n ! i/^t/\. i i i^*\. U. i^ I The second volume, compiled by the Rev. Mr. van Der Werp, of the Christian Reformed Church, draws its text largely from the version of the Joint Committee, with many additions however from other sources and including a con- siderable number of new renderings especially prepared for this volume. Its characteristic feature is the repro- duction of certain peculiar meters familiar for centuries to Hollander's, and associated with much loved music by such masters as L. Bourgeois, Maitre Pierre and Mattheus Greiter. Fine music it is, and we are not surprised that our Holland brethren in this country, to some extent at least, wish to sing these old songs of Zion as they have been sung for generations in the Fatherland. It is to be presumed that such will welcome this volume which en- ables them to retain this music with English words. The music is in variety and well chosen. There are also many pleasing compositions by the accomplished compiler. These last, including possible repetitions (there is no index), are over eightv in number. E. A. C. V K *^t ^ ^ r^ Christ His Son a scoff they make, And the ru - lers plot -ting say: Yet ac - cor-ding to My will I have set My King to reign. All the earth at Thy re - quest I will give Thee for Thine own; Kiss the Son, lest o'er your way His con - su-ming wrath should break; m^^ :Sr-*r i EfcEfc 4s: 4s: -SiizMi ©^^ Their do -min -ion let us break. And on Zi - on's ho - ly hill Then Thy might shall be con-fessed But su-preme - ly blest are they -m, m « e * p. S ^ Let us cast their yoke a- way. Mine A-noin-ted I main-tain. And Thy foes be o - ver-thrown. Who in Christ their ref-uge take. r -•-- ^ e PSALM 3. m^SEEHE^E^ ^ ^^i ^ Mozart. feE m\ -•— i ^ ^^^ 1. O Lord, how are my foes in-creased! Against me ma - ny rise. ? 0-T r1 — I * ^7^=^ «--^S- ^ •-T-^ ;i: *-i^fe H ^;: «=T=^ =^^" ^ How ma - ny say, In vain for help He on his God re - lies. i m 5 M ss m * s ^^ 2. Thou art my shield and glory. Lord, My Saviour, O Most High. The Lord from out his holy hill Gives answer when I cry. 3. I laid me down and slept, I waked, Because the Lord sustains; Though many thousands compass me. Unmoved my soul remains. 4. Arise, O Lord; save me, my God; For Thou hast owned my cause. And oft hast beaten down my foes Who scorn Thy righteous laws. 5. Salvation to the Lord belongs. In Him His saints are blest. O let Thy blessing evermore Upon Thy people rest. PSALM 4. m^^=^ t ! i -4- =< * }-J=^ i^ II 1. My righteous God, Who oft of old Hast saved from troubles ma-ni - fold, ^ fr-2- -^*feii 55= J. S Give answer when I call to Thee, Be gracious now and hear my plea. ^ ^- 't^ f 2. How long, O men, will ye defame. How long my glory turn to shame. How long will ye vain follies prize, How long pursue deceit and lies? 3. But know, the Lord has set apart The man of godly life and heart To be His favored one for aye; Jehovah hears me when I pray. 4. In reverence wait, from sin depart, In meditation calm your heart; Hold fast the right, be true and just, And in Jehovah put your trust. 5. O who will show us any good, Exclaims the faithless multitude; But lift on us, O Lord, we pray, The brightness of Thy face this day. 6. More joy from Thee has filled my heart Than great abundance could impart; I lay me down to peaceful sleep, For Thou, O Lord, dost safely keep. PSALM 5. H. V. D. W. 1. Je - ho - vah, hear my words, 2. Thou, Je - ho -vah, art a God 3. In the ful-ness of Thy grace 4. False and faithless are my foes, 5. O let all that trust Thy care To my thoughts at-ten-tive be; Who de - ligh-test not in sin; To Thy house I will re -pair; In their mouth no truth is found; Ev - er glad and joy - full be; t; i SI ^^M i^\ ^*^ 3d: i^^ Hear my cry, my King, my God, E - vil shall not dwell with Thee, Bo-wing toward Thy ho - ly place. Dead - ly are the words they speak, Let them joy who love Thy Name. I will make my prayer to Thee. Nor the proud Thy fa - vor win. In Thy fear will worship there. All their thoughts with sin a-bound. Safe-ly guar-ded, Lord, by Thee. With the morning light, Lord. Thou shalt hear my voice a - rise, E - vil - do - ers Thou dost hate, Ly-ing tongues Thou wilt de - feat; Lead me in Thy righteousness. Let my foes as - sail in vain; Bring, O God, their plans to nought. Hold them guil-ty in Thy sight. For a blessing from Thy store To the righteous Thou wilt yield; And God Lest For ex - pec - tant I will bring ab-hors the man who loves my feet be turned a -side, a-gainst Thee and Thy law Thou wilt com-pass him a -bout Prayer as morn-ing sa-cri-fice. Vi - o - lence and base de-ceit. Make Thy way be-fore me plain. They have set themselves to fight. With Thy fa - vor as a shield. '^ SEE ■ 1. , b s 1 P— # T^ i t=iX m :^ 10 PSALM 6 (I). Barthelemon m 1. Lord, re-buke me not in an - ger; Chastened sore I waste a -way; 2. Pi - ty^ Lord, my sad con - di - tion; I am wea - ry and dis-tressed; - o- ^ — •— 'm^t^^- ^r=tt -#-- -^ 1 -0- y ^^^ ^=^i: ^— * 3^ ^ ^ Pi - ty my distress and hear me; Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? Ma - ny ad - ver - sa - ries vex me, Weeping, I can find no rest. E^iEfc? -#-- ^ f=f^ -#— I^ESE ^- m^ =1?= =5= I E*SS a :ii T=— «— # i^B IC^ZZlt ** ^ 1*^ Come, O Lord, my soul de-liv - er, In Thy lo - ving-kindness save. Now the foes that seek to harm me, Quickly put to shame, shall flee. :9ii?S ^mi •^ — 0- ^=v-- ^^ T-^- ^^=1= I^- a -»=- I Shall the dead Thy Name re-member? Who shall praise Thee in the grave? For the Lord hath heard my weeping, And He will re-gard my plea. -^-- ^ t -I-— Si^ =p== i^l=y 11 Joint Comni. 1905. PSALM 6 (II). H. V. D. W. 4 — 11 m^ 1. In an - ger, Lord, re-bukeme not, Nor in Thy hot displeasure chide. 2. Re-turn, Je - ho - vah, free my soul; And save me for Thy mercy's sake. ^^ P=f^ il^^ ^ I •»■ ^-w- ^ ^=f4E^I^S _^._^ ::^ II S Have mercy. Lord, and heal Thou me; My bones are sorely vexed and tried. O let me not go down to death. But live Thy praises still to speak; e£ :^ t=J ^1^ .!_,_ (__!_ ,_^ 1 My soul distressed is in dis-may: How long, O Lord, wilt Thou de-lay? For who that sleep within the grave Shall eel - e-brate Thy power to save? With groaning I am wearied sore; And all the night till morn appears. Through grief I make my bed to swim; And water all my couch with tears. Mine eye doth waste through grievous woes. It waxeth old because of foes. 4. Depart from me, all wicked men; The Lord hath looked upon my grief; The Lord hath heard my suppliant cry; The Lord will heed and send relief. All foes shall scatter in dismay; And flee in sudden shame away. 12 PSALM 6 (III). Rev. Edward A. Collier D.D. L. Bourgeois 1551— Steenhuis. 1. No lon-ger, Lord, des - pise 2. To me, o Lord, re - turn me. Nor in Thy wrath chastise me, ing, Save Thou, with pi - ty yearning. ,* ^g-^-* -r Thy mer - cy I im - plore: How long Thine an - ger cher-ish! Shall death Thy mem - ory keep? Or shall the grave con - fess Thee? ,^^ r^ :^ ,i I :^ =^ • ^ Con-sumed there-by I per - ish; My soul is trou-bled sore. Or I give thanks and bless Thee, While day and night I weep? i 5= ^=- E: I Through weeping unavailing My very eyes are failing; But now, depart from me All ye the evil choosing; The Lord, no more refusing. Hath heard my tearful plea. The Lord will ever hear me. And when 1 pray be near me, To put my foes to shame; Turned back, no more to grieve me, They