget them, as Israel is charged with doing, Ps. Ixxviii. 11. Miracles^ prodigies or wonders, proofs of divine power. There is no need of identifying these with the judgments of his mouth., which in- clude his laws and the sentences pronounced upon his enemies. The latter is probably the prominent idea as best suited to this context. 6. Ye seed of Abraham his servant., ye sons of Jacob., his chosen {oTies.) Descendants of the patriarchs, and therefore heirs of the patriarchal promises. The common version of the last phrase {his chosen)., though exact, conveys a wrong idea, as it seems to make chosen an epithet of Jacob., which would also seem to \jQ required by the parallelism ; but the Hebrew word is plural and fleseribes the object of address as the church or chosen people. Compare Isai. Ixv. 9. Abraham is called the Servant of God, in an emphatic sense, as being his chosen instrument and confidential PSALM CV. 49 agent. See above, on Ps. xviii. 1, and compare Ps. xc 1 The parallel passage (1 Chr. xvi. 13) has Israel his servant. 7. He is Jehovah our God ; in all tht earth (are) his judg- ments. His covenant relations are with us the seed of Abraham ; but the proofs of his existence and vindicatory justice are com- mon to all nations. This whole introduction seems intended to dispose both Jews and Gentiles to the praise of God. 8. He remembered forever his covenant^ the word he command-id for a thousand generations. There is here a kind of antithetical allu- sion to the exhortation in v. 5. They should remember what he did, since he remembers what he promised. What he has done involves a pledge of what he will do. He has remembered (and will remember) his covenant to eternity. Tht word is the word of promise. He is said to have commanded it, partly because his promise is conditional and annexed to his coaimandmont, and for that reason called a covenant ; partly because all that God says must of necessity be said with authority, so that even his pro- mises partake of the nature of commands. The last phrase, a thousand generations., is Mosaic. See Deut. vii. 9, and compare Ex. XX. 6. 9. Which he ratified with Abraham., and his oath to Isaac. The sentence is continued from the foregoing verse. Ratified, literally cut ; see above, on Ps. 1. 5. His oath (which he sware) to Isaac, or, his oath for (the benefit of) Isaac. The distinction, if any be intended, is that the covenant was formally made only with Abraham, and merely sanctioned or confirmed by oatli to his successors. See Gen. xv. 18. xxvi. 3. xxviii. 13. His oath is governed by remembered in v. 8. Compare Ps. Ixxxix. 28, 34 (27, 33.) 10. And confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel (foi \ VOL. III. 3 50 PSALM CV. an everlasting covenant. Confirmed it., literally, made (or let) it stand, instead of suffering it to expire with the person to whom it was originally given. A statute^ in the wide sense of a perma- nent arrangement, a perpetual constitution, or, as it is called in the last clause, a compact of eternity^ an everlasting covenant. See Gen. xxviii. 13. xxxv. 12. 11 Sayings To thee will I give the land of Canaan^ as the 'portion of your heritage. The subject or substance of the pro- mise is now more distinctly stated. The word translated portion primarily means a line., especially a measuring line., and then what is measured by it, to wit, a piece of land, a lot of ground. This was not to be given to the patriarchs in person, but to their descendants, as the portion of their heritage or their hereditary portion. The plural your may refer, however, to the patriarchs themselves, as the promise was repeated to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 12. When as yet they could be numbered — very few, and Strang er$ in it. The first clause involves an antithetical allusion to the promise, afterwards fulfilled, that they should be innumerable as the stars, or as the sand upon the shore, Gen. xxii. 17. The form of the original is highly idiomatic, vi their being men of number., like a little., or like littleness itself. See above, on Ps. Ixxiii. 2, and compare Isai. i. 9. Strangen, sojourners, living on the lands of others, at their will, or by their sufferance. See above, on Ps. xxxix. 13 (12.) In it, the land of Canaan, men- tioned in the preceding verse. The whole verse qualifies the previous account of the patriarchal covenant, which was not made with Israel when already a great nation, but with their ancestors when few in number and without a settled home. The parallel passage (1 Chron. xvi. 19) has when ye wen. See Gen xxxiv. 30, and compare Deut. xxxiii. 6. Isai. x. If PSALM CV. 51 13. And they went about from nation to nation^ from kingdom to another people. This may be rega.rded as in contrast with v. 12, and {yet) they ucnt about, notwithstanding their small number and their being strangers. Or vs. 12, 13, may be the protasis of the sen- tence, and V. 14 its apodosis. ' When they were few and strangers, and went from nation to nation, he let no man, etc' This verse describes the characteristic feature in the condition of the chosen people, during the patriarchal period of their history, namely, their migratory intercourse with various nations. These are mentioned in the first clause as distinct races, in the last as distinct states or bodies politic. Where we might have expected from kingdom to kingdom, the ear is somewhat disappointed by the phrase /ro/^i kingdom to another people, which may have been intended to distinguish the Egyptian and other monarchies from the more democratical or patriarchal institutions of the Arabians and other nations. Thty went about seems to be the force of the reflexive or frequentative verb, as distinguished from that of the primitive, they went. See above, on Ps. xxvi. 3. xxxv. 14. ci. 2, and compare Gen. v. 22. xvii. 1. xxiv. 6, 9, 40. xlviii. 15. 14. He suffered no man to oppress them, and reproved, for their sake, kings. The precise sense of the first clause is, he suffered not man (or men in general) to oppress them. The protection of the patriarchs is certainly one of the most striking facts in sacred history. The kings mentioned in the last clause are the kings of Egypt and Gerar (Gen. xii. 17. xx. 3), not without reference perhaps to those mentioned in Gren. xiv. 1. 15. Touch not mine anointed {ones), and to my prophets do no harm. These are the words of God himself, and are designated as such, in the English Bible, by supplying the word sayiu^ which is expressed in the analogous case, v. 11. Touch not, ar in Gen. xxvi. 11,29. In the Old Testament, unction is the symbol of spiritual gifts, and especially of those imparted to the PSALM CV. great theocratical offices. See above, on Ps. ii. 2. From the case of Elisba (1 Kings xix. 16) it would seem that prophets were anointed when inducted into office. The patriarchs are here called jirophcls in the proper sense of the term, as denoting men inspired of God, and admitted to confidential intercourse with him. The allusion here is to Gren. xx. 7, where God says to Abimelech of Abraham, "Restore the man his wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for thee, and thou shalt live." 16. And he called (for) a famine on the land ; ei'C?y ^taff of bread he hralie. The psalmist now passes from the Patriarchal to the Egyptian period of the history, by stating the occasion of Israel's migration into Egypt. The meaning of the first clause seems to be, that he summoned famine, as his instrument or ser- vant, to come down upon the land, as sent from above, that is to say, from himself. The meaning of the last clause is, that the people were deprived of every customary means and source of subsistence. The figure of a staff or stay is a Mosaic one. See Lev. xxvi. 26, and compare Isai. iii. 1. It is near akin to the description of food as staying or sustaining the heart. See above, on Ps. civ. 15, The historical reference in the verse before us is to Gen. xli. 54. 17. He sent before them a man ; sold for a slave was Jose'ph. The same providential purpose is assigned to Joseph's bondage by himself. Gen. xlv. 5. With the last clause compare Gen. xxxvii. 36. Some interpreters, assuming, as we have already seen, that this psalm was composed in the time of the captivity, suppose a parallel, in this verse, between Joseph and Daniel, both of whom, in addition to their personal qualities, were sent into captivity before the body of their brethren ; both gained the royal favour and were exalted to high station in the land of their captivity ; and both employed the influence thus gained for i\\(^ advantage of their countrymen. To the Jews in exile, such a PSALM CV. 5^ parallel must have been not only interesting, in a historical or poetical point of view, but consolatory and encouraging as a token for good^ a sign that God was about to renew the exodus from Egypt in an exodus from Babylon. IS. They hurt^ with the fetter^ ki2 feet ; into iron camehh soul That Joseph was actually chained or fettered, is included in the true sense of the word bound, applied to him in the history. See Gen. xl. 3, and compare Gen. xxxix. 20, 22. They, the Egyp- tians, or his gaolers ; or the verb may be indefinitely construed, as if it had been said, his feet were hurt. The verb means else- where to humble or mortify, but is here used in its strict sense of afflicting, causing to suffer. The Prayer Book version of the last clause, the iron entered into his soul, is ungrammatical, the word for iron being masculine, while that for soul is, like the verb, feminine. The general sense is given in the text of the English Bible, and the exact form in the margin. The mention of the soul, as in many other cases, is of course not meant to be ex- clusive of the body, but to suggest the idea of intimate and heart- felt suffering. See above, on Ps. iii. 3 (2.) xi. 1, etc. 19. Until the time that his word came (to pass), the saying of Jehovah tried him.. The last verb properly denotes the assaying of metals, but is figuratively applied to moral trial and purgation. See above, on Ps. xii. 7 (6.) xvii. 3. xviii. 31 (30.)xxvi. 2. Ti .; most probable meaning of the verse is, that during the two years which intervened between his explanation of the prisoners' dreams and the favourable issue to which it ultimately led, his faith in the divine promise, both to himself and to his people, was severely but favourably tried. Compare the history in Gen. xl, xli. 20. The king sent and loosed him — the ruler of nations, and set him free. Both verbs strictly apply to the removal of his fetters, the first meaning properly to knock off (Isai. Iviii. 6), the other to 54 p s A T :m C V open for the purpose of removing. See abo\'e, on Ps. xxx 12 (11.) The king of Egypt is called a ruler of peoples^ eithei in reference to the tribes or nomes of Egypt itself, or because there were other nations tributary to him. 21. He made hivi lord of hisjiouse and ruler of all his 'wealth. Q'he literal meaning of the first clause is, he placed him lord to his house. . See Gen. xli. 40, 41, 43. xlv. 8. For the meaning of the last word in the sentence, see above, on Ps. civ. 24. It is one of the points of resemblance which are thought to identify the two psalms as the work of the same author. 22. To bind his chiefs at his plcasitrCy and his elders to make wise. The words translated chiefs and elders are those commonly applied to the heads of tribes and families, the hereditary magi- strates under the patriaichal system. The application of the second word to Egypt is found also in the histor}^, Gen. 1. 7. At his plea sure J literally, ivith his soul, which some explain as a bold metaphor, describing Joseph's mind or soul as the cord or chain with which he bound the Egyptians, i. e. forced them to perform his will. But see Ps. xvii. 9. xxvii. 12. xli. 3 (2.) 23. And (so) Israel entered Egypt., and Jacob sojourned m the land of Ham. This was the main event, to which those just re- cited were preparatory. Israel and Jacob are the names both of the individual patriarch and of his descendants as a nation. In this case both the applications are admissible, or rather requisite, in order to exhaust the writer's meaning. The patriarch himself came into Egypt, but his sons literally came with him, and all his descendants figuratively in him. The land of Ham., from whom Mizraim v/as descended. Sec above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 51. 24. And he increased his people greatly^ and made them stronger than their enemies. Increased., literally, rendered fruitful. Tho PSALM CV. 55 same verb is used in the promise to Abraham and Jacob (Gen. xvii. 6. xxviii. 2J, and in the history of Israel in Egypt, Ex. i. 7. The word here used for enemies is one implying persecution and oppression. The singular pronouns in the Hebrew, made him stronger than his enemies^ are in strict grammatical agreement with the collective noun people. 25. He turned timr heart to hate his people.^ to deal craftily with his servants. The first clause asserts God's sovereign control even of the free acts of his sinful creatures, a truth repeatedly affirmed in the history which this psalm recapitulates. See Ex. iv. 21. vii. 3, and compare 1 Sam. xxvi. 9. 2 Sam. xvi. 10. xxiv. 1. The last verb occurs only in the history of Joseph, Gen. xxxvii. 18. The corresponding term in Exodus (i. 10) is let us deal wisely, or more exactly, let us make ourselves tvise, as the verb in this case may be rendered, let us make ourselves subtle or crafty, both being reflexive forms. The historical allusion is of course to the murderous policy, which preceded the violent oppression of the Hebrews. 26. He sent Moses his servant (and) Aaron ichom he chose. The meaning is not Moses (who was) his servant, or (because he was) his servant, but (to be) his servaiit, his instrument in the great work of delivering his people. See above, on v. 6, and on Ps. xviii. 1. xxxvi. 1. Ixxviii. 70. 27. They placed among them the words of his signs and wonders in the land of Ham. The first phrase seems to mean nothing more than set before them o\: exhibited to them. Words of signs is by some understood to mean matters (or affairs) of signs, and to be either a pleonastic phrase for signs alone, or an emphatic phrase denoting all the signs. See above, on Ps. Ixv. 4 (3.) The Better than either is the explanation which gives to wp^^s 66 PSALM CV. its proper meanifig, and supposes stress to be intentionally laid on the divine word of Jeliovah, and the prophetic word of Moses and Aaron, in the way of threatening and command, as well as on the physical effects which followed these denunciations. Compare the use of words in Ps. vii. 1, and the explanation there given. SignSy i. c. tokens of God's presence and activity, and indica- tions of his will. TVonderSj prodigies, miracles, the same word that occurs above in v. 5. 28. He sent darkness and made it dark^ and they did not resist his ivordsj or according to the marginal reading, his word. This is by some understood to mean the plague of darkness, which im- mediately preceded the slaughter of the first born, Ex. x. 22. But to this explanation there are two objections ; first, that it en- tirely disturbs the order of the plagues, which is otherwise observed with great exactness, the only deviation being very trivial compared with this ; secondly, because it would then be" necessary to apply the last clause to Moses and Aaron, or to Israel in general, there- by making it unmeaning, or else to admit a contradiction of the history, which expressly says that the Egyptians did resist the word of God even after the plague of darkness, Ex. x. 27. The only remaining explanation is, that darkness, in the verse before us, as in many other cases, is a figure for calamity in gene- ral, and applied not to one plague in particular, but to the whole series, of which a more detailed account is then subjoined. 29. lie turned their waters to Mood and killed their fish. Here begins the more particular enumeration of the plagues of Egypt. Compare Ps. Ixxviii. 44, where the inconvenience specified is that they could not drink the water, whereas here it is the loss of their accustomed food. This last word is used as a collective in both languages. 30. Their land teemed with frogs — in the chamlers ofthdr kings. That even the.ie were not safe from the hateful intruders, is an PSALM CV. 57 aggravating circumstance, particularlj mentioned in the original threatening, and implied in the narrative of its execution. See Ex. viii. 3, 9. The first verb means to bring forth in abundance, and is so used in the history of the creation, with particular refer- ence to the genesis of animals. Gen. i. 20. 31. He said, and the Jiy came and gnats- (or lice) in all their border. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 45, where the gnats or lice are omitted, and the flies precede the frogs. So here, the flies precede the lice, a slight departure from the order of the history. See Ex. viii. 5, 16. He said, i. e. he said so, which is tanta- mount to saying, he commanded. In all their border, i. e. every where within it, throughout the land. This expression is bor- rowed from the history. See Ex. viii. 2 (vii. 27.) 32. He gave them hail for rain (and) flaming fire in their land. This, which is the common version, represents the sense correctly, but with a deviation from the form of the original, which is highly idiomatic. A bald translation is, he gave their rains hail, fire of fiames in their land. ^ The terms are chosen for the sake of an allusion to the promise in Lev. xxvi. 4, I will give your rains in their season. Instead of these he gave the Egyptians a destruc- tive hail-storm. Compare Ps. Ixxviii. 48. 33. And smote their vine and their fig-tree, and shattered the trees of their border. Compare Ps. Ixxviii. 47, where syca- mores are particularly mentioned. The history says nothing of the vines, but speaks of the breaking of the trees, using the same intensive verb as here. See Ex. ix. 2b. Their border, as before, means their land or territory in its whole extent, just as the ends cf the earth is put for all its parts. See above, on Ps. ii. 8. 34. He said, and the arbeh came, and the yelek, and (that) ieiihout number. The two Hebrew words, here retained, denote JS PSALMCV. rarieties of the locust, and have no equivalents in English. Sef above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 46, where the first word here stands second and the place of the other is supplied by hasil^ another distinctive term of the same kind. Without number ^ literally, there is no number. See the same expression, Ps. civ. 25. 35. And devoured every herb in their land^ and devoured thz fruit of their ground. The verb, though varied in the common version, is the same in both clauses of the Hebrew. See above, on Ps. xlviii. 46, and com pare the original narrative, Ex. x. 5, 15. 36. And he smote all the firstborn in their land^ the first-fruits of all their strength. For the meaning of the last clause, see above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 51, and compare Ex. xii. 29, 30. 37. Andhebrought them out loith silve? u,nd icith gold ^ and there was not in his tribes a totttrer (or stumbler.) The first clause relates to the spoiling of the Egyptians, Ex. xii. 35, 36. The last word denotes a person unfit for military service. Compare Isai. V. 27. 38. Glad was Egypt at their going forth., for their fear had fallen upon them. This panic terror, which followed the last plague and facilitated the escape of Israel (Ex. xi. 1. xii. 31 — 33), accounts for the readiness with which the Egyptians gave what- ever was demanded, and completely vindicates the children of Israel from the charge of borrowing what they never meant to pay. The terms used in the history denote the acts of asking and giving, not those of borrowing and lending. The terms of the last clause are derived from Ex. xv. 16. Deut. xi. 25. 39. He spread a cloud for a covering ., and fire to give light by night. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 14. The poetical description PSALM CV. 59 of the cloud as covering the host is derived from the statement that "the cloud of Jehovah was over (or above) them by day," Num. X. 34. Compare Num. ix. 16. Neh. ix. 12. Isai. iv. 5, 6. 40. (The people) asked and he made quails come — and bread oj heaven satisfied them. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 25 — 27, and compare Ex. xvi. 4 — 13. Num. xi. 31. As to the alternation of the singular and plural forms, see above, on v. 24. Bread may either be the subject of the verb, as given above, or a qualifying term, (witk) bread. 41. He ojjencd a rock and forth gushed ivafers ; they ran in the wastes., a river. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 16, 20. The word translated wastes means, according to its etymology, dry places. 42. Because he rcmemlered his holy ivord witk Abraham his ser- vant. This brings us back to the statement in vs. 8, 9, in proof of which this long array of facts has been presented. Nothing of all this would have taken place if God had been forgetful of his covenant . This covenant is here meant by his holy word, which is the refore followed by the preposition witk, as in Ex. ix. 24, where the covenant is expressly mentioned. 43. And brougkt out kis peopte in joy, in triumph his chosen {ones.) He remembered his promise and in execution of it brought out his people, etc. The parallelism oi people and chosen throws light upon the latter term, as used in v. 6. 44. And gave to them nations'' lands, and peoples labour they inherit. The prominent idea is not that of gentiles or heathen, in the religious sense, but that of other nations, and whole na- tions, to whose place and possessions they succeeded. Labour is put for its result or product, as a synonymous Hebrew word is in Ps. Ixxviii. 46 60 PSALM CVI. 45. To the end that they might keep his statutes and his laws observe. Hallelujah ! The emphatic phrase at the beginning, corresponding to our phrases, to the end, for the purpose, or in order that, points this out as the qualification or condition of the promise which had been so gloriously verified. The same con- dition is expressed or implied elsewhere. See above, on Ps Ixxviii. 7, and compare Gen. xviii. 19. Deut. iv. 40. xxvi. 17 Hallelujah (praise ye Jah) as above, in Ps. civ. 35. PSALM C Y I . After an introduction, praising the divine goodness, and ex- pressing the hope of a participation in it, vs. 1 — 5, this psalm contains a solemn confession of the sins of Israel through all the periods of his history ; in Egypt, v. 6—12 ; in the wilderness, V. 13 — 33 ; in Canaan, vs. 34 — 43 ; and a prayer, founded on encouraf^ing tokens of the Lord's compassion, that he will save his people from the punishment incurred by their unfaithfulness, YS. 44 48. According to Hengstenbcrg's hypothesis already mentioned, this is the third psalm of the trilogy added to Ps. ci_ciii, in the times of the captivity, and a direct continuation of the series, since the moral condition of God's covenant, pro- pounded at the close of. Ps. cv, is here acknowledged to have been violated by his people, who are also represented as actually suffering the punishment of this violation, but encouraged by re- turning tokens of a favourable change, to hope and pray for the forgiveness of their sins and the removal of the judgments which they have so well deserved The first verse and the two lasi form a part of the mixed composition in First Chronicles, which PSALM CVI. 61 has been already mentioned. See above, on Ps. xcvi. 1. But a still more interesting parallel to this psalm is the prayer or con- fession in the ninth chapter of Daniel, which resembles it so much in subject, tone, and- diction, that although not otherwise de- monstrable, it would not be absurd to regard the psalm before us as a lyrical paraphrase of that confession, prepared for permament and public use by Daniel himself or some contemporary writer. 1. Hallelujah ! Give tharnks unto Jehovah^ for (he is) good^for unto eternity (is) his mercy. The Hallelujah {'praise ye Jah !) which concludes the two preceding psalms, stands both at the beginning and the close of this. The exhortation to give thanks unto Jehovah is also found at the beginning of Ps. cv. The reason here assigned, that he is good, and his 7nercy endures for- ever , is expressed in the same words, Ps. c. 5. 2. Who shall tell the mighty deeds of Jehovah "? (Who) shall utter all his praise ? The potential meaning (who can tell ?) is here included in the simple future. Mighty deeds answers to a single word in Hebrew meaning strengths or poicers. The ex- pression is borrowed from Deut. iii. 24, where the English Bible has the singular form might. The verb translated litter is a causative, who shall cause to hear or to be heard ? See above, on Ps. xxvi. 7. The interrogation involves a negative assertion, namely, that they cannot be fully expressed or duly celebrated. 3. Happy the keepers of judgme7it, the doer of righteousness at every time. The form of expression at the beginning is the same as in Ps. i. 1. The keepers of judgment are those who observe justice as the rule of their conduct, the same idea that is after- wards expressed in other words, the doer (or practiser) of rights eousncss, not occasionally merely but at all times. The change from the plural to the singular is common, where the latter de- notes an ideal individual, the representative of a whole class 62 PSALM CVI. The condition here propounded is identical with that in Ps cv. 45. ciii. IS. Dan. ix. 4. 4. Rememher me, Jehovah, U'ith the favmir of thy people ; visit me with thy salvation. The speaker is the Church or chosen people, and therefore prays to be remembered with the kindness due to her as such. Visit me, manifest thy favourable presence. See above, on Ps. viii 5 (4.) Such a prayer, uttered by the church itself, implies that the tokens of God's favourable presence had been interrupted or withdrawn. 5. To witness the welfare of thy chosen (ones), to rejoice in the joy of thy nation, to glory icith thy heritage. Our idiom requires the subject of the verb to be more distinctly indicated. The meaning evidently is, that I may witness, that I may rejoice, that I may glory. The phrase translated witness the welfare literally means to see in the good, i. e. to look on, to be a spectator, when thy chosen ones are in possession or enjoyment of good. Thy nation is here used instead of the customary phrase thy people, perhaps because the meaning is, the nation which is thy chosen people. The general meaning of the whole verse is, that I may once more be recognised and treated as thy people. 6. We have sinned loith our fathers, ice have done perversely, we have done icickedly. The connection with the foregoing con- text may be made clear by supplying a few intermediate thoughts. ' True, we have no right to expect this, much less to demand it. We have not performed the condition of thy covenant ; we have not kept thy statutes or observed thy laws ; we have not kept judgment or done righteousness.' The national confession here begun is nearly co-extensive with the psalm itself. The terms of this verse are borrowed, here as well as in Dan. ix. 5, from that great model of ecclesiastical and national devotion furnished by Solomon, in his prayer at the dedication of the temple, 1 Kings PSALM CVI. 63 viii. 47. Compare Isai. lix. 12. With our fathers^ not merely like them, but as sharing their responsibility and guilt. Of the three verbs used in this confession, the first denotes failure to dis- charge one's obligations, the second wilful perversion or distor- tion, the third disorderly or turbulent transgression. See above, on Ps. i. 1. 7. Our fathers in Egypt did not understand thy wondrous works, they did not remember the ahundance of thy mercies ^ and rebelled upon the sea, at the Red Sea. The general confession in V. 6 is now followed by a more detailed acknowledgment, begin- ning with the exodus from Egypt. The wondrous works of God, the things done wonderfully by him, then and there, for the deli- verance of his people, the great body of them did not understand. Even those who referred them to their true source and author, did not fully appreciate the end for which they were performed, or enter into the majestic plan, in executing which they were per- mitted to be God's co-workers. The truth of this charge is abun- dantly established by the narrow, grovelling, selfish views and feelings so repeatedly betrayed by the generation which came out of Egypt, showing clearly that they did not practically understand God's dealings with them. This is probably the idea meant to be conveyed by the Hebrew verb, which usually means to act wisely, but is here modified by governing a noun directly. See above, on Ps. ii. 10. xiv. 2. The two-fold local designation, on the sea, at the Red Sea, was probably suggested by the parallelism in Ex XV. 4. The variation of the particle seems merely a poetical embellishment ; the difierence in meaning is no greater than in our on and at. The Sea of Sea-icecd was the name given by the Hebrews and Egyptians to that bay or gulf of the Indian Ocean, which was called the Red Sea by the Grreek geographers. 8. And he saved them for his name'^s sake, to make known hi$ might. This is an ajswer to a tacit objection, namely, that their 64 PSALM CVI. conduct had been sanctioned by God's saving them. Tiue, he did save them, because they were necessary to his purpose. He saved them not for their sake but his own, to accomplish his own ends, and exhibit his own power. 9. A'?id he rebuked the Red Sea and it dried up^ and he made them go through the deeps like the desert. This is merely a specifi- cation of the general statement in the preceding verse. The divine intervention here commemorated was the more remarkable because it took place on the very spot where they first rebelled, as mentioned in v. 7. Though they disobeyed him at the .Red Sea, he nevertheless dried the Ked Sea, i. e. as much of it as was required to furnish them a passage. Rebuked, as in Ps. civ. 7. Like the desert, as in the desert, i. c. in a level and extensive plain, without obstruction or unevenness. See my note on Isai. Ixiii. 13, where the same comparison is used. 10. And he saved them from the hand of the hater, and redeemed them from the hand of the cneviy. Both epithets are intended to apply to Pharaoh, not only as a personal oppressor of the Israel- ites, but as the representative of Egypt, all of which now feared and hated the occasion of its multiplied and aggravated sufi"erings. 11. And the vaters covered their adversaries ; not one of them was left. The Psalmist dwells upon the completeness of the overthrow and destruction experienced by Pharaoh and his host, in o^der to aggravate the previous and subsequent ingratitude of Israel, as well as to enhance the free grace of Jehovah, and the fidelity with which he executed his engagements, even to the faithless. 12. And they believe his words, they sing his praise. Then (and not till then) do they believe. This is not an encomium on their faith, but a confession of their unbelief. It was not till the pro PSALM CVl. 65 telse was fulfilled that they believed it. With tho first clause compare Ex. xiv. 31 ; with the second, Ex. xv. 1. 13. They made haste^ they forgot his deeds^ they did not wait for his counsel. Their propensity to evil was so strong, that they are said to have hastened to forget what God had done for them, which means much more than that they soon forgot it. They did not even wait for the promise to be verified by the event. The ex- pression in the first clause is borrowed from Ex. xxxii. $. The works or deeds of God are not in this case, as in Ps. ciii. 22. civ. 24, the works of nature, but the plagues of Egypt. See Deut. xi. 3, and compare Dan. ix. 4 14. And they lusted a lust in the wilderness and temjpted God in the desert. The confession now passes from their sins in Egypt to their sins in the wilderness. The strong expression in the first clause relates to their wanton craving of animal food. See Num. xi. 4, 34. With the last clause compare Ps. Ixxviii. 18. The two words for wilderness and desert are the same as those in Ps. Ixxviii. 40. See also Ps. Ixviii. 8 (7.) 15. And he gave them their request and sent (them) leanness in their soul. The last phrase is by some translated against^ by others into their soul ; but it is really a qualifying phrase, de- signed to show that the emaciation or decay which was sent upon them was not bodily but spiritual. See Num. xi. 18, and com- pare Ps. Ixxviii. 10, 18. 16. A7id they were envious at Moses in the camp^ at Aaron^ the Holy One of Jehovah. This is another of their wilderness sins. See Num. chap. xvi. Aaron is not called the Saint of the Lord in reference to his personal holiness, which does not seem to have been eminent, but his Holy (or Consecrated) One, in reference to his sacerdotal dignity. ^6 PSALM CVI. 17. (Then) opens the earth and swallowi Dathan^ and covey i over the comjpany of Ahiram. This relates to the destruction of those followers of Korah who were not Levites. See Num. xvi. 32, 33, and compare Deut. xi. 6. From the first of these passage? some interpreters supply her mouth after o'pens ; but the absolute use of the verb is perfectly consistent with our idiom. 18. A'nd a fire devours their company^ a flame consumes (those) wicked (men.) This relates to the destruction of Korah himself and his Levitical followers. See Num. xvi. 35. xxvi. 10. 19. They make a calf in Horeb, and boiv down to a molten image. This was a third sin committed in the wilderness. See Ex. xxxii. 1 — 6, and compare Ex. xxxiv. 4. The golden calf appears to have been an imperfect and diminutive copy of the bull Apis, worshipped in Egypt. 20. And exchange their glory for the likeness of an ox eating grass. This must be read in the closest connection with v. 19, in order to complete it. Their folly consisted in exchanging the true Grod, whose worship and whose favour was their highest honour, for the mere likeness of an irrational brute. Eating grasSy not in the act, but in the habit, of so doing. Although the golden calf at Horeb, and the golden calves at Dan and Beer- sheba, were all regarded as representatives of Jehovah himself, their worship was uniformly treated as idolatry, and as a virtual thouo^h not a formal or avowed renunciation of his service. Com- pare Jer. ii. 10 — 13. 21. They forgot God that saved them^ that did great (things; in Egypt. That saved, that did ; literally, saving, doing. 22. Wonderful fthings) in the land of Ham^ terrible (things) on the Red Sea. Wonderful, literally, (things J made wonderful PSALM CVI. 67 or strangely done Terrible, literally, to be dreaded. Compare ?s. cv. 23, 27. 23. And he saia he ivould destroy them — unless Moses his elect had stood in the breach hcfore, him^ to turn lack his wrath from destroying. The first and last verbs are diiferent in Hebrew, but have only one exact equivalent in English. The second clause is not a part of what Grod said, but a historical statement of what really prevented the execution of his threatening. He said he would destroy them, and he would have done so, had not Moses, etc. Moses is called the Elect or Chosen of Jehovah, as having been selected and set apart to be God's instrument in the great work of deliverance and legislation. The plural is elsewhere applied to the whole nation as the chosen people. See above, v. 5, and Ps. cv. 43. Stood in the breach is a military figure, drawn from the desperate defence of a beseiged town or fortress. Com- pare Jer. XV. i. Ez. xiii. 5. xxii. 30. The historical reference is to Ex. xxxii. 11 — 14. Deut. ix. 18, 19. To turn back his icrath is to prevent its accomplishing its object. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 38, and compare Num. xxv. 11. 24. And they rejected the 'pleasant land^ thei did not believe his word. This refers to the refusal of the people to invade the land of Canaan in the first year of their exodus from Egypt, and to their believing the report of the ten spies in preference to God himself. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 22, 32, and compare Num. xiv. 31. The land of desire^ the desired or desirable land, is a name also found in Jer. iii. 19. 25. And they murmured in their tents ; they did not hearken Id the voice of Jehovah, The form of expression in the first clause is borrowed from Deut. i. 2'^ ; in the second from Num. xiv. 22. ^.fS. And he lifted his hand to them^ to make them fall in the vAh 68 PSALM C VI. derness. The first phrase does not mean, he raised his hand against them, or to strike them, but as the ancient gesture of swearing. See Num. xiv. 28, 30. Deut. i. 34. ii. 14. The last clause contains the oath itself, or what he swore, to wit, that he would make them fall, slay them, in the wilderness. See Num. xiv. 29, 32. 27. And to vialce their seed fall in the nations^ and to scatter them in the lands. As the appointed punishment of the older generation was to die in the wilderness, so that of their descend- ants was to die in dispersion and captivity among the Gentiles. See Lev. xxvi. 33, 38, and compare Deut. xxviii. 32, 36, 64, 68. The recollection of this threatening must have been peculiarly afiecting to the Jews in Babylon. 28. And they joined themselves to Baal Peor^ and ate the sacri- fices of the dead. He now adds a sin committed near the end of the long error, and on the very borders of the Promised Land. The first verb is properly passive, they were joined., but this of course does not mean by others but themselves, and thus the simple passive comes to have a reflexive meaning. Baal Peer is the name given to Baal, or the supreme God of the Tyrians and Moabites, as he was worshipped, with licentious rites, at Peor, a mountain in the land of Moab. See Num. xxv. 1 — 3. The dead., not dead men, in allusion to necromantic superstitions^ but the dumb or lifeless gods whom they worshipped. See below, on Ps. cxv. 4 — 7, and compare 1 Cor. xii. 2. 29. And they provoked him by their crinces, and the plague broke out among them. The first verb means to excite both grief and indignation. Compare the use of the cognate noun in Ps. vi. 8 (7), and of the verb itself in Ps. Ixxviii. 58. The word trans- lated plague., like its English equivalent, has both a generic and specific meaning ; that of a divine stroke or infliction in general. PSALM CVI. 69 and that of a pestilential disease in particular. See Num. xxv. 18,.19. 30. Then stood up Phinehas and judged, and (so) ivas stayed the plague. He stood (or rose) up from among the rest, pre- sented himself before the people. He judged i. e. assumed the office and discharged the duty, from which the regular official judges seemed to shrink. The verb includes the act both of pro- nouncing and of executing judgment. See the narrative in Num. ch. XXV. The form of expression in the last clause is borrowed from Num. xvii. 13 (xvi. 48.) 31. And it ivas reckoned to him for righteousness, to generation ind generation, even to eternity. The form of expression is J^or- rowed from Gren. xv. 6 ; but what is here meant is evidently not JL justifying act by which Phinehas was saved, but a praiseworthy act for which he, a justified or righteous man already, received the divine commendation and a perpetual memorial of his faith- fulness. Compare Deut. vi. 25. xxiv. 13. The particular reward promised (Num. xxv. 13), that of a perpetual priesthood, is not here mentioned, but was familiar to the mind of every Hebrew reader. 32. And they angered (him) at the ivaters of Strife, and it vient ill with Moses, on their account. See above, on Ps. Ixxxi. 8 (7) xcv. 8. xcix. 8. The Hebrew word for strife is the name given to the place, Merihah. The object of the first verb is Jehovah, as in V. 29. It went ill with Moses, or, more literally, it was bad for Moses. 33. For they resisted his spirit, and he spake uriadvisedly with his lips. His spirit may grammatically signify either that of God or that of Moses. The latest writers are in favour of the first construction, which is not without analogies in other parts of 70 PSALM CVI. Scripture (Isai. Ixiii. 10. Eph. iv. 30) , but the other secina entitled to the preference m this connection, because the first clause then contains the ground or reason of-, the other. It was because the mind of Moses was excited by their opposition, that he spake unadvisedly with his lips. The last verb is one used in the law to denote a precipitate inconsiderate engagement. Lev. v. 4. 34. They did not destroy the nations which the Lord said to them. The confession now passes from the sins of the wilderness to those of Canaan. The neglect to destroy the Canaanites com- pletely was not only a direct violation! of God's precept, but the source of nearly all the public evils that ensued. There is no need of giving to the last verb a rare and dubious sense {com- manded.) The meaning of the clause is, which Jehovah said to them (must be destroyed.) 35. And they mixed themselves witu the nations and learned their doings. The reflexive verb at the beginning indicates an active and deliberate amalgamation, as distinguished from a pas- sive and involuntary one. The nations of the Canaanites, and those which inhabited surrounding countries. The primary idea is not that of gentiles or heathen, in the religious sense. Learned their doings or practices, learned to do as they did. With the first clause compare Jos. xxiii. 12, 13. Judg. iii. 6 ; with the second, Deut. xviii. 9. xx. 18. 36. And served their idols, and they were to them for a snare. The word translated idols, by its etymological affinities, suggests the idea of vexations, pains. See above, on Ps. xvi. 4. A. snare^ i. e. a temptation to idolatry. Compare Deut. vii. 16. 37. And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to thi demons. This last is the Septuagint version and, if not directly sanctioned, is at least referred to in the New Testament (1 Cov PSALM CVI. 7i X. 20.) That the worship of idols was connected with that of fallen spirits, is neither improbable in itself nor contradictory to Scripture. According to the modern etymologists, the Hebrew word means lords or masters^ and is a poetical equivalent to Baalim, which means the same thing. Compare Deut. xxxii. 17, and the ^vqioi of 1 Cor. viii. 5. The word translated devils in Lev. 17. 7 is entirely different. 38. And they shed innocent bloody the hlood of their sons and daughters, which they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan ; and de- filed was the land ivith bloods. The first verb means to pour out and here implies a copious or abundant bloodshed, corresponding to the next verb, which is an intensive form of that used in v. 37. Blood, in the singular, is used in a physical sense ; the plural bloods in a mG?al one, always implying guilt, and especially the guilt of murder. See above, on Ps. v. 7 (6.) xxvi. 9. li. 16 (14.) Iv. 24 (23.) The first three members of the sentence have re- spect to the prohibitions in Deut. xii. 31. xviii. 10. xix. 10. With the last clause compare Num. xxxv. 33. 39. And they were polluted by their own doings, and went a whoring by their oion crimes. They defiled not only the land of promise but themselves. Or rather, this verse is explanatory of the last clause of v. 38, and shows that the pollution of the land was nothing more nor less than that of its inhabitants. The figure of spiritual whoredom or adultery is often used to signify the violation, by the chosen people, of their covenant with God. which is constantly described as a conjugal relation. See above, on Ps. xlv and compare Ps. Ixxiii. 27. This is not stated as an additional offence but as an aggravating circumstance attending the iniquities already mentioned. 40. And the anger of Jehovah was enkindled at his people, and y. abhorred his heritage. This is the strongest form in which hU 72 PSALM CVI. detestation of their sins could be expressed, but does not neces- sarily imply the abrogation of his covenant with them. The feeling described is like that of a parent towards his wicked chil- dren, or of husbands and wives, who do not cease to love each other, though grieved and indignant at each other's sins. The word heritage adds great point to the sentence. He abhorred the very people whom he had chosen to be his, not merely for a sin- gle generation, but for many. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 59, 65". 41. And he gave ihcm into the hand of nations^ and over them ruled their haters. The same nations whom they had rebelliously spared, with others of like spirit — the same nations who had led them into sin — were used as instruments of punishment. Com- pare Lev. xxvi. 17. Judges ii. 14. 42. And their enemies oppressed them, and they were bowed down under their hand. ' They not only governed them, but governed them tyrannically, so that they were not only under coercion and constraint, but humbled and degraded from the rank of an independent state to that of tributaries and bondsmen. With the terms of this verse compare Judg. i. 34. iii. 30. iv. 3. viii. 28. 43. Many times he frees them., and they resist (him) hy their counsel., and are hrought- low hy their guilt. Having given in the preceding verses a brief but lively summary of the Book of Judges, the Psalmist now passes, by an almost insensible transi- tion, to the later periods of the history, and indeed to its catas- trophe ; for the meaning of the last clause seems to be, that after all their fluctuations, they at length sink or fall into a ruinous condition, as the ultimate fruit of their rebellions. The meaning of the first clause is, that by their self-willed plans and projects they continually come into collision with the will of God, and with that great providential purpose, in promoting which it was PSALM CVI. 73 their duty, and would have been their happiness, to co-operate With the last clause compare Lev. xxvi. 39. Ezek. xxxiii. 10. 44. A7id he has looked at their distress ivhen he heard them cry The idiomatic form of the original may thus be represented by a bald translation, and he saw in the distress to them in his hearing their cry. As this follows the brief statement of their downfall, there is much probability in the opinion, that it relates to the " tokens for good," which were granted to the exiled Jews in Babylon long before their actual restoration. With the first clause compare Ex. ii. 25. iv. 31. Deut. iv. 30. Ps. xviii. 7. cii. 3. 45. And he has rememhercd for them his covenant., and repented according to the abundance of his mercy. For them, i. e. in their favour, for their benefit. It does not qualify covenant^ but re- membered. With the first clause compare Lev. xxvi. 42, 45. Ps. cv. 8, 42 ; with the second. Num. xiv. 19. Ps. v. 8 (7.) Ixix. 14 (13.) Neh. xiii. 22. The common version of the last word {mercies) rests upon the marginal or masoretic reading ; the more ancient text is mercy. 46. And has given them favour before all their captors. The literal translation of the first clause is, and has given them for mercies or compassions. This remarkable expression is borrowed from 1 Kings viii. 50 (compare 2 Chr. xxx. 9), not only here but in the history of Daniel and his fellow-captives (Dan. i. 9), which makes it not at all improbable, that what is there recorded is among the indications of returning divine favour here referred to by the Psalmist. 47. Sa.ve us, Jehovah, our God, and gather us from thenationSy to give thanks unto thy holy name, to glory in thy praise. Encour- aged by these tokens of returning favour, the church prays that the hopes thus raised may not be disappointed, but abundantly VOL. III. 4 74 PSALM CV . fulfilled in the restoration of the exiles to their own land, in return for which she indirectly engages to render praise and thanksgiving to Jehovah as her liberator. We are thus brought back to the be- ginning of the psalm, and the voice of confession is again lost in that of anticipated praise. Instead of our God^ the parallel pas- sa^^e (1 Chr. xvi. 36) has God of our Salvation. The word trans- lated glory occurs only in that passage and the one before us. It is synonymous, however, with the one used in Ps. cv. 3, and often elsewhere, both meaning properly to praise one's self. With the second clause compare Ps. xxx. 5 (4.) 48. Blessed (be) Jehovah^ God of Israel^ from eternity even to eternity. And all the people says Ame^i. Hallelujah.^ Some inter- preters regard the psalm as closing with the preceding verse, and the one before us as a doxology added to mark the conclusion cf the Fourth Book. But here, as in Ps. Ixxii. 19, it is far mortt probable that this doxology was the ©ccasion of the psalm's being reckoned as the last of a Book, notwithstanding its intimate con- nection with the one that follows. This probability is strength- ened, in the case before us, by the addition of the words, and all the people says Amen.^ which would be unmeaning, unless the doxology formed part of the psalm itself. The additional words are borrowed from Deut. xxvii. 15 — 2Q. The parallel passage (1 Chr. xvi. 36) has. And all the people said Amen and give praise (or gave praise) to Jehovah., which last words are repieser.tcd, in the verse before us, by the Hallelujah {Praise ye Jaki) PSALM evil. 75 PSALM evil. After propounding as his theme tho goodness of God in deli« vering his people, and especially in bringing them back from their dispersions, vs. 1 — 3, the Psalmist celebrates this great event, under the various figures of safe conduct throct-gh a desert and arrival in a populous city, vs. 4 — 9 ; emancipation from imprison- ment, vs. 10 — 16; recovery from deadly sickness, vs. 17 — 22; deliverance from the dangers of the sea, vs. 23 — 32 ; then de- scribes, in more direct terms, the fall of the oppressor, the restora- tion of Israel, and his happy prospects, vs. 33 — 42 ; ending, as he began, with an earnest exhortation to remember and comme- morate Jehovah's goodness, v. 43. The psalm is so constructed as to admit of being readily applied, either literally or figuratively, to various emergencies ; but its primary reference to the return from exile seems to be determined by vs. 2, 3. According to Hengstenberg's hypothesis, this psalm was added to the double trilogy by which it is preceded (Ps. 101 — 106), immediately after the return from exile, when the holy city was re-peopled, and the first harvest had been gathered, but the rebuilding of the temple had not yet begun. The whole seven then compose one series or system, intended to be used together in the public worship of the ancient church. 1 Give thanks unto Jehovah^ for he {is) good^ for unto eternity (is) his mercy. The repetition of the first words of the foregoing psalm, as the beginning of the one before us, strongly favours th» 7R PSiiLM cvir. opinion, that the latter was designed to be a kind of supplement or appendix to the former. 2. (So) say the Redeemed of Jehovah^ 'whom he has redeemed from the hand of distress (or of i'he enemy.) What they are to say is not the exhortation in the first clause, but the reason for it in the last clause, of the foregoing verse. Let them acknowledge his unceasing mercy, who have just experienced so remarkable a proof of it. The ambiguous word (^2r) should, probably be taken in the same sense which it elsewhere has throughout this psalm. See below, vs. 6, 13, 19, 2S, and compare Ps. cvi. 44. Indeed the two senses may be reconciled by simply supposing the distress to be personified. Compare the unambiguous expression in Ps. cvi. 10. The Redeemed of the Lord is a favourite expression of Isaiah (xxxv. 9, 10. Ixii. 12. Ixiii. 3.) 3. And from the lands has gathered them^ from the east and from the west^ from the north and from the sea. The Babylonish exile is continually spoken of as a dispersion, either because it is considered as including other minor deportations, or because the migration of the great mass of the people into Babylonia was un- avoidably accompanied, followed, or preceded, by a less extensive and more scattering migration of many individuals and families to other quarters. On the false assumption of a perfect parallelism as indispensable, some have supposed that sea is here put for the south. But this is not the only case in which the enumeration of the cardinal points is complete only in number. See Isai. xlix. 12, and compare Isai. xliii. 5, 6. Ivi. S. The mention of the sea in- stead of the south may perhaps have reference to the prophecy in Deut. xxviii. 68. The verse before us records the answer to the prayer in Ps. cvi. 47 and thus afibrds another indication, that the writer of the later composition had (he earlier in his eye^ and wrote with some intention to illustrate or complete it. PSALM evil. 77 4. They waifuiered in the wilderness, in a desert way ; a city of habitation found they not. Here begins the first metaphorical account of the Captivity and Restoration, in which the exiles are described as wanderers in a desert icay, i. e. as some suppose a pathless desert, which sense, however, can scarcely be extracted from the Hebrew words. Others understand the phrase to mean a way, i. e. a course, a region to be traversed, which is desert ; but this supposes way to be the subject and desert the qualifyino- term, as they would be in English, but in Hebrew the precise sense is a desert of way^ or a way-desert^ which some interpreters explain to mean a desert in reference to its ways or paths, thus arriving, by a different course, at the meaning first su2"sested namely, that of a pathless wilderness. City of habitation may mean a habitable or inhabited city in general, or a city for them to inhabit in particular. The latter is more probable, because the word translated habitation is not an abstract but a local noun, meaning the place where men sit or dwell, according to the pri mary and secondary meaning of the verbal root. See above, on Ps. i. 1. It may here be either governed by city^ as above, or in apposition with it, a city, a dwelling-'plact, i. e. a city in which they might dwell. There is obvious allusion to Jerusalem, as well as to the great Arabian wilderness, although the contrast of the city and the desert suggests the idea of suffering and relief, by a natural as well as a historical association. See Ez. xxix. 5, and compare Job xii. 24. 5. Hungry — also thirsty — their soul in them shrouds itself. This verse continues the description of the wanderers in the desert. To avoid the ambiguity of an exact version, in which hungry and thirsty might seem to agree with soul, the substantive verb may be supplied in the first clause, {they are) hungry, also thirsty. The primary sense of the reflexive verb at the end of the sentence seems to be that of covering one's self with darkness, or sinking overwhelmed beneath some great calamity. See above 78 PSALM CVII. on Ps. Ixxvii. 4 (3), and compa.re the cognate forms in Vs. Ixi. 3 (2.) Ixv. 14 (13.) cii. i. Isai. Ivii. 16. 6. And they cried to Jehovah in their distress ; from their straits he frees them. Both the nouns, according to their etymology, convey the idea of pressure, compression, painful restraint. In their distress^ literally, in the distress to them^ that which they had or suffered. See above, on Ps. cvi 44, and compare Dent. iv. 30. The change from the past tense to the future seems intended merely to describe the act denoted by the second as more recent 7. And he led thevi in a straight course^ to go to a city of habi tation. No exact version can preserve or imitate the paronomasia arisiufy from the etymological affinity of the first verb and noun, analogous to that between the English walk and to ivalk, though the Hebrew forms are only similar and not identical. The idea of physical rectitude or straightness necessarily suggests that of moral rectitude or honesty, commonly denoted by the Hebrew word. 8. Let (such) give thanks to Jehovah (for) his mercy, and his iconderful icorks to the sons of man. Some interpreters make this the close of a long sentence, beginning with v. 4, and adopt, in all the intervening verses, a relative construction, as if he had said, let such as wandered in the wilderness, whose soul fainted in them, who cried unto the Lord, whom he led etc. let such give thanks unto his name. But although this is certainly the logical connection of the passage, its involution and complexity of form are as far as possible removed from the simplicity of Hebrew syntax, which prefers a distinct enunciation of particulars to all such artificial combinations. This verse constitutes the burden or chorus of the psalm. 9. For he has satisfied :he craving soul, and the hungry soul PSALM CVII. 79 has filled with good. This is merely the conclusion of the first scene or picture, with a change of figure but a very slight one, as the want of food is one of the most painful and familiar hardships of a journey through a desert, and as such would necessarily occur to every Israelite who knew the story of the error in the wilderness. The first verb has the same sense as in Ps. civ. 13; the last noun the same sense as in Ps. ciii. 4. civ. 28. The unusual word translated cravhig is borrowed from Isai. xxix. 8. 10. Dicellmg in darkness and deathshade^ hound in affiiction and iron. Here begins the second picture which exhibits the same sufierers, no longer as wanderers in the desert, but as closely confined prisoners. The darkness primarily meant is that of the dungeon, but not without reference to the frequent use of dark- ness in general as an emblem of misery. See above, on Ps. Ixviii. 7(6.) The idea of darkness is then expressed in a still stronger form by the striking compound deathshade or shadow of death, a bold but beautiful description of the most profound obscurity. See above, on Ps. xxiii. 4. The leading words of the two clauses might, in one respect, be more exactly rendered, inhalitants of darkness., ^prisoners of affliction. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 61 There is no mixture of literal and figurative terms in the last clause, but only the addition of a specific to a general term The affliction particularly meant is that produced by iron^ i. e. chains or fetters. See above, on Ps. cv. 18, and with the verse before us compare Isai. xlii. 7. xlix. 9. Job xxxvi. 