THE CAMBRIDGE BIBLE ;] FOR SGHOOLS & COLLEGES i!a i mart t M mimtm»» miW m Mttff m iweata ■■ ■ JEREMIAH A N D LAMENTATiONS EDITED BY A.W. STREANE. M:a. GENERAL EDITOR J. J, -S/JPEROWNE, D. D. BISHdP OF WORCESTER \ / \ A tihvavy of trhe t:heolo0icd ^eminarjo PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY The Estate of Rockr^rell S. Brank S^ '''AfcC \- .1 1 ) , ""'"" '",/, \ ■- '^ ' \ ' < r^ , V i- " - V \ - i 5 •■/• I .-'1 y^r-^-^^jA J _li^ f ^, %l)t €mnhviXfQt 3Stl)Ie for ^t|)Cicils anU Colleges. General Editor :— J. J. S. PER( Bishop of Worcester. r\rr 21 1947 THE BOOK OF THE PROPHE(^ JERE TOGEXkE LAMENtAT'lONS, WITH MAP NOTES^AND INTRODUCTION TH^ |rEV J^W. STR^NE, D.D. ^^r-C>^Cfi,peiJS CHRIST! COylEGE, CAMBRIDGE. EDITED FOR THE SVKDICS OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. STEREOTYPED EDITION. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1895 {All Rights reserved.^ Sontion: C. J. CLAY and SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. ®laSfiOto: 263, ARGYLE STREET. ILetpjis: F. A. BROCKHAUS. i^efaj larft: MACMILLAN AND CO. aSombag: GEORGE BELL AND SONS. First Edition, 1881. Reprinted 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1895. PREFACE BY THE GENERAL EDITOR. The General Editor of The Cambridge Bible for Schools thinks it right to say that he does not hold himself responsible either for the interpretation of particular passages which the Editors of the several Books have adopted, or for any opinion on points of doctrine that they may have expressed. In the New- Testament more especially questions arise of the deepest theological import, on which the ablest and most conscientious interpreters have differed and always will differ. His aim has been in all such cases to leave each Contributor to the unfettered exercise of his own judgment, only taking care that mere controversy should as far as possible be avoided. He has contented himself chiefly with a careful revision of the notes, with pointing out omissions, with PREFACE. suggesting occasionally a reconsideration of some question, or a fuller treatment of difficult passages, and the like. Beyond this he has not attempted to interfere, feeling it better that each Commentary should have its own individual character, and being convinced that freshness and variety of treatment are more than a compensation for any lack of uniformity in the Series. CONTENTS. JEREMIAH. I. Introduction. pages Chapter I. Life and Times of Jeremiah ix — xxv Chapter II. Character and Style of the Book . . . xxv — xxx Chapter HI. Contents and Arrangement xxx — xxxviii II. Text and Notes i — 352 LAMENTATIONS. I. Introduction. Chapter I. Name, Position, Date and Structure of the Book 353—355 Chapter II. Authorship of the Book 355 — 358 Chapter III. Subject-matter and Purpose of the Book 359, 360 II. Text and Notes 361 — 391 Appendix. Note I. Traditions relating to Jeremiah 393 — 395 Note II. Other Prophecies ascribed to Jeremiah. . 395, 396 Note III. Jeremiah as a Type of Christ 396 Note IV. Approximation to a chronological Ar- rangement of the Contents of the Book 396 Index 397 — 404 Map of Jerusalem. The Text adopted in this Edition is that of Dr Scrivener's Cambridge Paragraph Bible. A few variations from the ordi- nary Text, chiefly in the spelling of certain words, and in the use of italics, will be noticed. For the principles adopted by Dr Scrivener as regards the printing of the Text see his In- troduction to the Paragraph Bible, published by the Cambridge University Press. JEREMIAH b •"'It is difficult to conceive any situation more painful than tliat of a great man, condemned to watch the lingering agony of an ex- hausted country, to tend it during the alternate fits of stupefaction and raving which precede its dissolution, and to see the symptoms of vitality disappear one by one, till nothing is left but coldness, darkness, and corruption." Lord Macaulay. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. LIFE AND TIMES OF JEREMIAH. 1. The public life of Jeremiah, author of the Book which bears his name, embraces a period marked by political and social changes of no ordinary character, and the Book itself dis- plays to us the circumstances and relations of the people of the time to a degree which the writings of none of the other prophets can approach. The events, of which the detailed narrative is here given, affected both the Jewish people, to whom it was his lot to declare the will of God, and the neighbouring nations, on whose relative strength and disposition, favourable or the re- verse, then depended the prosperity and even the existence of Judaea as a nation. We shall therefore take in order The few notices which we possess of Jeremiah anterior to his call to public office as a prophet ; The political condition of neighbouring nations, so far as ' it affected Judaea ; The social condition of Judaea at the time of the prophet's call; His call and subsequent history. 2. Notices of Jeremiah before his call to prophetic office. Chap. i. I gives us {a) his name, ib) his parentage, {c) his descent, and family dwelling-place. {a) In the Hebrew his name takes the form Yirmyahu, or (shortened) Yirmyah. Its meaning has not been reached with any certainty. Conjectures are, b2 INTRODUCTION. i. that of Gesenius ^ ' appointed of Jehov^.' ii. that of Hengstenberg^, 'Jehovah throws/ thus tracing the origin of the word as a Jewish name to the opening of Moses' song of triumph (Exodus xv.) on the occasion of the overthrow of the Egyptians, 'the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea/ and further making the individual appHcation in the prophet's case to be the work which (chap. i. lo) was specially given into his charge. " See, I have this day set thee over the nations, and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plants." iii. That of Simonis*, 'exalted of the LORD;' i.e. (i) the Lord's exalted one, 'Jehovah shall exalt/ or (ii) the Lord's (i.e. the greatest) exaltation, compare Moses ' exceeding fair/ marg. fair to God (Acts vii. 20). This is at least as good as either of the former. We have the name several times in the enumeration of David's mighty men. ip) We are told (chap. i. i) that Jeremiah was the son of Hil- kiah. The same is the name of the high-priest, who in the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign, and therefore five years sub- sequently to Jeremiah's call (chap. i. 2), discovered the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord (2 Kings xxii. 8). Were we sure that these two notices refer to one and the same person, we could with more certainty picture to ourselves the character of Jeremiah's bringing up, and the nature of the influences which would be brought to bear upon him from the fact of his father's holding not only the chief position in religious matters but also the foremost place in the reforms instituted by Josiah. And although Hilkiah seems to have been not an uncommon name ^ 'Jecit; id est, collocavit, constituit.' He refers it to a Chaldee root, occurring Dan. vii. 9, ' I beheld till the thrones were (cast down, A. V. or) sef {Thesaurus, sub v.). ^ Christologie des a. B. (Clarke's Library), ii. 361. •* He who bore it (the name) was consecrated to that God who with an Almighty hand throws to the ground all His enemies." s But see note on chap. i. i. "* Onomasticoti, p. 535. INTRODUCTION. at the time\ there is some amount of probability in this conjecture. The respect with which the prophet was as a rule treated by the princes and by the successive kings of Judah (chaps, xxxvi. 19, 25, xxxviii. 8—10), as shewn in particular by the contrast between the treatment with which he met and that which fell to the lot of Urijah (chap. xxvi. 23, 24), accords with this view, as does the fact that Baruch, a man of good birth 2 and brother of Seraiah, who held high office in Zedekiah's court (chap. li. 29), was willing to be in his employ as scribe. The remaining part of the opening sentence of the Book of Jeremiah has indeed been adduced as an objection. For {c) it is there stated that Jeremiah was (not only a priest, but) of the priestly city oi A7iathoth. The priests were not dis- tributed over the country, but lived together in certain cities which with the lands in their neighbourhood had been assigned to their use. From thence they went up by turns to minister in the Temple at Jerusalem. Thus the religious instruction of the people in the country generally was left to the heads of families, until the establishment of synagogues, an event which did not take place till the return from the captivity, and which was the main source of the freedom from idolatry that became as marked a feature of the Jewish people thenceforward as its practice had been hitherto their great national sin. Anathoth is mentioned as a city of the priests in Joshua xxi. 18. At the end of David's life also we read that Abiathar the high- priest, after the failure of Adonijah's attempt to obtain the throne of Israel, retired to Anathoth I Now Abiathar's descent from Aaron was through Ithamar (this younger branch of Aaron's descendants seem to have possessed the office from the time of Eli to that of Abiathar only), while Hilkiah, the high-priest of Josiah's time, traced his lineage through Phinehas, son of Eleazar, the elder son of Aaron (i Chron. vi. 4 — 13). Hence it has been inferred that Hilkiah would not be connected with 1 Comp. chap. xxix. 3. Hilkiah, father of Gemariah an envoy sent by Zedekiah to Nebuchadnezzar. 2 According to Josephus 'one of a very eminent family,' Ant. X. 9 § r (Whiston's Edition, 1864). * I Kings ii. 26. INTRODUCTION. Anathoth. In reply, however, it has been pointed out that there is nothing to shew the impossibility or even improbability that descendants of both sons of Aaron should dwell in the same priestly town, and that it is even likely that the dominant family would secure for its high-priest a dwelling in a place so conveniently adjacent to Jerusalem^. And further we may notice that Hilkiah is not the only name which is common to the historical and to the prophetic record of these times. Shal- lum is uncle of Jeremiah (chap, xxxii. 7), and Shallum is also husband to Huldah the prophetess (2 Kings xxii. 14); and again, Ahikam the son of Shaphan, joined with Hilkiah the high-priest and others as one of Josiah's chief supporters in his work of external reformation, can scarcely be any other than Ahikam son of Shaphan, who in the reign of Jehoiakim protected Jeremiah, when the elders of the land were compassing his death. Jeremiah speaks of himself at the time of his call as a child (chap. i. 6), and although the expression might be taken merely to signify a sense of incompetence for the work to which he was being summoned, yet it was probably not without a hteral fit- ness, as we find him apparently in full vigour of manhood for the space of forty years from that date. 3. The political conditio7i of neighbotiring nations so far as it affected Judaea. The position of Judaea exposed it to attack from Egypt on the one side, from the eastern empire of Nineveh on the other. It was not strong enough to cope with either of these without the countenance, if not active support, of the other kingdom, and therefore the problem which it had to solve was, with which of these it should throw in its lot. In the time of Isaiah, ^ 'Anata,' on a broad ridge 1^ hours N.N.E. from Jerusalem. The cultivation of the priests survives in tilled fields of grain with figs and olives. There are the remains of walls and strong foundations, and the quarries still supply Jerusalem with building stone. Grove, Art. in Smith's Bibl. Diet. It was discovered by Dr Robinson who tells us [Researches, i. p. 437, 3rd edition) that it seems to have been a walled town and a place of strength, but is apparently not directly mentioned by any writer since the days of Jerome. His party found the fragments of a column or two among the ruins. INTRODUCTION. whose prophecies terminated in the reign of Hezekiah, that prophet had earnestly dissuaded his countrymen from an Egyptian alliance. "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord... that walk to go down into Egypt and have not asked at my mouth ; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt. Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion... For the Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no purpose" (Is. xxx. i — 7). The same in substance was said by Sennacherib, king of Assyria, to Hezekiah through his messenger Rabshakeh (Is. xxxvi. 5, 6). Hezekiah's reliance on God and his prayerful spirit were presently rewarded by the miraculous overthrow of Sennacherib's host (Is. xxxvii. 36) and the violent death, thirteen years later, of their leader, who was succeeded by his son Esarhaddon. This destruction of Senna- cherib's army in the 14th year of Hezekiah (B.C. 693)^ secured Judaea against the fate which had befallen the Northern kingdom at the hands of Shalmanezer. There was no important ex- pedition made against Palestine during Esarhaddon's reign (B.C. 679 — 666) except that which he early undertook against Jerusalem in vengeance for his father's overthrow. This resulted in the removal of Manasseh, Hezekiah's son and successor, as a captive to Babylon ■'^; but Manasseh was soon allowed to re- turn, and seems to have been left in peace during the rest of his reign, Esarhaddon finding troubles nearer home quite sufficient to occupy his attention. His son Assurbanipal made expeditions into Egypt, which he divided into twelve small principahties, thus delivering Judaea from all present fear from that quarter. He is thought to have been 'the great and noble Asnapper' (Ezra iv. 10) who brought over various tribes and settled them in the cities of Samaria, but, although the king of Judah is mentioned in the recently-discovered Assyrian inscriptions, yet ^ So Neteler in examination of Schrader's ' Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament ' as quoted in the Introduction to the Book of Jeremiah in the Speaker's Comvietiiary . 2 Esarhaddon was the only king of Nineveh who lived at Babylon. This shews the accuracy of the sacred record. He dwelt there for the last eleven years of his life, and there died. INTRODUCTION. the Ninevite king would appear to have left Judaea undisturbed. Meanwhile Psammetichus reunited Egypt under his sovereignty, and during his long reign (B.C. 658 — 605) succeeded in making his country extremely formidable to its Jewish neighbour. In his time Manasseh died, Amon his son followed for two years, and was succeeded by his son Josiah, whose reign was marked by an outward reformation of morals and renewal of religious rites long in abeyance. In the 6th year of his reign the Scythians, who had marched into Palestine, were checked by Psammetichus and induced to return. Thus the Scythian incursion had made no real difference in the political position. Judaea was still wavering between the old established power of Egypt, whose prestige had been fully restored under Psammetichus, and the rapidly growing Eastern power, at present lodged at Nineveh, but soon to be transferred to Babylon. The manner in which external nations affected Judaea in times subsequent to Jeremiah's call to be a prophet we shall trace later. 4. The social condition of Jtidaea at t/ie time of the prophefs call. The religious reform of Hezekiah's time had been fol- lowed by a terrible reaction in the reign of Manasseh. " He built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord" (2 Chron. xxxiii. 5), he set up an idol in the Temple itself and dedicated his sons to Moloch by making them pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom (ibid. ver. 6). His subsequent repentance, of which the Books of Chronicles tell us, seems to have come too late to have much permanent effect upon the ordering of the kingdom, and no improvement was likely under such a man as his son Amon shewed himself to be during 'his brief reign. This was the state of affairs when Josiah came to the throne. The land was now recovering from the effects of the frequent and de- structive attacks of the Assyrian monarchs, and its continued rest in the earlier years of Josiah was in itself favourable to the plans of that king for his country's moral and spiritual welfare. With good advisers in Ahikam, Hilkiah and others, and with a nation probably more than half weary of idolatry INTRODUCTION. and its attendant evils, even before the alarm was sounded by the discovery of the lost Book of the Law, it was an oppor- tunity not to be neglected for an attempt at the revival of religion such as Josiah undertook. And yet the reformation, as in the time of Hezekiah, seems not to have penetrated much below the surface. The picture which Jeremiah draws of the condition of the people, of the prevalence of dishonesty, of open licentiousness, of murder, adultery, false swearing, is such that never does there appear to have been more need than then of one who should convict men of their sins, and stir them to a sense of the requirements of the Divine Law. 5. Jeremiah^s call and subsequent history. We cannot say whether Jeremiah at any period of his life received a formal training in the schools of the prophets instituted by Samuel and existing at Ramah, Bethel, Jericho, Gilgal, and elsewhere. They answered in some respects to our Theological Colleges, and the chief subjects of study were the Law, music and sacred poetry. The sacred narrative itself would suggest that Jeremiah, so far as human means went, was prepared for his work rather by the instruction and associations which he would have in Anathoth, and was thence called direct to the task of declaring the will of the Almighty to His disobedient people. In par- ticular the discovery of the Book of the Law by Hilkiah, made a few years after Jeremiah's call, but apparently before he had entered upon his life's work, must have made much stir at his native town, as we know that it did in Jerusalem. Whatever portion of the five Books of Moses, as we now possess them, it may have contained, it must, we are sure, have included those graphic pictures which stand in Deut. xxviii. of the punish- ments which were to follow neglect of God and lapse into idolatry. That Book made upon Jeremiah a profound im- pression, of which we see the fruit in the references to and quotations from it which abound in his prophecies ^ The ^ Compare ii. 6 with Deut. xxxii. 10; v. 15 with Deut. xxviii. 49, etc.; vii. 33 with Deut. xxviii. 26; xi. 3 with Deut. xxvii. 26; xi. 4 with Deut. iv. 20; xi. 5 with Deut. vii. 12, 13 ; xv. 4, xxiv. 9, xxix. 18, xxxiv. 17 with Deut. xxviii. 25; xxii. 8, 9 with Deut. xxix, 24 — 26; xxiii. 17 with Deut. xxix. 18, etc. ; xxxiv. 13, 14 with Deut. xv. 12. xvi INTRODUCTION. solemn covenant entered into by the nation (2 Kings xxiii. 3) must have fixed itself deeply in his mind and heart. "The king went up into the house of the Lord... and all the people, both small and great ; and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the Lord. And the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant be- fore the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his command- ments... with all their heart and with all their soul... and all the people stood to the covenant." These solemn words and the no less significant acts that followed, contrasted as they were with the state of wickedness which existed around the prophet, wrought upon his mind that effect, which God em- ployed as the means of calling forth his declarations of im- pending woe, and thus making him the typical prophet of sorrow, and a derivative from his name (jeremiad) a synonym for lamentation. 6. It was under such circumstances as these that the actual call occurred, and in a form evidently altogether unlooked for. It does not come to him in the shape of a vision of the Divine Ma- jesty as to Isaiah (chap, vi,), or of the mysterious living creatures and wheels within wheels such as was given to Ezekiel (chap, i.), but without startling symbol or ecstatic trance the command is received. He shrinks from the prospect, not from fear of the innocent blood which the Jews, following the example of their late king Manasseh (2 Kings xxi. 16), " shed very much," but from honest distrust of his own power to take the lead and deal boldly and successfully with the evils of the day, gaining a hearing and producing an impression by the power of his language joined to the solemn import of his message. The Lord reassures him, touches his mouth, and sends him forth as His prophet to the nations! The visions, by which He strengthens his hands and suggests the burden of his pro- phecy, we shall treat in their place in chap. i. 7. Jeremiah now addresses himself to the impurity and crime which he sees around him. The worship of Baal and As- tarte, and the unholy pleasures to which that worship ministered, were the subjects at once of bitter mourning and of stern rebuke. INTRODUCTION. The example of the Gentiles around stimulated the Jews to break through all restraint, and the sacrifice of their children to Moloch was but the attempt of an alarmed conscience to atone for other crimes. The restoration of the Temple and celebration of the Passover Jeremiah tells them are of no avail so long as their hearts are as foul as they were before. Nothing short of a com- plete amendment can avert the calamities of which they read in the newly discovered Book (vii. 4 — 7). Such was Jeremiah's teaching during the eighteen years which lay between his call and the death of Josiah. There is but little of incident to record during this period. He presented himself from time to time " rising early and speaking " (xxv. 3), and was exposed to '^reproach and derision daily" (xx, 8). The men of Anathoth itself sought his life (xi. 21), and his brethren "dealt treache- rously" with him (xii. 6). He is sometimes inclined to be silent and leave the world to take its course, seeing that he was but "a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth" (xv. 10). Towards the end of Josiah's reign the question arose whether he should side with the new Chaldaean power or with Egypt. Jeremiah declared for the former, and Josiah going forth in obedience probably to this decision of the prophet to arrest the progress of Pharaoh-nechoh, son of Psammetichus, who was marching against Chaldaea, was slain in battle at Megiddo. 8. Jehoahaz (the Shallum of chap. xxii. 11), Josiah's son and successor, reigned but three months. He was the second son of Josiah, and probably on account of his personal qualifications was raised to the throne in preference to the eldest son Jehoiakim. In accordance with the custom of all kings ~ whose title was disputed, he was anointed with the holy oil, as though he were the founder of a new dynasty, and adopting what appears to have been another custom of that period (a custom which has been adopted also by the Popes) he assumed a new name (Jehoahaz = the Lord possesses), which was pro- bably intended to serve as a charm or happy omen\ If so, it grievously failed of its object. In spite of the conse- quences of his father's opposition to Egypt he maintained ^ Stanley's Jewish Churchy li. 447. INTRODUCTION. the same policy, as is shewn by his being presently carried off by Pharaoh-nechoh to Riblah, while the land was put under tribute (2 Kings xxiii. 33). Although he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord (ver. 32), Jeremiah speaks of him, as of his father, with kindness and sorrow. " Weep sore for him that goeth away, for he shall return no more, nor see his native country" (chap. xxii. 10). 9. Jehoiakim, another and elder (2 Chron. xxxvi. 2, 5) brother, was placed on the throne by the king of Egypt and reigned eleven years (according to the received chronology B.C. 609—597), during which period Jeremiah occupies a most important position. The favour of the court was no longer, as in the days of Josiah, and probably in those of Jehoahaz, on the side of the godly. Jehoiakim " did evil in the sight of the Lord" (2 Kings xxiii. ^y). He laid exorbitant tribute upon the people of the land, already impoverished by war, and desired apparently to surpass even the palmy days of his predecessor Solomon in the magnificence of the palaces which should mark his reign and minister to his comfort. Forced labour, the exac- tion of which had produced much discontent even in Solomon's time (i Kings xii. 4), excited still more indignation in the present condition of the people. Their new king's desire for his own glorification and neglect of the worship of God is the subject of a striking portion of Jeremiah's writings, viz. chap, xxvi., and also chap, xxii., "Woe to him that buildeth his house by un- righteousness, and his chambers by wrong ; that useth his neigh- bour's service without wages, and giveth him not for his work ; that saith, I will build me a wide house and large chambers, and cutteth him out windows ; and it is ceiled with cedar and painted with vermilion" (xxii. 13, 14). The disregard of religion on the part of the king was thus the means of effecting a speedy separation between the true servants of God and the empty pro- fessors. The latter fall back into idolatry and wickedness ; the former are refined by the adversity, and their faithfulness shines the more brightly. 10. Real and not pretended service is the lesson which Jeremiah in the above chapters enforces, and in so doing he INTRODUCTION. xix exasperates priests and false prophets alike by the very truth of the charges which he brings. They accuse him before the princes and people of disloyalty and demand his death ; while he replies that the message does not consist of his own words, " The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house, and against this city, all the words that ye have heard" (xxvi. ii, 12). The judges, probably appointed in the days of Josiah, at any rate persons willing to deliver a righteous decision, gave the lie direct to the accusation, saying, 'this man is not worthy to die.' In so doing they followed the precedent adduced to them of Hezekiah's conduct towards the prophet Micah in a similar case, rather than conform to the arbitrary and cruel procedure of the present king in the murder of Urijah the prophet (xxvi. 17—24). 1 1. During the two years which followed, Jeremiah continued to declare the signs of the times, and to maintain in opposition to those who still advocated alliance with Egypt against Babylon, that the latter kingdom would assuredly prevail. He affirmed, as did Ezekiel later (Ezek. xxix. 18 — 20), that "all these lands are given into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar," the "servant" of God. He illustrated his words by the symbols of the moulding and remoulding of the potter's clay, and by the solemn breaking of an earthen vessel in the valley of Hinnom in presence of the chief of the priests and people (chaps, xviii. xix.). This excited the wrath of Pashur, son of Immer (to be distinguished from the son of Melchiah of chap, xxi.), who appears to have been like Jeremiah both priest and prophet, but who prophesied lies in the name of the Lord (chap. xx. 6). At his hands Jeremiah underwent ignominious treatment (chap. xx. 2), including ap- parently imprisonment for a time. 12. About this period occurred the first and partial fulfilment of his prophecies concerning the supremacy to be asserted by Babylon. In the 4th year of Jehoiakim's reign Nebuchadnezzar smote the army of Pharaoh-nechoh in Carchemish, an ancient fortress which commanded the passage of the river Euphrates (see note on chap. xlvi. 2)^ He then advanced into Palestine, ^ Stanley's Jewish Church, ii. 451. XX INTRODUCTION. driving many of its inhabitants to seek refuge within the walls of Jerusalem. Among others who thus came within reach of Jere- miah's words were the Rechabites, and this was accordingly the occasion of the interview which the prophet had with them, and from which he pointed a moral for his countrymen (chap, xxxv.)- Nebuchadnezzar advanced to Jerusalem, and carried away Daniel and others as well as vessels from the Temple to Babylon (2 Chron. xxxvi. 6, 7; Dan. i. i). Nebuchadnezzar's father Nabopolassar, joined with Cyaxares the Mede, as leader of the insurrection at Babylon, had just succeeded in overthrowing the ancient Empire of Nineveh, of which Assurbanipal, mentioned above (§ 3), was the last monarch. Nebuchadnezzar was in command of the army, and would doubtless have taken more effectual measures for the subjugation of Judaea, but for the report of his father's illness, which caused him to return hastily in order to secure his succession to the throne. 13. The Jews failed to profit by the warning which God thus granted them. In the course of the year following the with- drawal of Nebuchadnezzar, Jeremiah, himself hidden in some re- treat from the wrath of the king which he knew would be excited by what he was about to do, sent Baruch his follower with a roll to be read in the Temple on a solemn feast day in the ears of all the people. The substance of it was reported to the king ; the roll was fetched by his order, read before him, and in spite of the inter- cession of certain of the princes who were present, was burned piece by piece in the fire that was upon the hearth. Whereupon there was written by Baruch at the prophet's dictation and communicated to the king another roll containing in addition to the contents of the former a rebuke to him for his impious act and further announcements of God's coming vengeance. These words, though received by the king with a mixture of anger and contempt, had no doubt^ the effect which God designed in preserving the salt of the people during those evil times, and supporting them through the captivity which was approaching in the reign of Jehoiakim's two successors. So when Luther's books were publicly burned by order of the Papal Nuncio, the remark made to the Emperor Charles's ministers INTRODUCTION. xxi , was ^Do you imagine that Luther's doctrines are found only in those books that you are throwing into the fire? They are ' written where you cannot reach them, in the hearts of the na- I tion^' To this time are most naturally to be referred Jere- miah's absence from Jerusalem, and the symbol of the linen girdle which he was commanded (chap, xiii.) to take to the river Euphrates and hide in a hole of the rock^. Jeremiah and Baruch would probably find it unsafe to return to Je- rusalem for some years, in fact until towards the close of Jehoiakim's reign. The king received no more warnings. It would appear from the indignation and dismay with which Jeremiah's words were greeted, that up to that date the Chaldaeans had not actually come to Jerusalem. The time of judgment however at length arrived, and from the brief notices we have of this period, we can but gather that Je- hoiakim after three years of unwilling payment as tribute of the money which he yearned to spend upon his own luxurious indulgences, rebelled against Babylon (2 Kings xxiv. i), was attacked (Nebuchadnezzar being too much occupied to come in person) by numerous bands of Chaldaeans, Ammonites, Moabites, and Syrians, the subjects of Babylon (2 Kings xxiv. 2), and, probably in an engagement with some of these, came to a violent end and a dishonoured burial. His body was cast out and exposed ignominiously, dragged away and in accordance with Jeremiah's prophecy (xxii. 18, 19, where see notes ; compare xxxvi. 30) buried with the burial of an ass beyond the gates of Jerusalem. 14. Jehoiachin ( = Jeconiah, chaps, xxiv. i, xxvii. 20, xxviii. 4, xxix. 2, and = Coniah, chaps, xxii. 24, 28, xxxvii. i), son and successor of Jehoiakim, and set up by Nebuchadnezzar, reigned like Jehoahaz but three months (B.C. 597). At the end of that time, the city being besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, he yielded himself up. The king himself, the people of the land, except the poorest, the treasures of the Temple and of the king's house, ^ D'Aubigne, Bk. vi. chap. XI. (White's Translation, Vol. 11. p. 216). 2 See further in the notes. INTRODUCTION. were taken to Babylon, where Jehoiachin was detained in prison for thirty-six years, till Evil-Merodach, son and successor of Nebuchadnezzar, released him. Of Jeremiah's prophecies un- doubtedly belonging to this reign we have but a few sentences (xxii. 24 — 30). 15. Zedekiah (B.C. 597 — 586), who received this name in place of Mattaniah from Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings xxiv. 17), differed much from Jehoiakim. He was well-meaning, but weak. As Nebuchadnezzar's nominee he was more inclined than his predecessors had been to listen to that doctrine of sub- mission to the Babylonian power which Jeremiah preached. But on the other hand he had no real zeal for the service of God, and he was essentially vacillating in disposition, yielding now to the suggestions of the prophet, now to those of the princes of the people, who advocated resistance single-handed or in alliance with Egypt. It was as in the days described in Isaiah i. 21 — 23. Through the overthrow of lawful authority in the Chaldaean invasions, certain of the most energetic spirits got the rule of the city virtually into their own hands. Zedekiah did what he could for the preservation of Jeremiah, but was practically powerless against the stronger wills and more vigorous leaders opposed to him. To this time belongs the vision of the good and evil figs (chap, xxiv., where see notes). All the best and worthiest part of the nation had been carried captive. Those left were like the " naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad," and they also, the prophet announced, were shortly to be consumed from off the land. To this time belongs also chap, xxix., containing his letter of advice to the exiles, viz. to submit to their captivity and await restoration to their land. There was a false prophet at Babylon at this time, She- maiah, who sought to stir up the priests and people at Jerusa- lem against Jeremiah as a madman. In another letter written at the same time Jeremiah foretells this man's punishment (xxix. 32). 16. At the beginning of the ninth year of Zedekiah a Chal- daean army approached Jerusalem. The wealthiest of the people, who had taken advantage of the prevailing distress to INTRODUCTION. make slaves of their brethren, consented under this pressure to release them. But on the departure of the besieging army to meet that of Pharaoh- Hophra, which was thought to be about to attempt to raise the siege, the princes withdrew this boon from those lately manumitted. To this withdrawal Zedekiah was op- posed, but was, or considered himself to be, powerless to prevent it, while Jeremiah denounced in the strongest terms the act and those concerned in it, including the king (xxxiv. 17 — 22). The prophet had already several years previously appeared in the streets with a yoke upon his neck to symbolize the impend- ing servitude of the nation; and when Hananiah, who pro- phesied deliverance, had broken the yoke, he received the sentence of speedy death at the mouth of Jeremiah, because he had " spoken rebellion against the Lord." It was natural for self-reliant irreligious men to be highly displeased with such acts and words as these, and now Jeremiah's attempt during the temporary absence of the Chaldaeans to go forth to Anathoth in order to obtain provisions ^ gave his enemies the opportunity they desired to seize and imprison him as a deserter. From this after " many days " he was delivered by Zedekiah, who gave him liberty and a daily supply of food (xxxvii. 21). Although still declaring the speedy overthrow of Jerusalem, he now also prophesied plainly of the future restoration, and like the Roman, the report of whose having purchased at full value the ground on which Hannibal's army was encamped, carried dismay to that general's heart (Livy, xxvi. 11), he gave practical proof of his belief in the brighter days in store for his country- men^. But the captains, unmoved by the distant visions of hope, again seized him, Zedekiah shewing once more his weak- ness (chap, xxxviii. 5). Each house in Jerusalem had a cistern for storing up water to be used in the dry season. Into one of these, damp and miry as it was, they let down the prophet, who was ^ See the note on chap, xxxvii. 12. 2 His purchase of a portion of a field for seventeen shekels (about £%. 2s. dd. but representing a much larger amount according to the present value of money) shews that Jeremiah could not even then have been in needy circumstances. JEREMIAH C INTRODUCTION. rescued by Ebedmelech an Ethiopian eunuch. Another inter- view, first with the feeble-minded king, and then with Pashur (not the one mentioned chap, xx.) and with Zephaniah, effects no change in the position of affairs, and in the nth year of Zedekiah the city is sacked, the Temple burnt, and he and his attendants taken prisoners while in the act of flight. Zedekiah is taken to Riblah on the northern frontier of Palestine, his sons are slain in his presence, and his eyes being then put out, he is immured in a dismal dungeon. 17. As for Jeremiah, Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard, receives a special charge concerning his welfare (chap, xxxix. II, 12), and having been recognised among the prisoners of war at Ramah a village about five miles from Jerusalem, he is of- fered his choice of remaining under the new governor of Judaea, Gedaliah, or living in an honourable captivity at Babylon. Geda- liah was of a family friendly to Jeremiah. He was son of Ahi- kam, and grandson of Shaphan, the friend of Hilkiah the high- priest, and perhaps identical with Hilkiah the father of the pro- phet^. Within two months however Gedaliah was murdered by Ishmael a prince of the blood royal. Many were slain Je- remiah was probably among the prisoners, who while being car- ried off by Ishmael were rescued by Johanan. This last was one of those warlike captains who, as we saw, had sprung up during the later years of the kingdom. The prophet in vain warned the people against going down into Egypt, and foretold the want and misery which would ensue, if they disobeyed. The expectation of security from war and famine (chap. xlii. 14) pre- vailed ; they forced Jeremiah to accompany them, and from Tahpanhes, a town near the eastern border of Lower ( = Nor- thern) Egypt, we draw the last certain notices that we pos- sess of his life. He declares that Nebuchadnezzar's throne shall be set up there at the entry of Pharaoh's house (chap, xliii. 10), and (chap, xliv.) makes a dying protest against the idolatry of his countrymen, and their wanton worship of the moon ("the queen of heaven"). We have no notice in Scripture of his death. ^ See above, § 2. INTRODUCTION. 'The noble form of Jeremiah, the greatest of all the his- torical and literary prophets, fades from our sight together with the monarchy. In misery and continual peril of death he wit- nessed the fall of the State and the destruction of Jerusalem ; — he survived it, but in the silent tomb of an alien land^.' For traditions, &c., concerning Jeremiah and for the prophet considered as a type of Christ, see Appendix. CHAPTER II. CHARACTER AND STYLE OF THE BOOK. 1. Jeremiah is personally the most interesting to us of all the prophets, because, unlike the others, he shews us the inmost recesses of his mind. The various qualities which made up the man are quickly and easily gathered from his own lips. There is hardly a clearer illustration of the Providence of God in raising up men for special sorts of work than is afforded by Jeremiah. We have just seen that they were no ordinary times in which he lived. *The snake' of idolatry had been 'scotched not killed' by Hezekiah and Josiah. The spirit of disobedience and rebellion, which had been so long working in his countrymen, was now past remedy by all common means. Nothing but the nation's total overthrow, at least for a time, could effect a radical cure. 2. Glowing appeals, such as had been made by an Isaiah, a Hosea, a Micah in former days, would now have been of no avail. Those prophets had fulfilled their task, and the Holy Spirit had employed their special gifts for the work which belonged to their age. Jeremiah's office on the other hand was to utter and reiterate the warning, though sensible all the while that the sentence of condemnation was passed and would speedily be put into execution. It was not for him as for those who had preceded him to proclaim the certainty of God's protection, to urge resistance to the foe, to present scarce any but bright pictures of the future. Hopes like these, bestowed through ^ Bunsen's God in History (Winkworlh and Stanley), Vol. I. p. 67. C 2 xxvi INTRODUCTION. Isaiah, had since been forfeited, and now hardly anything re- mains save to mourn the downfall of the kingdom, to point again and yet again to the canker that had eaten out the vitals of the nation. 3. Such a task as this demanded one who, however weak in body, should be a man of rare courage, unterrified by popular clamour or princely disfavour, fixed in resolve, and thoroughly devoted to the ascertained will of God. He needed not natural gifts of oratory. His work was not to persuade, but rather to testify, to express the thoughts of the few remaining pious ones of the nation, not to gain the ear or influence the hearts of the abandoned crowd. The wearing effect of constant failure, the intense pain of seeing his nation advance step by step on the road to its overthrow, his powerlessness to avert the evils which he saw impending, the hostility and abuse which it was his daily lot to bear from those whom he sought to warn, a solitary life and prohibition of marriage^— these required as a counterpoise a heroic spirit that should not shrink from the encounter, as well as ceaseless devotion to Him whose commission he had borne even from the womb 2. 4. And yet he was naturally of a shy and timid disposition, shrinking from pubHc life, deprecating all possibility of pro- phesying in God's name^. And after he had entered upon his work, his naturally desponding mind would suggest not only that the message he bore was a sad one, but that he had not had afforded him the proofs — the credentials which marked a true prophet — such as were granted to his predecessors. No miracle was Wrought to attest his words. No prediction was fulfilled with speed, so as to indicate the solidity of his claims. On the contrary "the word of the Lord was a reproach to him, and a derision daily ^." 5. At times he seems to have well-nigh despaired not only of success but of life itself. "Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the 1 Chap. xvi. 2. 2 Chap. i. 5. 8 Chap. i. 6. * Chap. xx. 7. INTRODUCTION. whole earth!... every one of them doth curse me^." Immediately afterwards he contrasts the joy in which, inspired no doubt by the promises given him 2, he had entered upon the prophetic office, with the disheartening reception that awaited him. " Thy words were found and I did eat them ; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart... Why is my pain perpetual and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed?" Such is the bitterness of his sufferings that on one occasion we find him relating his resolve to keep silence. "The word of the Lord was made a reproach unto me and a derision daily. Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name : but his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay^." 6. Belonging to the orders both of Priest and Prophet, and living at the very time when each had sunk to its lowest state of degradation, he was compelled to submit to the buffeting which they each bestowed upon a man who was by his every word and deed passing sentence upon themselves. He saw them permitted to vent their rage upon his person, he saw them held in esteem by the people, their way prospering, those that dealt treacherously happy. "For the greater part of his mission he 'had no man likeminded with him.' From the first moment of his call he was alone, amidst a hostile world ^." But through it all conscientious devotion to duty maintained its place within his heart. The promise that he should be as a brasen wall made at the time of his call*^ and renewed later ^ never failed him. 7. Jeremiah has been likened to several characters in profane history — to Cassandra, the Trojan prophetess, whose fate it was never to be beheved, though prophesying nothing but the truth ; to Phocion, the rival of Demosthenes in the last generation of Athenian greatness, who maintained the unpopular but sound doctrine that, if Athens were to escape worse evils, she must submit peaceably to the growing power of Macedon ; to Dante, 1 Chap. XV. 10. 2 Chap. i. 10, 18. 3 Chap. XX. 8, 9. ^ Stanley's Jewish Churchy ii. 439. ^ Chap. i. iS. •' Chap. xv. 20. INTRODUCTION. whose native state, Florence, was in relation to France and the Empire as Palestine was to Egypt and Babylon, while the poet like the prophet could only protest without effect against the thickening ills. 8. His style corresponds closely with what we should expect from his character. It displays (a) Absence of ornament. This thoroughly befits his inarti- ficial nature. He is not only pre-eminently the prophet of sor- row, but, as shrinking from anything like display of himself, and full of humility as of zeal for God's honour, he naturally was led to the simplest form of words to express the painful images which ever held possession of his thoughts. In him the glowing language and vivacity which characterize Isaiah's writings have no place, and while his style has a beauty of its own, it has at its best a shade of sadness, and its fervour, when it rises to such, is the fervour of expostulation or grief. {d) Frequent repetition. This also is to be expected, inas- much as the main subject, on which he is charged to deliver himself, is the same throughout. However manifold the images by which he illustrates the thought, however varied the in- tensity with which he regards it, the sins to be denounced and the penalties foretold are in the main identical i. ^ Chap. ii. 28 repeated in xi. i^. V. 9, 29 ,, ix. 9. vi. 13 — 15 ,, viii. 10 — 12. vii. 14 ,, xxvi. 6. X. 12 — 16 ,, li. 15 — 19. xi. 20 ,, XX. 12. XV. 2 ,, xliii. XI. xvi. 14, 15 ,, xxiii. 7, 8. xvii. 25 ,, xxii. 4. xxiii, 19, 20 ,, XXX. 23, 24. XXX. II ,, xlvi. 28. xxxi. 35, 36 ,, xxxiii. 25, 26. List of places in which the same thought or image is repeated — The brasen wall, chap. i. 18, xv. 20. The turned back, ii. 27, vii. 24, xxxii. 33. Fury that burns like fire, iv. 4, xxi. 12. The travailing woman, iv. 31, vi. 24, xiii. 21, xxii. 23, xxx. 6. INTRODUCTION. {c) Frequent cases of coincidence in language with earlier prophets, as well as especially with the Book of Deuteronomy. Of this also we may easily perceive the reason. It was natural that one daily exposed to so much obloquy for the nature of his predictions should be anxious to vindicate himself by shewing that there was no break, no want of harmony, between himself and the older prophets, that what he maintained was the same that they had ever maintained, viz. that idolatry and national crimes entailed national overthrow i. The newly-discovered Book of the Law would, we might well expect, supply him with many examples of this teaching. {d) Numerous images used by way of illustration. But here we notice a peculiar mingling of the image and the thing signified by it. Jeremiah's vehemence and rapidity of thought are so great, that before he has done more than present us with a portion of the figure, he dismisses it, and falls back upon the subject itself. Thus e.g. (chap. i. 15) he speaks of the attack of hostile nations upon Jerusalem under the guise of judges sitting in the Rising up early, vii. 13, 25, xi. 7, xxv. 3, 4, xxvi. 5, xxix. 19, xxxii. 33, XXXV. 14, 15, xliv. 4. Water of gall, viii. 14, ix. 15, xxiii. 15. The incurable wound, xv. 18, xxx. 12. The figs too bad to be eaten, xxiv. 8, xxix. 17. Phrases which often recur — Walking in the stubbornness of the heart, chap. iii. 17, vii. 24, ix. I4, xi. 8, xiii. 10, xvi. 12, xxiii. 17. The evil of men's doings, iv. 4, xxi. 12, xxiii. 2, 22, xxv, 5, xxvi. 3, xliv. 22. The voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, vii. 34, xvi. 9, xxv. 10, xxxiii. II. Men dying in the siege by the sword, by the pestilence, and by famine, xiv. 12, 15, 16, xv. 2, xvi. 4, xviii. 21, xxi. 7, 9, xxiv. 10, xxvii. 8, 13, xxix. 17, xxxii. 24, 36, xxxiv. 17, xxxviii. 2, xlii. 17, 22, xliii. 11, xliv. 13. (Taken with slight additions from the Speaker'' s Co}7inientary .) ^ Parallels between Jeremiah and older books, exclusive of those supplied by Deuteronomy, which have been already given (Introd. chap. i. § 5), are Is. iv. 2, xi. i with Jer. xxiii. 5, 6, xxxiii. 15; Is. xiii., xlvii. with Jer. 1., H. ; Is. xv. with Jer. xlviii. ; Is. xl. 19, 20 with Jer. x. 3 — 5; Is. xlii. 16 with Jer. xxxi. 9; Hos. viii. 13 with Jer. xiv. 10; Ps. Ixxix. 6 with Jer. x. 25 ; Ps. cxxxv. 7 with Jer. x. 13. (See Art. yeremiak in Sm. Bibl. Diet.) 3ixx INTRODUCTION. city gates for judgment. But no sooner has he indicated the simile, than he returns to language not of judgment but of war^. In regard to variations of style within the Book itself, the prophet shews more calmness and uniformity of tone in the earlier parts ; the latter have more traces of individual suffering. 9. The Hebrew of Jeremiah displays a considerable number of words and grammatical forms, which do not belong to the language in its purer state. For his use of the species of cypher, or secret writing, called Atbash, see notes on chaps, xxv. 26, li. I. 10, Jeremiah's style, however it may form a contrast with that of Isaiah and others, is yet truly poetical. ' If we compare Jeremiah's land with the fruitful Carmel and cedar-forest of Isaiah, it is a waste, but a poetic waste, and a true image of the melancholy state of things, which lay before his eyes'.' ^ He is certainly the greatest poet of desolation and sorrow, because he most deeply feels them 3.' CHAPTER III. CONTENTS AND ARRANGEMENT. I. The prophecies of Jeremiah cover, as we have seen, a period of at least some thirty years. But when we proceed to read the Book in which they and the events which accompanied them are contained, we find that the order of arrangement is not that of time. Prophecies uttered in the reign of Zedekiah occur in the midst of those that relate to Jehoiakim. The Jewish captives carried to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar are addressed, in words of comfort, several chapters earlier than the announce- ment made to Jehoiakim that that event is imminent, while the prophecies which chiefly form the later portion of the Book and relate to foreign nations (chaps, xlvi. — li.), were most or all ^ A similar characteristic is found chaps, iii. i, vi. 3 — 5, 27 — 30, xxii. 6, xxv. 16, where see notes. '-^ Umbreit quoted in Speaker's Cojnmentary. "^ Ibid. INTRODUCTION. of them delivered before the final overthrow of the city and kingdom. 2. So far as any order is observable, it is an order not of time but of subject-matter. The following is a summary of the contents of the Book. (i) Chaps, i. — xlv. Prophecies mainly relating to home events and history of the times, (ii) Chaps, xlvi. — li. Prophecies relating to foreign nations, (iii) Chap. lii. Supplementary and historical. (i) may be subdivided thus : — [a] Chaps, i. — xx. Prophecies mostly from the time of Jeremiah's call (13th year of Josiah) to the 4th year of Jehoiakim. (d) Chaps, xxi. — xxv. 14. Prophecies directed at various times against the kings of Judah and against the false prophets. {c) Chap. xxv. 15 — 38. A kind of summary of the fuller pre- dictions against foreign nations which occur chaps, xlvi. — li. ; perhaps placed here as suggested by the announcement of the approaching overthrow of Babylon, which ends {5). [d) Chaps, xxvi. — xxviii. Prophecies concerning the fall of Jerusalem, with historical notices interspersed. These belong to diffe- rent periods of Jeremiah's life, and seem grouped together here in accordance with the principle of arrangement mentioned above. [e] Chap. xxix. Letter and message to the captives in Babylon. (/) Chaps. XXX., xxxi. Prophecies mainly of comfort and hope. {g) Chaps, xxxii. — xliv. History of the two years preceding the capture and destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldaeans, and the prophecies of Jeremiah during that time. Chaps xxxv., xxxvi. break the chronological order here. {h) Chap. xlv. A supplementary notice on the part of Baruch. (ii) may be subdivided thus : — (a) Chap. xlvi. i. Superscription. {b) Chap. xlvi. 2 — 28. Against Egypt. (c) Chap, xlvii. Against the Philistines. (d) Chap, xlviii. Against Moab. {e) Chap. xlix. i — 6. Against Ammon. INTRODUCTION. (/) Chap. xlix. 7—22. Against Edom. (g) Chap. xlix. 23—27. Against Damascus. (/t) Chap. xlix. 28—33. Against Kedar and Hazor. (/) Chap. xlix. 34—39- Against Elam. ij) Chaps. 1., li. Against Babylon. 3. Such being the arrangement of the contents, we have now to enquire whether we have any clue which will guide us in an attempt to explain it. Such a clue is to be found in chap, xxxvi. We there read, as we have noticed already \ that Baruch writes (ver. 2) in a roll Jeremiah's prophecies "against Israel and against Judah, and against all the nations " from the days of Josiah till the present (4th) year of Jehoiakim. When this roll was burned by the king, Baruch wrote another at the dictation of Jeremiah, as before, containing all the words of the previous one, while "there were added unto them many like words " (ver. 32). This therefore gives us the nucleus of the present Book, although the portion which precedes this part of the narrative, as we have it, cannot have been wholly contained in the roll which Baruch then wrote. Chap. xiii. (see notes there) belongs in ail probability to the very end of Jehoiakim's reign or even to that of his successor. Chaps, xxi. and xxiv. also belong to the days of Zedekiah, as do chaps, xxvii. — xxxiv. 4. It appears then that Jeremiah, like other prophets, wrote or caused to be written by his scribe groups of prophecies either as he uttered them, or after some lapse of time. The title to the Book (chap. i. i — 3) next suggests to us by the peculiar form which it assumes, something of the way in which this was done. If we compare it with the Introduction to other prophecies, e.g. Isaiah or Hosea, we shall see not only that it differs from them in form, but that the difference is of a kind that im- plies repeated alteration from the original shape. Verses i, 2 might very well be the heading of a prophecy including only the utterances of Josiah's reign. Verse 3 is evidently an addition Chap. i. § 13. INTRODUCTION. made when a further group was added, and even as it stands does not include that part of the history of the Book which belongs to the period after the overthrow of the Jewish king- dom. It is most probable therefore that at some earlier period than that treated of in chap, xxxvi. Jeremiah had written one or more groups of predictions, which would all no doubt be incorporated by him with the new matter contained in the roll of chap, xxxvi. 5. Again, by the close of Zedekiah's reign, much new matter was ready to be introduced into the Book. If we ask why this was not done in the chronological order that we might expect, the answer is to be found m the history of the period. At the very time that the collection of which the roll (chap, xxxvi.) consisted was made, Jeremiah was a prisoner, and presently had to fly for his life. He did not return to Jerusalem for some years. Secrecy had to be observed during this period, and in fact we have no prophecy of Jeremiah in the Book until the Chaldaeans' approach at the end of Jehoiakim's reign. Again, after the troubles and imprisonment which befel him during the reign of Zedekiah, on the capture of the city Jeremiah was taken in chains to Ramah, and though presently set free, yet by the death of Gedaliah and the forced flight into Egypt, followed pro- bably by a speedy and violent death there, he would be hindered from an orderly arrangement of the whole Book of his prophe- cies. Accordingly the fulfilment of this duty, as we may suppose, fell to his trusty follower Baruch. Thus we find in the Book, as we now have it, certain portions of Jeremiah's later prophe- cies (e.g. chaps, xiii., xxi., etc.) inserted in the earlier roll; we find also the history connected with the last years of the king- dom, and the events which immediately followed, and the pro- phecy addressed by Jeremiah to Baruch himself (chap. xlv.). 6. We cannot, however, think Baruch to have been in any sense the author of the Book. The very words of that chapter, which is so strictly personal to himself (xlv., see especially ver. 5), shew what a gulf he felt to lie between him and his master. This feeling seems to be that which prevented him from ven- turing upon any thing like an elaborate arrangement of the INTRODUCTION. Greek form differs could venture to compete with it. Still there is sufficient difference to make it interesting to enquire, which text represents Jeremiah's own arrangement most truly. II. Some^ maintain the claims of the LXX., others^ those of the Hebrew^. By the former is pleaded : {a) That the earlier position of the prophecies directed against foreign nations is that which they are more likely to have occupied in Jeremiah's roll (compare the words of xxv. 13). To this it may be replied that Jeremiah himself or Baruch might well have deemed the end of the Book the fitting place for them, written as they may have been on separate parchments, and by this position leaving the prophecies which had to do with the Jews themselves distinct and preceding them. See further, however, in note on xxv. 13. {b) That chaps, xxix. 16 — 20, xxxiii. 14 — 26, xxxix. 4 — 13, Hi. 28 — 30 and some shorter passages do not occur in the LXX., and are not of a character to be accidentally omitted. For remarks on these see notes. {c) That chap. xxv. 26 (last words of verse) introduces in Hebrew a Kabalistic mode of naming (omitted in LXX.) which Jeremiah would not have made use of. See note on verse for reply. By the latter is pleaded : Either {a) The arbitrary character of the renderings in the LXX. So Graf*, "After the innumerable instances given above of the arbitrariness and capriciousness of the Alexandrian trans- lator it is altogether impossible to give his new edition — for one can scarcely call it a translation — any critical authority, or to draw from it any conclusion as to the Hebrew text having ever * e.g. Michaelis, Movers, Hitzig, Bleek. '■* e.g. St Jerome, and many others in ancient times; among moderns, Ewald, Havernick, Keil, and others. •' For further remarks on the respective claims of Heb. and LXX., see note on chap. xxv. 13. * Einleitung, Ivi., translated as above in Speaker's Conunentary. INTRODUCTION. existed in a different form from that in which we have it at present." Or {b) That, without bringing any such charge of arbitrari- ness against the Greek translator, the general nature of the omissions (about 2700 words in all) points to the conclusion that necessity for haste, not caprice, was the motive. The omis- sions here spoken of are such as do not curtail the sense, viz. the words 'the prophet' after 'Jeremiah,' the words 'saith the Lord,' or any such expression as 'the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,' instead of simply 'the Lord.' On the death of Jeremiah, which seems to have occurred soon after Baruch had been forcibly conveyed to Egypt, the latter, both in deference to the opinion of his master and through dislike of the princes (chap. xHii. 3), who had brought him there, would desire to return. Several persons may then have been employed to transcribe in all haste, probably on more than one parchment roll, the original words which Baruch would undoubtedly wish to bring back to Palestine with himself. There occur in the course of the Book but few omissions which may not be ex- plained on this hypothesis, which is that of Dean Payne Smiths The LXX. is simply the Greek translation of this the authorita- tive form of the Book among the Egyptian exiles. Finally the frequency of intercourse between Egypt and Palestine caused the speedy addition of chap. lii. to the text possessed by the former. 12. Such a conjecture, in a matter which cannot but be ob- scure, is perhaps as good a one as can be offered. At any rate we find that Ezra and the men of the 'great Synagogue,' to whose labours we owe in so large a measure the determination of the Canon of the Old Testament, deliberately adopted the Hebrew form of the Book in preference to the Greek. That therefore is the form which had authority for the Jews of Pales- tine, and through them has now authority for us. 13. The following Table shews how, as has been said above in § 9 {&), the order of succession of the prophecies against foreign nations differs in the two. ^ Speaker''s Coftimentary^ Vol. v. p. 324. A-AAVill iX^ X J.V\ ^ \-j Kj \^ y i.\ J L^ . Hebrew. Septuagint. xlix. 34—39 (Elam). XXV. 14—18. xlvi. (Egypt). xxvi. L (Babylon). xxvii. li. (Babylon). xxviii. xlvii. (Philistines). xxix. I — 7. xlix. 7 — 2 2 (Edom). M 7-23. ,, I — 6 (Ammon). XXX. I — 5. „ 28-33 (Kedar and Hazor). „ 6— ri. ,, 23 — 27 (Damascus). „ 12—16. XXXI. xlviii. (Moab). : Thereupon the LXX. (chap, xxxii., etc.) takes up the Heb. chap. XXV. 15, etc. THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET JEREMIAH. Chap. I. i — 3. Words of Introduction. THE words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests 1 that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin : to 2 Chap. I. 1 — 3. Words of Introduction. 1. The words of yereviiah\ A more common introduction to the prophetical books is "the word of the Lord." Certain Jewish com- mentators have suggested that a different phrase is used here because the words which follow are not confined to prophecies, but contain as well many notices of the personal history of Jeremiah. This reason would apply also to the opening words of the prophet Amos, where we find a phrase similar to that used here, and again to the opening of Ecclesiastes, in which book the Preacher gives various particulars of his life. yereniiaK\ For speculations on the meaning of the name, see Intro- duction chap. i. § 2. The derivation proposed by Hengstenberg "Jehovah throws" is unlikely inasmuch as the ill omen which it suggests is hardly in accordance with the fact that the name was far from uncommon. Some other Jeremiahs are mentioned in the Bible, viz.: (i) the father-in-law of Josiah {2 Kings xxiii. 31); (2) the head of a house in Manasseh (i Chron. v. 24); (3, 4, 5) three mighty men in David's army (i Chron. xii. 4, 10, 13); (6) the head of a priestly course (Neh. X. 2, xii. i, 12); (7) the father of Jaazaniah, the Rechabite Qer. xx!fv. 3). the son of Hilkiah'] The small number of proper names among the Jews rendered it necessary to add the father's name for purposes of dis- tinction. Compare the Welsh custom ap-Thomas, ap-Richard, etc. If we were to render by Ben-Hilkiah we should no longer be in danger of connecting the words that follow with Hilkiah rather than with the name of the prophet himself. Anathoth] See Introduction, chap. i. § 2 {c). Benjamin] The territory of this tribe was 26 miles in length by 12 in breadth, and was thus about the size of the county of Middlesex. It was bounded on the south by Judah, on the north by Ephraim, and was JEREMIAH J JEREMIAH, I. [vv. 3, 4. whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his 3 reign. It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the carry- ing away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month. 4 — 10. Jereinialis Call. .J Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, for the most part hilly, being crossed by deep ravines which, mounting from the Philistine country on the west, descend precipitously into the valley of the Jordan on the east. The tribe of Benjamin is noteworthy as having supplied the first of the Jewish kings, as well as his name- sake " Saul, who is also called Paul," the great Apostle of the Gentiles. 2. ca77ie\ was. The Hebrew implies more than one Divine commu- nication. in the days of, etc.'\ For this and the following verse, as in all proba- bility repeatedly altered from the original shape, see Introduction, chap. iii. § 4- in the thirteenth year of his reigtt] According to the ordinary reckoning, B.C. 629, or perhaps two years later. Josiah had the year before (2 Chron. xxxiv. 3) commenced his reforms. These words, as forming part of the original heading of Jeremiah's prophecies, strictly speaking include only ch. i. 5 — iii. 5, there being afterwards many pro- phecies which refer to other parts of Josiah's reign. Preserved, there- fore, through the changes made in the title, they serve to illustrate the alterations which it has undergone. The period included in these two verses is one of 402 years, viz. the latter part of Josiah's reign = 18 years; that of Jehoahaz=3 months; that of Jehoiakim= 11 years; that of Jehoiachin = 3 months; that of Zedekiah=ii years. The omission of the names of Jehoahaz and Jehoiachin is probably due to the shortness of their reigns. 3. in the fifth month'] In this month took place the burning of the city by Nebuzaradan, Nebuchadnezzar's captain. The walls of the city also were then broken down. It had been captured in the preceding month (2 Kings xxv. 4, 8 — 10). The mourning appointed to take place in the fifth month in memory of the overthrow is mentioned in Zecha- riah (vii. 3). 4—10. Jeremiah's Call. 4. Then the word, etc.] Here, in accordance with what has been said above, we revert from the title in its present form, adapted and re- adapted to the later prophecies, to the words which doubtless originally introduced the utterance of "the days of Josiah... in the thirteenth year of his reign" {v. 2). They are at once Jeremiah's plea and his support, the credentials of his mission to which he might refer the people when w. 5, 6.] JEREMIAH, I. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee ; and before 5 thou earnest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, 6 hostile and himself in seasons of despondency. They are words that serve to place him from the outset in his true position before his country- men, as one who spoke in virtue of God's commission, and not of his own choice. We have in this section the declaration of God's pur- pose concerning him {v. 5) ; Jeremiah's protest (z/. 6) ; God's reply \w. 7, 8) ; the act of divine consecration (p. 9) ; the nature of the charge itself (z/. 10). 6. / knew thee] meaning not mere acquaintance, but approval as a consequence of this. The parallelism of contrast, frequent in the poeti- cal books of the Bible, shews this to be the sense of the word in Ps. i. 6, "The Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the tin- godly shall /^r/j/4;" and when read in the light of that verse, two other passages (" For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord," Gen. xviii. 19; and "The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him," Nahum i. 7) throw light on the expression as used here. before thou catnest] Compai-e the promise of the angel to the father of John the Baptist, "he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb " (Luke i. 15); and the yet more mysterious promise made to the Virgin-mother of One greater than John, " The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee" (Luke i. 35). Compare also Judges xiii. 5. / sanctified thee] Solemn utterances like this have a tendency in Hebrew to take the form of parallel clauses either of similarity of sense as here ('knew — sanctified'), or of contrast, as in the first of the instances above given. and I ordained thee] I have ordained thee. The verb literally is *have given.' The absence of ^ and'' in the Hebrew points to this change from the indefinite to the definite form of the perfect. Thus, while the verbs ' knew,' ' sanctified,' refer to the time preceding the prophet's birth, that which follows relates to the time of his call. unto the nations] This points out a distinction between the work of Jeremiah as a prophet, and that of many of his predecessors, such as Elijah, or Elisha, whose predictions were concerned with the Jews only. Those of Jeremiah on the other hand had to do with the heathen world of that day as well as with the nations of subsequent ages. He unfolded to them the order of Divine Providence, and foretold the blessings coming on the earth through the Advent of the Messiah (xxiii. 5, xxxiii. 15). The Jewish interpretation limits the reference of the words to judgments on the heathen nations, as contained in xxv. 8, etc. This is proved to be wrong by ver, 10 (which see with notes). 6. Jeremiah shews that the prophetic office was not one of his own seeking. I 2 JEREMIAH, I. [vv. 7—9. Ah, Lord God, behold, I cannot speak : for I am a child. 7 But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I ^w a child : for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I com- 8 mand thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces : 9 for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And Ahf\ Rather, Alas ! The same word in the Hebrew is used, e.g. Joshua vii. 7 ; 2 Kings iii. 10, and expresses not so much an entreaty that "things should be arranged otherwise, as a lament that they are as they are. Jeremiah's position is thus different from that of Moses (Exod. iv. 10). The latter pleaded inability, "0 my Lord, I am not eloquent," while the former acquiesces in the appointment, now announced to have been made so long before, pleads not inability but only youth and inex- perience (compare Is. vi. 5; Ezek. iii. 15), and replies to the Almighty in the same spirit as Solomon at the beginning of his reign (i Kings iii. 7), " I am but a little child : I know not how to go out or come in." / cannot speak] meaning, I have not the powers of oratory necessary to win the attention and so sway the conduct of hostile numbers. For the prophet of those days eloquence, natural or acquired, was as neces- sary as for one who would be a popular preacher or prominent statesman in our own time. / am a child] meaning, a very young man. The same word (na-ar) is used of Joshua (Exod. xxxiii. 1 1) at a time when we know him to have been forty-five years of age. In the case of Jeremiah, however, the length of his prophetic ministry shews that he must have been very youthful at its commencement. So Isaiah was probably not more than twenty years old when he began to prophesy. 7. Here again there is brought out the contrast between Moses and Jeremiah. The former had brought one excuse after another (Exod. iii. II, 13, iv. r, 10, 13), and consequently, as we read (iv. 14) "the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses." But in Jeremiah's case en- couragement alone was needed, and it is given at once in word and then in act. 8. Be not afraid] This is addressed not so much to the reason which Jeremiah had pleaded, viz. youth, but to that which, as tlie Lord saw, formed another cause for his shrinking from the task, viz. fear of those whom he was to address. to deliver thee] Note the form of expression. The promise is not that the prophet in the exercise of his mission shall be preserved unhurt, although we are not without an instance of this sort of interposition (xxxvi. 26), but that he shall be delivered from destruction at the hands of his enemies. 9. touched] caused it to touch. An outward symbol of the gift of eloquence, which was being then and there bestowed. The same part of the verb (with a causative force) is used in the corresponding passage of Isaiah (vi. 7), where the solemn inauguration of his ministry is recorded. On the other hand, in Daniel (x. 16), where the object was vv. lo, II.] JEREMIAH, I. 5 the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations 10 and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. II — 19. The Lord shews the Prophet the Vision of (\) the Almojid Tree, (ii) the Boiling Caldron. He adds Words of Good Cheer. Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, n merely to restore the power of articulate speech, the verb is '• touched," not "caused to touch." The nature of God's dealing with Ezekiel was distinct from either of these (ii. 8). 10. to I'oot out] The prophet is said to do in his own person that which he announces as about to be done by God. Compare xv. i, "cast them out of my sight;" Is. vi. 10, "Make the heart of this people fat, &c.;" Ezek. xiii. 19, where the false prophets are spoken of as " slaying the souls that should not die " and " saving the souls alive that should not live ;" Ezek. xliii. 3, where the prophet speaks of the vision that he saw when he " came to destroy the city." This last is softened off in the margin by the English translators, but quite un- necessarily. So in profane literature we find prophets spoken of as though they had a share in influencing the course of the future, which it was theirs only to predict. "And thou, O sacred maid, inspired to see The event of things in dark futurity, Give me what heaven has promised to my fate To conquer and command the Latian state." Aeneas to the Sibyl. Dryden's Virgil, vi. 100 — 103. Three or four words are used to denote destruction, and two follow them implying restoration. This serves to shew that the earlier as well as the more important portion of the prophet's task was to consist in rebuke and in threatening; while nevertheless out of the ruins a better and more hopeful state of things should arise for Israel. 11—19. The Lord shews the Prophet the Vision of (i) the Almond Tree, (ii) the Boiling Caldron. He adds Words OF Good Cheer. 11. the word of the Lord came unto me] The prophets' "gift! of prophesying was neither permanent, nor the result of their own volition, but wholly dependent on the divine pleasure." Archdeacon Lee, from whom the above quotation is made {Inspiration of Holy Scripture i^ih. ed. p. 170), instances 2 Kings iv. 27; Acts xx. 22, as proofs of this statement, and goes on to say tliat there are two classes of revelations, (i) when the action of the external senses is suspended ; (ii) when the prophet is conscious of all that takes place around him. Under the former head come symbolic visions, such as JEREMIAH, I. [vv. 12, 13. Jeremiah, what seest thou ? And I said, I see a rod of an 12 almond tree. Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast 13 well seen : for I will hasten my word to perform it. And the word of the Lord came unto me the second time, saying. What seest thou ? And I said, I see a seething pot ; and the two that here follow. In them the things seen either surpass the limits of human experience (e.g. Ezek. i. 4, etc.), or they appertain to the world of sense in such measure that there is no difficulty in describing them by means of human language (as in the present instances). Further, it may be noticed that symbolic visions are thus to be distinguished from symbolic actions; in the former the prophet is but a spectator ; in the latter (e. g. the symbol of the linen girdle, Jer. xiii. r — 7) he takes an active part, / see a I'od of an almond tfee'] The almond tree in Palestine has been compared to the snowdrop with us, as giving one of the first signs of approaching spring. Dr Tristram {Natural History of the Bible) tells us that at Bethany in the month of January he gathered the blossoms in full bloom. They appear before the leaves open, like those of the peach-tree in England. The Hebrew used here {shdked) is not the ordinary word for an almond tree, but a poetical expression, meaning that which is awake, and referring to the blossoming of this tree as taking place while others are still in their winter sleep. Accordingly the almond tree is made the subject of this vision — an 'emblem of wakefulness and activity,' as is shewn by the inter- pretation given in ver. 12. The other mode of explanation, which consists in rendering not "rod " but staff, such as is carried by travellers, would quite change the character of the figure, which would then exhibit the Almighty as about to set forth on a journey of vengeance. This is unlikel) and forced. 12. / will hasteit] Rather, I am wakeful (keep watch, await my opportunity) for. The point of the expression can only be perceived, if we are aware that the Hebrew term is shoked, a participle from the same root as the word for almond tree in the former verse. Since the punishment of captivity inflicted" on Manasseh the Lord had not visited upon His people their sins. That period of rest then was like the winter, at the end of which the almond tree was the first to wake. So now the Lord is rousing Himself, The period of trial is rapidly approaching its end, and the punishment so long delayed is about to be at last inflicted. At the same time there is a brighter side too. The Lord is rousing Himself not only to punish but to save. Through Jeremiah's ministry and Josiah's reforms religion is to be kept alive in a remnant of those carried to Babylon, and so the return from captivity shall at last be brought about. 13. a seething pot\ The second vision is of a more uniform cha- racter than the first. It betokens nothing save disaster, and by it the character of the future in store for the nation is more clearly brought w. 14, 15.J JEREMIAH, I. the face thereof is towards the north. Then the Lord said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land. For lo, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north, saith the Lord ; and they shall come, and they shall set every one his throne at out. The word sir, here rendered pot, was a large vessel, as it was used in preparing pottage for a considerable number in 2 Kings iv. 38. It was also used for washing (Ps. Ix. 8). Some render instead of "seething" (boiling) blmon upon; i.e. a pot placed upon a fire made to burn brightly by blowing, A passage in Job (xli. 20) rather supports this view from the words which follow. "Out of his (leviathan's) nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. His breath kindleth coals. " The figure of a pot boiling over is found also in Arabic poetry to express as here a war carried on with vehemence and ardour. tozuards'] from the face of. The pot is leaning away from the north. As the materials on which it is standing are consumed, it settles un- evenly, and the southern side sinks. Thus it will presently be over- turned, and send its scalding contents in that direction. 14. Out of the north'\ Interpretation of the second vision. It clearly points to the irruption of a hostile army into Judaea from a northerly direction. Some have taken this army to be the Scythian hordes. For reasons against this view see notes on iv. 6. The true explanation seerns to be the following. The boiling pot is the region of Mesopotamia, where four great nations, Babylon, Nineveh, Elam, and Media are engaged in strife. The danger to Judaea had always depended on the fact that it lay on the direct road from the East to Egypt and thus was exposed to attacks by the way on the part of armies directed against the latter power. Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, had broken up Egypt into twelve small states, which had no thought of any foreign contest, and thus the Jews had had some relief from invasion. But besides this, the constant struggles of the four nations above mentioned with one another had the same effect. These constant struggles are the boiling caldron. The contest however gives signs of coming to an end. The caldron is settling down on one side. Victory is declaring for the Chaldaeans of Babylon, and when they have established their superiority, that fury which has hitherto been put forth in strife within Mesopotamia will be directed against the Jews. The boiling contents of the caldron will be poured over Judaea. an evil] the evil, — the evil which was to be expected, foretold by all the prophets as the result of national sin. shall break forth] shall be opened, shall disclose itself. 15. all the families of the kingdoms] Each kingdom was composed of a mixture of races, here called families. The rendering however may be, all the families, even the kingdoms, in which case kingdoms would be only an explanation of the sense in which the word, families is used. they shall set every one his throne] The chiefs of the combined army, the rulers who are suggested by the word kingdoms, post themselves 14 JEREMIAH, I. [v. i6. the entering of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all the walls thereof round about, and against all the cities of i6 Judah. And I will utter my judgments against them touch- ing all their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have burnt incense unto other gods, and worshipped the works of around the walls of the besieged city. Some take the sense to be that the blockade is thus made more sure. The generals take up their posi- tion at all the gates, that none may go out or come in. It ie better however to take the word throne, to denote the seat from which judg- ment is delivered. The function of administering justice, which among us is delegated by the monarch to judges, was in the East exercised by the king in person, and the gate of the city, or rather a large space in its neighbourhood, was reserved free of buildings, and was the ordinary place at which trials were held and sentences declared. Cp. Deut, xvi. i8, xvii. 8; Ruth iv. i. Here then the rulers of the invader's army, by a figure taken from the familiar proceedings of criminal justice, are said to be about to sit in judgment on the crimes of the people and inflict punishment on the guilty. For the word throne as used to denote the judgment-seat see Ps. ix. 4, cxxii. 5; Prov. xx. 8. The general sense of the verse is that it is not without reason, or as the blind act of ambitious and more powerful nations, that Jerusalem is to be over- thrown. That overthrow will take place as a judicial act, as a conse- quence of wickedness, and after the case has been duly weighed in the balances. and against all the walls thereof round about, and against all the cities of yudaK\ It is difficult to know whether we should connect this with 'shall come' or 'shall set.' The reason of the ambiguity lies in the fact that Jeremiah mingles the two thoughts of a besieging army and of a judicial sentence and its execution. It is in point of fact by the scaling of the walls of Jerusalem and the capture of the other cities of the country that the sentence is to be carried out, and Jeremiah here as elsewhere (see Introduction, chap. ii. § 8 {d) and note) breaks off his simile or metaphor vdth abruptness and takes up anew the literal state- ment. 16. / will utter my Judgments against theni] Literally, I will ■ speak my judgments with them. An almost identical phrase in the Hebrew occurs again in this book, when Zedekiah is brought before Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah, and it is said that the latter "gave judg- ment upon him," marginal "spake with him judgments" (xxxix. 5); compare iv. 12. touching all their wickedness"] This is defined in the three clauses that follow, (i) the forsaking of the true God, (ii) the burning of incense to other gods, (iii) the worshipping of images. other gods'] The Greek (Septuagint) and Latin Vulgate translations seem to have felt a difficulty in this expression, since "there is none other God but one." Cp. St Paul "we know that an idol is nothing in the world" (i Cor. viii. 4). Inasmuch then as the idols worshipped by w. 17—19.] JEREMIAH, I. their own hands. Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and 17 arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee : be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them. For behold, I have made thee this day a defenced city, and 18 an iron pillar, and bras en walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land. And they shall fight against thee ; but they shall not 19 prevail against thee ; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee. Gentiles represented things non-existent, beings of fancy only, the Greek and Latin render here gods of foreign nations. 17. Words of encouragement in this and the two next verses. Thou therefore gird up thy loins'] Gather up the lower part of the flowing Eastern robe. This was done in preparation for (i) a journey (Exod. xii. 11; 2 Kings iv. 29, ix. i), (ii) a race (i Kings xviii. 46), (iii) a conflict (Job xxxviii. 3, xl. 7). It implied (i) readiness for effort, (2) energy in action. As the sin of the people was great and manifold, and as the impending danger was not only near but terrible and destructive in its nature, so was it needful that without fear or favour the warning should be given, and that he to whom that warning was entrusted should 'deliver his soul,' and not by apathy or want of boldness involve himself in any way in the people's guilt. be not dismayed...'] The literal rendering would be, be not broken down before them, lest I break thee down before them. There is thus a play upon words in the Hebrew, which can hardly be reproduced in idiomatic English. 18. a defenced city, and an iron pillar, and brasen walls] Jeremiah was to be fortified by divine strength against the attacks which he should have to confront throughout his prophetic life. When all else was fluctuating and yielding to pressure from within and without, he alone was to represent resistance. The assaults would be severe, and hence the force of the three figures under which he is described. And as Jeremiah would need strength in a pre-eminent degree, so the figures under which it is described are more forcible than that used in the similar case of Ezekiel: "As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not" (Ezek. iii. 9). against the kings of Judah] Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoia- chin, Zedekiah. The use of the plural 'kings' shews him that his career is probably to be a long one. the princes] the chief military and civil officers. 19. As fear on the part of the prophet was to forfeit all claim to God's protecting care of him in the fulfilment of his duty ; so here there comes the promise, on the assumed condition of faithfulness to his trust, that his cause should be successful. they shall not prevail against thee] When we compare portions of lo JEREMIAH, II. [v. i. Chap. II. i — 13. Under the Figure of Husband and Wife the Lord reminds the People of His Past Favours and charges them with Faithlessness to their First Love, 2 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, the subsequent history of Jeremiah, we find that in point of fact the prophet was from time to time thrust aside by his foes. The sense therefore here is shall not finally prevail. Before the prophefs death his cause should be vindicated, his predictions verified, and good seed sown. Compare the nature of the fulfilment of our Saviour's prayer for the Apostle Peter: "I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not," Luke xxii. 32. This prayer did not prevent the Apostle from desert- ing and then denying Christ, although it was abundantly answered in his subsequent history. Even as our Lord's own prayer for His Father's help in the same chapter, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me," was answered not by its removal but by support from heaven; so Jeremiah was to hold his ground not in his own strength, but through the Almighty's constant presence. Chap. II. 1—13. Under the Figure of Husband and Wife THE Lord reminds the People of His Past Favours and charges them with Faithlessness to their First Love. 1. Moreover'] And, thus connecting with Jeremiah's Call the words which follow. They form the beginning of a long prophecy extending to the end of Chap, vi., and which has but one well-marked break, viz. at the end of Chap. iii. 5. More than one opinion has been held as to the time at which these prophecies were delivered. By far the most probable view however is that they form the substance of those which were given during the reign of Josiah. For [a) The name of Josiah is expressly introduced in connexion with them (iii. 6), and accordingly any other view would require that this should be a later insertion in the text: {b) The order of the prophecies, though far from chronological throughout the book, yet may be held to be so in any individual case, in which there is no reason for the contrary belief, and this is specially probable at the beginning of the book, and where there is no apparent cause for deviation from the order of time : (c) The character of the prophecies themselves falls in with this. In most cases of the later prophecies we find headings which tell us at what time they were uttered. In this portion we have but one such instance, and that somewhat vague (iii. 6 as referred to above). Again, these chapters seem to be not so much addresses or sermons delivered to the people on distinct and definite occasions as the later vv. 2,3.] JEREMIAH, II. il Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith j the Lord ; I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that tvas not sown. Israel zvas holi- 3 ness unto the Lord, and the firstfruits of his increase : all ones are, but rather given as the gist of the prophet's teaching during all those early years of his ministry. Once more, in these chapters so far from there being references to matters of later date than Josiah, such as abound in the subsequent parts (e.g. invasion by the Babylonians, &c.), there is no allusion to any contemporary events. It has been held on the other hand that the mention of Egypt (ii. 16, 18, 36) compels us to consider these prophecies as spoken later. We are reminded that Josiah was slain in fighting against the Egyptian king. How then, it is asked, could the Jewish nation in his reign have sought to ally themselves with that country? It does not however follow that there may not have been then, as at other times, a large and influential number who desired to connect themselves with Egypt, and it was against them that Jeremiah directed his words of warning. Another but an extremely improbable way of understanding the references to Egypt in these chapters is a sort of compromise between the two views, and consists in the supposition that Jeremiah, or Baruch at his dictation, wrote down what was in substance at least his discourses to the people in the days of Josiah, but modified them in accordance with the more recent tenor of his words and of events. The whole prophecy then (chaps, ii. i — iii. 5) is the first recorded ' utterance of Jeremiah after his Call, and consists of expostulation with Israel for their idolatry. 