suddenly shall leave me. All glory to His name! 13 PSALM 7. Sankey. rt=^ ^ y — ^ -=^ 1. Je - ho-vah, my God, on Thy help I de- pend; From all that pur- 2. When wronged without cause I have kind-ness re -turned; Buf if 1 my 3. O Lord , in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes ; A - wake and Thy 4. All na-tions of men shall be judged by the Lord; To me, O Je- ^« ^^ :^ m. 3=t 3 m * ^ sue me O save and de - fend ; Lest they like a li - on should neigh-bor mal-trea - ted and spurned, My soul let the en - e - my judg-ment or-dained in - ter - pose. Let peop - les sur-round Thee and ho - vah, just judg-ment ac - cord, As faith- ful and right - eous in =?S5 m '^ -^=x- X :1=t it^: a x ^ — ^ i^ i ^ -0^- :§' rend me at will, While no one is near me their ra-ging to still, seize for his prey. My life and my ho -nor in dust let him lay. wait at Thy feet. While o'er them for judg-ment Thou ta-kest Thy seat, life I have been, And e - ver in - teg- ri - ty cher-ished with - in. s— J- i E^^ ^ ^^ Establish the righteous, let evil depart, For God Who is just tries the thoughts of the heart. In God for defense I have placed all my trust; The upright He saves and He judges the just. The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day, And if they repent not is ready to slay; By manifold ruin for others prepared They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared. Because He is righteous His praise I will sing. Thanksgiving and honor to Him I will bring, Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely, Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High. 14 PSALM 8. O. HOLDEN. X m -V — ^ -^ -^ ' -^ ' -»■ -^-. O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth How ex - eel -lent Thy Name! From lips of chil-dren. Thou, Lord, Hast migh-ty strength or-dained, regard the wondrous heavens, Thy han-di-work on high, When O what is man, in Thy re - gard To hold so large a place, m^ ^^^- Thy glo - ry Thou hast spread a - far In all the star - That ad - ver - sa-ries should be stilled Andvenge-ful foes The moon and stars or-dainedby Thee, O what is man, And what the son of man, that Thou Dost vis - it him ^ :P= in :^ ry frame. res - trained. I cry. in grace ! -(=>- t^^=r^ ^^^3 m d: I The glo - ry Thou hast spread a-fair In all the star - That ad - ver- sa - ries should be stilled And vengeful foes The moon and stars or-dained by Thee, O what is man , And what the son of man, that Thou Dost vis - it him ry frame, restrained. 1 cry. in grace. iSft h^=^^ I N ^ ♦ '^ :b5: On man Thy wisdom hath bestowed A power well nigh divine ; With honor Thou hast crowned his head With glory like to Thine. Thou hast subjected all to him , And lord of all is he , Of flocks and herds, and beasts and birds, And all within the sea. Thy mighty works and wondrous grace Thy glory. Lord, proclaim. O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth How excellent Thy Name ! 15 PSALM 9. u -:^-- Whole-hearted thanks-giving to Thee will I bring, Mine en - e Re - buked are Thou, Lord, art Give praise to mies turn and are scat - tered in fear, the na-tions, the wick - ed des - troyed, a ref - uge for all the op - pressed Je - ho-vah! The migh - ty deeds tell In They Their All Of praise of Thy mar - ve - lous deeds I will sing. In Thee I will stum - ble and per - ish be- cause Thou art near; For Thou hast de- me - mo - ry per - ished, their dwel-ling-place void; Enthroned and e- trust Thee who know Thee, and trus - ting are blessed; For ne - ver, Him Who has cho - sen in Zi - on to dwell, Of Him to Whom |-;s^— ii-^t-"^' ^ ^ r-^=^ ^ ^ M^ *• . . . \ .-F- ^ s , -<^:^S=o — b 1- ~F — • — r — T" 1 P~ -^T-h-j^ -^ > > — •^ ft r m 1 -! 