Ktnv, Wiixiam St V. Strand, London. P3 w p < S W W w p H W a Eh O H P5 W a ■a a l~ cT-5 ~S nB o *■ ■* ^S*Ifl i-sa s^: fiiii: g £ o ^ &c. Methodically Compofcd, for tbe helps of wcakc Memories % And ant rived int$ $nfti$n»And v4*fwcv$ , for the comfort of S x out mourners, a ni (ot the awakening of the LtodiceanJikf fecuri. Divt. 3©IJ. Sees, 1 idue fet ieftre thi^j this day, Lifc^9 AttdGndi De4tb> tndEvtL LONDON. Printed by B. A hop aadT.FAWCif, for tXUfffUAtA art to be fold at his &opoan«viFi{hftrett-HilL itfjo* TO THE RIGHT HON«% Robert Grevill; Lord Bkooke of Bbav champ- Co vrt, Grwu*S.i.) Whieh is as the netfe ef many waters : (RCU.1.X5.) Crying from within and faying.jkf* 0 friends \drinke*% yea drinke Abundantly fi £r/#0ft/.(Cant.;» 10.) Yea come%buy Wine, andmilke^ with-* m mwey, and wit bent friee •• (If?«5$.i.) Therefore humbly taking my Icaue, and leving your Lordfhrpatthisyj'4/?^/r/4f thing* ,which the Lord of hefts, hath made vnto nil feefle (lft.25.dj there well to fare. And with my vnfained,and fer» vent defire 3 and prayer vnto God, for a daily grouth, and increafe of all grace in your Lordftiipfo happily begunnej dot reft, and (ha!i for cuer rcmaine* Tear Lerdfbife, 9* ft bur&lydivoud To The Reader. Hough the Lord w Hea- ven, $fhis infinite good- nes, andmefcj hath left vnto its hi foorefeofle 09 earth,his holj&hlef fed word, to he a light to. our feet f and a La^t borne to our fAtbs f which is Ahle to tiuke vs wife to SalvAtt- 00, And Ahfolute to every goodrvorke,to f*id«L> *s well And fafely through this danger qm world , And to hrtng vs home to him f el ft At the loft m peace : And fat h given vs charge to fear ch the Scrip- tuxts,Avtheyxh&i teftifis of Ch riftlefus *nd in which wee lookc co hauc Eternal 1 Iifc# and that jt fhould dweS flenteoufly in vs in aB mCiomc^nd hath given vnto vs inth'u LAnd,feAceAhlc9AndhAfpy times, af fordingvs leAue,andofportumtj to exercife our To The R iadkr. ourfeluesinthsfime, yet fitch is the ex- treamcfoBy> sndfinfvlnejfe ofthe heart of mamy that the moft fart offeofle eumber tbemfelues about many things\frofits 9fle*. fures^ lt*ftsy or any thing, andneglett that one thing that is necejjary , few chvfing the goad parr, that weuer (hall bee taker* Jr om them that haue it , but $end their timi% andjlrength ofaffe&ion vfonfadtMg vanities, that will leave th*m without com- fort in their great eft need% having a price in their hand to gee wifedomc {whisk k (am bster than ali feat Us ) but banc no hart5 nor d$e vnderfiand the things that belong to their feactyin this day of their vi- fitattcn. Wherefore as the Lord may take vf the like com f hint again]} vs, as hte didagainfi his Jfrael long agoe : ( H©f. 8« 12. ) That heehadwr men vnto them the great things of his Law, bat they bad counted them a ftrange thing : fo may he alfohaue a Controverfy againfl vs > as a- gainft them : (Hof.4.1. 2 .} For that there is no mercy, nor truth, nor knowledge of God in the Lmdjor the generality be- fog To The R b a die. rug too true with vs. And therefore be may iuftly take away theGofrelloftbe Kingdoms fro vsjfr giue it to the thai will more high- ly efteeme it,mdke tetter vfe9tdyor Itaut vs without txcuft, lot here to yet* which Are the peep/erf Cod, how hte hathraifedvp cm 'from among your feints, of the common order of men (a private Chrifiian I meant) for ymr CenvicJicn, for your Injlru Aim To convince you how much wifedomc andvnderflanding may be obtayncdeuenof prinatepctfons, by aeon* Jlant>and painfull Reading of the Scrip- tures % ioyned with a diligent attendance on the publtke minijlery of the word : as may well appear e by this worthy workethat this ^Author prefentethvntoyou : where* hy the humble, and wellminded Readers may be whetted on to the like diligence in the Scriptures , which heere they jhallfec, and that not without hope of attaining that which may bt worthy of lheir paints, that fo they may become wife andvn- dtrjfanding Chriftians. Tor want of which, it proves a great fault euen 4+ mong the bttttr fort of people, that they hold the points of their Rtligi- t* fiom the mouth of their iMtni* To The Readeju fiers, and not from the voice of God in the Scriptures, and (o build, & if but a Foxe runne vponitt hee flail bredke downe their forty wall A f one of like parts yAndplacejha& teach the contrary they mil bee Shaken and ready to bee removed > ej^ee tally if hee bets bach with Authority : whereas if every Truth hs holds in Religion , hee bad it well grounded on a pUine teflimony of Scrip- ture, two or three, hejliould not bee moued with every wind of contrary T> a Urine, but ft and fir me % and vnmoue able as Mount Zi- on, and havingwithdll theloueofthc^ Truth in hk hear t.aH the men,andmeanes m the world could, nor fhould not remoue him from biijlcdfaflmffe^ which is the honour of a Chriflian indeed. i^Andthti Wifidome^>,skill and ability, every man may fee by this his worke, to bee in the Author of this Booker, who hath brought foorthfo innumerable places of Scripture for his fever all purpofes % with that foundneffe of Judgement, fingular dex- terity t and great vnderfidndmg,as is not to be expelled from a frivtte Qhriftian. But hee T O THE R B AD8R. hee hiving becne a dayly hearer of the word, And that from jealous And fruit full Tea- chers , having made vfe alfo oftbefamc-j with great diligence 9 and con flaw} in his Family ^ and be fides thefc,(t>enfvery much time in private reading andfludy Jiee hath obtained a great degree tn the Faithyandis higher by head and jloulders, (as it isfaid ofS avl) than the rejlofhis ownc rankc. For l count that Interpretation and gi- ving the fen fe of Scriptures , as it is a diffi* cult,fo a peculiar roorke to the Minijlers of God {ordinarily) and not to be adventured vponhy chriftians in their Families, or frivaie meetings, any further than they have good bottoms from that which they haue learned by the mtinifiery ofthc^j Word, nor to write fitch Bookesasthis , wherein is occasion ofthc^ vfe offo much Scripture, leaf there (liould be found many mijlakings therein .which were both finf nil and danger om.and yet mofl likely K But God hath very mercifully guided this Author, in this his worke, which may, and/hope^ *i& be of much fruit fuU and goeod vfe in Rel$~ ToTmI RlADI*. the Church of Cod : For *s it mdy btlfe d~ 0j ordinary Chnflidn, yea or ^tinifier with more pdrdUH places, thdn may bee hec would hauo at hand of himfelfe ] fb it sviB belpe toefftotbes vnderflandmgof many fUces of Scriptures, feeing heeretintohat fenfe,dndtopbdt purpofes they are brought amd apply ed. The p dines hdthbeene very great no doubt to one m an, but if the Bene- fit may be much \and good so many , andfo God be glorified, the Author no doubt, will obinke hit labour happily be (towed, died a- bouudantly rewarded jv&ch is mygredt de- fro.and humble and carncft prdyer dlfo t who is the true, though toe dice, d*d vv* worthy Sfrvaut ofthtChurcbofGod, ■ CHRISTIAN RSAD1R. N thcj perufaS of thk ' Treat ife thou Jhalt find that the Luther threof hath taken very great f aines , and that which it mere, great f tines togoodpurpof^j. Great paineg are but a fmall Commendation where the j proue not benefciaH to a commpm got d. There are not wanting in the^p world that take paines more thanc- nough in the Compofing, and writing offimetookes, of which when they haue done, it may bee truely faidaa of Ibremiu Girdl<^>\ Thattheyan GoaAiwflothmg.(/(rr.i3.7.) The €uriou4 triflet of many iU imployei win watt bappsly for 00 point t , but $o*fu To TheRiap**' Wfider whet fa [HcTftrfins m*j n* imM*herMei'l«v?Shl0.u?"9 all theworUs that mine hands had wrought, *nd*n the labour jthjj I hadiaWd to does and behold, all was vanity,- and there was no profit. The istiderieindufirumt* 4 N^ewfaj^foW, Wf4*« /*»»« tnmkittg glorieaffim* Jkinlcfhcrtlt»J,*»dComhcs. KAn* eft .pi, ooa * ^ - 7 ,k Spjir„ wet, * f*f ?cd quu al.j. jjee* wtrke I The frtp w j vm,*""* tbt Spider*. Noa> t* tbtt Treaty muU.ru. f.pi- i f j £mf *, 4 ,f eat ^ea/e •/ f rm*. tew* a». -ru-r^e» <*■ c***? *t ;{ *! fe&Mi^* .fc *"!«* *** *:& fwceta To The Rkadix. fwcetcr than the Hony , and the hony CoTib? . Thou (halt in this ^Authors lnd#* Jlryfee how much is to begotten by the diligent and obfervant reading of the Scriptures . / wijh with all mine heart that bis Indufiry may pr out exempla- ry 5 and that many may hereby be pro- voked to the like religion diligence in Acquainting themfelues with the word. It was good counjell that a godly old mangaue b Mvscvlvs when h<^> J^t ™j frft began to Preach. That Si bonus Metcb.M.pu velic fi*n Concionator dec operam #* n fit bonus Bibiicm, That if ever he would prone a good Preacher \hee mufl takepaines to be well acquainted with the 6 ibl^j. And it were to be wished that all Preachers would follow that counfell. Preaching would proue the more folid3 favour ie\ and fuccejje full. But I will goe further than that old man 5 and / fay , Si bonus velis fieri Chriftianus, des operam vt fis bo- nus Biblicus. if thou wilt proue~> 4 To The Reader. gpod chri/lian, thou mufi be w/ll skil- ledin the Holy Bible. How happy were it if t ha Script tires were more carefully read then they are \ It id f aid of c C y~ l$2!St. rRIA»> ihit tela nod*, ftffiwblmt que TirtuUisni reading FEiTVLLUNjdr fl^ wont often itaieacmam t0 faj Giixc memy M*(kcv9meM*i»t item prsrnjt ■* J* j J 5 & crebro dice- A epxTvlliani.w# diligence tn readmg re (olicus,, Da ^ Scriptures would do welli, E(pecial- SttT. fr<*9 *** G o D s »« £/tf/r,W fignificans . letter from Heaven vnt$ vs , that j-vo jleuld know hit mind. And if Princes fetters art to be read thrice over, the* * D* Pr:,na how much more Cases * Lvthir, fltfuld its prouerbio the Scriptures bee read Jeaven ttmes dic\ux>ttiti> thrice : yea. fcaventy times 7. times profcao Dei tbrjce,yea inpmte times over. We are ipiflol«,(ic comwanded7(Prov.27q.) To feeke foe r*m35CrK' Knowledge as for Silver, and to <^fg^*x,fep. ftarch for her as for hid trcafurcs. If m tcr, im© if he asked where «>o> muft feeke, the 4icamf infiai- the booke of the Lord, end reade. KS?- *f it be asked where wej mujtfwch, fori* Qah\*t**r Savmr tels vs ; ( lob. 5 . 34. ) Search To Thb Reader. Search the Scriptures, Thofi are in- deed the CMines where the vewesof thisfilver^ andthefe hidtreafures arc to be found. And yet to fee how filly men are^? in wearying themfelues by digging in thefts earths which yeeld little precious treafure , and in.tbc^ meane while ntglecl fear-chin % thefe gulden Mines At is our fume andfinm that we beftow mere timei and paines in reading any Booke more than Gods. What excellent, and worthy monu- ments did c L v t h e r leaue to th^j t ggo 0 & m^ world in his Writings 3 and how «?^oshbros,& l?m is fm<_, (fern in rcadi^ **J2W£ w&rkes. And yet out of a ^eale to the m«uo nc ma-; reading of the Scriptures, heejtickes*em£u^0m not to wifl) that his owne bookes cantafcripcu- might per ifo> bscaufe be feared the rsipfius \edfc rea ding oftbbi would hinder men ££$& from reading the Scriptures. What ti*fonseft, would he wifl) new to a number ofnjain Lm*bjn otntfc idle \corrupt %and corrupting writings 5 if he f aw how mijerably the Scriptures were neglected for the reading of thefe} * % Now To The Reader. Pan Now for this prefent Treatifi^, I conceiue it fuel) a Worke as needs not the Iv're bujh of an Ep-flle commenda- toric-j : f pUup.in f Invadibili mace oportct eaip- torsm vitro ad ducere pobi merx 1 icile emptorem rcp- psrir,tamcifi iv abftruio fi :a eft. //i? aw /#0r£ 0/" f his Authors paines then Salomon ft takes of the ver- tHotis Woman, Giuc him of the fruit of Ai bonds, and let hisowne woffcc prii ft: Arm i n the ea res . o^W n?^- f A*r /># worke mil doc it, or no, let all preiudtce be layd afide, and dee but as Philip bids Nathanahl, (loh. 1,4.6.) Cove and fee^j, And thou jhalt J "oont 'fee ', that what I fay of this Trea- tfe? is much fbort of what it doth de~ feruc^j. Thus wi firing that thy profit in the reading may bee anfwerable to his fames in the writing oft his worke, Jlsaue thee to the grace ofGOD, and mi, Thine,in Christ Us vs, ler ; Djkes. THE AVTKORS EPISTLE TO THE READER. Christian Reader, He Wife man faith, that #/«*• king many rS&ckjis9 there is %9 endyand much (tnaj is a Vteari* net af the fit fa: (Ecci.I2*i 2,) And therefore in fo great va- riety of Bookes now extant, it will bee thy wifedome for thy cxercite to make choyfe of fame few of the btft. By which raeane*, thy toiiein reading will bs the lefiie, and iby gaine the more. The Booke ©fall Bookes is the Bible; which by w-ay ot Excellency is called the Scripture* Ot which i may fay, as D a- V 1 d of the Svnrd •/Goliathj there is none likf th*t : ( I ., Sam. 2 I ♦ 9. ) N X- Whhftanding the Herd 9f the LORD * 3 is To Thh R eade R* is tp many 4 repreeh^ And they hdue no delight in it; ( Ier. 6\ 10 ) And becingfuM, dee defpifethc Hony eembe : ( Prou. 2 y*f* ) Such an but u&turA&fwt haying the Spirtt : ( Iud# I f>) And therefore vnable ro ^ifccrp.c their owne needjor where tefece fcpplyeds (£evm 3.17.) Otbera there are, of Phonal amfcr- ftoaded better things : 'mho bsving taped eft hi good Word of Gedlirl&jfi.) And bjttAlfo hew grAcieus the Lord is, dee as new borne MabsStdefire tht finger e Ksilkeofthe vord> that they may grtvr thereby : (1 ♦Pet a .3 .)But yet they finding wany things h*rdto bee vnder- ficed: (a.Pet. 3,16.) And therafelaes ro bee bar at a, Child weaned from the mtlkc* &nd drawnejrent the Bretfts : ( Ifo. 2 8 . 9 *) 1>(£t having the vtiderftandtttg of a man in them ? ( 7V*#. 30*2 ) Arc by this raeanes much dtfeouraged from the reading of it* which yet in eke very entrance thereinto, doth gin* light } And vnderfi Adding to the ftnfte : (Pfal, 1 10, r 30. ) Scch mtsft fcnow t that as when the Iron is blantaand the Wood knot- ty, man put to the greater ftrcngth ; fo na- wralldefe&s, in the c&&ing of difficult things, and of fcehconfcquenrc, as is th* readiag of the Scripture , aaafc not make them to ds?fi$ j bat rather fet tbemor*, to be moi* ktim*, haisbie, ordet !/, asd con- flane To Tmi Ri adek. ftant in the reading of die fossae* And for cfaeir farther dire&ien therein, chismufi be remembred, that the Rooke of Scripture* is as the Waters of the San&usry, (£^.47,) In which a Lzmbt migk wade, and an Ele- phanc Swim. Therein is contained firing w*tt% at well as c**/7^r : ( Heb. 5, 1 2 ) Stick as doe difcerne themfelues tehee hue Babes, there is eJI4iik§ provided for them : And let them Uametks firms meat -vntefnzb, wbe by reafonefvjejndue their fences extrcifed in difccTxiuggocd & t viijVntii themfilnes aU [a €*me fe m merefuH tgeix. Cbrift:H«b« 5 1 4, Nowiffuch alfe,fihali coreplai&e.ofthc &srtne£c of raeraory ; by nssanes where- of, together with the prolixity of the Beoke of G O D , and the varictis matter proaifcuonfl? couched thereio; foaswhac they hatie rc*d, is m "totter jpiit en sbegrou*d% (^29Sam. 14. 14,) Such with the rea- ding efScriptnre, inthemanssraforcfaid , rauft xoyne after meditation : as D a v 1 r>, who to'^ rfo? War J /* his fcrf*? : ( Pfah 1 1 o ♦ 11. J And Mary who pondered , and thereby kept theft tbwgs, which syrrr f*/i £rr Jp rir Sbcpbe&df : f Lsk. a« 19* ^ Moreouer, if they will «wf fee fagttf** bearers sf the Werd^thtJ^M^ bit doers #f the [me ; ( Ifa# 1.25.) And withall > lee * 4 dw*j To The Reader. t'icrn oraytb* fymlnrter % which is the H O- IYGKOS F, who fhaU than bttb teach ; a*t bring all thing* to thtyr rtmtmbrantt , Vtbatjocver hit hath (aid v>rt- to them* Norwithftanding all which labour , beciufetnany things , as cares of Come one of the Sheafe may fl p wcake memo- ries ; i haue therefore gleaned after ; and from the whole B^okc ot G O D , as oat of a Urge and feitile Fetid » gathered vp fcch Simp'es , a? are moft Cordialltothe weakeft Chnftian » and of fp^ciall rfe vwo all* Among which , bciufc the Promifes % ix% boh the breeders, and rmurilhers of Sauing Faith, the Fountainc ot Spiricuall Life; and therefore of price vn- to drooping Spirits , who*" Weary % and heavy U it*: ( Math. n. 28.J 1 haue for their fakes more principally layd hold vpon them ; that with toy they might dra v W ater oat of the WtMs of Salvation : ( t(atU» 3*) And becaafe there mothers alfo, With vjhem the Conlelattons of GOD, trefmail , or of none cfT ct ; ( lob. 15* 1 1. ) lhauevn'o each piomife, at;- nex.d its contrary JuJgcment* And ia fine, haue furnmed vp all the particular ludgements vnd;r the Gciacrall , and there* To The Reader. therewith alio, anf wend itch Obie&ions* as are by Carnail Men vfually made. And out of all, I hade alfb inferred fuch vfesof Reproofe, Jnftra&ion » and Ex- hortation) as the laid Scripture bath breoghtto my hand, meetly to b;e ap- plyed* That it fach will but reade what in written, and Jav hoid on Inftru&ion, they may no longer for fake* their ovvns Mercies, but be moued to come vnt© CHRIST and line. All which I baue as well as I could , reduced co fuch Heads, and in fuc* or. der Gompofed them ; as by the faelpe of my Tabic . and Catalogue of Chapters , immediatly enfuing ; euery Reader raajr readily find out iuch placea , as hee (lands in need of, and fhali defire to bee futmfrud with* But whh this Cauti- on to the intelligent R. ader ; that for fuch Scriptures , as may diuetfly bee rer ferred ; ir in fearching hes doe miffe of them in one place, hje may findrheoa in an- other. And for the better preventing or re- mouing of So uples from trie ig ?orant , or tender Conscience ; and of Cauils from the wilfully obftiaate;IhaueDialogue.wifccon. iriued the fame into Queflion and Ao- (wer* A ToThb Reads r. And fach things, as in which the Scrip- ture is more plenteous , I haue anfwered •ne Qacftion* with many Scriptures. Whichthe ignorant Reader adaifedly com- paring together : that is to fay, the darke, and obfeure places ,v?ich thofe which are aaorc plamc* and esfie, and the Qtieftio* with the anfwer , he (hall find kis Judgement alfe, in tha vaderftanding of fuch places , fowcthingbctcered thereby. And if in Co doing, hee flbalifind himfelfe yet to feek^nd therfore da fay as the Etinach vnto Ph 1 l i p f How (hall I vnderftand tbefe things without zgp\dc?(j38 S%$i*)livcVLni€thtPricjistifs are to pre ferue kuMledge 3 Ut him therefore fetk* the Law At their mom h : ( Ma! ♦! . 7 ♦ ) That by conference with fcmc harnedand godly Minifter ; the knees being vnloofed 9 and the hard fhell broken to his hand „ hee may through GODS blefting, at the lift arcaine vnro the fweettsefie of the Kernel!, which is the true fence of Scrip, ture. Wfeich worke, row feme yeeres paft, I baaing finifhed 3 and at the firft onfet * in- tended for myowne priuite : Notwith- Handing by the focGiiragement of feme learned* and feftsgatioa of other Chritlian friends, Ihsjue yeeldrd the fame, as thea fee?*. To Thh Rbader. fceft, tm the Preffe, for the vfe efmany . By which my labour, iftbou findeft thy felfe any thing helped irstbyioy, or (©me other w ay Chriflianly rfyfied flcauingthe- Inftrument to vanifhm hisowneebfeurit}) let thine eyes bee fixed on him* who by the mouthesof Bibcs and Sucklings , is abl« to make perfect Disowns praife. Vnto whofe Gracelccmmend thec. Time, if his wms, F. B. The Author \f ould defirc the Rea- der, to Correal fuch efcapes , of the Pi\{Ieashec fhall meet withall $ which for lacke of time and icfurc could not bee pointed at. _ m&^mmmmm A Catalogue of Chapters. Chap. Pags. i P—mr-^He Preface or Introduction, i 2 Chr i H from fed. 4 3 -** Chnft exhibited. 7 -4 Vmon and Communion with Chrijl and his members. 18 5 Juflification. 19 6 Reconciliation 5 where of Peaces and Toy. 51 7 adoption and Regeneration. 57 8 Gods fatherly dijpoftion to hit. 66 $ God beareth Prayers. 7 a I o God accepts his in their fervices. #4 I I God re wardeth his tn welldoing. 8j 1 2 GodtPill teach his in their wayes. p 6 13 The guard of Angels. 99 14 \^dll things worke for good to thzs godly. 100 15 Com* The Catalogue. 15 Comforts againfi Death , rvherc^ Of the Refurrcciion I** 1 6 ofthcUniudgment. *12 17 OfetcrnalffLtfe. ll*> 18 ofetemaU Death. H° 19 ofSaNttifcatiwwctncratt. 146 20 Of Knowledge. x53 fl/iM/**' *54 QfHope. J57 2i 0/Zrf#r. I5? OfFeare. 1 6o Of Sorrow. j6z Of Humility* l6} 22 OfZeale. l6^ 27, Of Chanty* *70 Ofjufiici. lH of Content. r79 24 Of Sincerity. *** OfPtr fever ance. lW 2 j of Temptations ingenerall *94 OfTempMims of the Flejh. ip 5 26 Of Temptations of the Demll. 1 03 27 of Temptations of theWorld. a 10 The Catalogue. G n a p. Pag, On the left hand, Affliftiins in gene rail. , 212 28 Of Perfections. 245 On the right hand, 29 Of evil/ Examples. 279 30 OffalfeTeachers. 28* 31 Of outward Proffer it j* 294 32 OftheWordofGod. 299 33 OfcMwijlcrs. zip 34 0/^* Sacraments. 239 35 OfDitifli*^,. 347 36 0/VA* continuance ofthefe meanes of grace with Gods hlepng on them. 351 37 OfTemporallbkffings, 355 'Unglifc^. 35y 38 0/^ Prefer nation from dangers. 36 1 3? OfDeliutrance out of trouble. ' 374 40 Of outward Pro(peritjm 385 41 Of the land for Pofef ion. 393 42 OfgoodGouemment. ^j 43 Of Peaces. 4I- 44 0/ Pao. 44 Of Strength. 4 7 Of Beauties. 24 OjW,fdom^. £ ,5 Of Width, « S off turn •fmn. 44° 4 iftpUXim. 441 Of Honour. ; "■ "*. 47 ^4^*"*£l AS /fthllfeofdlthcPromifcs. 47 1 54 of the fnner Converted. 54° Gods j- >Vmon, pagi8. - |communion. *£ ^ForgiaenefleofGnnes.pag.jo. U C Imputed rightcoufneffc. 41. fluftification, ** pag.29. I "Reconciliation, where of | j "**' | Pag« H CRightofadoptionSy. f~Makcs (bnnes, in ^Conformity, pag***. ^Affurance. pag6$< lC* p-Ixereifcdjby C'Gtue Sanftiflcation, the Pag; rEfteemingof. 66 .Loue.p./S* fP"fons5 Oelighitagin. 6> r c Canng for. pa.68 1 The fmitrs, »n> anions r Prayers, pag,7* *• regard of— {byac- ) Iceptiog} V, 0f_ cWorkes. p»g. 84 ,u fhitnrelfe,toneW?rd,pJ^ •» r C doing good, by 4 Z Guide, p.otf- lcnt-^ t Angels.to guard, pag, 99 ^ caufing all things to werke for good. pa. 10a Death, pag, oz rKoowlfd |ftf Time \Rdorreaon.oj I Fa,th & * ^Uft judgement. Xrart, pa|« z ^ pa&'i1* hope. pag. 1 jy .Eternity pag.I:y Loie.pai.1J9 t • . 5GeneraIlpagi4*. j Feare. pag. 1*. ,wroughtinthem,in {5plelalli(pag.«,i.)--< HuStyfp.'^ > u u„.U.~> rFIdh< P3?'1**' 1 Repentanc,*i | Frowning. 211 , • the ■ • C p.i 10 i Fawning, »7« CWord. 199 Meaocs < sacraments, z 39 ^Difcipline. 347 Chaiicy. p, 170 [uftice.pag.174 Content, p. 179 Sincerity. i8t Petfenerance. lC pag. 188 S (in- < ,C°era 'Jui'cVviS.7<7 r^ecdomefromcuill. pag.3^ fXand for poflcffionJ £*C / c~j.ii > \ ,-GtneraIl/ pag-398 C Special!,} c. comforts of Life, • Sccd$H1aUinSChi,Jrcn' PaS 44«< U cBlciiingonchildrea.p^j, B Fruition of good >A J C Properties, as. | dObiefts. < ^ True. pag. 474: -Mad* — ^ Free, pag-479, \ <- General!. psg.48?. <- Speedy, pag. 489. 'Executed.? Conftant. pag, 490. CVmefifUblc. pag. 49J. Gtnerall/ Pag'3«|! pag.jSrf Muchpeoplc, p.?9f Gcod gouernmenej Pa§.3$7, Peace, pag.417 Speciall -< Food* pag. 41 8 H«alth. pa.4af 1 Strength, pag.4Z7 Beauty pag. 4S9 \ Wifdome. pag,4jo Weahh, pag,4jtf Fauei r 7mh men. * ^Mp'S.44» A good Name. 44 a ^Honoir, pag, 44^ -Propounded, pag.fof Conuincedof*. . Sinne. pag.jtj I g< r Conujncedof^ ^ C Illuftrated, whereby the finner is < <- Judgement, pag. % a 1 *"* ^ Converted, pag.fo* GODS TRE AS VRY "DijpUjed. Chap.L The Prefdce^or Introduction, Owwas Man created > Anfmr. I. In knowledge, after the image of him that created him^Col.^Jo. Who ttaught him more than the beafis of the earth y andthefowles of thtJ> hcanen. lob 35,11 9 i x Hi Mans Fall. 2 fit was created after God, in righ- tewfcqffearJ true hclineffe. Ephef.4 .24. 3 ! n dignity $t was made 4 kttU lower thawtfe Aw gels , a&d was crvwned with glory and honour, and was made to haue ionrnwaoucr the workejf Go&% hands , wh&Sidpiti aMt&ings vnder his feet :Pf.S 5,5.^^.1.28. J\ Didhecontinuefo > A . No : for hee did c ate of the tree of knowledge of good and euill ; of which thes Lord fat djhoajhalt not eat of it: Gen .2.17. 3 .6. whereby he like manjranfgreffed the couenant^ndtreffajfedagainfi God : Hof 6.7. And (ofinneentring into the worlds all men by him haue finned: Rom. 5.1 2. ^ What followed this histranf- greflion ? A.i Mans vnderHandingis thereby diirkned^and hee is become a fir anger front the life of God, through the ignorance that is in him: Ephefiq-iS. Col. 1.21. Rom. 3. 1 1 . euen a he aft by his owne knowledge : 7^,10.14.^51.17. and UkeawiletAjft colt Job 11.12 .and much wgrfe3//4/. 1 .3 . wifi Mans Fall. mfi heeii to doe euiff j but to doegoodhee hath no knowledge : Ierem.q.2 2 . and in the thing hefrofejjeth bimfelfe to be wife, bee is become afoole. Rom »i. 2?. and%^. 2Cor. 3-5- 2 Mans will is thereby alfo peruer- ted : for hereby the wickednejfe if man is great w the earth, and euery imagination of the thoughts of his heart is onely and conti- nually euill^Gen. 6. \%&%.i\. And there is no iujl man on earth that doevh goo4,and fmnethnot: Ecclef 7,20. There is none righteous jio notoncj^rc. they haue all gone out oft he way, they haue been made altoge^ ther Tnprof table , there is none that doeth goodpo not one^ejrc* Rom. 3.10,1 2. K^ind if Any man fay he hath not finned ^hee ma- ketlPhim a lyer3and the truth is not in him. 1 lohn r. 10. For who c4n fay , / haue made my heart cleane^ 1 am pure from my finne? Frou. 20. 9* And what is man that heejhould bee cleane^orthefomeofman that he fhould be iufti 7^15.14. This therefore battel found y thttGod B2 hath Mans Fall. hathmade man right cous^but he hath fought many inventions, £cclef.7.2?.Iob 25.4. «m/I4-4* Ifa. i. 5, 1. Rom.7.T8. 3 The wages of (ime is death. (Rom. 6.2}. ) For as by one man fin entredinto the worlds and death by fmyandfo death faffed vpon all meny (Rom. 5. i2,)atid reigned from Adam to Mofcs, eucn ouer them aKojhat hadnot finned after the fimilitude sf Adams transgrefton 3 Rom. 5. 14. lob 17. 14. Chap. II. Chrififromifed. £. "PVd God lcaue man thus ? «*-^A. No ,For he made a fromife a- fore by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures, couceminghis fonne lefts Chrifly our Lord^ Rom. 1.2. ^ Which was the firft ofthat kind? A. That which was made to i>f- 4am and Eue 5 concerning whofti,- Godfiidvntott* Serpent, J will put en- Christ promifcd. mity betwecne thee and the woman, and hetmenethy feede and her feede : Itjhall brake thine head, and thou JhaU bruif^j hishecle:GeT\.i.\t$. £1^ Shew me fome more of therein the manner they were propounded. A. i Without exception ofdoubt, faying; The Lord thy God will raife un- to thee a Prophet, from the midft of 'thee,' of thy brethren, likevntomec, Dcut, 18.' 15. Hee mil bring foorth his fertiant the brunch^ Zach.3.8. And the man whofe name is the branch, hee Jhafl grow up out of his place, (Zach.tf.l2. 1 3 .) andjhallbee King oner you, and you (hallhaue ont-jjhep- hedrd: Ezech.37.a4.34.24.Ier. 3 3 .17. 2. As vncertaine when, and long to come. For faith Balaam, ljbaflfie himjbut not now;lJha!l behold him Jbut not nigh : there Jha/l come 4 Star out oflacob, and a Scepter /haff rife out oflfrael,andfl)al finite the corners of Moab, and dejlroy the childrenof Sheth,Numb. 24. 17. 3 In a time determined. The Scepter (faith Ucob)JhaB not depart from ludah, Bt not .Christ prormfed. nor a lawgiver from betwecne his feetevn- till shilohcome. Gert. 49.10. K^ind after thrcefcoreandtwdrteekcs^Tora the rime of Daniels prophefie, was the Mefstab to be cut off. Van. 9.26, 4 As neere at hand . The Lord (faith Malachi) whom ye feck, fta/l fuddenly come to his Temfle^euen the Mefjenger of the Co- uenant jvhornyee delight tp$ beholdiheJhtiH cowe,[airh the Lordofhofis. (JWal. 3. 1. 5 As if already come. FarvntovsA ehildis borne ,vnto vs a feme is gtHen ; and the government [hall be vpon his frontiers^ and his name (hall be called wonder full, Councejler, the mighty God/he euer- lafting Father, the Prince of peace. Jfiy9, 6* 6 By the place where. For faith Micah, W thou Bethlahem Ephrath, though thou be little among the thoufands of Iudah,^/ out of thee jl all hee comefoorth vnto me,tbat fhall be ruler in Ifrael, whofe. goings forth haue beenc from of old, front tuerlafting. Micab j. 2. 7 By the manner how* which was with Christ promifcd. with much humility. For faith UaiahT hee [hall not cry , nor lift ?3* Ob. Thefe are but idle tales, and who fofoolifh tobeleeuc'them ? A. Behold,ye deffifers 5tf nd wonder &va- nifh away ; for I naue wroght a worke in your dais ,a work which ye Jhal not belecuejf a man would declare it vntoyou.Acl. 1141 ob. All you can fay in this matter, is but by flyjng reports : than which, what is more yncertaine ? A . We haue not followed cunningly deuu fed fables ) when wee made knowne vnto you the power, andcomming of our Lord lefus Chriftjbut were eye-witnrffes of his Maiefiy. 2 Pet. 1 .16. IE or the life was made mani- feft^ and wehauefeene it,andbeare witnejfe, and fhewvnto you that eternall life y which was with the Father $ was made manifefl vntovsy&c.i lob. i.i)&c.Aft.26.2i. Q&ut yet let vs fee ho\y by Scripture it CmRIST cxkibited. ft may bccproouted that lefus was the Chrift. A. Dwtrswayes* i By the predi&ions in him fulfilled. CCMat.2.ie CM at. 2 .If* 3v tne predict Mkha 5.2.I Hpfiuu ifa. 40. 3. If*. 9 I. 7/1.53.4. Zecb*9.9* As «| £4^.11.13 Pfal.22.1S 7/4.53.1. Pf*l.35*i9 Pfal.109.7. Pfal.2.j. Ex o.l 2 .46 JZcckll.lo*) iMat.^. ^^.4.13.14. cJM#?/• 13. 33. Jwith 7,15. 4 HisDifcipic$^4«^ and worshipped hm*y faying of a trnth, thou art the Sow of God: Math. 14.33- And wc belter and are {kr*^ikMrh$»mfk*tCbrijl, of a truth y this is the Prophet. Others fdidJ this is the Chrift. (Ioh.7.40, 41.) And All men came to him. Ioh.j. 16 y ^10,41. 42. 6 OH Any of the chief e rulers beleeued in him> (Jon. 1 2.42.) For the Centurim and they that were with him^ find of him, trueiy this was thefonne of God. ( Mat. 27. 54.) L>/WNiehodemusa4 ruler of the Jewesyfaid'vnto him^Rabby: wee know that thou Art a teachercomefroyn GW.foh .3.2. 7 The diuell in the man poffefTcd, crying f*id, what hdue me to doe with thee, lefus thittfomeofGodmft high ? webe- fiech thu torment vs not. Mat. 8.29. 8 God the Father, who both at his baptifme, (Mat 4. 17.) and transfigu- ration fpake/r*i» buuen fiying^ this is my htlonedfinto) in whom 1 am well flea- fid, 12 Can 1ST exhibited. fed, beareyee him .Mat. 17,5. John y .3 2, 2/VM.17, P God the Sonne beareth witnefle of himfelfe,faying> that hee was the Sonne of God.y^.27.11.43. who M^A he dot bcarc record */himfelfe, jrr his record is true, 7^.8. 14. 10 God the holy Ghoft, when at his baptifme, the bed/tens opened lob< $. 24. oh. Notwithftancjingthefefomany witneflcs, that which you doc auouch concerning this man is queftioned by many, both Tur ks,and Pagans , A. Flefli and blood can notreuealt theft things vnto them, ( ( i Cor . 1 2 . 3 .) nor come vtto Chrift, except the Father draw him . Onely they which haue heard^tnd hauc learned of the Father y doe come vnt$ tf£. Not only thofc of the Gentiles, but many of the Icwes alfo, which were his ownt^ received him notjoh* 1 . 1 1 • And his brethren did not beleeue in him. loh.j. -rf. A Prophet ds not without honour y faueinhis owneCountreyyMdt.i^.^j: And did you neuer reade in the Scrip- tures : Theftone which the builders rcic- ffed, the fame is become the head of the oorner? UMat.21.42. Jet Apolloes helped them much which had beleeued through grace* o/tf/18.28. Kjind Paul mightily conuinced the lewesy and that publikely^ (hewing by the Scrip- tures, that lefus was the G H r I s t. jiffs 9.22. ^17.2.3. J*>. But whatjtgnedidhc flew jhatwee alfo may fee and beleene in him ? A.The 14 Christ exhibited. A. Theb/inde t eceiued 'their fight y the lame did 'tva/ke, the /copers were c/eanfed, the deafe did hearey and the dead were raifedvpMzt. 11.5. Thus this Jejusef Nazareth was^- jpscutd of God by miracles , wonders and fignes^ & the lewesthemfelues could not de- ny. ( Adte 2 . 2 3 , J So as when that chnft comwethy will hee doe more miracles than this man hath done ? (Ioh. 7.3 1) But if he wrought fueh works, as no meere man euer did ; although yee belecue not him, yet be- lecue the workes, that yee m*f knowyandbe- leeue that the father was in him, W he in J&/«.Ioh.io.37, 38.14.10. ri. Hcb.z.4. JS^But did he not worke thefe works by the power ofSatdn, and by Beelzebub toft out diuels > A . if this man had net betne of Cod, he could haue done nothing: (Ioh. 9*33:) Therefore no« Satan JW the Father that dwellethin him , hee did the Workes (Toh. 14. 1 o ) Per can the diucll tfen the eyes of theblinde? (Ioh. 10.21.) Every King- dome diuided againft it felfey fbatl not fianiy CflftlSTaJribitcd. 15 fla*J%&c- AndifSAtancafl out Satan, be is diuided againft hm(elfe\ how jk all then his kingdomeftand? &c But //"Chr lit did Cdft oat diutls by thcSpirit of'Godjhtn the Kingdom e of Cod is come vnto you, &c. Mat, 12.25, ejrc. Luke n, 20. And therfore^jv long will jefrouoke the Lord ? how long will tt be ere ye doe beleeue inlefusjW alltlefignes which hce hath Jhewed among you? 'Numb. 14 .11. Ioh. Ob. Why then fay the Scribes that Ell- as muft firjl come ? A. ifay vnto you, that Elias is come ak ready, and they kntw him not : but they hdue done vnto him whatfoeuer they lifted. Mat. 17.12. 21^ For my owne part, I haueno more to fay againft your allegations, yet want I thecorpfort and aflurancc thereof ftill. A. ifyou will doc the will of Gq&jo* Jhall know the defirine alledged to Lee of G^3andnotofman, Ioh. 7. 17* And the comforter whom Chrift wtU fend vn- to 16 Christ exhibited. t* you from ike Father^ euen the Sprit of truth ^ which proceedeth from the Father^ he fhdll tejiifie ofhitn, and you alfofhall bear e wit neffe o/him. John 15 .26,27. JJ^What vfc are wee to make of this Dodrine, teaching vs the certainty of Chrift being comeln theflefh? A- 1 .Herein behold your happincflc aboue many who doe fee y and hear e of thefe things : for verily 1 fay vnto youy that many Prophets and righteous menhaue defired to fee thofe things which you fee, and hauenot fecne them^ and to heare thofe things which yee hearty and haue not heard them, Mat.13. 16.17. 2 A ccording to the voyce of one crying in the wildcrneffc, Prepare yt the way tfthe Lordjnakc hispathsjiratgth}(Mark> 1.3 .) in the defert^ an high way for our Cod. 7^.40.3. 3 Reioy ce greatly (o daughter of Zion) Jboute O daughter oflctu&icm^ehold^hy Kingcommeth vnto thee^Zechjj.) and cry j /i }/#£, Hbfanna to t he fin of Dauid, Blejfed is hct that commethin the name of the I Christ exhibited. the Lord^ Hofanna in the htgheft heavens y CMat. %i. 9- And Blejfedbee the Lord God oflfrael, for hee hath viftted and redeemed his people \ and he kith raifedvpa home of jalnation for vs in the houfe of his feruant Dauid ,* s he ft ake by the mouth of his holy Prophets^ which have heene fince the world begame^ Lukci.6S,&c. Luke i.54j5J, 4^47. CMat. 23.79. Mar.ll.io. 4 Oh Z ion5 that bringefi good tidings > get thee vp into the high mount at nes of lt-m rufalem^ that bringefi good 'tidings , lift vf thy voyce, be not afraid* > fay vnto the Ci- ties of Iudahybehold,your Gcd, (ifa. 52.7.) and to the daughters ofZionJreholdjhyfat-* uat ion is come ; behold \ his reward is with him^andhis worke before him y 1/4,62.1 1# 5 Then if any manjhallfay vntoyou7Lo hcereis Chrifi, or lo there^ beleeue it not .« For there Jhall arife falfe Chrifis, andfalfc prophets 5 and fhall fhew great jfignes and wonders; infomuchjhat if it were pofsiblf>% they fhall deceiue the very ElecJ. Behold. I bane told you before; wherefore if they [hall fey vnto you, Behold 3 he is in the dejirt,goe v 18 Vnion with Christ. notforth, behold, hecii in the fecret cham- bers, heleeue it not, &c. Mat.z^ 23, &c. ob. If thefe tydings be fo good,why is Chrift faid to be aft*wbling~blocke, and a rocke of offence to both the hottfes of If raelelfa.%. 14. A. Fntojov which beletue bee is precis otis ; onelj vnto them which be difibedient, the ft one which the builders difdhwed^ the fame is made the head of the corner > And '4 flonecfftumbling, and* rocke of offence y euen to them thatftumile at the Word, be- ing disobedient ^ whereunto alfo they were affioynted. 1 Pet 2,7.8.7^.52.20. Chap. II II. Vnion with ChRIST. <& \J \ 7 ^at *nrerc^ ^aue belieuers * \ in Chrift,, thus promifed, and exhibited? %^4. Chrift is wholly ours : fovhcei cmne vnto his owne,(lob.i.V .) And vnto \ vs a Some is borne, and vnto v$ a childel \ifziuw- lf 1 will that they may be oney as thou O Father art in mee, mdlm thee, that they may be one in vs,Iin them, and thou inmee, that they may bee made ferfcZ in one.loh. j 7.2 1 , 2 3, He therefore thatisioynedto the Let d is enefpirit,lCor.6. 17. for in the difpenfaiton ofthefulnes of times he doth gather toge- ther in one, off things in Chriftjboth which are in heauen, and which are in earth, cue* mhtm.Efhefi. lojoh.i^zo. 17. 11, j£.By what fimilitudes,doth theScrip- ture fet out this our vnion with Chnft? >*.They are many. 1 Of a building: For thus faith the Lord, Behold,! lay in Zion a fione^a tryedfione, a precious corner fone^ * fire foundation. J fa. 28. 16. And other foundation can no man laic then that which fslaidy which is IcfusChrift.i Cor^tfll* In whom all the building fitly framed to* C. y. eethtt 20 Vnioa with Christ. gttkcr, growth vnto an holy 7 cm fie m the Lord^Ephef 2.21. 2 Of houfe and inhabitants. Chrifi as afinne is ouer his own houfe^whofe houfe arewe^ (Heb. 5. 7.) In whom yon alfo Are. buildcd together for an habitation of God through tbefpirit, (Eph. 2.22.) who dwellcth in you, ( 1 Cor.$-l6.) andmaketh his aboade with you^lohn 14. 23. 6. 56. 1 Cor. 6. 19. 3 Of coafanguinity . For both he that fanfiificth, and they that are fanclified, be- ingallonc, hee is not afhamed to call them brethrcn,(Heba. 1 1.) But doth profeffe that whofotner doth the will of Cody is his brother fftfl errand mother 3 Mark. 3.35. 4 Of husband and wife ,vnto whom we are betrothed and efpowfed , (Hof. 2.19,20.2 Cor. 1 1. 2. )euen as the bride- grome to the bride, (I0L3 .29,) where- by our maker is become our husband^ I (a. 54 .5 .And is the head of his Church &$ the husband u the head of his wijc, Efh.<). 2 J. 5 Of head and members. Hee is the head cfthc body jhe Church* Col.l.lS. and Vnion with Christ. 21 we are members of his body, of his flefh3and of bis bones > (Eph. 5.30 ,)for as the body is one>& hath many members j& all the mem- bers of that one body, being many are one bo- dy, ft alfo is Chrift , iCor.n* 12. Know ye not therefore that your bodies are the members of Chriftt 1O.tf.i5. Ephcfl. 22,23. Collof.x. 24. Rom. 12.4,5. 6 Of the vine and branches. Where- of Chrift is the vine&xA we are the bran- cbes, John 15.5* i£. What may this our Vnion with Chrift teach ? A. To examine and to prooue your ownefelues$ Kovoyee not your owne ft lues ^ how tbat Jefus Cbrift is in you, except yee be reprobates? 2 Cor. 13.5. J^Xay me down fome marks wherby our vnion with Chrift may be known. A. 1 Bccaufc Cbrift dvoelleth in our hearts by faith,Ephef.$. 17. Therefore, examine your ft lues whether you bee in the faitby2Cor.l3.5. 2 Heereby we know that hee abide tb in vsj>y the Spirit which he hathgiuen vs. C 3 1 John j2 Vnion with C« « 1ST. ' ilohn 3.24. But if any manhaue not the(firitofChrif3 the fame is not htSiRom. 8.9. x/t£. 4*13. 3, Who fatter (hall eonfeffe that ufus is the Sonnt of God % dmllcth in htm^nd he inG0H.1l0L4.li* 4*Bf this fhaH all men knotv that you are hi*Difciples,ifyee haue lout one toanother. (Ioh.ij.yyJGoJif loue9dndhc thatdweU Uthinlouesdmlkthin God/fr god in him. iloh 4.1^.1.4.11,12:1. 2.9.10. 5 . Whofoeuer abideth in himjmneth nory whofoeuer Jin ntth, hath not feene him ,ner knowne him^ 1 loh.i .^♦But he that keeped the commandements dmllthinhim^ and heinfom, 1 Ioh.$.ia.: Joh.15.5, 6.' 13. J8.G4/.5.24. j2^ What if vpon due examination I doc find my felie to be out of Chrift } A. for this eaufe, how your knees vnto the Father of our Lordlefus Chriftjhat he , would grant you According to the riches of hit glory, drc. that Chrijl may dwellinyour hearts byfxtth^ that you beeing rooted and grounded in loue/nay be able to comprehend with •*• — — : Vnion with Christ. 25 iw>A 4/ Saints jv hat is the bredth & lengthy and deft h And height, & to know the loue of Chrift which pafjeth how ledge yt hat ye may te filled with afahef nines ofGod-Eph.j .14. ^ What if I find my fdfc to be in Chrift? A. Then cledttefaft vnto hi m without fepa- ratio#,i Corq.^ 5 .And hold the head 'from whichallthefody J?y ioyntsdr bands hauing nourifhment minifred^r knit together jn- creafeth with the encreafe of God Col. 2 .19. 2. He that faith \he abideth in himyought himfelfe alfo to walke> tuen as he walked (1 loh.2.6.) For in Chriji Iefus, neither cir- cumcifion auaileth any things nor vwir- eumcifion, hut a new creature. Gal, £.15. Therefore, hauing futon the Lordlefus Chrift^makenoffouiftonfer tbefejhjoful- f lithe lufis thereof: Rom.iy .14.' /tow.7,4. CWA6.7.G4/.5.14. ^ What followeth vpon this our vnion with Chrift ? A. Ourcomunion. God is faith full by whom yee were called vnto thefellowjhipof his Sonne 1 efts Chriji our Lord, 1 .Cor. 1 .9 . C4 For 24 Communion wick Chb 1ST. For faith he yljland at the doore and knocks if amy heart my voice y and of en the doort \ I will come in to him^ and [up with him^and het with met : Reuel 3.20. Cant. 5 .1. Prou. 9.1 >&c. £^ Wherein hauc we communion with Chrift \ A. In his life. For becaufc hee liueth J you jhall live alfi : (I oh/ 14. 19 ) And As the lining Father fent him, Whee liueth hy the Father 5 fi hee that eateth himJhaH Hue hy him.- (lohn 6.5 7 .) For in him was lifeyandthe life was the light of man. (lohn 1 . 4 J whereby wee ltuey yet not wee any morty hut Chrift liueth in vs. Galat.2.20. Ephef$.i^.Rom.6.S. 2 Cor. 4,10. John II. 25,14.6. 2 In his fufierings, who being lifted vpfrom the earth, hee doth draw alt men vnto him , ( loh . 1 2 .3 2 .) **/* A . i Not to know any thing fane lefus Chrift^& him crucified \ I Cor. 1 .2 .To know him^ dnd the power of his refurreBion^ and the fellow fhip of 'his [offerings , beeing made conformable vnto his death : Phil. 3.10. CW.3.1. 2. To walke worthy of himyi Thcf.i.n* For this is themejfage iwe banc heard of him^and declare vntoyoujhat God is light, and in him is no darkenejfe at a/I. J f wee fay mhaHcfcHowjhip withhimy andwalkein darkneffeyWe lye and do not truely: but if we walke in the lights as hee is in the light , wee hauefeUowjbif one with another : ilob.x. 5. S^ Whatfolloweth vpon this our vnion^and communion with Chrift ? A. \\iweeht one body in Chrift ^ wet are euery one another s members, Rom. 1 2 . 8. Epbefa.tf. 1 Cor. 12.27. 2 There is a community among tfoefe members, (^#.4. 3 2 .) VV hereby m gtuing and rtceiuing one doth communis can vnto another y (f A//4.1 5. ) Andfo are eomfor- Communion with Christ. 27 *- 1 . - • . . - comforted, by the mutuall faith each of o- thcr: Rom. I.II.I2 J^j, What doth this our vtiion with the members of Chrift teach vs I A. To keepe the vnity of the Spirit in the bend of peace. Eph-4.$,&c. And to let this peace of God rule in your hearts Jo the which you are alfi called in one body, (Col. 3 . 1 5 .) And all [pcakipg one thing, there may be no diuifon among you j but that yeehepcr* fcRly ioyncd together in the fame mind, and in the fame iudgement , I £*r.i. 10. Ephef 4.15,16. Pfalm. 133.1,2. Gen. 13.8,9. Pro.15.il: Eccl. 4.6. Col. 3.8,?3 10. lames 4.1. Rom.14.19. 2 Cor. X3-H. ^ What doth our communion with thefe members teach vs ? A. 1 That no manfeeke his owne wealth, buteuery one one Another* wealth, (1 Con I o .24 .) Reioycing with them that reioyce, and weeping with them that weepcyandto be of the like affeBions one towards another % Rom 12.15,1$ . Whereby Jfone member frjftr> all the webers fuffer with itjr if one mem- 2$ All things wit^CjiRIST. member tee honoured \ all the members re- ioyce withit, i Cor* 12. 26. 2 Bccaufe all members hxue not the fame office ,Rom. 12.4. But haue gifts that are diuers > (Rom. 12 .6.) Such as arc Jtrong ought to beare with the infirmities of the weake, notpleafing thcmfelutsfiut let e- uery manpleafe his neighbour in that which is good, to the vfi of * edification , Rom.15. I ..2.3. 1 C0r.12.14/Jv. S^j I would gladly heareyou toex- prcflc yet more fully what wee are the beter for this vnion, and communion with Chrft ? A. My God fhallfupply all your need according to his riches in glory, by Chriji lefts: (M//.4.T9.) By whom all things are yours, &c.(i Cor*$.2iy&c.) which doe apfertatne vnto life, and godlinejfe, through the knowledge of him that hath ulledvs to glory andvertue :(2 Pct.1.3.) For hee that hathgiutn Chrift vnto vs, howfha/l he not with him alfo freely giue vs alt things*. Rom.S^2.Mara.2j. 2 Cor. a}.i$Joh.i.i69Col>2.io*i Cor.15* Sly luftification by ChRIST • *9 «g. What may theconfiderationof thisiccachvs? A. To doe asthewife Marckdtt didy who feeing good fur les 5 when hee had found one pearle of great price Jje went and fold all that hee had to buy the fame: Math.i}. 44* &- g. What fpirituall bleffings are with Chrift to be had > A. Of him are wee in Chrift ltfus, who U of God made vnto vs righteoufneffc^and fanffification, i Or, 1.30. JUL. Hovojhall man lee tuft with Cod I lob 9. a. 254, A. Chrijl lefts, who knew no ftnntjbt* came finne for vs 3 that wee might bt made the righteoufaejfe of God in him : (2 Con 5.21 J) For as by one mans difobedience ma- ny were madefmners^ fo by the obedience of one ; flail many be made righteous. &>*», 5, 1^.7/4.53.^53 U-l2:Fzek.l6t9. ob. Eu t what did Chrift in our be- halfe3that could beauaileablc for righ- tcoufnefle, either for the fathers wha liuedforoany yccrcs before him, or mm jo Iuftification by Christ* vnto vs who doc liue fo long after ? \^4. By one offering, he hath ferfeBed for euer them that are fan fli fed: whereof alfojhe holy Ghafl is a witmjje .* (Heb. i o. 14,15. ) Not that Chrift fhouldoffcr him. felfe often y as the high Priejls entred iht$ the holy place y eutryyeere with the blood of others : for then muft he often hauefujfcrcd ft me the foundation of )he world. But now ome in the end of the world, hath he ap- pealed to pit away (mm by the f am fee of hint felfe : Heb. 9.2 y\ 0.18. J^, iStlentheguiltincffc, and pu- nifhment of fin ta> en away by Chrift I A. This is afait hj nil faying, and worthy all acceptance, that chrift Jefus came into the wot Id to Jaue firmer s, I Jim i.l^.And you knew that he was made manifef^that he might take away our fins, (1 Ioh.j.f.) who his own felfe bare our fins in his oven body on theTrce,i iVf.2.24.which was prefigu. red by the fcape-o otc, (Leu.16.21, 22.) Thus it is written, and thus it behouei Chrijl tofujfer>andthat remifsion offinnes fhould bee preached in his name among aK llauons Iuftification by Chr is T . 31 2{jtions% beginning *t lerufalem : Luke 24. 26.27. Be it knowne vntoyou thcreforeymen and brethren, that through this man isfnached vntoyou theforgiuenejjeoffinnes : A 8.1$. 3$. Math. 9*2; x.21. Rcuclat. 1.5, 6. Ioh.l.19. Ob. By what authority did hee theft thinglhrui rvhogaue vnto Chrift this au- thority to frrgiuc (injtes ? Math. 12. 23. Mar. 2. 7. A. As no man tooke this honour to him- filfe, (to offer for fin) but he that was cal- led of God # waa Aaron:£$ alfi Chr ifi glo- rified not himfelfe to bee made an high Pricfti but hee that faid vnto himjTbou art my Sonne, this day haue I begotten thee* he gatie it him, (Heb.y^.) And hath exalted him with his right handfo be a Prince , and Sauiourjor togiue repentance vnto ifraelj and forgiuenejfe of finnes, (o^#. 5*31,) But thatyee may know that the Son of man hathfower on earth to forgiuefins {he faith to oneficke of the p*lfie)Jfay unto thee,arifi and take vf thy bedyobo imwecdiatly arojc, and $2 Iuftification by Christ. and took if his bed, and 'went forth among them all. CMar, 2 . t o ejre. J^What witneffes can you produce to conu ince vs of rcmiilion of hnnes by Chnft ? A. Caiapbas (though his enemy J yet being high prieft, profefled that Iefus fioulddyefor the Tintion efthclewes,and not for that Nation onlyy but that alfo hee Jhou id gather together in one, the Children ofGedj that were fcattered abroad, (loh. i! . }* 1 , 5 2 .) To whom alfo giue all the Prophets wtneffc, That through his name whofoeuer beleeuethin himjljouldreceiue remission ofjinnes, (Acts 10.45.) This is hee that came by water and bloody eucn Ie- fus Cbrifty not by water onely, but by water and bloody and it is the S fir it that bear eth witnejfe, becaufe the Sprit is truth. For there Are three that bearc record in heauen $ . the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghojl ; andthefe three are one : And there are three that beare wttnejje in earthy the Spirit, and wattry and blood: and the fc three agree in &rte.Ub%i%*6s&c. „ , . , *i#vas. j&But wifGodmak: ^fclfc. Iuftificacion by Christ. 35 A . I five confeffe ourfinnesjhee isfaUh- full andiujl toforgiuevsourfinne, ( 1 loh. 1.9-) For when Dauid faid vntoNa- than5 J haue finned \ Nathan faidvnto DauidJThe LORD alfo hath put away thy finne ; 2 Sam ,12. 13. 1 fa. 6. 5 jfrc. 2 Chro. 7. 14. OWat.i% .26^27. Luk.15. i8>&c. jj^ Is there no fbrgiueneffe of finne Without confefflon ? A. Bee that couereth his fimes Jhallmt frofper ; onely, hee that conjeffeth and fir- fakes his fins [hall haue mercy ^ /V0.28. 13. For faith Dauid, When 1 ktptfilence^my bones waxfd o!dy through my roaring all the day long> &c. I Acknowledged my finne vn- to thee, and mine iniquity haue J not hid : 1 faid I mil confeffe my ttanfgrefsions^ and thou forgauefi the iniquity of my finne* Pfalm.32.3,drc.Luke 15. 18. £^ What are the finnes which God3 for Chrifts fake will forgiue ? A.Hewi/lcleanfe them from all thrir in- iquities ; whereby they haue finned againB him-) and he will par don all their iniquities y whereby they haue finned and whereby they D haue 54 Iuftificationby ChRIJT. haue tranfgrejjed againfihim. /rr.33.8. And the Mood of lef us Chrifi his Sonjlean- fethvsfrom aU fmne: 1 Ioh.J^.Pfol.i^o. rjj^ How fartcfoorth doth God fbr- giuefinnes? ^. To the vtmoft extent thereof; Tor, 1 God was tn Chrifi reconciling the mrldvnto himfelfe, not imputing their tuffaffes vnto them, a Cor* 5 . 19. 2 As not feene^For /* hath not beheld iniquity in lacob, neither hath heefeenefer- ntrfemffein lfrael,(Numb. 23.21 .)Where- by whenthesniquity of ifraeljhall be fought for, there (hall be none , and theftnnes of Judah, and they Jhall not be found, rjre. Jerem. 50. 20. Jfa. 38. 17.P/4//W.85.2. Ezek. 16. 8. 3. As notremembred^or^ will be merctfull vnto our vnrighteoufhcjjc, and turfinnes, and iniquities wilhe remember po more: Heb.S.ii. 4 As far away rcmoued, For as hea- utn is high about the earthy fo great is his mercy towards them that fear e him: asfarrei MA, Iuftification by ChR i s t. 55 as the Edft is from the Wcflfiftrrc hath he remooued our tranfgrefsions from w3 P/i/. 103.11,12. 5 As fwallowcd vp. He will turne 4- gainey hee will hauc compafsionvponvsy bee mil fab due our iniquities, And ca$ dff their finnes tnto the depth ofthfeay Micah 7.1?. 7 As a cloud vanifhed. Hee hath blotted out as Athicke cloude our tranf- grefsions y And as a cloude our finries : Jfau 44.2 a- 7 As a writing defaced, //aith God* cuen I Am he that blotteth out thy trAnfgref ftons.Jfai.^.i^. 3^ Why ? is the curfe of finne with the guilt taken away by Chrift ? A. G O D fint not his Sonne into the World to condemne vs , but that wee through him might bee fauedy ( lohn 3. 17.) For furely hee bath borne our gritfesy and carried our forrowes, &c Hee was wounded for our trAnfgrefsionsJau was bruifed'for ourt>niquities >the chafiijh- ment of our pace was vpon bim> and with 36 Iu ftification by CHRIST. hts flaps we are healed, ejrc. lfa. 5 3 . 4.5 . There is therefore no condemnation to them that are inChriJl lefusyRomtS% 1 .For he hath redeemed them from the cur f of the Lwjby being made a cur fe for them; a/it is written, Cur fed is euery one that kangcth on diree. Qsl.yiy. Rom.1) .i^jfrc Joh^.17 '. Jjlz What moued the Lord,through Chjrift to take away our fmnes I A We haue redemption through his blood- theforpueneffeoffinnes, according to tm riches of hisgr/ice, (Ej/hef 1.7.) And for his ownt names fake, (1 Ioh.2.12.) if the Lord indeed fhould marke iniquities, who fhould ft and> But there is for giuemjfe with him^that he may he feared: Tfalm. 130. 3 ,4 : Ezech. 2 o .44 .- //Sr.43 .2 1 . J£^ Whatwould you infer vpon this fc rich and plentious grace of God I A. Buen as Dauid, who defcribeth the bleffedneffe of the man, vnto whom Godim- . futethrighteoufveffe without work staying, Bleflid are they ivhofe iniquities areforgi- nen9andwhofc fmnes are coucred ; Blef fid it the man vnto whom the Lord will viat Iuftificarion by Christ. 57 net impute ftnne, Romans 4.67.8. Ob. Thisbleffednefle might belong to Abraham, and fuch as hce was, but not vnto mee3 and fuch as I am ? A. It was not written for his fake alone, that it was not imputed y but vnto vs alfo to whom it {hall not be imputed ^ if wee belceuc on him that raiftd vp lefus our Lord from the dead3 Rom. 4. 23.1 Tim .1.16. Oh. Many alas are theduties I might haue performed^ which I haue foolifo- ly omitted? kA. He will not reproue thee for tlryfa- crificeSjOr thy burnt offerings \to haue beem continually before him, Pfalm.5o.$. Ob. Multitudes of a&uall tranfgref. fions, alfo haue I committed 3fome of ignorance^or without obferuation, ma- ny whereof are out ofminde and for- gotten. A. Who can vndcrfiand hts err our s> Therefore fay vnto God, Cleanfethou, meefrom my feeret faults, (Pfalm .19.12.) For as the highprieft, vnder the Law went alone ^ence euery yeere, not without blood, J> 3 which $£ Iuftification by Ch R IS T< rv hich hi offered for himfelfeyandfor the er- rours of the people, (Hebr. 9.7. Leu. 4.2, ^.5.15, &c.) So CHRIST lefts by his ovm blood cntred into the holy place y hauing obtained eternall redemption for vsy Hebr.9.\i: Aft: 3.17.19. iTim.l. jyLttke 7.47 : ffalmc7%.aiQ. 41 : Acts 13.18; Ffil.7293Zmw. ob. But I haue finned alfo of knowledge, yea, prefumptuoufly, and with an high hand. ,; A. Come now , let vsreafin together f faith the JLO RD/ though your Jinn eg be as fcarlety they jhall bee as white as fnow7 though they bee red like crimfin, they jhall bee as woo 11, (Jfaiyi. 18.) For verily I fay vnto you, all manner of ftnncs and blafphtmies fhall be forgi- uen vnto men: CMath. 12. 3 1/ Leu. 5. 13.6.5. 6.7. Leu. 19.20,^.^^.7.47. 2Chro. l^.9,&c iTim.l.i.Aft.9^. 26. 9 , <£c. 1 Tim. 1.13,15 : Micah 7. lS.i9*Dwt.9.i9: W.15.13. ob. But I haue long liued in the pra- &ife of thefe horrible v/ickedneffes. A. As Iuftification by Ch r IS T. gp o^. As the Labourer working but one houre had his penny, (Mat. 20 .8.) And the thiefe on the CroiTe his para- dife, (Luke 2 3. 4 j .) So when the wic- ked man turned} away from his wicked- neffe that hee hath committed^ anddoeth that whichis lawfull and right, he jhdlfaue hisfoulc aline. Becaufe hee conftdereth and turneth away from all his tranfgrefsions that hee hath committed, hee fhall (ur&- ly Hue, hee fhall not dye .• E?ckicl r8*. 27.28. ob. Whatfoeuer you can fay to the contrary , my owne" con fciencetels mcr that I am no better then a condemned man. A. k^4s for the wickednejfe of the wic- ked £e fhall not fall thereby in the day that hee turneth from his wickcdneffe , (Ezechiel 3J. I2r) For when God faith vnto thee , Thou Jhalt furely dye> if thou turne from thy (inney and doe that whichis lawfull and right \&c. thou fh alt furely Hue , thou Jhalt not die^ &c. Ezek* 335i4.r5.1p. D4 &, IF 40 Iuftification by Christ. @£ If the Lord fhould pardon vs many thoufands of cimcs y yet {hall wee continue toprouoke him ftill I A. tMy little children^ tbefc things 1 write vntoyou that you fmne 'not : And if any man doe finne, wee ham an advocate with the Father, kfus Chrifl the righteous, and hee is the propitiation for all our finnes: {ihh.i. 2.) for who fe fake the Lord is flow to anger ^andflenti full in mercy ,(Pfal. 103. 8.) Long fuffering^ abounding in goodneffe and truth ^keeping mercy for thou- fands If or giuing iniquity jranfgrefsion^and finne^ (Exod.34. 6.) Vea^ for his names fake wttlhe dtf err c his anger $ and for his praife will he refraine from thee, that hee cut thee not off : ifa. 48.9: Pfal. 40.11 y 12: 86,5: Neh.9,i6^ejrc oh. There is no man liuing that will forgiue after this manner ; how then fhould I in the conference of fo much guiltinefle, dare to looke God in the face I A. Gods thoughts are not as your tho»gths y neythcr are his wayes your tvayes: For as the heauens Iuftification by Christ. 41 % ' . 1 . ■ .-,..,. . „. 1 . huucnsare higher then the earth^fo are his wayes higher then your wayesy and his thoughts, then your thoughts, (i/i.5'5-7,8,' p..) tot you fay, if a man put away his wife y and [fhe goe from him, and become another mans-^fhall he returne vnto her againe}fhall not the Land be greatly polluted* Notwith- ftanding^ though thou haft flayed the harlot with many louers, yet returne againe vnto mee faith the L ord : Jerem .3.1. ob. Butbefides ir.yfinne andguil- tincfle^my very righteoufncflesare but as filthy ragges, 1 fa, 64.6. A. Chrift [efus he was holy, harme- leffe, vndeftled^fepar ate from fmners .Beb . 7.26. And is the end of the Law for righ- teoufneffe vnto euery one that beleeueth t (Rom. 1 0.4.) For which caufey this is the name by which he was called, The Lord our righteounefji : Ier.3 3 .6- Math. 3 . 1 5 : Cant. 1.5 .• Zech.3.3&. ob. But the Law feemes to impofc a curfe vpon thofe that pcrforme not as well perfonall33s perfe&obedieiice vnto the fame .• Deut.2y.26. A. The ' _ . ■ J . .' ..-.-■ '-J I...-L.MI. ■ ■ — 41 Iuftificatioh byCH RIST. A. J he Law is not made for a righteous many but for the Laivlejfe anddifebcdient* For the vngod/y and prop hane for murthc- rers offathcrs^fir mart her ers of mother s^ for man-flayers, J or them that defile them- /elaeswith mankind • for man-Jlcalcrs ,for fyarsyfor periured perfins , and if 'there bea- ny other things that is contrary to found Doclrine 1 Tim .1.9. J^Thcfc rhings were good indeed if my heart could be dra wne to belceuc them. A. Chrift lefus beeing attended vp vnto the Father, will fend the Comfor- ter vntoyou. And when he is come ^htwiH convince yon of rirhteoufncjfe ; and that vpon this ground ; BecAufi he goeth vn- to the Father ^ and you pdt fee him no more.'ioh.l6%y. jg^ What is our wot kc wee haue to doe for the furthering and procu. singof ourownciuftification > A. This is theworke of God , thatyee heleeue on him whom hce hath fent^ {I oh. 6. 29.) And the tuft /ball lint by faith, H*b.%A. For Iuftification by Christ. 43 For what faith the Scripture f Abra-< ham beleeued GOD, and it was accounted { *vmo him for righteoufnejje. Rom. 4.5. jj Galathians}.6.8. lames 2. 23. Rom. 3 V 21.22 For the Scripture fore feeing that GOD would iujlife the Gentiles through faithy preached before the GofpeRvnto Abraham, faying, In thee (hail all the Gentiles (being in themfelues full of all vnrighteoufneffe : Rom«i. 29. ) '.he hlcjfed: Gdl.3.8. oh. But was not Abraham our Fa- ther iufified by workes 3 when hee had offered Ifaac his Sonne vpm the -Altar, (lames 2. 