8. Luke xiii. 16. 1 1 . Because they resisted the ivords of the Mightiest., and the. counsel of the Highest contemned. This verse introduces what was wanting in the first scene, the fact that these were not inno- cent sufferers. However cruel or unjust their sufierings at the hands of men, they were but condign punishments as sent by Grod. This is a point of contact and resemblance with the preceding 80 PSALM CVII. psalm, whicli is not without importance. Resisted^ rebelled against, a favourite expression in these psalms. See above, on Ps. cv. 28. cvi. 7, 33, 43. Words or sayings, commonly applied to promises, and even here combining that idea with the sense of command, because the command which they resisted or rebelled against had reference to the plan or counsel of the Lord for the deliverance of his people. The word translated mightiest is {^^) one of the divine names, here represented by an English superlative, in order to preserve the antithesis with Most High in the other clause. 12. And he hrought down, with trouUe, their heart ; they stumbled and there was no helper. The remedial design and effect of their punishment are beautifully set forth in the first clause. The word translated trouble means originally work or labour, then the pain att-ending it or flowing from it. Stumbled may here be put for fell, or have the milder sense of tottering or stumbling, as distinguished from a total fall. JVo helper, or none helping, except God, as intimated in the next verse ; or against God, when he chose to punish them. 13. And they cried to Jehovah in their distress; out of thdr straits he saves them. An exact repetition of v. 6, except that the first verb is exchanged for a cognate one, differing only in a single letter, and the last verb for a synonym e still more familiar. As to the consecution of the tenses, see above, on v. 6. 14. He brings them 02it from darkness and deathshade, ai.d their bonds he severs. The terms used in describing the deliver^ ance are studiously made to correspond with the account of the captivity in v. 10. It is more remarkable, though possibly for- tuitous, that the words of the second clause are the same which David puts into the mouth of the revolted nations, Ps. ii. 3. The English word severs is here used instead of breaks, in order to re- present the more uncommon and poetical term used in Hebrew PSALM evil. gi 15, 16. Let (such) give thanks unto Jehovah {for) his mercy^ and his wonderful works to the sons of man, because he has troken doors of brass, and bars of iron has cut asunder. The burden m V. 15 is in all respects identical with v. 8, but the supplemen-. tary verse differs, according to the prominent figures in the two scenes or pictures. As the idea of famine was selected, in v. 9, from among the hardships of the wilderness, so here the fastenings of the prison are presented in precisely the same manner. In this striking regularity of form, combined with vividness and beauty of conception, there is evidence of art and skill as well as genius. The verb in the first clause of v. 16 is an intensive form of the verb to break, and might here be rendered shattered, shivered, or the like. The corresponding verb in the last clause is a similar in- tensive of the verb to cut. The whole verse is copied from Isai xlv. 2, where we find the promise, of which this is the fulfilment 17. Fools by their course of transgression, and by their crimes, afflict themselves. Here begins the third scene or picture, at the very opening of which the charge of folly is added to the previous one of guilt. The reflexive meaning of the verb is essential and cannot be diluted into a mere passive, without weakening the whole sentence, the very point of which consists in making them the guilty authors of their own distresses. The word for trans- gression is the one that originally means revolt from God, apostasy. See above, on Ps. xxxvi. 2 (1.) Course, literally, way or path. By, literally, /rem, as when we speak of an effect as arising or proceeding from a cause. 18. All food their soul abhors, and they draw mar to the very gates of death. This verse abruptly brings before us the same persons whom we lately beheld wandering in the desert, and then chained in a dark dungeon, now suffering from disease, such aa not only mars their pleasures, but threatens to abbreviate their lives. Compare Ps. cii. 3. Job xxxiii. 20. The expression very 4* 82 PSALM evil. gates^ in the translation of the last clause, is intended to convey the full force of the Hebrew preposition p5) which is stronger than (z^) io. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 11 (10.) With the last clause compare Ps. ix. 14. Ixxxviii. 4 (3.) Job. xxxiii. 22. Isai. xxxviii. 9 19. And they cry to Jehovah in their distress; out of their straits he saves them. See above on vs. 6, 13, with the last of which this agrees exactly. 20. Hfi sends his word and heals them, and makes them escajpe from their destructions^ i. e. those which threatened them, and from which escape appeared impossible. He sends his uwrd^ he issues his command, exerts his sovereign power and authority. The last word in the Hebrew occurs only here and once in Lamentations (iv. 20.) The modern interpreters have 'pits or graves ; but such a derivation from the verbal root is without example or analogy. See above, on Ps. xvi. 10- "With the first clause compare Ps. xxx. 3 (2.) xxxiii. 9. Isai. Ivii. 18 ; with the last Ps. ciii. 4. 21. 22. Let (such) give thanks unto Jehovah (for) his mercy and his ivonderful icorks to the sons of man ; and let them sacri- fice sacrifices of thanksgivings and recount his deeds with {joyful) singing. The freedom from technical and artificial rules of rhetoric or versification, even in those parts of the composition which exhibit most of art and skill, is peculiarly observable in this verse, where, instead of adding to the uniform chorus or refrain some particular image from the scene just closing, as in vs. 9, 16, the Psalmist continues and completes the sentence by repeat- ing the exhortation to give thanks, in another but still figurative form, derived from the musical and sacrificial customs of the temple worship. They must not only utter thanks but offer them PSALM CYir. 83 in sacrifica. They must not only offer them in sacrifice but sing them. With the first clause compare Ps. 1. 14. 23. Going down the sea in ships, doing business in the viany waters. Here again the scene is shifted, and the exiles pass before us, not as wanderers in the desert, or as captives in the dungeon, or as suffering from sickness, but as mariners eno^acred in an adventurous voyage. Descending, going down, seems to be an idiomatic phrase, borrowed from Isai. xlii. 10, and equivalent to going out to sea in English. The expression may have refer- ence to the general elevation of the land above the water (see above, on Ps. xxiv. 2), but is directly opposite to our phrase, the high seas, and to the classical usage of ascending ships, i. e. em- barking, and descending, i. e. landing. Doing business has its ordinary sense, as applied to trade or traffic. The last words may also be translated great or mighty waters ; but the usao-e of the Psalms is in favour of the version many rcaters, which more- over forms a beautiful poetical equivalent to sea or ocean. This image could not fail to suggest, however indirectly, the idea of the world with its commotions, of which the constant emblem is the sea. See above, on Ps. xlvi. 4 (3.) Ixv. 8 (7.)lxxxix. 10 (9.) xciii. 3, 4, and compare Matt. viii. 23 — 26. Mark iv. 36 — 41. Luke viii. 22—25. 24. They saw the works of Jehovah, and his wonders in the deep. The pronoun at the beginning is emphatic, (it is) they (that) see (or saw) the works of the Lord, as if others could lay claim to no such privilege or honour. Both the senses of the phrase Godh works are appropriate in this connection, his works of creation and his works of providence. The last word is another poetical equivalent io sea or ocean. See above, on Ps. Ixix. 3 (2.) 25. And he said — and there arose a stormy wind, and it lifted up his leaves. He now parenthetically specifies some of the divine 84 PSALM C VI I. works wtich he had just mentioned in the general. The form of expression at the beginning, as in all like cases, involves an allu- sion to the history of the creation, where each creative act is pre- ceded by God's saying, let it be. So here, the full sense is, and God said (let a stormy wind arise) and a stormy wind arose. See above, on Ps. xxxiii. 9. Arose^ literally, stood, stood up, as in Ps. cvi. 30. A stormy wind, literally, a wind of storm or tem- pest. Instead cf his waves we may read its waves, and refer the pronoun to the remoter antecedent (sea) in v. 23, Deep, in v. 24, is of a different gender. It is equally correct, however, and more natural, to refer it to Jehovah, as the maker of fhe sea and the ruler of its waves. Compare the expression thy ivaves and thy billows in Ps. xlii. 8. See also Isai. li. 15. Jer. xxxi. 35. 26. They rise (to) the heavens ; they sink (to) the depths; their soul with evil dissolves itself. That the verbs in the first clause relate not to the waves but to the mariners, is evident from the last clause. The words rise and sink are used instead of ascend, descend, or go up, go down, because the Hebrew verbs have no etymological affinity, nor even a single letter common to theii roots. The ellipsis of the preposition to is frequent, or rather verbs of motion in Hebrew may be construed directly with a noun, where our idiom requires the intervention of a par- ticle. Evil in the last clause may denote their evil state or painful situation, with all the circumstances comprehended in it ; or more specifically, their distress and painful feelings. Com- pare Gen. xli. 29. The reflexive form of the last verb is not essential to the meaning of the sentence, as in v. 17, and may therefore be explained as an intensive or emphatic passive, it is melted. See above, on Ps. xxii. 15 (14.) With the whole verse compare Ps. civ. 8. 27. They reel and stagger like a drunken (man), and all their wisdom is confounded. By wisdom we are here to understand PSALM CVII. 85 reason^ common sense, that which makes men rational and raises them above the brutes. This is plain from the comparison with drunkenness, the only point of which must be the loss of reason. The reeling and staggering may relate to the irregular and violent motion of a vessel in a storm, or, as the last clause does, to the mariners themselves. The last verb literally means is swallowed up, or retaining the reflexive form, still more strongly, swallows itself up. But see above, on the last word of v. 26. 28. A7id. they cried to Jehovah in their distress, and out of then straits he brings them forth. The consecution of the tenses cor- responds to the relation of the acts which they denote, as viewed by a spectator. ' Now they have cried to the Lord, and now he is bringing them forth.' The verse differs from vs. 13, 19, in the first verb, which agrees with v. 6, and in the last verb which is unlike both. 29. He stills the storm to a calm, and silent are their waves. This is an amplification of the last phrase in v. 28, and shows how it is that he brings them forth. The first verb strictly means he makes it stand, but in a sense directly opjDOsite to that of a synonymous though different verb in v. 25. Calm, literally, silence, stillness. Their waves, the waves from which they suf- fer, by which they are buffeted. Compare his waxes in v. 25. 30. And they are glad that they are quiet, and he guides them to their desired haven. The connection might be rendered clearer by translating with the English Bible, then are they glad^ etc. The last word in the verse occurs only here, and is by some translated shore, by others goal ; but it is safer to retain the old interpretation, which affords a perfectly good sense, and rests upon the joint authority of the Babbinical tradition and the Sept uagint version i6 PSALM C VII. 31, 32. Let (such) give thanks to Jehovah (for) his mercy ^ and his wonderful icorJxS to the sons of man ; a7id let them exalt him in the congregation of the people, and in the session of the ciders praise him. Here again we have a striking instance of variety combined with nniforraity. The burden or chorus, as in v. 22, is followed by a solemn exhortation to connect the required thanksgiving with the forms of public worship. But instead of the temple with its sacrifices and its chants, the reference in this case, it should seem, is to the spiritual worship of the synagogue. The word translated congregation is one constantly applied to Israel, as fietually gathered at the place of worship. See above, on Ps. xxii. 23 (22.) The word session is employed in the translation of the last clause, not for the sake of a verbal coincidence with Presbyterian institutions, a coincidence however which is not to be denied, but because it adequately represents the Hebrew (iri)2) in its double acceptation, as denoting both the act and the place of sitting, and especially of sitting together. See above, on v. 4. The elders, here as elsewhere, are the heads of tribes and families, the hereditary chiefs and representatives of Israel. 33. He turns streams into a wilderness, and springs of water to a thirsty place. As the shifting of the scene is not renewed in the remainder of the psalm, which, on the other hand, if viewed as a distinct and independent portion of the poem, mars its symmetry of structure, it seems best to regard these verses as an episode belonging to the last scene and containing the praises of the people and their elders. The figures in this verse are often used, particularly by Isaiah, to denote an entire revolution, whether physical or moral, social or political. Compare Isai. xliv. 26, 27. 1. 2. Jer. 1. 38. li. 36. It thus prepares the way for the subsequent rejoicings in the downfall of Babylon and the restoration of the exiled Jews PSALM evil. g7 34. A frvitful land to saUness^fo?- the wickedness of those dwel- ling in it. The sentence is continued from the foreo-oino- verse the nouns being governed by the verb he turns. The first phrase literally means a land of fruit. The next noun may be taken either in the abstract sense of saltness or the concrete one of a mline soil or region, and by implication barren. For., literally fro7nj as in v. 17 above. Compare the threatening in Isai. xiii. 19, and the great historical type of all such judgments, the de- struction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 35. He turns a desert to a pool of water, and a dry land into springs of water. This is the reverse of the description in v. 33 to which the terms are studiously conformed. In both cases the first verb literally means he sets or puts, and the noun translated springs means issues or places where the waters issue. Compare Isai. XXXV. 7. xli. 18. xliii. 20. 36. And has settled there famished {men), and they have estaUished a city to dwell in. There is no need of assuming, that the desert thus transformed is Palestine or Canaan. It is better to adhere to the general import of the figures, which is change for the bet- ter. Settled, literally, caused to dwell. The primary meanin^y of the last clause is that those once homeless have a home ; but there is of course a reference to the repossession and rebuildinc? of Jerusalem. The last phrase in Hebrew is the same with that translated city of habitation in v. 4. 37. And have sowed fields, and planted vineyards, and mad., fruits of increase. The form of all these verbs requires them to be understood, like those of v. 36, as referring to time actually past, from which some ha-^e inferred that the date of the psalm itself lay between the first ingathering of the fruits by the returned Jews and the founding of the temple, to which there is here no allusion. The word translated increase is applied elsewhere to 88 PSALM C VI I. the annual productions of the earth. See Lev. xxv. 16. To mafce these is to gain or acquire them by cultivation, as we speak of making money, but of raising corn. See above, on Ps. Ix. 14 (12.) 38. And he has blessed them, and they have increased greatly, and (even) their cattle he does not diminish. Increased, not in numbers merely, but in wealth, strength, and prosperity. See Deut. XXX. 16. The verb to diminish is borrowed from Lev. xxvi. 22. The negation may be understood as a mciosis^ meaning to increase or multiply. The whole of this description agrees well with the encouraging appearances, by which the Restoration was attended and immediately followed, before the colony experienced reverses or had lost the fresh impression of their recent sufferings and privations, which are mentioned in the next verse. 39. And they were diminished and hr ought low, from oppression, suffering, and grief. The only grammatical construction of the verbs is that which refers them to a former time, i. e. to the con- dition of the people under Babylonian oppression. The sense is therefore quite mistaken in the English, though correctly given in the ancient versions. The contrast is intended to enhance tho joy and thankfulness of the restored exiles. These, now so pros- perous, are the very men who lately were in abject misery. 40. Pouring contempt on princes — and he has made them wan- der in a waste (where there is) no way. From the exiles he reverts to their Deliverer, and describes him as spurning the most lordly of their persecutors — nay as making them take the place of those whom they oppressed, which idea is conveyed by the figure before used of wanderers in a pathless desert. See above, on V. 4, and compare Job. xii. 21, 24. The word for waste or void is one of those used in Gen. i. 2, to describe the original con- dition of the earth. PSALM CVIII. S9 41 . ATid has raised the poor from affliction, and made like a Jlock families. The first verb suggests the two-fold idea of elevation from a wretched state, and security from future danger. For its ordinary sense, see above, on Ps. xx. 2 (1.) xci. 14. The last clause simply means, he has increased the people who were so reduced in strength and numbers. 42. The righteous shall see and rejoice, and all iniquity stop her mouth. The righteous are the true Israel, as in Ps. xxxiii. 1. Num. xxiii. 10, Dan. xi. 17. With the last clause compare Job V. 16. Isai lii. 15. 43. Who (is) tvise and will observe these things, and attentively consider the mercies of Jehovah ? The change of number in the Hebrew does not affect the meaning. Whoever is wise will ob- serve these things, and all who are wise will consider them. With this conclusion compare Hos. xiv. 10. Isai. xlii. 23. Jer. m. 11. PSALM CYIII. 1. A Song. A Fsalm. By David. This is not an original or independent composition, but a compilation from two other psalms, which have already been explained. The introduction. vs. 2 — 6 (1 — 5) is substantially identical with Ps. Ivii. 8 — 12 (7—11) ; the body of the psalm, vs. 7—13 (6—12), with Ps. Ix. 7 — 14 (5 — 12.) The supposition of erroneous copies, or of later corruptions, is still more improbable in this case than in those of Ps. xviii, liii, Ixx. The best solution which has been 90 PSALM C VI 1 1. proposed is, that David himself combined these passages to be the basis of a trilogy (Ps. cviii — ex), adapted to the use of the church at a period posterior to the date of Ps. Ivii. and Ix. The comments here will be confined to the variations, as in Ps. liii and Ixx. 2(1.) Fixed is my heart, ok God, fixed is my heart ; I will sing and play — also my glory. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 8 (7.) The words here added, also my glory, correspond to the first clause of the next verse in that psalm, awake my glory ! 3 (2.) Awake lute and harp ! I will awaken the dawn (or morning.) See above, on Ps. Ivii. 9 (8.) The only variation is the one already mentioned, the omission here of the words awake my glory, for which the last clause of v. 2 (1) is a substitute. 4 (3.) I will thank thee among the nations, oh Jehovah, I will praise thee among the peoples. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 10 (9.) The only variation is the substitution of the name Jehovah for Adhonai, a change scarcely perceptible in the English versions. 5 (4.) For great from above the heavens (is) thy mercy, and unto the clouds thy truth. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 11 (10.) The only variation is the change of (15) ^mto into (b^^) frovi ahove^ apparently intended to suggest the idea of God's mercy as de- scending upon man. 6 (5.) Be thou high above the heavens, oh God, and above all the earth thy glory. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 12 (11.) The only variation is the introduction of the copulative and at the begin- ning of the second clause. 7 (6.) In order that thy beloved {ones) may be delivered, save with thy right hand, and hear (or answer) us. See above, on PSALM C VI II. 91 Ps. Ix. 7 (d), with which this verse agrees in all points, not ex- cepting the keri or various reading in the last word (me for us.) 8 (7.) God hath sjpolcen in his holiness (and therefore) I will triumph, I will divide Shechem, and the valley of Succoth 1 will measure. See above, on Ps. Ix. 8 (6), with which this verse agrees exactly. 9 (8.) To me (belongs) Gilead, to me Man/isseh, and Ephraim the strength of my head, Judah my lawgiver. See above, on Ps. Ix. 9 (7.) The only variation is the omission, in the verse before us, of the and after Gilead. 10 (9.) Moah {is) my wash-pot ; at Edom loill I throio my Shoe ; over Philistia will I shout aloud. See above, on Ps. Ix. 10 (8,) At the end of this verse is the most material variation in the whole psalm, which, however, is evidently not fortuitous or by a later hand, but intentional and made by the original writer. / will shout aloud, as an expression of triumph over a conquered enemy. 11 (10.) Who will bring me {to) the fortified city? Vl'Tio leads (or has led) me up to Edom ? See above on Ps. Ix. 11 (9.) The only variation is the change of one synonymous word for another, to express the idea of a fortified city. 12 (11.) (Is it) not God, who hast cast us off', and wilt not go forth with our hosts ? See above on Ps. Ix. 12 (10.) The only variation consists in the omission of the emphatic pronoun thoit, which is expressed in the parallel passage, and only implied in the one before us. Some interpreters suppose a sudden change of construction from the third to the second person. 7s it not God — (even thou who) didst cast us off, etc. 13 (12.) CHve us help from the enemy (or from distress); and 92 PSALM CI X. (the rather because) vain is the salvation of man, meaning that which he affords. See above, on Ps. Ix. 13 (11), which agrees with this exactly. 14 (13.) Ill God we will make (i. e. gain or gather) strength, and he will tread down (or tramjple on) our adversaries (perse- cutors or oppressors.) See above, on Ps. lx.^14 (12), between which and the verse before us there is not the slightest differ- ence. PSALM CIX. This psalm consists of three parts ; a complaint of slanderous and malignant enemies, vs. 1 — 5 ; a prayer for the punishment of such, vs. 6 — 20 ; and a prayer for the sufferer's own deliver- ance, with a promise of thanksgiving, vs. 21 — 31. According to the theory repeatedly referred to, this is the second psalm of a Davidic trilogy. See above, on Ps. cviii. This psalm is re- markable on two accounts ; first, as containing the most striking instances of what are called the imprecations of the psalms ; and then, as having been applied in the most explicit manner to the sufferings of our Saviour from the treachery of Judas, and to the miserable fate of the latter. These two peculiarities are perhaps more closely connected than they may at first sight seem. Per- haps the best solution of the first is that afforded by the second, or at least by the hypothesis, that the Psalmist, under the direc- tion of the Spirit, viewed the sufferings of Israel, which furnished the occasion of the psalm, as a historical type of the Messiah's sufferings from the treachery of Judas, representing that of PSALM C IX. 93 Judah, and that with this view he expresses his abhorrence of the crime, and acquiesces in the justice of its punishment, in stronger terms than would have been, or are elsewhere, employed in reference to ordinary criminals. 1. To the Chief Musician. By David. A Psalm. God of my prais^^ be not silent. The first inscription was particularly necessary here because the psalm might otherwise have seemed to be a mere expression of strong personal feeling. See above, on Ps. li. 1. God of my praise ., i. e. the object of it, whom [ delight, or am accustomed, or have cause, to praise. Be not silent means not merely do not refuse to answer , but amidst the threats and railings of my enemies, let thy voice be heard also. See above, on Ps. xxviii. 1. xxxv. 22. xxxix. 13. (12.) 2. For a wicked mouth and a mouth of deceit they have opened ; they have spoken against me with a tongue of falsehood. Com- pare Ps. xxxv. 11. Iv. 4 (3.) The subject of the first verb is his enemies, and not the nouns preceding, as the verb translated open is elsewhere always active. Against me, literally, with me, implying that they charged him falsely to his face, a circumstance remarkably fulfilled in Christ. See Matth. xxvi. 59. 3. And with words of hatred they have compassed me, and have fought against me without cause. See above, on Ps. xxxv. 20. xxxvi. 4 (3.) 4. In return for my love they are my adversaries — and I (am) prayer. The first word in Hebrew strictly means instead or in lieu, of. The unusual expression at the end can only mean, 1 am all prayer, I do nothing but pray, which some understand to sig- nify, I bear their persecution meekly and continue my devotions undisturbed by their calumnies and insults. But as the whole context is descriptive, not of the suiFerer's behaviour but of his 94 PSALM (MX. enemies', a more probable sense is, I am forced to be continual'ljr praying for protection against them and deliverance from them. 5. They lay ufon mc evil instead of good and hatred instead of lore. The first verb literally means they set or place. Instead of the good and the love which they owed me, or in return for my kindness and love to them, as in v. 4. 6. Appoint thou over him a wicked oiu^ and let an adversary stand upon his right hand. The first verb in Hebrew means to place one in authority or charge over another. See Gen. xxxix. 5. xli. 34. Num. i. 50 and compare Lev. xxvi. 16. Jer. xv. 3. Wicked one and adversary (Satan), although here used as appel- latives or common nouns, are the very terms applied, in the later scriptures, to the Evil Spirit or the Devil. See Job i. 6. ii. 1. 1 Chr. xxi. 1. Zech. iii. 1,2. In the place last cited he stands too at the right hand of the sinner to accuse him. The change of number in the verse before us might, in conformity with usage, be explained as a mere difi"erence of form, the ideal person denoted by the singular being really the type and representative of the whole class denoted by the plural. But the constancy with which the change, in this case, is adhered to, rather favours the conclusion, that a real individual is meant, to whom the Psalmist turns from the promiscuous crowd of his oppressors. For a similar transi- tion, see above, on Ps. Iv. 13 (12.) 7. When he is tried he shall go forth guilty^ and his prayer shall he for sin. The future meaning of the second verb is deter- mined by the form of the third, which is not apocopated, as in vs. 12, 13. When he is tried, literally, in his being tried. The nezt phrase simply means that he shall be condemned ; the last clause, that his very prayer for mercy shall be reckoned as a new offence, a strong description of extreme judicial rigour and inexorable justice. PSALM CI X. 95 8. Let his days he feiv — kis office let another take. The word translated ojfice is a collateral derivative of the verb at the be- ginning of V. 6, and means comraission, charge. This expression makes it still more probable that a real individual is referred to, as the possession of a charge or office could not be common to the whole class of malignant enemies. The Septuagint version is «7itorxo7TijVj oversight or supervision, corresponding exactly to the meaning of the Hebrew verb in v. 6. This translation is retained in Acts i. 20, where the verse before us is expressly quoted by Peter, as " written in the book of Psalms," and applied to the case of Judas Iscariot. 9. Let his sons he orjphans and his wife a widow. He here passes from the person of the criminal to the sufferings of those dependent on him. See Ex. xx. 5. 10. And wander — wander — let his sons and heg, and seek (their food) from (among) their ruins. The emphatic repetition of the first verb is expressed, in the English Bible, by a paraphrase, let his children he continually vagahonds. The last clause is ex- tremely graphic, representing them as creeping forth in search of food from amidst the ruins of their habitations. 11. Let a creditor entrap all he has., and strangers plunder (the fruit of) his labour. The first noun originally means a lender, but in usage has the accessory sense of a hard creditor, an extor- tioner. The verb means to lay a snare for., as in Ps. xxxviii. 13 (12.) Strangers., not his natural heirs, not members of his family. See Deut. xxv. 5. 12. Let there he no one to him extending mercy., and let there be no one showing favour to his orphans. The verb translated ex- tend literally means draw out., prolong^ and is applied to the con- tinued indulgence both of hostile and amicable feelings See 9(5 PSALM CI X. above, on Ps. xxviii. 3. xxxvi. 11 (10.) Ixxxv. 6 (5.) Showing favour, exercising mercy, as in Ps. xxxvii. 21. 13. Let his posterity he cut off; in the next generation^ hloitea nut he their name. The word for posterity strictly means futurity, after part, or latter end. See above, Ps. xxxvii. 37, 38. Cut off, literally, for cutting off. The next or after generation, as in Ps. xlviii. 14 (13.) The plural pronoun their refers to the col« lective noun posterity. 14. Let the guilt of his fathers he rememhered hy Jehovah, and hit mother^ sin not hlotted out. This is perhaps the most fearful im- precation in the psalm, as it extends the consequeaces of trans- gression, not merely to the children, who might naturally be ex- pected to partake of them, but to the parents. It is not to be forgotten, however, that in all such cases, the personal guilt of the implicated parties is presupposed, and not inferred from their connection with the principals. Rememhered hy (literally to) Jehovah, which, may possibly mean brought to his remembrance, recalled to mind by another, perhaps by the accuser before men- tioned. 15. Let them he hefore Jehovah always, and let him cut off from the earth their memory. The subject of the first clause is the guilt and sin mentioned in the verse preceding. Before Jehovah^ "in his sight, an object of attention to him. See above, Ps. xc. 8 With the last clause compare Ps. ix. 7 (6.) xxxiv. 17 (16.) 16. Because that he did not rememher to do mercy, and perse- cuted an afflicted and poor man, and one smitten in heart, to kill (him.) There is an antithesis between the rememher of this verse and the rememhered of v. 14. Though he did not remember mercy, God remembers guilt. The last phrase, to kill, denotes both the design and the extent of the malignant persecution, whicb PSALM CI X 97 was deadly or to death. The object of the persecution is the psalmist himself, or the ideal person whom he represents. See V. 22. 17. A7id he loved a curse., and it has come (u'pon) him ; and ht delighted not in Messing., and it has removed far from him. This verse contemplates the event as actually past. The optative meaning, given to the verbs in the English Bible, is as incon- sistent with the form of the original as the future meaning given in the Prayer Book and the ancient versions. 18. And he has put on cursing as his garment., and it has comt like water into his inside, and like oil into his bones. There is an obvious climax in this verse. That which is first described as the man's exterior covering, is then said to be within him, first as water, then as oil or fat, first in the vessels of his body, then in his very bones. The general idea is that the curse, which he de- nounced and endeavoured to inflict on others, has taken possession of himself, both within and without. Compare Num. v. 22, 24, 27. The first clause admits of a different construction, which would make it descriptive of the crime and not tho punishment. He put on cursing as his garment, and (now) it has come, etc. This construction introduces an antithesis, and there by adds to the point of the sentence, and is also recommended by the analogy of v. 17. 19. Let it be to him as a garment (that) he wears, and for a beU let him always gird it. This is not a mere reiteration of the figure in the first clause of v. 18, but conveys the additional idea of a habitual and constant presence. The word belt is used in tho translation of the last clause, because the Hebrew word to which it corresponds is not the usual derivative of the verb that followa^ but etymologically unconnected with it. 20. (Be) this the wages of my adversaries from Jehovah^ and VOL. III.— 5 98 PSALM CI X. of those speaking evil against my soul. The pronoun this in tho fil'st clause refers to the whole preceding series of denunciations. 1 fie word translated wages means originally work^ and secondarily the price or recompense of work or labour, and is so used in the law of Moses. See Lev. xix. 13. It is here peculiarly appropriate because it represents the misfortunes of his enemies as the direct fruit of their own misconduct. No single word in English can express this double meaning of the Hebrew. Such is their work and such their wages. The word translated adversaries is a cog- nate form to that used in v. 6, and might suggest the idea of my Satans ; but this would probably convey too much. From Je- hovah.) their reward or recompense to be expected from him, oi already bestowed by him. The description in the last clause in eludes insult, slander, and malicious plotting. 21. And thou., Jehovah., Lord., do ivith vie for thy nameh sake , because good is thy mercy, set me free. The emphatic thou at the beginning indicates a contrast between God and Lis oppressors Do with me is a common English phrase meaning deal with we, dispose of me ; but no such idiom exists in Hebrew, and the best authorities regard the construction as elliptical and make it mean, do kindness (or sheio mercy) to me. With the last clause com- pare Ps. Ixiii. 4 (3.) Ixix. 17 (16.) 22. For afflicted and poor (am) /, and 7}iy heart is wounded within me. This, though indefinite in form, is equivalent to say- ing, I am the afflicted and poor man whom the malignant adver- sary persecuted, as was said in v. 16. The word translated wounded strictly means pierced or perforated, a stronger expres- sion than the one in v. 16. With the first clause compare Ps. 3d. 18 (17.) Ixix. 30 (29.) 23. Like a shadow at its turning I am gone ; I am driven away like the locust. The first comparison is the same with that PSALM CIX. 99 in Ps. cii. 12. Our idiom enables us to imitate tlie phrase I am gonCj a passive which in Hebrew occurs only here. The other verb is rare, but its meaning is sufficiently determined by usao-e. The allusion here is to the violence with which a cloud of locusts in the east is scattered by the wind. Compare Ex. x. 19. Joel ii. 20. Nah. iii. 17. 24. My knees totter from fasting^ and my Jlesh fails from fat- Tiess. The last phrase is obscure but seems to mean from being fat J so that it is not fat ; the privative usage of the preposition being very common. The sense thus put upon the verb is justi- fied by the analogy of Isai. Iviii. 11, where an equivalent expres- sion is applied to failing waters. Some interpreters, however, insist upon retaining the strict sense both of verb and noun, and understand the clause to mean, my flesh lies or deceives the eye, by no longer appearing as it once did, or by seeming to exist when it is gone, from oil, i. e. from want of oil, because no longer taken care of and anointed. But no construction could well be more forced and far-fetched. It may also be objected that the external use of oil was to anoint the head on festive occasions, not to fatten the person or preserve the flesh. 25. And I have been a reproach to them, they see me, they shah thdr head. A reproach, an object of contempt, as in Ps. xxii. 7(6.) xxxi. 12 (11.) As to the meaning of the gesture men- tioned in the last clause, see above, on Ps. xxii. 8 (7.) 26. Help me, Jehovah, my God, save me, according to thy mercy. The renewed description of his sufi"erings, in vs. 22 — 25, is fol- lowed by a renewed petition for deliverance, corresponding to that in V. 21. According to thy mercy, i. e. in proportion to its great- ness and the freeness with which it is exercised. 27. And they shall know that this (is) thy hand ; thou, Jehovah 100 PSALM CI X. . hast done it. The optative construction, let them knew, and the Bubjunctive one, that they may know, are really involved in the more exact translation, they shall know. The subject of the verb may be men in general, or the persecuting adversaries in par- ticular, more probably the latter, because they are referred to, both before and after. This is thy hand, i. e. this deliverance is the product of thy power. Compare Ps. lix. 14 (l3.) 28. They loill curse, and thou wilt bless ; they have risen wp, and shall he shamed, and thy servant shall he glad. The first clause, expressed in our idiom, would be, they may curse hut thou wilt bless. Risen up, i. e. against me, a favourite expression in the Psalms. Shamed, in the pregnant sense of being disappointed, defeated, confounded. Thy servant, i. e. I as such, in that ca- pacity or character. 29. Clothed shall my adversaries he with confusion, and dressed, as a robe, in their shame. This is not the mere expression of a wish, like that in v. 18, which would here be out of place, but a confident anticipation, with which he concludes the psalm. Com- pare Ps. Ixxi. 13. The word translated robe denotes a garment reaching to the feet, and expresses therefore still more strongly the idea that his foes shall be completely covered with confusion 30. I will thank Jehovah greatly tvith my moiUh, and in the midst of many will I praise kim. He vows that his thanksgiving shall not be merely mental or domestic, but audible and public. With the last clause compare Ps. xxii. 23 (22.) 31. For he will stand at the right hand of a poor (man), to savi {him) from the judges of his soul. This assigns the special rea- eon of his promised praise. The verse is in strong contrast to V. 6 above, especially if Satan be there taken as a proper name The right hand here is not the place of honour but of protection. PSALM ex. 10) A poor moTij as in v. 16, means this poor man, i. e. me a poor man. Compare Ps. xxxiv. 7 (6) The last clause is correctly paraphrased in the common version, ihose that condemn his soul. PSALM ex. This is the counterpart of the Second Psalm, completing the prophetic picture of the conquering Messiah. The progressive development of the Messianic doctrine lies in this, that the King- ship of Messiah, there alleged and confirmed by a divine decree, is here assumed at the beginning, and then shown to be connected with his Priesthood, which is also solemnly proclaimed, and its perpetuity ensured by a divine oath. This constitutes the centre of the psalm, v. 4, to which all the rest is either introductory, vs. 1 — 3, or supplementary, v. 5 — 7. The repeated, explicit, and emphatic application of this psalm, in the New Testament, to Jesus Christ, is so far from being arbitrary or at variance with the obvious import of the psalm itself, that any other application is ridiculous. The chief peculiarity of form is a frequent change of person, not unlike that in Ps. xci. 1. By David. A Psalm. Thus saith Jehovah to my Lorc\ Sit thou at my right hand, uritil I make thine enemies thy foot- stool. The ascription of the psalm to David is not only uncon- tradicted by external evidence, but corroborated by the internal character of the composition, its laconic energy, its martial tone, its triumphant confidence, and its resemblance to other undis- puted psalms of David. In addition to all this, we have the authority of Christ himself, who not only speaks of it as David's, but founds an argument upon it, the whole force of which depends upon its having been composed by him. See Matt. xxii. 43 102 PSALM ex. Mark xii. 3G. Luke xx. 42, and compare Acts ii. 34. As a fur- ther confirmation of the truth of this inscription, some allege the obvious relation of this psalm to those before it, as forming with them a Davidic trilogy. See above, on Ps. cviii. 1. Thus saith Jehovah, or more exactly, a dictum (or saying) of Jehovah. For the origin and usage of this formula, used only in prophetic declarations, see above on Ps. xxxvi. 2 (1.) My Lord, i. e. David's, as our Saviour explicitly declares in the passages already cited, yet not of David mei-ely as a private person, nor even as an individual king, but as representing his own royal race and the house of Israel over which it reigned. The person thus de- scribed as the superior and sovereign of David and his house and of all Israel, could not possibly be David himself, nor any of his sons and successors except one, who, by virtue of his twofold nature, was at once his sovereign and his son. See Rom. i. 3, 4. That the Lord here meant was universally identified with the Messiah by the ancient Jews, is clear, not only from their own traditions, but from Christ's assuming this interpretation as the basis of his argument to prove the Messiah's superhuman na- ture, and from the fact that his opponents, far from questioning this fact, were unable to answer him a word, and afraid to interrogate him further (Matt. xxii. 4G.) The original form of expression, in the phrase Sit at my right hand, is the same as in Ps. cix. 31. A seat at the right hand of a king is mentioned in the Scriptures as a place of honour, not arbitrarily, but as implying a participa- tion in his power, of which the right hand is a constant symbol. See above, on Ps. xlv. 10 (9), and compare Matt. xix. 28. The sitting posture is appropriate to kings who are frequently described as sitting on their thrones. See above, on Ps. xxix. 10. In this case, however, the posture is of less moment than the position. Hence Stephen sees Christ standing at the right hand of God (Acts vii. 55, 56), and Paul simply says he is there (Rom. viii. 34.) The participation in the divine power, thus ascribed to tha Messiah, is a special and extraordinary one, having reference tt» PSALM ex. 103 the total subjugation of bis enemies. This idea is expressed bj? the figure of their being made his footstool, perhaps with allusion to the ancient practice spoken of in Josh. x. 24. This figure, itself, however, presupposes the act of sitting on a throne. It does not imply inactivity, as some suppose, or mean that Jehovah would conquer his foes for him, without any intervention of his own. The idea running through the whole psalm is, that it is in and through him that Jehovah acts for the destruction of his enemies, and that for this very end he is invested with almighty power, as denoted by his session at the right hand of God. This session is to last until the total subjugation of his enemies, that is to say, this special and extraordinary power of the Messiah is then to terminate, a representation which agrees exactly with that of Paul in 1 Cor. xv. 24 — 28, where the verse before us is dis- tinctly referred to, although not expressly quoted. It is there- fore needless, though grammatical, to give the until an in elusive meaning, namely, until then and afterwards, as in Ps. cxii. 8 below. This verse , it has been said, is more frequently quoted or referred to, in the New Testament, than any other in the Hebrew Bible. Besides the passages already cited, it lies at the foundation of all those which represent Christ as sitting at the right hand of the Father. See Matt. xxvi. 64. 1 Cor. XV. 25. Eph. i. 20—22. Phil. ii. 9—11. Heb. i. 3, 14. viii. 1. X. 12, 13. 1 Pet. iii. 22, and compare Rev. iii. 21. 2. The rod of thy strength loill Jehovah send forth from Zion , rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. The Psalmist now ad- dresses the Messiah directly. The idea latent in the figures of the first verse, namely that of power, is here expressed. The word (ntslo) translated rod never means a sceptre^ as the synony- mous term (uid) sometimes does, from which it is distinguished by Ezekiel (xix. 11), but a rod of correction and of chastisement. See Jer. xlviii. 12, and compare Isai. ix. 3 (4.) x. 5, 15, xiv. 4, 5. Ez. vii. 10, 11. It is here named as the instrument with 104 ' PSALM ex. which the foes are to be subdued. Compare Ps. ii. 9. Tliera may be an allusion to the rod of Moses. See Ex. xiv. 16, 21, and compare Isai. x. 24, 26. The rod of thy strength^ or thy rod of strength, thy strong rod, or rather the rod by nx^ans of which thine own strength is to be exerted. As this strength is not human but divine, it is said to be sent forth by Jehovah out of Zion, considered as his earthly residence, the seat of the theo- cracy. See above, on Ps. xx. 3 (2. ) The verb translated rule is not applied in usage to a peaceful reign, but to coercive or compulsory dominion over conquered enemies. See above, on Ps. xlix. 15 (14), and compare Num. xxiv. 19. The imperative here involves prediction in its strongest form. As if he had said : All is ready for the conquest ; there is no resistance ; there can be no doubt of the result ; rule, therefore, in the midst thine ene- mies, i. e. over the very enemies by whom thou art surrounded, and who threatened to dethrone thee. 3. Thy people (are) free-will-offerings in the day of thy power, in holy decorations, from the loomh of the dawn, to thee {is) the dew of thy youth. Every member of this very obscure verse has been a subject of dispute and of conflicting explanations. The com- mon version of the first words {thy people shall he willing) is en- tirely inadmissible as an exact translation, since the word trans- lated willing is a plural substantive of the feminine gender, an(? not an adjective agreeing with the masculine singular noun people. The idea, however, is the same, but expressed with far more strength and beauty. The plural noun just mentioned is the one used to denote spontaneous gifts, or freewill-offerings, under the law ^f Moses. See above, on Ps. liv. 8 (7), and compare Ex, sxv. 2. XXXV. 29. xxxvi. 3. Lev. xxii. 23. By supplying the correlative verb, which may be considered as latent in the noun, we obtain the sense, thy people (offer) voluntary gifts. But by supplying the substantive verb, which is far more natural and common, we obtain the still more striking sense, thy people are PSALM ex. lOf theiii.*®lves such gifts, i. e. they freely consecrate themselves to God. In this sense of voluntary self-dedication the reflexive form of the verbal root is used even in historical prose (1 Chr. xxix. 14, 17), especially in reference to military service (Judg. v. 2, 9. 2 Chr. xvii. 16.) The day of thy power^ the day in which it is ex- erted and displayed in the subjugation of thine enemies. The next phrase literally means, in heauties (or ornaments) of holiness j which may either have its obvious spiritual sense, as in Ps. xxix. 2, or that of holy decorations^ with allusion to the sacerdotal dress, which is expressly called garments of holiness^ Lev. xvi. 4. The last is the sense put by the modern interpreters upon the phrase, which then means that the people, when they make this solemn oftcring of themselves to God, appear clothed in sacerdotal vest- ments, as the servants of a priestly king (v. 4 below), and them- selves a "kingdom of priests" (Ex. xix. 6.) The uwmh of the dawn (or day-break) is a very strong poetical description of the origin or source of the dew which immediately follows, and the sense of which must determine that of the whole clause. The most probable opinions as to this point are the following. Some suppose the clause to be descriptive of the multitude of warriors who devote themselves to the Messiah, and who are then described as no less numerous than the drops of dew born from the womb of morning. The objection to this is, that it lays too much stress upon mere numbers, and expresses that idea by a figure neither common nor altx)gether natural. Another explanation makes the point of the comparison with dew, not numbers, but beauty, bril- liancy thus corresponding to the holy decorations of the other clause. Here again the comparison selected is by no means obvious, much less familiar. Lovely or beautiful as dew is not a combination likely to occur to the mind of any writer. In the two interpreta- tions which have now been given, youth must be taken in the sense of young men, like the Latin puhes and juventus, when ap- plied to a youthful soldiery, or made to qualify the noun before it, youthful dew, still meaning the young warriors. But of such ^06 PSALM ex. a figure there is not a trace in Hebrew usage, and in the only other place where the word (rmb']) occurs, it evidently means youth^ as a period of human life (Ecc. xi. 9, 10.) Free from all these objections is the supposition, that the clause relates not to the numbers or the beauty of Messiah's people, but to their per- petual succession, expressed by a fine poetical comparison with dew, engendered afresh daily from the womb of the morning. Youth will then have its proper sense, as denoting the perpetual youth of the Messiah, whose body is thus constantly renewed by the successive generations of his people. This construction also enables us to divide the clause more equally than in the masoretic interpunction, which, at all events, is either incorrect or rather musical than logical. 4. Sworn hath Jehovah^ and will not repent. Thou (shalt be) a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek. The declaration in the last clause of v. 3 is here repeated in another form, and with a statement of the ground or reason upon which it rests. What was there poetically represented as the perpetual youth of the Messiah is here more solemnly described as a perpetual priest- hood, indissolubly blended with a perpetual kingship, both secured by the oath of God himself. He will not repent, there is no fear or even possibility of his breaking or retracting this engagement, for such it is, and not a mere declaratory attestation of the pre- sent fact or general truth, as it mi_2;ht seem to be from the com- mon version, not only here but in Heb. v. 6. vii. 17, 21, in every ore of which places the Greek conforms exactly to the Septuagint version and the Hebrew text, the art being constantly supplied by the translators. That the clause is a promise, and as such relates directly to the future, is clear from the whole tenor of the psalm as a prophetic one, as well as from the oath, which is not used in Scrip- ture to attest mere matters of fact, but to confirm the divine promise and threatenings. The indefinite expression, a priest, is intended to describe the oflace in itself considered, without reference to PSALM ex. J07 temporary distinctions and gradations. It therefore comprehends whatever appertained to the ofl&ce of the Pligh Priest, as the head and representative of all the rest. After the order ^ i. e. accord- ing to the manner, character, or institution. It is remarkable that this phrase (like rn"l!?'2 in v. 3) is almost peculiar to this psalm and the book of Ecclesiastes, being found besides in only one place (Job v. 8.) In all the direct quotations of the verse in Hebrews, the Septuagint version of this word (rd^tj') is re- tained. But in one of the more indy-ect citations (Heb. vii. 15) another word (6//0K5r7]ra) is substituted, showing that the essen- tial idea is that of likeness or resemblance. This likeness con- sists primarily in the union of the regal and sacerdotal offices. See Gen. xiv. IS. The meaning of the verse in its original con- nection is, that this royal conqueror is also a priest, who ma,kes atonement for the sins of his people, and thus enables and dis- poses them to make the dedication of themselves described in the preceding verse. The perpetuity of this relation, and its confir- mation by the oath of God, are attendant circumstances but essential, and as such insisted on by the apostle, Heb. vii. 20 — 24. The coincidences founded on the meaning of the names Melchize- dek and Salem (Heb. vii. 2), and on the want of hierarchical succession in both cases (Heb. vii. 3), are perfectly legitimate but not essential to the understanding of the verse in its original con- nection. The inspired commentary on this sentence, which occu- pies the whole seventh chapter of Hebrews, is not intended merely to explain its meaning, but also to make use of its terms, and the associations coupled with them, as a vehicle of other kindred truths, belonging to the Christian revelation, and not necessarily suggested by the Psalm to its original readers. 6. The, Lord on thy right hand has smitten^ in the day of hii anger ^ kings. Some suppose this to be addressed to Jehovah, and the Lord to mean Messiah, on the ground that they could not each be on the right hand of the other. See above, v. 1. That they 108 PSALM ex. could be so, however, only shows that the whole description is tt figurative one, and that the principal figure has a two-fold mean- ing. On the right hand has precisely the same meaning here as in Ps. cix. 31, where it denotes the place of protection or assist- ance, the figure being probably derived from the usages of war, in which one who succours or protects another may be said to strengthen his right hand, as the member which he uses in his own defence. In one sense, therefore, the Lord is at the right hand of Jehovah ; in another sense, Jehovah is at his. This assistance, far from excluding, presupposes his own action, or ra- ther, what Jehovah is described as doing for him he does through him. See above, on v. 1. The word translated smite is very strong and has repeatedly occurred before. See above, on Ps. xviii. 39 (38.) Ixviii. 22, 24 (21, 23.) The day of Jehovah's wrath is coincident with that of the Lord's strength in v. 3. The strength of the Messiah, as a conqueror, is to be exerted in giving effect to Jehovah's wrath against his enemies. The position of the word kings at the end of the sentence, although harsh and almost ungrammatical in English, is retained in the translation for the sake of its eiOPect upon the emphasis and point of the description. The objects of Jehovah's wrath and the Messiah's strokes are not to be mere ordinary men, but kings, if they continue to oppose themselves. See above, on Ps. ii. 2, 10. The tense of the verb may be regarded as an instance of praderitum propheticum, de- scribing what is certainly to happen as already past. 6. He will judge among the nations — he has Jllled {them) with corpses — he has smitten the head over much land (or over the wide earth.) By another sudden change of form, the Messiah is again spoken of as a third person. The judgment here ascribed to him is oniy another name and figure for the conquest just described. The form of expression in the last clause is unusual and obscure. The common version makes both head and land collectives, tL heads over many countries. Some interpreters explain the second I SALM ex. 109 word in this way, but the first more strictly, as denoting a single fuler over many countries. Others invert the terms and under- stand by head the various chiefs of nations, but by tarth tho whole earth with its qualifying epithet of great or wide. Amidst these questions of construction or minute interpretation, the general idea is clear enough, to wit, that of universal conquest on the part of the Messiah, and extending to all earthly principalities and powers. 7. From the hrook in the icay he will drinky therefore will he 'aise the head. According to the masoretic interpunction, in the way does not qualify the brook but he will drink, a distinction of little exegetical importance. Unlike the foregoing verse, the one before us is perfectly clear in its particular expressions, but ob- scure in its general import and relation to the context. The most probable meaning of the first clause is, that he shall not be exhausted like those wandering in the desert (Ps. cii. 24. cvii. 4, 5) but refreshed and strengthened, with a reference, as some suppose, to the relief experienced by Samson (Judg. xv. 18, 19.) The raising of the head, in the last clause, is an obvious and in- telligible figure for exhilaration, or relief from dejection and de- pression, which is naturally indicated by the hanging of the head. The only question is whether this eflfect is here supposed to be produced in the conqueror himself or in others. In favour of the former explanation is the parallel clause, which represents him as assuaging his own thirst. In favour of the other is the analogy of Ps. iii. 4 (3) xxvii. 6, where God is said to raise the head of man. As in other doubtful cases, where the senses are not incompatible or exclusive of each other, it is safe, if not en- tirely satisfactory, to leave them side by side, the rather as the words could probably not fail to suggest both ideas tc tl^e Hebrew reader. ilO PSALM CXI. PSALM CXI. This is an alphabetical psalm, in which the Hebrew letters mark the beginning not of verses but of clauses. The first eight verses contain each two clauses ; the last two consist of three. The psalm begins with an invitation to the public praise of God, V. 1, then assigns, as the ground and object of this praiso, his dealings with his people, vs. 2 — 9, and ends with the conclusion, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, v. 10. There is nothing in the psalm itself to determine its date or its historical occasion. According to Hengstenberg, it is the first psalm of a trilogy, added to the ancient one preceding (Ps. cviii — ex.) after the return from exile. 