1 L.. P ill ■K 1 ' » r ij I 1 1 1 ' t- 1 1 ' -,^-- joy and ex - ul - ting - ly cry, fen-ded my right and my cause, ter-nal Je - ho - vah shall reign Lord, did Thy mer - cy for - sake jus-tice and ven-geance be -lone, They Name I will praise, Je- Thou sit - test in Judgment, up- The peo-ples to judge and the The soul that has sought of Thy Who vis - its the low - ly and ho - vah Most High. Thy Name I will praise, O Je - ho-vah Most High, hol-ding Thy laws. Thou sit - test in judgment, up-hol-ding Thy laws, right to main -tain. The peo-ples to judge and the right to maintain, grace to par - take. The soul that has sought of Thy grace to par - take, o-verthrows wrong. Who vis - its the low - ly and overthrows wrong. H *— — 1 \ — m--^ ■•--«-■#■ 1 — r X=-' A_ #-• •#- :=P igy 16 6. Be -hold my af - flic - tion, Thy mer - cy ac - cord, 7. The sins of the na-tions their ruin ha- ve wrought, 8. The wick - ed shall per-ish, the na- tions shall fall, 9. A - rise in Thy jus - tice, O Lord, and Thy might. Pi^ !ti=f: -J^i-^~. And . Their For- No ,P*y r^^ — sr-jr-'-^s back from death's por - tals own e - vil - do - ing get - ting their God, Who Ion - ger let sin - ners t^ re - store me, O Lord, That I in the des- true -tion has brought; In this the Lord's is God o - ver all; But God will re- pre - vail in Thy sight; Great Judge of the mi^m H=-= •-- -»-- =p=- SS: i l^-=d- -1—4- --a:i- ^. §s gates of Thy Zi - on may raise jus - tice e - ter - nal - ly stands, mem-ber the prayer of the weak, na-tions, in judg - ment ap - pear I My song of sal - va-tion and That sin - ners are snared in the Most sure - ly ful -fil- ling the To hum - ble the proud and to ^E -|— t i^ ^^4 -*—li- -^—^ -^ -0-- m show forth Thy praise. My work of their hands. That hope of the meek. Most teach them Thy fear. To song of sal - va-tion and show forth Thy praise, sin - ners are snared in the works of their hands, sure-ly ful - fil -ling the hope of the meek, hum -ble the proud and to teach them Thy fear. t % t f ^^^ J .t r-^ H- -^-r^ 0- #-• *- "^ :?5: s ]1 17 PSALM 10 (I). 1. Why standestThou a - far, O Lord, Why art Thou hid in trouble's hour? The wielded per-se - cute the poor In haughty pride and reck-less power. Let their devices work their fall , For in their shame is all their pride; And while they seek unrighteous gain The Lord of justice is defied. Arise , O Lord , lift up Thy hand , O God, protect the poor and meek; Why should the proud Thy justice doubt. And words of bold defiance speak ? The wicked thinks, in foolish pride, There is no God Who will repay ; He has no fear of God or man Because God's judgments long delay. O Lord, Thou wilt indeed requite. The sin and sorrow Thou dost see ; The helpless and the fatherless Commit themselves, O Lord, to Thee. Unmoved by fear of coming doom , On fraud and wickedness intent , With craft he lurks and waits to catch The helpless and the innocent. 5. A lion crouching for his prey. He waits the poor to overthrow ; He thinks that God remembers not, Or hides His face and will not know. Break Thou the power of wicked men And let their works no longer stand ; The Lord is King forevermore , Who drove the nations from His land. Lord, Thou hast heard' the lowly prayer, The fainting heart Thou wilt restore. The helpless cause Thou wilt maintain. That mortal man may boast no more. 18 PSALM 10(11). I t: H. V. D. W. ^; -r^*—*r • — I — m — fzutut ^— * * i 4 • — •— # -^r^-^. l=^~>t-^ il=2i: 1. Lord, why stand a -far? Why hide in trou-blous days? The , I I -^tf a Fh— ^ »H^^ •— 1 — 4—1 i - -I— s — y I I ^ — ^ !5S 1 i i i^ 4=-^ -* «/ I* I wick - ed z*=nt T w^m -^ — 4 Up - on the nee - dy W-i 3t=2=t in his pride # T -?