21.) And will you heerein (6 include faith, as wholly to exclude workes? James 2.24. A. By workes Abraham was mani- fcjled,but not made iuft ; lames 2.18. Moreouer, that n$ wan is iufiified by the Law 5 it is euident for the iuft {halt Hue by Faith, (Galathians $.HJ And when wee were yet of no firengthy CHRIST dyed fir the vngodly, {Romanes 5« 6») todecUrc at this time his* 44 Iuftification by Ch R 1 5 T . his right eoufnefe that he might be tuft, and aiuflifier of him which beleeueth in lefut, {Rom. 3.26.) By whom all that beleeue are inftifed from all things, from which they could not bee tuft i fed by the Law of Mofes , (Afts 13.39 .) And to him that rvorketh not , but beleeueth in him thatiu- flifieththe vngodly, his faith is accounted *unto him for righteoufnejfe, Rom, 4. 5 . Moreoueiy^ Law is weake through the fief})) {Rom. 8.3J And all hatting finned (Rom. 3.2 5.) by the Law comes the know- ledge of Jinne, (Rom.1.20.) WhcrcbyjS many as are of the workes of the Law, are vnder the curfe. Gal. 3.10. Whereupon the G entiles which follow- ed not right eoufnes ,haue attained to righte- oufnes ; euen tfo righteoufneffe which is of faith. But ifrael which followed after the Law ofrighteoufnes, hath not attained the Law ofrighteoufnes ,wherefore>becaufe they fought it not by fifth ; but as it were by the workes of the Law : For they fumbled at %he fumbling ftonc, (Rom. 9. 30.) And if Abraham wereiuftifedby workes, he hath where- Iuftification by Christ. 45 whereof to glorie, but not before GODy Rom. 4.2. Seeing then it is one God, which Jh all iufiifie thecircumcifion by faith ^andvncir* cumcifion through faith, {Rom. 3.30.) Therefore wee conclude, that a man is iufli- fied by faith without the deeds of the Law: Rom. 5.28 ; 1 Gor.$./\ : Rom^^zi^zz. Gal.2.\6: Ob. But there rofe ; "c Gal. 1 ■ ■ ' ^^»— ' — — — — ^ 48 Iuftificationby Christ. {Gal. 217.) Tou therefore are as free ^nd not vfwg your liberty for a clokeofmalici- cufneffe> but astbeferuantsofGod,(i Pet. 2 . 1 6m)But if ye are lead by tbefpiritye Are rot vnder the Law^GaL*}. 18.) The fruits whcrcof> is loue, io% peace ^ long-fuffcring^ gentlense,goodnesj'aithfneeknesjeferance'y agatnftfuch there is ho Law: Gal^.ii. £1^ You haue well fatisfied me in the article of iuftificatiorijtell me therefore what vfe I am to make thereof J A. 1 Let the wicked for fake his WAyyAni the unrighteous man his thoughts , And let him returne vnto the Lord 7 for hee mil haue mere) if en him^ and to our God$ for hee will abundantly pardon, (iffi'S^y.) and will blot out thetrjinnes9 when the time ofrefrefhingjballcome: Affs $.19. . But if they will not obey his voyce, let them beware of him $ for hee will not pardon their tranfgrefiions y ( Bxo. 23.21./ But thefoule that doth prefumptuoujh flaU he cut ojfjrom among his people 1 Numbers 2. 7 'ake vnto y oh words, and turne vn- to The vfe of luftifkacion. 49 to the Lord \and fay vnto him « Take away all iniquity, and receiue vs gracioufly^ (Hofea 14,2.) pardon lbefeech theemine iniquities according to the great ne(fe of thy mercial Numb^. 19.) Andcntcrnetin* toiudgement with thy feruant^ for tn thy fight Jhall no man lining be iujlified. Pfat. 143.2.^^.25,1!, 3 Eecaufe when you haue thus praied, the^lord wil faj J haue pardoned according to thy wsrds^ Num. 14.20 cherfore^^^ the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is flentifull redemption* Pfal.i3o.7: 151.3. 4 Say, Who is a Godlike vnto thee, that parfoneth iniquity, and f apt h by the tranf grefions of the remnant of his herttagO he rettinethnot his anger for emr> becaufe k deltghtethin mercy, Micah7.i8efr.//i.44.2j. 5 Say, Who (hall lay any thing to tie charge of Cods childrenm is Godt Ct iufii^ fieth,who is he that condemnethllt is Chrifi that is dead, yea rather that is r if engine who is euenat the rifht hand of Go%Me at E J \ r. 5<> The vfc cfiuftification. ~ ftmskctb interctfsmftrvsJRom 8-330 Jftr in the Lordjhall the feed oflfraelbe m- 6 Account therefore all things bat lojje for the excellent kmwledge ofChrifi le(ua your Lord. For whom Paul 3K0 fifftred thelofle of allthi,^s, ad did account them M dmg - that he might winnt Cbtfi 5 and be foundmhim, nothamnghisownertgh- trnfrcf which is of the Law I f* '*£ Mis through the faith ofchnft,the riohuo»fnc$c»hichisof GOD through futh:Phil.^-9-Mdl^&c J 7 Stand faft therefore in the liberty tvherewithchnjl bath madejou free and be mi mtangled againcw the yoke of bon- dage : Gal.^A. 8 What fhall wee fay then; jhall wee 'continue JIM in fane, that Z«™ ™%% bound* Udforhid^m. 6 .1,2.) And fall rvcefinne becaufewe are not -under the Law, JvndtLme ? God forbid J 22. Math.1%.33. Chap.VL ^conciliation. ^VOuhauing thus difpatched the A promife of iuftificati0n> tell me what grace is that which doth next and immediately flow from it I A. Seeing iuflified by faith, weehaut feace towards God, through our Lor die f pis Chrift^ (Rom. 5. 1.) Who is our peace, and hath broke dowr/c the middle wall ofpartL E 2 tion 52 Reconciliation by Christ. tion betweenevs, hatting abolifhed in his flefb the enmity juen the Law ofcommande- menis, contained in ordinances > fa to make U hmfdfc one new man, andfo making peace ^ Eph.2 .14. whereby in Chrifi lefts ^ we who fometimes were fane off y are made nigh by the blood of Chrifi : and by him we haueanaccejjeby onefpiritvnto the Father. Ephef. 2.13. Col. 2 Cor.$.\9. iTim.2.5iija.26.3-'i7.4.iThcf.3.i6. £1^ May not this peace and agree- ment once rnade5 beagaine loft ? A. Peace I leaue with you , my peace I giuevnto you\ not as the world giueth it ^ giae I vnto you } (lob. 14.27. ) For this is as the waters tf/Noah; for as I kauefworne that the waters of Noahfhrwldnomwego oner the earth 5 fi haue I fworne^ that I Witt not be wroth with thce^ nor rebuke thee : for the mountatnes fhall depart , and the hils fhall he remoued^ but my kindnejfe fhall not depart from thety neither (hall the couenmt of my peace be remooued3faith tin Lord that hath mercy on thee : I fa. 54.? 'Numb, ,25.12 1 fa. $.7, Phil. ^7. Q What Peace and Ioy. 53 g^ What other graee hath this peace with God attending it I A. Ioy in the holy GhoJly(Rom.j^.i/.) whereby the meekefhaliioy in the Lord, and the pore among menjhallreioyce in the ho- ly one of I fr ad ^ (Ifk.29.19.) And Jh all be full of toy with his countenance) {Act. 2. 28.J Andbefatisfied as with marrow ^and fatnejfe : PfaL 63.5. By mcancs whereof fob had fongs in the mght, (lob 3 5. 1 o .) And Dauid was made exceeding glad with Gods counte- nance^Pfal. 21. 6; ?{ehe. 12.43.- P/4/.33. 21: /er.4.2:P/d/.io4.34: loh.15.mi7. li:PsaL%9.l^lfa:6^.l%.Acis%.i9:l$. 34.i3.52.P/rf.4.7.//lp.3. SU What follovveth vpon this our peace and ioy in God ? A. 1 Peace with men. For then Jha/l they beat their [words into plowJIhtresy and their ffeares into pruning hookes 5 nation Jhal not lift vpfwordagainft nation ^either Jhallthey learne wane any more, //i.2.4. The wolfi Jhal dwell with the lamb, And the leopard fh all lie downe with the hd^andthe . E 3 wife* 54 Peace and Ioy. calfe,and the young lyon and the fat ling to- gether,and a little child fhall lead them J fa. 11.6 '. The hatred of Ephaim (hall depart , and the aduerfaries of ludah (hall becut off. Ephraim Jhall not enuy ludah, neither (haS ludah vex Ephraim : ifa. 1 1 . 1 J . 65 • 2 5 . Micha.4.1 . Zech.^io. Gen. 21.27. Zech. p.ia.lfa 66. 12. 2 Peace with all other creatures. For they are at league with theftones of the field, and the be aft s of the field, they art at peace with them : lob. 5.2 3. , Becatife God hath eftablijhed his coue- nant w^them, and with their feed after them, and with euery lining creature • of thefowleyofthecattelly and of euery bcaft of the earth j (Gen. 9. 9.) and with the creeping things of the ground, (Hofea 2.18.) And the fear c of them > and the dread of 'them , Jhall bee vpon euery beaft of the earth, vpon euery fowle of the ayrejvpon all that moueth vpon the eartby& vpo al the fifties of the fca; into their hand are they ddiuered:Gen.g.z. ob. You tell me of peace and roy^but behold trouble and forrow \ ler. 4.1 o. A. Peace and Ioy. 55 A. Tou now haue farrow J?m your hearts Jhall reioyce^ and pur ioy fha/I no man take from you,Ioh*i6 .22 Tor light is fownefor the righteous, &'wj for the v fright in hart* Pf.975. ob. This belonged vnto Abraham, and to his feed, but not to the iinncrs oi: the Gentiles. A. If you be Chrijlsythen are you Abra- h&msfeede, and heyres according to fro- mife Adoption. 5 9 wife gal. 3.29.?{either becaufe they are the feed of Abraham ,are they all children; but in Ifaac flail thy feed be called \ that is, they which are the children of the flelh, they are not the children of God, but the children of the promife are counted for the (cede : Rom^.j. Tfyrv wee brethren, as Ifaac was, are the children of promt fefial^. 28.3.7 ] ^-3. 6.1.2AO: Luk.l9.9:Mat.7>.9-'Ioh.%.'}9. qj.Hef$: ifa&.i. ob. This priuiSedge may conccrne fome great perfonages of rhe Gentiles, but not fuch abieft, anddifpifedper- fonsaslam. A. Hearken my behued brethren, hath not God chofen the pore of this world, rich in fait h^ and heir es of the Kingdomc which he hath promt fed to them that loue him^ lames 2.5". F or you fee your calling, how that not many wife men after the flefh , nor many mighty, nor many noble are called; but God hath chofen the fooltjh things of the , world to confound thewife7 and God hath chofen 60 Adoption, and chofen the weake things of the world, to confound the things that are mighty ; and hafe things of the world \ and things which are def fifed hath God chofen^ yea, things which are not^ to bring to nought things that are^ that no fefhfhould glory in his fre fence : i Cor. 1.26. lfa.66.2. Ob. If I could doe fome thing wor- thy of fuch a reward, there were then fpme hope. A. God hath called vs, not according to workeSybnt according to his own pttrpofaand grace whteh wasgiuen vs in Chrifl lefts ^ before the world vegan , z$ Tim. 1.9. For the -promtfemade to Abraham, that hejhould be the hey re of the world, wa; not to A- braham and his (ced through the Lawjbnt through the righteoufneffe of faith : For if they which are of the Law be hetres^ faith is made voyd, & the promife made of none ef- fecl?Ko.4..i$Al.t)>LHk.\'?.7.Tit.3.'}.4. oh. Notwithftanding,i: will not out of my mindebu: tbac i: is my well do- ing (if at all) that muft enter mee into thiseftatc. jkcmetztien by Car ist , 6t 4>* Thistxrfoa&z tommith wt of him th*t cdkzk ycu3 (GW^.S.y ferGtdtznl joorth hn Sonne^ wad? of a mmaa3 made vnder the Law to redeem e them that are *vnder the Lawjhat we might receiue the a- doption ofSonnes, Gal.^.^.%. And there- fore tell me^ you that defire to he with all things that therein is. Only the Lord hath a delight in vs3& hath chofenvs about alfeo- fle^s it is this day :Z>om 0,14* lfi.6o.zi. Fom.ii.]. Ob.Casi 6z Regeneration bv CHRIST. Ob. Can it bee imagined that men inftamped with the diuels image, fhould become the children of God I A, No : For there are alfoginen vn- to vs, great and precious promifes^ that by thefeye might be partakers of the diuint na- turey hauing escaped the corruption that is in the world through lujl^ (2 Pet. 1.4.) Wherby we haueput off the oldman with his deeds 3 andhaue put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge, after the image of him that created vs, C 0I.3 .9 . And are changed into the fame image 3 from glo- ry,to glory : 2Cor.$.lP. i?. What are the caufes by which this Image of God is wrought in vs > A,\ Principall efficient,^ Spirit of the Lord^ (2 Cor. 3,18.) For we are borne not of Hood , nor of the will of theflefl), nor of the willofmAn^ but of God, (loh. 1.I3.; That which is borne oftbcflefhfs'flejli ; and that which is borne of the Spirit, is Spirit : loh.y6.%. Tit. 3 .5. 2 Inikumental^the word.For of his ownc will begat hee vs with the word of truth. Regeneration by Ch R 1ST. 6$ truth, that wefoouldbe a kind of fir ft fruits of his creatures, (lames 1 .18.) Being borne againe, not of corruptible feed, hut of incor- ruptible,by the mrd of God, which lirnth and abide th for euer : J Pet. 1 .23 . 3 Miniftring;the Preachers who do beget vs by the Gofpell, ( 1 Corinth. 4. 15.) And doetraucll in birth vntill chriflbee formed in vs: Gal.^.i?: ljk*66*&: 1 Cor. 9. 1.*. Sib ^ow may we know our felues to hauethis image and fo to be the chil- dren of God ? A. By thefe markes,iiw know that we are of God-, when yet the whole world lyethinwickedneffe : 1 loh.^.\$. 1 God himfelfe hathfealed vs, and hathgiuen the earneji of the [fir it in our ■hearts, (2 Cor* 1. 22.) which fpirit beareth witneffe with our ffirits that wee are the children of God : Rom .8.16. 2 Heethatbelecuethon the Sonne, hath the witneffe in himfelfe, that hee h borne of God:-i 7^. 3 He that i s ofGodfoareth Gods word, lok%. 6df Re generation by Christ. John 8.4.7. K^ind as new borne babes , dee defire that fine ere mi Ike of the Word^ that he may grow thereby : 1 Peter 2.2. 4 tfj01* \&W* tb*t hee ts righteous 3 you knew ^euery one that doth rightequfneffe yis borne of him, ( 1 John 2 . 1 9 . ) And being new borne 3 hee doth net commit fmne^be- cauje his feed remaineth in him, and he can. mtfnne becaufe hee ts borne of God. In thii therefore are the children of God knowne, and the children of the dwell \ whofoeucr doth not right eoufly is not of God ^ 1 loh.3. 9. 3 Bfift. ii; Rom.%.14.. 5 LoueisofGod^ andeuery one that lo- ucth ts borne of God, and knoweth God : 1 Iohn 4,7. 6 Bleffedare thtpeacc-makerS) for they fhdl be called the children ofGod.Mat^ .9 . But if you haue bitter enuying^ and f rife in your he arts, glory not^and Ije not again f the truth J (lames 3.14.) For your fpotts not the (pot of his children t, they that are fttch, art a crooked and peruerp generation - Deut.ii.*)- Hofeai.9: Deut.32. 32,33. i>£*8. 44-' Jfo- 57*3- £. What Vfeof adoption. j£^ What may this priuiledge of being the children if God teach vs> A.i To pray that the eyes of your tinder- Jl finding being inlightnedje may know what is the hop of his calling, and what the riches oft he glorj of his inheritance is tn the Saints^ and what is the exceding great- nejfe of his power to vfward who beleeuey According to the working of his might) f ww- er:pphefi.i8. 2 To call no man your father on earthy for one is your father in heauen, (Mdth.23. 9 .) But he yee followers of God as deare children : For )ce were once darkneffe, now are yee light in the Lord> walke as children of the light, ( Ephe f. 5. i.S.) And let your litjht fo fhine before men* that they may fee your good workes, andglorifie your Father which is in heauen : ^Matk* 5.16; Mai. 1 . 6: 1 Pet. 1.1 7. Ephe fa. 30. 3 To looke diligently that there be no pro- phaine perfon,as was Efou.-whofor a worfd ofmeatefoitld his birth-right ± for you know how that afterwards, when he would ham inherited t he bleftin? he wasreiecled: For ifi.* 66 Godsdifpoficion bee founa no place of repentance, though hee fought it carefully with t ear es : HcbrAi. 15.15.^^.25.32. • Hofea$. 3, Chap. VIII. Gods difpofition to his children. j£. *\p$ Hy3what is the difpofitioH of this our Father toward vs? A. 1 When he faffed by thee ^and looked t'fon thee^ behold thy time was the time of lone, ( Ezeck. 1 6 .3 .) For the Father him* Jelfe loueth you^ (Ioh. 16. 2 7. ) Which Joue of his was hcerein manifefted^ be- taufehecfenthis onely begotten Sonne into the Worlds that you might Hue through him: I Ioh. 4.?. Thus the Lord loueth the righteous , (Pfalm.i/\.6t$.) But the wicked y and him that loueth vioience^ his foule hateth: Pfal. 1 1.5: Prou. 8.1/' 15.9: Iohniq.H: I Or.8.3. Rom.^.Z. 1 Ioh.$;\6.l'$.9Joh. Il.l6:DaHAo.ll:/oh.\7,26:Ho[.l4.$. 2 He cfteemeth of vs : For the Lords portion to his children. 6j portion is his people, Jacob the lot of bis in- heritance, {Dent. $2.9: lercm.io.\6; Pfai I32«I3; 135..4O EueQ A cbofin genera- tion ^ a royallPriefihood> a holy nation, a pe- culiar people, 1 Peter. 2^9: Reu. 1.5,5,10. A crown: of glory in the band of the Lord, a Roull diadem in tbe hand of their God, (lfa.61.3.) whereby as one inacertaine place faith, fofay I, Lord \w hat is man that thou artfo mindfullofhim,or thefonm of man, that thou makeji account of him \ Hcb*2.6.Pfxliq\.ylob 7»t7:ExoA9^* Bent. 14.2 1 Pet.24Pjalm.tf.i2:Jfa. 4*. 1 6. Pro, ,20. 15. 3 The Lord taketh pleafure in bjs peo- ple, Pfal.149-q.Hc will reioyceouer them withioy, hec will reft in his loue, hee will ioy oner them with fwging: Zeph .3.17 '. For faith Chrift to his Church,' thou art beautifull my lone, , as Tirza, comely as ltrulalemjerrible,as an Army with ban- ners. Turne away thine eyes from mec ; for they haueouer come mee. Cant*6.q. Behold, thou 'art fair e my beloued, yea, pleafant, alfoourbedisareene,(Canta .16. 68 Gods difpofition ■ ■ — - - - . . — ?hm haft rautfhed my heartjny fifter, my fpeufejhou haft rauifhedmy heart jvith one of thine eyes > with one chaineof thynecke. how f aire is thy loue my fifter^ myfpoufe ? how much better is thy loue than wine^ and t he fine fl of thine ointments than afljpices > Thy lips, O my fpottfe, drop as the hony combe fjony an d mi Ikz are vnder thy tongue 3 and ile fine 11 of thy garment js like thefmell o{Lebanon.Ca?it.$.9: 4.7.2 \6\Pfal^m ii; Zfr.3T.20. Thus as the bridgrome reioyceth ouer the bride* fio ft all thy Godreioyce oyer thee, jfa. 62.5- J fa. 62.4. 5.7. Hofed9. 10. Pfalme 147. tl: Pro.15. 26. Contrarily , the thoughts of the wicked are abomination to the Lord, (Pro A 5.26.) p or hec is not a God that taketh flea fare iff wickedncjfe, neither [hall euill dwell with him : P(alm.$.$: Prou. 26. i\: 15-8. ffalm.106.19: Amos 6.8: P [aim. 7%. 59. Jtiuit '.26.30. 4 He hath a tender care ouer them ; F$r fofhall feed his flccke like a jheef heard, be fhdl gather his lambs with his arme^and carry tohischildrcn. 69 carry them inhisbvfomey and flail gently lead thofe that are with young, (Ifa^o.i 1 .) k^As an eagle fiirreth vp her nejl yfluttereth ouer her young ^fpreadeth abroad her wings, taketh themy beareth them on her wings ^ fi the Lord alone leadeth his people, and there is nojlrange God with himy (Dw.3 2. 11.) AndthclandaXfo which they pojl fejfe, is a land which the Lord their Godca- rethjor ; the eyes of the Lord, their God is alwaiesvponitfrom the beginningofthe yeere3 euen vnto the end of the yeere: Deut. 11.11,12: 1 Peter^j.'HeJeaii.s- Cant. z.6m Moreouer, as a father pittieh his chil- dren y fo the Lord pittieth them that feare him. Forhee knoweth their frame , heere- membreth that they arebutdufi: P/4/.103. 13-2 Kings 13. 4.13. 23. 2 14.25,27. /*#; 26.14, 15. Zech. 2.8. Math. 6.25. 34. S^ May not this loue of God, and of Chrift be through temptation ex tin- guiftied ? A. Many waters cannot quench louey F 3 neither 70 The Church her delight neither cm the flood* dfownc it. if a man would gine allthefubfidnce of his houfefor Uuejt would 'vtterlybe contemned: Cant. 8.7- Who then (ball feparate vs from the hue ofChrifl? C^w.8.35.) He is our God for eaer,avdeuer.Pfil4$ . 14 . JjIj What fhould this loucof Chrift teach vs ? A. A mutuall defire after Chrift, and delight in him faying .• Lord lift vp the light of thy countenance^ (Pftl.4.6.) and caufe thy face to foine vpon vs , (Pfalm .67.1.) Sctvsds a pale vpon thine hearths afeale vpon thine ar me £ ant &> 6. Let him kijje mce with the kiffes of his mouth • for thy hue is better than wine. Draw mees wee will rmne after thee, wee mil be glad and reioyce in thee 5 wee will remember thy hue more than wim^ (Cant. 1-2.4.) And our foule flbaU follow hard after thee :pftl.6$. 8.132.3: Cant.S.i. ^A^.374. For all thy garments fmellofmirrhyand aloes, andcafsta^ ontoftheyutrrypalUccs^ whereby inCHRiST whereby the] haue made thee glad, (Pfal. 45.8.) while the king fittet hat his table, my fpknard fendethfoorth thtfmell there- of. kA bunddleofmirrh is my wdbehued vntomee, heejhall lie all night betwixt my breafts\ my helmed is vnto mee, as a clu- Jter of Camfhire in the vineyards ofEnge- die. (Cant .i.ii.) And as theaple tree, among the trees of the mod, fo is my belo- ved among thefomes. (Cant. 2.3.) Thou art fairer than the children ofmen^ grace is fowed into thy lip. (Pfal. 45. 2.) Thy mouth is mo(ifweete,yea thou art altogether lonely. (Cant .5.16.) Therefore my belo- ued is mine and I am his, (Cant .2 .i6.)Ifate downe vnder hisjhadow with great delight ', and his fruitewasjweeteto my tajle. Hee brought meeto the banquetting honfe,and his banner ouer mee was km. Stay me with fldgons, comfort met with aples, for I am fickeofloue: Cant. 2. 3. Awake O North-winde, and come thou South, blow vpon my garden, that theffi- ees thereof may flow out. Let my beloued come into his garden, andeatehufUafant f 4 fruitc: yz The Church her delight » - ii ■ ■ ■ » ■ - i ■ .... ■ '»■ ■ i i I u fruite' Cant.4.i6:loh. 3.29-1 C0r.16.2z* 2 Thou muft for him for fake thine own people ,andthy fathers houfe^Pfal.^j . 1 o J Euen as Leuy , whofaidvnto his Father, and to hts Mother, I haue not feene him, neither did hee acknowledge his brethren, nor know his own children:Dett.33.9:Mar. J o.2?.£#£. 14. 26.33:17. 31.Heb.10. 34.. gj But where is Chrift this our be- loued to bee found > C4n.i,j. A. Where two or three are gathered toge- ther in his name, there is hee in the mid ft of them, ( Math. 18. 20.) Therefore*/ ibouknowfl not (Othoufaireft among wo- men) goe thy way foorth by the foot efiefs of tkeflocke, andfeede thy kidies befides the Jheepheards tents: Cant • 1.8. Afts 10.6. Chap- IX. Of Gods hearing Prayers. SUtfSJ Hat are the fruits of Gods Fa- therly difpotion towards vs his people? A. One God heareth prayer. 75 A. One is that thou [halt make thj prayer vnto him, and bee Jh all hca re thee, (Iob22.2j.) In an acceptable time, andtn the day offaluation,(lfa./\9^ . )Thoujbah called the Lord fball fay > hecre 1 am, {I fa. 5 8. p. J t^At the voyce of thy cry, when hee (hall heareit> hee willanfrver thee,(Ifa,^ o. i$.) Ycsi,itJhallcome topaffe, that before ymcall hee will anfwer, and whiles you are yet /peaking, he will heare: lfa.65 . 2 4. Math.1819: lerem>%9*i2: loh'^io.Gen. 20.7. For in my diftrejfe I called vpon the Lord, andcryedvnto my God, hee heard my voice out of his Temple y and my cry came before him* euen into his earesy (pfal.iS.6.) And whiLs Daniel wasfpeaking in prayer, the man Gabriel came vnto him,c*faid at the beginning of thy fuppicationsjhe comandc- ment came for thy and lam tome tofhew thee the vifion, (Dan.9. 20.) Andfo the Lord anfwer d the Angel ^praying for Icrufalem, with good words , and comfortable words : Zec.i.iy.Gen* 19.20,21; 20,17.24. 12, &c.Exod:i.2$:%.i2i&c. 12.30. $.&. " " ■! 74 God heareth prayer. io.ig.ij. 24, 2 j. 17.21. 32. p. 10. 33. 17.- Mm»£. 2i.<$37,8.- 14.19,20.- lofna io.ii' I S4/0. 1.27, 1 lT#irj;i 18.38: i Kings 1.9: 6-iJ» icbron 4.10: 2.20; 12.30.27. £zr* 8. 23: Pfal.6.$: lona.z. 10: Acts 4.31: 10. 4.12.5:15,25. //*£. 57. o£. I am fure there is no day where- in I doe mifle prayer, and yet I am ne- uertheneerc. A. Touaske, andreceiuemt^ kcaufi you aske amiffe flames 4.3 .) And your ini- quities banc tunned away tbefe things ^and ycurfmnes bane withheld good things : ler: 525. S^ What is then required of a man that he may pray aright,and with affu- rancc of being heard ? A. 1 Concerning the pcrfon: and firft that he be in Chrift ; who becaufc hec prayetb not for tie world, but for the fe the Father hatbgiuen him^ {John 17*9.) lfyee abide in him, aske what you mlUand itjhdllbe done vntoyou:loh 15.7. t That hce be righteous: the frayer 'f God heareth prayer. 75 of the righteouus ausileth much, (lames ? . 16. ) For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the righteous, and his eires are of en to their prayers, (iPtf.J.12. If ye regard wickednefft in your heart \ the Lord wttl not hear e you^Pfal.66 18.) But if your heart condemne you not, then may you haue confidence towards God, and whatfieuer you aske, you (hall receixccf himybecaufe you keepe his commandemwt: y and doe thofe things that arepleafing i„ fight ', 1 /***;. 21. Vox the Lord is far re from the wicked, but heeheareth the prayer of the righteous 9 {Prou.iyig.) The f ear e of the wicked tt {hall come vpon him, but the defire of the Righteous fhall be granted fro. 10. 24. Now becaufe in many things wee finae all, ( Ealef.7.20.) Whatpraier^and application foeuer be made by any man, or by all the people ifrael, which fhall know euery man the plague of his owne heart, then will God heare in heauen, his dweU ling place: 1 Kings 8. 38: Pfalme 145. %9>' Joh. I5.7: I.J, 22,CONTHA,/#tf.I<7. 14: 76 God hcarcth prayer, 7.14. Mich* 3,4. P>w. 1.24. 2i. ij. /m^?; 1 1. 7* 2 The thing wee pray for muft bee good. For they thatfeeke the Lord, flail want no good things (Pfalm.^.io.) For what man is there of you, whom if his fonnt aske breads will hegiue him afkone^ er if he dskeafijhywillhegitte himaferpemtlfye then being euill know how to giue good gifts to your children^ how much more jhalt your Father which is inheauen giue good things to them that aske him i Mat .7 .p. 3 The manner muft be according to Gods will. For this is the confidence that wee haue in him^ that if wee afke any thing according to his will, hee heareth v$: 1/06.5.14. JIZ*, what is then the will of God con- cerning the manner of prayer ; that fo praying wee may obtaine? A. 1 You muft aske in faith ^nothing wautrering) for hee that wauereth, is like a waue ofthifea^ driuen with the winde, and tiffed^ neither let not that manthinke, that God hearcth prayers . 77 that hejhallreceiueany thing of the Lord, (lames 1 .6.) ,But if thou doc commit thy way vnto the Lord, and trufi in htm, then [hall hee bring it to pajfe:Pfal:3J^. 2 In finceritic- For the Lord is nigh all them that call vpon him, to all that call vfo n him in truth: PfiL 145 . 1 8. 3 Prayer fhall bee auaileable if it bee feruent, (lames 5. 16.) 0fen thy mouth wide, and hee will fill it, (PfaL 81.10) Cry aloud, and hee fhall heart thy voyct, (Pfal. 55.I7.J Andifwithlacob thou wrajlle with Godt tho»a*a Prince (hilt haue power with God and man, and fhalt preuaile Gen* 32.26: Hofea 12.4. Exod.31. 10: Luke 11.5,^^.5.7. 4 Pray continually >(i 7^/5.17) euen cuery day 'faying; Giuevs this day our ddy bread, (Mat.6Ai.) and without ceo* fingy praying night and day ,(2 Tim. 1.3.) yea, euening md mornings and at mom when you pray, hee jhall heart thy voyct Pfalmcrf.ij. For Peter and lames and lohn with the tcR%cMtwMd withmt accord m prater, pud fit. 78 God hcarcth prayer. fupplicattony (Aflsii.4.) Andfuddcnly there came a found from he men, as of a rujh- ing mighty windejtohich filed all the houfe where they were fitting, ^nd thereof ea- red vnto them clouen tongues like as of fire, and it fate vpon each ofthem\ and they were all filled with the holy Ghojl 5 andbeganne to fpeake with other tongues as the Spirit gaue them vtterance : Att.iA . 9 . 2.3 . 5 , We muft fubmit our felues vnto Gods will for the fucceffe; as did Chrift,\vho praied/aying,0 my Father 3 ifitbepofsible, let this cup paffe from mee$ neuertheleffe^not as 1 will^ but as thou wilt, {MatJ\i6,^g.) and was heard in that hee feared? Heir. 5 . 7. 6. With, charity towards men. when yce ftand fraying^ forgiuei if you haue ctgbt again ft any-, that your Father alfo which is in heanen may forgiuc you £M ark* 1 1 .24.) For with what measure you mete, itjhallbe meafuredto you againe Mat. J a . 7 Weenmft doeall inthenameof Chrift.- For through him wee both haue an tccejfeby oneffirii vnto the Father > (Efh. 2, Gad hcarcth prayer. 79 2.1S.J h\ whofe name, whatfeeuer yee jlallaske the Father, that will he doe, that the Father may bee glorified in the Sonne : lohn 14.13. Oh. All thefe things I haueftriuen for in prayer jbuc 1 am fo cumbred with finne, as may iuftly moue the Lord to keepe good things from mee. A Elias was a man fubiett to the like pafion as we are, and hee prayed earnefily, that it might not raine, and tt rained not: lames 5. 17, ob. That might be but a chance. A. Hee frayed againe, and theheauens gaue raine, and the earth brought forth her increafe: lames 5.18. ob. But what is that to mee? A. This was written for the generate ons to come, (Pfal.102.1S.) And there is no difference bctweene the lew and the Greek e; for the fame Lord, ouer all, is rich vnto all that call vf on him, (Rom. 1 o .12. ) For whichjhall euery one that ts godly fray vnto him, in a time when hee may be found : pfalm&,6: Uhn 17*20. £.Whas So God heareth prayers. *b What arc the reafons of Gods hearing o\ir prayers I A. i Becaufehec is your Father? and knoweth what things you bane need of before jou, askehim, Math. <5.8: and j*9. 2 The Angellefthe coucnunt (tending At the altar ; hauing a golden cenfer, there wasgiuen vnto him much tneenfe, that hee Jhould offer it with thejrayers of all Saints vfon the golden altar jvhich was before the throne. And the f woke of the incenfe which came with the payers of the Saints, a fcended %f before God, out of the \^4ngels hand, Reuelat.%.3. For jet are not come vnto the mount? that might be tonched,andthat burned with fire,nor vnto blackenejfe anddarkeneffe^and tern f eft, and the found of a trumpet ?and the voice of words jvhicb voice, t he j that heard-, intreated that the word jhould not be fpoken vnto them any more : But yee are come to le/us the mediator of the new couenant? and to the blood of ffr inkling, thatfpeaketh bet^ ter things than that */Abeb Heb.12.1S. Which Iefus hath promifed that if we God hearcth prayer. Si we fball askethe Father any thing in his name^ that he mil fray vntothe Father for vs, (John 1 6. z 6.) By whofe prayers,our prayers alfo are fanc7ifed: Mat. 23,19. Jj^, Seeing God hatb thus promifed to heare our prayers, what in the fence of our wants muft wee doe ? A. Hauing therefore boldriejfe to en- ter into the holy place, by the blood of Ufa* by a new and liuing way, which he hath con- fecratedfir vs 3 through the vaile, that is to fay his flefh '-> and hauing an high Priejl, ouer the houfe of God, let vs draw neere, with a true hearty infullaffurance of faith, (Heb.io. 19 .) And be careful/ for nothing, but in euery thing by prayer 5 andfupflicati- on, with thankefgiuing, let your rqeuefts be made vnto God: PbiLq.6. Draw neere to God, and hee will draw neere to you, (lames q.S.) And come boldly to the throng of grace, that yec may obtainc mercy Jo find grace, to help in time of need- Heb.4.16: Mat. 7. 7: Luke 1 1.9.' 1 Tim.z. 8.- iAtf.2.4,a>/.4.2.7*£ 8 J:£f&/.<5-i$. ifa. £5.16; G 2 Say- 8z God hcarcth prayer. 2 Saying vnto God, heare the voice of my fupplicationy when I erie vnto thee, when I lift vp my hand towards thy holy oraelcy Pjal.i 8 .2 . Let the words of my mouth ^and the meditations of my heart, bee acceptable hi thy fight, O Lordmyfirengthy and my redeemer. Pfal. 19.14. 2{umb. 10.36. 1 King. 8.26.28,52.57. iChro. 4.10. Pfal., l30.i.i43.l.lfa.37.i7.Dan.9.i9-Mar. 14.36. oh. But I wanting a gift of prayer, how can I expeit that God fhould heare mce ? A. Ltkewifi alfojhefpirit will hrlpe your infirmities. For though wee know not how to pray, as wee ought 5 yet ihe fipirit it felft maketh inter ceffion for vs, with gronings^ which cannot be vttered.But he that fear ch- eth the hearts , kmweth whatistheminde ofthefpirity because he maketh inter ceffion for the Saints ^according to thewillofGod. Xom.8.26. JS^ When God hath heard our prai- ers, what is then to be done ? A. Say.. God hearcch prayer. 82 A. Say, J hue the Lord, becaufe he hath heard 'my voice, and 'my [applications; be* caufehee hath inclined bis eare vnto nice therefor e will 1 callvpon him aslon*as\ tiuc,P[aLu6.1. - / faidin mine haft, 1 am cut of from be- fore thine eyes-, neaerihcle[fe,thoa hear deft the voyce of my [application, when 1 cry ed v»tothee,(PfaL3U22t)inthe day when I cried \thou anfweredft me.andftrengthenedjl me withftrergth in myfoide, (pfil. 138,3,1 Tfou haftgiuen me the defire of my hem dnd haft not withdrawn from mee the re- qaeft of my lips : Pfal '21.2. 10. 17. Praife wattethfor thee in Sion, and vnto thee (hall the vow be perform ed. O thou. that hearefl prayers, vnto thee (hall *U fiejh come, (Pfal. 65. J.) Blefed be God which hath not turned away oar pray* er, nor his mercy from vs, P[aln>.66. 20 - Z?fof3-*o.Pfa!.66.i6,i7.Deut4.7. Gz Chap. fy . God acccpteth our Chap. X. God accepts his in their feruices. «2Jly\7Hat other fruite can you ▼ V fhewof Gods fatherly dif- pofition towards vs his children? A. He jha/l alfobe p leafed with thefts rrifce of righteoufrejfe, (Pfilm.^i.ip.) For thefe are good and acceptable in the fight of God) our Sauiour, (i Tim. 2.3.) And as an odor ofafweetfwtu: Phi^.i $ . For Noah built and altar, and the Lord fmeltafrveetfauour, (gen-S.io.) Morc- oucr, Godhadrcfpetfvnto Abel> and his offering, (Gen.44.) And fa (hall the offe- rings of Itidab and lerufalem beefleafant vnto the Lord, as in the dates of cldyandas in former yce? cs: Mal.5.4.: Judges 13*23. ob. 1 can performe no work worthy of Gods acceptance. A. J f there be firfi a willing minde, it u good workes 85 is accepted' according to that a man hathy and not according to that hee hath not^ (tCor.S.12.) As well as the widdow with her two mites* more than the risb, cafiing in of their abundance: Luke 2 1 . 1 . LMarke ia.44. Ob. O my Joule, thou haft [aid vnto the Lordy thou art my Lord, my goodnefft ex- tendeth not to tbec; but to the Saints • PJaim.i6>2. A. / was hungry 5 and you gauemee meatc, 1 was thirfty, and you gaue me drinke ? 1 was ajlranger, and you tooke mrc in • naked, and you clothed me: I wasfickey andyouvijitedme, Iwas in prifon^andyou came vnto me. For verily I fey vntoyou3 in as much as you haue done it, vnto one of the leajlofthefi my brethren, you haue done it vnto me, {Mat. 2 5-350 And whofifhall receiuebutfuch a little child \ receiueth me* Uath.\%^. j^ What may this teach vs > A. Therefore as liuingftones9 btting built vp afpirituall houfe, an holypriefi- hood^ let vs offer vpfpirituallfecrifice3 ac- G 3 'ceptable 86 God accepteth ceptabit to God, by lefus Chrifl. I Pet. 2 • 5 . Andto dot good, And to dtftribute , forget not\ becaufe with fnch facrifices God is wcllpleafed,{Heb.\^.i6.) For heetbAtin theft things ferueth Chrift, is acceptable to God, and Approuedofmen : /tew. 14.18. Col.3.17. 2 Cor .9. 7. ob. If God doe accept vs in our wel- doing3 whence then this complaint ? We haue fafted, And God feeth not 5 wet haue afflicled our foules , and hee taketh no knowledge? 1 fa. 58. 5. A. ;/ they did welUfwuU they not be accepted ? {Gen* 4. 7.) When they fajled andntourned,did they At all f aft vnto mtf Andwhen they did eat e and drink Jid 'they not eate for themfclucs, and drinke fir themfelucs? Zcch^.%. Behold* in the day of their faft,tbey find fleafare, and exact all their labours. Be. bold, they fajl for Jlrife and debate, andto finite with the ffl of wickednejf, (lfa- 5 8 . 4.) ihiv they haue brought an offering, and Jhouldl accept this at their hands, faith the Lor\o.) For ' * hec good workes. 89 hec is the great and mighty God ', the Lord ofhofiishis name, great in counfell, and mighty inworke ; for his eyes are opcnyvpon allthewayes ofthefons ofmenjogiueeuery one according to his wayes ,md according tt thefruite of his doings, (ler^ 2.18.) And doe runne to and fro, throughout the whole earth, to [hew himfelfefirong,in the hehalfc of them whofe heart is perfect towards him] zChrofi.i6.9''Pjal.in.5. ob. But may not God forget our weldoing ? A. God is not unrighteous to forget )0ur worke and labour of hue, which pe haueflnwed towards his name, in that yon haue miniftredt0 the Saints, and doe mini- fieri Heb.6.io. For he remembred his holypramifc, and Abraham hisferuant^PfaL 10542.) And wheat hey that feared the Lord,mdfpeake often one to another, the Lord hearhned,anH heard it, and a booke of remembrance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord* and that thought vpon his name dial. 3. 16^ Ob. I 90 God rcwardcch I haue waited long and ycc hsue no reward. . A. Yet bee not weary in welJoing, for in duefeafonyoufhall reafe} if you faint not: Gal 6.9. For how eucr the fonne of man be as one gone into a far re count reyy toreceine *vnto himfelfe a kingdome ; yet will he re- turne^ (Luke ip.i I.) And come in the glo- ry of his Father, with his Angels, and then- heefhall reward euery man according to his mrkes: Mat.16.2y. Therefore turne tkoutoib) Godjkcefe mercy y and judgement , and waite on thy God continually: Hof. 12. 6. Ob. As for works of mercy, wherein I doe part with my goods, the more good I doe for others, the leflegood remaines to my felfe. A. There is that ft mereth^ and yet in- treafithiThe liberal! foulefljall be made fat , and he that water eth, fhall be watered alfo himfelfe : (Prou . 1 1 . 2 4 .2 5 . ) Hee which foweth bountifully ^ flail reaft bountifully^ (z Cor. 9, 6*) Giuc pandit jhall begiuen vn- H 1 ~ . — ■ — goodworkcs. 91 *- ■ ' ..!«' to you, good mea fore, prejfed down fiaken t*- get her ^running mcr: Luke 6.3 8 ♦ For God is able to wake all grace to a- bound towards you^ that ou hailing fu ffct- eney in all things , may abound in cuery good wo* he. Asitiswnten, Hee hath differed abroad^ he hathgiuen to the pore , his ngh- teou/ne/fe remaineth for euer: z Cor. 9.8. ? '[aim. 112 9. 1 Kings lj.16.lfa.32. 8. Pjalme 41.1. Q. Why will God thus reward our weldoing in this kind \ A Becaufe the adminiftration of this far nice, not onely fupplieth the want of the Satnts ; but is abundant alfo by many thankejgiuing vnto God . whiles by the ex- periment of this minfteration^ they glorifie God, for your profcffed fubieciion vnto the GofpellofChrtft, and for your liber all di- stribution vnto them : 2 Cor.p.iz.Math* 5.16. ^ What is the vfc of this ? A. 1. To confute the feorner, for what man is he then 5 who drinketh vp fcorning like water which goeth in tthnpa- $% God rcwarckch nywtth the workers of iniquity >and wal^ keth with wicked men \ For hee faith it frofiteth a man nothing, that hee (hould delight himfelfe with Gody (lob 34. j.) And what profit is it, that we haue keft his Ordinances ,and that we haue walked mourn. fully before the Lord of ' hofts, which call the proude happie0 and fay 3 tbatfuch' as worke wickedneffe, are fet vp$ yeajhey that tempt God, are cuen Miner ed.SN 'here- asthey thatfeare mee, [ball be mine, faith the Lord of hofls, iv that day when I make vp my Jewels ; and I will ff are them, a* a manfpareth his ownefon thatferueth him. Then /hall ye retnrne, and difcerne betweqne the righteous and the wicked -, betweene him that ferueth God, and him that fer- ueth him not : Mal.^. 14. J he fore, hearken vnto mce yee men of vnderflanding ; far be it from God that hefhoulddoe wickedneffe, and from the Al- mighty that hee Jhould commit iniquity. For the worke of man jhall be render vn- to him, and can fe euery man to finde accor- ding to his waits: lob 3 4 , 1 o , Mai .2 .17. i Pray good work cs. p$ 2 Pray, faying 5 Remember me j Omy God, concerning this^ and wipe not out my good deedesy that I haue done for the houfe of my God^andfor the offices thereof :{Nch. 13.14.) Doe thou 0 Lord recommence my rvorkcSjAnd giue vnto mes a full reward: (Rut hi. 1 2 ,)And let thy mercy he vpon me, according as 1 hope in thee: Pfal. 33.22. 3 Beflrong therefore, and tet not your hands be weake • for your rvorke jhailbe re- warded : (2 Chron. 1 5 . 7.) And as entry man hath receiued the gift 5 euenfo minifter the fame one to another 5 as good Rewards oft he manifold grace ofGod:(i Pet ,4. 10,) Becaufe that for this thing the Lord thy God fhall blefje thee in all thy tvorkes, and in all that thou putteft thine hand vnto: (PwMf.io.) And fhall alfonr- com 'pence thee at the refurrcttion of the tuft: Luke 14.14. Dcut: 1^.29. Gat. 6.10. Ecclef ii.i. Hebrews 13.2. Colloff. 3.24. Prouj. 28. I Tim% 6. 17. ifi. J. 10. ^ Among other good works3fhew mee how the wo As &i charity muft be done, 1 ■ — ■^■^^^■■^■1 94 Gad rewardeth done, that fo I neither negle&ing the worke, nor faile in the manner of do- ing them, may bee fure not to faile of my reward ? A. Take heed,tbatyou doe not your almes before men to be feene oj them 5 otherwife you haue no reward of your Father which is in Beaucn : But when thou doefi thine dimes )&c* let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine almes may bee in ficret^ and thy Father which feeth infecret^ himfelfe jhall reward thee openly : Math. 6.1.16. And whatfoeuer you doe j doe it heartily sutotheLord^ and not vnto men^ knowing that of the Lord yet jhallreceiue the reward of the inheritance 5 foryeeferue the Lord Chrtfi • Col. 3.23- 2 Hee that receiueth a Prophet^ in the name of a Profhet^ jhall receiue a Pro- xies reward ; and he that receiueth a righ- teous man in the name of a righteous man7 (hall receiue a righteous mans reward. And whofoeuer fhall giue to drinke vnto one of thefe little ones a cuf of cold water ■, onely in the name ofaDifcifle^ verily* J fay vnto y$uy goodworkes. $5 y$us hee fhall in no wife lofe his reward: Math, 10.41. ob. I fee many in want, neither Pro- phets3 nor righteous men, but my e- nemies, and no louers of goodneffe 5 what in this cafe muft I doe ? A. if thine enemy be hungry, giue him bread to eate \and if he be thirft^giue him water to drinke • for thou [halt heap coles of fire vfou his head3 and the Lord fhall re- ward thee > (Prou.i1). 21 ) K_y4nd cafithy bread vfon waters y for thou fhalt finaeit after many daies : Ecclef. 1 1 . 1 ; Luke 6 .2 7 . i»/^/ .5.44. JP/S/.35. 13. 2 Sam. 1.11,12 Aclsn.6o. g^, What reward fliall bee to fuch, as are fruitlefle in good workes I A. As hee that giueth to the foore fhall mtlacke^ {o hee that hideth his eyes fhall haue many a curje : (Prou. 28.27.J And hee fhall haue iudgement without mercy , that Jheweth no mercy, lames 2,13. And therefore/^ yejvo be vnto the wic- ked^ it fhall be dl with him^ for the rewati. of his hands jhall be gimu him, (lfa.%*u.) 96 God will teach his For Ifayvnto yonjhatvnto cucry one which hdth-i jhall htgiuen -y and from him that hath not, euen that hec hath jhall he taken away from him : Luke 19,26. Preu . n . 2 5, 27.2i.i3.U.3i.i7-5'{/5[.2?.i. Chap, XIL Gddmll teach bis in their urates* Jl^S/tyHzt is the fourth priuiledge, God beftoweth vpon his chil- dren ? A. That hcc will inftruB and teach them in the way that they [houldgoe, and mil Guid them with his eye: (PfaL$ 2 . 8 . ) The meekc will he guide in judgement j the meeke will hee teach his way ; what man is hee that fear eth the Lord, him (l)all hee teach in the way that hee Jhall chcofe? (Pfal. 25.9.12.) ijdnd will he their guide euen vnto death : PfaL^S.i^.Mxo:^. 14. Gen. 46.4. 2iehe,9.10.Pfalm-[57.2$. loh.io. 3A- Thus the Lor died his people foorth by the in their waics. pj tltt right WAj^thAt they might gee H dCity of habitation y(Pfil. 1 07 .7.J And he brought them to the border of his fAnc7uariey which his right hand had furchafed : Pfalm.jS. 54. DttfX.31. Pfalm.jft^iJi. Exod. _ ob. Notwithftanding lam very fiib- ie A. x To pray, faying; y&w»«-t*y. ■ way OLord-, teach mee thy paths, hadme in thy truths and teach met -,for thou art the Godefmyfaluatton ; on thee doe I watte blithe day (Pfil.*54-) Leadmc 0 Lord inthi rightcoufnefje. btcaufiofmineene- nsies,make thy waies fir eight before my face: (tfdtJi S.)t^ndtflhaue found grace in thy fight, fiew mee now thy way, that J may know thee. Tor wherein [hall it be knowne hecre, that 1 haue found grace m thy fight ? , is it not in thatthoHg$eft with mee t Exod. ■33J:3.itf.P/i/.8<5.ii,»7'II-3I-3- 2 To ponder the pathes of 'thy fecte, that thy wayes may be orderea aright ,?ro. 4.2^ 3 In all thy wayes acknowledge him, and IbeJhalldirecJthfpathsirm.}^ . in their waics* 99 c^ When wee haue found God to be his words mafter in this, what is to bee done > A. Say 3 1 mil blcjfe the Lordw* ho hath giuen me com fell, my reines %tfo teach mee in the night feajon, {PfaL 16. 7.) Here Jlweth my foule^ hee leadeth mce in the fathes of right eoufnejfe* for his names fake'. (Pfilm. 2 1 .3.) For a mans goings being of the Lord, how can hee thenvn^erfand Aisorvnetvaies 5 Pr0.2o.24, Chap. XIIL The guard of Angels. 0£. "^jOtwithftanding, which way -L^l fo euef I goe, many dangers doe attend me. A. Therefore Gcd hath added ano- ther priuiledge ; for the Angels , of the Lord, Jhall incamfe round about theey t9 keefe thee in all thy tiaies^ they Jhall heart thee vf in their hands 3 that thou hurt net thy feot againft a/lm: (Pfal.9 i.u.) For "t ioo God will teach his are they not allminifir\ ing ffirits.fent forth to mmpr,for their fakes, which jhall bee leyres of faluation ? tf^r.z.14. Exodj*. " V Behold thtrcfore the mount aines full of horfes, and chariots of fre, round about Eliftia, 1Kings6.il. 1.19.5. Markei. 11. Luke 22.43. Gen.i9> 10. ASis 27.23. 5.19-, Q^ What vfe make you hereof ? A. Itadmonifteth the wicked, to ^ake heed they diffift not one of the leafi of Gods chUdre&a#/2 that in heauen their Angels doe alwayes behold the face of their Father which is in heauen: Math. 18.10. Chap. XIV. All things worke for good. Ob. I F God doe thus guide and guard 1 his children, whence is it,that fo many croffes do betide vs in our way e A ' From God^by whofc prouidcnce 9 wee All things work e for good, io i wee know that all things worke together for Good, to them that hue God> to them that are called according to hispurpofe : Eom.8 . 28. Q^ Will other mcnsjinnes in fee- king my hurt doe mee good I A. Yca3for how euerthey (as did the Brethren o{jofefh)thinkeeuill agatnft vsj yet God mcaneth it vntogood^as then, to briag to paffe, by faring much peopealiue Gen. 50.20. Jg^ Their finnes turned to the re- lieve of their bodies; but will my owne finnes3 turue to the good of my foulc ? A. Yea, For Oncfflmus departed for afcafon, that he might be received for euer^ not then as a (eruant> hut a brother^ heloued both intheflcjh) and in the Lord, Phile. 1 5 . Moreouer, through the foarpe contention of Paul, and Barnabas, whereby thtj departing afunder one from the other 5many were edified./**^ 15. 37. H 3 Chap. 102 Comfort againft death . Chap. XV. Comfort againft death. ob. TF thefe be the priuilcdges of the I Saints jVvhofoeuer then is iomdto all the linings there ishofe: (Ecclef.94.) But what man is hce that lineth, and $ all not fee death ? fhall hee deliucr his fotde from the hand of the gratte ? (Pfalm.S?. 48 J Is not the graue the houfe appoyn- ted for all theliuing ? (^30.23.) And will death alfo workc for our good > lob 34- *4- Bcclef 3.18. u.8.p. 10. 1 Kmgs2.io.A6ls 15.36. lohn 8*52. Gen- 3.19-2 S*w 3.38./^ 9 .25 .14.5 Pfa.90. 10. 103.15. 144.4. 39.12- 39.4,5, I Chron:i9^i<>. ////.40.6*. Prou: 19. 20. Numb125.iQ.48s 22 9. A. t>*f 4* indeed is not Lord ouer the Spirit^ to rztaine the Spirit, neither hath he po&tr Of the refiirre&ion. 103 - . II. ■: ] power iff the day of death : (Fccle/:8.8.J Yet the day of death is better than the day of ones birth , (Ecclcfj . 1 , ) For I heard a voycefrom heauen ^faying vnto mee^ write; Blejjedare the dead which dye in the Lord, from hence foorth, yea faith theSpirilT that they may rejlfrom their labour s;{Re tie I. 14. I J .) For the wicked hane there ceafedfrom their tyranny , and there they that laboured valiantly are at refl: T he pr i finer s reft to- gether J and he are ncrt the voyecoftheopprcf. four ^and the feruant is free from hit maftxr.z (lob 3.17.) Peace Jhall then come^ 'they fball reft in their beds , euery one that wal- keth before him . //£. 5 7 . 2 . 2 Though they die, yet their works- die not ; but doe follow them : (ReueLtq. 13.) And when the wkked by death are driuen away in his wickedneffe^jQt therigk- teens hath hope in his death : Prott.iq.3 2 • Rom : 14.8. Prou: II .7. g. Why can thefc dead bones line? Ezech.37.3. A. Thy dead men (ball Hue together, with my dead body jhall they arifi : (I fa: 2 6 1 9 •) #4 For 104 Ofthc rcfarre&ion. Forfince by man came death, by man came the re furred ion of the dead-- And as in Adam atldye^fo in Chriftjhall all be made dliue- (iOrij.2i,) And therefore we haue hope towards God yt hat the refer reel ton (hall be of the iuft, ani vniufl t Alls 24. 15. Ezech.3J.<). Pfalm.po.}. J£. There is no article of fe/th3 doth more ftagger mec? than this of the re- forrecHon 5 and therefore I pray helpe toconfirmemein it. A. Mcruaile not at this ; for the houre is comming y in the which all that are in the graues /hall Irare his voyce^ and fo all come forth. John 5 .28. 2{orv that the dead are raifidvj/, en en Mofes flmveth at the bufh, when he cal/eth the Lord J he God ^ Abraham, the God of Ifaack, and the Godoftecob • forheets mt the Godofthedcady but of the lining ; for all Hue vnto him : Luke 20.3 7. Why then thou Id it bethought an mere, dible thing with you, that Godfhould raife the dendl i^4c7sz6$. J2^ Make die certainty of the re- fur- Of the refarrcdtion. 105 furrcftion further to appeare5by feme examples of fuch as haucbeene railed vpfrom the dead. A. The forme of the Shunamite be- ing dead, was by the Prophet Eli/ha, reftorcd \sito his mother aliue: 2 Kings 4.32. A dead man alfo being let dowm in- to the fefulcherof Eliflin , h e retimed, and flood vpon his feet. (2 Kings 13.2 \.) And when Chrift with a loudz voyce^ faid, vn- to Laiarus arife and come forth ^ then he that was deady came forth bouni hand and foot^mth the gram clothes ■ (lohn 11.43*) Likewifc at the death of Chrift, ths graues were opened, and many of the bodies of the Saints tvhichjlc.pt, arofe and came out of the graues after hts re furreclion, and went into the holy Citty, and appeared vnto many 1 (Math. 27. 5 2.) Remember alfo that lefus Chrift^ made of the feed of D a VI d ^ was raifed againc from the dead- according to my Gofpeil : 2 Tim. 2 . 8 . %(ow if Chrift be preached that bee rofe from the deadjjow (ayfome among )0Uzthat there is m refurreclion from the dead? iCon i os Of the refurre&ion. 1 Cor.iy 12. 1. 1 5.4. Acls 1040. Reuel. 1.18.^/13.30. Gal.l.l. Ads 26.2$. J^ What doth it concerne me^that Chrift is raifed from the dead I A. Very much , for Cbrifi being r/- fenfrom the dead, is bee owe the firjlfruites of them that fleepe,(i Cor. 15.20.) And this is afatthfull faying, that if we be dead with him, we fhallalfo Hue with him ^2 Tim* 2.11. Tor God that hath raifed vp the Lord, will raife vp vs by his owne power, (1 Ccr.6.\^.) who by him doe beleeue in Gody that raifed him vpfrom the dead, and gam him glory that your faith and hope , might be in God : 1 Pet.i. 21.2 Coring. x^.Rom^.n* Ob* But death is called the King of terrours : {lob. 18. 14.) who then can ouercome it ? A. lam /faith Chrift) the refurreclion and the life, he that beleeueth in me, though hee were dead, yet fhallhee Hue, (John 1 1 . 2 J.) 1 willranfome them from the fewer ofthegraue,! wiffrede&mc them from death. *Ae*tkt I mil be thy plague! Ogrdtte, 1 will Of the refiirre&ion. 107 will bethydeflruBion^ ! The fling of death isfinne^andtheflrenph of fin is the Law 5 hut thankes be to Godt which hathgiuen vs victory through our Lord lefts Chrift, - I Ctfr.15.55 P fal.6S. 20. Mofea 13.14. Ob.l may be drowned in the fea}and deuourcdof fifhes. A- Thefea fhall giue vp the derJwhtch' we in it, and de at h and hell \ (hall deliuer vf the dead which were in them, Reuel.io. 13. Ob, Though I fliould be "buried in the earth, yet amidft fo many bodies, confumed to duft, and fo confufedly mixed, my body maybe loft. A . This is the Fathers will which hath fent meejbat oj all which he hathgiuen me, ifhouldloofe nothing, butfhould raifeit vp againe at the laft day: loh. 6.39. oh. The fame bodies for number that dyed, may bee raifed from the dead; bu* not the fame in identitieof bodies. A. l know my Redeemer Imeth, and that bet fhall ft And the Utter day vfon the earth* io8 Of the refurrcdlion. * earth y and though after my skinne}wormes %defroy this body> yet in myflejhfhall 1 fee God\ whom 1 fh all fee for my felfe^ and mine eyes (hall beheld, and not another*, though my reines be con fumed, within mee: Ub 19.25.I0hn 11.24. 3^ How are the dead rai fed vpl and with what bodies doe they cornel 1 Cor .15 .3 5 . A. T ion foolef hat which thou foweftjs not quickned except it dye 3 and thatwhich thou fowesiythoufiweH not thai body that (bailie^ iut bare graine0 it maybe chance wheate^pr feme other grain. But Godgtueth it abody^as itpleafeth him^and to etiery feed his own body , &c.So alfo is the re fur region from the deadJt u fowie in corruptionjt is raifedin incorrupt ton ; it is forv/je in dif honor 3 // is raifed in glory 5 it is foivne in weakneffe^ ttisraifed tn power : nfownea na tnrall body , it is rat fed afpirituall body . fG0rin.r5.34. Sl^ You fay that all fhall be ray- fed; wherein then will (land the dif- ference betweene the EIe£t,and repro- bate at that day? A. As The vfc of the rcfurre&ion. 109 A. As with Pharaohes chiefc butler y and chief e baker , whofe heads were hoth lifted vp, but the one vnto his butlerjbip, the other vnto the gallowes, to be hanged vp, (Gen.^0'20 ) So 4//both good and bad , (hall come forth. They that haue done good] vnto the refurreoliow of life, and they that ham done euillyvnto the rejurrettien of damnation: Uh.i*9-Da**l2*2*l3' g^ \\ hat (hall become of them,who (half be foun4 aliuc at the general! re- furre&ion I A. Behold jfrew you a my fiery • wefiall not all (leepejku t weft all all be ehanged, in a moment y in the twinkling of an eye, at the loft trumpet for the trumpet (hall founded the Aeadjball be rat fed incorruptible y and we Ml be changed: 1Oy.15.51. ^ Now 1 know that wee (ball rife a* gain in the refurreciimyat the loft day: lok 11.24, What therefore would you thence inferre? A.I Concerning them thatfteepe, that yt for row not f *en as others without [hope. Far if we beleem that lefts died and rofeagaine% mm I Io The v(c of the refure&ioiv euenfo them affi3 which fleepe in Iefus, will God bring with him, I Thefq.i 3. z Though I walke in the valley , of the /haddow of death, I will fear e noeutll-, for thou art with mec± thy rod, and thy ftaffe comfort mee : (PJalm 23. 4.) therefore aifo my heart is glad, my glory reioyceth, my flefl) alfi {ball reft in hope : for thou wilt riot leant myfoule in hell. Ffel. 1 6.9. 3 Let vs Therefore which haue tbefirH frmtes of the fpirttgroane within our fe lues, waiting for the adoption,to rvit> the redemp- tion of our bodies : Rom. 8.23. 4 Let none ofvs line or die to ourfelues^ for whether wee lute, wee Hue *vnio the Lord* or whether we dye, we dye vntothe Lord. For to this purpofe, Chriji dyed, and ro{e> and reuiuedjhat he might be the Lord both of the dead and lining, (Bom. 14.7.) Wherefore labour we, that whether prefent,. or ahfentwee may be accepted of him: 2 Cor. 5, 9. Q. When this dufl returneth to the earth,(Fccle-T2.j.)rvh0 knowetb thefpirit of a man that goeth(upward,and the fpirit of the The of vie the refurre&ioir 1 1 1 the beaft thatgoeth downeward to the earth : Ecclef. 3.21. A. Wee how that if 'this earthly houfe of this tabernacle were diffolued^ wee haue a building of God^ an houfe not made with hands j but eternall in the heauens ,(2 Cor. 5.1.) For the (fir it Jball returneto Gody that gaze it > (Ecelefn.j.) and ft all bee with Chrift in Paradife, (Luke2$mtf.) And with Lazarus in Abrahams bofome: Luke 16.22. j^Hbw itand you affe&ed with this? A . tarn in aftraite betwixt two, batting a defire to depart , an d to be with Chrijl , which is far better \(?bil'.\ .23.) For in this weegroane earneflly, deftring to be clothed vfon with our houfe > which is from heauen\ if fo be that being clothed, wee jhdlmt be found naked. For we that are in this taber- nacle 3 doe groAne, being burdened '; not for that we would be vnclothedy but clothed vp- onjbat mortality might be fw allowed vp of life (2 Cor.5.2.) Therefore wee are dlwaies confident ; knowing that nfinleji wee are at home in the body , wee arc abfint from the Lord% 1 1 z The vfc of the refurre&ion, Lordy (for wee walkeby faith > And not by fight) wee are confident /fay, and willing* rather to be ab [em from, the body , and to be frefint with the Lord, 2 Coring .6. Math . 174. Chap. XVI. Of the lafl wdgetnent. Ob. T/yHat we {"hall haueafter death I cannot fay 3 but in chefe dates of my vanity 1 hauefte^, there is a in ft man that per tjhetb in his righteonfneffe, and there is a wicked man that prolongct h his life in his wickedneffe : (£ccef 7.15.) yea, the tabernacles of robbers pre [per, and they that proHoke God are fecttre ; for into their hand Cod bringeth abundantly (lob 12.6.) Be- hold, the fe are thevngedly, ivho pro/per in the world, they increafe in riches, verily I hatie cleaned my heart in vaine^and wdfhei my hands in innocency ' For all the day long I baue beenplaguedandcbafienedeuery morning •• Of the laft fudgement. 1 1 $ morning: Pfal.73.12, 13. Icr. 5. 27.1a* I. Ecci.8 14. A . God hath appointed a day, in which he will iudge the world, in righteou[neJfe9 by that man whom hee hath ordained * whereof he hath giuen affurance vnto all men, in that he hath raided htm from the dead.(JK&s 17. 31.) So that, wejhall alt fland before the Judgement feat ofChnfi. (Rom. 14. to.)yi'ho fall iudge hispeople* ^Heb.xo. 30.) Vnto whom they alio muji come to giue an account. 1, Per. 4.5. Htb.p. 27.Pfal. $6. 13.28.?. Ecclefc II. p. Ob. Where is the pro wife of his com- tning f Forfince the Fathers fell a feepe , all things continue, as they were from the beginning f 23 Pec. 3.4. A. This you are willingly ignorant of \ that by the Word of God, the Heauens were of old, and the earth fanding out of the water, and in the water , whereby the world that then was , being . ouer flowed with water perifiied. But the Heauens, and the earth which arc now, by the fame word, I an 114 Of the laft ludgemcnc. are kept in {lore, referucd vntofre again ft the day of Judgement:, and perdition ofvn- godly men. But beloued, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thou f and y ear es, and a thousand ye arcs as me day. The Lord is notflacke concer- ning his promise (as fome men count Jlacknejje) hut is long frfftring, tovs- ward, not willing that any fiwuldperifh, but that alljlould come to repentance. 2 . Pet. 3.5. J^ Tell *us then when thefe things fhallbe, and what frail be thefignes , of the end of the World, Mat. 24.3. A, 1 Before thz end couirjnany flail 60 me in Chri'sts name , faying, I am Christ, and manyfalfe Prophets jl? all srife. Mar.24.vfr. 2 The dayjhall not come, except therc~> come a falling away firjl ( 2. Tftef. 2. J.J tndmany be decerned. Mar. 24. 5. if. 3 That man of fmne jhallfrfi be re- tocdedv the fonne of perdition , who oppo- pthjandccaltethhimfelfe, done all that it Of the Iaft Iudgcmcnt. * r $ is called G o d , or that is werjhipped. 2 . Thef.2.5.4. 4 IT ou jhall heare ofwdrres,and rumors of wanes : for Nation jhall rfe againjl Nation, cjr Kwgdome againjl Kingdomc, but the end [hall not be yet .($A*U2^.6.7 .) 5 Becaufe iniquity /hall be increafed \ the loue of many Jhall waxe cold, Mat. 24.I2, 6 ThisGo$elloftheKingdomcf\)*ll be f reached in all the world for a witnejfe vnto all Nations 5 md then Jhall th^J end come. Mar. 24. 14. 