J'" ge^S<9n ■$790 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/psalmodyOOwatt PARISH PSALMODY. A COLLECTION OP PSALMS AND HYMNS FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP CONTAINING DR. WATTS S VERSIFICATION OF THE PSALMS OF DAVID, ENTIRE, A LARGE PORTION OF DR. WATTS's HYMNS, AND PSALMS AND HYMNS BY OTHER AUTHORS, SELECTED AND ORIGINAL. PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY PERKINS AND PURVES. 1 844. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S44, hy Perkins & Purves, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Stereotyped by DOUGLAS WYETH, No. 7 Pear St Philadelphia. Printed by L ASHMEAD. PREFACE The versification of the Psalms by Dr. Watts, to which he gave the title, descriptive of its character, The Psalms of David imitated in the Language of the Neiv Testament, and applied to the Christian State and Worship — a work which has rendered his memory dear to a large portion of the church — is presented, in this volume, entire, and without alte- ration, except in the few instances of national allu- sion inappropriate to our country. Versifications by Dwight, Montgomery, and others, of the Psalms omitted by Dr. Watts, and of a few besides, have been inserted. Of Dr. Watts's Hymns, nearly two hundred are to be found in this collection ; the design has been to omit only those which are rarely used in public worship. Those standard productions of Doddridge, Cowper, Charles Wesley, Newton, Mrs. Steele, and others, which are precious to every pious heart, have also been carefully retained. For the remainder of the selection, a laborious examination has been made of a large number of Hymn-Books, and other vo- lumes of religious poetry, British and American, with a view to meeting, as fully as possible, the demands of worshiping assemblies, particularly in reference to special occasions. The hymns which have been written for this collection are designated as original. 4 PREFACE. Alterations in language have been very sparingly allowed, especially in well known, standard hymns ; and the abridgment of such hymns has been avoided with similar caution. It is proper to add that this compilation has not been prepared without much labor and much solici- tude. It is now submitted to the only human test which can be decisive in such a case — the general judgment of the Christian public. %^V%AAA*VvVVtAAA-%^\AAA'\^A/^V NOTE BY THE PUBLISHERS. The " Parish Hymns," prepared and published in connection with this work, is a distinct collection of hymns, designed more especially for evening meetings, and other occasions of social worship. FIRST LINES OF THE PSALMS AND HYMNS. Page. A charge to keep I have, 519 According to thy gracious 579 A debtor to mercy alone, 473 Affliction is a stormy . . . 513 Ah, how shall fallen man 426 Ah, when shall I awake . 500 Ah, whither should I go, . 430 Ah, wretched souls, who . 507 Ah, wretched, vile, .... 487 Alas, and did my Saviour 343 Alas, what hourly 520 All hail, the power of . . 381 All-wise, all-mighty, and . 466 All ye that love the Lord, 291 Almighty Father, gra. . . 327 Almighty Ruler of the . . 48 Amazing grace, how . . . 446 Am I soldier of the .... 501 Amidst thy wrath 99 Among the assemblies . . 170 Among the princes, . . . 176 And are we wretches yet 434 And did the Holy and the . 353 And is the gospel peace. . 509 And let this feeble body . 614 And must I part with all . 455 And must this body die; . 623 And now, my soul, .... 571 And shall I still the Spirit 395 And what am I ] my soul, 488 And will the God of . . . 170 And will the great eter. . 572 And will the Judge .... 625 And will the Lord thus . . 433 Angels, roll the rock . . . 354 Another six days' work ' 564 Approach, my soul, the . . 495 A present God is all our . 331 Are all the foes of Zion . 127 Are sinners now so ... . 56 Arise, my gracious God, . 60 Page. Arise, my soul, arise, . . . 357 Arise, my soul, my joyful . 363 Arm of the Lord, awake . 548 As o'er the past my ... . 435 As pants the hart for . . . 106 Assembled in thy name, . 295 Astonish'd and distress'd . 430 At thy command, our . . . 579 Awake, and sing the . . . 302 Awake, awake, O Zion, . 539 Awaked by Sinai's awful . 442 Awake, my heart, arise, . 348 Awake, my soul, in joy. . 378 Awake, my soul, stretch . 521 Awake, our souls, away . 503 Awake, ye saints, and . . 568 Awake, ye saints, to . . . 263 Away from every mortal . 293 Backward, with humble . 389 Begin my soul, th' ex. . . 290 Begin, my tongue, some . 416 Behold a stranger at the . 401 Behold, how sinners . . . 444 Behold, the blind their . . 342 Behold the glories of the . 372 Behold, the lofty sky, ... 65 Behold the love, the ... 94 Behold, the morning sun, 66 Behold, the mountain of . 560 Behold the potter and the 323 Behold the sure 233 Behold thy waiting .... 241 Behold what wondrous . . 507 Be joyful in God, all ye . 201 Beneath our feet and o'er 604 Beware of Peter's word, . 521 Bless, O my soul, the . . . 206 Bless, O thou western . . 284 Bless'd are the humble . . 533 Bless'd are sons of ... . 261 * 6 First Lines of the Psalms and Hymns. Paw Bless'd are the souls that . L80 Bless'd are the undefiled . 235 Bless'd be the dear, un. . 313 Bless'd be the tie that . . 314 Bless'd be the voice now . 597 Bless'd intercourse when . 532 Bless'd is the man, for ev. 87 Bless'd is the man whose . 104 Bless'd is the man who . . 37 Bless'd is the nation ... 89 Bless'd Jesus, when my . 461 Bless'd morning-, whose . 565 Bless'd work, the 603 Blow ye the trumpet, . . . 542 Brightest and best of the . 340 Bright King of glory, . . . 376 Bright source of everlast. 479 Broad is the road that . '. 511 Buried in shadows of the . 346 By cool Siloam's shady : . 599 Call Jehovah thy 189 Can creatures, to perf. . . 324 Children in years and " . . 91 Children of the heavenry . 525 Christ and his cross are . 422 Come, children, learn to . 93 Come, every pious heart, 377 Come, gracious Lord, . . . 297 Come gracious Spirit, . . 392 Come, happy souls, .... 352 Come hither, all ye weary 399 Come, Holy Spirit, come, 387 Come, H. Sp., come, With 392 Come, Holy Spirit, heav. . 386 Come in, thou blessed of . 532 Come, let me love, or is . 583 Come, let our voices join . 195 Come, let us anew, .... 569 Come, let us join our ch. . 382 Come, let us join our fr. . 529 Come, Lord, and warm . . 296 Come, my fond, fluttering 453 Come, my soul, thy suit . 499 Come, shout aloud the . . 335 Come, sound his praise . . 194 Come, thou Almighty . . 641 Come, thou desire of all . 296 Come, thou fount of ... . 391 Come to Bethesda's pool, . 574 Come, trembling sinner, . 442 Come, weary souls, with . 403 Come, we who love the . 300 Come, ye that love the S. 460 Come, ye weary, heavy . . 396 Consider all my sorrows, . 244 Daughter of Zion, awa. . 539 Daughter of Zion, from . 550 David rejoiced in God his 71 Day of judgment, day of . 627 Dearest of all the names . 386 Dear refuge of my weary 467 Dear Saviour, we are . . . 365 Death cannot make our . 612 Death, 'tis a melancholy . 617 Deep in our hearts let us . 150 Deign this union to ... . 537 Depth of mercy — can . . . 485 Descend from heaven . . . 492 Descend Holy Spirit, the . 394 Destruction's dangerous . 406 Did Christ o'er sinners . . 358 Didst thou, dear Jesus, . . 503 Dismiss us with thy . . . 312 Do not I love thee, O my 458 Dread Sovereign, let my . 309 Dying saint to glory rise, 619 Early, my God, without . 134 Earth has engross'd my . 634 Encompassed with clouds 483 Enthroned in light, .... 573 Ere the blue heavens . . . 342 Eternal God, enthroned . 609 Eternal source of every . 590 Eternal Spirit, we confess, 388 Exalt the Lord our God, . 200 Far as thy name is . . . . 114 Far from my thoughts, . . 305 Far from the world, O . . 304 Father, a weary heart, . . 438 Father, how wide thy . . 418 Father, I bless thy gentle 247 Father, I long, I taint to . 639 Father, I sing thy .... 149 Father of all, thy care we 311 Father of mercies, God . . 440 Father of mercies, in thy . 316 Father of mercies, send . 505 Father, whate'er of ... . 465 Firm and unmoved are . . 253 Firm as the earth thy . . 469 First Lines of the Psalms and Hymns. Page. | Firm was my health, my . 84 Fools in their heart .... 55 For a season called to . . 313 For ever blessed be the . 278 For ever shall my song . 179 For mercies countless as . 477 Frequent the day of God, 567 Friend after friend .... 635 From age to age exalt . . 216 From all that dwell .... 231 From deep distress and . . 258 From every stormy wind . 496 From Greenland's icy . . 546 From thee, my God, my . 632 Gentiles by nature, we . 586 Gird on, great God, thy . 559 Give me the wings of . . . 524 Give thanks to God, inv. . 202 Give thanks to God; he . 216 Give thanks to God most . 265 Give thanks to God, the . 264 Give to our God immortal 267 Give to the Lord, ye . . . 83 Give to the winds thy . . 471 Glorious things of thee . . 538 Glory to God on high; . . 301 Glory to the Father give ; 600 Go, messenger of peace . 555 " Go preach my gospel," . 424 Go to dark Gethsemane, . 344 Go, worship at Imman. . . 380 Go, ye messengers of . . . 554 God in his earthly temple 176 God, in the gospel of his . 317 God is a Spirit, just and . 321 God is rny strong 82 ' God is the refuge of his . Ill God moves in a 324 God, my supporter and . . 157 God of eternal love, .... 215 God of my childhood . . . 153 God of my life, look .... 102 God of my life, through . 513 God of my mercy and . . . 221 God of my salvation . . . 347 God, the eternal, awful . . 318 Good is the Lord, the . . . 141 Grace, like an uncor. . . . 509 Grace, 'tis a charming . . 417 Gracious Father, hear . . 390 Great Father of mankind, 573 I Page. Great God, as seasons . . 592 Great God, attend while . 172 Great God, how infinite . 321 Great God, how oft did . . 167 Great God, indulge my . . 136 Great God, I own thy . . 615 Great God, the heavens' . 68 Great God, the nations of 541 Great God, to thee my . . 309 Great God, we sing that . 570 Great God, whose uni. . . 154 Great is the Lord, exalted 263 Great is the Lord ; his . . 224 Great is the Lord our . . . 113 Great King of glory, . . . 572 Great King of Zion, now 547 Great Shepherd of thine . 168 Great was the day, the . . 423 Guide me, O thcu great . 522 Had I the tongues of . . . 459 Had not the Lord, may . . 252 Hail, mighty Jesus, how . 536 Hail the day that sees . . 355 Hail ! thou once despised . 356 Hail to the Lord's 155 Happy is he that fears the 225 Happy soul, thy days are . 619 Happy the child whose . . 599 Happy the city where . . 279 Happy the heart where . 463 Happy the man to whom . 86 Happy the man whose . . 38 Happy who in Jesus live; 491 Hark, from the tombs a . 609 Hark, hark, the notes of . 545 Hark, the glad sound, . . 341 Hark ! the herald angels . 340 Hark, the song of jubilee, 557 Hark, the voice of love . . 343 Hark ! what mean those . 340 Hark, w. mean those lam, 553 Hasten Lord, to my .... 151 Hasten, sinner, to be . . . 408 Heal us, Immanuel, here . 365 Hear, gracious God, my . 484 Hear me, O God, nor . . . 203 Hear what God the Lord . 540 Hear what the Lord in . . 181 Hear what the voice from 622 He lives, the great .... 356 Help, Lord, for men of . . 53 8 First Lines of the Psalms and Hymns. Page. lie reigns, the Lord, the . 197 Here, at thy cross, .... 448 Here, in thy name, .... 574 He that hath made his, . . 187 High in the heavens, ... 95 High in yonder realms of 631 Ho ! every one that .... 404 Holy Ghost — dispel our . 387 Holy, holy, holy Lord, . . 643 Holy Spirit, from on high, 303 Hosannas by an infant . . G02 Hosanna to the Prince . . 375 Hosanna, with a cheerful . 329 How are thy glories here 581 How are thy servants . . 327 " How awful is thy .... 104 How beauteous are their-. 578 How bless'd the right. . . 619 How cah I sink with such 451 How charming is the . . . 299 How condescending and . 350 How did my heart rejoice 250 How last their guilt and . 58 Hojv firm a foundation,, . . 514 How full of anguish is the 462 How gentle God's .... 476 How heavy is the night . 419 How helpless guilty . . . 388 How honorable is the . . 537 How large the promise, . 585 How long beneath the . . 445 How long, O Lord, shall . 54 How long wilt thou .... 55 How much the hearts of . 536 How oft, alas, this .... 486 How oft have sin and . . . 529 How pleasant, how .... 171 How pleasant 'tis to see . 261 How pleased and bless'd . 251 How pleasing is thy . . . 142 How precious is the book 315 How sad our state by . . . 413 How shall the young . . . 237 How short and hasty is . . 408 How sweet and awful is . 580 How sweet, how heav. . . 531 How sweet the name of . 373 How vain are all things . 457 How wondrous great, . . 320 If God succeed not, all . . 255 If God to build the house 255 | Page. J If life's pleasures 528 If our warfare be 594 I hate the tempter and . . 427 I know that my 473 I lift my soul to God, ... 78 I'll bless the Lord from . . 92 I love the Lord: he heard 230 I love thy kingdom, . . . 269 I'll praise my Maker . . . 282 I'll speak the honors of. . 109 I'm not ashamed to own . 471 In all my vast concerns . 273 In anger, Lord, rebuke . . 44 Indulgent Sovereign of . . 589 Infinite excellence is . . . 364 Infinite power, eternal . . 335 In God's own house .... 292 In Judah, God of old was . 162 In thee, great God, with . 70 In thy great name, O . . . 293 Into thy hand, O God of . 85 In vain we lavish out our 515 I saw one hanging on . . 345 I send the joys of earth . . 454 I set the Lord before ... 60 Is there ambition in my . 258 Is this the kind return, . . 4134 It is the Lord, enthroned . 465 It is the Lord our Sav. . . 205 I waited patient for the . 102 I will extol thee, Lord, . . 84 I would not live alway; . 606 Jehovah reigns; he . . . 190 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . 550 Jerusalem, my happy . . . 636 Jesus, and didst thou . . . 342 Jesus, and shall it ever . . 375 Jesus, at thy command . . 517 Jesus comes, let earth . . 556 Jesus, full of all 433 I Jesus, I know, hath died . 468 Jesus, I love thy 368 Jesus, immortal King, . . 559 Jesus, I my cross have . . 449 ' Jesus invites his saints . . 582 Jesus is gone above the . 581 j Jesus, let thy pitying . . . 484 Jesus, lover of my soul, . . 363 Jesus, my Lord, how . . . 505 ; Jesus, our Lord, ascend . 222 i Jesus shall reign 154 First Lines of the Psalms and Hymns. Page. Jesus, the name high . . . 370 Jesus, thy blood and . . . 362 Jesus where'er thy .... 297 Jesus, with all thy .... 371 Join all the glorious . . . 368 Joy to the world, the . . . 199 Judge me, O Lord, and . 80 Judges, who rule the . . . 131 Just are thy ways, and . . 63 Just o'er the grave I . . . 178 Just snatched from .... 598 Keep silence, all created 322 Kindred in Christ, for . . 300 Laden with guilt, and . . 316 Let all the earth their . . 196 Let all the heathen .... 239 Let children hear the ... 165 Let Christian faith and . . 518 Let earth, with every isle 198 Let every creature join . 289 Let every mortal ear . . . 396 Let every tongue thy . . . 281 Let God arise in all his . 145 Let God the Father live . 644 Let heaven and earth . . 379 Let me but hear my Sav. 471 Let others boast how . . . 328 Let party names no more 530 Let sinners take their . . 129 Let the cares of the week 563 Let the whole race of . . 325 Let us, with a gladsome . 268 Let worldly minds the . . 452 Let Zion and her sons . . 204 Let Zion in her King . . . 112 Let Zion's watchmen all . 576 Life is the time to serve . 405 Like sheep we went . . . 344 Long as I live I'll bless . 280 Long did I seem to serve 446 Long have I sat beneath . 566 Look down, O Lord, . . . 389 Look up, the harvest . . . 552 Lo, on a narrow neck of . 428 Lo, the prisoner is relea. . 620 Lo, what a glorious .... 234 Lo, what a glorious sight 562 Lo, what an entertaining 260 Lord, at thy feet we . . . 441 Lord, at thy table we . . . 582 Lord, dismiss us with . . . Lord, hast thou cast the . Lord, how secure my . . . Lord, I am thine, Lord, I am thine: but . . Lord, I am vile, Lord, I can suffer thy . . Lord, I esteem thy . . . . Lord, if thine eyes survey Lord, if thou dost not_ . . Lord, I have made thy . . Lord, in the morning . . . Lord, in these dark and . Lord, I will bless thee . . Lord, I would now . . . . Lord, I would spread my . Lord of all worlds, incline Lord of glory, who didst . Lord of the worlds above Lord, teach us how to . . Lord, thou hast called . . Lord, thou hast heard . . Lord, thou hast searched . Lord, thou hast seen my . Lord, thou wilt hear me . Lord, 'tis a pleasant thing Lord, to thy mercy now . Lord, we come before . . Lord, we confess our . . . Lord, we have heard . . . Lord, what a feeble .... Lord, what a thoughtless . Lord, what a wretched . . Lord, what is man, poor . Lord, what was man, . . . Lord, when I count thy . Lord, when our raptured . Lord, when thou didst . . Lord, when we bend . . . Lord, with our household Loud hallelujahs to the . . Love divine, all love . . . Love fills all heaven with Majestic sweetness sits . Maker and Sovereign . . Man has a soul of vast . . Men of God, go take . . . Mercy alone can meet . . Mercy and judgment . . . 'Mid scenes of confusion . Mine eyes and my desire 9 Page. 312 133 429 450 61 123 45 239 185 52 240 44 269 91 436 125 561 596 174 501 175 232 271 62 43 190 439 294 346 107 186 158 523 278 49 275 332 146 297 311 287 390 633 353 39 427 555 439 202 527 79 10 First Lines of the Psalms and Hymns. Pa?'-. Page. 428 My thoughts surmount . . 493 355 My trust is in my heaven 46 339 596 Naked, as from the earth 464 510 Nature may raise up all . 528 504 Nature with open volume 374 My faith looks up to thee, 445 Near me, O my Saviour, . 474 My former hopes are fled; 431 No, I shall envy them no 455 Mistaken souls that . . . Morning breaks upon the Mortals, awake, with . . Mourn for the thousands My dear Redeemer and My drowsy powers, why My God, accept my ... . 276 My God, consider my . . . 243 My God, how endless . . . 307 My God, how many are . 41 My God, in whom are . . 130 My God, my everlasting . 152 My God, my Father, . . . 466 My God, my King, thy . . 279 My God, my life, my . . , 337 My God, my portion, and . 337 My God,- permit me not . 306 My God, permit my . . . 136 My God, preserve my . . 127 My God, the covenant of . 465 My God, the spring of. . . My_God, the steps of . r. . My God, thy boundless'. . My God, thy service well My God, what inward . . My God, while impious . . My gracious Redeemer I My heart rejoices in thy . My never-ceasing songs , My refuge is the God of , My righteous Judge, my . My Saviour and my King My Saviour God, my . . , My Saviour, let me hear . 384 My Saviour, my 152 My Shepherd is the living 74 My Shepherd will supply 75 My sorrows, like a flood. . 438 My soul, be on thy guard ; 520 My soul, come meditate . 605 My soul forsakes her vain 457 My soul, how lovely is . . 173 My soul lies cleaving to . 24' I My soul, repeat his praise 208 My soul, thy great Crea. . 