1. Hallelujah ! I will thank Jehovah with a whole hearty in the company of the u-pright and in the congregation. The Hallelujah {praise ye Jah) marks the designation of the latter psalms for permanent use in public worship, as the inscription to the chief musician does that of the older ones. With a whole heart., or lu-ith all {my) hearty as it is fully expressed in Ps. Ixxxvi. 12. Compare Ps. cxix. 2. The word translated company means properly a circle of confidential friends. See above, on Ps. xxv. 14. Iv. 15 (14.) Ixiv. 3 (2.) Ixxxiii. 4 (3.) It is here applied to the church or chosen people, as constituting such a company or circle, in opposition to the world without. It is not therefore really distinct from the congregation mentioned in the last clause, but another name for it. The upright (or straightforivard) is a title given to the true Israel, from the days of Balaam downwards. See Num. xxiv 10. 2. Gieataretk. works of Jehovah ^ sought {according) to all PSALM CXI. Ill their desires. The common version of the last phrase, all them that have pleasure therein., supposes the text to be diflFerently pointed, as in Ps. xl. 15 (14,) Ixx. 3 (2.) The received text can only mean to (for or according to) all their wishes. The ante- cedent of the pronoun (their) seems to be the upright in v. 1. For a similar construction of the same pronoun, see below, on v. 10 The ckuse, thus construed, is obscure, but may be understood to mean, that when the works of God are sought out, investigated, or explored, their greatness fully satisfies the hopes and wishes of his people. Another possible sense is, that they are sought for, i. e. the experience or knowledge of them eagerly desired, with (literally as to) all their wishes, i. e. with avidity, or, as it is expressed in the preceding verse, with all the heart. 3. Honour and majesty (is) his work — and his righteousness standing forever. In the first clause, work is the subject of the proposition, honour and majesty the predicate. His work is honour and majesty, i. e. all that he does is noble and majestic, worthy of the great King, to whom these epithets are often ap- plied elsewhere. See above, on Ps. civ. 1. His work means specifically here what he does for the protection and deliverance of his people. In the last clause, as in many other places, this work is referred to his righteousness, not his justice, in the technical and strict sense, but his rectitude, including his fidelity to his engagements, and securing the exercise of his covenanted mercy. This seems more natural than to explain it as meaning the practical justification of his people by his providential care of them. Standing to eternity (or perpetuity), not fitful or ca- pricious, not confined or temporary, but perpetual and constant. 4. A memory has he made for his uwnderful works ; gracious and compassionate {is) Jehovah. The first clause, though no*, exactly rendered, is correctly paraphrased in the English I^ible, h. hath made his wonderful works to be rememlercd, and still 112 PSALM CXI. more freely in the Prayer Book version. The last clauso ^hows that the wonderful works of the first are not the wonders cf crea- tion, nor those of providence in general, but those wrought fo« the benefit of Israel. The terms of this clause are borrowed from Ex. xxxiv. 6. See above, on Ps. ciii. 8. 5. Prey hath he given to those fearing him ; he will remember it eternity his covenant. The first word properly denotes the food of wild beasts, and may here be either a poetical equivalent to food., 'provision., as in Prov. xxxi. 15. Mai. iii. 10, or intended to suggest the additional idea of food obtained at the expense of enemies. In either case there seems to be no reason for restrict- ing the clause to the supply of Israel in the desert, although that would necessarily occur to every reader, as the great historical example of the general fact alleged, and in the last clause repre- sented as a proof of God's fidelity to covenant engagements. 6. The poiver of his works he has declared to his people, (so as) to give to them a heritage of nations. He has shown them what powerful things he can do, by favouring them so far as to drive out nations from their seats, and make his people their successors and, as it were, their heirs. This refers to the conquest of Canaan, as the first in a long series of such dispossessions, includ- ing all the territories gained in war from the surrounding nations, till the death of David. The construction of to give as a gerund (by giving) is not a Hebrew idiom, and restricts the meaning of the clause unduly. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 18. 7. The ivor/is of his hands are truth and judgment ; sure (are) all his precepts. The second clause is not an iteration of the first, but an inference from it. If what God does himself is always done in faithfulness and justice to his people, then what he re- quires them to do must certainly be right and best, and his PSALM CXI. 112 requisitions therefore may be trusted and confided in, the true sense of the adjective or participle here employed. 8. Settled for ever and ever, done in truth and right. The subjects are the same as in v. 7, but presented in an inverse order, the first clause relating to the precepts^ the last to the works, of God. The former are settled, firmly supported, found- ed, or established, not capricious and precarious. The latter, by which they are recommended and attested (see above, on v. 9), are works of faithfulness and rectitude. The last word in He- brew is an adjective used as a neuter or abstract noun, in which respect the English right resembles it. 9. Redemption he has sent to his people ; he has ordained to eternity his covenant ; holy and fearful is his name. That this verse was intended to consist of three clauses, is clear from the fact that it contains three letters of the alphabet in regular succession. The same thing is true of the remaining verse. The first clause relates mainly, not exclusively, to the deliverance from Egypt. As in V. 5, the second clause affirms a general truth, attested and exemplified by the particular fact mentioned in the first. Fear- ful, not merely to his foes but to his people, who can never cease to worship him with holy awe. 10. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of Jehovah ; a gooa understanding (is) to all (those) doing them ; his praise endurelh forever. This is the conclusion drawn from all that goes before. Since all God's dealings with his people are in faithfulness and truth, and his commands not only are but must be right, then the firsb step in wisdom, its first principle or element, is reverence for such a Being, proved by obedience to his will. The same senti- ment occurs in Prov. i. 7. ix. 10. Job. xxviii. 28. The intimate connection of the verse, notwithstanding its proverbial or aphor- istic form, with the foregoing context, is apparent from the refer- 114 PSALM CXII. cnce of the pronoun them to the plural nouns of the preceding verses. Endureth j'orevci , literally, (is) standing to eternity. This is equivalent to saying that he will and must be praised for- ever, corresponding to the Hallelujah^ at the beginning of the psalm. PSALM CXII. Another alphabetical psalm of precisely the same character, coinciding with the one before it, even in the number of verses, and the number of clauses in each verse. This formal agreement shows the intimate connection of the two compositions, and makes it highly probable that they belong not only to the same age but to the same author, and were meant to form parts of one con- tinued series or system. This psalm begins precisely where the one before it ends, i. e. with the happiness arising from the fear of God, v. 1, the blessed effects of which are then recounted under several particulars, vs. 2 — 9, and finally contrasted with the fate of the ungodly, v. 10. 1 . Happij the man fearing Jehovah^ in his commandments de- lighting greatly. There is here not only an obvious connection with the close of the preceding psalm, but an obvious advance upon it or progression of ideas. As the fear of the Lord is there declared to be the principle of all true wisdom, so here it is de- clared to be the source of all true happiness. The second clause defines the meaning of the first by showing, that the fear there mentioned is a fear consistent with, or rather necessarily involv- ing, a complacent acquiescence in Grod's will, thus entirely exclud- PSALM CXI I. 115 ing a mere slavish dread, which is incompatible with such a disposition. 2. Mighty in the earth shall he his seed ; the race of the upright shall be blessed. The first phrase is borrowed from Gen. x. 8, and would at once suggest to every Hebrew reader the idea of a mighty man like Nimrod and the other ancient heroes. Now a promise of personal heroism is perhaps without analogy, especi- ally as given to the son, to the exclusion of the father. This anomaly can be avoided only by assuming, what is probable enough in itself, that the ideal person here described represents the chosen people, the upright of the other clause, each successive generation of whom might be expected to excel its predecessors in heroic eminence. 3. Wealth and riches (are) in his house, and his righteousness endureth forever. Not only in his dwelling but in his family, so that his wealth or prosperity might have been said to endure for- ever as well as his righteousness, i. e. his recognition and recep- tion as a righteous person, his justification. Endureth, literally, {is) standing, the same expression that is used in Ps. cxi. 3 of God himself. There is also an analogy, at least in form, between the majesty and honour of the righteous God and the wealth and riches of the righteous man. 4. There arises in the darkness light to the upright — kind and compassionate and righteous. The figure in the first clause is a natural and common one, denoting relief from deep distress. See above, on Ps. xcvii. 11. In the last clause we have another in- stance of the singular way in which terms applied to God in the preceding psalm are copied and applied to man in this. The first two epithets in this clause are employed above in Ps. cxi. 4. The principle involved may be the same as in Luke vi. 36, " be ye therefore merciful as your Father also is merciful." Compare 116 PSALM CXII. Matt. V. 48. To these two epithets is added that of righteous^ in the wide sense including both the others. The construction of the sentence is unusual and doubtful ; but most probably the sec- ond clause sustains the same relation to the other as in v. 1 , that is to say, it limits and defines the general description upright, by confining it to such as have the qualities expressed by the three adjectives that follow. The alternation of the numbers is familiar where the singular denotes an ideal individual including many real ones. 5. Happy the man showing favour and lending ; he shall sus^ tain his affairs by justice. The first word in Hebrew, which means good^ is here descriptive not of character but of condition, and denotes good fortune. It is used in the same sense by Isaiah (iii. 10) and Jeremiah (xliv. 17.) The common version {a good man) is forbidden by the Hebrew collocation. Lending^ not as a financial or commercial operation, but as an act of charity, lending to the poor. The verb in the last clause strictly means to provide for or sustain, especially with food. See above, on Ps. Iv. 23.(22.) It is here applied to the control and manage- ment of all one's interests. Affairs^ literally, words^ but in the wider sense of that which words denote, namely, things, affairs, in which sense it is sometimes applied to causes or suits at law. The last word is commonly iranslaited judgment, not in the sense of discretion, given in the English versions, but in that of practi- cal justice, righteous conduct. He shall best secure his own in- terests by treating those of others justly and generously. 6. For to eternity he shall not be moved; to the memory of eternity he shall be righteous. The for assigns the reason for his being pronounced happy. Moved, i. e. from his prosperous cou' dition, or from his position as a righteous man. The construc- tion of the last clause in the English versions (the righteous shah be in everlasting remembrance) is grammatical, and yields a goot PSALM CXII. 117 sense ; lut the latest interpreters prefer another, which makes to everlasling remembrance mean the same as to eternity. Aa long as he shall be remembered, he shall be remembered as a righteous man. This construction has the advantage of making the parallelism more exact. 7. From evil tidings he shall not fear ; fixed is his hearty trust- ing in Jehovah. The first Hebrew noun is in the singular num- ber, and is properly a participle passive meaning heard, used absolutely as a noun denoting what is heard, a rumour or report, news or tidings. The common version {he shall not be afraid of evil tidings) seems to confine the negation to the mere apprehen- •sion or anticipation of bad news, whereas the original expression comprehends, and indeed more properly denotes, being frightened when the evil tidings are heard. A fixed heart is the negation both of fickleness and cowardice. See above, on Ps. li. 12 (10.) Ivii. 8 (7.) cviii. 1. Instead of the active participle trusting j the Hebrew has the passive trusted, analogous to that in Ps ciii. 14. 8. Settled (is) his heart, he shall not fear, until he look uvon his foes (with triumph.) The first word is another expression bor- rowed from the foregoing psalm, but applied in a manner alto- gether difi"erent. See Ps. cxi. 8, where the plural of the same participle is applied to God's commandments. The construction in the last clause is the idiomatic one of the verb see with the preposition in, which usually means to see with strong emotion, and especially with joy or triumph. See above, on Ps. 1. 23. liv. 9 (7.) Until does not imply that he shall then fear, but that there will then be no occasion so to do. See above, on Ps. ex. 1. 9. lie has scattered, he has given to the poor, his righteousness endureth forever , his hor% shall be high with honour. The first 118 PSALM CXI 1 1. verb denotes profuse munificence, as in Prov. xi. 34. This is alleged not as the cause but the effect, and therefore as the evi- dence of his being righteous. The next clause is the same as the last of V. 3. With the last clause compare Ps. Ixxv. 5 (4.) Ixxxix. IS (17.) 10. The wicked shall see and fret ; his teeth he shall gnash^ and shall melt away ; the desire of the icicked shall perish. He shall see, but not with triumph or delight, like the righteous in v. 8. The word translated fret means both to grieve and be angry, and has no exact equivalent in English. See above, on Ps. vi. 8 (7.) X. 14, xxxi. 10 (9.) Gnash with his teeth, a strong expression of impotent malignity. See above, on Ps. xxxv. 16, xxxvii. 12. Melt away, literally, be melted, i. r. waste or decay. See above, on Ps. xxii. 15 (14.) Ixviii. 3 (2.) The desire of the wicked is his wish to see the righteous perish. Compare Prov. x. 24, 28. Job viii. 13, and the contrary promise to the humble, Ps. is. 19 (18.) PSALM C X I I 1 The Psalmist celebrates the majesty of God, vs. 1- krast with his gracious condescension to his suffering creatures, vs. 6 — 9. According to a Jewish usage, which appears to have existed even in the time of Christ, the six psalms beginning with this one constitute the Greater Hallel, sung at the annual festivals, especially the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. According to Hengstenberg's arrangement, this psalm closes a PSALM CXIII. 119 second trilogy, added to the Davidic one (Ps. cviii — ex) after the return from Babylon. 1. Hallelujah! Praise^ oh ye servants of Jehovah^ praise the name of Jehovah ! As the title, Servant of Jehovah^ is applied to eminent leaders of the chosen people (Ps. xviii. 1. xxxvi. 1. xc. 1. cv. 6), so the plural, Servants of Jehovah^ designates the chosen people itself. See above, Ps. xxxiv. 23 (22.) Ixix. 37 (36), and below, Ps. cxxxvi. 22, and compare Ezra v. 11. Neh. i. 10, from which last places it appears, that this was a familiar form of speech with the returned exiles. 2. Be the name of Jehovah blessed^ from now and even to eternity. In this as well as the preceding verse, the name of Jehovah in- volves the usual allusion to the manifestation of his nature in his former acts. See above, on Ps. v. 12 (11.) The wish expressed in this verse implies a perpetual continuation or renewal of the evidence already furnished. 3 From the rising of the sun even to its setting^ {to he) 'praised (is the) name of Jehovah. With the first clause compare Ps. 1. 1 . The last clause might be grammatically construed as a wish, like that in the preceding verse, praised {be the) name of Jehovah. It is more probable, however, that the passive participle (landa- tiis) was meant to have the force of a gerundive {laudaitdus.) See above, on Ps. xviii. 4 (3.) 4. High above all nations (is) Jehovah ; above the heavens (is) hts (glory.) The two clauses are declaratory of his infinite su- periority, both to the animate and inanimate creation, each beino- represented by its noblest part ; the former by mankind, and that considered not as individuals but nations ; the latter by the heavens. Thi^ is certainly more natural, and yields a better setise, than to give the preposition (b?) a difi"erent meaning in the two clauses, in the first that of above., in the second that of on^ in 120 PSALM CXIIl. which case it is necessary to explain on heaven as meaning in heaven^ just as on the earth and in the earth are convertible ex- pressions. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 6 (5.) 5 Wlio is like Jehovah, our God, the (one) dwelling high > The verb denotes not merely dwelling, but sitting enthroned, sit- ting as a king. The original construction of the last clause is peculiar, the (one) making high to sit (or dwell.) 6. The one seeing deep — in heaven and in earth. The construc- tion of the first clause is precisely the same with that of the last clause in v. .5, and must be explained in the same manner. As making high to dwell means dwelling high, so making low (or deep) to see must mean seeing deep, i. e. far below. It also fol- lows from the exact correspondence of these clauses, that the remaining words of v. 6 are to be connected with the first words of V. 5. Who is like Jehovah, our God in heaven and in earth ? The rest will then be read as a parenthesis. This con- struction is confirmed by the analogy of Deut. iii. 24. 7. Raising from the dust the poor — from the dunghill he will lift the needy. The mention of Grod's seeing far below him sug- gests the idea of his condescension to the humblest objects which he thus beholds. The word translated poor is one of wide signi- fication, meaning sometimes poor in flesh and sometimes poor in purse. See above, on Ps. xli. 2 (\.) The parallel term means foor in the strict sense, i. e. needy, destitute. Dust and dung- kill, common figures in all languages for a degraded social state. The terms are borrowed from the prayer of Hannah, 1 Sam. ii. 8. Compare Ps. xliv. 26 (25.) 8. To make him sit with nobles, with the nobles of his people, Not merely to dwell, which is too vague, but to sit with them, •a? their equal and associate. There is also a climax in the last clause PSALM CXIV. 121 He not only raises the poor to an equality with nobles in o-oneral but with the nobles of his people, i. e. with the noblest of man- kind. See again, 1 Sam. ii. 8. 9. Making the barren (one) of the house to sit a joyful mother of children. Hallelujah ! The common version {to keep house) is founded upon Ps. Ixviii. 7(6), but is here at variance both with Hebrew usage and the masoretic accents, which require (tTi?5) ^^^'^^^ and (n";sn) the house to be closely united in con- struction, as above. The form of expression is like one in Ps. Ixviii. 13 (12.) To sit might be rendered to dioell without any material change of sense ; but the former keeps up the uniformity with Vs. 5, 8, where the same Hebrew word is used. The his- torical allusion is to Hannah who, with other long childless mothers mentioned in the sacred history, was a type of the Church in its low estate, and more especially in exile. Compare Isai 'iv. 1. PSALMCXIY. As the preceding psalm encouraged the people of God, in & ime of trial, by reminding them that, although infinitely exalte d^ le condescends to notice and relieve the suflferings of his crea- tures, so the one before us is intended to produce the samr effect, by bringing to their recollection what he actually did for Israel in the period of the exodus from Egypt. By that deliver ance he acknowledged Israel as his chosen people, vs. 1, 2, and attested the acknowledgment by miracle, vs. 3, 4. Nature hox VQL. III. 6 ' 122 PSALM CXIV. self, whose course was interrupted, is appealed to as a witness, vs. 5, G, that she is subject to the God of Israel, vs. 7, 8. There is no improbability in the opinion that this psalm, with those which immediately follow, was intended to continue the series begun in the two preceding trilogies (Ps. cviii — ex, cxi — cxiii), and intended to sustain the hopes of the Jewish Church after its return from Babylon. 1 . In the coming forth of Israel from Egypt ^ of thfi house of lacoh from a people of strange language. The first phrase is not to be restricted to the very act or moment of the exodus, but comprehends the whole Mosaic period, of which this was the characteristic and critical event. The house of Jacoh is a phrase peculiarly appropriate to those who entered Egypt as a family, and left it as a nation. Of strange language is a paraphrase of one Hebrew word, apparently a participle and occurring only here ; but according to its obvious etymological affinities, it probably means stammering , and then, by an association common in an- tiquity, speaking barbarously, i. e. in a foreign language. Ah such expressions may perhaps involve an allusion to the pre- eminence of Hebrew, as the primitive and sacred language. If was no small part of the humiliation to which Israel was sub- jected in Egypt, that the people of God should sustain for ages a relation of dependence to a nation who did not even speak the sacred language, much less profess the true religion, so insepar- ably blended with it. See above, on Ps. Ixxxi. 6 (5), and com- pare my note on Isai. xxxiii. 19. 2. Judah became his sanctuary., Israel his dominion. Judah is put as an equivalent to Israel, not only because it had really be- come so when the psalm was written, but because it was destined to become so from the first. See Gen. xlix. 10. Became., liter- ally, 'Loas for., which might mean nothing more than served as or was treated as ; but this construction cf the verb to be with to or PSALM cxrv. 123 for IS the only representative in Hebrew of our -vvord ^ecomt. The sense thus obtained is entirely consistent with the callinf» of Abraham, because what is here meant is that Israel, as a na- tion, was now publicly declared to be the chosen or peculiar peo- ple, an idea expressed by the phrase his sanctuary or holy things i. e. something set apart exclusively to his use and service. The parallel word in the original is plural, dominions or domains^ in reference, as some suppose, to the plurality of tribes, but accord- ing to others, in contrast with the lordships and dominions of the world, to all which Israel is described as more than equipollent, just as the infinite superiority of the true God to all false gods is expressed or suggested by the plural name Elohim. Here, as in Ps. Ixxxvii. 1 , the pronouns are without an antecedent in the sentence. The reference to Grod is so self-evident, that the only question has respect to the unusual form, which some explain by supposing that the psalm was originally part of the preceding one, or at least designed to be always read or sung directly after it. The latest interpreters prefer the explanation, that the name of God was designedly suppressed, in order that the questions in vs. 5, 6, might appear more natural and yet more striking. 3. The sea saw and Jled — the Jordan turns hack. By oiippos- ing the conversive prefix to afiect both verbs, we may render the last also as a preterite, turned hack. The historical allusion is to Ex. xiv. 21. Josh. iii. 14 — 17. At the same time, as seas and rivers are familiar emblems of the world and its nations, the remi- niscence is adapted to suggest the hope, that other seas and other rivers may be yet controlled by the same power. Ses above, on Ps. Ixxvii. 17 (16.) xciii. 3. cvii. 23. 4. The mountains skipped like ramSj (the) hills like the young oj sheep. As the Psalmist is reciting actual events, to be used as pymbols and pledges of others, this cannot be exp.ained as a po- etical figure, but must be understood as referring to the concus- 124 PSALM CXI V. sion of Sinai, with its various peaks and neighbouring mountains Se« Ex. xix. IS. Judg. v. 4. Ps. Ixviii. 9 (8.) xcvii. 4, 5. Hab. rii. 6. Here again, the familiar use of mountains to denote statea and empires is suggestive of the same consolation as in v. 3. 6. What ailcth thee^ oh sea, thai thou Jicest — oh Jordan (ihaf) thou turnest back ? By a fine poetical apostrophe, the Psalmist, instead of simply stating the cause of these effects, puts the question to the natural objects which thus witnessed and attested the divine presence. The first phrase literally means, what (is) to thee, the nearest approach that the Semitic dialects can make to our expression, ivhat have you, which in some languages, the French for instance, is the usual equivalent to what ails you 1 6. Ye mountains, (that) ye skip like rams — ye hills, likethe young of sheep 1 The sentence is continued from the foregoing verse, being still dependent on the question there asked. In^this in- terrogation the terms of vs. 3, 4, are studiously repeated. The young of sheep, literally, sons of the flock. 7. From before the Lord trcmble^oh earth, from before the God of Jacob. As in other cases of rhetorical interrogation, the writer or speaker answers his own question. The imperative mood is here peculiarly significant, including both a recollection and prediction ; as if he had said, the earth might well tremble at the presence of the Lord, and may well tremble at it still. From before is better than at the presence of , because the very form of the expression necessarily suggests the ideas of recoil and flight. Before is itself a compound term in Hebrew, meaning to the fau of. The word translated Lord is the simple or primitive form of Adhonai, and is applied both to God «ind man, in the sense of lord or master. See Ex. xxiii. 17. Mai. iii. 1. 8. Turning the rock (into) a pool of water, the fiint to springs PSALM CXV. 125 of water. This refers to the miraculous supply of crater in tlic desert. See above, on Ps. cvii. 35, and compare Ei. xvii. 6 Num. XX. 11. Dcut. viii. 15. xxxii. 13. Isai. xli. 18 The con- nection with the preceding verse is still more marked in the original, the first words of which strictlj mean the (one) turnings etc. The reader is left to draw for himself the natural and obvious conclusion, that the God, who thus drew water from a flinty rock for the supply of Israel, can still educe the richest blessings from what seem to be the hardest and most inauspicious situations. When this thought is supplied, the psdm no longer seems unfinished or abrupt in its conclusion. PSALM C X Y . Go J is entreated by his people to vindicate not their honour but his own, vs. 1, 2, which is contrasted with the impotence of idols and their worshippers, vs. 3 — 8, and urged as a reason why his people should trust in him, for a large increase, vs. 9 — 15, and a fulfilment of his purpose to glorify himself by the praises of the living not the dead, vs. 16 — 17, in the promotion of which end the church declares her resolution to co-operate forever, v. 18. The general tenor of the psalm, thus stated, and its par- ticular contents, make it perfectly well suited to the state of things in which the series is supposed to have been written, namely, that succeeding the return from exile, but before the actual rebuilding of the temple. 1. Not unto ?/s, Jehovah., not unto us^ hut to thy name give 126 FSALM CXV. glory ^ for thy mercy ^ for thy truth. The glory meant is not that of former but of future deeds. The implied petition is, that God would interpose for the deliverance of his people, not to do them honour but to glorify himself, and especially to vindicate his mercy and fidelity, which seemed to be dishonoured by his de- sertion of the chosen people. See above, on Ps. Ixxix. 9, and compare Num. xiv. IS.Lsai. xliii. 7,25. xlviii. 9, II. Dan. ix. 18 The favour sought is the completion of the work of restoration, still imperfect, though auspiciously begun. 2. Why should the nations say^ Where now is tJidr God? Why should they have occasion so to ask f The form of expres- sion is borrowed from Ps. Ixxix. 10, with the addition of (j*5) now, which is not a particle of time, but of entreaty, or, in this con- nection, of triumphant demand. Where^ pray^ is their God? This verse is explanatory of the one before it, by showing that there really was need of something to silence the reproaches of the heathen, a description exactly corresponding to the state of the Jews at the Restoration. 3. And our God (is) in heaven; all that he fleasexl he has done. The aTul^ though foreign from our idiom, adds sensibly to the force of the expression. They ask thus, as if our God were ab- sent or had no existence ; and yet all the while our God is in heaven, in his glorious and exalted dwelling-place. Compare Ps. ii. 4. xi. 4. ciii. 19. The same phrase, but in the future tense, is used by Solomon (Ecc. viii. 3.) The same idea is expressed in other words, Gen. xviii. 14. Job. xxiii. 13. 4. Their idols {are) silver and gold, the work of the hands of man. Here begins the contrast between the true God and all others, lyieir idols., those of the Gentiles, who reproach us with the absence or indifference of our God. For the associations coupled with the wcird for idols, see above, on Ps. cvi. 38 PSALM CXV. 127 Hands of vian^ not of a vian^ but of maiiJiitid^ i. e. human hands With this whole passage compare Isai. xl. 18 — 20. xli. 7. xliv. 9 — 20. xlvi. 5 — 7. Jer. ii. 28. x. 3 — 15. 5. They have a mouth and speak not ; they have eyes and see not As the verb to have is wanting in the Hebrew and its cognate languages (see above, on Ps. cxiv. 5), it is not a literal transla- tion of the original expression, (there is) a mouth to them^ (there are) eyes to them. The futures include not only a simple affirm- ation, they speak not, they see not, but the future and potential sense, they never will or can speak or see. 6. They have ears and hear not, they have a nose and smell not. The antithesis is that expressed in Ps. xciv. 9, that God is the former of the eye and the planter of the ear in man ; much more then can he see and hear himself. 7. They have hands and feel not ; they have feet and walk not ; they do not mutter in their throat. The sameness of this long enumeration, the force of which is logical and not poetical, is partially relieved by a change in the form of the original, which cannot well be imitated in translation. Their hands, and they feel not ; their feet, and they loalk not. Some make the first words in each clause nominatives absolute ; their hands — they feel not; their feet — they walk not. But in the preceding parts of the description, the verbs relate not to the particular members, but to the whole person. It is better, therefore, to supply a verb — their hands (are there) and (yet) they feel not — their feet (are there) and (yet) they go not. The English feel is to be taken in its physical and outward sense, corresponding tc the Latin palpo, here used by the Vulgate and Jerome. A less equivocal translation would be touch. The other verb denotes all progressive movements of the body, comprehended in the English go. See above, on Ps. civ. 3. The meaning of the last clause 128 PSALM CX 7. is, that they cannot even make the faintest and most inarticulate guttural noise, like the lower animals ; much less speak as men do. See above, on Ps. xxxv. 28. Ixxi. 24. 8. Like them shall he those who make them, every one who trusts in them. The last clause forbids the application of the first to the mere artificers, as such, and fastens it on those v^ho trust in idols, whether made by them or by others for them. However formi- dable now, they shall hereafter be as powerless and senseless as the gods they worship. The translation are is contrary to Hebrew usage, which requires the present tense of the substantive verb to be suppressed. 9. Oh Israel^ trust thou in Jehovah ; their help and their shield [is) He. This is the practical application of the contrast just presented. Since idols are impotent and God almighty, it is folly to fear them or their servants ; it is worse than folly not to trust in Him. The last clause is borrowed from Ps. xxxiii. 20. After addressing Israel directly in the first clause, he resumes the third person in the second, and, as if speaking to himself, assigns the reason for the exhortation. The first clause is, as it were, uttered in a loud voice, and the second in a low one. 10. Oh house of Aaron, trust ye in Jehovah; their help and their shield {is) He. Before the exile this particular address to the priests would have been surprising. It is perfectly natural, however, after the return from Babylon, when the priests bore so large a proportion, not only to the other levites, but to the whole nation, and naturally exercised a paramount influence in its affairs. 11. Fearers of Jehovah^ trust ye in Jehovah; their Mp and their shield (is) He. He turns again to the people at large, who lire here described as fearers of Jehovah, not in reference to th^ PSALM ex V. 129 actual character of all the individual raembers, but to the high vocation of the body. See above, Ps. xxii. 24 (23.) cxi. 5. 12. Jehovah hath remcTTibtred us ; he will blesSy he ivill hless i/ie house of Israel; he toill bless the house of Aaron. The exhorta- tion to confide in God does not imply that he has yet done nothing. He has already shown his gracious recollection of us by beginning to bless us, and he will still go on to bless us ; an idea simply but beautifully expressed by the repetition of the verb, the effect of which is spoiled in the common version by needlessly supplying us 13. He will bless the fearers of Jehovah, the small with the great. There is no need of explaining the great to be the priests and the small the laity. It is much more natural to understand this as an instance of a common Hebrew idiom, which combines small and great in the sense of all., just as neither good nor evil means neither one thing nor another, i. e nothing. Compare 2 Kings xviii. 24. Jcr. xvi. 6. Rev. xiii. 16. xix. 6. 14. May Jehovah add to you, to you and to your children ! This implies a previous diminution of the people, such as really took place in the Babylonish exile. The optative meaning of the verb, both here and in Gen. xxx. 24, is clear from Dent. i. 11. 2. Sam. xxiv. 3. The Hebrew preposition strictly means wpon you, and conveys the idea of accumulation much more stronf^ly. See above, on Ps. Ixxi. 14, where we have an example of the same construction. 15. Blessed are ye of Jehovah, Maker of heaven and earth. Ye are the people blessed of old in the person of your father Abra- ham, by Melchizedek, priest of the Most High God, saying, " Blessed be Abraham of the Most High God, creator of heaven and earth," Gen. xiv. 19. Of Jehovah, literally, /o Jehovah, as an object of benediction to him. Or the Hebrew preposition, as 130 PSALM CXV. in many other cases, may be simply equivalent to our by. The creative character of God is mentioned, as ensuring his ability, DO less than his willingness, to bless his people. 16. The heavens (are) heavens fat Jehovah^ and the earth he has given to the sons of man. This verse suggests another reason why God would increase them, namely, that although he reserved heaven for himself, he designed the earth to be filled and occu- pied by man, and hence in the primeval blessing on mankind, as originally uttered, and as repeated after the flood (Gen i. 28. ix. 1), the command to increase is coupled with that to fill the earth. Now if it is not God's will that the race should be diminished and reduced to nothing, much less can such be his intention with respect to his own people. The form of expression in the first clause is unusual. The construction given in the English Bible {the heaven, even the heavens^ are the Lordh) is entirely gratuitous, the distinction of numbers (heaven, heavens), and the emphatic even, being both supplied by the translators. The Hebrew word is plural in both cases, and is indeed used only in that number. 17. (It is) not the dead (that) are to praise Jah, and not all (those) going down to silence. This may be regarded as a further reason for expecting the divine protection. God has chosen a people, from among the nations of the earth, to praise him, not when dead but living, not in the silence of the grave, but with their voices in the present life. Thus understood, the verse teaches no- thing as to the employments of the disembodied spirit, or of soul and body in the future state. All that is afi&rmed here (and per- haps in other places like it) is that the praises of the chosen people, as such, must be limited to this life. See abovti, on Ps. vi. 6 (5.) XXX. 10 (9.) Ixxxviii. 11—13 (10 — 12), and compare Isai. xxxviii. IS. Silence, a poetical description of the gravo or the unseen world, as in Ps. xciv. 17. PSALM CXVI. 131 IS. And (therefore) we will bless Jah from now even tn eferm'ty. Hallelujah ! As it is not the dead who are to do it, and as we are still preserved alive, let us answer our vocation and the very end of our existence. The insensible transition from temporal to eternal praise is altogether natural. The hallelujah refers back to the expression praise Jah (ychallelujah) in v. 17. As if he had said : let us do what the dead can not, shout Halle- lujah ! PSALM CXYI. The Church declares her resolution to praise Jehovah for the deliverance which she has experienced, vs. 1, 2, and which is then described with some particularity, vs. 3 — 10, followed by a declaration of the way in which the Church means to express her gratitude, vs. 11 — 19. The Septuarrint and Vulgate, which combine the two preceding psalms as one, divide the one before us into two, with as little reason in the one case as the other. The state of things referred to in this psalm, as one of mingled joy and grief, and its peculiarities of language, all combine to fix its date immediately after the return from Babylon. 1. I love — because Jehovah hears my voice, my supplications. The common version gives the sense correctly, but by a transpo- sition of Jehovah, avoidss the singular peculiarity of form in the original. The object of the verb J love is easily supplied from the remainder of the sentence. Compare Ps. xviii. 2 (1.) Dcut. vi. 5. Both verbs may be translated in the present, though of different tenses in the Hebrew. The preterit© form of the first 132 PSALM CX VI. (7 have loved) implies that the occasion had ah-eadj been afforded the future form of the second (he will hear)^ that it was con-« tinned and would be continued. The last word, according to ita etymology, means prayers for grace or favour. • 2. For he has inclined his car to me, and in my days I will call O.ipon him.) The original idea of the figure in the first clause seems to be that of leaning forward to catch a sound otherwise too faint to be distinctly audible. See above, on Ps. xxxi. 3 (2), and compare Ps. xvii. 6. Ixxi. 2. Ixxviii. 1. cii. 3. In my days is commonly understood to mean through all the days of my life, or as long as I live. Compare Isai. xxxix. 8, and sec above, on Ps. civ. 33. 1 will call might be understood to mean, I will still pray to him who has hitherto answered my petitions. But to call upon God is applied not only to prayer but to thanksgiving, as appears from v. 13 below, where indeed we have the execution of the purpose here avowed. 3. T/ie hands of death enclosed me, and the pangs of hell found me ; distress and grief I find. Here begins the description of the sufferings from which God had delivered him. The expres- sions are borrowed from Ps. xviii. 5, 6, (4, 5.) The twofold use of the yevh find in this verse is analogous to that of the synony- mous verbs catch and seize in English, when a man is said tc catch a disease, and the disease is said to seize the man. Com- pare Ps. -cxix. 143 with Prov. vi. 33. Hell, in the wide sense corresponding to s/ieol, the grave, death, or the state of the dead. See above, on Ps. vi. 6 (5.) 4. And on the name of Jehovah I call: ah now, Jehovah, de» liver my soul ! The future in the first clause may be strictly translated (i will call) as expressing the determination which ha formed in the midst of his distress. See above, on Ps. xviii. 5, 7 (4, 6.) Ah now corresponds exactly, both in origin and mean* PSALM CXVI. 133 mg, to the intensive particle of entreaty (ns&5 for j<::5^ from rTJ;^ and j^5)j which the common version ^a^rsi-phrtises, I beseech tkce. One of the elements of which it is compounded occurs above, Ps. cxv. 2. 5. Gracious (is) Jehovah and righteous^ and our God shoia pity. With the first clause compare Ps. cxi. 4. cxii. 4. The last word in Hebrew is the active participle of the verb to pity^ to compassionate., and is here used to denote a habit as distinguished from a momentary feeling. 6. A preserver of the simple {is) Jehovah; I was brought low, and to me he brought salvation. Here again the first word is an active participle, keeping the simple., i. e. habitually watching over them. For the meaning of the simple., see above, on Ps. xix. 8 (7.) The word brought ^ twice used in translating this verse, has nothing distinctly corresponding to it in the Hebrew, but by a fortuitous coincidence, enters into two English phrases, by which the original verbs may best be represented. The verb translated brought low means to be reduced, in person, streno-th, or circumstances. See above, on Ps. Ixxix. 8, and compare the cognate adjective in Ps. xli. 2 (1.) The other is the common Hebrew verb to save., here expressed by a circumlocution, for the purpose of retaining the original construction with the prepo- sition to., which also occurs above, Ps. Ixxii. 4. Ixxxvi. 16. 7. Retur^i., oh my soul., unto thy rest, for Jehovah hath bestowed upon thee (favour.) By calling on his soul, which had been agi- tated and alarmed, to return to its repose, he implies the cessation of the danger. Rest., literally, rests or resting-places., implying fulness or completeness of repose. See above, on Ps. xxiii. 2. For the sense and usage of (b^3) the last verb, see above, on Ps. xiii. 6 (5), and compare Ps. vii. 5 (4.) ciii, 10. The unusual grain- matieal forms in this verse are similar to those in Ps. ciii. 2, 5. 134 PSALM C XVI, 8. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, my eye from tceeping, my foot from falling. By a sudden apostrophe, God is now addressed directly. The first and last members of the sentence are borrowed from Ps. Ivi. 14 (13.) The second bears some resemblance to Ps. Ivi. 9 (8) and Jer. xxxi. 16. 9. I will walk before Jehovah in the land of life (or of the liv' ing.) This is also borrowed from Ps. Ivi. 14 (13), with the substitution of land (literally lands) for light. Compare Ps. xxvii. 13. The hope here expressed is in contrast with Ps. cxv. 17. 10. I believed, for (thus) / speak; I was afflicted greatly. I must have exercised faith, or I could not thus have spoken. The Septuagint version, retained in the New Testament (2 Cor. iv. 13), clothes the same essential meaning in a different form, I believed, therefore have I sic^'en. It was because his faith enabled him to speak, so that hii ? peaking was a proof of faith. 11. I said rt Jn j terror, All mankind {arc) false. The form of expression in tV. first clause is borrowed from Ps. xxxi. 23 (22.) But instead of being a confession of error it is here rather a profession of faith. Even in the midst of his excitement, terror, panic, he could turn away from all human aid and trust in God alone. The proposition, all mankind are false, i. e. not to be trusted or relied upon, implies as its complement or converse, therefore God alone is to be trusted. See the same contrast stated more explicitly in Ps. cxviii. 8, and compare Ps. Ixii. 9, 10 (8, 9.) cviii. 13 (12.) cxlvi. 3, 4. 12. How shall I requite to Jehovah all his bestowmenfs upon me. Between this verse and that before it, we must supply the thought that his faith was rewarded and justified by the event. This is indeed implied in the interrogation now before us. How, liter PSALM CXVI. 135 ftlly what^ i. e. {in) what (way)^ or (by) what (means) ? See Gen. xliv. 16. The unusual word hestoiomcnts is here used to repre- sent a Hebrew one occurring only here, but evidently formed from the verb (w?pa) to confer or bestow upon, employed in v. 7 above. The peculiar form both of the noun and pronoun (%'7ii^?03rii is regarded by the highest philological authorities as fixing the date of the composition after the Captivity. 13. The cup of salvations I ivill take up, and on the name of Jehovah will call. This is commonly explained by a reference to the Jewish tradition of a cup of thanksgiving which accompanied or followed the thank-offerings. But we read of no such cup in Scripture, and its origin may probably be traced to the rabbinical interpretation of this very passage. Interpreted by Scriptural analogies it simply means, I will accept the portion God allots me. For this figurative use of cup, see above, on Ps. xi. 6. xvi. 5. The plural form, salvations^ denotes fulness or complete- ness, as in Ps. xviii. 52 (51.) liii. 7 (6.) Take up^ as if from the table where the hand of God has placed it ; or lift up^ towards heaven, as a gesture of acknowledgment. 14. My vows to Jehovah will I pay — in the presence of all his people. The word now^ in the common version, misleads the English reader, who can scarcely fail to understand it as an ad- verb of time, meaning at present.^ immediately^ icithout delay^ whereas it is the particle of entreaty {^"i) used in Ps. cxv. 2, and here employed to modify the bold avowal of a purpose, by making it dependent on divine permission. As if he had said: my vows to Jehovah I will pay — let me do it in the presence CI entreat) of all his people. The same meaning is attached by some to the augmented or paragogic form of the word translated presence., and which strictly means the front or forepart. Both these peculi' arities are reckoned among the indications of a later age of Ho brew composition. 136 PSALiM CXVI. 15. Precious in the eyes of Jehovah (is) the death of his gracioui ones (or saints.) The idea and expression are borrowed from Ps. Ixxii. 14, where the same thing is said of their blood. Tho word for death has the same peculiarity of form as that for presence in v. 14, and is construed in the same way with the preposition io^ the death to his saints^ i. e. the death belonging to them, which they die. These are regarded by the critics as additional tokens of the age in which the psalm was written. The verse assigns the reason for the preceding vow, to wit, that God counts the death of his people too costly to be lightly or gratuitously suffered. 16. Ah now Jehovah — for I {am) thy servant.^ I {am) thy ser- vant, the son of thy handmaid ; thou hast loosed my bonds. The expression of entreaty at the beginning has reference to some thing not expressed, though easily supplied, namely permission thus to testify his gratitude. Ah now Lord (suffer me thus to do) for I am thy servant, etc. The additional phrase, son of thy handmaid., is much stronger than thy servant., and describes him as a home-born slave. Sec above, on Ps. ixxxvi. 16. In the last clause we have another instance of a preposition (b) in- terposed between the active verb and its object, in a way un- known to the older Hebrew. It is possible, however, to translate the words, thou hast freed {m.e) as to (i, e. fromj ?ny bonds. 17. 7^0 thee will I sacrifice a sacrifice of thanks, and on the name of Jehovah will I call. The sense is not, I will offer thanks instead of an oblation, but an oblation really expressive of thanks- giving and appointed for that purpose. IS. My vows to Jehovah will I pay in the presence (I entreat; of all his people. An exact repetition of v. 14, with all its singu* larities of form. PSALM CXVII. 127 19. In the courU of the house of Jehovah.^ in the midst of thee, Jerusalem. Hallchjah ! This verse completes the one before it, and explains the phrase, before all his jieojple. Some regard it as a proof that the psalm was composed after the actual rebuilding of the temple. But in Ezr. ii. 68. iii. 8, we find the designa- tion house of God applied to the consecrated site. The use of the word courts is still more natural, because it originally means enclos- ures, which might be and no doubt were defined, long before the temple was rebuilt. This explanation seems to be confirmed by the addition of the last clause. In the courts of the Lord's house, that is, on the consecrated spot in the midst of thee, oh Jerusalem, the Holy City. PSALM CXVII. This, which is the shortest psalm in the collection, has evi- dently no independent character or even meaning of its own, but was designed to be a chorus or doxology to a longer composition. Its position is sufficiently accounted for by the assumption, that it was primarily meant to serve the purpose just described with reference to the psalm or to the trilogy immediately preceding ; while its being separately written as an independent psalm may have arisen from the purpose to use it sometimes in a differ- ent connection, with which view it would naturally be left move- able, like the doxologies in our modern books, which may be attached to any psalm or hymn, at the discretion of the person who conducts the service. .. 1. Praise Jehovah, all ye nations ; laud him all iie peoples 138 PSALM CX VI II. The last word is a different plural form from that in Gen. xxv. 16 Num. XXV. 15, and belongs no doubt to the later Hebrew. Here, as in Ps. xlvii. 2 (l.J Ixvi. 8. xcviii. 4. the whole world is invited to praise God for his favours shown to Israel. 2. For mighty over us has Icen his mercy, and the truth of /g- k^ovah (is) to eternity. Hallelujah ! The verb at the beginning means not merely to be great, but to be strong or powerful. See above, on Ps. ciii. 11. The preposition over suggests the idea of protection, or, if translated on, that of favour descending from above. PSALM CXYIII. After an mvitation to praise God for his goodness to his people, vs. 1 — 4, the occasion of this praise is more particularly stated, namely, that he has delivered Israel from great distress, and thereby proved himself worthy of their highest confidence, vs. 5 — 14. After another statement of the favour just experienced, vs. 15 — 18, the people are described as entering the sanctuary, there to give thanks and implore the divine blessing on the enterprise in which they are engaged, vs. 19 — 29. The ideal speaker, throughout the psalm, is Israel, as the Church or chosen people. The deliverance celebrated cannot be identified with any one so naturally as with that from the Babylonish exile. Some, on account of supposed allusions to the temple as already built, refer the psalm to the times of Nehemiah. Others, with more proba- bility, though not with absolute conclusiveness, infer from the PSALM CXVIII 139 ione of livelj joy and thankfulness, pervading the whole composi- tion, that it was written and originally sung soon after the return ; and from the allusions in vs. 22, 25, that it has reference to the founding of the second temple, and is the very psalm, or one of the psalms, mentioned in the history, Ezra iii, 10, 11, where its first and last words are recited. The mention of David in that passage is accounted for by the assumption that this psalm was sung only as a part of the whole series, which opens with a Davidic trilogy, Ps. cviii — ex. 1. Give thanks unto Jehovah^ for {he is) good, for unto Uernity (is) his mercy. The opening formula is common to this psalm with Ps. cvi and cvii. Its elements are also found. comI}ined with others, in Ps. c. 4, 5. With the second member of the sentence compare Ps. xxv. 8. Ixxiii. 1. 2. Qh ttiat Israel would say — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. Thb 3rst clause of this translation is a paraphrase of the original, to which the particle of entreaty (i^:) gives a strong optative meaning. Here, as :n Ps- cxvi. 14, 18, the common version (now) is equivocal. That versioa also has hhat instead of for , in the last clause of this and the two next verses. This translation J3 perfectly grammatical, and makes the sentence more complete in itself. But besides that it breaks the studied uniformity of the context by varying the version of the particle ('^s), the depen- dence of the clause on the preceding verse, required and denoted by the use of the word for, is really essential to the writer's object. It is as if he had said: the reason for thus i"irgin^) means as far as, and implies a verb of motion^ expressed or understood. To avoid this difficulty, some of the latest writers understand the words to signify the conducting of the victim bound u.itil it reaches the altar as the place of sacrifice. Hold fast the sacrifice with cords, until it comes to the horns of the altar, poetically put for the altar itself, not only as its promi- nent or salient poinrs, but as the parts to which the blood, the essential vehicle of expiation, was applied. Thus understood the clause is .merely an invitation to fulfill the vow recorded in Ps cxvi. 14, 17, 18. 28. My God art tJiou, and I will thank thee ; my God^ I uill exalt thee. The Hebrew words for God are not the same. The second is that commonly so rendered, while the first is that used in V. 27, and denoting the divine omnipotence. 29. Give thanks unto Jehovah, for {He is) good, for unto eternity {is) his mercy. In these words we are brought back to the point from which we started, and the circle of praise returns into itself. 150 PSALM CXIX PSALM CXIX. There is no psalm in the whole collection which has more the appearance of having been exclusively designed for practical and personal improvement, without any reference to national or even to ecclesiastical relations, than the one before us, which is wholly occupied with praises of Grod's word or written revelation, as the only source of spiritual strength and comfort, and with prayers for grace to make a profitable use of it. The prominence of this one theme is sufficiently apparent from the fact, to which the Masora directs attention, that there is only one verse which docs not contain some title or description of the word of Grod. But notwithstanding this peculiar character, the position of the psalm in the collection, and especially its juxtaposition with respect to Ps. cviii — cxviii, its kindred tone of mingled gratitude and sadness, and a great variety of minor verbal correspondences, have led some of the best interpreters to look upon it as the conclusion of the whole seiies or system of psalms, supposed to have been written for the use of the returned Jews, at or near the time of the foundins: of the second temple. The opinion, held by some of the same writers, that the ideal speaker, throughout this psalm, is Israel, considered as the church or chosen people, will never commend itself as natural or likely to the mass of readers, and is scarcely consistent with such passages as vs. 63, 74, 79, and others, where the speaker expressly distinguishes himself as an individual from the body of the people. The same difficulty, in a less degree, attends the national interpretation of the psalms immediately PSALM ex IX. 151 preceding. Pei'liaps the best mode of reconciling the two views is by supposing that this psahn was intended as a manual of pious \ and instructive thoughts, designed for popular improvement and especially for that of the younger generation after the return from . exile, and that the person speaking is the individual believer, not as an isolated personality, but as a member of the general body, with which he identifies himself so far, that many expressions of the psalm are strictly applicable only to the whole as such consid- ered, while others are appropriate only to certain persons or to certain classes in the ancient Israel. To this design of popular instruction, and especially to that of constant repetition and reflection, the psalm is admirably suited by its foim and structure. The alphabetical arrangement, of which it is at once the most ex- tended and most perfect specimen, and the aphoristic character, common to all alphabetic psalms, are both adapted to assist the memory, as well as to give point to the immediate impression. It follows, of course, that the psalm was rather meant to be a store-house of materials for pious meditation than a discourse for continuous perusal. At the same time, the fact of its existence in the Psalter is presumptive proof that it was used in public worship, either as a whole, or in one or more of the twenty-two stanzas into which it is divided, corresponding to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, all the eight verses of each paragraph begin- ning with the same Hebrew letter. 1. Happy the perfect of ivay, i. e. blameless in their course of life, those walking in the laiv of Jehovah. There seems to be allusion to the precept in Lev. xviii. 4. The common version of the second Hebrew word {undefiled) is derived from the Vulgate {i?