#**" ,{ ttit ®fcraIi>9i(M ^^ ■ PRINCETON, N. J. % Division • ' ^^ ^ A NEW CONCOKDAlSrCE OF THE AMERICAN REVISED BIBLE {STANDARD EDITION) WITH OVER 10,000 EEFERENCES TO THE AUTHORIZED VERSION OF 1611 COMBINED WITH A SUBJECT- INDEX AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES NEW YORK 37 EAST 18th STREET Copyright, 1903, By THOMAS NELSON & SONS. Nortocoti ^rcss J. S. Cushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. GUIDE TO THE REVISED AND AUTIIORTZED VERSIONS. A COMBINED CONCOEDANCE TO THE AMERICAN REVISED BIBLE {STANDARD EDITION), DICTIONARY OF PROPER NAMES, AND SUBJECT INDEX, GIVING THE TEXT OF THE REVISED VERSION, WITH THE ALTERNATIVE READINGS IN THE AUTHORIZED VERSION. Note. — For rendij rpference the type of each headina is varied. Those of the Concordance are indicated tltus — ABASE ; the Proper Xajiies thus — AAROX ; and Subject Iiulex tlius — Advice. Key to pronunciation of Proper Names: a, e, i, o, ti, y, loivf ; a, e, i, o, u, less prolon.(jed ; a, e, T, 5, u, y, short; care, far, last, fall; there, term; pique, firm; for, do; furl, rude; 9 as s; cli as sh; e, eh, as k; g as j ; g as in get;* s as z; x as gz; ia, iah, as yah ; ian as yan. AARON, aSr'on— Heb. inountaineer. Of the tribe of Levi, eldest son of Amram and Jochebed, Ex. 6. 20. born in Egypt, three years before Moses, Ex. 7. 7. could speak well, Ex. 1. 14 ; and made interpreter or mouth for Moses, Ex. 4. 16. married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab of Judah, Ex. 6. 2a ; 1 Chr. 2. 10. [Ex. 6. 23. had four sons, Nadab, Abihu. Eleazar, and Ithamar, is sent by God to meet Moses, Ex. 4. 14, 27. speaks with Israelites and Pharaoh, Ex. 4. 30 ; 7. 2. works miracles, Ex. 7. 10, 19 ; 8. 6, 17 ; 9. 10 ; 11. 10. supports Moses' hands at Rephidim, Ex. 17. 8-13. approaches Mount Sinai, Ex. 19. 24; 24. 9-11. makes a golden calf, Ex. 32. 4; is rebuked, Ex. 32. 19-34 ; is forgiven, Deut. 9. 20. is consecrated to the priest's office. Lev. 8. 1-9. joins Miriam in murmuring. Num. 12. 2. [Num. 16. is conspired against by Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, is coufiriued in his priesthood by the blossoming of his almond rod, Num. 17. 1-10 ; Heb. 9. 4. shares Moses' sin at Meribah and its punishment. Num. 20. 10-12 ; priest's robes and office transferred to Eleazar, Num. 20. 23-29. dies on Mount Hor, Dent. 32. 50 — or Moserah (A.V., Mosera), Deut. 10. 6 ; Num. 20. 28. was chosen by God, Ps. 105. 26 ; Heb. 5. 4. AARONITES. aar'ou-ites, descendants of Aaron, and priests. 1 Chr. 12. 27 ; Eli was of tJie house of Itha- mar, Zadok of Eleazar, 1 Chr. 27. 17 ; Aaron, 1 Chr. 27. 17. as one of the tribss of Israel. ABADDON,a-hMdon—B.eh. destruction. (See Job 28. 22.) angel of the abyss. A.V., bottomless pit. Rev. 9. 11. the Vsmodeus of Tobit 3. 8. (See Apollyon.) ABADDON. Job 26. 6, A. hath no covering. A.V., destruction. Prov. 1.5. 11, Sheol and A. A. V., hell and d" struct > on. ABAGTHA, a-bag' tha — Pers. given by God [?j. Esth. ARAN AH, 1 Chr. 8. 23. 1 ABDON. ab'don, city in Asher. Josh. 21. 30. ABED-NEGO, a-bed'-ne-go' — Aram, servant of Nego or Nebo. companion of Daniel, Dan. 2. 49. saved from the fiery furnace, Dan. 3. 12-30. ABEL, a bel — (1) Heb. breath or vanity. second son of Adam and Eve, Gen. 4. 2. his ottering accepted. Gen. 4. 3-5. killed by Cain, Gen. 4. 8. first martyr— '"righteous," Mat. 23. 35 ; Luke 11. 51; Heb. 12. 24 ; 1 John 3. 12. his faith, A. V., God testifying of his gifts. Heb. 11. 4. ABEL, a'bel— (2) weadoiu—zvQ2it stone. 1 Sam. 6. 18. ABEL-BETH-MA AC AH, rbel-teth-ma a-cah — Heb. meadoiv of the house of Maacidi, A. V., Maachah — city of Naphtali, called mother in Isiael, 2 Sam. 20. 19. renowned for \\-isdom, 2 Sam. 20. 18. besieged by Joab, 2 Sam. 20. 14, 15; by Eeu-hadad, 1 Kings 15. 20 : by Tiglath-pileser. 2 Kings 15. 29. in 2 Chr. 16. 4 called Abil-vudm, meadow of waters. ABEL-CHERAMIAf, a bel-ehe-ra mim — Heb. vine- ynrd-meadoir. Judg. 11. 33; A. V., jjlain of the vineuards — yiU^ge east of Jordan. ABEL-MEHOLAH, a'bel-me-ho Iah — Heb. daiice- meadoiv. village near Beth-shean, Judg. 7. 22 ; 1 Kirgs 4. 12. birthplace of Ehsha. and where he was found plough- ing, 1 Kings 19. 16-19. ABEL-MIZRAIM. a bel-nnz'ra-im — Heb. mourning of Egypt {"t]. Gen. 50. 4-11. A BEE-SHITTIM. a'bel-shit tim —Heb. acacia-meadcu: town in Moab, opposite Jericho, the forty-second place of encampment of the Israelites before crossing the Jordan, Num. 33. 49. Sh-t/iin, see Num. 25. 1 : Josh. 2. 1 ; Micah 6. 5. ABHOR. Ex. 5. 21, savor to be a. Ps. 78. 59, God greatly a. Israel. 89. 39, thou hast a. the covenant. A. V., made void. 107. 18, their soul a. all manner. 119. 163, I hate and a. falsehood. Isa. 7. 16. laud whose two kings thou a. Amos 6. 8, I a. the excellency of Jacob. Rom. 12. 9, a. tliat which is evil. ABf abi. or .^1 .6/ J.4//— mother of Hezekiah, 2 Kings 18. 2 ; 2 Chr. 29. 1. [2 Sam. 23. 31. ABI- A LB ON, ahi-alhon -Beh. father oj stieiajth [V]. ABIA SAPH, a- bi'a-saph — Heb. m vfith< r has gathn-ed — .son of Korah. Ex. 6. 24; called Ebia.^ajdi. 1 Chr. 6 37. ABIATHAR, a-bT'a-thar — Heb. The Grou 0/,e isfathtr. son of Ahimelech. high priest of the house of Ithamar, born at Auathoth, 1 Kings 2. 26. escapes slaughter by Doeg, and joins David at Adullam, 1 Sam. 22. 20-23. 12.26:4.4. appointed high priest with Zadok, 1 Chr. 15. 11 ; 1 Kings remains faithful during Absalom's rebellion, 2 Sam. 15. 24 ; 17. 15. David's counsellor. 1 Chr. 27. 34. joins Adonijah, 1 Kings 1. 7, 19. ejected by Solomon from priesthood according to prophecy. 1 Kings 2. 26, 27 : 1 Sam. 2. 31-36. referred to by Christ, Mark 2. 26. ABIB, abib— Heb. nicnth (f green ears. first month of ecclesiastical year after leaving Egypt, Ex. 13. 4 ; 23. 15 ; Deut. 16. 1. ABI COMBINED CONCORDANCE TO THE ABO feasts of unleavened bread and the passover fell during this month, Ex. 12. 18. ..,.,, called Nisan, Neh. 2. 1 ; Esth. 3. 7. [Abidah. ABIDA, a-bi'da — ?»?/ father took hiowledge. A. v., son of Midian, Gen. 25. 4 ; 1 Chr 1. 33. ABIDAN.&h'i-da.n. — 'ileh. nnj fat her is judge. Num.1.11. captain of the tribe of Benjamin in the wilderness. ABIDE. Gen. 19. 2, a. in the street. Ex. 16. 29, a. ye every man. , ^ ^, Josh. 1. 14, your cattle, shall a. A. V., remain. 1 Sam. 5. 7, shall not a. with us. 24. 3, his men were a. A. V., remained. Ps. 91. 1, the Most High shall a. 102 12, wilt a. for ever. A. F., endure. Prov. 15. 31, reproof of life shall a. A. Fl, abideth. Eccl. 1. 4, the earth n. for ever. Isa. 32. 16, shall a. in the fruitful field. A. V., remain. Jer. 10. 17, thou that a. A. V., inhabitant. 42. 10, still a. in tliis land. Hos. 3. 3, a. for me many days. Joel 2. 11, and who can a. it? Zech. 5. 4, a. in the midst. A. V., remain. Mat. 10. 11, there a. till ye go. 26. 38, a. ye here, and watch. A. V., tarry. Mark 6. 10, there a. till ye depart. Luke 2. 8, shepherds ... a. in the field. 9. 4, there a., and thence depart. 19. 5, to-day 1 must a. at thy house. 24. 29, a. with us ; for it is toward. John 1. 38, where a. thou ? A.V., dweUest. 3. 36, wrath of God a. on him. 5. 38, not his word a. in you. 6. 27, a. unto eternal life. A. V., endureth. 6. 56, o. in me. A. V., dweUeth. 8. 31, a. in my word. A.V., continue. 14. 17, a. with you. A. F., duelMh. 14. 25, while yet a. with you. A. V., present. ■ 15. 4, a. in me, . . . «. in the vine. 15. 9, a. ye in my love. A. V., continue. 15. 10, a. in my love ; ... a. in his love. 15. 16, your fruit .should a. A.V., remain. Acts 1. 13, were a. A. F., where abode. 16. 15, come into my house, and a. there. 28. 16, suffered to a. by himself. A. F., dwell. 1 Cor. 3. 14, if any man's work shall a. A. F., ivork a. 13. 13, but now n. faith, hope, love. A. F, and notv. Phil. 1. 25, a. with you all. A. F, continue. 2 Tim. 2. 13, are faithless, he a. faithful. 3. 14, n. thou. A. F, continue. Heb. 7. 24, he a. for ever. A. F, continueth. 10. 34, and an a. one. A. F, enduring substance. 13 14, not ... an n. city. A. F, no continuing. 1 Pet. 1. 25, word of the Lord a. A. F, endureth. 1 John 2. 24, shall ff. in the Son. A. V., continue. 3. 9, his seed a. A. F, remaineth. [dwell eth. 3. 17, how doth the love of God a. in him? A.V., 4. 12, God a. in us. A. F, dwelleth. 4. 13, we a. in him. A.V., dtvell. ABIEL, a'bi-el — Heb. God is my (a) father. (1) father of Kish and Ner, and grandfather of Saul and Abner, 1 Sam. 9. 1 ; 14. 51 ; 1 Chr. 8. 33. (2) margin called Abi-albon, 1 Chr. 11. 32. ABIEZER, a'bi-e'zer — Heb. my father is help. (1) grandson of Manasseh, ancestor of Gideon, Josh. 17. 2 ; Judg. 6. 11, 15 ; lezer, A. F, Jeezer, Num. 26. 30. (2) one of David's heroes, 2 Sam. 23. 27. ABIGAIL, ab'i-gail — Heb. my father is joy. (1) sister of David, 1 Chr. 2. 16 ; 2 Sam. 17. 25. (2) wife of Nabal, 1 Sam. 25. 3 ; of David, 1 Sam. 25. 14, 42; captured at Ziklag, 1 Sam. 30. 5; mother of Chileab, 2 Sam. 3. 3. ABIHAIL. ab'i-ha'il — Heb. my father is might. Num. 3. 35 ; 1 Chr. 2. 29 ; 2 Chr. 11. 13 : Esth. 2. 15. ABIHU, a-bi'hu — Heb. {my) father is God. second son of Aaron, Ex. 6. 23 ; priest, Ex. 28. 1. offers strange fire, and is struck dead. Lev. 10. 1-7. ABIHUD, a-bi'liud— Heb. myfatheris majesty. IChr. 8.3. ABIJAH, a-bi'jah — Heb. (my) father is Jehovah. (1) second son of Samuel, 1 Sara. 8. 2. A. F, Abiah. (2) son of Rehoboam, king of Judah, 1 Chr. 3. 10. warred against Israel, 2 Chr. 13. 4-12. walked in the sins of his father, 1 Kings 15. 3. also called Ahijam, 1 Kings 14. 31. (3) son of Jeroboam, had "some good thuig toward Jehovah," 1 Kings 14. 13. [14. 1-20. Ahiiah foretells his death to Jeroboam's wife, 1 Kings A. F, Abiah, 1 Chr. 2. 24 ; 7. 8. A. F, Abia, Mat. 1. 7 ; Luke 1. 5. IChr. 7. 8. A. v., Abiah. ABILENE, ab'i-le'ne — Gk. pZam— tetrarchy, Luke 3. 1. ABILITY. Ezra 2. 69, gave after their a. Mat. 25 15, according to his several a.. [10. 28. ABI MAE L, a-bim'a-el — Heb. a father is God. Gen. ABIMELECH, a-bim'e-le-eh — Heb. Melek is father. (1) king of Gerar in the time of Abraham, Gen. 20. 1-18. makes a league at Beersheba, Gen. 21. 22-34. (2) king of Gerar in the time of Isaac, Gen. 26. 1-31. (3) son of Gideon, Judg. 9. 1. kills his brothers, except Jotham, Judg. 9. 5. king of Shechem, Judg. 9. 6. wounded by a millstone, is killed by his armor-bearer, Judg. 9. 53-57 ; 2 Sam. 11. 21. ABINADAB, a-bin'a-dab — Heb. my father is noble. (1) Levite, 1 Sam. 7. 1. ark in his house twenty years, 1 Chr. 13. 7. (2) 1 Sam. 16. 8 ; 17. 13. (3) 1 Sam. 31. 2. (4) 1 Kings 4. 11. ABINOAM, a-bln'o-am — Heb. my father is delight, Judg. 4. 6 ; 5. 1. [(1) Num. 16. 1. ABI RAM, a-bi'ram — Heb. the Exalted one is my father. rebels with Korah and Dathan, Ps. 106. 17. (2) son of Hiel, rebuilder of Jericho, 1 Kings 16. 34 ; Josh. 6. 26. ABISHAG, ab'i-shag — Heb. my father is a wanderer. Shunammite, attends on David, 1 Kings 1. 1-4. cause of Adonijah's death, 1 Kings 2. 13-25. ABISHAI, a-bish'a-i — Heb. my father is Jesse. sou of Zeruiah, David's sister ; and brother of Joab, 2 Sam. 2. 18 ; 1 Chr. 2. 16. accompanies David to camp of Saul, 1 Sam. 26. 5-9. slew the Philistine giant, 2 Sam. 21. 15-17. slew 300 men with his spear, 2 Sam. 23. 13. [15. 2. ABLSHALOM, a.-\yifi\\ 2i-Y6n\ = ABSALOM. 1 Kings ABISUUA, a-bish'u-a — Heb. my father is rescue or opulence. (1) 1 Chr. 8. 4. (2) 1 Chr. 6. 4. [1 Chr. 2. 28. ABI8HUR, a-bi'shur — Heb. mil father is a ivall [?]. ABITAL, ab'i-tSl — Heb. my father is (the) dew. 2 Sam. 3.4. [8.11. ABITUB, ab'i-tfib — Heb. my father is goodness. 1 Chr. ABIUD, a-bl'ud. Mat. 1. 13. Abihud. ABLE. Gen. 13. 6, land was not a. to bear. Gen. 47. 6, any a. men. A. F, men of acHvity. Deut. 16, 17, give as he is a. 1 Sam. 6. 20, a. to stand. 1 Chr. 7. 11, that were a. to go. A. F, fit. Prov. 27. 4, a. to stand before jealousy. Ezek. 46. 7, he is a. A. F, shall attain unto. Amos 7. 10, land is not a. to bear. Mat. 3. 9, God is a. of these stones. 9. 28, that I am a. to do this. 20. 22, are ye a. to drink. Mark 9. 18, they were not a. A.V., could not. Luke 12. 26, not a. to do even that. Rom. 4. 21, he was a. also to perform. 8. 39, a. to separate us from the love. 16. 25, a. to establish you. A. F, of power. 1 Cor. 10. 13, above that ye are a. Phil. 3. 21, a. even to subject all things. Heb. 2. 18, a. to succor . . . tempted. Jude 24, a. to guard you from stumbling. Rev. 5. 3, no one . . . was a. to open the book. 6. 17, who is a. to stand. ABNER, ab'ner — Heb. my father is light. 1 Sam. 14. 51. son of Ner, cousin of Saul, and captain of army, proclaims Ish-bosheth king. 2 Sam. 2. 8. joins David, 2 Sam. 3. 12 ; killed by Joab, 3. 27. is lamented by David as " a prince and a great man," 2 Sam. 3. 33-38. [in. ABODE {n.). Ps. 68. 16, desired for his a. A. F, to dwell John 14. 23, make our a. with him. ABODE (('.). Gen. 25. 18, a. over against all. A. F, died in the presence of. Gen. 49. 24, bow a. in strength. Ex. 24. 16, glory ... a. upon mount Sinai. Num. 10. 12, the cloud a. A. F, rested. Hag. 2. 5, my Spirit a. A.V., remaineth. Luke 1. 56, Mary a. with her. John 1. 32, it a. upon him. 1. 39, saw where he a. A. F, dwelt. 1. 39, a. with him that day. 2. 12, a. not many days. A. F, continued. Acts 18. 3, he a. with them. 23. 30, n. two whole years. A. F, dwelt. ABOLISH. 1 Cor. 15. 24, a. all rule. A. F, put down. 1 Cor. 15. 26, last enemy ... a. A. F, destroyed. Eph. 2. 15, having a. in his flesh. 2 Tim. 1. 10, Christ Jesus, who a. death. ABOMINABLE. 1 Kings 21. 26, a. in following idols. Ps. 14. 1, have done a. works. 53. 1, have done a. iniquity. Isa. 14. 19, cast forth . . . like an a. branch. Jer. 44. 4, not this a. thing that 1 hate. Hos. 9. 10, became a. like that which they loved. A. F, their abominations were according as they loved. Tit. 1. 16. t)iRV deny him, being a. ABOMINATION. Gen. 43. 32, a. unto the Egyptians. Lev. 7. 21 ; 19. 7, it is an a. A. F, abominable. Deut. 7. 26, and thou shalt not bring an a._ 18. 12, these a. Jehovah thy God doth drive. 25. 16, do unrighteously, are an a. , ,, .,, 2 Chr. 15. 8, put away the a. A. F, abominable idols. Prov. 3. 32, for the perverse is an a. 8. 7, wickedness is an a. to my lips. 11. 20, perverse in heart are an a. 28. 9, even his prayer is an a. Isa. 44. 19, residue thereof an a. Jer. 4. 1, put away thine a. out of. 16. 18, with their a. A.V., abominable things. Ezek. 5. 9, because of all thine a. ABO AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. ACC Ezek. 16. 25, thy beauty au a. A.V.,to be abhorred. 