7 Whenthe fulneffeofthe Gentiles is come in, all Ifradi /hallbcfaued; as it is written. The deliuerer jhall come out of Sion , and full t time away vngodlwejfe from IacobjRom. it. 25. 8 \_As it was in the dayes of Noah ,] fo/])allitbealfointhe dayes of the Sonne of CM an ; they did eate , they drankts, they married wiues , they were given in marriage, vntill the day that Noah went into the K^irke, and the Flood came ^ and dejlroyed them all. LikewifCs alfo as I z it 1 1 6 Of the lafl: Judgement, H was in the dayes of Lor 5 they did eate, they dranke, they bought , they fold, they flatted -j they budded • but the fame day that Lot went out of So dome, it rained fire, and brim pone from heauen, and dc- Jiroyed them all ^ euen thus jh all it bee in the day, when the Sonne of man is revealed* (Luke 17.26.) And when they flail fay peace, and faf ay , thenjudden deft ruci ion commeth vpon them $ as traucll vpon a wo- man with child, (i.Tiieils^,) Or as a thief e by night, 2. Per. 3.1 G.RsudL 16.1 5. Marh.24.38. Now learne a parable of the Fig tree, when his branch is yet t aider, and putteth foorth leaucs,ye know thatfummer is nigh. \^And when ye fee a cloud rife out of ihe JVe/f, jlraite way yee fay a fhower eommeth, andfo it is. And when ye fee the South wind blow, jee fay , that it will bee hot , and it commeth to paffe. (Luk-12.540 So likewise yeey when yet Jhall fee all theft things 3 knew that it U neere , mn M the doorc,( iVlath.24.3 }.) But I Of the laft Iudgcmenc. 1 17 But oft he day and h$ure,know$th no ma»t nomt the Angels of heauen, but my Fa* ther onelyi Ma:b* 24. 3 6. Eccfcf.8, 5. p Act.1.7. *y^ What fliall bee the manner of C h k i s t s cacntoing to judgement > A. Hec^fhali fend his Angels with a great found of alrumfet ,ard the) fhali ga- ther together, his eleci from the fourth winds, from one end of heauen, to thco- ther. (Marb, %*r p.) Then the Heauent jbali fajfe arvay with a great nor f, andtht elements fliak melt away with fervent hear : the earth alfo, with the workes that are therein jl all b~e burned vp, ( 2 . Per. 5 . ic.J \_And there \b:£\ bee a great earth* quake ; the forme (hail become blacke, as fickcloth 5 with ha ire, and the with perplexity : mens hearts flail fade them for fear e , and for loo- king after thofe things which flail then come on the earth. (Luk.2 1.26.) And all the kindreds of the Earth full waile be* caufie of him. Re uel. 1 . 7* And in thofe dayes flail men feekes Deaih,andJhallMt find it $ and flail de* fire Ofthclaft Judgement. 119 fire to dye, and death fhallflye from them. (lleu.p 6.) Then the Kings of the earth, and the great men , and euery bondman t and euery free man, Jhall hide themfelues intheDennes, and in the Rockes of the Mountaines,& fiallfty to the M$untaines9 and Rockes, fall on vs , and hide vs from the face of him that fit teth vpon tht-j throne, and from the wrath cfthe Lambe ; for the great day of his wrath is come, and who fl)allbe able toftand? Raid. 6. IJ. lis. 2. J9.i3.7- 33* *4- Hof. 10.8. ^ Buc ihaJl the godly bee thus per- plexed.ar the beholding of thefe things ? A. Beloued if our heart condemne vs not, then jhall we hane confidence towards God. ( 1 . 1 oh. 3 . 2 1 .) For God hath not gu uen vs the fpirit of fare , but of Po~ wer , of Loue > and of a found CMwd. (2 ,Tin\ 1. 7.) And therefore, when thefe things begin to come to pajfe , then (hail vitlookevp y and lift vp our heads , be- cauf our Redemption draweth nigh. (Luk«2 1 .2 8.) For Cheist was once of* fered to bean thefwnes of many ^ andvnt* 1 4 t km no Of the laft Iudgement. them that loo ke for him, Jl?a!l he appears thefecond time wdhqut fmttt vnto falvati- m, ( Heft, p. 28. ) Arid herein is our lone made per feet, that wec^may haue bold- nejjeat the day ofludgmem , becaufcLJ at he is, jo are we in the World: I,jh. 1.4, iy} '8. Horn. 10. v. j^VVuenChnft isfcr downevpan his ihronc of gloryawhat is the firii work he (hall doe; A. He [hall feperate the [keeper from the Coats 5 and he full fet the ffreepe on his right hand,and the go At s on his left,{ Mat. 2 5 , 3 2 . ) A m ong w h c ro , there Jhali be two in one bed \$ne [hall be taken 5 and the other left Two women fhalbe grinding to- gether \tht one foallbe taken and the other left. Two men fb all be tn the field, the one fral betaken,and t he other left. Luk.1734. J^ Whai fhail follow vpon ibis fepc- rauouf A. Such as haue followed Chris tin the Regeneration, when the Sonne of Man fiatitit in the Throne ofhisglery 5 they aL JkJhdHfit vpon tivelue thrones-judging the twetut Of the laft Judgement, r 1 1 twclue tribes of Id ael, ( Mat J? . 2 8 )Know yee not alfo that the Saints jhall iudge the Angels? 1. Cor. 6.%. j^What arc the things wherof Itsdg* mewtflaallbe^iucp.? A. God jhall bring euery worke into Iudgment with euery fecret thingjvhelher it be good [or whether it be euill?(EcoL 1 2 . 14.) Worcouer I fay vntojou, that for e- very idle word that men jhall fyeake, thy flail giue an account thereof in the day of Judgement. For by chcii words they [ball bemfifed , and by cbcyr words ihzy Jhall be condemned* Matth. 123 $6, lofc. 3. 18. Iudc. ▼.!■$. Q^ What is the suisknee which (hall he produced ? A. Hecs Jhall not iudge after the^j fight of his eyes , neither reprooucs by the hearing of his eares , ( I fit . 1 1 . 3 , ) but by the Bookes which fhali bee then opened, ( Reuei. 20. 12, ) their Con- fciences alfo bearing witneffe , and their thoughts accufing one another tr excuftng. Rom. 2. 15* I it. Of the latt Iudgemcnr. « » Q^ What are the rules according to which Christ fhail judge. A. I. ^Asmany as haue finned with- out law, flail perifh without law ; and as many as haue finned in the law, flail bee ludged by the law . Ro m 2 . 1 2 . 2 . Gou flail iudge thefecrets ofmen^ by Iesvs Christ, according to my go/pell(Rom.2A 6.)The words alio which Christ bmh Jpoken,Jl)alliudge them in the latter daj.\oh. 1 2 48. lam. 2. 1 2. Q. What is the fervence it ielfc which C hr j s t (hall pronounce ? A. Hce flail fay vnto them on his right hand, comeyee blejfedofmy Father, inhe- rit the Kingdome prepared for you , from the foundation of the world, Then flail h^jfay vnto them on his left hand,Dcpart from meyec Cur fed, into everlafiingfrc^, prepared for the Devi 11, and his Angels. (Matb.25,34.) And vnto hisfervants he foallfay, binde them hand and foot, (Mat, 2 2. 1 3 .) And caft you thefe vnprofitabl^j fervants inti outer d*rkncflc~s. Math, 25.30, Ofthclaftludgcmcnc* ixj Q^ What ftiall bee the ifTue of this femence ? A Cod will then render to every one Ac- cording to his deeds . To them who by fati- €nty continuance in well doing, feeke glory , and honor, and immortality ; et email life. But vnto them that are contentious \and do not obey the truths but obey vnrighteonf- neffe $ indignation, and wrath tribulation, andanguij}) vponeuery foule of man, that doeth evil, to the Icwfirft, and alfo to the Gentile, But glory , and honour y andfeace to every man that worketh gaod^ to the lew frft,and alfo to the Gentilt^. Rom.2.7. 2.Cor.5.io. Mat.25.4^. Q^ What may the confideration of thefe things teach vs ? A. 1. Reioyce O young man in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer e thee in the dayes of thy youth, and walke in the wayes of thine heart, and in the fight of thine eyes but know thou that for all thefe things God will bring thee into ludgemeM Ecckf. 1 i.j. 2. Secingthentbtt all theft things fhall bee 1X4 Of the laft Iudgcmcnr. be diffelucd, what manner ofperfons ought yee to be in all holy cornier fat :en andgcdlU nest Looking for and h&ft'mgfvnto the co fil- ming of the day of the Lord. And feeing yee lookeforfuch things } be diligent, that j e may be found of him in peace, without fpt, andblamelefe. 2. Per . 3 . 1 1, r 2, y 4. And feeing the day of the L O R D fhall come *s a Thiefe in the night y ( 1 . Tncf. 5.2.) Bleffedare thofe Seruants, whom the Lord when he commtth fhall find watching, ( LuL 12. yj.)Vvratchye there- fore^ and pray alwayes, that yee may bee^j counted won hy to efcape all things, which fluillcometopaffe, andtofland before the Son of man. i,uk.2i.3*.i.The£5.4 Rcu. 3,lI.i<$.i5.Mat.2 5.ip.2.Thef.;$.5. 3 Therefore judge nothing before the time, vniill the Lord come y who will both bring to light the hidden thir.gs of darkenefje , and m 11 make manifejt the Councels of the hearts, and then fhall euery man haucfraife with God, ( 1 .Cor.4. 5 . ) And fay not ,lwillrecompenfe evill 7 but wait on the Lord,dr f;efl?allfaue tbee.Vto. 20. OfctcrnaliLife, 115 2o.22.Mat»7.i.Eccl.3.i7.RoitU2.ip, Chap.XVIL: Of EternaH Life. ^X/Oubaucfaid that after the day •* of Judgment, God wiilgiuc Erernall life vrno bis childtcas Bucis there anvcertaintic thereof? A. This is the promt fe that he hath promt fed vnto vs, euen Et email life ^and this life rs in his Sonne: (loh. 1 .2.2 5. 1 .5. 1 1 J Vnto whom he hath giuen power 0- verailfefl) , that hejhouldgiue Et email life , to as many as God his Father hath given him .• (I oh. 17. 2.^ Tbatwht- foeuerliueth, andbeleeueth in him Jhould neuer die y (loh. ri. 26. ) For this corruptible , flail put on incorrupt ion ^ and this mortalljhdlput on immmalitic. ( I. Or. 15. 53. J That at finne had rsignedvnto death > tuenfo might Grace. raigne~9 through Rightcoufnsjfe, vnto E- temall Life ? by \*%v* Qn% i%? our 126 Of eternal! Life. our Lord.Rom. 5. 21. Ioh.6 43.47.3. 14.15. Rem. 6 9.6.2$. Hcb. 9 12.9. 54, Rcu*2o.£.Mark. \6.i$\ PfaLij^^. Gen. 5. 24* 2. King. 2. 1 1. Pro. 14.27. 15.24. ^Zj Whercunto fliall wee bee then like > A. Wcejhallthcvi&e as the Angels of God. ( Mar. 22. 30.) And be made con. formable to the Image of his Sonne. (Rom. 8.29.) When hejhallfirjl hane changed our vile bodies, and made them like vmo his glorious body.(P\\i\.y2l) For as is the earthly, fuch are they that are earthly : and as is the heauenly , fuch are they that are heauenly* And as wee haue borne the image of the earthly 9 rvejhallalfo bearer the tmage of the heauenly : (1. Cor. 15. 48. Hailing bodksjhining as the bright - nejfe of the F irmament ,and as theflarres. (Dan. 12.3. ) Yc&as t he Sunne forever and ever. Matth. 23. 43. Exod. 34. g^ What manner of dwelling fhall we then haue? x*A. Full OfctcrnallLifc 127 A. pel ] glorious things are fjpoken of this citieof ^ o D.(Pfal.87.3.) For it is fuch a City, as Abraham looked for, who fe builder and maker is G o d.( H.b, 1 1 . \ q.) The fame is a great Citie , hauing thz_j glory ofGov: whofe light is like vnto afione mcjl precious \ euen like a Jafper fione, cleere as Chr fall It hath a wall great, and high, wit h twelue Gates , and at the Gates twelue Angels. And the wall of the Cttie hath twelue foundations , and the Citie lyethfourefjuare, and the length is as large as the breadth, twelue thou j and J ur longs : and the length, and the bredth, and the height of it are equall. t^And the building of the wall it is I a [per , and the Citie pure gold, like vnto cleere glajfe 5 and the foundations of the wall oft he Ci- tie , are garnifttd with all manner of precious fiones. Reue!. 21. io.&c. ^ What good company (hall wee there tiaue ? A. 1 All the faithfull: for wee yW/ fit downewith Abraham. lfaac./*Wlacob in the KingdomcofHcautn. Mafat. 8. 1 u Luk.13.a8. .2 1x8 Of cternall Life. 2 C h x i s t 5 with whom wecs/J)all | appear e in glory , ( Co!, 3. 4. ) andjhall for euer be with the Lord, ( j . Thtf. 4,17. ) who dyed for vs, that whether we awakes orjleepe, we fiould Hue together with him. ( 1. Tnef4 5+ io4>) And therefore hee is gone to prepare a place for vs ; who will some againe> andreceiue vs vnto himfelfe, to the end, that where he is there we may be alfoj ( Ioh4 14. 3. J to behold his glory. Ioh. 17. 24, I2.2tf. 3 G o d himfclfe : for I heard a great voyce from Heauen , faying , behold the Tabernacle of & od is with man \ and he will dwell with them : ( Reuel. % 1 . 3 .) Who fhal] be as Moles, vnto whom the Lord jjtake face yto face, as a manfpeaketh to his friend: (Exod. 33. 11. (Match, 5-8* Q4 But is this houfe large enough to hold Co much company ? A . In my Fathers houfe are many man* fons \ifit were not fo , I would haue told you, I goe to prepare a place for you. Ioh, 14.2. JLShall Of ctcrnall Life. it 9 Jg^ Shall we then, and there be fub. k& to any more miferie ? A . T/tf vo j ce e f weeping [ball be heard tie more there jior the voyce ofcrytng.(lfom 65 , 19.) For Godjhall ttfipe all tearcsfrom your q/tt,(Reu.2 1. ^.)Teufoall hungern* more, nor thirfl any more, neither jhall the fonne light onyomor any he ate. (Reu el. 7. 16.) For there is the tree of life ,the leaues whereof, are for the haling of the nations > and there full be no more curfe.Rsuat.z* Ifa. 54, 4. ReueJ. 7. 17, 14, 13, Heb. C^ Shall wcthen haue the benefit of all our earthly comforts, and delights, we now inioy ? A. In the re fur reft ion they neither mar* r rie, nor are gtuen in marriage, Math* 22. 30. Moreouer there is no temple there ;(Reu« 2 1. 22. ) they need no candle jneither light efthe Sunne. (Rsuel. 22. 25 J TheSunnc Jhall be no more , a light by day y neither forbrightneJJe}Jhallths fled for refuge, to lay hold on the hope fet be- fore vs \ which hope we haue, as an anker of thefiule, both fure and ftedfaft , and which entreth into that, which is within the vaile , whether the fore-runner is for vs entred. Heb. 6,aj* J^ Shew me then fome marks wher- by Imay difcerne whether or no3my felfe am one of that number wch fhaibc faued? A. i. "This is life Eterna/I, that wee^j know him to be the onely true God,and Ih- svs Christ whom he hathfent. Ioh.17.3. 2* G o d fo louedthe world, that hee^j gaue his onely begotten Sonjhat whofoeuer belteueth in himjhould not peri ft but haue eucrlafting ///*,( lo!\ 3. 1 6.)Thcfe things 1 write vnto you that bcleeuein the name of the Son of God J hat ye may know that ye JT 2 home i$z Of ctcrnall Life, bduectcrnalllife. i. lofe.J.j^.Ioh. 5.24. 3.3*. A But then Jhall wee know, even an alfo wee are knowne.i. Coui^. 12. 2. We are faved by hope y but hope that 0s feene > is not hopt. For what a math feeth, why doth hee hope for it ? tut 134 Of crcrnall Life. if we -hope for that rve fee not, then dee we with patience waitefor it, ( R* >rn. X . 24.) As well ^s Iacob, who faick 1 h^ue^j waited for thy fahation O LORD. Gen. 4?. 18 I. \> '.1.9. 3. Ftf/f^ w the ful; fiance of things ho- ped for, arid the evidence of things not feene, (Hib.w. 1. ) Whom hamng not feene,you loue : in whom though yon fees him not yttbeleeuing, youreioyce with toy vnjpeakable, and full of glory • recei- ving the end of your faith, thes faluat ion ojyourfouks i.pct;i.8. 4. hor this end, pray, fsyine , Rcflore nmiomee^the ioy of thy fahation , and if hold me with thy freejpirit, ' Pfil.51. 12.) A'^ therewith :oy fhall you draw wa- ter out of the wcls of faluat on. li * . 1 2 . 3 . Ob. I am befe: with !o many ene- mies, that my feare is, I ftwll fall fhort of Heauen > A. W beginning c ho fen vs to faluation , through fanclification of the fpirit, and the belt efe of the truth. Whereunto hec^j called vs by the G off ell , to the obtaining ofthe glory of the Lord IbsvsChrist. 2. Thef, 2. 13. 1. Per. i. 3.4. 2 Bccaufe the Scriptures are called the Word ofthe Kingdome} ( Mat. 1 3 . 1 ?. ) Search the Scriptures, for in them ye thinkc to haue et email life : Ieb. 5. 3^. In which, btcauftfome things are hard to be vnderftood, (2. Per. 3. 16.) Let entry K 4 mm ijtf OfeternallLifi. man befwift to heare,(Umt i . i$.)For af- ter that in the Wifedome of Gov, the World by Wifedome knew not Gov,it plea- fed Go d by the foolijhncs of Preachings to fauc them that beleeue* i.Cor. i . 2 1 . 3. Seeing wee here ham no continuing City, but wefeeke one to come, (Hcb.23. 14.) And the time here hzm^fbort , it rtmaineth that both they that haue Wiues, he a4 though the) had none 3 and they that weepe^as though they wept not; and they thatreioyce, as though they reioyced not-, and they that buy, as though they pojfejTeJ not, and they that vfe^jthis world, at not abusing it : for thefajlnon of this World faff eth away : (1. Cor. 7. 2 9. ) i^fnd wee^> according to his Promfe, looker for new Heauens , and a new earth , where dwelleth Right eoufnejfe. 2. Per. 3. 13.10b. tf. 27. 4. CMake you friends of the Mammon of vnrighteoufnejfo 3 that when yee^j faile , the) ma) receiue you into ever- Ufling habitations. Lukt 1 6. 9. Sell that yee haue andgiue t^dlmes, and Of etcrnall Life. 157 and prouide your felues Bags , which waxe not old , and treafures inHea a*y of yon Jhouldfeeme to comejhort of it, ( Hcb. 4. 1. ) Wherein we ought to giue the more car m ft heed to the things which wee bauc^> heard, le aft at any time wec^jhould let them flip. lor if the Wordfpoken by ^Angels was ftedfaft , and every tranf- grefion , and difobedicncts , receiued a iujl recommence of reward \ how jhall wee efcape if wee neglecl fo great faU nation which at the firfl began to befpo- ken by th LORD, and was confir- med to vs , by them that heard him. Heb.2.r. Wherefore the rather brethren, giue diligence to make your (ailing, and Sic* i}8 Ofctcrnall Life. election fure ; for ifyee doe thefts things jee fhall never fall For fo ax entrance^ fhall be miniflred to you, abundantly :hto the everlafling Kingdoms, of our Lord and Savtour IisvsChrist, 2 .pet. i. 10, n. Rfu.22.14. Heb.12,28. i.Cor i5.34.Rom.i33ii.i,Cor.£.?.Tif.2,ir. Q^ Yon ceil roe of Heaven , and if thefe bee the conditions of attaining it, how fha!l I He animated to come there > A . If any man will come after wo, let him deny himfelfe> and take vp hucrojje, and follow wo. For whofoever (hall hue hu lift-j, fiallloafe it ; and who fever will loofe hu If e for my fake, (hall find it. For what is a man profited, if heegaine thc^j whole world, and loofe hu owne fouler ? And what/hall a man giue in exchanges for hufoule f Mam, 16. 24. Know yee not that they which runne in a race^y runne all, yet one receveth the prize. So runne that you may obtained. And every me that proveth m after ie, ah- fiainethfrom all things 5 and they doe it U obtatnc i, corruptible Cr owne j but wee^> fir. OfetcrnallLifc. 139 for an incorruptible^ . i.C«r« p. 24* Therefore indure hardneffk-s , m a good fouldier of IesysChrist. No man that warreth tntangleth himfelfe^ with the affares of this lifts, that he may flea fe him who hath c ho fen him tobc^a fouldier, i^And if a man alfo firiue for a maflerie^yct is he not crowned, except hes firiue lawfully , The husbandman that la* boureth, muft fir ft be partakers of thts fruits. Confider what ifaj, and the Lor J giue thecs vnderfandwg in ail things. 2.Tim.2.3. Math. 10.37. Q. When wee haue done what we can, wil! our well-doing merit Heaven f A. Not by workes of righteoufneffh^> which we haue doners, but according to his mercy h faveth vs, by the wajhing of Regeneration , and renewing of the Holy Ghofl which hee^fljed on vs abundantly, through 1 « s v s Christ our Saviour ; that being iuflifiedby his Grace, weejhould be made hey res, according to the hope of Etermll lifers. Tit.3.5.Ephef.2.8. Chap,XVIIL 1 40 Of cternall Death, Chap. XVIII. Of eternal} Death. £2±> VOii baue well facisfied me con- -I ccrning the happineffs of the Saints,after the day of Judgment 5 (hew raealfo more fully, whatfhall then bee the punifhmentof the wicked ? A. They fhallfee Abraham, Ifaac.^/fc/ Iacob, and ail the Freshets in the King- dome ofQ o d^ and themfelues thrufi 6ut. Lak.13.28. 2. They fiall be delivered t$ the tor- mentors, (Math. 18,34.) who Jhd# bind them hand and foot , (Math,22, 13.) and raft them into a furnace offire^j ( Mat. 1 3 . 42.) which is vnquenchablcs, (Math, 3. li.) The place a deepe and large \ the file thereof is pre, and much wood \ the breath of the Lordofhofts, like ajtrcame of brim- jlone, doth kindle it, (I(k. 30, 3 3.) There they flullbe fcorched with great heatt, Co as they {hall blajj>he*mc the name of God, which Of ctcrnall Death. 141 which hath power ever thefts plagues. There (hall be great darknejfe, and they (hall gnaw their tongues for paints* (Rcuel. 1 6. ? , 1 o.) For they fhaS drinke $f the winc^ of the wrath of G o d, which is povrred out without mixture, into the cup of his indignation , and they fha/l bee tormented with fir, and brimfloncj , in the prefence of the holy Cdngels , and in the prefence of the Lambi. i^ind the fmoake of their torment , afcendeth vp for ever, and c- uer : and the) Jhail haue no re(t, day, nor vight, (Rcu. 14. 10,) For their wormes fhall not dye , neither pa/I their fire be quenched, (lfa.66.24.) Even as Sodom* and Gomorrha , and the Cities about them , in like manner 3 giving them- felues over to Fornication , and going after fi range flejh , are fet foorth for an example , of fuffering the vengeance, pf Etcrnall fires. Iud. v. 7. lob. 2 1, 30. Math. 13,42, Pfal. iij. 155.jLji7.kfc 17,13. Math.8,12. Ob. This is buc a lacerc fear-crow, and there* i4& Of ctcrnall Death, therefore wee will goe on and profper. A* 0 ferpents, the generation of vi- pers how can yee efcape the damnation of #*//.( MUth.2 3.33.) For doe you commit fuch things, and doe you thinke to efcape^ the ludgement of G od ? ( Rom. 2. 3.) Houe yee not asked them that goe byth(L~> way ? And doe yee not know their to- kens f That the wicked is re ferved to the dayofDc(lru%on : they [hall be brought forth to the day of wrath, loo 2 u 2£# Ob. Ittnay be the Dafc rabble cannot efcapz Heil , but my greacnefle will bears me out well enough. A. Riches profit not in the day of wrath, (Prou»ii,4.) For Dives though rich went to Hell, when as Lazarus though yomvas caned into Heaven Xuk. 1 6.2 ;• Mor^ ouer, Tophet is ordained of old, for the King it is prepared, flft. 50 33.) 7 here fore Hell hath inlawed it felfey and hath opened his mouth without mcafurcs, and their glory, and their multitude, and their pompe, and he that reioyceth among them, Jhall defcend into it% (Ifi 1 n amvng G1.5.14JJ Of ctcrnall Dcarh 14* For God accept eth not theftrfon of Pr.n- fes,nor regardeth the rich more than the poorer 1 for they are all the tvorke of his hands. 1 >b, 34, i^, Luk.10.1 5. oh. Thefe rerrours may concernc Turkes, and Papijls, md Pagans ; but for fueh as liue in the boforoe of the Church they fha!I ncuer, as I hope, be touched with them. A. Euen in the Chiych alfo there are many called, but few chofen.(hUtb.2o^ 16.) o/x m a great heufejhere are ve/fels not onely of gold yand of 'fiver , but alfo of wood, and of earth \ and fotne to honour, and fome to difionour, (2. Tit?. 2, 20.) i^dndthc children of the Kingdomejhall hecaftouty into outer dar&nefp,(M»ih. 8. 12.) For the Sonne of man frail fend forth his ^.Angels y and they pall gather out of his ktngdome, all things that offend, aid them that doe iniquities. (Math. 15,41.) Thefe are the tares which (hall be bound in bundles, to be burnt. Math. 13, 30, 13, 47-3 7>8,io.u. Ob. lord hanevte not eaten, and drun- ken 1 44 Of ctcroall Death. ken in thy prefence_j, and haft thou net taught in our Jlreets ? (Luk.13 26.) And haue not mo ft of thy mighty workes beenc doneamongftvs? Matb.u.ao. A. Woe vnto thee Corazin, woe vnto thee Bethfaida %for if the mighty workes, which were doyteinyou, had becne done in Tire and Sidon. they would haue refented long agoej in fack-cloathandafics. But 1 fay vnto you, it Jhall be more toller able, for Tire and 'Sidon at the day of Judge* ment, then for you. And thou Caperna- um, which art exalted vnto Heaven, /halt bee brought downe to Bell : for if the mighty workes which haue becne done in thee, hadbeene done in Sodom*, it would haue remained vntill thts day. But I fay vnto you, that it pall be more toller able, for the Land of Sodornc, in the day of ludgement, than for thee. Math. 11.21. Ob. But Lord haue wee not Prof hefted in thy Name, and in thy name cajl out De- vils? Math. 7. 22. A. Jfrofejfevntoyoujneuer knew yon, depart from meyee workers of iniquities. Mitfa.7.23. Q£N**t Ofcrcrnall Death. 14$ j^Wbat then may the condemnation of Hell teach vs > A* Therefore dearely beloued , avenge not your [dues , but giue f lace vnto wrath : /iritis written, vengeance is mine , I will repay it, faith the LORD, Rom* 12, 19^ Mafb.7, 1. EccL 3, 17. 2 Knowing the terror of the Lord, tires perfwade men, (1. Cor. %,u>) to mortifies their members which are vpen the earth : fornication . vncleanneff'e , inordinate af- fecTion.evill concupifence>andcouetoufnes$ which is idolatry , for which things fake, the wrath ofGodcommeth on the children sfd.fobed ence [i,Cq1>.5*) And enter yet in at the fraught gate for wide is the Gate, and broad is the way , that leadeth to de- Jlr ucl ion jind many there be which goes in thereat But fir aight is the Gate, and nar- row is the wayy that leadeth vnto life, and few there be that find it : Mzt.7,13,7,19, 5^,30,31. Q^ What mod I do, when vpon good ground,! trull find my felfc to bee deli- uered/rom fo g^cat a condemnation ? L A* Giue 14^ Of San6tification. A. Gitie than.kes to God and fay, Great is thy mercy towards me $ for thou baft delivered my foule from the lorvejl hell. pfal.8*. 13. Jj)^ Why ? Is k not in mam power, to purchafe Heaven, and to deiiuer him- fclfe from Hell? A. Verily, verily, I fay vnto you, ex- cept a man be borne againe of Water, and the Holy Ghoft> hee cannot enter into the kmgdome of Heaven, (Ion. 3,3.) And without holinejfe no man can fee the Lord, fHeb. 12, 14 J find yet who can fay my heart is cleane, lam pure from my Jinnee, Prou.20,9. Iob.p^o. Iia. 6^6. lob.?. 30,31. Pfai. 23 )5. Chap. XIX. Of Salification. Oh. TF this bee our cafe, who then can -Ibefaued? £>? both righteous , j#^ walked, in all the ordinances of the Lord, HamcleJpL^. Luk.i>£. A&. 23,1. 24^^. Hcb.i33i8.Ad.io,22. L % Ok 148 Of Sandification. »__. i — Ob* Can the hlackmoores skin be chan- ged, or a Leopard bit fj>ots I And can he^ bt^good, that is accufiomed vntoevillf Ier. 13.23. A. Yea 5 for if the blood of Buls, and $f Goatesy and Calues, and the a flies of an heifer y fj?r ink ling the vncle&nz^>y fancli- fe to the purifying cf the FUJI) : how tmnh more Jball the Blood of C h r i $ t, who through the Et email Jpirit , offe- ring himfelfe without fj?ot vnto God, f urge jour Conferences from deadworkes, to feme the living God* Hcb. p} 13. Eph. 2,1. Gal.i,23. ob. I feclc the dwelling of finnc in me Ml ? A. Sodid Iob (Ioby? 20.9^,30,31.,) WDav iB5(Pfdl. 38.4. 51 j 3.J andl- $ aiah,(I: ,€4>6.) and P av i, (Rom.?, 18. i.Ti Ti.1,15.) Aad fo though you alio doe rvalke in the flefl) , jet doe you not wane after the flefh. (2. Cor. 10,3.) Sinnejl)all not haue dominion over you\ for you are not vnder tht Law , but %>ndcr Graces, (R©na. 6,14.) For the law, OfSandHficatiorL 149 law, of the Sprit , of Life, which is in Christ I e$v % flail free thecs, from the law ofSinne, andof Death. Hom£im I.C0M23. Q^ Why dc tb C h r 1 s t wafb ts who arc (ovodeafte? A. Chbjst loneth his Church , and gaue himfelfe for it, that hcj> might fan- cl/fie, and cleanfe tt , with the wajhing of water by the Word, and that hecs might prefcnt it to hsmjelfc^j a glorious Church , not having jbot , or wrinkle, or any fuch thing, but that it jlwuld be holy, and without bkmijb. Ephef. 5, 25. Hof. 14,4. Q± Is ci^ere nothing required of vs for the furthering of this Grace in our fellies ? A. Bee that hath this hope purifeth himfelfe as hee is pure, (i.Ioh, 3,3.) yon Jhall there fore fanclifie yonrfelues, and yet jhall be holy, for I am holy : neither fiall you defile yourfclues, with any manner of creeping thing, ( Leu. 1 1 44.) Bur if you Vfdke in the spirit, you jhall not fulfill the L 3 lup i j o Of San&ification. lufts of the Flefhy (G*J. 5, 16.) For every branch that beareth fruit, hec purgeth it, that it may brmgjorth more ft tut. [oh. 15 , 2.Rc>n'..8. 20.26. But his own jhall be holder With the cords of his ownefmncs, ( Prou. 5 , 22.) For God will giue him vp vnto his owne hearts lufls, whereby he linali walke in ius owne counsels. PfaL8 r , 1 2 . 2, .Hemwft pray faying; O Lerdywhy haft thon made met to er re from thy rvayes, ha dei.edmy heart fiom thy J care ? 'Re- t/r<. Caft me not apfisy from thy pre fence, and take not thy holy Spirit from m«God which worketh in you both to will, and to dot^, of his good plcafure,(9h'ila,i^.) Therefore fsft yee, God bee thanked, that w were the fer- vants of Sinner, but we have obeyed from the heart, that forme of Doctrine, which was de inter ed vs . R or* . 6 , 1 7 • £1^ But fhaii no Sanctifying graecof God be wanting? A. G o d gaue not Chris t the Spirit by meafure^ : (lob. 3, 34.) Foritfleafeth the Father, that in him fhould allfalnejje dwell7(Co\A)i9.) And v nt$ everyone of vs is given Grace, according to the mea- sure, oftheguift, ofC h r 1 s t, (Ephcf.4, 7.) So that you (hall come behind in no grift ;(i.GoT.%fl.) But of his fulriefpL-> you (hai I receiue, and grace t for graces, Ioh. i3 16. Ifa. 1 1, 2, 3. Pfal.68j 19. Zach. Z4 CuAf^XXc ij* Of Knowledge. C H A P. X X. Of Knowledge, Faith, Trttj}, and Hope. ^ VVHich is the firft of thofe * * Graces ? A. To know the Truth ,(\ti\\. 8,32.) / will (faith GddSgiuc them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord, (ler, 24.7.) Tor this is the Coven Ant that I will make with the houfc of lfrael,&c. I will pit my Larves into their minde, and write them in their hearts, >&c. K^And they ftall not teach every man his neighbour, arid every man his brother paying, Know the Lord ; for all lhall know me knowledge of the Glory of the LO RD 5 as the waters cover the Sea, (Hab. 2 ,14) Mo; emicr, the light of the CModne jball be as the light of the Sunne % a-nd the light *f 'the Sunne Jhall be jeavcn-J rold, as thc^j light Of Knowledge. 133 light of the j.daycs/ I(a.^o.26.)Wherby the pee fie that fate in Darkeneffe , fttP great light ; and to them which fate in the Region of the fiadow of death , light is $rungvp,y\*i 4,16. And we know that the Sonne ofG O D is. come and hath giuenvs an vnderflandmg that we may know him that is truest, (&• lob. 5 ,2 o . ) Which in other ages w#i not made knowne vnto the Sonnes of wen, as it ts now reueaUd vnto his holy \^ipofllesy and Prophets. by thefpjnt.Ep^ • }»5/loiuij i8,Pro. 2,6: Iob.32,8.PrcM^, 15,14,6. Tbu.r, iht Romanes wetr filed with all knowledge, able alfo to admon/fl) one ano~ r^,Rja?,i5,i^i,Cor.i,5.PfiiLii9,98, g,Mo >.vcr.Ioh.i5:i5,!ob-i7,25,iv,5. On 'the contrary, a S corner feeketh wifedome, andfndethit not(Pio.j^,6,)he is ever learning , and neuer able to comt to the Knowledge of the truth . ( 2.Tm?. 3 j.) His way is at darkeneffe ^ hec^ kmwesnotat what hcjlumbleth. (Prou. 4, ip.) Hec^ffall dye without infrutli* w, and in the greatneffc^ of his folly, he §54 Of Knowledge. be jhallgoeajlray, Pro. 5. 23. Pro*?. 18. £. 14. iS. 3.32. lob, 1^4. Pro. 14.8. 15.14. Hof, 4.6. JK; What may this teaeh vs ? A. i.NottobcastbeHorfe,andMuUy which h due no vnderflanding, (Tfal. 32. ^. No nor yet to bee as children 5 £#f /# vnderflandingto be men, (t, Car. 14,20.) Suffering the Word ofC h r i s t to dwell in you richly in all wifed&me : Co!. 3. 16. 2. Pray that Gods rvayes may bee^j knotvne *vpon earth, and hjtsfauing health among all Nations, (PiaL 67. 2 . ) And for your fcitics that you may vnderftwd the wayes of his Commandements, ( Pial. 1 19. 27. )and behold the wonder full things ef his Law ? pfal. 1 1?. 18. Pfal. 1 19. 7, 33,34,73,125 i^:;.i7i.ver.2.Titii.2;7. Q^ Which is the fecond fan&ifying Grace ? A. GoDtvill fulfill in yon all the good fleafurc Of Faith. 1 5 c fleafureofhis goodnejfe^ andtheworkeof Faith with power, (2.Thef. 1,1 iJWher- by euery one that hath heard and learned eft he Father, commeth vnto Christ, loh. 5,45. For Stephen was a man full of Faith, ( A£b.£,5. ) And the Faith of the Romanes wttjpoken of throughout the whole world, (Rum. 1, 8. A€t:} 24, 14, 27. 25.1oh,io;42. Q^ What may hence be learned? A. Becaufe all men ham not Faith* (2. Thcf.2.,2.) Therefore build vp your f elves in your mojl holy Faith, praying in the holy Ghoft : (Iud. 20.) and laying 3 Lordincreafe our Faith, (Luk. 17,5.) Lordwccbeleeue , helpe our vnheliefe : Mark. ?, 24, OfTruft. Q^ It beeing long betwixt the pro- mife, and the accomplifometit of it, bow may wee in the naeane while bee vpheld? A«Thou 1*6 Of Trad A. Thou /halt fiayvpon the holy one of Ifriel in truth, (T£i 10, 2o, ) Vnderhis Wings fialt tho.^ trufi ^l^a'^pi 4,) For hchthe confidence of all the e*ds of ihc^f earth, and of them that are^s afarre off vpon thc^ Sea. ( Pfa'. 65 5.) Whcretwrary that know hisxawe, will fut their trufi 7* him, p/V»£, 10. M*th« 1 2, 2 1. Vi. 5 1,5 rP&lufO^S^ i J « ThusDiuid trujledinthe Lord: (Pftf, 2i,(5. ) And r/tf ^ than to pit confidence in Princes, f PiaJ. 1 18,8.) Surely men of low degree are. vanitie • *nd Tnenof high degree are aUe j to be laid in the Of Hope, 1 57 the ballance, they are altogether lighter 2a.I(a.2^22.26tf4.3i>i»36J6JPro.3J5. Of Hops, Ob. God may not onely delay his preittife,but alfo by fomc cuilloccurreoc miecrle my confidence > A. The wicked indeed is drive narvay in his w/ckexnejfe , but the righteous hath hope in his death ,(Pro. 1 4, $ 2 .) For Abra- ham againjl hope ^ beleeuedin hope,\RQ,ir,. 4,18.^ Chfili // in you the hope of glory, (Col. 1. 27.) Thou hadfi([aith iomn) cajl me into the deepe , in the midjl oft he Sea, and the Flouds compared me about \all thy hillowes and thy rvauespaffedouer me. Then if aid, l am cajl out of thy fight 5 yet I wilt looke againe towards thy holy temple,(lon . 2, 3*4, ) And now Lord what waite J for ? my hope is in thee,T>h\.$9j ,46 ,2,33,2$, Iifc8i Pfal.n?,i6<5. £,301.3^24. Ifa.8, i7.Micha 7?j*liut,il)b&* z6>6* I°b* ^Wbac 158 OfTruft. j^_ What vfe is to be made hereof ? A. Therefore lookeyott alfo for the_^> mercy of our ZO^DIesvsChris?, vntoeternalllife: (Iud 21.) And watte on thy G o d continually, ( Hof. 12 , <£. ) For happy is he , that hath the God of 1 a c o b for his helpe ; whofe hope is i» the LoRofoi Godj which made rfeauen , And Earthy pfal. 14^ 5. 3 j3 22., La n.?7 2 5,2<5.Hof.i236. oh. Then is cuery one happy , for who will not fay 3 that his Hope is in GOD? A. The hope of the Right eo at flail be gladnejfe ^but the expectation of the wic- ked fhatlperifh, ( Pro. 10,28.) The eyes ofthc wicked fhall faile, and they fhall not efcape y and their hope fhall bee as thes giving vp of the Ghofii Iob.H,203 8,13. &c.Iob. 2 7,8,^,10. CHAP. XXI. OfLouc. Ms> Chap. XXI. O/Loue, Feare, Sorww, Humility and Repentance. J£v \A/Hat other San&ifying V * Grace will God beftow vpon us ? A. He mllcircumc'tfe thine heart , **W the heart of thy feed to louethe Lord thy G O D, jv;f^ ^// f&#£ A***/'* , <*/&/ tv/iA ^//^jf S 'oule> that thou maijl liuc^, Deut.30,6 Pro. 8,17. Cane. i54, 3, 10. Pial.25,8. Pfal. 116,1. u King. 3,3, Thus Mary Magdalen fiecs loved much , ( Luk.7a47. J / aifo lotto the L OR D, (PfaJ. 18, 1.) Yea Lord, thou knoweft all things, thou knorvcjl that I lone thee: (lob. i\y 17. J Pindtf any man hue not the Lord I i s v s Christ let him be Anathema Maraaacha, 1. Or* j^ What may rhis teach vs ? A. To pray that ties Lord would MrcM 160 OfFcarc. direct your he Arts into the Loue ofG o d, (2>Tncf.3 5. t^dtfdthat your hue may a. found yet more, and more, in knowledge, and tn all judgement : Phil, i, 9. i, Thcf.3,12. 2 Labour to keepeyour f dues in the loueofGoVjluzl. 21. Of Fear e. j^ But that our loue be not exorbitant, ] wherewith frail it hepvayed f A » He will giut you one heart, and one way that you mayfeare hitfi for eucr for y^ur good, and the rood 'of *y atii Children *fter vo« , ( I . 3^,39. ) C^ndyou pall fe arc the LORD, and his gcodneff^j tn the latter dayes, ( Hof. 3, 5. pfal. 34,11. DeU:.4,IO. Iti.2^,22,23. Hof 3.5. For ctms f£t. Dcut. 9,19, lob. 1 . 1. Bdc OfFcarc. iti But thes tranfgrefion of the wicked, faith within my heart that there k mfeart ofG o d before his eyes, (Pfoh 36, 1, 2, ) For the fare of the Lord is to hate cviU^ai pride, andarrogancie} and every ev ill way* Prou. S^i^.Dcm. 5,25?. ^What would you hence inferre > A. Thsvforcfeare ibcLordfe huSams% for there is no want to them that fear e him, (PU. 34 9.) Tea let aU the Earth feare the Lord ; let all the inhabitants of the world J}andinawefhimtPfa.33,o.c5,QJerjoj* For, i.ThereisCMcrcy with ..lira, that hecway.be feared, Pia, 130^4* 2 With G O D is terrible^ mate- fltz-j) (lob. 37, 22 J Hecs is a con- fuming fire \ even a iealoui Go^Dcur^, 24.) The Pillars of the earth tremble, and are afionied at his reproofe, (Iob.26,11. ) The foundations alfo of the tiils mooved, and were Jhaken 3 beeaufe hes wa6 wroth, PfaI.i8,7fP7,5)io4)3i.N3hufini, 3. I. Szm.6,20. Hcb.io^j. Hab. 3,16. lob, ^,5.37,1. ExQd.24. 17.02^.5,25,2^ Ifa,23io,Icjr. 5,2i,22?ip,iQf lM Qb. U 1 6% Of godly Sorrow. Of godly Sorrow. ob. If the tcare of che LorJ bee to hatecuilf, then wofull is mycoUdkion, who haws againecracified Christ by nayfinnrs? A. Notwicfoftanding youjhall lookc on him whom you haue pierced, and you flsaU wournefor htm ; as one mournethfor his $ne!y Sonne ? and bee^> in bttterneffc^ for himy tt one that is in bitternejfe for his firfl borne ': ( Zacb. 12, 10. ) And joupafi remember your orvae euill to ayes , and your doings that were not good , and you jhall loath your felues in your orvne fight , for jour iniquities , and for your abhominatwns : Eick. 36, 31,20,43. Ez-*:k. 6, 9. Icr. 3 1, 19,5 1,4. Zach. 13,4, I.Sam. 7. 2. Thus Gods people gather ed themfclues together at Mizpeh ya#d drew water , L\ 14, n. R^rn. a, i<5s 12. 3, ,Vkr.ny2p. Ezek. 21, 2^. ier. 9, 25. (48,29.) jo, ii,32.IU. 23i23:;3s6. Aa offinne, wkhourcenuerfi >n rrocn (inn : ? A. #££ n^Sf a!fo he&le thy back [tidings, ( HuCia, 4) />r -t>^ 7(7//, God /fa; ^ r<*;/W *y A// &>## f I e s v s Andfent h:m to blejfe jofijn turning away every one ofyourffcm your iniquities , ( A& >, 3 , 26.) A*id Atff A *//0 to the Gentiles granted repentance vn • to life : A&s ,11,18) Who nwr asflxepe going aft ray, but are now returnedvnto the Sbepheard,andByjhop of their foulesy\J?W. 2,25, lfa.177,8. is?,i8, 19, 157,21.23, 18. Zach. 13,4, s.Ier. 50,5. OfZcale. i^s Tor Z ichae.i^ food.andfaidte the Lord, behold Lord the halfeofmj goods Igim *vnto the poor e & if I haue taken any thmg from any manby falfe accufatton, 1 re- re ft ere him four e fold. L u k. 1 9 , 8 . Bur the Reprobates they returne5 but not to the mojt high (Hof.j,i6.) They w:M not frame their doings to turne vnto their God.(Hof,5,4 ) For their bones arefull ofthefmnes of chesr youth, which thaii lye downe with them in the dttf. lob. ac.a. Chap. XXII. 4/Zeak. Q^ \j\f Hat other Grace will Goi * * workcinvs? A. Zeakj an^ that firft of liking af- fections. 1. ToChiist. For PaulWBarna* hat hazarded their Hues, ( A 83, 145, JJ7,i*l,wr. But is incrwfed by oppofition. It Is time faith be. for the Lord to tvorke , for t»en Aw* »u ^ voyde thy Law.T here fore louelthy Commandements aboue goldyyea thuefnegold, (Pfa). up, 12 1 ) K^ind I will OfZeafe 1*7 willytt be mire vile than thus, and mil he bafe in mine owne fight >2 . Sam .6. 22 . A)&t*d the free gwifts of the people for rbe Ta- bernacle , were more than enough , and therefore bwy retrained from bringing any flWf.Exod.36'. 5. 2, Sam. 24,24. 1. Chro.2p,2i.2^, 13^14.1, Cbro.2^32, 33,30,24.2,0^0.35,7.^^4.17^21, *3 >*jii.7>7i.Ezra,2 68,Hag.i,i4. Though rAf wicked y^y /& time knot cometfhe time that the Lords houfejhould he built. Hag. 1. 2. 5 By reioycing in tfcc good they fee in M 4 others* i68 OfZcalc. others. Hatting no greater toy than to fee Gods Children walking in the truths ioh. 3.Epift«4.^W are aliue, iftheyftandfafi in the Lord, i. Tbef. 3,8. Phil. 2. 7. 2. Chron. 2936. 6 By bue towardsGods Minifters.For Paul doth beare record vnrothe Galathi- ans , that they would haue f lucked out their owne eyes , and given them to him. (Gal.45i5.) Prifcilla alfo , and Acpiia , haue for his life laid down their owne necks Rom.i^3-,4.2.T!m.i.i^.T.King.i8?4. 7 Lmie to Gods people. / could wifl) faith Pziab that my felfe were accur- fedfrom CHRIST,/^ Bre- thren my kinfmen according to the fiejh^ (-0 / , ?, ;. ) And if (fauh Moics to GOD) fhou wilt notforgiue their ft ns, Hut mc I pray thee7 out of thy tooke, which thou haft written : £xod . 3 2 , 3 2 . 2 .Cei* £,1,2,3,1 .2. % Zcale efJifliking affeffions. For Lot that righteous man dwelling mongjhem efthcoldwrld, in feeing^ and OfZealc. 169 and hearing, vexed his righteous Soules* from da] to day , with their vnlawfnU deeds, 2.¥e\.z.9. And doe not I hate them O Lord, that hate thecs , and am I not grieved with them that rife vp againjl thees ? I hate them with a perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies (Pfa 1.139,21*) The zealcs of thine houfe hath eaten mee vp^ and the reproaches of them that reproached thees, are fallen vpon mee, Vh).4$#. Pfal.n?, 53.Pfal«ii$>.i363i3?>i58.verf. Act.17, i^Icr.^ 2. Exod.325i9.Nehem.13. 21. 25. 1,4. Ifa. 30.22. Ntmi, 25^8. Rora.15, 3,9. 2Phii.3,i8. Ezra, 9,3, Dan. io,2. 1 Sam.4,i852i,22. Q^ What may vvee learne from all this ? A. Not to \>tfloathfulltodoefervice,but tote fervent in Spirit, ferving the Lord, (Rom.i25u.) And to be valiant forth Truth vpon the Earth, ( Ier.p, 3 . ) Know- ing that if you loo fe your frH louts, God will remoueyour Candlefiickes out of bis place, (Revcl.2,4.) An-4 if you (hall bee 170 OfCharity. hke-warme, hets will (pew you out of hti mouth, Revel. 3,1*. Chap. XXIIL Of Charity ; Iuftice, and Content. Q^ T> Vt with our louc ioGod, ftiall -Dwaealf* hauc charitable hearts vnroroen? A . Tot* are taught of God to Iouc^j one mother \ (i.Thef .4,9.) whereby the Chari- ty of every one of you all, one, towards ano- ther, aboundeth, 2.Tbef.i,?. Q^ Wherein fhall our Charky to- wards our Brethren bee exercifed, and exprefftd? A. 1 fowards their Soule*. 1 As Stephen, who prayed for bis perfe«n- ters, crying with a loudcvoyce^^ Lor Hay not thisfmne to their charge, ( A&.7 £0.) And as D a v 1 d, who when his Enemies wercficke, his cloathing was Sack-cloatk, hee humbled hirofclfe wthfaJti?>g,(Pia\. Of Charity. 171 35,13.) And as Abiaham for Abimilbch, (Gen.io,!'].) Moses for Pharaoh, (Exod.8,12.) for Ifrae*, (Exod. 17, 11.) and for Miriam, Num.\i,l?,. i.Sam. 12,18. l.King.ijrf. Dan.9,20. Zach.i, 12,15.^7^12,5. . 2 As David, (Pf*l.$2$.) and Sa- lomon, (Prov. 1,2.) and Iob, who in- puttedmany, andflrengthencd the weake hands, (lob,4 3 ) So ro bee a guide of the blwdy a light to them which art in darkneffey an tnflrucler ofthefoolifl)y a ted- cher of Babes, (Rom.a, 19.) In mcekneffe inflruclwg thofk^ztfo thatoppofe them- felues, if Godpraduenturewill giue them Rtfentance, 2. Tim.2%2 5* 2 Towards their Bodies 5 anc! there- in fir fly Let them teas thine own^j bo- wels in the Lord, (Phil.20.) That fo thy bowels may found like a Harfe, as for Mo- aby andthj inward farts 2^ for Kirbarefh, (Ifa.i 6) 1 1.) Saying, Uoke away from me^ I will weep e bitterly, labour not to com fori m^)9 beiaufe of the (^oy ling of the Daugh- terof *my feoplc^9(llat22^) Forhowcan t ijt Of Charity, / indttre to fee the deflruftion of my kin* dredf Efthcr,8,6. lob,joaa 5. Ier. ?, i3 48j31.Pial.35.13.14. 2 Satr.i,n.,&c. 2 In keeping Hofpicalirk 5 as did tht old man of mount Ephraim, who com- ming from his worke, and lifting vp kps eyes, heefarv a wayfaring man in thefireet of the Citie^j, hee brought him into hti houfe, and gaue provander to the Affes -9 and they rvajhed their feet , and they did eate, and drinke, (Iudg. 19, 16 2i,ver..) And as the Brethren of Urufalem , who gladly rcceiued Pavl, with other Dii- ciples of Sangria, and of his coenpa- nyt (J&s 21. 16.) And as Obadiah, who tovke an hundred Prophets, and hid them byfiftie in a Caue, and fed them with . Bread and water \ 1 King. 18 ,4. 2 Sarxi.tf. 19. Ads 16.54. 3 In giuin^ Almcs^ForTABiTHA, wasfull of good Works , and Almes-deeds, . which fhe did.(Adi^.j6.) Cornblivs alio gaue much Almes to the people y (Ads 10.2.) i^4 nd the Difaples, every man ac- cording to his afalitit.fent relief e vnto the Brethren^ OfCharity. 175 Brethren, which dweltin Iudea. and [emit to the Elders, by the hands ofB arnabas And S a r l. {Aci. 1 1 , 2p .) We dot you alfo to xv it Brethren of the grace of God be ft owed on the Churches ofdMacedoma 5 how that in great tryall of &ffil'clion,&c . their deepc poverty abounded vnto the riches of their liber all tie. For to their p&wer, I bare re- cord-> yea and beyond their power J hey were willing of themf clues. 2 Cor. 8. 1. 2 Cor. p. 1. 2 Tim, t.i 6. Ads 2 0.34. Rom, 16* I>2*A&.4.32.Piaf.:?7,2I. 2 ChrO.28.i5. Thus the righteous confident h thccwfe of the Poor e 2, but the wicked reeardeth not to know it (9*0.29. j.) For (hey will find theWidowcs away empty, and the arm: s of the Fatherle{fe will they breake. lob 22.9. lob 24.^. Amo> 2.7. 2 Sam 23.7. Prom ,i2.io.I(i^g.5,23.2Cbro,ip.2,Ifa.32,(5. Q^ What tbcrefarc rnuft wee dec ? A< Seeing yee haue purified your foules, in obeying the truth, through the Spirit , vnto an vnfained Ioh of the Brethren, fee that yee hue one another , w:thapurt hem, fervently ; (1 Pet. 1,2 a.) And bit yee 174 Oflufticc yeefo/UwcrsofGod as dure children, And walke w Loue, as C h k i s t alfo hath lo- uedvs, (£phcL5,i.) That as you Abound in every thing, in faith, in utterance, and knowledge, f o that yet abound in this Grace alfo. For yee know the Grace of our Lord Ijbsvs Christ, that though hec^j wis rich y yet for your fakes he became poorer, that yee through his poverty m:ght bee madcrich, (2.C or.8,7.) Remembring al- fo his words, how that hee^j faith 5 It is a bhffed thing to giue7 rather then to re- ceiue^j, Act.20^35. i.Tim,6, 18. Pro.17, 17,14,21,14,31. L.ik.14,12. i.Pec.4,8. i.Cor, 1 6y 1,2. 238j 13. 1 Thef 4,9,10. Z*ch,7,9 Iudg.i,7#iSam.i^,33, Leu. 19^3,25,35.1 lob. 4, 20. N:hcm.8,io. Deuc.i5,7.Muh.5542,Ioh.i5.i2. oftujfiecjr. Ob. J haue obferued fome men who haue bcene very open handed in rebe- lling the poore, who yet haue made no Confcience to defraud the rich ? A. Surely Righteoufnejfe, And Mercy fliall mete together, (PfoL%5jio.) Vox I, will Oflufticc. 175 mil Mo make thy officers peace, and thine exaflors righteoufnejfe, fHa.50,17.) Yea, thy people fhatl bee all Righteous, (Ifa.^o, 21.) An^ *"'" fi*h fa called the City of rigkteoufnejfc, the faith full Cities y Iia.i, ^.Pfal.72,3. Ib.i6 9. Mal.3,3. Proa. 2o,7.Eeclcl.7>i5. As for me, my right coufoeJpL^> 1 hid fast, and will not let it goe, my heart jh all not reproach me,fo long as I liuc^, (Iob3 27.6.) For behold heere Iamy wjtnejfe a» gainftmec before the Lord, and before his anoynted,whofe Oxe haue I taken? Or whofe AJfe haue J taken ? Or whom haue I defrau- ded? Whowhaite I oppreffed ? Or of who fe hands haue I received a bribe, to blmdc mine eyes therewith ? And Iw'll re fore it you, ( i.Sam. 1 2, 3.) Recetue vs, wee haue wronged no man , wee haue corrupted no man, wee haue defrauded no man, (2 .Cor. 752.) The Lord Iswltnejfe, and his annoin- ted is witnejfe this day, that you haue not found ought in our hands, (i.Saai.12.4.) We haue not taken one Affefrom you , nei- ther ham wee hurt onc~> of you, Numb. 16. lj6 Of In j uft ice 1^,15. 1 Sam.2'i,.v{y 15, i,2p,6. 2 King- 12,15 .2,22,5,2,14 t).iSam.29i$Jobi29. I4.//J. j 1. 1,7. C^. 6, 9,Z)^f. 35, 21. jg^Buc is the pra&jfe of Iuftice a guifr of G o d common vnco ail ? A. The wicked borroweih, andpdyeth not agxwe, (piV.v;,2i.; They know not to doe right, faith the herd, who ft ore vp robberiz^^ and 'violence in their Pallaccsy (Amo«,3. 10.) There U no equitie m their goings , they haue made them crooked pathes, (Ifa. 59, 8.) They will fell thc^j Righteous fer fi her, and the Poore for a faire of fhooes 5 they pant after the duft of the Etrth, on the head of the poore, and turneafide the way of the meeke, (AfO% 2.6.) Awingthcm Judgement is turned backward, and luftice ftankth farre off \ for Truth is fallen in theflreet, and Equi- tie cannot enter 5 yea truth faileth, and he that departeth from evtll maketh him- fdfe a prey, Ifa. 5?. 14. Micha, 3. 1, t. Haf.12.7. £± What is the danger, which fuch wicked Oflnjufticc. 177 wicked oppreflbrs, do bring vpon them- feiucs ? A. He that doth wrong, flull receiue for the wrong that he hath done : (CoL j, 25,) For 1 will come neere to them in Iudgement^ and I will bee afwift witneffe againjl thofe that opprejje the hirelings. (Mai. 3, 5. ) For as much as their trea- ding is vpon the poor e , and they take from them hardens ofwheate-^ they bane built hottfes ofhewenftone, but they jhall not dwell in them ; they haue planted plea- fant vineyards , hut they jhall not drinke the wine of them* The prudent jhall keepc filence in that time • for it is an evilltim. Amos 5, 11,3, 15,5,4,7.^0. 2, ,$,10, u. Pro. 20, 10. lam. 5 1. Mich. 6 ^ia. Deu:.274i7, 25. Mich, 2,3,8,?, io,Zac. 5>i>&c. £1^ But I haue obferued none to pr©£ pet mote than thefe mt^ ? A. Better is the poore thatwalketh in hisvprightnejfe^ than he that isperverfi inhiswajt though he be rich, (Pro.2%,6) x^i little that the righteous man h*th^ N is iy 8 Oflnjufticc. is better then the riches of many wic- ked, (Pfa?. ~j^i6.) For an inheritance may be haflily gotten , at the beginning 5 but the end thereof ft all not bee blejfed: (prou,2o, 2i. ) Bread of deceit may bee facet to a man s. but afterward his mouth fhall be filled wdhgraueH, ( Pr ou. 2 o, 1 7 ) F«>r ** the Partridge fitteth on egges, and hatchet h them not 5 fo he that getteth ri- ches , and not by right , pall leaue them m tht-j miifi of his dajes, and at his end, heejhaflbea foole. let. 17, 11. Ecc!. 5, ij.Proiui2,27,ij>n,ioP2,2o.i7,i^>8> 21,7. lob. 2 o, 28. jQ^ Wast may rhefe things teach vs ? A. Therefore withhold not good from them, to whom it is due> when it is in the power of thy hand to doe it : ( Prou. 3 27) Remoue not the old Land-mar ke , and enter mt into the Feilds oftheFatherleffe3(Pco* 2 3 , 1 o J Doe no vnrighteoufneffe in iudge- ment 5 in met -yard, tn weight er in me*- fure. luft ballanccs % tuff weights , * ipft Efhab , and 4 i*jt %in , fhall jw ham .: ( Leuic. 1?, 3J. ) Trufi not m OfContcnc. ryp in opprefiton , become not vaine in Bob- bery : (Pfa!. 62, 1.0.) And Jec no man goe beyond, and defraud his brother in any matter^ becaufe the Lord is the avenger ofallfuch, as we alfo,haue forewarned you, andtejlifed ; 1. Thef. 4, 6. Content. Ob. Alas ,/ haue coveted greedily all the day long : f PiQth2i36.) »nd therefore am Vpon cuery occafi on tempted to Inju- ftsce: (Ecclef.q, 7,6, x, 2. Hab. 2, 5. A. Why lb > For / haue coveted no mans filuer, or gold, or apparell, ( Ad.20> 1J-0 Yea,/ ^*#c learned in whatsoever e- fiate lam in, therewith to bes content. I know both how to be abafed, I know how to abound ^ ever) where, and in all things I am infirucled , both to bec^full , and to bees hungry , both to abound , andt$ fofferneed , lean doe all things through Christ wkrhJlrengthenethme.Phil.q, 11. lQb,j,2i.2.$am.i9,33,&c. Q^ What arc thcfeexamnlcs t# mcf A» Therefore take heed and beware ofco* (veioufnejfejfor a mans life confijieth not in N z tht 180 Of Content. the aboundance of the things which he es fijfeffeth _(i,uk. i2,T5.jBuc ye; everyone that is greedi e of game takethawaythc^> life of the honours thereof: (Prou.i 19J M i e< ucr, he that louethjiluer, frail not befatisficdwith (liver, nor he that loveth aboundance with mcreafe : (Eccl.5 10 ) Onely Go dime {Je with contentment ts great game. For we brought nothing with vs in- to this world \and it is certaine that we jhall cany nothing out. And therefore hauing feeder raiment Jet vs therwith be content, (i.Tmi 6,6)Wfrich that you may bd I Dnnkeofthe water winch I fljallgiue you \ of which whofoeuer dr tnketh.fr aline. ver be more a thirfl ; but the water that J Jhall g/ue him., jhall be in him a well ofwa- ter springing into everlafling life : loh. 4.13. 2 And wkhaii pwy jay in ^Incline my heart vnto thy tejlimonies , and not to co- vetoufufe Tume away mine eyes from be- hilding van; tie, and quicken thou mee in thy way: t>i . 1 1 ^. 36. Ecclcf.6.1 z,Hab. 2,13^011.23,4. CaAP.XXilU- OfSinccriric. 181 Chap. XXIIII. Of Sincerities and Perferverance. c^ npHcfc were excellent Graces, if "** they weic accompanied with Sincerity? A. True , for God himfelfe defireth truth inthe inward farts •, and therefore in the hidden fart he pall makers theeta know mfedome : ( Pfalji,^) For he [ball fut his law in thy minde , /# thine heart. (Icr. ji. 33.) Whereby thou ft&kflandwith thy loynes girt about with truth 1 (Epb, 6/4.) And be ss the Kings Daughter, all glorious within. (Pfal. 45, rjj And as the £/dWi> ffo */*# Ladie , #^00* ^ loved in the truth • /ir f Af rw)£/ /rf^, n?£/V£ dwelleth in vs , and pall b withvs for ever •• (loh. 2,Epift. i.i^j So that /# fAe vpnghtnejfe of thiae ^r^ thou pah willingly offer vnto the Lord, an offering in Rigbteoufneffe .• *. Chro. 29. i7. For i8t OfHypocrific- For thus Enoch walked wit hQod{Qtn* 5,12.) Behold a\(o Nathaniel, an Ifraelhe indeed, in whom was no guile. Ioh.i,47# Gen. 24,40. Pfal. \\6.9. 2, King.20.3. OfHypocrifie^j. Q^ Is this any common Grace ? A. Helpe Lord, for the godly man cea- feth for the faithfullfaile from amongthe children of men. Theyfpeake vanity every wan with his neighbor jvith flattering lips, and with a deceit full heart doe they fpeake, (PfalA2>\,28,3.)7hciTfX0f San*, 1^17, OfHypocrifie. i8j So the houfe ofhcoh (faith Cod) dot feek me daily, and delight to know my wans, 44 a nation that did righteoufncjfe 5 and forfooke not the Ordinances of their God ; they aske of me the Ordinances ofluftice, they take delight in approaching to G o d : (Ifa, 58, 2. ) and yet they bend their tongue like their hew, for lyes fiat they are not valiant for the truth vpon the Earth : (Ier.9,3.) Neyther haut^> they cry ed vnto me with their harts, when they howled vpon their beds : ( Hot\j, 14. And though they fay the Lord liueth,yet do theyjiveare falfely : (kr. 5, 2. ) They ret urne vnto me , not with their whole heart, butfai- nedlyjaiththe Lord : ier. 3,10, lia.5^, ?3.Hof.8,2. 2,Tim.3,5. For when he flew them J hey fought him; Nevertheless they flattered him with their mouth , and lyed vnto him with their tongue ^for their heart pat not right with him, neither were the) fiedfafi inhisCe- venant : Pfalm. 78,34. &c. Math.25. 5> i4,25,verfcs. 2,King.io.3i. i,Sam, 2^21,1^4,17. N4 Oh% 1% 1 84 Of Sinccritic. 0£.lt(hould feerne this grace of Sii- centie is very rare, and yet who wil not fry, ray heart is vpright ? Stand apart , come rtot neere me, [Am holier than thou. If\ 65,5. A Mojl men mil proclaim? every man his orvngoodneffe^ but a faith full man who can find ? ( Pr©u» 20, 6.)CAllthe ivayes $fa Man are cleane in his ownc^ eyes 3 but the Lor DpondereththeJpirits,(Pto. 16. 2) He that is firjiin hisorvne caufe, feemeth iufl $ut his Neighbour comweth, Andfearcheth him out : Prou. 18, 17, 25, 14. And therefore,//^ manfeeme to him. felfe to befomewhat , when hee is nothing , heedeceiueth him felfe : Galath. £,3.2, King)io5i5. J^What is the danger of Hipccrifie? A Shall not Ivifitfor thofe things faith the Lord? fhallnot my foule bec^> avenged •nfuch a Nation as this, (Ier. 5, 29.) Yea curfedjhallhe be thatfmiteth his neigh- bourfecretly, and all the people flail fay A- «w>.(Deut.27,24.)$0 that theHypocntes hope OfSinceritic. i8j hope flail be cut off, and their truft flail be a Spiders web. Hees flail kane vpon hk houfe,but it fall not ft and ^ hee flail hold it fa fl7 but it flail not endures, lob38.i 3. Pfal.12,3. Q^ Wherein then lyes the difference, betwixt the eftare of the Hypecrkes, and the true Nathaniels, m whom is no guile ? A. Bee that walketh vf rightly , waL keth furely ; but hes that pervert eth his way flail be knowne, (Prov% 10 , fProu.12.22.) And therefore better is the poor cs that walketh in his Integritie, than hee that uperverfe in his lips, and is ^/Wc^,Pfoua©J2p.i4.2,i^i.i4J5- iS^.PiaU^ii. Ob. Bitf i6 Of Sinccriric. ob. But fuch become great , and dot waxe rich, they wax fat , they fhine : ler. 5.28. A. What is the hope of the Hypocrite, though he haue gained, when God taketh a- way his Joule f Will God hearehis cryywhen trouble commeth vpon him ? Will hee de- light him f elf e in the Almighty f Will he* alwayes call vpon God? lob, 27. 8. 8. 15, if, 20. Pro. 10. 28. Q^_ What may this reach vs ? A. Becaufe as in the water, face anfwe- rethface^>y fo the heart of man , to man\ (Pr011.27.1pJ Therefore let eueryman -pro tie his cwne wor ke, and then fh all he hau i reioycing in him felfe alone, and not in another : Gal. 6.4. 2 Beware yce of the leauen oft he Pha- rifes, which is Hipocrifie>(LuV.il.\.) Let hue bee without difimulation ■: (Rorn .12, p.) And be yee perfect with the Lord your God: (Deur.18.13.) Not to bee almofiy but altogether fuch (U P a v l was, (Ads 2 6.2 p.) That fo you may bee able to fay 5 Search wec~> 0 God, and know my heart Of Sinceritie. 187 hearty and try mcc,andknow my thoughts : fees if there bee any way of wickedncjje inmz-j ; Pfal. 13^.23. 76.1. Matb.tf.i. 3 Pray faying $ Let my heart be found in thyflatutesfhat J be not afhamed,(Pfal. 1 19.80.) Draw me not away with th^j wicked^ and with the workers of Iniquitie, which (j>eake peace ts their Neighbours y but mi f chief e is in their hearts : (PfaL 28. 3.) O continue thy loving kindnejfc^? to them that know thee, and thy right eoufnes to the vf right in heart, pfal.^d- 1 o. 4 Take yce heed, every one of his neigh- bour, andtruHyeenot in Any Brother 5 for every Brother will vtterly fupplant , and every Neighbour will walke injlaunders .* and they will deceiue every one^s his neigh- bour , and will not Jpeake the truth : They haue taught their tongues to (peake lyes, and weary themfelues to commit in/- quiti<~>: (Icr.p.4.) Put yee not confi- dence in a guide , keepe the doores of thy Mouth from her that lyeth in thy bo- fome^> : ( Micha, 7. 5,) But learnc of C h r i s t3 who did not cwmit himfelfe vnto i? 8 OfPcrfcvcrance. vnto rhe Iewcs 5 because hees knew all men : for hee knew what was in Man : Ioh.2.24. Thefimpleman\ndz$& beleeveth every wordy but t h$ prudent man looketh well to OfPerfevcrancc-j. 0^ Sineeridc I doc cenfl ffe ro bee a Angular Grace, gracing all the reft; buc what afllirance can you glue rnce of pst- feueriug the r in t l)b%iy, 10. A. The path of the lust is a fhining light, that flyineth more, and more vnto the perfect day, (Prou.4,1 8.) //"therefore that which you haue heard from the begin- ning jhallremaine myouy you alfo jball con- tinue in the jonne, and in the Father, (1 . Iob.2.24.) who paS eflabhfl) you an holy people vnto himfelfcs, 46 hee hathfworne vnto you. fDeut.28^.) <^And full con. frmc you vnto the end, that you may be ^lamelefe, in the day of our Lord 1 1 s v s j Chr!st,i Cor. ij8. Pfa!.84 7. For the Converts continued Jledftfily tn the ^Apo flies Dottrine snd feliowJbip> and Of Perfcvcrance. and in breaking Bread, and in Prayers, (Ads 2,42,) C^nd the Church of Tnia- tira Her la ft workes were more than thcs firfl . (Revel, 2, 1 9.) Mary a!fo chofe that good part, which was not taken from her: (L11L1042.) And as formee my foot hath held his fteps , his way haue I kept, and not declined • neither haue I gone backe from the Commandement of his lips : (Iob,23 , t?,)BiH haue inclined mint eare to per forme his Statutes alwayes, euen vntotheend: (Pfal.n^ui.) AncUfyou* alfo (faith C h r i s t,) keeft my Comman- dement s, you ft) all abide in my Loue , even as I haue kept my Fathers Commandement s and abide in his Lou35- Ier.Srf. Hofq, 16. Ier.27^2.Prov.26, u. A. Verily , verily J fay vnto you, whom- ever committeth Simtt, is the fervant of ftnne. i po Of Pcrfcverancc* firmer. And the fervant abideth not in the houfe for ever , but the Sonne abideth ever. (Ioh.8.34.) For every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted fh all bee rooted vp ; ( M ith. 1 5,13,) They went out from vsy but they were not ofvs ; for if they had beene of vs , they would no doubt haue continued with vs : But they went out , that they might bee made ma- nifest, that they were not all ofvs. i.Ioh. a. ip. True it is^fome mens fmnet are open be- fore hand, going bef ire to lodgement, and fome men follow after .