}imac2ilati)^ which is itself too confined a version of the Septuagint (dliioi/noi.) The essential idea is that of complete- ness or perfection. The form and construction of the first word are the same as in Ps. i. 1. 152 PSALM CXI X. 2. Happy the keepers of his testimonies (wbo) with a whott heart seek him. Keepers, observers, those obeying. Testimo'dies, the divine precepts, which bear witness against sin and in behalf of holiness. With all the heart, undivided affection. See above, Ps. cxi. 1, and compare 2 Kings xxiii. 3. Seek him, the know- ledge of his will and the enjoyment of his favour. 3. (Who) also do not practise wrong, (but) in his ways walk. This verse both limits and completes the one before it, by showing that no zeal in seeking God can be acceptable, if coupled with a wicked life. In his ways, not in those of his enemies, nor even in their own. 4. Thou hast covimanded thy precepts, to he kept strictly. Commanded, given them in charge, entrusted others with them. The literal meaning of the last clause is, to keep very {much), i. e. not formally or superficially, but really and thoroughly. Compare the use of ("li^^) as a noun in Deut. vi. 5. 5. Oh that my ivays ivere settled, to observe thy statutes ! The optative particle at the beginning occurs only here and, with a slight difference of pointing, 2 Kings v. 3. My ways, my cus- tomary modes of acting, my habits. Settled, fixed, confirmed, established, in opposition to capricious vacillation and unsteadi- ness. To observe, to watch, for the purpose of obeying. The word translated statutes, according to its etymology, means definite and permanent enactments. 6 Then shall I not he shamed, in my looking unto all thy tommandments. The then at the beginning has respect to the time mentioned in the last clause. Shamed, put to shame, defeated, frustrated, disappointed in one's highest hopes. In my looking suggests the idea both of time and of causation, when 1 look and because I look. The act itself is that of looking towards PSALM CXIX. 153 a mark to hi attained, or towards a model, rule, or standard, to bo followed and conformed to. 7. / will thank thee with rectitude of heart, in my learning the judgments of thy righteousness. It is only my experience of thy righteous judgments that enables me to praise thee as T ought ; a sentiment peculiarly appropriate to the period of some great deliverance, for instance that of the return from exile, when the righteousness of God had been so signally displayed in the destruction of his enemies, and in the fulfilment of his promise to his people Here again, in my learniiig does not mean merely after 1 have harned, but in the very act and in consequence of learning. 8. Thy statutes I will keep ; oh forsake vie not utterly. The fixed resolution to obey is intimately blended with a consciousness of incapacity to do so, unless aided by divine grace. Utterly^ unto extremity or still more literally, until very (much.) The initial words of this first stanza are all difi"erent, except that vs. 1, 2, both begio with (i^rjv) happiness or happy. 9. By iv/mt (means) can a youth cleanse his path, (so) as to keep (it) according to thy vwrd ? To cleanse is here to keep clean or pure from the stain of sin. Most interpreters regard the last clause as an answer to the question in the first. But this requires the infinitive to be construed as a gerund {hy keeping)^ a construction too rare and doubtful to be anywhere assumed without necessity. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 18. cxi. 6. It is much more simple and agreeable to usage to regard the whole as one interrogation, and the second clause as supplementary to the first. To keep may then mean to adhere to it, or rather, in accordance with the figure of the first clause, to preserve it clear or pure as Grod requires. The answer is suppressed, or rathei left to be inferred from the whole tenor of the psalm, which is, 7* j54 PS.A LM CXIX. that men, and especially the young, whose passions and tempta- tions are strong in proportion to their inexperience, can do nothing of theniselves but arc dependent on the grace of God The omission of an answer, which is thus suggested by the whole psalm, rather strengthens than impairs the impression on the reader. ] 0. With my whole heart have. I sought thee ; let me not err from thy commandments. While the first clause alleges his sincerity in seeking God, the second and third owns his depend- ence on him for success and safety. 11. In my heart have I hid thy saying^ that I may not sin against thee. The first phrase means within me., as opposed to a mere outward and corporeal possession of the written word. Not in my house, or in my hand, but in myself, my mind, with special reference, in this case, to the memory. J/zc?, not for conceal- ment, but for preservation. The word s^^^/zti^, elsewhere used to signify God's promise, here denotes his precept, as it does in v. 67 below. Against thee^ literally, as to^ with respect to thtt. See abovo, on Ps li. 6 (4. ) 12. Blessed (be) thou., Jehovah! Teach me thy statutes ! The doxology seems designed to break the uniformity of this series of aphorisms, by an occasional expression of strong feeling. At the same time, it furnishes a kind of ground for the petition in the last clause. Since thou art the blessed and eternal God, have pity on my weakness and instruct me in the knowledge of thy will. 13. With my lips have I recounted all the judgments of thy mouth. 1 have not confined the knowledge of thy precepts to my own mind, but imparted it to others. See above, on Ps. xl. 10, 11 (9, 10.) Judgments., '^udiiQml decisions, determinations as id PSALM CXIX. 155 wbat is right and binding, a description perfectly appropriate to the divine precepts. Of thy mouthy which thou hast uttered. There seems to be allusion to the phrase with my lips in the first clause. 14. In the way of thy testimonies I rejoice as over all tvealth. Not merely in the knowledge of God's will, but in the doing of it, in treading the path which he prescribes for us. Over may be simply equivalent to in, or intended to suggest the additional idea of superiority, above (or more than) all ivealth. As over^ as I do over all the wealth I have, or as I should do over all wealth if I had it. 15. In thy precepts will I meditate and look {at) thy paths. Not only of thy precepts or concerning them, but in them, while engaged in doing them. Look has the same sense as in v. 6. 16. In thy statutes I will delight myself ; I tcill not forget thy word. Delight or enjoy myself, seek my pleasure, find my hap- piness. Here ends the second stanza, in which all the verses except one (v. 12) begin not only with the same letter but the same word, the preposition (i) in. 17. G-rant to thy servant (that) I may live., and I vnll keep thy word. Grant to, bestow upon, thy servant this favour. See above, on Ps. xiii. 6 (5.) There may be an allusion to the way in which the law connects life and obedience. See Lev. xviii. 5. Deut. vi. 24. 18. Uncover my eyes and I will look — wonders out of thy laiu ! The last clause is a kind of exclamation after his eyes have been uncovered. This figure is often used to denote inspiration or a special divine communication. Out of thy laiv^ i. e. brought out to view, as if from a place of concealment. 156 PSALM CXI X. 19. A stranger {am) I in the earth; hide not from me thy commandments. A stranger, an exile, one without friends or home, a poetical description of calamity in general, not without allusion to the captivity both in Babylon and Egypt, and to the consequent mention of strangers in the Law as objects of compas- sion. The prayer in the last clause is, that God will not withhold from him the knowledge of his will. 20. My soul hreakcth with longing for thy judgments at ever'^ time. The Hebrew verb occurs only here, but its meaning i3 determined by the cognate dialects. The word translated longing belongs also to the later Hebrew. Its verbal root occurs below in vs. 40, 174. Judgments includes God's precepts mentioned in V. 19 and his penal inflictions on the wicked mentioned in v. 21. 21. Thou hast rebuked the jproud.^ the accursed.^ those wandering from thy commandments. Compare Ps. ix. 6 (5.) Rebuked, not merely by word but by deed, i. e. punished. 22. Roll from off me re-proach and contempt^ for thy testimonies I have kept. The first verse coincides in form with that at the beginning of v. 18, but is from a diflferent root. There is an obvious allusion to the rolling off of the reproach of Egypt, Josh. V. 9. 23. Also princes sat and at me talked togetlier^ and thy servant muses of l^hy statutes. This is one of the expressions in the psalm n-ot literally applicable to the individual believer, and re- garded therefore as a proof of its national design and import. The princes are then the chiefs of the surrounding nations. The also (25) seem to be inserted merely on account of the alphabet- ical arrangement which requires the letter gimel. 24. Also thy testimonies {are) my delights^ the men of wi| PSALM ex IX. ' ir7 counsel. He calls them his counsellors, in opposition to the malignant counsels of the enemy. Delights^ enjoyments, happi- ness, the plural form denoting fulness and completeness. Two of the verses in the stanza ending here begin with (ta) also^ and two with (b^), though in different senses. 25. My soul cleaveth unto the dust ; quicken thou me according to thy word. The first clause seems intended to suggest two consistent but distinct ideas, that of deep degradation, as in Ps. xliv. 26 (25), and that of death, as in Ps. xxii. 30 (29.) The first would be more obvious in itself, and in connection with the parallel referred to ; but the other seems to be indicated as the prominent idea by the correlative petition in the last clause. Quicken, i. e. save me alive, or restore me to life, the Hebrew word being a causative of the verb to live. See above, on Ps. XXX. 4 (3.) Thy loord, the promise annexed to thy command- ment, as in V. 28 below. 26. 3Iy IV ays have I recounted., and thou hast answered me y teach me thy statutes. The first clause is not to be restricted to a confession of sin, though that may be included, but ex- tended to a statement of his cares, anxieties, and aflfairs in general. Hence the correlative expression, thou hast answered me., the Hebrew verb being specially appropriated to the hear- ing or answering of prayer, i. e. granting what it asks. The lasl clause expresses a desire to testify his gratitude for God's com- passion by obeying his commandments, with the usual acknow- ledgment that these cannot bo executed without divine assistance, or even known without divine instruction. 27. The way of thy precepts make me understand., and I will muse of thy wonders. The first clause expreses the same wish^ arising from the same consciousness of weakness, as in v. 26. The verb in the last clause is one of those in the usao;e of which tue 158 PSALM CXI X. ideas of speech and meditation run continually into one another See above, on Ps. Iv. 18 (17.) Ixix. 13 (12.) Ixxiv. 4, 7 (3, 6.) cv. 2. 28. My soul weeps from sorrow ; raise me up according to thy word. The meaning of the first verb seems to be determined by Job xvi. 20, where the same thing is predicated of the eye. The oldest versions make it mean to slumber (LXX. eviKna^sv. Yulg. dormitavit)^ which would make the clause remarkably coin- cident with Luke xxii. 45. 29. The way of falsehood remove from 7?ze, and thy law grant unto me graciously. The way mentioned in the first clause is that of unfaithfulness to God's covenant, or of apostasy from it. See above, v. 21. Remove^ a causative in Hebrew, meaning make to depart. The common version of the last verb, as above given, is a correct paraphrase of the Hebrew verb {y^^) to be gracious, to act graciously, and here still more specifically, to give graciously, to bestow as a free favour. To give the law is still, as in the pre- ceding verses, to make it known by a divine illumination. 30. The limy of tiuth have I chosen ; thy judgments have I set (before me.) Truth^ in the sense of faithfulness, fidelity to ob- ligations, the opposite of the falsehood mentioned in v. 29. His own choice coincides with the divine requisitions. Judgments., as in vs. 7, 13, above. I have set., i. e. before me, as an end to be aimed at, and a rule to be followed. The Hebrew verb occurs above, Ps. xviii. 34 (33.) xxi. 6 (5.) Ixxxix. 20 (19), and the full phrase, Ps. xvi. 8. The Septuagint renders it here, I have 910 1 forgotten. 31. I have cleaved unto thy testimonies., oh .Jehovah., put me not to thame. The first verb is the same with that in v. 25. Unto literally in., as if implying a coinplet'3 absorption in the object PSALM ex IX. 159 See above, on Ps. i. 2. Testimonies^ precepts, as iu v. 2 Shame me not, suffer not my hopes to be disappointed and confounded The Hebrew verb is a causative of that in v. 6. 32. The way of thy commandmeiits will I run^fof thou wilt en- large my heart. The verb to run expresses a more zealous obedience than the usual expression walk. To enlarge is some- times to relieve from confinement. See above, on Ps. cxviii. 5. But the whole phrase, to enlarge the hearty seems, especially in this connection, to denote a change in the affections leading to m.orc prompt obedience. Of the eight verses in this stanza five begin with the noun {y^Ti) way or its plural, and two with the verb (P5^) to cleave. 33. Guide 7«c, Jehovah., (in) the way of thy statutes., and I will hec'p it (to the) end. The first verb is here used in its primary sense of showing or pointing out the way, from which is deduced the secondary one of teaching. Keep it., observe it, adhere to it, keep in it. The last word in Hebrew, which occurs above, in different senses and connections, Ps. xix. 12 (11.) xl. 16 (15.) Ixx. 4 (3), is used adverbially here and in v. 112 below. 34. Make me understand (it) a7id I will keep thy laic, and will observe it with a whole heart. The first verb is too vaguely ren- dered in the English versions (give me understanding.) It has here the same sense as in v. 27, and the object is to be supplied from the next member of the sentence. The form of the last verb is one expressing strong desire and fixed determinatirn. With a whole heart, or with all (my) heart, as in v. 2. 35. Make me tread in the path of thy cuvwiandme^its, for m it ao I delight. The first verb is the causative of that used in Ps. vii. 13 (12.) xi. 2. xxxvii. 14. xci. 13. I delight, have delighted, not at present merely but in time past. 160 PSALM C XIX. 36. Incline, my heart unto thy testimonies^ and not to gain Here again the sense of absolute dependence or divine influence is strongly implied. Testimonies^ as in v. 31. Gain^ profit, lucre, as in Ps. xxx. 10 (9), but here put for overweening love of it, supreme devotion to it. 37. Turn aioay my eyes from seeing falsehood ; in thy ways quicken me. The first verb strictly means to cause to pass (or turn) away. Falsehood is not the word so rendered in v. 29, but the neg- ative term (a^^'si) meaning vanity^ nonentity, and here applied to all objects of religious trust besides God. These the Psalmist desires not even to see, much less to gaze at with delight and confidence. See above, Ps. xxxi. 7 (6.) xl. 5 (4.) Ix. 13 (11.) Ixii. 10 (9.) Quicken me^ save me or make me alive, as in v. 25. In thy waysy by leading me in the way of thy commandments, 38. Make good to thy servant thy word which (thou hast spoken) to thy fearers. The first verb means to cause to stand, to set up, to establish, to confirm, and in this connection to ful- fill or verify. To thy servant., not merely to me., but to me who am thy servajU, in a special and emphatic sense, which is appli- cable either to the chosen people as a whole, or to its individual members. Thy word, as in vs. 25, 28. To thy fearers, liter- ally, to thy fear, the abstract being put for the concrete term ; or it mif^ht be rendered for thy fear, that thou niayest be feared. See below, on Ps. cxxx. 4. 39. Tur7i away my disgrace which I dread, for thy judgments (are) good. The first word is the same with that in v. 37, mean- ing make (or cause) to pass away. In this connection it might either mean to remove or to avert ; but the latter agrees better with the next iph.vase,iv hick I dread. The original is not the com- mon Hebrew word for fear, but one used by Mosos in precisely he same sense as here. See Deut. ix. 19. xxviii. 60, and com* PSALM ex IX. lOl pare Job ix. 2S. Thy judgments are good^ i, e. prompted and controlled by infinite goodness, and should therefore fall upon the wicked, not the righteou-s. 40. Behold^ I long for thy precepts ; in thy righteousness quicken me. The first word is equivalent to see (or thou seest) that it is so, and involves an appeal to the divine omniscience. The first verb is the root of the noun longing in v. 20. To long for God's precepts is to long for the knowledge of them and for grace to obey them. The last clause prays that since Grod's judgments are good (v. 39), instead of killing they may make alive. See above, on vs. 17, 25, 37. In the stanza closing with this verse, only one initial word is repeated, namely (I5?n) cause to pass or turn away. 41. And let thy mercies come (unto) wie, oh Jehovah, thy salva- tion, according to thy word. That the stanzas were not meant to be regarded as distinct and independent compositions, is clear from the copulative {and) at the beginning of this verse. Mercies, suited to my various necessities. Come to me, or upon me, or into me, which are the ideas commonly expressed by this verb when construed directly with a noun. See above, Ps. xxxv. 8. xxxvi. 12 (11.) c. 4. Salvation is in apposition with mercies^ being that in which all other gifts and favours are summed up and comprehended. With the last words compare v. 38 above 42. And (then) I will ansiver my reviler a word ; for I trust in thy word. The best answer to the calumnies and insults of his enemies is that afibrded by his manifest experience of God's favour, and the practical vindication thereby aiforded. The ad- dition of word, which in our idiom is superfluous, may have some reference to its use in the corresponding clause. As if he had said : only let thy word be fulfilled, and I shall have a word if Bay in answer to my enemies. 162 PSALM CXIX. 43. And take not out of my mouth (this) word of truth utterly^ for in thy judgments do I hope. Deprive me not of this conclusive answer to mj enemies, by withholding that providential vindica- tion of my character and practical attestation of thy favour to- wards me, which I confidently look for. The first verb is used in its primary sense (Gren. xxxii. 12), from which comes the usual but secondary one of snatching out of danger, extricating, saving. For the literal meaning of the Hebrew phrase translated utterly, see above, on v. 8. The last phrase in the verse means, for thy judg7?icnts I have ivaited, i. e. confidently looked for their ap- pearance. 44. And I will observe thy law always, unto eternity aTid ferpetuity. Not merely for a time, or for the purpose of securing this triumph over his enemies, but forever, to express which idea the three strongest terms afforded by the language are combined. As the keeping of the law, so often mentioned in this psalm, has evident reference to the present life, the strong promise of per- petual obedience, in the verse before us, is considered by some writers as a proof that the ideal speaker is not an individual be- liever, but the church or chosen people. 45. A7id I ivill walk in a wide place, for thy precepts have 1 sought. Free from the pressure and confinement to which he had been previously subject. See above, on Ps. cxviii. 5 Sought thy precepts, i. e. sought to know them and to do them. Compare the combination, keep and seek, in 1 Chr. xxviii. 8. 46. And I will speak of thy testimonies hefore kings and will not he ashamed. Here again some eminent interpreters have found an indication of the national design and meaning of the whole psalm, as the individual believer could not be expected to bear witness to the truth in such a presence. He might however tio so, as one of the component parts of the whole body. But PSALM ex IX. le53 the words are really expressive only of a readiness to declare the divine testimony against sin, in any presence, even the most august, if it should be necessary. This passage seems to have been present to our Saviour's mind when he uttered the predic- tion in Matt. x. IS. Ashamed has here its strict sense, as deno- ting a painful feeling of humiliation. 47. And I will delight myself in thy commandments which I love. I will not obey them merely from a selfish dread of punish- ment or painful sense of obligation, but because T love them and derive my highest happiness from doing them. See above, on Ps. xix. 12 (11.) The first verb has the same sense as in. v. 16. The past tense of the last verb {I have loved) represents his love to God's commandments as no new-born and capricious passion, but a settled habit and affection of his soul. 48. And I will raise my hands to thy commandments which I love., and I will muse of thy statutes. The raising of the hands is a symbol of the raising of the heart or the affections to some elevated object. See above, on Ps. xxviii. 2. Which I love, or have lovcd^ as in v. 47, the terms of which are studiously repeated with a fine rhetorical effect, which is further heightened by the and at the beginning, throwing both verses, as it were, into one sentence. As if he had said : I will derive my happiness from thy commandments, which I love and have loved, and to these commandments, which I love and have loved, I will lift up my hands and heart together. For the meaning of the last clause, see above, on v. 27. The connective force of the conjunction and must not be urged in this verse, as it was needed to supply the initial vau^ a letter with which scarcely any Hebrew words begin. 49. Remember (thy) word to thy servant, because thou hast made me to hope. The obvious meaning of the first olausa 164 PSALM CX IX. is, rememher the word (Rpoken) to thy servant. But Hebrew usage makes it probable, that the first and last words of the clause are to be construed together, so as to mean remember for thy servant, i. e. for his benefit, as in Ps. xcviii. 3. cvi. 45. Wo7'd is then absolutely put for promise, as in Ps. Ivi. 11 (10), and the meaning of the whole clause is, remember thy promise in compassion to thy servant. The common version of the last clause (upon which etc.) is forbidden by the facts, that the Hebrew verb is never construed elsewhere with the proposition on, and that Hebrew usage would require a difi"erent combination (Ti!:5 "I'^i^) to convey the sense supposed. That the one here used (^I2i< bs?) may mean because, is clear from Deut. xxix. 24. 2 Sam. iji. 30. The same verb that means to hope in v. 43 is used as a causative, to make hope, here and in Ezek. xiii. 6. 50. This (is) my comfort in my suffering, and thy word quickens me. The reference to continued suffering in the first clause, and to its partial cessation in the second, agrees well with the condition of the chosen people when restored from exile. The terms, however, are so chosen as to be equally appropriate to personal afflictions, restorations, and deliverances. The word for comfort occurs elsewhere only in Job vi. 10, where it has precisely the same form. Thy word includes thy decree or order and thy promise. Quickens, saves alive, or restores to life, according to the prayer in vs. 2b, 37, 40. The past tense {has quickened) implies that the conservative or restorative efiect has already been experienced, though not yet perfected. 51. Proud {ones) deride me greatly ; from thy law I swerve iwt. Both verbs are in the past tense, which would seem to indicate that the derision here complained of, although recent, had now ceased or been abated. The clause agrees well with the scorn excited in the heathen neighbours of the restored Jews by what seemed to be their mad attempt to build the temple. PSALM CXIX. 165 The omission of a connective makes the antithesis more pointed. Swerved^ declined, or turned aside. See above, on Ps. xliv. 19 (18), and compare Ps. xl. 5 (4.) The first word in the verse is one commonly applied to presumptuous high-handed sinners. See above, on Ps. xLx. 14 (13.) 52. / have rememlered thy judgments from eternity^ Jehovah^ and consoled myself. His faith and hope under present trials are sustained by recollection of the past. Thy judgments, not merely the punishments inflicted on thy enemies, but all the exhibitions of thy righteousness in outward act, including the deliverances of thy people. From eternity , or from an indefinite antiquity, which is the primary meaning of the Hebrew word. There is no reason for discarding the reflexive form of the last verb, as some versions do, especially as it suggests the idea, not of a mere passive recep- tion of the comfort, but of an active effort to obtain it. 53. Rage has seized me from wich'ed {men) abandoning thy law. No English word is strong enough to represent the first one in the Hebrew of this verse except rage or fury. See above, on Ps. xi. 6. It here denotes the highest pitch of indignant disapproval. From, i. e. arising or proceeding from, because of. Forsakirig thy law., not only refusing in practice to obey it, but avowedly abjuring its authority. 54. Songs for me have been thy statutes in the house of my sojournings. Instead of abjuring them as presumptuous sinners do, I make them the subject of my thankful and triumphant songs (Isai. xxiv. 16), even while I sojourn as a pilgrim and a stranger in a strange land. The house of my sojournings, i. e. the house where I sojourn, is an imitation of the phrase, land of sojournings, which occurs so often in the patriarchal history. See Gen. xvii. 8. xxviii. 4. xxxvi. 7. xxxvii. 1. Pilgrimage is less exact because it suggests the idea of locomotion rather than of 166 PSALM CXTX. rest. The statutes of God are thus rejoiced in, not as mere requisitions, but as necessarily including promises. 55. / remcmher in the night thy name, Jehovah^ and observe thy law. The night is mentioned as the natural and customary sea- son of reflection and self-recollection, and also as the time when pains of every kind are usually most acute. See above, on Ps. xci. 5. With this clause and the verse preceding compare Job XXXV. 10. Thy name, i. e. all that is denoted by thy names, and more especially by the one here mentioned, thy eternal self existence and thy covenant relation to thy people. 56. This has been to me, for thy precepts I have hept. The usual interpretations, this I had because I kept thy precepts, and this I have (namely) that I keep thy precepts, are almost unmeaning. When taken in connection with the one before it, the true sense of the verse appears to be, that what he was thus wont to promise or resolve, he had performed. The substantive verb is to be taken in the sense which it so often has in history. This has happened to me, come to pass, been verified in my experience. In the stanza which here ends, three verses begin with some form of the verb (^^t) to remember, and two with the pronoun (ri^"T) this. 57. My portion, oh Jehovah, I have said, (is) to keep thy words. This construction is rejected by Hengstenberg and others, as forbidden by the accents and the analogy of Ps. xvi. 5. Ixxiii. 26. But as the same words may either express the sense here given or my portion (is) Jehovah, we are at liberty to choose the one best suited to the context, even in opposition to the accents, which cannot be regarded as an ultimate authority. In favour of the sense first given is its perfect agreement with the close of the preceding stanza. In reference to the resolution there recordo(3 PSALM ex IX. 167 and described as having been fulfilled, lie here adds, thus have I said (declared my purpose) oh Lord to obey thy words. 58. I have sought thy favour with all (ray) heart ; he gracious unto, me according to thy loord. In the first clause we have a repetition of the singular and striking idiom used in Ps. xlv. 13 (12), and explained by some as meaning strictly to soothe or stroke the fac-e, and by others to soften or subdue it, i. e. the hostility or opposition expressed by it. With all (my) hearty or with a ivhole hearty as in vs. 2, 34, above. Thy word or sayings i. e. thy promise. The original expression is not ("liin) the one BO constantly employed in this psalm, but (n^?2i^) that used in vs. 10, 41, and derived from the verb (^)35^) to say. 59. / have thought on my ways, and turned hack my feet te thy testimonies. The first verb here means thought over, pondered^ as in Ps. Ixxvii. 6 (5.) 3Iy ways^ i. e., as appears from the last clause, my departures from thy testimonies or commandments See above, on vs. 2, 14, 31, 36, 46. The common version of the last verb (turned) ^ although correct, is not sufficient to convey the full force of the Hebrew word, which is a causative meaning to bring back or make to return, and implying previous departure, whereas the primitive verb t2trn carries with it no such implication. While this verse is exactly descriptive of the process of personal conviction and conversion, it is also strikingly appropriate to the eftects of the captivity on Israel, as a church and nation- 60. / hastened, and delayed not, to observe thy commandments. This continues the account of his conversion, begun in the prece- ding verse. The first clause exemplifies the idiomatic combination of a positive and negative expression of the same idea. Tho second verb is peculiarly expressive and seems to be applied, in the most ancient Hebrew books, to a trifling and unreasonable tarrying in great emergencies. See Gen xix. 16. xliii. 10. Ex. mi 168 PSALM CXIX. 39. In this respect, as well as in relation to its singular redu- plicated form, the Hebrew verb bears some analogy to certain familiar terms in English, which are colloquially used in the same manner. 61. Tht lai}ds of wicked men environed me, (but) thy law I did not forget. As descriptive of personal experience, this may be translated in the present {environ me, forget not) ; but in orde» to include a reference to the Babylonish exile, and the preserva- tion of the people from apostasy at that eventful crisis, the pre- terite forms of the original must be preserved. The figure of the first clause is borrowed from Ps. xviii. 5, 6 (4, 5), but with the substitution of a verbal form used only here, and represented by the word environed. The relation of the clauses, to denote which in English hut has been supplied, is the same as in v. 51 above. 62. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee on ("account of J the judgments of thy righteousness. The first phrase, which literally means the half (or halving) of the night, is borrowed from the history of the midnight massacre in Egypt, Ex. xi. 4. xii. 29, to which there is also a historical allusion, as a signal instance of divine interposition and miraculous deliverance. A similar allu- sion may be traced in Job xxxiv. 20. The judgments of thy righteousness^ thy judgments of righteousness, thy righteous judgments, cannot be altogether different in m*eaning from the very same words in v. 7, as supposed by some interpreters, who there explain the phrase to mean Grod's precepts or his requisi- tions, here his penal inflictions. The solution of the difficulty lies in this, that the words mean neither of these things specifically, but something which comprehends them both, viz. the actual manifestations of God's righteousness, in word or deed, by precept or by punishment. 63. A fellow (am) I to all who fear thee, and to the keepers of PSALM CXIX 16fe thy precepis. Not merely a com'panion or frequenter of theii company, but an associate, a congenial spirit, one of the same character. Compare the use of the same Hebrew word in Pa xlv. 8 (7), where the plural is translated felloics in the EnirlisL Bible. The verse before us is one of those which it seems most difficult to understand of Israel as a whole ; for in what sense was the church or chosen people a companion of those fearing God and keeping his commandments, when all the people in the world of that description were embraced within her own communion } The force of this objection is .so great that Hengstenberg applies the description to the pious ancestors of the returned Jews, and refers to Mai. iii, 24 (iv. 6.) The necessity of such a forced construction goes far to confirm the exegetical hypothesis, already stated as most probably the true one, that the psalm was intended to express the feelings of an individual believer, but that some of its terms are, from parity of circumstances, equally descriptive of what had been experienced by the house of Israel as a church and nation. 64. Of thy mercy J oh Jehovah, full is the earth; thy statutes teach me. Since thy mercy fills the whole earth, let it reach to me, enabling me to understand thy will and to obey it. The relation of the clauses is not unlike that in v. 12. The stanaa closing with this verse is the first in which the initial words of all the verses are entirely different. See above, on vs. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56. 65. Good hast thou done to thy , servant, oh Jehovah, according to thy word. The common version of the first clause [thou has^i dealt well with thy servant) is equally correct and has the advantasj^^ of retaining the preposition with, which may be used in English' after deal but not after do. The sense expressed by both trans- lations is the same, to wit, thou hast treated him graciously cr VOL. III. 8 170 PSALM CXIX. kindly. According to thy word^ i. e. the promise annexed to thy commandments, as in vs. 25, 28 (compare vs. 41, 58.) This verse is equally appropriate as a personal thanksgiving, and an acknowledgment of national deliverances, such as that from Babylon. 66. Goodness of judgment and knowledge teach me, for in thy commandments I believe. The first word in Hebrew is not (niL ) the adjective good, as in v. 65, but (i^ta) the corresponding abstract noun meaning goodness, as in Ps. xxv. 7. xxvii. 13. xxxi. 20 (19.) That it here denotes not moral but intellectual excellence, is determined by the addition of (tJ^t:) a word origi nally meaning taste, and then transferred to reason, judgment, understanding. See above, on Ps. xxxiv. 1. Teach me good ''udgment, i. e. impart it by divine instruction. Judgment and Knowledge may be here distinguished as in common parlance, the one denoting the faculty employed, the other the result of its exertion. The knowledge meant is that continually prayed for in this psalm, to wit, the knowledge of God's will. The connection of the clauses seems to be, that he has faith and would fain have knowledge ; he takes God's precepts upon trust, but then prays that he may understand them. To believe in God's command- ments is to believe that they are his, and therefore right and binding. 67. Before J suffered I (was) going astray, and now thy saying I observe. Going astray, wandering, erring, i. e. habitually, ever straying. A7Ld now (on the contrary), where our idiom would require a but. The saying of God is what he says, including both commands and promises, which indeed are represented in the Old Testament, and especially in this psalm, as inseparable. Observe, attend to, keep in view, according to the nature of the object, trusting the promise, obeying the command. The last verb strict]? means / /lave observed, implying that the salutary fruit of the PSALM ex IX. ^ 171 affliction was already realized and still continued. The sentiment of this verse has been echoed, and its very words repeated, by the godly sufferers of every age, a strong proof that it was meant to be so used. At the same time it furnishes an exquisite description of the effect produced upon the Jews, as a body, by the Babylon- ish exile, and especially the end which it forever put to their continual lapses into idolatry, by which their early history was characterized, and with respect to which the whole race might well have said, Before I suffered I was (ever) straying. 68. Good {art) thou and doing good — teach me thy statutes ! Good, both essentially and actively or practically ; good in thyself and good to others. The participle, as in v. 67, denotes habitual constant action, {ever) doing good. It is characteristic of this psalm, that the petition founded on the goodness of God's nature, on his beneficence, and even on his infinite perfection, si still, teach me thy statutes ! Make me acquainted with thy will, and show me how to do it ! See above, on vs. 12, 64. 69. Proud {men) have forged a lie against me; /, with all (my) hearty will keep thy precepts. Proud, presumptuous, over- bearing sinners, as in v. 51. Forged expresses the essential meaning of the Hebrew word, but not its figurative form, which seems to be that of sewing, analogous to that of weaving, as ap- plied to the same thing, both in Hebrew and in other languages. We may also compare our figurative phrase, to patch up^ which however is not so much suo;o;estive of artifice or skill as of the want of it. The connection of the clauses is, that all the craft and malice of his enemies should only lead him to obey God with a more undivided heart than ever. See above, on v. 58. With the same surprising skill and wisdom as in many other casca which have been already mentioned, this verse is so framed as to be equally well suited to such national and public evils as those described in the fourth chapter of Ezra, and to the sufferings of 172 PSALM CXI X. the pious individual, arising from the pride and spite of wicked enemies. 70. Fat as grease (is) their heart. I {in) thy law delight. The eonnection of the clauses lies in the figurative use of fat to denote insensibility. Sec above, on Ps. xvii. 10. Ixxiii. 7. While they are utterly insensible to spiritual pleasures, and especially to those springing from the knowledge of thy law, I find therein my highest happiness. The verb in the last clause is a cognate form to that in vs. 16, 47, and identical with that in Isai. xi. 8, where it means to play, sport, or enjoy one's self. 71. (It is) good for me that I was made to suffer^ to the end that I might learn thy statutes. The prayer so frequently re- peated, teach me thy statutes, is now proved to be sincere by a hearty acquiescence in the painful discipline by w^hich it had been partially fulfilled already. Good for me, and therefore good on God's part. The idea of compulsory subjection to this salutary process is suggested by the passive causative form of the verb used in v. 67. To the end or intent, a phrase corresponding, both in form and meaning, to the Hebrew. 72. Good for me is the law of thy mouth (more) than thous- ands of gold and silver. For me, for my use as well as in my estimation. The law of thy mouth, that which thou hast uttered. See above, on v. 13. Than, literally, from, away from, as dis- tinguished from, as compared with, which is just the meaning of the English than. The combination good than, or good from, is the nearest approach, of which the Hebrew idiom admits, to letter than. The indefinite term thousands may refer to weight or number ; to coin or bullion ; to coins in general, or to shekels or talents in particular. While this verse primarily expresses the changed estimate which Israel learned in exile to put upon the law, PSALM CXIX. 17j it is equally expresrsive of the feeling cherished by all true be lievers, in their best estate, as to the value of the word of God. Here ends the ninth stanza, of which five verses begin with the word (nit:) good. 73. Thy hands made me and fashioned me; make 7ne understand and lei me learn thy commandments. As I owe my existence to thy power, so too I rely upon thy grace for spiritual illumination. Compare Deut. xxxii. 6. Fashioned, literally, fixed, established, i. e. framed my constitution as it is. 74. Thy fearers shall see me and rejoice ; for in thy word have I hojpcd. Compare Ps. v. 12 (H.) xxxiv. 3 (2.) They shall rejoice in my case, as a new proof that they who trust in God cannot be disappointed. The literal meaning of the last clause is, because for thy word I have waited, i. e. patiently and trust- fully awaited its fulfilment. 75. I know, Jehovah, that righteousness art thy judgments, and (m) faithfulness thou hast afflicted me (or made me suffer.) Thy judgments, thy sovereign decisions and their execution, are righteousness itself, i. e. perfectly righteous. So in the next clause, for in faithfulness we may read as faithfulness itself, as one absolutely faithful to his promise and engagements. This confession would be untrue, if those who made it were not con- scious of their guilt and ill-desert. Compare Deut. xxxii. 4 76. Oh that thy mo cy might he for my comfort, according to thy saying to thy servant. The optative expression, oh that, is here used to represent the Hebrew particle of entreaty (H5), cor- rectly paraphrased in the English Bible, / jpray thee. Fo^' my comfort, literally, to comfort for console) me. Thy saying, that which thou hast said or promised. To thy servant, to me as thj 174 PSALM CXIX. servant, and as such in covenant with thee. This description ia equally appropriate to the body and its members. 77. Let thy compassions come unto me (or upon mc)^ and I shall liviyfor thy law {is) my delights. The construction in the first clause is like that in v. 41. Aiid I shall live,or as we might ex- press it, that 1 7)10 y live. See above, on v. 17. He pleads what he has received already as a ground for asking more. The plural (delights) expresses fulness and completeness, or perhaps implies that this joy is equal or superior to all others, or includes them all. The Hebrew noun is derived from the verb in vs. 16, 47, 70. 78. Shamed be the jproud.^for falsely have they wronged me ; I will muse of thy precepts. Falsely , literally, falsehood, i. e. in or by it. Wronged, literally, bent, perverted. With the last clause compare vs. 27, 48. 79. Let thejn return to me that fear thee and know thy testis monies. Let thy servants who have looked upon me as abandoned by thee now restore to me their confidence. The various read- ing in the last clause ("^is^T^ and VJ^') does not afi"ect the meaning of the sentence, except that the reading in the text may be included in the wish, and let them know thy testimonies, \. e. let them learn from my experience to understand thy precepts better. 80. Let my heart he perfect in thy statutes, to the end that 1 may not he shamed. In thy statutes, in the knowledge and the prac- tice of them, or as it is expressed in Ps. xix. 12 (11), in keeping them. Shamed, put to shame by the frustration of my highest hopes. Sec above, on v. 6. Two of the verses in this stanza begin with the same Hebrew word ('n"^). PSALM CXI X, 173 81. For thy salvation faints my soul ; for thy word do I wait. Xioth verbs are in the preterite, implying that it is so and has been so. Faints^ is spent or wasted. This strong expression for intense desire is borrowed from Ps. Ixxxiv. 3 (2.) With the last clause compare v. 74. 82. My eyes fail for thy sayings so that I say, when wilt thou comfort me ? The first verb in Hebrew is the same with the first in the preceding verse. Thy saying ^ the fulfilment of thy promise. The Hebrew noun is derived from the following verb, to say, so as to say, so that I say. It might also be translated, but with less exactness, while I say. 83. For I have been like a bottle in the smoke ; thy statutes I have not forgotten. The bottle meant is one of skin, still com- mon in the east. The comparison is not entirely clear. Some suppose that the blackening and shrivelling effect of the smoke upon the skin is simply used as a figure for distress. Others understand the words as conveying the additional idea, that as wine-skins are not meant to be involved in smoke, so distress is not the normal or natural condition of God's people. Others, assuming that the skins were intentionally smoked by way of seasoning, suppose the principal idea to be that of painful but salutary discipline. There can be no doubt, that the clause relates, in some way, to the afflictions, either of the chosen people, or of individual believers, or of both. The meaning of the last clause is that, notwithstanding these afflictions, the sufierer has not forgotten God's commandments. 84. How many [are) the days of thy servant ? Wheii wilt thou execute upon my perseaitors judgment ? The shortness of life is indirectly urged as an argument for speedy action. See above, 176 PSALM CXIX. on Ps. xxxix. 5, 14 (4, 13.) Ixxviii. 39. Ixxxix. 48,49 (47,48.) Execute judgment^ or do justice^ as in Ps. ix. 5 (4.) 85. Frond {^ntn) dig for me pitSy which (are) not, according to thy law. The presumptuous sinners (vs. 51, 69, 78) who are his enemies use the most treacherous means for his destruction, with- out regard to the divine command or prohibition. See above, on Ps vii. 16 (15.) Ivii. 7 (6.) 86. All thy commandments (are) faithf ulness ; falsely do thep persecute me ; help thou me. The promises annexed to God's commandments are infallible. Falsely^ as in v. 78, falsehood^ i. e. in falsehood, without right or reason, or with (by means of) falsehood^ as their instrument. The verb agrees with the re- moter antecedent (persecutors) in v. 84. 87. They almost consumed me in the land^ and I did not forsake thy precepts. The verb consumed or destroyed (^a>3) and the phrase in the land both occur in reference to the Canaanites, 2 Chr. viii. 8. The translation in the earth (v. 19) is admissible, but less significant, and less in keeping with the national import of the psalm. The second clause, as usual in such cases, de- clares that notwithstanding his afflictions, he still sought to know and do the will of God. 88. According to thy mercy quicken me., and I will keep the testi- mony of thy mouth. Restore me to life, or save me alive, as in vs. 25, 37, 40. Of thy mouth., as in vs. 11,72. This closes the eleventh stanza and the first half of the psalm. Two of these eight verses begin with diflferent forms of the verb (nb^) to fail or faint., and three (including v. 84) with the particle (i) as or like 89. To eternity., Jehovah^ thy word is settled in heaven. Tha PSALM CXIX. 177 translation, eternal (art thou) Lord^ is contrary to usage, which requires the pronoun, in that case, to be expressed. Settled, liter- ally, made to stand, i. e. unalterably fixed. In heaven, beyond the reach of all disturbing causes. See above, Ps. Ixxxix. 3 (2.) 90. To generation and generation (is) thy faithfulness ; thou hast fixed the earth and it stands. Resolved into our idiom, the meaning of this verse is, that the truth of God's promises, or hia fidelity to his engagements, is secured by the same divine per- fection, which brought the world at first into existence, and has ever since preserved it. The verb translated j^3:e^ is not the one employed in v. 89, but that used in Ps. vii. 10 (9.) ix. 8 (7.) xl. 3 (2.) xlviii. 9 (8.) Ixviii. 10 (9.) xc. 17. xcix. 4. cvii. 36. The sense prepared is rare and doubtful, and too feeble for this con- text. 91. For thy judgments they stand to day, for all are thy ser- vants. The subject of the first verb, though obscure, is probably the heavens and the earth, mentioned in the two preceding verses. These stand, continue to exist, for the execution of God's judgments, with reference perhaps to the destruction wrought by fire from heaven, by the opening of the earth, etc. All, literally, the whole, w nav^ the universe ; but the construc- tion of this with the plural servants would be harsh in English. The same expression is applied in Ps. xiv. 3 to all mankind, but here to the material universe. Thy servants, the instruments employed to execute thy will. 92. Unless thy law were my delights, then should I perish in my affiidion. The verse admits also of the construction in the Eng* lish Bible, which refers it to a remoter past, and represents the danger as escaped, whereas the first construction implies a con- tinued state of suffering. The law of God, as usual in this psalm, 8* 178 PSALM CXIX. is here viewed, not as a body of mere requisitions, but as a cove- nant, a law accompanied by promises. 93. To eternity I ivill not forget thy precepts, for in them hast thou quickened me. In them, or by them, which is really included in the other, meaning in the practice of them and by means of them. Quickened, as in vs. 17, 25, 37, 40, 50. 94. Thine am I — save me — for thy precepts I have sought. The original form of the first clause is, to thee (am) I. Sought, as in vs. 2, 10, 45. 95. For me have wicked (mvn) waited, to destroy me; thy testis monies will I understa7id. With the first clause compare Ps. Ivi. 7 (6.) Consider, though correct, is an inadequate translation of the last verb, which denotes a fixed and intelligent attention. The only effect of his enemies' malignant plots is a still more serious contemplation of God's precepts. 96. To all perfection I have seen an tnd, (but) wide is thy com' mand exceedingly. By end we are not to understand the end of its existence, but the limit or boundary of its extent. To all other perfection (so called) I can see an end, but that required and embodied in thy law is boundless. All the verses of this stanza except one (v. 92) begin with the preposition (b) to or for, as all those of the second do with (n) in. 97. How I love thy law ! All the day it (is) my meditation,!, e. the subject of my solitary musing. This continual representation of God's law, not as a mere rule, but as an object of affection and a subject of perpetual reflection, is characteristic of the Psalms, and appears at the very threshold of the whole collection See above, on Ps. i. 2. PSALM ex IX. 179 P8. (More) than my tnemics do thy commandments make me wise; for to eternity it is mine {or to me.) This is the con- struction of the first clause preferred by the latest interpreters, although it requires a singular verb to be construed with a plural noun. But as the same irregularity exists in the construc- tion of the pronoun in the second clause, however the first may be explained, it is best to explain both anomalies alike, i. e. partly by the relative position of the words, and partly by the aggregate sense in which commandments is here used as equivalent to law, and which, agreeably to general usage, may sufficiently account for its construction with a verb and pronoun in the singular. As analogous cases have been cited 2 Sam. xxii. 23 — " (as forj his statutes, I depart not from it" — and 2 Kings xvii. 22 — " the sins of Jeroboam which he did, they departed not from it." As the sins of Jeroboam were concentrated in one, so the statutes of Je- hovah might be viewed as one great comprehensive precept. The meaning of the last clause is not merely, it is ever icith me, but it is forever to me, i. e. mine, my inalienable indefeasible pos- session. See above, v. 94. 9p. (More) than all my teachers I act wisely, for thy testimonies {are) a meditation to me. My teachers, my superiors in natural and worldly wisdom. As the Hebrew verb has always elsewhere an active meaning, it is better to retain it here, the rather as it indicates more clearly that the wisdom which he boasts was practical, experimental. See above, on Ps. ii, 10. xiv. 2. xxxii. 3 (7.) xli. 2 (1.) Ixiv. 10 (9.) ci. 2. The essential meaning of the last clause is the same with that of v. 97, but the use of the expression {^y) suggests the same idea of possession that is ex- pressed in V. 98. Thy testimonies are mine, belong to me, as an sbject of incessant contemplation. 100. (More) than old men I understand, because thy preceptt T have kept. The first verb is the same, and has the same sense 180 PSALM CXTX. as in V. 95. The ambiguous Hebrew word ( b^5ip.T ) cannot be expressed by any one in modern English, as it may mean either old men in the proper sense, whose greater experience entitled them to be considered wiser than their juniors ; or the anzknts^ those of former generations, who are popularly looked upon as wiser than their children and successors. One of these senses suits the personal, the other the national design and application of the psalm. In either case, there is really no boast of superior intelli- gence, as a distinguishing endowment, but merely an assertion, in a striking form, that the highest wisdom is to do the will of God. See above, on Ps. cxi. 10. 101. From every evil fath I rcjrain my feet^ to the intent that 1 may keep thy word. Of the two ideas conveyed by word^ that of command is here predominant, but not exclusive of the other. To keep God's word is primarily to obey his precept, but second- arily to verify his promise. This verse teaches clearly that the keeping of God's word is something incompatible with treading any evil path. 102. From thy judgments I do not depart., hecause thou guidest me. AVe have here another word of comprehensive meaning, in which sometimes one phase of the essential idea is presented prom- inently, sometimes another. The divine judgments., in this psalm, are always the external exhibitions of the divine righteousness, in word or deed, by precept or by punishment. Here of course the former are especially intended. The figure of a way, though not expressed, is still indicated by the verbs depart and guide. As to the latter, see above, on v. 33. From this verse it is doubly clear that he claims nothing as belonging to himself, or as accomplished in his own strength, but ascribes all to the power and grace of God. The preterite forms, in this and the preceding verse, merely make the past more prominent than the future, as an accessory idea to the present. PSALM CXIX. 181 103. How sweet to my palate are thy sayings^ sweeter than koney to my mouth! As the Hebrew verb occurs only here, it is better to follow the rabbinical tradition and i\iQ ancient versions, which make the idea to be that of sweetness, than the uncertain etymological deductions of the lexicons, which make it to be that of smoothness. The passive form may possibly denote that the psalmist's relish for God's word was not a native but acquired taste Some interpreters unreasonably give to word the sense of law, excluding that of promise altogether, whereas both must unavoidably have been suggested to a Hebrew reader. The original word means neither more not less than that which God has said. The figures of this verse are borrowed from Ps. xix. 11 (10.) 104. From thy precepts I get understanding ; therefore I hate every path of falsehood. The common version of the first verb comes as near to the exact sense of the original as any other English word or phrase. The Hebrew verb is the same that occurs above, vs. 95, 100. As he knows no wisdom independent of the truth, he hates falsehood as the height of folly, and regu- lates his life accordingly. All the verses of this stanza begin either with the exclamation (htd) how., or with the preposition ("1)2) from-., than. 105. yL lantern for my foot is thy word, and a light for my **ath. To the figure of a path, so frequently presented in this psalm already, is now added that of a light, to make it plain amidst surrounding darkness. The parallelism is completed by adding the generic term, light, to the specific one, lamp or lantern. For my foot, i. e. to guide it. For my path, i. e. to show it. 106. I have sworn^ and will perform (my oath), to observe the judgments of thy r'ghtcousness. The second verb occurs above, IS2 PSALM CXI X. V. 28, in lis primary sense of raising up, or causing to stand up« right. In the later books, particularly that of Esther, it occurs very often in the sense of ratifying or confirming, and might here be rendered, I confirm (my oath already made.) In either case, it merely strengthens the expression which precedes it. Observe, keep, or obey, as in vs. 4, 5, 8, etc. Thy righteous judgments^ as in vs. 7, 62. Considered as the language of the whole church or nation, this verse may have reference to the covenant entered into at Mount Sinai and renewed in the plains of Moab, while as a personal profession, it has its counterpart in the experience of every true believer. 107. I am afflicted even to extremity ; Jehovah^ quicken me ac- cording to thy word. That the first clause does not relate merely to past sufferings {I loas afflicted), seems to follow from the prayer in the last clause, which may, however, be understood as a petition for deliverance from the deadening effects of a calamity already past, such as the Babylonish exile, the enfeeb- ling influence of which notwithstanding incidental benefits, con- tinued to be felt for ages. The first verb in Hebrew, with the idea of suffering, always suggests that of humiliation. £ven to extremity, the same words that occur above, in vs. 8, 43, 51. The meaning of the last clause is, bestow upon me that life which is promised in the Law to those who keep it. See Lev. xviii. 5. Deut. vi. 24. 108. The free-will offerings of my mouth accept, I pray thee, oh Jehovah, and thy judgments teach me. For the meaning of the first Hebrew word, see above, on Ps. ex. 3. It is here a figure for prayers and praises, as appears from the addition of my mouth. The verb accejpt is one continually used in the Law, with respect to sacrificial offerings. See above, on Ps. li. 18 (16), and compare Ps. 1. 14. The recurrence of the prayer, thy judgments teach me, shows that the writer's object was to make everything PSALM CXI X. 183 tend to this conclusion, and that however a sentence may beo-in, it cannot be complete without a repetition of this favourite idea. 109. My soul is in my hand always, arid (yet) thy law I have not forgotten. The sense of the strong figure in the first clause is clear from Judg, xii. 13. 1 Sam. xix. 5. xxviii. 21, where he who risks or jeopards his own life, in war or otherwise, is said to put his soul into his hand, as if to have it ready to give up or throw away at any moment. The same expression reappears in Job xiii. 14. The meaning of the whole verse is, that even amidst the deadly perils which environed him, he still remembered the divine law, as an object of supreme afi"ection. 