LIBRAEY OF THE Theological Seminary, PRINCETON, N. J. Case, *0>-^v-^ Shelf, ^Q)Csf Se . ... Booh, VA» 1 X Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library . /\M «**3 1993 T HE0L0G1 C A L „. B OOlTs En Jporefgn Hanguagcs, INCLUDING THE SACRED WRITINGS; FATHERS, DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH, SCHOOLMEN, AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORIANS, To the Death of Boniface VIII. A.D. 1303; JEWISH AND RABBINICAL COMMENTATORS ; WORKS OF THE REFORMERS, AND OF MORE RECENT DIVINES, Ascetical, Dogmatical, Polemical, and Exegetical ; LITURGIES, RITUALS, AND LITURGICAL LITERATURE ; COUNCILS, SYNODS, AND CONFESSIONS OF FAITH; Jttmtagtir $tetort> a»& &"If J CANON AND ECCLESIASTICAL LAW; CHURCH POLITY AND DISCIPLINE ; HEBREW AND SYRIAC LITERATURE ; ETC. ETC. ON SALE BY DAVID NUTT, THEOLOGICAL AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLER. NO. 270, STRAND, AIJD TRUBNER & CO. AMERICAN AND CONTINENTAL BOOKSELLERS, NO. 60, PATERNOSTER ROW. LONDON:— MDCCCfA I I. [entered at STATIONERS-HALL.] LONDON : WILI/I4M STEVENS, PRINTKH, 37, BELT. TAKD, TEMPLE SAB. CONTENTS Page THEOLOGY in Foreign Languages, alphabetically arranged . 1 BIBLES, TESTAMENTS AND PORTIONS OF SCRIPTURE . . 20 Polyglots, Triglots, Hebrew, Greek, Syriac and Latin . 20 Codices, Vari^e Lectiones et Editiones, vel Greece vel Latine edente M. F. Const. Tischendorf , .... 25 The Uncanonical Books „ . . . . . . .32 Modern European Languages : Dutch, French, German, Gothic, Icelandic, Italian, Polish, Romaic, Romanese, Russian, Servian, and Swedish ...... 33 Oriental Languages : jEthiopic, Arabic, Armenian, Car- shim, Coptic, Persian, Singalese, Turkish and Malayan 37 BIBLE PRINTS ... 39 BIBLIOGRAPHY, connected with Theology and Oriental Literature . . . . . . . . . . .41 BIBLIOTHECA Clericales, J. P. Migne 49 BRITANNICARUM Rerum Scriptores .... 66, 69, 288 CANON AND ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, Church Polity and Dis- cipline 81 CORPUS Scriptorum Byzantine Historic .... 104 COUNCILS, Synods, Canons, and Decrees ; Catechisms, Arti- cles, Injunctions, and Confessions of Faith . . . 105 COUNCIL OF TRENT 122 FATHERS AND DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH, Schoolmen, Ecclesiastical Writers, and Historians, to the Death of Boniface VIII. a.d. 1303 . . 144 Alphabetical Arrangement ....... 145 Bibliothec^; Patrum 157 — 162 Catenae Patrum 207 Patres Apostolici ......... 205 Patrum Commentarii in Vetus et Novum Testamentum . 145 Patrum Epistol^e, Opuscula et Fragmenta .... 208 Patrum Homelike, seu Sermones ...... 187 Patrum Spicilegia 209 Poet^l Christiani Veteres ....... 215 Library of the Fathers ........ 229 IV CONTENTS. FATHERS AND DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH, Etc. Nova Bibliotheca Patrum Angelii Maii .... 1G0 Nova Collectio Scriptorum Veterum Ang. Maii . . . 220 Spicilegium Patrum Romanum Ang. Maii .... 209 Auctores Classici et Patristici Ang. Maii .... 392 HEBREW AND SYRAIC LITERATURE, including the Samari- tan, Chaldee and Syriac Versions, Rabbinical Commen- taries of the Jewish Fathers, Jewish History and Anti- quities, and Concordances, Grammars and Dictionaries . 258 HISTORICI SCRIPTORES Romano-Britannia et Anglic, nec- non Neustria, HibernijE, et Scotije ..... 298 LITURGIES and Liturgical Literature 339 Jewish Dispensation 339 Christian Dispensation, Primitive, Apostolic, and Alex- andrian Churches '........ 339 Greek Church ......... 341 Church of Rome: Rituals, Service Books, etc.. . . 343 Church of Rome and Primitive Church : Liturgical Col- lections and Commentaries ...... 3G2 Nestorian Churches ........ 373 Reformed Churches : The Anglican, Calvinistic, and Luthe- ran 373 MANUSCRIPTS 396 MONASTIC HISTORY, Rule, Discipline, and Inner Life of the Religious Houses . . . ^ 417 augustinians .......... 417 Benedictines .......... 419 Carmelites ...... .... 425 Cistercians .......... 425 Carthusians .......... 427 Dominicans and the Inquisition . . . . . . 430 Franciscans .......... 432 Society of Jesus . . . ; .... 449 PORTRAITS 498 SCOTTISTS AND THOMISTS APPENDIX, forming also an Alphabetical Index of all books, included in the various classes, not already referred to in the alphabetical arrangement of the Catalogue ADVERTISEMENT. " THE IMPORTANCE and the necessity of learning to a Chris- tian teacher,'" says Bishop Horsley, "evidently appears from God's miraculous interpiosition, in the first ages, to infuse learning into the minds of those who by education were unlearned. For if the attainments of learning were of no importance to the true and effectual preaching of the Gospel, to what purpose did that God, who commanded the light to spring out of darkness, by an exer- tion of the same Almighty power, light up the lamp of knowledge in the minds of uneducated men ? The reason of this extraordi- nary interposition in the early ages was, that for the first pro- mulgation of the Gospel no abilities to be acquired by education were sufficient for the Teacher's office. And the reason that this extraordinary interposition hath long since ceased is, that Christianity having once taken root in the world, those inferior abilities, which may be attained by a diligent improvement of our natural talents, are now sufficient for its support. But in all ADVERTISEMENT. ages," he proceeds to say, " if the objections of infidels are to be confuted ; if the scruples of believers themselves are to be satis- fied , if Moses and the Prophets are to be brought to bear witness to Jesus of Nazareth ; if the calumnies of the Jews are to be repelled, and their misinterpretations of their own books con- futed ; if we are to be ' ready,' — that is, if we are to be qualified and prepared, — l to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us,' — a penetration in abstruse questions, a quickness in philosophical discussion, a critical know- ledge of the ancient languages, a familiar acquaintance with the Jewish history, and with all parts of the Sacred Writings, a sound judgment, a faithful memory, and a prompt elocution — are talents, without which the work of an Evangelist will be but ill performed." To promote these ends, by bringing together a carefully selected stock of Theological Books in foreign languages, has been the aim of the publisher of the present Catalogue, and, to attest his diligence, he confidently appeals to the lists of editions of the Sacred Writings, occupying twenty pages— of copies of Fathers of the Church, Doctors, Schoolmen, and Ecclesiastical Histo- rians, filling eighty -five pages — of Liturgies and Liturgical Lite- rature, extending over forty-one pages — of Councils and Synods, including Canons, Decrees, and Catechisms, and Articles and Confessions of Faith, in nineteen pages — of Canon and Ecclesi- astical Law, defining Church Polity and Discipline, in thirteen pages — of Monastic History and Rule, as also of works connected with the Society of Jesus, and its propagandist labours, particu- larly in America and the East, in forty-three pages — of the dis- ciples of Aquinas and Duns-Scotus, the Thomists and Scottists, in three pages — of Hebrew and Syriac Literature, with Jeivish History and Antiquities, Rabbinical Commentators, and their opponents, in twenty -two pages — and of Literary History and Bibliography conducive to the Study of Theology, in eight pages. These classes, however, form but a small portion of the contents of the 600 pages of which the entire Catalogue consists ; for there is also scarcely a single work of any note in Dogmatical, ADVERTISEMENT. Ascetical, Polemical, or Exegetical Theology, or relating to Ecclesiastical History and Antiquities, published in Latin, and but few in German, which will not be found enumerated in the general alphabet; whilst the principal French, Italian, and Sjianish Divines, and other great pulpit Orators of the Continent, who have written in their native languages, have in no case been intentionally overlooked. The Catholicity of our common faith is placed on too broad a basis to allow of the exclusion of the labours of any members of Christ's Church — Apostolic Christians and Fathers ,■ Primitive, Alexandrian, and Mozarabic or Galli- can Liturgies, as also those of the Nestorian, the Greek, and Latin Churches — particularly of the Church of Rome, as settled by the Council of Trent — and of those Churches which profess Teutonic Christianity — the Anglican, the Lutheran, and the Genevan ; the Ecclesiastical writers of the first thirteen cen- turies, to the death of Pope Boniface III., authors of the Scholastic period, and of the age of the Reformation, indeed Romanist and Protestant divines since the invention of printing, orthodox or heterodox, including Socinians and Rationalists, Puritans and Pietists — all claim admission into the pages of a bookseller s catalogue devoted to Foreign Theology. In some few cases only have books been inserted not actually in stock, but most of these can be supplied from abroad at the prices stated, excepting, it may be, where the price is placed within brackets ; but even then that price is so approximate to the market value, that the publisher entertains no doubt of being able to furnish the book with as little delay as possible, as also all publications now in progress, or in contemplation, as soon as they appear on the Continent; for every new foreign work in Theology, History, Philology, and the Belles Lettres, is always immediately imported and added to the stock. A trader's first object, it has been well said, is to sell his wares, and that object can be best attained by fairness in describ- ing the article offered to the public. Such has been the pub- lisher's desire in the introduction of analytical, literary, and descriptive notes to many of the books ; and though he has not always given his authorities, they have only been omitted when the ADVERTISEMENT. opinions of several critics arc embodied in the same note. Indeed, many of these notices are the contribution of a literary friend, who has pursued the study of bibliography with unremitting dili- gence for more than thirty years, during the greater part of which he has been in daily communication with some of the first scholars of the day, whose memoranda on fly leaves and else- where he was allowed to copy, and which in the present catalogue are distinguished as "MS. Notes." TJiese notes give the volume a claim to be considered something in the light of a Handbook of Foreign Theology, and it is hoped that it will be found to possess sufficient merit to hold the rank of an useful satellite to " Home's Introduction/' which obviously excludes many books enumerated in these pages, as also to the " Manuel du Libraire" of M. Brunet, where even Theological works of the highest class are but seldom enumerated. In conclusion, the publisher would express his heartfelt thanks for the kind patronage bestowed upon his establishment for upwards of a quarter of a century, and the continuance of which he hopes to merit by constant attention and care in rendering his stock of Foreign Theology daily more and more perfect and complete. D. NUTT. 270, Strand, London, Feb. 1, 1857. DAVID NXJTT'S CATALOGUE. FOREIGN THEOLOGY, INCLUDING CANON LAW, AND HEBREW AND SYRIAC LITERATURE. ABiELARD ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Abarbanelis (Rabbi Isaaci) Commentarius luculentns in Varies Vet. Test, libros ; vide : Hebrew Literature and Abrabanelis. 1 Abbadie (Jacques) Traite de la Verite de la Religion Chre- tienne; 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 5s. Amst. 1719 2 ■ — Le meme ; avec des Notes explicatives ; 3 vols, thick 12mo. sewed, 7s. fid. Dijon, 1826 3 Abbatti (Roberti, Sarisberiensis Episcopi, et Georgio Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi fratris, olim e Col. Baliol. ap. Oxon.) Anti-Christi Demonstratio contra fabulas pontificias et ineptam Rob. Bel- larmini Disputationem. Accessit Jacobi I. Anglise Regis de Antichristo Commentatio ; small 8vo. new in calf; old style, £1 . Is. Londini, R. Barker, 1 608 Bishop Abbott was less Calvinistic in his views than his brother the Arch- bishop. His polemical writings are much esteemed. 4 Abelly (Lud.) Medulla Theologica ex Sacris Scripturis Concilio- rum Pontificumque Secretis et Sanctorum Patrum ac Doctorum Placitis expressa ; 2 vols. 12mo. vellum, 10s. Aug. Find. 1754 5 Idem liber, Editio Nova ; 2 vols, sewed, 6s. 6d. Ratisbonae, 1839 6 Abrabanelis (I.) Praeco Salutis, Latine ab I. F. C. Maio ; prae- mittitur Vita Auctoris; 4to. bds. 5s. Franco/. 171 1 7 Abrami (Nic.) Pharus Vet. Test, sive Quaestiones Sacrae, et Libri iv. de Veritate et Mendacio; folio, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1648 8 Abresch (F. L.) Dilucidationes Thucydideae (passim loca Nov. Test, illustrantur) ; 8vo. vellum, 7s. (id. Traj. ad Rhen. 1755 9 Animadversiones ad iEschylum. Accedunt Annotationes ad quaedam Loca Novi Testamenti ; 8vo. (730 pp.) sewed, 7s. Medioburgi, 1743 10 Abul Pharagixjs. — Bar Hebrsei Chronicon Syriacum e Cod. Bod. ediderunt P. J. Bruns et G. G. Kirsch, qui Versionem et Notas addid.; 2 vols, in 1 ; 4to. fine paper, half bound, vellum, £2 2s. Lips. 1789 Written in the 13th century; it abounds in most valuable information respecting the Oriental Christians at that period. — "An elegant writer of the Syriac tongue, a poet, physician, and historian. The account of his life and writings is perhaps the most curious article in the Bibliotheca of Assemannus, under the name of Gregorius Bar-Hebrseus." — Gibbon. 2 David nutt's catalogue. [theology. 11 Acerrellos (R. S.) Die Freimaurerei in ihrem Zusammenhang mitden Religionen der alten Aegypter, der Juden und der Christen ; 2d edition, 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. cloth boards, 10s. 6d. Leipzig, 1836 The History of Freemasonry. 12 Ackermann (F.) Archaeologia Biblica, breviter exposita ; 8vo. sewed, 6s. 6d. Viennae, 1826 13 Introductio in libros sacros Veteris Foederis; 8vo. sewed, 5s. ibid. 1825 14 Ackermann (P. F.) Prophetae Minores perpetua annotatione illustrati; 8vo. (pub. at 13s. (id.), sewed, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1830 15 Ackermann (C.) Das Christliche im Plato und in der Platonischen Philosophie, entwickelt und hervorgehoben ; 8vo. sewed, 5s. Hamburg, 1835 10 Acosta (A.) Commentaria, in capita 49 Genesis de Benediction- ibus XII. Patriarcharum ; in librum Ruth ; in Threnos Jere- miae ; in Ionam ; in Malachiam ; folio, hogskin, scarce, £1 Is. Lgd. 1641 17 Acta Sanctorum collecta et illustrata, cura J. Bollandi alioumquaPresbyterorum Theologorum e Societate Jesu; Venetiis, 1734-61. Acta Sanctorum Bollandiana Apologetica libris vindi- cata ; Antverp, 1755, 43 vols, folio, vellum, very scarce [.=£63]. Venetiis et Antv. 1734-61 The continuation, being the volumes for September and October, is in course of publication at Brussels, and will consist of 8 vols, similar to No. 18. A list of the contents will be found in the appendix. vide : Assemanni Acta Martyrum ; Giry Vies des Saints ; Li- pomani Vitae Sanct. ; Lippeloo Vitae Sanct. ; Martyrologie ; Mar- tyrologium ; Rosweydus ; Surius ; Voragine Legenda Aurea ; Zontani Codex Constit. Canonizationis ; etc. 18 Acta seorsum edita : Acta S. Theresiae a Jesu, Carmelitarum Strictioris Observantiae Parentis (Saec. XVI.) Commentario et Observationibus illustrata a Josepho Vandermoera ; folio, portrait, views of Religious Houses and Churches dedicated to her, altar- pieces, reliquaries, relics, the saint's cell, tomb and oratory, &c. folio, sewed, £2 2s. Bruxelles, 1845 19 Idem, folio, plates, calf, antique style, £2 12s. 6d. 1845 " Holy Theresa is one of the greatest souls that God hath raised up for the good of Christianity : a parent for the Church through her knowledge and writings, and a model of penitence by her austerities. She is a prodigy of wisdom and of sanctity. Her works are not sufficiently known." — Clement XIV. Acta Concilii IV. Constantinopolitani, vide : Concilia. Acta Synodi Dordrechti Annis 1618-19 habitse ; vide: Concilia. Acta et Statuta Synodi Suessionensis 1855 ; vide : Concilia. 20 Acta Canonizationis Sanctorum, Pii V., Andr. Avellini, Felicis a Cantalicio et Cather. de Bononia a Clemento XL habitse, collecta per Justinianum Chiapponi. Accedunt Dis. de Mysteriis Obla- tionum in Missa Canonizationis et Acta Beatificationis Joannis Franc. Regis, folio, plates, 9s. Romae, 1720 AcTEsetHistoiredel'Eglisede Paris; vide: Bibliotheca J. P. Migne. 21 Actionem et Monimenta Martyrum eorum qui a Wycliffe et Iiusso ad nostrum banc aetatem (in Europa) Veritatem Evangelicam Sanguine suo constanter obsignaverunt : (opera et studio Io. THEOLOGY.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 3 Crispini) small folio, fine copy in hogskin, scarce, £1 Is. Geneva, 1560 In the very curious and lucid introductory chapter respecting the persecu- cutions of Wycliffe in England, Crispin gives the letter of Pope Gregory to Richard II., dated June, 1378, and also, " Conclusiones Joanis Wiclefi, Lambeti in Conventu Episcoporum propositi, anno 1377," which led to that letter. Amongst the martyrs of England is found an interesting memoir of Ann Askew, and an account of the martyrdom of William Gardiner in Portugal, as also a sketch of the life and death of Lady Jane Grey. Adamus, Praemonstratensis, Scotus ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Ado, Viennensis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. .ZElnothus Cantauriensis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. ^Elvredus Rhievallensis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Agathias ; vide : Corpus Script. Byzant. Agnellus, Andreas ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Agobardus ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 22 Agricola (I., Soc. Jes.) Historia Provincise Soc. Jesu Germanise superioris, sex primas annorum complexa decades (ab Anno, 154 1 ; ad Aunum, 1590) 2 vols, in 1, folio, hogskin, 12s. Aug. Find. 1/27 23 Ejusdem Historia Provincial Soc. Jesu Germanise superioris ab Anno, 1541 ; ad 1590 ; continuata ab Ad. Flotto (ad annum, 1646) 3 vols, in 1, folio, calf, 18s. Aug. Vind. 1734 Aguierre Conciliorum Collectio ; vide : Councils. Alanus de Insulis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Alan us Tewkesberiensis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 24 Albaspinus (Gabr.) de Veteribus Ecclesise Eitibus, et Notse in Concilium Eliberitanum, et quosdam alios ambiguos Canones, et aliquot Tertulliani libros, 4to. calf, 10s. Paris, 1623 25 Alber (Joan Nep.) Interpretatio Sacrse Scripturse per omnes Vet. et Nov. Test, libros ; Jo' thick volumes, 8vo. allegorical frontis- piece of the Fallot' Man and the Atonement, £4 4s.Pesthini,1801-4 This is an Hermeneutic and Exegetical Commentary, undertaken in 1790, in conformity with the Canon of the Council of Trent : " Ut Scriptura Sacra, qua Fons omnis et salutaris Veritatis, et Morum Discijilina sit, non tantum discatur, verum etiam edicatur a Clericis," and by desire of the Primate of Hungary, who required the Regius Professor of Theology to prepare it for Divinity students. At the time that post was filled by the author, and, after ten years of laborious toil, he produced his first volume, having during that period perused all the Commentaries and Homilies of the Fathers of the Church upon the Scriptures, whose identical words, whenever it was possible, are introduced and mingled with his own. The book is but little known in this country, though much esteemed in its own. 26 Ejusdem Institutiones hermeneuticae Vet. Testamenti ; 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, 12s. Pesthini, 1827 Al3ertus Magnus; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. 27 Alberto (Jos. Ant. de S. Arzobispo de La Plata en America) Coleccion de Instrucciones Pastorales ; 2 vols. 4to. calf, 10s. 6d. Madrid, 1786 28 Alberti (J. A.) Observationes Philologicse in Sacros Novi Foederis Libros; 8vo. vellum, 5s. Lugd. Bat. 1725 29 Alcasar (Lud. ab. Soc. Jesu) Vestigatio Arcani Sensus in Apo- calypsi (Paraphrasis,Commentaria, et Annotationes) — Opusculum de Sacris Mensuris et Ponderibus ; folio, many plates, fine copy in calf, scarce, £ 1 15s. Antcerpiee, 1614 4 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. Alculpus ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Aldhelmus; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Alegambe Bibliotheca Soc. Jesy, vide : Bibliography. 30 Alexandri (Natalis) Theologia Dogmatica et Moralis secundum ord. Catech. Concilii Trid. ; 2 vols, folio, half bd. vellum, 18s. Colon, 169S 31 Ejusdem Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Novique Testamenti ob Orbe condito ad Annum 1600 p. C. ; et in loca ejusdem in- signia Dissertationes Historicse, Chronologicse, Criticse 10s. Romee, 1755 This valuable and learned work discusses the chronological records of all nations, with regard to the origin of their churches. 79 Ejusdem, Dissertatio de Syris Monophysitis, folio, sewed, uncut, 14s. ibid. 1730 8 DAVID nutt's catalogue. [theology. Assemani (Jos. S.) Bibliotheca Orientalis ; vide : Bibliography. Joseph Simon Assemani was Archbishop of Tyre and Keeper of the Vatican. 80 Assemani (Steph. Ev.) Acta SS. Martyrum Orientalium et Occidentalium ; accedunt Acta S. Simeonis Stylitse, 2 vols, folio, vellum, folio, £3 13s. 6d. ibid. 1748 Stephen Evodius Assemani, nephew of Joseph Simon, was also Keeper of the Vatican, and Archbishop of Apamea. 81 Assemanus (J. A.) De sacris Ritibus ; Item Episc. Successionensis Opusculum de vero Ecclesise Sensu circa Sacrarum Ceremoniarum Usum ; 4to. boards, title soiled, 6s. ibid. 1757 82 Ejusclem Commentarius de Ecclesiis, earum Reverentia et Asylo, atque Concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii; access. Tractatus Jos. de Bonis de Oratoriis Publicis, ac Eortunati a Brixia de Ora- toriis Domesticis ; folio, sewed, 15s. ibid. 1766 83 Idem liber; folio, vellum, 18s. ibid. 1/66 Ejusdem Codex Liturgicus ; vide : Liturgies. Joseph Aloysius Assemani was cousin of Stephen Evodius, and held an appointment under him in the Vatican during the pontificate of Benedict XIV Asterius ; vide: Eathers and Schoolmen. Athanasius (S.) ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 84 Atias (Rabbi Isach) Tesoro de Preceptos donde se encierran las Joyas de los seyscientos y trezc Preceptos, que encomendo el Senor a su Pueblo Israel ; 4to. old morocco, scarce, 15s. Venet. 1627 Attallota ; vide : Corpus Script. Byzant. Atto Vercellensis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Augustana Confessio; vide: Concilia. 85 Augusti (J. Ch. G.) Chrestomathia Patristica ad Usnm eorum, qui Hist. Dogm. discere capiunt ; 2 vols. 8vo. 7s. Lips. 1812 86 Idem liber ; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. half bound, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1812 87 Idem liber; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. vellum, 9s. ibid. 1812 88 Idem liber; 2 vols. Svo. half russia, 9s. ibid. 1812 Vol. I. Ex Patribus Grecis. Vol. II. Ex Patribus Latinis. 89 Ejusdem Corpus Librorum Symbolicorum qui in Ecclesia Reformatorum Auctoritatem publicam obtinuerunt ; 8vo. sewed, (published at 14s.) 8s. Elberfeld, 1827 90 Idem liber; 8vo. half bound, calf, 9s. 6d. ibid. 1827 91 Beitrage zur Geschichte und Statistik der Evangelischen Kirche ; 3 vols. Svo. sewed (published at 18s.) 9s. Leipsig, 1837 92 Desselben Cbristliche Alterthuemer ; 8vo. 3s. ibid. 1819 93 Desselben Denkwiirdigkeiten aus der Christlichen Archaeo- logie, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die gegenwsertigen Be- duerfnisse der Christlichen Kirche; 12 vols. 8vo. boards (pub- lished at £4 4s.) .£1 18s. ibid. 1817-31 94 Dasselbe ; 12 vols. 8vo. half bound, £2 18s. ibid. 1817-31 Augusti's celebrated work, to which the Origiues of Bingham forms the foundation, treats more fully than its prototype on all matters connected with Christian Antiquities. 95 Desselben Feste der alten Christen ; 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. bds. (published at 21s.) 10s. 6d. ibid. 1817 96 Desselben Grundriss einer historisch-kritischen Einleitung in das Alte Testament; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 182/ THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 9 97 Augusti (J. Ch. G.) Handbuch der Christlichen Archeeologie ; 3 vols. 8vo. sewed (published at £ I 8s.) 10s. 6d. Leipzig, 1836 98 Desselben Lehrbuch der Christlichen Dogmengeschichte ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. (id. ibid. 1835 99 Desselben System der Christlichen Dogmatik nach dem Lehrbegriffe der Evangelischen Kirche im Grundrisse dargestellt ; 2nd edit. 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1829 Augustinus (Sanctus) ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. 100 Augustini (Antonii,Archiepiscopi Tarraconensis) Opera Omnia (cum Prsefatione Jos. Roschii, et Oratio Funebris Andr. Scotti) ; 8 vols, folio, portrait, vellum, very scarce, £8 8s. Lucae, 1765-74* Vol. 1. De legibus et senatusconsultis. ,, 2. Constitutionum Graecar. cod. Justiniani collectio et interpretatio. — Commentarii ad Justin, institutiones, et alia. ,, 3. G. von Mastricht Historia juris ecclesiast. — De emendat. Gra- tiani. — Canones pcenitentiales. — Constitutiones provinc. Tarra- conenses, et alia. „ 4. Antique collectiones decretalium c. August, notis. ,, 5, 6. De synodis et pseudosynodis. — Juris pontificii veteris epitome. — Repertorium Decisionum Itotse. ,, 7. Bibliotheca graeca, MS. Latina, MS. mixta. — Epistolse. — Fragmenta Historicorum. — Varro, Verrius Flaccus, et Pomp. Festus ex bibl. August. „ 8. Dialogi de nummis, Hisp. et Lat. — Antiquiora numismata. — Opus- cula et fragmenta, numerous plates. One of the greatest jurists of any age, and the first who applied a know- ledge of Roman inscriptions and antiquities to elucidate the laws of Rome. He attended at the marriage of Queen Mary, with Philip II. of Spain, at Win- chester, in 1554, as Nuncio from Pope Julius III., and was afterwards pre- sent at the Council of Trent, in 1562. He was created Archbishop of Tar- ragona in 1574. where he died twelve years later so poor, from the great extent of his charities, as not to have left sufficient for his funeral expenses, but with the reputation of leaving behind him not only no equal in Spain, hut also in the whole of Europe besides, in knowledge both of Canon law and antiquities. 101 Augustini (Ant.) Epistolse Latinse et Italicse, editse a J. Andresio ; 8vo. sewed, 6s. Parmee, 1804 102 Augustini (S. Abb. Einsidl.) (Ecumen. Tridentini Concilii Veritas inextincta ex prsesumptuosa Henrici Heideggeri Anatome His- torico-thelogica ; 5 vols, in 2, folio, calf, scarce, £\ 5s. Einsidl. 1684 See Heideggeri Concilii Tridentini Anatomia. 103 Ausonii (Dec. Mag.) Opera, Jac. Tollius recensuit, et integris Scaligeri, Accursii, Freheri, Scriverii, selectis Gronovii Aliorum- que Notis, et suis Animadversionibus illustravit ; 8vo. fine copy, in vellum, 15s. Amst. 1671 " Eine seltene, schoene und besorgte Ausgabe." — Fuhrmann. 101 Ayguani (M.) Commentaria in Psalmos Davidicos : 2 vols, in 1, folio, 12s. Lugduni, 165'2 105 Aymerich (M., s. J.) Nomina et Acta Episcoporum Barcinonen- sium ad Historise et Chronologise Rationem revocata ; 4to. por- trait of Bishop Assensio Sales, calf, scarce, £\ Is. Barcinone, 1 7C0 With polyglot inscription and commendatory verses in Greek, Hebrew, and * c 10 DAVID NUTT'S CATALOGUE. [THEOLOGY. Latin. The documents, in most cases, are given at length, accompanied by chronological abstracts, &c. 106 Atmon (J.) Actes ecclcsiast. et civils de tous les Synodes Nationaux des Eglises Reformees de France ; 2 vols. 4to. calf, 1 6s. La Haye, 1/10 10/ ses Monumens Authentiques de la Eeligion des Grecs et de la Faussete de plusieurs Confessions de Foi des Chretiens Orientaux ; 4to. half bound, vellum, £,\ Is. ibid. 1/08 "Aymon vola de la Bibliotheque du Roi I'Onginal des Actes du Synode de Jerusalem, tenu en 1672 et 1073, et les fit imprimer ici avec les lettres de Cyrille Lucar." 108 Les memes, 4to. calf, 18s. ibid. 1708 Originally a Roman Catholic priest, he turned Protestant, and then went back to his former communion, when he was employed by the Cardinal de Noailles to write against the Reformed Churches. See also : Cyrill-Lucar. 109 Babor's (Joh.) Alterthiimer der Hebraeer; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Wien, 1/94 Backer, Bibliotheque des Ecrivains dela Soc. Jes. ; vide: Biblio- graphy. 