2. the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals'] This has been taken as meaning, the kindness and love a) of Israel towards God, or b) of God towards Israel. In favour of b) is urged that Israel as a matter of fact was ever in past time also straying from God. But on the whole a) is more probable, (i) as being the more natural sense of the words themselves, (ii) in that the 'kindness' and *love' spoken of evidently refer to the past, while God's attitude of grace towards Israel is the same still that it has ever been, (iii) in that even in past time Israel as a rule followed God. The exceptions from their veiy nature would form the history and so fix themselves in the mind, just as the brief reign of Queen Mary, and again the temporary overthrow of the House of Stuart (1649 — 1660), in English History are more con- spicuous than many long periods of tranquillity and peace. 3. Israel was holiness unto the Lord, and the firstfricits of his in- crease] Israel is as something set apart from ordinary uses, dedicated to God. He is as the most precious part of the harvest, that part which is consecrated as God's portion. The notion was familiar to the people's minds through the yearly custom, prescribed Lev. xxiii. 10 — 14, that a measure of the firstfmits should be waved by the priest before 12 JEREMIAH, 11. [vv. 4— 6. that devour him shall offend ; evil shall come upon them, 4 saith the Lord. Hear ye the word of the Lord, O house 5 of Jacob, and all the famiHes of the house of Israel : Thus saith the Lord, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after 6 vanity, and are become vain ? Neither said they, Where is the Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts the Lord, and that none of the harvest should be enjoyed till this rite had been fulfilled. all that devour him shall offend'] The priest and his family alone were to eat of the firstfruits. No stranger was allowed to partake. See Lev. xxii. lo, i6. If any unhallowed person profaned the firstfruits by taking of them, he bore the iniquity of trespass in his eating. The word used there for trespass is from the same root as that which in this passage is rendered 'shall offend.' Thus the sense is that "Heathen, i.e. unconsecrated, nations, must not meddle with Israel, because it is the nation consecrated to God. If they do, they will bring such guilt upon themselves as those incur who eat the firstfruits." {Speaker's Comni.) 4. all the families of the house of Israel] addressed not to the ten tribes, but to the nation as a whole. 6. have walked after vanity] 'vanity' is here used in the same sense as in I Kings xvi. 13, "provoking the Lord God of Israel to anger with their vanities." The Jews regarded idols simply as unsubstantial, unreal, a breath. Hence vanity (emptiness) expresses their view. Compare "we know that an idol is nothing in the world" (i Cor. viii. 4) and note on chap. i. 16. A further stage is reached in ver. 8, "things that do not profit" (compare ver. 11). Chap. x. 10 contrasts God as "the true God," "the living God;" while the notions of the unreal and the positively injurious are combined in xvi. 19, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit." a7id are become vain] a want of reality and of sense are the qualities which naturally become the marks of those who follow the empty and unprofitable. Compare Rom, i. ^\ — 23, they "became vain in their ima- ginations... they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorrup- tible God into an image made like unto corruptible man, and to birds and fourfooted beasts and creeping things." 6. The prophet brings their thanklessness into bolder relief by depicting in the strongest colours the care lavished upon them of old. Utter forgetfulness is their return for the deliverance from Egyptian bondage, the preservation from the various dangers of the wilderness, and the bestowal of Canaan. the wilderness] not in the sense which the word conveys to our ears. The expression in the original means merely the land not occupied V. 7-] JEREMIAH, II. 13 and of pits, through a land of drought, and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt ? And I brought you into a plentiful 7 country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof; by any settled inhabitants. It by no means excludes the notion of abundant pasturage for cattle, just as it is described (xxiii. 10) as having its "pleasant places," but is yet liable as is there shewn to become a desert at any time through the drying up of the springs and rivers on which its vegetation was dependent. deserts\ really barren. pits\ one of the difficulties and dangers of travellers consisted in the rifts or clefts which had to be crossed or avoided by a circuitous route. droughf] hence perhaps the Rabbinic story that a rock followed the Israelites through the wilderness, to supply their thirst. St Paul, without in any way taking the story under his protection, applies it in the way of spiritual adaptation; "They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ" (i Cor. x. 4). shadow of death'] the Hebrew word may mean nothing beyond darkness, but the other rendering is the more probable one, and denotes the gloom which the traveller must feel in passing through a region, where the supply of the necessaries of life is so precarious. that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt] the two , words for ' man ' differ in the original. The first means man in ', the strength, either of natural vigour, as here, or of rank or riches; the second denotes man as a member of the human race, and is equiva- lent to 'human being.' We have the same contrast elsewhere in the Hebrew, where however the English rendering differs; (Psalm xlix. 2), "High and low, rich and poor, one with another;" and (Is. ii. 9), "The mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself." Compare St John vi. 10, where "men" on its first occurrence means simply persons. 7. a plentiful conntry] Literally, a country of the Carmel. The word Carmel properly means a piece of ground fertile and well cul- tivated, but was commonly used as the actual name of one such spot of Palestine, which, as the only promontory that the sea-board of the country possesses, juts out into the Mediterranean, and bounds the great plain of Esdraelon. It was the scene of the testing of the true God i proposed by Elijah to the followers of Baal (i Kings xviii.). This appli- cation of terms wholly or partly descriptive of natural features to denote an individual place which answers to such a description seems common in all languages. To it we owe in English such names as Newhaven, Newport, New Forest, Sandwich ( = a sandy bay), Chelsea ( = a shingle island) and Fairfield, the last being a good counterpart to the Hebrew name in the present case. Compare also as names for country houses 'The Woodlands,' 'The Plantations,' &c. M JEREMIAH, IT. [v. 8. but when ye entered, ye defiled my land, and made mine 8 heritage an abomination. The priests said not, Where is the Lord ? and they that handle the law knew me not : dejiled] with (i) idolatry, (ii) sacrifices of their children ; so Ps. cvi. 37, "they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils." And as the land had been thus defiled by God's own people, the possess- ors of it, so now the heathen were about to obtain permission to do the like. Compare Ps. Ixxix. i, *'0 God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled." 7?iine heritage] Elsewhere it is generally Israel itself that goes by this name; e.g. "For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance " (Deut. xxxii. 9). Compare i Sam. x. i ; i Kings viii. 51; Ps. xxviii. 9, Ixxviii 71; Is. xix. 25; Jer. x, 16. 8. The wickedness of the people is matched and encouraged by that of the chief men both in Church and State. Three classes of persons are spoken of. (i) (this class is subdivided into two) the priests. The duty of the tribe of Levi was not only to minister at the altar, but to handle the law; i.e. to instruct the people in its precepts. Compare the words of " the blessing wherewith Moses the man of God blessed Israel before his death" (Deut. xxxiii. ). He there says of Levi, "They shall teach Jacob thy judgments and Israel thy law " (ver. lo). (2) the pastors, meaning, not ordained ministers according to the familiar application of the word in modern times, but, as elsewhere in the Old Testament, temporal rulers, kings, compare iii. 15. So in I Kings xxii. 17, when Micaiah the prophet desired to express to king Ahab his sense of his worthlessness as a ruler, he said, "I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd. " The same is the sense in Ezek. xxxiv. 2, "Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves ! should not the shepherds feed tlie flocks?" So in Homer the kings are "shepherds of the people." (3) the prophets, whose duty it was to declare the will of God from time to time, and urge upon the people reformation and a religious life. Jeremiah felt most keenly the wickedness of both priest and prophet, since in his own person he represented both orders, and "by a singularly tragical fate he lived precisely at that age at which both of those great institutions seemed to have reached the utmost point of degradation and corruption " (Stanley's Jewish Church, Vol. ii. p. 439, 440). " He who by each of his callings was" naturally led to sympathise with both, was the doomed antagonist of both, victim of one of the strongest of human passions, the hatred of Priests against a Priest who attacks his own order, the hatred of Prophets against a Prophet who ventures to have a voice and a will of his own" (/^zV/.). said not, Where is the Lord?] i.e. they were indifferent to God's will, and thought of nothing less than consulting Him. they that handle the law] In addition to the remarks above made vv. 9, lo.] JEREMIAH, II. 15 the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit. Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the Lord, 9 and with your children's children will I plead. For pass 10 over the isles of Chittim, and see; and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing. on these words compare for the priest's share in the interpretation of the law chap, xviii. 18; Ezek. vii. 26. Baal\ The chief male object of worship on the part of the Phoe- nician nations. His worship prevailed at an early date among the Moabites (Numb. xxii. 41). Among the Jews that worship was celebrated with much pomp, and cruel rites frequently accompanied it, the priests cutting themselves with knives, and human sacrifices being sometimes offered. The word entered much into Phoenician (Carthaginian) proper names, Hannibal, Hasdrubal, Adherbal, etc. Some consider Baal to have been represented to his worshippers by the planet Jupiter, while others with more probability take him to be the sun -god, and so to be coupled with Ashtoreth, the moon-god- dess, the chief female object of worship on the part of the same nations. 9. with your children's children will I plead^ Even though it be necessary to continue the remonstrance to future generations, God will not fail to carry out His part, but will plead His cause still against those who desert Him. 10. the isles of Chittim'] The Chittim ("Kittim") are mentioned as descendants of Javan in Gen. x. 4. Josephus identifies the original seat of the tribe with the town of Citium in Cyprus. Gradually the name seems to have been extended, so as to include not only the neighbouring islands, but even Macedonia (which word Ma-^^^-onia may have been fancifully believed to be connected with Chittim) and Italy. Kedar"] As Chittim represented the parts of the world that lay to the westward of Palestine, so Kedar represented those which lay to the eastward. Kedar was the second son of Ishmael (Gen. xxv. 13) and seems from the many subsequent notices of his tribe in the Bible to have been destined to be in his posterity the most distinguished of the twelve brethren, princes, given in the genealogy. They dwelt on the north-west of Arabia, and extended to the borders of Palestine. Kedar occurs among the ancestry of Mohammed. In Psalm cxx. 5 ("Woe is me... that I dwell in the tents of Kedar") they are spoken of as a barbarous tribe, to dwell amongst whom was to be utterly cut off from the worship of the true God. Even they however, the Lord declares, do not furnish a parallel for the baseness which appertains to the Jews. i6 JEREMIAH, II. [w. ii— 13. 11 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods ? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth 12 not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be 13 horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils ; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. 11. a nation] Not meaning any nation, for it was true of Israel that they had done this, but any heathen nation, according to the force of the Hebrew word. which are yet no gods] Therefore it need not have occasioned surprise, if their worshippers had at some time deserted them. their glory] Him, through Whom they had attained pre-eminence over all other nations, or better. Him to Whom all honour and glory were due. This latter accords more with the passage "Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass " (Ps. cvi. -20). 12. be ye very desolate] Literally, be ye dry. By a figure common in all poetry nature is called upon to adapt herself, as though a living being, to the complexion of human affairs. So " He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people." "And the heavens shall declare his righteousness" (Ps. 1. 4, 6). "Sing, O ye heavens... shout, ye lower parts of the earth; break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein: for the Lord hath redeemed Jacob and glorified himself in Israel" (Is. xliv. ^s). "Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains ; for the Lord hath com- forted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted" (Is. xlix. 13). So here the heavens are bid to shrivel up in horror at the be- haviour of the people. 13. For my people have committed two evils] The one sin of the heathen is idolatry, whereas this people have in addition renounced the service of God. the fountain of living waters] More properly the reservoir (tank) into which living waters (those of wells and streams) are drawn and where they are stored. Isaiah (xliv. 3) had already spoken of God's blessing under this figure, "I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground; I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring," a passage to which our Lord perhaps alludes in John vii. 37 — 39. cisterns] These were very familiar objects to those whom the prophet addressed. "There are thousands of these ancient cisterns in upper Galilee, where Josephus says there were two hundred and forty cities in his day, and the site of every one was pierced like a honeycomb with them" (Thomson, The Land and the Book, p. 287). It was no doubt into such a one that Joseph was cast by his brethren. vv. 14, 15.] JEREMIAH, II. 14 — 30* Wickedness and obstinacy and consequent calajnities of Israel. Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave! why is he m spoiled? The young lions roared upon him, ^//^ yelled, and 15 broken cisterns, that can hold no water'] "No comparison could more keenly rebuke the madness of a people who changed their glory for that which doth not profit. The best cisterns, even those in solid rock, are strangely liable to crack... and if by constant care they are made to hold, yet the water collected from clay roofs or from marly soil has the colour of weak soapsuds, the taste of the earth or the stable, is full of worms, and in the hour of greatest need it utterly fails... I have never been able to tolerate this cistern wa'.er except in Jerusalem, where they are kept with scrupulous care, and filled from roofs both clean and hard" {ibid.). The failure of the broken cistern, discovered at the moment of need, is the point of the comparison made by the prophet. 14—30. Wickedness and obstinacy and consequent cala- mities OF Israel. 14. Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave?] The relationship of master and servant, in our sense of the words, as a contract was unknown among the Jews. Domestic service was discharged by slaves, ' who might be roughly divided into two classes, (i) those captured in war or bought, (ii) those bom and brought up in their master's house. For the latter there was more opportunity of escape from servitude than for the former. On the other hand the position of the latter was often preferable. In general the condition of the slave depended much on the character of his master, and from this consideration have sprung two different explanations of the passage. Some understand the ques- tions as meaning, Israel is the object of God^s most careful protection. He is His tnost cherished possession, a member of His fajuily. Hozu is it then that he has been spoiled? The answer is given in ver. 17. Others take it thus : — Is Israel a slave, subject to all the miseries of such a lot, a prey to each whim of a cruel master? Far as this tvould seem from the truth, we are yet driven to suppose that his state is in 7io way superior to this, for he has been spoiled and carried captive. This latter explana- tion falls in better with the form of the enquiries, as compared with the somewhat similar passages ver. 31, viii. 4, xiv. 19 ; and specially with xxii. ■zS, xlix. i. The prophet no doubt has in particular before his view the captivity of the Ten Northern Tribes. 15. The youjtg lions roared upon him, and yelled] This may be meant literally as what befell the land of Israel after the captivity of the Ten Tribes, and the introduction of the inhabitants of foreign cities in their room (2 Kings xvii. 25). It is more likely however to have reference to the cruelties practised upon the exiles by their captors, as well as to the frequent Assyrian invasions. Compare for this figure of speech words spoken by Isaiah (v. 29) of an attacking host, "Their roaring shall be like a lion, they shall roar like young lions ; yea, they JEREMIAH 2 i8 JEREMIAH, II. [vv. i6— 18. they made his land waste : his cities are burnt without i6 inhabitant. Also the children of Noph and Tahapanes 17 have broken the crown of thy head. Hast thou not pro- cured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the Lord i8 thy God, when he led thee by the way ? And now what shall roar and lay hold of the prey, and shall carry it away safe and none shall deliver it." See also Mic. v. 8. burnt] Many prefer to render the Hebrew, are levelled to the ground. 16. Also] Even. The sense is, those in whom thou most trustedst. NopK\ either a town in the South of Egypt, or, as it is more generally taken, Memphis the capital of Lower (i.e. Northern) Egypt, the word Noph representing some colloquial Shemitic or Egyptian pronuncia- tion of the name. Tahapanes] The Greek Daphnae Pelusii, which Herodotus mentions (Book II. 30) as a town in which a garrison was maintained against the Syrians and Arabians. It bears an important part in the history contained in the later chapters. Johanan and the other captains went there in dis- obedience to the words of the prophet (xliii. 7). We gather from this that it was one of the towns of Egypt nearest to the border of Palestine. Jeremiah here prophesies that Egypt shall be smitten by Nebuchad- nezzar. The Jews continued during Jeremiah's time to dwell there. The towns of Noph and Tahapanes would both be well known to the Jews even in Josiah's day, the foi^mer as a capital city, the latter from its local position. have broken] Or, if the present Heb. text is right, shall feed upon. The tense in the original makes it more likely that a prophecy is in- tended, while 'feed upon,' the proper sense of the verb, is illustrated by the mention of shepherds (captains of hostile armies) in vi. 3, xii. 10. It is possible, however, that a past event may be referred to, such as the attack upon Jerusalem by Shishak, king of Egypt, in the reign of Rehoboam, son of Solomon. In this case the sense will be, Egypt has in past times shewn what she could do as a foe. Do not seek to ally youi'selves with her now. the crown of thy head] Baldness was considered among the Jews a reproach. This is shewn in the history of Elisha (2 Kings ii. 23. See also Jer. xlviii. 45). Or the sense may be, afflict thee, cause thee to mourn, a shaven head being a sign of mourning (Is. iii. 24, xv. 2, xxii. 12). 17. Has not thy desertion of God in old time brought upon thee this trouble ? when he led thee by the ivay] Way is not here used in the secondary sense that it often bears as 'way of sinners,' 'way of the righteous,' 'way of the ungodly,' but, as is shewn by its meaning in the next two verses, in the sense of a literal path or journey, viz. — that through the wilderness. The worship of the golden calf and of Baal-peor was but the earliest exhibition of that same idolatrous spirit, which had broken out V. 191 JEREMIAH, II. 19 hast thou to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor? or what hast thou to do in the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river ? Thine own wickedness shall 19 correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee : know again and again, was now so terribly prevalent, and formed the cause of the calamities which beset the kingdom. 18. what hast thou to do in the way of Egypf] The thought is the same as that expressed by Isaiah (xxx. i — 3) "Woe to the rebellious children... that walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth... There fore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion." Ever since the time . when Psammetichus king of Egypt reduced under his own sway the twelve separate kingdoms into which that country had been formed, there was a party of statesmen at Jerusalem who favoured an Egyptian alliance. To this party Jeremiah ceased not to oppose himself. to drink the zvaters of Sihor'\ to hold communication with Egypt, and espouse its cause. The figure has been already suggested by the mention of fountains and cisterns (ver. 13). Sihor\ The word, which properly means turbid, is shewn by the context to be equivalent to the Nile, a word which itself denotes blue, or dark. On the other hand the same name (though perhaps in each case qualified by some explanatory addition) is sometimes at any rate given apparently to a much smaller river, near the Egyptian frontier. what hast thou to do in the way of Assyria] It has been objected that Nineveh and with it the Assyrian empire had probably been some time before overthrown, and that of Babylon established upon its ruins. This however is far from certain, while, even granting it, the use of the old name Assyria presents no difficulty, as we have a parallel more than once in the case of this same empire. In 2 Kings (xxiii. 29) Pharaoh- Nechoh (on the occasion of the battle of Megiddo) is spoken of as going up "against the king of Assyria," meaning Nabopolassar ; and again in the Book of Ezra (vi. 22) Darius is spoken of under the same title. It is very possible however that the mention of Assyria is to be quite otherwise explained; that the prophet, as in ver. 16 (see notes there), is speaking of past acts. Both Israel and Judah had vacillated for many reigns between Egypt and Assyria. Menahem king of Israel bribed Pul king of Assyria to support him, and to him also his successors Pekahiah and Pekah seem to have looked, while Hoshea, who ended the line of Israel, sought the aid of Egypt. Hezekiah looked towards Egypt, Josiah met his death in fighting against it and on behalf of the Eastern empire, Assyria's successor. Thus subservience now to one now to the other quarter was a familiar thought to those whom Jeremiah addressed. to drink the waters of the river"] Euphrates, the great river, on which was built Babylon. Compare Is. viii. 7, "Now the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, even the king of Assyria, and all his glory." 19. Thine own zuickedness shall correct thee] Thy misdeeds shall 20 JEREMIAH, II. [vv. 20, 21. therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is 20 not in thee, saith the Lord God of hosts. For of old time I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not transgress; when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wanderest, playing the 21 harlot. Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right bear their own punishment with them. Correct in the sense (now grow- ing obsolete) of chastise. So " Correct thy son and he shall give thee rest" (Prov. xxix. 17). The word occurs several times in Jeremiah in this sense (x. 24, xxx. 11, xlvi. 28). and that my f earl depending on *' it is an evil thing and bitter." In other words the evil and bitterness is twofold; [a) desertion, {b) indifference. my fear\ The fear of me. 20. I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy bands'] A reference to the deliverance from slavery in Egypt. It is possible however to render the original as a continuance of the words of reproof contained in the previous verses; Thou didst break thy yoke 6^^., i.e. thou didst cast off all allegiance to Me, thy Maker. transgress] serve. Transgress is no doubt a later reading formed by a very slight change in one of the letters of the verb in the original. ■whe7i\ for. The Hebrew word possesses both senses. The only reason however for its having that of when is removed by the correc- tion of the preceding word. wanderest] iDOwest down. The reference is to the rendering of idolatrous worship, renouncing of allegiance to the true God Who has espoused the people to Himself, and readiness to do homage to any and every object beside. 21. a noble vine] a Sorek vine, the word Sorek probably referring to the colour of the fruit, a vine bearing dark-purple grapes. It is the "choice vine" spoken of by Jacob in his blessing of his sons (Gen xlix. 11). vine] the first plant the cultivation of which is recorded in the Bible (Gen. ix. 20). The dream of Pharaoh's butler and the ancient Egyptian and Assyrian sculptures shew that it was cultivated early in Egypt and Assyria, while the same is proved for Palestine by the frequent mention of it in Scripture and the numerous remains of winepresses hewn out of the rock. In the Temple over the gates leading to the Holy Place was an extensive vine ornamentation "from which hung clusters of grapes the length of a man's stature." It was made from the gold offered from time to time in the temple and was the embodiment of a symbol often used by the prophets. "The charge made against the Jews, that they worshipped Bacchus, probably rose from this temple ornament; and it is not nnpossible that our Lord may have had a reference to it, when He spoke of Himself as the True Vine" (St John xv. i), (See Geikie's Life and Words of Christ, i. 552.) vv. 22, 23.] JEREMIAH, II. seed : how then art thou turned ijito the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me ? For though thou wash thee with 22 nitre, and take thee much sope, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord God. How canst thou say, I am 23 not polluted, I have not gone after BaaHm .? see thy way in the valley, know what thou hast done : thou art a swift wholly a right seed] In a somewhat similar passage in Isaiah (v. I — 7) Israel is not as here the vine, but the vineyard in which it is planted. hazo then art thou ttirned] That which had been sown, in other words the people, when first chosen to be God's, was uncorrupt. How is it then, He asks, that such 'right seed' can have produced such rotten boughs? mito me] to my grief — a frequent use of the dative case. 22. nitre] not saltpetre, in which sense we now use the word, but carbonate of soda [natron). That this was the sense intended by our "translators, is shewn by Holland, who in his translation of Pliny (xxxi. 10) distinguishes between saltpetre (called by Pliny, Aphro-natrum) and nitre. Pliny there describes the soda-lakes about 50 miles west of Cairo. " The natron occurs in whitish or yellowish efflorescent crusts, or in beds three or four feet thick and very hard, which in the winter are covered with water about two feet deep; during the other nine months of the vear the lakes are dry, at which period the natron is procured" (the Rev. W. Houghton in Sm. Bibl. Diet.). sope] As natron is a mineral so this is a vegetable alkali. The word is itself the Arabic name [alkali) for one of the plants salsolakali (saltwort) which are chiefly used in its production, and are found in abundance on the Mediterranean coast of Palestine, as well as on the shores of the Dead Sea. This and other plants on being burnt furnish ashes, the lye of which (formed by passing water through them) was used in Jeremiah's time for cleansing purposes. The immense heaps of rubbish frequently found in Palestine shew the extent of the manufac- ture. The admixture of oils or animal fat was much later than Jeremiah's time. thine iniqnity is marked] No mode of cleansing however diligently applied will suffice to remove the ingrained stain of sin. marked] staijied, according to the Old English use of the word, continued still in certain phrases, as to mark a sheep (with a brand), to mark a handkerchief. 23. Hotv canst thou say] The people probably pleaded in their defence that the law of Moses was observed and the public worship of God revived by the king. *' But," replies the prophet, " you still follow false gods, and that not only in secret, but in the public view." Baalim] The Hebrew plural. Compare Cherubim, Seraphim. The word therefore is equivalent to the "other gods" of chap. i. i6. the valley] In all probability this was the valley of Hinnom on the south side of Jerusalem. It was devoted under idolatrous kings to 22 JEREMIAH, II. [vv. 24—28. 24 dromedary traversing her ways ; a wild ass used to the wil- derness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure ; in her occasion who can turn her away ? all they that seek her will not weary themselves; in her month they shall find her. 25 Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst : but thou saidst, There is no hope : no ; for I have 26 loved strangers, and after them will I go. As the thief is ashamed when he is found, so is the house of Israel asham.ed ; they, their kings, their princes, and their priests, 27 and their prophets, saying to a stock. Thou art my father ; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth : for they have turned their back unto me, and not their face : but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us. 28 But where ai'e thy gods that thou hast made thee ? let them impure sacrifices and human offerings to Moloch, who no doubt was one of the gods called collectively Baalim. (Compare vii. 31, 32, xix. 5, xxxii. 35.) The valley was defiled by Josiah in order that such sacrifices might cease, and here dead bodies of men and animals were cast. From the Hebrew word in a Greek dress {Gehenna) comes one of the names for the place of future punishment, of which this valley was considered by the later Jews a symbol, and which some of them believed to contain the entrance to hell. See note on chap. vii. 31. dromedary] The Hebrew denotes a female that has not yet had a foal. traversing] (literally, entangling) running quickly hither and thither in the eagerness of her passion, crossing and recrossing her own course. So Israel runs now here now there, ever in search of a fresh object of devotion, and forsaking her lawful spouse. 24. a wild ass used to the wilderness] casting off all trammels and revelling in uncontrolled licence. snuffeth np the wind] looking out for every occasion that offers to sin. The false gods have no need of courting her favour. She is eager to enjoy them. at her pleasure] or, in her desire. 25. Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat front thirst] This hardly refers to approaching captivity, to be averted on repentance, but rather means, Do not pursue thy shameless quest in recklessness and heat ; and with this accord the words of the reply, which expresses the resolve to continue in sin, while yet the next verse intimates that the people are not altogether insensible to the disgrace of continuing in such a course. 27. saying] inasmuch as they say. In this consists their disgrace. They attribute to their idols the honour due to the Creator alone. itt the time of their trouble they will say. Arise, atid saveus] Their idols are but fair-weather friends. When a crisis comes, they will re- cognise this, and appeal for help to Him "Whom they have rejected. w. 29-32.] JEREMIAH, II. 23 arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble : for according to the number of thy cities are thy gods, O Judah. Wherefore will ye plead with me ? ye all have transgressed 29 against me, saith the Lord. In vain have I smitten your 30 children; they received no correction : your own sword hath devoured youi prophets, like a destroying lion. 31 — 37. Israel is an unfaithful spouse^ and shall be punished as such. O generation, see ye the word of the Lord. Have I been a wilderness unto Israel ? a land of darkness ? where- fore say my people, We are lords ; we will come no more unto thee ? Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride 31 32 28. gods that thoii hast made thee] There is a savour of irony through- out this verse. The sarcasm here lies in the people's belief that the gods which their own hands had made were worth invoking. for according to the number of thy cities are thy gods\ The irony is continued. // cannot be through any scarcity in number that the gods ivhojH thou hast chosen come not to thine aid. Each several city has its onvn favourite object of worship. Surely one at least of all these ?night be found to hear and help. O Judah] A change in the mode of address from 'House of Israel.' Judah, though not yet afflicted with the evils which have fallen to the lot of the Ten Tribes, is solemnly warned that she is deeply involved in the sin for which they are already suffering. 29. plead with me] remonstrate against my wrath. all] all the families of Israel. 30. your prophets] referring perhaps to Isaiah and Zechar ah, perhaps to those whom Manasseh slew (2 Kings xxi. 16. Compare Nehem. ix. 26; Matt, xxiii. 35), or possibly to those slain by Jezebel (i Kings xviii. 4, 13). 31 — 37. Israel is an unfaithful spouse, and shall be PUNISHED as such. 31. O generation, see ye] generation that ye are, see. a wilderness] Have I been like a place where ye lacked sustenance? It is not the word which denotes absolutely barren, evil ground. (See note on ver. 6.) a land of darkness] a land of intense darkness. Have I been to you as a place, whose dangers were magnified to your imagination by the very fact of its deep gloom? We are lords] We wander free. The same Hebrew verb occurs Gen. xxvii. 40, rendered in the English Version "thou shalt have the dominion." The notion of being master, of having power to carry out one's own will, is at the bottom in each case. 24 JEREMIAH, II. [vv. 33—36. her attire ? yet my people have forgotten me days without 33 number. Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love ? there- 34 fore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways. Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents : I have not found it by secret search, but upon 35 all these. Yet thou sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his anger shall turn from me. Behold, I will plead with 36 thee, because thou sayest, I have not sinned. Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way ? thou also shalt be 32. attire] a band or girdle worn round the waist. The same word is translated head-bands in Is. iii. 20. It was an ornament which the , bride assumed upon her wedding-day, and thus it marked a married woman. A matron would cherish this token of married life. Not so Israel, which has now for a long time forgotten her Husband. 33. Why trimmest, thou thy way] Literally, Why makest thou thy way good? The same phrase is used later (vii. 3, 5) but in a somewhat differert sense. There it means, to amend the life, but here, to shew carC; to devote oneself (to the worship of false gods). the wicked ones thy ways] %la.Y VTdiy^ to wickednesses; i.e. thou hast accustomed thy ways to the sight and practice of evil, trained thy ways in the wickedness which characterizes them. 34. blood of the souls] souls used simjily in the sense of persons, as is found in the New Testament also (Rev. xviii. 13) **souls of men." / have not found it by secret search] not at house-breaking didst thou catch them. The allusion, which ir completely obscured m the English Version, is to the law (Ex. xxii. 2) by which it wa? permitted to slay a thief caught in the act of breaking irtc a house. The persons whom Israel had thus treated were in no such position, but such was never- theless their fate. Those spoken cf are probably, in part at any rate, the victims of the cruelty cf Manasseh, of whom we read (a Kings xxi. 16) that he "shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another. ' bw upon all these] The words are obscure. The sense may be (i) it was (not because those prophets were caught in any crime, but rather) because they exposed and denounced all thy crimes that thou hast thus sheo their innocent blood ; or, perhaps better, (ii) it was because of this thy lust for idolatry, that thou could'st not abide them. 35. Because] But, a protest against the whole of the preceding accu- sation. surely his anger shall ttirn from ?ne] because of the reformation since Manasseh's da}s. For 'shall turn' we should rather render hath turned, hath not fallen, and thus I am proved innocent. / will plead with thee] a different word from that used earlier in the chapter, and meaning rather, I will act the judge towards thee. 36. to change thy ivay] See ver. 18 for some detail of the vacillation vv. 37;i-] JEREMIAH, II. III. 25 ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of Assyria. Yea, 37 thou shalt go forth from him, and thine hands upon thine head : for the Lord hath rejected thy confidences, and thou shalt not prosper in them. Chap. III. i — 5. Israel has forfeited her privileges. They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from 3 him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her of Israel's policy. Manasseh and Amon also may have made a league with Egypt. thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt"] This was literally fulfdled, when the Egyptians were expected to raise the siege of Jerusalem in the reign of Zedekiah, but failed to do so (Jer. xxxvii. 5). thou ivast ashamed of Assyria] One conspicuous instance of this was in the reign of Ahaz, when in spite of his presents to the king of As- syria, that monarch helped him not {2 Chron, xxviii. 21. See also Is. vii., viii). From this verse as from ver. 8 above it has been inferred by some that these chapters must have been, if not written, at any rate recast in the days of Jehoiakim ; since in the days of Josiah, when Assyria was declining, there could have been no reason, it is thought, for seeking an alliance with Egypt. There is however nothing to prevent one supposing that the Jews looked with suspicion on the Eastern Empire, and that an influential party at any rate were willing to make overtures to Egypt, until Josiah finally committed himself to hostilities with that power by the act which led to his death at Megiddo. Further the whole tone of the discourse implies that the kingdom of Judah was still politically independent, a state in which it certainly was not during the reign of Jehoiakim. 37. thou shalt go forth fro77i him] Egypt shall repulse thy advances, and thou shall return mourning. thine hands upon thifie head] Compare Tamar, who after the wrong put upon her by Amnon, "laid her hand on her head, and went on crying." (2 Sam. xiii. 19.) thy confidences] those in whom thou confidest, Egypt and Assyria. Chap. III. 1 — 5. Israel has forfeited her privileges. 1. They say] The Hebrew is simply saying. It probably is to be connected with the words 'hath rejected' (ii. 37) and to be rendered, saying, or, for he saith. The connexion of thought is : the Lord refuses to recognise either Egypt or Assyria as the lawful spouse of his people, at the same time saying that as they have chosen to forsake Him for them. He will act in accordance with the law of divorce and will refuse to receive Israel again. shall he return unto her again ?] When a woman left her husband in accordance with a bill of divorce and was married to another, even a bill of divorce given her by her new husband did not set her free to 26 JEREMIAH, III. [w. 2—5. again ? shall not that land be greatly polluted ? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers ; yet return again a to me, saith the Lord. Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with. In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilder- ness ; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms 3 and with thy wickedness. Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain ; and thou 4 hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed. Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My father, thou art 5 the guide of my youth ? Will he reserve his anger for ever ? be reunited to the former one. See Deut xxiv. i — 4 for the words of the law on the subject. yei reticrn'\ and thinkest thou to return. This is by far the most probable sense. There is no invitation to the people, such as the English Version would suggest, to come back to God, but an expression of surprise that those who must be familiar with the teaching of the law on the subject of earthly marriage and divorce should fail to see the impossibility of playing fast and loose with God in such a matter — a thing forbidden even in human affairs. This explanation also accords better with ver. 2. 2. Israel is shameless and wholly given up to idolatrous excesses. high places'] bare heights, without trees. the Arabian in the wilderness] the Bedaween freebooters, such as even at the present day make descents upon parties in that country for purposes of plunder. As is their eagerness to despoil a passing caravan or other company of travellers, so is that of Israel for the worship of false gods. 3. latter rain] that which fell in March and April, the second of the rainy seasons, the "early rain" (James v. 7) occurring in October and November. See chap. v. 24. 4. IVilt thou not... cry] Hast thou not cried. from this time] from the time of Josiah's reforms. These were begun in the twelfth year of his reign and completed six years later on the occasion of his great celebration of the Passover feast (2 Chron.xxxiv. 3, XXXV. 19). This period of reforms, is shewn by the expression 'this time ' to be not long past, and so confirms the general view given above ■ as to the date of this portion of the prophecy. guide] The word may be rendered ' husband,' a sense which the original bears also in Prov. ii. 17. 5. The first part of the verse is a continuation of the words of Israel, expressing her confidence that the anger of her Divine Spouse will pass in spite of her faithlessness. 7-esen'e] the sense of keep back, restrain in which we so often use this word might for a moment mislead the English reader. The context shews that the sense is retain, keep in exercise. w. 6, 7-] JEREMIAH, III. 27 will he keep it to the end ? Behold, thou hast spoken and done evil tilings as thou couldest. 6 — 20. Grievously as both Israel and Judah have sinned^ yet forgiveness awaits both, but conditionally oti their re- pentance. The Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the 6 king, Hast thou seen that which backshding Israel hath done ? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot. And I ^ said after she had done all these things^ Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couIdest'\ tliou hast spoken thus but hast done evil things and carried them through. The English Version makes the words and deeds of Israel to have been alike evil, whereas there is a contrast drawn between her specious words and her idolatrous ways. The last verb of the sentence, literally * thou couldest,' expresses the power which Israel had not omitted to exercise for evil. 6 — 20. Grievously as both Israel and Judah have sinned, YET forgiveness AWAITS BOTH, BUT CONDITIONALLY ON THEIR REPENTANCE. 6. The Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king] It is clear that this prophecy like the last is a summary or condensation of Jeremiah's teaching at the time, and does not represent any one dis- course. It is also clear that we are to take this and the preceding part together. Not only are the two alike in subject, but the very phrases used are to a great extent identical. One marked distinction how- ever between the two lies in this, that while in the former no hope of for- giveness was held out (it being there assumed that there was no genuine repentance), we have here the distinct assurance of pardon on the appearance of contrition. It is possible that the mention of the days of Josiah may imply that this part of the prophecy is more immediately connected with the time of his reforms. Judah has not taken warning by the example of Israel's sin and punishment. Nay, she has added to apostasy treachery. Nevertheless an acknowledgment of sin from either portion of the nation will bring pardon. backsliding Israel] The Hebrew is stronger. Israel, the backsliding one., literally '(which is) fl/i?^'/^^/ (itself).' So too in ver. 7 'treacherous' is \\\.QX2i)\y faithlessness. 7. I said] to myself; I thought. after she had done all these things. Turn thou unto me] better, after she has done all these things, she will return unto me. treacherous] See ver. 6, above. 28 JEREMIAH, III. [vv. 8—12. 8 Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce ; yet her treacherous sister 9 Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also. And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones 10 and with stocks. And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but 11 feignedly, saith the Lord. And the Lord said unto me. The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than 12 treacherous Judah. Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say. Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith 8. This and the seventh ver. correspond in the order of their thoughts and in the thoughts themselves. 'I said' (ver. 7) corresponds to 'I saw' (ver. 8). Israel's conduct is the subject of the first part in each sentence, and Judah's imitation of it that of the second part. for all the causes whereby] On account of all the causes for luhich, was perhaps the actual legal phraseology with which the bill of divorce com- menced. 9. stones and with stocks'] idols of stone and of wood. 10. for all this] In spite of the warning thus afforded in the sin and consequent downfall of the sister-kingdom, Judah has put on a mere semblance of reformation, thereby aggravating her guilt. The surface only and not the core of the nation was affected by king Josiah's reforms. 11. Having thus thrice declared the part which 'her treacherous sister Judah' had played in forsaking the Lord for idols, He pronounces the sentence of condemnation, once more giving each kingdom the epithet appropriate to its sin, and charging Judah with hypocrisy as well as de- sertion. In spite of (i) greater privileges, (a) succession of kings of the same family, {b) Temple, (r) Levites ; (ii) the warning example of Israel ; Judah has proved faithless. "The verse is further important, yfrj/ as accounting for the destruction of Jerusalem so soon after the pious reign of Josiah. Manasseh's crimes had defiled the land, but it was by rejecting the reforms of Josiah that they profaned it, and sealed their doom ; secondly, as shewing that it is not by the acts of its government that a nation stands or falls. Ahaz and Manasseh lent the weight of their influence to the cause of idolatry : Hezekiah and Josiah to the cause of truth. But the nation had to deter- mine which should prevail." {Spcakcr''s Comtfi.) 12. tozvard the ftorth] towards Assyria and Media, whither the Ten Tribes had been carried captive by Shalmaneser, king of the former country. w. 13—15.] JEREMIAH, III. 29 the Lord ; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you : for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep ajiger for ever. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast 13 transgressed against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the Lord. Turn, O backsliding 14 children, saith the Lord ; for I am married unto you : and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion : and I will give you pastors accord- 15 mine anger] my face. The sense is, I will not look severely upon you. Compare for the same phrase Gen. iv. 5, "Cain was very wroth and Ais countenance fell ^ The offer in this verse is plainly conditional upon the repentance of Israel, and as in point of fact they were not restored, we may gather with certainty that the condition was not fulfilled. 13. Repentance and acknowledgment of definite sin alone are neces- sary to ensure pardon. hast scattered thy ways] hast wandered hither and thither. Comp. ii. 23. strangers] strange gods. Compare ii. 25. 14. children] sons. Although they have wandered and are now in **a far country" and "in want" (Luke xv. 13, 14) they can count on a Father's welcome, if they return in a filial spirit. By this rendering the mixture of metaphors is made more prominent. The people are at once sons that have left their Father's house, and a wife that has been divorced. "I am married unto you." one of a city, and tiuo of afa-mily] One or two shall be converted to a sense of their guilt. Both 'family' and 'city' refer still to Jews, not to their Gentile captors. lamily to the Jewish ear suggested a larger number than city. A mere village might bear the name of a city, while a family denoted the larger subdivisions of the tribes, admitted of many ramifications, and contained persons whose connexion with one another would according to our notions be but very slender. In this verse then the offer is, so to speak, individualised. The exiles are told that, even though there be no national repentance, yet as it is open to each one to return, so each shall be dealt with on his merits. At the return from the captivity in Babylon certain of the Ten Tribes may have accepted the invitation here given, and thus been the means of the partial fulfilment of the promise. In a fuller sense it has been in course of being carried out ever since, first in the conversion of Jews in the time of our Lord and the Apostles, and secondarily in the Christian Church. In the former period there were still dwelling within Palestine those who traced their descent from one or other of the Ten Tribes (Luke ii. 36), while the thought of the original unity of those descended from Israel's twelve sons appears elsewhere in the New Testament (Acts xxvi. 7 ; James i. i). 15. pastors] For the sense see chap. ii. 8, and for the different sort of rulers which Israel had had compare Hosea viii. 30 JEREMIAH, III. [vv. i6, 17. ing to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and [6 understanding. And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more. The ark of the covenant of the Lord : neither shall it come to mind : neither shall they remember it ; neither shall they visit it; neither shall t7 that be done any more. At that time they shall call Jeru- salem the throne of the Lord ; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem : neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of 16. A brief sketch of the exceeding blessings that shall follow, if Israel hearken. The ark, hitherto the seat of the special manifestation of God's glory, shall be forgotten, because He will shew Himself throughout Jerusalem, and the whole city shall be filled with His presence. in those days] an ordinary phrase with the prophets to denote the time of the Messiah. Compare v. 18; xxxiii. 16. tAey shall say no more. The ark of the covenant of the Lord] It shall be forgotten by those who have God Himself walking in the midst of their city. The ark with its top forming the mercy-seat, on which the visible brightness marking God's presence, the Shekinah, rested, was the centre of reverence, although hidden by the veil of the Temple which parted the Holy of Holies from the rest of the building. For the thought of the ark with the figures of the Cherubim upon it as God's throne, compare Ps. Ixxx. i, xcix. i ; also Exod. xxv. 22; Numb. vii. 89. As a matter of fact the ark of Mosaic times perished no doubt in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldaeans. come to iniiid] The marginal reading 'come upon the heart illustrates the custom of speaking of the heart as the abode of the intelligence. visit] or, possibly, miss, feel the want of. neither shall that be done any more] The words might also be ren- dered neither shall it {the ark) be made any more; that is, no repairs shall be done to it. 17. they shall call fei'tisalem the throne of the Lord] God's glory and visible presence shall be manifested, not as heretofore on the covering of the ark alone, but throughout the holy city. He will thus shew that His presence is not necessarily confined to the ark or temple, and therefore that the possession of these, on which the people were relying so much, by no means ensures protection from the foe or spiritual blessing. ah the nations] Gentile peoples shall be gathered into the Church of God, which shall thus become Universal. neither shall they] the Jews and Gentiles thus united. imagination] stubbornness. So the word doubtless means on its fiist occurrence in the Bible, Deut. xxix. 19 (of which this is apparently a citation), Ps. Ixxxi. 12 (" lust"), and seven other times in Jeremiah. w. 18—20.] JEREMIAH, III. their evil heart. In those days the house of Judah shall 18 walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. But I said, How shall 19 I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations ? and I said. Thou shalt call me. My father; and shalt not turn away from me. Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her 20 18. with^ 'To,' the marginal rendering, is nearest the usual sense of the Hebrew word. If this be its proper rendering here, the clause will imply that the Ten Tribes will be the first to repent, and that then Judah, seeing this, will join them, that all may return together out of captivity. The prophet thus implies the subordinate position which Judah shall take in the future in comparison with the other Tribes, and that because of her greater iniquity, as already set forth. The word rendered 'with' in the Text need not however denote anything further than the coupling together of Israel and Judah. In Exod. xxxv. 22 we have the Hebrew word in this sense 'both men awdf women.' The whole verse may be compared with Isaiah xi. 12, 13, he "shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth... Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex P^phraim." The unity there pictured as exist- ing between the formerly rival kingdoms is the same idea as that of Jeremiah. 19, 20. The prophet is about to describe the thoughts of Israel. These verses form the transition. In them he introduces the Lord as telling of His own affection for Israel, and of the ingratitude with which that affection had been repaid. His manner of expressing the former of these thoughts is no doubt suggested by the language of the previous verse. The mention there of the land of promise leads Him to speak of the 'pleasant land,' the 'goodly heritage' that He was ready to bestow. 19. Bui\ And. No opposition is intended. I said] The pronoun should be emphatic. Whatever Israel's conduct may be, God's purposes and love are sure. The time referred to is the Exodus from Egypt. Hozu] Not a question as in the English Version, but How gloriously ! How honourably ! among the children] the nations, which, as created all of them by God, are all of them His children, while Israel, unless it forfeits the right, may claim to be His first-born. Compare Exod. iv. 22, "Thus saiththe Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn." goodly heritage of the hosts] heritage of the chief splendour, or, good- liest heritage. The sense is that Israel shall have a more glorious land than any other nation. Compare a "land. ..flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands." (Ezek. xx. 6, 15.) Thou shalt. ..and shalt not...] Better, Ye shall. ..and shall not.... 32 JEREMIAH, III. [vv. 21—24. husband, so have you dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord. 21 — 25. Confession of sin on the part of Israel. n A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping anti supplications of the children of Israel : for they have per- verted their way, and they have forgotten the Lord their 22 God. Return, ye backsHding children, a/id 1 will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee ; for thou art the 23 Lord our God. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains : truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel. For shame hath ^4 20. O house of Israel] Israel here used of the Ten Tribes, but yet with a reference to Judah, as the latter would see her own misdeeds reflected in Israel. 21 — 25. Confession of sin on the part of Israel. 21. high places'] See note on ver. 2 above. The voice comes from them not only as having been the places where idolatry had been prac - tised, but in accordance with Eastern custom to choose some lofty or prominent place on which to make public lamentation. Compare chap. vii. 29 ; also Moab's overthrow lamented by that nation upon its "high places" (Is. xv. 2), and Jephthah's daughter bewailing her virginity "up and down upon the mountains" (Judg. xi. 37). 22. God's reply to the lamentation and expressions of repentance. The Hebrew is striking in its play on the word turn, Turn, ye turned children ; I will heal your turnings. Behold, we cojne] The offer of pardon is accepted. The picture is an impressive one; the cries of repentance on the part of a nation — their wandering on the hills in sorrow — the utterance of forgiveness — their return into favour. 23. Truly in vain is salvatioji hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains] Tridy in vain is it from the hills, in vain is revelry on the mountains. The construction is obscure in the original. The returning Israelites contrast the orgies that belong to idol worship with the security and spiritual blessing which the Lord" imparts. 24. Vain was the boisterous service spoken of in ver. 23. It is not merely without profit, but most hurtful. shame] Bosheth = Baal, the god of shame, the god who brings disgrace, whose worship is an opprobrium to the worshipper. The Hebrew word is often elsewhere used as an equivalent for Baal. Compare xi. 13, where the two are identified, also Hos. ix. )o; so too as parts of compound proper names Baal and Bosheth are identified; Jerubbaal (Judg. vi, 32) = Jerubbesheth (2 Sam. xi. 21); Eshbaal (i Chron. viii. 33) = Ish- bosheth (2 Sam. ii. 8). w. 25; 1,2.] JEREMIAH, III. IV. 33 devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth ; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters. We lie 25 down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us : for we have sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God. Chap, IV. i — 11. Swnming up of the ?nessage to Israel and Jicdah. Announcement of mipending destruction to Jeru salem. If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord, return unto 4 me : and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove. And thou shalt 2 hath devoured the labour\ hath consumed the possessions (as enu- merated immediately afterwards). Labour is here used for the fruits of toil. The verse seems to refer simply to the sacrifices offered to Baal, which were sometimes even human. Although flocks and herds yielded sacrifices to the Lord also, yet there could be no real similarity between such offerings and those which were exacted by a god like Baal. Others however take the devouring to consist in the tem- poral misfortunes resulting from estrangement from the true God, so that it is equivalent to saying, We have been ruined as a nation by our wickedness and idolatry. 25. We lie down\ We will lie down, or, Let us lie down. Repentance for the misdeeds of the past shall be so strong that we shall be over- whelmed with emotion and shall lie prostrate under its influence. Compare for such a custom when under very painful feelings 1 Sam. xii. 16, xiii. 31; i Kings xxi. 4. covereth^ shall cover, or, let (our confusion) cover. For the thought compare Ps. cix. 29. Chap. IV. 1—11. Summing up of the message to Israel and JuDAH. Announcement of impending destruction to Je- rusalem. In verses i — 4 a severer mode of address is used towards Judah (3, 4) than towards Israel (i, 2). 1. If thou wilt return'] both in the sense of a change of mind, and of a literal return from captivity, as its consequence. i-eturn unto me] unto me triou shalt return. abominations] false gods. Compare i Kings xi. 5, 7 where the two are shown to be identical; compare also 2 Kings xxiii. 13, and many passages in Jeremiah. then shalt thou not remove] and not stray. This clause is not the completion of the sentence, as the English Version makes it to be, but merely expresses the thought of the previous clause in diff"erent JEREMIAH 3 34 JEREMIAH, IV. [v. 3. swear, The Lord liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in right- eousness ; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, 3 and in him shall they glory. For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow language ; verse 1 (the apodosis to the preceding protasis) expresses the consequence, in case the previous conditions are fulfilled. '• Stray " refers to the restless search after one or another unreal object of wor- ship, as described already (ii. 23, iii. 13). 2. And thou shalt'\ Then thou shalt. The Lord liveth] As the Lord liveth. From the Eng. Version we might suppose that this is itself the subject, and not simply the form, of the oath. The Living God is "not the thing sworn to, but the thing sworn by" {Speaker's Commentary). Oaths by other gods are to be dismissed from their mouths. The people, while yet in the wilder- ness, are commanded by Moses to "cleave" to the Lord " and swear by His name. He is thy praise and He is thy God" (Deut. x. 20, 21). So now if they will give the same proof that in their minds He is supreme, there shall follow their own restoration, and through them a blessing to all nations of the world. and the stations'] then the nations. shall bless themselves in him'] in the LORD, not in Israel, as is shewn by the last clause, where in that case the verb to glory would be inappropriate. Jeremiah however doubtless alludes here, as is his wont, to the earlier Scriptures, such as "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Gen. xii. 3), etc. Compare Ps. Ixiii. 11, "Every one that sweareth by him (God) shall glory." On the assumption that Israel repents, it will be through her that the Gentile nations shall obtain the blessing of God. This Jeremiah implies by his undoubted reference to the covenant made with Abraham, as quoted above. Thus then the end of the former part of ver. i, and of the latter part of ver. 2, are the consequences of the conditions (single and threefold respectively), which precede them. 3, For\ This with the following verse contains a direct applica- tion of the foregoing words to Judah. They were after all the part of the nation in which the prophet was most directly interested, and he thus naturally seeks to bring them within the compass of his prophecy, and to rouse them to do that which he had urged upon Israel. Break up] Make fallow for yourselves. The contrast is not between uncultivated ground and that which bears a crop, but between that which receives much and that which receives but little attention. The figure is accordingly drawn from land allowed to lie fallow, in order that it might thereby be presently made the fitter for cultivation. Land in this condition would be overgrown by thorns, and it was that there might be the opportunity to free the soil from these that the cultivator permitted it to be at rest from time to time for a short period. The point of the command then is this : — as the farmer is careful to clear the soil of weeds, before sowing his seed, so do you use care in the vv. 4, 5.] JEREMIAH, IV. 35 ground, and sow not among thorns. Circumcise yourselves 4 to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem : lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench //, because of the evil of your doings. Declare ye in Judah, 5 and publish in Jerusalem ; and say. Blow ye the trumpet in the land : cry, gather together, and say. Assemble yourselves, work of repentance. No hasty or scanty sowing in this case will bear fruit that I can accept. It must be done thoughtfully and with sus- tained diligence in order to prove effectual. 4. Circuvicise yourselves to the Loj'd^ The addition of the last three words mark that the verb is used in a spiritual sense, as is further shewn by the mention of the 'heart' in the same connexion. The nature of the injunction then is that all impurity, and especially idolatry as the crying sin of the nation, should be put away. like fire'\ consuming all that opposes itself to its progress. 5. With this verse begins a group of addresses here given in substance, and reaching to the end of chap. x. The general subject is the same throughout, a declaration of the coming evil. The words as we have them, in all probability, formed a part of the roll as read in the ears of Jehoiakim, or afterwards enlarged, and represent the gist of Jeremiah's preaching during the latter part of Josiah's reign, that of Jehoahaz, and the beginning of that of Jehoiakim. During the greater part of this time it was still possible for the people to avert calamity by repentance and amendment of life. After Jehoiakim's reign had fairly begun and he had shewn that even the check which Josiah's personal character and influence had put upon idolatry was now removed, the condition of the nation became desperate. The near approacli or actual arrival of that condition therefore was present to Jeremiah's mind throughout this section and coloured all his utterances. He speaks of the hostile army and of the destruction which it is about to deal. Judgment comes from the north, like the hot blast of the tempest not to be warded off by any human devices. At the beginning of chap, vii. there is a break caused by a new heading, and that with the three chapters that follow probably give us the exact words spoken by Jere- miah on a special occasion during this period. See notes there. This and the subsequent verses are connected with the preceding as being an expanded description of the punishment there threatened. They give us a graphic picture of the excitement and dismay caused ' throughout the defenceless portions of the land by the approach of the enemy, and the hasty retreat to walled towns on the part of the country people. Blow ye'\ addressed either to those whose duty it was so to do, or to those who should first become aware of the danger. cry, gather togethe?-'] cry aloud. Assemble yourselves] The inhabitants of the villages meet at a rendez- vous and seek refuge in a body in the nearest fortified towns. So we 3—2 36 JEREMIAH, IV. [w. 6, 7. 6 and let us go into the defenced cities. Set up the standard toward Zion : retire, stay not : for I will bring evil from the 7 north, and a great destruction. The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate ; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant. find e.g. that the Rechabites have done (chap, xxxv.) Compare the crowding of the inhabitants of Attica within the walls of Athens on the occasion of a Spartan invasion (Thuc. ii. 52). 6. Set up the standard^ This was to be done not so much as affording a place of comparative security on a height, as to mark out the safest route to those who were seeking to attain the shelter of the walls of Jerusalem. The erection of lofty poles with banners waving from them would be a signal reaching further and therefore more expeditious than even the trumpet blast. standard^ Our Authorized English Version, as first published (in ' 161 1), has by mistake standards. The mistake was not corrected till the first careful revision of that Versi6n, made at Cambridge, 1629. retire'\ save yoiir goods by fliglit. The same Hebrew word is used and in the same sense in Exod. ix. 19; Is. x. 31 (English Vers, "gather"). evil from the north"] Some have taken the reference to be to the Scythians. It is true that they made a descent in the direction of Judaea during the reign of Josiah (see Introduction, chap. i. § 3), and were checked by Psammetichus, king of Egypt. Even granting how- ever that their invasion was made as late as or later than the time of this prophecy, there are two reasons fatal to the supposition that it has to do with them : (i) There is nothing to shew that they ever invaded Judaea, (ii) The description of the invading force does not suit them. We have no knowledge that they used chariots. On the contrary, the description exactly fits in with what we know otherwise of the armies of Chaldaea, who are therefore no doubt here meant. 7. The lion'] A lion. thicket] the usual lurking place of such. the destroyer of the Gentiles] a destroyer of nations. He is not like an ordinary lion a destroyer of individuals, but of whole nations. he is gone forth from his place] literally, he has struck his tents, as does an army. After Jeremiah's usual manner, he suddenly drops his metaphor, and begins to express his meaning directly and without figure. without an inhabitant] fulfilled, as related chap, xliii. 5 — 7> " Johanan the son of Kareah...took all the remnant of Judah...So they came into the land of Egypt." vv. 8— lo.] JEREMIAH, IV. 37 For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl : for the 8 fierce anger of the Lord is not turned back from us. And y it shall come to pass 'at that day, saith the Lord, that the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes ; and the priests shall be astonished, and the pro- phets shall wonder. (Then said I, Ah, Lord God ! surely ic thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace ; whereas the sword reacheth unto the 8. is not turned back from us\ The wickedness of the days ot Manasseh has not been repented of. Any reformation has been merely on the surface, and those who imagine that it has been sufficient to recover God's favour towards His people will find their mistake. 9. heari\ understanding. Their intellect shall be paralyzed. the priests s halt be asto7tished'\ because of the punishment which has followed upon their idolatries. the prophets shall wonder'] because of the non-fulfilment of their pro- phecies. 10. This verse has caused some perplexity to commentators. The difficulty consists in the fact that in it God is spoken of as em- ploying deceit. The chief modes in which the difficulty has been met are (i) Jeremiah is not speaking his own words but those of the false prophets, on finding that their predictions of peace are not coming to pass. (ii) The words are those of Jeremiah himself, but used against the false prophets, whom he thus ironically assumes to have been inspired by God to utter vain predictions of prosperity. (iii) God is said to have done Himself that evil which in point of fact He has only permitted to occur. (i) and (ii) are harsh and far fetched, while (iii) was a mode of thought and speech familiar to the Jew (compare i Kings xxii. 21 — 23), who accordingly would not feel that there was any irreverence in this mode of expressing his difficulty. For the emotion which must have possessed Jeremiah at the time and drawn from him this startling ex- clamation, we may compare Elijah's case in i Kings xix. 10, 14. The prophet "broke into a wild cry, in which he gave expression to his pain, and, relieved, he felt the fire of duty burn bright again, and took up again the work of life." Christ in Modern Life (Rev. S. Brooke), P- 155- **To me alone there came a thought of grief, A timely utterance gave that thought relief. And I again am strong." Wordsworth. That the prophets were very eager to understand what was obscure in the predictions they uttered, we gather from i Pet. i. 10, 11. In this particular case the fulfilment, though sure, was in the yet distant future. 38 JEREMIAH, IV. [vv. ii— 13 soul). At that time shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem, T I — 18. Description of the efiemy's attack. A dry wind of the high places in the wilderness toward the daughter of my people, Not to fan, nor to cleanse, Even a full wind from \kiO?>Q places shall come unto me : Now also will I give sentence against them. Behold, he shall come up as clouds, And his chariots shall be as a whirlv/ind : souI\ life. 11. Having given vent to the wail characteristic of his disposition he resumes his prophetic utterance. At that time shall it be said'\ When the invader is advancing, the tidings shall be borne by messengers and fugitives as follows : 11 — 18. Description of the enemy's attack. A dry wind^ A hot wind. A wind from the east, such as is pre- valent in that country, accompanied by a cloudless sky. As it comes down from the hills and across the barren wastes it withers up all vegetation, besides producing the utmost discomfort. " The air becomes loaded with fine dust, which it whirls in rainless clouds hither and thither at its own wild will The eyes inflame, the lips blister and the moisture of the body evaporates, under the ceaseless application of this persecuting wind" (Thomson, The Land and the Book, p. 295). " We have two kinds of sirocco, one accompanied with vehement wind, which fills the air with dust and fine sand " [ibid. p. 536). high places] bare heights. Compare note on iii. 2. not to fan, nor to cleanse] alluding to the Eastern mode of winnowing. By the vehemence of this wind wheat and chaff alike shall be swept av/ay. 12. a full wind from those places] X2i\her, fuller than those {winds) that are used to winnow and cleanse. Such a storm is meant as that described forcibly in Joel (ii. 30, 31), where the sun, as seen through columns of sand and dust, is the colour of blood, while those columns themselves are likened to " pillars of smoke." unto] for; at My command. now also will I] The pronoun is emphatic. I, in reply to their atlnck on me in the way of idol- worship, will, etc. 13. as clouds] So in Ezekiel (xxxviii. 16) the enemy Gog is said to be coming up against Israel "as a cloud to cover the land;'' and in the prophecy of Joel (ii. 2) the invading army is extended over the land like "clouds and thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains." his chariots shall be as a whirlwind] The same comparison is used twice by the prophet Isaiah (v. 28, Ixvi. is)- w. 14—16.] JEREMIAH, IV. 39 His horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us ! for we are spoiled. O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee ? For a voice declareth from Dan, And pubhsheth affliction from mount Ephraim. Make ye mention to the nations ; behold, pubHsh against Jerusalem, That watchers come from a far country, szvifter than eagles] Compare chap, xlviii. 40; 1 Sam. i. 23; Lam. iv. 19; Hab. i. 8. Woe unto us! for we arc spoiled] This represents either the cry of the people on finding themselves hopelessly in the hands of the invading force, or the lament of the prophet himself as he realizes the state of things that he has just depicted. The former view is the more likely one. Compare ver. 19, etc. 14. thine heart] as opposed to mere surface-reform. Compare *'hath not turned unto me with her whole heart but feignedly," (iii. 10). How long] Thou hast wearied me with thy prolonged faithlessness. vai7t] sinful, idolatrous. The Hebrew word, properly denoting sin of any kind, is used specially of the worship of idols. Thus Beth-el (house of God) is called (Hos. iv. 15, etc.) in consequence of the worship there practised, Beth-aven (house of iniquity, house of an idol). At the same time there is a play on the word which we cannot reproduce in English. This appears in the original of ver. 15 where the same word is used in another of its senses affliction, thus enforcing the truth that idolatry and disaster are necessarily conjoined. 15. The connexion is, It is high time to amend, for, etc. Dan] on the northern border of Palestine, see Deut. xxxiv. i. It is mentioned frequently in conjunction with Beersheba, the other limit ; e. g. Judges xx. i ; i Sam. iii. 20, etc. It was a conspicuous seat of idolatry, sharing as it did with Bethel the distinction of being selected by Jeroboam as the seat of a golden calf (i Kings xii. 29). afflicfioft] See ver. 14, mount Ephraim] the range dividing Ephraim from Judah, eight or ten miles at most from Jerusalem itself. The language thus intimates the rapid approach of the enemy. It was but now they were at Dan, and already they are crossing the hills in the very neighbourhood of the Assyrians, as described in Is. x., and of the capital of the southern kingdom. Compare the rapid advance of the Etruscans as described in Macaulay's "Horatius," [Lays of Ancient Rome,) " Now from the rock Tarpeian," etc. 16. Make ye tnention] The nations are summoned to witness the venge- ance about to be taken even on the chosen people. The event is itself of the utmost importance, and the lesson will be a most impressive one. watchers] besiegers, the Chaldaeans. 40 JEREMIAH, IV. [vv. 17—20. And give out their voice against the cities of Judah. 17 As keepers of a field, are they against her round about ; Because she hath been rebelUous against me, saith the Lord. 18 Thy way and thy doings have procured these things unto thee; This is thy wickedness, because it is bitter, Because it reacheth unto thine heart. 19 — 26. Picture of the. horror and desolation that are at hand. 19 My bowels, my bowels ! I am pained at my very heart ; My heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, Because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. 20 Destruction upon destruction is cried ; for the whole land is spoiled : 17. keepers of a field] "In the time of our translators it may be y doubted whether the term Jield was ever used of enclosed plots of ground. Such enclosures were called parks, while the field was the open country. (Lev. xiv. 7, xvii. 5, etc.). In it not only was it necessary to watch the cattle (Luke ii. 8), but also the crops (Job xxvii. 18). Jeremiah therefore compares the tents of the besiegers on guard round Jerusalem to the booths erected by shepherds or husbandmen for the protection of their flocks or produce." {Speaker'' s Comm.) 18. wickedness] The Hebrew word means either wickedness, or its result, viz. calamity. The latter is the sense here, as the succeeding words shew. bitter] Owing to the remembrance that it is virtually self-inflicted. reacheth unto thine heart] inflicteth deadly wounds. Compare ver. 10. 19—26. Picture of the horror and desolation that ARE AT hand. 19. at my very heart] the walls of my heart ! a separate ex- clamation. These brief utterances well represent the pangs to which the speaker is being subjected. That speaker is not Jeremiah only, but the people as a whole. This appears from the next verse, and from chap. x. 20. maketh a noise] The word in the Hebrew denotes tumultuous movement, pain, and the expression of it in sound, 20. Destruction upon destruction] the tidings of one calamity after another, as in the case of the successive announcements to Job. So Macaulay's " Horatius " as referred to above: "Every hour some horseman came With tidings of dismay." vv. 21—26.] JEREMIAH, IV. 41 Suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a mo- ment. How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound 21 of the trumpet ? For my people is foolish, they have not known me ; 22 They are sottish children, and they have none understand- ing: They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. I beheld the earth, and lo, // was without form, and void; 23 And the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, 24 And all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and lo, there was no man, 25 And all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, 26 is spoiled'^ assuming that this had aheady taken place; so certain was it. tents] This seems not merely a name for dwellings, retained from i nomadic times, but a representation of the real state of things with much of the pastoral and agricultural part of the nation even then. Compare for the expression 2 Sam. xviii. 17, xx, i ; i Kings viii. 66, xii. 16. curtains'] another way of saying tents; so x. 20; Cant. i. 5; Is. liv. 2. 21. standard] as above in ver. 6. trtimpet'] not as summoning hosts to battle, but admonishing fugitives to hasten their flight. Those who have not yet fled for refuge to the cities are constantly warned of fresh reason for so doing. The term is prolonged, and the end of it is not in sight. How long shall this state of things last ? 22. Fot-] The last verse contained an appeal addressed to God to know the cause why this invasion was permitted. This verse contains God's reply. It is not without cause, for, etc. kjiown] had regard to. 23. The prophet sees in vision the vastness of the desolation that is coming upon the land. It is a return to the state of things described in the History of the Creation. Matter is as yet lying "without form and void." Wildness, solitude, and general disorder are indicated. All is chaotic. 24. moved lightly] In spite of their vast size they were shaken to and fro as though they were "a very little thing." 25. all the birds of the heavens were fled] as expecting some dread convulsion of nature. 26. the fruitful place] Heb. Carmel, (see ii. 7), probably taken 42 JEREMIAH, IV. [vv. 27—29. And all the cities thereof were broken down At the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce anger. 27 — 31. The suffering and dismay that shall attend upon the overthrow of the kingdom cannot by any devices be averted. For thus hath the Lord said. The whole land shall be desolate ; Yet will I not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black : Because I have spoken //, I have purposed it, And will not repent, neither will I turn back from it. The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen ; however here as representing the most fruitful portions of the land in general. a wilderness'] literally, the wilderness, i.e. "changed into the wilderness with all its attributes" (Hitzig, as quoted by Keil). There is a complete reversal of the natural features of the soil. "In no country is the contrast between the glorious past and the miserable present so startling and sad ..The whole land is a venerable ruin." (.Through Bible Lands, p. 387, P. Schafif., D.D., New York, 1878). 27 — 31. The suffering and dismay that shall attend upon THE overthrow OF THE KINGDOM CANNOT BY ANY DEVICES BE AVERTED. 27. This is no mere picture or flight of fancy, but a tremendous reality, For, etc. yet will I not make a full end] The overthrow shall not be such as that which sooner or later befalls all other kingdoms. The contrast between the chosen people and the rest of the nations is thus very remarkable, as is also the frequency and consistency with which the promise of final deliverance appears even in the midst of the severest threatenings. This feature of prophecy is found as early as Lev. xxvi. 44. Compare chap. v. 10; also Is. vi. 13, xi. ii, 16; Ezek. xx. 34; Amos ix. 8 : Mic. ii. 12. 28. For this] because of the desolation of the whole land. shall the earth mourn] as deprived of her products. be black] be in mourning from sympathy. Observe in the latter part of the verse the emphatic assurance of the certainty of the coming woe. 29. This verse is in point of fact the resumed description of the desolating effect of the invasion, verses 27, 28 being almost a parenthesis. The whole city] Every city. That this is the right rendering is shewn by the last word of the verse, which is literally in thein (not, in it). V. 30.] JEREMIAH, IV. 43 They shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: Every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein. And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do ? 30 Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold. Though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair ; A new feature is thus introduced into the description. Not only shall \\ the country people flee to Jerusalem, but the inhabitants of the various ; towns as well. The whole city would mean Jerusalem only. 'City' is here used for its inhabitants, as in i Sam. iv. 13 ("all the city cried out"). bowJTteri] These formed the chief feature in the armies of the Assyrians. See Layard's Mo7itiments of AHneveJu thickets'] The word in the original according to the pure Hebrew use means clouds, but in local dialects it came to be used in the sense in which Jeremiah here employs it. rocks] These, and the caves which they contained, were often used as places of refuge in the course of Jewish history. See chap. xvi. 16, also Judges vi. 2; i Sam. xiii. 6; and compare Is. ii. iq, 21. 30. And when thou art spoiled] And thou, plundered one. The singular is put collectively for the plural. Compare ver. 31 'the daughter of Zion;' so also Ps. xlv. 12 ("the daughter of Tyre," meaning Tyrian maidens). rentest thy face with painting] This is illustrated by an Egyptian "practice universal among the females of the higher and middle classes and very common among those of the lower orders, which is that of blackening the edge of the eyelids both above and below the eye with a black powder called kohl. This is a coUyrium commonly composed of the smoke black, which is produced by burning a kind of liban, an aromatic resin, a species of frankincense. ...At?/?/ is also prepared of the smoke black produced by burning the shells of almonds.... y^;///;//^;z>', it is said, was formerly tised for painting the edges of the eyelids. The kohl is applied with a small probe of wood, ivory, or silver, tapering towards the end, but blunt: this is moistened, sometimes with rose- water, then dipped in the powder and drawn along the edges of the eyelids.... The custom of thus ornamenting the eyes prevailed among both ' sexes in Egypt in very ancient times : this is shewn by the sculptures and paintings in the temples and tombs of this country, and y(Wz/-vessels with the probes and even with remains of the black powder have often been found in the ancient tombs" (Lane's Modern Egyptians, vol. i. pages 45, 46). rentest thy face] dividest thine eyes, forcibly partest thine eyelids, i.e. by the process above described. Rent is the older form of rend and is the present not the past tense. It now occurs here only, but in older editions of the Bible is found in eleven other passages. As instances of its use in Shakespeare, compare 44 JEREMIAH, IV. V. [w. 31 ; i. Thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life. For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, The voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewaileth herself, that spreadeth her hands, Saying, Woe is me now ! for my soul is wearied because of murderers. Chap. V. i — 9. Is the punishment too severe ? Nay; God cannot but punish the wickedness that p7'evails amofig high and low alike. Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and "And will you rent our ancient love asunder." Mids. Night's Dr. iii. 2. 