110. Wicked (men) have laid a snare for me, and (yetj from thy precepts I have not strayed. Laid for me, literally, given to me, as we might speak of a snare as presented to a person, i. e set before him. The devices and temptations of the wicked were as powerless as all the other causes previously mentioned, in lead- ing him away from the path of truth and safety. Ill / inherit thy testimonies to eternity, for the joy of my heat ' (are) they. The first verb means to take as a possession or in heritance, and is here used in allusion to those places of the Pentateuch where it is applied to the possession of the promised land. See for example Ex. xxiii. 30. 112. I incline my heart to do thy statutes to eternity, (even to) the end. The preterite form of the first verb represents the effort as already made but still continued. For the meanino- of the last word, see above, on v. 33. This stanza, like the eighth, has a different initial word in every verse. 113 Waver ers I hate, and thy lato 1 love. The first word in 184 PSALM CXIX. Hebrew occurs only here. According to the most prohable ety mology, it means men of divided and unstable minds. See above, on Ps. xii. 3 (2), and compare James i. 8. 114. My hiding place and my shield (art) thou — for thy word I waitj i. e. for the fulfilment of thy promise. See above, on V. 81. The first word in the verse means properly a secret or a secret place. See above, on Ps. xxvii. 5. xxxii. 7. Ixi. 5 (4. J xci. 1. The shield is a favourite figure for protection See above, on Ps. iii. 4 (3.) vii. 11 JlO.) xviii. 3, 31 (2, 30.) 115. Depart fr 0771 me^ evil doers, and I will keep the command- menls of God. The first clause is borrowed from Ps. vi. 9 (8.) The meaning in both cases seems to be, that he has no fear of the'v enmity. The reason given in this case is, because he -is re- solved to do the will of God, and is therefore sure of his protection. 116. Uphold me according to thy promist, dnd let vie live, and let me not he ashamed of my hope. Promise, literally, saying, that which thou hast said, as in v. 82. Let me live might also be translated and I shall live, or paraphrased that I may live. See above, on v. 17. Of my hope, literally from my hope, which some understand in a privative sense, away from, deprived of, without my hope, i. e. without having it fulfilled. Ashamed of my hope does not convey the sense so fully as shamed in my hope, frustrated, disappointed, in my expectations. 117. Sustain me and I shall he saved, and I will look to thy statutes always. The first verb is nearly synonymous with that at the beginning of v. 116, and the same that occurs above, Ps. XX. 3 (2.) xli 4 (3.) xciv. 18. civ. 15. / shall he saved, or let me he saved, or that I may he saved, precisely as in the preceding verse. The strict future sense is here to be preferred, as the vert PSALM CXIX. 185 is not both preceded and followed bj a prayer, as in the other case. Look to^ have respect to, regard, as the rule of my con- duct. The construction of the verb and preposition is the same as in Ex. v. 9. 118. Thou despisest all (those) straying from thy statutes, for a lie (is) their deceit. They are objects not only of disapprobation but of scorn, because in attempting to deceive others they deceive themselves. Their deception of others is a lie to themselves. 119. (As) dross hast thou made to cease all the wicked of the earth ; therefore I love thy testimonies. The purifying tendency of God's judgments is itself a reason for delighting in them. The verb in the first clause, which occurs in its primary sense in Ps. viii. 3 (2), is applied to the purging out of leaven at the passover (Ex. xii. 15) and to the extirpation of wild beasts (Lev. xxvi. 6. 120. My flesh shudders from dread of thee, and of thy judgments I am afraid. The first verb in Hebrew occurs only here, but is universally admitted to denote some bodily effect of fear, such as trembling, shuddering, or the instinctive creeping of the flesh. Afraid of, in the last clause, does not fully represent the Hebrew phrase, which denotes not mere apprehension of something still future or absent, but terror in view of something actually present Judgments has its usual wide sense, but with special reference, in this case, to God's penal visitations. Here ends the fifteenth stanza, in which, as in the one before it, every verse has a dis- tinct initial word. 121. I do justice and righteousness ; leave me not to my op- pressors. The first verb is in the past tense, I have done and I still do. Do justice, not in the restricted or forensic sense of re- dressing wrong judicially, but in the wid^ sense of executing jus- tice or reducing it to practice. 1«6 PSALM CXIX. 122. Be surety for thy servant for good ; let not the 'proud op press me. The sense and construction of the first verb are pre- cisely the same as in Gen. xliii. 9. xliv. 32. Compare Job xvii. 3, and see my note on Isai. xxxviii. 14. It means not merely take me under thy protection, but become answerable for me, stand between me and those who, under any pretext, even that of legal right, may seek to oppress me. For good^ i. e. for my good, for my safety or deliverance. Compare Deut. vi. 24. x. 13. xxx. 9. This is noted in the masora as the only verse in which the word of God, or some equivalent expression, is not found. 123. My eyes fail for thy salvation^ and for the word of thy righteousness. With the first clause compare v. 82. The word of thy righteousness, thy word of righteousness, thy righteous word, the promise of a righteous God who cannot lie. 124. Deal with thy servant according to thy mercy, and thy statutes teach me. The first words strictly mean do with thy ser- vant, which may be an ellipsis for do good to him, or deal kindly with him, as in v. 65. See above, on Ps. cix. 21. 125. Thy servant (am) 1 ; make me understand and let me know thy testimonies. That thy servant is not a mere periphrasis for I or 7ne in v. 122 and elsewhere, appears from the first clause of the verse before us, where it constitutes the predicate of the pro- position. In the second clause, we have the same choice of con- structions as in vs. 116,117. Let me know, or {then) I shall know^ or that I may know, all implying one another, and amounting to the same thing. 126. (It is) time for Jehovah to do — they break thy law. The absolute use of do, without an object, or leaving it to be suggested by the context, is a peculiar Hebrew idiom. See above, on Ps. 22 (21.) We may here supply justice from v. 121 (compare PSALM ex IX. 187 V. 84) ; or more indefinitely, whatever should be done ; or mora indefinitely still, U is ti?ne to do (something), i. e. to act, which is substantially the meaning of the common version (time to icork.) Retaining the order of the Hebrew words, the sense would seenri to be, it is time to do (something) fo7- Jehovah^ i. e. for his people to do it. But the direct address to Grod in the last clause, and the whole tenor of the context, make it more probable, that God himself is here entreated to do something for the vindication of his broken law. The verb in the last clause is to be construed indefinitely ; they^ i. e. men in general, or the wicked in par- ticular. With this clause compare Isai. xxiv. 5. 127. Therefore I love thy commandments {more) than gold and (more) than fine gold. The first word refers not to the immediately preceding verse, but to the whole previous description of the excellence of God's commandments. The comparison in the last clause, like that in v. 103, is borrowed from Ps. xix. 11 (10.) 128. Therefore all (thy) precepts (as to) all (things) / thin/c right ; every way of falsehood do I hate. The therefore is co- ordinate with that in the preceding verse, and to be explained iu the same manner. Both were probably occasioned by the alpha- betical arrangement here requiring an initial ayin. Precepts of course mean those of God, as word means his word in v. 49. The construction here is very foreign from our idiom, and by no Djeans easily translated into it. The literal meaning of the words is, all precepts of all^ which some understand to mean of all Jdnds^ as in v. 14 and Ps. cxviii. 10. But others deny that all has this sense, even in the places cited, and explain it here to mean concerning all, on all subjects. The clause is then con- demnatory of all partial distinctions between God's command- ments, which may be the way of falsehood specially intended in the last clause. Compare Matt. v. 17 — 19. The verb in tho first clause always elsewhere means to make straight, to go 188 ' PSALM C XIX. straight, or to direct aright ; but the best interpreters agree in making it here mean, to think right or approve. It is worthy of remark, that as to all these points, the true sense of this difficult clause seems to be given in the English Bible. With the last clause compare v. 104. In the sixteenth stanza, which here closes, two of the verses begin with (\3~^^) therefore^ and two with diflferent forms of the verb (ribs?) to do. 129. Wonderful (are) thy testimonies; therefore my soul keepeth them. The' first word in Hebrew is a plural form of that in Ps. Ixxvii. 12, 15 (11, 14) Ixxviii. 12. Ixxxviii. 11 (10), and proper- ly means wo7iderSj i. e., miracles or prodigies of moral excellence. My soul, not merely I, but I with all my heart or soul. 130. The opening of thy ^cords enlightens., making the simple understand. The common version of the first word (entrance) is inaccurate, and the one here given, though exact is ambiguous. The clause does not refer to the mechanical opening; of the book by the reader, but to the spiritual opening of its tnie sense, by divine illumination, to the mind which naturally cannot discern it. For the Scriptural usage of the word translated simple, see above, on Ps. xix. 8 (7.) cxvi. 6. 131. My mouth I stretch and pant, because for thy command- ments 1 long. The first verb usually means to gape or yawn, bu( these verbs are intransitive in English, and cannot be construed with the noun directly. For the meaning of the next ve'-b, see above, on Ps. Ivi. 2, 3 (1,2.) Ivii. 4 (3.) Both are figurative expressions of the idea conveyed directly by the third verb, which occurs nowhere else, but differs oialy in a single letter from the verb of the same meaning used in vs. 40, 174, which also h peculiar to this psalm. IJIS. Turn to me, and be*gracious to me, as (is) due to the lovert PSALM CXIX. 189 of thy name. The first verb does not mean to return or come back, but to turn round to or towards an object from which the looks have been averted. See above, on Ps. cii. 18 (17.) Be gracious or merciful^ show favour to or favour me. As is due to, or according to the right of^ the lovers etc. The Hebrew word (tsB^rJ??) has here the meaning of the Latin jus^ as in Ps. Ixxxi. 5, (4.) For the meaning of the lovers of thy name, see above, on Ps. V. 12 (11.) 133. My steps establish by thy word, and let not any iniquity rule over me. Establish, i. e. make firm, cause me to walk safe- ly. See above, on Ps. xl. 3 (2.) By thy word or saying, what thou hast said, i. e. by the fulfilment of thy promise. The last clause might seem to be a prayer against the power of his )wn corruption ; but the frequent use of the Hebrew noun to de- mote the mutual injustice of men, together with the language of ihe next verse, seems to show that this too is a prayer against op- pression. The verb in this clause is applied by Nehemiah (v. 15 ) to the oppression sufi"ered by the restored Jews. The Arabic verb of the same form is the root of the royal title Sultan. 134.- Redeem me from the oppression of man, and I will keep thy precepts. These two verses are peculiarly appropriate to the trials and temptations of the Jews at the time of the Restora- tion. The form of the last verb denotes strong desire and de- termination. 135. Let thy face shine upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes. The prayer of the first clause is the same as that which forms the burden of Ps. Ixxx. (4, 8, 20.) Thy servant, i. e. me who am thy servant ; hence the first person is immedi- ately resumed. 136. Streams of lo iter run down my eyes, for (that) they do 190 PSALM CXI X. not keep thy law. In the Hebrew of the first clause, tye is tha subject, not the object, of the verb. See the same cr similar idiomatic constructions, Jer. ix. 17. xiii. 17. Lam. i. 16. iii. 48.' Ezek. vii. 17. The preposition in the last clause is to be construed with the relative understood, in the sense of for that^ forasmuch as, because. The complete phrase occurs above, V. 49. They do 7i,ot, i. e., men indefinitely, others. Here ends the seventeenth stanza, all the verses of which begin with different Hebrew words. 137. Righteous (art) thou, oh Jehovah, and just thy judgments. The English and the ancient versions make the second adjective agree with judgments, although different in number. This might be justified by making (^^!j) just a neuter adjective or substan- tive, as in Ps. cxi. 8. It is much more simple and agreeable to usage to apply the epithet to God himself, as in Deut. xxxii. 4, and explain thy judgments as a kind of adverbial or qualifying phrase, very common in Hebrew, but in our idiom requiring the insertion of a preposition, upright (in or as to) thy judgments. 138. Thou hast commanded righteousness thy testimonies, and faithfulness — exceedingly. This is another elliptical construction, wholly foreign from our idiom. Some resolve it by supplying to or to be : thou hast commanded thy testimonies to (or to be) righteousness, i. e. hast made them righteous. It is simpler, however, and more like the syntax of the verse preceding, to supply in or with : thou hast commanded (in) righteousness thy testimonies, etc. The very or exceedingly may belong to faithful- ness alone, or to the whole proposition. The mention of faithful- ness shows that the idea of God's promise is included in his testi- mony With this verse compare v. 86, and Ps. xciii. 5. 139 My zeal consumes me, because my adversaries forget thy word. The verbs strictly mean, Aris consumed, have forgotten, but PSALM CXIX. 191 without excluding the present, as they might seem to do, if ren- dered literally into English. Zer?/, jealous regard for God's author- ity and honour. See above, on Ps. Ixix. 10, (9.) The first He- brew verb occurs above, Ps. Ixxxviii. 17 (16.) The last clause gives the reason or occasion of his jealousy. Adversaries^ perse- cutors or oppressors. Thy word includes thy promise to me and thy command to them. 140. Pure {is) thy word — exceedingly ^ and thy servant loves it. Pure, literally, purged, tried, assayed, refined, like precious metal. See above, on Ps. xviii. 31 (30.) Saying^ as elsewhere in this psalm alternates with word^ and has the same comprehensive meaning. Thy servant J I as thy servant, and because I am so. Loves and has long loved. 141. Little (am) I and despised^ (but) thy precepts do I not for- get. However proudly or however justly I may be despised, 1 can still lay claim to one distinction, that I have not, like my de- spisers, forgotten God's commandments. These words are pecu- iiarly appropriate to Israel, as a body, at the Restoration. 142. Thy righteousness (is) right forever, and thy law (is) truth. Right is here used as a noun, in order to vary the expression in English as in Hebrew, where two cognate forms (npll and pns) are employed. With the first clause compare Ps. ciii. 17. cxi. 3. The idea here is, that God's rectitude is not capricious or mutable, as might be inferred from the afllictions of his people, but un- changeable and to eternity. Thy law, both in its precepts and its promises, is true, is truth itself. 143. Distress and anguish seize (or seized) me; thy command' ments (are) my delight. Even in the midst of sufi*ering, thy com mandments not only solace me but make me happy. Seize, liter- 192 PSALM CX IX. ally find^ as in Ps. cxvi. 3. Delight^ literally, dehghtSj a succe* daneum for all other pleasures. See above, on v. 24. 144. Might (are) thy testimonies to eternity ; make me under * stand, and I shall live. Right, righteousness, the second of the nouns used in v. 142. Make me understand {them), i. e., these thy testimonies. And (then) T shall live, which includes let me live and that I may live. See above, on vs. 17, 116. Three of the verses in this stanza begin with derivatives of the root p"i2r. 145. I invoke (thee) with a whole heart — answer me, Jehovah — thy statutes will I keep. I have invoked thy favour with a heart- felt sense of its necessity ; grant it to me, according to my prayer, and I am fully resolved to keep thy statutes. 146. 1 invoke thee — save me — and I will observe thy testimonies. The pronoun implied in the preceding verse is here expressed. The augmented form of the last verb is emphatic or intensive. I WILL observe thy testimonies, i. e. obey thy precepts and believe thy promises. 147. T come before (thee) in the (morning) twilight, and I cry to (thee) ; for thy words do I wait. The first verb has the same sense as in Ps. xcv. 2. Compare Ps. Ixxxviii. 14 (13.) Early prayer implies importunate desire. The tioilight meant is that of morning, as in 1 Sam. xxx. 17. Job vii. 4. The second verb means to cry for help. Its augmented form is common in verbs of speaking, and supposed by some grammarians to denote motion or direction towards the object of address, like the local or di- rective n in nouns. See Judg. vi. 10. 1 Sam. xxviii. 15. Neh. V. 7. xiii. 11, 17, 21. Dan. ix. 4. 148. My eyes anticipate the watches, to muse of thy promise. Before the stated hours of vigil he is awake and ready for devout PSALM CXIX. 193 meditation. To muse^ that I may muse or meditate. See aboye, on V. 62, and compare Ps. Ixiii. 7 (6). Ixxvii, 5 (4.) Lara. ii. 19. 149. My voice hear according to thy mercy ^ oh Jehovah^ accord- iiig to thy judgments quicken me. According to the promises an- nexed to thy commandments. 150. JVear are those pursuing crime ; from thy law they are far off. Pursuing., eagerly devising and attempting. Crime^ malicious mischief, as in Ps. xxvi. 10. In the last clause there is a kind of play upon the words far and near., as if he had said, the nearer they are to harming me, the further are they from obeying thee. 151. Near {art) thou., Jehovah., and all thy commandments are truth. The lus%is verhorum may be said to be continued. As they are near to injure, thou art near to save, and all thy pro- mises to those who do thy will are true, are truth itself. 152. Long have I known from thy testimonies (themselves), that thou unto eternity hast founded them. The first word in Hebrew is a noun used adverbially, as in Ps. Iv. 20 (19.) The precepts of the law describe themselves as everlasting. See Ex. xxvii. 21. xxviii. 43. xxxvi. 21. Lev. iii. 17. vi. 11. vii. 36. Num. x. 8. Thii concludes the nineteenth stanza, two of the initial words in whick are derivatives of j^^p, two of n^p, three of finp. 153. See my suffering and deliver me ; for thy law I forget not. The first petition, in the same words, occurs above, Ps. ix. 14 (13.) The first verb originally signifies to extricate or dis- embarrass. I forget not., and have not forgotten, both of which ideas would be necessarily suggested to a Hebrew reader. 154. Strive my strife and redeem me ; as to thy word, qmcken me. With the first clause compare Ps. xliii 1. Ixix. 19 (18. ") VOL. III. 9 194 PSALM CXIX. At to, according to, in fulfilment of, thy saying, that which thou hast said, thy promise. See above, v. 41. 155. Far from th mickcd {is) salvation; because thy statutes they seek not. The first word in Hebrew is a masculine adjective, and does not agree regularly with salvation, which is feminine, but is construed as a neuter, something far, as the first word in v. 72 means a good thing. Seek not, and have not sought, i. e. desired either to know or do thy will. See above, on v. 45. 156. Many (or manifold are) thy comjpassions, oh Jehovah, ac- cording to thy judgments quicken me. That the first word means many, not great, in this connection, seems clear from the next verse. According to thy judgments, as in v. 149. 157. Many (are) my persecutors and oppressors ; from thy testi monies I decline not. The second noun is often rendered adver- saries, as in V. 139, but it may here be taken in its primary sense, which is near akin to that of the preceding word. I decline noty and have not declined, deviated, swerved. 158. I see traitors and am sickened — {those) who thy saying keep not. The wicked are called traitors against God, their rightful sovereign, as in Ps. xxv. 8. The first verb is the reflexive form of that in Ps. xcv. 10, I sicken (or disgust) myself. The common version of the relative (because) conveys an idea not expressed but understood. There is no need of departing from the strict sense of the pronoun. See and have seen, keep and have kept. 159. See how I love thy precepts, Jehovah; according to thy mercy, quicken me. See how, literally see that, which is tanta- mount to saying, thou seest that. 160. The head of thy word (is) truth, and to eternity (is) evtr% PSALM CXIX. 195 pidgment of thy righteousness. Head is by some explained as meaning the sum total, bj others as synonymous with the connate form (n^'di^'i) in Ps. cxi. 10. Every judgment of iky righteous- ness^ every one of thy righteous judgments. Three verses of the twentieth stanza begin with some form of the verb (ns^l) to see. 161. Princes ^persecute me without cause — and at thy words my heart is awed. Both Hebrew verbs are in the past tense. The first verb, like its representative, originally means to follow after, to pursue, but is commonly employed in a hostile sense Without cause answers to a single Hebrew word (ti*n) an adverb related to the noun (']n) favour.^ as gratis is to gratia in Latin. So in modern English, the idea here might be expressed by the one word gratuitously. At thy words., literally, from them., i. e. because or on account of them. The last verb is not a passive in Hebrew, but a less usual synonyme of {^y^) to fear., correctly paraphrased in the English versions {standeth in awe.) The maso- retic reading is thy word in the singular, but, as in most other cases, the best critics now prefer the reading in the text. 162. Rejoicing (am) I over thy saying., like {one) finding much spoil. The participle indicates continued and habitual rejoicing. Thy sayingj that which thou hast said, thy law with its attendant promises. 163. Falsehood I hate and abhor ; thy law I love. Hate and have hated, love and have loved. Falsehood or lyings as in v. 29. The second verb has the same augmented and intensive form that occurs above, vs. 147, 158. 164. Seve7i times in the day I praise thee, for the judgments of thy righteousness. Seven times is a proverbial idiom for often or repeatedly. The use of th.\< form of expression here is not the 195 PSALM CXI X. effect »5ut the occasion of the observance of canonical hours. See above, e-i Ps. Iv. 18(17.) Prawe ^Aee, and have been accustomed 60 to do. With the last clause compare v. 160. 165. (There is) much 'peace to the lovers of thy law, and the-, e is to them no stumbling block. Peace, in opposition to the disquie- tude inseparable from a course of sin. A stumbling-block is a common scriptural figure for an occasion of nnbelief or sin. The idea here is, that the best preservative against temptation is a love to God's commandments. The Prayer-Book version {they are not offended at it) and that in the text of the English Bible (nothing shall offend them) convey a very different meaning from the true one to a modern reader. The latter indeed seems directly contradictory to vs. 53, 158. The correct sense is in- telligibly given in the margin of the common version. 166. / hope for thy salvation^ oh Jehovah.^ and thy command^ ments I do. I hope and have hoped, do and have done. In the meantime, while expecting thy salvation, I am careful to perform thy will. 167. My soul observes thy testimonies, and Hove them greatly (or exceedingly.) I observe them, pay particular regard to them, in regulating my behaviour, not with a mere external conformity, but from or with my soul, because I love them greatly. 168. I observe thy precepts and thy testimonies, because all my ways are before thee. He does not affect to be prompted by a love exclusive of all fear, but only of a slavish dread. He stands in awe of God's omniscience, and is influenced by dread of his disapprobation to obey his precepts, as well as by attachment to the law itself. My vmys, my courses of conduct, mode of life, behaviour. Before thee, open to God's infallible inspection, and Bubjected to his judgment. Two of the verses in this stanza begin PSALM ex IX. 197 with forms of the verb C^^^) to observe or keejp. It is also worthy of remark that ii: and r are treated as one letter, three of the verses beginning with the former, namely, the two first and the sixth. 169. Let my cry come near before thee^ oh Jehovah ; according to thy wordj make me understand. The first noun denotes an audi- ble expression of strong feeling, whether sorrowful or joyful. See above, on Ps. xvii. 1. xxx. 6 (5.) Come near before thee^ not only near enough to be heard, but into thy presence, so that he who utters it may be seen. According to thy luord, thy commandment which requires, and thy promise which secures, the understanding of thy will. See above, vs. 25, 65, 107, and compare Deut. xxx. 6. 170. Let my sujpjplication come before thee ; according to thy prom- tsej free me (or deliver me.) The first noun, according to its ety mology, denotes a prayer for grace or favour. See above, Ps. vi. 10 (9.) Iv. 2(1.) In this and the preceding verse, the prayer for deliverance from outward troubles is subjoined, and as it were subordinated, to that for grace to do the will of God. The same connection may be traced in Ps. xc. 11 — 17. 171. My lips shall pour forth praise ; for thou wilt teach me thy statutes. The first verb means to cause to gush or flow, and is the same with that in Ps. xix. 3 (2.) Ixxviii. 2. It here denotes eager, abundant, and unceasing praise. The last clause express s the confident expectation of the blessing so often and importu- nately asked throughout the psalm. As if he had said. Now shall my lips praise, for I am about to receive what I had prayed for ; thou wilt indeed teach me thy statutes. The translation when thou hast taught me (or shalt teach me) is less exact, less forcible, and really included in the other. 172. Let my tongue answer thy saying — that all thy commaTid' fM.nt^ art right. The verb which usually means to answer prayer 198 PSALM CXIX. (see above, vs. 26, 145) is here used in the sense of responding to a precept or a promise by the language of praise and acquies- cence. Compare v. 42. There is no need of treating the optative form of the verb as a poetic license. The strict sense agrees well with the prayer in the next verse. What is here asked is occasion thus to praise God. As the last clause seems to assign no perti- nent reason for the prayer in the first, it may be regarded as the response itself Let my tongue say in answer to all thy requisi- tions, that all thy commandments are right, or righteousness itself, as in vs. 142, 144. 173. Let thy hand he (near) to help me ; for thy precepts dc 1 choose. The word supplied in this translation is not necessary to the sense, but is introduced for the purpose of retaining the original construction, he to hdp me, i. e. be my help, or simply help me. The reason given in the last clause is, that as he volun tarily makes choice of God's will as his rule of conduct, he there by renounces all other protection. The Hebrew verb is a pre- terite; I choose, and have already chosen. 174. I long for thy salvation, oh Jehovah, and thy law (is) my delights. I long and have longed. With the first clause com- pare vs. 40, 81, 131 ; with the second, vs. 24, 77, 92. 175. Let my soul live and praise thee; and Id thy judgments help me. This verse sums up in conclusion the petitions of the whole psalm. Save me, and thereby give me cause to praise thee, for the blessings which I have derived from the promises and precepts of the law. Let my soul live, because it is that which is in danger. Judgments, as in vs. 149, 156. 176. I wander like a lost sheep — seek thy servant — for thy com- mandments I do not forget. The English versions of the first clause (I have gone astray) although they adhere strictly to the PSALM CXX. 199 form of the original, seem to make the primary idea that of sin, which is really included, but only as the cause of that which is directly intended, namely misery, represented by the wandering of a lost and helpless sheep. Compare Jer. 1. 6. Seek thy servant^ deliver from this wretched state one who is still thy servant, and as such remembers thy commandments, even in the midst of his worst sufferings. As the preceding verse sums up the petitions of the psalm, so this sums up its complaints in the first clause and its professions in the last, connected by the short prayei {seek thy servant) as by a single link. The predominant use of the past tense, even to the end, shows how deeply the entire psalm is founded upon actual and previous experience. In this last stanza, the only initial word repeated is (^^^j) the verb of existence. PSALM CXX. 1 . A Song of the Ascents. To Jehovah^ in my distress^ I called, and he answered me. This is the first of fifteen psalms (cxx — cxxxiv ) ill bearing the inscription, song of ascents or upgoings, i. e sung during the periodical journeys or pilgrimages to Jerusalem at the times of the great yearly festivals. On these occasions the people are said, even in historical prose, to go up to Jerusalem, in reference both to its physical and moral elevation. See Ex. xxxiv. 24. 1 Kings xii. 27, 28. The Hebrew verb (n)5J) em- ployed in such connections is the root of the noun (nibl^.JQ) ascents in these inscriptions. This explanation of the title is much more satisfactory than any other which has been proposed. A rabbini- cal tradition represents these psalms as having been sung by the SOO PSALM CXX. people, as they ascended the fifteen steps (in Hebrew ln'i'b.2?^; seven on one side and eight on the other, repeatedly mentioned by Ezekiel (xl. 6, 22, 26, 31, 34, 37.) But apart from the in- trinsic improbability of this tradition, some psalms in the series were evidently not meant to be sung at the temple. No less im- probable than this very ancient explanation is the modern one, that the inscription has reference to a peculiarity of structure, the repetition of a phrase or clause of one sentence in the next with an addition, forming a kind of climax or progression in the terms as well as the ideas. But CTcn admitting that this peculiarity of form might be described by (fn^sj?^) the Hebrew word in ques- tion, this word could not have been prefixed to each of the fifteen psalms, when the examples of the fact alleged are confined almost exclusively to one or two of them. Much nearer to the truth is the opinion, that these psalms were intended to be sung during the return from Babylon, which is called an ascent iV\b'S)2\ by Ezra (vii. 9.) But this can only be maintained by arbitrarily denying the genuineness of the titles, which ascribe four of the psalms (cxxii, cxxiv, cxxxi, cxxxiii) to David and one (cxxvii) to Solomon. The position assigned to these, and the dif- ference of tone between them and the rest, are ingeniously ac« counted for by Hengstenberg's hypothesis, that these five ancienv psalms, sung by the people, as they went up to Jerusalem, before the captivity, were made the basis of a whole series or system, designed for the same use by an inspired writer after the Restora- tion, who not only added ten psalms of his own, as appears from the identity of tone and diction, but joined them to the old ones in a studied and artificial manner, entirely inconsistent with the suppo- sition of fortuitous or random combination. The one psalm by Solomon stands in the centre of the series or system and divides it into two equal parts, in each of which we find two psalms of David and five anonymous or new ones, the former being separated and surrounded by the latter, an additional and strong proof of intend- ed adaptation to the times when the later psalms were written, to PSALM CXX. 201 whicL Hengstenberg still further adds the number and distribu- tion of the divine names in the whole series and its subdivisions. The psalm immediately before is anonymous, but its tone and diction mark it as belonging to the period of the Restoration. It begins with an acknowledgment of that great mercy, v. 1, followed by a prayer for deliverance from treacherous and spiteful ene- mies, v. 2, and a confident anticipation of their punishment, vs. 3, 4, but closes with a further lamentation and complaint of present suffering, vs. 5 — 7. In this, as in all the other psalms of the series, the ideal speaker is Israel or Judah, considered as the church or chosen people. This first verse, although general in its terms, is perfectly appropriate to the Captivity, as the distress out of which the sufferer cried to God, and to the Kestoration, as the answer to his prayer. In my distress^ literally, in distress to me^ an expression like that in Ps. xviii. 7 (6.) The augmented form of the Hebrew noun is like that in Ps. iii. 3 (2.) 2. Oh Jehovah^ free my soul from lip of falsehood , from tongue of fraud. The soul is particularly mentioned as usual when the life or the existence is in danger. The last two nouns in Hebrew are not in construction but in apposition, a tongue (ivhich is) fraud, equivalent in meaning to the same English words in an inverted order, fraud-tongue. See a somewhat similar combina- tion, Ps. xlv. 5 (4.),lx. 5 (4.) The terms of the description are too strong to be applied to mere delusive promises, and necessarily suggest the idea of calumnious falsehood, as in Ps. xxxi. 19 (18.) cxix. 69, 78. The reality answering to this description in the case of the restored Jews is the spiteful misrepresentation, by which the Samaritans retarded the rebuilding of the temple, as recorded in the fourth chapter of Ezra. 3. What will he give to thee, and what will he add to thee, thou tongue of fraud ? Having complained to God of the false tongue, the ideal speaker turns to it as actually present and ad- 9* 202 PSALM CXX. dresses it directly, speaking of God in the third person The meaning of the question is, what recompense can you expect from an infinitely righteous God for these malignant calumnies ? The peculiar form of the interrogation is derived from that of an ancient oath, The Lord do so to me and more aho^ literally, arid so addj i. e. further do, or in addition to the thing in question. See 1 Sam. iii, 17. xiv. 44. As explained by this allusion, the words have a new force. What good or evil may be imprecated on thee, as the consequence of these malicious falsehoods ? 4. Arroivs of a warrior sharpened, (together) with coah of j'ltniper. The general idea of severe and painful punishment is here expressed by the obvious and intelligible figures of keen arrows and hot coals. The arrows of a mighty man, warrior, or hero, are those used in battle, perhaps with an allusion to the fact, that one of the races mentioned in the next verse excelled in archery. See Isai. xxi. 17. The word which the rabbin- ical tradition explains to mean the juniper, is by modern lexi- cographers identified with the Arabic name of a species of broom- plant, which is thought, on account of its inflammatory quality, to make the best charcoal. See Robinson's Palestine, vol. i. p. 299. With the figures of the verse before us compare Ps. vii. 14 (13.) xviii. 13, 14 (12, 13.) cxl. 11 (10.) 5. Alas for me, that I sojourn (with) Meshech (and) dwell near the tents of Kedar ! The first verb seems elsewhere, in the same construction, to denote the act of dwelling with one, Ps. v. 6 (4.) The Hebrew preposition in the last clause properly means with and denotes association and proximity. The English Bible, by twice employing our preposition in, obscures the mean- ing of both clauses, which is not that the people were in the power or even in the midst of the enemies here mentioned, but compelled to reside near them and to suffer from their neighbour- hood. Meshech is the name given in Gen. x. 2 to the Moschi, a PSALM CXX. 208 barbarous people inhabiting the mountains between Colchis, Armenia, and Iberia. Kedar was one of the sons of Ishmael, (Gen. XXV. 13), whose name is sometimes used to designate an Arabian tribe (Isai. xxi. 16. xlii. 11 J, and in later Hebrew the Arabians generally. As these races, dwelling far off, in the north and south, were never in immediate or continued contact with the Israelites, they are probably named as types and representa- tives of warlike barbarism, just as the names Groths, Vandals, Huns, Turks, Tartars, Cossacks, have at different times been used proverbially in English, to describe those supposed to exhibit the same character, however unconnected or remote in genealogy and local habitation. A slight approach to the same usage was produced among ourselves by the revolutionary war, in reference to the national names, British and Hessian. In the case before us, it is evident from v. 6, that Meshech and Kedar are mere types and representatives of those who hate peace and delight in war. Compare Ezek. xxxviii. 2, where Meshech ap- pears as a chief leader under Gog, the great prophetic represent- ative of heathendom. 6. My soul has dwelt too long for her with (one J hating peace. The substitution of my soul for /implies the intimate conviction and the painful sense of what is here asserted. Too long, lite- rally, much or too much. As to this peculiar idiom, see above, on Ps. Ixv. 10 {9.) For her may be an idiomatic pleonasm, adding nothing to the meaning of the verb, with which it must be read in close connection ; or it may have the meaning which the cor- responding phrase would naturally seem to have in English, for her good or for her interest. See above on Ps. Iviii. 8 (7.) Hating peace is clearly a collective or aggregate expression, comprehending all denoted by the Meshech and Kedar of the preceding verse, as an ideal individual. 7 / am peace, and when I speak, they (go) to war The first 204 PSALM CXXI. phrase resembles I am 'prayer in Ps. cix. 4, and seems to mcan,l am all peace, nothing but peace, peace itself, i. e. entirely peace- ful or pacific. Speak may be an ellipsis for apeak peacCj a phrase repeatedly occurring in the Psalms. See above, Ps. XXXV. 20. Ixxxv. 9 (8), and below, Ps. cxxii. 8. The sense will then be, whenever I desire or propose peace. If the verb be absolutely understood, the sense is that every word he utters ia made an occasion of attack or conflict. The double for, in the common version of this sentence, is as incorrect as the double in of V. 5, and more enfeebling to the sense. I am not only for peace, but am peace itself. They are not only /or war, but arise, proceed, or address themselves to it. PSALM CXXI. 1. A Song for the Ascents. I roAse my eyes to the mountains. Whence cometh my help ? The title differs from that of the pre- ceding psalm only in the use of the preposition /or, instead of the simple genitive construction. This variation, though without effect upon the sense, is favourable to the explanation which has been already given of these titles, as a song for the ascents or pil- grimages to Jerusalem is certainly more intelligible than a song for the steps of the temple, and still more so than a song for the returns from exile, while the modern theory of climacteric re- sumptions fails altogether to account for the expression here used The whole psalm is a description of Jehovah as the guardian or protector of his people. The only material distinction of the parts is that arising from the alternate use of the first and second person, as in Ps. xci, which has led some to assume without ne- PSALM CXXI. 205 »»essity, that the psalm was intended to be sung by alternate or responsive choirs. The phrase to lift the eyes, though sometimes used to signify the mere act of directing them to an object, has its strict and full sense, when a higher object is particularly men- tioned, such as hills or heavens. The mountains here meant are the heights on which Jerusalem is built. It is not improbable that this psalm was intended to be sung when the pilgrims came in sight of the Holy City. Some suppose moreover that it was meant to be an evening song and used when they halted for the last night's rest before they reached Jerusalem. The relative construction of the last clause yields a good sense, but is not in perfect keeping with the usage of the compound particle (v.?'!?) which is elsewhere always interrogative. 2. My help is from Jehovah, Maker of heaven and earth. The creative power of Jehovah is particularly mentioned, to demon- strate his ability to help his people. Compare Ps. cxv. 15. 3. May he not suffer to he moved thy foot ; may he not slumber — thy keeper. This is the expression of a wish, the only sense consistent with the form of the original. Let him not give up to moving thy foot. See above, Ps. xxxviii. 17 (16.) Ixvi. 9 (8.) The figure is peculiarly appropriate in the mouth of pilgrims, making their way among the hills and rocks of Palestine. The same thing is true of the figures in the subsequent verses. 4. Xo, he shall not slumber , and he shall not sleep — the keeper of Israel. What is desired in the third verse, is affirmed in this. The position of the subject at the end of the sentence, in both cases, is emphatic. Most interpreters assume a gradation in the meaning of the two verbs, as if one denoted lighter and the other deep sleep ; but they differ on the question which is the stronger of the two expressions. The latest writers say the fir«t See above, on Ps. iv. 9 (8.) 206 PSALM CXXI. 5. Jehovah is thy keeper ; Jehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand. The keeper or protector of Israel, who had twice been mentioned by that title, is now named. A shade or shadow is a common jBgure for protector, and the right hand often mentioned as the place of a protector. See above, on Ps. cix. 6. ex. 5, and compare Num. xiv. 9 6. By day the sun shall not smite thee^ and the moon hy night The last clause does not necessarily refer to injurious effects pro- duced directly by the moon, but may be understood as a poetical description of all noxious influences operating in the night, over which the moon was constituted ruler at the time of its creation See Gren. i. 16. xxxi. 40. Jer. xxxvi. 30. 7. Jehovah will keep thee from all evil ; he will keep thy soul. The protection which had been repeatedly promised to Israel on the part of God, is now described as extending to all evils and to the very life and soul. ' 8. Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in^from now even to eternity. This is the third repetition of the phrase, Jehovah win keep., i. e. keep safe, protect, preserve, as if to silence the misgivings of a weak or tempted faith, by the reiterated declara- tion of this cheering truth. Going out and coming in is a pro- verbial Hebrew phrase for all the occupations and affairs of life See Deut. xxviii. 6. 1 Sam. xxix. 6. The original reference is to man's going out to labour in the morning and returning home to rest at night. See above, on Ps. civ. 23. With the last clause compare Ps. cxiii. 2. cxvi. 18. cxxv. 2. The promise of eternal, preservation is addressed directly to the church as such ; tut that it involves the blessed immortality of individual believers, \ii admitted even by those least disposed to find allusions to the future state in the Book of Psalms. PSALM CXXn. 207 PSALM CXXII. 1. A Song of the Ascents. By David. I rejoice in (those) laying to me, To the house of Jehovah we will go. This psalm, though so much older than the two before it, was probably placed third in the series, because it was intended to be sung, and was actually sung, at the entrance of the Holy City, whereas the others were used at the commencement of the march, and on coming in sight of Jerusalem. The ideal speaker represents the church or chosen people. After the introduction, vs. 1, 2. comes a panegyric on Jerusalem, as the royal and holy city, vs. 3 — 5, followed by a prayer for her prosperity as such, vs. 6 — 9. The Ascents, or upward journeys of the people to the sanctuary, as in Ps. cxx. 1. cxxi. 1. To rejoice in those saying is to rejoice because they say. On the last clause is founded Isai. ii. 3, where the gentiles are described as joining in the words here uttered by the Jews. 2. Standing are our feet in thy gates, oh Jerusalem ! The com^ mon version {shall stand) is entirely ungrammatical. The past tense of the substantive verb with the participle means strictly have been standing, i. e. have begun to stand, or are already standing. 3. Jerusalem, the {one) built like a city which is joined to itself together. This seems to be a continuation of the address in the preceding verse. The unusual expressions in the last clause are intended to describe the city as substantially and strongly built. The sense is correctly given in the English Bible, a city that is 208 PSALM CXXII. compact together. This seems to imply that Jerusalem had re- cently assumed this character, and may therefore help to de- termine the period in the reign of David, when the psalm was written. See 2 Sam. v. 9. The abbreviated relative (n^ianip) has by some been made a proof of later date ; but it no doubt belonged from the beginning to the dialect of common life, though not commonly employed in writing till a later date. It occurs in the song of Deborah, Judg. v. 7, and elsewhere in the Book of Judges (vi. 17. vii. 12. viii. 26.) 4. Where the tribes go up, the tribes of Jah, (as) a testimony to Israel, to give tkanJis to the name of Jehovah. There is obvious reference to the requisition in Ex. xxiii. 17. xxxiv. 23. Deut. xvi. 16, which is called a testimony, not merely as the law in general is (Ps. xciii. 5), but as a constant memorial of God's goodness to his people. The mention of the tribes seems to point to the period of the undivided monarchy. 5. For there sit thrones for judgment, thrones for the house of David. This means simply that Jerusalem was a civil as weli as a religious capital. There, literally thither, implying that the singers were themselves in motion towards these thrones. Sit, or as we should say in English, stand. See below, Ps. cxxv. 1. 6. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem ; may they have peace thai love thee ! Peace, in both clauses, includes all prosperity. There is obvious allusion to the meaning of the name Jerusalem. See above, on Ps. Ixxvi. 3 (2.) 7. Peace be within thy rampart, and repose within thy palaces. Peace and repose from all distracting causes, of whatever nature. Rampart, breast-work, circumvallation. Kampart and palaces arc put for the outer and inner masses of building. Compare Ps. xlviii. 14. PSALM CXXIII. 209 8. For the sake of my brethren and my friends^ let me speak. Peace (be) within thee. By brethren and friends we are to under- stand the whole body of the chosen people. For their sake may include the sense of in their behalf. The last clause admits of a different construction, Let me speak peace to thee, literally in thee. See above, on Ps. Ixxxv. 9 (8.) The optative meaning of the verb ia determined by the particle (ii5 j the use of which here seems to be imitated in Ps. cxv. 2. cxvi. 4. 9. For the sake of the house of Jehovah our God^ I will seek thp good. The house of Grod is here the sanctuary and all the inter- ests of which it was the local centre. Jehovah our God, our pat- ron and protector, our peculiar covenant God. Seek includes every form of effort to promote it ; but the prominent idea is that of intercession. PSALM CXXIII. 1. A Song of the Ascents. Unto thee do I raise my eyes, the (one) sitting in the heavens. This psalm contains an expression of solicitous desire for divine help, v. 1, 2, a direct prayer for mercy, V. 3, and a statement of the circumstances which occasioned it. With the first clause compare Ps. cxxi. 1, with the second, Ps. ii. 4. xi. 4. ciii. 19. cxiii. 3, 5. 2. Behold J as the eyes of servants (are turned) to the hand of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes (are turned) to Jehovah our God, until he have mercy upon us. The behold as, at the beginning, is equivalent to see how in English. Some suppose the act of looking towards the hand of a 210 PSALM CXXIV. superior to denote desire of protection ; others an appeal to bia bounty, as in Ps. civ. 27, 28. cxlv. 15, 16 ; others an implied prayer that punishment may cease. Compare Gen. xvi. 6, 8, 9. Perhaps all these explanations err in being too specific, and the sense of the comparison is simply that they look with deference and trust to the superior power which controls them. 3. Have mercy upon us, oh Jehovah, have mercy upon us ; for greatly are we sated with contempt. This petition forms the centre of the psalm, to which what goes before is introductory and what follows supplementary. The contempt is that of heathen neigh- bours, and especially that of the Samaritans, which is expressly mentioned in the hi.story. See Neh. i. 3. ii. 19, 4. Much sated in itself is our soul with the scorning of the secure^ the contempt of the proud. In itself, literally, to or for itself, as in Ps. cxxii. 3. Secure (sinners), those at ease, indifferent to the sufferings of others, and without apprehension of their own. Com- pare Ps. Ixxiii. J 2. PSALM C XXI Y. 1. A Song of the Ascents. By David. If (it had) not (been) Jehovah who was for ws — oh let Israel say. This psalm consists of two parts, an acknowledgment of God as the deliverer of Israel, vs. 1 — 5, and a consequent determination to trust in him exclusively for future favours, v. 6 — 9. The verse before us propounds the theme of the whole composition, in a conditional and imperfect, but for that very reason a more striking form PSALM CXXIV. 211 It is tantamount to saying, what if the Lord had not been for us ? — leaving the answer to the imagination of the reader. For W5, in our favour, on our side ; or to us^ belonging to us, ours, which really includes the other. See above, on Ps. Ivi. 10 (9.) Oh that in the last clause represents (j^d) the particle of entreaty The common version {now) conveys the very different idea, at lengthy after all that we have suffered, let Israel so say. The mis- take is rendered more natural or rather unavoidable, to mere English readers, by the seeming antithesis between the now of this verse and the then of vs. 3, 4, 5, of which there is not the slightest trace in the original. 2. If (it had) not {been) Jehovah who was for us, in the rising up of man against us — ^What was left unfinished in the first verse, as a mere suggestion of the Psalmist's theme, is now repeated, for the purpose of being carried out. This is one of the rhetorical resumptions, which some modern critics hold to be the (nib?.^_) degrees, from which these fifteen psalms derived their common designation. With this verse compare Ps. Ivi. 12 (11.) 3. Then alive would they have swallowed us, in the kindling oj their 'wrath against us. With respect to the then at the begin- ning of this verse, there is danger of an error just the opposite of that already pointed out in reference to the now of v. 1. As the English reader would be almost sure to take that for a particle of time, which it is not, he would be equally certain to mistake this for a term of logic, meaning in that case, upon that supposition, or the like ; whereas it really means at that time, the well remem- bered time of our extremity, when God so wonderfully interposed for our deliverance. The Hebrew particle occurs in this form only here, and is consequently no more a proof of recent than of early date. Another word liable to misconstruction in the Eng- lish versions of this clause is quick, here used in its primary sense of livhig or alive^ from which may be easily deduced its secondary 212 PSALM CXXIV. sense of swift^ implying lively motion. The historical allusion, in this and other like passages, is no doubt to the fate of Korah and his company. Compare Num. xvi. 32, 33, where the same verb and adjective occur together. See above, on Ps. Iv. 16 (15.J The plural pronoun their refers to the collective man in the pre- ceding verse. 4. Then the waters uwuld have overwhelmed us (and) a stream passed over our soul. The common version {had overwhelmed us) is entirely correct, and more poetical in form than that here given, but at the same time ambiguous, as the sentence, taken by itself, would seem to mean, that before the time signified by then, the waters had actually overwhelmed them, which was not the case. The figures are the same as in Ps. xviii. 5, 17 (4, 16.) cxliv. 7. 5. Then had passed over our soul the waters, the proud (waters.) The waters are so described, partly because of the ideas suggested by their swelling (Ps. Ixxxix. 10), partly because they represent dangers arising from the selfish pride of human enemies. Some, without necessity, recur to the primary meaning of the root, and explain the adjective to mean boiling, effervescing. 6. Blessed {he) Jehovah., who did not give us (as) prey to their teeth. By one of those rhetorical transitions which are constantly occurring in the figurative diction of the psalms, the enemies and dangers, which had just been represented as an overwhelming flood or torrent, are suddenly transformed into devouring beasts. See above, on Ps. iii. 8 (7.) Iviii. 7 (6.) With the benediction or dox- ology, blessed (be) Jehovah, compare Ps. xxviii. 6. xxxi. 22 (21.) 7. Our soul is escaped, like a bird, from the snare of the fowlers , ihe snare is broken and we are escaped. We have here a second transition and a third comparison, to wit, that of the enemies to fowlers, and of their devices to snares or traps used in catching PSALM CXXV. 213 birds. In the second clause there is an obvious climax. Not only is the bird gone, but the snare is broken. This is peculiarly ap- propriate to the restoration of the Jews from Babylon, which was occasioned by the fall of Babylon itself. With the figures of this verse compare Ps. xviii. 5 (4.) xci. 3. The English phrase is escaped y denoting a change of state, and not, like has escaped ^ a single act, is well suited to represent the Hebrew verb, which, though active in meaning, has the passive form. 8. Our help is in the name of Jehovah^ maker of heaven and earth. The conclusion drawn from the experience here recorded is, that he who had helped them must help them still. Our help for the future no less than the past. In the name of Jehovah^ the manifested attributes, which constitute his name^ in the peculiar dialect of Scripture, and especially of this book. See above, on Ps. V. 12 (11) XX. 2(1.) With this verse compare also Ps xxxiii. 22. cxxi. 2. PSALM CXXY. 1. A Song of the Ascents. Those trusting in Jehovah (are) like Mount Zion, (which) is not moved (but) stands forever. This psalm contains an expression of strong confidence in the divine protection, vs. 1, 2, especially against wicked enemies, v. 3, with a prayer that this confidence may not go unrewarded, v. 4, and a prophetic anticipation of the fate of the ungodly, v. 5. The con- dition of the chosen people, here described or pre-supposed, as Buffering fr)m the spite of heathen enemies, not in captivity or 214 PSALM CXXV. exile, but at home in their own land, and internally divided into two great parties, the sincere and hypocritical, agrees exactly with the period of the Restoration, and especially that part of it in which the building of the temple was suspended, as known to us from history and prophecy. The psalm before us was well suited to alarm and warn the false Israel, as well as to encourage and support the true. According to Hengstenberg, it was in- tended, with the psalms before and after it, to form a trilogy, consisting of one ancient and two later compositions. Those trusting in Jehovah is a characteristic designation of the true church, the spiritual Israel, the chosen people. The meaning is not merely that they individually exercise this faith, but that col- lectively, or as a body, they are built upon it, and have no secu- rity except in the divine protection. Mount Zion^ not as a figure for the church, which would then be compared with itself, but simply as a mountain, and like other mountains solid and endur- ing, here selected as a sample or an emblem of these qualities, because it had also a religious pre-eminence, as the earthly seat and centre of the true religion. It is not (and shall not be) movp/lj shaken from its firm position. See above on Ps. xlvi. 6 (5.) Stands forever J litersiWy J sits to eterjiity^theHehYew idiom using one of these postures as we use the other, or rather using both as we use only one, to denote the op.posite- of vacilla- tion and prostration. See above, on Ps. cxxii. 5. 2. Jerusalem fhas) hills about her, and (soj Jehovah (is) ahezit his people, from noio even to eternity. The site of Jerusalem, with its peculiar features, furnishes the psalmist with a striking image of the divine protection. As in v. 1, the permanent secu- rity of the church itself is likened to the firmness of Mount Zion on its base, so here the protecting care, which causes this secu- rity, is likened to the heights by which the city is surrounded upon all sides. ' The verb has, supplied in the translation of the first clause, is really a violation of the Hebrew PSALM CXXV. 215 idiom, to which as well as to the kindred tongues the verb to have is utterly unknown. In our own idiom, however, it expresses the precise idea, and enables us to retain the Hebrew collocation, which assigns Jerusalem the first place in the sentence. The Hebrew corresponding to about is a compound phrase, con- sisting of a local adverb and a preposition, around as to. His people, meaning those who trust him (v. 1), to the exclusion of all hypocrites and unbelievers. 