110 Bacchini (B.) Lettere Polemiche contro il Sign. Giacomo Picenino, Miuistro in Soglio; 4to. large paper, calf, scarce, £1 Is. Altorf, 1738 Bacchini in these letters attacks the "Apologia" and " Trionfo," of Picenino, written .in favour ot Protestantism. They were posthumous, and published by the " Nuovo Societa in Altorf," and a life of the author is pre- fixed, with a list of his works, most of which appear to have been privately printed, which accounts tor their scarcity. After the publication of his curious diary had led to his banishment from Parma, he devoted himself to collecting materials for the History of the House of Este, and bequeathed them to Muratori. He died in 1721 at Bologna, where he filled the chair of the Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 111 Baehr's (Carl. Ch. &c.) Commentar iiber den Brief Pauli an die Kolosser ; 8vo. sewed, (published at 6s.) 3s. 6d. Basil. 1833 112 Desselben Lehre der Kirche in den ersten 3 Jahrhd. ; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Sulzbach, 1832 113 Desselben Protestantische Gottesdienst vom Standpunkte der Gemeinde ; 8vo. sewed, Is. 6d. Heidelberg, 1850 114 Desselben Symbolik der Mosaischen Cultus ; 2 vols. 8vo. boards, (published at £\ 6s.) 15s. ibid. 1837 115 Bagatta (B.) Admirandge Orbis Christiani ad Christi firmandam et Christianam Pietatem fovendam ; 2 vols, folio, hogskin, 15s. Venet. 1680 1 1 7 Bahrdt's (C. J.) Entwurf einer unpartheiischen Kirchengeschichte N. Testaments; 12mo. boards, 2s. 6d. Frankfurt, 1773 118 Ejusdem Systema Theologise Lutheranse Orthodoxse, cum brevi Notatione Dissensionum recentiorum ; thick 8vo. boards, 4s. 6d. Halae, 1/85 Bail Summa Conciliorum ; vide : Councils. 119 Baku (Reinhardi) Commentarius Exigetico-practicus in Psal- terium Davidis ex Patribus nostrisque Doctoribus elucubratus ; 3 parts in 1 vol. folio, vellum, £\ Is. Franco/. 1664 Baldericus Noviomensis ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Bal-ei Scriptores ; vide : Bibliography. THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 11 120 Ballerinus (P.) de Vi ac Ratione Primatus R. Pontificis et de ipsorum Infallibilitate in definiendis Controversiis Fidei ; 4to. half bound, 6s. Aug. 1 770 12 1 Idem liber ; nova editio, cum Appendice ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. Taurini, 1822 122 ■ Idem liber ; editio alia, 8vo. sewed, 5s. Monast. 1845 123 ■ Ejusdem Liber de Potestate Ecclesiastica S. Pontif. et Conciliorum Generalium ; 4to. half bound, 5s. Aug. 1770 124 Idem liber; editio nova, 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Monast. 1847 " Peter and Jerome Ballerini, the editors of several editions of the works of other ecclesiastical writers, are celebrated also for their profound know- ledge of ecclesiastical history." — Clement XIV. 125 Baltus (P. Soc. Jesu.) Defense des SS. Peres accuses de Pla- tonisme; 4to. calf, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1711 126 Reponse a l'Histore des Oracles par M. de Fontenelle ; 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 5s. 1709 127 Baluzius (St.) Capitularia Regum Francorum. Additse sunt Marculphi et aliorum Formulae veteres, et Notae doctiss. Virorum. Item Tractatus de Missis Dominicis Fr. de Roye ; 2 vols. fol. sewed, £1 4s. Venet. 1772 128 Idem liber; 2 vols, in 1, fol. vellum, £1 10s. ibid. 1772 " Baluze est un de ceux qui ont rendu de plus grands services a l'Eglise et a la Republique des Lettres par l'application continuelle de rechercher les MSS. des bons auteurs et de les conferer avec les Editions. . . Nous lui devons la belle edition des Capitulaires." — DuriN. 129 Ejusdem Miscellanea, h. e. Collectio Yeterum Monu- mentorum, quse hactenus latuerant in variis Codicibus ac Bibliothecis ; 4 vols. 8vo. calf, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1678 1 30 Idem liber ; editio altera, novo Ordine digesta, et non paucis Monumentis Ineditis aucta, a J. D. Mansi ; 4 vols, folio, uncut, £2 5s. Lucae, 1761 131 Idem; 4 vols, folio, vellum, £2 16s. ibid. 1761 Ejusdem Nova Collectio Conciliorum ; vide : Concilia. Stephen Baluzius was librarian to the famous Colbert, to whose noble collection of Manuscripts Ecclesiastical History is so greatly indebted. Bakck Roma Triumphans ; vide : Pageants. 132 Barbeyrac (J.) Traite de la Morale des Peres de l'Eglise; 4to. uncut, 6s. Amsterdam, 1728 133 Barbos^e (Aug.) Praxis exigendi Pensiones, cum Votis plu- rimis Decisivis et Consultivis Canonicis, etc. ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, hogskin, 12s. Lugduni, 1653 Ejusdem Collectanea in Cod. Just. ; vide : Canon Law. 134 Baerf.nsprung's (W.F.) Predigten ; 12mo. sewed,Is. Leip. 1826 Barnabas (St.) ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 135 Baronii (Cardinalis, Csesaris Sorani). Annales Ecclesiastici (ab Adventu Domini N. Jesu Christi ad annum, 1198) ab Auctore ante obitum aucta, ct jam denuo recognita ; 12 vols, in 6, folio, vellum, £4 4s. Coloniae, 1621 137 — Idem liber; alia editio; 12 vols. Antverpice, Plantin, 1612. — Accedunt Annales Ecclesiastici ad annum, 1534, auctore Oderico R,aynaldo ; 8 vols. Romae, 1646. — Necnon An- 12 DAVID NUTT's CATALOGUE. [ THEOLOGY. nalium Continu.itio ad annum, 1640; per Henricum Spondanum ; 3 vols. Lutetiae, 1(541 (not uniform). — In all 23 vols, folio, calf, scarce, £10 10s. Antv. et Paris, 1612-41 See : " Pagi Apparatus Criticus in Baronii Annales." 138 Baronii (Cardinalis, Csesaris Sorani) Annales Ecclesiastici cum Continuatione Raynaldi : Accedunt Critica Historico-chrono- logica, A. Pagi Apparatus ; Notse, J. D. Mansi, et Indices ; 38 vols, folio, vellum, [£42]. Lucae, 1753-87 Baronii Annales in Epit. redactee a Britio ; vide : Arabic Books. The Annals of Baronius furnish the only complete and connected account of Christian affairs, during the first twelve centuries of the Church, and with the Supplements of Raynaldus and Spondanus, and the Chronological Ap- paratus of Pagi and Mansi's Notes, hring the Ecclesiastical History down to the year 1C40, in one continuous narrative, introducing documents from the Papal Archives, which serve to elucidate profane history at the same time, and to which, in the earlier portion more particularly, Baronius had access both as Cardinal and intimate friend and confessor to Pope Clement VIII. 139 Baronii (Card. Cses. Sor.) Epistolse et Opuscula, ace. Vita, recen- suit annotationibusque illustravit R. Albericius ; 3 vols. 4to. vellum, £1 10s. 1759 140 Barradii (Seb. Soc. Jesti) Opera et Vita ; 5 vols, in 4, folio, hogskin, £ 1 16s. Aug. Find. 1742 The zeal and eloquence of Barradius in preaching, gained him the title of " The Apostle of Portugal." 141 Ejusdem Commentaria in Concordiam et Historiam Evangelicam ; 4 vols in 2, folio, hogskin, £1 5s. Mogunt, 1618 142 Idem liber ; 4 vols, in 2, folio, vellum, £1. ibid. 1618 143 Idem liber, alia editio ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, 15s Antw. 1617 144 Barral (L. M. de) Defense des Libertes de l'Eglise Gallicane, et de 1' Assemblee du Clerge de France, en 1 682 ; ou Refutation de plusieurs ouvrages, publies recemment en Angleterre sur l'lnfaillibilite du Pane ; 4to. cloth, 9s. Paris, 1817 Bartolocci (J.) Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica, et J. C. Imbonati Bibliotheca Latino-Hebrsea ; 5 vols. ; vide : Bibliography. Basilius Magnus ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Basilius Seleuci^e ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Basilicorum Libri ; vide : Canon Law. 146 Basnage (Sam.) Annales Politico- ecclesiasticse AnnorumDCXLV, a Caesare Aug. ad Phocam usque ; 3 vols, folio, vellum, £1 8s. Roterod. 1706 147 Basnage (Jacques) Histoire de l'Eglise depuis Jesus Cbrist jusqu'a present; 2 vols, folio, calf, gilt backs, £\ Is. Rotterd. 1699 148 La Meme ; 2 vols, folio, vellum, 18s. ibid. 1699 Basnage, one of the most celebrated French Protestant divines of the last century, retired to Rotterdam on the revocation of the edict of Nantes, where he devoted himself to the study of ecclesiastical history. In 1707 he was appointed one of the ministers of the Walloon Church at the Hague, and held in much esteem by all parties. 140 Histoire des Juifs depuis Jesus Christ, jusqu'a present; 15 vols. 12mo. calf, £1 10s. La Haye, 1/16 Bassi Bibliotheca Juris ; vide : Canon Law. 150 Bassaei (E.) Flores totius Tbeologiae Practice, Sacramentalis et Moralis; 2 vols, folio, hogskin, 18s. Lngduni, 1663 THEOLOGY.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 13 151 Bassaet (E.) Flores Theologire in compendium redact., sive Sum- ma Summse par Greg. Salmanticensem ; folio, 10s. Lugd. 1678 Batavia Saricta ; vide : Van-Heussen. 152 Batthyan (Ignatii Comitis de, etTransilvanije Episcopi)' Leges Ecclesiastics Regni Hungarije et Provinciarum adjacentium ; 3 vols, folio, numerous plates' of seals, attached to the many important historical documents and chartulanes with which the work abounds, which is itself of great rarit}r, having been privately printed, half bound, uncut, £4< 14s. 6d. Albae Carolina typis Episcopalibus, 1785 ; et Claudiopoli, 1827 Bishop Batthyan commenced this very important collection of public records as early as the date of the title of the first volume, but did not issue it till 1827, and, though a few copies were distributed to his more intimate friends, they were so few as scarcely to have been seen beyond the walls of the bishop's palace. His address to the reader explains this, and, as it is short, may be extracted entire : — " Paucis me expediam," are his words, " unum alterumve verbum auribus tuis insurrandum babeo. Scire nimirum te volo, opus hoc nunc primum, seu inclinito jam anno 1787 evassise proe- lum ; annum tamen refert anteriorem, quo de edendo opere cogitatio sus- cepta fuerat ; porro typis cceperat exscribi Claudiopoli, quia autem hie con- summatuae fuit, Albam Carolinam, quorsum pars typographies hujus com- migravit, apponere visum fuit. Valejara." — And accordingly books and types appear to have accompanied the bishop; for the second and third volumes were printed at Clausenburg (Claudiopoli) "typis quondam Epis- copalibus," and the first only is dated from Carlsburg, better known as "Weissenburg (Alba Carolina). In the latter a long dissertation of ninety- six pages explains the bishop's plan, who then proceeds to a chronological arrangement of his most curious and valuable documents. The work is, in fact, a collection of public synodical acts, councils, records and charters, and other documents connected with the kingdom of Hungary and the adjoining provinces, including Transylvania, of which the author was bishop. They date from the earliest period to 1515, and appertain as much to history and antiquity as to ecclesiastical law, though the title of the book would not lead one to expect anything but a dry work on canon law. The plates, which are most delicately and accurately engraved, are extremely beautiful specimens of ecclesiastical seals. 153 Bauer's (E.) Christenthum der Apostel ; 8vo. (published at 7s.) sewed, 4s. 6d. Dresden, 1847 154 Desselben Geschichte der Grundung und Fortbildung der Deutschkatholischen Kirche ; 8vo. 3s. 6d. Meissen, 1845 155 Bauer's (G. L.) Entwurf einer Einleitung in die Schriften des Alten Test. 8vo. bds 2s. 6d. Nilrnberg, 1794 156 Desselben Ilandbuch der Geschichte der Ilebraischen Nation, von ihren Entstehung bis zur Zerstcerung ihres Staates ; 2 vols. 8vo. 6s. Nurnberg, 1800 157 Dasselbe; 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s. ibid. 1800 158 Bauer's (Br.) Kritik der Evangelischen Geschichte der Synop- tiker; 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. cloth (published at SI Is.) 10s. 6d. 150 Dieselbe, Zweite Auflage ; 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, 18s. Leip. 1846 160 Desselben Religion des Alten Testaments, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 9s. Berlin, 1838 161 Baveri (C. L.) Glossarium Theodoreteum ad Usus Exegeticos et Criticos separatim editum ; thick 8vo. sewed, 6s. II alee. Magd. 1775 14 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 162 Baumgarten (Dr. Mich.) De Fide Libri Estherae Commentatio Historico-critica ; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Halle, 1839 163 Baumgarten-Crusius (L. F. O.) Lehrbuch der Christlichen Sitten-lehre ; 8vo. 3s. Leipzig, 1826 164 Desselben Lehrbuch der Christlichen Dogmen-Geschichte ; 2 vols. 8vo. (published at 15s.) 7s. 6d. Jena, 1831 165 Desselben Compendium der Dogmatik ; 2 vols. 8vo. (pub- lished at 12s. 6d.) 6s. Leipzig, 1840-6 166 Desselben Exegetische Schriften zum N. Test, herausg. von J. C. Th. Otto (Commentar zu der 4 Evangelien, den Briefen an die Rcemer, Galater, Ephes., Philipp., Col., und Thessal.) 3 vols. cr. 8vo. sewed, 12s. Jena, 1844 The volumes are sold separately. 167 Baumgarten-Crusius (L. F. O.) Commentar uber den Brief Pauli an die Romer, Herausg. v. E. J. Kimmel ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1844 168 Desselben Theologische Auslegung der Johanneischen Schriften, vol. 1, (Evang. Einleitung und Auslegung von cap. 1—8) 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1843 169 (G. A.) Schrift und Vernnnft fur denkende Christen ; 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. boards, 5s. Berlin, 1796 170 Baur's (F. C.) Gegensatz des Katholismus und Protestantismus nach den Principien und Hauptdogmen der beiden Lehrbegriffe ; 8vo. half bound, (published at 9s. 6d.) 6s. Tubingen, 1836 171 Desselben. Christliche Gnosis; 8vo. sewed, (published at 10s. 6d.) 6s. 6d. ibid. 1835 172 Desselben Kritische Untersuchungen uber die Kanon- ischen Evangelien, ihr Verhiiltniss zu einander, ihren Charakter und Ursprung ; 8vo. sewed, (published at 10s. 6d.) 6s. ibid. 1847 1 73 Desselben Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit und Menschen- werdung Gottes ; 3 vols. 8vo. (published at £2), £1 6s. ibid. 1841-3 174 Desselben Lehrbuch der Christlichen Dogmenge- schichte ; 8vo. sewed (published at 6s.), 4s. Stuttgart, 1847 175 Desselben das Manichaeische Religionssystem, nach den Quellen neu untersucht und entwickelt : 8vo. 5s. 6d. ibid. 1831 176 Desselben so genannte Pastoralbriefe des Apostels Paulus ; 8vo. 2s. 6d. Stuttgart, 1835 177 ■ ■ Desselben Ursprung des Episcopats in der Christlichen Kirch e ; 8vo. boards, 2s. Tubringen, 1838 178 Bauii (G.) Der Prophet Amos erklfert ; 8vo. cloth (published at 9s.) 5s. Giessen, 1847 179 Baxter (R.) Methodus Theologize Christians, folio, plates, fine copy, vellum, 10s. 6d. Londini, 1684 180 Bayle (Pierre) Dictionaire Historique et Critique ; 4 vols. folio, with both lives of David. Best edition, calf, very neat, £2 2s. Amst. 1720 " If Bayle wrote his Dictionary to empty the various collections he had made, without any particular design, he could not have chosen a better plan. By the double freedom of a Dictionary and Notes, he could pitch on what articles he pleased, and say what lie pleased on those articles." — Gibbon. THEOLOGY.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 15 181 Beausobre (Isaac de) Histoire de la Reformation, ou Origirte et Progres du Lutherianisme dans l'Empire et les Etats de la Confession d'Angsbourg, depuis 1517 jusqu'en 1530 ; 4 vols. 8vo. sewed, 9s. Berlin, 1/85 182 La merae ; 4 vols. 8vo. German binding, lettered, 14s. ibid. 1/85 This work was written by Beausobre at the request of the King of Prussia, to whom he was chaplain, and was in progress at the date of his death, in 1738, but not published till nearly fifty years after. 183 ■ Histoire Critique de Manichee et du Manicheisme ; 2 vols. 4to. Dutch calf, £\ 16s. Amsterdam, 1734 184 La meme ; 2 vols. 4to. French calf, £2 2s. ibid. 1734 185 La meme ; 2 vols. 4to. very neat, gilt backs, £\ 16s. ibid. 1734 " Why does not some learned man give us a good English version of this most valuable book ? Dr. Lardner made great use of it in his " Credibility of the Gospel History." — Bishop Jebb. — ■ Testament, par Beausobre et Leufant ; vide : Bibles. 186 Bebelii (Bait.) Ecclesise Ante-diluvianse Vera et Falsa; Ec- clesia Noachia ; Ecclesise Evangelica et Judaica : Antiquitates Ecclesise Saec. IV. priorum ; Antiquitates Germanise prima et hac Argent. Eccles. Evang. ; 7 vols, in 3, 4to. half bound, vellum, £2 2s. Argent. 1669-1706 Most of the pieces may be had separately. 187 Becani (Mart, Soc. Jesu) Opuscula Controversiosa, XLIII. — De Republica Ecclesiastica, libri 4. — De Jure et Justitia. — Manuale Controversiarum ; folio, hogskin, clasps, 15s. Moffunt, 1631 Amongst his controversial writings are the Keply to King James I., and the " Refutatio Torturae Torti." 188 Ejusdem Theologia Dogmatica, seu Manuale Contro- versiarum; 4to. vellum, 10s. 6d, Colon. 1750 " Becan, who was chaplain of the Emperor Ferdinand II., was one of the ablest professors of his time." — Dodd. 189 Becchetti (Fr.) Causa dei Vescovi costituzionali della Francia, in risposta al loro libro intitolato : " Accordo dei veri Principi della Chiesa, della Morale, e della Ragione sopra la Constituzione civile del Clero di Francia ;" 8vo. sewed, scarce, 15s. Privately printed, s. 1. 1795 This curious volume of upwards of 750 pages is divided into four books : I. Della Potesta Ecclesiastica. II. Delle Metropoli. III. Delle Elezioni dei Vescovi. IV. Delia Missione Giurisdizione ; and contains, by way of Appendix, an answer to the letter from the " Constitutional" French Bishops to Pope Pius VI. 190 Becilli (Caesaris, Urbinatis, Presb. Congr. Oratorii de Urbe) Evangeliorum Connexio, in qua, Textus Ordine servato, Rerum gestarum Series indicantur ; 18mo. frontispiece, red morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 15s. Parisiis, 1651 In this rare little volume the life of Christ is given consecutively, in the order of events, in the words of the Evangelist from whom the identical passage is taken, to which marginal references are attached. Six tables follow, showing in what one gospel differs from another, what texts illustrate morals and doctrine, and what portions are to be read, according to the calendar, as the gospel for the day, not only on Sundays, but on Saints' days and on every day in the year. 16 david ntjtt's catalogue. [theology. 19,1 Beck's (J. T.) Christliche Lehrwissenschaft nach den Biblischen Urkunden, Vol. I. (Die Logik der Christl. Lehren.) 8vo. (pub- lished at 9s.) 4s. 6d. Stuttgart, 1841 192 Becker (K. Ch.) Wissenschaftliche Darstellung der Lohre von tlen Kiichenbiichern ; 8vo. sewed, Is. Frankfurt, 1831 193 Dieselbe ; 8vo. cloth, lettered, 4s. 6d. ibid. 1831 Beckett (St. Thomas a) ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 194 Beckhatjs (M. J. H.) Ueber die Apokryphischen Riieher des Alten Test, zur Erlreuteruug der Neutestamentischen Schreib- art ; 8vo. sewed, Is. Gd. Dortmund. 1808 Beda Venerabilis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Beelen Chrystomathia Rabbinica ; vide : Hebrew Literature. 195 Beer's (P.) Handbuch der Mosaischen Religion; 2 parts in 1, 8vo. half bound, 3s. 6d. Wien, 1821 196 Beitrage zu den Theologischen Wissenschaften von den Pro- fessoren zu Dorpat ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. Hamburg, 1832 197 Beling (Richard) Vindicise Catholicse Hiberniae, authore Philo- patro Irenaeo ad Alitophilum de Rebus in Hibernia Gestis ab Anno 1641-9 ; 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, £4 4s. Paris, 1650 A rare book, unknown to most bibliographers. " Countrymen, have you read this book ? If not, you know nothing of your history." — O'Conor's Columbanus' Letters. 198 Bellarmini (Cardinalis Rob.) Opera Omnia edente J. Maffeo (Dis- putationes de Controversiis, Opuscula, Explanatio in Psalmos, et de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, cum Supplemento Editoris); 7 vols, folio, portrait, vellum, £6 16s. 6d. Venetiis, 1721-7 Bellarmin, though belonging to the Society of Jesus, differed in many points from its doctriues, and adhered, in the main, to those of St. Augustine. 199 Ejusdem de Ascensione Mentis in Deum, cum annota- tionibus Dieringer ; 24 mo. sewed, 2s. Colon. 1850 200 Ejusdem Disputationes de Controversiis Christians Fidei adversus bujus temporis hsereticos Disputationes ; 3 vols, folio, hogskin, with clasps, £2 2s. Ingolst. 1596 201 Idem liber, alia editio, 3 vols, folio, vellum, £2 2s. Lugduni, 1603 202 Idem liber; 4 vols, folio, vellum, scarce, £3 18s. Mediol, 1721 204 Idem liber ; editio Romana prima ; Ace. Appendix Monu- mentorum Ecclesiast. ad Qusestiones Polemicas etc. ; 4 thick vols. 4to. calf, £5 15s. 6d. Rome, 1832-40 " The most acute, the most methodical, the most comprehensive, and at the same time one of the most candid controversialists of the Church of Rome." — Bp. Marsh. 205 Ejusdem Operis separating de Verbo Dei, et de Christo ; 8vo. hogskin, 3s. 6d. Ingolst. 1587 206 Ejusdem Operis separatim, de Ecclcsia, quae est in Purgatorio, de Ecclesia Triumphante ; 8vo. hogskin, 4s. 6d. ibid. 1590 207 — Ejusdem Operis separatim, de Ecclesia Triumphante ; 8»o. hogskin, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1590 208 Ejusdem Operis separatim, de Gratia Generi Humano in primo Parente Collata ; 12mo. hogskin, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1593 THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 17 209 Bellarmani (Cardinalis Rob.) de Controversiis Operis separatim, de Summo Pontifice, de Translatione Imperii Rom. a Grsecis ad Francos; 12mo. hogskin, 4s. 6d. Ingolst. 1590 210 ■ Ejusdem Operis separatim, de Sacramento Pcenitentiae, de Extrema Unctione, Ordine, et Matrimonio ; 12mo. hogskin, 3s. (id. ibid. 1593 21 1 — — — - de Indulgentiis et Jubileo, libri duo ; 12mo. vellum, 4s. 6d. Colonice, 1600 212 Ejusdem de Officio Principis Christiani, libri tres ; 12mo. vellum, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1619 213 Idem liber, alia editio ; 12mo. vellum, 4s. 6d. Antverpice, 1619 214 Ejusdem De Verbo Dei libri IV. et de Christo libri V. ad Optimorum Librorum fidem edidit Franciscus Sausen ; 8vo. (750 pp.) cloth, lettered, 6s. Mogunt . et Londini, 1856 215 Idem liber; 8vo. calf, gilt, 9s. ibid. 1856 " Cardinal Bellarmin's four books, ' de Verbo Dei, contain the most accu- rate and the most extensive information on the subjects of Scripture and Tradition. On these subjects no author, whether Romanist or Protestant, should venture to write until he has studied the work of Bellarmin." — Bp. Marsh. 216 Ejusdem Explanatio in Psalmos ; 4to. vellum, 7s. Colonice, 1611 217 Idem liber, alia editio ; 4to. vellum, 7s. 6d. Tenet. 1614 218 Idem liber, alia editio ; folio, vellum, 9s. 6d. ibid. 1759 219 Idem liber, editio nova ; 4to. half bound, vellum, 12s. Lugduni, 1855 220 Ejusdem de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis liber unus, cum adjunctis Indicibus XI. et brevi Chronologia ad Annua 1613, cum Continuatione Andr. du Saussay ; 3 vols, in 1, 4to. vellum, 7s. Colonice, 1684 221 Ejusdem Vita, Italice scripta a Jacobo Fuligatto, et Latine redita a Silvestro Petra Sancta; 4to. frontispiece, scarce, 10s. Leodii, 1626 de Doctrina Christiana, Arabice ; vide Arabic Books. 222 Belloy (Pierres) Apologie Catholique contre les Libelles De- clarations, etc., publiees par les Liguez, depuis le deces du Frere du Roy ; 8vo. calf, 4s. 6d. 1585 223 Bench (F., Soc. Jesu) Quinque Martyres, Carminum libri VI. 4to. engraved title, scarce, 10s. Venet. 1591 224 Benecke (W.) Der Romerbrief erlautert ; 8vo. cloth (published at 7s.) 4s. 6d. Seidelberg, 1831 Benedictus (St.), vide : Fathers and Schoolmen 226 Benedicti XIV. (Prosperi Lambertini) Opera Omnia, 15 vols., et Bullarium, 4 vols. ; together 19 vols, in 8, folio, portrait, very fine copy, in calf, £8 8s. Bassani, 1767 227 Idem liber, alia editio, ex Recensione Em. de Azevedo ; 17 vols, in 8, 4to. half bound, calf extra, £7 17s. 6d. Prati, 1839-18— " It is with great injustice that the Italians are accused of knowing nothing but superstitious devotion. Benedict XIV. proved, both by his discourses and writings, the sovereign contempt in which he held everything which was * D 18 david nutt's catalogue. [theology only a trifling attention to church ceremonies." Caraccioli. — His love of learning made him the patron of men of letters; and his profound liturgical knowledge led him to patronize both Stephen Evodius and Joseph Aloysius Assemani, the latter of whom he assisted in his celehrated Codex Liturgicus ; whilst similarity of genius impelled him to draw from obscurity the humble and pious Ganganelli, afterwards Pope Clement XVI. 228 Benedicti XIV. (Prosperi Lambertini) Cseremoniale ; 4to. sewed, 5s. Romte, 1/54 229 Ejusdem Commentarii duo de Jesu Christi Matrisque ejus Festis, et de Missae Sacrificio, ex Versioue Latina Giac. de Giocomellis ; 2 vols. roy. 4 to. vellum, 18s. ibid. 1/90 230 de SS. Missae Sacrificio Commentarius ; 4to. half bound, vellum, 10s. 6d. Aug. Vind. 1752 231 Ejusdem Opus de Servorum Dei Beatificatione, et de Beatorum Canonizatioue ; 12 vols, in 1 1, roy. 4to. vellum, £3 10s. Romce, 1/87 232 Idem liber; acedunt Appeudices V arise, 15 vols, royal 4to uncut, £3 3s. ibid. 1787-90 233 Idem liber in Synopsim redactus ab Eman. Azevedo ; imp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Bruxel. 1840 234 Ejusdem de Synodo Dicecesana, libri XIII. : 2 vols, in 1, 4to. half bound, 12s. Aug. 1769 235 Idem liber, in Synopsim redactus ab Em. Azevedo ; 4to. calf, 7s. Somce, 1766 236 Ejusdem Institutiones Ecclesiastics, Lat. redd, ab Ilde- phonso a S. Carolo ; 4to. portrait, sewed, 6s. Monachii, 1765 237 Idem liber ; 4 to. half bound, vellum, 8s. 6d. ibid. 17 Go 238 Bengel (E. G.) Archiv fur die Theologie und ihre neuste Literatur ; 8 vols, in 10 thick 8vo. boards, £\ 5s. Tubingen, 1815-26 239 Bengel (E. T. de) Opuscula Academica ed. M. J. G. Pressel ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. Hamburgi, 1834 240 Bengel (J. A.) Apparatus criticus ad Novum Test., curante Ph. D. Burkio; 4to. half bound, 9s. Tueb. 1763 241 Bengel (J. A.) Gnomon Novi Test, in quo, ex Nature Ver- borum, Simplicitas.Profunditas, Concinnitas, Salubritas Sensuum Ccelestium indicantur ; 4to. half bound, vellum, 10s. ibid. 1742 242 Idem liber, editio secunda ; 4to. hogskin, 9s. Vim, 1763 243 Idem liber, editio optima, ctjrantibus E. Bengel et J. Stetjdel ; roy. 8vo. cloth, 15s. Tubingen et Londini, 1855 244 Idem liber; roy. 8vo. calf, gilt, £1 Is. ibid. 1855 *** These copies are printed on a superior paper to those intended for sale abroad, expressly for England, and cannot be supplied by other import- ing houses unless from my London stock or that of my co-partners' in the publication. Universally allowed to be the most concise, clear, sound, and, in every way, the best Commentary on the Greek Testament. The following eulogies on Bengel's labours do but re-echo the opinions of all learned men, who are acquainted with the book : — " I never quote this excellent writer without admiring the abilities which have exalted him so much above all his predecessors in the critical knowledge of the New Testament."— Michaelis. " Bengel's invaluable work — a work which manifests the profoundest and most intimate knowledge of Scripture, and which, if we examine it with THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 19 care, will often be found to condense more matter into a line than can be extracted from pages of other writers," — Archdeacon Hare. Bengel (J. A.) Novum Test. Bengelii ; vide : No. 330. 245 Benoist (Elie) Remarques sur les deux Dissertations de M. Toland (l'Homme sans Superstition, et Origines Judaiques) ; 8vo. half bound, 3s. De/f, 1712 246 • Histoire de l'Edit de Nantes jusquas a l'Edit de Revoca- tion en 1683; avec ce qui a suivi jusques a, present; 5 vols. 4to. calf, scarce, £\ 5s. Delft, 1693 Bensew's Woerterbuch des Alt. Test. ; vide : Hebrew Books. Berardi Comment, in Jus Eccles. ; vide : Canon Law. 247 Berchorit (P.) Opera Omnia, seu Reductorium, Repertorium, et Dictionarium Morale, utriusque Testamenti ; 6 vols, in 3, folio, fine copy, calf, £2 2s. Colon. 1630 Berengarixjs ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. 248 Beretarit (Sebastiani) Vita Josephi Anchietse, Soc. Jesu Sacer- dotis in Brasilia defuncti ; 18mo. impressed binding, with clasps, very rare, £\ Is. Colonics, 1617 Joseph Anxieta, a native of Teneriffe, left Portugal in the suite of Acosta, in the year 1553, in his twentieth year. This rare book gives an account < f the first mission of the Society of Jesus to the Brazils, and is but little known. 