• f 1. Tim. 5. 24O Andmanyofthefirjl [ball be LB, and the loft firft : ( Uith. 20.16.) Nevenhelejfe, the founds ion ofG O D Jlandethfure, ha- vingthU fealty, the Lord knoweth who are his t 2,Ti and vnrebukeablc^9 vnttll the appear ing of our Lord IESVS CHRIST: ;i.f»m. 6. 13. ) For our defm is3 that every vpt of you doejbew the Of Perlevcrancc. * 9$ t he fame di licence ) tothefullaffurance of hope vnto the end. That ye be mtfw. hfnll% hut followers of them, who through faith, and patience inherit thepromifes.(Hzb.6, 11. ) Lift ingvp the make hands, which hang downe, and the feeble knees , and ma- kingftraight paths for your feet , left that which is lame, be turned out of the way : but let it rather be healed: (Heb. 12,12,) And grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Ibs vs Christ, fa. P^t# 3, 1 8, ) That fo he that is righteous may be righteous Jlill, and he that is holy, may beholyflill; EUvel.22, 1 1; Hsb. 10,23. Phil. 3. 12. 1, Cor. $, 24, 2 , Chron. 34, 31. 2. Cor.6,1. A£b> *3>43« 2«Tinh 5^ Why? what is the danger of fal- ling away ? ^f. When a righteous man turneth a» way from his righteoufnefe , and commit' teth iniquitie , hejhall even die for the^> fame, hejhall even die for his iniquity , which he bath done: Ezek. 18,24.x*. The Lord indeed #* with yw% while** 1 94 Temptations of the flefh you be with htm ; and/fyefeeke him .he mill befoundofyoujbui if yon for fake him ht^> wtUforfake you : ( 2, Chron. 15, i.)And will leads yon forth with evill doers ( Pfal. 125, 5. ) And feed yon a* a lambe in a Urge place : Hf>£ 4,15. Know therefore, and fee that it is an e- and bitter to for fake the Lord thy God: ler. 2, ip, 2, 13. Hcb. 10, 58. Pfal. 73,^7. Iud, 5. 6, i, King.^ 27.Ezcl^ 33,1:, Ioh.2.Epiftip.Ierk2Jj7, Mat. i>3 13.23 Pct.3j2o, Chap. XXV. Oftewptattor.s in general! ,and in tar* ticulcr of 'the Flefh. Ob. TF this bee the danger of backfil- ling,. what will become of ibcc> who asn expofed to many temptations ? ; A. There hath no temfUtionukenyoUji hutfnch as is common to man • but God ijftitbfull, whomllnotfufferyoutobe^ ttmf* Temptations of the flefh. 195 tempted^ above that you are able y but will with the temp at ion alfo make a way to efcape i (i,Cor. 10, 13. ) For in that Christ fejfered, and was tempted, hc^> is able tojuccottr them that are tempted : (Hth. 2, 18.) And will ejtabUjb youy and keepe you from evill : ( 2 . The f 3 , 3 . ) As well as hc£ did PaVl who fought a good fight , who f stifled his courfe , and kept the • faith, (2,Tim.4 7. Revet. 3, 10) And therefore pray you alfo^ thatyonen- ier not into temptation : Lufc. 22 , 40. ob. But is not G o Dfaid co leadxRVCi into Temptation ? how fay you then rhat he will dcliuer vs out of temptation f A . Let no man fay when hec^> ii temp- ted , lam tempted of GOD ifor God cannot bec~j tempted with evilly neyther tempteth hee^> any man ; but every man is temptedwhen hee^j is dratvneaway of his owne Concupifcencey and is entifed; 1. lam. 13. 14. Ob. If the cafe ftand thus, what flaall I doe, who banc & much flefhrcinai- fiisg in me ? O 2 A. fi 196 Ttcmptations of the fltfti. A. Is there no ba/me in Gikadlis there no Phifitian there f Why then is not the health of the Daughter of my people reco- vered? Ier*8,22. Oh, Alas this corruption is growne to fuch 2 head^s is not now to be fubducd? A. Though your iniquities prevaile againfi yon yet he flail purge them away, (Pfv'.tf? .3 ) Moreover every valley jhallbe exalted And every mount a ne andhtll fhall be wade low, and the crooked things (halbe made firatght and the rough places plaine: (Ift.40 4,) For the weapons of our warfare are not camalljbut mighty through God, to the pulLng downe of jlrong holds , ca- sing downe imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itfelfe againfi th ^knowledge of GOD, and bringing in- to captivity every thought , to thes obe- dience of Christ.* 2, Cor. 10, 4. A butfmners to repentance : Mat.^3. Ob» Behold we come vnto thee, for thou art the Lord our God5 ( Icr. 3, 22. ) Bur we hAue gone ajlray like lojtjjjccpe, (Pfal. 119, .76. ^ Arid the wayopnan Unit in himftlfc ^neither is it in man that%alketh to direct his jleps, Icr. io, 23. i^A. lam not [cm but to the lojl fieepe efthehoufceflfrael: (Mat.15,24.) Tber- fore I an; c$me tofaue that which was lojl {$AaT.\&9n.]andto bringagainc that which fvas driven away,(Ezzk.?q.i6.) For how thinkeyou? if a man haue an hundred jhecfc, and one of them be oyne ajlray, doth he not leave the ninety, and nine, and goer h into the Mount at ncs, andfeeke that which was gone ajt ray ejrc Even fo it is not the mil of the Father which is in Hexvenjhat one Temptations of the flc/h. 1 99 one oftbefe little ones fiould per ijh : Mat, i83iz,io3£. Luk.15, 8 &c, ob. Thcw^tftas yet temames 5 for though I fee my way before me, yet eaa I not walke therein? <_sf. The Sprit indeed is willing , but theflejhis weaken, (Matb.26.4j J Yet a brui fed reed will he notrbrcakc, andfwoa- king flax efi) all he not quench, till bee fend forth ludgement vnto viclory : ( Mac. 12, 20.) And hee^ faidvntome, my grace is fufftcient for thee 5 for my flrength is made perfect w iveakneffe^ : 23Corintb^ Ob. All this while nsy appetite after Grace h not alayed ? ^. Iwill powre waters vpon himttiiib is tlnrfly, andflmds vpon the^j dry ground, (I(a,44, 3 ) For as the Scriptures haue faidt out of his belly jh all flow Rivers of li- ning water : which beefcake of thejpirit > which they that btleeue on himfhouldrc- ceiue.(lob.j^3 ,19*)! am alfo the bread of life he that comet h vnta me fl)alneuer hun» gerund be that beleeueth on me Jhall never 0 4 tbirji. io© Temptations of the flcfli thirji : Ioho, 6, g5, 4, 13. Luke3 1, 53- Ob. Itu rot meet to takethc^ Chil- dren* bread y and to cafi it vnto Dpggcs : Mar. 15^26. At True jet the Bogs eate of the crums which fall from thes iJMafkers tables : ( Mar. 15, 27. ) And theicfore , if any man thirji let him come vnto Christ, and drtnke : (Ioh.73 37. J And hec^j that hath no money cowte $ yea buy , and tate^ yea come buy wine, and milk e with- out money 5 and w-ihout frice. Where- fpre doe y cuff end money on that which is not bread f And your labour for that which fatisfeth not t Hearken diligently vnto me, and eate that which is rood , and Utyourfoule delight itfelfe infatneffe. In- cline your eare.come vnto him ; heare, and your Joule Jhall Hue , (Ifa. 55, 1.) K^dnd the (pint) and the bride fay > come 5 and let him that u a thirji come \ and whofoever will , let him take of the Wa- ters of life freely : Revel, a a, 17. lob. Tcm ptations of the flcfli to i ^ But in coniming (hall I not bec reje&ed ? A . c^// that the Father giveth mets Jhall come to mee, and him that commeth to me, I will in no wife caB off. Ioh.5.37. Ob. Sir giue mec then this water that I thirfi not : (^,4.15.) For notwkh- ftanding all you haue fajd j h is the ve- ry breaking of wy heart, to thi&ke that 1 can feme Godoo betrer t A. The Sacrifices of GO D are a bro- ken Spirit ; a broken ', and a contrite hearty God will not deftifes: (Pfal.ji 17.) For thm faith the hi-gh, and lofty Ones, that inhabit el h Etermtie, whofe name is Ecly. I dwell in the high, and holy places, with him alfo that is of a contrite, and humble (pirit, to reviue the (pirit of the humbles, and to reviue the heart of the contrite ones : (lfa.57.1 5.) To open the blind eyes, to bring the Pnfonersfiom the pr if on, and them that fit in darkneffe, out ofthefrifop houfe : (lid. 42 . 7.) That they might bees called the trees ofKighteoufneffc, the plan- ting of the LORD, that hee might bes zot Temptations of the Flcfti. glortjicd. (lffl.6?.2^.) Therefore turne yee to thefrong holds ye frif oners of hope ; for even to day doe I declare, that I will render double vnto thee: Zach.^12. Ifa. 49. 8. 6\. 1 . pla!. 34.18. 147,3- C>£. Ti:efearefweetproimfcs I con- ftfle j but yet I want comfort flill. A. 1 he Lord God hath given Christ the tongue of the Learned, that hzcjhottld know how to (peake a word in feafon to him that is wear le: (Ifa; 5 0*4) Blejfed there- fore arc you that mourne, foryonjhall bee comforted. Math. 5, 4, Ok Yet for all this the diftreffesof my fbule are fuch 3 as bee intolierablo to besre., and how to bee dehuered I know not ? A. Who is among you that fear eth the Lord, that obey eth the voyce ofhufervanty that walketh in darknejfc, and hath no light, let him trttfl in the Name ofthe^j Lcrd,andfay vfonhis G OD:{\ fr.50.ie ) andfeeke vnto him that makcththe feaven Star res, and Orion, andturneth thejhadow *f Death, into the mornings andmahth the Temptations of the Dcvill. 2,05 the day darke with night 3 that calleth f$r the waters of the Sea, andpowreth them out vpon the face eft he earth »$ the Lord is hisnamc^. Aok>Sj5,8. Chap. XXVI. Of the Temptations of the DttiU. Ob. 'HpHoygh I {hould preuaile a- A gainft the motions of rhc Flefh this fearc yet remained , leafl by any weaves, at the Serpent beguiled Eve, through his fubtiltie, ft my mwdejlwuld be corrupted pom thefsmplicitie that is m Che ist. 2%Cor.n.3. lob, 1.7. A, Refift the Devil, and hee willflie^j fromyou : (Iare.4,7.^ Now is the radge- ment of this world, nowJhaU the Prince of this world be cafi out. loh.i 2 ,3 1. Ob, What hope haue wee to preuaile againft fo potent an Enemy ? A. I haue written vntoyou Tcwg men, bec&nfc io4 T temptations of the deuill. becaufeyee haue overcome the wicked one (r.Ijb. a. 14 ) For wee know that he^j that is begotten of CO D keepeth himfe/fe, and that wicked one touchethhimnot ; (1. I0I1. 5. 18.) For the Church of Pergamiu dwelling even where Sat bans throne was, yet held fall her prof cf ion. Revel. 2. 13. lob, 2. 3. ob. It is not poffible for race in my ©wncftrength to pteuaile? A . For this purport appeared the Sonne of GOD, that be might dejlroy the workes of the Bevill: (i.loh.3.8.) Who frail bruife Sat ban vnder your feet jhortlj : (Rom. 1 £.20.) And though the Princes of this world come, yet hath hee nought in him : (Iob.14.30.) But in twocombatcs wasfoyJed,and in the third was pur to fl.ght by him : (tJAath.^. 1 >) So as thes gates of Hell prevailed not againjl him : Matb.i£.i8.Numb.2i.?. £1^ Wherewith was Christ fur- nifhed againft Sathan ? A. Forafmuch as the Children are par- takers offlejh and blood, h^j alfo himfelfe like. Temptations of the dcuill 105 likewife , tooke part of the fame, that through Death j he e might defiroy km that had the fower of Death, that is the Devilh (Heb.2,14) And the Saints overcame him alfo, by the Blood of 'the Lambe.Rev. 12. 11. Q. May not Sathan ouereomc at the Ml A. No: for Christ hath (poyled Principalities, and?owersy and made ajhew of them openly , triumphing over them in hUCroffe: (Co!. ?. 15 ) And when hee afcendedvp on high, he ledCaptivitiecap* Hue : (Epncf.4.8.) Wherefore hee is able tofaue them to the vtmofl, that come vnto God by him, feeing he ever livetjh, to make inter cepon for them : ( Heb. 7. 2 5 .) Tor heegiveth vnto them Ft email life , 2nd they Ihallnqver perijh , neither Jhall any flttcke them out of his Fathers hands ^bc- CAufe his Father which gaut them him, is greater than all. lob. 10. 28.Pfa!« *8,i8. Ob. But the Dragon, and his Angels doe Qillcoutigue their fight againft vs f A. I io6 Temptations of the Dcvill. A. lhautpitt enm'ttie betwixt thee ,and the Woman, and bet ween e thy feed \and her [ted i it fhall bruife thy head, and thm jhalt bruife his heele : ( G en. 3 . 15 .) Th c re - fore though ifecy fi^hr, yet they prevails not, neither ill a! I their place be found any more in Heaven. Revel. 12 .8. Luk.io. iS. Preu. 2^27. Q^ What (lull then become of (hern, when thty are (o cart out ? A . The great Dragon \vm cafi out, that old Serpent, called the Devi 11 andSathan, which deceive! h the whole world, hee was cafl out into the earthy and his Angels were caji out with him. Reu. f 2,9. Oh. How is it then that when the femes of God come to prefent themfelues before the Lord, Sat ban is not fhut out, {lob, 2, 1. ) but is ready to fland at his right hand torefift them ? Zach.^.i. A. The Lord faid; Simon, Simon, be* holds at han hath de fired to haue you, that he may ft ft you as Wheat $ but J haue pray- ed for thee, that thy faith faik not >, ( Luk. 32. 31 J Saying, the. Lord rebuke thecs, 0 Temptations of the Devi!!. 2 07 O Sathan, even the Lord, that hath chofen lerufalem, rebuke thee. Z -acb . 3 . 2 . JJ^ Did the Lord I s s v s naake good fcispromife? A. Yea • for though he were once E>y- Icd, yet heagaine rscouered, foi he went out, and wept bitterly . L uk. 2 2 . 6 1 . iJ/yVas he not by this foile of his.maic for euer after the more faint* homed > A. No :/ir nvY/& greater courage, and boldnes he both Preached,and prof ejfed the nameef "Christ. A&/2, 14,3 ,12,4,8,4, 19. 0i. Notwichftanding snyfeare is that st my appearing before Gods tribunal^ Sathan wili find fomc thing whereof to accufe me ? A, W&7 rfrf f hou fo fe are full, O thou of little faith. ( Math. 8,2 6) Foi / heard a. loudvoyce, faying in Heaven, now is come Salvation, and frength, and the Kingdoms of our God, and the power of his Chrijl »for theaccuferof the Brethren is cajl doivne, which Accufeth them before our God^ day and night. (Rm.iZtio.) $/l&tCQU£X tvi # €hr/Ji commth, he mil convince the world of xoS Temptations of the dcailL ofiudgement 9 becaufe the Prince oft his world is iudged: ( lob. 16, 8 , 1 1 . ) There //therefore, nofeareinlou: • butperfeft lone cafieth out feare : ( ijoh.4,18 ) And herein is our loue made f erf eft, that wees may haue boldneffe in the day of Judgment^ becaufe as he isffo are wees in the world I i>Ioh.4,i7. JJ^Whac fha!l then become of the Divcllatthetaft? A. The Divellthat deceiveth Men, fhall be caft into the lake of fire andbrtm- fione % where t he Beajl , and the fa/ fe Pro* fhet are, and fhall be tormented, day, and night for ever, and ever i Revel. 20. 10. J}^ What vfe make you hereof? A* Therefore reioyce jee Heavens > and yee that dwell in them : Revel. 12, 12. 2 Fight the good fight of 'Faith, ( 1, Tim. 6,12.) And/tardfajlinthejfaitb, quit you like men, andbeeftrong ( 1, Cor. 1 6, 1 3 . ) in the Lord, and in ihefower of his might : fut on the whole armour of God, Tcmpracions of thcDivcIL 109 God, that ye maytbecs able tofland a. gainjl the wdts of the Dwell : EpfceC 6, 10. J Be fiber t be vigilant, becaufc your ad. ver firry the Dived, as a rearing Lion* walketb about peeking whom hets ma) dc» voure : 1. Per. y 8. *,Cor. \6 13. 4 Pray, with all frayer, and fupplicatiom inthefpirit, and watching therevnto with all fer fever ance and fuf plication : Ephtk 6,18. Ob. IftheDivellbe caft our, and is gone- what need is there of any more watching againfthicn ? A» When thevncleanefpirit if gone out of a man, hec^j w Met h through dry f laces , feekingrefl, and finding none ; he faith / null ret urne vnto my honfe whence I came out. K^indwhenhecommcthjoefindethit frvept andgarnijhed Thengoeth he and to- kethy. other (ptrits more wicked than him^ felfe : and they enter in , and dweU there 5 and the laftflate of that manis worftthap t he firjl *Luk. it. 24. P ChanXXVII up Temptations of the world. Chap. XXVII. Of the temptations of the Worlds and in particular of Afflictions. ob. XjQcwnhftandingallmywatch- ■** ing and praying, if theDivell fheuld caftout of hit mouth water as * floods vfing the world^as an affiftanr, am I not ih danger to be carryed away of the Floud ? A. Wo ^ for the earth fhal] helpethe Woman ^and by opening of 'her mouth yfhall fwal/ow vp the Floud , whtch the Dragon fhaii f aft out of ' hts mouth: (Rtvd.l2,i<5) Thus Giilio helped Payl again ft the Jewfs : ( 4 2* 21, 31332* a, C 1 .-ix ?2.Exj^.2,5.E^.p,3. #£. But doc wee not fee many a roan how they ate vanquished by the world, and Temptations of the world, z i j and brought into fufyied 6 of the fame ? A. Whofoever is borne ofC O D over-. commeth the world, and this is the viflory that over commeth the world, even your faith: itl'ih.-frif^ ob. Wccfor our part haueoomore power againft the world, than wee hauc againft Sathan ? A.Chris rgaue himfelfefor our fins y that he might redeeme vsfrom this pre fent evill world, according to the will of God, and our father , (GaUj,^ ) Andprayedt not that he fhould take vs out of the world\ hut that he fhould keeps vsfrom evil. lo&* Ob. If the child of God haue overcame the ivorld, whence is rh»t vanity which ii done vfon the earth : that there isiufi men vnto whom it happeneth according to the worh of the wicked •> againe there he wicked men to whom it hapneth according to the worke of the righteous? Ecc .8, 44. A. Can a bird fall in a fnare where m fowler is? 1 ArtHM 3 ,5) Affliction commeth not forth out of the Dufl 9 neythtr doth P 2 trouble £12. Temprations of rhc world. trouble (pnng out of the Graue, ( lob. 5, 6. ) Is there any evill m the Citty which the Lord hath not done ? ( Amo?, 5, 6. ) From the LordofHofls which dwelleth m CMomtZton: ( Ifa. 8, 18. ) Who/ir- meth the light, and creates darkneffe, who maketh peace, and creates evilly h~> even hr doth all the fe things , lid. 43;, 7. Gen. 45,8. Lam. 3, 38. R&i. 17,12. £\, What may hence ta learned ? A . T h :re fo r e Ic r no man be moovedby thefe afflictions ; for you your felues know that tv e are appointed therevnto. For we told you before that we Jhould fuffer tribu- lation,even 04 it comes topafje , and you know it,(i ,Jhc f. j, 3 .) Forjhallwe receiue good at the handofG&c, andjballwee not rectiueevilh Iob,2iio,4,i7.i,Sam,26> S>. Ion, 18. 11. g^ Why ? what is the difpofirionof GOD towards his Children in theyr affl-ftioiv ? e\.As a m*n chaficnith his Son,fo doth the Lovd chaff en them: (Deut.8 5.) For whomheloveth he chafteneth, andfeour- geth Temprationsof the world. %x% geth every Son whom hi receiveth9 >f ye en- dure chaflifmg. G O D deaktk with you as with Sonne $ For what Sonne is thee thai the Father chajlenethmt f If ye he with* out chafiening ; whereof all are partdkars, then are ye baflards ana not Sonnes : Hcb. 12, 6, Revel.?, p. J^ Shew rre wherein diis fatherly dif- pofiiion of hj$ in afflclbngbis children is cxerci fed> -nd ixpn AM ? A. i He doth not afflift willingly >nor grreue the children of men : Ian>.;:, 33. 2 l» all their affiifttons, he is affli&ed. (Ka 6*5, 9 ) For w.mlfrael put away the firange Gods from a?nong them , andfer- vedthe Lord his foule was greeted for the mi fries efjfrael : ( Lidg. jo, 16. ) And his bowels were troubled for them : (kr, g»*, 20.) Saying, Saul, $au!, why perfecutefl thou ~mee^s ? ( &£ts, p, 4. ] for we haue not an high Priejl , which cannot bec^> touched with a fee* ling ef our infirmities e (Hebr.4, 15.) But hec^> that toucheth vs , toucheth the Apple of his owneeye : Zach. a, 8. P 3 PfaL z i 4 Tcm ptarions of the world. Pfal. 103,13 2, King. 13 4.15.23,2,14. 26. Aeb, 26,14. 1. Per. 5.7. Mat.*, 25, 34 2 Chron. 35,15. #£. In a!! my affl &ions I banc had | atuyt vnoGODj but yet could ne- ver difcerne any fuch affeftion in GOD towards fve ? A. ThcnfayrntoGoD;C>Z0JtD,J #4/*e watted for thec^j in the way of thy Judgements ; the de fire of my Souk is to thy name , and to the remembrance of thee. With my Souk haue I deft red thee^j in the night , and with my fptrit nut hi n me will ifeekc-j thee in the morning : (Ifa. 26. 8.) Looke downe from Hea- ven, and behold from the habitation of ihyh6linefJs>andofth) glory 5 where is thy zeale , and thy flrength , the foun- ding of thy bowels , and of thy *xj\lercies toward* me^j f Are they retrained ? Doubt JeJfLj- thou art our Father > though ABRAHAM be ignorant of vs , andlfrael acknowledgers not : thou O L OR D art our Father > mr Redeemer, thy Name is from E- ver- The ends of affli&ion* * 15 verlafling 1 Ifa. £3, 15. &c. Pfaltn. J^But why doth GOD lay Af- flictions vpon vs, being bis children ? A. JFAtf &*r A ihc Lord >non> *&#* .? Zr therenotcaufe ? (i,Sam.i7,2p.) namely. I To prevent finne. Far heeopeneth the eare of man, andfealeth their tnftruc- tion> that he way withdraw man from his furpofe, and hide pride from man, (lob, 33, id.) And left he Jhould be exalted a- bouemeafure, there is given him at home inthejefh, themejfenger ofSathan, to buffet him : (2, Cor, \ 2, j.) His way al- io is hedged vp with thomes^ and there** a wait 'made , that hee^j may notfnde ha pathes : (Hof.2,6.) Therefor sfeare not , becaufeofalfii&ion , for Gov is come to prooueyou , that his fear e might be before yoti9 that youftnne not ; Exod. 30,20,13,17. a To rcmouc finne. For if they be bound in fetters , and holden in the Cordes of <-4ffliftion, thenhee fbeweth them their rvorkes , an J their tranfgrefow thai P 4 " the} x j 6 The ends of Atfli&f on. they haue exceeded, He openeth their eare dlfo to d. (it f line , And commandeth that they returm from iniquity ? I o h . 3 6,$ . By this therefore Jhall the iniquity of Iacob'fc frrged^ andthis is all the fruit, to take away h s fwne : ( Ifa. 27, p. ) and that he may be made partaker oj his ho- lineffe : ( Hcb. 12, 10. ) For which caufe we fa: nt not for though our outward man per: fh, yet the inward man is renewed day by day : 2 , Cor. 4, 16. Hof 5, 15.Ifa.26, 9 4. 4. 2, Cot. 7,8. Zich. 13 9. Ez k. 35?. 22: Nimilvn,ii, EZwk.20, 37. Mai. Thar the ifraelites in their trouble vifi- tedthe Lordjndfowred out a prayer when his chajlfements was vpon them, ( lfa. 2 6. l£.) M »r>*ffcb after his affliction, hew that the Lord he was God : 2, Chro. 3 $, i%% 54, i7.G«» 42 2f.Pii!.i!p,$7.Iob 4°>4 2 3>'^.I(in«?.V3-Luk. F5.17. Bj»T for the wkk-ri , why jhuldtheybc [mitten any more? they fall away more , artdmore iU. 1. 5. 22. ia.Hol.7.10. A- mos34,6* 5 To The ends of affliction. 2, 17 3 To make vs truft in God. For wee had the fentence tf Death in our [dues, that wee Jhuld not truft in our felues, hut iflGOD which raijedthe Dead : (2. Cor, 1 -9 .) And God fajfered ifraeH to hun- ger, that hee might make them know, that man doth not like by Bread onely^ hut by e- uery Word, that froceedeth out of the^> mouth eft he Lord, doth man Hue : (Deut. 8, 3.) The remnant alfo of ifraell, and fuch as are efcafedofthe houfe of I acob, flay not vpon hm that [mote them • hut jhallftay vfon the Lord, the holy onc^s of Ifrae/ intruth. lk.io.2o. 4 Forourtryall. God left Hbz ikiah to try him, that hec^ might know all that was in his heart : (2.Cfcr©n .32,31.) And hee left the Cananites to remaine, to frouc ifrael, whether they would keefe the wayes of the Lord, and to walke therein : (Iadg. 3.4.) Joseph alfo wxs fold for a Ser- vant, and his feet were hurt in the fetters, hee was layd tn the Iron, vntili the timc^ that his word came; the Word of the Lord tryed him : (Vhlio^i j.) udndafword Jhall 1 1 8 The ends of affli&ion. JhaS fierce through thine owne foule alfe, that the thoughts of many hearts may bc^* revealed: (Luk.2»3f*j i^Andthou Jhalt remember all the way, which the Lord thy GOD ledthec^thefe 40. yeans in thc^> Wilderneffe,to proue lhe2, Gen. 22, 1. Gal. 5,17. Reu. 2, 10. 1. Per. 1,7. Iob;235io. 5 To wake vs cjoforroable vnto Christ. That wee may know him, and the fellow jh ip of his fuffenngs > being made conformable to his Death: (Phil 3,10.) For wee all are weake in him, (fc. Cor. 13. 4.) Filling vp that which is behind of the affliiiions of C h r i 5 t, in our fief), for his bodies fake, which is the Church:(Col. 1.24.) Knowing that the fame affliclions are ac complied in your Brethren, that are in the World: i.Pet.5.^. 6 That wee may cfewe the IucJge- ments of the wicked. When wee are iud* ged, rve<*_j are chafienedofthe Lord , that weejhould not beo condemned with thes World: The ends of affli&ion. 2, 1 9 World : (i.Cor. 11,32.) Ioseph was ftnt before into Egypt, to preferue lifc^j : CGen,45,5,7J 1 o $ 1 a was gathered to his Fat hers, and to bis Graue in peace, that hcj migh; not jeeaii the eviU that was to come: (2.0^0.3428.) Blejfed ihcretbte is the Man whom GOD chafteneth, And UAcheth him out of\\\% Law, that hc_j maJ/ £}ut him reft from thedajes of ad- verfitte^ vntillthepit bee digged for thc^> Wicked: Pfil.94,i2.Exoti.2 3.28,&c. 7 To furrher vs vnto Saluation. For ought not C h x 1 s r to fuffer thefi^ th-ngs and to enter into his Glory f ( Luk. 24 z6.) t^dndifweefuffer, weejhallaL fo raigne with him .• (2 . Tt jtj « 2 . 1 2 .) For our light AffltBion , which is but for a moment , werketh for vs , a fane more exceeding , and Eternall weight of Glo- rxL; : (2.Cor.4,l7.) Though now for d Jeafon, if need be<^>, wee are in heavi- nejfe , through manifold Temptations ; that the try all of our Faith , beting much more precious then Gold that pc- njheth, though it he fryed with frc~>, might no The ends of affliftion. might be found into fraifc, and honour* and'gkric^, at the Appearing of 1 1 s v s Christ, l.Pet.i..6. Confrme therefore the foults ofthes Difeiples, and exhort them to continue in the Faiths and that wee mufi through much tribulation enter into the Kingdoms of GOD : A&S.14 2 2.Phll.2 8.1^.23.40. 8 That wc may the better cftecmc of Profpcrity. (JMy wrath i'aith- G © D^Jhall not bcepowredout vpon lerufaltm by tbz~j hand ^Shishaki. Ncverthelcjje , they Jhall be his ferv ants > that they may kmw my ferviccs. and the fer vice of the King- doms oft he Countries. 2 .Chro. 1 2 7.8. 9 That we« may comfort others. For whether wee be affliclcd, it is for your con- futation which is effecluall in the tndunng ofthefamefufferings, which wee Mfofuf- fer - or whether we bee comforted, it is for your confolation, andjalvation ': 2. Com . 6. Htb.4.r5. 10 F©r examples fake re the wicked, Becaufe (faith God) they haue prophamd my Namz^>, among the Heathen , whether they The rncafurc of afflidion. it i they went, IwWfanilifie my great namc^, which wot frophancd among the Heathen y which they haueprophaned in the middeft oft hem ; and the Heat hen Jh all know that I am the LORD, (faith the Lord God> when I [hall bee fan&fied in them, before their eyes ; (Ez^k.36.22.) For I will jet my Glory among the Heathen, andallthc^ heathen jhall fct-j my Judgement that I haue executed, and my hand that J haue^> layd vpon them,« Ob. Though our Affli&ions bee aot according to our Sinncs. ycc may they prtflc vs beyond our ftrengrh. J -y for th; Lu RD vpholdeth vs with his hand The mcafurc ofsffli&ion. zi $ band: (PfaJ.37,24.) Neither will hec^ execute the fierceneffes of his anger • htt mill net returne to defiroy Ephra. im-,for hccfV GOD , and net CMan, tie holy One of Ifrael in the middejl of them : (Hof. 11, f-) Whereby vntotho v fright there arifeth light in darknejfe: (P/al. 1 1 2. 4O And when ifaid, my foot Jlippeth, his Mercy held mec^ vp. In the multitudes of my thoughts within mee, his comforts delight my Soulc^, : Pfal.^4,18. No man putttth a peece of new cloath vntoan old Garment ^ for that which is fut in, to fill it vp, taketh from thcj> garment , and the rent is made worfe • neither doe men put new Wine into old bottles ; elfe the bottles ireake, and the Wine runneth out , and the bottles pe- riff) ; but they put new wine into new hot* ties, and fo both are preferved : (Math. 9,16.) And will GOD plead again Ft thee , with his power ? No , hee would fut flrength in thee : ( lob , 25, 6) and firengthen thee, with frrength in thy xz4 The mcafurc of afflicSfcion. tkj fifties : PfaL 138. 3,55,22, 34. 20c 113.27,8,28^7.28,2?, 43, 2,3. Exod.3, 2.Numb.niii.&c. Ioaah^i,^. Amos, p,8.Ier.io,24. Ob. Notwifhftanding rfais moderari- on, if God (ho old bee alwayes wroth the Sprit fbould Jaile before nrm, and the^ Joules which bee hath made. Ifa . 5 7. 1 6. A. The Lord mil not eafi off for ever-, but though hce caufegriefe,yet will hee^> haue compafon according to the multitude of his mercies .(L^m.5.31.) And though the Afflictions of the righteous bee many y yet the Lord will deliver them out of them all. (P.'al. 34.19.) The Lordvpholdeth all that fal/\ and ra:feth vp all thofe that are bowed downe.(9[\i\.\4^/^ Whet by they fhal forget their mi fery and remember tt as waters thatpaffe away. (lob. 1 1.16.) And it Jhall come iopaffe, that as he hath wat- ched over them, to flu eke vpyand to breakt downe, to deftroy and to afflicl^ fo willhee watch over them, to buddy and to plant, faith the Lord. (Icr. 31.28.) whodelwe- reth vsfromfo great* death, onddothde- liuer Of Afflictions. X15 liner vs. In whom wetruf,that hee will yet deliver vs. 2, Cor. 1. 10. Pfal.41. 1. 34.6.i,Kmgs 11.39. Ifa. 28.28. Nebc. Ob, If we in refp(<&ofaffli<5i@n(hould obtaire buc a bare, and naked del i vc- iauce,thc comfort thereof would not fee great? A. They that fow inteares7 JhaUreape in ioyjie that goeth forth and wetpethjbea* ring precious feed, Jhall doubt lejje come a- gaine with reioycing, and bring his Jheaues with him: (P fall 26, 5.) For thus faith the Lord, like as I brought all this great e- vi 11 vpon this people , fowitl 1 bring vpon them allthe goodlhauepromifed, (Icr.ja, 42 .) A little onefoall become a thou fan 4^ and afmallone, ajlrong Nation, (Ha. 60 , 22.) As one whom his Mother comforteth, fo will I comfort you, andyouJhaSbe com- forted tn lerufalem* And when you fee this , your heart Jhall reioyce , and your bones (ha/lfounjh like an hearbe , And the hand of the LO RD fiaBbe knowne towards bis Servants, (Ifa.66.13.) Forhet^mH Q^ mafo x%6 Of afflictions. make her wilder nejje like Eden , and her Dc fart like the Garden of the Lord. Joy andgladneffe (lull be found therein ^hankjf giving* andthevoyce of melodic 5 (Lh 51, 3 . ) The voyce oft he bridegroome , and t he voyce of the Bride, the voice of them that jhalljay iPraifethe.LORD of Hop , for the LORD is good \ for his mercy en* dureth for ever : ler. 33, u. la. 61, ii. 61, 7,60,15,57,17,18^^5 5838 Zacb„ jMj-Micto. 7,8,4,57. ler.go^i?. Eftb. 8,i5 2,Cor-7, 5, 5. PiaL 71, i«? art. Ob. Oar cztz feemes to be coodefpe- raie,chus -o be dc Iivcted ? A. -0 thouafflicled^nd to (fed with te?n- pell , and not comforted $ behdd I will lay thy fiones with fair c colours 3 and lay thy foundations,™ it h Sap hires and I will make thy Windowcs of Agates , and thy Gates of Carbuncles, and all thy borders ofplea- fant fionts : (Ifs. 54. n.) And though you haue laine among pots , yetjhallye bee at the wings of a Done , covered withfiL vcr, and her feathers with yellow Gold: ( PUl. 68, 13.) For het*> raifetk vp Afflidions. ztj the poor e out of the Dttft, andlifteth vp tie beggsrfrom the Dunghill, tofetthem a-. mong Trine es , and to make them inherit the throne of Glory • for the Pillars of the MAYth are the Lor cis , and he hath fit the world vpon them: \ ,Sam.2.S.PfaI.ij 3.7. 42.7;S,fizck.37,i2. Q^ Doth rhe Lord dii'ptnCc this gocdnc(!b(,fhi*-, toco all men alike ia their afflictions? A. The iufi man falleth feaven times aday mdnfeth agame ^ but the wicked fhall fall intern: [chiefe, (^roa. 24. 16.) In the hand of the LORD there is a Cup, the Wine is redy it is full of mixture^ and hee powreth cut of the fame , but thes Drcgges thereof all the wicked of thes Earth full wring out , and drinke them : ( P^',7<5 .8. ) Hath he [mitten him, as he fmotethofe that fmote htm? Or ishee^ flame, according to the flaughter of them , that are fame by him ? In meafure when it fhooteth forth , he will debate with it , hee~> ftayeth his rough wind, in the^j da) of the Eajl wind : ( Ifay3 27. 7.) JZjl For zi8 OfAffliaions. Fw how ftwuld 1 gutt thee vj> Ephraim f Howflouldl deliver thet.^ ifrael? How Jbould I make thee at Admah \ Hcwflould fjtt thee as Z therm ? CMy heart is tur- ned mi hi n mte^>.} my refenttngs are kind led together? Hohii, 8. Therefore feare thou not q licoh my Servant Jluih the LORD for lam with thee -jfor I will make a full end of all the^ Nations whether I haue driven thee^j : but I will not wake a full end of thee^j , but cor reft thee in me a fur e : Itr. 46. 28, i$>5io. Nui;b. 24,20 Pfai.18,27. Prou. 11,28. Moret- ver thus faith the Lord God, be- hold my Servants flail eat e, but yee foall be hungry , behold my Servants flail drink, but ye /ball be thirflie ; beheld my Servants flail reioycey but yee fall be ajhatncd • be- hold my Seruants fhall fing for toy of heart, but ye fhall cry for for row rf heart , and flail howl e for vexation of Jfirit. ^And you fljall leautyour name for a curfe , vn- tomy choftn , for t he L o r d G o n flail Jkythee , and call his Servants by ano- ther OfAffli&iousL 2*9 thcrname : la, 65 3 13, let. ro, 24, 25. Prou. 14. 10. Q^ But will ic nor be long ere this de- liverance com «v»eth ? A. Iwillbringneere myrighteoufnesy it fh all net be far re off, and my falvation Jball not tarry : (l?a» 46, 13.) A little while, and ye ft) all not fee me ; Andaga'me a little while andyeefhallfeeme^ becaufe Igoetomy Father : ( L;h. 16,16.) God is a very prefent htlpe in trouble^ : ( Pfal. 46, 1. ) His anger endureth but a moment 5 in his javour is life ; weeping may endure for a night, but toy commeth m the morning : (Plato, 3 o , 5 1 ) ^Af- ter two dayes will hec^ reviuevs , in the third day he will raife *vs vp > and wee Jball Hue in his fight : Hof. 6,2. Come therefore my people , enter thou into thy Chambers , andfiut thy doores about thee, hide thy felfe, as it were , fit a little moment 3 vntill the indignation beeoverpajl: Ifa.2$, 20. 65,1, 17,14. 2, Sam. 24^12, 13,25. QJl G^.Buc xjo Of Affli&ions. Ob. But Zionfaid,the Lord hat h for - faker* me^ and my LORD hath forgotten me ( 1(3. 49, 14. ) I am weary of my cry- ing, my throat is dryed; mine eyes fa tie while I waive for my G O D : ('Piaim. 4p*$.) Behold 1 goe forward , but he<^> is not there 5 and backward, but 1 can- ftot perceiue him • on the^j left hand where he doth worke * but I cannot beheld him^ hee hideth himfelfe ; en the right hand, that I cannot fee him : lob. .23. 8 9. 19. 13. 3. 3. 13. 26. 33. rp> tf.4.7.20,13., P1j).88.3. 4©. 12*102.3,116.3. Ruth 1ao.l6.38. 10. Ien2e.55.15 10. A. But heeknowetk the way that then takeft, when he hath try ed thec, the u (halt ceme forth as Gold. ( lob. 25. 10.) o^7- t hough thou fay eft thoujhalt not fee him, yet Iudgement is before him therefore trufi thou in him ( lob. 35, 14. ) F or the nee- dy jh all not alwayes bee forgotten, the ex~ fee}*ti*n of the poorefhdll not ferifh for ever : ( pfaL 9.18.) For can a> woman forget her fucking Child ± that fie fhould not Ofaffli&ions. 23 r npt haue ccmpapon , on the Sonne of her wombe ? Tea they may forget > yet will not 1 for get thee , faith the L O R D : (Ifa. 49. 15.) The hope indeed defer- redmaketh the heart ficke ; but when the defire is accomplifhcd, it is a tree of Life: P10u.j3.12. Ye haue therefore need of patience fhat after yehauedone the will ofG 0 D , yee might inherit the. Promife.Feryet a little while, and hee that Jh all come, will come , and will net tarry : rkb, 10. 16. Piaim. 5^.8. g^ What man ever lived t that could be patient, infufferingfuch things \ with Jo long waiting for deliverance as I hauedone} h.He that beleevcthfhallnet make haft^ (If1.28.16j Therfbre / wait for the Lord, my soule doth wait , and in his word doe I hope $ my Soule waitethfor the Lord more than they that watch for the morning, ( Pfa!. 130.5.) Notwichftanding my confnfion is continually before me^ & the fhame of my face hath covered me. For the voyce^j of him that reproacbeth , xjx Of Afflictions. and blafyheameth by reafon of the enemy , and avenger. All this is come 9'**3>2>3s> I2> 13. Ifa. 2d, 8, 39, 8. 1, Sam. 26, \$> 2, *5>25>*> i6yiu lob. 1, 21. i, Corinth. 4,1* [j^Why Of affii&ions. ijj g^ Why ? what will a mans patience profit: him ? A. Behold wee count them happy which indure^j. Tou haue heard of the patience 0/ 1 o b and haue jeene the end of the Lord, that the Lord ts verie ptttifull , and of tender mercy . flam 5.1 1.) \^ind fo A- braham after kee had patiently endured heeohtayned the promifc^j : f\ia£6 15.) Blcffed therefore are all they that wayte for him . (if*. 30,18.) For the Lord is good vnto them that wait for him, to the Joule that Jeeketh him. It ts good that a man Jlwttld both hope, and quietly wait for the falvation of the Lord : La m . 3 . 2 5 • In your patience pojjeffc yee yourfoules : ( Luk.2 ? . 1 9 J And let Patience haue her per feci worker, that yte may bee perfect, and wt ire wanting nothing: (lam. 1 1 4.) And take my yoke vponyou, and learne of mec^yfor lam meeke, and lowly in heart, and you jhaU find resl vnto your Soules : f Math.i i.2£.) And it jhallbefai din that day, he this is our GOD, wee haue waited for him, and hee willfaue vs j this is thc> Lord, zj4 Of affli&ions. Lord wee hatie waited for him, wee will he glad, and reioyce in b'u Salvation : Ifa. 25.9. Therefore wane on tbeLO R D, bees of good cheer e, and hecs jhall fircngtben thine heart ^waite I fay on the Lord: ( Pial. 27, 14.) Saying, why art thou cafidownc O m$Sml^9 and why art thou difquieted witlmmce ? Hope in GOD, for I jhall yetprafc^bim, who is the health of my countenance, and my God: Pfai.43j5.42. 11.52. 1.2. J%^ By what meanes may this Grace of pacience bec attained ? A, 1 ffanyofyoulackeWifedomc^, let him ash of GOD, that givetb to all men liberally , and vpbraideth not, and it Jhall be given him .• lam. 1. 5. 2 This is my comfort in my Afflittion, for hhWrerdquicknethm 17,18. 1 Sas&. Q^ VV-en comforr, and dcliucrance comes, will ic abide by vs ? A. Whereas thou hafl beene ferfaken and hatedy Je that no man went through thee, I rv ill make thee an evcrlajitng excel- lency, aioy of many Generations: (I fa. 60,15.) For a f mall moment hauel for* faken thee , but with great mercies will I gather thee In a little wrath I hid my face from thee^j ,fer a moment, but with ever* lofting kindneffes will J haue mercy on thee, faith the Lord, thy Redeemer : (Ila. 54.7. Lift vf your eyes to the He*- w, and look vpn the Earth beneath , fir %\6 Of affli&ions. for the Heavens flail vanifl away like^> fmoake, and the Earth flak1 waxe eld like a Garment, and they that dwell therein fh all dye in like manner ^ but my Salvation fl)all bee for ever, and my Right eoufneffe jlnll not be aboli fled: I is. 51.6. y^A woman when (bee is in travellhath forrow, becavfe her houre is come ; but as fooxe at flee is delivered of the Child, [bee remembreth no more the anguifl ,for toy that a Man isbvmc into the world. And yee now alfo haue for row ; but I will fee you againe, and your heart flail reioyecs, and your toy full no man take from you : (loh I6.ii,) For you flail bee favedm the Lord with an everlafting Salvation, yee flail not bee afhamed, nor confounded, world without end : Ifa.45, 17. Amos, Ok This your difcourfe imports much comfort, notwithftandiBg all ».vbich3 I doc rcmainc but in the for- lornchope? A. KArc the Confolations of God [mall with thee? (lob, 15, 11.) Fntcs becaufe Of affii&ions. z$7 of their trdnfgrefion, andbecaufe of % their iniquities are afflicled. Their foule ab- horreth all manner of meate , and they draw neere vnto the gates of Death : (Pia. 107.17,18.) Wherefore then dot h a living man complaine f A man for the funijh- ment of his fwnes : (Lam. 3. 39.) And why cryefi thou for thine affliction t Thy for row is incurable, for the multitude of thine Iniquities, andbecaufe thyftnnes art increafed, I hauedone thefe things vnto thee: (Ier. 30, 15.) Thine owne wicked- nejfe correcieth thee, and thy backflidings jhall reproue thee. Know therefore that it is an evi 11 thing, and a bitter to hauefor- faken the Lord thy GOD , and that his feare is not in thee, faith the Lord God of hofls : Ier ji 19. % Ob. jf our tranfgref ions, and our finnes be vpon vs, and wee pine away in them, how fhallm then hue? Ezck.j3.10. A. O Jfrael, thou hah defroyed thy k\k)but in me is thy helpe : (Hof.13.9.) Therefore returne thou back-Jliding if rael, fimh the Lord, and I will not caufe mine a}8 Of affli&ions. mine anger tofallvpon you \for I am mer~ iifull, faith the Lord, and I will net keepc anger for ever. Onely acknowledge thmc^j iniquities that thou hajl tranfgreffed a. gainli ihz Lord thy GOB, and yec haue net obeyed myvoycc, faith the Lcrd. (Jer> 3.12.) if thcx wen purees, and vpr/ght, then fur ely hee would 'awake for the> and make the habitation of thy right "eon fneffe . frofferoa keepe Mer. A Prayer for dcimcrance,&c. i$s> cy, and judgement, and watte on thy G O D centinuAlij : ( H v £ 1 2 , 6. ) And Acquaint thyfelfe I pray thee^> with htm, and be at peace ^thereby good f\)all come vnto thec^j : Iob,22,2I. For did not H £ z. i k i a « King ofludafci feare the Lord ; and the Lord repented hm of the eVillhc^ had purpofed again ft him? (Icr.2d.19. 12 i£, Hof.ic^ia.^i. kf.2d.3ji2. 6 iS 8. Amos5 5^4. Ezek. 18,27. 1^,33,2^. Ob. I haue indcauoured my felfe in the worke of Repencance what I can, and yet try Affliction eondnueih pref- fing inec very foic ? A. Then cry vnto the Lord, and hec_j fhaii fatftg you, out ofyowx d?Jlrejfes:(Ph\. 107,19.,) Saying, Hane mercy vpon me, O Lord, for I amweake,0 Lord he ale me, for mj bonesnare vexed : (Pfal.6.2) Take a* way r hy rod from me, and let not thy feare t err i fie me .• ( I o b.p , 3 4.) T#r#* thou vnta me, and home mercy vpon mee^>, for I am defolate^j and (^Afflicted* The troubles tfmy hem are inlarged, O bring thou f mc i4o A Prayci for delmcrancc mee out of my diftreffe. Looke vpon my Affliction, and my painc, and forgiue mc allmy ftnncs : (PiAi.25,'17.) 0 remember not my former iniquities , let thy tender mercies (peedily prevent mee j for I am brought very low. Hclpe me 0 God, of my faluation, for the glorie of thy name deli- uer me.( Pfi* . j and let me dene , that I may take comfort a title .before lgo>whenct ijhallnotreturne : lob. io.20.Pfal.7p.y, 77.7.85,4,25,6 7,39, 12,1,14. 102.1,118*25. up, 77, 143,8.11. lobe 10, j% 13,24. i4,6.Ier. 17,14.17. Pfalm* 42,6, up, .o-]Mx6^.%. ^Wben by rhefc mcanes Ibaufc found comfort and dclivcrance5wbatam I then to doc ? A. In that day thou ftult fay y O Lord 1 I will praife thee, though thou waft angry with?neyxhtne anger is turned away y& tho* comforteftme. Behold God is my Salvati- on 5 iwilltruft, and not be afraid: forth* Lord I E H O V A H t$ myftrengthy and my fong, he alfo is become my Salvation ^ (Ifa. 1 2.1.) Myfoule wait thouontly vfon God% for my expectation is from him. He enly is my rocke and my falvation ;he is my dt~ fence ^therefore 1 pall not bet mooved. It* God is my Salvation, and my glory y th* rocke efmy ftrength, and my refuge is in 0W,(PfaI.^i,5.) For thou haft taken away all thy wrath , thou haft turned thy R fdfc 24* A Thankc/giuing for , &c« fclfe from the fercenejfe of thine anger, (Pfal.78538.) Thau haft delivered my foule from death, mine eyes from teares > and my feet from falling : ( Pfal . 1 1 6. 8 ) My lips 'hsreforc /hall greatly reioyce > vtken I fog vnto theey and my Soule which ho it haft redeemed, my tongue alfoyft)all talke of thy Right eoxfneffeT all the day long (Pfal.71, 23. ) I will lay vnco thee , thy Righteoufnefte aGOD is very highywho hath done great things , 0 God who is like vnto thee ? Thou who haft fie wed me great and fore troubles ,haft quickened me againe?- and\\i& brought mevf againefromth. And you fhall bti ha- ted of aH men for my names fake: Mathao. 21. Thefe things haue^> ljpoken vnto you, that you fhould not be offended • they fhall put j ou out of the Synagogue, yea the time commethjhat whofoever killethyou , will thinke that het^> doth GOD Service. And thefe things will they doe vnto you , becaufethey hauenot know ne the Father, nor me. But thefe things haue I told y on , that when the time fhall com* >ytj> may re- R 3 mm* %\S Of Pcrfccution. member that I haue told you them : Ioh. 16, i. No*withftanding if the world bate yon, you know it hated me, before it luted you. Jfyee mere oft he World, the World would hue his owne^ but becaufe you are mot oft he world \ but I haues c ho fen you mt oft he rvorldytherefore the world hat eth you. Remember the words that I faidvmo you , thc^ Servant is not greater then hh Lord t if they haue persecuted met^j, they mllferfecuU you alfo : ( John, 1 5, 18. ) For if they doe thefe^j things to a greerieTrec, whatjbaU bee done to the^j drye ?■ Luke, 23, 31. Math. 10. 16. 1, Corinth. 4,9, 10.13, 2lCor.6.p. Pfalau NotwitbQaading they can haue no fower at all agdinji you , exaft it begi. venxhem from aboue : (Ioh. 19* 11.8, ao. /■ Forz/'Balaak would gtuevntofta* him his houfefullof Silver , and Gold* in could notgoe beyond the word of the LORD, todoelefe, or more : (Numb, ?*, tS, j8, 24. i2, 13, 23, 8. ) But vnto yen OfPerfecution. 2,47 yon it is given in the behalf e ofG u r i $ t, net onely to beleeue Jbut alfo tofufferfor hk ftke:?hi\tL29. ob,The very tonges of tfaefe wicked men doe cut like aftarpe rafor : ( Pfal. 5 2, 2. ) Adders poyfon is vnder their llps^ (Pfalra. 140.3.) Their teeth arc as fiords , and their iawes are kmues to cat vp theafflcled out of the earth, and the poor e from among ' wen, Pro u.3 0,14.10b. r^tf.Lam.iy^IIa. 8,i8.P&l,i2o.4,22,i3.*9,u,3i>i£,z3 verfes:i22^.7,S. verics^i. 10,83. j.Ier* 18.18. D2ur.32.33, A. Beloved remember ye the words -which were fpoken> before of the Apofilcs of our LordIesvsChruts how that they told you there jhould be mockers in the laji times, (Iud.17.18.) And call to remem- brance the former dayes , in the which after ye were illuminated, yee endured s great fght maffliclonsy partly while yee were made a gazing jlock, both by reprochet and afflictions \ and partly while yee le~ came Companions of them that wen ft vfed : ( Hcb, 10, 32. ) But as R 4 tfo *4* OfPcrfccution. the LORD turned the Curfe of Baa- lam into a Blcftng: (Deut2 3,j.) So 'it may bees bet will lookeon your Af- fliction alfo , and requite good for their curjing this day : ( 2. Sam. 16, 12. ) ^W if yee bec^ reproached for the name of Christ, happie are ye • for the Spirit of Glory, and of G O D refieth vponyou, which on their part be is evill (pokenof , hut on your part heeisglorifed : 1. Per. 4,14. Therefore hearken vntomc, yee that know rightcoufneffe , the people inwhofe heart is my Law ; fear e yee not the reproa- ches of men, neythcr be afraid of thtyr revilings\ for the CMoth Jhall cat them itke a Garment , and the W or me ft all tat e them like Wooll , but my Right con f xcjfejhali \ bee for ever , andmyfalvation Jballbefiom Generation, to Generation. I'Fa. 5 u 7. ) And confider him which induredfuch contradiction of finners^ leafi you be weary and faint in your minds , (Heb.12.3.) And goe forth vnto him with- out the Camp Rearing his reproach ^(Heb. 13.13.) And Of Pcrfccution. *49 And fay you vtrofuch k one, rvhy boafiejl thou in mifchiefe,0 mighty man f The goad neffe of God indureth continually . (Pfa.52. 1.) And thcrfcre Itvill be more vile than thus, and mil be bafe in my orvne fight. 2. Sam. £.22. Math. 10.24. And turne vnro God and fay ; haue mercy vpon vs 0 Lord, haue mercy vpon vs ; for rve are exceedingly filled with con- tempt, our foul e is exceedingly filled with thefcornes ofthofe that are at eafc^, and tvtfh the contempt of the proud \\>{a\. 125. 3.4.) Remoue fane from ss reproch> and contempt, for wee haue kept thy teftimo- nies: Piai.iip.22. Ob. Tney do nor only vfe threatening and reuihng wards, bur they lay tomj charges things I neuer did : (Pfa',.35. 1 1 0 They reioyce at me, as tfl had beene found among theeues. kr.48. 27. A£h6. 11. *?. 14. ver.^3^.1 Ioh.io.2o.7.i2.Ier.i5.io.Ifa.54.i7. A. Alfo now thy wit neffe is inheauen, andthy record on high, (lob.16.1p.) The Lord voill not leant chce in the hand of th: wicked^ ?.jo Of Perf coition. mcke$ nor condemn thee t»hen thou art fudged: (Pfal.37,32.) For he JhallJIand, atnhy right hand, to faue zhecjrom thofe that condemn* thee : (Pfal.109,31.) Aad will put to filence thofe lying types, which (peake grievous things , proudly, and con- temptuoujly against the Righteous, (Pfil. 51,18.) wherein thej thwke it flrangc^ that you runner not with them vnto the fume excejfe of ryot, (peaking evill of yon ; who f\h\ll giuc an account vnto him that ts ready to mdge, the quiche, and the dead; 1 Per.4 4.Iia.6<5 5. SleJJed therefore arc-j you when men fnall rcuile you , and Perfecute you , and jhali fay all wanner of evill againH you, fa/fly , for my fakt^>4 Reioyce , and bee exceeding glad • for great is your re- ward in Heaven \ for fo per fecuted they the Prophets which werc_j before you : Math. 5, 11. Luk. 6,22.) But let none ofycufuffer its a {.Muriherer, or as a Theefc^, or as an evill doer , or as a bufte body in other mens matters \ yet if any man fuffcr as a Christian , let him not Of Pcrfccueion 151 not bee afhamed, but let him glorifies GOD in this bchalfe : (i.Pet. 4, 15.) x^And haue your converfatton honett a- mwg the Gentiles , that whereat they (peak aga-injl you, as evil I doers , they may by your good Workes, which they fall beheld, glorife GOD in the day ofVtfi- t At ion. For fo is the will of God, that by welt-doing, yee may put tefilence the ig- norance offooliftmen : d.Per.25 12, J5J For being reviled, wee blejji; being per- fected, weefujfer it ; being defamed, wee intreat 5 wee are made as the filth of the world, and the of-fcourmg of all things vntothtiday. i*Cor.4,i2. Thus doing raayeft thou pray ; Deli- ver my fouler, 0 Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceit full tongue : (Pfal. 120, 2 . ) f^Andwho is hee then that will harme you, if you bee followers of that which is good? (i.Pct. 3, 1?.) Or if any fhalifo doc, as the Sparrow by wandring, and the Swallow b) flying efcapt,fothe Curfe caufe* kfle^fhall not come: Prou.2rf32. PfaSm. 25* Of being called Ob. Bur I fhall one day fall int$ their hands: (i.Saro.27.1.) And b brought before Governours , and Kings for the ^w^/CHRiST;(Mach.io.i8.;And what alas fhall I then doe? A, Doe as T 1 m o t h y d id, whopro- fejfed a good prof eft on before many wit- *#'.-(i. TitrLtf.n.) And as the Church ot'Pergamus did, who heldfajl his name, and denied not his Faith, even in thofe^ dayes wherein Antipas his faithfull Martyr, who was jlain^ where Sathan dwelt: fRcu.2,13.; A^ if they forbid you tofpeake any more in that Name, then fay vnto them:t whether it be right in the fight of God, to hearken vnto you, more^ than vnto God, iudgeyee. For wee cannot butjpeake the things which we hauefeene and heard: Aa.4 i?,2o5 Ob. K_Ah Lord, God ; behold I cannot (peakejor lama child. Icr.i . 6. A . The hand e^f the Lord fhall be vpon thee, and fhall open thy mouth, and thou fhalt bee nomoredumbe : (Ezek.^,22.) The tongue of the Stammerers fhall be rea- dy before Govcr nours. 1 5 $ dy to fieake plainly : (lfa.32.4J For out of the mouthes of * Babes \and [ticklings hath hecs ordained frengthy becaufe of his £ - nemiesy that hec might ft ill the enemy > and the avenger. P/aI.8j2. Say not then 1 ama Child, for thouflialt goe to a/hhat I jhall fend thee, and what- foever J command thee thouJhaltJfieakc^>. (lererp. 1.7.) For who hath made mans Mouth ? Or who makeththedumbe, and the deafen, haue not I the Lord ? Now therefore I will be with thy mouth , and teach thee what thou ft) alt fay. Exod.4,1 1 . When they therefore deliver you *vpy take no thought, how, or what you Jhall (peakt-jy for it Jhall be given you in that fame hour e} what you /hall fay : (Matb.to, 19* Luk.2 1.14.) i^fnd I will giueycu a mouthy and wifedomey which all your ad- verfaries Jhall not be able togainefay, nor refttt -(Lut. 21.15. A&.6, 10.) For the Scripture faith y Whofoever beleeveth on him jhall not be ajhamed : (Rom.io,n.) for with the Heart man beleeveth vnto Kighteonfneffe > and with the Mouth con- fefiton i j 4 OfPorfccution. fepon u Tnade vntofalvation. Rom. lOjio. You having therefore the fame fyirit of Faith , according as h u written , / beleeved, and therefore haue l(pokcn$ you dlfo bekeux, andthereforejpeake : fa .Cor. 4, 1 3 . ) And be net afraid , and held not thy peace -yfor lam with thee , and no man Jhallfetontheeto hurt thee : (A6b3 18.5?.) JButfanciifie'the Lord God in yonr heart, and be ready alway to giue an anfwere to e- vcry man that asketh you a reafon of the hope that is in you, and that with meekents> andfeare, 1. Per. 3, 15. Mscfcuo, ja.Prou* i*.i. A&vf.?. Luk. 12.12. Ob. Ifforthehopeoflfrael I frhouid thus ftand in defence of the truth, I fhali for my labour be cajl intofome Dungeon ; (Ier«j8.6. ) be boundwith acbawe,( Afis 28.20.) K^Andmyfeet hurt with fetters of Iron. Pfal.105.1g. Efcck. ip.p.Iohn, 21, a8, A, Thoogh youyi^rr trouble as an e- vill doer y jet the word of God is not bound (2.Tim.i.^.) Ton may be a bondman in deed; yet the Lord Cod will not for fake you in OfPerfecutie in yonr bondage, (Ezra.p,y than he fbrfookc Pavl and Silks fungpfalmes in Prifon, A &$ s! 6, z 5 . Jtyp the Lord hear eth 'the poore7and def- pi fet h not his Prifoners> ( Pia!. 69 . 33.) But hath broken the Gates of Braffe 9 and cut the Barres of iron in [under ; (Pia!. 10 7. 16. j r^^ bringelh out thofe that arc^j bound with chames , ( Pfal. tf8> 5. ) For the iron gate opened vnto Peter of its owne accord \ whereby hee efcaped the hands of Herod, A<5b,i25 10. ter, 38.13.52,31. Pfal. 102. 19.11616* Ob. Utnay betbey will not alwayes de- taint mc a pnfoncr •, bat which is worfc, I may bee bamfhed into the Land of Strangers abroad : Rett. 1.9 *io. Beb, n. 38. Aft. 8,r. A. Although they (hall caflyo\i afar off among the Heat hen y and although they 4o fcatter you among the Countries 5 ye* will I be to you as a little Sanctuary in the Ccun- tries where youJhaUcome : (Exek. 11.16. ) Andwhen you are in the Land ofyout Emmies i f Prill pot cajl y$u away , neither 15* Of Imprifonmcnt, neither will I abhorre you to dejlroy you vtterly^ and to breake my Covenant with you ; for I am the Lord your GOD: (Laur. 26.44.) But I will giue yew a re- viuing there : (Ezra>$. 8. ) And makc^j you to bepitt/ed of allthofe that fhall car- ry you Captwcj) : (Pfal. 106 46 ) And make the Enemy to intreat you well : (Ier. 1 5. 1 1.) And i vv i ) 1 be with you as u irh I o s e p h in Egypt, who was a pr offerors man, (Gen, 39 , 2,) for gat alibis toyle9 and all 'his Fathers houfe , **«/ became fruit full in the Land of his y^ifficlion . GeBc4i 51,52 46.3,47.27, 23, 11. Ier. 40.4, 37,21. Deur.4,2^ Reuel.i.9,10. PfeJ.rc5,F2. Icr^xjo. 2 Morcouer, A^r^ f/> cloudie , anddarkeday. And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the Countries » and / will bring them to their orvne Land : ( Ezskt'g^, 1 a. ) So chat the redeemed of the Lo»J3. frail returne and come with finging^ vnto Z i« -rh And ever Ufing icy jballbccs vpon their kead,i hey frail ' obt aim gladnes, andioyyindforrow,and mourning /hall free away: Mk 51,11, Say ye [hcrefore, turne againe our cap* tivity 0 Lord , as the frreames in the South-: ( Pfal.ntf, 4.) O that Salvation were come out ofZ^oxi.when tbeLori briv** gethbacke the captivity of his people y la- cob Jhallreioyce, and jfrael frail be gtad. P&Ui. 14, 7- 53. 6, Si, 5, 6%W S Dear/ ■a 5 8 Of Pcriccution, Deut. 30,1. Gen. 1 5. 1 ^.48,21.^.14, 12 26,2,29, 10.30, 10,27", r$> 49. 25,60, 15. Icr.23,324,5. Ezek. 36,24 .Amos.^14. Zacb.io,io.Exod.i2.4i. #£. Burinthemeane while would it not greeue a mars to pare with his dearc frief|av,vvith what c\it he hath ? ler. j-,2 * A. No mo e thaw it would hauc grie- vech hz#\ywhofaid vnto his Father ; and to his mother y l haue notfeem him^ieither did he acknowledge his Brethren , nor knew h& owne Children , (D ?nt . 3 3 , 9 . J O r t \u n otner* , xvbotooke toy fully the (hoy ling of ihcyr goods, knowing in ;t\ax\{-; u's that n Heaven a better , and an in. during (y^/hmce H > . 1 : , 3 d . ) For I fay vnto you , there is no n*an that hath left houfe, or Brethren or Sifters > or Fatherjr Met her, or Wife, or Children, or Lands for >my(ake,tr the Go(pell,bm hejhallrcceiue an hundred fold \ now m this world fjOH fes , *nd Brethren, and Sfers, and Mothers 9 And Chddren^and lands mth Perfections, 4%l, m the world to come, life everlafttng. Mark. OfPcrfccution. 25 9 Ob. But more greevous things than thefe are impofed : for , for his fake are we killed all the day lor/gy and are counted atfieepefor the {laughter : Pfal. 44, 22> 74.4. Lam. 3.42. A . Ye r / w;ll not leauejou comfort lejfe, ( loh .14, 1 8.) But a* my Offerings abound in you foyour confolation alfo aboundeth : (2, Cor.r, 5,) For I mil pa) the Father, andbe^j fhallgiueyou another comforter , that he may abide with you for ever $ even the (pirit of truth t whom the world cannot receiuei becaufe it feet h him not , neither kn&weth him. But ye know him , for hec^ dwe/leth with you , and jhattbee in you : (loh.14. \6.) Whereby our kopeofyou is Jledfaji , knowing that as you are partakers ofthefufferwgStfofiallyou be alfo of the Confolation. 2, Cor. 1 s 7. And therefore thinkeit notftrange €$$• cerning theferie tryall.which is to tryym% as iffomejlrange thing hapnedvnt$you:(i Pet. 4. 1 2 .) But rarher glory in tribulation, -(Reii).$,3.J As well as others, who were S 2 Jl$nu!d be as long, as violent, I (hall fhrinke vndcr then $ A. The rod of the wicked full not reft *upon the lot of the Right com , leaf thc^ righteous put forth his hand vn to wicked- neffe, ( Pf.l, 125, 3. ) For except tkofe dayes fould befortned , there jhould no fief) be faved \ but for the elects fake thoft dayesjhall be jlwtncd: ( Matb. 24 nm)For yet a very little whiles, and the indig- nation flnill ce a fe, and wine anger in theyr defiruclion : 11a. 10, 25. 2, jTiro. $.9,2,. 4.17. J£: When deliverance comes , fhall shelve luft,and continue? OfPerfecutioii' z*i A . Tor the ppprefion of the port , f$r thefghing of the ncedie, n$w mil 1 arifi faith the Lord , / will fet him infafetie from him that puff eth at him; (Pfai. 12. 5. ) And r hen there J]) all lee no more a pricking briar vnto the houfe of Ifr3eJ , nor any grieving thorne , of all that are round about them , that deftifed them 5 and they jhall know that 1 am the Lord : Ez^k. 28,44. Therefore heare now this thou afflic- ted, and drunken, but not with Wine, thus faith thy Lord , the Lord and thy God, that fleadeth the caufe of his pee - fie \ behold J will take out of thine hand the Cup of trembling 5 even the Cup of the Dregs of my fury , thou faalt no morc^j drinke it againe ; but I will put it into the hands of them that afflicl thee,which haue laid to thy foule^bowdowne, that we may gos over, and thou hall lay d thy body as t m ground , and as theftreet to them that went over : If 3, 5j,2i,&c. J^Wftat may chefs comfortable pro- miles, concerning the perfeeuciqn of the Saiatt reach? S 3 A. To 2,62. Of Pcrfccution, A. To indure hardneffe^ as agoodSouU dier efljisv s Chri st, (2 Tim*2,^.) And be not aflyamtdoftheteftimony of our Lord, but be thou partaker of the afflic- tions of the Gofidl. according tothepow erafGou: ( 2.T;m* 1,8. ) Andin no- thing be ten fed by your Adverfaries , which is to them an evident token of perdi- tion ^ but to you of Salvation, and that of God.