SELECT HYMNS FOR OUtt # LORD'S RESURRECTION. ■■■•♦oi^>i—— ■ LONDON : Printed at the Conference-Office; John Jones, A?ent Sold by Tho. Blanshard, City-Road ; alfo at the Methodift Preaching-Houfes in Town or Country. 1809. HYMNS LORD'S RESURRECTION HYMN" I. 1 A LL ye that feck the Lord who died, jt\. Your God for tinners crucified, Prevent the earliett dawn, and come, To worlhip at his facred tomb. 2 Bring the fwcet fpices of your fighs, Your contrite hearts, andftrcaming eyes, Your fad complaints, and humble fears ; Come, and embalm him with your tears. 3 While thus ye love your fouls to' employ, Your forrow fhall be turn'd to joy ; Now, now, let all your grief be o'er ! Believe : and ye fhall weep no more. 4 An earthquake hath the cavern fliook, Andburft the door, and rent the rock; The Lord hath fent his angel down, And he hath rolled away the ftone. A 2 5 \V ( 4) 5 We now behold his garment white, His countenance as lightning bright ; He fits, and waves a flaming fword, And waits upon his rifing Lord. 6 The third aufpicious morn is come, And calls your Saviour from the tomb; The bands of death are torn away, The yawning tomb gives back its prey. <7 Could neither feal nor ftonefecure, Nor men, nor devils make it fure ? The feal is broke, the iione call by, And all the powers of darknefs fly. 8 The body breathes, and lifts his head, The keepers fink, and fall as dead ; The dead reftor'd to life appear, The living quake, and die for fear. 9 No power a band of foldiers have To keep one body in its grave : Surely it no dead body was, That could the Roman eagles chafe. 10 The Lord of life is rifen indeed, To death deliver'd in your ftead ; His rife proclaims your fins forgiven, And fliewsthe living way to heaven. 11 HaRe, then, ye fouls that firft believe, Who dare the gofpel-word receive ; Your faith with joyful hearts confefs, Be bold, be Jefu's witneffes. 12 Go, tell the followers of your Lord, Their Jc/us is to life reftor'd; He lives, that they his life may find : He lives to quicken all mankind. HYMN ( 4 ) HYMN II. 1 ^JINNEItS, difmifs your fear, ►^ The joyful tidings hoar ! This the word that Jefus faid ; O believe and feel it true : Chrift is rifen from the dead, Li?es the Lord who died for you ! 2 Hade, to his tomb repair, And fee the tokens there ; See the place where Jefus lay, Mark the burial clothes he wore, Angels near his relicks ftay, Guards of him who dies no more. 3 Why then art thou call down, Thou poor afflicted one ? Full of doubts, and griefs, and fears, Look into that open grave ! Died he not to dry thy tears ? Rofe he not thy foul to fave ? 4 Know'ft thou not where to find The Saviour of mankind ? He hath borne him Pel f away, He from death himfelf hath freed, He on the third glorious day, Rofe triumphant from the dead. 5 To purge thy guilty (lain He died and rofe again : Wherefore doft thou weep and mourn ? Sinner, lift thine heart and eye, Turn thee, to thy Jefus turn, See thy loving Saviour nigh. 6 He comes his own to claim, He calls thee by thy name : A 3 Drooping Drooping foul, rejoice, rejoice, See him there to life reflor'd ! Mary — know thy Saviour's voice. Hear it, and reply, My Lord ! HYMN III. 1 TTAPPY Magdalen, to whom 11 Chrift the Lord vouchfaf'd I' appear Newly rifen from the tomb, Would he firft be feen by her ? Her by feven devils poffeft, Till his word the fiends expell'd ; Quench'dthe hell within her bread, All her fins and ficknefs heal'd. 2 Yes, to her the Mafter came, Firft his welcome voice flie hears ; Jefns calls her by her name, He the weeping tinner cheers, Lets her the dear talk repeat, While her eyes again run o'er, Lets her walh his bleeding feet, Kifs them, and with joy adore. 3 Highly favour'd foul ! to her Farther fiill his grace extends, Raifes the glad meffenger, Sends her to his drooping friends : Tidings of their living Lord, Firft in her report they find : She muft fpread the gofpel-word, Teach the teachers of mankind. 