249 Berger's (I.) Practische Einleitung ins Alte Testament fort- gesetzt von J. C. W. Augusti ; 4 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 18s.) 8s. Leipsig, 1799-1808 250 Bergier (l'Abbe) Dictionnaire de Theologie, etc. ; 8 vols. 8vo. half bound, vellum, 18*. Toulouse, 1823 251 Bergier (l'Abbe) Dictionnaire de Theologie, avec des Notes par Gousset, et d' Articles nouveaux par Doncy, precedee du Plan de Theologie et de Sermons Inedits de Bergier ; 7 vols. 8vo. sewed, £\ Is. Paris, 1852 Bernard (St.) ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 252 Bernardini Senensis (a.d. 1444) Opera Omnia, studio Jo. de la Haye; 5 vols, in 4, folio, vellum, £3 3s. Venet. 1745 253 Berosi Chaldeeorum, Historiacum Commentatione de BerosiVita et Librorum ejus Indole, auctore J. D. G. Richter ; 8vo. 2s 6d. Lipsice, 1825 254 Idem liber; 8vo. half bound, calf, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1825 The History of Chaldea, written by Berosus, a priest of the temple of Belus at Babylon in the time of Alexander the Great, is quoted by Jose- phus and several of the ancients. 255 Berrtjyer (J. J., Soc. J.) Histoire du Peuple de Dieu, jusqu'a la Naissance du Messie ; 7 vols, et Supplt. 1 vol. — Histoire depuis la Naissance de Dieu jusqu'a la fin de la Sinagogue ; 4 vols. — Paraphrase litterale des Epitres des Apotres ; 2 vols. ; in all 14 vols. 4to. uncut, £\ 16s. Paris, 1728-57 " Cette histoire, melee de traits singuliers et brillans, ecrite avec chaleur et avec elegance, tissue avec art, semee de reflexions ties judicieuses, est une preuve que Berruyer etait ne avec beaucoup d'esprit." — Fkller His wiitings were condemned by the Pope on account of the too liberal sentiments. 256 Bertholdt (Dr. L.) Historischkritische Einleitung in siimmt- lichen Kanonischen und Apokryphischen Schriften des Alten und Neuen Testaments ; 6 vols. 8vo. boards (published at £2 2s.) £\ Is. Erlangen, 1812 20 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 257 Bertholdt (Dr. L.) Opuscula Academica collegit Wiener ; 8vo. 3s. Lips. 1824 258 Berti (J. L.) Breviarium Historise Ecclesiastical ; 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf, 4s. 6d. Augusta, 1761 259 Ejusdem Opus de Theologieis Disciplinis ; 7 vols, in 3, folio, vellum, £\ 16s. Uomce, 1/65 This work was attacked as being favourable to the Jansenists, and Berti was accused to Pope Benedict XIV., who, however, desired him to write a vindication of himself, which is contained in this edition under the head of " Integra Adversariorum in Auct. Opuscula necnon Apologet. ejusdem Dissertationes." 260 Berti (J. L.) de Theologieis Disciplinis accurata Synopsis, novis Dissertationibus auxit H. M. Buzius ; 5 vols. 12mo. calf, 15s. Bamberyce, 1770 261 Ejusdem Theologia Historico-dogmatico-scholastica ; 10 vols, in 5, folio, calf gilt, £l lis. 6d. -duff- Vind. 1749 262 Bessoni (Job.., soc. J.) in Canticum Canticorum Solomonis Novse Lucubrationes ; folio, vellum, 9s. Solosce, 1646 Beverigii Synodicon, et Codex Canonum ; vide : Canon Law and Councils. 263 Beyerlinck (Laur.) Magnum Theatrum Vitse Ilumanse, seu Rerum Divinarum Humanarumque Syntagma Catbolicum, Phi- losopbicum, Historicum et Dogmaticum ; 8 vols, folio, frontis- piece, vellum, £3 13s. 6d. Lnyduni, 1666 This is an admirable alphabetical Digest of both ancient and modern know- ledge, sacred as well as profane. 264 Beze (Th. de) Histoire Ecclesiastique des Eglises Beformees au Boyaume de France ; 3 vols. 8vo. half bd. calf, 15s. Lille, 1841 A reprint of the very scarce edition of 1580. It is written in the form of a diary, and records from day to day the successes and reverses of the Reformed Church in France from 1520 to 1563. Ejusdem Annotationes en Nov. Test. ; vide: No. 324 to 326. Ejusdem Vita Calvini ; vide : Vita? Beformatorum ; Epistola ad Elizabethan! Beg. Anglise ; vide : No. 325. 264*Beza (Theodor) nach handschriftlichen Quellen dargestellt von Jo. "Wil. Baum ; 2 vols. 8vo. and Supplement, sewed, (pub. at £1 2s. Gd.) 16s. Leipzig, 1843-52 265 Bezange (H.) Introductio in V. Testamentum Critico-herme- neutico-historica ; 2 vols. 4to. calf, 15s. Styrce, 1765 266 Introductio in IV. Evangelia ; 2 vols, in 1, 4to. portrait of Pius VI., vellum, 7s. 6d. Venet. 1775 BIBLES, BOTH OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, AND SEPARATE PORTIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES. POLYGLOT. 267 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Grseceet La- tine ; cura et studio Benedicti Arise Montani, cum Versione etiam Novi Testamenti Syraica, jussu Philippi II. Hisp. llegis edita ac impressa ; 8 vols, folio, sound copy in old calf \_£V2 12s.] Antverp. Plantin, 1569-72 Vols. I. to IV. contain the Old Testament and Apocrypha. „ V. the New Testament. „ VI., VII. et VIII. Vesio interlincaris, Concordantia?, Lexica et Grammatica. BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 21 268 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Hebraice, Samaritaniee, Chaldaice, Syraice, Arabice, Greece et Latine (cura G. M. Le Jay) 10 vols, royal folio, old gilt calf [.=£10 10s.] Parisiis, 1625-48 269 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta Waltoni et Lexicon Heptaglotton Castelli ; 8 vols, folio, portrait by Lombart, and plates by Hollar, good copy, in calf, gilt backs, £2\. Londini, 1657-69 " Complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum (cum Pentateucho Saraaritano) Chaldaicum, Gra3cum ; Versionesque antiquas, Samaritanam, Graecam, Chaldaicam, Syriacam, Arabicam, iEthiopicam, Persicaru, et Vulgatam Latinam, cum omnium Translafionibus Latinis, et Apparatu, Appendicibus, Tabulis, etc. nee non Grammaticis omnium VIII Linguarum." 270 Biblia Polyglotta in Usum Mauualem, Hebraice, Greece ex LXX. interp., Latine ad Vulgatam, et Germanica Lutheri ; Polyglotten Bibel zum Praktischen Handgebraucb, u. s. w. bearbeitet von Dr. R. Stier, und Dr. K. G. W. Theile, 4 vols. in 6, royal 8vo. sewed, £2 5s. Bielefeld, 1855-6 270* Idem liber ; 4 vols, in 6, royal 8vo. half bound, calf £3 3s. ibid. 1855-6 270f Idem liber ; 4 vols, in 6, royal 8vo. calf extra, carmine edges, £3 15s. ibid. 1855-6 271 Testamentum Novum Tetraglotton ; Archetypum Greecum Ver- sionibus Vulgata Latina, Germanica Lutheri, et Anglica Au- thentica, in Usum Manualem cura DD. C. G. G. Theile et R. Stier. royal 8vo. sewed, 9s. Bielfeldiae, 1855 271* Idem liber; roy. 8vo. half bound, calf, 12s. 6d. ibid. 1855 271f Idem liber; royal 8vo. calf extra, 14s. ibid. 1855 272 Oratio Dominica Polyglotta, DCCCXVI. Linguis et Dialectis, studio et labore Aloysii Auer ; royal folio, beautifully printed, with illustrated title-page, portraits, Introduction and Indexes, in a portfolio, .=£10 10s. Viennae e Typographic/, Imp. 1851 .CONTENTS. 1. The Lord's Prayer in 608 languages and dialects, with interlineary translation, the whole in Roman characters. 2. Bibliographical notices of the translators. 3. The Lord's Prayer in 208 languages in their proper characters, with transcript in Roman type and interlineary versions. 4. Tabular display of the alphabets of all nations, and their equivalent value in the Roman alphabet. 5. Synopsis of Adelung's Mithridates. This wonderful performance attracted universal attention at the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park in 1851, and in consequence a few copies have been permitted to be sold, the book itself having been privately printed at the expense of the Emperor of Austria. — See Book and its Story, p. 186. Oratio Dominica, vide: Adelung's Mithridates. 273 Sermo Salvatoris Jesu Christi, D.N. in Montem (Matth. v.) Greece, cum Versionibus XXXV ; cura et studio Aloysii Auer ; rpyal folio, beautifully printed, in a portfolio, .=£10 10s. ibid. 1851 Printed at the expense of the Emperor of Austria, for presentation to Public Libraries, in Greek, ^Ethiopic, Anglo-Saxon, Armenian, Bengalee, Burmese, Chaldee, Coptic, Cyrillian, Devanagoree, Estrangalee, Georgian, Glagolitic, Hebrew, Hinjaritic, Japanese Katakane, Japanese Firakane, Javanese, Levantine, Magadhee, Malay, Maylayalim, Mandshu, Moeso- Gothic, Multanese, Passapese, Phoenician, Romaic, Russian, Runic, Sama- ritan, Shickhian, Syriac, Tainul, Thibetan, Turkish, Zend, etc. etc. 22 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 274 Psalterium Hebraicum, Greecum, Arabicuin, et Chaldeum, cum tribus Latinis Interpretationibus et Glossis (edente Aug. Jus- tiniani), folio, fine copy, calf, rare, £4 4s. Gen. 1516 In a note on Psalm xix. 4, ("into the ends of the World,") Bp. Jus- tiniani gives a very curious sketch of the life of his townsman, Columbus, and the Discovery of America, with a description of its inhabitants, etc. It is the first Polyglott printed, and contains the earliest specimen of the Arabic character. TRIGLOT. 275 Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Greece et Latine, cum edit. Complutensi dilig. collata. Novum Testamentum Graeco-Lat. Arise Montani ; 2 vols, folio, calf, .£1 4s. Ex off. Commel. 161 (J 275*Testamenttjm Novum Triglottum, Greece, Latine, Germanice, ex Codd. Vett. restitutum a Const. Tischendorf ; oblong 8vo. 7s. Lips. 1854 HEBREW. 276 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis, et Tabula ; 4 vols in 2, small 8vo. (wanting the title-pages to the Pentateuch and Major Prophets) blue moroco, scarce, £1 Is. Antverpiae, Plantin, 1566 " Plantini editio, anni 1566, rarioribus et praestantioribus recensitur." — Jahn. 277 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis ; cum (interlineari) Interpretation Latina Xantis Pagnini Lucensis, cura Benedicti Arise Montani, etc. Accessit Bibliorum Pars, quae Hebraice non invenitur (libros Apocryphos continens) Greece, (cum Versione inter- lineari Latina.) Nee non Chronologia Sacree Scriptures ; Romanes Correctiones in Latinis Bibliis Editionis Vulgatee ; et Novum Testamentum Greecurn, cum Vulgata Interpretatioue Latina Greeci Contextus lineis inserta, et Collatione ejusdem cum Grseca Dictione in Margine apposita ; folio, calf, scarce, £\ 4s. Genevae, 1619 278 Idem liber; alia editio, folio, hogskin, £\ 5s. Lipsiae, 1657 279 Biblia Hebraica et Chaldaica, cum Punctis et Commentariis Rabbinicis, etc. cura Joan Buxtorfii ; 4 vols, in 2, folio, hogskin, £3 10s. Basileae, 1620 280 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis, secumdum ult. ed. J. Athiee a Joh. Leusden recognitam, rec. variisque notis illustrata ab Ev. van der Hooght ; 2 vols. 8vo. best edition, calf, 18s. Amstel. 1705 281 Idem liber; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, gilt back, 18s. ibid. 1705 282 Idem liber; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. the title-page illuminated, black Spanish moroco, gilt edges, 14s. ibid. 1705 283 — Idem liber, cum Punctis, editio nova stereotypa, ex Recensione Aug. Hahnii, cum Preefatione E. F. C. Rosen- miilleri; 12mo. sewed, 6s. Lipsiae, Tauchnitz, 1838 284 Idem liber, cum Punctis ; alia stereotypa editio, edidit Aug. Halm ; 8vo, large print, sewed, 8s. Lips. 1839 285 Idem liber,' cum Punctis, Varias Lectiones, Clavem Maso- rethicam, et Indices addidit Car. God. Guil. Theile ; editio stereotypa ; 8vo. 8s. 6d. ibid. 1849 Of Nos. 283, 284, and 285, copies may be had in morocco and calf bindings. BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 23 286 Biblia Hebraica, sine Punctis, cum Notis Criticis et Versione Latina ad Notas Criticas facta ; accedunt Libri Grseci, qui Deutoro-Canonici voeantur, curante C. F. Houbigant ; 4 vols, folio, calf neat, scarce, £o 10s. Parisiis, 1/53 287 Biblia Hebraica, sine Punctis, cum Variis Lectionibus edidit B. Kennicott; 2 vols, folio, calf neat, scarce, £2 10s. Oxonii, 1/76-80 288 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis, digessit et graviores Lectionum Varietates adjecit Joh. Jahn ; 4 vols. 8vo. scarce, £2 2s. Viennce, 1806 289 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis, olim ad C. Reineccio evulgata, et ad Optimorum Codicum et Editionum Fidem recensita et expressa, nunc denuo ad Fidem Recensionis Masoreticse, cum Variis Lectionibus ex ingenti Codicum Copia, a B. Kennicotto et J. B. de Rossi collatorum, ediderunt Jo. C. Doederlein et Jo. Henr. Meisner; 8vo. fine paper (published at 13s. 6d.), sewed, 6s. Halae, 1818 290 Idem liber; 4to. large paper (published at £1 7s.), 8s. ibid. 1818 291 Biblia Hebraica Manualia, cum Punctis, ad edit, prsestant. ac- curata, studio J. Simonis ; 8vo. (published at 14s.), 6s. ibid. 1828 292 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis, in usum Scholarum Judaeorum, curis Epstein, Ettlinger, Rosenfeld et Willstaetter ; 8vo. cloth boards, 6s. Carlsruhe, 1836 293 Biblia Hebraica, cum Punctis : — La Bible, traduction nouvelle avec l'Hebreu en regard, accompagne des Points-voyelles et des Accens toniques. Avec des Notes Philologiques, Geographiques, et Litteraires, et les principales Variantes de la Version des Septante, et du Texte Samaritain. Par S. Cahen, Dir. de l'Ecole Israelite g. Paris; 18 vols. 8vo. sewed, £6 6s. Paris, 1832-32 294 La meme ; 18 vols. 8vo. half bound, morocco, contents, lettered, £8 8s. ibid. 1832-39 A book long wanted, executed with great fidelity and soundness of philo- logical and critical judgment. 295 La meme (Tome 10, Jeremie ; Tome 11, Ezeckiel ; et Tome 12, Les douze petits Prophetes) ; 3 vols. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Paris, 1839 296 Pentateuchus in Usum Judseorum : Textus Hebraeus cum Ver- sione Germanica " Jiidisch-teutsch," et Annotationibus, litteris Hebraicis impressis ; 8vo. 7s. 6d. Glogau, 1840 297 Pentateuchus Hebraice et Chaldaice (the Hebrew text, the Chaldee translation, and the Rabbinical Commentary by Rashi), etc. ; thick 8vo. cloth boards, 7s. 6d. Kbnigsberg, 1852 298 Pslalterium Davidis : The Book of Psalms, Hebrew and Eng- lish ; 12mo. sewed, Is. 6d. Leipz. 1852 299 Proverbia Salamonis, Hebraice (sine Punctis) et Latine (Ver- sionem Integram ad Hebrseum Fontem) cum Cornmentario Albert! Schultens ; 4to. Dutch vellum, 7s. 6d. Lugd.Bat. 1748 24 david nutt'k catalogue. [theology. 300 Liber Jobi, cum nova Versione ad Hebrseum Fontem et Comment, perpetuo Alb. Schultens ; 2 vols. 4to. vellum, 14s. L. Bat. 1737 301 Idem liber ; 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hogskin, 12s. ibid. 1737 " In all the books of the world you cannot find such strains of eloquence as the reflections of Job. All attempts to paraphrase only enervate them." — Clement XIV. Prophets Minores, et Jeremiah et Ezechiel, vide : No. 289. 302 Jesai.e Liber, Hebraice cum Punctis, secundum editionem Eve- rardi van der Hoogbt, Jo. Simonis aliorumque ed. H. R. Bie- senthal ; 8vo, sewed, Is. Berlin, 1833 303 Hoseas Hebraice et Chaldaice, c. dupl. versione Latina, et com- ment. Ebraicis trium doctiss. Judeeor. ace. annotatt. G. Coddsei ; 4to. vellum, 5s. Lvgd. Bat. 1G21 " It is strange, that persons of a liberal education, whose curiosity often prompts them to take no small pains to learn a modern language, or to acquire so much skill in the Latin and Greek as may enable them to read with ease a classic author, though a heathen, should not be excited by the same curiosity (if by no other motive) to get a little insight into the Hebrew, and to study in their original language (I might call it perhaps, with some, the original language, as a further incentive to the curious), books of so singular a nature, that in all the heathen world of learning there is scarce anything to be met with of the kind; not anything that will bear the least comparison." — Peters on Job. GREEK. 304 Testamentum Vetus ex Versione LXX Interpretum, secundum Exemplar Vaticanum, summa cura edidit L. Bos ; 4to. frontis- piece and maps, calf, 16s. Francqn. 1709 305 Idem liber; 4to. half bound, vellum, 14s. ibid. 1709 306 Idem liber; 4to., fine copy, vellum, 18s. ibid. 1709 307 Testamentum Vetus Grsecum, ex Versione LXX Interpretum, juxta Exemplar Vaticanum Romse editum, cum Libris Apocryphis ; 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, 15s. Venetiis, 1822 307* Idem liber; 3 vols. 8vo. half bound, calf, 18s. ibid. 1822 308 Testamentum Vetus, Greece ex Recensione LXX, secundum Exemplar Vat. cura L. van Ess ; 8vo. sewed, 9s. Lips. 1834 309 Testamentum Vetus, Greece et Latine, juxta LXX Interpretes Editionis Sixti V., P.M. (ex Codd. Alexandr. et Aliis omissa litteris minoribus impressa addidit,) Versionem Latinam Car- dinalis Caraffae adjunxit, et Animadversionibus edidit J. N. Jaeger; 2 vols. 8vo. £\ 10s. Paris, 1839 The editions of the Septuagint, "juxta Exemplar Vaticanum," omit certain passages, and amongst others the latter portion of the 33rd chapter of Jere- miah. 310 TestamentumVcius exVersione Septuaginta Interpretum, ad fidem Cod. MS. Alexandrini, post J. E. Grabe, edidit atque Lectionibus Variantibus, ex Vaticani aliorumque MSS. Codd. illustravit J. J. Breitingerus ; 4 vols. 4to. half bound, £\ 10s. Tiguri, 1730 310* Idem liber; 4 vols, in 2, 4to. hogskin, £1 10s. ibid. 1730 311 Idem liber; 4 vols. 4to. vellum, £\ 18s. ibid. 1730 " It should always be borne in mind, that in the New Testament the Sep- tuagint version is generally quoted and ordinarily alluded to both by our Lord and by the Evangelists and Apostles ; and that therefore, if we tind any BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 25 passages in the New Testament which are evidently founded upon others in the Septuagint, we can hardly explain the former correctly, or enter into their full meaning, hut hy referring to the latter." — Orthodox Church- man. 312 Testamentum Vetus, Greece, cum Variis Lectionibus (eCodicibus plus CC. MSS.) edidit R. Holmes, S. T. P., et post ejus Mortem absolvit J. Parsons ; 5 vols, folio, uncut, scarce, £V2 12s. Oxonii, 1/98-1827 312*Testamentum Vetus, Greece, juxta LXX Interpretes. Textum Vaticanum emendatius edidit, Argumenta et Locos parall. notuit, omnem Lect. Varietatem Codd. Alexandrini, Ephreemi Syri, Frederico-Augustaui subjunxit, Prolegomenis et Epilego- menis instruxit Constantinus Tischendorf ; editio altera, cor- rectior et auctior ; 2 vols. 8vo. the text not divided into verses, but the verses marked in the margin, 12s. Lipsiae, 1856 313 Daniel secundum LXX. ex tetraplis Origenis editus e Chisiano Codice ; folio, 18s. Homes, 1772 314 Idem liber, alia editio; 4to. sewed, 7s. Goetting. 1774 Biblia Gr,eca : — 315 Cs>dex Ephreemi Syri Rescriptus, sive Fragmenta Veteris Testa- menti, Codice Greeco Paris. Seeculi, ut videtur, quint i ; edidit M. F. Const. Tischendorf; royal 4 to. printed in capital letters, with facsimile of the palimpsest MS. £1 7s. Lipsice, 1845 This and the following volume are printed from the celebrated Paris MS. A general title-page to both volumes is given with the present. The price of the two together is £3 10s. 316 Codex Ephreemi Svri Rescriptus, sive Fragmenta Novi Testa- menti e Codice Greeco Paris, quinti, ut videtur, Seculi, edidit M. F. Const. Tischendorf; royal 4to. printed in capital letters, with facsimile of the original palimpsest manuscript, £2 14s. ibid. 1843 This is a careful copy of the celebrated Paris manuscript, printed with moveable types by M. Tauchnitz. 317 Codex Friderico-Augustanus, sive Fragmenta Veteris Testamenti e Codice Greeco, omnium facile antiquissimo, edidit M. F. Const. Tischendorf; square folio, 86 pp. printed in exact facsimile, in four columns to the page, in lithography, with full description bv wav of prolegomena, cloth lettered, (published at £4 16s.) £2 10s. ibid. 1846 This venerable fragment of the Septuagint was discovered by Professor Tischendorf during his travels in the East, and at once secured by the late King of Saxony for the Dresden Library. 318 Monumenta Sacra Inedita, sive Reliquiae Antiquissimi Textus Novi Test. Graeci ex novum plus mille Codicibus per Europam dispersis, edidit M. F. Const. Tischendorf; royal 4to. plates of facsimiles of MSS. £2 14s. ibid. 1846 319 Monumenta Sacra Inedita. Nova Collectio ; sive Fragmenta Sacra Palimpsesta sive Fragmenta, cum Novi turn Veteris Tes- tamenti, ex quinque Codicibus Greecis Palimpsestis Antiquis- simis nuperrime in Oriente repetis. Addita sunt Fragmenta Psalmorum Papyracea, et Fragmenta Evangelistarum Pa» limpsesta, item Fragmentum Codicis Frederico-Augustaui ; * E 26 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. BlBLIA Gr.ECA : edidit /E. F. Const. Tischendorf; royal 4to. printed in Uncial Greek characters, with facsimiles of MSS. £2 8s. Lipsice, 1855 Containing a most valuable palimpsest fragment of forty-eight leaves of a Greek Testament, another of ninety pages of the Book of Numbers, and various others of the Septuagint, filling 140 pages, all in double columns. 320 Monumenta Sacra Inedita. Nova Collectio : sive Fragmenta Evangelii Lucae et Libri Geneseos, ex tribus Codicibus Graecis, quinti, sexti, octavi Saeculi, uno Palimpsesto ex Libya in Mu- seum Britannicum advecto, altero celeberrimo Cottoniano ex Flammis erepto, tertio ex Oriente nuperrime Oxonium per- lato. Addita sunt et Novi et Veteris Testamenti Fragmenta similia, nuperrime in Codicum sex Antiquissimorum lleliquiis inventa; edidit M. F. Const. Tischendorf ; royal 4to. printed in Uncial Greek characters, facsimiles of MSS. (in the press). ibid. 1856 Each of the volumes of this "Nova Collectio " has two title-pages, one relating solely to its individual contents, and the other to that of the entire work, which will extend to 5 vols., and of which only 200 copies are printed. 321 Codex Claromontanus, sive Epistolse Pauli Omnes, Gr. et Lat. ex Codice Parisiensi celeberrimo, Nomine Claromontani ple- rumque dicto, quinti, ut videtur, Saeculi ; nunc primum edidit Constantinus Tischendorf; royal 4to. printed in uncial letters, with facsimiles of both Greek and Latin texts, £2 14s. ibid. 1852 I have placed the whole series of Ancient Fragments of the Greek Scrip- tures recovered by Professor Tischendorf, in his various researches through the libraries of Europe and the East, consecutively, as furnishing many fresh readings to various portions of the Bible. M. Tischendorf has published a Bibliographical account of his discoveries, a copy of which will be found under Bibliography. The Codex Palatinus of a very early Latin version of the Gospels will be found amongst the Latin Bibles, No. 394*, as also the Gospels from the Codex Amiatinus, No. 392. See Apocryphal Books, also No. 312*, No. 355-62, and No. 275*, for copies of his Greek Septuagint and Testament. 323 Testamenttjm Novum (Greece) cum duplici Interpretatione (La- tina) Dis. Erasmi et Veteris Interprets : Harmonia item Evan- gelica (et in earn Indice) et Copioso Indice (in Novum Testa- mentum) ; 2 vols, small 12mo. ruled with red lines, old binding, gilt edges, scarce, 18s. Lutetice, Rob. Stephani, 1551 This is the rarest of the three editions of the Greek Testament printed by Robert Stephens in 1549, 1550, and 1551. 324 Testamenttjm Novum, sive Novum Fcedus, cujus Grseco Textui respondent Interpretationes duee : una Vetus, altera Theod. Bezse. Ejusd. Th. Bezee Annotationes et llesponsio ad Sebast. Castel- lionem ; folio, calf, scarce, 18s. Geneva, H. Stephani, 1565 325 Idem liber, accuratissime emendata et aucta. Accessit etiam Joach. Camerarii in Novum Fcedus Commentarius ; folio, best edition, calf, 12s. Cantab. 104 2 326 Testamenttjm Novum, Gr. et Lat. Theodoro Beza interprete, cum brev. Summis Evangelistarum et Act. Apostolorum. Item BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 27 Epistolarum brevis Explicatio ; 2 vols, small 8vo. in old binding, very scarce, £1 Is. Lutetice, Henrici Stephaiti, 1567 This edition of 1567 is perhaps the rarest of those which Theodore Beza, himself, superintended through the press. It contains the celebrated address to the great Conde, whom Beza attended in the field: " de Verbi Scripti autoritate, et vera interpretatione." This copy has the autograph of Henry Fanshawe on the title-page, and on the fly-leaves of each volume a long and affectionate autograph inscription from Lord Oxford to his nephew, Mr. Orator Harley, whose autograph and motto accompany each. 327 Testamentum Novum (Greece) ; small 8vo. old red morocco, scarce, 15s. Cantabrigiae, T. Buck, 1632 Inscribed on the hack, " S. Whitechurch. A.B. — J. Coll. Reg. Oxon. — Venus and Cupid." Testamentum Novum Greecum, cum Interlineari Interpretatione, cura Benedicti Arise Montani ; vide: Nos. 277 and 278. 328 Testamentum Novum Greecum ; 18mo. calf, 3s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1641 329 Testamentum Novum Greecum, cum Lectionibus variantibus MSS. exemplarum, variarum editionum, etc. studio J. Millii, recensuit Kusteri ; folio, calf, neat, 12s. Roterod. 1710 "A work of admirable industry and judgment. The first rank of a critical editor must be given to Dr. Mill. The prolegomena contain a treasure of sacred criticism, much of which is not to be found in Wetstein. This edition has the readings of twelve additional MSS." — Fabricius. 330 Testamentum Novum, Greecum, cum Apparatu critico, J. A. Bengel ; 4to. fine copy, vellum, 9s. Tub. 1734 331 Testamentum Novum, Greece, cum Lectionibus Variantibus, necnon Commentario pleniore Historiam et Vim Verborum illustrante, opera et studio J. J. Wetsteinii ; 2 vols, folio, calf, gilt back, £\ 14s. 6d. Amst. 1751 332 Testamentum Novum, Gr. et Lat. Textum denuo recensuit ; varias Lectiones nunquam antea vulgatas ex centum Codd. MSS. collegit et vulgavit ; priorum editorum Apparatus retractavit, eorumque Sententias examinavit ; scholia Greeca addidit ; Patrum Greecorum et Latinorum Lectiones notabiliores me- moravit ; Animadversiones criticas adjicit et edidit Christ. Frid. Mattheei ; 12 vols. 8vo. facsimiles, sewed, £1 5s. Rigae, 1788 333 Idem liber; 12 vols, in 6, 8 vo. calf, gilt, £1 16s. ibid. 1788 334 Idem liber ; 1 2 vols. 8vo. half bound, £\ 8s. ibid 1782-8 335 Testamentum Novum, Greecum, recensuit et Criticas Animad- versiones adjecit C. F. de Mattheei ; 3 vols. 8vo. (published at £1 4s.), sewed, 15s. Wittenberg, 1803-6 336 Testamentum Novum, Greecum, perpetua Illustratione J. B. Koppii et aliorum illustratum ; 8 vols, in 12 parts, 8vo. sewed, ^1 lis. fid. Goetting. 1816-32 Any portion of this valuable edition may be had separately. 337 Testamentum Novum, Greece, ex Recensione J. J. Griesbachii, cum selecta Lectionum Variatate ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Lip. 1825 338 Testamentum Novum, Greece, recensuit et Lectionum Va- rietatem adjecit J. J. Griesbach (Ed. III. curante D. Schulz) ; 2 vols. 8vo. half bound, calf, 18s. Berol. 1827; Halae, 1806 28 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 339 Testamentum Novum, Grace, cum Variis Lectionibus J. J. Gries- bach ; 2 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt, £1 5s. Halce, 1827 et 1806 Griesbach's edition formed a new era in the criticism of the New Testa- ment. All parties have united in commendation of the learning, diligence, and labour which he bestowed on his arduous undertaking. It is now again quite out of print, and scarce. 340 Testamentum Novum, Greece, J. J. Griesbachii, emendatum et auctum curante D, Schulz ; vol. I. (Evangelia IV.), 8vo. all published, presentation copy, with an autograph inscription by the editor, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1827 341 Testamentum Novum, Greece, juxta Griesbachianam Recensionem edente Brosset ; 2 vols, in 1, l8mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1831 342 Testamentum Novum, Greece, nova Versione Latina illustratum, in Usum Juventutis editum, auctore H. A. Schott ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. Lipsiae, 1825 343 Idem liber; 8vo. vellum, 7 s. 6d. ibid. 1825 344 Testamentum Novum, Greece et Latine, ad Editiones Complu- tensem et Erasmi/una cum Vulgata Latina et Lectionis Variant.; cura et studio L. von Ess ; thick 8vo. (published at 9s.), sewed, 5s. Tuebingae, 1827 345 Idem liber; 8vo. cloth, lettered, 6s. ibid. 1827 346 Testamentum Novum, Greece et Latine, edidit P. A. Gratz ; 2 vols. 8vo. (published at 8s.), sewed, 4s. 6d. Moguntiae, 1827 The editor has made great use of the Coniplutensian Polyglot in his emendations of the text. 347 Testamentum Novum, Greece, cum Ariee Montani Interpreta- tione Latina, cura C. C. de Leutsch ; 8vo. cloth, 4s. Lip. 1828 348 Testament, das neue, Griechisch nach den besten Huelfsquellen, revisirt mit einer Deutschen Uebersetzung, von H. A. W. Meyer; 2 vols, in 13 parts, 8vo. £2 10s. Goettingen, 1829-50 Each part is sold separately. 