215. "Where sighes and groanes, and shrieks that rent the ay re Are made, not mark'd." Macbeth, iv. 3 (Ed. 1623). {The Bible- Word Book, by Eastwood and Wright.) thy lovers] those whom thou wouldest have as paramours, those for whose support thou carriest on intrigues (ii. 33, 36J are the very on-es, O Jerusalem, who seek thy hurt. 31. Thy wiles shall have no effect; for already I hear thy cries of agony and dismay. that bezvaileth herself] she sig-hetli. that spreadeth her hands] she stretcheth out her hands (in the attitude of a suppliant). is wearied] sinketh exhausted. Chap. V. 1 — 9. Is the punishment too severe? Nay; God can- not BUT PUNISH THE WICKEDNESS THAT PREVAILS AMONG HIGH AND LOW ALIKE. 1. JRun ye to and fro] Instead of saying simply that good men were difficult or impossible to find in Jerusalem, the prophet seeks to arrest the attention by challenging his hearers to find one by a thorough and extensive search. The last words of the verse are evidently an allusion to the history contained in Gen. xviii. 23 — 33. As Abraham obtained by a series of requests that ten righteous found within Sodom should procure its safety, so here one godly man is to do the like for Jerusalem. The statement, as seeming to imply that there was not even an individual exception to the universal depravity that reigned there, has caused to some a difficulty which they have sought to evade by saying that the righteous would be afraid to walk abroad, and so would remain shut up, as did Jeremiah and Baruch after the publication of the contents of the roll in the time of Jehoiakim. Others have taken w. 2—5.] JEREMIAH, V. 45 see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth ; and I will pardon it. And though 2 they say, The Lord liveth ; surely they swear falsely. O 3 Lord, a7'e not thine eyes upon the truth ? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction : they have made their faces harder than a rock ; they have refused to return. Therefore I said. Surely these are poor ; they are foolish : 4 for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgment of their God. I will get me unto the great men, and will s this verse as proof that the prophecy must be later than Josiah. There is however no need of adopting either of these views. The words were never meant to be taken literally. They are but an emphatic and lively way of stating what was doubtless the case even towards the end of Josiah's reign, viz. — that the little good that was left in the land was driven out of sight by the prevailing wickedness, and exercised no ap- preciable effect upon it. Some righteous were then left, even as later in the time of Zedekiah the last king of Judah (xxiv. 5). broad places] the market-places and other chief places of resort. exeaitet/i] doetli. Execute has acquired a more contracted and formal sense since the time when the Eng. Version was made. truth] sincerity, good faith ; by no means confined to truth in words. 2. Though they take the most solemn form of oath, as opposed to those by heaven, by the earth, by Jerusalem, by the head, (Matt. v. 34, 35,) which were all held to be less binding, they yet use it to give weight to a lie. See note on iv. 2. 3. The reply of the messengers as to the result of their search. the truth] sincerity. See ver. i. They have thought to please Thee by outward blandishments and the appearance of reverence, but Thou hast seen their heart. they have made their faces harder than a rock] Compare Ezek. iii. 7—9. 4. Therefore] And. The prophet thinks, surely it is poverty and ignorance that misleads them. foolish] The same word is rendered "dote" in chap. 1. 36. It seems however if not to include at least to be nearly akin to the sense of sinful. See Numb. xii. ri. the way of the Lord] the way prescribed by God to man that he should walk in it. the judgment of their God] that which God judges or decrees to be right and lawful. The rendering of the word in 2 Kings xvii. 26 well illustrates its meaning here. The Samaritan immigrants "knew not tht ?na7iner of the God of the land." 46 JEREMIAH, V. [vv. 6, 7. speak unto them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and tliQ judgment of their God: but these have altogether 6 broken the yoke, and burst the bonds. Wherefore a Hon out of the forest shall slay them, a/id a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall watch over their cities: every one that goeth out thence shall be torn in pieces: because their transgressions are many, a^id their backslidings 7 are increased. How shall I pardon thee for this ? thy chil- dren have forsaken me, and sworn by t/ie^n that are no gods : when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adul- 5. they have knoivn'] They have had leisure to study the Law, and to learn therefrom the will of God. broken the yoke, and burst the bonds] of the Law and of obedience. The bonds are the fastenings of the yoke upon the neck of the beasts that bear it. This verse suggested to Dante the images in the opening Canto of his Inferno : "A lion's aspect, which appeared to me, He seemed as if against me he were coming With head uplifted, and with ravenous hunger, So that it seemed the air was afraid of him; And a she-wolf, that with all hungerings Seemed to be laden in her meagreness, And many folk has caused to live forlorn ! " Canto I. 11. 45 — 51. Longfellow's Trans. 6. The beasts here mentioned are literally meant, and are not figurative of the enemy. This is shewn by the different sorts which are enumerated. Compare for this form of punishment Lev. xxvi. 12 ; 1 Kings xvii. 25; and so Ezek. xiv. 15. evenings'] deserts. The mistake arose from the similarity of the two words in Hebrew. That deserts (as opposed to a word, meaning time) is the right rendering is farther shown by the parallelism with "a lion out oi the forest. ^^ leopard] panther. watch over] lie in wait for, about to spring, as is the custom of these animals. Compare Hos. xiii. 7. 7. How] Why. t?iis] thy faithlessness. thy children] the people of Jerusalem at large. / had fed thetn to the ftdl] or, according to another reading, 7 had bound them to me by oath. This reading, which differs to the slightest possible extent in the Hebrew from that rendered in the English Ver- sion, is on the whole the more probable one. The last part of the verse is best understood in the sense of faithless- ness to their Divine Spouse, but perhaps with at least an allusion to the imj)ure rites which accompanied idolatry. vv. 8— 14.] JEREMIAH, V. 47 tery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses. They were as fed horses in the morning : every 8 one neighed after his neighbour's wife. Shall I not visit 9 for these things 1 saith the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as tliis r 10 — 18. In spite of the feeling of security which prevails, the Lord will speedily bring a desolating foe. Go ye up upon her walls, and destroy; but make not a full lo end: take away her battlements; for they <2r) the writer of those chapters borrowed from Jere- miah, which is refuted by the differences of style; or {c) the section is an insertion in Jeremiah by a later author; but then it would hardly appear in the Septuagint (see above). Sp. Comm. , (Other instances of possible quotation from the later portion of | Isaiah on the part of Jeremiah are v. 25 — Is. lix. % ; xii. i — Is. Ivii. i ; | xii. 9 — Is. Ivi. 9; xiii. 16 — Is. lix. 9; xiv. 7 — Is. lix. 1-2; xlviii. 18 — i Is. xlvii. I. Dean Payne Smith, The Authenticity^ etc. of Isaiah Vindi- * cated, p. 107.) 5. upright as the pahn tree] as a pillar Of turned -work, a pillar resembling a palm tree. These idols are stiff and lifeless as such. ( )lhers render ' ' like pillars in a garden of cucumbers, " in which sense the Hebrew word is found in Is. i. 8. That this was the sense in which the Jews themselves understood it at the time when the book of Baruch was written appears from the verse (Baruch vi. 70) evidently based on this, "as a scarecrow in a garden of cucumbers." 6. Forasmuch as there is none] None at all is. The Plebrew has a w. 7—9.] JEREMIAH, X. 85 Thou art great, and thy name is great in might. Who would not fear thee, O King of nations ? for to thee 7 doth it appertain : Forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like unto thee. But they are altogether brutish and foolish : 8 The stock is a doctrine of vanities. Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, g And gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and of the hands of the founder : double negative, thus emphasizing the denial. The English Version has misunderstood one of the negatives, and so rendered xV forasmuch as. 7. doth it appertain] it is fitting. "Thine is the kingdom" is the comment of the Chaldee paraphrase, which exactly hits the sense. wise men] wise ones, gods included. kingdoms] royal estate. there is none] none at all is. kingdoms] royal estate. 8. altogether] The Hebrew is in one and had therefore best be rendered by the two words all together rather than simply by a word equivalent to wholly. The stock is a doctrine of vanities] The teaching of idols is (a piece of) wood. The sense is not that the block of wood teaches foolishness, but that it can never in the instruction wh'ch it gives go beyond itself. As water cannot rise above its source, so the idol is wood and can never get beyond it. 9. The grammatical construction of the two verses is closer than would appear from the Eng. Version, " a piece of wood, silver beaten into plates, from Tarshish it is brought, etc." Tarshish] either (i) Tarsus in Cilicia (Josephus); or (ii) Carthage ' (the Septuagint); or (iii) Tartessus in Spain. This last is the generally received opinion now. The mineral products supplied by Tarshish to Tyre, silver, iron, tin and lead (Ezek. xxvii. 12), were exactly those in which Spain was rich. In Strabo's time the port had ceased to exist ; hence the confusion as to the locality. Uphaz] "Probably Uphaz was a place in the neighbourhood of the river Hyphasis (now the Gharra, the S.E. limit of the Punjab), the Sanscrit name for which is Vipa^a." Sp. Comm. Many however identify it with Ophir (there being a considerable similarity in the Hebrew words), about whose position there are very wide differences of opinion, the chief views being (i) India (Josephus); (ii) India or the east coast of Arabia, at any rate some place where Sanscrit was the language spoken, (Max Miiller, Sc. of Layig, Ed. vi. vol. i. 230); (iii) Africa, so Milton, "Mombasa, and Quiloa and Melind And Sofala, thought Ophir, to the realm Of Congo and Angola furthest South." P. L. xi. 399 — 401. 80 JEREMIAH, X. [vv. 10—13. Blue and purple is their clothing : They are all the work of cunning men. But the Lord is the true God, He is the living God, and an everlasting king : At his wrath the earth shall tremble, And the nations shall not be able to abide his indigna- tion. Thus shall ye say unto them. The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, eveji they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. He hath made the earth by his power. He hath estabHshed the world by his wisdom, And hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, And he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth ; He maketh lightnings with rain, founder] goldsmitli. blue atid purple] The former probably was a bluish purple, while the latter had a strong tinge of red. cunning] See note on ix. 17. 10. the true God] literally, a God who is truth. 11. The verse appears in Chaldee. Hence some suppose it to be an interpolation. But (i) no one would call attention to his interpolation by writing it in a different language from the text ; and (ii) it harmonizes completely with the context. The object therefore is either {a) that the Jews might thus have put into their mouths the very words in which they should while in exile address their Chaldee conquerors, which is somewhat improbable ; or {b) because it is a proverb and thus given in the language of the common people (Aramaic). from under these heavens] more probably, yri?w under the heavens — these Gods. 12. ' ' The splendour of this glory appeareth unto us in and through the works of his hands," Bp. Pearson on the Creed, Art. i. Some see the doc- trine of the Trinity foreshadowed here — Power, Wisdom, Understanding or Skill {'■discretion^). Verses xi — 16 are repeated li. 15 — ig. 13. When he uttereth his voice ^ there is a multiitide of waters in the heavens^ and he causeth] When he thundering giveth the roar of waters in the heavens, he causeth. This is probably the best rendering. The literal translation is At the voice of his giving etc. The ascent of the vapours is spoken of poetically as though it were the consequence of the thunder, because it is seen to follow it, vapours] tloudsy literally, ascended ones. VY. 14—17.] JEREMIAH, X. 87 And bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. Every man is brutish in /lis knowledge : 14 Every founder is confounded by the graven image : For his molten image is falsehood, and ^/lere is no breath in them. They are vanity, and the work of errors : is In the time of their visitation they shall perish. The portion of Jacob is not like them : 16 For he is the former of all things ; And Israel is the rod of his inheritance : The Lord of hosts is his name. 17 — 22. The prophet returns to the subject of the coming woe. Gather up thy wares out of the land, 17 with rain] for the rain, i. e. to accompany the rain. 14. in his knowledge] either (i) without knowledge, i.e. bereft of it; or perhaps better, i^i) fj'om (in) that very thing itt which he thinks he . has shewn skill, viz. : — the idol. The latter seems more in accordance f with the parallelism evidently intended between this and the next clause, j knowledge in the one corresponding to graven image in the other. We ' may compare Rom. i. 22. ' founder'] goldsmitli, as in ver. 9. confounded] brought to shame. 15. work of errors] a work which misleads, deceives. Others how- ever understand the Hebiew in the sense of mockery, a thing to be ridiculed. visitation] See vi. 6. 16. The portion of Jacob] The true God, upon whom Israel has a claim. former] maker, fashioner. all things] the whole, the universe. the rod of his inheritance] The Hebrew word rendered rod some- times means a sceptre. Hence the meaning has been taken to be, Israel is the people over whom God specially rules. But the sceptre is rather the sign than the object of kingly power. Therefore it seems better to refer the word to its other common sense of a measuring rod, so that the import will be, Israel is the people whom God has marked out for Himself as His peculiar possession. 17 — 22. The prophet returns to the subject of the coming woe. 17. Some would take this and the following section, which ends the chapter, as composed either {a) in the times of Jehoiakim, when on account of his revolt against Nebuchadnezzar Syrians, Chaldaeans, etc. 88 JEREMIAH, X. [vv. il O inhabitant of the fortress. i8 For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this once. And will distress them, that they may find // so. 19 Woe is me for my hurt ! my wound is grievous : But I said. Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it. 20 My tabernacle is spoiled, and all my cords are broken : My children are gone forth ass'). The slightest change in a Heb. letter would however give us the somewhat easier sense, / will make thee to seme thine enemies, as in xv. 4. for a fire is kindled in mine anger] a quotation from Deut. xxxii. 22. vv. 15— 17J JEREMIAH, XV. 119 15 — 18. A last appeal to God 07i the part of the prophet. Lord, thou knowest : remember me, and visit me, and 15 revenge me of my persecutors ; take me not away in thy longsuffering : know that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke. Thy words were found, and I did eat them ; and thy word 16 was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart ; for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts. I sat not in 17 the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced ; T sat alone because of thy hand : for thou hast filled me with indigna- The words there announce the punishment which shall come upon Israel for the idolatry into which it shall fall. 16 — 18. A LAST APPEAL TO GOD ON THE PART OF THE PROPHET. 15. This verse is connected in sense with ver. 10. The Lord's reply to Jeremiah's lament in that verse fails to satisfy him, inasmuch as coupled with it have been mentioned again the coming afflictions of his countrymen, while at the same time his own present condition remains unaltered. thou kno%vest\ viz. the persecutions to which I am exposed, and my own innocence, and earnestness in Thy work. These thoughts he expands in the next two verses. take me not away in thy longsuffering\ Deprive me not of all joy or of life itself through mercy towards my enemies. 16. He describes the joy with which he first received the divine commission. were found^ This verb occurs in the same connexion in Ezek. iii. I, as implying in the most general sense the obtai?iing wK^hoxxX par- ticularising the manner. 1 did eat the7fi\ This remarkable expression seems intended to con- vey two notions : (i) joyful acceptance, (ii) close union. So in Ezek. ii. 8, iii. 1—3. aj?i called^ rather, was called. The prophet is still speaking of the original summons ,to preach. Literally the clause would run, for thy name was called upon me. 17. mockers'] laughers. Jeremiah is not taking credit to himself for having never joined with the enemies of God, although the Eng. Vers, might seem to imply this. The word simply means those engaged in festivity. It is the word used e.g. of the women who went out to meet Saul and David after the slaughter of Goliath (i Sam. xviii. 7), and of the procession accompanying the ark (2 Sam. vi. 5). because of thy hand] For this expression, as betokening a solemn charge in the name of God, compare Is. viii. 1 1 ; Ezek. i. 3, and still more distinctly Ezek. xxxvii. i. Compare the case of David, i Chron. xxviii. 19; also the statement of the Apostle, that "men of God spake as they were moved (literally, borne along) by the Holy Ghost" (2 Pet. i. 21). I20 JEREMIAH, XV. [vv. 18—20. 18 tion. Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be healed ? wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail ? 19 — 21. Gods reply. Faithful discharge of duty shall bring with it deliverance. 19 Therefore thus saith the Lord, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me : and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth : let them return unto thee ; but return not thou 20 unto them. And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall : and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee : for I am with thee to indignation\ The sins of the people had thenceforward been only too manifest to him. 18. Why dost Thou grant me no relief from persecution? a liar] literally, a lie. The words which follow shew that the pro- phet is thinking of a watercourse, which as being dry belies the antici- pations of the thirsty traveller. So Jeremiah's hopes of joy and success in his work have not been hitherto realized. The same figure, so natural in a hot country, occurs Job vi. 15. 19 —21. God's reply. Faithful discharge of duty shall bring with it deliverance. 19. If thou return] If thou wilt dismiss thy doubts and thy tone of reproach and distrust. shalt stand before me\ shalt be my minister. The phrase is a common one in this sense. (See note on xxxv. 19). It is used of Elijah (e.g. i Kings xviii. 15), of Elisha (2 Kings iii. 14) : so also in Prov. xxii. 29. if thou take forth the precious from the vile] The figure is that of the refining of metals, in which by the process of melting there is a separa- tion made of the earthy and other matters that constitute the dross. As to the application of the metaphor various views have been taken : (i) that the prophet is not to mix with the words which God puts in his mouth any of his own opinions or comments. (ii) that he is to convert to righteousness certain of the general mass of his ungodly countrymen. (iii) that he is to cleanse his own heart from the unworthy suspicions as to God's faithfulness, which though mixed with better thoughts he had just shewn to be there entertained. This last view seems the one most in accord with the context. my mouth] my mouth-piece, spokesman. The same expression is used of Aaron Exod. iv. 16, and compare vii. i. let them return...] Do not surrender anything of the truth in order by smooth speeches to win over the people. Stand thou firm, and let them repent and amend. vv. 2i; 1—5.] JEREMIAH, XV. XVI. 121 save thee and to deliver thee, saith the Lord. And I will 21 deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible. Chap. XVI. i — 13. The prophet is to enforce his warnings by self-denial and an ascetic life. The word of the Lord came also unto me, saying, Thou 16 shalt not take thee a wife, neither shalt thou have sons nor 2 daughters in this place. For thus saith the Lord concerning 3 the sons and concerning the daughters that are born in this place, and concerning their mothers that bare them, and concerning their fathers that begat them in this land ; they 4 shall die of grievous deaths ; they shall not be lamented ; neither shall they be buried ; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth : and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine ; and their carcases shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth. For s thus said the Lord, Enter not into the house of mourning, 20, 21. These verses are substantially a repetition of chap. i. 18, 19. 21. the hand of the terrible] the palm of the terrible. See note on chap. xii. 7. the terrible] those who combine power with tyrannical violence. Chap. XVI. 1—13. The prophet is to enforce his warnings BY self-denial AND AN ASCETIC LIFE. 2. Thou shalt not take thee a wife] Marriage was a state of life in special favour with the Jews, as connected with the hope which each parent cherished that the Messiah might be born of his or her line. By his act of self-denial therefore Jeremiah was to shew his "return" (chap. xv. 19) and full submission to the will of God, while it would at the same time be a forcible mode of conveying the message of coming woes which he was charged to deliver to the people. this place] this land, as shewn by ver. 3. 4. grievous deaths] deaths by wasting diseases or famine. The same Hebrew word is used of this last visitation in chap. xiv. 18. they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried] We may compare the condition of things in the plague at Athens B.C. 430 : "Such was the state of dismay and sorrow, that even the nearest relatives neglected the sepulchral duties... the dead and dying lay piled upon one another not merely in the public roads, but even in the temples.. Those bodies which escaped entire neglect were burnt or buried without the customary mourning and wdth unseemly carelessness." Grote's Hist, of Greece, Chap. xlix. 5. Enter not...] The prophet's abstinence from the accustomed marks of respect to the dead and sympathy with the relatives is to be a 122 JEREMIAH, XVI. [vv. 6-9. neither go to lament nor bemoan them : for I have taken away my peace from this people, saith the Lord, even lov- 6 ingkindness and mercies. Both the great and the small shall die in this land : they shall not be buried, neither shall 7ne7t lament for them, nor cut themselves, nor make 7 themselves bald for them : neither shall men tear themselves for them in mourning, to comfort them for the dead ; neither shall men give them the cup of consolation to drink for 8 their father or for their mother. Thou shalt not also go into the house of feasting, to sit with them to eat and to 9 drink. For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, forecast of the time when such abstinence shall become general on account of the universal prevalence of suffering and death. mourning\ The word thus rendered here occurs but once elsewhere (Amos vi. 7), and is there translated banquet. In this place it probably means itiourning feast. A loud noise, as produced either by pleasurable or painful emotions, is its primary sense. bemoan'] not an infinitive mood coupled with 'to lament,' as might at first sight appear, but imperative, as the preceding 'go.' my peace] that which ensured them prosperity. 6. nor cut themselves, nor make themselves bald] It was strictly for- bidden in the Mosaic Law (Lev. xix. 28, xxi. 5; Deut. xiv. i) to prac- tise either of these y^r the dead. We gather however from this, and yet more clearly from other passages (chap. vii. 29, xU. 5; Ezek. vii. 18; Amos viii. 10; Mic. i. 16; and specially Is. xxii. 12), that the rule had either been relaxed, or was directed only to those cases in which such practices might be resorted to as propitiatory offerings for the deceased, and not as mere signs of mourning. The former of these practices, as representing, though in a modified form, the heathen custom of human sacrifices as a propitiation to the spirit of the departed, would naturally be forbidden. Herodotus (Bk. iv. 71) describes the funeral rites of a Scythian King as requiring no less than six human victims. (See further in Art. 'Cuttings in the flesh,' Sm. Bibl. Did.) 7. tear themselves] break (bread). The Hebrew word is the same (with a slight difference in the spelling) as that used Lam. iv. 4. The reference is to the custom that the friends of those who were in mourn- ing should urge them to eat. See in illustration of this usage 2 Sam. iii. 35, xii. 16, 17. Bread also was distributed to mourners and to the poor at" funerals, "Pour out thy bread on the burial of the just," Tobit iv. 14. Compare Is. Iviii. 7 (where the Heb. is the same) "to deal thy bread " etc. the cup of consolation] wine similarly administered as a refreshment by the friends. 'Give... strong drink unto those that be of heavy beans' (Prov. xxxi. 6) expresses the principle on which this was done. 8. Jeremiah should stand aloof from social joys no less than sorrows, because of the evil that was so near. vv. 10—14.] JEREMIAH, XVI. 123 and in your days, the voice of mirth, and the voice of glad- ness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride. And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew 10 this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us ? or what is our iniquity ? or what is our sin that we have committed against the Lord our God ? Then shalt n thou say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, saith the Lord, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law ; and ye have done worse 12 than your fathers ; for behold, ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me : therefore will I cast you out of this land into a 13 land that ye know not, 7ieiiher ye nor your fathers ; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night ; where I will not shew you favour. 14 — 21. The punishment shall be the most severe and there- fore the deliverance the most signal and blessed yet known. Therefore behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it 14 9. in your eyes, and in your days] an emphatic caution against their assuming that the present state of things would last their own time, and overthrow be reserved for their posterity. ^Ae voice of jnirth...] See note on chap. vii. 34. 10. Compare chap. v. 19, of which this passage is in substance a repetition. Here however there are virtually three charges brought against the peo;)le: (i) hypocrisy, (ii) idolatry, (iii) a baseness exceeding that of former generations. This last charge has been already (chap. vii. 26) brought. 12. imagination] stubbornness. Compai-e chap. iii. 17. that they may njt] If we substitute so as not to, a rendering which is quite as faithful to the original, we avoid the somewhat awkward change from the second to the third person. 13. a land] the land. The definite article, which stands in the Hebrew, has its proper force. The country to which they were pre- sently going as captives was one which they were not ignorant of, geographically speaking, although they had no practical experience of it. This last is often the sense of know in the Bible. shall ye serve] rather, ye may serve, an ironical permission. There should be nothing to interfere with that idolatry to which they were already so devoted. where] because. 124 JEREMIAH, XVI. [vv. 15—18. shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the 15 children of Israel out of the land of Egypt ; but, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them : and I will bring them again into their land that I gave 16 unto their fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them ; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the 17 rocks. For mine eyes are upon all their ways : they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine 18 eyes. And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double , because they have defiled my land, they have filled 14 — 21. The punishment shall be the most severe and there- fore THE deliverance THE MOST SIGNAL AND BLESSED YET KNOWN. 14. the days come] The deliverance from Egypt shall pale before the new and still more marvellous rescue of the people from their Baby- lonian masters. Verses 14 and 15, as asserting the blessing in store for the people in the future, form a striking contrast to the gloomy character of the remainder of the passage. Some have accordingly supposed that these verses are interpolated from chap, xxiii. 7, 8. There is however no reason to believe that they are not genuine. The greatness of the deliverance is the strongest proof of the greatness of the calamity which shall have preceded, and this last it is the main object with Jeremiah throughout to prove. Besides, it is but customary with the prophet to throw in a bright thought like this among gloomy ones. See chaps. iii. 14, iv. 27, v. 10, 18, xxvii. 22, xxx. 3, xxxii. 37. 16. The people shall be hunted down and captured, wherever they may be found. To express this vividly the prophet makes use of the figures of hunting and fishing. As a net was extended under and around the place where a shoal of fish was collected, so some of the enemy should surround and seize those who are collected together in the towns. Others again, who had fled into the country for refuge, should be over- taken by the light-armed who went in pursuit like hunters in quest of game. The lack of compassion on the part of the foe, and the certainty of capture, are brought out with equal force by the figures employed. The people were sufficiently acquainted with the history of their country to feel the significance of the description. See note on chap. iv. 29, with references there given. 18. first] before I restore them to their land. double] because their sin is twofold. See note on chap. ii. 13. because they have defiled] The latter part of this verse is best arranged somewhat differently, viz. : Because they defiled my land zvith the carcases vv. 19— 2i; I.] JEREMIAH, XVI. XVII. 125 mine inheritance with the carcases of their detestable and abominable things. O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, 19 and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. Shall a man make gods unto 20 himself, and they are no gods? Therefore behold, I will ^^ this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might ; and they shall know that my name is The Lord. Chap. XVIL i — 4. The sin is indelible. He?ice the necessary severity of the coming chastisement. The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with 17 the point of a diamond : // is graven upon the table of their of their detestable things^ and with their abominations they filled mine inheritance. the carcases of their detestable and abominable things] either, unclean animals (or animals of any kind) offered to idols, or the idols themselves, called carcases, as being in their nature polluting to the touch like a dead body (Numb. xix. 11). 19 — 21. The connexion of thought seems to be: Woeful as is the idolatry of the Jews, their punishment, repentance and consequent restoration to favour, being witnessed by heathen nations, shall lead even the most distant of these last to acknowledge the Lord. But is it not all but incredible that a man should consider the work of his own hands to be a god? Yet because of this sin (and also perhaps in order to impress the nations of the earth) God's power shall be shewn forth for evil and afterwards for good. 19. my strettgih, and my fortress"] my strength and my stronghold. The two Hebrew substantives, being derivatives of the same root, give an effect which we can hardly reproduce in the English. 21. this once] at tMs time. The punishment now impending is to stand out distinct, not to be compared for its severity with any other. See note on chap. x. 18. Chap. XVII. 1 — 4. The sin is indelible. Hence the neces- sary SEVERITY OF THE COMING CHASTISEMENT. 1. a pen of iron] used for making permanent marks on a hard surface, e.g. on rocks (Job xix. 24). point] literally, the finger ftail, in which sense the word is used in Deut. xxi. 12. Here however it means the tip of the stylus or pencil used by gravers. a diamond] The Hebrew word, which likewise means a thorn, occurs in the sense of diamond also in Ezek iii. 9; Zech. vii. 12 ("adamant"). 126 JEREMIAH, XVII. [vv. 2—4. 2 heart, and upon the horns of your altars; whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees 3 upon the high hills. O my mountain in the field, I will give thy substance and all thy treasures to the spoil, and 4 thy high places for sin, throughout all thy borders. And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage "Pliny tells us {Hist. Nat. xxxvn. 15) that the ancients were well acquainted with its cutting powers, and used to set it in iron, as is now done for the use of glaziers." Sp. Co?7im. Gesenius is disposed to connect the Hebrew with a Greek word, meaning emery powder (for polishing). This however is very doubtful, in spite of a similarity in sound which exists between the two. thetableof their heart'X their inward nature. Compare Prov. iii. 3, vii. 3. horns\ probably metal projections from the corners (Exod. xxvii. 2). altars] either, {a) the two altars (of burnt-ofifering and of incense re- spectively) employed in the Temple worship, or, {b) which is more prob- able from the context, altars set up to the Baals throughout Jerusalem and Judah. 2. Whilst their children remember... ] In the Heb. it is not quite clear whether the word 'children' is the subject or object of the verb 'remember.' With the former, which seems the somewhat preferable rendering, the meaning will be (i) their children's minds will be pro- foundly impressed by the horrors that they are called on to witness, or, more generally, (ii) the children will be so well taught in idolatry by their parents that the tendency towards it will on the very smallest provocation rise up in the mind. With the latter rendering the sense will be. As they remember their children, so they remember their altars, etc., i.e. (i) their love for their idolatry will be as great as that which they feel as parents for their children, or (ii) the thought of the one is inseparably connected with that of the other on account of their sacrifice of human victims to their idols. groves'] Asherim : not groves (for see i Kings xiv, 23 ; 2 Kings xvii. 10), but wooden pillars or monuments set up in honour of Ashtoreth ( Astarte). by the green trees] literally, upon each green tree. The preposition is difficult to explain. It may be an early error of a copyist in the Heb. At any rate the sense seems to be that given in the Eng. Vers. 3. O my mountain in the field] This is generally acknowledged to mean Jerusalem or Zion. Some would make it the accusative, governed by 'give,' 'thy' referring then to the people, while 'substance' and 'treasures' will be in apposition with 'mountain.' Jerusalem is called the jnoioitain in the field, not because the height on which it is built is not surrounded by still loftier mountains, but because of its position as the head and centre of the nation. 'My mountain' will in any case suggest the whole country. This is shewn by the concluding words of the verse. for sin] because ofi (thy) sin. So in chap. xv. 13, which almost co- incides in expression with this verse. 4. even thyself] The original probably means, through thine own fault. vv. 5—8.] JEREMIAH, XVII. 127 that I gave thee ; and 1 will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not : for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever. 5 — 8. Faith in man leads to destruction^ faith in God to security. Thus saith the Lord ; Cursed be the man that trusteth in 5 man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the 6 desert, and shall not see when good cometh ; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the 7 Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a 8 discontinue^ There seems a reference to such passages as Exod. xxiii. II, where the same verb is used of the rest given to the land every seventh year, and Deut. xv. 2, where the reference is to the setting free of creditors in the seventh year. Judah, having disregarded the sab- batical rest in times past, v^xW. be forced to recognise it now by being carried away from her land into captivity. See 2 Chron. xxxvi. 21. For notes on the rest of the verse see chap. xv. 14, which closely resembles it. 5 — 8. Faith in man leads to destruction, faith in God to security. 5 — 8. The antithesis in these verses is sharply defined, the two courses of human conduct making the men who practise them re- spectively to fade and to flourish. 6. Cursed be the man .. I\ This is supposed to have direct reference to Jehoiakim, w^ho revolted from Nebuchadnezzar and looked for aid from Egypt (2 Kings xxiv. i). his arm] that on which he depends in order to attain his wants. 6. the heath] rather tlie destitute man, A similar word is ren- dered heath in chap, xlviii. 6, where the same correction should accord- ingly be made. The only other occurrence of this word is Ps. cii. 1 7, where the sense is not doubtful. Here it is probable that the rendering of the word by the name of a plant (a rendering which has found favour from very early times) arose from the supposed necessity of making it harmonize closely with verse 8, especially as the Arabic word (or juniper is of similar sound. Two species only of heath grow in Palestine, the one (Erica vagans) on the coast plains (but not in large quantities), the other (Erica orientalis) on Lebanon. Therefore in any case the Eng. Vers, is inaccurate. shall not see when good co?neth] shall have no experience of good fortune. 8. he shall be as a tree] The image of Ps. i. 3 is here more elaborately developed. 128 JEREMIAH, XVII. [w. 9— ii. tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green ; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. 9 — II. All wicked devices God will detect and punish. 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately to wicked : who can know it ? I the Lord search the heart, / try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, " and according to the fruit of his doings. As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not ; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool. shall not see] shall not fear. Both readings, differing only by a letter, occur in the Hebrew. That adopted by our Version is probably the later one, and arises from a desire to make it answer still more closely to ver. 6. 9—11. All wicked devices God will detect and punish. 9. When prosperity and adversity are thus meted out respectively to the two great classes of mankind, the God-fearing and the wicked, how is it that all do not for the sake of their own interests pass from the latter to the former? It is because of the innate depravity of the human heart. desperately wicked] desperately sick. The same word is translated incurable \n ch2i^. xv. 18, xxx. 12. 10. I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins] Compare xi. 20 and XX. 12. ways] way. 11. As the partridge. ..] As the partridge pileth up eggs which she laid not. This is probably the closer rendering. The Heb. rendered in the Eng. Vers, sitteth on occurs only once elsewhere (Is. xxxiv. 15) "of a snake (A. V. great owl) gathering her young to keep them warm, but the root is found frequently in the Chaldee in the sense of laying in a heap, with especial reference to birds." Sp. Conim. We need not take the statement to indicate more than a popular belief of that day, of which the prophet availed himself by way of an illustration. A less probable ex- planation of the sense of tlie passage is that which makes the illustration to consist in this, viz. that the partridge calls the young of other birds under her wings, but that they forsake her when they hear the cry of the true parent. In any case the application is plain. Riches unlawfully gotten are as precarious and shortlived a possession as the young that have not been hatched by the bird that would pass for their parent. shall leave them in the midst of his days] Here again some have seen an allusion to the fate of Jehoiakim, who died at the age of thirty-six years. But the doubt on the part of the prophet expressed in ver. 15 as w. 12— 16.] JEREMIAH, XVII. 129 12 — 18. Throughout all the Prophet looks to God as the Saviour of those who prove faithful. A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of n our sanctuary. O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake 13 thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters. Heal me, O Lord, 14 and I shall be healed ; save me, and I shall be saved : for thou art my praise. Behold, they say unto me, Where is 15 the word of the Lord ? let it come now. As for me, I have 16 not hastened from deing a pastor to follow thee : neither to the fulfilment of Jeremiah's words, makes it unlikely that so remark- able a proof of his truth-speaking had been already afforded. 12 — 18. Throughout all the Prophet looks to God as THE Saviour of those who prove faithful. 12. 13. These verses are probably to be taken as one sentence, the whole of ver. 12 being in form an invocation of the temple as the scene of God's visible glory, but in reality an address to Himself. A throtie of glory, exalted from the beginning, the place of our sanctuary, hope of Israel, the Lord, all that forsake thee, etc. Such an address to the tem- ple is by no means in conflict with chap. vii. 4, where idolaters are warned that their feeling of security in being the possessors of the House of God is ill-founded. Here the temple is spoken of in its relation to true believers, whose joy in it rested on their faith in Him who was re- vealed through the glory that abode on the mercy-seat. 13. shall be written in the earthy shall disappear, like writing on any soft substance. The simile would naturally suggest itself to the prophet. "From the scarcity of writing materials a board covered with sand is used to this day in schools for giving lessons in writing ; and the Arabs have a method of fortune-telling, the invention of which is ascribed by them to the patriarch Enoch... effected by certain signs drawn upon sand." Sp. Comm. thefountain\ See chap. ii. 13 with note, also ix. i. 14. Jeremiah prays that God's character for faithfulness may be vin- dicated in his own case. 15. This verse shews that the time is before the capture of Jerusalem at the end of Jehoiakim's reign. If that event had occurred, the people would not, as here, challenge the prophet to point out a fulfilment of his prophecies of woe. tio'w'\ not denoting time, but in the sense of I pray thee. 16. pastorl This word is generally applied elsewhere to kings or other rulers (see chap. ii. 8, with note). There is no real difficulty how- ever in understanding it here of Jeremiah (and similarly of others in xxii. 22) in his capacity of leader, authoritatively guiding the thoughts and acts of the people. Compare "shepherd" in Eccles. xii. 11. to folloiv thee] after thee. The sense, which is obscured in the Eng. JEREMIAH 9 I30 JEREMIAH, XVII. [vv. 17—19. have I desired the woeful day ; thou knowest : that which 17 came out of my Hps was right before thee. Be not a terror 18 unto me : thou art my hope in the day of evil. Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be con- founded : let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed : bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction. 19 — 27. Conformity to the Law will yet ensure prosperity. *9 Thus said the Lord unto me ; Go and stand in the gate of the children of the people, whereby the kings of Judah Vers., is closely connected with the succeeding clause. Jeremiah had neither sought to resign the office of being as it were an assistant- shepherd, directing the steps of the people in the path which God had marked out for them, nor were his forecasts of sorrow to be understood as meaning that he hoped for that which he thus predicted. the woeful day] the overthrow of Jerusalem. The word here ren- dered 'woeful' is the same as the "desperately wicked" of ver. 9, where see note. thou knowest] He appeals to God to confirm his protest. was right] was. The insertion of the word right is misleading. What Jeremiah really says is that his words were not his own, but were all spoken as in God's sight and in compliance with His will. 17. terror] a cause oi dismay. See chap. i. 17, with note. The same word {dismayed) occurs twice in the succeeding verse. thou art my hope] in accordance with the promise of chap. xv. 11. 18. destroy thefn with double destruction] break them "with a double breaking. This may mean a literally twofold punishment, the one part for their apostacy as a nation, the other for their treatment of Jeremiah. It seems more likely however that double is merely equivalent to utter, complete. 19—27. Conformity to the Law will yet ensurf. prosperity. It is a question whether this prophecy be a continuation of the pre- ceding, or a short separate prophecy placed here but having no imme- diate connexion with any other. On the whole it has the air of being the latter, whether we consider the mode of its introduction, its subject- matter, or its general tone. The depravity of the people does not seem of such long standing or so hopeless as in the former prophecies. The similar language in chap. xxii. i — 5 gives some probability to the belief that the two were composed about the same time. 19. the children of the people] This expression may mean either the cojnmon people as opposed to the rich (so in chap. xxvi. 23 and 2 Kings xxiii. 6) or the laity as distinct from the priests (so in 2 Ciiron. xxxv. 5, vv. 20—25.] JEREMIAH, XVII. 131 come in, and by the which they go out, and in all the gates of Jerusalem ; and say unto them, Hear ye the word of the 20 Lord, ye kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the in- habitants of Jerusalem, that enter in by these gates : Thus 21 saith the Lord ; Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the sabbath day, nor bring // in by the gates of Jerusalem ; neither carry forth a burden out of your houses 22 on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers. But they 23 obeyed not, neither inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff, that they might not hear, nor receive instruction. And 24 it shall come to pass, if ye dihgently hearken unto me, saith the Lord, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein; then shall there enter into the gates of this 25 city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David, margin). The latter is the more probable of the two, as there would not be a gate called after the common people but used also for the pas- sage of the kings. It is thus most likely that the gate in question was one of those leading to the temple, perhaps the main entrance to the outer court, while the priests would pass in by side entrances. If we suppose further that, as in our Lord's time, there was traffic carried on in the Temple court, or at the entrance to it, this whole passage will re- ceive additional significance. 21. to\ in. This is both more literal and more forcible than the Eng. Vers. The closest rendering would be in your souls ; as we should say, Lay it to heart. 21,22. bear 710 burden neither carry forth a burden'] It appears that the inhabitants both of town and country habitually broke the fourth commandment by engaging in traffic on the Sabbath. The latter brought in their produce for sale in Jerusalem, while the former would bring from their houses commodities to be offered in exchange. We may compare Neh. xiii. 15 — 22. 22. neither do ye any work] The prohibition of manual labour on the Sabbath was in after times carried to an absurd extreme by the stricter expounders of the Law. Thus it was forbidden by them to a woman to wear on that day a ribbon that was only fastened and not stitched on her dress, for thus, they said, she was carrying a burden on 1 the Sabbath day ! ' 23. Substantially the same as chap. vii. 26. 25. then shall there enter] Prosperity, permanence, and religious devotion shall be the three characteristic features of the Jewish State, if only they will hallow the Sabbath. kings and princes] In the parallel verse, chap. xxii. 4, kings alone are mentioned. There however the address is to the king, here directly 9—2 132 JEREMIAH, XVII. XVIII. [w. 26, 27; i. riding in chariots and on horses, they, and their princes, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem : and this 26 city shall remain for ever. And they shall come from the cities of Judah, and from the places about Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain, and from the mountains, and from the south, bringing burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and meat offerings, and incense, and bringing 27 sacrifices of praise, unto the house of the Lord. But if you will not hearken unto me to hallow the sabbath day, and not to bear a burden, even entering in at the gates of Jeru- salem on the sabbath day ; then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched. Chap. XVIII. i — 17. The figure of the Potter^ s Clay and its meaning. 18 The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, to the people, and the effect is increased by the picture of a grand pro- cession of the royal house and their followers, all attending upon the person of the king. In strictness, the princes (see note on chap. i. 18) not "sitting upon the throne of David," "they" will refer to the kings only. 26. We have here enumerated the sections of the country still left in the possession of the Israelites, i.e. of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. the land of Benjamin] lying north of Judah. the plain] stretching from the hill-country to the Mediterranean. the mountains] the central part, including the wilderness of Judah which lay to the westward, and reaching to the Dead Sea. burnt offerings, and sacrifices, and meat offerings, and incense] Three sorts of offerings are here mentioned, two bloody and one unbloody. Meat offerings (a name whose sound is rather misleading to our ears now) consisted of flour and oil, and had (Lev. ii. i) frankincense (the * incense ' of this verse) strewn upon them. The incense offering (Exod. XXX. 7) is expressed by a different word in the Hebrew, although frankincense was one of the ingredients which entered with sweet spices into its composition (Exod. xxx. 34). sacrifices of praise] praise. It is not meant that any special kind of sacrifices are called by this name, but that the offering of all the sacrifices just mentioned is an expression of praise. So in chap, xxxiii. i r. 27. Disobedience in this matter shall be followed by an exhibition of God's wrath, which shall take the form of a general conflagration (2 Kings XXV. 9). Chap. XVIII. 1 — 17. The figure of the Potter's Clay AND ITS MEANIN(;. 1. The word which came...\ The words and events of chapters vv. 2— 4.] JEREMIAH, XVIIl. 133 Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will 2 cause thee to hear my words. Then I went down to the 3 potter's house, and behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand 4 xviii. — XX. may all be considered as having this for their heading. Chap, xviii. gives and explains the figure of the potter's clay, and adds the effect upon the people. Chap. xix. gives and applies the figure of the potter's broken vessel, w^hile chap. xx. describes the sufferings of Jeremiah in consequence, and his complaints. The two symbolical actions probably occurred within the first four years of Jehoiakim's reign. For (i) there seems from the language used to be still a chance for the people (the calamity threatened had not yet arrived), and (ii) the men- tion of Pashur (chap. xx. i, 1) as the person who puts the prophet in the stocks, leads us to the same conclusion. *' In Zedekiah's reign Pashur's office was held by Zephaniah (chap. xxix. 25, 26), so that after Jehoiakim's death Pashur must have been carried into captivity with Jeconiah. But as such an outrage upon a prophet as that committed by Pashur upon Jeremiah would certainly not have been allowed in Josiah's time : and as after the first four years of Jehoiakim Jeremiah was in hiding, and dared not shew himself till just at last, when the Chaldeans were marching upon Jerusalem, no other date for this pro- phecy is probable except that given above." Sp. Conim. 3. / went doivit\ probably from the Temple, where his prophecies would naturally be delivered, as the place of resort, and one that was solemn and impressive in its associations. This was in the upper part of the city. The potters were probably south of the valley of Hinnom. the potter's house'] The comparison (as in ver. 6) of man to the clay and God to the potter was a familiar one. Compare with this pas- sage Job X. 9, xxxiii. 6 ; Is. xxix. 16, xlv. 9, Ixiv. 8. The trade was a very early one. The Hebrews had themselves been concerned in it while yet in Egypt (Ps. Ixxxi. 6). Dr Thomson [The Land and the Book, p. 520) thus describes what he saw at Jaffa (Joppa) : "There was the potter sitting at his 'frame,' and turning the 'wheel' with his foot. He had a heap of the prepared clay near him, and a pan of water by his side. Taking a lump in his hand, he placed it on the top of the wheel (which revolves horizontally) and smoothed it into a low cone, like the upper end of a sugar-loaf, then thrusting his thumb into the top of it, he opened a hole down through the centre, and this he constantly widened by pressing the edges of the revolving cone between his hands. As it enlarged and became thinner, he gave it whatever shape he pleased with the utmost ease and expedition." the wheels] literally, probably, the two stones, not however that they were really of that material. " How early the wheel came into use in Palestine, we know not, but it seems Hkely that it was adopted from Egypt. It consisted of a wooden disc placed on another larger one, and turned by the hand by an attendant, or worked by a treadle." Sm. Bibl. Diet., Art. 'Pottery.' 4. And the vessel was marred] ** From some defect in the clay, / 134 JEREMIAH, XVIII. [vv. 5— ii. of the potter : so he made it again another vessel, as seemed 5 good to the potter to make //. Then the word of the Lord 6 came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter ? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of 7 Israel. At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, 8 and to destroy it ; if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil 9 that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, 10 to build and to plant it ; if it do evil in my sight, that // obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, where- 11 with I said / would benefit them. Now therefore go to, speak to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jeru- salem, saying, Thus saith the Lord ; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you : return ye I or because he had taken too little, the potter suddenly changed his mind, I crushed his growing jar instantly into a shapeless mass of mud, and [ beginning anew, fashioned it into a totally different vessel." (Thomson, 1 ibid.) 6. cannot I do with you as this potter f] The comparison is between the absolute power oiJCtoA. over Israel and that of the potter over the material on whiclThe works. At any moment he can crush it up or alter its shape. Verses 7 — 10 go on to shew however that God is not arbitrary in the matter. It is still the conduct of the people that de- termines their ultimate fate. "First of the prophets, Jeremiah proclaims distinctly what had been more or less implied throughout, that predictions were subject to no overruling necessity, but depended for their fulfilment on the moral state of those to whom they were addressed; that the most confident assur- ance of blessing could be frustrated by sin ; that the most awful warnings of calamity could be averted by repentance." Stanley's Jewish Churchy n. 445- 7. At zvhat instantl literally, Suddenly. The same word occurs at the beginning of ver. 9. The rendering in the two cases probably is At one time — at another. The verbs {pluck up, etc.) in this and in ver. 9 remind us of chap. i. 10. 8. / 7vill repent'\ speaking after the manner of men. The sense is, 1 will alter viy treatment, for among men change of conduct implies change of purpose. 11. The direct application of the figure to the people here begins. framed The Hcb. word is the same as that {or potter, and so is speci- ally appropriate. 2-15-] JEREMIAH, XVIII. 135 now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good. And they said, There is no hope : but i we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart. Therefore thus saith i the Lord ; Ask ye now among the heathen, who hath heard such things: the virgin of Israel hath done a very horrible thing. Will a man leave the snow of Lebanon which cometh ; from the rock of the field ? or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken? Because my : people hath forgotten me, they have burnt incense to vanity, make your ways and your doings good] See note on chap. vii. 3. 12. TAgre is no hope\ We have gone too far to turn back now. The same expression both in the Hebrew and English occurred chap. ii. 75. imagination] stubbornness. Compare chap. iii. 17. 13. Ask ye now among the heathen] An appeal is made of a similar kind to that in chap. ii. 10, 11. the virgin of Israel] She who was tended with the utmost care by the Almighty has in spite of it all broken through the sanctity which hedged her around. The expression stands of course, as in chap. xiv. 17, for the people collectively. 14. Will a man leave...] Doth the snow Of Lebanon cease from the rock of the field? This is much to be preferred as the reading of the He- brew. Lebanon ( = the white mountain) is so called from the perpetual snow which rests on its highest points. Tacitus {Histories, Bk. v. chap. 6) speaks of it as a secure retreat for snows. So Thomson ( The Land and the Book, p. 20), '* the higher half of Lebanon looked like a huge snow bank drifted up against the sky." th^ rock of the field] Some understand this to be Jerusalem, on ac- count of somewhat similar expressions applied to it (chap. xvii. 3), my mountain in the field, and (chap. xxi. 13) rock of the plain. The difficulty however of connecting the snows of Lebanon with any water supply to Jerusalem is too great. Hence the rock will be most naturally understood of Lebanon, and the field of the country at large. shall the cold flowing waters..!] do strange cold trickling- waters dry up? Does the water that percolates through the rocks, coming from some unknown [strange^ regions and cold (thus free from much evaporation), disappear? The reference may very possibly be to the waters of Siloam or some other familiar supply coming in the way thus described. It is difficult to understand the epithet straitge, if it refer merely to the water flowing down the sides of Lebanon, and produced by the melting of the snows. The general sense at any rate is clear. Nature is constant in her operations, but God, the Rock of Israel, is forsaken by those who used to follow Him. 15. Because] For. This continues the thought of the 13th verse, ver. 14 being parenthetic. vanity] idols. 136 JEREMIAH, XVIII. [vv. i6— 18. and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up ; i6 to make their land desolate, and a perpetual hissing ; every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished, and wag his 17 head. I will scatter them as with an east wind before the enemy ; I will shew them the back, and not the face, in the day of their calamity. 18 — 23. The Prophet desires retribution for his enemies. 18 Then said they, Come, and let us devise devices against Jeremiah ; for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not they have caused^ The pronoun refers either to false prophets and priests, or, which is better, to the idols (see the case of Ahaz, 1 Chron. xxviii. 23). from the ancient paths] These mean the godly lives which their forefathers led, but in which their children have now stumbled. Com- pare for the figure chap. vi. 16, with notes. in paths] in ^iy -paths. not cast tip] not raised above the inequalities and obstructions of the adjoining fields. 16. desolate] The word is cognate to that presently rendered shall be astonished. We may therefore render respectively a dismay... shall be dismayed. See note on wonderful in chap. v. 30. hissing] not in contempt or anger, but in amazement at so appalling a spectacle. 17. as with an east wind] better perhaps, as an east wind. I will shew them the back, and not the face] in answer to the peo- ple's own behaviour towards Him. See chap. ii. 27. 18 — 23. The Prophet desires retribution for his enemies. 18. Then said they] the leaders among those whom Jeremiah had addressed. the law shall not perish...] See note on chap. viii. 8. There were certain classes of persons in the state, viz. the priests, the wise and the prophets, who were thought infallible, as being in undoubted possession of the truth. The appeal therefore is made to them against Jeremiah. The law is not doctrine in general, but the Mosaic Law, as the basis of all the teaching of the prophets, and under the special guardianship of the priests. smite him with the tongue] report his words to the king. Compare for another case Amos vii. 10, 11. w. 19—23.] JEREMIAH, XVIII. 137 give heed to any of his words. Give heed to me, O Lord, 19 and hearken to the voice of them that contend with me. Shall evil be recompensed for good ? for they have digged 20 a pit for my soul. Remember that I stood before thee to speak good for them, and to turn away thy wrath from them. Therefore deliver up their children to the famine, 21 and pour out their blood by the force of the sword ; and let their wives be bereaved of their children, and be widows ; and let their men be put to death ; let their young men be slain by the sword in battle. Let a cry be heard from their 22 houses, when thou shalt bring a troop suddenly upon them: for they have digged a pit to take me, and hid snares for my feet. Yet, Lord, thou knowest all their counsel against 23 me to slay me : forgive not their iniquity, neither blot out their sin from thy sight, but let them be overthrown before thee ; deal thus with them in the time of thine anger. 19. Give heed to w (iv) the judgment to come upon all peoples of the earth (30 — 38). in the fourth year] Up to this period of Jeremiah's life we have not any prophecy so closely dated as the present. Compare chap. iii. 6 and xxvi. r ("In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim"). The addition of the year of Nebuchadrezzar serves to mark still more forcibly the fact that it was a turning-point in history (see Introduction, chap. i. § 12). The prophecy seems to have been delivered about 605 B.C., between the news of the victory of Nebuchadrezzar at Carchemish and the arrival of the Chaldaean army under the walls of Jerusalem. The main objects of the prophet were to point out the sins of the past, and to give advice for the future. That advice was to accept the result of the battle of Carchemish, to yield to Babylon as the power which God had ap- pointed to bear rule over Palestine and the other kingdoms for the next seventy years, and to seek comfort at the same time from the know- ledge that the enemy, whose authority the king and many of his people were so reluctant to recognise, would have his day and then in his turn perish, while brighter fortunes should dawn upon the people of God. 2. spake tmto all the people] Thus Ave see that the time had not yet arrived, when Jeremiah was unable through fears for his life to go into any public place. See chap, xxxvi. i, 5, 26. 3. the three and twentieth year] Josiah reigned thirty-one years, and it was in the thirteenth year of that king (chap. i. 1) that Jeremiah was w. 4— 9-] JEREMIAH, XXV. i7t hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking ; but ye have not hearkened. And the 4 Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending tJmn ; but ye have not hearkened, nor inclined your ear to hear. They said, Turn ye again now 5 every one from his evil way, and from the evil of your doings, and dwell in the land that the Lord hath given unto you and to your fathers for ever and ever : and go not after 6 other gods to serve them, and to worship them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands ; and I will do you no hurt. Yet ye have not hearkened unto me, saith 7 the Lord ; thatjj'^ might provoke me to anger with the works of your hands to your own hurt. 8 — 14. Babylon's Victory and subsequent Ruin, Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts ; Because ye 8 have not heard my words, Behold, I will send and take 9 all the famihes of the north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchad- rezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them called. He therefore prophesied for eighteen or nineteen years in that reign. To this we are to add the reign of Jehoahaz (three months), and more than three years of Jehoiakim. rising early and speaking] See note on vii. 13. 4. all his servants the prophets'] The people's wickedness was aggra- vated yet further by the fact that the call to repentance and amendment had come not from Jeremiah only, but from many other accredited messengers of God. Compare vii. 13, -25, xxxv. 15. 5. They said] more literally, Saying. for ever and ever] literally, from everlasting to everlasting. The otherwise absolutely permanent character of that which they are for- feiting by their iniquity is strongly brought out by the expression. 7. wo7'ks of your hands] idols. Described thus in contempt also xxxii. 30 (where see note). The expression is probably taken from Deut. xxxi. 29. In each case 'works' is literally w^r/^, and here only is it made plural in Eng. Vers. 8 — 14. Babylon's Victory and subsequent Ruin. 9. the families of the north] For these see chap. i. 14, 15. families] races ascribing their descent to the same ancestor. Of these there would be many in the Babylonish empire. For this use of the word, as wider than that in which it is more familiar to us, see notes on iii. 14, and compare viii. 3. and Nebuchad7-ezzar] and to Nebuchadrezzar, thus depending not on take but on / will send. my servant] so called also in xxvii. 6 and xliii. 10. Compare Ezek. xxix. 19, 20 ("because they wrought for me, saith the Lord God"). 172 JEREMIAH, XXV. [vv. 10—12. against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and a 10 hissing, and perpetual desolations. Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle. 11 And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonish- ment ; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 12 seventy years. And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquity, an astonishment'\ a destruction. Compare v. 30 with note. a hissing, and perpetual desolations'] See note on xviii. 16, and com- pare xix. 8. 10. the voice of mirth...] Compare vii. 34 with note. Here men- tion of the millstones and of the candle (lamp) is added, to increase the force of the warning. Not only all sign of mirth, but also of domestic labour and social cheer, should vanish. See the same description somewhat amplified in Rev. xviii. 22, 23. 11. a desolation, and an astonishment] See ver. 9. seventy years] This may mean (i) the duration of the Babylonish empire, or (ii) the length of the Jewish captivity in Babylon : (ii) is clearly the sense in xxix. 10. Here however (i) is rather suggested by the words ' these nations. ' Either period can easily be shewn to have been adout 70 years. (i) The successive Sovereigns and the lengths of their reigns were Nebuchadnezzar 44 years, Evil-Merodach 2 years, Neriglissor 4 years, Nabonedus 17 years, in all 67 years. To this is to be prefixed the year that intervened between the capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and the death of his father Nabopolassar. (ii) In this case the captivity will have to be reckoned, not from the deportation of Jehoiachin's time (2 Kings xxiv. 14 — 16), but from (605 B.C.) the 4th year of Jehoiakim ("the third year" Dan. i. i — 3) to (536 B.C.) the liberation under Cyrus. In either case it is quite sufficient to make an approximation to the number seventy. The Jewish love for round numbers and especially for one so significant in symbolism, as having for its elements seven and ten, would cause the number seventy to their ears when used in such a connexion to stand for any number not differing by much from that amount. This must accordingly have been a deeply marked occasion for Jeremiah, when he learnt, as we may suppose for the first time, that there was no hope for those who like himself had come to anything like mature years, that they would see the end of the exile that was now at hand. vv. 13—15.] JEREiMIAH, XXV. 173 and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations. And I will bring upon that land all my words 13 which IJiave pronounced 3iE2iinstJi ^even all that is wr itten in thisbook^which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all tlre-rrationsTFor many nations and great kings shall serve m themselves of them also: and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands. 15 — 30. T/ie Wine-cup of God's fury is to be drunk by all the natio7is. For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me ; Take 15 , 13. even all that is written in this book, which yeremiah hath pro- phesied against all the nations'] At this point there presents itself one of the most marked discrepancies between the Septuagint Version of Jere- miah and the Hebrew. (See Introduction, chap. iii. §§ 8 — 12.) The Greek Version ends the sentence with "in this book," and for the rest reads "What Jeremiah prophesied against the nations. Elam." Upon which follows what with us appears as chap. xlix. 35 — 39, and then the other prophecies against foreign nations including Babylon, which in the Heb. text (and Eng. Vers.) come at the end of the whole Book (chaps, xlvi. — li.). This fact, coupled with the expression which Jere- miah hath prophesied, an expression hardly likely to have been used by Jeremiah himself, has suggested to some that the arrangement in the Septuagint may be closer to the form in which Jeremiah at first at any rate arranged his writings. One or two other omissions in the Greek, as compared with the Heb. of these verses ("and to Nebuchadrezzar," see note on ver. 9, "thekingof Babylon...andthelandof the Chaldeans," ver. 12), have been thought to point in the same direction. According to this view then the words 'which (what) Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations' will stand as the immediate introduction to those pro- phecies, that still follow upon this passage in the Septuagint; while ver. 14, not occurring in that Version, will be a marginal note or gloss, after- wards inserted as such notes often were by a copyist in the text, and intended to account for the preceding words, now that the detailed pro- phecies which they originally introduced had been withdrawn. 14. shall serve themselves of them also] The pronoun thefn in the Heb. is repeated for the sake of emphasis, and refers to the Chaldaeans. Their punishment shall be severe. As they have done to the people of God, so shall He requite them. The same sentiment is expressed in the prophecy specially directed against Babylon, but written some years later, chap. 1. 29, li. 24. 15 — 30. The Wine-cup of God's fury is to be drunk by all the nations. 15. For thus saith] In this section we have the rapid enumeration 174 JEREMIAH, XXV. [vv. 16—19. the wine cup of this fury at mine hand, and cause all the 16 nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it. And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will '7 send among them. Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord 18 had sent me : to wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, a hissing, and a curse ; iQ as // is this day ; Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his servants, of those kingdoms which should be involved with the Jews in the over- throw. the wine ctip of this fury] more literally, this wine-cup, namely fury. The likening of disaster to a bitter draught is frequent in the Bible. See chaps, xlix. 12, li. 7 ; Job xxi. 20 ; Ps. Ix. 3, Ixxv. 8 ; Is. li. 17, 22 ; Ezek. xxiii. 31 ; Hab. ii. 15 ; Rev. xiv. 8, xvii. 4, xviii. 3. 16. be moved] reel. be mad] The words mean, behave as madmen. Their dismay at the horrors of war shall be so great, that they will have the bearing of men drunken or insane. the sword] Here Jeremiah, as so often, returns suddenly from figure to fact. See for other instances Introd. chap. ii. 8 {d). 17. Then took I the cup] not however in any literal sense, just as the cup was not a literal cup, but along with its contents a figurative ex- pression for the wrath of God as manifested in a national subjugation. Hence the view, which has been maintained, that Jeremiah presented a cup of actual wine to the ambassadors of these various powers, as- sembled, according to this hypothesis, for counsel in Jerusalem, may be dismissed, as utterly improbable. The figure was sufficiently carried out by the proclamation of God's message in Jerusalem, whence it might be conveyed to the other nations united by a common danger. 18. We may perceive a certain system (south to north) in the enume- ration. After Jerusalem and Judah the prophet takes in order the furthest south (Egypt), south-east (Uz), south-west (Philistines), east (Edom, etc.), west (Tyre, etc.), east and northwards (Dedan, etc. to the Medes), and finally the north far and near (ver. 26). ki7igs] For the use of the plural see note on xix. 3. a desolation...] See notes on v. 30 and xviii. 16. as it is this day] may well be an insertion of Jeremiah's after the fulfilment of the prophecy. 19. Pharaoh] a name belonging not to an individual but (compare Cesar and Czar) to the monarch as such. The word is no doubt Coptic, more or less altered in shape by its transmission to us through Hebrew. Accord- ing to the latest view it = great house (compare SublitJte Porte), while others have thought it to be either (i) from PI = the definite article and OURO = king, or (ii) PI RA = sun-god, whom the king of Egypt repre- sented. (For authorities see SchafT's Through Bible Lands, p. 91.) vv. 20—23-] JEREMIAH, XXV. 175 and his princes, and all his people ; and all the mingled 20 people, and all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod : Edom, 21 and Moab, and the children of Ammon, and all the kings 22 of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea, Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, 23 20. the mingled people] This phrase, which occurs alsover. 24, seems to mean in general those who without being connected by blood with the nation had for one reason or other attached themselves to it (compare 1. 37). Some have thought that here there is a particular reference to merce- nary troops from Ionia and Caria, whom Psammetichus, father of Pharaoh- nechoh, had hired. This however is probably too limited a reference. and all the kings of the land of Uz\ The Septuagint Version omits these words, and it has been supposed that it did so, as knowing that Uz lay much too far north to be introduced at this part of the enumera- tion. On the contrary however Uz appears (Lam. iv. 21) to have been in the neighbourhood of Idumaea, and therefore not far from Egypt. and Ashkelon] even Ashkelon. Azzah] Gaza, which is the ordinary spelling, although that adopted here (and in Deut. ii. 23 ; i Kings iv. 24) is perhaps nearer the Heb. the remnant of Ashdod] For twenty-nine years Psammetichus pressed the siege of Azotus without intermission, till finally he took the place (Rawl. Herod, II. 157). The coincidence is very remarkable between what we might have gathered as the likely result of such a protracted siege followed by capture and the expression here ' the remnant of Ashdod.' If we compare this list of Philistine towns with earlier ones (Josh, xiii. 3 ; I Sam. vi. 17) we notice that Gath is here wanting, as it is also Amos i. 7, 8 ; Zeph. ii. 4 ; and Zech. ix. 5, 6. It is not apparently as belonging to Judah that it is omitted in these places, for thougli taken by David (i Chron. xviii. i) it recovered independence afterwards (i Kings ii. 39). The reason therefore probably is that it was no longer a separate kingdom. 22. Tyrus] This form in place of Tyre is found in the Eng. Vers, of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Zechariah, besides the Apocryphal Books of Esdras, Judith and Maccabees. Zidon] the ordinary form of the name in the O. T. Compare xxvii. 3, xlvii. 4. Sidon however, which as the Greek form is that which occurs in the N. T., we find also in Gen. x. 15, 19. The similar usage in the name Zion (Sion) may be compared. isles] more literally, inhabited places. The word is used however most commonly of the places which were, roughly speaking, west of Palestine, and thus it had special reference to the islands of the Grecian Archipelago. 23. Dedan] a tribe descended from Abraham by his wife Keturah (Gen. XXV. 3) and dweUing S.E. of Edom. Their caravans maintained a trade between Tyre and Arabia (Ezek. xxvii. 15, 20). 176 JEREMIAH, XXV. [vv. 24-26. 24 and all that are in the utmost corners, and all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the mingled people that 25 dwell in the desert, and all the kings of Zimri, and all the 26 kings of Elam, and all the kings of the Medes, and all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth: and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. Te7nd\ descendants of Ishmael (Gen. xxv. 15). Buz\ See Gen. xxii. 21. Elihu was a Buzite (Job xxxii. 2). all that are in the utmost corners] For a more correct rendering see note on ix. 26, and for the persons referred to here xlix. 28, 32. 24. Aradia] the part near Palestine. the mingled people] See note on ver. 20. 25. Zimri] This name as that of a people occurs here only. It is commonly connected with Zimran, son of Abraham by Keturah (Gen. xxv. 2). A people of similar name are said to have occupied a terri- tory between Arabia and Persia. This would agree with the context here. Elam] Persia. 26. all the kings of the north] put thus vaguely, as dwelling beyond the ken of the Israelitish nation. which are upon the face of the earth] This would not suggest to the Jewish ear, as it does to us, the thought of absolutely universal dominion on the part of Babylon. This we see from such passages as Dan. ii. 38, iv. 22, where the sense intended to be conveyed cannot be in accordance with the sound of the words taken literally. king of Sheshach] Sheshach has been taken by some as equivalent to Hur ( Ur), a city containing a very celebrated temple of the moon-god, whose name, as it can be shewn, was, or might have been, read in one of the ancient dialects of Babylon as Shishaki (Rawl. Herod, i. p. 505, 506). This is however improbable. Sheshach is xz\.htx = Babel (Babylon) in accordance with a secret (Kabalistic) system of writing dating from an unknown antiquity among the Jews. This system took different forms, of which this (called Atbash) consists in substituting the last letter of the Heb. alphabet for the first, the last but one for the second and so oh. Sh Sh Ch will on this principle take the places of B B L. This is con- firmed by li. 41, where Sheshach and Babylon occur in parallel clauses. Another instance of this is seen in li. i, where the Heb. (Le B Ka Ma Y) for "the midst of them that rise up against me" becomes, when thus transmuted, CaSDI]VI = Chaldaeans, which is the actual rendering of the Septuagint. They however omit the whole clause in the present passage and the word Sheshach in li. 41. If that word be intended to be significant in itself as well and not to be merely a transmutation of Babel, it will mean either (i) a mass of people or buildings, or (ii) a sinking, downfall, in which case li. 64 will contain an allusion to this name. vv. 27-31.] JEREMIAH, XXV. i77 Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of 27 hosts, the God of Israel ; Drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you. And it shall be, if they 28 refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them. Thus saith the Lord of hosts ; Ye shall certainly drink. For lo, I begin to bring evil on the 29 city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished ? Ye shall not be unpunished : for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts. Therefore prophesy thou against them all 30 these words, and say unto them, 30 — 38. The judgment to come upon all the peoples of the earth. The Lord shall roar from on high. And utter his voice from his holy habitation ; He shall mightily roar upon his habitation ; He shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes^ Against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth ; 31 shall drink after then{\ The turn of Babylon shall itself come to perish. 28, 29. Resistance is vain. If God's own people suffer, much more the heathen. 30 — 38. The judgment to come upon all the peoples of THE earth. 30. The Lord shall roar] The figure in this section is that of a lion coming forth from his covert, and terrifying by his approach the shep- herds and their flocks. There is no escape and the slain cover the earth. upon Ms habitation] against his pasture. The word in the Heb. is the same as in xxiii. 3, where see note. It is important that it should not be rendered habitation here with the Eng. Vers., as it is contrasted in sense with the 'holy habitation,' heaven, of the previous clause, and means the land of the chosen people. a shotit] literally, a vintage shout, derived from a root meaning to tramp, and alluding to the cry with which the treaders of the grapes used to animate their toil. We see however that the word might also mean a battle shout. Compare li. 14 for its use as against Babylon. 31. A noise'] The word denotes a sound like the trampling of a multitude such as an army. It is variously rendered in the Eng. Vers. JEREMIAH 12 178 JEREMIAH, XXV. [vv. 32—34. For the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, He will plead with all flesh ; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation. And a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day From one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth : They shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; They shall be dung upon the ground. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry ; And wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock: For the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished. And ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel. Is. xiii. 4, **a tumultuous nohe ',''* Is. xvii. 12, " the /v/j/^m^ of nations... like the riishmg of mighty waters;" Hosea x. 14, ** Therefore shall a tumult arise ;" Amos ii. 2, " Moab shall die with tumult.''^ hath a controversy .. .will plead with'] See note on ii. 9, 35. We have here the same two Heb. verbs and in the same order. In the former clause therefore God is as it were the prosecutor and in the latter the judge, will give judgment. he will give them that are wicked] literally, (as for) the wicked he will give them. Thus the object of the verb is made more emphatic. 32. luhirlwind] tempest, as in xxiii, rg. 33. the slain of the Lord] Yox the phrase compare Is. Ixvi. 16. 34. wallow yourselves in the ashes] See note on vi. 26. Roll [tipon the ground) is the probable meaning here, the words *in the ashes' being added apparently only because they occur in the Heb. of the other passage. principal of the flock] not equivalent with 'shepherds,' although parallel to it in the construction, but rather, chief among the sheep, V ealthy ones of the people, whose rank and riches avail nothing now. and of your dispersions] The Heb. is difficult in point of grammar. The best rendering seems to be, And I will disperse you. Accordingly the words ' are accomplished ' will refer to ' the days of your slaughter ' only. like a pleasant 7'essel] In order not to change the figure so abruptly, which however is quite in keeping with Jeremiah's style, it has been proposed to alter the Heb. reading slightly for the purpose of rendering vv. 35— 38; I-] JEREMIAH, XXV. XXVI. 179 And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, 35 Nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, 36 And a howling of the principal of the flock, shall he heard: For the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. And the peaceable habitations are cut down 37 Because of the fierce anger of the Lord. He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion : 38 For their land is desolate Because of the fierceness of the oppressor, And because of his fierce anger. Chap. XXVL i — 6. A few words of solemn warnings addressed to the people collectively. In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of 26 like chosen rams. Even with the new reading however there is a diffi- culty in translating thus, and to this we may add that the figure of a vessel in such a connexion has been already used by Jeremiah (chap, xxii. 28). Here a vessel of fragile material by a fall and consequent fracture suddenly ceases to be of any value. 36. shall be heard'] These words are best omitted. Thus we shall better get the force of the prophet's exclamation, which is in fact the cry which he has called upon them (ver. 34) to make and which he already hears. hath spoiled] spoileth. 37. habitations] better, pastures. The Heb. word is not however exactly the same as in ver. 30. cut down] better, put to silence. See notes on viii. 14, where the Heb. verb is the same. These pastures so lately abounding in flocks are now silent ; in other words the country is denuded of its inhabitants. 38. He hath forsaken his covei-t] a repetition of the figure with which the section opened. The Lord is gone forth in wrath to lay waste. the fierceness of the oppressor] Owing to the word rendered 'oppres- sor ' being scarcely found elsewhere except as an adjective in the expres- sion "oppressing sword" (xlvi. 16 and 1. 16), a reading which by a slight alteration of the Heb. text we may obtain here, that reading has been adopted by some. The (Latin) Vulgate renders the Heb. word above referred to in its more ordinary sense of a dove, and it has accordingly been supposed that the Babylonian army bore such a device on their standards. This however is little more than conjectural. On the whole there seems no necessity to alter the reading of the Heb. text. Chap. XXVL 1 — 6. A few words of solemn warning, ADDRESSED TO THE PEOPLE COLLECTIVELY. 1. In the beginning of the reign of J ehoiakim] For a discussion of the T2 2 i8o JEREMIAH, XXVI. [w. 2— 6. Josiah king of Judah came this word from the Lord, saying, 2 Thus saith the Lord ; Stand in the court of the Lord's house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the Lord's house, all the words that I com- 3 mand thee to speak unto them ; diminish not a word : if so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do 4 unto them because of the evil of their doings. And thou shalt say unto them. Thus saith the Lord ; If ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before 5 you, to hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending 6 them^ but ye have not hearkened ; then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth. question, whether these verses are a summary of chaps, vii. — x,, see note at the beginning of chap. vii. This chapter as a whole gives us a rapid sketch of the circumstances under which Jeremiah had delivered himself of the prophecies that went before. The more definite he had become in his warnings, the more he excited the wrath of the false prophets and of those who sided with them ; and now that he had explicitly announced (xxv. 11) a seventy years' captivity, their indignation boiled over, and they sought to compass his death. From the contents of this chap, then we can realize better under what conditions and with what courage the prophet continued his forecastings of definite calamity in the chapters which follow. 