* (Pbii.i 28.) Seeing it is a righte- ous thing with God, to re com fence Tribu- lation to them that trouble you, and to you who are troubled \ reft with vs, when the Lordteimjha/lbe revealedftom Heaven, with his mighty Angels, 2:Thcl.i,6. Wherefore reioyce y in as much as you aremadepartakers of(Z\y\fcfufferings ; that when his glory jhall be revealed you may be glad alfo, with exceedingly : (1. Per. 4, 1 3.) For when you are tryed, you Jhall receiue theCrowneoflife, which the Lord hath promifed to thtm that louc him^ (lam. 1 i2.) For the which caufe,I alf$ fujfer thefe things N evert heleffe / am not flamed^ for l know whom 1 haue telteved , and A Prayer/ z6$ dm Jamferfwadcd that he is able to keepc that which J haue committed njnto himy again ft that day. ( 2 . Tw .1 .1 i ••-) Where- fore let them alfo that fuffer according t* the will of G O D commit the keeping of their joules to him w well doing, as vnto a fait hfull creator, j Per.4.19. Rei>. 20.6. 7. 13. Luk. 12,6.1 Sam. 2j.i6.i.3o,6,A£l 1422. 2 Pray, fay ir.g$.0 God,the frond are rrfen againflvs, and the ajfembly of wicked men ' haue fought after our foul e^ and haue not fet thee before them, f P/i/, §6,14 ) Haue a, reflect vnto the couenant ♦ for the darke places of the earth are full oft he habitation of cruelty: {Pfal, 7 4,20.) Hearevs, O Lord our G OD, lighten our eyes, leafiwee^j fieepethe Jlecpzs of death : {Efal.\^9j.) K^irife 0 LORD lift vp thy fei/C-j, becaufe of the rage of our Enemies^ awake for 11s to th(u> iudgement thou haft commanded : Pfal. 7 6. Pfal. 17, 7,17, 12,7. 1,115^122, 140,4, 25,19. Lam. W7,&c. i^dttend vnto our cry, for wee^> are S 4 brought ^6\ A Prayer in time brought very low. deliver vs from our per- fccut§ys,for they are jtrotiger than wee^> ; (Pfal j 4 1 6)Confider our enemies for they are many. (Pjal 25.19 ) Giuevshelpem trouble, for vaine is the helpe of man. Pfal. 108,1^8-06 56,*.Pfal 7420. 2,Chion. 2o,£ :i2.A& ,4,2$. Ojr enemies ^4^ wrp compaffedvs in ourjleps • f^y have fet their eyes bowing downe to the earth , 'FjaL 1 7, it.,) Tiqf haue bid a fnare for vs\ and cords ; f^y &*#£ (preadanet by the way fide ; r^ baue fet grimes for vs : (Pfah 140,5. ) J2/d?, and deliver vsfrom the hands of firtnge children \ tvhofe mouthes fpeake vanity -y and the;r right hand is a right hand of falfiwod • (Pfal. 144, 11,83,5, 74, 20) ff?c^ haue done Judgement and lujfice , leaue^vs not to our opprejfors : (Pfal. irp. i2i. ) i7^ f^y ^c^> digged a Pit for vs , which is not af- ter thy Law : ( Pfalm. up, 85 ) Let integritie and vprightnejfe^preferue mc- ked of Perfccuaoti. %6$ ked corns to an end, but eftablifh the iufi\ for the right eom GOD, tryeth the heart, And the reynes : (P&1.7 9 ) Shall thes throne of iniquity haae fellow fhip with thee, which fra?neih mifehiefe by a Law? Plal. P4 20.) Lit none that wane on thees bee afhamed , but let them bees ajhamed which tranfgreffe without caufes : pfa]m 3*59- Thy Citie, and tby people are called by thy names : (Dan p,ip.) Wee are thine, thou never bar eft rule over them , they were not called by thy name : (ifa.63,1^.) But now O Lord, thou art our Father, wee are the clay, and thou art our Potter ^ind we are all the worke of thine hand. Bees not wroth very fore 0 Lord, neither remem- ber iniquities for ever : Behold fee wee bejeech thee we are all thy peoples : (Ha. 64, 8 i) Why doth thine anger fmokes a. fainli the Sheepe of thy paflure f Remem- ber thy Congregation which thou haft pur. chafed of old J be rod of thine inheritance , which thou haft redeemed, this 0 mount Zien 166 A Prayer, in time Zion wherein then haft dwelt >(Ph\.j 4.1.) 0 deliuer net tbefoule of thy turtle dove vmo the multitude $fthc wicked, forget not the congregation of the foorefor ever. Haue retyett vnto the covenant (Pfal.74. 19.) Abba., father all things arepfibleto tothec.WlatLi4.i6.2.Tte(.3.2.hri4..9. 21. Dan.^.?7. Pfil.7^. 10.15. D0K.9.26. P^i.8^i^.Ioel2.i7.Piai.74.2o.Neh. 1 10. Thy holy Cities are a wilder neffe 3 Zion is a wilder neffe ; Ierufalem a def elation. Our holy, andeur b e auti full hen fe> where our Fathers praifedthce, is burned vp with fire J and all our plcafa-'t things are laid waft. Wilt thou refraine thy f elf e for theft things 0 Lord? Wilt thou hold thy peace and afflici vs very fore ? ( I fa . 64. 1 o . ) know that for thy fake wee haue fufjered rebuke (Ier.15.1y.) ^ArifeO Cod, pleade thine owne caufe) remember how the foolifb men rep reach thee daily. Forget not thevoyce of thme Enemies it he tumult ofthofe that tifevp againf thee in ere a feth continually. P,-/, 2^.74.7.8^.12. Iof.7. 8. Q Lord of Perfecution. z6j O Lord f though our iniquities teftifie a- gainJlvs,doe thou it for thy names fake 5 for our backflidmgs are many, we haue fin- ned again fl thee. (\tx. 1^7,) Yet d$e not abhor re vsfer thy names fake, doe not dif grace the throne of thy glory „ ( ler. 14. 2 1 .) Let thy rvorke appear evnto thy feruants, and thy glory vnto their children.{p[d\ 90. i£.) Let our mouth es free filed with thj praife, and with thy honour all the d#j. (Pfal.j 1 8 )That men may know that thou who fe name alone is hhovah,artthe mo ft high) over' all the earth. Pfal.S3.1S.106.^.13.9, 13.4?. 4,22.22.74. zi.T)cut.$.26. Bring our foules out ofprifon, that wee may praife thy name ^ the righteous jhaU compaffevs about, becaufc thou haft dedt bountifully with vs. (Pfal.iqz.j.) x^dnd all men /hall fear e, and declare the workes of God ^ for they /ball wifely confider rhy doings. The righteous [hall bee glad in tht LO R D, and fiall truft w thee-, all thevprightin heart f\i all glory . (Pfal £4, 9) Let not them that watte on thee^O Lord i$8 A Prayer ifi rime Lord GOD of boh be a framed for ou* fakes let notthofe t kttbeebt con- founded , for our Jakes 0 C odof I s i a- k l. Bee au fe for thy fake tvee bane borne rcprocb frame bath cornered our faces* Pft .69.6. Ah Lord God behold thou haft ?,?ade the beauen & the earth by thy great pevt^and fir etc bed out armc, and there is nothing t? hard for thee. Thou jhervejl Iming ktnd- neffe vnto thoufands .&c. the great* the migbtie Godjhe Lord ofbojls ts his name*y great in counfell, and mighty in tvorke. (Ier.32.17J And is thy hand jhortned, that u cannot helpe ? or is thy eare beauy that thou canft not hew* ? (!f\5p. 1.) Thou O Lord remamefi for euer ,t by throw is from generation to generation i Where- fore doefl thou for get vs for cuery and for. fikejl vs fo long time. ( L 1 rrv 519) why Jhouldeft thou be as a man aflonfjed ? As a mighty man that cannot faue ? (let 14 9.) For thou art the God of our jlrength^ ivby doefl thou cafl vs off? Whygoe wee mour- ning becaufeof the opprefiom oftheBne- MictPfal^i, Our of Perfecution. i6q v_ Our Fathers trufied in thee, they tru* fiedy andthou diddeft deliuerthem^ thsy eryed vnto thct^> , and were deliuered ; they trufied in thec^^and were not con- founded. But I am a w&rme , and m man y a reproach of ?nen , and dejfifed oftkeperple, (P(a!.224 ) Thou haft alfo brought thy feofle out of the land of M. gyp;, with a mighty hand> and haft got- ten thee renowne^Din.p.i').) Lordwhere are thy former kuing kwdneffes which thm dtddefl fweare vnto David in truth f (Pfai.82.49.) Thou d.ddejlmake me hope when I was vpon my mothers breafts ; / was caf forfakc^j vs not when ourjlrength failcth. Pfal .71. f 22.20.11^.33,2. Icf.32,21. 14,8. Ifa. 51, 9,2 Cbron. 20^ <5, 12. Pfalti5. 22^21. Exod. 32,11. Remember Lord the reproches ofthyftr* vants 1 hop w doe bearc inwbofome the re* 17° A Prayer in time reproches of all the mighty people, where- with thine Enemies haue reproached $ O Ltrd, wherewith they haue reproached the footfteps of thine anointed. (Pfal.%9 .50.) Cram not O Lord, the de fires of the wic- ked, further not their wicked deuices leajl they exalt themfelues (Pfal. 140.8.) And let them not reiojce over vs. let them not fay in their heart, ah, fo would we haue it • let them not fay wee haue fw allowed them i>/>JPfa^5.24 35.? 25. 1. 2. 13.4.36 ir. 86,17. Larn.5.i.Deur.p 26 Pfal. 79.10. Exo.32.12. loci 2. »7 Pfal. 68. 3. Ofatufe vs early with thy mercy, that toe may retoyce and bee glad ^ Ml our dayes. CMahe vs glad according to the dayes wherein thou hajl afflicled vsf and thc^j yeeres wherein wthauefeene evil/. K^drife, caft vsnot off forever: wherefore hide ft thou thy face , and forget tefl our of flicl on , and our op- frepon ? (Pfal.44.; 23, ) //<*y? ^0/* i/r/;rr- ly wetted Iudah .? Z/^rA thy foulc loa~ thedZ\®Vi? Why hajl thou fmtti?n?ys , and there is no healing for vs? Welooke for peace, and there is no good ; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble : (Icr- 14,19. 5 0 thoufwordof the LORD, how long will it bee ere thou bee quiet ? Put vp thyfelfe into the fcabberd>yre(i3and be fill. How can it bee quiet , feeing the Lord hath given it a charge againft Zton ? there bath hec^> appointed it, Icr. 47,4 Now therefore our GOD; the great , t he mighty y and the terrible GOD, who keepeft Covenant, and mercy 5 let not all the trouble feeme little before thee that hxth come vpon vs. (Neb,9.3 2.) But redeemt ijt Of Perfccurion. redeemer JfraelO God, out $f ullhu trou- bles : Pf»1.25^22 40,1^40 17. Ier.i5, i8.Pra!.n^84,n^li23.8^ 46. 13,1. 80,4 74,9. 22, 1. (g^ When G >d giueth deiiucrance vnco his Church, what fliail beconrx of their crueU perfecucors ? A. ^T^» the L ord hath performed his whole worker vpon mount Zion, and on Jerufalem, I mil pun? fl) the fruit of thc^> jlout heart of the King of AuTyna, and the glory of his high lookes : ( I fa. 1 o , 12.) They that lute thec^j jhall be c loathed with fhame^j, and their dweH:ng places Jhall come to nought, ( lob, 8-22.) and penjh • the enemies of the Lord fhall be as thc^> fat of Lamb es ; they pall con fax e $ into fmoakt-j fhall they confttme away : (Pfil. 37,20.) They that devour e thee fhall bc~j devoured; they that fpojle thee fhall be (pol- led ; and they that fray vpon thee^j, I will giuefor a pray ': (I * . ? ■ : >. 1 6 .) \ $ they haut Jltedthe blood of Saints , and Prophets, Co they Jhall haue blood to drinke ; fir they are worthy: (Hwucui6,6.; For the Lord will plead OfPerfccution. 2,7} plead the caufe ofhts Servanrs, andftoile the Soule ofthofc that Jpoiltdthem: ( P. <>u. 22, 2 3 . ) So that the wicked lhall be a ran* fomefor the righteous \ And thetranfgref for s for the vpright : Prou. 21, 18. 1 fa. 33, 1.49, 26.5 1, 23. Narcb. 24,8 P/i/. 55,57,J5*37^3- loci, 2,20. 3.1,3.15;. A>nas. ?,2. Zich-2,8.0bad.io. Mich. Tfrio.Zich. 12,6,14 12,10,5. Reu,i8. 5, 12*13 .D:i3C.32)4LM3l.4,3..[cr.20.i!,4P, 12, Pf*l.1%6. Tmis Abfalon perfixtuing David,w&s himfdre fl une.(2)5'^^ ,18,15.) ^f*d /»^ place where Dogs ticked the bloudofNa* botbjhe Dogs licked the bloud of Ah*b3& did eate Icz::bel by the wall of leztacl .• 1, King.2I,T^23,%22^8,l.I^4,2,3324,2i> £,35. Adb, 12, 23 ,1)^,6 24,3, 22. Gen. 12,17,1^,11. Exod. 7,20^8,6- .'8,17,8,240 ^,6,10,9,24,25 vlOo I3,IO. 22. I2.2p,12. 33. Eftb. 7,10,9. 10. 9. 25. Numb, 2i« 3. Therefore fret not thy felfebecaufes of evilldooers 3 neyther bees thou envi* o*js at thes workers of \ iniquities r; Yor f^ji yW/ foont be^s cut downer r likes zj4 OfPcrfecution. like the grajfe , and wither* thegreene hearbe : iJfal. 57. 1. obt But doc you not fee, how the 1/mbes of Atatichrift doc ftili prevaile a- gainft the Church ? A . The ten homes vpon the beAft, which are tendings, which haue received no king- dome as jet \ but receiue power as Kings one houre with the beafi. Thefe haue one mind, A#djl)d//giue their po\vet\ andflrength vn- to the be aft. Thefe foall make war with the lambe^ and the lamb ejh all overcome them ; for he is the Lord of Lords , and King of Kings ,ejrc. And then thefe ten homes fh all hateti)e whore, and JJ) all make her dt 'folate f and naked , and fnaH eate her flejh, and Imme her with pre. For God (ha\\ put in their hearts , to fulfil hu will, and to a- grcc, andgtue their Kingdome vnto the Beafi, vntdl the words $fGodfhall befuL filled:Rcu>ij.i2.&cc. J%^ What vfe is to be made of thefe proraifes ? A. 1. Therefore Oyec cruell pcrfecu- CgUtfj WhAtnpAntjm tk*t yecbcAtemy jeopU Of Pcrfecution. 2.7 j people to peeces.Andgrind the fsccs oftbe^ \poore, fifth ^Lord God ofHoBs .<* r { Ifa. g , 3 5 . ) Tfl/z^ #thAt they may know themfelues to bee but men, (Pfal, 919.) Fillthetr faces with Jbame% that they mayfeeke thy PAmc 0 Lord.P/i/. %^6; T Z CHhcr. %jS Of Pcrfccutioa Other wife , let them be turned backe, and brought to con fa fi on % that devife out hurt. Let them be as chaff e before the^j Wind and let theAngellofthe Lord chafe them. Let their way be darkc and flipper }L and let the Angel! of the Lord perfecutc^j them. (Pf*L 3 5 4 .) Asfmoakc is driven a- way fo driue them arvay • as waxe mcltcth before the fi?e,fo let the rv: eked fen jh at the frefenceofGod: (Pfal.t>§,2.) Bring vpon them the day of evilly and deft roy them Vfitb a double defir • action , ( ier. 17. 18.) F$r they haue eaten vp lacob, and devou- red him and con fumed him >and hauc made his habitation deflate 7 (kr. lo, 25.) Therefore render vnto them a recompenfey O Lord at cor drag, to the rv$rke oft heir hands. Qine them forrow of heart , thy curfe vnto them. Perfecute, anddeflroy them in anger ft om vnder the Heavens of the Lord^ (Lara. 3, 64, ) Doe vnto them, as to the Midiaaites, as to Scifera, as to \db\n%atthc Brooke of Kifon; which pc- rifhed at Endor; they became as dung for £$?<£tf& I©, 35, 1, 453 3s 683 i. Iudges, Q^_ What are wee to doe , when our Perlecutors arc thus dcftroyed; and wee thereby delivered? A. Breake forth into ioy7 andfrngtoge* , ther-j becaufe , the Lord hath comforted his feofle^becanfe he hath redeemed lerufa- lera5 and made bare his holy armey in the eyes of all the Nations : ( Ifo, 5 2, 9. ) Andfwg yee f^£ ^^ ^ M osss f ^ £*;■- 1/40* 0/G o d, andthefong of the Lambe, faying 5 great andmaruailom arcs thy T 3 mrk$S} lyS Of Pcrfccution works , Lord God Almighty ; iufl , and true are thy wayes , f/Jw King of Saints. Whofhallnotjeare theeO Lord, andgle- rifie thy Nam-: ? For thou onely art holy yfor all Nations fJitll come and wor- fl)ip before thee , for thy Judgements are mademamfefi. Rcu. 15,5. And as the Angels of the IVaters, fay vnro God, thou art righteous , 0 Lord ; which art^ andwafl^andfialt be -y hecaufe thou hafi iudgedthtu ; evenfo, Lord God Almighty Jrue and righteous are thy judg- ments, (R u. 1 6y 5 , ) Wherefore we giue thee thankes OLord God Almightyjtecaufe thou haji taken to thees thy great power , and hajl reigned : Reu 1 1 . 1 7 ) \^nd in the day that I called vf on thee, thoufaidfl, fearenot. O Lore I, thou hajl pleaded the CAufe of my Soule, thou hajl redeemed my life: (Lam, 3, 57.) Yea, many a timehaue they af flitted me from my youth -,yet they haue not prevailed a^ainjl me, The Plow- trs plowed vpon mybacke , and made long their furrowes . The Lord is right eom\he hath cut afunder the Cords of the wicked. I. Of Temptations 17? : Pfa!.i29,2.&c.p7 jo, £6,13,14. 2,Cer, l.3,4.Pfa).j 1,23. 18, 16,9, 11. If*. 26. ij.Reu.ip^&c. Chap. XXIX. 0/ Temptations by tio.JNoahalfo was a iujl man 3 andperfett in his generati- on : [Gen. 6 ?.) And Lot being righ- teous, and dwelling among the wicked, in feetng, and hearing: vexed his righteous foule from day, to day, with their vnUwfull deeds : (%, Per. 2. 8,) And we know that we are of God, when yet the whole World Ijethin wkkednejfe ; 1, Ioh. 5, i£. Dan. xi. 52. T 4 ©a z2o OfTcrnpcarions. On the contrary , the mouth ofthzs firange woman being a deepe Pit, he that U abhorred of the Lot (*,/l) all fa 11 therein ■: (Pfou.22,14) '4xdthc fmnerfiallbe ta- ken by her : (Eccl 7,26.) \s was Herod, by the dancing of 'Herodias .• Miih,J4;6. Numb.3i,i6.U5n. n ,5 2 . ^^ Bl;c whar meanes muft beevfec?, that io I be not overtaken by fuch incice- menrsas tbtfc? A, 1, Concerning the workes of men,by the words of his mouth, thou fh-^ic br £/^# wife dome entreth into thine heart, and knowledge upleafant vntothy Soule, discretion (ha/Jpreferue ihe^j, and vnder (landing (hall keepc thee ; io deliver thee from the fir ange woman, even from the fir anger that flat tereth with her words, Prou.2, 10.2,16. 2. because,** he that walketh with a w'fe manfiaflbe wifer • to the Companion offoofes fhallbe defiroyed ": (Prou. 13.20.) Therefore from fuch turne away : (%y 3"im. iJjh&itiyfiinj Soulepmenop ibw by euill examples. z S i thou in tot heir fecret^ vnto their affem- bly mine honour bee not thouvmted; (Gfn.49,6.) But depart from mee,Oyee euill doers , for I mil keeper he Commandc- ment of my God: (Pteli^. t 15*) / will not fit with vaineferfons j neither will I goes wwithd>(fembLrs : P!a!.2<5 4. Prou.23, 20324, 1,2,22 24,25. i Cor. 5>9.PfaJ. 120. 5 _6.\o$ 35143, 10. Numb. 25^1. Deut.4?2b\ Piou.ijio. 3 Bscauic wee cannot slcogechcra- uoyd their company, bur by going out of theworld: (r.Cor. 5.10.) ^setberefora rhar yce walkecircumjfeclly, notasfiolrs, but as mje, (Ephd.5.15) working But •your flirtation with feare and tre?nblmg ; &c. that yee may be blameleffes, and harmlefiy the fonnes of G 0 D without rebuke, in the middes of a crooked, and peruerfe Nation 5 among whom you Jhmc as lights in the world, holding foorth the word of Lifes. Phil. 2. 12. 15. 16. Leu. *8>3>4- 4 Pray, Incline not my heart vnto a- ny cvill thing , to pra&ipLs wicked workes, *8t OfHcrcfics. workes, with men that worke iniquities, and let me not eate of their dainties. Let the Right torn [mite me, it ft, rail be a kind- n€ffe,andlet him rep roues me, it [mil bee an excellent ojle % which /hall not breaie my head: PfaJ.141.4,5, Chap. XXX. Of temptations byfalfe Teachers. Ob. TF neither the tyrannic of Perfe- -■- cucors^nor the pra&rtes of pro- phanc ones, (hall vnfcttle ys from our ftedfafinefle, then arc wee fafc, and out of danger f A. But there were fal/e Pre phets al[o among the peoples, even as there pa/I bee fal[e Teachers among you^ who privily pall bring in damnable Herefes, euen de- nying the Lordthat bought them : (2 Pet. 2, i.J And many of them pall comean my Name,[aying 5 / am C h r i s t, and Pall deceiue man). Math. 24, J. Aft. 1 5.1. l.loh.4,1. Qb. Of Hcrcfics. 2, 8 j Oh. Yob tcatme fueb Seducer?, who will notftitketd fay the fame of you ? A . This I confejfe vnto thee^% that af- ter the way which they call Hercfe, fo wor- fhip I the GOD of my Fathers ; believing all things , which are written in the Law and the Prophets . Ad.24,14. Oh. Miny of thefe being learned ill the Scriptures, and as they fay, groun- ding their opinions on the fame, how fhould they fwarucfrom it ? A. Some of thefe (peak lyes intfypo- crifie, having their Conferences feared, with a hot e Iron : 1 Tim. 4, 2. 2 O hers of them, God hath jhut if their eyes, that they cannot fee, and their hearts that they cannot vnderftand. lia. i.Cor.i. 19. Rom. 1 1.8- 3 The God of thk world alfo hath blin- ded the mindes of fame of them, which he- leeue not, leaf the light of the glorious GofpellofC hrist, who is the Image §f Godfwuldjhme vnto them. 2 .Cor.4 3.4. 2.Chro.i8.2i. 4 Somethings 'in the Scriptures them- felue* 184 OfHcrcfics. lilacs, are hard t§ be vnder flood, which they that are vnlearncd^nd vnjiable,wrcji vnto tUir owne de/lruclion : 2 Per.3,1 6. JV^ Mow cocomerh k co paffe thac thcic broaching abroad Errour,inftcad of Truth, fhouid kc fa readily receiued ? A. Such are deceit full workers, trans- forming themfeluts into the i^y/pofles of Christ, and as the M infers of righte- cupicjfe. (2 Cor.r.13. 15.) Who through Couetou fnes , doc with famed words make marchandtfe of men : (z^Pci.z^.) And come wfieepes c loathing ^ though inward- ■ ly they are ravening Wolues : M*th. 7, 1 5 . Iudc>i2. 2 They fpcake of the IV or ld? and there- fore the wtrldheareth them. lob. 1 4,5. 3 Many are laden with fi lines, and led away with divers tufts \*to(\ therefore are ever Ic.xrniug^and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and lo arc led cap- tive by fuch. 2 Tim.^tf. Q^ Why then doth God permif fuch dangerous Heretickes torcmaine in the Church? A. There OfHercfiss. 2.85 A. There muf be berefies among you, that they which arc approved may be ?nade m am f eft among you. iCor.njp. Q^ Bit arc not wee alfo in danger to be feduced by them ? A. Wee arcofGODi. he that is of God heateth vsi although he that is not of God heareth vs not. Hereby we know the Spirit of Truth ^ and the (pint of Error ; (i Ioh« 4, 6 ) And yots alio little Children being ofGodJoaue overcome them ; becaufe grea- ter is he that is in you than he that is in the world: (1 ioh.4,4.) Moreotier Chii^t calleih his ownepeepe by name, and Icadeth them out. t^Andwhen he putteth forth his ownefheepe, hegoeth before them, and the Jheepe follow him , for they know his voycey and a Jlr anger wiS they not follow, bat wiH flee from him ; for tbty know not the voyce of ftr angers. loh. 10 3. And therefore fuch Heretickcs Jhall proceed no further^ for their folly fia/l be manifett vnto all r^n. And you for your pMt,hatxfxlly hmwne my Dottrine, 4n4 manner of lifts, &c. Onely evill meny zZ6 OfHercfies. men, and fcducersjhall waxe worfe, And w$rfe -^decerning, and being decerned. 2. Tiro. 3; p. 13. Ob. Notwithftanding it ftaggereth mee noc a little, to fee, and heare what miracles feme fuch haue wrou^hr. A., / haue confidence in you through the Lardy that you will be none otherwise min- ded. (Gal^.fo.) For who fhould [0 be- witch you, char you fhould not obey the^j truth ;, before whofc eyes IesvsChrist hath befrte evidently fet forth, and Cruci- fed dmtngyou : (Gal. 3,1 •) Knowing this thac Aiuichrift his comming is after the working of Sathan , with all power, and fgnesy and lying winders, and with alldc- ceiueablenejTe^fvnrighteoufneJfe^ in them thatperijb. 2.Thc(T.2 9. Jj^ How may I bee preferred from thcfbimpoftures ? A. Beleeue not every Spirit, but try the (pints whether they are ofG OD,(u lob. 4,1.) preuing all'lhings , And boldiog f aft that which'i&goM: (1 Thefl^aiJ As did chc Church of Bfhcftu , who tried OfHercfies. 187 tryed them ywhkhfaid they were \^A fifties And were not, and found them lyars ; Rem 2,2. 1 Cer. 14,32. Pr©u, 14315, Ifa.8, 20. A6tS5i7.11. Q^ Shew vs then the rnarkes whereby they may be knowne ? A. Y&tfiall how them by their fruits : Mach.7,16. 1 By their Entrance j For hecs that entreth not in by the doore, into the fheept- fold^ but climbeth vp fome other way, tie fame is a Thiefe, and a Robber^ but he that entreth in by the doore, is the Shepheardof thejheepc~> ; Ioh.io,i,2. 2 By their Doctrine § For heereby knew yee the Spirit ofGOV-y every Jpirit that confe(feth that Iksvs Christ/* come in the Fle/h, is of God. <^And every (pirit that confejfeth not that lefm Chrih is come in the fie Jl, is not of God, and this is that Spirit of Antichnft, whereof yon haue heard, that it fiould corner, and e- utn now is already in tile World ; 1 Itfh.4, 2.1,2, 2232^ 3 Bythciroppofingof faitbfull Mi- niftcrsj 288 OfHcrefics.. nifters; For ^/IannisW Iamb*; s witbftood M.o?>e$, fodoc thefe alfo re ft ft, the truth ^mcn of corrupt minds , repro- bate concerning the Faith, 2 Tim. 3 8 . 4 By their cuili lines 3 vngodly men they are, 'turning the grace of God into wantenneffe, and doe depict be flefo. I tide, 4.8. 5 if thou fay ?n thine heart, hervfnall me know the Word which, the LORD hath net fpoken? When a Prophet jpcaketh in the name eft he Lord^f the thing foL low not , nor come topajfe, that is the thing which the Lord hath not jpoken, but the Prophet hath (j?oken it prcfumptuoufy. Deur.18,21. ok Some of thefe men haue fore- told vs of things, which haae come to psfle ? A. if there arife among you a Prophet, or dreamer of dreames, andgiueth thee a fgne.or wonder ^ and the figne,or the won. der come to paffe,wberofhe(j>ake vnto thee, faying, letvsgoeafter other Cods, which thou haft not fa-ownc^?, and let vsferue them OfHerefies. i8s> the9thouJhalt not barken vnto thewords of that Prophet or that dreamer 9 ofdreames: for theLordyourGodprooveth you Jo know whether y ou hue the Lord your God w;th all your heart yand with all your foule: Dcut. 13*1. Therefore to the Law , andtothetejli* monie^ifthey (peake not accordmgtothU word.it is becaufe there is no light in them: Iia.8,20. J2^ What is the danger that fucb Herctiques doe expofe thcmfeluet vnto? A. As they haue fowne the wind ^ Co they/hall reape the whirlewind:(Hof.S,yy For rbcy bei ng before ordained to condemn nation: (lad, 4,) Their judgement now a longtime linger eth not 9 and their damna- tion (lumber cth not, 2>Per. 2,3, Ga!. 5 jio. Rcud.22,i8?Mar.23,i5.IeM8,i5. 170 ver.29,51,32. j^ Thefe Hcretiqties being a pebpld fo dangerous > what may thence bee learned f A, Te therefore beloved9feeingyc h&m V thefi *jo OfHcrcfics. tbe ft things before , beware leaft you alfo\ being led away with the errors of the wic- ked>f all from your owne ftedfaflnes (i,Pet. 5, 1 7.) And be taken in afnare after them : (Deur.12,30.,) 3y betirg carriedabout with divers^ andftrangc Dottrines \ for it is a good thing, that the heart be eftab lifted with grace \but not with meats ,whichhaut not profited them that hauebeene exerctfed inthem: (Hcb.i-j^.J But hath occafio* ned them to erre concerning the faith : 1 . Tim.6,20.r,Cor.3,ti.ijloh.5 2i.Prou, i9,27>30)6.2,Tim. 2,1,2,2. i^^Cok 2,d.Math.24>26. Jjj>^ What doe you account Hcrcfic ? Is every little fwaruing from the truth damnable ? A. if any man baildethv f on (ChriR) the, foundation \ go Id ft her precious fiones , wood, hay, Rubble \ every mans workejhatt be made manifefi.For the day jhall declare it ; becaufe it (l)aUbe revealed by fire, and the fire ftall try every mans workeofwhat firt it is. If any mans mrkt abide jwhich he bath OfHcrcfics.. 191 bath built therevpon, he fhall receme a re- ward. If any mans worke fhall he burnt, hi Jhallfufer loffe ; but he htmfelfejhallbefs- ved , yetfo, as by fro : i,Cor.j. 1 1* Gal. jj^ Y hi hauc then faid enough for my fl-ciing; butbecaufe the time will come ; when other men will not endure found do- Brine $ but after their owne^j lufts [hall tieape tothemfelues Teachers , hauing it- ching eares, and Jljall turne away theyr eares from the truth , and Jhall be turned to Fables : When thefc things come to paffe , what am I co doe f 2. Tim* 4>3- A. Say vnro fuch a one, ImarvaiU that you arefo foone removed from him that called you into the grace ofC\\n&,v»~ to another Go/pell which is not another j?ut there befome that trouble you, and would pervert the GofpellofChiiR. But though we% or an \^ingellfrom Heaven preach any other Go(J>ellvnto you, than that which wi hauepreaohed , let htm be ac cur fed : Gal. V 2 ^Whit z$t OfHerefics, ^g. What iffuch a one fhallyctnot onclv pei ft(t in his crrour bimfclJc , but fhall f' eke to pervert others a!f> } A. Then fet thineeyes vpon him , and fay. O full of all fubttlty , ana all mif chiefs, thou child of the Dwell 5 thou enemy of allrighteoufnes, wilt thou not ceafe toper. *vert the right wayes of the Lord ? Now therefore the hand of the Lordjhallbe vp- onthee : Atb 13.9. Q^ What ii hee fhall yet continue to defpiie my admonitions , and thefe fearciuli menaces of Judgement ? A . A man that is an Heretike, after the fr[},&fccond admonition reiefl^ knowing that hethat is fuch,is fubvertcd,andfinnetb being condemned of himfelfe : (Tit. 3 ,10.) x^And iffu ch a one come vntoyou , receiu e him not to houfe,neither bid him Godjpced, (.loh.2.Epift,ib;) But he fhall bejlaine , becaufe hee hathjpoken , to turneyou away from the Lord your GOD, to thrujl thee^ out of the way, wherein ^Lord thy G OD commanded thee to walke^fo Jhalt thou take the anil away forth of the mid- OfHcrcfics. *9j middejl of thee : Deutrinem.13,5,27, |8, 13, 14,15, 18,20. 7. 2. Hof.8,7. Iofh.23, 12. Ob. Though I hauc not procee- ded agftioft (uch Heretiqucs., after this manner; yethauel kept eny felfe found id the faith ? A. Notwithftanding I haue a few things againjt thee, becaufe thou fuffe- refly that woman Iczabel, which calleth her felfe a?rophete§e, toteach > andtofi- duce my Servants , to commit fornication , and to eate things facrificed vnto idols ; Reu.2,20. Ob. Shall I in this my oeg!e& of dutie , bee as foreiy puniftied, as they in thefs their damnable Here- fies > A. No, for behold I mil cafi her into a. Bed. and them that commit Adult cry with her y into great tribulation 3 except they repent of their duds , &c But vnto you I fay y andvnto the reft of them of Thiattra; as many as haue not this do- ffrine , and which haue^j not kftowflts V 3 the 194 bfTemptacions the depths of Sathan^ *s they fycakt , I millfutvfonjou none other burthen : Reu. 2,2* • Chap. XXXL Of Temptations by Projperity. g^ I Dae now fee there ii much dan* *gcr to bee feared from earthly nen,but is the likcdangcr to be expe&ed from carrhly things ? A. Yea j forVzr.ah, when hes was Jlrong his heart wm lifted vf to hisde- firuclion : ( 2.Chron.i6. 1 6 ) r\nd the If- taclites ajjembled t hem ft lues \ for Come , andWincs, and they rebelled againfl the h rd:( Hot. 7/14. )Forbccaufcr hey did ride on the high f laces of the earth 5 did catc the tncreafe of the fields and did fuck the hony out of the Rs>ckt\ & *yh *** if the flinty Rockc. butter of Kine , and mi Ike of SheepyWithfat of Lambs drc. Therfore le- fui um waxed fat grew thick, was crvered bjr profperity. xp$ witbfatnejfe, &c> Then heforfooke God which marten him , and lightly efieemed the rocke of his Salvation. Of the Roche that begat them they were vnmindfull, and did forget him that formed them .• (DeiK.32,1 3.) Wherby it appeares to be more eafier for a Camelltogoe through the fjc~> of a needle , than for a rich man to enter into thc^ Kingdoms of Heaven : Math. 1?, 24. If*.2(5, io.Hoica^,^^, 11, 10,1,1-3, 6. Daniel, 5, 4.' lob. ax, 14, 2if 7, lam, 2,tf. Prou.2532p. Ecd. ft 11* 0*. WAo *&# r 40 beefaved? Math I? 25. A, With men this is impofiiblc , 1*1 iw/A God allthings arepopble r ( Math. \9,z6.)¥ot by faith Mo fes when he wo* cometeyeeressefufedto be called the Sonne of 'Pharoahs daughter • chufingrather t§ fuffer affliction , »/>A f A* fw//* of God , f#4/i ** *»/>y f£* pleafures offinne firs feafon ; ejleeming the reproaches rernember Lots wife; Luk.17, 32.Gerr.ip.2^1Peuf. 5,io,i 1. Q^ How may wee then fcee preferved from the danger of earthly things ? A. 1. Lpue not the world ; neither the things thAt Artin the world: (i,Iob,2,i5.) For .wilt thoufet thine eyes vfon thAt which is not ? Prou. 2 3,5. : 1. yfethisworldasifpuvfeditnot^i. Cor.y, iti) For no ma thAt warrethjntAn- gleth himfelfe with the of Aires oft his life, thAt hee~> way fleAfe htm , whohAth chofen him to be<~> a Souldier ; &ce. by profpcrity. z$j 2 Tim. 2, 4, lam. 1. 10, 11. Cant. 2, 10. Gal.6}i4, Prcu.25,1,2^. 5 Pray, faying . Turnt away mine eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy way : (Pfal. 1 ip 37.J Two things haue I required ofthec^, deny me them not before I dye, remoue farre from me va- nitie and lyes ; giue mee neither Povertie nor Riches, feed mewith food convenient for mee -9 leaf I be full and deny thec^>, and fay^ Who is the Lord ? Or leaf I be poor o> andfeale,and take the name of my God in vainc_s.J>tov.$o,j. g^ What further ificouragemerjt can you giue me to ftand out againft thefe lb many Temptations, of the Flefh, the Deuill, and the World ? A. Hc^that indurethto theendjhall befaved: (Math. 10 22.J i^And to him that overcommeth will I giue toeateofthe tree ofLifc^, which u in the middes of the Paradife of G 0 D : (Reuel.2,7.) And to e ate of the hidden Manna, and 1 will giue him a white ftoney and in tbeflone, a new name written > which no mm kwweth fa- vf»g a$8 Of Temptations ving hee that receiueth it : (RcucKa,i7.) HejI)att(*\(o) bee f loathed in white ray- ment, and I will not bUt out hit Name out ofthebookeofLifes^ but Twill eonfefft his name before my Father, and before his ^yingels. (Rco.^.j.) And will grant him to fit with wee in my Thrones f e- ven as I alfo overcame^ , and am fet downe with my Father in his thrones : Reuel. 3.21, 3, 12. 21.7. Luk.22. 28. 2p. $o.verfes. ' Q^ What ffiould this fo rich and plentiful! a reward mooae vs vnto ? A. To walkcs circum/peftly not as fooles , butaswife:(E\>hef.$.i$.) And to ponder the pat he s of thy feete, that thy wayes may be efiablijhed , and turnz not to the right hand nor to the left, but remooue thy foot from eviS: Prcu. 4, 26,27. 2. Pray chat you fall not into temptati- on. (Math.2641.) But that hee would grant vnto vs, that wee being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies , might [true him without feare, in holinejfe, and tigh* OfthcWordofGod. a 9* righteoufnejfe, before him} all the dayes of our life. Lukx.74. Chap. XXXII. Of thcWord of Go t>. ^TN the middes of fo many Temp- J»tauQBSonthe right hind, and on the lcft5 whatoneroeanesofvphslding bach God left vnto his Church / A. When all Israel is come to appear* before the Lord thy GO Dy in the place where heejhall chufe, thoujhalt readethk Law before all Ifracl, in their hearing. Both of CM en, and Women, and Chil- dren , and thy Stranger that is within thy Gates ^ that they may heare, and that they may learne, and fear e the Lord your GOD, and obferue to doe all the words of this Law ; and that their Children which haue not knowne any thing , may heare, and learne to feare the LO RD your GOD, as longasyee liue^j : (Dcut. SijXi. Exod. 34,7. Iof.8,34,35. joo Of the Word. J^V Why ? what cxccllencic is there in this law of G o d, more than in other writings of men, whereby to wcrkefuch a feare of God in our hearts > A. Thelaw of the Lord is perf eft, con- verting the Soule^ the tefiimony of the^> Lord is fare, making wife the fimple^ the Jlatutes of the Lord Are right , reioycing the heart ; the Commandement of thes Lord is pure, inlightening the eyes : (Pfal. 19,7.) Not commwg vntoyou in Word on* ly, but alfoin Power, and tn the Holy Ghofi, andin much affurancc^j : (1 ThefiT.i, 5.) Being able to make thee wife vnto Salvati* on,thrpugb Faithjvbich is in Chrift Iefusj and is profitable for Doctrine, for reproof e, for correction for inf ruction in Right eonf. nes,that the Man ofG O D may be perfect, throughly furmjhed vnto all good workes : (2 Tim . 3 j 1 5 . ) For as the raine commeth downe, and the fnow from Heaven, Andre, turneth not thither , but water eth thes earth, and waket hit to bring foorth, and bud, that it may giue feed to the Sower, and BreAd to' the eater -7 fo jball my Word OfchcWord. 301 Word bees that geeth forth out of my mouthy it jlull not ret urne tomes voyd-y but it jhall accompli/!) that which I pleafcs , And it jhafl pro/per in the thing whereto Jfendit : Deut.3232. Ifa.55, 10. 49,2. lob, £,25. Ecclef.12,11. A&,z6> 18. Heb. 4, 12. Rom. 10, 17. Thus the Churches were by the Word, eftablijhcd in the Faith: (A£b, i<5, 5.) And / am fure a!fo , that when! comes vnto you , IjbaU come in the fulnejfe of the blepng of thes Gofyellof Christ: Rom.15329.CGL i, 6. A&S34J4. 18,8. 17,11, i2,34.verres, 12,24,17,4, 15.32,8, 12,24,25. Ioh.15,3. S^ Whence hath the Scripture this power, and efficacie? A. Thus faith the Lord thy Redeemer* the holy One oflfrael , / am the Lord thy GOD, which teach thees to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou JhouldcB goes : (Ifa.48^7.) I create the fruit of the lips $ peace, peace, to him that is fane off, and to him thatisneere : (Hi. 57 , 19.) It is written in the Prophets, and jot Of the Word of God. and they (ball be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hear d,and hath learned of the Father,commeth vnto me . Ioh.6.45. Who then is P a v l ? And who ts A- pollo ? But the tMinifters by whom yeebeleeved • even as the Lord gave to euery man. lhaue planted, Apolio watered , but GOD gaue the increafe. So then neither is hecs that plant eth any thing* neither hee that water eth , but God that giueth the increase : (i.Cor.^, 5.) So that your Faith ft andeth not in tkewifedomeofmen, but in the power of God. Howbeit wee Jpeake wtfedomcj,a- mong them that are perfect ; yet not the wifedome of this World, nor of the Princes of this world that commeth to nought •, but wejpcakethewfedome of God in a myftc- rtt 5 even the hidden wifedome, which God ordayned before the World, vnto our glory. (iCor.2,4) Whereunto I alfo labour, Jlriving according to his working, whUh workethin me mightily : (Col .1,29.) For this caufe alfo thanke wee God without cca- fagibecMfc when ye received the Word of , GU Of the Word of God. joj God, whichyee heard of 'vs ,yee receivedit, not as the word of men 7 but as it is in truth the word of God \ which effeSually alfo wor- keth in you that beleeue : (x Tbcff 2,1 3.) Bleffed therefore art thou Simon Bar-Io- **i for fie fh, and blood, bath not revealed it vnto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven: MaM63i7.Mark.17 2o.2.Tim. 3,i£.iCor.ri8.A&.isii7.xoJ44,GaL2, 8,i.li,i2. Micba,3,8. £1^ But is cuery part of the Word/or the working of grace,of like efficacie ? A. This onely would ilcarneofyou ,n- ceivedyou the Spirit, by the workes of the Law, or by the hearing of Faith f (Gal. 3 , 2 .) For which caufe / am not ajliamedof the Go (pell of C h r i s t \ for that is the power of God vnto Salvation, to every one that bcleeueth : (Rom. 1, \6.) For if the miniflration of death $ written andingra* uentn (tones was glorious \fo that the chiU Jren of ifrael could not Jledfafily behold the face o/M o s i s, for the glory of his countenance ^ which glory was to becdoze *w*y : how fhall not that miniflration }04 Of the Word eft be Spirit, bee rat her glorious? For if the mimftration of condemnation bee glo- ry, much more doth thc^ mini fir at ion of Righteoufnejfe exceed in glory. For even that which was made gloriom t had no glo- ryjn this rcfyeftjiy reafon o ft he glory that excelleth. For if that which was done a- way was gloriom , much more that which remaineth is glorious : 2. Cor. 3. 7 1 . 1. 31. Q^ What in lieu of this Word doth God require of vs> A. Becaufe he hath fhewed his wordvn- to Iacob, and his Statutesy and his iudge- mentsvnto Ifrael ; and hath not dealt fo with every Nation 5 and for his judgments they haue not knowne them, therfore fraife ye the Lord: Pfal.j47.j9. 1^ Why ? doc all fuch as haucthc Word,reape benefit thereby ? A. No; for God fhallfmitethe^> Forth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lip hec frail fay the wic- ked: (I(a. 1 1. 4.) And wearevntoCod a fweet favour *? C h M s t $ /0 thorn that arc Of the Word. 305 dreftved, arid in them that per ifb. To the one we are the favour of death vnto deaths *nd to tht other > the favour of Ife vnte life : 2,- Cor. 2. if. Jjhj Hath the word one and the fame emtruincment among all them that pe» rift e A. N > ; for when Pavl diluted of Rightcoufnejfe,and Temperance, and of the Judgment to come i Faeiix trembled: A&s, 24,2?. 2 He^od he heard lohngladly and did many things : (M irk. 6 2o»NVnroorheis the Word of the L^io is d reproach 5 they haue no delight in it : I er . 6 : . 1 o. 5 Z^ princes and people of Ifcacl when they heardt he Word oj the Lord, let their Servants goe free, but afterwards repented: I'er.34, 10,11. 4 Wnen 1 1 re mi ah preached the Word of the LorH, to the lewesthat yyeru dowoe into JE'ypr, to foiournc there , they would not at all hearken to him : (I ^.44, 16. ) A "*H from the prea- ching of Z^hariah, they fulled amyiht X fioul- 5o6 Of the Word. [boulder, and flopped their e ares ^ that they flwuldnot he are ■, yea they made their harts as an Adamant ftone , leaft they foould heart the Law , and thz^j words which the Lord of Hojls hath fentin hit fli- nt* by the mini fiery of thc^ Prophets : Z-*ch. 7, 1 1. Ier. <5, 16. 44, 3. 4. $£. 23. i,Chronf24?T57>2;35?io.Hof.7?i.Ezck<. 5 Others mockmg [aid ; theft men are full of new wine : (&&• , 2,1 3. ) And with their mouthes makt lefts: E22!;. 33.31. Ier. 20. 7,8, p. Ads. 17, 32^17, 18. 2, Cbron.3^16. 6 Aad the mulcirude of the lewes, when chcy heard Pavl, cryed, andfiid, Away mthfuch a fellow from the earth-ffor ft is not fit that he fbould hue ; and as they try ed out, they c aft off their do uithes, and threw duftin the Aye . ( Ads 22,22. ) And when Pa v tfent into Macedonia 3 Timothius Iewcs heard Steven they were cut toththctrt^ndthey gmjhed on Of the Word 307 on him with their teeth ; A# , 7. 54. 7 Others make a man an offender for 4 word, and lay a fnare for h:mthat r$- prooveth in the Gate , and turne a fide the tufi for a thing of nought : Ifa. 29, 21/ Mat.iQ.24. / Hw*b.4,a..A£ls:2Si24,ip p. 2 Hfrod would not part wkhHero- .dias, aid therefore I o H n touching him vpon char fitinc, ^&/>» intopnfon .• ('Ma rfc 6,17) And ib ^tw^ man that e- vifidoeth, hateth the tight; neyther com- methto the light 5 kafi his deeds jhould bet reprooved : lob.5,20. tzek.^,^!. 3 They are but naturall, not having the $irit 1 (Iik?wI9.) Av.dthenaturaUman ferctiveih not th> things of the (pint of \ Godfiecaufe they are fpiritually defctrned. iTCor.2,J4.f .Cor;2 u.1,2,6,7 ■%. Hof. 812.ler.6ji0. A&17. 2^ Maih.n 27/^* 41,11,25^26.' 'Xa 4 God jog Of the Word. 4 God h At h given them the Spirit of jlumbcr^ eyes that they fiould not fee , and eares that they fhould not he are vntothu day : (R«>m.n.8 J/'w/f iswritten I will deftroy the w fedome of the wife, and will cajl away the understanding of the pru- dent, fiith the LORD^i £or.i,i9.iia.6, 10 44.18. 5 // our Go (pell be hid, it is hid to them that are left ; whom the Go" of this world \ hath blinded the minds of them that be. leeue not; that the light of the glorious Gof fell of (j,\-\i\i\>which is the image of God, ftould not pine vnto them: 2 , Corinth. 6 Some arc hindredby the pride of theyroutWi.rd^reatntflTe, and therefore not the rich, but the poor e receiue the Gof fell : (M it. 1 1. 5 ) For iarh Amazia vuo Araos, O thou Seer goe flee thee away in* to the Landof[i}dah,aitdthere eatcbtead^ andProphefie there. But Profhefie not 4- gaint any more at Bethel : font tsthc Kings Chapfell^ndttii tht Kings Court: Araos, 7, u. 7 Others Of the Word- 309 7 O'Kcrs thinke they are rich, andin- creafed with goods andhaue need of no- thing ; not knowing how 1 hcj are wretched, and mi fter able, and poor e, and blind, and naked : (Rcu.g 17 ) And therefore being full, t hey dejpife the hony Combe; Where- as^ the hungry Soule, every bitter thing isfweet : Prou. 27,7. lob. 9, 3p.i,Ccr. Jg^ What are the dangers which doe aacndrhe contempt, and abufcof the Word ? 1. A Famine • not of Bread, but of hea- ring the Word of the Lord: (Amos^n, 12. ) For which caufe Paul, and Barnabas turneditom the ltwcs,vnto ^£ Gentiks: A, 13,46. i$.6, 16,6. Iob.12,35. i, Sim. 8,6. 2,Chron. 15,3. Ezek.7,26. Amo%8,9. 2 . Vnrcc overabfe dtftru6Hon.ite^/-/£ fmh God,/ ^« is reieffed and is nigh vnto cur(ingy whofe end is toke^j burned: Heb.6.7,10,28. Hof.6^,Dcur. 17, 12. R:vel. 2, 16. Math. 12, 41. 2, Chron. 36, 14, &c. Iercm. n, 6. Nchem. $>, 2.9. Ezek. 34, 13, 33, 33. Q^ Whacvfearewce to snake of all this ? A Therefore fuffer the words of ex- hortation: (Heb.13,22.) Andhearewhat the fpirit faith to the Churches . (Reu. 3,13 ) THacfo the word of God may dwell m youplenteoujly in allwtfdome^{Qo\^ 9&) For Of the Word. 311 For why Jhou Id their bets a price put int$ the hand of a Toole U g£t wifedomes , And he hath m heart i {Ptov:ij,\6.) Re- " cciuemy tnfruUion , and not fiver*, &nd knowledges rather than choice gold^ for wifedome is better than rubies, and all the things that may be defred^ are not to bees compared to it ; (Pfcu,8, 1 o.) Therefore buy the truth , and fell it not \ alfo wife^ dome^andinfruciion, and vnder (landing: (Pfou. 2 ? 52g.) Incline pur eare, and come vnto me : hear e and your foule fl) all Hue : Ifa.55^.i,TncfT. 5,20. Pteb.u^.Prou. §,33,16,16. i^o^, 23.8,1 2,9. i,Iamf 1,21.10^,22,22. 2,Cor.6,i». Luk.io^i, DcvitJi^iS 4,pJLufc.23i8.Reu.i,3. 2 Take heed therefore, how you heart, fer whofoever hath to him fh all be giver* : andwhofoever hath not, from him foall be taken 3 even that which hefeemeth to hane ; (Luk. 8, 18.) And with what mcafurt yon mete , it fh all bees mcafared to you ; Mark.4,24. Jl^ Teil vs therefore howwecmay hi arcthc Word with fruit f X a A. u Harare }ix OfrheWord. A. i. Hsare it dilipemly. mi Sonne if thou wilt receiuemy words andb'de my Commandemcnts with thee • fo that thou wilt incline thine eare vnto wifedome and apply thine heart info vnder (landing ; yea if thou cry eft after knowledge ejr I fie ft vp thy voyce for vnderfland ng : if thou feekeft h:r as filvcr, and fear chef I for her, as for hidtreafures : then fhdtthou vn- derftand the fearer of tht—> 10 RD , and find the knowledge of G 0 D: P.ou. 2,1 i,5,£. 2 Lay afide all malice and guile and Hy- focnfies,andcnuies ejr evil.Jpea kings • ( i . P ct. 2 ;i ) And all filth. nes,andfuperfln tie of naught i nes , I it^.t^i^Kjindifedke tp your fallow ground , and few not among t homes Circumcifc your felues to the Lo,'d, and take away the fore skins of your harts: Ier.4.54 3 K^is new borne babes defire the fin- cere mi Ike of the Word, that you may grow thereby ': (i. Pet 2 2.) For where foever t he Carcafe u, thither will the Eagles refort : Matr.24.28. 4 Ke* OfrhcWord. nj 4 Receiuewith meeknejje the ingrafted Vt?ord,wh:chu able U fane your Souks: ■.(i.Iaa .21.) \_Andletno man deceiucj h m(elfe -, for if am man among you would be w:fe in this World, let him become a Foole that hee may be wife :(i. Cor. $. 18.) For Ib^s fat J, For Judgement I am come into this World, that they whchfee not, might fee, and they which fee m ght bemadeblind, Ioh.p 39 MiUi. 11,25 16. 5 Pray fiying: uOpenthou mine eyes ,t hat J may behold the wondrom th:ngsof thy law. lam a fir anger on earth • hde not thy commandement s from me. ( Pjfe ' . j 19 18.) 1 will fraife thee with vprightneffe of heart when I flull haue learned thy righteous iudgements. Pial. 119. 7. 2 7 33,3473.125. i69.)ji.verfes. 2 Prav, O that my wayes were directed to ksepe thy ftatutes /hen fliall I not be afha- mcd,mktn I haue refteclvnto all thy com- maiiivmms, (Pfal.i ^,5.) withmy whole heart hate I [ought thee , 0 let me not wan- der from thy c$mmandements 3 ( 1 19. 1 o.) Dealc bountifully with thyferuant, that I may ?i4 Of the Word. mayliue,and keefe thy word, (119.17.) Let my heart be found in thy fiat utes, that J be not djhamed) (1 19,80.) Order my fiefs tn thy word, and let not any iniquity haue dominion ever me : 11^.133. 6 Beyee doocrs of the word, and not hea- rers onely ^decciumg your owne fouler. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a. deoer $ he is like vnto a man, beholding his natur all face in aglaffe 5 for he beholdeth himfelfe andgoeth his way, and fir ait way jorgetteth what manner of man hee was; But who fo leokethinto the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein j he not being a for get full hearer, but a dooer oft he worke, thUmanfhallbebleffedin his deed: lam. 1.22, DvUt.4,5. 5.1.30,11. Luk. 11. 28. i.Thdr.4.1. Eph.4.17. Pr,i!.4,8. Rorru^ij.Rcucl.i.?. 1 Pcu 4.6 Math. 7.24. Qb. I bauc done my pcore ind^i- uour coobfiruc theft rule*, yet wj#n I arriprefencac the word, I capaot keepe my mind ftoen vvandring.. A. The ear ts of them that heare, fi^ll hearken Of the Word. 515 hearken, (lf3.32.3O ^Andtheeares of the dcafcjhalt be opened, (Ifa.35.5.) For hee wakeneth morning . by mornrngjte mil wa- ken thine earcjo hearers the learned,(l(a* 50,4.^ Of ss he opened the heart ofL 1 d* d e AjWherehy fbeattendedvnto the things which were fvoken by P a v i,( Act 1 6. 14.) Whereby tbou (bale bee abfe to fav, /^*fe LORD, for thyferuant heareth. i.Sans 3.5* , Neb. .8.3. Aci.8,d, Luk.19. 48. and they were vnto me, the toy and reioycing of my heart : (ler.iy^.) lw.ll therefore delight myfelfe in his Sta- tutes : (Pia!. 119 1 5 ) How fweet is his Word vnto my tafie ? Teafweeter then ho- ney to my mouth ; ( Phi!. V9.\o\,) There- fore my Sonne eate thou honey, becaufe it is goody and the honey combe y which is fweet to thy tall. So jhall the knowledge of wife- dome be vnto thy fouler, when thou haft foundit : Prou.24, 13. Ad. ij. 31.13. 48. Iob,*3.i2.A 15,48,57, 104, 168. N4ath.i3,8.23. C©1. i*6.Luk.r.5, 6, 2.Chron. 1736. Chap. XXXIII. OfMinifers. Oh, ^Jou tell me of the Word, andthc^ A great benefit thereof 5 hut how jhonld I either know \ or doe what thcs Wordteacheth, without a guides f A<5t. 8, 31. A. When Christ afccndcd vp on high he^gaue gut ft s vnto men,&c. and hegauefome ^Apofles ^ndfome Prophets , andfome Eumgelifts}andfome Paftors,and Teachers ; for the perfecting of the Saints, for the tvorke of the and of the knowledge of the Sonne of God, vnto a per feci man, vnto the meafure 6ft he Jt a* tnreyOfthefulne(fcofZ\\x\\\: (Eps4 8. 1 1 ) And therefore though the LORD giue you the bread of Adverfttie , and the water of AfflittiGn, yet thy Teachers fhall not be removed into a comer any more^j \ but thme eyes jl) all fee thy Teachers ; ([<** 30 20.) Jh» the Loxi'giveth thts Wordy gnat is the company of Preachers : Halt 68.17.1^.33.18 Laut.ie,u. ife.4',27. lid 6x6. Q^ Bur (ball wee haue fucfo paftors, as will dealefaitbfu'lv with vs > A. I mil giue you Paftors aecord n?to mine owne heart:, which [ball feed you ,rvjth knowledge, and vnder (landing : (1 r.^, 15.) Who will very g ladlyfpe*d>andbee fpentforyou : (t.Gor.j 215.) As M &$ who wasfaithfullin all h1s houfe : ( Heb. 3, 5. ) And as ofL:u\ it was faidjhe Law of truth is in hi< mouth, and ^niqiihywai not found in his lips > he walked withme^j in peace , and equates ; And did turner away OfMiniftcrs. j*i away many from iniquitie : Ma!. z,6. Moreover yee know from the fir ft dayf that Paul came into iKfo^aftcr what man* ncr hf hath beene with you , at allfeafonsx fervingthe Lord with all humblenejje of mind, and with many t cares , and tempt a* t ions i which befell him , by the lying in wait of the leues : and how he kept bach nothing , that was profitable^ vnto you : ( A £t, 20. 18. ) And you know the proofs tf/T'mothie ; f^tf 4/4 £000; withthe^j Father he hat hferved with Paul /* *£c-^ Goftctlr (Phi). 2 22J Andfortheworke of Chvft, he wo* nigh vnto death; not regarding his life : ( f*n 11.2,3b. ) And day- ly in the Temple, and in every houfe,thc^> Difaples ceajednot to teach, and to preach IesvsChrist.- (Ads, 5 , 42 ) Thefe are not as many , which corrupt the Word of God ; but as offincerity -7 but as of Codp in thefightofGodi ftcakc chey in Chnft : 2, Cor. 2 , 17, *i, 23, 1,^,27.1,9. ip.2, Chroti 17.9,18,19. CoJ.4,7, 10,1 1,1 .7. Ad, 20,23.30 31, 18,24. Ezeko 34,25. Hag.i, 13, f^Tticf.5 ^,7. kr.23j4,4,i9* $1* OfMiniftcrs. 8,2 i,p, i, 5, 17. Ezra.7^,1©. i.Sam.3, 21. 5^ Wherefore are thefc promifes recorded in Gods word, concerning his Miniftcrs. f fU 1. That they may be apt to teach : (1,'Tim. 3.2.) And therefore giue atten- dance vnto reading: (i.Tim.4^ And ]ftu- dy tojherv cheisluss workmen that need not to be afbamedx dividing the Word of truth aright : (2,Tim.2,!5. ) For every Scribe taught vnto the Kingdome of Heaven: is like vnto a manjhat u a houjbolder.which bringeth forth out of his treafurte. things both new ^ an bid : Marru^j*. 2 Thanh -V be diligent yto know th^? ft ate of their flockes , and to looke well to their beards : (^©0,27,23.,) Taking the §verftght thereof: (t,Pct.5,2j For they are fet for a defence , and fort rejfe ameng the people: that+\cy0*ay know , and try their wayes : Ier.6^27. 3 That they feed the fiocke of G O D, &hich u among you : ( i,Pet.j,2.) And preach theword,andfo infiant\ infeafoio, and QfMimftcrs. 32,5 andoutoffeafon : te reprooue, rebuke, ex, hort, with all long fuffering> and doctrine : (2,Tim.^it) Not fhunmng to declare tht whole CoUncell of God: ( A £t%2 0.27)2?** to cry aloud-9 and lift vf their voice likens 4 Trumpeti to pew my people their tranfgref fton, arid tht houfe of lacob their finnes r (lfa.58,1.) And in the Spirir, and power of Elites^ turne the hearts oft he Father* to the Children : and the di f obedient , t$ the wifedome of. the tuft ; to make ready & people prepared for tht r Lord: {Luk 1,17.) Exhorting them that with full pur pofe if heart it hey would cleaue vnto the Lord : ( A all purity: ijTfm.5,2.. i Wherein if any man $eak that hath my Word , let him §eakt_j my Word faithfully ^ what is. thc^ Chaff e to th& LO R JGMS teem.;^ 28. r 2 i3Con 514 OfMiniftcrs. _,.■■■- ■* i,C©r.9,i£.i.Per.5,4 Ioby2i,.i5.Mach. 28/l£> 20.Xfa,<52>I32. 2,Timosh,2,24. Ames 5>7- 4 A7^ ro b$« as- hards over Gods heri- tage ^ but as enfamples to thc^focke : ( 1} Pet.%, 3.) Giving no offence in any thing, that tkeir Mini jlrie be not blamed ^but in aU things approving thcmfelues as thes Mimjhrs of God : ( 2 , Cstr.tf, j.]J Perform ming the fame : #£/•. 5,2. 1, Timocb. 3,1. Ma^.25,8. ^ rlovv doth GOD raxe the neg- ligence of his Pi k&s vndcr cbt Law ? A. /&*#* /^# thcyfhouid haue heard the Word at my mouth , and haue given them war* ning from mec^>. So that whenTkauc faid vnto the wicked , thou /halt furelydye : and thou feaft not given him warning , nor Jpakefi to adme- nijl) the wicked from his wiked way 7 that hee mivht Hut 5 the fame wicked man foall aye in his imquitie 5 but hit blond mil I require at theyr hand. Tet if they had warned the wicked, and het mm net from his wickednejfe 1 T 4 nor $2.8 OfMiniftcrs. nor from bis wicked way hefhaSdye in his tniquitic ; but iuch Minjrters frnuld haue delivered iheyr ownefoule • Ezelu 4 5- • ob> Someofthefe might baucbeene more faithiuii in their Mimfteryyfin the difcharge thereof, tbey did *ith godly Zea!e , and difcreet courage cxprcflc themfeiues , and theyr Conscien- ces ? A. Therefore (ay vnto fuchaone, thus fvtb the L crd; J f thou take away the precious from the vile, thou J}) a It be ace or. ding to my word\ let them returne vnts thee : but returne not thou vnto them. And 1 xvi 11 make thee vntothu people^ a fir ongbrafen Wall, and they ft all fight a. gainjlthee ; but they fhallnotpr evade *- gainft:hee: fir lam with theetofaue_j> thee. And 1 will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked \ andlwillredeeme thee cut of the hand of the tyrants : Icf. 15- 19- Thou therefore truffe vp thy loynes , and OfMinifters. $z9 And anfe, and (be a ke vnto them all that / command thee \ he net Afraid of their fa* ces, leaftldefircy thee before them : ler, i 17,20.11. 26, 24. Ezek,2.6", 3,^,2, 4.5. £K^ I now fee the worke of a Mini- fler 10 bee of importance : what there- fore is che peoples dune Towards him ? A. \^iga:nftan Elder recetue not an accufation , 'under wo , or three tvitnef fes:\fT\m,<) 19. 2 Say to A'diippus looke weS to thy CWiniflerie thou haft received in thc^> LORD, thAt thou fulfill it : Coiof. 4, 17. 3 Becauf the Harveft is great , And the labourers arc few . therefore fray yee to the Lord of the Harvejl.that he would fend forth more LAbourers into his Harvejl : Math.9,37. Z Sty, let thy Priejls bee^> clothed with rtghuoufnef[e^y and let thy Saints Jhowtforwy : Pfai.132.9. 3 As of L 1 v 1 it was laid, Let thy V- rm2'andthy Thummim, be with thy holy tfo OfMiniftcrs. holy ones, (Deut.33.8.) That utte- rance alfo may begiuen the, that they may open their mouthes boldly \to make h/owne the mjfieries of the Gofyell: (Ephcf.6. 19.,) That fo, for the gift bejlomdvfonvs, by the meanes of "many ferfons ; thankesmay bee^j giuen by many, on our be half }. a.Cor.i. 11. 4 That they may be delivered from vn- reafonable, and wicked men \ becaufc all men haue not faith : 2. Thcff.3.2. Roro.1j.30. 5 That their feruice may bee acceptable totheSaints. Rom.15.31. 6 Finally fray , that the rvordof the Lord may haue a free courfe, andbee glorifi- ed: 2.Thc(f.^i. 4 Let him that ii taught tn the word, communicate vnto htm that teacheth in all good things: (Gal.6.6.) Forthefirifture faith, thou /halt not mou (let he mouth of the Oxe, that tr cadet h out the cornt.K^And the laborer is worth) of his reward 9(i.T inn 5.18.) If ye be madefarukcr of their (firi- OfMinittcrs. 3J1 iuall things j ydnr duty u alfo tominifter vntothcmin carnal I things : (R.om.15, 2j.) For will a man robbe GOD? (Ma!. 3,8.) Be not deceived, God is not mocked 5 for whatfoever a manjoweth, that (ha/I he alfo reaper. For he that foweth to htiflej]), fhalloftheflefl) re ape corruption-^ buthe^j that foweth to the Spirit, (hall of the Spi- rit reafc Lifc_j ever lofting : Ga>.<5,7,8. 1 Cor. p. 7, Makjj^, 10, Gen. 47,22. Dctir. 12 , »p. 2 Chron. 31,4,5. 5 Let the Elders which rule well bee^j counted worthy of double honour \ efyesi- ally they, who labour in the Word, and Do^ chine : (1 Tim. 5, 1 7.) x^Andlet no man dejpfehch : (( Cor. 1 5. 1 1.) hue efteeme them very highly, in loue>,for their workes fake : i Thctf, 12. 6 Obey them that hauc the rule over you, and fubmity our fe lues ifor they watch for your Soules fas they that muftgii*e an account , that they may doe it with ioy9 and not with grief e • for that uvnprofi- iableforyou: (Heb.13,7. 1 Cot.i6,i6.) Therefore dot accordwg to that thing which 5 5* OfMiniftcrs, which they fiew you ; warding to the Law whuhtheyjhaU teach you; and according to the iudgement, which they (hall tell yout Jl) all you docs : you jhallnot decline from the thing which theyjhattfhew you ; neither to the right hand, nor to the left : Deut, i73io. Hcb.13,7. Q^ What is the danger ©f fueh as doe not honour, but doe offer wrong, and difaonour ro their Minift? r ? A. if Any man will hurt them , fires froceedeth out of their mouth , and de- vour eth their Enemies. (^And if any man will hurt them, hecs mufi in this manner bee killed ; For thefe haue power tojhut Heaven, that it raine not in the dayes of their Prophefies •, and haue power over Waters, to turne them to Blood , and to finite the Earth with all plagues, as often as they will: Reti. nj. Oh. I would bee loath to hurt our Minifter 5 but yet what if bis life be not anfwerable to his Doctrine > \s£. Though bec be as wicked, as were the Scribes, anidPharifes ; yet hec fits OfMiniftcrs. 333 fits in M o % ms feAtc^> ; all therefore whAtfoever hec bids you obferuc,that ob- ferue, And doc^^ but after his workes dee not -y becaufe hec faith, and doth mt : Math.23,2, Ob. But hec is alfo Co vn!earncd a man, that ia one Sermon of many, you fhall not heare one word of Latins, or Grceke, to come out of bis mouth ** A. Brethren tf your Menifter corner vnto you (peaking with tongues what (hall he profit you ; except bee /1W/ (Jftakts to you, eyther by Revelation, or by Know* ledge, or by Prophefying, or by DooJrine ? t^yind even things without life , giving found ± whether Pipe, or Harper $ except they gme a difiinclion in the founds \ hot* fhall it be knew»e,what is piped, or harped ? For if the Trumpet giue an vncertawc-j found , who fhall prepare himfdfe to the ban ell f So likewtfeweejxcept wevtter by the tongue words eafie to he vnderfiood ; how fhall it be knowne^j what is (poken 'f Form fhall (peake into the ayre. J here art it may bee,fo many kmdes tfvoycts in the world, SJ4 OfMinifters. world ; and none of them Are without figni- cAtion. Therefore if I know not the wea- ning of the voyce, ifballbee to him that Jpeakcth a Barbarian % and he that (fteaketh Jhal/be a barbarian vnto me. i .Cor. 14.4. 