4 Who can now prefume to fear ? Who defpair his Lord to fee ? Jefus, wilt thou not appear, Shew thyfelf alive to me ? Yes, ( 7) 1 es, my God, I dare not doubt, Thou fhalt all my fins remove ; Thou haft caft: a legion out, Thou wilt perfect me in love. 5 Surely thou haft call'd mc now ! Now I hear the voice dirine, At thy wounded feet I bow, Wounded for whofe fins but mine? I have nail'd him to the tree I have fent him to the grave : But the Lord is rifen for me, Hold of him by faith I have. 6 Here for ever would I lie, Didft thou not thy fervant raife, Send roe forth to teftify All the wonders of thy grace. Lo ! I at thy bidding go, Gladly to thy followers tell, They their rifing God may know, They the life of Chrift may feel. 7 Hear, ye brethren of the Lord, (Such he you vouchfafes to call) O believe the gofpel-word, Chrift hath died and rofe for all : Turn ye from your fins to God, Hafte to Galilee, and fee Him, who bought thee with his blood. Him, who rofe to live in thee. A 4 HYMN ( ■•) HYMN IV. 1 "JESUS, the riling Lord of all, q3 His love to man commends : Poor worms he blufhes not to -call His brethren and his friends. 2 Who bafely all forfook their Lord In his diftrefs, and fled, To them he fends the joyful word, When rifen from the dead. 3 Go, tell the vile defertcrs 1 no : My deareft brethren tell, Their advocate to heaven I go, •To refcue them from hell. 4 Lo ! to my Father I afcend ! Your father now is he ; My God, and your's, whoe'er depend For endlefs life on me. 5 Henceforth lever live above For you to intercede ; The merit of my dying love, For all mankind to plead. 6 Your fins are all forgiven ; ^Lnd mount above ihe Ikies, that you May follow me to heaven. HYMN HYA1X V. 1 1~|BJFXT of all our knowledge here, \J Our oue dclire, and hope below, Jefus, the crucified, draw near, And with thy tad difciples go ; Our thoughts and words to thee are known, We commune of thyfelf alone. 2 How can it be, our rcafon cries. That God mould leave his throne above ? Is it for man th' Immortal dies? For man, who tramples on his love ? For man, who nail'd him to the tree ? O Love ! O God ! He died for me ! 3 Why, then, if thou for me haft died, Doft thou not yet thyfelf impart ? Wc hop'd to feel thy blood applied, To find thee rifen in our heart, Redeem'd from all iniquity, Sav'd, to the utmoft fav'd, through thee. 4 Have wc not then believ'd in vain, By Chnit unfanctified, unfrecd ? In us he is not rifen again : We know not but he ftill is dead ; No life, no rightcoufnef- we have, Our hopes feem buried in his grave. 5 Ah ! Lord, if thou indeed art ours, If thou for us haft burft the tomb, Vifit us with thy quickening powers, Come to thy mournful followers, come, Thyfelf to thy weak members join, And fill us with the life divine. A 5 6 Thee ( io ) 6 Thee, the great prophet fent from God, Mighty in deed and word, we own ; Thou haft on fome the grace beftow'd, Thy rifing in their hearts made known • They publilh thee to life reftor'd, Attefting they have feen the Lord. 7 Alas, for us, whofe eyes arc held ! Why cannot we our Saviour fee ? With us thotf art, yet ftill conceal'd, O might we hear one word from thee ! Speak, and our unbelief reprove, Our bafenefs to miftruft thy love. 8 Fools as we are, and flow of heart, ^>o backward to believe the word ! The prophets' only aim thou art : T^hcy fang the fufferings of their Lord, Thy life for ours a ranfom giveu, Thy rifing to enfure our heaven. 9 Ought not our Lord the death to die, And then the glorious life to live ? To^ftoop, and then go up on high ? The pain, and then the joy receive ? His blood the purchafe-price lay down, Endure the crofs, and claim the crown ? 