33. 29, a desolation . . . because of all their a. Dau. 11. 31, the a. that luaketh desolate. Mat. 24. 16 ; Mark 13. 14, a. of desolation. Luke 16. 15, exalted ... is an a. iu the sight of God. Rev. 21. 27, he that maketh an a. Abomination, Ammonites (Miicom or Moloch), 1 Kings 11. 5 ; 2 Kings 23. 13. [16. 2-58. detilemeut, Deut, 24. 4 ; Prov. 16. 12 ; Isa. 66. 17 ; Ezek. desolation, Dan. 9. 27 ; 12. 11 ; Mark 13. 14. eating with strangers, Gen. 43. 32. Egyptians, Ex. 8. 26. . falsity, Prov. 11. 1 ; 17. 1^; 20. 10, 23. idolatry, Deut. 7. 25, 26; 2 Kings 23. 13 ; Mai. 2. 11. impurity, Lev. 18. 22 r 20. 13. national, Deut. 18. 9. 12 ; Ezek. 5. 11 ; 16. 22 ; Hos. 9. 10. otterings, Lev. 7. 18; Prov. 15. 8; Isa. 1. 13; 41. 24. prayer. Prov. 23. 9. pride, Prov. 6. 16; 16. 5. perverseuess, Prov. 11. 20. A. V., froward. shepherds. Gen. 46. 34. ABOUND. Prov. 28. 20, a. with blessings, [abounded. Rom. 5. 15, did ... a. imto the rnany. A. V., hath 15. 13, ye may a. in hope. 1 Cor. 14. 12, a. unto the edifying. ^1. F., excel to. 2 Cor.l. 5, sufferings of Christ a. . . . comfort also a. through Christ. 4. 15, to a. unto the glory. A. V., redound. 9. 8, a. unto every good work. 9. 12, a. also through. A. F., is abundant. Eph. 1. 8, which he made to a. A. F., wherein he hath aboimded. Phil. 1. 9, that your love may a: 1 Thes. 4. 10, that ye «. A. V., increase. [dant. 1 Tim. 1. 14, a. exceedingly. A. F., exceeding abun- ABOUT. Job 1. 10, made a hedge a. him. Acts 27. 2, ship . . . which was a. to sail. A. F., ive . . . meaniyig to sail. Rev. 12. 4, is a. to be delivered. A. F., icas ready. ABOVE. Ex. 25. 21, 22, mercy-seat a. upon. [upon. Ex. 39. 31, fasten it upon the mitre a. A. F, on high Num. 11. 31, two cubits a. A. F, high upon. Deut. 28. 13, thou shalt be a. only. Ps. 10. 5, thy judgments are far a. 45. 7, oil of gladness a. thy fellows. [chertibims. 8i}. 1; 99. 1, a. the cherubim. A.V., between the 119. 127, a. gold, j^ea, a. fhie gold. [upivard. Ezek. 1. 11, their wings were separate a. A.V., stretched Mat. 10. 24 ; Luke 6. 40, disciple is not a. John 3. 31, cometh from a. is a. all. 8. 23, I am from a. Rom. 14. 5, esteemeth one day a. another. Gal. 4. 26, Jerusalem that is a. is free. ABRAHAM, a'bra-ham —father (or chief) of a multitude. Abram, son of Terah, born at Ur of the Chaldees, mai-- ries Sarai, Gen. 11. 27-31 ; 1 Pet. 3. 6. called by God, removes to Haran, Acts 7. 2-4. leaves Haran with Lot, Gen. 12. 1, 2; Heb. 11. 8. comes to Shechem (A.V., Sichem), and God blesses him, Gen. 12. 2-7 ; visits Bethel, Mamre, Gerar, and Egypt, Gen. 12. 8 ; 13. 3 ; Ps. 105. 9-15, at Bethel separates from Lot, Gen. 13. 11. defeats Chedorlaomer, delivers Lot, Gen. 14. 1-16. blessed by Melchizedek, Gen. 14. 17-20 ; Heb. 7. covenants with God, Heb. 6. 13 ; Neh. 9. 7, 8. name changed to Abraham, Gen. 17. 5. entertains angels, pleads for Sodom, Gen. 18. his son Isaac is born, Gen. 21. 1-8. offers Isaac at Moriah, Gen. 22. buys Machpelah, where Sarah is buried. Gen. 23. dies, and is buried, Gen. 25. 8, 9. called the friend of God, Isa. 41. 8; Jas 2. 23 ; faithful Abraham, Gal. 3. 9 ; father of us all, Rom. 4 16. his faith referred to, Isa. 41. 8 ; John 8. 39 ; Rom. 4. 3 ; Gal. 3. 6 ; Heb. 11. 8 ; Jas. 2. 23. ABRAM, abram — Heb. e.ralted father. Gen. 11. 26; 12. 1. changed to Abraham, Gen. 17. 5. ABROAD. Deut. 32. 11, he spread a. Luke 1. 65, sayings were noised a. 9. 60, publish a. the kingdom. A. F, preach. Rom. 9. 17, name . . . published a. in all the earth. ABSALOM, ab'sa-lom — Heb. my fat h'-r is peace. born at Hebron ; third son of David, 2 Sam. 3. 2, 3. kills his brother Amnon, 2 Sam. 13. 23-38. revolts against David, 2 Sam. 15. 7 ; Ps. 3. (title). army defeated by Joab, caught in an oak, 2 Sam. 18. 7, 9. killed by Joab, 2 Sam. 18. 14. lamented by David, 2 Sam, 18. 33. ABSENT. 1 Cor. 5. 3, being a. in body. 2 Cor. 5. 6, we are a. from the Lord. 5. 8, rather to be a. from the body. Col. 2. 5, for though I am a. in the flesh. Abstinence, Prov. 23. 2 : Luke 21. 34; Rom. 8. 13; Eph. 5. 18 ; 1 Pet. 2. 11 ; 2 Pet. 1. 6. [8. 13. Instances:— ,Ter. 35. 14; Dan. 1. 8; Mark 1.6; 1 Cor. ABUNDANCE. Deut. 28. 47, a. of all things. 1 Kings 13. 41, sound of a. of rain. 1 Chr. 22. 4, cedar-trees in a. A.V., much cedar wood. Ps. 37. 16, a. of many wicked. A. F., riches. Ps. 69. 13, a. of thy lovingkiudness. A. V., multitude. 72. 7 ; Jer. 33. 6, a. of peace. 72. 16, a. of grain. A. V., handful. Eccl. 5. 10, he that loveth a. Jer. 48. 36, the a. that he hath gotten. A. V., riches. Mat. 13.12; 25. 29, have'/. Luke 12. 16, consisteth not in the a. 2 Cor. 8. 2, the a. of their joy. A lix^J/i^yUtS,'"'"*^'''^!" «• ^- ^^ abandmilly. ABUNDANT. Ex. 34. 6, a. in lovingkiudness. Job 36. 28, drop upon man a. Ps. 103. 8, a. in lovingkiudness. A.V., i^lenteom in ^ mercy. \ness. Jonah 4. 2, a. in lovingkiudness. A. F, of great kind- 2 Cor. 11. 23, in labors more a. A. F, abundant. 11. 23, in prisons more a. A. F, frequent. Heb. 7. 15, yet more a. evident. A. V., far more evident. ABUSERS. 1 Tim. 1. 10, a. of themselves. A. F, theoi that deji/e. ABYSS. Luke 8. 31, depart into the a. A.V., go out . . . deep. Rom. 10. 7, descend into the a. A. F, deei). Rev. 9. 1, pit of the a. A. F, bottomless pit. 20. 3, into the o. A. V., bottomless pit. [shitfim. ACACIA. Ex. 25. 10 ; Deut. 10. 3, ark of a. wood. A. F, Ex. 27. 1, altar of a. wood. A. V. shittim. A CCAD, ac'cad — Heb. hiZ>OiV, ad'don — Heb. /oit; [?]. Neh, 7. 61. ADIEL, a'di-el— Heb. an ornament is God. 1 Chr. 27. 25. ADIN, a'din — Heb. voluptuous one. Ezra 8. 6. - ADINA, ad'i-na - 1 Chr. 11. 42. ^ ADINO, ad'i-no-2 Sam. 23. 8. ADJURATION. Prov. 29. 24, heareth the a. A.V., cursing. ADJURE. S. of Sol. 2. 7, I a. you. A. V., charge. Mat. 26. 63, I a. thee by the living God. Acts 19. 13, I a. you by Jesus. ADLAI. ad'lai-Heb. just [?]. 1 Chr. 27. 29. ADM AH, ad'mah — Heb. earth. Gen. 10. 19 ; 14. 2. ADMONISH. Acts 20. 31, I ceased not to a. A. V., warn. Acts 27. 9, Paul a. them. Rom. 15. 14 ; Col. 3. 16, a. one another. 1 Cor. 4. 14, to a. you. A. V., I warn. Col. 1. 28, a. every man. A. V., ivarning. 1 Thes. 5. 14, a. the disorderly. A. V., team them that are unruly. 2 Thes. 3. 15, a. him as a brother. ADMONITION. Eccl. 4. 13, not how to receive a. A. v., no more be admonished. [17. 14. ADNAH, ad'nah — Heb. delight. 1 Chr. 12. 20; 2 Chr. ADO. Acts 20. 10, make ye no a. A.V., trouble not yourselees. ADONI-BEZEK, a-do'ni-be zek — Heb. lord of Bezek. defeated and mutilated, Judg. 1. 4-7. ADONIJAH, ad'o-nl'jah — Heb. my lord is Jehovah. fourth son of David, proclaimed kuig, 1 Kings 1. 11. flees and takes refuge at the altar, 1 Kings 1. 5-50. receives pardon from Solomon, 1 Kings 1. 53. put to death, 1 Kings 2. 13-25 [Ezra 2. 13. ADONIKAM. a-don'i-kam — Heb. my Lord has arisen. ADONIRAM, ad'o-ni'ram (or Adoram, 1 Kings 12. 18) — my Lord is exalted. 1 Kings 4. 6, over the men subject to taskwork. A.V., over the tribute. stoned to death, 1 Kings 5. 14. ADONI-ZEDEK, a-do'nl-ze'dek - Heb. lord of right- eousness. A. v., Adoni-zedec. king in Jerusalem, Josh. 10. 1-27 ; Deut. 21. 23. ADOPTION. Rom. 8. 15, spirit of a. Gal. 4. 5, receive the a. of sons. [1. 4. Adoption, spiritual, John 1. 12, 13; 2 Cor. 6. 18; 2 Pet. blessings of. Num. 6. 27; Isa. 62. 2; Mat. 13. 43; Acts 15. 17 ; Gal. 3. 29 ; Eph. 3. 6. of saints, Rom. 15. 29 ; Gal. 4. 6 ; Eph. 1. 5, 11 ; Heb. 2. 11, 12: 1 John 3. 2. [36. fruits of, Mat. 5. 44, 45, 48 ; 6. 25-34 ; 7. 7-11 ; Luke 6. 35, of Israel, Ex. 4. 22 ; Hos. 11. 1 ; Rom. 9. 4. of the Gentiles, Isa. 66. 19 ; Acts 15. 3 ; Gal. 4. 5. Instances : — Moses, Ex. 2. 10 ; Esther, Esth. 2. 7 ; Joseph''s sons. Gen. 48. 5, 14, 16, 22 ; Solomon, 1 Chr. 28. 6. [11. 9. ADORAIM, ad'o-ra'im — Heb. two mounds [?J. 2 Chr. ADORN. Isa. 61. 10, as a bride a. herself. Luke 21. 5, a. with goodly stones. Tit. 2. 10, a. the doctrine of God. 1 Pet. 3. 3, whose a. let it not be the outward a. Rev. 21. 19, foundations were a. A.V., garnished. ADR AMME LECH, a-dram'me-lgch-Heb. Adar is prince. 2 Kings 19. 37 ; Isa. 37. 38. ADRAMYTTIUM, ad'ra-myt'ti-iim. Acts 27. 2. ADRIA, a'dri-a-the sea of Adria. Acts 27. 27. A. V., in Adria. ADRIEL, a'dri-el — Heb. my help is Ood. 1 Sam. 18. 19 ; 2 Sam. 21. 8, 9. J ADU AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. AFO ADULLAM, a-dul'lam — Heb. a retreat [?]. Geu. 38. 1, 12, 20. conquered by Joshua, Josh. 12. 15 ; Mic. 1. 15. its cave the refuge of David, 1 Sam. 22. 2. Adultery, Mat. 5. 28 ; 19. y ; Mark 7. 21 ; 10. 11. prohibited, Ex. 20. 14 : Deut. 5. 18 ; Mat. 19. 18. punishmeut of. Lev. 20. 10 ^1 Cor. 6. 9 ; Heb. 13. 4. spiritual, Jer. 13. 27 ; Ezek. 16. 32 ; Hos. 1. 2 ; Rev. 2. 22. Instances : — Tamar, Gen. 38. 24 ; Dacid, 2 Sam. 11. 2 ; Herod, Mark (j. 17 ; icoman in John 8. 3. AD UMMIM, a-diim'mim — Heb. red ones [?]. Josh. 15. 7. ADVANCED. Esth. 3. 1, and a. him. Luke 2. 52, Jesus a. in wisdom. A. V., increased. Gal. 1. 14, a. in the Jews' religion. A. V., profited. ADVANTAGE. Job 35. 3, what a. Eccl. 10. 11, no a. in the charmer. A. V., a babbler is no better. Rom. 3. 1, what a. then hath the Jew. 2 Cor. 7. 2, took a. of no man. A. V., defrauded. 12. 17. take a. A. K, make a (lain. ADVENTURE. Deut. 28. 56 ; Acts 19. 31, a. (=venfure). Eccl. 5. 14, riches perish by evil rt. A. V., travail. ADVERSARY. Ex. 23. 22, a. unto thine a. Num. 10. 9, a. that oppresseth. A. F., enemy. 22. 22, for au a. against him. 22. 32, for an a. A. T., to withstand thee. Job 31. 35, indictment which mine a. hath written. A. F., a. had 'written a book. Ps. 3. 1, mine a. increased. A. V., they increased that trouble me. 8. 2, because of thine a. A. F., enemies. 13. 4, mine a. A. F., those tliat trouble me. 38. 20, evil for good are a. unto me. 60. 11, help against the a. A. F., from trouble. 78. 61, into the a. hand. A. F, enemy''s. 89. 23, will beat down his a. A. V.,foes. 109. 6, a. stand at liis right hand. A. F., Satan. 136. 24, delivered us from our a. A.V., redeemed . . . enemies. Ezek. 30. 16, shall have a. A. F, distresses. Zech. 3. 1, Satan ... to be his a. A. F., resist him. 8. 10, because of the a. A.V., affliction. Mat. 5. 25, agree with thine a. 1 Cor. 16. 9, there are many a. Phil. 1. 28, in nothing affrighted by the a. Heb. 10. 27, which shall devour the a. ADVERSITY. 1 Kings 1. 29, redeemed ... out of all a. A. v., distress. Ps. 10. 6, 1 shall not be in a. 35. 15, in mine a. they rejoiced. 94. 13, rest from the days of a. Prov. 17. 17, a brother is born for a. Isa. 30. 20, Lord give vou the bread of a. Adversity, Prov. 24. 10; Eccl. 7. 14 ; Mic. 6. 9. promise for, Ps. 50. 15 ; 107. 19 ; Isa. 41. 17. Instances : - Gen. 42. 28 ; 44. 16 ; Ex. 14. 10 ; Judg. 10. 10 ; Ruth 1. 5 ; 1 Sam. 30. 6 ; 1 Kings 14. 6 ; 2 Kings 3. 10 ; 19. 1 ; Acts 16. 25 ; 26. 22. ADVERTISE. Num. 24. 14, I will a. thee (=inform). Advice, good, Prov. 25. 11 ; Eccl. 12. 11 ; 1 Cor. 12. 8 ; Eph. 4. ; 5. ; 6. ; Phil. 4. ; 1 Thes. 4. ; 5. ; Jas. 1. 5. Instances -. — Jethro to Moses, Ex. 18. 19 ; Joshua, Josh. 22. 1-6; 23. 2; David, 1 Kings 2. 1-9 ; Gamaliel, Acts 5.34. Advice, bad, to be avoided, Ps. 1. 1 ; Prov. 1. 10. Instances : — 2 Sam. 10. 3 ; 17. 1 ; 1 Kings 12. 10 ; Esth. 3. 8 ; Jer. 38. 4 ; Mat. 28. 13. ADVISE. 2 Sam. 24. 13, now a. thee. A.V.,a. and see. 1 Chr. 12. 19, upon advisement {= consideration). Prov. 13. 10, with the weli-a. is wisdom. Acts 27. 12, a. to put to sea from thence. A. F., a. to depart thence also. ADVOCATE. 1 John 2. 1, an A. with. ^NEA S, ae'ne-as, healed. Acts 9. 33-35. JUNON, ae'non, or ENON—G!\l. springs. where John baptized, John 3. 2"5. AFAR. Ps. 138. 6, he knoweth from a. A. F., afar off. Isa. 33. 17, land that reacheth a. A. F, is very far off. Heb. 11. 13, greeted them from a. A.V., having seen them afar off. AFAR OFF. Geu. 22. 4, place a. o. Isa. 22. 3, they fled a. o. A. V., ivhich have fled from far. Jer. 23. 23, and not a God a. o. Mat. 8. 30, a. o. A. V., a good way off. 26. 58, Peter followed him a. o. Luke 15. 20, yet a. o. A. F, a great way off. Acts 2. 39, to all that are a. o. AFFAIRS. 2 Tim. 2. 4, in the a. of this life. AFFECTED. Lam. 3. 51, mine eye a. Acts 14. 2, evil a. against the brethren. AFFECTION. 1 Chr. 29. 3, set my «. on. Rom. 12. 10, be tenderly a. one (= disposed). 2 Cor. 6. 12, your own a. A. V., bowels. Affections, carnal. Gal. 5. 16 ; 2 Pet. 2. 10. upon house of God, 1 Chr. 29. 3 ; Ps. 26. 8 ; 27. 4 ; 84. 2, 10; 122.1- Isa. 56. 7. on things above. Col. 3. 1, 2. upon God, Deut. 6. 5 ; Ps. 42. 1 ; 119. ; Mark 12. 30. one to another, John 13. 5 ; Rom. 12. 10 ; 1 Pet. 1. 22 • 1 John 2. 10 ; 4. 12. Instances : — Ru/h, Ruth 1. 16 ; Jonatlian, 1 Sam. 18. 1 ; Ittai, 2 Sam. 15. 21; Jesus, John 11. 5; 13. 23; Chi-is- tiuns. Acts 4. 32 ; Titus, 2 Cor. 7. 15; Galatians, Gal. 4. 15 ; Paul, 1 Thes. 2. 18. AFFIRM. Acts 12. 15, she confidently a. A. F, con- stantly a. Acts 25. 19, Jesus, . . . whom Paul a. 1 Tim. 1. 7, they confidently a. A.V., they a. AFFLICT. Gen. 15. 13, a. them 400 years. Ruth 1. 21, Almighty hath a. me. Job 36. 6, giveth to the a. their right. A. V., poor. Ps. 35. 13, I (I. my soul. A. V., humbled. 44. 2, thou didst a. the peoples. 90. 15, the days wherein thou hast a. us. 119. 67, before I was a. I went astray. 140. 12, maintain the cause of the a. Prov. 15. 15, all the days of the a. 22. 22, oppress the a. in the gate. Isa. 53. 4. smitten of God, and a. [yet he. 53. 7, yet when he was a. he. A. F, and he was a., 63. 9, in all their affliction he was a. Nah. 1. 12, I will a. thee no more. Zeph. 3. 12, of thee an a. and poor people. Zech. 10. 2, they are a. A.V., ivere troubled. 2 Cor. 1. 6, a., it is for your comfort. 2 Thes. 1. 7, you that are a. A. V., ivho are troubled. 1 Tim. 5. 10, if she hath reUeved the a. Heb. 11. 37, destitute, a., ill-treated. Jas. 4. 9, be a., and mourn, and weep. Afflicted, duty towards the. Job 16. 5 ; Ps. 82. 3 ; Prov. 22. 22 ; 31. 5 ; Acts 12. 5 ; 1 Tim. 5. 10 ; Jas. 1. 27 ; 5. 14-16. AFFLICTION. Gen. 16. 11, heard thy a. Ex. 3. 7, surely seen the a. of my people. Deut. 16. 3, even the bread of a. 1 Chr. 22. 14, in my a. A. F, trouble. Job 5. 6, a. Cometh not forth. 36. 8, taken in the cords of a. Ps. 9. 13, behold my a. A. F, trouble. 34. 19, many are the a. of the righteous. 132. 1, remember for David all his a. Isa. 30. 20, the water of a. 48. 10, in the furnace of a. 63. 9, in all their a. Jer. 16. 19, my refuge in the day of a. Hos. 5. 