209 My soul, triumphant in . My soul would fain ind. My spirit looks to God . My spirit sinks within . My thoughts on awful , No more, my God, I . . . 448 No, never shall my .... 497 Nor eye hath seen, nor . . 633 No sleep nor slumber to . 259 Not all the blood of .... 348 Not all the outward forms 388 Not from the dust afflic. . 468 Not to our names, thou . . 229 Not to ourselves, who . . 228 Not to the terrors of the . 630 Now begin the heavenly . 414 Now be my heart inspir. . 110 Now by the mercies of . . 531 Now, Christian brethren, 313 Now for a tune of lofty . 377 Now from the roaring . . 72 Now, gracious Lord . . . 569 Now I 'm convinced the . 156 Now, in the heat of ... 411 Now is th' accepted time, 397 Now let a true ambition . 454 Now let our cheerful . . . 357 Now let our lips, with . . 148 Now let our mournful . . 73 Now let our mourning . . 616 Now let our souls, on . . . 511 Now let the Lord, my . . 461 Now, Lord, the gospel . . 424 Now may the God of . . . 69 Now may the Lord of . . 594 Now plead my cause, ... 93 Now shall my solemn . . 144 Now to the Lord a noble . 371 Now to the power of God 326 Now to the sacred house . 107 O all ye nations, praise . 231 O God," attend while ... 168 O God, bv whom the . . . 425 49 1 O God, my heart is fully . 220 489 O God, my refuge, hear . 128 134 O God of "Bethel, by ... 299 106 O God of grace and . - . 43 618 O God of mercy, hear . . 126 336 99 334 478 273 275 458 85 179 52 277 109 584 First Lines of the Psalms and Hymns. 1 1 Page. O God of sovereign grace 542 O God, to whom revenge 192 O Lord, another day is . . 311 O Lord, how many are . . 42 O Lord, how vile am I, . . 432 O Lord, I would delight . 474 O Lord, my best desire . 476 O Lord, our God, thy . . . 603 O Lord, our heavenly K. . 47 O Lord, our languid souls 294 O Lord, our Lord, how . . 47 O Lord, who dost thy . . . 595 O my soul, what means . 470 O righteous God, thou J. . 588 O Thou from whom all . . 472 O Thou in whom thy . . . 295 O Thou, my life, my joy, 329 O Thou that nearest pr. . 306 O Thou to whose all-sea. . 470 O Thou who nearest pray. 393 O Thou who hear'st the . 447 O Thou who hear'st . . . 124 O Thou, whose grace . . 252 O Thou whose justice . . 129 O Thou whose tender . . 485 O Zion, tune thy voice, . . 534 Oh blessed souls are ... 86 Oh bless the Lord, my . . 208 Oh cease, my wandering. 415 Oh, could I rind from . . . 508 Oh, could I speak the . . 367 Oh for a closer walk . . . 480 Oh for a glance of heav. . 430 Oh for an overcoming . . 614 Oh for a shout of sacred . 113 Oh for a thousand 383 Oh for the happy hour, . . 534 Oh happy day that fixed . 451 Oh happy man whose . . . 256 Oh happy nation where . 90 Oh happy soul that lives . 516 Oh, how divine, how . . . 535 Oh, how I love thy holy . 238 Oh, if my soul were . . . 437 Oh reveal thy lovely face ; 482 Oh speak that gracious . . 487 Oh sweetly breathe the . 453 Oh that I knew the ... . 498 Oh that my load of sin . . 440 Oh that the Lord's salv. . 550 Oh that the Lord would . 242 Oh that thy statutes every 245 Page. Oh, the delights, the . . . 637 Oh weep not for the joys . 630 Oh, what amazing words 420 Oh what a stiff rebellious 165 Oh, what stupendous . . . 594 Oh when shall we sweetly 632 Oh, where shall rest be . . 629 Oh why should Israel's . . 551 O'er the realms of pagan 548 Of justice and of grace I 203 Of old did Jesus condesc. 597 Oft as the bell, with ... 608 Of thy love some gracious 425 Once I thought my ... . 480 Once more my eyes . . . 307 Once more, my soul, . . . 308 One there is, above all . . 371 On Jordan's stormy .... 640 On thee, each morning, . 308 On the mountain's top . . 540 On what has now been . . 425 Our children, Lord, in . . 585 Our God ascends his lofty 577 Our God, how firm his . . 360 Our God, our help in . . . 184 Our heavenly Father, . . 641 Our journey is a thorny . 523 Our Lord is risen from . . 78 Our Lord, who knows . . 496 Our sins and sorrows, . . 628 Our souls, by love .... 530 Out of the deeps of long . 257 Out of the depths of wo, 497 Peace, troubled soul, . . . 404 People of the living God, 456 Physician of the sin-sick . 440 Plunged in a gulf of . . . 351 Praise, everlasting praise, 333 Praise to God, immortal . 590 Praise to the Lord on . . 415 Praise to the Lord, who . 589 Praise waits in Zion, . . . 140 Praise ye the Lord ; exalt 262 Praise ye the Lord ; my . 282 Praise ye the Lord ; 'tis . 283 Prayer is the soul's .... 499 Preserve me, Lord, in . . 58 Prince of peace, the . . . 549 Prostrate, dear Jesus, . . 437 Raise thee, my soul, fly . 639 12 First Lines of the Psalms and Hyynns. Raise your triumphant . . Rejoice tor a brother . . . Rejoice, the Lord is King, Rejoice, ye righteous, in . Religion is the chief . . . Remember, Lord, our . . Repent, the voice celest. . Return, and come to God ; Return, my roving heart, Return, O God of love, . . Return, O wanderer, . . . Rise, gracious God, and . Rise, my soul, and str. . . Rock of ages, cleft for . . Roll on, thou mighty . . . Safely through another .. Salvation is for ever nigh, Salvation! O the joyful . Save me, from evil men,' . Save me, O God ; the . . Save me, O Lord, from . . Saviour, visit thy ...... Saviour, when, in dust, . . Say not, sinner, in thy '. . See from Zion's sacred . . See, gracious God, before See Israel's gentle .... See the gospel church . . See the leaves around . . See the ransomed mil. . . See the ripened, waving . See what a living stone, . Servant of God, well . . . Shall man, O God of . . . Shall the vile race of . . . Shine on our land, .... Show pity, Lord, O Lord . Since Jesus freely did . . Sing, all ye nations, to . . Sing, all ye ransomed . . Sing to the Ijord aloud, . Sing to the Ix)rd, Jehov. . Sing to the Lord, ye dis. . Sing to the Lord, ye heav. Sin has a thousand .... Sin, like a venomous . . . Sinner, art thou still . . . Sinner, can you slight . . Sinners, the voice of . . . Sinners, turn, why will . Sinners, will you scorn . . Page, i 383 023 558 88 421 182 409 401 304 186 402 560 490 359 556 298 175 420 187 147 59 536 361 399 544 587 584 538 592 559 552 234 616- 177 319 144 1:22 587 143 527 169 193 495 319 42(1 361 ■112 413 410 407 404 Pae A thousand wretched souls are fled 309 At thv command the winds arise 219 At thy rebuke, O Jacob's God H">2 At last, to show mv .Maker's name 272 At length the Lord', the Judge M At night we lean our weary heads 510 Attending angels shout for joy ,Y 2 Author and guardian of my life 304 Author of our new creation 3^7 Awake, almighty God 171 page. Awake and mourn, ye heirs of hell 018 Awake, arise. Almighty Lord 108 Awake, awake, my tuneful powers 153 Awake, awake, put on thy strength 551 Awake, my soul ; with utmost care 571 Awake, ye tempests, and his fane Away, each groveling, anxious care 454 Away— ye false, delusive toys 601 A wondrous pillar marked the road 1>>6 A word of his creating voice 227 Back from the borders of the grave 479 Baptismal water is designed 584 Barbarous people ! cruel priests ! 73 Barren and withered trees 570 Be all my heart and all my days 352 Bear, bear, the tidings round 545 Bear the tidings round the ball 555 Because on me th •> set their love 188 Because they dwell at ease 129 Because thy mercy's boundless height 220 Be earth, with all her scenes 306 Before him thy protection send 576 Before I knew thy chasteniug rod 245 Before Jehovah's awful throne 201 Before me place in dread array 429 Before our Father's throne 315 Before the hills in order stood 184 Before the morning beams arise 255 Before the mournful scene began 578 Before the scoffers of the age" 63 Before thy face thy church shall live 206 Before we quite forsake our clay 463 Begin, my soul, the heavenly song 385 Be heaven and earth amazed ! 'Tis 229 Behold another vear begins 571 Behold, at thy right hand 109 Behold he comes, he comes to bless 196 Behold, he puts his trust in none 319 Behold his ensigns sweep the sky 139 Behold his love ! he stoops to view '• Behold I come.*' the Saviour cries 104 Behold, I fall before thy face 124 Belli dd Jehovah's royal hand 454 Behold, my covenant stands for ever 121 Behold, my covenant stands for ever 119 Behold my terrors now ; my thunders 122 Behold, the aged sinner goes 411 Behold the ark of God 415 Behold the bless'd assemblv there 631 Behold the hosts of hell 80 Beheld th innumerable host 631 Behold the islands with their kings 154 Behold the Judge descends ; his guard 119 Behold the .Man my wisdom chose 1-1 Behold, the sinner dies 60 Behold, the sinners who remove 157 Behold the stately cedar stands 211 Behold thy darling left among 72 Behold thy prisoner, loose my bands 5o6 Behold us. Lord, a remnant sad Behold, what cursed snares m 171 Behold your Kins, your Saviour 4<'0 Believe— and ye his grace shall know 384 Believing, we rejoice 348 Believers enter in 406 Beloved s -If must be denied 512 Beneath his powerful sway 476 Beneath his smiles my heart has liv'd 361 Be ours the bliss in wisdom's way 604 Beset with tbnateningdangers round 224 Beside all waters sow 423 Be still— and learn that I am God 112 First Lines of Stanzas. 507 j 243 331 369 510 I PAGE. Be this my one great business here 429 Be this the purpose of my soul Be thou a surety, Lord, for me Be thou exalted, O my God Be thou my Counsellor Be thou my pattern, make me bear Be thou my Prophet, thou my Priest 179 Be thou my shield and hiding place 496 Be thou my sun, and thou my shield 55 Be thou, O God, exalted high 220 Be wise ye rulers of the earth 40 Be wise, ye rulers, now 39 Beyond, beyond this lower sky 492 Beyond my highest joy 270 Beyond the bounds of time and space 526 Beyond the choicest joys of time 494 Beyond the flight of time 635 Beyond this vale of tears 630 Birds, ye must make his praise your 288 Bless'd are the meek, who stand afar 533 Bless'd are the men of broken heart 533 Bless'd are the men of peaceful life 533 Bless'd are the men that keep thy 235 Bless'd are the men whom thou wilt 140 Bless'd are the men, whose hearts 172 Bless'd are the men whose hearts can 533 Bless'd are the pure, whose hearts 533 Bless'd are the saints who sit on high 172 Bless'd are the souls that find a place 172 Bless'd are the souls that thirst for 533 Bless'd are the sufFrers who partake 533 Bless'd be that pure, that Christian 597 Bless'd be the Lord, who comes to 233 Bless'd be those lips whose accents 597 Bless'd is the man, O God 524 Bless'd is the man thy hands chastise 193 Bless'd is the man to whom the Lord 87 Bless'd is the man whom thou shalt 138 Bless'd is the man whose shoulders 400 Bless'd is the pious house Bless'd Jesus thou reignest exalted Bless'd river of salvation Bless'd Saviour, introduced by thee Bless him, all ye who taste his love 262 Blessing, honor, glory, might 559 Blessings abound where'er he reigns 155 Blessings for ever on the Lamb 372 Bless, O my soul, the God of grace 206 Blind are their eyes ; their ears are Blind to those truths divine Blind unbelief is sure to err Bold shall I stand in that great day Born by a new celestial birth Born in a world of guilt, I drew Bowed down beneath a load of sin Bow ere the awful trumpet sound Break from his throne, illustrious Break off my fetters, Lord, and show 278 Break off the yoke of inbred sin 440 Break out their teeth, eternal God 131 j Break, sovereign grace, oh break the 436 Break the tempter's fatal power 536 Bright angels, strike your loudest 376 Brightest and best of the sons of the 341 Bright, like a sun, the Saviour sits 639 Bright scenes await thy future state 550 Bulwarks of mighty grace defend 537 Burdened with guilt, convinced of 501 Buried in sorrow and in sin 420 But ah, how wide my spirit flies 335 But ah, my inward spirit cries 476 But ah! too soon the pleasing scene 471 But all was mercy, all was mild, 352 361 401 543 521 264 132 324 363 511 125 496 409 622 39 Page. But cast thy care on him 331 But Christ 'the heavenly Lamb 348 But cruel Pharaoh there 266 But down to earth, alas, in vain 621 But ere one fleeting hour is past 481 But ere that trumpet shakes 625 But ere this spacious world was 191 But flatten ng tri fles charm our hearts 331 But floods of tears can ne'er repay 343 But friends and guardians now 603 " But gather all my saints," he cries 117 But God beheld ; and from his throne 151 But God his Father heard his cry 73 But God, (his name be ever bless'd) 144 But God shall raise his head 344 But God sustained me all the night 42 But God, who high in glory reigns 41 But God will ne'er cast off his saints 193 But grace omnipotent at length 528 But haughty sinners God will hate 236 But hear the Saviour's word 407 But he that turns to God shall live 410 But he who marks, from day to day 505 But his eternal love is sure 207 But his right hand his saints shall 147 But how much meanerthingsarethey 319 But hush, my soul, nor dare repine 526 But if corruption's strength prevail, 528 But if Immanuel's face appear 386 But if my life be spared awhile 102 But I forbid this hopeless thought 163 But I forgot thine arm was strong 84 But if our slavish fear 254 But if the fire or plague or sword 188 But if their hearts rebel, and rise 217 But if thou hast a chosen few 94 But if thy saints deserve rebuke 192 But if thy Spirit deign to breathe 389 But, if we trace those crooked ways 253 But if your ears refuse 194 But I'll confess my guilt to thee 100 But in his looks a glory stands 371 But in the grace that rescued man 374 But in the gospel it appears 334 But in the statutes of the Lord 37 But in thy courts will I be seen 126 But I of means have made my boast 447 But I shall share a glorious part 190 But I, with all my cares 129 Out I, with flowing tears 159 But let us hasten to the day 314 But lips that with deceit abound 53 But lo, he leaves those heavenly forms 342 But, Lord, thy greater love hath sent 541 But makes the law of God 38 But man, weak man, is born to die 183 But mark the man of righteousness 99 But nations that resist his grace 41 But no such sacrifice I plead 437 But not the waters of a flood 584 But now our souls are seized with 108 But now when eve'ing shade prevails 519 But oh, how oft thy wrath appears 184 But oh, it swells my sorrows high 461 But ob, their end— their dreadful end 158 But oh, the soul that never dies 608 But oh, this dreadful heart of sin 489 But oh, without that blessed hope 597 But oh, what beams of heav'nly grace 639 But oh, what brighter glories wait 49 But oh, what gentle terms 369 But oh, what mortal tongue can 478 But oh, when gloomy doubts prevail 467 40 First Lines of Stanzas. page. But oil, when that last conflict's o'er 513 But, O my soul, for ever praise 346 But, O my soul, if truths so bright 324 But, O thou Kin? divine 127 But Pharaoh s army there he drovvn'd 2(34 But power divine the heart can move 4:so But, righteous Lord, thy stubborn foes 70 But saints are lovely in his sight 284 But see the wonders of his power 383 But sinners rind their counsels crossed 38 But sinners scorn the grace 41(i But souls enlightened from above 4-2-2 But speak, my Lord, and calm my 448 But spotless, innocent, and pure 358 But still I found my doubts too hard 156 But still, the lustre" of thy grace 4-20 But still, thy law and gospel, Lord 238 But the destroyers of my peace 135 But the good Spirit of the Lord 633 jut the inviting voice of »race 414 But there an- pardons with my God 257 But there's a brighter world on high 77 But there's a dreadful God 97 But the vain idols they adore " 228 But they in murmuring language said 166 But they shall fly at thy rebuke 55 But thou art he who formed -my flesh 71 But thou .for ever art our Lord 52 But thou for ever art the same 204 But thou hast brethren here below 505 But thou hast built thy throne of 258 But thou, my. glory and my. strength 42 But thy compassions, Lord 209 But-timorous mortals start and 638 But 'tis our God supports our frame 328 But to draw near to thee, my God, 158 But to those in Jesus planted 592 But to those who have confessed 627 But to thy house will I resort 44 But we are come to Zion's hill 630 But we have no such lengths to go 260 But when for works of peace 382 But when his voice shall raise the 196 But when thy face is hid, they mourn 212 But when we view thy strange design 418 But where the gospel comes 66 But while I thus in anguish lay 443 But who among the sons of men 76 But who can speak thy wondrous 280 But why, my soul, sunk down so far 105 But will he prove a friend indeed ? 402 But will, indeed, Jehovah deign 574 But with thee there's mercy found 435 By all his works above 289 By all its joys, I charge my heart 467 By all the earth born race - 290 By day, by night, at home, abroad 570 By everv name of power and love 484 By faith I see the land 517 By glimmering hopes and cloomy 523 By his own power were all thing! 312 By him my prayers acceptance gain 373 By long experience have I known 153 By me Melcnisedec was made 222 By morning light I'll seek his face 128 By nature all are gone astray 56 By nature sinful, weak, and'blind, 603 By thee my growing parts were 272 By thine hour of dark despair 361 By thy deep expiring groan 362 Call me away from flesh and sense 306 Call upon me when trouble's near 118 Calmly 1 bowed my fainting head 479 Calvary's mournful mountain climb 345 Can au«ht, beneath a power divine 388 Can 1 be flattered with thy cringing 122 Can I exemption plead when death 609 Can I. with hopes so firmly built 466 Canst thou forever sit and hear 160 Carry on thy new creation 390 Cast me not oil' when strength 152 Cease, cease, ye vain desponding 177 Cease presumptuous hopes to cherish 592 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn 490 Chained to his throne, a volume lies 322 Cheered by a signal so divine 336 Cheerful they walk with growing 172 Cheerful we tread the desert through 522 Cheerful, where'er thy hand shall 384 Children amidst thy temple throng 49 Children our kind protection claim 603 Chosen of God, to sinners dear 233 Christ is born, the frreat Anointed 340 Christian, doubt not, shrink not thou 552 Christian, dry your flowing tears 355 Christians, we here may meet no 313 Clamor, and wrath, and war be gone 531 Clasped in my heavenly Father's 612 Cleanse me, O Lord, and cheer my 125 Cold mountains and the midnight 510 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are 341 Come, almighty to deliver 390 Come, and he'll cleanse our spotted 515 Come, and with humble souls adore 194 Come as a messenger of peace 575 Come as an angel, hence to guide 575 Come as a shepherd ; guard and keep 575 Come as a teacher sent from God 575 Come, bless the Lord, whose love 564 Come, fill our hearts with inward 297 Come, freely come, by sin oppressed 405 Come, heavenly wind, and blow 517 Come, holy Comforter 642 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove 387 Come, let our souls address the Lord 195 "Come, let us break his bands," they 40 Come, let us hear his voice to-day 195 Come, let us join, (they cry,) 171 Come, Lord, thy love alone can raise 296 Come, magnify the Lord with me 91 Come naked, and adorn your souls 400 Come, sacred Spirit, seal the name 336 Come, see the wonders of our God 143 Come, sinners, view the Lamb of God 581 Come, smiling hope, and joy sincere 391 Come the great day. Hie glorious 196 Come, then, O blessed Jesus, come 489 I Come, then— oh come from every 560 ! Come then, whoever will 401 Come, then, with power divine 534 Come, then, with all your wants and 421 j Come, thou incarnate Word 642 ■ Come to the living waters, come 404 Come, worship at his throne 194 Come, ye needy, come and welcome 396 Compassion dwells upon his mind 225 Compelled by bleeding love 398 Conscience is a worm undying 413 j Consider, ye that alight the Lord 118 I Convince their madness, Lord 171 i Convince us all of sin 387 Corruption, earth, and worms 623 j Could I command the spacious land 173 Could I so false, so faithless prove 271 ; Could we but climb where Moses 638 First Lines of Stanzas. 