1. 14. 2. 14.21. Ob. U fcemes you arc an Englifti Preacher ; you plead (0 much agah;ft toegues ? A. Ithanke my God, / (peake lan- guages more then they all; jet in thc.Church I had rather (peake fine words,withmyvn- itrftandingjhat by my voyce I might teach Pthersalfo ; then ten thou find words in a ftrange tongue. 1 .Cor. 14.18. 19. Ob. Wftadbsuer you allcdge againft shevfe of tongues, yet at I hope, you wiiloot deny, vnto fueh Minifters, the grcateft praife,as arc fiioft eloquent ? A, The things of G oT>wc(j>cake ; not in the words, which mans wi ft dome tea- chetb ; but which the holy Ghofi t cachet h^ comfAring ft irituaB 'things, wit hjpirituall, (i.Cor.2.13.) that your faith Jhould not fkandinthc mftdome of men, but in the fower OfMiniftcrs. 535 power of God, (1. Cor. s. y.) For C h r l s t yj/stf *w/>£ mfcdowc of words, leafi the croffe of Christ, foottld bee ?nade of none effe£K (1. Cor. 1.17.) But feeing the world by wife dome knew not GOD 5 it f leafed GOD, by the fodijhneffo if Preaching , to faue them that belteu^j : (i.Qtot.itii.) Wee h&ue therefore re* pounced, the hidden things of difhone- JliCs ; not walking in crafttnejfe , nor handling thi Word ofGOD deceitful* ly ; but by the mamftftation of the truth, commending our felues to every nsans Confeience, m the fight of GOD. (2. Corinth. 4. 2.) Nor Preaching our felues 1 but Christ I % $ v $ the LORD, and our felues your fer- uants for I s s v s fakc^. 2. Cor. 4. 5, 1.2. I. ob. Then as it feemes to you, euery Minifter as well for matter as manner of teaching muft fuite hinafelfe to the cape- city of his auditoric5&c. A> True. Par vehmmany things to) fay. 3$£ OfMiniftcrs. fay, and hard to bee vttcred . Not bee ah ft wee cannot fpeake them • bur becaufc you are dull of hearing. For when for the time you ought to be Teachers • you haue need that one teach you againc^j, which bee the frjt frtnctples of the Oracles of God, and are become fuch as haue needofmilke^ and not of flrongmeate. For every one that vfeth mi Ike , is vnskilfull in the wofd of jRighteoufneffc-ji for he is a Babe : (Hb. 511 .) K^And I brethren could not fie ah vnto you, as vnto Spiritual! men, but as vnto Carnally even as vnto babes in Christ. / haue fed you with Udke,and not with Meate, for hitherto yee were not able, to beare it • neither yet now are yee able :\.Coi 3,1,2. j^ Are wee therefore alwayes to be dc3lc withall like Children, and to bee fed like B*bes? l>/. No longer than while yee be- come vnto full age, and arc fuch as haue your fences exercifed , to difcerne both good, and evill: (Heb,5.i4.) Whereby it appearing that you arc occome Jlrong men 1 OfMiniftcrs. 337 then having the principles of the doclrin% I efCumsT y let vsgoe on vnto perfections not laying the foundation of Repentance %- from dead worfces , and of faith towards G ,0 Z> ; of the Doctrine of Baptr fines, and of laying on of handstand of the Re fur reel /- on from the deadend of et email Judgment? Htb.6,1. J2^li ncyther the frequent vie of pgngues : oor humane eloquence : noc deepe, ar»d profound (caching, bee of c* (ieeinewith yon % I pray tell me where* is you Mwiftm are in you* teaching ^ mo$ praift; warthy ? A. Doe we beg:n againt to commend our ft lues ; or need we as foine others % J5V pi files of commendations to you $ or letters of commendations from you } Te are our E- pifi He. written in our hearts , knowne9 and read of all men. For as much as ye are ma* nifefl'ly declared to be the Epftle ofChrift> msm fired by vs ; written not with Inkcbut with the (piritofthe living God y. not m tables of flonejut w the flefiy tables of the heart i And finch trufl hauewoLsthrtugk z ChuA $3 8 OfMiniftcrs. Chriil to Godward, not that we arefuffi. cient of our ft lues ; but our fufficiencie is of God ; who hath alfo wade v> able Mi- nt per $ y of the new Teftament $ not oft he Letter, but of the Sprit .for the letter kil- led, but the Sprit giveth life : (2, Cor. 3,1.) And are not you my worke inthe^j LORD? //7 b^j not an^Apofile^j vnto others , yet doubt leffe I am to you • for the Sealer of my Apoftlefiip , arc^> yec^> in the LORD: 1, Council. £, 1,3. SI But whv ftiould GOD vfeche Moultrie of men, and not of An. A. Wee haue this treafure in earthen veffels it hat the excellency of the power , may be of Go vi and not ofvs: 2, Cor. 4 7- 2 Every high Pri eft \ taken from among men, is or darned for men § in things per* tainingtoGod, that hes may offer both gufts, and Sacrifices for fins, who can haue cowpafs, on on the ignorant, and of them, thM at e out of the way j for that bee him. m Of the Sacraments, m- felfe alfo is compared with infirmity .* Hcb.5, i, a. Ob. The cafe fo being , Chrift Icfus himfeIfc,bci!5gboth God,and Marnbad becne a Mir ifkr.witht ut all exception I A. / tell you the truth : it was exftdu ent for you ,that hztgee away ; for if hec had not gone arvay , th^j Comforter would hot come vnto you .» but in that hec depar* ted ,be hach fent him vnto you,&e. Who b.eing come , hee doth guide you inn aS truth : World: Mathew, 28, 20. Chap. XXXIIII. Of the Sacraments. Ob. TFtheMniflricoftheWordbfi *ao kfll* efficacious, then as Z a yow 54o Of the Sacraments* ycubauc£irci it-is ; what further: need is thereof the Sacraments? A . Circutnc'ifon verily profitetb: (Rom. i9 2 5 . ) Fo r A b rah * m received ihefgne if&rcumcifion i a Seal: of the right eouf heffc of faith: { Rocr.4 n.Ml$,j$.) In whom "j on talfajire circurncifed ^ with the-Circumcifion made ty.thout hands : in putting off the body oft he fins, ofthefejh ; by the Gitctmcifwn sfC h r i> t: CokiZ J>K^ What pcomifc hatfi G o d made toB*pnfrrx> h . Thai he wilt baptize thee with the Holy Ghofi, and with fire . ( Math. 3 , 1 1.) For by one (jur it wx^are allbaptizedirUo one body jvhci her wee be Iewes or Gentiles ; whether we be bond or fee? (r,Cor. 12, 13 ;) Whereby Baptifme doth now fane vs: not the pitting away of the fit h ofthefejh^ but the anfwer of a good conscience towards God y by theRejurreclion of I e s v s Christ.' 1^.3,21. A&V^^.Luk. ! £j. Vntowhoindoththk belong ? *dn A. i\ To Of the Sacraments. $41 A. 1, To the Mmifkrs, that they j teach all Nations, baptixJn? them in thes name oft he Father, eft he Sonne , and of the Holy Ghoft : Main 28,*?. 2 To the per; pie , ftf dW a* the publi- cans ; who tuft 1 fed God, being baptized with the baptfjme fifl oh n . A nd no 1 to .1 o as che Pk*r$fiesy and Lawyers , whoreie* fled the counfell of God ugamjl t hem f elites: being not baptized of him : Luk, 7,2^.^0. Gen. 17, 1 4. j^_ See then, ^r* ft n?/tf£r : what doth hinder me to be baptized f A£b , 8,3 6, A, 1 if thou beleevcft with all thine heart thon maycfl } (A&s8 37.) For can any man for bid water /that thefejlouldnot be baptized \ who haue received the Holy Ghoft \as well as we ? Ads, 10.47, 2 You mutt anxndyour Huesy[?i0i.2^ 58. )And circumctfe the fore-skin of your heart : (Dcur. ioa6.) And then be bapti- zed every one of you in the name of \ e s v s Christ: Ads, 2.38. o£. If faith, and Repentaaee face ne~ ceffory vmo Baptifme: feeing Infants Z * can- j 42. Of rhe Sacra merits. cannot adtm'ly belecue,nor repent ; are thtv therefore to bee excluded from, this. S^cramrn > A. Suffer little children to comevnto me, And forbid them rot \foroffucb is the KmgdomeofCod: Mnn.T9.iu,) And if the root be holy fo are the branches:(Rom. xi 16. ) For the from: je was made to Abra- ham sndhisfced: OaL^ttf. Gen.17,2, 7,17 12,21 4. A t.2, -• ^ Do 1 thetrfaci i: of'Bapnfme depend on the worchUKlE: of the Mini flcr> A. No: but on whom, thou /halt fee the Spirit defcend, and re*a?r;e on him* the fame is he that doth Baptize 3 with the HolyGhojt; (I »h. 1, ;0 Lohn indeed baptized with Water 1 but yet^ fhali bee baptized with the Holy Ghof : lVtun. 3,11. ^What need then is there of the Supper of the Lord > A. The Cup ojblefing which we blcffe: ts it not the Communion of the bloud of Cbrift? The Bread which we breake^ is it mt Of the Sacraments. 94; not the Communion of the body #/Chr ift ? For we being many are one bread and one tody : for we are all partakers of that ont bread: (r, Cor. »c,i6. ) Therefore fanh Chii ft ; take eate, this is my body : and of the Cup, drinke yet-j all of it : for thuis my bloud of the new Tcftament , which isjhedfor many , for the Rtmifien offmnes: ( Math. 26. 16 ) This doe as often as yee doe it , in remembrance of me. For as often as yee eate of this bread , and drinke of this Cup 9,yee doejhew the Lords Death till hee come : i3Corimb. 11,25, 11,23. Q^ May any propbane pcrfon bee admitted vnto ihe Supper of the Lord > A* No: for if any fhall eate of this bread, and drinke of this Cup of the Lord vnworthlj , hejhallbegmlitc of the body, and Bloud of the LORD: andheeateth, and drinketh •Judgement to htmfelfe , not difierning the Lords body : i*Cor. n. 27,29* Moreover they cannot drinke the Cup 5 44 Of the Srcraments, tf the Lord and the Cup ofDivels : rhey cannot bepar takers of the Lor dsT able and the Table of Dive Is: (i,Cor. io32iJ For thus faith the LORD G 0 D : no firan* ger t'ticircumcifed in heart ; nor vncir- I'umcifed inflejh ; ft) all enter into my Sancluary , that is among the Children of lirael : Exck.44,^. Ezod.12 4S. Lttfir. <^ Wfiac h th?n to bee done before our commine vrro this Sacrannenr ? A. Let v4 man examine hmfelfe , andfo let him eat oft hat bread ,and drinke of that cuf :(f,Cor.n,2 30Ai(o if 'a fir anger fhall foiournt among youyandrvi 11 keep this, Sup- per vnto the Lord \ according to the ordi- nance, and according, to the manner there- of ^fo flail he doe: (N 1111^,0/4. ! Who \f he dot tWoiudge oimfeifi : he flail not be ittdged. 1 Co*. 1 1,? 1. Ob. This flare b I bauc made ,and can find but one firyvbtch Idefirc tn rccai K5 vow the good Lord bee mercif till vnto thy Servant tn this point : 2,Kfng,5>i8. A. Know yec^> not that a little leaven, Ifave* Of the Sacramcnrs. 3 45 leaveneth ths whole Lumpe i Purges eat therefore the old leaver , thstyee may betLj a new lumpe as yee are now vnie&ve- \ ned : for even Christ our faffeover, iifacrtficedforvs. Therefore let vs keepe thefeaf not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice , and wickedneff^j , but with the vnleavened bread 0 ffincerity A and truth ; 1 , C or 5 , 6 . Therefore if thou bring thy guift to the i^Altar , And there rewembrejl that thy Brother, hath ought againfl thee : leaner there thy gui ft before the ^Altar \andgoe thy way \frfl be reconciled to thy Brorher% and then come, and offer thy gui ft : Math, Ob, When we bane done al! we can in preparing out klucsyct ftiail we fails of (bar which is written. A. Therefore with RzztVishy fray, fay- ing , The good Lord far don every one, that prefaretb his heart, tofeeke God; the Lord efhis Fat her s\t hough he be not cleaned ac- cording to the fur if cation of the Sanclu- &ryn After which Prayer to made , the y ?4£ Of the Sacrarncnrs. the LO R D wil: hearken vntethec-j, and will heale thee: (^.Chro.jo.iS.) For when A axon wasrominifter^ttw^s to put vpon his forehead a plate of pure gold-y on which was ingrauen helinejfe to the L O R D $ that Aak o n might beare the wiquttie of the holy things ; which the children of 1 9 * a s l jhould hallow, in all their holy gifts, which was alwayes to tee vpon his forehead, that they might bee ac- cepted before the LOR D:( EXJ.2%.26.) So was mere a'fo ordained, a Goat for a finne offering, which was/ir the people^ the blood thereof was ro be (prinkled vpon the Mercy feate, and before the mercy feat 5 wherewitb the Prieftwasto make an a- tonement,for the hoi* place >, becaufeofihe vncleanncffe of the children o/Isriii; andbecaufe of their tranfgrcf cm, wall their finnes, and make an atonement for the Priefts, and for all the people of the Congregation: Leu. 16. 15. 16.53. verks. £^ What if any man, chac is apt for the Sacrament; (hall wilfully ncg!c& the fame? A. The Of Discipline. 547 A. The man that is clt&ne and is not in a Journey andforbeareth to keepe thes Pafeover ; even the fame Soule, pall bee cut off from kit people ^ becaufe he brought not the offer ingof the Lord, tn h$s appoin- tedfeafon : that manjhali beare hkfinne* Chap, XXXV. O/Difciplme. Ob, T Know fame > who notwich- Aft3nding the frequent vfe of all thefemcanes of Grace: haue falac very fearef uHy. A. Therefore God harh to the for* mer meanes added Difcipline : faying • Thou/halt not hatethy Brother in t hints heart : but thou /bait in any wife rebuke thy Neighbour . and not fuffer finne vpon him? (1 tixn.igij.) For as lronf\)irpt~ neth iron : foa manjharpentth the counte- nance of his fiitnd; Prou.a7,i7. 348 OfDifciplinc. ^How am I to deale with fuch a one, tttat he may be rf clarmed ? A .if thy brother flultrejpaffe again fi thee\ goe, and tell him his fault, betweene thee and him done : if ht faallheare thee ; th&tt hafi gained thy brother. But ifhee will not heave thee ; then take with thee, one, or two mores :. that in the mouth 6f two or three witnefes , entry word may tee tfiablifltfd. t^And if hee J]) all negleol to heare them fell it vnto the Church : Math, 18.151^, Q^ What if hec (hall neg!c& co hcarc the Church ? A. / ver/ly as abfent in body, but pre- fect in (pint, hane fudged already, as though I were frefent concerning fuch a one^ in the name of our Lord I e s v s Christ, whenyec are gathered together, &c, to deli uer fuch a me vnto Sathan \for the definition of the flefb ±that the /pint may be faucd, in the day of our Lord J s s v s : (1 Cor.5.3.5.) Verily I fay vnto ■you 1 That as whatfoeuer yee fhall loofi on Earth, full bee loofed in Heaueai fo OfDifeipiine, }49 fo whatfoeueryeefjall bind on earth, jhall it bound in Heaven. (Marb.18.18.^ And as they whofe fitwes yte remit, they are re- mittedvntothem : ib whofe fimesfo ever yecretaiWt they are retained: Iohuo,2j« Prou.ij 10, Q^ What if GOtwithfonding this Churches eenfurc,, hce fhaSJ remaineob° ftiiiare in finning ; as wxs Himinem, and ^Alexander f i Tim, 1,20. A; Let himbeevnto thee^ as an Hea- then man tand a Public *ne : ( Mw^cb. 1 8 ,17.) ^And call him reprobate fiver 5 becauft the Lord hath reicclcd him: (Ur.tf^o.) And withdraw your felfe from him , (2, Tnefl.3 6.) and note^ him j and hauen* company with him : that he to him that for faketh the way ; neither mllheegoe vnto the wife .• Prou. 15,10,12. Q^ What if fuch a one, in thefehee of thisCurfe, fhall come to bec truly humbled for his finnc ? A' Sufficient, vnto fuch a man , is this fumjhment ; fo that contrariwife, jee ought rather to forgiue him, and comfort htm • leaft perhaps, fnch a on*^>, fhould tee fw allowed vp with overmuch for row. Wherefore ibefeech you. that yon would confirme your loue towards him ; leafl Sa- than fhould get an advantage over him ; for wec-j are not ignorant of hit devi- ces : 2.CettMb,2}6j 7. 1132,2,1^2. PiOU. 27 £. Chap. XXXVI. Of the Contmtnracc,&c. 151 Chap. XXXVI. Of the Continuance \ with Gods' blefiing on the meases of Grace. j^\70u haueinfomc Fncafurcfatufi. ^ 1 ed mee, concerning the mcanes of perfeuerance in Grace 5 but haue wee any affurance that all chafe raeancs of Grace, fhali bee continued? A. J mil dwell amongjou .• (Exod,2£, 45) And/tf my S anil star u in the midfl ef you, for evermore. lMj Tabernacle alfo fiall bee with vou 5 yea}Imllbe yonr GO D, and you fiall bee my people* k^AhA the Heathen Jhall know, that I the Lord doe fancJ'fie ifrael • when my Sancluaric Jhall be in the middeft of you, for ever^ mrc^:Ezzk. 37, z6. JLeuiuo*. 11,12. Exod.2p42. ob. Though thefe raeancs of Grace ftiould bee continued • yet may I grow wearie, idthevfeof them? A. one 5 5 i The Conclufion of the A. One thing haue I de fired of thes Lord \ which I jv. llfeeke a fur • that I may dwell inf he houft of the Lord, all the dayes •fmy lifts \ to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his Temple : (Piai. 27 4.) Fo; / hduc loved the habitation of hi$houfcs> titd the place where his honour dwet'leih:,? 26 %.) Lk iv.it -it fiaff come topafje ^ that from one nerv (JMcone, *vnto Another • and from oncjt Sj»hbath to ano- ther ; fall all' Fit fb come to werjhip before *nee, fatfh rhc L o * d : I fa, 66, 23. Ob. Notwithstanding the continued vfsofthefc monies ; Graccicfeifc may decay ? A. In til places iv here G OD doth re* cord his Name % hec vrik bleffe thtts : Exod.20,24.) The Lord fiall bleffe thee tutofzsn: (Pu*. 128.5.,) So that ihou /bait four ifb like a Palme tree, aud like 4 Cedar in Lib anon, Thofethat be planted in thehoufe $f the L 0 It D,fi all four if) in the Courts of our GOD: they fhall brtngfoorth fruit in old ages • they fhaS he fat, andfourifnng : to flew that thes lord meancs of Grace. 353 Lord is v fright , he is my rocke, and that there is no vnrighteoufneffe in him : Pfal. 5*2,12,84,7 65 4.i,Cor.i5;io.Math.i3, 31,32. Iia.e>i,M. ^g_, What is required ofvs, to the end, that tbefe raeanes of Grace, may be thus continued vvirh fuccelTc f A. 1 Gee D avids a ppc tire after tfecm, faying ^ ^5 f£ Courts of the Lord : my heartland my flefh cneth out for the living Godi £rc. For d day in his Conns is better tkm a thoufand^ 1 had rather be a doore keeper in the houfe of my Go,i: than to dwell in the texts of wickedneffe : pfal. 84, 1,10. verfes^, 1, ft* 37*$* ^ A delight in tbem. Reiojcewkhlc^ rufalem, and bees glad with her : allyo* that lone her • reioyw, for toy with her , ail yon that mourner for her : tbttyou A a. may 554 The Conclufion of the way fucke, a)?d bee [htisfied , w:ththe~s breafis of her correlation :■ that you may milke out 9 and be delighted , with the aboundance of her glory : I fay, 66, to. 3 P ra v fay ing :0 fend out thy light >and thy truth • let them leadt mec~±* let (hem bring met^j, vnt& thy faly Bill , and to thy Tabernacles: (Pfafm.^j, jij .J^W /«^*r. fiipbim, GOD ii4frrit,a§d they th*f mcancs of Grace. 355 worfhip him ; mufi worjhif him i&$u rit, and truth , lob. 4 2$, 6 Remember the Sabbath day to keffe it holy ; for the LO KB blejfedtheSab7 bath day, and hallowed it : ( Exod. 3o« 8, 11.) Wherefore if the* tame away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing thy will y on my holy day : and call the^ Sabbath a delight \ and sonfecrate it , as glorious to the L O R D $ and Jhalt honour him : not doing thine owne wayef% not fee king thine own will, not [pea* king a vainer word , then foalt thou de- light in th^j LORD, and I will feed thee with the hreitage of I ACOB thy father : For the mouth of thc~j LORD hath (poken it: (Ifa. 58,13.) tleffed is the man that doth this , and the Sonne of man which layeth hold on it m (Ifa»56, 2.) And embraceth my Covt* nam : him will 1 bring vnto my Ho- ly \Mountaine , and make him ioyfull m mine houfe of Prayer : Ifa. 5 6,6. 7. Rfcu, \ 10. Q^lil (kauld forbcarc cfcy wor A* z j j 6 Of temporal! bleffings. the Sabbath day, I fhould come tobcg- geryjatthelaft ? A. See ; for that ffcLORD, A4f£ given you the Sabbath : therefore hee gi- vet h you on the ftxt dayjhc^ head of two dayes : therefore abides you every man in hu place : let no mangoe out of hit place en the feaventh day ; .Hxod. 16, 29, 1^5. Chap XXXVII Of Temporal! B/rj sings, and in parti- culer of long life. Q. A LI chefc proroilb, you haue **mentioned : arc oi' Angular vfe vdco the Soulo: bur what provifion (hall wc haue for rhc body ? A© Youjhall inherit the earth : (Math. 5,5.) For as C mr 1 f t , fo the world is yours: j, Cor. 3 ,22. Oh. What will the world profit v$P U WCfbec take** away by Death : and be *ecou% & Of Tcmporall blcifings. 557 accounted Among them that goe downe into the fit f Shall Geds loving kind- neffe bee declared in the Graue ? Or his faithfttlneffeindeftruclionf Pfalm. %8, ' 4, ri. A. If thov forget not my Law, and thy heart keefe my Commandements ; • length of day es, and long lifc_j> flail they addevnto thee.-fptou.j . 1 .) And they ear es of thy Ufejhall he many: {\*tou.^io.)j4nd there fli all old men, and old women dwell in theJlreetsoflem&lem,ejrevey man9with his faff e in his hand for very age* (Zach. 8,4. ) There full bee there no more an Infant of dayes : nor an old man , that hath not filed his dayes : for the Chili Jhall dyc^> an hundred ye ares old. For as the dayes of a Trec^> , are the dayes of mj peoples : ( Ifa. 6%, 20, 22. ) K^dnd with long life will jfatisfe them : ( P(alm.^r,i(5. ) For they flail fees their childrens Children : ( Pfal. \i%%6.) And come vnto their Graue in a fuM I *& 9 like as aflocke of Come commetbj wduefeafon, into the Barm : ( lob. 5, ^4 a 3 26.) J 5 8 Of Tcmporall blc/Iings. 3d.) As well as A b r a h a m - who dyed in a gotd old 4ge, An eld many and full of jures : Gcn.25,8. Pfal.^3, iSj ia.Icr. 45*5»3^I7-Gen.i5,i5, ^5, 29.47,28,50. 3;.Iudg. 3,32.i3Chroti.2?,28,3,a43i5. ijSim.25,20. ^ h long Life a blefllig of any worth > A. 7 he ho Arte head u * Crowns of Glory 7i fit be found 'in the way of Right c- •ufnefft: (Prou.i6,uJ Vox as the hew. ty of young wen is their jlregnth : fo the^> glory of the aged,is their gray head: Prou. 30 2p. &JL* this promtf^oflong Iifc,a blef- fiag, common vnco all ? A, No : for God flail bring the wic- ked dswne, into the fit efdeftrutlton 5 the hloudy. And deceitf "nil man Jhallnot liu^j tut half e his dayes : (Pfal. 55 23.) His confidence Jhallhe rooted outyofhuTaber~ macle$ and it fiyall bring htm to the King if terrors \ (lob. 18, 14.) As the whirlc- modpafjeth ; fois thc^> wicked no more : «a«ly ike right t om it ** tvtrlajtngfoum • oUtton : Of tcmporall bleflings. 5 j 9 Jot ten : (P; 011,10,25.) Tor as rtghte^uf. vejf'e.tendethvnto life :fo he that pur (ueth ii/ulpurfucth tt3 to his owne death.Ptou* 11,19, 10,27. PiaJ. 145,20. Ob. But doc you not fecmsnyof the wicked 5 how theyr dayes arc prolon- gcd7 Am The woman that hveth in plea. fure,is dead while Jhe hveth : (i,Tim. 5,6) And men livinc iruitldfcly, are , as trees, twice dead, and plucked vp by the root a. (Iud.12 )/\nd therefore, though a [inner 9 doeevtllan hundred times , and his dayes be prolonged, jet furely I know that it pall bee well with them that fear t G o D$which feare before him : Ecch8, 12. j£, What would you hence io- fcrre f A. Therefore bees thou not overmuch wicked-, neither bee thoufoolijh : for why fhouldeji thou dye,before thy time Y ( EccL 7, 17.J But fet your hearts vnto allthe^j words which Iteftifie among you this day : t hat yee may command them vnto your Chtldren\ tktt they may obfertn and doe A 4 all 5$o Of Temporall blcflings. a lit he wards of this Law. For it is no vaine wordy concerning you * but it ts your life , fr by this word yee frail prolong your dayes, Dsut.j 2,46,474 40.6,1 2 16.20. Q^ Wtiy? doth God for thcfinnes of his cwne Children 3 fhortcn theyr daycs alfo? k~4. Yea: for CMofes ; becaufe hec trefp3(Ted againft the LORD , died in ^Aftf«^Ncbo,(Deur,32,5© )Forthis caufe dfoy many of the Corinthians were weake , and ft eke , and fain e ajleepe : : I, Cor.n,3o. 1, Sam. 2,30,3 1 . Itef yet when they 4re thu$/Wgft/ ; they 4/v chafienedofthe Lord : f^~p*Hough my dayes vpon earth A fhould bee many ; yet the ma- ny dangers attending them, will make my 'life without comfort ? A. Who fo hearkeneth vnto me , (loall dwell fa fely ; and Jhall bec^ quiet , from the feare ofeviU : (Pro. i , 33.) Remember If raj thee y who euer perifhed, being /#- mcent ? or where were the righteous cut off? (10^4.7.) The humble perfon /hall deliuer the llandofthe innocents » and it is deliueredy by thcfurenejfc of thine hands. (Iob.22.30J Whereby thou fli alt walke in thy way fafely ; and thy foote [halt not Jlumble : when thou lyefi dewne, thou-fult not be afraid^ yea tboujbali lye downeand th] fUepr pall bee fweet : (Prop. 3,23.) Surely th^v JI? alt not be moued,for euer, Thou jhalt not be afraid of ev ill tidings \ thy heart is fixed, trujling in the Lord* Thy 3 6*. Prcfcrvation from enemies Tky heart is ejlablifhed^ thou (halt not be *fr*td : (Pfal. 1 1 2, 6 .) But jhdlt bce~> as Mount Zion, which cannot bee removed , but abidethfor rucrm As the Mount dines, are round about I fufalem : fo the Lord is roundabout his people • from henceforth , even for ever : P|aLia$.g. Therefore hearken vntcme, O houfe of Jacob \ and all the remnants, of the houfe fflfrael, which are borne by me from the belly ^ which are carry cd from the wombe ; and even to your old age lam hee}and even to jour ho arte h aires I null carry you , and fo mil deliver you : 1(3.46,3. Pfal.34,4, 4 ..8.87,5. 12^3,4,8,16,8,65,8,7,10.11. 3.4.Zacb. 1^12. Afts32,25. Prou.i8, i0.Dcuc.33, 12. ifa. 4 5. Ob. 1 knew tbes rage of our enemies to bec^ fuch j as they will leaucs , no meanes vnattewpted, for our hurt* A. The wicked watchctb the righteous, axdfeekcthtoflay bint; but the Lord will *ot leaue him in his hands 5 nor condemn* hm, when het is wdged : ( P(a'«37> 32. ) Hztjhall bid* him inthefecret of his pre- fence,. Prcfervation from enemies, jtfj fence, from the pride of men \ he Jhallkeepc themfecretly in a pavilion, from the ftr if t if tongues : ( Pfal. 31, 20.J i_As Bird* by flying, fo will the Lord of Hofts defend Ierufakm , defending alfo he will deliver it \ and pafing over <>hec will pre fcruc it : (Ifa.31.5.) Whereby no manfballfet off thee to hurt thee .• ( AAs,i8.zo.)Nei. ihcrjhallone haire of your head perijh : (Luk.21, 18. ) For the Lord will deliver you fr^m every evillworke^ and will pre- ferue you, to hti heavenly Kingdome : 2, Tim.4, 18* Therefore feare you not 5 flandftill, and fee the Salvattonjvhich the Lord will fhew yon : (Exod. 14,1 \%) And bewt afraid of their faces • for I am with thee : to deli* ver thee faith the Lord: (Ier.i,8«) Behold lhauegrauenthee vpon thepalmesofmy hands ; thy walks are continually before me : Ifa. 49)1^,54,17,27,2,3. Exod^, ioJ23,22.IeM,i8,i5,2o,PfaLi2,8,io8. 13. Afb.9,24,25 .9,29,30, 31. Numbi22 12,18,241. 2, King. 6, ip. Neb.4,15- DeuMo^.Ifi.jx,^ ob. My j^4 Prcfcruation from enemies. Ob. My enemies doe fomuch oucr- marchmcc,as that before the combate, they doc proraife.vnro thernfelues the conque(\,fay>ng: Let her be defiled -% let eur eye^j leske vpon Zion : Micba,^ 1 1. Efcod.15 9* A . Who hath deftifed the day 'of thc^? fmallthings? (Zach.^io.) Let not him, that girdeth on his harneffe , boajl him- felfe ; as heethat putteth it off : i King. 20,11. Wee haue heard of the pride of Moab $ he is exceeding proud ^ his loftine(fc and hit arrogancic^, and his pride, and the haughtinefe of his heart, I knew hi-fwrath, faith the LORD : but it jh all not befo : (Icrcm.48, 29.) BiAbecaufe th< yragc^ against wee ; and their tumult, is come vp into mine cares : therefore will 1 put my hooke into their n&f, and my bridle into their It f pes ; and I will turne checn backeby the way, by which they corner : Ifa.37.2p. 2^8. For he c-j powreth contempt *vp?n Prin- ces 1 and caufelh them to wander in th^j Wilder- Preferuation from enemies. 3 6 5 Wilder neffe , where there is no way ; yet fetteth hee the foore on high from *fflML en,andmaketh him families, like aflocke : (Pial. 107, 4 o.J Hee frttfirateth the to- kens of Iyer s, andmaketh Diviners mad^ and turneth wife men backward, and ma- keth their Knowledge foolijlmejfc^ : Ifa. 44* 2*. Therefore bee Jlrong, and of good cm- rage 1 feare not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy G O D,hc it is that doth goe with thee : hc^> mil not fa/ le thee, nor for fake thee: (Deor. 31,6.) With cbcm is an arme of.flejh ; but with you is the Lord your GOD, to helpe, and to fght your battels: 2Chren.32;8.2o,i5,I ►£ I, J.lfa. 50, 1.44,25. 18,7. 9£l$*£*t 2 Sam. 1^23. 17,14. lerem. 1,18. 15,25. lob, 41,34. a King. i9 32. Zach.12,7. Examples. 1 Sam. 18,11. 1.21,1. 1.25, 10.1.23,14, 1,23,25.14,44. 2 Sam, 21, i<5. 2.20,22. Ads, 14^5.1431^5 20. 26,21. Pfal.io55!2. #£. Though G © d fhould preferue vs once, and agamc, from our Enemies , yet $66 Preferuation from enemies. yetiftheybeefuflfcred to (had in their ftreogth • oars is the feare , and theirs is the hope , of their preuailing at the faft. A. But they know wot the thoughts of the LORD, neither vnderjl and they his cdunceU%fer hee flail gather them as the Jheaues into his fioore, (Micfoa.4.12.)^- hold they jhall gather together $ but not by me, whofoener ft*!! gather together a~ *dinjl thee, flail fall for thy fake, flfa.54. 15.) Now will Tarife, faith the L O R D± now mill be exalted $ Now will I lift vj? my felfi fjthty jhall conceiue chaff e, they Jhall bring foorth (IMle ; their breath as jlre flja/l demure them, i^yfnd the peo- ple Jhalbe as the burning cflime\ as t homes cut vp flail they bee burnt in the frc^j : (Ifa. 33. 10.) CAnd as afles vndtr the files of your feete in the^j day that J Jhall d*e this , faith the Lord of hefis ;, Mfll.4. 3. Thus when S is: o n gathered all his feopU together , to fight dgainjl ifrdel^ ifrtelfmoto him> with thi edge office [J fioor A: Preferuation from enemies, 567 [word: (Num.21. 2 i.)Alf$QGtheRing tfBdJhan, with hitfonncs^ dnddllhis fee- pie • vntill none was left dlive : fNurab. 2X.55.) SofbMyeetifohav, that J dm the LO RD your GO D % dwelling in Zion, fny holy .- loel^i/. ■ lla 4!, 10. 41.15. 16. Dent, p, 3>7.22,3. 21. 22j3 5,-17. lof 2T344. £&-• 85^2?. Ifa. 5^3.2^1. Exdmflcs : Numb.gi^jS, 1 Sam.i£, 83 r, 27, 8, r, 50, 16. 2 Sao>.3,i,2,5s2g. 8,132,6,13,14. 2,z'2,'26. Exod.17,13- 14,30. 2JChron.32,2i, 2 King. 1^55. Iof.ro;4o,i2 20. Ob. But out Eoefriies ars msny3 and mighty 5 and therefore not to bcefub- dued ? A. God jhdllbredke in pieces might U men.pithout number ', e$*/tf */&rj /* f jfe*> yfc^z (Iob,34 24.) Heeisrv'feinhedrtt dndmighty in flrength ; n?£tfiroythem : (Dear .-33 26 ) Whereby thou /halt know, that the Lord is greater than all Gods ': for tnthe thing, therein they deale proudly , hee is above them : (Exod, 1 8, 11.) ioi the Chariots of the LorJ, k E^emi^s fubdued. % 69 Lord are twenty tlotfand -, tven thoufands of Angels : the Lord is Among you, as in .Sioa; 5 in the holy places: (Pfal. 6$, 1 7 ) AnH hue fhall bring them downe that dwell on high ■ the loftk Citie, he layeth it low, ket Ujeth it low even to the ground • he bringeih it even to the duff. The foot e frail tread it domes ; even the feet of the poor cs y and i he feps of the needte : lf.rf.26. 5. . pen a people great, andmam,and tall, as the t^Ah*k>ns .the LORD deflroy- ed before 1/rael : (Dettt, 2,1 1.) Of whom k wa* fatd\ who can fland bejore thes Children of A n ax ? (Diuci, vnt$ Pharao vywdvntQ attJEgypt ; the great tempt at ions, which thine eyes faw , j»^/ t he fignes , ^/idf the wonders, andthes mighty hand, and the jlr etched out arme f whereby the L OR D brought thee out, Stf fod/ItftcLord thy God doe vntoallthe people , of whom thou art aft- at d, ejrca Deut.7, 17. Numb. 23, 23. Pfai.pfy 13. i, Sam. 2, ot Dcur* 20. j. 33, 2p.il. 22. 2 2/.2,$*m. 5, 20,7/4.40 12.40,22 40, 28.63 y.Pfai.ioS.io^o,^. Examples, D«tit4^7.3,8.Io£23.pir».Iodg;^,i3. t, Sam. 13 5. tf £. You ull me of great thmgsyth? Lord will doc rorhis people ; but I tee no noeatics ro t{k&. rhc tame ? A, IU vji II haue Mercy vpon thehoufe tf/ludab; andwAlfaue them by the Loid flfe/> GOD: andniiR notfaue them by Mow, nor by Sword, nor by Bdttaile , bf Borfes,nor by Horfemen : ( Hof. 1 , 74 ) Bu. by aftingtdndafone,{iS*mj'}^9) Wtth trumpets of Rams homes, ( I of . 6. 2 o) With *n Oxe goddc^luty.t^i.) By\*el faebcu^//*; (ludg.5.27 ) By Ebu armour bearer^ ( i/Sam.14. 13. ) And in the ware of other mearres ; one cacmiCj (hall helpe to deftroy another : 2, Chron,io% 22. ludg.y^i^jChron^o. T7.23Kiog. 1^.61. For bec wl/fendhhfcare before thee .• . (Exod.23,27) And he will put the dread of thee ^ and the fear e of thee vpon the Ns~ tionsy that are vnder the whole Beaven : . who jl)dl he are report of thee >and jhall tremble and bee in dnguifh , becaufe of thee : (Deumnom. 2*25. ) They jhall licke the dtt{l like a Serpent ; they jhall wooucoHt of their holts like Wormes of the Earth ; they fh all bee afraid of t hi. LORD^GOD; and jhall fear* becaufe of thee : Micha, 7, fyi 3b 2 A* : _ : ; . 3 yt Enemies fubducd. As well as Savi, who w.is afraid of David, becaufe the Lord wj4 wth l> m : (i Sam. 18,1 1.) So the hearts of all tit Kings of the ^^imorites .fainted : (I >f£f i.) And were in great fearer \ for (SOD kin the generation of the Righteous : Pfil« 14 5. Ita. 19.17.33. 14 Zacn.n.i.Deur. 11. 25. 28 10. Iof.2 9> Num.2 2,3. Pfa!. 53,5. Gen.j5.-5, JjjK^ Seeing the prompts, of Preferva- tion from Enemies are fitch, and fo many 5 what may this teach vs f A. Therefore fay yee not a Confede- racies to all them , to whom all the fe peo- ple jh a 11 fay a confederacies neither j ear e yon their fearer . nor beafra is their hclpe, and their (fjield. O houfe of ^ mo n, trnft in the Lord\ hce is tfo/r helpe andthzirfbield : yee that f rare the Lord trail in the Lord ; hee is their helpe *ndtheirjhield:?l\.W) 9. 3 i^drtfe, and threfl) O Daughter of ' Zion%for I will make fhint home Iron, and I will make thy hooves Braffe^j : and thou jlmlt beate in pieces many peoples, fatth the LORD : .: Micha,4, 13.) Bee of good courage , and let v splay the Men-, for our people , and for the Cities of our GOD; and let the Lord doe that which feemeth himgood; 2 Sam.10,12. Chap.? XXXIX. 3- ' 374 Of vi&ory oucr enemies. Chap. XXXIX. Of Deliverance, out of the fort ■- [aid ervils. Ob, AH,myLORD; if the Lord bee /"-Melius, with vs : Why then is aU this come vpon 25. Nahum, A. Israel hath finned, andihey haue alfo tranfgrcjfedmy Covenant , whhch I commanded them \ for they hate iaktn e- venofthe accurfed thing , &c 1 r here- fore they could not ft and before their ene- ma : (Fof.7,1 1. ) And kcaufc they fer- wdnot the LORD their GOD, with toy* Of vi&ory oucr enemies. 5 75 fulpe.fc.dnd with gladnejfe of heart , for the aboundanceof/dl things ; therefore doe they feme their enemies , which the Lord fcarh ■/?»/• again fi them 7 in' hunger, and in $hirfiy and in nakedncffe,And in the want of d/lthngs .-Dctir.2^.47. Who then gaue Ucou for afpoylc, I and I ft at) to the Robbers- ? Did notth<^s Lord j &* , again f whom they hane fin- ned? For they would not walke in his way is > nejther were they obedient *vnto his law. Therefore he hath powredvpon rhem the fury of his anger , and thc~j flrength cfBatta> le, and it hdthfet the ra on firc^, round about 5 yet J,ey know not , burdeneth them , dW they '/*jf /* ## ft> . &w/- : ( I -a. 42, 24, ) Tbercibre^o Empcraur before, and the Spaniard be- hind , ^#* devoured Isreal n>/>£ *pf# w^/A ; and yet for all this , his anger 9 is not turned away : but ks handls fir etched out fl ill. For th<~» people^ turneth not to him that fmu I teth them : Neyther doe they fteke thes ).L0SLP8. i,S.im. 28,19. Lam. 4> IJ- Fffiift u& n //^/ did that which was evitlin the ft ght of the Lord,&c . The an- ger of the Lord w :s hote again fl jfrael • dndhee delivered them vf into the hands of the [foylers, that (poy led them, eye. fo that they could not any longer fiand be- fore their Enemies : (Ittdg. 2, 1 j .) Like- wife thearmic of the Syrians came with afmall company of men , and the Lord delivered a very great Hott into their haid^ Becaufe they hadforfaken the Lord COD of their Fathers : 2 Chron.24,23. IiHg. 3, 7 8. 3. 12. 4. 1. 2. 6. 1. 13. 1. \6. 2Q. 1 Chron. 10 12. 2. \6. j> 1 Sam 4. 2. 10. 1 King. 14. 25. 2, 15. j. ExcJ. 32. 25. Q^ BxthauethefinnesoftheVahxi- natr beenefo great, as that there is no way left, whereby they may efcape the Enemies hands f A. LffQt they fhalUonfeffe t heir iniquity , the Ofvi&oryouer enemies. 377 the iniquities of their Fathers ; with their treftajje ,whch they trejpajfed againft mc$ and that alfo they haue walked contrary vn- to me%andthat I aljo haue walked contrary LORD: (Hof:ir,io.) Vp there- fore , and lee them fanclifics them* feJues. againft the morrow : Ioil 7, [ j*PfaU 81,13. Which that you may doe > remember when the King ofJEzypr came vpagainfi Ierufalem; becaufethey had tranfgrejfed againJlthcLQRD&c.Thercfore heeleft them 578 Ofvi&ory ou*r.fncrmcs. them in the band of Sh fh*V. Whereyp- $n> the Primes of Ifowi , and th^j Kings humbling themfelues , faying the L O R D is righteous. \^And when the L OR D faw^ that t he f humhled them- fclucs . the Word of the Lore' carte to Shc- mz\&, faying-* they haue humbled them- filttes ; ther ejore will I net deflroy them, hut I will gram themjome deliver dnce , and my wrath fadll not bce~> fowred cut vfon I BK.Y $ al ■ ii| fry the hand ef S*ishak: ( 2, Chron. 12, 2. ) Tea many times did hee^j deliver them , but they provoked him by their €ounceH and were brought lowfo* their iniquities \ never t he leffe hee^j regarded theyr affliction when hce ke*rd then crie. And he remembred for them his Cove- nant, and repented accord ng to thc^ multitude of his CMercies : Pfai. 106. 43, Thus alfo will the LORD waitc, that he may bee gracious vnto you : and therefore will he be exalted, that hec^> may haue merty vpon you \for the L ORX> u • Of vi&ory oucr enemies, $7*_ it a G OD of lodgement : ( Ifa. 3 o. I S. ) For he mil indge his people, and he mX re- fzm himfelfe , concerning bis Servants : Pfal.135 14, 23Chron.i j 3, 13,9 & 32-, 35 i,Kmg.ai,27. IoHa.3,10.4.2. HoC io,ii.Djur.4,29.Iadg,<5,;i,35 i,Saai. 12.7. £>^ What vfe are wc, and they of the Palatinate to make hereof? A. Therefore f ear c nott for though jee haue done silt hi* mckednes : yet depart not fromfoilowingthe Lord • but feme the Lord with all your he art, neither turneyee backe-for thatjbouldbe after vaine things 5 which cannot prop you , nor deliver you 5 for they are but vanity : ( 1 , Sam. 1 2^20.,) And if ye doe tnrjy> vnto the Lfitdjvith all jour hearts ^ then put away the ftrang^j Gods : and Aihtarothjrom among you, and prepare your heart unto the Loid.and feme him onely, and he will deliver you out of the hand of your Enemies : i,Sana.7, 3. Hofea,i3,i. Lamcnt.3,40 ^i.Dsut. 13*17. Icretaiab, 3, 12. 23 Chronicles, 2 San- }8d Of v'ftorv oucr enemies. 2 SanBifeyonafaflh call yet a folemnt dffembhy gat htt to v ther the £ Iders, and all the Irib&b tanfi of the Land into the houjeofihe i or a your GO T> dndcrj vnhthc Lo.J : ( loch i, 14. ) And fay -% take away a/lwiqu;tfe, an 4 re ceiue v: gr*~ cioufly : fo wM we render the Calues of our lips. AHwr jhallnot faue vs , wen? 11 -,.ot ride vfon Horfes? Neither mill we fay any more to the worke of oar hands -y yee arc^> our GODS.- tor in ihez^> , the To- tberlejfe find mercy . H ■>! . 1 j,i, O Lo?d our God other Lords, be fides thee haue ruled wcr vs : bttt we will re- member thee omlyy and thy Name : Ifay, 26, f ?. Rifcvf Lord, and letth-ne enemies bet fcattcred, and let them that hate thee flee before thee , andretnrneO Lord yntoihe many thoufands of Jfrael . (Numb. 1 o, 3?.) Or ii ib&ii wile rveds ^{fl ft vs : letvs now faH into the hand of the Lord ^ for his Mercies are great , and let vs not fall into the hands of men : ( 2^Sam. 24* 14. ) Whofe tender mercies are cruell: Prou. Of dcliucrance from eaemks . ? Si wtovii 12,10, Nch. i,5 $ p+zKiog.'.p, 15. Pfak io, 33, 8, 1,2. i,K?Hgs, 8, J^ When GOD hath delivered vs from our enemies, what are wee then to doc ? A. ^tt»4fe , awake Deborah : awake, awake 5 vtterafong : arife Sarak thott Son fcf AHin6am,; - In ^.5, 12. J Comeflndbc* fold^ theworkes of the LORD, what def- lations, he hath made in the earth ? Hee^> maker h the War res t$ ceafe vnto the ends of the earth s hebreaheth the hew , and cut- teth the (ptare infunder : he burneth tht^j Chanots tn the fire (-Bf il. 4 * . 8 . J Stng Wiethe LORD t for hee hath triumphed ghriwjl^ : -t I e Horfe and the rider, hath he throwne into the Sea. The LORD is my (Irength, and mj Song.andhe is becon/e my Salvation : hee is my GOD, andl will frepare him an habitation: my Fathers GOD, and I will exalt htm. The LORD is a man of Wane h the LORD ofHoJis uhistume; (Ex^d. 15.1) Who is like vntothee O LCPvD, amongft the God* > Who 9 j it Freedome from common cuils. voho is like thec'y glorious in holinejfefeare- fulltnfraifes fdomg wonders : (Exod. 15, II.) W ho would not feare thee y O King ff "Nations? For to thee doth it affer- taine : for a>s much as Among all the wife men of the Nations , and in all their Kingdomes7there is none likevnto thee : (let. 10, 7. Pfal. 55, p.) Thou hin- ge fl the C ounce Is oft he Heathen to nought* thou make ft the devifes of the feefle of mnttffett: P.^l. 3j,io.$>,6,Gcp.^f2o.. Fftl.64,6.66. i99&*his.f. i8,35>32^. o£. Were it to bec graarcd , (hat the hand of rmn , may bee cypher too fbort to reach vs : or too wcake to hold vsvnder : yet whoxan ftan 1 when God himfclfe, as with an overflowing food J iTwlIcometo fudge terribly the earth ? Nuab. 24, 23. Ifay.54. 3,33i^.lercm. A. J he Lord knoweth how to deliver the Frccdomc from common cuils. 58$ the godly, outoftemftat:ons ; and to rz- feruethevniufi \vnto the Jay of Judgement, to bcpunifned ; (2,Pct.2,9) F«H bekoi the tume of the Lord commeth from far re $ his facets burning,and the burthen thereof is heduy 5 his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue is a devouring frc* And hit $irit is a river, thai overflomth vp te the necke 1 it divideth a [under to fanne the Nations, with the fanne, of vanity, hut there flail bzafeng vnro you : as in the night; whenafolemnefeaft is kept ^ and gladnejfe of heart-, as hec that c&m- meth with a pipe, togoe vnio the Mount of the L O 8. D , to tb^j mighty ones of pV*A8i3 (lu.5a.27.) The LORD foallroareout of Z 1 o n > and vtter his voice from Iuyulimj and the Hea- vens and the Earth jhall (hake, but the^j LORD will bee the hope of his peo- ple, and the ftrengthofthe children of if- rael.* (Ioel. 3, 16.) When mex arecafl downe-ythen they jhall fay there is a lifting vp § and he pall fane the humble per fin : lQb.22.2$>«£zek,? 4/6. Reud?}4, 7, % 384 Frccdomc fron common cuils. 2,2. Ezlk.74 14. M'a!.4,'.Pfa!.pi,3.1ff,^3 12 I?,65,8. 1 p 17,5.1061.2.32^^105,3, 12^,8,4 1 r. i^r wr fyw £4*1 ^W, wh&tthe 1 QRDdzdbciavfe of Baal-pcor .• /ir 4// f ^ w£# that followed Baal-peor5f& Lard *^y Go < hath deftroyedt hew from am$np you : hut yee that didcleaucvnto the ■ Lr>rd jf the L OK D, 4// jw meeke of the Earth > which hauc wrought his Judgements \ feeke R;gheeoufr/ej](L^ , _/? ffe meeketre(fe : it may bee> yee find I bee hid in the day of the L< »r.ds iwf^ •' ( Z c ph. 2,^.) for the eyes oft he 1 .• * r r. [had be, thy con? f dene e> and kcepe. thy feete fro>/t being ta- ken;, ( Ppu.>2j.) God is our refuge% and frength ; a very prejent%elpe in trouble* Therefore doc not fe are, though the Earth be rcmoovjd, and though \th Heathen raged : the Kingdomes were moved : ht~> vtterdhisvoyce : the Earth melted. The LO R D ofHoJIs U with vs ; the GOD of I ac ob, is our refuge : Pfal.4^1. 3 Come my people ; enter thou tntothy chambers, andjhut thy deorcs. about thee$ ' hide thjfelfe, as it were, fir a\ little mo . Ctf went s 3 86 Of outward prosperity moment , vnttll the indignation be over. fast. For behold the Lord c emmet h Out of his p/acc^, to pumfl) the Inhabitants of the Earth, for their tniquitie ^ the Earth atfo fhffl difclcje her blood, and fiall no more cover her Jlainc^> ■ fifa. 26,29.) So rhar except , the LORD of hoflcs, had left vs, a very fmal! remnant •, wees jhould haue beene, ^Sodomp; arid wee jhould haue bcen7like vnto Gomorrah : Chap XL Of outward Prvfyeritle, Ob. TN^TQw am I well apayed in tegard -*^N of cuils feared . but if a man Hue many yctres 5 and the dayes ef his yeares, he multiply ed : and yet hii Sonic bee hotfatisfied, with good things • Tfdy vnto you , That an vntmely fruit , u ict- ' ttrthdnhec^: Ecclcf.6.3. A. Tfyo\xftrn$% *nd $bey mm; yon M Of outward prafpcricy. ? 87 JJmll fiend your dayesinpro$eritie , and your yearcs in fkafures : (lob, 2*5, 11.) ihoufyalt decree a thing, and it fhdlL be$ ejlabl/fned vnto thec^> ; And the light jhali jhwe vpon thy way ; (lob. 22,28^ \^And you flail reioyce tn all thdt yon pit ymt hand vnto and your houjholds : where- in the Lord your GOD, hath bit 'fed you .• (D *um 2,7. ) Ygu flail he to mcj a name of Toy ; a praife^ and an honour ', before alt the Nations of the earth ; which Jhdll heare, of all the good that I doe vnto you ; and they jhall fear e, and tremble > for aft the goodneJfey and for all the prober it :c_jp that I Procure vnto you : (Icr.3 3,9.) And thcv (hall call you Blejfed$ for you jhdll be a delight fome Land : faith the Lord of hofies • (Ma). 3,12.) Who jh all great If hleffe thee in the Land, which hec-jgivetk thee , for an Inheritance, to ptjjejft it. Onely if thou carefully hearken vnto t hi voyte, of the LO RD thy GO D 5 toeb- firue 5 to doe all theft Commandment f% which { command thee this day : Deur* 15. 4.28,*.$. Pfal.128.2* u i. a Cbnrs. Cc % 31. 588 Of outward Profpcrity. 31,21. lob, 11,47. Hefta, 14^5. for Hizhkiah cleaving vnto the Lord, and departing not from following him ; but keeping his ConimWdement s % which the Lord commanded Moses; the Lord was with him, and he prober ed> whe- therfoever he went forth : (2.Kin£«iS,6.) The Lord was ^lo with lahofaphat ; be- cmfe hi wa Iked in the fir ft wajes of his Fa* the* David, find fought not vnto Baalim, hut fought the LordGOD of his Fathers • and walked in his Commandcwents, and mf after the doings of ifrael. Therefore the Lord Jlablifaed the Kingdome in his hands. <^And all lud&h brought to kho- faphar prefects $ and hex had riches , and honour in abundance : 2, Chron. 17, 3. Nuffib.24^. Deut.2,7,40. Pfal,23,5.tf. 1 Kmg. 8 6<5.Gen.3P,a 3 . ^ Whit vfc arc wee to make of this? A. Pray, frying ; Saut now , jbefeech thetO Lord; 0 Lord, 1 befeeci thcejend. wowproftmtit : (Pfal. 118, 25.) Let the hsdty $fth% Lor dour G 0J> be vpon vs v and of the Wicked. y$# and efiablijh thou theworke of pur hands vpon vs j yea theworke of our hands ; eftd- ilift) thou it : Pfal.^o.iy. 2 Bee thou fir ong. and very eouragi- anitx that thou nsayefi obferue, todocac- .cording io all the Law, winch Moses my Jervant commanded thee : *turne not from it, to the right hand, or to the left 5 that thou mayfi pro(per,whetherfoevcr thou gocfK Thisbooke of the law, jhallnot de^ fart out of thy mouth •, but thou jhalt medi- tate therein, day and night ; that thou may- efi obferue to doe, according to all that $ written therein \ for then jhalt thou make thy wayes proffer out, and then thou Jhalt hauegeodfucceffe: l<*{. 1,7. Ob. Righteous art thou , O L o k pi when I plead with thee j yet let mee talke with thee of thy Judgement* t Wherefore doth the Way of the Wicked, prober f Wherefore are all they happie, that deals very treacheroufly ? Thou haU planted them . yea, they %aue taken roote : they grow; yeaythej bring foo/th fruit j (lex. |#,I.} Behold theft art the vn^dlyi €c 3 fvho 5 fO Of the Profpcricy who frofytr in the World ; they tnereafe in riches : Pfal. 73.12,0^. Iererr»5, 27. Iobji2,6. o portion in thu life: (Pfal. 17,14.) As Esav the fat. neffeofthe £arth : (Gen.27.39O Cind doe proffer , till the indignation accom- flijhed. Djn.11.-35. 3 Better ts the end of a thing , than the beginning : (Eccl.7.8.) /*r h. 1 8. 5 . ) Tea all the homes oft he wicked jlhiil be broken, Pfa 1.75.10. Ecci.y,r5, Pro. 24,19.20, 4 RrmvefithoH not this of old ; fince . M an was placed vpon earth ; that the tri- umphing of the wicked is fiort^ andthe toy oft he hypocrite but for a moment ? (lob. 20.4.) I haue feent * the foolifh takingro&ie\ but fuddenly I cur fed his habitation. (lob. 5,3,) How are they brought into defolation (ts in a moment f As a dreame, when one a- waketh^fo Jhall God de/pife their image : PJai.7j.i9.20. 5 There is hope of a tree if it be cut down, that tt will §r out againe,(jrc. but the wic- ked man dyeth and where ts he . (lob. 14. y.)Ho/])al returne no more to hit houfepei* tier Jhall his place know him any mm: Ce 4 lob, Jpi OfthcProfpcrityofthc&c. ■ — ~ • ..,.-. ■ . . . . (lob, 7, 10.) His confidence fha II bee roe- ted out of bis Tabernacle ta:nd 'it flail bring bim> to the King ofterrours- (lob 18, 14.) And therefore what f leaf/ire hath hez_j in hit houfe after him . • to hen thc^ number of hi* Monet hs becutojf, inthe^ tniddejl s> (lob, 21, 21.) This alfo is a fore evilly that in alt flints 16.) For A m k l 5 k was the firfl of the Nations $ but his later end was , that they fhall bee defirojed for ever : Numb. 24,20. 6 .The very Proffer it ie of Fooles doth deftroy them : (Prou.i, 52.) Their tabic doth become 1 fnare before them : and that which fhould haue become for their welfares, it become a traf : (PUl.6p }2 2.) So as when the wicked 'faring as tbeg?af[c j mi when all the workers of lniquitte doe flour i(h: it is that they ihould bee dc- Jlroycdiforever.'&klixi.fij. Eoclef^, 7 I haue found by txferimt % that the LoEl> TheLaad for poflcffion. 3 9J Lord hathblcfjed^t v/'icktajfirtbc^ godlies fake : (Gen. 30,27.) For the i£. ey Dtians /;£*/}, «tf * blcfjcdfor i osehps /i&r.- (Gen. :£.$.) Thole in the Ship wcietev'cd frorti drowning for Pavls f*ke : ( k^AcIs, 27524- ) Aaron z\io flood betmemtht dtxdy*udtht livings and /^e pUgttc wot fayed : ( Nuaib. 1 6. $.)And if in Sodonac there had bzzr\tf9undy but fiftie right eon* \ yea if but forty and fug 5 yea if but fortie -3 jk* rf £«f thinks 1 yea if but twenty, yea if but tennc^ they (hoiud haue beene (bared for tewfesfake* Gcn.j832<5. Icr. 5, i.23 £.^£,3,14. 2.2, 12. Nurcb.25. ir. 2,Satr. 6. 11. Chap. XLI. The Land for fofftfsion^nd Very populous* 3^ CHcw mc then the parcicuUt ^outward bleflings which Gob hath promifed to beftow vpoa his CbtU drcn? A- j 94 The Land for poflcffion. K. A faith full man aboundeth with blef. fttigs : ( Prou. 28, 20. ) Even all thcfe blcfiwgs, frail come vpw him, and over- take bun: Deur, 28,2. 1 . H e /hall inherit the L and.dr dxvell ther inJorever : ( pis', yj j.9.) And jhAllf ef- fete hispojfefiom : ( Obad. 1 7. ) He out of the Land: (Ifa. 13,9. ) And be brought vntoa Nation ; which neyther fhey, «r thcyr fathers haue knowne : ( Dent. 28 v 3 6. ) And the L O R D JW/ p4tf end of the Earth , even vntp thes ether; (Dair. 28,64.) For hec will find vnt 0 them wanderers \ that flail caufe thtmto wander ; and flail empty their veffds , andbreake their bottels : ( Icr. 48,12.) $x\& they flail bee among thc^j Gmtltt, A Land full of people. }$j Gent ties , U* a veffell , wherein there is no fleafure r ( H jo jhall yee feme fir angers , in a Land that ts not yours ? hr. 5, iy. 24.8.23. 7. 2, Kmg.24 p. 2,17.^.7.2,1^ 9,iv>.i2.vcrfe$ 1 14.15. 2,ChroR.<6,20. Numb. 14,221 3° >35'37>2o-24- £^26,12,28,25,39, 25. Mil. 1 4,5.Leuu.26^p>2o322.i8.24. 1^.6,8,1^.9,16. ^ W6/VA istie fecond outward blef* .fag? A\ Multitude of people : for t»h could £*wtf the daft of I a c o b j *#<*/ f fo $$£ The Land full of people. number \ of the fourth part of Israel? (Numb. *j, 10. ) With whom thes Land of JE :ypc was filled : (Kxod. i, 7. ) For they became , as the Starres in Heaven, for multitude : ( Dcutr. 10, 22. J And were woe and mightier than their Enemies : Exad. 1.9,1 2,13 2,Sam. 24,p.Ifay.483r8. £/# if thou wilt not obferue , to docs all the words of this Law , ^r. 7Vc_; fhaUbe left few m number : (Deutcron* 28. 58. 62. I K^ind pur high wajes JbaJl bees de folate: Leuu.26.22. Ifa,i3. 20. Heare therefore O ISRAEL 5 and obferue to doe it ; that it might bees well withtbees, and that yee maj increafes mightily 5 dstkts LORD COD of jour Fathers hath promtfed thee : Deur. Cmap, xlii , — 1 _ — «. 5' Of good Government, 5 57 \vChap. XLIL Of good Government. &K, TJTO'iv fii*il fo mtacb people be •* ** governed .? A. 7f /&<*# f*w to paffe if yet dili- gently hearken 'Onto mec^ , (faith thc^> LORD, &c. ) Then jhall there enter p into the gates of this City .Kings and Prin- ces; fittingvpon the Throne of D A VI D; riding in Charcts, and Horfes ; they% and theyr Prince f : ( kr/17, 24. ) K^And your eyes jhall fee the^j King in hU beauty 1 (Ifay, 33, 17.; And your Nobles [hall 6*e ofymw felues 5 and yoqr Cover- nours fball proceed from tkc-j midtt of you: Icr. 30^.21, 22, 4. j, Kings,2« 45- But it you will not hearken vqco the LORD your GOD ;yec (hall haue caufetofay; weehaueno King: becaufo mt feart not the L O RD ; And what Jhall s Kin? doe to vs ? ( Hot ft*. 598 Of good government ( Hof. 10. Y* J~For jfc^T v7/G~6 1) /*&* A 411;^ 4 A7#<7 , rai bis ivm£ • Hof- 13,11. Ifa.3,2* ^ VVhar is the hurt which commeth to a people, by hauing no King , or Ruler , to geverne them ? '"- A.« As Wat/ there was no King in Israel: every one , did that which fetmed good y in Ins owne eyes : ( !udg. 17. 6. ) So /7^/r /7W/ bee , as with thc^> fttple, fo with the Pricft ; as with thc^j Servant, fo with the feller : dry place s and the Jluidow of a great Rockc , in a weary land : (Ifa. 32, 2. ) Kings (hall bee your mrfwg Fathers , And <%ueencs your nur* fing Mothers: Ifa.49.23. For the Iewes , and all I s r a e l s dwelt fafely : every Man , vnder his Vine % and vnder his Figge-tree 3 /r^DAN, ww^BEER-SHEBA; *//M 40o Of good Government. A. Becsufcby God it is that Kings Wtig*c'\ (Prou. 8, 15.) UztinWgiucbim Another heart: ( i3 §am. 10, 9.) And he? /hall Ire tumid into another man: ( t , Saw. io.<5. ) And the wifedome of God, Thai! be in himfo do Judgement : i,Xing. Font ft. nifi be when heftttetb vponthe Throne of hit Kingdomptkat he f ball write htm a Coficofthe Law inabooke. And it fhallht with htm, And he Jh all reade there- in all the dayes of his bfe 5 that heemay learnt, to fear e the Lord his God , to kttft dll the wwds of this Law, and the Statutes todoethe+n (Deuc. 17, j [S\j Whereby a divtnefentence fhall be /» f& ///>/ o/Vfo King, and his mouth tranfgre(jethmttn Judgment: (Prou. 16,10.) Butheeftmll rmgne in Iujltce { and you? Princes ft) all rule in Judgement : IHi.32,1 . For David ratgnedover alllCiad, and executed IudgmenP, and Iujltce among all his people : (i-Chron. 18,14, Andiudged vpnghtly : (Pfal.75 2.) And that was bi- cauft the Lord loved Ifracl : l>King.iOv?. 2jCiaron.2,iz. foi Ofs;oo^ G^vfrnrivenr. 4or For as when the Right cms Arc in autho- rity the people reiofee, Co when the wicked beare rule ,the people mourne : Prou.29,2. 4.Prou.28, 15,16.29,12. Eccl. 10,17. i,Sam.28,3, 2, 5. 12. 1, Kings, 15. 11, 2, \o, 28, 2, 14. 5, 6> 2, 23, 3. 2,0011.14,3, 2?, 3/34, 3,2, 36. 22* 2 Ijcciuictheworke will bee too heauie for one man » neyther is he able to per- forme it done : (Exod. 18, 18. ) He ^af- ter the wife dome of his GOD , that ism his heart , foallfci vp Magi fir ates , and Judges -^ which may iudge all the people .- ( Ezra, 7, 25. )> And place fuch over them, as are able men ; fuch as feare GODj men of truth, hating covet otfheffe^ to bee rulers of thoufands , and Rulers of hun- dreds, and rulers of f fties , and rulers of tennes^ to iudge the people at aHfeafins: Exod". 18,21. And tbe King fhill charge them, fay- ing • Thus jhallyte doe , in the fearer of the LORD faithfully, and with a f erf eel heatt. So that whatsoever caufc~> fall, V d come 40* Of good Government. some to you of your Brethren y that dwelt in their Cities, drc Toajl)aIlwarne them% that they trejpajfe notaga/njl the LORD : (2,Chron. 19,9. ) Ted.2j,6. ) Butjee frail iufii- fie the Righteous, and coniemne the^> wicked : ( Dcut. 25. 1.) Wh.c-i chatyec may the better doe^ yee flwtltake no gift ; fortheguift blindeth the wife , and per - verteth thes words of the Righteous : (Exod. 23. 8. J Neither jhali you reject theperfon of the poore , nor honour thc^> perfon of the mighty : : (Leuit. 15. 19. ) Tou fl)a// take heed what yee doe , for yeO iudge not for men, but for the L O R D ; whoiswithybuin the ludgensent . Where- fore now let the f ear e oft he L or d bee vpon you. Take heed and doe it , for there is no iniquttic with the Lot <* our God, nor re- Qe& ofperfons, nor taking ofguifts : ( 2, Chron. 19. 6*) Thus jhali you iudge the^ feopleM allfeafons : and it jhali be, that e- very great matter you jhali bring vnto me; but every [maltmatUr 9 you Jhali iudge : Of good Goucrnmcnt. 405 fofhallitbeeafur formt^ when you Jhall bearethe burthen mith itue : Exod. 18. 22. i, Sam. 7,15,16 Duit. i6>ip, i, 17. Ier.22 3.21, »2. Amos. 5,15. Micba, 3.I0 Pfa'.8a/2.Prou.x8.5. 2,Saro.23,j. ^ What good fhall come to vs by thefe fubftirtites in Gouernmervr f A. As the Mount dines full bring peace to the people $ fo ffo //tt/e Bits by rigbteoufnes : (Pfri 72 3.) For God lei his people like aflocke, by the hand of Mo- fes,4jfc/ Aaron: (Pfel.77.20 .)AndMftt- decay fought fife wealth of his people and fpake peace vnto all ha feed: Eftb.io.ji Pf.aL724.I0b. 2?. i2.2,King.8,6<, \^_ What may thepcom:fcofgood Rulers reach vs } A. To prav,fav'ng \Let the Lord jhe GOD of the fpirtts of all fief) fet a man over theCongregation>wbich maygoecut before them , and xvhitk may goes in befort them , and which may leader them ouiy and which may bring them in± ■ thtf the Congregation of the LORD bees not as Sbeepe , which hose no sbep~ X>d z heard & 404 Of good GGuernmeru. heard: ( Numb. 27.16. ) Bur that wee may lead a cjuiet , and peaceable Itfe^j % in attGodimejJc , and Bonefiie : i, Tiai. 2,2. Q^ Whenueehauea King, and o- ifeciS fair or bim co gouernc vs ., what is required of v*# ^. f #?4r* r£« L 0 R D /a m^/J W &ith all your hearts ; b caufe if you jl)all doe wickedly t you (ball bee con fumed , both jM and yo%r ffmg ; 1, S*a*. 12.24, 2 I exhort that [applications and fray, frs, with giving of thankes bce^j made for Kings, and for all that are in authori- ty •( I* T»?n. 2, u ) Wherein because the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord\ as she Rivers 6 f water. he turneth it whether- fetver he mil: (Prou.n, 1. ) Pny, givc^ thtKingtby Judgments 0 Lord, andthy Rightttufms vnto the Kings Sonne : rhac fo be may mdgc the people with right eouf- m$ .and the pore with Judgment : ( PfaJ. 72, I J And as thou hajifet thy Servant nvtr thy people, giut km an vndcrjian- ding Of good Government. 405 ding hearty to iudgc thy people , that he* may difcerne betweenegood, and bad\ for who is able to wdge thU fo great a people / ( 1, Kin » ^ 9 ) x^dndtake away theme- ktd from the King, thar his Throne mby he ejlabLJhed in righteoufnes : Pfou.25.4- Bleffe Lord his fab (lance }and accept the worke of h;s hands ; fmitc thorough thes loynes of them that rife again fl htm and of them that hate him , that they rife not a- gaine : ( D ur. 3 j, 11 . ) Let him abide for ever before r her . O prepare mercies, and truth which may prefer ae him ^ fo will jfingpratfes vnto thy name for ever • (P(ai,6i,7.) And the Kingalfojbaiiioy m thyjrength, 0 L o R?> ,avd in thy falva. tion, how greatly jhall hereioya } Pi-aI*2L 1,80,17. 1, Krno, 8,25. 3 Honour the Ktng\(iyVn>77\n,) As did Ar^avnah wte> »vhen heefat»tkz^> King comming towards him . be ww out, and boned himfelfe before the King , ' on his face, onthe gronnd: (2, Sara*. 24,20) And be not hafly togoe out of hu fight : EccUS,y X>d\ 4. Let 4°* Of good Goucrnmcnc. 4 Let thembet had in double honour : ( I, Tun. j \j.)For,forthi$ caufc pay you tribute alfo ; for they are GODS \'i>) And let every Sonic bee SubiecJ . 12. ) So doth hee ftill bow the hearts of all flace of righteoufnejfe , that iniquitie was there ; ( EccleC 3. 