'The beginning' will naturally denote some date earlier than the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign, when the crisis came about, and Jeremiah was no longer listened to nor tolerated (chap. xxxvi.). 2. the court of the Lord's house'] probably the outer court, as that in which the people would assemble; so chap. xix. 14. The spot may have been the same as that occupied by Baruch when he read the roll (xxxvi. ro). diminish not a 7vord] "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought from it," was the com- mand given through Moses to Israel (Deut. iv. 2; compare xii. 32). Here of course the temptation was only in the way of suppression, through natural shrinking from the danger involved in honest discharge of duty. 5. rising' up early, and sending] For this phrase see note on vii. 13- 6. Shiloh] See note on vii. \i. will 7nake this city a curse to] will subject it to the curses, will make it vile in the sight, of all nations. So in chap. xxiv. 9. vv. 7— lo.] JEREMIAH, XXVI. i8i 7 — 15. Impeachment of Jeremiah by the priests and prophets before the princes and people. His defence. So the priests and the prophets and all the people heard 7 Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the Lord. Now it came to pass, Avhen Jeremiah had made an end 8 of speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak unto all the people, that the priests and the prophets and all the people took him, saying. Thou shalt surely die. Why hast thou prophesied in the name of the Lord, saying, 9 This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be de- solate without an inhabitant? And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the Lord. When the princes of Judah heard these things, then they 10 came up from the king's house unto the house of the Lord, 7—15. Impeachment of Jeremiah by the priests and prophets before the princes and people. his defence. 7. prophets] The Septuagint, in order to make the sense clearer, renders the Heb. here, as in verses 8, 11 and 16, *7^/jA Church, II. 465. For an illustration of the above transaction from Roman history see Introd. chap. i. § r6. 16 — 25. The prophet asks the Lord how his recent action COULD BE consistent WITH COMING EVENTS. 16. I prayed unto the Lord] Jeremiah still felt a difficulty in recon- ciling the obvious sense of the transaction which he had just carried 222 JEREMIAH, XXXII. [vv. 17—23. unto Baruch the son of Neriah, I prayed unto the Lord, 17 saying, Ah Lord God ! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, 18 and there is nothing too hard for thee : thou shewest loving- kindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them : the Great, the Mighty God, the Lord of hosts, is his name, 19 great in counsel, and mighty in work : for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men : to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of 20 his doings : which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and amongst other 21 men ; and hast made thee a name, as at this day ; and hast brought forth thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror ; 22 and hast given them this land, which thou didst swear to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and 23 honey ; and they came in, and possessed it ; but they obeyed out at the Lord's command with that overthrow which at the command of the same Lord he had so frequently announced to the guilty city. This difficulty he expresses towards the end of this section, the earlier [)art being introductory and setting forth the goodness of God as re- peatedly shewn in the history of the people and on the other hand their ingratitude. 17. Ah] Alas. See note on chap. i. 6. too hard for thee] literally, too wonderful /fr thee. 18. recompensest the iniquity of the fathers] See note on xxxi. ■29. into the bosom] The Eastern garment formed at the bosom numerous folds, which served as a pocket. Compare Ruth iii. 15; Prov. xvii. 23. 20. zvhich hast set] who zvroughtest. even unto this day] The construction is elliptical. We must under- stand before these words, and hast continued them (signs and wonders). and in Israel] both in Israel. and amo7tgst other men] In illustration of men, thus used of heathen nations in opposition to Israel, compare Is. xlii'. 4. 21. Almost the same as Deut. xxvi. 8. For the terror caused to neighbouring nations by the miracles attendant upon the Exotlus com- pare Exod. XV. 14; Deut. iv. 34. 22. a land flo~cving with milk and honey] See note on xi. 5. 23. possessed it] The verb in the Heb. is the same as that rendered "shall inherit" in chap viii. 10, where see note. law] Another reading in the Heb. is laws, but that which our version follows is the better one. vv. 24—31.] JEREMIAH, XXXll. not thy voice, neither walked in thy law ; they have done nothing of all that thou commandedst them to do: there- fore thou hast caused all this evil to come upon them: behold the mounts, they are come unto the city to take it ; 24 and the city is given into the hand of the Chaldeans, that fight against it, because of the sword, and of the famine, and of the pestilence : and what thou hast spoken is come to pass ; and behold, thou seest //. And thou hast said 25 unto me, O Lord God, Buy thee the field for money, and take witnesses ; for the city is given into the hand of the Chaldeans. 26 — 35. The first part of the Lord^s reply ; Judgment'. Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah, saying, 26 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh : is there any 27 thing too hard for me ? Therefore thus saith the Lord ; 23 Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and he shall take it : and the Chaldeans, that fight against this 2j city, shall come and set fire on this city, and burn it with the houses, upon whose roofs they have offered incense unto Baal, and poured out drink offerings unto other gods, to provoke me to anger. For the children of Israel and the 30 children of Judah have only done evil before me from their youth : for the children of Israel have only provoked me to anger with the work of their hands, saith the Lord. For 31 24. the motciits] See note on chap. vi. 6. are come unto the city] The enemy have pushed them forward so that they already reach to the walls. is given] The thing is virtually done, there being a complete blockade, and no hope of rescue for the starving population within. 25. The two things, the state of the city and God's command, are placed side by side that their apparent inconsistency may be most strikingly shewn. 26 — 35. The first part of the Lord's reply; Judgment. 27. too hard for me] See ver. 1 7 and note. 29. and buj'71 it] This would in fact have been the duty of the Jews themselves according to Deut. xiii. 12 — 16. with the houses] literally, and the houses. 30. from their youth] from the earliest times of the nation. In chap, ii. 2 the Exodus is spoken of as the youth of Israel. the work of their hands] This may mean their wicked deeds gene- 224 JEREMIAH, XXXII. [vv. 32—36. this city hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger and of my fury from the day that they built it even unto this day; that / should remove it from before my face, 32 because of all the evil of the children of Israel and of the children of J udah , which they have done to provoke me to anger, they, their kings, their princes, their priests.and their prophets, and the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 33 And they have turned unto me the back, and not the face : though / taught them, rising up early and teaching them, 34 yet they have not hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by 35 my name, to defile it. And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech ; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. 36 — 44. Second part of the Lord's reply ; Mercy. 36 And now therefore thus saith the Lord, the God of rally, but it seems better to take it as referring to their idols in regard to wliich similar expressions are often used (chap. x. 3, 9 ; Deut. iv. 28 ; 1 Kings xix. 18, etc). 31. as a provocation of] literally, t//>on. The preposition which Jeremiah uses is often employed by him in a vaguer sense than is usual elsewhere in the Bible. Here the meaning seems to be that the city constitutes a burden which rests on God's wrath, so to speak, and makes it incumbent upon Him to display it in the shape of punishment. from the day that they built it] from the earliest times of the occupa- tion of it by Israel (from David's days; 2 Sam. v. 6, 7). 33. though /taught them...] This and the two participles following are infinitives (as in chap. vii. 9 where see note), aud there was a teaching of them, he. 36. See notes on vii. 30, 31 where this and ver. 34 have already occurred in the main. In addition it is to be remarked that here Baal and Molech are identified. "Molech the /J'/;/^and Baal the lord are simply different names of the sun god, but in altered relations. Molech is the sun as the mighty fire, which in passing through the signs of the Zodiac burns up its own children." Sp. Comm. Compare with these last words the classical legend of Kronos who devoured his chil- dren as they were born. 36—44. Second part of the Lord's reply; Mercy. 86. And 1107V therefore] These words resume the thought of ver. 27 vv. 37—44.] JEREMIAH, XXXlI. 225 Israel, concerning this city, whereof ye say, it shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence ; behold, 1 37 will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely : and they shall be my people, and 1 38 will be their God : and I will give them one heart, and one 39 way, that they may fear me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after them : and I will make an ever- 40 lasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me. Yea, I will 41 rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul. For thus saith the Lord ; Like as I have 42 brought all this great evil upon this people, so will I bring upon them all the good that I have promised them. And 43 fields shall be bought in this land, whereof ye say, // is desolate without man or beast ; it is given into the hand of the Chaldeans. Men shall buy fields for money, and sub- 4 \ "is there any thing too hard for me?" In spite of the richly deserved ruin which has been dwelt on in the intermediate verses, deliverance and restoration to the land shall assuredly come. 39. and one way] See note on chap. vi. 16. that they may fear me for ever] The words seem suggested by those of Deut. iv. 10, as the next words are also taken from that Book (vi. 24). for ever] literally, all the days. Compare Matt, xxviii. 20, where our Saviour says to His disciples, "I am with you alway^" literally, all the days. 40. The sense would be made clearer by the omission of the comma after /«;-« away frotn them. God's side of the covenant is that He will not turn away (cease) from doing his people good ; their side, that His fear shall be in their hearts, so that they shall not depart from Him. 41. assuredly] in truth, referring to God's purpose. The other rendering (Eng. margin), in stability, is less correct, as referring to the condition of the people. 43. fields'] literally, the field. As opposed to ' fields ' at the begin- ning of ver. 44, the sense here is the open country. See note on chap. iv. 17. We are therefore pointed to a large increase in the population generally. 44. fields] individual properties, as in that case of which the particu- lars have been given. JEREMIAH IC 226 JEREMIAH, XXXIII. [vv. 1—4. scribe evidences, and seal them, and take witnesses in the land of Benjamin, and in the places about Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, and in the cities of the mountains, and in the cities of the valley, and in the cities of the south: for I will cause their captivity to return, saith the Lord. Chap. XXXIII. i — 13. Renewed promise of return and of ho7iour among the nations. 33 Moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the 2 prison, saying, Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it ; the Lord is his name ; 3 call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great 4 and mighty things^ which thou knowest not. For thus saith subscribe evidences'] write the particulars of the purchase in the deed. ill the land of Benjamin...] The several parts of the land are specified in order to make the promise more distinct that it should be possessed again in its entirety. See note on chap. xvii. 26, where the word "plain" is the same in the Heb. as that here rendered valley (and in xxxiii. 13 **vale"). I will cause their captivity to return'] probably not, I will bring back the captives, but rather, I will remove their captive condition and restore them to their former estate. Chap. XXXIII. 1 — 13. Renewed promise of return and of HONOUR AMONG THE NATIONS. 1. the second time] From the tenor of the communication as well as from the words which follow in this verse we gather that it was not much subsequent to the former. in the court of the prison] in the court of the g^iard. See chap, xxxii. 2 with note. 2. the viaker thereof] xvho does it (viz. that which he has purposed).- the Lord is his name] He is God and not man, and so is unchange- able and omnipotent. Compare xxxi. 35. 3. great and mighty things] The only other cases where the Heb. ] occurs have reference to the cities of the Amorites (Deut. i. 1%, ix. i, ' and once or twice elsewhere). It is there rendered in the Eng. Vers. fenced, or walled, and hence the notion of mighty, as in the text. But the Heb. for 'mighty things' becomes by the easy change of one letter the original expression in Is. xlviii. 6, there rightly rendered "hidden things." Some have supposed accordingly that, as the Isaiah passage is obviously not taken from this, this has been taken from it either by Jeremiah himself or by some one subsequent to him, and that the right vv. 5—8.] JEREMIAH, XXXIII. 227 the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, which are thrown down by the mounts, and by the sword ; they 5 come to fight with the Chaldeans, but // is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city. Behold, I will bring it health and 6 cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. And I will cause the cap- 7 tivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first. And I will cleanse them 8 from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me, and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have reading here is that found in Isaiah. This assumption is improbable, although we may fitly say that this whole passage is more in the style of Isaiah than of Jeremiah. 4. by the mounts, and by the sword'\ rather, against the mounts and against the sword. These houses of the city and of the kings were not thrown down by the besiegers, as our Version suggests, but by the besieged, in order to make room for defensive works to be raised against these forms of attack. See chap. v. 1 7 with note, and Is. xxii. 10; also Ezek. xxvi. 9 where for "axes" we should read sivords. 5. they come] As far as grammar is concerned 'they' should refer to 'houses.' As the sense precludes this, the verse becomes extremely difficult. The Septuagint cuts the knot by the omission of the word. Among the expedients proposed the most satisfactory seems to be that we should understand the besieged Jews to be meant, who, although not directly mentioned, can be readily understood from the sense of the earlier part of the passage : While they coi7ie to fight with the Chaldaeans and to fill them (the houses) with, &c. The sudden change from the buildings to i\i& people is illustrated immediately in ver. 6. have hid my face'] a phrase used elsewhere also (e.g. Deut. xxxi. 17) to express displeasure. 6. / will bring it health and cure'] I will lay upon it a bandage and a remedy^ i.e. a healing bandage. See notes on chaps, viii. 23, XXX. 17. / will bring it. ..I will cure them] For the change from city (zV) to inhabitants {theni) see note on ver. 5. and will reveal unto them] and will roll doivn (pour out) upon them, is another possible translation, but (as in xi. 20, where see note) our Version's rendering is better. truth] (God's) faithfulness. 8. And I tuill cleanse them] This distinctive feature of the new covenant has been already brought out strongly in xxxi. 34. We shall have it again, 1. 20. 15—2 228 JEREMIAH, XXXIII. [vv. 9— 13. sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me. 9 And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them : and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure 10 unto it. Thus saith the Lord ; Again there shall be heard in this place, which ye say shall be desolate without man and without beast, even in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, that are desolate, without man, and 11 without inhabitant, and without beast, the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say. Praise the Lord of hosts : for the Lord is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever : and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land as at the first, saith 12 the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Again in this place, which is desolate without man and without beast, and in all the cities thereof, shall be a habitation of shep- 13 herds causing their flocks to lie down. In the cities of the mountains, in the cities of the vale, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the places about Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, shall the flocks pass again under the hands of him that telleth theni^ saith the Lord. 9. they shall fear and tremble"] as inferring, and rightly, that the God who so honours those who seek Him will punish with equal emphasis those who disregard Him. 10. which ye say shall be desolate^ Of which ye say, It is desolate. 11. the voice of Joy...'] See note on vii. 34. Praise the Lord of hosts : for the Lord is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever] These clauses seem to have been liturgical forms used in the Temple services. This we gather from such passages as 2 Chron. v. 13, vii. 3, 6; Ezra iii. ir ; Ps. cvi. i. and of them that shall bring] rather, (and) that bring, or, as they bring, to be joined with thefn that shall say, etc. above. the sacrifice of praise] For the probable sense see note on xvii. 26. / will cause to return the captivity of the land] See note on xxxii. 44' 12. a habitation of shepherds] See note on ix. 10, also vi. 2. 13. In the cities...] See note on xxxii. 44. under the hands of hi?n that telleth them] Tell is used, as often in vv. 14—18.] JEREMIAH, XXXIII. 229 14 — 18. The Kingly and Priestly Offices shall be re-established. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform t4 that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days, and at 15 that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days shall Judah be 16 saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness. For thus saith the Lord ; David shall never want a man to 17 sit upon the throne of the house of Israel ; neither shall the is priests the Levites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually. old English, in the sense of coimt. Other instances in the Bible are Gen. XV. 5 ; Ps. xxii. 17, xlviii, 12. Compare Shakespeare, "While one with moderate haste might tell a hundred." Hamlet, Act. I, Sc. 2. so Milton, * ' And every shepherd tells his tale (counts the number of his sheep) Under the hawthorn in the dale." V Allegro, 67. For tale in the Bible in the sense oi number see Exod. v. 8, 18; i Sam. xviii. 27 ; I Chron. ix. 28. — Bible Word Book. 14 — 18. The Kingly and Priestly Offices shall be re-established. The Septuagint omit from ver. 14 to the end of the chapter. 15, 16. See notes on xxiii. 5, 6. 17, 18. The permanence of the kingly and priestly line is here em- phatically declared. But elsewhere Jeremiah no less plainly announces the cutting off of both, of the former in xxii. 30, xxx. 21, of the latter in iii. 16, xxxi. 33. We must therefore take the passage as one of the prophet's pictures of the Christian dispensation, clothed in a Jewish dress, the only form in which it could present any meaning to those to whom it was delivered. It is no doubt to such passages as this that St Peter refers (i Pet. i. 10, 11), when he speaks of the prophets as '* enquiring and searching diligently... what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified before- hand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow'^ Christ uniting the offices of King and Priest should make the spiritual Israel more glorious than ever. 230 JEREMIAH, XXXTII. [vv. 19—24. jg — 2 2. God's Covenant is as certain as the ordinaiices of nature. 19 And the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying, ^o Thus saith the Lord ; If you can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should 21 not be day and night in their season ; then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the 22 Levites the priests, my ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured : so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me. 23 — 26. Renewal of the assurance to the people as a whole, with the same illustration. 23 Moreover the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, 24 Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, 19—22. God's Covenant is as certain as the ordinances OF nature. 20. The argument of this section is the same as that of chap. xxxi. :^_(5_27. The only distinction is that .while there the fixity of God's work in nature is appealed to as an illustration of the fixity with which he will retain Israel as His people, here the same natural laws are appealed to as illustrating the certainty with which the particular blessings of the monarchy and priesthood are secured to the people. 21. The covenant with David's line is given 2 Sam. vii. 12—16, while that with the Levites (so far as it was not included in the general covenant to maintain Israel, of whom the Levites were an integral part) was made in the person of Phinehas (Numb. xxv. 13). 23—26. Renewal of the assurance to the people as a WHOLE, WITH the SAME ILLUSTRATION. 24. Considerest thou not...'] Hast thou not seen, etc. ? this people] Some understand these words of the heathen, in order to escape the difficulty of giving to them the same reference (viz. to the Jews), as the words * my people ' just after. In usage however, the two expressions differ exactly as is required here, the former being used frequently by Jeremiah (e.g. iv. 10, v. 14, 23, etc.) of the people in a state of estrangement from God, while the latter denotes the same people as viewed with affection by Him. The sense of this verse then is, that the people, seeing that both Israel and Judah ('the two families ') are being apparently cast off, despise their own nation, despair of any better days, and consider their national existence to be a thing of the jiast. vv. 25, 26; I.] JEREMIAH, XXXIII. XXXIV. 231 The two families which the Lord hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? thus they have despised my people, that they should be no more a nation before them. Thus saith the 25 Lord ; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth ; then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my 26 servant, so that / will not take a7iy of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob : for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them. Chap. XXXIV. i — 7. Prophecy of the burning of the city and the captivity of Zedekiah. The word which came unto Jeremiah from the Lord, 34 when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the kingdoms of the earth of his dominion, and all the people, fought against Jerusalem, and against all the thus they have] and they have. that they should de] so that they are. 26. There shall yet be rulers and priests over Israel in its spiritual sense viz. the Christian Church, the natural successor and develop- ment of Judaism. For this thought one step further advanced, and pointing faintly to the means by which the issue was to be brought about, compare Is. Ixvi. 19 — 21. Chap. XXXIV. 1 — 7. Prophecy of the burning of the CITY AND THE CAPTIVITY OF ZeDEKIAH. 1. The word which £ame\ The similarity between the earlier part (verses 2, 3) of this message to Zedekiah and that of xxxii. 3 — 5 suggests what is the ordinary view, that this prophecy is merely the fuller form of the same. Verses 4, 5 however are not sufficiently like anything in the former passage, and rather suggest a peaceful reign and death in Jerusalem, followed by kingly obsequies. Either therefore this is in fact their sense, and the verse is really a conditional promise, though here given in an abbreviated form with the condition omitted (see xxxviii. 17, where the condition is given), or the words mean only that Zedekiah should escape with his life in the destruction of the city, and should on the occasion of his death in Babylon receive from his fellow-exiles the honours here described. Nebuchadnezzar... and all his army] The long enumeration of the hostile forces seems meant to refer to their number and perhaps un- wieldiness, as composed of many different nations whose connecting links were of the slenderest. Compare Ezek. xxvi. 7, where the like description is given of Nebuchadnezzar's attack on Tyre. and all the people] and all the peoples, separate natioiis. 232 JEREMIAH, XXXIV. [vv. 2—7. 2 cities thereof, saying, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel ; Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah, and tell him. Thus saith the Lord ; Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with 3 fire : and thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to 4 Babylon. Yet hear the word of the Lord, O Zedekiah king of Judah ; Thus saith the Lord of thee. Thou shalt 5 not die by the sword : but thou shalt die in peace : and with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings which were before thee, so shall they burn odours for thee; and they will lament thee, sayi?ig, Ah lord! for I have pronounced 6 the word, saith the Lord. Then Jeremiah the prophet spake all these words unto Zedekiah king of Judah in Jeru- 7 salem, when the king of Babylon's army fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities of Judah that were all the cities thereof\ including Lachish and Azekah of ver. 7. The fact that those cities were not taken, and that Jeremiah was still free ('go and speak' ver. 2) shews us that the date was early in this last campaign of Nebuchadnezzar, and probably in the ninth year of Zedekiah. 3. thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king 0/ Babylon'] See xxxii. 4. "The fact of Zedekiah's interview with Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah, and his being carried blind to Babylon, [see chap. lii. 11], reconciles two predictions of Jeremiah and Ezekicl, which at the time of their delivery must have appeared conflicting, and which Josephus indeed particularly states that Zedekiah alleged as his reason for not giving more heed to Jeremiah. The former of these (Jer. xxxii. 4) states that Zedekiah shall 'speak with the king of Babylon mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes,' the latter (Ezek. xii. 13) that 'he shall be brought to Babylon and shall not see it, though he die there."* Sm. Bibl. Diet. Art. Zedekiah. 5. i«/^rtr^] in tranquillity. See note on xi. 12. with the burnings of thy fatheis] See 2 Chron. xvi. 14, xxi. 19. shall they bttrn odours'] Shall they make a burning. There is nothing in the Hebrew implying more than a burning, which might have been of wood, perhaps with some of the personal property of the deceased. Odours would probably have been difficult for the exiles to procure in Babylon, if the words here really have reference to the actual event. (See note on The word 7v hie h came, ver. i.) Ah lord] See xxii. 18 with note. w. 8, 9.] JEREMIAH, XXXIV. 233 left, against Lachish, and against Azekah: for these de- fenced cities remained of the cities of Judah. 8 — 1 1. The treatment received by the Hebrew servants. This is the word that came unto Jeremiah from the Lord, 8 after that the king Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people which were at Jerusalem, to proclaim liberty unto them ; that every man should let his manservant, and 9 7. against Lachish, atid against Azekah} Both these were in the low country of Judah near the borders of Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar would not venture to advance on his career of conquest into Egypt, leaving such important fortresses untaken. 8 — 11. The treatment received by the Hebrew servants. 8. had made a covenant} This covenant was merely to the effect \ that the Law of Moses regarding Hebrew slaves should be carried out. There were two classes of rules on the subject in the Pentateuch, apparently but not really conflicting. According to Exod. xxi. 2 a Hebrew male slave was to be set free after six years' service, and by Deut. XV. 12, this was extended to female slaves. In Lev. xxv. 39 — 55 on the other hand we find that a Hebrew slave was to be treated not as a slave, but a hired servant, and to be set free at the jubilee (each fiftieth year ; but see note on ver. 14 below). It is clear however, from • the context of this last passage that it had regard to out-door service, tillage, etc., while the others are concerned with domestic slavery. , This law seems to have fallen out of use among many Jews. In i general the Mosaic Law would be more closely kept at Jerusalem than elsewhere, and it may well be that the coming in of many of the wealthier Jews from the country to avoid the invading army, made the laxity on their part more conspicuous by contrast. This, coupled with the conscience-quickening power of impending danger, in meeting which the slaves, if enfranchised, would be more ready to co-operate with their former masters, seems to have induced Zedekiah, naturally too weak-minded a man to have displayed much vigour in urging any such conduct upon his subjects, to make the agreement with them here spoken of. It probably has reference to all slaves who according to the above law had a claim to freedom either of shorter or longer standing. It is possible indeed that all Hebrew slaves, even those who had not completed their six years' servitude, were in the terror of the moment set free. It appears however that when the Babylonian army withdrew for a short time to meet the Egyptian force from which they imagined themselves in danger (xxxvii. 5), the Jews, fancying all danger passed, basely withdrew the gift of freedom from their newly emancipated compatriots of both sexes. to proclaim liberty unto them} The same phrase is used of the proclamation made in the year of jubilee (Lev. xxv. 10). 234 JEREMIAH, XXXIV. [vv. 10—14. every man his maidservant, beifig a Hebrew or a Hebrewess, go free; that none should serve himself of them, to wit^ 10 of a Jew his brother. Now when all the princes, and all the people, which had entered into the covenant, heard that every one should let his manservant, and every one his maidservant, go free, that none should serve themselves of " them any more, then they obeyed, and let them go. But afterwards they turned, and caused the servants and the hand- maids, whom they had let go free, to return, and brought them into subjection for servants and for handmaids. 12 — 22. The punishment of their masters which is to ensue. 12 Therefore the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah from 13 the Lord, saying, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel ; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of M bondmen, saying. At the end of seven years let ye go every 9. serve himself of theni] See note on xxx. 8. 10. heard^ The Hebrew verb is the same as that rendered later in the verse 'obeyed.' In strictness therefore it should be rendered alike in both places. For the sake of the English idiom however, which does not repeat a verb in this way, it is better to vary. '* It is part of the courtesy of oriental countries to represent obedience as the necessary result of hearing another's wishes." — Sp. Conim. 11. they turned, a7id caused... to reiurii] they again brought back. For the Hebrew idiom, which our version has literally translated, see note on chap. xii. 15. 12—22. The punishment of their masters which is to ensue. 12. Therefore the word of the Lord came to yercmiah'\ The prophet reminds the people of the covenant which God made with their fathers, of the circumstances under which it was made, of their shortlived obedience to it, and then announces the penalty. 13. the house of boiidmc7i\ The phrase occurs Deut. vii. 8, and the phrase 'house of bondage' frequently in Exod. and Deut. The point of its use here is to remind Israel that their position, as recently delivered from slavery when this covenant was made, should have taught them to be specially tender of others. 14. At the end of seven years'] As 7^'^ should say of six years. In Hebrew counting of this kind both the first and the last items were reckoned in. So the jubilee was in strictness the forty-ninth (the seventh Sabbatical) not the fiftieth year. Compare the rite of circumci- sion administered on the eighth (seventh) day after birth, and our Lord's Resurrection on ** the third (second) day." vv. 15—20.] JEREMIAH, XXXIV. 235 man his brother a Hebrew, which hath been sold unto thee; and when he hath served thee six years, thou shalt let him go free from thee : but your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear. And ye were now turned, and 15 had done right in my sight, in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbour ; and ye had made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name. But ye turned 16 and polluted my name, and caused every man his servant, and every man his handmaid, whom ye had set at liberty at their pleasure, to return, and brought them into subjection, to be unto you for servants and for handmaids. Therefore 17 thus saith the Lord ; Ye have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, and every man to his neighbour : behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith the Lord, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. And I will give the men that have transgressed 18 my covenant, which have not performed the words of the covenant which they had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed between the parts thereof, the 19 princes of Judah, and the princes of Jerusalem, the eunuchs, and the priests, and all the people of the land, which passed between the parts of the calf; I will even give them into 20 the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that hearkened'\ the same verb as in ver. 10, where see note. 15. And ye] The pronoun is emphatic, as contrasting them with the former generations. At last men were found to obey. in proclaiming liberty] See note on ver. 8. 17. / proclaim a liberty for you] The people, hitherto God's servants, and secure in that service, shall be cast off by Him, and shall accordingly, being no longer under His protection as their Owner, be exposed to the perils which follow. to be removed] See notes on xv. 4, and xxiv, 9. 18. The construing of this verse presents a difficulty. 'When they cut the calf in twain' is literally the calf which they cut in ttvain. 'Calf then is most probably either a second accusative after 'I will give,' or, better, in apposition to 'the covenant.' In the former case the rendering will be, *■ I will make the men... the calf i.e. I will cut them in pieces as they have done to the calf of sacrifice, in the latter, I will ^/^(f... (resuming this at ver. 20 I zvill even give) the men... which have not performed the words of the covenant... even the calf^vhich they cut, &c. See Gen xv. 10 for ceremonies of this kind as attendant upon a covenant. 236 JEREMIAH, XXXIV. XXXV. [vv. 21, 22; 1—3. seek their life : and their dead bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls of the heaven, and to the beasts of the earth. 21 And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and into the hand of the king of Babylon's 22 army, which are gone up from you. Behold, I will com- mand, saith the Lord, and cause them to return to this city; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire : and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation with- out an inhabitant. Chap. XXXV. i — 11. The incident of the Rechabites. 35 The word which came unto Jeremiah from the Lord in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, 2 saying. Go unto the house of the Rechabites, and speak unto them, and bring them i7ito the house of the Lord, into 3 one of the chambers, and give them wine to drink. Then I took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habazi- 21. which are gone up\ The same verb is also used of raising the siege in xxxvii. 5 ("departed,") 11 ("was broken up"). Chap. XXXV. 1—11. The incident of the Rechabites. 1. The word which came. the days of Jehoiakini] This and the following chapter form a remarkable break in the narrative of chaps. xxxii — xliv. They at once bring us back seventeen years, viz. from the tenth year of the reign of Zedekiah to the fourth year of Jehoiakim, when the Babylonian army had entered Palestine and compelled many of its inhabitants to take refuge within Jerusalem. Among these were the Rechabites, and the unwonted presence of a nomadic tribe like theirs must have produced quite a sufficient interest and stir to cause Jeremiah's act and subsequent address to make a deep impression upon the people. 2. Go itnto the hotise\ The families (compare Gen. vii. i, &c.) are meant, not the dwelling-houses. See ver. 7. of the Rechabites'] They were a wandering tribe of Kenite descent and thus connected with Moses' father-in-law (Jud. i. 16). Some of tliat family had settled in the south of Judah (ibid.) others near Kedesh in Naphtali (Jud. iv. 1 1). This branch however as we see were no- madic. chambers'] used as store-houses (i Chron. xxviii. i2)or places of meet- ing for those whose duties lay about the Temple. It is the same word in the original as that which occurs three times in ver. 4. 3. Jaazaniah] apparently the leader of the tribe or of that part of it which had taken refuge in Jerusalem. VV.4— 6.] JEREMIAH, XXXV. 237 niah, and his brethren, and all his sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites ; and I brought them into the 4 house of the Lord, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the son of Igdaliah, a man of God, which was by the chamber of the princes, which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of the door : and 5 I set before the sons of the house of the Rechabites pots full of wine, and cups, and I said unto them, Drink ye wine. But they said. We will drink no wine : for Jonadab 6 the son of Rechab our father commanded us, saying, Ye 4. a7id I brought them into the house of the Lord\ that so what was to follow might be made most prominent and be most widely known. the sons of Hattan\ meaning probably not the actual sons but the disciples, Hanan being the name of a prophet or teacher, who like many others founded a school of 'sons.' Of him however we know nothing further. Jgdaliah'] the longer form of Gedaliah, a name which we meet so frequently in the later chapters of this historical portion as belonging to the son of Ahikam. a man of God] i.e. a prophet, viz. Hanan, not Igdaliah. See note on chap. i. I. Maaseiah] probably father of the Zephaniah (xxi. i, xxix. 25, xxxvii. 3) who is mentioned as second priest in lii. 24. keeper of thi door] literally, keeper of the threshold. There were three of these officers (lii. 24; 2 Kings xxv. 18). They may have had charge respectively of the outer and inner courts of the Temple and of the entrance door itself. They seem to have stood next in rank after the high-priest and his deputy (ibid.), and were charged with the care of the money contributed for the restoration of the Temple (2 Kings xii. 9). 5. pots] bowls, large vessels, from which drinking cups were filled. 6. We will d?'ink 710 wine: for yonadab... commanded us] Jonadab , is the same who assisted Jehu (2 Kings x. 15 — 28) in the overthrow of the worship of Baal, and for two or three hundred years his descendants had been faithful to the command which he had imposed on them. The reason for the command doubtless was the corruption and excess which he saw to be engendered and fostered by city-life. Thus the customs of towns were to be avoided, and an ascetic life to be fol- lowed, stMngly resembling that practised within the limits of Israel by the Nazantes (Numb. vi.). the son of Rechab] father or more likely perhaps an ancestor of Jonadab. The word means Rider, and hence it has been con- jectured that it is rather an epithet [the bold Rider) than a proper name. If this be so, which however is but doubtful, it has been remarked as a strange coincidence that his son Jonadab should have been so closely allied (see ref. to 2 Kings x. above) with one who is noted as driving his chariot furiously (2 Kings ix. 20). 238 JEREMIAH, XXXV. [vv. 7—13. shall drink no wine, neither ye, nor your sons for ever : 7 neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vine- yard, nor have a?iy: but all your days ye shall dwell in tents ; that ye may live many days in the land where ye be 8 strangers. Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab our father in all that he hath charged us, to drink no wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, nor our 9 daughters ; nor to build houses for us to dwell in : neither 10 have we vineyard, nor field, nor seed : but we have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and done according to all that 11 Jonadab our father commanded us. But it came to pass, when Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came up into the land, that we said. Come, and let us go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans, and for fear of the army of the Syrians : so we dwell at Jerusalem. 12 — 17. Application of this incident to the Jews. 12 Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah, saying, 13 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will ye not receive instruction to hearken to my words ? 7. neither shall ye build house... "l A noteworthy instance of a body of persons in the same country but in later times, the description of whom coincides almost verbally with that of the Rechabites, is the case of the Nabathaeans of whom Diodorus Siculus (xix. 94) says that they neither sow seed, nor plant fruit-tree, nor use wine, nor build a house, and if any one is found transgressing these rules, death is the penalty. "We find however nomads using wine, Gen. xxvii. 25, and even sowing corn, ib. xxvi. 12, as it was possible to buy the one, and to break up the encampment after reaping the other. " Sp. Comm. 11. for fear of the army of the Chaldeans'] It was necessary that they should justify themselves for thus taking up their quarters in a town in spite of the strictness of their nomadic rules. It was only for the sake of self-preservation. Syrians'] These were allies of the Chaldaeans at this period, as we learn also from 2 Kings xxiv. 2. 12—17. Application of this incident to the Jews. 12. Then came the word] Jeremiah is told to go and apply the lesson which the Rechabites taught. For this purpose he is to go forth from the chamber where his interview with them was held, and address the people we must suppose in the adjacent Temple court. vv. 14— 19.1 JEREMIAH, XXXV. 239 saith the Lord. The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, 14 that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are per- formed ; for unto this day they drink none, but obey their father's commandment: notwithstanding I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking ; but ye hearkened not unto me. I have sent also unto you all my servants the 15 prophets, rising up early and sending thein^ saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers : but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened unto me. Because the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab 16 have performed the commandment of their father, which he commanded them ; but this people hath not hearkened unto me : therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, the 17 God of Israel ; Behold, I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them : because I have spoken unto them, but they have not heard; and I have called unto them, but they have not answered. 18, 19. The Rechahites* reward. And Jeremiah said unto the house of the Rechabites, 18 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; Because ye have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according unto all that he hath commanded you : therefore thus saith the Lord of 19 hosts, the God of Israel ; Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever. 14. an performed^ are established, they not only are carried out but are secure in their hold upon the minds of those who practise them. unto this dav] for adotit three hundred years. 16. Because\ This conjunction really belongs rather to the latter part of the verse, as it was not the obedience of the Rechabites but the disobedience of the Jews that involved punishment. Its place however makes the contrast between the two parties more marked. 18, 19. The Rechabites' reward. 19. shall not want a j/ian to stand before me for ever] Disobedience being followed by ruin, so shall obedience be by lasting prosperity, and tliat prosperity shall be of the purest kind, viz. ministering in the pre- sence of God. Such seems to be the sense of the words to stand before me. 240 JEREMIAH, XXXVI. [v. i. Chap. XXXVI. i — lo. Jeremiah' s Roll dictated to Baruch and read before the people, 36 And it came to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the See chaps, vii. lo, xv. 19, and in reference to the tribe of Levi Deut. x. 8, xviii. 5, 7. This also is the sense given to the words here in the Targum of Jonathan, a Hebrew commentary on the Prophets which reflects the views of pious Rabbis of our Lord's time. Traces of the fulfilment of this promise are (i) Ps. Ixxi. {possibly however earlier than this time) the heading of which in the Septuagint makes it belong to "the sons of Jonadab and the first captives" and thus includes them among the Levites to whom it fell to conduct the sacred music and occasionally no doubt to compose the words to which it was set ; (ii) omitting one or two other and more obscure references in the O. T., in the account of the martyrdom of James the Just (Eusebius, Eccles. Hisi. ii. 23) "priests of the sons of Rechab" are spoken of; (iii) Benjamin of Tudela, a Jewish traveller of the 12th century, mentions a body of Jews who were called Rechabites, and whose customs corresponded with those detailed in Jeremiah; (iv) Dr Wolfif {yownal, 1829) describes a body of Rechabites near Mecca who claimed to be sons of Jonadab. See Sjk. Bibl. Diet, Art. Rechabites. Chap. XXXVL 1—10. Jeremiah's Roll dictated to Baruch and read before the people. 1. And it came to pass in the fourth year of J ehoiakim'\ Here we have the particulars of Jeremiah's record in a permanent form of the substance of those prophecies which he had been uttering against Judah and Jerusalem. This chapter like the last (where see note on ver. i) is a break in the historical section (chaps, xxxii. — xliv.), as they both go back to the fourth year of Jehoiakim. The attack on Jerusalem by Nebu- chadnezzar's army, through fear of which the Rechabites had taken refuge, occurred in that year, and it is important to determine whether the command to prepare the Roll was prior or subsequent to this event. J For the view that the attack had not yet taken place ver. 29 is quoted, where however see note. For the other view, which is much the more probable, we have the facts {a) that the first capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar took place (see xxv. i with note) in the thirty-fourth month of Jehoiakim's reign, and i)robably therefore early in the fourth (calendar) year, and {b) that the Roll was not read till the ninth month of the fifth year of Jehoiakim (ver. 9), and even allowing for the slow rate of writing in those days, nine months would be almost or quite enough for the completion of such a work. It is important to notice the order of these events. In chap. xxv. we have the announcement plainly made that the captivity shall be no trifling or passing matter, but shall last seventy years. Thereupon comes at a distance of at most but a few months the capture of the city. The indignation with which that first distinct prophecy of captivity was received must now have been qualified by a fear that the threatened punishment was but too evidently coming upon the nation. This is the slate of people's minds, when on a fast vv. 2—5.] JEREMIAH, XXXVI. 241 son of Josiah king of Judah, that this word came unto Jere- miah from the Lord, saying, Take thee a roll of a book, 2 and write therein all the words that I have spoken unto thee against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations, from the day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah, even unto this day. It may be that the house of Judah will 3 hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way ; that I may for- give their iniquity and their sin. Then Jeremiah called 4 Baruch the son of Neriah : and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord, which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll of a book. And Jere- 5 miah commanded Baruch, saying, I am shut up \ I cannot day, specially appointed in connexion with the national danger, very possibly fixed for the first anniversary of the capture of the city, Jere- miah gives the king and people a summar}' of the warnings which he had for so many years sounded in their ears without avail. 2. Take thee a roll of a book] The command to Isaiah (viii. i) was "Take thee a great roll." The word used in his case however, though bearing some resemblance to the Hebrew word here, meant rather a tablet of wood or metal, with a thin coating of wax. Here the substance on which the prophet was to write was parchment. Several skins were stitched together and attached to a roller of wood at one or both ends. The writing was arranged in columns parallel to the rollers, so that as the parchment was gradually unrolled from one end to the other, the successive columns could be read. Our word volume (that which is rolled tip) points by its derivation to this older form of book. write therein all the words] This would be done in part by tran- scribing from such comparatively fragmentary records as are spoken of in chaps xxii. 30, xxx. 2, and in part from the prophet's memory, which would supply him with the substance at any rate of the prophecies which he had uttered for the twenty-three years of his mission on the subjects indicated in ver. 3. 3. // may be that the house of Judah..!] Compare for a similar expression of hopefulness chap. xxvi. 3. Meantime probably (see note on ver. i, above) the capture of Jerusalem had added to the prophet's hope that this final warning might be effectual. 4. Then Jeremiah called Baruch] He has been mentioned already (xxxii. 12, 13) as the prophet's attendant. 5. / am shut up] The same verb in the original is used chaps, xxxiii. I, xxxix. 15, where it means imprisoned. Here however, it cannot have that force, as we see by ver. 19, but simply means that he was hindered from addressing the people by some cause, probably danger to his life arising from the extreme unpopularity of his recent utterances. JEREMIAH 16 242 JEREMIAH, XXXVI. [vv. 6—10. 6 go into the house of the Lord : therefore go thou, and read in the roll, which thou hast written from my mouth, the words of the Lord in the ears of the people i7i the Lord's house upon the fasting day: and also thou shalt read them 7 in the ears of all Judah that come out of their cities. It may be they will present their supplication before the Lord, and will return every one from his evil way : for great is the anger and the fury that the Lord hath pronounced against 8 this people. And Baruch the son of Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the prophet commanded him, reading in the book the words of the Lord in the Lord's house. 9 And it came to pass in the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, in the ninth month, that they proclaimed a fast before the Lord to all the people in Jeru- salem, and to all the people that came from the cities of 10 Judah unto Jerusalem. Then read Baruch in the book the words of Jeremiah in the house of the Lord, in the cham- ber of Gemariah the son of Shaphan the scribe, in the higher court at the entry of the new gate of the Lord's house, in the ears of all the people. 6. the fasting day\ or, a fast-day. The original may bear either sense, as implying that the day was or was not already determined. 7. they will present their supplication'] literally, their supplication will fall. The attitude of the petitioners is transferred in thought to the petition. We have the same phrase in several other places (xxxvii. 20, xxxviii. 26, etc.), and sometimes (xxxvii. 20, xlii. 2) with the further sense, which hardly belongs to it here, of acceptance. 8. And Baruch... did according to all] This concise statement that Baruch discharged the commands laid on him, is followed by the detailed account of the same in the subsequent verses. 9. in the nijith month] our December, see ver. 22. Thus the fast was not that annual one of the seventh month, the only stated fast of the Law (Lev. xvi. 29, xxiii. 27), but specially appointed probably, either in memory of the capture of the city by the Chaldaeans in the previous year, or on account of the blow given to the independence of the Jews by the battle of Carchemish, and the anticipation of a speedy attack from Nebuchadnezzar. 10. in the chamber] probably at the door of it, so as to be heard by the people. Gemariah the son of Shaphan the scribe] Shaphan was himself scribe in the days of Josiah (2 Kings xxii. 3). We gather from xxvi. 24 that this Gemariah was brother of Ahikam, who was friendly to Jeremiah. He is, of course, distinct from the Gemariah mentioned xxix. 3. vv. II— 17.] JEREMIAH, XXXVI. 243 II — 19. The Roll is read before the princes. When Michaiah the son of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, 1 i had heard out of the book all the words of the Lord, then 12 he went down into the king's house, into the scribe's cham- ber : and lo, all the princes sat there, eveti Elishama the scribe, and Delaiah the son of Shemaiah, and Elnathan the son of Achbor, and Gemariah the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah, and all the princes. Then 13 Michaiah declared unto them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the book in the ears of the peo- ple. Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi the son of 14 Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, unto Baruch, saying. Take in thine hand the roll wherein thou hast read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them. And they said unto him, Sit down now, and read 15 it in our ears. So Baruch read // in their ears. Now it 16 came to pass when they had heard all the words, they were afraid both one and other, and said unto Baruch, We will surely tell the king of all tjiese words. And they asked 17 Baruch, saying. Tell us no\^!^ow didst thou write all these 11 — 19. The Roll is read before the princes. 11. When Michaiah... had heard^ As it was in the chamber 01 Michaiah's father that Baruch had been allowed to read the roll, Gemariah, engaged at the moment at a council of the princes in another room, would naturally be desirous of learning as soon as might be the particulars of what had occurred. 12. then he went down\ See notes on xxii. i, xxvi. 10. Elnathan the son of Achbor] mentioned chap. xxvi. 22. 14. Jehudi.. .the son of Cushi] Although the first of these names also means a Jew, and the second an Ethiopian, it is more probable that both are distinctly proper names here. There may however still be a reference to Ethiopian descent in the latter name. 15. Sit down] These words taken with ver. 19 shew that the princes were favourably disposed towards Baruch and Jeremiah. The same has been marked already in chap, xxvi. 16. Baruch took the position ordinarily assumed by an Eastern teacher. Compare Luke iv. 20. 16. they were afraid both one and other] literally, they trembled every one to his neighbour, i. e. they looked at each other and trembled. We will surely telf] rather. We must certainly tell. It is in no wise a threat, but the expression of a solemn duty. 17. Hozv didst thou write] They desired to know how far the words 16 — 2 244 JEREMIAH, XXXVI. [vv. 18—23. 18 words at his mouth ? Then Bamch answered them, He pronounced all these words unto me with his mouth, and I 19 wrote the7)i with ink in the book. Then said the princes unto Baruch, Go, hide thee, thou and Jeremiah ; and let no man know where ye he. 20 — 26. // is read before the King. Its fate. 20 And they went in to the king into the court, but they laid up the roll in the chamber of Elishama the scribe, and 21 told all the words in the ears of the king. So the king sent Jehudi to fet the roll : and he took it out of Elishama the scribe's chamber. And Jehudi read it in the ears of the king, and in the ears of all the princes which stood beside 22 the king. Now the king sat i7i the winterhouse in the ninth month : and there was a fire on the hearth burning before 23 him. And it came to pass, that when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the roll was might be Baruch's own, that they might be able to state to the king the amount of responsibility for them which rested upon each, 19. Go, hide thee, thou and J ereiniah^ See note on ver. 5. 20—26. It is read before the King. Its fate. 20. into the court] into the inner court yard, where the king's apart- ments were. they laid up\ they gave in charge, committed to safe keeping. 21. fet] See note on xxvi. 23. beside] literally, above, referring to the fact that the king was sitting and his attendants standing. 22. in the winter-house in the nijith montJi] See note on ver. 9 above. Amos (iii. 15) mentions both winter and summer houses. "Such language is easily understood by an Oriental. In common parlance the lower apartments are simply el beit — the house; the upper is the alliyeh, which is the summer house. Every respectable dwelling has both... If these are on the same storey, then the external and airy apartment is the summer house, and that for winter is the interior and more sheltered room. It is rare to meet a family which has an entirely separate dwelling for summer." — Thomson, The Land and the Book, p. 309. there was afire on the hearth burning] Hearths are unknown in the East. Braziers containing charcoal are placed in a depression in the middle of a room for purposes of warming. Render therefore here, the fire-pan was burning. 23. leaves] pages, literally, folding doors, referring to the ordinary arrangement of the writing as described above (see note on ver. 2). penknife] literally, scribe's knife, on the hearth] in the fire-pan. vv. 24—29.] JEREMIAH, XXXVI. 245 consumed in the fire that was on the hearth. Yet they were 24 not afraid, nor rent their garments, neither the king, nor any of his servants that heard all these words. Neverthe- 25 less Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had made inter- cession to the king that he would not burn the roll : but he would not hear them. But the king commanded Jerahmeel 26 the son of Hammelech, and Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet : but the Lord hid them. 27 — 32. Its contents re-written. Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, after that 27 the king had burnt the roll, and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah, saying, Take thee again -^s another roll, and write in it all the former words that were in the first roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burnt. And thou shalt say to Jehoiakim king of Judah, Thus 29 saith the Lord; Thou hast burnt this roll, saying. Why hast thou written therein, saying, The king of Babylon shall certainly come and destroy this land, and shall cause to 24. Yet they were not afraid .. .neither the king\ Contrast with this the conduct of the king's father when the newly found Book of the Law was read in his ears (and compare i Kings xxi. 27). Josiah on that occasion in sorrowful dismay rent his garments (2 Kings xxii, 11) but his son now rends not his garments, but the Roll itself. And thus passed away "his last chance, his last offer of mercy : and as he threw the torn fragments of the roll on the fire he thi-ew there in symbol his royal house, his doomed city, the temple, and all the people of the land." — Sp. Comm. 24. nor a?ty of his servants] This cannot refer to the princes, who, as we have seen (ver. 16), were by no means of the king's mind. 25. Elnatha7t...had made intercessionl See note on xxvi. 22; also on xxvii. 18. Elnathan seems to have changed his view of things, as we find him here so thoroughly on Jeremiah's side. 26. the S071 of Hamvielech] As this name might be rendered the king, some would take it so here, understanding that Jerahmeel was Jehoiakim's son. It is however in all probability simply a proper name. See chap, xxxviii. 6. 27—32. Its contents re-written. 29. The kijig of Babylon shall certainly cornel See note on ver. i. This expression by no means proves that the king of Babylon had not come already. It is probable that this prophecy was uttered after such a visitation, a much less severe disaster however than that 24^ Jeremiah, xxxvi. xxxvit. [vv.30— 32; i, 2. 30 cease from thence man and beast ? Therefore thus saith the Lord of Jehoiakim king of Judah ; He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David : and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the 31 frost. And I will punish him and his seed and his ser- vants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them ; 32 but they hearkened not. Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah ; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burnt in the fire : and there were added besides unto them many like words. Chap. XXXVII. I— 5. Zedekiah' s reign. The Siege of the city is temporarily raised. 37 And king Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar king 2 of Babylon made king in the land of Judah. But neither which Jeremiah here threatens, and which in consequence of the im- penitence of king and people did a few years later come to pass. The destruction was carried still further in the sacking of the city at the end of Zedekiah's reign. We gather from the verse that it was this threat that most stirred the passionate wrath of the king, whose spirit was probably already chafed by the humiliation which he and his city had lately undergone. 30. He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David'\ In point of fact he was succeeded by his son Jehoiachin, but he was immediately besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, and at the end of three months carried to Babylon. See further in note on xxii. 30. his dead body shall be cast out] See note on xxii. 19. 32. and there were added... many like words] This second Roll therefore, still preserved to us in the earlier chapters of the Book, is fuller than that which was read in the cars of the people, and which contained briefer extracts from many years of prophecies. Chap. XXXVII. 1—5. Zedekiah's reign. The Siege of the CITY IS TEMPORARILY RAISED. 1. And king Zedekiah... reigned] Here we return from the two parenthetical chapters which concerned the time of Jehoiakim to the last king of Judah, and the narrative (begun chap, xxxii.) of the last two years of that monarch's reign. I whom Nebuchadrezzar... made king] i.e. Zedekiah. See 1 Kings vv. 3—7.] JEREMIAH, XXXVII. 247 he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, did hearken unto the words of the Lord, which he spake by the prophet Jeremiah. And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of 3 Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah, saying, Pray now unto the Lord our God for us. Now Jeremiah came in and went out among 4 the people : for they had not put him into prison. Then 5 Pharaoh's army was come forth out of Egypt : and when the Chaldeans that besieged Jerusalem heard tidings of them, they departed from Jerusalem. 6 — 10. Jeremiah foretells the return of the Chaldaeans. Then came the word of the Lord unto the prophet Jere- 6 miah, saying. Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel ; Thus ^ shall ye say to the king of Judah, that sent you unto me to inquire of me ; Behold, Pharaoh's army, which is come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land. xxiv. 17. These first two verses are a sort of sketch of the position of affairs. 3. And Zedekiah the king sent] This mission took place later than that related in chap. xxi. r, which was sent when Nebuchadnezzar's army was approaching Jerusalem. In this case on the contrary the siege had begun and been raised, and the hopes of the people were excited in consequence. Jehucal] In chap, xxxviii. 4 he proposes that Jeremiah should be put to death. Zephaniah] the deputy high-priest. See chaps, xxi. i, xxix. 25, Hi. 24, 26, 27. 2 Kings XXV. 18, 20, 21. Fray now unto the Lord our God for us] There seemed to be a hope that as in the time of Sennacherib's invasion, when Hezekiah was king (2 Kings xix. 35), there might now be given in answer to prayer a miraculous overthrow of the invading host. 4. came in and went out] was still free, had not suffered arrest. That was immediately to follow. 6. when the Chaldeans... heard tidings of thetn^ they departed] See notes on xxxiv. 8 and 21. We do not know whether the retreat on the part of the Egyptians which followed was due to a defeat from the Chaldaeans, or not. The latter seems the most natural construction of the words which end ver. 7. Pharaoh-Hophra (called Apries by Herod- otus), although an ally of the king of Judah, yet would feel it a serious matter to come face to face with such a force as that which Nebuchad- nezzar was able to bring into the field. For this Pharaoh's reign and overthrow see note on chap. xliv. 30. 248 JEREMIAH, XXXVII. [vv. 8— 12. 8 And the Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this 9 city, and take it, and burn it with fire. Thus saith the Lord; Deceive not your selves, saying, The Chaldeans 10 shall surely depart from us : for they shall not depart. For though ye had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire. II — 15. Jeremiah is seized under a misunderstanding and impriso?ied. 11 And it came to pass, that when the army of the Chaldeans was broken up from Jerusalem for fear of Pharaoh's army, 12 then Jeremiah went forth out of Jerusalem to go i7ito the land of Benjamin, to separate himself thence in the midst 6 — 10. Jeremiah foretells the return of the Chaldaeans. 8. The prophet is careful to leave no ground whatever for hope. 10. there remained but wounded mei{\ Our version fails to give the full force of the Hebrew, which is that even though but a fev^^ individuals remained, and those severely wounded (literally, transfixed), they would be more than a match for the Jews. So certainly was it God's purpose that Jerusalem should be overthrown. 'wounded\ The same Heb. word is, according to the common render- ing, used in a secondary sense ("stricken through") of those dying of hunger in Lam. iv. 9. See however note there. 11 — 15. Jeremiah is seized under a misunderstanding and imprisoned. 11. was broken up\ See note on xxxiv. 21. 12. to separate hi?fiself'[ rather, to talce his portion. The Hebrew , is difficult. The verb means literally to cause to divide, and hence the best explanation here seems to be to refer it to a portion of land in the neighbourhood of Anathoth belonging to him. He would naturally wish to take this opportunity of securing himself in the possession of it, so far as he might, particularly as the circumstances of the siege, and his knowledge that it was only raised for a time, would make it neces- sary for him to do his utmost to provide himself with the means of subsistence. Another rendering is that of the Eng. margin, to slip away. in the midst of the people'] There was naturally a rush to get out of the city not only on account of the close confinement which the people had suffered, but because of the past and prospective scarcity and con- sequent high price of provisions. It therefore behoved all to furnish themselves as far as they could with these or with money for their pur- chase. We cannot connect Jeremiah's action with the portion of land which he is described in chap xxxii. as purchasing, as that event had not yet occurred. vv. 13—16.] JEREMIAH, XXXVII. 249 of the people. And when he was in the gate of Benjamin, 13 a captain of the ward was there, whose name was Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah; and he took Jeremiah the prophet, saying, Thou fallest away to the Chal- deans. Then said Jeremiah, // is false ; I fall not away to 14 the Chaldeans. But he hearkened not to him : so Irijah took Jeremiah, and brought him to the princes. Wherefore 15 the princes were wroth with Jeremiah, and smote him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe : for they had made that the prison. 16 — 21. Zedekiah takes compassion on the prophet. When Jeremiah was entered into the dungeon, and into 16 the cabins, and Jeremiah had remained there many days; 13. the gate of Benjamin\ on the north side of the city, mentioned also by this name in xxxviii. 7 ; Zech. xiv. 10. It led through the terri- tory of Benjamin to that of Ephraim, and hence appears also (2 Kings xiv. 13; Nehem. viii. 16, xii. 39) as "the gate of Ephraim." a captain of the ward'\ literally, a lord of the watch, i.e. one charged with the duty of taking cognisance of those who passed the gate. Thou fallest away] For the same Heb. verb, applied, in accordance with our own idiom, in this secondary sense of going over to the enemy compare i Sam. xxix. 3; 2 Kings xxv. 11. The views which Jeremiah was known to hold as to the propriety of yielding to the Chaldaeans (e.g. as expressed somewhat later in the words of chap. xxi. 9) would give some ground for suspicion under these circumstances. 15. the princes were wroth with Jeremiah] These were not the princes who had looked upon the prophet with favour in the reign of Jehoiakim (xxvi. 16, xxxvi. 19). Those were now no doubt exiles, and these their successors, as thoroughly opposed to the Chaldaean rule, and sympathizing with their compatriots of Babylon, had no favour to bestow upon Jeremiah. They would remember how he had likened them to evil figs (chap. xxiv.). 16 — 21. Zedekiah takes compassion on the prophet. 16. dungeon] literally, " house of the pit." cadins] The marginal reading cells is better. In Heb. indeed the word is found here only, but in the Chaldee and Syriac dialects it is found in the sense of shop. Thus it probably means a vaulted recess off a passage or room. In Jerusalem at the present day "the 1 whole of the plateau on which the temple and palace stood is honey- combed underneath with works of various kinds. Captain Warren describes thirty-four such excavations, some of which are cisterns and others passages. One of these extends about 1 50 feet from north to south, and nearly as much from east to west, and its roof is supported by \ massive rude piers, which give the place a look of elephantine strength." 250 JEREMIAH, XXXVII. [vv. 17—21. 17 then Zedekiah the king sent, and took him out: and the king asked him secretly in his house, and said, Is there aiiy word from the Lord ? And Jeremiah said. There is : for, said he, thou shalt be dehvered into the hand of the king of 18 Babylon. Moreover Jeremiah said unto king Zedekiah, What have I offended against thee, or against thy servants, 19 or against this people, that ye have put me in prison? Where are now your prophets which prophesied unto you, saying. The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against 20 this land ? Therefore hear now, I pray thee, O my lord the king : let my supplication, I pray thee, be accepted before thee, that thou cause me not to return to the house of Jona- 21 than the scribe, lest I die there. Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit Jeremiah into the court of the prison, and that they should give him daily a piece of bread out of the bakers' street, until all the bread in the many days] during which time the Chaldaeans resumed the siege and the danger became so jnessing that Zedekiah was induced to send for the prophet, and ask him for some intimation of the future. 17. as/:cct him secretly] This shews us that tlie prophet was as un- popular as ever. It also points to Zedekiah's moral weakness, as dread- ing the interference of the princes in the matter. thou shalt be delivered...] coinciding with the prophecies delivered at greater length and in writing about the same time. See chaps, xxxii. 3, 4, xxxiv. 2, 3. 19. Where are now your prophets which prophesied unto yoii\ Jere miah in this verse addresses the whole people tlirough their king ('your') as opposed to his address in the singular number before and after. The question is equivalent to a challenge to them to come forward and defend their prediction or acknowledge their falsehood. 20. let my supplication... be accepted before thee] See note on xxxvi. 7. 21. court of the prison] court of the guard. See note on xxxii. 1. a piece of bi-ead] a round cake of bread. The dough was divided into, round cakes not unlike flat stones in shape and appearance (Matt. vii. 9, comp. iv. 3) about a span in diameter and a finger's breadth in thick- ness : three of these were required for the meal of a single person (Luke xi. 5), and consequently one was barely sufficient to sustain life (1 Sam. ii. 36 "morsel" Eng. Vers.) Sm. Bibl. Diet. Art. Bread. out of the bakers' street] This is the only case in which even the name of a Jerusalem street is preserved to us. The baking of a household was done from primitive times by the women of the family. But "baking as a profession was carried on by men (IIos. vii. 4, 6). In Jerusalem the bakers congregated in one quarter of the town, as we may infer from the name 'bakers' street,' and tower of the ovens (Neh. iii. 11, xii. 38 'furnaces' A. v.). " Ibid. vv. 1—5.] JEREMIAH, XXXVIII. 251 city were spent. Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison. Chap. XXXVIII. i — 6. Zedekiah allows the princes to put Jeremiah again into the dungeon. Then Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedalia.h the 38 son of Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashur the son of Malchiah, heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken unto all the people, saying, Thus saith the Lord, 2 He that remaineth in this city shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence : but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live ; for he shall have his life for a prey, and shall live. Thus saith the Lord, This city shall 3 surely be given into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, which shall take it. Therefore the princes said unto the 4 king, We beseech thee, let this man be put to death : for thus he weakeneth the hands of the men of war that remain in this city, and the hands of all the people, in speaking such words unto them : for this man seeketh not the welfare of this people, but the hurt. Then Zedekiah the king said, 5 until all the bread in the city were spent'X Compare chap. lii. 6. Chap. XXXVIII. 1 — 6. Zedekiah allows the princes to put Jeremiah again into the dungeon. 1. Then Shephatiah'\ The removal of Jeremiah from prison to the court of the guard was of course favourable to the publication of his message. Hence the princes take alarm and apply to the king for permission to put him to death. There was no doubt truth in their assertion that Jeremiah's words were 'weakening the hands of the men of war,' but the fact, that the words which he spoke were not his own but the Divine message with which he was charged, made all the differ- ence in the case. Gedaliali] He was probably a son of the Pashur who put Jeremiah in the stocks (chap. xx. i, 1). y?/(:a/] = Jehucal of chap, xxxvii. 3. Pashur the son of Malchiah^ the same who is mentioned chap. xxi. I. 2. He that remaineth...'] This and the following verse occur sub- stantially in the reply of the prophet to the messengers (including Pashur) of chap. xxi. (See verses 8, 9 and notes). 4. for thus] rather, Because. the men of war that remai?t] shewing that a good many had gone over to the Chaldaeans, a fact which is implied also in ver. 19. 252 JEREMIAH, XXXVIII. [vv. 6—10. Behold, he is in your hand : for the king is not he that can 6 do any thing against you. Then took they Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hamme- lech, that was in the court of the prison : and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire : so Jeremiah sunk in the mire. 7 — 13. Ife is rescued by Ebed-Melech. 7 Now when Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, one of the eunuchs which was in the king's house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the dungeon ; the king then sitting in the gate 8 of Benjamin ; Ebed-melech went forth out of the king's 9 house, and spake to the king, saying, My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jere- miah the prophet, whom they have cast into the dungeon ; and he is like to die for hunger in the place where he is: 10 for there is no more bread in the city. Then the king com- 6. the king is not /le...} The literal rendering is, T/ie king cannot as to you {do) a thing. Zedekiah, aware of his own moral weakness, here acknowledges himself powerless in the hands of the princes. If they united in urging anything as requisite for the safety of the state, he declined even to argue the point, but confessed at once that he was but a cypher in the matter. 6, the dtingeon of Malchiah'\ probably meaning that he was in charge of it. We might rather render cistern. See chap. vi. 7 with note. The depth and consequent wretchedness of this place of confinement is shewn by the means employed to place Jeremiah in it. the son of Hammelech'] See note on xxxvi. 26. 7 — 13. He is rescued by Ebed-melech. 7. Ebed-melech the Ethiopian'\ a negro eunuch, attached to the court or harem after the Eastern custom. See note on xiii, 23. the gate of Benja7?iin\ See note on chap xxxvii. 13. 9. he is like to die for hunger in the place where he is'\ literally, he is dead of htmger on the spot. The words are uttered impulsively, and when taken strictly are inconsistent, death by hunger and a speedy death (*on the spot') being incompatible. Ebed-melech's meaning how- ever is clear, viz. that Jeremiah was probably at death's door already, as suffering at once from hunger and from confinement in so dismal a dungeon. The Heb. for *on the spot' is still more literally under him. The same expression is used of Asahel ("in the same place" Eng. Vers.) 1 Sam. ii. 23. for there is no more bread in the city] This again is an exaggeration shewing the eagerness of the speaker, and pardonable, as certain to be w. II— 15.] JEREMIAH, XXXVIII. 253 manded Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying, Take from hence thirty men with thee, and take up Jeremiah the pro- phet out of the dungeon, before he die. So Ebed-melech n took the men with him, and went into the house of the king under the treasury, and took thence old cast clouts and old rotten rags, and let them down by cords into the dungeon to Jeremiah. And Ebed-melech the Ethiopian said 12 unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so. So they drew up Jeremiah with cords, and took him up 13 out of the dungeon : and Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison. 14 — 23. Zedekiah again seeks his counsel. Then Zedekiah the king sent, and took Jeremiah the 14 prophet unto him into the third entry that is in the house of the Lord : and the king said unto Jeremiah, I will ask thee a thing ; hide nothing from me. Then Jeremiah said 15 understood by the king. If it had been absolutely true, there could have been no object in freeing Jeremiah. As it was, the sense was only that there was so scanty a supply of provision that there was little or no chance of any reaching Jeremiah in the place where he was then confined. 10. thirty men\ This large number seems to have been intended to preclude any attempt at interference on the part of the princes. Zede- kiah knew enough of them to see that a strong force would be necessary under such circumstances. before he diel The words of the king shew that he understood the real sense of Ebed-melech's remark he is dead on the spot of ver. 9. 11. under the treasury] more fully to (the place) under the treasury, old cast clouts and old rotten rags] rags of torn garments and rags of ivoym out garments. 13. court of the prison] court of the guard. See note on xxxii. 2. 14—23. Zedekiah again seeks his counsel. 14. the third entry] The Eng. margin Yizs principal , which however is not likely to be the sense. It was probably a chamber, retired from public observation, and connected with a passage leading from the palace to the Temple, and may have been identical with that which in 1 Kings xvi. 18 is called "the king's entry," I will ask thee a thing ; hide nothing from me] literally, I am asking thee a thing (or word); thou shalt not hide from me a thing {ox word). Zedekiah's anxiety as to the future led him to take the same course as previously (chap, xxxvii. 17). 254 JEREMIAH, XXXVIII. [vv. 16—22. unto Zedekiah, If I declare it unto thee, wilt thou not surely put me to death? and if I give thee counsel, wilt 16 thou not hearken unto me ? So Zedekiah the king sware secretly unto Jeremiah, saying, As the Lord liveth, that made us this soul, I will not put thee to death, neither will I give thee into the hand of these men that seek thy life. 17 Then said Jeremiah unto Zedekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel ; If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the king of Babylon's princes, then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burnt with fire; and thou 18 shalt live, and thine house : but if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with 19 fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. And Zede- kiah the king said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their 20 hand, and they mock me. But Jeremiah said, They shall not deliver thee. Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord, which I speak unto thee : so it shall be well unto thee, and 21 thy soul shall live. But if thou refuse to go forth, this is 22 the word that the Lord hath shewed me : and behold, all 15. wilt thou not hearken unto me?] thou wilt not hearken unto me. This clause is not an interrogative one in the Hebrew. Jeremiah knew too well from his experience of the king's recent conduct that he could not be depended upon to carry out even those commands which he might believe to come from God. That Zedekiah was simply swayed by the person in whose presence he happened to be at the moment and had no fixity of purpose or resolution is well illustrated by his words in the next verse, when compared with those he had addressed to the princes a short time before (ver. 5)- 16. that made us this soul] an unusual form of oath. The soul or life being God's creation is also in His power to take away, if the speaker should prove false to this his promise. 17. ^0 forth] surrender thyself. the kini:; of Babylon^ s princes] an intimation that Nebuchadnezzar was not himself at this time in command of the besieging forces. While the tedious blockade continued, he had no doubt taken up his position at Riblah, where we find him somewhat later (xxxix. 5). 19. / atn afraid of the Jr^vs that are fallen to the Chaldeans] See note on ver. 4. These, the king fears, would be severe upon him for not doing himself as they had ilone at an earlier period, and so sparing the city the miseries of a siege. vv. 23—26.] JEREMIAH, XXXVIII. 255 the women that are left in the king of Judah's house shall be brought forth to the king of Babylon's princes, and those wo?nen shall say. Thy friends have set thee on, and have prevailed against thee : thy feet are sunk in the mire, and they are turned away back. So they shall bring out all thy 23 wives and thy children to the Chaldeans : and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon : and thou shalt cause this city to be burnt with fire. 2 4 — 2 8. Re stilt of the co?iference. Then said Zedekiah unto Jeremiah, Let no man know of 24 these words, and thou shalt not die. But if the princes hear 25 that I have talked with thee, and they come unto thee, and say unto thee: Declare unto us now what thou hast said unto the king, hide it not from us, and we will not put thee to death; also what the king said unto thee: then thou shalt say 26 22. all the women that are left] the women of the harem generally, concubines and their attendants. If Zedekiah prove obstinate, these also shall join in the reproaches that shall be heaped upon him. Thy friends have set thee on, and have prevailed against theel This is so like a part of Obad. 7 that either it is adapted from that passage, or both are due to the same original, in the shape perhaps of an ordi- nary proverb. friends'] The same expression in the Heb. is rendered "familiars" in chap. xx. 10, vi^here see note. ha've set thee on] The Heb. in the Obadiah passage is somewhat similar in sound, but there means "deceived." The sense however here comes nearly to this. Thy friends have persuaded thee against thy better judgment, and as soon as thou hast through following their advice become involved in difficulties, they turn back and leave thee. 23. So they] And they, etc. Not only shalt thou be mocked, but those whom thou boldest most dear shall be placed in the enemy's hands. thou shalt canse this city to be burnt] literally, thou shalt burn this city. Zedekiah through his obstinacy shall be as much the cause, as if he had set fire to Jerusalem with his own hands. 24 — 28. Result of the conference. 24. Let no man know] Zedekiah's feebleness is again conspicuous in this and the two following verses. 26. then thou shalt say unto them] Jeremiah is to mention but one of the subjects of his conversation with the king. This he was quite justified in doing, as the princes had no right to insist on hearing the whole purport of the conversation or even a part of it. 256 JEREMIAH, XXXVIII. [vv. 27, 28. unto them, I presented my supplication before the king, that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan's house, to die 27 there. Then came all the princes unto Jeremiah, and asked him : and he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they left off speaking 28 with him ; for the matter was not perceived. So Jeremiah abode in the court of the prison until the day that Jerusalem was taken : and he was there when Jerusalem was taken. / presented my supplication] For the more literal rendering of the words see note on xxxvi. 7. to Jonathan's house'] See xxxvii. 15. 28. of the prison] of the gyidiXd. See xxxii. 2. and he was there when Jerusalem was taken] This, which is an inadmissible rendering of the Heb., has only arisen in connexion with an erroneous division of the chapters. These words belong to chapter xxxix., and are to be translated And it came to pass, when Jerusalem was taken {in the ninth year of Zedekiah . . .the city was broken up) then all the princes of the king of Babylon, etc. Chap. XXXIX. 1 — 7. Capture of the city. Fate of Zedekiah. j There at once arises a question as to the genuineness of the greater ' part of this chapter, (i) Verses 4 — 13 (inclusive) are omitted in the Septuagint, and (ii) the narrative coincides in the main with that of chap. Hi. and of 2 Kings xxv. while it yet presents certain difficulties in matters of detail, when compared with these and with other parts of the narrative. To (i) we may reply, as in earlier cases, that the . Septuagint presents throughout this book far too much appearance of \ arbitrariness to make its testimony on such a point to be of any con- I siderable weight, unless supported by important evidence from other sources. As regards (ii) it is not easy to give any plausible conjecture as to the reason for the repetition of so much of this chapter in the -narrative contained in lii. further than to suggest that it may very possibly be connected in some way with the fact of the hiatus in the Septuagint here, and with the difference of authorship in lii. See note on ver. i of that chap. The difficulties of detail are {a) in xxxix. 2 the ninth day of the fourth month is mentioned as that on which the city was captured, but in lii. 6 as that on which provisions failed, and {b) Nebuzar-adan, who did not reach Jerusalem till a month after its capture (lii. 12), was commissioned to call Jeremiah from prison (xxxix. II, 12), whereas according to xxxviii. 