3. For not to rest is the rod of wickedness over the lot of the righteous, to the intent that the righteous may not put forth to iniquity their hands. This unusually long verse clearly shows the actual condition of the chosen people, here assumed or pre- supposed, as well known to the writer and original readers of the psalm. The present ascendency of wicked men is not inconsist- ent with the truth just stated, because it is to be brought to an end, lest the faith and patience of Grod's people should fail, and they should be tempted to renounce his service as unprofitable nay as ruinous. Compare Ps. Ixxiii. 13, 14. To rest, not mere- ly to remain, but to continue undisturbed. The rod or staff is here a symbol of authority, and might be rendered sceptre, if the subject of discourse were kings. See above on Ps. ii. 9. xlv. 7 (6.) The lot of the righteous, their share of the inheritance of the cho- sen people, at first distributed by lot. To the intent indicates the reason why this undeserved superiority is not to last. The reason is founded not merely on the ill desert of the wicked, but on the interest and welfare of the righteous. Put forth^ or stretch out, literally send into. See the same construction, Gen. xxxvii. 22. Ex. xxii. 7, 10 (8, 11.) To touch iniquity is here to meddle with it, not, as some suppose, in the shape of re- venge merely, but in all its degrees and forms, by which the righteous can be tempted. 4. Do good, Oh Jehovah, to the good, and to {those) upright in 216 PSALM CXXV. thnr hearts- These are additional descriptions of the true churcl or spiritual Israel, to whom alone the promise of divine favour and protection had been given. Upright^ literally straight^ straight- forward, as opposed to all moral obliquity whatever. See above, on Ps. vii. 11 (10.) The prayer involves a prophetic declaration, that to such and such only, God will do good or act kindly in the highest sense. See above, on Ps. Ixxiii. 1. 5. Andj (as to) those turning aside (in) their crooked (ways), Jehovah will let them go with the doers of iniquity. Peace (be) ujpon Israel! The participle in the first clause is properly a transitive and means causing to turn aside, but has here the sense of going aside, or turning in the intransitive sense, the English ^erb having precisely the same double usage. This construction of the Hebrew verb, which occurs also in Isai. xxx. 11. Job. xziii. 11, may be resolved into the usual one, by supposing an ellipsis of their feet or steps. The adjective translated crooked oc- curs only here and in Judg. v. 6, where the noun (ways or paths ) is expressed. It denotes the bye-ways of corrupt inclination and transgression, by which men deviate from the straight and narrow highway of God's commandments. Compare Deut. ix. 16. Mai. ii. S, 9. The workers of iniquity are not a diflferent class from these wanderers, but that to which they belong, and the doom of which they would gladly escape ; but the Lord will let them go on still with those whom they resemble in character, and as they have been like them by the way, they shall be like them in the end. Compare Ps. xxvi. 9. xxviii. 3. Having thus excluded hypocritical pretenders from the object of the bene- diction, he concludes by wishing or invoking ^mce upon (the true or spiritual) Israel. Compare Isai. Ivii. 19, 21. PSALM CXXVI. 817 PSALM CXXVI. 1. A Song of the Ascents. In Jehovah^ s turning (to) the turn- ing of ZioUj we were like (men) dreaming. The church acknow- ledges the good work of deliverance as joyfully begun, vs. 1 — 3, and prays that it may be completed, vs. 4 — 6. For the meaning and construction of the first verb see above, on Ps. xiv. 7. Ixxxvi. 5 (4), and compare my note on Tsai. Hi. 8. Instead of the usual combination /n^Zilp n^iilJ) return to the captivity, we have here one resembling it in form (mn'^d iT^i) but meaning to return to the return or meet those returning, as it were, half-way. Compare Deut. XXX. 2, 3. James iv. 8. The Hebrew noun denotes con- version, in its spiritual sense, and the verb Grod's gracious conde- scension in accepting or responding to it. The great historical example of this condescension, "which the Psalmist had immedi- ately in view, was the deliverance from Babylon ; but the terms are so selected as to be appropriate to the most intimate personal experience of the same kind. Zion is here put for the church or chosen people, of which it was the local seat or centre. Like the dreamers or those dreaming^ i. e. out of our ordinary normal state, and in an ecstasy or trance, arising from excess of joy. The idea of incredulity may be included, but must not be suffered to exclude all others. 2. Then was filled with laughter our mouth., and our tongue with singing ; then said they among the nations., Jehovah hath don$ great things to these (people.) The particle (tJ*) then is followed by the future in the sense of the preterite, in prose as well as VOL. III. 10. 218 PSALM CXXVI. poetry. See Ex. xv. 1. Deut. iv. 41. Josh. 10, 12. There is no need therefore of supposing that the writer simply retained the future forms of the passage from which this was copied, namely, Job viii. 21. Laughter and singing^ both as signs of joy. Dotie great things^ literally inagnified to do, an idiomatic phrase borrowed from Joel ii. 21. To these, literally with these, i, e. in his associations and transactions with them. 3. Jehovah has done great things to us. We are joyful. This last is not a mere appendage to the first clause, we are glad that he has done great things for us, but an independent proposition, containing the proof of that by which it is preceded. He haa indeed done much for us, for whereas we were lately wretched, we are now rejoicing, or more closely rendered, have become joy- ful. 4. Turn, oh Jehovah, to our captivity, like the streams in the south. The prayer is that God will return to or revisit his peo- ple in their bondage or distress, and by necessary implication set them free from it. See above on v. 1 , where we have a studied variation of this favourite expression. According to the usual interpretation {bring back our captivity), this verse is either incon- sistent with the first, or a proof that the restoration is not men- tioned there as past already. Like the streams in the south, as the temporary torrents in the dry southern district of Palestine re- appear in the rainy season, after having ceased to flow in the pre- ceding drought. 5 Those sowing with weeping ivith singing shall reap. Those sowing, literally t/ie sowing, i. e. the (same persons or the very persons) sowing. With weeping, or in tears ; the Hebrew noun is a singular collective. See above, on Ps. vi. 7 (6.) xxxix. 13 (12.) Ivi. 9 (8.) Singing, as a vocal expression of joy. See above, on V. 2. The figures are natural and common ones for meaus PSALM CXXV I. 219 and end, or for the beginning and the issue of any undertaking. They may have been suggested here by the mention of the parch- ed and thirsty south, where the fears of the husbandman are often disappointed by abundant rains and the sudden reappear- ance of the vanished streams. 6. He may go forth^ he may go forth^ and weep^ hearing {his) load of seed. He shall come., he shall come with singings hearing sheaves. The emphatic combination of the finite tense with the infinitive is altogether foreign from our idiom, and very imper- fectly represented, in the ancient and some modern versions, by the active participle (venienfes venient^ coming they shall come), which conveys neither the peculiar form nor the precise sense of the Hebrew phrase. The best approximation to the force of the original is Luther's repetition of the finite tense, he shall come., he shall come, because in all such cases the infinitive is really defined or determined by the term which follows, and in sense, though not in form, assimilated to it. Load of seed, liter- ally drawing or draught of seed, an obscure phrase probably denoting that from which the sower draws forth seed to sow, or perhaps the seed itself thus drawn forth. The only analogous expression is in Am. ix. 13, where the sower is called (2J^5n Tjp^^) a draioer {forth) of seed. The common version {precious seed) has no foundation either in etymology or usage. The contrast so beautifully painted in this verse was" realized in the experience of Israel, when " the priests and the levites, and the rest of the chil- dren of the captivity, kept the dedication of the house of God with joy" (Ezra vi. 16), "and kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy, because the Lord had made them joy- ful, and turned the heart of the king of Assyria unto them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel" (Ezra vi. 22.) See also Nehemiah xii. 43. 220 PSALM CXXVIT PSALM CXXYII. 1. A Song of the Ascents. By Solomon. ' If Jehovah will not build a hoiise, in vain toil its builders in it, If Jehovah will not keep a city, in vain watches (its) keeper. This is the central psalm of the series, having seven before and seven after it. This position it may owe to its being the only psalm of Solomon, whereas four are by David, and the remaining ten probably by one and the same author. See above, on Ps. cxx. 1. The ad- mission of this psalm among the Songs of Pilgrimage was proba- bly occasioned by its opening words, which, though admitting of a general application, were peculiarly appropriate to the building both of the first and second temple. It was perfectly natural, apart from all particular divine direction, that the rebuilders of the temple should rejoice to appropriate the words of Solomon, their great exemplar. The correctness of the title, which ascribes the psalm to him, is not only free from any plausible ob- jection, but abundantly confirmed by its internal character, its allusions to a state of high prosperity, and its resemblance to the Book of Proverbs, where the sentiment here uttered is frequently reiterated. See for example Prov. x. 22. The general princi- ple, that human care and toil are unavailing without God's bless- ing, is applied successively to several of the most familiar interests of real life. Beyond this the psalm admits of no subdivision. The first specification has respect to human dwellings, both on a small and on a large scale. The futures, will not build, will not keep, may also be explained as presents, builds not, keeps not. The phrase (ia) in it or on it is to be connected with the verb and PSALM CXXV II 221 not with builders. Watches^ wakes, remains awake, but always with a view to the exercise of vigilance. See above on Ps. cii. 8, and compare Prov. viii. 34. The lust word in Hebrew is properly the participle of the verb translated keep. 2. It is in vain f 07' you, rising up early ^ sitting down late, eat" ing the bread of cares (or troubles.) So he giveth his beloved sleep. The first phrase means, you labour in vain. Rising up^ not merely from sleep, but to labour, addressing yourselves to work. Sitting down., to rest when the work is done. The contrast is sufficiently maintained by the common version, si/Zf??^ up late; but it is objected that the Hebrews did not work in a sitting pos- ture. Both these phrases are peculiar in their form — making early (or hastening) to rise — making late (or delaying) to sit. Bread of cares (or troubles) is bread earned by hard toil and con- sumed amidst it. There is obvious allusion to Gen. iii. 17, 19. The last clause is exceedingly obscure. Some understand it to mean that while others labour, God's beloved sleeps. But this is contradicted by notorious facts and inconsistent with the doc- trine of the Bible, and especially the Book of Proverbs, with re- spect to idleness and diligence. See Prov. vi. 9, 10. xxxi. 27. Another possible interpretation is that God gives his beloved re- freshing sleep after their labour, but this cannot be said of such exclusively. The latest writers understand the clause to mean, that what others hope to gain exclusively by labour, but in vain, the Lord bestows upon his people while they sleep, they know not how. According to this view of the passage, it^nust be trans- lated, sOy i. e. such, namely, what they thus seek, Ac gives to hii beloved one {in) sleep. This, which is not a very obvious con- struction, derives some additional colour from the seeming allusion to Solomon's name Jedidiah (2 Sam. xii. 25) , the Beloved of the Lord, and to the promise of prosperity communicated to him in a dream (1 Kings iii. 5, 15.) 222 PSALM CXXVII. 3. Zo, a heritage from Jehovah (are) children ; a reward (ii) the fruit of the womb. What is true of dwellings and the means of subsistence is no less true of those for whom these advantages are commonly provided. An inheritance or heritage^ i. e. a val- uable possession derived from a father. Children, literally sons, a term very often used indefinitely. A reward or hire, the ex- pression used by Leah, in naming her son Issachar, Gen. xxx. 18. In the same chapter (Gen. xxx. 2) children are called the fruit of the womb, and represented as the gift of God. See also Dcut. vii 13. 4. As arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the sons of youth. The first clause describes them as defenders of their parents. A warrior, literally, a stro7ig or [mighty) one. Sons of youth, i. e. born while their parents are still young. See Gen. xxxvii. 3. Isai. liv. 6. The allusion is not only to their vigour (Gen. xlix. 3), but to the value of their aid to the parent in declining age. 5. Happy the man who has filed his quiver with them — they shall not hz put to shame — they shall speak with adversaries in the gate. The first clause carries out the figure of arrows in the verse pre- ceding. The mention of the gate, in the last clause, as the place both of commercial and judicial business, seems to mark a transi- tion from martial to forensic conflict, and to show that the ene- mies or adversaries here meant are adverse parties in litigation. See above, on Ps. Ixix. 13 (12.) For a striking contrast to this picture, see Job v. 4. This last example, although perfectly in keeping with the views of the ancient Israelites in general seems peculiarly natural and life-like in a psalm of Solomon PSALM CXXVIII. 223 PSALM GXXYIII 1. A Song of Ascents. Happy is every fearer of Jehovah ^ the (ons) walking in his ways. This psalm seems intended to assure the tempted and discouraged people of Judah, under the most adverse circumstances, that devotion to his service cannot lose its reward. As if he had said, however things may now seem to an eye of sense, it is still a certain truth, that the truly happy man is he who fears Jehovah, not in mere profession, but who testifies his fear of him by walking in his ways or doing his com- mandments. 2. The labour of thy hands when thou shalt eat, happy thou and well with thee. The promise implied is the opposite of the threaten- ing in Deut. xxviii. 33. Lev. xxvi. 16. What the enemies of Israel are there described as doing, it is here said that Israel shall do himself. Well with thez., literally, good for thee. The con- junction (^^3) in the first clause is not to be construed as in Ps. cxviii. 10, but as a particle of time. Happy thou., or oh thy happinesses., is an expression borrowed from Deut. xxxiii. 29. 3. Thy wife., as a fruitful vine >d the sides of thy house; thy sons, as olive-plants around thy table. The word translated sides always means the edge or border, and, according to some, the innermost part. See above, on Ps. xlviii. 3 (2.) Sons, as usual, represent the children of both sexes. The olive-plants are em- blems of luxuriance and fruitfulness. See above, on Ps. Hi. 10 224 PSALM CXXVIII. (8), and compare Jer. xi. 16. The Hebrew for around or alout is the same as in Ps. cxxv. 2. 4. See — for so shall be blessed the man fearing Jehovah. The lo or behold at the beginning is equivalent to saying, Look upon this picture, for it represents the state of one who truly fears the Lord. Although such a connection between goodness and pros- perity was far more uniform and constant under the Old Testa- ment than now, it is not to be supposed that these promises were actually verified in the experience of every godly Israelite. This has led some of the most eminent interpreters to the conclusion, that the promises of this psalm are not personal at all, but ad- dressed to an ideal person representing the whole class of true believers, the true Israel. 5. Jehovah bless thee out of Zion, and look thou upon the icelfare of Jerusalem. The consecution of the future and imperative is the same as in Ps. ex. 2. The latter might therefore be trans- lated as a promise, the Lord shall bless thee, but the optative mean- ing seems more natural in this connection. In either case, the imperative conveys substantially the same idea. See above, on Ps, xxxvii. 3, 4, 27. From Zion, as his earthly residence, the waat of the theocracy. See above, on Ps. xx. 3 (2.) Look upon, mth joy and triumph. See above, on Ps. xxii. 18 (17.; xxxvii. \c4. liv. 9 (8.) Welfare, literally goodness, not of character but of condition, good fortune. The Hebrew word occurs above, Ps ftxix. 66. 6. And see thou sons to thy sons. Peace (be) upon Israel ! The first clause is a virtual promise of long life — thou shalt see thy child" 'renh children. An interesting parallel is furnished by Zech. viii. 4, the whole of which chapter is indeed a prophetic commentary on this psalm. For the meaning of the last clause, see above, on Ps cxxv. 5. PSALM CXXIX. 225 PSALM CXXIX. 1. A Song of the Ascents. Many {a time) have they distressed me from my youth — oh let Israel say ! On the recollection of de- liverances in times past, vs. 1 — 4, rests the hope of others in tim? to come, vs. 5 — S. The first word after the inscription properly means much or too much. See above, on Ps. cxx. 6. cxxiii. 4. But most interpreters agree in referring it to time, as in the Eng- lish version, many a time or often. The youth of Israel, as a na- tion, was the period of his residence in Egypt, See Hos. ii. 17. Jer. ii. 2. xxii. 21. Ezek. xxiii. 3. For the optative meaning of the last clause, and the true sense of the Hebrew particle (^|), see above, on Ps. cxviii. 2. cxxiv. 1. Distressed^ persecuted or oppressed me. Compare the use of the participle in Ps. vi. 8 (7.) vii. 5 (4.) xxiii. 5. 2. Many {a time) have they distressed me from my youth ; yet have they not prevailed against me. The statement in the first verse is repeated, for the sake of being joined with one of a more cheering character. Ye^, literally, also. As if he had said : it is true that they have so done, but it is also true, etc. Prevailed against me., literally, leen able {as) to me, i. e. able to accomplish their designs respecting me. See Gen. xxxii. 26 (25), and com- pare Ps. xiii. 5 (4.) 3. Upon my back ploughed ploughers ; they made long their fur^ rows. The expression on my back seems to show that the allusion 10* 226 PSA.LM CXXIX. is to wounds produced by stripes. As if he had said, my baclj was furrowed by their whips or scourges. We have here then an example of the image of an image. The ploughing is a figure for scourging, and the scourging a figure for the manifold sufferings inflicted upon Israel by his cruel enemies. 4. Jehovah (is) righteous ; he cut the cord of the wicked. He is righteous, and therefore faithful to his promise, and to his cove- nant engagements to his people. The cord (not cords) is that which fastened the ox to the plough. This continuation of the figure in v. 3 is much more natural than the assumption of a new one, that of confinement by the tying of the limbs, as in Ps. ii. 3. According to the first translation above given, the meaning of the clause is, that Jehovah put an end to their inflictions by a violent separation from their victim. 5. Shavied and turned lack are fand shall be) all haters of Zion. What Jehovah has already done for Zion, as recorded in V. 4, creates and justifies the confident belief, that he will do still more. This language was peculiarly appropriate to Israel at the Restoration, when the main deliverance had already been accom- plished, but others were still needed to complete the happy revolution. With the first clause compare Ps. vi. 11 (10.) XXXV. 4 (3.) xl. 14 (13 ) G. They shall he like the grass of the house-tops^ whichy lefore one pulls {it) J withers. The flat roofs of the oriental houses being often covered with earth, grass and weeds readily spring up, but having no depth of root soon wither. Compare my note on Isai. xxxvii. 27, from which place the figure is here borrowed. The common version (afore it groweth up) is founded on Je- rome's {statim ut viruerit.) The other is supported by the Sep- tuagint and Vulgate (ngo rod stoTtuadrivui,^ priusquam evellatur) PSALM CXXIX. 227 and by the usage of the verb (^\'^) in the sense of drawing (a sword), drawing off (a shoe) etc 7. (With) ichich the reaper Jills not his hand and his hosom^ (when) binding sheaves. The ephemeral and worthless vegeta- tion of the house-top is contrasted still further with the useful pro- ducts of the earth, in order to contrast still more strongly the end of the righteous and the wicked. The last Hebrew word is translated above strictly as a paiticiple of the verb (*i;o3>) to bind or gather sheaves, and may agree with (liZIp) reaper in the first clause. Since the latter, however, is itself a participle used as a noun, most interpreters put the same construction on the other word, and suppose it to denote a different person from the reaper. With which the reaper Jills not his hand nor his bosom the sheaf - biTuler. The word translated bosom is explained by lexicogra- phers to mean the front fold of the oriental robe, in which things are carried. It might also be translated lap. Hengstenberg's version is his arm. Compare my note on Isai. xlix. 22. 8 Nor do the passers by say., The blessing of Jehovah fcome) unto yoUy we bless you in the name of Jehovah. The negative description is still carried out, with unusual distinctness and par- ticularity. This verse affords an interesting glimpse of ancient harvest usages, confirmed by the historical statement in Ruth ii. 4, from the analogy of which place it is altogether probable, although denied by some, that there is here allusion to the alternate or responsive salutations in common use among the people. "We may then supply in thought before the last clause, nor receive the customary answer. As the Hebrew preposition before you does not mean on but to or unto., it seems better to supply co)m than be. With this verse compare Ps. cxviii. 26. 228 rSALM CXXX rSALM CXXX. 1. A So7ig of Ascents. Out of tie depths do I invoke thee, ok Jehovah ! This is the penitential psalm of the series, in which the guilt of the chosen people is distinctly acknowledged, as the cause of its calamities, but not as an occasion of despair. After an introductory petition to be heard, vs. 1, 2, comes the indirect confession of sin, vs. 3, 4, then an expression of strong confidence, vs. 5, 6, and an exhortation to Israel to indulge the same, vs. 7, 8. The distinction made in this last stanza, between Israel at large and the penitent who ytters the previous confession, would seem to show, that the latter is to be conceived of as an individual, and not as representing the whole people. But the best inter- preters are of opinion, that the distinction is entirely formal, and that the object of address in the last stanza is identical with the person speaking in the others. See above, on Ps. Ixix. 3, 15 (2, 14), and compare Isai. li. 10, in all which places the word translated depths occurs, and in the same sense, as a figure for extreme dejection and distress. The figure itself is also used in Ps. xl. 3 (2.) Ezek. xxvii. 34. 2. Lord, hearken to my voice ; let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. The first word in Hebrew is (*^n») the one strictly meaning Lord, and showing that the prayer is offered to a sovereign God. The common verb (2>?3'>^') to hear is here construed with a preposition (a), thus resembling, in its syn- tax, our verbs hearken, listen. The adjectiv-'^ atte^^iive is peeuliai PSALM C XXX. 225 to the later Hebrew, though its verbal root is of frequent occur- rence in the psahns. Supplications^ prayers for grace or mercy See above, on Ps. xxviii. 6. xxxi. 23 (22.) 3. If iniquities thou mark^ oh Jah — oh Lord^ who shall stand ? This interrogation clearly implies consciousness of guilt, and 13 therefore an indirect confession of it. To inark is to note, take notice of, observe. The Hebrew verb is used in precisely the same manner, Job x. 14. xiv. 16. To stand is to stand one's ground, maintain one's innocence, and perhaps in this case, to endure one's sentence. See above, on Ps. i. 6, and compare Nah. i. 6. Mai. iii. 2. The question is equivalent to a strong negation, or an affirmation that none can stand. 4. For with thee (there is) forgiveness^ to the intent that thou mayest be feared. The for has reference to a thought suppressed but easily supplied. Since none can stand, oh Lord, forgive, /br with thee, etc. Or, since none can stand, our only hope is in free forgiveness, for with thee etc. With thee^ belonging to thee, exercised by thee. The word rendered forgiveness is pecu- liar to the later Hebrew ; its plural form occurs in Neh. ix. 17. The forgiveness that we need, the (only) forgiveness that is avail- able or attainable. To the. intent j for this very purpose, not merely so that, as an incidental consequence. Fear or godly reverence is here represented as one fruit and evidence of par- doned sin. 5. I wait for Jehovah — my soul waits — and in his word do 1 hope. The last verb also means to wait for his word, i. e the fulfilment of his promise, as in Ps. cxix. 74, 81, 82, 114, 147. My soul waits, I wait with all my soul or heart. My powers and affections are absorbed in this earnest expectation <5 My soul {-wsdta) for the Lord more than (thoso) watching S to PSALM CXXX. fur the morning — watching for the morning. There is some- thing beautiful and toucliing in this simple repetition, though it is not easy to account for its effect, which is sensibly impaired by the attempt made in the English version to relieve the baldness of the iteration, I say more than they that xoatch for the morning. The comparison suggested is between the impatience of nocturnal watchers for the break of day and that of sufferers for relief, or of convicted sinners for forgiveness. 7. Ho'pe ihoUy Israel^ in Jehovah ; for with Jehovah (is) mercy ^ and abundantly with him redemption. The third person used in the English Bible {let Israel hope in the Lord) is an inaccuracy the more remarkable because not found in the Prayer Book Ver- sion {Oh Israel^ trust in the Lord.) In Jehovah, literally to him, i. e. look to him with confident expectation, as in Isai. li. 5. The construction in the last clause is idiomatic and not suscepti- ble of close translation. The word corresponding to abundantly is the infinitive of a verb meaning to increase or multiply, but is often used adverbially in the sense of much, greatly, or abun- dantly. See above, on Ps. li. 4(2.) Redemption, dGliversiTLGe^ especially from bondage, that of Babylon in Ps. cxi. 9, that of sin or condemnation in the case before us. 8. And He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. The pro- noun is emphatic ; only trust him for redemption, and he will himself redeem thee. As the first clause shows by whom Israel is to be redeemed, to wit, by God alone, so the second shows from what, to wit, from sin, as the cause of his sufferings. This is a very significant variation of the older passage, Ps. xxv. 22, where the sufferings alone are expressly nientioned. PSALM CXXXI. 231 PSALM CXXXI. 1. A Song of Ascents. By David. Ok Jehovah., not haughty is my hearty and not lofty are my eyes^ and I meddle not ivitk great {things) and (with things) too wonderful for me. This short psalm is perfectly in David's manner, as well as his spirit, dis playing in a high degree that childlike royalty, in which he is resembled by no other even of the sacred writers. Haughty^ lite- rally high^ bnt with particular reference to hauteur or loftiness of spirit. Lofty eyes are mentioned elsewhere by David himself as a sign of pride. See Ps. xviii. 28 (27.) ci. 5. The elation here described is elsewhere represented as the natural fruit of undis- turbed prosperity. See Deut. xxxii. 15. 2 Chron. xxvi. 16. xxxii. 25. This confirms the Davidic origin of the psalm, and shows that it was only adapted by the later writer to his own purpose, when the original conception would have been almost impossible. Meddle^ literally, walk or loalk about^ i. e. employ or (as the English versions have it) exercise myself. Too loonderful for we, wonderfully done (more) than I (can comprehend.) The great and wonderful things meant are God's secret purposes and sovereign means for their accomplishment, in which man is not called to co-operate but to acquiesce. As David practised this forbearance by his patient expectation of the kingdom, both before and after the death of Saul, so he here describes it as a characteristic of the chosen people. 2. (God knows) if I have not soothed and quieted my soul., as a weaned (child leans) itpon his rtiother ; as a weaned (child leans) 232 PSALM CXXXI. on me my soul. The first clause contains a strong asseveration, in the idiomatic form of an ancient oath, very feebly represented by our adverb surely. See above, on Ps. Ixxxix. 36 (35.) The word translated soothed means rather smoothed^ levelled, as in Isai. xxviii. 25. Quieted^ stilled, hushed, reduced to silence. The repeated use of the preposition on in this connection is so marked and striking, that it seems to make it necessary to supply a verb with which it may be construed. This is certainly better than to give it a different meaning in the two clauses, or in both one which doe« not belong to it. In the version above given, the comparison suggested is between a weaned child, quietly reposing on its moth- er's breast, without desiring to be suckled as of old, and the soul of the Psalmist, by a bold conception represented as his child, and acting in like manner. Hengstenberg denies that there is any reference to the mother's milk, or that weaned has any other meaning here than that of infant or young child, as in Isai. xi. 8. xxviii. 9. The comparison is then coincident with that in Matth. xviii. 3, 4. But the use of the word weaned^ which was here re- quired by no parallelism as in Isaiah, and the singular aptness of the figure suggested by the word when strictly understood, have led most interpreters, and will probably lead most readers, to pre- fer the obvious and strict in^terpretation. 3. Hojpe thou^ Israel^ in Jehovah^ from now even to eternity. This is the opposite of the feeling disavowed in the pt-eceding verses. From the first clause that of Ps. cxxx. 7 was no doubt borrowed by the later writer, who prefixed that psalm to the one before us. With the last clause compare Ps. cxxi. 8. PSALM CXXXII. PSAL M CXXXII. 1- A Song of Ascents Remember, oh Jehovah, for David, aU his affliction. This psalm contains a commemoration of David's zeal for the house of God, vs. 1 — 9, and a prayer that it may" be rewarded by the fulfilment of the promise to him and to his house, vs. 10 — 18. The common version {remember David and all his afflictions) omits a preposition and inserts a conjunction, both without necessity. The same verb and preposition (b 15T) are combined elsewhere, in the sense of remembering something in a person's favour, to his advantage, for his benefit. See above, on Ps. xcviii, 3. cvi. 45. cxix. 49. So here : remember, in behalf of David, how he was distressed. The common version of this last phrase {all his afflictions) supposes the Hebrew word (nis^) to be a plural noun, whereas it is the infinitive of the passive verb /rT35>) to be afflicted or distressed (Ps. cxix. 71), and is therefore more correctly rendered in the Prayer Book {all his trouble.) The precise sense is, his being afflicted. The distress referred to is the great anxiety which David felt, first to reunite the ark and tabernacle, and then to build a more permanent sanctuary. This zeal for the house of God is one of the most characteristic features in the history of David, and for this he was rewarded, not only with a promise that his son should execute his favourite design, but also with a promise that God would build a house for him, by granting a perpetual succession in his family upon the throne of Judah. This promise seemed to be forgotten at the time of the Captivity, and even after the first Restoration, when the house of David was reduced so low, that its hereditary representative, tM PSALM CXXXII. Zerubbabel, never even bore the royal title. The form of the petition in this verse is copied from that of Solomon, at the dedi- cation of the temple, as recorded in 2 Chron. vi. 42. 2. Who swore to Jehovah, vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, This last expression is borrowed, both here and in Isai. i. 24, from Jacob himself. See Gen. xlix. 24. 3. If I go into the tent (which is) my house, if I go up on the bed (which is) my couch. The elliptical form of swearing here used is equivalent to saying, I will not go. See above, on Ps. cxxxi. 2. The tent my house, the couch my led, are mere poetical expressions for the house where I dwell, the couch where I lie. Instead of being in apposition, however, they may be in regimen, the tent of my house, tlie couch of my led, i. e. the dwelling place of my house, the resting place of my bed. 4. If I give sleep to my eyes, to my eyelids slumber. This is a part of the sentence begun in v. 3 and completed in v. 5. The promise is, of course, not to be absolutely understood, but as meaning, that he would not sleep at ease, or abandon himself to undisturbed repose, till the condition was complied with. 5. Until I find a place for Jehovah, dwellings for the Mighty One of Jacob. The implication in the first clause, that Jehovah was without a place on earth, may remind us of Christ's memor- able saying. Matt. viii. 20. Luke ix. 58. The word translated dweU Hngs is peculiarly expressive, because, although strictly a generic term, it is specially applied in usage to the sanctuary with its enclosures and apptmdages. See above, on Ps. Ixxxiv. 2 (1.) 6. Lo, ive heard it in Ephrathah ; we found it in the fields of the wood. These are most probably the words of David and his coui:€mporaries, with respect to the recovery of the ark. We PSALM CXXXII. 235 heard it^ or heard of it, i. e. of the ark, in plying that they did not see it, that it was out of public view. In Ephrathah has been variously explained. Some suppose it to mean Ephraim, as Ejphrathi means an Ephraimite, and apply the words to Shiloh, where the ark was long deposited. But Ephrathah itself is never 60 used elsewhere, and the ark, while at Shiloh, was as much in public view as at Jerusalem. Others, because Bethlehtin Eph- rathah and Bethlehem Judah are convertible expressions (1 Sam. Xvii. 12. Mic. V. 1), make Ephrathah another name for Judah, which it never is, however, when it stands by itself. The only explanation, equally agreeable to usage and the context, is that which makes Ephrathah the ancient name of Bethlehem (Gen xlviii. 7j, here mentioned as the place where David spent his youth, and where he used to hear of the ark, although he never saw it till long afterwards, when he found it in the fields of the wood, or in the neighbourhood of Kirjath-jearim, which name means Forest-town or City of the "Woods. Compare 1 Sam. vii. 1 with 2 Sam. vi. 3, 4. 7. Let us covic to his dwellings ; let us how down to his foot- stool. Another step is here taken in reviewing the history of the sanctuary and of David's zeal for it. These are such words as might have been spoken at the public and solemn introduction of the ark into Jerusalem. As if it had been said : the ark of God has long been lost or out of sight, but now that a dwelling is provi- ded for it on Mount Zion, let us come etc. Without any material change of sense, the future form may be retained, and the para- gogic augment understood to express a strong determination. Now that the ark is established on Mount Zion, we will come etc. With respect to the representation of the ark as the footstool of Jehovah, and the act of bowing down to it, see above, on Ps xcix. 5. 8. Arise^ Jehovah^ to thy resting -place ^ thou and the ark of thy 236 PSALM CXXXII. strength. Here again the form of expression is borrowed from tlie words of Solomon at the dedication of the temple, as recorded in 2 Chr vi. 41. This shows that the Psalmist regarded Solomoir as merely carrying out his father's plan, or acting as th«e executor of his will, which is in fact the mutual relation of these personages as they appear in sacred history. A more remote allusion may be traced to Num. x. 35. See above, on Ps. Ixviii. 2(1.) The word translated resting-place has here its proper meaning as a local noun. The last clause shows the true import of the ark in the Mosaic system, as a pledge and token of Jehovah's pres- ence, so that its solemn entrance into Zion was the entrance of the Lord himself, and to bow down to it was to worship him. T/ig a?-k of thy strength is by some, in accordance with a common Hebrew idiom, resolved into thy ark of strength^ and that into thy strong (or mighty) ark. It is simpler, however, and in this case yields a better meaning, to retain the original expression in its obvious sense, the ark which assures us of the presence and exer- tion of thy power for our protection. 9. Let thy priests be clothed ivith righteousness^ and let thy saints shout (or sing.) This is the conclusion of the sentence quoted from 2 Chr. vi. 41. Instead of righteousness we there read salva- tion^ which has led some to explain the two words as synonymous, while others understand by righteousness the practical justification which salvation carries with it. Another possible construction is to take the righteousness as that of God, which is displayed in the salvation of his people, and in which his priests, who officially declared it, might be said to clothe themselves. See the samo figure in Job xxix. 14. Saints^ gracious ones, or true believers. The parallel passage has, rejoice in good or good7iess. 10. For the sake of David thy servant^ turn not away the face of thine Anointed. The most obvious construction of this verse is that which makes it intercede, on the ground of the divine par- PSALM ex XX [I. 237 tiality to David^ /or another person, supposed by some to be one or more of his successors in the kingly office, by others Israel at large. A comparison, however, of the place from which the words are borrowed (2 Chron. vi. 42) and of v. 17 below, makes it highly probable that both clauses relate to David himself. This may be rendered clearer and more natural by makino- the first clause an elliptical petition, entirely distinct from the second. For the sake of David thy servant (grant these requests which are really his) ; turn not away (his face which is) the face of thine Anoint- ed. The frequency with which God is urged to hear and answer prayer/or David''s sake (1 Kings xi. 12, 13. xv. 4. 2 Kings viii. 19, etc.) is not to be explained by making David mean the promise to David, nor from the personal favour of which he was the object, but from his historical position, as the great theocratical model, in whom it pleased God that the old economy should reach its culminating point, and who is always held up as the type and representative of the Messiah, so that all the intervening kings are mere connecting links, and their reigns mere repetitions and continuations of the reign of David, with more or less resem- blance as they happened to be good or bad. Hence the frequen- cy with which his name appears in the later Scriptures, com- pared with even the best of his successors, and the otherwise inexplicable transfer of that name to the Messiah himself. It is in this unique character and office, as the Servant of the Lord, that David is here mentioned, first by his own name, and then as the Anointed King of Israel, whose face Jehovah is entreated not to turn away, a figure for refusing him an audience, or at least denying his petition, which we know to have been used in David's times. See the Hebrew of 1 Kings ii. 16, 17, 20. 11. Sworn hath Jehovah to David [\n) truth^ he will not turii hack from it : Of the fruit of thy body [ will place on the throne for thee. See above, on Ps. Ixxxix. 4, 36 (3, 35), and compare 2 Sam. vii. 28. Turn back, recede from his engagement, cr fail 238 P5AL-M CXXXII. 10 perform it. Of the fruity from among thy posterity or offspring. On the throne^ literally to ov for it. See above, on Ps. ix. 5 (4.) For thety in thy place, as thy representatives, or {helotiging) to theCy i. e. thy throne. 12 If thy sons loill observe my covenamt and my testimonies which I teach them^ (then) likewise their sons unto perpetuity shall sit upon the throne for thee. This is the condition of the promise, the breach of which accounts for the apparent violation of the promise itself. Such a suspension of the promise was not only just in itself, but foreseen and provided for (2 Sam. vii. 14, 15), as something perfectly consistent with the perpetuity of the en- gagement, / teach you refers not only to external legislation, but to spiritual guidance and illumination. 13. For Jehovah has chosen Zion^has desired (it) for a dwell- ing for him. Besides the oath and promise made directly to David, the petition of the psalm is here enforced by the divine choice of Zion, which was inseparably connected with the exalta- tion of the family of David. See the same thing asserted or im- plied, Ps. xliii. 2(1.) Ixv. 2 (\.) cxxv. 2. As in vs. 11, 12, the last words in Hebrew (ib) may be also rendered to him^ belong- ing to him, his dwelling. 14. This is my resting-place to perpetuity ; here will I dwell, because I have desired it. These are the words of God, though not expressly so described. See above, on Ps. Ixxxvii. 4. Ixxxix. 4, 5 (3, 4.) The word translated dwell means originally to sit, and especially to sit enthroned, so that this idea would be neces-i sarily suggested with the other to a Hebrew reader, See above, on Ps. xxix. 10. Iv. 20 (19.) cii 13 (12.) cxxiii. 1. 15. Her provision I will bless, I ivill bless ; her poor I will tatisfy (with) bread. The repetition of the verb may expre?/? PSALM CXXXII. 239 either certainty or fulness. / will surely blesSj or I will bless abundantly. See above, on Ps. cxxvi. 6. The word translated 'provision is a cognate form to that i,n Ps. Ixxviii. 25. Satisfy^ amply or abundantly supply. 16. And her jpriests I ivill clothe with salvation ; and her sainti shall shout^ shall shout (for joy.) This is the promise correspond- ing to the prayer in v. 9. The word salvation^ for which right- eousness was substituted there, is here restored from the original passage, 2 Chron. vi. 41. The last verb in Hebrew means to express joy by shouting or singing. As to the emphatic repetition, see above, on v. 15. 17. There will I make to bud a horn for David ; I have trimmed a lamp for mine Anointed. These are common figures in the Scripture for strength and prosperity. See above, on Ps. xviii (10), 29 (28.) Ixxxix. 18 (17.) xcii. 11, and compare 1 Sam. ii. 1. 2 Sam. xxi. 17. Ezek. xxix. 21. The last clause contains an allusion to the Law, which cannot be preserved in any version. The word translated lamp is used to designate the several burners of the golden candlestick (Ex. xxv. 37. xxxv. 14. xxxvii. 23. xxxix. 37), and the verb here joined with it is the one applied to the ordering or tending of the sacred lights by the priests (Ex. xxvii. 21. Lev. xxiv. 3.) The meaning of the whole verse is, that the promises of old made to David and to Zion should be yet fulfilled, however dark and inauspicious present appearances. 18. His enemies I ivill clotJie with shame^ and on him shall bloom his crown. The pronouns refer to David, as the Lord's Anointed, mentioned in v. 17. The figure in the first clause is the converse or counterpart of that in vs. 9, 16, and the same with that in Ps. xxxv. 2Q. cix. 29. With the last clause compare Ps. Ixxxix. 40 (39.) The verb to bloom or blossom agrees well with the idea of a wreath or chaplet. Compare the (jc/nao&VTcvov crrkcfavov of 240 PSALM CXXXIII. 1 Pet. V 4. Some prefer, however, to retain what they regard as the original meaning of the Hebrew verb ; on him shall his crown ihiiu (or glitter.) See above, on Ps. Ixxii. 16. PSALM CXXXIII. 1. A Song of Asceiits. By David. Behold ^ how good and how pleasant (is) the dwelling of brethren also together. This psalm is an effusion of holy joy occasioned by the sight of the gathering of Israel as one great household at the yearly feasts. It is distinguished from the later compositions of this series by the absence of complaint or lamentation, while its freshness and viva- city and antique phraseology confirm the title which ascribes it to David. The idiomatic use of (^1) also in the last clause is not easily transferred to any other language. The meaning may be, that although the children of Israel were brethren even when divided and dispersed, it was only in these great convocations that besides being thus related to each other, they also actually dwelt together. There might likewise be allusion, in the first instance, to the previous jealousies and alienations in the family of Israel, which seemed to be exchanged for mutual concord and affection, on David's accession to the throne of the whole nation. 2. Like the oil, the good (oil), on the head, runni7ig down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron, which runs down to the edge of his robes. The joyous character of this great family meeting suggests the "oil of joy" (Isai. Ixi. 3), the standing symbol of festivity, to which a more specific and religious character is then imparted by a beautiful transition to the good oil (i. e. sweet and costly), with rSALM CXXXIII. 241 wMcli Aaron was anointed (Ex. xxix. 7. xxx. 22. xl. 13), as a sio'n of consecration and of spiritual influences. See above, on Ps. ii. 2. As we read of the anointing of no subsequent High Priest, except prospectively (Lev. xxi. 10. Num. xxxv. 25), the reference here may be confined to Aaron himself. This is alleged to have differed from the unction of the other priests, by adding to the simple application of the oil to certain parts of the body, a copious affusion on the head, extending to the beard and even to the sacerdotal vestments. Some interpreters apply the last clause to the beard itself as reaching down to the mouth ("'t') or opening at the neck of the official tunic. But the repeti- tion of the verb (TV^), and the strong improbability that so much stress would have been laid upon the length of the beard, to which nothing is compared and which illustrates nothing, seem decisive in favour of the other explanation. 3. Like the deiv of Hermon^ which comes down upon the mountains of Zion ; for there has Jehovah commankded the Ucssing^ even life for evermore. The comparison with oil is now exchanged for one with dew, suggesting the idea of a refreshing, fertilizing influence. As the general comparison with oil is rendered more specific by the mention of the kind most highly valued, because made under the divine direction and applied to a most sacred use, so the gene- ral term dew is specified in like manner as the dew of Hermon, the dew falling on the lofty heights of Antilibanus. See above, on Ps. Ixxxix. 13 (12.) How this dew could be said to fall upon the mountains of Zion, is a question which has much divided and perplexed interpreters. Some have assumed a peculiar theory or system of physics on the writer's part. Others suppose dew of Htrmon to be merely descriptive of the quality, irrespective of the actual place of the deposit. Simpler and more natural than either of these, although not without difficulties of its own, is the interpretation which restricts the comparison itself to the first few words, and includes all that follows in the application. Likt the. VOL. III. 11 242 PSALM CXXX IV. dew of Herman (is the influence) which descends upon the hills o Zion, for there, etc. the last clause then explaining what this influ- ence was. Whether this be the true solution of the question as to form or not, it is no doubt the essential meaning of the passage, upon any exegetical hypothesis whatever. The dew of Hermon was mere moisture, but the dew of Zion was the promise of eter nal life, there made and verified. £iven life for evermore^ literally, life even to eternity PSALM CXXXIV. 1. A Song of Ascents. Behold! bless Jehovah, all ye servants of Jehovah J those standing in the house of Jehovah by night. The whole series of pilgrimage songs closes, in the most appropriate manner, with a summons to bless the Lord, addressed by the people on arriving at the sanctuary to the priests there in attend- ance, vs. 1, 2, and indirectly answered by a priestly blessing on the worshippers themselves, v. 3. The h or behold at the beginning is equivalent to saying, See, we are here, or we are come. To bless God, as in all other cases, is to praise him in a reverential and adoring manner. The servants of the Lord here meant are not his people indiscriminately, but his official servants, and most probably the priests, as will appear from v. 3 below. TA? (owes) standing, the appropriate posture of attendants, even in the courts of earthly monarchs. By night, literally, in the nights, which does not however necessarily mean all night (1 Chron. ix. 33), as appears from Ps. xcii. 3, where it stands opposed to in thi morning, and may therefore denote simply in the evening, rltt PSALM ex XX IV. 243 gpecijfic reference, as some suppose, to the evening sacrifice^ with which the daily service of the priests concluded. "We may then assume, although we cannot prove, that the pilgrims were accus- tomed to reach the sanctuary at that hour, singing this last " song of ascents." 2. Raise your hands to the holy ^lace, and bless Jehovah ! Tho gesture mentioned in the first clause symbolized the raising of the heart to God. See above, on Ps. xxviii. 2. Ixiii. 5 (4.) The word for holy jplace or sanctuary is the same in form with that so frequently translated as an abstract, holiness. For its local meaning, see above, on Ps. xx. 3 (2.) It here denotes the temple or its site, as distinguished from the courts around it. Ah to the act of praying to or towards it, see above, on Ps. v. 8 (7.) xcix. 5. 3. Jehovah bless thee out of Zion^ Maker of heaven and earth. As the priests were called upon to bless God in behalf of the people, so here they bless the people in behalf of God. Between the verses wc may suppose the previous request to be complied with. The priests, having blessed God, turn and bless the people. The obvious allusion to the sacerdotal blessing. Num. vi. 23 — 27, favours the optative construction of this verse, which really in- cludes a prediction {the Lord ivill bless thee.) Out of Zion, ag in Ps. cxxviii. 5. Maker of heaven and earthy and therefore in- finitely able to fulfil this prayer. See above, on Ps. cxv. 15 cxxi. 2. cxxir. S. 244 PSALM CXXXV. PSALM CXXXV. The people of Jehovah are exhorted to praise him as their peculiar God, vs. 1 — 4, as the God of nature, vs. 5 — 7, as the de- liverer of Israel from Egypt and in Canaan, vs. 8 — 12, as their hope also for the future, vs. 13 — 14, rendered more glorious by contrast with the impotence of idols, vs. 15 — IS, after which the psalm concludes as it began with an exhortation to praise God, vs. 19 — 21. According to Hengstenberg's arrangement and distribu- tion, thia is the first of a series of twelve psalms (135 — 146), sung at the completion of the second temple, and consisting of eight Davidic psalms (138 — 145), preceded by three (135 — 137) and followed by one (146) of later date. In this way he accounts for the omission of these ancient psalms in the former part of the collection, because they were no longer looked upon as independ- ent compositions, but as inseparable parts of the series or systems into which they had been introduced. 1. Hallelujah! Praise the name of Jehovah. Praise (it), ye servants of Jehovah ! The close of the Psalm shows that although the priests are included (v. 19) ^^mong iha servants of Jehovah^ they are not exclusively intended, as in Ps. cxxxiv. 1. Even there, however, the priests are representatives of Israel at large. 2. Who {are) standing in the house of Jehovah, in the courts of the house of our God. The participle indicates continued action. The mention of the courts confirms what has been already said, as to the objects of address in v. 1 . PSAL.I CXXXV. 245 3. Hallelujah (praise ye Jah !) for good {is) Jehovah. Make music to his runne^for it is lovely. The last words may also be translated, he is lovely , i. e. an object worthy of supremo attachment. 4. For Jacob did Jah choose for himself^ Israel for his own ^possession. They are particularly bound to praise him, as his chosen and peculiar people. The last word in Hebrew means a possession of peculiar value, set apart and distinguished from all others. See Ex. xix. 5. Deut. vii. 6. xiv. 2. xxvi. IS. 5. For 1 know that great is Jehovah.^ and our Lord (more) than all Gods. However ignorant the world may be of his superiority, I, the representative of Israel and as such speaking in his name, know and am assured of the truth from my own observation and experience. 6. All that Jehovah will he does in the heavens and in the earth, in the seas and all depths. Compare Ps. cxv. 3. Ecc. viii. 3. Jon. i. 14. Isa. xlvi. 10, 11. It is not merely as their own peculiai God that they are bound to praise him, but as the universal sovereign. Heaven, earth, and sea, are put for the whole fram^ of nature, as in Ex. xx. 4. 7. Causing vapours to ascend from the end of the earth — light- nings for the rain he makes — bringing out the wind from his ire i- sures. As certain portions of the world are specified in v. 6 to define the extent of his dominion, so here certain natural phenomena are mentioned as the product of his power. Compare Jer. x. 13. li. 16. From the end of the earth., i. e. from all parts of it, not ex- cepting the most remote. See above, on Ps. Ixi. 3 (2). The second clause is by some explained to mean, turning lightnings into ram., i. e. causing the thunder-cloud to dissolve in rain. But this is not so natural as the common version, he maketh lights nmgs for thi rain, i. e. to accompany it, or according to the 246 PSALM CXXXV. paraphrase in tho Prayer Book, scnddh forth lightnings mith tM rain. With the last cUmso compare Job xxxviii. 22. 8. Who smote the first -horn of Egypt .^ from man even io least. From the proofs of God's supremacy in nature, he now proceeds to those in history, and especially the history of hi3 dealings with his people and their enemies. This is precisely the relation between Ps. civ and cv. The first example chosen here is the last and greatest of the plagues of Egypt. From man to least., including both ; in other words, both man and beast. 9. Sent signs and wonders into the midst of thee^ oh Egypt., upon Pharaoh and on all his servants. Signs and wonders., i. e. mira- cles, to wit, those which preceded and accompanied the exodus. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 43. In the midst of thee., oh Egypt., an expression similar to that in Ps. cxvi. 19, in the midst of thee., oh Jerusalem ! Upon Pharaoh., literally, in Pharaoh and in all his servants. 10. Who smote many nations and slew mighty kings. To the miracles of Egypt and the Exode are now added those of Canaan and the Conquest. 11. Sihon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Bashan^ and all the kingdoms of Canaan. Each of these three particulars is preceded in Hebrew by the preposition T:) to or for ; and that this is not an inadvertence or an accident, appears from its repeti- tion in the next psalm (cxxxvi. 19, 20.) Though not in accord- ance with the usage of the verb (':\yi) which is construed else- where with the verb directly, the particle must be regarded here as an objective sign, as in Ps. cxxix. 3, unless we suppose the pensc to be, that what had just been said in general is true in par- ticular as to Sihon., as to Og., and as to the kingdoms (here put for the kings) of Canaan. PSALM CXXXV. 247 12. A7id gave their land {as) a heritage^ a heritage to Israel his jpeople. The land of Canaan was an inheritance to Israel, not as the heirs of the Canaanites, but because it was to be transmitted from father to son, by hereditary right and succession. See above, on Ps. cv. 44. cxi. 6. 13. Jehovah^ thy name {is) to eternity. Jehovah^ thy memory is to generation and generation. Name and memory are here equiv- alent expressions, meaning that by which God is remembered or commemorated, namely, his perfections as exhibited in act. The perpetuity of this implies continued or repeated acts of goodness. 14. For Jehovah will judge his jieajple^ and for the sake of his servants icill repent. He will fulfil the promise in Deut. xxxii. 36. He will judge (i. e. do justice to) his people. See above, on Ps. Ixxii. 2. For the sense in which repentance is ascribed to God, see above, on Ps. xc. 13. 15. The idols of the nations {are) silver and gold^ uwrhs of the hands of man. The divine perfection of the Lord is now exhib- ited in contrast with the impotence and nuUfty of idols. The terms of the comparison are borrowed, with several variations, from Ps. cxv. 4 — 8. 16. (There is) a mouth to thejn., and (yet) they speak not ; (thero are) eyes to them^ and (yet) they see not. See above, on Ps. cxv. 5, wbich agrees exactly with the verse before us. 17. (There are) ears to them., and (yet) they hear not ; likewise there is no breath in their mouth. See above, on Ps. cxv. 6. Thia verse contains the most considerable variation of the pas- sages. The second clause in both begins with the same Hebrew word (C]5^) ; but in the one case it is a noun, meaning the nose., ;d the other an adverb, meaning likewise. This kind of variation. 248 PSALM C XXXV. in which the form is retained but with a change of meaning, is perfectly agreeable to Hebrew usage 18. Like them shall he those making them^ every one who (is) trusting in them. See above, on Ps. cxv. 8, with which this verse agrees exactly. If the meaning had been simply, those who make them are like them, Hebrew usage would have required the verb to be suppressed. Its insertion, therefore, in the future form (l^rj^.) requires it to be rendered strictly shall be, i. e. in fate as well as character. Idolaters shall perish with their per- ishable idols. Compare Isai. i. 31. 