10 Ought not the members all to pafs The way their Head had pafs'd before ? Through fuffering perfected he was, The garment dipt in blood he wore, That we with him might die, and rife, And bear his nature to the Ikies ! IIYMX ( u ) HYMN VI. 1 ^10ME, then, thou prophet of the Lord, vy Thou great Interpreter divine, Explain thine own tranfmitted word ; To teach and to infpire is thine ; Thou only canft thyfelf reveal, Open the book, and loofe the feal. 2 Whatc'er the ancient prophets fpokc, Concerning thee, OChrift, make known, Sole fubject of the facred book, Thou filled all, and thou alone ; ^ et there our Lord we cannot fee, Lnlefs thy Spirit lend the key. 3 Now, Jefus, now the veil remove, The folly of our darken'd heart, Unfold the wonders of thy love, The knowledge of thyfelf impart ; Our ear, our inmoft foul we bou : Speak, Lord ; thy fcrvants hearken now. 4 Make not as thou wouldft farther go, Our friend, and counfellor, and guide, But ftay, the path of life to flicw, Still with our fouls vouchfafe t' abide, Conftrain'd by thy own mercy, Hay, Nor leave us at our clofe of day. 5 Come in, with thy difciples fit, Nor differ us to afk in vain ; Noiriih us, Lord, with living meat, Our fouls with heavenly bread fuftain : Break to us now the myliic bread, And bid us on thy body feed. A 6 6 Honour ( 12 ) 6 Honour the means ordaia'd by thee, The great unbloody facrifice, The deep tremendous myftery : Thyfelf in our enlighten'd eyes, Now in the broken bread make known. Andfliew us thou art all our own. HYMN VII. By the Myftery of thy holy Incarnation ; by thy holy Nativity and Circumcifion ; by thyBaptifm, Fafting, and Temptation ; by thine Agony, and bloody Sweat ; by thy Crofs, and Paffion ; by thy precious Death, and Burial : by thy glorious RefurrecYion and Afcenfion ; and by the Coming of the Holy Ghoft, Good Lord, deliver us. Litany. 1 TESU, mew us thy falvation, tJ (In thy ftrength we flrive with thee) By thy myftic incarnation, By thy pure nativity, Save us thou, our New Creator, Into all our fouls impart, Thy divine unfinning nature, Form thyfelf within our heart. 2 By thyfirft blood-fliedding heal us ; Cut us off from every fin, By thy circumcifion feal us, Write thy law of love within ; By thy Spirit circumcife us ; Kindle in our hearts a flame ; By thy baptifm now baptize us Into all thy glorious name. 3 By ( 13 ) 3 By thy fading and temptation, Mortify our vain defires, Take away what fcnfc, or paffion, Appetite, or flcfli requires : Arm us with thy felf-denial, Every tempted foul defend ; Save us in the fiery trial, Make us faithful to the end. 4 By thy forer fuff 'rings fave us, Save us when conform'd to thee, By thy mifcries relieve us ; By thy painful agony : When beneath thy frown we languifh, When we feel thine anger's weight, Save us by thine unknown anguifh, Save us by thy bloody fwcat. 5 By that higheft point of paflion, By thy fuff 'rings on the tree, Save us from the indignation Due to all mankind, and me : Hanging, bleeding, panting, dying, Gafping out thy lateft breath, By thy precious death's applying, Save us from eternal death. 6 From the world of care releafe us, By thy decent burial fave, Crucified with thee, O Jefus, Hide us in thy quiet grave : By thy power divinely glorious, By thy rcfurreclion's power, Raife us up o'er fin victorious, Raife us up to fall no more. 7 By the pomp of thine afcending, Live we here to heaven reftor'd, Live in pleafures never ending, Share the portion of our Lord ; Let ( 14) Let us hare our converfation, "With the blefied fpirits above : Sav'd with all thy great falvation. Perfectly renew 'd in love. 8 Glorious Head, triumphant Saviour, High enthron'd above all height, We have now through thee found favour. Righteous in thy Father's fight : Hears he not thy prayer unceafing : Can he turn away thy face : Send us down thy purchas'd bleffing. Fulnefs of the gofpel-grace. 9 By the coining of thy Spirit, As a mighty rufliing wind, Save us into all thy merit, Into all thy fpotlefs mind ; Let the perfect gift be given, Let thy will in us be feen, Done on earth as 'tis in heaven ; Lord, thy fpirit cries, Amen '. HYMN VIII. 1 T> FJOICE, the Lord is king ! JLV Your Lord and King adore. Mortals, give thanks, and fing, And triumph evermore ; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice. Rejoice, again I fay, rejoice. 2, Jefus the Saviour reigns. The God of truth and love. When he had purg"d our fiains, He took his feat above : Lift up your heart, lift up your voictf. Rejoice, again I fay, rejoice. 4 3 His ( 15 ) 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth aud heaven ; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jefus given : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I fay, rejoice. 