349 Testamentum Novum, Greece, Textum ad Fidem Testium Criti- corum recensuit, Lectionum Familias subjecit, et cum Prole- gomenis, edidit A. Scholz ; 2 vol. 4to. in cloth, uncut, new, £2 2s. Lips. 1830-6 349* Idem liber ; 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf bd. russia, £1 18s. 1830-6 350 Idem liber; 2 vols, in 1, 4 to. calf, gilt, £1 16s. ibid. 1830-6 This edition has most valuable prolegomena. — See Beck's " Repertorium," 1829, III. 351 Testamentum Novum, Greece, rec. J. A. H. Tittmannus ; 8vo. half bound, neat, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1831 352 Testamentum Novum, Greece, post Tittmannum, secundis curis edidit Aug. Hahn ; 8vo. sewed, 5s. Budini, 1840 353 Testamentum Novum, Greece, ex Recensione Aug. Hahn ; 18mo. sewed, 2s. ibid. 1841 354 Idem liber ; 18mo. fine paper, sewed, 3s. ibid. 1841 Copies may be had in various bindings. 355 Testamentum Novum, Greece, Textum recensuit, Apparatum cri- ticum, Var. Lect. subjunxit, Argumenta et Locos parall. indicavit, Comment. Isagogicam, etc. preemisit M. F. C. Tischendorf; 12mo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Leipsic, 1841 BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 29 35G Testamentum Novum, Greece, M. F. C. Tisehendorfii ; 12mo. half bound, calf, 6s. Leipsic, 1841 3.57 Testamentum Novum, Greece, recensuit Lectionesque Var. Stephani, Elzivirii, Griesbachii, notavit C. Tischendorf ; 12mo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1842 359 Testamentum Novum, Greece, et Latine, ex Antiquis Testibus Versionis Vulgatee Latinee textum indegavit, Lect. Var. Stephani et Griesbachii, notavit (V. S. Ven. Jager, in consilium adhibito), edidit Const. Tischendorf; 8vo. calf, neat, 12s ibid. 1842 3G0 Testamentum Novum, Greece, recensuit C. Tischendorf; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Lips. 1851 Intended to bind up with Theile's edition of the Hebrew Bible. 361 Testamentum Novum, Greece, in Usum Academicum instruxit C. Tischendorf; 18mo. sewed, 2s. 6d. ibid. 1855 3(52 Testamentum Novum, Greece, ad antiquos Testes recensuit, Ap- paratum criticum multis modis auctum et correctum apposuit, Cornmentationem Isagogicam preemisit Const. Tischendorf ; editio septima ; 8vo. part 1, 2s. ibid. 1856 The importance of this new critical edition of the Greek Testament has been recognised by the chief Theological Reviews, both in England and on the Continent, and by the most eminent biblical critics. The first part of this new edition has just appeared. It is printed uniformly with Professor Teschendorf's Septuagint, No. 312*, and will be completed in G or 7 parts. 363 Testamentum Novum, Greece, ex Recensione Car. Lachmanni ; 1 2mo. 3s. 6d. Berolini, 1 843 364 Testamentum Novum, Greece et Latine, Car. Lachmannus re- censuit, et Ph. Buttmannus Greecee Lectionis Auctoritates ap- posuit ; 2 vols. 8vo. (published at £1 4s.) 14s. Berlin, 1842-50 *** Copies may be had in various bindings. As all critical editions of ancient books, where the text is chiefly illustrated by the various readings contained in early manuscripts, must of necessity give place to more recent labours in the same field of criticism, it has been the fate of Dean Mills to make room for Griesbach, as it is now that of Griesbach to be surpassed by Lachmann and Butmann, whose edition of the Greek Testament is one of the most valuable the critical student can possess. 365 Testamentum Novum, Greece, ad Fidem Codicis Vaticani, edidit E. deMuralto; 12mo. sewed, 8s. 1849 366 Testamentum Novum, Greece, Annotationem Criticam et Indices adjecit C. G. G. Theile ; 1 2mo. 2s. 6d. Leip. 1850 36/ Evangelica IV. Codex Antiquissimus IV. Evangeliorum Canoni- corum, Greeco-Latinus interlinearis, nunquam adhuc conatus ; ad Similitudinem ipsius Libri Manuscripti accuratiss. delineandum et Lapidibus exprimendum, curavit H. C. M. Rettig; 4to. printed in facsimile, 18s. Turici, 1831 Testamenta, Vetus et Novum, Greece, cum Commentariis Perpe- tuis, vide Nomina Editorum, ut : Ackermann, Bengel, Calmet, Eichhorn, Koppe, Luecke, Matthice, Nobbe, Rosenrnueller, Schleiermacher, De Wette, et alios. SYRIAC. 368 Testamentum Vetus, Syriace, Ordine apud Syros usitato dis- positum, ad fidem Codd. MSS. edidit S. Lee ; 4 to. 15s. 1823 369 Codex Syriaco-Hexaplaris, Lib. iv. Regum, Jesaias, xii 3D dayid nutt's catalogue. [theology. Prophetse minores, Proverbia, Jobus, Canticum, Threni, Eccle- siastes e Codd. edidit et Comment, illustr. H. Middeldorpf, 2 parts, 4to. (published at £1 16s.) 18s. 1835 3/0 Psalterium Syriacum, cum Punctis, recensuit et Latine vertit Thomas Erpenius, Notas Philologicas et Criticas addidit J. A. Dathe ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. Halae, 1768 Most admirably adapted for self-instruction in Syriac. 3/1 Testamentum Novum Syriacum, Liber S. Evangelii de Jesu Christo Domino et Deo nostro, etc. Jussu et Impensis Ferdinandi Roman. Imp. designati editum, curantibus J. A. Widmanstadio et Mose Meredinseo ; Editio Princeps ; 4to. £1 Is. Viennae, 1555 3/2 Testamentum Novum, Syriace, cum Punctis vocalibus, et Ver- sione Latina (Evangelii) Mattheei, ita adornata ut, unico Intellecto, Reliqua sine Interprete facile intelligi possiat : accurante iEgidio Gutbirio, accedit Clavis Operis, Lexicon, Grammaticam, et Notas complexa ; 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. vellum, 7s. Cd. Hamb. 1663-4-67 373 Idem liber ; 3 vols, in 1, l2mo. calf gilt, carmine edges, 10s. ibid. 1663-4-67 374 Idem liber; 3 vol. in 1, 12mo. 6s. ibid. 1664-1706 By means of the version which accompanies the Gospel of St. Matthew, and the Grammar and Lexicon, the reading of the Syriac text is easily mastered. 375 Testamentum Novum, Syriace, cum Versione Latina, cura ac studio Jo. Leusden et C. Schaaf, cum variis Lectionibus et Lexicon Syriacum Concordantiale omnesN. T. Syriaci Voces et alias Syriacas et Linguarum affinium Dictiones complectens, etc. elaboratum a C. Schaaf; 2 vols. 4to. vellum, £l 16s. Lugd. Bat. 1709 375* Idem liber ; 2 vols, in 1, 4to. fine copy, in vellum, £2 2s. i bid. 1717 376 Evangelium Joaiinis, Syriace. Das Heilege Evang. Joannis, Syrisch, mit Vocalen und den Puncten Kuschoi und Rucoch, nebst Anmerkungen von G. H. Bernstein ; 8vo. illustrated title page, &c, elegantly done up in cloth, and lettered on sides, 8s. 6d. Leipz. 1853 "A critical knowledge of Eastern languages, in which are preserved the originals of one of the sacred volumes, and the most ancient versions of the other, is entitled to distinguished encouragement." — " A man may acquire enough of the Arabic and Syriac, in his closet at home, to help him in his studies of the original Scriptures." — Orthodox Churchman. LATIN. 377 Biblia Sacra, Latine; small Svo. vellum, 15s. Brixie, per Any el. et Jacob. Britanicos fratres, 1496 This is one of the earliest editions of the Bible, printed in small 8vo., the first of which appeared at Basle in 1-191. 3"S Biblia Maxima Versionum ex Linguis Orientalibus, etc. earumque Concordia cum Vulgata, et ejus Expositione litterali ; cum an- notationibus Nic. de Lyra, Joa. de Gagnaei, G. Estii, J. BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 31 Menochii, et J. Tirini, additis Prolegomenis, Chronico Sacro, et Tractatu de Ponderibus, Mensuris, Monetis, etc. authore Joa. de la Haye ; 19 vols, in 9, folio, hogskin, £6 16s. 6'd. Lutet. 1660 379 Biblia Latina et Gallica ; la Sainte Bible en Latin et en Francais, avec l'Explication du Sens litteral et du Sens spirituel, tiree des Saints Peres et des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, par le M. de Sacy ; 32 vols. 8vo. fine copy, calf, £4< 10s. Paris, 1699 380 La meme, en Latin et en Francois, avec de courtes Notes et la Concorde des IV. Evangelistes, en Latin et en Francais, par le M. de Sacy, enrichie de cartes geogr. et de figures ; 3 vols. folio, fine copy, in French calf, £2 2s. Liege, 1/02 381 Biblia Latina et Italica ; La Sacra Scrittura, Vecchio e Nuovo Testamento, in Latino e Italiano, giusta la Vulgata, colle Spie- gazioni Letterali e Spirituali, tratte da' Santi Patri e dagli Autori Ecclesiastici, da Luigi Isacco, le Maistre de Sacy ; 25 vols. 4to. portrait of De Sacy, engraved vignette title-pages, uncut, scarce, £4 4s. Genova, 1787-1792 This edition of the Vulgate is much prized in Italy, and but little known in this country and in France, and is not mentioned either by M. Brunet or by M. Ebert. 382 Biblia Sacra Vulgata? Editionis ; 7 vols. 18mo. sewed, 9s. Antwerpiae, s. a. {circa 1800) 383 Biblia Sacra Latina Vulgatse Editionis, editio nova, Versiculis distincta ; 8vo. sewed, 5s. 6d. Paris, 1825 384 Biblia Sacra Vulgatee Editionis ; royal 8vo. 9s. Francofurti, 1826 385 Biblia Sacra Vulgatse Editionis, Notis illustrata ; 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. half bound, calf, 12s. CEniponti, 1834 386 Biblia Sacra Vulgata? Editionis; 8vo. sewed, 8s. Paris, 1848 387 Biblia Sacra Vulgatee Editionis ; 12mo. diamond type, sewed, 6s. ibid. 1850 Of Nos. 384, 386, 387, copies may be had in morocco and calf bindings. 388 Geneseos liber, ex textu Hebrsea Latine versus a Ch. Werliin ; 8vo. 2s. Uaiiniae, 1838 389 Psalterium cum Canticis, Versibus, Argumentis, et Orationibus vetustis novaque literali Explanatione dilucidatum, cura J. M. Thomasii; 4to. hogskin, portrait, 7s. 6d. Fiennce, 1735 390 Testamentum Novum Vulgatse Editionis; 18mo. sewed, 2s. Antwerp, s. a. (circa 1800) 391 Testamentum Novum Vulgatse Editionis, edidit L. von Ess ; 8vo. bds. 3s. Tubingce, 1822 391*Testamentum Novum Vulgata? Editionis. Praemissa est Com- ment, de Codice Amiatino,ed. F. F. Fleck ; 12mo. 9s. Lips. 1840 392 Testamentum Novum, Interprete Hieronymo ex Codice Amiatino, edidit C. Tischendorf ; 4to. 4s. ibid. 1854 393 Evangeliorum Codex S. Eusebii, ex autographo Basilica? Vercel- lensis ad unguem exhib. edidit A. Irious ; 4to. cloth, 14s. Mediolani, 1748 394 Evangeliorium quadruplex Latina? Versionis Antiques seu vete- ris Italica? (vulgo ' Itala ' dicte) ; edidit ex MSS. Codd. J. Blan- chinus ; 4 vols, in 2, folio, calf, £2 10s. Romce, 1749 32 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 394*EvANGElilUM Palatinum Ineditum, sive lleliquiae Textus Evan- geliorum (Itala) Latine ante Hieronymim versi, ex Codice Pala- tino purpureo IV. vel V. Sseculi, nunc primum eruit atque edidit .ZE. F. C. Tischendorf ; roy. 4to. facsimile on purple paper, with letters in gold and silver throughout, <£2 14s. Lipsice, 184 7 THE UNCANONICAL BOOKS. IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES 395 Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti. The Uncanonical Gospels, and other Writings referring to the first ages of Christianity ; in the original languages. Collected together from the editions of Fahricius, Thilo and others, by the Rev. Dr. Giles, late Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford ; 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, lettered (only 200 copies printed) 18s. London, 1852 1. Historia Josephi, fabri lignarii; Arabice. — 2. Evangeliura Infantue Servatoris ; Arabice. — 3. Frajmenta quae Jesu Cbristi auctoris nomen pne se ferimt, III. Latine et I. Grace. — 4. Evangelium Jacobi Minoris; Greece. — 5. Evangelium Thomas Israelitae; Grace. — 6. Evangelium de Nativitate 8. Mariae ; Latine. — 7. Historia de Nativitate S. Mariae et de Infantia Salvatoris ; Latine. — 8. Evangelium Marcionis, Gra3ce. — 9. Liber Sancti Joannis, Latine. — 10. Evangelium Nicodemi, Grace. — 11. Evangelium Nicodemi, Latine. — 12. Acta S. Thomae, Grace. — 13. Abdiae Historia Apostolica, Latine, ev Versione Julii Africani. — 14. Epistolae Pilati, partim Grace, partim Latine. — 15. Melliti Passio S. Joannis Evang., Latine. — 16. Marcelli Acta Petri et Pauli. — 17. Libellus a Muliere liaemorr. Herodi oblatus. — 18. Epistolae Pauli et Senecae. — 19. Corinthiorum ad Pauluni Epistola, versio Latina. — 20. Pauli Epist. III. ad Corinthios. — 21. Pauli Epistola ad Laodicenses. — 22. Epistola Petri ad Jacobum, Graece. — 23. Epistolae S. Joannis et bydropici. — 24. Fragmenta Apostolorum a Steph. Praetorio edita. — 25. Epistolae Ignatii et H. Virginis Mariae. — 26. Epistola Judfeorum tempore Jesu cruci. fixi missa. — 27-34. Liturgia Varia Evangelistarum at Apostolorum. — 35. Oratio S. Joannis Evangelistae. — 36. Canones Apostolorum. — 37. Synodns Apostolorum de Symbolo. — 38. Evangelium Barnabas, Statice. — 39. Litur- gia Jacobi. — 40. Notes. This is the most complete collection of tbese Apocryphal books of the New Testament, several of which are admitted to have been written in the earliest ages of Christianity. 395*Apel (H. E.) Libri Vet. Test. Apocryphi, Greece, cum Variis Lectionibus ; 8vo. sewed, 6s. Lips. 1837 396 Fabricti (Jo. Alb.) Codex Psuedepigraphus Veteris Testamenti ; 12mo. (1200 pages) vellum, 7s. 6d. Hamb. 1713 396* Ejusden Codex Apocryphus Nov. Test. ; 3 vols, in 1 ; 12mo. vellum, scarce, 15s. ibid. 1719 397 Codkx Apocryphus Novi Test, recens. notisque et prolegomenis illustr. J. C. Thilo; vol. l,8vo. (all published) sewed, 10s. 1832 397*Evangelia Apocrypha, edita et inedita, ex plurionis Codd. edidit Const. Tischendorf; royal 8vo. sewed, 12s. Lips. 1853 397fAcTA Apostolorum Apocrypha ex XXX. antiquis Codd. Greecis, vel nunc primum eruit vel secundum atque emendatius edita a M. F. Tischendorf; royal 8vo. 6s. Lips. 1851 BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 33 MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. DUTCH. 3!)8 Biblia : 2Bw 53tbct in 2Dui>tS, dat is alle Boecken des Ouden ende Nieuen Testaments na de orsprongelyche Spraken ver- duydst, etc.; 4to. first edition, fine copy, in the original impressed binding, rare, £2 2s. Embden, Mierdman ende Gailliant 1556 A very fine and perfect copy of this rare first edition of the Reformers' Bible. 399 Biblia: fcat fe tie ©antScfte fttcpttghe Jj>cftvtft grondelic ende trouwelich verduydtschet ; 4to. a very fine and perfect copy of this rare edition, the first printed in Holland, of the celebrated AA. Bible, so called from the marginal gloss to Nehemiah iii. 5, £1 lis. 6d. Ghedruct, 1571 " Rarissime inveniuntur." — Engel. FRENCH. Bible, la Sainte, par L. S. le Maistre de Sacy ; vide: Nos. 3/9 and 380. Bible, la Sainte, avec Commentaire par Aug. Calmet ; vide infra. Testament, le Nouveau, par P. Quesnel ; vide : No. 407-409. 400 Bible, la Sainte, traduite par Le Maistre de Sacy; 8vo. half bound, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1821 401 Bible, la Sainte, traduite par le Maistre de Sacy ; 4 vols. roy. 8vo. illustrated with 31 line engravings on steel from pictures by eminent modern painters, fine impressions, £2 2s. ibid. 1845 402 Bible, la Sainte, traduite par D. Martin; 12mo. impressed bind- ing, gilt edges, 5s. Bruxelles, 1855 403 Bible, la Sainte, d'apres la Version revue par J. F. Ostervald ; roy. 8vo. sewed, 8 s Paris, 1845 404 la meme ; 12mo. sewed, 5s. ibid. 1853 405 la meme ; 12mo. bound in calf, 8s. ibid. 1853 406 la meme ; 12mo. morocco, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. ibid. 1853 407 Testament, le Nouveau, en Francois, avec des Reflexions morales sur chaque verset Cpar Pasquier Quesnel) ; 4 vols. 8vo. frontis- piece after Coypel by Simonneau ; fine copv, French calf, £\ Is. ibid. 1699 408 la meme; 8 vols, in 4, 12mo. calf, 16s. Brussels, 1700-1702 409 ■ la meme, imprime par l'ordre de Msgr. l'Ev. de Chalons ; 8 vols. 12mo. calf, gilt, £\ Is. Amsterdam, 1747 After having as Cardinal Alhani praised this commentary of Quesnel in the highest terms, Clement XI., as Pope, issued his famous bull " Unigenitus" against it, in which one hundred and cue propositions extracted from it are condemned, particularly " the reading of the Scriptures by the laity." 410 Testament, le Nouveau, en Francais, par Beausobre et Lenfant, avec des notes litterales pour eclairer le texte ; 2 vols. 4 to. fron- tispiece, half bound, 12s. Amst. 173G 411 Testament, le Nouveau, de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ; Is. 6d. Basil, 1823 * 34 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 412 Evangiles (Les) tie Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ selon S. Mat- thieu, S. Marc, S. Luc, S. Jean. Traduction de Le Maistre de Sacy ; royal 8vo. illuminated frontispiece and vignettes, bv T. Fragonard, each page enclosed within an ornamented woodcut border, 12s. Paris, 1837 413 Le memes; royal 8vo. half bound, morocco, gilt edges, 18s. ibid. 1837 GERMAN. 414 Biblia Germanica, ad Versionem D. Hieronymi. 23t'c 33ibcl, tit Ctuts'fl). Scr. (irvSte ^l)til mit Epistel des* heiligen Priesters Sant Jheronimi zu Paulinum, etc. ; folio, with brass corners, bosses, and clasps, rare, £3 13s. 6d. Nuremberg, A. Coburger, 1483 This edition is illustrated with numerous large woodcuts, coloured and illuminated like the well-known illustrations to Froissart & Monstrelet. They are curious, as preserving the costume of the latter part of the 15th century, independent of any other merit they may possess. Indeed they are perfectly unique. Noah, for instance, in the Ark, surrounded by Mermaids ; Ham's sin clearly denned ; the plagues of Egypt even more so ; the Red Sea painted vermilion ; and every other subject treated in a similar style. Of these illustrations there are upwards of one hundred, and the capital letters throughout are filled in by the Rubricator, several being in gold and colours. 415 Biblia Germanica. Die Katholische Bibel, mit Summarien und Catechismus ; 2 vols. fol. 212 plates, calf, 18s. Nuremb. 17G3 4IG Biblia Germanica Teutonico-Helvetica. 23te crant^e 33tbrl, tiaS tSt allc Joutdjev altes und neues Testaments, den urspriing- liehen Sprachen nacb, auffs aller treuerlichest verteutschet, etc. etc. ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, numerous woodcuts, calf, extremely rare, £\0 10s. Zuerich, Frcschover, 1545 From the press of Froschover, the printer of the first English translation by Miles Coverdale. " This edition," says Goeze, " is one of the most beautiful and not less rare than that of 1552, and unknown to Ilottinger; Le Long had never seen it, and I have not found it," he adds, "in any collection that 1 have seen ; nor do either Clement or Hottinger record its existence." It has a large preface and introduction by Bullinger, and a second preface by the Printer, stating that the version had been compared, word for word, with the Hebrew text. It is in the German-Swiss dialect, and reprinted with occa- sional corrections from that of Froschover of 1530, from which Miles Cover- dale translated his ' out of douche and latyn into Englyshe,' and often much closer, though less forcible, than the translation by Luther. This edition of 1545, is a desideratum in most public as well as private collections. Both titles, surrounded by woodcut borders, are printed in red and black, and the numerous woodcuts in the text are similar to those used by Froschover in his various reprints of the Bible. The first title is inlaid, as is also the last leaf of the book of Revelation, and folio cccxi. is defective of a few words ; otherwise the copy is in very desirable condition, — tall, sound, and clean. 417 Bibel (Die) nach der Uebersetzung D. Martin Luther's mit Erklaerungen, und Bericht von der Augspurgischen Confession sammt deren Artikeln ; large folio, illustrated with a profusion of portraits and plates by Sandrart and others, old black Spanish morocco, £\ lis. (3d. Nuernberg, 1700 418 Bib ma : das ist, die gantze Ileilige Schrift, Altes und Nenes Tes- BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 35 taments nach dor Teutscben Uebersetzung D. Martin Luther's ; 8vp. calf gilt, gilt edges, 4s. 6d. Halle, 1720 419 ■ nach Luther's Uebersetzung ; 3 vols. 8vo. red morocco, joints, gilt edges, 15s. Leipzig, 1824 420 nach Luther' sUbersetzung mit, erklarenden Anmerkungen, von O. von Gerlach ; band 1, u. 2, 8vo cloth, 5s. Berlin, 1844 Pentateuch — Die historischen Schriften. 421 nach Dr. Martin Luther's Ubersetzung mit Einleitungen u. erkliirenden Anmerkungen, herausgegeben durch Otto von Gerlach ; 2nd edition, 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. sewed, £1 8s. Berlin, 1847-48 422 Dieselbe ; 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. half bound calf gilt, £2 5s. ibid. 1847-48 This edition of the Bible, with explanatory notes by Consistorialrath von Gerlach, may be said to occupy in Germany the same ground which Scott's Bible does in England, the editor being one of the most eminent amongst the Evangelical party. 423 nach Luther's Ubersetzung ; Vollstandiger Stereotypen- Abdruck mit den Apokryphen u. Parallelen ; 4to, sewed, 8s. Berlin, n.d. 424 Dieselbe; 4to. half bound calf, 10s. 6d. ibid. n.d. A great variety of other modern editions of Dr. M. Luther's translation of the Bible, in folio, quarto, octavo, and duodecimo, always on sale, both bound and unbound. 425 Bibel, die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Nenen Testaments, uebersetzt von W. M. L. de Wette ; 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Heidelberg, 1839 42(5 Bibel, die, nach dem Grundtexte und der Lateinischen Vulgata, ubersetzt v. Leander van Ess ; 3 vols. 8vo. 9s. Sulzbach, 1840 426* Dieselbe; 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. cf. 10s. 6d. ibid. 1840 Psalter in Versen ubersetzt von Job. Gerharden ; vide, Gerhard. 427 Uag fficubt CcStamcnt nut fleyas JmteutScht ; folio, large and beautiful woodcut of the Adoration, and small cuts at the com- mencement of each book, as well as woodcut capitals throughout ; russia, very rare, £2 12s. 6d. Nuernberg, gedruckt durch Fried. Peypus, 1524 This edition is curious from a typographical error in the V. chapter of the Epistle to the Galatians, v. 6, where the words ' Glaabe,' and ' Liebe,' are made to usurp each others places. It is one of the most beautifully printed editions, and contains the prefaces to each book ; and so rare as to have been unknown to Palm, whilst Goeze emphatically places it "amongst the greatest book-rarities." 428 Testament, das Neue, Deutsch, von M. Luther; royal 8vo. half bound, Is. 6d. Stuttgt, 1823 429 Dasselbe mit Erklarungen, Einleitungen, einer Harmonie der vier Evangelien etc., von Dr. F. G. Lisco ; imp. 8vo. cloth lettered, 3s. 6d. Berlin, 1842 430 Testament, das Neue, ubersetzt von W. M. L. de Wette ; 8vo. Is. 6d. Heidelberg, 1839 431 VATER-Unser (Das) ein Erbauungsbuch fiir jeden Christen, mit ei- ner Abhandlung uber den Inhalt und Gebrauch, &c, von C. F. von Atnmon ; 8vo. ornamented borders, cloth boards, 6s. Leipzig, 1837 3G david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 432 Vater-Unser, das, em Erbaungsbucli von C. F. von Amnion, letzte Ausgabe ; crown, 8vo. frontispiece, calf extra, 9s. 6d. Leipz. 1845 GOTHIC. 433 Vetekis et Novi Testamenti Fragmenta Versionis Ulpbilianse, ed. J. Hire; 4to. 3s. 6d. llpsalce, 1763 434 — Idem liber : Ulfilas Gotbische Bibeliibersetzung, nacb Ibre'ns Text, etc. ; 4to. 15s. Weissenfels, 1805 With interlineary Latin translation. Grammar, and Glossary by T. K. Fulda and \V. T. H. Reinwald; and an historical critical Introduction by J. Ch. Zahn. 435 Ulfilas Partium ineditarum Specimen, edentibus A. Maio et C. O. Castillionseo ; 4to. 2s. 6d. Mediol. 1819 436 Veteris et Novi Testamenti Versionis Gothicse Ulphilianse Fragmenta quae supersunt, ad Fid. Codd. Castigata, Latinitate donata et Adnotatione critica instructa. Cum Glossario et Grammatica Linguae Gothicfe, edidit H. C. de Gabelentz et J. Loebe; 2 vols, in 3 parts, 4to, plates, sewtd, j62 2s. Lipsice, 1843-46 437 Ulfila.s. Die Heiligen Scbriften alten und neuen Bundes in Gothiscber Sprache, mit gegeniiberstehender Griechiscber und Latinischer Version, Anmerkungen, Woerterbucb, Spracblebre und Einleitung von H. F. Massman ; royal 8vo. sewed, 14s. Stuttgart, 1856 The Greek and Latin versions of this early Gothic translation are valu- able aids for acquiring a critical knowledge of the original Greek text of the New Testament. ICELANDIC. 438 That Nya Testamente. Novum Testamentum Icelandice ; 12mo. bound copy, scarce, 7s. 6d. Kaupmannahavfn (Copenhagen}, 1807 Mrs. Ranyard, in " The Book and its Story," gives a very interesting account of this edition, which was printed at Fuhnen in 1807, and the copies of which were singularly preserved during the siege of Copenhagen, when everything else in the same warehouse was destroyed by fire. ITALIAN. 439 Sacra Biblia, tradotta in Lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati ; 12mo. impressed binding, gilt edges, 5s. Londra, 1854 Sacra Biblia guista la Vulgata ; vide No. 381. POLISH. 440 Nowy Testament. Novum Testamentum Polonice; 12mo. blue calf, gilt edges, 6s. 6d. Leipsic, 1847 ROMAIC. 440*BIBAIA (ra upa) /lerarppacrdeyTa ek rwy Ap-^trvTruv ; 8vo. bound, 12s. Oxonii, 1850 441 Testamentum Novum, Greece et Neo-Grfece (jussu CyrilliLucar BIBLES, ETC.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 37 in usum Laicorum versum) ; 2 vols. 4to. vellum, £1 10s. Mzev. 1638 441*AIAeiIKH (>i Kaivrj); 8vo. bound, 5s. ibid. 1851 ROMANESE. 442 Biblia, la Soinchia Scritura del Velg Testamaint ; 8vo. half bound, 7s. 6d. Caira, 1815 RUSSIAN. 442*Testamentum Novum Russice ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. St. Petersburg, 1838 SERVIAN. 443 Testament, das Neue, in das Serbische iibersetzt von W. II. Karadschitsch ; 8vo. sewed, 6s. Berlin, 1847 SWEDISH. 444 Bibela aller den Heliga Skrift unnehaellende Gamla och Nya Testamentets Canonisca Boecker ; 8vo. calf, 7s. 6d. Stockholm, 1842 445 Nya Testamentet ; Svo. half bound, 3s. Stockholm, 1814 ORIENTAL LANGUAGES (EXCEPTING HEBREW AND SYRIAC.) iETIIIOPIC. 445*Biblia Veteris Testamenti iEthiopica in V. tomos distributa, ad Librorum MSS. iidem edidit et Apparatu critica instruxit Aug. Dillman. Tom. I. Octateuchus. Part I. II. and III. 4to. (all yet published) £\ 4s. Lips 1854 446 Psalterium ^Ethiopicum ; accedunt Hymni et Orationes aliquot, Canticum Canticorum, omnia iEthiopice tantum, cura Jobi Ludolfi ; 4to. boards, 10s. Francqfurti, 1701 ARABIC. 447 Biblia Sacra Arabica et Latina, Sacrse Congregationis de propa- ganda Fide jussu edita, additis e Regione Bibliis Vulgatis ; 3 vols. folio, vellum, £4 4s. Iiomee, 1671 448 Idem liber; 3 vols, folio, half bound, russia, £Z 3s. ibid. 1671 The Jews who dwelt in Arabia in the days of our Lord, as mentioned in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, possessed an Arabic version of many, if not of the whole of the books of the Old Testament ; and as St. Paul's first mission was to them, according to his own testimony, in his Epistle to the Galatians, there can be little doubt that the Gospels and other books of the New Testament were, even in the days of the Apostles them- selves, translated into Arabic. Hence the importance of this edition of the Arabic Bible, which is compiled from various ancient codices, rolls, and pandects, gathered together at first by Sergius Risicus, the Maronite Arch- bishop of Damascus, as far back as 1625, and afterwards deposited in the Vatican library at Rome. Its value is much enhanced from the strong pro- bability which exists that the Arabic version of the books of the old Testa- ment was made, like the Samaritan, from the more ancient Hebrew text, which the Jews themselves in the days of our Lord could not understand, and not from the Greek beptuagiut translation. 3S david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 449 Psalterium Arabice (prsemissis Psalmorum Argumentis, additis locis parallelis, etc. etc. in usu Christianorum jugo Turcico sub- jectorum) ; 8vo. very scarce, 7s. Gd. Londini, Sal. Negri, 1725 ARMENIAN. 450 Biblia Sacra Armenice, cum Variis Lectionibus LXIX. MSS. edente D. Zohrab ; 4to. best aud most accurate edition, scarce, £\ 5s. Venetiis, 1805 451 — Idem liber; 4to. balf bound, calf, £\ 5s. ibid. 1805 At Venice the most correct copies of the Armenian Bihle had been printed, but they had become very dear and scarce. The Armenian Christians are scattered all over Asia, and have churches at Madras, Bombay, Surat, Bagdad, Busheer, Muscat, and other places; whilst Jerusalem, Diarbekir, and Con- stantinople are Patriarchal Seats. Many are settled in Russia and at Venice and in Calcutta, where they are very rich. At the latter place this Venetian edition had already become so scarce prior to 1812, as to fetch from sixty to seventy rupees whenever it occurred for sale by auction. — See Ranyard's "Book and its Story." CARSHIM, OR CARSIIUN. 452 Testamentum Novum, Carsbimice, Litteris Syriacis impressum, in Usum Christianorum qui Carshim, Bokharam, etc. incolunt ; 4to. beautifully printed, calf, gilt, 9s. Londini, 1840 COPTIC. 