28 Jeremiah was freed on the day of the capture of the city. To this may be added (r) that the princes of Babylon on freeing Jeremiah committed him to Gedaliah (xxxix. 14), while (xl. i) he seems to have nevertheless been made to walk in chains with the other captives, and in no wise distinguished from them till freed by Nebuzar-adan in person. All these however admit of fairly easy replies, viz. to {a) that the total failure of pro- visions would naturally coincide with the end of the siege, to (b) that w. 1—3.] JEREMIAH, XXXIX. 257 Chap. XXXIX. i — 7. Capture of the city. Fate of Zedekiah. In the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the tenth 39 month, came Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon and all his army against Jerusalem, and they besieged it. And in the 2 eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth day of the month, the city was broken up. And all the 3 princes of the king of Babylon came in, and sat in the middle gate, even Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, the purport of chap, xxxviii. 28, is merely to account for Jeremiah up to the date of the capture of the city without making any assertion beyond that date, to {c) that Gedaliah after receiving Jeremiah into his charge had gone off without him to Mizpeh (xl. 6), in which case it was by no means unnatural that in the absence of this protector Jere- miah should not receive any special favour till his meeting with "the captain of the guard" (xl. i). 1. In the ninth year\ This and ver. 2 give us the dates of the begin- ning and end of the siege. We have the former still more particularly in chap. Hi. 4, where occur the words **in the tenth day of the month," as also in 2 Kings xxv. i, and Ezek. xxiv. i. In this last passage, which introduces a description of the crimes and consequent sufferings ■ of Jerusalem, the date of the commencement of the siege is further emphasized thus (ver. 2) "Son of man, write thee the name of the day, even of this same day ; the king of Babylon set himself against Jerusalem this same day." 2. And in the eleventh year... ^ We gather from this verse that the siege lasted one day short of eighteen months. 3. in the middle gate'] not mentioned elsewhere, but probably between the upper and lower divisions of the city, and thus connecting Mount Zion with the rest. Nergal-sharezer...'] From the Eng. it would appear that there are six princes mentioned by name. In fact however there are but four at the most, [a) Nergal-sharezer {may Nirgal protect the king), {b) Sam- gar-nebo {be gracioiis, O Nebo), {c) Sarsechim, of whose name the meaning is still unknown, [d) another Nergal-sharezer. Rab-saris {chief 0/ the eunuchs) and Rab-mag {chief of the magi) are the titles of those whose names they follow. It has been proposed to reduce the number still further by getting rid of Samgar-nebo as a proper name. Samgar will then be rendered a cup-bearer and attached as title to the preceding name, while the second part of the compound is rejected as a later addition on the ground that in all other cases of proper names compounded with nebo this part comes at the beginning of the word, e. g. Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzar-adan, Nebopolassar, etc. The second Nergal-sharezer is a son-in-law of Nebuchadnezzar, and the same who murdered Evil-Merodach and after four years' reign was slain by Cyrus. In the cuneiform (arrow-headed) inscriptions he is called Raba-Emga (Rab-mag). This is the first passage of the JEREMIAH ly 258 JEREMIAH, XXXIX. [vv. 4—7. Rab-saris, Nergal-sharezer, Rab-mag, with all the residue of 4 the princes of the king of Babylon. And it came to pass, that when Zedekiah the king of Judah saw them, and all the men of war, then they fled, and went forth out of the city by night, by the way of the king's garden, by the gate betwixt the two walls : and he went out the way of the 5 plain. But the Chaldeans' army pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho : and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he 6 gave judgment upon him. Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes : also the 7 king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah. Moreover he ; Bible in which one of the magi is mentioned by this title. We find them again Dan. ii. 2, iv. 7, and in the Greek of Matt. ii. 1 , etc. It has been objected against the genuineness of this verse that the chief of the eunuchs (Rab-saris) mentioned in ver. 13 is Nebushasban, I while Nebuzar-adan appears there and not here. The explanation of both these differences however is probably the same, i.e. that ver. 3 gives us those who were in command at the actual capture of the city, while, as is brought out more clearly in chap. lii. 12, Nebuzar-adan did not arrive till a month later, to which date therefore verses 13, 14 of this chapter really refer. 4. saw them] It was night, so that the sense may be, learned that they were in possession of the gate of the citadel of Zion. by the way of the king's garden] Probably on the slope of the hill Zion. dy the gate betwixt the two walls] We are reduced to conjecture for the position not only of this gate but of the walls spoken of. Either the gate was in a double wall between Zion and Ophel which lay beneath it (but in this case we should expect a double gate also) or it pierced a wall connecting the two here spoken of. the way of the plain] The direction in which he fled shews that his aim was to escape to the eastern bank of the Jordan. 5. Riblah] probably not the same as that mentioned in Numb, xxxiv. II as on the eastern boundary of the land. This Riblah was the place whither Pharaoh-Nechoh proceeded after the battle of Carchemish and summoned Jehoahaz to appear before him (2 Kings xxiii. 33). From the use which the king of Babylon made of this place it was evidently on the high road between Babylon and Palestine, "It has been discovered in modern times, and retains its name. It lies on the banks of a mountain stream in the midst of a vast and fertile plain yielding the most abundant supplies of forage." Robinson's Bible Researches, ill. 545. gave judgment upon him] See note on chap. i. 16. 6. nobles] The word here used in the Heb, differs from the word vv. 8— II.] JEREMIAH, XXXIX. 259 put out Zedekiah's eyes, and bound him with chains to carry him to Babylon. 8 — 10. Treatment of the city and inhabitants. And the Chaldeans burnt the king's house, and the 8 houses of the people, with fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem. Then Nebuzar-adan the captain of the 9 guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained. But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard left of the poor 10 of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time. II — 14. Nebuchadnezzar' s care for Jeremiah. Now Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon gave charge con- i, in the corresponding passage in chap. lii. ("princes," ver. 10) while the former, although not occurring in many books of the Bible, is used elsewhere by Jeremiah (xxvii. 20). This is an additional argument in favour of the genuineness of this narrative of the capture of the city. 7. Moreover he put out Zedekiah^s eyes] See note on xxxiv. 3. " Putting out the eyes has been at all times a common Oriental pun- ishment... The frequency of the punishment in the time of the younger Cyrus is indicated by a passage in Xenophon, where it is said that men deprived of sight for their crimes were a common spectacle along the highways within his government." Rawlinson's Herod, vol. iv. p. 16. Compare Jud. xvi. 2 1 . 8 — 10. Treatment of the city and inhabitants. This section by way of introduction to the brief account of the 1 treatment of Jeremiah, gives a sketch of the fate of the inhabitants \ generally. If we had only this summary, we might suppose that 1 Nebuzar-adan was present at the time in person. We find from the two other forms of the account (chap, lii ; 2 Kings xxv.) that he did not arrive till a month after the taking of Jerusalem. 9. captain 0/ the guard] literally, chief of the executioners, i.e., of the king's body guard, to whom such duties fell. that fell to him] i.e. that went over to the Chaldaeans, and so were under Nebuzar-adan from such time as he appeared in command. 10. gave them vineyards and fields] The parallel accounts (lii. r6; 2 Kings xxv. 12) say that they were left as vinedressers and husband- men. Combining the accounts then we see precisely how the matter was. They were put in charge of this kind of property, which in a sense was given to them as their own, but might be resumed at any moment by the conqueror. 17 2 26o JEREMIAH, XXXIX. [vv. 12—18. cerning Jeremiah to Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard, 12 saying, Take him, and look well to him, and do him no harm ; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee. 13 So Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard sent, and Ne- bushasban, Rab-saris, and Nergal-sharezer, Rab-mag, and 14 all the king of Babylon's princes ; even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home : so he dwelt among the people. 15 — 18. Message to Ebed-melech. 15 Now the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, while 16 he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying. Go and speak to Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good ; and 17 they shall be acco77iplished in that day before thee. But I will dehver thee in that day, saith the Lord : and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou t8 art afraid. For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt 11 — 14. Nebuchadnezzar's care for Jeremiah. 12. Take hif?i, and look well to hivi'\ This favour sliewn by Nebuchadnezzar was due to the fact that Jeremiah had consistently throughout counselled submission to him on the part of the Jews. A practical instance of the favour was that Jeremiah was freed from his chains at Ramah (xl. 1 ) instead of being compelled to proceed to Riblah under the same circumstances as the other captives. 13. For the names, see remarks on ver. 3. 14. For the apparent contradiction between this and xl. i — 4, see note at beginning of this chap. Gedaliahl See note on xxvi. 24. home] to the house. This has been taken as [a) Gedaliah's house, {b) the (chief) house, in the immediate neighbourhood of "the court of the guard," in other words, the king's palace, {c) (best, as most in agree- ment with the last words of the verse) Jeremiah's own house. 15 — 18. Message to Ebed-melech. 15. came] rather, had come, for this incident should in point of time be connected with the events of chap, xxxviii. It probably was postponed till now in order that there might be no break in the narra- tive of Jeremiah's imprisonment and the capture of the city. 17. the men of whom thou art afraid] meaning, not the princes, who were hostile to Jeremiah and so would punish Ebed-melech for helping vv. 1—4.] JEREMIAH, XL. 261 not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee : because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the Lord. Chap. XL. i — 6. Jeremiah is released and returns to Gedaliah. The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, after 40 that Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard had let him go from Ramah, when he had taken him being bound in chains among all that were carried away captive of Jeru- salem and Judah, which were carried away captive unto Babylon. And the captain of the guard took Jeremiah, 2 and said unto him, The Lord thy God hath pronounced this evil upon this place. Now the Lord hath brought //, 3 and done according as he hath said : because ye have sinned against the Lord, and have not obeyed his voice, therefore this thing is come upon you. And now behold, 4 I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand. If it seem good unto thee to come with me into him out of the dungeon, but, as we see from the next verse, the con- quering army in the day of the capture of the city. 18. thy life shall be fo7' a prey unto thee'\ See for the same phrase xxi. 9, xxxviii. 2, xlv. 5, with note on the first of these. Ch. XL. 1—6. Jeremiah is released and returns to Gedaliah. 1. The word ivhichca7ne\ The mode of introduction leads us to expect \ a prophetic utterance to follow. In fact, however, none such occurs until chap. xlii. 9, etc. We must take the expression then in a wider sense, including history as well as prophecy. This would present no difliculty to a Jew, as the two things were intimately connected in his mind. This is shewn by the including of Historical Books of the Bible under the title of the Prophets. This introduction then serves for both history and prophecy contained in chaps, xl. — xliv. after that Nebuzar-adan... had let hii7i go frovi Kamah'\ See note on xxxix. 14, and for Ramah, note on xxxi. 15. chains] manacles, confining the hands only. This appears from ver. 4. 2. The language of this and the following verse, although spoken by Nebuzar-adan, is in Jeremiah's style throughout. We must therefore suppose either that the former had acquired a very accurate acquaintance with the prophet's teacliing, or thai we have here but the substance of his words. 262 JEREMIAH, XL. [vv. 5—7. Babylon, come ; and I will look well unto thee : but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear : behold, all the land is before thee : whither it seemeth s good and convenient for thee to go, thither go. Now while he was not yet gone back, he said, Go back also to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon hath made governor over the cities of Judah, and dwell with him among the people : or go wheresoever it seemeth convenient unto thee to go. So the captain of the guard gave him victuals and a reward, and let him go. 6 Then went Jeremiah unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah ; and dwelt with him among the people that were left in the land. y — 12. Gedaliah seeks to restore quiet and prosperity to the re^naining inhabitants of the country. 7 Now when all the captains of the forces which were in 4. / will look well unto thee] The margin is more literal, / will set mine eye upon thee. Compare the phrases, to have an eye to, to keep an eye upon. 5. Now while he was not yet gone back] This is perhaps the most satisfactory explanation of the Heb., which is obscure. It has also been rendered, And while he yet answered nothing. victuals] implying enough for a meal. The same word is rendered "dinner," Prov. xv. 17. a reward] rather, a present. The Heb. word was used in older times for a mess of food sent from the table (Gen. xliii. 34; 2 Sam. xi. 8), and afterwards for a present in general (2 Chron. xxiv. 6 "collection"; Esther ii. 18 "gifts"). 6. Mizpah] not the city in Gilead, mentioned from time to time in the history of the Judges, but a city of Benjamin, a short distance south- west of Ramah and north-west of Jerusalem. It was there that Samuel assembled the people, when sorely troubled by Philistine incursions, to confess their sins and seek deliverance (i Sam. vii. 5), and there too Saul was publicly named King of Israel (i Sam. x. 17). Asa, King of Judah, had fortified it against the attacks of the northern kingdom (1 Kings XV, 22), and now it became the chief scene of the incidents described in this and the next succeeding chapters. It was probably chosen as standing on a ridge commanding a view of Jerusalem. It seems to be identical with "Nob" (Is. x. 32), from which Sennacherib looked down threateningly on the holy city. 7 — 12. Gedaliah seeks to restore quiet and prosperity to THE remaining INHABITANTS OF THE COUNTRY. 7. all the captains of the forces] the various leaders of bands among the Jews, who would keep out of the way during the presence of the vv. 8— II.] JEREMIAH, XL. 263 the fields, even they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam governor in the land, and had committed unto him men, and women, and children, and of the poor of the land, of them that were not carried away captive to Babylon ; then they came to 8 Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Neto- phathite, and Jezaniah the son of a Maachathite, they and their men. And Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of 9 Shaphan sware unto them and to their men, saying, Fear not to serve the Chaldeans : dwell in the land and serve the king of Babylon, and it shall be well with you. As for me, 10 behold, I will dwell at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans, which will come unto us : but ye, gather ye wine, and summer fruits, and oil, and put them in your vessels, and dwell in your cities that ye have taken. Likewise when all n Babylonian forces and until they found what was likely to be the con- dition of the country and the nature of the new government. which were in the fields] which were in the field. See notes on iv. 1 7, xxxii. 43, and compare ver. 1 3 below. 8. Ishmael the son of Nethaniah'] His full designation (xli. i, where see further in note) is "Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the seed royal." The last words may mean [a) that he was a son of Zedekiah or of one of the other later kings of Judah, or {b) that he was a descendant of some king of the Jews, perhaps through Elishama the son of David {2 Sam. v. 16), not so probably Elishama of chap. xxxvi. 12, or (c) that, as he took refuge (xli. 10) at the court of Baalis king of tiie children of Amnion, he may have been on his mother's side related to that royal house. the Netophathite] Netophah was a village near Bethlehem. See Neh. vii. ■26. Jezaniah the son of a Maachathite] probably not the "Jezaniah" of chap. xlii. i, where see note. 10. to serve the Chaldeans] The verb is not the same as that trans- lated serve in ver. 9, but is literally stand before, and means to be the minister of another and look after his interests. See xv. 19 and xxxv. 19, with notes. wine, and summer fruits, and oil] Although, owing to the national troubles, no corn had been sown, yet the fruits here spoken of would be produced as usual, and as Jerusalem was taken about July ("the fourth month," xxxix. 2), they would now be ripening. taken] seized. There is implied in the verb what was no doubt the case, viz. that these captains had not scrupled to take possession of such walled towns or fortresses of any kind as best suited their purposes. 264 JEREMIAH, XL. [vv. 12—15. the Jews that were in Moab, and among the Ammonites, and in Edom, and that were in all the countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and that he had set over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son 12 of Shaphan ; even all the Jews returned out of all places whither they were driven, and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah, unto Mizpah, and gathered wine and summer fruits very much. 13 — 16. Gedaliah is in vain 7varned of IshfuaeVs intended treachery. 13 Moreover Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were in the fields, came to Gedaliah to 14 Mizpah, and said unto him, Dost thou certainly know that BaaUs the king of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to slay thee ? But Gedaliah the son of 15 Ahikam believed them not. Then Johanan the son of Kareah spake to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying. Let me go, I pray thee, and I will slay Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and no man shall know it : wherefore should he slay thee, that all the Jews which are gathered unto thee 12. the Jews returned out of all places] The fact that a governor of their own nation had been set over such as were left in the land, gave an assurance to those Jews who were waiting in neighbouring nations to see what would be the issue, that they might return and dwell at peace. 13-16. Gedaliah is in vain warned of Ishmael's intended treachery. 13. fields] See note on ver. 7. 14. Baalis the king of the Ammonites'] It is easier to see the motives of Ishmael than those of his instigator Baalis. The former no doubt felt aggrieved that he, although of royal birth, should be set aside in favour of Gedaliah, and at once determined to get rid of him and take his place. Baalis may have had a spite against Gedaliah and his family as friends of Jeremiah, and as having probably taken the side of that pro- phet openly, when (chap, xxvii.) he sent back the messengers of Ammon and the other neighbouring nations, refusing the alliance against the Chaldaeans which they had desired ; or it may have been only a design .against Palestine generally which influenced him on this occasion, and the belief that, if he were to get rid of Gedaliah and the firm and peaceful rule which he seemed to be inaugurating, there would be more chance for himself in carrying out his jilans of conquest. vv. i6; 1—3.] JEREMIAH, XL. XLI. 265 should be scattered, and the remnant in Judah perish? But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said unto Johanan the son 16 of Kareah, Thou shalt not do this thing : for thou speakest falsely of Ishmael. Chap. XLI. i — 3. IsJunael murders Gedaliah and others. Now it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael 41 the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, and the princes of the king, even ten men with him, came unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah ; and there they did eat bread together in Mizpah. Then arose 2 Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and the ten men that were with him, and smote Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan with the sword, and slew him, whom the king of Babylon had made governor over the land. Ishmael also 3 slew all the Jews that were with him, eveji with Gedaliah 15. the remnant in Judah perish^ Johanan no doubt hoped to in- fluence a high-minded man like Gedaliah by this argument that on his life depended the welfare of those who remained yet in the country. Chap. XLI. 1—3. Ishmael murders Gedaliah and others. 1. in the seventh month'] three months after the capture and two after the burning of the city. and the princes of the king] The Septuagint omits these words. It is objected {a) that if these princes, as well as Ishmael, had come to Geda- liah, the visit from so many prominent personages would have awakened in his mind a suspicion, from which we see that he was in fact wholly free; {b) that these princes are never again mentioned in the narrative. It is therefore proposed to render the Heb. {of the seed royal) and of the princes of the king; and thus to make the whole to be a description of Ishmael, and to signify that he was not merely of royal blood, but was also one of those who had counselled and assisted the king in affairs of state. In this case we shall render, and ten men with him. and there they did eat bread together in Mizpah] Josephus {Antiq. X. 9) speaks of Gedaliah 's defenceless state as arising from intoxication. 2. Then arose Ishmael... and the ten men] That eleven men should be able to overpower and murder so large a number, including men skilled in war, shews that from some cause these last must have been wholly off their guard. 3. all the Jews that were with him] meaning, all that were in the house with him. On their return from the exile the Jews used to keep the third day of the seventh month (Tisri) as a fast in memory of Ish- mael's deed (Zech. vii. 5, viii. 19). 266 JEREMIAH, XLI. [vv. 4— 7. at Mizpah, and the Chaldeans that were found there, and the men of war. 4 — 10. He commits further 7?iassacres and carries off captives. 4 And it came to pass the second day after he had slain 5 Gedaliah, and no man knew it, that there came certain from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria, even fourscore men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent, and having cut themselves, with offerings and incense in their 6 hand, to bring them to the house of the Lord. And Ish- mael the son of Nethaniah went forth from Mizpah to meet them, weeping all along as he went: and it came to pass, as he met them, he said unto them, Come to Gedaliah the 7 son of Ahikam. And it was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah slew them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the 4 — 10. He commits further massacres and carries off captives. 4. the second day... and no man knew it] The long concealment of the murder shews what precautions Ishmael must have taken, even though we suppose, which is quite possible, that the fortress inhabited by Gedaliah was not inside the town. 6. /rom Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria"] These three towns are in Ephraim. Shechem (the Sychar of John iv. 5), now Ndblus, is beautifully situated in a valley between the mountains Gerizim and Ebal. For Shiloh, see note on chap. vii. 12. It lay 18 miles south of Shechem, which however is no objection to its occurrence in the present narrative. One MS. of the Septuagint however, apparently for this reason, reads Salem, a town which appears to have been close to She- chem. having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent] in sign of mourning for the destruction of the Temple. having cut themselves] See note on chap. xvi. 6. offerings and incense] a meat offering and incense. For the former see note on chap. xvii. ■26. Unbloody sacrifices were all that could now be offered, as the only place at which others were permitted (Deut. xii. 13, 14, 17, 18) had been destroyed. 6. weeping all along] so as to feign equal concern with them for the fate of the Temple, and thus put them off their guard. , Come to Gedaliah] probably as governor, to whom therefore they should shew respect and offer greeting. 7, Ishmael the son of Nethaniah sleiv them] His object probably was twofold ; plunder, including captives, and to keep the land in a state of unrest, so as to help out Uaalis's ambitious wishes. the pit] the cistern. vv. 8— II.] JEREMIAH, XLI. 267 men that were with him. But ten men were found among 8 them that said unto Ishmael, Slay us not: for we have trea- sures in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he forbare, and slew them not among their brethren. Now the pit wherein Ishmael had cast all the 9 dead bodies of the men, whom he had slain because of Gedaliah, was it which Asa the king had made for fear of Baasha king of Israel : and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with them that were slain. Then Ishmael carried 10 away captive all the residue of the people that were in Mizpah, even the king's daughters, and all the people that remained in Mizpah, whom Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam : and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive, and departed to go over to the Ammonites. II — 18. The captives are rescued by Johanan^ and they prepare to flee into Egypt. But when Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the cap- u 8. we have treasures] we have hidden stores. In the East it is to this day a common custom to use ' ' wells or cisterns for grain. In them the farmers store their crops of all kinds after the grain is threshed and winnowed. These cisterns are cool, perfectly dry, and tight. The top is hermetically sealed with plaster, and covered with a deep bed of earth. ...The custom extended through the Carthaginians of North Africa into Spain.. ..These ten men had doubtless thus hid their treasures to avoid being plundered in that time of utter lawlessness ; and in a similar time I found people storing away grain in cisterns far out in the open country, between Aleppo and Hamath, and they told me it was to hide it from the government tax-gatherers. ...They would not answer in a wet country, but in these dry climates stores have been found quite fresh and sound many years after they were thus buried." Thomson (The Land and the Book, pp. 509, 510). 9. the pit\ the cistern. because of Gedaliah^ by the side of Gedaliah, i.e. their corpses placed beside his. Asa the king had made'] This pit is not mentioned in the Historical Books. However, we are told (i Kings xv. 22 and 2 Chron. xvi. 6) that Asa caused the materials of Ramah, which Baasha had just built, to be removed and used for fortifying Geba and Mizpah. filled it with them that were slain] like the well of Cawnpore in the Indian mutiny of 1S57. 10. all the residue of the people that were in Mizpah'] It would appear from the fulness with which the previous particulars are given that Jeremiah (and probably Baruch also) belonged to this number. 268 JEREMIAH, XLI. [w. 12—17. tains of the forces that were with him, heard of all the evil 12 that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had done, then they took all the men, and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and found him by the great waters that are ,3 in Gibeon. Now it came to pass, that when all the people which were with Ishmael saw Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were with him, then ,4 they were glad. So all the people that Ishmael had carried away captive from Mizpah cast about and returned, and 15 went unto Johanan the son of Kareah. But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, i6 and went to the Ammonites. Then took Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were with him, all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah, after that he had slain Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, even mighty men of war, and the women, and the children, and the eunuchs, 17 whom he had brought again from Gibeon : and they de- parted, and dwelt in the habitation of Chimham, which is 11 — 18. The captives are rescued by Johanan, and they PREPARE TO flee INTO EgYPT. 12. the great waters that are in Gibeon'] Gibeon (the modern El Jib), a city of the priests (Josh, xviii. 25, xxi. 17) in the tribe of Benjamin. It stands on one of the hills which abound there. On the east of it " is a copious spring... In the trees further down are the remains of a pool or tank of considerable size. This is doubtless the pool of Gibeon at which Abner and Joab met (2 Sam. ii. 13). ..Here, or at the spring, were the great waters (or the many waters) at which Johanan the son of Kareah found the traitor Ishmael." Sm. Bibl. Diet. Art. Gibeon. 14. cast about\ turned round. The old English phrase may be illustrated from the writings of John Gower (1325 — 1408 nearly). "Then cast I all the world about.''' Confessio Amantis; and Sir Philip Sidney ('554 — 1586) "Musidorus could doe no more but perswade the mariners to cast about againe." Arcadia. 15. Ishmael, we see from this verse, lost two men in the encounter. weyit to the Ammonites] Compare xl. 14. It is probable that the connection of Baalis with these acts of treachery was in part at any rate the cause of the misfortunes predicted for Ammon by Jeremiah (xlix. I — 6) and Ezckiel (xxv. i — 7). 16. mighty men of war] Hence we learn that there were soldiers at Mizpah who, either from the sudden panic, or from disaffection towards Gedaliah, had made no stand against Ishmael and his small force. 17. the habitation of Chimham, which is by Beth-lchcm] For Chim- vv. i8; 1,2.] JEREMIAH, XLI. XLII. 269 by Beth-lehem, to go to enter into Egypt, because of the »8 Chaldeans : for they were afraid of them, because Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had slain Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon made governor in the land. Chap. XLII. i — 6. Johanan and the others seek through Jeremiah a declaration of God's will. Then all the captains of the forces, and Johanan the son 42 of Kareah, and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people from the least even unto the greatest, came near, and said unto Jeremiah the prophet, Let, we beseech thee, 2 our supplication be accepted before thee, and pray for us unto the Lord thy God, even for all this remnant ; (for we ham (for which however there is also another reading in the Heb. Chemohani), the son of Barzillai, see 2 Sam. xix. 37, 38. It was natural that David as a mark of gratitude should have given him, as appears from this passage, a portion of land which, being in the neighbourhood of Bethlehem the king's birth-place, may be supposed to have belonged to him. The Heb. for habitation [geruth) occurs here only. The sense however is pretty clear, viz. Khan, or Caravanserai. "The need of shelter led very early to the erection of rude and simple buildings of varying size, known as khans, which offered the wayfarer the protection of walls and a roof, and water, but little more. ...From immemorial antiquity it has been a favourite mode of benevolence to raise such places of shelter." The special utility of this Khan lay in its being on the great caravan route to Egypt. Such was the inn, and in that very neighbourhood too, in which "there was no room" for the mother of our Lord and Joseph just before the Nativity (Luke ii. 7). to go to enter into Egypf] to prepare for the journey into Egypt, a journey which, according to the first words of the next verse, was under- taken from fear of the Chaldaeans. It seemed likely that the outbreak which had taken place in connexion with the overthrow and death of the governor appointed by the king of Babylon, might be revenged without much discrimination by that monarch. Chap. XLII. 1 — 6. Johanan and the others seek through Jeremiah a declaration of God's will. 1. yezaniah, the son of Hoshaiah'] probably not the Jezaniah of chap. xl. 8. In xliii. 2 he is called Azariah, a name which the Septuagint here also has instead of Jezaniah. It is thus possible that the latter name in this place may be due to a copyist, who thought that the names of captains here must correspond as closely as might be with the list in chap. xl. frojfi the least even unto the greatest] i.e. all, without exception. 2. be accepted] literally, y»//. See note on xxxvi. 7. 270 JEREMIAH, XLII. [vv.3-10. 3 are left but a few of many, as thine eyes do behold us :) that the Lord thy God may shew us the way wherein we may 4 walk, and the thing that we may do. Then Jeremiah the prophet said unto them, I have heard you ; behold, I will pray unto the Lord your God according to your words ; and it shall come to pass, that whatsoever thing the Lord shall answer you, I will declare // unto you ; I will keep 5 nothing back from you. Then they said to Jeremiah, The Lord be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the Lord thy 6 God shall send thee to us. Whether it be good, or whether // be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send thee ; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God. 7 — 22. God's will is that they should remain ifi their 07vn land. 7 And it came to pass after ten days, that the word of the 8 Lord came unto Jeremiah. Then called he Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces which 7vere with him, and all the people from the least even to the greatest, 9 and said unto them, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, unto whom ye sent me to present your supplication before 10 him : if ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, 3. that the Lord thy God may shew us\ The desire to ascertain God's will expressed here, even when compared with their disobedience to that will when declared (chap, xliii. 4), need not imply hypocrisy. They may have made up their minds that it was necessary to flee into Egypt, and, assuming that this resolution would be confirmed by the divine response, desired only to know what particular course they should adopt in accordance with it. 4. I have heard yoti] See note on xxxiv. 10. 5. between mj] against us, i.e. to bear witness and punish us if we fail to do our part as we now promise. 7 — 22. God's will is that they should remain in their own LAND. 7. after ten days] Generally the reply seems to have come at once. We can easily see however in the present case a reason for delay, viz. that the panic consequent upon the late disasters might be over before the command not to flee into Egypt was given. 9. tapresent] literally, to make to fall. See note on ver. •2. 10. then 7tnll I build you...] Compare i. 10 and xxiv. 6 for these figures of speech. vv. II— 18.] JEREMIAH, XLII. 271 and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up : for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you. Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom ye are n afraid ; be not afraid of him, saith the Lord : for I am with you to save you, and to deliver you from his hand. And I 12 will shew mercies unto you, that he may have mercy upon you, and cause you to return to your own land. But if ye 13 say, We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the Lord your God, saying. No ; but we v/ill go ifito the 14 land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger of bread ; and there will we dwell: and now therefore hear the word of the ,5 Lord, ye remnant of Judah ; Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; If ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there ; then it shall come to pass, 16 that the sword, which ye feared, shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine, whereof ye were afraid, shall follow close after you there in Egypt; and there ye shall die. So shall it be with all the men that set their faces 17 to go into Egypt to sojourn there ; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence : and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of 18 Israel ; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth / repent me} a figure of speech. I change my conduct towards you, which with men is commonly caused by change o{ purpose. 12. / will shew mercies unto you] I will grant you compassion, i.e. from Nebuchadnezzar. The Heb. phrase in the text occurs also in the same sense in Gen. xliii. 14; i Kings viii. 50. cause you to return] or, with the difference of a vowel only in the original, cause you to dwell. The latter is perhaps preferable, not only as according more literally with the condition of the persons addressed, but also as agreeing better with the following verse (* We will not dwell,' etc. ). 14. we shall see no war] We shall be in a land further from Babylon, and therefore not liable to invasion. 15. and now therefore] now therefore. This is the second or answering part of the sentence {apodosis), the first part {protasis) con- sisting of the two previous verses. to enter into Egypt and go] to go into Egypt and go. The verbs are the same in the Heb. 17. none of them shall remain or escape] See note on vi. 9. 272 JEREMIAH, XLII. XLIII. [vv. 19—22 ; 1,2. upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem ; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt : and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach ; and ye shall see this place no 19 more. The Lord hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have 20 admonished you tkis day. For ye dissembled in your hearts, when ye sent me unto the Lord your God, saying, Pray for us unto the Lord our God; and according unto all that the Lord our God shall say, so declare unto us, and we 21 will do it. And now I have this day declared it to you ; but ye have not obeyed the voice of the Lord your God, nor 22 any thing for the which he hath sent me unto you. Now therefore know certainly that ye shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, in the place whither ye desire to go and to sojourn. Chap. XLIII. i — 7. They disobey and go down to Egypt. 43 And it came to pass, that when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking unto all the people all the words of the Lord their God, for which the Lord their God had sent 2 him to them, even all these words ; then spake Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and all 19. The Lord's reply has ended, and Jeremiah is now adding a brief and emphatic address. The Lord hath said concerning you\ the Lord hath spoken concerning you. admonished] become a witness against is the more literal rendering. 20. ye dissembled in your hearts] either, (a) ye err at the risk of your souls, or \b) ye have deceived yourselves , i.e. ye believed that ye were asking of God in absolute good faith, but all the while nothing but your own way would content you. 22. to go and to sojotirn\ to go to sojoum, the latter verb expressing the object of the former. Chap. XLIII. 1 — 7. They disobey and go down to Egypt. 2. then spake Azariah] See note on chap. xlii. i. The attack upon Baruch, and only indirectly and through him upon the prophet, may have arisen from their being reluctantly compelled to acknowledge that Jeremiah himself at any rate was possessed of integrity of purpose. This he had shewn by his refusal to seek protection and honourable treatment from the Chaldaeans, whose favour the worse section of his countrymen always suspected him of seeking. vv. 3— lo.] JEREMIAH, XLIII. 273 the proud men, saying unto Jeremiah, Thou speakest false- ly : the Lord our God hath not sent thee to say. Go not into Egypt to sojourn there : but Baruch the son of Neriah 3 setteth thee on against us, for to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they might put us to death, and carry us away captives into Babylon. So Johanan the son of 4 Kareah, and all the captains of the forces, and all the people, obeyed not the voice of the Lord, to dwell in the land of Judah. But Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the 5 captains of the forces, took all the remnant of Judah, that were returned from all nations, whither they had been driven, to dwell in the land of Judah : Even men, and 6 women, and children, and the king's daughters, and every person that Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah. So 7 they came into the land of Egypt : for they obeyed not the voice of the Lord : thus came they even to Tahpanhes. 8 — 13. Prophecy of the fall of Egypt. Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah in Tah- s panhes, saying, Take great stones in thine hand, and hide 9 them in the clay in the brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah ; and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, 10 5. that were returned from all nations\ See note on chap. xl. 12. 7. Tahpanhes] See note on chap. ii. 16. 8 — 13. Prophecy of the fall of Egypt. 8. in Tahpanhes\ The exiles would be compelled to halt here in order to secure permission to sojourn in the country and obtain if pos- sible such recognition from the king as would help to supply them with means of subsistence. 9. hide them in the clay] i.e. cover them over with mortar. in the brickkiln] The Heb. word occurs in but three (or, since i Sam. xii. 31 has a various reading, possibly in but two) passages in the Bible. SeeNah. iii. 14. Beyond the fact that it means a place con- nected with bricks the form of the word in the original does not help us. Brick pavement, or wall, or building, have all been suggested as the sense here, so as to avoid the objection that a brickkiln would not be likely to be set up close to a royal palace. Such a thing however is far from impossible in that country and at that time. JEREMIAH 18 274 JEREMIAH, XLllI. [vv. 11—13. the God of Israel^, Behold, I will send and take Nebuchad- rezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will set his throne upon these stones that I have hid ; and he shall II spread his royal pavilion over them. And when he cometh, he shall smite the land of Egypt, and deliver such as are for death to death ; and such as are for captivity to captivity ; [2 and such as are for the sword to the sword. And I will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt ; and he shall burn them, and carry them away captives : and he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment ; and he shall go forth from thence r3 in peace. He shall break also the images of Beth-shemesh, 10. my servant] See note on xxv. 9. upon these stones that I have hid] The action of Jeremiah would naturally excite much attention and enquiry among the people, although we must not suppose, arguing from our Western and precise manners, that he would be at all necessarily interfered with. In fact he would have a twofold security, as a prophet of God to those who acknowledged him as such, and in the opinion of others as insane, and according to Eastern ideas thus specially under Divine promptings in his acts. To the crowd collected by these symbolic acts Jeremiah would proclaim the meaning of the sign which he was commanded thus to shew. his royal pavilion] rather, Ms canopy shall be stretched (literally, one shall stretch). The covering, however, is probably not a fixed one, like an awning or tent, but borne by an attendant. **It had a tall and thick pole, which the bearer grasped with both his hands, and in the early times a somewhat small circular top. Under the later kings the size of the head was considerably enlarged, and at the same time a curtain or flap was attached, which, falling from the edge of the parasol, more effectually protected the monarch from the sun's rays." Rawl. Anc, Mon. I. 496. 11. and deliver] These words may be omitted. Under the name of ' the land ' its inhabitants are apportioned out among the various forms of ill that follow. /'or the sword] the sword of the executioner : 'death' in the earlier part the verse referring therefore to other forms of fate such as famine or deadly wound in battle. 12. / will kindle] a sudden change of person, but nothing beyond what is frequent with Jeremiah. He immediately returns to the third person, 'he shall burn them,' etc. as a shepherd putteth on his garment] Nebuchadnezzar shall have no more difficulty in carrying off the spoil of Egypt than the shepherd has in wrapping his outer garment about him at the end of his ordinary day's labour. 13. the images] The same word is rendered pillar in Is. xix. 19, and there as well as here in all probability means obelisk (see next note). vv. I, 2.] JEREMIAH, XLIV. 275 that is in the land of Egypt ; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire. Chap. XLIV. i — 10. Rebuke addressed to the Egyptian Jeivs. The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews 44 which dwell in the land of Egypt, which dwell at Migdol, and at Tahpanhes, and at Noph, and in the country of Pathros, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of 2 This announcement of the destruction of such splendid contributions to the favourite Egyptian sun worship shewed the extent to which the devastation of the land by Nebuchadnezzar should go. For the fulfil- ment of this prophecy against Egypt, see note on xliv. 30. Beth-skemesh'] house of the sun (Greek Heliopolis, Egyptian On, which last is altered by a play on the word to ^z/m = iniquity, Ezek. xx:c. 17). It is near the southern point of the Delta and about ten miles north-east of Cairo. An ancient sycamore hard by 'r, pointed out according to a local tradition as that beneath which the Holy Family rested (Matt. ii. 14). At On there was a spring which was ^■believed by the credulous to have been salt until the Virgin's coming. It was a city of obelisks, two of which stood before the entrance to the Temple of the Sun. "When Strabo visited the city twenty years before Christ it was already a heap of ruins. Nothing now remains of Helio- polis but some traces of the massive walls, fragments of sphinxes, and an obelisk of red granite sixty-eight feet high. It is, with the exception of a small obelisk which Lepsius discovered in the Acropolis of Memphis, the oldest obelisk extant." Schaff 's Through Bible Lands. Obelisks were brought from Heliopolis to Rome by Augustus and Caligula and still stand there. The shape of such monuments has been rendered yet more familiar to many of late by the erection on the Thames embankment of '* Cleopatra's Needle." Chap. XLIV. 1 — 10. Rebuke addressed to the Egyptian Jews. 1, The word that came to JeretniaKl This is the last prophecy of . Jeremiah in respect of time. The occasion we see to have been the unabated idolatry which characterised the people even in the midst of the punishment which they were undergoing in exile. It may have been uttered at any time between the arrival in Egypt (about 585 B.C.) and the fulfilment (not earlier than 572 B.C.). at Migdol} twelve miles from Pelusium, on the northern boundary. See Exod. xiv. 2. at Tahpanhes, and at Noph] See note on ii. 16 {Tahapanes). Authori- ties are divided as to the exact position of Pathros, some passages where it is mentioned suggesting Lower (northern) and some Upper (southern) Egypt. We have no distinct intimation that Jeremiah ever went into Upper Egypt, yet in that direction on the whole the preponderance of opinion seems to incline. 18—2 276 JEREMIAH, XLIV. [w. 3—9. Israel; Ye have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, and upon all the cities of Judah ; and behold, this day they are a desolation, and no man dwelleth therein, 3 because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, you, 4 nor your fathers. Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them^ saying, Oh, do 5 not this abominable thing that I hate. But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to 6 burn no incense unto other gods. Wherefore my fury and mine anger was poured forth, and was kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem ; and they are 7 wasted and desolate, as at this day. Therefore now thus saith the T_^ord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel ; Where- fore commit ye this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, 8 to leave you none to remain ; in that ye provoke me unto wrath with the works of your hands, burning incense unto other gods in the land of Egypt, whither ye be gone to dwell, that ye might cut yourselves off, and that ye might be a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the 9 earth ? Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the wicked- ness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the wick- 3. and to serve] In the Heb. there is no and, and the infinitive may therefore very well depend upon *to burn incense.' 4. Howbeit] literally, And. 7. Therefore now] in the face of all the warnings that ye have had. against your souls] against yourse/ves. 8. the works of your hands] your idols. that ye might cut yourselves off] The Heb. is exactly the same as that rendered in the previous verse ' to cut off from you.' Hence, as there seems no authority for the use of the reflexive rendering, we may best consider the object of the verb in that verse ('man etc.') as understood with it here. 9. their wives] The Heb. has his wives. The Septuagint has your princes (compare verses 17, 21), taking thus quite a different word, for which there is no authority in any Heb. text which has come down to us. Our present reading, however, may spring from an error on the part of a Heb. copyist, arising from the word wives which follows in the verse. If on the other hand we are to take it as the genuine reading, the vv. 10—14.] JEREMIAH, XLIV. 277 edness of your wives, which they have committed in the land of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem ? They are 10 not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers. 1 1 — 14. The punishment that shall overtake them. Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of n Israel ; Behold, I will set my face against you for evil, and to cut off all Judah. And I will take the remnant of Judah, ra that have set their faces to go into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, and they shall all be consumed, a7id fall in the land of Egypt; they shall even be consumed by the sword, and by the famine : they shall die, from the least even unto the greatest, by the sword and by the famine : and they shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach. For I will punish them that dwell u in the land of Egypt, as I have punished Jerusalem, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence : so that none 14 of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they singular pronoun will refer either {a) to the nation (kings and people alike), where, however, we should have expected the feminine, or {p) to the individual kings of Judah. 10. humbled] literally, bruised, contrite and penitent for sin. The word is used of the vicarious bearing of the sins of the guilty by the innocent in Is. liii. 5, "he was bruised for our iniquities." The pro- phet changes to the third person, as including in his remark the previous generations also. 11 — 14. The punishment that shall overtake them. 11. I will set Tfiyface'] See note on xxi. 10. all ytcdah'] all that are in Egypt, i.e. of those now going to sojourn there and with the exceptions mentioned afterwards (verses 14, 28). 12. The emphatic way in which the prediction of Judah's misfor- tunes in Egypt is repeated again is very remarkable. We gather at least one of the reasons from the subsequent verses. They still cling to idolatry in the face of warnings and facts. 14. which are gone] which are going. The prophet is not speaking of any who may be permanent residents in Egypt. Naturally those might better escape the coming troubles, as being (a) dispersed through the country, {b) acquainted with the Egyptian language and customs, [c) possessed of private means gathered during their previous residence. 278 JEREMIAH, XLIV. [vv. 15—17. should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there : for none shall return but such as shall escape. 15 — 19. The people's reply to the prophet. They refuse to give up idolatry. 15 Then all the men which knew that their wives had burnt incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of 16 Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the 17 Lord, we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem : for then had we plenty of they have a desirel they lift up their soul. Compare xxii. 27. 15—19. The people's reply to the prophet. They refuse TO give up idolatry. 15. had burnt'] burned. Their idolatry was still going on. and all the women] This suggests to us, as do the words 'a great multitude,' that it was on the occasion of an idolatrous festival, in which the women took a leading part, that Jeremiah had rebuked the people. Otherwise the women at any rate would not be thus assembled. all the people that dzvelt in the land of Egypt] not of course intended to be understood literally, but that they were very numerous and repre- sented the whole. Any difficulty connected with the statements in the Pentateuch that a// the people were assembled before Moses at the door of the tabernacle, and addressed by him, is removed by such a passage as this. 17. whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth] It is not, as the Eng. Vers, implies, that the people declare in general their inten- tion of following their own will rather than God's. P'or whatsoever thing goeth forth we should rather render all the tiling (or, every word) that is gone forth, i.e. the particular vow that we have vowed to the queen of heaven we will perform to the uttermost. For this phrase as employed of vows, see Numb. xxx. 2, 12; Deut. xxiii. 23; Ps. Ixvi. 13, 14. The people rely on the argument that this is no new worship of theirs, and that their experience shews that it was for their national ad- vantage that it should be kept up. The queen of heaven has done more for them than the God whose prophet now addresses them. the queen of heaven] See note on chap. vii. 18. vv. 18—22.] JEREMIAH, XLIV. 279 victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. But since we left 18 off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. And when 19 we burnt incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men? 20 — 23. Jeremiah declares that idolatry is the cause of their present troubles as a nation. Then Jeremiah said unto all the people, to the men, and 20 to the women, and to all the people which had given him that answer, saying. The incense that ye burnt in the cities 21 of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your princes, and the people of the land, did not the Lord remember them, and came it not into his mind ? So that the Lord could no longer bear, 22 then had we plenty of victuals^ They perversely attribute the mis- fortunes which had befallen their country from the battle of Megiddo and death of Josiah onwards to the attack made upon idolatry by that king; and not to the gradual degradation of the people though the medium of that idolatry during the reigns of Manasseh and Amon and the earlier part of that of Josiah. 18. since we left off to burn incense\ Although practised, as we have seen, in the times of kings of Judah subsequent to Josiah with more or less openness, idolatry was probably always by way of being discoun- tenanced in the time of those kings. 19. cakes to worship her] rather, cakes to make an image of her, referring to the image of the full moon either formed by the cake or stamped upon it. See note on "cakes" vii. 18. without our men] without our husbands. The consent of the husband was necessary before the wife's vow could be binding (Numb. XXX. 6, 7). Hence the women plead that they have their husbands' approval in this worship and that therefore Jeremiah has no right to interfere. 20 — 23. Jeremiah declares that idolatry is the cause of their present troubles as a nation. 21. came it not into his mind?] See note on chap. iii. 16. 22. could no longer bear] This contains the pith of the answer to the people's argument that they had been more prosperous while openly practising idolatry than afterwards. Jeremiah points out that even though their national misfortunes were subsequent to Josiah's reforma- 28o JEREMIAH, XLIV. [vv. 23—26. because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abo- minations which ye have committed ; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an 23 inhabitant, as at this day. Because you have burnt incense, and because ye have sinned against the Lord, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, nor walked in his law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies; therefore this evil is happened unto you, as at this day. 24 — 30. With the solemn forecast of further pu7iishme7it Jeremiah concludes his prophecy. 24 Moreover Jeremiah said unto all the people, and to all the women, Hear the word of the Lord, all Judah that are 25 in the land of Egypt : Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying ; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her : ye will surely accomplish your vows, 26 and surely perform your vows. Therefore hear ye the word of the Lord, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt ; Be- hold, I have sworn by my great name, saith the Lord, that my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man tion, and therefore after what they might have called the golden age of idolatry had ceased, yet it was owing to the idolatry so long ram- pant, and even afterwards cherished and practised as far as its votaries dared, that the overthrow came. The long suffering of God was at last exhausted. 24—30. With the solemn forecast of further punishment Jeremiah concludes his prophecy. 24. Moreover fereviiah said^ The people in all likelihood ob- stinately pressed forward to carrj' out their idolatrous intentions. Jere- miah therefore declares the consequences of this persistence, and with the announcement that in their ruin shall be involved that of the Egyptian king Pharaoh-Hophra, closes, as far as we know, the whole series of his prophecies. 26. with your hand\ with your hands. Jeremiah no doubt points to the cakes which they were at the very moment carrying. ye will surely accofuplish'] rather, accomplisli ye by all means, the future used as imperative in an ironical sense. If ye will persist in spite of all my warnings, then be it so. 26. my name shall no more be named'\ meaning either that the Jews vv. 27—29.] JEREMIAH, XLIV. 281 of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, The Lord God liveth. Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not ,7 for good : and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them. Yet a small number that 23 escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. And this shall be 29 a sign unto you, saith the Lord, that I will punish you in this place, that ye may know that my words shall surely in Egypt shall be exterminated (this however in its literal sense, as we see, was not to happen), or that the Lord would no longer reckon Himself as their covenant God, and thus they should lose the right of calling upon His name as such. See note on shall bless themselves in him, chap. iv. 2. 27. / will watch] or, / am watching. The verb is the same as that rendered "hasten" in chap. i. 12, and "watch" in chap. v. 6, where see notes. 28. Yet a small number that escape the sword shall... land of Judah] more literally. Yet those that escape the sword shall... land of Jttdah, men of number, i.e. easily to be numbered on account of their fewness. whose words] rather, whose word. The reference is to the particular threat of punishment and the people's refusal to give credit to it. As in ver. 14 above, the assertion that all the Egyptian Jews shall perish is here immediately qualified. A remnant shall escape. The many Jewish colonists afterwards living in Egypt were probably attracted thither in times subsequent to this, partly through the fertility of the country watered by the Nile, and partly through the liberality of Ptolemy Lagi, the successor of Alexander the Great. Ptolemy, after his capture of Jerusalem (b.c. 320), brought many Jews into Egypt as settlers, and gave those at Alexandria equal rights with the Mace- donians (Josephus, Ant. xii. i). This coupled with the mercantile advantages of Alexandria soon made the Jews to be a very important element of the population. 29. And this shall be a sigit] It has been inferred from the fact that the overthrow of Pharaoh-Hophra (the sign referred to), uncertain as is its date (see next verse), was much later than the time of the above prophecy, that these two verses are therefore an interpolation made after the event. There is no need however of our assuming that such a sign of the truth of the rest of Jeremiah's words would not be given by the prophet. The fulfilment of it, postponed for seven years, would be all the more striking to those Jews who survived to behold it. Besides, there are various other instances in the Bible of a sign which was not to take place till many years after that of which it was to be the proof. See e.g. Ex. iii. 12; 2 Kings xix. 29. 282 JEREMIAH, XLIV. XLV. [vv. 30; i. 30 stand against you for evil : Thus saith the Lord ; Behold, I will give Pharaoh-hophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life ; as I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebu- chadrezzar king of Babylon, his enemy, and that sought his life. Chap. XLV. i — 5. A supplementary notice on the part of Baruch. 45 The word that Jeremiah the prophet spake unto Baruch 30. into the hand of his enemies] This clearly points to an invasion of Egypt by the Babylonish power, but by no means implies that the king shall lose his life at their hand. The parallel case of Zedekiah as adduced in the verse shews this, and thus removes the difficulty which has been raised in the fact that history makes Pharaoh- Hophra (the Apries of Herodotus) to have become intensely unpopular after a defeat from the people of Cyrene, to have been in consequence overthrown and imprisoned by Amasis (about six years after this time), and after about ten years of captivity strangled by him (Herod. II. 161, 169). We have here indeed no account of a Babylonian invasion, but the Egyptian priests, from whom Herodotus derived the above information, would be careful to omit such, if it re- sulted m. disgrace to their own country, just as the defeat of Nechoh at Carchemish was passed over by them for the same reason. It is quite possible, although in the obscurity in which the dates of this period are involved, it is not easy to shew with any certainty, that a successful invasion of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar may have had much to do with the unpopularity of Hophra and the setting up of Amasis. See also note on xlvi. 13. Chap. XLV. 1—5. A supplementary notice on the part OF Baruch. j 1. unto Baruch] This address to an individual following upon I words spoken to a nation has been compared to the Epistles addressed by St Paul to individuals (Timothy, Titus, Philemon), which in like manner are placed after those which he indites to churches. Baruch was a man of high birth, grandson of Maaseiah (chap, xxxii, 12), who was governor of the city in the time of Josiah (2 Chron. xxxiv. 8). He seems to have expected to have either important office in the state or more probably the gift of prophecy bestowed upon him. His ambition is destined not to be gratified, and the prophet here warns him of the fact. In addition to the burden of the sins and sorrows of his country which afflict him sorely, he must learn to repress the desire to be anything more than the attendant upon him whose gift of prophecy he may not hope to share. "To play a prominent part in the impending crisis, to be the hero of a national revival, to gain the favour of the conqueror whose coming he announced, this, or vv. 2—5 ; I.] JEREMIAH, XLV. XLVI. 283 the son of Neriah, when he had written these words in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoi- akim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying. Thus saith 2 the Lord, the God of Israel, unto thee, O Baruch ; Thou 3 didst say, Woe is me now ! for the Lord hath added grief to my sorrow ; I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest. Thus shalt thou say unto him. The Lord saith thus ; Be- 4 hold, that which I have built will I break down, and that which I have planted I will pluck up, even this whole land. And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for 5 behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the Lord : but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest. Chap. XLVL i, 2. hitroduction to the prophecies against the Gentiles. The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the pro- 46 something like this had been the vision that had come before him, and when this passed away he sank into despair at the seeming fruit- lessness of his efforts." S771. Bibl. Did. Art. Jeremiah. See also Keble's Christian Year, nth Sunday after Trinity, *'Is this a time to plant and build, etc." Baruch is thus a signal illustration for us how far that gift of prophecy was from depending upon individuals, and how completely it was acknowledged to be for God alone to bestow or withhold. See further in Introd. ill. § 6. these words] the Roll of chap, xxxvi. as is shewn us by the addition of the date * in the fourth year of Jehoiakim '. 3- ^fi^f io my sorroiv] The ' sorrow ' was pain at the sins of his fellow-countrymen, the 'grief that which was caused by the im- pending judgments. I fainted in my sighing] a quotation from Ps. vi. 6 (**I am weary with my groaning"). 4. Behold, that tuhich I have built...] the same language as in chap. i. 10, and thus forming the general burden of Jeremiah's prophecy. even this whole land] literally, and as regards the whole earth, it is {so). According to the present text however the last words are, it is mine. The reference is to the scourge inflicted upon the known world by the rise and aggressions of the power of Babylon. 5. seek them not] do not hope to be more than thou now art. See note above. thy life will I give unto thee for a prey] See note on \xi. 9. Chap. XLVI. 1, 2. Introduction to the prophecies AGAINST THE GeNTILES. 1. The word of the Lord .. .against the Gentiles'] The custom of 284 JEREMIAH, XLVI. [v. 2. 2 phet against the Gentiles ; against Egypt, against the army of Pharaoh-necho king of Egypt, which was by the river Euphrates in Carchemish, which Nebuchadrezzar king of placing in a group as here prophecies against heathen nations is illus- trated by Isaiah (chaps xiii. — xxiii.) ; Ezekiel (chaps, xxv. — xxxii.); and Amos (chaps, i. 3 — ii. 3). It has been sought to draw significance from the division into seven nations which may be made in the case of Ezekiel and Amos, and even here, but it requires some forcing of the parts of the prophecy to carry this out. Here for instance the division into eight or even nine parts is more natural, viz. Egypt (in two parts, xlvi. 3 — i-z, 14 — 28), Philistia (xlvii.), Moab (xlviii.), Ammon (xlix. 1—6), Edom (xlix. 7 — 22), Damascus (xhx. 23 — 27), Kedar and Hazor (xlix. 28 — 33), Elam (xlix. 34 — 39), and Babylon (1. li.). The order of these in the Heb. is by no means the same as that of the Septuagint, who place Babylon immediately after Egypt, with other differences. The former, however, is more likely to be correct, even judging the matter only from internal considerations. It is more natural, taking Egypt first, as the nation whose overthrow by Nebu- chadnezzar would be the signal to the rest of a similar fate, to go thence to Philistia (including Tyre and Sidon), then (passing round to the East of Palestine) Moab, Ammon, and Edom, then Damascus, as representing the kingdoms of the north, Kedar and Hazor as indicating the kings mentioned in the summary of chap. xxv. (ver. 24), while lastly the nations of the East are included under Elam. The prophecies against Egypt and Babylon agree in containing a promise of restoration to Israel (xlvi. 27, 28, 1. 19, 20). As each represented the great power of evil, hostile to the people of God, it is quite natural that these last should reap benefit from such an overthrow. 2. against Egypt\ concerning Egypt. The two parts into which this prophecy is divided (see above) were probably written at different times, the new heading at ver. 13 suggesting this. As regards sub- ject matter however the second follow naturally upon the first, the declaration of further subjugation of Egypt upon the proclamation of the enemy's signal success at Carchemish. See further in notes on verses 13, 14. Pharaoh-necho\ This monarch had defeated and slain Josiah at Megiddo, and set Jehoahaz on the throne. In three months he had deposed and imprisoned him at Riblah, and set up Jehoiakim. He was extending his conquests in the Asiatic direction when in the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign he was overthrown at Carchemish. Carchemish'] probably not Cercesium at the junction of the rivers Chebar and Euphrates, but considerably higher up the latter stream and some distance to the north of lat. 36". Professor Ravvlinson (Anc. Mon. ii. 475) describes it as the key of Syria on the east and as commanding the ordinary passage of the Euphrates. It was, he adds, the only great city in that quarter. It is nearly identical in situation vv. 3—5.] JEREMIAH, XLVI. 285 Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah. 3 — 12. The first prophecy regarding Egypt. Order ye the buckler and shield, and draw near to 3 battle. Harness the horses ; and get up, ye horsemen, 4 And stand forth with your helmets ; Furbish the spears, and put on the brigandines. Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away 5 back? And their mighty ones are beaten down, with Mabog, or Hierapolis. The word means the fort of Chemosh the god of the Moabites (2 Kings xxiii. 13). 3 — 12. The first prophecy regarding Egypt. 3 — 6. These verses give us a lively description of the preparation and the advance, which were followed by the disastrous defeat at Carchemish. 3. Order ye\ rather, Prepare ye. buckler and shield'\ The former of these was a small round target which the light armed troops carried, the latter covered the whole body and was borne accordingly by the heavy-armed. 4. Harness the horses'] Bring into operation the chariots which formed a very important feature of Egyptian armies. get up, ye horsemen] probably, mount the steeds, although the Heb. substantive is used in both senses. stand forth with your helmets] literally, place yourselves with helmets (on), i.e. put yourselves in battle array. Helmets were not worn except actually in battle, and hence this command was equivalent to an order instantly to engage. drigandines] coats of mail. The word is connected with brigade (a division of an army), and brigadier (the commander of such a division) ; also with brigands. The sense of robber, which we now attach to this last word, is modem. Brigandine then, as occurring here and in li. 3, was *'a kind of scale armour or coat of mail, so called from being worn by the light troops called brigands, the name given to light armed skirmishers (Wedgwood).... In the course of time the Italian brigante came to mean a robber, pirate, and hence brigandine denoted a light pinnace used for piracy.. .Of this word the modern 'brig' is an abbreviation. " Bible Word Book. 5. Wherefore have I seen them dismayed] literally, Why do I see {it) ? they are dismayed. The Heb. thus expresses the inexplicable character of the sight. That so brilliant a host should be defeated ! It is beyond comprehension. 286 JEREMIAH, XLVI. [w. 6-9. And are fled apace, and look not back : For fear was round about, saith the Lord. Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape ; They shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. Who is this that cometh up as a flood, Whose waters are moved as the rivers ? Egypt riseth up like a flood, And his waters are moved like the rivers ; And he saith, I will go up, and will cover the earth ; I will destroy the city and the inhabitants thereof. Come up, ye horses ; and rage, ye chariots ; And let the mighty men come forth ; The Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the shield ; And the Lydians, that handle and bend the bow. look not 6ack] turn not back. fear was round about] Jeremiah's favourite expression once more and in circumstances which could not be more appropriate. See note on chap. vi. 25. 6. Let not the swift] rather, The swift shall not. Even the most active and heroic of the Egyptian army shall not gain their homes, but shall perish in a distant land. toward the north] "Carchemish in lat. 36^ would be four degrees north of Jerusalem in lat. 32*^." Sp. Comm. 7. We are now to be told the name of the nation, the defeat of whose army we have been witnessing. as a flood] as the Nile. The advance of the Egyptian host is likened to the annual overflow of their own sacred river. whose waters are moved] his waters toss themselves. as the rivers] like the branches of the Nile in the Delta of Lower Egypt. The same Heb. word is used in Ex. vii. 19 (rendered streams in the Eng. Vers.) in precisely the same application as here and in ver. 8. 9. Cotne up] Go up. The summons is to cavalry chariots and infantry that they should set forth from Egypt. rage] drive furiously. come forth] ^0 forth. the Ethiopians and the Libyans... and the Lydians] the mercenary troops, who formed from the days of Psammetichus the chief part of the Egyptian armies. The Ethiopians (Cush) and the Libyans (Phut) were children of Ham (Gen. x. 6). They formed the heavy-armed troops. The Lydians (the " Ludim" of Gen. x. 13) were also Africans, and not to be confused with the Lydians of the coast of Asia Minor, who were Shemites (Lud, Gen. x. 22). We have the three peoples here mentioned spoken of again as Egyptian mercenaries in Ezek. xxx. 5. In Isaiah on the other hand (Ixvi. ig) Lud is connected with Asiatic vv. lo— 12.] JEREMIAH, XLVI. 287 For this is the day of the Lord God of hosts, A day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries : And the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood : For the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice In the north country by the river Euphrates. Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt : In vain shalt thou use many medicines ; For thou shalt not be cured. The nations have heard of thy shame, And thy cry hath filled the land : and European tribes. These Lydians, as we see, formed the light- armed portion of the army. bend'\ literally, tread, string. 10. For this is the day of] But that day belongeth to. There is a contrast between the alacrity with which the army goes forth and the fate that awaits them at Carchemish, described as 'the north country'. The joy at this disaster as rightfully inflicted on Egypt the enemy of God's people arises not only from the undying memory of the bondage of old times, but from later troubles, such as that of Rehoboam's time (i Kings xiv. 25, •26) and those in much more recent days. See note on ver. 2. 11. dalrn] See note on viii. 22. O virgin, the daughter of Egypt'\ used of the Egyptians generally, with the additional notion however of their having hitherto been kept free from hurt, like a virgin safe in her father's house. shalt thou usel hast thou used. thou shalt not be cured] healing plaister thou hast none. See note on XXX. 13. "Not only was the study of medicine of very early date in Egypt, but medical men there were in such repute, that they were sent for at various times from other countries. Their knowledge of medicine is celebrated by Homer (Od. iv. 229), who describes Polydamna, the wife of Thonis, as giving medicinal plants 'to Helen in Egypt, a country possessing an infinite number of drugs.. .where each physician possesses knowledge above all other men. '...Cyrus and Darius both sent to Egypt for medical men (Herod, iil. i, 132); and Pliny (xix. 5) says post mortem examinations were made in order to discover the nature of maladies.... It is to the Arabs, who derived it from Egypt and India, that Europe is indebted for its first acquaintance with the science of medi- cine." (Note [G. W.] in Rawl. Herod, ii. ri6.) 12. the land] the earth. See xlv. 4. The mention of 'the nations' in the parallel clause shews that the Eng. is to be thus emended. 288 JEREMIAH, XLVI. [vv. 13, 14. For the mighty man hath stumbled against the mighty, A7id they are fallen both together. 13. Introduction to the second prophecy. 13 The word that the Lord spake to Jeremiah the prophet, how Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon should come and smite the land of Egypt. 14 — 28. The second prophecy regarding Egypt. 14 Declare ye in Egypt, and publish in Migdol, And publish in Noph and in Tahpanhes : Say ye, Stand fast, and prepare thee ; For the sword shall devour round about thee. the mighty man hath stumbled against the mighty'] The heroes fighting on the Egyptian side have in their flight and confusion got in each other's way. 13. Introduction to the second prophecy. 13. The word that the Lord spake] In the absence of any definite statement like that prefixed to the earlier prophecy as to the date of its delivery, we are led by the general tone, which seems to point to a later time (see ver. 14) and a more intimate acquaintance with Egypt (see ver. 25), to conjecture that this one is to be ascribed to the time of the prophet's residence in that country. Compare xliii. 8 — 13, and xliv. 29, 30, with notes. It therefore would not be included in the Roll read before Jehoiakim, as the former prophecy probably was. The actual coming of Nebuchadnezzar at any rate was long subsequent to the battle of Carchemish. Nevertheless that victory opened the way to his advance into the country, whose army he had there defeated. how Nebuchadrezzar... should come and smite] Of (concerning) the coming of Nebuchadrezzar and his smiting. 14 — 28. The second prophecy regarding Egypt. 14. Declare ye in Egypt] If we place the prophecy soon after the defeat at Carchemish, and therefore many years before its fulfilment, the meaning of these words will be, Announce the defeat and desola- tion that is in store. If on the other hand, as seems preferable, we make the words to be uttered on the eve, or almost on the eve, of their accomplishment, the sense will be, Declare that the enemy has already reached the borders. Migdol] See note on xliv. i. For Noph and Tahpanhes, see notes on ii. 16. shall devour] hath devoured. The neighbouring nations had been subdued, perhaps including Tyre, after the capture of which Nebu- chadnezzar probably advanced into Egypt. vv. 15—18.] JEREMIAH, XLVI. 289 Why are thy valiant men swept away ? 15 They stood not, because the Lord did drive them. He made many to fall, 16 Yea, one fell upon another : And they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, And to the land of our nativity. From the oppressing sword. They did cry there, Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a 17 noise ; He hath passed the time appointed. As I live, saith the King, 18 Whose name is the Lord of hosts. Surely as Tabor is among the mountains, 15. valiant men\ The adjective in the Heb. is plural, while both the verb connected with it and the pronouns that follow are in the sing. Hence it seems probable that the singular is the right reading, and that the reference is, as the Septuagint makes it to be, to the sacred bull Apis, worshipped at Memphis, and called the mighty ojte, i.e. the deity of Egypt, just as God is named the Mighty One of Jacob or of Israel in Gen. xlix. 24; Is. i. 24; xlix. 26, etc. A failure to under- stand this application of the word may have early induced a Heb. copyist to alter it to the plural (which was effected by the insertion of the smallest Heb. letter). If the plural be the right reading, we must render as does the Eng. Vers. 16. tofall^ to stumble. to our own people\ The mercenary troops, as belonging to various nations, propose among themselves to return to their several countries. the oppressing sword] See note on xxv. 38. 17. They did cry there] The Septuagint, Syriac, and (Latin) Vulgate are agreed in reading for there, (by a mere change of vowel in the Heb.) the natne of. This is strong evidence in itself, although there is no difficulty in understanding there, meaning their respective countries, in which they should report the ruin of Egypt. a noise] a ruin. This sense is necessary here, and is borne out by Ps. xl. 2, where the same change must be made in the Eng. Vers, ("a pit of noise " marginal for ** an horrible pit"), and by the sense of other words from the same Heb. root, e.g. that rendered desolation Lam. iii. 47 (where see note) and destruction Is. xxiv. 12. he hath passed the time appointed] He hath let the time elapse within which he was called upon by God to reform. The period of grace is over, and consequently ruin can no longer be averted. 18. as Tabor is] The is should be omitted. The sense is not that his coming is as certain as is the existence of the mountains Tabor and Carmel in their respective positions, but that he, Nebuchadnezzar, JEREMIAH IQ 29« JEREMIAH, XLVI. [vv. 19—21. And as Carmel by the sea, so shall he come. 19 O thou daughter dwelling in Egypt, Furnish thyself to go into captivity : For Noph shall be waste And desolate without an inhabitant. 20 Egypt is like a very fair heifer, But destruction cometh ; it cometh out of the north. ai Also her hired men are in the midst of her like fatted bullocks ; shall resemble them as standing out conspicuous above all neighbour- ing rulers. Tabor (1805 feet above the sea-level) is not indeed the highest mountain of the whole region, but as standing in the midst of an extensive plain, is more striking than even loftier ones, which have not its advantages m the way of position. Carmel again (about 500 feet above the sea) stretches for about three miles as a long bold promontoiy into the Mediterranean. 19. O thou daughter dwelling in Egypf] a circumlocution for inhabi- tants of Egypt. furnish thyself to go into captivityl The marginal "make thee instruments of captivity" is more literal, supply thyself with all that thou wilt need as thy outfit for exile. Noph'] See note on ii. 16. desolate] the same word in the Heb. as that rendered "burnt" in chap. ii. 15, which may very well be its sense here also. 20. is like] is. This is more literal, and probably points to Apis the bull god, as that to which the country was as it were espoused. but destruction cometh ; it cometh out of the north] a gadfly from the north is come upon her. The least possible change in the Heb. produces the latter part of this rendering, which is supported by the early Versions. The existing Heb. text is far from untranslateable, the two verbs however being placed together at the end of the sentence and not in the middle with a considerable pause between, as in the Eng. Vers. We may compare for such a repetition, Ps. xcvi. 13, "For he cometh, for he cometh," etc. The Heb. word translated destruction^ occurs here only. There is good authority for correcting it as above. It has also been rendered a goad, an army, and (ap- parently without much meaning) by the Septuagint, a torn off shred. 21. her hired men] her mercenary troops. are in the midst of her] in the midst of her are. like fatted bullocks] or, like calves of the stall. The mercenaries were no longer Africans, as in the days of Pharaoh-Nechoh (vcr. 9), but Ionian and Carian soldiers, who {Herod. II. 163) numbered 30000 and were placed in a fertile district on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile, where they came to merit the description given of them in the text. Hophra had not ventured to send them on his expedition against Cyrene (see note on xliv. 30) but was defeated at their head by Amasis and the troops of the Cyrene expedition, who had mutinied. w. 22—25.] JEREMIAH, XLVI. 291 For they also are turned back, and are fled away together; they did not stand. Because the day of their calamity was come upon them, afid the time of their visitation. The voice thereof shall go like a serpent ; 22 For they shall march with an army, And come against her with axes, as hewers of w^ood. They shall cut down her forest, saith the Lord, 23 Though it cannot be searched ; Because they are more than the grasshoppers, And are innumerable. The daughter of Egypt shall be confounded ; 24 She shall be delivered into the hand of the people of the north. The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith ; 25 they did not stand... was come] It is better to continue the present tense in Eng. they do not stand... is co??ie. and the time] the time. It is only a further explanation of ' the day of their calamity.' 22. The voice thereof shall go like a serpent] The sound of Egypt fleeing away from the enemy shall be like the rustling of a serpent escaping from danger through the thick underwood. they shall march with afi army] The enemy shall advance with might, as the last word may also be tianslated. as hewers of wood] The fact of the Chaldaeans bearing axes would make a deep impression upon the mind of nations like the Jews, who had no such custom. "The battle-axe was a weapon but rarely employed by the Assyrians. It is only in the very latest sculptures, and in a very few instances, that we find axes represented as used by the warriors for any other purpose besides the felling of trees. Where they are seen in use against the enemy, the handle is short, the head somewhat large, and the weapon wielded with one hand." Rawlinson, Anc. Mon. I. 459. 23. her forest] or, her beauty. For this use of the word see note on xxi. 14. though it cannot be searched] We may either with the Eng. Vers, refer these words to the 'forest,' and render in that case, because it is impenetrable, or to the number of the invaders, because it is un- searchable. the grasshoppers] locusts : so rendered in Joel i. 4, where four stages of that animal's existence are represented by as many distinct words in the original. This one seems to denote the second stage of its being. The enemy shall come in like a plague, in a form but too familiar to the people of those countries. 24. shall be confounded] is disgraced. 19 2 292 JEREMIAH, XLVI. [w. 26—28. Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, And Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings ; Even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him : 26 And I will deliver them into the hand of those that seek their lives, And into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, And into the hand of his servants : And afterwards it shall be inhabited. As in the days of old, saith the Lord. 27 But fear not thou, O my servant Jacob, And be not dismayed, O Israel : For behold, I will save thee from afar off. And thy seed from the land of their captivity ; And Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, And none shall make him afraid. 28 Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, Saith the Lord : for I am with thee ; For I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee : 25. the multitude of Nd\ Amon of No, i.e. the chief god worshipped in No (called also No Amon, margin of Nah. iii. 8). The name Amon signified invisible, and hence he was connected with the most spiritual form of Egyptian worship. The Greeks and Romans compared him to Zeus and Jupiter, and hence his name, familiar to us, of Jupiter Amnion. their gods, and their kings'] her gods and her kings. After the mention of the chief god, the ruler of the country, and the country itself, the inferior gods and rulers are included collectively in the coming disaster. ' Kings ' however may perhaps better be taken of the predecessors of Hophra. all them that trust in him] those Jews who had put their trust in Egypt as a support against Babylon. 