41 PAGE. PAGE. Could you expect to escape my sight 118 Down to the dust our soul is bowed 108 Create my nature pure within 124 Down to this base, this sinful earth 378 Creatures no more divide my choice 452 Creatures, with all their endless race 281 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God 381 Crushed as a moth beneath thy hand 102 Dangers stand thick through all the 60G 132 Dark and cheerless is the morn 482 Dark dismal thoughts and boding 204 Dark temptations round me press 151 Daughter of Zion, the power that 540 David, my servant, whom I chose Days of trial, days of grief Deaf to that charming voice Deal gently, Lord, with souls sincere 253 Deal gently, Lord, with those 253 Dear, dying Lamb, thy precious blood 419 Dear Father, let me never be 445 Dear Lord, accept the praise 624 Dear Lord — and shall we ever live 387 Dear Lord, I wonder and adore 487 Dear Lord, while we adoring pay 378 Dear Saviour, be our constant guide 530 Dear Saviour, change our faith to 581 Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts 398 Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be 457 Dear Saviour, let thy glory shine 29G Dear Shepherd of my chosen few 297 Dear Sovereign of my soul's desires 456 Death and the terrors of the grave 62 Death is no more the king of dread 376 Death, like an overflowing stream 184 Death may our souls divide 366 Death rides on every passing breeze 604 Deep are his counsels and unknown 197 Deep are the wounds thy arrows 536 Deep horror then my vitals froze 360 Deep in the shades of gloomy death 378 Deep in unfathomable mines 324 Deny thyself, and take thy cross 511 Depart from me, ye wicked race 245 Depart from mischief, practice love 93 "Depart"— will he at last reply 395 Depart, ye tempters, from my soul 46 Dependent on thy bounteous breath COO Descend again, on earth to reign 550 Descend and bless our waiting souls 935 Descend, celestial Dove 565 Devoutly yield thyself to God 571 Did I pieet no trials here 516 Did pity ever stoop so low 583 Didst thou not raise my faith, O Lord 242 Didst thou regard the beggar's cry 343 Didst thou regard thy servant's cry 343 Diseases are thy servants, Lord 102 Dispensing good where'er he came 509 Dissolve thou these bonds, that detain 494 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord 316 Docs not my heart thy precepts love 246 Does not my soul detest and hate 273 Does secret mischief lurk within 273 Do not I love thee from my soul ? 458 Each hand and heart that lends us aid 595 Each rolling year new favors brought 328 Early hasten to the tomb 345 Earth shall obey her Maker's will 145 Earth, with its caverns dark and 194 E'en down to old age, all rny people 514 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream 419 Egypt and Tyre, and Greek and Jew 177 Encompassed by a throng 407 179 Enemies no more shall trouble 541 473 Engraved as in eternal brass 417 Enlarge, inflame, and fill his heart 576 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray 388 Enter his gates with songs of joy 200 Enter thine ark while patience waits 412 Enter, with all thy glorious train 260 Errors, and sins and follies grow 269 Escaped from every wo 128 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord 231 Eternal Father, who shall look 373 Eternal glories to the King 524 Eternal King, I fear thy name 411 Eternal life thy words impart 506 Eternal wisdom has prepared 396 Eternity, with all its years 321 Every human tie may perish 539 Evil shall smite the wicked dead 93 Exalt the Lamb of God 542 Exalt the Lord our God 200 Exhorting one another here 532 Fair Branch, ordained of old to shoot 169 109 362 428 310 177 134 404 231 Fair bride, receive his love Faith hath an overcoming power Faith must obey her Father's will Faith in his name forbids my fear Faith sees the bright eternal doors False are the men of high degree False professors, groveling world Far be thine honor spread Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears 619 Far from this world of toil and strife 623 Father. I give my spirit up 72 Father— it bends before 438 Father— it hath rebelled 438 Father, my soul would still abide 293 Father of mercies, God of love 441 Fathers to sons shall teach thy name 280 Fear him, ye saints, and vou will 331 Fearless of hell and ghastly death 337 Fear not, brethren, for ye stand 525 Fear not, I am with thee, oh be not 514 Fear not, that he will e'er forsake 475 Fear not the powers of earth and hell 475 Fear not the terrors of the grave 475 Fear not the want of outward good 475 Few be the years that roll 548 Fierce lions lead their young abroad 211 Fight on, my soul, till death 521 Filled with "delight, my raptured soul 640 Dost thou not dwell among the just 56 j Fire, air and earth and stormy sea 335 Firm are the words his prophets give, 333 Firm as his throne his promise stands 471 Dost thou not. dwell in all the saints 390 " Do this," he cried, " till time shall 579 Do thou assist a feeble worm 450 Do thou. Lord, 'midst pleasure or wo 634 Down from the shining seats above 351 Down through the portals of the sky 339 Draw out thy spear, and stop their 93 Follow to the judgment-hall Draw us, O God, with sovereign .408 Foolish and vain, I went astray Dress thee in arms, most mighty Lord 110 Fools never raise their thoughts so D* Firm on a rock he made me stand Firm to his word he ever stood Fixed on this rock will I remain Flesh is a dangerous foe to grace 103 57 468 512 345 247 190 First Lines of Stanzas. 42 Page. Forbid, forbid, the sharp reproach 243 Forbid it Lord, that I should boast 347 Forbid it Lord, that I should dread 503 Forerunner of the sun 432 For ever blessed be the Lord 252 For ever blessed be the Lord 183 For ever firm thy justice stands '.'5 For ever his dear, sacred name C29 For ever let my grateful heart 330 For ever shall thy throne endure 191 For every thirsty, loosing heart 398 I For good is the Lord, inexpressibly 202 Forgotten be each worldly theme 300 POT her my tears shall fall 270 j For iiim shall endless prayer be made 155 For him shall prayer unceasing 15(\ For his own goodness' sake 79 For life without thy love 137 For me their malice dug a pit 46 I For me they dug the secret pit E9 For. Bbould we fail proclaiming 600 For sovereign power reigns not alone 134 For such compassions, Lord 329 For the blessings of the field . 590 For thee I thirst, I prav, I mourn 277 For thee, my God, the 'living God 106 For this a lowly, suppliant crowd 589 For this shall every humble soul 88 Free from the plagues and pains 158 Fresh as the <:rass our bodies stand 328 Frighted to hear the tempest roar 2J9 From all the guilt of former sin 569 From dark temptation's power 041 From dust, and cottages obscure 227 From earth and hell my sorrows 72 From »uile his heart and lips are free 87 1 From Java to the furthest west 544 ' From mountains near the sky 290 From my own works at last I cease 443 From my sad prison set me free 277 From night to day, from day to eight 68 From night today, from day to night 319 From north to south, from east to 555 From pleasant trees which shade the 210 From sea to sea — from shore to shore 559 From sea to sea, through all the 112 From sorrow, toil, and pain 315 From strength to strength go on 502 From the dark grave he rose 377 From the discoveries of thy law 69 From thee, the overflowing spring 504 From thee, when creature streams 96 From the first dawning light 7- From the provisions of thy house 95 From the sword at noonday wasting 189 From the third heaven, whercGod 562 From thoughts so dreadful and prof. 55 From vanity turn orT mine eyes 242 From vile idolatry 170 From Zion shall thy word proceed 221 From Zion went his dreadful word 162 I Gethsemane can I forget ? 579 j Girded with truth, ami clothed with 259 Gird him with all sufficient L'race 576 Gird on thy sword, victorious Prince 100 Give joy or grief— give ease or pain 614 Give me a calm, a thankful heart -H ."> Give me, Lord, a holy far -47.". Give in'. () Lord, a place Give me the presence of thy erace 126 Give thanks aloud to God " 967 Give thanks to God, the heavenly 265 1 Page. 20? 644 Give to the Lord of lords renown Give to the Spirit praise Give us hearts resolved, believing Give us to ray — " thy will be done" Gladdened by the flowing treasure Glorv in the highest be Glory to the Holy Ghost Glory to the Son' we bring Go, bid the bright and morning star 555 God counts the sorrows of his saints 130 God is a King of power unknown 324 God is my all sufficient good God is my portion and my joy God is our strength and song God is our sun and shield God is our sun, he makes our day God is our sun, whose daily light 32i> God is the eternal Kin^: thy foes in 191 God is their fear, and God their trust 89 God from his cloudy cistern pours 210 God from on high beholds your 410 God, from on high, invites us home God hath pronounced a firm decree God, my Redeemer, lives God of Jacob, high and glorious God reigns on high ; but not confines 280 God ruleth on high 303 God shall preserve mv soul from fear 128 God, the eternal, mighty God 335 God, the Redei mer, scatters round 145 God. thine own God, has richly shed 110 God, thy God will now restore" thee 541 God, to redeem it, did not spare God will exalt his glorious head God will my naked soul receive God will not always chide Go forth— the lamp of truth is brignt 552 Go, heal the sick ; go, raise the dead 424 Go, imitate the grace divine 594 Go now and boast of all your stores 456 Go, spread a Saviour's fame 577 Go, then, earthly fame and treasure 449 501 545 601 600 600 572 59 303 175 172 408 222 623 544 421 223 116 208 Go to many a tropic isle Go, to the hungry food impart Go with our armies to the fight Grace all the work shall crown Grace dwells with justice on the Grace first contrived a way Grace led my roving feet Grace! 'tis a sweet, a charming theme 371 Grace will complete what grace 271 Grant one poor sinner more a place 450 Grant us before them. Lord, to live 5?6 Grant us the power of quickening Gn a Advocate, Almighty Friend Great All in AH, eternal King Great God, appear to their surprise (iieat God. create my heart anew Great God, create my soul anew (.r .ii God, how infinite art thou Great God, impress the serious Great God, is this our certain doom Great God, let all my hours be thine 309 Great God, mini eyes with pleasure 316 Great God, on what a slender thread 606 Great God, should thy severer eye 257 Greet God, subdue this vicious thirst 427 Great God, the treasures of thy love 400 Gn at God, the work is all divine 234 (Jieat God, thy sovereign power 566 Great God, w bom neav'nly hosts obey 168 Great i ir heart secure 586 I need "the influence of thy grace 246 In every dark, distressful hour 357 In every different land 65 In every joy that crowns my days 305 In every new distress 114 Infinite' grace! almighty charms! .583 Infinite joy or endless wo 606 Infinite pity touched the heart 349 Infinite power and boundless grace 460 In foreign realms, and lauds remote 327 First Lines of Stanzas In gentler language there the Lord 83 In God most holy, just, and true 130 In God's own name he comes to bring 235 In God they boasted all the day 103 In God we trust: our impious foes in 229 I In heaven, and earth, and air, and 464 In heaven the rapturous song began, 339 In him the Father, reconciled 397 In his salvation is our hope 70 In holy contemplation 518 In holy duties let the day 5(34 In honor to his name 535 In hope of that immortal crown 614 In humble notes our faith adores 320 In Israel stood his ancient throne 113 In Jesus is our store 521 In Jesus we behold 381 In life's first dawn, my tender frame 327 In long complaints he spends his 150 In midst of dangers, fears, and 327 In my distress I called my God 62 In pastures where salvation grows 74 In patience would we wait and weep 501 In prayer my soul drew near the 519 In prosperity be near 537 In purest love their souls unite 587 In robes of judgment, lo, he comes! 197 In scenes exalted or depressed 570 In sickness or the bloody field 90 In solid, pure delights, like these 510 Inspire my soul with life divine 503 In spite of all my foes 76 Instead of wine and cheerful bread 168 In such society as this 631 In that lone land of deep despair 178 In that prison, endless moanings 413 Id the city of our God 538 ! In the cold prison of a tomb 565 In thee I trust, to thee I sigh . 278 In thee, most holy, just, and true 130 In thee my hopes and wishes meet 212 In thee we trust — on thee rely 453 In the furnace God may prove thee 539 In their distress, to God they cried 216 In them thou may'st be clothed and 505 In the rich blessiues of his love 598 In thine own appointed way 294 In thy fair book of life and grace 322 In thy strength may we be strong 313 In times of general distress 226 Into thy hands, my Saviour God 479 " In vain I lift my hands to pray 156 In vain on earth we hope to find 427 In vain shall sinners hope to rise 202 In vain the bright, the burning sun 338 In vain the noisy crowd 192 In viiin the proud deride me now 241 In vain the rebel seeks to stand 38 In vain tin sons of earth or hell 310 In vain the sons of Satan boast 127 In vain the sons of wealth and pride 416 In vain the tempter spread his wiles 519 In vain the world accosts my ear 512 In vain to heaven she lifts her eyes 618 In vain to idol saints they cry 65 "In vain to pious forms thy zeal 122 In vain we ask God's righteous law 422 In vain we boast perfection here 240 In vain we plant, without thy aid 424 In vain we search, in vain we try 413 In vain we tune our formal songa 386 In wakeful hours of night 137 In Zion God is known 114 47 PAGE. In Zion is his throne 200 I pay this evening sacrifice 43 I perish, and my doom were just 439 I rested in the outward law 447 Is any other name so great 532 I saw, beyond the tomb 178 I saw the opening gates of hell 62 I saw the wicked rise 158 I see, or think I see 432 I set him still before mine eyes 58 " I shall arise to praise thy name 149 I shall behold the face 61 Is he a fountain ? There I bathe 380 Is he a rock ? How firm he proves ! 380 Is he a star ? He breaks the night 380 Is he a sun ? His beams are grace 330 Is he a vine ? His heavenly root 380 I sigh from this body of sin to be free 528 I sigh, with anxious care oppressed 106 Is not the world of nature thine 160 Is not thy chariot hastening on ? 54 Is not thy name melodious still 459 I spread my sins before the Lord 88 Israel, a name divinely bless'd 248 Israel, his people and his sheep 164 Israel, rejoice, and rest secure 249 Israel, that saw his works of grace 195 Is there one impotent 575 Is this polluted heart 432 Is this the man of sorrows 638 It can bring with it nothing 518 I, their almighty Saviour, and their 119 " It is finished !" — oh, what pleasure 344 It is that harassed conscience feels 611 It is that heaven-taught faith 611 It is that hope with ardor glows 611 It is the Lord — my covenant God 466 It is the Lord — who gives me all 465 It is the Lord — whose matchless skill 466 It makes the wounded spirit whole 373 It says to the mountains, " Depart," 444 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts 315 I told him all my secret grief 91 I told the Lord my sore distress 92 I to my God my ways commit 97 Its pleasures now no longer please 452 It springs and withers on the place 257 It treads on the world and on hell 444 It was my guide, my light, my all 3G0 I urge no merit of my own 441 I 've seen an end of what we call 239 I 've seen thy glory and thy power 135 I wait for thy salvation, Lord 257 I was a traitor doomed to fire 583 I welcome all thy sovereign will 465 " I will maintain the King I made 41 I would begin the music here 634 I would disclose my whole complaint 440 I would for ever speak his name 374 I would not be a stranger still 494 I would not live ahvay ; no, 606 I yield my powers to thy command 307 Jehovah is God, and Jehovah alone 201 J h ivalfs awful voice is heard 467 JEHOVAH— 'tis a glorious word 2^9 Jerusalem, my happy home 636 Jesus, and when shall that dear day 639 Jesus beholds where Satan reigns 346 Jesus can make a dying bed 611 Jesus, hail ! enthroned in glory 356 Jesus, hear our humble prayer 313 Jesus, how glorious is thy grace ! 422 First Lines of Stanzas. 48 PAOE. Jesus is worthy to receive 383 Jesus, my God— I know his name 471 Jesus, my God, thy hlood alone 184 Jesus, my great Hil'Ii Priest '.w.> Jesus, my Lord, my life, my light 401 Jesus, my soul adoring bends 353 Jesus, on me bestow 436 Je6us, on thee our hopes we cast 597 Jesus our God ascends on high 113 Jesus, our Lord, arise :il 'Mid trials heavy to he home 356 Might I hut climb to Pisgah's top 012 Might I enjoy the meanest place Mild, he lays his glory hy Millions of happy spirits live Millions of sinners, vile as you Millions of souls, in glory now First Lines of Stanzas. My God, My God! PAGR. would not long to see 322 -Oh could I make the claim 484 340 364 421 399 Millions of vears my wandering eyes 632 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail Mine eyes with expectation fail Mine innocence shalt thou display Mine will the profit he Monarchs of wide command, More needful this than glittering Mortals, can you refrain your tongue 288 Mortals with joy beheld his face Mountains shali sink to plains Mourn for the lost— but call Mourn for the lost— hut pray Mourn for the ruined soul Mourn for the tarnished gem Mourning souls, dry up your tears 342 596 5% 596 414 Much he revealed his Father's grace 103 Much of my dubious life is gone Much of my time is run to waste Mu"3t I be carried to the skres My Advocate appears My best desires are faint and few My conscience felt and owned the "My covenant I will ne'er revoke " My covenant stands for ever fast My crimes are great, but don't surpass 123 My cup is mingled with my woes 204 My days are wasted, like the smoke 203 My days unclouded, as they pass 309 My dear, Almighty Lord 370 My eyes and ears shall bless his 584 My fainting flesh had died with grief 8-2 My faith would lay her hand 348 "My fasting and my holy groans 14H My Father— God ! how sweet the 330 My Father Rod ! and may these lips 335 "My Father's house," said he, " was 156 My feet shall never slide, 250 My feet shall travel all the length 152 My flesh declined, my spirits fell 230 " My first-born Son, arrayed in grace 181 My flesh lay resting on my bed, 135 My flesh shall slunibcT in the ground ( 1 My flesh shall thy first call obey 59 My flesh was fashioned by thy power 152 My flesh with fear and wonder stands 2~5 My flesh would rest in thine abode 171 My flyinc years time urges on My foot is ever apt to slide My God, forgive ray follies past My God hath saved my soul from My God, how excellent thy grace Mj Rod provides a richer cup 58 My God shall break their bows, and 98 My God, thy long delay to save 277 My God will pity my complaints -i'J-i •■ My grace Shall answer when they 188 My gracious Rod, how plain 68 My gracious Master and my Rod 3-4 My groans, and tears, ami forms of 84 My guilt appeared hut small before 429 .My heart and flesh cry out for thee 173 My heart dissolves with pangl 72 My heart, in midnight silence, cries 239 .My heart is fixed; my song shall raise 131 Mv heart shall triumph in mv Lord 189 .My heart, to folly prom; 601 My heart was fashioned by thy hand 240 242 My heart, where mental winter 593 243 My heart, with agonizing prayer 82 97 My heart with sacred reverence bean 24 1 3!»