15, in their a. they will seek. Acts 20. 23, bonds and a. abide me. 2 Cor. 1. 4, in all our a. A. F, tribulation. 1. 4, are in any a. A. F, trouble. 1. 8, concerning our a. A. F, trouble. 4. 17, for our light a. 7. 4, joy in all our a. A. F, tribulation. Phil. 1. 17, to raise up a. for me in my bonds. A. F, add a. to my bonds. 1 Thes. 3. 4, we are to suffer a. A. F, tribulation. 2 Thes. 1. 4, and in the a. which ye endure. A. F, and tribulations that. Jas. 1. 27, visit . . . widows in their a. Affliction, benefits of, Job 23. 10 ; Isa. 1. 25 ; Hos. 2. 6 ; John 15. 2 ; Rom. 5. 3 ; Heb. 12. 10 ; 1 Pet. 2. 20. common to all. Job 5. 6, 7 ; 14. 1. confession of sin under, Job 7. 20; Ps. 32. 5 ; Isa. 64. 5, 6 ; Mic. 7. 9. comfort under, Ps. 27. 5 ; 119. 50 ; Isa. 61. 2 ; Luke 7. 13 ; John 16. 33 ; Acts 16. 25 ; 1 Pet. 4. 13. deliverances from, Ps. 40. 2 ; Prov. 12. 13 ; Isa. 63. 9 ; 2 Tim. 3. 11 ; 4. 17, 18. exhortation under, Neh. 1. 8; Job 5. 17; Ps. 22. 24; Prov. 3. 11 ; John 5. 14 ; Heb. 12. 5-13 ; 1 Pet. 4. 12. endurance of, 2 Sam. 12. 16 ; Job 1. 21 ; 2. 10 ; Ps. 18. 6 ; 50. 15 ; Luke 21. 19 ; 2 Cor. 1. 9 : Heb. 12. 1 ; 1 Pet. 2. 20. foretold. Gen. 15. 13 ; Isa. 10. 12 ; Jer. 29. 17. from God, 2 Kings 6. 33 ; Job 10. 15 ; Mic. 6. 9. God's glory in, 2 Cor. 12. 7-10 ; 1 Pet. 4. 14. love of God exhibited, Deut. 8. 5; Prov. 3. 12 ; Heb. 12. 6, 7 ; Rev. 3. 19. [5. 10. object and effects of, 1 Cor. 11. 32; 2 Cor. 4. 17; 1 Pet. promises for, Ps. 9. 9; 46. 1; 94. 12; Isa. 25. 4; 48. 10; 49. 13 ; Jer. 16. 19 ; Mat. 11. 28 ; Acts 14. 22 ; 2 Cor. 4. 16, Rev. 3. 10. prayer under, 2 Kings 19. 16; Ps. 10. 1; 51. 11; Mark 9.24. repentance under, Ps. 78. 34 ; Hos. 6. 1 ; Luke 15. 17. sent in mercy, Ex. 1. 12 ; Ps. 106. 43 ; Rom. 8. 18 ; Rev. 7, 14. support under, Deut. 4. 30, 31 ; Job 33. 26 ; Ps. 73. 26 ; Isa. 10. 20. Instances : — Joseph, Gen. 39. 20-23 ; Job, Job 1. 20-22 ; David, 2 Sam. 12. 15-23; Hezekiah, Isa. 38. 1; Jonah, Jonah 2. 2; Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33. 12; Paul, Acts 20. 22-24 : Apostles, 1 Cor. 4. 13 ; 2 Cor. 6. 4-10. AFFRIGHTED. Deut. 7. 21, not be a. Deut. 20. 3. be ye a. A. F, terrified. Josh. 1. 9, be not a. A. F, afraid. Acts 10. 4, and being a. A. V., he teas afraid. Phil. 1. 28, in nothing a. by the. A. F, terrified by your. AFORE. Rom. 9. 23, o. prepared (= beforehand). AFO COMBINED CONCORDANCE TO THE AIJ AFORETIME. Deut. 2. 20, dwelt therein a. A.V., in old time. Neh. 13. 5, where a. they laid. Dan. 6. 10, as he did a. Rom. 3. 25, sins done a. A.V., that are past. 15. 4, things were written a. 1 Pet. 3. 20, that a. were disobedient. A.V., sometime. AFRAID. Gen. 3. 10; 31. 31, I was a. Neh. a. 9, they all would have made us a. Job 9. 34, his terror make me a. A. V., fear terrify me. Ps. 27. 1, of whom shall I be a. 56. 3. what time I am a. 65. 8, «. at thy tokens. 112. 7, he shall not be a. 119. 39, whereof I am a. A. V., tvhioh I fear. Mat. 9. 8, they were a. A. V., mart>eUed. 10. 28, be not a. of them. A. V., fear not. Mark 9. 32, were a. to ask him. Luke 2. 10, be not a. A. V.,fear not. 9. 45, were a. to ask him about. A. V., feared {to ask him of). Gal. 4. 11, I am a. of you. Heb. 11. 23, they were not a. [folloiv. AFTER. Ex. 14. 17, Egyptians . . . shall go in a. A. F., Mat. 4. 19, come ye a. me. A. V., follow. 27. 62, which is the day a. A.V., followed the day of. Mark 6. 46, a. he had taken leave of them. A. V., ivhen. Acts 20. 15, the day «. A. V., next. Eph. 4. 14, a. the wiles of error. A.V., whereby. Heb. 7. 28, which was a. the law. A. V., since. 11. 6, tliat seek a. him. A. F., diligently seek him. AFTERWARD. Gen. 10. 18, and a. were. Ps. 73. 24, S (JER US, a-has'u-e'rus — in Pers. Xerxes. divorces Vashti and marries Esther, Esth. 2. 17. decrees to destroy the Jews, Esth. 3. 12. hangs Hamau, rewards Mordecai, Esth. 7. 10. AHA VA, a-ha va. Ezra 8. 15, 21. AHAZ, a'haz— Heb. he hath grasped — king of Judah, son of Jotham, 2 Kings 16. ; Isa. 7. 10 ; 2 Chr. 28. is warned by Isaiah (1. 1; 7. 1-16), Hosea (1. 1), and Micah. appeals to Tiglath-pileser, 2 Kings 16. 7. spoils the temple, 2 Kings 16. 8. is idolatrous, 2 Chr. 28. 5. is father of Hezekiah, 2 Kings 16. 1-20. AHAZ I AH, a'ha-zi'ah — Heb. Jehovah hath grasped. (1) king of Israel, son of Ahab, 1 Kings 22. 40. worships Baal, 2 Kings 1. 2. fl. 17. his death foretold by Elijah, 1 Kings 22. 51 ; 2 Kings (2) king of Judah, son of Athaliah, 2 Kings 8. 27-29 ; 9. 29 ; is wicked, 2 Kings 8. 27. is wounded by the Syrians, 2 Kings 9. 22. is killed by Jehu, 2 Kings 9. 27 ; 2 Chr. 22. 7, 9. AHBAN, ah'ban — Heb. brother of an intelligent one. 1 Chr. 2. 29. AHER, a'her — perh. = AHIRAM. 1 Chr. 7. 12. AHI, a'hi = A HI AH. 1 Chr. 5. 15 ; 7. 34. [23. 33. AHIAM, a-hi'am — Heb. father's brother f?]. 2 Sam. AHI AN, a-hl' an — Heb. brotherly. 1 Chr. 7. 19. AHIEZER, a'hi-e'zer — Heb. my brother is help. Num. I. 12; 7. 66; 10. 25; 1 Chr. 12. 3. AHIHUD, a-hi'hud — Heb. brother of maje.Hy. Num. 34. 27 ; 1 Chr. 8. 7. [A. V., Ahiah. AHIJAH, a-hl'ia,lx=AHIMELECH. 1 Sam. 14. 3, 18. AHI J AH, 2i-\\V}V>.\i= AHIAH. 1 Kings 4. 3 ; 1 Chr. 8. 7. A. v., Ahiah. AHI J AH, a-hi'jah — Heb. brother of Jehovah. prophesies against Solomon, 1 Kings 11. 31. against Jeroboam, 1 Kings 14. 1-18. AHI K AM, a-hi'kaui — Heb. my brother has arisen. 2 Kings 22. 12 ; 25. 22. befriends Jeremiah, Jer. 26. 24 ; 39. 14. [8. 16. AHILUD, a-hi'lud — Heb. brother of a son [?]. 2 Sam. AHIMAAZ, a-him'a-az— Heb. my brother is anger — messenger of David, 2 Sam. 15. 36 ; 18. 19 ; 1 Chr. 6. 8. AHIMAN, a-M'man — Heb. my brother is a gift. Num. 13. 22. AHI ME LECH, a-him'e-lgeh — Heb. brother of Mclek. high priest of the line of Ithamar, father of Abiathar, 1 Sam. 22. 20. gave showbread to David, 1 Sam. 21. 1-9. cruelly killed by Doeg, 1 Sam. 22. 9-23. [1 Chr. 6. 25. AHIMOTH, a-hi'moth — Heb. my brother is death. AHINADAB, a-hiu'a-dab — Heb. my brother is noble. 1 Kings 4. 14. AHI NOAM, a-hin'o-am — Heb. my brother is delight. 1 Sam. 14. 50 ; 25. 43. AHIO, a-hi'o — Heb. brotherly. 2 Sam. 6. 3 ; 1 Chr. 13. 7. AHIRA. a-hi'ra — Heb. brother of evil. Num. 1. 15 ; 2. 29. AHIRAM, a-hi'ram — Heb. brother of height. Num. 26. 38. AHISAMACH, a-his'a-mach — Heb. my brother has .supported. Ex. 31. 6 ; 35. 34. AHISHAHAR, a-hish'a-hiir — Heb. brother of dawn. 1 Chr. 7. 10. [1 Kings 4. 6. AHISHAR, a-hi'shar — Heb. my brother hds^ .syng. AHITHOPHEL, a-hith'o-phel— Heb. my brother is folly. favors Absalom, 2 Sam. 15. 12. is thwarted by Hushai, 2 Sam. 15. 31-37. hangs himself, 2 Sam. 17. 1-23. ^^ ^ ,, „ type of Judas, Ps. 41. 9 ; Mat. 27. 5. Jl Sam. 14. 3. AHITUB, a-hi'tub — Heb. my brother is goodness. AHLAB, ah'lSb — Heb. fat. Judg. 1. 31. AHLAL ah'lai-Heb. that ! 1 Chr. 2. 31. AHOAH, a-ho'ah. 1 Chr. 8. 4. AHUMAI, a-hu'ma-I. 1 Chr. 4. 2. , ^,. . ^ AHUZZAM, s.-hnz'z&va.—B.Qh. possessor. 1 Chr. 4. 6. AHZAll AhziirAHASIA - Heb. = AHAZIAH. Neh. II. 13. A. F. Alinsai. AI, a'l, HA I, AIA TH, AIJ A . Gen. 12. 8. defeats Joshua, Josh. 7. 2-5. is taken and burned. Josh. 8. 9-28. rebuilt, Ezra 2. 28 ; Neh. 7. 32 ; Isa. 10. 28. AIAH, a-I'ah — Heb. falcon. 2 Sam. 3. 7; 21. 8. Also Gen. 36. 24. A.V., Ajah. AIJALON, ai'ja-lon-Heb. deer-field. Josh. 10. 12; Judg. 1. 35 ; 1 Sam. 14. 31 ; 1 Chr. 6. 69 ; 2 Chr. 28. 18. A. F, Ajalon in Josh. 10. 12 ; 2 Chr. 28. 18. AIL AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. AMA AILETH. Gen. 21. 17, what a. thee ? Ps. 114. 5, what a. thee, O thou sea? AIM. Ps. 58. 7, he a. his arrows. A.V., bendeth his how. Ps. 64. 3, have a. their arrojvs. A. V., bend their bows. Rom. 15. 20, making it my a. so to preach. A. F., have I strived. 2 Cor. 5. 9, we make it our a. A.V., labour. AIN, a'in — Heb. eyr. (1) Num. 34. 11. (2) Josh. 15. 32. AIR. Jer. 14. 6, they pant for a. A.V.,^vind. 1 Cor. 9. 26, as not beating the a. A.v.,7to(as one thai beateth. 14. 9, be speaking into the a. 1 Thes. 4. 17, meet the Lord in the a. ^A'/liV, a'kan = J ARAN. Gen. 36. 27. AKJELDAMA, 5-kel' da-ma — Chakl. field of blood. Mat. 27. 7, 8 ; Acts 1. 19. A. F., Aceldama. AKK UB, ak'kub, cf . J A COB — Heb. cunning. (1) 1 Chr. 3. 24. (2) 1 Chr. 9. 17. (3) Ezra 2. 45. AKRABBIM, a-krab'bim — Heb. scorijions. Num. 34. 4 ; Josh. 15. 3 ; Judg. 1. 36. ALARM. Num. 10. 5, when ye blow an a. Jer. 4. 19, the a. of war. Joel 2. 1, a. iu my holy mountain. ALAS. 2 Kings 6. 5, 15, a., my master. Joel 1. 15, a. for the day. ALBEIT. Ezek.l3.7,a. I'h2i\enot{=althoughit b". so). ALE MET H. al'e-meth — Heb. covering [?]. 1 Chr. 8. 36. ALEXANDER, al'ex-an'der — Gk. man defender. (1) Mark 15. 21. (2) Acts 4. 6. (3) Acts 19. 33. (4) 1 Cor. 5. 5; 1 Tim. 1. 20; 2 Tim. 4. 14. ALEXANDRIA, 51'ex-au'dri-a. — city, Lower Egypt. Acts 6. 9 : 18. 24 ; 27. 6. ALGUM-TREES. 2 Chr. 2. 8; 9. 10, 11. a.-t. A.V., algiLin trees. [dren. ALIEN. Ps. 69. 8, I am ... a. unto my mother's chil- Ps. 144. 7, hand of a. A. V., strange children. Prov. 5. 10, in the house of au a. A. F., stranger. Heb. 11. 34, armies of a. [depart. ALIENATED. Jer. 6. 8, soul be a. from thee. A. F, Ezek. 23. 17, soul was a. 48. 14, the land be a. A. F, nor alienate the first fruits. Eph. 2. 12, a. from the commonwealth. A. v., aliens. Col. 1. 21, in time past a. A. F, sometime a. ALIENATION. Num. 14. 34, know my a. A. F, breach of jiromise. ALIGHTETH. Prov. 28. 2, curse . . . causeless a. not. A.V.., shall not come. ALIKE. Dent. 12. 22, eat thereof a. Eccl. 9. 2, all things come a. ALIVE. Lev. 16. 10, the goat . . . shall be set a. Num. 14. 38, Caleb . . . remained a. A. F, lived still. 16. 30, go down a. into Sheol. A.V., quick. Deut. 4. 4, are a. every one of you. 1 Sam. 2. 6, Jehovah . . . maketh a. Ps. 30. 3, thou hast kept me a. 124. 3, swallowed us up a. A. F, quick. Jer. 49. 11, I will preserve them a. Mat. 27. 63, while he was yet a. Mark 16. 11, heard that he was a. Luke 15. 24, son was dead, and is a. 24. 23, angels, who said that he was a. Acts 1. 3, showed himself a. Rom. 6. 11, a. unto God. 1 Cor. 15. 22, shall all be made a. Gal. 3. 21, make a. A. F., have given life. Eph. 2. 1, you did he make a. A. V.,hath he quickened. 1 Thes. 4. 15, we that are a. Rev. 1. 18, I am a. for evermore. ALL. Num. 8. 16, instead of a. that openeth. A. F, such ax. 1 Kings 12. 31, priests from among a. the people. A.V., of the lowest of. Ps. 33. 15, fashioneth the hearts of them a. A.V., alike. 56. 5, a. the day long they wrest. .4. F, every. Isa. 10. 8, my princes a. of them kings. A.V., altogether kings. Mat. 13. 33, till it was a. leavened. A. F, the whole. 26. 33, if ff. A.V.,a.men. Mark 7. 14, hear me a. of you. A. V., eve>nj one. John 14. 26, a. that I said mito you. A.V., ichat.soever. 18. 20, a. the Jews come. A. F, Jews nhvays resort. Acts 19. 19, in the sight of a. A. F, before a. men. 24. 3, accept it in a. ways. A. V.^aceept it always. Phil. 1. 3, a. my remembrance. A. F, every. ALLAMMELECH, al'iam-me'lech-Heb. king's oakV>]. Josh. 19. 26. A. F, Alammelech. ALLAYETH. Eccl. 10. 4, a. great offences. A.V., paeifjclh. :.LEGi ALLEGIANCE. 1 Chr. 12. 29, had kept their a. A. F, the ward of. ALLEGING. Acts 17. 3, a. that . . . Christ (=^proving). ALLEGORY. Gal. 4. 24, things contain an a. ALLON. 51'lon -Heb. oak. 1 Chr. 4. 37. ALLON-BACUTH. al'lon-bac'uth-Heb. oak of weep- 'no' — Deborah's burial place. Gen. 35. 8. ALLOT. Josh. 13. 6, a. thou it. A. F, divide. Josh. 23. 4, c/. . . . nations that remain. A. V., divided . . . hiilnt. ALLOWANCE. Jer. 52. 34, a continual a. A. F, diet. ALLURE. Hos. 2. 14, I will a. her. ALMIGHTY. Gen. 17. 1, God A. A. F, the A. God. Plx. 6. 3, as God A. A.V.,by the name of God A. Ruth 1. 20, the A. hath dealt. Job 5. 17, the chastening of the A. 11. 7, canst thou find out the A. 22. 25, the A. will be thy treasure. Ps. 91. 1, under the shadow of the A. Rev. 4. 8, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the A. A. v., holy. Lord God A. ■ [26. ALMODAD, al-mo'dad — Heb. immeasurable. Gen. 10. ALMON. al'mon. Josh. 21. 18. ALMOND. Gen. 30. 37, of the a. A. V., hazel. Gen . 43. 11, nuts, and a. Num. 17. 8, and bare ripe ff. ALMOND BLOSSOMS. Ex. 25. 33, made like a.-h. A. v., like ahiio»ds. ALMOND-TREE. Eccl. 12. 5, a.-t. shall blossom. A. v., almond tree shall flourish. ALMOST. Heb. 9. 22, I may a. say, all things. A. V., a. all things. ALMS. Luke 11. 41, give for «. ; Acts 10. 2. gave much a. Acts 24. 17, to bring a. to my nation. Almsgiving, Job 29. 13 ; Prov. 19. 17 ; 31. 20 ; Mat. 6. 1 ; Luke 12. 33 ; Acts 3. 2, 3, 10. Instances : — Dorcas, Acts 9. 36 ; Cornelius, Acts 10. 2 ; Paul, Acts 24. 17. flO. 11, 12. ALMUG- TREES, al'mug — Heb. sandal-wood, 1 Kings ALOES. Ps. 45. 8, myrrh, and a. Prov. 7. 17, with myrrh, a. John 19. 39, mixtme of myrrh and a. ALONE. Gen. 2. 18, that the man should be a. Gen. 47. 26, only the land of the priests a. A.V., ex- cept . . . only. Ex. 24. 2, Moses a. shall come near. Job 1. 15, escaped a. to tell thee. Ps. 4. 8, a. makest me dwell. A. F, 07dy. 136. 4, a. doeth great wonders. Mat. 4. 4, man shall not live by bread a. Luke 24. 18, dost thou a. sojourn. A.V., only. John 12. 24, abideth by itself a. A. V., abidelh a. Heb. 9. 7, the high priest a. [far. ALOOF. Job 30. 10, they stand a. from me. A. V.,flee Ps. 38. 11, stand a. ALOUD. 1 Chr. 15. 28, sounding a. A. F., making a noi.te. ALPHA, al'plia — first Greek letter, as Aleph is first in Hebrew alphabet. Rev. 1. 8 ; 21. 6 ; 22. 13. ALPH.iJUS, al-phse'us, or CLE OP HAS. (1) father of James the Less, Mat. 10. 3 ; Mark 3. 18. his wife sister to the Virgin Mary, Mark 15. 40 ; John 19. 25. (2) father of Matthev/, Mark 2. 14. ALREADY. Ex. 1. 5, in Egypt a. Mat. 14. 15, time is a. past. A. V. now. [be. 2 Tim. 4. 6, I am a. being offered. A. V., now ready to 1 John 2. 8. light a. shineth. A. F, now. ALTAR. Gen. 8. 20, builded an a. Ezek. 43. 15, the upper a. A.V., so the a. 43. 16, the a. hearth shall be. A. V., a. shall be. Mat. 5. 23, offering thy gift at the a. A. F, bring. . . to. Heb. 9. 4, golden a. of incense. A. V., censer. 13. 10, we have an a., whereof. Altar, sacrificial, Ex. 20. 24. built of earth, stone, wood, Ex. 20. 24, 25 ; 27. 1. raised bv Noah, Gen. 8. 20 ; by Abraham, Gen. 12. 7, 8 ; by Isaac, Gen. 26. 25 ; by .1acob, Gen. 33. 20 ; by Moses, Ex. 17. 15 ; by Balaam, Num. 23. 1 : by Joshua, Josh. 8. 30; by Reubenites, etc.. Josh. 22. 10: by Gideon, .Tudg. 6. 26, 27 ; bv people of Israel, Judg. 21. 4 ; by- Samuel, 1 Sam. 7. 17 ; by Saul. 1 Sam. 14. 35 : by David, 2 Sam. 24. 