— <^ =fi^ ^^^. ?=P^ i*^ =^: Kl I -A^- t= ^R # — -L — —- preys; They're ta - ken in the snares His ma - lice has de- :^i=:J « ^ T^^ B vised ; He boasts of his de - sire ; The Lord he has des - pised. m I 1 ^ 1 #-J 1 [ 1 f J. ^3— •-! 19 2. The wicked in his pride Has said, He'll not requite; He thinks there is no God To vindicate the right; He prospers in his ways , He thinks Thy judgments cease; He puffs at all his foes ; He looks for endless peace. Do Thou , Lord , arise , O God, lift up Thy hand. Do not forget the poor , The humble in the land. Why does the wicked man Contemn the God of might, And say within his heart Thou never wilt requite ? 3. His mouth is ever full Of cursing, lies, and wrong Iniquity and fraud Are underneath his tongue. He sits in village dens, In coverts he abides , To slay the innocent Himself in secret hides. 7. But Thou hast seen it all , — Their mischief and their spite; Thy piercing eye beholds, And Thou wilt soon requite. The helpless and the poor Commit themselves to Thee ; The helper Thou hast been Of those that orphans be. His eyes unseen are set The helpless to ensnare ; He lurks in coverts dark As lion in his lair ; He watchful lies in wait To catch the helpless poor, He takes him in his net And holds him fast and sure. Break Thou the sinner's arm : Subdue the evil one; Seek out his wickedness Until Thou findest none. The Lord is king for aye , And firm His throne shall stand. The nations are destroyed , Are perished from His land. Himself he humbles low ; He crouches down withal , That so the helpless poor May by his strong ones fall. He says within his heart That God has quite forgot And turned away His face ; His eye will see it not. The longing of the meek, Jehovah, Thou dost hear; Their heart Thou wilt confirm , And wilt incline Thine ear. To judge the fatherless , And end oppression sore , That man who is of earth May terrify no more. 20 PSALM 11. n u H. V. D. W. ^fcW^Ti 1 , , t ■ ^— — i -^ i T- ^ 1 r- — ^ |-^ 1) * 1. In 2. The 3. The God Lord Lord — i- will in is I his most _a J J_J trust, though my tem - pie shal! right -eous, the coun - se - ev - er Lord loves lors a - the say, bide; right. His The 'Ei;S=^ i^i^ii gi^y ':g-d^ — "~ 1 — 1 r 1 — \- 4-. . 1 — — ?i - 01- ■ .^ 1 k 1 1 " ^to=^ -M,- — ^ ■ ■ ^-- — «— i — *r-: 1 -f- \-^ flee throne e - as is vil ■«- a e - He ■0- bird ter - hates to nal, and • your what will moun - ev - sure -tain er -ly a - be - re - — * — 1 way; tide. quite; The The The t-O' fr es — » — 5gg P— 12** —? i i — > ~^Vh \ — 1 — — ^ — 1 \ — ^-- -^ — ^ r1 — t— V p ' " p^ !,"■-; 1 1 wick - ed are strong and the right -eous are weak, Foun- chil- dren of men He be- holds from on high. The wick - ed His an - ger will drive from their place. The tfcfc m$: da - tions are wick - ed to up - right in sha - ken, yet God will pun - ish, the right- eous rap - ture shall gaze on -^ = km — .— ffS •i- p 1 I seek to His try. face. i I \ f =^=i= J 21 PSALM 12. Slow. --N- -^ IIH H. V. D. W ^i 4 % =t5 =P3 ,si^ ^ ' - - 1. O Lord, be Thou my hel - per true. For just and god - ly 2. The lips that speak, the truth to hide, The tongues of ar - ro- 3. Be - cause the poor are sore op-pressed, Be - cause the nee - dy 4. Je - ho - vah's pro - mi - ses are sure, His words are true. His g— T — » # M ■— ^— I— » • » • _Jl_ F S^z#=^ Sit :^: Pl^ men are few; The gance and pride , That are dis- tressed, And words are pure As ip: ^i; faith - ful boast- ful bit - ter sil - ver who can words em are their from the i1^^^l= find? ploy, cries, flame. H From False- The Though ^ 1 f-^-i , N J N~i r i N- —, -^n 1 — =h— 4 -^ - tfe= 1 I ? J . « 1 1 ' t -i=l=5= .. .