-J Mv highest hopes shall iint be vain 129 200 My hopes of heaven were firm and 429 421 My life itself, without thy love 136 " My life is spent with grief,'' I cried 85 My life, my joy, mv hope I owe 473 517 I My life's brief remnant all be thine 43G 596 My lilted eve, without a tear 306 My lips and cheerful heart prepare 144 My lips shall dwell upon his praii My lips thy wondrous works shall 83 My lips with courage shall declare 245 My lips with shame my sins confess 123 My locks like withered leaves appear 204 My Lord, before to glory gone 612 My name from the palms of his hands 474 My name is printed on his breast 461 My overwhelming sorrows grew 163 My Saviour bids me come 431 My Saviour by his powerful word 487 My Baviour, I would wait 500 My Saviour, whom absent I love 494 My Saviour will my life restore 117 My sins a heavy load appear 100 My song for ever shall record 62 My soul hath gone too far astray 242 My soul is like a wilderness 204 My soul, in every scene admire 591 j My soul, in pleasing wonder lost 308 i My soul lies bumbled in the dust 124 j My soul looks back to see 348 My soul obeys th' Almighty call 414 I My soul 's bowed down with heavy 45 ] My soul shall pray for Zion still 251 My soul was overwhelmed with woes 276 My soul would all her thoughts 60 My soul would leave this heavy clay 337 My spirit faints to see thy grace 236 My -pir.it in thy hands secure 308 Mv spirit labors up thy hill 135 " My spirit. Lord, thou wilt not leave 60 My 'spirits flag, like w ith. ling grass 203 My thirsty, fainting soul 137 My thoughts address his throne 121 My thoughts are like a troubled sea K>0 My thoughts, before they are my own 271 My thoughts lie open to the j.onl 274 • My tunes are in thy hand," I cried 85 609 101) 108 230 'Jo My God," I cried, "thy servant save 230 ; My tongue repeats her vows 251 My God, I cry with every breath 429 My tongue shall all the day proclaim 153 My God, if possible jt be 72 My tongue, the ..'lory of my frame 84 My God, I long. I hope, I wait 211 My trust is fixed upon thy word 258 My God is reconciled 357 "My truth shall guard him in his way 181 First Lines of Stanzas. PAGE. My waking eyes prevent the day 238 My wandering feet his ways mistake 74 My watchful enemies combine 44 My will conformed to thine would 43U My willing soul would stay 5G4 Nations, the learned and the rude 423 Nature and time, and earth and skies 223 Nature and time quite naked lie 321 Nay, should I walk through death's 478 Ne'er think the victory won 520 Never let me leave thy breast 475 New passions still their souls engage 248 No bleeding bird, nor bleeding beast 124 No blood of beasts, on altars shed 104 No blood of beasts on altars spilt 104 No blood of goats, nor heifer slain 126 ! No burning heats by day 250 No chilling winds or poisonous breath 640 226 ! 347 188 560 457 218 I 567 i 548 199 No evil tidings shall surprise No good word, or work, or thought No ill shall enter where you dwell No longer hosts encountering hosts No longer now delay No longer will I ask your love No med'cines could effect the cure No more fatigue — no more distress No more let human blood be spilt No more let sins and sorrows grow No more shall atheists mock his long 130 No more shall bold blasphemers say 117 No more, ye lusts, shall ye command 435 No prophet speaks to calm our woes 160 No, rather let me freely yield 476 Nor angels can their joys contain 535 Nor children, relatives, nor friends 2.56 Nor death nor hell shall e'er remove 469 Nor death nor life, nor earth nor hell 518 Nor doth it yet appear 507 Nor earth, nor all the sky 337 Nor earth, nor seas, nor sun, nor stars 381 Nor let this willing soul complain 577 Nor Jess thy glories in the deep 211 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear 622 Nor scorching sun, nor sickly moon 249 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim 478 Nor shall the tyrant's rage 253 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest 67 No rude alarms of raging foes 567 Nor wreck, nor ruin, there is seen No sons of slander, rage, and strife No sun shall smite thy head by day Not all his treasures can procure Not all that men on earth can do Not all the blessings of a feast Not all the harps above Not all their anguish and their blood 618 Not all the pains that e'er I bore 468 Not by the tenors of a slave 509 Not choicest meats or noblest wines 584 Not death itself shall stop my song 478 Not for our duties or deserts 326 " Not for the want of goats or 121 Not for the want of goats or bullocks 120 " Not for the want of bullocks slain 118 Not fruits, nor wines, that tempt our 136 Not Gabriel asks the reason why 322 Not half so far has nature placed Not half so high his power hath Not the fair palaces No, the gracious word of faith Nothing but truth before his throne 322 Not honey to the taste 06 413 202 248 115 363 135 33" 207 207 299 399 51 PAGE. No— thou art precious to my heart 462 Not life itself, with all its joys 135 Not many years their rounds shall 568 No treasures so enrich the mind 258 Not Sinai's mountain could appear 146 Not softest strains can charm my ear 462 Not so the impious and unjust 37 Not so th' ungodly race 38 Not the most perfect rules they gave 239 Not time nor nature's narrow rounds 226 Not to sustain our mortal breath, 597 Not walls nor hills could guard so 253 No vain discourse shall fill our 524 No vain pretence to royal birth 161 No voice but thine can give me rest 482 Now, for the love I bear his name 448 Now he persuades how easy 'tis 427 Now he's ascended high 39 Now, holy Messenger 575 Now I am thine — for ever thine 231 Now I am thine — for ever thine 237 Now I esteem their mirth and wine 138 Now I forbid my carnal hope 101 Now is th' accepted time 398 Now is th' accepted time 398 Now is the time; he bends his ear 194 Now let me mount and join their 634 Now let my soul arise 370 Now let our souls' immortal powers 77 Now let the church rejoice, and sing 179 Now let them boast how tall they 158 Now let the world forbear its rage 214 Now, Lord, I would be thine alone 452 Now, Lord, I would be thine alone 439 Now, Lord, my weary soul release 395 Now make thy glory known 109 Now may the King descend 565 Now may we hear the voice of love 295 Now on our burdened hearts, OLord 598 Now on thy grace 1 build my hope 447 " No works nor duties of your own 431 Now rest— my long-divided heart 451 Now safely moored — my perils o'er 360 Now save us, Lord, from slavish fear 70 Now shall my head be lifted high 81 Now shall my minutes smoothly run 461 "Now shall the saints rejoice, and 147 Now shall the Lord exalt the just 162 Now, sinners, dry your tears 383 Now the desert lands rejoice 561 Now the full glories of the Lamb 418 Now they believe his word 215 Now, though he reigns exalted high 351 Now to my tent, O God, repair 203 Now to the God of victory 614 Now to the God whose power can do 297 Now to the heavens they mount 218 Now to the Lamb, that once was 373 Now to the shining realms above 455 Now truth and honor shall abound 176 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes 354 Now, ye that sit on earthly thrones 41 O God, how long ? thy people cry 547 O God, my inmost soul convert 428 O God of Israel, view their race 551 O God our King, whose sovereign 173 O Israel, make the Lord thy hope 229 O Jesus, come and rule my heart 508 O Jesus, full of pardoning grace 486 O long expected day, begin 567 O Lord, each faithful effort own 541 O Lord, I cast my care on thee 474 52 First Lines of Stan- as. O Lord, increase my faith and hope 590 O Lord oj, hosts, almighty King IIS O Lord, our heaven I] King 4? O Salem, our once happy seat 0 sinners, come and taste his love !>2 O Spirit of pitj and grace 395 o sweel abode of peace and love 520 O thou by whom we come to God CM O thou eternal Ruler '>■'»'> O thou great God, whose piercing 394 O thou great source of joj supreme 013 O thou whose infancy was found 599 O thou, whose mercy bendfl the skies 136 O ye that low his holy name U - O Zion, trust the living God 264 Oh, be his service all my joy 507 Oh, believe the record true Oh blessed power! O glorious day ! 222 Oh bless his name, ye nations fed 21] Oh, blessings on his name, and praise 596 Oh bless our God, and never cease 143 Oh bless the Lord, mv soul 208 Oh break the fatal chain 431 Oh brim; the nations near . 560 Oh change these wretched hearts of 366 Oh, could I always pray 500 Oh, could our thankful' hearts devise 333 Oh, could we die with those that die (305 Oh, could we make our doubts Oh dreadful hour, when God draws Hit Oh, enter his gates with thanksgiv'g 202 Oh for a glance of heavenly love ~ 337 Oh for asi Oh hear the gospel call 491 Oh, how benevolent and kind '. 509 Oh, how 1 hate those lusts of mine 437 Oh, how will sinners need 132 Oh, if my Lord*wouldcome and meet 611 Oh keep me in thy heavenly nay 520 Oh keep mv soul from death 60 Oh lead me to the Rock 133 Oh let me climb those higher skies 380 Oh, let me hear that voice divine 416 Oh let me wing my hallowed Might 611 Oh let the saints with joy record '216 Oh let thy God and Kim: ' 189 Oh let thy love, with sweet control 487 Oh let thy word of urace 601 Oh let us fly— to Jesus fly 615 Oh, lovely attitude, he stands 409 Oh love the Lord, all ye his saints .-."> Oh love the Lord, ye saints of his 92 Page. Oh magnify the Lord with me 330 Oh make but trial of his leva 331 Oh make this heart rejoice or ache 4?-^ •• < »ii make thy reconciled face 85 oh may each future' ace proclaim 311 Oh, may 1 hear some humble part 41> Oh may I feel thy worth 4.31 Oh may 1 live to reach the place 371 Oh may I nevei faint nor tire 503 Oh may 1 see thy tribes rejoice 215 oh may my heart, by grace renewed 422 Oh may our friends ami teat hers here 603 Oh may our sympathizing breasts 506 Oh may the memory of thy name 70 Oh may the righteous, when 1 stray 27 o oh may these heavenly pages be 310 Oh may these thoughts possess my -272 Oh may these thoughts possess my 272 Oh may these thoughts possess my 271 Oh may the sons of men record 213 Oh may the sons of men record 213 Oh may the sons of men record 217 Oh may the sweet, the blissful theme 378 Oh may we all be found Oh may we all ensure I 26 Oh may thy counsels, mighty God 317 Oh may thy love inspire my tongue 125 Oh may thy Spirit guide mv feet 44 Oh melt this frozen heart " 392 Oh might I fly to change my place 248 Oil might I hear thy heavenly tongue 417 Oh might I once mount up and see 493 Oh pity. Lord, our deep distress 593 Oh send thy light abroad 107 Oh send thy Spirit down, to write 242 Oh send us not away unbl- s> 1 298 Oh shine on this benighted heart 485 Oh spread thy covering winus around 299 Oh still restore our wandering feet 31] Oh tell me that my worthless name 623 Oh that a dying world might know 370 Oh that each, in the day 569 Oh that I had a stronger faith 474 Oh that I thus could always feel ! 581 Oh that our thoughts and thanks 564 Oh tiiat the joyful day were come 56 Oh that the sons of men would praise 219 Oh that with yonder sacred throng 381 Oh then let saints and angels joi Oh the rich depths of love divine 385 Oh the sweet wonders of that cross 374 Oh, the transporting, rapturous scene 640 oh. 'tis a thought would melt a rock 583 Oh, to be brought to Jesus' feel 463 Oh. to grace how ureal a debtor 391 Oh. turn us. turn us, mighty Lord 588 Oh warm my heart with holy fire 305 Oh wash my soul from every sin 123 Oh watch, and 6ght, and pray 520 Oh weep not for the friends that pass 630 Oh were I like a feathered dove Oh what amazing joys they feel Oh what are all my sufferinss here Oh. what is feeble, dying man Oh when, thou city of my God Oh. when will the period appear Oh. who can ever rind Oh wondrous knowledge, deep and Oh wondrous love! to bleed and die* 490 Oh wondrous stream ! Oh blessed 214 Oh, wretched slate of deep despair O'er nil the sons of human race O'er all those wide-estended plains 128 4-2 614 636 495 66 274 627 110 mo First Lines of Stanzas. PAGE. O'ercome by dying love 438 O'er every foe victorious 156 O'er the negro's night of care 554 O'er thy folly then lamenting 625 Of him we now would speak and sing 533 Of his deliverance I will boast 330 Oft did I with th' assembly join 447 Often I feel my sinful heart 379 Oft has the Lord whole nations 64 Oft have I heard thy threatenings 153 Oft have my heart and tongue 58 Oft have our fathers told 114 Oft he chastised, and still forgave 167 Oft he forgave their sins 200 Oft I frequent thy holy place 566 Oft the big unbidden tear 631 Oft, when they saw their brethren 167 On all our souls let grace descend 589 On all the wings of time it flies 568 On a poor worm thy power might 308 Once has his awful voice declared 134 " Once have I sworn, (I need no 182 Once more our welcome we repeat 532 Once on the raging seas I rode 360 Once they were mourning here below 525 One army of the living God 530 One day amidst the place 564 One family, we dwell in him 530 One privilege my heart desires 81 One thing demands our care 409 On every soul assembled here 587 On every side I cast mine eye 276 On him the race of man depends 139 On hi in the Spirit, largely poured 341 On impious wretches he will rain 52 On knurs that reign as David did 65 On lands that lie beneath 548 Only this frail and fleeting breath 608 On thee alone my hope relies 385 On thee foul spirits have no power 24!) On thee, our God, we all depend 574 On thee, our guardian God, we call 588 On the islands that sit in the regions 553 On the word thy blood hath sealed 433 On us he bids the sun 434 On us, our Saviour, shed thy light 537 On us the vast extent display 441 On us thy providence has shone 333 On what* a slippery steep 159 On wings of love the Saviour flew 506 Open, Lord, the chrystal fountain 522 Open the gates of Zion now 232 Oppressed with sin, a painful load 403 Order my footsteps by thy word 242 ■Or if he languish on his couch 105 Or if our spirit faints and dies 293 Or should I try to shun thy sight 272 Other ground-work should we lay 394 Other refuge have I none 364 Our aire to seventy years is set 184 Our beauty and our strength are fled 361 Our brother the haven has gained 623 Our breath is forfeited by sin 329 Our burdened spirits pitying see 297 Our cautioned souls prepare 626 Our daily bread supply 641 Our days are as the grass 209 Our days run thoughtlessly along 408 Our dearest joys, and nearest friends 457 Our everlasting hopes arise 334 Our eyes have seen the rosy light 604 Our eyes have seen the steps of age 604 Our faith adores thy bleeding love 579 53 PAGE. Our faith and love and every grace 240 Our fathers trusted in thy name 71 Our fellow-sufferer still retains 359 Our flesh and sense must be denied 508 Our foes insult us, but our hope 252 Our foes would triumph in our blood 161 Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace 341 Our glorious Leader claims our praise 525 Our God, how faithful are his ways! 585 Our God, our fathers' God, we raise 573 Our God, our help in ages past, 185 Our God will every want supply 515 Our guilt shall vanish all away 515 Our guilty souls are drowned in tears 346 Our guilty spirits dread 419 Our harps, that, when with joy we 268 Our hearts, by dying love subdued 453 Our hearts have often burned within 530 Our heart, that flinty, stubborn thing 515 Our heavenly Father calls 583 Our heavenly Father thou 393 Our help is in Jehovah's name 252 Our hope in waiting posture sits 581 Our labors done, securely laid 624 Our life contains a thousand springs 328 Our life is a dream 569 Our life is ever on the wing 607 Our life, while thou preserv'st that 327 Our lips shall tell them to our sons 165 Our lives through various scenes are 321 Our moments fly apace 186 Our prayers are faint and dull 534 Our quickened souls awake and rise 388 Our reason stretches all its wings 320 Our Saviour thou knowest our prayer 632 Our soaring spirits upward rise 320 Our sorrows and our tears we pour 333 Our souls shall tread the desert 523 Our souls would learn the heavenly 186 Our troops shall gain a wide renown 133 Our very frame is mixed with sin 346 Our vitals, with laborious strife 185 Our vows, our prayers we now 299 Our youth decayed his power repairs 206 Out of the mouth of babes 47 Pampered with wanton ease 138 Pardon and peace to dying men 399 Partakers of the Saviour's grace 313 Peace, all our angry passions, then 464 Peace be within this sacred place 251 Peace is the blessing that I seek 248 People and realms of every tongue 155 Perhaps he will admit my plea 442 " Permit them to approach," he cries 584 Perpetual blessings from above 309 Pity my languishing estate 45 Pity the anguish I endure 440 Pity the nations, O our God 580 Place on the Lord reliance 82 Pleased with their fleeting golden dr 532 Pleased with the news, the saints bel 535 Plenteous grace with thee is found 364 Poor helpless worms in thee possess 346 Power and dominion are his due 372 Powers of iniquity may rise 193 Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs 354 Praise shall employ my noblest pow 282 Praise ye the Lord ; the Lord is good 267 Prayer is the burden of a sigh 499 Prayer is the Christian's vital breath 499 Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice 499 Prayer is the simplest form of speech 499 54 First Lines of Stanzas. Prayer makes the darkened cloud 4lM* Prepare me, Lord, for thy riiiht tend 618 Preserve h from the passing feet 485 Prevent, prevent it by thy grace 489 M Princes, this clay must be your bed 609 Princes to his imperial name ii:(7 Proclaim him King, pronounce him 1 16 Proclaim his wonders from the skies 319 Proclaim inimitable love 385 Proclaim " Salvation from the Lord 417 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it 39] Prostrate I II lie before his throne 