26. afterwaj'ds it shall be inhabited] The calamity shall after all be but temporary. Peace and prosperity shall come at last. Compare the closing words of the prophecies against Moab (xlviii. 47), Ammon (xlix. 6), Elam (xlix. 39). The words have also, but not with such probability, been rendered shall rest as in the days of old, i.e. shall not be an aggressive power, as in its later days. History does not however justify us in believing that there was any difference between the earlier and the later days of Egypt in this respect. 27. 28. See notes on chap. xxx. 10, 11, where these verses have already occurred in substance; also for the word 'correct' (ver. 28) vv. I, 2.] JEREMIAH, XLVII. 293 But I will not make a full end of thee, But correct thee in measure ; Yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished. Chap. XLVII. i. Introduction to the Prophecy regarding Philistia. The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the pro- 47 phet against the Philistines, before that Pharaoh smote Gaza. 2 — 7. The Prophecy regarding Philistia. Thus saith the Lord ; 2 Behold, waters rise up out of the north, And shall be an overflowing flood, And shall overflow the land, and all that is therein ; The city, and them that dwell therein : note on ii. 19. They have probably been introduced here by the prophet as a quotation from the earlier passage, which is one prophetic of the return from exile, in order to shew that if Egypt's troubles were to be but temporary, much more should those of Judah and even of Israel also pass away. Chap. XLVII. 1. Introduction to the Prophecy regarding Philistia. 1. against the Philistines] concerning: the Philistines. before that Pharaoh s?note Gaza] With the small amount of accurate historical information which we have relating to those times, this ' statement is but small help towards determining the date of the prophecy. The main views are, (i) that the Pharaoh is Nechoh, and that he captured Gaza about the same time that he conquered Josiah at Megiddo; (ii) that the reference is to the same king, as having taken Gaza on his way back from the defeat at Carchemish ; (iii) that the Pharaoh is Hophra, and that the capture of Gaza was in his expedition against Tyre and Sidon. 2 — 7. The Prophecy regarding Philistia. 2. waters rise up] In xlvi. 8 the same figure was used for an army. Compare Is. viii. 7, where the Assyrian army is likened to the floods of the Euphrates. out of the north] the direction in which the Chaldaeans are to be looked for. Compare i. 13, 14. an overflowing flood] a river suddenly swelling up through the effect of the winter rains. 294 JEREMIAH, XLVII. [w. 3— 6. Then the men shall cry, And all the inhabitants of the land shall howl. At the noise of the stamping of the hoofs of his strong horses, At the rushing of his chariots, A?id at the rumbling of his wheels. The fathers shall not look back to their children For feebleness of hands ; Because of the day that cometh to spoil all the Phi- listines, Afid to cut off from Tyrus and Zidon every helper that remaineth : For the Lord will spoil the Philistines, The remnant of the country of Caphtor. ; Baldness is come upon Gaza ; Ashkelon is cut off with the remnant of their valley : How long wilt thou cut thyself? i O thou sword of the Lord, how long will it be ere thou be quiet ? Put up thyself into thy scabbard, rest, and be still. 3. stro7if; horses\ See note on viii. 16. rushing'] rattling, or din. the fathers shall not look back to their children'] their terror in the flight shall be so great that a father will not care for his son's safety. 4. cT^ery helper that remaineth] in other words the Philistines, the other helpers having been already cut off. the remnant of the cotmtry of Caphtor] the few of the Philistine nation that still survive after the wars with Egypt and Assyria, which they had long undergone. Caphtor is spoken of also in Deut. ii. 23; Amos ix. 7, as the origin of the Philistines. Its position is somewhat doubtful. Some identify it with Crete, but more probably it was the Delta of J'^^gypt. * The country ' is literally the isle, or the sea-coast. 6. Baldness] in token of mourning. See note on xvi. 6. is cut off] or is dumb. Either sense belongs to the verb in the Heb. with the remnant of their valley] It is better to omit the 7vith, the remaining words being in apposition to Ashkelon, or possibly, but not so probably, in the vocative and so connected with the words that follow (0 remnant of their valley, how long, etc.). The Septuagint reads the remnant of the Anakim (Numb. xiii. 33 ; Deut. ii. 10) the old giants, so many of whom belonged to Gath (i Sam. xvii. 4; i Chron. XX. 5 — 8), that this town may possibly be here meant by that Version. The readmg, which has not much in its favour, is got by a slight variation of the llcb. text, as it now stands. w. 7; I.] JEREMIAH, XLVII. XLVIII. 295 How can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a 7 charge Against Ashkelon, and against the sea shore ? there hath he appointed it. Chap. XLVIII. i — 10. Opem?ig of the Prophecy regarding Moab. Against Moab thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of 48 Israel ; Woe unto Nebo ! for it is spoiled : Kiriathaim is confounded and taken : 7. Hffiv can it be qinet\ The Heb. verb would admit better of the rendering How canst thou rest? but probably the Eng. Vers, is right, and the original word is not pure Heb. but a dialectic form. Chap. XLVIII. 1—10. Opening of the Prophecy regarding Moab. 1. Against Moab'] Concerning Moab. See note on xlvi. t. Just as chap. xlix. 7, etc. (concerning Edam) is closely allied to the prophecy of Obadiah (see notes on that verse), so here Jeremiah uses sometimes the substance, sometimes the actual words, of Is. xv., xvi. ; Amos ii. i — 3 ; Zeph. ii. 8 — lo, together with the earlier warnings uttered by Balaam against Moab (Numb. xxiv. 17). It is however quite likely that Isaiah, Amos, and Jeremiah may have all borrowed the language of other prophets on the same subject. We have no clue to the determination of the date of the prophecy, except that in all probability it was contained in the Roll of chap, xxxvi. As to its ful- filment also the scanty records of the time give us but little information. The Moabites succeeded the Emims on the eastern side of the Dead Sea (Deut. ii. 10). Moab having been dispossessed of the ncrlhern part of this territory down to the river Arnon (Numb. xxi. 13) by the Amorites, Israel conquered these latter, and the tribe of Reuben obtained the district (Numb. xxi. 24, etc.). Hence arose the constant hostility between Moab and Israel shewn from the time of Balak onwards (see Judg. iii. 12 etc.; i Sam. xiv. 47; 2 Sam. viii. 2; 2 Kings i. i, iii. 4, 5, xiii. ^o, xiv, 25; 2 Chron. xx. 20 — 25). For particulars lately brought to light as to the relations between Moab and Israel see Dr Ginsburg's account of the "Moabite Stone." Nebo] not the mountain (Deut. xxxii. 49, xxxiv. i), but the city in the territory of Reuben (Numb, xxxii. 38). It is spoken of here and in Is. xv. 2 as a Moabite town, having been taken by Mesha king of Moab about 895 B.C. according to the records of the "Moabite stone." Kiriathaim] either the modern Et Teim three miles south of 296 JEREMIAH, XLVIII. [vv. 2— 4. Misgab is confounded and dismayed. There shall be no more praise of Moab : In Heshbon they have devised evil against it ; Come, and let us cut it off from being a nation. Also thou shalt be cut down, O Madmen ; The sword shall pursue thee. A voice of crying shall be from Horonaim, Spoiling and great destruction. Moab is destroyed ; Her little ones have caused a cry to be heard. Heshbon, or Kureiyat. This latter however is less likely as being in the territory belonging to Gad not Reuben. Misgab] rather, the height, or, the citadel, meaning probably some particular fortress called by this name, and not, as it has also been taken to mean, the high lands in general. dismayed] literally, broken^ crushed. The same Heb. root {chdthath) is rendered "broken down" in verses 70, 39. It has been conjectured that Ghetto, the word for the quarter at Rome in which the Jews used to be confined and often barbarously treated, is a derivative from it. 2. There shall be no more praise of Moab] The glory of Moab is no more. i7i Heshbon they have devised] There is a play on the two Heb. words thus rendered {b'' Cheshbon hash'vu) which cannot be reproduced in I'.nglish. Heshbon was a border town between Reuben and Gad, given u]i to the latter tribe and made a Levitical city (Josh. xxi. 39). It was seized by the Ammonites in Jeremiah's time (see xlix. 3 with note), and was on the border of Moab, Hence it was the j^lace where the Chal- daean enemy would lay their final plans for the attack upon the latter nation. be cut down] or, as the Eng. margin, be brous^ht to silence. O Madmen] a town not mentioned elsewhere, but obviously distinct from Madmenah in Benjamin (Is. x. 31), Madmannah in Judah (Josh. xv. 31), and Dimriah in Zebulon (Josh. xxi. 35). Here again there is a play on the sound in the Heb. which is, Madmht, iidddmi. 3. shall be from Horonaim] 'shall be' should be omitted, and the following words 'spoiling and great destruction' taken as themselves the cry that is raised. 4. Moab] Some would explain this not of the country at large but of the city called Ar of Moab (Numb. xxi. 28; Is. xv. i) and simply Ar (Numb. xxi. 15; Dcut. ii. 9) in the valley of the Arnon. But this is unlikely. her little ones] See xiv. 3. Here however, though the meaning is not children, the sense is slightly diflVrcnt from that passage, and is her abject ones, those reduced to an extremity of distress. There is vv. 5—8.] JEREMIAH, XLVIII. 297 For in the going up of Luhith s Continual weeping shall go up ; For in the going down of Horonaim The enemies have heard a cry of destruction. Flee, save your lives, 6 And be like the heath in the wilderness. For because thou hast trusted in thy works and in thy 7 treasures, Thou shalt also be taken : And Chemosh shall go forth into captivity With his priests and his princes together. And the spoiler shall come upon every city, 8 And no city shall escape : The valley also shall perish, And the plain shall be destroyed, As the Lord hath spoken. but little to be said for the Septuagint rendering, Declare ye unto Zoar^ except that Zoar occurs in Isaiah (xv. 5) in the same connexion. 6. the goi7ig up of Luhith... the going down of Horonaini\ We thus gather that the one was situated on a hill, the other on low ground. For Luhith there is another reading luhoth, planks. The sense, if this (less likely) reading is adopted, will be that weeping mounts up upon weeping, as boards are placed one upon another in a house. continual weeping shall go up'\ literally, with weeping shall go up weeping, i.e. there shall be successive bands of weeping fugitives. the ene7nies have heard a cry of destruction'] The construction in the Heb. is difficult. The most probable rendering however is, the distress (literally, distresses) of the cry of destruction (literally, breaJdng) they have heard. 6. the heath] the destitute man. See note on xvii. 6. The word here however is not precisely the same as in that passage, but similar to it, and identical, as it happens, with the proper name of a city Aroer, of which there were several in Palestine. See note on ver. 19. It is possible therefore that a play on this name may be meant as well as the literal meaning which is given above. 7. -works] perhaps meaning results of work, gains. This is suggested by the word 'treasures 'which follows. Compare chap. xx. 5, where how- ever the Heb. (translated "labours") is not the same. Chemosh] the object of Moab's national worship. The oldest Heb. form of the word in this passage seems to be Chemish, and although it is not elsewhere found, yet probability is given to it.9 existence by such compounds as Car-chemish (see note on xlvi. 2). If the god is powerless to prevent his own captivity, what chance is there for ihQ people? 8. the valley] the valley of Jordan which bounded part of Moab on the west. 298 JEREMIAH, XLVIII. [vv. 9— 12. Give wings unto Moab, That it may flee and get away : For the cities thereof shall be desolate, Without any to dwell therein. Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceit- fully, And cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. II — 25. Con fin iiajice of threaten tng and further detail. Moab hath been at ease from his youth, And he hath settled on his lees, And hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel. Neither hath he gone into captivity : Therefore his taste remained in him, And his sent is not changed. Therefore behold, the days come, saith the Lord, That I will send unto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander, the plaht] the level country which stretched from the Arnon in the south to Rabbath Ammon. 9. winos'l The word elsewhere in pure Heb. means a flower but in later Heb. and in Chaldee has frequently the sense which it here bears. The sense is that nothing short of wings would enable the Moabites to escape before their enemies. 10. deceitfully} negligently. The commission to Moab's foe comes from the Lord, and consequently he must not be slack in executing His command. 11 — 25. Continuance of threatening and further detail. 11. Moab hath been at ease from his yoiit}i\ He hath not been driven from his land hitherto. We gather from the inscription on the "Moabite stone" that the Moabites were by no means driven out of Reuben's lot, but maintained their position there more or less successfully along- side the Jewish inhabitants. The feeling of horror at suffering expatria- tion, as compared with the consequences of a more ordinary defeat in battle such as the nation had often suffered in past time, is well exhi- bited by these verses. settled on his Ices'} Wine improved by being allowed to rest upon its sediment (Is. xxv. 6). If emptied from vessel to vessel it would become vapid, without fragrance and tasteless. Something like this was now to happen to the nation by being taken captives. 12. wanderers} literally, lifters. The figure of earthenware jars of wine is continued. They are emptied by lieing tilted on one side, vv. 13—18.] JEREMIAH, XLVIII. 299 And shall empty his vessels, and break their bottles. And Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh, 13 As the house of Israel was ashamed of Beth-el their con- fidence. How say ye. We are mighty and strong men for the war? m Moab is spoiled, and gone up out of\v&x cities, 15 And his chosen young men are gone down to the slaughter, Saith the King, whose name is the Lord of hosts. The calamity of Moab is near to come, 16 And his affliction hasteth fast. All ye that are about him, bemoan him ; "7 And all ye that know his name, Say, How is the strong staff broken. And the beautiful rod ! Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon, 18 an operation which was performed slowly and carefully, that the jars ' might be safe and the wine run off clear while the sediment was left. This work however in the case of Moab shall be done roughly. shall cause him to wander'\ shall lift him. bottles'] literally, skins, but used elsewhere also for earthenware bottles. 13. shall be ashamed of Chemosh'\ because he could not help them. was ashamed of Beth- el their confide7ice'\ Bethel was the southern seat of Jeroboam's idolatrous worship. But they found their confidence in the worship there misplaced, when Shalmaneser carried them away. 15. and gone up out of her cities] The Heb. is difificult. The sense is either {\) people (i.e. the enemy) have gotie up to her cities ; or (ii) her cities have gone tip {in smoke and fame). The latter way of rendering is the best. The difficulty which it presents in the original is that the verb is singular, but this is not in the Heb. an insuperable difficulty, and may here be caused by the prophet's mind dwelling upon the image of the cities all vanishing in smoke. By a change in the vowels of one word we might read, The waster of Moab and of her towns is coviing up (to the attack), which gives an easy sense, and is held to be the right meaning by Ewald. 16. The language of this verse is based upon Deut. xxxii. 35. 17. All ye that are about him. ..all ye that know his name] the near and more remote nations respectively. the strong staff... the beautiful rod] For these expressions, as implying national glory and power over others, compare Ps. ex. 2; Is. xiv. 29; Ezek. xix. ri, 12, 14. 18. Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon] literally, Thou inha- bitress daughter of Dibon, a longer way of saying. Inhabitants of Dibon. 300 JEREMIAH, XLVIIl. [vv. 19—21. Come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst ; For the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee, And he shall destroy thy strong holds. 19 O inhabitant of Aroer, Stand by the way and espy ; Ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth. And say, What is done ? 20 Moab is confounded ; for it is broken down : Howl and cry ; Tell ye it in Arnon, that Moab is spoiled, 21 And judgment is come upon the plain country ; Upon Holon, and upon Jahazah, and upon Mephaath, Dibon\ now Dhihan (the "Moabite stone" was found there) stands on two hills. Hence the expression 'come down' in the text. The language here is intensified in both clauses from the corresponding passage relating to the daughter of Babylon in Is. xlvii. i. For "come down" we have come down from thy glory ^ and for "sit in the dust" sit in thirst. The picture is of the inhabitants driven forth from the city and about to be led away, but obliged meanwhile to sit on the ground hungry and thirsty and await their captors' pleasure. thy strong holds'] the fortifications of the place are said to be still visible. 19. inhabitant] used collectively, as so constantly. Aroer] not to be confounded with the Aroer of Numb, xxxii. 34, a Gadite city, or with an Aroer belonging to Judah (i Sam. xxx. 28). This was the southernmost city in the tribe of Reuben, and hence was that * which would be mentioned next after Dibon in tracing the progress of the Chaldaean enemy from north to south. Mesha records on the "Moabite stone" that he "built (i.e. restored) the city and made the road over the Arnon." The city stood on the north side of the river. 20. Moab is confounded ; for it is broken dowti] In the original the first verb is mas. the second fem. The probable sense is, Moab is ashamed, for it (Dibofi) is overthrown. in Arnon] rather, on Arnon, i.e. in Aroer on its banks. 21. the plain country] the word rendered "the plain" in ver. 8, where see note. Then follows an enumeration of the several towns involved in the overthrow, in order that by particularizing these the coming disaster might be the more thoroughly realized. They were mostly towns enumerated in Joshua as withiin the portion allotted to the tribe of Reuben and were afterwards reconquered by the Moabites. Jahazah] one of the Levitical cities (Josh. xxi. 36). There Moses defeated Sihon (Numb. xxi. 23, 24). Mephaath] also a Levitical city (Josh. xxi. 37). It was afterwards a Roman military post established to keep in check the desert tribes, and hence we learn that it must have been in the eastern part of the country. vv. 22—27.] JEREMIAH, XLVIIl. 301 And upon Dibon, and upon Nebo, and upon Beth- 22 diblathaim, And upon Kiriathaim, and upon Beth-gamul, and upon 23 Beth-meon, And upon Kerioth, and upon Bozrah, 24 And upon all the cities of the land of Moab, far or near. The horn of Moab is cut off, 25 And his arm is broken, saith the Lord. 26 — 47. Co7iclusion of the lament over Moab. Make ye him drunken : for he magnified himself against 26 the Lord : Moab also shall wallow in his vomit. And he also shall be in derision. For was not Israel a derision unto thee ? 27 22. Dibon'\ See note on ver. 18. Neb6\ See note on ver. i. Beth-diblathaim^ literally, house of two fgs. Some identify it with Almon-diblathaim of Numb, xxxiii. 46, but this is doubtful. 23. Kiriathaim^ See note on ver. i. Beth-ganud'l not elsewhere mentioned. Beth-meoJi] called also (Numb, xxxii. 38) Baal-meon, and (Josh. xiii. 17) Beth-baal-meon. 24. Kerioth'] It is thought with much probability that this is another name for Ar, the old capital of Moab (Numb. xxi. 28), for in the lists where either is mentioned the other name does not occur, while each evidently denotes a place of importance. The place may have gi'own to be a union of two or more towns, and hence the name Kerioth (towns). Bozrah] not the Bozrah of chap. xlix. 13; Is. Ixiii. i, which belonged to Edom, but either the Bezer of Deut. iv. 43, or better the Bosora of Maccab. v. 26. "As the word means sheep/olds, it was no doubt a common name for places in this upland region, fit only for pasturage." far or near] the latter denoting nearer the borders of the country. 25. The horn is an emblem of strength, the arm of authority. For the former see Ps. Ixxv. 4, 5, 10, for the latter chap, xvii. 5. 26 — 47. Conclusion of the lament over Moab. 26. Make ye him drtinken] The comparison of the exhibition of God's wrath upon a nation to an intoxicating draught is illustrated by chap. XXV. 15, where see note. he magnified himself against the Lord] He resisted Reuben in his occupation of the territory which the Lord had assigned him. wallow] more literally, splash into, he also shall be in derision] just as Israel has been. See next verse. 302 JEREMIAH, XLVIII. [vv. 28— 31. Was he found among thieves ? For since thou spakest of him, thou skippedst for joy. 28 O ye that dwell in Moab, leave the cities, and dwell in the rock, And be like the dove that maketh her nest in the sides of the hole's mouth. 29 We have heard the pride of Moab ; he is exceeding proud : His loftiness, and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart. 30 I know his wrath, saith the Lord ; but // shall not be so ; His lies shall not so effect //. 31 Therefore will I howl for Moab, 27. was he found among thieves?^ i.e. Thou couldst not, O Moab, have treated him with more contempt, hadst thou caught him in the act of steahng. skippedst for joy\ waggedst tliy head, in scorn. Compare Matt, xxvii. 39. 28. dwell in the rock] seek the most secret or inaccessible hiding places. See note on iv. 29. in the sides of the hole's mouth] in the further side of the mouth of the pit. 29. We] the prophet and his fellow countrymen. The character of Moab for haughtiness is brought out forcibly by the accumulation of synonyms that succeed. This and the following verse are in substance the same as Is. xvi. 6. 30. / knotu his wrath] The Lord corroborates the assertion of the prophet in the former verse. but it shall not he so ; his lies shall not so effect it] and the unreality of his lies; they have wrought what is unreal. The passage in Isaiah shews us that the stop should be after and not before the word rendered lies^ which is also found in the senses staves^ princes. It is in this latter sense that those who added the stops in the ?Ieb. Bible seem to have understood it, and hence the division of the clauses. The words rendered not so here are those which appear as "not aright," "not right" in chaps, viii. 6, xxiii. 10. See note on the former of those two passages. 31. Therefore] not immediately connected with the two preceding verses, but rather going back to the thought of the judgment that was coming. will I howl] In the corresponding passage in Isaiah it is first the country that mourns itself, and only later the prophet also expresses grief. The greater tenderness of Jeremiah's sorrow is shewn not only by his personal lamentation in this verse, but in the later part by the substitution of the word 'men' for the 'foundations' of the vv. 32, 33] JEREMIAH, XLVIII. 303 And I will cry out for all Moab ; Mijte heart shall mourn for the men of Kir-heres. O vine of Sibmah, I will weep for thee with the weeping 3a of Jazer : Thy plants are gone over the sea, They reach even to the sea of Jazer : The spoiler is fallen upon thy summer fruits and upon thy vintage. And joy and gladness is taken from the plentiful field, 33 and from the land of Moab ; And I have caused wine to fail from the wine presses : Isaiah passage. The two words in the original resemble each other in sound. mine heart shall motirn] The insertion of the words ' mine heart ' in the Eng. Vers, here is hardly justified by their occurrence in the Heb. of the Isaiah passage (xv. 5). Rather it is, one {they, indefinitely) shall mourn. Kir-heres^ the chief stronghold of Moab, the Kir-hareseth and Kir-haresh of Is. xvi. 7, i c. 32. O vine of Sibmahl Sibmah according to St Jerome was only five hundred paces from Heshbon, while Jazer was fifteen miles north of the latter city. The grapes of the region of Heshbon are even now excellent. with the tveeping of Jazer'] more than the weeping of Jazer over its ruins, and wasted vineyards. thy plants] thy tendrils. over the sea] to the western shore of the Dead Sea, a poetical way of saying that the influence of this part of the Moabite nation had made itself felt to that distance. the sea of Jazer] Nothing like a sea is found now-a-days in the high valley in which the town lies. It would seem however that a con- siderable body of water was found there then, now represented by some ponds. We must also remember that the word sea may easily convey to our ears a very erroneous idea of the dimensions intended by the corresponding Heb. word. Compare for this 1 Kings vii. 23. the spoiler] Isaiah has "a shouting." thy vintage] Isaiah, whose word differs only by a single letter, has "thy harvest." 33. This verse corresponds closely to Is. xvi. 10. the plentiful field] The Heb. is Carmel, but of course without any particular reference to the promontory of that name on the west coast of Palestine. winepresses] zaine-yaXa, the receptacles in which the wine was stored, not made. 304 JEREMIAH, XLVIII. [vv. 34—37. None shall tread with shouting ; Their shouting shall be no shouting. 34 From the cry of Heshbon even unto Elealeh, And even unto Jahaz, have they uttered their voice, From Zoar even unto Horonaim, As a heifer of three years old : For the waters also of Nimrim shall be desolate. 35 Moreover I will cause to cease in Moab, saith the Lord, him that offereth in the high places, And him that burneth incense to his gods. 36 Therefore mine heart shall sound for Moab like pipes. And mine heart shall sound like pipes for the men of Kir-heres : Because the riches that he hath gotten are perished. 37 For every head shall be bald. And every beard dipt : with shouting] For the shout of the wine treaders, see note on xxv. 30. The clause which here follows means that the vintage shout shall be transformed into the battle cry. 34. This verse resembles Is. xv. 4. The sense is that the cry uttered from Heshbon (see note on ver. 2) is heard at Elealeh (about two miles distant) and is even carried on to Jahaz, a considerable distance south- west. Again, the wail uttered from Zoar is borne to Horonaim, both in the south of the land. Thus the lamentation shall be caught by one from another and be universal. a heifer of th'ee year's old] The corresponding Heb. is in the Isaiah passage appended to Zoar. The sense is difficult in each place. The probable rendering is either, the third Eglath, or, Eglath with the other two (cities), and the sense either that there were three cities of that name, numbered thus by way of distinction, or that Zoar, Horonaim, and Eglath formed a group or league of cities corresponding to the three cities named earlier in the verse. Nimrim] not the place (" Beth-nimrah") mentioned in Numb. xxxii. 36; Josh. xiii. 27, which is much too far north, but probably the modern Wady en-Nemeirah at the south-eastern end of the Dead Sea. 36. shall sotind for Moab like pip-'s] Their use was connected with funerals, so that the word is appropriate as expressing mourning. Isaiah's word is "an harp" (xvi. 11). the riches] literally, the superfluity. His substance was much more than a mere competency. a7-e perished] There are but two cases in which the word riches (French richesse) is treated as singular in the Eng. Vers. (Wisdom v. 8; Rev. xviii. 17), although this seems merely to have arisen from the word's happening to end in letters commonly used to denote the plural. vv. 38— 43-] JEREMIAH, XLVIII. 305 Upon all the hands shall be cuttings, And upon the loins sackcloth. There shall be lamentation generally upon all the house- 38 tops of Moab, and in the streets thereof: For I have broken Moab like a vessel wherein is no plea- sure, saith the Lord. They shall howl, saying, How is it broken down ! 39 How hath Moab turned the back with shame ! So shall Moab be a derision and a dismaying to all them about him. For thus saith the Lord ; 40 Behold, he shall fly as an eagle. And shall spread his wings over Moab. Kerioth is taken, and the strong holds are surprised, 4^ And the mighty men's hearts in Moab at that day shall be As the heart of a woman in her pangs. And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people, 42 Because he hath magnified himself a.g3,mst the Lord. Fear, and the pit, and the snare, shall be upon thee, 43 O inhabitant of Moab, saith the Lord. 37. All shall have the usual emblem of mourning. See notes on chap. xvi. 6. 38. geha-ally'] wholly. a vessel^ the same word as that rendered idol in xxii. 28, where see note. 39. They shall howl, saying, Hozu is it broken down /] How is it broken I they howl. 40. he shall fly as an eagle] See note on iv. 13. The simile seems taken from Deut. xxviii. 49, but is used elsewhere (see chap. xlix. 22; Is. xlvi. 11; Ezek. xvii. 3). It well represented the Babylonian empire, which "seemed to those who witnessed it like the rising of a mighty eagle, spreading out his vast wings, feathered with the innu- merable colours of the variegated masses which composed the Chaldaean host, sweeping over the different countries, and striking fear in his rapid flight." Stanley, J. Ch. ii. 451. 41. Kerioth] See note on ver. 24. The double sense (both a proper name, and towns) gives rise to a play upon the word, which we cannot translate. are surprised] are seized. 43, 44. Substantially the same as Is. xxiv. 17, 18, and very pro- bably a proverb in frequent use. See note on Lam. iii. 47. JEREMIAH 20 3o6 JEREMIAH, XLVIII. XLIX. [vv. 44— 47 ; i. 44 He that fleeth from the fear shall fall into the pit ; And he that getteth up out of the pit shall be taken in the snare : For I will bring upon it, even upon Moab, the year of their visitation, saith the Lord. 45 They that fled stood under the shadow of Heshbon be- cause of the force : But a fire shall come forth out of Heshbon, And a flame from the midst of Sihon, And shall devour the corner of Moab, And the crown of the head of the tumultuous ones. 46 Woe be unto thee, O Moab ! The people of Chemosh perisheth : For thy sons are taken captives, And thy daughters captives. 47 Yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab In the latter days, saith the Lord. Thus far is the judgment of Moab. Chap. XLIX. i — 6. The Prophecy regardwg Ammon, 49 Concerning the Ammonites, thus saith the Lord ; 44. He that fleet Ji] or, He fleeth, but the former is the better reading. 45. They that fled stood tinder the shado7v of Heshbon because of the forced In the shadow of Heshbon stand fugitives powerless. The sense of the whole verse is that the fugitives of Moab shall take refuge under the walls of the neighbouring city of the Ammonites, but as they stand there in hopes of aid, there bursts forth from the city on which their only hopes rest a flame kindled by the Chaldaean foe, but like that which was in old days kindled in the same place by Sihon the Amorite conqueror. Thus the passage Numb. xxi. 28 is quoted with a new application. the corner] either (a) the side, the region, or {b) the corner of the beard. If the latter be the sense, as seems more likely, then this and the last words of the verse together mean that Nebuchadnezzar shall destroy all that is capable of destruction. the ttcinnlttiotis ones] the proud Moabites. See ver. 29. 47. Yet wi// / bring again] Compare xlvi. 26, xlix. 6, 39. Thus far is the judgment of Moab] probably not the words of Jeremiah himself, but of Baruch, and inserted in editing the book. Chap. XLIX. 1—6. The Prophecy regarding Ammon. 1. Concerning the Ammonites] This peojile's territory was north of the Moabites, with whom they were, closely connected by descent. w. 2— 4j JEREMIAH, XLIX. 307 Hath Israel no sons ? Hath he no heir ? Why the7i doth their king inherit Gad, And his people dwell in his cities ? Therefore behold, the days come, saith the Lord, That I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites ; And it shall be a desolate heap. And her daughters shall be burnt with fire : Then shall Israel be heir unto them that were his heirs, saith the Lord. Howl, O Heshbon, for Ai is spoiled : Cry, ye daughters of Rabbah, gird ye with sackcloth ; Lament, and run to and fro by the hedges ; For their king shall go into captivity, And his priests and his princes together. Wherefore gloriest thou in the valleys, They seem to have originally possessed the country in which the tribe of Gad was placed after the conquest of Sihon, who had probably wrested it from Amnion, and no doubt their extirpation was never wholly effected even in Jewish times. They were a more wandering people than the Moabites, and had but one city of importance, Rabbah. The carrying away of the tribes on the east of Jordan by Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria {2 Kings xv. 29) strengthened their hands, and it is the occupation of the portion of Gad on that occasion which forms the crime dwelt on in this prophecy. Hath Israel no sons ?] He has been carried captive, it is true, but is he destitute of children, who will in due time return to claim the land which Amnion has wrongfully seized? See note on xli. 15. their king] Alilcom, the god of Amnion, and so in ver. 3. See I Kings xi. 5. Compare Chemosh (xlviii. 7) used as equivalent to Moab. inherit] take possession of. See note on viii. 10. 2. Rabbah] See above on ver. i. a desolate heap] See note on xxx. iS, The eminence on which it stands shall be laid waste. her daughters] the minor cities depending on her. Compare "daugh- ters of Rabbah" in ver. 3, and the margin of Numb. xxi. 25. 3. dJozul, Heshbon] Recognise that thy time is at hand, now that Ai has been captured and sacked by the enemy. Ai] not the city of Joshua vii. 2 etc., but one in the Ammonite terri- tory, and not elsewhere mentioned. Perhaps however we should read Ar (Is. XV. 1). hedges] inclosures of the vineyards. Hedge's in our sense of the word did not exist in those days. their king shall go] See note on ver. i. This part of the verse is taken with some modification from Amos i. 15. 20 — 2 3o8 JEREMIAH, XLIX. [w. 5—7 Thy flowing valley, O backsliding daughter ? That trusted in her treasures, saying, Who shall come unto me ? 5 Behold, I will bring a fear upon thee, saith the Lord God of hosts. From all those that be about thee ; And ye shall be driven out every man right forth ; And none shall gather up him that wandereth. 6 And afterward I will bring again the captivity of the children of Ammon, saith the Lord. 7 — 22. The Prophecy regarding Edom. 7 Concerning Edom, thus saith the Lord of hosts ; 4. Thy flowing valley\ This has been variously explained thy valley (i) flows (with abundance), (ii) flows away, i.e. the inhabitants are carried off. The Septuagint render, in the valleys of the Anakim. See note on xlvii. 5. 5. every man right forth] Compare Josh. vi. 5, eve^y man straight before hbn. The sense here is that each without thought of his neigh- bour shall flee the shortest way. none shall gather up him that wandereth] No one shall collect or rally the fugitives. 6. And afterward] Compare xlviii. 47. 7 — 22. The Prophecy regarding Edom. ' 7. Concerning Edom] Much of the earlier part of this section (viz. verses 7 — 16) is almost verbally the same as Obadiah r — 8. The latter prophet seems to have written (ver. 1 1) after the destruction of Jeru- salem, and yet the verses, which are by no means in the same order in both, appear to come in more natural sequence in Obadiah. To meet the difficulty hence arising it has been suggested [a) that the earlier part of Obadiah was written before Nebuchadnezzar's destruction of Jerusalem, the later part after that event, [b) that both prophets embodied in their writings an earlier prediction. It has also been conjectured by some that Obadiah refers not to the overthrow under Zedeiciah, but to that of Jehoram's time (2 Chron. xxi. 17). The bitter- ness of the tone in which Edom is addressed finds parallels in Lam. iv. 71, as also in Ps. cxxxvii. 7; Ezek. xxv. 12 — 14, xxxv. 15; Obad. 10—16, and is no doubt based upon a sense of the closeness of the tie of kinship between Edom and Israel. On the principle ' corruptio optimi pessima' the afBnity which existed made the unnatural exultation of Edom over the fallen fortunes of the Jews most offensive. See, in addition to the above passages, Amos i. 11, and for an apparent reference to the fulfilment of this prophecy against Edom, Mai. i. 3. vv. 8— lo.] JEREMIAH, XLIX. 309 Is wisdom no more in Teman ? Is counsel perished from the prudent ? Is their wisdom vanished ? Flee ye, turn back, 8 Dwell deep, O inhabitants of Dedan ; For I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him. The time that I will visit him. If grapegatherers come to thee, would they not leave 9 sotne gleaning grapes ? If thieves by night, they will destroy till they have enough. But I have made Esau bare, 10 I have uncovered his secret places. And he shall not be able to hide himself: His seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbours, and he is not. Is wisdom no more in Teman ?] Teman seems to have been re- nowned for this quality. See ver. 20. This and the succeeding ques- tions are a pointed way of calling attention to the stupefying suddenness and completeness of the calamity. Is it really so that the wisest of the nation are astonied, and incapable of tendering advice ? Teman'] in the northern part of Edom, the birthplace of Eliphaz (Job ii. 11). vanished] literally, poured out. The figure seems to be much the same as in chap. xix. 7 (see note), where however a different verb is used in the Hebrew. 8. Dwell deepf inhabitants of Dedari] For the position, etc. of the Dedanites, see note on chap. xxv. i^. They are here warned to retire from their accustomed intercourse with Edom, and keep well out of the way in the deserts, lest they should be involved in its ruin. 9. would they not leave some gleaning grapes ?] they will not leave g'leaning's. The Eng. Vers, makes the passage interrogative in order to bring it into closer correspondence with that in Obadiah. But there thieves and grape-gatherers are only introduced by way of illustra- tion, whereas in this case the enemy are absolutely called such. Thus Jeremiah, while adopting the language in Obadiah (if it be really so; see above), changes the whole form of the thought. till they have etiough] more literally, their fill. 10. But] For. The success of the enemy is to be attributed to the fact that they have God on their side. his secret places] the retreats and fastnesses of Edom. he shall not be able to hide himself] literally, he hides (i.e. tries to hide) himself, he is not able. his brethren] those who shared his countiy, e.g. the Amalekites (Amalek being a grandson of Esau, Gen. xxxvi. 12). 3IO JEREMIAH, XLIX. [vv. ii— 15. Leave thy fatherless children, 1 will preserve them alive ; And let thy widows trust in me. For thus saith the Lord ; Behold, they whose judgment 7vas not to drink of the cup have assuredly drunken \ And art thou he that shall altogether go unpunished? Thou shalt not go unpunished, but thou shalt surely drink of it. For I have sworn by myself, saith the Lord, That Bozrah shall become a desolation, A reproach, a waste, and a curse ; And all the cities thereof shall be perpetual wastes. I have heard a rumour from the Lord, And an ambassador is sent unto the heathen, sayings Gather ye together. And come against her, and rise up to the battle. For lo, I will make thee small among the heathen, And despised among men. his 7icighbours\ those mentioned in xxv 23. 11. Leave thy fatherless chiidreii] The apparent abruptness of this verse has given rise to much questioning among commentators. The most natural way of explaining it in connexion with the context is this. All that bear arms shall be cut off, none but their widows and orphans shall remain. Bereft however as these are, they may yet look to me for protection. 12. they whose judgment was 7iot to drhik"] For the metaphor, see note on xiii. 12. 'i'he reference is to Israel. If the chosen people of God shall not escape, how should Edom? 'Judgment' may either mean the Divine deci'ee., or perhaps better, rule., ciistofn. For an illustration of the latter sense, compare chap. viii. 7, with note. have assuredly drunken^ shall assuredly drink. 13. Bozrah {el-Busaireh)'] half way between Petra and the Dead Sea. Considerable ruins remain to this day. See note on chap, xlviii. 24. 14 — 18. These verses form the second part of the prophecy, and describe further the source and completeness of Edom's overthrow. 14. This and the following verse are in substance identical with the beginning of Obadiah. a ru7?iour'\ literally, a heari^ig, news. afubassador'] rather, messenger, since no negotiations but only a command was in question. 15. the heathen^ the nations. The Heb. would bear either render- ing, but the latter is better suited to the clause which follows. vv. 16-19.] JEREMIAH, XLIX. 311 Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, a7id the pride of 16 thine heart, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, That holdest the height of the hill : Though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, 1 will bring thee down from thence, saith the Lord. Also Edom shall be a desolation : x^ Every one that goeth by it shall be astonished, And shall hiss at all the plagues thereof As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah x8 And the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord, No man shall abide there. Neither shall a son of man dwell in it. Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of 19 Jordan 16. Thy terribleness] This is in all probability right, though the word does not occur elsewhere in the Bible, not even in the correspond- ing passage (ver. 4) of Obadiah. The sense is that Edom had duped herself into believing that the strongholds and mountain fastnesses of the country, which were a source of such alarm to an invader, made her impregnable. the clefts of the rock] The Heb. rendered rock is Sclah, and may therefore well be at least an allusion to the town of that name (2 Kings xiv. 7; Is. xvi. i) in the territory of Edom, whose position was as here described. It was probably the same as Petra, and "lay, though at a high level, in a hollow shut in by mountain-cliffs, and approached only by a narrow ravine" (Sm. Bible Diet., Art. 'Selah '). Similarly, the next clause 'the height of the hill' will contain an allusion to the position of Bozrah (ver. 13). 17. a desolation... shall be astonished] The substantive and verb are from the same root in the Heb., a fact which should be marked in the translation, an astonishment... shall be astonished, or, a dismay ...shall be dismayed. For these as well as for the words which follow, see note on xviii. 16. 18. Sodom and Gomorrah] The comparison appears to be taken from Deut. xxix. 23, where the neighbour cities are mentioned by name {Admah and Zeboim). It is repeated by Jeremiah in the next chapter (ver. 40). It may contain an allusion to Is. xiii. 19. a son of man] an amplification of the preceding *man' for greater force. 19. he shall come up] viz. the enemy who is to prevail over Edom. like a lion] The same comparison was used in chap. iv. 7. the swelling of yordaft] See note on chap. xii. 5. 312 JEREMIAH, XLIX. [v. 20. Against the habitation of the strong : But I will suddenly make him run away from her : And who is a chosen man, that I may appoint over her? For who is like me? and who will appoint me the time? And who is that shepherd that will stand before me ? Therefore hear the counsel of the Lord, That he hath taken against Edom ; And his purposes, that he hath purposed against the inha- bitants of Teman : Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out : Surely he shall make their habitations desolate with them Against the habitation of the strong\ The word here translated strongs rather means permanent, lasting (see note on mighty^ chap. V. 15), while habitation may as well be rendered pasturage (see note on chap. ix. 10). Accordingly a preferable sense here is, to the peren- nial pasturage. As that is the spot in which a lion searching for the flock would most naturally find his prey, so the enemy shall advance to the quarter where the Edomites are most thickly gathered, and vanquish them. In the following clause the masc. pronoun refers to Edom, the fem. to the habitation 01 pasturage. •who is a chosen juan, that I may appoint] rather, / will appoint him who is (my) chosen. appoint me the time] rightly explained in the Eng. margin, convent (i.e. convene) me in judgment, in other words, by naming, as the plaintiff in a suit had a right to do, the time of trial, claim the power of protesting against God's decision. 20. that he hath purposed against the inhabitants ofTetnan] Even the wisdom of the Temanites shall not protect them. That this was a feature of the place we gather both from ver. 7 above and from Obad. 8, 9. Surely the least of the flock shall draw them otit] or, Siirely they will drag them about, the little ones of the flock, the last words being in this case, in apposition to 'them' not to 'they.' With the latter rendering the sense will be, The enemy will do violence to the feeble Edomites crowding for shelter like sheep ; with the former. The feeblest among the Israelites shall suffice for the rooting out of Edom. The verb is used elsewhere in Jeremiah (xv. 3, "the dogs to /t-dir," and xxii. 19, *■' drawn and cast forth." Compare 2 Sam. xvii. 13) of dragging about. In adopting the Eng. Vers, thus modified, there is a certain amount of difficulty in speaking of the enemies of Edom as a flock, inasmuch as that nation has just been likened itself to one, but in the mouth of Jeremiah such a sudden change of figure is not after all very surprising, while this certainly appears the more natural mode of un- derstanding the Heb., which however is confessedly obscure. For a repetition of the passage, see 1. 45. he shall make their habitations desolate with them] better, their habi- tation (pasturage) shall be dismayed on account of them. The vv. 21—23.] JEREMIAH, XLIX. 313 The earth is moved at the noise of their fall, 21 At the cry, the noise thereof was heard in the Red sea- Behold, he shall come up and fly as the eagle, 22 And spread his wings over Bozrah : And at that day shall the heart of the mighty vien of Edom Be as the heart of a woman in her pangs. 23 — 27. The Prophecy regarding Dafuasacs. Concerning Damascus. 23 Hamath is confounded, and Arpad : For they have heard evil tidings : they are fainthearted ; There is sorrow on the sea ; it cannot be quiet. very dwelling-place of these dispirited fugitives shall be confounded at their fall. 21. is moved] quakes, trembles. At the cry. .."X The Heb. is purposely less smooth. A cry — at the Red Sea is heard its noise. Edom in its prosperity extended thither, as we gather from i Kings ix. 26. 22. hel the enemy. As he is strong as a lion, so also he is swift as an eagle. See note on xlviii. 40. 23—27. The Prophecy regarding Damascus. 23. Co7icer7iing Damascus'] In Syria, as it existed in the time of David, there were at least three cities of importance, Hamath, Zobah, and Damascus. The kingdom, of which the second of these was the capital, soon disappeared, and Damascus came to be held by a power- ful dynasty of kings, who reduced the other cities under their own sway. It is not known however what was the political condition of Syria at the time that Jeremiah wrote, but it is clear that it was to be no more exempt than other countries from the tread of the conqueror. The tidings of his approach reach one city after another, and fill them with dismay. Hamath] in the northern part of Syria, now Hamah. It was more than once subjected to Israel (2 Chron. viii. 4 ; 2 Kings xiv. 25). Arpad] Its position is not known with certainty. However, as being invariably mentioned along with Hamath (2 Kings xviii. 34, xix. 13 ; Is. X. 9, xxxvi. 19, xxxvii. 13), it must have been situated near it. they are fainthearted] literally, they waste {fnelt) away. The same word is used of the Canaanites, Exod. xv. 15. Thcj-e is soi-row on the sea] If we keep this reading, which is much the better supported of the two, the sense will be, the trouble extends to the very shore, i.e. throughout the country. It is objected that a certain number of Heb. MSS. read as the sea, thus agreeing with the accepted reading in Is. Ivii. 20, from which the next clause seems taken. It is unlikely that the change from as to on, although involving 314 JEREMIAH, XLIX. [vv. 24—28. 24 Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, And fear hath seized on her: Anguish and sorrows have taken her as a woman in travail. 25 How is the city of praise not left, The city of my joy ! 26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day, Saith the Lord of hosts. 27 And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-hadad. 28 — ^iZ- ^^^ Prophecy regarding Kedar and Hazor. 28 Concerning Kedar, and concerning the kingdoms of but a slight alteration in the shape of one Heb. letter, would have been made in this place. If, in consideration of the borrowing of the last clause from Is., we seek the same sense for the word 'sea' here as holds in that passage, we must explain it of the trouble-tossed, anxious hearts, saddened by the ill news. 24. is waxed feeble] literally, has become slack, discou7'aged. and turneth'] The and is best omitted : she turneth. 25. These, which are clearly still the words of the prophet la- menting over the fortunes of so fair a city as Damascus, have been understood as meaning, either. How sad that the city has not been left untouched, or (and much better). How sad that she has not been forsaken by her inhabitants before her fall. This agrees both with the preceding verse, describing the paralysis that has taken possession of the people, and prevented them from saving themselves by flight, and also with the following words, which tell of the destruction to be wrought in the streets of the town. 26. shall be act off] Some would render shall be silent (the Heb. being somewhat ambiguous in sense). See, however, note on viii. 14J in which verse the same word is rendered twice in the latter sense [silent, silence). 27. / will kindle a fire] This verse is made up of Amos i. 4, 14. The expression, kindle a fire, denotes elsewhere also the ravages of war, e.g. Numb. xxi. 28 ; Deut. xxxii. 32. Benhadad (son of Hadad) was the name, possibly rather the title, of several kings of Syria. 28—33. The Prophecy regarding Kedar and Hazor. ^ 28. Concerning Kedar, and concerning the kini^doms of Hazor] This section may be divided into two sub-sections, which closely correspond in length, sense and structure. Each consists of three verses, and the three consecutive thoughts in each are (i) a summons of the enemy w. 29—31.] JEREMIAH, XLIX. 315 Hazor, which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon shall smite, thus saith the Lord ; Arise ye, go up to Kedar, And spoil the men of the east.> Their tents and their flocks shall they take aivay : 29 They shall take to themselves their curtains, And all their vessels, and their camels ; And they shall cry unto them, Fear is on every side. Flee, get you far off, dwell deep, O ye inhabitants of 30 Hazor, Saith the Lord ; For Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath taken counsel against you, And hath conceived a purpose against you. Arise, get you up unto the wealthy nation, - 31 That dwelleth without care, saith the Lord, to the attack, (ii) a promise of booty, (iii) an intimation that safety would be sought only in flight. For Kedar, see note on chap. ii. 10. As regards Hazor, in all its other occurrences it denotes some town in Palestine, a sense which cannot belong to it here. It is generally agreed, that as Kedar means the nomad Arabs, so Plazor, from the Heb. hazir, an unwalled town, refers to that part of the nation which used fixed dwellings, and this fits in with the fact that "the stationary Arabs... are still called Hadariye. ...hadar is a fixed abode." Clark's Delitzsch^s Isaiah^ Vol. il. p. 182. shall smite] literally, hath smitten. It is therefore probable, that this clause was subsequently inserted, as perhaps that of chap, xlvii. i ("before that Pharaoh smote Gaza"), where see note. 29. curtains'] See note on chap. iv. ^o. Fear is on every side] See note on chap. vi. 25. 30. dwell deep] See ver. 8, with note. agaijist yoji (2'') ] against them, which is the other reading in the Heb., is much the more probable one. The pronouns J(3M and thetn will both indeed refer to the people of Hazor, but as in the clause following (ver. 31) that people are spoken of in the third person, while the Chaldaeans have begun to be addressed as 'you,' this reading in ver. 30 will supply a transition. The people of Hazor are no longer addressed with eagerness, but are spoken of as at a greater distance from the speaker's point of view. 31. Arise] Addressed to the Chaldaeans. wealthy] rather, tranquil, dwelling at ease. Three grounds of encouragement are given to the invading army, {a) the people have felt hitherto secure against attack, (b) they have no walled towns, {c) they have no powerful neighbours, from whom to seek aid. 3i6 JEREMIAH, XLIX. [vv. 32—35. Which have neither gates nor bars, which dwell alone. 32 And their camels shall be a booty, And the multitude of their cattle a spoil : And I will scatter into all winds them that are in the utmost corners ; And I will bring their calamity from all sides thereof, saith the Lord. 33 And Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. And a desolation for ever : There shall no man abide there, Nor a7iy son of man dwell in it. 34 — 39. The Prophecy regarding Elam. 34 The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying, 35 Thus saith the Lord of hosts ; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, The chief of their might. 32. them that are in the utmost corner s\ See note on chap. ix. 26. 33. dragons] jackals. See note on chap. ix. 11. 34 — 39. The Prophecy regarding Elam. 34. The LXX., who place this prophecy as chap. xxv. 14, etc., headed simply by the words to, AlXdp., the Elam, subsequently have the substance of the present verse as chap. xxvi. i, followed however by the prophecy against Egypt (our xlvi. 2, etc.), thus shewing some confusion in their manuscripts, or in those from which their translation was derived. According to the Heb. order, Jeremiah proceeds from the nations bordering on Palestine to the more remote. £/am] now Chitzistan, a country west of the Tigris, which river separated it from Chaldaea. We see from Ezra iv. 9, that Elam once was subject to Assyria. As in the case of so many others, we are with- out materials for determining anything as to the date or manner of fulfilment of this prophecy, and are thus quite uncertain whether it points to an overthrow on the part of the Babylonian power (which however the prophecy itself in no way even suggests) or on the part of any other. in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah] thus about seven years later (chap. xlvi. 1) than the preceding prophecies of this group, but some- what earlier than the long prophecy against Babylon that follows. See chap. li. 59. 35. the bow of Elam] the weapon on which the nation chiefly relied. Compare Is. xxii. 6. vv. 36—39.] JEREMIAH, XLIX. 317 And upon Elam will I bring the four winds 36 From the four quarters of heaven, And will scatter them towards all those winds ; And there shall be no nation Whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come. For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their 37 enemies. And before them that seek their life : And I will bring evil upon them, Even my fierce anger, saith the Lord ; And I will send the sword after them, Till I have consumed them : And I will set my throne in Elam, 38 And will destroy from thence the king and the princes, Saith the Lord. But it shall come to pass in the latter days, 39 That I will bring again the captivity of Elam, Saith the Lord. 36. the four winds] invaders from all sides. 38. set my throne in] sit in judgment upon. the king atid the princes] king and princes. No particjilar persons are meant. Chap. L. The Prophecy regarding Babylon. This and the following chapter have been held by some commenta- tors not to be a genuine part of Jeremiah's writings, but to have been written by Baruch or some other at a time considerably later than that assigned to them in li. 59, perhaps about the middle of the exile. The chief reasons for the above view are these : — {a) Jeremiah elsewhere speaks in friendly terms of the Chaldaeans ; here he predicts their overthrow. {b) Style and words betray a writer other than the prophet. {c) There is a greater knowledge of Babylonian customs, of topo- graphy, etc. than could be expected from Jeremiah. To {a) we may reply : Jeremiah elsewhere is pointing out the Chaldaeans as the ministers of God's vengeance, and urging upon his countrymen the necessity of yielding to them. Thus he could not help appearing as though on the Chaldaean side, being opposed to the transgressions of his countrymen, which were bringing punishment in this form. Already however, viz. in chap. xxv. 12, 26, we have the thoughts of which these chapters are the natural development. To {b), The style, to say the least of it, so closely resembles Jeremiah's, that we cannot suppose it to be the product of an imitator, working in accordance with the theory above-mentioned at a distance from Jerusa- lem. This is shewn by such a passage as chap. 1. 5, "They shall ask 3i8 JEREMIAH, L. [vv. i, 2. Chap. L. The Prophecy regarding Babylon. I — 7. Babylon shall fall and Israel return. 50 The word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet. 2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard ; the way to Zion with their faces hithey-zuard." "How certainly any one not living at Jerusalem would have said thitherward is shewn by our translators having actually so rendered it in the Eng. Vers. One little undesigned touch like this is more convincing than elaborate argu- ments" {Sp. Conifji.). As regards the words quoted as of later date than Zedekiah's time, the contrary can be conclusively shewn in the case of each. To (r), The knowledge here referred to is nothing but what might naturally be expected in the case of a prophet living in frequent inter- course with the Chaldaeans, and who may very possibly have already spent some time in Babylon. (See note on xiii. i.) In general we may add that the words of li. 51 are much more in accordance with the time after Nebuchadnezzar's phmdcring of the Temple in Jehoiakim's reign than with the period which followed its destruction, and further that the mention of the "kings of the Medes " (li. II, 28) and not the Persians, as the conquerors of Babylon, points to a time when the former power was still in the ascendant, and conse- quently precludes the supposition entertained by those who would main- tain that the prediction was made only just before its fulfilment. By the time of the actual capture of Babylon the Persians had acquired the ascendancy, and the Medes, though sharing with them in the attack and thus fulfilling what is here predicted, played but a subordinate part. This prophecy against Babylon forms an appropriate conclusion to the series. The nations immediately bordering upon Palestine have had their fate foretold, and then the more remote, but none the less is that Empire, which is to execute God's vengeance upon them, destined in its turn to fall. And this, the climax of the prophecies against foreign nations, is marked by the grandeur of the images employed by the prophet. Babylon is a golden cup, from which all the nations have been forced to drink the wine of God's wrath (li. 7); God brings forth from His armoury the weapons of His indignation for her destruction (1. 25); Babylon is a volcano which has poured out flames upon all the nations round, and now shall itself be consumed, while Israel the people of God shall at length be delivered from her oppressors and restored to her land. 1—7. Babylon shall fall and Israel return. 2. set up a standard] lift up a standard, as the speediest way of calling attention to the news. vv. 3—5.] JEREMIAH, L. 319 . Publish, and conceal not : Say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces ; Her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces. For out of the north there cometh up a nation against 3 her. Which shall make her land desolate. And none shall dwell therein : They shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast. In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord, 4 The children of Israel shall come, They and the children of Judah together, Going and weeping : they shall go. And seek the Lord their God. They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thither- 5 ward, sayi7ig^ Bel... Merodach'] If the first of these was the sun-god, he was no doubt the same as Baal. It is more likely however that he is to be identified with Jupiter, and that Merodach is not a distinct deity, but only another name (perhaps originally a title) of Bel. He was the guardian divinity of Babylon, but under the name Merodach (Marduk of the cuneiform inscriptions) does not seem to have been worshipped till the time of Pul and onwards. The inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar's time speak of him as ** the great lord, the senior of the gods, the most ancient." His name is contained in that of two Babylonian kings, Evil- Merodach, son of Nebuchadnezzar (lii. 31 ; 2 Kings xxv. 27), and Merodach-Baladan (margin of 2 Kings xx. 12 ; Is. xxxix. i), is confounded... are confounded] is ashamed... ar*? ashamed. The words 'idols' and 'images' would be better transposed in the Eng. Vers. The Heb. for the latter is a term of contempt, meaning literally, what may be rolled about, senseless logs or lumps. 3. Old of the north] The Medo- Persian Empire is meant. Media was north-west of Babylon. cof?ieih up] This and the last two v-erbs of the verse ('shall remove ...shall depart') will be more forcibly as well as literally rendered by the (prophetic) past {hath cojjie up... have fled... are gone). Which shall 7?iake] It shall make. 4. The overthrow of Babylon shall be the signal for the deliverance and return of the people of God. They and the children of Judah together] See ch. iii. 18 with note. Going and weeping: they shall go] The colon should be placed before going. They shall go up weeping as they go. 5. They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward] more 320 JEREMIAH, L. [vv. 6—9. Come, and let us join ourselves to the Lord In a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten. My people hath been lost sheep : Their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains : They have gone from mountain to hill. They have forgotten their resting place. All that found them have devoured them : And their adversaries said, We offend not. Because they have sinned against the Lord, the habita- tion of justice. Even the Lord, the hope of their fathers. 8 — 16. ChaldaecCs Exultation over Israel shall he ptinished. Remove out of the midst of Babylon, And go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, And be as the he goats before the flocks. For lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon literally, They shall enquire about Zion ; to the %vay hitlieii-vard are their faces turned. For hitherward see introductory note to this chapter. 6. they have turned them away on the mountains'] If we take the present (Massoretic) text in the Heb., where however the reading is very doubtful, we should rather render on seducing mountains, to be con- nected immediately with ' have caused them to go astray.' The refer- ence is to the mountains as the favourite seats for idolatry, and to their enticing influence as such upon the people. They have gone from motintain to hill ] they have simply passed from one idolatrous picture to another. resting place\ literally, crouching place, the fold in which they should lie. 7. We offend not] For this v^^ord see note on ii. 3. The enemy's plea is, Israel is no longer holy to the Lord, and thus it is no sacrilege, though we devour her, the habitation 0/ justice] The same expression is used of Jerusalem in xxxi. 23. 8 — 16. Chaldaea's Exultation over Israel shall be punished. 8. Having told of the repentance of Israel, and of their sufferings in the land of exile, he now calls upon them to set out upon their return. Babylon] See note on ver. 16. be as the he goats] strive each to outstrip his neighbour in your alacrity and joy. A better reading perhaps is, let them go forth... and let them be... 9. raise] awaken. vv. lo— 12.] JEREMIAH, L. 321 An assembly of great nations from the north country : And they shall set themselves in array against her ; From thence she shall be taken : Their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert 77ian ; None shall return in vain. And Chaldea shall be a spoil : All that spoil her shall be satisfied, saith the Lord. Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of mine heritage, Because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass. And bellow as bulls ; Your mother shall be sore confounded ; She that bare you shall be ashamed : Behold, the hindermost of the nations Shall be a, wilderness, a dry land, and a desert. an assembly of great nations'] the Medo- Persian Empire. See the names of individual nations who helped to compose it in li. 27, 28, expert man'] This is much better than the reading in the Eng. margin, viz. destroyer. In the Heb. the two differ by the position of a dot. none shall return] Arrows do not in any case return, as does e.g. a sword. Therefore we may not on the analogy of the expression con- tained in 2 Sam. i. 22 understand none of the arrows, but rather of the warriors. 11. This verse is probably to be connected with the preceding, and thus gives the reason why Chaldaea is to be spoiled. We should there- fore make ver. 12 begin a new sentence, and not form part of this one, as in the Eng. Vers. If on the other hand we retain the punctua- tion adopted in our Vers., we had best render not Because but Although. The verbs in the Heb. are in the fern, sing., but have been altered to the plural through a failure to perceive that the former might be used of the nation. In the English however we must keep the plural on account of the word ' destroyers.' destroyers] plunderers. are grown fat] leap. at grass] better, threshing. The command not to mu/zle the mouth of the ox that trode out the corn (Deut. xxv. 4) would bring about special playfulness on the part of the animals thus unusually well fed. bellow as bulls] neigh as steeds. For the last word see note on viii. 16. 12. confomided] ashamed, a word closely akin to that used twice in ver. 2. shall be ashamed] shall blush. the hindermost of the nations shall be...] rather, she shall he the hindermost of the nations, a wilderness, a desert, and a waste. r>aby]on, JEREMIAH 2 I 322 JEREMIAH, L. [vv. 13- 16. Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inha- bited, But it shall be wholly desolate : every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, And hiss at all her plagues. Put yourselves in array against Babylon round about : All ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows : For she hath sinned against the Lord. Shout against her round about : She hath given her hand : Her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down : For it is the vengeance of the Lord : take vengeance upon her ; As she hath done, do unto her. Cut off the sower from Babylon, which was as Amalek of old (Numb. xxiv. 20) ** the first of the nations," shall now take the lowest place. 13. For the language of this verse see chaps xviii. 16, xix. 8, xlix. 17, with notes. 14. Babylon's enemies are called upon to begin the siege, and that the picture may be the more graphic, the archers in particular are addressed. 15. Shout] Raise the battle cry. she hath given her hand] This expression denotes to make an agree- ment^ bargain, and hence to submit oticself. Its application is illustrated by the following passages: Gen. xxiv. 2, xlvii. 29; 2 Kings x. 15; I Chron. xxix. 24 (margin) ; 2 Chron. xxx. 8 (margin) ; Ezra x. 19 ; Lam. v. 6. Compare the Eatin phrase manus dare. foundations] rather, supports, battlements, that on which the city rests her strength : so the Septuagint. her walls are thrown down] This was not done by Cyrus, who entered the city beneath the walls by the river bed, after diverting. the stream. It therefore points on to the later capture of Babylon by Darius, who "having become master of the place, destroyed the wall, and tore down all the gates ; for Cyrus had done neither the one nor the other when he took Babylon." Herod. Bk. iii. 159 (Rawl.). See however Rawlinson's note, shewing that breaches in the wall are all that can have been here meant. // is the vengeaftce of the Lord] because Babylon has afflicted His people. 16. Cut off the sower from Babylon] As the word used is Babylon, not Chaldaea, it has been thought that the reference is to the large spaces which we know were reserved within the city for agricultural and pastoral purposes in case of siege. It is better however to take Babylon (as probably in ver. 8 above) to be equivalent to Babylonia, vv. 17—19.] JEREMIAH, L. 323 And him that handleth the sickle in the time of harvest ; For fear of the oppressing sword They shall turn every one to his people, And they shall flee every one to his own land. 17 — 20. While punishment is decreed for Baby lo ft, Restora- tion and Forgiveness shall be the Lot of Israel. Israel is a scattered sheep ; 17 The lions have driven him away : First the king of Assyria hath devoured him ; And last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones. Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God ofi3 Israel ; Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, As I have punished the king of Assyria. And I will bring Israel again to his habitation, 19 whose fertility is thus described by Herod. Bk. i. 193 (Rawl.), "in grain it is so fruitful as to yield commonly two hundred-fold, and when the production is the greatest, even three hundred-fold." As Cyrus was careful to spare the country about Babylon, this feature of the attack may also point to a subsequent siege (see ver. 15). sickle\ better than the marginal scythe, as a small instrument is meant, such as was used for cutting grapes (Joel iii. 13). they shall turn... "l taken from Is. xiii. 14. The members of different conquered nations, whom Nebuchadnezzar had brought together to servitude in Babylon, shall be freed. 17 — 20. While punishment is decreed for Babylon, Restora- tion AND Forgiveness shall be the Lot of Israel. 17. The people of God are like a stray sheep, driven hither and thither and preyed upon by savage beasts. the lions'] lions. first the king of Assyria hath devoured hini] the first (lion) devoured him, (even) the king of Assyria. attd last... bones'] and this one, the last, hath... (even) Nebuchadrezzar king' of Babylon. The people, thoroughly weakened by the wars with Assyria, and by the captivity of the Ten Tribes, have afterwards had the feeble remnant of their strength crushed at the hands of Babylon. Assyria was a mighty Empire, but it has already paid the penalty for its cruelty towards the people of God. Such too shall be the fate of Babylon. 19. habitation] pasture-ground. This, while an equally accurate rendering of the Heb., accords better with the figure of speech found in 324 JEREMIAH, L. [vv. 20—23. And he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, And his soul shall be satisfied upon mount Ephraim and Gilead. 3 In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord, The iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none ; And the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found : For I will pardon them whom I reserve. 21 — 32. Babylon^ both city and country, is hopelessly doo?ned. t Go up against the land of Merethaim, even against it, And against the inhabitants of Pekod : Waste and utterly destroy after them, saith the Lord, And do according to all that I have commanded thee. . A sound of battle is in the land, And of great destruction. ; How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken ! the remainder of the verse. The parts of the land which follow are chosen as those which were most productive. 20. In those days and in that time] the fonnula for introducing a prophecy which has to do with the times of the Messiah. Compare note on chap, xxiii. 5. Thus we see that the return of the people from Babylon is to be itself typical of the great and glorious period to follow for the Church of God. whom I reserve] literally, whom I cause to remain, the remnant, who come forth at the end out of the long tribulation. 21—32. Babylon, both city and country, is hopelessly DOOMED. 21. Merethaim... Pekod] Modern investigations have ascertained the existence of the latter name as that of a place in Babylonia ; it is therefore at least possible that the former may also have existed. Whether however Jeremiah intended to play upon the names of actually existent places or not, he doubtless meant to emphasize the senses of these two names, viz. double rebellion... punishment. The former, which has the Ileb. termination of the dual number, is formed on the analogy of such words as Mizraim, Aram-Naharaim, etc., and double seems not to have reference to any two distinct acts of rebellion, but rather to mean intense, that which exceeds the rebellion of other nations. Com- pare ver. 31. See also note on xvii. 18. waste] better, slay, as the context in ver. 27 shews that the same verb is there to be rendered. 23. the hammer] For the figure itself compare xxiii. -29. The title, vv. 24—27.] JEREMIAH, L. 325 How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations ! I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O 24 Babylon, And thou wast not aware : Thou art found, and also caught, Because thou hast striven against the Lord. The Lord hath opened his armoury, 25 And hath brought forth the weapons of his indignation : For this is the work of the Lord God of hosts In the land of the Chaldeans. Come against her from the utmost border, 26 Open her storehouses : Cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly : Let nothing of her be left. Slay all her bullocks ; let them go down to the slaughter : 27 here given to Babylon, has been applied in other times to individuals, to Judas Maccabaeus (Heb. Makkabh = a hammer, though this derivation for the name is but dubious), for his victories over Syria, to Charles Martel (French), who was grandfather of Charles the Great, and conquered the Saracens in a decisive battle at Tours in 732 a. D., and to Edward I. of England, on whose tomb at Westminster Abbey are inscribed the words " Scotorum. Malleus.'''' 24. / have laid a snare for thee'] If this refer to the capture by Cyrus, see note on ver. 1 5 above for the manner in which it was effected. "Whether however it applies to that occasion, or to Darius's later capture by Zopyrus's stratagem, the following words "thou wast not aware" will have equal point, as Herodotus speaks in each case of the amazement of the inhabitants (Bk. i. 191, iii. 158). 25. armoury] literally, store-house. the weapons of his indignation] used also in Is. xiii. 5 of the nations who unconsciously discharge God's bidding in war. for this is the work of the Lord God of hosts] for the Lord, the Lord of hosts, hath a work. 26. from the utmost bordei'] The Heb. is 'from the end,' which may mean either as in Eng. Vers., or, all from every quarter, eve7y one from first to last. store-houses] quite a different word from that so rendered in ver. 25, and meaning granaries. cast her tip as heaps] pile up the treasures of grain which are contained in her and consume them in the midst of her. 27. Slay] See note on ver. -2 1 . her bullocks] her choice youths, the flower of her army. For the expression 'go down to the slaughter' compare xlviii. 15, and for 'the time of their visitation' xlvi. 11. 326 JEREMIAH, L. [vv. 28—32. Woe unto them ! for their day is come, The time of their visitation. 28 The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, To declare in Zion the vengeance of the Lord our God, The vengeance of his temple. 29 Call together the archers against Babylon: All ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; Let none thereof escape : Recompense her according to her work; According to all that she hath done, do unto her : For she hath been proud against the Lord, against the Holy One of Israel, jo Therefore shall her young men fall in the streets, And all her men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the Lord. 31 Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, Saith the Lord God of hosts : For thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee. 32 And the most proud shall stumble and fall, And none shall raise him up: And I will kindle a fire in his cities, And it shall devour all round about him. 28. them that flee\ the liberated Jews. the vengeance of his temple\\\\^ xt.Q;^x\\.2\ for having burned it in their final capture of Jerusalem. 29. the archers\ This is no doubt right, as is shewn by the context, although the old rendering of the word was many. against zV] against her, so as 16 agree with the subsequent pronouns, which have the same reference. proudi presvimptuous. 30. This verse has occurred in words almost absolutely the same viith regard to Damascus (xlix. 26, where see note). 31. O thou most proud] literally, O (thou who art) Presumption (itself); so also in next verse. Compare ver. ai. 32. raise him] raise her, the reference being to Babylon as before. In the Heb. indeed the pronoun is masc, but only because that is the gender of the noun by which Babylon is here called (Presumption). and 1 zvill kindle...] The latter part of the verse is almost a tran- script of xxi. i^h, except that for in his cities that passage has "in the forest thereof." vv. 33—36.] JEREMIAH, L. 327 33 — 40. The Prophet enlarges upon the thoroughness with which Babylon shall be destroyed. Thus saith the Lord of hosts ; 33 The children of Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together: And all that took them captives held them fast; They refused to let them go. Their redeemer is strong; 34 The Lord of hosts is his name : He shall thoroughly plead their cause, That he may give rest to the land. And disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. A sword is upon the Chaldeans, saith the Lord, 35 And upon the inhabitants of Babylon, And upon her princes, and upon her wise men. A sword is upon the liars; and they shall dote: 36 33 — 40, The Prophet enlarges upon the thoroughness WITH which Babylon shall be destroyed. 33. were oppressed'] are oppressed. held...refiised'\ have held . . .hz^Ye refused. The Babylonian oppressors are acting like Pharaoh of old. 34. redeemer'] The Heb, is Goel^ the title of the near kinsman, to whom according to Jewish law belonged the duty of revenging a murder, as well as that of advocate and general protector. In like manner the Lord is about to rescue His people and take vengeance upon their foe, he shall thoroughly plead their cause] hieraWy, pleading he will plead their plea. may give rest] It is all one word in the Heb., and some would on the contrary render may trouble^ a sense which another part of the same Heb, verb is found to bear. This however neither fits the require- ments of the passage here so well, nor is it in harmony with Is, xiv. 7, 16, where, as here, the overthrow of Babylon is the subject. land] eartli. All known nations had been more or less troubled by Babylon. 35. upon her princes, and upon her wise men] The former were the rulers in civil the latter in religious matters. Astrology was much practised in Chaldaea, 36. liars] more literally, babblers, utterers of random prophecies, dote] be mad, foolish. So i Tim, vi, 4. The derived sense, to be foolishly yi7m/, occurs in Ezek, xxiii, 5, etc. Compare, as illustrating the sense in the present passage : Unless the fear of death doth make me dote, I see my son Antipholus and Dromio. Shakespeare, Cotn. of Err., v, r. Bible Word Book. 328 JEREMIAH, L. [vv. 37—40 A sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be disr mayed. 37 A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, And upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; And they shall become as women: A sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed. 38 A drought is upon her waters ; and they shall be dried up : For it is the land of graven images, And they are mad upon their idols. 39 Therefore the wild beasts of the desert With the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell f/iere^ And the owls shall dwell therein : And it shall be no more inhabited for ever; Neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation. 40 As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah 37. their... their\ literally, his.. .his, referring either to the king of Babylon, or to Babylon itself. See note on ver. 32. the mingled people\ See note on xxv. 20. 38. A droughtl The words for drought and sword (dififering by one vowel only) are sufficiently like to make it quite possible that here as at the beginning of the two previous verses the latter should be read. In that case s^uord will be equivalent to war, and the reference will be to the stratagem by which Cyrus captured the city. Drought on the contrary will more naturally refer to the drying up of the many canals by which the water of the Euphrates was distributed throughout the whole country for drainage and irrigation as well as for commercial purposes. Compare li. 13. the land'\ a land. their idols'\ idols, literally, terrors, as meaning probably the grotesque objects by which the heathen often represent their gods. 39. the wild beasts of the desert] The whole is expressed by one word in the Heb., and means those who dwell in the desert, either men as in Ps. Ixxii. 9, or beasts, as here. the 7uild beasts of the islands'] the jackals, literally, the shriekcrs. The word here used probably denotes the whole class, Tannin on the other hand (see chap. ix. 1 1 with note) being a particular species. owls] ostriclies. It appears however that the former animals are also found there. " Shapeless heaps of rubbish cover for many an acre the face of tlie land. The lofty banks of ancient canals fret the country like natural ridges of hills. ..Owls" (which are of a large grey kind, and often fountl in flocks of nearly a hundred) "start from the scanty thickets, and the foul jackal skulks through the finiows. " (Layard's Nineveh and Babylon,^. 484, quoted by Rawln., Herod, vol. i. p. 434). 40. See xlix. 18. vv. 41— 44-] JEREMIAH, L. 329 And the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord; So shall no man abide there. Neither shall any son of man dwell therein. 41 — 43. Picture of the enemy's approach. Behold, a people shall come from the north, 4, And a great nation, and many kings Shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. They shall hold the bow and the lance: 42 They are cruel, and will not shew mercy: Their voice shall roar like the sea, And they shall ride upon horses, Every one put in array, like a man to the battle, Against thee, O daughter of Babylon. The king of Babylon hath heard the report of them, 43 And his hands waxed feeble : Anguish took hold of him, And pangs as of a woman in travail. 44 — 46. // is the Lord's decree and therefore inevitable and terrible. Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of 44 Jordan Unto the habitation of the strong: But I will make them suddenly run away from her: And who is a chosen man^ that I may appoint over her? For who is Hke me? and who will appoint me the time? And who is that shepherd that will stand before me? Therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord, 15 41 — 43. Picture of the enemy's approach. 41 — 43. A repetition, with the necessary changes, of vi. 22 — 24, where Jerusalem is the object of the threat. See notes on that passage. Here 'and many kings' (ver. 41) is added to suit the present appli- cation. 44—46. It is the Lord's decree and therefore inevitable AND terrible. 44 — 46, This passage also is adapted from a preceding one, viz. that concerning Edom (xlix. 19—21, where see notes), the difference in the comparative importance of the two being well marked by the fact that now the cry is no longer heard ' ' in the Red Sea " only, but in general among the nations. 330 JEREMIAH, L. LI. [vv. 46;!— 3. That he hath taken against Babylon ; And his purposes, that he hath purposed against the land of the Chaldeans : Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out : Surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them. 46 At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, And the cry is heard among the nations. Chap. LI. i — 14. // only remains for Israel to depart and leave Babylon to its fate. 51 Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, And against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, A destroying wind ; 2 And will send unto Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, And shall empty her land : For in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about. 3 Against hint that bendeth let the archer bend his bow, Chap. LI. i — 14. It only remains for Israel to depart and LEAVE Babylon to its fate. 1. in the 7nidst of theni that rise up against me'] For the figure of Atbash, by which the expression in the text is equivalent to Chaldaeans, see note on xxv. 26. Another proof that Jeremiah was a sharer in the love which his countrymen had for artificial arrangement of the letters of the alphabet is given by the fact that the greater part of the Lamenta- tions (chaps, i— iv) is alphabetical. See Introduction to Lamentations, Chap. 1. § 4. a destroying wind] or, the spirit of a destroyer, but the former reading is better suited to the subsequent context. 2. fanners] The Heb., as it stands, is strangers, but by a very slight change can be rendered as in the Eng. Vers,, so as to correspond to the verb that follows. empty] the same verb as that which is translated "make void" in xix. 7, where see note. 3. Although the Babylonians post themselves on the walls with their weapons and arrayed in armour, yet the archer is to attack them from without, and not one of the fighting men is to be spared. Some grammatical difficulty is presented by the first words of the verse in the original: and it is somewhat tempting to alter them (as we easily may) thus, Let not the archer bend his bow, and let none lift, etc. The words which follow however shew that it is not the attacked but the attacking host that are addressed. The Eng. Vers, is therefore to be preferred. vv. 4—8.] JEREMIAH, LI. 331 And against him that lifteth himself up in his brigan- dine : And spare ye not her young men; Destroy ye utterly all her host. Thus the slain shall fall in the land of the Chaldeans, And they that are thrust through in her streets. For Israel hath not been forsaken, Nor Judah of his God, of the Lord of hosts; Though their land was filled with sin Against the Holy One of Israel. Flee out of the midst of Babylon, And deliver every man his soul : Be not cut off in her iniquity; For this is the time of the Lord's vengeance ; He will render unto her a recompence. Babylon hath bee?i a golden cup in the Lord's hand, That made all the earth drunken : The nations have drunken of her wine ; Therefore the nations are mad. Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed : 1 Howl for her ; brigandtne] see note on xlvi. 4. 4. Thjis the slain shall fall... and they that are thrust throtigh"] rather, And they shall fall slain... and thrust through. 5. For'] The reason of the overthrow of the Chaldaeans is that God remembers Israel, and again the reason of His remembering Israel is the wickedness of Chaldaea. This is the connexion of thought and consequently though of the Eng. Vers, should also be for, their referring to the Chaldaeans. Forsaken is literally widowed. sin] rather, guiltiness. the Holy One] The Septuagint here, as elsewhere also, render holy oneSy without any authority. 6. soul] life. be not cut off] See note on xlix. 26. 