453 Psalterium Coptico-Arabicum ; edidit Raphael Tuki ; 4to. printed in red and black, sewed, 12s. Ltonue, 1744 454 Psalterium Coptice ; ad Codd. Fidem recensuit, Lectionum Va- rietate et Psalmos xlpocryphos, Sahidica Dialecto conscriptos, ac primum a Woidio editos, adjecit, J. L. Ideler ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. Berlin, 1837 455 Psalterium in Dialectum Copticse Linguse Memphiticam trans- lation ad fidem trium Codd. MSS. edidit notisque criticis et grammaticis instruxit M. G. Schwartze ; 4to. 12s. Lips. 1843 455*Testamentum Novum Coptice : Fragmenta Novi Testamenti e Versione iEgyptiaca Dialecti Thebaidicae, Sahidicse, seu Supe- rioris yEgypti ; e Codd. Oxoniensibus maxima ex parte desumpta, cum Versione Latina, Dissertatione de Versione IEgyptiaca, et Codicis Vatican! Collectione. Appendix ad Editionem Novi Test. Gracci e Cod. MS. Alexandrino, a C. G. Woide ; royal folio, boards, uncut, £1 Is. Oxonii, 1799 456 Idem edidit M. G. Schwartze ; Pars I. Evangelia IV. ; roval 4to. 10s. Lips. 1847 456*Evangelii S. Joannis Fragmentum Grseco-Copto-Thebaicum, Sseculi IV., accedunt Latina Versio et Notse A. A. Georgii ; roy. 4to. veil. 18s. Romce, 1789 The Coptic is the only language known to be derived direct from the ancient Egyptian, and the Coptic Church still uses it in her liturgy, though it is comparatively but little understood by the majority of Copts, who gene- rally speak Arabic. It is the second language used in the inscription on the Rosetta Stone, and one of the aids to unravelling those in the lost lan- guage of Assyria, which are inscribed on the ancient monuments of Nineveh in the British Museum. BI ISLES, ETC.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 39 PERSIAN. 457 Testamentum Novum, Persice, e Gneco ab Henrico Martyno, translatum in Urbe Schiras ; 4to. first edition, bound, scarce, 18s. Petropoli, 1815 The Testament was translated into Persian by the Rev. Henry Martin. The affecting account of his death, and of the conversion of the Mollah Mahomet Ramah, forms an episode at page 181 of Mrs. Ranyard's inte- resting volume. SINGALESE. 458 Testamentum Novum Singalese ; 4to. russia extra, scarce, 15s. Colombo, 1/83 TURKISH. 459 Testamentum Novum, Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Turcice red- ditum, opera Guil. Seaman; 4to. calf, 9s. Oxford, 1666 460 Testamentum Novum, Turcice, ex Versione Ali Bey, e Codice autogr. olim per CL. annos in Bibl. Accademise Lugd. Bat. asservato, curis von Diez et Kiefferi editum, etc. ; 8vo. calf, scarce, 9s. Paris, 1819 This Turkish version is by Ali Bey, a Pole by birth, but stolen in child- hood by the Tartars, and sold as a slave at Constantinople, where his know- ledge of seventeen languages raised him to the dignity of first Dragoman to Mahomet IV. After remaining in manuscript, buried in the public library at Leyden, for a century and a half, it was purchased by the Bible Society, and printed for them at Paris in 1819. MALAYAN. 4G1 Testamentum Novum, Malaice emendatius, edidit J. "Willmet ; royal 8vo. half bound, scarce, 9s. ITarlemi, 1820 This edition has become very scarce. See the Letter of the Rev. Mis- sionary Hardeland, in the Bible Society's Reports. 4(32 Biblia Sacra, Malaice; 'Elkitab ija itu Segala Surat Perdjandjian Lama dan Baharuw, etc. (litteris Romanis) ; royal 8vo. boards. 14s. London, 1821 " These woordes wers first spoken unto the Jewes by our Saviour, but by him in his doctrine ment to al : for they concerue al, of what nation, of what tongue, of what profession soever any man be. For to al belongeth it to be called unto eternal lyfe, so many as by the witnesse of the Scriptures desire to find eternal lyfe. No man, woman, or chylde is excluded from this salvation, and therefore to every of them is this spoken, proportionally yet, and in their degrees and ages, and as the reason and congruitie of their vocation may ask." — Apb. Parker (on John, Ch. V. v. 39.) BIBLE PRINTS. 4G3 Brissot (l'Abbe E. L.) Vie deN.S. Jesus-Christ, ecrite par les IV. Evangelistes, expliquee, etc. paries SS. Peres, les Doctenrs, et les Orateurs les plus celebres ; 2 vols, royal folio. 180 beau- tiful steel engravings after Jerome Natali's "authorized and approved " collection of illustrations, originally engraved by Collaert and the Wierxes, in 1596, but now by the first French engravers of the day, proofs on India paper, and 14 woodcut portraits, half bound, morocco, £3 10s. Paris, 1853 40 david nxjtt's catalogue. [theology. Bible Prints. 464 Krausse (J. U.) Bilder-Bibel, enthaltend die Abbildungen der Ilistorien Alton und Neuen Testaments, etc. ; 5 vols, in 1, folio, 135 engravings, half bound, 18s. Augsburg, 1705 4G5 Dieselbe ; 5 vols. ibid. 1705 (wanting 2 plates). Des- selben Heilige Augen und Gemiisth-Lust ; 120 plates, ibid. 1706 (wanting 1 plate) ; in all 7 vols, in 1, folio, 253 plates, £1 5s. ibid. 1/05-6 466 Heilige Augen und Gemuths-Lust, Vorstellungen aller Sonn-Fest-und Feyertaeglichen Evangelien, Episteln und Lec- tionen ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, 120 plates, fine copy in hogskin, £l 5s. ibid. 1706 467 Laensa (M. de) Vie de Jesus-Christ d'apres les Livres Saints ; illustrations de Laville, gravure d'And. Best Leloir ; 8vo. 46 beautiful sepia illustrations, surrounded with woodcut borders and numerous woodcut vignettes, half bound, calf, gilt, 10s. Paris, 1842 468 Luyken (J.) Figures du Vieux et Nouveau Testament ; 60 large panoramic plates, royal folio, £2 2s. Amst. 1727 469 Mortier (Pierre). Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Test., en- ricbie de plus de 400 figures en taille-douce, 2 vols, folio, calf, fine impressions of the plates, £3 3s. Anvers, Mortier, 1 700 470 la Meme; 2 vols, in folio, half bound, calf, the usual im- pressions, £1 10s. ibid. 17(H) 471 Royaumont (Le Maitre de Sacy, ou Nicholas Fontaine) His- toire de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament ; 4to. fine impres- sions, calf, £\ 10s. Paris, 1670 472 La meme, revue, corrigee et augmentee, par un ancien Professeur de Theologie ; 8vo. about 300 plates, sewed, 18s. or half bound, morocco, £1 Is. ibid. 1854 For nearly two centuries this Bible History, published under the assumed name of Royaumont, has retained its popularity in France, where it took the place formerly held by its predecessor, the " Mer des Histoires," or " Bible Historiee," of Pierre le Mangeur, at once. The quarto edition of 1G70 is still found in the libraries of the curious as a cherished specimen of art, as are also that little duodecimo of 1680, attributed to the press of Elzevir or Wetstein, and the Paris folio of 1723. Of the numerous other editions, both in 4to. and 12mo. it is unnecessary to speak, as their illustra- tions consist chiefly of worn-out plates, and with the exception of that of 1812, in royal 8vo. published like the present with the illustrations printed off, at the same time with the text, by a new process ; but which in that, unfortunately, did not produce the desired effect, whilst, in the present case, owing to forty years improvement in the art, it has proved eminently suc- cessful. There are nearly 300 line engravings, one forming a vignette at the head of the front-page of every leaf, and the names of the artists are mostly given. This edition is well adapted for presents or for the drawing-room table. 473 Sandrart (Jo. Jac. von) Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, etc. Abbildung Leidens, etc. unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, in Kupfer gebracht von Christ- Weigel ; 4to. 101 plates, first ediiion, bril- liant impressions, " veau fauve," gilt edges, rare, £\ lis. 6d. Augsburg, 1693 BIBLIOGRAPHY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 41 4/4 Scheuchzeri (Jo. Jac.) Physica Sacra, Iconibus illustrata : Kup- ferbibel, in welcber die geheiligte Natur-Wissenschaft deutlich erklart wird ; 8 parts in 4 vols, folio, fine impressions of the 750 plates, very fine copy, vellum, £5 15s. 6d. 1/31-33 474* Idem liber ; 8 parts in 4 vols, folio, good impressions, neatly bound, £4 10s. ibid. 1731-33 Independent of the value of the plates as illustrations to the Bible, many of those devoted to natural Science are the only existing engravings of curious and rare subjects of natural history. 475 Weigel (Chr.) Historise Celebriores Veteris et Novi Testamenti Iconibus representatfe, et Epigrammatibus exornatae ; folio, 253 plates, fine impressions, calf, gilt edges, £\ lGs. Norib. 1708 476 Biblia Ectypa; a series of 831 engravings, for the most part four on a page, adapted for illustration of Bibles, from duodecimo upwards, half bound morocco, 18s. Augsburg, 1787 BIBLIOGRAPHY connected with theology and oriental literature. 477 Alegambe (Ph. Soc. J.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu ; folio, vellum, 12s. Antv. 1643 4/8 Archiv fur die Theologie und ihre neuste Literatur, herausge- geben von E. G. Bengel ; 8 vols, in 10, thick 8vo. (published at £4 10s) boards, 18s. Tubingen, 1815-26 479 Archiv fur alte und neue Kirchen-Geschicte, herausgeben von C. F. Stiiudlin und H. G. Tzschirner ; 5 vols. 8vo. (published at £\ 15s.) 10s. Leip. 1813-16 480 Assemani (J. S.) Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, in qua MSS. Codices Orientales recensuit, digessit, at Vitse Auctorum addidit, etc. 4 vols, folio, basane doree, very neat, scarce, .=£8 8s. Ilomce, 1/19-28 For contents, seeDownNG's Notitia, p. 1022. " Asseman,'' says Charles- Butler, "throws much light upon every branch of Eastern Literature; " to which Sharon Turner adds that " It is the best account we have of the Syrian Christians and their authors, containing curious documents of their activity in diffusing Christianity in India, and even in China, in the 7th and 8th centuries." 481 Backer (Augustin et Alois de) Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus ; ou Notices Bibliographiques des tons les Ouvrages publics par les membres depuis la fondation, et des Apologies, des Critiques Litteraires, etc. etc. ; 2 thick vols, roy. 8vo. sewed, £1 Is. Paris, 1853-4 482 BalyEi (Jo.) Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris Anglise et Scotire Catalogus ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, calf, scarce, £\ 4s. Bas. 1557-59 483 Bates Vitse select orum aliquot Virorum qui doctrina, dignitate, aut pietate inclaruere ; 4to. calf, 9s. Loncl. 1681 484 Idem liber; 4to. new in calf, gilt, 14s. ibid. 1681 These thirty lives were written by different persons, and had become very scarce. Dr. Bates, an eminent nonconformist divine, collected them into one volume. They consist of the lives of Abp. Chichele, Bp. Waynflete, Prince Picus of Mirandula, Cardinal Bembo, Cardinal Contarini, Erasmus, Budacus, Martin Bucer, Hugo Grotius, Henry Prince of Wales, and others. 485 Bartolocci (J.) Bibliotheca magna Rabbinica de Scriptoribus * G 42 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. Bibliography. et Scriptis ITcbraicis, Hebr. et Lat. Acccdit Jos. Imbonati Bibliotheca Latino-IIebraica, sive de Script. Lat. qui contra Judseos scripsere ; 5 vols, folio, portr. veil. £4 4s. Romce, 1675 Bayle Dictionnaire Historique ; vide: No. 180. Bellarminus de Script. Eccles. ; vide : No. 220. 485*Bibliographia Theologica : ein Verzeichuiss der Theologiscben Schriften Teutscblands nnd des Auslandes ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 1836 Biographie Universelle ; vide infra. 486 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur des Livres ; 5 vols, royal 8vo. best edition, half bound, green morocco, marbled edges, very scarce, £8 8s. Paris, 1842 486* Le meme; 5 vols, in 3, royal 8vo. half bound, russia, marbled edges, very scarce, £7 17s. 6d. ibid. 1842 487 Casiri (MicbyElis) Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis sive Librorum omnium Manuscriptorum quos Arabice ab Auctoribus magnam partem Arabo-Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca Ccenobii Escurialensis complectitur, Recensio et Explanatio ; 2 vols, folio, uncut, £2 12s. 6d. Matriti, 1760-70 488 Cave (G.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Litteraria a Cbristo nato usque ad sseculum XIV., facili methodo digesta. Acced. Scriptores Gentiles et opuscula veterum alicpiot hactenus inedita. Additur ad finem cujus Speculi Conciliorum Omnium Hist. Notitia. Cum Appendice Henrici Wharton ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, 15s. Colonics, 1705 489 Idem liber, editio optima ab Authore ipsomet ante obitum recognita et auctior facta; 2 vols, in 1, folio, half bound, calf, £2 15s. Oxonii, 1740 489* Idem liber ; 2 vols, folio, calf, £3 3s. ibid. 1740 490 Idem liber; 2 vols, folio, vellum, 563 10s. ibid. 1740 491 Idem liber, editio alia; 2 vols, folio, half bound, £1 16s. Basil. 1741 492 Idem liber; 2 vols, folio, calf, gilt sides, £2 2s. ibid. 1741 493 Idem liber; 2 vols, folio, vellum, £2 2s. ibid. 1741 Cave was one of the most careful, and at the same time one of the most diligent labourers in the various fields of literature, which occupied his pen. His style is always lucid and elegant, and his impartiality acknowledged by all parties. The Oxford edition of 1740 was edited from his papers by Dr. Waterland, who himself made considerable additions to it. That of Basle of 1741 is simply a reprint of that edition. 494 Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the British Mu- seum ; vol. I. (the letter A), folio, boards. 1841 495 Catalogues de la Bibliotheque Imperiale a Paris ; vol. I. (Histoire de France), 4to. £1 5s. 1854 Chaufepie Dictionnaire Historique ; vide: History. 496 Clement (Dav.) Bibliotheque Curieuse, ou Catalogue raisonne des Livres difficiles a trouver ; 9 vols. 4to. £2 12s. 6d. Goetting. 1750-60 497 Colonia (P.) Dictionnaire des Livres Jansenistes, ou qui favorisent le Jansenisme, avec Supplement par le Pere Patouillet ; 4 vols. 12mo. calf, 1 8s. Anvers, 1752 bibliography.] no. 2/0, strand, london. 43 Bibliography. 498 Corpus Dissertationum Theologicarum quae in Collectanea Wei- geliana Lipsige prostant, cum praefat et clavi, ed. O. Fiebig ; 8vo. cloth, 8s. Lips. 1847 499 Darling's (Jas.) Encyclopaedia Bibliographica : a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature, Analytical, Biographical and Bibliographical ; imp. 8vo. 3328 columns, cloth boards, £2 5s. London, 1854 499* Another copy, imp. 8vo. half bound, morocco, sewed on bands, £2 12s. 6d. ibid. 1854 500 Dibdin's (Th. F.) Account of Polyglot Bibles, Hebrew and Greek Bibles, and portions of the Sacred Writings, as well as of the Greek and Latin Fathers of the Church, prefixed to an Intro- duction to a Knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics ; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. 12s. London, 1827 500* Another copy ; 2 vols, imperial 8vo. large paper (pub. at £6 6s.) half bound, calf, £\ 4s. ibid. 1827 501 Doederlein's (J.) Theologische Bibliothek, 4 vols. 8vo. 10s. Leipzig, 1780-92 502 Doering's (M.) Gelehrte Theologen in Teutschland im XVIII. und XIX. Jahrhunderten, nach ihrem Leben und AVirkin dargestellt ; 4 vols. 8vo. sewed, (published at £2) £\. Neustadt, 1831-5 503 Desselben Deutsche Kanzel-redner des 18 und 19 Jahr- hunderten; 8vo. sewed, (published at 7s.) 3s. 6d. ibid. 1830 503* Desselben Repertorium fuer Biblische und Morgenlaend- ische Litteratur ; 18 vols. 8vo. £\ 10s. Leipzig, 1777-87 504 Dowling (J. G.) Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum aliorumque veteris Ecclesiee Monumentorum, quae in Collectionibus Anec- dotorum post annum Christi mdcc. in lucem editis continentur; boards, 7s. Oxonii, 1839 505 Du Pin (L. Ellies) Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesias- tiques, con tenant l'histoire de leur vie, le catalogue, la critique, et la chronologie de leurs ouvrages, etc. ; 20 vols, in 1 1, 4to. fine copy in vellum, £3 10s. Paris, 1693-1715 Du Pin is unsurpassed in the happy method he pursued in analysing the work under description, and the " Nouvelle Bibliotheque," besides the lives of the authors, gives a rapid sketch of the contents of every book mentioned in its pages, 505* Ebert's (Fr. Ad.) Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexicon ; 2 vols. 4to. sewed, £\ 4s. Lips. 1821-30 506 Eichhorn's (J. G.) Allgemeine Bibliothek der Biblischen Litte- ratur; 10 vols. 8vo. (published at £A),£\ 4s. Leipzig, 1787-1801 506* Dieselbe ; 10 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. cf. £\ 15s. 1787-1801 507 desselben Repertorium fuer Biblische und Morgenlaen- dische Literatur; 12 vols in 6, 8vo. scarce, .-€1 Is. ibid. \777 507*Ersch's (J.) Handbuch der Teutschen Litteratur (vol. I. p. 2, Theologie) ; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. ibid. 1823 For complete sets, see General Bibliography. 508 Ess (L. von) Pragmatische Kritische Geschichte der Vulgata ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. (id. Tubingen, 1824 44 DAVID nutt's catalogue. [theology. Bibliography. 509 Fabricii (J. A.) Bibliotheca Grreca Scriptorum quorumcumque Monumenta integra, aut Fragmenta edita extant; 14 vols. 4to. calf, £2 10s. Ramb. 1/08-28 510 Idem liber, editio quarta, curante J. C. Harles. Accedunt C. A. Heumanni Supplementa inedita, et Index; 13 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £7 7s. Hamburgi, 1/90-1838 5 1 0* Idem liber ; 1 2 vols. 4to. calf, neat, £r> 1 0s. ibid. 1 790-1 8 1 1 A supplement and index to the whole work by C. A. Heumann, was pub- lished in 1838, price 4s. The Bibliotheca Graeca of Fabricius contains an account of all known Greek writers, whether in print or manuscript, and in the former case of every edition published, as well as of their commen- tators and illustrators. 511 Ejnsdem Bibliotheca Latina medise et infimse JEtatis, cum Supplemento Ch. Schoettgenii edidit J. D. Mansi ; 6 vols, in 3, 4to. best edition, calf, scarce, £4 10s. Patavii, 1/54 512 Ejusdem Bibliotheca Latina, aucta ab I. A. Ernesti ; 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, 7s. 6d. Lips. 1773 513 Ejusdem Bibliographia Antiquaria Scriptorum qui Anti- quitates Hebr. Gr. Rom. et Christianas illustraverunt, aucta a P. Schaflfshausen, 4to. calf, 7s. 6d. Hamburgi, 1760 514 Ejusdem Bibliotheca Ecclesiastica ; folio, neat, 18s. 1718 This is a careful reprint, with notes, &c, of the various authors who have left biographical notices of early ecclesiastical writers down to the seven- teenth century, e.g. St. Jerom ; Gennadius of Marseilles; St. Isidore, the Pelusist ; Ildefonsus of Toledo, &c. &c. 514*Fabricius (J.) — Historia Bibliothecee Fabricianse ; 6 vols, in 2, 4to. half bound, 16s. Wolfenb. 1718 515 Fluegge (C. W.) Einleitung in die Geschichte der Theologischen Wissenschaften ; 8vo. 2s. 6d. Berlin, 1799 516 Desselben Einleitung in das Studium und in die Litte- ratur der Religions und Kirchengeschichte, &c. ; 8vo. 5s. 1801 517 Fuerst (Dr. J.) Bibliotheca Judaica: Bibliographisches Hand- buch der gesammten Jiidischen Literatur und Judenthum, und einer Geschichte der Jiidischen Bibliographie. Nach alpha- betischen Ordnung der Verfasser, vol. I. and II. (all published) ; 8vo. sewed, (published at £\ 4s.) 15s. Leipzic, 1849-51 518 Fuhrmann's (D. W.) Handbuch der Theologischen Litteratur, fuer Theologen, zur Kenntniss vorzueglichen und brauchbaren Theologischen Schriften ; 4 vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s. Leipzig, 1818-21 519 ■ Desselben Handbuch der neuesten Theologischen Littera- tur (1818-35) ; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. sewed, 4s. ibid. 1835-6 520 Gcezen's (Johann Melchior) Verzeichniss seiner Samlung sel- tenerund meckwuerdiger Bibeln in verschiedenen Sprachen, mit Anmerkungen ; 4to. half bound, calf, 10s. 6d. Halle, 1777 J. M. Goeze was Pastor Primarius at Hamburgh for more than a quarter of a century. His notes are both bibliographical and critical. He was one of the most voluminous theological writers of the period. 521 Desselben Historie der Nieder-Saechsischen Bibeln; 4to. sewed (published at 7s.), 4s. ibid. 1/75 522 Desselben und J. G. Palm's Historie der Teutchen Bibel- uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luther's von 15 1 7 bis 1534 ; 8vo. sewed (published at 7s.) 4s. Stutgardt, \772 bibliography] no. 270, strand, london. 45 Bibliography. 522*Hain (Lud.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo Libri omnes ab Arte typograpbica inventa usque ad Annum MD. typis ex- pressi, Ordine alphabetieo enumerantur ; 4> vols. 8vo. boards, £\ 4s. Stuttgart, 1826-38 523 Idem liber; 4 vols. 8vo. fine paper, bds. £\ 12s. 1826-38 The alphabetical arrangement adopted by Haiu has made the Repertorium a favourite manual for ready reference as to " Fifteeners" and early editions of the Fathers, Greek and Latin classics, and other works printed before the year 1500. The small paper was published at £'i 10s., and the large paper at £4 4s. IlARDT/Hist. Litt. Reformationis, vide infra; Hardt (H. von der). 523*Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire universel, con- tenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les peuples de 1' Orient ; folio, Dutch calf, gilt back, £\ Is. Maestricht, 1776 524 . la meme (avec des Corrections et Additions par Schultens) et un Supplement par Visdelou et Galand ; 4 vols. 4to. best edi- tion, portrait, half bound, £4 4s. La Hai/e, 1777-9 524* la meme ; 4 vols. 4to. half bound, russia, £4 14s. 6d. ibid. 1777-79 524 f la meme ; 4 vols. 4to. cf. extra, carmine edges, £5 15s. 6d. ibid. 1777-79 " The Bibliotheque Orientale is equally curious and profound." — Voltaire. 525 Histoire Litteraire de la France, par les Religieux Benedictins (Rivet, Taillandier, et Clemencet) ; 12 vols. 4to. calf, scarce, £12 12s. Paris, 1733-63 526 Continuation de la meme (par Gringuine et Dom. Brial) ; 10 vols. 4to. sewed, £10 10s. Paris, 1814-33 This important work contains much curious and interesting bibliogra- phical biography of the earlier French Ecclesiastical writers and Fathers of tbe Church. 527 Hodius (H.) de Bibliorum Textibus Originalibus, Versiorfi- bus Greecis et Latinse Vulgatse libri IV. Prsemittitur Aristae Historia, Gr. et Lat. ; folio, portrait, calf, 18s. Oxon. 1705 "Among the writers on the Septuagint version, no one has displayed either more knowledge of the subject or more critical sagacity than Hodius.'' Bp. Marsh. 528 Hoffman (S. F. G.). Lexicon Bibliographicum, sive Index Edi- tionum et Interpretationum Script. Graec. turn Sacrorum turn Profanorum ; 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, £ 1 Is. Leipzic, 1832-36 Hoffmanni Lexicon Universale ; vide : History. 529 Horne's (T. H.) Introduction to the Critical Study and Know- ledge of the Scriptures ; 5 vols. 8vo. bds. £2 12s. 6d. 1846 530 Imbonati (Jos.) Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica Scriptorum qui contra JucIpros vel de Re Hebraica scripsere ; folio, portrait, calf, scarce, £l lis. 6d. Romce. 1694 531 Index Expurgatorius Hispanus ; folio, vellum, 12s. Madrid, 1707 With autograph of " Antonio Alvarez de la Puente" (Obispo de Zeuda, Inquisidor General, &c.) 532 Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgandorum novissimus (Ilispanicus et Romanus), ab Ant. a Sotomayor recognitus ; fol. calf, 12s. Madr. 1667 533 Index Librorum Prohibitorum Alexandri VII. P.M. Jussu editus, etc. ; folio, vellum, Gs. {Juxla exemplar cxeusum Roma;, 1667) 46 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. Bibliography. 534 Index librorum prohibitorum, Gregorii XVI. jussu editus, 8vo. sewed, 9s. Romee, 1841 535 Idem liber, cum Supplements ad Annum 1851 (Jun. 6) ; 8vo. cloth boards, lettered, 15s. ibid. 1841-51 536 Idem liber, editio novissima (ad finem Anni 1853) ; 8vo. sewed, 7s. Neapoli, 1853 537 Index librorum prohibitorum juxta exemplar Romanum editum ; sewed, 4s. 6d. Mechlinice, 1843 537*Ittigius (Tho.) de Bibliothecis et Catenis Patrum, variisque Vett. Script. Ecclesiasticorum Collectionibus ; 8vo. vellum, scarce, 12s. Lipsice, 1807 " An exceedingly useful work."- — Dowling. 538 Jahrbuecher der gesammt. Deutschen Jurist Litteratur heraus- gegeben von Fr. Chr. K. Schunk ; 6 vols. 8vo. sewed (published, at £5) £\ 16s. Erlangen, 1826-31 Kayser's (C. G.) Buecher-Lexicon ; vide: General Bibliography. 538*Ladvocat's (l'Abbe) historisches Handwoerterbuch oder Nach- richt von Patriarchen, Fuersten, Psebsten, Kirchen-vatern, Ge- lehrten, etc. und Ausgaben ihrer Schriften, etc. mit Supplement von S. Baur ; 9 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. cf. £1 4s. Vim, 1760-1803 539 Le Long (J.) et Boerneri (C. F.) Bibliotheca Sacra, emendata, suppleta, et continuata ab A. G. Masch ; 4 vols. 4to. £\ 8s. Hal(E, 1778-90 539* Idem liber; 6 vols, in 3, 4to. half bound, £1 16s. 1778-90 " It contains much curious information, and will be found an invaluable acquisition to the Biblical scholar. It contains the editions of the original Hebrew and Greek Text, also the Greek, Oriental, and Latin Versions, with a Supplement. It is far more complete in these departments than the for- mer edition." — British Librarian. 540 Le Long Discours Historiques sur les principales editions des Bibles Polyglottes ; 12mo. French calf, gilt, 6s. Paris, 1713 541 Lii'enii (Martini) Bibliotheca Juridica post Struvium et Je- nichenium emendata, multis accessionibus aucta et locupletata, adjecto etiam accurato Indice Scriptorum instructa. Cum Sup- plementis Aug. Frid. Schotti, K. C. de Sinkenberg, et Lud. God. Madihnii ; 5 vols, in 4, folio, calf, scarce, £3 13s. 6d. Lipsioi, 1757-89 et Vratislaviae (1816) 542 Idem liber, accedit Supplementum Alteram Z. G. Madihnii ; Gvols. folio, half bound vellum, £4 14s. 6d. ibid. 1757-1823 This valuable work is arranged on a similar plan to Watts' Bibliotheca Britannica, consisting of an Alphabetical Dictionary of Subjects to which a very full Index of Names is added. It furnishes the most complete cata- logue of both Canon and Civil Law. 543 Lumper (Goltfr.) Historia Theologico-critica de Yitis, Scriptis ; et Doctrina Sanct. Patrum aliorumque Scriptor. Ecclesiast. trium primorum Sseculorum ; 13 thick vols. 8vo. sewed, £2 2s. Aug. Vind. 1783-99 543* Idem liber ; 13 vols. 8vo. vellum, £3 3s. ibid. 1783-99 For the contents of this valuable book, see " Darling's Cyclopaedia, " col. 1 882. Martinierre (A. A. Brazen de la) Dictionuaire Historique ; vide : History. Makctiand (P.) Dictionnaire Hist. ; vide: History. bibliography.] no. 270, strand, london. 47 Bibliography. Meuselii (J. G.) Bibliotheca Hist. ; vide: General Bibliography. Meyer's (G.) Geshichte (lev Schrifterklaerung ; vide : Meyer. Moreri (L.) Dictionnaire Historique ; vide : History. Morhofii (D. G.) Polyhistor ; vide : General Bibliography. 544 Oettinger, Bibliographie Biographique, ou Dictionnaire de 2G,000 Ouvrages, tant anciens que modernes, relatifs a l'bistoire dela vie des hommes celebres de tous les temps et de toutes les nations ; 4to. cloth (published at £2 8s.) £1 8s. Leipzig, 1850 Palm's (J. G.) Historie der Dr. Martin Luther's Bibeluebersetz- ung ; vide : Goeze, No. 522. 545 Panzeri (Geor. Wolfg.) Annales Typographici ab Artis inventae Origine ad Annum 1500 post Maittairii, Denisii, Aliorumque curas emendati et aucti ; 11 vols. 4to. half bound, calf, £4 4s. Norimbergce, 1793-1803 Indispensable to all who study the history of the revival of letters, as well as to bibliographers. 546 Pitseus (J.) de Illustribus Anglise Scriptoribus ; 4to. calf, scarce £1 Is. Paris, 1619 Placci (V.) Thesaurus Anonymorum et Pseudonymorum ; vide : General Bibliography. 547 Possevini (Ant.) Apparatus Sacer ad Scriptores Vet. et Nov. Test. ; eorum Interpretes, Synodos, et Patres Grsecos et Latinos ; in Auctores Recentiores, quique contra Hereticos egerunt ; Poetas Sacros ; Libros pios, quocunque idiomate conscriptos, &c. ; 2 vols, folio, vellum, £1 4s. Col. Agrip. 16*08 548 Ranyard (L. N.) The Book and its Story, a Narrative for the Young ; with Introduction by the Rev. T. Phillips ; crown 8vo. frontispiece, cloth, lettered and gilt, 4s. London, 1855 549 Reading (G.) Catalogus Bibliothecae in Collegio Sionensi ; folio, calf. 6s. Londini, 1724 550 RiBADENEiRiE (P.) et Ph. Alegambi Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu, folio, vellum, 12s. Antv. 1643 551 Richter's (G. L.) Biographisches Lexicon -Geistlicher Lieder- dichter ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. Lei]). 1804 551*Sabbathier (F.) Dictionnaire pour l'lntelligence des Autheurs Classiques, Grecs et Latins, tant Sacres que Profanes, etc. ; 37 vols. 8vo. French calf, £3 10s. Chalons-sur-Marne, 1766-1815 552 Sandii (Ch. C.) Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum, sive Catalogus Script. Anti-Trinit. etc. 2 vols. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Freistadii, 1684-5 553 Saxii (Christoph.) Onomasticon Literarium, sive Nomenclator hist. crit. Praestantissimorum omnis setatis, populi artiumque formulae Scriptorum, etc. 8 vols Svo. calf, neat. £\ 16s. Trajecti ad Rh. 1761 Saxius enumerates minutely the sources of his information, and thus renders it an easy task to consult his authorities themselves. 554 Schoenemann Bibliotheca Historico-litteraria Patrum Lati- norum a Tertulliano principe usque ad Gregorium Magnum et Isidorum Hispalensem ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s. Leip. 1792-4. 555 Idem liber ; 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 10s. 6d. ibid. 1792-4" 556 ■ — Idem liber; 2 vols. 2vo. neatly half bound, antique calf, 14s. ibid. 1792-4 48 NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. [niRLIOGRAl'HY. BlBLIOORAPHY. 557 Staetjdlin's (C. F.) Geschichte unci Litteratur cler Kirchen-Ge- schichte, herausgegeben von J. T. Ilensen ; 8vo. sewed, 5s. Hanover, 1827 558 Tischendorf (/Enoth. Frid. Const.) Anecdota Sacra et Profana, in Oriente et Occidente allata, sive Notitia Codicum Greecorum, Arabicorum, Syriacorum, Copticorum, Hebraicorum, iEthiopi- corum, Latinornm, cum excerptis multis maximam partem Grsecis, at XXXV Script. Ant. Speciminibus ; 4to. facsimiles of ancient manuscripts, £\ 4s. Lipsice, 1855 Containing also a catalogue of all the MSS. obtained by Professor Tiscbendorf, during his travels in the East, including those which have been secured for the British Museum and the Bodleian Library at Oxford. 559 Townley's (Dr. Jas.) Illustrations of Biblical Literature, exhibit- ing tbe History and Fate of the Sacred Writings to the present time, with Notices of Translators and other Biblical Scholars ; 3 vols. 8vo. boards, £1 8s. London, 1821 5G0 Tychsen (O. G.) Tentamen de variis Codicum Hebraicorum, Vet. Test. MSS. Generibus ; 12mo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Rostoc. 1 772 561 Walchii (J. G) Bibliotheca Patristica, litterariis Annotationibus instructa, aucta ab J. L. Danzio ; 8vo. sewed, 12s. Jena, 1831 "The most information on the Fathers, comprised in a small compass." — Bp. Marsh. 502 Ejusdem Bibliotheca Theologica Selecta, litterariis An- notationibus instructa; 4 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 18s. Jence, 1757-65 563 Idem liber; 4 vols. 8vo. calf, £1 Is. ibid. 1757-65 The contents of this valuable book is given in Darling's Encvclopaedia, cols. 3087-8. 564 Winer's (Dr. G. B.) Haudbuch der Theologischen Literatur, hauptsiichlich der Protestantischen, nebst kurzen biographischen Notizen iiber die Theologischen Schriftsteller ; 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. sewed, (published at 18s.) 9s. Leip. 1838-42 565 Dasselbe ; 3 vols, in l,8vo. hf. bd. russia, 12s. ib. 1838-42 566 Wolfii (J. Chr.) Bibliotheca Hebrsea, sive Notitia turn auctorum Hebr. cujuicunque eetatis, turn Scriptorum, quae vel Hebraice primum exarata, vel ab aliis conversa sunt, ad nostram setatem deducta; 4 vols. 4to. calf, £\ 18s. Hamburg, 1715-33 567 Idem liber ; 4 vols, in 2, 4to. vellum, £\ 16s. ibid. 1715-33 " This work is by no means confined to Jewish authors, but takes ample scope amongst eminent Christian writers of all nations, who profess to assist the student in the knowledge of the Old Testament." — British Librarian. Zedler's Universal Lexicon ; vide infra : Zedler. 569 Zeitschrift, Wissenschaftliche, fiir Jiidische Theologie, heraus- gegeben von einem Vereine Jiidischer Gelehrter durch Abm. Geiger ; 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s. Frankfurt, a.M. 1835-39 570 Zenker Bibliotheca Orientalis : Manuel de Bibliographie Orien- tale (des Livres Arabes, Persans, et Turcs) ; 8vo. sewed, 10s. Gd. Lipsiae, 1813 571 Zornii (P.) Historia Bibliorum Manualium ; 4to. 5s. ibid. 1738 572 Ejusdem Historia Bibliorum ex Hebrseorum diebus festis et jejuniis illustrata ; 4to 5s. ibid. 1741 573 Ejusdem Historia Bibliorum Pictorum ex Antiquitatibus Hebr?eorum et Christianorum illustrata ; 4to. 5s. ibid. 1743 J. P. MIGNE, BIBL.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 49 574 BIBLIOTHECA CLERICALTS COMPLETA, STUDIO, LABORE, ET TYPIS J. P. MIGNE. 2000 Volumes Imperial 8vo. Printed in Double Columns. *%* Subscription price for the entire Series, j£500. Of this Extensive Series of Theology, printed by the Abbe Migne, at his colossal establishment, near the Barriere d'Enfer, at Paris, where as his prospectus informs us, " the types are cast, the pages stereotyped, the books printed and hotpressed, and bound up and published," — where, in tact, a great book manufactory is in ceaseless activity — THE FOLLOWING WORKS HAVE ALREADY APPEARED:— 575 Patrologi^e Cursus Completus, sive Bibliotheca Uni- versalis, Integra, Uniforma, Commoda, (Economica, Omnium, SS. Patrum, Doctorum Scriptorumque Eccle- SIASTICORUM QUI AB Mvo ApOSTOLICO AD INNOCENTI III. Tempora floruerunt ; vols. 1 to 217, impl. 8vo. a676. Paris, 1839-1854 To be completed in about 260 vols. Each work is sold separately, at the same small ratio of price, and the 217 vols, comprise : — Cent. a.d. £ s. 1142 Abaelardus, 1 vol. . 0 10 1166 .(Elraedus Rhieval- ensis, 1 vol. . 0 9 1202 Alanus delnsulis,lvol.0 8 804 Alcuinus, 2 vols. . 0 16 1075 Alexander II., 1vol. 0 8 1181 AlexanderIII.,lvol. 0 9 397 Arabrosius, 4 vols. 870 Anastasius, Biblio- thecarius, 3 vols. 1109 Anselmus, 2 vols. . 1274 Aquinatis, Thorax, Summa, 4 vols. . 556 Arator, 1 vol. . 303 Arnobius, 1 vol. 950 Atto, 1 vol. . 430 Augustinus, 16 vols. 1097 Baldericus, 1 vol. . IX. c. 868 Bertramus, vel Ra- tramnus, 1 vol. . 1171 Becket, 1 vol. 735 BedaVenerabiliset PaulusDiacon us, 6 vols. 548 Benedictus Patriarcha Monachor., 1 vol. 0 821 Benedictus (Anianus) 1 vol. . . 0 1153 Bernardus, 4 vols. . 1 524 Boethius, 2 vols. 1123 Bruno Astensis, 2 vols. . 1 4 0 16 Cent, a.d 1101 Bruno 0 16 0 2 10 0 7 0 0 18 0 16 0 Cartusiano- rum Patriarcha, 2 vols. 1033 Bruno Herbipoleii- sis, 1 vol. . 1050 Burchardus, 1 vol. . 814 Carolus Magnus, 2 vols. . V.c. 425 Cassianus, 2 vols. . 534 Cassiodorous, 2 vols. 0 16 435 Chrysologus, 1 vol. 0 8 417 Chrysostomus, Latine, 9 vols. • .30 1191 Clement III., 1 vol. 0 9 1170 Comestor, Petrus, 1 vol. . . 0 10 337 Constantinus, 1 vol. 0 9 0 18 0 16 258 Cyprianus, 1 vol. . 0 8 384 Damasus, 1 vol. . 0 8 1057 Damianus, 2 vols. . 0 16 V.c. Dexterus et Oro- sius, 1 vol. . .090 VI. c. 540 Dionysius (Parvus seuExiguus),l vol. 0 8 0 IXc. Eginhardus, 1 vol. .080 1153 Eugenius III., 1 vol. 0 9 0 IV.c. f Eugyppius, Sym- & ■< niachus et Vi- V.c. [ gilius, 1 vol. .090 859 Eulogius et Pruden- tius, 1 vol. . .080 370 Eusebius Vevceillen- sis, 1 vol. . .090 H 50 DAVID NUTT'S CATALOGUE. [THEOLOGY. Cent . A.D. £ s. d. Cent A.D. £ s. d. 940 Flodoardus, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 328 Lactantius, 2 vols. 0 16 0 609 Fortunatus, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 1089 Laufraucus, 1 vol. . 0 10 6 1007 Fulbertus, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 461 Leo Magnus, 3 vols. 1 8 0 533 Fulgentius, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 LiturgiaMozarabica, XI.c Galfredus de Vend. 2 vols. . . 0 16 0 1 vol. 0 10 6 1164 Lombardus, Petrus, 1100 Galfredus de Bullon, 2 vols. . . 0 16 0 1 vol. 0 10 6 V.c. Marius Mercator, XII. z. Galfredus Admos- 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 tensis, 1 vol. 0 9 0 1250 Martinus Legio- XII.c. Gerhobus, 2 vols. . (1 16 0 nensis, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 VI.c. 600 Germanus Parisiensis, 875 Martyrologium Ur- ] vol. . 0 7 0 suardi et Adonis, XII. ;. Gratianus, 1 vol. . 604 Gregorius Magnus, 0 10 6 2 vols. . . 0 430 Maximus Taurinens. 16 0 5 vols. 2 0 0 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 595 Gregorius Turonen- 943 Odo, 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 sis, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 XIII c. Odon de Sully et 1085 Gregorius VII., 1 Petrus de Riga, vol. . 0 8 0 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 XII. 3.1110 Guibertus, 1 vol. . 1143 Guilielmus Mal- Innocen- 0 8 0 IV.c. XI.c. 384 0 Ordericus Vitalis, 1 vol. . . 0 9 8 0 0 tius II., 1 vol. . 0 9 0 V.c. 420 Orosius et Dexter, 1195 Guilielmus Tyr., 1 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 vol. . 0 9 0 XII.< ;. Pascalius II., 1 vol. 0 9 0 Guilielmus, 1 vol. 0 8 0 850 Paschasius Radber- 1150 Harvengius, 1 vol 0 9 0 tus, 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 814 Haymon, 3 vols. 1 4 0 431 Paulinus Nolensis, 420 Hieronymus, 9 vols. 3 10 0 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 367 Hilarius (Pictaven- 804 Paulus Aqualeiensis, sis), 2 vols. 0 Hi 0 1 vol. . . .0 8 0 449 Hilarius (Aries), 1 1160 Petrus Blessensis, vol. . 0 9 0 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 XII.( .1132 Hildebertus, 1vol.. 0 8 0 XII.c Petrus Cantor, 1 vol. 0 8 0 XII.c .1180 Hildegarda, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 1182 Petrus Cellensis, 1 669 Hildephonsus, 1 vol. 0 9 0 vol 0 9 0 882 Hincmarus, 2 vols. 0 16 0 XIII. c. Petrus de Riga et XII.c .1120 Honorius, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 Odon de Sullv, X.c. Hrotswitba, 1 vol. . 1108 Hugo de Flavigor. 0 8 0 XII.c 1 vol. . " . 0 .1130 Petrus Venerabilis, 8 0 Cluniensis, 1 vol. 0 8 0 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 1120 HugodeSt.Victore, 1150 Harveng. Philippus 3 vols. ] 5 0 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 1254 Humbertus, 1 vol. 0 8 0 IV.c. Poet?eVI.Christiani 669 Ildefonsus v. Hil- et (Juvencus, Opta- dephonsus, 1 vol. 0 9 0 V.c. tianus, Sedulius, 1135 Innocentius II. et Severus, Proba Guil, Malmesb., Falconia et Auso- 1 vol. 0 9 0 nius) 1 vol. . 0 7 0 1216 Innocent III., 4 463 Prosperus, 1 vol. . 0 7 0 vols. 1 12 0 IX.c. Prudentius et Eulo- 636 Isidorus, Hispalen- gius, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 sis, 4 vols. 1 10 0 415 Prudentius, Quintus 440 Isidorus Mercator, Aurelius, 2 vols. . 0 16 0 1 vol. 0 8 0 1152 Pullus et Sugerius, IV.c. Joannes (Svlvani), 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 1 vol. 0 8 0 IX.c. 850 Rabanus Maurus, 6 1181 Joannes Sarisberi- vols. . . .2 8 0 ensis, 1 vol. 0 8 0 950 Ratherus 1 vol. . 0 8 0 J. P. MIGNE, BIBL.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 51 Cent. a.d. £ t. d. Cent . A.D. £ 8. d. IX.c. 895 Reginones, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 Fortunatus, et IX.c* Remigius (Antis- Evanlius, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 siodorensis) 1 vol. 0 8 0 IX.c. Scriptores Saeculi 1173 Richardus de St. Victore, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 IX. {Theodulfm, Eigiles, Dungalus, X.c. Richerius, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 Evan. Nigellus, XILc. Rodolphus, 1 vol. . 0 RosweydaVitae PP., 9 0 et Symp. Amal- drius, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 2 vols. . . 0 1G 0 XI.c. Scriptores Saeculi V.c. 400 Rufinus, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 XI.,/m?XXXIV. 1120 Rupertus Tuitiensis, 4 vols. . . 1 16 0 inter quos : Silves- ter II., JElfricus 484 Salvianus, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 Cantuariensis, IX.c. Scotus, Joan. 1 vol. 0 8 0 Joannes XVIII, V.c. Scriptores Ecclesi- astici qui in Sae- culoV. floruerunt, fere xx., I vol. .0 8 0 Sergius IV., Be- nedictus VIII., Olhlonus, Ada- musBremensis, et VII.c. Scriptores Ecclesi- astici, qui Saeculi Alexander II., 2 vols. . . 0 Ifi 0 VII. prima in 1215 Sicardus, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 parte floruerunt XILc Sigisbertus, 1 vol. . 0 8 0 fere xxx., 1 vol. . 0 8 0 823 1203 Smaragdus, 1 vol. . 0 Stephanus Torna- 7 0 Besides some twenty-eight other wri- censis, 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 ters, this volume contains the remains IXc. 850 Strabus, Walfridus, of St. Augustin, the Apostle to the St. Galli, 2 vols. . 0 16 0 Anglo-Saxons, of St. Boniface, of St. 1152 Sugerius et Rob. Columbanus, of King Ethelbert, and of Pullus, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 Kings Gondemar, Clothaire II , and 1003 Sylvester II., 1 vol. 0 8 0 Dagobert I. IV.c. et f Symmachus,Vigi- < lius et Eugyp- VII.c. Scriptores Saeculi V.c. [ pius, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 VII. qui Secunda 216 Tertullianus, 3 vols. 1 3 0 in parte florue- 841 Theodolphus, 1 vol. 0 8 0 runt fere XL. in- 1171 Thomas a Becket, fer quos : Abbo, 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 Sigiberlus, Mar- XII.c .1150 Tl culfus, Clodovi- dugalensis, 1 vol. 0 8 0 cus, ChildericusII. IV.c. Ulphilas, 1 vol. . 0 11 6 et Dagobertus II. 1089 Urbanus II., 1 vol. 0 9 0 1 vol. . . 0 8 0 1087 VictorinusIII.,lvol. 0 8 0 VIII.c. Scriptores Ecclesi- IV.& V.c. f Vigilius, Eugyp- astici qui in Sae- < pius et Symma- culo VIII. florue- L chus, 1 vol. . 0 9 0 runt, fere XX. in- 1115 Yves vel Ivo. 2 vols. 0 18 0 ter quos : Adam- IV.c. Zeno et Optatus, nanus, Venant. 1 vol. . . 0 9 0 "By the Abbe Migne's circular, we see that the ' Cours Complet de Patrologie' has been now concluded, making 217 imperial octavo volumes. He is, however, now going on with a supplementary series, which he calls 'Cours Complet de Theologie Graeco-Latin,' that is, an edition giving the two languages in parallel columns." Up to this date (Nov. 1856) have appeared: Patres Apostolici, 2 vols. £1 Is.; Dionysius Areopagita, 2 vols. £l Is.; Ignatius, Polycarp, Melitoet alia, 10s. 6d. ; Justin Martyr, Tatianus, Athenagorus, Theophilus Antiochenus (Hermias), in 1 vol. 12s. ; Clemens Alexandrinus, 2 vols. £1 Is.; Gregorius Thaumaturgus, Hippolytus Por tuensis, Dionysius Alexandrinus, Julius Africanus, etc. in 1 vol. 10s. Irenaeus, 13s. He thus describes the series: — 52 DAVID nutt's catalogue. [theology. " ' Cette Publication, contenant la Tradition Catholique, universellement quant aux auteurs, entierement quant aux ouvrages, chronologiquement quant a la marche, uniform6ment quant au format, et economiquement quant aux prix, est la plus considerable et la plus iiiorale qui ait ete faite en aucun lieu du monde depuis l'invention de rimprimerie.' " Tous les Peres Grecs et Latins se trouvent dans l'edition Latine. Les 217 vol. des Peres, allant depuis Tertullien jusqu a Innocent III. inclusive- ment, sont entierement acheves. lis contiennent plus de 1000 auteurs ci- dessus omis faute de place." " These two series, though perhaps the most important to us, give a very slight notion of the vast undertaking of the Abbe. The ' Encyclopedic Theo- logique' has reached its 125th, to be completed in 164 volumes. ' La Col- lection des Orateurs Sacres,' its 84th, to be completed in 100 volumes. ' Le Cours d'Histoire Ecclesiastique,' its 11th volume, out of 25. There are besides other complete works of authors, e. g. Bergier, Latour, Luzerne, Baudrand, &c. ; amounting to some 25 volumes more. The Abbe also an- nounces the commencement of a work entitled ' La Collection Universelle et Integrate des Conciles;' ' Les (Euvres completes de Saint Thomas ;' and those of ' Saint Bonaventure.' " — Literary Churchman. 576 Scripture Sacrse Cursus Completus, ex Commentariis omnium perfectissimis ubique habitis, et a magna parte Episcoporum necnon Theologorum Europse Catholicse ; universim ad hoc In- terrogatorum designatis, unice conflatus, etc. ; annotavit vero simul et edidit J. P. Migne cum Indicibus etTabulis necessariis ; 28 vols. imp. 8 vo. printed in double columns, £8. Paris, 1839-51 '• Cours complet d'Ecriture sainte forme uniquement de Commentaires et de Traites partout reconnus comme des chefs-d'oeuvre, et designes par une grande partie des eveques et des theologiens de 1' Europe, universellement consultes a cet effet, termine par une table universelle analytique et par un grand nombre d'autres tables." — Abbe Migne's Circular. 577 Atlas Geographique et Iconographique du Cours d'Ecriture Sainte, imp. 8vo. 77 plates, 7s. Paris, 1851 578 Theologize Cursus Completus, ex Tractatibus omnium perfec- tissimis ubique habitis, et a magna parte Episcoporum necnon Theologorum Europse Catholicae, universim ad hoc Interroga- torum designatis, unice conflatus, etc. annotavit vero simul et edidit J. P. Migne ; cum Conspectu totius Operis et Indicibus ; 28 vols, imperial 8vo. printed in double columns, ^68. Paris, 1839-45 " Cours complet de Th^ologie, publie et annote par une societe" d'eccl£s- iastiques, tous cures ou directeurs de s^minaires dans Paris. Avec table universelle analytique, et un grand nombre d'autres tables." — Abbe Migne's Circular. 579 Collection Integrale et Universelle des Orateurs Sacres du premier et du second Ordre, et Collection Integrale ou Choisie de la Plupart de ceux du troisieme Ordre, publiee selon l'ordre chronologique, afin de presenter, comme sous un coup d'oeil, l'histoire de la predication en France, pendant trois siecles, avec ses commencements, ses progres, son apogee, sa decadence et sa renaissance, 67 vols, imperial 8vo. j£18 18s. Paris, v. a. Each volume is sold separately at 7s. per volume. CONTENTS. Camus, Godeau, Coton, Caussin et Moli- nier, 1 vol. De Lingeudes, Biroat, et Castillon, 1 vol. Lejeune, 3 vol. Senault, de Bourzeis, Texier et La Co- lonibiere, 2 vol. J. P. MIGNE, BIBL.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 53 De Frotnentieres, de la Volpiliere et de St. Martin, 2 vol. Maimbourg, Simon de la Vierge, Fran- cois de Toulouse et Treuve 2 vol. Cheminais, de Bretteville et Leboux, 1 vol. Giroust, Dorleans et Masson, 1 vol. Bourdaloue 3 vol. Maboul, Mascaron, de la Chambre, Ni- colas ide Dijon et Richard (l'avocat), 3 vol. Anselme, Boileau, la Pesse et Chauche- mer, 3 vol. Damascene et Flechier, 1 vol. Bossuet, 2 vol. De la Roche, 1 vol. Hubert, 1 vol. Fenelon et la Rue, 1 vol. Les deux Terrasson, 1 vol. Begault, dom Jerome, de Nesmond et Matthias Poncet de la Riviere, 1 vol. Jerome de Paris et Loriot, I vol. Joly, 1 vol. Augustin de Narbonne, Seraphin de Paris, Honore Gaillard, Poisson et Quiqueran de Beaujeu, 1 vol. La Boissiere et la Parisiere, 1 vol. De la Chetardie et Hermant, 1 vol. Houdry, 2 vol. Bertal, Champigny, du Jarry et Charaud, Bourree et Soamen, 2 vol. Bretonneau et Renaud, 1 vol. Massillon, 2 vol. Molinier, Dufay, Michel Poncet de la Riviere et Pacaud, 2 vol. Palu, Mongin et le Prevot, 1 vol. Segaud et Dutreul, 1 vol. Daniel de Paris, 1 vol. . Ballet et Surian, 2 vol. Sensaric, Ciceri et Perusseau, 1 vol. Lafiteau et Segui, 1 vol. La Tour du Pin, Perrin, Jard et Trublet, 1 vol. D'Alegre, Clement, Collet, Pradal et Poulle, 2 vol. Griffet, Girardot et Geoffroy, 1 vol. Les deux Neuville, 1 vol. Laberthonie et Vincent, 1 vol. Le Chapelain; Papillon ou du Rivet et Elisee, 1 vol. De la Tour, 3 vol. Gery et Aselin, 1 vol. Marolles, Barutel, Tome, de Tracy et Baudrand, 1 vol. Feller, Fossard, de Boismont et Camba- ceres, 1 vol. Fauchet, Lecouturier, Roquelaure. d'Ar- gentre, Ingoult, de l'Ecluse des Loges, Talbert et Beurrier, 1 vol. Le P. Richard, Asseline et Maury, 1 vol. 1 vol. 580 Collection integrale et universelle des Orateurs Sacres, Deuxieme Serie, renfermant : 1° Les (Euvres oratoires depuis 1789 jusqu'a, nos jours ; 2° Mandements ou discours de Nosseigneurs les Archeveques ou Eveques de France, de Savoie et de Belgique ; 3° Sermons de 25 des Predicateurs contemporains les plus dis- tingues ; 4° Pronistes anciens et modernes ; 5° Ouvrages sur les Regies de la Predication ; 33 volumes, imp. 8vo. £\Q 16s. Each work is sold separately, at 7s. per volume. Le cardinal Villecourt, 1 vol. NNgrs Depery, Pie Buissas, de Prilly, de Morlhon, Guibert, Malou, Foulquier, Daniel, Dupanloup, Vibert, Gignoux, Billiet, I vol. NNgrs Rivet, Delebecque, de Dreux- Breze, Angebault, de la Bouillerie, La- croix, Gros, Jourdain, Laurence, Debe- lay, Bardou, Regnault, Bourget, de Margueryre, Lyonnet, Plantier, Pavy, Menjaud, de Bonnechose, 1 vol. NNgrs Jolly, Rendu, Mabile, Rscss, Thi- bault, Delalle, de Montpellier, Dufetre, Wicart, de Garsignies, de Mazenod, 1 vol. Le Courtier.Maupied, Cabanes, Robitaille, Lalanne, Barthelemy, Dechamps, Mer- millod, Petit, Lallier, Barthe, Coque- reau, Noel, Grivel, Gaudreau, Dassance, Brunei, etc. 1 vol. De Montis, Monmorel, Maurel, J. Lam- bert, Ribier, 1 vol. Dessauret, Bergier, de Ligny, Perret de Fontenailles, de Salamon, 1 vol. Lenfant, Villedieu, 1 vol. De Beauvais, de Noe, Cossart, de Beaure- gard, 1 vol. Cormeaux, de Boisgelin, Gerard, Anot, Guenard, 1 vol. L'Abbe Richard, Legris-Duval, de la Lu- zerne, Bertin, 1 vol. De Boulogne, de Billy, Fournier, 1 vol. Borderies, Longin, Doucet, 1 vol. Robinot, Jjabouderie, 1 vol. Frayssinous, 1 vol. Boyer, Roy, de Bonnevie, 1 vol. Caffort, Boudot, Guillon, Feutrier, Oli- vier, de Montblanc, 1 vol. Tailland, etc. 1 vol. Les cardinaux Donnet, Du Pont, de Bo- nald et Mgr Cbarvaz, 1 vol. The remainder of the series is in course of publication. 54 DAVID NUTT's CATALOGUE. [theology. 581 Encyclopedie Theologique, ou Premiere serie de Dictionnaires sur toutes les branches de la science religiense, constituant en Fran^ais, la plus commode, la plus facile, la plus claire, la plus variee, et la plus complete des theologies ; 52 vols, imperial 8vo. £18 18s. Taiis, v. a. CES DICTIONNAIRES SONT CEUX ! £ s. d. D'Ecriture sainte, 4 vol. . De Philologie, 4 vol. De Liturgie, 1 vol. . De Droit canon, 2 vol. . Des Heresies, des Schismes, des Livres Jansenistes, des Propositions et des Livres condamnes, 2 vol. Des Conciles, 2 vol. Des Ceremonies et des Rites, 3 vol. 1 Des Cas de conscience, 2 vol. . Des Ordres religieux, 4 vol. . Des diverses Religions, 4 vol. . De Geographic, 3 vol. De Theologie dogmatique, ca- nonique, liturgique et pole- mique, 4 vol. 51 vol. ont vu le jour, la fin de 1856. 1 10 0 1 10 0 0 9 0 0 16 0 0 18 0 0 16 0 1 4 0 0 16 0 1 16 0 1 16 0 1 4 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. De Theologie morale et mys- tique, 2 vol. De Jurisprudence, 3 vol. Des Passions, des Vertus et des Vices, 1 vol. D'Hagiographie, 2 vol. . Des Pelerinages, 2 vol. . D'Astronomie, de Physique et de Meteorologie, 1 vol. D'Iconographie, 1 vol. . De Chimie et de Mineralogie, 1 vol De Diplomatique, 1 vol. Des Sciences occultes, 2 vol. . De Geologie et de Chronologie, 1 vol 0 16 1 1 0 8 0 16 0 16 9 9 0 18 0 9 0 Le tome IV des " Ordres religieux" paraitra vers 582 Nouvelle Encyclopedie Theologique (Seconde Serie) ; 52 vols. imperial 8vo. sewed, ^£18 18s. Paris, v. a. CONTENANT LES DICTIONNAIRES De Biographie, 3 vol. Des Persecutions, 2 vol. . D'Eloquence, 1 vol. De Litterature, 1 vol. De Botanique, 1 vol. De Statistique, 1 vol. D'Anecdotes, 1 vol. D'Archeologie, 2 vol. D'Heraldique, 1 vol. De Zoologie, 3 vol. De Medecine, 1 vol. Des Croisades, 1 vol. Des Erreurs sociales, 1 vol. De Patrologie, 4 vol. Des Propheties et des Miracles, 2 vol Des Decrets des Congregations Romaines, 1 vol. Des Indulgences, 1 vol. . D'Agri-silvi-viti-horti-culture,l vol. . De Musique, 1 vol. D'Epigraphie, 2 vol. De Numismatique, 1 vol. £ s. d. 1 8 0 0 18 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 18 0 0 8 0 1 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 1 12 0 0 16 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0 8 0 £ s. d. Des Conversions au catholi- cisme, 1 vol. D'Education, 1 vol. Des Inventions et decouvertes, 2 vol D'Ethnographie, 1 vol. . Des Apologistes involontaires, 2 vol Des Manuscrits, 2 vol. D'Anthropologie, 1 vol. . Des Mysteres, 1 vol. Des Merveilles, 1 vol. D'Ascetisme, 2 vol. De Paleographie, de Crypto- graphic, de Dactylologie, d'Hierogliphie, de Stenogra- phic et de Tek'graphie, 1 vol. 0 De Cosmogonie et de Paleonto- logie, 1 vol. De l'Art de verifier les dates, 1 vol Des Confreries, 1 vol. Et d'Apologetique contre les objections savantes, 2 vol. . 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 16 0 0 9 0 0 18 0 0 16 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 18 0 Tous ces Dictionnaires ont paru. 583 Derniere Encyclopedie Theologique (Troisieme Serie) ; 60 vols, imperial 8vo. (of which vols. I to 20 are published at^67 12s.), <£21. ibid. v. a* J. P. MIGNE, BIBL.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 55 CONTENANT LES DICTIONNAIRES : De Philosophic *D'Antiphilosophisme, 1 vol. 9s. *Des Harmonies de la Raison avec la Foi, 1 vol. 9s. Du Parallele des doctrines religieuses et philosophiques avec la foi catholique. Du Protestantisme. Des Ojections populaires. De Critique. De Scolastique. De Philologie du meyen age, De Physiologie. *De Tradition patristique et conciliaire, 2 vols. 16s. De la Chaire. *D'Histoire ecclesiastique, vols. I. et II. 16s. Des Missions. Des Antiquites chretiennes et decou- vertes modernes. Des Bienfaits du Christianisme. *D'Esthetique, 1 vol. 8s. De Discipline. D'Erudition. Des Papes. Des Cardinaux. De Bibliographie. *Des Musees, 1 vol. 8s. *Des Abbayes, 1 vol. 8s. De Ciselure, gravure et ornementation chretienne. *De Legendes, 1 vol. 8s. De Cantiques. *D'Economie charitable, vols. I. — III. £1 4s. *Des Sciences politiques, 3 vols. £1 4s. De Legislation comparec *De la Sagesse populaire, 1 vol. 8s. *Des Superstitions populaires, 1 vol. 8s. *Des Livres apocryphes, 1 vol. 9s. De Lecons de litterature en prose et en vers. *De Mythologie, 1 vol. 9s. De Technologic Des Controverses historiques et autres. Des Origines du christianisme. Et des Sciences physiques et naturelles dans l'antiquite. The volumes marked with an asterisk are already published. 584 Demonstrations Evangeliques de Tertullien, Origene, Eusebe, S. Augustin, Montaigne, Bacon, Grotius, Descartes, Richelieu, Arnauld, de Choiseul du Plessis-Praslin, Pascal, Pelisson, Nicole, Boyle, Bossuet, Bourdaloue, Locke, Lami, Burnet, Malebranche, Lesley, Leibnitz, la Bruyere, Fenelon, Huet, Clarke, Duguet, Stanhope, Bayle, Leclerc, du Pin, Jacquelot, Tillotson, de Haller, Sherlock, le Moine, Pope, Leland, Racine, Massillon, Ditton, Derham, dAguesseau, de Polignac, Saurin, Buffier, Warburton, Tournemine, Bentley, Littleton, Seed, Fabricius, Addison, de Bernis, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Para du Phanjas, Stanislas I., Turgot, Stattler, West, Beauzee, Bergier, Gerdil, Thomas, Bonnet, de Crillon, Euler, Delamarre, Caraccioli, Jennings, Duhamel, S. Liguori, Butler, Bullet, Vauvenargues, Guenard, Blair, de Pompignan, de Luc, Porteus, Gerard, Diessbach, Jacques, La- mourette, Laharpe, le Coz, Duvoisin, de la Luzerne, Schmitt, Poynter, Moore, Silvio Pellico, Lingard, Brunati, Manzoni, Paley, Perrone, Lambruschini, Dorleans, Campien, Fr. Perennes, Wiseman, Buckland, Marcel de Serres, Keith, Chalmers, Dupin aine, Gregoire XVI, Cattet, Milner, Sabatier, Bolgeni, Morris, Chassay, Lombroso et Consoni ; contenant les apologies de 1 1 7 auteurs, repandus dans 180 vol.; traduites pour la plupart des diverses langues dans lasquelles elles avaient ete ecrites ; repro- duites Integralement, non par extraits. Ouvrage egalement necessaire a ceux qui ne croient pas, a ceux qui doutent et a ceux qui croient ; 20 vols. imp. 8vo. sewed, £7 7s. 585 Introduction aux Demonstrations evangeliques, et Conclusion du meme ouvrage, 2 vols. imp. 8vo., 15s. " lis font partie des 20 vol. et traiteut surtout des questions actuelles en fait d'apologetique." 56 david nutt'b catalogue. [theology. 586 Luzerne (Cardinal de la) : CEuvres completes du cardinal de la Luzerne, eveque de Langres, publiees par 1' Abbe Migne ; 6 vols, imp. 8vo., £2 8s. ' 587 Pompignan (Lefranc de) CEuvres completes de Lefranc de Pom- pignan, archeveque de Vienne, et QEuvres Religieuses de son frere l'academicien, publiees par M. l'Abbe Migne ; 2 vols, imp. 8vo., 16s. 588 Bergier (Nic. Sylvestre) : CEuvres completes de Bergier, publiees par M. l'Abbe Migne ; 8 vols. imp. 8vo., £3 3s. 589 Baudrand (Barthelemy de) : ses CEuvres completes ; publiees par M. L'Abbe Migne, 2 vols. imp. 8vo., 16s. 590 Latour (B. de) : CEuvres completes de Latour, doyen du chapitre de la cathedrale de Montauban, reunies, pour la premiere fois, en une seule collection ; classees par ordre analogique de matieres. Avec les Memoires Liturgiques et Canoniques. Publiees par M. l'Abbe Migne; 7 vols. imp. 8vo. £2 12s. 6d. " Les Memoires liturgiques et canoniques valent seuls au dela de ce prix. lis sont au nombre de 51." " De la Luzerne et de Pompignan, Bergier, Baudrand et de la Tour, tiennent un rang distingue parmi les grauds eveques et les pretres celebres du dernier siecle." 