442 Proud tyrants shall no more oppress 52 Pure are tbejoys above the sky <>:n Pursue the pleasures you design 410 Put forth thy glorious power 561 Put on thy Strength, break forth in jo 539 Raised by his father to the throne Raised from the dead, be ::oes before Raised from the dead, we live anew- Rebel, ye waves — and o'er the land Rebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlar Redeem us from perpetual shame Rehearse his praise with awe' prof Rejoice in glorious hope Rejoice, the Saviour reigns Rejoice, ye righteous, and record Rejoice; ye shining worlds on high Religion bears our spirits up Religion should our thoughts engage Remember all thy grace Remember him who once-applied Remember thee and all thy pains RSmember what thy mercy did Repeated crimes awake our fears Rest for my soul I long to find Rest in the" Lord, and keep his way Restraining prayer, we cease to fight Retreat beneath his wings Return, Almighty God, return Return, O blissful Sun, and bring Return, O holy Dove, return Return, O wand'rer, now return Return, O wand'rer, now return Return, O wand'rer, now return Revive our drooping faith Revive our dying graces. Lord Ride forth, victorious Conqueror, Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat Rise, Lord, now help me to prevail " Rise,'' says the Saviour, " rise Rise, touched with gratitude divine Rivers of love and mercy here Rivers to the ocean run Rock of Ages, I'm secure Room in the Saviour's bleeding heart Rulers and kings agree Sad were my days, and dark my ni Safety to man thy goodness brings Sailors rejoice to lose their fears Sailors, that travel o'er the flood Saints and angels, joined in concert Saints should be joyful in their King Salvation and immortal praise Salvation — let the echo fly Salvation to God Salvation to the Lord belongs Satan may vent his sharpest spite Saved — the deed shall spread new gl Saviour, from thy wounded side Saviour, if in Zion's city Page. Saviour of -.nils, could I from thee 455 Saviour, Prince, enthroned above 484 Sa\ i'Hir. shine and cheer my soul 4f*l Sa\its our wary head 329 The eye of thy compassion, "Lord 90 The eyes of God regard his saints 91 The fearful soul that tires and faints 511 The feeling heart, the melting eye 294 The flowery spring at thy command 590 The fondness of a creature's love 457 The foolish builders, scribe and priest 233 The frowning scribes and angry 49 The Gentile nations are the Lord's 113 The glorious tenants of the place G39 The glutton groans and loaths to eat 217 " The God of glory down to men 502 The God of heaven maintains his 270 The God of Jacob chose the hill 259 The God of Zion cheers our hearts 262 The God we serve maintains his 998 The God we worship now 114 The God who rules on high 300 The gospel bears my spirit up 529 The gospel-trumpet hear 540 The graves of all the saints he bless'd 617 The hand that gave it still supplies 318 The hand that now withholds my 513 The happy gates of gospel grace 396 The harvest-son? would we repeat 592 'They hate my soul without a cause 147 The haughty sinner have I seen 99 The heathen lands that lie beneath 154 The heathens know thy glory, Lord 196 The heathen will hasten to welcome 553 The heavenly heritage is theirs 99 The heavens are for his curtains 210 The heavens his rightful power 198 The hill of Zion yields 301 The holy triumphs of my soul 632 The hosts of God encamp around 330 The hosts of saints around him 638 The impious crew, that factious band 202 The isles shall know the righteousness 73 The Jews beheld him thus forlorn 73 The Jews he freed from Pharaoh's 267 The Jews, his brethren and his kin 150 The Jews, the people of his grace 291 Their captive sons, exposed to scorn 220 Their cruel plough had torn my flesh 256 "Their faith and works, brought forth 117 Their fancied jovs. how fast they flee! 158 Their feet shall' never slide or fall 249 Their feet were never made to move 228 Their glory shines with equal beams 376 Their gods have tongues that cannot 264 Their hands shall hear you, lest you 188 Their hatred and their love is lost 405 Their hope and portion lie below 61 Their impious tongues blaspheme 159 Their joy shall rear their spirits up . 181 Their lifted eyes salute the skies 322 Their malice laged without a cause 221 Their miseries his compassion move 221 Their names were in his book 215 Their oaths and promises they break 53 First Lines of Stanzas. Their prayers and vows before him 167 Their rasre is levelled at my life 128 " Their sins I '11 visit with the rod 18*2 Their souls shall dwell at ease 79 Their thoughts and ways at once 95 Their tongues are used to speak 56 The just and pure shall ever say 63 The King himself comes near 564 The King of glory — who can tell 77 The kings of Canaan fell 266 The land of silence and of death 153 The last great day shall change the 116 The law and gospel of the Lord 98 The law its best obedience owes 420 The law that issues from thy mouth 247 The light, and strength, and pard'ing 452 The light of truth to us display 392 The little ants for one poor grain 404 The little hills on every side 141 The living know that they must die 405 The Lord beheld me sore distressed 230 The Lord builds up Jerusalem 283 The Lord can clear the darkest skies 254 The Lord consumed their years in 167 The Lord delights to see their ways 99 The Lord derides their rage 3'J The Lord, from his celestial throne 56 The Lord grew angry on his throne 256 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind 282 The Lord hath eyee to give the blind 283 The Lord himself chose out their 214 The Lord himself will judge his 262 The Lord his people loves 75 The Lord— how absolute he reigns! 288 The Lord in heaven has fixed his 52 The Lord, in vengeance dressed 195 The Lord in 2ion placed his name 260 The Lord is God ;— 'tis he alone 200 The Lord is good, the Lord is kind 201 The Lord is just and kind 79 The Lord makes bare his arm 578 The Lord of life this table spread 5-2 The Lord of old for Jacob fought 112 The Lord, our glory and defence 1-1 The Lord proclaims his power aloud 83 The Lord shall make him know 79 The Lord shall thy best hopes fulfill 256 The Lord sits sovereign on the flood 83 The Lord supports our tottering days 281 The Lord takes pleasure in the just 291 The Lord, that bruised the serpent's 147 The Lord their different language 444 The Lord, who hates the proud 276 The Lord, who sees the poor 53 The Lord, who sits above the skies 40 The Lord will on my side engage 221 The Lord will raise Jerusalem 205 The Lord with indignation heard 166 The love of gold be banished hence 512 The lying tempter would persuade 41 The manna, like a morning shower 166 The man that doth his neighbor 203 The man that in his furrowed field 254 "The man that offers humble praise 118 The man that walks in pious ways 57 The Master whom you serve 577 The meanest child of glory 637 The meek and humble souls shall see 73 The meek at last the earth possess 97 The men of grace have found 301 The men that keep thy law with care 237 The men that know thy name will 50 The men that love and fear thy name 44 57 PAGE. The mighty Conqueror shall appear 615 The mighty God, the wise and just 207 The mighty God, whose matchless 504 The ministers of Christ rejoice 536 Themselves their wiles shall snare 138 The more thy glories strike my eyes 640 The morn, with glory crowned 142 The mountains, in thy wrath 426 The mountains shook like frighted 228 Then, all mv servile works were done 445 Then all that love and fear the Lord 247 Then all the chosen seed 375 The name of Jacob's God defends 69 The names of all his saints he bears 358 The nations that rebel 39 The nations thou hast made shall 176 Then at thy feet, with awful fear 640 Then back to heaven they fly 354 Then blessed be the hand that gave 463 Then blow, ye winds, ye surges, roar 597 Then, by an angel's midnight stroke 214 Then cease, fond nature, cease thy 616 Thence he arose, ascended high 617 Thence I derive a glimpse of hope 277 Then did I raise a louder cry 277 Then dig about our root 571 Then faint not in the day of toil 555 Then felt my soul the heavy load 429 Then hearken to my voice 497 Then his hisrh praise shall fill their 292 Then how the frightened sinners fly 217 Then I confessed my troubled 87 Then, if a messenger thou ask 577 Then, if thou thy help afford 313 Then, if thy Spirit touch the soul 304 The night is witness to my tears 278 Then in a nobler, sweeter song 419 Then, in the history of mv age 152 Then in the Lord let Israel trust 258 Then in thy holy hill 107 Then I repent, and vex my soul 481 Then let his pride advance 61 Then let me make the Lord my trust 97 Then let me mount and soar away 379 Then let my faith each fear dispel 612 Then let my soul march boldly on 503 Then let our hearts repine no more 622 Then let our humble faith address 358 Then let our land on God alone 70 Then Jet our songs abound 301 Then let the children of the saints 586 Then let the love that makes me 334 Then let the name of Christ, our 377 Then let the world forbear its rage 213 Then let the world forbear its rage 214 Then let us adore 303 Then let us earnest be 496 Then let us gather round the cross 421 Then love's soft dew o'er every eye 624 Then man to daily labor goes 211 The noble and the base 171 The northern pole and southern rest 180 Tnen, ranged thy blazing throne 557 Then rescued souls shall bless thy 557 Then Satan's kingdom shall from 561 Then, Saviour, then my soul receive 429 Then shall each age and rank agree 589 Then shall he make his justice known 324 Then shall I learn th' exalted strains 513 Then shall I love thy gospel more 246 Then shall I see and hear and know 190 Then shall my cheerful powers 43 Then shall my cheerful spirit sing 491 58 First Lines of Stanzas. Then shall my drooping spirit r Then shall my soul no mora eompl 278 Then ^Jtall in v soul, O gracious < , Then shall my soul with rapture 4(il Then shall our active spirii • ml hearts and 425 Then shall the flocking nations run 139 Then shall their joys revive n i more 126 Then shall the nations know 171 Then shall the spacious earth Then shall they rule with iron rod 29-2 Then shall thy kingdom come Then shall thy saints exult with joy 562 Then shall we shine before thy Then should my eyes, without a tear 392 Then -hould the earth's old pillars 334 Then should we see the saints above G05 Then smiling nature shall expr si Then snatch me from eternal death 447 Then spake the Saviour. -Lo, I'm 103 Then swift and dreadful she descends 616 Then the end — beneath his rod Then they might fi^ht and rage and 493 Then to the Lord they raise th*ir 219 Then to the Lord they raise their 217 Then was the great salvation spread 104 Then what my thoughts design to do 405 Then, when the glorious 4-4 Then u hen the solemn bell I hear f K Then why. my soul, these sa 1 eomp ooO Then will he own my worthless name 471 Then will I make thy mercy known 125 Then will I raise my tuneful voice 94 Th-n will I say.— -'My God. thy 1S7 Then will I teach the worldlhy ways 125- TJien will the king of terrors be " 44* Then will the Lord a refuge prove 50 Then will thy saints aloud rejoice 537 Then will you curse that fatal day 411 Then, with the visits of thv love 305 Then you'll confess the frightful 411 The oath and promise of the Lord 529 The opening heavens around me 330 The order of thy house 114 The pains of death are past 017 The pains, the groans, the dying Oil The pangs of our expiring Lord 150 The passions of my hope and fear BS The pastures smile in ereen array 140 The pity of the Lord " 209 The patient soul, the lowly mind 2SS The plants of grace shall ever live 190 The pleasures thai allure our sense 512 The powers of hell agree 4 11.' The present moment flies The prisoner here may break his 317 The proud have framed their scoffs 24«» There ail the heavenly hosts are There all the ship's company in- There are no acts of pardon pass'd 405 There, as in some prophetic glass 127 There David's greater Son " 251 There endless crowds of sinners lie 018 There everlasting spring abides 038 There faith litis up her cheerful eye 028 There fragrant flowers immortal There, from the bosom of my God 455 There's full redemption at his throne 258 There grow thy saints in faith and 1.0 There happier bowers than Eden's 036 There his triumphal chariot wait- There I behold, with sweet delight 493 There is a death, whose pang 030 is ■ heavenly mercy-seat 497 There is a home for weary souls 028 There is a home of i 029 There is a place wh is 497 There is a scene where spirits l>l--iid 497 There is a sir. am. whose gentle flow 112 is a worll a1 036 '■ There, like streams that feed the 540 304 There, mighty God, thy words declare 173 There on a green and flowery mount 523 There, on a high majestic throne 039 There, on his holy hill 535 There our exalted Saviour reigns 370 There IVrsia glorious to behold l.">5 There reach thy bounteous hand 107 There safe thou shall abide 412 There's a new heaven begun 01 There shall his sacred Spirit dwell 515 There shall I bathe my weary soul 490 There shall I offer my ree 81 There shall I see thy lovely face 015 There shall I wear a starry crown SOS There shall my lips in endless praise 478 There shall we see Ins face 301 - ..'ill we sit. and sing, and tell 629 There shall your eyes with rapture 410 There shed thy choicest love abroad 509 - !ips divide the watery way 212 ''There's none of all my sons" above 179 not a sparrow nor a worm 325 There's nothing round the spacious 457 There streams of endless pleasure 59 There the bless'd followers of the 296 There the bless'd Man, my Saviour 634 '■ There the dark earth and dismal 110 There the glorious triumph waits 355 There the great monarch of the sk There, there, on eagle-wings we soar 497 There they could find no leading 210 There the young seeds of though: There, to fulfilfhis high commands 628 There, when the turmoil is no more 624 There, where my blessed Jesus reigns 632 There will I learn thy glory. Lord 127 There will sit thv slightedSaviour 025 There would 1 find a settled rest 73 There ye that love my Saviour sit 035 The rich have statues well adorned 229 The righteous Lord loves righteous SB The righteous, with a joyful sense 220 The rising morning can't assure 329 The Rock of Israel ever !; - 65 The rocks can rend, the earth can 430 The rolling sun, the changing light 07 The royal sinners, bound in chai: - The sacred truths his lips pronounce 179 Tl>e saints, from sin forever free 296 The saints I beard with rapture tell 443 The saints on earth, and all the dead 631 The saints shall Sourish in his days 154 Tin? saints shall mount on eagl/s * 330 The saints, unable to contain 259 The scene must then for ever doe The scoffer owns thy hand, and pays 254 The Scribe and angrj " 234 These are a portion of his ways 325 the men, the pious race ,77 These ashes too, this little dust 6*24 The second Adam shall restore 390 The seeds of joy and glory sown 198 _r< at God. to thee we owe 590 These leaser glories of the Son 48 First Lines of Stanzas. 59 page, i Page. These lively hopes we owe G24 The whole creation join in one 383 These on my heart are still impressed 273 The whole discourse when neighbours 53 These on my heart by night I keep 275 The wicked borrows of his friends 98 These pleas, presented at thy throne 388 These temples of his grace 114 These walls we to thy honour raise 572 These weapons of the holy war 423 The shadow of thy wings 137 The shining worlds above 286 The sin that close besets me still 63 The softened ridges of the field 141 "The softest couch that nature 431 The Son of God in tears 359 The sons of earth, and sons of hell 74 The sons of good old Jacob seemed 164 The sons of violence and lies 129 The sorrows of the mind 300 The soul of man — Jehovah's breath 421 The wicked shall his triumph see 225 The wicked shall sink down to hell 51 The widow and the fatherless 145 The widow's heart shall sing for joy 480 The wild young lions, pinched with 91 The wings of every hour shall bear 279 The words of his extensive love 585 The work, O Lord, is thine 234 The works and wonders which they 316 The work, the mighty work 178 The work which his goodness began 474 The world and worldly things beloved 435 The world beheld the glorious change 254 The world can never give G30 The world is managed by thy hands 280 "The soul that longs to see my face 601 The world recedes— it disappears 620 'The soul that on Jesus hath leaned 514 The sovereign King of kinss • 382 The sovereign will of God alone 388 The spacious earth, and spreading 371 The sparrow builds herself a nest 173 The sparrow chooses where to rest 172 The sparrow for her young 174 The Spirit, like a peaceful dove 531 The Spirit, like some heavenly wind 388 "Thij Spirit shall descend and show 104 The Spirit takes delight to view 446 The starry curtains of the sky 205 The starry heavens thy rule obey 238 The storm is laid — the winds retire 327 The storm that wrecks the winter skv 607 The strongest holds of Satan yield 536 "The sun shall see his offsprimr rise 182 The sun supplies the day with light 264 The sun withdraws his vital beams 593 The suie provisions of my God 73 The swelling billows know their 210 The swelling flood and raging flame 522 The world's foundations by his hand 210 The worlds of nature and of grace 373 The world to come, redeemed from all 49 The wretch that deals in sly deceit 203 They broke the covenant of his love 165 They can't redeem one hour from 116 They come they come;— thy exiled 551 They die in Jesus, and are bless'd 623 They dread thy glittering tokens 140 The year rolls round, and steals away 606 They find access, at everv hour 509 The Spirit wrought by faith and love 349 They fly, like chaff before the wind 94 They go from strength to strength 174 They groan and curse him on their 94 They hate me, Lord, without a cause 247 They have drawn out the threatening 98 They know not, Lord, nor will they 170 They leave their native shores behind213 They "11 waft us sooner o'er 187 They love the road that leads to hell 94 They marked the footsteps that he 52.5 They mourn their follies past 86 They plant their snares to catch my 93 They put thy judgments from their 51 They saw him cleave the mighty sea 166 They saw the plagues on Egypt light 1G5 They saw thy wonders wrought 215 They say. '• The Lord nor sees nor 192 They shall be seized with sad surprise 127 " They shall find rest, who learn of 400 They sing thy deeds, as I have sung 566 They sow the fields, and trees they 220 They taste of all the joys that grow 455 They that would grow divinely wise 224 They thirst ; and waters from the rock 214 They watch for souls, for which the 577 The swellin" tide had stopp'd our The sword, the pestilence, or fire The terror of one frown of thine The testimonies of thy jrrace The things so long foretold The thirsty ridges drink their fill The thunder is his voice The thunder of his sharp rebuke The thunder of that dismal word The thunders of his hand The tongue, that most unruly power 512 The troubled conscience knows thy 388 The trump shall sound, the dead The tumults of my thoujrht The tumult of my thoughts The vail of darkness rend in twain The vail of night is no disguise The various months thy goodness The vengeance to your' follies due The vices of the mind he heals The virtue of his sovereign word The vital savor of his name The voice at midniirht came The voice of this alarming scene The volume of my Father's erace 177 The want of sight she well supplies 522 The watchmen join their voice 578 The waters saw thee, mighty God 164 The waves lay spread beneath his 48 The wealthy sinner he contemns 57 The whole creation can afford 380 159 They watch to do their neighbors 119 80 They who surround the throne 301 551 They wound his head, his hands, his 73 272 They wrest my words to mischief 130 142 " They tread my honor to the dust, 148 410 Thine all-surrounding sisht surveys 273 206 Thine anger, like a pointed dart 110 45 Thine anger turns our frame to dust 185 422 Thine arrows stick within my heart 99 617 Thine arrows through the sky were 165 615 j Thine awful irlories round me shine 275 Thine eyes did all my limbs survey 272 Thine eye with nicest care surveyed 275 Thine honors crown his head 47 Thine honor shall for ever 349 Thine, then, for ever be 641 Think of the tribes so dearly bought 159 Think of thy sorrows, dearest Lord 437 317 00 First Lines of Stanzas. Think, O my soul, the dreadful day 319 Think on Ihe covenant thou hast ltil This awful God is ours 300 This can my every care control 41H This done, my cheerful voice 430 This fl"s!i of mine might learn as 4d3 i ious hope revives 315 Thi~ heavenly calm within the brcast504 This holy bread and wine 5-:t This lamp, through all the tedious 315 This is the comfort I enjoy ~i l This is the held where bidden lies 317 This is Hi..' folly of their way 115 . This is the glorious day -2.14 This is the grace that lives and sings 463 This is the joy we ought to seek 60-2 "This is the man did once pretend 73 This is the man may rise, and take 70 This is the man whose happy eyes 2."i0 This is the Man, lh' exalted Man 037 This is the pillar of our hope -413 "This is my body, broke for sin 578 '•This is your portion at my hands 431 This life's a dream, an empty show 61 This man at bumble distance stands 444 This mortal life decays apace 102 This only, can my fears control 466 This shall be known when we are 203 This shall his bumble followers E This shall invite thy saints to pray 87 This still shall he our grateful theme 595 This was compassion like a God :'."i] This was my, comfort, when I bore 241 Those are the hymns that we shall 603 Tlrose are the prayers of alUhe saints 373 Those characters shall fair abide &68 Those holy gates for ever bar 633 Those joys which earth cannot afford 5'12 Those that against me rise 127 Those that in wealth and pleasure 252 " Those that on earth my name have 188 Those that seek thee shall rejoice 151 Those wandering cisterns in the sky 141 Thou art a God before wbos i sight !4 Thou art gone to the grave, an I its 631 Thou art gone to the grave, hut we 021 Thou art gone to the grave; we no 021 Thou art my everlasting trust 158 Thou art my God, my only hope 100 Thou art my Pilot wise 517 Thou ait the earnest of his love 394 Thou art their triumph and their joy 304 Thou art the judge; thy sceptre rules 591 Thou art the Life— the' rending tomb 300 Thou ait the sea of love 337 Thou art the Truth— thy word alone 300 Thou callest us to seek thy face 312 Thou canst not toil in vain 424 Thou didst divide the raging sea 1G0 Though all created light decay 90 Though buried deep, or thinly strown 435 Though hut in part I know thy will 323 Though distress now attend thee 470 Though dragons all around us roar 108 Though earthly shepherds dwell in 010 Though greedy worms devour my 61 5 Though I have grieved thy Spirit, 124 Though I have most unfaithful been 395 Though in a bare and rugged way 75 Though in a foreign land 524 Though in the dust I lay my head, 59 Thouu'li in the paths of death I tread 75 Though I walk through the gloomy 74 PAGE. Though lonir of winds and waves the 007 Though once estranged afar 573 Though raised to a superior throne 357 Though rocks and quicksands deep 517 Though saints to >.,r.' 5 Whate'er thou deniest, oh give me 528 Whate'er thy lot— where'er thou be 607 Wliate'er thy providence denies 466 Whate'er thy sacred will ordains 466 What gifts, what miracles he gave! 423 What glad returns can I impart 353 What glories were described of old 177 What have I done for him who died 309 What if he means to show his grace 323 What if the springs of life were 157 What if, to make his terror known 323 What if you rise before the sun 255 What image does my spirit bear 488 page. What is the creature's skill or force 284 What mighty nations, mighty kings 263 What noble fruit the vines produce! 211 What numerous crimes increasing 588 What object, Lord, my soul should 601 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed 460 What power can stand before his 162 What power could make the deep 228 What shall we render, bounteous 479 What shall the wretch, the sinner 319 What should I wish or wait for, 101 What sinners value, I resign 61 What sore temptations broke my 63 What strange deliverance hast thou 160 What strange self-flattery blinds 96 What strange, surprising grace is 582 What thanks I owe thee, and what 304 What though a thousand at thy side 187 What though in solemn silence all 68 What though parted from our sight 356 What though the arm of conquering 616 What though the Father's rod 253 What though the gates of hell 233 What though the hosts of death and 42 What though the spicy breezes 546 What though the sorrows here they 93 What though thine inward lusts 503 What though thou rules* not 472 What though they flourish tall and 257 What wonders hath his wisdom done ! 264 What wonders shall thy gospel do! 222 What worldly tie must break? 431 When all created streams are dried 474 When all is done, renounce your 594 When anxious cares would break 513 When by the dreadful tempest borne 327 Whence then should doubts and fears 334 When childless families despair 226 When children's voices raise the 574 When Christ the judgment-seat 292 When Clouds of dark temptation rise 477 When darkness and when sorrow 513 When death invades my peaceful 477 When death o'er nature shall prevail 513 When death shall interrupt our songs 570 When desolation like a flood 93 When dreadful guilt is done away 384 When each can feel his brother's sigh 531 When each day's scenes and labors 307 When earthly cares engross the day 462 When earth was covered with the 210 When earth's prospects fail thee 529 Whene'er becalmed I lie 517 Whene'er the angry passions rise 509 Whene'er to call the Saviour mine 459 When ends life's transient dream 446 When evening slumbers press my 303 When every long-loved scene of life 613 When exposed to fearful dangers 555 When free from envy, scorrr, and 531 When friends depart, and hopes are 498 When from his dreadful stores on 285 When from the curse he sets us free 428 When from the dust of death I rise 363 When gladness wings my favored 305 When God, in his own sovereign 162 When God makes up his last account 177 When God, our leader, shines in arms 64 When God's almighty arm had broke 216 When he lived on earth abased 372 When he redeemed his chosen sons 223 When he reveals the book of life 325 When I am filled with sore distress 152 64 Whon I behold th im preaeed with -J70 When I behold tin works on high 48 When I confessed my wandering 841 When I have learn'd my Fathers 841 When I lie buried deep in dual 154 When I in afflicted, poor, and Jow 103 When, in ecatacy sublime A 18 When in Ins earthly courts we view -loo When in the form of mortal man 231 When in the slippery paths of youth 396 When in the solemn hour of death 472 When in the sultry glebe I mint 75 When I review my ways 432 When iron slumbers hind your flesh 411 When Israel was his church 200 When I survey the stars -17 When I tread the verge of Jordan 522 When I walk through the shades of 75 When justice bared the sword 571 When justice, by our sins provoked 350 When kjiiL's against her joined 114 When land is far, and death is nigh 218 When midnight darkness vails the 236 When 'mid the sad, forsaken band 295 When my forgetful soul renews 481 When nature faints, around my bed 402 When nature sinks, and spirits droop 239 When navies tall and proud 114 When on Calvary [real 418 When once it enters to the mind 237 When on my head huge sorrows fell 114 When on my sad and burdened heart 472 When on the mighty deep 554 When our obedient handsjiave done 43 When our responsive tongues essay 298 When Pharoah dared to vex the 2-13 When rising floods my soul o'erflow 170 When shall I reach that happy place 040 When shall I see thy courts of grace 105 When shall my feet arise, and stand CO When shall the day, dear Lord, app'r 493 When shall the scattered wanderers 541 When shall the sovereign grace 80 When shall thy name, from shore to 144 When sin and hell their force unite 278 When sinners fall, the righteous 98 When some were slain, the rest 1G7 When sore afflictions press me down 240 When sorrow bows the spirit down 2-1 When Borrowing o'er some stone I 515 When storms of fierce temptation 350 When streams of love from Christ 200 When, sunk in guilt, our souls 479 When that happy era begins 494 When that illustrious day shall rise 502 When the harvest-tune is ended 5:»G When the last fire burns all things 461 j When the mighty trumpet blown' 613 When the moat helpless sons of grief 506 When the repealing hour is near 029 When they are sick, his soul compl 94 When they once have entered there 635 When thou against them dost engage 70 When thou, O Lord, shall stand 626 When threatening sorrows round me 92 When through fiery trials thy 514 When through him we prove 595 When through the deep waters I call 514 When times grow dark, and tidings 225 When, to her sable sons conveyed 541 When to the cross I turn mv eves 579 When to the law I trembling tied 443 When to thy throne I raise my cry 130 First Lines of Stanzas. Page. When to thy works on high 47 When trials sore obstruct my way 472 When trouble, like a sloomy cloud 379 When troubles rise, and storms Hi When we asunder part 315 When we devote our youth to God 599 Whea we disclose our wants in 890 When we in darkness walk 5-24 When we review our dismal fears 254 When we thy wondrous {.'lories hear 296 When will love freely flow 314 When will my pilgrimage be done 563 When worn With pain, disease, and 472 Where can the mourner go 4-3 Where'er he spreads his beams 08 Where'er I look, my wondering eyea 468 Where'er we turn our gazing eyea 333 Wherefore named we Jesus' name 552 Where he displays his healing power 155 Where is the blessedness J knew 480 " Where is thy promise to the just ? 182 Where nothing dwelt but beasts of 219 Where once thy churches prayed and 159 Where pleasure rolls its living 457 Wlnie promises and grace 389 Where Satan reigned, in shades of 415 Where the golden gates of day Where the lofty minaret Where the saints of ail ages in Where thou appointeet my abode Where we in high seraphic strains Where we shall breath in heavenly Which of all our friends, to save us Which of the sons of Adam dare Which of the stocks or stones they While all his w ondrous works While all our hearts, in praise and While angels shout and praise their While each receives his different food 212 While eternal ages roll 635 While from thy baud our rulers take 591 While Cod invites, how bless'd the 178 While guilt disturbs and breaks my 124 While haughty sinners die accurs'd 212 While he affords his aid 76 While he is absent from our sight 582 While here in the valley of conflict While here our various wants we While I am a pilgrim here While I concealed my guilt " While 1 destroyed their foes While I draw this fleeting breath While 1 my inward guilt suppressed 87 While Jews on their own law rely 386 While Judah views his birth-right While life's dark maze I tread While many crowd thy house While multitudes of mournful While of thy works I sing While sinners do thy gospel wrong While sweet reflection, through my 324 While the foe becomes more daring 543 While tyrants are a smarting 258 While we have breath to use our 328 While we seek supplies of grace 298 While with a melting, broken heart 437 While, with my heart and tongue 67 While with one heart and one desire 295 Whither, ah whither shall I go 506 Whither should a wretch be flying 433 Who his coming may abide I 412 " Who is the King of glory — who ? 78 " Who is the King of glory— who ? 78 554 608 -17 'J 567 263 209 580 113 528 293 500 86 170 360 :»5i 4-15 534 193 N 844 First Lines of Stanzas. 65 PAGE. 332 69 215 Page. With power he vindicates the just 154 • With rage they persecute the Man 148 «,,« , With rapture shall I then survey 139 With softening pity look 331 With speed he flew to my relief 57 With thanks approach his awfu Who knoweth of his safety, Lord Who knows the errors of his Who knows the wonders of thy Whole kingdoms, shaken by the Whose glorious throne shall stand Whose hands are pure, whose heart Who shall adjudge the saints to hell 3o2 Who, who would live alway, away G3G Why art thou troubled, O my soul ? 107 Why did the Gentiles rage Why does he treat the poor with Why do the men of malice rage Why is its beauty thus defaced Why should I make a man my trust ? 282 Why should I make a man my trust ? 283 Why should I shrink at pain and 636 Why should I shrink at thy com'nd 476 Why should my foolish passions 1 Why should my passions mix with Why should this anxious load Why should we tremble to convey Why shrinks my soul ? — in death's " Why was I made to hear thy voice 580 Why will my Father hide his face 72 Why will ye then frame wicked laws 170 I Ye Christian lands, rejoice Why will you in the crooked ways 410 ' Why wilt thou cast thy care Why wilt thou cast thy care Wide as his vast dominion lie3 Wide as the wheels of nature roll Wide as the world is thy command Will he for ever cast me off? Will he not justly give me o'er Wilt thou for ever cast us off" Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs Wind, hail, and flashing fire 39 115 51 169 481 306 476 617 612 323 436 62 194 312 566 149 592 156 Wisdom and mercy guide my way With an impartial hand the Lord With boldness, therefore, at his With dreadful glory God fulfills With early feet I love t' appear With every morning light With eyes and ears they carve the With flames they threaten to destroy 160 With gentle smiles call me thy child 384 With gifts of grace their hearts 587 With grateful hearts the past we 570 With heart and eyes, and lifted 136 With his rich gifts the heavenly Dove 173 With hoary frost he strews the 284 With horrid lips and guileful tongue 82 With humble faith I wait 80 With humble love address his throne 40 pproacli his awful With thee conversing, we forset With the same blessings grace With vinegar they mock mv thirst With warmest beams, thouGodof " With well fed flesh and haughty Worship, honor, power, and blessing 356 Worthy is he that once was slain 372 "Worthy the Lamb that died," they 382 Wretches, with hearts as hard as 151 Wretch that I am, to wander thus 482 Write but my name upon the roll 467 Ye, alas, who Ions have been 414 Ye angels, catch the thrilling sound 291 Ye angels, great in might 209 Ye are travelling home to God 525 Ye birds of lofty wing 290 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race 381 65 Ye creeping ants and worms 290 Ye dangerous inmates, hence depart 434 Ye fair enchanting throng 454 Ye fearful saints, free* courage take 324 Ye flowerv plains, proclaim his skill 288 381 454 77 287 290 355 287 Witli humble love address the Son 41 With insolence and fury they 46 Within this heart of mine I feel 441 Within thy churches, Lord 137 Within thy circling power I stand 271 Within thy presence, Lord 134 Within thy secret presence, Lord 86 With inward pain my heart-strings 128 With joy let Judah stand 114 With joy shall we stand, when 401 With joy the Father doth approve 440 With joy the mother views her son With joy we tell the scoffing age With life he clothes the spring With I <» n g in 2 eyes thy creatures wait 281 With my burden I begin 500 With names of virtue she deceives 426 With new-born love and grace 138 With pityinir eyes the Prince of grace 351 j Ye tenants of the spacious earth With poison' in their lips 275 I Yet faith may triumph o'er the grave 615 F* S§0 143 Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget Ye hearts with youthful vigor Ye heavenly gates, your leaves Ye kings and judges", fear Ye lions of the wood Ye mortals, catch the sound Ye mountains near the skies Ye nations, bond — in reverence bend 339 " Ye no more your suns descending 540 Ye nothing in exchange can give 404 " Ye on length of days presuming 592 Ye palaces, sceptres, and crowns 458 Yes, and before we rise 301 Yes, and I must and will esteem 448 Ye saints below, and hosts of heaven 582 Ye saints, employ your breath 644 " Ye shall have flesh to please your 167 Yes, I adore thee, gracious Lord 328 Yes, I 'in secure beneath thy blood 448 Ye sinners, come — 'tis mercy's voice 398 Ye sinners, fear the Lord Ye sinners, in his presence bow Ye sinners, seek his grace "Yes," saith the Lord, " now will Ye slaves of sin and hell Yes, let it go— one look from thee Yes, my Redeemer — they shall die Ye sons of men, in \ain ye try Ye sons of pride, that kindle coals Ye souls that are wounded, to Jesus 400 Yes, the Christian's course is run 621 Yes — the Redeemer left his throne 350 Yes — thou art precious to my soul 368 Yes, though of sinners I 'm the worst 452 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall 446 Yes, whosoever will 403 Ye stubborn oaks and stately pines 288 Yes, you must bow your stately 456 Yet did his sovereign grace forgive 167 Ye tempests, rage no more; ye floods 191 Ye tempting sweets, forbear 453 178 409 625 54 542 455 437 43 431 66 First Lines of Stcuizas. Yet, gracious God, thy power am! 150 Yet, gracious God, where shall I tlee ? 468 Yet have I found 'tis good for me 244 Yet have we not forgot our God 108 Yet, if I inicht make some reserve 451 Yet, if my God prolong my breath 5'J Yet if some proper hour appear 101 Yet, if the humbled nation mourns 220 Yet if thy BOVereign hand let loose 72 Yet in his word the God of grac. Vet. in the midst of death and grief 205 Vet I was kept from full despair 157 Y2 Your streams were floating me along 454 Your way is dark, and leads to hell 410 Zeal and revenge perform their part 581 Zeal for the temple of his God 151 Zion enjoys her monarch's love 112 Zion is thine, most holy God 1.30 Zion, thrice happy place ^51 PSALMS. 1 The Righteous and the Wicked. C. M. 1 "DLESS'D is the man who shuns the place J-J Where sinners love to meet ; Who fears to tread their wicked ways, And hates the scoffer's seat : 2 But in the statutes of the Lord Has placed his chief delight ; By day he reads or hears the word, And meditates by night. 3 He, like a plant of generous kind By living waters set, Safe from the storms and blasting wind, Enjoys a peaceful state. 4 Green as the leaf, and ever fair, Shall his profession shine ; While fruits of holiness appear, Like clusters on the vine. 5 Not so the impious and unjust ; What vain designs they form ! Their hopes are blown away like dust Or chaff before the storm. 6 Sinners in judgment shall not stand Among the sons of grace, When Christ, the Judge, at his right hand Appoints his saints a place. 7 His eye beholds the path they tread, His heart approves it well ; But crooked ways of sinners lead Down to the gates of hell. 1 The Saint happy, the Sinner miserabte. S. M. 1 rilHE man is ever bless'd, X Who shuns the sinners' ways ; Among their counsels never stands, Nor takes the scorner's place ; 4 37 38 PSALMS. 2 But makes the law of God His study and delight, Amidst the labors of the day, And watches of the night. 3 He like a tree shall thrive, With waters near the root ; Fresh as the leaf his name shall live ; His works are heavenly fruit. 4 Not so th' ungodly race ; They no such blessings find : Their hopes shall flee like empty chaff Before the driving wind. 5 How will they bear to stand Before that judgment seat, Where all the saints, at Christ's right hand, In full assemblv meet ? */ 6 He knows, and he approves The way the righteous go ; But sinners aiid their works shall meet A dreadful Overthrow. J. Tlie Righteous and the Wicked. L. M. 1 TTAPPY the man whose cautious feet J--I- Shun the broad way that sinners go ; Who hates the place where atheists meet, And fears to talk as scoffers do. 2 He loves t' employ his morning light Among the statutes of the Lord ; And spends the wakeful hours of night With pleasure pondering o'er the word. 3 He, like a plant by gentle streams, Shall flourish in immortal green; And heaven will shine, with kindest beams, On every work his hands begin. 4 But sinners find their counsels crossed ; As chaff before the tempest flies, So shall their hopes be blown and lost, When the last trumpet shakes the skies. 5 In vain the rebel seeks to stand In judgment with the pious race ; The dreadful Judge, with stern command, Divides him to a different place. PSALMS. 39 6 " Straight is the way my saints have trod, I bless'd the path and drew it plain ; But you would choose the crooked road, And down it leads to endless pain." /W Christ rising, interceding, and reigning. S. M. 1 "]i TAKER and sovereign Lord -LV-L Of heaven, and earth, and seas, Thy providence confirms thy word, And answers thy decrees. 2 The things so long foretold By David, were fulfilled, When Jews and Gentiles joined to slay Jesus, thy Holy Child. 3 Why did the Gentiles rage, And Jews, with one accord, Bend all their counsels to destroy Th' anointed of the Lord ? 4 Rulers and kings agree To form a vain design ; Against the Lord their powers unite, Against his Christ they join. 5 The Lord derides their rage, And will support his throne ; He that hath raised him from the dead Hath owned him for his Son. PAUSE. 6 Now he's ascended high, And asks to rule the earth ; The merit of his blood he pleads, And pleads his heavenly birth. 7 He asks, and God bestows A large inheritance ; Far as the world's remotest ends His kingdom shall advance. 8 The nations that rebel Must feel his iron rod ; He '11 vindicate those honors well Which he received from God. 9 Be wise, ye rulers, now, And worship at his throne ; 40 P S A L 31 S . With trembling joy, ye people, bow To God's exalted Son. 10 If once his wrath arise, Ye perish on the place; Then blessed is the soul that flies For refuge to his grace. 7£> Christ exalted, and his Enemies warned. C. M. 1 TT7HY did the nations join to slay VV The Lord's anointed Son? Why did they cast his laws away, And tread his gospel down? 2 The Lord, who sits above the skies, Derides their rage below ; He speaks with vengeance in his eyes, And strikes their spirits through. 3 "I call him my eternal Son, And raise him from the dead ; I make my holy hill his throne, And wide his kingdom spread. 4 "Ask me, my Son, and' then enjoy The utmost heathen lands ; Thy rod of iron shall destroy The rebel that withstands." 5 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth, Obey the anointed Lord ; Adore the King of heavenly birth, And tremble at his word. 6 With humble love address his throne, For if he frown, ye die ; Those are secure, and those alone, Who on his grace rely. /& Christ's Resurrection and Ascension. L, M. 1 TT7HY did the Jews proclaim their rage, VV The Romans why their swords employ, Against the Lord their powers engage, His dear anointed to destroy ? 2 "Come, let us break his bands," they say; " This man shall never give us laws ;" And thus they cast his yoke away. And nailed the Monarch to the cross. PSALMS. 41 3 But God, who high in glory reigns, Laughs at their pride, their rage controls ; He'll vex their hearts with inward pains, And speak in thunder to their souls. 4 " I will maintain the King I made On Zion's everlasting hill ; My hand shall bring him from the dead, And he shall stand your Sovereign still." 5 His wondrous rising from the earth Makes his eternal Godhead known ; The Lord declares his heavenly birth — " This day have I begot my Son. 6 " Ascend, my Son, to my right hand, There thou shalt ask, and I bestow The utmost bounds of heathen lands ; To thee the northern isles shall bow." 7 But nations that resist his grace, Shall fall beneath his iron stroke ; His rod shall crush his foes with ease, As potter's earthen work is broke. PAUSE. 8 Now, ye that sit on earthly thrones, Be wise, and serve the Lord, the Lamb ; Now at his feet submit your crowns ; Rejoice and tremble at his name. 9 With humble love address the Son, Lest he grow angry, and ye die ; His wrath will burn to worlds unknown, If ye provoke his jealousy. 10 His storms shall drive you quick to hell ; He is a God, and ye but dust. Happy the souls that know him well, And make his grace their only trust. 0 God our Defence from Sin and Satan. C. M. 1 TV/fY God, how many are my fears ! -Lt_L How fast my foes increase ! Conspiring my eternal death, They break my present peace. 2 The lying tempter would persuade There's no relief in heaven; 4* 42 PSALMS. And all my swelling sins appear Too big to be forgiven. 3 But thou, my glory and my strength, Shalt on the tempter tread ; Shalt silence all my threatening guilt, And raise my drooping head. 4 I cried, and from his holy hill He bowed a listening ear ; I called my Father and my God, And he subdued my fear. 5 He shed soft slumbers on my eyes, In spite of all my foes ; I woke and wondered at the grace That guarded my repose. 6 What though the hosts of death and hell All armed against me stood ; Terrors no more shall shake my soul, My refuge is my God. 7- Arise, O Lord, .fulfill thy grace, While I thy glory sing ; My God has broke the serpent's teeth, And death has lost his sting. 8 Salvation to the Lord belongs ; His arm alone can save : Blessings attend thy people here, And reach beyond the grave. 0 Ver. 1 — 5, 8. A Morning Psalm. L. M, 1 f\ LORD, how many are my foes, KJ In this weak state of flesh and blood ! My peace they daily discompose, But my defence and hope is God. 2 Tired with the burdens of the day, To thee I raised an evening cry ; Thou heard'st when I began to pray, And thine almighty help was nigh. 3 Supported by thy heavenly aid, I laid me down, and slept secure ; Not death should make my heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more. 4 But God sustained me all the night ; Salvation doth to God belong : PSALMS. 43 He raised my head to see the light And make his praise my morning song. 4 Ver. 1—3, 5—7. God our Portion. L. M. 1 /~\ GOD of grace and righteousness, \J Hear and attend, when I complain ; Thou hast enlarged me in distress, Bow down a gracious ear again. 2 Ye sons of men, in vain ye try To turn my glory into shame ; How long will scoffers love to lie, And dare reproach my Saviour's name ? 3 Know that the Lord divides his saints From all the tribes of men beside ; He hears the cry of penitents, For the dear sake of Christ who died. 4 When our obedient hands have done A thousand works of righteousness, We put our trust in God alone, And glory in his pardoning grace. 5 Let the unthinking many say — " Who will bestow some earthly good V* But, Lord, thy light and love we pray; Our souls desire this heavenly food. 6 Then shall my cheerful powers rejoice At grace and favor so divine ; , Nor will I change my happy choice, For all their corn and all their wine. 4 Ver. 3 — 5, 8. An Evening Psalm. C. M 1 V ORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray; _Li I am for ever thine ; I fear before thee all the day, Nor wrould I dare to sin. 2 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and business free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed With my own heart and thee. 3 I pay this evening sacrifice ; And when my work is done, Great God, my faith and hope relies Upon thy grace alone. 44 PSALMS. 4 Thus with my thoughts composed to peace, I'll give mine eyes to sleep; Thy hand in safety keeps my days, And will my slumbers keep. 0 For the Lord's Day Morning. C. M 1 V ORD, in the morning thou shalt hear JLi My voice ascending high ; To thee will I direct my prayer, To thee lift up mine eye : — 2 Up to the hills where Christ is gone To plead for all his saints, Presenting at his Father's throne Our songs and our complaints. 3 Thou art a God before whose sight The wicked shall not stand ; Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at thy right hand. 4 But to thy house will I resort, To taste thy mercies there; I will frequent thy holy court, And worship in thy fear. 5 Oh may thy Spirit guide my feet In ways of righteousness ; Make every path of duty straight And plain before my face. I PAUSE. 6 My watchful enemies combine To tempt my feet astray; They flatter with a base design To make my soul their prey. 7 Lord, crush the serpent in the dust, And all his plots destroy; While those that in thy mercy trust, For ever shout for joy. 8 The men that love and fear thy name, Shall see their hopes fulfilled ; The mighty God will compass them With favor, as a shield. 0 Looking unto God in Sickyiess. C. M. 'F« anger, Lord, rebuke me not ; ithdraw the dreadful storm ; PSALMS. 45 Nor let thy fury grow so hot Against a feeble worm. 2 My soul 's bowed down with heavy cares, My flesh with pain oppressed ; My couch is witness to my tears, My tears forbid my rest. 3 Sorrow and pain wear out my days ; I waste the night with cries, Counting the minutes as they pass, Till the slow morning rise. 4 Shall I be still tormented more, Mine eyes consumed with grief? How long, my God, how long before Thy hand afford relief? 5 He hears when dust and ashes speak ; He pities all our groans ; He saves us, for his mercy's sake, And heals our broken bones. 6 The virtue of his sovereign word Restores our fainting breath : For silent gra\es praise not the Lord, Nor is he known in death. 0 Temptations in Sickness overcome. L, M. 1 T ORD, I can suffer thy rebukes, I A When thou with kindness dost chastise; But thy fierce wrath I cannot bear ; Oh let it not against me rise. 2 Pity my languishing estate, And ease the sorrows that I feel ; The wounds thy heavy hand hath made, Oh let thy gentler touches heal. 3 See how I pass my weary days In sighs and groans ; and when 'tis night, My bed is watered with my tears ; My grief consumes and dims my sight. 4 Look how the powers of nature mourn ! How long, Almighty God, how 'long ? When will thine hour of grace return ? When shall I make thy grace my song ? 5 I feel my flesh so near the grave, My thoughts are tempted to despair ; 46 PSALMS. But graves can never praise the Lord, For all is dust and silence there. 6 Depart, ye tempters, from my soul, And all despairing thoughts depart ; My God, who hears my humble moan, Will ease my flesh, and cheer my heart. I God's Care of his People. C. M. 1 TV/TY trust is in my heavenly Friend, -1V_L My hope in thee, my God ; Rise, and my helpless life defend From those that seek my blood. 2 With insolence and fury they My soul in pieces tear; As hungry lions rend the prey, When no deliverer 's near. 3 If I have e'er provoked them first, Or once abused my foe ; Then let him tread my life to dust, And lay my honor low. 4 If there were malice hid in me (I know thy piercing eyes,) I should not dare appeal to thee, Nor ask my God to rise. 5 Arise, my God, lift up thy hand, Their pride and power control ; Awake to judgment, and command Deliverance for my soul. PAUSE. 6 Let sinners and their wicked rage Be humbled to "the dust; Shall not the God of truth engage To vindicate the just ? 7 He knows the heart, he tries the reins, He will defend th' upright ; His sharpest arrows he ordains Against the sons of spite. 8 For me their malice dug a pit, But there themselves are cast ; My God makes all their mischief light On their own heads at last. PSALMS. 47 9 That cruel persecuting race Must feel his dreadful sword : Awake, my soul, and praise the grace And justice of the Lord. 0 God's Sovereignty and Condescension. S. M. 1 r\ LORD, our heavenly King, \J Thy name is all divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine. 2 When to thy works on high I raise my wondering eyes, And see the moon, complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies ; — 3 When I survey the stars, And all their shining forms, Lord, what is man, that worthless thing, Akin to dust and worms ? 4 Lord, what is worthless man, That thou should'st love him so 1 Next to thine angels is he placed, And Lord of all below. 5 Thine honors crown his head, While beasts like slaves obey, And birds that cut the air with wings, And fish that cleave the sea. 6 How rich thy bounties are ! And wondrous are thy ways : Of dust and worms thy power can frame A monument of praise. 7 Out of the mouths of babes And sucklings thou canst draw Surprising honors to thy name, And strike the world with awe. 8 0 Lord, our heavenly King, Thy name is all divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heavens they shine. 8 Christ's Condescension and Glorification. C. M. OLORD, our Lord, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name ! 48 P S A L M S . The glories of thy heavenly state Let men and babes proclaim. 2 When I behold thy works on high, The moon that rules the night, And stars that well adorn the sky, Those moving worlds of light ; — 3 Lord, what is man, or all his race, Who dwells so far below, That thou should'st visit him with grace, And love his nature so ? 4 That thine eternal Son should bear To take a mortal form ; Made lower than his angels are, To save a dying worm. 5 Yet, while he lived on earth unknown, And men would not adore, Th' obedient seas and fishes own His Godhead and his power. 6_ The ways lay spread beneath his feet ; And fish, at his command, Brought their large shoals to Peter's net, And tribute to his hand. 7 These lesser glories of the Son Shone through the fleshly cloud ; Now we behold him on his throne, And men confess him God. 8 Let Him be crowned with majesty, Who bowed his head to death ; And be his honors sounded high, By all things that have breath. 9 Jesus, our Lord, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name ! The glories of thy heavenly state Let the whole earth proclaim. 0 First Part. L. M. 0 Ver. 1, 2. Children praising God. 1 A LMIGHTY Ruler of the skies, -ZjL Through the wide earth thy name is spread; And thine eternal glories rise O'er all the heavens thv hands have made. psal'ms. 49 2 To thee the voices of the young A monument of honor raise ; And babes, with uninstructed tongue, Declare the wonders of thy praise. 3 Thy power assists their tender age To bring proud rebels to the ground : To still the bold blasphemer's rage, And all their policies confound. 4 Children amidst thy temple throng, To see their great Redeemer's face ; The Son of David is their song, And young hosannas fill the place. 5 The frowning scribes and angry priests In vain their impious cavils bring ; Revenge sits silent in their breasts, While Jewish babes proclaim their King. Second Part. L. M. 0 Ver. 3, &c. — Adam and Christ. 1 T ORD, what was man, when made at first, I A Adam, the offspring of the dust, That thou should'st set him and his race But just below an angel's place 1 2 That thou should'st raise his nature so, And make him lord of all below ; Make every beast and bird submit, And lay the fishes at his feet ? 3 But oh, what brighter glories wait To crown the second Adam's state ! What honors shall thy Son adorn, Who condescended to be born ! 4 See him below his angels made I See him in dust among the dead, To save a ruined world from sin ; But he shall reign with power divine. 5 The world to come, redeemed from all The miseries that attend the fall, New-made and glorious, shall submit At our exalted Saviour's feet. 5 50 PSALMS. n First Part. C. M. %j Wrath and Mercy from the Judgment Seat. 1 TT 7ITH my whole heart I'll raise my song ; VV Thy wonders I '11 proclaim ; Thou, sovereign Judge of right and wrong, Wilt put my foes to shame. 2 I Ml sing thy majesty and grace ; My God prepares his throne To judge the world in righteousness, And make his vengeance known. 3 Then will the Lord a refuge prove For all who are oppressed; To save the people of his love, And give the weary rest. 4 The men that know thy name will trust In thine abundant grace; For thou wilt ne'er forsake the just, Who humbly seek thy face. 5 Sing praises to the righteous Lord W"ho dwells* on Zion's hill ; Who executes his threatening word, And doth his grace fulfill. Second Part. C. M. 5J Ver. 12. — The Wisdom and Equity of Providence. 1 "TT7HEN the great Judge, supreme and just, VV Shall once inquire for blood, The humble souls, that mourn in dust, Shall find a faithful God. 2 He from the dreadful gates of death Does his own. children raise : In Zion's gates, with cheerful breath, They sing their Father's praise. 3 His foes shall fall, with headless feet Into the pit they made ; And sinners perish in the net That their own hands had spread. 4 Thus by thy judgments, mighty God, Are thy deep counsels known ; When men of mischief are destroyed, The snare must be their own. H PSALMS. 51 PAUSE. 5 The wicked shall sink down to hell ; Thy wrath devour the lands That dare forget thee, or rebel Against thy known commands. 6 Though saints to sore distress are brought, And wait, and long complain, Their cries shall not be, still, forgot, Nor shall their hopes be vain. 7 Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat, To judge and save the poor ; Let nations tremble at thy feet, And man prevail no more. 8 Thy thunder shall affright the proud, And put their hearts to pain ; Make them confess that thou art God, And they but feeble men. 10 Prayer heard, and Saints saved. C. M. 1 "TT7HY doth the Lord stand off so far, VV And why conceal his face, When great calamities appear, And times of deep distress 1 2 Lord, shall the wicked still deride Thy justice and thy power ? Shall they advance their heads in pride, And still thy saints devour ? 