7. a golden cup] In chap. xxv. 15, 16 it was Jeremiah himself who was commanded to make the nations drink of the wine of God's wrath. Inasmuch however as Babylon was the means which God employed for their overthrow, she is here spoken of under the same figure, as having made all the nations drunk. She is called a golden cup from the splendour and glory which belonged to her as an empire. For the New Test, application of the figure to the spiritual Babylon see Rev. xvii. 4, 5. 8. howl for her] This is addressed to the Jews and other nations, held captive in Babylon. The terrible character of her fall is most 332 JEREMIAH, LI. [vv. 9-12. Take balm for her pain, If so be she may be healed. I We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed : Forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country : For her judgment reacheth unto heaven, And is lifted up even to the skies. The Lord hath brought forth our righteousness : Come, and let us declare in Zion The work of the Lord our God. Make bright the arrows : gather the shields : The Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes : For his device is against Babylon, to destroy it ; Because it is the vengeance of the Lord, The vengeance of his temple. Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, skilfully suggested by the prophet when he thus calls upon those who had suffered most grievously at her hands to have compassion upon the ills of their former oppressor. take baling compare xlvi. 1 1. 9. We would have healed^ literally, We have healed, i.e. We have tried to heal. The Jews speak in the name of all the exiles in Babylon. her judgment] her guilt, skies] literally, clouds. 10. hath brought forth our righteousness] hath made known the justice of our cause (by thus delivering our enemy over to the sword). God has at length judged that the idolatry of the people has been sufficiently punished, and thus they are again to be treated as righteous. 11. Make bright] or, sharpen. gather] Hterally, fill, i.e. place your arms within, or your bodies behind, them. Compare the expression in margin of 2 Kings ix. 24, *' filled his hand with a bow," i.e. grasped it. shields] The Septuagint, who vary much in their rendering of the Heb. word, here and in Ezek. xxvii. 1 1 have quivers, and they are followed by the Vulgate, but this rendering seems to have been adopted merely as being apparently most suited to the present context. Both here and in the other passages where the Hebrew word occurs, it is best taken to mean shields. the kings of the Medes] Media was a country lying north-west of Persia. It consisted in early times of a number of small tribes, whos^ leaders are here called 'kings.' It was the Medo-Persian empire that succeeded by conquest to the dominions of Babylon. For the last words of this verse compare 1. 28 with note. 12. upon] against. Although the Heb. preposition is not free from vv. 13—16.] JEREMIAH, LI. 333 Make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, Prepare the ambushes : For the Lord hath both devised and done That which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon. O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in 13 treasures, Thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness. The Lord of hosts hath sworn by himself, sayings 14 Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillars ; And they shall lift up a shout against thee. 15 — 19. The Creator of the Universe alone is God. He hath made the earth by his power, is He hath established the world by his wisdom. And hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding. When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters 16 in the heavens ; And he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth : ambiguity, yet the words 'prepare the ambushes' that follow, seem to decide that throughout the verse the besiegers and not the besieged are addressed. the ambushes] to attack any of the besieged that ventured beyond the walls. 13. upon many waters'] See note on 1. 38. abundant in treasures] conveyed to Babylon from the conquered provinces. the measure of thy covetousness] the measure of thy gain. Some would render the last word cutting off, i.e. in the web of thy destiny the limit has been reached, at which the thread is to be cut. Although the Heb. root may in itself bear this sense, it is best to render it in its more usual sense, as above, which is also better adapted to the mention of treasures immediately preceding. 14. / will fill] literally, I have filled, the thing is viewed as though it had already taken place. Babylon shall swarm with the hostile armies. They shall effect an entrance. caterpillars] locusts. a shout] the vintage song, see note on xxv, 30. 15 — 19. The Creator of the Universe alone is God. 15—19. These verses are all but identical with x. 12 — 16. This need not the least surprise us in the case of a writer like Jeremiah. It is obvious however, that the other, and not this, is the original place for the words. There they form a natural sequence with that 334 JEREMIAH, LI. [vv. 17—20. He maketh lightnings with rain, And bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. Every man is brutish by his knowledge ; Every founder is confounded by the graven image : For his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors : In the time of their visitation they shall perish. The portion of Jacob is not like them ; For he is the former of all things: And Israel is the rod of his inheritance : The Lord of hosts is his name. 20 — 58. Amplification of the description of Babylon's doom. Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war : For with thee will I break in pieces the nations, which precedes, assurir.5 the Israelites that they need not fear the power of false gods, while here they are quoted by the prophet as a solemn declaration to the Chaldaeans that their idols will prove worthless in the day of their calamity. The omission of the word Israel in the Heb. of ver. 19 here, and one or two minor differences in the original, are the only points of distinction between the two passages. Pascal gives verse 18 an application which shews that he understands it, not of the idols, but apparently of their worshippers. "Thus you see, fathers, that ridicule is in some cases a veiy appropriate means of reclaiming men from their errors, and that it is accordingly an act of justice, because, as Jeremiah says, 'the actions of those that err are worthy of derision, because of their vanity'." {^Provincial Letters, xi.) 20—58. Amplification of the description of Babylon's DOOM. 20. Thou art my battle axe] Although Cyrus, and again Israel have been suggested by some, there can be little doubt that Babylon is the subject of the address in this and the succeeding verse. Compare chap. 1. 23, where she is likened to a hammer. It is clear from the tense of the oft repeated verb in the original that she is thought of as still in the height of her power and in the midst of her oppressive treatment of the nations of the earth. dattle axe] mace. "The Assyrian mace was a short thin weapon, and must either have been made of a very tough wood, or — and this is more probable — of metal. It had an ornamented head, which was sometimes very beautifully modelled, and generally a strap or string at the lower end, by which it could be grasped with greater firmness." (Rawlinson's Afic. Mon. I. p. 458.) for] and. w. 21— 25-] JEREMIAH, LI. 335 And with thee will I destroy kingdoms : And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his 21 rider; And with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider ; With thee also will I break in pieces man and woman ; 22 And with thee will I break in pieces old and young ; And with thee will I break in pieces the young man and the maid ; I will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his 23 flock ; And with thee will I break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of oxen ; And with thee will I break in pieces captains and rulers. And I will render unto Babylon 24 And to all the inhabitants of Chaldea All their evil that they have done in Zion In your sight, saith the Lord. Behold, I a7n against thee, O destroying mountain, saith 25 the Lord, 22. old and young\ literally, old man and boy, 23. captains and rulers] The two original words are uncertain in their origin and exact sense. They both occur again in ver. 28 and the second {sdgdn) also in ver. 57. The former {pekhdh) seems a title given to provincial governors below the first rank. It is applied to Tatnai (Ezra V. 6), Nehemiah (Neb. v. 14), and Zerubbabel (Hag. i. i). It may possibly be identical in root with the word pasha, but almost all that can be ascertained about the word is that it is probably Assyrian. Thus Babylon carried her severity even to the extent of ill-treating her own subordinate governors. 24. / will render... in your sight\ These words are to be joined in sense. The Jews are to have the satisfaction of seeing the requital of their enemy. For this thought compare Ps. xci. 8. 25. O destroying mountain] The same phrase is used in 2 Kings xxiii. 13 (Eng. Vers, "the mount of corruption ) of the Mount of Olives the scene of pernicious idolatry. Here Babylon receives the title, as at once hurtful and conspicuous. It is not quite clear whether the figure of a volcano is meant throughout the verse, with rocks mingled with burning lava rolling down its sides. At any rate the last words mean that it will be reduced, as it were, to a cinder, its power for evil exhausted. "Such was Babylon. Its destructive energy under Ne- buchadnezzar was like the first outbreak of volcanic fires, its rapid collapse under his successors was as the same volcano when its flames have burnt out, and its crater is falling in upon itself." i^Sp. Cofnm.) 336 JEREMIAH, LI. [vv. 26—28. Which destroyest all the earth : And I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, And roll thee down from the rocks, And will make thee a burnt mountain. a6 And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, Nor a stone for foundations ; But thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the Lord, 37 Set ye up a standard in the land, Blow the trumpet among the nations, Prepare the nations against her. Call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz ; Appoint a captain against her ; Cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillars. 28 Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, 26. The figure of stones, which by the action of fire have been ren- dered unfit for use in building, is continued in this verse. No empire shall again have Babylon for its centre. Its position as a capital city is for ever shattered, and its glory burnt out. 27. in the land\ on the eaxtli. prepare] sanctify. See notes on vi. 4, xxii. 7. Ararat, Minni] These were respectively the central or southern, and the western portions of Armenia, which word is possibly = Har- Minni = the mountainous country of Minni. Armenia was by this time under Median sway, and so would contribute to the force of that army, when marching against Babylon. Ashchenaz] Its position we can only gather from this passage to have been near the former two places. Rawlinson (Herod, vol. iv. 204) suspects a wrong reading in the Heb. text. captain] The Heb. word is rare, occurring only once besides, Nah. iii. 17. There also the context concerns locusts, and the "captains" are likened to grasshoppers. Even in the time of the Septuagint the meaning of the word seems to have been doubtful, and it probably denotes some particular kind of troops, as this will best suit the Nahum passage. as the rough caterpillars] as the rough locusts. If we retain this rendering, we are to understand it of the "locusts in their third stage, when their wings are still enveloped in rough horny cases, which stick up upon their backs. It is in this stage that they are so destructive" {^Sp. CoTHfu.). The rough of the Eng. Vers, however may mean, according to another sense of the verb, causing terror, destruction. In any case the enemy's horsemen are to advance to the attack in num- bers which shall suggest a plague only too familiar to Eastern countries. 28. Prepare] See note on previous verse. vv. 29—32.] JEREMIAH, LI. 337 The captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, And all the land of his dominion. And the land shall tremble and sorrow : 29 For every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, To make the land of Babylon a desolation Without an inhabitant. The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight, 30 They have remained in their holds : Their might hath failed ; they became as women : They have burnt her dwelling places; Her bars are broken. One post shall run to meet another, 31 And one messenger to meet another, To shew the king of Babylon That his city is taken at one end, And that the passages are stopped, 32 And the reeds they have burnt with fire, captains... ruler s\ the same words as in verse 23. his dominion] The pronoun refers to the king of Media, who is to gather together the various tribes over which he rules, with their governors. 29. shall tremble] trembles, and so for the other verbs of the verse. 30. forborn] ceased. they have burnt] i.e. the enemy. bars] defences generally. 31. post] The word is not used in modern English in this sense, except in the expression post-haste. For the sense, running messenger, compare " Your native town you entered like a post.''^ Shakespeare, Coriolanus, Act v. sc. 5. First denoting that which is placed {positum), it came to denote a fixed spot, e.g. a military post, or a place where horses are kept for tra- vellers, then the person so travelling, and then any one travelling quickly. See Bible Word-book. shall run to meet another] Bearing the tidings from opposite quarters, they shall meet at the king's castle in the heart of the city. at one enct] better, from all sides. See note on 1. 26. 32. passages] not shallow places, fords, for such did not, as far as we know, exist in the Euphrates at Babylon, but probably ferries. There was but one bridge within the city. reeds] pools. The word reeds has been substituted to avoid the difficulty of declaring that pools of water are to be burned. It is only JEREMIAH 2 2 33^ JEREMIAH, LI. [w. 33,-35. And tlie men of war are affrighted. 33 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel ; The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor, If is time to thresh her : Yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come. 34 Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon hath devoured me, he hath crushed me. He hath made me an empty vessel, He hath swallowed me up like a dragon, He hath filled his belly with my delicates, He hath cast me out. 35 The violence done to me and to my flesh ^^upon Babylon, in a figure however that this is said of them, and the meaning of the statement is, that the reservoirs and pools round Babylon, made to contain the overflovi^ of the river, and so to prevent inundations, shall, like all the other adornments of Babylon, disappear as completely as that which is inflammable does by the action of fire. 33. it is time to thresh her] at the time that it is trodden. " The most common mode of threshing is with the ordinaiy slab called m(nvrejy which is drawn over the floor by a horse, or yoke of oxen, until not only the grain is shelled out, but the straw itself is ground into chaflf. To facilitate this operation, bits of rough lava are fastened into the bottom of the mowrej, and the driver sits or stands upon it.... The intention of the farmer is to beat and grind down his hills of grain to chaff, and much of it is reduced to fine dust, which the wind carries away." Thomson, The Land and the Book, p. 53S. For the same figure used in reference to Babylon, see Is. xxi. ro. the time of her harvest shall come] the harvest time shall come to her. 34. For 'me' we should probably read tis throughout this verse, *my' remaining in the singular. The speaker is of course the oppressed Israel. hath made me] hath pushed me aside. d/ni^'-on] The singular noun Tannin (plural Tanninim), to be dis- tinguished from Tannin ( = Tannim), a plural of Tan, a jackal (see note on ix. 11), denotes any great monster, such as a serpent, that might naturally inhabit the plains of Babylon. In Is. li. 9, however, and elsewhere also, it is used of Pharaoh or Egypt, and hence there, and possibly here as well, means a crocodile. In Gen. i. 21, it is used oi sea-f?ionsters (Eng. Vers, whales). delicates] used as a substantive here only in the Bible. Compare Shakespeare (3 Hen. VI. II. 5), where the king speaks of the shep- herd's homely curds as 'far beyond a prince's delicates.'' {Bible Word Book.) 36. The violence done to me and to my flesh] literally, 7ny violence^ and my flesh, i.e. the violence done by devouring me. vv. 36—40.] JEREMIAH, LI. 339 Shall the inhabitant of Zion say ; And my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea, Shall Jerusalem say. Therefore thus saith the Lord ; 36 Behold, I will plead thy cause, And take vengeance for thee ; And I will dry up her sea, And make her springs dry. And Babylon shall become heaps, 37 A dwelling place for dragons, An astonishment, and a hissing. Without an inhabitant. They shall roar together like lions : 33 They shall yell as lions* whelps, In their heat I will make their feasts, 39 And I will make them drunken, that they may rejoice. And sleep a perpetual sleep. And not wake, saith the Lord. I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, t.o Like rams with he goats. 36. sea] not used metaphorically, as some have supposed, for the restless multitude of Babylon, but rather of the great lake or reservoir, four hundred and tvi'enty furlongs in circumference, made by queen Nitocris (Herod., Bk. i. 185). springs'] The word is the same as that rendered "fountain" in the Eng. Vers, of ii. 13, where see note. The literal sense is digging, and the noun is in the singular. It refers to the network of canals dug throughout the country, which were necessary not only for commerce but also for irrigation. It is through the drying up of them that the country is barren to this day. See ver. 13, and 1. 38. 37. heaps'] "Vast 'heaps' or mounds, shapeless and unsightly, are scattered at intervals over the entire region where it is certain that Babylon anciently stood." (Rawl. Anc. Mon. ii. 521.) dragons] jackals, not the same word as in ver. 34 (see note there and on ix. 11), but Tannim = Tannin, plural of Tan. hissing] See note on xviii. 16. 39. In their heat I will make their feasts] While they are exulting over the spoil which they have won from the conquered nations, I wilt allow them to carouse {feasts should be drinking bouts), and then destroy them at unawares. This found a signal fulfilment in the capture of Babylon during a feast. 40. lambs... rams... he-goats] all classes of the people. See Is. xxxiv. 6; Ezek. xxxix. 18. 22 — 2 340 JEREMIAH, LI. [vv.41— 46. 4' How is Shcshach taken ! And how is the praise of the whole earth surprised ! How is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations ! 42 The sea is come up upon Babylon: She is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof. 4i Her cities are a desolation, A dry land, and a wilderness, A land wherein no man dwelleth, Neither doth any son of man pass thereby. 4< And I will punish Bel in Babylon, And I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up : And the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: Yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall. 45 My people, go ye out of the midst of her, And deUver ye every man his soul From the fierce anger of the Lord. 46 And lest your heart faint. And ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; A rumour shall both come 07ie year, And after that in another year shall come a rumour, 41. Sheshachl See note on xxv. ■26. the p7-aise\ the object of praise. surprised^ seized. 42. The sea is cojne up\ Tlae approach of the hostile army is thus represented. Compare xlvi. 7, 8. 43. a wilderness\ a desert, a place absolutely without vegetable life. See note on ii. 6. 44. Ber\ See note on 1. 1. that which he hath swallowed up\ the riches of the subjugated nations. the wall of Babylon shall fall'\ and so the city shall lose that which was its main source of strength as a fortress. 45. go ye out'\ See 1. 8. 46. lest voter heart fainf] (beware) that your heart faint not. a rumour... a rumour'\ literally, and there shall come in [the course of) the year the rumour, and aftenvard in [the course of) the year the rumour. Rumour shall succeed rumour, as the years go on, and revolts and intestine disputes shall foreshadow the fmal break up of the Babylonian empire. vv. 47— 53.] JEREMIAH, LI. 341 x\nd violence in the land, ruler against ruler. Therefore behold, the days come, 47 That I will do judgment upon the graven images of Ba- bylon : And her whole land shall be confounded, And all her slain shall fall in the midst of her. Then the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, 48 shall sing for Babylon: For the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the Lord. As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall, 49 So at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth. Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: 50 Remember the Lord afar off. And let Jerusalem come into your mind. We are confounded, because we have heard reproach: 5, Shame hath covered our faces : For strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the Lord's house. Wherefore behold, the days come, saith the Lord, 52 That I will do judgment upon her graven images: And through all her land the wounded shall groan. Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, S3 And though she should fortify the height of her strength, 47. confounded] ashamed. See note on chap, xlviii. 20. 48. shall sing for Babylon'] shall rejoice over her fall. 49. The Eng. Vers, is probably correct. There is a brevity and consequent obscurity about the Heb., which has made it possible to propose other renderings, e.g. that of the Eng. margin {Both Babylon is to fall, O ye slain of Israel, and with Babylon, etc.). The sense is, that the fact of Babylon's having caused the death of Israelites, shall be visited upon the representatives of many nations, which shall be mixed up in her overthrow. 60. This is addressed to the Israelites, who were in exile in Babylon, and had thus escaped death in the preliminary struggles be- tween that empire and Israel. afar off] from afar, from Babylon. 51. confounded] ashamed. The exiles speak, while yet in exile, and lament the reproaches that are cast in their teeth for worshipping a God who will not defend Mis people from misfortune, and His Temple from sacrilege. 53. the height of her strength] either the height of her walls, or that of the tower of Belus. 342 JEREMIAH, LI. [w. 54- 58. Yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord. 54 A sound of a cry cometh from Babylon, And great destruction from the land of the Chaldeans: 55 Because the Lord hath spoiled Babylon, And destroyed out of her the great voice; When her waves do roar like great waters, A noise of their voice is uttered : 56 Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, And her mighty meti are taken, Every 07ie ^ their bows is broken: For the Lord God of recompences shall surely requite. 57 And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, Her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men : And they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, Saith the King, whose name is the Lord of hosts. 58 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, And her high gates shall be burnt with fire; And the people shall labour in vain, 55. hath spoiled'\ spoileth. destroyed^ will destroy. the great voice] the hum of the city's life. when her waves] and their waves, the surging hosts which encom- pass the city. a noise] See note on xxv. 31. 56. every one of] These words do not occur in the Heb., but the verb is sing, {is broken). This however is not as much of an obstacle in Heb. as it would be in Eng. to our rendering simply their bows are broken, for the Lord God of recompences shall surely requite] for a God of recompences is tlie Lord ; he will assuredly requite. 68. The broad walls] According to Herodotus, the outer wall of Babylon was -200 royal cubits (about 373 English feet) high, while it was fifty cubits wide. This, however, both from the nature of the case, and from the conflicting testimony of other writers, seems exaggerated. Probably the height was about 60 or 70 English feet. The walls may have been 30 or 40 feet wide, as they allowed of a team of four horses being driven along them. See Herod., 13k. i. 179, and Rawlinson's notes on that passage. utterly broken] literally, made bare, destroyed, so that the very foundations shall be uncovered. high gates] " In the circuit of the wall are a hundred gates, all of brass, with brazen lintels and side-posts." Herod. I. 179. the people shall labour...] a quotation from Hab. ii. 13, transposing vv. 59—62.] JEREMIAH, LI. 343 And the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. 59 — 64. Appendix^ containing the history of this prophecy. The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Se- 59 raiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince. So 60 Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, eveti all these words that are written against Baby- lon. And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, When thou comest to 61 Babylon, and shalt see, and shalt read all these words; then 62 however the words for Mn vain' and 'the fire'. Jeremiah throws light on Habakkuk's meaning, and at the same time gives it a more particular application. The fact that the Chaldaean conquests involve nothing in the end but exhaustion and suffering to the nations who have to do the behests of their ambitious rulers ("quicquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi") is by Jeremiah applied to the final overthow of the Babylonian empire. 59—64. Appendix, containing the history of this prophecy. 59. Seraiah^ brother of Baruch, both being sons of Neriah. See xxxii. \i. ■when he went with Zedekiah"] This journey to Babylon was probably made as an act of homage to Nebuchadnezzar. Possibly it was in consequence of suspicions aroused in the mind of that king by the coming of ambassadors in the same year to Zedekiah from Edom, Moab, and Ammon (xxvii. 3). (The order of these two events may how- ever have been just the converse; see note on lii. 3.) The command to Seraiah is not actually stated till ver. 61, etc., the intermediate words being explanatory and so of the nature of a parenthesis. a quiet prince] a prince of the camping- place, what we should now call a quarter-master-general. It seems to have been his duty, as in attendance on the king in a journey, to ride forward each day, and arrange that matters should be in readiness at the next halting place. 60. in a book] literally, in one book. Although the numeral is sometimes used in Heb. simply as an indefinite article, yet it may well have its proper force here, implying that the whole i:)rophecy of chap- ters 1., li., was written upon one parchment, that so it might be the more conveniently sunk in the river. 61. and shalt see and shalt read] then see that thou read, not to the people of Babylon, nor even perhaps to a solemnly convoked assembly of Jews, as either course would have been at least attended with much danger, and the first of them probably impo<^ible to carry out. The words are nevertheless to be pronounced in the presence of Jewish witnesses, who could in after days testify that thus, long before the overthrow of Babylon, these words had been read in the midst of 344 JEREMIAH, LI. [vv. 63, 64. shalt thou say, O Lord, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor 63 beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever. And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of 64 Euphrates: and thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah. the very city where they were to take effect, and then buried in the heart of the same. 64. and they shall be weary\ This utterance by Seraiah of that which forms the (one) last word of the prophecy in the original, is for the solemn coupling of the symbolic act with the prophecy which has thus been read. Thus far ai-e the words of J ere77iiah\ These words are added in all probabihty by the writer of the concluding chapter, and shew how careful he was that he should not be identified with the prophet by future generations. See Introd., chap. iii. § 6. Chap. LIL Historical Appendix to the Book. With respect to this concluding portion, two questions at once arise; (i) is its author Jeremiah? (ii) what relation does it bear to the two other portions of the Bible with which it has much in common, viz. chap. xxxix. of this Book, and 1 Kings xxiv. 18 — xxv. 30? As regards (i), this question seems already settled by the last words of chap. Ii. We find moreover a certain diversity from Jeremiah's style, the most noteworthy instance of which perhaps is the use of the name Jehoiachin (Coniah and Jeconiah being the forms always used in the early part of this Book). Moreover, verses 31 — 34 refer to events which in all probability Jeremiah did not live to witness, though it is just possible that he may have recorded them in extreme old age. Much of this chapter may be in a sense the worlc of Jeremiah, as we shall now see in replying to the second enquiry mentioned above. In answer to (ii) we note that while a considerable portion of the three narratives is almost verbally identical, yet the account now before us contains, in common with that of the Kings, particulars relating to the Temple vessels, etc., which are omitted in chap, xxxix., while Nebu- chadnezzar's charge concerning Jeremiah's safety (xxxix. 11 — 14), and the subsequent Jewish history connected with Gedaliah {1 Kings xxv. 1% — 26, and given also in full, Jer. xl. — xlii.), are not found in the present narrative. Practically, we have to choose between these two solutions of the question, (a) that the present passage was taken from the Book of the Kings, held ])y many persons to be the work of Jeremiah, while the modifications and additions represent independent sources of information possessed by the person who introduced it here, or {Ii), that the only connexion between the passages lies in their being both derived from some older historical record, which has been therefore made use of in a somewhat difl'erent manner and degree in each. w. 1—4.] JEREMIAH, LII. 345 Chap. LII. Historical Appendix to the Book. I — II. Capture of the City. Zedekiah was one and twenty year old when he began to 52 reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the 2 Lord, according to all that Jehoiakim had done. For 3 through the anger of the Lord it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, till he had cast them out from his presence, that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon. And it 4 Other differences, as in the matter of numbers, have doubtless arisen from corruptions of the text in the hands of copyists, and are by no means peculiar to these passages, which, however, form an easy and in- teresting method of testing the extent (hereby shewn to be extremely slight) to which such corruptions may be considered to have affected the sacred Text. The Septuagint Version, which omits xxxix. 4 — 13 (see introductory notes to that chapter for further remarks), contains the whole of lii. with the exception of verses 2, 3, 15, 28 — 30. Chap. LII. 1 — 11. Capture of the City. 1. Zedekiah was one and twenty year old'\ So 2 Chron. xxxvi. 11, but, if we compare i Chron. iii. 15 with 2 Kings xxiii, 31 ( = 2 Chron. xxxvi. 2), we find that, supposing the numbers which we now read there to be correct, Zedekiah should by this time have been thirty-four or thirty-five years of age. We must therefore assume that an error in the figures has somewhere crept into the text. year] This and not years is the original reading of the Eng. Vers. : so in 2 Kings xxiii. 36 ("twenty and five year"); Dan. v. 31 ; Am. i. i; Rom. iv. 19; so "mile" in marg. of John xi. 18. his mother's na?ne was Hamutal] Hamital is the other reading both here, and in the parallel passage in 2 Kings. So in the Heb. of I Sam. XXV. 18, we have Abugail, but in the rest of the chap. Abigail. Zedekiah was thus brother of Jehoahaz but half-brother of Jehoiakim (2 Kings xxiii. 31, 36). 2. did that which was evil] We have already noticed Zedekiah's weakness of character in xxxvii. 2, 3, xxxviii. 5, 24, etc. 3. it came to pass] this caf?ie to pass, i.e. the evil courses of the king. that Zedekiah rebelled] and Zedekiah rebelled. It has been suggested that as there was an impression prevalent both at Jerusalem (xxviii. i — ■ 11) and at Bal^ylon (xxix.), that Jehoiachin and tlie rest would return soon from exile, Zedekiah's personal visit to Nebuchadnezzar (li. 59) may have been in consequence of this, while his failure may possibly have been the cause of the assembling of the ambassadors of Edom, etc. (xxvii. 3), and of Zedekiah's overtures to Egypt (Ezek. xvii. 15). Then came open revolt on the part of the Jews, encouraged by the 346 JEREMIAH, LII. [vv. 5—9. came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusa- lem, and pitched against it, and built forts against it round 5 about. So the city was besieged unto the eleventh year of 6 king Zedekiah. And in the fourth month, in the ninth day of the month, the famine was sore in the city, so that there 7 was no bread for the people of the land. Then the city was broken up, and all the men of war fled, and went forth out of the city by night by the way of the gate between the two walls, which was by the king's garden; (now the Chal- deans were by the city round about:) and they went by the 8 way of the plain. But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after the king, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jeri- 9 cho ; and all his army was scattered from him. Then they took the king, and carried him up unto the king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; where he gave judgment successful resistance of Tyre year after year (Ezek. xxix. 18), while Nebuchadnezzar was engaged in a distant part of the empire. 4. in the tenth inonth\ A fast was instituted in memory of this time, Zech. viii. 19. in the tenth day of the month'] On that very day it was revealed to Ezekiel (xxiv. 2;, that the siege was commencing. See note on xxxix. I. Nebuchadrezzar] a more accurate form than Nebuchadnezzar. See note on chap. xxi. 1. pitched] i.e. they pitched. In 2 Kings the verb is singular. forts] moveable towers, sometimes with battering rams, such as Assyrian sculptures shew. 6. in the fourth month] In memory of this date also, a fast was appointed (Zech. viii. 19). faj}iine] described in detail in the Lamentations. Compare Ezek. iv. 16, 17, V. 16, 17. the people of the land] the poorer classes, who had taken refuge in Jerusalem, or who had dwelt there. 7. was broken up] rather, was broken into. No doubt the north wall of the city is referred to, its most vulnerable point. For further particulars, see notes on xxxix. 3, 4. by nii^ht] So Ezekiel foretold (xii. 12). they went] 2 Kings, he went. 8. Lam. iv. 19, 20 may refer to this, in which case the circum- stances probably were these, that one body of Chaldaeans followed, and another laid wait in the plain. Compare Ezek. xii. 13. Zedekiah] 2 Kings, him. 9. Riblah] See note on xxxix. 5. w. 10—13.] JEREMIAH, LTI. 347 upon him. And the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zede- 10 kiah before his eyes: he slew also all the princes of Judah in Riblah. Then he put out the eyes of Zedekiah; and the n king of Babylon bound him in chains, and carried him to Babylon, and put him in prison till the day of his death. 12 — 27. Severities following upon the Capture. Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, ^^ which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem, and burnt the 13 in the land of Hamath'\ not found in 1 Kings. he gave Judg?nent upon himi See note on i. 16. In 2 Kings it is they gave. 10. the king of Babylon slew] 1 Kings, they slew. he slew also all the princes of Judah in Riblah] omitted in 2 Kings. the princes'] See note on nobles, xxxix. 6. 11. he put out the eyes] See note on xxxiv. 3, and on xxxix. 7. the king of Babylon] not found in 2 Kings. and put him in prison till the day of his death] an addition to the narrative in 2 Kings, which takes leave of Zedekiah at Riblah, since that record vi^as probably made before anything further could be learned of him. prison] The Septuagint render mill, and hence it has been infeiTcd that they ascribed to him the same fate in his old age, as that to which the Philistines consigned Samson (Jud. xvi. 21). 12 — 27. Severities following upon the Capture. 12. From this to ver 23, a part of the narrative which has been summarized in xxxix. 8 — 10, we find an almost verbal accord with 2 Kings XXV. 8 — 17. in the fifth month] See Zech. vii. 3 for the commemorative fast. tenth] 2 Kings has seventh. Such discrepancies in numerals are often explained by supposing that the numbers were denoted originally by letters, so that similar letters miglit well be mistaken one for another by copyists. Here however it is easy to allow such a margin of time between the arrival of Nebuzar-adan in the neighbourhood of Jeru- salem and his actual entry upon the work which he had been sent to do. He is not mentioned in xxxix. 3 in the list of generals who entered the city at once. the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar] B.C. 586 or 587, according as we reckon his reign from the time of his father's actual decease or from the previous year. captain of the guard] See note on xxxix. 9. served] stood before. The expression implies close personal attend- ance on the king. (Compare note on xv. 19). The mass, even of those about the palace, would not have access to his presence. 2 Kings 348 JEREMIAH, LII. [vv. 14—18. house of the Lord, and the king's house; and all the houses of Jerusalem, and all the houses of the great men, 14 burnt he with fire; and all the army of the Chaldeans, that were with the captain of the guard, brake down all the walls 15 of Jerusalem round about. Then Nebuzar-adan the cap- tain of the guard carried away captive certain of the poor of the people, and the residue of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to the king of 16 Babylon, and the rest of the multitude. But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard left certain of the poor of the land 17 for vinedressers and for husbandmen. Also the pillars of brass that were in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brasen sea that was in the house of the Lord, the Chaldeans brake, and carried all the brass of them to Baby- 18 Ion. The caldrons also, and the shovels, and the snuffers, has simply a servant of the king of Babylon. The Heb. by itself is ambiguous, and but for our knowing otherwise that Nebuchadnezzar was not at Jerusalem at this time, might mean, as the Syr. and Vulg. actually render, stood before the king at Jerusalem. 13. all the houses of the great men] Both here and in the parallel passage in 2 Kings xxv. 9 (where however the Heb. is slightly different), the rendering should rather be every great house. The words are intended to prevent a misconception arising out of those which imme- diately precede them. All the houses of importatice were burned. 14. 'with' and 'all' are omitted in the Kings, the former doubtless by accident. 15. The whole verse is omitted by the Septuagint. The words * certain of the poor of the people and ' seem to have come in from the next verse through an error of sight on the part of a copyist. The three classes of persons actually spoken of in the verse appear to be {a) those found within the city at the time of its capture, {b) those who had gone out to the Chaldaeans during the siege (see note on xxxix. 9), [c] the country people. The word denoting this last {the multitude) occurs once (Prov. viii. 30) in the sense of workman (Eng. Vers, "one brought up with him"). From a comparison of the parallel passages however it is not likely that such is its sense here. 16. Nebiczar-adan'] omitted in Kings. 17. This description of tlie fate of the Temple furniture is much fuller than in the Kings' passage, and has no parallel whatever in chap, xxxix. For the vessels here mentioned see chap, xxvii. 19 with note. They were too large to be conveniently carried as they were, and so were broken and taken to Babylon for the sake of the material. In Kings all is omitted before the brass. 18. caldrons] for carrying away the ashes after sacrifice, the shoz'els being for a similar purpose. vv. 19-22.] JEREMIAH, LII. 349 and the bowls, and the spoons, and all the vessels of brass wherewith they ministered, took they away. And the ba- 19 sons, and the firepans, and the bowls, and the caldrons, and the candlesticks, and the spoons, and the cups; thai which was of gold in gold, and that which was of silver iji silver, took the captain of the guard away. The two pillars, one 20 sea, and twelve brasen bulls that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the Lord: the brass of all these vessels was without weight. And 21 co7icerning the pillars, the height of one pillar was eighteen cubits; and a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it; and the thickness thereof was four fingers : // was hollow. And a 22 chapiter of brass was upon it; and the height of one cha- piter was five cubits, with network and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about, all of brass. The second pillar spoons\ incense-cups. This we gather from Numb. vii. 14, etc. 19. fire pans] or, snuff-dishes. boTvls] This word should probably stand but once (see ver, 18). In the Kings it is omitted on the earlier occasion. Caldrons and spoons also occur twice in this enumeration, while in Kings these articles as well as candlesticks and cups do not appear. 20. The repetition marks the regretful contemplation of these things by the writer, as he connects them with the golden age of the kingdom and the reign of Solomon. twelve brasen bulls that were uftder"] These words do not occur in the Kings' passage, and hence it is possible that they may be an erroneous addition made at some time to the sacred Text. This is however far from certain, as the figures in question were probably at Jerusalem up to this date, and so would naturally form a conspicuous feature in the spoil. There remains however a certain amount of difficulty in the description of their position. In the Temple as built by Solomon the bases were under the lavers, while the bulls supported the sea. (i Kings vii. 25, 43.) 21. eighteen cubits'] a cubit was about 18 inches. fillet] literally, thread. four fingers] about four inches. Thus as the diameter was something under six feet (the circumference being twelve cubits = eighteen feet), about five feet of the diameter were hollow. 22. a chapiter] a capital. five cubits] From this, which agrees with i Kings vii. 16, we must correct the ''three cubits" of 2 Kings xxv. 17, unless we take the smaller number to denote the actual measurement of the network of the chapiter, excluding the pomegranates. potnegraftates] a very common ornament in Assyria both for buildings and weapons. 350 JEREMIAH, LI I. [vv. 23—27. 23 also and the pomegranates were like unto these. And there were ninety and six pomegranates on a side; and all the pomegranates upon the net work were an hundred round 24 about. And the captain of the guard took Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three 25 keepers of the door; he took also out of the city an eunuch, which had the charge of the men of war; and seven men of them that were near the king's person, which were found in the city; and the principal scribe of the host, who mustered the people of the land; and threescore men of the people 26 of the land, that were found in the midst of the city. So Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard took them, and 27 brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah. And the king of Babylon smote them, and put them to death in 23. There is an apparent discrepancy between the number of the pomegranates as given here and in i Kings vii. 20. From the latter passage we gather that each pillar had two rows, a hundred in each, the one above and the other below the ornamental network of the chapi- ters. It is possible that the account here may not be inconsistent with the existence of such a double row upon each chapiter, though it certainly does not suggest it, or again, one of the rows may have been removed before this period, leaving one hundred on each chapiter, probably twenty-four on each side, (Heb. windivard, i.e. directly facing each wind,) and one at each corner. We should thus render on a side, on tlie (four) sides, in order to bring out the sense. 24 — 27. This passage is omitted in xxxix., but is almost identical with 2 Kings xxv. 18 — 21. 24. Seraiah the chief priest'] Nebuzar-adan chose out those who v/ere highest in authority and therefore most responsible for the pro- longed resistance. His conduct in this respect has been remarked on, as shewing a very pleasing contrast with the indiscriminate vengeance so often wreaked by Eastern conquerors. This Seraiah is identified by some with him who is mentioned in Ezra vii. i. Z'phaniah] See note on xxi. i. keepers of the door] See note on xxxv. 4. 25. which had the charge of] The Heb. is 7uho was Pakfd [lieittenafit) over. For remarks on the sense of Pakid see note on x». i. scvejt men] in the King's passage yi'z'^ men. were near the king's person] literally, saw the king's face. See note on ver. 12. principal scribe of the host] or, scribe of the commander in chief, a rendering which the words that follow make the more probable of the two. threescore men of the people of the land] perhaps leading men whose homes were in the country parts. w. 28— 3T.] JEREMIAH, LIT. 351 Riblah in the land of Hamath. Thus Judah was carried away captive out of liis own land. 28 — 30. Enumeration of Nebuchadnezzar' s captives. This is the people whom Nebuchadrezzar carried away 28 captive: in the seventh year three thousand Jews and three and twenty: in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar he 29 carried away captive from Jerusalem eight hundred thirty and two persons : in the three and twentieth year of Nebu- 30 chadrezzar Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five per- sons : all the persons were four thousand and six hundred. 31 — 34. Last notice of JehoiacJiin. And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of 31 28 — 30. Enumeration of Nebuchadnezzar s captives. 28. in the seventh year\ This passage does not occur in the Septua- gint, perhaps as coming out of a separate document from the rest, and containing certain difficulties. In the seventh year the reference can hardly be to the captivity of Jehoiakim, as that was in the eighth year of Nebuchadnezzar, and the number of captives was far greater than is here specified (2 Kings xxiv. 12, 14). Probably therefore the Heb. for tenth has dropped out before seventh, and we are to read seventeenth year. If then we consider the document from which this is taken to have dated from Nebuchadnezzar's formal (one year later than his actual) accession (see note on ver. 12), we make the reference to be to the time when the siege was going on (his eighteenth year, according to the common reckoning). Thus this captivity would consist chiefly, at any rate, of inhabitants of the country parts. In the next year, his ^eighteenth'' (nineteenth), Jerusalem was taken, and the second of these three deportations took place, while five years later in his ^ three and twentieth (four and twentieth) year\ (and therefore a considerable time after the troubles related chaps, xl. — xlii.), a third deportation occurred, of which we have no other account than this. To reconcile the total given here (ver. 30) with the much larger number who returned with Ezra (Ezra ii. 64) leaving many behind in Babylon, we have only to remember (a) those who were carried away with Jehoiachin before any of the three captivities here mentioned, (b) the probably constant emigration of Jews to Babylon, and {c) the lapse of time, equal to two generations, which intervened before the return. 31 — 34. Last notice of Jehoiachin. 31. This passage occurs also with slight variations in 2 Kings xxv. «7— 30- the seven and thirtieth year] B.C. 561, as his captivity had begun B.C. 597. 352 JEREMIAH, LII. [vv. 32—34. the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evil-merodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and 32 brought him forth out of prison, and spake kindly unto him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were 33 with him in Babylon, and changed his prison garments: and he did continually eat bread before him all the days of 34 his hfe. kwAfor his diet, there was a continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life. the five and twentieth day of the months in 1 Kings xxv. 27 the seven and twentieth day of the month. Evil-vierodach'\ son of Nebuchadnezzar. He reigned two years, and was slain by his brother-in-law Neriglissar (the Nergal-sharezer of xxxix. 3, 13) who succeeded him. lifted up the head] For the phrase in this sense compare Gen. xl. 13, 20. 32. set his throne above] in general, paid him more honour. the kings'] captured kings were kept at the court of their conqueror as a means of perpetuating the memory of his triumph. Compare Jud. i. 7. So Croesus dwelt at the court of Cyrus. 33. changed his prison gai'ments] Compare Gen. xli. 42 ; Esth. viii. 15 ; Dan. v. 29; Luke xv. 22. The frequent mention of such a circumstance shews the importance attaching in the Oriental mind to the style of a person's dress. did contimialiy eat bread before him] was admitted to the king's own table. Compare 2 Sam. ix. 7, xix. 33, etc. So this privilege was accorded to Democedes the Greek physician after his cure of IJarius, (Herod, iii. 132). 34. until the day of his death, all the days of his life] The latter of these clauses, as the text now stands, is probably either an addition to, or originally a substitution for, the former, in order to avoid the in- auspicious ending with the word death. The general object too of the paragraph seems to have been somewhat similar, viz. to leave the reader with a parting ray of comfort and encouragement in the thonc:ht that even in exile the Lord remembered His people and softened the heart of the heathen tyrant towards David's seed. See note on Lam. THE LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. NAME, POSITION, DATE AND STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK. 1. The name Lamentations corresponds to that under which this Book appears in the Latin Vulgate, and which is a trans- lation of the Septuagint Threni, itself a rendering of the Heb. word Khioth. This last, though not prefixed to the Book, is yet of frequent occurrence in the Hebrew Scriptures : Jeremiah uses the word three times (vii. 29, ix. 10, 20 [in the Heb. 9, 19]; each time rendered "lamentation")- It is the title of David's funeral song over Saul and Jonathan in 2 Sam. i. 17, while the corresponding verb is used in the Heb. of 2 Sam. iii. 33. This last is also used of the dirge composed by Jeremiah on the death of Josiah in battle (2 Chron. xxxv. 25). The title of the Book itself in the Heb. Canon is Aichah, { = Hozv\ the word which commences the first, second and fourth of the five songs to which the five chapters correspond. It is in accord- ance with Jewish custom to name a Book of the Bible by a conspicuous word at or near its beginning. 2. This book is placed in the Heb. in the last division {Cthubhim = Psalms, etc.) according to the threefold classification of the Jewish Scriptures (see Luke xxiv. 44). It is thus rightly reckoned by them among the poetical books of the Canon. It is now placed for synagogue use as one of the five Megilloth JEREMIAH 23 354 INTRODUCTION. (or Rolls^ appointed to be read on special occasions), which stand thus, Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther. 3. The date, as determined by Josephus, is considerably- earlier than the one generally received. That writer {Antiq. X. 5) says, referring no doubt to this Book, that " Jeremiah composed a dirge for Josiah's funeral, which rejnains unto this day." He was apparently misled by the statement in 2 Chron. xxxv. 25 (see § I above) that the dirges composed by Jeremiah and others on that occasion were "written in the Lamentations" St Jerome supported this view, and in particular chap. iv. was referred to this event and not to the capture of Zedekiah. Both the earliest external testimony, however, viz. that of the Septuagint (see chap. ii. § i), and the contents of the Book itself, point to the events of which a brief sketch is given in Jer. xxxix. and Hi. That the Book could not have been written long after this time is clear from the graphic manner in which the horrors of the siege are portrayed. We know from the history that Jeremiah was well off in comparison with many of his countrymen after the capture of the city, and the favour shewn him by the Chaldaeans may well have allowed him the opportunity of writing this Book some time before he went down to Egypt. " In the face of a rocky hill, on the western side of the city, the local belief has placed 'the Grotto of Jeremiah.' There in that fixed attitude of grief, which Michael Angelo has immortalised, the Prophet may well be supposed to have mourned the fall of his country." — Stanley's J. Ch. 11. 473. 4. Four out of the five poems of which this Book consists, may be divided into as many parts (viz. twenty-two) as there are letters of the Heb. alphabet, beginning with the letters consecu- tively, except in one case, where in the second, third and fourth chapters the order of certain two letters is reversed. More than one of the alphabetical Psalms also shews breaks in the strict order of succession of the letters. The peculiar and hitherto unexplained feature however in the present Book is that it is the sajne pair of letters in each of the three cases which are thus transposed. Further, if we take the four alpha- betical poems separately, we find that in the first three each of INTRODUCTION. 355 the twenty-two parts (or verses, but note that in chap. iii. each part = tJij-ee Eng. verses) itself may as a rule be subdivided into three, in chapter iv. into two only, while in the third chapter each of these three subdivisions (or verses) begins with the same letter, and is itself divisible into two. In chap, v., although the number of the verses is the same, the alphabetical order is dropped. The above mentioned artificial arrangement, by which a definite rule for the beginning of verses was attained, may be compared with modern rhymed endings, as well as with the more complicated Greek and Latin metres. In such a structure of the poems we may easily discern an additional advantage here, as aiding the memory of the captives to recall them in their distant exile. CHAPTER II. AUTHORSHIP OF THE BOOK. 1. That the Book of the Lamentations is the work of Jeremiah the prophet has been the apparently universal belief first of the Jewish and then of the Christian Church from the earliest times until recently. The Hebrew indeed contains no direct assertion of the fact. The earliest extant translation however, that called by the name Septuagint, ascribes it to him in a note prefixed to the first chapter to the following effect, ''^ And it came to pass after Israel was taken captive and J erusalem made desolate, Jeremiah sat weeping and lamented with this lafnentation over Jerusalem, and said^'' This evidence brings us back to at least one or two centuries before Christ. Other early authorities also ascribe the Book to Jeremiah, while the Latin Vulgate (4th cent. A.D.) repeats the assertion of the Septuagint, as given above, amplifying however the last words into " and in bitterness of hea?'t sighing and crying said." 2. A few persons in recent times, assuming that the pro- phecies commonly attributed to Jeremiah are at any rate in the main rightly so ascribed, have suggested the following objections 23—2 356 INTRODUCTION. to the received view that the Lamentations are the composition of the same author : {a) Contradictions between the tv^^o Books; {b) Inconsistencies in language ; {c) Inconsistencies in form ; {d) The occurrence of quotations from Ezckiel, shewing therefore that the Book in which they occur must be of a later date than that prophet. 3. Taking these objections singly (and marking the answers by the same letters), we may reply as follows : {a) But one alleged contradiction is cited, viz. the teaching of Jer. xxxi. 29, 30 (that children shall not be punished for the misdeeds of their ancestors) when compared with Lam. v. 7, " we have borne their (i. e. our fathers') iniquities ". And here the charge, if it were made at all, should rather have been that Jeremiah in his prophecies was inconsistent with himself, for in chap, xxxii. 18 we read " Thou...recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them." In point of fact however all these passages are quite in harmony as well with each other as with the teaching of the second Command- ment. Suffering as the consequence of sin naturally propagates itself through successive generations of sinners, but the operation of this law of God is at once, in the case of the repentant sinner, arrested by His gracious law of forgiveness and mercy towards those who love Him and keep His commandments. {b) The less prominence given in the Lamentations to the sins of the people (which are however spoken of frequently, viz. chaps, i. 5, 8, 14, 18, 22, ii. 14, iii. 39, 42, iv. 6, 13, v. 7) quite falls in with the respective characters and objects of the two works. In the earlier, addressed as it was directly to the people, rebuke found naturally a prominent place. In the latter the prophet is pouring out his grief to God, and the case is thereby made materially different. It is now the language of a sufferer rather than of a teacher. In general however the peculiarities of Jere- miah which fall naturally under the head of /(7;;^/^^^t', are found in the most striking manner throughout the Lamentations. Be- INTRODUCTION. 357 sides the "union of strong passionate feeling and entire sub- mission to Jehovah which characterizes both... In both we meet, once and again, with the picture of the 'Virgin daughter of Zion' sitting down in her shame and misery (Lam. i. 15, "• 13; Jer. xiv. 17). In both there is the same vehement out- pouring of sorrow. The prophet's eyes flow down with tears (Lam. i. 16, ii. 11, iii. 48, 49; Jer. ix. i, xiii. 17, xiv. 17). There is the same haunting feehng of being surroimded with fears and terrors on every side (Lam. ii. 22 ; Jer. vi. 25, xlvi. 5). In both the worst of all the evils is the iniquity of the prophets and the priests (Lam. ii. 14, iv. 13; Jer. v. 30, 31, xiv. 13, 14). The sufferer appeals for vengeance to the righteous Judge (Lam. iii. 64 — 66; Jer. xi. 20). He bids the rival nation that exulted in the fall of Jerusalem prepare for a like desolation (Lam. iv. 21 ; Jer. xlix. 12)" (Prof. Plumptre in Sm. Bibl. Diet.). To this we may add the expressions concerning personal bodily sufferings on the part of the writer of Lam. iii. 52 — 55 as compared with Jer. xxxviii. 6 — 13. Besides the explanation of the differences of language as arising from the difference of character between the two Books, which has been already noticed, we may note the fact that one is the language of prose, the other of poetry, and we find moreover in both the strongly marked tendency to quote from older Books of the Bible, but, in accordance with what has just been said, in the case of the Prophecy, from Deuteronomy, in that of the Poems, from the Psalms as being a poetical Book. We find also that in both Books the writer repeats himself much. {c) The principle of the reply has been already shewn under the head of [b). To the particular objection e. g. arising from the alphabetical structure of the poems (see last chapter) we may answer as before that as prophecy and history are essentially different from poetry, so the same writer when turning to a new kind of composition may well be allowed to adopt the pecu- liarities which belong to it. {d) Taking the two supposed instances of quotation from Ezekiel (viz. Lam. ii. 14 compared with Ezek. xii. 24, xiii. 6, etc., and Lam. ii. 15 compared with Ezek, xxvii. 3, xxviii. 12) we 358 INTRODUCTION. may shew (i) that even though they be quotations from that prophet, this is no argument against Jeremiah's authorship ; and (ii) that there is no reason in point of fact to assume that these two passages are quotations from him. (i) There must have been frequent intercourse between the Jews taken captive with Jehoiakim and those who remained behind (see Jer. xxix, 25), and nothing is more likely under such circumstances than that Jeremiah and Ezekiel were made speedily aware each of the other's utterances. (ii) In Lam. ii. 14, " vain and foolish things " is literally '■^unreal and foolish things," while the word thus used is the same as Ezekiel's elsewhere, but differing from that commonly employed by Jeremiah, who uses a word expressive rather of moral obliquity than simple unreality. The aims of the two Books however, as we noticed above, differ. In the former, addressed directly to the people, the iniquity of their deeds would be insisted on, while the latter, addressed as an appeal to the mercy of God, would dwell upon the folly and tinreality of their aims. In the second instance Jerusalem is called " the perfection of beauty," while a similar expression is applied to Tyre twice by Ezekiel. Almost the same word however occurs in Ps. 1. 2 of Zion, and as the words which conclude the verse in the Lamentations are obviously a quotation from Ps. xlviii, 2 (which also refers to Zion), it seems clear that the earlier part of the verse is but supplying us with one more instance of a quotation of the kind which we have just noticed (see {b) above) to be so frequent in the Lamentations. On the whole therefore we conclude that Jeremiah was beyond question the writer of this Book. INTRODUCTION. 359 CHAPTER III. SUBJECT-MATTER AND PURPOSE OF THE BOOK. 1. The subject, as we have seen already, is undoubtedly the capture of the city under Nebuchadnezzar, and the sorrow and suffering which were thereby entailed. Herewith is united both the confession that this has come upon the people on account of their sins, and entreaties for deliverance. 2. Taking the poems severally, Chap. i. dwells upon the solitary condition and grief of the city; Chap. ii. sets forth the destruction that has come upon her, and acknowledges that it is the result of sin ; Chap, iii., which although framed for the most part in the singular number, yet includes the nation throughout, complains of the bitter cup which God's people have to drink, and yet acknowledges that the trials which are come upon them are inflicted by a Father's hand ; Chap. iv. describes the reverses in fortune that have been brought about by recent events, and again acknowledges sin ; Chap. V. recapitulates the pitiful details of their condition, and ends by an earnest prayer for deliverance. 3. The Book from an historical point of view thus forms a supplement to the Book of Jeremiah. There we traced the life and thoughts of the prophet while events were gradually leading to the final catastrophe. Here we see him after that catastrophe has been reached, and mark that it is the same man still, clearly recognizing the sin of his fellows, but as full as ever of sympathy for them and of love for his country. " All feehng of exultation in which, as mere prophet of evil, he might have indulged at the fulfilment of his forebodings, was swallowed up in deep over- whelming sorrow " (Prof. Plumptre in Sm. Bibl. Did). 4. It was not in one who had faithfully warned his country- men for so long, to keep silence now, and doubtless the very 36o INTRODUCTION. pouring out of his heart in this form gave his sorrow a certain relief. As he had probably lamented for Josiah in some such manner (2 Chron. xxxv. 25), so now he was moved to come forward and embody in language those thoughts which an inspired prophet like him would be guided to publish and record. 5. "There are perhaps few portions of the Old Testament which appear to have done the work they were meant to do more effectually than this." It has not been connected with the theological or ecclesiastical disputes of any age, while it has supplied the earnest Christian of all times with words in which to confess his sins, and shortcomings, as well as with a picture of Him Who bore our sins and carried our sorrows, on Whom was "laid the iniquity of us all." 6. The Book is annually read among the Jews to com- memorate the burning of the Temple. The following is Schafif's description {Through Bible La7ids, pp.250 — 252) of the scene at the 'Wailing Place of the Jews' at Jerusalem. "There the Jews assemble every Friday afternoon and on festivals to bewail the downfall of the holy city. I saw on Good Friday a large number, old and young, male and female, venerable rab- bis with patriarchal beards and young men kissing the stone wall and watering it with their tears. They repeat from their well-worn Hebrew Bibles and Prayer-books the Lamentations of Jeremiah and suitable Psalms. . . . The key note of all these laments and prayers was struck by Jeremiah, the most pathetic and tender hearted of prophets, in the Lamentations, that fu- neral dirge of Jerusalem and the theocracy. This elegy, written with sighs and tears, has done its work most effectually in great public calamities, and is doing it every year on the ninth of the month Ab (July), when it is read with loud weeping in all the synagogues of the Jews and especially at Jerusalem. It keeps alive the memory of their deepest humiliation and guilt and the hope of final dehverance. The scene of the Wailing Place was to me touching and pregnant with meaning." THE LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH. Chap. I. i — 22. The Miseries of Jerusale?7i. (X) J TOW doth the city sit solitary, that was full of 1 iT people ! How is she become as a widow ! she that was great among the nations, Chap. I. 1 — 22. The Miseries of Jerusalem. The general subject running through this first chapter may be thus subdivided. Verses i — ii lament the sufferings which Jerusalem is now undergoing, while twice in the course of this portion (verses 9, ii) the city itself breaks out into a wail of distress, and thus leads up to the second division of the chapter, verses 12—22, where the city itself is the speaker. In that second part also, their suffering is from time to time (ver. 14, etc.) spoken of as the consequence of sin, and thus we arrive at chap, ii., where that is the leading thought. See Introduction, chap. III. § 2. We may compare these opening verses with Is. xlvii. i. In both places we are reminded of the figure on the medal struck by Titus, to commemorate his capture of Jerusalem (a.d. 71), a woman weeping beneath a palm-tree with the inscription below, Judaea capta. The same picture is here presented to us, and we see thus personified the inhabitants shortly after the siege, while the miseries which accompanied and succeeded it were still fresh. 1. H(rw\ The Heb. {Aichah), which occurs also at the commence- ment of chaps, ii. and iv., as well as in ver. 2 of the latter, has supplied the Jewish name for this book, the custom of naming the books of the Bible by the first word being a common one with them. sit solitary] as emptied by the departure of the captives, and deserted by her friends, and by God Himself. how is she become] We must amend the Heb. (Masoretic) punctua- tion of the verse, by which it is divided into two main portions, the former of them ending with widow. The division should be threefold, the second and third parts running thus. She is become as a widow, she that was great among the nations ; a princess among the pro- vinces, she is become tributary. A threelold division of this kind prevails almost throughout. 362 LAMENTATIONS, I. [vv. 2—4. And princess among the provinces, Aow is she become tributary ! O) She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks : Among all her lovers she hath none to comfort /ler : All her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies. Q) Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction, and because of great servitude : She dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest : All her persecutors overtook her between the straits. (*1) The ways of Zion do mourn, because none come to the solemn feasts : a widow"] From Is. xlvii. 8. Some have thought the reference here to be to the loss of her king, or of great men and friends in general. When however we compare the use of the figure of widowhood in Is. liv. 4, 5, as well as such passages as Jer. ii. 2, it appears that the Lord is the husband who has been lost. provinces] This name is once used of the peoples dependent on the king of Syria (i Kings xx. 17), and afterwards frequently of those subject to the Persian empire (Esth. i. i, etc.), and is used of Judah itself in Ezra ii. i ; Neh. vii. 6. Here it seems to be used of the neighbouring nations, Moab, Edom, etc., which were now falling under the Babylonian yoke, but had formerly been subject to the (undivided) kingdom of Israel. tributary] a, vassal. The original word implies bond-service, and it was only in later times that it was used of tribute, e.g. Esth. x. i. 2. in the night] The time of natural silence and darkness is made a part of the picture in order to heighten the effect. her lovers... her friends] the neighbouring states, with whom in the sunshine of prosperity she was on friendly terms. Such were Egypt, etc. For Edom, as having turned against her at this time, see latter part of note on Concerning Edom, Jer. xlix. 7, and for a similar charge against the Ammonites, Ezek. xxv. 3, 6. 3. is gone into captivity because of ajffliction] The better rendering is, is gone into exile because of affliction, i.e. the long sufferings of the Jews at the hands of Egypt and Chaldaea had induced many of them to go voluntarily to dwell in other lands. That there were many such persons, we gather from Jer. xl. 11. Others however would explain the passage of the Babylonish captivity, and render {taken) out of affliction, etc. between the straits] The figure is taken from hunting. The Jews have been like animals, driven into a narrow space, that they may be the more easily attacked. 4. The ways of Zion do mourn] The approaches to Jerusalem are w. 5— 7-] LAMENTATIONS, I. 363 All her gates are desolate : her priests sigh : Her virgins are afflicted, and she is in bitterness. (n) Her adversaries are the chief, her enemies prosper ; s For the Lord hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions : Her children are gone into captivity before the enemy. (^) And from the daughter of Zion all her beauty is t departed : Her princes are become like harts that find no pasture, And they are gone without strength before the pursuer. (T) Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction 7 and of her miseries All her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, When her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her ; meant. They are desolate, without the usual throng of those coming up to the feasts at the Holy City, which, since its religious aspect is here referred to, is spoken of as ' Zion '. For the thought of inanimate objects as sympathizing with human affairs, we may compare the well-known passage (Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel, canto v.), beginning Call it not vain — they do not err, Who say, that, when the Poet dies, / Mute Nature mourns her worshipper. And celebrates his obsequies. all her gates are desolate] Compare Jer. xiv. 1, with note. her virgins are abided] They are mentioned as taking part in religious ceremonies. See Exod. xv. 20; Jud. xxi. 19, 21 ; Ps. Ixviii. «5- 6. are the chief] In the Heb. the phrase is the same as that used in Deut. xxviii. 44 ("he shall be the head''), where this is foretold as the result of Israel's obstinacy. prosper] literally, are at peace. See Jer. xii. i, where the Eng. Vers, has "are... happy". before the enemy] driven like a flock of cattle. 6. beauty] glory. her princes are become like harts] The prophet is thinking of the flight and capture of Zedekiah and his princes, Jer. xxxix. 4, 5. 7. remembered] has remembered. miseries] The original word is a rare one, and means compulsory wanderings, persecutions. enemy] adversary. The word is the same as that which is so rendered immediately afterwards. 364 LAMENTyVTIONS, T. [w. 8— 11. The adversaries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths, (n) Jerusalem hath grievously sinned; therefore she is removed : All that honoured her despise her, because they have seen her nakedness : Yea, she sigheth, and turneth backward, (to) Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end ; Therefore she came down wonderfully : she had no comforter. O Lord, behold my affliction ; for the enemy hath mag- nified himself. (^) The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things : For she hath seen that the heathen entered into her sanctuary, Whom thou didst command that they should not enter into thy congregation. O) All her people sigh, they seek bread ; They have given their pleasant things for meat to relieve the soul : sabbaths] either, (i) the regularly recurring day of rest, which was, we know, a subject in regard to which other nations displayed as much ignorance as wonder, e.g. "Where kings the sabbath barefoot cele- brate", Juvenal, Sat. vi. Gifford's Translation, 1. 233; or, (ii) com- pulsory rest [sabbatism ; compare the Greek in Heb. iv. 9), which the land now had. See Lev. xxvi. 34, 35. 8. is removed] is become an abomination. This and the next verse in figurative language describe the Jewish people, as having brought upon itself through sin and consequent national humiliation the contempt of all its neighbours, while it is painfully conscious of its own ignominy (compare iv. 7,1). 9. she came down 7uonde7'ftilly\ Compare Is. xlvii. i. O Lord, behold] See introductory note to chapter. 10. pleasant] literally, desirable, precious. the heathen entered into her sanctuary] Those who were forbidden, at any rate as nations, ever to enter into a religious covenant with Israel (e.g. Ammonites and Moabites, Deut. xxiii. 3, 4), now, as part of the invading host, entered the very Holy of Holies for plunder. No worse humiliation could befall a Jew than this. 11. The people have already given up their most valuable possessions, that they had hitherto hoarded, for bread. There is therefore nothing now between them and starvation. meat] food. Compare note on meat offerings, Jer. xvii. 26. vv. 12—14.] LAMENTATIONS, I. 365 , See, O Lord, and consider ; for I am become vile. (7) Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, 12 and see If there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me. Wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger. ()b) From above hath he sent fire into my bones, and it 13 prevaileth against them : He hath spread a net for my feet, he hath turned me back; He hath made me desolate and faint all the day. Q) The yoke of my transgressions is bound by his 14 hand: They are wreathed, and come up upon my neck : he hath made my strength to fall. The Lord hath delivered me into their hands, fro7n whojn I am not able to rise up. to relieve the souf] literally, to bring back the life. Compare verses 16, 19. see^ O Lord^ Compare introductory note to chapter. 12. The beginning of the second section of the chapter. See introductory note. Is it nothing to yoti\ This is almost certainly right, although the words have also been translated as not interrogative, either, Look not on yourselves, or, by a slightly difterent reading of the Heb., / adjure all you, etc. This latter seems that which was originally followed by the Septuagint, whose reading now however is obscure. 13. From above'] i.e. from heaven. it prevaileth against] it subdueth. he hath spread a net for my feet] For the figure compare Jer. 1. 24. turned me back] The metaphor from hunting is continued (see ver. 3). The people are driven into a corner, and then the way is blocked, and they are headed back. 14. is bound] The Heb. verb occurs here only, and hence the sense is not quite certain. The Eng. however is probably correct. The manifold sins of the people are likened to a complication of cords, attaching a yoke on the neck of a beast of burden, and keeping it secure in its place. Compare note on "bonds and yokes" of Jer. xxvii. 1. ■wreathed] twisted together. to fall] literally, to stumble. 366 LAMENTATIONS, I. [w. 15—17. ; (D) The Lord hath trodden under foot all my mighty men in the midst of me : He hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men : The Lord hath trodden the virgin, the daughter of Judah, as in a winepress. (J^) For these things I weep ; mine eye, mine eye run- neth down with water, Because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me : My children are desolate, because the enemy prevailed. (^) Zion spreadeth forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her : The Lord hath commanded concerning Jacob, that his adversaries should be round about him : Jerusalem is as a menstruous woman among them. 15. hath trodden underfoot all my mighty men] rather, hatli made of no account all my strong ones. Compare Ps. cxix. 1 18, where the same word ("hast trodden down," Eng. Vers.), should be rendered hast made light of. The verb means properly to lift up, and hence that which can be easily lifted, which is easily outweighed, here, e.g. by the Chaldaeans when they are placed as it were in the opposite scale. hath called an assembly] hath summoned a solemn assembly. This is the ordinary application of the substantive, which primarily means an appointed time and hence a solemn asse?nbly, ox festival. The festival is for the enemy, and that which is to be celebrated, the overthrow of the flower of the Jewish army. hath trodden...] hatli trodden the wine press for the virgin daughter of Judah. For treading the winepress, as a phrase to express the wrath of God, compare Is. Ixiii. 3 ; Rev. xiv. 19, xix. 15, and for the virgin daughter of Judah, Jer. xiv. 17. 16. For these things] The particulars rehearsed in the last three verses open again the floodgates of tears. mine eye, mine eye] This repetition is quite in Jeremiah's style. Compare Jer. iv. 19, vi. 14 (and again, viii. 11), xxii. 29, xxiii. 25. m.ine eye runneth down with water] See iii. 48, and compare the phrase "to weep one's eyes out." relieve my souf] Compare ver. 11. 17. spreadeth forth her hands] in supplication. Compare Exod. ix. 29 ; 1 Kings viii. 38, etc. that his adversaries should be round about him] those who are about him are his adversaries. The neighbouring nations look upon Jeru- salem at once with hatred, and, as the last words express, with con- tempt. W. 18—22.] LAMENTATIONS, I. 367 (V) The Lord is righteous ; for I have rebelled against 18 his commandment : Hear, I pray you, all people, and behold my sorrow: My virgins and my young men are gone into captivity, (p) I called for my lovers, but they deceived me : 19 'My priests and mine elders gave up the ghost in the city, While they sought their meat, to relieve their souls. Cn) Behold, O Lord ; for I am in distress : my bowels 20 are troubled ; Mine heart is turned within me; for I have grievously rebelled : Abroad the sword bereaveth, at home then is as death. 0) They have heard that I sigh ; there is none to com- 21 fort me : All mine enemies have heard of my trouble; they are glad that thou hast done it: Thou wilt bring the day that thou hast called, and they shall be like unto me. (Jl) Let all their wickedness come before thee ; 2a And do unto them, as thou hast done unto me for all my transgressions : 18. / have rebelled against his commandment'\ This confession of sin is an anticipation of that which is so prominent in the next chapter. Compare, in the next verse but one, ** I have grievously rebelled." people'\ peoples. 19. for my lovers'] to my lovers. to relieve their souls'] Compare ver. i r. The Septuagint add (but unnecessarily, as it is sufficiently understood from the context), and found it not. 20. my bowels] the vital parts (specially the heart), as the seat of the emotions. are troubled] literally, are red, inflamed (with sorrow) ; a strong figure. is turned] cannot rest, is violently agitated. at home there is as death] As violent death is imminent for those who stir abroad, so even those who remain within are like to die of famine and pestilence. See Jer. ix. 21. 21. thou wilt bring] thou bringest. The day here spoken of is the day of punishment for Judah, but viewed as involving also the punishment of her enemies. This is shewn by the last words of the verse. Com- pare Jer. XXV. 1 7 — 26, in which passage Jerusalem and the neighbour- ing nations are all united in the same figure, as drinking in common of the cup of God's wrath. 368 LAMENTATIONS, II. [w. i, 2. For my sighs are many, and my heart is faint. Chap. II. i — 22. God^ s judgments upon the city. Lamentation. Supplication. i^) How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, And cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, And remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger ! (^) The Lord hath swallowed up all the habitations of Jacob, and hath not pitied : He hath thrown down in his wrath the strong holds of the daughter of Judah ; He hath brought them down to the ground : he hath polluted the kingdom and the princes thereof. 22. for my sighs are many] The connexion is, I have had my punishment. Do thou then proceed to inflict upon them their share. Chap. II. 1 — 22. God's judgments upon the city. Lamenta- tion. Supplication. This chapter may be subdivided as follows. Verses i — 10 describe in detail the punishment sent upon Jerusalem, 11 — 17 bewail the same together with the cruelty of the lookers on, 18, 19 call upon the city to address herself to God, and 20 — 22 gives us the supplication which she accordingly offers. In this chapter we have not simply a renewed setting forth of miseries, but rather the same viewed now more in the light of a judgment sent from God, and therefore as the consequences of sin. 1. How] See note on chap. i. i. hath... covered] doth... cover. the beauty of Israel] possibly the Temple, as in Is, Ixiv. 11, but more naturally, Jerusalem herself. his footstool] here again either the city or the Temple may be meant, or thirdly, the ark, which is actually called God's "footstool" in i Chron. xxviii. 2. In Ps. cxxxii. 7, the word seems used of the sanctuary (com- pare Is. Ix. 13). 2. habitations] The word is that which is used for the dwellings and pasture grounds of shepherds, and thus refers to the country parts of Judaea, as opposed to the fortresses, 'strongholds', that follow. hath polluted] By their fall they have been deprived of that sanctity which has hitherto been their character. Compare Ps. Ixxxix. 39, where the original word ("hast profaned ") is the same as here. w. 3—6.] LAMENTATIONS, II. 369 (J) He hath cut off in his fierce anger all the horn of 3 Israel : He hath drawn back his right hand from before the enemy, And he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about. (*1) He hath bent his bow like an enemy : he stood with 4 his right hand as an adversary, And slew all that were pleasant to the eye, In the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion : he poured out his fury like fire. (n) The Lord was as an enemy : he hath swallowed up s Israel, He hath swallowed up all her palaces : he hath destroyed his strong holds. And hath increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation. (1) And he hath violently taken away his tabernacle, as 6 3. all the horn] every horn, every means of defence, the horn being the symbol of power. He hath dratun back his right hand'\ God has withdrawn His aid from His people. burned against ^acob] burned amidst Jacob. He carries destruction into the heart of the nation. 4. with his right hand'\ that which has hitherto been the symbol of His help. all that were pleasant'\ This suggests persons only, whereas inani- mate things are doubtless meant as well. Therefore, we had best translate all that was pleasatit. in the tabernacle... '\ This belongs to the third division of the verse, and therefore there should be a stop after eye, while the colon which follows 'Zion' should be removed. tabernacle\ the city, daughter being, as is usual in such a connexion, a noun of multitude. 5. The stops do not accord with the threefold division of the verse, as rightly made in the text above. The Heb. on the other hand is correctly stopped. her palaces. ..his strong holds'] Jeremiah, in the former case, was thinking of the city, in the second of the people at large ; hence the change in the gender of the pronouns. mourning and lamentation] groaning and moaning, if we are to keep up the similarity of the original words, which are substantives from the same root, like our tribulation and trouble. 6. The comparison in the earlier part of the verse, as it stands in JEREMIAH 24 370 LAMENTATIONS, II. [w. 7— 9. if it were of a garden : he hath destroyed his places of the assembly: The Lord hath caused the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion, And hath despised in the indignation of his anger the king and the priest. (I) The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath abhorred his sanctuary, He hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces ; They have made a noise in the house of the Lord, as in the day of a solemn feast. (H) The Lord hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion : He hath strerched out a Hne, he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying : Therefore he made the rampart and the wall to lament ; they languished together, (to) Her gates are sunk into the ground; he hath destroyed and broken her bars : Her king and her princes are among the Gentiles : the law is no more; Her prophets also find no vision from the Lord. the Eng. Vers., is of the Temple (called the tabernacle) to a pleasure booth in a garden, and this is perhaps the most natural sense of the Heb., although it leaves something to be supplied. If we take the more literal as a garden, we get the thought that the Temple was destroyed and broken up with as much ease as a garden that had failed to please its owner. The Septuagint, misreading the Heb., have "And he scattered his tabernacle as a vine". his places of the assembly\ y^zV festivals. The same word in the Heb. as that which is immediately afterwards rendered solemn feasts. These were the annual, as the sabbaths the weekly, solemnities. 7. her palaces^ her high buildijigs, according to the primary mean- ing of the word, which, as the context shews us here, refers to the Temple. 8. He hath stretched out a line^ The Lord has used as much pre- cision in the destruction of the place, as a builder shews in construction. 9. are sunk into the ground] have disappeared as completely as though actually swallowed up. the law is 710 more\ The overthrow of Jerusalem involved the cessation of the legal ritual, as the sacrifices could not be carried on elsewhere. 6) \ lo— 13.1 LAMENTATIONS, II. 37i (^) The elders of the daughter of Zion sit upon the 10 ground, afid keep silence : They have cast up dust upon their heads; they have girded themselves with sackcloth : The virgins of Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground. (5) Mine eyes do fail with tears, my bowels are troubled, " My liver is poured upon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people ; Because the children and the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city. They say to their mothers, Where is corn and wine ? i« When they swooned as the wounded in the streets of the city, When their soul was poured out into their mothers' bosom. 02) What f/iing- shall I take to witness for thee ? what 13 t^wg shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem ? What shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion ? For thy breach is great like the sea : who can heal thee ? 10. T/ie elders of the daughter of Zion\ Each city and district had a ruling body of this kind. See i Sam. xvi. 4 ; 1 Kings x. i. they have cast up dust upon their heads'] Compare 2 Sara. xiii. 19 ; Neh. ix. I ; Job ii. 12. 11. Here begins the lamentation over Zion's condition, exposed to the mockeiy of her enemies. my bowels are troubled] See notes on chap. i. 20. my liver is poured upon the earth] The liver was looked upon in common with the rest of the vitals as the seat of the emotions, and hence the expression in the text merely denotes strong and painful excitement. the destruction of the daughter of my people] See note on tabernacle^ ver. 4. 12. corn and wine] a general designation for solid and liquid food. 13. shall I take to witness for thee] rather, shall I testify to thee ? The prophet casts about for some sort of message of comfort, that he may bear to Jerusalem in her sorrow. equal] liken, compare. * Equal ' is not elsewhere used in the Bible as a transitive verb. great like the sea] ^vithout measure. 14. For the assertion that in rhis and the next verse the author makes use of the prophecies of Ezekiel, see Introduction, chap. ii. § 2 {d\ and § 3 [d). 24 2 372 LAMENTATIONS, II. [vv. 14—17. 14 Q) Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee : And they have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity ; But have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banish- ment. 15 (D) AH that pass by clap f/iei'r hands at thee ; They hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusa- lem, saying, Is this the city that men call The perfection of beauty, The joy of the whole earth ? 16 (^) All thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee: They hiss and gnash the teeth : they say. We have swal- lowed Agr up : Certainly this is the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen it. 17 (y) The Lord hath done f/iaf which he had devised ; foolish things] virtually the same word as that which is rendered "folly" in Jer. xxiii. 13, where see note. discovered] uncovered, revealed (to thee), a use of the word now obsolete. Compare Shakespeare : " Go, draw aside the curtains and discover The several caskets to this noble prince." Merch. of Ven. Act. II. Sc. 7. to turn away thy captivity] by producing in thee repentance. false burdens] See note on Jer. xxiii. 30 — 33. causes of banishment] The Heb. word is not elsewhere found, and probably here points to the consequences which, as Jeremiah has already said, will follow the teaching of the false prophets (Jer. xxvii. 10, 15). 15. they hiss] Since the context contains expressions which imply contempt, this word probably does the same here, as it certainly does in Job xxvii. 23. 16. For the inverted order of the initial letters in the Heb. of this and the next verse, see Introduction, chap. i. § 4. all thine enemies... against thee] almost identical with iii. 46. gnash the teeth] in token of rage. Compare Ps. xxxv. 16, xxxvii. 12. lue have seen it] "we have seen. The it is best omitted, as also the her in an earlier clause of the verse. Thus the clauses are made more abrupt in consonance with the joyful emotions of those supposed to be uttering them. For a parallel to the last words of this verse, see Ps. xxxv. 2 1. w. i8, 19.] LAMENTATIONS, It. 373 he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old : He hath thrown down, and hath not pitied : and he hath caused thine enemy to rejoice over thee, He hath set up the horn of thine adversaries. (^) Their heart cried unto the Lord, 18 O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down Hke a river day and night : Give thyself no rest ; let not the apple of thine eye cease, (p) Arise, cry out in the night : in the beginning of the 19 watches, Pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord : Lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, That faint for hunger in the top of every street. 17. in the days of old] That which had happened was merely a fulfilment of the threats, Lev. xxvi. 14 etc.; Deut. xxviii. 15 etc. he hath set up the horn of thine adversaries] See ver. 3, and compare I Sam. ii. i. 18. In this and the following verse we have the thought consequent on the main one on which the prophet has been dwelling, viz. that the calamity is from the Lord, and is the result of disobedience. The people cry to Him whom they have offended, to help them now in their hour of need. Their heart] that of the people. wall] The rampart and wall have been already (ver. 8) said to lament. Here the wall, meaning those who had hitherto been sheltered by it, is called upon in its ruins to cry out for help. river] torrent, a mountain stream, rushing down its rugged channel. no rest] The verb corresponding to the Heb. substantive here used, is found in Psal. Ixxvii. 1, where the reference is to the hattd (so margin, not "sore" as in Eng. Text) stretched out in prayer, ''and ceased not,'' literally, attd grew not cold. Such then is the meaning of the word here also. apple] For this word, meaning pupil (of the eye), compare Deut. xxxii. 10 ; Ps. xvii. 8. 19. cry out] in prayer. in the beginning of the watches] i.e. of each watch. In New Testa- ment times the Jews had adopted the Roman division of the night into four watches of three hours each (see Matt. xiv. 25; Mark xiii. 35). Up to that time the division was threefold, each consisting of four hours. Compare Exod. xiv. 24 ; Ps. Ixiii. 6, etc. pour out thine heart like water] Compare ver. 1 1. lift up thy hands] in supplication. 374 LAMENTATIONS, II. [vv. 20-22. Cl) Behold, O Lord, and consider to whom thou hast done this. Shall the women eat their fruit, and children of a span long? Shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord ? (^) The young and the old lie on the ground in the streets : My virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword ; Thou hast slain them in the day of thine anger; thou hast killed, and not pitied. (Xl) Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, So that in the day of the Lord's anger none escaped nor remained : Those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed 20. Here begins the prayer made in response to the prophet's exhor- tation. consider to whom thou hast done this'] Remember that the people whom Thou thus afflictest are Thy chosen ones of old. and children] children. of a span long] The word properly means stretched out, and thus a better sense is given us by the Eng. margin, swaddled with their hands, the objects of their care, the thought of maternal tenderness in the forms in which it would ordinarily be displayed towards children of that age heightening the effect of the picture. See note on Jer. xix. 9. 21. The young] the same word as that used in Jer. i. 6 ("child"), where see note. The words in Italics in the Eng. text {them — and) rather weaken the passage and are best omitted. 22. Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about] As though proclaiming a festival Thou hast summoned aloud my terrors. Jeremiah here alludes, as is shewn by the form of the Heb. for terrors (wrongly translated neigJtbouring villages by the Septuagint). to the word Magor-missabib, which had been so constantly in his mouth (see note on Jer. vi. 25, xx. 3), and which, though disregarded and no doubt mocked, the people had now come to recognise as but too well war- ranted by realities. have suvaddled] the same word as that so rendered in margin of ver. 20 (see note). vv. 1—5.] LAMENTATIONS, III. 375 Chap. III. i — 21. llie prophet^ as represe?iting the nation^ bewails their sjiffermgs. (^) I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of 3 his wrath. (X) He hath led me, and brought 7?ie into darkness, but 2 not i7ito light. {1^) Surely against me is he turned ; he turneth his 3 hand against 7?ie all the day. (!l) My flesh and my skin hath he made old; he hath 4 broken my bones, (i) He hath builded against me, and compassed nie 5 with gall and travail. Chap. III. 1 — 21. The prophet, as representing the nation, BEWAILS their SUFFERINGS. 1. For remarks upon the character and leaching of this chapter and upon its structure, see Introduction, chaps, i. § 4, iii. § 2. affliction'] the whole series of calamities, which had now reached their climax in the capture and burning of Jerusalem. by the rod of his wrath] For the figure itself compare Job ix. 34, xxi. 9; Is. X. 5, and for an expansion of the thought of Babylon acting as the instrument of God's wrath see Jer. li. 20 — 23. 3. is he turned; he turneth] he turneth again and again. For the Heb. idiom see note on Jer. xii. 15. 4. made old] wasted. The Heb. verb means to rub away. he hath broken my bones] For this phrase compare Is, xxxviii. 13. The flesh, skin, and bones are taken as comprising the whole man, the former two denoting the softer portions, the last the harder, which must be fractured, in order to destroy it. 6. He hath builded against me, and compassed] Here as in ver. 3 we have to deal with the idiom by which two verbs are used where we should in English have a verb and adverb. Translate therefore He hath builded against me round about. gall] For the primary sense of the word see note on Jer. viii. 14. In a case like the present it had no doubt ceased to be a metaphor apd come to mean simply bitterness, and so it illustrates, along with the words that follow, Jeremiah's custom of suddenly dismissing a figure and falling back upon the subject itself. See Introd. to Jer. chap. ii. § 8 {d), and compare verses 13 and 14 of the present chapter. travail] From i6ii to the American edition of 1867 all editions of the Authorized Version had travel both here and in the case of Numb. XX. 14. It was probably in comparatively recent times that the two modes of spelling were definitely appropriated to distinct meanings of the word, as they now are. The Heb. word here (and in Numbers) is clear in its sense, viz. weariness. 376 LAMENTATIONS, III. [vv. 6— 14. 6 (2) He hath set me in dark places, as they that be dead of old. 7 (J) He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy. 8 (jl) Also when I cry and shout, he shutteth out my prayer. 9 (Jl) He hath inclosed my ways with hewn stone, he hath made my paths crooked. 10 (*7) He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places. 11 (*7) He hath turned aside my ways, and pulled me in pieces : he hath made me desolate. 12 (*7) He hath bent his bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow. 13 (n) He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins. 14 (n) I was a derision to all my people ; and their song all the day. 6. This verse is identical with the last part of Ps. cxliii. 3. sei me] made me dwell. dark places] darkness is used as an equivalent for misery, as light for happiness. Compare Jer. xiii. 16. dead of old] for ever dead, i. e. unable to return to the life of this world, as opposed to the state of those in a sleep or swoon. 7. my chain] literally, my brass. In Eng. we speak of irons in the same sense. 9. hath inclosed] the same verb as "hath hedged" in ver. 7. hath made my paths crooked] The prophet, finding that the direct way was as it were blocked, tried side paths, but finds that they also fail to lead him in the direction he wishes to go. The whole figure ex- presses perplexity and dismay. 10. Not only is there misery, but active forms of danger too. was] Is. 11. hath turned aside my ways] hath driven me from the path, and then sprung upon me and devoured me. desolate] appalled, stupified. For this sense of the word see notes on Jer. V. 30, xviii. i6. 12. The enemy is now likened not to the beast of prey, but to the hunter. 13. arrows of his quiver] The Heb. has the more poetical children of his qui^'er. my reins] See note on Jer. xii. -2. The word therefore here expresses the sharpness of the prophet's grief at that which he hears and sees. 14. a derision] See note on Jer. xx. 8. vv. 15—21.] LAMENTATIONS, III. 377 (n) He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me 15 drunken with wormwood. (1) He hath also broken my teeth with gravel stones, he 16 hath covered me with ashes. (1) And thou hast removed my soul far off from peace : 17 I forgat prosperity. (•|) And I said, My strength and my hope is perished 18 from the Lord ; (I) Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the 19 wormwood and the gall. (T) My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is 20 humbled in me. (t) This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. 21 15. He hath filled me] literally, He hath satiated me. bitterness] literally, bitternesses, i.e. bitter pains. wormwood] See notes on Jer. ix. 15, xxiii. 15. 16. broken my teeth with gravel stones] The metaphor from food is continued. The prophet is like one whose teeth are worn away by the continued action of grit mixed with his bread. covered] The Heb. word does not occur elsewhere. It may mean made to eat (Septuagint), but more probably A^noX.^?, pressed down. 17. thou hast removed my soul] thou hast rejected my soul. The Heb. words are taken from Ps. Ixxxviii. 14 (Heb. 15), and but for the fact that there the construction must be as above, we might well here have adopted a translation, which the original will equally bear, my soul is rejected (from prosperity). We should thus avoid the introduction of a direct address to God, which seems not to come earlier than ver. 19. peace] health, prosperity. prosperity^ good, i.e. The very thought became a stranger to me. 18. And I said] within myself, i.e. I thought. 19. Remembering] Remember. God is now directly invoked. my misery] See note on i. 7. This word as well as gall and worm- wood are gathered into this verse, as suggesting the whole of the previous lament, in which they have taken a prominent place. 20. My soul hath them still in remembrance, and] This is better than the alternative rendering, Thou wilt surely remember that my soul, etc. 21. The previous verse and this are apparently suggested by Ps. xlii. 4, 5 (Heb. 5, 6), and, inasmuch as the words corresponding to This I recall of the present passage have reference to that which follows, it has been proposed to make these words also to relate to the more hopeful thoughts that come in ver. 22 and onwards. But the structure of the poem, ver. ^l being the third (and last) of its group, as well as the previous context rather point to the last words of ver. 10 as being what the prophet recalls for his comfort. The humility arising from S7^ LAMENTATIONS, III. [vv. 22—29. 22 — 36. Words of Submission a7id Hope. 22 (n) It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not con- sumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 (n) They are new every morning : great is thy faithful- ness. 24 (n) The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. 25 (to) The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. 26 (tD) It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. 27 (to) It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. 23 (^) He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath borne // upon him. 2^ (^) He putteth his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope. sin dwelt upon and acknowledged produces in due course a sense that contrition will be accepted and deliverance granted. Hence arises the change of tone in the section which follows. 22 — 36. Words of Submission and Hope. 24. The Lord is my portion'] For the expression, which is a frequent one, we may compare Ps. xvi. 5. Its origin is probably to be looked for in the Lord's words to Aaron (Num. xviii. ^o). 25. good is the leading word of this group (25 — 27), The knowledge of the Lord's goodness is that which makes it good that man should be hopeful and submissive. 26. should both hope and quietly wait] should wait, and that in silence. 27. in his youth] in the time when his passions are strongest and therefore most need the discipline, which, if established in its seat then, will hold sway throughout his life. The words by no means imply that the writer was young at the time he used them. Rather he is look- ing back through a long life of trouble and the experience which he has gained in the course of it. 28. In this verse and the rest of the group the verbs should be trans- lated by the hortative form, Let him sit alone — let him keep — let him put, etc. The connexion is, if suffering is really attended with benefit to the sufferer, then let him submit readily to it. hath borne] hath laid. The subject is God. 29. He putteth his fnouth in the dust] the Eastern way of expressing absolute submission. vrv. 30—37-] LAMENTATIONS, III. 379 (^) He giveth his cheek to him that smiteth him : he is 30 filled full with reproach. (!D) ^or the Lord will not cast off for ever : 31 (^) But though he cause grief, yet will he have compas- 32 sion according to the multitude of his mercies. O) For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the 33 . children of men. (7) To crush under his feet all the prisoners of the 34 . earth, (7) To turn aside the right of a man before the face of 3s . the most High, (7) To subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approveth 36 not. 37 — 54. Renewed expressions of suffering joined with appeal to God for help. (lb) Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, whefi 37 the Lord commandeth // not ? 30. He giveth his cheek"] Here we have the climax, the exhortation of ver. 29 being more difficult to obey than that in the first of the group, and this the most difficult of all. Compare Matt. v. 39. 31 — 33. This group contains the two thoughts which produce the resignation, [a) because punishment will be only for a time, and will be succeeded by a renewal of mercy, [b) because even in punishment it is in no angr>- or vindictive spirit that God acts. 33. willinglyX literally, fro7n His heart. 34 — 36. Three species of wrong-doing are here enumerated ; {a) To treat prisoners with cruelty : words to which the spectacles daily seen in Jerusalem at the time must have added much point, {b) To obtain an unrighteous decision at law: for the judges as representing God were called by His name (e.g. in the original of Exod. xxi. 6; see Ps. Ixxxii. 6), and hence the expression ' before the face of the Most High,' [c) To defraud a man of his legal rights, which might be done without an actual trial. The sense of the whole will depend upon the view we take of the last words. They may be explained either, (i) the Lord regardeth not (i.e. turneth a deaf ear) to such things, the words being then spoken by unbelievers or those who despaired of obtaining help from God, or, (ii) as a question. Doth not the Lord regard (such acts), or, (iii) as the Eng. Vers. In favour of this last is the use of the same expression in i Sam. xvi. 7. 37 — 54. Renewed expressions of suffering joined with APPEAL TO God for help. 37. The verse is no doubt suggested by Ps. xxxiii. 9. The order of thought in this group is, All events are absolutely in the hands of SSo LAMENTATIONS, III. [vv. 38— 47. 38 (12) Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good. 39 (^) Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins ? 40 Q) Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. 41 Q) Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. 42 (^) We have transgressed and have rebelled : thou hast not pardoned. 43 (D) Thou hast covered with anger, and persecuted us : thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied. 44 (D) Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, that our prayer should not pass through. 45 (D) Thou hast made us as the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people. 46 (^) All our enemies have opened their mouths against us. 47 (^) Fear and a snare is come upon us, desolation and destruction. God. Thus evil comes from Him as well as good. But it is man's sin that procures for him the former; he therefore may not complain. 39. The verse has had two interpretations proposed, (i) Why should a man all his life long complain that his sins are punished? (ii) Why should a man lament, while all the time he has more than he merits, viz. life ? Let each one lament his sins. 40. Z(f/ us search] As it is through our sins that this evil is come upon us, let us seek out what has been amiss in us. 41. wt^A our hands] literally, unto our hands. Let it not be a mere formal expression of prayer, but let our hearts follow the direction in which our hands point. 42. We... thou] The pronouns are emphatic in the original. Thou and we have been at variance. 43. Thou hast covered] Thou hast covered thyself, literally, Thou hast made a covering for thyself. 46. On the peculiarity of the alphabetic arrangement here see Introduction, chap. i. § 4, and for this verse compare chap. ii. 16. 47. Fear and a snare] See note on Jer. xlviii. 43, from which this is a quotation, fear probably meaning, if not an actual huntins; trap (compare 'L,z.\\xi formido), at any rate the cause of itzx, formidable object, as in Gen. xxxi. 42, 53. So {Bible Word Book), Or in the night, imagining some fear. How easy is a bush supposed a bear ! Midsummer Nighfs Dream, Act v. Sc i. vv. 48—54.] LAMENTATIONS, III. 381 (£)) Mine eye runneth down iviih rivers of water for the 48 destruction of the daughter of my people, (y) Mine eye trickleth down, and ceaseth not, without 49 any intermission, (J^) Till the Lord look down, and behold from heaven. 50 (J^) Mine eye affecteth mine heart because of all the 51 daughters of my city. (V) Mine enemies chased me sore, like a bird, without 52 cause. (5f) They have cut off my life in the dungeon, and cast 53 a stone upon me. (V) Waters flowed over mine head ; then I said, I am S4 cut off. desolation^ devastation. The original is not any of Jeremiah's words rendered so often desolation in the Eng. Version, but occurs here only. 48. rumieth down with rivers of water] a still stronger expression than that of i. 16, where see note. 49. trickleth down] pouretli down. The Eng. Vers, is hardly strong enough. ceaseth not] literally, is not silent, compare Jer. xiv. 17, where the Heb. word is the same. 51. affecteth mine heart] eauseth pain to my soul. The inflamma- tion of eyes caused by continual weeping is added to the mental suffering which already exists. the daughters of my city] those whose untoward fate Jeremiah has already lamented (i. 4, 18, ii. 10, 21). The verse has been taken in two other ways, which commend themselves less : (i) that the daughters are the villages, daughter towns of Jerusalem, (ii) that the sense is / weep more than cdl the daughters, i.e. the prophet's tears exceeded those even of the most tender hearted woman. 52. This group of verses according to some has reference solely to the prophet himself, as persecuted by his countrymen. In that case verse 53 will refer to the incident of Jer. xxxviii. 6, and 'cast a stone' will mean, not probably that the princes there mentioned flung stones at Jeremiah as he lay in the dungeon, but that they covered it in with a stone, so as to increase the prophet's sufferings. The other way of understanding it is of the Israelites generally in their hour of suffering, and specially of the godly, among whom the prophet in his sufferings would be a typical instance. Mine enemies... without cause] These words should probably go to- gether. For the comparison to a chased bird compare Ps. xi. i. 53. They have cut off] They have destroyed, i.e. have tried to destroy. 54. Waters flowed over mine head] Whether the reference be to the prophet as an individual or not, this must be merely a figure to express 382 LAMENTATIONS, III. [w. 55— 63. 55 — 66. Thanksgiving and a prayer for vengea7ice. 55 (p) I called upon thy name, O Lord, out of the low ' dungeon. 56 (p) Thou hast heard my voice ; hide not thine ear at ' my breathing, at my cry. 57 (p) Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon ' thee : thou saidst, Fear not. 58 (1) O Lord, thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul ; thou hast redeemed my life. 59 (*l) O Lord, thou hast seen my wrong : judge thou my cause. 60 (^) Thou hast seen all their vengeance and all their imaginations against me. 61 (^) Thou hast heard their reproach, O Lord, and all ^ their imaginations against me ; 62 (^) The lips of those that rose up against me, and their device against me all the day. 63 (^) Behold their sitting down, and their rising up; I a7n their musick. intense misery. The dungeon into which Jeremiah was cast was dry (Jer. xxxviii. 6). See further in note on ver. 55. I am cut Ojff~\ an expression found in the same sense Ps. Ixxxviii. 5, and Is. hii. 8, which latter serves to connect in thought the sufferings here spoken of with those undergone by Him who became sin for us. 65 — 66. Thanksgiving and a prayer for vengeance. 65. / called upon thy name] It has been conjectured that Ps. Ixix. is the composition of Jeremiah, and was uttered by him on this occasion. Compare ver. 54 with the opening verses of that Psalm. See note on Jer. xviii. 23. 66. at 77iy breathing;, at my cry] or, as the words may be translated, at my crying for relief, inasmuch as in the only other place where the word here rendered breathing occurs ("respite" Exod. viii. 15, in Heb. ver. 11) relief \% its sense. 67. Thou drewest near] Compare Ps. cxlv. 18. 68. thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul] The enemy are likened to opponents in a suit at law. The Lord is the prophet's advocate against them. 62. The lips] i.e. the utterances, and hence properly governed by Thou hast heard of the preceding verse. 63. musick] song. Compare Job xxx. 9, where the word trans- lated song is from the same Heb. root as here; also Ps. Ixix. 12, where however the word is a different one. vv. 64—66; 1—3.] LAMENTATIONS, III. IV. 383 (n) Render unto them a recompence, O Lord, ac- 64 cording to the work of their hands, (n) Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them. 65 (n) Persecute and destroy them in anger from under ee the heavens of the Lord. Chap. IV. i — 22. The sufferings of the people are consequent on sin. (X) How is the gold become dim ! how is the most fine 4 gold changed I The stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street. (^) The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, 2 How are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter ! (jl) Even the sea monsters draw out the breast, they 3 give suck to their young ones : 64. For the language compare Ps. xxviii. 4, and for the general character of the prayer in this and the two following verses, note on Jer. xviii. 23. 65. sorro7v of heart] blindness of heart. Compare 2 Cor. iii. 15. Chap. IV. 1 — 22. The sufferings of the people are conse- quent ON SIN. 1. This chapter differs from the earlier ones, {a) in dwelling more on the sufferings of various classes of people, {b) in bringing out more clearly that these sufferings were the consequences of the national sin. Verses i — 12 set forth the miseries attendant on the siege, 13 — 16 point out that the prophets and priests are guilty, 17 — 20 the hopeless- ness of human aid, 21, 22 that Edom's triumph will be but short-lived. Hoiv is the gold become dijn ./] In this and the rest of the verse there is no reference to the literal gold of the Temple, or, as some have thought, to the onyx stones on the shoulders of the high priest's robe (Exod. xxviii. 9 — 12). The next verse shews that the expressions are metaphorically used for the people themselves, similarly called elsewhere (Zech. ix. 16) "the stones of a crown". are poured out in the top of every street] It falls in witli the above interpretation, that this has been already said of the starving little ones (chap. ii. 19). 2. work of the hands of the potter] They are treated thus, who are in fact specially moulded by God's hand, the people whom He "formed for" Himself (Is. xliii. 21). 3. the sea monsters] the Jackals. See notes on Jer. ix. r i , li. 34. 384 LAMENTATIONS, IV. [vv. 4—6. The daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness. (^) The tongue of the sucking child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst : The young children ask bread, and no man breaketh // unto them, (n) They that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets : They that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills. (1) For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, is become cruel] The italics are hardly needed in the Eng. Vers., the whole being virtually contained in the Heb. ; literally, is for a cruel one. like the ostriches in the wilderness] "The outer layer of eggs is generally so ill-covered that they are destroyed in quantities by jackals, wild-cats, etc., and that the natives carry them away, only taking care not to leave the marks of their footsteps, since, when the ostrich comes and finds that her nest is discovered, she crushes the whole brood and builds a nest elsewhere. ...To this it may be added that the female ostrich forsakes her nest at the least alarm." (Sp. Comm. on Job xxxix. 15, 16. See that passage.) 4. the sucking child... the young children] The Heb. expressions {ydn^k...6lel; compare babes and sucklings as rendering of same Heb. in Ps. viii. 2) seem to denote respectively the second and the third stage, when the child passed beyond babyhood. "The dlel is still sucking, but it is no longer satisfied with only this nourishment and is asking bread." (Edersheim's Sketches ofycwish Social Life^ p. 104.) breaketh] See note on Jer. xvi, 7. 6. delicately] luxuriously. In the Old Testament the word occurs elsewhere only in i Sam. xv. 32, and Prov. xxix. 21. In the latter case the sense is the same, while the Heb. word differs from that used here ; in the former the Heb. is as here, but the sense probably is cheerfully. desolate] See note on chap. iii. 11. brought tip in scarlet] literally, resting upon scarlet, whose very swaddling clothes were rich and costly. embrace dunghills] for want of a better couch. 6. For the punishment of the iniquity] For the Iniquity. the punishment of the sin] the sin. There is no assertion in this part of the verse as to the comparative amount of punishment, but from the admitted fact that the sufferings of Jerusalem exceeded those of Sodom, it is inferred that the sin must have been in like proportion. Sodom perished in a moment, there were no prolonged sufferings. w. 7— lo.] LAMENTATIONS, IV. 3^5 That was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her. (T) Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were 7 whiter than milk, They were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polish- ing was of sapphire : (n) Their visage is blacker than a coal ; they are not 8 known in the streets: Their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick. (^) They that be slain with the sword are better than 9 they that be slain with hunger : For these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field. (^) The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their 10 own children : such as are brought about or directly administered by the hand of man. stayed on her\ literally, went round about her (inflicting the punish- ment). 7. Nazarites] This is probably right, although it is also rendered princes. There is probably a reference to the Rechabites (Jer. xxxv.), who were among the most prominent examples of men following out the Nazarite rule of life in the matter of abstinence from intoxicating drinks. rubies'] corals. Others render pearls, but this involves also a sub- stitution of glowing for ruddy, which is not permissible. their polishing was of sapphire] their shape was that of a sapphire. Not only their bright, glowing appearance, but also their well-shaped figures suggested a carefully cut precious stone. 8. Their visage is blacker than a coal] Their form is darker than blackness. Here comes the contrast, shewn in their present state. Compare Job xxx. 30. it is withered, it is become] it is become dry. 9. See note on Jer. xxxvii. 10. The two modes of death experienced in the siege are contrasted. From the primary sense of the word translated pine away, viz., fow out, as well as from the fact that the Heb. for stricken through is a verb used elsewhere only for those literally transfixed, the latter part of the verse has been by some referred to those slain with the sword, and translated, The foryner pour out their lives, pierced from (i.e. going into battle direct from the yet remaining) y^iVj of the field. 10. For the general subject of the verse see chap. ii. 20, and Jer. xix. 9. pitiful] (hitherto) compassionate. The word is found elsewhere in the Bible only in Jam. v. 11 ; i Pet. iii. 8. Its modem use is not as JEREMIAH 25 386 LAMENTATIONS, IV. [w. 11-15. They were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people. O) The Lord hath accomplished his fury; he hath poured out his fierce anger, And hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath devoured . the foundations thereof. (7) The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed That the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. {f2>) For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, That Aave shed the blood of the just in the midst of her, Q) They have wandered as blind men in the streets, they have polluted themselves with blood, So that men could not touch their garments. (D) They cried unto them, Depart ye; // is unclean; here, in the sense full of pity, but mtich to be pitied. For the former, compare (Latimer, Sermons, p. 391). *' Because I speak here of orphans, I shall exhort you to be pitiful unto them." — Bible Word Book. sodden] boiled ; the participle of to seethe, for which last see 2 Kings iv. 38, and for sodden, Exod. xii. 9. 11. Ikath kindled a fire in Zion] The literal burning of Jerusalem was typical of the Lord's anger, which had blazed forth against it. 12. all the inhabitants of the world] an ordinary form of Eastern hyperbole, suggesting to their minds only the same notion as our every body, the obvious limitations being given by the sense in each case. Probably from and after the overthrow of Sennacherib (2 Kings xix. 34> 35)> it came to be believed that Jerusalem was impregnable. Its fortifications had been much strengthened by Uzziah (2 Chron. xxvi. 9), Jotham {ib. xxvii. 3), and Manasseh [ib. xxxiii. 14). 13. The reason for the event which has thus amazed the world is now given, and at the beginning of the verse by way of connexion we must supply some such words as, This has happened. the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests] See Jer. vi. 13, xxiii. II, xxvi. 8, etc. 14. They] these prophets and priests. ivandered] literally, staggered. The last part of the verse expresses forcibly how terribly reckless they had been of human life. 15. Those who met these blood-stained priests and prophets in the street, abhorred them, and warned them off with the leper's cry, Unclean, unclean! (Lev. xiii. 45). The words 'it is' need not have been inserted in the Eng. Vers. The adjective indeed is in the sing., but only as meant to correspond the more absolutely with the cry which in the case of leprosy the afflicted man was himself to raise. vv. 16—19.] LAMENTATIONS, IV. 387 depart, depart, touch not, when they fled away and wandered : They said among the heathen. They shall no more sojourn there, (15) The anger of the Lord hath divided them ; he will 16 no more regard them : They respected not the persons of the priests, they favoured not the elders, (y) As for us, our eyes as yet failed for our vain help : 17 In our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save 21s. (V) They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our 18 streets : Our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come, (p) Our persecutors are swifter than the eagles of the 19 heaven : They pursued us upon the mountains, they laid wait for us in the wilderness. 7uhen they fled away and wandered\ -when they fled away, then they wandered. It was the same thing when they went abroad. They travelled with step as uncertain as at home (see ' wandered' of ver. 14), and abroad also men would have none of them. They said among the heatheti] men said, etc. See previous note. These two verses may well be not merely a graphic way of setting forth the horrible crimes of the prophets and priests, but an actual record of facts of which this is the only trace remaining to us. 16. hath divided theni] hath scattered ihem (among the nations). they"] men, as in the previous verse. 17. As for Its, otir eyes as yet failed for our vain help] rather, Our eyes still waste away (as we look) for our help in vain. The expecta- tion that Egypt or some other nation might come to the rescue, was cherished to the end of the year and a half of the siege, and here is set forth the heart-sickness caused by this hope deferred, z« our watching] or, according to some, on our watch-tower. 18. They hunt our steps] This expresses either the definite danger which existed in the more exposed parts of the city, from the towers advanced gradually nearer to the walls by the besiegers, in which they lay in wait and let fly at the citizens, or in general it denotes the constant dread which beset their hearts under the figure of game for which the hunter lays wait. 19. swifter than the eagles] a favourite simile, taken from Deut. xxviii. 49. See note on Jer. iv. 13. They pursued us upon the mountains] See Introduction, chap. i. § 3. 388 LAMENTATIONS, IV. [w. 20—22. .0 (*l) The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of the Lord, was taken in their pits, (9/" whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live among the heathen. :i (^) Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz ; The cup also shall pass through unto thee : thou shalt be drunken, and shalt make thyself naked. 2 (n) The punishment of thine iniquity is accomplished, O daughter of Zion ; he will no more carry thee away into captivity : He will visit thine iniquity, O daughter of Edom ; he will discover thy sins. This passage was supposed by those who chose the earlier date for the Lamentations to have special reference to the overthrow and death of Josiah. The real reference is no doubt either to the circum- stances attendant on the capture of Zedekiah (Jer. xxxix. 4, 5, lii. 8.) who is referred to more distinctly in the following verse, or in general to the condition of the Jews at the taking of the city. 20. The breath of our nostrils\ With this, as applied to a king, a sen- tence of Seneca {ad Neronem de Clementia, i. 4) has well been compared: "He (the Emperor) is the breath of life, which these many thousand (subjects) draw." As regards its application to Zedekiah individually we are to remember that whatever may have been his personal weak- nesses (and he was weak rather than vicious), he was the one on whom the whole of the people's hopes depended for the continuance of their national life. was taken in their pits\ a metaphorical expression drawn from hunting. Compare i. 3, 13. of whom we said...] See last note but one. 21. Rejoice and be glad] Enjoy thy shortlived triumph, while thou mayest. For the joy of Edom over the destruction of Jerusalem see latter part of note Concerning Edom, Jer. xlix. 7. that dwellest in the land of Uz\ See note on Jer. xxv. 20. the cup] the figurative expression for God's wrath ; compare Jer. xxv. 17. thou shalt be drunken...] a figurative way of saying, thou shalt be ex- posed in the eyes of the world to the contempt which attends upon liisaster (compare i. 8). 22. The punishment of thine iniquity] Thine iniquity. See ver. 6 above. The prophet, as he looks into the future with its Messianic hopes, sees the time when the Jews shall be delivered alike from the sinful courses which have weighed upon them for generations and from the punishment which has ensued. he will discover thy sins] The reading of the Eng. margin {he will w. 1—6.] LAMENTATIONS, V. 389 Chap. V. 1 — 18. A sorrowful enwjieration of the insults heaped on Zion because of her sins. Remember, O Lord, what is come upon us : Consider, and behold our reproach. Our inheritance is turned to strangers. Our houses to aliens. We are orphans and fatherless. Our mothers are as widows. We have drunken our water for money ; Our wood is sold imto us. Our necks are under persecution : AVe labour, a7id have no rest. We have given the hand to the Egyptians, And to the Assyrians, to be satisfied with bread. carry thee captive for thy sins) depends upon the fact that the verb in the Heb. is the same as that so rendered earlier in the verse. It is however common in both senses, and thus the present case must rather be looked on as an untranslateable play on words. For discover used virtually in the sense of punish compare the converse use of cover in Ps. xxxii. I, Ixxxv. 2. Chap. V. 1—18. A sorrowful enumeration of the insults HEAPED ON ZiON BECAUSE OF HER SINS. 1. This final poem, although its verses are equal in number with the letters of the Heb. alphabet, yet does not, like its predecessors, adhere to any rule as to the initial letters of the verses. 2. Our inheritance\ our land. our houses'] either the houses throughout the country parts of Judaea, or those in Jerusalem as well, which had been spared. See note on Jer. lii. 13. 3. orphans and fatherless] not, as having lost our king, as some would explain, but desolate and without protectors, as the mothers of Israel are for the same reason likened in the second part of the verse to widows. 4. The bitterness of their captive state is shewn by the fact that they the rightful owners were compelled to buy from the enemy who had come into possession the commonest necessaries of life. 5. Our necks are under persecution] The simile of an actual pursuit is used. We are as it were hard pressed and harassed in flight by a foe who is gaining upon us. 6. The nadon has been starved into willingness to submit to either of the two great powers, Egypt or Babylon. For ' we have given the hand' see note on Jer., 1. 15, and for Assyria meaning Babylon, note on Jer. ii. 18. 390 LAMENTATIONS, V. [w. 7—15. Our fathers have sinned, a7td a7'e not ; And we have borne their iniquities. Servants have ruled over us : There is none that doth deliver 11s out of their hand. We gat our bread with the peril of onr lives Because of the sword of the wilderness. Our skin was black like an oven Because of the terrible famine. They ravished the women in Zion, A7td the maids in the cities of Judah. Princes are hanged up by their hand : The faces of elders were not honoured. They took the young men to grind. And the children fell under the wood. The elders have ceased from the gate, The young men from their musick. The joy of our heart is ceased ; Our dance is turned into mourning. 7. and are not\ or, better, they are not. we have borne their iniquities^ See Introduction, chap. i. § 3 (^). 8. Servants have ruled] Slaves have ruled. The Chaldaeans are meant, among whom it was nothing unusual for a slave to rise through abiHty or favour to the highest station. 9. We gat our bread] We get our bread. The reference is to the bands of wild Arabs (Bedaween), seeking opportunities for the plunder of those who venture from the shelter of the city to reap the harvest. 10. was black like an oven because of the terrible famine] glows like an oven because of the burning blast of famine. The feverishness brought on by hunger is meant. 12. Princes are hatiged up by their hand] The reference probably is not to death by crucifixion, but to subsequent impalement in order to expose to the utmost ignominy. Both death by crucifixion and impale- ment after death were regarded with the utmost abhorrence by the Jews. For the former see Deut. xxi. ■23. 13. They took the young tnen to grind] The young men have borne the mill. This involves the thought of their also being employed to grind the corn, and thus the general sense of the verse is that as rank and advanced age was no safeguard, neither did tenderness of age secure against the most oppressive and menial of labours. 14. from the gate] the place of social enjoyment and conversation, answering to our clubs and other places of entertainment. Compare Jer. xiv. 1 with note. vv. 16—22.] LAMENTATIONS, V. 39i The crown is fallen from our head : »6 Woe unto us, that we have sinned ! For this our heart is faint ; 17 For these things our eyes are dim. Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, 18 The foxes walk upon it. 19 — 22. Final appeal to Godfo r deliverance. Thou, O Lord, remainest for ever ; 19 Thy throne from generation to generation. Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, 20 A7id forsake us so long time ? Turn thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned; 21 Renew our days as of old. But thou hast utterly rejected us ; 22 Thou art very wroth against us. 16. The croxvn is fallen from our headi The crown upon (literally of) our head is fallen, i.e. our honour is brought to the dust. woe unto us, that we have sinned !\ These words shew that ver. 7 is not intended to imply that the generation which utters it does not inherit the sins of its ancestors quite as much as the punishment which is their due. 18. foxes'\ jackals. This shews what a comparative desert it was be- come. 19 — 22. Final appeal to God for deliverance. 19. 7-emaijtest] literally, sittest. The thought is that though the sanctuary of God on earth is desolate, yet there is hope and comfort in remembering that His heavenly dwelling is and must be unshaken. 20. Since this is so, why is Israel left desolate? 21. Turn thou us..."] taken from Jer. xxxi. 18. The appeal to God as the only source from which repentance could arise in the people has for its underlying thought the same which appears in 2 Cor. iii. 5. 22. But~\ rather, unless. The whole sentence is an hypothesis not to be accepted as fact, and to express this, there should be a note of interrogation after us in both parts of the verse and we should also insert an unless before thou art. God's anger cannot last for ever, and thus there is yet hope. Although the Book of Lamentations, like so many even of the saddest of the Psalms, does in fact close with the language of hope, that is in the present case so little apparent on the first reading that in many Heb. manuscripts ver. 21 is repeated at the end, that so its words may rather be the last to fall upon the ear. A similar expedient is used in the case of Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, and Malachi. See note on Jer. Hi. 34- APPENDIX, NOTE I. Traditions relating to Jeremiah. 1. That Jeremiah addressed a severe rebuke to the Jews in Egypt is the last undoubted fact which we possess in connection with him (chap. xliv. ; see note on ver. i), and it has been conjectured that it was in accordance with his own desire that his faithful minister Baruch refrained from inserting in the Book of his prophecies any further parti- culars of his life or record of his end — so slender at the outset and even inconsistent are the traditional notices. 2. The Christian tradition was that the Jews in Egypt, provoked by his rebukes, stoned him to death "Jeremias lapidatur" Tert. adv. Gnost. c. 8; "Jeremias lapidatus...a populo," Hieron. adv. Jov. ii. 37. See also beginning of § 8 below. 3. The Jewish tradition, perhaps however invented by way of hiding the truth of the charge brought against them by the Christians, was that the prophet had escaped from Egypt to Babylon, and there died. 4. In the (Apocryphal) Book of Ecclesiasticus (chap. xlix. 7), the date of which is very uncertain, Jeremiah is referred to thus: — " They entreated him evil, who nevertheless was a prophet, sanctified in his mother's womb, that he might root out, and afflict, and destroy ; and that he might build up also, and plant." See Jer. i. 10. 5. In 2 Mace. ii. i — 7 we are toll that Jeremiah at the exile "com- manded them that were carried away to take of the fire," and that "the prophet, being warned of God, commanded the tabernacle and the ark to go with him, as he went forth into the mountain, where Moses climbed up, and saw the heritage of God. And when Jeremy came thither, he found an hollow cave, wherein he laid the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense, and so stopped the door. And some of those that followed him came to mark the way, but they could not find it. Which when Jeremy perceived, he blamed them, saying, As 394 APPENDIX. for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that God gather his people again together, and receive them unto mercy." 6. Judas Maccabaeus before his conflict with Nicanor sees in a vision (2 Mace. xv. 12 — 16) "a man with grey hairs, and exceeding glorious, who was of a wonderful and excellent majesty,. .a lover of the brethren, ...Jeremias the prophet of God," who presents him with a sword of gold, by which to prevail. 7. The following is the form which the tradition had assumed in the time of Polyhistor (brought from the East to Rome by Sylla the Dictator). He is quoted by Eusebius [Praepar. Evajig. ix. 39). In the time of Jehoiakim Jeremiah prophesied. He found the Jews sacrificing to a golden idol, named Baal, and announced the impending disaster. Jehoiakim was for burning him alive, but he said that they (the Jews) should as captives cook food for the Babylonians and dig canals for the Tigris and Euphrates. The historian adds that Nebuchad- nezzar hearing of these prophecies came with Astibar, king of the Medes, and captured Jerusalem, removing to Babylon the treasures of the Temple, "except the Ark and the Tables which were in it; these remained with Jeremiah." On this last point, see § 5 above. 8. In our Lord's time there are traces of a popular belief that Jeremiah's work on earth was not yet done, and this was one of the phases of Messianic hope. See Matt. xvi. 14, and compare John i. 2r, where "that" (rather the) "prophet" is by some thought to have reference to him. For other prophecies attributed to him, see Note il. 9. The treatise De Vitis Prophetariim attributed to St Epiphanius (died A.D. 402) relates as follows (shewing that meanwhile the tradition had grown considerably), "Jeremiah the prophet was of Anathoth, and he was stoned to death by the people at Taphnae in Egypt. And he lies at the site of Pharaoh's house, for the Egyptians honoured him, having received benefits from him; for asps and... crocodiles were destroying them, and at the prayer of the prophet Jeremiah both the venomous asps were driven from that land, and in like manner the treacherous beasts from the river, and all the faithful to the present day pray at that spot, and taking of the dust cure the bite of asps and put the crocodiles themselves to flight. This prophet gave a sign to the Egyptian priests, saying, that all their idols must be overthrown and all the works of their hands [see note on Jer. xxv. 7] collapse, when there should set foot in Egypt a virgin about to bear a Divine Child [Matt. ii. 14]. And so it was." Epiphanius adds that the memory of this prophecy is kept up by a ceremony continued to his own time. He continues: — "This prophet before the capture of the temple seized the Ark of the Law with all its contents, and caused it to be swallowed up in a rock, and said to the priests of the people and to the elders who stood by. The Lord departed from Sinai into the heavens, and He will co7ne again in sacred might. And this shall be the sign of His coming, when all nations boiv dozun before wood (the Cross, see Tvlatt. xxiv. 14). And he said to them, N'o one of the priests or prophets shall disclose this APPENDIX. 395 Ark, save Moses the chosen of God. The Tables that are in it none shall open save Aaron. And in the Resurrection the Ark shall rise first, and shall go forth from the rock and be placed on the Mount Sifiai, and all the saints shall be gathered together to it, there azvaiting the Lord, ajid shunning the enemy who desires to destroy them. And with his finger he impressed upon the rock the name of the Lord, and the impression was as though it had been cut with an iron tool, and a cloud overshadowed the rock, and no one knows that spot till the end of the world. And this rock is in the wilderness, where the Ark was first made, between the two mountains where Moses and Aaron lie. And at night a cloud like fire rests upon the spot, after the likeness of those of olden time, inasmuch as the glory of God will never desert His Law." NOTE II. Other prophecies ascribed to Jeremiah. 1. The 6th chapter of the (Apocryphal) Book of Baruch purports to be an Epistle from Jeremiah to the captives in Babylon. 2. A quotation is attributed to "Jeremy the Prophet" in Matt, xxvii. 9, really found however in Zech. xi. \i, 13. Lightfoot {Horae Hebraicae) on this N. T. passage quotes a Talmudic treatise [Baba Bathra, fol. 14 a) which makes the order of O. T. Books Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, giving as the reason, that since the Books of Kings end with disaster, and Jeremiah and Ezekiel also deal with disaster, while Isaiah contains comfort, the former class should go together. Lightfoot accordingly explains the passage on this principle, and takes "Jeremy" to denote the whole section of which it was the opening Book; comparing Luke xxiv. 44, where by "the psalms" are denoted all the Books not included under the two other divisions there mentioned. 3. Justin Martyr [Dialogue with Trypho, p. 646 § 72, Migne Edition) ascribes evidently by mistake to Jeremiah a passage resembling i Pet. iii. 19. 4. Eph. V. 14, "Av/ake, thou that, etc." Grote in his commentary on this passage remarks that certain (among whom he mentions, appa- rently by error, St Epiphanius) say that this is from the Apocryphal writings of Jeremiah. He adds that at any rate the word "Christ" does not agree with such a view. 5. In the works of Pseudo Abdias (about the latter part of the rth century a.d.) these words (see Fabricius, Codex Pseudepigr. V. T. p. 1109) are quoted as Jeremiah's: "Behold thy redeemer shall come, Jerusalem, and this shall be his token, He shall open the eyes of the blind, he shall restore to the deaf their hearing, and with his voice shall raise the dead". 6. Other portions of Scripture which have been at one time or an- other ascribed to Jeremiah are Deuteronomy, Kings, many of the Psalms, e.g. v., vi., xiv., xxii., xxxi , xli.. Hi — Iv., Ixix — Ixxi., Isaiah, chaps, xlix. — Ixvi., Zechariah, chaps, ix. — xiv. 396 APPENDIX. NOTE III. .Jeremiah as a type of Christ. St Jerome {Commentary on ^er. xxiii. 9) speaks of this prophet as one who (i) as leading a single life, (ii) as a prophet, (iii) as sanctified from the womb (compare Luke i. 15) and (iv) in his very name, the Lord's exalted one, prefigured Christ. To state the parallel more fully in the words of a modem writer: *'In both there is the same early manifestation of the consciousness of a Divine mission (Luke ii. 49). The persecution which drove the prophet from Anathoth has its counterpart in that of the men of Nazareth (Luke iv. 29). His protests against the priests and prophets are the forerunners of the woes against the scribes and Pharisees (Matt, xxiii.)- His lamentations over the coming miseries of his country answer to the tears that were shed over the Holy City by the Son of Man. His sufferings come nearest, of those of the whole army of martyrs, to those of the Teacher against Whom princes and priests and elders and people were gathered together. He saw more clearly than others that New Covenant, with all its gifts of spiritual life and power, which was proclaimed and ratified in the death upon the cross." (Professor Plumptre, Sm. Bibl. Diet., Art. Jeremiah.) NOTE IV. Approximation to a chronological arrangement of the contents of the book. Chaps. I — 12 Josiah. 14 — 20 Jehoiakim. 26 ist year of Jehoiakim. 25 4th ,, ,, I46— 49 do. 35, 3^ do. 45 do. 13 Jehoiachin. 29 (? ist year of) Zedekiah. 27 do; ,, 50, 5r 4th year of Zedekiah. 28 do. ,, ,, '21—24 9th „ „ 34 do. „ „ 37 9th(ioth) 30— .^3 loth .. M 38 loth „ 52 nth ,, 39 — 44 Period of exile. * Except 46, 13 — 28 Period of exile. 49, 34 — 39 ist year of Zedekiah. ' Rut originally spoken at various times. See 22, i. INDEX. *»* Italics are used in modern names of places, the less fajuiliar foreign words, and in cases where words or phrases, or particular senses of them there noted, are wholly or partially obsolete. Abarim, 156 Abdeel, 245 Abner, 268 access to God shall be direct, 215 Achbor, 184, 243 Adaiah, 102 Ahab, 196 Ahikam, 185 Ai, 307 Atchah, 353, 361 Alexandria, Jews at, 281 almond tree, see Jeremiah, visions con- nected with alphabetical arrangement, 330 Amasis, 282, 290 ambassadors, 345 Ammonites, bands of, 97 Amon (Ammon), see No Amon Anata, xii Anathoth, xi. ; Jeremiah conspired a- gainst by people of, 95 ; their punish- ment, 96, 97 Apis, 289 appendix to Jeremiah (chap, lii.), genuine- ness of, 344 apple (of the eye), 373 Apries, 247, 282 Ax, 301 Ararat, 336 ark, 30 ; see also footstool arm, emblem of authority, 301 Armenia, 336 Amon, 295 Aroer, 300 Arpad, 313 Asa, 267 asceticism of Rechabites, 236; of Naba- thaeans, 238 Ashdod, 175 Ashkelon, 175, 295 Ashkenaz, 336 ass, the burial of, 155 Assyria = Babylon, 19; vacillation of the Jews between Egypt and, ib. Assyrians, cruelty of, 59; battle axe of the, 291 Atbash, 176, 330 Athens, crowded during invasion of At- tica, illustration from, 36; the plague at, 121 Aven, 275 avenger of blood, 327 Azariah, 269 Azekah, 233 Azriel, 245 Azur, 189 Azzah (=Gaza), 175 Baal, 15, 69, 224; =Bosheth, 32 Baalim, 21 Baalis, 264, 268 Baasha, 267 Babylon, presumption of, 326; date of prophecy (1. li) regarding, 317; capture of, 322, 325, 337, 339 ; Zedekiah's visit to, 192, 343; =Assyria, 19; =Baby- lonia, 322; likened to a golden cup, 331; to a battle axe, 334; called a destroying mountain, 335 ; a burnt mountain, 336; exiles commanded to pray for, 193; see also canals, and gates, and walls Babylonia, fertility of, 323 baker, 250 baldness, 18, 304, 306; see mourning balm, 76, 332 Baruch, minister to Jeremiah, 221, 241; lesson of humility taught him, xxxiii. 282; did he write chap. 1. etc.? 317 Barzillai, 269 bases, 189, 348 basons, 349 battle-axe, Assyrian, 291, 334; Babylon likened to a, 334 beard, shaving the corners of, 82; cut in mourning, 122, 266, 304 beauty, figures expressive of, 385 Bedaween, 26, 390 Bel, 319, 340 Ben-hadad, 314 Benjamin, territory of, i Beth-aven, 39 Beth-diblathaim, 301 Bethel, 39, 299 Beth-gamul, 301 Beth-haccerem (Beth-acharna), 53 Bethlehem, 269 ; see also Ephrath Beth-meon, 301 Beth-shemesh, 275 bird, the people likened to a, 100; bird- catchers, ib. bondmen, house of, 234 Book of the Law, discovery of, xv. xvii Boscath, 102 Bosheth, see Baal bottle, 104, 299 398 INDEX. bowels, 212, 367, 371 bowls, 349 bowmen, 43; of Elam, 316 Bozrah, 301, 310, 311 Branch, the, 159 brasen bulls, 349 bread, cake of, 250; scarcity of, 252 " breath of our nostrils," 388 brick-kiln, 196, 273 brigand, 285 brigandifie, 285 brightness, gleams of, in Jeremiah, 19S bruit, 89 buckler, 285 built ( = established), 102, 206, 270 bullocks ( = choice youths), 325; merce- nary troops likened to, 290 bulls, see brasen bulls burden, 166 burial, lack of, as punishment, 112, 155 Buz, 176 cabins, 249 cage, 50 cakes (sacrificial), 65, 279 caldrons, 348, 349; see also Jeremiah, visions connected with canals about Babylon, 328, 339 candlesticks, 349 cane, the sweet, 58 cannibalism, 140, 374 Caphtor, 294 captivities, Nebuchadnezzar's successive, 351 caravanserai, 76, 269 Carchemish, 284, 286, 297 ; turning point in history, 170 Carmel, 13, 290, 324 carpenters, 168, 193 Cassandra, Jeremiah likened to, xxvii cast about, 268 caterpillars, 333, 336 cedars ( = chief men), 152 celibacy, 121 ceremonial, if heartless, useless, 58, 90, 94 ; comes second to the moral law, 66 Chaldaean army composed of many dis- tinct nations, 231 chapiters, 349 Chemosh, 297 childhood, stages of, 384 children bear the sins of their parents, 356; much prized by the Jews, 60, 117, 121, 153, 158, 246 children of the people, 130 Chimham, 268 Chittim, 15 Christ typified by Jeremiah, see Je- remiah Chuzistan, 316 cistern, 16, 17, 109 cleansing (forgiveness), a distinctive fea- ture of the new covenant, 214, 227 " Cleopatra's Needle," 275 clothes rent in mourning, 266 clouds, enemy likened to, 38 clouts. 253 cockatrice, 75 Commandment, bearing of Jeremiah's teaching on Second, 356 ; breach of Fourth, 131; Rabbinic view of the Fourth, ib. compass, 212 Coniah, see Jehoiachin consolation, the cup of, 122 correct, 20 counting, Heb. mode of, 234 court of law, figure taken from, 178 court of the Temple, 180 covenant, ceremonies attendant on, 235 ; superseding of the legal, 214; illustra- tion of certainty of God's, 230 crane, 72 C'thubhim, 353 C7tnning, 80 cup, Babylon likened to a golden, 331 cups, 349 Cushi, 243 Cyaxares, xx Cyrus, 187, 322, 323, 334 Damascus, 313 Dan, town of, 39, 74 Daniel, date of his captivity, xx. ; his dumbness removed by touching, 4 Dante, Jeremiah likened to, xxvii.; quo- tation from, 46 Daphnae Pelusii, see Tahapanes darkness, symbol of ignorance or of mise- ry. io5> 376 days come, 159 Dedan, 175, 309 deed of purchase, 220 defaming, 145 Delaiah, 243, 245 delicately, 384 delicates, 338 desperately wicked, 128 Dhiban, 300 diamond, 125 Dibon, 299 disaster, likened to a bitter draught, 174 discovered, 372 divorce, 25 doings, see ways dragons, 78 draught, see disaster dreams, 163, 187, 193 dress, importance attached to, 352 door, keeper of the, 237 dote, yi-j double, 130, 324 drought, 26, 50, 98, 108, log, 140, 190, 328, 346, and often in Lamentations; johied with sword and pestilence, iii, 115, 195, 271. See also famine dungeon, 249, 252, 381, etc. INDEX. 399 eagle, 305 ., , eagles, enemy swifter than, 39, 387 ears, tingling of, 138 eat, 119 Ebedmelech, 252, 260 eclipse, 117 Edom, 82, 175, 308; king of, 186 Eglath, 304 Egypt, Jewish colonists in, 281 ; study of medicine in, 287 ; mercenary troops of, 290 ; the Holy Family's flight into, ^ 275, 394 Ekron, 175 Elam, 316; bowmen of, ib. Elasah, 193 el-Bjisaireh, 310 " elders of Israel," 183 Elealeh, 304 Elishama, 245, 265 Elnathan, 184, 243, 245 Emims, 295 ending, fenr of an ill-omened, 352, 391 enemies of Israel, their punishment to be temporary, loi, 292, 306, 308, 317 enfranchisement of slaves, 233 English history, illustration from, 11 Ephai, 263 Ephraim, 65, 208; position of mount, 39 Ephrath (? Euphrates = ), 103 equal, 371 Ethiopia, 107 Ethiopians, 107, 286 ; see also Ebed- melech Et Teim, 29'; eunuch, 252 Euphrates, 103, 337 Evil-merodach, 157, 172, 352 exiles commanded to pray for Babylon, 193 evelid-staining, 43 Ezekiel, special revelation to, 346; al- leged quotation from in Lamentations, 356 fallow ground, simile from, 34 falsehood = idolatry, 108, 112 false prophets, 189 faine, 59 familiars, 145, 253 family, 29 family feuds, 77 famine, cannibalism produced by, 140, 374 ; see also drought fan, 116 fasts, 242, 265, 347 fatness, a mark of prosperity, 51 fear, 380 fear is on every side, 59, 374 ferries, 337 fet, 184 field, 219, 225 fire, a signal, 52; a part of Moloch- worship, 69, 139; a strong motive- power, 144; a punishment, 48, 118, 127, 149, 150, 152, 223, 306, 314, 326, 342, 365, 369, 386; on the hearth, 244; God's Word likened to a, 165; roast in the (as a punishment), 196 fire-pans, 349 firstfruits at Passover, 50; at Feast of Weeks, ib. fishing, metaphor from, 124 flow, used of the tribes, 209 folds, 159 folly = idolatry, i6r ; see also vain (vanity; footstool, 368 forest, 150, 291; forest of Lebauon, 152 forgiveness, see cleansing former rain, 26, 50 fountain, 16, 76, 129 foxes, 391 fray, 70 fruit dedicated, 207 funerals, distribution of bread and wine at, 122 furnace, the iron, 91 furniture of Temple, 348 gadfly, 290 gall, 74, 162, 375, 377 Gamaliel, parallel to argument of, 182 Gareb, 217 gate, 1 16 ; = inhabitants of city, 109; the seat of justice, etc. 8, log, 150, 390: gates of the Temple, 62, 142, 182 ; gates of the city, 138, 217, 249, 258; gates of Babylon, 342 Gath, 175, 294 Gaza, 293, see also Azzah Gedaliah, son of Ahikam, 185, 260, etc.; = Igdaliah, 237; son of Pashur, 251 Gehenna, 22, 69 ; see Hinnom Gemariah, son of Shaphan, 185, 242, 245 ; son of Hilkiah, 193 ghetto, 296 Gibeon, 189, 268 Gilead, 76, 152, 287, 324 gird up thy loins, 9 give glory, 105 give the hand, 322 glaziers, diamond used by, 126 Goath, 217 Goel, 327 gold, the people likened to, 383 Gomorrah, 162, 311, 328 grapes, sour, 214 grasshopper, 291 groves, 126 habitation, 228, 312, 323, 368 hadariye, 315 hair cut in mourning, 122, 266, 304; in ceremonial uncleanness, 68 Hamath, 258, 313, 346, 351 Hammeiech, 245 hammer, God's Word likened to a, 1655 Babylon likened to a, 324 Hamutal (Hamital), 345 400 INDEX. Hanameel, 219 Hanan, 237 Hananeel, 217 Hananiah, son of Azur, 189 ; father of Zedekiah, 243; grandfatherof Irijah, 249 hand ( = palm), 99, 121 ; stretched out in prayer, 373 hanging, 390 harvest, a proverb taken from, loi hasten, 6, 281 Hazor, 315 head covered in mourning, 109 heap, 204, 212, 339 heard, 234 heart, seat of the intellect, or of the will, 37; of the emotions, 373 hearth, 244 heath, 127, 297 heavenly bodies, worship of, 71, 140 hedges, 307 Heliopolis, 275 Heshbon, 296, 304, 306, 307 Hezekiah, quoted as a precedent, 183 Hierapolis, 285 high places (as a seat of idolatry,) 26, no; see also mourning Hilkiah, x., i hind, careful of its young, 1 10 Hinnom, 21, 69, 138, 139, 217, 224 hissing, 136, 139, 172, 195, 339, 372 Holon, 300 honey, flowing with milk and, 92 hope, gleams of in Jeremiah, 198 hope of Israel, a title of God, no Hophra, see Pharaoh-Hophra horn, as emblem, 301, 369, 373 horns (of altar), 126 Horonaim, 296, 304 Hosannah, meaning of, 208 Hoshaiah, 269 hospice, see caravanserai host of heaven, see heavenly bodies houses thrown down to make room for defensive works, 227 humbled, 277 hunting, metaphor from, 124, 325, 362, 365, 380, 387, 388 husband, the word used of God, 215 Igdaliah, see Gedaliah image and thing imaged blended, see Book of Jeremiah imagination, 30, 67, 79, 92, 104, 123, 135, 163 Immer, see Pashur imprecations, 137, 146 inanimate objects spoken of as sympa- thizing with sorrow, 363 incense, 58 incurable, 128 iniquity of fathers visited on children, 214 Innocents, slaughter of, 210 instruct, 211 interest, see usury in those days, 30, 324 Isaiah, list of quotations from, 84 Ishmael, 263, etc. isles, 175 Jaazaniah, i, 236 jackals, 78^ 328, 383 Jahaz, 304 Jahazah, 300 Jazer, 303 Jeconiah, see Jehoiachin Jedidah, 102 Jehoahaz, other name of, 153; Jeremiah's grief at his fate, 152 Jehoiachin, xxi., 157; childless, 158 Jehoiada, 197 Jehoiakim, character of, xviii, 151, 154, 156; murder of Urijah, 184; burning of the Roll, 244; his end, 155, 246; mis- reading for Zedekiah, 185 Jehucal (=Jucal), 247, 251 Jehudi, 243, 244 Jerahmeel, 245 jeremiad, xvi Jeremiah, meaning of name, ix. ; paren- tage, X.; family dwelling place, xi.; dedicated before birth, 3; distinctive features of his call, xvi.; age when called, 4 ; parallels in secular history, xxvii.; visions connected with, 5 — 7, 167 ; opposition to him, xxvi., 145 ; he advises submission to Chaldaea, xvii., 19; symbol of the potter's clay, 132; of the broken vessel, 138—140; of the linen girdle, 102; of the yoke, 186, 191 ; of the wine cup, 174 ; the prophet's Roll, 240 ; its burning meffectual, illus- tration of this, XX.; letter to the exiles, 192 ; charged with desertion, 249 ; buys a field, xxiii., 219: rescued by Ebed- melech, 253 ; Nebuchadnezzar friendly, 103, 259; in Egypt, 273 : traditions con- cerning him, 393; Grotto of, 354; a type of Christ, 396; other prophecies ascribed to him, 395 ; other portions of O. T. ascribed to him, ib. ; references to him in N. T., 394 ; other Jeremiahs, i Jeremiah, Book of, language of chap. x. 1—16; unlike the rest, 83, Chaldee verse, 86; parallels with Deut. xv.; with Lamentations, 357 ; repetitions of language, or thougnt or an image, xxviii., 63; examples of image and thing imaged blended, xxix.; use of cypher (Atbash), xxx., 176; analysis of contents, xxxi.; clue to their ar- rangement, xxxii.; prophecies chrono- logically arranged, 396 ; Septuagint, xxxiv., 173, 284, 316; differences in Heb. and Sept. order discussed, xxxvi.; Table shewing the two orders, xxxviii Jerusalem, name of street in, 250; be- lieved impregnable, 386; called God's throne, 30, 114; called a mountain, INDEX. 401 126, 213; a valley and a rock, 150; "that killcst the prophets," 23; the Jew's "wailing place" at, 360; see also footstool Jezaniah, 263, 269 Joab, 268 Johanan, 263, etc. Jonadab, 237 Jonathan, the scribe, 249, 250, 256; son of Kareah, 263 Jordan, the swelling of, 99 Josiah, reformation, x. xii., his end xvii., 353, 354, 360 journey of Zedekiah to Babylon, 192, 343 Jucal, see Jehucal Judaea, exposed position of, xii. ; its his- tory from Hezekiah's time, xiii. ; its overthrow shall not be final, 42; medal representing, 361 Justin Martyr, his quotation as though from Jeremiah, 395 Kareah, see Johanan Kedar, 15, 314 keeper of the door, 237 Kericth. 301, 305 Khan, see caravanserai kiln, see brick-kiln Kingly office, in what sense permanent, 229 Kings, kept at the court of the con- queror, 352 Kindih, 353 Kinsman's right to redeem, 219 Kir-heres, 303 Kiriathaim, 295, 301 Kirjath-jearim, 184 know, 3, 123 Kolaiah, play on the word, 196 Kronos, legend of, 224 Kureiyat, 296 Lachish, 233 lamb, a pet, 95 Lamentations, Book of, its name, 353 ; position, ib.; date, 354; structure, ib.; authorship, 355 ; alleged inconsistencies with Book of Jeremiah, 356, etc. ; paral- lelisms, 357, 359 ; subject matter and purpose, 359; use, 360 ; see also Ezekiel. latter rain, 26, 50 Law, undue boasting in the, 73, 136 Lebanon, 135, 152 lees, of wine, 298 leopard, 46, 107 leper, 386 Libyans, 286 //// up the head, 352 lions, in literal sense, 46; figurative, 17, 23, 36, 99, 179, 311, 323, 329, 339 little ones = servants, io9;=abject ones, 296 liver, 371 Livy, illustration from, xxiii JEREMTAH locusts, 291, 333, 336 lodging place, see caravanserai lovers = allied nations, 156 Luhith, 297 Lydians, 286 Maaseiah, father of Neriah, 221, 343; son of Shallum, 237 ; father of Zede- kiah, 196; father of Zephaniah, 148, 197, 247 Mabog, 285 Maccabaeus, meaning of, 325 Madmen, 296 madness, 197, 274 Magormissabib, 59, 374 Malleus Scotorum, 325; hereticorum, ib. Manasseh, irreligion of, xiv. 24 Marduk = Merodach', 319 mark, 21 marriage, festivities of, 70, 172; forbid- den to Jeremiah, 121 Martel, Charles, 325 Mattan, 251 Mattaniah, see Zedekiah meat-offeritigs, 132, 266, 364 Medes, 176, 332, 336 medicine studied in Egypt, 287 Megiddo, xvii., 353 Megilloth, 353 Mephaath, 300 mercenary troops of Egypt, 290 Merethaim, 324 Merodach, 319 Merodach-Baladan, 319 Mesha, 295, 300 Messiah called David, 201 Messianic prophecies, 159, 210 metals, refining of, 120 Micah, quotation from, 183 Michaiah, 183, 243 Migdol, 275, 288 Milcom, 307 milk, see honey mill, 390 mingled people, 175 Minni, 336 Misgab, 296 mixture of metaphors, 29 Mizpah, 262, 267 Moab, 82, 175, 264, 295, etc. Moabites, bands of, 97; " Moabite stone," 295. 298, 300 Moloch, worship of, 69, 224 moon worship, 65, 71, 278, etc. ; see also new moon morning, the business time, 150 Moses, 114 mount, a besieger's, 53, 223, 227 mountain, as a hindrance, 105; title of Jerusalem or Zion, 126 mourners, hired, 80 mourning, on high places, 32; hand laid on head in, 25 ; head covered in, lop ; dust on head in, 371; clothes rent m, 266; cutting of beard, etc. in, 122, 266, 26 402 INDEX. 304; odours burnt in, 232 ; Jeremiah to avoid the house of, 121 mouth put in the dust to shew submis- sion, 378 mutiny, illustration from Indian, 267 Nabathaeans, 238 Nablus, 266 Nabonedus, 172 Nabopolassar, xx Nagd, 141 name, change of, on accession, etc., xvn., 153; play upon names, 39, 52, 196, 296, 324; a Book named from a con- spicuous word in it, 353, 361 nations, the wine cup administered to the, 174; order of prophecies against, 284 naughty, 168 Nazarites, 385 Nebo, 295, 301 Nebuchadnezzar = Nebuchadrezzar, 148 Nebuzar-adan, 260, etc., 273, 347 Necho, see Pharaoh Necho neck, hardening of, 67 Nehelamite, 197 Nehemiah, 335 Nehushta, 102, 106 Nei^al-sharezer, 257, 258, 260 Neriglissor, 172 net, 365 Nethaniah, 243 Netophathite, 263 new moon, signal of, 52 ; watchers for, 207 New Test, references to Jeremiah, 394 Nile, 286 Nimrim, 304 Nitocris, 70, 339 nitre, 21 No Amon, 292 Nob, 262 noon, S3, 116, 147 Noph, 18, 27s, 290 numbers, difficulties connected with,i57; Jewish love of certain, 172; see also counting, Heb. mode of Obadiah, 308 obelisk. 274 old paths, 57 olive, 94 On, 27s Ophir. 8s ostriches, 328, 384 owls, 328 ox, 95 pakid, 141, 350 Palestine, see Judaea palm tree, upright as the, 84 partridge, 128 pasha, 335 Pashur, son of Immer, 133, 141, 251; son of Melchiah, 141, 148, 251 Passover, first fruits at, 50 pastors, 14, 29, 129, 156, 158 pastures (pasturage), 53, 78, iS9, 177, 179. 312 ; see also habitation Pathros, 275 pavilion, 274 pekhah, 335 Pekod, 324 Pelusium, 275 pen-knife, 244 pestilence, joined with sword and famine, III, 115, 195, 271 Petra, 311 Pharaoh, 174 (meaning of), 247, 248, 289, 293 Pharaoh-Hophra, 247, 281, 282, 290, 293 Pharaoh-Necho, xvii., 284, 290, 293 Phocion, Jeremiah likened to, xxvii phrases imitated by the false prophets, 165, 190 pillory, 142 pit, see cistern pitiful, 385 plague, 139 plaister, 202, 203, 287 play upon proper names, 39, 52, 196, 296, 324 polygamy, 106 Pomegranates, 349 'orte, the Sublime, no post, 337 potter, vessel of, wheel of, see Jeremiah prayer, hand stretched out in, 373 present a supplication, 242 prey, thy life shall be for a, 261 priestly office, permanence of. 229 priests, not spread through country, xi prophets, false ; see false prophets ; three modes of deception as practised by them, 112 prophets, schools of the, xv prosperity of the wicked, 97, 98 proverbs, 98, 99 provinces, 362 Psammetichus, xvii Pseudo-Abdias, Jeremiah alleged to be quoted by, 395 Ptolemy Lagi, 281 quarter-master general, 343 queen (= queen mother), 106, 193; queen of heaven, 65, 278 quiet prince, 343 Rabbah, 307 Rab-mag, 258, 260 Rab-saris, 258, 260 Rachel, 210 rain, see former rain, latter rain Ramah, 210, 261, 267 Rechab. meaning of, 237 Rechabites, 236, 385 ; their reward, 239 . later references to, 240 redeemer, 327 redemption of property, 219 reeds, 337 INDEX. 403 reins, seat of the aflfections, 96, 98, 128, 376 rent (=rend), 43 repentance, used of God, 115, 134 revenues, 101 reward^ 262 Riblah, 254, 258, 346 riches, not properly a plural, 304 righteousness, the Lord our, 160 rising up early and speaking, 65 roast in the fire, a punishment, 196 rod of his inheritance, 87 ; rod implying strength, 299; implying wrath, 375 roll, see Jeremiah roofs of houses, uses of, 140 rubies, 385 sabbaths, hallowing of 131 ; Gentile ignor- ance concerning, 364 sabbatical rest, the land forced to keep a, 127 sagan, 335 Salem, 266, see also Jerusalem Samgar-nebo, 257 Samuel, 114 sapphire, 385 Sarsechim, 257 Savonarola, 117, 144 schools of the prophets, xv Scilun, 64 Scotorum malleus, 325 scribes, 73 Scythian invasion, xiv., 36 sea-monsters, 383 sea, sorrow on the, 313 ; —reservoir, 339; of brass, 189, 348 seething pot, see Jeremiah Selah, 311 Septuagint, see Jeremiah, Book of Seraiah, son of Azriel, 245; son of Ne- riah, 343 ; the chief priest, 350 served, 347 Shallum (king), see Jehoahaz ; father of Hanameel, 219 Shaphan, 184, 193, 242 Sheba, 58 Shechem, 266 shekel, 220 Shelemiah, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251 Shemaiah, father of Urijah, 184; the Nehelamite, 197; father of Delaiah, 243 Shephatiah, 251 shepherds, 320; see also pastors Sheshach, 176, 340 shields, 332 Shiloh, 64, 266 Shishak, 18 shout (vintage), 177, 333 shovels, 348 Sibmah, 303 sickle, 323 sides of the earth, 59 Sidon, see Zidon sight, deprivation of, a common punish- ment, 259 sign sometimes followed the thing sig- nified, 281 signet, 157 Sihor, 19 singular, collective sense of, 60 sirocco, 38, 108 sith, 116 slaughter, valley of, 139 slavery, 17; enfranchisement of slaves, 233 ; the Chaldaeans called slaves, 390 smiths, 168, 193 snow of Lebanon, 335 snuffers, 348 sodden, 386 Sodom, 162, 311, 328, 384 sope, 21 sorrow, as on the sea, 313; inanimate- objects spoken of as sympathizing with, 363 ; figure for intense, 381 spoons, 349 staff, implying strength, 299 stand before, 64, 120. See also served standard (standards), 36 star-worship, see heavenly bodies steel, 118 stocks, 142 stores, custom of hiding, 267 stork, 72 stripes, 142 stubble, 108 sun worship, 71 swallow, 72 swift (the bird), 72 sword of the Lord, spoilers likened to, 101 sword, joined with famine and pestilence, III, 115, 195, 271 ; the oppressing, 289 Sychar, 266 Syrians, bands of, 97 tabernacle, see tents table, admission to the king's, a special honour, 352 Tabor, 289 tabor, tabret, 206 Tahapanes (Tahpanes), 18, 273, 275, 288 tale, •2'2<) tank, see cistern Taphnae, see Tahapanes Tarshish, 85 Tatnai, 335 TekOa, 52 Tel, 204 tell, 228 Tema, 175 Teman, 309, 312 Temple, position of, 133, i8r, 213; fur- niture of, 348; called God's throne, 114, 129; invaded by the heathen, 364; see also footstool tents, still used in Jeremiah's time, 41, 38 terror, 130, 169, 222 404 INDEX. Threni, 353 threshing, 338 throne, title of Jerusalem, 30, 114; of Temple, 114, 129 Tiglath-pileser, 307 timbrel, 206 Titus, medal struck by (Judaea capta), 361 Tophet, 69, 139, 140, 141 travail (travel), 375 tree, men described under figure of, 97, 127 trumpet, a signal of danger, 41, 52, 57 turtle (dove), 72 Tyrus (Tyre), 175, 186, 254 uncircumcised ears, 55 unclean (the leper's cry), 386 Uphaz, 85 Urijah, 184 usury, 117 Uz, 175 vain (vanity), used of idols, 12, 39, 75, 85, 112, 114, 125, 13s ; see also folly valley of Hinnom, see Hinnom vermilion, 154 vessel, meaning of water poured from, 139; vessels of the Lord's house, 188 vine, 20; vinedressers, 259 vineyard ( = Israel), 100 vintage-songs, 177, 333 virgin, the people spoken of as a, 113, 135, 206; virgins taking part in religious ceremonies, 363 visit for good or evil, 219; Zedekiah's visit to Babylon, 192 ; iniquity of fathers visited on children, 214 volume, derivation of, 241 vows, obstinacy in idolatrous, 278 IVady en-Nemeirah, 304 walls, Babylon's broad, 342 war, a religious act, 53 •ward, 249 watch (verb), 281 ; watch (subst.), 373 watchers for new moon, 207 waters, an army likened to, 293 waters, cold, 135 way (your ways and your doings), 62 way-marks, 212 Weeks, firstfruits at Feast of, 50 weeping, excessive, 366 whirlwind, enemy's chariots likened to a, 38 widow, Judaea as a, 361 wilderness, 12; wind from the, 38, 108 wine, 298 ; filled with (figurative sense), .104, 301. 310. 331 winepress, 366 winter house, 244 works of the hands, 8, 171; also 84, 223 wormwood, 79, 162, 377 writing on earth or sand, 129; the pro- phecies committed to, 199, 241, 343 year (for years), 345 yoke, symbol of the, see Jeremiah; Babylon's dominion called a, 200 Zedekiah (king) xxii., his capture, 258, 346, 363, 388 ; his end, 347 ; conflicting prophecies connected with, 232; see also breath of our nostrils ; son of Maaseiah, 196; son of Hananiah, 243 Zephaniah, 148 Zerubbabel, 335 Zidon (Sidon), 175 Zimri, 176 Zion, 29, 36, 113, 183, 203, 207, 209, 258 319, 339; a mountain, 126; see Jera salem and Temple Zoar, 304 Zobah, 313 cambridgk: printed nv j. & c. v. ci.av, at the university press. 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Modern Church. — "Dr Pekowne deals throughout in a very thorough manner with every real difficulty in the text, and in OPINIONS 01 THE PRESS this respect he has faithfully followed the noble example set him in the exegetical masterpiece, his indebtedness to which he frankly acknow- ledges." English ChurchuiaJt. — "This little work, like all of the series, is a scholarly production ; but we can also unreservedly recommend it from a doctrinal standpoint; Dr E. H. Perowne is one who has grasped the distinctive teaching of the Epistle, and expounds it with clearness and definiteness. In an appendix, he ably maintains the correctness of the A. V. as against the R. V. in the translation of II. i6, a point of no small importance." Ephesians. Baptist Magazine. — " It seems to us the model of a School and College Commentary — comprehensive, but not cumbersome; scholarly, but not pedantic." Guardian. — '* It supplies matter which is evidently the outcome of deep study pursued with a devotional mind." FMlippians. Record. — "There are few series more valued by theological students than ' The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges,' and there will be no number of it more esteemed than that by Mr H. C. G. Moule on the Epistle to the Philippians.'' Colossians. Record. — "Those who have already used with pleasure and profit Mr Moule's volumes of the same series on Ephesians and Philippians will open this little book with the highest expectations. They will not be disappointed No more complete or trustworthy volume has been contributed to this series." Expository Times. — "This is now the Commentary on Colossians and Philemon to have at your hand, whether you are schoolboy or scholar, layman or clergyman." Thessalonians, Academy. — "Mr Findlay maintains the high level of the series to which he has become contributor. Some parts of his introduction to the Epistles to the Thessalonians could scarcely be bettered. The account of Thessalonica, the description of the style and character of the Epistles, and the analysis of them are excellent in style and scholarly care. The notes are possibly too voluminous ; but there is so much matter in them, and the matter is arranged and handled so ably, that we are ready to forgive their fulness Mr Findlay's com- mentary is a valuable addition to what has been written on the letters to the Thessalonian Church, " Baptist Magazine. — "Mr Findlay has fulfilled in this volume a task which Dr Moulton was compelled to decline, though he has rendered valuable aid in its preparation. The commentary is in its own way a model — clear, forceful, scholarly — such as young students will welcome as a really useful guide, and old ones will acknowledge as giving in brief space the substance of all that they knew." Timothy and Titus. The Christiati. — "The series includes many volumes of sterling worth, and this last may rank among the most valuable. The pages evince careful scholarship and a thorough acquaint- ance with expository literature ; and the work should promote a more general and practical study of the Pastoral Epistles." 6 CAMBRIDGE BIBLE FOR SCHOOLS 6- COLLEGES. Hebrews. Baptist Magazine. — •' Like his (Canon Farrar's) com- mentary on Luke it possesses all the best characteristics of his writing. It is a work not only of an accomplished scholar, but of a skilled teacher." James. Expositor. — **It is, so far as I know, by far the best exposition of the Epistle of St James in the English language. Not schoolboys or students going in for an examination alone, but ministers and preachers of the Word, may get more real help from it than from the most costly and elaborate commentaries." Tlie Epistles of St John. 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There is much more matter of practical utility compressed into this volume of pp. 174 than is contained in many a portentous tome." ^jbe Sbmaller (a^^ambriUge 23ibk for ^tbools. Sunday-School Chronicle. — '■'■We can only repeat what we have already said of this adtnirable series^ contaitiing, as it does, the scholar- ship of the larger work. For scholars in our elder classes, and for those preparing for Scripture examinations, no better commentaries can be put into their hands. ""^ Record. — ''■ Despite their small size, these volumes give the substance of the admirable pieces of^voj'k on which they are founded. IVe can only hope that in many schools the class-teaching will proceed on the lines these cotnmentators suggest.^'' Educational Review. — " The Smaller Cambridge Bible for Schools is unique in its combination of small cotnpass with great scholarship.... For use in lower forms, in Sunday-schools and in the family, we cannot suggest better little manuals than these." Literary World. — ''All that is necessary to be known and learned by pupils in junior and elementary schools is to be found in this series. Indeed, much more is provided than should be required by the examiners. We do not knozu what more could be done to provide soisible, interesting, and solid Scriptural instruction for boys and girls. The Syndics of the OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Camln-idge University Press are rendering great services both to teackei's and to scholars by the publication of stick a valuable series of books, in which slipshod work could not have a place. " Christian Leader. — *'/^?r the student of the sacred oracles who utilizes hours of travel or moments of waiting in the perusal of the Bible there is nothing so handy, and, at the same time, so satisfying as these little books Nor let anyone suppose that, because these are school-books, therefore they are beneath the adult reader. They contain the very ripest results of the best Biblical scholarship, and that in the very simplest form" Joshua. School Guardian. — "This little book is a model of what editorial work, intended for the use of young students, should be ; and we could scarcely praise it more highly than by saying that it is in every way worthy of the volumes that have gone before it." Schoolmistress. — "A most useful little manual for students or teachers." Judges. Educational Nezvs (Edinburgh). — "The book makes available for teaching purposes the results of ripe scholarship, varied knowledge, and religious insight." Schoohnaster. — "The work shows first-rate workmanship, and may be adopted without hesitation." Samuel I. and II. Sattirday Review. — "Professor Kirkpatrick's two tiny volumes on the First and Second Books of Samuel are quite model school-books; the notes elucidate every possible difficulty with scholarly brevity and clearness and a perfect knowledge of the subject." Kings I. Wesley an Methodist Stmday- School Record. — "Equally useful for teachers of young men's Bible classes and for earnest Bible students themselves. This series supplies a great need. It contains much valuable instruction in small compass." St Mark. St Luke. Guardian. — "We have received the volumes of St Mark and St Luke in this series.... The two volumes seem, on the whole, well adapted for school use, are well and carefully printed, and have maps and good, though necessarily brief, introductions. There is little doubt that this series will be found as popular and useful as the well-known larger series, of which they are abbreviated editions." St Luke. Wesley an Methodist Stmday -School Record. — " We cannot too highly commend this handy little book to all teachers." St John. Methodist Times. — "A model of condensation, losing nothing of its clearness and force from its condensation into a small compass. Many who have long since completed their college curriculum Mill find it an invaluable handbook." Acts. Literary World. — "The notes are very brief, but exceedingly comprehensive, comprising as much detail in the way of explanation as would be needed by young students of the Scriptures preparing for examination. We again give the opinion that this series furnishes as much real help as would usually satisfy students for the Christian ministry, or even ministers themselves." THE CAMBRIDGE GREEK TESTAMENT FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES with a Revised Text, based on the most recent critical authorities, and English Notes- Expositor, — " Has achieved an excellence which puts it above criti- cism.^'' Expository Times. — *' We could not point out better handbooks for the student of the Greeks St Luke. Methodist Recorder. — "It gives us in clear and beautiful language the best results of modern scholarship.... For young students and those who are not disposed to buy or to study the much more costly work of Godet, this seems to us to be the best book on the Greek Text ofthe Third Gospel." St John. Methodist Recorder. — "We take this opportunity of recommending to ministers on probation, the very excellent volume of the same series on this part of the New Testament. We hope that most or all of our young ministers will prefer to study the volume in the Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools.'" II. Corinthians. Guardian. — *' The work is scholarlike, and main- tains the high level attained by so many volumes of this series." London Quarterly Review. — " Young students will not easily find a more helpful introduction to the study of this Epistle than this.... There is everything that a student of the Epistle needs in this little volume. It deals clearly and thoroughly with every point, and is written in a style that stimulates attention." St James. AthencBum. — " This is altogether an admirable text- book. The notes are exactly what is wanted. They shew scholarship, wide reading, clear thinking. They are calculated in a high degree to stimulate pupils to inquiry both into the language and the teaching of the Epistle." The Epistles of St John. Scotsman. — "In the very useful and well annotated series of the Cambridge Greek Testament the volume on the Epistles of St John must hold a high position.... The notes are brief, well informed and intelligent." Revelation. Journal of Education. — "Absolute candour, a feeling for Church tradition, and the combination of a free and graceful style of historical illustration with minute scholarship characterise this work. We wish we had more work of the same kind in the present day, and venture to think that a mastery of this unpretentious edition would prove to many a means of permanently enlarging the scope of their studies in sacred literature." Gttardian. — "The volume is well worthy of its place in the ad- mirable series to which it belongs." CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. c t^s? Date Due r i ^^^ Book of the prophet Jerem,ah ,':,?:,^r-L^eo,og,ca,Sem,nary-Spe;. Library mmmimm ftmm mmm t u^uo ww aw^ i u i w i a