19. Oh house of Israel, bless Jehovah ! Oh house of Aaron, bless Jehovah ! Having shown what God is, in himself and in com- parison with idols, he repeats the exhortation which this descrip- tion was intended to explain and justify. With this and the next verse compare Ps. cxv. 9 — 11. cxviii. 2 — 4. Instead of trust we have here bless, as at the beginning of the Psalm. Compare Ps. cxxxiv. 1. 20. Oh house of Levi, bless Jehovah ! Fearers of Jehovah, bless Jehovah ! The Levites are not particularly mentioned in the parallel passages. 21. Blessed {he) Jehovah from Zion — inhabiting Jerusalem — Hallelujah ! There is here an allusion to Ps. cxxxiv. 3. As Je- hovah blesses out of Zion, so also he is blessed out of Zion, by the diffusion of his praise, as from a radiating centre. This is said to be the only place in which Jerusalem is put for Zion, as the earthly residence of God. But see above, on Ps. Ixxvi. 3 (2' , and compare Ps. exxv. 1, 2. PSALM CXXXVr. 249 PSALM CXXXVI. In theme and structure, this psahn resembles that before it, a resemblance rendered still more striking by particular coincidences of expression. In this case also, the people are invited to praise Jehovah, vs. 1 — 3, as the God of nature, vs. 4 — 9, as the deliv- erer of Israel from Egypt, vs. 10 — 15, his guide in the wilderness, V. 16, the conqueror of his enemies, vs. 17 — 24, the provider of all creatures, v. 25, and the God of heaven, to whom, in conclu- sion, praise is again declared to be due, v. 26. The grand pecu- liarity of form in this psalm, by which it is distinguished from all others, is the regular recurrence, at the close of every verse, of a burden or refrain^ like the responses in the Litany, but carried through with still more perfect uniformity. The text or theme, which thus forms the second clause of every verse, is one which has repeatedly occurred already, in Ps. cvi. 1. cvii. 1. cxviii. 1 — 4,29. Compare 1 Chron. xvii. 34. It has been a favour- ite idea with interpreters that such repetitions necessarily imply al- ternate or responsive choirs. But the other indications of this usage in the Psalter are extremely doubtful, and every exegetical condition may be satisfied by simply supposing that the singers, in some cases, answered their own questions, and that in others, as in that before us, the people united in the burden or chorus, as they were wont to do in the Amen. See above, on Ps. cvi. 48. 1. Give thanks unto Jehovah— for unto eternity {is) his mercy. This introductory sentence is identical with those already cited from Ps. cvi, cvii, cxviii. 250 PSALM CX XX VI. 2. Give thanks uiUo the God of Gods — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. The divine title or description, both in this verse and the next, is borrowed from Pcut. x. 17. Gods does not here mean false gods, but is a superlative plural qualifying that before it See above, on Ps. Ixxvii. 14 (13.) cxxxv. 5. 3. Give thanks unto the Lord of Lords — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. The Lord of Lords, i. e. the supreme Lord, the Lord by way of excellence, as in the English phrase heart of hearts for inmost heart. 4. To (hi7n) doing wondrous (things)., great (things) ., alone — for imto eternity (is) his mercy. Compare the expression doing wonders., Ex. xv. 11. Alone., not merely more than others, but to their exclusion. The /or, in this and the following verses, has reference, not to what immediately precedes, but to the verb give thanks., to be supplied at the beginning of the sentence. 5. To him that made the heavens in wisdom — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. That made., literally making., perhaps in reference to the continued exercise of God's creative power. Li wisdom., or with understanding. See above, on Ps. civ. 24, and compare Prov. iii. 19. 6. To him that spread the earth above the waters — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. That spread., literally spreading., as in V. 5. Above (not upon, but higher than) the waters. See above, on Ps. xxiv. 2. 7 To him that made great lights — for unto eternity (is) his viercy. The plural lights (ts^nis^) occurs only here, but is cog- nate and synonymous with the one used in Gen. i. 14, 16 8. The sufi to rule by day — for unto eternity (is) his mtron. P S A L M C X X X V 1 . 251 The musical design of the composition is especially observable where the burden or chorus is interposed between inseparable parts of the same sentence, as in this one, the substance of which is borrowed from Gen. i. 16, but with some change both in the words and the construction. 9. The. moon and stars to rule by night — for unto eternity (is) kis mercy. To ruJe^ literally, for rules or dominions^ perhaps because the stars are here made sharers with the moon in the dominion of the night. 10. To him that smote Egypt in their first horn — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. We have here the transition from nature to history, as in Ps. cxxxv. 8. Ili?fi that smote (or the srniter of) Egypt, i. e. the Egyptians. Hence the plural pronoun, their first horn. 11. And hr ought out Israel from the midst of them — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. Here for the first time we have a finite tense (the future conversive), interrupting the long series of participles, all agreeing with Jehovah understood. 12. With a high hand and with an arm outstretched — for unto eternity is his mercy. These are favourite Mosaic figures for the active and energetic exercise of power. See Ex. iii. 19. vi. 1, 6 xiii. 9. XV 12. Deut. iv. 34. v. 15. vii. 19. xi. 2. xxvi. 8. 13. To him that parted the Red Sea into parts — for unto eter- nity (is) his mercy. Parted and parts have the same relation to each other as the Hebrew verb and noun. 14. And made Israel to pass through the midst of it — for unio eternity (is) his mercy. Here again we have a finite tense, not the conversive future, as in v. 11, but the preterite. Througn 252 PSAi^M CXXXVI. the midst of it^ between the parts into which it was divided. Some suppose an allusion to the covenant transaction in Gen. xv. 17, where the word translated parts is the one used in v. 13 above. 15. And cast Pharaoh and his host into the Red Sea — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. The first verb strictly means knocked off or shook off^ and is borrowed from Ex. xiv. 27. A passive form of it occurs above, Ps. cix. 23. 16. To him that led his jpeojple in the wilderness — for unto eter- nity (is) his mercy. Led, literally, caused to go. See above, Ps. cxxv. 5. The participial construction is again resumed. 17. To him that smote great kings — for unto eternity {is) his mercy. Compare the parallel passage, Ps. cxxxv. 10, which is here divided by the theme or chorus. See above, on v. 8. 18. And slew mighty kings — for unto eternity (is) his mercy The first clause answers to the latter half of Ps. cxxxv. 10, with the substitution of another Hebrew word for mighty. 19. Sihon king of the Amorite — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. Literally, to, for, or as to Sihon, etc. See above, on Ps. cxxxv. 11. 20. And Og king of Bashan — for unto eternity {is) his mcrey. To, for, or as to, Og king of Bashan. 21. And gave their land as a heritage — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. As a heritage, literally, for it. See above, on Ps. cxxxv. 12, 22. A heritage to Israel his servant — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. This is the latter half of Ps. cxxxv 12, divided from the first half by the theme or chorus. i'SALM CXXXVII. 253 23. Who in out low estate remembered us — for unto eternity (is) kis mercy. In our low estate, in our humiliation, in our being humbled or reduced. Remembered us, or for us, for our benefit, as in Ps. cxxxii. 1. From the analogy of Ps. cvii. 16, 18, 26. cxv. 12, we learn that this relates to the captivity in Babylon, which is also the subject of the next psalm. 24. A7id snatched us from our adversaries — for unto eternity (w) his mercy. The first verb always denotes violent action. See above, on Ps. vii. 3 (2.) It here means to snatch or tear away, as in Lam. v. 8, and has reference to the great catastrophe by which the Babylonian power was broken and the Jews set free. 25. Giving hread to all flesh — for unto eternity (is) his mercy. Here the description passes suddenly from God's acts of mercy towards his people to his general beneficence towards all that lives, perhaps with a design to intimate that he who thus cares for men in general and even for the lower animals, will not and cannot let his people perish. See Matth. vi. 30. 26. Give thanks unto the God of heaven^ for unto eternity (is) his mercy. The God of heaven is a new description as to form, but substantially equivalent to that in Ps. vii. 8 (7.) xi. 4. xiv. 2. xxxiii. 13, 14. PSALM CXXXYII, This is the most direct and striking reminiscence of the Baby- lonish Exile in the whole collection, and could scarcely have been written but by one who had partaken of its trials The 254 PSALM C XXXVI I. first part of the psalm recalls the treatment of the Jews in Baby- lonia, vs, 1 — 6 ; the second anticipates the punishment of Edom and of Babylon, as persecuting enemies of Israel, vs. 7 — 9. 1 . By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea we wept, when we rememhered Zio7i. The first word sometimes means along, and especially along the course of streams, as in Ps. xxiii. 2. Ba- bel or Babylon is here put for the whole country which we call Babylonia. Its rivers are the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Chabo- ras, and the Ulai, with their tributary branches. Various expla- nations have been given of the exiles being represented as sitting by the rivers ; but none of them are so satisfactory as the obvious and simple supposition, that the rivers are mentioned as a characteris- tic feature of the country, just as we might speak of the mountains of Switzerland or the plains of Tartary, meaning Switzerland or Tartary itself There is emphatic ; there, even in that dis- tant heathen country. Sat or sat down, if significant at all, may mean that they sat upon the ground as mourners. Yea, lite- rally also ; we not only sat but also wept. When we remem- bered, literally, in our remembering, i. e. at the time, and as the effect, of our so doing. Zion, not merely as the mother-country or its capital, but as the seat of the theocracy and earthly centre of the true religion. 2. On willows in the midst of it we hung our harps. It has been objected that the willow is unknown in the region once called Babylonia, which is said to produce nothing but the palm-tree. Some avoid this difficulty by explaining the whole verse as meta- phorical, hanging up the harps being a figure for renouncing mu- sic, and willows being suggested by the mention of streams, perhaps with some allusion to associations connected with this particular tree. It may also be observed that extraordinary changes have taken place in the vegetable products, and especially the trees, of certain countries. Thus the palm-tree, so frequently referred to PSALM CXXXVII. 255 in the scriptures, and so common once that cities were called after it, is now almost unknown in Palestine. 3. For there our captors asked of us the words of a song^ and our spoilers mirth, (saying) Sing to us from a song of Zion. Words of a song may either be an idiomatic pleonasm meaning simply song itself, or denote, as in English, the words sung as distinguished from the music. Our spoilers is by some taken in a passive sense, our spoiled or plundered ones ; but the usual explana- tion is favoured by tradition and analogy. One of the songs can hardly be the meaning of the Hebrew phrase, in which the noun is singular. The literal translation above given yields a perfectly good sense. A song of Zion is a psalm, a religious lyric, such as many of the heathen knew to be employed in the temple worship at Jerusalem. Many interpreters suppose the object of this re- quest to be contempt or ridicule ; but the words themselves necessarily suggest nothing more than curiosity. j> 4. How shall we sing the song of Jehovah on a foreign soil 7 These are the words with which the invitation was or might have been rejected at the time. The question implies a moral im- possibility. The idea is not, that the psalms themselves would be profaned by being sung there, but that the expression of reli- gious joy would be misplaced and incongruous, implying an oblivion of the sanctuary and its forfeited advantages. A foreign soil, a ground or land of strangeness. Se« above, on Ps. xviii. 45, 46 (44, 45.) 5. If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, let my right hand forget (its skill.) This is a disavowal of the forgetfulness which would have been implied in yielding to the wishes of their captors. Jerusalem is here used precisely as Zion is in vs. 1, 3. The object of the verb in the last clause is supposed by some to be me ; let my right hand forget me, i. e. let me be forgotten by myself But most 256 PSALM CXXX VII. interpreters concur in the correctness of the common version, in which cunning has its old English sense of skill. The only ques- tion then is, whether this is to be understood indefinitely of all that the right hand can do, and is wont to do, for the convenience of the person, or whether it is to be understood specifically of its use in playing on an instrument. The former is the more com- prehensive meaning, but the latter is more pointed and better suited to this context. The sense will then be : if I so far forget thee as to strike the harp while in this condition, let my right hand lose the power so to do. 6. Let my tongue cleave to my palate if I do not remember thetj if I do not raise Jerusalem above the head of my rejoicing. What he had first wished as to his power of instrumental performance, he now wishes with respect to his vocal organs. If I forget thee, let my hand forever cease to strike the harp, and my tongue to utter sound ! The most natural meaning of the last clause is the one paraphrastically gvfQu in the English version, if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. 7. Remember., oh Jehovah.^ against the sons of Edom., the day of Jerusalem^ (againstj those saying., Make bare., make bare., to the very foundation in it. Most interpreters regard this as a kind of com- ment by the Psalmist on the preceding recollection of the Cap- tivity. But the transition then seems loo abrupt and unaccoun- table. The best explanation is, that these are still the real or supposed words of the captives, in reply to the request of their oppressors, far from granting which they break forth in a prayer for the destruction of those who had destroyed Jerusalem. As if they had said : No, instead of singing psalms to gratify your idle or malignant curiosity, we will rather pray God to avenge the insults offered to his holy city. This interpretation is more- over recommended by its rendering the strong terms that fol- low more natural than if uttered in cold blood and in calm tSALM CXXXVII. 257 deliberation at a later period. Remember against^ literally /or or with respect to. See above, on Ps. cxxxii.. 1. cxxxvi. 23, where the same idiomatic phrase is used in a favourable sense. The day of Jerusalem is the day of its calamity or great catastrophe. Compare Obad. 11 — 13, where the same crime is charged upon Edom, namely that of concurring and rejoicing in the downfal of his kinsman Israel. See also Jer. xlix. 7 — 22. Lam. iv. 21, 22. Ezek. XXV. 12—14. 8. Daughter of Baby Ion , the desolated ! Happy (he) who shaL repay to thee thy treatment wherewith thou hast treated us. The daughter of Babylon (or virgin Babylon) is the people or king- dom of Babylonia, personified as a woman. See above, on Ps. ix. 14 (l^.) The wasted or desolated is the epithet belong- ing to her by way of eminence in prophecy and history. There is no need therefore of distinguishing between a partial and total desolation, or between that of the city and the kingdom at large. The last clause may mean nothing more than that such a revolu- tion is at hand that he will be esteemed a fortunate man who treats thee as thou hast treated us. For the true sense of the last verb, see above, on Ps. xiii. 6 f5, 6. J 9. Happy he (who) shall seize and dash thy little ones against the stones. This revolting act was not uncommon in ancient warfare. See 2 Kings viii. 12. Hos. xiv. 1. Nah. iii. 10. Isai. xiii. 16, 18. The more revolting, the stronger the descrip- tion of the ^change awaiting Babylon. The day is coming when he shall be deemed fortunate who, according to the usages of war, requites thy own sanguinary cruelties. The word translated dash means really to dash in pieces, as in Ps. ii. 9. The act here meant is commonly expressed by (^Dt2lJ a different Hebrew verb. Taketh and dasheth is equivocal, the first of these verbs being used in familiar English as a kind of auxiliary, whereas the cor- responding verb in Hebrew denotes a distinct and independent act. 258 PSALM CXXXVIIT PSALM CXXXVIII. This is the first of a series of eight psalms (cxxxviii — cxlv), probably the last composed by David, a kind of commentary on the great Messianic promise in 2 Sam. vii. They are found in this part of the Psalter, in consequence of having been made the basis, or rather the body, of a system or series (cxxxv — cxlvi) by a later writer. See above, on Ps. cxxxv. 1. The psalm be- fore us contains an acknowledgment of God's goodness as expe- rienced already, vs. 1 — 3, an anticipation of his universal recog- nition by the nations, vs. 4, 5, and in the mean time of additional favours to the Psalmist, or to the church of which he was the temporary head, vs. 6 — S. Such a psalm was of course well suited to sustain the faith and revive the hopes of a later generation. 1. By David. I will thank thee with all my heart ; before gods I ivill praise thee. The Davidic style and tone of composi- tion are acknowledged even by the skeptical interpreters. With all my heart implies the greatness of the gift to be acknowledged, which was no doubt the promise of Messiah contained in 2 Sara, vii. See above, on Ps. ix. 2 (1.) Before gods, i. e. in the pre- sence, to the face, and in contempt of all imaginary rival deities. The translation before God is grammatical, but confounds the Becond and third person in a single clause. The Septuagint and Vulgate have before angels^ which is inconsistent with the usage of the Hebrew word. Thank thee, in the strict sense of praising PSALM CXXXVIII. 259 for benefits received ; or in a wider sense, acknowledge thee as God. Praise thee^ make music, sing and play to thee. With this verse compare Ps. vii. 18 (17.) xviii. 50 (49.) liv. 8 (7.) Ivii. 10 (9.) ci. 1. 2. / will how down to thy holy tcmjple^ and will tJmnk thy name, for thy mercy and for thy truth ; for thou hast m.ade great, above all thy name, thy promise. With the first clause compare Ps. v. 8 (7.J Bow down, or prostrate myself, as an act of worship. Mercy in promising, truth in performing. See above, on Ps. xxv. 10. Above all thy name, i. e. all the previous manifestations of thy nature. Thy word, literally, thy saying, that which thou hast said, but applied specifically to the divine promise. See above, on Ps. xviii. 31 (30.) cxix. 38, 50, 103, 140. The trans- cendant promise here referred to is that of the Messiah in 2 Sam. vii. which is there described as unique by David himself, and which forms the basis of many psalms, but especially of Ps. xviii, xxi, Ixi, ci, cii, ciii, and the one before us. 3. In the day I called and thou didst answer me, thou makest me brave in my soul (with) strength. This may be connected with what goes before, thou didst magnify thy word in the day when I called etc. The promise in 2 Sam. vii was an answer to his prayer for a perpetual succession. See above, on Ps. xxi. 3, 5 (2, 4.) Ixi. 6 (5.) The common version of the last clause (strengthenedsf me with strength in my soul) contains a parono- masia not in the original, where the verb and noun have not even a letter in common. The verb is by some translated made me proicd., i. e. elated me, not with a vain or selfish pride, but with a lofty and exhilarating hope. In my soul, as opposed to a mere outward influence. Strength, i. e. strength of faith and confidence in God. 4. Jehovah, all kings of the earth shall acknowledge thee, when 260 PSALM CXXXVIII. they have heard the sayings of thy viouth. Not merely one king, thoiigli that king be David, shall acknowledge, thank, and praise thee, but all others who receive the true religion, when they know what thou hast promised, and especially when they compare the promise and fulfilment, with particular reference to the promise of Messiah, which is described in Scripture as a grand means for the conversion of the nations and the chiefs which represent them. See above, on Ps. Ixviii. 30, 32 (29, 31.) cii. 16 (15.) 5. And they shall sing in the loays of Jehovah^ for great (shall be) the glory of Jehovah. The kings of the earth, representing its nations, shall join in the praise of the true God, walking in his ways, i. e. as converts to the true religion. Compare Mic. iv. 2. Isai. iv. 3. Instead of for we may read when, as in V. 4 ; when the glory of Jehovah has been duly exalted and dif- fused by the extension of the true religion. Some make this clause the theme or subject of the praise — they shall sing that the glory of Jehovah is great — a less natural construction, but one which yields an equally good sense. 6. For lofty is Jehovah — and the low he sees — and the haughty from afar he knoivs. The first two clauses may be in antithesis, and yet he looks n^on the loWj or simply co-ordinate, and there- fare he looks ujpon the low^ i. e. the lowly, who shall be exalted, while the opposite end of the proud is implied in the concluding declaration. Even from afar, from the distant heaven where he seems to behold nothing, he knows precisely what the proud man is, what he deserves, and what is actually to befall him. See above, on Ps. i 1 . 7. If I go through the midst of distress^ thou uilt save (or make) me alive ; upon the wrath of my enemies thou wilt stretch forth thy hand^ and save me (with) thy right hand. The first clause re- sembles that of Ps. xxiii. 4. Go through or walk in the midst oj PSALM CXXXIX. 261 trouble. To quicken or revive, as in Ps. xxx. 4 (3.) Ixxi. 20. Upon the wrath, implying motion from above, wbicli is more sig- nificant and graphic than against. The common version of the last words (and thy right hand shall save me) is equally gram- matical and found in all the ancient versions ; but the other is re commended by its ascribing the deliverance directly to God, and by the analogy of Ps. Ix. 7 (5), where hand is adverbially con- strued with the same verb. See also Ps. xvii. 14. S. Jehovah will complete for me (what he has begun) Jehovah, thy mercy (is) forever ; the works of thy hands do not forsake. The work begun and yet to be completed was the whole series of God's gracious dispensations towards David and his seed, begin- ning with the first choice of the former and ending in the Messiah. With the first clause compare Ps. Ivii. 3 (2.) Phil. i. 6. The second member of the sentence might be read, let thy mercy he forever or unto eternity. But it is more probably an affirmation, similar to that in Ps. ciii. 17, and the clause contains an appeal to the promise of eternal favour, 2 Sam. vii. 13, 26, or perhaps to the eternity of God's compassions, as a reason why he should not and could not abandon what had been so graciously begun. PSALM CXXXIX. The Psalmist describes God's omnipresence and omniscience, VS. 1 — 12, as attributes necessarily belonging to him as the Crea- tor, vs. 13 — 18, and appeals to them in attestation of his own aversion to the wicked, vs. 19 — 24. From its collocation it is probable that this psalm records David's exercises under the 262 PSALM CXXXIX. powerful impressions of the great Messianic promises in 2 Sam. vii, and is therefore to be regarded as a confession and profession made not merely for himself but for his successors on the throne of Israel, and intended both to warn them and console them by this grand view of Jehovah's constant and infallible inspection. 1. To the Chief Musician. By David. A Psalm. Jehovah^ thou hast searched me and knowest. As a later writer could have no motive for prefixing the title to the Chief Musician, it afford? an incidental proof of antiquity and genuineness. Thoii hasi searched me or continually sear chest me. The Hebrew verb origin- ally means to dig and is applied to the search for precious metals (Job xxviii. 3), but metaphorically to a moral inquisition into guilt. See above, on Ps. xliv. 22 (21), and compare Job xiii. 9. It is here used in the intermediate sense of full investigation. Thou hast known or knowest all that can result from such a scru- tiny, not only my corruptions and infirmities but my cares and sorrows. The object is not expressed in this verse, which is a summary of the whole psalm, because the very object of what follows is to state it in detail. 2. Thou knowest my sitting and my rising ; thou understandest as to my thought from afar. Sitting and rising or standing re- present rest and motion, or all the various conditions of the living, waking man. See above, on Ps. i. I, xxvii. 2. In every posture, state, and occupation, thou knowest me. The next phrase does not merely signify, thou perceivest the meaning of my thought, but thou knowest all about it, its origin, its tendency, its moral quality; thou understandest (every thing) resj^ecting it. From afar^ unimpeded by local distance, by which men are prone to imagine the divine omniscience to be circumscribed. See Job xxii. 12 — 14, and compare with this verse Ps. cxxxviii. 6 Jer. xxiii. 23. PSALM CXXXIX. 263 .3. My jpath and 7ny lair thou siftest^ and -with all my ways art acquainted. Path is here put for going, lair for lying, and these, like the terms of the preceding verse, for motion and rest, or the active and passive parts of human life. The poetical word lair is used to represent a Hebrew one, occurring only here, but the verbal root of which is used by Moses, Lev. xviii. 23. xx. 16. The last verb means to be accustomed (Num. xxii. 30), and then by a natural association, acquainted or familiar (Job xxii. 21.) My ways^ my condition and my conduct, what I do and what I suffer. 4. For there is not a word in my tongue, (but) lo, Jehovah^ thou knowest all of it. The relation of the clauses may be also expressed thus in English, which, oh Lord, thou knoicest not, all of it (or altogether.) In my tongue, in its power, or, as it were, in its possession. This verse merely applies to his words speci- fically what was said before of all his actions. The lo or behold is equivalent to see there, or to the act of pointing at the words aj objects of sight and as actually present. 5. Behind and before thou dost beset me, and layest ujpon me thy hand. There is here an insensible transition from God's omnis- cience to his omnipresence, out of which the Scriptures represent it as arising. Behind and before, i. e. on all sides. The idea of above and below is suggested by the last clause. Beset, besiege, hem in, or closely surround. Thy kandjor the palm of thy hand, as the Hebrew word strictly denotes. 6. Such knoioledge is too wonderful for me ; it is exalted, I cannot (attain) to it. The literal meaning of the Hebrew word is, wonderful knowledge away from me, or more than 1 (can comprehend) ; it is exalted, I cannot (do any thing) as to it. With the word wonderful compare the use of the cognate verb, Deut. xxx. 11. Prov. xxx. IS The knowledge meant is man's finite knowledge of the infinite. 264 PSALM CXXXIX. 7. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit, aTid whither from thy face shall I flee ? The interrogation involves a denial of all pos- sible escape from God's inspection, when a guilty conscience prompts to seek one. Compare Am. ix. 2. 8. If I scale the hxavens, there (art) thou ; and if I spread the grave, lo ihmt (art there.) The word scale is used to represent a Hebrew verb occurring only here, and no doubt belonging to the dialect of poetry. The verb translated spread means specifically to spread a couch or make a bed. If I make sheol my bed, i. e. He down in the grave or hell, in the wide old English sense. See Above, on Ps. vi. 6 (5.) 9. I will raise the wivgs of day-break. I will dwell in the end of the sea. By supplying if, although the sense is not materially changed, the form of expression becomes much less striking. The conditional construction is forbidden also, or at least rendered highly improbable, by the form of the second verb, expressing strong desire and resolution. The truth is that we have here a bold transition. After speaking of guilty flight from Grod himself, the Psalmist now speaks of anxious flight from other enemies, and as if visibly surrounded by them, here resolves to escape from them. This, which is Hengstenberg's interpretation, is strongly favoured by the unconditional construction, although he himself retains the other. The same writer objects to the translation raise the wings, that before one can raise wings he must have them. But for that very reason the possession of them may be presup- posed, or considered as implied in the act expressed. -The same combination is employed by Ezekiel (x. 16, 19), in a way that ad- mits of only one translation. The Hebrew word (^D^) is not the common one for morning, but one denoting day-break or the dawn Sec above, on Ps. Ivii. 9 (8.) The point of comparison appears to be the incalculable velocity of light. The extremity (or end ) of PSALM CXXXIX. 265 the sea is added to heaven and hell, in order to convey the idea of the most remote points. 10. Even there thy hand guides me, and thy right hand holds Die. From the use of similar expressions to denote a friendly guidance and support, in Ps. xviii. 17 (16.) Iv. 7—9 (6—8.) v. 9 (8.) xxiii. 3. xxvii. 11. Lxxiii. 24, and other places, Hengstenberg infers that this must mean, when I fly to the ends of the earth before my enemies, thou art still there to protect me, and that the psalm was therefore meant not merely to alarm but to console. 11. And I say, only darkness overwhelms me, night is the light become around me. The ideal situation is the same as in v. 9, one of danger and terror, in which he is constrained to say, no- thing but darkness comes upon me, smites me, and the very light 's turned to darkness round about me. According to this view if the passage, darkness, as in many other places, is a figure for calamity and danger. See Isai. 1. 10. Ps. cxxxviii. 7. Ac- cording to the usual interpretation it denotes concealment from the eye of God. 12. Even darkness does 7iot make {it) dark to him, and night like day shines ; as the darkness, so the light. The interpretation given of the foregoing verse does not necessarily affect the sense of this, which still means that nothing can prevent God's seeing either sin or suffering, either the danger of his people or the malice of their enemies. Make dark, as in Ps. cv. 28. To thee, literally, from thee, i. e. so as to conceal from thee. 13. For thou possessest my reins; thou cover est me in my motherh womb. The meaning of the first clause seems to be ; thou hast in thy power and at thy control the very seat of my strongest sensibilities, my pains and pleasures ; and this subjeo tion is coeval with my being, for even before birth I was under VOL. III. 12 266 PSALM CXXXIX. thy protection and command, as I am now. The sense of wcat ing^ which is given to the last verb by some modern writers rests on a mere etymological deduction and has no foundation either in tradition or in usage. The for at the beginning of this verse marks the transition from the fact of God's omniscience to its origin or reason in his creative character and rights. As a logi- cal particle, the for relates, not to the immediately preceding verse, but to the whole preceding context. Grod is omnipresent and omniscient, /o? he is the maker of the universe. 14. / thank thee, because fearfully I am distinguished ; wonder- ful {are) thy works^ and (that) my soul knoweth right (well.) He makes it a subject of grateful acknowledgment, that God has distinguished him or made him to differ from inferior creatures, both in constitution and in destiny. Because is in Plebrew a com- pound particle {^"3 bS") like /or that.^ forasmuch as. Fearfully , literally fearful {things)^ but used adverbially, as in Ps. Ixv. 6 (b.) It might here be rendered (by) fearful (things.) The words corresponding to distinguished and wonderful are in Hebrew passive forms from cognate roots fnbb and jj^^sj. The particular statement of the first clause is resolved by the last into the general one, of which it is a mere specification. The con- cluding words express a strong and, as it were, experimental con- viction of the truth 15. Not hid was my frame from thte^ when I was made in se- cretj embroidered in depths of the earth. The not hid is a meiosis, implying that God saw it clearly and fully understood it, inas- much as he himself created it. Frame^ literally strength^ as in Deut. viii. 17, but applied to the bones and sinews as the strength T#r frame-work of the body. See above, on Ps. vi. 3 (2), and compare Job x. 11. The common Hebrew word for bont differs only in the pointing. The word translated when is (iTi^i^) the relative pronoun, and may here retain its proper meaning PSALM CXXXIX. 26? although then not easily translated, as its antecedent is latent in the phrase my fravie^ which may be thus resolved, the frame oj me who was made, etc. In secret^ i. e. in the womb. Em.hroi' dered^ which is the invariable nieaning of the Hebrew verb, is a bold but beautiful expression for the complicated tissue of the human frame, in which so many and such various threads are cu- riously interwoven. Depths of the earth can only be explained as a comparative expression, corresponding to in secret and denoting the same thing, which it describes as no less dark and hidden from the view of men than subterraneous caverns, or as some sup- pose sheol^ the invisible world. See above, on Ps. Ixiii. 10 C9j, and compare Job i. 21, where the figure is inverted, and the grave is confounded with the womb. 16. My unformed substance did thine eyes sec, and in thy hook all of them are written, days are form.ed, and there is not one among them. This is one of the most obscure and doubtful verses in the book of Psalms. Its difl&culty to our own translators may be gathered from the fact, that substance yet being unperfect an- swers to a single Hebrew word, and that my members is a gratuitous addition to the text. The first word in Hebrew occurs only here, but is clearly derived from a verb which means to roll or roll up (2 Kings ii. 8J, and may therefore be supposed itself to signify something rolled up or rolled together, and from this may be deduced the sense of something shapeless or un- formed, or more specifically that of an embryo or foetus. The next difficulty lies in the expression all of them, evaded in the English Bible by changing it to all my members and then making this the subject of the plurals following. The best interpreters are now disposed to construe all of them with days by a gram- matical prolepsis. In thy book all of them are written, namely, all my days, as they were planned, projected, or decreed, before as yet one of them had really existed. Written and formed are thcii parallel expressions. All of them are written, days are de 268 PSALM C XX XIX. lineated or depicted. Bj days (translated iu our Bible in continue ance) we are then to understand not merely the length but the events and vicissitudes of life. See Job xiv. 5. Ps. Ivi. 9 (8.) This is one of those cases in which the dilfficulty lies in the par- ticular expressions, while the general import of the passage is clearly determined bv the context. Instead of (s^b) not^ the keri or marginal reading m the Hebrew Bible has (ib) to him, a varia- tion to which no one has succeeded in attaching a coherent sense. Precisely the same dijBference of text exists in Ps. c. 3. 17. And to me how precious are thy thoughts^ oh God ! How great is the sum of them! Having presented this impressive view of God's omniscience, he now tells how he is himself affected by it. So far from thinking it a hardship to be subject to this scrutiny, he counts it a most valuable privilege. However others may regard this truth, to me, my judgment and my feel- ings, how costly^ valuable, are thy thoughts^ i. e. thy perpetual attention to me. For the true sense of precious^ see above, on Ps. xxxvi. 8 (7.) xlv. 10 (9.) Great is the sum ^WtQVdXXy ^strong (or many) are their sums, an expression which can hardly be re- tained in our idiom. 18. I will count them — (but no) — more than sand they are many — / awake and still I (am) with thee. The first clause is equivalent to a conditional proposition, if I would count them etc. but far more striking and poetical in form. Sec above, on Ps. xl. 6 (5.) I am still with thee has the same essential meaning with the similar expression in Ps. Ixxiii. 23, namely, I am still in thy society or company. But there the reference is chiefly to divine protection, here to meditation on the divine attributes. Thou art still before me as an object of adoring wonder, not by day only, but by night ; not merely in the watches of the night, but even in my sleep. See above, on Ps. i. 2. xvi. 7. Ixiii. 7 (6.) PSALM C XXX IX, 269 19. If *hou wilt slay^ oh God, the wicked (man) ! And ye men of Uoodj dejpart from me ! The first clause is in fact, though not in form, the expression of a wish. If thou wouldst but slay ! In form, there is an aposiopesis, which may be variously supplied dy adding, I will praise thee, I will rejoice, it will be just, or the like. Men of bloods, murderers or murderous men. See above, on Ps. V. 7 (6.) xxvi. 9. Iv. 24 (23.; Depart from me is the same expression as in Ps. vi. 9 (8.) cxix. 15, but the main idea here is that of disavowal or repudiation. Oh that God would slay them, and until he does, I desire to have no communion with them. Compare Job xxi. 14. Matth. vii. 23 20. Who speak of thee for wickedness and take in vain — thy foes ! Speak of thee, or name thee, use thy name, for the accomplish- ment of wicked ends. The other clause will then be strictly parallel, and take (thy name) in vain, as in Ex. xx. 7. For the meaning of this difficult expression, see above, on Ps. xxiv. 4. The subject of the proposition is placed emphatically at the end. 21. Thy haters, oh Jehovah, shall not I hate, and with thim assailants he disgusted ? The simple future in the first clause comprehends several distinct shades of meaning. Do I not, may I not, must I not, hate those hating thee } Hate them, not as man hates, but as God hates. See above, on Ps. v. 6 (5."\ The construction of the verb and preposition in the last clause id the same in Hebrew and in English. Be disgusted, literally, sicken or disgust myself, abhor, or loathe. Thine assailants, those rising up against thee, as rebellious enemies. The Hebre"w word is a noun formed from the participle used above, Ps. xvii. 7. lix. 2 (1.) 22. ( With) perfection of hatred do I hate them , as enemies they are to me. Literally, they art for enemies, i. e. I so esteem them. As enemies of God, they must be mine. 270 PSALM CXL. 23. Search me, God^ and know my heart ; try me, and know my thoughts. The last expression is emphatic, meaning even my most anxious and disturbed thoughts, into which corruption might most easily find entrance. See above, on Ps. xciv. 19, the only other place where the Hebrew word occurs. In this verse, he ftgain appeals to the divine omniscience for the purity of his in- tentions, and thus comes back to the point from which he started. 24. And see if a way of jiain he in me, and guide me in a way of eternity. In the first clause some translate, the way of an idol., an idolatrous way. But the meaning idol is not justified by usage. A way of pain is one that leads to suff"ering and misery hereafter. The opposite of this is a icay of eternity., by which some under- stand an everlasting way, as distinguished from the perishable way of sinners, Ps. i. 6. Others, more probably, the way that leads to everlasting life. Usage, however, is in favour of a third and very difi"erent interpretation, which gives the Hebrew phrase (tibis? Tj'1'1) the same sense with a kindred one (t]bi^ ^^^'^^^.) used by Jeremiah (vi. 16), to wit, that o^ old or ancient way., the one pursued by prophets, patriarchs, and saints of old. Similar expressions are found in Jer. xviii. 15. Job xxii. 15, applied, in a bad sense, to the course pursued by ancient sinners. The prayer, however, still amounts to the same thing, to wit, that God would lead him in the good old way, which is itself the way to everlasting life. PSALM CXL. 1. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm. By David. We find ourselves, in this psalm, carried back not only to the times of PSALM CXL. 271 David, but to those of the Sauline persecution, from which the images are evidently borrowed. Besides the warlike tone, the vigorous conciseness, the verbal agreements with Davidic psalms combined with eminent originality, the very structure is Davidic and exhibits the fapiiliar sequence of complaint, vs. 2 — 6 (1 5), prayer, vs. 7 — 9 (6 — 8), and confident anticipation, vs. 10 14 (9 — 13.) So clearly do these features of the composition mark its origin, even independently of the inscription, that nothing can account for its position here but the hypothesis already stated, that these ancient psalms were incorporated into a series of later date, and placed in the collection, not according to their individual antiquity, but according to the date of the whole set or system, into which they had been made to enter. Like the psalms im- mediately preceding, this was probably composed by David after the reception of the great Messianic promise, and with immediate reference to it. 2(1.) Deliver we, Jehovah, from the had man ; from the man of violences thou wilt preserve me. This is one of those pictures so abundant in the genuine Davidic Psalms, of which Saul seems to have furnished the original. Compare Ps. lii. The first man is the generic term (^"?), the other the individual designation ('-''^'?), which seem, however, to be used here as equivalents. The insensible transition from direct prayer to confident anticipation is characteristic of the psalms of David. Man of violence is another favourite expression. See above, on Ps. xviii. 49 (48), and com- pare the parallel passage, 2 Sam. xxii. 49, where the plural form {violences) is used, as in the verse before us. • 3 (2.) Who imagine evils in {their) heart ; all the day they gather {for) battles. That the preceding verse, notwithstanding the refer- ence to Saul, is the description of a whole class, is clear from the plural forms in this verse. Thirik, meditate, devise, imagine. EvUsy particularly such as are inflicted on others, well expressed 2TI PSALM CXL. in the common version, mischiefs. Another construction of the last clause, preferred by some interpreters, is, all the day they dwell with wars (or in wars)., i. e. are constantly involved in them and busied with them. This use of the verb (^^3) is justified by Ps. V. 5 (4.) cv. 23. cxxv. 5. But the analogy of Ps. Ivi. 7 (6.) lix. 4 (3) is decisive in favour of the other explanation. Compare Ps. xxxi. 14 (13.) XXXV. 15. Isai. liv. 15. 4 (3.) They sharpen their tongue as a serpent ; the poison of an adder (is) under their lips, Selah. Not as a serpent (does), but (spiteful or venomous) as a serpent. See above, on Ps. Ixiv. 4 (3.) With the last clause compare Ps. x. 7. Iviii. 5 (4.) The word for asp or adder occurs only here. The only point of exegetical importance is, that it means a poisonous serpent, and is thus a specification of the general expression in the other clause. 5 (4.) Keep me, Jehovah, from the hands of the wicked (man) ; from the man of violences thou wilt preserve me, who have thought to subvert m,y steps. A varied repetition of the prayer in v. 1. With the last clause compare Ps. xxxv. 5. xxxvi. 13 (12.) Ivi. 14 (13.) oxviii. 13. 6 (5.) High (ones) have hid a snare for me, and cords — they have spread out a net by the side of the road — traps have they laid for me, Selah. This is little more than an accumulation of the various terms in which David elsewhere clothes one of his favoir- ite figures, as if he saw his own perils reappearing in the future. High ones, i. e. proud or haughty men. By the side, literally, the hand, as we say on either hand. The word translated road, according to its etymology, denotes a wagon-road, a track worn by wheels. 7 (6.) / have said to Jehovah, My God (art) thou; give ear^ ^ehovah, (to) the voice of my supplications. All the component PSALMCXL. 273 parts of this verse are of constant occurrence in the psalms of David. With the first clause compare Ps. xvi. 2. xxxi. 15 (14.) With the second, Ps. v. 2, 3 (1,2.) xvii. 1. xxviii. 2, 6 (1, 5.) xxxi. 23 (22.) xxxix. 13 (12.) liii. 4 (3.) 8 (7.) Jehovah^ Lord^ the strength of my salvation ; thou hast covered my head in the day of battle. My covenant God and sove- reign, whose power saves me. Head is preceded by a preposition (?), thou hast been a covering (or afforded shelter) to (or for) my head. The day of battle, literally, of armour or of weapons, i. e. the day when they are used. With this verse compare Ps. v. 12 (1 1 .) Ix. 9 (7.) Ixii. 2, 12 (1, 11.) cxxxix. 13. 1 Sam. xxviii. 2. 9 (8.) Grant not, Jehovah, the desires of the ivicked man — his device succeed not — they will be exalted. Succeed not, suffer not to prosper; literally, draw not out, i, e. to a successful issue. The last clause states what would be the effect of their success ; they would be elated, or exalt themselves. With this verse compare Ps. xxvii. 12. xxxi. 14 (13.) xxxvii. 12. Ixvi. 7 (6.) Deut. xxxii. 27. 10 (9.) The head of those surrounding me — the mischief of their lips shall cover them. The nominative absolute refers back to the covering of the Psalmist's head in v. 8 (7.) While my head is covered by the divine protection, the head of those by whom I am beset shall be covered with the consequences or the punishment of the mischief occasioned by their calumnies and insults. Or the trouble, which their lips have caused to others, shall return upon themselves. Compare Ps. vii. 17 (16.) Those surrounding me, or, as a noun, my surroundings, as in 2 Kings xxiii. 5. The participle would, according to analogy and usage, mean causing me to turn back or retreat (Jer. xxi. 4), which yields a good sense here. The head of those who once drove me back shall b* cov- ered, etc. 274 PSALM CXL. 1 1 (10.) Coals shall he cast upon them ; into the fire he shall makt themfall^ and into deep waters, (whence) they shall not rise. The first noun in Hebrew always means burning or live coals. See above, on Ps. xviii. 13, 14 (12, 13.) Shall be cast is the keri or marginal reading, no doubt intended to relieve the harshness and obscurity of the reading in the text, they shall cast or shake, an indefinite or impersonal construction, really equivalent in meaning to the passive. In the second member of the sentence the action is ascribed to God himself. Deep waters answers to a single He- brew word occurring only here, and by some supposed to mean deep pits or excavations. The first sense above given is founded on an Arabic analogy. 12 (11). A man of tongue shall not he established in the landy (nor) a man of violence, a had (man) — he shall hunt him to destruc- tion. A man of a calumnious unbridled tongue (James i. 26) shall not be permanently seated in a prosperous condition. See above, on Ps. ci. 7. cii. 29 (28.) The next words may be variously construed ; a man of wicked violence, or, disregarding the accents, a man of violence, evil shall hint him, etc. According to the other constructions, God is the subject of the verb, as of the second in v. 11 (10.) To destructions, the plural form denoting fulness and completeness. Others render it hy strokes, i. e. suc- cessive strokes ; others again, in haste, which agrees well with the usage of the verbal root. See 2 Chr. xxvi. 20. Esth. iii. 15. vi. 12. viii. 14. 13 (12.) I know that Jehovah ivill do justice to the sufferer, and judgment for the poor. Compare Ps. ix. 5, 17 (4, 16.) Liter- ally, the right of the sitfferer, the judgment of the poor. 14 (13.) Only the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name, tfie upright shall sit in thy presence. Only the righteous shall have occasion for thanksgiving. There is no need therefore of departs PSALM CXLI. 275 ing from the proper sense of ("qs*:) the Hebrew particle. See above, on Ps. Ixxiii. 1. Sit in thy jpresence^ as thy friends or guests or favoured servants. Perhaps it may mean sit (en^ throned) before thee. Compare Matth. xix. 28. Some under- stand the sense to be, shall dwell (in the land) before thee^ i. e. under thy protection and inspection. Compare Ps. xxi. 7 (6.) xU. 13 (12.) Ivi. 14 (13.) PSALM CXLI. After an introductory petition for a favourable hearing, vs. 1 , 2, the Psalmist prays to be delivered from the power of tempta- tion, vs. 3, 4, comforts himself under his afflictions as paternal chastisements, vs. 5, 6, anticipates the ruin of his enemies, v. 7, and prays for deliverance from them in the mean time, vs. 8 — 10. This psalm, like the one before it, is distinguished by a pregnant brevity and the use of rare expressions, while at the same time it is full of verbal and real coincidences with the psalms of David. These indications are so clear and undeniable, that a skeptical critic of great eminence (De Wette) pronounces it one of the oldest psalms in the collection. With respect to its position in the Psalter, see the prefatory notes to Ps. cxxxv, cxl. 1. A Psalm. By David. Jehovah^ I invoke thee; haste7i to me ; give tar to my voice in my calling to thee. This verse is en- tirely made up of phrases frequently occurring in the psalms of David. I invoke Ihec^ Ps. xvii. 6. Hasten to me, Ps. xxii. 20 (19.) Ixx. 2 (1.) Ixxi. 12. Hear my voice, Ps. cxl 7 (6.) In my tailing, Ps. iv. 2 (1.) 276 PSALM CXLI. 2. Let my 'prayer coiitiime (as) incense before thee^ the offering of my harids (as) the evening oblation. Continue^ literally, he established., as in Ps. cxl. 12 (11 .) He prays not only for acceptance, but for constant or perpetual acceptance, as the offerings referred to were the stated daily services of the Mosaic ritual. Incense is in scripture the symbol of prayer. In the books posterior to the Pentateuch it is commonly mentioned as an evening oblation (1 Kings xviii. 29, 36. 2 Kings xvi. 15. Dan. ix. 21. Ezra ix. 4, 5), perhaps because in the evening it was reckoned the main offering, whereas in the morning it was merely an appendage to the animal sacrifice. Lifting up is not the meaning of the Hebrew word (tiJ^ir^D) in any other place, whereas it often means a gift, and especially a portion of food (Gen. xliii. 34. 2 Sam. xi. 8), in which sense it might naturally be applied to the vegeta- ble offerings of the Law. 3. Set J ok Jehovahj a guard at my mouth; watch over the door of my lips. The prayer, for which he had bespoken audience and acceptance, was a prayer against the power of temptation, and first with reference to sins of speech. See above, on Ps. xxxix. 2 (1.) The words translated watch and door are forms occurring only here, but etymologically near akin to others which are in common use. 4. Incline not my heart to an evil word^ to practise practices m wickedness with men (who are) ■workers of iniquity ^ and let me not eat of their dainties. An evil word may be strictly understood, as referring still to sins of the tongue, or be taken in the idiom- atic sense of an evil matter., which last is preferred by most inter, preters. The assonance in practise practices is copied from the Hebrew, where the cognate verb and noun are combined in the game manner. Practices in wickedness or wicked practices, The last words seem to be a p/rayer, that he may not be tempted. PSALM CXLl 277 by the luxurious -prosperity of wicked men, to follow their exam- ple. See above, on Ps. Ixxiii. 3 — 7, 12. 6. Let the righteous smite me (in) mercy and chasten me — oil for the head let not my head refuse — for (it is) still (to come) and my prayer (must still ascend) in their hijuries. This verse is so obscure as to be almost unintelligible. According to the English versions, it expresses his willingness to be rebuked by good men for his benefit. But this sense is not only hard to be extracted from the words, but foreign from the context. Of the many contradictory interpretations which have been proposed the most probable is that which makes the sentence mean, that the sufferings endured by the good man, even at the hand of the wicked, are chastisements inflicted by a righteous God in justice and in mercy, and as such may be likened to a festive ointment, which the head of the sufferer should not refuse, as he will still have need of consolation and occasion to invoke God, in the midst of trials and of mischiefs yet to be experienced. 6 . Throion down among the rocks are their judges ; and (then) they hear my words, for they are sweet. When the judgments in reserve for the leaders of my enemies shall come upon them, they will perceive too late how reasonable are my words, and wish that they had hearkened to them sooner. Thrown down, origi- nally let go, here used as in 2 Kings ix. 33. Among the rocks, iiterally in (or into) the hands of the rock. Some understand this to mean into its power (see v. 9 below) ; others, against its sides (see Ps. cxl. 6) ; but the simplest explanation is that which supposes the rock to be personified and represented as standing below and holding out its hands to catch the person or thing falling. Some in the last clause read, that they are sweet. Then, when it is too late, they shall perceive how sweet my words are. 7. Like (o7ie) ploughing o,nd, cleaving the earth — scattered Q,r 278 PSALM CXLl. our bones at the graveh mouth (or t/ie mouth of hell. ) There are only two plausible interpretations of this obscure comparison. As the first Hebrew verb (n^&), in its derivative forms, has the general sense o{ cleaving, and the second (::>pn) is expressly used (Ecc. x. 9) in that of splitting vwod^ some interpreters give both verbs that spe- sific meaning here, and suppose the verse to be simply a description of mortality or carnage, the effect of which is, that human bones lie about the opening of the grave, or the devouring jaws of hell (Isai. V. 14), as numerous and as little heeded as so many logs or sticks of wood. To this it is objected, that the phrase in (or on) the earth is then unmeaning, or at least superfluous, and that the verse, if thus explained, does not cohere* with the ensuing con- text, which supposes the contents of this verse to be cheering and consolatory. The other interpretation avoids these objections, by explaining the first clause not of cleaving wood but ploughing, to which the first verb is applied in Arabic. Like (one) plough- ing and cleaving (making furrows) in the earth, not for the sake of mangling its surface, but to make it fruitful and productive, (so) our hones are scattered at the mouth of hell, as the necessary means of a glorious resurrection. 8. For unto thee, Jehovah, Lord, (are) my eyes — in thee have 1 confided — pour not out my soul. The for refers to the consola- tory import of the verse preceding. J^he one before us contains several favourite Davidic phrases. My eyes are unto thee, Ps. XXV. 15. In thee have I confided (or sought refuge), Ps. ii. 12. xxxi. 2 (1.) In the last clause the soul or life is confounded with its vehicle. See Gren. ix. 4. Lev. xvii. 11, 14. The same remarkable expression is applied by Isaiah (liii. 12) to the volun- tary death of the Messiah. That the verb literally means to pour out, is clear from Gen. xxiv. 20. Isai. xxxii. 15. This verse resembles Ps. cxl. 8 (7), in two points, the combination Je- hovah Adhon/ii, and the supernumerary n in ,ini2D and n53. PSALM CXLII. 279 9. Keep me from the hands of the snare which they have netted for me, and the nets of the doers of iniquity. The word hands is entirely omitted both in the English Bible and the Prayer Book version. It is put, by a favourite personification, for power or possession. The use of the expression here was probably occa- sioned by its previous use in Ps. cxl. 4. The verb netted is here employed to represent the cognate verb and noun in Hebrew. 10. Let the wicked fall into their own traps, while I at the same time escape. Compare Ps. vii. 16 (15.) The combination of the singular and plural in the first clause — wicked (men) and his snares — shows that the singular denotes not a real but ideal person, representing a whole class. The best construction of the last clause is that given in the English Bible and retained above, with the single change of withal to the synonymous but less am- biguous expression, at the same time. The transpositions of this clause are unusual, even in Hebrew — at the same time I until (ox while) I pass, i. e. pass by uninjured or escape. PSALM CXLII. 1. Maschil. By David, when he was in the cave. A Prayer It is called a maschil or didactic psalm because it might other wise have seomed to contain matter wholly personal to David. See above, on Ps. xxxii. 1. - When he was, literally, in his being j which does not refer exclusively to time, but suggests the occasion or exciting cause. The reference may be either to the cave of Adullam (1 Sam. xxii. J), or to that of Engedi (1 Sam. xxiv. 3), or to that period and mode of life in general, when David was 280 PSALM CXLII. obliged to seek refuge in caves, and which he might expect to se* reproduced, under other forms, in the experience of his succes- sors, for whose guidance and encouragement this psalm was written. See above, on Ps. Ivii. 1. It is called a fraytr^ be- cause the complaint or description of the danger, vs. 2 — 5 (1 — 4), is merely introductory to the petition for deliverance, vs. 6 — 8 (5 — 7.) See above, on Ps. xvii. 1. Ixxxvi. 