16, ) Her Ruler s doe leve with fame > give yee : ( Hofea, 4 18, ) Shall the throne^ of iniquitie , haue fcHowjhip with thee^j , which frameth tmfcbtcfe , by a Law I Puim. 94. 20. 82. 5. Ecclcf. 10. 5. Zephan. 3. 3. Micha. 3.9. 1. Sam. 8. 11. Ifa. 3. 12* 10. 1. Habac. 1. 2.1.13, Nchem. 5. 15. 2. Kings, 24.4. Amos. 6. 12.5.7. M*« 29.21. Micha. 3.2. A. E p h r a 1 m is oppre(ftd, and bro- ken in tudgement • becaufe hee willingly walked after the comm an dement : (Hnfm 51 1, ) They make the^> King glad with their wtekednejfe , and the Princes with their lyes : ( Hoi. 7. 3. ) Nor- withftanding , to fubuert a man in his eaufe , the LO RD approvcth not : Lam, 3.36. Whrefori Of good Gouernmcnt* 41 1 Wherefore if thou fee ft 7 the opprepon of the poore, and violent perverting of Judgement , And lu ft ice in a Province $ marvell not at the matter : forhee that is higher, than the highcft, regardeth 5 and there be higher than they: (Ecclcf.5.8.) ForG OD ftandeth in the congregation of the mighty ; hee iudgeth among the Gods: (^ Pf3l>n. 82. 1.) Hee doth execute the judgement, of the Fatherlejfe, and Wid* daw : (Dcur. 10,18.) t^sfndjhall iudgc^? the Righteous^ and the Wicked: for there is a time there , for every pnrpofe, and for every worke : (EcckL 3, 17.) when th^j LORD will enter into Judge- ment , with thes ancients of his peo- ple, and the Princes thereof : ( Iia. 3, 14. ) *^fnd will powre out his wrath, vpon them like Water : (Hofca, 5, 10.) CAnd breake them with a rodde of I- ron , And dajlt them in peeces likts a Potters vejfell - Pfalm. 2,9. Deuceron* 27, 19. Ecckfiaft. 4, 13. Hofea^, 5, if Sam, 28, 17. *,Chron.25, 37. Mi- sfa*9 4i * Of £ood government. ip — ^& Mk:baY3,i2. Aroosj,! 2.0^.4^5 ,33. I,King.2o^2*Pfa!.8256. Ifi.3,15. 5^ If this bee the condition of Ra- ters, and of men in Auchoritie, in the comniiffion of Iniufticcj what vfc arc they to make of Ir? A. 1 Bee wife now then fore, 0 yets Kings : be inflrucled yee ludges of the earth : Serue the LORD with feared} and reioyce with trembling. Kiffe the Sonne, leafi hee be angry , and fee perijh from the way ; when his 'wrath is kindled, but a littles ; bleffed are all they that put their trust in him: Piafm. 2, 10. 29,1. Amos, 5^24. Prou. 20^28. i,Kingc, 2,46. 2 Rob not the Poorer, becaufe hee is pore 5 neither of/pre (Je the Afflittedinthe gate : for the LO RD will pie ade their caufe ; and fyoyle the Joule of them that (poyled them : (prou. 22,22.) Deliver them that are drawne vnto death , and thofe that are read) to bee Raines : Prou. 24,11,12. Ob. If notwithftanding, what is faid* fuoh Of good Goucrnmcnt. 415 fuch fhould continue 3 to opprefle$ I much feare, what the cad thereof may bee? A. If you bee willing , and obedient , (Ifa. 1, 19.) violences (hall no more bee heard in thy Land « wafting, nor deftruclt- . $n within thy borders : (Ila. 6d, 1 8,) For J will tume my hand vpon thee ; and fur e- ly purge away thy drojfe , and take away all thy tinne. Ksindl will reft ore thy Jud- ges as at firffy and thy CounceUcrs us at the beginning : afterwards thou [halt be cal- led the Cttte of Right eoufnejfe, the faith- full Cities ;Ifa.i,2 5. Qb. I now fee caufe enough ; and I .could bee contented, to fubmit my ielfc vntomy Soueraigne, and hisfwbftitwtes in the Common- weak 5 thisoncly trou- fcletb mee, that I doe yet remaine in the condition of a Scruant ? A. Let every man abide in the fame Vocation 9 wherein hees was called. Arc thou called being a Servant ? CAre not for tt shut yet if thou may esl bee made jrtcs, wfe it rather : for hee that is called in the 4 1 4 Of good Government. the~> LORD) being a Servant , is the Lords ft ee- man 5 likewife alfo, he that a called being free, is C h r i s t s fervant. ijCor.7,20. jgK^ What then ought to bee ourca. riagc cowards our Matter* ? A . Let as many ferv ants as are vnder theyoake, count their owne Wafers , wor- thy of all honour ♦ that the Nam^j of GOD, and his Doctrine , bee not blajp bea- med: ijTnTLtf.i. 2 Servants bee obedient vnto them that are yottr CMafers, according to thefefh% with feat e> and trembling ; w fmgleneffe of your heart, as vnto Christ: Not with eye-fcrvicc^>, as men flcafers ; but as the fervant s of Christ, doing the will of GOD from the heart ; with goodwill, doing fervtce, as to the LORD, and not to Men : Eph^6,5,M*th.8,5>. Ob. L and my tyi*fter\ are both of one brotherhood in C h r i s t -, why then fhould Ibefubie&vnrobtm? A. They that hatte believing M afters, let them not de$ife^> them, becaufe they art Of good Gouernmcnc* 41 5 art Brethren 5 but rather doe them fer- vices ; ieeanfe they dre faith full, and be lived , partakers of th^> benefit : i, Tirr.6 2. . Q^ How farre forth arc wc to be fab- iedtvirorhftn? A . Let fervants befubiell to their own Maf errand pleafe them in aS things ; not anfwering aga/ne : not purloyning, but fliewing all good fidelity, that they may a* dome the doclnneof God, our S amour in all things : Tit, 2 9. 2 Be (ubseel not onely to thee good^ and gentle, but alfoto the froward. for tkk u thanke-worthy, if a man for confciencc toward God endure grief e , fujj rering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if when a to an beebuffctted for his faults heefta/l take it patiently ? But if when yet doc well, and fuffer for it, yet take it pati* ently , this is acceptable with GOD. For euen herevnto were yee called • be- caufe Christ alfo fuffcred for vs, lea. ving vs an example^ that ycejbould follow hisjleps: i«£ec.2.i8. 41 & Of good Goucrnmcnt. £K^ Tbis is a very hard taske irapofed : but what good fhall I reape thereby ? A. As hee that keepeth the Fig-tree fhall eate the fruit thereof; fr he that wai- teth on his\jM after fl)all bee honoured: (Prou. 27, 18.) 0/ Wife Servant 9 Shall haue rule over a Sonnet , that caufetk jhamc_j% asd ftall kaue fart of the ivhc- r$tance^r Among the Brethren : (Prou. N 17, 2.) Knowing that whatfoever good thing any man doethy the fame Jhall hee re- ceive of the Lord, whet her hee be bond or free:E?\v:\.6 8. Ob. B'uf (lull rny MUfter alwayes bee lei alone in bis rigour ? %^4. No : for God who feet h thine nfflifliw, a?id the labour of cby hands will rebuke thy Miftsr, as hee did Lab an {Gcm.j 1,42 .) Saying vnto him, and fuch as bee is, jet M afters dee the fame things vnt$ them ^forbearing threatning^ know* ingthat your M after alfo is in Heaven : neither ts there reftefi offerfons with him. Ephef.*,:9.GeQ.3i,24.Ecclei.7,2x.Iob, 51,13.00^.15313,14,18. Chap. XL1IL Of Peace, &c. 4l7 Chap. XLIII. Of Peace > Food, and Health. \j\7 H ich arc the fourth & * ^ fifth, and fixth particular . outward bltflingf? A. The fourth is peace. The meekcj Jhall delight themfelues with the Abundance of Peace: (Pfai. 37, ir.) For GOD tnaketh Peace in their herders : (Pfai. 147, 14.) Aqdihcyfhalllyedowne, and none Jhallmake themajraid: ( Leuir. 26. £. j And they Jhall know that their Tabernacle is Peace : (lob. 5 . 24 ) For whenhegivetk Peace,: who can make Trouble "/"lob* 34, 2pPIa!.48,8 p. Ifay.33j2o 48,1^,133}, 3>i8, Thus *& LORD gave David re/?, roundabout, from all his enemies : ( J, Sana. %-i.) y^Iudah and Ifrael dwelt fkfe- ly ^ every man vnder his Fine, andvndtr his Figge tree jromDzn 9 even to Beer* (heba , allthe^j daps ^/Soiouons £s (1, 4i 8 Of Food* (i, King. 4, 25.) So that there was nei- ther Adverfary , nor eviU recurrent : i, King. 5,4. 2,Chron. 20^30, 2, 15.15. iofh.23,1. a^.^.ji- But there is no peace, faith my GOD, to the wicked ; (Ifey, 57>2i. ) To him that went outjnor to him that commcth in ; hut great vexations were vpenall the In- habitants of their Countries : 2, Chroi?. 15.5. Zach. 83io. Icr.ip, p. Ifay, 48. 32,^,21. The fifth outward bleflmg is Food1. Heegivetb meate vnto them that f care htm ; ( pfal. 1 11 . 51. ) Hce will abundant- ly bleffe their provtfi on 7 and fatisfe their pore w^h bread : CPfa). 132,15.) Come fhaU make the young men cheer cfult, and new Wine the UUaides : (Zachariah,p, 17. ) Tour threjhing jb'att reach vnto the Vint age ? and the Vintage fh all reach vnto the feeds time , and you fhaU eate^j your bread to the full: (Lcuit.26,5. ) Andyoto Jhalleate of the old ft ore, and bring foorth the old ftort%becaufe of the new : keuic. 3?os — . . — — _^ . Of Food. 419 ~~Vo7$f I O S E P H it wasfaid^Blef fed of the L O R I> rs his Land , for the fweetneffe of Heaven , for the dew s and for the depth lying beneath, and for the^> fweet increafe of the Sunrie , and for the fweet incnafe of the CMoene , and for the fweetnejfe of the ancient mtoun- i tines ^ and for the fweetnejfe ofthe^j old HiUey, and for the fweetnejfe of thc^: Earthy and the abundance thereof, and the good will of him that dwelt in the Bnfh: Deucr. 33, 13,11. 14. 28.4,7,13. Ifa.32, 20. 50,23. Pia!.i44>i3*io4. 15. Icr. 31,12. Gen, 9. 3. 27.28. Z«chx8,ii. u.ig. i. Ezek. 34, 26. Prou. 27, 18. 1, King.8,35. Iod.3,18. Obt I am notWKfefeRdif)p(iniich pin. ched with twanger, and t\\ixi\9 and know 110c where to be fatisfisd ? ' A. When the poore , and needie feeki water, and there is none , and their tongue failethfor thirftj the Lord will hear e the, I the God of ifr ael will not for fake them. I mil open Riuer sin high places , and Foun- tainsintbf midjt of the vaHies}Iwilmakc Eel tkWiU, 4*o Of Food. Wilder neffe a Poole of water * and the dry Land firings of water : (1^.41,17.) The "' The Righteous fall not be ajhamed in eviK times ^ and w the dayes of Famine they fmllbcfatisfied : Pfal. 37,19. Prou. 10. 1'PfaL 6$, 9. io7,35.Hof. 2, 21". Mai. 3, ii;Dctit.i6xi8.Ifa.62,8,? 58,Ji.6j. 21,22. Iocl. 2,21. God was the GOD, that fed la- Cob all his life-time : (^Gcn. 48, 1 5. ) And rained bread alfo from Heaven : ('Exod.il, 4,18.) Wherewith the Ifra- dices were fed forf] yeares/vntiUthey came 'vnto a Land inhabited : ( Exod. 15, •55. ) Water a\[o was given vnto Samp- 1 ton out of the iaw bone of an Ajfe : (Iudg. :i 5- *?<) And to the Ifraelues out of a Rock tin abundance : Numbers, 20,rr. Ruih, i3 6. i, King' 17, 16. 2,7, iS, 2,17, Dair. 32,ij.Gcn,2!, I?. 36,12. Exod.2 3^5. Q^ What may this tcsch vs ? A. Therefore takes no thdughtfor qut life, what y ees fall cat e , or what jeefafi drwh. U mt the life mores than Of Food. 4** than meatc? Behold the fowlcs of tho f^dfyre, fir they fow not, nejther dee they reafe, nor gather into Barnes , yet your heavenly Father feedeth them, i^dreu yee not much better thm they ? &K Therefore take no thought-, faying 5 what full me eate r* 0/ whatjhallrtiee^ drinke ? For after all theft things doe the Gentiles feeke^9 For your Heaven* ly Father knoweth that yes haue need of all thefe things, But feeke yee^> firft the Kingdom^ "of G O D, and his Right eoufnefle , and all thefts things Jhall bee added vnto you } Math. 6, 25. Ioel, i, 21. Numbers, 11,22. 2 Bee glad then , yee Children of Z I O N ■, and reioyce in the LORD, your, GODj becaufe hethath given you> the former Raine, moderately : ( Ioel, 2 23. ) For are there any among the vanu ties of the Gentiles, that can cauft 'mine f Op can the Heavens giue /bowers ? Art not thou he , O L O R D our GODf therefore wet will watte vfon thee ; for Me 1 thou 4*l Of Food. thou baft made aS thefe things ; ler. 14, ii. Bletfe f&LORD, 0 my Souleh who fatisfeth thy mouth with good things ': (Pfal. ipjl 5. ) And let the people praife thcc> OGO^ Jet the people praife thee ; thenjhallthe eart&yeeld her iucreafe , and G OD even our orvnc God flail blejfe vs ? PfaI.d7,5.Deur.8,io, 3. Becaufc when goods increafe , they are increafed that eat e them } (Eccl. 5. ir.) Andbecaufe n is good, and comely to eate\ andtodrinke : ( Ecclef. 5, 18, 3. iaij. 13.22;) Therefore goeyour wayes, eate the fat and drmke the fweet, and fend portions to them, for whom nothing is prepared: Nth 8, 10. 4 Truftm thc^ Lord, and dot good ; for vertly thoujhalt be fed : ( Pfel»37,J. ) O feare the LO R D, jee his Saints , for there is no want to them that fear e htm. The* young Lyons doe lacke , And fujfer hunger . but they that feekes thc^ L O RD jhall not want any good thing : Pfilme1 34, 9. kreroiafa, 11 , 4. Of Food. 415 Dcutcronomic, 6. 10. 8,11. 12. For the LORD will not fuffer the^> Settle of the Righteous tofamifh , though hecaflawaj the fub fiance of the wicked ; ( Prou. lo. 3. J The Righteous edteth t& thefaiisfying of his SouU \ but the belly of the wicked jball want : (Prou . 1 5 , 2 5 . Ifa. 65, I'^dJnd they pall wander abroad for bread, faytng where is it f ( lob. 15.23.) And when I haue broken the fidffe of bread, tenne women [ball bake their bredd in one oven, and they (hall deliver their bread by weighty and they Jhall eate, and not befausfied, &c. Tea they (hall eate theflefh of their Sonne s , andtheflefh of their Daughters fl) all they eate : Leuir.2 6 26,&c. Prou.13, 2.10,5,28,1?. Aaa©^ 5,t£. Deuteroo. 11,16,28,24, 28. 17. 18, 28, 38. Ifa. 1, J9, 20, lael. 1,4. Lepic. 26, 16, 19, 2o.verfe$. Ier.7,?p. 20. Hof,4>i. Pfal. 106, 14, 15. Numb. 11,33. Luk. 6,2$. lob, 20, 23. Ex@- dus,y. 20.7,25.8,3,10.15. Hoica,8,7« Ob. You fcc«ac to rcftraiae this hunger bitten Iudgemcnt to the wicked E e 4 where- 434 Of Food. Whereas the cowrary ha;h prooucd true 5 \s of the rich man^ and Lazarus : L*k. 16,19- &c- A. 1htxvis>avanitic , which is done vpon the Earth -s that there bee iufimen , vnto whom it happeneth according to the worke of the wicked : agame there bee wic- kedmen, to whom it happeneth accer- ding to t he work e oj the Righteous : EccL S, 14. 7. 15. But as for wee, I haue betnes young, and now am old , yet haue I not feene the Righteous forfaken . nor his feed begging bread : ( Pia). 37, 25. ) And although the Figge-trec flail not blojjome , neither Jhall fruit bee in the Fines : the labour of the Oliuefhall faile , and the Fields Jliall yeeld no meate , thc^f fiocke fiall bees cut &ff from the Fold , and there flail bee no heard in the Stalks ; yet I wiU reioyce in A LORD; / will toy in the G G D of my Salvation : (Habaiuic, 3, 17, 18.) As it it writ* ten: ( Dcytcron.8,3.) UHan {halt ttkt Of Health. 4* 5 Hue by Bread oncly ,but by every word,that froceedeth out of the mouth of GO D: Math.44. Q^ Which is the fixt outward blef- fing God wtfl beftow vpon vs f A. / mil (faith G o d,) put none of the difeafes vpon thee^j , which 1 haue brought vpon the Egyptians $ for 1 am the L oxt> jhat healeth thee^>; (Exod. 15,26.) Thou Jhalt not bee afraid 9 for the terrour by night $ nor for the arrow thatfliethbyday-^ nor for the PeftUenccs that walketh in darknejfe 5 nor for thede- flruttion that tvafleth at noone day. ^yf thoufand Jhatl fall at thy fide, and ienne thoufand at thy right hand \ but it Jhail not come nigh thee : Pftl.p 1 , j. Ob. Notwitbftanding the Lord doth follow me with grieuous fickneffe. A. J he Loud mil ftrengthen theez vpon thy bed oflanguijbing 5 he mil make all thy bedtn thy S/cinejfe ; (Pfal. 41, 3.) rhyflfjkJhaU beefrejher than a Childes 5 fhujhalt returne to the dayes of youth : (lub5 33,25.) f&thee maketh fore, and bin* 4%6 Of Health. hndeth vf ; bee woundetb, an d bis band makes whoU^ : Iob3 5,18. Dent, 7, 15. 2,KiBg. 20,4, 5, 5, 10, Ifa. 38,21. Iob5 42,10* Matb. 8,7. Lufc.17,19,1-8 42. Q^ Vpon what condition fhall this P* ot&ife be made good } A. That thou feare tbcLQ RDf and iefart from evill ^for thisfhatl it Health to thy naveff, and marrow to tby bones : ('Prow. 3, 7,8.) Incline thine eare vnto his fayingSytjrc. For tbey are lifts vnto thofe that finde them , and health to all theyr fiejh ; PrGU.4, 20. Exod. 15, 26. £V What then is the danger of li- ning m Sinnc ? A. Itfl)dll come to faffe , if thou wilt not hearken vnto the voyce of the Lord tby God, to obferue^jy and d*e all his CommandementSy and his Jlattttes, which I command thee this day,ejrc. The LORD Jhall make the ftftilcnces ckaue vnto thee^j , vntiH hee haue confumed thee from tff the Land. The LORD Jhall Jmite thee^j with a Confvwftiw, and with a feaver, Of Strength. 427 feaver, And wth An infiamation: Deut. i 8, 15,21. 'Moreouer, bee wilt bring vpon tbtc^> A&tbtdif cafes of JEgypt, andwhich tbo* Mil Afraid of ; And they fhAllcleaue vn- to thee. t^4 lie every Sicknejfe , And cue* ry PUgu , which is not written in the booke of the La\v,\ them mil thes LORD bring vfon the , vntill thou bee defiroyed: Dsut. 28, £0. 27,3 5, verfes. Leuir. %6} i6325# Exod.p, ^. 2;Chro«« 21, ry. Examples : i\ Chron. 21 , 18. 26, ipr s5King.y,2^.2, 1.3.4W7.PfaI-78,50t Iercm.4^11. ■ Chap XLIHL Of Strength, Beauty, and Wifdome. 3± \A/Hat other Temporall bfef* V V fing-will God beftowvp* on bis Children ? 4*8 Of Strength. A . Hee givtth power to the fdint, and to them that haue no might hee increafetft Strength. JEven the youths Jhall faint , and the young men pall utterly fall ; but they that wapvfon the 10 RjD, flail re- nev iheyr ftrength. Thtyfhall mount ye ares, was as fir eng for \^ne. both togoc out, and to come in , 4s when Mosts fent him to fearch the Land / (I©f 14, II.) It is GO D alfo thatgirdeth mets with fir cngth,&c* Hee teacheth my hands to warreffo that a Bow of fleele * broken byminearme~>: Pfalm. 18, 33,34. Iudg. 14, 6. 15^ 14. 16,3. 16,12, i63 14. 1^30. Num.23, 22. Q^ What may this teach vs ? Af Therefore afcrtbe yee ftrength vnto GOD'T his Excellence 0 over Ifrael, and m OfBcautic. 4*9 his firength is in the Clouds. The God of Jfrael is hee alfo that giveth firength, and power to his people : blefied be GOD: PfaU8,?4. Q^ What is the cafe of fitch as doe 4~ hufe their firength? <_//• Theft that imagine mi 'fchiefe a- gainH G 0 D,who had bound \ andfireng- thened their armes : (Hof. 7, 15.) Their firength jhall be hunger bitten, and de~ ft uffion flail bee ready at their fides. It fhall devour e the firength of their skinne, even the firH borne of Death jhall de- voure their firength : Iob,i83 12,13. J£^ Which arc the eighth and ninth earthly Bleffiogs ? A. The eighth is Beautie. For the LO RD ofhoftes fhall bee for a crow* of Glory, and for a Diadem of beauty vnto his people : (Ifa. 28, 5.) And mil gmc vnto them beauty for ajhes : (Ifa. 6|, 5.) And bee as the dew vnto ifrael -, they jhall grow asthe Liffie, and fafien thciirootes as the trees of Lthanon : Hof, 14, 6. Pfal. Thus 4jo OfWifdomc. Thus Ioseph was a goodly ferfon» and well favoured : (Gen. 357,6) So was a!fo M o s * s : ( Exod. 2, 2. ) And David was ruddie, andwithallofBeau- tifull countenance, and goodly to looke to : (1, Sair.. 16, 12.) Sara aifo was very fairer : Gcnef. 12, 14 24. 16. 2$3 17. Bfther, 2, 7. Notwithstanding the LORD ftethmt a&manfeetb: (1, Sam. 16,7.) Forfauom is deceitfully and beauty is vAtne ; but a Woman that fcareth the Lord fheejhall be fraifed : Prou. 31,30. The ninth is VVifdorae. jF^David went out whither Savl fent him, and behaved htmfelfe^ wifely : (r,$aro. 18, 5.) And that in all his wayes : (i,Sarn. 28, 24.) Yea, with more Wifdome, than all the fervants of Say l : i,Sam.i8„ 30. Diuc.34 p. Pfalm. 105^22. Ecclel. l,i6. And vnto Salomon was given a. wife , and vnderfianMng heart 5 fo as eyther before, or after hini, there was mne Uke biro : (i^Kicg. 3, 12.) tor there was the OfWifdome. 431 Wifdorne ofGOD in him, to doe Judge- ment : ijKtng, 3, %%mu 1 oa i, 24.2,5am 14, 20. 2,20. 16,22, Moreouer, fee faith G o d3 / hauecaL ltd by name Bezaleel, and I haue filled him with the (pir it of GOD inWifdomt, and Fnderfianding, and in Knowledge, andim all manner of workman fhif, tedevifecm- ningworkes : (Exod.3 1,2.) And haue put in his heart that hte may teach Aholiab : £at^.35,34^o,3©. ^Andinall matters of "JVifedome , and vnderfiandingythat the King inquired of Damil, Hananhh, Ma suae l, and A zar ihn^hefomdt hem tenne times better, than all the Magicians, andAftr$» bgers that were inallhis Realme : Dan.r, 20.2,14,5,12. K^dnddoth the Plow-man* flow all the Jay tofow f Doth he open, and breake th$ elods of his ground ? When hec hath made flaine the face thereof, doth hte not casl abroad the Fitches , and fcatter thes Cummin ,. and caff in the pr map all Wheat ^andth appointed Barley a and the Rye 4** Of Wifdome. Rye intheir place ? For his God doth in' fir (tot htm to di faction, and doth teach him : If^.28,24. Q± Is humane Wifdomc of any great worth? A, Wifdome maketh a mans face to fhine : (Ecclef. 8, 1.) And is good 'with an inheritance ; and by it there is profit to them, that fee the Sunne : (Ecclef. 7, 1 1 .) For it firengtheneth the wife, more than tenne might te men , which are in the Citie : (Ecdef.7,19.) For there visa a little Cl- ue, and few men within it, and there came a great Kmgagainfl it and be ft edged it, and built great bulwarkes againfi it ; now there was found in it a pore wife man$ and hee by his wifedome delivered thc^> Citie. Then faid I, Wifedome is better then Strength : Ecclci. ?, 14,9,1^18. verfcs. Q± Wha$ then is the worth of Wifdome, more than of FoUyf A. As the light is more excellent than darheffe : (Ecclef. 2, 13.) For the Wif- fe of the prudent is to vnderfiand his way, Of Wifdomc. 4) 5 way • hut the foSy of F soles k deceit .• (Prou.14.8.13,16^ Of wife mans heart is at ha right hand^ but a fooles heart vat bit left : (Ecclef. 10,2 ,) The words of 4 wife mans mouth are grAciout • hut thes Itfs of a foole xvillfwalhow vf himfelfcs. The beginning of the words, of hit mouth, tifoolifhnejfe, And the end of hit tAlke% k mtfehievout madneffe : (Ecclcf. 10,12. Prou. 1 5,2.) Every wife woman ilfobviU. deth her houfe ; hut the foelifb flueketh it downe with her hands 1 Prou, 14, u Q^ What may thi* conccroc t&Q children of Wifdome ? A. That they hiefe the GOB *ofhe*: ven>fAPnZ \ Blejfed bee the name of God for ever, and ever \ fir VPtfdomeyzit tit. ! Heegiveth wifedomevntothe wrfcy, and knowledge to them, that know vnderjfan- dwg. He revealcth tht deepc, andfecret things, hee knoweth what ts in the dark* neffe^ and the light dwelleth with him: Dan. 2,19. Q^ What is the contrary judgemene denounced againft the wicked ? Ff A.Thu 434 OfWifdomc. A. T&* LORD fh *ll finite them with mad»ejfe> and blindncfji\ whereby t-'rxy fiat/ grope at noone.dayes , as the hltnd gropetb m darkneffe, and they ft all bee mad y for the fight of their eycs> which they Jhall fc^j .-t(Dcur. 28.. 28. lob, 5. 14.) And rhey fhaU haue no delight in wader (landing, hut that the it heart may hec^j dif&uered : Preu. 18. 2. Ife. 2p. 14. .#£. tr^atid* wonder y for the mfedome of their wife men flail pe- r'tfh^mdshe vnderflanding of their pru* dent mat, jhall bee hid : (lis. 29,14) For the Lord turned the counfell of A m- 1 op mi l tnt0 foolifbnejfe : (2, S^m. 15, gx, 17,14.) And fohctukab all fuch mfe I Of Wifdotric. 435 wife raen in their owne craftineffe and the counfeli oft he f reward h carried kead- long: L>b, 5. 13. 2 K^is deadfyes caufe the oyntment of the Apothicarie to fend f earth a ft inking favour ; fo doth a little follies him that u in refutation for }Vif domes : Etclcf. 10, 1. 3 Such arefoelijh, they have not knewni mee (futh the Lord,) they are jottifk children , they haue nonevndcrftanding^ they are mfetodeeevtll • but t$ dee good? they haue no knowledges : (Ierem.4, 12.) For they want the fearer of GOD* which is the beginning of cruc Wife* dome :'f Pblm- "I* io«) And they haue reiecled the Word of the LORD, and what Wtfedomes is in them,? ferera. 8, f* tf% Chap.XLV, 4? « Of Wealth. Chap. XLV. 0/ Wealth. £^\A7Hat is the tenth TemporalJ ' * V b!efling > A. Wealth>and riches zXfo^fhall bet in the houfe of the man that feareth thes LO RD : ( Rial. 112, 3.) Hee (ball la) vp gold i, S^ When 6od hath fulfilled this proraife vpoo any5 what is to bes A. Charge Of Wealth. 4} 7 A. Chdrge them thdt are rich in this mrld, thdt they tenet high minded $ that they deegeoi, dndberichingoodworkes : i. Tim. 6. 17. 2 Therefore then Jhdlt remember the LO RDthy GOD-, for it is he thdt gi- veththe^jpwerto get wealth: (Dfur. 8.18.) And it is his bleftng thdt wdkelh rich,dnddddeth mforrow with it : Prou. 10.22. j^Doth not God, in this kind, blefle tfee wicked , liuing wickedly 5 as well as his ©wne children, in the vfe of lawfull mcanes ? A, In dll labour there is profit, bntthe tdlke$fthe hffes tendeth onely to jover- tic^> : f Prou. 14, 23.) Hee that offref feth the Poore to increase his riches, and hee thdt giveth to the rich, jhdll furely come to want : (Pr«Ki. 22,15.) Hee thdt hdjleth to hee rich hath dnevilleyc^,dnd conftdereth not thdt fovertie fliali corner vfon him : (Prou, 28, 22J Hee thdt le- vethfledfarefidBbeedfeoremdn, dndhe thdt loveth Win/, and oyl^j jbdM not hi Ff 2 rich s 4)8 Of Wealth. rich; Prou. ai, 17.24, 30. 21,5, 10.4, 13,12,12,27. Ob. 1 doe ohfetue the wicked to thrioe snore than many of Go s> so wne chil- dren. A. Better it a little with right eeufnejfep than great revenues without right : ( f to* 1 6\ fc . ) For trcajures of wickcdncjfe fro - fit not : (Pro??. 10, 2.) And what good i there to the owners thereof, faue the be- holding of them with their eyes ( Ecclef. 5, n. Prou. 12, 27. 10, 2.?. 2 K^yis in thehoufe of the righteous is much treafurey fo in the revenues of the wicked h trouble : (Prou. 1 j 6. ) JThc re~ fore muc^ better is a little with the fear e efthe LORD* than great treafurey and trouble therewith : Prou 15,15. Eccltf. 5> l9 3 -.iZill.verfes.Z 15 Pfal.jp 6. 3 There is an evill which [hauefcevc vnder the Sunne ; namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt e (Eccte£ 5. 1 $ .) Bread of deceit isfweet to a man ; iut Afterward his mouth fiall bee filled mthgravcU; (Pcou.20^7.; The mrcafe Of Wealth. 4$ $ of his houfe (hall depart , and his goods jhallflow away in the day of Gods wrath; (lob, 20,28,) when the rust of thek Gold (hall bee 4 wit neffe against hem, and fiall eate their fejbasit were fire ; Iaip« 5.:j. Pjoi!t28,20. 21,6. Maih.6,24J>faf. 4?,u. Luk. ?2 .17,30. 4 They are dtf quieted in \vaine, het heapeth vp riches ^and knoweth not who jlrall gather them ; (P&l. 39,6.) And though they heape vp filver as the duff, and pre- pare rayment as the clay ; they may pre- pare it ^ but the iuH jh all put it on, and the innocent jlull divide the filver ; (lab, 27, 16. ) For to thefwncr G GQ giveth travaile, to gather, and to heape vp, that hee may glut to him tfiat is good before GOD; (Ecckf. 2, 26.) And the wealth *f the Smner is layd vp for the lutt ; PfOU. 13, 23. Pteim. 42, JO. Ife; 23,18. Cescf. 31,1,31,8, 9« Exod.3,22. i2y 35,22, 12. Eftbec,'8, i,a.PfaLio543. I>f. 24, 13, 11,23. Deuter.f, u i, 35, 3,3,4.3.12. ijKwgiio^io, Ecclci.5, \$* 2,22. Ff* i^VWfca* 44* Of fauour with Men, Q. What vfe is to bee made Here- of? A. i G»e t$ novyeerichmen9t9eepe> And hmle fir y$ur mtferies th*t Jhall umevf*nj9» : Iain. 5, 1. 2 Therefore Jet net thine he Art (who art righteous,) Iree envious Agtwtt [in- ner; ^ tut let it tee m the feare ofth^j LORD centinndBj 2 ( Prou.23,17.) Heitber chufe thou Any of bis wyes ? Preu.^r. Chap. XLVI. Of favour with Men 7 a good Name, and Honour. Q^ \j\T Hieh are the cleuentb, and V * twelfth, end thirteenth tem- porall bltffings > A. The tenth is, the fauour of Men. Utt thdt lovethpurenejfe ofhidrt, fir the gfAaof hit Iff s,the King Jh*lh hit friend: (Prou.22, u.) udnd whe* the n>*jts Of fauour with Men. 44 1 of a manpleafe the L 0 R D , het-j will make his enemit to become his friend : Prou. \6t 7. Icr. 15. if. Pi on. 2?. 23. For xohtn E s a v farv I a c o b com- ming towards him , he ran to mcett I a, cob, 4nd embraced htm f and fell on his neckc, and kijfed him: (Gen. 33.4. 10. j Go vgaue the people favour alfo in the fight of the ^Egyptians.- (Exod. 3, 21. ii. 3. 12. 36. ) And extended mercie Onto Ezra, before the Kmg and his Councilors : (Ezra/7, 28,) ARTAxwExr the King, alfo granted vnto Nehimu, according to the good hand of his GOD vpon him : ( Neh. a, 8. ) K^ind Esthe* obtained favour in the fight of aU them that looked vpon hen Etih. 2, 15. Gen, 26.26.11. vcrfcs^p^^p.ii^^^Rutbo 3,13. 1,15,17. i,Sam.2,2* 1,18,1.3,1,18. 16, i,ij, 1,1,24.16.1. 26,171520. 17. 31.U 27,6. i,Chrow,i2,38.Bzr«. 6,22. 7,28, Efth.83i7,Icr.3p,ii.DaB. r,?. A&.2U 40,24.23,27.3. The twelfths a good Namc:/i^ f *** 44* Of a good name & Honour. Jhaltbe hid from thefrourge of the tongue: (iob.5.21.) Andth\ good name (hall bec better than apreciom ointment : (Ecci.7, 1. ) And chough for thy tranfgieffi >n / doegiue hcou to the curfe , and ifracl toreproches : (Ift.^sffJ Yetvpon thy repenta.icr / will bring foorth thy Rights- oufnes as the light , and thy Iudgement a* the no one day : (;- fill. 37, 6*) When thes name of the wicked Jlali rot : Pou. 10, 7, 12, 8, Holes, 12, 14. But woe be vnto the wicked , when all men frail (jteake well of th< m ; forfo did their Fathers to thefalfe Frophets : Luk. 6 3 26. The thirteenth outward blcfling is Honour, if any man will feruc+j wec^>^ himwiK my Father honour : ( lohn. 12, 25.) {^ind it [lull come to paffe , that if thou /halt hearken diligently LORD thy GOD, to obferue and doe all his Commandements which I com- mand thee this day 5 that the L O R D, thy G O DJhal/fet thee on high , about dllthc Nations of the Earth : ( Demerol. Of Honour. 44 J 38, 1 ) i^dndtho* /half ride on th ( 16, 58. 14. ) x^indlwill mdkeyou a name andapraife$ aboue all people oft he Earth , faith thz^> Lord: (Zepb.3 20. ) Vfe LORD (hall make thee the head and not the tade : (D.1U.2S, 13.) And many Jhall makers fuitevntothee: ( lob.n, i£.) And bow before tha : Prou.14, 19- Nurob,24, 7. Iia.45:, 14. Reu. 3.9.10^35,7, 11.19.if $&m. 24,20. Tins I o $ 8 th was fit over aU thc^ LandofMzyp'Ki (Getf.41.4r,) Vortht King (ent, andloofedhim, even the Ruler of the people and let him goe free Be made him Lord of his Houfe , and Ruler of all his Subfiance : to bind his Princes^ at hii fleafure : ( Pfdl.105. 20. P(a!m.783 70, 7?.) AndKing N abvchadnhzzar made Daniel a great man , even a Ra - lerover the whole Province 0/ Babylon; (D^n. 2,48) King Ahashverv sj^p the RoyaS Crowne vpon Esthers head5 and made her gueeneinftead ofV a s t 12 Eftjh.2/17. 444 Of Honour. M oiDicAY was JjiHamaw brought §n Horft-hAcke through the fireet of thc~> Citity And he frocUimed before him , thm Jhsliit be done nqito the man wbomthcKing delighteth to honour : ( £fth.£. \u ) For Mordecay being §f the feed of the^> Icwes, Haman could not prevAile AgAinfi him, but did fall before htm : Eft. £,13. Dan.5,2?. 10111.4,14. i, Sara. 18.7. J, Chron.2^25. 2,32. 33,^15, ?.i£iag.4. 2J. Thus GOD raifeth the pore out of the dufi, And lift eth the needle out of the dung- hill\ that he mdyfet him with Princes , *- ven with the Princes of thcfeofle : ( PfaJ. 113,7. ) But as for evillmen9thcy bow be- fore the good , And the wicked At tht^> gates oft he Righteous: (Prou. 14,1.9 )Their enemies wilt be cloth withJl)Ame ; but vfon xhtmfhall their Crowne flour ifh : (Pfalm. 132,18.) The wife jhall inherit glory ^ but Jhame (hall bee the promotion ofFooles : Prou. 3,35,14,34. Deuc.28, 43, 28^8. ^.43,2^,28. Q± What may this tc»chvs? A. There- OfHonour. 445 A. Therefore get wifedome, and exalt htr^andfhefballfromotcthee, fiec^fball bring thee to honour when thou do si em* brace her • Jhee Jhall giue m thine head** ornament of 'Grace 5 a CrMne ofGlorit , jhall /he deliver to thee^j : Pr©u.4,7. 2 Pray for the Church, faying § Let tbt fee fie feme thee 9 and Nations bom downe to thec^> \be LORD over thes Brethren y and let thy mothers Sonnes bow downe to thee: Gen. 27, 29, Ob, Notwithstanding there U an c- vill which 1 hauefeene vnder the Sunne, as an err our which froceedeth from the Rio- ler. folly is fet in great dignity , and the rich fit in low place, Ihauefeen^* Servants vf on H or fet , and Princes waU king^ as Servants vfon the Earth : Ecci* A. As Snow in Summer , and as Rain? in Harvejl 5 fo is Honour not feemcly for s Foelei (Prou.26, i.j Foe ashec^thaf bindoth afione in a fling , fois htc~> that (tvefh Honour to aFoole : Prouerbs, 2 Thouoh 44* Of Honour. 2 Though his Excellencie meant vp to thes Heavens , and his head reach vffio theCloudes : yet pall heeperiflifor ever, like his owne Dung, they which haucfeene him*fl?all fay where is hees f Hee jhall flye away as adrcamc, and JhaM not i?ee found ^ yea, hee pall bees cba. fedawayasaFtfon in the Night The eye )ilfi wh'.dt faiv him , Jhall fees him no mere , neither frail his place a- ny mere bees found. HU Children jhall feekes to pleafe the poore : ( lob. 20. 6.) H$s Roote jhall bees dryed vp beneath , and about frail his bran- ches bee cut off , his remembrances Jhall per if) from the Earth , and htts fhall haue m name in the Streetes : lob, 18, ■ 16. 1%;28,3« Platmc, 494 12. 3 He bath no full content itiir. For though Haman were advanced ; andfei aboue all the Princes that were with him, i:> a* alt the Kings Servants y that were in the King* Gate s bowed \ and reveren- ced him ; the King commanding ties fame7 The vie of Earthly things* 447 fame , concerning him : ( EiVn. 3, 1.2 J And chough hse alone wcw invited with the King, vmo the Banquet of the Queene\ what doth this availe him.\ fo long at hee feeth Mokdecay, the lew fit inthe Gate? fefth€r,5>i?« 4 All this haue I alfo /cent , and applyed my heart vnto , every worke that isdonevnde? the Same : then is a time , wherein ene man rulcth over another to his hurt : Ecckiiciftes % 8, P. Of the Vje of Earthly things. Q^ You haue vow , xotntthmg fads» Bid my nainic, concerning outward things : what therefore may the pro- mifc of fo many Temporall bleffings tesch vs ? A. 1 Let your Convex fation bee with- out Covet ottfncjje ; and bee content with fitch things as you haue 1 tor hee hath Jaid ; 1 will never leave thee , nor for- fake thee : ( tick. 13, 5. ) But fteke yet firft, the Kingdom of G OD, and his Mighteoufneffe: and allthefethwgs,fhallbe added 448 The vfc of earthly things. added vnto you : Math. 6, 3 j, 2 I know that there isnogoodinthcCc things ; buffer a man to reioyce,andto do good in his life. And alfo that every man jhoidd eate^and drmke% andenioy the good of his labour :tt ts the guift ofQ od/Ecc!. 3> ?2, 1:. 3 As every man hath received tht^> gift, even fo msmjler the fame , one to ano- ther , as good Stewards of the manifold Grace of 'GOD-- i.Pct.^to. 4 Whether ye eate, or drinke, or what- foever yee doe^ doe all to the Glory of Go©.- (i3Cor/io 31. ) Saying; How great is thygoodnejfe, which thou hall laid vp for them that feare thee , before the Sonne s of men : ( P h 1 . 3 J , 1 p. ) Blejjed be the Lord, who daily ladeth vs with hit hlepngs : even the God of our Salvation : PUl 68, 19. 5 What man ts he, that deftrtth Life \ and loveth many dayes ; that hee may fee good ? Keefc thy tongue from evill,and thy Itpsfromfpeakinggutle: depart fomevill% anddoegood: Pial.?^, 12. Chap.XLVII OfChildrcn. 449 Chap. XLVIL Promifcs concerning Posterity* Ob. O Ad I all thefe Temporall * *b!eflingsin poiUfiion, thus prom Ifed 5 ycc 0 L o r i> G o d > n^<*£ »/// */tf« £/W me > feeing I gee ehild- liffe? Gvn.15. 2. A. 0 that then hadfl hearkened to my C>mmande#tent$, then had thy feed beene as the Sand and the off -faring of thy Jew- els \ Lke the grauell thereof : thy name fhouldnot haue beene eut off, nor deflroyed from before me : Ma. 48, n 18 . j^ Buc what if I doe repent , and a- rmnd ? A . Then be rhou fruitfully andmultu fly : (Gcn,9,i.)Lct thy wife be as a fruit- full vine ■, £7 the fides of thine houfe \ thy Children like Oliue plants roundabout thy table. Behold, thutjhall the man bee blef- fedthatfeareththe L or d : ( Pfal.11^3.) toe children are an heritage of the Lord,. G g and 4>o Of Children. and the fruit of the wombe is his reward : Pial.127, 3. For the Lord opened L e a h s wombe : (Gen. 29, 31. ) Hannah alfowhofe wombe before time , */?* L O R D had [but vp^yet didjhee bare a Sonne , and called his name Samvbl: i,Sarru 1, 20,25,22.^^. 4,1?. Iudg. 13.2 .24. Thujhalt know alfo that thy feed (hall be great ,and thy off- firing as thegrajj'e oftht Earth ; Iobj, 2 5, Pial. 113.9. Gun .4 i.44 25- 33-5- Ob. K_Aftcr lam waxed old, fhalll haue flea fur e ; my Lord beeing old alfo f (Gee. 18,12.,) Nay my Lord \ thou man of G O D5 doe not lye vnto thine handmaid* 2>Ktng.4,i<5, A. Is any thing too hard for the Loup? At the time appointed, huh God,/ will return* vnto thee, according to the time of l/fe, and cbou (halt haue a Sonne : ( Gen. j8, 14 ) And the Lord did vnto Sarah as he hadfioken- (Gen.2 1. 1 *J For through faith (hec received flrength to conceiuc feed^ndffAS delivered of a child jvhenjhee W0 Of Children. 45 tvaspa/i age ; becaufe fie fudged him faitS- fulUvho h&dpromifcd, Therefore $rang there even of one y And him as g$od as dead- fo many as the Stores of the skye in multi- tude y And as the fend, which is by the Sid Jlme tnnumerMe : Hebai.n. %% King. 4* 14X11^1,7,13. 1,57. iq. Ob. I haue fecne many ofGoos Children, botbliuc, and dycChild- kffef A. Let not therefore the Eunuch fdysBt- kold> I Am a dry tree. For thm faith tkc^> LORD to the Eunuches that keefe my Sabbath* , And choofe the thing that flea* feth mee , and taketh hold of my Cove- nant ; even to them will I glue in minces Houje y And within my Watles a places, and a name better thAn ofSonnos , and of Daughters 5 / wiltgiue them An ever li- fting Name, that (hall not be cut off: Ifa. ob. But this fcare yet rcmaines/ that when my Child cos&mcth to the birth, my wife (hall hauc no flreagth to bee delivered* Qg a A. SkM 45* Of Children. A. Shall J bring to the birth y and not eaufe to bring foorth , faith iheL^^n? Shalllcaufe to bring foorth , and f mt the wombe faith thy God/1 (li 4.66,9. ) F#r Sara ufaid, God hath made me laugh 5 fo that ail that he are, will laugh with wee : (Gen. 21. 6.) Therefore fear c not Z^cha- ria$, for thy wife Elizabpth fliall beare thee a Sonne, and thoufhah haucs io) , andgladnejje,and many f\> all reioyce at his birth : i.uk.ni^ty. jg^l&j&S feaiutig &i Children bee of the okffi .<§ of G OD ;o the Righteous , whai iluh the wscked tame ? A. Giue them O LO RD , what thott w\t gtue I Gtue them a mtfearrying tvQUib^rtd dry breafls : (Hof. 9, la.) And write yee this man chtldleffe : (ler.2 2,30.) For btt full neither haue Sonne ntr Ne- phew among h'u people y nor any remainder among his dwellings . 1 hey that come after himjhallbe afomedat his day3as they that went before wire aff righted. Sur elf fuch are the dwellings off he wicked^ and this is the place of him that knoweih not God: lob. Of Children, 453 Ob. But who mmt then the wicked, doe abound with Children ? A. if their children bet multiply edit it for thefrerd.{lQb.zj,i^ ) Alfc IwiUfend wild beajts among them , which pall rebbe them of their Children : (Leuit, 26,22* ) For the face of the LORD is again ft rheni that doe evill , to cut off the remembrance of them fromthe Earth : Pfal.34, 1^,37, 28.i,King. 14, io,Tji 5,2^.1,16.3,4 1. \6. 11,12.1,21.21.25 2.?. 8.2.ic7.ii.Ho!.i4. I.Ez:k.24.2I.25.2,S3m.I2,^.25I2.i8. ^ When I haue Children, what is thecomfbit I (hall recciue by them ? £^/;2, 18,19. A. The Father oft he Righteous jhalt greatly reioyce,andhe that begettetb a wife Sonne fhall haut icy in him. Bis Father , And OHotherJha/lbe glad,and foe that bare himjha// reioyce : (Pfou.2^24 ) For as arrowes are in the hahdofthe 1 might y mant fo are Children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his Quiver full rfthem ; they fhaU not bit dframed, but they fiall J}eake with the enemies in the gate : Pfil, 127. 4. Fo* 454 Of Children. For Noahs two Sonnes covered their Fathers nakednejfe • ( Gen, 9,23-) A nd Ioseph nounfhed his old Fa:hcr, aad Brethren in the time of dearth : (6*0.45.9,50,1.) ^Naomib her Sonne vo as a reft or er of her life, and a nou- rfJherofheroldage:Kmh^S.2,Chtor.. 2,12.05028,7,45,23. But Shucherib^/^ was worfhifr ping in the Houfc ofN isroch^God, thac Ad ramblech, and SharezhrZw Sonnes y fmote himmth tht^j Sword that he dyed: 2, King. 19, ?y. Ob. When God by death takech me away, whac the miferiesare, vvhich (hall then befall my Children, I know not. A. A good man walking in hu intcgri- tie , his Children are blefled after him : (Prf>u. 20, 7, ) For he leaveth his inheri- tance to his Childrens children 5 and the^j wealth ofthefinner U laid vf for the tuft : (Ptou. j?,22.) His feedjhallbe eighty on the Earthy the generation of the v fright jhallbebkffed:{pU\Mi,L) They /hall jfcringvp among the Graffs ^ as m Howes hj the Of Children. 455 thewater courfes : (I/a. 44 4.) Their feed aKojhallbe knownt among the Gentiles , and their off fpring among the people : all that fee them jhall acknowledge them that they are the feed, which the Lord hath blef fed: Ifa.tfi,?. Know therefore, that the L OH D thy G OD,&r is GodfkefaithfullGod, which keepeth Covenant ^ andmercie> with them that loue him , and keepe his Cowmande • wonts, to a thousand Generations : Deur. 7,9. Ifa. 65,23. Pfai. 102, 28.103.7. *, Sam.25,2 8.i,King^34,Exr}d.20^.Hcb. iKlo.Gen.25,iuPf3 f • Gen. 17,21. 4.4. Ob. One of the Parents themfelucs snay be cut of the Covenant ; how then can OfChildrcn. 457 can this Couenaot belong vnto their po- ftcritie ? A . The vnbelecving Husband is fan- cl/fiedby the Wifc^, and the vnb clewing wife, is fantlifed by the husband ; elj(Ls were your Children vncleane? but uow are they holy : 1 00^7,14, Ob. It were much more to try com. forr, if wee were both of vs within the Covenant ? A. If any man obey not the Word, they may without the Word bee rvonne, by thc~> conversation of the wines : («,Pet. ?, 1.) For what knowesl thou, O wifc^, whether thou Jhalt fane thy husband ? Or how inoweU thou, O whether theufoalt fane thy wife ? i .Cor. 7, 1 6. Oh. But doth not the Sonne bears the iniquitie of his Father ? Eife whence this Pr&verbe ? The Fathers haue eaten fowre graces, and the Chi Idr ens teeth are fetonedge^: Ezek.18,2. A. The Fathers fhall not hefut to death for the Children, neyther fiall the chil- dren he put to death for their fathers ^ evc>y 4S8 Of Children. cvery man jhall bee put to death for hu 6wne finnc_j : (Deut. 24,1 5.) K^inde- very man Jhall heart his ewne burthen : Gal, 6,5. What meane they then to vfe this Pro- verbe, faying • The Fathers haue eaten fewer grapes, and the Chddrens teeth are fit on edge ? (Ezek. 18 2) For every onefealldje in hit ewne iniquities , cvery man that eateth the fewer grape, his teeth feallbefeton edge : ter. 3 1. 29.30. Ezclc. i85 x8. Num. ?4^2p.Dcuc. 1. 3$>.i,Kmg. 8^ What may the Children of wic- ked parents learne hence? A, Not to tvalke in the fatutes of their Fathers, nor to obferue thetr indgements, nor to defile themfelues with their idols : (Ezd\ 20. 18.) to bee , 6.) Nor yet as the Sondes of G O D in the old World, woo when they faw the Daughters of men that they were faire , tooke them wines , of all which they chop : (Gen. 6,1.) But as Abraham wilo would not take a wife *vnto his Sonne of the Daughters 0/ Canaan, among whom hee dwelt y but of his owne Count rey^ and Kin- dred: Gen. 24, 3,6, 3. 2 Take heed to your Sprit, and let none deale treacheroujly with the wifes of his youth ; for did hee not make ones } Jet had he the re ft due of the ftirit. <^nd wherefore ones ? That hee wight feeke a godly feed : (Malac. 2. 15,) There- fore make a Covenant with thine eyes $ for why jhottldejt tho» thinke vpn a CMayd * lob, 3 13 1 > p , 1 o.verfes. Math, 19,4. Mai. 2, 13,14. Leu.i832o. 20,10. 2, Sam. 12,11. Haf^io* 3 Doe as N a o m 1 4i^y w!k> tooh her Child 3 and layd it m her bofomts, and 461 Of Children. dvd became a Nurfe vnto it : (Ruth, 4, 16.) Which chat Hannah might alio doc, fhee romt vot vp to offer vnco the 1. ord her yccrely offering , vntill het thildwasweyned : i,Sarn. 1,22. Exoci. 2, 8. Lsm^, 3. 4 Suffer you* little Children to corner vnto Chrtst, to bee Baptized , and fomd them not : (Math. 19, 14 ) And then lend them vnto the LO RD,44 long & they Itu^j : is$aift;T,2& 5 Obferxc^), And he Are aU the words which I command thee, Co foal! it bee well with thec^?, and tvttb thy children after thee for evert, when thou doefl that which is good, and right in the fight of thc^j LORD thy GO D .• (Dcut.12,28 .) For the lufi walking in his iritcgriti$\ his Chil- dren are blejfed after him : (Prou.20, 7.). Though hand ioyne in hand, the wicked JhaSnot bee vfipumfhed- but the feed of the Righteous /ball be delivered: Pi ou, 1 1, 2i.Nucn.2$,i2.2,Tim..i,5-. 25King.io, 30. Prou.13.22, F4,26. 6 Doc as 1 a c © b , who by Faith, whm OfChildrcn. 46$ whcnheewM a dying, bleffed both thc_s fonnes ^/IostPH, and werjlnpped, lea- ning vpon the top of his Staff c, (hL-b. 1 1, t|.}^ftd feying 5 The Angell, which re- deemedmec^> from aScpill, blejfe the lads, and let my name, be named on them, and the name of my Fathers Abraham, and Isaac, and let them grow into a multi- tude, in the widdefl of the Earth : (Geo« 48,16.) And ds plants growne vp m their youth- let rr>y Daughters bee as corners fiones,. poli (lied after the fimititude of a Palace^ - Pfal. 144^ 12. Roth, 4, u, 12. 2,-5im«6 20 .2,7,27. DeiK.33,24. 7 Ik ca ufc, if yo u /r*)W i^> y c ur r A/7- dren in the way they are to gee, they will /W depart from tt when sfcsy are */*/.• (Pcou. 22, 6.^ Therefore jw# Fathers provoke^ not your Children to wrathy but bring them vp m the nurture, and admonition of the Lord : (Ephcf. 6, 4.) i^dnd let the words which I command yov this day be in thy heart, and doe yee teach them diligently unto your Children : (Dcuc.6,6,20,) udndUt your Children nil 4*4 OfChildrcn. tell their children ; and their Children a- not her Generation : loel. 1,3. Pfal.78,1. 441 Iofh.4. 54,21. Exod.12, 26. iy. 8, 14,5. Numb. 31. 54.1^,38,??. D_ut. 32,46. 2, Tim. 1, 5 6. 2,3,15. j^_ Thj^ adrnoniiou I (hail the better giue, if you will giue tnefome dire&i- A. Say thus vnto thy CbiU • wy Sonne he are the in ft ruction of thy Fat her j and for fake net the Law of thy (J14 other 5 jor they jball bec^ an ornament of Grace *unto thy head , and chains 5 about thy necke : (Pjtoim, 8. ) Bind them continu- ally vpon thine heart , and tye them a~ hout thy necke \ when thou goefl it Jhall leadethec, and w hen thou Jleepe/l it Jball kecpethee-, and when thou awakejl it [hall talke with thee : ( Frou. 6>i\.) For I was my Fathers Sonnet, tender, and onely beloved in the fight of my Mother , Bee taught me aifo, andfaidvnto mee^j , let thy heart retafne my words 5 keept my Commandements , and liucs. Get wife- dome , get vnderjlandmg , forget it not, neh ___ — _« , OfChildfcn. 4*5 neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forfdke her not , andjhejhallpre*, feme thee * Uue her, and Jhee pall keeper thee. Wifedome is the frincifall things therefore get wifedome, and mth all thy getting get vnder (landing: exdlt her?dnd Jhe [hall promote thee, Jhtefhall bring the* to Honour , when thou doesi embracer her. Sheets Jhallgiue to thines Ueai an Ornament of Grace , a Crownc^ of Gloryjhalljhce deliver to thee -> : PKw. King.2,2. Th«s if thou (halt doe , all thy ChiL drenfhdllheealfo taught of GOD , and great Jb all bee the prober ity of thy Chil- dren: Ifa. 54,13. ob. Ihaue thus farre proceeded al- ready in the isftru&ion of rpy Sonne , yet is he neuer the better* A. Then fay vnco him. $ what my Sonne I And what the Sonne of my wombe ! i^And what the Sonne of my vowes I (Prou. 31. 1.) Why doejl thou fuck things i For l heart of your evill dealings, Hh by 466 OfClrildrcn. by allthis people, Nay my Sonnet, for it is no good report I be *rc -yee make the^j LORDS people to tranfgreffe. Jf one man ft me againft Another , the ludgtu , flail fudge him : but if 4 man finnc~> agamfl ^LORD, to ho pall intreat for him f ( j, Sam. 2, agj Thus if thou corrctl thy Some , hec^ flail give thee refi ,yeaJhe flail giue delight to thy Soule: Preu.2p.17. 15, 31/ 1, King, Ob. But my Sonne will not bee cha- ftifed with words 5 for fay 1 to bim what lean , hee will doe what himfelf* liftcth. A. Folly is bound in thc^ heart of a Child., but the rod of CorreSion mlldrmo it farre from him : ( Pro*. 22, 15, ) The blewncffe oft he wound , cleanftth away *- vifl •, jo doe fit if es the inward farts of the belly : Prou.2 >,Jo. Therefore withhold not correifion from the Child-, for tf thou beateft him with the Rod hee flail notdyo. Thou\ Jhalt butthm with tbi&td, and flab del*- Of Children. 4*7 — - i i — ■ . deliver bis Soule front Hell; (Prou. aj, 14. J For the Rod, and reproof: giut^j I Wifedome , but a Cbilde left to him- felft, bringeth his CMother to fhame : Prou. ap3 1 5. 2, Qhroa, 22, 3. 1, Kieg, h5>6. Priu. 13,24,15?, 18. j2_What lfvpon my Sonnes coaj- rnit iag oFfome groffc finnc > I fhould negledfc to cHaftjfc him ? A. If fhall bee vnto thee, as it was with Eli, vjko whom it was (aid; Be* eaufc thj Some hath made himfelfe vile , and hoii hajl not retrained him , there- fore ( faith GOD) lhauefivorne to the boufeof Eli, that the imqmtieof E- libs Houfefhall not be purged with $** crifice> nor offering for ever : (r, Sam. 3. 14. ) Ani io ic came to palfe , th3tAtf Somes werejlaine ; (1, Sanfi.4, u)Jnd En himkltc fell from off his Seate backward y by the fide of the Gate, and bis nccke brake, and hee dyed \ &c. And his Daughter in Law Phjnb has Wife W44witb child j neere to bee dd:vered $ who whenjhe he a rdthefe tt dings fin bowed Hb 1 fa* 468 Of Children. herftlfe, and travailed, and fo dyed : I, Sam. 5, 18. Ob. My Acarc is , that* when my Son ispafttberod, he doe as EsaV, who by his marriage of the Daughter ofthe^j Hittits,*%s a grief e ofmindvnto Isaac, fnd Rbbbcha: (Gen.-26.34.) So my Sonne by the like marriage, bee a griefevBto me. A. For pretention , S*y vnto him; // there never a woman among the Daugh- ters of the Brethren } or among atlmyfeo- '■ pie, that th&ugoefi to take a wife ofthc^j vncircumafed Piiiliftims > (ludg. 14,30 Thou/halt not make marriages with them: (Deut. 7, 3.) Nor take a wife erf them: Gen. 28.1,34. i4.Exra.p5i2.Nehcm.13, 25. ijKing.i^ji. For did not Salomon, King rf Is- rael Jinne by thefe things ? Tet among ma- ny Nations 3 was there no King like vnto him , who was beloved of his God : and God made him King over all Ifrael -9 nc- verthelejfe , even him did Out landijl) womencaufe tofinm : (Ncb.13.atf.) And mlW\ OfChildrcn. 469 did not Ifracljtvhen they tookethe Dough* ttrs of the Cananites to be their mues and gaue their Daughters to their Somesp ferue their GODS? fludg. ^6.) Did not t^dhazia aifo walke in the way of the houfe of Abab, in doing evillin the fight of the L O R D as did the Houfe of Ahab f (2 King. 8,27.) And will you a- gaine breake Go ds Commandements, and ioyneinaff nity with fuch ? (Ezra. 9,14./ Will you dealt thmtreacheroufly , and commit this abhominauon in Ifeel ; in frofhaningthe holines oft he Lord, which he loved, and marry thc-j Daughter of a Jlrange Cod } The Lord wiS cut off fhc^ man that doth this ; the CM after , and the Sc holler , out of the -Tabernacles of Iacob, and him that offer eth an offe- ring to the Lord of Bo sis: Mah23n.Iofh. 25,12. Numb.33,55, Q^ The labour ot parents in educa- ting their Children, fcerncs to be great; whit recompc ncc therefore in Hew thereof fhallChiidren returnc vnto their Parents ? Hh 2 A. The* 47° Of Children.' A. T>ey (h iVfeare every man his m*. tber And his Father : (Leuir.i^.j J And fhak obey their Parents , for that is right. Tiev jhaS honour their Father \ and Mo- ther which is the firjf Czmmandement with fromtfe: Eph. !rou,30,U. A- The eye that mocketh at his Fat her t snddefpijeth to obey his Mother , the Ra- vens of the valley Jha/lficke it out. .and the joung Eagles fbali 'eate it : (Pcwii.30 17.) ' And every one that curfeth his Father, or hit ^Mother fhall bee fur cly put to death : he that hath cur fed his Father, or his Mo- ther, his blond jhallbeevf on hitn : (Leuir. 20,9.) And his lamfejhaUbeput out wob- fcure darkenejfe : (Prou.io.20.)Y*,a/«r- fed be he thatfttteth light by his Father, or his mother, and all the people jhall fay, A- men : Deur.27>i£. 28,24. Ch-*,XLVIJI< Vfe of all the Promife^ 471 Chap- XLVIIL The Vfe of all the Prom'tfes. Ob. \y\7Hat way thefe bleiUngs ^ * on our fducs,and our po- ftcricy teach v$ ? A. Goe therefore, and fit before the Lord, andfay^Who ami O Lord God, and what is my houfe , that thou h&fi brought me hitherto ? And thU was yet afmaS thtngin thy fight, O Lord God • but thou haflfpoken alfo of thy Servants houfe for a great while to come ^ and is this the manner of man, O Lord Godf And what can IT fay morevnto thee ? &c. And now O Lord God, thou art that God who has! premi- fedthigoodnejfe vntothy Servant \ thtre* fore now let ttflcafe thee, to blejfe the houfe ofthy Servant, that it may continues for ever before thee : for thou O Lord God fhaft fjioken it, and with thy bleftng let the houfe ofthy Servant bebleffedfor ever: 2jSani* 7,ip,28,i£.verfc*. Hh 4 a Be- 47* Vfc of all the promifc*. % Jftecaufe it fhaSbefaid #/I a c o i , and of {{rati , what hath GOD done f (Nurob. 25, it,. ) Rcturne vnto thine twnc houfe and fhew how great things the Loud hath done for thee : (Luk. §, 39. ) K^And reioyce before the Lord jour God , yee,andyourSonnes} and your Daughters , and your Men Servants , and your Maid^ Servants ^Dzu;.i2, 12, 16, n. 15. Ifay. 12.4. Saying 5 /f at a good thing to glue thanks vnto God , Wf* fingfraife vnto thy name, O thou mo ft high ; to fhew forth thy loving kindneffe in the mornings and thy fait hfulnejfe every night : ( PfaL £2,1. ) For many 6 Lord myGod are thy wonder full workes which thou haft done , and thy thoughts which are to vs ward, they cannot be reckoned vp in order vnto thte ; if I would declare and ^eake of them x they are rnoe than can be numbred: ( Pfal^o, 5 ,)Thy mercy alfo O Lord% is in the Heavens i and thyfatthfulnejje reacheth vnto the Clouds. Thy right eoufnes is like the great CM oun- taines, thy tudgements art 4 great Deefe : (Pfal.36,5.) ' Bo* Vfc of all the Promifcs. 475 How precious arc thy thoughts imtomceO God; how great is the fumme of them ? ifljhould count them,they are moe in num- ber than the fand : Pfalai. 130,17.31.17. J2.4-5- f Bleftng, and glory, and mfdome, and thmkefgiuing, and honour, and power, and might, heevnto our God : (Rcu.7.12.) Forever, and ever : (1. Tim. 1.17.) and from everlafiing, to everlajiing^ and let alt the people fay, K^Amen : Pialm. 106. 60, 30. 31. lfa. 63. 7. 2$. 1. Pfalm. 104. 3$. 34.1. 35. f&. 116. 13. 4«.p.45. 17. Exocl. 15, ii, Pfalm. 57.7* 147. 1.33. 1.34. 3. $7. 12. 68.4. 30.4^ 47. ^.7.PfaIro.72. 18.135.1. i?.i$f. 1. 103.20.150. £.72.19. Chap. L. 474 The properties Chap. XLIX. The -properties of Gods Promifes. Q^ /""^Reat caufc indeed haae we thus VJ£o giuc thanks $ for here are ma- ny PromifcSj aad for a!!purpofcssboth great, and precious, if they be as true,, as good. A. Theft things faith the Amen* the faithfully And true w//Wjj/iv(Rc«.3.i4) Art the true fay ings of CO 2>,(Reucl. 1 9. 9.) / I b 3 v s haue fent mine Angell to tefiife theft things in the Churches. (Reu. 22. 1 6 ) Therefo ctvriiejhefe words Art irue>andfaithfufl.(f{cu.2i.5*22>6.) For GOD mil f erf or me his truth to I a c o 3, And his rntrcie to Abraham, which hee hath ftvorne to our Fathers, from ?hc_j dayes of old: (Mich. 7.20.) Hee confr- met h the tvordofhis Seruant,andheper~ formtth the counfell of his Mtftengers : ( Ifa« 44> 26.) Hsc faid not vnto thes feed of G o d s promifcs. 47 j 1 " ' 'V — - - •' ■ feed */\a c o b 5 Seeke yee my faces in vaifte y 2 the LO RD /peake right con f neffe, I declare the things that Are right : (Ift. 45, ip.) For it \%GOD that can« not lyes who hath thus fromifed , be- fore the World began : (Titus. 1,2.) Wherefore let C 0 Dbe true, and every man a lyar9 as it is written; that the*, ptightcft be Jujlified in thy faywgs, and mercome when thou art Judged : Rom. 3.4. a,Cor. 1. 18. Pfal.58.11. 33-5M*> £.50,5. Num. 23,12. ^ What good wkneflfes can you produce, that may convince vsof the truth of thefe thing*? A. Though (faith CHRIST,) I beare record of my felfc-s^ yet my re- cords truz_j> 1 amoves that beare mt- neffe ef my felfc~>, and the Father that hath fent mee beareth mtnejje ofmets s ( lofe. 8, 14, 18. ) who is tru L OR D gaue them rcH roundabout, ac- cording to all that het^fwarevnto their Fathers, and there food not a man of all their enemies before them, there failed not ought of any good thing, which thcs L ORD hath fyoken vnto the houfe of I s r a e l 5 all came to pajfe :: ( Iofls. 21, 43.) Sothachee hath dealt well with his fervants, according to his Word : (Pfal. I IP, ^S') And all his counfels of old are f ait hfulnefle, and truth : Ifa.2$,i. iKing. 8,20. 2Chr©n.6}i5. Q^ What then, rray this, troth of God inpromifing teach vs? A. 1 To beleeue : for if wee receiut the witnejfe of men $ the witneffe ofG 0 D it greater. For this is the mtnejfc^> of GOD, which hee hath teftified of his Sonne: (%ioh. 5,9.) Wherefore firs, bee of good cheer e • for I beleeue GOD^ that it jhall bee, even a\ it was told me ; ( A&. 27 , 2 5 J For jhall mortallman be more lull than G O D f And Jhall a man he more fures than his Maker f iob, ^17- 47 8 z. Free. 4,17, Rom. 3,5,4. Luk. 11,15. 2 To hytLord GO D of lfrael,there is no GOD like thee in Heaven abouc^^ \ or on Earth beneath, who keepeth Cove± nant, and mercy with thy fervants, that walke be fare thee^>, mth aU their hearts r (i,King.8,23.) Wherefore faffed bee \ the LORD, which {fake with his mouth vnto D a v 1 d my Father, and hath with his hand fulfilled it : u King. 8. 15,20. 3 To Pray, faying; Remember the word vnto thy feruantyvpon which thou haft caufedme to truft : Pial.n9.4p. 4 Thou alfo fhalt kecpe my couenani therefore-, thou, and thy feed after thee, in their generations : (Gen. 17,5?.) As well as the Iewcs, who did according' to their promifc~>* Elfe, as the Prophec fkooke his lappe, andfaid-, foGO D fhall fMe out every man from his houfc^, and from his labour, that per formeth not hi* fromife \ even tfsus be hc^fliafon out And emptied^ vnio which fay, ^Amen / Nehem.5,13. 5 For whichcad alfo fay \Letdmt-> in x. Free* 47$ in thy truth. And teach we : for thou art cha G od ofmyfaluation : Pfal.^^. Qb. I doe now acknowledge Cost© bee true of his Word 5 but was he not rnooued to make thefe promifes for feme thing of fpeciall worth he fee to be in vs deferuing the fame? A. Were yee net as the Ethiopians vnt§ wtfl children of I frael, faith the LORD } (Amos, 9. 7. ) For even Tbran the Father */ Abraham, *nd the Father */"Nachor, they ferued other Gods : (lofh. 24.O So hath the Lord alfo called thee, being a Woman for (ahn^ And afpclcd in (pint, and as a young wifcj when thou waft refufed, faith thy G g d. (Ifo.54 6) And when he faffed by thee > and [aw thee polluted in thy owne bloody he faid vnto thee ^ when thou waft in thy blood, liuc^. Tea,hefaidvnts thee> when thou wajtinthy blood, live : Ezek.16.tf. Ifa.5i.r.2.Hof*i44. Ob. Though hee did finde v$ wic- ked, yet doth he not leauevs To; acd therefore for (brae fore*feeac goed3 (hat 480 *.Frce. that would bee in vs, hee might be mo* ucd hereunto. A. Can d man be profitable vnto God, as hee that is wife may be profitable vnto himfelfc^ ? Is it any pleafure to the Al- mighty jhat thou art righteous .