3 They put thy judgments from their sight, And then insult the poor ; They boast in their exalted height, That they shall fall no more. 4 Arise, O God, lift up thy hand ; Attend our humble cry ; No enemy shall dare to stand, When God ascends on high. PAUSE. 5 Why do the men of malice rage, And say, with foolish pride, " The God of heaven will ne'er engage To fight on Zion's side?" 52 r S A L II s . 6 But thou for ever art our Lord; And powerful is thy hand, As when the heathen felt thy sword, And perished from thy land. 7 Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray, And cause thine ear to hear ; Wilt mark whate'er thy children say, And put the world in fear. 8 Proud tyrants shall no more oppress, No more despise the just ; And mighty sinners shall confess They are but earth and dust. 1 1 Confidence in the Justice of God. L. M 1 IV/TV refuge is the God of love ; -L-VJ. Why do my foes insult and cry, " Fly, like a timorous trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly 1" 2 If government be all destroyed, (That firm foundation of our peace,) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress ? 3 The Lord in heaven has fixed his throne ; His eye surveys the world below : To him all mortal things are known, His eyelids search our spirits through. 4 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love and try their grace, What may the bold transgressors fear? His very soul abhors their ways. 5 On impious wretches he will rain Tempests of brimstone, fire, and death, Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere; And with a gracious eye beholds The men who his own ima^e bear. 1 Z The Saint's Safety in evil Tune*. L. M ORD, if thou dost not soon appear, *L Virtue and truth will II v awav; PSALMS. 53 A faithful man among us here Will scarce be found, if thou delay. 2 The whole discourse, when neighbors meet, Is filled with trifles, loose, and vain ; Their lips are flattery and deceit, And their proud language is profane. 3 But lips that with deceit abound Shall not maintain their triumph long ; The God of vengeance will confound The flattering and blaspheming tongue. 4 " Yet shall our words be free," they cry; " Our tongues shall be controlled by none ; Where is the Lord will ask us why, Or say our lips are not our own V 5 The Lord, who sees the poor oppressed, And hears the oppressor's haughty strain, Will rise to give his children rest, Nor shall they trust his word in vain. 6 Thy word, O Lord, though often tried, Void of deceit shall still appear; Not silver, seven times purified From dross and mixture, shines so clear. 7 Thy grace shall in the darkest hour Defend the holy soul from harm ; Though, when the vilest men have power, On every side will sinners swarm. 1 £ Prevailing Wickedness. C. If. 1 TTELP, Lord, for men of virtue fail ; XX Religion loses ground ; The sons of violence prevail, And treacheries abound. 2 Their oaths and promises they break, Yet act the flatterer's part ; With fair deceitful lips they speak, And with a double heart. 3 If we reprove some hateful lie, How is their fury stirred ! " Are not our lips our own," they cry; " And who shall be our Lord ?" 4 Scoffers appear on every side, Where a vile race of men 5* 54 PSALMS. Is raised to scats of power and pride, And bears the sword in vain. PAUSE. 5 Lord, i* hen iniquities abound, And blasphemy grows bold, When faith is hardly to be found, And love is waxing cold ; 6 Is not thy chariot hastening on ? Hast thou not given the sign? May we not trust and live upon A promise so divine ? 7 " Yes," saith the Lord, " now will I rise, And make oppressors flee ; I will appear to their surprise, And set my servants free." 8 Thy word, like silver seven times tried, Through ages shall endure ; The men that in thy truth confide, Shall find the promise sure. 1 O Pleading with God under Desertion. L. M. 'H OW long, O Lord, shall I complain, Like one that seeks his God in vain ? Canst thou thy face for ever hide, And I still pray, and be denied I Shall I for ever be forgot, As one whom thou regardest not ? Still shall my soul thine absence mourn, And still despair of thy return? How long shall my poor troubled breast Be with these anxious thoughts oppressed, And Satan, my malicious foe, Rejoice to see me sunk so low ? Hear, Lord, and grant me quick relief, Before my death conclude my grief; If thou withhold thy heavenly light, I sleep in everlasting night. How will the powers of darkness boast, If but one praying soul be lost ! But I have trusted in thy grace, And shall again behold thy face. PSALMS. 55 6 Whate'er my fears or foes suggest, Thou art -my hope, my joy, my rest ; My heart shall feel thy love, and raise My cheerful voice to songs of praise. L O Complaint under Temptations. C. M. 1 TTOW long wilt thou conceal thy face, XX My God, how long delay ? When shall I feel those heavenly rays, That chase my fears away 1 2 How long shall my poor laboring soul Wrestle and toil in vain? Thy word can all my foes control And ease my raging pain. 3 See how the prince of darkness tries All his malicious arts ; He spreads a mist around my eyes, And throws his fiery darts. 4 Be thou my sun, and thou my shield ; My soul in safety keep ; Make haste, before mine eyes are sealed In death's eternal sleep. 5 How would the tempter boast aloud, If I become his prey ! Behold, the sons of hell grow proud At thy so long delay. 6 But they shall fly at thy rebuke, And Satan hide his head ; He knows the terrors of thy look, And hears thy voice with dread. 7 Thou wilt display that sovereign grace, Where all my hopes are hung ; I shall employ my lips in praise, And victory shall be sung. - . First Part. C. M. J. HA By Nature all Men are Sinners. 1 TT^OOLS in their hearts believe and say X? That all religion's vain; There is no God that reigns on high, Or minds th' affairs of men. 2 From thoughts so dreadful and profane, Corrupt discourse proceeds ; 56 PSALMS. And in their impious hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 The Lord, from his celestial throne, Looked down on things below, To find the man that sought his grace, Or did his justice know. 4 By nature all are gone astray, Their practice all the same ; There's none that fears his Maker's hand, There's none that loves his name. 5 Their tongues are used to speak deceit, Their slanders never cease ; How swift to mischief are their feet, Nor know the paths of peace ! 6 Such seeds of sin, that bitter root, In every heart are found ; Nor, can they bear diviner fruit, Till grace refine the ground. _. Second Part. C. M. 1 4 The Folly of Persecutors. 1 A RE sinners now* so senseless grown, Jrx. That they the saints devour, And never worship at thy throne, Nor fear thine awful power ? 2 Great God, appear to their surprise ; Reveal thy dreadful name ; Let them no more thy wrath despise, Nor turn our hopes to shame. 3 Dost thou not dwell among the just ? And yet our foes deride, That we should make thy name our trust ; Great God, confound their pride. 4 Oh that the joyful day were come To finish our distress : When God shall bring his children home, Our sons shall never cease. The Citizen of Zion. C. M. 15 1 TI7HO shall inhabit in thy hill, W O God of holiness 1 Whom will the Lord admit to dwell So near his throne of grace ? PSALMS. 57 2 The man that walks in pious ways, And works with righteous hands ; That trusts his Maker's promises. And follows his commands. 3 He speaks the meaning of his heart, Nor slanders with his tongue ; Will scarce believe an ill report, Nor do his neighbor wrong. 4 The wealthy sinner he contemns, Loves all that fear the Lord ; And though to his own hurt he swears, Still he performs his word. 5 His hands disdain a golden bribe, And never gripe the poor ; This man shall dwell with God on earth, And find his heaven secure. JL O The Qualijicatio7is of a Christian. L. M. 1 T T7H0 shall ascend thy heavenly place, VV Great God, and dwell before thy face 1 The man that minds religion now, And humbly walks with God below : 2 Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean, Whose lips still speak the thing they mean ; No slanders dwell upon his tongue ; He hates to do his neighbor wrong. 3 Scarce will he trust an ill report, Nor vent it to his neighbor's hurt : Sinners of state he can despise, But saints are honored in his eyes. 4 Firm to his word he ever stood, And always makes his promise good ; Nor dares to change the thing he swears, Whatever pain or loss he bears. 5 He never deals in bribing gold, And mourns that justice should be sold ; While others gripe and grind the poor, Sweet charity attends his door. 6 He loves his enemies, and prays For those that curse him to his face ; And does to all men still the same That he would hope or wish from them. 58 PSALMS. 7 Yet when his holiest works are done, His soul depends on grace alone : — This is the man thy face shall see, And dwell for ever, Lord, with thee. _! ~ First Part. L. M. 1 0 Good Works profit Men, not God. 1 T) RESERVE me, Lord, in time of need; _L For succor to thy throne I flee, But have no merits there to plead ; My goodness cannot reach to thee. 2 Oft. have my heart and tongue confessed How empty and how poor I am ; My praise can never make thee bless'd, Nor add new glories to thy name. 3 Yet, Lord, thy saints on earth may reap Some profit by the good we do These are the company I keep, These are the choicest friends I know. 4 Let others choo'se the sons of mirth, To give a relish to their wine ; I love the men of heavenly birth, Whose thoughts and language are divine. _. ^ Second Part. L. M. 1 O Christ's All-safficiency. 1 TTOW fast their guilt and sorrows rise, XX Who haste to seek some idol god ; I will not taste their sacrifice, Their offerings of forbidden blood. 2 My God provides a richer cup, And nobler food to live upon ; He for my life has offered up Jesus, his best beloved Son. 3 His love is my perpetual feast ; By day his counsels guide me right : And be his name for ever bless'd, WTho gives me sweet advice by night. 4 I set him still before mine eyes ; At my right hand he stands prepared To keep my soul from all surprise, And be my everlasting guard. PSALMS. 59 1 _ Third Part. L. M. 1 O Courage in Death, and Hope of Resurrection. 1 TT7HEN God is nigh, my faith is strong ; VV His arm is my almighty prop ; Be glad, my heart, rejoice, my tongue, My dying flesh shall rest in hope. 2 Though in the dust I lay my head, Yet, gracious God, thou wilt not leave My soul for ever with the dead, Nor lose thy children in the grave. 3 My flesh shall thy first call obey, Shake off the dust, and rise on high ; Then shalt thou lead the wondrous way Up to thy throne above the sky. 4 There streams of endless pleasure flow ; And full discoveries of thy grace, Which we but tasted here below, Spread heavenly joys through all the place. ^ ~ First Part. C. M. 1 O Ver. 1 — 8. Support and Counsel from God. 1 Q AVE me, O Lord, from every foe ; IO In thee my trust I place ; Though all the good that I can do Can ne'er deserve thy grace. 2 Yet, if my God prolong my breath, The saints may profit by 't ; The saints, the glory of the earth, The men of my delight. 3 Let heathens to their idols haste, And worship wood or stone ; But my delightful lot is cast Where the true God is known. 4 His hand provides my constant food, He fills my daily cup ; Much am I pleased with present good, But more rejoice in hope. 5 God is my portion and my joy ; His counsels are my light ; He gives me sweet advice by day, And gentle hints by night. 60 PSALMS. 6 My soul would all her thoughts approve To his all-seeing eye ; Nor death nor hell my hopes shall move, While such a friend is nigh. - ~ Second Part. C. M. J. O The Death and Resurrection of Christ. 1 " T SET the Lord before my face, X He bears my courage up ; My heart and tongue their joy express, My flesh shall rest in hope. 2 " My spirit, Lord, thou wilt not leave Where souls departed are ; Nor quit my body to the grave, To see corruption there. 3 " Thou wilt reveal the path of life, And raise me to thy throne ; Thy courts immortal pleasures give, Thy presence joys unknown." 4 -Thus, in the name of Christ the Lord, The holy David sung, And Providence fulfills the word Of his prophetic tongue. 5 Jesus, whom every saint adores, Was crucified and slain ; Behold, the tomb its prey restores ! Behold, he lives again ! 6 When shall my feet arise, and stand On heaven's eternal hills 1 There sits the Son, at God's right hand, And there the Father smiles. S. M. 1 / Ver. 13, &c. The Portion of Saints and of Sinners. 1 A RISE, my gracious God, -IX And make the wicked flee ; They arc but thy chastising rod, To drive thy saints to thee. 2 Behold, the sinner dies, His haughty words are vain ; Here, in this life, his pleasure lies, And all beyond is pain. PSALMS. 61 3 Then let his pride advance, And boast of all his store ; The Lord is my inheritance, My soul can wish no more. 4 I shall behold the face Of my forgiving God ; And stand complete in righteousness, Washed in my Saviour's blood. 5 There la a new heaven begun, When I awake from death, Dressed in the likeness of thy Son, And draw immortal breath. 1 7 The Saint's Hope. L. M. 1 T ORD, I am thine : but thou wilt prove JLi My faith, my patience, and my love ; When men of spite against me join, They are the sword, the hand is thine. 2 Their hope and portion lie below ; 'Tis all the happiness they know ; 'Tis all they seek ; they take their shares, And leave the rest among their heirs. 3 What sinners value, I resign ; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine : I shall behold thy blissful face, And stand complete in righteousness. 4 This life's a dream, an empty show; But the bright world to which I go Hath joys substantial and sincere ; When shall I wake and find me there ? 5 Oh glorious hour ! oh bless'd abode ! I shall be near, and like my God ! And flesh and sin no more control The sacred pleasures of the soul. 6 My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet's joyful sound ! Then burst the chains, with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. 1 q First Part. L. M. lu Ver. 1 — 6, 15 — 18. Praise for Deliverance. 1 rpHEE will I love, O Lord, my strength, X My rock, my tower, my high defence : G 62 PSALMS. Thy mighty arm shall he my trust, For 1 have found salvation thence. 2 Death and the terrors of the grave Stood round me with their dismal shade ; While floods of high temptation rose, And made my sinking soul afraid. 3 I saw the opening gates of hell, With endless pains and sorrows there ; Which none, but they that feel, can tell, While I was hurried to despair. 4 In my distress I called my God, When I could scarce believe him mine; He bowed his ear to my complaint ; Then did his grace appear divine. 5 With speed he flew to my relief; As on a cherub's wing he rode ; Awful and bright as lightning shone The face of my deliverer — God. 6 -Temptations fled at his rebuke, The blast of his almighty breath ; He sent salvation from on high, And drew me from the deeps of death. ' 7 Great were my fears, my foes were great ; Much was their strength, and more their rage ; But Christ, my Lord, is conqueror still, In all the wars that devils wage. 8 My song for ever shall record That terrible, that joyful hour ; And give the glory to the Lord, Due to his mercy and his power. Second Part. L. M. 1 O Vcr. 20 — 26. Siiicerity proved and rewarded. 1 11" ORD, thou hast seen my soul sincere, JLi Hast made thy truth and love appear; Before mine eyes I set thy laws. And thou hast owned my righteous cause. 2 Since I have learned thy holy ways, I've walked upright before thy face; Or if my feet did e'er depart, 'Twas never with a wicked heart. PSALMS. 63 3 What sore temptations broke my rest ! What wars and struggles in my breast : But, through thy grace that reigns within, I guard against my darling sin ; i 4 The sin that close besets me still, That works and strives against my will ; When shall thy Spirit's sovereign power Destroy it, that it rise no more ? 5 With an impartial hand the Lord Deals out to mortals their reward ; The kind and faithful soul shall find A God as faithful and as kind. 6 The just and pure shall ever say Thou art more pure, more just than they; And men that love revenge shall know God hath an arm of vengeance too. 18 Third Part. L. M. Ver. 30, 31, 34, 35, 46, &c. Salvation and Triumph. 1 TUST are thy ways, and true thy word, J Great Rock of my secure abode : Who is a God beside the Lord ? Or where 's a refuge like our God ? 2 'Tis he that girds me with his might, Gives me his holy sword to wield ; And, while with sin and hell I fight, Spreads his salvation for my shield. 3 He lives, (and blessed be my rock,) The God of my salvation lives ; The dark designs of hell are broke ; Sweet is the peace my Father gives. 4 Before the scoffers of the age I will exalt my Father's name ; Nor tremble at their mighty rage, But meet reproach, and bear the shame. 5 To David and his royal seed Thy grave for ever shall extend ; Thy love to saints, in Christ their head, Knows not a limit, nor an end. £ Ver. 1 — 16. The Sufferings and Death of Christ. 1 TT7"HY has my God my soul forsook, VV Nor will a smile afford ? (Thus David once in anguish spoke, And thus our dying Lord.) 2 Though 'tis my chief delight to dwell Among thy praising saints, Yet thou canst hear a groan as well, And pity our complaints. 3 Our fathers trusted in thy name, And great deliverance found ; But I 'm a worm despised of men, And trodden to the ground. 4 Shaking the head, they pass me by, And laugh my soul to scorn ; " In vain he trusts in God," they cry, " Neglected and forlorn." 5 But thou art he who formed my flesh, By thine almighty word ; 72 PSALMS. And since I hung upon the breast, My hope is in the Lord. 6 Why will my Father hide his face, When foes stand threatening round^ In the dark hour of deep distress, And not a helper found ? PAUSE. 7 Behold thy darling left among The cruel and the proud ; As bulls of Bashan fierce and strong, As lions roaring loud. 8 From earth and hell my sorrows meet, To multiply the smart ; They nail my hands, they pierce my feet, And try to vex my heart. 9 Yet if thy sovereign hand let loose The rage of earth and hell, Why will my heavenly Father bruise The Son he loves so well ? 10 My God, if possible it be, Withhold this bitter cup ; But I resign my will to thee, And drink the sorrows up. 11 My heart dissolves with pangs unknown; In groans I waste my breath : Thy heavy hand has brought me down, Low as the dust of death. 12 Father, I give my spirit up, And trust it in thy hand ; My dying flesh shall rest in hope, And rise at thy command. Second Part. C. M. 22 Vcr. 20, 01, -27—31. Christ's Sufferings and Kingdom. 1 "N