1. xc. 1. cii. 1. 2(1.) ( With) my voice to Jehovah I cry ; (with) my voice to Jehovah I make supplication. With the first clause compare Ps. iii. 5 (4) ; with the second, Ps. xxx. 9 (8.) There are also coincidences of expression with Ps. xxii. 6 (5.) Ixxvii. 2 (1.) cxl. 7 (6.) cxli. 1. With my voice, i. e. audibly, aloud, as op- posed to a mere mental prayer. The word translated supplication means, according to its etymology, a prayer for grace or mercy. 3 (2.) I pour out before him my care ; my trouble before him 1 tell. With the first clause compare Ps. xlii. 5 (4.) Ixii, 9 (8.) 1 Sam. i. 15. Lam. ii. 19. The word translated care means pro- perly reflection, meditation, musing, especially such as is anxious and sad. See above, on Ps. Ixiv. 2 (\.) 4 (3.) Because my spirit is overwhelmed within me — and thov kiujwest my path — in the way that I go, they have hid a snare foi me. The literal translation of the first words is, in my spirifs being overwhelmed, which may indicate either the time or the cause of his di-stress. See above, on v. 1. Some adopt this construction : when my spirit is overwhelmed (then) thou knowest my path. Others sup- pose two reasons to be given for his calling upon God, his distress and his trust in the divine omniscience. Because my spirit is overwhelmed, and (because) thou knowest my path. But as the form of the two phrases is entirely different in Hebrew, the Bimplest and safest construction is to treat ijbe second clause as parenthetical. Within meyliieisiilj upon im ; see above, on Pa. PSALM CXLII. 28 xlii. 5 — 7 (4 — 6.) In the way that I go^ i e. along my path. See above, on Ps. cxrl. 5 (4.J The words may mean, however, as in Ps. cxliii. 8, in the way that I should go^ i. e. in the path of duty. Without my fault they hid a snare for me. With the first clause of this verse compare Ps. xlii. 5(4.) Ixi. 3 (2.) Ixxvii. 4 (3), and with the last Ps. cxl. 6 (5.) cxli. 9. cxliii. 8. 5 (4.) Look to the right and see — and there is no tne knowing me — refuge has failed me — there is no one caring for my soul. The first two verbs must be translated as imperatives, as in the margin of the English Bible. The right hand is mentioned as the post of a protector. See above, on Ps. cix. 6, ex. 5. cxxi. 5 The and at the beginning of the second clause is foreign from our idiom, which would seem to require that or for. We might however say, look to the right and see, and (you will find that) there is no one etc. Knowing , recognizing, willing to acknow- ledge, much less to defend. There is none to me, i. e. I have none. Far from having a protector at my right hand, I have not even one who will acknowledge that he knows me. Caring ^ literaHy, seeking, asking, or iaquiring after it, in order to assist or save it. Nearly the same form of speech is used to express the very op- posite idea, that of seeking ont'^s soul to destroy it. See above, on Ps. XXXV. 4. 6 (5.) I have cried unto thee, Jehovah. I have said, Thou (art) my refuge, my jportion in the land of life. I have cried and still cry; I have said and still say. With this last expression com- pare Ps. xxxi. 15 (14.) xli. 5 (4.) Thou (art) my refuge, as in Ps. Ixii. 8 (7.) Ixxi. 7. My portion, as in Ps. xvi. 5. Ixxiii. 26. cxix. 57. Land of life (oy of the living), as in Ps. xxvii. 13. lii. 7 (5.) 7. (6.) Hearken to my cry, for I am reduced greatly ; free me from my persecutors, for they are mightier than I. All these are 282 PSALM CXLII favourite Davidic phrases. Hearken to my cry^ as in Ps. xvil. 1 Ixi. 2(1.) I am reduced for weakened) greatly^ as in Ps. Ixxix. 8 (7.) cxvi. 6. Compare Judges vi. 6. Free me from my perst' cutors, as in Ps. vii. 2 (1.) They are mightier than 7, as in Pc. xviii. 18 (17.) 8. Bring out from prison my soul, to thank thy name. Me shall the righteous surround when thou shalt bestow on me (favour.) With the first clause compare Ps. xxv. 17. cvii. 10. cxliii. 11. Some suppose an allusion to Joseph's imprisonment and liberation. See above, on Ps. cv. 17 — 20. To thank (or praise) thy name, although an exact translation, is restricted by the English idiom to the person mentioned just before, and can only mean in accordance with our usage, that I may thank thy name ; whereas the Hebrew infinitive knows no such limitation and in this case simply means, that some one (without defining who) may praise thy name ; or, exchanging the active for the passive form, that thy name may be praised ; or, retaining the indefiniteness of the original expression, for the praising of thy name. The agents here intended are probably the righteous, who are mentioned in the next clause. The verb surromid, which has a hostile sense in Ps. xxii. 13. Hab. i. 4, here means to gather round one with a friendly curiosity and eagerness, which some suppose to be sug- gested by the construction with the preposition (n), which cannot be expressed in English. This sympathy of the righteous in his joys and sorrows is a favourite idea with David. See above, on Ps XXXV. 27. xl. 17 (16.) For the meaning and construction of Uie last verb, see above, on Ps. xiii. 6. ciii. 10. cxvi. 7 PSALM CXLIII. 383 PSALMCXLIII. Thts psalm may be divided into two equal parts, separated by tbe Seiah in v. 6. The first contains a complaint, vs. 1 — 6 ; the second a prayer for mercy, vs. 7 — 12. It resembles the preceding psalm, not only in this relation of its parts, but in its whole tone and diction, its Davidic phraseology combined with an originality never exhibited by the mere imitator or compiler. 1. A Psalm. By David. Jehovah^ hear my grayer ^ give ear unto my cries for mercy ; in thy faithfulness answer me {and) in thy righteousness. The combination of faithfulness and righteous- ness is like that in Ps. xxxvi. 6, 7 (5, 6.) They can hardly be regarded as distinct grounds of argument, but rather as modified statements of the same. The faithfulness of God has direct reference to his promise or covenant engagements; his righte- ousness has reference to the claims of his own people, but claims which owe their existence to those same covenant engagements. 2. And enter not into judgment with thy servant, for just hefoie thee is no one living. To enter into judgment is a forensic phrase meaning to go to law, to prosecute, to sue. See Job ix. 32. xxii. 4. The verb in the last clause is not a passive meaning to be justified, but a neuter meaning to be just or innocent, to be in the right or on the right side of the controverted question. The acknowledgment in this verse has caused the psalm to be reckoned •mong the penitential psalms. The verse is often imitated or 284 PSALM CXLIIT. referred to elsewhere. See Job ix. 2. xiv. 3. xv. 14. Rom iii. 20, etc. 3. For the enemy 'persecutes my souly crushes to the earth my life, makes me dwell in dark places like the dead of old. This verse assigns a reason for the preceding prayers, a connection indicated by the /or. He prays that God will deal with him in mercy, not in justice, by abandoning him to the fate here described. Com- pare Ps. vii. 6 (5), but especially Ps. Ixxxviii. 4 — 7 (3 — 6.) See also Lam. iii. 6. The last words some understand to mean fore^oer dead. 4. And overwhelmed within me is my spirit ; in the midst of me desolated is my heart. With the first clause compare Ps. cxlii. 4 (3) ; with the second Ps. xl. 16 (15.) 6. I remember the days of old ; I meditate of all thy doing , of the work of thy hands I muse. He recalls and ponders them not as a source of comfort, as in Ps. xliv. 2 — 4 (1 — 3), but of sorrow, from their painful contrast with his actual condition. Sec above, on Ps. xxii. 4 — 6 (3 — 5.) Ixxvii. 6 (5), and with the last clause compare Ps. xcii. 5 6. I spread my hands unto thee; my soul is like a weary land to thcey i. e. thirsts or longs for thee, as a dry or thirsty land for rain. See above, on Ps. Ixiii. 2(1.) A weary land is an unu- sual expression, and one of the peculiar features of this psalm. With the first clause compare Ps. xliv. 21 (20.) The close of the complaint or lamentation, and the strength of the feeling with which it is uttered, are both indicated by the Selah. 7. Hasten, answer wc, Jehovah — my spirit fails — hide not thy face from me — or I shall he confounded with (those) going down (to) the pit. The meaning of the first clause is, hasten to grant PSALM CXLIII. 285 my petition. Fails, is spent or exhausted. See above, on Ps. xxviii. 1. xxxix. 11 (10.) Ixix. 18 (17.) cii. 3 (2.) That he is in extremity, is urged as a reason why God cannot fail to hear and answer him. This verse begins the main prayer of the psalm, that in vs. 1, 2, being merely introductory to the complaint in vs. 3 — 6, which is itself introductory to the prayer that follows. 8. Let me hear in the morning thy mercy ; let me know the way that I must go, for unto thee I raise my soul. All these are familiar thoughts and terms to the readers of the psalms of David, and may be severally found in Ps. xxv. 1 — 4. li. 10 (8.) lix. 17 (16. ) The way that I mAist go, not merely to be right, but to be safe and happy ; the way of safety as well as that of duty. See above, on Ps. cxlii. 7 (6.) 9. Free me from my enemies, Jehovah, with thee I hide myself. ^ith the first clause compare Ps. lix. 12 (11.) cxlii. 7; with the second, Ps. xxvii. 5. xxxi. 21 (20.) The form of expression here, however, is peculiar and original. The literal meaning is to thee I cover, i. e. cover myself, the reflexive use of the Hebrew verb being clear from Gen. xxxviii. 14. Deut. xxii. 12. Jon. iii. 6. The force of the pregnant construction is well though freely given m the English version, IJiee unto thee to hide me. 10. Teach me to do thy will, for thou (art) my God. Thy spirit (is) good ; let it guide me in level ground. This is a prayer for external safety, and at the same time for that spiritual guidance, without which it is unattainable. Compare Ps. v. 9 (8.) xxvi. 12. xxvii. 11. xl. 9 (8.) cxxxix. 10, 24. Some make but two clauses, and instead of the short proposition in the middle, read, let thy good spirit guide me etc. or let thy spirit, fwhich isj good guide me etc. Level ground, literally earth (or land) of evenness for straightness.) See above, on Ps. xxvi. 12. 286 PSALM CXL IV. 1 1 . For thy name's sake^ Jehovah, thou wilt quicken me ; in th'^ righteousness thou wilt bring out of distress my soul. Here again we have an accumulation of Davidic ideas and expressions. For thy nameh sake, as in Ps. xxiii. 3. xxv. 11. xxxi. 4. cix. 21. Thou wilt quicken me, as in Ps. cxxxviii. 7. In thy righteousness ^ as in Ps. xxxi. 2. Bring my soul out of trouble, as in Ps. xxv. 15. xxxiv. 18 07.; cxlii. 8 (7.) 12. And in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies and cause to perish all that vex my soul ; for I (am) thy servant. With the first clause compare Ps. xxxi. 17 (16.) xviii. 41 (40.) Some find here an allusion to the promise in Deut. vii. 24. Vezcrs, adver- saries, persecutors, of my soul. Thy servant, not merely a be- liever but a chosen instrument, not merely one of thy people but their chief and representative, and as such entitled to deliverance, both for their sake and my own. In these two verses, the form of direct petition is insensibly exchanged for that of confident an- ticipation. PSALM CXLIV. This is a kind of supplement or counterpart to Ps, xviii, in which the view there taken of David's personal experience is ap- plied to the anticipated case of his successors. The design thus assumed accounts for the position of the psalm in the collection. That its being placed precisely here is not fortuitous, may be in- ferred from its furnishing a kind of link between the urgent en- treaties of the preceding psalms and the triumphant praise of those which follow. The Davidic origin of this psalm is as marked as that of any in the Psalter. The accumulation of Davidic PSALM CXLIV. 287 phrases is confined to the first part, while the last is independent and original, a fact entirely inconsistent with the supposition of a later compilation. The Psalmist thanks God for his protection of himself and of mankind in general, vs. 1 — 4, prays for deliver- ance from present dangers, vs. 5 — 8, expresses his confident an- ticipation* of a favourable answer, vs. 9 — 10, renews his prayer, not only for himself hut for the chosen people, vs. 11 — 14, and felicitates them that they are such, v. 15. 1 . By David. Blessed he Jehovah^ my Rockj the (one) training my hands for fight^ my fingers for war. See above, on Ps. xviii. 35, 47 (34, 46), where most of these expressions have already been explained. Fight and war are both verbs and nouns in English, but the Hebrew words are nouns with the ar- ticle prefixed. David here begins by referring all the successes of himself and his successors to Jehovah. 2. My mercy and my fortress^ my high place ^ and a deliverer for me, my shield and (he) in whom I trust, the (one) subduing my people. No less than five of these descriptive epithets are taken from a single verse of Ps. xviii, viz. v. 3 (2.) Peculiar to the place before us is my 7nercy, i. e. my God of mercy. See above, on Ps. lix. 18.(17.) The benefit of these relations to Je- hovah David claims not merely for himself but for his royal race, which was closed and yet perpetuated in the Messiah. He in whom I trust, literally, and in him I trust. My people, in its widest sense, including Israel and the Gentiles who were to be added to the kingdom of David under the reign of the Messiah. Compare Ps. xviii. 44, 48 (43, 47) with the parallel passages in 2 Samuel. 3. Jehovah, what (is) man, that thou shouldsi know him, the ion of man, that thou shouldst think of him 1 The greatness of God's goodness is enhanced by a view of man's insignificance and 288 PSALM CXLIV. unworttiness. The original construction seems to be, what is man? (nothing) , and (yet) thoii knowest him etc. To know is here to recognise as being in existence, to take notice of. The first man is the generic term, the second one denoting weakness. See above, on Ps. viii. 5 (4), and compare 2 Sam vii. IS. 4. Man to vanity is like ; his days (are) as a passing shadow. He cannot therefore be a worthy object, in himself, of the divine regard and favour. With the first clause compare Ps. xxxix. 6, 7 (5, 6), Ixii. 10 (9) ; with the second, Ps. cii. 12 (11.) ciii. 15. 5. Jehovah^ how thy heavens and come down ; touch the moun- iains and let them smoke. With the first clause compare Ps. xviii. 10 (9.) What God is there described as doing, he is here besought to do again. With the last clause compare Ps. civ. 32 Mountains, in all such connections, would necessarily suggest the idea of states and kingdoms. See above, on Ps. xlvi. 3, 4 (2, 3.) 6. Lighten lightning and scatter them; send out thy arrows and confound them. The first word in Hebrew is a verb occurring nowhere else, and composed of the same radicals with the common word for lightning which immediately follows. For the meaning of the other terms, see above, on Ps. xviii. 15 ( 14), and compare the parallel passage, 2 Sam. xxii. 15 (14), with which the writer of the psalm before us was certainly acquainted, as appears from his occasional use of its peculiar readings. 7. Send thy hands from on high ; rid me and free me from (the) many waters, from the hand of aliens. With the first clause compare Ps. xviii. 17 (16.) For hand we have here the plural hands, and for the two verbs there used two substantially equiva- lent, the first of which has the sense here given to it only in this place and the cognate languages, and is therefore well represented by the less usual English word rid. With the last clause, compare PSALM CXLiy. 289 Ps. XTiii. 45, 46 (44, 45), where the phrase sons of strangmeis (or of foreign parts) has been explained already. 8. Whose mouth sjpeahs fraud ^ and their right hand (is) a righ hand of falsehood. The word translated fraud is properly a negative meaning vanity or emptiness, but applied to the want of moral goodness and especially of truth. See above, on Ps. xxiv. 4. The right hand is mentioned in allusion either to the practice of swearing with uplifted hand (Ps. cvi. 26), or to that of striking hands in bargains (2 Kings x. 15.) There seems to be reference, in this verse, to the feigned obedience of the enemy, Ps. xviii. 45 (44.) 9. Oh God^ a new song I will sing to thee ; with a lyre of ten (strings) / will play (or make music) to thee. See above, on Ps. xxxiii. 2, 3, where David exhorts others to do what he here resolves and vows to do himself. The new song still implies a new occasion for it, so that he here begins to anticipate the an- swer to his foregoing prayers. 10. The (one) giving salvation to kings ; the (one) ridding David his servant from an evil sword. This mode of connectinor sentences, by a participle agreeing with a noun in the foregoing context, is a characteristic feature of Ps. xviii. See vol. i. pp. 144, 145. The kings particularly meant are the theocratical sovereigns, the royal family of David. Ridding.^ the participle of the verb so rendered in v. 7. David (as) his servant^ because he is his servant, in the sense repeatedly explained already. See above, on Ps. cxliii. 2, 12. David speaks of himself by name, not only here but in Ps. xviii. 51 (50.) Ixi. 7 (6. J Ixiii. 12 (11 ") 2 Sam. vii. 26. An evil sivord, not only dangerous but wicked. Compare Ps. xxii. 21 (20.) 11. Rid me and free me from the hand of aliens , whoae nwulh VOL. Ill 13 290 PSALM CXLIV. sjpmks fraud.^ ana whose right hand (is) a right hand of falsehood In resumiug the language of direct petition, the terms of vs. 7, 8, are studiously repeated, as if to show that this prayer is parallel to that, and not an addition to it. 12. So that our sons (may be) as plants grown large in their youth, our daughters as corner-stones hewn (for) the building of the temple. The reminiscences or imitations of Ps. xviii suddenly cease here, and are followed by a series of original, peculiar, and for the most part no doubt antique expressions. On the supposi- tion that the title is correct in making David the author, this is natural enough. On any other supposition it is unaccountable, unless by the gratuitous assumption, that this is a fragment of an older composition, a mode of reasoning by which any thing may be either proved or disproved. The first word in Hebrew is the relative pronoun, and the literal meaning of the clause is, (hy) which for in consequence of which) our sons, etc. The which re- fers to the deliverance prayed for in the preceding verse. Groion large, literally magnified or made great. The common version (grown up in their youth) has a paradoxical appearance, arising from the ambiguity of our phrase grown up, which is applied (like the G-reek ^\Uiiia) both to age and stature. The word translated corner-stones has the same sense in Zech. ix. 15. The corner- tstones are mentioned as those which were hewn and polished with peculiar care. Likeness or model would agree better with the usage of the- Hebrew word (^'^r^?^), but its primary sense, as a derivative of the verb (^}^) to build, is here still more appropri- ate. Most interpreters give the last word the vague sense of a, palace, considered as a splendid building. There is something, however, far more striking in the translation te?nple, found in the Prayer-Book and the ancient versions. The omission of the article ia a poetic license of perpetual occurrence. The temple was the ^eat ai'chitecturai model and standard of comparison, and particu- larly remarkable for the great size and skilful elaboration of its PSALM CXL IV. 29\ foundation-stones, some of which, there is reason to believe, have remained undisturbed since the time of Solomon. See Kobinson's Palestine, vol. i, pp. 422 — 426. 13. Our garners full^ affording from kind to kind ; our flocks hearing thousands^ 7?iultiplied by myriads, in our streets. From kind to kind seems to denote not only variety but regular succes- sion, as expressed in Hengstenberg's version, one kind after an^ other. Compare Ps. Ixxxiv. 8 (7.) The participles in the next clause are highly idiomatic and scarcely reproducible in any other language. A somewhat similar example occurs above, Ps. Ixix. 32 (31.) But there both forms are active, whereas here we have one active and one passive participle, formed directly from the Hebrew words denoting a thousand and a myriad, the last of which is a derivative of the verb to increase or multiply^ and would therefore necessarily suggest that idea. See above, on Ps. iii. 7 (6.) Ixviii. 18 (17.) Streets, though not incorrect, is an inadequate translation of the Hebrew word (ni:£^h), which means external spaces, streets as opposed to the insido of houses, fields or country as opposed to a whole town. Hert it includes not only roads but fields. 14. Our oxen loaded — no damage and no loss — and lo complaint in our streets. The first particular implies abundanoo. For the use of oxen as beasts of burden, see 1 Chr. xii. 40. Damage and loss, literally, breach and going forth. Complaint, liierally, ciy, but especially for loss of the fruits of the earth. See Is&i. xxiv. 11. Some give the sentence an entirely different meaning, by supposing the word translated oxeii to mean princes, as it does in Zech. ix. 7. xii. 5, 6, and giving the participle joined with it the Chaldee sense of raised erect or upright. Going out then means going out to war, as in Am. v. 3, breach the incursion of an enemy, and cry a war-cry. But the fij-st Hebrew word in question (^^^^) is applied Dnly to the chiefs of Edom (Gen. xxxvi. 15), except in the latest 292 PSALM CXLV. books of the Old Testament, such as Zechariah ; and we naturally look for oxen after sheep, as in Ps. viii. S (7.) 15. Happy the people (with) whom (it is) thus ! Happy the people whose God (is) Jehovah ! The clauses are not antitlietical but equivalent. The people means the (chosen) people^ Israel, with whom, in prosperous times, it was thus, and was thus for the very reason that Jehovah was their God. PSALM CXLV. This has been happily characterized as the "new song" prom- ised in Ps. cxliv. 9. In other words, it is the song of praise, cor- responding to the didactic, penitential, and supplicatory psalms of this series. In form it is an alphabetical psalm, and like others of that class (see vol. i. p. 206) admits of no analysis, being made up of variations on a single theme, the righteousness and goodness of the Lord to men in general, to his own people in particular, and more especially to those who suffer. The letter nun is wanting, being omitted, as some suppose, for the sake of having three equal stanzas, each containing seven verses. The Septuagint supplies the omission, in a very inartificial manner, by anticipating v. 17 before v. 15, with a simple change of righteous (P^l?) to faith- ful (y^^), asinPs. cxi. 7. 1. Praise. By David. I will exalt thee, my God, the King and will bless thy name to eternity and perpetuity. This is the only case in which the word Praise stands alone as the designatioD or description of a psalm. It evidently bears an antithetical re- lation to the title Prayer in Ps. cxlii. 1, the rather as the Hebrew PSALM CXLV. 293 words (n|p?i and n^nfi) are still more alike than their English equivalents, differing only in a single letter. / inll exalt thee^ ag in Ps. XXX. 2(1), where the reason is expressed that is here im- plied, to wit, that God had exalted him. The khig^ the only true king, the king of kings, by whom they are put up and down, pro- tected and punished. See above, on Ps. cxliv. 10, and compare Ps. V. 3 (2.) XX. 10 (9.) xxiv. 8, 10. xxix. IC. xciii. 1. xcv. 3. xcvi. 10. xcix. 1. The regal honours paid to himself by others David here transfers as due to God alone. Bless thy name^ i. e. reverently praise it. See above, on Ps. v. 12 (11.) xxxiv. 2 (1.) ciii. 1. Forever and ever^ in reference not merely to himself but to /lis royal race, which is to live forever. See above, on Vs. cxxxviii. 8. 2. Every day will I bless thee and praise thy name to eter- nity and perpetuity. Compare Ps. Ixviii. 20 (19.) Ixix. 31 (30.) xcii. 2, 3. Every day denotes constancy and regularity. 3. Great (is) Jehovah and to he praised exceedingly., and to his greatn£ss there is no search., i. e. it is unsearchable. The first clause is quoted in Ps. xlviii. 2(1.) Greatly to be praised, as in Ps. xviii. 4 (3.) xcvi. 4. cxiii. 3. His greatness, as displayed in act, his great performance or performances. See above, on Ps. Ixxi. 21. With the last words of the verse compare Ps. xl. 6 (5.) 4. Generation to generation lauds thy deeds, and thy mighty doings ihey declare. With the first clause compare Ps. xix. 3 (2.) The verbs are of the future form, lauds and will laud, declare and will declare. The first verb is the one used in Ps. Ixiii. 4 (3.) cxvii. 1 Mighty doings, literally, mights or powers, but always used, like greatness, in an active not an abstract sense. See above, on Ps. xx. 7 (6.) cvi. 2. They declare may agree with 294 P S A L M C X L V . men indefinitely, or with the double generation in the first clause, which, however, is there construed with a verb in the singular. 5. (Of) the beattij of the honour of thy majesty^ and the woids of thy uwnders, I will muse (or meditate.) The accumulation of synonymous expressions in the first clause has been falsely repre- sented as a proof of later date and a corrupted taste, whereas it only proves intensity of admiration. For examples of the same thing in undisputed psalms of David, see above, Ps. xviii. 3 (2.) Ixii. 8 (7). Beauty and 7)iajcsty, as in Ps. xlv. 4 (3.) Honour or glory ^ as in Ps. xix. 1. Words of thy wonders are the wonders or wondrous deeds themselves, considered as subjects of discourse or celebration. See above, on Ps. Ixv. 4 (3.) cv. 27. I will muse, as in Ps. Ixxvii. 13 (12.) cxix. 15, 23, 27, 48, 78, 148. 6. And the force of thy dread (deeds) they utter — and (as to) thy greatness, I will recount it. Dread, literally, /crtrerZ, and then to he feared, 2^^ praised means to be praised in v. 3 above. Utter ^ literally say, precisely as in Ps. xl. 11 (10.) Greatness, or ac- cording to the reading in the text of the Hebrew Bible, great- nesses, i. e. great deeds, as mights means mighty deeds in v. 5. 7. The memory of thy great goodness they pour forth, and (of) thy righteousness they sing (or shout.) Memory, as in Ps. vi. 6 (5.) Great goodness is the order of the words not only in Eng- lish but in Hebrew, where it is unusual. See above, on Ps. Ixxxix. 51 (50.) Pour forth, [isva. Vs. xix. 3 (2.) Ixxviii. 2. Compare Ps. lix. 8 (7.) Thy righteousness, as in Ps. xxxi. 2 (1.) li. 16 (14.) cxliii. 1. Sing or shout for joy. The construction is like that in Ps. li. 16 (14.) lix. 17 (16.) 8. Gracious and compassionate (is) Jehovah, sloio to anger and great (in) mercy. Compare Ps. Ixxxvi. 15 (14.) ciii. 8. cxi. 4 PSAI.M CXLV. 295 Instead of the usual expression (n'l) much or ohundant, we have here great ^ in aUusion to its previous use in vs. 3, 6. 9. Good (is) Jehovah to all, and his compassions (are) over all his icorhs. All, literally, the all, the whole universe. See above, on Ps. cxix. 91. Over or iipon, the first suggesting the idea of a covering, the second that of a descent from above. His ivorks, the things which he has made, his creatures. See above, on Ps. ciii. 22. The argument implied is, how much more to his own people, the creatures of his grace. See above, on Ps. cxxxviii. 8. 10. All thy creatures, oh Jehovah, praise (or thank) thee, and thy saints bless thee. The future forms, as usual, denote that it ia . so and will be so. The superfluous n in the last word is an or- thographical peculiarity like that in Ps. cxxxix. 3. cxl. 8. cxli. 8. As saints (or gracious ones) are more than creatures, so to bless is more than to praise. See above, on v. 1 . 11. 7^ke glory of thy reign they idtcr, and thy might they speak. Compare Ps. ciii. 19. Thy reign or kingdom, which is universal. The whole phrase may mean thy royal dignity or honour. 12. To make known to the sons of man his mighty deeds, and the glory of the majesty of his reign (or kingdom.) Some give the infinitive the force of a gerund, by making known ; but the true sense seems to be, so as to (or so that they) make known. See above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 18. 13. Thy reign is a reign of all eternities, and thy dominion in generation and gemration. These words are also found in Dan, iii. 33. iv. 31. The meaning of th(^ last clause i&, thy domi- nion 'Stiii fijlnia and shall exist in every successive generation. 296 PSALM CXLV. 14. An upnolder (is) Jehovah for all the falling j a lifter up for all the bowed down. The first word in each clause is properlv a participle, here used as a noun, and therefore followed by the preposition to or for. Translated in cither way, the words neces- sarily suggest the idea of habitual action. With the first clause compare Ps. xxxvii. 17, 24. liv. 6 (4.) cxix. 116. 15. The eyes of all unto thee (look and) waitj and thou giv est them their food in its season. The verb in the first clause means to wait, expect, or hope, but is here construed with the preposi- tion to or toioardsj which implies the act of turning or looking to the object confided in. Givest^ literally giving^ i. e. (art habit- ually) giving. See above, on Ps. civ. 27, where these words are quoted. 16. Opening thy hand and satisfying to every living (thing its) desire^ or the desire of every living thing. Another construction, preferred by some interpreters, is, satisfying (giving satisfaction) to every living thing (in its) desire, viz. that which it desires. See the imitation of this verse in Ps. civ. 28, and compare Ps. ciii. 5. Acts xiv. 17. The words satisfy and will (or desire) are combined, as here, in Deut xxxiii. 23. 17. Righteous (is) Jehovah in all his ways and merciful in all his works. Justice and mercy are not mentioned here as oppo- sites, but rather as equivalents, the goodness of God being really included in the rectitude so frequently ascribed to him. 18. Near (is) Jehovah to all calling upon him^ to all (ailing upon him in truth^ i. e, sincerely, with importunate desire and strong confidence. With this verse compare Ps. xxxiv. 7, 1 9. 19. The will of his fearers he loill do.^ and their cry he will hear, and will save them. He will do what they desire, or grant PSALM CXLVI. 297 their prayer, especially their prayer for help in time of danger and distress, as intimated in the last clause. Compare Ps. xxxiv. 10, 16 (9, 15.) xxxvii. 40. 20. Jehovah keeps all that love him, and all the wicked will he destroy. The fearers of v. 19 and the lovers of this verse are iden- tical, which shows that godly fear and love are not incompatible. Keeps, literally keeping, as in v. 15, from all danger and distress, preserving. 21. The praise of Jehovah shall my mouth speak, and allflesn shall bless his holy name forever, or retaining the idiomatic form ot the original, all flesh shall bless the name of his holiness (or his name of holiness) to eternity and perpetuity. The use of the word praise connects this verse with the title or inscription in v. 1, which is thereby justified or proved to be correct. All flesh, as in Ps. Ixv. 3 (2.) Ills holy name^ as in Ps. xxxiii. 21. PSALM CXLVI. This psalm may be divided into two equal parts, the first of which describes the happiness of those who trust in God and not in man, vs. 1 — 5, while the second gives the reason, drawn from the divine perfections, vs. 6 — 10. The psalm is distinguished from the Davidic series which precedes it (cxxxviii — cxlv) by its whole internal character. At the same time its coincidences of expression with the one immediately before it show that it was meant to be used in connection with it, and may therefore be re- garded as the closing psalm of the whole series beginning with 298 P S A L M C L V I . Ps. cxxxv, and belonging to tlie time of Haggai and Zechariah, to 'wLich the psalm before us is expressly referred in the Septuagint Version. 1. Hallelujah! Praise, oh my soul, Jehovah! See above, Ps. ciii. 1, 22. civ. 1, 35. The Hallelujah never appears in any psalm which bears the name of David, and is indeed as character- istic of the later psalms as the Selah is of the more ancient. 2. I will 2^^'aisc Jehovah ichih I live ; I will maJce 7nusic to my God luhile I still (exist.) For the literal meaning of these words, see above, on Ps. civ. 33, from which they are borrowed, with the unimportant change of sing to praise. 3. Trust ye not in princes, in the son of man, to whom there is no salvation, who cannot save either himself or others, but is wholly dependent upon God. Compare Ps. xl. 5 (4.) Ixxv. 7, 8 (6, 7.) cviii. 13. cxvi. 11. cxliv. 10. This may be regarded as an exhort- ation to men in general from Israel, an exhortation founded on hia own experience. 4. Forth goes his spirit, he returns to his earth ; in that very day his thoughts perish. For the meaning of the first clause, see above, on Ps. civ. 29. The primary idea of breath and the secondary one of spirit run into each other in the usage of the Hebrew word (D^^)? so that cither may be expressed in the translation, without entirely excluding the other. His thoughts, his vain notions or ambitious schemes. 5. Happy he whose hel'p is the God of Jacoh, (and) his reliance on Jehovah his God. Whose help, literally, in whose help, i. e engaged, employed in it, or more probably, among whose helpers. Compare Ps. xlv. 10 (9.) liv. 6 (4.) xcix. 6. cxviii. 7. The divine name (^^) here used suggests the idea of almighty power, as PSALM CXL VI. 299 opposed to that of human weakness. Reliance^ literally, cxpecta^ tion^ hope ; but the first idea is necessarily suggested by the prepo- sition on. 6. Who made heaven and earthy the sea, and all that (is) in them — the (one) keeping truth forever. Two reasons are here given for thus relying upon God ; his almighty power, as exercised and proved in the creation of the world, and his unchangeable fidelity. See above, Ps. xxv. 5. Who made^ literally, 7nakingj with the usual reference to God's creative power as still exerted in the sus- tentation of the universe. See above, on Ps. Ixv. 7 (6.) cxxi. 2. cxliv. 2. 7. Doing justice to the oppressed — giving bread to the hungry — Jehovah, freeing (or the liberator of) the bound. He is not only able but accustomed to relieve those in distress, of whom several dis- tinct classes are here specified as samples. Compare Ps. xxxvii. 19, Ixviii. 6, 7 (5, 6.) cvii. 5, 9, 10. cxlv. 14. Hunger and captivity are both familiar figures for spiritual evils, as well as literal desig- nations of external ones, both which may here be considered as included. 8. Jehovah opens (the eyes of) the blind ; Jehovah raises up the hawed down ; Jefiovah loves the righteous. The ellipsis in the first clause is not so harsh in Hebrew as in English, because the verb (^I^?) is almost confined, in usage, to the eyes, and would at once suggest them to a Hebrew reader. \11 the verbs are of the parti- cipial form, opening., raising., loving., i. e. continually doing so. The first clause is applicable both to bodily and mental blindness. Compare Deut. xxviii. 29. Isai. lix. 10. Job xii. 2b. The second clause is borrowed from Ps. cxlv. 14. 9. Jehovah preserves strangers ; orphan and widow he relieves; and the way of wicked 'men makeji crooked. The stranger, the or- SOC PSALM CXLVII. plian, and the widow are constantly presented in the Lawas objects of compassion and beneficence. See above, on Ps. Ixviii. 6, 7 (5, 6.) Relieves J restores, raises up from their low condition. As a straight path is an emblem of prosperity, to render one's path crooked is to involve him in calamity. The same verb is applied, in a moral sense, to the perverse conduct of the wicked, Ps. cxix. 78. 10. Jehovah (reigns and) shall reign to eternity ; thy Gocj^ oh Zioiij to generation and generation. Hallelnjah (praise ye Jah) ! The Psalm closes with a grand sentence from the Song of Moses, Ex. XV. 18, to which a parallel clause is added, and a concluding Ilalklujah^ winding up the whole series of psalms, supposed to have been sung at the completion of the second temple. PSALM CXL YII. A SONG of praise to Jehovah on account of his goodness to his creatures generally, and to his church or chosen people in particu- lar. Both these themes run through the psalm ; but one is pre- dominant in the first part, vs. 1 — 11 ; the other in the second, vs. 12 — 20. The four remaining psalms (cxlvii — cl), connected to- gether, and distinguished from what goes before, by the Hallelujah with which they all begin and end ; by their joyous tone, unmixed with lamentation or complaint ; by their frequent allusions to some great deliverance recently experienced ; and by the peculiar way in which they bring together the exhibitions of God's glory in the works of nature and in his dealings with the church; have not' improbably been represented as a series, intended to commemo- rate tLa completion of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah, an PSALM CXLVIT. 30l event described in the history itself, as putting an end to the re- proach of Israel, and restoring the Holy City to its proper rank. See Neh. i. 3. ii. 5, 17. vi. 6, 7, 15, 16. vii. 4. ix. 6, 13, 14. x. 29. xii. 27, 35, 41, 43. 1. Halldujah (praise ye Jah), for it is good to celebrate our God, for it is sweet (and) praise becoming. This is made up of the beginnings of three other psalms. See above, Ps. xcii. 2(1.) cxxxv. 3. xxxiii. 1. Celebrate, make music to, with voice and in- strument. See above, on Ps. vii. 18 (17.) Instead of it is sweet some read he is lovely, i. e. a worthy object of supreme affection, as in Ps. cxxxv. 3. But even there the construction is a doubt- ful one, and here the first proposed above is recommended by the fact that the epithets before and after relate not to God himself but to his praise. 2. Building Jerusalem (is) Jehovah ; the outcasts of Israel he gathers. The rebuilding of the walls in the days of Nehemiah, may be said to have completed the fulfilment of the promise in Isai. xi. 12. Ivi. 8. Compare Ps. cvii. 3. 3. The (one) healing the broken-hearted and binding up tnei? wounds. This was true as a general description, and speciallji exemplified in the deliverance which Israel had experienced. See above, on Ps. xxxiv. 19 (18.) ciii. 3, and compare Isai. Ixi. 1. 4. Telling the number of the stars — to all of them names he calls. The God who thus provides for Israel is the God of nature no less than of grace. Tellhig, counting, reckoning, estimating. Not determining beforehand, but simply doing what man cannot. See Gen. xv. 5, and compare Gen. xiii. 16, Num. xxiii. 10. Isai. Ixv. 12. He not only counts but names them, calling them all by name. The verse is borrowed from Isai. xl. 26, where as hero 302 PSALM CXLVII. God's knowledge and control of nature is presented as a source of consolation to his people. 5. Great is our Lord and of much ^power ; to his understayid ing there is no number , i. e. it is incalculable and immense. Compare Isai. xl. 26, 28. Of much power , or abundant in Btrength. 6. Raising up the humble (is) Jehovah, casting down the wicked to the very earth. Sec above, Ps. cxlvi. 8, 9. To the very earth, literally, even to the earth. 7. Respond to Jehovah with thanksgiving ; make music to our God with a harp. The first verb has its proper sense of answer- ing or responding, as in Ps. cxix. 172. It may be. doubted whether it ever has that of simply singing. Respond, i. e. to his manifold favours. 8. The (one) covering the heavens with clouds — the (one J providing for the earth rain — the (one) causing the mou7itains to put forth grass. The grass as produced by means of the rain, and the rain by means of the clouds. See above, on Ps. civ. 13. 9. Giving to the cattle its food — to the young ravens which cry. The first noun may also be translated beast, but still with refer- ence to domestic animals, with which is contrasted in the other clause the raven, as a wild bird, unconnected with mankind, and as some suppose with allusion to its harsh and piercing cry. See above, on Ps. civ. 21. cxlv. 15, and compare Job xxxviii. 41. Young ravens, literally, sons of the raven. 10. Not in the strength oj a horse does he delight ; not with the legs of a man is he pleased. The best explanation of the sin- gular expressions in the last clause is, that the whole verse waa PSALM CXLVII. 303 intended to describe horse and foot, or cavalry and infantry, ag forming the military strength of armies. It is not to those who trust in these that God is disposed to extend favour, nor do these advantages at all attract him. 11. Pleased (is) Jehovah with those fearing hiniy with those hoping for his mercy. This implies the want of secular advan- tages, or at least an absence of reliance on them, and a sense of dependence upon God alone. 12. Laud, oh Jerusalem, Jehovah I Praise thy God, oh Zion ! Here begins the second division of the psalm, in which the good- ness of God to his people is the theme, and the people itself tho object of address. 13. For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates ; ht hath Ikised thy sons in the midst of thee. Although the first clause admits of a general figurative application, it seems to contain an evident allusion to the historical occasion of the psalm, or at least to favour the opinion, that it was designed to celebrate the renewed fortifications of the Holy City. 14. (It is) he that makes thy border peace, (and with) the fat of wheat he satisfies thee. He that makes, literally, the (one) placing. Border is put for all that it contains or bounds, thy territory or domain. To make it peace is to make it peaceful or to give it peace. See Isai. liv. 12. With the last clause com- pare Ps. Ixxxi. 17. Deut. xxxii. 14. 15. lie that sendeth his commandment (upon) earth — very siC'iftly rims his word. The construction is like that in the pre- ceding verse. He that sendeth, the (one) sending. Commandment, literally, saying, what he says. Very siviftly, literally, even to swiftness. The authoritative word of God is here personified as 304 PSALM CXLVir. his messenger or agent, whose swift running signifies the prompt execution of the divine will. 16. He that gives snow like wool^ hoar-frost like ashes sprinkles- As easily as a man scatters wool or ashes, does God cover the earth with snow or frost. The selection of phenomena peculiar to winter may have reference to the season when the psalm was written or originally sung. At the same time they were probably designed to serve as emblems of the long distress, to which the Restoration put an end, as spring does to winter. The compari- sons in this verse are less striking to us than to the people of countries where snow and frost are less familiar. 17. He that sendeth his ice like crumhs. Before his cold who can stand 1 The second noun means scraps or morsels, but m usage is specially applied to food. See Gen. xviii. 5. Judg. xix. 5. This seems to be descriptive of hail, which God sends upon the earth as easily and freely as man scatters crum-bs or throws away the refuse of his food. The allusion to the feeding of domesti- cated animals, which some assume, is needless though admissible. IS. He sends his ivord and melts them — he makes his loind blow — waters flow. Sends his word, utters his command. The plural pronoun (them) refers to snow, frost, and ice, in vs. 16, 17. The winds meant are the warm winds of the spring, attended by a general thaw. 19. Declaring his word to Jacob, his statutes and his judg- ments to Israel. The God of Nature is the God of Revelation. He who thus controls the elements and seasons is the God of Israel, and will work spiritual changes corresponding to these natural phenomena, for the benefit of the people whom he has entrusted with the revelation of his will. PSALM CXLVIII. 305 20. He has not done so to every nation — and (as for) judgments^ they know nothing of them. This revelation to Israel is peculiar and exclusive. Every nation^ and by implication, any one. Thia is indeed the only form in which that idea could be expressed in Hebrew. The last clause declares the other nations ignorant not only of his laios or judgments^ but of any that deserve the name. PSALM CXLYIII. The universe, in all its parts, is summoned to praise God as ita maker, and as infinitely worthy of its adoration. The invitation is addressed, in the first instance, to heaven and its inhabitants, exhorting them to praise God as their maker and preserver, vs. I — 6. It is then addressed to the earth and its inhabitants, exhorting them to praise him for his infinite perfection, as dis- played in his works, but especially in his dealings with his chosen people, vs. 7 — 14. Even the most skeptical critics are con- strained to acknowledge that this psalm and the two which follow are admirably suited to their purpose. 1. HaUelujah ! Praise ye Jehovah from the heavens ! Praise him in the heights ! This verse designates the place, or part of the creation, from which the praise is to proceed. Heights^ or high-places, is a simple equivalent to heavens^ the plural form of which it takes by assimilation. Compare the singular in Ps. xviii. 17 (16.) The preposition from denotes the direction of the sound, the preposition in the place where it is uttered. 2. Praise yt hini^ all his angels ! Praise ye him.^ all his host^ f 306 PSALM CXL VI II. As this last expression is applied both to the angels and the heavenly bodies, it here affords a natural transition from the one to the other. See above, on Ps. xxiv. 10. xxis. 1. eiii. 21. 3. Praise ye him^ stin and moon ! Praise him, all ye stars of light ! This is a specification of the general term, his hosts, in V. 2. Stars of light is a beautiful poetical expression for bright or shining stars. 4. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters which are above the heavens ! The object of address in the first clause is the highest heaven, the heaven of that which is heaven to us. See above, on Ps. Ixviii. 34 (33), and compare Deut. x. 14. 1 Kings viii. 27. 2 Cor. xii. 2. The waters meant are the watery clouds above the lower heavens, as in Gen. i. 7. See above, on Ps. civ. 3 5. Let them praise the name of Jehovah, for he commanded and they were created. The direct invitation to the heavens is followed by a statement of the reason why they should comply with it, ex- pressed in the third person, as if addressed to others. The pro- noun he is emphatic. (It was) he {thsit) commanded (and no other.) See above, on Ps. xxxiii. 9, and compare Gen. i. 3. 6. And made them stand to perpetuity and eternity ; a limit he gave (them) and they cannot pass (it.) The immutability ascribed to the frame of nature, Ps. Ixxii. 5. Ixxxix. 3, 37 (2, 36), is not absolute but relative to the will of the creator. All that is required by the context in such cases is, that they cannot change in opposition to his will or independently of it. See Ps. cii. 27. The first word in the second clause is here used in its primary sense of a definite boundary or limit, from which may be readily deduced the usual one of statute or permanent enactment. See above, on Ps. ii. 7. As the last verb is in the singular number. PSALM ex LVI II. 307 the most obvious construction is the one giren in the English Bible, a decree which shall not pass. Compare Matth. v. 18. But the highest authorities appear to be agreed that the analogy of Job xiv. 5. Ps. civ. 9. Jer. v. 22, requires the verb to be taken in the sense of transcending or transgressing, and construed with the aggregate of the heavenly bodies. 7. Praise Jehovah from the earthy ye dragons and all depths . Here begins the second part, in which the address is to the earth and its inhabitants. Frorn the earth is in antithesis to from the heavens in v. 1. Earth here includes land and water; hence the last clause makes exclusive mention of the latter, as the word translated dragons is applied to huge aquatic animals, (Ps. Ixxiv. 13), and the one translated depths to large bodies of water f Ps. xxxiii. 7.J As the first, however, sometimes means serpents ('Ps. xci. 13J, it may here be the connecting link between land and water, 8. Fire and hail^ snow and vapour:, stormy wind doing his word. The address here passes to the inanimate and unconscious agencies of nature. Fire and hail, as in Ps. cv. 32. The fire meant is commonly supposed to be lightning ; but according to Hengstenberg the word is to be taken in its ordinary sense and is separated from its natural attendant smoke (for such is the meaning of the Hebrew word elsewhere, e. g. Ps. cxix. 83j only for the purpose of contrasting hot and cold, white and black, which seems a little fanciful and far-fetched. The storm-wind (or stormy wind) is mentioned as a natural agent the least likely to be under control, and it is expressly described as doing God's word, i. e. executing his command. See above, on Ps. ciii. 20. civ. 4. 9. The mountains and all hills, fruit-trees and all cedars. Not fruitful trees, as distinguished from barren trees, but fruii-trees 308 PSALM CXLVIII. (literally, tret of fruit) ^ as distinguished from forest- trees, here represented by the cedar, which is usually spoke n of in scripture as the noblest species, and therefore called the cedar of God^ Ps. Ixxx. 11 (10.) 10. The wild (beast) and all cattle, creeping tkiiig and flying fowl. The contrast in the first clause is analogous to that between fruit-trees and cedars in v. 9. The Hebrew word (i:^??^„) transla- ted creeping thing has no exact equivalent in English. It seems strictly to denote animal or vital motion, or as a concrete term whatever so moves, and is even applied to aquatic animals, Ps. civ. 25. But when used distinctively, it denotes the smaller classes of terrestrial animals, including insects, reptiles, and the smallest quadrupeds. It is here added simply to complete the expression of the general idea, all animals whatever. Flying fowl, literally, bird of wing. The first of the Hebrew words is specially applied to the smaller birds, and sometimes specifically to the sparrow. See above, on Ps. xi. 1. Ixxxiv. 4 (3.) civ. 17. cxxiv. 7. This and the preceding item in the catalogue, suggest- ing the idea of the smallest animals, may possibly have been used to denote the universality of the call here made upon all creatures, from the greatest to the smallest, to praise God their maker. 11. Kings of the earth and all nations, chiefs and oil judges of the earth. He here passes from the lower animals to man. Kings and the nations whom they represent. Princes is not an exact translation of the Hebrew (ti'^^^ir?), which is especially, though not exclusively, applied to military leaders of various rank, and may therefore best be represented by the English ^Jiiefs or chieftains. 12. Young men and also maidens, old men with children. The obvious meaning of this verse is, all men, without distinction of sex or age. There is no need, therefore, of refining on the several particulars, or undertaking to explain why old men and PSALM cxr.viir. 309 young men are both mentioDed, since neither of them could havo been omitted without failing to accomplish the design of the enu- meration. For the etymology and primary meaning of the first word in Hebrew, see above, on Ps. Ixxviii. 63, where it stands in precisely the same combination. The two nouns in the last clause may be considered as of common gender. 13. Let, (all these) praise the name of Jehovah^ for exalted is his name alone^ his glory is above earth and heaven. The mention of earth and heaven shows that the first verb relates not merely to that which immediately precedes, but to the whole enumeration of God's creatures with which the psalm is occupied. See above, on Ps. civ. 27. Exalted is his name, as in Isai. xii. 4. His glory or majesty., a Hebrew word especially applied to royal dignity. See above, on Ps. xxi. 6 (5.) xlv. 4 (3.) xcvi. 6. civ. 1. cxi. 3. Above earth and heaven, i. e, superior to their mere material splendor, or on earth and heaven, i. e. placed upon them as a crown. See above, on Ps. viii. 2 (1.) Ivii. 6 (5.) 14. And he has raised up a horn for his people — praise for all his saints — for the children of Israel — a people near to him. Hallelujah ! While all the creatures before mentioned have abundant cause to praise God for his infinite perfection and his goodness to themselves, a peculiar obligation is incumbent on hia people ; first, for his distinguishing favour through all periods of their history ; and then, for a special mercy recently experienced, namely, the restoration from captivity, now completed by the renewal of the temple and the reconstruction of the city walls. This restoration is described, by a favourite Davidic figure, aa exalting or lifting up the horn of Israel. See above, on Ps. Ixxv. 6, 7 (5, 6.) xcii. 11 (10.) The previous condition of the chosen people might be well represented by the opposite figure, used in Job xvi. 15. Raised a horn fo" his people seems to be only another way of saying raised the horn of his people. The 310 PSALxM CXLIX. first form of expression may have been here used for tbe purpose of assimilating this clause to the next, where 'p-aise is still depend ent on the verb at the beginning, and to raise ujp praise for his people is to give them fresh occasion of still higher praise than they had ever yet been called to utter. The ancient church is here described in a fourfold manner ; first, simply as his people ; then, as his saints or gracious ones, the objects of his mercy and the subjects of his grace ; then, by their national title, as the sons (ov descendants) of Israel ; and lastly as the people near him, i. e nearer to him than all others, sustaining a more intimate relation to him. The same expression which is elsewhere applied to the priests (Lev. x. 3. Ezek. xlii. 13) is here applied to Israel as "? kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Ex. xix. 6. J PSALM CXLIX This may be regarded as the special song of praise required of Israel at the close of the preceding psalm ; first, on account of mercies already experienced by the chosen people, vs. 1 — 5, and then, in the hope of future triumphs over all heathen and hostile powers, vs. 6 — 9. Nothing could well be more appropriate to the state of things under Nehemiah, when the city and nation had again been put into a posture of defence and resistance. 1. Hallelujah ! Sing unto Jehovah a new song, his praise in the congregation of saints. Compare Ps. xl. 4 (3.) xcvi. I. cxi. 1. cxiviii. 14, to which, last there is an obvious allusion, cionnecting die two psalms in the closest manner. 3. JLet Israel rejoicz in his Maker ! Let the so^ds of Zion triumph PSALM CXLIX. 311 tn their King ! Not merely the creator of individuals, but of the church and nation as such, and thai not only at first, but by a kind of new creation, in the restoration- of the people from captivity. They are summoned to rejoice in him, not only as their founder and restorer but their sovereign. See above, on Ps. xcv. 6. c. 3. cxlv. 1, and compare Isai. xliii. 1. xliv. 2. xlv. 13. 3. Let them praise his name in the dance; with timbrel and harp let them play (or 7}iake music) to him. The usual modes of ex- pressing joy are here combined. As to the dance, see above, on Ps. XXX 12 (11.) 4. For Jehovah is pleased icith his people ; he Itautifies the humhle with salvation. The first clause suggests the idea of a previous alienation and of his having been appeased or reconciled. See above, on Ps. Ixxxv. 2(1.) The verb is one applied in the Law to God's acceptance of the sacrifices, and might therefore awaken here associations with atonement and forgiveness. Seo above, on Ps. xix. 15 (14.) li. 22 (20.) The verb occurs in iti general sense of bemg pleased or satisfied, Ps. cxlvii. 10, 11 With the last clause compare Isai. Ixi. 3. 5. Let the saints exult in gloi'y ; let them sing (for joy) upon their beds. The word translated saints is the same that occurs in Ps. cxlviii. 14, and is there explained. In glory (or honour), i. e. the glorious or honourable state into which Jehovah has now brought them. The glory is not that which belongs to God, Ps. xxix. 9. xcvi. 7, but that which he bestows, Ps. Ixxxiv. 12 (11.) Ixxxv. 10 (9.) The very phrase, in honour, occurs above, Ps. cxii. 9. Sing or shout, as audible expressions of strong feel- ing, and especially of joy. On their beds, where they have been accustomed to lament their previous degradation, or what Nehe- miah calls their " affliction and reproach." See Neh. i. 3. iii. 36 (iv. 4.) 312 PSALM CXLIX. 6. Praises of God in their throaty and a tico-edged sword in their hand. A striking coincidence has been observed between tins verse and Neh. iv. 11, 12 (17, IS.) As then they worked with one hand and brandished the sword with the other, so now they might be said at the same time to praise Grod and defy their enemies. This singular mixture of devotional and martial spirit is characteristic of the psalm and furnishes a valuable index to the date of composition. The conclusion thus reached is corroborated by the account of the military and religious pomp, with which the walls were dedicated, as described by Nehemiah (xii. 31 — 47.) 7. To execute vengeance among the nations^ punishments among the peoples. Not their own vengeance, but that of God, to whom alone it appertains. See above, on Ps. xviii. 48 (47.) xciv. 1, and compare Deut. xxxii. 35. Rom. xii. 19. Heb. x. 30. This is really nothing more than a prediction, that God would use his peoj le as his instruments in punishing the nations by whom they had them- selves been persecuted and oppressed. This was partially ful- filled in the successes of the Maccabees, but under a new and unexpected form, in the spiritual triumphs of the true religion, and its actual or prospective subjugation of the world. 8. To bind their Jdngs with chains ^ their nobles with fetters of iron. The word translated nobles is properly a participle, mean- in.