^ .. i * ^ ^ ^ ^_J truth and wis - dom speak - ing tongues that Lord will be their base men walk on s — S S S 1 men de - boast their hel - per ev - ery part. With might. That strong; To side, His 1 . m , flatte own save saints r — • -ring no them are — — lips law, from safe, and that con- what- — • 1 =^i|- F ^ ^ « — — 1 "~U — — 1 \ — I U 1 b - r 1 1^ h L_| ^_ — 1 1 ^ — J 1- — i- —^ -IT — i^ ' 9^: dou - ble heart know no right, tempt and wrong e'er be - tide, -m— Itltd 14: :^: ^ ^ They speak their e - vil mind. Je - ho - vah will des - troy. Je - ho - vah will a - rise. Pro - tec - ted by His Name. I :b 22 PSALM 13. '-^Z ill i 3e; -^- s}l 1. How long wilt Thou for - get me, O Lord, Thou God of grace? How long shall fears be - set me While dark - ness hides Thy face? How long shall griefs dis - tress me And turn my day to night? |5EH=&^ 1 r ^^^E=l=^ : ^5 =: -—I ^ 1— - - ^ 3 ^S- :i=^i ^1 -^^^^—& iB How long shall foes op - pres me And tri - umph in their might? -^- -^- -s^ -»• 4 J 4 - ^ _ 2" i^i •— » 5 t I I O Lord my God , behold me , And hear my earnest cries; Lest sleep of death enfold me , Enlighten Thou mine eyes; Lest now my foe insulting Should boast of his success , And enemies exulting Rejoice in my distress. But I with expectation Have on Thy grace relied ; My heart in Thy salvation Shall still with joy confide. And I with voice of singing Will praise the Lord above, Who richest bounties bringing Has dealt with me in love. 23 PSALM 14. :p^= I I ^T-^— ^ jq — I I |q=| — I 1 -^T— ±=:fa 1. The God Who sits en-throned on high The foo-lish in their heart de - ny; pg?^ :g ^— • ^L _^_ 33S: ■•- ■#- -^ -^, ?^ -^ — S — €■ P=5- X=t =q==^3 — r I 1 1 1 1 ^ I --,!^ w Not one does good; cor-rupt in thought, Unrighteous works their hands have wrought. S- -«• ■#- -^-^ -^- -^- -0- -0- -0- ^ -^- -•■ ^ 1^=12: ■^ t: :t=f: -^ » m- 1= ^ ^=^5= El 2. From heaven the Lord with searching eye Looked down the sons of men to try , To see if any understood And sought for God, the only good. 3. From righteousness they all depart, Corrupt are all, and vile in heart; Yea, every man has evil done; Not one does good, not even one. 4. Has knowledge with the wicked failed. That they my people have assailed, That they delight in works of shame, And call not on Jehovah's Name? 5. Thy lowly servant they despise, Because he on the Lord relies; But they shall tremble yet in fear. For to the righteous God is near. 6. O that from Zion His abode Salvation were on us bestowed! When God His exiles shall restore. They shall in song His grace adore. 24 PSALM 15 (I). Bastiaans. 'b^ =^^ SEtS -A- - :^ -^- :^ :^ 1. Who, O Lord, with Thee so - jour-ning, In Thy house shall be Thy 2. He that slan - ders not his bro-ther , Does no e - vil to a 3. Free - ly to the nee - dy len-ding , No ex - cess he asks a- m^ -J- -SSi ^- S— ^=ti{i: guest? Who, his feet to Zi -on turn-ing, In Thy ho - ly hill shall friend; To re-proa-ches of an - o - ther He re - fu - ses to at- gain , And the in - no - cent be - friend - ing He de-sires not praise of rest? He that ev - er walks up - right -ly, Does the right with - out a tend. Wick-ed men win not his fa - vor. But the good who fear the men. Do - ing this, and e - vil spurn-ing. He shall nev - er more be fear, When he speaks, he speaks not light -ly, But with truth and love sincere. Lord; From his vow he will not wa-ver. Though it bring him sad reward, moved: This the man with Thee so -jour-ning. This the man by Thee approved. 