591 Actes et Histoire de l'Eglise de Paris, publiees par l'ordre de Mgr. Sibour ; imp. 8vo., 7s. 592 Arnauld et Renaudot : Perpetuite de la foi de l'Eglise catholique, par Nicole, Arnauld, Renaudot, etc., suivie de la Perpetuite de la foi sur la confession auriculaire, par Denis de Sainte-Martbe, et des 13 Lettres de Scheffmacher sur les matieres controversies avec les protestants ; 4 vols. imp. 8vo., £1 8s. 593 Badoire Quatre annees pastorales au Prones pour 4 ans ; imp. 8vo., 7s. 594 Catechismes pbilosopbiques, polemiques, bistoriques, dogmatiques, moraux, disciplinaires, canoniques, pratiques, ascetiques et mys- tiques, de Feller, Aime, Scheffmacher, Rohrbacher, Pey, Le- francois, Alletz, Almeyda, Fleury, Pomey, Bellarmin, Meusy, Challoner, Gother, Surin et Olier ; 2 vols. imp. 8vo., 16s. 595 Faillon de St. Sulpice, Monuments inedits sur l'apostolat de Ste. Marie-Madeleine en Provence, et sur les autres apotres de cette contree, S. Lazare, S. Maximin, Ste. Marthe, les saintes Marie, Jacobe et Salome, etc., par M. Faillon, de St. -Sulpice ; 2 thick vols., imp. 8vo., with 300 Illustrations, £\. 596 Ferraris (Lucii) prompta bibliotheca, canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica, etc. ; vols. I. — VI., imp. 8vo., £2 14s 597 Henrion (M.) Cours complet d'Histoire ecclesiastique, par M. Henrion ; vols. 1 to 10, imp. 8vo., £3 10s. To be completed in 25 vols. — " Cette histoire, ecrite au point de vue romain pur, est innniment plus complete que la plus complete ; elle est to- talement distincte de celle du meme auteur en 13 volumes, et quatre fois plus etendue. L'impression en est tres-belle et marche vite. Elle commence a la creation, et va jusqu'au pontificat de Pie IX." 598 Lexicon et Grammaticum Hebraicum seu Chaldaicum : Triple Grammaire et triple Dictionnaire hebraiques ou chaldaiques ; thick imp. 8vo., 18s. J. P. MIGNE, BIBL.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 57 599 Maistre (Joseph de) : — CEuvres de Joseph de Maistre, savoir : Considerations sur la France; — Essai sur le principe generateur des constitutions politiques ; — Delais de la justice divine ; — Du Pape et de l'Eglise Gallicane ; imp. 8vo., 6s. 600 Migne (J. P.) Manuel ecclesiastique, offrant, alphabetiquement et en 640 pages blanches, autant de titres avec divisions et sous- divisions, sur le dogme, la morale, etc. ; ouvrage a l'aide, duquel il est impossible de perdre une seule bonne pensee, soit qu'elle survienne a l'eglise, en voyage, dans la conversation, la lecture, etc., imp. 8vo., bound, 7s. 6d. 601 Paelavicini : — Histoire du Concile de Trente, par Pallavicini, pre- cedee ou suivie du Catechisme et du texte du meme concile, de dissertations sur son autorite dans le monde catholique, sur ca reception en France et sur les objections protestantes, jansenistes, parlementaires et pbilosophiques, auxquelles il a ete en butte ; enfin d'une notice sur ceux qui y prirent part ; 3 vols, imperial 8vo. £\ Is. 602 Perrone (Joannes) Pralectiones Theologicse ; 2 vols, imperial 8vo. 14s. 603 Polyglotte Catholique (Le) en 12 langues ; imperial 8vo. 6s. 604 Pouget : — Institutiones Catholicse in Modum Catecheseos, par Pouget ; 12 vols. 8vo. £\ 10s. 605 Pressy (M. de) : — CEuvres completes de De Pressy, eveque de Boulogne ; 2 vols, imperial 8vo. 14s. 606 Piiambourg: — CEuvres completes de Biambourg, augmentees de de traites inedites ; imperial 8vo. 8s. 607 Therese (Sainte): — (Euvres completes de Ste. Therese, precedees du portrait de la Sainte, du facsimile de son ecriture, de sa Vie, par Villefore, etc. ; suivies d'un grand nombre de lettres inedites, des meditations sur ses vertus, par le cardinal Lambruschini, et des CEuvres completes de S. Pierre d' Alcantara, de S. Jean-de-la- Croix et du bienheureux Jean d'Avila ; formant ainsi un tout complet de la plus celebre ecole ascetique d'Espagne ; 4 vols, imperial 8vo. £1 8s. " Holy Therese is a prodigy of wisdom and sanctity ; her works are not sufficiently known." — Ganganelli. " In presenting so complete an analysis of this colossal undertaking, I have mainly sought to serve the cause of literature, by placing on record a correct list of what the Abbe Migne has done in the way of reprinting and editing. The books are all stereotyped, and consequently are not likely, during the active management of the Abbe, to be allowed to remain out of print as the impressions become exhausted." He announces also: — "Collection universelle et complete des Conciles generaux, nationaux, provinciaux et synodaux, 80 gros vol. latins, bientot sous presse. Cette collection sera plus que quadruple de celle de Labbe et Cossart, et plus que double de celle de Mansi et Colletti, dont les 31 vol. in-fo. sont a peine trouvables au prix de 1,200 fr." 58 dayid nutt's catalogue. [theology. Bibliotheca Vett. Patrum M. de la Bigne ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Bibliotheca Maxima Vett. Patrum Phil. Despont ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Biuliotheca Vett. Patrum And. Gallandii ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Bibliotheca Patrum Ecclesise Catholicae Oxonii edita ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Bibliotheca Nova Patrum Ang. Maii; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Bibliotheca Patrum Grsecorum, E. G. Gersdorf ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Bibliotheca Patrum Latinorum, E. G. Gersdorf; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Bibliotheca Patrum Ecclesise Anglicana?, J. A. Giles; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. BiBLiOTHEQUE des Peres de l'Eglise, par Guillon ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. 608 Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum ; 11 vols, in 10, folio, calf, £3 3s. Meuthero-p. 165G Containing the works of F. Socinus, J. Crellius, J. Schlichtingius, and J. L. Wolzogenius, the chief Socinian interpreters of the New Testament. GOO Mystica et Ascetica Scriptorum MediiiEvi ; 10 vols. 18mo. sewed, 14s. Colon, v. a. Contents: — Vol.1. Gerlaci (P., A.D. 1411). Alter Thomas a Kempis; Is. — II. Guilelmi II. (A.D. 1256.) Meditationes de Hysteria Passionis D.; Is. — III. Gonzace (Al.) Opera Omnia; Is. — IV. Bellabmini (Card. R.) de Ascensione Mentis in Deutn ; 2s. — V. Angelse de Fulginio (A.D. 1309.) Visiones et Instrnctiones ; 2s. — VI. Birgitt^e (A.D. 1373.) Revela- tiones ; 2s. — VII. Albertus Magnus de adhaerendo Deo; Is. — VIII. An- selmi (A.D. 1109) Meditationes; Is. 6d. — IX. Thos. Aquinas de Chari- tate, de X. Legibus, et de Sacramento; 2s. — X. Mechthidis (Saec. XIII.) Revelationes ; Is. G10 Billroth (G.) Commentar zu den Briefen des Paulus an die Corinther ; 8vo. half bound, 4s. 6d. Leipzig, 1833 Gil Billuart (C. R.) Cursus Theologise, sive Summa S. Thomse Aquinatis hodiernis Academiarum Moribus accommodata ; 20 vols, in 10, 12mo. calf, £\ 5s. Wurtzburg, 1767 Gil* Idem liber, editio nova, longe emendatior ; 10 vols. 8vo. sewed, £1 15s. Parisiis, 1852 612 Bindemann (C.) Der heilige Augustinus, vol. I. (Leben bis zu seiner Taufe) ; 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. Berlin, 1844 613 Binghami (Jos.) Opera quae exstant (Origines seu Antiquitates Ecclesiasticse), Latinitati donavit J. H. Grischovius, c. prsefat. J. F. Buddei; editio secunda, 1L vols, in 3, 4to. half bound, £1 8s. Halce, 1751 Binii Concilia Generalia; vide: Councils. 614 Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne, ou Histoire, par Ordre Alphabetique, de la Vie publique et privee de tous les Hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs Ecrits, leurs Actions, leurs Talens, leurs Vertus ou leurs Crimes. Ouvrage entitle- ment neuf, redige par une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savans ; avec Supplement, complete, 84 vols. 8vo. half bound, contents, lettered, £23 Paris, 1811-18 — THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 59 615 Birgitt/e (S., A.D. 1373) Revelationes Coelestes ; folio, monastic binding, £1 Is. Norimbergce, 1517 616 Ejusdem Revelationes Selectee ; 18mo. sewed, 2s. Colon. 1851 St. Eirgitt flourished in the fourteenth century. Though confirmed hy Gregory XI. and Urban VI., the Revelations were condemned by the Council of Basle as of too liberal ar.d heretical tendency. 617 Bittner (F.) de Civitate Divina Commentarii; thick 8vo. (700 pages) cloth (published at 12s.) 7s. Mogunt. 1845 618 Bivarius (Fr.) de veteri Monachatu et Regulis Monasticis, con- tinuatus a Th. Gomer, 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, 14s. Lugd. 1 662 619 Blackwall (A.) Critica Sacra Novi Testamenti, Ch. Wollius La- tine vertit, variis Observatt. locupletavit, et Hermeneuticam Nov. Foed. dogmaticam adjuuxit ; 4to. portrait, vellum, 7s. 6d. Lips. 1736 620 Bleek (F.) Beitrage zur Evangelien Kritik ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Berlin, 1846 621 Desselben Paulus Brief an die Hebraer, erlaeurtert durch Einleitung, Uebersetzung und Commentar ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 16s. ibid. 1840 Blessensis, Petrus ; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. Blogg iEdificium Salomonis ; vide : Hebrew Literature. 622 Blount (Sir Thorn. Pope) Censura Celebriorum Authorum, sive Tractatus in quo varia Virorum doct. de Clarissimis cuj usque sseculi Scriptoribus Judicia traduntur. Cum Indice locuple- tissimo ; 4to. 7s. 6d. Genevce, 1694 623 Bocharti (Sam.) Opera omnia (Geographia Sacra et Hierozoicon) ediderunt Joh. Leusden et P. de Villemandy ; 3 vols, in 2, folio, numerous maps and plates, vellum, £1 10s. Lug d. Bat. 1692 624 Ejusdem Hierozoicon, sive de Animalibus S. Scripturee ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, portrait, 16s. Londini, 1663 625 Idem liber, alia editio, recensuit suis notis adjectis E. F. C. Rosenmuller ; 3 vols. 4to. cloth, £1 4s. Lipsice, 1 793 626 Idem liber; 3 vols. 4to. vellum, £1 10s. ibid. 1793 Bochart was minister of the Reformed Church of Caen till 1652, when he visited Sweden at the request of Queen Christina, and remained there till after she had gone over to the Church of Rome, busying himself chiefly with his celebrated Hierozoicon, in which he treats of the animals mentioned in Scripture, and which he published in London in 1663. It is the principal authority on this interesting subject, and in 1793 received most valuable additions, by way of notes, from the pen of E. F. Rosenmueller, containing the result of more recent discoveries, since the death of the author at Caen in 1667. 627 Bode (C. A.) Evangelium Matthire ex Versione iEthiopici Inter- pretis, cum Notis, etc., editum ; 4to. sewed, 4s. ILalce, 1749 628 Ejusdem Pseudo- critica Miliio-Bengeliana, sive Tractatus Criticus, quo Versionum Sacrarnm Orientalium Allegationes pro Variis N. T. Lectionibus a Millio et Bengelio frustra factse recensentur, refutantur et elimantur ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1767-9 Highly prized by Prot. Michajlis. 629 Boehme (Christ. Frid.) Epistola Pauli ad Hebraeos, 8vo. calf, 6s. Leipzig, 1825 60 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 630 BoEHMEoder Behmen (Jacob) Saemmtliche Werke, lierausgegebcn von K. W. Schiedler ; 7 vols. 8vo. sewed, £2 2s. Lips. 1831-1847 631 Dieselben; 7 vols. 8vo. half bound, calf, £3 ibid. 1831-4 Jacob Behmen, or rather Boehme, the celebrated mystic, was born at Gorlitzin 1575, and apprenticed to ashoemaker; but, driven on by religious enthusiasm and his emanative theory, be changed his calling, and opened a school in 1594. Humble and devout, suffering much, and patient under suffering, he engrafted a mystical philosophy of his own upon Christian ethics. The pious William Law, author of " A Sinner's Call to a Holy Life," admired him much, and commenced an edition of his works in 1764. Boehmer (J. H.) Jus Ecclesiasticum ; vide : Canon Law. 632 Boehmer's (W.) Christliche Glaubens-wissenschaft nach ihrer Theologischen und Christologischen Beziehung entwickelt : 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. JBreslau, 1843 633 Boehringer (Fr.) Die Kirche Christi und ihre Zeugen ; oder die Kirchen-geschichte in Biographieen ; 6 large vols. 8vo. sewed, £2 10s. Zurich,, 1842-54 633*- Dieselben ; 6 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. cf. gilt, £3 3s. ibid. 1842-54 Vol. I. Die ersten drei Jahrhunderte. „ II. Die Biographien von Athanasius, Antonius, Basilius, Gregor von Nyssa, Gregor von Nazianzen. „ III. Die Biographien von Ambrosius und Augustinus. „ IV. Die Biographien von Chrysostomos Olympias, Leo, Gregor der Grosse. „ V. Kolumban und St. Gall, Bonifazius, Ansgar, Anselm von Canter- bury, Bernhard von Clairvaux, Arnold von Brescia. ,, VI. Peter Abalard, Heloise, Innozenz III., Franziskus von Assisi, Elizabeth von Thuringen. The author has sought to render the subject of Church History equally attractive to the general reader as profane, by selecting the lives of such of the Fathers and Saints of the Church whose influence and example were most conducive to its prosperity at the respective periods in which they flourished. 634 Desselben (vol. 1, p. 3,) Biographien von Ambrosius und Augustinus; 8vo. (800 pages) sewed, 7s. ibid. 1845 635 Boethti (Anitii Manlii Sev.) Opera Omnia (Philosophica, Ma- thematica et Tbeologica, — de S. Trinitate) ; 3 parts in 1, folio, calf, very scarce, £\ 10s. Basilice, 15/0 636 Ejusdem de Consolatione Philosophise (libri V. et Opus- cula), cum Notis Variorum ; 8vo. calf, 7s. 6d. Lug d. Bat. 1671 637 Idem liber, cum interpretation et Notis P. Vallini, in usum Delphini; 4to. calf, 10 6d. Lutetice, Pa?'is, 1680 637* Idem liber, ex Nova Recensione et cum Prolegomenis Thomse Obbarii, 8vo. 2s. Jenee, 1843 " A golden volume, not unworthy of the leisure of Plato or Tully ; but which claims incomparable merit, from the barbarism of the times and situation of the author. Tbe sage who could artfully combine in the same work (each moment expecting the mandate for his execution) the various riches of philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, must already have possessed the intrepid calmness which he affected to seek." — Gibbon. 638Boettcher (J. F.) Proben Alt-testamentaliscber Schrifts-erklaer- ung ; 8vo. 2 plates (pub. at 7s. 6d.) 3s. Leipz. 1883 639 Dieselben ; 8vo. half bound, calf, 4s. 6d. ibid. 1833 640 Botticher (Dr. W.) Prophetische Stimmen aus Rom, oder das Christliche im Tacitus, und der typische prophetische Cba- THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 61 rakter seiner Werke, in Beziehung auf Rom's Verheeltniss zu Deutschland ; 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s. Hamburgh, 1840 till Bohadini Vita et Res Gestae Sultani Saladini, Arabice et Latine, cura Alb. Schultens ; folio, calf, 18s. Lugd. Bat. 1732 " Bohariinus was secretary to the Sultan during the third crusade, and has inserted in his history an interesting journal of Saladin's watchfui, active, and wary accompaniment of Richard's progress. See a beautiful description of the march of Richard on " Ceserea," p. 190. His account of the Sultan's last moments is very interesting." — Turner. 641*Bohlen (V. P.) das alte Indien mit besonderer Rueck-sicht auf iEgypten (Geschichte, Religion und Cultus, Staatsverfassung, Literatur und Kunst) ; 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 14s. Koenigsberg, 1830 642 desselben Genesis, historisch-kritisch erlseutert ; 8vo. boards, 10s. 6d. ibid. 1835 These works are amongst the most remarkable books which the modern theological literature of Germany has produced. The author was formerly Oriental Professor at Konigsberg, and is a man of very extensive learning. 642*Bohyraei (A., Soc. Jes.) Elegise Sacrse ; 4to. scarce, 15s. Tolosas, 1618 This book is very scarce. In the elegy entitled " Lucia," at p. 79, occur the lines : — " Ne freta navifragai qui transfret et impiae Syllsc, Perdat in adversa nauta Charybderaten." 613 Bolgeni (Granvinc.) Esame sull opera intitolata "vera Idea della Santa Sede ;" 8vo. sewed, 5s. Roma, 1836 Bollandi Acta Sanctorum ; vide: No. 17. 6 14 Bon,e (Cardinalis Johannis) Opera omnia ; quotcpiot hactenus separatim editi fuere (Liturgica et Ascetica) cum Indice copioso ; folio, half bound, uncut, £1 Is. Antverp. 1723 644* Idem liber, editio nova, aucta Opusculo Posthumo de Prseparatione ad Mortem ; fol. hogskin, clasps, £\ 5s. ibid. 1739 645 Ejusdem Opera (Liturgica et Epistolae) cum Notis et Observationibus Roberti Sala. Accedunt Ritus II. Eccles. Ver- cellensis et August 83 Prsetoriae ineditse, et Dissertationes adver- sus Misoliturgos ; 4 vols, folio, neat, very scarce, £4 4s. August. Taur. 1747-55 645* de la Liturgie, ou Traite sur le Saint Sacrifice de la Messe ; 2 stout vols. 8vo. sewed, 12s. Paris, 1854 His treatises concerning the Liturgy are most profound, and of great value to all who take pleasure in the study of ecclesiology. 646 Ejusdem Cardinalis Epistolse Selectee alisecme ei-uditorum sui temporis Virorum ad eumdem scriptse, notis R. Salse ; folio, large paper, uncut, £\ Is. ibid. 1755 His other works are all of a devotional character, written chiefly whilst he was general of the Order of St. Bernard. 616* Ejusdem Horologium Asceticum, necnon de Sacrificio Missse Tractatus asceticus, 18mo. 2s. 6d. Paris, 1846 647 Ejusdem Phoenix Rediviva, annua Spiritus Renovatio per Anachorisim etExercitia spirituali ; 18mo. sewed, 2s. ibid. 1847 648 Ejusdem Principia et Documenta Vitse Christianee. Ma- nuductio ad Ccelum. Via compendia ad Deum; 18mo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1847 Bonaventura ; vide : Eathers and Schoolmen. Bonifactus; vide: Fathers and Schoolmen. G2 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. Bonacina de Electione Summi Pontificis ; vidS : Canon Law, etc. 649 Boppert (Conradi, Congr. S. Blasii Silvte Nigrse) Scutum Fidei ad usus quotidianos Sacerdotum ; 12 vols, in 12mo. 18s. The object of the writer is to show that the belief of the Church, as to the true and real presence of the Lord in the holy Eucharist, has been in all ages and in all places one and the same, and that it was acknowledged, taught, and solemnly maintained in the first century. The work is divided into the months of the year; each day has its particular section, in which is contained a meditation on the mystery of the person of the Redeemer, chosen according to the festival in celebration ; to this is annexed a selection, of eucharistic extracts, suited to the subjeet of the meditation, followed by the Preces ante et post Missam. The book enjoys considerable reputation among llomanists, who look upon it as settling the disputed question as to the real presence. 650 Borgi.e (Cardinalis Steph.) de Cruce Veliterna Commentarius ; royal 4to. plates, half bound, £\ Is. Romce, 1780 "Ex dono Monsgr. Borgia in Itoma." Cardinal Borgia, in this elaborate treatise, enters minutely upon the use and antiquity of Ecclesiastical jewels, and furnishes plates of various magnificent crosses, of great antiquity, of silver, gold, and precious stones, which are preserved in the Vatican and elsewhere, such as the large silver cross set with pearls and emeralds, pre- sented by the Emperor Justin to the Pope ; the fine Greek sculptured cross, preserved at Verola ; and that still more beautiful specimen of Greek art in the chapel of Mount Aventine. 651 Borrom^ei (Sancti, Cardinalis Caroli) Opera, cum Praefationibus et Annotationibus J. A. Saxii ; 2 vols, folio, calf neat, £\ 1 Is. 6d. Aug. Vind. 1758 052 Idem liber; 2 vols, folio, half bound, calf, £\ 8s. ibid. 1758 Vol. 1. Homiliae CXXVI. „ 2. Orationes XII. — Sermones Familiares XVII. — Noctes Vaticanse — J. P. Glassiani de Vita, Rebus Gestis, Fama, Yii'tutibus et Mira- culis S. C. Borromasi, Laudes et Tributae. 653 Ejusdem Cardinalis Acta Ecclesite Mediolanensis, sive In- structions et Decreta (C. Borromsei) ; folio, calf, £\ 8s. Paris, 1643 654 Idem liber, alia editio ; 2 vols, folio, fine copy, calf, £\ 8s. * Lugd. 1683 655 '■ — Ejusdem Past. Instructions et Epistolse cura E. W. West- hoff; 12mo. sewed, 2s. Monast. Westphalorum, 1846 656 Ejusdem Instructions Past, ad Concionand. Confess, et Eucharistiae Sacr. ; Svo. Is. 6d. Oeniponti, 1846 Cardinal Charles Borromeo, nephew of Pius IV., became Archbishop of Milan at the age of twenty-two, in 1560. He did much to correct abuses which had crept into the Church, and set his own clergy an example of humility, by leaving off gaudy apparel, and by discharging useless retainers, as well as by submitting to a weekly fast. His instructions and decrees show his earnest desire for the reformation of the clergy, which he ever laboured at till his death, at the age of forty-seven, in 1594. 657 Bosh (Jac.) Crux Triumphans et Gloriosa ; thick folio, hogskin, £\ 4s. Antverpice, 1617 658 Boss.ert (Fulgentii) Principia Theologise Moralis et Scbolas- ticse ; 6 vols. 12mo. 15s. Ipris, 1781 659 Bossuet (J. B.) Politique tiree des propres paroles de 1'Ecriture Sainte ; 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 3s. 6d. Bmxelles, 1721 660 Bossuet (J. E., Eveque de Meaux) ses (Euvres, revues sur les Manuserita Originaux ct les Editions des plus corrcctes ; 43 THKOLOGY.J NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 63 vols. ; Histoire de Bossuet par M. le Cardinal De Bausset, 4 vols. — in all 47 vols. 8vo. portrait, best edition, half bound, contents lettered, scarce, ^610 10s. Versailles, Lebel, 1815-19 661 Bossuet ses OEuvres Completes ; 12 vols, imperial 8vo. portraits, sewed, £A 4s. Paris, 1845-6 " His ' Funeral Orations,' and his ' Discourse upon Universal History,' have conducted him to immortality." — Voltaire. 662 ses Sermones ; 4 vols. ; Oraisons funebres et Panegyriques ; together 5 vols. 8vo. sewed, 18s. Paris, 1845 664 Botsacci (Joa.) Promptuarium Allegoriarum Sacrarum ; thick 12mo. vellum, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1668 665 Boucat (A.) Theologia Patrum dogmatica, scholastico-positiva ; 8 vols. 4to. vellum, £1 16s. Venetiis, 1/65 666 Idem liber ; 8 vols. 4to. calf, £2 2s. ibid. 1765 667 Boullier (J. R.) Sermons sur divers Textes de l'Ecriture Sainte ; 4 vols. 8vo. sewed, 5s. Amsterdam, 1803 668 Bouquet (M.) Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France (continue par Clement, Brial, et autres Benedictins de St. Maur); 20 vols, folio, fine copy, uni- formly bound in calf, very rare, £18 15s. Paris, 1738-1840 The Benedictines, termed by Clement XIV. " (he fathers and preservers of history," have ever been the greatest labourers in the literary fields of History and Antiquity, and to the Benedictines of St. Maur in particular, we are indebted for a larger amount of knowledge of the history of Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire, than to all the world besides. Of the labours of that celebrated society, this " Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France " is particularly interesting to Englishmen, as it appertains as much to English History as to that of France. Its rarity is so great that it may be years before another perfect copy will occur for sale. 669 Bourchier (Thomse) Historia Ecclesiastica de Martyrio Fra- tmm Ordinis Divi Francisci, dictorum de Observantia, qui partim in Anglia sub Henrico VIII., partim in Belgio sub Prin- cipe Auriaco, partim et in Hybernia tempore Elizabethse, idque ab Anno 1536 passi sunt ; 18mo. fine copy, vellum, scarce, 12s. Ingolstadii, 1583 Thomas Bourchier was an English Franciscan friar, and, on the supres- sion of the mendicant orders, quitted England for France, where he pub- lished the first edition of this little book, at Paris, in 1582. This Ingolstadt reprint contains, in addition, an Epistle dedicatory of 11 pages, by Wolfg. Eder, the printer. Amongst "the English martyrs" is the notorious John Forest, of Greenwich, mentioned by Bp. Burnet ; and his correspondence with Queen Catherine, to whom he was confessor, is given, as also that of the queen with him. Anth. Brorbe, Thos. Cort, and Thos. Belchiam or Beauchamp, are also particularly mentioned at length, as having suffered under Henry VIII. The execution of John Gray, at Brussels, and the per- secution of the Minorites in Ireland, under Queen Elizabeth in 1571, are fully recorded, the narrative of the latter occupying 80 pages. 670 Bourdaloue (Louis, de la Comp. de Jesus) (Euvres Completes, nouvelle edition, augmentee d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouv- rages, &c ; 16 vols. 8vo. port. hf. bd. cf. £3 10s. Lyons, 1821 671 Les memes ; 3 vols. imp. 8vo. hf. bd. cf. £1 1 Is. 6d. 1834 671* Les memes; 3 vols. imp. 8vo. sewed, £1 8s. Paris, 1839 672 Les memes ; 6 vols. 8vo. sewed, £\ 4s. Lyons, 1852 " To model your preaching after Bourdaloue is to run the race of immor- tality."— Clement XIV. * i 4 64 DAVID nutt's catalogue. [theology. 673 Bourgoin de Villefore (Jos.) Vies des SS. Peres des Deserts d'Occident et d'Orient; avec des figures (gravees par Mariette); 5 vols. 12mo. fine copy, good impressions of the plates, calf, gilt, scarce, £1 15s. Paris, 1/08-11 6/4 Bouvet (F.) Du Catholicisme, du Protestantisme, et de la Philo- sophic, en France; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. ibid. 1840 675 Bouvier (J.) de Vera Ecclesia; de Jure, Injuria et Restitutione ; de Matrimouio ; 3 vols. 12uio. sewed, 7s. 6d. Cenomani, 1826-30 The volumes are sold separately. 676 Bozn (Th.) de Signis Ecclesise Dei. libri XXIV. ; 2 vols, in 3, very thick 8vo. calf, 9s. Colon. 1592 677 Bradwardin (Thos. Cantuar. Archiepisc. (1349), et olim e Coll. Mert. ap. Oxon.) de Causa Dei contra Pelagium, et de Virtute Causarum, opera H. Savile; folio, calf, £2 2s. Londini,' IG\8 At the request of Archbishop Abbot, Savile edited this logical work of Bradwardine, one of the closest reasoners of his age, whose mathematical mind furnished it with a series of demonstrations founded on previous and admitted convictions. He was at once a great metaphysician and a great divine. " There was a depth in his researches," says Milner, " which entitled him to the title of The Profound. " 678 Brant (Casp.) Historia Vitee Jacobi Arminii ; 8vo. portrait, calf, 3s. 6d. Amstel. 1724 679 Idem liber; 8vo. vellum, 4s. 6d. ibid. 1724 680 Braun's (H.) Biblisches Universal Lexicon ; 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates (published at 14s.) 7s. Augsburg, 1836 681 Braun (J.) Vestitus Sacerdotum Hebreeorum, sive Comment. ampliss. in Exodi cap. XVIII. ac XXXIX. et Levit. cap. XVI. aliaque loca S. Scripturse quam plurima; 4to. frontispiece, vellum, 7s 6d. Amst. 1701 682 Braun (P.) Historisch-topographische Beschreibung der Diocese Augsburg, in drei Perioden ; 2 very thick vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s. Augsburg, 1823 683 Bratjne (K.) Das Evangelium von Jesus Christus synoptisch zusammengestellt und zur Erbauung erklsert ; 4to. sewed, 6s. Grimma, 1845 684 Breno (Caroli Francisci a) Manuale Missionariorum Orientalium, in quo nedum Hsereses omues Orientalem Ecclesiam turpitu fcedantes viduntur, verum etiam Casus Morales, Missionariorum Usu, resolvantur ; 2 vols, folio, vellum, scarce, £1 10s. Venetiis, 1726 Privately printed, solely for the use of the Missionaries. 685 Brentii (Joh.) Opera ; 8 vols, folio, portrait, hogskin, rare, £5 15s. 6d. Tubingce, 1576-9 686 ■ Idem liber ; 8 vols, folio, portrait, fine copy, hogskin, clasps, rare, £6 16s. 6d. ibid. 1576-90 CONTINENS : — Vol. I. Pentateuchum. ,, II. Libros Historicos Vet. Test. ,, II. I. Jobum et Psalraos. ,, IV. Ecclesiasten et Prophetas. Vol. V. Matth. Marcum, et Lucam. „ VI. Joannem. „ VII. Acta Apostolorum. VIII. Scripta Polemica. These commentaries of this great Reformer, the disciple and successor of Luther, are in the form of discourses, admirably adapted for pulpit use, as THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 65 they define clearly the sense of Scripture, and so lead the mind to true piety without asceticism, without mixing up metaphysical disquisitions in discourses addressed to the heart. " My works," says Luther, " are but dross compared with those of Brentius ;" and posterity has shown how fair an estimate this was by still considering Brentius as one of the greatest pulpit orators of any period. 