IfiMT ^ PRINCETON, N. J. Collection of Puritan Literature. Section ^f g^— -7 / Number Lk. ^ A P p"e A L C#,SAR: WHEREIN GOLD *- SILVER Is Proved to be the Kings M a J e ftics \0 r A.L COMMODITY. WHICH By the Lawes of the Kingdpm, no Perfon of what Degree foever, but th&pNGS MA JESTIE, and his Privy Councel, can give Licence 'to Tranfport either Gold or Silver to any Perfon, after it is Landed in any part of the Kingdome of England. That this Great and Sacred Truft cannot be changed into the Hands of any Perfon, PerfonSjOr Corporations whatfocver, without changing or diminifli- ing the Sacred Power of his Majeftie, it being againft his Crown ana 1 Dignity. Humbly Preferred to his Moft Sacred MA JESTIE, and his Moft Honourable Privy Councel, inoppofition to fome Merchants, who are Endeavouring, upon feigned Pretences, to difpolTeiTe his Majeftie of this Royal Truft, and to have it Confirmed by Ad of Parliament, to Tranfport at the Merchants pleafure, Forreign Bullion and Coine freely, after it is Imported into the Kingdom and make it a Free Merchandize for their private profit, to the Damage of the whole Kingdom in general. By THO. ViOLET of London, Goldfmith. M A T T H. 22. 21. Render therefore unto Cefar the things which are Cefnrs t &c. LONDON, Printed in the Year 1660. CO # TO THE K I N G S mod Excellent Majeftie: And to the LORDS ofhisMAJESTiES moftHonQurable T%IVY COV^CEL. The Humble Petition of THo. VIOLET of London, Goldfmith. Mofi Dread Soveraign! Your Majefties moft Humble, Loyd and Dutiful SubjetJ, humbly upon my t\nees prefent this iifuing Narrative to Your Sacred Ma jefty^and to Your moft honourable andpru* I dent QouncelL 1 had not prefumed to haVe medkd, with this caufe and Argument , but that I fee with what eagemeffe fome Merchants of r London thought to fteal one of the pi ime Flowers of your Majefties Croton, {from your Sacred Ma- yfly, and Your moft honourable Privy Councell) before the fifing of this blejfed Parliament. True it is, Gold and Silver all over tbe~ World is a currant Merchandise, it anjwereth all things , and command* eth all things under the Sun. But fo y that in aH Kingdoms , Gold and Silver is a I\in?ly Merchandise, and only at the things Y)ifpofe and W ill \ and not at the Jifpofe of the Merchants % to be transported at their plea* jure. May it pkafe Your Majefty, by Twenty Jtls of (Parliament, theLawes of this Kingdom of England in all Ages, hath invefted it Az in i» f fa wo^ 5Wrfrf Kuufr 0/ f fa /(*«£* °f England, and their Privy Councel, and mm other (whomfoever, either Lords ; Bijhops, or Com- mons). The ^eafons upon perufaO of this Narrative , Tour Majefiy will find to have been done, upon ?noft wife, jufl y and great consideration y both for the Honour, Strength, and Defence of the IQngs Sacred *Ter fitly His Crown 3 and Dignity, and Safetie of the people. lhe Money, HuHion, Gold and Silver of this Kingdom in all A* ges, (tiS thefe perillous head*flrong Fanatick dales) ha f h been counted the chief Strength of the I^ingdom^ the very Soul of the Militia, and the Sinews of Wane and Peace ) in Your Majefiies moft Sacred Hands y and in Your Privy Councels , the Latp of this Kingdom hath inVefted it^ (and in none other of lour Majefties SubjeHs^f Vehat condition foeVer,)and there let it jajely remain to the end of this World. Your Majefties moft humble SubjeSl, upon his bended %nees y prayes Your Majefiy to hep this Sacred 7ruH intire in Your Hand, and not to dim'mijh the leaf tittle^ or branch of it. never fuffer it to be at the will of the Merchant ( leafl Your Ma= jefty 3 which God defend ,giving fomt fawning (paniels thk Authority y . 06 they defire % out of Your Sacred Hands) You give an oppertunity in a few years, that the breed of them may turn MifliVes, and fo they may have a power to fly in the Face of Your Sacfed M.ijefly, as fome of them did to Your Majefiies Humbly prefumc for to Acquaint your Lordfhips, that I underftand fomc Merchants of London^xc en- deavouring to obtain an Act of Parliament, to make Gold and Silver a Merchandize, to tranf* port freely at their will and plea fure, as it is at this -X day ztAmfterdAm, and feveral other Common- ly? wealths in chrislendome. My Lords , I am none of the Councel or Committee for Trade, and {^sfiV* n ° c fo it may be prcfumprion in me to intermeddle, to fay any thing in this LordniiJ™! bufinefle •, but my Lords, a Stander by may fee more in the Game then h »»e it at the Gamefters : I am no Lawyer, yet I humblie fay, I know this point^-f^^ concerning the giving libcrtie to Merchants to tranfport money, andbwiiiope i what the damage may be to his Majeftie, to his Lords of the Councel, {hallnot nced and to the Kingdom in general, as well as many others that are in [his'taKfe* Commiifion for the Regulating of Trade. toftopir. My Lords , I have bin writing on this Argument above this moneth, and mall be ready to prefent to his Majeftie, and his Privie Councel (within this week J a Paper that (hall unfold the many raiichiefs and dangers the Merchants would expofe the King and the Kingdom into, had they this Power in their hands .• the Merchants fliould" they obtain this their defire, and remove this Truft out of his Majeftie and his Pi ivy CouncclsHands,tobetheon!y Iudges, to give leave to Merchants to tranfport Gold and Silver, would rcb the King of oneofhisgreatcft Prerogatives, and Flowers of the Crown, which by twenty Acts of Parliament and Proclamations, is only inverted in the Kings Majeftie, and his Privy Connccl ; the granting the Merchants this Power, will bring (6) bring an hundred inconveniences andmifchiefs to the King, Nobility, and Gentry, as I have at large to (hew your Lordfhips and the Privy Councel, and if Idonotfatisfie his Majeftie, your Lordihips,and all his Privic Councel, of this that I (ay to be true, never let me have your Lordfhips good opinion, that I am either an honcft man, or one that loves the Kings Safetie, Honour, and GreatnefTc, and the Hoaour of his Privy Councel. And therefore my mod Humble Suit is to your Lordihip, (my Lord ChancellouO that if this bufineffe be called on at the Councel of Trade, and your Lordihip be prefent there this day, aslhear you in- tend to be purpoteiy about this bufinefTe, that your Lord (hip Would be plcafcd, either to put offthis bulinelfe for to have it argued before the Kings Majeftie, or his Privie Councel at Whitehall fometime next week, in the mean time I mall be ready to mew toyour Lordihip and the Pri* vy Councel, that it concerns his M ijeftie next to the Militia, to conti- nue and keep this great Truft in his Majcfties Sacred hands, and in the Power of his Privie Councel, and no other perfon by the Law, can or ought to have the Priviledge, to give leave to tranfport Gold and Silver at their pleafure, this being the foul of the Militia, rhcy that have the money and the Peoples purfes, have virtually the Command in all Common- wealths of the Government 5 let who will have the Title, the Bankers have the power $ and this priviledge is no where granted, but in Commonwealths, God defend England from the very name of a Commonwealth, for the Tragedies which were lately a&ed by fome Merchants in England. When we had no King in this our Ifrael, they have robbed the King- dome of all the Gold, aud fo now would work iniquity by a Law •, but by Gods Afliftance, I will ditf eft them, and lay the danger open to his Majeftie, your Lordihip, and the Kings mod Honourable Privie Coun- cel, and ftand or fail by your righteous Judgement, humbly praying for his Majefties Safety, Honour and Service, thatnofurtner proceed- ing in this great bufineife be argued, but before his Majeftie, and his moil prudent Privie Councel, within letfe then a week I ihall be ready with my Reafons for what I fay, to fhew your Lord ihip, that fo all the Lovers of the King might be fatisfied of the Damage and Danger of removing this great Truft, out of hisMajefties and his Privy Councels Hands. So I humbly reft N0vemh.2j.166o, Your Lordihips Humble Servant THO. VIOLET. (7) for the tight Honourable the L07(D CHANCELLOU% May itpkafe your Lord/hip to give Order , That m further proceedings in this buftnefsitMt before[His Majefty and fits VrivyCouncil the whole truth of this bufineffe will be found out. The Law faith that Gold, 3«d Silver, and Corne, and a mans Houfe is every mans own, to have a propriety in k to makeufeof between party and party, but not to deft roy the propiiery^ but he is finable by theLaw.-a man cannot lawfully burn hisownHonfe,bumhisownCorne, Tranfport his own money, but it is rlmblc-, and this was ufed in the Star Chamber by the Atturny Banks, and the King's Councel at Law, as an Argument againft the i'franfportcrs of Gold, in the Twelfth year of King Charles in the Star Chamber, when I profecuted the Tranf/ porters of- Gold and Silver, by command of tnc late Kmg Charles. I had disburfed in caufrng the Tranfporters of Gold and Silver to be fined in the Star Chamber 24:00!. at my charge 1 950I and never as yet had penny for that fcivice. This very (cnter.ee kept the Gold and Sil- ver in the Nation, till the beginning of the late War 1643. F° r which ' Service your Royal Father gave me thanks as aforefaid, but as yet never had penny of Money for doing that Service. May it pleafc your Majeftie, wbofoever goes about to tike the prero- gative out of your Majefties, aad your Privy Councels hands, of bin- Sring theTranfportirg Gold and Silver without your Majefties licence; I humbly fay ids a Jesuitical-, Fanatkk defign, under the fpecions pre- tence of Freedom of Trade,to rob your Majcftie.and your Privy Coun- cel, of the priviledg of keeping in the Treamre, and Wealth of this Kingdom, weakningyour Majfftie, and your Privy Councel, and your Royal Prerogative, leaving the Wealth, and Treafure of this Kingdom, in Gold and Silver, to be guided by the covetous defire of forec Mei- ehams,many of them care not two pence for the C^tty of the Common- wealth, fo they, and their private Families grow rich. I humbly fay it is a prefunaptuous motioirdTfbme hor headed Merchants, that would by crafty and fly pretences rob your Majeftie of tivat which is next tp the Militia of the Kingdom, nay, it ts the very foul of the Militia, Gol I a id Silvcr«get to be Matter ah that, any man may get Shipping, Armes, Mo- ney, and any thing to make a difturbance in the Kingdom. We lately fee upon what fli'e pretences the Sword was wrung out of your Majefties Royal Fathers Hands j he chat caft his eye upon any of the Flowers of your Majefttes Imperial Crown, with intent to take them out eithtr by fraud or force, let them fall as Cerah, Dithan and a- biram, and let their end be like Acbit^htls^ who leek to robyour Royal Majeftie of this your juft Prerogative. And And this 1 here humbly fay,l will wkh my life maintain before your Majeftic,and your Privy Counccl, and the Parliament or Committee of Trade: And thefe following Statutes, Lawesand Proclamations ar« my Protection, and Warrant for what I humbly fay. 1. A Proclamation againfl giving far Gold, "more then it is currant. ai. July. 1 7. Jacob. 2. A Proclamation agafoB melting, and culling heavy Extglijb Money, i8«May.p.Jjcob. 3. A Proclamation againfl buying and felling. Gold and Silver at high- er Prifes then the Minu 1 4.May. 1 Jacob. 4. A Proclamation againfl Tranfporting of Gold, 2 3. May 1. Ja>* cob. J. Kyi Proclamation againfl Profi it for Gold and Silver 5 And melting Englifh UMGney. t^tnd to prevent the abufts and praft, in making Gold and Silver Thrced, and Laces. 4.F«b.3.Caroli. 