'S=3 £ -bC"- "^m -f=- 25 Joint Comm. i M: 't- PSALM 15 (II). H. V. D. W. -^-. ^ m --:z:sii i^ m 1. Lord, who shall so - journ still 2. Whose tongue doth not de - fame 3. When to his hurt he swears I I 1 1. ^ 1 ■^ESE^z III- m As Nor Ne'er i guest with Thee, harm his friend, chan - ges he, —J- ^ i :fc^ :s: ^ ^ilr And on Thy ho - ly hill Who to his neigh-bor's shame His gold no in -crease bears m -'p- =t 1^ A dwel - ler No ear doth From u - su -•-- ^^1^ be? lend, ry; -^^-=-t- ^: iit^: _| ^ X ^^ J 0^ Who walks in up- right -ness, The vile doth not re - gard. His hands no bribes re - ceive ^ ^ Who wor- keth righteous- ness, But hon - or doth ac - cord The guilt- less to ag-grieve. Qiii* S^ -^ 0- '»-- --t -t- -•-- m -^ — •- E5 And doth the truth ex - press Un - feign - ing - ly. To those who fear the Lord And Him at - tend. Lo, he who thus doth live Un - moved shall be. -#-- :t= 1 26 PSALM 16 (I). Joint Comm. ^ii :± Ig ©1 I — -^ ■»• -^- 1. Pre -serve me, O God, for my trust is in Thee; I've ^-1— ^ ^ ^-,— R ^ y .., O a #--1— ^ ^.— A- S^^ EEE ^^E T- r 4^. mi ^^=F^ -— " — •-- said to Je - ho - vah, My Lord Thou shalt be. -PVl-g- ■0 T ^- 'ESE^i *—^ =1= >i^fc t±=?: side Thee there's none that is good in ^^i my sight; Thy =P= m r- 0= 311 ::t=:: ^^. L^R ^ saints are earth's no - bles in whom t- I de - light. * T ^- nil 27 2. Their woes shall abound who Jehovah disown , And seek after others as gods to enthrone ; To them the drink offerings of blood I'll not pour, Nor take e'en their names on my lips evermore. 3. Thou, Lord, art my portion, my cup of delight; My lot Thou maintainest, defendest my right. In life's pleasant places my lines ever fall ; Yea, goodly my portion, for Thou art my all. I'll bless Thee , Lord , who hast taught me Thy will My heart shall instruct me in night seasons still. I've set Thee before me , Thy faithfulness proved ; With Thee at my right hand I shall not be moved. 5. My heart shall be glad , and my spirit rejoice , My flesh dwell in safety awaiting Thy voice. Thou wilt not abandon my soul to death's gloom , Nor leave Thy beloved to waste in the tomb. But life's brightening pathway to me Thou wilt show: And fulness of joy in Thy presence bestow ; Within Thy right hand, for Thy saints kept secure, Are pleasures unmingled that ever endure. 28 PSALM 16 (II). Mozart. 1. O God, preserve me, for in Thee Al - one my trust has stood; 2. I love Thy saints,who fear Thy Name And walk as in Thy sight; --I ■s- •»- -0^ d gtsfc g^^J i! =El I^i==i3 -^ a^- My soul has said. Thou art my Lord, My chief and on - ly good. They are the ex - eel -lent of earth, In them is my de - light. Sfe: 5^ in ^^ 3. Their sorrows shall be multiplied Who worship aught but Thee; I share not in their offerings, Nor join their company. 4. The Lord is my inheritance, The Lord alone remains The fulness of my cup of bliss; The Lord my lot maintains. 5. The lines are fallen unto me In places large and fair; A goodly heritage is mine. Marked out with gracious care. 6. When in the night I meditate On mercies multiplied. My grateful heart inspires my tongue To bless the Lord, my Guide. 7. Forever in my thought the Lord Before my face shall stand; Secure, unmoved, I shall remain, With Him at my right hand. 8. My inmost being thrills with joy And gladness fills my breast; Because on Him my trust is stayed, My flesh in hope shall rest. 9. I know that I shall not be left Forgotten in the grave, And from corruption. Thou, Lord, Thy holy one wilt save. 10. The path of life Thou showest me; Of joy a boundless store Is ever found at Thy right hand. And pleasures evermore. 29 PSALM 17. li O. HOLDEN. - — -£r 1 m w 1 1 ■ ^ 1 1 1 wi —^ ^^ -^=^-^-^- — ^ — ^^-^ — ^ — *— ■-=?='-^-^ — ^=^^^r 1. Lord, hear the right, re - gard my cry, My prayer from lips sin - cere; EpBEt # ^ — I— ^-^— • — s — ^ e£ -*— n -# #H— h - f— g-S — * 1 — f- 'Epr Send Thine ap- pro- val from on high. My right- eous- ness mai