<* Or is it game to him that thou make ft thy wayes perfeel f ( Job. 22, 2. ) Looke vnto the Heavens > and fee, and behold the clouds which are higher than thou, if thou fin- nefl, what doeft thou again ft him ? Or if thy tranfgrepons bee multiplyed y what doe ft thou vnto him ? if thou bee righte- ous, what give ft thou him ? Or what re- ceiveth hee of thine hand I lob, 35^ 5. Pfa).Td>,2. Which of you having a Servant Plow- ing or feeding Cattell ; will fay vnto him by, and by ; when he is come from the field; Goe and fit domic to meate ? And will not rather fay vnto him, make ready, where- , with I may ftp, and gird thy fe If ey and ferue wccj, tilllhaue cftcn, and drunken ; and afterward thou jhalt cate, anddrinke. Doth hee thanke thatfervant, becaufe hee ■r did a. Free. 481 did the ft things that were commanded him f Itrotf tot. So hkemfc yet, when yee ft: all hauc dent dU theft things, which dre commanded you, fay $ Wtt art a np 0- fttkUftrxdvts ; ir et haue done fat that which is cur duty ti dee . LuL \ 7 7. ^^ VVfeiat was. ir the? „ which moued the loid thus liberally to deaie wicli A. Becaufttht Lord loved yon , and hetdafa hee would keefe the Oath wh ch hi fware vnfo your fathers : (Deur. 7, i^fi 6.) Her em is Ioucj, net thdt wee loved OOD, hut that hee loved vs : (1, 1 »h. a}, 10.) C4»dmeUuehin* becaufe he loved vs firs! ; (1 Ioh. 4 19.) For Wdt not E- sav Iacob^ brother, faith the LORD ? Yet lhaue loved I a c o b .• ( M il 1,2 . ) />r M* Children being not yet borne mi t her having done good r or evttt ; that tht^j ftrfoft of GO J), according to the Eltfli* in might ft and ^not ofWorkes, but of him tbatcallzth \ it was [aid vnto her, The tU der [half true the younger \dt it is writ~ ii#:&Qmf ho art thou that replyeft again/I God ? Shaft the thing for- ced fay to him that formed it , why haH thou made me thus f \ Hath not t}oe Potter fewer over the clay • of t lie fame lumfe , tomakeoneveffellvmo honour , and am* ther to dilhon0ur?(Rom.pyiQ.) Woe vnto him that ihmjlrwcth with hitLftiaker $ let the Potjhcrdflrtuc with the Pot (herds of the earth, &c. Woe be vnt* him that faith to his Father, what begetteft thouWr to the mman>what haft thou brought forth} flfi. 4S>? ) And is it not ihetalawfull for met 1$ do fas Imflwtth mine orvne ? Math. 20,15. Ob. The branches were broken off, thai 1 mght begrajfedw ? Roft)5li, l£. A. Jftt z. Free. 4H A. Wett^becaufe of vnbeliefe x thtj were broken off and thou Jlandefl byfaitb% he not high minded hut feare. For if God {pared not the natural! branches take heed leaflheealfo (pare* not thee. Behold then* fore thegoodnejfe, and fever ity of Q 0D$ on them that fell fever it) 'but towards thee goodneffe, if thou continue in hisgoodntffcz ctherwife, thou alfojhalt be cut off <^An& they alfo if the j abide not (till in vnbehefe% fiallbegraffedin^for God U able tograffi them in againe : ( Rom. 1 1 . 2 o. ) Hoali not therefore againft the branches ; but if thou boa ft thou bearefi not the root Jbut the root e thee: Rom.n, 18. Q^ Why ? what \% the reafon of this free, and vndeferved mercv of G o p > A, 1 That no flefl) fhould glory in hit pre fence ;but according as it it written y let Aim that glorieth % glory in the Lojd : I, Com, 29,31. 2 Tbatyee might learne not to thinke of men, abouethat which is written ; that none of you be puffed vp, for one agdinjl an* token iiCor»4>6. 4S4 *• Free. ^What may this free mercy of G^d reach vs ? A. T*fay, O tfie depth of the Riches , both of the rvifedome , and knowledge of GOD! How vnfearchahle- are hit tudg- ments , and hit wayes f aft finding out f For who hath kntrvne the mind of the^j L O R D ? Or who hath beene his Coun- feller? Or who hath fir ft given to him J and it ft) all bee recommenced vnto him a. game} R^m 11,35. 2 To fay jtot vnto vs O Lord, not vnto' vs, but vnto thy Name bee given the^j glory : ( Pfelro.it? ; iv) For as formee, J am not worthy of the leaftof all thy mer- cies ^ and of a fit he truth wh;ch,hee hath fiewed vnto his Servant : (Gen. 32 j 10.) For off him, and through him, and for h:m are all things -5 to him therefore be glory for ever, and ever, Amen. Rjm„ 11,36 i,Cor.4,7. % I befeech you Brethren bythemenies $fCod,that youprefent your bodies a living Sacrifice. Holy, and acceptable vnto God, whftb taym reafopabU SerW€g$kQW.\29 1) $. General! 485 1.) And few to yourjelues in Right eoufnes , and reape in mercy : H Oo,r?. 4 Pi a y , fa v 1 (3 g ; Rctt> ember me 0 my God concerning my good deeds, and fare me according to the greatneffeifthj Wftr* cy • (Nth. \^x^972.)Crjs»g/ir4ce,Gr4Ct vnto it : Z cii. 4 7. ^ Ar* theft bl (Trigs common vnt& all degrees of nun .<* A. Will hee regard your per font, faith ^fLoRD of Holts • ( (VI -H.1,9.) Hee will hlefe them that fare the i < rd hothfmaU arid great • Pia .iv 1?) Neither it there rejpec! ofpe* fons with him : ( E«*b f, $. ) i7^ £e ^ar // called in the L O R D £*/*£ a Servant, is the Lords freeman: i,Gor. 7,22. i,Tim.2,4, j|^ Arc not chefc bleflines peculiar! vnto the nation of the Jewes ? A. In thffecd { faith Gov to A f r a- h am j Jhallallthe Nations of the earth het bleffed: ( Geo. 2^,4. ) Is he the God of the lewes onely , and not of the Gentiles Alfo f ( Reu.3,2?.) There tsne difference 7 hejmxtthe lew > and the Greeke 5 for li 3 the 4 16 j.Gcncrall. the fame Lord over all is rich vttto all that call vf on km . R ,m. 10. J2.Ionr*,i«3 51. ! Z*c>.6, 5 . $, 2 _j. Ifiy, 60.4.5,9 io. vcrfe?,6o,22 u,io. 4:, 6,45. 2] 49, f. Gcn.ii. 3. JdK *o, 15. 28. 18. 28. ii« 30.15. !U4 21.14 27. Mar. 12,21. Ioh.to. I*. 12, 52. #£. But doih not Pavl fey, that vnto the Ifraehtcs penaineththe pro- mifes ? A - TV n « , aad thf re fore «r m^/ # w/I /*w, f to the word of God fhetildfirfi bee ftokenv&to^ zm $ but bey put nfom fhem, and her try )\idgkigthewfeiues vnrvorthy thereof, «*^ turned to the G en- tiles >F or fo hath the Lord commanded 'vs% faying $ 1 haue nude thee a light of th<^> C ent ties f hat thou fbouldejl he for Sah&ti- envnto the ends of the earth : A& 1,4.6. K^dnd Cjtoiwh-ch knorvcth the hearts , hearewitneffe to the Gentiles , giving them the Holy Chofi, even as hee did vnto the Ie-ves putting nodfference^ fatwee*e *vsy and them, after that by faith hee had f urifed their hearts -: (A&s,ij.8.J> That the j. General!. 487 the Gentiles jhould be fellow Heires, and of the fame body, and partakers of ha promt fe in CuxurbjtkeGe frell: (Eph. $%6.) . There is therefore, neither lew nor Greeke% there is neither bond, nor free ± there is nei- ther male, nor female ; for yet are all one 1 /*ChristIbsvs: Gal. 3 ,28.1, Tim. 2, J5.i.a.7.Rom.i5.i5. Math. 22.2. 23.37. A£ts. 14.2. Idb. 1,11. 1 (4,65,2. Rqib.io.*!. Ob. What aeiuantage then hath tbc lew ? Or what profit is there of Circum- cifion ? A. (JWucb every way ^ ehieflybecauft that vntothem,were committed theO racks $f God: R d.fobed.entjwd a gat n-faying people : (Rum.io.2i.) ? n as I Itue fatththe Lord God} ihdue no fie afore in the death of the li 4 fW- 488 .}* Gcncrall. wckcd ; but that the wicked turne from his wav. aid Hue: ( Ez.k. 33, u ) Ami I would laue aII mentobeefavcd % Aid to come io the knowledge fifths truth : lyL inn *>4 ' \* 5* ^ W hereon:© may the generality ©ft he prdsmfes bfcofvft P ft . 2>f /?*/ f ^ £*w** $/ the f ranger that hath toyned himfeffe to the L okd, (fcake faying -The Loi d A*tfA vtterl? ftpa* rated me from hk feoplc\neither let the Eu- nuch fay behold / dm a drie tree. For thtu faith the L O R D, to the £wm c «« that teepemy $abbaths , and choofe the things thatpleafcmee, and take hold ef my Cove- nant ; even vnto them will I vine in mine ffoufe, and within my Wades a place , and sName better than of Sons, and of Daugh- ters , / will giue them an everUfiing Namejhat fhJlnot bee cut ojf:(lf*.62 2.) Sirg O barren , thou that iidsl not lean} Weake forth intofingtng , andcrie Aloud . thou that didU not travails *>tk Child , for moe are the^> children of tk DtfoUte^ than tkes children of the 4 Spcedie. 489 the 'married wife faith the Lcrb, Fnm large the place of thy lent , and let them firetchfoorth the Curtaines of thine habi- t Miens : (pare not Jengt hen thy Cords \md fir any hen thy Stakes for thou fultbreakt foorth en the right hand-, a:-? don the left , and thy feed /ball inherit the^j Gentries ^ andmtke the defolate Cities to bee inha- bited : liay, 54, 1. 1, Coring. 7, 21, 22. Ifa.45 22. Math. 22,2. Tif. 23 11. Heb. i;,i3. Ob Now ofatruthlperceiueythat God» no accepter of perform . but in eve- ry Nation^ he that f ear eth him , and wor* kcth RighteovfneJJe> flail be accepted wth with him: ( A ^ai \With him is no vartabUneJfe, ncrjladorv hy tur- ning : (Iame«, 1. 17.) Concerning his tejlimonits I ham knowne them ot old, that he hath founded them fcr euer: ( J ■!• 110,152.) The words rvhtch btcjhAfh com- 5. Con riant. 49 1 commanded to a thou fund generation*. Which covenant hee made with A b r a* ham, and fa? oath vnto Isaac, and confirmed the fame imto I a c o b , for 4 | law, and vnto I s r a e tfor an tuerlaflmg Covenant : (Pfal.io5>8.) For thw faith the Lord, Ifyec^can hreake my Covenant eft he day, and my covenant of the nighty and that there fhaii not he day , and f -night, in their feafons ; then may alfo my Cove. nant hee broken : (Jer. 33 20.) I hatter fvorntby my felfe^ the word is gone out of my mouth in righteoujnejfe, and flail not returnee: Ifa. 45,23.4^1*. a.Cor. r, 18. 1:rcm.4,28. Hof.r3,i4. N-^b.23, 20. ^Satt^u.ii.Haggai^d.Nurrs.iS, xp.Pfol. 2*2,6. 105,8. 117,2. II5?,$K>. £3,5. Heb.6,17. ob. I hauefeent an end of all perfeSlU 0n?Pfalii9,96* X But his Commandement u ex- ceeding larger : ( Pialm. up, 96* ) lhc^> firength i/Iirail will net lye~>* nor refent : (i,S*ro. 15, *9< ) Wh** your Father, and LMtther forfakt you, 49* 5*^on^ar,r* yn», then the Lc RD mil trie ; ou vp » 'fPfdl.27 ,10.) For GOD if not as Man, j f&tf ^ ytwW /ye ^ or f Air Sonne of man that heejhould repent : Nuiv.23 19. Z//i vp your eyes to the Heavens y and Uokevpon the Earth beneath ; for the^j heazrvs jhci!Iv^n;fh away likefmdake, and the earth fhal! waxe o!d like a garment \ rf« A. GOD forb'd. For 1 alfi am an ifraelitcs, of the feed <»/Abraham,#/ the Tribe, of B e n i a m i n. God hath not call away his peoples, which hee fore^ knewy&c Bir even at this prefent times alfo. there is a renant according rt tfo election of Graces • Row. 11,1.5,1. For what if [owe dd not belcetf^f Shall their vnbel efe- muke the faith -of GOD without efftft ? (R wj, 3* 3.) And b$Ht 5>Conftanr. 4$.} 1 haue they fumbled that they fould f "aft? G$d forbid. But rather through their fall Salvation U come to the Gentiles, for to I provoke them to iealouft^. Now tj the fallofthsm bee the riches of the Worlds and the dimimflung of them, the riches of the Gennles how muoh more tht.r fuL neffe > (Rom. if. n.) Fur afterwards full the ch.ldrcn of Israel returne^jy and fee kc the LORD their G O O, and David thcyr King ; and Ih all feare the Lordyand hugocdnefje, in tkt latter dayes: Hof. 3 5. 2 Cor. 3, 15. Ifa. iijia, 19, 24, 25 50, i.- Zacfo. 2,12. Rom. u,203 26,2%.verfes. Ob. Though G6d fhould newer al- ter wich vs, yet fhall wee by QUf finflCS, breake Cou^nant with him. //i.6?,io, Exod.p,3y A. if you breake mj Statutes , and keefe hot my Commandemems , then will t , and as a faithfull witneffe in Heaven : Pfalm.8?, 30. 2, Saw. 7, 1 j. Nui»b.2:$, *o. ^ Whararc the reafons of thU vn- changeabie doling of God towards his people ? A. 1. Hee himfelfc ehangeth not,: ( Mai. j, 6. ) He is the fr^and with the Uft even the fame : ^3,41.4. 2 Ibsvs Christ alio, the fame ye- flerdaj • and to daj3 and for ever : HcU J3,S. 3 Whom he once loveth, helovethvn- totheend : [Ioh.i2 A.)Whoisthe Lord God of 'your fathers , the God of Abra- ham/^ God*/*I *2cya#d the God ofU* ccb't his ish'i name for ever and this is \ w/iall, vnto all Generations .• fcxod. 6. Vnrcfiftablc. 495 4 The gifts Arid callings ofG o d, *rCP without repentance : Rom. ti . 29, ^ What would you infcrre vpon this vnchaj^sablenefft its G o d > A. ^4jf #tf thou jvhat is the caufe jhat the former d^yes were better than the fe^ for thou dott not enquire wfelj conctrmng this : Eccl 7,10. 2 Then fore my beloved brethren ; bet jee ffedfaj! , vnmoueable, aiwayes aboun- ding in the workt of the Lord if or as much as you knew , that your labour is not in vaineinthe Lord: (i,Cor.i5,58 ) i^Ani turneyee not a fide • for then pall yee goe after vaine thzngs, which cannot profit >nor deliver you ^for they are vaine : \2 Sam, 12.21. Q^ Why i Is God able to make his tvord good f A, Behold, faith GOD, I am fkJi Lord, the God dfallfiejh 5 is thereat any thing too hard for me ? ( fer.32 ,27.) ThiU LordofHofts hath purfofed, and 'who jhtll eUfawllit} AndhUhandiifiretch *dt * aitd 49* tf.VnrcfifhWo. andwho fhJl turne tt backe f (iA«l4 2-*,) The voue of the LORD is powerfully the voycc of the Lord u full $jMaieflic\ the voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars ; yea, the Lord breaketh the Cedars of Le» ba-non, (eijl. 2 9, 4. ) neither by arwey nor firsugth j but by my Spirit ,j Ait b the Lord ofhofles: (Zu.h.4, 6.) Y'i whatfocvor the Lord p/eajed, that didhectn Heaven, and in Earth , and in all decpe places : PfaLijj^. AM now behold, the Lords hand is not /lortened, that in cannot faue, neither is his eareheav:e% that it cannot heare : ( Ifo. 59, 1 .) A-d though */ be marvei- Uiu in the eyes of the remnant of his pro- pie , in theft dayes ; /hall it alfo be marvtu Letts in >jy eyes r faith the Lord ofhaftes t Z c 1. 8,6. GdmSj 14. 1(a.40, 2^,48, ** 5°>2,3)43>ii- iloh.4,4- Maik. 10,27. £. JVhat fall vote then fay to theft things .'Rom. 8.3 1. A. 1 JfcribeyeeflrenjrthvntoGOD, his exec liens it H *wcr Ifracl, and his pengtk d.Vnrcnttablc. 4*7 rr^i frength is in the Clouds : PfaU8,'4. 2 Pray, faying ; ihouO Got>tn>fo commandejl our Strength , firengt hen O Cod that which thou haji wrought j or vs .• PfaUS 2?. 3 Bccaufc / know w hat foever COD doth itjhsllbefor ever 5 nothing can hc*o put to it, nor any thing tdken from it .- (Ecclef. 3 ; 14 ) if God be for vs, wh$ can be again it vs f (Ron * .8 , 1 3 .) There- fore again H hopes Jclccue in hope, not ftaggering at the Promifcs, through viu heLefe^c. But ht'xngftrongin theFaith\ let ys gtac glory to GO D ; being fully fcrfwadcd, that what hec^f hath promt- fed, hens able alfo to performer : Rom, 4, 18,20. Ecclef. 3, 14. Pfah 6t9 i#, il*j Gen. 17,1, r* CiAf. U 49 * Theobjc£b Chap. L, The objefls of the Promifes. J^ T Knot* now that G o d fd* doc^ ' A every thing : (lob 42,2 J What therefore is required at my hands, chat all things alfo may bee poffiblc rnto aieef A. t>// f £0* belccveft, fo it fhafi £o /*** *w* r Ar* : (Math. 8, i jf) ^# : (Rora. i y, 4 ) And that the blcfing of A * a a is a m, might come on the Gentilet , through 1 1 • v s Christ-, that wee might re- ieiue the fromift of the Spirit, through fAith: (Gal. 3,14.,) So then they which ke^of F*ttk> are Ikffed with faithful A* of the Vromiks. 49^ AiKARAM:(Ga). 3 f) Fji theScrip- ture hath concluded allvnderftnncs, thai the promifc by the Faith of lESy S C H R IST: might be given to them that beleme : (Gai. 3, 22.) Blejfcd therefore, u hee that beleeveth, fir there Jhall bee 4 performance of thofe things which voercj told him from the LORD : Luk.1,45. Habac. 2,4. 1 Tim. 4, 10. Pfal. 34, S. Hebr. ir, t$. lazm. 17, 5. Dan. tf# *3- 2 Hold the my ft erf e of the Faith > in d pure Consciences : ( 1 Tim. 3. 9. ) For bodily exercife profteth littles, but God- lineffc, is prof table vnto all things ; ha- ving the Promt fes of the life that now if , and of that which is to contest (t , T^n. 4 8 .) Hee therefore that hath cleane hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lifted vp his Soule vnto vanities^ nor fworne deceitfully ; hee Jhall receiut the blepng from the LOR D9andrighte* **fnejj;e from the G 0 D of his Salvation .• (Piaira. 24, 4 J For the Lord GOD is 4 Sonne, and ajhiild; the LOAD mil Kk % giti 500 Thcobjc&softhcPromifcs. giueGrACc, and Glory, And no good thing will hee^ withhold from them thatwalkt vjprightly : (PfaL84v ri.J Know there- fort thAtthe LO RDthyGO D, hct-j id God, the faith full God which keepeth ^Cove- nant, And Mercy, with them that lone him, Andkeepe his Ccmmandements, to a thou- f and generations : (Dcur. 7, 9.) For the righteous LORD, loveth Right eoufnejfi3 hu Countenance doth behold the vpright : (Pfai. 11,7.) And therefore, blejfed Are they which keepe Judgement, A»dht-j that doth Right eoufnejfe At aU times : Pfa! . io63 3. 119, 1.73,1. Prou. 12, 2%. 16, 7. 14, 27. 111.58,13.56,2. Deut.7,12. i^King. 6, 12. 10*1.13,17. Exod.3p 43. Pfa)^. Oh. 1 haue long liued in wane not- withftandingall my cue, and iadeauour in the ftudy, and pra&ifc of GodJincffe : !ob,i5,3. A. But dre there not with you, even mtbyou, fiunes AgAinft the Lor dy our God ? (a5Chro.i8,io.) hot Govt* good, And doth good : (P(aL 1 19,68. ) t^ind with- drawethnot his eyes from the Right com ' Sofc;3<5,7.P(aU*5^ a Thevfcofthe Promifcsi 501 6 V^% therefore that art named thes IMufetf I AVaf, is the (pr it of the Lord Jtraitned? Arethefe his doings I Doe not my words doe good t§ him that walkethvf- tightly , faith the Lord f (Micha, !#.) All the pat hes of the Lord, are Mercy, and truth vnto fuch as kcepe bis Commande- ments,and his testimonies : pfal 25,10. To the pure all things are purcs 5 hut vnto them that are defied is nothing furcs : (Titus, 1,15.) For the hand of bur G 0 D is vpon all them for good that feeke him • hut his power ; and his wrath, is dgainft them tbatforfake him : Ezra.,8, 22. 2-Chron. ]?;ii. j^ Wbacvfc then arc wee tomaka hereof? A. 1 Take heed therefore brethren, leafi there be in any of you, an evill heart, ofvnbeliefe,in departing from the living GOD : (Heb.3 }iz.) For to whomffvart hee that they flmld not enter into his reH\. but to them that beleeved not ? So m fees then, that they could not enter in, becaufi $fvnbelfcfc; (Hcb.j, 18,) Let vs there- £ k 3 fore jot The vfe of the Promifes. fire fearer, led ft 4 promife being left vs tf entring into his re& , any ofyoufbould feemeto come jhort of it : (Hf 8.4,1 J F$r hee tbdt commeth to GOD, muft beleeui thdt G o d u ; dnd thdt hee is a rewarder *f them, that diligently feeke him : ( Heb. 1 1, 6.) Here wecj therefcre, oIvdah, and yee inhabitants of Jerufalem • beleeut in the Lord your G OD,foJhallyee be efts, hlified* beleeuehit Prophets, fofiall yee frofper: (2,Cbronk2o, 20.) For thefc^ things are mitten, that yee might beleeut thdt IiSvstfCxKiST theSonofGOD • And in believing , yee might haue lfe~> through him : Idl.20 37. Now the GOD of hope fill yon wit hall toy, and peace tn believing j that yee may & found in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost: Rom. 15 ,13. 2 Having therefore theft Promifes, (dedrely beloved) let vs clean fe our felues, from all flthmeffe cftheFleJb, dnd Sp- rit \ ferfiiimghoUneffe> in the fedrt of GOD : (a, Corinth. 7, 1.) x^ind ice pot conformed to this World % but bee 9* .11 . I ■ -' ' " - ■'■ The vfeof the Promiics. 50 j yee transformed, by the renewing of your mind* t If st yet mdy frooue, what is that good, thdt acceptable, and ferfcS. will of COD: (Rom, !2,2.) And hetbat will leme Life, and fee good ddyes\ let him re* frdine bis tongue from eviU, dndkis Iff pes that tbeyftedic no guile. Let htm efchew iviff, and doe good \ let him jeekc peace 3and furfueit : (i, Per. 3, 10.J For this is 4 faith full faying , dnd thefe things twill* thdt thou dffrme confianily , thdt they which hdue beleeved in G O D , might iee Cdrefullto mdintdtne good Workes\ for thefe things dre good, dnd profit*- lie *vnto ^Men : (Tuu% j, 8 ) Obferut tbercfere , dnd hedre all thefe things , which J command thee, thdt it may be well with thee dnd with thy Children after thee for ever • when thou doe ft that which is good, dnd right in the fight oft he Lord thy GOD : Dcut. 12,28.5 17,18,4,3^,40. 10,12,1$. Iofh.j, 5. Therefore gine diligence, to addeto your Faitb^vertue ; and to Fertue, knowledge $ and to Knowledge, temperance $ dnd to Kb 4 Tow* jo+ 7 he Vic of the Promises. Temperance, pat ence-j : and to Patience, godl neffe ^ and to Godlncjfc > brotherly tindneffe \-and to brotherly kindneffc^s, Char it te ; ( 2 Pc ' . » , 5 ) Arc let vs heart the conclusion of the whole matter ; fearer G c r>, and kecpe his Cowmandcmcnts . for this is the whole duty of Man : ( Beck f 1 2, ij.) Which ffycedec+j, yee fi all never Jail: j,Pcc.i 10 Now tfitjeemeevillvnto you to feme the Lord i choofe you ,thu day whom yee^j will J erne &c. But a* for we , and my houfe wee will feme the LO RD : I ,fh.?4 15 .) for all people every one Will walkem the nameoj hu GOD, and wee will walkem the name of the Lord our G 0 D> for ever, dndever: M»cha,4, 5. O houfe of (acob come yee alfo, and wallee in the light of the Lord : ( I i [*. 2 , 5 . ) Provoking one another vnto Loue^j, and goodlVorkes : (Hcb.io 24 ) K^ind ex- horting one Another daily, while it is called Uday; Hkb.3, 13. Cmap. LI There arc wicked men. 505 Chap. LI. 0/ the Wicked, and cftbelf Reward* J5^ XX Avitbeeexpc&ed that sill «**i ihould beifiooued by tbcte promilcs, vpto the cxcfciii of faith, and, new obedience f A. NofMng lelTe^o^fhcre are foroe who walke after their owne vngodly Lufis 5 thefebe they\ tvhofeperate themfelues (fen- fuall, having net the Spirit : ( Iud. 18. ) Of whom J haue told you often , and now tell jou evenweepivg , that they are Ene- mies to the CroJJi of C w r f i t .• ( Ph? I. j, 18.) \rorz% they that are after the/pint, doe mind the things of the Spirit \ fo ihefc bHng after thtflefh , the things of the^> fiefh. Becaufe their carnaUmind, is enmu ve againfi GODj/^ it it notfubteSto the Lam ofG O D, neither indeed can he . ( R <>ro. 8,5,7.) *"* *re wcked and fm* nm bef ore the Lord :{QmA^\i) Re- belling 5 06 There arc wicked men. belling again fi the Commandement eft hi Lord their G ov>not beteevingjtor hear- kening to kit voice: (Dcur. 0,2 3. )Tkcy are corrupt and haue done abhominable works: (Pial.ty.t.) J haut e ailed thera tranfgref fours from the wombe: (Ifa.48.8-) A per* verfe and creokedgencration: (pcu t . 3 2 5 . 2o.)T heir vine is of the vine ofScaiotne, and of the fields of Gomor?b$* heir grapes *re the grapes efgaU,their clujlers are bit- ter : their wine Js the pojfon of Dragons & the cruellvenome of Ajpes : Dcur.31, 32. Behold their finne is come before mee : ( Iona. 1 ,2 .) Arc! J am preffed vnder them, as a Cart is prejfed that is full of Jheaues : (Acnos, 2, 13.) And their finnes are written with a pen of Iron , and with the point of a Diamond ; and it is graven vpon the tables of their hearts, andvpojt tkehornes of chcir altars : (IcM7,i.) They bane a whorijh fere-bead • they will not be ajhawed : (Icr. 3,3.) fatareobjls- mateyandtht\x necke is an ironfinew7 and their brow braffe : ( Ifa. 48, 4. ) For they have fold thcmfolucs to wtrkt wic- ktd. 7 he Reward, &c. $07 tednejfe m the fight of the LORD: (u King, ir 10. ) God is not inalltheyr thoughts : ?hl.to. 4. Kjind houeh Itarnejlly f rote fled vnt» I fhtir Fathers fifing early, and 'prote (ling ftying ; Obey $nj voice $ jet they obeyed not, nor enclined their earet but walked^ every one in the imagination 0] their ownt will bear?: Icr. 11,7, Ezek. \6 4?. Uu 44.9,16*11. Gen.387. Exod. 5,2, 14. 11. 15. 24. 16,3.17. 2,31. 7. Iudg, 2. u. Pfal.f}. 2.78.10..' Pi-ouc2i.io. Hof.JO,4. ^ls there no reward for fuch mztk ascb€fefr«mGodf A. Is not defiru&ion to the w:cked,and ajlrangefunijbment to the workers ofinu quitief (Iob.31.3.) The great God, that formed alii kings \both rewardeth thefoole% and rewardeth thetranfgrejfoHrs : (Prou. 16)10.) According tohiswayes, and ac* cording to his doings will hee recom fence him : ( HoCu, *.)Tke tranfgrejfoursjhill bee^j dejlroyed together, and the end of the wickedjhallbecutoff ; (Pfalm.37.38. ) €OP 5 of The Reward and an horrible terxpefl : this fball bee the portion of their, Cup: (Pia!. v,6.) And the heritage appoint ed vnto them by God : ( Ibb. 10.79. ) Tcrh nit this Uidvp in pore with mee , dndftaUd fyp among my treafkres faith the Lord t ( Dcu. 3 5 , 3 4, ) Even as 1 hauefeene , t hey that flow ini- quity ^ andfotv rvfckedne(fe'?reape the fan;* : (tob#4.8.) Trouble and ahguijh Jha/lmah them afraid ; they fball prevails againjf themes a King ready to thebatteU: (lob. 15.24.) Andl mil feed them with wornse- wocdyandgiue them water of gall to drink e: (icr.p.15.,) Y a , /.'will ] bring fuch evill vpon them , that *>hofotver heareth ofit% both his eares jhall tingle^ (2, Kine.n, 11.) And if the y wiSnctfpf fill this hear- ken vnto me, then I willpmiw xhcmfevw times mor c for xhz\* fnr.es : (Leu. 26,18.) And ifthtywalhe contrary vnto mee, and will not hearken vnto me ; / will bring fe- centimes more plagues vpotixhem, accor- ding to their ftnnes, ejre. And if 'they wiM not be reformed by thefe things , but »& walti of the wickedv 50^ Wdlke contrdry to me, then will Idlfo walkc contrary to them, snd willy eifumjh fhcia feven times more for their finnes : Leu, 1 6, 2 1 . ) Terr ours fliall take hold of them as waters ; dtemfefl fedltth thcrn away is in the night: (lob.ty^ 20.) And thtyfidti be no more, dnd though they be fought for, yetfidll they never be found faith the Lord God:EzeV.26,zi.lfa. p,iS. 1,25 Deuru 32,a2.28,i£.i?,2Q,Zcph.i3r4.Ezck.24, 10. Pfo,2238iHof.7,i^.9Jcr.5,u.i5. 2. 22.8. 23. 10.48. 13. 1 j. 5. i,Sam.2> iojob.4,20.18.11. ifa.24 17. Amos, 5, i8.8.3.Nahuro,t,£.Ezck.2i.6. Dcut. 28. 20. loci. 2,26. Amos. 5. 24. Pfalm, 68.21. Behold therefore , Ifet before you this ddy d blefing, dnd d curfe : d blepng if jee obey the Commdndcments of the Lord your G o d 5 which 1 commdnd you this day 5 dnd d curfe if jee will not obey the^j Commdndement oft he Lord your GOD$ but turne dfide out ofthe^ way , which I command you this day , togoe after other C ods, which jee hate not knowne : Detir, Jt*.2l,30tSj« Wh 5 io The Reward Who is wife , and hep) all vnderjlani thefc things? Prudent, and he pall know them} Forthewayesofthe LORDjfO tight ,and the iujtjhall mike in t hem • But the trdnfgrcjftursjkstt fdlt therein t Hof. 14.?. i,Cor.so ,6. Prou.io 6, ip. 16,12. 2,3.12,7,15, ^2i,i2> i^iijVer.P&L 32, 10. Ob. Wbatfocuer you Mioifters fay, / dm become rich^ J haue found mee outfub « fiance in aII my labours : (Hof.i2.8.)iV«* therjhallcvillcome vpon me. And there- fore the Prophets fhdli become wind , and the Word is not m them : ler. 5,13. A. Becaufe fentence dgainjl an eviU worke is not (pcedily executed , there fete the heart of the Somes of meny is fully fet in themto doe eviU : ( fcccl. 8. 1 1. ) The St or ke in the Heavens knoweth her appoin* ted times and the Turtle , And the Crane , and the Swallow, obferue the times oft heir cowmingfiut ibi% people know not the iudg- mentsofthe lorT>'.{\tx£.j.)Theywillnot behold ht s high hand \ but they fl)*H fee it , **d be confounded: lfa.20, n. The of the wicked. 5 n 1 "■■■ — ' 'i ■ . 1 " • ' ~ ' — • Tht Lorb indeed is Jim to anger j but be is great in power, and wi 8 not fur elf tleere tht wicked : (Nah. 1,3 .) For will * Fowler take vp $befnare from the Earth % and bdue taken nothing at all? (Araos,^ 5 j >)f our fathers where are they i And tht fropbets doe they Hue for ever ? But my \»ords,animy ftatutes which I commanded my Servants the Prophets did they not toko hold of your Fathers} And they returned^ andfaid* like as the Lord of ff oft s thought to doe vnto vs, according to our way es, and according to our doings , fe hath he dealt withvs: (Zicb. i, 5.; And de frifefi thorn the riches of his gooJneJfe,and for bear ante, and long fujfering, not knowing that thc^ goodnejfe ofG 0 D, k&deth thee to Repew* tance f But after thy bardnejfe} andtmpt- mtent hearty that cannot repent ', treafureft vp to tbyfelfe wrath, againfi thes day of wrath, and Revelation of tbc~> righto* ohm Judgement of G O D : Romanes, Take heed therefore, leaflfbere fhouldh smong you , 4 KoojcJ that beareth gall 5 ix The Reward, &c» gall and wormeweod. And it comma h to paJJ'e when hee heareth the words of this curfe% that hee blejje himfelfe in his heart 9 faying ; Jjhallhaue peace , , though I walk* in the imagination of mine heart; to adde drunkennejfe to thirjl ; the Lord will not ^ are him ; hut then the anger of the Lord; and hit tealoufie, jhall fmoake again fl that man : and all the curfes that are written in this booke (ball lit vp*n him: andthc^ LORD /hall blot out his name from *vndcr Heaven: Da1t.2p.18. Ila. 47,7.57. |i. £ztk.2r^. Arooi 6 3 9.io.Pfai.5o.«8e lofh. 23,15. Zcph.2,15- i.ia.lfa.28a i7.Zach.?, 15. Happy therefore is the man that f caret h alway \ but he that hardneth his heart paS fall into mifchiefe: (Pr»u.28. 14 ) The Wife mans e) es are tn his head : but the fate waikethindarkneffe : (Eccl. 2, 14 ) The prudent man fore feet h the evill%andhideth himfelfe but the^> wicked pap on and are f unified: (Prou.27,12.) Awifemanfea- reth . and depart eth from evill: but the+j foole ragcthand is confident vP.ou 14.1*. »*}. CnAP. LIL The Wicked Conuinccd, &c. jij Cha p.LIL The Wicked Conrvinted of fimi. Ok T*Hcfe Judgements nay be- * fall Heathens , and fuch as are without • but wee are the people of GOD, with whom the Lord hath raada a Covenant of Peace; and therefore hone of thefe things fhall befall vt v f h.Tbe lira k withj$*tmbilejti ti%j> with him ; And ifyetfeekt km, be wit bit feund efye* j but if ye ferfske himjn m& ferfdkeyeu : ( i, Chron. lj. %.) Fer s$ what injtsnt ijhsiftuke ceneermimg s Ns- tien^ dndceneermmg 4 Kingdmeft bmild9 4ndt$fUni it $ if it dee eviM wmj fight* tbdt it obey nit mj voice, then I ma repe»$ of the geed wherewith ifiidtweuUbeneft tkem:(lcuit9p.) Attdtkifuntjhmwf the iniquity efthe Daughter *fmj fettle^ is greater , thsmthi fumfbmut pft%€m* fine ifSeidmtjtbdt wsswertbrMMW 5U The Wicked Wherefore trttjlye not in lying words , f*itng\ The Temple of the L 0 RD, tb<^> Temple of the LORD, the Temple of the LORD, are t he fe: (Ut.j^.)Butgoeyee , mrwvnto my place which rear in Shilo, sphere I fet my name attkebegmningy and behold what I did to it, for the wickednefje $f my people Ifrad : (Icr. 7, 12. ) Forfo wtllmake this Houfc like Shilo , and make this Citie a curfe to aH Nasi- 9ns ef the Earth : Ier. 26. 6. 1. King. $>.6.Exod. j2/35. Ifa. 57. 3.4. Dsucr. 8. 19/ 0b« We dfee not ©ncly Hue in th« Church, but by Ihptifm* are naade fnembers of the fame ? A- Rz&ufmey verily prof tetb, iftbo* keep the law ; but ifthou bee a breaker of the Lam, thy Bapcif m? /> made no Bap- tifrac •• (Rom . 2,2 J J Circnmctfien k no- thtng\ and Vncircumcifton is nothing ; km* the keeping of the Commandements of Cod.- -1,001.7,19. It is true that ,/Eg;ypf, and ludab, i/fcf Jkdomt^fidtbi Children of AranaoB, W Conuinccd of finnc j f $ Moab , faith ^Lord Gob: Ezek* 28, 10. i, Cor. 10. 1, oh, I haae not only bia cntreo^and iq- rolicd amember of ehe Chureh 3 butal- fo luure ioyoed with others inrhewor- (hip of GQD,and ift the proftffionof the fame: 7*^,17.3. 7/4.58. 3. A. There is a generation thAt Are fur e in their owns eyes y and yet is not wajhed from their filihineffc ; (Prou.jo 1 1 .)Hatb the^> Lord as great delight in burnt offe- rings and Sacrifices \as in obeying his voice* Behold fo obey is better than Sacrifice , and to hear ken J h An the fat of Rams : (i,Saro. 15, %t.) The Sacrifices of the wicked is abhomination to the Lord ; but the ?ray+ er eft he vf right is his delight : Prou.i J. 8.21.27. Iam.i. 27, 1 Butvntothe mcked faith God- what hdjlthoutbdo^ to declare my Statutes, tl 2 & 5 1* The Wicked trthat thon fiouldeft take my Covenant within thy mouth ? Seeing thou hatejl inflrufiton, And cajleft my words behind thee : fpftt. 50, 16,) For the LORD loveth Judgement , And h&teth Robberic for burnt offerings : (i(a.6i,8 ) Where- fore let no man deeeiucyou , hee thdt doth righteoufnejfe is righteous \as he is righte- ous 1 but he that committeth finne is of the Divell : 1,1 oh. 3,7. 11^.2,11,12.113.2^ 1.58.4,66,3,1,1,'. Amoi, 2*8. 5,15,21* Leu. 25,3 i.Zich. 7,5 Mal,it7/J5.1er.^. 20,7,22,14. i2.Pfal.5"Oj9,40 ^.Hof.^,6, 4,19. Markj2,^3. Luk.1t.4i. Ob. B/eJfedbe thou of the L o R i>,for 1 haue kept the CommAndements cfGQD* (i; Sam. 15,13.) Haue done mAny things : (MUik 6,10 J Aod haue been zeAlousfor theLtrdofffoJls.iiKin.iaiSiHofAifi. A. WbatmeAneth then this blcAting of thefheefe in mine eAres, And the lowing of thcOxenwbicbjheAre} (i,Sam. 1 5.14. ) lor intheehAue they fet light by Father , And CMotber $ in the middeft of thee hAut they do Alt by of pre ft on with the fir Anger ; in Convinced of futne. 5 17 thee hatte they vexed thi Fat her left, and theWiddow. Thou haft dejpifed my Holy things , *nd hafipropkanedmy Sabbaths. Jnthteare LMen to tarry tales tefhedde bleud : tn the middefl of thee they torn- mit Lewdneffe : (Ezck.22,7*) Where* fore / haue a few things againft tbcc*s .- (Revel. 2. 20. ) As well as againft It* rail, who feared the LORD, andmade vntothemfelues^the lowefl ofthomPriefio eft he High-places. They feared GO Dp the LORD^andferved their owme Gpds j they feared not the Lord: ( 2, King. 17, 32.) For the feare of the LO&Des to hale evitl,as pride, ejr arrogancy^mdevetf tviiway : ( Prou.8.13.) And therefore, cur fed art thou , if thou confrmo not all the words oft ha Law to doe them \ and all the people jhall fay , x^imen :■ Dem. 27, 26,4,2.6. 17. 12.31 18.13. Ia«.i3a6,2. 10. 3,^,10, Ezek.i8j 10. 2, Or, 8, *I. 23 King. 22. 2. oh. I deny not, but doe freely cm- feffir, Murthcr, and Adultery 10 be grie> vous jJnyteferui»g death $ aow tbee,if I Li | en __ \ |i» The Wicked can acquit my i elf i of fuch finnc s> I fliall doe well enough > A. feu haue heard, that it wasfaidte them ef old tim \ Thou fhalt not lull ^ and wbefecver jhall kill,fbaHbe m danger of the indgment. But I fay vnto yeajhat who foe- ver is angry with his brother y without a eaufc, fhalt be in danger of rthe iudgemeni : and who fewer QmH fa) te his "Br ether Ri- cha, JbaSbee in danger efa Ceunfe//; and whefeeverfhaUfay thouFoole s (kali be w danger of Hell fire. feu hauc heard a/fe 8 that it wdsfudto them efoldtime^ The* ft) alt net commit Adultery. But I fay vn. Uyeu. that who fever loeketh en a &v- man te Ittft after her , hath committed A- dftttery with her already in his heart : (Mach.5,2 1,27. vc»'. ) And for every idle werdjthat mcnjhallfecdkejthcyfballgiue an Accepnt thereof in the day efl*dgeme#t: M^fh.;i2,35.Ez€k.i^.4^,i>Chion.i3.^o 2.33.24. 1, Sans.*. 19. x,Kicig. 20 35. Ntfn»b«2o.iatpvUit.32.5©. Oh. What a prccifeacflc call. y£ 41 this?Jto what it now pud then I neeiing with Conuinccd of finne. j 1 j with a good f c!!ow3or 1 wo,dec make »y felfc merry uithtbem , and doe follow fomeother trickes of youth? * A. ^ be *vnn you that call tvill good> and good evill. that put darknejjefor light , and light for darkpejje 5 that put bitter for fweet , tndfwect for bitter : IA. 54' 20. Ton are they which iujlifie jour [duet before men* but GOB. knoweth the hearts^ for that which is highly ejteemtd among men is abhominablem the fight ofG O D: ( Luk.16, i j . ) The {hem of your Count e^ vancc dothwitneffe againji you, and you declare your fwne as Sodetpe, and hide it not; wotvnto you,feryeu haue rewarded evi&vnto your felu.ei .* lfa« j.p. let .6, if. -2. 3s. Proij.14. **• **• **• 6>£. You- arc very rafla in iudgiag $ for who buc Go \ kn$weth the heart t A. Both not the Euro try words I Aud the mouth tafi hu meat ? (ioh.i2j1.34.. 3«) EvenaChildkknowmbyhudiwgs* whether his worke be fure > tmdwhethcrit h right ; (JfreMO*ii.)f$rffl4F0**- XI 4 *«?#! 5 so The Wicked Uinefendfeerth dt the feme fUce freet Wd$er>dndbitteri CdndFigge-treebedrt OUue berries f Either a Fine, Figges t Uednne Fettntdimyeild ftltvdter, 'd»d fejb: 1*137.3, 11. Luk. 6,43. Math. 12, Ob. Notwithftanding your fliew of pfecifenefle, if your faults were Written is your forehead, we ftiould hauc much worie things to fay of you. A. Sftdh nee evtll ene ef dne- fhtr {Brethren) he th&tfyuhth evill $f hiiBrether r and iudgeth hu Brether y ftedketb evillef the Un>9 dud iudgeth tb*^> Urn : bete if thou iudge the Ldve , then drt BitsdHreftbeUw , but d fudge. There id em Ldwgiuer, whe is dhle tefduedndt* defirej^ who drt theu thdt iudgefi dnetber t ( lam .4, 11. )ludge net9thd$yee be net iudg- ui. Wermtb what iudgemem yee iudge , fajbdff be iudged; tni with wbdtmed. fire yee men, it fbdllbe meufuredtejeu 4- ob.Tbeuktme&ti rejlrdiuemfdemet§ thjfelfe 1 but mhd$ kit 6 9(8 lb** $bs$ we hew m II I » i ill i " Conuinccd of finnc. 511 know not f Or what vnderjlandeft thorn that is not itfvs ? lob, 15, 8. 15, 2. A. lfyee know the fe things, haffit^ art yee if yee doe them : ( lob. 13,17.) Thy Father fudged the caufe of the foore9 4*4 needy, then it was well with him • was net this to know mc^, faith the LORD f (Ur.i2,i6.) Vox beheld the jeare of the Lord* that is Wifedome% and to depart from evii is vnderftanding : ( lob, 28, 28.) You frofejfe you know him, ins in Worktsycu deny him, being abominable^, and vnto every good worke reprobate^ •• Titus, 1, 16. And how doe fee fay wee are wife, and the law oft he Lord is with vs f Yes hang reiecled the Wordof the Lord, nnd what wifdome is in you t Icr. 8, 8. 5^4. lam. 3, ig.Prou. 3,17. Luk.12.47. Iam*4, 16, 3, 17. Roro.2,17. iloh.2,4. 10(1.15,32, 9,x*Frou.26,i2, 26,16. Cmat. LHi 5 it The wicked Chap. LIIL The wicked Convinced of judgement % Ob. T r flaould feare this mm hath J* ieene lbtt:e vifion 3 or hsrh had/bmeofher exranrdiniiiy rcuelari- on : Therefore watch man, what of the night? Watchman what of the^j night ? 111. 21. II. A. The watch. man [aid ; The mor- ning cemmtth) And alfo the nightlife* 1 i 3 1 2. ) K^ind are yee come to inquire of tne^j f As i ltue^> , faith the Lord G 0 D , I will wet bee inquired ef hj you : fEzcic. 20, 5.} Beware yeedefffers And winder , and ferifh \ for 1 worker d worke in your dayes , a worke which jee Jlhi/l in no wife belccuc~>$ thongk a man declare it vnto you : ( A&f , 15, 40. Habac, 1,5.) Now therefore^ bee not mckert , leak pnr hands he made^j Jfn*L Conuiaccd of judgment. ji$ fir9nS > for 1 ^AUt bwd fr°m **$-> LORD GOD af hopes, a conftimption, eve* determined vpon the whole Earth. Glut yee eare , and heart my voyccs$ bear ken and hearer my fyeech : (1'a. 28, 22. ) Then faid I s \-Ah> LORD G 0 D p they fay of mc\ Doth hee not $eakc~> parables $ Ezek. 20. 40. Ob, But when went the S fir it of the LORD3fiomoux Minifies vnto thee? (1 . Kin?. ? 2,24,} Who dot fay tavs, yee Jl) all not fee the Sword, neither Jhall yee ham Famine^ but the LO RD will put you affurtd peace in this places : Ierera. *4>*3' 23^18*18,18.2^17. i, King. 18,17. .A> A msn, the LORD doe fa % the Lord perferme the wards tbauhey haue fpoken ; flcrcm 28, 6*) Asforme9lhau€ not haflenedfrom hemg a Pajlor to follow thee., neither hone 1 de fired the wo full day , the* kndwcjt • that whisk earner iHtofwyltppesp was right before thez~> ; Ier« 17,16. And 514 The wicked And as for your Miniftcrs, if amy $f tbem thinke himfelfcs to bee a Pr$- fhet, and Spiritual! , let him acknow- ledge, that the things that 1 writer vn- to yno, are the Commandements of tbes LO RD\ but if any man bet ignorant \ lit him bee ignorant : ( j , Corintb. 14, 37.) But let no man deceiue you with vtine words ; for becaufe of thefe things ', tommeth the wrath G0 D , vpon the Children of difobediencc* : Ephcf. Tour Prophets, prophecies lyes, in my Name , jfent them not , neyther haue I commaunded them , neither flake vnt* thorny they I 'rot heft V vnto you a falfe vifion, and divination, and a thing of nought , and the deceit of their heart. Therefore thus faith thes LORD con. corning the Prophets , that prophecie in my Names , and I fent them not ; yet they fay. Sword, and Famine , Jhall not bee in this land \ by fword, and famines Jhal thofe Prophets bee confumed. ^And the people to whom they Pr of hefted jhall be Conuinccd of judgment. 515 het caH out int* the Jlreets ofltrufAlem, ieeAufe of the F Amine 3 And the Sword, And the j fall haue none to bury them^ for I will powre theyr wickednejfe vpon them : (Ierera. 14, 14.J t^dud when the words of the Prophets faS come to pajfe, then fall you know, that the Lord hath truly fat htm : Icretr>.28j?. 50, 30. 51,25, i9. 23., 15. Ezek. 14,9. 15, 6. 13,22. Hefes,4. g* 9*7.8. Ifa. 2p. ^.42.1^. i.King. it, 23.25. Ifa.3,12. Oh. I thmke y«u will aeuer giuc o- uer thefe threatnmg words , giuc mca fucha Minifter, as will preach comfor- table things vmo vs. A. i^lm I therefore become your ene- mies > becAufe I teB you the Truth f Gal. 4> \6. As for thefe Minifters, they haucs healed your hurt with [met words, fay~ ing ; Peace, peAce, when there is nopeAce : (lerem.8. 11.) \^dnd if 'a man walking in the ftirit , AndjfAlfaod, and doe lye, 5*£ The wicked faying j I will Propbede vnto thee of wines and (Irong drmke ; he [ball bee even the Prophet of this peoples : Micha, 2, II. Therefore fhalt thou fell in the day, and the Prophet alfo jhallfall with thee in the night* and I mil defiroy thy CMo- ther : Hcf.4.5. 1 Kwge 18^8- Ik. 30. S. Hof.4 4. Oh. Though thefe Iudgs^snrs yen threaten , be certain* , yet tbey may eor beeneere ; (EzcJu x r, 3.) But thc^ viftoB, may bee for many dajes to come , and you Prop he a e of the times that ares farreoff : Ez L 12,27. A. Who is like mees ? And who wilt appoint mee the Ume^^ faith the Lord? fkrcm.4p, 19.) Therefore^ thus faith the Lord G O D % There fia/l none of my words bee prolonged any wo; but the word which I have (f?o ken , frail bee d^tte, faiththe Lord G 0 D : (Ez. k.n, 28,) Ye*, cuen w jour dayes, O rebeHieus houfc Willi fay the thing . ad mi(l per for me it : (Ezt:k, 1^25.^ Ilc Eagle, and though thou fet thy nett a- tnong the Star res, thence mil I bring thee downe t faith the LORD : (Obad. 3, 4.) Your filver , and your grid flyall not bee able to deliver you in the day of the wrath of the LORD ; (Ezek,7,ip.) The Lord is wife in heart , and mighty in firength ; who hath hardened htm- felfe againft himy and fr offered? lob, ^,4. ProLUio.2.11.4. Ezck. 28.4., 7, 19 • Zepb. 1. 18. Zacb. 9. 3. Ier.4?. 4. 4.30. Hab. 2.*. Ob. If our o woe power be too weake, wee hauc multitudes of alliot , and many good Conuinccdof judgmenr. 5 x 9 good friends will ftand by, and fac- cour vs f A. EpbraIm is fed with therfind9 mdfollmeth after the E aft. wind : (Hof. 1 2. 1 . ) For though hand toyncs in hand, the wicked flail not be vnfemfhed: Peon. And how fay yee ihen, wee are mighty y and haue frongmen for theW arret (Ier. 48, 14, ) i^Artthoa better than popuUm No, that was fcituate among the Rivers , that had the^j waters round about it # whofe Rampart wds the Sea , and her Wall w&s from the^j Sea ? Nahum3 . Tee haue flowed wickedmffe , yee haue reaped 1 n> quit ie , yee haue eaten the fruit of [yes 1 for besaufe thou didfl trufi in the multitude* of thy mghty men\ therefore jhall a tumult arife among thy people 3 and all thy Fortreffes fiall btt fpeyUd : (Hsf.i®. 1;.) When alio thy lows m&deffcifethee , and wilifeeke thy life : (Ior^.30.) Your hired men ftiall bee CM m turned 53° The Wicked turned backe , and flie away together * ( kr, 46. 21. ) \yind the^j multitude of thy Jtr angers jhaS bee like the fmalt dull % &nd the multitude *fthy terrible ones 5 fhatibeeas the Chafe y that pajfeth away 5 (Ifa, 29,?. ) And you fhall bfc ajha- medofapeople, that could not profit yen j mr bee an hilpet nor profit , but a flame , andalfo a reprocb. For they fl:all hetpc m vaine, and to no pu-rpofe i therefore^ luue I cry ed concerning 1 bis. f -heir ftrength is to fit flill: ( 1(3.50.5,7. Wherefore cetfe yee from CM an , whofe breath is in hts nojlhrels ; for tvfjere- in is hee to bee accounted of ? Ha. 2. 22. 3, Cor. 10.22. Ifa. 8.£. 57. 13. Ieb- 36. 12,15.31.2, Samuel, 16,2 .2^7.14. ler. ib.e. Ob* If wee cannot with fafery fbnd our aeainft ihcfe Judgements, wee wiH then flyc ftocn them , and thcy (ha I n^c^vcrtakevs .• ifaiah, 30. 16 A. Am 1 a GO D At hand, fath the LQRJJ ? And ma GO T> af&rre off? Gonuiniccd df judgment. 5 j j ( ler. 23. 25. ) Whether will jet ' goefrom his fpirii } Or whether will jee fee Jrom hk f re fence : lJil 139 7 He which feeth of you 3 jkall not flee 4- way ; and bet 'that, efcapeth of ^ov\9jhatt not bet delivered : (Amps, 9, 1 .) But 11 (hall hewitftym. at if a man cLd fye from 4 Lion and a Be are met Lw- or went into the hoafe and leaned his hand on the wall, and a Serpent bj bimthmmjjg. I*a,jo. .& Amos 2,14. oh. If we cannot efcspc by flyinp^we will th^n hidzour fch;e;> m fom.e darke Comer of rhctarth 1 lob.ii ,12 ,13. Pfah 94-7>fa>19 ^5- A. Jknorp Epbrainn,faichGoD andlQ rac! it not hid fr&m me: (Hof'5 3.) Nei- ther is then any creature which is not ma~ mfifi in his fight \ but all things are naked* and open vnto the eyes of him , with whom we bane to doe: (Hcb.4.13.) Wbeieby it dull come ro paffe , that though you dig into Hrfl , thence fhall my hand takc-A you $ though you climb*** vj to $Lm%. H€*~ 5?& The Wicked Heaven 7 thence will I bring you downe , and though you hide your felues in the top ofC armbl< I wiSfearch, And take you cut thence : and though you be hid from my ftght in the botiomc of the Sea, thence mS I command the Serpent y and hee ft all \ bitejou : Amos. ?, 2. H*f. 7, 2.Zach.4« 10. loS. 12.22. Ob. if rbis be ourcafe^ wee will then ceafe from open finning againft GODj aad what wee doe, wee will doe irvfuch fort as no eye (hall fee vs ? A. Wsevntoyov, that feeke deepe to hide your Conn fell from the LORD y j *nd your workes are in the darke , s t Surely your turning of th'mgt vpftde downe , pall bee tfieemed as the Fitters clay : For fl)dll the works fay of him that made it k, hee made me<^> not ? Orflullthe thing framed fay of him that framed it -fhe had no vndcrjlandwg ? Ilay,2«r.T5. 2 ~o» take Council J £*; not of me > and joa Convinced of judgment. 53$ you cover with a covering , but not of my fir it , that you may adde fnne to fnne : ( I ft. 30, 1 .) Buc the fyirit of mm, is the candle of the Lord, fearehtng all the inward farts of the belly : ( p oh. 20. 27. ) Af^ ^Af fjw £e&?/df A/x .£)tf- Itdstry the Children of men : (P aim. n. 4. ) To giue every Man a&orA.ng to his wayes, and according to thc^ fimt of his dooings : lerem. 17, 10. Pialcoe, 13?* 2>&C. o£. Butwilinotaguiftiathehsnd* pacific Gods wrath ? A. The LQ RD your GOD, is the God of Gods, and Lord of Lords 9 * great G O Z> ; 4 mights and a terrible ; which regardeth not per Jons , mr taketh rewards : ( Dcur. 10, 17, j JF>r **/^j» Btaftofihe Forrejiis his, W *if CjX- tell vponathoufand Hils. Hee knometh allthe' Fowles of the iSAountaines , and the mid Beajis of the Fetid are his. If he were hungry he would not tell thee \ for the world is iir, and thefulnejfe thereof* PM .50.10 Mm 1 Where* 5J4 The Wicked Wherefore then dot you harden your hearts a* the ^.'vpiians, And Pwa a h bardenedther hearts : (i S&m.6 6.)For ' ' becaufe there is wrath , beware leaji hee j take you away with his firoie s then a great ranfomc cannot deliver thee Wdl hec ^ j eflecme thy riches f No not Cold , nor j *£ the Forces of finngth : lob. $6, Ob. Wbarfoeucr you can fay, I know chat GODS mercies, doe furpaffc j (the meafarc of our finnes , and hce ehac rmde v*, will fauc vs. A. He that rnidc you will not haue mer- cy on you , and hee that formed you will fhew vou no favour • ( Ifa. 27. u.J But i» $4// ^w^ f0 ^4^ ; when you ^r* *& iiwifr of this curfe y and you £/fj/i your fcluc> tn your ^rf , faying • Wee jhallhaue peace, though wee walkeinthe imagination of our hearts , f* a^tafe Drunkennefft to thirft -t tbt LORD m. II not fare you , £*f /A«f the anger *f*he LORD, ** 3,4.) And hee will fay vnto you , goe , and cryvnto your GODS which yee haue c ho fen ; let them deliver yen in time of your Tribulation t Iudges., 10, 14. No? that the LORDS handisfhortned3 that it cannot faue , neither his care hea- wte that it cannot heare. But yotu tn;aui*> ties haue feparared betweene von , and your GOD, and your ftnnes, M m 4 banc J)* The Wicked haut hid his face from you, that he will not heart. For your bands are defied with hlouds and your fingers with iniquity; your lips haue fpokon iyes , jour tongues hath muttered perverfenejfe^j : Hay, 59> I- Whet fore behold he will bring evillvp- itoyou , which youjhall not bee able to ef- cdpe, and though yoo cry vnto him 5 yet hee will not hearken vnto you.- Ier, ir. ii. riofea. 5^. ludg.n. 7.ICIM4. 12.7.13. Ob. Ir Mercie cannot bee had for our owne fakes, ycc by the Prayers 5 of the Righteous ^ and for their righte- oufti£0c fake, wee fhall bee deliue- fed. A. Though tlsefe three men Noah, Daniil, and I03 were "in it, they Jboald deliver but there owne foules , by their righteoufnejfe , faith the LORD GOD : (Ezck.i4.44 ) And though Mo- ses dnd Samyb l flood before mee , yet mj mind could not be towards this people ; cafl Conuinccd of judgment. 5*7 ^d/l them out of my fight, and let them got foorth : Ierem. 15. 1. Therefore, they Jhallmt fray for this people , nor lift vp cryt or prayer for them y neither tnireat mee , f or 1 will not heare them, faith the L 0 R D : lercm.j. 16. 14. n. 11. 14. 15. 5. 16.5. Oh, JluxmllG OD Jeffrey the righ- teous with the wicked ? ( Gene£ 18. 23.) Or /ball one man finnes , and mil hre bee wrath with all the Congregation? Numb. 16.22. A. Dtd not A c h a n commit a tref- pajfc in the ac cur fed thing, and wrath fell on all the Congregation of Israel? And\\$$ periled not alone tn his Iniqui- ty f Iofh.22. 20. 2.Chron. 28. 19. Notwithfbnding runneyee to and fro, through the fireets o/Iervsaiem; and fee now, and know^ and fee he in the bread f laces thereof \ if yee can finde a man $ if there bee any, that executeth lodgement, that feeketh the Truth 3 and J will far- dontt : Izu 5, l< But 5 } 8 The wicked But from the leatt of you to f£o great eft of yon 5 every ones is given t$ Covet ovfneffc; and from the P/ophet e- V ven to the Pneft , rt/^rjf and his goods with all that hoc had burned with pre .• (lofhua^ 7. 2 5- ) Woe therefore bee vntothec^^ mil thou not bee made tkane ? When jball it once bec~> ? JUre&tfah* 13, 27. Chap. LIHI. 5 4© The wicked Coauerted. Chap. LI1IL Of the Wicked Concer- ted. ■jQ^ TF^ur fiwne guiltincfTe dcfertie -*-fuch inevitable Iucteemenrs, goe thou mere , andheare all that the^> Lord our God [hall fay . and fpeake thou vnto vs, all that the LORD our GOD (Jjall fpeake vnto thecs , and wee will hear e tty and doe It : DcuceroD. 5.27. A. The 10 R D ba*h heard th veyce of your xords . and fad vnto mee ; I haue heard the wyce of the words of this fee fie, which they have f pel: en vnto thee ; they haue well [aid all thai they haue fpc~ ken. O that thereby werfjuch an heart in them, that they would feare mce , and keep my cowman dements alwayes , that it might het-j well with them, and with 7 he Wicked Conuerced. 541 mth their Children for ever : Dcutcr. 5. 28. Butytt dffembled in your hearts* when yeefentrmvntothe L O R T> ynur G art, faying $ Fray for.vsvnto the LORD^r GOD, and accord?** to all that thc^> LORD our G O D "/hall fay, fo declare vnto its, and wee will doe it* K^indnow ihaueihisday declared it vnto you ; but yee dee not obey the voyce of the LORD your GOD, nor any thing .for the which hee hathfent me vnto you. Now therefore know certainly that ytejhall dye by the^j Sword, by the Famine , and by the Ptfti- knee ^ in the f lace whether yee defirete goe> andtofowurne : ( ler. 42,20.,) For yee cannot feme the LORD; for hee is *n holy G C D 5 he UaiealomGod\ he will not for g'ttcyo m tranfgrefiions>and fwnesx Iofhua^^. tj. Hew lon% then halt yet between* two 0- fimons > If the LORD bee GOD fol- low him fbut if Baa l , then follow Aim : (i, Ktng. i8« 21.) And hearken to 5 4>& Thswick jd Conuerted, to mee, yecswen 0/ England, that € 0 D alfo may hearken vnto you .• ( Iurfg. 9. 7. ) Qiue glories to the Lord Jour GOD, before hee caufe darfaejfoi and before pur feet Jlu*pble vpon thts darbe CMountatncs ; while yee lookefor light j heesturneit into the Jhadow of death % and make it groffe darhneffes. But if yee will not heare it7 n$i Sonic fhaB weepc in fecret places for your Prides, and mine eyes flail weepc (ore > and runne downe with teares , becaufe the Lords JFlocke u earned away captiues : Icrcm. J>^ Wee baud incfed, befrdes all other Sinner , diflimbled with ike L o k b ; &4it now tie Lorn G 0 D of Cods , the Lord GO D of Goth hee know, eth^ ( loih. 22. -2. ) thai £/*» av# wees ferue, and his voyce will wee obey : (loCtu 24. 74. ) T L 0 K D bee a true , and fail/ wi%nejf$ betweenes i*s , tf we dear: according to ail things > jot ihe ho^-o thy Gob' The wicked ConusrtedL 545 G e d fhallfend thee to vs. Whether it bee good, or whether it bee eviU^weewiS. obey the voyce of the LORD our GO D^ to whom wee (end thee ; that it may bee well with vs , when wee obey the voyce of the Lord our GOD: leicrc*.423 5. lofh. 24, 21,24. A. Then gird your loynss , and U* ment , yee Fr/ejls , howle yee CMinifiers of the Altar: come lye all night in Sack- doAth, yee Minifiers of my GOD, &c, * Sand; fie yee a Fast, cailafolemne Affcm- Sly. gather the Elders,andall the inhabi- tants tf tht Land, into the houfe of the Lord jour God, and cry vnto the Lord: L>e!, 1,13. Ier.4 14, ZepH> 2, i.Icd 2,12, 15, Iona,3 8. loc\j,i%* Pfal. 46, 8. Lam, 2, 14. iod^sy. lam, 48. ) Sayiog, We^tJ. acknowledge our wic- ked/iejfe , and the iniquities of our Fa- t hers ; for wee haue finned dgainH thee : (lercai. 14, 20.) Wee haue finned > and haut committed iniquities , and hant done 5 44 The wicked dove wickedly , and haue rebelled , even by departing from thy precepts, and from thy Judgements. Neither bane wee hear- \ hened vnto thy fervants the Prophets , which flake in thy Nam^j, to our ] Kings our Princes , And our Fathers, and to all the peoples of the Land. O LORD, right eoufnejfe belongeth vnto the?, but vnto vs confufion of faces, at at this day • ' becaufe of oar trefpafj^, that wee haue . tre/pajjed again ft thee t ( Dm. 95 5- ) O our G 0 D > wee are - afhamed* and blufb , to lift vp our face to thee, our GOD \ for our iniquities are mcreafed over our head , *W our trefpajje is grorvnt^ vp vnto the Hea- vens. <^And now , 0 our GOD, what Jhall wee fay after this f For wee haue forfaken thy Commandements : Ezra,?, 6, io. O LORD, wee befeech thee^j , let now thine eare bee attentiue to the Pray-, if of thy fervants , who defire to feare thy Name, and do$ confejfe our finnes which The Wicked Conucrtcd. j 45 which we have finned dgd'mfithee^hotb wc andovktfdthers boufc haue finned (Nehc. 1.11.16.) K^ind hdue gone dfirdy UhUJt fheepe 5 there fore fee ke ihyfcr*dnts,for we will not forget thy Commdndements : ( PfaJra. ii0. 1 j 6. ) Turne vs dgdine, 6 GOD of hefts y dndcaufe thy fdec tefhint9 dndwtfhdlibefdued: (Pfal.80.7.) DoG than incline our hedrt vnto thsc., towdlU in thy wayes, And to keefe thy Commdndt* ments , and tby Jlatutes 7 dnd thy Judgements , which thou cemntdn* dedjl oar Fdthers : (i.King. 8.58.7 Th*t which we fee not teach thou vs 5 // wee h*ne done iniquitie wee will dot no wore: lob. 34,3-2,13, 23. Pfalna*, 8©. 18. Pfaku?,i43.8. 2 Doc you take hold of hkfrtngtb , thdt you ntgy mdke pedee with him , dnd fonjhdll wdkefUct with him : ( Ifa. 27. 5.) And thereby good JhdB come vnto then lob* 22. 21. And bectufe 00 man commit h vnto the 54* The wicked Coaucrtcd. FdtfterM hCHRlST :(lohr, 14.6.) N vr yhio CHRIST, exerp the Father draw him: ( I >hn, 6 44,) Therefore fr.iy2 faying 5 Drawme^ we w 11 run after thee: Can.r 4 3 IVafiyee make jou cleanc \ fat away the eviS of jour doings ft om bef$re mint eyes ; ceafeto dccevill, learns to does mil $ feeze Judgement \ reUeue thes of . frejfed, tudgethe Fathcrlejje , fcadftr the Wtddow. Come now 3 and lot vs reafon together faith the^ LORD; though jour fnnes bees as farlet , they fiallbee as wbieasfnow\ thovb thef bee red like Cr:r»fon , thef fhali ' *e as WoolL (l 1. 1. 16 ) Tet the LOiD mX wait that he may hi ne mem vp*>* i* " therefore w II he bee e *a 'ted that he md y iaae com f aft. 01 vfonjou , for the LOKI-) is thes \j O D of Judgement : lr\ ;o, 18. , u.Z'ch. I j.8.i<5. Itr. 18, 11 Ma .3y7.Pfal.44. 4 Bccingthuscoawcited, youfkouli eater Mercy vpon Repentance. 5 47 enter into 4 Covenant withthe L O R D your GOD, and into his oath „ irA/fA *£* LORD year GOD (b&\\t*dke with you : Co fhall heefiabltfhyou this day for 4 peo- ple vnto kimfelfe and be vnto you a Cx>cJ, as he hath (aid vnto jou, and as he<^ hath fwore vnto jour Fathers : Dccr.2^, it. N.heouab, 9. 38. a, Chronicles, 15,12.23. 3. 2, Chronicl. 2^.10,34.} 1. Eira.io.?. Q. Goodisthewordofthes LORD which thou haftfpoken : (Ifa.gp 8) Wee dee therefore enter r#fo a Covenant , that vrt willhe the Lords people:(kt>Chroi'i.2^ 1 6*) L^nd \* er, cut Wives, out Sonne* s */w/ our Daughters, even every one of vs, having knowledge and vnderjtanding % doe heere enter into a Curfe , and mo a* Qdthtomlkeiti GODS Law, which w&5 given by MOSES, the Servant of GOD, 4nd to obferne and doe allth^j Commandements of the LORD our Go d, 4nd his Judgements , and his Statutes : (Nch. 10.28. ) 7he Lord our Codwilt wee N» % fcr*** 548 Mercy vpon Repentance, fir tie, and his voice will wee obey : Iofh, 24.24.Nehcn\p. %X. A. Then haste you delivered your fclucf ,out of the hand of the Lord : (Iofh, 2 i, 5 r. ) And as you haut avouched thes LORD this day to bee your GOD, and towalke in his wayes, and to ktcft his Sta- tutes , andCommandements, and his judg- ments, and to hearken vntohts voyce^io the L o r d hath avoochedyou this day to bee hit peculiar feofk \ as he hat hpt em: fed you% and that youjhould \keefe alibis Qom* wandements, and to make yen h;ghabeue^> all Nations which he hath made, in prat ft, and in name, And in honour, and that yec^> may bean holyfeofle vntothe(L ORD your GOD, asheehathffoken : Dcuter* 26. 17. ) K^ind chc(e vciy fionesjhall bee a witntjje vnto you \ for they haue heard all the words of the^> LORD, which hee hath jf ok en vnto you \ xhtyfhaHbcca mtnejfe vnto you Jeafiyee deny your Gpp: loft. 24.27. For this taufc,wee alfi will not ceafe to The Conclufion. 54 9 fray for you, and t ode fire thatyeemayhtt fitted with the knowledge oflmwii, im aS Wtfedome^ andprituall vndgrfiamkngx thatye&s may walke worthy of the h © *i> vnto all f leafing -, heemg fruitful. vnto everygoodworke ,. and. mreafing wthes knovdedge-of God : Cok.\:9^. Now the GOD of pace that brought againefrom the dead , our LORD I h- sv $,that great Sbepht&rd^ of the Sheept, through the blood of the everlajlmg Cove- nant j make you ferfe6l in every good worke, to docs his will \ working in yon that which is well pleAfwg in his fight, through IesvsChrist;( Heb. 13. 20.) Kndour LORD Ihsv $ Christ himfelfe, andG 0 D, even our Father , whichhath loved vs y and hath given vs ever lafling con folat ion , and good hopes through Gr ace y comf$rtyour hearts , and fiabli^you in every good word >and worke: 2,TbcCa, itf. Nowvnto him that is able to heepeyo* from failing, andtopr/fentyaufauMep, Nn 3 hftn 5 50 The Conclufion, before t he frefence of his ghryjvith excee- ding f0j $ to the ently wife G, arid Sa- viour, be Glory, and (Maiejly , Dominion, and Power, now, and ever : Iud. 24. i^indnow Brethren I commend yon to GOD, and to the Word of bit Graces , which is able to build yon vf , and to fJne y&ttan inheritance among all them which areSanfttfed : A£&,2o. 32. The Grace of onr Lord I s s y s C mist bee withyon aUy Amen. Revd. 22 21. FINIS, r . 1 r^%"K,-: