!I. The Music and Song of the Ages.. By T. H. EoBiNSON, D. D., Harrisburg, Pa. THE 9 EVANGELICAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. EDITED BY Professor in Pennsylvania College. VOL. XXI— NO. LXXXIII. JULY, 1870. GETTYSBURG : J. E. WIBLE, PRINTER, S. E. COR. WASHINGTON B. R. STS. 1870. WANAMAKER & BROWN, MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Corner of Sixth and Market Streets, PHILADEPHIA. Eeady made Suit3 from $9 to $60. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT for those who prefer their goods, made to order. -M^^^^s/^^^^VA^^** CLAXTON, REMSEN & HArFELFINGER, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 819 & 821 Market Street, Philadelphia, Have just issued new editions of the following Books ; being important and valuable aids to Clergymen, Students, Bible Class and Sabbath School Teachers, and all others seeking helps to the study of the Scriptures. COMPREHENSIVE COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY BIBLE; De- signed to be a digest and combination of the advantnges of the best Bible Commentaries, and embracing nearly all that is valuable in Henry, Scott and Doddridge. Conveniently arranged for family and private reading, and, at the same time, particularly adapted to the wants of Sabbath School and Bible Classes ; with numerous useful tables, and a neatly engraved family record. Embellished with Engravings on wood and steel, of Scrip- ture scenes, and illustrative of Scripture manners, customs, antiquities, etc. Edited by Rev. William Jenks, D. D., Boston. In six volumes, royal oc- tavo, illustrated with six new descriptive colored maps, engraved on steel. Price $20 00. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE. By Rev. B. B. Edwards. Tiie whole brought down to the present time, and embracing under one alphabet, the most valuable part of the works of Calraet, Brown, E ush, Abbott, Wells, and Jones, on biblical history, biography and criti- cism. Designed as a complete book of reference on all religi