21, 25; bv Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12. 33; by Elijah, 1 Kings 18. 30, 32 ; by Ahaz, 2 Kings 16. 10-12 ; by Solomon, 2 Chr. 4. 1. for burnt-offering, Ex. 27. 1-8. for incense, Ex. 30. 1-6. ALTER. Lev. 27. 10, he shall not a. it. Ps. 89. 34. nor a. the thing that is gone. Luke 9. 29, countenance was a. „ . . ALTHOUGH. John 4. 2, a. Jesus himself. A. V., though. ALTOGETHER. Gen. 18. 21. done a. Ps. 74. 8. make havoc of them a. A. F, together. 1 Cor. 6. 7, a. a defect in you. A. F, utterly a fault amono. ALUSH.'a.'Vxsh. Num. 33. 13, 14. ALVAH.^\'y^\\,or ALLAH. Gen. 36. 40. AL VA N. Xl'van. Gen. 36. 23. In 1 Chr. 1. i(i,Ahan ALWAYS. Deut. 28. 29, and robbed a. A. V., spotted evermore. Ps. 49. 9, should still live a. A. V.,for ever. 103. 9, not a. chide. , Mat. 28. 20, I am with you a. A. V., alway. John 12. 8. me ye have not a. Acts 24. 16, and men a. A. F. toward men. Phil. 4. 4, rejoice in the Lord a. 1 Thes. 5. 15, a. follow after . . . good. A. V., ever. 5. 16, rejoice a. A. F, evermore. A MAD, a'mSd. Josh. 19. 26. rli1/.4Z,, a'mal — Heb. labor. 1 Chr. 7. 35. AMA COMBINED CONCORDANCE TO THE ANG AMALEK, am' a-lgk— Esau's grandson. Gen. 36. 12. AMALEKITES, am'a-lek-ites, country of, Gen. 14. 7. the first of the nations, Num. 24. 20. fight at Rephidim, Ex. 17. 8-13 ; Deut. 25. 17. to be exterminated, Ex. 17. 14-16; Deut. 25. 17-19. invade Canaan, Judg. 3. 13 ; 5. 14 ; 6. 3, 33. their king Agag taken, 1 Sam. 15. 1-33. smitten by David, 1 Sara. 27. 9 ; 30. 17. AMAM, a mam. Josh. 15. 26. AM AN A, am'a-na — Heb. constant. S. of Sol. 4. 8. AMARIAH, am'a-ri'ah — Heb. Jehovah, hath promised. 1 Chr. 6. 7. A MAS A, am'a-sa — Heb. burden [?] — son of Abigail. made caijtain by Absalom, 2 Sam. 17. 25. by David, 2 Sam. 19. 13. killed by Joab, 2 Sam. 20. 9-12 ; 1 Kings 2. 5. AMASAI, a-mas'a-i. (1) 1 Chr. 6. 25. (2) 1 Chr. 12. 18. A MA SHSAT, a-mash'sa-i — Neh. 11. 13. A. V., Ama.shai. AMA8IAH, am'a-si'ah — Heb. Jehovah bears. 2 Chr. 17. 16. AMAZED. Mark 5. 42, they were a. straightway. A. v., (isfonished. Mark 16. 5, they were a. A. V., offTighted. 16. 6, be not a. A. V., affrighted. Luke 2. 47, a. at his understanding. A. K, astonished. 24. 22, company a. vis. A. V., made ns a.ttonished. Acts 8. 9, and a. the people. A. V., bewitched. AMAZEMENT. Mark 5. 42, with a great a. A. F., a.'rophe.sied, Isa. 10. 5; Nah. 3. 18; Zeph. 2. 13. ASTONISHED. 2 Chr. 7. 21, shall be a. A.V., an ft.'.). ISam. 17. 34, Uou, orafi. 2 Kings 2. 24, two she-5. Prov. 28. 15, a ranging b. Isa. 11. 7, cow and the b. Amos 5. 19, a b. met him. Rev. 13. 2, feet of a b. BEA R, THE. Job 9. 9 ; 38. 32. A. V., Arcturus. BEARD. Lev. 13. 29, the head or upon the b. 1 Sam. 17. 35, caught him by his b. 2 Sam. 10. 5 ; 1 Chr. 19. 5, your b. be grown. Ps. 133. 2, even Aaron's b. Beard, mode of wearing the. Lev. 19. 27 ; 21. 5 19. 24 : Ezra 9. 3 ; Ps. 133. 2 ; Isa. 15. 2 ; .50. 6 5 : 48. 37. BEARERS. Luke 7. 14, the b. stood still that lurre him BEARING. Ps. 126. 6. b. seed for sowing John 19. 17, b. the cross for himself. Rom. 2. 15 ; 9. 1 ; Heb. 2. 4, b. witness. 2 Cor. 4. 10, h. about in the body. Heb. 13. 13. b. his reproach. BEAST. Gen. 1. 30 : 2. 19 ; 9. 2, everv b. Gen. 34. 23, all their b. A. F, every b. Job 12. 7. ask now the b. 28. 8, the proud b. A.V., lion\. him to. Acts 19. 31, sent . . . and b. him. A. F., desiring. 1 Cor. 16. 12, b. him much. A. ]'., greatly desired. 2 Cor. 12. 8, I b. the Lord thrice. BEST. Ps. 3'). 5, every man at his b. estate. Luke 15. 22, bring forth quickly the b. robe. BESTIR. Joel 3. 12, nations 6. themselves. A.V., heathen be weakened. BESTOW. Ex. 32. 29, b. upon you a blessing. Isa. 63. 7, Jehovah hath b. on us. Luke 7. 21, he b. sight. A. F., gave. 12. 17, where to 6. my fruits (= sfow aivay). 1 Cor. 13. 3, b. all my goods (= give away). 15. 10, grace which was b. Gal. 4. 11, /). labor upon you. Eph. 1.6, freely b. onus. A. F, accepted inihe beloved. 1 John 3. 1, love the Father hath b. BETA H, be'tah— Heb. trust. 2 Sam. 8. 8. BE TEN, be' ten— Heb. ral/ey [?J. Josh. 19. 25. BETH-ANATH, beth'-a'nath — Heb. house of ^Anat. Josh. 19. 38. BETH-ANOTH, beth'-a'noth — Heb. house of 'Anat. Josh. 15. 59. BE THAN r, beth'a-ny — village, near Jerusalem. John 1.28. A.V., Bethabara. BETHANY, beth'a-ny — (1) Gk. from Heb. house of (/rtte.y — village on the mount of Olives, Mark 11. 1 ; Luke 19 29 Christ often lodged there. Mat. 21. 17 ; 26. 6. town of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, John 11. 1 ; 12. 1 ; and Simon the leper, Mark 14. 3. ascension of Christ at, Luke 24. 50. BETH-ARABAH, beth'-ar'a-bah — Heb. place of de- pression. Josh. 15. 61. BETH-ARBEL, beth'-ar'bel — Heb. God's house of am- bush [?]. Hos. 10. 14. BETH-AVEN, beth'-a'ven — Heb. house of iniquity. Josh. 7. 2 ; Hos. 4. 15. BETH-AZMAVETH, beth'-az'ma-veth = AZMA- VETH. Neh. 7. 28. BE TH-BARA H. beth'-ba'rah. Judg. 7. 24. BETH-BIRI, beth'-bir'i — Heb. house of fatness. 1 Chr. 4. 31. A. F, Beth-birei. BETH-CAR, beth'-car — Heb. house of lamb. 1 Sam. 7.11. BETH-DAGON, beth'-da'gon — Heb. house of Dagon. Josh. 15. 41. BETH-DIBLA THAIM, bgth'-dib'la-tha'im — Heb. house of aiisein Illy. Jer. 48. 22. BETH-EDEN, beth'-e'den — Heb. house of pleasure. Amos 1. 5 (marg.). BETH-EL, beth'-el-Heb. house of (?o(Z — Canaanite city, Luz, Gen. 28. 19. Judg. 20. 18 ; 21. 2. A.V., house of God. named by Jacob, Gen. 28. 10, 19 ; 31. 13. God talks with Jacob, Gen. 35. 1-15 ; Hos. 12. 4, 5. ark kept, Judg. 20. 26-28. golden calf worshipped, 1 Kings 12. 28-33. " house of idols," Amos 5. 5 : Hos. 4. 17. Josiah destroys idolatries, 2 Kings 23. 15-18. BETH-EL. Judg. 20. 18 ; 21. 2, B. A. F, house of God. Zech. 7. 2, they of B. had sent. A.V., sent tmto the house of God. BETH-EMEK, beth'-e'mek — Heb. house of the valley. Josh. 19. 27. BETHESDA, be-thg§'da — Heb. house of mercy. miracle at, John 5. 2. called BethsaUla and Bethzatha (marg.), John 5. 2. BETH-EZEL, b6th'-e'zel — Heb. house of firm seat. Mic. 1. 11. BETH-GADER, bSth' ga'der — Heb. house of a to all. 1 Chr. 2. 51. BETH-GAMUL, b6th'-ga'mul— Heb. hotise of recom- pense. Jer. 48. 23. {GUyal. BETH-GILGAL. Neh. 12. 29, from B. A. V., house of BETH-HACCHEREM, bgth'-hac'che-rem-Heb. house of the vineyard. Neh. 3. 14. A. F, Beth.-harcerein. HETH-HARAM, \y^t\\ -\ia! Ta,m.= Beth-aram. Josh. 13. 27. A. v., Beth-aram. BETH-HARAN, beth'-ha'ran — Heb. place of might. Num. 32. 36. BETH-HOGLAH, beth'-hSg'lah-Heb. house of par- tridge. Josh. 15. 6. A. v., Beth-hoqla. BETH-HORON, bgth'-ho'ron-Heb. house of the care. (1) Nether, Josh. 16. 3, 5. (2) Upper, Josh. 18. 14 ; 1 Sam. 13. 18. BE TH-JE SHI MO TH, beth' -iesh'i-mSth - Heb. house of deserts. Num. 33. 49. BE TH-LEBA TH, b6th'-lgb'a-oth — Heb. house of lion- esses [?]. Josh. 19. 6. BETH-LEHEM, beth' -le-hem — Heb. (1) house of bread. Ephrath, Gen. 35. 19. Ephrathah, Ruth 4. 11. A.V., Ephratah. Beth-lehem Eplirathah, Mic. 5. 2. A. F, Ephratah. Beth-lehem-judah, 1 Sam. 17. 12. city of David, Luke 2. 4. Rachel died and buried at. Gen. 35. 19 ; 48. 7. scene of Ruth's story, Ruth 1-4. place of David's birth and anointing, 1 Sam. 16. 13. its well famous, 2 Sam. 23. 13-17. birthplace of Christ, Mat. 2. 6 ; Mic. 5. 2. children slain. Mat. 2. 16 ; Jer. 31. 15. (2) Bethlehem in Zebulun. Josh. 19. 15. BETH-MAACAH, beth'-ma'a-«ah. 2 Sam. 20. 14, 15. A . V. , Beth-m aachah. BETH-MARCABOTH, beth' -mjir'-ea-both -Heb. house of chariots. Josh. 19. 5. BETH-MEON, hUh' -me' on = Beth-baal-meon. Jer. 48. 23. BETH-MERHAK, beth'-mgr'hak — Heb. far house. 2 Sam. 15. 17. A. F, in a place that tvas far off. BETH-NJJMRAH, bgth'-nim^rah-Heb. house of leop- ard. Num. 32. 36. BETH-PAZZEZ, beth'-paz'zez — Heb. house of disper- sion. Josh. 19. 21. BETH-PELET, bgth'-pe'let. .Josh. 15. 27. A.V., Beth- paJet. Neh. 11. 26. A. F, Beth-phelet. BETH-PEOR, beth'-pe'or — Heb. house of (Baal) Pear. Deut. 3. 29 ; Josh. 13. 20. where Moses was buried, Deut. 34. 6. BETHPHAGE, bgth'pha-ge — Gk. from Heb. house of figs. Mat. 21. 1 ; Mark 11. 1 ; Luke 19. 29. BETH-RAPHA,\>eth:-rii:^\\a. — B.eh. house of Rapha. 1 Chr. 4. 12. BETH-REHOB, bgth'-re'hob — Heb. house of street [?]. Judg. 18. 28. BETHSAIDA, bgth-sa'i-da — Gk. from Heb. house of fishing. (1) birtliplace of Peter, Andrew, and Philip, and re- sorted to by Christ, Mark 6. 45 ; John 1. 44 ; 12. 21. (2) where Christ fed 5000, and restored blind man, Mark 8. 22 ; Luke 9. 10. BETH- SHE AN, bgth'-she'an — Heb. house of rest. Josh. 17. 11, 16. bodies of Saul and his son exposed, Be.th-shan, 1 Sam. 31. 10-13. flis. called in Septuagint city of the Scythians = Scythopo- BETH-SHEMESH, bgth'-she'mesh — Canaanite, house of the sun. (1) Josh. 15. 10. [1-21. the ark went thither from the Philistines, 1 Sam. 6. Joash defeated Amaziah, 2 Kings 14. 11. (2) Josh. 19. 38. (3) Jer. 43. 13 = On (marg.). BETH-TAPPUAH, beth'-tap'pu-ah-Heb. house of apples. Josh. 15. 53. [22. BETHUEL, be-thu'el — Heb. man of God [?]. Gen. 22. BETHUL, be'thul — Heb. Josh. 19. 4. Bethuel,! Chr. 4. 30. BETH-ZUR, bgth'-zQr — Heb. house of rock. Josh. 15. 58 ; 2 Chr. 11. 7. BETIMES. Gen. 26. 31, rose up b. (= early). Prov. 13. 24, chasteneth him b. [26. BETONIM, bgt'o-nim- Heb. pistachio mits. Josh. 13. BETRAY. 1 Chr. 12. 17, come to b. me. Isa. 16. 3, b. not the fugitive. A. F, bewray. Mat 27. 4, 6. innocent blood. John 12. 4, that should b. him. 1 Cor. 11. 23, in which he was b. BETROTH. Hos. 2. 19, b. . . . in righteousness; 2. 20, b. . . . in faithfulness. Luke 2. 5, who was b. to him. A. V., his espoused wife. Betrothal, laws regarding, Lev. 19. 20; Deut. 20. 7; 22. 23 : 28. 30. BETTER, Gen. 29. 19, b. that I give. 1 Sam. 15. 22, to obey is b. than. 1 Kings 19. 4, b. tlian my fathers. Ps. 63. 3, loviiigkindness is 6. 84. 10, a day in thy courts is b. 118. 8, b. to take refuge in Jehovah. 119. 72, law of thy mouth is b. Prov. 3. 14, b. than . . . silver ; 8. 11, b. than rubies. 8. 19, b. than gold ; 19. 22. b. than a liar. Rom. 3. 9, are we b. than they? Phil. 1. 23, with Christ ; for it is very far b. 2. 3, counthig other b. than. Heb. 1. 4, b. than the angels; 7. 19, b. hope. 8. 6, 6. covenant ; 9. 23, b. sacrifices. 11. 16, desire a b. country. 12. 24, b. than that of Abel. BE ULA H, beu' lah — Heb. m arried . Isa. 62. 4. BEWAIL. Lev. 10. 6, b. the burning. Judg. 11. 37, 38, b. my virginity. Ps. 35. 14, b. his mother. A. F, moumethfor. Luke 8. 52, all were weeping and b. her. 23. 27. b. and lamented him. BEWARE. Gen. 24. 6, b. thou. Mat. 16. 6; Mark 8. 15, b. of the leaven. Mark 12. 38, 6. of the scribes. Phil. 3. 2, b. of the evil workers. [witched. BEWITCH. Gal. 3. 1, did b. you. A. F, hath be- BEYOND. Gen. 50. 10; Deut. 3. 20, 25; Josh. 9. 10; 13. 8, b. the Jordan. Num. 22. 18, go b. the word of Jehovah. 20 BEZ AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. BLE Mark 10. 1, b. the Jordan. A.V., the Jarther side of Jordan. 1 Cor. 4. 6, b. the things which are written. A. T'., above that tvhich is. 2 Cor. 10. 13, will not glory b. our measure. A.V., boast of things witliout. 10. 16, gospel even unto the parts 6. BEZAI, be zai. Ezra 2. 17 ; Neh. 10. 18. BEZ ALE L, be-zal'el — Heb. m the shadow of God. Ex. 31. 1-11. A. v., Bezaleel. BE ZEK, he ze}L — B.eh. tiglitning. Judg. 1. 4-7. BE ZEE, bezer — Heb. fortress. (1) 1 Chr. 7. 37. (2) Deut. 4. 43. BlCHRl, bi€h'ri — Heb. youthful. 2 Sam. 20. 1. BID. Mat. 22. 9, b. (^ invite). Luke 9. 54, 6. fire to come down. A. F., command. 14. 13, 6. the poor. A. V., call. Acts 22. 24, b. that he. A. ]'., bade. [vited). BIDDEN. Mat. 22. 3, b. to the marriage feast (= in- John 2. 2, Jesus also was b. A. ]'., called. Rev. 19. 9, b. to the marriage supper. A. F., ccdled. BIDKAR, bid kar — Heb. thrusting through [?J. 2 Kings 9. 25. BIER. 2 Sam. 3. 31, followed the b. Luke 7. 14, touched the 6. BIGTHA,h\?i't\\k, BIOTBAN-Heh. gift of God. Esth. 1. 10 : 2. 21. [19. BlGVAl, big'va-i-Heb. happy ['^]. Ezra 2. 2; Neh. 7. BILBAO, bil'dad - Heb. Bel has loved. Job 2. 11 ; 8. 1. BILE AM, bil'e-am = Bleam. 1 Chr. 6. 70. BILGAH, bil'gah. BILGAI-B-nh. rejoicing. 1 Chr. 24.14; Neh. 12. 5. BILHAH, bil'hah. Gen. 30. 1-8. BILHAN. bilhan. Gen. 36. 27 ; 1 Chr. 7. 10. BILL. Deut. 24. 1 ; Mark 10. 4, b. of divorcement. BILLOWS. Ps. 42. 7, thy b. are gone. Jonah 2. 3, all thy waves and thy b. Luke 21. 25, the sea and the 6. A. V.. waves. [2.2. BILSHAN, btr Shan — Heb. son of a iongtie [?]. Ezra BIMHAL, bim'hal — Heb. son of circumcision [?J. 1 Chr. 7. 33. BIND. Gen. 37. 7, b. sheaves. Ex. 28. 28, b. the breastplate. 29. 9, b. head-tires on them. A. F., put. 39. 23, a 6. round about. A.V., band. Job 26. 8, b. up the waters {—confi.np closely). Ps. 105. 22, b. his princes ; 118. 27, b. the sacrifice. 129. 7, b. sheaves his bosom ; 149. 8, b. their kings. Prov. 6. 21, b. them contmually. Isa. 61. 1, b. up the broken-hearted. Mat. 12. 29 ; Mark 3. 27, b. the strong. 16. 19 ; 18. 18, 6. on earth. Acts 9. 14, to b. all (= imprison). BIXEA. bin'e-a. 1 Chr. 8. 37. BINNUL biu-nu'i — Heb. building. Neh. 3. 24 ; 12. 8. BIRD. Gen. 7. 14, every b. Gen. 15. 11, b. of prey. A. V.,fo7cls. Ps. 11. 1, flee as a 6. ; 124. 7, soul is escaped as a b. S. of Sol. 2. 12, time of the singing of b. Isa. 18. 6, ravenous b. A. V., fowls. Jer. 12. 9, speckled b. of prey. A. V., speckled b Ezek. 39. 17, unto the b. of every sort. ^4.F., feathered fowl. Mat. 6. 26 ; 13. 4 ; Mark 4. 4, 32 ; Luke 8. 5 ; 12. 24 ; 13. 19; Rev. 19. 17, 21, b. A. V., fowls. Mat. 8. 20 ; Luke 9. 58, b. of the heaven. Jas. 3. 7, every kind of beasts and b. Birds, used in sacrifice, Gen. 15. 9 ; Lev. 12. 8 Num. 6. 10 ; Luke 2. 24. clean and unclean. Lev. 1. 14-17 ; 5. 7-10 ; 14 snaring, Ps. 124. 7 ; Prov. 1. 17 ; Jer. 5. 27. singing, Ps. 104. 12 ; Eccl. 12. 4. BIRSHA, bir'sha. Gen. 14. 2. BIRTH. Ex. 28. 10, their 6. Ps. .58. 8, the mitimely b. Ezek. 21. 30, land of thy b. A.V., nativity. 29. 14, land of their 6. ,4. F., habitation. Mat. 1. 18, b. of Jesus Christ. Luke 1. 14, rejoice at his b. John 9. 1, a man blind from his b. Birth, natural emblem of new, John 3. 3-8; Gal. 6. 15; Tit. 3. 5. Births foretold: — /.?/(?« «e/. Gen. 16. 11; Isaac, Gen. 18. 10 ; Sam.wn, Judg. 13. 3 ; Samuel, 1 Sam. 1. 11, 17 ; Josiah,! Kings 13. 2; Shunamniite^s son, 2 Kings 4. 16 ; Cyrtis, Isa. 44. 28 ; 45. 1 ; John the Baptist, Luke 1. 13; Messiah, Gen. 3. 15; Isa. 7. 14; Mic. 5.; Luke 1. 31. BIRTHDAY. Gen. 40. 20, Pharaoh's b. Mat. 14. 6. Herod's b. ; Mark 6. 21, Herod on his b. BIRTHRIGHT. Gen. 25. 31, seU me first thy b. Gen. 43. 33, according to his b. Heb. 12. 16, of meat sold his own b. Birthright, referred to. Gen. 25. 31 ; 1 Chr. 5. 1. BIRTH-STOOL. Ex.1. 16, upon the 6.-,?. A. V., stools. BIRZ AITH. hxTzmth. 1 Chr. 7. 31. A. V., Birzavith. mSHLA M, bTsli'lam — Heb. son of peace [?]. Ezra 4. 7. BISHOP. Acts 20. 28, made you b. A.V., overseers. Pliil. 1. 1, with the b. and deacons. every 14. 4; [13-20. 4-7; 11. 1 Tim. 3. 1, seeketh the office of a b. 3. 2, b. therefore must be without reproach. Tit. 1. 7, b. must be blameless. 1 Pet. 2. 25, Shepherd and B. Bishop, Acts 20. 17-28; Phil. L 1; 1 Tim. 3. 2; Tit. 1.7; 1 Pet. 5. 1, 2. Christ the, 1 Pet. 2. 25. BIT. Ps. 32. 9, 6. and bridle to hold them in. BITE. Gen. 49. 17, b. the horse's heels. Prov. 23. 32, b. like a serpent. Gal. 5. 15, if ye 6. and devour. [4. 18. BIT HI AH, bi-thi'ah - Heb. daughter of Jehovah. 1 Chr. BITHRON, bith'ron-Heb. cleft or valley. 2 Sam. BIt'hy'nIA, bi-tliyni-a-Lat. Acts 16. 7 ; 1 Pet. 1. 1. BITTER. Gen. 27. 34. exceeding great and b. cry. Ex. 1. 14, made their lives 6. 12. 8, with b. herbs : 15. 23, waters of Marah ... 6. Ps. 64. 3, b. words ; Prov. 5. 4, 6. as wormwood. Prov. 27. 7, b. thing is sweet. 31. 6, the b. in soul. A.V., be of heavy hearts. Isa. 5. 20, b. for sweet. 24. 9, strong drink shall be b. Jer. 31. 15, b. weeping. Mat. 26. 75 ; Luke 22. 62, and wept b. Col. 3. 19. be not b. against. Jas. 3. 11, sweet water and 6. ; 3. 14, b. jealousy, BITTERNESS. Num. 5. 18, 19, 23, 24, water of b. A. v., bUter water. 1 Sam. 1. 10, in b. of soul. 15. 32, b. of death is past. Prov. 14. 10, heart knoweth its own b. Acts 8. 23, thou art in the gall of 6. Eph. 4. 31, let all b., and wratli. Heb. 12. 15, root of b. springing up. BIZIOTHIAH, biz-i-o-thi'ah — Heb. contempt of Jeho- vah [?]. Josh. 15. 28. A. v., Bizjothjah. BIZ THA, biz'tha - Pers. weak person [?]. Esth. 1. 10. BLACK. Lev. 13. 31, no b. hair in it. 1 Kings 18. 45, heavens grew b. with clouds. Mic. 3. 6, day shall be 6. A. V., dark. Mat. 5. 36, one hair white or b. \scure. BLACKNESS. Prov. 20. 20, b. of darkness. A. V., ob- Heb. 12. 18, 6., and darkness. Jude 13, b. of darkness. BLADE. Judg. 3. 22, in after the b. Hos. 8. 7, b. shall yield no meal. ^4. F., bud. Mat. 13. 26, b. sprang up. Mark 4. 23, first the 6., then the ear. BLAINS. Ex. 9. 9, with b. (= pustules). BLAME. Gen. 43. 9, bear the b. 2 Cor. 6. 3, ministration be not b. BLAMELESS. Gen. 44. 10, ye shall be b. BLASPHEME. Num. 15. 30, b. Jehovah. A.V., re- jjroacheth. 2 Sam. 12. 14, enemies of Jehovah to b. Ps. 74. 18, foolish people hath b. Isa. 52. 5, continually all the day is b. Mat. 9. 3, this man b. Mark 2. 7, he b. A. V., speak blasphemies. 3. 29 ; Luke 12. 10, b. against the Holy Spirit. Acts 26. 11, strove to make them b. 1 Tim. 1. 13, a blasphemer. Jas. 2. 7. b. the honorable name. BLASPHEMY. Mat. 12. 31, every sin and b. Luke 5. 21, that speaketh b. Blasphemy, speaking evil of God, Ps. 74. 18 ; Isa. 52. 5 ; Rom. 2. 24 ; Rev. 13. 1, 6 ; 16. 9, 11, 21. any kind of abuse. Acts 13. 45. Christ accused of. Mat. 9. 3 ; 26. 65 ; Mark 2. 7 ; Luke 5. 21 ; John 10. 33. against Holy Spirit, Mat. 12. 31, 32; Mark 3. 28, 29; Luke 12. 10 ; 1 John 5. 16. falsely accused of, Naboth, 1 Kings 21. 13; Stephen, Acts 6. 13; 7. 54. Instances: — A'?"/; fir of Assyria, 2 Kings 18. 34; Jeivs, Acts 18. 6 ; Paul, \ Tim. 1. 13. BLAST. Gen. 41. 6, b. with (= blighted). Job 4. 9, b. of his anger. .4. V., breath of his nostrils. Ps. 18. 15, at the b. of the breath. Isa. 27. 8, removed them with his rough 6. A. V., wind. 30. 30, with a b. A. V., ivith scaft<-rinq. BLA ST US, blas'tus-Gk. shoot. Acts 12. 20. BLEATING. 1 Sam. 15. 14, moaneth then this b. BLEMISH. Ex. 12. 5, lamb shall be without h. Num. 28. 3, he-lambs . . . witliout b. A. J'., spot. Deut. 32. 5, they are not his cliildren, it is their 6. A. v., their spot is not the sjiot of ki.s children. 2 Sam. 14. 25, no b. in him. Dan. 1. 4, youths in whom was no b. Eph. 1. 4. and without 6. .4. F., blame. 5. 27, holy and without b. Phil. 2. 15, without b. A.V., rebuke. Col. 1. 22, holy and without b. A. F., unblameable. Heb. 9. 14. offered liimself without 6. A. F., spot. 1 J^et. 1. 19, as of a lamb without b. 2 Pet. 2. 13. spots and b. Jude 24, without b. A. V., faultless. Rev. 14. 5, without b. A. V., fault. 21 BLE COMBINED CONCORDANCE TO THE BOD Blemish, offerings to be witliout, Ex. 12. 5 ; Lev. 1. 3, 10 ; 5. 15, 18 ; Deut. 17. 1. priests must be without. Lev. 21. 16-21. Church and Christ without, Eph. 5. 27 ; 1 Pet. 1. 19. BLESS. Gen. 12. 2, 3 ; 22. 17, 1 will b. Deut. 28. 3, b. shall thou be m the city. Judg. 5. 2, b. ye Jehovah. A. F., praise. 2 Sam. 14. 22, Joab ... 6. the king. A.V., thanked. 1 Chr. 18. 10, to b. him. A. V., congrattilate. Ps. 5. 12, wilt 6. the righteous. 72. 15, they shall b. him all the day long. A. V., daily shall he be praised. Isa. 65. 16, b. himself in the God. John 13. 17, b. are ye if ye do them. A.V., happy. Acts 20. 35, more b. to give. Tit. 2. 13, looking for the b. hope. Jas. 5. 11, them b. that endured. A.V., happy which endure. 1 Pet. 3. 14 ; 4. 14, b. are ye. A.V., happy. Rev. 14. 13, b. are the dead who die. Blessed, Gen. 12. 3 ; Ps. 84. 4, 5 ; Isa. 30. 18 ; Mat. 5. 3-11 Rom. 4.6,9; 12.14. God's people are, Ps. 2. 12 ; 5. 12 ; 65. 4 ; 94. 12 ; 106. 3 112. 1, 2; 128. 1, 4; Prov. 10. 6, 22; 20. 7 ; 28. 20; Isa 51. 2; Mat. 5. 3-11; 11. 6; 16. 17 ; Luke 6. 22; Jas. 1 12; Rev. 1, 3; 14. 13; 16.15. BLESSING. Gen. 12. 2, be thou a 6. A.V., shall be a b. Deut. 23. 5, turned the curse into a b. Ps. 84. 6, covereth it with b. A. V.,fllleth the pools. 129. 8, b. of Jehovah be upon. Prov. 10. 22, b. of Jehovah, it maketh. Isa. 65. 8, for a 6. is in it. Mai. 3. 10, pour you out a b. Luke 1. 64, he spake, 6. God. A. V., and praised. Acts 13. 34, the holy and sure b. of David. A.V., mercies, Rom. 4. 6, pronounceth b. upon the man. A. V., de- scribeth the blessedness. 15. 29, fulness of the b. of Christ. 1 Cor. 10. 16, cup of b. which we bless. Eph. 1. 3, with every spiritual b. Rev. 5. 12, honor, and glory, and b. Blessing, form of. Num. 6. 22-27. on Israel if obedient, Deut. 11. 27 ; 28. 1-14. from Gerizim, Deut. 11. 29 ; 27. 12. Instances of persons •.—Abraham by Mdchizedek, Gen. 14. 19 ; Jacob by Isaac, Gen. 27. 27 ; Jacob by God, Gen. 48. 3 ; Joseph and his sons by Jacob, Gen. 49. -28; the people by Aaron, Num. 6. 24; the twelve tribes by Moses, Deut. 33. ; Elkanah by Eli, 1 Sam. the disciples by C ' ~ ' BLEW. Josh. 6. 8, 9 ; Judg. 7. 19, 20, b. the trumpets. 2. 20 ; the disciples by Christ, Luke 24. 50. Mat. 7. 25, 27, the winds 6. John 6. 18, a great wind that b. BLIND. Ex. 23. 8, bribe 6. them that have sight. A.V., gift b. the icise. 1 Sam. 12. 3, ransom to b. mine eyes. Mat. 15. 14, they are b. guides. A. V., b. leaders of the b. John 12. 40, he hath b. their eyes. Blind, laws concerning. Lev. 19. 14 ; Deut. 27. 18. BLINDNESS. Gen. 19. 11, with b. 2 Kings 6. 18, he smote them with b. Blindness, spiritual, Ps. 82. 5 ; Isa. 6. 9-11 ; 28. 9-15 ; 56. 10; 59. 9; Jer. 5. 12, 21-23; Mat. 6. 23; 23. 16, 24; John 1. 5 ; 1 Cor. 2. 8, 14. healed by Christ, Mat. 9. 27; 20. 30; Mark 8. 22 ; Luke 7. 21 ; John 9. to be removed by Christ, Isa. 29. 18; 35. 5; 42. 16; Luke 4. 18 ; John 9. 39 ; Eph. 5. 8 ; Col. 1. 13 ; 1 Pet. 2.9. inflicted on men of Sodom, Gen. 19. 11; the Syrian army, 2 Kings 6. 18 ; Zedekiah, Jer. 39. 7 ; Barti- mceus, Mark 10. 46 ; man blind from birth, John 9. 1 ; Said of Tarsus, Acts 9. 8 ; Elymas, Acts 13. 11. BLOOD. Gen. 4. 10, 11, thy brother's b. Josh. 2. 19, his b. shall be upon. Ps. 26. 9, with men of 6. A. V., bloody men. 72. 14, precious will their 6. be. Ezek. 9. 9, land is full of 6. Hab. 2. 12, buildeth a town with b. Mat. 16. 17, b. hath not revealed. 27. 4, betrayed innocent b. 27. 25, his b. be on us. Mark 14. 24, my b. of the covenant. Luke 22. 20 ; 1 Cor. 11. 25, in my b. 22. 44, great drops of h. John 1. 13, born, not of b. ; 6. 54, drinketh my b. Acts 1. 19, the field of b. ; 15. 20, and from b. 20. 28, purchased with his own b. Rom. 3. 25, through faith, in his b. 1 Cor. 10. 16, communion of the b. 11. 27, guilty of the body and the b. 15. 50 ; Gal. 1. 16 ; Eph. 6. 12, flesh and b. Eph. 1. 7, through his b. Heb. 9. 22, shedding of b. ; 12. 24, b. of sprinkling. 13. 20, b. of an eternal covenant. 1 Pet. 1. 19, precious ft. ... of Christ. Rev. 7. 14, in the 6. of the Lamb. Blood, prohibited as food, Gen. 9. 4 ; Lev. 3. 17 ; 17. 10- 14 ; Deut. 12. 16, 23 ; 1 Sam. 14. 32-.34 ; Acts 15. 20, 29. water turned into, Ex. 4. 9 ; 7. 19 ; Rev. 8. 8 ; 11. 6. of sacrifices, Ex. 23. 18 ; 30. 10 ; Lev. 4. 5^-7 ; 16. 14-19 ; 17. 11 ; Heb. 9. 13, 19-22 ; 10. 4. of the covenant, Ex. 24. 8; Zech. 9. 11; Mat. 26. 28; Heb. 9. 19, 20 ; 10. 29 ; 13. 20. of Christ, 1 Cor. 10. 16; Heb. 9. 14 ; 1 John 1. 7. salvation and redemption by. Mat. 26. 28 ; 1 Cor. 11. 25 ; Eph. 1. 7 ; Col. 1. 20 ; Heb. 9. 12 ; 1 Pet. 1. 2 ; Rev. 1. 5. shedding of man's, prohibited, Gen. 9. 5, 6; Deut. 21. 1-9 ; Prov. 6. 16, 17 ; Isa. 59. 3 ; Ezek. 22. 4 ; Mat. 27. 6. typified, under the law, Ex. 12. 13 ; 29. 16 ; 30. 10 ; Lev. 1. 4, 5 ; 3. ; 4. ; 8. 15 ; 16. 14-19 ; Heb. 9. 7-22. BLOODGUILTINESS. Ex. 22. 3, shall be b. A.V., blood i>hed. Ps. .51. 14, from h. BLOODTHIRSTY. Ps. 5. 6, abhorreth the b. A.V., bloody. BLOOM. Ex. 9. 31, the flax was in 6. A. V., was boiled. BLOSSOM. Gen. 40. 10, b. shot forth. Eccl. 12. 5, almond-tree shall b. A. V., flourish. S. of Sol. 2. 13, vines are in b. A. V., with the tender gra2)e. 2. 15, our vineyards are in b. A. V., vines have tender grapes. Isa. 17. 11, makest thy seed to 6. A. V., flourish. 18. 5, b. is over. A.V., bud is perfect. 35. 1, and b. as the rose. Hos. 14. 5, b. as the lily. A. V., grow. BLOT. Ex. 17. 14, b. out the remembrance. A. V.,ptit. Ex. 32. 32, 6. me . . . out of. Judg. 21. 17, tribe be not 6. out. A. V., destroyed. Ps. 51. 1, b. out my transgressions. Isa. 44. 22, b. out. as a thick cloud. Acts 3. 19, your sins may be b. out. [writing. Col. 2. 14, b. o\it the bond. A. F., blotting out the ha7id- BLOW (V.) Ex. 15. 10, 6. with thy vrind. Ps. 147. 18, causeth his wind to h. S. of Sol. 4. 16, b. upon my garden. Isa. 40. 24, he b. upou them. A. V., shall also blow. Jer. 6. 29, bellows b. fiercely. A. V., are burned. Luke 12. 55, see a south wind b. John 3. 8, wind b. where it will. BLOWS (n.). Mark 14. 65, b. of their hands. A.V., ilie palms. BLUSH. Ezra 9. 6, b. to lift up my face. Jer. 8. 12, neither could they b. BOANERGES, bo'a-ner'ges — N. T. Gk. sons of tu- ???«//[?]. Mark 3. 17. BOARD. 1 Kings 6. 15, with 6. A.V., planks. Acts 21. 6, we went on 6. the ship. A. V., took ship. BOAST in.). Ps. 34. 2, soul shall make her b. Ps. 44. 8, have we made our b. A. V., in God we b. BOAST (v.). 1 Kings 20. 11, girdeth on his armor b. Ps. 49. 6, b. themselves in the multitude. 94. 4, workers of iniquity b. Prov. 27. 1, b. not thyself of to-morrow. Jas. 3. 5, b. great things. BOASTFUL. Rom. 1. 30 ; 2 Tim. 3. 2, b. A. V., boasters. BOASTING. Job 11. 3, should thy 6. make men. A. v., lies. Boasting, danger of, 1 Kings 20. 10, 11; Job 31. 24-28; Ps. 49. 6-13 ; 52. 1-7 ; Prov. 20. 6, 14 ; 25. 14 ; 27. 1 ; Isa. 10. 15 ; Luke 22. 33, 34 ; Rom. 1. 30; 2 Cor. 10. lawful, Rom. 5. 2 ; 2 Cor. 1. 14 ; Gal. 6. 4. in God, or Christ, Rom. 2. 17 ; 6. 11 ; 2 Cor. 10. 17 ; Gal. 6. 14 ; Heb. 3. 6. excluded, Eccl. 9. 11 ; Jer. 9. 23; Amos 2. 14, 15; John 7. 18 ; Rom. 3. 27 ; 4. 2 ; 1 Cor. 1. 27-29 ; Eph. 2. 9. of Paul, 2 Cor. 7. 14 : 8. 24 ; 9. 3, 4 ; 11. 10. Examples : —Goliath, 1 Sam. 17. 44 ; Ben-liadad, 1 Kings 20. 10 ; Rabshakeh, 2 Kings 18. 17-37 ; Isa. 36. 1-22 ; 37. 8-13 ; Haman, Esth. 5. 11 ; Theudas, Acts 5. 36. BOAT. 2 Sam. 19. 18, over a ferry-6. Mat. 4. 22, left the b. A.V., ship. 14. 24, b. . . . distressed by the waves. A.V., ship. Mark 6. 32, went away in the b. A. V., by ship. 6. 47, b. . . . midst of the sea. A.V., ship. Luke 5. 7, partners in the other b. A. V., ship. 8. 22 ; John 6. 17, entered into a 6. A.V., ship. John 6. 22, with his disciples into the b. 21. 6, right side of the b. A.V., ship. Acts 27. 16, with difficulty, to secure the b. BOAZ, bo'az — Heb. quickness. Ruth 2. 1 ; 1 Kings 7. 15-22 ; Mat. 1. 5 ; Luke 3. 32. A. V., Boos. BOCHER U. b5€h'e-ru- Heb. first-born. 1 Chr. 8. 38. BOCHIM, bo'-ehim — Heb. weepers. Judg. 2. 1-^. BODILY. Luke 3. 22. Holy Spirit descended in a b. form. 2 Cor. 10. 10, b. presence is weak. Col. 2. 9, fulness of the Godhead b. 1 Tim. 4. 8, b. exercise is profitable for a little. BODY. Num. 5. 21 ; 25. 8 ; Judg. 3. 21, h. A. V., belly. 2 Sam. 2. 23, smote him in the 6. A. V., under the fifth rib. [corpses. 2 Kings 19. 35; Isa. 37. 36, were all dead b. A.V., Job 18. 13, members of his b. A.V., strength of his skin. 22 BOD AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. BOR Ps. 31. 9, my soul and my h. A. V., belly. Prov. 5. 11, flesh and thy b. Isa. 26. 19, my dead bodicx. A. V., body. Mat. 6. 22 : Luke 11. 34, whole b. 26. 26 ; 1 Cor. 11. 24, this is my b. Mark 5. 29, felt in her b. that. Luke 24. 3, found not the b. John 2. 21, temple of his b. Acts 9. 40, turning to the /*. Rom. 6. 6, b. of sin might be done away. 12. 1, your b. a living sacrifice. 12. 4, many members in one b. 1 Cor. 9. 27. I buffet my b. 13. 3, give my b. to be burned. 2 Cor. 5. 8, absent from the b. Gal. 6. 17, bear branded on my b. Phil. 3. 21, b. of our humiliation ... 6. of his glory. A.V., our vile b. . . . glorious b. Col. 1. 18, he is the head of the b. 2. 11, putting off of the b. of the flesh. Heb. 10. 22, b. washed with pure. A. V., bodies. 1 Pet. 2. 24, in his b. upon the tree. Body, to be pure, Rom. 12. 1 ; 1 Cor. 6. 13. temple of the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. 6. 19 ; of God, 1 Cor. 3. 16; 2 Cor. 6. 16. raised again, Mat. 22. 30 ; 1 Cor. 15. 12; Phil. 3. 21. not to be dishonored. Lev. 19. 28; 21. 5; Deut. 14. 1; Jer. 16.6; 41.5. dead, laws concerning, Lev. 21. 1, 2, 11; Mum. 5. 2; 9. 6 ; 19. 11 ; Deut. 21. 23 ; Josh. 8. 29 ; 10. 26, 27 ; Hag. 2. 13 ; John 19. 31. of Christ, Luke 2. 35 ; John 19. 34 ; Mat. 27. 60 ; Mark 15. 46 ; Luke 23. 53 ; John 19. 42. BOHAN, bo'han- Heb. tbiimb. Josh. 15. 6 ; 18. 17. BOIL(H.). Deut. 28. 27, the 6. of Egypt. A. V., botch. BOIL (v.). Ex. 23. 19, not b. a kid. A. V., seethe. 1 Sam. 2. 13, flesh was b. A.V., in seething. 2 Kings 4. 38, b. pottage for the sons. A. V., seethe. Boils, an aggravated ulcer, Ex. 9. 9-11; 2 Kings 20. 7; Job 2. 7; Isa. 38. 21; Rev. 16.2. BOILED. Gen. 25. 29, Jacob b. pottage. A . F., sod. Gen. 49. 4, 6. over as water. A.V.. uu stable. Num. 11. 8, b. it in pots. .4. F., baked it in pans. 2 Chr. 35. 13, offerings b. they in pots. A. F, sod. Lam. 4. 10, b. their own children. ^. F, sodden. BOILING (adj.). Job 41. 20, smoke ... as of a 6. pot. A. v., spething. BOLD. Prov. 28. 1, b. as a lion. 2 Cor. 10. 12, are not b. A. F, dare not make. 1 Thes. 2. 2, b. in our God. BOLDLY. Acts 13. 46, spake out b. A . V.,u'axed bold. BOLDNESS. Jer.30.21,thathathhad6. A. V., engaged his heart. Acts 4. 13, beheld the b. of Peter. 28. 31, with all b. A. F, confidence. 2 Cor. 3. 12, great b. A. F, plainness. Eph. 3. 12, in whom we have b. 1 Tim. 3. 13, great b. in the faith. Philem. 8, have all b. in Christ. A.V., be much bold. Heb. 3. 6, hold fast our b. A.V., the confidence. 4. 16, draw near with b. A.V., come boldly. 10. 19, b. to enter into the holy place. 10. 35, cast not away . . . b. A.V., confidence. 1 John 2. 28, may have b. A.V., confidence. 5. 14, b. . . . toward him. A. F, confidence . . . in him. Boldness, through faith, Isa. 50. 7 ; Acts 5. 29 ; Eph. 3. 12 ; Heb. 10. 19 ; 1 John 4. 17. of spirit. Lev. 26. 8 ; Josh. 23. 10 ; Prov. 23. 1 ; Isa. 50. 7 ; Luke 12. 4; Acts 4. 13. encouragements to, Josh 1.7:2 Chr. 29. 11 ; Jer. 1. 8 ; Ezek. 3. 9. Instances of : — In Moses, Ex. 10. 9-26; Joseph, Mark 15. 43; Peter and John, Acts 4. 13; 5. 29; Stephen, Acts 7. 51 ; Paul, Acts 9. 27 ; 16. 37 ; 20. 24 ; 25. 10 ; Gal. 2. 11 ; Ajwllos, Acts 18. 26. BOLT. S. of Sol. 5. 5, handles of the b. A. F, lock. Hab. 3. 5, fiery b. A.V., burninq coals. BOND. Num. 30. 2, bind his soul with a b. I's. 2. 3, break their b. A.V., bands. 116. 16, thou hast loosed my b. Jer. 5. 5, burst the 6. Mark 7. 35, b. of his tongue. A. F, string, Luke 16. 6, take thy b. A. F, bill. Acts 8. 23, b. of iniquity. 22. 5, unto Jerusalem in b. A. V., bound. Eph. 4. 3, b. of peace. Phil. 1. 13, b. . . . in Christ. [writing. Col. 2. 14, blotted out the b. written. A. V., the hand- 3. 14, /;. of perfectness. Heb. 10. 34, in b. Jude 6, in everla.sting b. A. V., chains. BONDAGE. Deut. 7. 8, out of the house of b. A. F, bondmen. Mic. 6. 4, out of the house of b. A.V., servants. John 8. 3.3, never yet been in b. to any man. Rom. 6. 6, be in b. to sin. A. F, serve. 8. 15, spirit of 6. ; 8. 21, b. of corruption. 1 Cor. 9. 27, body . . . into b. A.V., subjection. Gal. 4. 8, ye were in 6. A. F, did service. 5. 1, yoke of b. Heb. 2. 15, -subject to b. Bondage, of Israel in Egypt, Ex. 1.-12. ; Ps. 105. 25 ; Acts 7. 6. in Babylon, 2 Kings 2.5. ; Neh. 1. ; Dan. 1. [14. 11. to the Philistines, Judg. 13. 1 ; 15. 11 ; 1 Sam. 13. 19-22 ; spiritual. Acts 8. 23 ; Rom. 6. 16 ; 7. 23 ; Gal. 4. 3 ; ITim. 3. 7; 2 Tim. 2. 26; Heb. 2. 14, 15; 2 Pet. 2.19. deliverance from, Luke 4. 18, 21 ; John 8. 36 ; Rom. 6. 18. 22: 7. 24,25; Eph. 4. 8. BONDMAID. Lev. 19. 20, a woman, that is a b. Bondmaid. Bondman. (See Servants.) BONDMAN. Gen. 43. 18, take us for 6. (= slaves). Zech. 13. 5, b. from my youth. A. V., keep cattle. Col. 3. 11, /).. freeman. A. V., bond nor free. BONDSERVANT. 1 Kings 9. 22, make no b. A.V., bondmen. John 8. 34, b. of sin. A. F, servant. 1 Cor. 7. 21, wast thou called being a 6. A. V., servant. Gal. 4. 7, no longer a b. A. V., servant. BONE. Gen. 2. 23, b. of my 6. Ex. 12. 46, ye break a 6. thereof. Job 20. 11, 6. are full of his youth. Ps. 51. 8, b. which thou hast broken. Mat. 23. 27, full of dead men's 6. Luke 24. 39, a spirit hath not flesh and b. John 19. 36, a 6. of him shall not be broken. Bones, first mentioned. Gen. 2. 23. concerning Joseph's, Gen. 50. 25 ; Ex. 13. 19 ; Josh. 24. 32; Heb. 11.22. scattering of, 2 Kings 23. 14 ; Ps. 53. 5 ; 141. 7 ; Jer. 8. 1, 2; Ezek. 6. 5. Ezekiel's vision of, Ezek. 37. 1-10, paschal lamb's, Ex. 12. 46. Christ's, John 19. 36. BOOK. Gen. 5. 1, b. of the generations. Deut. 30. 10, this b. of the law. Neh. 7. 5, 6. A. V., regi.^ter. Ps. 40. 7 ; Heb. 10. 7, roll of the b. 139. 16, in thy b. Isa. 34. 16, seek ye out of the b. Mai. 3. 16, b. of remembrance. Luke 4. 17, he opened the b. Phil. 4. 3; Rev. 3. 5, b. of life. Rev. 20. 12, b. were opened. Book, of life, Ex. 32. 32, 33 ; Ps. 40. 7 ; 69. 28 ; 139. 16 ; Isa. 34. 16; Dan. 7. 10; 12. 1; Mai. 3. 16; Phil. 4. 3; Rev. 3. 5; 13. 8: 20. 12; 22. 19. of the law, Deut. 28. 61 ; 29. 27. of judgment, Dan. 7. 10; Rev. 20. 12. of the wars of the Lord, Num. 21. 14. of Jashar, Josh. 10. 13 ; 2 Sam. 1. 18. of Solomon, 1 Kings 4. 32; 11. 41. written by Samuel, 1 Sam. 10. 25. of different authors, 2 Chr. 9. 29; 20. 34. Books, first mentioned, Ex. 17. 14. probable origin of. Job 19. 23, 24. made of, Jer. 36. 2 ; Ezek. 2. 9; 2 Tim. 4. 13. BOOTHS. Gen. 33. 17, made b. Lev. 23. 42, dwell in b. seven days. Neh. 8. 14, Israel should dwell in b. Job 27. 18, b. which the keeper maketh. Jonah 4. 5. there made him a 6. BOOTY. Num. 31. 32, over and above the b. Num. 31. 53, men of war had taken b. A. V., spoil. Jer. 49. 32, camels shall be a b. Hab. 2. 7, be for 6. unto them. BORDER. Gen. 23. 17, the b. thereof. A. V. b. round. Ex. 13. 7, in all thy b. A. V., quarters. 23. 31, set thy b. A.V., bounds. Deut. 19. 8, enlarge thy b. A. V., coast. Isa. 26. 15, b. of the land. A. F., ends of the earth. Mat. 8. 34, depart from their b. A. F, coasts. 9. 20, touched the b. A . V., hem. 14. 36, touch the b. A.V., hem. Luke 8. 44, b. of his garment. Borders, of Israel, Num. 34. 1-15 ; Josh. 1. 4 ; Ezek. 47. 13. BORN. Gen. 17. 17, shall a child be b. Job 5. 7, man is b. unto trouble. Ps. 22. 31, a people that shall be b. 87. 5, that one was b. in her. Prov. 17. 17, a brother is b. for adversity. Isa. 9. ", unto us a child is b. Mat. 1. 16, of whom was 6. Jesus. Luke 2. 11, there is b. to you this day. John 1. 13, b., not of blood. 3. 3, except one be b. anew. 3. 6, 8, b. of the Spirit. 3. 7, ye must be 6. anew. 1 Pet. 2. 2. as new-6. babes. 2 Pet. 2. 12, 6. ... to be taken. A. Y., made. BORNE. Gen. 21. 7, have b. him a son. A. F, bom. Job 34. 31, b. chastisement. Ps. 6!». 7, I have b. reproach. Isa. 53. 4, he hath b. our griefs. Mat. 23. 4 ; Luke 11. 46, grievous to be b. Mark 2. 3, b. of four. BOR COMBINED CONCORDANCE TO THE BRE John 1. 34, have b. witness. A. P., bare record. 5. 33, hath b. witness. A. F., bare. 20. 15, if thou hast b. him hence. [into a. Acts 20. 9, 6. down with deep sleep. A. F., being fallen Heb. 11. 2, had witness b. A. F., obtainrd a good report. 11. 4, had ... 6. .4. F, obtained. 1 John 5. 10, God hath b. concerning his Son. A. F, BORROW. Deut. 15. 6, thou shalt not b. 2 Kings B. 5, it was 6. Ps. 37. 21, wicked b., and payeth not. Prov. 22. 7, 6. is servant to the lender. Mat. 5. 42, that would b. of thee. Borrowing, evils of, 2 Kings 6. 5 ; Ps. 37. 21 ; Prov. 22. 7, BOSOM Ex. 4. 6, hand into thy 6. Ps. 35. 13, returned into mine own b. 89. 50, bear in my b. the reproach. 129. 7, bindeth sheaves his 6. Prov. 6. 27, take fire in his b. Isa. 40. 11, carry them in his b. 49. 22, in their b. A. V., arms. Luke 6. 38, give into your b. 16. 22, Abraham's b. John 1. 18, the b. of the Father. 13 23, reclining in Jesus' 6. BOSSES. Job 15. 26, b. of his bucklers (= large pro- ject in g ornament. 'i). BOTTLE. Gen. 21. 14, a b. of water. Judg. 4. 19, opened a b. of milk. 1 Sam. 1. 24, a b. of wine. Ps. 56. 8, mv tears into thy b. Bottle, for holding wine, 1 Sam. 16. 20 ; for milk, Judg. 4. l:-i ; for water. Gen. 21. 14, 15, 19. BOTTOM. Job 36. 30, the b. of the sea. Zech. 1. 8, in the b. Mat. 27. 51 ; Mark 15. 38, top to the b. BOUGH. Gen. 49. 22, a fruitful b. 2 Sam. 18. 9, b. of a great oak. Ezek. 19. 11, among the thick b. A. F, branches. BOUGHT. Gen. 17. 12, b. with money. Eccl. 2. 7, I b. men-servants. A.V., got me servants. Mat. 21. 12; Mark 11. 15, b. in the temple. 27. 7, b. with them the potter's field. Mark 16. 1, b. spices. Luke 14. 18, b. a field. Acts 7. 16, b. for a price in silver. 1 Cor. 6. 20, ye were b. with a price. BOUND. Gen. 22. 9, b. Isaac his son. Gen. 38. 28, b. upon his hand a scarlet thread. 42. 16, ye shall be 6. A. F., kept in prison. Job 13. 27, thou settest a b. to the soles of my feet. A. r., print upon. Ps. 107. 10, b. in affliction. Prov. 8. 2,», to the sea its b. A.V., his decree. 22. 15, foolishness is b. ; 30. 4, b. the waters. [ens. Isa. 49. 9, saying to them that are b. A. V., the prison- 61. 1, prison to them that are b. Nah. 3. 2, b. chariots. ^4. V.,jtimmng. Luke 8. 29, kept under guard, and b. A. F, kept b. 2 Tim. 2. 9, word of God is not b. Heb. 5. 3, by reason thereof is 6. A. V., hereof he ought. 13. 3, as /). with them. BOUNTIFUL. Ps. 13. 6, hath dealt b. Prov. 22. 9, a b. eye shall be blessed. 2 Cor. 9. 6, soweth b. shall reap also b- BOUNTY. 1 Kings 10. 13, his royal b. Esth. 1. 7, the b. of the kuig. A. F, state. [ality. 1 Cor. 16. 3, carry vour b. unto Jerusalem. A. F, liber- 2 Cor. 8. 20, in the matter of this b. A. F, abundarice. 9. 5, your aforepromised b. BOW (n.). Gen. 9. 13, my 6. in the cloud. 2 Sam. 1. 22, 6. of Jonathan. Ps. 44. 6, I will not trust in my b. 78. 57, turned aside like a deceitful b. BOW (v.). Gen. 27. 29, nations b. down. 1 Sam. 2. 36, b. down. A. F, cronch. 2 Sam. 18. 28. he ( Ahimaaz)6. himself. A. F, fell down. 2 Kings 17. 36, unto him shall ye b. yourselves. A.V., him shall i/e irorshrp. Ps. 10. 10, lie b. down. A. F, and humbleth himself. 71. 2, b. down thine ear. A. F, incline. 107. 39, they are ... 6. down. A. F, brought low. Lam. 3. 20, b. down within me. A. F, humbled. Phil. 2. 10, every knee should h. Bow, in the cloud, Gen. 9. 13-16 ; Ezek. 1. 28. weapon. Gen. 48. 22 ; 1 Sam. 18. 4 ; 2 Sam. 1. 22 ; Ps. 44. 6 : .ler. 49. 35 ; Hos. 7. 16 ; Rev. 6. 2. BOWELS. Gen. 15. 4, out of thine own b. Bowine:, as a mode of showing respect. Gen. 18. 2; 23. 7 ; 33. 3 ; 43. 23 ; Ex. 11. 8 ; 1 Kings 1. 23 ; 2 Kings 2. 15 ; Esth. 3. 5. as an act of adoration to idols, Josh. 23. 7 ; Judg. 2. 19 ; 2 Kings 5. 18 ; Isa. 44. 15. as an act of worship to God, Josh. 5. 14 ; Ps. 22. 29 ; 72. 9 : Mic. 6. 6 ; Eph. 3. 14. BOWL. Judg. 6. 38. a 6.-ful of water. 1 Chr. 28. 17. by weight for every 6. .4. F, bason. 2 Chr. 4. 12, two b. A. V., pommels. Eccl. 12. 6, golden 6. is broken. Isa. 51. 17, b. of the cup of staggering. ^4. F., dregs. Jer. 35. 5, b. full of wine. .4. F., X)ots. Amos 6. 6, drink wine in b. Rev. 5. 8, golden b. full of incense. A. F, vials. 16. 1, pour out the seven b. A. F., the vials. 16. 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, his b. A. F, vial. 21. 9, angels who had the seven b. A. F, vials. BOXES. Isa. 3. 20, I will take away ... the perfume b. A. F, tablets. BOY. Gen. 25. 27, the b. grew. 1 Sam. 20. 22, unto the b. A. F, young man. Zech. 8. 5, full of b. and girls. Luke 2. 43, the b. Jesus. .4. F, child. BOZEZ, bo'zez. 1 Sam. 14. 4, 5. B OZKA TH. boz' kath — Heb. stony. Josh. 15. 39 ; 2 Kings 22.1. A.V.. Boscath. BOZ RAH, boz rah — Heb. sheepfold. (1) of Edom, Gen. 36. 33. noted for sheep, Mic. 2. 12. prophecies against, Jer. 49. 13 ; Amos 1. 12. (2) of Moab, Jer. 48. 24. BRACELETS. Gen. 24. 22, two b. BRAIDED. 1 Tim. 2. 9, b. hair. .4. F, broided. BRAKE. Ex. 9. 25, b. every tree. Judg. 7. 19, h. in pieces the pitchers. A. F, b. the pitch- ers. 2 Chr. 26. 19, the leprosy b. forth. .4. F., even rose up. Dan. 7. 2, winds . . . b. forth upon the great sea. A. F, strove. Mat. 14. 19, blessed, and b. Luke 6. 48, b. against that house. ^1. F, beat vehe- mentlv ^iiion. John 19. 32. b. the legs of the first. BRAMBLE. Judg. 9. 14, trees unto the b. Luke 6. 44, nor of a b. bush. BRANCH. Gen. 40. 10, three b. Ps. 80. 11, sent out its b. A.V., boughs. Isa. 18. 5, the spreading b. A. F, the b. Jer. 5. 10, take away her b. A. V., battlements. 23. 5, a righteous B. Dan. 4. 12, dwelt in the b. A. F, boughs. Mat. 13. 32, lodge in the b. thereof. Mark 11. 8, b., which they had cut from the fields. ^4. F, cut down b. ojf ttie trees. John 15. 5, I am the vine, ye are the b. Branch, referred to, Isa. 4. 2 ; 11. 1 ; Jer. 23. 5 ; Zech. 3. 8 ; 6. 12 ; John 15. 5, 6. BRAND. Judg. 15. 5, /). on fire. Amos 4. 11, as a b. nlucked out. ^4. V., firebrand. Zech. 3. 2, a b. plucked out of the fire. 1 Tim. 4. 2. b. in their own conscience. A. F, seared. BRASS. Gen. 4. 22, instrument of 6. 1 Sam. 17. 5. a helmet of b. 2 Sam. 22. 35, bow of 6. A.V., .';teel. 1 Kings 14. 27, shields of b. A. F, brasen shields. 2 Chr. 2. 7, in silver and in b. Ezra 8. 27, bright b. A. F, copper. Job 20. 24, bow of b. shall strike him. A. F., steel. Mat. 10. 9, nor b. in your purses {= copper money). 1 Cor. 13. 1, become soundmg b. Brass, first mention of, Gen. 4. 22. Also, Lev. 26. 19 ; Job 6. 12 ; 1 Cor. 13. 1 ; Rev. 1. 15. use of, Ex. 38. 29 ; Josh. 6. 19 ; 1 Chr. 15. 19 ; 2 Chr. 12. 10 ; Ps. 107. 16 ; Rev. 9. 20. altar of, Ex. 39. 39 ; 2 Kings 16. 14. BRAWLER. Prov. 20. 1, drink a 6. A. V., is raging. 1 Tim. 3. 3, no 6. A. F, not given to wine. Tit. 1. T, no b. A. V., not given to wine. BRAY. Job 6. 5, doth the wild ass b. Prov. 27. 22, b. a fool in a mortar {=pound or bruise). BRAZEN. Ex. 27. 4, four 6. rings. A. V., brasen. BRAZIER. Jer. 36. 22, fire in the b. A.V., on the li^arth. BREACH. Lev. 24. 20, b. for b. 2 Kings 25. 4, b. was made in the city. A. F, city was b)-oken up. BREAD. Gen. 3. 19, shalt thou eat b. Lev. 22. 7, because it is his b. A. V.,food. Deut. 8. 3, man doth not live by b. Ruth 1. 6, in giving them b. 1 Kings 17. 6, ravens brought him b. Job 22. 7, withholden b. from the hungry. Ps. 78. 25, did eat the b. of the mighty. A. F, angels' food. 127. 2, eat the b. of toil. 132. 15, satisfy her poor with b. Prov. 9. 17, b. eaten in secret. 20. 17, b. of falsehood is sweet. 28. 21, piece of b. 31. 27. eateth not the b. of idleness. Eccl. 11. 1, cast thy b. upon the waters. Isa. 55. 2, which is not b. : 55. 10, b. to the eater. Mat. 4. 3, stones become b. Mark 7. 27, take the children's b. Luke 11. 3, day by day our daily b. 24. 35, in the breaking of the b. John 6. 51, I am the living b. 1 Cor. 11. 26. as ye eat this b. [19 ; 7. 13. Bread, different kinds, Gen. 14. 18; Ex. 29. 2; Judg. 6 24 BRE AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. BRO prepared by kneading, Gen. 18. 6 ; Ex. 12. 34. to be eaten with labor. Gen. 3. 19. from heaven (manna), Ex. 16. 4. unleavened. Gen. 19. 3 ; Ex. 12. 8 ; 2 Kings 23. 9. offered before the Lord, Ex. 2.5. 30 ; Lev. 24. 5, 6. used at the Lord's Supper, Luke 22. 19; Acts 2. 42; 20. 7 ; 1 Cor. 10. 16 ; 11. 23. used figuratively, Ps. 80. 5 ; Prov. 4. 17 : 20. 17. miraculous multiplication of. Mat. 14. 20 ; 15. 37 ; Mark 8. 41 ; 8. 6. BREADTH. Ezek. 41. 10, a b. of twenty cubits. A. V., the irideness. BREAK. Gen. 27. 40, when thou shalt b. loose. A. V., have the dominion. Ex. 34. 13, b. down their altars. A.V., destroy. Deut. 12. 3, b. down their altars. A.V., overthrow. 2 Kings 23. 12, did the king b. down. A.V., brat. Job 7. 5, skin ... 6. out afresh. A.V., become loatJi- some. Ps. 98. 4, b. forth. A. V., make a loud noise. Isa. 42. 3, bruised reed will he not b. Jer. 1. 10, to pluck up and to h. dovvia. .4. V., pull. Mat. 12. 20, bruised reed shall he not h. Luke 5. 6, their nets were b. A.V., their net brake. 8. 29, b. the bands asunder. A. F., brake the bands. John 21. 12, come and b. your fast. A.V., dine. Acts 27. 41, began to b. up by the violence. A.V., was broken irith. BREAKERS. Ps. 93. 4, the mighty />. A.V.,u-aves. BREAKING (??.). Lev. 13. 57, it is b. out. A. V., a spreading plague. Prov. 15. 4, a b. of the spirit. A. F., breach in. BREAST. Job 32. 19, my 6. A. V., belly. Luke 11. 27 : 23. 29, b. A. F, jxips. Rev. 1. 13, girt about at the b. A.V., paps. Breastplate, referred to, Ex. 28. 15; 39. 8; Isa. 59. 17; Eph. 6. 14 ; 1 Thes. 5. 8. (See Priest.) BREATH. Gen. 2. 7, h. of life. Job 4. 9, by the b. of God. A. F, blast. 7. 7, my life is a 6. A.V., icijid. 32. 8, the b. of the Almighty. A.V., inspiration. Ps. 146. 4, his b. goeth forth. S. of Sol. 7. 8, smell of thy b. A. F., nose. Isa. 57. 13, a b. shall carry them. A. F., vanity. 59. 19, b. of Jehovah driveth. ^4. F, Lord shall lift np a standard. Hos. 13. 15, the b. of Jehovah. A.V., wind. Acts 17. 25, giveth to all life, and b. Rev. 11. 11. b. of life from God. A . F, Spirit. Breath, of life, Gen. 2. 7 ; 6. 17 ; Job 12. 10 ; 27. 3 ; Ps. 104. 29 ; Dan. 5. 23 ; Acts 17. 25. of God, 2 Sam. 22. 16 ; Job 4. 9 ; 15. 30; Ps. 33. 6; Isa. 11. 4 ; .John 20. 22. BREATHE. Gen. 2. 7, b. into his nostrils. Josh. 11. 11, none left that b. A. V., not any left to b. Ps. 27. 12, such as b. out cruelty. John 20. 22. he b. on them. BREECHES. Ex. 28. 42, linen b. Ezek. 44. 18, linen b. upon their loins. BRETHREN. Gen. 13. 8, for we are b. Prov. 19. 7, b. of the poor do hate him. Mat. 23. 8, all ve are b. Mark 10. 29, left house, or b. Acts 1. 15, midst of the 6. A. F, disciples. Rom. 9. 3, for my b.''s sake. A. V.,for my b. 12. 10 ; 1 Thes. 4. 9, love of the b. A. F, brotherly love. Col. 1. 2, faithful b. in Christ. 1 John 3. 14, we love the b. Brethren, duties of. Gen. 13. 8 ; 42. 21, 22 ; Lev. 19, 17 ; 25. 35 ; Deut. 15. 7 ; Ps. 133. 1 ; Prov. 6. 19 ; Mat. 5. 22 ; 25. 40 ; .John 13. 34 ; Rom. 12. 10 ; Heb. 13. 1 ; 1 Pet. 1. 22 ; 1 John 2. 9, 10 ; 3. 17 ; 4. 20. [Gal. 1. 19. of Jesus, Mat. 13. 55 ; 12. 46-50 ; Mark 3. 31 ; 1 Cor. 9. 5 ; Instances of brotherly love : — Jacob and Esau, Gen. 33. 15 ; Reuben and Joseph, Gen. 37. 22-29 ; Joseph and Benjamin, Gen. 43. 34 ; 45. 14 ; Moses and Aaron, Ex. 4. 27; Jitdah and Simeon, Judg. 1. 3; Andrew and Simon, John 1. 41. BRIBE. Ps. 26. 10, right hand is full of b. Isa. 33. 15, hands from taking a b. Bribery, condemned, Ex. 23. 8 ; Deut. 16. 19 ; Job 15. 34 ; Ps. 26. 10 : Prov. 17. 23 ; Acts 1. 16-20. Instances of : — Balak. Num. 22. 17 ; Delilah, Judg. 16. 5 ; Samuel'' s sons, ISam. 8. 3; Jeroboam, 1 Kings 13. 7 ; Judas, Mat. 26. 15 ; of the soldiers, Mat. 28. 12 ; also Acts 24. 26. BRICK. Gen. 11. 3, let us make l>. Ex. 5. 7. give the people straw to make b. Isa. 65. 3, burning incense upon 6. A.V., upon altars of brick. BRIDE. S. of Sol. 4. 8, my b. A. V., spouse. Isa. 49. 18, like a b. 61. 10, as a b. adorneth herself. Jer. 2. 32. a b. her attire. Hos. 4. 13, your b. commit. A. V., .spouses shall. John 3. 29, hath the b. is the bridegroom. Rev. 22. 17, Spirit and the b. say. Come. Bride, in the ordinary sense, I.sa. 49. 18 ; 61. 10. as Christ and his church, John 3. 29 ; Rev. 21. 9 ; 22. 17. BRIDEGROOM. Ex. 4. 25, ^. of blood. A. V., bloody husbunil. Ps. 19. 5, b. coming. Mat. 9. 15, the /'. is with them. 25. 1. to meet the b. John 3. 29, friend of the b. 3.29. 6. '.s- voice. Rev. 18. 23, voice of the b. Bridegroom, Christ the, Mat. 9. 15 ; 25. 1-10 ; Mark 2. 19 ; Luke 5. 34 ; John 3. 29. BRIDLE. 2 Sam. 8. 1, David took the 6. of the mother city. A.V., Metheg-ammah. 2 Kings 19. 28, my b. in thy lips. Ps. 39. 1, keep my mouth with a b. Prov. 26. 3, b. for the ass. Jas. 1. 26, b. not his tongue. 3. 2, b. the whole body. 3. 3, horses' b. into their mouths. A. V., bits. BRIERS. Judg. 8. 7. and with b. Isa. 55. 13, instead of the b. shall come. BRIGHT. Zech. 14. 6, there shall not be light ; the b. ones shall withdraw themselves. A.V., Iht light shall not be clear, nor dark. Mat. 17. 5, b. cloud overshadowed. [white. Rev. 19. 8, fine linen, b. and pure. A.V., clean and 22. 1, 6. as crystal. A. V., clear. 22. 16. b., the morning star. [glory. BRIGHTNESS. Ps. 89, 44, made his b. to cease. A. K, Isa. 60. 3, to the b. of thy rising. 62. 1, righteousness go forth as b. BRIMSTONE. Gen. 19. 24, 6. and fire. Isa. 30. 33, like a stream of b. Rev. 19. 20, lake of fire that bumeth with b. BRING. Num. 5. 25, b. it unto the altar. A. F, offer it upon. Num. 20. 10, b. you forth water. A. V., fetch. 1 Sam. 3. 13, did b. a curse upon themselves. A.V., made . . . vile. 17. 18, b. these ten cheeses. A. F, carry. 2 Sam. 19. 18, b. over the king's householdf. A. V., carry. 1 Kings 17. 18. b. my sin to remembrance. .4. V., call. 2 Chr. 6. 23, to b. his way upon. A. F, by recomjjensing. Ps. 90. 9, we b. our years to an end as a sigh. A.V., spen d as. [away. drivi Ezek. 9. 10, b. their way upon. A.V., recompense. Prov. 25. 23, north wind b. forth rain. A. F, driveth impens( 21. 23, he b. iniquity to remembrance. A. V7, will call. 46. 20, b. them not forth. A.V., bear them not out. Amos5. 9, b. sudden destruction upon the strong. A. F, strenglheneth the spoilpd against the strong. Mat. 6. 13, b. us not into temptation. A.V., lead. Acts 13. 32, b. you good tidings. A. F, declare unto. 16. 37. b. us out. A. v., fetch. BRINK. Gen. 41. 3, b. of the river. Gen. 41. 17, the b. of the river. A. V., bank. Josh. 3. 15, dipped in the b. A. V., brim. BROAD. Ps. 119. 96, commandment is exceeding b. Prov. 1. 20, wisdom . . . uttereth her voice in the b. places. A. V., streets. Mat. 7. 13, b. is the way. 23. 5, make b. their phylacteries. BROIDERED. Ezek. 16. 10, clothed thee also with b. work (= embroidered). BROKEN. Gen. 17. 14, b. my covenant. Ex. 32. 25, people were b. loose. A. I'., naked. Deut. 21. 6, heifer whose neck was b. A. V., that is beheaded. Judg. 6. 32. b. down his altar. A. V., thrown. 2 Sam. 6. 8, Jehovah had b. forth. A.V., (the Lord) had made a breach. 1 Kings 5. 9, cause them to be b. ui). A. F, dltcharged. Job 19. 10, b. me down on every side. A. F, destroyed. Ps. 34. 18, them that are of a b. heart. 51. 17, b. spirit : a b. and a contrite heart. 60. 1, hast b. us dowai. A. F, scattered. Prov. 18. 14, a b. spirit who can bear ? A. V., wounded. Jer. 48. 1, Misgab is ... b. down. A. V., dismayed. Ezek. 30. 16, shall be b. up. A. V., rent asunder. Nah. 1. 6, rocks are b. asunder. A. F, thrown down. Mat. 21. 44, shall be b. to pieces. A. F, broken. John 19. 36, bone of him shall not be b. 21. 15, when they had b. their fast. .4. V., dined. BROOCHES. Ex. 35. 22, brought b. A.V., bracelets. BROOK. 1 Sam. 17. 40. stones out of the b. Ps. 42. 1. panteth after the water 6. S. of Sol. 5. 12, doves beside the water b. A.V., the rivers of waters. Isa. 27. 12, unto the b. of Egypt. A. V., .ttream. Ezek. 47. 19, b. of Egypt, mito. A. F, the river to. Joel 1. 20, water b. A. F, I'ivers of waters. BROOM. Job 30. 4, roots of the b. A. V., juniper roots. BROTH. Judg 6. 19, b. in a pot. Isa. 6). 4. b. of abominable things. BROTHER Gen. 4. 9, b.'s keeper. Prov. 17. 17, b. is born for adversity. 18. 24, sticketh closer than a b. Jer. 31. 34, every man his h. Mat. 10. 21, b. shall deliver up b. 1 Cor. 7. 14, in the b. A. F, by the husband. 26 BRO COMBINED CONCORDAN^CE TO THE BUS A.V., \corn. A. v., beaten A. v., b. Gral. 1. 19, James the Lord's b. 2 Thes. 3. 15, admonish him as a b. BROTHER-IN-LAW. Judg. 4. 11, b. of Moses. father in laic. BROTHERLY. Amos 1. 9, b. ooveuant. 2 Pet. 1. 7, 6. kindness. BROUGHT. Gen. 8. 9, b. her in. A.V., pulled. Num. 11. 12, b. them forth. A. V., have I begotten. Judg. 6. 6, b. very low. A. T., greatly impouerished. 1 Sam. 30. 19, David 6. back all. A. V., recovered. Ps. 44. 9, b. us to dishonor. A. V., put. 126. 1, b. back those that. A.V., turned again. Isa. 66. 8, nation be b. forth at once. A.F., born. Mark 8. 23, b. him out of the village. A. V., led. Luke 8. 8. and 6. forth fruit. A. V., bare. 10. 15, Shalt be b. down. A. F., thrust. 23. 1, b. him before Pilate. A. K, led . . . unto. Acts 7. 41, b. a sacrifice unto. A. K, offered. 13. 23, b. unto Israel a Saviour. .4. V., raised. 20. 33, 6. him on his way. A.V., accompanied him. 21. 34, commanded him to be 6. A.V., carried. Jas. 1. 18, he b. us forth. A. V., begat he us. BROW. Isa. 48. 4, thy b. brass. Luke 4. 29, uuto the b. of the hill. BRUISE (v.). Gen. 3. 15, b. thy head. Gen. 4. 23, for b. me. A. V., to my hurt. Ps. 38. 8, sore b. A. V., broken. Isa. 53. 5, b. for our iniquities. BRUISED {adj.). Lev. 2. 16, the b. grain. Mat. 12. 20, 6. reed shall he not break. BRUISES (n.). Isa. 1. 6, wounds, and b. BRUTISH. Ps. 49. 10, the b. alike perish, person (perish). Ps. 73. 22, so b. was I, and ignorant. A. V., foolish. 92. 6, b. man knovveth not. Prov. 30. 2, I am more b. Jer. 10. 14, man is become b. A. V., (man) is b. BUCKET. Num. 24. 7. water shall flow from his b. Isa. 40. 15, as a drop of a b. BUCKLER. 1 Kings 10. 16, shekels of gold went to one 6. A. F., target. 2 Chr. 14. 8, army that bare b. A. V., targets. Ps. 91. 4, a shield and a b. BUD. Num. 17. 5, rod . . . shall b. A. F., blossom. Num. 17. 8, put forth b. S. of Sol. 7. 12, vine hath b. A.V., flourish. Heb. 9. 4, Aaron's rod that b. BUFFET. Mat. 26. 67, and b. him {= strike u-ith their hands). 1 Cor. 4. 11, and are b. 9. 27, I b. my body. A. V., keep under. 1 Pet. 2. 20, b. for it. BUILD. 1 Sam. 2. 35, I will b. him a sure house. Ps. 102. 16, hath b. up Zion. A. F., shall build. 127. 1, except Jehovah b. the house. Eccl. 3. 3, a time to b. up. Isa. 58. 12, 6. the old waste places. Mat. 7. 24, b. his house upon the rock. Luke 6. 48, been well b. A. F., founded upon a rock. 7. 5, himself b. us our. A. F, he hath b. 14. 30, began to b. Acts 20. 32, able to b. you up. Rom. 15. 20, that I might not b. upon. 1 Cor. 3. 12, b. on the foundation. Eph. 2. 22. ye also are 6. together. BUILDER. 1 Kings 5. 18, Solomon's b. Ps. 118. 22, stone which the b. reiected. Mat. 21. 42 ; Mark 12. 10 ; Luke 20. 17, b. rejected. 1 Cor. 3. 10, as a wise master6?«v7rfi°r. Heb. 11. 10, whose b. and maker is God. BUILDING. 1 Kings 9. 1, finished the b. 1 Cor. 3. 9, ye are . . . God's b. 2 Cor. 10. 8, gave for b. you up. A. F, edif cation. Eph. 2. 21, each several 6., fitly framed. 4. 12, b. lip of the body. A.V., edifying. BUKKI, biik'ki-Heb. Bukkiah. Num. 34. 22; Ezra 7.4. BUKKIAH, buk'kl'ah-Heb. proved of Jehovah. 1 Chr. 25. 4. BUL, bul. eighth month of Jewish year. 1 Kings 6. 38. BULLOCKS. Num. 23. 1, prepare . . . seven b. A. F, oxen. Hos. 14. 2, render as 6. the offering of our lips. A. V., re'ider thp calves. BULRUSHES. Ex. 2. 3, an ark of b. BULWARKS. Deut. 20. 20, build b. {= fortifications) . Ps. 48. 13, mark ye well her b. Isa. 26. 1, will he appoint for walls and b. Jer. 50. 15, her b. are fallen. A. V., foundations. BUNA H, bu'nah — Heb. jvudence. 1 Chr. 2. 25. BUNDLE Gen. 42. 35, b. of money. Ruth 2. 16, pull out some for her from the b. A. F, let fall also some of the handful s of purpose for her. Mat. 13. 30, bind them in b. Acts 28. 3, gathered a /). of sticks. B UNNL bun'ni. Neh. 11. 15. BURDEN. Num. 4. 47, work of bearing b. A. F., ser- vice of the b. Ps. 55. 22, cast thy b. upon Jehovah. Ps. 66. 11, a sore b. upon our loins. A.V., affliction. 68. 19, who daily beareth our b. A. V., ioadeth us with benefits. Mat. 11. 30, my b. is light. 20. 12, borne the b. Luke 11. 46, load men with b., . . . touch not the b. 2 Cor. 11. 9, not a b. on any man. A.V., chargeable to no. 12. 13, a b. to you. A.V., burdensome. Gal. 6. 2, bear ye one another's b. 1 Thes. 2. 9, that we might not 6. any of you. A, V., because ive tcould not be chargeable unto. Burden, applied to prophecy, 2 Kings 9. 25 ; Isa. 13. ; 15. ; 17. ; 19. ; 21. ; 22. ; 23. ; Nah. 1. 1. Christ's burden is light, JVIat. 11. 30. (See Acts 15. 28 ; Rev. 2. 24.) of the Scribes and Pharisees, Mat. 23. 4 ; Luke 11. 46. described, Ps. 38. 4 ; 55. 22 ; 2 Cor. 5. 4 ; Gal. 6. 2. BURDENED. 1 Tim. 5. 16, let not the church be b. A. v., charged. BURDENSOME. Zech. 12. 3, a b. stone. Burdensome, 1 Cor. 9. 15-19 ; 2 Cor. 11. 7-9 ; 12. 13-16 ; Phil. 4. 15 ; 2 Thes. 3. 8. BURIAL. 2 Chr. 26. 23, field of b. Eccl. 6. 3, he have no b. Jer. 22. 19, b. of an ass. Mat. 26. 12, she did it to prepare me for b. Burial, first account of a, Gen. 23. customs, Gen. 23. 4-15 ; 25. 9 ; 49. 31 ; Deut. 34. 6 ; 1 Kings 13. 31 ; Mat. 27. 7 ; Mark 14. 8 ; Luke 23. 56 ; John 11. 38 ; 12. 7 ; Acts 8. 2. to be without, Num. 14. 29 ; Deut. 28. 26 ; 2 Kings 9. 10 ; Ps. 79. 2, 3 ; Eccl. 6. 3 ; Isa. 14. 19, 20 ; Jer. 7. 33 ; 34. 20; Heb. 3. 17. of Sarah, Gen. 23. ; Abraham, Gen. 25. 9; I.mac, Gen. 35. 29 ; Jacob, Gen. 50. ; John the Baptist, Mat. 14. 12 ; Jems, Mat. 27. 60 ; Stephen, Acts 8. 2. BURIED. Acts 8. 2, men 6. Stephen. A.V., carried Stephen to his burial. Rom. 6. 4, we were b. therefore with him. 1 Cor. 15. 4, that he was b. Col. 2 12, having been b. with him. BURIETH. Prov. 19. 24; 26. 15, sluggard b. A.V., i slothful man) hidef.h. IN. Num. 16. 40, 6. incense. A.V., offer. Ps. 11. 6, b. wind. A.V., horrible tempest. 38. 7, loins are filled with b. A. F, a loathsome disease. Isa. 9. 18, wickedness b. as the fire. Jer. 33. 18, b. meal-offerings. A.V., kindle. 34. 5, make a b. A. F, burn odours. Lam. 5. 10, b. heat of famine. A. V., terrible famine. Mat. 13. 30, in bundles to 6. Luke 12. 35, your lamps b. John 5. 35, lamp that b. and shineth. A. V., a burning and a shining light. 1 Cor. 13. 3, give my body to be b. BURNING. Ps. 58. 9, the green and the h. alike. .4. F, both living, and in his wrath. Burning: Bush, Ex. 3. 2; Mark 12. 26; Luke 20. 37; Acts 7. 30-35. BURNISHED. 1 Kings 7. 45, b. brass. A.V., bright. Dan. 10. 6, his feet like imto b. brass. A.V., polished. Rev. 1. 15, like unto b. brass. A. V.,fine. BURNT. Isa. 9. 19, laud 6. up. A. V.. darkened. .Ter. 46. 19, shall be h. up. A. V., desolate. BURNT-OFFERING. Gen. 22. 7, lamb for a b.-o. Ps. 40. 6, b.-o. and sin-o. hast. 51. 16, thou hast no pleasure in b.-o. Dan. 8. 13, continual b.-o. A.V., daily -mcrlfice. Hos. 6. 6, knowledge of God more than b.-o. Mark 12. 33, more than all whole b. o. Heb. 10. 6, 8, in whole b. o. Burnt-Offerings, laws concerning, Lev. 1. 1 ; 6. 8. continual, Ex. 29. 38 ; 1 Chr. 16. 40 ; 2 Chr. 13. 11. Examples of : — Offered by Noah, Gen. 8. 29 ; Abraham, Gen. 22. 13 ; Jethro, Ex. 18. 12 : Balaam., Num, 23. 2, 14; Joshua, Josh. 8. 31; Gideon, Judg. 6. 26-28; Samuel, 1 Sam. 7. 9; Saul, 1 Sam. 13. 9, 10; David, 2 Sam. 24. 25 : Solomon, 1 Kings 3. 15 ; Elijah, 1 Kings 18. .33-38 ; Job, Job 1. 5. BURST. Job 32. 19, ready to b. Jer. 23. 19, whirling tempest: it shall b. A. V., fall grievously- 30. 23, b. upon the head. A.V., fall with pain. Joel 2. 8, they b. through the weapons, and. A. F, ivhen they fail ujion the sn-ord, they. Mat. 9. 17, else the skins b. A.V., bottles break. Mark 2. 22 ; Luke 5. 37, new wine will b. BURY. Gen. 23. 4, I may b. my dead. Mat. 8. 21, and b. my father. Luke 9. 60, leave the dead to b. their own dead. BUSH. Ex. 3. 2, b. burned with fire. Mark 12. 26, in the book of Moses, in the place con- cerning the B., how God spake. A. V., how in the b. God spake. Acts?. 30, fire in a b. BUSHEL. Mat. 5. 15 ; Mark 4. 21 ; Luke 11. 33, put it under a (^the) b. BUSINESS. Deut. 24. 5, charged with any b. BUS AMERICAN STANDARD REVISED BIBLE. CAL 1 Sam. 21. 8, king's b. required haste. Neh. 13. 13, b. was to distribute. A.V., office, Ps. 107. 23, do b. in great waters. Acts 19. 24, no little b. A. V., small gain. 19. 25, by this 6. A.V.,cra/(. BUSYBODIES. 2 Thes. 3. 11, but are b. 1 Tim. 5. 13, tattlers also and b. Busybodies, condemned, Prov. 26. 17 ; 1 Thes. 4. 11 ; 2 Thes. 3. 11; 1 Tim, 5. 13. BUT. Gen. 19. 16, b. he lingered. A. V., while. Job 6. 2, my vexation were 6. weighed. A. F., grief icere thoroughly weighed. Mat. 19. 11, b. they to whom it is given. A. F., sax^e. Mark 7. 7, b. in vain do they worship. .4. K., howbeit. Luke 4. 27, b. only Naaniau. A. V., saving. Acta 24. 18, b. there were certain Jews. A.V., xvhere- upon certain Jews. Rev. 2. 17, b. he that receiveth it. A. V.. saving. BUTTER. Gen. 18. 8, he took b. Ps. 55. 21, smooth as 6. A. V., smoother than b. Prov. 30. 33, churning of milk briugeth forth b. Isa. 7. 15, b. and honev shall he eat. BUY. Gen. 41. 57 ; 42. 3, to b. grain. Ex. 21. 2, if thou b. a Hebrew servant. 2 Sam. 24. 21, to b. the threshing-floor. 2 Kings 12. 12, for b. timber. A. V.. to buy. Prov. 23. 23, b. the truth, and sell it not. Isa. 55. 1, b., and eat \ . . . b. wine and milk. Jer. 32. 7, 8, 25, b. thee my field. Mat. 14. 15, b. themselves food. 25. 9, b. for yourselves. Mark 6. 36, b. themselves somewhat to eat. 6. 37, b. . . . bread. Luke 9. 13, go and 6. food. John 4. 8, into the city to b. food. Rev. 3. 18, b. of me gold refined. 13. 17, to b. or to sell. BUYER. Prov. 20. 14, saith the b. Isa. 24. 2, as with the b. B UZ. buz — Heb. dp.^ncabJe. Gen. 22. 21. B UZI, bu'zl, B UZITE. Ezek. 1.3; Job 32. 2. BY. Ex. 13. 18, b. the way of the wilderness. A.V., through. Deut. 5. 15, out thence b. a mighty hand. A.V., through . Mat. 9. 34, b. the prince of the. A.V.. through. Mark 5. 21, b. the sea. A. F., nigh unto. Acts 3. 16, b. faith in his name. A. F, through. Rom. 5. 15, if b. the trespass of the one. A. V., through. 11. 11, but b. their fall salvation. A. F, through. Gal. 3. 8, justify the Gentiles b. faith. A. F, through. BYPATHS. Jer. 18. 15, walk in b. A.V., paths. BYWORD. Deut. 28. 37, b., among all the peoples. Job 17. 6, a b. of the people (=i)roverb). Ps. 44. 14, a b. among the nations. Ezek. 23. 10, a b. among women. A. V., famous. CABBON. cab'bon — village, Judah. Josh. 15. 40. CABUL, -ea'bul — Heb. as good as nothing. (1) town, Asher. Josh. 19. 27. (2) region in Galilee given to Hiram. 1 Kings 9. 13. C^SAR, cas'sar — Lat. title Roman emperors. Mat. 22.17. ' Augustus, Luke 2. 1 ; Tiberius, Luke 3. 1 ; Claudius, Acts 11. 28 ; Nero, Acts 25. 8 ; Phil. 4. 22. Roman citizens could appeal to. Acts 25. 11. saints in household of, Phil. 4. 22. C^ SAKE A. Qges'a-re a— Gk. Kaisareia. Caesar's (Augustus) town. Acts 8. 40. Paul taken to, Acts 9. 30. abode of Cornelius, the centurion, Acts 10. 1-24. visited by Peter, Acts 10. 24 ; by Paul, Acts 21. 8. Paul examined at. Acts 23. 23. C^ SAKE A PHILIP PL Qffis'a-re'a phMTp'pI, named after Philip the tetrarch. vi.sited by Christ, Mat. 16. 13 ; Mark 8. 27. CAGE. Jer. 5. 27. c. is full of birds. CA I A PHA S, «a'ia-phas — Heb. depression [?] — high priest. John 11. 49. CAIN, cain — Heb. acquired ['?]. murders Abel, Gen. 4. 1, 8. CAIN AN. ea-I'nan — Heb. possessor. Luke 3. 36. CAKE. Gen. is. 6, make c. Ex. 12. 39, c. of the dough. 29. 23, c. of oiled bread. Lev. 8. 26 ; Josh. 5. 11 ; .Tudg. 6. 19, unleavened c. Judg. 7. 13. c. of barley bread. 1 Sam. 25. 18 ; 30. 12 ; 1 Chr. 12. 40, c. of figs. 2 Sara. 6. 19. a c. of raisins. A.V., a flagon of wine. 1 Kings 14. 3, take . . . c. A.V.. cracknels. 2 Kings 20. 7 ; Isa. 38. 21. take a c. of figs. A. F, limp. Ezek. 4. 12, eat it as barley c. Hos. 7. 8, Ephraim is a e. not turned. [10. 11. CA LA H. «a'Iah — Assyr. Kalhn — Assyrian city. Gen. CALAMITY. Deut. 32. 35, day of their c. 1 Sam. 10. 19, of all your c. A. V., adversities. 2 Sam. 22. 19 ; Ps. 18. 18, in the day of my c. Job 18. 12, c. . . . ready at his side. A.V., destruction. 31. 3, c. to the unrighteous. A.V., destruction. Ps. 57. 1, c. be overpast. Prov. 1. 26, laugh in the day of your c. 17. 5, glad at c. A. V., calamities. [chief. 24. 16, are overthrown by c. A. F, shall fall into mis- Obad. 13, day of their c. C ALGOL, car col — Heb. supporter. 1 Kings 4. 31. CALDRON. 1 Sam. 2. 14, c, or pot. Jer. 1. 13, I see a boiling c. A. F, pot. CALEB, «a'leb-Heb. dog. (1) son of Hezron, l Chr. 2.18. (2) son of Hur, 1 Chr. 2. 50. (3) the faithful spy, Num. 13. 30 ; Josh. 14. 6. CALEB-EPHRA TAH, -ea'leb-eph'ra-tah. 1 Chr. 2. 24. CALF. Gen. 18. 7, c. tender. Ex. 32. 4, 8, 20 ; Deut. 9. 16, molten c. Lev. 9. 2, c. of the herd. A. F, young c. 1 Sam. 6. 7, bring their c. home. Ps. 29. 6, skip like a c. ; 106. 19, made a c. Isa. 11. 6, c. and the young Uon. Jer. 31. 18, c. unaccustomed to. A. F, bullock. 46. 21, like c. of the stall. A. V., fatted bullocks. Heb. 9. 12, 19, blood of goats and c. Calf, Aaron's golden. Ex. 32. 1-20; Deut. 9. 12-21; Ps. 106. 19 ; Hos. 8. 5, 6 ; Acts 7. 41. CALL. Gen. 2. 19, he would c. Gen. 4. 26, to c. upon the name. 30. 13, c. me happy. Ex. 2. 7, c. thee a nurse. Deut. 4. 26 ; 30. 19 ; 31. 28, c. heaven. [ble. 2 Sam. 20. 4, c. me the men . . . together. A. F, assem- 2 Kings 4. 12, 15, 36, c. this Slmnammite. Job 13. 22, c. thou. 14. 15, thou wouldest c. Ps. 4. 1, 3, when I c. ; 20. 9, when we c. 50. 15, c. upon me in the day. 53. 4. and c. not upon God. A. F, they have not called. 80. 18 ; 99. 6 ; 105. 1, c. upon thy (his) name. 86. 7, in the day ... I will c. upon thee. Prov. 8. 4, unto you, O men, I c. Isa. 7. 14, c. his name Immanuel. 44. 19, none c. to mind. ^4 . V.,considereth in his heart. 55. 5, c. a nation that ; 55. 6, c. ye upon him. 60, 18, c. thy walls Salvation. Jer. 3. 19, ye shall c. me My Father. 33. 3, c. unto me, and I will answer. Lam. 3. 8, c. for help. A. V., .fhout. .Joel 1. 14 ; 2. 15, c. a solemn assembly. Jonah 1. 6, arise, c. upon thy God. Mat. 1. 21, c. his name Jesus. 1. 23, c. his name Immanuel, 2. 15, out of Egypt did I c. my son. ^4.F., have 1 called. 9. 13 ; Mark 2. 17 ; Luke 5. 32 , c. the righteous. Mark 10. 49, and said, c. ye him. A. F, commanded him to be called. Luke 7. 32, c. to one another. A. F, calling. Rom. 10. 12, rich unto all that c. 10. 13. whosoever shall c. upon the name. Heb. 2. 11, to c. them brethren. Jas. 5. 11, c. them blessed. A. F, count them happy. Call, of Noah, Gen. 6. 13 ; Abraham, Gen. 12. 1-3 ; Jacob, Gen. 28. 12; Mose.'<, Ex. 3. 7-10; Joshua, Num. 27. 18, 23 ; Samuel, 1 Sam. 3. ; Saul, 1 Sam. 10. 1 ; David, 1 Sam. 16. 13 ; Elisha, 1 Kmgs 19. 19 ; Isaiah, Isa. 6. 8, 9 ; Jeremiah, Jer. 1. 5 ; Ezekiel, Ezek. 2. 1-8 ; Hosea, Hos. 1.2; Amos, Amos 7. 15; Jonah, Jonah 1. 2; the apo.'ities. Mat. 4. 18; Mark 1. 17; Luke 5. 10, 27; John 1. 39 ; Paul, Acts 9. : Rom. 1. 1 ; Gal. 1. 1, 11. to repentance, Ps. 49. ; Prov. 1. 20; Isa. 45. 20; Jer. 35. 15 ; Mat. 11. 28 ; John 7. 37 ; Rom. 8. 28 ; 2 Cor. 5, 20 ; Rev. 2. 5 ; 22. 17. danger of rejecting, Ps. 50. 17 ; Prov. 29. 1 ; Isa. 66. 4 ; Jer. 26. 4 ; Mat. 22. 3 ; John 12. 48 ; Acts 28. 24 ; Rom. 11. 8 : Heb. 12. 25 ; Rev. 2. 5. CALLED. Gen. 1. 5, God c. the light Day. Gen. 2. 19, the man c. every living creature. 17. 5, thy name any more be c. Abram, 21. 12, in Isaac shall thy seed be c. 25, 26, his name was c. Jacob. Ex. 2. 10, c. his name Moses. 3. 4, God c. unto him. 33. 7, c. it The tent of meeting. Num. 16. 2, c. to the assembly. A. V., famous in the congregation. 1 Sam. 3. 4, 6, 8, 10, Jehovah c. Samuel. 1 Kings 18. 26. c. on the name of Baal. 2 Kings 4. 36, he c. Gehazi, and said, C. Ps. 17. 6; 31. 17. I have c. upon thee. 18. 6 ; 99. 6 ; 118. 5, I c. upon Jehovah. Prov. 1. 24. I have c, and ye have refused. Isa. 9. 6. his name shall be c. Wonderful. 19. 18. c. The citv of destruction. Dan. 9. 18. citv which is c. by thy name. Zech. 11. 7, c. Reanty . . . r. Bands. Mat. 1. 16, c. Christ ; 25, c. his name Jesus. 4. 21 ; Mark 1, 20, he c. them. 27 CAL COMBINED CONCORDANCE TO THE CAR Mat. 5. 9, c. sons of God. 5. 19, c. least . . . c. great. 9. 9, man, c. Matthew. .4. F., named. 18. 2, he c. to him a little child. Luke 1. 32, c. the Son of the Most High. 1. 35, c. the Son of God. 1. 76, c. the prophet. 2. 21, so c. by the angel. A. F., named. 16. 5, c. to him. A . V., called. 22. 3, who was c. Iscariot. A. F., surnamed. John 4. 25, Messiah cometh (he that is c. Christ). 15. 15, 1 have c. you friends. Acts 15. 22, Judas c. Barsabbas. A. F., surnamed. 15. 37, also, who was c. Mark. A. V., whose surname was. Rom. 8. 30, he also c. ; and whom he c. Gal. 5. 13, c. for freedom. Eph. 4. 4, c. in one hope. 1 Thes. 2. 12, God, who c. you. A.V., hath called. 2 Tim. 1. 9, c. us with a holy calling. Heb. 5. 4, c. of God. 11. 8, Abraham, when he was c. Jas. 2. 23, c. the friend of God. 1 Pet. 1. 15, who c. you is holy. 5. 10, God of all grace, who c. A . V., hath c. 1 John 3. 1, c. children of God. Rev. 19. 11, c. Faithful; 19. 13, c. the Word of God. Calling, of mankind under the law, Ex. 19. 3-6; Deut. 4. 10 ; 2fi. 18 ; 1 Kings 8. 53 ; Prov. 1. 20-23 ; Isa. 41. 8, 9 ; 48. 15. of the gospel, Rom. 11. 29 ; 1 Cor. 1. 26 ; Eph. 1. 18 ; Phil. 3. 14 : 2 Tim. 1. 9 ; 1 Pet. 2. 9 ; 2 Pet. 1. 10. CALM. Ps. 107. 29, storm a c. Jonah 1. 11, that the sea may be c. Mat. 8. 26 ; Mark 4. 3^, was a great c. Luke 8. 24, and there was a c. CALNEH, cal'neh, city built by Nimrod. Gen. 10. 10. CALNO. eal no, probably same as Calneh. Isa. 10. 9. CAME. Gen. 4. 3, 8, c. to pass. Gen. 31. 24, God c. to Laban. 31. 25, c. up with Jacob. A. F, overtook. 40. 6 ; 41. 14, Joseph c. in. 42. 5, c. to buy ; 46. 6, c. into Egypt. Josh. 2. 2, there c. men. 8. 22, c. forth out of the city. A. F, issued. Judg. 5. 13, then c. down a remnant. A.V.,he made him that renuineth have dominion. 6. 11, the angel of Jehovah c. 1 Sam. 2. 27, c. a man of God unto Eli. 2 Sam. 22. 6, death c. upon me. .4. F., prevented. Job 1. 6, sons of God c. ; Satan also c. Ps. 105. 19, that his word e. to pass. A. F, came. Isa. 38. 4, c. the word of Jehovah. Jer. 1. 2, 4, word of Jehovah c. Mat. 2. 1, Wise-men from the east c. Mark 1. 29, they c. into the house. A. F, entered. 7. 25, c. and fell down at his feet. Luke 1. 44, salutation c. into mine ears. A. F, sounded. 9. 36, when the voice c. A. V., was past. 15. 17, he c. to himself. 19. 10, c. to seek. A. F, is come. John 1. 7, c. for witness ; 1. 11, c. unto his own. 1. 17, grace and truth c. through Jesus Christ. 8. 42, 1 c. forth . . . from God. A. V., proceeded. 13. 3, c. forth from God. A. F, was come. Acts 5. 1.5, as Peter c. by. A.V., Peter passing by. Rom. 5. 18, judgment c. . . . free gift c. 5. 20, the law c. in besides. A.V., entered. 1 Tim. 1. 15, Christ Jesus c. into the world. 1 John 5. 6, c. by water and blood. CAMP. Ex. 14. 19, the c. of Israel. Ex. 16. 13, dew lay round about the c. A. F, host. Num. 12. 15, shut up without the c. 13. 19, whether in c. A.V., tents. Deut. 29. 11, in the midst of thy c. A.V., in thv c. Josh. 1. 11, through the midst of the c. A. F, host. Ps. 106. 16, they envied Moses also in the c. Ezek. 4. 2, set c. also against. A. F, the c. Heb. 13. 11, 13, burned without the c. Rev. 20. 9, compassed the c. of the saints. Camp, of the Israelites, Ex. 14. 19 ; Num. 1. 52. to be kept holy. Lev. 13. 46 ; Num. 5. 2 ; Heb. 13. 11. CAN. Job 41. 10, he that ^. stand. A. V., is able to. Mark 4. 32, birds . . . c. lodge. A. F, may. Luke 16. 2, c. be no longer. .4. F, mai/est. John 7. 26, c. it be that the rulers . . . know. A. F, do. CAN A, ea'na — Heb. 7rerZ — village in Galilee. Christ's first miracle at, John 2. 1. nobleman interviews Chri.st at. John 4. 46. CANAAN, ca'naan— Heb. low land. (1) Ham's fourth son, Gen. 9. 25. (2) country named after Ham's son, Ex. 15. 15. promised to Abraham, Gen. 12. 7. taken by the Israelites, Josh. 14. its language " Hebrew," Isa. 19. 18. CANAAN. Isa. 23. 11, commandment concerning C. A. F, against the merchant city. CANAANITE, -ea'naan-ite. Gen. 10. 15; 1 Chr. 1. 13. CANAANITESS, -ea'uaau-i'tess. 1 Chr. 2. 3. the c. A. v., those that CANAN^AN. Mat. 10. 4, Simon the C. A.V., Ca- naanite. CAN!) A CE, €an'da-ce, Ethiopian queen. Acts 8. 27. CANDLESTICK. Ex. 25. 31, c. of pure gold. Rev. 1. 12, 20, seven golden c. 2. 5, move thy c. out of its place. Candlestick, golden, Lev. 24. 4 ; 1 Sam. 3. 3. of the tabernacle, Ex. 25. 31 ; 37. 17 ; Num. 8. 2-4. where placed, Ex. 30. 7, 8 ; Lev. 24. 3. in visions, Zech. 4. 2 ; Rev. 1. 12. [left. CANKER-WORM. Joel 1. 4, that which the c. hath CANNEH, -ean neli= Calneh / (q.v.) Ezek. 27. 23. CAPERNA UM, ea-per'ua-um —