6. A frocLimation againfl Tranfporting Gold and Silver^ and melting down the Currant Silver Coins of the Nation, for Plate, or Gold, or Silver Threed. 15. May. 3. Carol us. May it pleafc your Majeftie, to obferve with what care the wifdom of former Parliaments intruded the Kings of England, and their Privy Councel, to keep can-full watch that the Gold and Silver once import- ed into this Nacion, ihould be converted into Coin, for the Strength and Honour of the Kingdom? thatthofc that did Tranfport Gold and Silver without the King's Licence, were Felons. And in the Tryali in the Star- Chamber, n.Cdroli Primi, which I followed by Order of his late Majeftie of blcffed memory. The A tturney- General Banks,znd the King'sCouncel,read mmy Prefidents,whcrein the Tranfporters of Gold and Silver had judgment, and fufFercd execution of death, as Felons. Your Mijeftie will finde tranfporting Gold or Silver without the Kings licence to be Felony, and by feveral A&s of Parliament, 17 Edtv. the 4, and the 4 Henry, cap. 1 3 , And I humbly conceive the Kingdom isinasgrcatfearcityof Gold and Silver now as it was then, foral- moft -».}! the Cold and Silver is tranfported without the Kings-licence by the difturbancc of the late War, andnow fome Merchants aregrown fopr:fumptuou5,thatthcy would have an Ad of Parliament to make k to b- at the will of theMerchants Co tranfport what Gold oriilvei freely they pleafc without licence from the King, it were bctterior the King- dom that thefe that go about to take this prerogative from the King, C2 were (is; were blind, rather then the reft of the Kingdom fhould ever fee that day thefe Merchants fhould have their will, Stat. 9 . Edw. the 3. againft thetranrportingofGoldor Silver without the Kings licence, or the melting down the currant filver coin by Goldfmiths or others into plate Stat.z.Hen. 4.^.4, Noperfonoughitoprefumeto^rranfport Gold or Silver either in coin or bulion, upon pain of forfeiture of as much as they might,which I take to be lives and eftates. a Henry 6. cap. 6. Upon a grievous complaint made in Parliament, That great fums of gold and filver was transported without the. Kings li- cence out of this Kingdom, it was ordered and enacted , That no gold, or filver fhould be tranfported out of the Realm , and becaufe it is fup- pofed the gold and filver isxranfpo rted by Merchant aliens, it is order- ed, That the Mercheant aliens mall find fecurity in the Chancery thai ihey fhall not tranfport the gold or filver monies out of the Kingdom upon pain of forfeiture of the fum or value, and if any do contrary and that duly proved, his pledges fhall pay the forfeiture, though the Mer- chant ftranger be gone beyond the Seas : If this Law had been put in ex, ecutionthislaft twenty years, the Kingdom had had millions of gold and filver, which it is now robbed of. and the offenders are now grown fo impudent to hope to get an Ad: of Parliament to rob the kingdom of all the gold and filver, as the greedy Merchant fhall find and fee his op- portunity to fend away what gold and filver they pleafe, without the Kings majefty or his privy Councils licence for the future. 18 Edw. the4. No pcrfon to carry gold or filver, or jewels out of the kingdom upon pain of Felony. l Henry the 8.*j/>. 13. An Acl made that whofocver fh »ll carry any gold or filver out of the Realm without the Kings licence, fhall forfeit double the value. The 5th. and 6th. of Edward the e>th. cap. 16. An h& touching the exchange of gold or filver, that whofoever gave more for gold or fil- ver, then it is or fhall be declared by the Kings Proclamation, fhall fuf- ferimprifonmentforthefpaceof a year, and make fine at the Kings pleafure, the one moity to his Majefty, and the other moity to the Par- tie, that fhall feizc the fame , or will fuc for it by the Bill of infor* mation $ were the Gold-fmiths of London fued on this Statute it would ruine moft of them. Had not the Aft of Oblivion pardoned them, but that gives them no licence or protection now at this day to acl as they do, to fell gold for Zi and 22, fhiliings for a Twenty milling peice. Till 09) Till this be remedied ardihe rule for the price of gold fet by your Majcftie, the Mine will never coin gold to any confidcrable quan- tity. If this defire of the Merchants fhould go on, the Kingdom of England which in all Kings raigns abounded with gold and filver, and famous for their pound fterlings, the true guide and meafurc of our monies will be puttoufe the Rooking tricks of the Bankers of Amfterdam, and other Commonwealths. Feed the people wr.h a paper credit and the Merchants have all the peoples money ; I befcech your Majefty to confider of this monftrous defign and propofals of the Merchants,fhould by your Majefty be gran- ted, which God defend, in whole hands your Majefty difpofcth the Mi- litia of the kingdom, even truly your Majefty would furrendcr rhe Mili- tia of the kingorri into the Merchants power. To fend away all the treafure of the kingdom, by which means, they will fo fettef and impoverifh the people of the kingdom, that when your Ma/eft ies loving Subjects would give you aid by confentof Parliament, they have no monies to do it but at the Merchants plea- fure, who will be the onely Judges of the price they fhall pay by ex- changing, and the quantity in coin they will pleafe to let the peo- ple have. Should the Parliament now grant your Majefty a paimentof a hun« dred thoufand pounds in coined Eng lifh gold , at twenty millings the pcice of gold, according to the Lawes and Statutes and your royal Fa- thers Proclamation, which forbids all either Forrcigncrs or Natives whomfocver, to pay, give, or utter the currant coins of gold or filver at above the Kings proclamation, upon pain of forfeiture and imprifon* ment during the tfings pleasure. See the Statute law 5, 6, Edward 6. Yet for all your Afaicfties lawes and proclamations, your ytfaiefty nor the Parliament ftall not receive a hundred thoufand pounds in gold or a ' hundred pound, but at the Merchants price , viz,. 21 fhill. 4 pence, 2 1 mill. 6 pence, 2 1 fhill. 8 pence, 22 (hill, for a twenty {hillings piece ef gold. This is done in contempt of your Ma/'efty and the law,becaufe the Merchants have got all the coined gold into their hands, and transport- ed it to forraign parts, and they will not let it come back again but at their pleafure and price make filver a free merchandize , the merchants will guide the prize and fend it all away, to the dcftru&ion of your Ma- icftiefiWint. The (20) The Merchants of London, had they this power they defire, would by tricks, either by Security or Exchange, get all the Gold and Silver into their hands. And then I tremble to think what will follow, if the Merchants be Rafters of all the money : your Majcfties Fleet will lie at Chatham, at Port [mouth, fyc. and no moneys to be raifed, but at the will of their Ban- kers j Your people in Parliament Pnall grant your Majcfties Subfidies, and when it comes to be paid, they have no money but what is in the Merchants Banks, or upon the Merchants Security, they having gotten into their hands all the money . All the world knows, the whole ftock of the money of the King- dom, is to be dtfpofed of by die credit of the City of London-, the City of London gives the Rule to the Kingdom, and the Merchant of Lon- don for credit upon money rules the City, now if yourMijeftieuY:>u!d put this power into the Merchants hands, to tranfporc Gold and Silver at their pleafurc, it would be a ready way to fee the late Tragedies act- ed over again; and it is granted by allperfons, rhatGold and Silver commandcth all things-, it your Ma)eftie fliould part with this Royal Prerogative , I humbly defire your Nlajeftie, upon my knees,tocon- fider where you will lodge this great Jewel, which is the quinteflence of the Militia :\h\\mb\y (ay manyMerchants otLondon are recovered but lately out of the madnefs of a dangcrousRebt!lion,and wife men ufe to watch fuch as have been once frenzie afterwards in all their actions, left being let goe at their own pleafure they one time or another do either thcmfclvesorfomeothersamifcheir ; this I now humbly lay, is to preferve your Majefties Gfeatnefe, tfonour, and fafety of your Jiajefty, and your mod honourable P rivy Council. I ftudy not to pleaie fome Merchants, but to fervc your Majiftie in truly ftating this bufinefs, I being formerly imploicd in this fervice by yourRoyal Father he would have believed me in this point,and concern- ing the regulating ofGold and Silver lace^and removing the obftrucHors of the Mint for (even years. I had theonely care of this bufmefs by his Majcfties orier,to prevent the transporting Gold or Silver. If your Majeftk fuffer the Merchants to obtain this their defire, all the paiments of the Kingdom will be unfixed , and your Majcfties Subjects will have no money left but Groats, and (ome odd monies, to buy But- ter and Eggs-, the Tenants muft pay their Reat>. after the Barbarious way in Scot land inBoulesof Corne, and Chaldrons of Vi&uills, Coles, Horfes, Cowes, and Sheep. Your Majcfties Privy Councel, and (20 and your great Lores, r.tvi Gcntsy,muft truck with their Tenants inftead of a thcuf and pound Sterling, to be paid them in current Gold and Sil- ver, according to 20. s. the pound Sterlingfor Gold, they muft at this day pay 2 1 .*. 6 A. if ch;y will have a twentie (hillings peccc* is not this awron^and dimunition to all the Lords in En gland, feven pound ten {hillings in the hundred, in all the Rents they are out of by Lcafc. But let Silver be made a free Merchandize,^ Tranfport at their plea- fure, without your Majefties leave, farewell all Land-Lords payments in money (then, which God defend your Majcftic mould expofe all the N^bilirie to beat the will of the Merchants, for to receive either their Kent in Money or Ware.) All payments in silver will raifc the price of your Englim (hilling (lull be fet againft your Majefties Crown, and Dignitie by the Merchant, as at this day, all the world know they have prcfumed without your Majefties leave,and againft your Lawcs,to fend away all your Majefties current Gold of the Nacion, and to make it a Merchandize here in Londtn^ in contempt, defpitc, and affront of your M3jeftie, the Parliament, and your Majefties Lawes and Statutes, and now are fo brazen Fac'd, that they look , and fue to have libertic to rob the King of this great priviledg.I humbly hope theMerchants bribe- i.