FELIRE HUI GORMAIN THE MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN EDITED FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY^ BRUSSELS, WITH A PREFACE, TRANS- LATION, NOTES AND INDICES. BY WHITLEY STOKES, D.C.L. FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, LONDON. 1895. LONDON : HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. martin's lane. CONTENTS. Preface I. Description of the Manuscript II. The Author of the Martyrology position III. The Language of the Martyrology IV. The Metre of the Martyrology .. V. The Contents of the Martyrology {a) Biblical saints ... (d) Continental saints (c) Anglo-Saxon saints (d) British and Armorican saints (e) Irish saints VI. The Glosses VII. Remarks on the present edition The Martyrology (Text and Translation). Lexicographical glosses Indices List of Abbreviations Glossarial Index Index of Places ... Index of Persons Additional Notes Corrigenda and the Place of its com vii-lit vii xviii xxi XXX .. xxxviii xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi 1 1 .. 1-251 252 253-402 •• 254 •• 255 ,. 294 .. 328 •• 403 406 Facsimile of two pages of the manuscript copy of the Martyrology of Gorman in the Royal Library, Brussels /o/ace the title page. PREFACE. The metrical martyrology, now for the first time printed, was composed in the latter part of the twelfth century by an Irish abbot, and is contained in a single manuscript transcribed in or about the year 1630 by one of the Four Masters, Michael O'Clery, to whose industrious and accurate pen we owe the preservation of much of the ecclesiastical and historical litera- ture of Celtic Ireland. I propose in this preface, first, to describe the manuscript in which the martyrology is contained ; secondly, to notice the .author of the poem, and the place in which it was composed ; thirdly, to consider some of the characteristics of its language ; fourthly, to explain the metre in which it is written ; fifthly, to give some account of its contents ; sixthly, to notice the glosses •on the text ; and lastly, to say a word or two on the present •edition. I. Description of the Manuscript, This is a paper manuscript in the Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels, marked 5100-4. It is bound in vellum with a piece of •calfskin stitched on the back, which is inscribed thus : Martyr- •ologia et Carmina hibernica. On the left cover is the following note in a seventeenth century hand : Continens mar- tyrologia S. ^ngussij Mariani Gormani et Tamlactense et genea- logias Sanctorum et plura alia opuscula. It is a thin quarto, almost wholly in the hand of Michael O'Clery ; and contains 214 leaves. Of these the first five are foliated : the book is then paginated from i to 67 ; and the rest of the book is foliated in pencil, from 68 to 244. Fo. I a Tabula sequentium usque ad Martyrologium Maoil muire ui Gormain, i.e., the martyrology now printed. Fos. ib-2b are blank. Fo. 3'\ Sgiathluirech Choluim cille. Begins : Sgiath De do nimh thoram ' the shield of God of heaven over me.' A bad copy of the poem entitled Lorica Coluim cille, and mentioned infra, p. viii, line 32. viii PREFACE. Fo. 4k Itinerarium na fairrge o Choluim cille in onoir chresa mo Bhi (' Colomb cille's sea-journey in honour of my Bf's girdle '). Six quatrains of which the third is incomplete. Begins : Crios an cluig ar mo chnes ar ndul damh a luing. (' The girdle of the bell on my skin after I have gone on board the vessel.') Fo. 5'"^ and fo. 5^ are blank. P. I. Mac Coissi cecinit. Begins: Abair damsa re derbail^ tagair re hinghin Taidg tuaidh. At the end : Slicht an Liubair Ruaidh innsin, ' that is the recension of the Red Book.' De uerbis Colmain macoBonae .i. de uitiis^ latentibus umbra bonorum operum. Begins : Is dual duit ni thorgoe- that na duailchi i fail na sualach. There is another copy in the Brussels MS. 2324-2340, fo. 6^^. P. 2, 1. 6. Short prose tale, beginning : [C]ailleach dorad a mac do Moling, Finnat a hainm ('An old woman named Findat gave her son to St. Moling '). Also in LL. 284^* 1. 26. Another prose tale, beginning : Mac raith mac mzc Lomainig .i. fer gradha do Domhnall o Bn'ain, tanic iarna marbhadh do accall«z;;/ a anmcarat do erail a eccnairce fair ('Mac Raith, son of Mac Lomainig, one of Domnall 6 Briain's men of trust, came after he had been killed, to speak with his soul-friend, and enjoin him to sing his requiem.') Also in the Bodleian MS., Laud 610, fo. 14^ P. 3. Three quatrains on the interval between the Creation and the sin of the angel (Lucifer), the time that Adam and Eve were in Paradise, and the eating of the forbidden fruit. Begins : Lethuair is tri huaire decc (' Half an hour and thirteen hours '). 1. 7. Lorica Coluim cille incipit. A poem in the metre rin7iard. Thirty-three quatrains. Begins thus : Sciath De do nim umum. ar bith ce cdin dradh tairsed iar ngail ngnimhrad. aingel De dom snadhadh. (' The shield of God of heaven around me ; on the present world a fair ladder : after valorous deeds may God's angel come to protect me ! ') Also in LB. 262b y^i^ in the Bodleian MS. Laud 615, p. 27, and in the Brussels MS. 2324-40, fo. 6^^. P. 4, 11. 22-27. Four disconnected quatrains. The first is Meisi Beccan, buan mo bladh | t;'uagh a Decclan gan mo dul. da fichit dec bliadhain buan | ar biror ar bri'ian tur (' I am Beccan, lasting is my fame — sad O Decclan, that I do not ' MS. di uitius. DESCRIPTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT ix go [to heaven], — fifty lengthy years have I Hved on cress and on dry fragments '). ]. 28. Four lines beginning : Cedbriat/zra Bice vaaic De iarna gein (no breit[h]_) iodietovc X. dia mboi each acca^ radha ' as becc in noidhe.' (' First words of Becc mac De immediately after his birth, when everyone was saying 'small {becc) is the babe.') Also in LB. 260^ 52, and the Brussels MS., 2324-40. fo. 68a-. P. 5, 11. 1-4. Four disconnected quatrains of which the^first is: Mo Cudo oc iasccairecht doibh | do scoil Einne co n-onoir | Ciaran ^as tioradh ro thecht ] ocus Ailbe occ aistirecht (For Enda's honourable school my Cutu did the fishing, Ciaran had the drying of corn, and Ailbe the doorkeeping or bellringing). 1. 5. Celtair dichil Diarm^ta hinnsi Clothrann incipit. Diarmait of Inis Clothrann's Celtair dicJiill. Begins : Beit 'gom snadhad ar gach ngabadh ('they will be protecting me against every peril '). Also in LB. 261^ 27, and Brussels MS., 2324-40, fo. 68^. P. 6, 1. 17. De confe[s]sione sancte Ciarane {sic). Begins : Pec- caui et multiplicata sunt peccata mea siipex num^^-um harene maris. 1. 22. De confe[s]sione [hjexametrum. Begins : Omne malum feci coram te crimina nostri. 1. 25. Oratio ante confe[s]sionem. Begins : A Athair, a Mheic, a Sp/rat [noib], dilgu[i]d dam (' O Father, O Son, O Holy Ghost, forgive me!'). Also in Laud 610, fo. 5t> 2, and in Brussels MS., 2324-40, fo. 69a. P. 9, col. 3. The prayer of Colgu the Wise. Begins : Ateoch frit, a Lu noemh do chethri suiscelaig ro scribsat do sosceii coimdheta .i. Matha et Mairc, Lucas et lohain. (' I appeal to thee, thou holy Jesus, by the four evangelists who wrote thy dominical gospels, even Matthew and Mark, Luke and John '). Also in the Yellow Book of Lecan (H. 2. 16), col. 336. P. 12, col. 2, 1. 8. Aurnaigthi Cholgan h?/z Duinecda .1. ier leighinn Cluana m<^zc Nois insin .i. scuap crabaidh (' The prayer of Colgu hua Duinechda, lector of Clonmacnois, to wit, the Besom of Devotion'). Also in Brussels MS. 2324-40, fo. 71=^. This Colgu is commemorated by Gorman at Feb. 20. P. 13. A legend of St. Brenainn, son of Findlug. Begins: Bator da apstal decc na \\-Y.xenn hi cCluain Iraird ica foglaim oc Findian, co ndema. Findian fleidh dona hapst- olaibh et do naemhaibh Krenn archena. (' The twelve ' leg. cAch acca. X PREFACE. apostles of Ireland were at Clonard studying with Findian, so Findian made a feast for the Apostles and the rest of the saints of Ireland'). They see a wonderful flower from the Land of Promise (one of the names for the Irish Elysium), and this is the cause of Brenainn's voyage thither. We have also the story of the islandlike whale, on whose back the saint celebrated Easter (see Lismore Lives, p. 107), the picture of Hell (ibid. p. 108-9), and the saint's interview with Judas Iscariot. There is another copy in Brussels MS., 2324-40, fif. 72^-74^ P. 16. The metrical Rule of Echtgus hua Cuanain, of the com- munity of Roscrea. Eighty-four quatrains beginning thus : — A dhuine, nach creit[i] far coir | in fleidh caithe 'con altoir (' O man that dost not rightly believe in the feast of which thou partakest at the altar '). P. 18. Scribe's note, stating that the contents of this quaternion {gack a bhfuil 'san ccaternae so) were transcribed in a convent in Thomond, on 30 June, 1634, from the Red Book written by Murchad o Cuinnlis, 1. 18. Story of the birth of Aed Slaine. Begins: Temair na righ is 1 ba domhnas diles da cech righ no geibhedh 'Erinn (' Tara of the Kings, 'tis it that was the domain of every king that would take Ireland'). Another copy in Brussels MS., 2324-40, fo. 74a. Edited from LU. 53^, and LL. 145^, by Prof. Windisch in the BericJite der pJdlol.-Jiistor. Classe der Konigl. Sachs. GesellscJiaft der WissenscJiaften, 1 884, p. 192. At the end of the tale is another note signed viisian brdtJiair Michel, '■ I am the brother Michael [O'Clery],' and stating that this story also was copied from the Red Book. Pp. 21 and 20 are blank. P. 23. Incipit Regula Choluim chille. Edited by Reeves, Colton's Visitation, pp. 109- 112. Also in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 40^ 2. P. 24, 1. 13. The metrical Rule of Ailbe of Imbliuch, instruc- ting Eogan, son of Saran of Cluain Coelain. Begins : Appair damh fri mac Sarain | is trom an toire gebes. (' Say for me to Sdran's son, that heavy is the burden which he assumes '). There are several glosses on this poem, which contains 69 quatrains. P. 29, 1. 22. The metrical Rule of Cormac mac Culennain. Fourteen quatrains. Begins : Samad buan briat[h]ar isel | fofuar madme foglesed. P. 31. The metrical Rule of Comgall of Bennchor. Thirty-six quatrains. Begins : Comha riaghail in Coimded | is and ni foigbe baegal (' Keep the Rule of the Lord : therein thou findest no danger.') DESCRIPTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. xi P. 33, 1. 21. Poem ascribed to S. Brigit, beginning: Ropadh maith lem cormlind mor | do righ na righ, (' I should like a great ale-pool for the King of the kings.') Printed with a translation in O'Curry's Lectures on MS. Materials, p. 6i6. This curious poem, in which God is regarded as a soma-quaffing Indra, is followed, p. 34, by a scribe's note stating (inter alia) that it was transcribed in Dublin on I Aug., 1627, from an old vellum book belonging to Flann mag Craith. P. 34. Poem in twelve quatrains ascribed to Columb cille, beginning : Mellach lem bith ind ucht ailiuin | for beind cairrge, (' Pleasant I deem it to be on the bosom of an island, on the peak of a crag.') P. 35. Poem in twenty-four quatrains, ascribed to the same saint, beginning : Oibind beith ar Beind Edair | re ndul tar fairrge find- find. ('Delightful to be on Howth, before going over the whitehaired sea.') Printed, without any indication of the MS., in Reeves' Coluviba, pp. 285-289. Four of the quatrains are in the Bodleian MS. Rawl. B. 512, fo. 126a- 2. The fifth is in LU. 5^ and in other copies of the preface to the Amra Choluimb chille. P. "ijj. Poem in thirteen quatrains, ascribed to Columb cille when leaving Durrow for the last time. Begins : Nocha tathair diar senad, | nocan fell, nocha mebhal. P. 38, 1. II. Metrical dialogue in Hi between Columb Cille and Cormac hua Liathain, after the latter had escaped from Corryvreckan, and explored the boundless ocean until he reached the frigid zone {ind uarda). Begins : Dia do betha, a Corbm«zc cain | darsin fairrgi forda.- laigh. (' Hail to thee, O comely Cormac, over the multi- tudinous sea.') Followed by a scribe's note (p. 39) stating that this poem was transcribed at Drowes on Dec. 22, 1630. Printed in Reeves' Columba, pp. 264-264. Another copy in the Bodleian MS. Laud 615, pp. 34, 35. P. 40. Poem in 16 quatrains, ascribed to Columb cille and beginning : Corbmac hua Liathain H glan | gerait nime ocus talman. (' Cormac, Liathan's descendant, pure colour — a champion of heaven and earth.') Printed with a translation in Reeves' Columba, p. 270. Also found in Laud 615, p. 107. P. 41, 1. 8. A prophecy of Adamnan, ascribed to Columb cille. 1. 14. Poem in ten quatrains, ascribed to Columb cille. Begins : xi PREFACE. Doba[d] mellach | a mic mo Dhe | aidble remend, turgnam tar tuind | tibri[g] ndilenn | co hiath v\Y.xcn7i. (' It were pleasant, O Son of my God — vastness of courses — to voyage [?] over the flood's crested wave to the land of Erin.') Printed with a translation in Reeves' Cobimba^ p. 274. P. 42, 1. II. Poem in about 30 quatrains, ascribed to Columb cille, beginning : Fir usgi | maith a ciald, mait[h] a \.tisz\. P. 44, 1. 20. Poem in 16 quatrains, ascribed to Cormac [mac] Culennain, beginning : Eirigh a ingen an righ — na biodh [t]haiccn^<^h in-imsniomh. ('Arise, O daughter of the king, let not thy mind be in trouble.') Followed (p. 45, last line) by a scribe's note : Ag Drobhaois ^amh aniu [' at Drowes am I to-day'], 27 Febru. 1630. P. 46. Poem in eleven quatrains, also ascribed to Cormac. Begins : Da ccomhailtis reim ndlig?"<^ | rig is e'pscozp is filidh nobiad talam cin adar | fo thoirtibh, fo trom toradh. ('If kings and bishops and poets would fulfil a right course, the earth would be without frost, under fruits, under heavy produce.') 1. 23. Poem in 13 quatrains, ascribed to Cormac, and beginning : Mithz^ te^//t tar mo timna | cian hus indsa me i mbaeghal. P. 47, 1, 21. Poem in 9 stanzas, ascribed to Cormac, and beginning : IS imdha eccla ar mh' anmain (' Abundant is fear on my soul.') P. 48, 1. II. Metrical dialogue (five quatrains) between SS, Patrick and Brigit. Begins : A Brighit, a naemhingen, a bhreo an dona Deisibh. (' O Brigit, O holy maiden, O bright flame of the D6si!') The first two quatrains occur also on the upper margins of a MS. in the Vatican Library, Palatine, No. 830, whence they have been edited in the Grammatica Celtica, 961. The whole poem is edited, with a translation, in Kuhn's ZeitscJirift, xxxi, 252-3. P. 48, 1. 22. Four quatrains ascribed to St. Patrick, beginning : Torramha do naemhaingel | a Christ x-aaic De bi. (' The watching of a holy angel, O Christ, Son of living God '), and followed (p. 49) by a scribe's note stating that the poems in pp. 34-48 were transcribed out of the book of Maurice, son of Lugaid O'Clery, in the convent of Donegal, on the 27th P^eb., 1630. DESCRIPTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. xiii P. 49, 1. 10. Six lines on the four prophets of the Gaels (Columbcille, Moling, Brenainn of Birr, and Berchan), and the four servants of God (Comhgall, Caemgein, Fechine, and . . ?). 1. 13. Poem ascribed to St. Patrick, beginning: Gumma lem etz> cen co tias il-Laighnib. (' That I go not into Leinster is indeed alike to me.') P. 50, 1. 5. Two poems ascribed to Moling. The first contains 18 quatrains, and begins thus : Tainic rath forettarsa | oxom. o rig na ruaime. (' Grace, I know, came on me from the King of the graveyard.') P. 51, 1. 12. The second contains 14 quatrains, and begins : Glend na n-aingel n-ainglide ('The valley of the angelic angels.') P. 52, 1. II. Poem in 18 quatrains, ascribed to Moling. Begins: Gair na Gairbhe glebinne | gleeas re tosach tuinne. ('The voice of the clear melodious Garv, which gleams (?) at the wave's beginning.') With this marginal note in an Italian hand: Fluvius qui transit per Baile atha Fir dia^ in Comitatu Luthensi vocatur an GJiairbJi? P. 53, 1. 19. Scribe's note : Tuiccther asin rand sin 7 as an da dhan gurab e Suibhne dorinne iad ge gurab ar Moling chuires an seinleabhar iad .1. leahar Murchada mzc Briain. (' From this quatrain and from the two poems, it is understood that Suibne composed them, although the old book, that is, the book of Murchad mac Briain, attributes them to Moling.') P. 53, 1. 21. Poem in 12 quatrains, beginning: Cros an Coimdhedh cumachtaigh | dart chond is dart cael. (' The cross of the mighty Lord over thy head and over thy neck.') P. 54, 1. 17. Poem in 24 stanzas, attributed to Moling and beginning : A bhen graig is grace da sain | na cualaisi graic do guin. P. 56, 1. 9, to end. Three short poems ascribed to Mael-Isa. The first begins thus: Buaidhcrabuidh,buaidh n-ailithre | , buaidhn-aitricche dom anmain j A Crist gan cuid cairighthe | erni damh huile amhlaidh ('Palm of devo- tion, palm of pilgrimage, palm of repentance to my soul, O Christ without a whit of reproaching, grant to me all in this wise.') 1 i.e., the town of Ardee, co. of Louth. * This seems the Irish equivalent of the Welsh o^arw, meaning a torrent. Tdv PREFACE. The second begins : Etzr min is mor | do each cin co fir a De dilgaidh dun | etz> lir is cri'n. The third begins : A Coimdhe baidh | a Ri na rig | a Athair ionmain | airchis dim. (' O dear Lord, O King of the kings, O beloved Father, spare me ! ') P. 57. Four quatrains ascribed to Moling and beginning : Daigh mac Cairill ticfa im dail j is Ulltan o Ard Brecain. (' Daig son of Carell will come to meet me, and Ultan of Ard Breccain.') 1. 9. Three quatrains beginning : A Mulling na mill mo tuata | na mo mathra. 1, 15. Three quatrains entitled: Angelus Dei et Mulling dixit, and beginning : Gabhal do sruth Ortanain dot-ria dar secht secht muire. (' A fork of the river Jordan will come to thee over seven times seven seas.') 1. 22. Seven quatrains ascribed to Mulling and be- ginning : Mo muilendsa is geb dedail. acht ni eirigh ni tuit aigi. Pp. 58-65. Thirteen poems ascribed to Mulling. The first (5 quatrains) begins : Cellan cille daimcinn duir. The second (3 quatrains) begins : Tangas cuccam o choin Cruachan | dom chill do cuin- gidh mo bidh | cett damh n-allta ra ced n-ellti | ni cor caillti risin righ. The third (3 quatrains) begins : Cech righdamhna Raigne | caithfes mo biad buidh- nech. P. 59. The fourth (3 quatrains) begins : Cech fer cloinne Conallaig. The fifth (5 quatrains) begins : Bennac//t lem do Chiarraighibh | each be da lin. The sixth (8 quatrains) begins : Is feta in t-airiughadh | is adobra in rad. p. 60, 1. 9. The seventh (3 quatrains) begins : Feocaine mac Brain | go mbail is go mblat[h] bennacht Finain caim | for a cloind co brath. 1. 16. The eighth (3 quatrains) begins : A Mic Maire it foirccl/rt'he. 1. 23. The ninth (4 quatrains) begins : Bennacht in Coimdedh do nimh | for ua Fergusa co mbail, P. 61, 1. 3. The tenth (6 quatrains) begins : Hua Briuin occum riaruccz/^ | etir mnai ozcus fer. DESCRIPTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. xv 1. 17. The eleventh (24 quatrains) begins: Hui Degadh Osraighe ain | is hui Degadh Laighen lain inand cenel ocus eland | cidh imchian a ferand. P. ^^i^^ 1. 12. The twelfth (21 quatrains) begins: Uamhain Gall tainic Mulling | da raibe tes in a chill go roraind a liubra a tri | da tesarccain fo caemhli. (' Fear of foreigners came to Mulling when he was south in his church, so he parted his books into three to preserve them.') P. 65. The thirteenth (4 quatrains) begins : Disert mBrecain sunn ist[s]leiph | ionmain locan builidh blaith. (* Breccan's hermitage on the mountain, a dear little place, blooming, smooth.') 1. 9. Poem (in five three-lined stanzas) ascribed to Columb cille. Begins : Tegh Mulling mic Faolain mic Feradaigh find. 1. 25 — P. 6j, 1. 8. Poem (in 18 quatrains) ascribed to Columb cille. Begins : A meic madatt buan | ni mad cin do cri. The rest of p. 6j, and the whole of the verso are blank. The remainder of the book is foliated in pencil. ff. 68^-69^. Preface to the Felire Oengusso or Martyrology of Oengus the culdee. Begins : Cethardai condagar du each elathain .i. locc 7 aimsior ocus p^rsu oais tuccait scribhind no fath airicc (' Four things are required by every work of art, to wit, a Place, and a Time and an Author, and a Reason of writing or Cause of invention.') ff. 70^- 85^. Prose scholia on the Felire Oengusso, with a pre- fatory note beginning : An S. Aengussius ipse an unus vel plures eius s[c]holiastae scripserint sequentia glosse- mata in eius Festilogium non sat compertum est. This is followed by an index. ff. 86^-923- contain a large number of Irish verses extracted from a commentary on the Felire Oengusso. There is a similar collection in Brussels MS. 5057-5059, pp. 49-53. In f 86^ is the poem on Constantine's leprosy, also in L.B. 80, right margin. In f 89^" is the poem on the impregnation of the mother of Baithi'n son of Fin- dach, edited in Fel. Oeng. p. Ixxxix. f. 92^, 1. 17, a note on the number of quatrains in the Felire Oengusso, and a copy of the poem about Oengus the culdee Aibind suidhe sund tinne. (' Pleasant to sit here thus') : also in L.B. 106^. f. 92^', 1. 21. Incipit feleire Adamnain dia mathazV hie. Six quatrains in rinnard beginning thus : .;cvi PREFACE. Noimh na cceithre raithe | dutracht lim a nguidhe. rom-saerat ar phiana — noimh na bliadhna huile. (' The saints of the four quarters (of the year), it is my longing to entreat them ; may they free me from punish- ments, the saints of the whole year ! ') Then a scribe's note (f. 93=1) dated 9th Feb., 1630, stating that the book from which the body of the Felire (Oengusso) was transcribed had been written by Siod- rach ua Maelconaire in the year 1533. ff. 94^-1 1 9^'. Felire Oengusso, \h& Marty rology of Oengus the culdee, edited from three other MSS., by the present writer, in 1880. This copy is, as usual, copiously glossed, and yields some good various readings. It is followed by an Irish note, at the foot of f. 119'^, stating (inter alia) that this Oengus was the author of the Saltair na Rann. f. 120^ is blank, f. 120^'. Notes on Cell Bharra and Cell Osruidhe. f. 121^ is blank, f. 121^. Names of some saints mentioned in the Martyrology of Gorman, as to whose nationality the writer (Colgan ? ) was in doubt. (M[arianus] Gormanus. Sancti de quibus dubito an sint Hiberni an alij, quia non reperiuntur in alijs martyrologijs ijs quibus denotantur diebus). ff. I22t'-i23t> are blank. ff. 124^-197^. The unique copy of the Martyrology of Gorman, preceded by a testimony dated 18 Aug., 1633, and a preface, and followed by four quatrains in rinnard. The martyrology is not only foliated in pencil, but paginated in ink from i to 141. The collotype prefixed to this book, will give an accurate idea of the size of the pages, the number of lines in each, the handwriting and arrangement of the poem and its glosses. Marks of punctuation are rare. The single comma alone is used. Marks of length diVidi puncta delefitia are often omitted. As to forms of letters : both u and v are used indifferently for the vowel 71 and semivowel v ; R and \i for r ; s and \ for s ; ae for the diphthong ae. Initial capitals seldom occur, save at the beginning of each stanza. Contractions are rare : kl. for callainn : a flat stroke for ;/ or er ; a curved stroke (-^) for in. ; a waving stroke for tir ; 3 for us ; g' for gri ; q' for qui ; eps for epscop ; d for con, mc for mac. The article, possessive pronouns, prepositions and other pro- clitics are, as a rule, written with the words to which they relate. At Feb. 1 1 a space sufficient for five lines is left vacant, as if DESCRIPTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. xvii the MS. from which O'Clery transcribed was here illegible or mutilated. Including these five, the total number of lines in the martyrology and epilogue is 2796. ff. 198^-207^ are either blank or contain unimportant entries. f, 207^'. Some words of St. Francis rendered into six Irish quatrains by Fr. Hugo Cawell. f. 2o8at)_ w\ sunt sancti qui erant unius moris et vitae, ut dicunt. A list of Irish saints compared with apostles and early foreign saints. Printed in pp. 69-70 of Todd's Zz"^/^, gen. cinged, Feb. 27, coiindiu, gen. coimded, Aug. 24, ace. coiinde, Nov. i : <:wr (gen. pi. c//ra<^, Sep. 22), w//, n. pi. milid, Oct. 19, j-;// (gen. suad, Oct. 11), /«z> (pi. nom. turid, A'p. 13) and oenta, May 10. A solitary d-steva is ^/n//, pi. n. druid, Jan. 6. Stems in n. Alba (dat. Albain, Sep. 23), ^rwm (ace. anmain, Mar. 13, gen. pi. «;z7//rt;/«, Jan. 31), (^/?/« (gen- diten,]\xxi& 10), Dobor-chu (gen. doborcJwn, Feb. 19), vicnme (dat. Jiiemnavi, Mar. 8), z/^^^zV^; (gen. pi. naeden, July 15), 5^u', Jan. 9 (pi. gen. Saxan, May 26), talavi (gen. talinan, June 25). Stems in ;/« : ^ci^'^ M., May 11, ^r?^, gen. Amnd, March 21. //■/r/?/, F. dat. H&inn,Se-g>- 23, and the following which in Old-Irish are neuter : aimn, Aug. 11, ccimvi, Jan. \2, feidiii, gen. fednia, Sep. i-}),gairm, Mar. 4, /^/^;//, May 27, ace. pi. tedinann, Feb. 7. Stems in ;z^: cara, Feb. 18, gen. i^\. carat, June 8. Nuada, Feb. 19, ace. Nuadait, Dec. 2, and the numerals _/?^//^ (dat. fichit, Aug. 8, Sep. 14, gen. dual da fichet, Mar. 14), tricJia, Oct. 21 (dat. trichait, Jan. 26), cethracha, Feb. 25, May 4, Oct. 19, 25, <:c^<:a [coecae, July 19, n. pi. coecait. May 9), j-^j-<:^, Mar. I, June 17, Aug. 10, Sep. 22, Nov. 25, sechtnioga, May 6, Dec. 3, nocha, Aug. 19. The only .y-stems in Gorman's Martyrology are neni (gen. niine, Sep. 10, Oct. 31, Nov. i,dat. niin, Ap. 14, ace. ;z^;/^ Ap. 13), tech (dat. /z^, Mar. 19, ace. /^^rZ;, Nov. 24), and tir, which here occurs only in the ace. sg. Sep. 25. The solitary stem in ns is mi, gen. jnis, Sep. 30. Stems in r are atJiair, Sep. 10, and brdtJiair, Oct. 31, which makes its gen. pi. brdthar, July 10, instead of Old-Irish brdthre. 3. Diminutives. Besides truagdn or /r^^^Vz ' misellus,' March 6, Dec. 4, domndn, *a paltry world,' Oct. 17, and 7/w., used where in Old- Irish we should have had conjoined forms), in the following instances: pi. i, dirine, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, July 20, drmeit, Jan. 7, drniit, Ap. 2^, frismbenmait, Dec. 13, 31, 'mo Xi-iadmait, Dec. 28. PI. 2, co[2i'\sa7gt/u, Dec. 21. PI. 3, crgit, April 23, forbait, Feb. 28. So in the passive, sg. 3, nach laniair Jan. 19, Aug. ii, nach laimthir, March 23, tuirvitJiir, Feb. 9, tuilltir, March 19. Conjoined forms are rightly used in the present indicative active, sg. 3, VL-3.xv\.-anaig, Jan. 19, r\-as cossain, Sep. 8, pi. i, dia lenamm, Jan. 11, dia n-adramin, dia labrainm, tabrainm, Jan. 31, non-dleinm, Feb. i, iv\sdin-ddlainin, March 21, mon-ladajnin. Mar. 3, nO'Charamm, May 21, pi. 2, indfethid, Feb. 2. In the Muture, sg. i, dia lenub, Sep. 15, sg. 3 ticfa, June 11, pi. i, df'rfem, ni faicfem, Ap. 24. In the reduplicated future: sg. i, fogeb, Jan. 14, pi. i, codi ragain, Sep. 12. In the present passive : sg 3 nach laimtJier, Aug. 20, na lajiiar, Dec. 10. Conjoined forms are wrongly used: bcraid, Oct. T,i,dlegar, June 4, Nov. 2, 27, Enclitic supplant orthotonic forms in tecclaim, May 12, rnar tharla, Jan. i, tuirmtJiir, Feb. 2, ticfa, ]\xnQ ii, tJiocbaim^focraim, June 2^,fcxci, Aug, 15. The only instances of the relative forms are anges, March 31 ; gnias, Ep. 14 ; and_ bias, Ep. i, 16. The only sure instance of the perfect act. is dodechaid, Oct. 17 Fuair, Jan. 4, Oct. 18, Dec. 15, may be another. Its pi. i, fuaramar occurs twice in the preface. The perfect passive is repre- sented by the solitary (nar) niaeded, Dec. 1 8. The frith of the pre- face may be another example of this tense. In glanta, Aug. 3, xxviii PREFACE. and faenitha, Sep. 24, the old pret. passive seems replaced by the perf. participle. Examples of preterites active with vocalic ending in sg. 3, arc mv-fe/la, Jan. 4, mr-felia, June 5, where -a is = O.Ir. -ai. Of the /-preterite there is only one example, viz., ro siacht, Jan. 29, which is cognate with eUw, ikco ' I come.' The J- future and ^-conjunctive are almost as rare. We have only sg. 2 xo-fesser, Dec. 23, sg. 3, co //, May i9,Aug. 19, xow-fSre, July 7, Dec. 9, na rom-^/r-sea, Aug. 19, tara, Dec. 9, and the pi. 3 ad-d-r^^-^/, Ap. 22. An unnatural union of the stem of the reduplicated ^--future and termination of the (^-future isfoeldb, March 31. The only old deponential forms in the Martyrology are ro fesser ' thou wilt or wouldst know,' Dec. 23, and the 3d pi. ropdar, June 9. But a new r-ending is found in the ist sg. of the conjunctive : corop . \ anar, Jan, 3, co /ag[d]ar, Jan. 3, and cona Jidgur, March 16. A new ending in -aim, -eftn^ appears in the 3d sg. of the pres indie, act. : nar benann, May 21, nar laedend, March 3.^ The initial of the pret. pass, is never aspirated : ar-ro-<;eled, Feb. 19, ro ^ummad, May 29, nir traded, Oct. 30, ro/romad, Sep. 12, do-/orbad, Jan. 6. nar /oemad, Ap. 18. The forms nar macded, Dec. 8, (O.Ir. na-ro-uiaeded, with the stress on the ro), or gonad. Mar. 15, (O.Ir. 6 ro-gonad), nir-crdded, Oct. 30, (O.Ir. ni ro crdded),cor-bam, Feb. 17, Ap. 6, (O. \r.cor6-ba), prove that in Gorman's time the stress was transferred from the verbal, particle ro to the first syllable of the verb. These remarks on the verbal system of the Martyrology would be incomplete without some further notice of the /^-future active, and without a collection of the forms of the verb substantive. The normal ending of the ist sg. of the ^-future is -ub, -tub; e.g., lemib, Feb. \c^,fetnb, June 15, inolub, Oct. 28, dlmb, Jan. 21, But Gorman makes it not only -ab, -eb, and -ob,h\.\'^ also -db and -cb. Whether this lengthening of the vowel is due to dialect or, as I conjecture, to the needs of rime, is not easy to sa}-. The following examples occur : -db : frismbenab, Nov. 4. -molab, Ang. 5, Oct. 10. -eb : -celeb, Dec. 10, -saeleb, Dec. 8, -dleb, Feb. 4, July 8, Oct. 30, -Inadeb, March 29, Oct. 3, 19, -fnaigeb, March 29, June 22, Oct. 3. -ob : violob, Dec. 4. -ab: Dioldb, Feb. 13, Aug. 3, Aug. 16, Oct. 24, -niordb, Aug. 3, Nov. II, Dec. 24, frisnddldb, Jan. 8, Oct. 22, -riardb, ' See Thurneysen's explanation of this ending in Indogermanische Forsihti7igcii, \. 329. THE LANGUAGE OF THE MARTYROLOGY. xxix Sep. 9, -lendb, Aug. 7, Oct. 10, -foejndb,faevidb, March 16, 31, June 18, July 29, -fodvidb, June 15. -foeldb, March 31. -cb : saigeb, April 7, where it rimes with alien. The Verb Substantive. Here follow the forms of the verb substantive found in the Martyrology : — ^/es: Sg. 3, is (at), Nov. 20, as, Jan. 6, Dec. 13, relative as Feb. 12, March 14, 15, May 31. PI. 3, n-it, June 20, Nov. 16, ad, March 22, n-ad, April 16, relative at, March 4, Sep. 14, Oct. 19. ^yi•. cid, ' quamvis est,' Jan. 13, July 31. \/bu, bd, be: conjunctive, sg. i, cor-ba-m, Feb. 17, April 6: copula: sg. 3, rop, Aug. 17, Sep. 2, 9, r(?<^, March 5, Aug. 23, co-ro-p, Jan. 3, Nov. 3, <:^;^ cop, Jan. 6, coraib, April 14, ciarb, June 7. imperative, sg. 3, Z^/,;/, Aug. 14. perfect, sg. 3, i'o-b6i. May 13, ro-biii, Ep. i, 16, rai-be, July 6: copula: rc-(:5(?, May 30, July 17, ndr-bo, Jan. 12, July 14, Dec. 23, nir-bo. May 29, /^(7, Feb. 5, 26, March 15, May 14 (where the nom. is plural), July 16, ro-ba, July 24, Sep. 27, Nov. 14, ra-/<3:. May 24. pi. 3, bat, April 28, July 31 : copula: ropdar, June 9. future, sg. I. biaJH, Ap. 28, sg. 3, biaid, Oct. 26: rcl. <^/«i-, Ep. 1,16: copula, bid, Jan. 2, March 16, June 3, Aug. 26, Oct. 19. pi. I, coni-bevi, Ap. 21, June 2 : pi. 3, ^tvV, April 3>.27. verbal noun : beith, June 6. y/vel: sg. I, failiinni, Aug. 22. fiiilinun, Nov. 21. pi. 3, fuilet, Sep. 11. 10. A^^zt:; suffixes. Two suffixes occur in Gorman's Martyrology, which have not been found in Old-Irish documents. They are -nech, which appears in three adjectives, and -sccJi, which appears in the names of nine female saints. -nech : cddnecJi, degnech, grddlinecJi, et v. infra, p. 284. -sec]i : Bicsech, Briuinsech, Comscch, Coemsech, Cronsech, Dunsech, Findsech, Gubsech, Luigsech. The nech- suffix seems taken from words like cnininech, where the n belongs to the root. The sech- suffix is probably a ' weiter- XXX PRE FA CE. bildung' of the fem. ending in -cs (in aitJiches, Idic/ics, innjicJies, &c.), borrowed from Welsh -es, and this from Lat. -issa, Gr. -laaa. Claiiiisech ' lepress ' and gaillsecJi ' a foreign woman,' are Middle-Irish examples of this suffix. It still lives (as -seacli) in geirseach 'girl.' 1 1 . Syntax. So much for the grammatical forms in our Martyrology. It contains four relics of very early syntax. The first is in the phrase is Feradaig ingen 'and Feradach's daughter,' March 23, where the genitive precedes, instead of following, the govern- ing noun. So at Dec. i, for December kalaind. For other examples of this archaism in Irish and Welsh see Rcviie celtiqiie^ v. 350-351. The second is the occurrence (Sep. 4, 22), of the datives (or rather perhaps the instrumentals) FiacJiraig, seisiur, without a preposition. Many instances of this construction will be found in Rev. celt. v. 349-350. The third is the occasional position of the noun before the governing verb. Thus FccJicin . . . cSraig, Aug. 2. Escrge Crist cuiuuiig, March 27 ; Colmdn cuimnig, Sep. 3 ; Genten giiidinini, Sep. 2 ; Corcan ele drvieit, Jan. 7 ; Mael-Odran raitJi riannait, Jan. 10 ; in cldrenecJi carainini, Jan. 17 ; in cinuiiidse cobrat. May ii ; in sluag tennso tecclaivi^ May 12; Fiadna\{]t fcgaini simna, Nov. 29. The fourth is the occasional position of the adjective before the noun with which it agrees. 'Wvw's, glan glcrc, May 28, scivi Saerghos,^2LY '^o. On the other hand, the government of the dative by the prepositions CO ' usque ad,'^ fri"^ and etit^' is distinctly modern, these pre- positions, in Old-Irish, always governing the accusative. IV. The Metre of the Martyrology. Rinnard^ is the metre in which the Martyrology of Oengus is com.posed. Rinnard Mor, ' Great Rinnard,' is the name of the metre of the Martyrology of Gorman. It differs from Rinnard in three respects : first, its stanzas may consist of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 lines, whereas those of Rinnard consist invariably of four: secondly, in Great Rinnard, there nmst be an alliteration in each line ; in Rinnard, alliteration is only an optional and occasional ornament : thirdl}', in Great Rinnard there must be an internal assonance in the last two lines of each stanza : in Rinnard this assonance is optional and occasional. The laws of Great Rinnard may be stated as follows : I . Every line must contain six syllables. ' CO a n-craib, May 14, and perhaps co aing/il>, Jan. 19. "/;-/ diglaib, Mar. 9, June 2, and fourteen other instances ; //'/ also occurs with the ace. in/r/ ccch ?i-i)iincd, May 8, and six other instances. 3 ctir ainglib. May 26. ^ See Re%nic Cc/tiqiu; v. 352, vii. 87. THE METRE OF THE MARTYROLOGY. xxxi This rule requires no illustration. But two remarks seem needed. First, in pronouncing foreign names, the groups ea, eo, ia, tan, ie, io, iu, ua, form, as a rule, only one syllable. Conse- quently Andreas, Teodoit, Simeon, Leonill, Lucia, Abdia, Ltician, Ciprian, Daniel, Gerion, Leucitis, Marias, and Capua are to be counted as disyllables, Sarabia, Doniitian, Martinian, Prilidian, Ananias and Satiriaji, as trisyllables, and Anas- tassia as a quadrisyllable.^' So, as Zeuss remarks (G. C.^ 94i)» St. Augustine, in his hymn against the Donatists, pronounces abimdantia, evangeliuni as quadrisyllables, diabolo as a .tri- syllable, alios as a disyllabic ; and this pronunciation is frequent in the Hiberno-Latin hymns. Secondly, where two unaccented vowels come together, there is elision or synizesis. Thus in the month of January we have : Jan. 2. ron-bera in drong drongel. 6. Bastedh Isu in oenl5. 9. Isu in Egipt fegaim. 26. CO nderna in drem chaidhse. 27. Paula 6 Bhethil buadhaigh. 31. Forba in mis do Mhaedhdcc, So where the first vowel is accented and the second toneless : Feb. 15. Blauius ba gle in glanfer. Ap. 14. ri'u i clarnim ar comdal. May 19. CO ti in gasrad gleglan. Aug. 6. non-berat leo is Lugid. 19. CO ti a ndrong im dhailsea. Sep. 20. Priuait breo asambagimm. ' There is an exception to this rule at Jan. 23, where E-me-rent-i-a-7ia must be regarded as hexasyllabic. So Leo, July 3, Neon, Jan. 17, Pion, Feb. I, are disyllables : Teogi?i, Jan. 26, Dionis, Feb. 8, Mathias, Jan. 30, Feb. 24, Leander Feb. 27, are trisyllables : Dofof/iea, Feb. 6, Juliana, Feb. 16, Gaudentia, hug. 30, Uinccntitis, Jan. 22, and Painpiliiis, Feb. 16, are quadrisyllables ; and Potentiana, May 19, is a pentasyllable. xxxii PREFACE. But where the second of the vowels is accented there is no elision or synizesis.^ Thus : Jan. 3. corop accu anar.- 6. druidh uaisle dia adhrad. 7. Corcan ele armeit. inna angreit amnois. 16. larloga an ogda^. 21. Paul epscop o Athein. 22. la hAmalgaid aebda. 28. Feil aili do Agna. mo I'nill ar forran. 31. do erail ar n-anmann. 2. T]ic last luord of each line must be accented 07i the penult. This, in Irish verse, is almost equivalent to saying that the last word of each line must be disyllabic. But in Gorman's Marty- rology about 33 lines end in trisyllables, e.g. : — Jan. 6. Macra caid mpchenon. Feb. 2. Apronian indfethid. Two end in quadrisyllables : Jan. I. Hermit, Eufrasi'na. July 22. Maire Magdalena. Three end in pentasyllables : May 19. is Potentiana. July 23. and Appollinaris. Aug. 23. ard Appollinaris. And one is composed of a hexasyllable : Jan. 23. Emerentiana. It seems to follow from this that trisyllabic improper com- pounds, such as Cend-fdclad, Ap. 8, Crom-dithruib, May 20, Dcrb-dara, June 29, Cu-locha, July ii, viacu-Baird, Nov. 27, are accented on the second syllable.'' It is not clear why inoche- non, Jan. 6, is paroxytone. Perhaps the mo- was mistaken, in popular speech, for mo ' my ' the atonic possessive pronoun. > The first line of the stanza for July 12 seems to contravene this rule. But there Anadc/a is a scribal error for Anaclet. - In this and the following thirty lines the acute accent denotes stress and not, as usual, length. ■' So in disyllabic improper compounds the accent is on the last syllable : Nad-/r6ich, /^unech, Dec. 11. In trisyllabic improper compounds it is on the penult : maccu-Baird, Nov. 27 (cf. mac uNecte, Jan. 19, gl. 3) ; in quadrisyl- labic, on the antepenult : macii-Beonnae, Jan. 22, gl. 5, macu-Oidaib, Feb. i, gl. 4, macu-Arti, June 7, gl. 3, macu-Ncsse, June 9, gl. 5. THE METRE OF THE MARTYROLOGY. 3. Every line must contain an alliteration. In other words, in each hne at least two syllables — in the case of native words, two stressed syllables — must begin with the same letter, all vowels (and in foreign words the semi-vowel jy- being for this purpose deemed to be the same, and h and infected f being disregarded. Needless to quote lines in which both the alliterating letters are initials. In the following instances I have italicised these letters, and inserted hyphens to show where the syllables in question begin. Maci-(^onius ., pronounced like v. Or the v of Gcnovcfa is regarded as b. •■* Hence we see that s and infected s may alliterate. GORMAN. C PREFACE. May 24. 30. 31. June 2, 3- 4- II. 13- 16. 18. 25. 27. 28. July 2. 7- 18. 19. 22. 28. Aue. I. Mana-hm, lo-h^nna. Eu-^''enius ^lorda, Auc-/^ertus cen b\\- grus. Petro-wella ;ziamglan Blan-i^ina fri See Liber Vita of New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester. Ed. by W. de Gray Birch for the Hampshire Record Society, 1892, p. 49, n. - See Fel. Oeiig. p. cxxxii. : ' Glastingibeira na nCaedel . . . Scoti enim prius in perigrinatione ibi habitabant.' xlvi PREFACE. certainly the Martyrology ascribed to S. Jerome,^ the lesser Roman Martyrology,^ and the Martyrologies of Ado,' Usuard,* and Baeda.^ As to the Kalendars which he says that he used, it is impossible to speak with any confidence. He may have had copies of the Leofric Kalendar,'' and of one or other of the Kalendars in the three Cotton MSS. (Galba, A. xviii.,' Vitellius, L. xviii. and Titus, D. xxvii.) published by Hampson in his Medii Aevi Kalendariuvi, i. 397-446. But this is mere conjecture. Octaves and Vigils. The western custom of keeping octaves is recognised by Gorman only in the case of biblical personages and SS. Laurence, Augustine, and Martin of Tours. Au Jan. I. of the Nativity. 2. of S. Stephen. 3. of S. John. 4. of the Holy Inno- Sep. cents. 13. of the Epiphany. July I. of S. John the Bap- tist. 6. of SS. Peter and Paul. Thus we have the octaves- July 29. of Mary Magdalen. 17. of S. Laurence, of the Assumption, of S. Augustine, of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Nov. 18. of S. Martin of Tours. Dec. 7. of S. Andrew. 22. 4- 15. Vigils are of rare occurrence in the oldest kalendars, and only the following eight are found in Gorman's Martyrology, namely, the vigils — Jan. 5. of the Epiphany. June 28. of SS. Peter and Paul. Aug. 9. of S. Laurence. 14. of the Assumption. Sep. Oct. Nov. 20. 22. 27. 31- 29. of S. Matthew, of S. Severinus. of SS. Simon Jude. of All Saints, of S. Andrew. and From his use of the term dene to denote a vigil, it would seem that in Gorman's time, vigils were observed by fasting. Neither octaves nor vigils are found in the case of the Irish saints, whom we now proceed to notice. I Migne, Patrologia Lati?m^ xxx, 451-502. The new edition of this- Martyrology, by De Rossi and Duchesne, reached me too late to be used in the present work. " Prefixed to Ado in Migne, Patr. Laf., cxxiii, 146-178. 3 Ibid., 202-419. " Ibid., 602-987, cxxiv, 10-858. * Venerabilis Bcda Opera, ed. Giles, iv, 16-172. " Tlie Leofric Missal, ed. Warren, pp. 23-34. ' This hexametrical kalendar was certainly the work of an Irish Celt. See The Academy for June 22, 1895. THE CONTENTS OF THE MARTYROLOGY. xlvii {e) Irish Saints. The Irish saints before A.D. 666, the year of the great mor- tality, are divided by an author who wrote not later than A.D. 750,^ into three orders. The first was composed of S. Patrick and 350 other bishops, who had the same mass, Easter and tonsure. They were also ministered to by subintroductse, (rweiaaKToi or, as the Irish called them, siair, ' quia supra petram Christum fundati, ventum tentationis non timebant.' This order included Britons, Franks, Scots (i.e. Irish) and ' Romans,' i.e., subjects of the Roman empire. It lasted till A.D. 543, or according to the Four Masters, 538. The second order appears to have been founded by the British Church after a more or less complete apos- tacy of the Irish.- It was composed of few bishops and many pres- byters, in number 300. They received a mass (liturgy?) from SS. David, Gildas, and Cadoc, but dissented in this respect {diversas missas celebrabanf), and had different ' rules ' or monastic regulations. They shunned the consortia and services of women, and excluded them from their monasteries. This order lasted till 599 or thereabouts. The third order was only a hundred in number, mostly presbyters. They were hermits, living on herbs and water, and despised private property {propria contemnebant). They had different rules, masses, tonsures and Easters. The last eight of them were swept away by the Yellow Plague in the year 666. Of the saints celebrated by Gorman, the following (arranged alphabetically) belong to the first of these orders : Ailbe, Sep. 12; two Ailills, Jan. 13, July i; Auxilius or Usaille, Feb. 7 ; Benen, Nov. 9 ; Beo-aed, Mar. 8 ; Bron, June 8 ; Buite mac Bronaig, Dec. 7 ; two Cairnechs, March 28, May 16 ; Cianan, Nov. 24 ; Conlaed, May 3 ; Cormac, Feb, 17 ; Enda of Aran, March 21 ; Ere, Nov. 2 ; Fortchern, Oct. 11 ; larlaithe of Armagh, Feb. 1 1 f Ibar, Ap. 23 ; Laeban, June i ; Lom- man of Ath Truim, Oct. 11 ; Mac caille, Ap. 25 ; Mac cairthinn, March 24 ; Mel, Feb. 6; Mocta, March 24, Aug. 19; Sechnall, Nov. 27 ; Sen-Phatric, Aug. 24 ; Tassach, Ap. 14. 1 His tractate is printed by Ussher ( Works, vi. 477), Fleming [Collect. 430), O'Conor {Rer. Bib. Scriptt. ii. 162), Haddan and Stubbs {Councils, ii. 292}, and De Smedt and De Backer [Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae, coll. 161-164). 2 Another relapse into paganism took place about A.D. 857, when the viking inroads led many of the Irish to regard Thor as stronger than Christ, see Three Fragine?its of Irish Annals, p. 138. That the Picts, also, apostatised and were reconverted appears from the Life of S. Kentigern, chap. 27. 2 Oddly enough, Gorman makes no mention of larlaithe of Tuam, one of the second order of saints, whose day is Dec. 26. xlviii PREFACE. The following belong to the second order : Aed mac Bricc, May 4 : one of the Barrfinds ; Becc mac De, Oct. 12 ; mo Bi clarenech (Berchan), Oct. 12 ; Boethi'n, June 9 ; Brenainn of Birr, Nov. 29 ; Brenainn of Clonfert, May 16 ; Cainnech, Oct. 1 1 ; Cairlan, March 24 ; Cathub, Ap. 6 ; Ciaran mac in tsair, Sep. 9 ; Coeman, June 12 ; Coemgin, June 3 ; Colman mac Lenin, Nov. 24 ; Colum cille, June 29 ; Colum mac Cremthainn, Dec. 13 ; Comgall, May 10 ; one of the Commans, May 10 ; Conandil, March i ; Cormac hua Liathain, June 21 ; Daig, son of Cairell, Aug. 18 ; Enda, son of Nuadan, Sep. 18 ; Fergus, March 30 ; Findian of Clonard, Dec. 12 ; Findian of Mag bile, Feb. 1 1 and Sep. 10 ; Fintan of Dun Blesci, Jan. 3 ; Finntan of Clonenagh, Feb. 17 ; mo Laisse (Lasrian) of Daminis, Sep. 12 ; Lasren of Mena-drochet, Sep. 16 ; Mac-nise, June 13 ; mo Lua of Clonfert, Aug. 4 ; mo Luoc, June 25 ; Moenenn, March i ; Natchoime, May i ; Nessan, July 24 ; Ninnid Laebderc, Jan. 16 ; Odrdn, Oct. 26 ; Senach, Aug. 21 ; Ruadan, Ap. 15 ; Sinchell the Elder, March 26 ; Sinell of Cloen-inis, Nov. 12 ; Tigernach, Ap. 4- The twelve ' apostles of Ireland,' mentioned supra, pp. ix-x, are included in the second order. They were the two Findians, the two Colombs, Ciaran, Cainnech, Comgall, the two Bre- nainns, Ruadan, Ninnid and my BiV To the third order belong : Aedlug, Feb. 26, Aileran, Dec. 29, Beogna, Aug. 2, Berach, Ap. 21, Boethi'n, June 9, Coeman Brecc, Sep. 14, Coemgen, June 3, mo Choemoc, Mar. 13, Colman mac Duach, Feb. 3, Colman maccu Telduib, Feb. 8, Colman Ela, Sep. 26, Colman Stellain, May 26, Columbanus, Nov. 21, Critan, May 17, Cronan, Nov. ii, Cronan Becc, Jan. 7, Cronan of Mag bile, Aug. 7, mo Chua of Tech mo Chua, Dec. 24, mo Chua of Balla, Mar. 30, Cuanna, Feb. 4, mo Chutu, May 14, Cummi'ne, bishop of Noendruim, July i, Cummi'ne fota, Nov. 12, Dagan, Sep. 13, Daniel, Feb. 18, Dimma Dub, Jan. 6, Domongin, Ap. 29, Eochaid, Ap. 17, Fechi'n, Feb. 14, Fi'nan, Jan. 8, Finntain (or Munnu), Oct. 21, Gobban, March 17, Lachtain, March 19, Laidgenn, Jan. 12, Lassren (mo Laisse), Ap. 18, mo Liba, Jan. 8, Liber, March 8, Lommdn of Loch Uair, Feb. 7, Macdoc of Ferns, Jan. 31, Mac Lasre, abbot of Bennchor, May 16, Mac Lasre, abbot of Armagh, Sep. 12, mo Lua, Aug. 4, Manchan, Jan. 24, Muirgen, Jan. 27, Nem maccu Birn, June 14, 0.ssein, May i, Ronan, Nov. 18, Saran, Jan. 20, Segi'n, Sep. 10, Senach Garb, Sept. 10, Silldn, abbot of Bennchor, Feb. 28, Sillan, bishop of Daminis, May 17, Sillan of Mag bile, Aug. 25, Srafan, May 23, Suibne, Jan, 11, Tommein, Jan. 10, and Ultan, Sep. 4. ' See FcL Ocng. p. cxviii., and Lisuiorc Lives, 1. 4119. THE CONTENTS OF THE MARTYROLOGY. xllx With regard to the other Irish saints and their names men- tioned in the Martyrology it will be enough to notice : — Firstly, the large number of holy women commemorated by Gorman, and the contrast in this respect which his work offers to the lists of Cymric saints.^ Secondly, the fondness of Gorman and his glossator for groups of three and seven. Thus we have 'three daughters of Eltin,' March 15, three sons of Eogan, May 19, three sons of Dimma, Nov. I, three sons of Ere, Nov. 12: seven bishops of Druim Airbelaig, Jan. 15, of Tech na comairce, May 28, in Aelmag, Aug. 23, of Cluain Caa, Oct. 3, of Cell (Druim) Tidil, Nov. i : seven sons of Ednius, May 22, of Stiallan, Oct. 27, of Aed, Dec. 20, of Dretell, Dec. 22 : seven daughters of Fergus, May 24. A similar fondness for grouping churches in sevens is shown in the Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, pp. 154, 160, 168. But this may have been suggested by the seven apocalyptic churches in Asia. Thirdly, the paucity of names beginning with ccle, dub, zxx^gilla. Fourthly, the number of names (improper compounds) of which the first element is cu ' hound,' der (proclitic dm-) ' daughter,' fer^ ' man,' mac ' son,' mael ' tonsured, ' ' servant ' (W. mod), and the second a name or noun in the gen. sg. Fifthly, the occurrence of two-stemmed names like Deg-itge 'good prayer,' 6^£'/-<:/^/// 'bright fame,' Loinm-chu ' h-dx& hound,' Ltig-tJiigern ' little lord,' Mid-gus, Necht-lecc, Sdr-bUc, Soer-gus, where the former stem is adjectival, and Ldm-ruad, Mael-dub, Mael-odar, Tel-dub, where the latter element is an adjective." Sixthly, the occurrence of names such as Der erce ' daughter of the sun,' Mac liacc ' son of a stone,' Mac caerthaimi ' son of a mountain-ash,' which seem to have been handed down from primeval savagery. So Circe was daughter of Helios, the Oneidas and Dacotahs claim descent from stones, and the Dryopes were a race of men born of ash-trees. Seventhly, the vast number of pet-names, Kosenanicn, formed either from substantives and adjectives, either by the diminutival suffixes, mentioned supra, p. xxiv, or from the original names, by prefixing the possessive pronouns meaning my and thy. Both these classes of names will be found infra in the Index of Persons. As to Gorman's authorities for the Irish saints whom he com- memorates, we may safely aver that he used the Fdirc of Oengus, the Martyrology of Tallaght, and the tenth-century NSebsenchar ' See, for example, the list in Lives of the Cambro-British Saints, p. 265, where out of 60 saints only four — Eurgen, Gurnerth, Madrun, Eingen — are women. - See Kick's Die GyiecJiischen PcrsonennaDien, 1874, I.xvi, et seq., for examples of both classes in Old Celtic. ^ See above p. xvii. GORMAN. d 1 PREFACE. or, as Colgan calls it, Menologhini Genealogicuui. The lost Martyrology of Cashel (circ. 1030) can hardly have been one of the ' ancient books of the Gaels ' to which he refers in his preface. VI. The Glosses. So much for the text and contents of the Martyrology. Most of the glosses are (i) lexicographical, (2) genealogical, or (3) topo- graphical. The lexicographical glosses are collected infra in p. 252. The glossator's mistakes as to the meanings of cadla, murmaig, athbath, and crSbdii prove that he wrote a considerable time after the text was composed. The genealogical and topo- graphical glosses have been largely utilised by Colgan, and many have been transferred to the Martyrology of Donegal. When and by whom they were written does not appear. Perhaps when the history of the Irish language is better known, their date may be fixed approximately (i) by the survival of the w-umlaut in the dat. sg. {deiriudh, Nov. i, gl. 14, ciunn, Nov. 17, gl. 3, deiscchirt, Dec. II, gl. i) : (2) by the survival of the fem. numeral teora {teora cail/echa, May 22, gl. 6 ; but tri cealla, Dec, ii, gl. 6) : (3) by the pres. ind. sg. 2, dinn/ie, Jan. 15, gl. 7 : (4) by the pret. pass. pi. 3, coro niarbait, Ap. 17, gl. 3: (5) by the pronominal compound 6-)i-a ' from his,' June 3, gl. 2, where the n is borrowed from the organic forms con-a, laru-a, rian-a, and, lastly, by the prepositions fri and seek with the dative (/;-/ ddmhaibh, Ap. 15, gl. 3, secJi demhnaibh, May 31, gl. 5). At Jan. I, gl. 4, Feb. 8, gl. 6, Ap. 17, gl. 3, Ap. 23, gl. i. May 3, gl. I, June 3. gl. 2, Aug. 11, gl. 3, and Aug. 24, gl. i, the glossator has recorded traditions relating to the lives of eight of the saints commemorated in our Martyrology. His mention of holy lepers, at Jan. 28, gl. 5, March 16. gl. 4, and May 21, gl. 6, exemplifies the devotion paid to those unhappy persons in the Middle Ages — a devotion probably due to the belief that our Lord Himself was a leper. Sec the Tripartite Life, p. cxcvi. All the interlinear, and most of the marginal, glosses are in the handwriting of the scribe of the text, namely, Michael O'Clery. The glosses preceded in the present edition by vion. rec. are all, I think, by John (Colgan, the Franciscan hagiologist. VII. Remarks on the Present Edition. In the present edition the text and glosses have been punc- tuated : contractions have been extended, but the extensions are always expressed by italics : proper names have been spelt with initial capitals : omitted letters have been supplied in brackets : hyphens separate the transported n and t from words REMARKS ON THE PRESENT EDITION. li beginning with vowels : an apostrophe has often (but not always) been put where a vowel has been lost at the beginning of a word ; and, lastly, the proclitics have been severed from the words to which, in the manuscript, they are respectively pre- fixed. Wherever I have corrected the scribal corruptions men- tioned above (p. xxi, note i), T have given in a footnote the lection of the MS. The dotted g, d, b, and in, are represented respec- tively by g/i, dh, bh, and Jilli. So much for the text and glosses. The translation makes no pretension to literary merit. It does not attempt to reproduce the metre, alliterations, and assonances, which Gorman handles like a master. It is, in fact, a mere tentative ' crib,' intended to facilitate the under- standing of the original, and sometimes falling short of the intention. The vocabulary of Middle-Irish prose is now fairly well known. But the signification of many of the words and phrases used by the Middle-Irish poets is still far from being ascer- tained. Celtologists will probably differ as to the meanings I have ventured to assign to aitJineuuit, at/ibat/i, bar, hesaid, brigrus, cialla, cijner, coviad, coiiiaig, crobdn, cuidmid, ddibill, dathrath, doibil, elgna, engach, fodlacJi, ga/igda, glegar, gribda, inicrerid, nam. roind, tairbirt, tarbech, tinniu, todil, tuillimxh and urlaim. For light on these obscure words, most of which are, so far as I know, (XTraf Xe'^ofieva, Celtic scholars will be duly grateful. The glossarial index contains (including compounds) about iioo words. It is meant to be a supplement to the only trustworthy Middle-Irish dictionary which has yet been pub- lished — the Worterbuch of Prof Windisch. Words found in that dictionary have therefore, as a rule, been omitted. The identifications in the index of places have, for the most part, been compiled from the voluminous works of O'Donovan, Reeves, and Hennessy. This index comprises Q47 places, and may perhaps be useful to students of Irish ecclesiastical topo- graphy. For those who are interested in the legends connected with most localities in Ireland, I have inserted references to the prose tales of the Uindsenchas, recently published in the Revue Celtiqiie. But those who believe that they can discover in Irish place-names traces of a pre-Celtic population will find nothing here to support their theories. In forming the index of persons — about 3450 in number — I have often been painfully aware of my ignorance of hagiology. But I have used to the best of my ability, the Latin marty- rologies and kalendars mentioned supra, p. xlvi, the Alarty- rologiuui Romamim, Mr. Warren's edition of the Leofric Kalendar, the Irish Martyrologies of Oengus, Tallaght, and Donegal, and the Annals published by O'Donovan and Hen- la PREFACE. nessy. I have also given references to the Irish hves of saints in the Book of Lismore and to the fine collection of such lives preserved in the Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels. The situs of their Latin lives, which abound in matter for students of Irish folklore, topography and philology, are sufficiently known from the Peres De Smedt and De Backer's edition of the Codex Salmanticensis, from the late Bishop Reeves' account of the Codex Kilkenniensis, and from the Rev. W. D. Macray's des- cription of the Bodleian MSS. Rawl. B. 485, and Rawl. B. 505. In conclusion, I perform the pleasant duty of acknowledging help of various kinds and degrees from the Rev. E. S. Dewick, Prof Strachan, Prof. Kuno Meyer, Father Edmund Hogan, S.J., and the Rev. W. D. Macray. The courtesy of the officials in the Bibliotheque Royale also deserves acknowledgment. W. S. 15 Grcnvillc Place, Londo/i, S.IV- FELIRE Htri GORMAIN. THE MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN I'i.LIRE Hl'l GORMAIN. A Tamaold ag denamh fiadhnaise ^nr leghamar na senleabhair asar' sccn'obh an brathoirbor/^/ (Michel 6 Cler/]^h)an feliresi ui Ghormain, 7 go bhfuil a sliocht go hiomlan edir chorp«^(5'h 7 urlaiinrt/Z'h (an m// h\\ Fiadnatan, Mart. Tamh "^ Aedini (gen. sg.) ibid. '' MS. Maolan caom. January.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 9 3.C. The octave of John (the Apostle). Pope Anteros the bright-skinned, who saw without any error. Rhodon, Primus, Florentius : Genovefa the pure-crowned : Cilh'n/ Fintan,^ Findlug,^ — may I stay with them so that I may gain their white city ! ' abbot of Faithne Mura, to wit, CiUi'n descendant of Colla. ^ Fintan from Diin Blesce in Munster. ^ Findhig of Tamlachta Findloga in the Ciannachta of Glenn Gemin. 4. D. The octave of the (Holy) Innocents. Geminus, Martianus, diadems : Titus, Theodotus, here : Quintus the rigid and Trypho. Fiadnat,^ Aed,^ who doth not betray us: dear Maelan,'^ my Cumma^: with Aquilinus (is) Eugan, who found escape after heaviness. ^ a virgin. - a bishop. ^ Maelan of Enach. ^ of Druim Ailche in Dartraige. 5. E. Pope Telesphorus. Airennan a strong, virginal tower. Simeon (Stylites), skilled ^against the violent battle : the vigil of the Epiphany.^ Mac Og^" (' son of virginity '), modest, righteous. Joseph,^ Ciar'^ and Ciaran."* ^ son of Echaid, of Loch Meilge. ^ bishop of Mael-Riiain's Tamlacht. ^ Ciar a virgin, of Cell Chere (' Ciar's Church') in Muscraige, and in Mag Ascaid it stands. ^ i.e. son of Aed. ^ vigilia Epiphaniae Domini, Mart. Rom. F^LIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Ianuarius. 6. f. "Dastedh Isu in oenlo, -■--'druidh uaisle dia adhrad, fin d' uiscce co herlam, cencop inann^ aimser. fedhil mar doforbhad, as dcmhin co ndernadh. F; or in losin Lassar,^ Caurnan,^ Cerclach, Digde,^ Nadfroich banclann'' brigda, Lugidon'^ mor, Muadnat.^ Talulla" find aebda, Osnat/ Diarmait," Dimma,^ Macra chaid, mo-chenon in degogh fri dighla. ^ Achaidh foda. ^ Becc. ^ inghena Nadfraoich. * .i. vaao. Decclain, epsr^?/. ^ ogh. Caille ainm a baile i cCairprt Droma cliabh. ^ ogh. banabb Chille dara. ' ogh. Miiadh- nat, TaluUa ocus Osnat tri deirbhsethra do Molaisi Daimhinnsi fad. ^ esp^^ v^ac Eacdtft'h o Airiudh Indaich. ^ Dinima Dubh, esp*?^ G^//dere. Origh,^ da-Loe,- Lucian, -L'Cronan,^ Corcan* coimdes. Elitir^ nar anbfois/ Donnan'' leir, moLoca.^ Crist a hEgipt'-' amdis : tosscch coir a charghois.'^ Corcan ele armeit inna^" angreit amnois. inghena fos Fergna, Emhin delbhdha dagdois." ' Choirpre. ^ ,i. da-Lua Diiin Tighe Bretan. ' Becc .i. epS(r(?/ Naond/'oma. * Q.\>%cop. * abb. ® .i. nar anbfois no utmall. '' sacart 6 Inis Aingi'n [or Loch Ribh, tuiderneath Donnan is sacczrt. ^ 6 Lifecair. * in marg., man. rcc. reditus ex Aegypto. '" q. inna ngreit fertaig. in marg., man. rec. Vide an sit Inas rex Angliae de q//o 6 feb. " .i. niaithe na doiss didin iad. " MS. ionann. ^ Digcli chcrcl(ach), Mart. Tanil. •^ MS. chargais. January.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. ii 6. F. On one day, though the time was not the same, Jesu's Baptism (took place), noble druids (came) to adore Him, (and) wine (was) promptly (made) of water. As it was completed steadily it is certain that it was done. Upon that day Lassar,^ Caurnan,^ Cerclach, Digde, Nad- fraech's vigorous female children,^ great Lugidon,* Muadnat,^ Talulla,*' fair, beautiful. Ossnat,'' Diarmait,** Dimma'-* : chaste Macra, welcome is the good virgin against vengeances. ^ of Achad Fota. - the Little. ^ Nadfraech's daughters. * i.e. son of Declan, a bishop. ^ a virgin : Caille (was) the name of her place, in Cairpre Droma Cliab. ^ a virgin, abbess of Kildare. ' a virgin. Muadnat, TaluUa, and Ossnat, three sisters they, of Molaisi of Dam-inis. * a bishop : son of Eochaid, of Airiud Indaich. ** Dimma the Black, bishop of Condere. 7. G. Bn'g,^ thy Loe," Lucianus : Cronan,'^ Corcan,* the handsome : Ailithir,^ who was not unsteady'^' : diligent Donnan/ my Loca.'' Christ out of unlovely Egypt^ : the just beginning of His Lent.-'^ Another Corcan we reckon as a noble hardy champion. Also Fergna's daughters (and) shapely Emin, goodly bushes (to protect us).i° ^ of Coirpre. ^ i.e. thy Lua of Diin Tige Bretan * the Fort of the Britons' house.' ^ Becc ' little,' i.e. bishop of Ndindruim. * a bishop. ^ an abbot. ^ i.e. who was not unsteady or restless. '' a priest from Inis Aingin on Loch Rib. * from Lifechar. ^ (His) return out of Egypt.'* "' i.e. good are the bushes of pro- tection that they are. "^ i.e. His forty days' fast in the wilderness, Matth. iv, 2 : jejunium Christi cum Diabolo tentaretur, Dritmm. Kal. ^ The reversio pueri Christi de Egypto is commemorated in Dn/nini. Kal. on Jan. 11. FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Ianuarius. 5. a. Mo sacru/ ocus Ercnat,^ Cillein,'* Cuaca* ch[o]emiial : Seuerin, la Saran,^ Fi'nan^ leo, mo-Liba/ Lucian, Nectain^ noebog, moin dlectain fris ndalab.^ ^ m(zc Bennain. - 6 Dun da en i fiodhbaidh Dail hjcaidht. ^ abb. ■* ogh o Chill Chuacca i cCoirpre Ua cCiardha. ^ Ciiile cremha. '^ .i. vaaz Rinihedha. eps^c?/. ' esp^*^, o Ghlionn da locha. ^ o Dluin Geimhin i cCiannachta Glinne Geimhin. ^ d'iarraidh impidhe forra ara moladh 7 ara ccuimh- niughadh. 9.b. Guaire/ Firmus, ^Faelan,^ translait ludoic alimm,'* Isu i bn-Egipt* iegaim, Bassilis og, lulian, Su[ai]bhsech,^ Lommchu'^ luaidim, Ciaran/ Boithin, Brenainn, Fi'nin Sax na sairbreth, in'^ craibhdech, nis celaind. ^ Becc Achaidh Dubhthaigh i Maigh Li for brii Banna. - Cluana Moescna i Feraib Tulach. ^ aitchim. •* i7i marg. man. rec. aduen- tus in Aegyptum. ^ ogh i tTi'r Aedha. " o Chill Lomchon i n-Ultoibh. '' Ruis Chumalca. 10. c. IV T icanor sruith, sen-Phol, -^ ^ Melci'aidd maith in morlec, Maelodran raith riarmait, in papa uais ^Ignait,^ Senoc si'rbdn soergreit, Tomein,- Uimman/'' Diarmait.* ' in marg. man. rec. potius Agait nenipe Agatho ([iii hodie colitur, sed carmen postulat (\uo(!i sit Ignait. '" com?/rba Patraicc. ^ Insi Cain. ■* Inse Clothrann for Loch Ribh. eps es/Ve. ' Dianach espoc Dhomhnf?4'h moir Maighe Ene. *• 6g 6 Mhaigh nfadh i Tuaith Ratha. " MS. Diarmaid. ^ Findchritan Craibigc, JlLir/. Taml. January.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. ij 14. G. Great Baetan/ son of Lugeus, Itharnais^ against temptations, with Lathaniais on my behalf. Diblene, Fland;'' Felix, Lugbe this keen fair man : I shall find a noble, merciful band. ^ i.e. bishop of Inis Mor. ' " Itharnais and Latharnais from Achad Ferta. ^ i.e. Fland the Fair from Cuillenn near Corcach. 15. A. Good Habacuc, Michaeas, Ita,^ godly Di'armait," Macarius, Maurus with meekness : Brecc Fele, a tried man, Airechtach* whom thou entreatest," with Robartach" thou numberest" : the just sons'* of Find-chritan^ : Darerca of the generation^" (of saints) The going of Cairpre's chaste daughters into the assembly of the Land of Truth.^ ' a virgin. I'te a virgin, of Cluain Credail. Mi'de (' my Ite ') was another name of hers. - a priest. ^ Airechtach in Inis Mor. •^ and his prayer. ^ also from Inis Mor. '^ thou reckonest. ^ seven bishops of Druim Airbelaig. ^ of Craibech. '" of .he saints. ^^ foirbe ox forba 'a land.' 16. B. Titianus, bFursa,^ (his brother) Foillan,^ Marcellus a principal pope. Cillein, holy Ninnid.^ Honoratus the bishop, larloga'^ splendid, virginal : AilillV beautiful sons. Lithgen,^ Diarmait," Dianach' : Monoa^ honourable, grave, Mael-Isu diligent, very chaste, grandson of Brolchan without perils. 1 an abbot, of Conailli Murthemni. ' Squint-eyed, from Inis Maige Sam. '^ of Less mor, a bishop and abbot. * ot Druimm bairr. " of Cluain mor. " son of Mechar, of Airther maige in Tuath Ratha, a bishop, he. ' Dianach bishop of Domnach mor Maige Ene. " a virgin, from Mag Niad in 1 uath Ratha. ^ Dormitatio . . . filiarum Cairpre, Marl. Tainl. ^ Dormitatio Fursei, ibid. " fratri suo Fullano, Beda, Hist. Led., lib. Ill, c. xix. GORMAN. C i8 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Ianuarius. 17. C. Speusippus lem, Leonill, Eleusip coa saigimm, Melasip tend tagaim, Sulpic, lonill, Ultan,^ Ernain,^ Mica molaim, in clarenech^ caraimm. Anton mind na maissi, mo-Lassi* nach lamhaim, Neone mor ammine, cor-rigi^ cia ragaind. ^ inrt'c Etechtaicch 6 Chuil corra. - o Tigh Ernain. '^ Droma Bidg. * Cille mo-Lasse i nDeisibh Muma«. ^ righe nimhe. 18. d. a A edammair^ chaidh, Coppa,^ -^^Scoth,^ Femmor* nit feloig^ Blath,^ Ana*' co n-onoir, mo-Chua, Rotan" rathmar, tascc Maire daig degfeil, Prisca chaid co coroin, ordned Petair primda ir-Roimh righda romoir. ' dgh, \ngen Aodha. - ogh inghen Baetain. * ogh. in inarg. Scoth, Femmor, Blath, Ana, cet>^rar banogh o Cliiain Grencha. * dcch. ^ 6gh. ^ dgh. ' tuilled anma. 19. e. Tl^achtna,^ Marius, Martha, •^ Laudamair druin delbglan, Pontian, Suibnc- saidbir, Germanic is Gero;zt, retla'^ Brawuald bladmar, Octide CO a[i]nglib, ^mo-Lasse'' nach lamhair narn-anaig ar ainmib. • eps Cuanna, Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 29 FEBRUARY. I. D. On February's white calends Brigit the chief virgin of Ireland (and) Der-lugdach^ : let us mention with them Pionius, Ignatius, Ephrem, Beoin,^ dear-white Cinne,^ Airennan"* whom we supplicate, Cattan^ the abstinent, stern warrior, (and) my Celloc the holy-slender. ^ abbess of Kildare after Brigit. - a virgin. ^ a virgin. * Oidab's (leg. Fodub's ?) great-grandson.^ * Blaan's tutor. 2. E. The first taking of Christ into the Temple, with Mary^ — a gracious man's course. Cornelius the chaste, a profitable chief, Fortunatus and Finnech.^ Apronianus bear ye in mind,^ Victor, Maurus, who perceives us, Illathan,'^ venerable, great-faced, Aithmet'' the devout, of Clochar, Felicianus and Firmus, before us, against the danger of every mischief. ^ a bishop. Finnech Duirn of Cell Findchi of Ath Duirn in Ossory. Now Dorn-buide was the name of a hill in Mag Raigne. ^ to protect us. ^ from the hermitage. ■* a bishop. 3. F. Werburga the fair, Blasius, Celerinus with dear grace, Coelfind,^ devout Cuanan,^ Trypho, Ignatius, Uuan (Avia- nus ?), Remedius, radiant Tigris, Laurentinus of the full judg- ments, mac Duach — a defence against difficulties, — Colman," hospitable, holy. ' a virgin. - of the valley, abbot of Mag Bile. ' Mac fJuach's name : from Cell meic Duach. "* h. Foduili, Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. "^ Purificatio sancte Marie semper virginis, Drit?/iin. Kal. 30 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Februarius. 4- g- Fuidbech,^ Core- is Chota, la hAquilin aleb, Gelais fri cech ngabud,^ Gemin mor is Magnus. Donait tagai[m]ni trenfer fri baraind, fri badud. Pheleas, Eueint urgna, di'as chunnla co crabud. Cuanna;'' Ciaran* Glinne,^ sinne for a snadhud ! - xwao. Cillin.^' " 6 Dhruim Lomman. ^ man. rec. Mart. TamlacYiX.. o Druinn. * ab Lis moir. ^ Tamhlachta Gliadh i nGlinn Righe. 5- a. Agatha og airderc, Cera^ ar corp ba cachtach : Baetan,- Fingen^ fertach, Saturnin ard, Auit, Liadnan^ leir nar' lochtach, Dubtach^ eim is Echtach." ^ d^h. ^ mac Colmain. ^ mac Odrdin febla. ^ abb Fobhair, * saccart. " dcch. 6. b. Uedaist amra, Amaint/ Fustais ni chel charaim, epsff?/ cMel- nos-molaimm, Anatholian, Teophil, feil Dura'' bhain bladhuill. Branduibh chaid is Cholaim[m],'* dom breith don flaith lea Dorothea thogaimm, Finnian' abb na hinnse 'sind rindse mo roraind. ^ seems altered from KmdiXiX. : in marg. man. rec. Amait — Amaind .i. Amandus qui hodie pon////r. - e\)?>cop Ard-acha/V/ i Tethba, descipal Patraicc es/r/e. * Q\)Uop. mac Coluim o Dliruim chremha. ^ Bran 7 Colum 6 Loch Munremhuir. '' Mael find lain abb Insi Patraic. ■■• MS. ngabad. '' mac Illadon, Mart. Taiul. ed. Kelly "^ Sic in the Rawl. and Laud copies of tlie FJlirc Ocug. In L.B. Moel, perperam. MS. san. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 31 4. G. Fuidbech,^ Corc^ and Cota with Aquilinus, I will beseech. Gelasius against every peril, great Geminus and Magnus. Dona- tus I choose (as my) champion against hostility, against drown- ing. Phileas, wise Eventius, a sage, devout pair. Cuanna'^ and Ciaran^ of Glenn (Rige),^ may we be under their safeguard ! ^ son of Cillin. - from Druim Lomman. ^ from Druinn, faccordins: to the) Martyrology of Tallaght. * Abbot of Less Mor. ' of Tamlachta Gliad in Glenn Rige. 5. A. Agatha, a famous virgin, Cera,^ who was abstinent as to her body, Baetan,- miraculous Fingen,^ lofty Saturninus and Avitus, Liadnan* the industrious, who was not faultful, active Dubthach,^ and Echtach.'^ ' a virgin. ■ son of Colman. ^ son of Odran Febla. ^ abbot of Fobar. ^ a priest. ^ a virgin. 6. B. Wonderful Vedastus, (bishop) Amandus, Fausta (?), I will not conceal whom I love : bishop Mel,^ I praise him, Anatho- lianus, Theophilus, the festival of fair, great-famed Dura,^ of Brandub the chaste and Colomb.* 'Tis Dorothea I choose to take me with her to the kingdom (of heaven). Findian,^ abbot of the Island, in this end of the stanza (is) my great portion. - bishop of Ard-achad in Tethba, a disciple of Patrick he. ^ a bishop, son of Colomb, of Druim Crema. * Bran and Colomb from Loch Munremuir. ^ Mael-Findiain, abbot of Inis-Patraic. 32 FELIRE HIJI CORMAIN. [Februarius. 7-c. Tri meicc delbda Dare/ Fintan^ lend is Lomman,' tJsailli tend tennal, Brigif* chaid is Colman,^ fri tedmann, fri trommar, Aed," Mocnacan," Mellan,^ Auguil, Moiseit molaimm, romaind fri cech rennagh. ^ .i. Lonan, Critan, Maelan Mona Maolain tri meic Dhare. - sacrtfrt QXuand. Cain, ^ Locha Uair. * inghen Domma. ^ &i^%cop. " epsr^/ Slebhti. ' Atha Liacc. ** [Inse] mac lii Cuinn for Loch Orbsen. M 8. d. acc-b'acc,^ Cera,^ Colman,^ ^Ruithche,* Sebaist soerda, T^rnoc,^ Emil airme, Salomon mor martir, Dionis fri digla, Onchu,'^ Fiachra," Failbe,^ Con'ntha uais ergna, tall CO nderna ar ndailne. ^ epsr^/ Liath droma. - ogh. ^ mac lii Thelduibh epsr.7). eg. ^ anchoreta fri Berba aniar. '^ Onchu vc\ac ind ecis do Ccv/nachtaibh. IS e ro thinoil mor do thaisib noemh Er(7/;/ co Cluain moir Moedhocc. ' abb 6 Chongl)hail Glinne Siiilige i Cenel ConviA\ 7 ba habb-sidhe beos i cCluain Eraird. ® .i. Failbe Erdoimh. 9. e. Appollonia, Ammon, Au.sbr;'t//j ban balla, gcbtait col-Ian linni, Ronan/ Cuaran,^ Caircch,^ Tomas tuirmthir sunna, bColman/ Cruimthir Finni/ ' eps(r<7/ Lis moir. * ind eccna. Cuaran in eccna i nDeisibh Mumrt«. As do rob ainm Cronan mr?c Nethsemon. ^ Cairech Dergain dgh o Cluain Bairenn i n-Uibh Maine. * Cl//a;/a hEraird. ° Droma licce. ' Ruidchc, Mart. Tanil. cd. Kelly. ^ MoCoImoc cluana Iraird, Mart. Taml. February.] MAKTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 33 7. c. Dare's three shapely sons/ for us (be) Fintan- and Lomman.^ Auxilius, a strong firebrand : chaste Brigit^ and Cohnan,^ against diseases, against heavy slaughter : Aed/ Moenacan,' Mellan,* Augulus, Moyses I praise ; (let them go) before us against every spear-fight. ' i.e. Lonan, Critan, Maelan of Mdin Maelain, Dare's three sons. " a priest, of Cluain Cain. ^ of Loch Uair. * daughter of Domma. '" a bishop. ® bishop of Slebte. ' of Ath Liacc. * of Inis Maccu Cuinn on Loch Orbsen. 8. D. Mac-liacc/ Cera,^ Colman,'' Ruithche,* noble Sebastianus, thy Ernoc;' Aemilianus we reckon, great Salomon, a martyr ; Dionysius against vengeances : Onchu,^ Fiachra,'' h'ailbe.* Wise, noble Corintha, may she cause our meeting there (in heaven) ! ^ bishop of Liath-druim. - a virgin. ' a bishop, great- grandson of Teldub. * a virgin. ^ an anchorite to the west of (the river) Berba. ^ Onchu, son^ of the sage, of Connaught. 'Tis he that gathered to Cluain Mor Maeddic much of the relics of the saints of Ireland.'' ' an abbot, from Congbail Glinne Suilige in Cenel Conaill, and he was also abbot in Cluain Eraird. ^ that is Failbe of Erdam. 9. E. Apollonia, Ammon, white, lofty Ausbertus, they will com- pletely take our side. Ronan,^ Cuaran,^ Cairech.'^ Thomas is here numbered. Colman,'* presbyter Finni.^ ^ bishop of Less-mor. - of the wisdom : Cuaran of the wisdom'^ in Desi of Munster. 'Tis to him was the name Cronan, son of Nia- semon. ^ Cairech Dergain, a virgin from Cluain Bairenn in Hiii Maine. * of Cluain Eraird. ^ of Druim Licce. "^ He is described as *• Jiua (grandson) of the sage,' in Fcl. Oeng. and in Mart. Tajnl. ^ So Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly : Hua ind egais qui congregavit reliquias sanctorum. "- Mocuaroc ind ecnai, Fe.l. Oeirg. Mochuaroc vir sanctus et sapientissimus, Drumm. Kal. GORMAN. D 34 FELIRE Hi I GORMAIN. [Februaru's. lO. f. Ocolastica, Sillan/ f\^%cop Glinne da locha. II. g. Gobnat/ Etchen,- Eufrais, Lappan/ Luc[h]ta'' luaidimm, Seuerin abb alimm, Finnia,'' Duban'' dcgdias, Senac[h]'' an mar oebill, Coccnat^ ban as mbagimm, ainm larlaide^ findaird isin rindaird^ raidimm, Desider fos fegait, Inna gerait gradfind. ^ dgh. ifi marg. Gobnat ogh i Mdin Moir i ndesc^rt Erenn ata a ceall. " e'p'&cop (Z\i/a7i^. Foda i Feraibh Bile i Midhe. ^ vaac Ciarain. * Atha Ferna. ^ epscop Maighe Bile. * sac^rt. saccizrt 6 Cheallaibh lia Maigheach. * dcch 6 Ernaidhe. " .i. ainm na haistesea. 12. a. ^OiadaV Finan,- *^Cinnmein/ Cc Fethgna,'' 'on in/' Cronan, Forondan,'"' Aed," Acdan,"* Beologo'-' ard, Eulail, Leo la Lugaid'" lanfial a.s cubaidh 'sin caemhfal. ' epscop, mac Luaith, 6 Ath cliath. - m^c Erendain.'^ •■' c.omi/rha. Patraicc cenn creidme na nOaoid^'/. * /// marg. Cummein Glinne mona. ' epsrcy!-. " abb C\//a/ia Eraird. ' mac YGradhaig/i. * o Cluain Dartada. " sacart o Cluain Dariada beos. '" Guile Riiscach i mBreifne. * ladailhi, MarL Tainl. cd. Kelly. ^ Siatal ibid. "^ Airennain, ibid. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 35 lo. F. (The holy virgin) Scholastica, Sillan.^ .... bishop of Glenn da locha. II. G. Gobnat/ Etchen,^ Eufrasia (leg. Euphrosyna), Lappan,^ Luchta,'' I mention ; abbot Severinus, I beseech ; Finnia^ and Duban," a goodly pair ; Senach/ bright like a spark : fair Coccnat*' whom I declare ; the name of larlaithe, the fair and high, in the (metre called) rindard'^ I utter. Desiderius, also, keen (and) pleasant : Ina, a lovable, white champion. ^ a virgin. Gobnat a virgin. In Moin Mor in the south oflreland stands her church. - bishop of Cluain Fota in Fir Bile in Meath. ^ son of Ciaran. * of Ath Ferna. ^ bishop of Mag Bile. ^ a priest. '' a priest from Cella Hua Maigech. ** a virgin, from Ernaide. ^ the name of this metre. 12. A. Siadal/ Flnan,^ Fethgna,'' Cummein,* Coni'n,^ Cronan, Foron- dan,^' Aed,^ Aedan,^ high Beo-logo,'' (the holy virgin) Eulalia. Leo, with full-modest Lugaid,^° who is harmonious in the dear rampart.^ ^ a bishop, son of Luath, from Ath Cliath. ^ son of Erennan. ^ a successor of Patrick : head of the belief of the Gaels. ^ Gum- main of Glenn Mona ^ a bishop. ^ abbot of Cluain Eraird. ' son of Feradach. ^ from Cluain Dartada. ^ a priest : also from Cluain Dartada. ^° of Cuil Riiscach in Brefne. " i.e., the rampart or fence composed of the saints enmnerated in this stanza. D 2 36 F&LIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Februarius. 13. b. A gabz/j- faith fire, ■^~*-^Ermengilda^ glanog, Domonghin^ caid, Conan, Filoron is Finan, Cuac[h]nat^ in^i raith romhoir la Grigoir maith molab. ' ogh. - mo-Domhnoc d Thioprait Fachtna i n-iarthar Osr^z^e. ^ ogh oc Ross raithe.' 14. c. Coemhan, Manchein Moethla, Felicula landes, Baiss, Cirion in chadhfis, Anton, Marceill, Maxim, Zenon, Sinach^ sirfois, Ualentin, Uitalis, on drung duit, a duine, na huile roahs, ^ Sratha.'J 15. d. "T^austin, Q/'/inid,'^ Craton, -^ Daghilla tend trebar, Fergas^ lemm di'a lenub, Forondan- beo, Berach," Blauius ba gle in glanfer, buaid meic De do Demun/ ' m(7C Otngusz.. ~ mac Aoda. ^ Cluana Coirpthe i cConnachtaibh. I 16. e. Uh'ana, lulian, la Faustin fial ferdha, coic mile cliar coibne, Pampili?/^', Paulus, Aed Glas^ dathglan dclbda, gOengus^ rat[h]mhar, Roibne,' Honesim caid cocmgel, for soernem co soirbe. ^ Aodh Glas e\-)SCOp Ratha na n-Epscop. ' eps^^/. ^ abb. " scae. eormcnhilde, Lcofr. Kal. *' MS. an. " Cruachnat oc Ros Fachtna, Mart. Tavil. according to Todd, ATari. Don. p. 48, note. '' sratha Irenn, Mart. Tainl. cd. Kelly. ' A would-be corrector inserts t after «. ^ buaid maicc Dd dia n.-tmait, Fd. Oeug. " MS. Oengas. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 37 13- B. Agabus, a prophet of truths : Ermengilda/ a pure virgin: Chaste ^Domongin,t> Conan, Philoromus and Fi'nan. Cuachnaf'' of the exceeding grace, with good Gregorius, I will praise. ^ a virgin. ~ my Domnoe from Tipra Fachtna in the west of Ossory. ^ a virgin at Ross Raithe. 14. C. Coeman, Manchein of Moethail, Felicula, full-lovely : Bassus, Cyrion of the holy knowledge: Antonius, Marcellus, Maximus, Zeno, Sinach^ the ever-stable : Valentinus, Vitalis : unto thee, O man, thou hast entreated the whole of the troop. 1 ofSrath. 15. D. Faustinus, Ouinidius, Craton, strong, firm Dagilla. On my side be Fergus,^ to whom I shall cleave : lively Forondan,^ Berach': Blavius, bright was the pure man. The victory of God's Son over the Devil.^ ^ son of Oengus. " son of Aed. ^ of Cluain Coirpthe in Connaught, 16. E. Juliana, Julianus, with modest, manly Faustinus : five thou- sand, a kindred band. Pamphilus Paulus. Aed Glas,^ pure- coloured, shapely : gracious Oengus,- Roibne,^ holy, dear-white Onesimus,^ in noble heaven with prosperity. ^ Aed Glas, bishop of Raith na n-Epscop. " a bishop. ^ an abbot. " See Acts xi. 28 and xxi. 10. ^ An alias for the mo-Domnoc of Fel. Oeitg. and Druinm. Kal. '^ Victoria Christi de Diabolo per ternas temptationes ab eodem Christo superatas, Drunim. Kal. Diabolus recessit a Domino, Leofric Kal. '^ Natalis sancti Onesimi Apostoli {sic), Mart. Chr. Ch. 38 FELIRE HOi GORMAJN. [Februarius. 17. f. "T^intan^ fial ua hEchach ^ do-Chonna^ tenn treorach, Donait gemm co nglerat[h], Roibne'^ mor la Midu,'* Cormacc' Ian, is Lurech,'"' Ossan'' ban is Brelach/ lem a n-itche uile corbam duine derach. ^ abb Cluaiia hEidhn/^h il-Laighis. ^ mac Odrain. ' eps- cop. ^ mrt-c Factna. * epsrt'/ At[h]a Truiin ocus com?/'/-ba Patrrz/c. " mac Ciianach. ' epsifi^/, o Raith Osain fri hAlh Truim ani'ar. * .i. mac Fithchellaisfh. "\Tem,^ Oengus.a is Udrin,' ^ ^ Rutuil, Siluan sengdruin, Simeon cara in Coimded, ^mo-Liba'' leir, Legoint, Colman, Lassair^ lommglan, Maxim, DanieF dondghel, sinne for a snadud ar thragud, ar thoirnem. ' eps^r^/" Droma Bertach. ^ Droma Dresa. ^ i n-Uibh Eachach \]\ad\\ i n-Eanach Elte dosonr«/^h. * ogh, 6 Ghlinn Medhoin. * epsi:^/ Cinn Garad. 19. a. ^Ooethin' mor xx\ac Cuanach, -"-^Pupliz/s, Gabi'n glorda, Feichin,- Odran oebhda, lulianus, lulius, Nuadha'' deghlainn diadha,"* Daig'' mac^ Nemnaill noemda, Moel Dobhorcon'^ degfer ar ro celed coemna. ' o Tigh Baoithin i n-iarthar Midhe. - i?i marg. Feichin mac ua Cainche 6 Lenimaig. ^ ^\>%cop. * in 7narg. man. rec. (leglainn diadha .i. protectoris deuoti. ^ e\)Uop. * epsa;/ Cille dara. •■' MS. Oengas. '' molipa, Dnmun. Kal. •^ sancti confcssoris Baithini, Mart. Chr. Cli. ^' MS. meic. FEBRUARY.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 39 17. F. Chaste Fintan,^ descendant of Eochaid, thy Conna,* firm, leading, Donatus, a gem with bright grace. Roibne,'' the great, with Midu,* full Cormac^ and Lurech,^ fair Ossan' and Brelach,*^ be the prayer of them all on my behalf that I may repent with tears.a ^ abbot of Cluain Eidnech in Laigis. ■ son of Odran. ^ a bishop. * son of Fachtna. ^ bishop of Ath Truim, and a successor of Patrick. " son of Cuana. ' a bishop : from Raith Ossain to the west of Ath Truim. ^ son of Fidchellach. 18. G. Nem,^ Oengus and Udri'n^ : Rutulus. slender-shrewd Sil- vanus : Simeon, the relative of the Lordt" : my Liba'* the indus- trious : Legontius,c Colman, very pure Lassair* : Maximus, Daniel"* the princely-fair, may we be under their safeguard against exhaustion, against oppression ! ' bishop of Druim Bertach. - of Druim Dresa. '* in Hiii Echach of Ulster, in Enach Elte (to speak) precisely. * a virgin, from Glenn Medoin. * bishop of Cenn Garad. 19. A. Great Boethi'n,^ son of Cuana, Publius, glorious Gabinius, Feichin,- beautiful Odran, Julianus, Julius: Nuada," good and godly protector^ : Daig,^ son of saintly Nemnall, Mael-Dobor- chon," an excellent man (from whom) comfort (?) was taken away. ^ from Tech Boethin in the western part of Meath. ' Fechin, descendant of Cainche, from Lem-mag. ^ a bishop. ^ of good godly protection, i.e., of a devout protector. ^ a bishop. " bishop of Cell Dara. '* literally, that I may be a tearful person. '^ propinquus Salvatoris secundum carnem. Mart. CJir. Ch. " Leguntius, Martyr. Rom. Feb. 19. 40 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Februariu"^. 20. b. 'T^irann?/^- seim, Siluan, -^ Nil, Senob^ tren trebar, •=Bolcan- ognar, idan, Colcu,^ Cronan credal. ' Nil, Senob is ivritte7i over what seems la tenob. ^ epsr^/. ' mac lia Duinechda. 21. c. Uerulus fial, Felic, Secundin co sograd, Cronan^ daig diar ndegdin, Fintan- caid, is Colman.'' '' Cille Bicce. ' Fionntan Corach &-^scoJ> Cluana. Ferta Bre- nainn. Oats i cCluain Eidhn/^h ata bheos. ^ hi marg. Colinau Arda Bo for brii Locha Eachach i n-Ultoibh. 22. d. IN-Antuaig aird uasail, oirdned Petair phrimda, ind fir ettail oebda. Papias, Abil, Arist, Fechin/ Moelan- morda, la Coeman'* diar coemna, Midabair* chaid chi'mer, Gurnim'^ minghel moerda, mac Dornan caemh cinte, Macl-brigte'J ccn bacghla.^ ' sacart. ^ Achaidh Gobra. ^ Mhaighe m«/c Dodon. " o Rind Dz-oichit. ^ higen Chon-gaela.*' "" eps. olcan, Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. '■ MS. maolbrigde. " MS. baoghla. '' Guirminni inghon Conghaili, Mart. Taml. ed. Kell>'. Gurnin, inghen Conghaela, Mart. Don. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 41 20. B. Tyrannius, the spare ; Silvanus, Nilus, strong (and) prudent^^ Zenobius : Bolcan,^ virgin-bashful, pure : Colcu,^ religious Cronan. ^ a bishop. ^ great-grandson of Duinechda. 21. C. Verulus the modest, Felix, Secundinus, with tender love : Cronan,^ quick to guard us well, holy Fintan,- and Colman.^ ^ of Cell Becc. - Fintan Corach, bishop of Cluain Fevta Brenainn, and in Cluain Eidnech he is also, ^ Colman, of Ard Bo on the brink of Loch n-Echach, in Ulster. 22. D. In high, noble Antioch, the enthronement of pre-eminent Peter,'' the pure, beautiful man. Papias, Abilius, Ariston.c Fechi'n/ majestic Moelan^ with Coeman'^ to defend us : Mida- bair,* holy, radiant (?) : Gurnim/ smooth-white, noble. Mac-Dor- nan dear, determined : Mael-Brigte without dangers. ^ a priest. ^ of Achad Gobra. ^ of Mag maic Dodon. from Rind Droichit. ^ daughters of Cii-gaela. ^ sic Mart. Rom Tenobius, Mart. Chr. Ch. ^ apud Antiochiam cathedra sancti Petri, Drunim. Kal. " Aristion qui unus fuit de Ixxii discipulis Christi, Mart. Chr. Ch. 42 FELINE Htl GOKMAlN. [Februarius, 23. e. Cethracha sunn, Serei'm, Policarpas credhlach, la Findchadan^ fodlach, Mannan tenn,- is Tian,'' Columnan cain caindlech, Ernin,* Cruimthir Conrach,^ inghena and Oengois," na coemhdois co comdath. ' .i. Fioncadan n-Arda.^ • /;/ marg. Manran tenn .i. strenuus pugn(ator). ^ Mannan 7 Tiaan Airidh huird.^ * Cas Leith- glinne. ^ in marg. Cruimtir Conrac 7 Findcadhan n-Arda.** '■ in marg. man. rec. Fech an iad ingena. Aonguis maic Natfraoich qui dicitur 12 filias sanctas habuisse. Forte filiae Aengusii, regis Momoniae, qui 12 dicitur habuisse filias sanctas. 24. f. Apstol mor Mathias, fo deoaid in degbuaid, cenn Eoin do fagbail, Heise,^ Cuimmein,- Ciaran,'^ Sergiwi" ard co n-ilmain,^ a theist is ard anbail. Airidh Foda. - abb lae. ^ Uamha. 25- g- Uictorin is Uictor, Papias, Seraip soera, Dioscoir conn core, Nicofoir caid Claudian, Triar soersa coa sine, Cianan,^ Coemsa,^ Cronc.^ abb. - occh. ^ deh, o Tamhlachta. " leg. na hArda, as in Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. '' leg. .Shuird? Co Airid Suird, Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. " MS. niohnain. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 43 23. E. Forty (martyrs) here, Serenus, trustful Polycarpus, with dis- cerning Findchadan^ : strict Mannan and Tian,^ Cokimnan, fair, lustrous: Ernen,'* presbyter Conrach^ : Oengus'*^ daughters there, the dear bushes with equal colour. ' Finchadan, of Ard. ^ Mannan and Tian, of Aired Uird. * Cas, of I.ethglinn. ^ Presbyter Conrach and Findchadan of Ard. * See if they are the daughters of Oengus, son of Natfraech, who is said to have had twelve holy daughters. Perhap;? they are the daughters of Oengus, King of Munster, who is said to have had twelve holy daughters. 24. F. The great apostle Mathias^ : the goodly victory at last, John (Baptist's) head was found."^ Heise,^ Cummein,^ Ciaran" : lofty Sergius, with many a treasure, high and vast is the testi- mony concerning him. ^ of Aired Fota. " abbot oflona. ^ of Uam. 25. G. Victorinus and Victor, Papias, Serapion, the noble ones. Dioscorus, head of justice, holy Nicephorus, Claudianus. These three noble ones, to whom thou stretchest (.''), Cianan,^ Coemsa,' Crone.^ ' an abbot. - a virgin. ' a virgin from Tam- lachta. ^ Mathias or, as the Irish called him, Madian, is commemorated by Oengus on Feb. 23. ^ Inventio capitis sanct loannis Baptistae, Mart. Rom. and so Menolog Grace. Inventio capitis prec rsoris Domini, Mart. Chr. Ch. 44 FELIRE HLI GORMAIN. [Februarius. 26. a. MoEnna, Etne, Aedlug/ Nestoir druin co «degrath, Salomon tuir tharbach, Alexander epscop. Cronan^ ba cend cuimnech, Becan^ tenn, is Talmach, ' Aodhlugh mac Cammain abb (ZVian^ Vi\aic Nois. ^ Glinne Aosa. ^ Dall, Cinn saile. 27. b. Fagbail chinn in chinged lohain^ uasail imslain, Baldomer bind organ, Leander la hlulian, trede^ follan findmhor, Eunus, Comman,- Comgan.^ 1 in mar^. decollatio s. }ohan}iv~,. ~ moc ua Themhne. ^ Ghlinne hUissen. 28. c. Mansuet?^j", mo-Sinu, Ternoc, Dic[h]uilP delbda, Uictor, Roman, Roigne, 4 Sillan,- Ernin ergna. Rufin, Machair maithe, forbhait flaithe febra," a thinol mor molaim, fri doading na ndemhna. ^ mac Maelduibh i n-Eiriud Muilt oc Loch Erne. ' maighistir mac Cummin, ab Benncair Ul«^h, ocus comarba Comhgaill. MS. febru. February.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 45 26. A. My Enna, Ethne, Aedlug^ : Nestor, shrewd, with good grace. Salomo, a profitable tower : Alexander, bishop (of Alexandria) : Cronan,^ who was a mindful chief: strict Becan-^ and Talmach. ^ Aedlug, son of Camman, abbot of Cluain mac Nois. ^ of Glenn Aesa. ^ the Blind, of Cenn saile. 27. B. The finding of the head of the champion,=^ John,^ noble, quite whole. Baldomer, a melodious organ, Leander with Juli- anus. A triad sound, white-great (are) Eunus, Comman,^ (and) ComfTan.' ^ the decollation of St. John. " great-grandson of Temne. of Glenn Uissen. 28. C Mansuetus, my Sinu, thy Ernoc, shapely Dichuill,^ Victor, Romanus, Roigne, Sillan,^ wise Ernin, Rufinus, Macarius, the nobles, complete February's lords. Their great assembly I praise : (may it guard me) from the hardship of the devils ! ' son of Mael-duib in Eriud Muilt at Loch Erne. "^ a master : son of Cummin, abbot of Bennchor Ulad, and a successor of Com- gall. ^ Here Gorman follows Oengus, who at Feb. 27 has airec cinn lohanms. The finding of S. Paul's head is omitted, though this event is commemorated in Drumm. Kal. at Feb. 25. 46 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Martius. MARTIUS. I. d. TI^OR \^a\aznd moir Martai -*- Dauid,^ Senan,^ Saran,'^ Cassin mace noem Neman, Banfota min, Moenenn,* Baetan,^ Colum" caemfial, m^c Nisi og, Enan/ sescca da ced^ cadla^ ir-Roimh tarla a trenar. ^ e\>?,ccp Cille muine. ^ e]i?,cop Insi Cathaigh. ^ eps^ jj-, degdos, deochain Reat rigfind, mo-Chua,'* Fachtna,^ Faelend, epscop Conchraidh, Cele,** al-lere nar lacdend/ ^ ab Cl//rt';/a hEidhn/i,'h il-Laighis. /// 7uarg. Mo acra 1 Tigh Sacru i fail Tamhlachta t7^?<;5 i Fionnmaigh 1 Fothartaibh. - dcch. ^ Insi Doimhle. * Cl//«//a Pobt[h];i. '' d Crebhicc. " ,i. Cele Cr/>t eps, o Carn Furbaide. " MS. tionol. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 49 4. G. Industrious Lucius the pope: Gaius, the very strict, beauti- ful. Nine hundred (martyrs) in royal ^Rome.^ Palatinus^ Pilip,^ bishops of Cluain Bainb, with their glorious cry, who are vigorous : great Muccm from Maigen, the good men against vena^eances. ^ nine hundred at Rome. - a bishop of Cluain Bainb 5- A. Hostful Ciaran of Saigir^ : the excellent man's fosterling, Carthach^ : Colman, great are the praises of him: Eusebius, en- during Phocas, these five gracious kings may they be sure to protect me ! ^ bishop and confessor. - Carthach, fosterling of Ciaran, of Saigir, to wit, son of Oengus, king of the Eoganacht of Cashel he. In Coirpre hua Ciarda stands his stead, i.e., Druim Fertain and Inis Uacbtair on Loch Silenn, 6. B. The virtue of Lenin's active daughters.^ Corpre the Bowed^ against hard battle. Victor, Odran, Julianus, Mael-Ruain," Mael-dub,* Muadan,"' let their strong assembly muster and uplift the poor wretch (who commemorates them) ! ^ From Cell Ingen Lenin (' the church of Lenin's daughters ') in Hiii Briuin Cualann. ' bishop of Cluain mac Nois, head of devotion of the greater part of Ireland in his time. ^ of Druim Raithe. * son of Berran. ^ a bishop, from Carn Furbaidi. * Rome, via Appia, martyrum nongentorum, D?-umj)i. Kal. Scoruni. dccc. mart., Leofr. Kal. '' an epithet for Gaius, which Gorman treats as the name of a separate saint. So Richard Whytford : ' saynt Gay and saynt Palatyne.' The Martiloge (March 4). GORMAN. E 50 F^LIRE H(U GORMAIN. [Martius. 7. c. "P^rpetua primda -'- fri martra mor monur, Felicitas trebar, Mo Celloc naemh, Nestor, Mettan^ main^ nos-molub, Cairitan^ cain credal. ^ ogh, o Tuaim Atha. * in marg. inan. rec. Vide Main. ^ Droma Lara. 8. d. Senan, Siadal/ Beoaedh,^ ConandiF caid, Ciaran,* da Chonna' im ^Chronan,* moChua, Libran, 'LiherJ Curcach naemh is Neman,® Molaissi'' ocn o'ljban.t' cRlgniad^" druin, Derchairthinn/'^ no maidfinn fri morgad,'^ Ponti//j' din ar demnaib, fom menm.ain a morgrad.^ ' Cind Locha. ^ o Ard Carna i cConnachtrr/Z^h, epsr Garalt,^ Conc[h]end credlach, Patricia min, Modeist, Teodora fodlach, Mairc is Teoseit tredhnach, coro ancet m'anmain ar in n-arnaid n-engach. ' Leith moir, abb. ^ mac dall : o Leith mdir fos. ^ Maighe Eo na Saxan, abb 7 eps^ri?/. 14. c. 1\ /r orseisser da fichet^ -'■'^drem as doig diar ndinon,^ tair ir-R6imh na raenar. Petar, Eufrais, Ultan,^ Talmach tuillmeach trenog, Flannan,^ Cuimnech, Caeman, ar demhnaib cen dolma maith diar comga in caemfal. in inarg. man. rec. martyres 47. ^ Maighnidhe,^ ^ Cille Aird. 15. d. T onginus or gonad -'—'Crist i croich do chruadgha, ba col ce« a choemna, nert ingen og Eltin.^ fri cech tressar trogda tri meicc Nessan- noemda, Matrona as buan beobladh acus Eoghan oebhda.® ' tri hinghena Elti'n. in niarg. tnan. rec. filiae Eltini. - 6 Inis Faithlenn .1. Munissa, Nesslug 7 Diiichaill (leg. Diuchaill ?) Dercc.*' * MS. Machaomoc. ^ MS. dcghneach. '^ MS. dionon. ^ Ultani h. Aignig, Mart. Taml. « MS. dobhda. ^ In Mart. Taml. (LL. 357*^) the names of Nessan's sons are given (in the gen. sg.) as moNissu, Scssloga, and Diucaill. Delrg is the epithet of the following saint Trcncch. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 55 13- B. My Coemoc^ and Cuangus,^ Macedonius, an excellent one. Garalt,^ religious Conchenn, smooth Patricia, Modesta, discerning Theodora, Marcus and Theuseta the abstinent — may they protect my soul from the cruel dangerous (fiend) ! of Liath mor, an abbot. " a blind boy : also from Liath ^ of Mayo of the Saxons, an abbot and bishop.*^ 14. C. Seven and two ^score^ (martyrs), a band that is meet to safe- guard us, east in Rome of the triumphant slaughters. Petrus, Eufrasius, Ultan^ meritorious, strong-virginal Talmach, Flannan,'' Cuimnech, Coeman, against active devils, good is the dear fence to protect us. ^ forty-seven martyrs. " of Maignide. ' of Cell Ard. 15. D. Longinus by whose cruel spear Christ was wounded on the Crossc : 'twas a sin without (any) defence thereof. The virtue of Elti'n's^ virginal daughters. Against every miserable slaughterous conflict be Nessan's^ three saintly sons. Matrona whose fame is lasting (and) living, and beautiful Eogan. ^ Eltin's three daughters. - from Inis Faithlenn i.e., my Nissa, Nesslug, and Diiichaili (leg. Diuchaill ?) the Red. "^ His day in Mart. Taml. (LL. -^^T) is March 12, and see the Annals of Ulster., 1 119. ^ forty-eight, Driimm. Kal. " Here Gorman follows Usuard. Ado and Afart. Chr. Ch. com- memorate Longinus on Sept. i, and Oengus does so on Oct. 23. 56 FELIRE HCI GORMAIN. [Martius. 1 6. e. Curitan^ is Ciriac, Elair, Felic fi'rsoer,^ Tatian fos nos-faemhab, Dionis leo Largus. Barrfind/ tiFeithmech,^ Finan,* Denecc,^ Abban,'^ cAedhan," damh bidh din ar gabud con^L hagur aenagh. ' eps^ -'--'loseph tuir fri tentaib, caemhaiti Crist cintigh, Coloceir mor, Mella,^ Mairc, Quartilla tui[l]ltir, moCua,^ 0\xvc\\.us, Ouintil, aitchet Isu idhan 'mo mh' inad 'na findtig. ^ mfl'C Torben. Achaidh liir in Osraighibh 7 6 Bhealach Feabhrat. Cluana Hi. ^ Ainsnai.° 20. b. A rchipp^/j- caidh, Cutbeirt,d -^~^ Conan/ Aedan- enig, Pol, Cathc[h]an^ aeb foraib, Eugeni/zi- caem celir, loseib, Domhn?/i- deghnert, Herbert ocus Elim. ^ mfl'c Corre. - Cluana Maolain. thaigi — Mart. Taml.^ epscop [Ratha Dir- 21. c. B^/zedict breo' biiadach, Serapion tuir trenoll, in druin fris a ndalamm, Lupicinus, Lucell,^ moManna^ mor minfind, is Enda'* o^ Arand. ^ tene. " m^'c ua Ciarain. Deirg o Clochar 7 i n-Arainn ata. osh. * mac Conaill * Lachtain, Fi'/. Oeng. Lactin, Drunnn. Kal. *> Auxaile, Dj-tnmn. Kal. " Arasnai, J/arf. Taml. ^ Cutbricti saxonis .1. Insi Menoc, ibid. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 59 19. A. Lachtain,^ Johannes, Auxaile : Joseph, a tower against burnings,^ the dear fosterer of appointed Christ: great Colocerus, Mella,^ Marcus, Quartilla are added : my Cua,^ Quintus, Ouin- tilla : let them entreat pure Jesus concerning my place in His white mansion. ' son of Torben : of Achad Uir in Ossory, and from Belach Febrat. ^ of Cluain Hi. ^ of Airisnae. 20. B. Holy Archippus, Cuthbert, Conan,^ hospitable Aedan,^ Paulus, beautiful Cathchan,^ upon them : dear Eugenius is hidden^ : Josephus, Domnus, an excellent virtue, Herbert, and Elymas. ^ son of Corre. ^ of Cluain Maelain. ^ a bishop. 21. C. (Abbot) Benedictus, a victorious fire,^ Serapion, a strong- great tower : the firm ones, with whom we meet. Lupicinus, Lucell,- my Manna,'^ great, smooth and fair, and virginal Enna'* of Aran. ' fire. * great-grandson of Ciaran. ' a virgin. * son of Conall the Red, from Clochar, and in Aran he is. Does the poet allude to one of the uses of the Irish round towers.'' see Coloss. iii 3. 6o F&LIRE HOI GORMAIN. [Martius. 22. d. a"r^arerca' og uasal, -L^mo Loca- nach laimimm, Dimma, Treno[c],^ toguimm, Deg-itche* 6g, Illin,^ Failbe,^ im dhail ad dirim, comarba caid Coluim[b]. ^ siiir Patraicc. in inarg. 7nan. rec. .i. 6gh .i. sanctimonialis. - mac Colmain Finn. ^ mac Deith, 6 Chill Elge. * ainm diks. * abb lae, com?/;-ba Q\\o\uimo cille. 23. e. Uictorian flaith, Frumeint, mo Cholla chaemh chruthgel, Lasar/ lulian athlam, mo-Medoc fos, Fergus,^ Mainchein leo nach laimhthir, Baetan- beo ni brathblad, is Feradaig inghen^ for rindnem co rathmar. ^ \xs.geti Finntain. Fergussii (sic.) - Menu. ^ in mars', man. rec. filiae ' o Clochar. ' Lugbaidh. ^ Insi Celtra. Laoigh. 24. f. Epscop^ mor m^zc Cairthind, Domonghorf' raith rogein, Moc[h]ta''' maith a monar, •^Scire,* Caimin,^ Cairlan,*^ is Lugaid'' nac[h] lamar, is cubaid a comhad, ePigmen cundail coemhgel, ar soernem co sogar. ^ mac Echdach 6 Raith Murbuilcc i nDal Riada. * 6gh. in marg. Scire 6gh 6 Chill Scire i Midhe. ^ (t\i?>cop Arda Macha. ' mac Echda<;h o Cliiaiu ^ Dercrcae, Mart. Tainl. " MS. fcrgas. ^ MS. Sciri. *' Ilinni, Mart Taml. " Pingmenius, Mart. Chr. Ch. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 6i 22. D. Darerca,^ a noble virgin, my Loca,^ whom I dare not : Dimma, Trenoc,'' I choose: Deg-itgC* a virgin, Illin, Falbe^ — in my com- pany they are a troop — a holy successor of Colomb (cille). ^ a sister of (Saint) Patrick, in. marg. a virgin, i.e. a nun. - son of Colman the Fair. ^ son of Deth, from Cell Elge. * a proper name. * an abbot of lona, a successor of Colomb Cille. 2Z. E. Victorianus, the prince, Frumentius, my Colla, dear, white- formed : Lassar,^ dexterous Julianus, my Maedoc also, Fergus, with them Mainchein, who is not dared : lively Baetan^ — no deceptive fame — and Feradach's daughter on the starry heaven graciously. ^ daughter of Finntan. - of Monu. 24. F. A great bishop,^ Mac-Cairthinn^ : gracious Domongort,^ a great birth^: Mochta,^ good (was) his work: Scire,* Coemin,^ Cairlan,*' and Lugaid,'' whom I should not dare : harmonious is their assembly (?): Pigmenius, firm, dear-white, for noble heaven with goodly gain. * from Clochar. ^ son of Echaid, from Raith Murbuilg in Dal Riada. ^ of Lugbad (Louth). * a virgin. Scire, a virgin from Cell Scire in Meath. ^ of Inis Celtra. * bishop of Armagh. '' son of Eochaid from Cliiain Ldigh. ' Commemorated again, as Per d^ chrfch, infra, at Aug. 15. ^ sanctus confessor et presbyter Domhangart nobili atavorum germine regum natus, Dr~umm. Kal. 62 f£LIRE Hdl GORMAIN. [Martius. 25- g- Compert Isu' ar ocnlo 'sa crochadh' cen chadas,^ in dochar ba di'mus. Lucella, Columba;^ la liEnan* soer sirfois hErein caem, Cin'nus. 1 in jnarg. man. rec. Conceptio Christi, ^ in marg. man. rec. cru- cifixio Christi. ^ mgen Baite.'' * m^c Muadain : in viarg. man. rec. s. Enanus Comgalli discip?//«^ v. c. 26. 26. a. Carthach/ Cillein,- Corbmac, Montan, Sinc[h]ell'' segmor, Cenannan druin dagnar, Maxima, Moloca, Teodoir, Loppan lomnoeb, IVlocta,* Gobban/ Garban.^ ' epsr^/. mrtc Erberte. ' mac Tolodrain'^ inDeisib ]VIum(7« ■' abb Cille Achaidh. * Insi Mochta. ^ abb Airdne Dairinsi. abb Achaid Aball. 27. b. E serge Christ^ cuimnig, la Suarlech^ soerfind, Eucheir, Eohain alemm, mo-C[h]onnaf 'na comdail, di'as 'sin f indfal fi'roll, Fintan,* Sillan sarseng, Gelasiz/j-^ gemm amra, cenn Banba asa mbagem. ' in marg. man. rec. resurrectio Christi. - epsr^?/ Fobhair. ^ Maighe ed. * bel na psahii. '-' .i. Gilla xnaz Liag comharba Patraicc. ' Dominus noster lesus Christus crucifixus est et conceptus est, et mundus factus est, Mart. Tafnl. ^ Buti, Mari. Taml. " Tulodrain, ib. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN, 63 25. G. Jesu's Conception^ on the same day as His crucifixion^ without respect. The mischief was pride. Lucella, Columba,^ with noble steadfast Enan,^ dear Irenaeus, Cyrinus ' daughter of Baite. * son of Muadan. in. marg. Saint Enan a disciple of Comgall : see chap. 26. 26. A. Carthach/ Cillein,^ Cormac, Montanus, mighty SinchelP : Cenannan shrewd, good and bashful : Maxima, Moloca, Theo- dorus, very holy Loppan : Mochta,'* Gobban,^ Garban.*' ^ a bishop : son of Erhert. ^ son of Tolodran in the Deisi of Munster. ^ abbot of Cell Achaid. * of Inis Mochta. * abbot of Airdne Dairinse, ® abbot of Achad Aball. 27. B. Mindful Christ's Resurrection,^ with noble-fair Suarlech.- Eucherius, Johannes, let us beseech, my Conna' in their company. A pair in the truly-great fair fence, Fintan,** meagre Sillan,^ Gelasius,^ a wonderful gem, Banba's® head, whom we pro- claim. ^ bishop of Fobar. ^ of Mayo. * the mouth of the psalms.'' * Gilla mac Liac, a successor of Patrick. * Annuntiatio dominica, Mart. Chr. Ch. Annunciatio Beatissimae Mariae Virginis, Afart. Ro/n., and so Metiolog. Graec. ^ Sic Drmmn. Kal. '^ Sic Fel. Oeng.^Drumm. Kal. and Leofr. Kal. As to commemorating our Lord's Resurrection on 27 March, see Warren's Lcofric Missal, ^'^'i'Zi pp. xlvii and 25. See also Durandus' Rationale., lib. vi, cap. 86, sect. 11. '' adventus reliquiarum Sillain, Mart. Tanil. • i.e., Ireland's. ^ os psalmorum, Mart. Tainl. 64 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Martius. 28. c. Castor caidh diar cobair, Guntramnus^ x'^ rogemm.^ Priscus, Malchus molamm, in papa soer Sixtus, siii na rabreth romund, Cassan,- Carnech/ Conall.* 1 geam maith. - 6 Imduail. ^ &^%cop. * e^jscop. 29. d. A rmogaist ard, Eustais,^ -^~*-Archinim 6g, Aedan,^ ^mac Lubnain^ nos-luadeb, lith ingen mban mBaite,^ Fulartach* fiu firor, Lassar° friu nos-fuaigeb, ^Fergus" Eirne oebghel for noemnem in nuafrem. ^ Doire Bruchaisi. " li'aigh. ^ in marg. Eithne ocus Soidelbh di inghin Baiti, i ttaebh Suird Choluim cille. * mac Bnc. espc^ C\i/o>i3. Eraird 7 6 Dhisert Fulart^r/^'- in Uibh Failge. ^ ogh alghasach. ^ mrtc Enna 6 Inis cain for Loch Erne. 30. e. Cin'n, mo Chua^ Ballai, Gobban, Tola^ tendmor, Fergus*^ caid is Colman,' Fer da chric[h] saer, Satul, la Fiac[h]na sold scngmi'n, is Liber* coir comlan. ' 6 Balla i cConnachtaibh i cCeara do%or\xaid\\, Cronan a ainm, 7 rob abb e. * epsrcy!-. d Disert Tola i n-Uachtar Dal cCais. ^ Linne Uachaille'' for brii Chasain Linni i x\-\J\iaibh.. * Let[h]- duma. '^ depositio Gunteranni regis Francorum rcligiosi, Mart. Chr. Ch. ''MS. rig. ' Depositio abbatis Eustasii, discipuli sancti Columbani, Mart. Chr. Ch. ^ mac Lumnain liaich, Mart. Taml. " MS. Fergas. ^ leg. Duachaille ? Duachail .1. nomcn demonis, Mart. Taml. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 65 28. c. Holy Castor to aid us, Gontramnus, a king, a goodly gem.^ Priscus, Malchus, let us praise : the noble pope Sixtus the sage of the great judgments before us: Cassan,"-^ Carnech'* Conall.* ^ a good gem. ^ from Imdual. ^ a bishop. * a bishop. 29. D. Lofty Armogastus, Eustachius, virginal Archinimus, Aedan,^ Mac Lubnain,^ I will mention them. The festival of Baite's^ fair daughters^: Fulartach,* worthy, true gold, I will knit Lassar^ to them: beautiful white Fergus,** of (Loch) Erne, the fresh (noble ?) root on holy heaven. ' of Doire Bruchaisi. ^ a leech. ^ Ethne and Sodelb, Baite's two daughters, beside Cclomb cille's Sord. ^ son of Brecc, bishop of Cluain Eraird, and from Disert Fulartaig in Hui Failgi. ^ an importunate virgin. ^ son of Enna from Inis Cain on Loch Erne. 30. E. Ouirinus, my Cua^ of Balla, Cobban, Fola,^ austere and great : holy Fergus and Colman,''' noble Fer da Chri'ch (' Man of two districts '), Satul (?), with Fiachna, a slender-smooth sage, and Liber* just, complete. 1 from Balla in Connaught, in Cera (to speak) precisely. Cronan his name, and he was an abbot. ^ a bishop, from Disert Tola in Upper Dal Cais. '^ of Linn Uachaille, on the brink of Gassan Linne, in Ulster. * of Lethduma. ^ Ingena Baiti quae nutriebant Christum, il/ar/. Tai7il. Christus uenit in forma infantis esse in sinu earum et osculabantur eum, et ille bauptizauit eas. Note on Felire Octigtcsa, March 29. GORMAN. 66 F£.LIRE HOI GORMAIN. [Martius. 31. f. Tl^orbait mathe Marta -^ Amos, Aniss=^ aliub, Eufemia dia foemab, Felic, Paulus, Pr^ptid, Baluina^ find firog, Colman,^ Fethaid, Faelan, Mac Aedab dil dagdes anges ar cech n-6enag.c na sin maithe a Murmaig^ fri hurbaid in t-6enfal.d Machabeus^ bagfer^ cen arem ni foelab, sind sa tin61<^ togaimm bid romhaind cech roenar. ' in marg. ?fian. rec. Balbina. "^ Cam-achaid. ^ miir Maighe mell. * .i. Gilla mo-Chaidbeo, abb mainistrech Poil 7 Pedair i nArdmacha, tuir craba/^h ocus cobhsaidhechta, eccna 7 eolais, lubhra 7 trebaire a aimsire. ^ fer bagach 'mon ecclfl/5. •'' Annissius, Drumm. Kal. ^ MS. Aoda. '^ MS. naenag, ^ MS. antdenfal. ^ MS. tionol. March.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 67 31. F. They complete the nobles of March, Amos, Anesius, (whom) I will entreat, Euphemia to whom I will incline, Felix, Paulus, Protadius, Balbina white, a true virgin, Colman,^ Fethaid, Faelan, Mac Aeda, dear, • good and comely, who protects against every single battle. Those good seniors from Miirmag,^ the only fence against harm. Maccabeus* the warrior^ I will not endure not to recite (him). We and their assembly which I choose, before us will be every triumphant slaughter.^ - of Camm-achad. ^ the rampart of the Pleasant Plain '' * Gilla mo-Chaidbeo, abbot of the monastery of Paul and Peter in Armagh. The tower of piety and firmness, wisdom and knowledge, labour and prudence of his time. * a man warlike concerning the Church. * i.e. with the aid of the saints commemorated in this stanza, we shall rout our foes in every battle. ^ See Apoc. xxi. 12. et habebat murum magnum et altum. Mag mell, usually applied to fairyland, here denotes heaven. F 2 68 FiLIRE HOi GORMAIN. [Aprilis. APRILIS. i-g- TI^OR V'oXaind ain Apreil -'- Teodoir^ gaeth guidim, Aedan^ laech na laimim, Zefan, Uenaint, Ualer, meicc Gerain na glanfind, Tuan^ m«c cpir Cairill, Gobban, Cellach,^ coemthenn, inb soerchcnn coa saighim. ' 6 Chill Aodain.i rirUltoibh. "^ 6 Thamhlachta i mBoirche. ^ come^rba Patraicc. -2. a. A gathobius, lulian, -^"^Marcill, Marcis mora, Saturnin ron-soera, Nicet, Ampian, Eustais, Nica/ Bronach- beoda, Conall'^ mor raac Aeda, Teodosia^ delbda frisna demna d^era. ' eps^ ' 6gh, 6 Ros Eo i Maigh Locha i n-Airthiur Breg. * Aego. II, c. T eo papa, Pilip, -■-^Moedoc^ Dadnan^ delbda, Senoir,^ Ailill'* amra, D6m[n]ion seng, da Senan, Frossach/ Aedh*' co ;/-idna la Scellan caemh cadla. ^ QXuand. moir m'Aedhoc. Aedh a ainm. ' epsr^/ Cille Cunga. ^ Senoir vcxao. Maoil da-Lua priomaidh Arda macha. * in. marg. Ailill Mucnamha, darb' ainm Helias, abb mainistre naemh Martain i cColoin, ocus do muintir Mucnamha do. * anchore. " Ech[fjaraid.'= 12. d. T Ulius ard in papa, ■^ Constantin cain clerech, ^Conna^ tennmi'n treorach, Stenon, Ernin^ emech. abb Daire da-Chonna la hUltoibh. ' Q:^%cop. ^ Cuanda, Drtimvi. Kal. "" MS. moluimm. "^ Acdain Echdromma 7 Echforaid, ^/«r/. Taml. ^ Connathi, i)/ar/. Z^w/. ArRiL.] MAKTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 75 10. B. Ezechiel the high prophet : silent Apollonius whom I choose. Cuanna/ who quelled the flesh, Erednat to direct me : gracious Berchan,^ to whom I stretch, with good Midgus I praise. ' a virgin, from Ross 60 in Mag Locha in the eastern part of Bregia. of Aeg. II. C. Pope Leo, Philippus (of Gortyna), Maedoc,^ shapely Dadnan,^ Senoir,-^ wonderful Ailill'* : slender Domnio, two Senans, Fros- sach/ faithful Aed,'' with Scellan, dear and beautiful. ^ of Cluain nior mAedocc. Aed was his name. ^ bishop of Cell Cunga. ^ Senoir, son of Mael da-Lua, primate of Armagh. ^ Ailill, of Mucnam, whose name was Helias, abbot of the monastery of St. Martin in Cologne, and of the family of Mucnam was he. ^ an anchorite. ^ of Echfarad. 12. D. Lofty Julius the pope : Constantinus a fair cleric : Gonna,' strong-gentle, guiding : Zeno : opportune Erni'n.^ ' abbot of Daire da-Chonna in Ulster. - a bishop. 76 F^LIRE Hill GORMAIN. [ArRii.is. 13. e. papirz(!j- caid, Carp?/j-, -*- Eufemi'a main molaid, mo-C[h]amm6c^ cain turim Bassa,^ Enair, lulius, lustin, Riachuill'' rogein, meicc Therchuir''^ na turid, Hermenigild oebghel, i coemnem co cuirib. ^ Insi Cain. * ogh. ^ mac ua Buachalla.* * Locha mac Nen.'' 14. [f.] T Talerian tend, Tibuirt, ^ Maxim, Fronton forlan, Dommina^ cen mergnim, Tassach,^ Cillein,^ Colman, coraib, a Christ caidgil, n'u i clarnimh ar comdal ! ^ mati. rec. Domnina vel m. * in inarg. Tassach epsr^?/ o Raith Colptha il-Leith Cathail i n-Ultoibh. Asse an Tassach so doratt corp Qxist do naemh Patraic ria n-ecc i mainistir Sabhaill. ^ mac Lubnain. 15- g- Uictorin ard, Eutaic, OHmpiad cend caemog, Sarnat^ tend na truagan, Maxim?/J", meicc- Draigin, Dubda dathglan damfial,-^ Grellan'* rat[h]mar, Ruadan.* ' Dairinse Cdtne. - o Chill R6[a]. ^ .i. fial fri ddmh- aibh. * mac Retain. * abb Lot[h]ra. ^ Riaguil mac Biiachalla, Mart. Tavil. ^ mate Tairchair Locha Mac Ndna, ibid. April.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 77 13. E. Holy Papinus, Carpus, Euphemia, the treasure praise ye : my good Cammoc/ I reckon : Bassa,^ Januarius, Julius, Jus- tinus, Riachuill,^ a great birth : the sons of Terchor,* the pillars : bright-beautiful Hermenigildis, with troops into dear heaven. ' of Inis Cain. ^ a virgin. ^ the son of Ua Buachalla. * of Loch mac Nen. 14. F. Austere Valerianus, Tiburtius, Maximus, plentiful Fronto. Domnina^ without a foolish deed. Tassach,^ Cillein,'^ Colman : O holy white Christ, may our meeting be with them on the plain of heaven ! ^ Domnina or m (for the first ;/.) ^ Tassach, a bishop, from Raith Colptha ('Raholp') in Leth Cathail (' Lecale ') in Ulster. 'Tis this Tassach that gave Christ's Body to Saint Patrick before his death, ^ in the monastery of Saball. ^ son of Lubnan. 15. G. Lofty Victorinus, Eutyches, Olympias, chief of beautiful virgins : austere Sarnat,^ (one) of the wretchocks : Maximus, Draigen's sons,^ Dubda, pure-coloured, troop-generous^ : gracious Grellan,^ (and) Ruadan.^ ^ of Dairinis Cetne. * from Cell Roa. ^ i.e. generous to troops (of poets, etc.). * son of Rotan. ^ abbot of Lothra. ^ So Oengus : In rigepscop Tassach dobert 6 don-anic corp Crist .... do Ph^tric. " The royal bishop Tassach gave when he came Christ's Booy unto Patrick." 78 F£,LIRE HUI GORMAiN. [Aprims 1 6. a. A nicetus=^ coemfer, -^^sruithfer dat[h]glan diadha, papa rathmar R6ma, Calixt/'/i' cain, Carist, Tetgalb Ultan ana/ Failbe, Milan Mona, sect noem deac, nad athfir, deni, mathi,^ mora. ^ fertach. 17. b. TTermogin, Helias, -■- ^la Petar i primnem, Lochein/ Echaid- armeid, Mapalicis, Marcian, Lugaid vaac Eire oebgel, Paulus, Garbhan gradgein, Donnan mor 'sa manaig^ diar cabair na crabdeig. ^ Cunga. ^ ab Lis moir. ^ ado for caeccait lion a coimhtion6il, co tangatar pioraiti na fairgi don oilen ina rabatar coro marbait uile. Ego ainm in oilein isin. 18. c. T^leuther is Anthia, •^--'Appolloin ind fored, Vei-{Qiz\.us nar-foemad, breo Lethglinne Lasren/ Lassar- 6^ is Eugan,^ la Ninnio diar noebad ^ nert Coigitois certfir,* la Septim diar soeradh. ^ .1. mo Laise Lethglinne, abb. * Lassair ogh, wgen 'Eoghain^ Maighne. ' &^?,cop. * ind fir cheirt.^ ' MS. Annicetus. '' Tetgall mac Colbraind, J/rt'r/. Taml. '^ MS. matilDh. ^' MS. naemad, " Eccain, Mart. Taml. ' Cogitosi sapientis, ibid. April.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 79 16. A. The dear man Anicetus, a venerable man, pure-coloured, godly ; a gracious pope of Rome, fair Calixtus ; Carisius, Tet- gal, Ultan, a treasure^ : Failbe, Milan of Moin (and) seven- teen^ saints, which is no blame, pure, good, great. ' wonder-working. 17. B. Hermogenes, Helias with (deacon) Peter into the chief heaven ; Lochein,^ Echaid^ we reckon : Mappalicus, Marcianus : beau- tiful bright Lugaid, son of Ere : Paulus, Garban a lovable birth : great Donnan and his monks,'' the devout ones, to help us ! ^ of Cunga. * abbot of Lismore. ' Two and fifty was the full number of their congregation, and the pirates of the sea came to the island wherein they dwelt, and they were all killed.^ Eig is the name of that island. 18. C Eleutherius and (his mother) Anthia Apollonius the helpful."^ Perfectus who would accept us : Lassren^ the flame of Lethglenn : virginal Lassar^ and Eugan,^ with Ninnio to hallow us : the virtue of Cogitosus a right man,* with Septimius to set us free. ^ my Laisse of Lethglenn, an abbot. * Lassair, a virgin, daughter of Eogan of Maigen. ' a bishop. * of the right man, * eighteen according to Usuard. ^ See their names in the Book of Leinster, p. 359. Their tragical death is related in a note to the Felire of Oengus, April 17. "= literally, ' of the help^ or '■relief.'' 8o , FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. \ [Aprilis. 19. d. TlJ^rmogin tend, Timon, -'--'Ursmair lor a loissi, Elfeg/zj-a nior massi, Uinceint caid nar' cloadh. meic Erca^ tenn-tresse, Cillen lemm iss Lassi.^ * o Dermaigh.'' ^ ogh, Cluana mind. 20. e. Uictor papa poiplech, Sulpic, Marceill miadach, Seruilian breo brigach, Mael-ochtraigc in t-ardnoem, Sobarthain^ sui sluagach, Fland, Sedrach^ is Si'nach,'* na of Cluain Cai, " abbot of Bennchor. * in the land of Britons. "^ or perhaps ' a pope devoted to the people.' '^ in Britannia : sancti confessoris Maelrubai, Marl. Chr. Ch. GORMAN. 82 F^LIRE HCI GORMAIN [Aprilis. 22. g. Gaius^ gaet[h] in papa, Rufin/ Tom[m]at' trenfir, Abel mormac Adaim, Nectain,^ SaighneP sruthi, Lachain, Cullend* cimer, Cellac[h]an in crabhaidh, Agapitus primda, papa brigda as mbagaid, addreset na degfir CO demin 'mor ndalaib. ' eps^T;?/ Glinne da Locha 7 Bennchoir. ^ in marg. I^ucan 7 Saignel Anmaige.'^ ^ mrtc ua Baird.'' eps^t?/ Lemhc[h]aille. 23. b. [leg. a.] T^pscop Ibar/ Aichech, -■-^la Suarlech^ sargreit, Georgi//j' leo in lerglic, Macc-oge'' mor, Meithchern, Miannach,* Achill'^ ^rmit, Furtunait is Felic, dec[h]enbar righ rat[h]mar lenn co hathlam ergit. ' ceit//re hXxadti?^ ar .cccc. fod a saoghail. As 1 a chell Becc-ere .i. inis fil for muir amuigh la hUibh Ceinnselaigh. - ind Edhnen, 7 ab Linne Duachaille. ^ ind Eidhnein. * ind Eidhnein. ^ Achilleus. 24. c. [leg. b.] T ugaid," Coipp,^ is Coennet, -^Ecbricht," Huiltbrith'^ airfemm,* Sechtan^ fn'u fer firt[h]enn, meic Baethan cen baethe, meicc Caelbad na caidchind, Ecnech," Fuilen/ Fincell,'' ni faicfem mar iarmait oc Diarmait'-' ar ndi'chell. ' saccart. ^ inghen Chairnan Cluana Cichmaighi, 6gh. ^ Y.^er\.us in mart>'r^/. '' insi Aego. ^ epscoJ> Maighi Bili. '' o Chill Lucridh, abb Cluana mei'c Nois. ^ epsco/>, o Thuaim Muscrai^he. * sac- 30. a. Tl^orbait Apreil alainn ^ lacob, Marian mait[h]ghein, Euproib, Dagair dathglan, Ercenualdus, Uictor, Faelchu,^ Ciaran^ cruthgel, Luif is Ronan* rathmar, findsluag uili Apreil fri cech n-acbeil^ n-athlam. ' eps^- Ternam lohain apstoil slan ond ola fic[h]thcch, Euoid, Lucius logt[h]ech, sechtmoga mor martir, am-medar nir maithmech Colman^ trebar tort[h]ech. Locha Echim.® * Mochua mac Cummine .i. i Slcib Eblinne, Mart. Tanil. ^ MS. fresccabail. Asccnsio prima Domini nostri Jcsu Christ!, Mart. Tanil. "MS. chaemseincc. '^ Faelan Find Cilli Colmai, Mart. Taml. " Echin. Mart. Taml. May.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 91 4. E. The reverend bishop^ Silvanus Justus, Felix, Florianus,Maria,^ Romulus, Romanus, forty great martyrs. Aed,^ and dear-virginal Cyriacus : Cunnine's son Cronan,^ Antonia, worthy of a princely husband, a virgin that forgave many. ^ for Maria read perhaps Monica. ^ son of Brecc, but, in the margin, in a later hand, that is not Aed mac Brie ; he is on the loth day of November. ^ son of Cuinnine from Sliab Eiblinne in Munster. 5. F. Hilarius, Euthymius, Archelaus I mention : the Ascension^ of dear-slender Christ: Felix, Galla, Gregorius : Nicctius, Jovianus I entreat : two Irenes on whom I fast : Senan also and Faelan ; Eadbert^ beautiful-modest, delightful. Edbrict, bishop of Lindisfarne. 6. G. The escape of John the Apostle safe from the boiling oil^ : Evodius, indulgent Lucius : seventy great martyrs — their fore- warning was not slack : Colman^ prudent, fruitful. ^ of Loch Echim. * Oengus makes him a deacon. ^ laithe li'tha frisrocaib ar fiada, the day of the festival on which our God asceiidcd iXo heaven), Fel. CiV/^., May 5. Asccnsio domini, Lcojr. Kal. See note on 27 March. ^ ante portam latinam, Leofr. Kal. 92 FALIRE Htl GORMAIN. [Maius. D' 7. a. |omitilla in tendog, Flauius flait[h] co nglaine, Breccan^ maith cen mine, Aug^/i-tin is Auguist, la Lasair is Luga, Ciarocc^ cobhsaid cride,'' B^/zedict raith ri'gda, papa, brigda in bile. ' Echdroma. ^ in marg. Mo Chiaroc is Breccan 6 Echd^-uim Breccain i ccoicrich Dal hxaidht 7 Dail Ri'ada. No is i Maigh Mucraimhe i n-iart/?«r Connacht aca Doire Eachdroma hi failet. ^ in nuxrg. man. rec. mansuetus at amabilis. 8. b. Uictor, Marcian, Maxim, la Donait nar daibill, Uictor aili armimm, Stefan, Marian, Milit, Felic follan firgrind, Brenaind, Comman^ cadbind,^ Flauia firglan findben fri cech n-imned alim[m]. ' 6 Thigh me/c Findcain.'' 9. c. Grigoir niamda Nazaint, dechenbor drong dimor, se coecait, ni cammrad, Sanctan,^ Hermen,^ Andreas, Cen[n]mar, Lamruad lommnoeb, da Briccin,d mo Banban,'* translait Nicoil noimfir nar' doibil acht daghnar, Cetfaid nar' char ci'su bind re hlsu*^ a amran. ^ e^scop 6 Chill da les. ^ egnaid. " MS. cadbind. ^ Findchon, Mart. Taml. " leg. Hermeit? '' da Breccoc Tuamma Drecon, Afari. Taml. " MS. hisa. May.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 93 7. A. Domitilla the austere virgin. Flavius, a prince with purity : good Breccan^ without smallness. Augustinus and Augustus, with Las'sair and Luga,^ ^Cjaroc,- steadfast, righteous: Benedict, of royal grace, a pope, vigorous (is) the ancient tree. ' of Echdruim. ^ my Ciaroc and Breccan from Echdruim Breccain in the confine of Dal Araidi and Dal Ri'ada. Or in Mag Mucraime in the western part of Connaught is Daire Echdroma wherein they (i.e. their relics) are. 8. B. Victor, Marcianus, Maximus, with Donatus, who was not bad (and) poor. Another Victor I reckon. Stephanus, Marianus, Miletus, healthy, right pleasant Felix : Brenainn, holy-melo- dious Comman,^ Flavia, a truly-pure, fair woman, I entreat against every tribulation. ^ from Tech m/c Findcain. 9. C. Splendid Gregory of Nazianzus : ten men, a vast troop : six fifties'^ (of martyrs) — no crooked speech — Sanctan,^ Hermes, Andrew (the Apostle), Cennmar, Lamruad, very holy, thy Briccin, my Banban- : the translation of Nicolaus, a holy man, who was not foul-mouthed, but excellently modest. Cetfaid, who loved not tributes, his song seemed sweet to Jesus. ^ a bishop : from Cell da les. - a sage. ^ We should perhaps correct to Lugaid, but no saint of that name is commemorated on May 7. '° Sic \vl Driimni. Kal. Mo-Chiaroc, Fel. Oeng. (Rawl.B. 505). In Laud 610 and Lebar V>recc Afo-C/iiearoc. sanctorum confessorum Ciaroc et Bretani (leg. Brecani), Marf. Chr. Ch. " In Persidia ; natale sanctorum martyrum treccntorum .x., Druutm. Kal. 94 F&LIRE Htri GORMAIN. [Maius. lo. d. Oeodha in gerait Gordian, -'-'Epimaich uain amgand, in craibdech cruaid Comgall,^ mo Sinoc^ caid, Connla,^ vaac Corbmrt/c Aed* amlond, Palmait, lob ollbarr, oenta[id] in druing dindgil i findnim co fogbamm. ^ abb B^/mcair \j\nd)\. • Ch/a/ia. Cainchne.* ' epscoJ>, mac Lenine. * mac Corbma/c. 1 1, e. A ntimus maith, Mammert, -^~*-elgnab 6g in findlec. in cimmidse cobrat Finding, Lassair/ Lugair,- Senach^ goba glangreit, Caemgein,* ^Critan,^ Corbmacc,^ la Findtan'' mor mesta, lor is cnesta a comrac. ' 6j.h. - lobor. ' mac Etchen 6 Airiudh Brosca for Loch Erne. ^ abb. ^ macllladon. /;? w^'r^. Critan m<7c Illodon 7 Corbmczc sacart ind Achad Findich for brii Dothra i nUibh Dunch^^a. ^ ssLcart i nAchadh Finnich.'^ '' Cluana Caoin. 12. f. Ac\\\e?/s noem, Nereus, Pancratius sin comdhail, Dionis co ndegmein, Ere nasca^ Ico Lugaeth,- la Dim ma' co ndegbaigh, Ailithir* is Ern[e]in : in sluag tennso tecclaim ctrainn ocus elbeim. ' 6 Thelaigh Lis i n-Uibh Eachd^jfA Vladh. - mac Congh?('xa, socart, o Thigh Luta i l<'othartrt//'h mora. ' mac Cais. ■* Muic- innsi for Loch D^rgdeirc. "■ mo-Sinoc .1. Cluana Caichni, Mart. Tavil. '' MS. elccna. ' mo-Chritoc Fdl. Ocng. Critoc, Driimm. Kal. '' in Achud Findnaigi, Mart. Taml, May.] . MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 95 10. D. Vig-orous was the champion Gordianus, Hberal Epi'machus from us : the devout, hardy ^ComgalP : my holy Sinoc,^ Connla^ : gentle Aed,* son of Cormac : Palmatius, great-crowned Job : union with this delightful, fair troop may we find in fair heaven ! ^ abbot of Bennchor Ulad (Bangor in Ulster). ' of Cluain Cainchne. ^ a bishop : son of Lenine. * son of Cormac. II. E. Good Anthimus, Mammertus, noble and virginal was the white stone. This captive*^ let Findlug, Lassair^ and Lugair^ help. Senach^ the smith, a pure champion, Coemgein,* Critan,'' Cormac,*' with Findtan'' great, respected ; sufficient and modest is their meeting. ^ a virgin. ^ the infirm.'' ' son of Etchen, from Aired Brosca on Lough Erne. * an abbot. ^ son of Iliad. Critan son of lUod, and Cormac the priest in Achad Findich on the brink of the Dodder in Hui Dunchada. ® a priest in Achad Findich. ' of Cluain Cain. 12. F. Holy Achilleus, Nereus, Pancratius in the assembly. Diony- sius with a good mind. Ere Nasca^ with them, Lugaed" : with Di'mma" of the good fight, Ailithir^ and Ernein — this is the strong army that I muster between us and offence. ^ from Telach Lis in Hiii Echach of Ulster. * son of Congus, a priest, from Tech Luta in the Great Fotharts. ^ son of Cass. * of Mucc-inis on Lough Derg. ^ In Hybernia; natalissanctiComgalliabbatisetconfessoris, vT/rtr/.C//r. Ch. '^ i.e. Hua Gormdin himself. '^ infirmus, Mart. Ta?ftl. 96 F ELI RE HUI GORMAIN. [Mai us T; 13- g- 'empal ergna erdeirc, roboi do deibh domhoin ir-R6im rigda rebaig Bonefait ros-bendaig do Maire buain bladaig, col-lin sluaigh a senaid. Mael doid^ nar domma, feil mo Chonna^ credail, tam Tigernaigh Boirchich ind fir toirt[h]ig trebair. ^ Mucnamha. ^ Doire. 14. a. Pontiwi", Pacomius, Di'a CO tend ros-tocaib, mo Chuttu^ CO cetaib, Lassar, Garban gargnoeb,^ a ferainn ro facaib Mael caemfertach Cetair,^ Uictor caid, Corona, ba hoga co a n-ecaib. 1 Lis moir, darbh' ainm Cartach, roboi ina abb ir-Raithin, ocus ina esp<9r il-Lios mor. ■ mac Ronain vixeiz righ Ul«^li i cCill Meilche- [tair] for brii in mara in Cnoc mBrenainn aniar. 15. b. ^ct n-epscoip a hEspain, 'Muiredhach' gcmm glanoll, al-lurech thenn torunn, do Chonna,'-^ Columba,'' Duiblitir* in dagfind, Comman,^ Cdinneoc, Colu[m]m,'' Colman/ Saran'^ soirbe CO coibne na crobung, in spirat uais fagdeim for in radreim romund. ^ ua Dubbtaigh. ^ epsr^;-/ Condere. ' m^'c Faelgasa. " ab Findglaisi Caindigh ace Ath cHath. ^ m^c Dimma, Aricuil.*' " Locha Innse Cre.<= '' mac ua Laighsi. '^ mac Archair,'' 6 1 nis Moir i n-Uibh Liathain i n-Uibh Weic Cailli. " MS. garccnoem. ^ Perhaps this word should be a g-loss on C&in7iefic : cf. Mart. Taml. Cainnech Airecuil. Cominan mac Dimma. "= Columb Insi Locha Cre, Mart. Taml. ^ Airechair, Mart. Taml May.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 97 13. G. A temple, noted, renowned, which had belonged to the gods of the (heathen) world, in royal, featful Rome, Bonifacius, with the full number of the host of his synod, consecrated^- it to Mary the lasting, famous.^ , Mael-doid^ who was not poor : the feast of my Conna^ the religious : the death of Tigernach of Boirche, the fruitful, prudent man. * of Mucnam. ^ of Doire. 14. A. Pontius, Pachomius, God upraised them strongly. My Cuttu^ with hundreds (of martyrs): Lassar, Garban, harsh saint of his land which he left. Mael-Cetair- of the beautiful miracles. Holy Victor (and) Corona, they were virgins till their death. ^ of Lismore, whose name was Carthach.'^ He was an abbot in Rathen and a bishop in Lismore. ^ son of Ronan, son of the King of Ulster : in Cell Maeil-Chetair on the brink of the sea, to the west of Cnoc Brenainn (Brandon Hill). 15. B. Seven bishops out of Spain : Muiredach^ a pure-great gem : may their strong corslet be over us ! Thy Conna,^ Columba,^ dDublitir* the good and fair, Comman,^ Cainneoc, Columb,'"' Colman,'' Saran,^ the happy ones with the kindred in their cluster : I entreat the noble Spirit on the mighty multitude before us. ' descendant of Dubthach. "^ bishop of Condere. ^ ^ son of Faelgus. * abbot of Cainnech's Findglas near Ath cliath (Dublin). 5 son of Dimma, of x^ricul. ® of Loch Lise Cre. ■^ great-grandson of Laigse. * son of Archar, from Inis Mdr in Hui Liathain in Hiii Maic Cailli. ^ literally, blessed. ^ Natale sancte Marie ad martyrcs, Drumm. Kal. Dedicatio aecclesiae scae. mariae, Lcofr. Kal. "^ so Oengus, May 14 (fdil cdin Carthaig Rathin), and DriiDini. Kal. ^ Dublitrech (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. GORMAN. H 98 FELIRE hOi GORMAIN. [Maius. 1 6. c. Aquilin is Odran,^ Duthracht,- apindchad^ falid, bBrenainn* ce« band uabhair, Mace Laisre^ ard, Ernan,* Carnech" coemhc[h]end crabaid, in soert[h]enn ua Suanaig.* ^ saccart. "^ Liathdroma, i?i 7uarg. man. rec. loco Liathdroma forte scribendum Aondroma, nam s. Durthach filius Trichenij colitur Aentromae, iuxta menologium %fx\ealogicum c 19. ^ eps^^/. * mac Findloga, abb Cluana Ferta. ^ abb Bennc[h]air. ^ mac Aodha. '' Tuilein. do Breathnaibh do. ** Fidmuine ainm lii Siianaigh Ancoire Raithne, ocus o Inis Baoithin i n-iarthar [leg. airther] Laighen. 17. d. T Tictor tend is Torpet, ^ Paulus, Findchan,^ Finnen, Bassilla acus Sillan/ meic ua-Slainge^ uasle, Critan* sin lucht lommog, 6 cech ulc dom imman, Lith ingen glan Garban a dagradh ni dimbag. ^ eps^Ti?/ Droma Eanaigh 7 Droma Fess.*^ - f^%cop Daimhinsi. ^ 6 Chliiain Airbh.'' •* eps of Doire Mor. - of Tulach. ^ of Domnach Mor. from Inis crainn. ^ i.e. he was not small. 21. A. Great Polan^ and Moinni, Findbarr, meagre Cummin,^ Mael- deid^ holy, unweak, Ronan, cBarrfind,* Brigit,'' Colman Cron whom we love, strikes us from every sorrow. Colman,^ the indulgent leper, let us follow (him) for his forgiveness. ^ of Cell M6na. - son of Lugaid, of Inis Maccu Dartada. •' of Less mor. * of Druim Cuilinn. Barrfind, bishop and abbot, from Druim Cuilinn and from Cell Barrfind to the north of Ess Ruaid. He was of the kindred of Conall Gulban, son of Niall. ' Dimman's daughter. ^ the Leper : in Mag Eo in Dal Caiss. Scae. potentianae uirginis (et depositio dunstaniarchiepisc), Lcofr. kal. Sci. basilli, Leoj7: Kal. " Barrinni (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. I02 FELIRE Ht'I GORMALV, [Maius. 22. b. "D onan Find^ caid, Cast?/i", -■-^Emil, lulia ogfind, meic Edniusa'^ armi[m]m, Baethin mor,^ meicc Echdhach, Ca[s]sin* sarga sinimm, Conall,^ Agna*^ alimm, o Dhruim da Dhart ogdha, Luigsech lordha langrinn. ^ 6 Laind Ronain Finn i n-Uibh Eachach \]\adh. ' secht meic Eidniusa, 6 Maighin. ^ m^'C Findaich, 6 Inis Baithfn i n-airthiur Eaighen. * ogh. * abb Insi Caoil i cCenel ConsaW. ^ in marg. Aghna, Cassin oais Luighsech teora cailleaclia iadsidhe, ocks 6 Druim da Dhart doibh. 23. c. T^pectitus, Astoin, -'-'Desider gret grinnfir, nocha becc ro bruinnedh. Pincto, Comman, Cremthann/ Suidbrect, Srafan- sonnim, inmain coiciur cuinged. Goibnenn^ cain co caemchk'i, Nectlic,* Faelchu fuilled. ' Maighe Dumha. ^ Cluana moir. ^ i Tigh Scuithin. * eps<:(?/. 24. d. Manachen,^ lohanna, Siluan, Felic firoig, bAidbe/ Sillan, Segein,® Ultan^ bi'thi, Berchan,'' Colman nar' char chlacnuail ropa glan a glemein : bancland Ferguis^ ale, na cade cen cl^r^im.c Eugeni?/s glorda, papa lordha lereim.^ ' e'gscop 7 abb Tire da glas. " epsrr;/ Arda Macha. ' mac Aedhgein. * 6 Cluain Cai. ^ secht n-inghena Ferg?^/s 6 Tigh Inghen Ferghasa. •' The c and the final « are cancelled by a later hand. '' Athbi (gen. sg.)) Dricmm. Kal. " MS. clereim. "^ MS. lerem. May.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 103 22. B. Holy Ronan Find,^ Castus, Aemilius, virginal-fair Julia : the sons of Ednius^ I number : great Baithi'n,^ the sons of Eochaid : Cassin,"* a great spear which I stretch forth : Conall,^ Agna,^ from virginal Druim da dart I beseech, (and) Luigsech, ample, very- lovable. ^ from Land Ronain Find in Hui Echach of Ulster. - Seven sons of Ednius, from Maigen. ^ son of Findach,* from Inis Baithin in the eastern part of Leinster. * a virgin. '" abbot of Inis Gael in Cenel Conaill. ^ Agna, Cassin and Luigsech, these were three nuns, and from Druim da Dart were they. 23. C. Epectitus, Astonius, Desiderius a lovable-true champion, greatly tried by fire was he. Pincto, Comman, Cremthann.^ Suidberct (and) Srafan^ I sound forth : dear the pentad of warriors. Beautiful Goibnenn'^ with fair fame, Nechtlic,* Faelchu an addition. ' of Mag Duma. - of Cluain Mor. ^ in Tech Scuithin. a bishop. 24. D. Manahen, Johanna, Silvanus, Felix, true virgins. Aidbe,^ Sillan, Segein^ : womanly Ultan,^ Berchan/ Colman who loved not wrongful pride ; pure was his bright mind. Fergus' girl- children^ I beseech, the chaste ones without an evil course. Glorious Eugenius, a pope sufficient, conspicuously active. ' bishop and abbot of Ti'r da glas. ' bishop of Armagh. ^ son of Aedgen. * from Cluain Cai. " Fergus' seven daughters, from Tech Ingen Fergusa. ^ He is called by Oengus {Fcl. May 22) Baethine (or Baididne) mac Findach. Sancti Boetheni abbatis et confessoris, Mart. Chr. Ch. I04 FALIRE HCI GORMAIN. [Maius. 25. e. "C* 'G'Jther is Urban, •^-^papae Romae, renna,^ Dionis nar domma, Leo, Aldeilm, lohain, Duncad- lae soer sunna, cruimthir Coel,^ mo Cholla.* ^ solasta iad. ^ ab lae Co\uim cille, do Chenel CohzlxW. ^ Cille moire. * \ngen Dimmae. 26. f. Quadrait, Colman Stella[i]n,^ la hAugWJ'tin inmhain, epscop Saxan saidbir, Beda, Beccan^ bulid, don tsreith caemfind caindlig, aebind etir a[i]nglib. ' i tTir da gins. ^ i cCluain Aird mo Bhecdcc i Muscnw^^ie Breoghain. No ac Tigh Conaill i n-Uibh Briuin Ciialann. 27. g. "C^pscop Cillin,^ Comaig,^ -L-'la hEchfritan aithnim,^- epscop idan Etliirn,'^ Ragnulf, lulius, Eutruip, ar doidnge 'sar dhotheidm, ar coimge don cethirn. ^ 6 Thigh Talain i n-Oirghiall(7/7>'h. * ogh. ^ Dhomhnaigh Moir mac Laithbe i Mughdornaibh. 28. a. "Oapa amra lohain, -■■ Priaim, Lucian lorgem, epsc^/ German gradbind, Furudran^ is Foelan, Felic fedil firgrinn, Eugan,^ Emil armim, secht n-epscoip"' glanglere, al-lere fo lanrind. ' i Lainn Turu. ^ eccnaidh. ^ 6 Thigh na comairce. ■"* MS. aichnim. May.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 105 25. E. Eleutherius and Urbanus, popes of Rome, stars.^ Dionysius who was not poor : Leo, Aldhelm, Johannes : noble ^Dunchad^ of lona here, presbyter Coel,'' my Colla.* ' shining were they. - abbot of Colomb cille's Hi, of the kindred of Conall. ^ of Cell Mor. * daughter of Dimma. 26. F. Quadratus, Colman Stellain,^ with dear Augustinus the wealthy bishop of the Saxons'^ : Beda^ : blooming Beccan,^ of the lovable, fair, shining series, delightful among angels. ' in Ti'r da glas. - in Cluain Ard mo-Becc6c in Muscraige Breogain. Or at Tech Conaill in Hiii Briiiin Ciialann. 27. G. Bishop Cilli'n,^ Comaig,^ with Echfritan I recognise : the sincere bishop Ethirn,'^ Ragnulf, Julius, Eutropius : to safe- guard us from difficulty, and from pestilence (belongs) to the band (aforesaid). ' from Tech Talain in Oriel. ' a virgin. ^ of Domnach Mor \\\ac Laithbe in Mugduirn. 28. A. The excellent Pope Johannes, Priamus, Lucianus, an ample gem : love-melodious bishop Germanus, Furudran^ and Faelan ; steadfast, amiable Felix, Eugan,^ Aemilius I reckon : seven bishops,^ pure abundance : their piety under a full star. ^ in Lann Turu. " a sage. ^ from Tech na Comairce. "" Duncada (gen. sg.), Drumyn. Kal. '^ sci. augustini archiepisc, Leofr. Kal. "" Depositio sancti venerabilis Bede presbyteri, Druiuvi. Kal. die quo ipse petiit, hoc est, in ascensione Dominica, Mart. Chr. C/i. io6 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. E>rAius. 29. b. Conon 'sa mac mi'ngar fri martra mor n-ingair, nirbo coir ro cummad. mo Becce/ mo Du[i]ne, Mael-tuile soer sonnim. Briuinsech^ cael is Cumman. ^ i tTrelec. ^ ogh, mghen Criomhtainn 6 Maigh Trea. ^ ogh 6 Dhoire, \nghen Allien i nAird \}\ad]\ no i nDal Buinne i n-Ultoibh. 30. c. T N papa fial Felic, ■■- Aucbert//i" cen brigrus, robo Cuanna in coemdos, Gabinus caid, Crispoil, Gobban^ leir dom lanles, maraen sin seim-Saerghos.- abb Airdne. 2 Droma. 31. d. Forbait Mai na maithi, Petronella^ niamhglan,^ Cantiz/J as buan beoblad, Fer da crich is Cresceint,^ Maelodran^ mor milid, Ernin^ og is Eogan,'^ sluag Mai roind do rinn-nim* sech erinnib^ na nsjleoerhal. ^ Slane. nemh na renn. ■ Cremh-caille. abb Maicrhe Bile. .1. CO .i. sech demhnaibh. ^ Petronille (gen. sg.), Driimm. Kal. Dnnnin. Kal. Crescentiani (gen. sg.), May.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 107 29. B. Conon with his gentle-pious son at martyrdom — much torment — it was unjust that he was lacerated. My Becce,^ my Dune, noble IVTael-tuile I sound forth, slender Briunsech- and Cumman.^ ^ in Trelec. ' a virgin : daughter of Crimthann from Mag Trea. ^ a virgin : from Doire : daughter of Allien in Ard Ulad or in Dal Buinne in Ulster. 30. C. The modest pope Felix, Hucbertus without fault of anger. Cuanna was the dear bush (of protection) : holy Gabinus, Crispolus : pious Gobban^ to my full benefit, along with the slender Soergus." ^ abbot of Airdne. ^ of Druim. 31. D. The nobles complete May — Petronella the radiant and pure, Cantius whose living fame is lasting : Fer da chri'ch and Crescentius. Mael-Odrain^ a great soldier (of Christ) : virginal Ernin- and Eogan.^ Let May's host (fare) before us (?) to starry heaven* past the bands^ of the warblasts. ' of Slane. - of Cremchaill. ^ abbot of Mag bile. * i.e. to the heaven of the stars. * i.e. past devils. o8 FELIKE HUI GORMALY. Junius. lUNIUS. I. e. TI7OR Va\.aind\v\x\ alaind -*- Caprais, Pampil primda, la Nicomeid naemda, Stellan, Cronan,^ Cummein, Marceill, Laeban- luamda, Pol, Seuerian saerda, dechenbur coir comlan, la Colman diar caemna. ' abb Lis moir Mochuda. ^ Atha Eguis. N 2. f. annid/ Senan. Zachair, Blandina fri di'glaib, Forondan- is Femdid, Petar, Aedan,'^ Algeis, Luran* acco drmid, feil Marcillin mergil, CO mbem co ndrung dathglan CO rathmar ir-redhnim. ' Ckiana hUinnsenn. - Luae. ^ Cluana Domhail. mi:7c Conain.'^ b/^~^aemgen/ mo Chua chaerem, ^^-'Glunsalach^ beo bitheim. Erasmus cor-Racheil, ua Trianlugo thogaim, Brandub,'"^ Sillen* sochoir, moNinne 6^^ Affein,"'* berdait inn sech imned, CO rindnem, bid rachc[i]m. ' abb Glinne da Locha. " .i. diberccach oirdt'rc robhoi for slighidh Midhliiachra fri re ci'an oc denumh gach uilc, 7 rosc/-iid ina menma/« tionntudh ona ulc, co «deachrt/Murchu,^ Mucian, epscop Bron^ buaid clerig, Ermedach'^ abb samaid, Luadrenn* chraibdech Chorainn, Gildardus nar' daibil, Abundus as mbagaid, in t-ochtor caid carat rom-gabat 'na ngradaib. ' mrtc ua Mactein. ' 6 Chaisiol lorroe lia Fiachrach Muaidhe. ^ abb Cunga. * ogh 6 Chill Luaithrenn i cCorann. 9. f. Colum caemog cille/ Boethin^ in breo brigda, Amalgaid'^ ard oebda, Felician fos, Primus, mo Thoria'* naem niamda, mac ua Nesse^ noemda, m«c Declan, Dafinna," ropdar minna moerda. ^ abb manach ndubh i nDoire Choluim chille, ocus in Hi in Albain. - mac Brenainn mtvc Fergasa, abb lae iar cColuim chille. ^ mac Echdach. ■* Droma cliab. ^ Cruimter mac u Nesse. " ainm diles. leg. nar fella, as in Jan. 4 ? '^ murchon (gen. sg.), Driunm. Kal. June.] MARTYKOLOGY OF GORMAN. 113 7. D. Bishop Paul, though he be absent, his labour doth not betray us,a after crucifixion of his flesh : two Colombs^ with Coeman, my Colmoc'' and my Conna, (went) after death into the azure road.^ ^ Colomb the Smith and Colomb the Monk. ^ i.e., into the road of heaven. ^ of Druim M6r. Columbanus (a bishop) maccu Arti from Druim M6r mo-Cliolmdic in Hiii Echach of Ulster. 8. E. Medardus, Murchu,' Mucian, bishop Bron,^ a gifted cleric : Ermedach,^ abbot of a religious community, devout Luathrenn* of Corann, Gildardus who was not evil-mouthed, Abundus proclaim ye him ! may the holy octad of friends receive me into their ranks ! ^ maccu Machtein. ^ from Caisel Irr6e of the Hiii Fiachrach Muaide. . ^ abbot of Cunga. * a virgin, from Cell Luaithrenn in Corann. 9. F. Dear and virginal Colomb cille^ : ^goethin^ the vigorous flame. Amalgaid,'' lofty, delightful. Felicianus also (and) Primus. ^MyXoria^ holy, radiant ; Maccu-Nesse'^ the hallowed: Dafinna'' son of Declan, were wondrous (?) diadems. ^ abbot of Black Monks in Doire Coluimb-chille and in Hi in Scot- land. ^ son of Brenann, son of Fergus, abbot of Hi (next) after Colomb cille. ''' son of Eochaid. ^ of Druim cliab. * Cruimther ( =. presbyter) maccu Nesse. ® a proper name. ^ i.e., he still labours honestly for us in heaven. ^ Baithini successoris ejus, Driimm. Kal. natalis sanctorum abbatum Columbe et Boethini successoris ejus, Mart. CJir. Ch. '^ Mothorie (gen. sg.) Dru/ntn. Kal. at Juno 12. GORMAN. I 114 F^LIRE Hi'/ I GORMAIN. [lUNIU? lO. g. A inmire^ seng, Sanctan,^ ■^~*-Forcellach^ feigh feithmech, Illadan ua hEchach,* Mael-duin in^ doss di'ten, Senberech^ s6im sochrach, Ferdomnach''' reid, bRethach/ ^ 6 Ailigh. " espucc. ^ Fobhair. ^ loUadhan lia Eachaid, epsr^/, 6 Raith Liphten i Feraibh Cell i Midhe. ^ Cuile Urebhni. ^ Tuama da ualann. '' mfic Coemhain. ^ Bennchuir. 62;h, 6 Chonmacne. II. a. Barnaibb apstol atchimm, Reguil/ Felic febda, Furtunait fri fagla, ingena leo Lasren,^ cMac tail^ in coemh cunla, ^^Tochomra^ oen amra, Sostenes tend-cabair ticfa in-agaid m'anma. ^ i Caill chola. ^ t^%cop Cille Cuilinn. 12. b. Bassiiid cain, Cirin, Naboir, Nastair naema, Caeman,^ Cronan cruaide,^ ^Tarannan"' leo, Lochein, na hailethrig oga Locha alainn Uaine. Murchu, DicuU'' degfer, cen temel, cen truaighe, Cristan® sodh*' ro scchain ar bethaid co mbuaine. ' Airde Caemain i fail Locha Carman. ^ .i. cruaidh iat 'na crabudh. ^ abb B^;mcair ocus 6 Thul^^''^ Foirtceirn il-Laighnibh ocus o Dmim Cliabh i cCairpre. '' Achaidh na cro. * Gilla Crist lia morghair. "^ .i. soirbhe dia cholainn. ••^ MS. an. " gen. iMec-tail, Ma7-f. On: Ch. Kelly. * Torannan, Fd. Ocng. MS. rethech. ^ Tochomracht, Mart. Taml. ed. June.] JMARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 115 10. G. Slender Ainmire,^ Sanctan,^ Forcellach'' keen, meditative. Illadan, descendant of Eochaid,^ Mael-duin a bush of protec- tion. Senberech,^ fine, profitable : smooth Ferdomnach*^ and Rethach.'' ^ from Ailech. ^ a bishop. ^ of Fobar. * Illadan descendant of Eochaid, a bishop, from Raith Liphthen'in Fir Cell in Meath. ^ of Ciiil Drebni. ^ of Tuaim da lialann. ' son of Coeman. II. A. Barnabas the apostle'^ I entreat Reguil,^ excellent Felix. Fortunatus against plunderings : with them Laisren's daughters" : the dear, prudent Mac-tail,^ Tochomracht,* unique, wonderful. Sosthenes, a strong help, will come to meet my soul. ' of Bennchor. ^ in Caill Cola. ^ bishop of Cell Cuilinn. * a virgin, from Conmacne. 12. B. Bright Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, Nazarius the holy ones ; rigorous^ Coeman^ and Cronan : with them Torannan'' and Lochein. The virginal pilgrims of delightful Loch Uaine. Murchu, Dicull'' a good man, without gloom, without misery. Cristan'^ who shunned ease'' for sake of lasting life (in heaven). ^ of Ard Caemdin near Loch Carman. ' i.e., rigorous were they in their devotion. ^ abbot of Bennchor, and from Tulach Fortceirn in Leinster and from Druim Cliab in Cairpre. ^ of Achad na cr6. '" Gilla Crist descendant of Morgar. ® i.e., ease to his flesh. "" Commemorated by Oengus on June 10. RIeic-thail (gen. sg.), Druinni. Kal, I 2 ii6 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [lUNiUp. 13. C. Damnat^ bithbeo buadach, Mac nissi- iii^ grian glanoll, la m'Chumma fial fairend, Felicula in lanraith Fandila main molaim, Cruimthir^ cain, [is] t>CairelI.'* ^ 6a;h 6 Sl^/bh Beiha. "^ abb Q\iiati2^ m«V Nois fri re se vc^iMadan decc. 6 Cliiain Tioprat. * man. rcc. a ttir Rois. H ogh. 14. d. eliseus, Eucheir, Ualer lem rom lessaib, rath tend for a thassib. Cumman^ la Nem naemda, mar diegar ni disfir, Ciaran Belaigh,^ Bassil. Cumman Becc Chille Cuimne i Tamhnacha. ' .i. Dilin ua Liathain, 15- e. Uitus, Modeist, Mercuir, Eadburga 6^ finnmor, Crescentia comlan, Esic, SinelP saethrach, Ouintian, Muchius mindnoem, mac Corordan Colman,- a tinol do^ treccud ni fetub,"^ ni fodmab. ^ 6 Miliuc i nDartraic;hibh Coininnse. epsY^/. " MS. an. ^' MS. fedub. 16. f. Ciric mor in macan, lulitan na luigfind, Similian nach scchnaimm, Setna^ m«c tenn Treno. Aithcain^ nar' cloi chathgreim, Colman vaac Roi i Rechraind,*' Cet[h]cch,'' Lugh nach lugu, ar chrudu ni crenfaind. ' [Inbir] Colptha. ^ Q^uop Phatraicc. ^ MS. cairill. "^ MS. dom. •= MS. rcchioind. June.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 117 13- C. Damnat^ ever-living, gifted, ^Mac-nisse^ the pure-great sun, with my Gumma — a modest troop — Felicula of the plenteous grace, Fandila a treasure which I praise, beautiful Crumther"' and Cairell.* ^ a virgin, from Sliab Betha. ^ abbot of Cluain maic Nois for the space of sixteen years. ^ from Cluain Tiprat. '' in Tir Rois. 14. D. Helisaeus (EUsha the Prophet), Eucherius, Valerius be with me for my advantages : a strong grace is on his relics. Cum- man^ with hallowed Nem.'^ As is due — no feeble truth — Ciaran of Belach," Basilius. ^ a virgin. Cumman the Little, of Cell Cuimne in Tamnacha. - i.e., Diiin. 15. E. Vitus,c Modestus, Mercurius, Eadburga a fair-great virgin. Crescentia the complete. Hesychius, laborious Sinell,^ Ouin- tianus, Mucius (?) of the holy diadem, Corordan's son Colman-; to forsake their assembly, I shall not be able, I will not endure. ^ descendant of Liathan. - from Miliuc in Dartraige Coininse. 16. F. Great Gyricu.s'' the child (and his mother) Julitta, by whom I would not swear. Similianus whom I shun not, S^tna^ strong son of Tren. Aithcain^ whom no battle-might vanquished : Roe's son Golman in (the island) Rechru. Gethech,'' Lugh who is not less, for herds I could not buy (them). ' a bishop. "^ of Inber Colptha. ' Patrick's bishop. ^ Meicness (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. ^ Nem mac hui Birn brigach, Fcl. Ocng. " Uitus maccan mirbail, ibid. '^ iiiGiric, Fel. Ueng. Ciricii (gen sg.), Drumm Kal. Ii8 F&LIRE HUI GORMAIN. [luNlus. S 17- g- esca da cet coemnaem. mo-Chommoc^ cen chaere, Auit, Gundulf guidi, Colman mor m^?c Luachan, Aedan,^ Cellan* cride, Totholan den tuili,^ meic Nechtain*' in nuathaig,' Moling* Luachair'T' luigi. ' m^c Dobhorchon. " 6 Laind vc\eiz Luachain i n-iarthar Midhe. ^ Dubh. * mrtc Fionain. * .i. d'iomat na naem, ^ Droma Bricce. ' .i. taigh nua nimhe. ^ epsc^/ 7 conit%^QX, 6 Thigh Moling. i8. a. Marcillianb jg Marcus, Paula, Martia moroig, Tranquillin'-' sin caemfal, dpurudran^ beo, Boethan,^ firflait[h]e co firon, meic min maithe Moenan, mac Mi'ci coem Colman, ni forlan nos-foemab. ^ abb Lainne Lere. ^ m 7narg. Furadhran 7 Boethan, meic Mhaonain iadsomh araon. 19. b. Geruais primda, Protais, Ursicin ard alghen, Celsus, Euoid oebgel, Coelan^ caid is Colman,^ Failbe^ in monair morglain, CO soraid for soernem, senad Nece in naemraith do caemhflaith na cainfled. ^ Daire [Choelain]. =* Droma lias. ' 6 Thobucht. =* leg. Luachra? '' MS. MnrcZ'illian. " MS. tran, quillin. '^ The 'Batchain' and 'Furitdran' of Driimvi. Kal. are obviously misread- ings or misprints of Baethain and Furudran. June.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 119 17. G. Two hundred and sixty dear saints : my Commoc^ without fieriness, Avitus, prayerful Gundulfus, great Colman^ son of Luachan. Aedan,^ cordial Cellan,'' Totholan of the floodtide'' : the sons of Nechtan" sons in the noble Abode/ Moling'' of Luachair (by whom) thou swearest^^ ^ son of Doborchu. - from Land me/c Luachain in the western part of Meath. ^ the Black. * son of Finan. ^ i e. of the abundance of saints- " of Druim Bricce. '' i.e. in the noble house of heaven. ^ bishop and confessor, from Tech Moling. 18. A. Marcellianus and Marcus ; Paula, Marcia, mighty virgins. Tranquillinus in the beautiful rampart : lively t'Furudran^ and Boethan,^ veritable princes, truly, Moenan's good and gentle sons. Dear Colman, son of Mice — it is not superfluous — I will receive him. * abbot of Land Lere. ^ Furadran and Boethan, sons of Moenan are they together. 19. B. Excellent Gervasius and Protasius. Ursicinus high, gentle. Celsus, bright, beautiful Evotus, holy Coelan^ and Colman.^ Failbe^ of the great pure work (is) happily on noble heaven. Nicaea's synod of the saintly grace (convened) by the dear Prince of the beautiful banquets.^ of Daire (Coelain). "- of Druim has. ^ from Tobacht. * See infra, at Nov. 21. ^ sanctorum confessorum Baithini et Furudrani, Mart. Chr. Ch. " Gorman means the first council of Nicaea, commemorated in Meiio- log. Graec. on 29 May, but which was solemnly opened, according to Hefele, on 14 June, a.d. 325. Is the ' prince' Constantine I. or Christ ? I20 FELIRE HUI GOUMALV. [luNius. 20. C. Ciriac noem, Nouatus, Paul, Felic, nit fanna, papa Silueir somma, Sincell/ Cassan,- Crispin, Faelan^ in breo balla, Gubsech* leo, mo Lomma.^ ' ua Li'athain. - Cliiana Raithe. ^ amhlobhar, ir-Raith Erenn i n-Albain. * Chianz. Barenn. ^ Domhnaigh Imlech. 21. d. Euseib leinn, Lcofridus, Rufus,^ Suibne^ sluagda, Dimetria fri digla, Cormac leir ua Liathan, Diarmait'^ coir diar caemna, ua Aeda Roin rigda, Ciriac caid con Choimdidh, i ndoidngib ron-didna. ' epsri?/ Arda Macha. ^ abb Durmaighi 7 epsr^/, 7 ba hanchore beos an Coxhxwac sin. ^ eps^ri?/ Disirt Diarmata, ua . ledha Roin eisidhe. 22. e. Alban mor in martir, Ni'cea diar naemad, bCronan^ friu nos-fuagheb : da n-ocht cet^ is Crunmael,^ Suibne-^ sona sdrfer, Paulin Nola nuaighel, Guairi* caemh for conair CO soraid sin sluaiged. 1 .i. mo-Chiia Luachra, abb Ferna. "" mac Ronain 6 Bherrech. ^ abb lae Qhohiwi cille. * Becc. => Rufini (gen. sg.), Driimm Kal ^ Cronain (gen. sg.) Drumvi. KaL " MS. ced. June.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 121 20. C. Holy Cyriactis, Novatus, Paulus, Felix, they are not weak : wealthy pope Silverius, Sinchel!/ Cassan,^ Crispinus. Faelan^ the high (?) flame,^ Gubsech* with them (and) my Lomma.'^ ^ descendant of Liadian. - of Cliiain Raithe. ^ the Dumb, in Raith Erenn in Scotland. ^ of Cliiain Bairenn. of Domnach Imlech. 21. D. Eusebius be on our side, Leutfredus, Rufinus, hostful Suibne !^ Demetria against vengeances. Pious Cormac,^ Liathan's descendant : just bDiarmait'^ to safeguard us, grandson of royal Aed Ron : holy Cyriacus (who is) with the Lord protect us in difficulties. '^ bishop of Armagh. - abbot of Durrow and bishop, and that Cormac was also an anchorite. ^ bishop of Di'sert Diarmata, Aed Ron's grandson was he. 22. E. Great Albanus the martyr, Niceas to hallow us ; Cronan,^ to them I will knit him : sixteen hundreds, and Crutinmael,- happy Suibne,^ a great man ; fresh-white Paulinus of Nola ; dear Guaire"* on the path prosperously into the hosting.'^ ' my Cua of Luachair, abbot of Ferns. ^ son of R6nan from Berrech. ^ abbot of Colomb cille's Hi. * the Little. Oengus calls him hi t-amlabar dn-sin ' that splendid mute.' Connaic ac Diarmata (gen. sg.) Dricmni. Kal. i.e. the raid into heaven made by Guaire : cf. Ft'l. Ocng. at May 17. FilLIRE HOI GORMAIN. [Iunius. 23. f. Aine Eoin bauptist, Felic, loain, ogfir, mo-Choe' ciuin ciamair, Lucia leo, Fest//i', Arion, Faelan failid, Edeldrida^ diamair, clann Senchain is Senain,^ dom-erail ar m'fiadhain. abb Naondroma, Caolan a ainm fen. - .i. clann Senain. 24. g. A rd-gein lohain baptist, -^^-Gillibert^ co nglaine, Agoard- cen fuba, Gabrein, Corbmac'' cunnail, Lon^ dathghlan cen duibhe, Tiu rathmar Rubha.* ^ Over Gillibert is tvritten in a?i Itaiiaft hand Agilbert. " MS. Agoaid ivith Agoard superscribed in the same hand. ^ Senchoimheta. * i Cill Gobhrai. * ainm a baile : i n-Aird \]\ad\i ata. 25. a. Sosip(?/^r, Simplic, Telle^ tuir naemh nemcrom,- moLuoc'' fial findchenn, li'th inghen maitli Minghuir : Elill'* aebh nach amthend, Gallican saer, Sinchell,^ Uindician fial fedil ocus Elig immthend. cardinail Eoin adbal mor talman ro thimchell.'^ ' o Thigh Telle i n-airthiur Midhe. * .i. direch. _ ■'' Lis moir i x\-k\hain. * xaaz Seighein. ^ in t-6cc-Sinchell abb Glinne Achaidh. Scae. tetheldry(5e uirginis, Lcofr. Kal. ^ MS. thimchill. June.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 123 23. F. The vigil of John Baptist : Felix and Johannes, perfect men : my Coe'^ gentle, sad : Lucia with them and Festus. Arion, joyous Faelan, secret Etheldreda, Senchan's children and Sen^n's,^ to direct me for my leader. ' abbot of Noendruim : Coelan was his own name. ^ that is, Senan's children. 24. G. John Baptist's noble nativity-'^^ Agilbertus with purity, Agoard without hewing. Gabrein, sage Corbmac,'' pure- coloured Lon* without darkness, gracious Tiu of Ruba.' =* of Senchoimet. * in Cell Gobrai. * the name of his place : in Ard Ulad it is. 25. A. Sosipater, Simplicius, Telli^ a holy, upright^ tower: my Luoc,^ modest, whiteheaded : the festival of Mingor's good daughters ; delightful Elill'* who was not unaustere : noble Galli- canus, bSinchell^ ; modest, constant Vindicianus, and Eligius the very strict : great cardinal Johannes, who went round many lands. ^ from Tech Telle in the eastern part of Meath. "■ i.e. straight- forward. ^ of Lismore in Scotland. *= * son of Segen. ^ the Sinchell Junior, abbot of Glenn Achaid. ^ Riggein lohain babtaisf, Fcl. Oettg. (Rawl. 505.) Natiuitas beati lohannis Baptiste, precursoris Domini, Mart. Chr. Ch. So also the Greek Church : To yeviOXiov rod 7rpo8p6fiov /cat npocprjTov 'Icoavvov. ^ gen. Sincheill, Dmmtn, Kal. " In Britannia sancti confessoris Moluoc, Drumm. Kal.., sancti Lugudi abbatis et confessoris, Mart. Chr. Ch. 124 FELIRE hCi GOKMAIN. [Junius. 26. b. Paulus, lohain uasle, Saluius sruit[h] sin drungsa, ara chuinchimm cennsa, Soadbar^ sui epscoip, Maxentin mor mindsa, la Lachtein lor lemmsa : 'na conne co coemhnem, Colman^ saergel sengsa. * eps^^. ^ proinntighe. 27. c. Simporosa rathmar a secht meic cen mellad, Crescint, Aed na farrad, Zoilus^ leo lenius, Di'mman^ derrit dindfer, Brocan, Senic, Scandal. saccart. 28. d. Papa Leo laindrech, Appolloin toi trebar, Plutarchus 'sin turim, hireneus epscop, Cruinimein^ rigda rogein, Ernin,^ Bicsech-'^ builid, oene* tenn mar thocbaim, focraim dona huilib. ^ ^\)%cop i Lecain Midhe in Uibh meic Uais. "^ Cluana. finn. ogh, o Chill Bigsighe hi Midhe. ^ .i. uigil Pedair. Stolii(gen. sg.),Drumm. Kal. June.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 125 26. B. Paulus and Johannes, noble ones : venerable Salvius in this troop, from whom I entreat gentleness. Soadbar,^ a sage of a bishop. Maxentinus, this great diadem, with sufficient Lachtein be on my behalf : to meet' them unto dear heaven (went) this nobly-white, meagre Colman.- a bishop. "^ of the refectory. 27. C. Symphorosa the gracious, and her seven sons without decep- tion ; Crescentius, Aed in their company, Zoilus who follows with them : mysterious Di'mman,^ a notable man. Broccan, Senic, and Scandal. a priest. 28. D. Pope Leo the lightsome : silent, prudent Apollonius, Plutar- chus in the numbering, bishop Irenaeus: regal Crummein,^ a mighty birth : Erni'n,^ blooming Bicsech/ as I set up a severe vigil"* I proclaim (it) to them all. ^ a bishop, in Lecan Mide in Hiii Meic Uais. ^ of Cluain Finn. •' a virgin, from Cell Bicsige in Meath. * i.e. the vigil of Peter.^ vigilia apostolorum Petri et Pauli, Driimm. Kal. 125 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [luNius. 29. e. "Detar, Pol ar primchind, -■- Marccill, Connan^ cridi, Caincomracf cain cara, Faeldobair dia fulliud, Cocha^ delb cen dubc, Mael-doid m^c Derb-dara. ' epsr<7/ 6 Thigh Connain i cCremthannaibh. - 6 Disert Ciiin- clair. ^ Clochair. ^ Roiss Bennchoir. 30. f. Inderiud luin ardPol, Luci'na gemm glanfind, la hOsti'an tend togaimm, Failbhe caid is Caelan/ Sproc^ sardrech di'an inill ingen craibdech Coluim, m6rchat[h] luin sech imnedh suas CO rindncm romhuind. in marg. Failbhe 7 Caelan i cCill E6. - inghen Choluim. June.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 127 29. E. Peter and Paul our leading- chiefs : Marcellus, cordial Connan.^ Cainchomrac,- a beautiful friend : Fael-dobair^ to add to him. Cocha/ form without darkness, Mael-d6id, son of Derb- dara. ^ a bishop, from Tech Connain in Cremthainn. ^ from Disert Cinnclair, ^ of Clochar. * of Ross Bennchoir. 30. F. At June's end lofty Paul^ (is commemorated) : Lucina a pure-fair gem, with austere Ostianus whom I choose : holy Failbe and Coelan,^ great-faced Sproc,^ swift and safe, Colomb's devout daughter : may June's great battalion past tribulation (go) up before us to starry heaven ! Failbe and Caelan in Cell E6. "• Colomb's daughter. Celebratio iterum sancti Pauli apostoli, Drutnm. Kal. 128 FELIRE Htl GOKMAIN. [luLius. lULIUS. i-g- FOR kalaz'nd luil Aaron, octauus Eoin athnid.a- Domitian co ndathrath, o Cluain Emaint, epscoip, Lugaid^ Sinell soichlech, Connan, Cummein,^ Cathbath, Barrfind, Ultan, Ailill," don fairind cen t>athbath.* Teodoirc, Epairch, Ernin, triur tennmin nar tac[h]rach.® ' mac Lugei. ^ epsco/) Naendroma. ^ epsirop Arda macha. ' cen adifas pene. ® .i. nar deabhtach. M^ 2, a. artiriian m^r, Proces, la triur miled molab, ir-R6imh na rath ramhor da coicciur i Campain, Suuithun co soimein, Monegundiss glanor, lith inghen caidh Cathbath/ Ternoc" dat[h]glan daghog. ^ Airidh foda. ~ Cluana m6ir. 3.b. ■ Grigoir, translait Tomais : papa Leo luaidmeit, PuHch, Brecnat bagmcit, Eolog, hi rein, Ultan. Tartinna^ caid coemlec, la hAnatoil almeit, Tirechan, is Trifon, Cillein- bithog bangreit. ^ i Colli Aird 1 n-Uibh Garrcon.° * abb lae Chok/wcille ar Cilline Droichteach sin, '' MS. achnid. ^ leg. athbach? " ercain, Mar/. Tcvnl. ed. Kelly. July.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 129 JULY. I. G. On July's calends Aaron (is commemorated) : recognise ye the octave of John (the Baptist). Domitianusa- with bounteous (?) grace and Emaint from Cluain, bishops. Lugaid/ Sinell the hospitable. Connan, Cummein,' Cathbath, Barrfind, Ultan, Ailill'^ to the troop without a second death.* Theodoricus, Eparchius, Erni'n, a strong and gentle triad that was not conten- tious.^ ^ son of Luge. ^ bishop of Noendruim. ' bishop of Armagh. * without regrowth of pain.^ * i.e. that was not quarrelsome. 2. A. Great Martinianus^ (and) Processus, with a trio of soldiers^ whom I will praise. In Rome of the vast graces, two pentads in Campania. Swithun with a good mind : Monegundis pure gold ! The festival of Cathbad's^ holy daughters. Ternoc,'^ pure-coloured, a good virgin. ' of Aired fota, "^ of Cluain M6r. 3.B. Gregorius, the translation of Thomas^ : Pope Leo whom we mention. Paulicius (?), Breccnat whom we declare. Eulogius, Irenaeus, Ultan : holy Tartinna^ a lovable stone, with Anatolius whom we beseech. Ti'rechan and Trypho. Cillein^ the ever- virginal, a white champion, 1 in Caill Ard in Hiii Garrchon. ' abbot of Colomb cille's Hi was this Cilline Droichtech (' Pontifex '). ^ According to Mart. Rom. Domitianus was an abbot. ^ But see Apoc. 21, 8 : pars illorum erit in stagno ardenti igne et sulphure ; quod est mors sccitiida. "" riag mar Martiani, Fcl. Ocng. '^ Longinus, Megistus and Acestus. " tarmbreth Tomais, FH. Oeiig., translatio corporis sancti Tome apostoli, Driimm. Kal. GORMAN. K I30 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [luLius. 4. C. "T^egorned mor Martain,^ -■-^translait a chuirp choelseing,^ Osseae, Aigg armimm, locundian leir, Laurean, Bolcan^ oebda 6rgemm, ^Findbarr^ soerdha sargrind. ^ i cCill Chiile. ^ mflc Aodha brathair do macaibh Aodha Atha Cliath, abb Innsi Doimhle oXir Ua Ceinnsel«4'h 7 "^^ Dese. 5.d. Domitius sruit[h], Zoa, la Teodail nar' tiamda, Trifon, Agaith^ oebda, ho Hummigh in t-ardnoem, Etain^ findfial ogda, Fergus,^^ Cilh'en coemda. Thuama N6a i Maigh Luirg for bru Biiilie. 6. e. Octauae na n-apstol : pri'mfaith De mar dlige, Isaias ar th'a[i]re. mo Ninne^ caid caillech, Fedchu- flaith diar fine, feil ingen'^ maith Maine, cetdola Phoil primdha ir-Roimh rigda ir-raibhe. ' ogh, Slebhe Cuilinn.^ "^ Uamhadh Fubi. ' Airid Bainne. ^ T'AV&nixQ^mFel. Oen^.,Dagordanm6r Martain. '' MS. chaelseincc, ' Finbairr (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. '' Agathus, Drtivwi. Kal. ^ MS. fcrgas. ^ Mart. 7 ami. ed. Kelly, adds "quae et Darerca prius dicta est." July.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 131 4. c. Martin's great, good ordination^ (as bishop), the translation of his meagre body.^ Oseas (and) Aggaeus whom I reckon : pious Jocundianus, Laurianus : deHghtful Bolcan^ a golden gem : noble, right pleasant Findbarr.- ^ in Cell Chiile. - son of Aed, brother to the sons of Aed of Ath Cliath, abbot of Inis Doimle between Hili Cennselaig and the Desi. 5. D. Venerable Domitius, Zoe. with Theodorus (?) who was not timid. Trypho, delightful Agathus. Huammach's descendant, the high saint. Etain^ fair-modest, virginal. Fergus, lovable Cillien. of Tuaim N6a in Mag Luirg on the brink of BiiilL 6. E. The octave of the apostles (Peter and Paul). Bear in mind, as thou oughtest, God's chief prophet, Isaias.^ My Ninne^ a holy nun. Fedchu- a prince of our kindred. The vigil of Maine's good daughters.'^ The first wending of excellent Paul into royal Rome wherein he dwelt. ^ a virgin : of Sliab Cuilinn. - of Uam Fubi. ^ of Aired Bainne. ^ As to keeping this commemoration on July 4 (instead of Nov. 24), see Warren, Leopic Missal, p. 29, note. '' The translatio corporis Martini is commemorated in Leofr. Kal. on July 3, but in .Mart. Rom. on July 4. '^ In Leofr. Kal. this commemoration is kept on July 5. K 2 132 F Alike hCu gormAin. [Iumus. 7.f. IVT icoscrait, Clauid, Castor, •^ ^ Uictor, Simpoir, soera, Pantenus fri troge, Ethelburga, Hedda : Maelruain^ ndem con naeimhe, Fiadhabhair- ron-fore ! Trigmech'' doig is drongemm : da oig, Comgell,'* Crone.^ * esp^^ Tamhlachta. - Uachtair Achaidh i cCenel Liiachain. ■' eps^ 6 Thigh t'Aoddcc. ' Grell6g oeblech Tamhlachta Carna in Uibh Bresail airthir. M 14. f. ac Angein caid Colman, Heracleas and arim, F6ca fand nofoired, Onchu mac ban Blait[h]meic, epscop Id' non-aliub, narbo min acht m6[i]rfer. esp^^r Id 6 Ath Adhat il-Laighnibh. i5-g- Tl^odhail apstal Isu, -^ Suuithun sruith sluagfer, a mathius ni maeded/ Pilip, lacop epscop. Uedaist saer di'ar snadudh,^^ dechenbhor naem naeden. meic Ercain- ar forran.i^ Ronan,^ Comman'' caemfer. ' ni denadh maidhmighi asa maithius. ^ 6 Bruig L6eg. vi\ac Inagi.'= * mac Dimma[i]. •'' MS. snadadh. '' Compare ar ihctifta, Aug. 8. "■ leg. Mdgi, as in Mart. Tainl. JUIY.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 137 13. E. Joel and Esdras Tthe prophets), Turianus, unsilly (?) Eugenius, venerable, strong, mild Silas. Presbyter Fintan,^ Finnu,^ my Siloc^ of the just converse. Ultan,* Erc^ and Erni'n.'^ Thy Aedoc^ profitable, a strict warrior. Thy Grelloc^ as a white grebe (?). ^ of Cell Airthir. ^ son of Arath. in Hui Cennselaig. * son of Arad. Inis Cain. '' from Tech t'Aed6ic. Tamlacht Carna in Hui Bresail Airthir. ^ from Cell mo Sil6ic ^ a priest. ^ of Grell6c the sparkling, of 14. F. Holy Colman, Angen's son. Heracleas there whom I reckon : feeble Phocas would succour, Onchu fair son of Blaith- mac : bishop Id,^ whom I will entreat, who was not puny, but a mighty man. bishop Id, from Ath Adat [leg. Fadhat ?] in Leinster. 15. G. The distribution of Jesu's apostles^ : venerable Swithun, a man of hosts^ ; his goodness he would not boast.^ Philippus, bishop Jacobus : noble Vedastus to defend us : a holy decad of infants.^ Ercan's" sons for oppression,"^ Ronan,'' Comman,'* a dear man. * from his goodness he used not to make boasting. ^ from Bruig Loeg, ^ son of Mage. * son of Dimma. ^ Missio apostolorum ad predicandum,^Z)r«^7;z;/z. Kal. So in Fel. Oejig., July 15: In dd apstal deac. . fos-dail . . Issu fo siK-daim ' the 12 apostles, Jesu distributed them throughout Adam's seed.' See Matth. xxviii, 19. Mark ^ Does this refer to the translation of Svvithun's relics ? •^ infantum decern martyrum, Mart. Rom. 138 priamaidh. FALIRE HUI GORMAIN. 1 6. a. TTilarian is Eustaich, •^ -*- Torpt[h]a^ ba caem crotha, Maelodar" mind flat[h]a, Scotlr^ Chliiana moir Moescna, Gobban* buan a bretha, Breccan Cluana Catha. [lULlUS. 6 Bri Molt. 6cch. Becc. ^ Becc.^ 17. b. A 1-lathe lei'r li'tta •^^•na Scillitan scribamm, Cenelmz^j- an oebell, f^Flann/ Craebnat," Citinus. Sistan^ cen locht luademm a chorp robo coelseng. 6gh. ^ saccrtrt for Loch Melge. ^ nirtc Failbe. m«c Comhairde. abb Chums, me/c N6is. 18. c. "Tamilian, Arnulf^j-, -■-^Gundenes co ndeghaeib, Eadburga domm orail, Mianach/ Failbe,^ Fintan,^ Dubogan'' la hEnair, Cellach,^ Cronan'' conaig. - mac Craicdibhigh.'' ^ sacart Focuilliche. ^ mac Diinchada. ® mac ua Laigde, 19. d. A rsein na nder ndichra, -^"^-Epafra nos-arem, Ossein coecae^ caemnar, lusta riu, Rufina, Colman/ Cobran,'' Ciaran,^ Fergus^ organ, Aedan.-'' ^ Ossene 7 cdocca manach 6 Thengaidh. * mo Cholm6c. ' Cluana. t'n viarg. man. rec. Cobran. vide an sit Auxilius socius s. Patricij. * 6 Thigh ua Gortig. * [abb] Lismoir. " Flainni Inber Bccce, Mart. Tainl. ed. Kelly. ^ ciuaichdibich, t'lu'd. " MS, fergas. July.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 139 16. A. Hilarianus and Eustachius. Torptha^ was fair of form. Maelodar^ a kingdom's diadem. Scoth'^ of great Cluain Moescna. Gobban,* lasting his judgments. Breccan of Cluain Catha. * a primate. ^ from Bri Molt. ^ a virgin. * the Little. 17. B. The pious festal day of the Scillitani let us write. Kenelmus a splendid spark, Flann,^ Craebnat,- Cythinus. Faultless Sistan/" let us proclaim his body, which was meagre. ^ the Little. " a virgin. ^ a priest on Loch Melgi. 18. C. Aemilianus, Arnulphus, Gundenes, with goodly beauty. Eadburga to direct me, Mianach,^ Failbe," Fintan.^ Dubogan'' with Enair, Cellach,^ affluent Cronan.*^ ^ son of Failbe. ^ son of Cracdibech. ^ priest of Fochuillech. * son of Comairde. ^ son of Dunchad. ^ son of Laigde's descendant, abbot of Clonmacnois. 19. D. Arsenius of the fervent tears : Epaphras, let us reckon him. Ossein with fifty^ dear modest (monks). Justa to them, and Rufina. Colman,- Cobran,'^ Ciaran.* Fergus an instrument (of God), and Aedan.^ ' Ossene and fifty monks from Tenga. ^ my Colm6c. '^ of Cluain. * from Tech hiii Gortisr. ® of Lismore. 140 FELIRE HUl GORMAIN. [luLius. 20. e. T Oseph caid in chrandchoir, ^ Ulmair, Sabin saerda, Margarit og airme, Caramn^n is ^Curbin,^ mo Loca^ leir ligda, Faelchu feig is Failbe. ^ Cuirbin Craibhdech i n-Uib Fidgeinte i Muma/«. "^ Slebhe Bladhma. 21. f. "T^aniel faith, fer airdric, -'^Praxedis, breo in ban-naem, Uictor fos sin findfal, epscoip tenna o Tomhnaig.^ Curcan^ ra toeb tendog, Lugan^ soer is Sillan.^ ' .i. Tamhnach Buadha. ^ sacc^rt. ^ Duine Moir i nUibh Briuin Ciialann. 22. g. Maire Magdalena, Plato, Sintic soerfot,^ mo Biu,' Meneil morfot,^ Ossein beo, do Boetoc,^ Lugbe, Colman, Caemoc, mo Recha,'' mo Ronoc,* Uandregisil delbda, in t-abb ergna 6gf6t.e ' abb Innsi Cumhscra/Vh/ 2 ci^iana dd Bdet6cc. ' mac naem. ■* Droma Samhraidh. ^ Curufini (gen. sg.), Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. Curiphin, Curphinc, Curufin craibdech, Fcl. Oeng. ^ Curcaise (gen' sg.), Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly : Curcach, Mart. Don. = MS. soerot. '' MS. morot. "= MS. ogot. * cuscraid, causcraid, Fel Ocng. July.] MAR'JYROLOGY OF GORMAN. . 141 20. E. Holy Joseph (Barsabas) of the lot-casting,^ Vulmarus, noble Sabina.t* Virgin Margareta whom we reckon. Caramnan and Curbi'n.^ My Loca,- industrious, radiant : acute Faelchu and Failbe. ^ Curbin the Devout, in Hiii Fidgente in Munster. ^ of Sliab Bladma. 21. F. The prophet Daniel, a conspicuous man. Praxedis, the woman-saint is a flame ; Victor also in the fair fold : austere bishops from Tamnach.^ Beside them strict virginal Curcan, noble Lugan^ and Sillan.^ ^ i.e. Tamnach Buada. ^ a priest. ^ of Dun M6r in Hiii Briuin Cualann. 22. G. Mary Magdalen, Plato,^ noble-watchful Syntyches. My Bi'u,^ very vigilant Meneleus : lively Ossein, thy Boetoc^ : Lugbe, Colman, Caemoc, my Recha,^ my Ronoc^ : comely Wandregisiius'* the wise, virginal, watchful abbot. ' abbot of In is Cumscraig. - of Cluain da Baet6c. ^ a boy- saint. * of Druim Samraid. ■'' See Acts i, 23, 26. Druimn. Kal. commemorates Joseph the Just on July 19. ^ sic FcL Oeug. and Drziiiun. Kal. But according to Mart. ho7n. Sabinus. " The martyr. '^ The ' Mandregisih' (gen. sg.) of Driiinm. Kal. is probably a misprint. 142 F^LIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Iulius. 73 unach/ Fethchu, Fuillen[n],2 •^^la Sinclitic sirfois, and AppoUinaris, Caencomrac^ is Cronsech, Lassar galgat gledes, Banbnat asro-bagis. ^ Insi m6ire. ^ Atha ind eich. ^ epsir^/, 6 Inis Endoimh for Loch Ribh 24. b, Uictor cai'd, Cristina, Niceit, Aquil ermor,^ Satanal co sarmein, Declan,^ Cronan, Crodne, Blathmec,^ Lugbe'* langrib, ComgalP mac tenn Tadein, mo Beoc'^ abb amra, roba calma a chadreim.a ' .i. uasulmor. " Airde moire, eps^:^/ 7 confessoir. ' mac Flainn. * Droma b6. ^ 6 Cliiain Diamhair. ^ Termainn. 25. c. IAcob apstol inmain, Cucufait diar coimdlii'n, la Cristofoir^^ comlan, Finnbharr/ Ninnio,^ Nessan/'' da Fiacra* na findmoir, Coelan, Critan, Colman/ mo Siloc" ard oeblech, ludoich tocdhlech tonnban, ' saccrt!/t. ^ sen. ^ deochain 6 Mhungairit. * Fiachra Gael Cliiana Cactni indara n-ai. ^ iia Litain, docl///>. ^ dalta Moling Luachra. MS. chadreim. ^ MS. cristofair. JnLY.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 143 23. A. Runach/ Fethchu, Fuillen,^ with Synclet^ca of lasting know- ledge, there (is) Apollinaris, Cainchomrac'^ and Cronsech. Lassar a bright comely champion. Banbnat whom thou hast pro- claimed. 1 of Inis M6r, - of Ath ind Eich (' Horseford '), ^ a bishop, from Inis En-daim on Loch Rib. 24. B. Holy Victor, Christina, Niceta and high-great^ Aquilina. Satanal with a mighty mind. ^Declan,^ Cronan, Crodne, Blathmac,'^ full-swift Lugbe,'* Comgall,^ Taden's austere son. My Beoc,*' a wonderful abbot, brave was his holy career. ^ i.e. noble, great. "• of Ard m6r, bishop and confessor, son of Flann. * of Druim b6. ^ from Cliiain Diamair. of Termonn. 25. C. James, a beloved apostle. Cucuphas to protect us, with com- plete Christophorus. Findbarr,^ Ninnio,'^ Nessan" : two Fiachras* the white-great ones : Coelan, Critan, ^Colman^ : my Siloc'' lofty, sparkling. Judocus, radiant, fair-skinned. ^ a priest. "- the Old. ^ a deacon : from Mungairit. * one of the twain was Fiachra the Slender of Cluain Cachtne. ° descendant of Litan, a doctor. ^ a pupil of Moling of Luachair. ' Declain (gen. sg.), Dnimm. Kal. ^ mo-Colmoc, Driimm. Kal. 144 FELIKE HUI GORMAIN. 26. d. Tarmchruthad Crist, caenscel, Eraist, lacint ale, Tomman,^ Emil oga, Teodoil, louian, Olimp, Simproin seng ron-soera, Furudran^ oremm gnoda. [lui.ius. - Mungairti. &^%cop. 27. e. Maximian is Malchus, Dionis nar' doebil, Marcian, loain eolaig,^ Constantin soer, Seraip, Luit- nal-lemaind, ^Diraid,^ Lassar,'* Brenainn,^ Beogain," Guarianb ^iu de roigneib cosin coibleid ceolaigh. ^ eolcha fat. =* epsr<^/ Ferna. Maighe Bile. "^ 6gh, 6 Tigh Luta i Fothartaibh m6ra. Thiprat Rois rain. ^ Fobhair. ^ ab 28. f. Pantaleo nach laimthi. Peregrin sruith, Samson^ Dolo m^ir,d dind flatha, Liuican ard, Usseoit,^ ComgalP cind in locha,^ Furadran rind ratha, Nazarius*^ fer fuillidh, Celsus cuinnid catha. 1 6 Druim Uisseoit. ^ Gobhla Liuin in Dartraighe Choninsi. in jnarg. .i. Eirne, oir as a ccenn Locha Eirne ata. ^ Uirad. Drumm. Kal. "^ Guari, Drumm. Kal. " In the MS. this line is the first of the stanza, and Pantaleo^ etc., the second. '' MS. dolomair. " MS. nazaiini. July.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 145 26. D. Christ's Transfiguration — a beautiful tale, Erastus, Hyacin- thus whom thou beseechest : Tomman/ Aemilius, virgfins : Theo- dolus, Jovianus, Olympius : may slender Sempronius free us ! Furudran- a famous gem. of Mungairit. ' a bishop. 27. E. Maximinianus, and Malchus. Dionysius, who was not evil- mouthed. Marcianus (and) Joannes^ — wise ones ; noble Con- stantinus, Serapion. Luit^ whom I would not dare : Diraid;' Lassar/ Brenainn,'' Beogain*^: with them Guarian of the great births, unto the melodious banquet. ^ wise were they, ' a virgin : from Tech Luta in Great Fotharta. ^ bishop of Ferns. ^ of Tipra Rois rain. * of Fobar. "^ abbot of Mag Bile. 28. F. Pantaleo, who was not dared, venerable Peregrinus, Samson of great Dol,a a height of (heaven's) kingdom : lofty Liuican. Usseoit,^ Comgair- of the lake's head.^ Furudran, a star of grace. Nazarius, a man of increase, (and) Celsus, a champion of battle. ^ from Druim Usseoit. ^ of Gobul Li'uin in Dartraige Coninse. i.e. Erne, for 'tis at the head of Loch Erne he is. The monastery of Dol in Brittany, where Bishop Samson died. GORMAN. 145 FALIRE hOI GORMAIN. [Iulius. 29. g. Octauus mor Maire, papa Felic fi'raeb, Faustin, Simplic soerfal,^ Beatrix 6^, o[l]laib, lustan,^ Bite^ buanog, Comman,* Commein/ Coelan, Lupus noemda a nemed, ni felfer nos-foeinab. * .i. daingen. - Lene.* ^ Inse Cumscra^^h, * mrtc Finnba[i]rr. ^ mac Airdi. ® Inse Celtra. 30. a. A bdon soerda, Sennes,t> -^"^triur d'occaib ra n-imradh, la Sechnasach^ sengbhan, Maeltuile- saer, Saran, Febhrithe druing degmoir, Cobair'' vaaz GmW}^ German.'* ^ Cind locha. '^ mac Nochaire, 6 Di'sert Maoile Tuile. •' in marg. ?nan. rec. Cobair forte Auxilius. * in marg. German. Orma Germanus.° G 31. b. erman epscop airdirc, 'aiti Patraic primfir, meic Nadfraeich bat failid, Fallamoin^ friu, Papan, 1(a) Colman^ ciuin cimer i ncleiriud luil alid, larnoc^ noem is Nattal,* cid athdal sind arimh, sluag luil uain fri forlonn, cruaid in rodrong radhidh. ^ epsr^/. ' Colman esp^^, mac Dairine .i. mac Aengh?/j'a m^/c N;idfra6ich. in marg. man. rec. FoUamonuss, Papanus, Colmanus, \(i.xwQCus et Natalis sunt filij Aengusij regis filij Natfraichi. ^ uithir/' * 6 Chill na manach. ' Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly, adds manach 'a monk.' '' sennen, Druinm. Kal. " Cobarchair Gulbain (gen. sg.) Guirt mac h. Gairb . . . German mac Guill, Mart. Taml. ed. Kelly. "^ ailithir ' pilgrim,' ibid. July.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 147 29. G. The great Octave of Mary (Magdalen) : pope Felix, truly- beautiful : Faustinus, Simplicius, a noble fence.^ Virginal, very lovely Beatrix. lustan,^ Bite,^ a good virgin. Comman,* Commein,^ Coelan.*^ Lupus, sacred is his sanctuary, no traitor, I will accept him. ^ i.e. a fortress. ' of Lena. ^ Inis Cumscraig. * son of Findbarr. ^ son of Arde. ^ of Inis Celtra. 30. A. Noble Abdon (and) Sennes, with slender-fair Sechnasach^ — a trio of warriors, meditate upon them. Noble Mael-tuile- (and) Saran. Febrithe of the good great troop. Cobair son of Goll, German.^ of Cenn locha. ' son of Nochaire, from Di'sert Maile Tuile. 31. B. Germanus, a famous bishop, tutor of Patrick the excellent man : let Nadfraech's sons be joyful. Fallamain^ to them, Papan, with gentle, radiant t>Colman," at July's end beseech them : holy larnoc^ and Natal,^ though it is a second group in the numbering. July's host from us against oppression : hardy the great band, mention it. ^ a bishop. ' Colman a bishop, son of Dairme,<= i.e. son of Oengus son of Nadfraech. Follamon, Papan, Colman, Iern6c and Natal are sons of King Oengus son of Natfraech. ^ the sickly. * from Cell na Manach. ^ Perhaps we should read : Cobair maic Guill, German, and render thus : 'the aid of Coil's son German': see Mart. Taml. cited p. 146, note c. ^ Colmain (gen. sg ), Drumm. KaL " Dardne Fel. Ocng. L 2 F^LIRE IlOl GORMAIN. [Augustus. AUGUSTUS. I. c. FOR "kaXaind eim Auguist,. Felice, Euseib inmhain, Petar fo chacht cuibrig, Mica,^ Subach,^ Saran,^ mo Rioc* for rindnem, Beccmarcach' co mbuidnib, tri meic Lussein" lana, meic mo Chaba cuimhnig, Lachtein, Nathi'' togaimm ri toeb Coluimm** cuibdig, Aruin,^ Sac[h]ell sirghlan diar ndidnad i nduilgib. ^ Ernaidhe. * Corainn. ^ ab Benncair. * eps^^ Insi m^/c Ualaing.^ in marg. man. rec. Riocus. * ua Beice i Maighne. * .i. Liber, Failbhe, 7 Oilbhe, tri vaeio. Lussen Innsi M6ire. ' epsa/p Ciiile Fuitherbe. * mac Riangail,'' espucc. * ep^cop Ch/ana. Caoin. ' mac Laisre. 2. d. 'Vefan papa primda, ■^Teothota and airim, cousL macaib moraib, Atheluald leir, Lonan,^ Fechein,- Comgan^ caemfer, ri taeb Cobran'* coraig. ^ sacart. ^ cele De. Cluana Cuallachta. F; 3. e. 'agbail taise Zefain'= is Gamaliel glemoir, la hAbibon ogan, is Nicodeim noemda, Feidlimid^ ard, Acdan,^ mo Chua,^ Trea^ toban, lith ingen fial Fachtna^ o nglanta cech goddl, Darbiled riam ronar, nos-molab, nos-morab ' Chille Moire.'' - Cluana Cairbre. ^ .1. crocan.^ * 6gh inghen Chairthinn 6 Ard Trea. * .i. lith inghen Fachtna 6 Ernaidhe. ■' Lugein. Mori. Tajiil. (LL. 361'''). ^ Riaguil, ibid. ^ Invcntio corporis Zephani, Ibid. '^ Limmid Cilli mair[c], ibid. *" crochain, ibid. August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 149 AUGUST. I. C. On August's active calends, Felix, beloved Eusebius. Peter (the apostle) under a chain's confinement.^ Mica,^ Subach,^ Saran.^ My Rioc* on starry heaven. Becc-marcach" with troops : three abounding sons of Lussen'^ : the sons of my Caba the mindful. Lachtein, Nathi'' whom I choose, beside har- monious Colomb,*^ Aruin,^ ever-pure Sachell to console us in difficulties. ^ of Ernaide. - of Corann. ' abbot of Bennchor. * bishop of Inis meic Ualaing. '" grandson of Becce, in Maigne. ^ to wit, Liber, Failbe and Oilbe, three sons of Lussen, of Inis M6r. "^ bishop of Ciiil Fuitherbe. * son of Riangal, a bishop. ^ bishop of Cluain Cain. 2. D. Stephanus a leading pope,Theodota there whom I reckon, with her (three) great sons : pious Ethelwold, Lonan,^ Fechein,- the dear man Comgan,^ beside melodious Cobran.* ' son of Laisre. ^ a priest. ' a Culdee. * of Cluain Cuallachta. 3.E. The finding of the relics of Stephen^ and of bright-great Gamaliel, with virginal splendid Abibon and hallowed Nicodemus. Lofty Fedlimid,^ Aedan,^ my Cua,^ Trea^ silent and fair. The festival of Fachtna's modest daughters^ by whom every false assembly was purified. Darbiled, ever very bashful, I will praise her, I will magnify her. 1 of Cell M6r. ^ of Cluain Cairbri. ' i.e. Pitcher. * a virgin, daughter of Caerthenn, from Ard Trea. * i.e. the festival of the daughters of Fachtna, from Ernaide. ^ The allusion is to S. Peter ad vincula. Ad uincula sci. Petri, Leofr. Kal. *" Inuentio corporis Stephani mart., Leofr. Kal. ISO FALIRE HCI GORMAIN. [Algustus. 4 f- A rlstarcus tenn-Poil, -^^mo Lua^ nach lamar, T^;lulin 'na thuirid, Florian buidhnech, Bachel, Midnat^ nemtar neimid, ocus Berchanb builid. - abb 6 Cluain Ferta mo Lua ocus 6 Sliabh Bladhma ocus 6 Druim Snechta i Fernmaisfh. 1\ /Temmin, Herent, Osuald,^ IVl Plori'an, Affra imnar, Cassian tuir co tennbrig, Colman^ leo, mo Liba,^ ^Ratnat,-'^ Fethi in finnmoir, Dunsech,'* Echi/ Ernin,^ Gormgal minn nos-molab do domhan 'ga degrigh/ ^ m«c Baoith, 6 D?'uim Uaithe. " in viarg. Mo Lioba 6 Ghort Cirb. ^ Cille Rait. * 6gh for Loch Ciian in Ultoibh. ^ i7i marg. Echi Cille Glaissi. * in marg. F>rnin Cluana Railgech. ' /// marg. man. rec. Sacramentum quod praedico coram mundo suoque optimoRege. 0. a. IN papa soer Sixtus la Felic na firbret[h], Agapib^i" aebdrech, Pastor, lustus, Enair, mo Chua^ breo baghach, 6 Cluain Dolcan daenech, nom-berat leo is Lugid^ o cuirib na claenbreth. ^ Cl//rt;;/a Dolcain, Cronan ainm ele d6. ^ Cluana Fobhair. ■' cilli Lucinni, Mart. Taml. ^ Cluana Sasta, ibid. '^ Osuualdi regis ibid. *• Is this Rathnat Cilli Rat/maili, ibid, at 9th Aug. ? August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 151 4. F. Strong Paul's Aristarchus,^ my Lua^ whom I would not dare. Tertullinus as a tower : troopful Florianus, Bachel (.'), Midnat unevil, heavenly, and blooming Berchan. ^ an abbot, from Cluain Ferta mo Lua, and from Sliab Bladma, and from Druim Snechta in Fernmag.*^ 5. G. Memmius, Herentius, Oswald,'^ Florianus, exceeding modest Afra, Cassianus a tower with strong virtue, Colman^ with them, my Liba,^ Ratnat'^ and Fethe the fair-great ones : Dunsech,* Eche,' Erni'n,*' Gormgal (who is) with her good King, a sacred thine I shall declare her to the world. ^ son of Baeth, from Druim Uaithe. ^ my Liba from Gort Cirb. ^ of Cell Rait. ^ a virgin, on Loch Cuan in Ulster. ^ Eche of Cell Glas. * Ernin of Cluain Railgech. 6. A. The noble pope Sixtus,^ with Felix of the true judgments, Agapitus fair of face, Pastor, Justus, Januarius : my Cua^ victorious flame ! from populous Cluain Dolcain : may they and Lugaid^ bear me from the hosts of the wrongful judgments ! ^ of Cluain Dolcain. Cronan was another name of him. ^ of Cluain Fobair. " See Acts xix. 29, xx. 4, xxvii. 2, Col. iv. 10, Philem. 24. ^ He is called moLua mac Ocha ' son of Armpit ' in the Fclire of Oengus. " ardri Saxon soerdai ' overking of the noble Saxons,' Fel. Oeng. Osvaldi regis Anglorum, Drumm. Kal. " Sistan, Fel. Oeng. sci. syxti, Leofr. Kal. 152 F£LIRE hOI GORMAIN. [Augustus. 7.b. T)etar, lulian, Auseint, -'- Faustin, Donait dagfial, mo Loca^ dia lenab, ' Temnan,- Cilli'n, Cronan,'^ Hilarin gemm glanog, Aedan*seng, is Senan. ' 6 Thul^/^h hOIaind. ^ Linne Uachaille.* ' Maighe Bile, ^ mrtc Mellain. T argus caid is Ciriac, ■*-^Maragdus nar rognim, CO fic[h]it, ni forlan, ar thenna sunn Seueir. Beoan^ fertach fTintar,^ Dari," Curccach,^ Colman,* do din inc truaig truaighsi na sluaighsi co sogradh. ^ eps^m//j-e flaith primda, cruimthir Nathi^ tcndmor, fri firagh, fri faebra, cruimthir Rigan^ rigda, Roman dena roighnib i ndoidhngib ron-diuhna. Fedilmid tcnn tcrmonn 'sa degdrong fri digla. * 6 Achadh Chonaire i Luighne Chonnacht. " Linni Duachail, Mart. TaiiiL ^ MS. findar. ^ MS. an. '' Curchach C\ua/?n Lothur, Afarf. Taml. '^ MS. {r'wwus. ' Riagdin (gen. sg.), Mart. Taml. August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 153 7.B. Petrus, Julianus, Auxentius, Faustinus, good and modest Donatus, my Loca^ to whom I will cleave : Temnan,- Cilli'n, Cronan^ : Hilarinus, pure virginal gem, slender Aedan* and Senan. ' from Tulach Olaind. " of Linn Uachaille. ^ of Mag Bile. * son of Mellan. 8. C. Holy Largus and Cyriacus : modest Smaragdus, a great deed : with a score (of martyrs), not superfluous : for hardships here (is) Severus : let wonder-working Beoan^ be known. Dari,^ Curcach,'' Colman^ : these hosts with good love to protect this wretched wretch^ ! ^ a bishop : Nessan's son, from Fidchuilinn in Hiii FaeMin. "- a virgin. ^ a virgin, from Cluain Lothair. * a bishop, from Inis b6 finde('the Island of the White Cow'), in Connemara in the western part of Connaught. 9. D. The pious vigil of Laurentius, Marcellianus a golden diadem, with Firmus a leading prince : presbyter Nathi^ austere and great, against veritable battle, against sword-edges : royal presbyter Ri'gan. May Romanus of the great births console us in difficul- ties ! Fedilmid and his goodly troop, a strong sanctuary against vensfeances ! from Achad Conairi in the Luigni of Connaught. ^ i.e. the poet himself. Compare the end of the stanza for March 6, supra p. 48. 154 FELIRE HUl GORMAIN. [Augustus. 10. e. T aureint mor a mart[r]a : -*-^de miledaib molaid sesca ar cet^ na ceilid, Blaan^ buadach Bretan, la Cummin^ rorogfir 6 Dhruim B6 at-beirid. ^ epsif^/, 6 Chinn Gharadh i nGall-ghaoidhealaibh. Dub Blaan a pnomhchathair. ^ abb, 6 Druim B6 in Ultoibh. G^ II. f. augeric tend, Tibuirt, Taurin todil tuiridh, hErennan^ nar n-anaig, Banbnat,^ Indect,^ Athracht/ lith ingen s6er Senaigj^ la Liadain nach lamair, Mianach glac co ngile, Mi^cc cride^ diar cobair, banclann Dutu is Donnan,^ fri forran, fri fagail, n^emainm soer Susanna ra taeb Talla** tabair, ard6g Innse Daigre fri gairbe cech galair. ^ 6 Tigh Erennai'n i Midhe, ocus ab Tamhlachla iar Maolruain. ^ ogh. ^ 6gh. * 6gh, vighen T'lgernaigh 6 Chill Saile i cCn'ch CofiuWi. * .i. mac craidhe Mochta Lugmaidh^ ar ba dalta dil d6 e. Aon^us a cedainm. ^ 6gh, 6 Inis Daighre. 12. g. Hilair, Affra, Euplus, abb la maith morfinn Scighin/ flait[h] na forend, ^Muiredach^ leo, Lasren,^ dias nach lac^ nos-luaidhemm, e^scop is abb ogseng. ^ mac Fachtna, abb la Chol///w chi/Ic. ' f^^cop Cille liAladh. ' .i. Laisren mac Decclain 6 Inis Muiredhrt-/^, Molaissi ainm aile dh6, 7 ab esidhe. ^ MS. cdd. '' MS. soer seanaig, but the dots seem cancelled^ and the a scetns inserted, hy a corrector. "^ Ingcna T)utu. Ingena Senaich. Ingcna Donnain, Mart. Tavil. ^ Murchad, ibid. '' MS. lag. August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 155 10. E. Laurcntius, great was his martyrdom. Of soldiers praise ye three score and an hundred, hide ye not. Victorious Blaan^ of Britain,fi with Cummin^ very choice and true, from Druim Bo, mention ye him. ^ a bishop, from Cenn Garad in Gallg6idil (Galloway), Dumblane was his chief monastery. ^ an abbot, from Druim B6 in Ulster. II. F. Austere Gaugericus, Tiburtius, pleasant Taurinus, seek ye. bErennan^ who protects us. Banbnat,^ Indecht,^ Athracht.^ The festival of Senach's noble daughters, with Liadain, whom thou shouldst not dare. Mianach, a hand with whiteness. Mac-cridi^ (' Heart's son ') to help us. Dutu's woman-children and Donnan, against oppression, against plundering. Put Susanna's noble holy name beside Talla," the high virgin of Inis Daigri, against the roughness of every disease. ^ from Tech Erennain in IMeath and abbot of Tallaght after Mael- Ruain. - a virgin. ^ a virgin. * a virgin, daughter of Tigernach, from Cell Saile in Cn'ch Conaill. ° i.e. Mochta of Louth's ' heart's son,' for he was a dear pupil of his. His first name was Oengus. ® a virgin, from Inis Daigri. 12. G. Hilaria, Afra, Euplus : Segi'n,i the good, great-fair abbot of lona, the prince of the goodly stars. Muredach" with them (and) Lasren,^ twain that were not slack, let us proclaim them, a bishop and a virginal meagre abbot. ^ son of Fachtna, abbot of Colomb cille's Hi. "- bishop of Cell Alad. =* Lasren, son of Declan, from Inis Muredaig. My Laisse was another name of his, and he was an abbot. ^ in Britannia confessoris Blaain, Driimni. Kal. ^ Airennan, Eireran, . . Aireran, Fcl. Ocng. Natale sancti confessoris Au'erain et sapientissimi, Drufiun. Kal. 15.6 fALIRE HUI GORMAIN. [Augustus. 13. a. Ypolit caid, Cassian, Radicuind noem nuaghel, mo Loca^ roli'mad, Dianland ban is Brigit,^ mo M[a]edoc mait[h] morfer, Lucan raith rorigad : for I'd^ sonna sardrem, occa armemm Imhar.* ^ mac Cairthinn. ^ Cluana hAi. ^ .i. I'dh ainm in laithe mis grene for a filet. * ua hAedaccain. 14. b. Uigilia mor Maire, Grigoir, Felic findfer, Euseib coir 'na commaid, meic Daigre la Dinil, Brocca[i]d bid 'na farrad, Fachtna^ r^ac min Mongaig, Eiclech,=^ Cummein, Caeman,^ ni caelfal in congaib. 1 epsr;?/', ocus abb Dairinsi Maolanfaidh i nUibh Ceinnsel^r/X'b. ^ in marg. Eichlech, Cuimmein et Caomhan tri meic Daighre. 7iia?i. rec. vel potius tri mic Ernin, de quorum duob//^ agit VL\t\\o\ogiu)n gen^a- logicum c. i. et 3° Eclodio vita s. Col///;/^(?6' et alij. 15. c. Etsecht Maire moire, mathair Isu, ind^* fi'rogh, CO deimhin fris ndalab Tarsicc, Cornil, Colman, fecci limm in lanfial, Fer da crich^ seng,^ Saran. ^ .i. epsr^/ Mrt-c Cairthinn 6 Clochar, 7 Fer da chrioch ainm ele d6 an tan rob abb Dairinnsi 6 thiis he. » MS. ciclec. Aicclig (gen. sg.), Mart. Taml ^ MS. an. ^ MS. sencc. August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 157 13- A. Chaste Hippolytus, Cassianus, holy, fresh-fair Radegunda : my Loca/ who was poHshed : fair Dianland and Brigit- : my Maedoc, a good great man ; gracious Lucan, who was crowned : a great throng here on the ides'^ (of August), with them let us reckon Imar.'* ' son of Cairthenn. ^ of Cluain Ai. ^ i.e. ides is the name of the day of the solar month on which they are (commemorated). * descendant of Aedacan. 14. B. The great vigil of Mary : Gregorius, Felix, a blessed man. Just Eusebius in their fellowship, Daigre's sons with Dinil. Let Broccad be in their company. Fachtna,^ Mongach's gentle son. Eclech, Cummein, Coeman,^ — no thin fence is the collection. ^ a bishop and abbot of Mael-Anfaid's Dairinis in Hiii Cennselaig. ''' Echlech, Cummein and Coeman, Daigre's three sons. Or rather Ernin's three sons, two of whom are treated of in the Me?iologiutn Genea- logiciDH, chap, i, and the third, Eclodius,'^ in the Life of Columba and elsewhere. 15. C. The death of great Mary, Jesu's Mother, the true Virgin,'^ whom surely I shall meet : Tharsicius, Cornelius, Colman. Look thou with me at the right modest one, ^Fer da chrich,d the meagre : Saran. ^ i.e. bishop Mac Cairthinn from Clochar, and Fer da Chri'ch (' man of two districts ') was another name of his, when at first he was abbot of Dairinis. ^ Vigilia Assumptionis sancte Marie, Drumm. Kal. ^ Apparently the 'Eoglodius siue Eochodius Discipuh*!^- S. Columbae in ScotzV?,' of Colgan, Acta Sancioriun Hibernia:, p. 860, col. 1. " Assumptio sancte Dcigenitri- cis Marie ad angelos, Driimm. Kal. Commemorated by Oengus at 16 Aug., by Mart. Taml. at 14 Aug. "^ Fir da chrich (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. He is commemorated as Mac Cairthinn at March 24, supra p. 60. iS8 F&LIRE H&I GORMAIN. [Augustus. 1 6. d. A rion,^ Emil, Agnit, -^^■Ursaicc lem is Lugan, la Musa nos-molab, Tirsus, Arnulf, Eulail, tiDeda^ as daig dom erail, Serena caid, Conan. ' eps^^/. 17. e. Octauus Ian Laureint, abb Liberait lommleir, Ma[m]mes, T;'ansil,c Temnan,^ F^rtheith, Becan, Beccan, Senan, Tocha"^ tennmor, Maxim, lohan,^ Ernan, Two thousand from fearful slaughter, and two (leg. five ?) hundred and ninety for holy heaven. May their troop come to meet me, so that not a single spear may reach me ! * bishop of Lugmad. '^ of Druim Raithe in the western part of Meath. 20. A, May Samuel the prophet be on my side ! Lassar^ (also) : Leovigild whom thou darest not. Christophorus of the woful (?) battle : my Tre[n]6c- the chaste and Concann,"' a pair that with justice are loved : Philibertus, who watches over you. ' a virgin, from Cell Arcalgach on the brink of Loch Lebenn. ^ son of Oengus : from Ruacach. ^ that is, Coinchenn, from Coelachad. 21. B. Lively Anastasius, Bonosus, bishop Privatus the leading one, with wondrous Maximian : comely Mogin, Senach.- Uncan, the weighty treasure : gentle Masse^ and Coelba.^ ^ a bishop, from Cluain Fota Fine in Fir Tulach." i.e. Cluain Fota Libren, and he was a successor of Finden. ^ a virgin. ^ Coelba from Cell Coelbad on the north of Cenannus. ^ Enan Dromma raithe, Fel. Ocng. Rawl. B. 505. '' He should have been commemorated on 20lh August. *= In Fel. Oeng. Aug. 21, he is said to be of Clonard {Cluana Iraird). GORMAN. M 1 62 F^LIRE HUT GORMAlN. [Augustus. 22. C. Octauus mor Maire, Timoith noemtuir nemhfand, Simphorian coa saigimm, Cuimmein, Sedrach, Sinche,^ Beogna^ frissa mbenaim, Bernard leir nach laimimm,^ dia mathaib meic Daigre na fairne fo failim[m]. ^ inghen Annadha, 6 Chuil Bhenncair. ^ abb B^;mcair iar •"Comhgall. 23. d. A rd Appollinaris, -^^-Theoin, Timoith toebgel, Zacheus co caenblaid, Donait, Claudius, Ciriac, ^^scop ^Eogain^ armid, sect n-epscoip in Aelmaigh- : etrond 's cech n-olc uile inc cuire rob caemfraig. o Aid Sratha. " .i. in Domhnach Mor [Aelmaige]. 24. e. Apstol caid in Coimdedh Bartholom fris mbenaimm, Patrici?/i'^ tend togaim[m], Seghen fos is Faelan, Abban, Gildard guidim, tri cetd martir mo]aim[m], Audoe[n] druin dathglan, e^scop rat[h]mar Rodaimm. ^ .i. Seanphatraicc 6 Res Deala i Moigh Lacha. vt viarg. Ocus 6 Ghlaiss^ na nGaoidheal. Cathair isidhe i ndeisctrrt Sax^;/ i n-aittreabh- daoi's Gaoidhil iar ndul di'a n-oilithre, ocus atat a thaisi i W'\Q\ad\\ Senpafaic in Ardmacha. " MS. lamaimm '' sancti confessoris et episcopi Cogani (leg. Eogani), Mart. Chr. Ch. ''MS. an. '^ MS. ccd. *= leg. Glaistingibeira, as in tlie note to Jrel. Ocng. Aug. 24. August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 22. C. 163 The great octave of Maiy,^ Timotheusb an unvveak holy tower. Symphorianus to whom I go. Cummein, Sedrach, Sinche/ Beogna^ to whom I pray, pious Bernard whom I dare not. Daigre's sons (are) of the chiefs of the group under which I am. ^ Annaid's daughter, from Ciiil Bennchoir. chor after Comgall. ^ abbot of Benn- 23. D. High Apolh'naris, Theonas, white-sided Timotheus, Zac- chaeus with fair fame, Donatus, Claudius, Cyriacus, bishop Eogan^ count ye, seven bishops in Aelmag.^ Between us and every evil may the whole troop be a lovable rampart ! of Ard Sratha. in Domnach Mor Aelmaige. 24. E. The Lord's chaste apostle, Bartholomew to whom I pray : austere Patricius^ whom I choose, Segen also and Faelan. Abban, Gildardus whom I entreat : three hundred martyrs whom I praise. Audoen, shrewd, pure-coloured ; gracious bishop Rodaimm. * .i, Old-Patrick from Ross Dela in Mag Lacha. And from Glas- tonbury of the Gaels : this is a city in the south of England wherein Gaels who had gone on their pilgrimage used to dwell. And his relics are in Old-Patrick's tomb in Arma2:h.<= ' i.e. the octave of the Assumption of the l^lessed Virgin. , '^ He is called Paul's fosterling {daltai Poil) in Fel. Ocng. Aug. 22. " In Britannia natale sancti Patricii episcopi et contessoris, Drumin. Kal. Oengus calls him sen-Phatraic . . cocm-aite ar sratha " Old-Patrick, the dear tutor of our elder," i.e. S. Patrick, sci. Patricii senioris, Lcofr. Kal. M 2 i64 F^LIRE HOI GORMAIN. [Augustus. 25. f. Peregrin is Pontlan, Uinceint, Euseib olloeb, la Micen,^ ni mindal, da Genis im Geront, Ruffina fein findog, Broccan^ seim, is Sillan.^ 1 6 Chill Michen i nAth cliath, ^ lomdhain.* ^ epsr^/ 7 abb Maighe Bile. 26. g. Zeferin soer slonnemm, Anastasius ogda, na da papa primda, Secuind, hiren, hAbuind, Comgall,^ Areid^ aebda, Bassus, Bassill brigda, Foelan*' flait[h] nach fannfer bid dangen fri dighla. lia Sarain. ' sac^rt. ' Cliiana M6escna. 27. a. Marcillin raith, Ruffus^ Siagrius dian soraid, Uasaille^ nar n-anaig, Serapion fial, Felic, YqX.xus CO mbaig mbunaid,^ Ceprius caid diar cobair.d eps^^/ Corbmac mac ua Baird.^ =* Img-ain, Mart. Taml. . ^ Ruffi (gen. sg.) Fd. Oeng. (Rawl. B.), Rufin, Rupliin in other copies. Baeda commemorates at this day both ' Rufinus and ' Ruphus.' <= leg. bunaid. ^ leg. cabair? ^ Usailh mcic hiii in Baird, Afart Taml. August.] MAKTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 165 25. F. Peregrinus and Pontianus, Vincentius, all-beautiful Eusebius, with Michen/ no small assembly. Thy Genesius with Gerontius. Rufina herself a fair virgin ; slender Broccan,- and Sillan." ' from Cell Michen in Ath cliath (Dublin). ^ of Imdan (Imgan).? ^ a bishop, and abbot of Mag Bile. 26. G. Let us name noble Zephyrinus and virginal Anastasius, the two principal popes. Secundus, Irenaeus, Abundius, Comgall/ beautiful Aredius,^ Bassus, vigorous Basilius, Faelan,^ a prince who was no weakling, will be a stronghold against vengeances. Saran's descendant. ^ a priest. ' of CluainMdescna. 27. A. Gracious Marcellinus, Rufus : vehement, happy Syagrius. Uasaille^ who protects us : modest Serapion, Felix. Petrus with an original blessing, t> chaste Cyprius (?) to help us. ' a bishop : Cormac great-grandson of Bard. ^ See above, at Jan. 9. '^ literally, word. i66 F Alike HUI GORMAIN. [Augustus. 28. b. Aug^j-tin ind eccna, QT^scop uasal amra, Hermes uan fri demhna, Alaxander, lulian, Uiuiaii in raith rogda, Fedilmidh^ flaith ferda. ^ .i. Feidhlim/^h mac Criomht[h]ain ri M.wma}i. 29. c, "T^ichennad Eoin esbach,^ -'^Sabinat' dian soraid, Medericc mind senod, noe cet, Adeilph, Unniucc,^ dom breth co sid sogar is dom din ar Demon. ^ 6 Tuighneta. 30. d. 'elic, Adaucht, Agil, Gaudentia dinon, diar cobair ar cruadhag, Fer da crich is Cronan,^ la Fiachraich^ flait[h] firian, I.oarn^ maith is Muadan.* ^ Cluana Andobair."^ - di'threabhach, 7 ro bheanda/'j.'-h f6s isin Frainc. ^ sacctrrt, 6 Achadh m6r, ^ e^^cop, 6 Aireccal Miiadain. F; I 31. e. forba og Auguist Paulin, Optait amra, Arist, t^Aedan' ergna, dcochain Aed- ind ardgreit, Seisein;' Cillein'* cundla, muinUv Findein ferda, corom-cosna a congaib' fri drongaib na ndemhna. eps^:^/, o Inis Cathaig. ■ 6 Chiiil Maine. ' Atha Omna. * espci^. •''' in mi's. ^ Passio lohannis Baptistae in Emisma [leg. Emissa] ciuitate Feniciae, Mart. Taml. ^ MS. asabin. "^ Andobor, ^[art. TamL ^ sancti Edani episcopi et confessoris, Mart. Chr. Ch. In Gktstonia sci, Aidani episc, Leofr. Kal. August.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 167 28. B. Augustinus the wise, a noble, marvellous bishop.^ Hermes from us against demons. Alexander, Julianus. Gracious Vivianus the chosen. Fedilmid,^ a manly prince. to wit, Fedilmid son of Crimthann, a king of Munster. 29. C. The vain Decollation of John (the Baptist). Sabina vehe- ment, happy. Medericus diadem of synods : nine hundreds, (of martyrs),t5 Adelphus (and) Unniuc^ to bear me to gainful peace and to guard me from the Devil ! ^ from Tuignetha. 30. D. Felix, Adauctus, Agilus, Gaudentia, that safeguard — to help us against hard battle. Fer da chrich and Cronan,^ with Fiachra," a righteous prince, good Loarn" and Muadan.* ^ of Cluain Andobair. ^ a hermit, and he also blessed (con- secrated ?) in France. ^ a priest, from Achad Mor. * a bishop, from Airecul Miiadain. 31. E. At August's perfect completion Paulinus, wonderful Optatus, AristideSjWise ^Aedan^: deacon Aed- the high champion. Seisein," prudent Cillein,* manly Finden's family, may the month's con- tents^ defend me from the troops of the demons ! ^ a bishop, from Inis Cathaig. ^ from Cuil Maine. '' of Atli Omna. ^ a bishop. ^ of the month. '' Oengus {Fel. Ravvl. B. 505) calls him in t-airdirc a hAffraicc, 'the con- spicuous one out of Africa.' ^ Sic Baeda : et aliorum nongentorum martyrum qui eodem die passi sunt. OenguSj too, has : la noi cet co n-huagi -wiik 900 with virginity or perfection. "^ Aedan . . Inse Medcoit, Fe/. Ocng. Edain (gen. sg.), Driimm. Kal. i6S F^LIRE HOI GORMAIN. [September. SEPTEMBER. I. f. FOR Septimber VaXaind mac Nun lesu ollan is Gedion na ngellamh, Priscus, Egid, Anna, meic Cammene., Cummein,^ Lupp/^j'- leo la Scellan, Sixtwj-, Neman nemdrech, Uictor taidlech tennal. ' mac Ciianach. ^ lobhar 6 Ardmacha. 2. g. Anton, Justus, Elpid, Teothota suir^ soreid, Sinuna druin degfal. Mane, Genten^ guidimm, Colum^ nar faem anuain, Enan* saer is Senan.^ ' erasa. ' sacrt'rt 6 Thir Guaire. ' nitre Blaan. ua Mago. ^ Laithrigh Briuin i n-Uibh Faelain. 3. a. Febe sund, Sarabia, Antonin 6g inmain, Aruist, Colman^ cuimnig, epscop mor Mac nissi,^ Lon-garad^ caid comgel, feil Balloin^ bhain iDuidhnigh. ' Cluana FVrta Mughaine i nUibh Failghe. ^ esp(9r Condoire. Aanghas a cedainm, Caeman Brec ainm ele d6. ^ 6 Sliabh Maircce no 6 Maigh Tuathat. * Tighe Saxon. September.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 169 SEPTEMBER. I.E. On September's calends the great, ample Joshua son of Nun, and Gideon of the white hands. Priscus, Aegidius, Anna (the Prophetess), the sons of Cammene, Cummein.^ Lupus^ with them, and Scellan. Sixtus, bright-faced Neman, Victor, a splendid firebrand. ^ son of Cuana. ^ a leper, from Armagh. 2. G. Antoninus, Justus, Elpidius, easy, smooth Theodota,^ shrewd Sinuna (?) a good fence, Mane, Genten^ whom I beseech. Colomb'^ who accepted no great leisure (?), noble Enan'' and Senan.^ 1 easy. ^ a priest, from Ti'r Guairi. * son of Blaan. * great-grandson of Mago. * of Laithrech Briuin in Hiii Faelain. 3. A. Phoebe here, Serapia, Antoninus virginal and dear. Aristeus, remember Colman,^ the great bishop a-Mac-Nissi.^ tjLon-garad'"' chaste and white. The feast of Ballon^ fair and troopful. ^ of Cluain Ferta Mugaine in Hiii Failge. ^ bishop of Connor : Oengus was his first name : Coeman Brecc was another name of his. ^ from Sliab Mairge or from Mag Tuathat. * of Tech Saxon. * commemorated in Mart. Chr. Ch. on Sep. 2. ^ In Drumm. Kal. Luin (gen. sg.) seems to denote Lon-garad. I70 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [September. 4.b. "n\' Augustin octauus, -L^Sarbile,^ Nes^ nemgand, Failbe, Ultair'* ollbarr, Moisi mor, Marcellz/i', Fiachraigh, Aedhan amhlond, Senan, Cuimmein,* Comhgall,^ translait Birin, Buichbirt is Cuitbirt sin comrand. ^ 6 Fochaird \y[.Mxthenmi\. ~ Ernaidhe. ^ 6 Ard Brecain. ■* abb Droma Snechta. ^ .i. m^c Y.chdach, 6 Boith Conais. 5- c. B^rtinus^ abb uasal, Uictorin soer sruithcenn, Herculan diar n-aithnemm, deocain Indect^ eolach, Arcontius ciall comt[h]enn, Dub-scuili fial, Faithlenn,t> Briccin- toebgel Tuamma, rind uadha cach'^ n-aiffrenn. ^ man. rec. 6 Kc\\ad B6 a n-Osm/^he. ^ 6 Thuaim Drecain i mBrefne Chonnacht. 6. d. Zachair faith leir, Letus, "^mrtc Cuilinn^ soer soccrach, Donatian co ndrcchrath, Seethe^ caid is Colum,'* do Chunne slat soichlech, Colman m6r m^c Echdach, naeimh Roiss moir \x\az n-Aedha, in drong soerdha srcthach, nert inghen mait[h] Mechair fri cethaib, fri crcchbhrath. ' eps^fT^ T.usca, Cuindigh a cedainm. ' Sciath, ogh 6 Fiort Sceithe i Muscrc?/X''he Tri Maighe i Mumhain. ' in marg. Coluim Rois Glanda. Glan ainm tioprat b6i ann n'a bPatraicc, ocus Domhnach M6r JMaighe lomchlair a ainm ani'u, i tTi'r E6gossain. 9.G. The noble pope Sergius, shrewd Audomar, Dimman, Gor- gonius, Findbarr,^ Fialan,^ Mochta,^ Conall,* Cera, Fer da Chri'ch, beautiful, a true virgin. Dear Ciaran,^ the carpenter's son, strict Mael-Aithchein,^ Tecce, Der-erce, I will please her. Enach's holy virgin daughter against conflict, against vehement battle ! ' i.e. Brodna of Cell Cunga. ' Fialan the Miraculous. ' son of Dercan. * son of Oengus. ^ abbot of Clonmacnois. ® bishop of Mag Bile. = The Zenoti (gen. sg.) of the Drummond Kalendar suggests that we have here a corruption of Zenotheus {Zi]v66ios) or, possibly, Zenodotus (Zr^i/dSoTos-). But Syiiodius (SwoSto?) may be the original nanie. '^ Natiuitas Mariae matris lesu, Mart. TamL, et sic Leofr. KaL '^ Perhaps an allusion to a voluntary martyrdom, otherwise unknown. 174 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [September. lo. a. Tl^lair airdirc papa, -'--'Findian^ cride in crabaidh, Maic^he Bile buadaig", ^Senach,- Findbarr, Ferg//.?,^ Elbe,b Lucell langel docum nimhi nuaghlain, Odhran, Segin* soc[h]rach nar' tochrach fri truagaib. Atheluald ard athair, fri cathaib ro cruadaigh. ^ ^\)%cop Maighe Bile. - mac Buidi. ^ mh, ab Raithne. * in marg. Clothra 6g, \wgen ConaiW 6 Inis duine.. ^ abb Bennc[h]aii ir. 2. b. IN papa ard Euseib, la Leodagair luamda, Serenust' sruith soerdha, Eleuther leo Liadnan, Maeldub^ organ orda, Ere- is Odran^ aebda. ' Mael<= dubh Becc, ab Fobhair. " epsco/>. ^ Letrech. Dionis, da Euuald, la Candid?/^'^ caidfer, Felic friu nos fuagebh, Marcillian is Madailb/ Colman Lainni lanfer, Ternoc,^ Nuadu," nuagel, epscoip Cluana Caa* al-laa nos-luadeb. ^ epscop. • mac Raiti. ^ anchoiri. ^ secht n-epscoib' ChiansL Caa. "MS. Doithnenech. Daeilhnenach (misprinted Daethennach), Afari^ Don. Doithnennaig (geH. sg.), Mart. Taml. ''MS. Sereneus. " MS. maeb. ^ Candida, Fel. Oeng. October.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 189 OCTOBER. I. A. On the calends of October, pleasant Vedastus, Germanus, Remigius,''^ ample Fintan, slender Doithnenach/ Sinell,^ Fidarle^ a white-fair prince : Clothrann,^ Colomb/ Colman : Bavo, indulgent, b full-headed the great chief with good love. ^ Doithnenach of Fid Duin in Di'sert Cluastan. - priest, of Mag Bile, and bishop of Mag Bile afterwards. ^ descendant of Suanach, (and) abbot of Rathen. * Clothru, a virgin daughter of Conall, from Inis diiine. ® an abbot of Bennchor. 2. B. The high pope Eusebius, with piloting Leodegarius : Serenus venerable, ennobled : Eleutherius with them : Liadnan, Mael dub^ a golden instrument, Ere- and beautiful Odran,® ^ Mael dub the Little, abbot of Fobar. - a bishop. '^ of Lettir. 3- C. Dionysius (the Areopagite), two Ewalds^ with Candidus a chaste man, and Felix : to them I will knit Marcellianus and Madailb.^ Colman of Lann, a full man. Thy Ernoc," fresh-fair Nuadu." The bishops of Cluain Caa,* their day I will mention. ' a bishop. - son of Raite, ^ an anchorite. * seven bishops of Cluain Caa. ^ Sci. remedii et germani, Leofr. Kal. ^ Mart. Don. gives Loight[h]each as a saint. But he is not mentioned in Mart. Taml., and loigthcch, 'indulgent,' is only an epithet for Bauo : see below at Nov. 7. '^ Baeda's ' Niger Heuuald ' and ' Albus Heuuald,' Hist. EccL, lib. v., cap. x. igo FELIRE HOI GOKMAIN. [October. 4. d. Gaius, Crispz/i-, Colman,^ Marc?/j', Marcian moroig, fri rennaib is ri'gfal Aurea, Mars?/i-, Modgrind,^ muint^r mi'noc morfial, Senan,^ Finoc," Finan. * f^^cop. ' mac Caille. ^ vc\az Cu[a]cha. 5. e. Placitus ard, Euticc, Appoloin glan gudimm, Baethalacht' fris m[b]enaimm, Sinche/ Firmait, Flauian, Fortech fotha inill, Dub da lochac lenaimm. Sinech mghen Fergna 6 Chruachan Maighe Abhna. 6. f. Cast^^j, Emil, Enair, Di'uren, Aed eolach, Fidis, Baethin^ brighach, Fer da crich- sruit[h], Sagair, Luceir' subach sluagach, epscop '^Lugach'* ligach. ' mac Alia.'- 6 Doire na Fland i n-Eoghanacht Chaisil.*^ ^ .i. Colman ab Cliiana Caoin. * 6 Chiiil Bhennchair i Lurg for brii Locha Eirne, ociis 6 Raith Muighe tuaisczVt i cCiarnf/^'-he Luac//ra, ■' Modhgraidh, I\Iart. Don. Modgrinn, Mart. Taml. '' MS. la Baethalach. Baethellaig (gen. sg.), Mart. Taiiil. '^ Da locha. Duib, ibid. '' Luagach, Lugdach, F41. Ocng. " Fir da chiicli Daii i Eidnig, Mart Taml. October.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 191 4. D. Gaius, Crispus, Colman/ Marcus, Marcianus, great virgins r against spear-points a royal fence is Aurea, Marsus, Modgrinn. A young, gentle, exceeding modest family Senan,^ Fi'noc,''' and Fin an. ' a bishop. - son of Caille. ^ son of Cuacha. 5. E. High Placidus, Eutychius, pure Apollinaris whom I entreat, Baithalach to whom I pray. Sinche,^ Firmatus, Flaviana, Fortech,^ a safe foundation : Dub da locha whom I follow. ^ Si'nech, daughter of Fergna, from Cruachan Maige Abna. 6. F. Castus, Aemilius, Januarius, Diuren, wise Aed, Fides,^ vigorous Baethi'n,^ venerable Fer da chn'ch,^ Sagaris : happy, hostful LucelP : bishop Lugach^ (Lugaid .?) the bright-coloured. ' son of Alia. - from Daire na Flann in the Eoganacht of Cashel. ^ i.e. Colman abbot of Ckiain Cain. ^ from Cuil Bennchoir in Lurg on the brink of Loch Erne and from Rdith Maige Tuascirt in Ciarraige Luachra. " Forirthich (gen. sg.), Mart. Taml. ^ So Oengus. " (see. fidis uiig. mart.), Leofr. Kal. 192 F ELI RE HUI GORMAIN. [October. 7. cr T N papa mor Marc/zi', -■■ Bach?/i-, Apuil amgann, Marcell, lulia ollbharr, Sergius, Cart^j-, Concliat[h], la Faustin nach foilgem, Colman, Cellach/ Comgall,^ Osgidha 6^ findnar cen imrad ni fodhmam[m], fuillem Dubtac[h], Duibnech, Cu cuimnech 'sin comrann. ' deochain, 6 Ghlionn da locha i nUibh Mail. - abb, /// niarg. Comgilla Abb [leg. Comgilli abbatis] 7 Oct. M.T. [i.e. Martyrologiiun Tamlactense\. S'' «. a. 'I'meon smith saeglac[h] 'ro gab Isu ollan, ar gecaib a gellamh, Conamail is Ciaran,^ mo Critoc flaith findog, Faust/^i-,^ Ceolfrid, Cellan,^ B^n^dicta as mbaigt[h]er, ni traigt[h]er a tennal, Corcran clerech molai[m]m romainn fri each rennag. ' abb Ratha Muighe ocus Tighe mo Finna. ^ sac^rt. 9. b. A braham cend cretme, -^"^Dionis sruith si'rfial in chliat[h]sa ni craebhfal, hEleuther [ard], Rustic. Fintan/ Mi^c tail^ trenog, Dinertach- ail;'' Aedhan.* ' ab. - Cli/ana. Moir. ^ nairec[hl. * mac ui Chuirn. •' Faustinus, I^c'L Oeng. '' Mart. Don. takes Mac tail to be in apposition with Fioimtain. Hut Mart. Taml. treats the names as belonging to separate saints. October.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 193 7. G. The great pope Marcus, Bacchus, generous Apuleius, Marcellus, great-crowned Julia, Sergius, Cartus,=^ ConcHath,t> with Faustinus whom we conceal not, Colman, Cellach,^ Com- gall,^ Osgitha, the white, modest virgin, we do not suffer (her to be) without consideration. Let us add Dubthach, Duibnech (and) Cu-chuimnech in the same stanza. a deacon, from Glenn da Locha in Hui Mail. - an abbot. 8. A. Venerable, aged Simeon who received great ample Jesus on the branches of his white arms.c Conamail and Ciaran^ : my Critoc, a white virginal prince. Faustus,d Ceolfrid,^ Cellan.^ Benedicta who is proclaimed, her torch is not extinguished. Corcran the cleric v/hom I praise is before us against every spear-battle. ^ of Raith Maige and Tech mo Finna. - a priest. 9. B. Abraham head of belief. Dionysius, an ever modest elder ; this hurdle is no (mere) fence of branches : high Eleutherius and Rusticus. Fintan,^ strong virginal Mac tail. Di'nertach^ the bashful,'' (and) Aedan.^ ^ an abbot. ^ of Cluain M6r. ^ modest. * maccu Cuinn. ^ perhaps meant for Qaartus ; but the days of the martyrs so named are May 10, Aug. 6. ^ sic in Martyr. Don. But perhaps we should read cuncJiliafh., 'a noble hurdle,' and treat this as in apposition with Cartus. Compare Oct. 9. '' ipse accepit eum in ulnas suas, Luc. ii. 28. '' i.e. faustinus " Mr. Warren {Lcofr. Missal, p. 32) says that Ceolfrith's translation is commemorated on this day in Bodl. Jun. A. 991, an Anglo-Saxon M.S. GORMAN. O 194 FELIRE HVI GORMAIN. [October, U' lO. c. ictor, Paulin, Puni't, Fintin, Floreint, Gerion, Cassiz/i-, Loth^ dia lenab, abb Droma in fial Fintan.^ ni mindam nach molab,^ Salsa, Sillan," Senan.'' ' Droma hing i nUibh Segain. - acht mordamh molfat, ^ abb. * epsrr?/, II. d. 'T^ranslait cuirp in caemsuadh -*- Augustin, feil amra, ^Cainnech^ ardabb ergna, Ethelburga^ bithog, Fortchern,- Lomman' lomda, cruimther follan Fergna, mo Chaidbeo caidh cobair fri doraid na ndemna. ^ Achadh b6 a phn'mhcheall, ocus ata reccles aicce i cCill Righ- manadh i nAlbain. '" eps(r^^, deiscip;// Patraic, 7 6 Ath truim il- Laeghaire d6, ocus 6 Chill Ft'/'tceirn i n-Uibh DMna i Laighnibh. ^ in marg. Loman esp^*^, descip/^/oile do '?\\{\Xraic, 7 6 Ath Truim d6 beds. 12. e. "Dreccan, Becc, is Baithin, -L-'dFiachra/ Foelan fiala, Fiacc,^ Diarmaif don di'ni, Silnatan'* noem, Nanni,^ sectmogha ar chet saera cet is ceithre mi'li. mo Bi," Aedan ogthenn, Uu[i]lfrid'^ morchenn mini, ^ 6 aoinchill 7 Fiacc. - epsr^/ Slebhte i Laighnibh. ^ epsi'r^/. * mac Cmimet. ^ Nainnidh Innsi Cais. " Clarenech, 6 Ghlais-naoidhen i nCallaibh, for bru abann Life don leitli atuaidh, ocus Bd'^chan ainm oile d6. '' Loth prophetae, Ado. ^ MS. Cainncach. Oengus has Cainnech mac hui Dalann. Kannich(gen. sg.), Driiiiiin. Kal. '^ See. acthelljurge uirginis, Leofr. Kal. '' MS. Fiachraig. •-' Sci. uuilfrithi episc, Lcofr. Kal. October.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 1'95 lo. C. Victor, Paulinus,^^ Pinytus, Fintin Florentius, Gereon, Cassius, Lot to whom I shall cleave : the modest Fiiintan/ abbot of Druim (Ingard). It is not a petty troop which I will praise-: Salsa (?), Sillan,^ Senan.* ^ of Druim Ing'' in Hui Segain. - but a great troop which I will praise. ^ an abbot. ^ a bishop. II. D. The translation of the body of the dear sage Augustinus, a famous festival. Cainnech/ a high, wise abbot. Ethelburga ever- virginal. Fortchern,- stript Lomman.^ A sound presbyter, Fergna : my Caidbeo, a chaste help against the strife of the devils. ^ Achad b6 was his principal church, and he has an abbey-church at Cell Rigmonaid in Scotland. ^ a bishop, a disciple of Patrick, and from Ath Truim in Loeguire was he, and from Cell Fortcheirn in Hiii Dr6na in Leinster. ^ Lomman, a bishop, another disciple of Patrick, and from Ath Truim was he also. 12. E. Breccan, Becc and Baithi'n, Fiachra,^ most modest Faelan, Fiacc,- Diarmait^' of the tribe, holy Silnatan,* Nanni^ : a hundred and seventy nobles, a hundred and four thousands'^ : my Bi','"' virginal-strong Aedan, Wilfrid, great chief of gentleness. ^ from the same church as Fiacc. " bishop of Sletty in Leinster. ^ a bishop. * son of Cruimet. '" Naindid of Inis Cais. " Clarenech (' table-face ''^), from Glasnevin in Fingal on the river Liffey's brink, on the north side, and Berchan was another name of his. •'' Sci. paulini hrofensis episc, Leofr. Kal. '' Fintan Dromma Ingaird, Fel. Oeiig. = Some mistake here. The number in Ado, Usuard anclJ/rt;V. Rom. is 4976. '' beatissimi et venerabilis viri mo-Bi, qui absque naso et oculis plana facie natus de mortua ut fertur femina et conceptus, Druiiun. Kal. See Dr. Todd's note, Mart. Don., pp. 354-5. O 2 196 I'ELIRE HOI GORMAIN. [Octoher. 13. f. Faust/^j- mor is Martia[l], Teopil CO tendbrig, Enair, Carpz/J comlan, Musa, Marcia, Marc[e]ill, Uenantiz/j- aeb anfoil, Findsec[h]^ caemh, is^ Comgan.- > 6gh, 6 Sliabh Guaire i nGailengaibh. - 6 Cliiain G^/moidhi cCuircne. C^ 14- g- 'alixt//jt) cain papa Euantiusc abb aebda, atcuinnid 'nar cle[i]nii. Furtunait leo, Lucian, Colum^ glormar gribda do Loch morghlan Meilge. ' sacrt-rt, Insi Cain for Loch Meilghe. 15. a. Sebaist, Antioig, Aufid, mo Lua leo col-lere, Furtunait ron-forne, Maeld cosne tenn, Tom[m]ein, Baithin^ borrslat baga, Ciian, Corbmac, ®Cr6ne,^ Finti'na caid, Colman, 'nar comrad co core. ' Lesi. - ogh. 16. b. Satirian mor, Martian/ sccht ndcich da chets cacmfer a hAffraic ran-airem, Riaguil/ Critan, Colum, Colman,^ Cera'' cimer, la Cobncsach'' caidfer, Eogan/ Caeman, Cacmgen," Toict[h]ech oebgel a[i]lcb. ^ ab Muicinsi for Loch Dcrgderc. ■ ep.s]V[ellan, Amandus, Odran- entreat ye. Their fame will be lasting. Cruaid^ and Darbile* the goodly pair. The festival of the (four) slender subdued daughters^ of beautiful brisk Mac lair. Ernain'' and very keen Rechtan'' to keep (us) from battle. ' Beoan and Mellan from Tamlachta Menainn in Hui Echdach Ulad. " from Lettrecha Odrai'n in Muscraige tire. ^ Long- legs, from Balana. ^ of Achad cuilinn. ^ Mac lair's four daughters, to wit, Dairinill, Darbelein, Coel and Comgell, in Cell na n-ingen beside Tamlachta to the south. '^ of Midluachair, in Cell na sacart. '' from Etargabail. 27. F. On the vigil of the Apostles^ Augustin (of Bennchor) who was not unsmooth : dear Colman^ grandson of Fiachra : Stiallan's- seven sons here. Abban,^ pious Celsus : bishop Ere'' and Odran^ : Erennan a mighty flame : harmonious is the conven- tion ; Rectine'^ to whom we shall go : unto him let us sing our converse. ^ Colman grandson of Fiachra, from Senbotha in Hiii Cennselaig. 2 from Raith mac Stiallain in Ardgal. ^ Abban great-grandson of Cormac, in Mag Arnaide in Hiii Cennselaig and in Cell Abbaia in Hiii Muredaig. ^ from Domnach Mor Maige Luadaf^ in the northern ]Dart of H ui Faelain. ^ Odran abbot® of lona, and from Tech Airerain in Meath. ® a devout virgin. 28. G. Austere Simon and Thaddaeus, Cyrilla, Colman, Pharo (and) modest Marina, a great assembly: slender Dorbene,^ Suibne, my Beccoc, a treasure- which I will praise : beautiful Nathi'^ and Conan. ^ abbot of Colomb cille's Hi (lona) ; of the Kindred of Conall Gulban was he. - )nan. rec. (perperam) Main or Maon, perhaps Mono. ^ a bishop. ■■^ Beoain (gen. sg.), Druinm. Kal. ^ Mellain (gen. sg.), Dricmm. Kal ■^ Vigilia sanctorum Apostolorum Simonis et ludae, Mart. Rom. '^ Oengus (Oct. 27) calls this place Doiimach Mor incuncch ''irecism-ous Domnach Mor.' " A mistake : see Reeves, Alarf. Don. p. 286, note, and Vita Colu/nbae, pp. 283, 417. 2o6 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [October. 29. a. T^pscop Narcis noemfer, '*--' Lucius, Gr/-man glorda, Quint?/-?, laichinth oebda, Luran,' Foenir,^ Findcan, Tamt[h]inna" saer seghdha, Cuan,* Coelan^ coemhdha, Aed Glas, tuir cen temel, a nemed is noemhdha. ' eps^:^/, 6 Dhoiri Lurain. - 6 Dhomhnach Faoinir. ^ 6gh.« * 6 Inis liacc. ^ 6 Thigh na manach. 30. b. /^~^erman caid 6 Chapua, ^^-^Seraip, Marcill milid, do Chonna sruith sarfer, Fedilmid^ 6^, bgi-nach,^ Colman^ Cammsa ci'mer, la hErcnaif* non-aleb, Fordeoir^ min nos-molaimm 'ma colaind nir' cradhed. ' Domhnaigh. - m^c Eichin. ^ abb 6 Chammas Comh gain for brii na Banna, n6 o Lainn mo Chohnoc. Mo-c mathar do mo Cohn6c na Lainne he. * 6gh, 6 Dun da En i ffiodhbhaidh DhalAraidhe. ^ 6cch. q; 31. c. |uintin mor fri martra, ,Nemeisc noemh co nglaine, Lucill, Comman^ cridi, brathair Fursa ^^Foelan,- oene foemaid'^ uile do noemhaibh ind nime, hi coemcrich in ci'ssa in mi's[s]ae cen mine, a morshlog'* me beraid iar nderaib com dih". ^ ua Ciarain, a!) Lis m6ir. - abb. rofulaing-sidhc martra isin fFrainc/* ^ in mi's. '' Oengus (Oct. 29) calls her Taimthene, Tacmtheine, Tamthinc. "^ Airnich (gen. sy.), Mart. Tanil. '^ MS. Nemess. '^' Failani mart)ris, fratris Fursu, Mart. 'J'auil. Faclain (gen. sg.), Drtimtn. Kal. '^ MS. foemdid. October.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 207 29. A. Bishop Narcissus a holy man. Lucius, glorious Germanus, Quintus, beautiful Jacinthus, Luran/ Foinir,- Findchan. Tam- thinna,^ noble and stately. Cuan/ beloved Coelan.^ Aed the Grey, a tower without darkness, his sanctuary is hallowed. ' a bishop, from Daire Liirain. " from Domnach F6inir. ^ a virgin. * from Inis Liacc, ^ from Tech na manach C- the House of the Monks '). 30. B. Chaste Germanus from Capua : Serapion, Marcellus the soldier : thy Conna a venerable great man : virginal Fedilmid,^ Ernach^ : radiant Colman*^ of Cambas, with Ercnat,* I will beseech them. Gentle Fordeoir^ I praise her ; as to her flesh she was not tormented.^ ' of Domnach. - son of Echen. ^ an abbot, from Cammus Comgaill on the Bann's brink, from Lann rao Chohiioic.'^ A son of his mother was my Colm6c of the Lann. ^ a virgin, from Diin da En (' the Fort of two Birds ') in the forest of Dal Araide.*" ^ a virgin. 31. c. Ouintinus great at martyrdom. Nemesius with purity. Lucilla, hearty Comman.^ Fursa's brother Faelan.- The vigil of the saints of heaven^ which ye all keep : this tax (is paid) at the dear end of this great month. Its mighty host^ will bring me after tears unto my loved ones. ^ Ciaran's grandson, abbot of Lismore. - an abbot. He suffered martyrdom in France. •' the month's. "^ i.e. she did not suffer from fleshly lusts. ^ Oengus (Oct. 30) calls him Colman mace hui [leg. maccu] Gualae. " already commemorated at January 8. '' vigilia omnium sanctorum, Drwnm. Kal. and Mart. Rom. 2o8 FELIRE HUl GOKMAIN. [Nove.mbek. NOUEMBER. I. d. POR sruithlo na samna ■*- in Commde fein fegaid, na hangeil drong diamair, ule noeim ind nime, sloigh CO nglaine glegil, ma Maire moir miadaig, B^mgnus blaith besaid, Uigoir, Cesair ciamair, Goran, Brenaind brighdha uain fri digla diabail. For in lith-sin Lonan/ Cronan,^ Colman" coemseng, Cronan/ Altin'^ alimm, Colman, Canan, Corpre,*^ Fintina/ Aedh^ fegaim, Brugaclv' BicilF'' baghimm, Dicoll, Martan" milla, meicc Dimma^- fris ndalimm, epscoip Cille Tidil,''' na sinfir co sargrind, Caemoc Chille Inse, isin rindse^^ radimm. ' o Threoit i mBregaibh. - Tuania Grene. ^ mac Fionain o Ath lomglaisi. •* Maothla. " Altin ociis An inghen 6g 6 Ghill Innsi, ^ epsrr;/. ' 6g Chluana Guithbinn. •^ Aodh xwac Roi i Foibhren. '' cps^r;/, 6 Raith Mhaighe Aonaigh. '" iti marg. Bicill Tulcha. " 6 Rdith Innsi Edhnigh. '- tri meic Dima o Thigh mac Dimma. ^^ secht n-epscoip Dhroma'Tidil '- .i. i ndeiriudh an raind. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 209 NOVEMBER. I. D. On the venerable day of AUhallowtide behold ye the Lord Himself, the angels, a mystical band, and all the saints of heaven, hosts with clear white purity, around great honourable Mary.^ Benignus a smooth moralist (?), Vigorius, sad Caesarius, Goran, vigorous Brenainn (be) from us against the Devil's vengeances. On that festival Lonan,^ Cronan,^ dear, slender Colman.'" Cronan,* Altin^whom I supplicate,Colman,Canan.Corpre,*' Fintina,'' Aed® whom I see. Brugach,'^ BicilP*^ whom I proclaim — Dicholl (and) Martan,^^ mild ones (?), Di'mma's sons^^ whom I meet with. Cell Tidil's bishops,^'^ the aged men right pleasantly. Coemoc of Cell Inse in this stanza's close^* whom I utter. ^ from Trefot in Biegia. " of Tuaim Grene. ^ son of Fi'nan, from Ath Immglaise. * of Maethail. ° Alti'n and An, a virgin girl from Cell Inse. ^ a bishop. '' a virgin, from Cluaiii Guthbinn. ^ Aed son of R6i in Foibren. '-* a bishop, from Raith Maige Oenaig. ^^ Bicill of Tulach. ^^ from Raith Inse Ednig. ^■- Di'mma's three sons, from Tech mac Dimm-a. " seven bishops of Druim Tidil. ^* i.e. at the end of the stanza. "■^ Haec Dei genitricis Mariae, et omnium sanctorum martyrum celebri- tas, a Bonifacio, summo Pontifice, ita instituta est, ut quotannis Romae ageretur ; sed Gregorius Quartus [ob. 844] Ludouici Regis [Louis le Debon- naire] rogatu, ad honorem omnium sanctorum, in universa ecclesia, earn perpetuo coli statuit, Mart. Rom. GORMAN. P 2IO F^LIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 2. e. A /Tacc Oengusaa Aedan,^ -^ ' -^ Prudein, Ambrois idan. feil na marb din dlegar, Q^scop tiEirc- is GdXhcs, Dari,^ Lugaeth/ Lib^r/ Malachias*' sui senad, Anmere na hoeibi, Senach," Coemhi^ credal, Enostan^ cenn cainbreth, Eustaich taidlech trebar. ^ Aedan \nac Aenghasa, 6 Chill M6ir Aedhain in Uibh Meith Menna. ^ Ere Slane eps^r^?/ Liolcaig, oais 6 Ferta fer Feicc i ttaebh Siodha Tniim aniar. ^ B6chana, fedb. * mac Aongh?^j-a 6 Druim Incscclahin. ^ ifi marg. .i. Liber Martradaige. " .i. Maol mAodh6cc iia Morghair airdeasp(9(; chathaoire Patraicc. ' sacrt^-t Cille moire. ® albanach, 6 Chill Coeimhi. ^ Cliiana Dumha. Corconutan,^ Quartz/j, Murdebair^ mor molaim, Hilair, Coeman^ caraimm, Fer da crich is Caemlach,'* Ciricin na celimm, la Lappan^ nach lamaimm, Brugach, Brenainn," Dimma, Corrach ri'gda ragaimm, mo Ecca' in sruit[h] soerfbt,c mo Choemoc'^ mar chanaimm 6't?«odhar" fial findsa, rimsa corop ralaind. ^ 6 Dhoire Eidhnech .i. Doire na^fFlannin Eoghani?^/// Chaisil. - eccnaz'^h 6 Dhisert Muirdhebrach in Uibh Conaill Gabhra. ^ 6 Eanach Truim il-Laighis in larthar Laighen, bratair do Chaoimh- ghin Glinne da locha. ^ 6 Raithin. *^ Cliiana Aithgen. " Glaissi da Colptha. "' Insi Conaill. ** ailithir. '^ abb Fobhair, MS. oengasa. ^ sci. a:rchi[conf., Lcofr. Kal. " MS. saerot. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 21 1 2. E. Aedan^ son of Oengus, Prudentius, pure Ambrosius. The Feast of the Dead^^ which is due from us. Bishop Eirc^ and Gallus. Dare," Lugaed,* Liber.'' Malachias'^ sage of synods. Anmere of the beauty. Senach/ pious Coeme.^ Enostan,^ chief of beautiful judgments. Eustachius, brilHant, prudent. ^ Aedan son of Oengus, from Cell M6r Aedain in Hui Meith Menna. ~ Ere of Slane, bishop, of Lilcach and from Ferta Fer Feicc beside Sid Truim from the west. ^ of B6chain, a widow. * son of Oengus, from Druim Inesclainn. ^ i.e. Liber of Martra- tech. " i.e. Mael m'Aed6ic, grandson of Morgar, archbishop of S. Patrick's throne. ' priest of Cell m6r. * a Scotchman, from Cell Coemi. ° of Cluain Duma. 3- F. Corconutan,^ Quartus, great Murdebair- whom I praise. Hilarius, Coeman^ whom I love. Fer da chri'ch and Caemlach.* Ciricin whom I hide not, with Lappan'^ whom I dare not. Brugach, Brenainn,*^ Di'mma. Royal Corrach whom I choose : my Ecca'' the noble, cautious elder, my Coemoc® as I sing. This modest, fair Conodar,'* unto me may he be very bright ! ^ from Doire Eidnech, i.e. Doire na Flann in Eoganacht of CasheL - a wise man, from Disert Murdebrach in Hiii Conaill Gabra. ^ from Enach Truim in Laigis in the west of Leinster, a brother of Coemgin of Glendalough. ^ from Rathen. " of Cluain Aithgin. ^ of Glas da Cholptha. ^ of Inis Conaill. ® a pilgrim. ^ abbot of Fobar. ^ commemoratio omnium fidelium defunctorum. Mart. Rom. P 2 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 4- g- TJiem/j, Amaint, ^ -'- Tigernach^ mind molub, la Clar?/i- rind ramor, Birstan,^ Procul primfer, ara mbaig fris mbenab Gildas caid is Canon.' Doire Melle. " epsr^/. ^ saccart. 5. a. Zachair athair loain, Marcia, L[a]et?/j' ligda, Felic, Euseib aebda, Colman/ Flannan, Faelan, Gobban sainfer sluagda, Cuillend,- ^'^Cainer,^ Caenna. ^ Glinne Delmaic in Osraighibh i Maigh Raighne dosonm/^h. Cluana hiiamanach. ^ inghen Caolam 6 Rinn hAUaidh. 6. b. A drian, Enair, Atticc, -^~*-Maelan, Leonard lanfial, fri rennaibh, fri raenar, Cronan/ Felic, Fedbair,- Uinnocz^j- mor minaeb, m«c Colgan 6% Aedan.' ' abb Benncoir. - 6gh, 6 Bhothaibh Eich Raichnigh i tTi'r Ratha. ' 6 Lainn Abaich in Ultoibh. 7. c. TTerculan, Achilla,^ ^ ^ Ruf/zj, Fintan feithmech, Colman^ lergrinn loigt[h]ech, Uuel[i]frod, Paul, Polls, Samuel nir dui debt[h]ach, Sodalach- sui soichlcch. ailithir Innsi mo Cholm6c. - anchoreta. ■^ Cainder, Mart. Don. ^ MS. Herculan caid chilla. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 213 4. G. Hierius, Amantius, Tigernach^ a diadem which I will praise, with Clarus an exceeding great star, Birstan/ Proculus a chief man. For their blessing^ I will entreat them, chaste Gildas and Canon." ' of Doire Melle.'' ' a bishop. ^ a priest, 5. A. Zacharias, father of John (the Baptist), Marcia, shining Laetus. Felix, beautiful Eusebius, Colman,^ Flannan, Faelan, Gobban, a hostful, singular man. Cuillenn,^ Gainer,^ Coenna. ^ of Glenn Delmaic in Ossory, in Mag Raigni (to speak) precisely. " of Cliiain Huamanach. ^ daughter of Caelan, from Rinn Allaid. 6. B. Adrianus, Januarius, Atticus, Maelan, full-modest Leonardus against spearpoints, against routing slaughter. Cronan,^ Felix, Fedbair.- Winnoc, great, gentle, beautiful, virginal Aedan/ son of Colgu. ^ an abbot of Bennchor. - a virgin, from Botha Eich Raichnig. ' from Lann Abaich in Ulster. 7. c. Herculanus, Achillas, Rufus, attentive Finntan : Colman,^ delightful, indulgent ; Willibrord, Paulus, Polisius ; Samuel, who was not a quarrelsome fool. Sodalach,^ a generous sage. ^ a pilgrim, of Inis mo Cholm6ic. - an anchorite. '' literally, word. *' Mella (was) his mother's name. Mart. Don. 214 FELIRE HCI GORMAIN. [iNTovember. 8. d. Nicostrait, Claud, Castor, Simproin, Simplic somind,^ la cethrar caem crobung. aBarr[f]ind^ aebda, Abdia,"' Findchan cain no caraimm, m«c Aeda Clain Colum[m].* ^ .i. mind maith. ^ - mac Aedha i n-Achadh Chaillten in Uibh Drona fri Berba ani'ar in Uibh Rethe fn Lethglinn andes. ^ mx\^,ociis Dut//racht, 6 Chill Muine d6ibh. ^^ 6gh, 6 Disert Meiihle Caile i Feraibh Arda. ^ Corbri (gen. sg.), Driunm. Kal. ^ Cummini (gen. sg. of Cummine), Drwiim. Kal. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 217- II. G. Great saint Martin, Menna, bright and modest bishop Coir- pre/ with Murgal,- I will praise them : Cruimthir^ along with them, and Duban* : beautiful Darerca,^ a true virgin : dear Mael Odrain (and) Cronan.^ ' from Ciiil Rathin. " a soldier of Christ. ^ of Doninach Mor. * Dub Duban^' in Domnach M6r Maige Itha, Patrick's Life,. 1. 2, c. 58. '" son of Sinell. 12. A. Aemilianus and Eusebius, Manchein^ and thy Nem,^ holy men. Cummin,'^ my Cop* the mournful. Era's three sons/'' Erni'n,® Lonan,'' joyous Findchad;^ Sinell,-' Mianach's mighty son. Angas,^" pure-coloured Duthracht,^^ and gracious Bri'g^- with a (conventual) rule. Methel the Meagre,^^ a lovely, white branch, on fair heaven by her Guide. Segein, a gentle, venerable man, who satisfied his great King. ' abbot of Lismore. - from Druim lethan. ^ Cuimmin the Tall, son of Fiachna, of the Eoganacht of Loch Lein, bishop of Cluain Ferta Brenainn : Aed was his proper first name, and Druiin da liter the name of his stead. * of Cell m6r. ^ from Dermag. " son of Findchan and abbot of Lethglenn. '' of Caill Uallech. ^ a bishop, from Cell Forgo. " from Cloen-inis on Loch Erne. '" a virgin, daughter of Bresal, from Cruach Angais. ^' a virgin. '■' Brig and Duthracht, from Cell Muine were they. '^ a virgin, from Disert Meithle c6ile (' Methel the Meagre's Hermitage') in Fir Arda. ^ Perhaps we should read da Rerca ' thy Rerca ' here and at Jan. 15. •' apparently the Dudubae mac Corcain of the Tripartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 151. 2i8 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 13. b. "Dricius, Barrfinn, Metin, -'-'Aldigundis glanmor, loain,^ Lassar^ lommnan, Findlug, F^rbrig, Failend,^ Odharnat* og, Ernin,^ Ninnid,'' Callin/ Colman,^ Mael ^deit''' cen duibe inmhain cuire comlan. ^ Lis mh6ir. - Achaidh Beithe. ^ mglmi Eoghain. "* o Druim m«c Feradhaz^/z. ^ Mac Duibh. ^ eps^r;/ Cille Toma i Midhe, "' o Fiodhnach Maighe Rein do Ciiaillin mac Niatach. ® i Maigh Eo. ^ mac Droighin. 14. c. 'P'indachta^ fial flaithfer, -^ Clementin^ co cade, la Teodoit naem niamhda, Colman^ beo, mo Beccoc, Serapion sui sida, feil mo Chuti chialla, bat coemha na cruthglain tri meic Dubtaig^ diada, Constans'' Erni athnemm,c roba rathc[h]enn riaghla. ^ Findachta mac Dunch(7^a, ri Y.xenn^ as e romaith an B6roniha. - Innsi mo Cholmoc i nUibh Fenechlais in iarthar Laighen. ' .i. Fachtna o Chill Toma. Gabran ocus Euhel an dias oile. * saca/l ociis anchoreta 6 Eo-inis for Loch Eirne. 15. d. Epscop Uinfrid, Eugein, mo Cloine^ feig firglan, Felic seim co slognem, Fer da crich is Connaith,- Mogain'' cen beirt mbaeglaig, inghen E[i]rc in 6gben. ' &^uop. " abb Lis m6ir. in 7narg. 7nan, rec. can-dath. 6gh, \x\ghen Eire i Sleibh Dind. ^ deith, Mart. Don. ^ Clemeint, Clemint, Pel. Oeng. " MS. atnem November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 219 13. B. Bricius, Barrfind, Metm (?), pure-great Aldigundis : loain,^ replete Lassar,^ Findlug, Forbrig, Failenn,^ virgin Odarnat,* Erni'n,^ Ninnid,'' Callin/ Colman.^ Mael Deit^ without darkness — a dear complete band. ^ of Less mor. ■ of Achad Beithe. ^ daughter of Eogan. * from Druim maic Feradaig. * son of Dub. ^ a bishop, of Cell T6mma in Meath. '^ from Fidnach Maige Rein was Caillin .son of Niata. ^ from Mag Eo. ^ son of Droigen. 14. c. Findachta/ a modest, princely man, Clementinus the chaste, with holy shining Theodotus, lively Colman,^ my Beccoc. Serapion, a sage of peace : the feast of my Cuta the intellectual. Dear are the pure-formed, three godly sons of Dubthach.^ Constans* of Erne^'^ whom we recognise, who was a gracious chief of (monastic) rule. ^ Findachta, son of Dunchad, King of Ireland. 'Tis he that remitted the Tribute.^ - of Inis mo Cholm.oic in Hiii Fenechlais in the west of Leinster. ^ i.e. Fachtna from Cell T6mma. Gabran and Euhel were the other two.° * priest and anchorite : from Eo- inis on Loch Erne. 15. D. Bishop Winfrith, Eugenius, my Cloine^ keen and truly pure : slender Felix unto hostful heaven, Fer da chri'ch and Connaith.^ Mogain^ without a dangerous burden, Erc's daughter, the perfect woman. ^ a bishop. - abbot of Less m6r. ^ a virgin, daughter of Ere, in Sliab Dind. '"' An addition to Mart. Don. makes a saint out of this lake-name. ^ i.e. the Borovia. See Revue Celtiqiie XIII. 106. '^ trium fratrum Gabran, Eoil et Fachtne, Dficnun. Kal. 220 FELIKE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 1 6. e. Gelchlu mor is Mida,^ la Fintan,^ nit fanna rochachtsat a colla Eucherius, Curcach,^ nocha caelfal cranna meic Coelan,^ mo Chonna.-"' ^ nirtc Moil. [A recent hand has cancelled viida and substituted rida^ ~ Lemhcaille. ^ Greccraighe. ^ 6 Muccurt mdr. ^ mac Fionnlogha. 17. f. Dioni's ard, Anian, Ammon, Duicuill^ diada, Electach ard age, Dulech^'^ craibdech Clochair.^ triar coemdos'J co caene Buadbeo, Oengos,^ Ane,^ Matrona tend tennal la Cellan co cade. ^ mo Di'cu. - fri Faeldruim andes i Fine Gall. ^ 6 Chill mhdir airthir fini i ciunn Maighe hElta. 18. g. Octauus mor Martain, Mac Eire, Roman ruanaid, Midnat^ bili as mbagaid,'^ Ronan m^c beo Beraigh,^ Esic, Critan^ caemfir, mo Conoc* in crabaid, * in^ papa glan Gelais, Hilda" in ghenais gradaig. ^ 6 Gill Liuchaine. ^ 6 Druim Inesclainn i cConaillibh Mur- theimne. ^ o Tuaim meic Cau. •* Uamac[h]. In marg. jjian. rec. potius mo Con6cc o Gill Mucrois quia mo Gonocc Uamach colitur 19 Decembm. ^ banab 7 6gh. Dulech, DriDiiin. Kal. sancti Dulech confessoris, Mart. Chr. Ch. MS. caemdos. ^ MS. yEngas. '' MS. mbagit. " MS. an. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 221 16. E. Great Gelchlu^ and Mida,^ with Fintan," they are not feeble. They fettered their bodies, Eucherius and Curcach.'^ No slender slanting fence are Coelan's* sons and my Conna."' ^ son of Moel. * from Muccart Mor. ^ of Lemchaill. ® son of Findluff. ^ of Grecraisre. 17. F. Lofty Dionysius, Anianus, Ammon, godly Duicuill.^ Elec- tach, a high column : devout Dulech of Clochar.^ Three dear bushes with brightness, Buadbeo, Oengus, and Ane." Austere Matrona, a torch, with chaste Cellan. ^ my Di'cu. _ ^ to the south of Faeldruim in Fine Gall. Cell mor Airthir Fini hard by Mag Elta. from 18. G. The great octave of Martin Mac Eire, strong Romanus, Midnat,^ a sacred tree which ye proclaim. Ronan^ the lively son of Berach.^ Hesychius, Critan'^ dear and true, my Conoc'* of the devotion. The pure pope Gelasius. Hilda^ of the lovable chastity. ^ from Cell Liuchaine. - from Druim Inesclainn in Conailli Muirthemni. ^ from Tuaim ra.eic Cau. * Cave-dweller. Rather my Con6c of Ceil Mucrois because my Conoc Uamach is venerated on the 19th December. ^ abbess and virgin. ^ Misprinted Gelchii in Mart. Don. pp. 310, 311, 510. ^ Ronain (gen. sg.), Drumin. Kal. So in Fel. Oeno^. Nov. 18 (Rawl. B, 505) : meicc Beraich co n-uagi feil reil Ronain rigdai the clear feast of royal Rondn son of virginal Berach. FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November, 19. a. "|\ /r axim^/j- caid, Crispin, ^ ^ Exupeir os feraibh, Seuman dian soraid, Felician is Faustus, mo Chian noem nemid : Ael dabair oen foraib,^ N[o]emlug dena nemdaib fri demnaib in domain. ^ .i. aen tuillte frisan Xv^cJit remhe. 20. b. TDqntian papa, Basil, ^ Eadmund leircen loc[h]ta, Siluest^r feig^ ferta, Esconnc fn'u la dFraechan,^ isat milsi a molta leo, Insi [maic] Erca. ' eps^(?/. In marg. Esconn ocus Froechan i mBdchluain il-Laighis 6 Cluain Eidhnech soir, no 6 Inis m^/c Erca. 21, C. "D iifus, Maria, Maurus, -■-^Columban^ no caraimm, Camman,^ Garban guidim[m], Aedan,^ mo Chua,^ Colman,* Subach^ craibdech Coraind, feil mo Lua nach lu[i]gimm,'"' Di'ucoll mo din dangen^ ni fannfer fo fuilim[m].^ ^ abb robhui isin Ettdil. ^ 171 marg. Aodhan xaac Concmidh o Cluain Eidhnech. ^ Cliiana Crainn. * m^/c Comain 6 Arainn airthir. ^ 6gh. " in marg. man. rec. per [quern] non jure sed protestor. '' protector firmus. *^ cui subjectus sum. "" Ael dobhair, Mart. Don. ^ MS. feicc. Escon, Fe'L Oeng. '' Fraechani (Latin gen.), Drumm. Kal. " leg. Comman ? filii Commi, Drumm. Kal. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 223 19. A. Chaste Maximus,Crispinus, Exuperius above men : Severianus vehement and happy : Felicianus and Faustus ; my Cian, holy, heavenly : Ael-dobair (is) one in addition to them.^ Noemlug of the heavens (be) against the demons of the world. that is, one added to the folk before him. 20. B. Pope Pontianus, Basilius, Eadmund, pious and faultless, Silvester keen, miraculous. Esconn^ to them, with Fraechan of Inis maic Erca — sweet they deem their praises. ^ a bishop. Esconn and Froechan in B6-chluain in Laigis, from Cluain Eidnech in the east, or from Inis maic Erca. 21. C. * Rufus, Maria, Maurus, Columbanus^ whom I love. Camman (and) Garban whom I entreat. ^Aedan," my Cua,^ Colman.* Devout Subach,*^ of Corann. The feast of my Lua by whom I swear not." DiucoU my strong safeguard' : no weak man is he under whom I am.* ^ an abbot who dwelt in Italy.'' - Aedan, son of Conchrad, from Cluain Eidnech. '^ of Cluain Crainn. * son of Comman, from eastern Aran. ^ a virgin. " by Avhom I do not swear," but (of whom) I testify. '' a firm protector. ** to whom I am subject. ^ filii Congnaid [leg. Congraid], Driiniin. Kal. ^ In Italia natale sancti Columbani scoti, Druiiini. Kal. Nov. 13. In Italia, monasterio Euouio [Bobbio] ; natalis sancti Columbani abbatis, Mart. Chr. Ch '^ See above, at June 16 and 17. 224 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 22. d. Cicili'a 6^ airdirc, Maurus ci'an 6 cintaibh, Furudran^ co fertaib, lerluga^ 'sinn arim, Ultan'^ moerda moltair, Medb* noemda la Nechtain. ' mac Garbhraethaigh. - eps^^/. ^ Innsi daimh. * Ard- achaidh. '" 6gh. 23. e. IN papa caid Clemeint la Seumn sruithgel, Lucretia caem chart[h]air, Felicitas, Luca, fell Trudoin seim sochraid, is Roinni reidh rathmair. 24. f. Colman druin Duib-chuilinn,^ Ciannan^ Breg co mbeobuaidh, Crissogoin cen clereim/'^ Mane,^ Boich/ Berchan,^ Maria, Flora, fi'roig, Colman^' m^c leir Lenein,'^ sinn 'na tech iar ternam cqc gleglan mar glegr^in. ' 6 Dun isna Rendaibh, 7 o Bhelach Chonglais il-Laighnib, 7 o ionadaibh oile. - eps^^?/ Doimhliag i mBreghaibh. ■' vcvac \\ogain. ^ ■* maighistir. ^ Insi Rochla. '' mac Lenin o Chliiain Uamadh i n-Uibh Liathain isin Mumrt/V?. » MS. clerem. ^ MS. Lenin. " MS. go. TSTovEMBER.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 225 22. D. Caecilia a famous virgin. Maurus, far from crimes. Furu- dran^ with miracles. lerluga^ in the numbering. Wondrous (.'*) Ultan^ who is praised : hallowed Medb* with Nechtain."^ ^ son of Garbraethach. - a bishop. ^ of Inis daim. of Ard-achad. '" a virgin. 23. E. The chaste pope Clemens, with Severinus white and venerable. Fair Lucretia who is loved. Felicitas and Lucas. The feast of slender, stately Trudo and of Roinne, smooth and gracious. 24. F. Shrewd Colman of Dub-chuilinn/ Cianan^ of Bregia with vivid victory. Chrysogonus, whose course was not sinister. Mane,'^ Boich,"* Berchan^: Maria and Flora, true virgins : Colman,*' Lenen's pious son. May we be in their abode after escaping,* brightly and purely like the bright sun ! ^ from Diin in the Renna and from Belach Conglais in Leinster, and from other places. - bishop of Doimliac in Bregia.'' ■' son of Eogan. ^ the Master. ° of Inis Rochla.*^ ^ son of Lenin, from Cliiain Uamach in Hui Liathain in Munster. ^ i.e. from the body. ^ etir Ath cliath 7 Droichet atha ('between Dublin and Drogheda'}, Mart. Don. "^ for Loch Eirne (' on Lough Erne '), ibid. GORMAN. Q 226 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 2 5- g- "L^pscop Petar primda -^--'sesca se cet^- calma, dom din ar cech ndogra, Noe, t-Finnchua,^ Finan.^ mac Pipain flait[h] ferda, Catarina rogda, in drong soer dian, soraid diar cobair, diar comga. - 6 Bri Gobhann. ^ m«c Piopain, 6 Themp/*'/ Ratha i cCen^/ C^/mill. 26. a. T N papa leir Lin?^^-, ^ Faust^/i-, Ammon aebda, Dius, Petar primda, eps<:^/ Siric/ Seren, Marceill dagnar deoda, Paulus, Banban- brigda, nert Coibdenaig'^ credail diar ndedhail fri digla. * Maighe Bolcc i Feraibh Cul i niBreghaibh. ^ eps^^/ I.eithghlinne, do Chorcu Duibhne do. ^ eps^^/ Arda Sratha. 27. b. Agricoil maith, Maxim, Uitalis cen temel, Marcil, mm a medar : SechnalP mor m^c uBaird. vaac Cairle saer Seuer, Euseib, Toca^ trebar, tinolc raith na rigsa dom dinsa ma dlegar. ' 6 Doranach Seachnaill i ndeisc^rt Bregh. Do Longbarda/^h d6 ocus Secundinz/^ a ainm. Mac do Liamhain siur YiXraic e, 7 ro bai ina priomhaidh i n-Ard Macha. ■ mac Ciiain. "MS. chet. '' Findchu, Findchii, Fel. Ocng. Nov. 25. sancti confessoris Finnchua Mari. Chr. Ch. Finchon (gen. sg.), DncDun. Kal. ^ MS. tionol. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 227 25. G. Foremost bishop Petrus, with sixty and six hundred valiant (martyrs), to shield me from every sorrow. Noe, Findchua,^ Finan,^ Pipan's son, a manly prince, chosen Catharina. The noble, vehement, happy band to help us, to protect us. ^ from Bri Gobann. - son of Pipan, from Tempul Ratha in Cenel Conaill. 26. A. The pious pope Linus, Faustus, beautiful Ammon, Dius, foremost Petrus, bishop Siric,^ and Serenus. Marcellus, good, modest, godly. Paulus, vigorous Banban.- The virtue of believing Coibdenach" to separate us from vengeances ! ^ of Mag Bolg in Fir Ciil in Bregia. ^ bishop of Lethglenn : of the Corco-Duibni was he. ^ bishop of Ard sratha. 27. B. Good Agricola, Maximus, Vitalis without gloom. Marcellus, gentle his discourse, great SechnalP maccu Baird. Noble Mac Cairle, Severus, Eusebius, prudent Toca.^ The gracious assembly of these kings to protect me, if it be lawful ! ^ from Domnach Sechnaill in the south of Bregia. Of the Lombards was he, and Secundinus^ was his name. He was a son of Liamai n Patrick's sister, and he was primate in Armagh. " son of Cuan. In Hibernia sancti episcopi et confessoris Secimdini, Dnimin. Kal. Q 2 228 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [November. 28. C. 'T^rophin^ seim, Sostenes ^ dalta Foil in primfir, Mansuet/^i- cenn crabhaid, Papin reil is Rufej", romortha na milid, tri meic Boc[h]ra^ bagaig. ' .i. Laidhcenn, Cainneach ocus Accobhran, o Achad Raithin in Uibh nWc Caille i iiDeisibh Mumhan. Bochra ainm a mathar. 29. d. /^ene og do Andreas, ^^da Saturnin senga, Mammes, Mauir, na minna, Sissinni/^j- beo, Baetan/ Fiadnat'J fegaim sunna, Cianan,c Brenainn^ Birra.'i ' ni/^TC Erecain. - abb. 30. e. A ndreas in t-apstal, -^"^•Traiane tuir noem niamda, Coemsech/ Cummein- coemda, Toman bithea/ Boethgz^i-. for deiriud ard ogda mis Nouemb/r noemda, in sluagsa dian soraid cech conair diar coemhna. ' 6 Dermaigh Cuile Caenna. - 6 Chill Nair. ^ Trophin, Tiofin, Trofini, Fel. Oeng. '' Fiadnate (gen. sg.), Drumrn. Kal. " Braendini (Lat. gen. sg.), Drwnm. Kal. '' Birra, Biroir, FcL Ocng. " leg. Troian ? '' Perhaps a proper name. I have translated it as if it were b'lthc^ agree- ing with Toman. Cf. Ultan bithi, supra, May 24. November.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 229 28. c. Fine Trophimus, Sosthenes pupil of Paul the chief man. Mansuetus head of devotion, clear Papinius and Rufus. The soldiers have been magnified : Bochra's three warlike sons.^ ^ i.e. Laidcenn, Cainnech and Accobran, from Achad Rathin in Hiii meic Caille in Desi of Munster. Bochra is their mother's, name.'^ 29. D. The perfect vigil of Andrew^ : two slender Saturnini.^ Mammes, Maurus, the diadems : vivid Sisinnius, Baetan.^ Fiadnat whom 1 see here, Cianan, Brenainn^ of Birr. ' son of Breccan. - an abbot. 30. E. Andrew the Apostle. Trajanus a holy, brilliant tower. Coemsech^ and endeared Cummein,' womanly Tomman> Boethgus. At the high, virginal end of November's hallowed month may this vehement prosperous host be on every path to protect us. from Dermag Ciiile Caenna. ■ from CellNair. tres filii Bochrai, Di'uimn. Kal. vigilia sancti Andreae Apostoli, Mart. Rom. one martyred at Rome, the other at Toulouse. 230 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [December. DECEMBER. I. f. "P^OR December \ia\aind ^ Crisaint, Dari'a diugaind, Marian, Elig fegaim[m], epscop mor m«c Cainne/ da Nessan^ na noemseing, Uinnian, Breccan,'^ Brenainn/ in tir tall fo thuli ra ngudi fo-gebainn. ' 6 Ath da loarg i toebh Ceanannsa. '" Neassan Innsi Uladh. Inis Uladh .i. Inis Doimhle, uair \]\aid\\ aittreabhait i. Nessan Corcaighe aroile. ^ t^'icop. * Droma Liag. Secuir, Uiuian, U^rus,^ triur ro len do lommchoir, Agnes gaet[h] co nglanc[h]eil, Pomen, Pontian, Prinneint, la Nuadait^ nach nemhc[h]aid, Maelodran" is Manchein/ dechenbor cert curi, techt dia nguide is glanc[h]eim. ' in marg. man. rec. potius legendum mdetur Secuir Victorinus. ^ mac Duibh sleibe abb CXuami hEoais. ^ 6 Tuaim Inbhir i n-\sathar Midhe, 7 confessor e. * in marg. Mainchein .i. coicc Mochta. 3. a. IV /T aurz/fi", Claudius, Cassian, xVl ]y[ac oge^ ro morad, Colman,- Birin'' brigfer, Banban,* Beoan^ micrend,'^ drong cen clod o chrabad sechtmoga mor miled.t> ^ abb Lis m6ir Mochuda. - Dub. ^ epsr*?/. * epsf Mainistrech. 8. f. Compert Maire more, Baeth/ Brenainn cen baegal, la Machair nar' maedhed,^ Eutian ard, in papa, Euchair, Ichtbritt'T^ aliub, Finan Caue^" caemfer, iar ndol dam don doman a solad no saeleb. ' .i. 6 Theach Baoith i cConnachtaibh. - 6 Diabhal. 9-g- Cirilla lemm, Leucaid, Fedelm, Moghain^ milla, Furfuir fos ron-tore, Ciprian 6^, mo Segho,'^ frisna torsibh tara, mac Comsig co core. ' Feidhlim 6gh ocus Moghain ogh, da inghin Ai//lla meic Dunlaing, .ociis Cill na n-inghen in iarthar Maighe Life ainm a mbaile. ^ Ichtbrichtain (gen. sg.), Fd. Oettg. Dec. 8. In Hibernia Brichtain •confessoris Angli natione, Drumm. Kal. '' Cuae, Mart. Don. *- pronounce cgho., to alliterate with 6g. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 235 7. E. The octave of Andrew. Martinus, noble, skilful Savinus. The ordination of truly-pure Ambrosius. Ollan, Colman, Cutlach. The nativity of chaste, dear-white Colomb,^ the festival of ^Buite^ the fair and vigorous. Agatho of the kingfolk, with- out reproach is his great mind. ^ of the Church. - i.e. Buite son of Bronach, bishop of Monaster- {boice.) The conception of great Maryt>: Baeth,^ Brenainn without ■danger, together with Macharius,^ who was not defeated: high Eutychianus the pope, Eucharius and Ecbyrht whom I will entreat. Fi'nan of Caue, a dear man. After I go from the world I shall expect their solacing. ^ from Tech Baith in Connaught. - by the Devil. 9.G. Cyrilla on my side, Leocadia : Fedelm and <=Mogain,^ mild •ones : may Porphyrius also succour us : may virginal Cyprian and my Sego son of Comsech with justice come"^ against the sorrows ! ' Fedlim a virgin and Mogain a virgin, two daughters of Ailill, son of Dunlaing ; and Cell na n-Ingen (' the Church of the Maidens '), in the west of Mag Lifi, is the name of their stead. •' Buti (gen. sg.), Drtajiiii. Kal. ^ Conceptio beatissimae uirginis Mariae, Mart. Rom. "" Fedelme et Mugaine (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. These are the two daughters of AiHll, di grem airthir Liphi, 'two suns of the east of Liffey,' commemorated by Oengus at Dec. 9. '^ tara for tora., 3d sg. j-conj. of doroc/nm. 236 F£.LIRE Hi'I GORMAIN. [December. lo. a. /'"^arpofair uais, hAbuind, ^^-^Eulalia na lamar, lulia caem nach celeb,a Conseint, Celsz/j-, Colman, Scanlach^ minocb molubh, cmo Di'moc- in degfer. ^ Arda Scannlaighe i cCenel Ardghail. Aradh isin Munirt'/;/, &^^%cop 7 r(9«fessor. 6 Chluain Cain II. b. "Dretextait is Pontian, ■^ papa Damais dagfind, la hEmir coemh crobung, ^Eltin/ Nad-froich,- Funech,^ Senan,e Senchan,^ sogemm/ Duinsech,*^ Crundmael/ Colum,^ tocbail Bute, Blaithm^c do thaithmet, mar thoghaim/ ^ 6 Chionn tsaile i ndeiscciurt Erenn. - epsr.^/. ^ Cliiana Bronaigh. ^ in inarg. Seanchan eps^<;/ 7 abb 6 Imlech Ibhair. ° .i. gem maith. '' 6gh. ■ iii marg. Duinsech 6g 6 Chill Duinsighe i nUltoibh, 7 atat tn cealla aice ann. ' Baeth. * moc Aedha Claoin, o Chiiil Briuin, 12. c. T^innian^ ardsui eccna," -*■ Paul, Epimaich almit, a n-impidhc iarmait. da Cholman," din chongaib, triur CO follan firdruit, Catan, Dronnan,"* Diarmait.^ ' abb Cluana hEraird, oide naemh Yxenn ina aimsir. - iti inarg. man. rec. Archidoctor sapientiss(imiis). ' locha ocus Colman m^c lii Thelduibh. * e^%cop. "■ MS. celiub. '' MS. minoc. '' m'Eltoc, mo Elteoc, m'Eilteoc, Fe'/. Otrng. Drumm. Kal. ^ Senoc, Fcl. Ocng. Mo-senoc, Druiinii. Kal. ^ The end-words of lines 3, 6 and 8 should probably be corrected into crobang, Colamni and thogamm, ' we choose.' Colman eps^^/ Glinne da ' eps("(^/, o Chill Dronnain. ■ MS. modiomoc. Elheni (gen. sg. of Eltcne), December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 237 10. A. Noble Carpophorus, Abundius, Eulalia who is not dared : dear Julia whom I will not hide, Consentius, Celsus, Colman : young gentle Scanlach^ whom I will praise : my Di'mmoc^ the STOod man. ' of Ard Scannlaige (' Scannlach's Height ') in Cenel Ardgail. from Cliiain Cain Arad in Munster, a bishop and confessor. II. B. Praetextatus and Pontianus, pope Damasus good and fair, with Emer, a dear cluster. Eltin,^ Nat-fraich,^ Funech,^ Senan, Senchan,* a precious jewel,'' Duinsech,'' Crundmael," Colomb.*^ Buite's elevation, Blathmec^ to be commemorated, as I choose. ^ from Cenn Saile in the south of Ireland. " a bishop. ^ of Cliiain Brdnaig. ^ Senchan a bishop and abbot, from Imlech Ibair. ^ a good gem. ^ a virgin. Duinsech a virgin from Cell Duinsige (' Duinsech's Church ') in Ulster, and she has three churches there. '' the Foolish.'^ ^ son of Aed the Bent, from Cuil Briuin.'= 12. C Finnian,^ high sage of wisdom." Paulus and Epimachus whom we beseech, and whose intercession we seek. Two Colmans'^ — a protective collection. A triad soundly, very closely, Cattan, Dronnan,* and Diarmait.^ ^ abbot of Cluain Eraird, tutor of the saints of Ireland in his time. - a most sapient arch-doctor. ^ Colman bishop of Glenn da locha, and Cclman great-grandson of Teldub. * a bishop, from Cell Dronnain. ® a bishop. "^ I ioViow Mart. Don. in treating (5Az///^/;^(?^(=BIathmec, July24)as a proper name : it can hardly be a noun (' gentle youth ') in apposition with Bute. "^ per antiphrasin ? '^ already commemorated at Nov. 8. 238 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [December. 13. d. T ucia og, Autbeirt, -■-^ludaich, Suairlech^ sainglic, Brenainn,- bocc in borrslat, Colum'^ mor m^c Cremthainn, mo ''iBoe[than]^ fris mbenmait, Critan/ cruimthir Corbmac/ mo Senoc cend caidbreth, as craibhdech a comrac. ^ sacrtrt. ^" Ettarchluana. ^ Thi're da ghlas. ^ Cluana Fannabhair i nUibh Muredhaz]^//. ^ mac Liotain. '' o Thealaigh Indenn. 14. e. "\T icais mor 'sa muint^r, ^ ^ tri bColmain^ diar cobair, la Dalian- mar dlega[i]r, Maelan^ fi'al, is Fintan.'' Corbmac^ lenn im logaid, Ernin v^ac seng Senaig. ^ in 7!iarg. Colman o Raith Maoilside,"^ Colman mac Fionntain ocus Colman alainn. - e^gscop 6 Aolmaigh. ^ mac Mechair. * mac Luinid. '" epscop. 15. f. Ualerian fuair pianad, la Maximin minfial, Moghain^ fri cech moragh, Fethain^ is dplann'' Bennchoir, Colman co n-aib firoig. Udrin* caein, is Cronan. ' ogh, 6 Chluain Bairenn. " o Chuil Grainc. ^ abb, ^ mac Buachalla. ^ Oengus' Boethan or Baethan. Baethain (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. ^ MS. cholman. " Rathmelsigi, Bcda, H. E. III. 27. ^ Flainn (gen. sg.), Druinin. Ka/. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 23^ 13- D. Lucia the virgin, Autbertus, Judoc, specially shrewd Suarlech.^ Brenainn/ tender was the noble scion : great Colomb" son of Crimthann. My Boethan* to whom we pray, Critan,' presbyter Cormac,'' my Senoc, head of holy judgments, devout is their meeting-. ' a priest. ^ of Etarchklain. ^ of Ti'r da glas. ^ of Cluain Fannabair in Hiii Muredaig. * son of Litan (Lithan ?). " from Telach Indenn. 14. E. Great Nicasius and his family. Three Colmans'^ to help us, with Dalian^ as is due, modest Maelan'^ and Fintan.* Cormac'^ be on our behalf for indulgence, and Erni'n the slender son of Senach. ^ Colman from Raith Maelsigi, Colman son of Finntan, and Colman Alaind ('Delightful'). - a bishop, from Aelmag. ^ son of Mechar. ^ son of Luined. * a bishop. 15. F. Valerianus who suffered=^ torturing, along with the gentle modest Maximinus. Mogain^ against every great battle. Fethain^ and Fland^ of Bennchor. Colman with truly virginal beauty, bright Udri'n* and Cronan. ' a virgin, from Cluain Bairenn. " from Cuil Grainc. abbot. * son of Buachaill. ■'' literally, found. 240 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [December. 1 6. g. A nanias, Azarias,^ -^^-Misael cen fuba, Ualentin tuir toga, '^mo Phioc^ tenn tinniu, cReodaide^ caidh cara, o Ghrellaig bhain bona. ^ 6 Ard Camrois for brii Locha Carman i n-Uibh Ceinnselaz^h ocus o Ros caoin i cCluain Fergaile i nDelbna tire. - o Greallaigh bhuna tiir Tamhlachta ocus Cenann/zi'. 17. a. nPranslait uasal Ignait, -'■ Lazair, Martha mini, carait Crist co cadhe, Senchad leo, mo Liac, CrunnmaeF bagaim beoda, Moedoc- alainn ale.'^ ^ abb lae. - m^c Mursain. ^ a itche. 18. b. Zo^vcivus reil, RuffV/i", ^Maigniu/ Munis mingar, Caeman,- Cuimin^ caemgel, Segnat'' min, m^z'c Cathbad,'' Maeldub," Liban logmar, la Senan for saernem, Rignach/ Colman coemda, Emhin aebda, Aedgen,'' Diucuili;' Flannan^" flat[h]fir CO cathair na caenfled. ' f^icop 7 abb Cille Maighnenn la taobh Atha cli'aLh. ' Ruis -Cruithnechain. ^ 6 Cluain moir. ^ 6gh, 6 Dhomhnath Ceirne. _* \weic Cathbadh, o Imleach." " o Cluain CohzXxq. ' 6gh, ini^^/ieu Feradha;^//. '^ 6 Ard Londin. '■' i n-Inis Eogai'n, 7 ^6'/?fessor e. "' Flannan confessor, 6 Chill da Liia i nDal ■cCais. •' MS. Annaniaas Zacrias. '' mofioc, Drwnm. Kal. moPliioc, moBeooc, moBeoc, Fcl . Oaig. '^ Rodc'iighe, Mart. Don. '• MS. maignenn. Thc/V/. Oeng. (Rawl. B. 505) has Magniu 1. Magnenn. Magnenn (gen. sg.), Drunun. Kal. Maigneni, Mart. Chr. C/i. " 6 Miliuc, Mart. 7am/. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 241 16. G. Ananias, Azarias, Misael without hurt : Valentinus, a choice tower ; my ^Pioc^ a strong ingot (?). Chaste t>Reodaide- whom thou lovest. from fair GrcUach bona. * from Ard Camrois on the brink of Loch Carman in Hiii Cennse laig and from Ross Cain in Cluain Fergaile in Delbna Tire [da locha] ^ from Grellach buna between Tamlachta and Cenannus. 17. A. The noble translation of Ignatius : Lazarus and Martha, gentle ones, chaste relatives of Christ : Senchad along with them, my Liacc. CrundmaeF the vigorous whom I mention, my beautiful Aedoc^ whom thou entreatest.^ ' abbot of lona. "^ son of Mursan. ^ his prayer. 18. B. Clear Zosimus, Rufus, Maigniu,^ gentle-pious Muniss, Coe- man,^ dear fair Cuimin,^ gentle Segnat,* the sons of Cathbad.^ Maeldub," costly Li'ban, with^Senan in noble heaven. Rignach,'' endeared Colman, beautiful Emin, Aedgen.* ci^jcuju^o pi-Jncely ^Flannan^" unto the City of the bright banquets.^ ^ bishop and abbot, of Cell Maignenn beside Ath cliath (Dublin)/ - of Ross Cruthnechain, ^ from Cluain mbr. ■* ;i virgin, from Doranach Ceirne. ^ sons of Cathbad, from Imbliuch. * from Cluain Conairi. "^ a virgin, daughter of Feradach. ^ from Ard I.onain. * in Inis Eogain, and a confessor was he. '" Flan- nan, a confessor, from Cell da Lua in Dal Caiss. ^ mofioc, Drumm. Kal. "" Rodaighe, Mart. Don. "^ DiucoU, Mart. Don. Diucolla (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. ^ Flannain (gen. sg.), Drumm. Kal. ^ i.e. heaven. "^ Already commemorated at October 19. GORMAN. 242 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [December. 19. c. Grigoir noemda, Nemeis, Darius din ar dhemhna, =^Samthand^ ind ogh amra, mo Conoc- uais uamach, Aed^ ma chara cunnla, Fimec[h]ta fri fagla, Anfadan^ coem, Comaig,^ togaid ara tarba. * Samthann 6gh, o Chluain Br6naigh i cCn'ch Choirpr/ i tTethba. - o Chill mucrois. in viarg. Mo Conocc uamhach e so 7 mo Conocc o Cill mucrois t8 Nou. ^ Lemchaille. * 6 Ros Cre. ogh, \K\g]un Ciarain-. 20. d. Zenon, Ammon, Ingein, la Faethleg Ian luadmait, Eus^anan^ 'mo n-iadmait, sect meic Aedha o Echdruim, cruimthir Fraech- suir sirgreitt, Fedlimid druin, ^Diarmait.'* * o Ard Lecach i Maigh Ene. * o Cliiain Collaing.*" .i. urasa. * f^%cop. 21. e. Tomas apstal Isu, loain, YcsUis fromtha, feil mo Lua^ nach laimthi, Fulartach^ mind maissech, Flann'' 'sin findfal figthi, la Sillan' co saigthi. ^ 6 ungair[i']t. " mac Brie. =* vc^ac Ft^rcellaigh. * t^%cop Lis ni6ir. ■^ MS. Samdind. Samdann, Samthann, Samthand, /t'7. O^v/^. Samthand, Mart. Taml Samthainne (gen. sg.), Driuiim. Kal. ^ Diarniato (gen. bg.), Mart Taml " ciillaig, Mart. Taml. at Dec. 19. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 243 19. C. Hallowed Gregorius, Nemesius, Darius a protection against demons. Samthand^ the marvellous virgin : my Conoc^ the noble cave-dweller. Aed^ my wise friend. Funechta^ against plunder- ings, dear Anfadan,* Comaig,^ choose ye for their profitableness. ^ Samthann a virgin, from Cluain Br6naig in Crich Coirpri in Tethba. ' from Cell Muccroiss. in tnarg. my Con6c the cave- dweller is he, and my Con6c from Cell Muccroiss 18 Nov. ^ of Lemchaill. * from Ross Cre. ^ a virgin, daughter of Ciardn. 20. D. Zeno, Ammon, Ingenuus, with full Faethleg whom we pro- claim, Euganan^ round whom we close. Aed's seven sons'^ from Echdruim : presbyter ^Fraech^ the facile,^ a constant cham- pion : shrewd Fedlimid, Diarmait.* ^ from Ard Leccach in Mag Ene. * from Cluain CoUaing. easy. * a bishop. 21. E. Thomas an apostle of Jesus. Joannes, proven Festus. The festival of my Lua^ who was not dared. Fulartach- a beauteous diadem. Fland^ in the fair woven fence, with Sillan* to whom ye fare. ^ from Mungarit. - son of Brecc. ^ son of Forcellach. * a bishop, of Less m6r. ^ Fuinneachta, A fart. Don. ^ Commemorated on 19 Dec. in Mart. Taml. " Commemorated on 19 Dec. in Mart Taint. Cruimthir Firaich (leg. Frdich), gen. sg. Drumin. Kal. R 2 244 F A LI RE HCi GORMAIN. [December. 22. f. Tua, Itharnaisc/ Emin,^ Berr, Currin^ diar cabair] Forandan* flaith enig, Congalach ard Aego. mo Chua, Uachall foraib, sect meic^ Dreitil, deghfir. Ultan raith ua Roeda ron-faema co fedhil. ^ Tua ocus Itharnaisc, da naemh filet i cClaonadh .i. cell fil il- Laignibh n-Uibh Faolain do sonnradh. - epsr^/, o Ros glas for bru Berbha. ^ o Ros Aiss in Inis. * Cille Ae.* '" Insi iarthair. 23. g. Sedrach, mo Chua,^ Colman,^ mo Ernoc nar' anmin,^' Mael-dub delbda deghreid, Ronan'' mor m^c Aeda, mo Goroc* co nglanbuaid, Anfadan^ is Ernein,^ mo Senoc leir, Luc[h]air,^ nar'bo duthain deghmein, mo C[h]ellocc ard erlam cod gleglan mar ghelgrein, ailithrig ro fesser da sesser co segreim, Feidilmid u^ir fortail fri holcaib, fri helbeim. ' mac Aengh;/5a. - Cluana da fiach. ' o Achadh farcha, * Dheirgne.® * o Ros Ingite. ^ Chille Elgraighe.^ " Forunnan Cilli Eac, Mart. Tatnl. ^ Opposite this line, in mar^. man. rec. is : v de Dist. 2. c. ij. lib. "^ MS. eirnin. Herneni (gen. sg.), Mart. Taml. '^ MS. go. ^ Dergene, Mart. Taml. ^ Luchair Cilii Delgraigi, ibid. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 245 22. F. Tua (' Silent '),a Itharnaisc/ bEmin.^ Berr and cCurri'n' to help us. Forandan* a prince of honour : high Congalach of Aeg. My Cua and Uachall in addition to them : seven sons^ of Dretell, good men. May gracious Ultan, descendant of Roed, receive us steadfastly. * Tua and Itharnaisc, two saints who are in Cloenad, a church in Leinster. in Hiii Faelain precisely. ^ a bishop, from Ross glass, on the bank of (the river) Barrow. ^ from Ross Aiss in Inis. * of Cell Ae. ^ of Inis iarthair."^ 23. G. Sedrach, my Cua/ Colman,^ my Ernoc who was not ungentle ; shapely, orderly Maeldub ; great Ronan^ son of Aed : my Goroc* with pure victory : Anfadan^ and Ernein ; my diligent Senoc : Luchair^ whose good mind was imperishable : my Celloc high and ready, brightly and purely like the white sun. Pilgrims whom thou shouldst know, two hexads,^ with a vigorous career. Fedilmid since (he is) prevailing, against evils, against offence. * son of Oengus. ^ of Cluain da fiach. ^ from Achad farcha. * of Dergne. '" from Ross Ingite. ® of Cell Elgraige. '"■ '^ Tua mac hui Roida idem et Ultan Tigi Tua. Ideo Tua dicitur, quia lapis in labiis eius per omne tempus quadragesimae habebat ut non posset loqui. Mart. Tainl. ^ natale Tue, Hithernaiss et Einin (leg. Hitharnaiss et Emin), Drumm. Kal. "= Berr 7 Churennan, Afar/. Taml. Dec. 21. "^ secht vcveic Dretill Insi Uachtair, ibid. " da fer decc d'oilithrechaibh, 6 Inis Uachtair, Mart. Don. 246 FELIRE HUI GORMAIN. [December. 24. a. Uigilia na gene. Grigoir saccart s6er(5g, Temnen^ gaet[h] cen g6radh,^ mo Chua^ m^'C lor Lona[i]n : Lucian, FiadaP firfial, Senan, Cummein t>cr6bhan,* Mael Maire,' Mael Caithfir, na maithfir nos-m6rabh. ' coic mo Liia O^uanz. ferta. ^ 6 Thigh mo Chda il-Laighis 3 ab Chille achaidh droma Senain. ^ ban e i ccr6 in chxihhaidh. 5 in marg. 7nan. rec. dar let as e an Maolmuire si B. Marianus Scotus Chronographus, de quo (\i(od in yi'axlyrologio Cassek^i"/' de^i-^" (?) Marty- xcAogio ^diXiAactensi, mflC Nemain. 25. b. Noemgein m^/c moir Maire, Anastassia amra. Eugenia glan delbda, DiculP n\ac n6em Nema[i]n, Maelan® m6r cen merbe la hOedan^ 6^ ergna. epsf^/. m6r. 26. c. Zeffan mind na martra, la Comman^ co coeme, Eugen,c mar in mora, mo Genoc^ caid, Cota^ : Lasrian leo, mo Liba/ mo Comm6c^ co cora, Dionis dil dathghlan, papa rat[h]mar Roma. ' o Ros Commain for Magh A6i 7 o Leithglinn. - epsr^?/ o Chill Dhumha ghluinn i ndeisc^rt Bregh. ' in. marg. Cota" Droma tuirc. " Eanaigh Eallta" i n-Ultoibh. ' Cliiana daimh i n-Uibh Eachach Uladh. » MS gengoradh. '' MS. crobhan. " Eugeni perigrini, i1/ Lis moir. •^ Castorii, Mari. Tnml. '' Dregdae, Mart. Taml Breghdai, Mart. Don. ' Eleraii, Auerdn, Ft'/. Oefiif. Ereardn, Mart. Don. Aircrain (gen. sg.), Dtumin. Kal. '^ Uinniauii senis, Mart. Taml. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 249 27. D. The chief feast of John the Apostle : the ordination of James^ the very sound — harmonious is the convention : far- famed bishop Maximus. Tipraite^ a fair, holy fence : my chaste Fiacha^ and Colman.^ ^ of Mag Ratha, ^ Fiacha, great-grandson of Cormac. son of Dairchill. 28. E. The virginal, famous Children^ : Domitianus without slow- ness. Castorius, wise Cillein/ Mael-cosne^ there, Eutychius, Snedairle a gentle kindred : diligent Fechi'n descendant of Luffba. son of Bregda. ' from Ross Branduib. 29. F. David, Jesse's great son.^ Trophimus, just Crescentlus, with reasonable Enan,^ Aileran^ and Eolaing.^ A triad of holy warriors that were not unchaste — Finnian, Maedoc,'* Manchein. Thomas, austere is the champion — unto bright heaven in their pure steps ! * of Glenn Faidle. "^ lector of Cluain Eraird. ^ from Lecan Midi. * a bishop, of Less m6r. ^ ordinatio episcopalis lacobi fratris Dei, Drutntiu Kal. Assumptio et ordinatio lacobi apostoli (fratri)s lohannis, Mart. Taiul. "^ i.e. the Holy Innocents : in macain 6 Bethil, i^??. Oeng. Infantium pre Christo occisarum, Mart. Tanil. Passio sanctorum innocentunij Leofr. Kal. ' Hierosolimis dauid magni regis, Leofr. Kal. 250 f£:LIRE HOI GORMAIN. [December. 30. g. Mansuet^/j" la Seueir, Sabin epscob amra, deochain Marcill molbda, Honorait fial, Flor[e]int, in-agaid aig Elbe,^ Uen?^j'tian caid, Connla.^ t^%cop o Rusccaigh. 31. a. E: nda,^ Locheinb Lugna," 'Siluest^r sruith sloinnimm ro thormaigh a thallaind iar tuirim in tromsluaig, reid at-chi'u mar chingimm adi'u ceim for kaWaind. For kaWaind.'^ ^ in marg. Enda ocus Lochan o Chill na manach i n-Uibh Dun- chadha. ^ deochain. I. Cech noeb ro bui, bias for bith barrglass broenach gabat accam uile in^ cuire co coemhrath. 5. IN sluag uasal inmhain, bee da lir in linsa, ar agh is ar erbhaidh, ar demhnaibh dom dinsa. 9. Cuindcet dilghudh dhamhsa, aithrige ria n-eccaib, mo din ar cech nduilig 'na cuirib, 'na cetaibh. 13. Rom-ditnett ar Diabal, uair olc do-gres gnias, in tsui[d] saer co soas, cech noeb ro bui, bias. Cech n6eb.<^ Finis. •■* Ailbi episcopi Imlecha, Mart. Tavil. Ailbe, Elbi, Fel. Oc7ig. ^ Lochan, Fdl. Ocng. Lochani, Mart. Taml. "^ Here Gorman observes the rule that the words with which an Irish poem ends should be the same as those with which it begins. See O'Donovan, Tracts relating to Ireland, p. 59. '' MS. an. ** MS. naem. December.] MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. 251 30. G. Mansuetus with Severus, Sabinus a wonderful bishop : the praiseworthy deacon Marcellus, modest Honoratus, Florentius. Ailbe against battle, chaste Venustianus, Connlae.^ ^ a bishop, from Riiscach. 31. A. Ende,^ Lochein,^ Lugne.^ Venerable Silvester^ whom I name, who after the numbering of the mighty host increased its weight. Clearly I see as I go hence a step to the calends (of January). On the calends. ^ Enda and Lochan from Cell na manach in HUi Dunchada. * a deacon. Epilogue. I. Let every saint who hath been, who shall be, in the green- topped mournful world, let all the dear and gracious host forgive me. 5. The noble, beloved army — little of their sea is this number^ — to protect me from battle, from bane, (and) from demons. 9. In their hosts, in their hundreds, let them ask for me pardon, repentance before death, and protection of me from every hardship. 13. May they guard me from the Devil, for he is always doing evil — the noble sages with knowledge, every saint who hath been, who shall be ! Every saint. The End. " Lochan et Ennq, facsimile, Drumm. Kal. (misprinted Locan et Enne). '" Sci. siluestri papae, Leofr. Kal. " Compare Oengus (ep. 41) In rigrad doruirmius, ol is loimm de romuir ' the kings whom I have reckoned — and it is a sip from a great sea.' 252 F&LIRE HOI GORMAm. LEXICOGRAPHICAL GLOSSES ON THE MARTYROLOGY OF GORMAN. January 4. erglafi .1. uasalglan, 7. dagdois .1. maithe na doiss di'din I'ad. 8. mbin dlectain fris iidalab \. d'iarraidh impidhe forra ara moladh 7 ara ccuimhniugadh. 9. «7//;^;« .i. aitchim. 12. tochei?nm [leg. t6cheimm] .i. ceim t6i. 15. rimhe airmhe. 27. CO nuabail .i. co mbail niia. 29. toethir .i. ti'r t6i nimhe. nar' borbaig ,i, na derna burba. 30. uais uasal. February 11. isin rindaird A. ainm na haistesea. March I. ^a^/a .i. cathalacda. 3. nar /aedend A. nar gresenn. 10. dm turind do cruithnecht na naemh. 21. <^;'^^ tene. 28. r^i^^ww geam maith. 31. ;;mr;;/rt/^ miir maighe mail. ^a^/?r far bagach mon ecclais. April 3. ollan Ian e co holl do maith. 15. datnfial .\. fi'al fri damhaibh. 16. aiia fertach. 18. certfir ind fir cheirt. 24. airfemm airemhat. 29. finnbeb aebh alainn. May 3. ^ad^/fl catolocdha. 20. 7ur dichiiid .i. ni'r bhecc. 25. renfia solasta iad. 31. do rififinim .i. co nemh na rann. June 5. iar ndegthdm .i. iar ndagh [leg. n-ec] maith. 7. sin ngormrbt .\/\ slighidh nimhe. 12. sodh A. soirbhe dia cholainn. 17. in nuathaig A. taigh niia nimhe. 28. oe7ie A. uigil Pedair. July I. cen athbath .i. cen athfas pene. nar tac\}{\rach A. nar daabh- tach. 10. nar-ros .i. na nganelach. 15. ni maeded A. ni denadh maidhmighi asa maithius. 24. ertnor A. uasalmor. 27. ^<:'/i2/^ eolcha iat. 29. j'(9^;^fl/ .i. daingen. August 13. for id A. idh ainm in laithe mis grene for a filet. September 2. j-z^/r erasa. 21. sogemm A. gemm maith. October 9. ail nairec[h]. 10. ni mindatn nach niolab acht mordamh molfat. . 20, grane A. grene. November I. isin r/wi/i-d' .i. i ndeiriudh an raind. 8. somind A. mind maith. 19. oen foraib A. aen tuillte frisan Xwcht remhe. December 8. nar' viaedhed 6 dA2\i\i's\. 11. sogemm A. gQ.VL\ maith. 20. suir A. urasa. 24. crobhan ban e i ccro in c\\xoAA\aidh. INDICES. 1. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 2. INDEX OF PLACES. 3. INDEX OF PERSONS. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Aisl. Aislinge maic Conglinne, ed. K. Meyer, London, 1892. ALC. Annals of Loch Ce, ed. Hennessy, Dublin, 1871. Ascoli, gl. pal. hib. Ascoli, Glossarium palaeo-hibernicum, Turin, 1888, 1894. AU. Annals of Ulster, Dublin, 1887, 1893. BB. Book of Ballymote, Facsimile, Dublin, 1887. Bk. Arm. The Book of Armagh, ff. 1-24 printed in Trip. Life. Colgan, Acta SS. Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae, Lovanii, 1645. Corm. Cormac's Glossary, in Three Irish Glossaries, London, 1862. Fel. Oeng. Felire Oengusso, Dublin, 1880. FM. Annals of the Four Masters, ed. O'Donovan, Dublin, 1S48, 1851. Goidel. Goidelica, 2nd ed. London, 1872. H. 2. 16, H. 3. 18, H. 4. 22, MSS. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. Ir. Gl. Irish Glosses, Dublin, i860. Joyce. Joyce's Irish Names of Places, 3rd ed. Dublin, 1871. KZ. Kuhn's Zeifschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. Laws. Ancient Laws of Ireland, i-iv. Dublin, 1865-1879. LB. Leabhar Breac, Facsimile, Dublin, 1876. Lism. The Book of Lismore, a MS. belonging to the Duke of Devonshire. Lism. Lives. Lives of Saints from the Book of Lismore, Oxford, 1890. LL. Lebar Laignech, Facsimile, Dublin, 1880. LU. Lebar na hUidre, Facsimile, Dublin, 1870. Mart. Don. The Martyrology of Donegal, Dublin, 1864. Ml. The Milan glosses in // Codice irlandese deW Ambrosiana, ed. Ascoli, 1878. O'Br. O'Brien's Irish-English Dictionary, Paris, 1768. O'Cl. O'Clery's Focloir, Louvain, 1643. O'Dav. O'Davoren's Glossary, in Three Irish Glossaries, London, 1862. O'Don. Supp. O'Donovan 's Supplement to O'Reilly's Irish Dictionary, 1864. O'R. O'Reilly's Irish Dictionary, DubHn, i82r, second ed. 1864. Pal. 68. The Palatine MS. 68 in the Vatican Library. KZ. xxxi. 232. Patr. h. S. Patrick's hymn, printed in Goidelica, p. 148. Reeves, Col. Reeves' edition of Adamnan's Vita Cohimbae, Dublin, 1S57. Reeves, Eccl. Ant. Reeves' Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor, and Dromore, Dublin, 1S47. Rev. Celt. Revue Celtique, Paris, 1 870- 1894. Salt. Saltair na Rann, Oxford, 1883. Sg. The St. -Gall glosses on Priscian, ed. Ascoli, Rome, etc., 1879. Top. Poems Topographical Poems, ed. O'Donovan, Dublin, 1862. Trip. Life. The Tripartite Life of Patrick, Rolls Series, London, 1S87. Urkelt. Sprachhch. Urkeltischer Sprachschatz, Gottingcn, 1894. \Vb. The Wiirzburg glosses on the Pauline epistles, printed in The Old-Irish Glosses at Wiirzburg and Carlsruhe, Hertford, 1887. Z.- Zeuss' Grammatica Celtica, 2nd ed. Berlin, 1871. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. *^* For words not found in this Index, see Prof. Windisch's Worterbuch, Irische Texie, Leipzig, 1880. abb, abbot. See ard-abb, ban-abb. acbeil, terrible, ace. Ap. 30, et v. LL. 86'' 36. aicmeil, O'Dav. 82 s. v. ecal Hence acbeile, ' terribleness,' LL. 85* 35, et v. O'Don. supp. s. v. aicbeile. achad, yf^^/rt', gen. achaid, March 26, gl. 3, 6. acra, acre. gen. dual, Cluain di acra, Sep. 21, gl. i, adiu, hence, Dec. 31. fri sonnach adiu . . . fri sonnach denall, LL. 23'' 18. adiu 7 anall, hence and the?tce, LL. 127^ 15. adiii [leg. adiu] 7 anall 'on both sides,' FM. 1452, p. 976. dind leith adiu, LL. 291'' 34. The -diu may be cognate with Gr. bewa, O. Bactr. ace. di-m. ad-riug, I upraise, atom-riug neurt tren, / upraise myself by a mighty virtue, scil. the invocation of the Trinity, Patr. h. t-pret. atracht. s-fut. and conj. sg. I an atamm-re[s]sa (gl. exsurgente me), Ml. 31'' 14. sg. 2 atrde extolle te. Ml. 126'' 3. pi. 3. ad-d-reset, Ap. 22. See Ascoli gl. pal. hib. cxcv-cxcvi. aeb, aebda. See oeb, oebda, aene, aine, ainim. See oene, oenim. ag, battle, gen. ^ig, Dec. 30. dat. ig, ep. 7. See bron-dg, cruad-%, dian- ig, fi'r-ag, mer-ig, min-£g, renn-dg, tromm-ig. age, Oc. 20, Nov. 17. Seems dige .i. calma 'valiant,' Fel. Oeng. Prol. 119. But this gloss may be a scribal error for colma ' column.' We have also the glosses dighe .i. sail no gabhal ' prop or fork,' dighe .i. cnoc ' hill,' and dighe .i. tuir ' tower.' See glossarial index to Fel. Oeng. agmar, fearful, from dg ' fear ' (or perhaps warlike, from dg ' battle '), Aug 19 : pi. n. coin etecha ingnecha dgmara iarnaide, LU. 33'' 28. ail, bashful, shamefast, Oct. 9. .i. ndireach, O'Cl. ainm, name. See noeb-ainm. aired, ered, gen. airid, dat. airiud, a corii-field? liporos ? or tillage ? See Index of Places. aiste, a metre, a i)oem, Pref. pi. gen. Oc. 25. pi. n. na haisti, dat. arna haistibh, Ir. Texte 3te ser. 23. mXs., fosterer, tutor. See coem-aite. 1. aithnim, 1 commend, better aithenim. pres. ind. pi. i aithnemm, June 4, Sep. 5. pi. 3 aithnit dia muinteraib nar' fogluaister a cuirp, they recom mend their families not to move their bodies, BB. 256''. Cognate with aithne, Sg. 203. 2. aithnim (corruptly aichnim. May 27) foraith-gnim, T recognise, pres. ind. pi. I athnemm, Nov. 14. imper. pi. 2 athnid, July i. Cognate with aithne (gl. recognitio, gl. agnicione). 2S6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. albanach, a Scottish Highlander, Nov. 2, gl. 8. algasach (better ailgesach), importunate, Mar. 29, gl. 5. allatuaid, 07i the tiorth side, Aug. 21, gl. 3, := don leitli atuaid, Oct. 12, gl. 6. am-chiall, senselessness, ace. amcheill, Oc. 21, Dec. 28 (W. ammhwyll is = Ir. am-dess, ugly, ni hamdess, LL. 156^, 21, but nirb amdeiss, LL. 157'' 35, dat. sg. f. amdis, Jan. 7. In the Togail Bruidne da Choca amdess is an epithet for.' hand' and means un-right, left ; Suidhis Fiacha mac Fir abha isin [fjochla feinedha da laimh alaind aimdeis in righ. am-doid, July 13, seems a compound of the neg. prefix am- and doid'- meaning obscure. am-gand, unscanty, liberal, Jan. 31, May 10, Oct. 7. am-lond, un-rough, gentle, Jan. 31, May 10, Sep. 4, 19. amnois, by-form of amnas, difficult, hard, severe, etc., Jan. 7. am-thend, not austere, June 25. amrdn, a song. May 10, derived from amhar .i. ceol music, O'Cl. perhaps = W. afar ' mourning.' amsa, war service, Sep. 7, derived from amus ' soldier.' dn, splendid. See 6g-^n. ^na (MS. ana), wealth, treasure, Ap. 16, where it is glossed by fertach 'wonder-working.' But compare the Annals of Ulster, 1223 : Tadhg o Baighill ana thuaisceirt Erenn, ' the wealth (or treasure) of the north of Ireland.' Compare also the use of the synonymous nuiin. anaicim, anaigim, I protect (v. Ascoli gloss, pal. hib. xxxvi.) sg. 3 narn-anaig, Jan. I, ig, July 9, Aug. 11,27. rel. pres. anges, Mar. 31. subj. pi. 3. core ancet, Mar. 13. pret. sg. 3, ron-anaig, Jan. 25. See further the glos- sarial index to Fel. Oeng. p. ccxv. The verbal noun is anacul. an-bdil, very great, Feb. 24, where it rimes with fagbdil : coccadh anbhail, a very great war, FM. 1491. iota anbhail, great thirst. Mart. Don. at Jan. 27. adv. rofubad Find co hanbail, LL. 193"^ 32. A sister-form ajtbhal .i. romhor, O'Cl. anbal c&ch anecnaid, LL. 344* 56. gen. cluana . . anbail, Fel. Oeng. (LB.) at Feb. 17. anchore, Ap. 11, gl. 5. June 11, gl. 2. Oct. 17, gl. 3. anchoiri, Oct. 3, gl. 2. anchoreta, Feb. 8, gl. 5. Nov. 7, gl. 2. anchoreta, Nov. 14, gl. 4, an anchorite. an-foil, Oct. 13, is perhaps for anfoill, 'great.' LB. 129^ 15 (tria didcell anfoill), foill .i. beag, ' little,' O'R. an-foiss, unsteady, Jan. 7. an-uain, Sep. 2, meaning doubtful, as uain means either ' leisure ' or ' loan.' dn-greit, a splendid champion. Jan. 7. Apreil, April, gen. sg. Ap. i, Ap. t,o, where it rimes with acMl. ar, prep. = for, Mar. 24, Aug. 19. dr, slaughter. See roen-dr, tren-dr, tress-dr, tromm-dr. W. aer. arc M. an ark, arcc gl. ab area, H. 3, 18, p. 65% in t-arc, Jan. 1 1. Borrowed (like W. arch F.) from Lat. area. Note the change of gender, ar-chelim, I take away, pret. pass. sg. 3, ar-ro-ccled, Feb. 19. ard, high, lofty, noble, etc. See find-ard. Compounded also in : ard-abb, high abbot. Sep. 23, Oc. 11. ZTdi-iiAih., high prophet. Ap. 10. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 257 ard-gein, a high birth, June 24. ard-gemm, a noble gem, Oct. 23. ard-greit F., high champion, Aug. 31. ard-mind, a ftoble diadem, Oct. 23. ard-noeb M. a high saint, Ap. 20, July 5. an t-ardnoebh, Lism. Lives 735. ard-6g, high virgin, Feb. i, Aug. 11. ard-sui, high sage, Dec. 12. 2. ard, a. the assonance of the final syllable. ^. the assonating final syllable. (Thurneysen, Rev. Celt. vii. 89.) See rind-ard infra. ;irem, direm F. number, March 31, July 31. In ran-direm, Oct. 16, dircm seems the 2d sg. imperative of diriniin. ar-n, ar-, infixed personal pron. pi. i. See diarn-, narn, nar, nar-. This pronoun, found only in Middle-Irish, is taken from the possessive pron ar-n, originally a gen. pi. ^sarom (Thurneysen.) arnaid, hard, severe, cruel, O'R. ace. Mar. 13. gen. ingen rig Ossairgi arnaid, LL. 138^ 38. Cuan mac Amalgaid arnaid, LL. 140'' 13. Rag- nailt ingen Amlaib arnaid, LL. 141* 36. adv. co harnaid, LL. 207^ 6. ar-thenn, very strict or austere. Mar. 4, June 6. as for is ' est,' Jan. 6. A scribal error. as-bdgimm, / declare, proclaim, as-am-bagimm, Sep. 20. as-m-bdgimm, Feb. II. asmbdgaimm, Ap. 6 (to rime ^\\h dlaiiid). asmb^ge, July 11. asambdgem, Mar. 27. asmb^gaid, Ap. 22, June 8, Nov. 18. as-ro- bdgis, July 23. asmbdigther, Oct. 8. Compounded of as = ex, and bdgimm, a denominative from I. b^g. ^Xiox\\., they are. Mar. 4. Before (/the / becomes (^ : arf-^/irim. Mar. 22. So in Old-Irish : acZ-i/rogdunesiu, Wb. i'' 10, manuf^-rt^legar, Wb. 32^ 18, cert'-ffuronath, Wb. 33"^ 15. ond rd\d d€\rz, Sg. 49^ 10. So in LL. ']']'' 6, cona tarart^ Z)air. atcuinnid, Oct. 14, either for ath-d-cuingid, impv. pi. 2 of ath-chuingim, or for at cuingid, who are champions. ath-bath, a second death. ' La seconda morte,' of the Divina Commedia, Inf i. 117. ace. July i, where it has the same gloss as O'Clery's athbach, (' renewal of pain '), which is, perhaps, the true reading. ath-dal, a second assembly, July 31. ath-fer, an itnnianned person, gen. athfir, LL. 72'^ 18, pi. nom. athfir, Ap. 16. auguist, August, gen. sg. Aug. i, 31. baeglach, dangerous, perilous, O'Br. ace. £ baeglaig, Nov. 15. Derived from bdegul ' danger.' baethe, stupidity, folly, ace. Ap. 24 : derived from bdeth 'foolish.' 1. bag, F. a word, a blessing. Cognate with Gr. ;3afa), fid^is. dat. bdig, Aug. 27, Nov. 4. ace. Aug. 18. Perhaps however in Aug. 27 bdg has its usual meaning of battle. 2. bag, battle, gen. baga, Jan. 23, Oct. 15. See deg-bag. bdg-fer, battle-man, warrior. Mar. 31. bagach, warlike, Aug. 6, Nov. 10. gen. msc. Mar. 17. pi. nom. m. Nov. 28. b^gaimm, bdgimm, I mentioti, Nov. i, Dec. 17. A denom. from i. bdg. A deponent bagur occurs in LL. 308'', 24. bail, speech, bail no bil .i. urlabra, O'Dav. 60. dat. Jan. 27, gl. 5. gen GORMAN. S 25S GLOSSARIAL INDEX. mfbail, without deceit, LL. 134% 47. See ntia-bail mhsi, or is it bail .i. m?L\i\i\\is, goodness, O'Don. sup. bail. See an-b^il. balla, lofty? Feb. 9, June 20. balla .1. ard no liasal, H. 3. 18, p. 624. Per- haps the same as ballda, balda, Salt. 1903, 4978. ban, female, replaces ben in composition : ban-abb, abbess, Jan. i, gl. 9. banab (gl. abatissa), In Gl. 22. ban-chland,y^;«(3:/^ children, Jan. 6, May 24, Aug. 11. ban-noeb, a female saint, July 21. ban-6g, a feinale virgin, Jan. 18, gl. 3. ban, white, pale. See cro-bAn, donn-ban, dron-bdn, find-bdn, mind-b^n, 6^- ban, seng-ban, sir-ban, soer-ban, to-b^n, tond-ban. bdn-greit, a white champion, July 3. hi.Yi.-rs\\n, fair-gentle, Oct. 17. banb, pig (W. banw), gen. bainb, Mar. 4. bar, estisf estotef Jan. i. Seems abstracted from negative forms such as narbar 'be ye not,' Salt. 4842, nibar 3641, nibur{n) 4871, nibfor ^2>72, nifof{n) 'ye are not' 1235, 1238. Similar strange forms are ar, ar-n, dar 'we are,' Salt. 1482, 3583, 3612, apparently abstracted from negative expressions like nidar-n 'vi^e are not,' Salt. 1609, 3626. barann. ace. baraind, Feb. 4, Sep. 30, is glossed by biubannas (leg. bidbanas), O'Dav. 59, and by ccraiii in H. 4. 22, p. 6i^ It seems to mean hostility, unfriendlitiess in this Martyrology, but at Feb. 4 it may be the ace. sg. of bara ' wrath.' barr, top, Oct. 19. See cloth-barr, oll-barr. \i2LXx-<^'X!\, pure-crowned, Jan. 3. barr-glass, green-topped, Ep. 2 (p. 250 supra), an epithet for the world. So ri betha barrglais, Salt. 1033. bdt (bat?) Ap. 28, July 30, Nov. 14, for O. Ir. bdtar. So in Coir Anmann, s.v. Oilill Cethach : bat mora a bheiminna. bath, death, \. bis no marbhadh, O'Cl. See ath-bath. bauptist, baptist, gen. sg. June 23, Sep. 24. beim, a blow. Corn, bom, Bret, bocm, bom. See cl-beim. beit, sint, Ap. 3, 27. beithe, a birch tree, Nov. 13, gl. 2. bem, simus, Ap. 21, June 2. ben, woman. See find-ben, 6g-ben. benaim .i. bualaim, I strike, O'Cl. fria mbdig benaim, Aug. 18. Beogna frisa mbenaim, Aug. 22. Imitated from the late-Latin use oi pulso for rogo : cf Matth. vii. 7, pulsate et aperietur nobis : pulsauit .i. roail. Ml. 19^^ 10. Patricio Dominum pulsante, Bk. Arm. iS*^ 2. See ff-is- benim infra. beo, livitig, lively ( = Lat. vivus, W. byw). March 23, June 3, 18, July 22, Aug. 21, Nov. 14, 18. beo-blad, living ox vivid fame. Mar. 15, May 31. beo-buaid, vivid victory, dat. Nov. 24. beoda, vivacious, vigorous, Ap. 2, May 10, 19, July 11, Dec. 17. Glossed by maith no scnamail, H. 3. 18, p. bo^, LL. 54' 6, 7. GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. 259 berdait (leg. bertait as in LU. 41^ 41, LL. in'' 36, 1 12* 48, 112^ 3), they will bring, June 3. For the form cf. gebtit, Wb. 26^ 8 =:.gebtait, Feb. 9 and LU. 56'', 26, me'rtaii, LU. 35"" 2)3-, scerdait, LL. 79^ 49. The azV in beri- ait is probably a suffixed personal pronoun (Zimmer K.Z. 28, 322) in the nom. \x\. gebtit, Wb. 26^ 8 (from gebat-iat?) the pron. is in the ace. — the meaning being ' accipient eas, scil. Legis ueteris institutiones.' bert F. burden, load, ace. beirt, Nov. 15. pi. gen. loman carr 7 heart, a rope for carts and loads, Laws i. 140, 1. 3. besaid, Nov. i, a moralist? derived from bes 'mos'? Or is it the imperative pi. 2 of a verb, meaning declare ye, from *bans cogn. with Ir. besciia ' language,' ' nation,' Skr. bha)tati, ' says ' ? bfam, I shall be, Ap. 28, Ep. i, 16. bias 'qui erit,' Ep. i, 16, bid 'erit,' Jan. 6, June 3, Aug. 20. bil, mouth f \. bel, O'Cl. See doi-bil. \i\\\,poor? bille .i. bocht, O'Cl. See d^i-bill. bind, melodious, etc., (Bret, banri), v. cad-bind, ciuin-b., grdd-b. bith, ep. 2, world, in composition ever : bith-eim, ever-active, June 3. bith- 6g, ever-virginal, July 3, Oct. 11. bithe, womanly. May 24. Nov. 30 : bithe .i. bannda, O'Cl. 011a setig Sdim bldith bithi, LL. 136'' 38. commdm Domnaill, bithi in ben, LL. mc^ 21. bithi brigach in ben barrdub, LL. 141* 14. ace. f i mbaig mbithi, LL. 197* 40, where it rimes with cichi. pi. dat. briathraib bithib, Salt. 5814. See also Meyer's Aislinge, p. 160. \AdA, fame, July 8. gen. blaide, March 12. dat blaid, LL. 258*^ 41. See beo-blad, brath-b., brig-b., cdin-b. blad-oU, great-fained, Mar. 2. gen. sg. m. blad-uill, Feb. 6. hladsich, famous, ace. f bladaig. May 13. See Meyer's Aisl. p. 160. h\adma.r, famous, Sep. 14, Salt. 29, 315, etc. rop hi in choiced ben bladmar LL. 194'' 58. hladmor, famous, Oct. 17. See Meyer's Aisl. 160. bldith, blaith (from mMith, mlaith), smooth, soft. Nov. i. Compounds : bMith-chenn, a smooth chief, Sep. 27. bldith-fidl, soft-modest, Jan. 12. blaith-mfn, smooth-gentle, Sep. 25 ; and see the name Blaith-mec. bocc, soft, tender. See ciuin-boce, enes-b., 6g-b. borbaigim, / act rudely or ignorafttly. pret. sg. 3 nar-borbaig, Jan. 29. A denominative from borb. borr-slat, a proud or noble rod or scion, Oct. 15, Dec 13. borrslat baeth na bairddni bind, LL. 139'' 24. slat, Sep. 6. brath, deception, treachery. W. brad.ixom. mrath. See crech-brath. brath-blad, deceptive fame. Mar. 23. breith, a taking, verbal noun of berim : dat. bre[i]th, Aug. 29. See cdt-breith. bre6,yZi;w^, Aug. 6, where it seems disyllabic. In March 11, April 18,20, and Oct. 27, it is a monosyllable, breth, judgment (W. bryd). pi. n. bretha, July 16, dat. brethaib, Jan. i. See cdd-breth, cdin-b., cl6en-b., fir-b., Idn-b., ro-b., s^r-b. brig, vigour. See gart-brig, tend-b. brig-blad F. mighty fame, dat. brigblaid. Mar. 9. cf brig maith blaide. Mar. 12. S 2 26o GLOSSARIAL INDEX. brfg-fer, a vigorous man^ Dec. 3. brig-rath, vigorous grace, Sep. 28. brfgda, vigorous, Jan. 6, Mar. 4, Ap. 22, May 7, June 9, Aug. 26, Nov. 1,26. brigmar, vigorous, powerful, brioghmhar, O'Br. gen. msc. brig-mair, Dec. 7. brf-grus, seems to mean a fault caused by anger, ace. May 30, from bri 'anger,' axid g'n^s 'transgression.' Corm. s. v. fogamur. brocc, a badger, pi. gen. brocc, Sep. 30, gl. 4. broenach, Ep. 2 (supra, p. 250) an epithet for the world. So in LL. 133^ 29: for bith broenach. Braonac/i .i. bronach 'sad, sorrowful,' O'Cl., seems the same word. pi. n. msc. ropsat broenaig a daigfir, LL. 156'' 23. Derived from broen ' a shower ' ? bron-dg, mournful battle, Oct. 19. brug. See find-brug. bruinnim (bruindim ?), / smelt, I purify, ' I boil, smelt,' O'Don. Supp. pret. pass. sg. 3, ro bruinned, May 23. The verbal noun, bruiji7icd^ occurs in a gloss on Amra Senain, LB. 241% dat. iarna mbruinniud 7 iarna nglanad tria tenid mbrdtha, LU. 34'' 31. biiaid, victory, W. budd. See beo-biiaid, deg-b., glan-b. buaine, lastijtgttess, dat. June 12. buan, goodl lasting} July 16 (where buan should be buan[a]), Sep. 28. buan-6g, a good virgin, or perhaps lastingly virginal, July 29. buan-rath, lastiftg grace, gen. sg. Mar. ir. buidnech, troopful, Aug. 3, eland Breogain buidnech, LL. 134", 46. gen. m. buidnig, Sep. 3, and LL. 134^ 27. dat. ar bhith buidhnech, Reeves, Cohnnba, p. 274. ace. fon mbith mbuidnech, Fel. Oeng. at Oct. 15. Derived from buiden ^= W. byddin. bulid, blopjning, beautiful, Jan. 29, May 26, builid, June 28, Aug. 4. gen. m. nemfeodaigecht in blaith bulid boladmair, LB. 221*' 66, dat. doratadh arccat is or don chuire bhuiligh [leg. bhuilidh] bhreacnihor, Cormacdn Ecces, 145, 146. voc. a be ban bulid, LL. 256'' 7. See also Salt. 1893, 3903, 7247. A sister-form builcacli in O'Don. Supp. Cognate with folium and ^vKKov. bun, bottom, riverjuout/t, gen. bona, Dec. 16. bunad, origin, foundation, seems used in the gen. sg. bunaid, to denote something essential, primary, leading or superior, deoehain bunaid, Jan. 23. CO mbaig bunaid, Aug. 27. breo bunaid, Oct. 27. So diinarus bunaid, LU. 42'' 45. bunadus, origin, Sep. 23, gl. i. cabair, help, for cobair (Ap. 25, July 9), homoeoteleufi gratia, ]^n. 25, Ap. 17, June II. So the cognate verb ron-cabra, May 3, is for ron-cobra. cacht, confinemejit, dat. Aug. i. cachtach, abstinent, Feb. 5, derived from cacht .i. troseadh, O'Cl. .i. gorta, Lee. Voc. cachta m = Lat. capto, s-pret. pi. 3, rochachtsat, Nov. 16. edd, holy, chaste. Compounded in : cdd-bind, holy-melodious. May 8. cdd-breth, a holy judgment, Dec. 13. cdd-chenn a chaste (or holy) chief pi. n. Ap. 24. cd,d-fer, a chaste (or holy) ma7i, July 8, cdidfer, Jan. 26, Oct. 3, 16. GLOSSARIAL IXDEX. 261 c^d-fis, /lo/y ktiowledge, gen. Feb. 14. cdd-gel, chaste (or holy) andfair^ Oct. 25, voc. cdidgil, Ap. 14. cid-gemm, holy gem, Ap. 9. cdd-reim, holy course, July 24. c^d-seng, holy (or chaste) slender, Feb. i. c^das, respect, ace. Mar. 25. cddhas ' friendship [?], honour, privilege,' O'Br. c^de, chastity, holiness, Adit. Nov. 14, 17, Dec. 17. caidhe, f Aaj/z/y, ^«n/y, O'R. Derived from cad q.v. cadla, cojnelyl Jan. i, Mar.i, Ap. 11, May 3, Sep. 29. cadhla .i. cdomh no dlainn, O'Cl. See Meyer Aisl. 163. pi. n. f. cadlai, F^l. Oeng. at Dec. 9. adv. CO caidle, LL. 157'' 31. c^dnech (gl. tutelaris — perperam ?) Feb. 3. For the suffix cf. degnech, grAdnech. Caere, ace. June 17 : prob. for caire, blame, LL. 162'' 10 (= W. caredd). chaerem, June 3, seems iox chairim, 'whom I love,' an <7-verb, whence the perf sg. 3 cair in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, Ir. Texte, i. 322, and the redupl. fut. cechrat, Wb. 30'' 4. The initial is aspirated to denote the relative, as in thuirmthir, Jan. 30. charaim, Feb. 6. charaimm, June 5. thogaimm, Feb. 6, Ap. 10. fagdeim. May 15. sifiitn. May 22. fhurpair, Aug. 20, foemaid, Oc. 31. charthair, Nov. 23. It cannot be a superlative — cf samchorgus «iid {=:■ Skr. madhu) 'sweet,' which we have perhaps in O'R.'s miochair (leg. miodchair), ' loving, affable,' and in mid-chaire, 'benevolence,' AU. 1203. cuinged, warrior, pi. gen. May 23. Perhaps in at a/innid, Oct. 14, we have the nom. pi. Or it may be cinged (Ap. 3) misspelt for sake of rime. cuinnid, warrior, July 28, dat. May 3 = cuingid, Bk. of Fenagh 330, 342 ; and see Glossarial Index to Togail Troi, Calcutta 1881, p. 149. cuire, M. troop, host, Aug. 23, Nov. 13, Dec. 2, Ep. 4, dat. sg. Aug. 17 dat. pi. dat. cuirib Aug. 12. Goth, harjis. Germ. Heer. cumr a., fragrant, Ap. 21. In Oct. 18 it is applied to Colm.-in's song, and should probably be rendered ' sweet ' ; cumhra, O'Br. blath-chumhra ' blossom- sweet,' O'Don. Gr. 336. arni cumrae ' sweet sloes,' Lism. Lives p. 326. 1. 13. cumthach, woeful, mournful, gen. m. cumthaig, Aug. 20. am cumthach dia eis, LL. 147' 29. ba caintech cumthach rabai, LL. 202^ 57. Derived from the /-stem cuma ' woe,' gen. cumad, dat. cumaid. cunn\a, prudent, Jan. i, Feb. 4, Dec. 19, cundla, Aug. 31. Elsewhere, cundla or connla is a fem. subst. mQ-xrixxi^ prudence, wisdom. O'Don. Supp. dia na cundla, LB. 182-'' 34, derived from cundil \Nh. 31*^ 3. O'Br. renders ctinnla by ' modest,' which seems a bad guess. cur, a cast. See crann-chur. dag, good (W., Corn, and Bret, da, Gaul, dago-s). Compounded : GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 267 A2i%-^t'=?>^ good-comely, Mar. 31. dag-dias, F. a good pair, Oct. 26. dag-doss, a goodly bush, pi. n. Jan. 7. dag-fer, a good }na?t,_\A. n. daigfir Mar. 4 : so in LL. 1^6^ 23 : ropsat broenaig a daigfir. dag-fial, good-7nodest, Jan. 30, Aug. 7. dag-find, ^(3£'^3/rt/r, May 15, Dec. 11. dag-mein, a good mind, dat. sg. Jan. 26. dag-mor, ^^^^rt'-^r^a/, Sep. 11. dag-ndr, good {a7id) bashful. Mar. 26, May 9, Nov. 26. dag-nem, ^^^^ heaven, ace. June 5. dag-6g, a ^^ virgin, July 2. dag-rdd, well-speaking. May 17. dag-rand, a good stanza, dat. sg. Jan. 31. ddi-bill, bad-poor? May 8, seems a compd. of ddi = (firr^/ ' malus,' O'MolIoy. Gramm. Latino-]iiber7nca, 43, and bill cogn. with /^z7/^, ' poor,' Fel. Oeng. Aug. 8. But perhaps it is misspelt for doibil, q.v. or for duibell .i. utmall, O'Dav. T}^. ddig, primarily, keen ? and then with the secondary meanings, harsh ? quick ? Sep. 16. tasc daig, Jan. 18. daig diar degdin, Feb. 21, where it rim( s with cdid. ddig dom erail, Aug. 16. See radaig infra, and cf. Dor. ^ayw, / sharpeft. dail, in the phrases 'mom diil, near me, Ap. 3, 27. im d^il. Mar. 22, im dail-sea, Aug. 19, 'nar ndailne, Jan. 11, Ap. 8, 'mor ndalaib, Ap. 22. dal, assembly (W. dadl). See ath-d^l, deg-ddl, go-ddl, min-dal, ro-dal. ddlach, multitudiiious? Nov. 10, derived from dal, assembly: so in Fel. Oeng. Jan. i. The same word, wrongly explained, occurs in H. 3. 18, p. 539'' : dalach .i. diail .i. nemdlighthech ' unlawful.' dam, F. a troop (cogn. with Sa/xo: a Michil mor-fertaig, Maeli'su's hymn to S. Michael. Derived from firt = virtus, gen. pi. ferta, Nov. 20, dat. fertaib, Nov. 22. fiach, a rave7i, (disyllabic in O. Jr.), gen. fiaich, Ap. 5, gl. i. fiadu, dat. fiadain, June 23, Nov. 12. Meaning doubtful. Windisch con- jectures ' Fiihrer.' Hence the 2A]. fiadnach : na .x. plagha foillsi fiadh- nacha, BB. 17^ 45. ffal, modest (W. gwyl). See bMith-fial,. c^in-fial, cdem-f., dag-f., d^m-f., find-f., fi'r-f., Idn-f., mm-f., mor-f., sir-f. fial-n^r, modest-bashful, Sep. 29. fian. See fros-fian. fichthech, adj. boiling. May 6. usee fichthech, LL, 305^^ 31. Also spelt figthech. Derived from yf^/■^/^«^' a boiling,' LU. 8o\ {^x\^i, white, fair, blessed (W. gwyn?t). _ See coem-find, dag-f., glan-f., grad- f., min-f., mor-f., 6g-f., rig-f., s6er-f. {\nd-^.rd, fair-high, gen. sg. msc. findaird, Feb. 11. find-b^n, white-fair, Oct. i, Dec. 5. find-ben, a fair woman. May 8. find-brug, a white burgh. Tan, 3. find-chenn, white-headed, or perhaps a fair chief, June 25. ^wdL-€\vc\, fair-active, Oct. 22. find-f^l, a fair fence, wall ox hedge, dat. Mar. 27, July 21, Dec. 21. find-fer, a fair ma?!, Aug. 14. fmd-i\2i\, fair-modest. Mar. J 8, July 5, Dec. 6. find-lecc, a white stone, May 1 1. find-m6r, white-great, Feb. 27, June 15. finnm6r. Salt. 7566, pi. n. m. findmoir, July 25, Aug. 5. find-nc^r, fair-modest, Oct. 7. Salt. 3700, 4950, ace. f fri Eua findndir, Salt. 2030. ^x\(^-x\i^\-x\, fair- heaven, dat. May 10, ace. Nov. 12. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 273 find-noeb, /rt:/r-,^(9/j/, Sep. 11, Nov. 10, Dec. 27. i\nd-6&h, fair-beauiiful, Ap. 29. find-6g, a fair virgin, Aug. 25, Oct. 8, Dec. 6. find-sluag, a white (or blessed) host, Ap. 30. So in Fel. Oeng. at May 23. find-tech, a luhite (or blessed) house, dat. Mar. 19 =^ W. gzuyn-dy ' a blessed house, an episcopal residence,' Pughe, '■"gundy ^ .? a White House, a Court," ^<7^/6 ^ Llan da7', edd. Evans and Rhys, p. li. ^r\e, family, July 6. See coibne. fi'n-61, (H wine-draitghf, July 10 (61 ^ the O. Ir. disyllabic 60I). fintar (MS. findar), Aug. 8, seems imperat. pass. sg. 3 of findaim, I know, whence finnaid, July 11, and fintar a n-anmand ar oen, LL. 137'^' 46. finntar, findathar, is known, O'Don. supp. fir, true (W. gwir, Lat. virus). See diss-f ir, grind-fir. fir-dg, veritable battle, ace. Aug. 9. fir-breth F. a trice judgment, pi. gen. Aug. 6, pi. nom. firbretha, Salt. 8325- i\x-A.x\x\.\., veritably close ? truly trustworthy ? Dec. 12. fir-fer, a true man, pi. n. Oct. 19. W. gwiriwr 'a verifier.' fir-fial, truly modest, Dec. 24. fi'r-flaith, a true prince. Mar. 12. gen. primadbar ind firflatha. Salt. 6244. ace. cosin firflaith, Salt. 18 12. fir-glan, truly pure or fi7te. May 8, Nov. 15. gen. msc. firglain, Dec. 7. pi. gen. coica foss fledach fi'rglan, LL. 28'' ^^Z. fir-grind, truly lovely ox pleasant, Ap. 9, May 8, 28. fir-oeb (MS. firaeb), truly beautiful, July 29. fir-6g, a true virgin, truly virginal. Mar. 31, Aug. 15, Sep. 9, Oct. 23, Nov. II. dat. i. firoig, Dec. 15. pi, n. firoig, May 24, Nov. 24. fir-oll, truly great. Mar. 27. fir-6r, true gold. Mar. 29. Fel. Oeng. at Oct. 21. fir-seng, veritably slender, emaciated, Sep. 26. fir-soer, truly noble. Mar. 16. la forggal Fiadat firsaer, Salt. 7568. fi'r-thenn, truly austere, Ap. 24. ace. f. roscar fri fele firthind, Salt. 3216. fire, truth i^ . gwir edd), gen. Jan. 15, Feb. 13. fis, knowledge, gen. fesa, p. 2. See cdd-fis. ?i2L\ih., prince, Aug. 28. See coem-flaith, fir-f. flaith-chenn, a princely ckief June 4. ?i?i\t\).4er M. princely man, Nov. 14. gen. May 4. pi. n. Dec. 18. The cognate Welsh word, gwladwr, means ' countryman.' fled, banquet (y^ . gwledd). See cdin-fled, cobled. fliuchaine, wet land, Nov. 18, gl. i, where Cill Liuchaine should be Cill fliuchaine. Derived from flinch = W. gwlyb. fobar, a well, gen. fobair, July 27, gl. 5, Aug. 6, gl. 2. fodlach, discerning? discreet? Feb. 23, Mar. 13. foelab, Mar. 31, an inorganic (5-future formed {\o\x\foels-,\\\ft stem of the redupl. s-ivX. oi fula7igiin, ' I endure.' foemaim — faomhaim, ' I assent, bear with, yield, incline,' O'R. b-fut. dia GORMAN. T 274 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. foemab, Mar. 31. nos-foemdb, Mar. 16, June 18, July 29. I assent, bear with, O'Br. Verbal noun, foemad, May 2. foen-sleg, a slanting dart, pi. gen. Sep. 8. foen, Br. ch^ouen, Lat. supinus. fo-gabim, I find, get, obtain, pi. 3, fogobat, Trip. Life, 92, 1, 18, subj. sg. i. co fagbar, Jan. 3. pi. i. co fogbamm, May 10. redup. fut. sg. i. fogeb, Jan. 14, fogebainn, Dec. i. foil. See an-foil. foir (ex *f6-reth-' succurrere '), kelp, relief, \. foiridhin, deaghfoir, .i. deaghfoir- ithin, O'Cl. gen. ind fored, (leg. forid). Ap. 18. cf. for the phrase Attgustiii i7id ecna, Aug. 28 n. foirbe, a latid {= f-orbe, O. In orbe, heritage), gen. foirbi, Jan. 15. pi. dat. asna forbib 7 asna ferannaib, LL. 232^ : generally s'^oh forba, as in Salt. 2795. foiss, steady. See an-foiss, sir-foiss. fo-rad, a paltry saying, Oct. 24, where the prefixy^?-, W. gwo = Gr. vno-, somewhat, a little. forbaim, / complete, I perfect, pres. ind. act. pi. 3, forbait, Feb. 28, Mar. 31, Ap. 30, May 31, Sep. 30. Either a denominative h-on\ forbe ' perfectio,' Z'^. 874, or a Middle- Irish formation suggested by ro-forbad, perf pass. ^ndfoirbthe, part. pass, oi forbenim. for-biur, I grow, pres. ind. sg. 3 forpair (for forbair), Aug. 20. fordall, error, straying, fordal .i. do-eol .i. seachrdn, O'Cl. gen. fordaill, Oct. 23. Hence the adj. fordallach ; iar tabairt imthusa fordallaig forsin sliiag, LU. 57'' 31. A sister-form fordid, occurs in LU. 16'' 40. O'Cl. has also defordal .i. seachrdn m6r, where de- is intensive. fo-rend (rimes with ogseng,) Aug. 12. gen. pi. of a compound oi fo 'good and re7id ' star.' fo-rethim, / succour, imperat. sg. 3 = no[m]-f6ired, July 14, s-conj. sg. 3, ronfore, July 7, Oct. 15, Dec. 9. for-ldn, overfull, sui)erabundajit, superfluous, Ap. 14, June 18, Aug. 8, Oct. i. gen. topur ind hordain forldin, Salt. 994. W. gorlawn 'overfull, redundant.' forrdn, assault, oppression, Jan. 28, nf coir forran no forlond no forbrissiud d'imbirt fair, LB. 69"* 45. gen. fer forrana 'a robber,' Laws i. 144, 1. 12, ace. dobert forran for Tam^r, Salt. 6710. fossad, stable, steadfast, steady, fal fossud, Salt. 986. voc. a hEua fossad, Salt. 1906. pi. n. fosta Oct. 25. fossad i. fossuid i. manens in loco, H. 2. 16, col. 112. ace. coica fer ina sessam conoitis in fael fossad, ffty men up- standing zvho would protect the steadfast 7volf {i.e. their King), LL. 28'' 39. Hence fosta 2indfostacht. fot, watchful. See mor-fot, 6g-f6t, soer-fot. fraig, wall (cf Skr. vrajd, Gr. e'lpyai). See coem-fraig. fr^m, root. See nua-fr^m. fris-benim, literally, / strike or beat against {ci. frisben att in the first spell in the Stowe Missal), in this poem always seems to mean, I pray to. See benaim supra, fris-m-benaimm, Aug. 24, Oct. 5. fris mbenmait, Dec. 13. fris-m-benab, Nov. 4. {r\s-dA\a\m, I tneet. pres.ind.pl. i. frisa nddlamm, Mar. 21. fris-n-dalaim, Sep. 20. fris nd<4Iimm, Nov. i, fut. fris n-ddhib, Jan. 8, Aug. 15, Oc. 22. frit, Sep. 18 (where \\\efrithcobair oi the MS. ?,\\o\.\\Ahe. frit chobair), a com- bination of the prep. /r/ and the possess, pron. of sg. 2. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 275 fromtha, proven, tried, Jan. 15, Dec. 21, pret. part. pass, of fromaim, borrowed from Lat. /r^^c, with/" for and mh for bh. fros-fian, a dark chanipioit, ace. frosfein, May 3 : fros 'dark, obscure,' O'Br. Cognate perhaps v^'\\hfros 'shower' ■=■ Skr. varshd, Gr. Fepa-r}. fuba, hewi)2g, cutting, O'Don. Supp. ace. cen fuba, June 24. A cognate verb, fubthaitis, occurs in LL. 254'' 20. fuilHni, I i7tcrease, I add: imperat. pi. i. fuillem, Sep. 12, Oct. 7. Seecoem- fuiUim. Verbal noun fuilled, May 23 (but fuilliud, Jan. 13), gen. fuillid, May 3, July 28, dat. fulliud, June 29. fuitherbe, Aug. 7, gl. 7 = foithirbe .i. imaire ('a ridge') no gort no achad ('afield'), H. 3. 18, pi. 61, col. 2. furpair, Aug. 20, for forbeir, pres. ind. sg. 3 of forbiur, 1 grow, or r(7forbair, pret. sg. 3 of the same verb, gd-bad, watit, danger, gen. gdbaid, Jan. 27, Ap. 25. Different from, but probably cognate with, the u-stem gdbiid. gabaim fri, / resist, [f]ris na gabat dibergaig, LL. 262'' 3. Verbal noun, gabdil fri, Oct. 26. gabaim la, / take up with, fut. pi. 3, gebtait linni, Feb. 9. gabaim oc, I ittdulge, forgive, imperat. pi. 3 gabat acam, Ep. 3. gdd, daftger 'peril, want,' O'R. in ni6r-gdd. gdd is guba, LL. 49^^ 20, gen. gdid, LL. 46'' 4, ace. bat din ar gdd 'sar guba, LL. 193'' 39. Cognate with Gr. x^C^) 'XJF^^') X'^p'^^1 ^tc., Lat. he-res, Skr. hdfiis. gae, spear. See cruad-gae, sdr-gae. gairbe, roughness, harshness, O'Br. (= V^ . garwedd), ace. Aug. ii,dligid cen gairbe, cen gol, LL. 157'' 2. gal. See gleo-gal. gangait, falsehood, deceit, gen. gangda (for gangta), Ap. 25, gangaid, 'false- hood, deceit,' O'Br. ace. gan mhiongam gan ghangaid, O'Don. Supp. s.v. miongam. gann, gand scanty, Nov. 10. See am-gand, nem-gand. 1. ga.r,piot{s. See min-gar and, perhaps, gle-gar. 2. gar, prof t. See so-gar. 3. gar, short, gar .i. gairid, O'Cl. gar-ch^im, a short step, Jan. 2. garg-noeb, aiistere-holy. May 14. gart-brig, ^^^;?£'r(?/^j- 7//^^z^r, Nov. 10. A similar compd. is gart-gloir. Salt. 4527 : gart .i. feile, Corm. gart.i. tidnacul no eneach H. 3. 18, p. 61 5^ gasrad, F. a bachelry, company of striplings, May 19. gasraid, BB. 461'' 21. gen. gasraidi, LL. 220'', 235% pi. dat. gasradaib, LL. 240'' : derived from gas .i. g€g ' branch,' O'Cl. gebtait (from gdbat-iat), they will take, Feb. 9. See bcrdait supra. gein, birth. See ard-gein, grdd-g., maith-g., noeb-g., ro-g. gel, bright, white {cL yikav'Xdinrew, Hesych.). See cid-gel, coem-gel, com-gel, cruth-gel, dind-gel, donn-gel, dron-gel, glan-gel, grind-gel, Idn-gel, mer- gel, min-gel, nua-gel, oeb-gel, oen-gel, soer-gel, sruith-gel, toeb-gel, tond- gel. gel-grfb, July 13, meaning obscure. Cormac has grib 'griffin,' voc. LL. 257'' 40, pi. griba, LL. 135'' 27 and O'R. ha.s gribh 'finger,' borrowed, apparently, from Yr. griffc 'claw.' Can grib (here riming with -min and Emin) be = Eng. grebe 'a diver' (colymbus) ? T 2 276 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. gel-lam, a ivJiite hatid, pi. gen. Sep. i, Oc. 8. g&\-6c, fair-young, Mar. ii. gemm ( = Lat. gemma), Mar. 28, gl. i, Sep. 21, gl. 2. See ard-gemm, cdd-g., dron-g., 16r-g., 6r-g., ro-g., sain-g., so-g. genas, chastity, gen. genais, Nov. 18, but O. Ir. genso. gile, whitness, Aug. 11. Derived from gel, q.v. glan,/zcm See barr-glan, cruth-g., dath-g., delb-g., er-g., fe'r-g., gle'-g., lomm- g., mind-g., mor-g., niam-g., nua-g., 6eb-g., prim-g., ser-g. gla.n-bua.\d, pure victory, Ap. 4, dat. Dec. 23. Salt. 2278, 2688, 5094, 7162, 7430, ace. F^l. Oeng. Jan. 27. Salt. 4798, 5262. glan-chdimm, a pure step, Dec. 2, 29. glan-chiall, /z^;r reason, dat. glan-cheil(l) Jan. 2, Dec. 2. glancheil, Salt. 1582, 3306, ace. glancheil, Salt. 4106, 6122 — always with single /. glan-fer, a pure ox fine man, Feb. 16. pi. gen. cathir glan glerib glanfer, LL. 28*^ 12. ^■&Xi-S\xidi, pure-white, June 30, pi. n. m. Ap. i. g\a.r\-gG[, pure-bright, June 5. g\3.r\-g\6Ye:, piire abundance, May 28. glere gle, Salt. 6403. dat. do gleri nam-mac, LU. 72'' 12 : gleire .i. iomad O'Cl., .i. imat, O'Dav. 96. much, plenty, a great deal, O'Br. glan-greit, a pure champion. May II. ^?iVL-vvi6r, pure-g7-eat, Nov, 13. glan-6g, a pure virgin, Feb. 13, Aug. 7, Oc. 24. g\a.n-o\\, pure great. May 15, June 13. g\2iXi-6r, pure gold, July 2, gen. sg. glanoir, Fel. Oeng. July 26. gXdLXY-r^.'Cn., pure grace, gen. sg. Jan. i. glass, ^;w;z (W. glas 'blue, pale, grey, green') Feb. 16. See barr-glass. gle, b7-ight (W. gloew ' bright, transparent '), compounded in gle-dess, bright-comely, July 23. gle-glan, bright-pure. May 19. Salt. 3820, gen. coica n-unga n-6ir gleglain. Salt. 4327. ace. triana gnim gleoir ngldglan, Salt. 7402. adv. go gl^glan, Nov. 24, Dec. 23. gle-grian, a bright sun, ace. glegrein, Nov. 24, Dec. 23. gle-mdin, a bright mittd. May 24. gld-mor, bright-great, Oct. 22, gen. sg. m. glemoir, Aug. 3. gle-nem, bright heaven, ace. Dec. 29. gle-rath, bright grace, dat. Feb. 17. glegar, noise? dat. Jan. 25. Hence apparently the adj. glegrach, noisy? glechrach, LL. 133'' 30, 146'' 26. O'Clery has a subst. glcaghrach i. gl^- ghdir i. g^ir follas. But perhaps we should read glegar, and render this ' bright-pious.' The line 6 Lis glegar Gabuil would then be an exact parallel to 6 Tuaim gleglan Grdnc, Oct. 20. gleo-gal, war-blast? pi. gen. May 31. The dat. sg. i 7igleogai I occurs in LB., but I omitted to note the place. g\&6, a fight, uproar, tumult, O'Br. ace. Fel. Oeng. at Sep. 29. gal is explained in the dictionaries as i. vapour, 2. gale (gal gaoithe), 3. fiame (gal suip), and 4. valour, batik. glere, abundance, gleire descad, LL. 172'' 34. See glanglere. gVxcQ, prudent, O'Don. Supp. See ler-glicc, sain-g. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 277 glonn, a calf? gen. gluinn, Dec. 26, gl. 2. ^6xdi2L, glorious, Feb. 19, May i, 24, Oct. 29. gairm nglorda, Mar. 4. Alex- andir glorda a gal, LL. 133'' 6, for glorda a gnim, LL. 140^38. pi. n. glordai, Salt. 475, 4367, gen. aeb na ndagfer nglorda ngarg, LL., 41'' 12. Derived from glor, LL. 154'^ 18, gen (mor) gluare, LL. 87*^ 22. pi. gen. no nglor, LL. 4^ 38. ^6xvLV?iX, glorious, Oct. 14. glormhar, O'R. gnis, custo7?i (W. naivs). See irgnas. ^nim, deed, action. (W. ^^^wz/"' toil '). See mer-gnim, ro-gnim. gnoda, famous ? July 26. cogn. with gno .i. oirdeirc ' conspicuous,' O'Cl. s.v. dionn, Bret, gnoti, Lat. {i-)gnavics. etc. go, false. ( W. ^(5:/^). Compounds : go-ddl, a false assembly, Aug. 3. go-rad, false speech, ace. Dec. 24. gorm, blue (W. gwrm). Compounds : gorm-nem, blue heaven, Jan. 2. gorm-rot, a blue road, ace. June 7. rot borrowed from O.W. '^raul or rot in rodguit, rhodwydd ford, Rev. Celt. xv. 97. gr^d, love. See mor-grcid, so-grdd. grdd-bind, love-melodious, May 28. grdd-find, love-white, Feb. 11. grdd-gein, a loveable birth, Ap. 17. gr^idnech, /iCT/^a^J/^ .? Mar. 11. grd,ne, gen. sg. the sun, Oct. 20 : the nom. sg. may be a neut. ^--stem *grdn, or a fem. z«-stem *grd?te. Cognate with Ir. grian *■ sun,^ grojui ' firebrand,' and Gaulish (Apollini), granno. grefel, gen. grefil, Jan. 27. ' a breaking, a breach,' O'R. ferr gremm grefel, better an attack than a defeat, LL. 345*^ 54. Hence the adj. greiflech, LL. 28^ 49. greimm, might? See cath-greimm. greit, champion, but gret. May 23, where it rimes with becc. See dn-greit ard-g., bdn-g., glan-g., mor-g., sdr-g., sir-g., s6er-g. grellach, F. a mi^y place, dat. grellaig, Dec. 16, gl. 2. gressim, / incite, rogreis, gresset, p. 4, nar-gresenn Mar. 3, gl. 7. gri'an, sim. See gle-grian. grib, grebe ? griffin ? See gelgrib. gri'b (grib ?) swift ? See langrib. gribda, Jan. 22, Oc. 14., mnd glana gribda, LU. 38'' 25. gillai gribdai grada, LL. 201'' 19. ui sloind senchas tre gnim ngribda, LL. 141'' 17. gribhdha. Rev. Celt. xii. 320. Meaning doubtful. K. Meyer, Aisl. 180, renders gribda doubtfully by ' pleasant.' In Salt. 938, it seems a deriv. of grib ' a griffin.' grinn, lovely, pleasant, O'R., but grinn .i. glan ' pure,' O'Cl. See er-grinn, fir-g., lin-g., ler-g., sdr-g. grinn-fir, pure-true. May 23. %x\rin-%&\, pure-white, Nov. 12. a ceol ngrinngel, Salt. 59o7- grinne, a band or compafzy (of warriors, saints, devils, etc.), ace. June 5, 7. pi. dat. May 31. grinde (gl. fasce), grinnenu (gl. idSC^oXd.'i), grinnidh .i. cruinnighidh ' collects,' O'Cl. 278 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. grus. See brigrus. gus, desire? See mer-gus. lat, they, Ap. 29. See berdait, isat. id, Aug. 13, borrowed from Lat. idus. dat. sg. Fel. Oeng. at Nov. 13. a ec i n-id Nouembir, AU. 1063. i prid-id Auguist, AU. 1105. pi. n. idae, ida, Fel. Oeng. prol. 305. See quart-id infra, ilad, a tomb, Aug. 24, gl. i. ilmdin, many treasitres, dat. Feb. 24. pi. dat. iolmhaoinibh, O'R., who gives it as a nom. In Fel. Oeng. ibnain is an adj. Hence ibndinech, ' opulent.' immin for immdin, a driving, dat. May 17. immldn, compar. iomlaine, p. 2, compd. of imm and hhi or of imm and sldn. imm-ndr, very modest or shamefast, Aug. 5. Salt. 3314, 5370, 6830. A sister-form, imjiindir, occurs : dond aithiusc airdairc imnair, Salt. 4792. Hence imndre 'great shamefastness,' LB. 31^ immorros (■=: imm-for-ross ?), Oct. 20, gl. 2, some kind of wood {ross) or promontory i^ross'). imm-rdd for immradud, cogitatiofi, consideratio?t, dat. Ap. 4, ace. July 30, Oct. 7. immrul for immroU, error, straying, ace. sg., Jan. 3. iomroll .i. seachrdn, O'Cl. imm-sMn, qteite whole, imsMn, Trip. Life 14. imsMn, LL. 22cf. gen. sg. msc. Feb. 27, Dec. 27, dat. f. o AtTraic imslain, Salt. 5246, ace. m. heirg isin n-ethar n-imslan, Salt. 2482. ace. fem. in n-Afifraic n-uasail n-imslian. Salt. 2658. imm-thend, very strong or strict, June 25. cathir imairdirc imthend, LL. 28'' 16. pi. dat. ar biastaib . . . imthennaib, LU. 15'^ 14. ind-fethim, / consider, meditate, bear in mind, imperat. pi. 2, indfethid, Feb. 2. bd infeiti (gl. esset intenta), Ml. 28'' 17 : verbal noun indfethem, indeithem. inesclann, a swift or strong stream (Corm.), Nov. 2, gl. 4, Nov. 10, gl. 6, inn, us, June 3, from simi, q.v., with loss of initial s. ir-gnas, noble habit = ergnas, LU. 91'' 19, dat. irgnus, May 18. isat, they are, Nov. 20 =: iss + iat ? iss, and, Ap. 19, generally written is, sometimes es, and (with apocopated i)s. Thus 'sa and his, Mar. 25, Ap. 17, May 29, Aug. 9, Oct. 21, 'sar, May 27, 'sin, May 30, 'seech, Aug. 23. It aspirates : is Chota, Feb. 4, is Cholaim, Feb. 6, is Feradaig ingen, Mar. 23. \u\\,/uly, gen. sg. July i, 31. nun,/une, gen. sg. June I, 30. kalaind, calends, sg. dat. Jan. i. See Fel. Oeng. glossarial index, s.v callaind. kalendar, calendar, pi. dat. kalendaribh, Pref 21. Hence calladdir, FM. 1 1 36, 'the keeper of the calendar, the calculator of the festivals,' O'Don. Supp. laa, Id, day, Oct. 3 (where it is disyllabic), dat. lo, Jan. 6, Mar. 25. See sruith-ld. \a.eh-derc, squint-eyed, Jan. 16, gl. 2. ^ Laebdcrg, LL. 312*^ 39. Here, as in GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 279 laeb-chosach, BB. 257^ 26, and laeb-ladracha, LL. ii;*" 16, laeb seems borrowed from Lat. laevits? laedim (loedim ? ), / incite, exhort, nar' laedend .i. nar gresend, Mar. 3. Verbal noun, laided, Salt. 6645. laidiud, B. Magh rath, pp. 154, 182. laoidhedh .i. greasacht, O'Cl. Cogn. with Gr. XmSpdy and AotSopeco. lagat, stnaHness, feloness, p. 4. laimim, / dare, Mar. 22, Aug. 22 =: O. Ir. deponent {rti)laiinur (gl. audeo.) passive sg. 3 nach laimthir (leg. -ther), Mar. 23, nach laimther, Aug. 20. 2dy pres. sg. 3 laimthi (leg -the), July 28, Dec. 21. laind. See deg-laind, ra-laind =: lainn .i, solus no taithnemach, O'Dav. Cognate with Lat. splendor. laind-ri, a splendid kitio;, dat., Sep. 30. laindrech, bright, effulgent, lucid, Mar. 11, June 28, Sep. 15, Oc. 19. Fel. Oeng. Gloss. Index s.v. laitinrech. laithrech, ruins of att old house, O'Br. gen. laithrig, Sep. 2, gl. 5. lam, hand, arm. See gel-ldm. lamaim, lamaimm, I dare, Jan. 17, Sep. 30. Old Ir. deponent {xo)lomur. Ml. z\^ 5. redupl. 2dy fut. lemaind, July 27. Pass. pres. ind. sg. i nach lamar, Mar. 24, Aug. 4, Oct. 18, na lamar, Dec. 10. In Jan. 19 and Aug. 1 1 we have (for sake of rime) nach lamair. lan/////(W. llawn, 1.3.1. pie nus). See for-lan, 6eb-Mn, olldn. Idn-breth, a full judgment, Feb. 3, pl.-gen. Mar. 11. W . llawnfryd. \?in-ch.enn, full-headed, Oc. i. \ixi-c\n\x\n, ftill-gentle, Sep. 30. \i.n-d.&ss, full-lovely , Feb. 14, Salt. 3350. lan-fer, a full man, Oc. 3. \ks\-i\?i\, full-modest, Feb. 12, Aug. 15, Nov. 6. Ian-gel, full-white, Sep. 10, gen. sruth loga lemnacht langil, Salt. 998. Idn-grib {-gxihl:) full-swift 1 July 24. \i.n-gnx\n, full-pure. May 22. Idn-less, full benefit, dat. May ya, ace. furri alim mo lanles, Salt. 1 192. \iin-x2i\h, full grace, gen. sg. Jan. 31, June 13. Idn-rind, a full star, dat. May 28. lea, with her, Feb. 6. lecc, stone. See coem-lecc, find-1., mor-L, 6r-l. Hence leccach, stony, Dec. 20, gl. i. leir, iitdustrious, pious. See lomm-leir, nem-leir. lem, elm : compds. lem-chaill, Ap. 22, gl. 4. lem-mag, Feb. 19, gl. 2. ler — lear, much, a great deal, O'Br. ler-eim, very active. May 24. ler-glic, very acute, Ap. 23. ler-grinn, very pure, Nov. 7. less, benefit, pi. dat. lessaib, June 14. Compd. Mn-less. liath, grey [.?] or boggy land (Todd, Lib. Hymn. 132, note d.), gen. le[i]th, Jan. 24, note 2. So Liath mor, or Liath mo ChaemJwg, Fel. Oeng. at Mar. 13. Probably cognate with lia .i. fleachadh .i. tuile a flood, O'Cl. 2 So GLOSSARIAL INDEX. liniaim, I file, polish^ pret. pass, ro-limad, Aug. 13, part, lanna li'mtha lassamna, LL. 240'^, et V. B. of Ventry, p. 105. Borrowed, like W. llifio, from Lat. limo. li'tta, festal, July 17, lithtai (gl. festiui) Ml. 131'' 3. pi. dat. litaib, Ml. 62'' 18. Derived from lith, June 25, July 2, Aug. 3, 11, Nov. i, pi. ace. lithu, Ml. 47'' 2 = Br. ///, lid, ' fete,' and cognate with Gr. Xetroupyoy and XrjTfjpes'Upoi (rr((f)avo(j)6poi., Hesych. loarg, a fork, Dec. i, gl. i ^ loargg, LL. 29*^ 34, loarcc. Trip. Life, 318. lochtach, fiiiltful, criminal, Feb. 5. lochdach, O'Br., derived from locht ' crimen,' Ascoli Gl. pal. hib. clxxvii. Fel. Oeng. Gloss. Index, s.v. locht. logaid, remissio7i, indulgence, Dec. 14, as sister-form oi logad ox logod, q.v. logod, ?i forgiving, remitting, indulgence, verbal noun o{ logaim, May 21. logthech, forgivifig, indulgent, May 6, 21. loigthech, Oct. i, Nov. 7, derived from logod. loisse F. flame, Ap. 19, loise, O'Br. gen. fath na loisi, Lism. Lives, 1043. ace. cen lossi without a blush, LB. 66^ cen loisi, Lism. Lives, 1694. lomm, bare (W. Ilium), used as an intensive prefix in : lomm-chdid, very chaste, Jan. 16. lomm-choel, very slender, meagre, June 5. lomm-choir, very just, Jan. 2, but in Dec. 2 it is a subst. lomm-glan, very pure. lomm-leir, very industrious, Aug. 17. lomm-noeb, very holy, Mar. 26, May 9. lomm-6g, very virginal, Ap. 29, May 17. land, fierce, bold. See amlond. lor (O. Ir. lour, W. llawer), sufficient. lor-chdin, sufiiciently beautiful, Sep. 30. lor-gemm, an ample gem. May 28. lorda, ample. May 22, 24. Hence lordatu, Alex. 864 = O. Ir. lout\dci\tu. Ml. gSi^ 9. luaidim, luaidimm, I mention, speak, Jan. 9, 24, Feb. 9, pi. i. luaidmeit, July 3. imperat. pi. i, luademm, July 17. nos-luaidemm, Aug. 12. b-fut. sg. i, nosluadeb. Mar. 29, Oc. 3, 19. Denom. of /z^a^f ' mentio, sermo,' Ascoli Gloss, pal. hib. clxxx. Fel. Oeng. Gl. Inde.x, s.v. luad. luamda, lit. piloting, abbatial, June i, Oc. 2 ; derived from luani 'pilot,' .i. abb, O'Cl. Fel. Oeng. Dec. 3. lubra, labour, gen. sg.. Mar. 31, gl. 5. liith, strength, vigour, virtue, Ap. 24, and Ascoli Gloss, pal. hib. clxxxii- clxxxiii, liith ingen, Ap. 26 := nert ingen. Mar. 6. m infixed pers. pron. sg. i. ro-m-gabat, June 8. no-m-berat, Aug. 6. coro- m-cosna, Aug. 31. nd-m-cuirther, Jan. 12. nd ro-m-air-sea, Aug. 19. ro-m-etlat, Sep. 21. ro-m di'tnet, Ep. 13. ma for mo jny, Dec. 19. mace, son (O. W. map), March i, pi. nom. meicc. Mar. 15, Ap. 13. See mor- macc. maedhed, Dec. 8, where Jtdr' maedhcdx?, for nd rde-mdhed^=nd-ro-memadcd, redupl. pret pass, of maidiin, I defeat : cf the pret. act. cor-roe-mid a druim, LU. 98'' 31, co rde-mid in cholcid, I U. 127-' 27. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 281 maerda, grave., digmjied, stately ? Jan. 16, May i, Aug. 21. moerda, Feb. 22, June 9. maethail, soft or spongy land {]oyc& 449), July 8, gl. i. gen. maethla, Nov. I, gl- 4- mai, May, gen. sg., May i. mdidmech (moidmech ? ) boastfid, vain-glorioiis., Sep. 28. sotal .i. m^oidh- mheach, O'Cl. Hence mdidmige ' boastfulness, vainglory,' O'Clery's inaoidhmhighe. maigistir, master, Feb. 28, gl. 2. Oct. 21, gl. 3. Nov. 24, gl. 6. main, treasure, Mar. 7, Ap.. 13, June 13, Aug. 21. See il-mdin. mairt, March, gen. Martai, Mar. i. Marta, Fel. Oeng. Mar. i, 31. W. Mawrth. maissech, beauteous, Dec. 21. Cain 7 Alaind 7 Massech a tri rigna, LL. 30"*. fullon ainm do mhaissi. Inde Nuadha Fullon dicitur .i. Niiadha maissech, H. 3. 18, p. 585^ deilbh .i. maiseach, O'Cl. Derived from inaisse 'beauty,' dat. maisii, Fel. Oeng. Ep. 218, 334. maith, good (W. mad). Mar. 12, Aug. 30, a noble, pi. n. mathe. Mar. 31. See min-maith, mor-maith, sdr-m. maith-fer, a good man, pi. n. Dec. 24. maith-gein, a good birth, Ap. 30. maithmech, slackening, intermittent. May 6. Derived from maithem 'abate- ment, Fel. Oeng. Nov. 28. So in Ite's poem, Isucan oc, mo bithmaith, ernid ocus ni maithmech, young Jesukin, my eternal good, gives and is not slack, Fel. Oeng. xxxv, where it is wrongly rendered. Hence maith- inighe. Eg. 1782, fo. 24*^ i .i. ferr do bas d' fagail 'na maithmighe do denum rena naimdib. maroen is. May 30, seems for the usual niarden fri, ' along with,' ' at the same time as.' martiroloig, martyrology, sg. dat. Pref. 12. pi. dat. martirologib, Pref 21. An older form is martarlaic, Fel. Oeng. Ep. 140. martra-tech, relic-house, Nov. 2, gl. 5, nmrtyria, martyrum ossa, reliquiae, Ducange. math, I. good, 2. a chief, by-form of maith. pi. dat. mathaib, Aug. 22. ace. for moethla matha .i. forna maithli maithi .i. mess 7 torad, Rawl. B. 502, fo. 61'' 2. Compounded with a verb, mad-genair, Fel. Oeng. prol. 251. matuluid, ibid, at July 12. mathigim, I forgive, pret. sg. 3 romathig. May 4. medar, discourse, utterance. May 6, Nov. 27. Salt. 2899, 5445, 5949- mead- hair .i. caint no urlabhra, O'Cl. In May 27 am-medar should perhaps have been rendered by ' the talk about them.' mein, the mind, O'Br. See deg-mdin, gle-m., ro-m., s^r-m., soi-m. Cognate with O.H.G. ineiften, meinan, A.S. met nan, Eng. to mean. mellad, deception, defraudi7tg, June 27, verbal noun of mellaim, ' I deceive,' whence rot-tnellad-su, LL. 307^ 9. mer, mad, insane, O'Don. Suppl. Fel. Oeng., at June 13. Taer-6ig, furious battle, July 10. mer-gnim, a foolish deed, ace. Ap. 14. mer-gus, ;;z<^(f desire. May 18, gus .i. aigneadh, O'Cl. 'Qnt gus is also glossed by gniomh ' deed,' and hy fea?g ' anger,' either ot which would make sense at May 18. merbe = meirbhe, weakness, dubiess, O'Br., ace. Dec. 25. Mesca Ulad, p. 18 282 GLQSSARIAL INDEX. Or is it O'Clery's meirbhe .i. breg 'falsehood,' ineirbhe .i. mearbhall ' mistake ? ' cen merbai, Fel. Oeng. Ep. 1 50. mer-gel, white-fingered, gen. m. June 2. mesta, esteemed, respected, May 11, pret. part. pass, of mesaim, whence meastar, meiser, is estimated, O'Don. Supp. miadach, honourable, noble (.i. uallach, O'Dav. 104), Jan. 16, Ap. 20, Nov. 10, gen. sg. m. miadaig, May i. ace. sg. f. miadaig, Nov. i. micrend, Dec. 3, seems a compound of rend ' star ' and mic or fnec, cognate with dimiccem 'contempt,' di-})iecci)n ' I despise,' and W. ;;z/^ ' honoured, glorious.' In the compound name Blaith-mec, July 24, Dec. 11, this mec seems the second element, milla, Nov. i, Dec. 9, pi. nom. of mill, rimes with Dimma ; meaning obscure ; may come from an Urkelt. meldo-, and be cognate with Eng. mild, Goth. Jiiildeis. Ablaut e : e. vci'A's,^, sweetness, O'Br., gen. sg., Sep. 7 = W. melysedd. Derived from milis ' sweet ' = W. melys. min, small, cogn. with Lat. minuo, Gr. ^ivvda, min-dg, small battle, Dec. 4. min-dal, a small assembly, Aug. 25. min-dd.m, a sinall band, Oct. 10. min-fdl, a small fence, wall, hedge, Dec. 4. min, geiitle, smooth, fine. Mar. i, 13, Nov. 27, See bin-min, bldith-min, deg-min, seg-min, seng-min, tend-min. min-oeb (MS. m\na.&h), gentle-beautiful, Nov. 6. min-fer, a gentle man, Oct. 23. min-iial, gentle-modest, Dec. 15. min-iind, gentle-fair, Mar. 21. min-ga.r, gentle-pious. May 29, Dec. 18. mm-gel, gentle-fair, Feb. 22. min-maiih, gentle-good, pi. n. min-maithe, June 18. min-oc, ^entle-yoting, Oct. 4, Dec. 10. min-6g, gentle-virginal, Sep. 22. min-seng, gentle-slender, refined, Jan. 24. mind, a diadem ( = O. W. mi7in gl. sertum) Dec. 26. a holy relic, Aug. 5. See ard-mind, so-m. v!\\nA-ha.n, fair-diade7ned, Jan. 13. m\nd-g\2ix\, ptire-diademed, gen. Sep. 14. So 7nindndr, Salt. 12 10. mind-noeb, holy-diademed, June 15. mine, smallness, ace. May 7, Oct. 31. Derived from min,<\.v. \vl\vl&, gentleness, Jan. 17, Oct. 12. Derived from min, q.v. 'm6, 'ma, a compound prep, for immoa. 'mo mebrugud, Pref 1 16. 'ma Maire, Nov. I. With art. moin dlechtain, Jan. 8. With poss. pron. 'mom dail, Ap. 3, 27. 'momh inad. Mar. 19. 'mor ndalaib, Ap. 22. 'ma eolaind, Oct. 30. With rel. pron. 'mo n-iadamm. Mar. 3. mo-chen, welcome, mochean (gl. bene venias), Vita S. Cainniei, cited by Hogan, Todd lectures, V. pref. v. mochcn-6n, Jan. 6. mod, work, modh .i. obair, O'Cl. See tren-mod. moerda, June 9, Aug. 21, Nov. 22, wondrous} cognate, perhaps, with Lat. minis, Skr. smera-s ? or is it another spelling of mderda, q.v. ? GLOSSAKIAL INDEX. 283 molbda, praiseworthy^ Dec. 30, perhaps a corruption of molbihach, Ap. 25. gen. molbthaig, Salt. 4946, dat. molbthach, ibid. 7810. mor, great (W. mawr, Gaul, maro-s). See dag-mor, deg-m., er-m., find-m. glan-m., gle-m., ra-m., ro-m., seg-m., tend-m., tromm-m. m6r-d.g, a great battle, Dec. 4, ace. Dec. 15. mor-chath M., d great battle, June 30. in morchad, Salt. 6492. mor-chenn, a great chief , Oct. 12. mor-chluach, great-famed, Dec. 27. mor-d^m, a great band, Oct. 10, gl. 2. mor-druin, very shrewd, Aug. 19. mor-fer, a great man, July 14, Aug. 13. mor-fi'al, very modest (or hospitable f), Sep. 4. mor-imd, great-fair, Aug. 12. mor-fot, z/^rj/ ii:atchfid, July 22. mor-gM, ^ri?a/ da)iger, ace. Mar. 8, Oc. 19. gen. a sciath a 16 gdidh nir' gheis, his shield never roared o?t a day of danger, Lism. 165'' 2. See _cr^fe7t. See clar-nem, coem-nem, dag-nem, find-nem, gle-nem, gorm- nem, noeb-nem, oeb-nem, prim-nem, reid-nem, rind-nem, slog-nem, soer- nem. nem-, negative prefix (O.-Ir. neb-, neph-). nem-chdid, unc/iasfe, imholy, Dec. 2, 29. nem-chromm, unbowed, upright, June 25. nem-fann, unweak, May 21, Aug. 22. nem-gand, unscanty, generous, liberal, Sep. 4. nem-leir, inactive, uftdevout, Oct. 17. nem-th^r, imevil, June 5, Aug. 4. tar .i. olc, Corm. ro-thar .i. ro-olc, ibid, nemda, pi. dat. nemdaib, Nov. 19, heaveiily 07ies? or heavens, as in Trip. Life, 60, 1. 19. nem-drech, brightfaced, Sep. i. See niam-glan. 1. nemed, a sanctuary, a chapel, July 29, Oct. 29 (gl. sacellum), Sg. 13*", Gaul. 7iemeton. gen. nemid. Trip. Life, 240, 11. 4, 19. dat. do neimeadh coicidh Connacht, Lism. Lives, 4780. ace. ni racrdid chill na nemed, LL. 303'' 39. neimheadh, a sa7tctuary, O'Don. Supp. Compds. ard- nemed, Bk. of Fenagh, 46. fid-nemedh, BB. 470'' 25. 2. nemed, a 7toble, pi. n., Ap. 25, pi. ace. neimtiu, neimthiu. Laws i. 260, lines 14, 16, where it is rendered by ' persons of distinction.' nemid, Apr. 25, Nov. 19, Dec. 5, neimid, Aug. 4 = neimhidh, ''divine, heave7ily^ O'R. nert, strength, virtue (W. nerth). See deg-nert. Ti\\a.m-g\2in, shining-pure, pure-coloured f May 31. niam. Salt. 4315- nir- = ni + ro. ni-r-fella, June 7, ni-r-craded, Oct. 30 : nir. May 6, 20 ^ nir'b, ni-r-bo. May 29, ni-ro-bo. nit (:= ni it) they are 7iot, Jan. 18, June 20, Nov. 16. noeb, holy. See ard-noeb, ban-n., c6em-n., find-n., garg-n., lomm-n., mind-n. noeb-ainm N., holy na7/ie, Aug. 11, Fel. Oeng. Prol. 99, 109. noeb-dias, a holy pair, Jan. 27. n6eb-fer,«/za/^^_y;7, latinised Dalniujjia, ' the tract of country lying on either side of the river Bann, from Spencer's Bridge, near Moira, to the Drum Bridge, near Belfast,' Reeves, Ecc/. Ant. 44, 233. Dal Cais, the descendants of Cormac Cas, in north Munster, Mar. 30, gl. 2. May 21, gl. 6. July 9, gl. i. Dec. 18, gl. 10. Dal Riada, now the Route, co. Antrim, Jan. i, gl. 5. Mar. 24, gl. 2. May 7, gl. 2. Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 318 et seq. Dalreudini, Baeda, H.E. i. i. Dam-inis ('ox-island'), gen. Daminse, Jan. 6, gl. 7. Jan. 27, gl. 4. May 17, gl. 2. Sep. 12, gl. I, now Devenish in Loch Erne, co. Fermanagh. Dartraige, Jan. 4, gl. 4, now the barony of Rossclogher, co. Leitrim, Chron. Scot. 277- Dartraigi Coininse, June 15, gl. 2. July 28, gl. 2, now Dartry, co. Mona- ghan [Fermanagh ?], Top. Poems xxii. Delbna tire, Dec. 16, gl. i. i.e. Dealbhna tire da loc/ia, so called from its situation between Loch Corrib and Loch Lurgan (the Bay of Galway), Top. Poems 195 n. Delg-inis ('thorn island'), Dec. 5, gl. 2. Deilginis Cualann, Three Frags.., 58, now Dalkey, near Dublin. Dergne (gen. sg.), Dec. 23, gl. 4 ^ Deilgne mo Goroc, now Delgany, co. Wicklow, AU. 102 1, ALC. i. 20, ii. 553. Dermag', dat. Dermaig, Ap. 19, Nov. 12, gl. 5. Durmag, gen. Durmaige June 21, gl. 2, now Durrow, in King's county, Adamnan's ' Dairmag' and ' Roboreti campus.' Baeda's ' Dearmach ' lingua Scottorum. hoc est Campus roborum, H.E. iii. 4. Dermag Ciiile Caenna, Nov. 30, gl. i. Trip. Life 82. Dermag hiia nDuach, Oct. 20, gl. i, now Durrow, in Idough, on the border of Queen's co. and Kilkenny, FM. 11 56. Derthach ('oratory'), dat. Derthaig, May 18, gl. 3. Sep. 30, gl. 5. Desi, July 4, gl. 2, the Desi Muman, q.v. See Top. Poems Ixii. Desi Muman, now Decies, in co. Waterford, Jan. 17, gl. 4. Feb. 9, gl. 2. Mar. 26, gl. 2. July 8, gl. i. July 10, gl. 2. Nov. 28, gl. i. Diammair, Oct. 24, gl. 4. Perhaps Diamor in the barony of Fore, co. Meath. See Petrie, Round To^uers, 383. Disert (borrowed from Lat. desertum), Feb. 2, gl. 2. Disert Cinnclair, June 29, gl. 2. Disert Cluastan, Oct. i, gl. i. Disert Diarmata, June 21, gl. 3. Now Castledermot, co. Kildare. Disert Fulartaig, March 29, gl. 4. Now Dysart, barony of Carbury, co. Kil- dare. Disert Maele Tuile, July 30, gl. 2. Now Dysart, in Westmeath. FM. 1033. Disert maic Ciluirn in Laigis Laigen, Jan. 2, gl. 4. Disert maic Conlocha in Cuircne, July 11, gl. i. Disert Meithe Coile, Nov. 12, gl. 13, in the barony of Ferrard, co. Louth. Disert Muirdebrach, in Hiii Conaill Gabra, Nov. 3, gl. 2. Disert Tola, March 30, gl. 2. Now Dysart O'Dea, co. Clare. Doim-liac, Nov. 24, gl. 2. Now Duleek, in co. Meath. X 2 3o8 INDEX OF PLACES. Dol, July 28, in Brittany (Ille-et-Vilaine). Dotnnach ('church'), gen. Domnaig, Oct. 30, gl. r. Domnach Airis, Sep. 30, gl. i. Domnach brocc (' church of the badgers ' ? ' of St. Broc,' Joyce), Sep. 30, gl. 4. Now Donnybrook, near Dublin. Domnach Ceirne, Dec. 18, gl. 4. Domnach Foinir, Oct. 29, gl. 2. Domnach imlecha, June 20, gl. 5, Domnach mor, gen. Domnaig moir, May 20, gl. 3. Nov. ii,gl. 3. Perhaps the Domnach mor of Trip, Life, p. 132, 1. 19, now the parish of Donagh- more. Reeves, Eccl. Ant. in n., 306. Domnach mor Aelmaige, Aug. 23. Bk. Arm. 18'' 2. Domnach mor maic Laithbe in Mugduirn, May 27, gl. 3. Domnach mor Maige Damairne, Sep. 17, in Magheramorne, co. Antrim. Domnach mor Maige Ene, Jan. 16, gl. 7. See Mag Ene, infra. Domnach mor Maige Imchldir, June 4, gl. 2. Sep. 6, gl. 3, now Donaghmore, barony of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, Christian Inscr. II, 113. Domnach mor Maige hlth[a], Nov. 11, gl. 4, now Donaghmore, barony of Raphoe, co. Donegal. Domnach mor Maige Luadat, Oct. 27, gl. 4, now Donaghmore, barony of Salt, CO. Kildare. Domnach Sechnaill (' Sechnall's church'), Nov. 27, gl. i, now Dunshaughlin, CO. Meath. Dornbuide, Feb. 2, gl. i, a hill on Mag Raigni. Dothair, gen. Dothra, May 11, gl. 5, now the river Dodder, near Dublin. Dothar .i. abann, O'Cl. Druim ('ridge'), gen. Droma, May 30, gl. 2. Perhaps Drumbeg parish, CO. Down, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 46 n. Druim ailche in Dartraige, Jan. 4, gl. 4. Druim Airbelaig, Jan. 15, gl. 8, now Drumreilly, co. Leitrim. Druim airbrech (leg. dairbrech ? ), Ap. 30, gl. 3. Druim ata (leg. fata?), Ap. 24, gl. 7. Mart. Don. has Droinmato, apparently gen. sg. oi*Drommait. Druim bairr, Jan. 16, gl. 4, in Fermanagh, FM. 1395. Druim Bertach, Feb. 18, gl. i, now perhaps Burt, barony of InishowenWcst, CO. Donegal. But Mart. Don. has D. Bcrthach. Druim bidg, Jan. 17, gl. 3. Druim bo, July 24, gl. 4. Aug. 10, now the parish of Drumbo, co. Down, Trip. Life, 222, 626, ' CoUum Bovis,' Bk. Arm. 6'' i. Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 44 n., 235. Druim Bricce, June 17, gl. 6, probably one of the townlands now called Drumbrick in Donegal, Fermanagh, Leitrim and Roscommon. Druim broan ('ridge of the quern'), Sep. 25, gl. 6. Perhaps Drumbrone, a townland in co. Monaghan. Cf Rcidh na /?r(>n,neiir Limerick, Joyce, 20. Druim cliab, June 9, gl, 4. June 12, gl. 3. Now Drumcliff, co. Sligo. Druim crema ('ridge of wild-garlic'), Feb. 6, gl. 3. Perhaps Drumcramph, the name of two townlands in co. Fermanagh. Druim cuicce, Dec. 4, gl. 3. INDEX OF PLACES. 309 Druim cuilinn ('ridge of holly'), May 21, gl. 4. Now Drumcullen, bai-ony of Eglish, King's co., FM. 721, 740. AU. 744. Druim da dart, May 22. Druim da liter ('ridge of two letters '), Nov. 12, gl. 3. Druim Dallain, May 3, gl. 7. Druim dresa, Feb. 18, gl. 2. Druim Druith, Jan. 12, gl. 2. Druim enaig (' ridge of the marsh '), May 17, gl. i. Perhaps one of the four townlands called Drumenny, in the co. Tyrone. Druim fertain ('ridge of the little grave'), Mar. 5, gl. 2, in Carbury, co. Kildare. Druim fesse, May 17, gl. i. Druim inesclainn ('ridge of the rapid stream'), Nov. 2, gl. 4. Nov. 18, gl. 2. Now Druminisklin or Drumiskin, in co. Louth, FM. 788. Druim ing, Oct. 10, gl. i. Now Dromin, near Dunshaughlin, in Meath, AU. and FM. 834. Druim lara, Mar. 7, gl. 3. Should perhaps be Druim IdracJi (' mare's ridge'), now anglicised Drumlarah (co. Cavan), or Drumlara (cos. Leitrim and Monaghan). Druim lethan ('broad ridge'), Nov. 12, gl. 2. Now Drumlahan or Drum- lane, CO. Cavan? FM. 1246. Druim liacc ('ridge of stones'), Oct. 25, gl. i. Dec. i, gl. 4. Drumleck (co. Monaghan) ? Drumleague (cos. Cavan and Leitrim) ? Druim lias ('ridge of cattle-sheds'), June 19, gl. 2. Now the parish of Drumlease, co. Leitrim. Druim licce, Feb. 9, gl. 5. Perhaps Drumleck, co. Louth. Druim Lommdin, Feb. 4. Now Drumloman (co. Gavan), Drumlumman (co. Cavan, co. Leitrim), or Drumlummin (co. Tipperary) ? Druim mic Feradaig, Nov. 13, gl. 4. Druim mic Ublai (leg. Druim maccu Blai ? ) March 9, gl. 2. Trip. Life 240, 248, FM. 830. Druim mor mo Cholmoic, June 7, gl. 3. Now Dromore, in Iveagh, Reeves, Eccl. Ant.., 104 n. Druim niad (' champion's ridge '), Sep. 13, gl. i. Druim raithe, Aug. 19, gl. 2 = Druim Raithne, Fel. Oeng. cxxxii. Now Drumraney, barony of Kilkenny West, co. Westmeath, Chron. Scot. 380. The Dridin Raithe of Mar. 6, gl. 3, may perhaps be Drii/nrat^ a parish in the barony of Corran, co. Sligo. See AU. 1017, note 10. Druim samraid ('ridge of summer'), July 22, gl. 4. Now Drumsawry or Summerbank, in co. Meath. Druim snechta ('ridge of snow'), Sep. 4. gl. 4 Now Drumsnatt, co. Monaghan. Druim snechta in Fernmag, ibid. Aug. 4, gl. i. Druim Tidil, Nov. i, gl. 13. Druim tuirc ('boar's ridge'), Dec. 26, gl. 3. Probably one of the two townlands called Drumturk, in the co. Monaghan. Druim Uaithe, Aug. 5, gl. i. Druim Uisseoit, July 28, gl. i. Dub-Blaan(forDum-Bldain, Dun Bldain?), Duinblanc in Scotland, Aug. 10, gl. I. Dun in the Renna, Nov. 24, gl. i. 3IO INDEX OF PLACES. Dun Blesci, Jan. 3, gl. 2. So called, ace. to Mart. Taml., from Blesca, son of the King of Hiii Cuanach's swineherd. Now Doon in the barony of Coonagh, co. Limerick, Reeves, Coluinba, 136 n. Diin dA En ('fort of two birds '), Jan. 8, gl. 2. Oct. 30, gl. 4. Now Duneane, in Antrim, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 300. Dun Gemin, Jan. 8, gl. 8. Now Dungiven, co. Londonderry. See Reeves, Colton^s Visitation^ 41 n. Dun mor ('great fort'), July 21, gl. 3. Now Dunmore, in Hui Briuin Cualann. Diin na nGall (' the Scandinavians' fort '). Now Donegal, in Tirconnell, p. 2. As to the origin of the name, see Petrie, Irish Penny Journal, p. 185. Dun Tige Bretan (' the fort of the Britons' house '), Jan. 7, gl. 2. Durmag, see Dermag. Echdruim Brecc^in (' Breccdn's horse-ridge'), May 7, gl. i, gl. 2. Now Aughrim, co. Galway. Echfarad, Ap. 11, gl. 6. Ech-inis ('horse-island'), Sep. 25, gl. 4. Anglicised Aughinish, in cos. Clare and Limerick, and Aughnish in co. Donegal. Ednen, Ap. 23, gl. 2, gl. 3, gl. 4. An unidentified church near Slane in Meath. See Three Frags. 186, 187, where O'Don. prints Suairlech Ineidnein ' Suairlech of Inedhnen,' as if the i)i were not the article. See also FM. 868, AU. 869, and Chroti. Scot. 870, where Hennessy says that Tempul mo Laga in Cork is called in the Bk. of Lismore, the Eidlincn of mo Laga. Egipt, Egypt, Jan. 7. Ego, Ap. 17, gl. 3, the island Eig, off the coast of Inverness, in Scotland. Eired. See Aired. Emissa, a city in Syria, Aug. 29, note a. Enach ('marsh'), glen. Enaig, Jan. 4, gl. 3. Sep. 22, gl. 3. ' Somewhere in the barony of Strabane {^Srath bdn\ county of Tyrone,' Top. Poems, p. xviii. Enach Eir (Ceir ?), May 19, gl. 3. Enach Elte, in Hui Echach Ulad, Feb. 18, gl. 3. Dec. 26, gl. 4. Enach truim (' elder-tree-marsh '), Nov. 3, gl. 3. Now Annatruim in Queen's CO. Eoganacht of Caisel, Jan. 21, gl. 2. Mar. 5, gl. 2. Oct. 6, gl. 2. Oct. 20, gl. i. Nov. 3, gl. I. The tribe-name of the Hiii Donchada, anciently in Mag Femin, co. Tipperary, afterwards in the barony of Magunihy, co. Kerry, Top. Poems, Ixii. Eoganacht Loch Lein, Nov. 12, gl. 3. In the south-east of co. Kerry, YVi. 1009. Top. Poems, 60 n. Erard lia nDrona, May 2, now Ullard, west of the river Barrow, Top. Poems, 212 n. Erdam ('porticus '), gen. Erdaim, Erdoim, Feb. 8, gl. 8. Ap. 8, gl. 6. Eriu, gen. Erenn, Irela>td,'p. 4, Feb. i, Feb. 11, gl. i. Mar. 6, gl. 2. July 9, gl. 3. Nov. 14, gl. I. Dec. 12, gl. I. Ernaide, now Urney, in Tyrone, Feb. 11, gl. 8. Aug. i, gl. i. Aug. 3, gl. 5. Sep. 4, gl. 2. See FM. 876. Ernaide mo Chua, Jan. 25, gl. 3. Espdin, Spain, dat. May 1 5. INDEX OF r LACES. 311 Ess mac nEirc (' cataract of Erc's sons ' ), Mar. 8, gl. 5. Now Assylin {Ess I'/i Fhloinn) on the river Boyle, co. Roscommon, FM. 748. Also called Ess da C/ionna, ' rapid of thy Conna,' who was a son of Ere. Ess Ruaid, Assaroe (Eas Aedha Ruaidh), Mar. 8, gl. 3, May 21, gl. 4. A cataract on the river Erne, near Ballyshannon, co. Donegal, in which Aed Ruad was drowned. Rev. Celt. xvi. 31. Etdl, Italy, dat. Ettail, Nov. 21, gl. i. Etarchluain, gen. Etar chluana, Dec. 13, gl. 2. Etargabail (' between the prongs of a fork formed b)' rivers '), Oct. 26, gl. 7. Now probably Addergool, a townland in co. Mayo, FM. 788, 1134. Ethais Cromm, Jan. 24, gl. 2. Faeldruim ('wolf-ridge'), Nov. 17, gl. 2. Now Feltrim, a hill near Swords, CO. Dublin. Fathan Mura, gen. Faithne, Jan. 3, gl. i. dat. Faithin, Mar. I2,gl. i. Now Fahan, co. Donegal ; gen. Othna Mura, Three Frags. 10. The f is prothetic. See Reeves, Colioiis Visitation, 66, note s, and Athan Becc supra. Ferna (gen. Fernann and Ferna). Now Ferns, co. Wexford, Jan. 31, gl. \. June 22, gl. I. July 27, gl. 3. Fern-mag (' alder-tree plain '), Aug. 4. Now Farney, co. Monaghan. Ferta fer Feicc ('the graves of Fiacc's men'), Nov. 2, gl. 2. Near Slane, in Meath. Fert Seethe, Sep. 6, gl. 2. Now Ardskeagh, 'a parish in the barony of Fermoy, co. Cork,' Top. Poems, Ixix. Fia (=: W. g^My in river-names ?), name of a well, Ap. 5, gl. i. Fid-chuilinn ('wood of holly'), Aug. 8, gl. i. Now Feighcullen, in tlie northern half of the co. Kildare. Fid (gen. Feda) Duin, May 18, gl. 5. Oct. i, gl. i. Now Fiddown, co. Kilkenny. Fidnach Maige Rein, Nov. 13, gl. 7. Now Fcenagh, co. Leitrim. Findabair aba. May 2, gl. i. Now Fennor, on the Boyne, near Slane, in Meath. Findglaiss, gen. Findglaise, Jan. 21, gl. i. Jan. 27, gl. 7. Sep. 24, gl. i. Findglaiss Cainnich, May 15, gl. 4. Now Finglas, near Dublin, Three Frags. 174. Findmag i Fothartaib, March 3, gl, i. Fine Gall ('family of the foreigners'), Jan. 20, gl. 3. Nov. 17, gl. 2. Now Fingal, the part of co. Dublin lying north of the Liffey, Joyce, 92. Fir Arda, Jan. i, gl. 4. Nov. 12, gl. 13. Now Ferrard, a barony in co. Louth. Fir Bile, Feb. 11, gl. 2. Now Farbill, a barony in co. Westmeath. Fir Cell (' viri cellarum seu potius ecclesiarum,' O'Don.), June 10, gl. 4, in King's county, comprising the baronies of Fircall, Ballycowan and Ballyboy, Misc. Ir. Arch. Soc. .i. 289, Top. Poems vi. Fir Ciil Breg, Ap. 5, gl. i = Fir Cul i niBregaib, Nov. 26, gl. i, in co. Meath, 'nearly coextensive with the barony of Kells,' O'Don. Fir Tulach ('viri collium,' O'Don.), Jan. 9, gl. 2. Aug. 21, gl. i. Now Fartullagh, a barony in co. Westmeath, Top. Poems, vii. Fobar('a well'), gen. Fobair. Now Fore, in Westmeath, Jan. 20, gl. i. Feb. 5, gl. 4. Mar. 27, gl. 2. May i, gl. 6. June 10, gl. 3. July 27, gl. 5. Oct. 2, gl. I. Nov. 3, gl. 9. See Rev. Celt, xv, 320, note 5. 312 INDEX OF PLACES. Fochard, Jan. i, gl. ii. Fochard Murthemne, Sep. 4, gl. i. Now Faughardy CO. Louth, about two miles north of Dundalk, Three Frags. 59 n. Fochuillech, July 18, gl. 3 = Fochaillech, LL. 373' 17. Foibrdn, Nov. i, gl. 8, in Crich Graicrighe, i.e. in co. Sligo or co. Roscommon,. FM. 811, AU. 758, 815. Foigde, Mar. 8, gl. 4. Is this a place-name? Fortuatha Laigen, Ap. 29, gl. i. A territory in the co. of Wicklow, comprising Glendalough and the neighbouring districts (FM. 707, 890, etc. Top. Poems, p. Iv, Three Frags. 212). Hennessy held that it also included the southern part of co. Dublin. Fotharta, Mar. 3, gl. i. Fotharta Laigen, Aug. 18, gl. i. Now the barony of Forth, CO. Carlo w, FM. 663, 969, etc. Fotharta mora, May 12, gl. 2. July 27, gl 2. dat. i Fot[h]artaib maraib, LL. 353''- Frainc (dat. sg.), Frajtcc, Aug. 30, gl. 2. Oct. 31, gl. 2. Gailenga, Oct. 13, gl. i. Now Morgallion, in the north of Meath, and also in the barony of Clankee, co. Cavan. Qj?iSS.^ foreigner : before the 12th century, Scandinavian: since then English- man, pi. n. Gain, gen. Gall, dat. Gallaib, Oct. 12, where it stands iox Fini Gall. Now Fingal, north of Dublin. Gall-Goidil, ' Dano-Irish,' Aug. 10, gl. i. See FM. 854, 856, 11 54, Reeves, Columba., 306, 390, 407, and TJirec F7'agnients, 4, 128, 138, 140. They seem to have been Irish who had relapsed into paganism, and li\ed in Man, Arran, Bute, Galloway, Cantire, and the western coast of Scotland. See also Wars of the Gaels and Gaill, xxx, and AU. 855, 1034. Skene, Chron. Fids and Scots., pref. Ixxix, Ixxx, suggests that Gallovidia (whence Galloivay) is formed on the Welsh Galluyddyl = Ir. Gallgoidil. Glan (' pure '), name of a well at Ross glanda in Tyrone, Sep. 6, gl. 3. Glass (gen. Glaisse) dd. Cholptha (' stream of two shinbones '), Nov. 3, gl. 6. Glas noiden, Oct. 12, gl. 6. Now Glasnevin, north of the Lififey, whei-e v takes the place of a dental. Glastingbera, Glastonbury., Aug. 24, gl. i. Frequented by Irish pilgrims. There was a ' compact of fraternization ' between Glastonljury and St. Swithin's, Winchester. Hence perhaps the number of Winchester saints commemorated by Gorman. Glenn achaid ('glen of the field'), June 25, gl. 5. Cilenn Aesa, Feb. 26, gl. 2. Glenn dA locha ('glen of two lakes '). Now Glendalough, co. Wicklow. Jan.. 8, gl. 7. Jan. II, gl. 3. Feb. 10, gl. i. Ap. 22, gl. i. May 3, gl. 5. June 3, gl. I, gl. 5. Oct. 7, gl. I. Nov. 3, gl. 3. Dec. 12, gl. 3. Glenn Delmaic, Nov. 5, gl. i, in Mag Raigni, q.v. Glenn Faidle, Dec. 29, gl. i. Now Gleneely, co. Wicklow. Glenn Gemin ('vallis pellis'), Jan. 3, gl. 3. Now (ilengiven in co. London- derry, FM. 563, 693, Ree\es, Cotton's Visitation, 41 n. AU. 694. Glenn medoin, Feb. 18, gl. 4. Glenn mona ('glen of the bog'), Feb. 12, gl. 4. Glenn Rige, Feb. 4. Now Glenree, the valley of the Newry ri\er. Glenn Sechis, Ap. 2, gl. 2, is, according to Reeves, Eccl. Ant. p. 315 n., the ancient name of Kilbrone)-, co. Down. INDEX OF PLACES. 315 Glenn Suilige, Feb. 8, gl. 7. Now Glenswilly, in Donegal, near Letter- kenny, a valley through which the river Suilech flows. Glenn Uissen, a valley near the town of Carlow, Jan. 27, gl. i. Feb. 27, gl. 3. The church of G.U. is now Killushin. Glenn Uissen in Hui Bairrche, July 8, gl. 2. Now Killeshin, barony of Slievemargy, Queen's co. Gobul Liuin, July 28, gl. 2. Now Galloon in Fermanagh. Goidil, the Gaels, Feb. 12, gl. 3. Aug. 24, gl. i. See Gall-goidil. Gort Cirb, Aug. 5, gl. 2. Now, probably, Gortgrib, a townland in Lower Castlereagh, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. pp. 11, note k, and 379, note a. Gort ( = Xoproi, hortus), ' a measure of six acres,' Reeves, Cotton's Visitatloiiy 131- Granard, in co. Longford, Jan. 24, gl. i, Trip. Life, 90. Grecraige, Nov. 16, gl. 3. There were Grecraige both in Connaught (barony of Coolavin co. Sligo) and in Munster. Grellach bona ('the miry place of the river-end'), Dec. 16. Now Girley, a parish near Kells, Misc. Ir. Arch. Sac. 134. See Reeves, Cotton's Visitation 68, note z. Hui Bairrche, July 8, gl. 2. They possessed the barony of Slievemargy, Queen's county, and other tracts in that neighbourhood. Top. Poems, 212 n. Reeves, Coluniba., 164 n. Three Frags. 212. Hiii Bresail Airthir, July 13, gl. 8. Ar Uibh Breasail Oirthir dird | ui Lorcain, crodha a connairg. Top. Poems, p. 32. Perhaps Clanbrassil, in the barony of O'Neilland East, co. Armagh, ibid, xxiii. Hui Briuin Cualann, Mar. 6, May 26, gl. 2. July 21, gl. 3. FM. 738, 1021, etc. They occupied the greater part of the barony of Rathdown, co. Dublin, and part of the north ot co. Wicklow. Hiii Caithrenn, Dec. 6, gl. 3, in the west of Ossory. Hiii Cennselaig in co. Wexford, Jan. 30, gl. 2. Mar. 16, gl. 6. Ap. 23, gl. i, July 4, gl 2. July 10, gl. 2. July 13, gl. 3. Aug. 14, gl. i. Oct. 27, gl. i, gl. 3. Dec. 16, gl. I. Hui Conaill Gabra, Nov. 3. Now the baronies of Upper and Lower Connello, co. Limerick, FM. 883, 901, etc. Hiii Dega, Jan. 30, gl. 2. Perhaps the Ui Deadhuidh of FM. 11 51, or the Ui Deaghaidh (in Wexford), of Top. Poems, p. Iv., Three Frags. 212. Hui Drona, now Idrone, co. Carlow. Aug. 18, gl. 2. Oct. 11, gl. 2. Nov. 8, gl. 2. Hui Duach, Oct. 20, gl. i. Now Idough (or Odough), co. Kilkenny, AU. S51. Hui Dunchada, Mar. 3, gl. 6. May 11, gl. 5. In co. Dubhn, between the Lififey and the Dublin mountains. Hui Echach (or Echdach) Ulad. Now the barony of Iveagh, co. Down, Feb. 18, gl. 3. Ap. 2,gl. 3. May 12, gl. i. May 22, gl. i. June 7, gl. 3. Oct. 26, gl. I. Dec. 6, gl. 3. Dec. 26, gl. 5. See Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 348 et seq., where the dat. pi. uibh is mis-written for the nom. ui. Hiii Fdelain, Offelan, in the northern part of co. Kildare, May 17, gl. 2. Aug. 8, gl. I. Sep. 2, gl. 5. Sep. i6, gl. 4. Oct. 27, gl. 4- Dec. 22, gl. i. Hui Failgi, Mar. 29, gl. 4. Ap. 25, gl. i. Sep. 3, gl. i. Now Offaly or Ophaly, in Leinster (parts of Kildare, Queen's county and Kmg's county). Hui Fenechlais, Ap. 29, gl. i. Nov. 14, gl. 2 : in the barony of Arklow, co. Wicklow. 314 INDEX OF PLACES. Hui Fiachrach IVIuaide, June 8, gl. 2 : in the cos. of Mayo and Sligo, Reeves, Colu/nba, 31. Hiii Fidgeinte, July 20, gl. i : in the south of co. Limerick, round Crooni, AU. 833, FM. 1 178, note m. Hiii Garrchon, July3, gl. i. Aug. 18, gl. i. Sep. 12, gl. 3. They occupied the parishes of Glenealy, Killaird and Rathnew, co. Wicklow, Reeves, Co/innba, 25. Hiii Liathain, May 15, gl. 8. Nov. 24, gl. 6. ' Nearly coextensive with the present barony of Barrymore, in the co. of Cork,' Top. Poems, Ixiv. Hui Maic CailIi,May 15, gl. 8. Nov. 28, gl. i. Now Imokilly barony, co. Cork. Hvii Mdil, Oct. 7, gl. I. Now Imaile, co. Wicklow. Hiii Maini, Feb. 9, gl. 3. The territory of the O'Kellys, in cos. Galway and Roscommon = Tir Maini, infra. Hiii Meith Macha, Jan. 26, gl. i. The barony and county of Monaghan, FM. 605, 893, 1 1 78, note o, Top. Poems, p. xxii. Hi'ii Meith Macha Menna, Nov. 2, gl. i. Hiii Muiredaig, Mar. 16, gl. 6. Oct. 27, gl. 3. Dec. 13. gl. 4. The southern half of CO. Kildare, Top. Poems, pp. xlvii, liii. Hui Rethe, Nov. 8, gl. 2. South of Lethglenn (now Leighlin), co. Car- low. Hiii Segain, Oct. 10, gl. i. Trip. Life 184. North of Ardbraccan, co. Meath, Top. Poems, p. xxiv. Hiii Tuirtri, Sep. 7, gl. 2 : in the baronies of Upper and Lower Toome, in co. Antrim. Adamnan's nepotes Turtrei. See Top. Poems, p. xx. Reeves, EccL Ant. pp. 82, 292-297, and Co/umba, 52 ; Trip. Life, 168, 542, 630, FM. 668. I (generally Hi, gen. lae, la, dat. Hi) Coluim chille, now called lona, from a misreading of /^^//'^c, Jan. 11, gl. i. Mar. 2. Mar. 10, gl. i. Mar. II, gl. 5. Mar. 22, gl. 5. May 25, gl. 2. June 9, gl. i, gl. 2. June 22, gl. 3. July 3, gl. 2. Aug. 12. Sep. 16, gl. 2. Sep. 23, gl. i. Oct. 27, gl. 5. Oct. 28, gl. I. Dec. 17, gl. I. Imdan, Aug. 25, gl. 2, should probably be Imgan, cf Broccain Imgain, LL. 361, col. 7. Imdual, Mar. 28, gl. 2, dat. Imduail, Trip. Life 234, 1. 23. Imlech (O.-Ir. iinbliuch\ Dec. 18, gl. 5. Now Emly, co. Tipperary, where, however, ImlccJi is perhaps a mistake for Miliuc ' low marshy land.' Imlech Broccada, July 9, gl. 2. Now Emlech, barony of Costello, co. Mayo. Imlech Cassdin in Cualnge, Sep. 11, gl. 2. Now probably Emlagh, a town- land, barony and parish in co. Louth, Imlech Fiaich, Ap. 5, gl. i. Imbliuch Fia, Fel. Oeng. Ixxiii. Imlech Pich, AU. 687, Imlech Fea, AU. 746. Now Emlagh, near Kells, co. Meath, Misc. Jr. Arch. Soc. 148 n. Imlech Ibair, Dec. 1 1, gl. 4. Now Eml)', co. Tipperary. Inber Colptha, June 16, gl. 2, the mouth of the Boyne, in Meath. Trip Life, 40, 278, 424. Inber Doile, Sep. 13, gl. 4. Now Enncreilly, near Arklow, co. Wicklow. Inber Meilge, Jan. 27, gl. 2. Inber Noele, Jan. 27, gl. 4, in Tir Boghuine in Cenel Conaill, Mart. Don., where B(^?ghuine is misprinted for Ik'ghuine. INDEX OF PLACES. 315 Inis ('island'), Dec. 22, gl. 3. Now the parish of Inch, co. Down, Reeves, Ell I. A lit. 44, 92, 232. In Feb. 6 the gen. innse stands for I/tsc Patric. Inis Aingm, Jan. 7, gl. 7. Now Inchinneen, or Hare Island, on Lough Ree, CO. Westmeath. Inis Bdithm, May 16, gl. 8. May 22, gl. 3. Now Inishboheen (Ennisboyne?) CO. Wicklow. Inis bo findQ, ' Insula vaccae albae,' Aug. 8, gl. 4. Inis-bou-finde, id est 'insula vitulae albae,' Baeda H.E. iv, 4. Now Inisbofin, or Boffin Island, off the west coast of co. Mayo. Inis c^in (' beautiful island'), Jan. 10, gl. 3. Ap. 13, gl. i. July 13, gl. 6. Inis c^in, now Inishkeen on Loch Erne, Mar. 29, gl. 6. Inis cdin, now Inishkeen on Loch Meilge, Oct. 14, gl. i. Inis c^in Dega, Aug. 18, gl. 3. Now Iniskeen, co. Monaghan, Reeves, Coheinba, 238, note c, co. Louth, Hennessy, Progs. R.I.A. Irish M.S. series i. 114 n. Inis Cais, Oct. 12, gl. 5. Inis Cathaig ('island of [the monster] Cathach'), Jan. 28, gl. 3. Mar. r,gl. 2. Aug. 31, gl. I. Now Inishcathy, or Scattery Island, in the Shannon, opposite Kilrush, co. Clare. For Cathach see Lism. Lives, li. 2200-2236. Inis Celtra, Mar. 24, gl. 5. July 29, gl. 6. Now Iniscaltra on Lough Derg CO. Galway. Inis Clothrann, Jan. 10, gl. 4, Ap. 20, gl. 3, AU. 719. Now Iniscloghran or Quaker's Island, on Lough Ree, co. Longford. Hennessy gives the present name as Inchcleraun, AU. 870, note 7. Inis coil ('narrow island'), May 22, gl. 5. Now Inishkeel, an island in the barony of Boylagh, co. Donegal, AU. 740. Inis Conaill, Nov. 3, gl. 7. Now perhaps Inishconnell, a townland in co. Cavan. Inis craind (' the island of the tree'), May 20, gl. 4. Inis ere. See Loch Inse ere. Inis Cumscraig, July 22, gl. i. Julyag, gl. 3. Now Inishcourcy, co. Down. See Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 44 n., 92-93 n. Inis Daigri, Aug. 11. Now Inishterry, an island in the river Boyle, co. Roscommon. Inis daim (' the island of the ox '), Nov. 22, gl. 5. Now perhaps Inishdafif, a townland in co. Mayo. Inis Doimli, Jan. 30, gl 3. Mar. 3, gl. 3. July 4, gl. 2. Dec. i, gl. 2. Now called the Little Island, near Waterford. Inis Di'iine, Oct. i, gl. 4. Now perhaps Inchydoney, an island in the bay of Clonakilty, CO. Cork, Misc. Celtic Soc. 24, where dilinc 'arcis' seems mistaken for dfiini ' hominis.' Inis Ednig. See Rdith Inse Ednig. Inis Endaim (' the island of one ox or stag'), July 23, gl. 3. Now Inchenagh or Inishenagh, in Lough Ree, near Lanesborough. Inis Eogain (' Eogan Gulban's island'), July 8, gl. 4. Dec. 18, gl. 9. Now Inishowen, co. Donegal, between Lough Foyle and Lough Swilly. Inis Faithlenn, Mar. 15, gl. 2. Now Ireland's Eye, near Howth, co. Dublin. Inis Faithlenn, Mar. 16, gl. 4. Now Innisfallen, an island in the Lower Lake of Killarney, co. Kerry. Inis iarthair, Dec. 22, gl. 5, is perhaps an error for Inis Uachtair, the reading of Mart. Don. 3c6 INDEX OF PLACES. Inis inesclainn ('island of the rapid stream'), on Loch Erne, Nov. lo, gl. 6. Inis Hacc ('island of stones'), Oct. 29, gl. 4. Now perhaps Inishleague, a townland in co. Fermanagh, or Inishleague, a townland in co. Mayo. Inis Locha Cre, Sep. 7, gl. 3. Now Monahincha, near Roscrea, co. Tipperary.. Inis mace nErnen, Sep. 22, gl. 2. Now Church Island, in Lough Key. See O'Donovan's note //, FM. 1229. Inis maccu Cuinn, Feb. 7, gl. 8. Now Inchiquin, in Lough Corrib, co. Gal way. Inis maccu Dartada, May 21, gl. 2. Inis maicc Erca, Nov. 20. Inis maicc Ualaing, Aug. i, gl. 4. Now Inis-Bofin in Loch Ree, Hennessy, Progs. R.I.A. Ir. MS. series, i. 115. Inis Maige Sam ('the island of the plain of sorrels'), Jan. 16, gl. 2. Now Inishmacsaint, in Lough Erne, co. Fermanagh, FM. 1530. Inis Matoc, see the Index of Persons, s.v. Matoc. Inis Menoc, Mar. 20, note d. Perhaps the British name of the islet south of Lindisfarne, to which S. Cuthbert retired. See Baeda's I'ita S. CutJihcrli c. 17. Inis mo Cholmoic, Nov. 7, gl. i. Nov. 14, gl. 2. In the barony of Arklow, co. Wicklow, Top. Poems, 196 n. Inis Mochta, Mar. 26, gl. 4. Now Inishmot, co. Meath. Inis mor, (' great island'), gen. Inse moire, Jan. 14, gl. i. Jan. 15, gl. 4, gl. 6. July 23, gl. I. Aug. I, gl. 6. Now Canon Island in the Shannon, IVars, 327- Inis mor in Hiii Liathain, May 15, gl. 8. Inis Muiredaig, Aug. 12, gl. 3. Now Inishmurray, about five miles off the coast of CO. Sligo, FM. 747. Inis Pdtraic, Jan. 13, gl. 3. Feb. 6, gl. 5. Now Inishpatrick, or Patrick's Island, near Skerries, co. Dublin. As to the Inis Patraic in Mann (now Holm Peel or Peel Island ), see Todd, Wars, xxxv. Inis Picht, Ap. 7, gl. 3. Inis Pich, FM. 821, where O'Donovan says that the name is now obsolete. But is it not Spike Island in Cork Harbour.? Reeves, Coluniba, 245, note 1. Inis Rochla, Nov. 24, gl. 5, is said in Mart. Don. to be an island on Lough Erne. An insola quae uocatur Rochiiil retro montem Lapidum \^SUab Liacc\ Bk. Arm. 11'^' i, is now called Rathlin O'Birne, and is adjacent to the parish of Glencolombkill, co. Donegal. Inis Setna, Mar. 16, gl. 5. This is Inis Dctna in Mart. Taml. Inis Toite, Sep. 7, gl. 2. An island in Loch Beag, near Toom Bridge, co. Antrim, Top. Poems, 124 n.. Reeves, Colioifs Visitation, ^t,, note h. Inis Uachtair, Mar. 5, gl. 2. An island in Lough Sheelin, co. Cavan. Inis Ulad, Dec. i, gl. 2. O'Don. FM. 951, says that Inis Ulad is near Slieve Gadoe in co. Wicklow, but our glossographer makes it another name for Inis Doimle, q.v. Kartaigne, Sep. 14, gen. sg. of the Irish equivalent of Carthago. Laigin, gen. Laigen, dat. Laignib, Leinstcr/ncn, Lcinstcr, Jan. i, gl. 3, gl. 4. Ap. 29, gl. I. May 16, gl. 8. May 18, gl. 2. May 22, gl. 3. June 12, gl. 3. July 14, gl. I. Sep. 13, gl. 4. Oct. ii,gl. 2. Oct. 12, gl 2. Oct. 25, gl. 5. Nov. 3, gl. 3. Nov. 14, gl. 2. Nov. 24, gl. i. Dec. 22,. gl. I. See the dindsenchas. Rev. Celt. xv. 299. INDEX OF PLACES. 317 Laigis Laigen, now Leix, a territory in Queen's county, Jan. 2, gl. 4. Laigis, Feb. 17, gl. I. Miar. 3, gl. i. Sep. 16, gl. 2. Oct. 21, gl. i. Nov. 3, gl. 3. Nov. 20, gl. I. Dec. 24, gl. 2. See Top. Poems, Hi. Laithrech Briuin, in Hui Faeldin, Sep. 2, gl. 5. Now Laraghbryan, co. Kildare. Land (=W. llann)^ gen. Lainde, Sep. 18, gl. i. Now Lynn, co. Westmeath ? ALC. i. 114, ii. 571. Land Abaich (leg. Abaic ?), Nov. 6, gl. 3. Now Glenavy, co. Antrim, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 44 n., 47 n., 236. Land Bechairi (' the church of the beeman '), Jan. 20, gl. 3 =: Land Becuir, Fel. Oeng. xxxvii. ' a little north of Balbriggan,' co. Dublin, Joyce 146. Land Lere, June 18, gl. i. Oct. 17, gl. 2. Now Dunleer, barony of Ardeer, CO. Louth, Chron. Scot. 391, Todd, Wars., xl. Land maic Luachain, June 17, gl. 2. hi West Meath, FM. 929, 1122. Land mo Cholmoic, Oct. 20, gl. 3. Now the parish of Magheralin, Reeves, Eccl. A}tt. p. no n. Land Rondin find. May 22, gl. i. Now Magheralin, co. Down. Land Turu, May 28, gl. i. Lecan Midi, June 28, gl. i. Dec. 29, gl. 3. Now Leckan, in Westmeath. Lem-chaill ('elmwood'), gen. Lemchaille, Jan, 13, gl. 5. Ap. 22, gl. 4. Oct. 25, gl. 3. Nov. 16, gl. 2. Dec. 19, gl. 3. i:\i& Lejnchaill 3X Jan. 13, and Ap. 22, is now Lowhill, Queen's co.; so possibly the Lemchaill at Oct. 25, gl. 3, etc. But see Reeves, Coltoit's Visitation., 72, note r. Lem-mag ('elm-plain'), Feb. 19, gl. 2. The dat. sg. Lenwiaig, is anglicised Latniny, the name of certain townlands in Tyrone and Fermanagh. Secus Joyce, 491. Lene, July 29, gl. 2. Les, gen. Lese, Oct. 15, gl. i. Less Gabuil, Jan. 25, on Loch Erne, now Lisgool, co. Fermanagh. Less mor, gen. Liss moir, now Lismore, co. Waterford, Jan. 16, gl. 2. Jan. 22, gl. 5. Feb. 4, gl. 4. Feb. 9, gl. i. Mar. 16, gl. 7. Ap. 17, gl. 2. May 14, gl. I. May 21, gl. 3. July 19, gl. 5. Oct. 16, gl. 5. Oct. 31, gl. I. Nov. 12, gl. I. Nov. 13, gl. I. Nov. 15, gl. 2. Dec. 4, gl. i. Dec. 21, gl. 4. Dec. 29, gl. 4. Less mor mo Chuta, ibid. Jan. 31, gl. 3. June i, gl. i. Dec. 3, gl. i. Less mor in Scotland, June 25, gl. 3. Now Lismore, an island in Argyleshire, between the districts of Lorn and Morvern, Reeves, Cohiinba, 371, note g; Skene, T/ie Dean of Lis more' s Book, iii. Lessd,n, Sep. 21, gl. i. Now Lissan, in Tyrone, AU. 743, FM. 739. Leth Cathail (' Cathal's half), Ap. 14, gl. 2. Sep. 17, gl. i. Now Lecale, the barony in which the town of Downpatrick is situate, Reeves, Ecci. Ant. 26 n., 201. Lethduma, March 30, gl. 4. Lethglenn, gen. Lethglinne, now Leighlin, co. Carlow, Feb. 23, gl. 4. Ap. 18. Nov. 8, gl. 2. Nov. 12, gl. 6. Nov. 26, gl. 2. Dec. 26, gl. i. Letir ('a wet hillside '), gen. Letrach, Ap. 25, gl. 4. Letrecha Odr^in, now Latteragh, co. Tipperary, Oct. 2, gl. 3. Oct. 26, gl. 2. Liath-druim ('grey ridge'), now Leitrim, Feb. 8, gl. i. May 16, gl. 2. Liath Manchdin, Jan. 24, gl. 3. Now Lemanaghan in King's co. Liath mor, Mar. 13, gl. i, 2. Now Leamokevoge {Liath mor uio Chdcni6ic\ CO. Tipperary, FM. 655. Now Leigh, Todd, Wars., lix. 3i8 INDEX OF PLACES. Liathross, gen. Liathruis, in Conaille Murthemni, April 30, gl. 4. Life. Now the river Liffey, Oct. 12, gl. 6. Lifechar, Jan. 7, gl. 8. Lilcach, gen. Lilcaig, Mar. 12, gl. 3. Nov. 2, gl. 2, a place near Slane in East Meath, not yet identified, Three Frags. 43 n. Perhaps Bective (Hennessy). Lindisfarne, May 5, gl. i, the Welsh and Irish I/tis Mckaiit, Mctcoit (see Reeves, Coluinba, 2,7 A n.), as P"arne is Inis Memk q.v. Linn Duachaille, Ap. 23, gl. 2, FM. 699, etc., was according to Reeves. (cited in Wars\yji\ n.), in co. Louth, south-east of Castle Bellingham. Hennessy (AU. 840) thinks it was ' most probably Dundalk harbour.' Linn Uachaille (= Duachaille) Alar. 30, gl. 3. Aug. 7, gl. 2. Aug. 17, gl. i,. AU. 925. Loch Becc ('little lake'), Sep. 7, gl. 2. Near Toom bridge, in Antrim, Top.. Poems, 124 n. Loch Bricrenn in Hui Echach Ulad, see Index of Persons, s.v. Mellan. Loch Carman (better Carman?), June 12. Dec. 16, gl. 2. Now Wexford Haven. Rev. Celt. xv. 428. Loch Ce, Sep. 22, gl. 2. Now Lough Key, near Boyle, co. Roscommon. Loch Con in co. Mayo, Ap. 8, gl. 3. Sep. 30, gl. 6. Errew, near Lough Con, represents the old bishopric. Rev. Celt. xv. 474. Loch Crd, Sep. 7, gl. 3. Now dried up. The bog near Roscrea, co. Tipper- ary, which represents the lake-bed, is called Monahincha {jiioin na hinsc), Todd, Ir. Nenniiis^ 216 n. Loch Cuan, Aug. 5. Now Lough Cone, or Strangford Lough. Loch Dergdeirc, May 12, gl. 4. Oct. 16, gl. i. Now Lough Derg, an expan- sion of the Shannon, between Killaloe and Portumna. Rev. Celt. xv. 461. Loch n-Echach. Now Lough Neagh in Ulster, Feb. 21, gl. 3. Loch Echim (Echfn ?), May 6, gl. i. Loch Erne. Now Lough Erne, in Fermanagh, Jan. i, gl. 3. Jan. 5, gl. 4. Feb. 28, gl. I. Mar. 29, gl. 6. May 11, gl. 3. July 28, gl. 3. Oct. 6, gl. 4. Nov. 10, gl. 6. Nov. 12, gl. 9. Nov. 14, gl. 4. Rev. Celt. xv. 483. Loch Geirc, Jan. i, gl. i. Now Lough Derg, in Donegal, Loch G^i?;y in FM. 721, 1516. Loch Inse Cre, May 15, gl. 6. Loch Lebenn, Aug. 20, gl. i. Now Lough Lene, near Fore in Westmeath, Reeves, Cohnnba, 286, O'Don., T/irce Frags. 169 n. Loch Lein. Now the Lakes of Killarncy, Mar. 16, gl. 3. Nov. 12, gl. 3. Rev. Celt. xv. 451. Loch Loig (L^ig), Oct. 16, gl. 2. Oct. 25, gl. 2. Adamndn's \"ituli Stagnum. Now Belfast Lough. Reeves, Eai. Ant. 272, 273. Coluviba, 214 n. Loch mac Nena, Ap. 13, gl. 4. Now Lough Macneane, on the borders of Cavan and Fermanagh. Loch Melge, Jan. 5, gl. i. July 17, gl. 2. Oct. 14. Now Lough Mclvin, in Leitnm and Fermanagh. FM., A.M. 4678. Loch Munremuir, Feb. 6, gl. 4. Now Lough Ramor, co. Cavan. Loch Orbsen, Feb. 7. gl. 8. Now Lough Corrib. Loch Rib, Jan. 7, gl. 7. Jan. 10, gl. 4. July 23, gl. 3. Now Lough Ree an expansion of the upper Shannon. Rev. Celt. xv. 481. INDEX OF PLACES. 319^ Loch Silenn, Mar. 5, gl. 2. Now Lough Sheelin. Loch Techet, April 4, gl. 2. Now Lough Gara, co. Sligo. Loch Uair, Feb.7, gl. 3. Now Lough Owel, co. Westmeath. Rev. Celt. xvi. 80. Longbaird, dat. Longbardaib, the Lombards, Nov. 27, gl. i. Lothra, gen. sg. Ap. 15, gl. 5. Now Lorrha, barony of Lower Ormond, CO. Tipperary. Lua, June 2, gl. 2, the territory of Muscraige hui Floinn, in the barony of Muskerry. Luachair, gen. Luachra, June 22, gl. July 25, gl. 6. A district in the CO. Limerick, the name of which is preserved in Slieve Log/ic?; a mountain-range dividing Limerick from Kerry, and extending into Cork. Lugmad, Lugbad (gen. Lugmaid, Lugmaith), now Louth in the co. of Louth, p. 4. Mar. 24, gl. 3. Aug. 11, gl. 5. Aug. 19. Lui Airthir, Sep. 24, gl. 4. Luigne, June 5, gl. i. Now the barony of Lune, co. Meath, Misc. In Arch. Soc. 139. Luigne Connacht. Now the barony of Leyny, co. Sligo, Aug. 9, gl. i. Lurg on the bank of Loch Erne, Oct. 6, gl. 4. FM. 924 etc. Lusca (.i. teach talmhan, O'Cl.), Sep. 5, gl. i. Now Lusk, co. Dublin. Maethail BroccAin (' Broccan's soft land') July 8, gl. i. July 10, ol. 2. Nov. I, gl. 4. Now Mothel, co. Waterford. Mag nAbna, Nov. 9, gl. 4. Now Mowney, co. Tipperary. Mag Ai, Dec. 26, gl. i, FM. 236. Trip. Life 632 : a plain in co. Roscommon, also called Machaire Connacht. Rev. Celt. xv. 469. Mag Arnaide, Mar. 16, gl. 6. Oct. 27, gl. 3. Now Moyarney, co. Wexford. Mag Ascaid, Jan. 5, gl. 3. Oct. 16, gl. 3. Mag bile ('the plain of the old tree'). Now Movilla, co. Down, Jan. 2 gl. 2. Feb. 3, gl. 2. Feb. 11, gl. 4. Ap. 29, gl. 6. May 3, gl'. 3! May 31, gl. 3. July 27, gl. 5. Aug. 7, gl. 3. Aug. 25, gl. 3. Sep. 9, gl. 6. Sep. 10. Oct. I, gl. 2. Oct. 17, gl. 3. Oct. 21, gl. 3. Reeves, Eccl. Ant., 151. Mag Damairne, Sep. 17, gl. 3. Now Magheramorne, co. Antrim. Mag bolg, Nov. 26, gl. i. Now Moybolg in cos. Meath and Cavan. Mag Conaille, Nov. 10, gl. 7, a plain in co. Louth, the same as Conaille Muirthemne. Mag duma, May 23, gl. i. Now Moydow, co. Longford. Mag n-elta ('plain of the flocks'), Nov. 17, gl. 3. Also called Scnmag n-elta, the territory between Dublin and Howth. Mag Ene, Jan. 16, gl. 7. Dec. 20, gl. i, FM. 1152 etc. Now Moy, a plain between the rivers Erne and Drowes, in the south of co. Donegal. Mag eo, or Mag eo na Saxan. Now Mayo, in Connaught, Mar. 13, ol. 2. Mar. 27, gl. 3. July 9, gl. 2. Oct. 20, gl. 4. Nov. 13, gl. 8. Mag eo i nDdl Cais, May 21, gl. 6. Now Moynoe, co. Clare. Mag ImchUir, in the barony of Dungannon, co. Tyrone, June 4, gl. 2. Sep. 6, gl. 3. FM. 1 199. Mag Lacha in the west of Bregia, June 6, gl. 3. Aug. 24, gl. i. Now Moylagh, co. Meath? See Top. Poems 178 n. Misc. Jr. Arch. Soc. 139. Mag Laigen, May 18, gl. 2, 'the Plain of Leinster,' a name for the territory of the Hui Faelain, i.e., the northern half of the co. of Kildare. See FM. 998, and Top. Poems 206 n. 222 n. 320 INDEX OF PLACES. jMag Li, Jan. 9, gl. i. The territory of the Fir Li, west of the river Bann. Top. Poems, 123 n., Reeves, Colmnba 52. Mag Lifi, Dec. 9, gl. i, ' the plain of Liffey,' in co. Kildare. Rev. Celt. .kv. 303. Mag Line, now Moylinny, co. Antrim. See Rdith Maige. Mag Locha, in the cast of Bregia, Ap. 10, gl. i. Sep. 24, gl. 2. Apparently identical with Mag Lacha, iarthar in June 6, gl. 3, being, as often, mis- written for airthcr. Mag Luadat, in the north of Hui FaeMin, Oct. 27, gl. 4. FM. 1160. Mag Luirg, July 5, gl. i. Nov. 10, gl. 3. Now Moylurg, in the barony of Boyle, CO. Roscommon. Rev. Celt. xv. 472. Mag maic Dodon, Feb. 22, gl. 3. For this Mart. Don. has Mag ^Vlennota (' Caemhan maighi mennota '). Mag mell ('pleasant plain'), Mar. 31. 'One of the mythological names of the Elysium or Fairyland of the ancient Gael,' O'Curry, Sickbed of CiicJmlainn., 380. See also the dindsenchas of Tond Clidna, Rev. Celt. XV, 437. Mag Mucraime, May 7,gl. 2,aplain near Athenry,co. Galway. Rev. Celt. .xv. 470. Mag Niad, in Tuath Rdtha, Jan. 16, gl. 8. Mag Oenaig. See Rdith Maige Oenaig. Mag Raigni, Feb. 2, gl. i. Sep. 17, gl. 2. Nov. 5, gl. i. A plain in the barony of Kells, co. Kilkenny. Rev. Celt. xv. 434. Mag Ratha, Dec. 27, gl. 2, now Moira, co. Down ? or Moyra Glebe, in co. Donegal ? or Moyrath, in Meath ? or Moyra, in co. Longford ? Mag Trea, May 29, gl. 2. A scribe's mistake for Mag Trega, now Moytra, a plain in co. Longford. Lismore Lives, p. 336, 1. 35. Mag Tuascirt (' plain of the northern part '). See Raith Maige Tuascirt. Mag Tuathat, Sep. 3, gl. 3. Maigen F., Jan. 29, gl. 3. Ap. 18, gl. 2. May 22, gl. 2. Now Moyne, in the parish of Killala, barony of Tirawley, co. Mayo. Hy Fiaclir. 494. Maigne, Aug. i, gl. 5. In Mart. Don., Aug. i, the MS. has iMaighne^ not as printed, MaigJmc. Maignide, Mar. 14, gl. 2. Mainistir (gen. Mainistrech) Buiti (' Buite's monastery'), Dec. 7, gl. 2, now Monasterboice, co. Louth. Mainistir Foil ocus Petair, in Armagh, March 31, gl. 4. Martratech (gen. -taige), Nov. 2, gl. 5 = Martartech ' domus martyrum,' 'house of relics,' Trip. Life, 194, 250, y^o, 46S. AU. 721, 1055. Mena, a river in Leix, Sep. 16, gl. 2. Hence I suppose Menadrochet, now Monadrehid, in the parish of Offerlane, Queen's co. Mide, now Meath, Feb. 11, gl. 2. Feb. 19, gl. i. Mar. 24, gl. 4. June 10, gl. 4. June 17, gl. 2. June 25, gl. i. June 28, gl. 3. July n, gl. i. Aug. II, gl. I. Aug. 19, gl. 2. Sep. 14, gl. I. Oct. 27, gl. 5. Nov. 10, gl. I. Nov. 13, gl. 6. Dec. 2, gl. 3. See the dindsenchas. Rev. Celt. xv. 297. INIide isel (dat. Mid[i] isiul). Lower Meath, Sep. 22, gl. 4. Midluachair, Oct. 26, gl. 6. See Slige Midliiachra, infra. Miliuc, June 15, gl. 2. Oct. 24, gl. 3. Now Meelick, in Dartry. The same, or another Miliuc^ is said to mean ' lands that lie on the margin of a lake or river,' Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 4 n. JMoin Maeldin (' Maelan's bog'), Feb. 7, gl. i, is Moin Miolain'm Mart. Don. Feb. 7. INDEX OF PLACES. 321 Mdin Milain (' Milan's bog'), Alar. 9, gl. 4. Ap. 16. Moin mor ('big bog'), Feb. 11, gl. i, now Moanmore, in Munster, Trip. Life 526, KM. 1 151. Monu, Mar. 23, gl. 2, not identified. Miiad, gen. Muaide, June 8, gl. 2, the river Moy in the cos. Mayo and Sligo. Muccart (dat. Muccurt) mor, Nov. 16, gl. 4. A place called Mucart is mentioned in ALC. i, 172. Mucc-inis ('pig-island'), in Loch Derg, in the Shannon, May 12, gl. 4. Oct. 16, gl. I. FM. 743, 1584. Anglicised Muckinish. Mucsndm ('pig's swimming place'), gen. Mucnama (leg. Mucc-sndma ?), Ap. II, gl. 4. May 13, gl. I. Now Mucknoe, co. Monaghan, Joyce 353. Mugdoirn, dat. Mugdornaib, May 27, gl. 3. Sep. 25, gl. 2. Now Cremorne (i.e. CricJi Miigdorn)^ co. Monaghan. Mumu, gen. Muman, dat. Mumain, Minister^ Jan. 3, gl. 2. Feb. 9, gl. 2. Mar. 26, gl. 2. May 4, gl. 3. July 20, gl. i. Aug. 28, gl. i. Sep. 6, gl. 2. Sep. 15. Nov. 24, gl. 6. " Dec. 10, gl. 2. Latinised Momonia, Feb. 23, gl. 6. Mungairit, gen. Mungairte, now Mungret, co. Limerick. July 25, gl. 3. July 26, gl. I. Dec. 21, gl. i. Murbolg (' sea-inlet '), now Murlough, co. Down. See Rdith Murbuilg. Murmag, Mar. 31, gen. Murmaige, Ularf. Tainl. seems a place-name meaning ' sea-plain,' but according to the glossator is a name for heaven, suggested by Apoc. xxi, 12. Muscraige, the descendants of Cairbre Muse, Jan. 5, gl. 3. Now Muskerry, in Munster. Muscraige Breogain, May 26, gl. 2. FM. 899, iioo. Now comprised in the barony of Clanwilliam, co. Tipperary. Muscraige Tire, Oct. 26, gl. 2. FM. 913, 942, etc., now the barony of Lower Ormond and part of that of Upper Ormond, co. Tipperary. Muscraige tri maige (' M. of the three plains '), Sep. 6, gl. 2, now the barony of Orrery, co. Cork, Top. Poems, Ixix. Noendruim, gen. Noendroma, Jan. 7, gl. 3. Jan. 31, gl. 2. June 23, gl. i. July I, gl. 2. This seems the island in Lough Cuan (Strangford Lough), now called Inishmahee(//?/.f wc CJwi)^ or Mahee Island, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 10 n. Nua-chongbail ('nova habitatio'), Jan. 19, gl. i. Now Noughaval, a parish partly in co. Longford, and partly in Westmeath, Misc. Ir. Arch. Soc. 296. Oendruim (MS. Aen-), May 16, gl. 2. May 17, gl. 4. May be an error for Nooidruiin., see Reeves, JEccl. Ant. 63 n. : or for Caendruim, see Mart. Don., May 16. Oirgeill. See Airgeill. Ossraigi, dat. Ossraigib, anglicised Ossory, the western portion of Leinster, Feb. 2, gl. I. Feb. 13, gl. 2. Mar. 19, gl. i. May 18, gl. 5. Sep. 5, gl. I. Sep. 17, gl. 2. Oct. 20, gl. I. Nov. 5, gl. I. Dec. 6, gl. 3. Raichnech, May 3, gl. 8. Should perhaps be Raithnech, ' a ferny place.' anglicised Rannagh, in Clare and Donegal. Rdith, gen. Ratha, May 19, gl. 6. Now Maghera parish. Reeves, Eccl. Ant 27 n. GORMAN. Y 322 INDEX OF PLACES. Rdith Aidne in DAI Araidi, Sep. 30, gl. 9. Perhaps = Raith Adine, Trip Life, 266. Rdith Blaithmeic in Dal cais, July 9, gl. i. Now Rath, barony of Inchiquin, CO. Clare. Raith Colptha, Ap. 14, gl. 2. Now Raholp, a townland in co. Down. Raith Dirthaige in Offaly, Mar. 20, gl. 3 =: Raith Derthaige, Franciscan Lib. Hymn. p. 41. RAith Eich, May 3, gl. 8. RAith Erenn in Scotland, June 20, gl. 3, is Rdith Era7j?i, in Mart. Don. Raith Inse Ednig, Nov. i, gl. 11. Raith Liphthen, in Fir cell, June 10, gi. 4. Now Rathlihen, barony of Balli- boy. King's co. RAith mac StialMin in Ardgal, Oct. 27, gl. 2. Rd.ith Maelsigi, Dec. 14, gl. i. Baeda's Rathmdsigi. RAith Maige, Oct. 8, gl. i. Perhaps for Raith mor Maige Line, now Rath- more, CO. Antrim, Rev. Celt. xvi. 48, or R. m. Oenaig, q.v. Rdith Maige Oenaig, Nov. i, gl. 9. In Tfr Enna, FM. 725, 779. Now Raymochy [or the church of Rath ?] in the barony of Raphoe, co. Donegal. Rdith Maige Tuascirt, Oct. 6, gl. 4. Now Rattoo, co. Kerry, Petrie, Round Towers., 169. Rdith Murbuilg, Mar. 24, gl. 2. Trip. Life 123: '■hodixe Machaire Ratha,^ Colgan Acta SS. p. 743. Now Maghera, co. Down. Reeves, ^'rr/. Ant. 27, 154. Raith na n-epscop ('the earthwork of the bishops'), Feb. 16, gl. i. Not identified. RAith Noi in Hui Garrchon, Aug. 18, gl. i. Now Rathnew, co. Wicklow? Raith Ossein, Feb. 17, gl. 7 : a little to the west of Trim, co. Meath. Rathen (gen. Raithne, dat. Raithen), mo Chuta, now Rahin, in King's co., Mar. II, gl. I. May 14, gl. i. May 16, gl. 8. Oct. i, gl. 3. Nov. 3, gl-4. Rechru, gen. Rechrainne (from a Mid. Ir. *Rechrann), dat. Rechrainn, June 16. Sep. 29, gl. I. Either Rathlin, off the north coast of co. Antrim, or Lambay, north of Howth. In each of these islands there was a monas- tery. Reeves, EccL Ant.., 248-250, 288. Hennessy, AU. i. 281. Renda, pi. gen. Renn, dat. Rendaib, Nov. 24, gl. i, the Rinns in the barony of Boyle, co. Roscommon ? See ALC. ii. 367, 674. Echmarcach re.\ inna Renn, Mar. Scotus 1087. Concobur mac Diarmata ri Muighi Luirg ... 7 na Renn, AU. 1343. Rind Allaid ('Allad's Point'), Nov. 5, gl. 3. Rind Droichit ('the point of the bridge'), Feb. 22, gl. 5. Rom F. (gen. Roma, dat. Roim), Rome, Mar. i, 3. Ap. 16, 27. July 2, 6. Ross airthir, Jan. i, gl. 3, now Rossorry, in Fermanagh. Ross Aiss in Inis, Dec. 22, gl. 3. Ross bennchoir, June 29, gl. 4, in co. Clare : see Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 199. Ross Branduib, Sep. 26, gl. 2. Dec. 28, gl. 2. Ross cAin in Cluain Fergaile, in Delbna tire, Dec. 16, gl. i, would be anglicised Roskeen. Ross Commain, Dec. 26, gl. i, now Roscommon, co. Roscommon. INDEX OF PLACES. 323 Ross ere, Ap. 28, gl. 2. Dec. 19, gl. 4, now Roscrea, co. Tipperary. Ross Cruthnechdin, Dec. 18, gl. 2. Ross Cumalca, Jan. 9, gl. 7. Ross Dela, Aug. 24, gl. i, now Rosdalla, in the parish of Durrow, co. West- meath, FM. 1054. Ross ech, Sep. 14, gl. i, now Russagh, co. Meath, FM. 614, 821, 896. Ross enche, Jan. 31, gl. 6, probably a mistake for the Ros 11a ScaiicJicc of Mart. Taml. Jan. 31. Ross eo ('the peninsula, or wood, of the yewtrees'), Ap. 10, gl. i, now Rush, CO. Dublin. Ross Glanda, Sep. 6, gl. 3 ; now Donoughmore, in co. Tyrone, Reeves, Coliii/iba, 172 n. Ross glass, Dec. 22, gl. 2, on the eastern margin of Dundrum bay. Reeves, Eccl. AftL, p. ^2> n. Ross Ingite, Dec. 23, gl. 5. Ross Meinn, Mar. 16, gl.-i. Ross mor in Hiii Dega, Jan. 30, gl. 2, perhaps the Ros mor of FM. S39, 1288. Ross mor mac nAeda, Sep. 6. Ross Raithe, Feb. 13, where Mart. Don. has Ros Factna. Ross Tuirc ('boar's wood'), in Mag Raigni, Sep. 17, gl. 2 Not identified ; would be anglicised Rosturk. Ross ui Chonna in Mugdoirn, Sep. 25, gl. 2. Ruimenn, gen. Ruiminn, Mar. 17, gl. 4. This is written Ridmm in two MSS. of AU. 676, and Ruini in Mart. Don. Not identified. Can it be the island of Rum ? Ruscach (dat. Ruscaig), Aug. 20, gl. 2. Dec. 30, gl. i. Now Rooskagh, a townland in the barony of Moycashel, co. Westmeath, O'Don. Misc. Ir. Arch. Soc. i. 271. Ruscach Ciiailngi, Sep. 18, gl. 3. Oct. 18, gl. 2. Saball ('barn'), now Saul parish, CO. Down, Ap. 14, gl. 2. Ap. 29, gl. 3. Reeves, Eccl. Aftf. 40 n., and Ancient Churches of Armagh., p. 13. Saiger, Mar. 5. Now Seirkieran, in the barony of Ballybrit, King's co. AU. 787, CJiristitui Inscr. ii. 47. Sailbecc (Sailbech ?), Jan. 13, gl. 6, where the dat. sg. Sailbicc may be written for Sailbig. Sax, a Saxon, an E7iglishman, Jan. 9 : pi. n. Saxain, gen. Saxan, Saxons, Englajid, Mar. 13, gl. 2. Aug. 24, gl. i. Sep. 3, gl. 4. Scelec Micheil (' Michael's Rock'), Ap. 28, gl. 5. Now Skelligs, in Kerry, Wars xxxviii, where Dr. Todd says that it was common, from the fifth century, to dedicate such rocks to St. Michael the Archangel. Senbotha ('old huts'), Oct. 27, gl. i. Now Templeshanbo, in the diocese of Ferns, at the foot of Mount Leinster, Colgan, Acta SS. 21 1 ; Todd, Ir. Ne?tnitis, 218 n. Sen-choimet, June 24, gl. 2. Senchua, Jan. 11, gl. 2. Now Shancoe, barony of Tirerrill, co. Sligo. Trip. Life 94. Sid (gen. Sida) Truim ('the elfmound of the elder-tree') Nov. 2, gl. 2. A mound near Slane in Meath, FM. 512. Sldne, May 31, gl. i. Nov. 2, gl. 2. Now Slane, co. Meath. Y 2 324 INDEX OF PLACES. Slebte, Feb. 7, gl. 6. Oct. 12, gl. 2. Now Sletty, Queen's county. Sliab (gen. Slebe, dat. Sleib) Betha, June 13, gl. i, ' Bith's Mountain,' now Slieve Beagh, co. Monaghan. To the south-east lies Tedavnet {Tech Dajiinaite). Sliab Bladma, Ap. 7, gl. 2. July2o, gl. 2. Aug. 4, gl. i. Now Slieve Bloom Mountains, on the frontiers of the King's and Queen's counties. Rev. Celt. XV. 300. Sliab Callann, Sep. 21, gl. i. Now Slieve Gallion, east of the Bann, in Ulster. Rev. Celt. xvi. 53. Sliab cuilinn ('holly mountain'), July 6, gl. i. Now Slieve GuUion, co. Armagh. Sliab dind, Nov. 15, gl. 3. Sliab Eiblinne, May 4. Now the Slieve Phelim mountains, co. Tipperary. Sliab Guairi, Jan. 25, gl. 3. Oct. 13, gl. i. Now Slieve Gory, a mountainous district in co. Cavan, Top. Poems, p. vi. Sliab h'ac ('mountain of flagstones'), Nov. 10, gl. i. Now Slieve League in the west of co. Donegal. Sh'ab Mairge, Jan. 2, gl. 3. Sep. 3, gl. 3. Now Slieve Margy, in Queen's county. Rev. Celt. xv. 426. Slige Midluachra, July 3, gl. i. A road from Tara through the Moira Pass into Ulaid. See Trip. Life, p. 218, 1. 12, LU. 50", Christian Inscr. ii, 28-29. Sn^m ech ('horses' swimming-place'), Ap. 2, gl. 3. Now Carlingford Lough, 'R.&ewes, EccL Ant. 11411. Also called Sndmh Aighnech, Three Frails. 120. Sord (gen. Suird, dat. Surd), now Swords, in co. Dublin, Mar. t6, gl. 4. July 9, gl. 3. Sord Coluim chille, ibid. Mar. 29, gl. 3, AU. 1035. Srath Irenn, Feb. 14. Tamlachta, now Tallaght, co. Dublin, Feb. 25, gl. 3. Mar. 3, gl. i. July 7, gl. I. Oct. 26, gl. 5. Dec. 16, gl. 2. Also called Tamlachta Mael-Ruain, q.v. Tamlachta Carna in Hiii Bresail airthir, July 13, gl. 8. Tamlachta Findloga, Jan. 3, gl. 3. Seems ^'Tamlaght Finlogan ' adjoining Drumachose or Newtownlimavady, co. Londonderry. See Reeve.-, Coltnnba, 136 n. Tamlachta Gliad in Glen Rige, Feb. 4, gl. 5. Tamlachta in Boirche, Ap. i, gl. 2 ; in Bairche, Oct. iS, gl. i. In the town- land Lisnacree, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 207. Tamlachta Mael-Ruain, now Tallaght, near Dublin, p. 4, Jan. 5, gl. 2. Jan. 28, gl. I. Aug. ii,gL I. Tamlachta Menainn, Oct. 26. gl. i. Now the townland Meenan in the parish of Aghaderg, Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 113 n. Tamlachta humail by Loch Bricrenn, see Index of Persons, s.v. Melldn. Tamnach, gen. Tamnaige, Jan. 23, gl. 2. Now Tawnagh, barony of Tirerrill, CO. Sligo, Hy Fiachr. 49''. Tamnacha, June 14, gl. i, Chron. Scot. 120. Tamnach Buada, July 21, gl. i. Tech Airerdin, Oct. 27, gl. 5. Now Tifarnan, in Westmeath. Also spelt Tech Erenndin, q.v. INDEX OF PLACES. 325 Tech Edith ('Baeth's house'), in Connaught, Dec. 8, gl. i. Tech Boethfn, Feb. 19, gl. i. Now Taghboyne in Meath. Tech Conaill in Hui Briuin Cualann, May 26, gl. 2. Tech Connain, June 29, gl. i. ' Probably situated in CriiiitJiami in Meath,' (Hennessy). Tech dd goba ('house of two smiths'), Dec. 6, gl. 3. Now Seagoe {SiddJie Gobha), Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 107 n., 317 n. Tech Erennain, Aug. 11, gl. i. Now Tifarnan, co. Westmeath. Also spelt Tech Airerdin, q.v. Tech Eoin ('John's house'), in Ulster, Aug. 17, gl. 2. A place so called is now St. John's, on Loch Ree, co. Roscommon, Misc. Ir. Arch. Soc. 298. Tech Erndin, Jan. 17, gl. 2. Tech Flede (' Fled's house'), Sep. 12, gl. 2. Tech ingen Coluimm ('the house of Colomb's daughters'), in Cremthainn, Sep. 13, gl. 2. Tech ingen Fergusa, May 24, gl. 5. Tech Liita, May 12, gl. 2. July 27, gl. 2. dat. sg. i tig Liita i Fothartaib maraib, LL. 353''. Tech mac nDimma (' the house of Dimma's sons '), Nov. i, gl. 12. Tech Mael-Aithgein, June 6, gl. 3. Tech meic Findcdin, May 8, gl. i. Tech mo Chua ('my Cua's house'), Dec. 24, gl. 2. Now Timahoe, Queen's CO. Tech mo Finna (' my Finnas house'), Oct 8 gl. r. gen. Tighe Mofionda, FM. 779. Now Taghmon, co. Wexford. Tech Moling, June 17, gl. 8. Now St. Mullin's, co. Carlow. Tech na Comairce (' the house of the sanctuary '), May 28, gl. 3, in the parish of Clonleigh, co. Donegal, Reeves, Coltoiis Visitation., 71 note o. Tech na manach (' the house of the monks '), Oct. 29, gl. 5. Tech Riagla (' Riaguil's house'), Sep. 17. Now Tyrella in Down. Tech Sacru, Mar. 3, gl. i. Anglicised Tassagard, nowSaggart, a village and parish near Tallaght, co. Dublin. See Joyce, 150. Tech Saxon (' house of Saxons '), Sep. 3, gl. 4. Either Tisaxon, barony of Tiaquin, co. Galway, or Tisaxon, barony of Kinsale, co. Cork. Tech Scuithm, May 23, gl. 3. Now Tiscoffin, co. Kilkenny. Tech tAedoic (' thy Aedoc's house '), July 13, gl. 7. Tech Tdlain, May 27, gl. i. Now Tehallan, co. Monaghan. Trip. Life, 180, 466. Tech Telle, June 25, gl. i. Now Tehelly, near Durrow, King's co.. Three Frags. 174. 'domus Tailli filii Segeni,' AU. 671. Tech hUa Gortig, July 19, gl. 4. T. ;?a Gortigh (perperam ! ) Mart. Don. ed. Todd, p. 19^ Telach Indenn, Dec. 13, gl. 6. Telach Lis, May 11, gl. i. Now Tullylish, co. Down, Fel. Oeng. cclvii. Tempul Rdtha, Nov. 25, gl. 2, FM. 1566. Now Raymunterdoney, co. Donegal, Reeves, Columba, 376. Tenga ('tongue'), dat. Tengaid, July 19, gl. i. Termonn, gen. Termoinn, July 24, gl. 6. This is the TcruwiDi da Bcocc of 326 INDEX OF PLACES. AU. 1043, Tearmaiin da BJicog of the FM., now Termonmagrath, in the barony of Tirhugh, co. Donegal. Tethba, Feb. 6, gl. i. Dec. 19, gl. i. Rev. Celt. xvi. 79. Anghcised Tefifia, a territory in Westmeath and Longford, as to which see Top. Poems, p. ix. Reeves, Col. 23. Tipra Fachtna (' F.'s well'), Feb. 13, gl. 2. May 18, gl. 4. Now Tibraghny, CO. Kilkenny, FM. 1185. Tipra rois rain, July 27, gl. 4. Probably corrupt, Mart. Taml. ha\ing here Lasraifi Tiprat oss. Tiprait (gen. Tiprata) mac nEnna (Nenna ?), Nov. 10, gl. 9. Ti'r Aeda (' Aed's country'), Jan. 9, gl. 5. Now Tirhugh, in the south-west of CO. Donegal. Tir Bogaine, Nov. 10, gl. i. Now the barony of Banagh, co. Donegal. Tir da chraeb (' terra seu ager duorum ramorum '), Jan. 31, gl. 5. Now Teernacreeve, in the barony of Moycashel, in Westmeath, Reeves, Colujiiba, 153 n. Tir da glas (' terra duorum rivorum'), near the Shannon, in Tipperary, May I, gl. I. May 24, gl. I. May 26, gl. i. Dec. 13, gl. 3. Now Terry- glas, near the Shannon, in Tipperary. Tir Eogain ('Eogan's country'), Sep. 6, gl. 3. Now Tyrone, in Ulster. Tir Guairi, Sep. 2, gl. 2. Tir Maini, Nov. 9, gl. 5. O'Kelly's country, in cos. Gahvayand Roscommon. Tir Rdtha, Nov. 6, gl. 2. Tir Roiss, June 13, gl. 4. Tobacht, June 19, gl. 3. Trelecc, May 29, gl. i. Now Trillick, co. Tyrone, FM. 809. Treoit, Nov. i, gl. i. Now Trevet, a parish in the barony of Skreen, co. Meath, Reeves, Columba, 76 n. AU. 772)i 838. LU. 119. Tiiaim Atha, Mar. 7, gl. i. Now perhaps Tooma, a townland in the barony of Mohill, CO. Leitrim. Tiiaim dd Ualann, June 10, gl. 6. Now Tuam, co. Galway ' a variation of the name Tuaim-da-ghualainn,' Hennessy AU. i. 253 note. Tiiaim Drecon, May 9, note c, T. Drecain, Sep. 5, gl. 2. Now Toomregan, CO. Cavan. Tiiaim Grene, Oct. 19, gl. 3 = Tuaim Grdne, Oct. 20, Nov. i, gl. 2. Now Tomgraney, co. Clare. Tiiaim Inbir, Jan. 31, gl. 2. Dec. 2, gl. 3. FM. 916. Tiiaim m^ic Cdu, Nov. 18, gl. 3. Tiiaim Muscraige, Ap. 29, gl. 8. Now Tomes, barony of West Muskerry, CO. Cork. Tiiaim Noa, July 5, gl. i. Tiiath R^tha, Jan. 15, gl. 6, gl. 8. Now Tooraah, a territory in the barony of Magheraboy, co. Fermanagh. Tuignetha, Aug. 29, gl. i. Now Tynan \^Ttd^hneaji\ co. Armagh, Reeves, Progs. R.I.A. V. 58. Tuilen, May 16, gl. 7. Now Dulane, near Kells, in Meath. Tulach ('hill'), gen. Tulcha, May 20, gl. 2. Nov. i, gl. 10. Now Tullow, in CO. Carlow. Also called Tulach Foirtcheirn q.v. Tulach Carpait, Jan. 16, gl. i. Now Tullycorbet in the barony and county of Monaghan, Top. Poems, 149 n. INDEX OF PLACES. 327 Tulach Foii-tcheirn (' Fortchern's hill'), June 12, gl. 3. Now Tullow, co. Carlow, FM. 1050. Tulach Leis, Dec. 6, gl. i. Now Tullalease, co. Cork, FM. 804, 839 Christian Inscr. ii. 52. Tulach mm mo Laca, Jan. 20, gl. 3, must have been near Mitchelstown, co. Cork. Tulach olaind, Aug. 7. AU. 710 = Tulach Ualainn, Jan. 23, gl. i. Telach Ualand, AU. 730. FM. 709. Not identified. Uachtar achaid (' upper part of a field'), July 7, gl. 2. Now probably Ough- teragh in the barony of Carrigallen, co. of Leitrim, Reeves, Progs. R.I. A. vii. 480. Uachtar aird, Mar. 8, gl. 11. Now Oughterard? co. Kilkenny. Uairseburg, July 8, gl. 5, Wiirzburg or Herbipolis, in Bavaria, FM. 1085. Uam Fubi (' Fube's cave '), July 6, gl. 2. Uard,n, Jan. 30, gl. 4. Now Oran, co. Roscommon. Ui. See Hui. Ulaid, Ulster^ gen. Ulad, dat. Ultaib, Jan. 9, gl. 6. Feb. 21, gl. 3. Feb. 28, gl. 2. Mar. 30, gl. 3. Ap. i, gl. i. Ap. 2, gl. 3. Ap. 12, gl. i. Ap. 14, gl. 2. May 10, gl. I. May 12, gl. i. May 14, gl. 2. May 22, gl. i. May 29, gl. 3. Aug. 5, gl. 4. Aug. 10, gl. 2. Aug. 17, gl. 2 Sep. 15, gl. I. Oct. 16. Oct. 25, gl. 2. Nov. 6, gl. 3. Dec. i, gl. 2. Dec. 11, gl. 6. Dec. 26, gl. 4. As to the ancient extent, and the Kings, of Ulster, see Reeves, Eccl. Aiit. 352-357. Dr. Elis Wadstein, a docent in the University of Upsala, thinks that the word Ulster is from UhtS-sttr, which he has found in an Icelandic saga. Here stir is = Ir. tir ' land,' with the prothetic s so common in the topographical names of cos. Dublin, Meath, and Louth. See Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 32, note p, O'Dono- van, FM. 1047, note u, and Joyce, 61. Similar etymologies may be given of Leinstcr and Muiister. ;28 INDEX OF PERSONS. Aaron, s. of Amram, July i. Abbacuc (Habacuc), proph., Jan. 15. Abbdn, maccu Cormaic, of Cell Abbdin, Mar. 16. Oct. 27. Aug. 24. gen. Abbdin, Mart. TaniL Abdia mac Uodach (leg. maccu Odach?), Nov. 8. If this be an Irish saint his name is' borrowed from Abdias. Abdon, July 30, mart, with Sennes at Rome. Abel, s. of Adam, Ap. 22. Abibon, s. of Gamaliel, Aug. 3. The forms Abibas and Abibus also occur. Abil (Abilius), Feb. 22, second bishop of Alexandria. Abraham, s. of Terah, Oct. 9. hAbuind (Abundius), Aug. 26, mart, at Rome with Irenaeus. Dec. 10, deac. and mart, at Spoleto with Carpophorus. Abundus (Abundius), June 8, presb. and mart, at Cordova. Accobr^n, of Cell Roiss, Jan. 28. s. of Bochra, of Achad Raithin, Nov. 28, gl. i. Achill (Achilleus), Ap. 23, deac. and mart, at Valence. Achilla (Achillas), Nov. 7, patriarch of Alexandria. Acilleus (Achilleus), May 12, mart, at Rome with Nereus. Achuit (Acutius), Sep. 19, mart. (Baeda). Adam, gen. Adaim, Ap. 22, the first man. Adamnan, s. of Ron^n, Sep. 23, ninth abb. of lona, a.d. 679-704. Adaucht (Adauctus), Aug. 30, mart, at Rome with Felix. Adeilph (Adelphius), Aug. 29, bp. and conf Adrian (Hadrianus), Sep. 8, mart, at Nicomedia. Nov. 6, in Nicomedia (Baeda). Adulf (Adulphus), Sep. 27, mart, at Cordova 'in persecutione Arabica.' Aed, bp., Jan. 4. Aedini episcopi, Mati. Taml. (LL.), Aediui ib. (Br.). bp. from Less Gabail, Jan. 25. bp., = Maedoc of Ferns, Jan. 31, gl. i. bp. of Slebte, Feb. 7. s. of Feradach, Feb. 12. Glas, bp. of R^ith na n-epscop, Feb. 16. of the Island, Ap. 7. of Echforad, Ap. 11. s. of Brecc, bp. of Cell air, May 4. Ob. 588. s. of Cormac, May 10. Ron, June 21, ancestor of Uiarmait. June 27. gen. Aeda, Mart. Taml. mart, at Wiirzburg with S. Kilian, July 8. := Fer dd chrich and Mac cairthinn, Aug. 1 5. deac. of Cuil Maini, Aug. 31. s. of Senach, Sep. 22. Oct. 6. gen. Acdo, Mart. Taml. (LL.). Glas, Oct. 29. s. of Roi, in Foibren, Nov. i. Cloen, Nov. 8. INDEX OF PERSONS. 329 Aed mac Bricc, bp. of Cell Air, Nov. 10. of Lemchaill, Dec. 19. seven sons of, Dec. 20. ■ ua Caillaidhe, p. 4, bp. of Oriel, ob. 1182, ALC. i. 162, where his name is spelt Aedh .h. Caellaighi. Aedach, g.grandson of Elech, Ap. 9. Aedammair, virg., d. of Aed, Jan. 18, Aeddn, s. of Decell, Jan. i. of Cluain Dartada, Feb. 12. • bp. of Less mor. Mar. 16. — of Cluain Maelain, Mar. 20. ^ of Doire Bruchaisi, Mar. 29. of Cell Aed^in in Ulster, Ap. i. g.grandson of Duibne, Ap. 8. son of Garbdn, Ap. 17. of Cluain Domail, June 2. Dub, June 17. abb. of Lismore, July 19. of Cluain Cairbri, Aug. 3. s. of Mellan, Aug. 7. — — s. of Lugar, bp. from Inis Cathaig, Aug. 31. This is the apostle of Northumbria, and first bp. of Lindisfarne. See Baeda H. E., iii, 3, 5, AU. 650, and MarL Don. Amlonn, Sep. 4. s. of Ossm, Sep. 20. g.grandson of Conn, Oct. 9. Oct. 12. Ingelde, of Mag eo, Oct. 20. a.d. 650. s. of Oengus, of Cell mor Aedain, Nov. 2. s. of Colgu, of Lann Abaich, Nov. 6. s. of Conchrad, Nov. 21. mor, Dec. 25. Aedech, Ap. 6. Aedgen, bp. and abb. of Fobar, May i. Ob. A.D. 766. of Ard Londin, Dec. 18 = Aedghein, Mart. Don. Aedlug, of Aired Cassdin, Jan. 28. son of Camman, abb, of Clonmacnois, Feb. 26. Ob. 651. Aednat, d. of Lochen, Nov. 9. Aedoc, see Maedoc, T^iedoc. Ael dobair, Ael dabair, of Clochar, June 29, Ob. 701 : of Fobar ? Nov. 19. Affein of Cell Affein, June 3. Afifra (Afra), Aug. 5, 12, d. of S. Hilaria and mart, at Augsburg (Usuard). A.D. 304. Agabus, proph., Feb. 13. Agaib (Agapa), virg. and mart, at Nicea, Mar. 10. Agaip (Agapius), Ap. 28 = Agapetus, mart., iMtwL Rom. Agait (Agatho), Jan. 10, gl. i, pope. Ob. 682. Agaith (Agathus), July 5, =: Agatho, mart, in Sicily, Mart. Rom. Agapetus, Ap. 22, pope. A.D 535-536. Aug. 6, mart, at Rome. Aug. 18, martyr Praenestinus, Mart. Rom. Agapis, Ap. 3, virg. and mart, at Rome. Agatha, virg. and mart, in Sicily, Feb. 5. Agathc, mart, at Alexandria, Dec. 7. Agathobius ('A-ya^oiSioi), x^p. 2. ' In Thessalonica Macedoniac . . Agatophi,' {Hieron. Mart.) 330 INDEX OF rERSONS. Agil (Agilus), Aug. 30, abb., son of Agnoald, educated at Luxeuil, flor. A.D. 615-636. Agilbert, June 24, gl. i. Agna (Agnes), virg., Jan. 21, 28. virg.. May 18. Perhaps for Egina, Hieron. Maft. ■ virg., of Druim dd dhart, May 22. Oct. 17. Perhaps the same as Anna, who is commemorated at this day in the Auctaria to Usuard. See, however, the gloss, supra p. 198. Agnes, Dec. 2. B. Agnetis secundae (Baeda). Agnit (Agnitus), Aug. 16. " Ipso die, sanctorum Orionis, Tirsi, Agniti," Auctaria ad Usuard. p. 373, col. i, of Migne's ed. Agoaid, Agoard, June 24, commemorated with Gillibert near Paris (Usuard). Agricoil (Agricola), Nov. 27. Martyred with his slave Vitalis (Gorman's Uitail) at Bologna (Usuard). Aichech, Ap. 23. Nothing seems known of him. Aidbe, bp. and abb. of Tir dd glas. May 24. Aigg (Aggaeus), proph., July 4. Ailbe of Imlech ibair, Sep. 12. Ob. 541. His metrical Rule is in the Brussels MS., 5100-4, p. 24. His Irish Life, 2324-40, fo. 33-^. (MS. Elbe), Dec. 30. Perhaps the S. Ailbe of Senchua nAilella, who died in 545. Ailerdn, lector of Clonard, Dec. 29 = Erearan, Mart. Don. Ob. 664. Ailgniad (MS. Elgniad), Mar. 8. Ailill, bp. of Armagh, Jan. 13, A.D. 525 {Marf. Doju), the eighth of S. Patrick's successors according to Laud 610, fo. 115. Ap. 1 1, of Mucnam, abb., died at Cologne A.D. 1042. s. of Segen, June 25. bp. of Armagh, July i, A.D. 535 {Ma7'f. Don.), the ninth of St. Patrick's successors, according to Laud 610, fo. 115 a. Ailithir of Muccinis, May 12 =: Elithir, Mart. Don. Ainmire of Ailech, June 10. of Cluain fota, Sep. 1 5. of Ross hiii Chonna, Sep. 25. abb. of Rdith Nuadha, Nov. 2. Ob. 778. Airbertach, Mar. 26, gl. i, where 'Erberte' is wrong. Airchinnech, f. of Findgan, Oct. 24, gl. 4. Airechtach of Inis mor, Jan. 15. Airenndn, Jan. 5. g.grandson of Oidab (leg. Fodub ?), Feb. i. Airmir from Brechmag, Sep. 30, is probably a scribal error for Airmer [= Airmfer ?], Mart. Taml. Airine, Mart. Don.., seems another scribal error. Aithbe, Ap. 4. Of him or her nothing seems known. Aithcdin of Inber Colptha, June 16. Aithmet, bp. of Clochar, Feb. 2. Albcin (Albanus) protomartyr of Britain, June 22. Aldeguind, Aldigundis (Aldegundis), virg. of Malbodium (now Maubeuge), on the Sambre, Jan. 30, Nov. 13. Ob. 684. Aldeilm (Aldhelm), May 25, abb. of Malmesbury. Ob. 709. Alexander, mart, at Edessa, Jan. 30. bp. at Alexandria, Feb. 26. mart, at Apamea, Mar. 10. bp. and mart, at Caesarea, Mar. 18. pope. May 3. Probably Ale.xander I, who succeeded Evaristus, A.D. 109 or III. Aug. 28 (MS. Alaxander), bp. and conf, 'cuius religiosa precatione Arius Dei iudicio damnatus est,' Mart. Ro))i. INDEX OF PERSONS. 331 Alexander, Sep. 21, bp. and mart, at Rome. Algeis (Algisus), June 2, mart, at Lyons (Auct. ad Usuardj. Almaich (Almachius), mart, at Rome, Jan. i. Altin, Nov. I, a bp. from Cell Inse according to Mart. Don. Amaind (Amandus), bp. and conf., Oct. 26. Amaint (Amandus), bp. of Maestricht and conf, Feb. 6. Amaint (Amantius), bp. and conf at Caesarea Cappadociae, Nov. 4. Am^it (Amatus), Sep. 13, presb. and abb., ' monasterii Romarici ' (Remire- mont, Vosges ?) Amalgaid, Jan. 22. s. of Eochaid, June 9. Ambrois (Ambrosius), of Milan, bp, and conf, death, Ap. 4 ; ordination, Dec. 7. abb., Nov. 2. Amnion, mart, in Cyprus, Feb. 9. mart, at Alexandria, Sep. 8. Nov. 17. In Nicomedia sancti Ammonis, Molan : cited in Usuard, ed. Migne, p. 707, col. 2. (Ammonius), mart, at Alexandria, Nov. 26. See Usuard. mart, at Alexandria, Dec. 20. Amos, proph.. Mar. 31. Amphadan (leg. Anphuddn, Anfudan?), bp., Jan. 11. Ampian (Amphianus), Ap. 2, mart, at Caesarea in Palestine. Ap. 5. 'Apud Caesaream Liciae, sancti Amphiani.' Usuard. An, virg. from Cell Inse, Nov. i, gl. 5. In Ma?'t. Don., pp. 290, 291, this name is printed an and omitted in the translation. Ana, virg., from Cliiain Grencha, Jan. 18. Anaclet (Anacletus), pope, July 12, also called Anencletus and Cletus. Ananias, Jan. 25, the disciple who restored St. Paul's sight. Acts ix, 17. Dec. 16, fdil na tri mac n-ennac, AU. 1 119. One of the three children, quorum corpora Babyloniae recondita sunt in specu quodam. Mart. Rom. Anastais (Anastasius), monk and mart, in Persia, Jan. 22, the day of the translation of his relics to Rome. mart, at Salona, Aug. 21. mart, at Aquileia, Sep. 7. Anastassia (Anastasia), mart, at Palmaria, Dec. 25. Anastasius, pope, Ap. 27. Ob. A.D. 402. pope, Aug. 26. Probably Anastasius II ; but as he died in Nov. A.D. 498, there seems some mistake as to the day of his commemoration. Anatholia, mart, at Tyre, July 9. Anatholian (Anatholianus), mart, in Auvergne, Feb. 6. Antholianus according to Ado, Usuard and Mart Rom. Anatoil (Anatolius), bp., July 3. Anatholius, ace. to Usuard. Andeoil, May i (Andeolus), deac. and mart. " in Gallia, apud Viuarienses." Andoich (Andochius), presb. and mart, at Autun, Sep. 24. Andreas the Apostle (translation), May 9, Nov. 29 (vigil), 2)0-, Dec. 7 (octave). -; mart, at Caesarea, Aug. 19. Ane, of Cell mor airthir Fine [Gall], Nov. 17. In Mart Don. pp. 312, 313, this name is printed as if were an epithet for Aongas (Aenghus). Anfaddn, Sep. 16. Misprinted Aufadhdn in Afart Do?i., p. 250. of Ross ere, Dec. 19. of Ross Ingite, Dec. 23. Angas, virg., d. of Bresal, Nov., 12. Angen, f of Colmdn, gen. sg. Angein, July 14. Anian (Anianus), bp., Nov. 17. 332 INDEX OF PERSOiVS. Anicetus, Ap. 1 6, pope from a. D. 157 to 168, according to Eusebius: from A.D. 142 to 153, according to Dodwell. Aniss (Anesius), mart, in Africa, Mar. 31. Anmere. See Ainmere. Anna, prophetess, Sep. i. Luke ii, 36. Annaid (gen. Annada), f. of Sinche, Aug. 22, gl. i. Anpthin, virg. Jan. 2. Ainbhthen, Mart. Don. An Ainpthini ingen Mael- duin occurs in Mart. Taml. at Sep. 10. Probably cognate with Anfadan q.v. Ansbertus, bp. and conf at Fontanella, Feb. 9. Anteros, pope, Jan. 3, where 'Anter' should be Anter[os]. Ob. A.D. 236. Anthia, mart, at Messina, Ap. 18. Antimus (Anthimus), bp. and mart, at Nicomedia, Ap. 27. presb. and mart, at Rome, May 11. Antim (Anthimus), Sep. 27, qui Cosmae et Damiani frater, una cum eisdem martyrium pertulisse dicitur. Antioig (Antiochus), bp. and conf at Lyons, Oct. 1 5. Anton (Antonius), the monk, Jan. 17. mart, at Alexandria, Feb. 14. (Antoninus), mart, at Apamea in Syria, Sep. 2. Antonia, mart, at Nicomedia, May 4. Antonin (Antoninus), Sep. 3, a martyr mentioned by Baeda and Ado. Accord- ing to Baeda he suffered in Syria and was a boy of twelve years of age. Ado and Usuard say he suffered at Capua (et sic Mart. Rom.)., and was twenty years old. Appollindris (Apollinaris), July 23, bp. and mart, at Ravenna. •f^ug. 23, mart, at Reims (Usuard). Appolloin (Apollonius), mart, at Nicomedia, Ap. 5 (Baeda). mart, at Alexandria, Ap. 10. the senator, mart, at Rome, Ap. 18. June 28, in Africa, Hicron. Mart. (Apollinaris), bp., Oct. 5. Appollonia (Apollonia), virg. and mart, at Alexandria, Feb. 9. Apronian (Apronianus), mart, at Rome, Feb. 2. Apuil (Apuleius), mart, at Rome, Oct. 7. Aquil (Aquila), wife of Severianus, mart, at Neocaesarea in Macedonia, Jan. 23. , husband of Priscilla, July 8. (Aquilina), virg. and mart, in Lycia, July 24. Aquilin (Aquilinus), mart, in Africa, Jan. 4. mart, at Rome, Feb. 4. mart, in Isauria, May 16. Arath gen. Araith, f. of Finnu, July 13, gl. 2. Arcaid (Arcadius), mart, in Mauritania, Jan. 12. Archilaus (Archelaus), May 5. Mart, in Africa, Hicron. Mart. Archinim (Archinimus), mart, in Africa, Mar. 29. Archippus, bp. and mart, in Asia, Mar. 20. Arcontius, mart, at Capua, Sep. 5. ard-Phol, June 30, the apostle. Areid (Aredius), presb. and conf. Aug. 26. Usuard (Bouillart). Argeus, Jan. 2, brother of Narcissus and Marcellinus, mart, at Tomis or Tomi on the Euxine. Arion, June 23 (' Aritionis.' Hieron. Mart.), of Nicomedia. Arion (leg. Adrion, Orion ?), Aug. 16. The Auctaria to Usuard, ed. Migne, have here Orionis in gen. sg. INDEX OF PERSONS. 333 Arist (Ariston), Feb. 22, qui unus fuit de Ixxii Christi Domini discipulis, Mart. Rom. (Aristides), Aug. 31, the Athenian philosopher, said to have argued the cause of Christ in the presence of the Eniperor Hadrian. Aristarc[h]us, Aug. 4, unus e Ixxii discipuhs, Apamensium episcopus, Mart. Rom. socius seu potius s. Pauh concaptiuus, Coloss. iv, 10. Armogaist (Armogastus), mart, in Africa, Mar. 29. Arnulfus, bp. and hermit, July 18, Aug. 16, the famous bishop of Metz, and founder of the Carolingian race of kings. Ob. circ. 640. Arsein (Arsenius), an Egyptian monk, July 19. Gorman calls him ' Arsenius of the fervent tears,' because 'sudarium in manu semper habuisse legitur ad abstergendas lacrymas, quarum maximam vim profudit prae dolore peccatorum,' Mart. Rom. Aruin, of Cluain Cain, Aug. i. Aruist (leg. Arist = Aristeus), bp. and mart, at Capua, Sep. 3. Ascla, mart, in Egypt, Jan. 23. Asclepiad (Asclepias), bp. and mart, at Antioch, Oct. 18. Assdn, Ap. 27. Of him nothing seems known. Astoin, May 23. This is ' Aptoni' (gen. sg.), in Baeda's Martyrologium : so for Astoin., we should perhaps read Aptoin, an hibernicised Aphthonus., "AfjiBovos, ' unenvious,' or Aphthonius, as in Mart. Rom. Nov. 2. Athanas (Athanasius), bp. and conf., May 2. Atheluald, bp. of Winchester, Aug. 2. Commemorated in Mart. Rom. on Aug. I. His translation is commemorated by Gorman at Sep. 10, and so in the Auctaria to Usuard, ed. Migne, p. 458, col. i. Athracht, of Cell saile, virg., d. of Tigernach, Aug. 11. Attail (Attalus), Mar. 10 = the Attala, abbot of Luxeuil, of Mart. Rom. Bouillart adds to Usuard : Ipso die sancti Attali abbatis, discipuli sancti Columbani. Attal (Attalus), June 4, mart, at Nivedunum (Usuard). Atticc (Atticus), Nov. 6. In Phrygia Sancti Attici, Mart. Rom. Aucbertus (Hucbertus), bp. and conf. May 30. Audaic (Audax), mart, at Tyre, July 9. Audaicht (Audactus or Adauctus), presb. et mart, at Venosa, in Apulia, Oct. 24. Audoen (Audoenus), bp. of Rouen, Aug". 24. Ob. 686. Now St. Ouen. Audomair (Audomarus), bp. and conf., Sep. 9. Ob. 670. Now St. Omer. Aufid (Aufidius), Oct. 15. An African martyr, Hieron. Mart., Oct. 16. Augoir (Augurius), deac. et mart, at Tarragona, Jan. 21. Auguil (Augulus), Feb. 7, bp. and mart, at Augusta in Britannia {Mart. Rom.), i.e. London. Auguist (Augustus), mart, at Nicomedia, May 7. Augustm (Augustinus), Ap. 28. Not known. mart, at Nicomedia, May 7. archbp. of Canterbury, apostle of England, May 26. Aurelius, bp. and conf. Aug. 28, his octave, Sep. 4, translation, Oct. 1 1. of Bennchor, Oct. 27. Augustini Bendcair, Mart. Taml. Ob. 775. Auit (Avitus), abp. of Vienne, Feb. 5. Ob. 523. June 17, presb. and conf. at Orleans. Aurea, May 20, for Aureus, mart, at Rome, Hieron. Mart. virg., Oct. 4 (Usuard). Aurelius, mart, at Antioch, Oct. 20. Auseint (Auxentius), Aug. 7, a companion of S. Donatus the martyr, et eodem die coronatus. See Migne's obs. on Usuard, Aug. 7. Autbeirt (Autpertus), bp. of Cambrai and conf, Dec. 13. Ob. 779. Auxil CAuxaile, Drumm. Kal. = Auxilius), Mar. 19. This is the Auxilinus inserted, man. rec, in Mart. Taml. 334 INDEX OF PERSONS. Auxilius, bp. and conf., Sep. i6. Auxilii (gen. sg.) Mart. Tumi. Azarias, Dec. i6, one of the three Children. Babill (Babylas), bp. and mart, at Antioch, Jan. 24. Bachel, Aug. 4. Unknown : cf. a mail bachal, Sg. 229''. Bachus (Bacchus), mart, with Sergius, Oct. 7. Baetdn, s. of Luge (Lugaid?), bp. of Inis mor, Jan. 14. In Mart. Don. 15, cpscop is wrongly rendered by ' abbot.' s. of Colman, Feb. 5. Mart. Doji. here has Baothan. maccu Cormaic, abb. of Clonmacnois, Mar. i. Ob. 663. of Monu, Mar. 23. s. of BrecCfin, Nov. 29. Bdeth, of Tech BAith, Dec. 8. In Mart. Don. p. 330, ' Brenainn 6 Tethbaith " should be corrected into ' Brenainn. [Baeth] 6 Tech-Baith.' Baethalach, Oct. 5. bp. of Ath Truim and a successor {coinarba) of Patrick, ace. to Mart. Don. where the name is spelt Baethallach, altered {man. rec. et ■perpe7'a}n) into Baethallaigh, as printed. , But the Four ^Masters, A.D. 751,, make Baethallach abbot (not bp.) of Ath Truim, and his name is not found in any of the lists of S. Patrick's successors. Bdethdn, son of Beccdn, Ap. 24. Bairre, bp. and conf, from Corcach, Sep. 25. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 2324- 40. Baiss (Bassus), mart, at Alexandria with Antonius, Feb. 14. Baite, f of Ethne and Sodelb, Mar. 29. Baithin, s. of Nemnann, Jan. 12. s. of Findach, of Inis Baithin, May 22. • s. of Alia, Oct. 6. Oct. 12. Bditheni (gen. sg.), Mart. Tanil. Lesi, Oct. 15. Baldomer, Feb. 27. Lugduni, Sancti Baldomeris uiri Dei ; cuius sepulcrum crebris miraculis illustratur. Mart. Rom. Ballon, of Tech Saxon, Sep. 3, was, according to Colgan {Acta SS. Hib. p. 602, note 5) brother of Geraldus (:= Garalt, 13 March), 'Berikertus' (= Beretchert, 6 Dec), and ' Hubritanus' {^=- Ecbricht, 24 Ap. or Echfritan 27 May?) Baluina (Balbina) virg. and mart, at Rome, Mar. 31. Banban (son of Donngal ?) sac. May i. mo Banbdn ecnaid. May 9. bp. of Lethglenn, Nov. 26. bp., Dec 3. Banbnat, July 23. —virg., Aug. II. Bdnfota (' fair-tall ') Mar. i. Banfota, Mart. Taml. Bard, gen. Baird, St. Sechnall's ancestor, Nov. 27. Barnaibb (Barnabas) the Apostle, June 1 1. Barrfind (s. of Muredach ?) of Inis Doimle, Jan. 30. bp.. Mar. 16. bp. and abb., from Druim Cuilinn and Cell Barrfind, May 21. July I. Bairrfinn, Mart. Don. s. of Ernin, Sep. 22. s. of Aed, of Achad Caillten, Nov. 8. Nov. 13. Bartholom (Bartholomaeus) the apostle, Aug. 24. Hibcrnicised also as PartJiolon. Basil (Basilius), June 14, bp. and conf at Caesarea Cappadociae : mart. Nov. 20. Basilii (gen. sg.), Auctaria to Usuard, ed. Migne, p. 716. Basilla, virg. and mart, at Rome, May 20. INDEX OF PERSONS. 335 Bassa, virg. Ap. 13. Misprinted Bascia in Mart. Don. edd. Todd and Reeves, pp. 100, lOI. Bassil (Basileus), mart, at Rome with lovinus, Mar. 2. Bassill (Basilla), Aug. 26. (Hieron. Mart.) Bassilid (Basilides), June 12, mart, at Milan. Bassilis (Basilissa), Jan. 9, the virgin-wife of lulianus, with whom Gorman commemorates her. Bassilla (Basilla), May 17, mart, at Alexandria with Victor. Bassus, Aug. 26. Not known. Bathild (Bathildis), Jan. 30. In territorio Parisiacensi Baltildis [leg. Bathildis] reginae, Bouillart, cited in Usuard, ed. Migne, Jan. 30, and see Bouillart's note, ibid. Baudelus (Baudelius), May 20, mart, at Nimes (Usuard). Bauon (Bavo), conf , Oct. i, of Ghent. Ob. 653. Mart. Rom. mentions his liberality to the poor, &c. Beatrix, virg. and mart. July 29, sister of the martyrs Faustinus and Simpli- cius, with whom Gorman commemorates her. Becc; Oct. 12, mac De, Mart. Don. Ob. a.d. 557. As to his so-called pro- phecies, see O'Curry, Ms. Materials 399, and LB. 263''. Lism. Lives, pp. xxvi, 171, 176, 248, 264, 350. Becdn Dall of Cenn saile, Feb. 26. of Ruimenn, Mar. 17. Ob. 675. s. of Ciila, Ap. 5. Beccdn, of Cluain, Ap. 26. in Cluain Ard mo-Becc6ic, May 26. Ob. 687. s. of Sar^n ? Aug. 17. Another Beccan, Aug. 17. Becce, mo-Becce in Trelec, May 29. ancestor of Beccmarcach, Aug. i, gl. 5. Becc-marcach hua Becce, Aug. i. Beccoc, mo-Becc6c, Oct. 28. Another mo-Becc6c, Nov. 14. Beda, Baeda, the Venerable, May 26. Ob. 735. Benedict (Benedictus), abb. of Monte Cassino, Mar. 21. Ob. 542. Transla- tion to Floriacum (Fleury), July 11. pope (the second of that name). May 7. Ob. a.d. 685. Benedicta, virg. et mart. ' in territorio Laudunensi,' Oct. 8. Benignus, presb. et mart, at Dijon, Nov. i. ^ son of Sescnen, bp. of Armagh. Nov. 9. Ob. 468. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 4 1 90-4200, fo. 203^ His name was hibernicised as Benen, which points to a rustic Latin Ben^-gnus. Beo-aed, bp. of Ard-carna, Mar. 8. Ob. 523. Beodn, s. of Ness^n, bp. of Fidcuilinn, Aug. 8. of Tamlachta Menainn, Oct. 26. s. of Libren, bp., Dec. 3. Beoc, da Beoc, of Loch Geirg, Jan. i. = Beo-aed, q.v. mo Beoc, of Termonn, abb. July 24. Oct. 25, perhaps the same as da Beoc, supra, see Mart. Do?i. p. 157, note 5, p. 284. Beogain, abb. of Mag bile, July 27. Beogna, Beognous, second abb. of Bennchor, Aug. 22. Ob. 605. Beoin, virg., Feb. i. Beologo, sac, of Cluain Dartada, Feb. 12. Berach, abb. of Cluain Coirpthe, Feb. 15. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 419c- 4200. eighth abb. of Bennchor, Ap. 21. Ob. 663 (666 ?). f of Rondn, Nov. 18. Berch^n of Aego, Ap. 10. 336 INDEX OF PERSONS. Berchan, of Cliiain C^i, May 24. of Cluain Aeda aithmet, June 5. of Cluain Sosta {Afart Taml.)^ Aug. 4. Dec. 4. Oct. 12, gl. 6, an alias of mo-Bi Cllrenech. of Inis Rochla, Nov. 24. Beretchert, of Tulach Leis, Dec. 6. Ob. 839. See FM. at that year, and Chris f tail Inscriptions II 52, where for ' Berikert,' in two places, read ' Beretchert,' and for 'Tulach-lias' read Tulach leis. The name on Plate XXX, which has been read Berechttcire, rather seems Bcrcchtid?ie, Lat. abl. of the form which the A.S. Bercthun (Baeda, H.E. v. 2) assumed in Irish mouths. Bernard, Aug. 22. This must be S. Bernard of Citeaux, the first abbot of Clairvaux, though his feast is Aug. 20. He died in 11 53, about 20 years before Gorman wrote, Beronic (Beronicus), Oct. 19, martyred in Syria along with Pelagia and forty-nine others (Usuard). Berr, Dec. 22. Unknown. Berr^n, July 11. Also in Mart. TaniL f. of Maeldub, Mar. 6, gl. 9. Bertinus, abb. of St. Omer, Sep. 5. Ob. 709. Bi : mo-Bf, nun, of Domnach brocc, Sep. 30. Clarenech, of Glas noiden, Oct. 12. See Berchan. Ob. 544. Biccill, of Tulach, Nov. i = Bigill, Mart. Don. Biccsech, virg., of Cell Biccsige, June 28. Birin, Sep. 4, first bishop of the West Saxons. Sep. 4 is the day of the translation of his relics from Dorchester to Winchester. (See Hampson, Medii Aevi Kal, i. 430). Dec. 3 is the day of his deposition. Dec. 3, Baeda H.E. iv. 12. Ob. 560 or thereabouts. Birstan (Byrnstan), bp., Nov. 4. Hampson i. 445. Probably the ' Briscani episcopi et confessoris' of the Auctaria to Usuard, ed. Migne, at Nov. 4. Bite, of Inis Cumscraig, July 29. Bfti Insi Caumscraidh, Mart. Tain/. See Biu. Biu : mo-Biu, abb., July 22. Biteus .i. mo-Biu abb. Insi Cumscraigh, Mart. Don., see Bite. Blddn, bp. of Cenn Garad (Kingarth) in Bute, Feb. i, gl. 5. Aug. 10. His mother was S. Catdn's only sister Ertha [leg. Erca ?], quae aquam haus- tura domo forte progressa k inuene formosissimo sibique ignoto per uim est compressa : ex quo concubitu S. Blaanus natus, Colgan, Acta SS. 233. Ob. 510. Blaithmec, Blathmec, f. of Onchu, July 14. s. of Flann, July 24. Dec. II. Blandina, mart, at Lyons, June 2. Blassus (Blasius), bp. and mart, Feb. 3 (Usuard). Bldth, of Cluain Grencha, virg., Jan. 18. virg., Jan. 29. Blauius, bp. and mart, at Sebaste, Feb. 15 (Ado). Usually spelt Blasius. But see Migne in his ed. of Usuard, p. 765. Bochra, mother of SS. Laidcenn, Cainnech and Accobrdn, Nov. 28. Boethdn, son of Maendn, June 18. mo-Boethdn of Cluain Fannabair, Dec. 13 = mo-Baoi, Mart. Don. Boethgus, Nov. 30. Boethi'n Cldrenech, Jan. 29 == Baithfnc, Ma)-t. Tanil. Baethin, Mart. Don. mac Cuanach, of Tech Boethi'n, Feb. 19. second abb. of lona, June 9. INDEX OF PERSONS. 337 Boetoc, do-Boetoc of Cliiain da Boetoc, July 22. Boga, virg., Jan. 22, ace. to Mart. Don. a sister of Colma and Lasse or Laisri, and a disciple of Comgell of Bennchor. Boich maigister, Nov. 24 (where Boich is disyllabic). Boithin (leg. Bdithin ?), Jan. 9. Baitini, Mcvt. Taml. (Brussels MS.). Baoi- thin, Mart. Don. Bolcdn, bp., Feb. 20. of Cell Chiile, July 4. Bonefait, pope (Bonifacius IV.), May 13. Ob. 615. Bonifait (Bonifacius), June 5, mart, in Rome. June 5, bp. Winfrid, mart, in Frisia Bonois (Bonosus), mart, with Maximianus, Aug. 21. Bran Becc, from Claenad, May 18. Brandub, gen. Branduib, from Loch Munremair, Feb. 6. bp., June 3. Branwald (Branwalatr), Jan. 19, a Breton saint whose name (in voc. sg.) occurs as Bramvalatre in a tenth century Latin litany edited by Mabil- lon from a Reims MS., and reprinted by Haddan and Stubbs, ii. 81-85. Brecc Fele, of Belach Fele, Jan. 1 5. Brecc^n, bp. of Mag Bili, Ap. 29. bp. of Aran ? May i. of Echdruim Breccd,in, May 7. Misprinted Bercan, Berchan in Mart. Don.., pp. 120, 121. of Cluain Catha, bp. of Ard Breccdin and abb. of Mag Bili, July 16. Oct. 12. bp., Dec. I. bp. of Ard Brecciin, Dec. 6. Breccnat, virg., July 3. Breacnat, ogh. Mart. Don. Brelach, s. of Fidchellach, Feb. 17. Brenaind, Jan. 9. May 8. Perhaps Brenaind Biror, whom Mart. Taml. commem- orates at May 9. s. of Finding and abb. of Cluain ferta. May 16. Ob. 576. Irish Life, Lism. Lives, pp. 99-116. — of Tobar, July 27. — Nov. I. — of Glass dd cholptha, Nov. 3. — abb. of Birra, Nov. 29. Ob. 571. — of Druim Liac, Dec. i. — Dec. 8. See Baeth supra, of Etarcludin, Dec. 13. Bresal, from Derthach, May 18. Sep. 30, seventeenth abb. of Hi, who died May 18, A.D. 801. (796 FM.) Briccin, da-Briccin, May 9 = da Breccoc Tuama Dracon, Mart. Taml. LL. 360'^ D reman, Brussels MS. of Tuaim Drecain, Sep. 5. Bricius (Briccius), bp. and conf. Nov. 13. S. Martin's successor at Tours. Brig, of Cairbre, virg. ? Jan. 7. virg. of Cell muine, Nov. 12. Brigit, virg., abbess of Cell dara, Feb. i, 'gloria Scottorum,' Hampson i. 399- d. of Domma, Feb. 7. of Moin Milain, Mar. 9. Another Brigit, March 9. d. of Dimmdn, May 21. of Cluain Ai, Aug. 13. Another Brigit, Sep. Brittan, of Rdith, May 19. GORMAN. 338 INDEX OF PEKSOA^S. Briiin, gen. Briiiin, ancestor of Ernfn, Sep. 27, gl. i. Briunsech, virg., d. of Crimthann, May 29. Broccaid, of Imlech Broccada, July 9. (MS. Broccad) Aug. 14 = BroCcin mac Lugdach, Ma}-f. Tain!. I5roccdn, s. of Enda, Jan. i. Ap. 9. of Cluain maic Feicc, June 5. June 27. the scribe, of Moethail Broccdin, July 8. of Imgan, Aug. 25. Broccani .i. Maigin, Alarf. Tauil. of Ross Tuirc, Sep. 17. Brac^n, Mart. Don. Brodna (Broednea, Mart. Taml. ?) an alias for Findbarr, of Cell Chunga, Sep. 9, gl- I- Brolch^n, grandf. of Mael-Isu, Jan. 16. Bron, bp. of Caisel Irroe, June 8. Bronach, virg., of Glenn Sechis, Ap. 2. f. of Buite, Dec. 7. Bronchain, of Leithet, Sep. 30. Bronchein Let[h]et Corcaighe, Mart. Tanil. Brugach, bp. from R^ith Maige Oenaig, Nov. i. s. of Setna '^. Nov. 3. Buachaill, ancestor of Riachuill, Ap. 13, gl. 3. f. of Udrin, Dec. 15, gl. 4. Buadbeo, Nov. 17. Buat.in, in Ethas (Methas?) cromm, Jan. 24. Bugna, in Wales, Ap. 21. Bugno i ti'r Bret, Mart. Taml. Buichbirt, Sep. 4, a corruption (for sake of the alliteration with Birin ?) of Siiicbcrct., the name of a missionary bishop sent to the Frisians (Baeda. H.E. V. ii.). His canonization, Birin, and the translation of Cuthbert were commemorated on Sep. 4. Buite, bp., son of Ikonach, Dec. 7 ; elevation of, Dec. 11. Ob. 519, Ciechin, gen. Caech^in, Jan. i, gl. 5. Cdem, see Coem. C^enchomrac, of Disert Cinnclair, June 29 : of Inis Endaim, July 23. C^erlan, bp. of Armagh, Mar. 24. Ob. 587. See Colgan, Acta SS. 744. CAerndn, Jan. 31. of Cluain Eich, Ap. 28. C^erthenn, f. of Trea, Aug. 3, gl. 4. Caeti (Coeddi), bp. at lona, Oct. 24. Ob. 710, ace. to FM. Cdidbeo, Oct. 11, mo Chaidbheo, Mart. Don. Cainer, virg., d. of Cruthnech^n, of Cell chuilinn, Jan. 28. d. of CoelAn, of Rind Allaid, Nov. 5. Cainnech, Jan. 23, Caindeach, Mart. Don. sac, s. of Hua Chil (or Uichel ?), Jan. 31. daughters of, Sep. 24. abb. of Achad bo, Oct. 11. Ob. 598. of Achad Rathin, Nov. 28, gl. i. Cdinneoc, May i 5. Cairbre (MS. Coirpre), Jan. 15. ; — Cromm, Mar. 6, bp. of Clonmacnois. bp. of Mag Bile, May 3. bp., Nov. I. bp. of Ciiil Rathin, Nov. 11. Cairech Dergdin, virg., of Cluain boirenn, Feb. 9. Cairell, f. of Tuan, Ap. i. of Tir roiss, June 13. f. of Daig, Aug. 18. INDEX OF PERSONS. 339 Calrell, f. of Femme, Sep. 17. Cairitan, of Druim Lara, Mar. 7. Calb, presb. of Tulach Carpait, Jan. 26. Calixtus or Callistus, pope, Ap. 16, Oct. 14. Is Gorman's epithet cdiii suggested by the meaning of Callistus ? In Mart. Rom. a Corinthian martyr Cahxtus is commemorated at Ap. 16, while pope Cahxtus' day is Oct. 14. Calh'n, s. of Niata, of Fidnach, Nov. 13. Irish Life in Bk. of Fenagh, Dublin, 1875. Cammdn, Nov. 2i=:Comman, iT^/czr/. Don. Cammene, Sep. i. Cammoc, mo-Chammoc, of Inis c^in, Ap. 13. moChaomocc, Mart. Don. Canin, Nov. i. Candidus, mart, at Carthage, Mar. 11. mart, at Rome, Oct. 3. Canon, sac, Nov. 4. Canan, Mart. Don. Cantius, mart., at Aquileia, May 31. (Usuard.) Caprais (Caprasius), June i : mart, at Agen, Oct. 20. Caradi'c (' amatus '), May 19, a Welsh saint ? Caramndn, July 20. Caramnani, Mart. Tainl. Carmnan, Mart. Don. Carist (Charisius), Ap. 16, mart, with Calixtus at Corinth. Carlan, f. of Eoin, Aug. 17, gl. 2. Carnech, bp., s. of Sdrdn, Mar. 28. of Tuilen, May 16, a British saint. Carpofciir (Carpophorus), presb. and mart, at Spoleto, Dec. 10. Carpus, bp. and mart, at Pergamus, Ap. 13. bp. and mart, at Troas, Oct. 13 (2 Tim. iv. 13). Carthach, s. of Oengus, Mar. 5, of Druim Fertain and Inis Uachtair. bp.,s. of Airbertach (yl/czrA Ta/nl.)^ Mar. 26, mac Erb^rte (misprinted Erbthaide), Mart. Don. Cartus (Quartus), mart, in Capua, Oct. 7 (Baeda). Cass, of Bennchor, Ap. 26. father of Dimma, May 12, gl. 3. Cassan from Imdual, Mar. 28. sac, June 4. of Cluain raithe, June 20. Cassian (Cassianus), bp. and conf. at Autun, Aug. 5. mart, in Fore Syllae, Aug. 13. (Cassianus), mart, in Mauritania, Dec. 3, mistaken for an Irish Cassan in Mart. Don. Cassin, s. of Nemdn, Mar. i. virg., of Druim dd. dart, May 22. Cassius, mart, at Verona, Oct. 10. Castor, mart, at Tarsus, Mar. 28. mart, at Tarsus, Ap. 27. (Castorius), mart, at Rome, July 7. (Castorius), mart, at Rome, Nov. 8. mart, in Africa, Dec. 28. Castuil (Castulus), mart, in Egypt, Jan. 12. Mart. Hieron. (Castula), June 5, mart, at Rome, Mart. Hieron. Castus, May 22, mart, at Carthage. Baeda, at Rome, Mart. Hieron. mart, at Capua, Oct. 6. Catarina (Catharina), virg. and mart, at Alexandria, Nov. 25. Catha, s. of Oengus, presb., Sep. 8. Crumthir Catha mac Oengusa i Cluain Eorainne, Mart. Taml. Cathbad, Sep. 16. Z 2 340 INDEX OF PERSONS. Cathbad, f. of Colman, Sep. 22. Cathbath, July i. Cathchan, bp., Mar. 20, of Raith Derthaige, Mart. Don. Cathub, s. of Fergus, bp. of Achad cinn, Ap. 6. Ob. 544. bp., Ap. 8. Cattiin, Feb. i, S. BM^n's tutor. , Dec. 12. Caurndn Becc, Jan. 6, in Cell Churn^in, co. Limerick. CurnAn, Mart. Don. Cele clerech, bp. and mart, at Wiirzburg, July 8. Cele Crist, bp.. Mar. 3. Ob. 721. Celerin (Celerinus), deac. and mart, in Africa, Feb. 3. Celestinus (Coelestinus I.), Ap. 7, the pope that sent Palladius to Ireland. Commemorated in Mart. Rom. on Ap. 6. Cellach, f. of Ossein, Jan. i, gl. 4. s. of Aedh, a successor of S. Patrick, Ap. i. Ob. 1 129. s. of Dunchad, July 18. Cellach mac Duncada regis, Mart. Tavil. deac, Oct. 7. Cellagi saxonis diaconi in QMnn da locha. Mart. Tanil. Cellach^n, Ap. 22. of CluAin Tiprat, Sep. 24. Cellan, hua Fiachrach, bp., May i. Irish Life LB. 272'', where he is called Cellach. s. of Fincln, June 17. ■ — sac, Oct. 8. Cellani ^res'^ytcri^ Mart. Tanil. ; — Nov. 17. Celloc, mo Chelloc, of Tulach Ualainn, Jan. 23. Feb. I. Two other mo Chellocs, Mar. 7, Dec. 23. Celsus, bp. of Armagh, Ap. 6, gl. i. June 19, boy-martyr at Milan, Hieron. Mart. mart, at Milan along with Nazarius, July 28. — Oct. 27. Not known. Dec. 10. Not known. CenannAn, Mar. 26, gen. Cenannain, Afart. Taml. A church called Teampidl Ceafinanac/t (-a/o^?) in the middle isle of Aran (Colgan, Acta SS. 715, col. 2) is connected by Petrie (Round Towers 188-9) with Cenannan. Cenelmus (Kenelmus), July 17. Eodem die in Britannia, sancti Kenelmi martyris ... In Anglia, Kenelini [leg. Kenelmi] regis Merciorum et martyris, pueri septem annorum, Auctaria to Usuard, ed. Migne. Haddan and Stubbs, Councils^ etc.. Ill, 598 n. Cenna : mo Chenna, virg., Jan. 29. Spelt mo Chonna in Mart. Taml. Cennfaelad, abb. of Bennchor, Ap. 8. Ob. 704. Cennmar, May 9. Cenmar (perperam), Mart. Don. Ceolfrid, Oct. 8, probably the abb. of Jarrow and Wearmouth, whose day, however, in the English calendar, is Sep. 25. 'In Glasconia, depositio sancti Ceolfridi abl^atis et confcssoris,' Auct. to Usuard at Sep. 25. Ceprius (Cyprius ?), Aug. 27. Not known. Cera, virg., Feb. 5. Casra:. Orait [leg. 6 R;'iith] Moentich, Mar-t. Taml. virg., Feb. 8. Cere sancte uirginis, Mart. Taml. Sep. 9. Sanctai Cere iur<;in/s. Mart. Taml. (Br.). — — — mother of Dub's children, of Mag Ascad, Oct. 16. Cerclach, Jan. 6. Comparison with the LL. copy of Mart. Taml., which on Jan. 6 has Di^di clicni{ac/i), seems to show ih^t ccrclac/i ('circular'?) is an epithet mistaken by Gorman and O'Clery for the name of a saint. ISDEX OF PERSONS. 341 The Brussels copy has la CherclacJi., which should of course be La\ssair Achaid Fota. Digdi\ cJierdach. Cesair (Caesarius), deac. and mart, in Terracina, Nov. i. Cethech, S. Patrick's bp.,June 16. Cetfaid, May 9. Ob. 1056, according to FM. Another Cctfaid, abbot of Emly, died in the year 988. Cian, mo Chian, Nov. 19. Cian^n, abb. P>b. 25. Nov. 29. Of him nothing seems known. Ciannan (leg. Ciand,n), bp. of Daimliac, Nov. 24. Ciar, virg., of Cell Chere, Jan. 5. Ob. 679. Ciaran, s. of Aed, Jan. 5. of Ross Cumalca, Jan. 9. of Tamlacht Gliad, Feb. 4. of Uaim, Feb. 24. of Saigir, bp. and conf., March 5. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 4190- 4200, fo. 139^ of Foigde, March 8. of Cluain Sosta, Ap. 30. s. of Colgu, May 19. of Belach I3uin, June 14. of Tech hiia Gortig, July 19. mac in tsdir, abb. of Clonmacnois, Sep. 9. Ob. 548. Irish Life Lism. Lives, pp. 11 7-1 34. bp., son of Ciar (lar ? ) Sep. 29. abb. of Raith Maige oenaig, Oct. 8. grandf of Common, Oct. 31, gl. i. bp. of Tiprait mac nEnna (Nenna ?), Nov. 10. Ciaroc of Echdruim Brecc^in, May 7. Cicilia (Caecilia), virg. and mart, at Rome, Nov. 22. Cillein, abb., Jan. 8. Jan. 16. of Inis Doimli, March 3. of Lilcach, March 12. — s. of Tolodrd.n, March 26. •^. of Lubnan, Ap. 14, abb. of Birr, Mart. Don. Uroichtech, fourteenth abb. of Hi, July 3. Ob. 752. ■ — bp., Aug. 31. s. of Bregda (Bregaid?), Dec. 28. Cillen, Ap. 19, probably Cillene Fota, thirteenth abb. of Hf. Ob. 72G, Oct. 22. Cilli^n, s. of Dodnan, Oct. 23. Cillien (leg. Cillein ? Cillian ?), July 5. Cillin hua Colla, abb. of Athan, Jan. 3. Ob. 720. bp. of Tech Tallin, May 27. — Aug. 7. Cilornn, gen. Ciluirn, Jan. 2, gl. 4. Cinne, virg., Feb. i. Cionia (Chionia), virg. and mart, at Thessalonica, Ap. 3. Ciprian (Cyprianus), bp. of Carthage, Sep. 14. bp. and mart., Sep. 26. Martyred with Justina. alDb. of Terigord, Dec. 9. Ciriac (Cyriacus), Jan. 12, mart, in Achaia (Baeda). Jan. 20, mart, at Nicomedia {Hiovn. Mart.). March 16, mart, at Rome. May 4, bp. and mart. 342 INDEX OF PERSONS. Ciriac (Cyriacus), June 20, saint at Tomi (Usuard). (Quiriacus), June 21, in Africa (Usuard). Aug. 8, mart, with Largus. (Quiriacus, Usuard : Cyriaca, Baeda), Aug. 23. Ciric (Cyricus), infant-martyr at Tarsus, June 16. Ciricc (Cyricus? Quiricus ? ), Sep. 21. Not found. Ciricin, Nov. 3. Seems a diminutive of Ciric, but is spelt Cairicin in Mart. Don. Cirill (Cyrillus), bp. of Alexandria, Jan. 28. mart, at Sebaste, Mar. 9. bp. and mart, at Gortyna, July 9. (Cyrilla), d. of Decius Caesar, mart., Oct. 28 (Baeda). Cirilla (Cyrilla), Dec. 9. Not known. Ciri'n (Ouirinus), mart, at Rome, ?*Iar. 30. June 4, bp. and mart, at Siscia. June 12, mart, at Milan with Basilides. Cirine (Hieronymus), presb. and conf, Sep. 30. Ciri'nus (Cyrinus), mart, at Rome, Mar. 25. Cirion (Cyrion), presb. and mart., Feb. 14 (Usuard). mart, at Sebaste, Mar. 1 1 (Ado). Citinus (Cythinus), one of the Scillitani, July 17. Clann Sen^in, June 23. Clann Senchdin, June 23. Clar-enech, 'Table-face,' the, of Uruim Bidg, Jan. 17 : of Cliiain Cdin, June 6. Clarenig, three, Crondn, Segein and Boethi'n, Jan. 29. As to Mo Bi cldrcnech and the meaning of the word see Oct. 12, note d. Clarin, f. of Moenach, Oct. 17. Clarus, presb. et mart., in pago Vilcasino, Nov. 4 (Usuard). Claud (Claudius), Nov. 8. Mart, at Rome with Nicostratus, &c. Claudian (Claudianus), mart, at Diospolis in Egypt, Feb. 25. Claudic ( =: Claudicus ? Fel. Oeng.), Dec. 4, where he accompanies Merob i.e. Merobius. In the Martyrology of Christ Church, Dec. 3, we have ' In Nicomedia, natalis sanctorum Merobi., Clatidi et Felicis,' so that our Claudic may be identified with this Claudius. Claudius, mart, in Lycia, Aug. 23. mart, at Rome, Dec. 3. Claudus, Sep. 21. Here ' Claudus ' seems an error for 'Claudius,' the 'Clemeint' with whom he is associated. Clemens was an Irish scholar of the eighth century, whom Colgan, Acta SS. 696, calls 'Claudius Clemens.' But see Lanigan, Eccl. Hist, of Ircla/ui, III, 207, 217, 219. Clauid (Claudius), Ap. 5. Claudianus, an Egyptian martyr, in Mart. Rom. mart, at Rome, with pope Marcellinus, Ap. 26. mart, at Rome, with Nicostratus, July 7. Clemeint (Clemens), presb. and conf, Jan. 20. Sep. 21. See Claudus, supra. pope and mart., Nov. 23. Dec. 4, presb. at Alexandria (Usuard). Clementin (Clementinus), mart, at Heraclea, with Theodotus, Nov. 14. Cleophas, Sep. 25. 'In oppido Emmaus, Jesu Christi Domini discipulus (Luc. xxiv, 18) in eadem domo, in qua mensam Domino paraverat, a ludaeis occisus legitur,' Mart. Rodi. Cletus, pope and mart., Ap. 26. Also called Anacletus. Clodoald, presb., Sep. 7, ob. 560 or thereabouts. Now called St. Cloud. Cloine, mo Chloine, bp., Nov. 15. Clothach ('famous'). May 3, perhaps only an epithet for Conlaed : gen. sg. Clothaig sancti. Mart. Taiiil. INDEX OF PERSONS. 343 Clothrann, of Inis duine, virg. and d. of Conall, Oct. i. A sister-form of the ?2-stem Clothru. Cobair, July 30, is perhaps not a proper name, but a noun meaning ' help.' See note a, p. 147. Cobnesach, bp. Oct. 16. Better spelt Comnessach? Cobran, of Cluain, July 19, is Corbran Cluana in Mart. TainL of Cluain Ciiallachta, Aug. 2. Cocca (of Cell chocca ?), June 6. Coccnat of Ernaide, virg., Feb. 11. Cocha of Ross Bennchoir, June 29. Coe, mo Choe, abb. of Npendruim, June 23. Ob. 496. Coel, presb. of Cell Mor, May 25. virg. of Cell na n-ingen, d. of Mac lair, Oct. 26, gl. 5. craibdech, Nov. 10. Coel^n, of Daire, June 19. alias of mo-Choe, June 23. of Cell eo, June 30. July 25, gen. sg. Co[e]lain, Mart. Tainl. of Inis Celtra, July 29. of Ech-inis, Sep. 25. of Tech na manach, Oct. 29. Coelba, Celbae, Mart. Taiiil. gen. Coelbad, Aug. 21. Coelchii, of Liii Airthir, Sep. 24. Coelfind (' slender-fair '), virg., Feb. 3. Coeman, Feb. 14. of Mag niaic Dodon, Feb. 22. Mar. 14. Two other Coemdns, March 18, June 7. of Ard Coemdin, June 12. — s. of Daigre, Aug. 14, gl. 2. Brecc, bp. of Condoire, Sep. 3, of Ross Ech, Sep. 14. Ob. 614. — Sep. 16. Another Coemdn, Oct. 16. ■ of Enach truim, Nov. 3. of Ross Cruthnechdin, Dec. 18. Coeme, virg. of Cell Choeme, Ap. 4, Nov. 2. Spelt Coema at Ap. 4, and at Ap. 4 Mart. Tainl. has Coine Cille Coine. Coemgein, abb., May 11. Coemgen, abb. of Glenn da locha, June 3. Ob. 618. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 2324-30, fo. i66\ Brecc, Oct. 16. Coemfn, of Inis Celtra, March 24. Metrical Irish Life, Brussels MS. 2324- 40, fo. 1 56''. Ob. 656. Coemlach, of Rathen, Nov. 3. Coemnat, Sep. 23. Coemnech, Sep. 13. Coemoc (Caemoc), mo-Choemoc, Mar. 13, abb. of Liath mo Choemoic. — July 22. of Cell Inse, Nov. i. pilgrim, Nov. 3. Coemsa, virg., of Tamlachta, Feb. 25. Coemsech of Dermag Ciiile Cdenna, Nov. 30. Coenna (MS. Caenna), No\\ 5. Coennet, Ap. 24, seems = ' Coemnat Cula Cichmaig,' Mart. Taml. Ap. 34. So perhaps for Coennet we should read Coemnat. Coibdenach, bp. of Ard sratha, Nov. 26. Ob. 705. Coigitois (Cogitosus), Ap. 18, a monk of Kildare supposed to be the father of Muirchu maccu Machtheni (Trip. Life 271), and the author of a Life 344 INDEX OF PERSONS. of S. Brigit printed by Colgan {Ti: Thauin. 518-526), Surius and the Bollandists. Coipp, virg., d. of Caern^n, of Cliiain Cichmaige, Ap. 24. d. of Dimmae, Ap. 28. Coirpre, Jan. 15. See Cairbre. Colamm (better Colomb) of Loch Munremuir, Feb. 6. Colcu maccu Duinechda, Feb. 20, lector of Clonmacnois. Ob. 794 (789, FM.). Colgu, gen. Colgan, f. of Taedoc, Jan. 31, gl. 8. Colla, ancestor of Cilh'n, Jan. 3, gl. i. mo-Cholla, virg., Mar. 23. d. of Dimma, May 25. Colma, virg., Jan. 22, was, according to ISTart. Don. a sister of Boga and Lassi or Laisri, and a disciple of Comgell of Bennchor. ' F^iliarum Comgaill [.i.] Lasii et Columbae et Bogae,' Mart. Tarn I. Colman, s. of Eochaid, Jan. i. Muilinn, of Daire Caechain, Jan. i. Cerr of Sailbecc, Jan. 13. Another Colmdn, Jan. 13. =1 mo-Cholmoc of Less mor, Jan. 22, gl. 5. mac Duach, Feb. 3. bp., Feb. 7. bp., maccu Telduib, Feb. 8. Ob. 652. alDb. of Cluain Eraird, Feb. 9. Apparently the same as the Colmdn at Feb. 8. Another Colman, Feb. 18. of Ard Bo, Feb. 21. Another Colman, March 5. of Cluain Tibrind, March 10. of Linn Uachaille, March 30. Ob. 699. • of Camm-achad, March 31. — Find, Ap. 4. Ap. 9. Another Colman, Ap. 14. Another, May 2. of Loch Echim, May 6. maccu Laigsi, May 15. bp.. May 18. of Daire mor. May 20. Cron, May 21. Lobor, of Mag eo. May 21. Another Colniiln, May 24. Stellain, May 26. Ob. 624. Another Colman, June i. Another, June 4. bp., June 6. — s. of Corodran, of Miliuc, June 15. — s. of Roe in Rechru, June 16. Mor, s. of Luachdn, June 17. s. of Mice, June 18. of Druim Lias, June 19. Proinntige, June 26. Imrama, 'of the Voyage,' July 8. — mac Crona, July 11. — sac, of Cluain Bruchais, July 12. - s. of Angen, July 14. — =1 mo-Cliolmoc, July 19. Another Colmdn, July 22. — hua Litdin, July 25. doctuir toghaidhe, FM. 725. — bp., s. of Oengus, July 31. — s. of Bcicth, of Druim Uaithe, Aug. 5. — bp. of Inis bo finde, Aug. 8. Ob. 674. Another Colman, Aug. 15. — Cuile, Aug. 18. — of Cluain Ferta Mugaine, Sep. 3. INDEX OF PERSONS. 345 Colm^n, s. of Eochaid, Sep. 6. bp., Sep. II. hua Lonain, Sep. 16. s. of Cathbad, of Mide isel, Sep. 22. Comraire, Sep. 25. Ela, abb. of Lann Ela, Sep. 26. Ob. 610. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 2324-40, fo. 6o^ of Ross Branduib, Sep. 26. Another Colman, Sep. 29. of Cluain Tiprat, Sep. 30. Another Colman, Oct. i. of Land (Cholmain ?}, Oct. 3. bp., Oct. 4. abb. of Cluain C^in, Oct. 6, gl. 3. Another Cohnan, Oct. 7. Another, Oct. 15. — bp. of Cell Riiaid, Oct. 16. — s. of Cortced, abb., Oct. 18. — of Tuaim Gr^ne (Grene), Oct. 20. Two other Colmdns, Oct. 24. — grandson of Fiachra, Oct. 27. Another Colman, Oct. 28. — of Cammas Comgaill, Oct. 30. — son of Findn, Nov. i. Another Colman, Nov. i. — of Glenn Delmaic, Nov. 5. — ■ pilgrim, of Inis mo Cholmoic, Nov. 7. — of Mag Eo, Nov. 13. — of Inis mo-Cholmoc, Nov. 14. — s. of Comman, of Aru airthir, Nov. 21. — of Dub-chuilenn, Nov. 24. — s. of Lenin, of Cluain Uamad, Nov. 24. Ob. 600. — Dub, Dec. 3. — hiia Eire, Dec. 5. Two other Colmdns, Dec. 7, Dec. 10. — bp. of Glenn da locha, Dec. 12. — descendant of Teldub, Dec. 12. — of Rdith Maelsigi, Dec. 14. — s. of Finntan, Dec. 14. — Alaind, Dec. .14. Two other Colmans, Dec. 15, Dec. 18. — of Cluain da fiach, Dec. 23. s. of Dairchill, Dec. 27. Colinoc : mo Cholmoc of Druim mor mo Cholmoc, June 7. Coloceir (Calocaerius), mart., Mar. 19. Caloserus, Mart. Rom. Columb cille, June 9, the day of his death, a.d 597 : Dec. 7, his birthday, A.D. 521, gen. Coluimb cille, Mar. 22. Irish Life, Lism. Lives, pp. 20 • 33- Columm of Cenn Garad, Mar. i. of Loch Inse ere. May 15. presb., of Domnach mor Maige Imchlair, June 4. Goba and Columm manach, June 7. f. of Sproc, June 30. bp., s. of Riangal, Aug. i. s. of Blddn, Sep. 2. of Ross Glanda, Sep. 6. sac, of Enach, Sep. 22. Another Columm, Sep. 29. tenth abb. of Bennchor, Oct. i. Ob. 666. of Inis cdin, on Loch Meilgi, Oct. 14. Another Columm, Oct. 16. s. of Aed Cloen, of Cuil Damdin, Nov. 8, of Ciiil Briuin, Dec. 11. s. of Crimthann, of Tir dd. glas, Dec. 13. Ob. 548. Columba, d. of Baite, Mar. 25. s. of Faelgus, May 15. Columbdn, abb. of Luxeuil and Bobio, elevatio, Sep. 27, depositio, Nov. 21. 546 INDEX OF PERSONS. Columndn, Feb. 23. Comgall, Comgilliis, first abb. of Bennchor, May 10, Aug. 22, gl. 2. Ob. 600. of Cluain Diamair, July 24. of Gobul Liuin, July 28. hiia Sardin, Aug. 26. son of Eochaid, of Both Conais, Sep. 4. abb., Oct. 7. Comgan of Glenn Uissen, Feb. 27, at Feb. 26 in Galba A. xv^iii. cdle De, Aug. 2. of Cluain Connaid, Oct. 13. Comgell, virg., d. of Diarmait, July 7. virg., Sep. ,19. d. of Mac lair, of Cell na n-ingen, Oct. 26, gl. 5. Commaig, virg.. May 27, of Sndni luthair, Mart. Don. ■ d. of Ci'ar^n, Dec. 19. Common lobar, s. of Laigne, Jan. 28. maccu Temni, Feb. 27. bp., March 18. son of Domungen, Ap. 3. of Tech mic Findchain, May 8. son of Dimma, of Aricul, May 15, July 15. Another Comman, May 23. s. of Findbarr, July 29. hua Ci'arain, abb. of Lismore, Oct. 31. Another Comman, Nov. 10. of Ross Commain, Dec. 26. See O'Donovan, FM. 74^, note i, 1170 note z. Commein, s. of Airde, July 29. Cuimmein mac Aride, Mart. Doit. Commoc : mo-Chommoc, s. of Doborchii, June 17 : of Cluain daim, Dec. 26. Comnat, abbess of Kildare, Jan. i. Comsech, i. of mo Sego, Dec. 9. Comsid, sac, of Domnach airis, Sep. 30. Coimsigh, Mart. Don. Condc, virg., Oct. 25, misprinted Conach in Mart. Don. Conaing, son of Lucunan (Luachutin ?), Sep. 23. Conall, gen. Conaill, Mar. 2. bp., Mar. 18. Another bp., March 28. • s. of Aed, of Cluain DalLlin, Ap. 2. Gulban, May 21, gl. 4. abb. of Inis coel, May 22. s. of Oengus, Sep. 9. f. of Clothru, Oct. I, gl. 4. Conamail, s. of Failbe, tenth abb. of lona, Sep. 11. Ob. 708. Oct. 8. Condn of Aego, Jan. 12. Another Conan, Feb. 13. mac Corre, Mar. 20. Three other Condns, Ap. 26, Aug. 16, Oct. 28. Condn-dil of Ess Ruaid, Mar. 8. See Lanigan II 222. Concand of Coel-achad, Aug. 20. Conchenn, Mar. 13. Coincheand, Mart. Don. na Conchinn, Ap. 28. of Coel-achad, Aug. 20. Conchraid, bp., Mar. 3. Concliath, Oct. 7. Coincliath, Mart. Don. Condere of Cuil Liacc, Sep. 17. Condmach of Ath Blair, July 9. Congalach of Aego, Dec. 22. Congus, gen. Congusa, f. of Lugaed, May 12, gl. 2. Conill, Mar. 3, probably a mistake for Conat/, the reading of Mart. Don. INDEX OF PERSONS. 347 Confn, bp., Feb. 12. Coinin, Mart. Don. Conind, virg., Sep. 30. Coinind ogh, Mart. Don. Coningen, Ap. 29, an alias for Cuach of Cell Findmaige. According to Mart. Don. she was a pupil {daila) of Mac Tail of Cell Chuilinn, whence a scandal. See Fel. Oeng. p. Ixxvii. Conlaed, bp of Celldara, May 3. Conna Cuairne, of Inis Pdtric, Jan. 13. mo-Chonna, bp. of Lemchaill, Jan. 13. mo-Chonne, of Ernaide moChua, Jan. 25. do-Chonna, s. of Odrdn, Feb. 17. • virg., March 3. ■ of Daire, Mar. 8. of Ess mac nEirc, Mar. 8. mo-Chonna, of Mayo, Mar. 27. abb. of Daire da Chonna, Ap. 12. Ob. 704. mo-Chonna, May 3. of Daire, May 13. Another, June 7. do-Chonna, bp. of Condere, May 15. Ob. 725. Another, Oct. 30. mo-Chonna, of Cluain Airdne, Sep. 30. Ob. 713. Becc, Nov. 9. s. of Findlug, Nov. 16. Oct. 30. Connaith, abb. of Lismore, Nov. 15. Ob. 755. Connait, Mart. Don. Connan, bp. of Tech Conndin, June 29. Another Connan July i. Conne, mo-Chonne of Cell Comarthae, May 19. Connla, bp., s. of Leni'ne, May 10. bp. of Riiscach, Dec. 30. Conoc, mo-Chonoc (of Cell Muccroiss ? but see Mart. Don.) Nov. 18. Uamach, Dec. 19. See Marl. Don. Conodar, abb. of Fore, Nov. 3. Ob. 705. Conon, mart, with his son at Iconium in Isauria, May 29. Conrach, presb., Feb. 23. Conseint (Consentius), Dec. 10. Hieron. Mart. Constaint (Constantia), Sep. 19, mart, with Felix at Nuceria in Campania. Constans of Erne, sac. et anch., Nov. 14. Constantin Britt, s. of the Pict Fergus, Mar. 11. (Constantinus), bp. of Vapincum {Gap)., Ap. 12. Flor. 517. mart, at Ephesus (Auctaria ad Usuardum), July 27. Cop, mo-Chop of Cell mor, Nov. 12. His mother was Ethne, d. of Conchrad, Mart. Don. Coppa, virg., d. of Baetdn, Jan. 18. Coppan, f. of Fintan, Sep. 27. Core, of Druim Lommain, Feb. 4. presb., of Cell mor hua Ni'allain, Ap. 4. CorcAn, bp., Jan. 7. Another Corc^n, Jan. 7. bp. and pilgrim, vSep. 30. Corconutan, of Daire Eidnech, Nov. 3. Corcran, Oct. 8. Corintha, mart, at Alexandria, Feb. 8. Cormac (sometimes Corbmac), bp. of Ath truim, Feb. 17. He was a comharba of St. Patrick, and died A.D. 496, according to Mart. Don. Mar. 26. sac. in Achad Findich, May 11. hua Liathain, abb. of Durrow, bp. and anch., June 21. of Senchoimet, June 24. mac hi'ii Baird, apparently an alias for Uasaille (Auxilius), Aug. 27, gl. i. 348 INDEX OF PERSONS. Cormac Muman, s. of Culennan, Sep. 15, king, bishop and martyr. Slain A.D. 908. (903, FM.) Another Cormac, Oct. 15. presb. of Telach Indenn, Dec. 13. bp. of Aelmag, Dec. 14, of the kindred of Eogan, s. of Niall, Mart. Don. Cornil (Cornelius), Feb. 2, the centurion, Acts x. i, bp. of Caesarea. Aug. 15. Not found. pope and mart., Sep. 14, the day of his death, A.D. 254. Corodr^n (Cororddn ?), f. of Colmdn, June 15. Corona, May 14, mart, in Syria. Corpre. See Cairbre. Corrach, Nov. 3. Cortched, Oct. 18, f. of Abbot Colmdn. Cosma (Cosmas), Sep. 27, mart, with his brothers Damianus, Leontius, Anthimus, Euprepius, in Cilicia. In the day Gorman agrees with the Latins and differs from the Greeks, who commemorate these martyrs on Oct. 27. Cota, of Druinn, Feb. 4. of Druim Tuirc, Dec. 26. Craebnat (' Branchlet '), virg., July 17. Craton, mart, in Rome, Feb. 15. Cremthann of Mag Duma, May 23. Cresceint (Crescentianus), May 31, mart, in Sardinia. Oct. 17, mart, in Mauritania (Baeda). (Crescentius), Dec. 29, bp. of Vienna. Crescentia, June 15, mart, in Sicily. Crescint (Crescens), June 27, 2 Tim. iv, 10. Crman, of Ciiil Con-laigen (Conlaing?), Oct. 19. Crisaint (Chrysanthus), Dec. i, mart, in Rome with Daria (Baeda). Crispin (Crispinus), June 20, at Tomi, Hieron. Mart. Oct. 25, mart, in Gaul with Crispinianus. bp. and mart, at Astyagis, Nov. 19. Crispina, Dec. 5, mart, in Africa. Crispinian (Crispinianus), Oct. 25, mart, in Gaul with Crispinus. Crispoil (Crispolus), May 30, mart, with Gabinus in Sardinia. Crispus, Aug. 18, presb., mart, in Rome with Joannes. Oct. 4, mart, at Corinth with Gains. Crissogoin (Chrysogonus), mart, in Rome, Nov. 24. Crist (Christus), His return from Egypt, Jan. 7 ; the beginning of His Lent, Jan. 7 ; first brought into the Temple, Feb. 2 ; wounded by Longinus, Mar. 15; His foster-father, March 19; His resurrection, Alar. 27; in- voked, Ap. 14, 21 ; the finding of His cross, May 3 ; His ascension, May 5; His transfiguration, July 26 ; the exaltation of His cross, Sep. 14; relatives of, Dec. 17; His Nativity, Dec. 25 ; conversion of Paul to, Jan. 25. See Isu. Cristdn = Gilla Crist hua Morgair, bp. of Armagh, June 12. Cristina (Christina), virg. and mart, at Tyrus in Italy (?) July 24. Cristofoir (Christophorus), mart, in Lycia, July 25. mart, in Spain, Aug. 20. Critan, s. of Ddre, Feb. 7, gl. i. ■ • s. of Iliad, of Achad Finnich, May 11. bp. of Oendruim, May 17. Ob. 63S. July 25. Certronnach, the cellarer of Comgell of Bennchor, Sep. 16. • Oct. 16. of Tuaim meic Cdu, Nov. 18. INDEX OF PERSONS. 349 Critan, s. of Litdn, Dec. 13. Critoc : mo Chritoc, Oct. 8, wrongly Maelchriotog, Mart. Do?i., edd. Todd and Reeves, p. 260. Crodne, July 24. Corodni, Mart. Taml. Crom-di'thruib of Inis crainn, May 20. Cron^n Becc, bp. of Noendruim, Jan. 7. Ob. 642. Another Croddn, Jan. 20. a cldrenech, Jan. 29. Another Cron^n, Jan. 2)(>- mac Nethsemon, Feb. 9, gl. 2. Two other Cronans, Feb. 12, Feb. 20. of Cell Becc, Feb. 21. of Glenn Aesa, Feb- 26. of Airdne, Mar. 8. Another Cronan, Ap. 26. of Ros Cre, Ap. 28. — — — ■ s. of Cuinnine, of Sliab Eiblinne, May 4. abb. of Lismore, June i. Ob. 716. Another Cronan, June 12. of Ferns, alias mo Chua, June 22. abb. of Clonmacnois, July 18. Another Cronan, July 24. of Mag Bile, Aug. 7. Ob. 649. of Cluain Andobair, Aug. 30. of Tuaimm Grene, Oct. 19, Nov. i. of Maethail, Nov. i. fifteenth abb. of Bennchor, Nov. 6. Ob. 691. (688, FM.) s. of Sinell, Nov. 11. Ob. 664. Another Cronan, Dec. 15. Cronbec, abb. of Clonmacnois, Ap. 6. Cronan Becc, FM. 692. Crone, virg., of Cell Crone, Jan. 27. virg. of Tamlachta, Feb. 25. Becc, virg., July 7. Another Crone, Oct. 15. Cronsech (Cronsech?), Ap. 4. July 23. Cruadoc, mo. Cruadoc of Airdne Coluimb, Nov. 10. Cri'iaid Cossfota (' Longshanks ') of Balana, Oct. 26. Cruimthir maccu Nesse, June 9: of Cluain Tiprat, June 13: of Domnach mor, Nov. 11. Crummein, bp. of Lecan Mide, June 28. Crundmael, of Berrech, June 22. ■ — Baeth, Dec. 11. abb. of lona, Dec. 17. Cua : mo Chua, Jan. 18. mo-Chua, Jan. 25. of Cluain Dobtha, Mar. 3. Mar. 8. of Airisnae, Mar. 19. of Balla, Mar. 30. Ob. 637. Irish Life, Lism. Lives, pp. 137- 146. croc^n, Aug. 3. of Cluain Dolciiin, Aug. 6, bp. and conf., Di'iiin. Kal. mo Chua of Cluain crainn, Nov. 21. Dec. 22. s. of Oengus, Dec. 23. s. of Lon^n, abb. and patron of Tech mo Chua, Dec. 24. Ob. 657. Cuaca, virg. of Cell Chuaca, Jan. 8. Cuachnat, virg. of Ross raithe, Feb. 13. Cualen, do Chualen, s. of Guaire, Mar. 12. Cidn c^in. Mar. 2. daughter of, Ap. 26. 350 INDEX OF PERSONS. Ciian, of Airbre, July lo. — — Oct. 1 5, of Cluain mor, Mart. Dof7. Oct. 29, of Inis Liacc. f. of Toca, Nov. 27, gl. 2. Ciiana, gen. Cuanach, f. ofLurech, Feb. 17, gl. 6. f of Boethin, Feb. 19. Cuancin Glinne, abb. of Mag Bile, Feb. 3. Cuangus, mac dall, abb. of Liath mor, Mar. 13. Ob. 746. Cuanna, abb. of Lismore, Feb. 4. Dall, Mar. 11. virg. of Ross E6, Ap. 10. Ob. 717 (FM.), 720 (AU.) Cuaran ind eccna, Feb. 9, also called mo Chuaroc. Cuasacht, s. of Milchu. Jan. 24 = Guasacht mace Milchon, Trip. Life 90, 168. Gosacht, 'filium Milcon Maccu-Buain,' Bk. of Arm. 15'', i. To make an alliteration with cunnail Gorman has changed the G to C. Cii Boirne, Nov. 10. Cu Bretan, anch. of Mag bile, Oct. 17. Cii cathrach, f. of Ecnech, Ap. 24, gl. 6. Cii coigcriche 6 Clerigh, p. 2. Cucufait (Cucuphas), mart, in Spain, July 25. Cii-cuimnech (' mindful hound'), Oct. 7, is perhaps a variant (made to rhyme with DicibnecJi) of Cu cuimnc, ' hound of memory,' the name of the author of a hymn in praise of the B. V. Mary, printed by Todd, Lib. Hymn. 137. He died a.d. 747, (742, FM.). Cu-gaela, gen. Con-gaela, f. of Gurnim, Feb. 22, gl. 5. Cuimnech ('mindful'), Mar. 14. Cuindig (leg. Cuingid ?), Sep. 6, gl. i, the first name of Mac cuilinn, bp. of Lusk. Cuinnine, f. of Cronan, May 4. Cuitbirt, see Cutbirt. Ciila, Becdn's mother, Ap. 5. CuUenn, bp. of Lemchaill, Ap. 22. of Cluain Huamannach, Nov. 5. Cii-locha, gen. Con-locha, f. of Failbe, July 11. Gumma, mo-Chumma of Druim Ailche, Jan. 4. of Noendruim, Jan. 31. Another mo-Chumma, June 13. Cumman, virg., d. of Aillen, May 29. Becc, of Cell Cuimne, June 14. Cummein, s. of Uub, of Druim Druith, Jan. 12. of Glenn Mona, Feb. 12. Find, seventh abbot of Hi, P^eb. 24. Cummeneus Albus, Adamn. Vita Col. 199. Ob. 668. s. of Baetdn, May 19. Another Cummein, June i. bp. of Noendruim, July i. Ob. 658. s. of Daigre, Aug. 14. Another Cummein, Aug. 22. son of Ciiana, Sep. i. abb. of Druim snechta, Sep. 4. ninth abb. of Bennchor, Sep. 17. Ob. 666? of Cell Ndir, Nov. yy. of Cluain mor, Dec. 24. Cummin, s. of Lugaid, of Inis maccu Dartada, May 21. alab. from Druim bo, Aug. 10. Fota, bp. of Clonfert, s. of Fiachna, Nov. 12. Ob. 661. Irish Life, Brussels MS., 2324-40. of Cluain mor, Dec. 18. Cunnc, do Chunne, Sep. 6. — t Chunni, Mart. Taml. do Chonna, Mart. Don. INDEX OF PERSONS. 351 Cuoc, mo Chuoc hua Liathain, Oct. 21. Cuppa, mo Chuppa, Jan. 23. This is Moc7iopce in the facsimile of LL. 356, col. 5, last line, Mochnopce in the Brussels copy of Mart. Tainl. The names Mo-C/iop, Coppa and Coppdn may be cognate. Curbi'n crdibdech, July 20. Mart. Taml. has here the latinised Ciirifini (gen. sg.), which shews that the saint here commemorated was a man. Curcach, Mar. 8. Curchach Clukna lothor. Mart. Taml. The compilers of Mart. Don. conjecture that this Curcach was d. of Enna, son of Cormac. virg., Aug. 8. Curcach Cluana lothur. Mart. Taml. of Grecraige, Nov. .16. Curcan, virg., July 21. Curcai;?e Cille Curcai;ze, Mart. Taml. {sic MS. Kelly has Curcaise, perperam). Curcach Cille Curcaighe, Mart. Don. Curitan, March 16, bp. and abb. of Ross Meinn ; or (according to Mart. Taml.) of Ross Tixaic Bairend. Currin of Ross Aiss, Dec. 22. Cutbeirt, Cuitbirt (Cuthbert), presb. abb. of Lindisfarne, Mar. 20 : translation of, Sep. 4. Ob. A.D. 687. Cudbertus, Hampson, i. 402. Cutlach, Dec. 7. Cuttu, mo Chuttu of Lismore, May 14. Carthagi .i. Mo chutu Lismoir, Mart. Taml. Ob. 636. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 2324-40, fo. 45\ da- (for do) thy. For names beginning with this prefix, see under the letter next following. Dadnan, bp. of Cell Cunga, Ap. ii. Dagair (Dagarius), Ap. 30. In Afrodiris . . . Dagari cum aliis duodecim (Hieron. Mart.). Dagin, bp., Mar. 12. of Inber Doile, Sep. 13. Ob. 642 (639, FM.). Dagilla, Feb. 15 ; if not Irish {da GJiilla) is perhaps Daoila^ a mart, under Genseric's persecution, or the fem. of a Gaulish Dagillus ? Daig, bp., s. of Nemnall, Feb. 19. gen. Dego maze Nemnai, Mart. Taint. s. of Cairell, bp. of Inis Cdin Dega, Aug. 18. Daigre, Aug. 14, 22. of Cluain Accuir, Sep. 30. Dairchell, bp. of Glendalough, May 3. Ob. 676. Dairine, July 31, gl. 2, maternal aunt of bp. Colman : see Mart. Don. at . JH^y 31- Dairinill, d. of Mac lair, Oct. 26, gl. 5. Dalbach of Cuil Follaing (Collaing?), Oct. 23. Dalldn mac forgail, from Maigen, Jan. 29, the author of the Amra Choluiiiili chille. According to the preface to that composition, his father was Colla, and mac forgail means 'son of testimony,' because he used to testify the truth (macno/(7;'^/^(i^firindi, Egerton 1782 fo. ). Again, it is said that Forgell was his mother's name : but then we should have had mac Forgilte. On the whole it seems best to assume that Forgell or Forgail was the name of Dalian's father. bp. of Aelmag, Dec. 14. Dalmait (Dalmatius), mart. ' Pedona in regione,' Dec. 5. Damais (Damasus), pope and mart., Dec. 11. Damian (Damianus), Sep. 27, marl, in Aegea with Cosmas. Damnat virg., of Sliab Betha, June 13. Daniel, bp. of Cenngarad, Feb. 18. Ob. 659. of Tulach, May 20. the prophet, July 21. bp. of Bennchor, Sep. ,11. Darbelein (-inn ?), d. of Mac lair, Oct. 26, gl. 5. 352 J.VDEX OF PEK.SOXS. Darbile, virg., of Achad Cuilinn, Oct. 26. I,>arbiled, virg., Aug. 3, is Derbiledh in Mart. Don. D^re, f. of Londn, Critdn and MaeMn, Feb. 7. Dar-erca (better Dererce), virg., Jan. 15, d. of Cairbre, Mart. Don. virg., Patrick's 'sister' [i.e. subintroducta), Mar. 22. Trip. Life, 82, uhere she is called his 'germana.' z= mo Ninne, July 6. virg., Nov. 1 1. Dari, virg., Aug. 8. Daire, Mart. Doni. Bochana, vid. Nov. 2, Dairi, Mart. Don. Darfa, Dec. i, mart, at Rome with Chrysanthus (Baeda). Darius, mart, at Nicea, Dec. 19. Datiua, virg. and mart, in Africa, Dec. 6. Dauid, bp. of Cell muine or Menevia, now St. David's, Mar. i. s. of Jesse, Dec. 29. DecMn, f. of Lugidon, Jan. 6, gl. 4. f. of da Finna, June 9. of Ard mor, bp. and conf., July 24. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 4190-4200. Dega (MS. Deda), bp., Aug. 16, Degha, Mart. Don. Deg-itge ('good prayer'), virg.. Mar. 22. Denecc, of Inis Setna, Mar. 16, s. ' Denach Insi Detna' of Mart. Taml. Deoraith, Jan. 13, Deuraith, Mart. Taml. Derbdara (gen. sg.), f. of Maeldoid alias Falbe, June 29. Der-chairthinn, virg., of Uachtar Aird, Mar. 8 : dcr ' daughter ' cogn. with Qipcmawa. Der-erce ('filia solis'), Sep. 9. Sanctae Darercae, Mart. Taml. Darerce, Mart. Don. Derg-Aed, bp., Nov. 10. Der-Lugdach ('daughter of Lugaid'), second abbess of Kildare, Feb. i. Derlugach, Mart. Taml. Desider (Desiderius), bp. of Lyons, Feb. 1 1. bp. of Langres, May 23. Dia, God, May 14. Dianach, bp. of Domnach Mor Maige Ene, Jan. 16. Dianland, Aug. 13. Diarmait, s. of Eochaid, bp. Jan. 6. of Inis Clothrann, Jan. 10. His Cc/fair dic/iil/, LB. 262\ — sac, Jan. 15. s. of Mechar, bp. of Airther maige, Jan. 16. bp., Ap. 24. of Disert Diarmata, June 21. of Glenn Uissen, bp., July 8. bp. of Cluain Find-Aidne, Sep. 28. bp., Oct. 12. Two other Diarmaits, Dec. 12, Dec. 20. Diblene, Jan. 14. gen. Diblini sancti. Mart. Taml. Dichu of Saball (' orreum Patricii'), Ap. 29, son of Trichem. See Trip. Life 36, Bk. Arm. fo. 2^ i. Dicholl of Rdith, Nov. i. Dichuill, s. of Mael-duib, of Eired muilt, Feb. 28. Dichull of Achad na cro, June 12. Dichull, s. of NemAn, Dec. 25. Dicholl, Mart. Don. Didim (Didymus), mart, at Ale.xandria, Ap. 28. Digdc, Jan. 6. virg., Ap. 25. Dimetir (Demetrius), bp. and mart, at Antioch, Nov. 10. Dimetria (Demetria), June 21, virg. and mart, at Rome. INDEX OF PERSONS. 353 Ui'mma Dub, bp. of Condere, Jan. 6. Ob. 658. Mar. 9, s. of Senach? (Mart. Don.) Another Di'mma, Mar. 22. s. of Cass, May 12. — sons of, Nov. I. Another Dimma, Nov. 3. Dimmdn of Inis Cain, Jan. 10. i. of Brigit, May 21, gl. 5. sac, June 27. Another Di'mman, Sep. 9. Dimmoc, mo Dimmoc, abb.. Mar. 3. of Ckiain cain, Ap. 26. bp. and conf , of Cluain c^in Arad, Dec. 10. Dmertach of Cluain mor, Oct. 9. Dinil, Aug. 14. Dinil mac in tsair. Mart. Taml. Diogin (Diogenes), mart, with Timotheus in Macedonia, Ap. 6. Dionis (Dionysius), Feb. 8, niart. in Armenia minor, with AemiHanus (Gorman's Einit) and Sebastianus {Sebaist). ■ — March 16, mart, at Aquileia with Fehx and Largus. Ap. 8, bp. of Corinth and mart. May 12, uncle of Pancratius (Usuard). May 25, bp. of Milan and conf. July 27, mart, at Ephesus. Sep. 20, mart, with Privatus in Phrygia. ^ — Oct. 3, the Areopagite, Oct. 9, bp. of Paris (S. Denis). Nov. 17, bp. of Alexandria. Dec. 26, pope. A.D. 259-269. Dioscoir (Dioscorus), mart, at Diospolis in Egypt, Feb. 25. Dioscorus, lector, mart, in Egypt, May 18. Diraid or Diraith, bp. of Ferns, July 27. Ob. 690. Diuchaill Derg, s. of Nessan, March 15, gl. 2. DiucoU of Cluain Brdein, May i. DiuchoU, Mart. Don. Nov. 21. Diucholl, Mart. Don. Diucuill (MS. Duicuill), Nov. 17, also called Mo-Dic[h]u. conf, of Inis Eogain, Dec. 18. Diucholl, Mart. Don. This is mo-Dichu in Mart. Taml. Diuir, May 19, of Enach Eir (Ceir Mart. Taml., Eirr, Mart. Don.). Diuren, Oct. 6. Dius, gen. Dii, July 12, in Caesarea (Ado, Usuard). Nov. 26, presb., of Alexandria. A Dedius (Dius) occurs at this day in the Auctaria to Usuard, as martyred with bp. Peter. Doborchii, f. of mo Chommoc, June 17, gl. i. Doe, mo Doe, in Ailbe, Sep. 25. Doithnenech of Fid duin, Oct. i. Domitian (Domitianus), abb., July i, 'in diocesi Lugdunensi,' Mart. Rom. Dec. 28, deac. mart, with Eutychius {Euf/cc), at Ancyra. Domitilla, virg.. May 7, i.e. Flavia Domitilla, mart, at Terracina. Domitius, mart, in Syria, July 5. Domma, f. of Brigit, Feb. 7, gl. 4. Domnall, Ap. 26. Domnina, Ap. 14, virg. and mart. Domnion (Domnio), Ap. 11, bp. and mart, at Salona. Domnoc, mo-Domnoc ^= Domongin, of Tipra Fachtna, Feb. 13, gl. 2. May 18. Domnus, Mar. 20, mart, in Syria (Hieron. Mart.). Domongin (=: mo-Domnoc), Feb. 13, from Tipra Fachtna. ■ bp. from Tuaim Muscraige, Ap. 29. Domongort, s. of Eochaid, from Rdith Murbuilg, Mar. 24. GORMAN. 2 A 354 INDEX OF PERSONS. Donait (Donatus) Feb. 4, mart, at Rome, with Aquilinus, Gelasius, Geminus^ and Magnus. mart, at Concordia, Feb. 17. May 8, perhaps the abb. of Cork, FM. 759. Aug. 7, bp. of Arezzo and mart. presb. and conf , on Mount Jura, Aug. 19. mart, at Antioch, Aug. 23. Donatian (Donatianus), bp. and mart, in Africa, .Sep. 6. Donndn, sac, of Inis Aingin, Jan. 7. of Aego, Ap. 17. See Reeves, Col.., 303-9- sac, Ap. 29. Aug. II, probably a deacon, s. of Beoad, Mart. Don. Dorbene, abb. of lona, Oct. 28. Ob. 713. See Reeves, Cohanba, p. 379, as to Dorbene's appointment. In the colophon to the Schaffhausen codex of Adamn^n's Vita Coliinibae the name is latinised (in the abl. sg.) as Dorbbeftco. FM. call him S. Dorbaine Foda 'the Tall.' Dorn^n, gen., Feb. 22. Dorothea, Feb. 6, virg. and mart, at Caesarea in Cappadocia. Draigen, sons of, Ap. 15. Dronnan, bp. of Cell Dronn^in, Dec. 12. Drothoib (Droctoveus), abb. and conf., depos. at Paris, Mar. 10. Duach, gen. sg., f. of Colm^n, Feb. 3. DubAn, sac Feb. 11. Dubani sac. Mart. Taml. ; of Rinn Dublin, Mart, Don. sac, Nov. II, of Leinster, Mart. Don. Dubda, Ap. 15. Dubta, Mart. Taml. Dub dA locha, Oct. 5. Dubogdn, s. of Comairde, July 18 (where the name rimes with Cronan) = Dub mac Comardae, Mart. Taml. Dub-scuile, Sep. 5. An abbot of Hi so named died in 959. Dubthach, sac, Feb. 5, s. of Dubdn, Mart. Don. Oct. 7. See Mart. Don. Duiblitir, abb. of Finglas, May 15. Ob. 796. Duibnech, Oct. 7. Duichaill Derg, March 15, gl. 2. Duichuill .i. mo-Dic[h]u, Nov. 17, for Diucoll? Duilech of Clochar, Nov. 17. Dunchad, eleventh abb. of lona. May 25. Ob. 717. Siisceperunt autem Hiienses monachi, docente Ecgbercto, ritus uiuendi catholicos sub abbate Duunchado, Baeda, H. E. v. 22. Dune, mo-Dune, May 29. Dunsech, virg., on Loch Cuan, Aug. 5. See Reeves, Eccl. Antiq. 186, 379. virg. of Cell Dunsige, Dec 11. Dunstan, bp. and conf. May 19. Ob. 988. Dura, bp., s. of Colomb, of Druim crema, Feb. 6. Duthracht of Liathdruim, May 16. of Lemchaill, Oct. 25. virg., of Cell muine, Nov. 12. Dutu, daughters of, Aug. 11. Diitu, Mart. Doji. Eadburga, virg., June 15. Another, July 18 (Auct. ad Usuard.). Eadmund, Nov. 20, East-Anglian underking, mart, by the Danes, .^.D. 871. Ebnat of Ross Enche, Jan. 31, is == Oebhnat Finn o Ros na seaijchit. Mart. Taml. Ecbricht (Ecgberct), monk and conf., Ap. 24. See Baeda, H. E. iii. 4, 27, v. 22. Died at lona a. D. 729. Ecca, mo-Ecca, of Inis Conaill, Nov. 3, Mo-Ego, Mart. Don. INDEX OF PERSONS. 355 Echfritan, May 27 = Echbritan mac Ossu, Mart. Tainl. See note to Mart. Don. p. 140. Eche, of Cell Glass, Aug. 5, and Trip. Life 82, 1. 10. According to iMart. Don. Darerca, St. Patrick's 'sister,' was her mother — a mdthair, not a m/idtkair, ' his mother,' as it is misprinted and misrendered. Echen, f. of Ernach, Oct. 30, gi. 2. Ecnech, s. of Cu cathrach, Ap. 24. Echtach, virg., Feb. 5. Edeldrida (Etheldrida), June 23, Oct. 17, the queen of Northumbria and abbess of Ely, who died June 23, A.D. 679. Oct. 17 is the day of the translation of her remains. Edelfleda (^thelflaede), virg., Oct. 23. Perhaps the abbess of Romsey, com- monly called Elfleda. Edilald (Ethelwald), Ap. 21. Perhaps Ethelwald, Cuthbert's successor ; but his day is March 23. Ednius, gen. Edniusa, May 22. Eduard, Mar. 18, king and mart. Effremm (Ephrem), Feb. i, deac. of the church at Edessa and mart. (Usuard). Egid (Aegidius), Sep. r, abb. and conf. ' in provincia Narbonensi.' Eglinna, virg., of Cluain Cai, Jan. 2r. Eiclech (better Aiclech ?), son of Daigre, Aug. 14, Echlech, Mart. Don. h-Eise, of Aii-ed Fota, Feb. 24. Elair (Hilarius), bp. of Parma and conf, Jan. 13. bp. of Aquileia and mart., Mar. 16. of Inis Locha Cre, Sep. 7. Ob. 802 according to FM. Sep. 10, pope from Nov. 19, 461, to Sep. 10, 467. Elbe (=: Ailbe) presb., s. of Ronin, Jan. 30. Sep. 10. gen. Ailbi ImWg, Mart. Tanil. (LL.). Electach, Nov. 17. Not known. Eleusip (Eleusippus), mart, at Langres, Jan. 17. Eleuther (Eleutherius), Ap. 18, bp. and mart, at Messina. May 25, pope. Commemorated in the Roman calendar on May 26. Oct. 2, mart, in Nicomedia. Oct. 9, deac. and mart, at Paris. Elfegus (^Ifheah ?), Mar. 12. In the Auctaria to Usuard an Elfragus (leo-. Elfeagus ?) or Elphegus, bp. of Winton and conf., is mentioned at this day, and see Hampson i. 424 (Sci. ^Elfeagi epi.), Ap. 19, archbp. and mart. Elgniad, see Ailgniad. Elig (Eligius), Dec. i, bp. of Noyon, 640-648, translation of, June 25. EliU, see Ailill. Elim (Elymas ?), Mar. 20. Perhaps the presbyter Elymas martyred in Persia during the Decian persecution. But his day is said to be Ap. 22. Elithir, Ailithir (' pilgrim '), abb. Jan. 7. Ailithri abbatis et druitrhl. Mart Taml. (LL.). of Cluain Gesse, Ap. 25. Elpid (Helpidius), Sep. 2, bp. and conf. at Lyons. Eltm, daughters of. Mar. 15. of Cenn sdile, Dec. 11. Eltene, s. of Maeldn, of Senchua, Jan. 11. Emant, July i. The ed. of Mart. Don. treats Emant as a saint ; but Mart. Taml. has here Ailella espuic Cliiana Emain, so that Einain {= Eniaint) is only part of a place-name. Emer, ace. Emir, Dec. 11. Emerentiana, virg. and mart, at Rome, Jan. 23. a.d. 304. 2 i\ 2 356 INDEX OF PERSONS. Emil (Aemilianus), mart, in Armenia, Feb. 8. (Aemilius), mart, in Africa, May 22. mart, in Sardinia, May 28. July 26. Wandelbertus Adrianum hoc die cum Acmilio et Maniano connectit, quorum postremi in Hieronymianis reperiuntur. Obs. in Usuard. ed. Migne, p. 299, col. 2. Aug. 16. Natale Simpliciani et S. Thyrsi, Orionis et Eiiiclii, Baeda. Oct. 6, mart, at Capua. Emilian (Aemilianus), mart, in Mysia, July 18. -; presb. and conf. 'in Hispania Tarraconensi,' Nov. 12. Emin, Jan. 7, Emeni sancti, Marf. Tmiil. Dec. 18, Emeni, Mart. Taml. bp. from Ross glas, Dec. 22, son of Eogan and lamnat, Mart. Do?i. Enair (Januarius), Ap. 13 (Baeda). July 10, mart, at Rome with his brother Felix. July 18. Henair, Mart. Do7t. Aug. 6, mart, at Rome. — Sep. 19, bp. and mart, at Puteoli. Oct. 6, mart, in Africa, Hieron. Mart. Oct. 13 = lanair, Sep. 28, mart, at Cordova in the Diocletian perse- cution. Oct. 24, presb. and mart, in Apulia. (Januaria) Nov. 6, mart, in Nicomedia, Hieron. Mart. Enan, s. of Gemm^n, in Ross mor, Jan. 30. Mac Nissi, bp. Mar. i, Maic nisi episcopi, Mart. Taiiil. s. of Muad^n, Mar. 25. bp. of Inis Aego, Ap. 29. May 2, Enan, Mart. Do/i. Enani, Mart. Taml. of Druim Raithe, Aug. 19. mac lii Mago, Sep. 2. of Glenn Faidle, Dec. 29. Enda, f. of Broccdn, Jan. i, gl. 2. abb. of Aran, s. of Conall Derg, Mar. 21. Ob. 542. -; of Cell na manach, Dec. 31. Enna, Sep. 18, son of Nuadan, and abb. of Imlech Fota. Enostan, of Cluain Duma, Nov. 2. Eoban, bp. and mart, in Frisia, June 5 (Usuard). Eochaid, of Uisnech, Jan. i. Mart. Don. f. of Colmdn, Jan. i, gl. 10. bp. of Tamlachtu, Jan. 28. Eochaid epsr^/ 7 abb. TamlacA?;/, Mart. Taml. (LL.). abb. of Lismore, Ap. 1 7. Ob. 634. Eogan, Mar. 15, Sancti Eugenii, Mart. Taml. abb. of Movilla, May 31. 'Eogatt ep\scopus et sap/tv/j- Maigi Cremh- caill [leg. Bile], Mart. Taml. bp. of Ardstraw, Aug. 23. of Lismore, Oct. 16. Eohain (Johannes), Egyptian hermit, Mar. 27. Eoin (Johannes), Jan. 28. ' in Burgundia s. Joannis abbatis' (Baeda). the Baptist, finding head of, P>b. 24 ; nativity of, June 24 (vigil, June 23) ; octave, July I ; decapitation of, Aug. 29. (John Chrysostom), bp. of Constantinople, Jan. 27, the day on which his relics were translated, a.d. 438 June 25, perhaps Cardinal Johannes Paparo, FM. 1151 Eoin, s. of Carlan, Aug. 17, p:olaing, of Lecan Midi, Dec. 29, Eulaing, Mart. Taml. (LL. i INDEX OF PERSONS. 357 Eolog (Eulogius), mart, at Constantinople, July 3. Epafra (Epaphras), bp. of Colossae, July 19 (Ado and Usuard). Epairch (Eparchius), a recluse of Egolisma (Angoulenie), July i. See Greg. Tun Hist. Franc, vi. 8, ed. Arndt, where he is called ' Ebarchius reclau- sus Ecolesinensis.' Epectitus, Alay 23 = Epitacius, Mart. Rom., bp. and mart, at .^mbratia, now Plasentia, in Estremadura. Epimaich (Epimachus), May 10, mart, at Rome with Gordianus. Dec. 12, mart, at Alexandria. cpscoip Cille Tidil ('bishops of Cell Tidil'), Nov. I. Cluana Caa, Oct. 3. 6 Chluain Emaint, July i. 6 Thamnaig, July 21. 6 Thig na comairce, May 28. in Aelmaig, Aug. 23. Eraist (Erastus), July 26, bp. of Philippi, and see Rom. xvi. 23 Erasmus, June 3, bp. and mart, in Campania. (Usuard.) Erbericht (Hereberht ?), Mar. 18. Probably some Sa\on saint who settled in Ireland. Ere, gen. Eire, f. of Lugaid, Ap. 17. Nasca, of Telach lis. May 12. Here Nasci .i. i Telaig lis, Mart. Taml. — sac, July 13. bp., Sep. 17, of Domnach mor maige Damairne (D. m. maige Coba, Mart. Taml.) Oct. 2. Here epscop, Mart. Taml. virg., d. of Sinell, of Miliuc, Oct. 24. bp. of Domnach mor Maige Luadat, Oct. 27. SMne, bp. of Lilcach, Nov. 2. Ob. 512. f. of Mogain, Nov. 15. Ercenualdus, Ap. 30, bp. of London and conf. Ercnat, virg., of Dun da en, Jan. 8, Oct. 30. Ereclach, Mar. 3, et sic Mart. Taml. Erecleach, Mart. Don. h-Erein (Irenaeus), Mar. 25, bp. of Sirmium and mart. (Irene), May 5, where the ' twoh-Erens' are two virgins named Irene, one martyred at Thessalonica, temp. Diocletian, the other at Ephesus. h-Erenis (Irene^, Ap. 5, virg. and mart, at Thessalonica. Erennan, of Tech Erenndin in Meath, Aug. 11. Airerain sapientis et abbatis Tamlachtan post M[a]elruain, Mart. Taml. Oct. 27. Airennain o Thig Airennain im-Midi, Mart. Taml. Hence it appears that the Erennan mentioned at Aug. 1 1 is the same as the Erennan at Oct. 27. Eretnat (MS. Erednat), Ap. 10. Herednat, Ma?-L Don. Eretnatan, Mart. Taml. (Br.). The 'Erednaton' of LL. is probably an error of the facsimilist. See Colgan, Acta SS. 11, 13, where she is identified with an ' Ernait ' d. of a king of Ciannacht. Ermedach, abb. of Craeb Laisre, Jan. i. Ob. 681. abb. of Cunga, June 8. Ermengilda (Eormenhilde), virg. and abbess of Ely, Feb. 13. Ermogin (Hermogenes), Ap. 19, mart, in Armenia. Ermogoir (Hermagoras), July 12, bp. and mart, at Aquileia. Ernach, s. of Echen, Oct. 30, gen. sg. Airnich, Mart. Taml. Erndin or Ernfn (Ernine, Mart. Taml.)., s. of Coeman, Jan. 1 1. of Cludin Deochra, Jan. 1 1. of Tech Ernain, Jan. 17. Enain 7 hErni'n o Thig Ultain, Mart. Taml. of Midluachair, Oct. 26 ^ t'Ernoc of Cell na sacart. Ob. 714. s. of Aed, May 16. 3S8 INDEX OF PEKSOKS. Ernan, Aug. 17, of Torach {Tory Island), Marl Don. Ernen, bp., Jan. 26. Cass, of Lethglenn, Feb. 23. — Feb. 28. Ernini ingen Airchinn, eadem et Febair, Mart. Tnnil bp., Ap. 12. Erneni episcopi, Mart. Taiiil. May 12. of Cremchaill, May 31. Ernm, of Cliiain, June 4. — — — of Cluain find, June 28. July I. of Inis Cdin, July 13. of Cluain Railgech, Aug. 5. • of Rdith Noi, Aug. 18. sons of, Sep. 22. hua Bnuin, Sep. 27. s. of Findchdn, and abb. of Lethglenn, Nov. 12. s. of Dub, Nov. 13. s. of Senach, Dec. 14. Another Ernin, Dec. 23. Ernoc : mo Ernoc, s. of Decell, Dec. 23. Esconn, bp. of Bochluain, Nov. 20. Esic (Hesychius), June 15, mart, at Dorostorum, Nov. 18, mart, at Antioch. Esippus (Hegesippus), conf., Ap. 7, ' the father of Church history.' h-Estras (Esdras), prophet, July 13. Esudir (Isidorus), bp. of Antioch and mart., Jan. 2 (Ado, Usuard). Etdin, virg., of Tudim Noa, July 5. Ethchen, bp. of Cludin Fota, Feb. 11. Ethcen, Mart. Don. Ob. 577. Ethelburga (yEdilberg), virg. and abbess of Brie, July 7. Filia 'regis Orientalium Anglorum, cujus Beda meminit libro III ' [c. viii] (Auct. ad Usuard.). virg., abbess of Barking, Oct. 11. Ethirn, bp. of Domnach mor mac Laithbi, May 27. Ethne (MS. Etne), Feb. 26. Eithne, Mart. Don. Euagair (Euagrius), mart, at Tomi, Ap. 3. Euantius, abb., Oct. 14. Perhaps the archdeacon of Toledo fcirc. 720), whom Fabricius calls a Spanish abbot, and whose letter to the Judaizing Christians of Saragossa is printed by Migne, Pat. Lat. Ixxxviii. 719. Euchair (Eucharius), bp. of Trier or Treves, Dec. 8. Euchbrict, Edbrict (Eadberht), May 5. This, no doubt, is the Eadberht who succeeded Cuthbert in a.d. 688 as bp. of Lindisfarne, though his day is May 6 in the Roman calendar. Eucheir (Eucherius), bp. of Tours and conf., Mar. 27 (Usuard). June 14, not known at this day. Eucherius, Nov. 16, bp. of Lyons, in the 5th century. Eueint (Eventius), Feb. 4, perhaps a mistake for Aueint = Aventinus, whose day is Feb. 4. presb. and mart, at Rome, May 3. Eufemia (Euphemia), Mar. 31. Not known. virg. and mart, in Chalcedonia, Ap. 13 (Baeda). . virg. and mart, at Chalcedon, Sep. 16. Eufrais (Euphrosyna), virg. and mart, at Alexandria, Feb. 11. . (Euphrosius), mart, at Carthage, Mar. 14. Eufrasina (Euphrosyna), Jan. i, virg. mart, at Alexandria. Eugan (Eugenius), mart, in Africa with Aquilinus, Jan. 4. bp., Ap. 18. Eugeni episcopi. Mart. Tanil. Eogan, Mart. Hon. eccnaid, May 28, Eogan sapiens, Mart. Tanil. Eugan.in, of Ard Leccach, Dec. 20. INDEX OF PERSONS. 359 Eugein (Eugenius), Nov. 15, mart. ' in pago Parisiacensi ' (Auct. ad Usuard.). Eugen (Eugenius), Jan. 24, mart, with Mardonius, Muso and Metellus at Neocaesarea. — bp. of Carthage, July 13 (Usuard). a pilgrim, Dec. 26. Eugenia, virg. and mart, at Rome, Dec. 25. Eugenius, Mar. 20, mart, in Syria, with Paulus and others. I., pope, May 24. His day in the Roman martyrology is June 3. Euhel, s. of Dubthach, Nov. 14, gl. 3. Euilais (Euilasius), mart, with Fausta ' in Cyzico insula,' Sep. 20. Eulail (Eulalia), virg. and. mart, at Barcelona, Feb. 12. Aug. 16. Not known. Sep. II. Not known. Eulalia, Dec. 10, virg. and mart, at Emerita (Merida) in Spain. Eulog (Eulogius), deac. and mart, at Tarragona, Jan. 21. presb. and mart, at Cordova, Sep. 20. Eunus, Feb. 27, mart, with S. Julianus at Alexandria. Euoid (Evodius), May 6, bp. and mart, at Antioch. June 19. Not known, unless the 'Evoli' of Hicron. Mart, is a mistake for Evodi. Euolan (Epulonius), Jan. 24, one of the three boys martyred with S. Babylas at Antioch. Euphrosyna, see Eufrais, Eufrasina. Euplus, Aug. 12, deac. and mart, at Catania. Eupreip (Euprepius), Sep. 27, mart, at Aegea with his brothers Cosmas and Damianus. Euproib (Euprobus), Ap. 30, bp. and mart, apud Sanctonas (at Saintes). Euseib (Eusebius) Palatinus, mart, at Antioch, Mar. 5. June 21, bp, and conf. at Caesarea Palestinae. bp. at Vercelli, Aug. i. presb. and conf. at Rome, Aug. 14. mart, at Rome, Aug. 25. pope and conf, Sep. 26 (sic Mart. Rom). Oct. 2 (sic Auctaria ad Usuardum), the date of his burial. Oct. 22, mart, at Adrianople. Nov. 5, monk and mart, in Campania. Nov. 12, in Caesarea Cappadociae (Auct. ad Usuard.). Nov. 27. Probably the Syrian martyr at Nov. 28, Hicron. Mart. Eustaich (Eustachius), July 16, bp. and conf. at Antioch. mart, at Rome, Nov. 2 (Usuard). Eustais (Eustasius), abb. of Luxeuil, Mar. 29 (Usuard). Ob. A.D. 625. (Eustasius), abb. of Luxeuil, Ap. 2 (Usuard). Is this the same as the Eustais of Mar. 29 ? Eutaic (Eutyches), mart, at Rome, Ap. 15. Eutian (Eutychianus), pope and mart., Dec. 8. Eutic (Eutychius), June 4, mart, at Nivedunum (Usuard). — ■ (Eutyches), Sep. 19, mart, in Italy (Ado, Usuard). (Eutychius), Sep. 29, mart, in Thrace. Euticc (Eutychius), Oct. 5, mart, at Messina with Placidus. Dec. 28, presb. and mart, at Ancyra. Eutimus (Euthymius), deac. of Alexandria, May 5. Eutroip (Eutropius), Sep. 18. Not known. Eutruip (Eutropius), May 27, bp. and mart, at Arausio in (}aul. Euuald, da, Oct. 3. Baeda's ' Black Heuuald ' and ' White Heuuald.' Euurt (Evurtius), bp. of Orleans and conf., Sep. 7. Exsuper (Exsuperius), bp. and conf. at Toulouse, Sep. 28. 36o INDEX OF PERSONS. Exupeir (Exsuperius), mart, at Vienna with Felicianus, Nov. 19. Ezechiel the prophet, Ap. 10. Fabian (Fabianus), pope and mart., Jan. 20. Fachtna, bp. of Nua-chongbail, Jan. ig. f. of Midu, Feb. 17, gl. 4. of Craebech, Mar. 3. daughters of, Aug. 3. son of Mongach, bp. and abb. of Dairinis, Aug. 14. — s. of Dubthach, of Cell Tomma, Nov. 14, gl. 3. i- aelan, of Cliiain Moescna, Jan. 9. Aug. 26. He is twice commemorated also in Mart. Taml. and Mart. Don. Mar. 31. Faelani fili Aeda, Mart. Taml. Find, of Cell Colmai, May 5. Two other Faelans, May 28, June 6. the Dumb, of Raith Erenn, June 20. Another FaeUln, June 23. Aug. 24. Nothing seems known of him. • of Rdith Aidne, Sep. 30. Another FaeMn, Sep. 30. Oct. 1 2, gen. Failain, Mart. Taml. — Oct. 19. Failani sancti. Mart. Taml. — Fursa's brother, abb. and mart., Oct. 31. See Foillan. Nov. 5. Of him nothing seems known. Faelchu, bp. Ap. 30, gen. Failchon episcopi. Mart. Taml. (LL.). May 23, gen. Fa.o\con, Mart. Taml. (Br.). July 20, gen. Faelcon, Ma7't. Taml. (Br.). ■ of Findglais, Sep. 24. Ob. 758, gen. Failchon Findglasi, Mart. Taml. Fael-dobair, see Ael-dobair. The F is prosthetic. Faelend (Foelend ?), Mar. 3, Foilend, virg., Mart. Taml. (Br.), meaning '' sJie-wolf (cf. muirenn) ox gull f Failend, d. of Eogan, at Nov. 13. Faethleg, Dec. 20. Faoithleg Ian, Alart. Don. (misprinted Faoithlcghm). Falbe, F^ilbe, Jan. 11. of Erdam, Feb. 8. Ap. 8. Ob. 766. ■ Becc ' Little,' Mart. Taml. Mar. 10, also called Fedlimid, who became (according to Reeves' Col. 385) coadjutor abbot of lona in 722. Mar. 22, s. of Pipdn, eighth abb. of lona. Ob. 679. Ap. 16, gen. Falbi, Mart. Taml. Ap. 29, gen. Falbi, in Inis, Mart. Taml. of Tobacht, June 19. s. of Derbdara, alias Mael doid, June 29. of Cell eo, June 30. s. of Ciilocha, of Disert mac Conlocha, July 1 1. s. of Crac dibech, July 18, mac Cruaich dibich, Mart. Taml. ■ July 20, where Failbe rimes with dirmc, s. of Lussen, of Inis mor, Aug. i, gl. 6. s. of Rondn, Sep. 4. Failbhi, ma\c Ronain .i. Cluain Airbelaigh, Mart. Taml. Fililend, d. of Eogan, Nov. 13 = Faelend, q.v. Failtigern, virg.. Mar. 17. Fainche Garb, virg., of Ross Airthir, Jan. i. virg., of Cluain Cdi, Jan. 21. P^aithlenn, s. of Aed DamAn, June 4. deac, Sep. 5. See Mart. Don. Fallamoin, bp., July 31. Follamain, Mart. Don.., Follomon, lilart. Taml.., according to which he and Pdpdn were sons of Nathfraech. Fandila, June 13, presb. and mart, at Cordova. Fatuel, Ap. 5. Not identified. INDEX OF PERSONS. 361 Faust (Faustus), Sep. 28, Oct. 13, mart, at Cordova with Martialis and Januarius {Ia?tair). Fausta, Sep. 20, mart, at Cyzicus with Evilasius. Faustin (Faustinas), mart, at Brescia, Feb. 15. bp. of Brescia, and conf., Feb. 16. July 29, mart, at Rome, with Simplicius his brother, and Beatrix his sister. mart, at Milan, Aug. 7. Sep. 26, his natalis, Hicroit. Mart. Oct. 7. Prob. the mart, at Antioch in Hieroii. Mart.., Oct. 8. Faustus, May 20, depositio Vellesi et Fausti episcoporum, Hiero7t. Mart. ■ Oct. 8, Faustinus, Fel. Oeng.., mart, at Antioch. Oct. 13. See Faust supra. Nov. 19, deac. and mart, in Spain, Hieron. Mart. Nov. 26, mart, at Alexandria with bp. Petrus and Dius or Didius. Febe (Phoebe), Sep. 3, the deaconess, Rom. xvi. i, 2. Febrithe, July 30. Febrithea, Mart. Taml. Fechein, sac, Aug. 2. Fechine sacart, Mart. Taml., Feichin, Mart. Don. Fechin, abb. of Fobar, Jan. 20, Fechini Fobair, Mart. Taml. Ob. 664. Irish Life, Rev. Celt. xii. 318. maccu Cdinche, of Lemmag, Feb. 19. sac, Feb. 22. Feicin sacart. Mart. Taml. ua Lugba, Dec. 28. Fechini vcxac hzn' Lugbe, Mart. Taml. Fedbair, virg., of Botha eich Raichnig, Nov. 6, and LL. 354'' 17. Fedchii of Uam Fubi, July 6 ; seems the ' Fedchon/z niadh ' of Mart. Taml. F'edelm, virg., Dec. 9, d. of Ailill, of Cellna n-ingen. Feidlimid (metathesis of / in Fedilmid), of Cell mor, Aug. 3. Dec. 20, gen. Feidelmtho, Mart. Don. (LL.) Fedilmid, Aug. 9, Feidhlimidh, of Cell mor dithruib, Alart. Don. ■ son of Crimthann, Aug. 28. of Domnach, Oct. 30. Dec. 23, Feidhlimidh, Mart. Don. P^eithmech, of Cell Tuamma, Mar. 16. Episcopi Feithm^/c o Chill Tuamma, Mart. Zrtw/. (LL.) Felic (Felix), presb. and conf at Nola in Campania, Jan. 14. Jan. 20, mart, at Nicomedia, Hieron. Alart. Jan. 23, probably the Spanish mart, at Jan. 22 in Hieron. Mart. Feb. 21, mart, in Africa (Baeda). Mar. 16, bp. of Aquileia and mart. (Usuard.) — • Mar. 31, mart, in Africa (Baeda). Ap. 21, saint, of Alexandria. Ap. 23, mart, at Valence with Achilleus and Fortunatus. May 4, mart, in Africa (Baeda). May 5. Felicissima, mart, in Africa, Hieron. Mart. May 8, mart, at Milan, Hieron. Mart. May 18, bp., mart, at Spoleto. May 24, mart, in Istria with Silvanus. May 28, saint in Sardinia : commemorated with Priamus, Lucianus and Aemilius. ■ May 30, pope and mart, at Rome. June II, mart, at Aquileia with Fortunatus. June 20, at Tomi, Hieron. Mart. June 23, presb. and mart, in Tuscany. July 10, son of Felicitas. pope and mart, at Rome, July 29. Aug. I, mart, at Gerona in Spain. 362 INDEX OF PERSONS. Felic, Aug. 6, prob. the Roman martyr at Aug. 7 in Hicron. Ma?-t. Aug. 14, mart, in Aquileia (Baeda). Aug. 27, mart, at Cordova, a.d. 852. Aug. 30, presb. and mart, at Rome with Adauctus. Sep. 19, mart, with Constantia at Nuceria in Campania. Sep. 24, mart, at Autun. Oct. 3, mart, in Africa (Baeda). Oct. 24, mart, in Nicomedia (Baeda). Nov. 5, presb. and mart, at Tarracina. Nov. 6, mart, at Toniza in Africa. Nov. 1 5, bp. and mart, at Nola. FeHcidn (Fehcianus), Feb. 2, mart, at Rome with Fortunatus and Firmus. June 9, mart, at Rome with Primus. Nov. 19, mart, at Vienne with Exsuperius and Severus (-ianus?). • Fehcitas, Mar. 7, mart, at Tuburbo in Mauritania with Perpetua. Nov. 23, mart, under Antoninus. Fehcula, Feb. 14, mart, at Rome with Zeno and \'italis. June 13, virg. and mart, at Rome. Femdid, June 2, where it rimes with nia-gil. Femme, virg. and mart. Sep. 17. Mart. Don. calls her the d. of Cairell. She seems to have been confounded with S. Euphemia (virg. and mart. under Diocletian), whose day likewise is Sep. 17. "Euphemia .i. Feme vv. et martyres ambas (misprinted ambo), 16 seu 17 Septembrzj," Brussels MS. 5095-5096, fo. 115^ Femmor, virg., of Cliiain Grencha, Jan. 18. Femmair, Mart. Taml. Feradach, gen. Feradaig, f. of Aed, Feb. 12, gl. 7. d. of. Mar. 23. Fer da chrich (' man of two districts '), Mar. 30. ■ May 18, gen. Fir da chrich. Mart. Taml. • May 31. — bp., Aug. 1 5 ; the name of bp. Maccarthinn of Clochar, when he was abbot of Dairinis {Mart. Don.). Aug. 30. Another Fer dd chrich, Sep. 9. of Daire na Flann, Oct. 6. Two others, Nov. 3, Nov. 1 5. Ferdomnach of Tuaim da ualann, June 10. Fer-fesa (' man of knowledge ') O Maoilconairc, p. 2, one of the Four Masters. Of him, says O'Donovan (FM. Introductory Remarks, p. xxviii), ' nothing is known, but that he was a native of the county of Roscommon, and a hereditary antiquary.' Fer-fugill ('man of judgment '), Mar. 10, gen. Firfuighill e-i^scuip., Alart. Taint.., of Clondalkin, bp. Ob. 783 or 789. See Colgan Acta SS. 577, FM. 784. Fergna, daughters of, Jan. 7. — Britt, Mar. 2, fourth abbot of lona. Ob. 623. sac, Sep. 18. See Mart. Don. f. of Sinech, Oct. 5, gl. i. presb., Oct. 11. Crumthir .i. Fergnae, Mart. Taml. Fergus, abb., Jan. 20. s. of Oengus, Feb. 15. ^Another Fergus, Mar. 23. — of (Inis ciiin on Loch) Erne, Mar. 29. Mar. 30, bp. of Druim Lethglaise, a.d. 583, Mart. Don. ■ July 5, gen. Fergusa o hUamaigh, Mart. Taml. ■ July 19, gen. Fergusa sancti, Mart. Taml. Cruthnech (' the Pict '), Sep. 8. s. of Guairc, Sep. 10. of Inis Incsclainn, Nov. 10. INDEX OF PERSONS. 363 Festus, June 23, mart, at Rome with Lucia (June 24, Auct. Us.). Sep. 19, deac. and mart, at Naples with Januarius. Dec. 21, a saint in Tuscany, commemorated with Joannes. Fethaid, Mar. 31, gen. Fethaido, Mart. Taml. Fethain of Ciiil Grainc, Dec. 15. Fethan, Mart. Don. Fethchu, July 23 (= Fedchu, July 6?), gen. Espuic Fethcon, Mart. Taml. Fethgna, Feb. 12, a successor of S. Patrick, a.d. 872. Fethi, Aug. 5. Fiacc, bp. of Slebte, Oct. 12. See Bk. of Armagh, fif. 4'' 2, 18' 2, and Trip. Life, pp. 52, 190. Fiacha maccu Cormaic, Dec. 27. Mo Fhiacha mczr \\td Cormaic, Mart. Taml. Fiachna, ancestor of Aed^n, s. of Decill, Jan. i. Mar. 30, gen. Fiachnai, Mart. Taml. Ap. 29, Fiachnae, Mart. Taml. A monk of mo-Chuta's, Ma7-t. Don. Fiachra, Feb. 8, abb. of Congbail Glinne Suilige and Clonard. Plachra, abb. Iraird, Mart. Taml. May 2, abb. of Erard ua nDrona. July 25, Coel of Cliiain Caichtni. July 25, gen. Fiachrach, Mart. Taml. Aug. 30, hermit in Meaux. The Fr. fiacre comes from an image of this saint which was over the gateway of the house in Paris, where Sauvage set up his hackney-carriages in 1640. bp., Sep. 28. Oct. 12, son of Fiacc, q.v. Fiac et Fiachra eius filius cum eo i Sleibti, Mart. Taml. (LL.). gen. Fiachrach, ancestor of Colman, Oct. 27. Fiachraig, Sep. 4, dat. or instr. of Fiachra. Fiadabair, of Uachtar Achaid, July 7. Fiadal, abb. of Cell Achaid Droma Senain, Dec. 24, gen. P^iadaili, abbatis Cille Achaid, Mart. Taml. Fiadnat, virg., Jan. 4. Fiadnatan, Mart. Taml. Nov. 29. Fiadhnat, Mart. Don. Fialan Fertach, Sep. 9. Fidarle hua Suanaig, abb. of Rathen, Oct. i. Ob. 758 (FM.), 762 {Mart. Don.). Fidchellach, gen. -aig, f. of Brelach, Feb. 17, gl. 8. Fidis (Fides), virg. and mart, at Agen, Oct. 6. Fidmuine hua Suanaig, anch. of Rathen, and from Inis Bdithin, May 16, gl. 8 : gen. Fidmuni, Mart. Taml. Ob. 750. Filibertus (Philibertus), Aug. 20, "abbot in the island of Herium in Oaul," Smith and Cheetham, Diet, of Christian Antiquities, p. 1631. Filoron (Philoromus), Feb. 13. This seems to be = Philoromus, a martyr in Egypt, whose day, however, is Feb. 4. Fi'n^n, s. of Rimid, bp. Jan. 8. Ob. 660 (659, FM.). Sax, Jan. 9. s. of Erenn^n, Feb. 12. Ob. 676 (674, FM.). of Druim, mart., Feb. 13, Mart. Don. Lobar, of Swords, Mar. 16. Camm, of Cenn Etig, Ap. 7. From him Derrynane {Doirc Fhinain) is named. s. of Fergna, Oct. 4. v. Colgan Acta SS. 352. s. of Pi'pan, of Rath, Nov. 25. Caue, Dec. 8. Finchell, virg. of Sliab Guairi, Jan. 25. virg.. Ap. 24. 36+ INDEX OF PER SO AS. F'indachta, s. of Uunchad, king^ of Ireland, Nov. 14. Findbarr, May 21, Finnbarri Corcaigi, 'of Cork,' Mart. Taiiil. s. of Aed, abb. of Inis Doimle, July 4. sac, July 25, gen. Finnbairr sacairt. Mart. Taint. ■ — Sep. 9, of Cell Cunga, alias Brodna (I)roednea, Mart. Ta»it.). Sep. 10. Findbarr Maigi, Mart. Tanil. (LL.) Findbeo, Jan. 27. Findbeo Inbir Melgi, Mart. Taint. Findchad, bp.. May 16. bp. of Cell Forgo, Nov. 12. Findchadan, of Ard, Feb. 23. Findchan, Mar. 11. Findcain aircisiremh [leg. airce sirem : tn inarg.'\ .i. Finchani qui fuit in cruciatibus diuturnis, Mait. Taint. bp., of Druim Enaig and Druim Fess, May 17, Epscuip Findchain Dromma Enaig 7 Dromma Feise, Mart. Taint. (LL.). June 4. Yiondchan, 3fart. Don. Oct. 29. Finchain, Findcani, Mart. Taint. Another Findchan, Nov. 8. Findche, virg., Jan. 25. Findche \irgo Slebi Guaire, Mart. Taint. Find-chua, of Bri Gobann, Nov. 25. Fionnchu mac Fionnlogha, Mart. Don. His Irish Life, Lism. Lives, pp. 84-98. Findcritan, of Craebech, Jan. 15. Findchritan Craibige, Mart. Taint. (LL.) Finden, gen. Findein, May 17. Finnen, Mart. Taint. family of, Aug. 31, the death-day of Findn, a monk of Hi who succeeded Aidiln as bp. of Lindisfarne. Findgan, Oct. 24, s. of Airchinnech, gen. Findgain, Mart. Taint. Findicin (=Mael findidin), abb. of Inis P^tric, Feb. 6. Mar. 2. The Finniaui oi Mart. Taint, sug'^gests that this may be the same name as Adamndn's Vinniaiiies, Vita Cot. ii, i, where Reeves prints Vinniano for the Vinniaiio of the Schafifliausen MS. bp. of Mag Bile, Sep. 10. Also at Feb. 11, where he is called Finnia. Finnio mac hiii Fiatach, Mart. Taint. (LL.). Commemorated also at Feb. II, where he is called Finnia. bp. Sep. 27. Finniaui, Mart. Taint. — abb. of Clonard, Dec. 12. Ob. 548. His Irish Life, Lism. Lives, pp. 75-83- Dec. 29. Uinniauii Senis, Mart. Taint. (LL.) Findlug, s. of Diman, of Tamlachta Findloga, Jan. 3 : of Dun Blesci, ace. to Mart. Taint. May II, gen. Findlogo, Mart. Taint. of Cliiain maic Feicc, June 7. Another Nov. 13. Findmac, bp. Nov. 10. P^indsech, of Sliab Guari, Oct. 13. virg., of Cruachan Maige Abna, Nov. 9. Fingen, s. of Odran Febla, Feb. 5. Finna, da Finna, s. of Deckln, June 9. Finnech Duirn, bp. of Cell Finnche, Feb. 2. Finni, of Druim licce, presb. Feb. 9 (Finnia? Finnu ?), Crumthir Finnai Droma licci. Mart. Taint. F'innia, bp. of Mag bile, Feb. 11. Finn(i)ani (i\>\scopi Maige bile. Mart. 'Taint. Commemorated also at Sep. 10, where he is called Findidn. Finntain, bp. and abb., an alias of Munnu = mo Findu, Oct. 21, gl. i. Ob. 634. Finnu, s. of Arath, July 13. Fi'noc, s. of Cuacha, Oct. 4. Mo Finoc mac Cuacha, Mart. Taint. Fintan, s. of Eochaid, Jan. i. Fintan mac Echdach o Bealach, J/irir/. Taint. s. of Toicthech, Jan. i. Fintain m^/c Toichthig, Mart. Taml. INDEX OF PERSOAS. 365 Fintan, of Diin Blesci, Jan. 3. sac, of Cluain Cain, Feb. 7. hua Echach, abb. of Clonenagh, Feb. 17. Corach, bp. of Clonfert, Feb. 21. Bel na psalm, Mar. 27. of Cluain Ciiin, May 11. presb., of Cell airthir, July 13. sac, of Focuillech, July 18. of Ard Cain, Sep. 8. Sep. 19, abb., s. of Aed Finnliath, Mart. Don. s. of Coppan, Sep. 27. Oct. I. Fionntain, Mart Don. abb., Oct. 9. Fionntain mac Tail, Mart. Don. abb. of Druim Ing, Oct. 10. maeldub, Oct. 20, gen. Fintain maelduib, Mart. Tamt. (LL.). But Mart. Don. treats Fintan and Maeldub as the names of two different saints. Nov. 7. Fionntain, Mart. Don. Nov. 9. Fionntan, Mart. Don. of Lemchaill, Nov. 16. s. of Luined, Dec. 14. Fintin, Oct. 10. f^intina, Oct. 15. virg., of Cluain Guthbind, Nov. i. Firm (Firmus), Feb. 2, mart, at Rome with Fortunatus. Firmait (Firmatus), deac, depos. at Auxerre, Oct. 5. (Usuard.) Firmus, Jan. 9 := Firminus, mart, at Smyrna (Baeda). Ap. 6, mart, at Nicea (Baeda). Aug. 9, mart, at Verona (Baeda). Fland Find, of Cuillenn, Jan. 14. bp. in Findglass, Jan. 21. Ap. 20, gen. Flaind, Mart. Taml., said to be son of Mael diiin. If so, he was 24th abb. of lona, though Colgan, Tr. Thaiini. p. 481% n. 24, says that his festival was Ap. 24. Becc, July 17. In Mart. Taml. (Br.) this is Flainni Inber Becce. of Oentreb, abb. of Bennchor, Dec. 15. Ob. 728.^ (722, FM.) s. of Forcellach, Dec. 21, gen. Flaind va.eic FairchelAz/^, Mart. Taml. Fland^n, of Cell Aird, Mar. 14. Nov. 5. conf., of Cell da Lua, Dec. 18, gen. Flannain nxeic Tairdel/^cw]^, Mart. Taml. (LL.). Flauia, May 8. Not known. Flauian (Flavianus), Jan. 30, mart, at Centumcellae (Civita Vecchia). (Flaviana), Oct. 5, virg. and mart, at Auxerre with her br. Firmatus. Flauius, May 7, bp. and mart, at Nicomedia, with his brothers Augustinus and Augustus. Fled, virg. of Tech Flede, Sep. 12. Flora, virg. and mart, at Cordova, with Maria, Nov. 24. Floreint (Florentius), Jan. 3, eighth bp. of Vienne and mart. (Ado). (Florentinus), Ap. 6. (Hieron. Mart.) (Florentius), Oct. 10, mart, at Bonn with Cassius. Dec. 30. ' In Insula S. Florentii,' etc. (Baeda), when ' Insula ' means the country between I sere and the Rhone. Florian (Florianus), May 4, mart, in Noricum Ripense (Usuard). Aug. 4. Not known at this day. Aug. 5. (Hieron. Mart, and Baeda.) 366 INDEX OF PERSONS. Florins (Florus), Jan. 23, mart, at Neocaesarea in Macedonia, along with his parents Severianus and Aquila. Foca (Phocas, ^cokost), Mar. 5, mart, at Antioch. July 14, bp. of Sinope and mart. Foelan. See Faelan. Foendelach, Sep. 18, Faoindealach, Mar/. Don. gen. Foindelaig, Mart. Tatiil. Foenir, of Domnach Foinir, Oct. 29, gen. Fonere Domnaig, Mart. Taint. Foillan, brother of S. Fursa, Jan. 16, = Baeda's Fidlanus (H. E. iii, 19), is spelt Foelan at Oct. 31. Forann^in, of Cell Ae, Dec. 22. Forannan Cille Eae, Mati. Taint. Forbrig, Nov. 13. Forcellach of Fobar, Jmie 10. f. of Fland, Dec. 21. Fordeoir, virg., Oct. 30, gen. Fordeorach, FM. 1025. Forond^n, abb. of Clonard, Feb. 12. Foranndn, Mart. Don. Ob. 740. s. of Aed, Feb. 15. Foranndn, Mart. Don. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 4190-4200. Luae, June Fortchern, bp. Oct. 11. Foirtcern, s. of Fedlimid, Mart. Don. Lomman in Ath truim cum suis omnibus et Fortchern, Mart. Tanil. Fortech, Oct. 5. Fortach, Mart. Don.., gen. Forirthech (leg. Foirthich ?) Mart. Tanit. (LL.) Fortheith, Aug. 1 7, gen. Forthetho, Mart. Tanil. Fortunait (Fortunatus), Feb. 2, mart, at Rome with Firmus. June 1 1, mart, at Aquileia with Felix. Oct. 14, bp. at Todi. Oct. 15, saint of Rome. Oct. 24, lector and mart, at Venosa with Adauctus and Januarius. Fraech (leg. Froech ? ), presb., of Cliiain CoUaing, Dec. 20. Frimus (Primus), Jan. 3. Mart, at Peparethus in the Hellespont. Froechan, bp. of Inis maic Erca or of Bochliiain, Nov. 20. Frontoin (Fronto), Oct. 25, saint of Perigord ? Fronton, Ap. 14, abb. at Alexandria. Frossach, anch., Ap. 11 : gen. Frossaig anchoritae, Mart. Taml. (LL.) Fructuosus, Jan. 21, bp. and mart, in Spain with Augurius and Eulogius. Frumeint (Frumentius), Mar. 23, mart, in Mauritania. Fuidbech, son of Cillin, Feb. 4. Fuilen, of Drummfota, Ap. 24. Fuilen Drummfota meic Coelbad, Mart. Tanil. (LL.). Fuilgeint (Fulgentius), Jan. i,a bp. in Africa. Fuillen, Jan. 12. Fuillen, Mart. Taint. Fuillenn, of Ath ind eich, July 23. Fullenn Atha inn[e]ich, Mart. Tanil. Fulartach, s. of Brecc, bp. of Clonard, Mar. 29. Ob. 774. Dec. 21 anch. FM. 755. Funcch, of Cluain Bronaig, Dec. 11. Funechta, Dec. 19, gen. Funechtae, Mart. Tanil. Furfuir (Porphyrius), Dec. 9, mart, in Africa (Baeda). Furphair (Porphyrins), Aug. 20, teacher of Agapitus (Usuard). Fursa, abb. of Conailli Murthemni, Jan. 16, conf. at Peronne, which the Irish called Cathair Fursa, FM. 774. His Irish Life at Brussels (MS. 2324-40, fo. 50') is a translation from Baeda H. E. iii. 19. See Faehin. Furtunait (Fortunatus), Ap. 23, deac. and mart, at Valence, with Felix and Achilleus. Furudran, in Land Turu (Tuirriu, Mart. Taml.), May 28. INDEX OF PERSONS. 367 Furudriin, abb. of Land Lere, June 18. bp., July 26. saint, July 28. Furudrani sancti, Mart. Tainl. s. of Garbraethach, Nov. 22. Fustais (Fausta ?), Feb. 6 ; seems a mixture of Faiista and Eulasius, names of martyrs at Cyzicus, commemorated on that day. Gabin (Gabinius), Feb. 19, presb. and mart, at Rome. Gabinus, May 30, mart, with Crispolus in Sardinia. Gabr^in, s. of Dubthach, Nov. 14, gl. 3. Gabrein, June 24, supposed to be a fellow-student of mo Chua of Balla. Gabthene, virg., July 11. Gaius Palatinus, mart. Mar. 4 (Usuard). Mar. 10, mart, at Apamea (Usuard). pope, mart, at Rome, Ap. 22. Name spelt Gaigus., Galba A. xviii. Oct. 4, mart, at Corinth with Crispus. Galla, May 5. Not known on this day. Perhaps the Galla martyred at Byzan- tium, whose day is May 8. Gallenic (Galenicus), Jan. 28, mart, at Apollonia with Leucius and Thyrsus. Galilean (Gallicanus), June 25, mart, at Alexandria. Gallus, of Loch Techet, Ap. 4. Gall Locha Teiget, Mart. Taint. ■ Nov. 2. Perhaps another Irish (Sail. Or he may be Gallus the 23d bp. of Clermont, whose day, however, is Nov. i. Gamaliel, St. Paul's preceptor (Acts xxii, 3), Aug. 3, the day of the invention of his relics at Jerusalem. Garalt of Mayo, abb. and bp.. Mar. 13, = Geraldus, Colgan Acta SS. 599. Garb, gen. Gairb, Oct. 21, gl. 3, ancestor of Silldn. Garb^n, abb. of Achad Aball, Mar. 26, Colgan Acta SS. 750, 751. Ap. 17. Here Mart. Taml. has Aedait mac Garbain. We should therefore, perhaps, read Garbhdin gradgein., and translate ' Carbon's loveable offspring,' scil. AecMn. May 14. Garbani, Mart. Tainl. daughters of, May 17. sac, of Kinsaley, July 9. Another Garban, Nov. 21. Gaudentia, virg. saint at Rome, Aug. 30 (Usuard). Gaugeric (Gaugericus), bp. and conf at Cambray, Aug. 11 (Usuard). Gedion (Gideon), fifth Judge of Israel, Sep. i. Gelais (Gelasius), Feb. 4, mart, at Rome. ■ — pope, Nov. 18. Ob. 496. Gelasius := Gilla mac liac, a successor of S. Patrick, Mar. 27. Ob. 1173 (FM.)or 1 174 (ALC). Gel-chhi ('fair-fame'), Nov. 16. Nothing seems known of this saint, save that her name is misspelt in the edition of Mart. Don. Gemin (Geminus), Jan. 4, mart, in Africa (Usuard). Feb. 4, mart, at Rome (Usuard). Geminian (Geminianus), Sep. 16, mart, at Rome with Lucia. Gemma, Sep. 18. Not known. Genis (Genesius), a catechumen mart, at Aries, Aug. 25, ' in ripa fluminis Rhodani decollatus, martyrii gloriam, proprio cruore baptizatus, accepit,' (Ado). Genoc, mo Genoc, bp. of Cell duma gluinn, Dec. 26. (jenovefa, patron-saint of Paris, Jan. 3. Ob. 512. Now called Genevieve. Genten, sac, of Tir (iuairi, Sep. 2. Colgan, Tr. Thaiini. 180 n., 149. The name seems Gentianus hibernicised. But Colgan identifies it with Genifhenn (leg. Getntene), Trip. Life 144 =: Geintine, Bk. Arm. 18'' 2. Georgius, Ap. 23, mart, at Diospolis in Persia (Nicomedia), the patron saint of England. Irish Life, Egerton 91, fo. ir\ 368 INDEX OF PERSONS. Geran (Gerdn?), sons of, Ap. i. Gerion (Gereon), Oct. lo, mart, at Cologne (Baeda, Ado, Usuard). German, s. of Goll, bp. of Mann, July 30. German mac Guill, MiD't. Taml. (Germanus), Ap. 6. Not identified. bp. of Paris and conf., May 28. bp. of Auxerre and conf, tutor of S. Patrick, July 31. Oct. I, 'translatio sanctorum confessorum German! et Remigii, quorum prior Autisiodorensem, alter uero Remensem rexit ecclesiam,' Usuard. Oct. 23, mart, in Spain with Servandus. Oct. 29. Mart, at Nicomedia, Oct. 30 {Hieron. Marf.). Oct. 30, bp. of Capua. Germanic (Germanicus), Jan. 19, mart, at Smyrna with Polycarp. Geront (Gerontius), Jan. 19, mart, in Africa (Auct. ad Usuard.). Aug. 25, bp. of Italica, i.e. Sevilla la Vieja (Usuard). Gertrudis, Mar. 18, virg. and first abbess of Nivelle in Brabant. Her day in Baeda and Mart. Rom. is Mar. 17. Ob. circ. 660. Geruais (Gervasius), June 19, mart, with Protasius at Milan. Gilasius, Gelasius. See Gilla mac liac. Gildard, Aug. 24, presb. and conf of Luperciacum (Leurcy) in territorio Nivernensi (Nevers), Auct. ad Usuard. Gildardus, June 8, bp. of Rouen. Gildas, Nov. 4. Not known, probably some Irish saint. Gilla mac liac. Mar. 27, gl. 5. See Gelasius. Gilla mo Chdidbeo, Mar. 31, gl. 4. Also called Machabeus, abb. of the monastery of Paul and Peter, Armagh. Ob. 11 74. Gillibert, June 24, mart, near Paris. Glunsalach, June 3. Gobban, s. of Nasc, Mar. 17. Colgan, Acta SS. 63. abb. of Airdne Dairinse, Mar. 26, May 30. Mar. 30. Gobbain episcopi. Mart. Taml. Ap. I. Gobbani sancti, Mart. Taml. ■ Becc, July 16. Another Gobban, Nov. 5. Find, of Cell Lamraige, Dec. 6. Gobbnat, virg., Feb. 1 1, where the glossator says that her church was at Moin Mor in the south of Ireland, i.e. probably Moanmore near Mallow. Goibnen, May i, Colmani .i. Gobnini, Mart. Taml. (LL.), as if Goibnen or Gobnfne were a nickname for Colman. Goibnenn of Tech Scuithin, May 23. Goll, gen. Guill, f. of Cobair ? July 3°- . Goran, Nov. i. Unknown. The name, like Garde, is a dimin. oi gor. (iordian (Gordianus), May 10, mart, at Rome with Epimachus. Gorgoin (Gorgonius), Mar. 12. Et A'ingelosini . . . L'j\.\Y<^on\, Hieron. Mart. Sep. 9, mart, at Nicomedia. Gormdn, of Cell Gormdin, Oct. 25. In Hibernia natale . . . Sancti Gonnani confessoris et peregrini et sanctissimi viri, Dntmm. Kal. Gormgal, Aug. 5, is perhaps the (jormghal mentioned by FM. A.D. 794, as the successor of Faendelach in the see of .A.rmagh. Goroc, mo Goroc, of Dergne (Delgany), Dec. 23. The name like Goran, is a dimin. oi gor. Grellan, son of Rotdn, Ap. 15. Sep. 17. (irellain episcopi .i. o Laind, Mart. Taml. of Land, Sep. 18. (irellain Lainni, JA?/-/. Taml. He seems to be the same Grellan as commemorated at Sep. 17. INDEX OF PERSONS, 3C9 GrelMn, of Craeb GreMin, Nov. 10, v. O'Donovan, Hy Many^ Dublin, 1843, pp. 8-18. His Irish Life is in the Brussels MS. 4190-4200, fo. 83'^. Grelloc, do Grelloc, of Tamlacht Carna, July 13. The name, like Grelldn^ is a dimin. oi grell, borrowed ixoxngryllus 'a cricket or grasshopper,' Ir. drochec/t. Grigoir (Gregorius), pope, the second of that name, Feb. 13. Ob. 731. bp. of Nyssa, Mar. 9. Magnus, pope, Mar. 12. Ob. 604. Irish Life in Egerton 91, fo. 30''. May 5. Mart, in Africa, Hieron. Mart, of Nazianzus, May 9 (Ado, Usuard). July 3, Thaumaturgus, bp. of Neo-Caesarea. Aug. 14. One of the two presbyters who butied Eusebius in the cemetery of Calixtus, v. Mart. Rom., and Auctaria ad Usuard. twelfth bp. of Auxerre, Dec. 19. Dec. 24, presb. and mart, at Spoleto. Grimbald, July 8. In Ventano monasterio depositio sancti Grimbaldi monachi (Auctaria ad Usuardum). Wintonia ciuitate depositio beati Grimbaldi abbatis et monachi Sithiensis (ibid.). Guaire Becc, s. of Lusren, of Achad Dubthaig, Jan. 9. See Colgan Acta SS. 223, c. 4. Another Guaire Becc, June 22. Guaire Mor, s. of Colmdn, of Achad Dubthaig, Jan. 22. Guariin, July 27. Of him nothing seems known. Guasacht, see Cuasacht. Gubsech of Cluain Bairenn, June 20. Gundenes (Guddene), July 18, virg. and mart, at Carthage (Ado, Usuard). Gundulf, June 17, bp. and conf near Bourges. Guntramnus (Gontramnus), Mar. 28, king of Burgundy. Ob. 593, See Greg. Tur. Hist. Fratic, iv. 3. Gurnim, virg. d. of Cu-gaela, Feb. 22. Gur;;/inni inghen Conghaili, Mart. Tainl., Gurnimh inghen Conghaela, Mart. Don.., where ' Gurnin ' is a misprint. H : for Irish, or Hibernicised names beginning with //, see under the following letter. Hedda (Haeddi), July 7. The fifth bp. of the West Saxons (Baeda H. E. iv. 12, V. 18). Helair (Hilarius), bp. of Gevaudan and conf., Oct. 25 (Usuard). Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, Aug. 18, where it is paroxyton, like '"EXivrj. Helias, Ap. 11, Irish abb. of S. Martin's, Cologne, alias Ailill. Ap. 17, presb. and mart, at Cordova with Paulus. Heliseus, June 14, the prophet Elisha. Heracleas, July 14, patriarch of Alexandria, A.D. 246 (Usuard). Herbert (Hereberht), Mar. 20, priest, anchorite and friend of S. Cuthbert. See Baeda, H. E. iv. 29. Herculan (Herculanus), Sep. 5, saint of Rome. Nov. 7, bp. and mart, at Perugia. Herent (Herentius), Aug. 5. ' In civitate Auxiopoli natale S. Eraclii et Erentii,' Baeda. Hermeit (Hermes), Jan. 21, in Africa {Hieron. Mart.). Oct. 22, mart, at Adrianople with Eusebius and Philip. Hermit (Hermes) Jan. i. Perhaps the exorcist and martyr commemorated on Dec. 31 (Usuard). Hermogin (Hermogenes), Ap. 17, mart, at Antioch with deacon Peter. Hermen, May 9, doubtless a scribal error for Hennas, the name of a supposed bp. of Philippi commemorated on this day. Hermenigild, Ap. 13. Visigoth catholic prince in Spain. Killed a.d. 585. GORMAN, 2 B 370 INDEX OF 'PERSONS. Hermes, Aug. 28, mart, at Rome (Baeda, Usuard). Hermit (Hermes), Jan. i, in Raetia {Hieron. Alari.). Heron, Oct. 17, bp. of Antioch (Ado, Usuard). Hieremias the prophet, May i. Hierius, Nov. 4, presb. at Alexandria (Ado, Usuard). Hilair (Hilaria), Aug. 12, mart, at Augsburg (Ado, Usuard). (Hilarius), Nov. 3, deac. and mart, at Viterbo. Hilarian (Hilarinus), July 16, monk and mart, at Ostia (Baeda). Hilarin (Hilarianus), Aug. 7, deac. and mart, at Arezzo with S. Uonatus. Hilarius, May 5, bp. of Aries and conf. (Ado, Usuard). Ob. 449. Hilda, abbess of Whitby, Nov. 18 Ob. 680. v. Ann. Ult. 712. Honorait (Honoratus), Jan. 16, bp. of Aries. Ob. 429. Honorait (Honoratus), Dec. 30, perhaps a mistake for Honorius, an Alex andrian martyr commemorated on this day (Baeda). Or Gorman may have meant the martyr Honoratus, whose day is Dec. 20.J Humil (Humilis), Mar. 9. Not known at this day. lacint (Hyacinthus, lacinthus), July 26, mart, at Rome, lacinth, Sep. 11, mart, at Rome with Protus. laichinth, Oct. 29, mart, in Lucania, with Quintus and Lucinius (Gorman's ' Lucius ' ?). I icob (Jacobus), Ap. 30, deac. and mart, at Lambessa with Marianus. May I, gen. lacoib, Dec. 27, the apostle, the Lord's brother. the Less, the apostle, s. of Zebedee, July 25. lacop (Jacobus), July 15, bp. of Nisibis in Mesopotamia. lanajr (Januarius), Sep. 28, mart, at Cordova with Faustus and Martialis. lar, ler, S^^d. 29. gen. meic ler episcopi, jMart. Tmnl. (LL.). daughters of, Oct. :'6, where lair (riming with biaid and gliaid) is disyllabic. This points to the loss of intervocalic v or s. Larlaithe, Feb. 11, third bp. of Armagh. Ob. 482. larloga, bp. and ab. at Lismore, Jan. 16. The name is an extension of larliigh., the form in Mart. Don. larnoc, s. of Oengus mac Natfraich, July 31, where the glossator calls him ' the sickly.' In Mart. Tanil. he appears as Idrnoc ailit/iir, uagh in a curp, ' a pilgrim, virginal in his body.' I!)ar, bp. of Begery island, Ap. 23. Ob. a.d. 500 (FM.). The glossator adds 100 years to this saint's fabulous age, which is given as 304 in the Annals. Ichbritt, a scribal error for Icbrict = (Ecgberct). Dec. 8, a Saxon saint, who, as Oengus says, do-n-arlaid tar romuir ' came to us over a great sea.' Id, bp. of Ath Fadat, July 14. lerluga, bp., Nov. 22. Of him nothing seems known, lesse, f. of David, Dec. 29. lesu mac Nun, Joshua, s. of Nun, Sep. i. Iginus (Hyginus), pope, Jan. 10. His day in Mart. Rom. is Jan. 11. Ignait (Ignatius), Jan. 10, a supposed pope. Feb. I, bp. of Antioch and mart, at Rome. Translation to Antioch Dec. 17. Feb. 3, mart, in Africa with Celerinus. lUadan hiia Echach, bp. of Rdith Liphthen, June 10, Illadan vc\az Eacdach o Raith Liphiten, Mart. Tanil. Illathan from the Di'sert 'hermitage,' Feb. 2. Of him nothing seems known. Illin (leg. lUinn ? Ilinn ?), Mar. 22. Ilinni, Ilinn, Mart. Tai/il. I mar hiia Aedac^in, Aug. 13, of Kilmore, says O'Donovan, Mart. Don., p. 218, note I. Imchad, of Cell droichit, Sep. 25. IMchad, Mart. Taml. lomchaidh, Maj-t. Don. INDEX OF PERSONS. 371 Indecht, virg., Aug. 11. Indectae uirginis, Mart. Tanil. Finneacht, Mart. Do?!.., where the F seems prothetic. deac, of Achad bo in Ossory, Sep. 5. Ingein (Ingenuus), Dec. 20, mart, at Alexandria with Ammon and Zeno. ingen Enaig, ' Enach's daughter.' Sep. 9. Of her nothing seems known. ingen Feradaig, ' Feradach's daughter,' Mar. 23. ingena Baiti (' Baite's daughters'), Mar. 29, Ethne and Sodelb, near Swords. ingena Cainnig, of Mag Locha, Sep. 24. ingena Cairbri, Jan. 15. Dorniitatio Itae et fiHarum Cairpre, Mart. Taml. ingena Cathbath, of Aired fota, July 2. Ingena Cathbad i nAiriudh, Mart. Taml. Wrongly Inghen [in the singular] Chathbath, Mart. Don. ingena Coluimb, of Tech ingen Coluimb, Sep. 13. In Mart. Taml. their day is Sep. 14 : Ingena Coluim i Cremthannaib. ingena Ciiain, Ap. 26 =^ Inghena Cuandin, Mart. Taml. Ap. 25 (Br.), ingena Donndin, Aug. 11. Ingena Donnain, il/c?^/. Taml. ingena (MS. banclann) Dutu, Aug. 11, Ingena Dutu, Mart. Taml. ingena Eltin, Mar. 1 5. The glossator's ' tri hinghena Eltin ' (' three daughters of Elti'n') seems a misreading of the ' Tiu (or Tui) ingen Eltine' ('Tiu (or Tui) a d. of Eltine ') of Mart. Taml. ingena Fachtna, of Ernaide, Aug. 3. Mart. Doft. commemorates only one daughter of Fachtna. ingena Fergna, Jan. 7. Ingena Fergnae, Mart. Taml. ingena Ferguis, of Tech ingen Ferguso, May 24 ^ secht n-ingena Fergasa in Inis Celtra, Mart. Taml.., which seems wrong, ingena Garbain, May 17. ingena Lasrein, June 11. ingena Lenin, of Cell Ingen Lenin (KiUiney), March 6. Inghena Lenini, Mart. Taml. They were Druigen, Luigen, Luicell, Macha, Rimtach. ingena Maicc lair of Cell na n-ingen, Oct. 26, where the gloss gives their names. Mart. Taml. locates them in Cell Maignenn (Kilmainham). ingena Maini, of Aired Bainne, July 6. Mart. Taml. gives their names as Dermor, Et[h]ne and Cumman. ingena Mechair, Sep. 6, Mart. Don.., commemorates only one daughter of Mechar. ingena Minguir, June 25. ingena (banchlann) Nadfrdich, Jan. 6, i n-Enuch aird, Mart. Taml. ingena Oengois, Feb. 23. Ingena Oengassa, Mart. Ta)nl. ingena Ossein, of R^ith eich, May 3. Ingena Ossini, i^/ar/. Taml. ingena Senaig, Aug. 11. Ingena Senaich, Mart. Taml. Innocentius I, pope. Mar. 12, commemorated with Gregory the Great, loain (loannes), June 23, presb. and mart, at Rome. July 27, mart, at Ephesus with Maximianus, etc. ■ — — — ■ Aug. 18, presb. and mart, at Rome with Crispus (Ado, Usuard). ■ Sep. 7, mart, at Nicomedia (Ado, Usuard). the Baptist, invention of, Feb. 27 ; nativity of, June 24 ; decollation of, Aug. 29 ; conception of, Sep. 24 ; father of, Nov. 5. See lohain. bp. of Cell airthir, Oct. 24. Epscuip Eoain o Chill airthir, Mart. Taml. of Less mor, Nov. 13. Dec. 21. InThuscia sanctorum loannis et Festi, Mart. Rom. lohain, Dec. 27, the Apostle and Evangelist : octave, Jan. 3 : ad portam Latinam, May 6. lob, the Prophet, May 10. locundian (Jocundianus), July 4, mart, in Africa (Ado, Usuard). lohain (Johannes), Mar. 19, saint and conf at Spoleto. the Baptist, May 25, the day on which the Byzantine calendar com- 2 B 2 372 INDEX OF PERSONS. memorates one of the findings of his head. In the Auctaria to Usuard in the edition of Molanus (Lovanii, 1573) there is the entry : "inventio tertia pretiosi capitis praecursoris," given on the authority of Martyrolo- gium Graecorum. lohain (Johannes), May 28, pope, the second of that name. Ob. 535. His day in Mart. Rom. is May 27. June 26, Constantia's praepositus. lohan, i.e. Eoin mac Carlain of Tech Eoin, Aug. 17. lohanna. May 24. lohanna uxor ' Chuzae, procuratoris Herodis, quam commemorant Evangelistae ' (Usuard). Luke iii. 27. lohel (Joel) proph., July 13 (Ado, Usuard). lonill (lonilla), Jan. 17, mart, at Langres with Speusippus, etc. loseib (Josephus), Mar. 20, saint in Antioch (Baeda). loseph, Jan. 5, bp. of Tallaght. (Josephus), conf., Mar. 19, the spouse of the B. V. Mary. Barsabae, cognomento Justus, July 20. louian (lovianus). May 5, lector and mart, at Auxerre. July 26, is Baeda's Jobianus, 'in Laodicia Phrygiae.' louin (Jovinus), Mar. 2, mart, at Rome with Basileus (Ado, Usuard). Ipolit (Hippolytus), Sep. 11, mart, 'in portu urbis Romae,' Hiero7i. Mart. hirein (Irenaeus), July 3, deac. and mart, at Clusium in Etruria. hiren, Aug. 26, mart, at Rome with Abundius. hireneus (Irenaeus), June 28, bp. and mart, at Lyons. Isac, Ap. 26. Probably the patriarch, commemorated at Jan. 23, and also at intervals of 30 days reckoning from that date throughout the year. Isaias, prophet, July 6. isu. His Circumcision, Jan. i : His Baptism, etc., Jan. 6 : return from Egypt, Jan. 7 : His fast in the wilderness, Jan. 7 : in Egypt, Jan. 9 : His white (or blessed) house, Mar. 19 : His Conception and Crucifixion, Mar. 25 : Cetfaid's song sweet to. May 9 : distribution of Apostles of, July 15: mother of, Aug. 15 : apostles of, Sep. 21, Dec. 21 : taken by Simeon, Oct. 8. See Crist, ita, Ite, virg., of Cluain Credail, Jan. 15. Ob. 570. See Colgan Acta SS. 66-74. Itharnais, of Achad ferta, Jan. 14. Itharnais in Achud ferta, Mart. Tainl., lotharnaisc, Mart. Don. Itharnaisc of Cloenad, Dec. 22. ludoc (Judocus), gen. ludoic, Jan. 9. An Armorican saint, perhaps identical with ' ludoich' and ' ludaich.' ludoich, July 25. Ipso die depositio B. Judoci egregii confessoris (Baeda). " In pago Pontino, inventio corporis sancti Judoci confessoris " (Auctaria ad Usuardum). ludaich, Dec. 13, priest and hermit in Brittany. Ob. 668. In the Auctaria ad Usuardum are cited four of Wandalbert's hexameters, ending Judoch pariter colerisque sacerdos Egregie, Oceani cedunt cui saepe procellae. luil (Julius), Dec. 5, mart, with Potamia at Thagora (Usuard). lulia. May 22, virg. and mart, in Corsica (Usuard). Oct. 7, virg. and mart, in the province ' Augusta Eufratesia ' (Usuard). Dec. 10, virg. and mart, at Merida with Eulalia (Usuard). lulian (Julianus), Jan. 9, mart, with Basilissa at Antioch. Jan. 28. Perhaps the bp. thus mentioned in the Auctaria ad Usuar- dum, Jan. 27 : ' Cenomannis {Le Mafis) depositio sancti Juliani episcopi et confessoris.' Feb. 16, mart, in Egypt. Feb. 27, mart, at Alexandria. INDEX OF PERSONS. 373 lulian, Mar. 6, bp., deposition at Toledo. Mar. 9, mart, at Sebaste, Auct. ad Usuard., where Julianiis is mis- printed Jubanus. Mar. 23. ' Civitate Caesarea sancti Juliani,' Auct. ad Usuard. Ap. 2, mart, at Thessalonica, Hieron. Mart. Aug. 7, mart, at Rome. Aug. 28, mart, at Clermont. luliana, Feb. 16, virg. and mart, at Cumae (Baeda, Ado, Usuard). lulianus, Feb. 19, mart, in Africa (Usuard). lulitdn (Julitta), June 16, mart, at Antioch. lulius, Feb. 19, mart, in Africa, Hieron. Mart. pope and mart., Ap. 12. Ap. 13. Probably the martyr at Caesaraugusta commemorated by Usuard at Ap. 16, and by Ado at Ap. 15. May 27, mart, at Dorostorum in Moesia. Aug. 19. Senator and mart, at Rome. lunaill (Junillus ?), Sep. 28. Not known elsewhere save in Fel. Oeng. lusta, July 19, mart, at Hispalis (Seville) in Spain (Usuard). lustdn, of Lene, a monk, July 29. lustan Lene, manach, Mart. Tainl. lustin (Justinus), Ap. 13, philosopher, mart, at Pergamus, with Papirius, Carpus, &c. Sep. 17, presb. and mart, at Rome. Dec. 5. Perhaps the ' Jussi' oi Hieron. Mart. lustina, Sep. 26, virg. and mart, with Cyprian. Justus, May 4, fifth bp. of Vienne (Auct. ad Usuard.). Aug. 6, mart, with his brother Pastor at Complutum (Alcala de Henares), Usuard. Sep. 2, thirteenth bp. of Lyons (Ado, Usuard). Oct. 18, mart, at Beauvais (Usuard). luuenail (Juvenalis), May 3, bp. and conf at Rome, luuentus (Juventius), Sep. 12, conf. with Syrus at Ticino (Usuard). Lachdin, Ap. 22 : Saignen 7 Lachain Armaige, Mart. Tainl. (LL.). Lachtain, Mar. ig, s. of Torben, of Achad ur and Belach Febrat. Ob. 622. Lachtnain, FM. Lachtdin, June 26. Another Lachtein Aug. i. Lacteni Fothirbi, Afart. Taml. Ladgenn s. of Bdeth, of Cluain fertu mo Lua, Jan. 12. Laidcend mac Bdith (.i. mac Brenaind), Mart. Taml. Ob. A.D. 660. Colgan, Acta SS. 57. Also spelt Laidcenn (q.v.). Laebdn of Ath Eguis, June i. Laetus, Nov. 5, presb. at Orleans (Usuard). Laidcenn, May 20, gen. Laidcind, Mart. Taml. Oct. 23, gen. Laidcinn, Mart. Taml. s. of Bochra, of Achad Raithin, Nov. 28, gl. i. Laigne, s. of Garbdn, Jan. 12. Lambeirt (Lambertus, Lantbertus), Sep. 17, bp. of Maestricht and mart. (Baeda, Ado, Usuard). Ldmruad (' red hand '), May 9, gen. Lamruaid, Mart. Taml. Lappdn, s. of Ciardn, Feb. 11. of Cluan Aithgen, Nov. 3. Largus, Mar. 16, Aug. 8, mart, on the Salarian way, whence his relics were translated to the Via Ostiensis. Lassair, virg. of Glenn Medoin, Feb. 18. Sanctae Lasre \\\\ginis in Gli'nn medhoin, Mart. Taml. (Br.). virg.. May 7. Lassar, ogh, Matt. Don. Lasrae uxx^inis^ Mart. Taml. 374 INDEX OF PERSONS. Lassair, May ii, Lassar, ogh, Mart. Don. Lassar, of Achad Fota, Jan 6 d. of Finntan, Mar. 23. virg., Mar. 29. d. of Fergus, Lassar, ogh, Mart. Don. virg., of Maigen, d. of Eogan, Ap. 18. Lassar ingen Eccain 6 Maigin, Mart. Taml. Another Lassar, May 14. July 23, gen. Lasre, Mart. Taml. of Tipra Roiss rain, July 27. Lasrain Tiprat oss. Mart. Taml. (Br.). virg., of Cell Arcalgach, Aug. 20. of Cliiain Mor, Sep. 15. d. of Lochdn, Sep. 30. of Achad Beithe, Nov. 13, d. of Rondn, Mart. Don. Lasse, of Cell mo Laisse, Jan. 17. maccu Necte, Jan. 19. (Laissi), virg., Jan. 22. Laisri, Mart. Don.., according to which she was a sister of Boga and Colma, and a disciple of Comgell of Bennchor. mo-Laisse, s. of Aed, Mar. 8. Mo Laisi mace Aeda, Mart. Taml. virg., of Cluain Mind, Ap. 19. mo-Lasse, Sep. 7. mo-Laisse, abb. of Daiminis, Jan. 6, gl. 7, Sep. 12, gl. i. moLass mac Nadfraich, Daminsi, i1/iscopi, Mart. Taml. Ossnat, Jan. 6, virg. and sister of moLaissi. virg., Nov. 10. Asnad is given as a variant in Mart. Don. Ossuin (Oswin), Aug. 19, s. of Osric, and devout prince of Deira. Slain Aug. 20, A.D. 651. Ostian (Ostianus), June 30, presb. and conf. in Vivarois. Osuald (Oswald), Aug. 5, king of Northumbria, and donor of Lindisfarne to S. Aiddn. Pacomius (Pachomius), May 14, Egyptian monk and founder of the monas- teries of Tabenna. Palatinus, i.e.., Gaius Palatinus, Mar. 4, epithet mistaken by Gorman for the name of a separate saint. Palmait (Palmatius), consul and mart.. May 10 (Usuard). Pampil (Pamphilus), June i, mart, at Caesarea. mart, at Rome, Sept. 21. Pampilius, mart, at Caesarea, Feb. 16. The ending -ins is perhaps due to a confusion with Pamphius., name of a fellow-martyr. Pancratius, Ap. 3, bp. of Tauromenium and mart. May 12, mart, at Rome with Nereus and Achilleus. Pantaleo (Pantaleon), July 28, mart, at Nicomedia (Baeda). Pantnus (Pantaenus), July 7, commemorated at Alexandria. Pdpdn, s.g. Oengus mac Natfraich, July 31, i Sentreibh, Mart. Taml. (Br.). Papias, Jan. 29, soldier and mart, at Rome. Feb. 22, bp. of Hierapolis (Usuard). mart, at Diospolis in Egypt, Feb. 25. Papin (Papinius), Nov. 28, bp. and mart, in Africa. Papirus (Papirius), Ap. 13, deac. and mart, at Pergamus. Paragoda (Paracodes), Jan. i, seventh bp. of Vienne, and mart. Parmena (Parmenas), Jan. 23, one of the seven deacons, and commemorated at Philippi. Paron (Pharo), Oct. 28, bp. of Meaux and conf. Parthen (Parthenius), May 19, eunuch, mart, at Rome (Usuard). Pastor, Aug. 6, mart, with his brother Justus at Complutum in Spain. Patian (better Pacian = Pacianus), Mar 9, bp. of Barcelona. Pdtraicc (Patricius), s. of Calpurnius, first bp. of Arniagh, p. 4, Mar. 17 : tutor of, July 31. Irish Lives, see Trip. Life and Lism. Lives 1-19. Patricia, Mar. 13, mart, at Nicomedia, with her husband Macedonius and her d. Modesta. Patricius (Sen-PhAtric), of Ross Dela and Glastonbury, Aug. 24. Patroculus (Pairoclus), Jan. 21, mart, at Troyes. Patrocus (Petroc), June 4, abb. at Padstow in Cornwall. Paul(Paulus), lip. of Athens, Jan. 21. Not known. Some confusion perhaps with Pubiius, the second bp. of Athens, who was a disciple of S. Paul. June 20, at Tomi (Usuard). Nov. 7. Not known. Dec. 12. Paulus Sergius, bp. of Narbonne. Paula, Jan. 27, of Bethlehem, S. Jerome's friend. INDEX OP PERSONS. _ 389 Paula, June 18, virg. and mart, at Malaga. Paulin (Paulinus), June 22, of Nola, bp. and conf, Aug. 31, bp. of Treves and conf. Oct. 10, bp. of York and conf. Paulus, Feb. 16, mart, in Africa {Hiero/i. Mart.). Another Paulus, Mar. 31. Ap. 17, monk at Cordova. May 17, at Nevers. June 26, Constantia's primicerius. Another Paulus, Nov. 26. Pelagia, Oct. 19, Peccatrix, mart, at Antioch with Beronicus. Peregrin (Peregrinus), July 28, presb. at Lyon. Aug. 25, mart, at Rome with Eusebius. Perfectus, Ap. 18, presb. and mart, at Cordova. Pergentinus, June 4, mart, at Arezzo. Perpetua, Mar. 7, mart, in Mauritania with Felicitas. Perpetuus, Ap. 8, bp. of Tours (Usuard). Petar, gen. Petair, the Apostle, Cathedra Romana, Jan. 18 : Cathedra Antiochena, Feb. 22 : celebration of, June 29 : ad Vincula, Aug. i. (Petrus), Jan. 11, mart, at Alexandria with Severus and Leucius. Mar. 14, mart, in Africa (Usuard). Ap. 17, deac. and mart, at Antioch with Hermogenes. June 2, exorcist, mart, at Rome (Usudrd). Aug. 7, mart, at Rome with Julianus. Sep. 27, bp. of Metz and conf. (Auct. ad Usuard.). Nov. 25, bp. of Alexandria and mart. (Usuard). Nov. 26, another Petrus {Hierojt. Mart.). Petronella (Petronilla), Roman virg.. May 31. Attn. Ult. 740. Petrus, Aug. 27, soldier and mart, at Tomi. Pheleas (Phileas), Feb. 4, bp. of Thumis and mart. Pigmen (Pigmenius), Mar. 24, presb. and mart, at Rome (Usuard). Pilip, bp. of Cluain bainb, Mar. 4. (Philippus), Ap. II. the Apostle, commemorated with S. James the Less, May i. deacon, June 6. July 15, commemorated at Alexandria. Sep. 13, bp. and mart, at Alexandria. Another Pilip, Sep. 19. Oct. 22, a bp. of Adrianople (Usuard). Pincto, May 23. Not known. Can it be for Quintus, an African mart, at this day in Hieroft. Mart. ? Pi'oc, mo Phioc of Ard Cammroiss and Ross Cdin, Dec. 16. Pion (Pionius), Feb. I, mart, at Smyrna. Pius (I.), pope and mart., July 11. Placitus (Placidus, Usuard, but Placitus, Hieron. Mart-), Oct. 5, mart, with Euticius in Sicily. Plato, July 22, mart, at Ancyra. Plutarchus, June 28, mart, at Alexandria. Pol, gen. Poil, the Apostle, Conversion of, Jan. 25. Celebration of, June 29, 30: his going to Rome, July 6. Sosthenes, pupil of, Nov. 28. See ard- Phol, tenn-Phol. (Paulus), Mar. 20, mart, in Asia with Eugenius, etc. June I, presb. and mart, at Autun. bp. of Constantinople and mart. His day in Usuard is June 6. PoMn of Cell mona, May 21. Policarpus (Polycarpus), Jan. 26, bp. of Smyrna and mart. Feb. 23, presb. and conf Polis (Polisius), Nov. 7, mart, in Nicomedia (Auct. ad Usuard.). 390 INDEX OF PERSONS. Pomen, Dec. 2, possibly a mistake for Pimen = Pimenius (Baeda), or Pigmenius (Auct. ad Usuard.). Pontian (Pontianus) Jan. 19, mart, at Spoleto. Aug. 25, mart, at Rome. Nov. 20, pope and mart. Dec. 2, mart, at Rome. Dec. 1 1, mart, at Rome with Praetextatus. Pontius, Mar. 8, deac. and mart, at Carthage. May 14, bp. and mart, at Cimela, in Gaul. Potamia, Dec. 5, mart, with Julius at Thagora. Potentiana, May 19, virg. and mart, at Rome. Praxedis, July 21. Commemorated also (but not by Gorman) on May 19. Preiectus (Praejectus), Jan. 25, bp. and mart, at Auvergne. Pretextait (Praetextatus), Dec. 11, mart, at Rome with Pontianus. Priaim (Priamus), May 28, mart, in Sardinia, with Lucianus, Felix and Aemilius. Prilidian (Prilidianus), Jan. 24, mart, at Antioch with bp. Babylas, etc. Primeint (Primentius ?), Dec. 2, mart, at Rome with Pontianus (Baeda). Primus, June 9, mart, at Rome with Felicianus. Prisca, Jan. 18, virg. and mart, at Rome. Priscill (Priscilla), July 8, marl, in Asia Minor, with her husband Aquila. Priscus, Jan. i. Not known. Mar. 28, mart, at Cassarea in Palestine. Sep. I, disciple of Christ, mart, at Capua. Priuait, Aug. 21, bp. and mart, in the diocese of Gabala (Mende). Sep. 20, mart, in Phrygia with Dionysius. Proces (Processus) July 2, mart, at Rome with Martinianus. Procoip (Procopius), July 8, mart, in Palestine. Procoir (Procorius), Ap. 9, h^. and mart, at Nicomedia in Bithynia. Procul (Proculus), Sep. 19, deac. and mart, with Januarius at Naples. Nov. 4, bp. and mart, at Autun. Protais (Protasius), June 19, mart, with Gervasius at Milan. Protid (Protida), Mar. 31, mart, in Africa, with Felix and Anesius {Hiero/t. Marl.). Protus, Sep. 11, eunuch, mart, at Rome with Jacinthus. Prudein (Prudentius ?), Nov. 2. Not known. Pulich (Paulicius ?) July 3. Not known. Puiii't (Pinytus), Oct. 10, bp. of Gnossus in Crete and mart. Puplius (Publius), Jan. 21, bp. of Athens. Feb. 19, commemorated in Africa with Julianus. Quadrait (Quadratus), Mar. 10, mart, at Corinth. May 26, mart, in Africa. Quartilla, Mar. 19, commemorated at Sorrento, with Quintus, Quintillus and Marcus (Usuard). Quartus, Nov. 3, disciple of the apostles (Ado), in Africa (Hieron. Mart.) Quinid (Quinidius), Feb. 15, bp. of Vaison (Usuard). Quintian (Quintianus), June 15, mart, in Lucania. C^uintil (Quintillus), Mar. 19, commemorated at Sorrento (Usuard). Quintin (Quintinus), Oct. 31, mart, in Gaul (Baeda, Usuard). Quintus, Jan. 4, mart, in Africa with Geminus and Aquilinus. Mar. 19, mart, at Sorrento. Oct. 29, mart, in Lucania, with Hyacinthus. Quirin (Quirinus), June 5, bp. and mart, at Siscia, Usuard at June 4. Rachel, June 3, prob. Jacob's wife, but her day in Auct. Us. is Sep. 30. Radicuind (Radegundis), Aug. 13, queen and nun at Poitiers (Usuard). Ragnulf (Ragnulfus), May 27, mart, in Artois (Usuard). INDEX OF PERSONS. 39 r Ratnat (leg. Rathnat?) virg., of Cell Raith (Rathnaite ?), Aug. 5. Reat, deac, Mar. 3. Name seems borrowed from Lat. rcatiis. Recha (Roecha ?), mo Recha, a boy-saint, July 22 =mo Roecha mac noeb, Mart. Tauil. Rechtan, of Etargabul, Oct. 26. Rechtme, virg., Oct. 27. Reguil of Bennchor, June 11. Remeid (Remedius), Feb. 3, bp. of Gap (Usuard). Remig (Remigius), Jan. 13, bp. of Rome (Usuard). Oct. I. See German (Ciermanus). Reodaide of Grellach bona, Dec. 16. Rethech, s. of Coem^n, June 10. Riachuill maccu Buachalla, Ap. 13, better Riaguil, Mart. Tainl. Riaguil of Tech Riagla, Sep. 17. abb. of Muccinis, Oct. 16. Colgan, Acta SS. -^yj., c. 7. Riangal, f of bp. Colomb, Aug. i, gl. 8. Richell, virg., May 19, d. of Athracht, Mart. Don. Ri'gdn (Riagan ?), presb., Aug. 9, gen. crumthir Riaghain, Mart. Ta/iil. Rignach, virg., d. of Feradach, Dec. 18, gen. Rignaige, Mart. Taml. Rioc, mo Ri'oc, bp. of Inis maic Ualaing, Aug. i. Robartach of Inis Mor, Jan. 15, gen. Robartaig i n-Inis moir. Mart. Taml. Rodaimm, bp., Aug. 24 ; Roddn, Mart. Don. Rodon (Rhodo ?), Jan. 3, mart, at Tomi, Hieron. Mart. Roe, f. of ColmAn, June 16. Roed, gen. Roeda, ancestor of S. Ultan, Dec. 22. Roibne, abb., Feb. 16 ; gen. Robni, Mart. TaniL bp., Feb. 17. Roigne, Feb. 28. Roinne, Nov. 23. Roinni, Mart. Don. Romdn (Romanus), Feb. 28, abb. in Mount Jura. May 4, mart, in Africa, Hieron. Mart. Aug. 9, soldier and mart, at Rome. Oct. 23, a bp. and conf (Auct. ad Usuard.). Nov. 18, monk and mart, at Antioch. Romuil (Romulus), May 4. Not known. Rondn, Jan. 11. Another Rondn, Jan. 13. ■ bp. of Lismore, Feb. 9. Said to have died A.D. 763- s. of Fergus, Ap. 8. of Liathross, Ap. 30. Two other Ron^ns, May i. May 21. ■ — find of Land Rondin find. May 22. Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 313, 378. s. of Mage, July 15. Another Rondn, Aug. 18. s. of Berach, of Druim Inesclainn, Nov. 18. Ob. 664. ■ s. of Aed, of Achad farcha, Dec. 23. Ronoc, mo Ronoc of Druim Samraid, July 22. Rotiin, Jan. 18, Ap. 15, gl. 4 ; Sep. 30. Ruaddn, abb. of Lothra, Ap. 15. Ob. 585. Irish Life, Brussels MS. 4 1 90-4200. Ruaidre Ua Conchobair, p. 4, overking of Ireland. Ob. A.D. 1 198. Rufin (Rufinus), Feb. 28, mart. (Usuard). bp. of Glenn da Locha and Bennchor, Ap. 22. Rufina, July 19, mart, at Seville (Usuard). Ruffina, Aug. 25 = Rufinus mart, in Capua {Hieron. Mart.). Ruffus (Rufus), Aug. 27, mart, at Capua. Dec. 18, niart. at Philippi (Usuard). Rufus (Rufinus), June 21, mart, at Syracuse. (Rufus), Nov. 7, bp. of Metz and conf (Auct. ad Usuard.). 392 INDEX OF rERSONS. Rufus, Nov. 21, mart Mentioned by S. Paul, Rom. xvi. 13. Nov. 28, mart, at Rome (Usuardi. Ruithche, virg., Feb. 8. Runach of Inis mor, July 23 Russen of Inis Picht, Ap. 7. Rustic (Rusticus), Oct. 9, presb. and mart, at Paris. Rutuil (Rutulus), Feb. 18, cleric and mart, in Africa. Sabin (Sabinus), July 20, mart, at Damascus. Dec. 30, bp., mart, at Spoleto. Sabina, Aug. 29, virg. and mart, at Rome. Sacell, Aug. I = Soicheall, Mart. Don. Sacaille, Mart. Taml. Sachellus, Bk. Ann.., 9^, etc. The name seems borrowed from or cognate with the Lat. sacelhun, a shrine for receiving relics. Sacru : Mo sacru, s. of Benndn, Jan. 8. Mo saccra, abb. of Cluain eidnech, Mar. 3, s. of Senan, Mart. Tanil. Sagair (Sagaris), Oct. 6, bp. of Laodicea, disciple of S. Paul (Usuard). Saignel, of Anmag or rmag, Ap. 22. Saloma (Salome), Oct. 22, Christ's disciple (Ado, Usuard). Salomon, Feb. 8, mart, at Cordova (Usuard). Feb. 26. Not known at this day. Salon, Sep. 28, bp. and conf at Genoa. Salsa, Oct. 10, in Africa {Hieron. Mart.). Saluius, June 26, bp. of Angouleme (Usuard). Samson, of Dol, July 28, bp. and conf (Usuard). 'Armonicus [leg^. Armoricus] pastor Samson quinisque kalendis,' Hampson i. 410. Samthand, virg., of Cluain Bronaig, Dec. 19. Ob. 734 (FM.), 738 (AU.) Samuel, Hebrew prophet, Aug. 20. Nov. 7. Not known. Sancton, bp. of Cell dd les. May 9. bp., June 10. Sanctin, Sep. 17. Not known. Sarabia (Seraphia), Sep. 3, virg. and mart, at Rome (Usuard). Sardn of Cuil Crema, Jan. 8. bp., Jan. 13. Saraini episcopi, Mart. Taml. Jan. 20, of Tech Sardin {Mart. Don.\ gen. Sarain, Mart. Taml. Ob. 661. bp., Mar. i. s. of Archar, of Inis mor, May 15. Another S^r^n, July 30. abb. of Bennchor, Aug. i. Ob. 742. Two other Sdrdns, Aug. 15, Sep. 16. s. of Tigernach, of Lessen and Cluain dd acra, Sep. 21. Sep. 23. Another Sdrdn, Oct. Sar-bile, of Fochard Muithemni, Sep. 4. Sairbili viro-^. Fochairde Mnrtkemfii., Mart. Taml. (LL.). Sarnat, of Dairinis Cetne, Ap. 15. d. of Maelan, abbess, May 3. d. of Aed, in Tir Maini, Nov. 9. Satanal, July 24. Unknown. Satirian (Satirianus), Oct. 16, mart, in Africa with Martianus. Satul (Satullus), Mar. 30. Commemorated at Ap. 2, in Hieron. Mart. Satur (Satyrus), Jan. 12, mart, in Achaia (Usuard). Saturni'n (Saturninus), Jan. 31, mart, at Alexandria. Feb. 5, mart, at Catania, Hieron. Mart. Ap. 2, Hieron. Mart. May 2, mart, at Alexandria with Neopolis. Nov. 29, mart, at Rome with Sisinnius. INDEX OF PERSONS. 393 Saturnin (Saturninus), Nov. 29, mart, at Toulouse, of which he was first bp. Sauin (Sauinus), Dec. 7. Passio s. Savini episcopi {Hieron. Alart.). Saula, Oct. 20, virg. and mart, at Cologne (Usuard). Scandal of Cell Cobrainne, May 3. Another Scandal, June 27. Scannlach, virg., of Ard Scannlaige, Dec. 10. ScelMn, Ap. 1 1. S. Coel of Cell Cromglaise, Mart. Don. In the table of this martyrology, p. 472, Sgeallaji is explained by the Latin Jiiideus., not Nucleus as there misprinted. Sep. I, the Leper, of Armagh, Mart. Don. Seethe, virg., Jan. I, a sister-form of Sciath., of Fert Seethe, Mart. Don. The arrival of her relics at Tallaght is commemorated at Sep. 6 (adventus reliquiarum Scethi filiae Mechi ad Tamlachtain, Mart. Tainl. LL.). Sciath, virg. See Seethe. Scillitain (Scillitani), July 17, twelve martyrs at Carthage. Scire, virg., of Cell scire, Mar. 24. Scolastica (Scholastica), Feb. 10, virg., sister of S. Benedict. Scoth, virg., of Cluain Grencha, Jan. 18. virg., of Cluain Moescna, July 16. Scuithin of Tech Scuithin, in Sliab Mairge, Jan. 2. Sebaist (Sebastianus), Jan. 20, mart, at Rome. Feb. 8, mart, in Armenia Minor. (Sebastus), Mar. 9, the day of the forty martyrs of Sebaste, which town Gorman has mistaken for a saint. Oct. 15. Not known. Sech^n (Sequanus .?), Sep. 19, perhaps meant for Sigo presb. and conf, Hieron. Mart. Sechnall maccu-Baird, of Domnach Sechnaill, Nov. 27, alias Secundinus. Sechnasach, abb. of Cenn locha, July 30. Secht mbrdthir, ' seven brothers ' in Rome, July 10. Secht noeb-oga, Ap. 9, the seven holy virgins martyred at Sirmio. Secht n-epscoip, seven bishops of Spain, May 15. of Tech na comairce, May 28. Secht^n, Ap. 24. Not known. Secuind (Secundus), Aug. 25, leader of the Thebaean legion and mart. (Usuard). Secuir (Securus), Dec. 2, mart, in Africa with his brother Verus (Usuard). Secundin (Secundinus), Feb. 21, mart, at Adrumentum with Verulus or Verolus. Secundin (Secundinus), bp., Ap. 29, mart, at Alexandria, Hieron. Mart, at Ap. 30. Secundinus, bp. and conf, Nov. 27, gl. i. See Sechnall. Sedrach, Ap. 20. Sancti Sedrac episcopi, Mart. Ta7nl. Aug. 22. Sedrach episcopi. Mart. Tainl. Sedrach, Mart. Do?t. Sep. 29. Sedrac cum suis reliquiis, Mart. Taml. Dec. 23. Not known. Segein, one of the three Cldr-etiig, Jan. 29. Na tri Clarenig .i. Baitheni 7 Segeni 7 Cronani, Mart. Tainl. bp. of Armagh, May 24. Ob. A.D. 687. Nov. 12. Unknown. Segen, Aug. 24. Seighein, Ma?-t. Don. Not known. Segin, of Cell Segin, Jan. 21. Segain Cille Segain, Mart. Taml. s. of Fachtna and fifth abb. of lona, Aug. 12. Ob. 652. maccu Cuinn, abb. of Bennchor, Sep. 10. Ob. 662. Segnat, virg., of Domnach Ceirne, Dec. 18. Sego, mo Sego, s. of Comsech, Dec. 9. Senach, sac, of Cella hiia Maigech, Feb. 11. 394 INDEX OF PERSONS. Senach, the Smith, of Aired Brosca, May ii. — daughters of, Aug. 1 1. bp. of Cluain fota fine, Aug. 21, but Sinachi episcopi Cluana Iraird, Mart. Taml. et sic Fel. Oeng. and FM. Ob. 587. s. of Buide, Sep. 10. gen. Senaig Gairb no ma/c Buidi, Mart. Tanit. Senach Garb, abb. of Clonfert, died 620. sac. of Cell mor, Nov. 2. His mother was Broinnfinn [in the translation Broinsec/i] Brecc, Mart. Doti. f. of Erni'n, Dec. 14. Sendn, bp. of Inis Cathaig, Mar. i. Mar. 8. Irish Life, Lism. Lives., pp. 54- 74- bp., Ap. 7. Senani abbatis, Mart. Taml. Ap. 9. Not known. two Sendns, Ap. 1 1. Not known. Only one in Mart. Taml. Ap. 26, gen. Senain, Mart. Taml. May 5. Two other Sen^ns, June 2, July 10. Aug. 7, gen. Senain, Mart. Taml. Another Sen^n, Aug. 17. Sep. 2, of Laithrech Briui'n. Sep. 4, gen. Senain, Mart. Taml. Three other Sendns, Sep. 16, 25, 30- . . Oct. 4, s. of Caille, according to the gloss. But in Mart. Taml., Se?2ain, Mate caille appear to denote different saints. — bp., Oct. 10. Not known. — s. of Midrdn, of Delg-inis, Dec. 5. — Dec. 1 1, is perhaps the same as Mo-Senocc Mughna, ^1/^zr/. Do7t. — Dec. 18, gen. Senain Cluana md[i]r. Mart. Taml. Dec. 24. Sena[i]n episcopi. Mart. Taml. Senator, Sep. 26, mart, at Albano (Usuard). Senberech of Cuil Drebni, June 10 Senchad, Dec. 17. Senchaid idem et Cail, o Dubad, Mart. Taml. Senchdn, bp. and abb. of Imlech Ibair, Dec. 11. Ob. 781 (776, FM.). Senic, June 27. Another Senic, Nov. 10. Sennes, July 30, mart, at Rome with Abdon. Senob (Zenobius .■'), Feb. 20, presb. and mart, at Tyre with Tyrannius (-io ?). Senoc, Jan. 10. mo Senoc, Mart. 1 ami. Bethech [leg. Bethrech .?], Mar. 11. Mo Senoc no Senani Bethrech, Mart. Taml. mo Senoc, Dec. 13. Not known. Dec. 23. Not known. Senoir, s. of Mael da Lua, primate of Armagh, Ap. 11. Probably Senach, who died A.D. 609. sen-Phatraic (' Patricius senior'), of Ross dela and Glastonbury, Aug. 24, gl. i. sen-Phol, Paul the Hermit, Jan. 10. Now at Jan. 15. Septim (Septimius), Ap. 18, mart, at Salonae. Seraip (Serapion), mart, at Diospolis in Egypt, Feb. 25. July 27, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. Sep. II, conf in Sicily. Oct. 30, bp., commemorated at Antioch (Usuard). Serapion, Mar. 21, anch. and mart, at Alexandria. Aug. 27, mart, at Tomi with Marcellinus. Nov. 14, mart, at Alexandria. Sereig (Sergius), Sep. 9, pope from Dec. A.D. 687 to Sep. A.D. 701. Sereim — leg. Serein ? — (Serenus), Feb. 23, mart, at Sirmio. Seren (Serenus), Nov. 26, mart, at Nicomedia with Petrus and Marcellus (Baeda at Nov. 27). Serena, Aug. 16, mart, at Rome, 'uxor quondam Diocletiani augusti.' INDEX OF PERSONS. 395 Serenus, conf., Oct. 2. (Usuard). Sergius, Feb. 24, mart, at Caesarea in Cappadocia. Oct. 7, mart, with Bacchus and JuHa in Euphratesia (Usuard) Seruaint (Servandus), Oct. 23, mart, with Germanus in Spain. Seruihan , (Servihanus), Ap. 20, mart, with Sulpicius at Rome (Usuard). Sesein, of Ath Omna, Aug. 31. Seems to correspond with the ' Senan Atha Omna ' of Mart. Tainl. Seissen, Mart. Don. Setna of Druim mic Ublai (maccu Blai ?), Mar. 9., of Cell Ame, Mar. 9. Setna Chilli Ane i Sleibh Bregh, Mart. Tatnl. bp., Mar. 10. Sancti Setnae, Mart. Tainl. bp., s. of Treno, June 16. Seuer (Severus), Jan. 11, conf at Alexandria. Seueir (Severianus), Jan. 25, bp. at Gavala. (Severus), Aug. 8, presb. and conf at Vienne. (Severinus), Oct. 22, vigil of ' Severin,' q.v. (Severus), one of the quatuor coronati, Nov. 8. (Severinus), Nov. 27, Parisiis, depositio sancti Severini monachi et solitarii (Auct. ad Usuard.). (Severus), Dec. 30, at Alexandria (Baeda). Seuerian (Severianus), June i, and mart, at Autun = the Reverianus of Usuard. Nov. 19, mart, at Vienne with Exuperius and Felicianus. Seuerin (Severinus), Jan. 8, bp. and conf at Naples. Feb. II, abb. monasterii Agaunensis (Usuard). Oct. 23, bp. of Cologne and conf Nov. 23, hermit and conf. at Paris. Seuir (Severianus), Jan. 23, mart, with his wife Aquila at Neocaesarea in Mauritania. Severus, Hampson, i. 398. Seuerin (Severinus), F'eb. ,11, abb. of St. Maurice (Usuard). Siatal, bp., s. of Luath, of Ath cliath, Feb. 12. Siatal epi. Mart. Taml. of Cenn Locha, Mar. 8. gen. Siadail Chinn locha, Mart. Taml. (Br.). Ob. 794. Siagrius (Syagrius), Aug. 27, nineteenth bp. of Autun. Ob. about 600. Sileas (Silas), July 13, companion of Paul and Barnabas (Acts xv, 22, 32). SilMn of Cell Delge, Jan. 31. bp. of Glenn da locha, Feb. 10. Feb. 28, the Master, abb. of Bennchor, also called moSinu mac \\iii Mind, Mart. Taml. Ob. 606. Mar. 27, translation of bp. of Daminis, May 17. Ob. 658. Another Silldn, May 24. of Dun mor, July 21. — bp. and abb. of Mag bile, Aug. 25. Ob. 618. — bp., Sep. 7. — of Imlech Cassain, Sep. 1 1. — - abb. Oct. 10. — the Master, abb. of Mag bile, Oct. 21 bp. of Lismore, Dec. 21. Sillen, bp., June 3. Silnatdn, s. of Cruimet, Oct. 12. Sfloc : mo-Sil6c of Cell mo Sfloic, July 13. Mo Siloc Cluana Dsetcain Mart. Taml. Corruptly mo Thi'olocc in Mart. Don. Moling's pupil, July 25. Silu^n (Silvanus), Feb. 18, mart, in Africa (Auct. ad Usuard.). ■ Feb. 20, mart, at Tyre (Usuard). May 24, mart, in Histria. 396 INDEX OF PERSONS. Siludn, Oct. 17, mart. (Auct. ad Usuard.). Siluanus, bp., May 4, bp. of Gaza and mart. Silueir (Silverius), June 20, pope, 536-8. Siluestar (Silvester), Jan. 13. Not known. Siluester, Nov. 20, bp. and conf. at Chalons-sur-Saone (Usuard). Dec. 31, pope and conf. a.d. 314-335. Siluius, Ap. 21, mart, at Alexandria (Usuard). Simeon Stylites, Jan. 5, at Antioch. Feb. 18, 'the Lord's relative,' second bp. of Jerusalem and mart. Ap. 21, bp. of Seleucia and mart. (Ado, Usuard). senex, Oct. 8. Luke ii. 25. Similian (Similianus), June 16, bp. of Nantes and conf. Simon the apostle, Oct. 28. Simplic (Simplicius), Mar. 2, pope and conf. (A.D. 468-483). June 25, bp. and conf. at Autun, (June 24, Usuard). July 29, mart, at Rome with Faustinus and Beatrix. Nov. 8, mart, at Rome with Nicostratus, etc. Simphorian (Symphorianus), Aug. 22. Martyr at Autun. Simpoir (Symphorianus or Symphronianus), July 7, mart, at Rome. Simporosa (Symphorosa), mart, with her seven sons at Tibur, June 27, her day according to Usuard, but July 18 according to Mart. Rom. Simproin (Symphronius), July 26, mart, at Rome with Olympius. Simproin (Symphronianus), Nov. 8, mart, at Rome, sin Murmaige, 'the seniors of Murmag,' Mar. 31. Si'nach of Srath Irenn, Feb. 14. of Inis Clolhrann, Ap. 20, gen. Sinaig, Mart. Tainl. Ob. 719. of Cruach mic Daro, Sep. 28. Sinech, Nov. 9, virg. of Cluain Lethtengad. Sinche, virg., d. of Annaid, Aug. 22. Sanctae Sinche, Mart. Taml. virg., d. of Fergna, of Cruachan Maige Abna, Oct. 5. For Alma in the lithographic facsimile of LL. p. 363% read Ab7ux. Sinchell, the elder, abb. of Cell Achaid, Mar. 26. Ob. 548. hiia Liathain, June 20. junior, abb. of Glenn Achaid, June 25. Sinclitic (Syncletica), July 23. Not known. Sinech, virg., of Cluain Lethtengad, Nov. 9. Dec. 4, d. of Erndn 1 Ma?'t. Don. ' Sinell, Jan. 12, s. of Tigernach, Mart. Don. hiia Liath?lin, June 15. ^ July I. Sillini (gen. sg.), Alart. Taml. of Druim Broan, Sep. 25. — sac. and bp. of Mag Bile, Oct. i. Ob. 603. f. of Ere, Oct. 24, gl. 3. of Cloeninis, Nov. 12. Sinoc, mo-Sinoc of Cluain Cainchne (Caichni ?), May 10. Sintic (Syntyche), July 22. Phil, iv, 4 : commemorated at Philippi (Usuard). Sinu, mo Sinu, Feb. 28 = Mo sinu macumin[d] scriba et abbas Bennchuir, Wurzburg codex, Mp. th. f. 61. Also called SilMn. of Imlech Cassdin, Sep. 11. Sinuna (Zeno), Sep. 2. In Nicomedia natalis sanctorum Zenonis . . . Theodotae cum filiis suis (Hieron. Mart.). Sancti Zenonis cum duobus pueris (Auct. ad Usuard.). Slot — leg. Senoit ? (Senotus), Sep. 7. Senoti (Hieron. Mart.). Sirdn, Dec. 4. Sfordn, abb., Mart. Don. ^iric, Nov. 26, bp. of Mag Bolg, according to the gloss. But on this day, according to Baeda, a bp. Siricus is commemorated at Rome. INDEX OF PERSONS. 397 Sirius (Syrus), Sep. 12, conf. with Iventius at Ticino (Usuard). Sissinnius (Sisinnius), Nov. 29, deac, commemorated at Rome with Satur- ninus and Mammes. Sistdn, sac, on Loch Melgi, July 17. ^ Sixtus III, pope and mart.. Mar. 28 (Auct. ad Usuard.). II, pope and mart., Aug. 6. I, pope, Ap. 6. Sep. I, first bp. of Reims (Usuard). Sneidairle, Dec. 28. Sneidai(rle) vi\ac Comrig, Mart. Tainl. (LL.), Snedairle vciac Corbmaic no Comrisi, Mart. Tainl. (Br.), Snedhairle mac Comrisi, Mart. Don. Soadbar, bp., June 26. Sobarthain, bp., Ap. 20. sancti Sobarthein, Mart. Taml. Sodalach, anch., Nov. 7. Sodelb {Evfi.opr who follows read {whom) I have followed. P. 126, June 29, 1. 4. If we omit the prosthetic / of Faeldobair we get the alliteration now lacking. P. 127, June 29, 1. 2, r^«(^/ Ael-dobair : 1. 3, omit to. P. 130, July 5. As this Fergus was Huammach's descendant we should translate lines 4 and 5, as if they were transposed : ' Etdin, fair, modest, virginal : Fergus, the high saint, Huammach's descendant.' P. 131, note b, addh.\s natalis, infra Nov. 11. P. 134, July 1 1. This Benedict is commemorated at March 21. P. 136. This line as it stands is ungrammatical. Read : Foca fand no[m]foired, ' let feeble Phocas succour me.' P. 136, July 15, 1. 8. Common is already commemorated at May 15. P. 138, July 16, 1. I. Hilarian seems a copyist's error for Hilarin 3= Hilarinus. July 19, ]. 4. The alliteration now lacking will be got if we correct rill mtofriu. P. 148, Aug. 3, 1. I. To get the necessary alliteration we might alter Fa^bail to Tocbail ' elevatio.' P. 152, Aug. 7, 1. 5. 7%7ar/Vz. should probably be Hilarian ^.Hilarianus. Aug. 10, 1. 5,y"^r rorogfir we should perhaps read ro rogfir ' very much of a choice man,' and thus get the alliteration (with rogfir) and internal rime (with bo)^ which are now lacking. P. 156, Aug. 15, 1. 5, limm should certainly be corrected to lemm, assonating with seng. P. 160, Aug. 19. Mochta is already commemorated at March 24. Aug. 20, 1. 6, f hurpair should certainly be corrected into Furphair ^ Porphyrins. P. 162, Aug. 24, 1. 8. I now see that Roddimin is the gen. sg. of Rodamm=^ Rodoiiiuin^ one of the forms which Rotomagus assumed, in the Middle Ages, and that it should accordingly be rendered by ' of Rouen.' The Roddn of Mart. Don. at Aug. 24 is probably due to mistaking this place-name for the name of a saint. P. 164, Aug. 26, 1. 7. Foelan is already commemorated at Jan. 9. P, 167, Aug. 30, 1. I. Adaucht = Adauctus. The origin of this strange name is thus explained in Mart. Rom. : Felix, Diocletiano et Maxi- miniano Imperatoribus iam equuleo tortus, cum ad necem, via Ostiensi ADDITIONAL NOTES. 405 ducitur, ei obuiam factus, quidam Christianus, libera uoce dixit, se lesum Christum colere, itaque beatum Felicem osculatus, cum eo securi feritur, Quoniam uero eius nomen ignotum esset, Adauctus uocatus est, quia ille se adiunxit ad martyrii societatem. P. 170, Sep. 4, 1. 7. Buichbirt altered from Suicbert to alliterate with Birin. According to Ado, Suicbert's canonization (not his translation) is com- memorated on this day. In Anglia, commemoratio sancti Birini episcopi Dorcacensis at confessoris. Eodem die, translatio sancti Cuthberti episcopi Lindisfarnensis. Item, canonizatio sancti Suicberti episcopi Verdensis [i.e. of Kaiserwerth] et confessoris. Sep. 6, 1. 4. Scathe is already commemorated at Jan. i. Sep. 6 is the feast of her translation. Aduentus reliquiarum Scethi filiae ad Tamlactain, Mart. Ta7}il. P. 172, Sep. 8, 1. 7. nar chossain yields no satisfactory meaning. But if (with Prof. Strachan) we delete the ^ as a scribal error, and regard the -ar as the infixed pers. pron. of pi. i, the expression would mean 'who defends us.' Note c in p. 173 should then be cancelled. note a, add But Hieron. Mart, has at Sep. 8 ' Benevento civitate, natalis sanctorum Senoti, Januarii, Fisti, Acuti, Desiderii.' Can the name be the same as that of Senuti, an Egyptian anchorite of the fifth century, once famous for his opposition to the heretic Nestorius ? P. 174, Sep. 10, 1. 2. This Findian is already commemorated at Feb. 11. Sep. 12, 1. I. Gorman's ' luuentus,' 'Sirius' should apparently be ' Eventius,' ' Syrus.' P 178, Sep. 18, 11. 2, 3, are corrupt. Perhaps 1. 2 (which lacks an alliteration) should be ferr he ol is findgein, ' best is he because he is a blessed birth,' and 1. 3 should certainly be Foendelach frit chabair. P. 184, Sep. 27, As Fintan was Coppin's son {Mart. Tatnl.), lines 4 and 5 should be transposed. The translation would then run thus : " Coppln's harmonious son, Fintan himself against plunderings, Petrus," etc. P. 186, Sep. 30, 1. 6. This Bresal is already commemorated at May 18. 1. 14. Perhaps we should read mo Chonna tndr chanaimm 'my great Conna whom I sing.' So with the passage, Mo Choemoc mar chanaimm, Nov. 3. P. 188, Oct. 2, 1. I. This Eusebius is already commemorated at Sep. 26. P. 196, Oct. 15, 1. 2. Mo Lua is already commemorated at Aug. 4. line 3, ron-forne should certainly be corrected into ron-fore. P. 198, Oct. 19,1. 4. So Usuard : In Antiochia Syriae sanctorum martyrum Beronici, Pelagiae, et aliorum quadraginta novem. P. 200, Oct. 22, 1. 3. Seueir. Here Gorman probably means the vigil of Severinus, whom he commemorates (as Seuerin) at Oct. 23. P. 204, Oct. 26, 1. I, Marcian. Is this meant for Mardianus ? 1. 2. Odhrdn, already commemorated at Oct. 2. Oct. 27, 1. 5, Abbdn, already at March 16. 1. 7, Erenn^n, already at Aug. II. Oct. 28, 1. 2. ' Marina ' seems meant for Mariana. P. 208, Nov. I, 1. 12, Crondn, already at Oct. 19. P. 209, Nov. I, 1. 4. I would now regard be'said 2iS a verb in the imperative pi. 2 and translate : ' smooth Benignus, declare ye.' But this is a mere guess. See the Glossarial Index. P. 214, Nov. 8, I. I, Nicostrait, already at July 7, where the corrupt form Nicoscrdit is found. Nov. 10, 1. I, Martinus' day in the Roman Martyrology is Nov. 12. P. 216, Nov. 12, 1. 4, tri ineic Erca, already at Ap. 19. P. 226, Nov. 26, 1. 2. ' Ammon,' probably meant for the Ammonius of Auct. ad Usuard. Nov. 27, 1. 4, inacti 'greatgrandson' seems borrowed either 406 ADDITIONAL NOTES. from W. maccwy ' puer ' or from a W. *7nap cii : cf. tad cu ' grandfather,' main gu ' grandmother.' P. 230, Dec. 3, 1. 3, Birin is already at Sep. 4. P. 232, Dec. 6, 1. I. Nicholaus. His translation has been commemorated at May 9. Line 2 wants both an alliteration and a syllable. Read Leo7ttia \^fial'\fi7id6g^ ' modest Leontia, a fair virgin.' P. 234, Dec. 7, 1. 3. Ambrois. See at Ap. 4. P. 242, Dec. 19, 1. 4, ua?nach. As to the use of caves by Celtic saints, see Bp. Forbes, Lives of SS. Ninian and Keniigern, 1874, pp. 214, 345, and Lisin. Lives., p. 250, 1. 10. Dec. 21, 1. 4. Fulartach, already at March 29. P. 250, epilogue, 1. 2. The expression bith broeitach., literally 'world full of showers' (of tears), is a curiously close parallel to the worlde wete, tearful world,' of Pearl, ed. I. Gollancz, stanza 64. 1. 10, eccaib, literally 'mortibus.' Here the dat. plural oi e'c is used of the death of one person. So in Sophocles, O.T. 496, eiviKovpos abrjkmv BavaTwv. El. 2o6, Bavaro-vs alKfis 8i8vtiaiv xeipoiv. P. 260, 1. 2, insert brigmaith, March 12. P. 264, 1. 12, insert coemmac, Ap. 5. P. 265, crem. Add the Boeotian Kpefivov. P. 272, 1. 22, after virtus i?tsert Marc. vi. 5. P. 274, 1. 9 from bottom, after root insert May 3. P. 275, 1. 30, add Or is gangda the gen. sg. of a *ga7tgaid ' litany,' cognate with the Church Slavonic gangnati 'to murmur'? If so, translate oe7ie in ga7tgda gabaid hy 'sing ye the fast of the (Greater) Litany,' i.e. the Litania Major instituted by S. Gregory the Great, and compare 'et indictu(m) ieiuniu(m) de letanza maior/,' Martyr. Hieron, add. De Rossi et Duchesne, p. 49, col. 3, and 'Rome, letania maior ad sanctum Petrum celebratur,' Kal. Dru77i7ii. Ap. 25. P. 285, 1. 28, add 6&s\-iig, Mar. 16, and oen-laa, Jan. 6. P. 286, pdpa. Add references to Jan. 5, June 20, July 11, 12, Aug. 2, 6. P. 287, 1. 32, after See i7isert fo-rend. Line yj add Gaul. Re77ii (Reims), Lat. ■pri77ius. P. 288, after 1. 5, insert ro very much, Aug. 10. P. 291, before \. 7 from bottom i7tsert t^idlech (toidlech ?) shi7iing, radiant, Sep. I, Nov. 2. See Glossarial Index to Fel. Oeng. cccxxiv. P. 315, 1. 10 from bottom. Inis Ednig, add now probably Inishnee in the mouth of the Owenmore river, in the west of the co. of Galway, F.M. A.D. 768, note m. P. 322, after 1. 41, insei-t Rodamm, Aug. 24, = Rodomum, Rotomagus, now Rouen. P. 326. Tiiaim Inbir, add an ecclesiastical establishment in Westmeath. The name occurs in an eighth century poem {Irische Texte, i. 318), which begins thus : M'airiuclan i Tuaim Inbir ' my little oratory in Tuaim Inbir.' P. 336, 1. 39, add mart, in lona, A.D. 825. His day on the Continent is Jan. 19. P. 343, 1. II, add In Vita Kentigerni c. i, 7/wchohe is glossed by the Latin care 7/ii. Hence it seems that coe is := W. cu. CORRIGENDA. p. 7, Jan. 2^ for Marcellus read Marcellinus : for 'tis read^v^xW. be. P. 8, Jan. 3, 4, for Octavae read Octauae. P. 9, 1. b,for Faithne read Fathan. Jan. 4, for doth not betray us read betrayed not. for Eugan read Eugenius. P. II, 1. lififor Airiud read Kxx^di. P. 14, Jan. 12, 1. 3,/(7ric ropein read\ cropein. P. 15, Jan. 12, 1. 2, /(7r great pain r^a^f death-pain. 1. 4, after whose insert still. P. 16, Jan. 14, 1. 5,y(7r (Twzchleir read ^con chleir. P. 17, 1. $,fora. noble merciful band read \v\ih this band of chiefs. P. 19, Jan. 17, for Meleusippus, Neone read Melasippus, Neo. Jan. 1 8, y^r treacherous read false virgins. Jan. 19, for Laudamair [leg. Laudomarus? Laudomarcus ?] read Laudomarus. In gloss i dele (Navan). P. 23, Jan. 24, for Mausonius read Muso. for young (and) dear read a. dear warrior. Jan. 2^, for defends us r^Sif defended him (scil. St. Paul, see Actsix.), 17. Por the noise of read bright-pious. P. 25, Jan. 2y,for noble r^^:;^ strong. In gl. 5, for noble read strong. Jan. 28, for Eoin r^rai^ Johannes. P. 27, Jan. 31, 1. 2, for Ebnait read Oebnat. P. 29, Feb. 2, 1. 3, for bear ye read ye bear. L. 4, for perceives us read felt not (lust). Feb. 2, for Avianus ? Tigris read Urbanus ? Tigrides. Pp. 30, 31, Feb 4. The gloss-numbers in the text and its translation are wrong. Gloss 3 is on Chota (I. i) : gloss 4 is on Cuanna (1. 9) ; gloss 5 is on Ciaran. P. 31, Feb. 6, 11. 6, 7, for the stanza is my great portion read my great stanza. P. 32, Feb. 9,/<9r Ausbertus r^a^ Ansbertus. P. 32y Feb. 7, for Moenacan, Moyses read Moenucdn, Moysetis. Feb. g,for Ausbertus read Ansbertus. P. 34, Feb. II, 1. 7,for^ read" line 12, for Inna read mna.. P. 35, Feb. 1 1, 1. 6, for Ina read as. P 41, Feb. 22, 1. 4, for Mac read The son of Line 5, for the colon put a comma. Gloss 5, /cr daughters r^^i^ daughter. P. 43, Feb. 23, 1. 3, for Ernen read Ernin. Gloss 4, for Lethglinn read Lethglenn. P. 44, Feb. 28, last Ime, read dodaing. P. 45, Feb. 28. The last sentence should be : Its great assembly which I praise (be) against the hardship of the devils ! Gloss i, for Eriud read Aired. P. 47, March 3, 1. 3, for royal-fair rm<^of the white fore-arm. P. 51, March 8, gl. 5,/c;rn-Eire read n-E'irc. P. 52, March 12, 1. 2. Perhaps here and at June 29, cara is a verb, meaning 'thou lovest': gl. ^,for Faithin read Fathan. P. 55, March 14, 1. i, defore a band insert that is. Line 3, for Eufrasius read Euphrosius. 40S CORRIGENDA. P. 55, March 15, 1. 2, /<7r without (any) defence thereof read not to defend Him. P. 57, March 17, gl. 5, for Naise read Nasc. P. 59, March 19, 1. i, y^r burnings read outrages, and cancel the note. jFor Colocerus read Calocaerius : /or Quintilla read Quintillus. March 21, 1. 2, for firm ones read shrewd one. P. 61, March 22, /or in my company read near me. March 2%/or Maedoc 7-ead Medoc. March 24, 1. 3, /or whom I should not dare read who is not dared, 1. /^,/or for read on. P. 63, March 26, gl. \,/or Erbert r^-^if Airbertach. March 27, 1. i,/or Mindful read Remember. P. 65, March y>,/or Fola r^a^^Tola. /or Satul (?) read Satullus. P. 67, March 31, 1. 3, /or Protadius read Protida. For Faelan, Mac Aeda read¥die\i.n, son of Aed. 1. 5, /^r Those r^a^The. P. 69, Ap. 2, /or Marcis (?) read Marcisus. For Nicetas read Nicetius. In gloss 3, before Cael insert the Ap. 3, for Agape read Agapis. For in my company read near me. P. 70, Ap. 5, 1. \i/or Herenis rrac/ hErenis. Ap. 6, gl. 2, /or cihnn read chmn. P. 71, Ap. 5, for Marcianus read Martiana. Ap. (i,/or Modestus read Modestia. /or that band for which I contend read the band which I proclaim. P. T^, Ap. 7, read Caelestinus. Ap. ?>.,/or in our company r^<2^near us. P. 77, Ap. 14, /or may I be, O holy, white Christ, in an assembly read O holy white Christ, may our meeting be Ap. ii„/or Maximus read Maximius. P. 79, Ap. 16, 1. 2, /or Carisius read Charisius : /or which is no blame read who are not unmanned. Ap. 17, 1. 2, /or we reckon read reckon ye. P. 80, Ap. 12, 1. 5, dele the hyphen. P. 81, Ap. 21, /or Soterus read Soter. P, 83, Ap. 22, 1. 4, I'ead Agapetus. Ap. 23, L Aifa^ let them r^^^they. P. 85, Ap. 15, 11. 3, 4, /or deacon Nenn — nobles read heavenly deacon Nenn. Ap. 27, 11. 3, 4, for around my assembly readnedLX me. P. 87, Ap. 28, 1. 2, /or are read were. Ap. 29, 11. 3, ^.^/or these columns, etc., readxhey are a safeguard to all, the towers against serious battle. Ap. 30, 1. 2, /or Dagair read Dagarius. P. 89, May I, 1. 4,/