4 He fits at God's right hand, Till all his foes fubmit, And bow to his command, And fall beneath his i'vet: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I lay, rejoice. 5 He all his foes fhall quell, Shall all our fins deftroy, And every bofom fwcll With pure ferapbicjoy ; Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice, Rejoice, again I fay, rejoice. 6 Rejoice in glorious hope, Jefus the judge fhall come, And take his fervants up To their eternal home : We foon fliallhear th' archangel's voice. The trump of God fhall found, Llejoicc ! HYMN IX. FATHER, God, we glorify Thy love to Adam's feed, Love that gave thy Son to die, And rais'd him from the dead, Him for our offences flain, That we all might pardon find Thou haft brought to life again, The Saviour of mankind. 2 By ( 16 ) By thy own right hand of power Thou haft exalted him, Sent the mighty conqueror, Thy people to redeem : King of faints, and Prince of peace, Him thou haft to finncrs given, Siuners from their fins to blefs, And lift them up to heaven. Father, God, to us impart The gift unfpeakable, Now in every waiting heart Thy glorious Son reveal ; Quickened with our living Lord, Let us in thy Spirit rife, Rife to all thy life reftor'd, And thank thee in the Ikies: HYMN X. 1 f^\ Jefus, our King, \^F Thy glory we fing, Thy rifiug declare, And join in the pomp, aud the benefit fhare. Thy conqueft we feel, O'er death and o'er hell, Redeem'd from the grave, We are bold to proclaim thee Almighty to fave. 2 We know that our head Is rifen indeed, Thy record receive, And rais'd by the power of thy Spirit we live. Thy Spirit attefts The truth in our breads, Thy witnefs imparts The firft refurreclion of faith in our hearts. 3 Thou ( 17 ) 3 Thou' haft conquer'd beneath, The fharpnefs of death, Our fouls to retrieve, And open the kingdom to all that believe. Believing on thee, We rife from the tree, And heavenward move, And fly to the throne on the wings of thy love. 4 Thy love that o'ercame Our forrow and fliame, And ranfom'd our race, And fent thee to God to prepare us a place; Follow after, it cries, To your place in the Ikies, By Immanuel led, Follow after, and fuller, and reign with your Head. HYMN XI. 1 f* OME, ye that feek the Lord, V^ Him that was crucify'd ; Come, liften to the gofpcl-word, And feel it now appfy'd : To every foul of man The joyful news wefliew, Jefus, for every finner (lain, Is rifen again for you. And did to us appear He hath been foen, our living head, By many a Peter here. We, who fo oft deny'd Our Mailer and our God, Have thruft our hand into his fide, And felt the dreaming blood. 3 Rais'd ( 18 ) 3 Rais'd from the dead we are, The members with their Lord, And boldly in his name declare The foul-reviving word; Salvation we proclaim, Which every foul may find, Pardon and peace in Jefu's name, And life for all mankind. 4 O might they all receive The bleeding Prince of peace H *jj Sinners, the gJad report believe Of Jefu's witneffes ! He lives, who fpilt his blood ; (Believe our record true) The arm, the power, the Son of God, Shall be reveal'd in you. HYMN XII. 1. TP| ISE, all who feek the crucified, JLV The God that once for finners died, With lifted voice and heart adore ; Chafing our griefs, and fins, and fears, The Sun of Righteoufnefs appears, Appears to fet in blood no more. 2 To death deliver'd in our Head, For us he rifes from the dead, And life to all his members brings ! He gives us, while he foars above, The dew of grace, the balm of love, And drops falvation from his wings. 3 This day the Scripture is fulfill'd, The Father now his Son has feal'd, And own'd him for his Son with power ; God ( 19 ) God, from (lie belly of the earth Hath call'd him forth to lecond birth, Nor let the greedy deep devour. 