-so daies are paft. they had once a time in the long Parliament to malce t'heir Gold and Silver break thorough all Bans,all Lawes j a Corporati- on of London^ with a pyn: Purfc, was fucha Roman Ram, that it batter, ed down all the Lawcs, and Statutes. I humbly hope this bufineflfe,and the mifc hiefs that would follow, if they mould obtain, their defire is fo clearly (\a^d, to be only in your Majeliie, and ynur mo ft Honourable Privy Council, that you will never pare with it to any Corporation of Merchants, or others, but to keep it fa fe where the Law hath difpofed it, it is a lewel the Law hath inverted in the Crown, and cannot be va- luedjic is an ineft imablc Pearl and R icbes. That if the Merchants cotld by confederation pay down a Million of Mo^ey to 5 our Ma : tftie prcfently, to have it in their hands ; Your Ma- kefile vrould be a lofer, Your Majeftic would part with that which is Your Honour, Your Safetn-, Your Lords, and all Your Peoples fafctie, the Soul of the Militia. I pray God upon my Knees, your Mafeftie,and your Privy Councel, would confider what is here laid, and fet a mark on thefe men that at- tempt under flyandfained pretences, by fubtiltie and craft, to under- mine >vur Majefties Throne, Crown, and Dignitie; thefe men that de« fire this to be in their Powcr> are like Water men 3 look one way, and Row another. Thefe (22) Thcfe men many of them have defigned in their heart the moJdleof aCommon-wealthjtobcthefltteft Government for this Kingdome-, God hath delivered your Majeftic from the Sword-man, the Club man, and hath reftored your Majcftie to the Glory, and Greatneffc of your Royal Father, and your PrcdccelTors, with the Hearts of all your good Subjects, and a large increafc of the Revenues of your Crown, to the joy of all your itfa/efties good subjects. This Glory troubles fome MungrtU of London, that dare not baric, but are at this day cunning fauning tya»/«/j, that would by fauning co- zen your Majeftic of this Great, atd Koyal Prerogative, which had they it, in feaven years they may lay fuch a Foundation, that the Child un- born may rue it. I have read of a little Fifh that (licking to a Ships fide (hail flop a great Ship under fail. The Merchants or a Kingdom or Common- wealth that arc Bankers and havelibertie to traniporc Gold and Silver at their pleafure, rule the Commonwealth both for War or Peace, and have virtually the fovereign powcr,beingMafters of all the peoples mo. nie. Thefe Bankers can hang a Pad- lock on the Commonwealths Sword when they pleafe.- God defend your Majeftie and your Lords from futTering them to do fo in your Kingdom oft Engl&ndfoi all the rea- fons before and after folio wirg. The Merchants of London have tranfpot ted ail the Gold and moftof the Silver out of England, principally by the confederation and aflift- ance oftheGoldfmthsin Lumbardfireet^vho are juft in the nature of the Bankers at /4mflerdam } and the Goldfmiths is your Merchants Jac- call -as the Jac-call is to the Lion, they hunt for the Lions prey. The Goldfmiths lay up Gold and Silver for the Merchants to rranfporr, fome Goldfmiths in Lumbardjlreet ,keeping at this day many great Mer- chants of London czfhcs^ and fome Noble mens cam by this credit of feveral mens monies . the Goldfmiths in Lmntbardfieet are in the nature of Bankers,and have a great ftock of Treafure by them al vvnyes of Gold, forraigncoines, and Silver. And as thcfe and the Merchants pleafe to truck and and chaffer , Cct the price or the currant Gold of your Kingdom at above the price cur- rant by Proclamation of your Royal Father, and above the price of your Mint, to the deftruclion of you-; Msjefties Mmt, and againft your Crow n and Dignities - 7 yoiirMajemes Jtfimistie'dfo ascertain rule both for the weight and flnenefs of thcStandard of your Maje'fl iesGeld andSilver,and c&imot by the Law exceed 5 now here rs the mifebie f . rhe (23) The Goldfmiths they go between the Mint and the Merchants that tranfports Gold and Silver, and out- bids the Mint, i.d . and fome times 2.d.andmorcthe Ounce in Silver, and five (billings the Ounce in Gold at this day, and Co catch up all the Gold and Silver to nanfport, being Factors, and Purveyors to the Merchants that tranfports Gold and Silver. " And by this confederation between the Merchants, and Goldfmiths, contrary to the Lawes, and Proclamations of the Kingdom, they have cheated,and robbed theKingdom,and yourMajeSies Mint in thtTover of London po& for thefc laft fifteen Yesrs have ceftroyed,and made dciolate - the fame. Your Majefties Mint in ail times, by the Law, (hould have the pre- heminence, and firft icrved. Your Majefties Mintat this day is neglected, your Majefties Lawes. defpifed, and your Majeftie, and the Kingdom of England, Lords, Gen- try, Commons, cheated, and robbed of all your Gold, and almoft all your Silver, t» the wcakning, and impoverishing of the Kingdom. This wickcdncflc is done ontly for the inriching of a few "particular Perfons, Goldfmiths,and Merchants, to the deftrudion of the whole Kingdom, and if not timely prevented, to the ruine,and deftruclion,and decay of Trade. This w*s done when we had no KING in //>*?/, God forbid your M \ jeftie now mould fuflfer it. If your Majeftie by your juftice do not make fome of thefc Offea- dors an example 5 and timely prevent ir,by the grave advice of your raoft Honourable Lords of the Counccl for the time to come,to prevent thefe abufes by a Law, or renewing the old Laws by your Majefties Procla- mation, making it loffe of Eftate for any Goldfmiths to fell any Mer- chants Gold or Silver to tranfpoi t, or to convert Gold or Silver into a- ny other ufe then Plate, and Gold, and Silver Wycr, the Offcndor for ever after to lofe his Freedom. . And that no Merchant, or Goldfmith, {hail give for Gold or Silver more then it {hall be declared for by Proclamation, upon pain of forfei- ture* And that all Goldfmiths that arc Exchangers of Forreign Bullion, fnall enter into fecuritic with theOfficets of your Majefties Mint,to your Majefties ufe, to Coin the fame, and to convert it to no other ufe. That no Merchant obtain a Licence from your Majeftie, to tranfport Gold or Silver, nor the Eaft-W/4 Company,other, or more then they them- felves cauie upon their own proper accompr, to be iruly imported, ac- cording to their Charter;, and that all Warrants for tranfporting Gold D or or Silver be Regiftred , an„l the Goldfmiths to be tyed to Com all the Gold and Silver they (hall hereafter buy, fuch Goldfmiths that will not to be debarred,the liberty to have power to exchange Forreign Gold and Silver, this being a Prero- gative of the Crown, and never granted the Company of the Gcldfniitbs 3 as I can prove by the Law, that the Warden of your Majellies Mine is your Majefties Exchanger, and he may Licence any whom he pleafe to buy Forreign Bullion , provided they put in fecuritie to Coin it in the Tower, and convert ic to no other ufe but to coin upon the pain of forfeiture of his Bonds to your Majefti?. May it pleafe Yo ir Majejly,my moft humble prayer to Your Majefty, and Privy Councel is,thatat t \is jun&ureof time the late LordCottingtonsRuIes &Obftr- vations miybe mad; ufe of for bringing of Gold and Silver into the Kingdom, that State-man about the year i6$o. made a moft advantageous Contraft with the King of Spaine,for the bringing in Silver fromSpaine inEnglifh,bottoms and Landing the Silver at Dover , one third part to be Coyned in Your UWa[cfljes Pvoyal Fathers Mint in the Tower of London, and the other two parts by Your Mtjeftjej Royal Father, and his Privy Councels Licence to be transported .at the will of the Importer/his Commilfijn wasgrantelundsr the Great Seal of Your Ma)efiyes Royal Father.by the advice of his IV. vy Councel , and above ten rnilli* onsofSilverCoynedupon thatContraft/romche year i5jo.to 1643 .This Silver hath bin almoft all tranfported away for the private profit of the Merchant, and little currant Silver Coyne L*ft in the Kingdom, but light and cliped,a*d Coun- terfetmony in abundinc-AU theGold lent away,to the defcruction cf theKing- dom, for the private p*uSt of the Merchants. If Your Majetfy pleafe to inquire of YourOfficers of theM int they can cei tlfie this is the truth. And what a dangerous ProjeS this was of fome men, to goe about to fteal fo Royal a Flower out of the Crown, fuch pilferers are Enemies to Your Majefties Crowne ar;d Dignity, and ought to be watched as men .newly recovered out of a Lunacy , kept from doing either themfelves or others mifc'i-fc. May it pleafe Your Majeity, theKing of Sftztr having peace with Holland.and France,will not have occafion to Export fo much Mony for Flanders, as He had when He had Wan with Them. Yet great Summes or Silver' will dayly be Ex- ported to Flanders from Spaine , to pay the Spaniih Garrifons in Flanders, and the Trade from Spaine to Antwerp, to pay the Bankers there, will dayly caufe great quantities of Silver to be Exported from Spain. I humbly defire,that upon Treaty with ih- Spaniih A mba(Tador, the Lords ofthe Councel would take order to Carry the King of Spaines SiJvcr, as the Lord Ctttingten Ceded it; and »hat by the Law it fhould be made Felony, f ->r any Perfon that did not Coyne one full third part ofall S:;V;r that by agreement with theKing oiSuint. mould be coyned, this Licence tc beCanftamly allow« cdto any Perfon upon the King of Syaint Compofition for Tiade from Spake; And fjr all other Pcrfons whomfocver 3 that Import Silver or Gold, to have it by Aft of this Parliament, after the faid Silver is Landed , that any Perfon that Tranfports Gold or Silver, it mould be. Confiscation of Ship and Goods , ai:d imprisonment during theKing* pleafure. B:fide*,the Forfeiture of all Gold and Silver fo put on Ship-board,tQ Tranfporc withoutYour Majefties, or your p.ivjr Coun- to) i License; AHchit all Q MntnkHr, or >chc:3 wfi i i ' >'/?.-, t'ir: Culleth and Melicth llo* uheCurraiicoeavy Silver Coyhi, for any Mahisf..- fti5rf,ortoTrjn(porr,icflj4lib Felon/, and thic without Mercy. If Thefe Lawcj by this Parliament tc Revive'.', aid [ your M<>Je{?ie$ Loy.il I I npowered, an.iComnunc'edby your M.jjdlies MoA Hon utable Px,'vy :i, to See to (he due Execution ofthem$ 3y the Bleflin» of God , 1 v. \\ in a fcw Veares Replenifh the Great wmr, and Scarcity of Gold inJ Silver, in the Kiadgom againe j An£ReiBGvrtheprtftntOc<(iiul>ion< oftbeAf:nt. May it pieafeyourMajeflicJt is the £>ecutiofl of the Law quickens and give; life to the Law, when knowing perfons fhall be intrufled to fee to the Execution. There are Laws and Proclamations againft tranfporting gold , but no inc'ou- ragement confideraMe for a mans time, all the Laws in the world will never re- form this abufe, if fome Trufty perfons be not appointed to lock in a particular manner, aDd make it their bufinefs, and a man caanot imploy feveral people to do cfiis fervice butatgreat charge, vigilance and diligent attendance to keep his watches, and intelligence in London, and the Ports; ihismdchief daily increafes, becauie no knowing perfon is impowred and commanded to take care of this great bufinefs. Queen Elizabeth would not admit the Eafi India Company, it her firft grant- ing them to be a Corporation, to tranfport the King of Spurns filver coin into the Eafi In lies, though the Merchant preffed it very often •, telling her Majefiy that her Silver Coin and Stamp was not known in the Eafi Indies , they think- ing by that to get a Licenfe to fend what Silver they pleafed : This molt pru- dent Queen, and her wifePrivieCouncelreplyed,tothe Merchants of the Eafi- India Company, that for the very reafon the Merchant alledged, to tranfporc the King of S pains filver to the Eafi Indies - t it was her fixed reafon and re- folution unalterable, (he would not grant the Eafi India Company leave to fend the King of Spains, or any forreign Princes coin into India, but ftich Silver as was coined with her Effigies and Picture on the one fide, and the Percullison the other fide, of the juft weight and finenefs of the Spanifh peeces of eight, and peeces of four Royals, and no other Silver fhould by her Merchants be fent to India. And this was her Majefties prudent reafon for the doing thereof, that becaufe the Indians did not know her, nor fee her greatnefson her Silver, her Ma jelly gave the Eafi India Company leave to tranfport Gold or Silver, but fo as fhe would for the time to come give them a juft occafion to reverence and honour her, and bow at her Effigies, declaring fhe would all the world over, where fhe gave her Merchants leave to Trade, be known to be as great a Prince as the King of Spain -. And that none fhould prefume to fend a greater quantity of Silver then (lie in her wifdome fhould judge fit, to the Eafi Indits, as will appear by their Charter, both for the quantity, and withhfcr EignreyMotto, and fonxMis upon the Silver : The Queen* Majefty declaring (lie held it as a fpeciall and chief Pre- rogative of her Crown and Dignity to put the Pircvllis upon all the Silver the Eafi India Company fhould fend to the Indies : Nor would fhe admit the Mer- chants of the Eafi IndiA Company to fend more Silver then fhe and her Privie D 2 Coun- (26) Counce! did approve of; as appears in the Journal Books, the yearly Licences de- claring (lie would have her Merchants in that point to be fubordinate ro"r-er will, not her will to be ruled at the Merchants pleafure. * And fo during all her profperous Reign to her death, this great and prudent Queen ruled her Merchants,and not the Merchants her- this was according to the Ltw of England, the Queen would ever be known to be a Queen. This Narrative will appear to be true, by the Stamps, Weights, and Standard of this Silver that was coyned in the Tower ready to be produced to your Mayfly and the mofl Honourable Privie Conned, 'if your Mayfly require the fame • this courfe con- tinned all Queen Elizabeths Reign, and it would-be for the honour and freatnefs of jour Afa'yfly, that all Silver transported to the Indksfiould bexoynedof the weio-ht of Pieces of Eight, with your Mayflies RoyJl Effigies, and the Percuiiis in^the Tower of London , that fo all th? world ever, the Nations might fee your Royal flamp,and bow down, and do reverence •, what an honmr had it been to your May- flies Grandfather and Father to have had fix ty hundredthoufand pounds tranfported in Silver to the Tndies,w>// their /lamp, which would have been dtne had ^Elizabeths honourable Rule been obferved : I humbly def re it may be done, hereafter, though your Mayfiie get nothing but fame, no profit. 1 dare undertake f/tfEaft India Compa- ny fhallhave their fiver coined in the Tower for 12 pence the found -weight, that is 6~COOO A coy ned for one thoufand pounds. 2"&Eaft India Company bymonie got thir Royal Priviledge laid down at the beginning of King James his Reign, to the great impairment and Ivffe of his Im- perial royal Crown and Dignitj -,and to the great lojfe of his Mayfly in his Alint- tgeandCeynage. and the lofing and diminution of your Royal Grandfather and Fa the} of B'lejfed memory, in their Revenue at this day above an hundred thoufand pounds in the totalfim in the duty of coyning, there being ft 'nee King lames his Reign bj that Company above fix ty hundred thoufand pounds in silver and Gold fent to the Eaft Indies, were their Bockj of Entries examined, and their Books of Account to their f ever dl Fdl-rirs in India-, what they have feht yearly to every particular faftorj, and font: Auditors appointed to make the infpefl ion upon Oath. I humbly fay, there would befoundmany hundred thoufand pounds tranfported both of Englifb Gold, and Silver, more then ever they had licence from the King- to fend to the great weakling, damage and decay of this Nation, they being a Company that heretofore ufed to bribe out all their abufes by one courfe or other. Had not your Mayfly by your Royal par dm pardoned them, they fhould before this time have found the Eaft India Company charged by me in the Exchequer with many hundred thoufand pounds of Englijh Gold and Silver, and of half Crowns and foreign Gold and Silver transported, againfl the Law ( and Statutes of the King- dome, la th'unhtvi got of m well at they could. May it pleafe your M.i'\efty, That company pretends a dibt your Royal Father flpeuld rnvtihemfor Sill'j and Pepper delivered unto one Burkmack, a Merchant a~ bout the Tear, l6|0. upon your Rjal Fathers account, had not your May Hie in jivr great mercy p.vdon.'d this-very Company of Merchants' in your gracious and free 2ardm± I.&60. I conld have chalked out the -way to have peppered the Ea£ India (2 7 ■' Company, it badtteVfr been fo peppered Jince it wcj a Comptrty, thry art fardoned for what is pafi, but they have no Privilcdge fir the time to ccme. Bat if your Mayfty command me to watch the Eaft India Company that the j {or the future fend no more gold or fiivtr then they have licence for from 'your Majefiy , I Jhall faithfully do it, and give a flop to thefe mifchkfs they have formerly committed. If your Mayfly command, J fhall not fear the riches or great nefs of the Eaft In- dia company, or Merchants of London, but I will tramel them and reduce them to the due cbedience of your Mayfties commands, and the Law of the Kingdom. For the longer this bufinefs is not lec kjd after, makes fame Merchants thinkjo get leave to weaken the Kingdom in general \ and incroach npon your A/ajefties f acred Pre- rogative to fend what filver and gold they lift away for the future, without anyComp- t roller. Mayitpltafeyoir Mafsjty, a Court in the nature of the S'ar. chamber, would Froftbite thefe Gentlemen, and make them pluck in their Horns, and fubmit to your ^fcieilics Lawes, which will be for the good of the Nation in general, that thefe men may be curbed , and not left to rob the Kingdom of all its Gold and Silver, as lorn? AiVrchanls have taken the boldnefsto do,w.Uen we- had ao Kingpin this our /jr^/fof this laft fe- venteen years. Never S*/W-%^ plaid fuch tricks in the abfence of their Schoe'-ma? fters, zs[dw\zoh\\cLor)don-merchs>;ti h-ive done .-When the Books of the Common council of London capita out together with the Eaft India Companies books, be throughhe mfpe&edjyoiir /fcfdeftie and your ho- nourable Privie Council will fee incredible pa.fFages^fit for Your maieftie to know, fuch as is for Your rriaiefiies honour and fafttie forthc future id prevent, viz,, I mod humbly pray yourMajeftie and your honourable Privie Coun- cil, to com mind true Copies of all the Acts of the Common Council of London^ from onethoufand ux hundred and thirty <-ight,toonethou^ fand fix hundred and fixty, and the true copies of the Eaft Indies Com- panies books of Envoys fent to their Fa&ors, of all the Gold and Silver' they fent yearly, the mips name, and by what FacTpr, and to what Fa-* clors in India and Perfia, ever fince ore tl bMand fix iv;r.dred and twenV tie, to one thouf'and fix hundred and fi icty : Not that 1 have the leatT thought that any of them mould be pupped for what is pafc by reafon oi your Majelties gracious pardon, but that an Eye migl\? be ' kept over them to keep them from committing the fame or the like bffceces again againft your Maieftie, your Crown, and Dignify. I humbly fay, larn Co charitable to them r that I had rather fee thenp alwaiA ■•■ ( 28 ) alwaies upright :nalhhch- anions, then ever to hear that your Makefile, mould put you: Royal fclf to that trouble to pardon them again •, when they have offended, it is better, 1 humbly fay , for the Merchants, that your Ma jefty take all courfe to keep (omc Merchants from falling ; then to take them up after they are down, if they be watched that they flikll have no oppoitunine to offend, it faves the labour of punifhing any of them. Some Merchants I have heard fay at the Council of Trade ore thou- fand fix hundred and fiftie, that it is an old Hercfie to hinder chetranf- porting of gold and filvcr freelie , and Co retrain it in the Kings hands he only to give a licence to tranfpor: Sure I am it is a Phanatick opinion for the Merchants to labour to obtain it out of your Majeftie* and your privic Councils hands, Some Merchants are great magnifiers of Commonwcalths,their Poli- cies and Governments, thofe that are for an Amfterdam model both in the Church and Kingdom; bum our Kings lacred hands this great Truft in all Ages bath happiUe continued, and no Merchant never durft ask fuch a requcft to have it at their own difpc fe •, thefe Merchants covet more profit and gain then they do the Kings Majefties greatnefs, and that makes them fo bufie to get this Royal flower out of the Crown. iM ay itpkafcyour Majefiy, your Standard of Gold and Silver is'fixed to all your Sub/eels of allyour Nations, the pound (terling is a fixed paimem, and is the guide to all the Bankers in Chrijlendom ; for till they return their Bills of Exchange for England, no Banker or Merchant can tell certainly the true intrinfecal value they fhill receive for a hun- dred pounds delivered in their Banks, by Bills of Exchange to any place but oncly England^ where thefe paiments are fixed and p ued ac- cording to the pound fterling, which is by millings, pence, and half- pence, without any fraud or bankmonie, from the paiment of one hun- dred pound, to the paiment of one hundred thoufand pounds , no man can be wronged of a penie,but it will exa&lie appear upon the cafting up of the accompr. Commonwealths and Bankers go upon Merchants fubtiltics, that is not for the Honour and Dignitie of your Mjjeftie, to makeyourmoniego high , when you are to paie your Armies 3nd Fleets, and then prefently to call it down in Ktngdbmes ; Kings are Sa . cred^ and cannot aft flick dirty, trick; , a^ Commonwealths do. England* Tragedy from one thoufand fix hundred foil rtie three ,to one thouiand fix hundred and fiaRie, may fejve asa warning to all good fob. jea s je&s, how to turn Kkigdomes into Commofrwtalchs , or to leave the power of tranfporting Gold or Silver at the wilt and pleafure of the merchant. Merchants-are like fire and water, Good Servants , but bad Ma* fiers h in their proper fphecxs good,but to get a head deftru&ive to man- kind j witnefs the late horrible Tragedies fomented and continued onely by the pleafure and power of the Jferchams and the wealth of London : The bum Child dreads the fire. I loft twentic thoufand pounds by the late Rebellion, which was hatched and kindled for the grcateft part by thole of London. They forfeited with Plenty, Riches , and Trade , the la-c Royall King Charles the firft, by his late Royall Fleets, laid the Foun- dation of the Merchants of Londons greatnefs and reputation all over the World , no Prince nor Commonwealth daring to injure the Merchants of London^ but the King with the firft winde had his Royal Fleets in their Harbours to demand repcrarion to the Merchants con- tent, cUc their harbours debarred Trait. The late glorious King got the envy of the Ship monies, but never a penny of it in his Exchequer. The Merchants of London got the profit, advantage, arid fecurity by Trading fafely, and the Seas fcont cd from Pyratcs : H >w unthankfuily the Merchants requited hisMajcfty, was (hewn in this late Rebellion, I fpeak not this that any mould bepunifhed, but that they might be pre* vented for the future to do the famj things again, as they did thisiaft fevenrecn years. In King James and K'mgCharles their r.ugos.thofegood Kin^s was got into the Citie of Londonsdzht, and ro come out of it they did part with their Lands at half the value. When Mailers borrow Money of their Servants , it makes them generally overvalue thcmfelvcs and flight their Mailers. I hope in a few years his Majefty will be in that condition to lend the City of Ltndon money, upon their Charter, the like to theHaft India Company and otner Companies to have their Lands bound, This was King Henry the fevenths W3y,he would alwaics have his £xchccque r full of money , finding it to be the greatcft fecurity to prevent all mif- chief, to have ,the King richer then his pt >pie. In the year one thoufand fix hundred fourty feven, yourRcyalFa° ther being informed that many Members of Parliament , and factious Citizens was tranfporting and packing away their eflates in Gold be- yond the Seas, whichthefehad irr aboundar.ee cozened the Kingdom of, your Royal Father commanded me by one Mr. Francis Brogdm, of Londm Gentleman, 'one whom his Majefty conflantly imploiedto go between him and his loyal Subjects, then Pnivacrs in the Tower: This ' (30) 7°his Mr. Francis Btegden brought me his Majefties, your Royal Fathers pleafure, thatl mould labour in the pretended parliament: houle to ob- tain a commiffion to dilcover the transporters of Gold and Silver , but fo that if I obtained it, I uhould ufe my diligence to difcover the Pailia- mentmen,and their fa&iousMerchants oi London, to make them odious to the Kingdom that tranfportcd Gold and Silver out of the Nation: I ufed my endeavour to make them publick to the World, for feveral years, to get this Cornmiffion to pafs by the pretended A&of Parlia- ment,anditis well known to many of the then Parliament, Sir fames Harrington, Fleetwood, and feveral others^ bnt was particularly oppofed by boih the A(hes, Mien, Harvey, Sir Henry Vane, Strickland, and many others of the Parliament, and by fwanns of 5c<5iaties of the City of London: which men had tranfportcd the Gold and Silver eut or the Nation 5 and therefore to be lure to have them within compafs of the Law, I cauied a Gentleman to file in the £xchequer a hundred informa- tions againft the tranfporters or Gold and fiiver, and to let them remain on record, till your Majefties Royal Father did come to London (this was about ore thouland fix hundred and fourty eight)at that time being the hopes and prayers of all good men. But God had decreed it other- wife, by taking your Royal Father out of this World, the World efpe- cially, this unthankful Nation, noc being worthy of him t, fo all things refted till your Majeures happy arrival in May 29. 1660. Concerning the t ranfporting of Gold and filver,though your Majeftic hath pardoned the trani porters of Gold till 29. May 1661. I. humbly fay,yourMajeity hath declared that for the future you will have all men conformable to your Laws,without refpe& of perfons 5 if this rule be ftri- c31yobfcrvcd,yourMaj:fty will never put this great buunefs of trans- porting Gold and Silver to be at the Merchants will and pleafurc, Icaft the fame tumults and troubles be played over again by fome Phanatick Merchants, as they have done within twenty years •, yourMajefty may asfaielyputaSwor dintoaMadmsns hand, oraKnifeintoaChilds, as truft the Merchantstotranipovt Gold or Silver without yourMaje* flies licence, after it is once landed. To no TO THE KIN G S mod Excellent Majcftie : And to the moft Honourable the LORDS' of his Majesties moll: Honourable T%IVY COVS^CEL. The Humble Petition of r#3. VIOLET of London^ Goldfmith. Mo ft Dread Sovereign! SSI Your Majcftics moft Humble and LoyaU ! Subject for your Ma;efties fervice humbliepray, Wffl l|J|!j that the Eaft- Wwand Verfu Companie, bring in jjfjj^gj their Charter 5 whereby ycurMa/'eitie and yourPri* vie Councel will inform your felveSjby the Charter yourRoy* all Father and Grand-Father paffed with what privildge they have granted them ,& upon what conditions and reftri&ions* £» Tha: your Ma/eftie and your Privie Councel would be pleafed to require an accompi of the EiftJndia andPerJia- Gompanie 3 cf all the (ammes of monie, Gold or Silver^ either Forrain or Englifh, which they have lent into India and ?er* /L* ; everfince July i62 4 thisis no new thing, for they did in I6lo,givcan accompr,and made it by their Books appear^tba: from the Onginall and firft foundation of their Tr^de, in Anno \6o l, to July 162% they had (hipped awaie for J/k/w on* He, 5480^0/. fterling in Spmifh monie* 3 and fome F/e* E mifr (11) mijh and Germme Dollar*, which accompt was prefcnteJIin Parliament at that time. 3* Yonr Petitioner deiircsyour Majefly to take notice^ that if the State in Parliament were then lo carefuil in times of peace, and the Trade of the Nation flourifliing, to call the Uift'India Company to an accompt for twentie years, and to caufe them to make their accomprs plainly to appear by their Books for twentie years ; furely, I humbly conceive, your Ma/efties and your Privy Counceil will exfpe& for the fer- vice of the Kingdom, to have -an exaft accompt of all the Treafure the E&- India and Terjta Companic have exported; and to have them to Produce a /uft accompt, what quanti- ties ofGold or Silver they have bought inHolland, and injother Forrein places, immediately upon their propcf accompt,and what quantitie of Englijh melted Silver in Bars, they have bought of Gold- foniths in London; what quantities of Gold in Bars, they bought of the Guink and Barbaric Companies what quantities of" Englifh coined Gold they have fent into the Etihhdies, and to fyrfia; what quantities of Cardques, Rix-Doiiars, Rials of Spain, or any other Forrein Silver, they have bought up inLo»4o«,ofMcrchants,Ooldfmiths,or others, Which without the Eaft- Iw/i* Company fo buying^ would have been brought into the Mint 2nd coined, to the great augmentation of the Rock oftbis Nation. And that thry be iequiredto give your Majcfty, and your Privie Counce), an Accompt or what quantity of Spanifh Pjftollets, Dutch Ri- ders 3 Hungarian Duckets,Gold Gilders y Go4J Albertus Ji Ban- ders, Italian Piftakts^ Turky Suite If , and all other Forreio Geld and Silver, they have bought up hi London^ of Goldimiths, Merchants , Natives 5 and grangers , which have not been members 00 members of their Companie, and tranfported to India m&tPerfij, fince 1620. All which, lam fare they have peife&Accomptsof, Aadthacthe aforefsid Companie be re- quired to fend your M?/eftif,arid ycur Privie Councel, in all the Warrants and Licences for their doing of the fame, and for a true difcoverie of the piemiflei . 4. That your Majefty, and your Privie Councel, would require the Books of£nvoies,of the iameLading of everie fliip, of ail the Gold and Silver, in Bars, or Coin, that hath been fent to the Ez&zhdies und'Perfia, fince I610* for by them your Majeftie and your Privie Councel fhall lee what Gold and Sil- ver each (hip carried, and the Ships, Factors, and Maftei's names, and to what Fadorie in PerjU or India, and the feveral years, andfo your Mayeftie and your Privie Coun cell will quicklie fee theyuft quantise to a pennie what they have tranfe ported , and in what fort of Coin, either Englifh Gold or Silver, or Porrein Gold or Silver, for the(e fourtic years ; the giving your Ma/eftie and your Privie Councell a true ac* compt thereof, will be of great concernment to the Kingdom in many refpects* 5„ That your Ma;eftie and your Privie Councell would appoint a Committee to view over the Journal Books : for out of them there will be gathered bufiseffes of great concern- ment te the Nation ,• and if fome able Book-Keepers be ap- pointed with me, to take out what I fliali obferve in them, it will tend highly to the lervice of your Majeftieand give a flop to great mifchefs that is daily pra&iled on the Kingdom. 6* If your Majeftie and your Privie Councel pleafc to in- form your (elves by this waie, your Ma/eftic and your Privie Councel will fecclearlie manie other fecrets, upon pcrufal of E 2 thefe 04; tnefe Books, then I will fpeak of, and fe your Ma/eftie and your Privie Councel will be able to red; fie 2nd fettle the Trade in aftQiirifhing conoirjon,thatit may be benificiall to the Kingdom, and all the Adventurers, whereas heretofore *nd now as it is managed, none gecreth by ir 5 but the Com- roittees of the Paid Companies, and the Companies Fa^- £tors and their Officer?. The Adventurers having been blind* cd ever Once it was a Ccmpanie, ?.n J kd by the note by their fervants, or elfc how could their Faciois and (ervams be Co rich,and the Companies llcck To poor. ?% May it pleafe your Ma/eftie and your Fr*vie Councel Ihumblieconceive^upon the Examination of all the premie fe?,.When that the Books of the Corrpanie are examined it will be found that the ILift- India Corrpanie hath (entawaie the Kingdoms Coin, both in Gold and Silver., manie hun- dred thouiancl pounds more then ever they had warrant for to do,- from your Mayefties- Gran r Father or Father thouoh. your . Mayeftie and your Privie Councel hath forgiven it, yei It ought to be prevented for the future this mifchief-whichyour Petitioner moil humblie praies for your Majefties and your Privie Counfels (crvtce, alf That your Majeftie and your mofl honourable Privie Councel commandatrueTranfcript undcrthe hand of theTown.Clerkof the Citie of ZWw , to be tranfmitted to your Mijeitie and your Privie Councel of all the Acts, and Orders of the Common Councel from the year 1638* to the 25* Murch I660, It is true, your Ma/'eftie by your gratious pardon hath pardoned all offences , but for the future there will be great ufe made of their Orders, to know by what degrees, and fteps the late confufions got to a head,aad poifoncd that great bodie of your Citie of London* I bunt* • •( . (15) I hu -viblic fate, your M.ijeite and your mofi honourable PrivleCouncel will make great u!e of the fight of them, to prevent anie the iikediftuibance again and to nip thenfin the bad (this wi i be for the general good and quiet of th« whole Kingdom ) for as London pipes, fo thegreateft parto£ the Kingdom dances, cfpeciallie all Cities and corporations^ keep the (pring head clear from being diftuibed, the ftreams will run alwaies clear, they have your Ma/efties mod: gratious pardon for what is pan:, but tbnt gives them no priviledg: coactche like things again, either by frauds fcined pretences,or by force* The Eaftplndia Companie -formerlic having made ic their common practice by giving great fummesofraoniefor Bribes,, to have liberie to opprcis the good people of the Na* tion,and to have Licence with Authoritie to deceive the King- dom ; all which abufts, 1 praie God, by the wifdbm of your Ma/dtie, and your moil honourable Pnvfe Councel, may be carcfulhe found out 5 and fuch Order and Regulation made for the future for all Traders, as may be moil for 'the profperitic of this Kingdom in general!, without anie regard to parti- cular Intereft, when it fliall be found dcftru&ive to the King- dom, and your dutifull and loyal Sub/eft fhall pray for your Majcfties long and profp«rous Reign over us. Novemb. x8. \66o, E Signed, Tho. Vioieh <37) I charged tbeEifoladfa Company before the Qouncel of Trade 16 50. Tt>ith robbing the Nation of many hundred thou/and pounds of Gold and Silver^ more then they badLktnct to fend^nd j kVerall other Mifdmeanours, Thereupon the Qouncel of Trade male tbef. Or ders. ■ . Die Mercurii Sept, n. \6$o. At the Councel for Trade at White-hall. Ordered, f I 'Hat the EaftJndh Qompany be de fired to produce their Origi* A X m ^ Carter btfore th'u Councel. Ordered, T Mat the Eaft*lndl& Company be defered to bring into this Councel , fbbat Licences they formerly have had granted them for the Tranjporting of Bullion, or Coin^ fence the year 1620. Ordered, THat the EaJlAndh Company be intreatedlikewije to produce the direB and true Accompts of all the feVerall fummes of Bullion and Coin, in anyjfrecie to the full^ that hath been year- ly tranf ported by them , fence the year 1620. Ex. Ben. Worn/, Secret* ''But theft Orders were never obeyed^ but fame ofthe^mp farliaz mentwas brib'd, and no {Reformation, I only got the EnVyfor making tht s 1 (36) this VifcoVery i I humbly hope theEafl*lad& Companies time of bri- bing. out all Bufinefs is expire d^now in jour Ma je flies blcjjed Reign ; Truth fiill preVaile, e facially fuch as are for pur Majeilies Honour, and Safety,- ^ I fhall humbly fafb your Majeftie the damage the Kingdom fuffered byfendingall the Silver to the Ej/Mndies in bpanifli monie, before it mas coinedVuh Kjng Jarr.e'Sj andKjng Chzxk's Face, and the Per* cullijfes, as it was cohrd in the ^ign of Qu,een Elizabeth, and hum- bly recommend it to your Majefliej and your - Privy Counal an accompt concerning my Jlaymg the Ships Samplon, Salvador, and St. George, 15. Decemb. \6$l.Tbe day the Judges had refolded in the Admiraltie to clear theft Ships y their Silver and Lading, then being three hundred thou/and pounds in them. I /aw about that tmeDon Aionib Decar- denis the Span* ft Amb tffador Extraordinary , come to the Pymp Parliament, and owned thtir power, as a free State and Parliament. I heard that many in Am Herd am was playing the fame prancks there with the Prince of 'Orange > as the Londoners had plaied with Tour Maf flies (Royal Father, and your W.ajeftieJJaw the Face of all things look Veryfadly, both in Fiance, Holland and Spain, tbePpyaU par- tie being banifted from home, put to great extremities abroad, and al- moft infufferable wants'. At "Which time I had advice from one of Do- ver that the three hundred thnufand pounds in Silver in the aforefaid Ships, yart of it appertained to Amftcrdaro Merchants, and other parts to Spaniards, andfome to Hamburgers^ and I hah the Copies of the Original Commijjion undir the Great Seal of Holland, to de Witr, and de RtKer, tie Vice Admirals of Holland, to require them toguard all Ships coming from Spain to Ofte ad, or Dunkirk, from the Englifh,^ Dutch and Parliament being at Warre y and this was done upon the ■ Petition of the Merchants of Wnfterdarn, to the high and mghtie Lords the 5 7 at es, to gmrd the Ships from the (Englift); which ^ 9) which Commiffio i, and Tctitio-i at this day remains in the Admiraltie. w 1 might firft divide the pretend: j, Conncel of State y in 1. dmoii ft t:cmjciVes t akut tits Silver^n the afo) cfa'td , and ft t than U jiay it, which 1 Kne^ wuuld ingage the (}{ump Parliament in aforreign W&^mdfitlyough efently to him at the Cotk*pir , to give him the Qippies -fall tie 3dls oftheje Ships Lading , and the Value ofthcSiiV'r^vLicbl did ; and fter he had them, Cromwell could [not fleep til! he had the Sdvt- w3,irkfteads cuftdyintheTzv;- er. 1 found him tsbe forward in it to get the Silver into his poffefion tn thtTpwcr; being %9. jApril 1653. Oliver Cromwell jent a guxrd of Soulditrs tofeize $n the Stiver aboard thefe Ships, the Sam- pibr, Salvador, and St. George 3 f/?e 20. day 0/ April i652,BracU fLiW tore his Hair before me, and a Friend of mine, Bradfhaw telling him that Crcm well had undone them all by forcing the (Par* HameHt y and that now hefiw apparently he Tpas an undone man. Btadfimv ftormmg at me ThoS[iGkt, faying, 1 -was thefatalleft F man , r4p; manthat ever was to theCouncel and Parliament for ft ayinglhis Silver, and that had I not ftt the Councel and Parliament to ft ay this Silver y tiU that ev rj mans claim was ■particularly proved, the Silver had been all Tranfported, and Cromwell never durfi have diffolved the Parliament, had he not got the Silver in thtfe Ship J?ein,and approbation under lecreiie, for it had coft us all our lives had it bin known,! had given the Parliament this vomit to undo them. This 1 can prove to be the truth, and Sir fames Harrington, Frances Allen and Tho. Scot ufed to fay, it was Violet deft roved the Parliament, and not Cromwell* for had I not flayed the Silver Cromwell -dm ft not have forced the Parliament. But whereas Dodor JValkrr, Mid fome others have declared to fome Merchants, and o- thersof London, I .ftayed the Spaniards Silver, and would not con fen c to the dif- charge-, I was fo far from hindnng the Spaniards of their right, that I Petitioned Cromwell and his Councel to difcharge the Spaniards Silver. But Dodor fVal'ker oppofed me in ir, as appears by Dodor Walkers Certificate to Cromwdls Councel. Mr. fejj op Chrk pfthe Parliament delivered it to me upon condition I (hould return it to him when I had done witii it, I humbly pray your Majefties moft Honourable Councel to take the pains to perufe it, and they will fee only Dodor Walker 'ftaid all the Spaniards filver, I ftayed the Dutch filver. At laft when Oliv.r Cromwd favv his Error , in taking on himfelf the go- vernment in his fingle perfon, and in looking after the filver mines in Hifpaniola and feizing upon the filver, as I had fet him to do, he curfed me often times bit- terly; Mr. Beck.ol VVtftminfter, being Oliver €romwels Solicitor , and Mafter Francis Bacon the Mafter of his Requeft : I ufed them tofollicit my bufinefsto Cromwel, for to get fatisfadion for my eftate unjuftly taken away, but rhey both told me, he would never do nothing for me, for he hated my name and remem- brance ; and that whenfoever they moved him of my name concerning any bufi- nefs.he would be in a rage ^ Mr.Becl^, and Mr. Bacon feveral times have asked me whether 1 could imagine the re^fon ? I told them No, 1 wondred at it. But indeed I know the reafon, he did fee I had fct him on thofe things which he was not able to mafter, and though I put on it the face of innocency I knew from the firfthour that Cromwell took 11^278250/. into his cuftody, that he would deftroy the Parliament,andd;vide and fubdivide among themfelves, till all ended in confufion : I thought it my duty to give your A/a;eftie, this true Accompt andean prove it as aforefaid,and feveral otherfervices,your Petitioner hath done for your Mzjeftie, where in every on he ventured* his lite for yowr -A/afefties fer- vice, and never had farthing either of the Parliament or Cromwell, but expended his own money for feveral years,to the value of fifteen hundred pounds.And twen- ty thoufand pounds taken from me by theParliament as aforefaid. There are many of the then Honourable Prifoners in the Tower can tell your Majeftic, how adive /was always in your^Wajefties Fathers fervice in the Tower; J humbly refer my felf to this following Certificate for the lofs of my Eftate, Thefe (40 THefe are to Certifie^ whm it may concern . That I WtJ liam O u- Card of London, Clerk, IxiVe known Thomas Vio- let of Loudon Goldfmith many years • and have been privy to his applications to the Parliament, for reform? him to bis ejlate, t.i ken from him by the Parliament in 164}. for his bringing up a Leu ter of Peace to the City of London, from Oxford, from his late Majeftie CHARLES the I. of blejfed Memory . And J have feen Mr. Violcrs Original Petitions 3 Account 5, and Demands of the Long Tttrlidment, for fatisfatlionfor his Eftate^ in Lands, Houfes, Offices iHonds, Debts, Goods , to the Value of above eleven thou* /and pounds ; fo much hath been covfejfed to me by /everal of the Committee of r Fs>liment y that Examined tht faid Tho. Violets Jufferings y that they found it fully proved Mr.Violtts Loffesto be above thefumme of eleven thoufand pounds, befides his Imprifonment and forbearance* And J have heard feVeral Parliament men confejfe, that Mr , Violet was lmjuflly oppre/ied, contrary to Gods Law and mans y for being /eque/ired for bringing up the $\ings Letter for 7-ence i and feveral Members of Parliaments upon my Solicitation prcmifed him from time to time ftis faction, but abufed him by delays , making htm for many years lofe both time, and expend much money in waiting on them to my knowledge • but neVtr received farthing from them. 1 do further tefiifie, upon the Terufall efMr. Violets Tapers 5 mi the Confeffwn of feVeral of his Neighbours, who knew him before the Year 1 6 4 3 . that 1 do efiem his Loffts to be far above eleven thoufand pounds fince 1643. hfi&s his Imprifonment^ and loffe of his Calling, to his damage at this time above twenty thoufand pounds. In witneffe thereof! have hereto fubferibed my Hand, Fi WILL, DU-GARD, (4*) The fame is in Ejfcci .ertifi d by feVeral other Genlkmen^wlofe Names arefubfcribed i viz Alexander Holt of London, GoUfmhb. William Bourne of London, 'Brewer. PiUL. Smith \ c . - , t, T7 (V London Ceitlemen R bert Emery -> ' Wi:neflcs, d.7 < William Barnes {Jofiab Smith. ? \fchn Wigcwo Paul Edwards. $ l Henry Gcldjl,. ^Knight ej Freeman. ] A true CoppyoF Doctor Walkers repor; conc\r, nin^; the Silver Ships the i^h of Aprill \6 \. rTenfo deEucle • an J one Them as lave fas, de Unfe Arithvi-o dc Vmtho Spm- trds, end one Devi Martin Native of Gdlhw.y 'in IreUn^ that laid particular claims every of rhem., to fbme parcels of the Silver lae'eh for thsiraccornpts ail whom i'asM, Violet Stated it came along in the faid Ships and have attended their chim: lure eve; fir.ee upon the place, in makhcrtheir proofs and Poindings - tor bringing ir on to a hearing for their particulars and arc as Mr. Violet (tares rvbV their long ftrtndaflce ar.dfpendiag in diet and otherwifc reduced t6 fuch exfemity as they ~or want are ready to ftarve. For f43j For thefcMr. Violet^ hath propo.'ed tnat hisHighnefs and yonr Lord, fliips would direct that their claims would come on to a prcfent hear* ing; that fo what was found to ,bc juftly and really theirs might be ad- judged them : not onely for their prcfent relief, but for the vindicating (a&Mr.rttkt terms it)thcjufticeof the Nation, and preventing any Imb3rgOes abroad for want of juftice here. Now for this my Lords being as I conccivcyathcr the prudential part then the legal, I muft not take upon me to give any opinion ink, but fubmit it wholly to your Lordfhipstoconfidtr the prudence of it, whe- the* you will hold it fie that thefe particulars (hall come on before the reft of :he claims •, for the other Silver in the faid Ships and fo to handle by pieces, or whether to have all the Silver directed by tryall and hear, ing altogether. For the reft being the great bulks of the Silver, Mr. Violet propofed that pleas mould be put in,to be a ground for Commiflioners to be pro- cured to go into Spain and Flanders to examine witneiies there* againft the fevf ral cUimers, and their claims fuppofing that in refpeel the Laws of Spain prohibit the carrying out of Silver under great penalties, the c'aymors woulu not dare to own it in Spain, ifCommiflioncrsforhis Highncfs, (hou'd be fent over thither and that much difcovcries would there be made, and wit a tiles be found in Spanii active perfons b: Itxia ployed and fent over thither. Mr. Viflei propofed that there would be this farther ufc made of it,by procraftinatingthc bnlinefles,and gaining of folong time as for Corn- raiffions to go into 5/u/»,and be executed there and returned. As to the iaft of thefe it is evident that it muft of neceflity gain time, and delay the heating. But whether upon the main matter, it will produce any thing or countervail the charge, which muft needs iftue out of purfe and cannot but be vaft in executing fomany ComrnirTions by the Magistrates of Spain, and imp'oy in? fucb as muft necetfarily, be fent over to look af- ter it, I have often told Mr. Violet, that I much doubr and muft fubmit it to your [ ordfhips, not daring of my felf to venture upon it j without a fpecial warrantor feveral rcalons. i . For that we yet know of never a particular witnefs by name to ex- amine wrrn we came thither. 2 .And for that ii- wili be uncertain whether after fo great acharg fpcnr to make inquiry there, any pofitive witriefles would be there or nor. 3. lfany there fhall be found it wll be uncertain whether upon the F 3 claimors (44) claymors crofs interogatorics they may not fay more againft us, then upon ours for us, being there in a Countrcy where the claymors will in all likelihood finde more means, friends and opportunities, then thofe that (hall be fenr over from hence againft them, 4. For that the claymors have already upon their own Ccramifli- ons, owned their claim? in Spain, and examined wimeitcs by the Magiftrates pubikkly there upon ; and therfcre no doubt, but they may again publickly avow them at ours, if any new Comraimons go from hence tor hU Highnefs : a* well as they did upon their own claims when Coramiflions iflucd to Spain t for them which they have procured to be there foeeded and returned back again hither into Court. And therefore what your Lordmips propolcd to me as firft in ex- pedient, that is, to endeavour that publication for the claimors might fo pafs, that liberty might be given to fee their proofs, and yet if occafion were to plead and examine witne(Tes nxwithftanding, which Albeit, the rule be that contrary matter may not be examined upon after pub- lication and fight of the witnefics; yet in thofecafes of the Silver in the faid three Ships, I have fince I waited upon your Lordmips, upon de- bates with the adverfe Proctors and Councels publickly in Court pro- . cured fuch a SmIvo by their confents to be cntred and publication is fo paftthat nowthecfefpofitionsand proofs for the claimors may be per- ufed, and yet liberty to plead and examine for his Highnefs (if there be occafion } not withftandrng- but there being fo many Commiffions returned forthe claimors, and the depofitions fo extream long, It will ask a good time to purufe and confider them. As to thercftofthe goods in thofe Ships, riot being Silver, many of them, being much decayed and perifhed by fo long lying, and fome of them having been heard already and for whatremaines, I fee no reafon at all to put off the hearing of them any longer? for that the main charge fufpicionsand grounds were againft the Silver : ?nd had not ( as I hum- • My conceive) any fuch reflex upon the Tobaccoes, Hides, andothet ! goodsj& befides fuch fpecial provifions may be made(as hath alfo been J already done in what hath been heard ) that they may have no manner of confequence at all,as to any of the Silver. And as to the Ships themfcives, w. The S*mpfo», Salvor, and St. Gesrgt, for as much as the publick Agent for Hamborongb hath often prelTed it,tha< they might be permitted to come to hearing, & lot that by this long lying, one of the faid Ship s hath been already funk in the River 5 and that if the faidShipsfhould be continued much longer without (45 J without repairing and imploymcnr, u is publicity (anihath been of- J*;^ D .f ft c £ ten) affirmed in Court, that thcywill decay, perifh and come to nothing. *« yon or o" I do humbly conceive fubmitting it neverthelcfs to your Lordfhipsf rw " rf/ had that for the avoiding of further perifhingof thefaid Snips, and other whTgroTd" lading (not being Silver) and for avoiding claimour and fcandal in de- or r«fons i lay or jufticc, The faid Ships, and remainder of the lading (except the Jj" J i J„ f j}'" Silver j may if your Lordfhips pleife, be permitted to come to a hear- froSs "Fif- ing and judgement. Ad of J ? dge As for Mr. Violet himfclf, I can onely fay t'wr. by fcvcrall Orders of W0 SJ"h? Te the former Counccll of State ; he was dire&cu to follicite and look after p^d m« as you thisbufwefle of the Silver Ships,and that he hath often attended and ^^'^ fpoken in Courr,and many times repaired to me, and confulted about curing forth: ir- and chat it hath appeared to me (and may alfo to your Lordfhips by Kmg. i was pcrufing what he hath printed) he hath fpent much time about it, and I t ^J g ne of ° verily brlicvc hath drawn much envy upon him(clf,and run fomc ha* you by federal zird and danger and fpent his own monies in going up and down to ^ d c $ K ^ make his enquiries. But I cannot determine what the produce or effect remrmbred thereof will be, or amount unto untill fome particular and pofuive ho y y° u fcr - proofs be brought ia to prove the silver, or at lead fomc part thereof ft e er Sop 1 *" really and truelyto belong to fome Hollanders^ ipcdiyln^ their names, Williams in the and the parcclls, and difcovering the fraud, in colouring it in other SJEftJf' feign :d ram ;s. *>w«e cjwi- Foras 1 have humbly declared unto your Lordfhips, for as much as ^ f/nor the the Onus probanii is by Law caft upon the claimors. The refalt is, that woaidnewr for fo much as the claimors (hall not pofitively and certainly make ipe- gWe neee any ciall and particular proofs of .• there the judgement will be for confif- J^" 8 '^"^ 6 " cation in default of their proof, in refpect of the Qwus Vrobandi fo caft. would be ad- But for fo much as the claimors (ball make,& have made pofirive par- v | fed b y mc & ticular &: concluded proofs,or their real property .There I humbly con- Sing™ after ceive unlefs more p. oofs bebroughtin, then yet arc, or that Mr. Vioht they bad rot. can bring in certain and particular proofs, to encounter the other ^[^e^*- thai" '%* -X.norei ^"'^ -iroiv-nwc wmU t>#«f no w i t x^^y-*^ rX - (4^; By Command from King CHARLES theFirft, of blefled Memory, as ap- pears by Warrant under his Royal Hand and Scat, I caufed thefe men following to be lined in the Star-Chamber, for transporting Gold nd Silver, a d cull ng and melting down the heavie Coine of the Nation. The Z$rh. of Ian. 12. Car. Th ijth. ofFebr. 12 Car: Charles Frank. 4000 1. ' At - 1 Hem 2 ceo 1 Robert Ellis 4000I. JohnTere 2000 1. Jfaac Romeer 3000 1. Timothie Eman 200c 1. Jacob Delerv locol. faa. Brames J cool Roger Flet.her ioool. ' Henry Futter 50.6 1! Richard Cockram ioool. . Henry Sweeting 500 1. John Parr at ioool. j John P rrin icol. The Total of the {aid Fines amount to the famine of 23 icol. This Sentence awed the Tranfporters of Gold, till thefe Troubles, thcydurft not tranfportGold or ^ilver^or fear I fhould meet with them. Sir John fVotfalon Knight, and fFiUiap* dbs Efquire, both Aldermen of the Chy of Loudon, beinginformed againft in this Information, by the then Attur- 'ney-General, procured a Pardon from your Ma jefties Royal Father, and fo were difharged. Thefe two villains betrayed your Royal Father. 1643. Asaforefaid. And Mr. Peter Fountain, who was informed againft for Tranfportirg of Gold by me, procured his Pardon upon paiment of 1 100 J. to the Lord of it. Alban's then Matter Jermyn. And all thefe I did bring to a Trial, at my own charge. That befides the fourteen offend ers fentenced iu the Star-Chamber, ancTpar- doned, as aforefaid, there are many other Merchants, Gold- fmiths,' and others that have tranfported Gold and Silver out of the Nation. Die Mcrcurii 1 i'ept. 1647. ORdered by the Commons in Parliament Affembled, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navie to con fider of, and take feme effectual courfe to prevent the Transportation of Bullion out of the Kingdom : andfpecdily tj> re- fort what they have done herein, to the Houfe. H. Eifing. Cler. Pari, May it pleafe your Majefty , ro perufe your Royal Fathers letter, which I have printed in this book, folio 14, wherein his late Majefty of glorious memory, comnnnds me that I mould eotdif- cover the tranfpotters of Gold and Silver to the Parliament, without his Majefties efpecial licence. His Majcfty knew the fines and compofici- on of the offenders would bring the Parliament in great fnms of mo- ney, which they would then imploy againft him , being then upon the pointtocall the S«#£ then t0 invadcthc Kingdom of England, deftroy his Majefty,and the Royal party. At the fame rime I had in thQ Parliament my Patent under examinatt- on in the Koufeof Commons } foran Office I have for two lives, ua- der your Royal Fathers great Seal of England, for the cflfaying and feal- ing all Gold and Silver Wire,and £ilver,and Gold Thrid, and to war- rant the fame to the Weaicrs, that it be good Silver, and a due proportion o( Silver to Silk. This Patent was commanded by SkRs- bertHArlow^ being Chair man to a Commttee, to be brought into the Houfe and referred to a Committee, who after fevcral daics hearing re- ferred all parties to the Law, concerning the regulation of Gold and Silver wier. And I juft ified my Patent to be for the good of the Kingdom in gene- ral, and that it faved fifty thoufand pounds a year by my faid office, and by my regulation and tying the workmen to work good Silver, and a due proportion of Silver to Silk j 'and this f humbly fay at this day to be true, as I will prove it at the Council fo r Trade. There was a Committee appointed , and Pim i Hamden, Whittaker, Cfrbet, &cxo article with me for to difcovcr the tranfpotters of Gold and Silver, and if I would do that, and rai r e the Parliament monies by the fines of the offenders, then I was by their procurement that the com- mittee of Parliament mould report the legaicy and juftice of myaforc£ faid Patent and Office ^ and it mould have been confirmed by Parlia- ment, but fit ft I was to raifc 1 he Parliament fourty thoufand pounds by the fines of thr tranfporters of Gold. This agreement was made beewcen the Committee of Parliament and me, inthe Co rt of Wards , about the 10th. of November 1643. and I prepared to make my difcovery accordingly. Bit then, may it pleafe your Mjjeftic , comes your Majefties FathersLetter, of blefled memorie, ani commands me not to do this fervicc for the Parliament at my perils / have it to mew under his -Majefties hand and Seal.There- upon prefently /obeyed his SacrcdLettcr,and chofe Poverty and Loy- G alty alty before Riches, and to be a Rebel for my Loyalty l have been moft Barbaroufly ufed. I told the Committee, that upon enquiry after thebufinefs, I found the French and Butch Merchants , and (trargers , that had tranfpor- tcd the Gold and fiivcr out of the Nation , were icmovcd honi Do- ver, and I could sot for the prefent do them that fervice I had promifed them. Whereupon Whittaher and Corbet took that but for a flam, and faid, I was your Majefties Royal Fathers Spie, a Cavalier, and a Maligna, and moved the Houie againft me, and they lent me to the Kings- bench; and there I remained a Prifoner, till I made an exchange for Mr. Hsfltrig, then Prifoner at Beaver Caftle 1643. in December. In 5P^*»^> after his late Ma/eflic had exchanged me, prefemty he commands me to bring up the Letter aforefaid, from his lare Majefly to" the Citizens of London^ which I did., and the bat bare us abuies which I received from Gitic and Parliament, for bringing the fame up, lhave humbly declared. My humble requeft unto your J/aiefiy is, that you would be pleafed to obfervc, all my fuffering is only for my loyalty to your ^/aiefties Roya! Father, would J have obeyed the P arliament, and difcoveredthe Tranfporters of Gold at that time,i643. lhadinioyed all my eftate, and been fetledin the Office which I have for two Lives for the regulating Gold and Silver Thred and Wyer. And all this damage I fuffered for obeying your Afaiefti-es Royal Fathers com- mand , to my damage at this day above twent y thoufand pounds : My moft hum- ble Petition to your Majefly is, Th^t feeing I was opprefied and traduced by the tyranny of Sir Henry Vane junior, Sir Arthur Hafdrig, and Mr. Jr. John, they being the principal A dors that ruined me, that I may have by your !V a;'efties goodnefs, bounty, and mercy, allotted out of Sir Arthur Hafelrigs, and Sir Hen- ry Vanes eftatesfuchfatisfaetion and reparation as your Majefty in your Roy- al wifdom (hall think fitandjuft for my fupport, after fo fad an oppfeflion for my loyalty to your Royal Father, the petition to the Parliament, and my charge againft Vane, St. John, Hajlerig, was put into the Parliament before your Ma je- fUes gracious Letter from Breda, the Lords in Parliament ordered me to refpite my Petition to them, until yourMaiefties happy arrival into England, and ever Jincel watched my opportunity to fhew what I have done and fuffered for your Royal Father, and what I can and will do for Your Majefties Royal fervice, if you pleafe to command me, I am at your fervice, as far as my life and eltate will go. May (49) \ T AY it pleafc your Majefty, in the yea" 1636. your Afajefties Royal rathe* I VI gave Alderman Wollafton, and Alderman Gibbs h\s Gracious pardon, Sit Henry Mildmay, and the Company of Goldfmiths, charged Alderman Wd- taftott for buying the Kings (tollenPlate,and Alderman Gibbs, {qid the only infti uments to Procure what here isfentyoujord, byorder and be you confident jhet fh a 11 fill be /o, provided you do your part^ cm* faneottab fider Ibeftech pu^ ivb.it a zip is opened by bringing in of the Scots ^ a j r c ft? es UJ JJ£ for the deflruciion of this IQngdom, if there be not a T'eace (which k" Dei : ^ pray God Almightie to fen I fp< eddy) you mujl expeel Armies of Strang* naoft eamefHy en from federal VLiceSj who aye now prepari »g 9 who certainly at thehr^city o°e coming in will over-run the whole Kjngdom^and when it is pafl remedy , JjJkeJjl? you will fee your own Errors, and therefore to prevent more mifery then °P 0fl "PfJ / km able to exprejfe to this deplorable t\ingdt>m ) and the effujaon of the th«e the beft b'oud of thdtifinds ofmen,wamen 9 anlchildren y which mujl inevitably]^ o°- a ny " be this Summer} apply your felves in an bumble a-id fubmffive way frfi^l^jjj hit Mai -/lie, whom Iknow you 'frill finde ready with Arms out* fir etch- b««ponthe . JJ . ' c J J JT i .Queen replied, eiro receive you tofvorand mercy, and grant you faVors^Ven wyond ymte n (hxi\ your expectation. Defer n) time (for God's fake) and what you *9 &&<£££ do^ do itjf>!cdily-l fy again ^do it fpeedilyjor reafons } I may not write. JJ^cJJ Oxford Dec 4 1 f\i r >5o with a petj«- or totrK King . „ — . — . i ;. .. _ fhallbe well accomodate! , and have a fl Orations Anfwcr to all or the uity of London, J 8 ^ *^ Meffe them, & r I d f God increafe . -j- it*/ ; • r i i i r c ' ieir nunD ker, IAfjureyou that I haVs not been wanting to further your good dept- and thereupon res, and if it be not your o^n faults 1 1 make no doubt but things willlu^' ySepr, have an happy ijfnefor Ifinde thofe that are mojl concern J in it, for- ShuTa"** kerchief outof ■ hspocketjand ill* teats flood in the ICirgseycs, which made bqthRead and I falls weeping, and thereupon the Queen command I CoJ Sfddtolift up the Hi ging«,"to fee nVb'ndy Bob} behind; 'the Hanging* to hear what fhee fiM 4 , which Read did, and when-iheQuecnfcenoboJybehincUt.be Hangings; Ahfw&ffaid (he the King in a mjft fai condition, wc have Traytors about us, that warch a! 1 our Words and ftflions, we fjeak nothing, hor do nothing, but it is Cc': up-o the Parliament, an i tht,I favedKu&'.ife in gett;ng hiuj ochanged of cbc G:ncra! Eficx by a urongname. G 3 ivard Col. "Read's Paper to Mr- T^lie, Sccutmafter^^ ward enough. <%efleEt now upvi the miferie of the timet y and upon the groans and fuffering* of thofe you fee not,V?hicbyet have ken nothing to what they will he, if not fpedily prevented by a Texe; which to obtain Ibefeuhyou, let it not only be your owt ca>'e } but the care of all thofe you love, or have piwer with ptherwije be confident of aptneral/ruine which certainly will be inevitable both toyourfelves and poflcrii*- and therefore take it into your ferioM confideration; and let no cdufltfs jea* louftes hinder you to apply yow fehzs in an humble midfukmijfivt man- ner to his Majeftie, who I am fare wdlyet look upon you with a &'atms eie ; loft m time y for the longer you delay, it may proVe the more dsffi* cult } no doubt. This laft Letter I Tho.Vlok: delivered from Read at Oxford to Mr. Rilieia London Decerb.20.i64:>. This ColL Read I got exchanged by a wrong na?ne, for a private Souldier, at the intreatie of Sir Bjfil Brook, who told me I fhoulddo a Very good ferYice fhr his Majejlie, and the Queens Majeftie, to get Read to be dij charged, but that mufl be done by a wrong name, or elfe faid Sir BafilBrook thenar liament would never admit of his exchange I did ejfetl it, andfent this QAl Rea : to the H\ing at Oxford, upon condition he would returne to Mr. Rilie the Scout- mafler of I ondon how he found his Majejlie inclined to receive a Petition from the Qty of London for peace, that they Veould declare thrmfelves for a peace, and Petition his Majefitefor a ceffation of -Ai ms^ and an accommodation be* tween the late K^ingof Glorious memory, Jndl Tha^Vioktwa^fent down to Oxford Dccemb.19 5^43 to bring up his Majefies Gratis Ms Letter^ the Copie of the Citie of 'London* defire^ being Jent to his Ute Majefte } wherein they defied upon the Copie I brought to Oxfird, to to have his NajeJliedireEledhis Litter to the Militia of "London jbut his late MajeHie would not oKn the Militia, to treat with them m the Militia of the Qtk t becaufe his Majeftie told me at Oxford they wen not impowredby his Commffionjand he would not own them: I told his late Majeftie y and the Lord Digbie, it was contrary to my inftrutli* ens which I received from Mr. Ri I ie, to alter thejuperfcription of His M ajeflies Letter ^utfeeingHisMajeflie wouldnot but diretl hisLetter, • To our Lord Mayor } and Aldermen of our City of Lcndon^nd all other our w.ll afTe&ed Sub/eels of that our Citie. 2" would venture my life to bring up this Letter to London ^and going according to my injlrutlionf I received from his tAaieftie, to acquaint Wolla- fton then Lord Mayor ofLondon^nd JldermanG\bb$,they caujed mefome feft houres after IwMgonfrom them, to be apprehended upon a Qharge of High Treafon. MAy it pUafc your Afajefty to perufe this enfuing Narrative, viz. in Sept. 1657,1 being fak lent to Braajhanr ro write to the preten- ded Protector Cromwel I, th t if he would not pay me the ele- ven thoufand pounds hepromifed me, to pay mc fome considerable Cum for my fupport. Braafkaw at that time wrote to Crowrvellvtty ear- neftly to pay me a confiderable fum in part, ufin£ this as his argument, and telling Mr Beck {Cromvcls SolicitourJ Mr ThoMervet^ and Mr Tarn my Chirurgeon (who were all three by when Bradfiaw wrote to the pretended Protector about me} Bradfraw faid, Remember my fcrvke to my Lord /Wector, and defire him in my name to pay Violet a confi- derable part cf his money for his fupport,according to his quality •, my Lord Protector krowes not Violet lowell as I do: If the manfliouid go to charls Stuart, he would do us more mifchicf than a hundred thoufand pounds would do us good / there are (bme Kings would give an hundred thoufand pounds for to have fuch an Engine for their turn, nndthey knew him as well as I do. This mefTage was fent to Cromrvel from Br^MjvbyMr Beck the Protectors Solicitour- Mr Hewet , Mr Yates, and thefe Gentlemen are all in London to juftifie this to be true. M; Beck upon this meflagc moved Mr Francis Bacon, the mailer of the Request, to move Cremml the Protector effectually about me, and he (54; he would alfo move him •, which they did, and they both fold mee when my name was bur mentioned for my money I petitioned for, Cromtoel was fo incenfed againft me,that he btftowed all the bad words in the world, and faid, that he took me to be a dangerous pcrfoo, and an ArrantViUain againft him-, and,in a word (faith Mr Bacon and MrB«X') he takes thee to be an Arrant Knave. They often asked me if I could i - magine the reafon that the Protc<5tor,and fomcof his Council, was fo bitter againft me, that they never heard man have a worfe character than Crcmwel did give me,andfomeof his Council that were intimate with himy-as Thurioe, &c. I replyed, I received good Forevil, the Pro- lectors payment to me is not currant to revile tee for venturing my life in his (ervice,and laying out of mypuriei5 0ol. toget him 2782 50 1. fo much money Baxter paid him clear for the filver I ftaid him in the {hips S aw f fin, Salvador and St George, as will appear by an Ordinance of Parliament for Baxters difchargefor the paymentof that money. I knew Cromwcls reafon, but would not tell it to them. For I found (when it was too late,) he knew he had undone himfelf, by feizing on this Silver and breaking up the Parliament '5 and that I was the fatal In- ftrument that advifed him to take the Silver into his own cuftody , cither under the Ban queuing houfe to lodg it, or in the Tower. He did be - licve I did it innocently and for his good t, for had he believed I had donclastrulyIdid)malitioufl^todeftroy him, he would havecaufed me to have been torn in pieces. Mr Strickland asked one Capt. Swan, a Gentleman of Kent, an inti- mate friend of mine, what he thought I was, and whether I was not a Gavaleer; Strickland telling Captain Swan, Many of us of the Coun- cil of State take Violet to be a fly and dangerous fellow, he is ai waves prefenting Proportions unto us which may bear double interpretati- ons 5 he pretends for the Councils proiir, but Iamfurcit is for their danger - 7 he hath ftaid Three hundred thoufand pounds in Silvcr,?nd hath let us together by the ears ?.mongft our felvcs, and with Holland : Cromwel and Bradjbaw makes ulc of him, promising him from day to day to give him his Eftate, b':t they but abufe him,they will never give him a fat thing. I heard Bradfiawfoy, 1 could wifh Violet had his Eftate . or the value, but there is no trufting him therein. If he mould run to the King of Scots., he would do us more mifchief than a hundred thoufand pounds. Keep him poor, and that w ill keep him uoneft to us •• for if he had his Eftate,he would be with the King of Scot;. The (55) The King of France hath a (landing Councel for to Regulate his Mints, and to hinder the Tranfporting of Gold or Silver. VVcrc the like Orders feded inEnglandjt would ta for your Majefties fervice, and keep your iViajefties A/inton work. IN" an Ordinance and tkclaratm of the %ing of France, printed at Paris, 30. Otfi$ 4 o 4 Fo/.8,9. Wtexpre fly forbid, that all Materials of Gold or Silver ^either coinr edor uncoine A, frail not be bought and /old at higher ^ates, then is ex- preflyfet down in this Declaration , which doth declare the true value that muft bepaitdfor the Mark of Sifter. We exprefly forbid every one of what qualitie or condition foeVer ,to Tranfport out of our kingdom any Gold or Silver joined or uncoined^ or any other Ooldfmiths work, uponpenaltie of forfeiture of the Mate- rials and Merchandise, and other things therein they JhaSbe found to be packed up in,befides the penalty of fiftie pounds , and bodily funifb* ment. H In 1 (56) In an Ordinance and Placcart, For the Regulating of the Mint; Publifhed in "Brujjels thelaftday oiMay, 164.0. ARTIC. XL JJ/E have alfo forbidden, and forbid by the ft prtfents every one, of what quality or con- dition foever, as well our Sub)e8s as others, 10 tranfport any Geld or Silver from henceforth out of our hands, direQly or indirectly, ortocaufe the fame to be tranfforted, Minted or unminted, without having obtained from us before hand exprejs leave and confent to do the fame ^ upon penalty of forfeiture the Goidand Silver and BulLov , a ad to fay befidestbe double worthy as alfo the Waggons tb at fhaS willingly have conveytd the fmrte^he offenders to be baniftnd out of our land for five years, and the fecond time for ever, Ordiaancc and Placcart at BruffcU the i8th. of March, 1 643. ARTIC. LVll. IXfEexPresly forbid any ferfon of what quality