4 Caft for our fins into the deep, His life hath fav'd the finking ihip, His life for ours a ranfom given : But, lo! on the third joyful morn, Our Jonas does for us return, Emerging from his tomb to heaven. HYMN XIII. 1 X>REAK forth into praife ! Jl3 Our furety and head, His members to raife, Hath role from the dead ; The power of his Spirit Hath quicken'd our Lord, That wc by his merit May all be reftor'd. 2 Our Captain and Kins; With fhouts we proclaim, And joyfully fing The wonderful name ; The name all-victorious We publifh and feel, Triumphantly glorious O'er fin, earth, and hell. 3 The power of his rife We know and declare, And rapt to the ikies, His happinefs fharc ; In heavenly places With Jel'us we fit, And Jefus's praifes With angels repeat, 4 W« ( 20 ) We fing of his love, While fojourning here, Till Chrift from above Our Saviour appear ; The heirs of falvation With triumph receive, In full confummation Of glory to live. HYMN XIV. 1 "V7"E men of Jfrael, hear JL The words of truth and grace, Jefus did in the fleih appear To fave a finking racej A Man of God approv'd, By figns and wonders known, Jcfus, the Father's well-belov'd, The co-cternal Son. 2 The Prince of life and peace, By heaven's fupreme decree, Delivcr'd up, ye dar'd to feizc, And nail'd him to the tree ; Taken by wicked hands, And crucify'd and flain ; But God hath loos'd the mortal bands, And rais'd him up again. 3 It was not poflible That death fhould keep his prey ; God would, pot leave his foul in hell f ^--v Or let his flefli decay : His flefli repos'd in hope Of the third joyful morn, And then the Father rais'd him up, And God again was born. 4 This ( 21 ) This Jefu9 is reftor'd To life and power divine ; We all proclaim our living Lord, And in his praifes join : We arc his witneffes, He is gone up on high, Exalted to his native place, He lives no more to die. Again at God's right hand Our Lord is call'd to lit, Till all who now his fway withftand, Are crufh'd beneath his feet. Be it to IfraeCs feed, To every finner known, God hath perform'd his oath indeed, Hathglorify'd his Son. Sinners believe hedy'd, And rofe to buy your peace ; Jefus, the Chrift, the crucify'd, The Lord of life confefs : Repent in Jefu's name, Believe, and be forgiven. And take the Holy Ghoft ye claim, And rife with us to heaven. HYMN XV. IIRIST our living head, draw near, At our call, Quicken all, Thy true members here. ! C 2 Fill'dwith faith's eternal fpirit, Grant that we, dead with thee, May thy life inherit. 5 3 All ( 22 ) 3 All thy refurrection's power, All thy love, From above, On thy fervants mower, 4 Perfect love ! we long t' attain it, Following faft, If at laft We, even we, may gain it. 5 Partners of thy death and paffion, O that Ave All might fee, All thy great falvation. 6 Sav'd beyond the dread of falling, Let us rife, To the prize Of our glorious calling. 7 Children of the refurrection, Lead us on To the crown Of our full perfection. 8 There where thou art gone before us ? Chrift, our hope, Take us up, To thy heaven reliore us. HYMN XVI. For Afcenfion Day. 1 A LL hail the true Elijah, _£jL The Lord our God and Saviour ! Who leaves behind, For all mankind, The token of his favour. The never-dying prophet, A while to mortals given, This folemn day Is rapt away - By flaming fiecds to heaven. 2 Come ( 23 ) 2 Como, fee theriting triumph. And proftrate fall before him ; He mounts, he flies, Above the fkies, Where all his hofls adore him. Borne on his fiery chariot. With joyful acclamation Purfue the Lord, To heaven reftor'd, The God of our falvatlon. 3 Who fee the Lord at parting, They fliall on earth inherit A double powerj A larger fliower Of his defcending Spirit. The Spirit of our Maftcr Shall reft on each believer, And furely we Our Mafter fee, Who lives and reigns for ever. 4 Yes, our exalted Jefus, By faith we now adore thee, And ftill we fit Before thy feet, And triumph in thy glory. In vain the flaming chariot Hath parted us afunder ; We ftill, through grace, Behold thy face, And fliout our loving wonder. 5 By / ( 24 ) i" By faith we catch the mantle, The cov'ring of his Spirit By faith we wear, And gladly fliare Thine all-involving merit. We reft beneath thy lhadovr, Till by the whirlwind driven, From earth we rife, And mount the fkies, And grafp our Lord in heaven. FINIS. + rs*+r*r„r*r* i Conference-Office, City-Road ; John Jones, Agent.