687 Bretschneider (C. Sh.) Probabilia tie Evangelii et Epistolarum Joannis Apostoli Origine et Indole; 8vo. 2s. 6d. Lips. 1820 689 Bretschneider (C. G.) Lexicon Manuale Graeco-Latinum in Li- bros Novi Testamenti ; 2 thick vols. 8vo. sewed, 12s ibid. 1829 690 Idem liber, alia editio ; 4to. boards, 15s. ibid. 1840 691 Bretschneider's (C. G.) Christliches Andachtsbuch fuer den- kende Verehrer Jesu ; 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. cloth, 5s. Halle, 1845 692 Desselben Clementine, oder die Frommen und Glaeubigen unserer Tage ; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. ibid. 1841 693 ■ — Desselben Handbuch der Dogmatik der Evangelisch- lutherischen Kirche ; 2 vols. 8vo. 9s. Leipzig, 1828 694 Dasselbe; 2 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt, 10s. 6d. ibid. 1828 695 Desselben Historisch-dogmatische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments, nach ihren Prinzipien, Quellen und Hulfsmitteln dargestellt ; 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ibid. 1806 696 ■ Desselben Kirchlich-politische Zeitfragen behandelt in zerstreuten Aufssetzen ; 8vo. sewed, .5s. ibid. 184/ 697 Desselben Systematische Entwickelung aller in der Dog- matik vorkommenden Begriffe, etc. ; thick 8vo. (published at 12s.) 6s. ibid. 1844 698 Desselben Systematische Darstellung der Dogmatik und Moral der Apocryphischen Schriften des Alten Testaments ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 180(i 699 Lexici Interpretes Grsecos V. T. maxime Scriptores Apocryph. Spicilegia ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1806 700 Grundtvig (N. F. S.) vomwahren Christenthum als Gegengi t Bretschneider's Glaubenslehre uebersetzt von E. Francke ; 8vo. sewed, 2s. ibid. 1844 701 Mueller (J. N.) Der Anti-Bretschneider ; 8vo. sewed, Is. 6d. Magdebg. 1844 702 Brel'Gne (Bon.) Le Commerce des Vivants fait en faveur des ames du purgatoire ; 2 vols, in 1, 4to. vellum, 12s. Lyon, 1658 Breviarium ; vide : Liturgies. 702*3orri)fcenbari) (33nnhartl 6on) Reyss uber mere zu den heyligen grab unsers herren Jhesu Cristi gen Jherusalem, auch zu der heyligen junckfrawen Sant Katherinen grab auf dem berg Synai ; with capitals and woodcuts, fol. cf. rare, £2 2s. Augspurg, 1488 703 Bridgewater (vel Aquapontani, Joan.) Concertatio Ecclesiae Catholicse in Anglia adversus Calvinopapistas et Puritanos sub Elizabetha Reg. renovata ; nunc denuo 100 martyrum et 600 insignium virorum rebus gestis ; 4to. all the parts complete, very fine copy in hogskin, scarce, £1 16s. Aug. Trevis. 1588 Containing Cardinal Allen's reply to Lord Burleigh's " Justitia Bri- tannica." (Vide No. 774.) * K (i(i david nutt's catalogue. [theoloc.y. BRITANNICARUM RERUM SCRIPTORES MONASTICI. 704 Camdeni Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a Veteribus scripta ; folio, best edition, calf, £2 2s. Franco/. 1603 Camden's Collection consists of Asser Menevensis, Incerti Vita Gulielmi I., Thos. a Walsingham, Thos. de la More, Gulielnius Geneticensis and Giral- dus Cambrensis. 705 Du Chesne (And.) Historise Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, Res ab illis per Galliam Angliam, Orientem, &c. gestas expli- cates, ab anno Cbristi 838 ad annum 1 220 ; folio, calf, £G 1 6s. 6d. Paris, 1719 The contents of this volume are : — 1. Gesta Normannorum ante Rollonem, ab Anno 837 ad 89G. 2. Rheginonis Chronici Epitome. 3. Annalium Fuldensium Excerpta. 4. Variorum Chronicorum Excerpta. 5. Abbo de Obsessa Lutetiae Paris. 6. Dudo de Primorum Normannorum Rebus Gestis. 7. Emmae, Anglorum Reginse, Encomium. 8. Pictavensis (Guil.) Gesta Gulielmi I. Anglife Regis. 9. Calculi (Willelmi) Historia Normannorum. 10. (Ederici Vitalis Angligenae Historia Ecclesiastica. 11. Gesta Stephani Regis Anglorum. "A most important work." — Turner. 12. Chronica Normannica (Francice et Anglice). 13. Annales Cadominses. 14. Catalogus Nobilium Normannorum, qui floruerunt in Anglia, tempoie Guillelmi Conquaestoris. 15. Nomina Militum ferentium Bannerias, tempore Philippi II. 16. Feoda Normanniae. 17. De Servetiis, quae debenturDuci Normanniae. 18. Officium ad Ducem Normanniae constituendum. 19. Chartae pures Regum Franciae, Ducum Normanniae, etc. '" Du Chesne's Norman Historians' contains a vast fund of solid informa- tion ; and is a book which no English scholar, who of course will choose to derive his information from original sources, can, if he wishes to become acquainted with the memoirs of his country, dispense with. To the real antiquary, the work affords endless stores of research and amusement." — Brydges. 706 Eadmeri, Monarchi Cantuariensis, Historia sui Saeculi, Notis J. Seldeni ; folio, calf, 12s. Londini, 1623 Eadmer was the intimate friend of St. Anselm, and is trustworthy and plain-spoken. " He excels in the choice and disposal of his materials, and deals less in miracles than any of his predecessors." — Goldsmith. 707 Gale (T.) Scriptores Historian Britannicse, Saxonicae et Anglo- Danicse XV, cum Indice ; folio, calf, scarce, £2 10s. Oxon. 1691 I. Gildas. II. Eddius. III. Nennius. IV. Asserius. V. Ran. Higden. VI. Willielmus Malmesb. VII. Anonymus Malmesb. VIII. Ratnesiensis Hist. IX. Eliensis Hist. X. Thomas Eliensis. XI. Joannes Wallingford. XII. Radulphus Dicetus. XIII. De Partitione in Schiras, &c. XIV. Joannes Fordun. XV. Alcuinus. 708 Idem liber, accedit Tomus alter ; 2 vols, folio, calf, very scarce, £6 6s. ibid. 1 687-91 Besides the last-mentioned fifteen writers : XVI. Annales de Morgan. XVII. Th. Wikes. XVIII. Annales Waverliensis. XIX. Gaufridus Vinesauf. XX. Walter Hemingford. BRITISH HISTORY.] NO. 2~0, STRAND, LONDON. 67 709 Gale et Fell, Scriptores Historite Britannicse ; 3 vols, folio, calf, very scarce, ^610 10s. Oxon. 1684-87-91 Besides the above XX writers, will be found : XXI. Ingulph. XXII. Petrus Blessensis. XXIII. Chron. de Mailros. XXIV. Annales Burton- enses. XXV. Historia; Croyland. Continuatio. " As in every monastery there was some curious mind fond of noting the great incidents of his day, every country in Europe has such chronicles. But I think with Dr. Henry, that, upon the whole, our annalists are superior to those of any other nation at this period. Such a series of regular chronology and true incident; such faithful, clear, and ample materials for authentic his- tory, have scarcely appeared before the public. Nothing could be more con- temptible as compositions ; nothing could be more satisfactory as autho- rities."— Turner. 710 Matth^ei-Paris Monachi Albanensis, Angli, Historia Major, cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Willielmi Rishangeri, authorisqua Majori Minorique Historiis collata, cui accesserunt Vitse Offarum et XXIII Abbatum S. Albani, &c, cum Variis Lectionibus, Glos- sariis et Indicibus edente W. Wats ; folio, calf, £\ 10s. Londini, 1640 711 Idem liber, editio altera ; folio, calf, £\ Is. Paris, 1644 " The history of Matthew Paris, continued by Rishanger, details all these occurrences with the minuteness of an annalist, but with the spirit and feeling of an independent man. He rejoices in the acquired liberties of the nation; notices without acrimony the faults of the royal administration ; and states with a fair censorial impartiality the avarice and tyranny of the popedom. / think I have never read a more honest historian." — Turner. 712 MATTH.Ei-Westmonasteriensis Flores Historiarum, praecipue de Rebus Britannicis. Accedit Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon ab Initio Mundi ad Annum 1118; cum Continuatione ; folio, calf, £2. JSrancqfurti, 1601 The great merit of Matthew of Westminster is his strict regard for truth. He was a most diligent compiler, and occasionally from sources long since lost. " Florence of Worcester is particularly curious in the portion relating to the Anglo-Saxons, and the earlier Norman kings. He mentions a singular circumstance respecting the Thames, anno 1114, when he says the water scarcely reached the knees ; his continuator's account of an eclipse of the sun in 1132 shows how little the best informed, including Henry and his Court, were able to account for the most natural phenomena." — Turner. 713 Monumenta Historica Britannica, or Materials for the History of Britain from the earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. Pre- pared and illustrated with Notes by the late Henry Petrie, Esq., Keeper of the Records, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe. Pub- lished by command of Her Majesty under the superintendence of Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq., Assistant Keeper of the Records in the Tower, with an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction and Preface, and copious Indexes ; folio, map and numerous facsimiles of MSS. and plates of coins ; half bound, uncut, £2 12s. 6d. London, 1848 Contents : Extracts from Greek and Roman writers respecting Britain ; Roman Inscriptions ; British and Roman Coins and Medals, with engravings ; Gildas; Nennius ; Bedaj Chronicon et Historia Ecclesiastica ; Cbronologia brevissitna ad Annum 737; Chronicon Saxonicum, Saxonice et Anglice; Asserius; Chronicon /Ethelwaerdi ad Annum 975 ; Florentius Wigornensis cum Continuatione ; Simeon Dunelmensis; Henricus Huntendunensis ; l'Es- 68 David nutt's catalogue. [theology. british history. torie des Eagles solum la translation de Maistre Geoffroi Gaimar ; Annales Cambriae ad Annum 1066; Brut y Tywysogion, Chronicum ad Annum 1066, Celtice et Anglice; and, Carmen de Bello Hastingensi. 714 Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores, post MSS. Bibliotbecse Heidel- bergensis, in Officina Commelini excusi ; folio, calf, rare, £3 13s. 6d. Heidelberg, 1587 " This collection contains : Geoffrey of Monmouth, Gildas, Bede, William of Newbury, and an Epitome of Froissart. This is a scarce volume." — Dibdin. " Gildas lived in the sixth century, and wrote his book whilst driven into exile in France by the cruelties of the Saxons. Geoffrey of Monmouth does but follow Nennius in tracing his genealogy of the kings of Britain to iEneas through Brute. Venerable Bede is a prodigy of learning and research, and his information is the best that could be procured in the seventh century, in which he wrote. William of Newbridge's style is almost classical. He was the first to refute the fables of Godfrey of Monmouth." — Goldsmith. 715 Saville, Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam (Will. Mal- mesburiensis ; Hen. Huntingdoniensis ; Rogerus Hovedenus ; Ethelwerdus ; Ingulplius) cum Tabulis ; folio, calf, £2 15s. Francofurti, 1601 " William of Malmesbury has left us a work superior in composition to the annalists of the age, and to any preceding historian since the classical au- thors.''— Turner. " Few authors have had more admirers. He wrote the history of the Saxon kings and bishops, and of the Normans, concluding with King Stephen. Henry of Huntingdon is frequently consulted by modern historians, and Roger de Hoveden was one of the principal historians of the thirteenth century. Jngulph continues Bede from 664 to 1091." — Goldsmith. 716 Twysdeni (Rogeri) Scriptores Decern Historise Anglicanse, cum Glossario a Guil. Somner ; 2 vols, folio, calf, £4 4s. Londini, 1673 I. Simeon Dunelmiensis. II. Joannes Prior Hagustaldensis. III. Ri- cardus Prior Hagustaldensis. IV. Ailredus Abbas Rievallensis. V. Radul- phus de Diceto. VI. Joannes Brompton. VII. Gervasius Dorobornensis. VIII. Thomas Stubbs. IX. Guil. Thorn. X. Henricus Knighton. " Simeon of Durham continued Bed^'s History to 1130. He was one of the most learned persons of his time. John Brompton's Chronicle is valuable as containing a translation of the Saxon laws into English, and in being very copious on Saxon affairs. From the method and judgment displayed in this fragment of Gervase of Tilbury's history, it is to be regretted that the whole work was not preserved. Knighton is the last historian of note in the four- teenth century." — Goldsmith. 717 Walsingham (Thos. a) Historia Brevis ab Edwardo I. ad Hen- ricum V. — Ypodigma Neustrise vel Normannise, ab eruptione usque ad Annum 6. Henrici V. ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, calf, rare, £b 5s. Londini, JBinnetnan, 1574 Walsingham's "Short History" is a masterly compilation from various sources, in which he uses the very words of the authorities he quotes. 718 Wharton i (H.) Anglia Sacra, sive Collectio Historiarum partim antiquitus, partim recensiter Scriptarum de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Anglise, ad annum 1540 ; 2 vols, folio, calf, £2 12s. 6d. London, R. Chiswell, 1691 A catalogue of the writers is given in Darling's Cyclopaedia, col. 3163-64. - See also: Alcuin, Aldholm, Arnulph, Beda, Bonifacius, Becket, Foliot, Herbert de Bosham, John of Salisbury, Lanfranc, Peter of Blois, amongst Fathers and Schoolmen ; and Lupi Opera. See also : No. 668, Bouquet. SCRIPT. MONAST.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 09 SCRIPTORES MONASTIC!, A Series of Ancient Monastic Writers upon English History, published, principally for the first time, under the superintendence of he Rev. Dr. Giles. These works are links in the great chain of history, which they serve to illustrate and adorn, and particularly valuable, for the most part, as having now been printed for the first time, forming most appropriate companions to the collections of Thomas Hearne, the publications of the English Historical Society, the Caxton Society, and to the produc- tions of other literary associations, whose object is to publish the records of past ages, long hidden in the obscurity of manuscript collec- tions in our public libraries. 720 I. Alani (Prioris Cantauriensis, postea Abbatis Tewkesberiensis) Scripta quae extant omnia ; 8vo. cloth, 6s. 1844 This volume contains all that remains of Alan, Prior of Canterbury, and afterwards Abbot of Tewkesbury. He was a contemporary of Becket, and probably saw the murder of the Archbishop, whose life forms tbe principal portion of the present volume, and is particularly interesting in placing the transactions of the reign of Henry II. in a different light to that in which they are usually received. The volume likewise contains two homilies and fifteen letters. 721 II. Chronicon Angliee Petriburgense iterum post Sparkium cum MS. collatum ; 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. 1845 The office of historiograpber was one of great importance in every monas- tery in England, and led to our possession of records of the past, as far as English history is concerned, infinitely superior to those of any other country during the same period. Roger of Wendover, Matthew Paris, William Rishanger, William of Malmesbury, Ralph (Higden) of Chester, are but a few of the names familiar to the reader of English history, whilst some of the most important contributors to these sources of history are not known by name. In the latter class the first rank is claimed for the anonymous authors of the " Chronicon Angliae Petriburgense," preserved in the Cottonian Collection, which extends from the year 654, the date of tbe foundation of Peterborough Cathedral, to 1368. Originally printed by Sparke in his " Scriptores Historic^ Anglicanae," from a very inaccurate transcript, it is now first presented in a correct form from a fresh and carefully made copy of the original MS. in the British Museum. 722 III. Galfridi (le Baker de Swinbroke) Chronicon Angliae ab exordio Mundi ad Annum Domini 1356, e Codice Bodleiano ; 8vo. cloth, 9s. 1847 This is a most interesting history of the important reigns of Edward II. and III. ; containing accounts of the famous battles of Bannockburn, Cressy, and Poictiers, together with many minute particulars concerning the Black Prince, the earlier portion of English history only occupying 28 pages. The transactions of the reigns of Edward II. and Edward III. are given in the form of annals, and the author mentions minutely the names of persons wTho fell in battle or by the axe ; and the " Chronicle of Swinbroke " will therefore be treasured by those who set a value on the chivalrous deeds of their an- cestors, and may be found important in tracing pedigrees and determining successions. 723 IV. Galfridi Monumetensis Historia Britonum, novem Codd. MSS. collata. Accedit Pontici Virunnii Historia Britannica ; 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. 1844 What limit shall be given to the fame of the celebrated narrative of Geoffrey of Monmouth, which on its first appearance took the literary world by storm, 70 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. british history. and has ever since retained its hold, numbering in its train of admirers, from the days of Alured of Beverley, and Wace, Gaimar, and Benoit de St. Maur downwards, all our greatest poets, including Shakespeare, who drew from its sources his Lear, Cordelia, and Cymheline ; Drayton, who transferred the British history almost bodily into his Polyolbion ; Milton, who brought up Sabrina from its deeps ; and Dryden, a constant explorer of its inexhaustible riches. If Alured of Beverley " blushed, because his poverty for a time denied him the gratification of its perusal, and owned that it was looked upon as a mark rusticity not to have read a book which everybody was praising " — if, in the commencement of the revival of letters, Prince Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table sprang out of it into being, and the writers of the Mirror for Magistrates turned it into verse, as the most precious relic of a bygone age — if the poets of the ages of Elizabeth and the Stuarts founded some of their noblest works of fiction on its narrative — -if our old Chroniclers all based their faith upon its authenticity : we may readily excuse the noble daring of the unfortunate Llewellyn, who in a less practical age than our own, when miracles and magic were part of a nation's creed, trusting to the prophecies of Merlin to be found in its pages, allowed himself to be led on by the false hopes they inspired to his own destruction ; and perhaps equal excuse may be claimed for the fact, that, in the words of Bolton, " Out of this very story have titles been formed in open Parliament, both in England and Ireland, for the rights of the crown of England even to entire kingdoms." — Hypercritica, page 205. 724 V. Herberti de Losinga, Osberti de Clara, et Elmeri Cantauri- ensis Epistolse, nunc primum e Codd. MSS. editse a R. Anstru- ther ; 8vo. sewed, 10s. 1846 Herbert de Losinga was the simoniacal Bishop of Thetford In the reign of the Red King. After he had purified himself from this grievous sin by re- storing the pall into the hands of the Pope, he was canonically elected to the bishopric ; but he removed its see to Norwich and became the first bishop of Norwich. He was mixed up in the struggle of Henry I. and St. Anselm, and in one of his letters to the latter, after his flight from England, he con- jures him to return, pledging himself to support him even to the sacrifice of his own life, if requisite. In the collection will be found some letters to the Empress Maud, Ingulph the Prior of Croyland, and Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury. The letters of Osbert of St. Clare's and Elmer of Canter- bury are included in the volume. 725 VI. Incerti Seriptoris de Rebus Gestis in Bello Sancto, a.d. 1217-19 Narratio ; e Codice MS. qui in Bibliotheca Aulse- Graianee servatur; 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. 1846 This curious chronicle of the most interesting period of the sixth crusade — the years 1217 and 1218 — is the narrative of one, who either himself was personally engaged in some eelesiastical office in the expedition, or who derived his information from eye-witnesses, and records the invasion of Egypt, which led to the conquest of Damietta. It is printed from the only known MS. which is preserved in the library of Gray's Inn, and which contains no clue as to its author. 726 VII. Incerti Seriptoris Chronicon Anglife de Regnistrium Regum Lancastrensium, Henrici IV., Henrici V. et Henrici VI. ; e Codd. MSS. Mus. Britannici; 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. 1848 This most interesting chronicle of the Red Rose may be considered, in a measure, as a continuation of the " "Vita Ricardi Secundi " by the Monk of Evesham, published by Hearne. It is an important accession to our histo- rical knowledge of that period, the sources of which are far more scanty than of those much more remote. The old monk gives a curious reason why the son of Henry VI. was called Edward : "In festo Translations S. Edwardi natus est regis fi'ius princeps, et, ut verisimile est, juxta computationem mensium, infra Natale S. Edwardi erat a mat re Regina conceptus, und CFIPT. MONAST.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 71 BRITISH HISTORY. ejusdem S. Edwardi nomen meruit ex congruo obtinere." Only one hun- dred copies have been printed of this volume. 727 VIII. Scriptores Rerum Gestarum Wilhelmi Conquestoris ; 8vo. cloth, 10s. 1845 A mass of minor docnments concerning William the Conqueror, collected by the editor during his travels both in England and on the Continent. It contains : — I. Brevis Relatio de Willelmo Primo. II. Protestatio Willelmi I. de Primatu Cantauriensis Ecclesiae. III. Widonis Ambianensis Carmen de Hastingensi Proelio. IV. Carta Bastardi. V. Epistola Willelmi I. ad Gre- gorium Papain. VI. Excerpta (ex Orderici Vitalis libro) de Vita Willelmi I. VII. De Morte Willelmi Conquestoris. VIII. Hymnus de Morte Willelmi. IX. De Morte Lanfranci. X. Willelmi Pictavensis Gesta Willelmi, Ducis Normannorum. XI. Excerptum ex Cantatorio S. Huherti. XII. Chro- nicon Monasterii S. Stephani Cadomensis. XIII. Carmen de Morte Lan- franci. XIV. Charta Willelmi Anglo- Saxonice scripta. XV. Chretien de Troyes du Roi Guillaume. XVI. Le Dit de Guillaume d'Angleterre. Such are the contents of this very curious volume of documents illus- trative of the History of England under William the Conqueror. Of the value of the narratives of William of Poitiers and Ordericus Vitalis all his- torians agree, and the metrical lays of Christian of Troyes, and the anony- mous " Dit du Roy,' will be read with much interest by those conversant with the old Norman orthography. 728 IX. Anecdota Bedee, Lanfranci et Aliorum (Bonifacii, Tatwini, Herbert de Bosham, Incerti Varii de Vita et Miraculis D. Thomae a Becket, etc. etc.) 8vo. cloth, 10s. 1851 729 Brodersen (C. W.) Christus, der Weg, die Wahrheit, und das Leben, dreiszig Predigten von 30 Predigern Schleswig-Holsteijis ; neatly half-bound, 4s. 6d. Itzehce, 1842 730 Brown, Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum prout ab Orthuino Gratio, una cum Appendice, Script. Vett., etc. ; 2 vols, folio, calf, £\ 16s. Londini, 1690 The Appendix contains : " Scriptores Veteres, qui Ecclesiae Romanae errores et abusus delegunt et damnant, necessitatemque Reformationis urgent." The contents of these volumes is given at length in " Darling's Cyclopaedia, '' cols. 449 & 50. 731 Bruch (I. T.) Betrachtungen iiber Christenthum und Glauben ; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cloth (pub. at 12s.) 6s. Strassburg, 1845 732 ■ Desselben Lehre von den Gcettlichen Eigenschaften ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. Gd. Hamburg, 1842 733 Bruckeri ( Jacobi) Historia Critica Philosophise a Mundi Incuna- bulis ad nostram usque setatem deducta ; 6 vols. 4to. portrait, neat, £2 2s. Lipsice, 1 767 734 Idem liber; 6 vols. 4to. calf, £2 12s. 6d. ibid. 1767 The result of the labour of fifty years, and a book beyond all praise. In- valuable for the light it throws upon the ancient religions and progress of learning in the East, and the opinions concerning philosophy and philoso- phers in every part of the world, which it brings together, it may be said to concentrate all that ever was written on the subject up to the date of its publication. 735 Bruder (C. H.) et F. Schmidii Concordantise omnium vocum Novi Testamenti Grseci (Primum ab Fr. Schmidio editse, nunc secundum critices et hermeneutices nostras setatis rationes emendatee, &c, cura C. H. Bruder) ; 4to. £\ 12s. Lips. 1853 Copies may be had in various bindings. 72 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 736 Brueys (Fr.) Ilistoire des Papes, depuis St. Pierre jusqu'a Benoit XIII. incl. ; 5 vols. 4to. frontispiece, fine copy, calf, e;ilt backs, £\ 4 s. Ala Hmje, 1732 737 Brtjnnow (E. von) Ulrich von Hutten, Gemaelde aus den Zeiten der Reformation; 3 vols. 12mo. plates (pub. at 12s.) 9s. Leipz. 1843 Bruno Astensis ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. Bruno Carthusianus ; vide : Fathers and Schoolmen. 738 Brusch (G.) Chronologia monasteriorum Germanise preecipuorum ac maxime illustrium ; 4to. frontispiece, hogskin, clasps, 10s. fid. Sulsb. 1682 Containing a very full account of the German Religious Houses, their origin, annals, and monuments. 739 Ejusdem Chronicon, seu Centuria II. Monasteriorum et Abbatiarum Germanise, edidit Dan. de Nessel ; 4to. vellum, 7s. Vindob. 1G92 740 Bucelini (G.) Aquila imperii Benedictina, ordinis S. Benedicti merita distincte et graphice adumbrans ; 4to. frontispiece, vel- lum, 7s. 6d. Venet. 1651 741 Ejusdem Menologium Benedictinum ; folio, vellum, 1 2s. Aug. Vind. 1656 742 Bucelini (Gabrielis) Annales Benedictini quibus potiora Mo- nachorum ejusdem Ordinis merita ad Compendium referuntar, etc.; folio, frontispiece, vellum, 12s. Aug. Vind. 1656 743 Buceri (Martini, vel Arethei Felini) Enarrationes in librum Psalmorum ; folio, calf, 18s. Paris, O. R. Stephani, 1553 " His Commentai'y on the second Psalm is sufficient to show that Pro- testants and Romanists might easily agree on the subject of good works, would they but banish scholastic chicanery and party animosity." — Orthodox Churchman. 744 Ejusdem Commentarii in Judices et in Sophoniam Pro- phetam ; folio, 18s. ibid. 1554 744* Ejusdem Enarrationes in IV. Evangelia ; 2 vols. 8vo. scarce, £1 Is. Argent. 1527-8 745 Ejusdem in IV. Evangelia Enarrationes; folio, calf, scarce, £\ Is. ibid. 1553 Bucer has been termed the moderate Reformer, because he battled hard to reconcile the Lutheran and Zwinglians on the disputed doctrine of the real presence in the eucharist, the former insisting that the body and blood of Cbrist were with the bread and wine, and the latter holding that the bread and wine were only signs of the body and blood of Christ. This he strove to effect, by showing that the bread and wine remained the same substance that they were before consecration, without any change ; but that by re- ceiving them the substance of the real body and blood of Christ was spiri- tually and by faith received. In 1548 his fierce opposition to the so-called " Interim," between the Reformers and the Church of Rome, induced Cran- mer to invite him over to England, where he received the appointment of Professor of Divinity at Cambridge in the following year, and which he held till his death in 1551, when his remains were interred with great solemnity at St. Mary's, but five years afterwards, in the reign of Mary, dug up and publicly burned. " He was," says Bp. Burnet, "a very learned, judicious, moderate, and pious person ; perhaps inferior to none of all the Reformers THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 73 for learning ; but for zeal, true piety, and a most tender care of preserving unity among the foreign churches, Melanchlhon and he may, without any injury done to the rest, be ranked a party by themselves." It is to be regretted that no collected edition of his works exists, particularly on ac- count of those very rare tracts which he wrote against Brentius and Pome- ranius, and his " Gratulatio ad Ecclesiam Anglicanam," which induced Cranmer to seek Bucer's assistance in the compilation, or rather revising, of our Liturgy before it was placed in the printer's hands. Vide : Articles and Injunctions of the Reformed Church of the Palatinate of the Rhine (Kirchen-ordnung und Kirchengesang, Neuburg, 1560) under Liturgies, in the compilation of which Bucer took part. 746 Buchner's (M. Gottfr.) Biblisehe Real-und-Verbal-Hand-Con- cordanz ; oder Exegetisch-homiletisches Lexicon, durchgesehen und verbessert von Dr. H. L. Heubner ; 8vo. (1500 pages) sewed, 10s. Braunschen, 1853 747 Buddei (J. F.) Ecclesia Apostolica, sive de Statu Ecclesise sub Apostolis (Hseresis primi Sfeculi) ; 12mo. 5s. Jence, 1729 748 — Ejusdem Institutiones Theologiee Dogmaticee ; 2 vols. 4to. calf, 7s. 6d. Franco/. 1741 749 Ejusdem Institutiones Theologise Moralis ; 4to. calf, 6s. Lips. 1727 750 Ejusdem Isagoge Historico-Theologica ad Theologiam Uni- versam, singulasque ejus Partes ; 2 vols. 4to. calf, 12s. ibid. 1730 751 Bullarium Magnum Romanum. Bullarum, Privilegiorum, ac Di- plomatum Romanorum Pontificum Amplissinia Collectio, Opera et Studio C. Coquelines, et aliorum ; 14 vols, in 28, Romce, 1739-44. Benedicti XIV. Papse Bullarium; 4 vols. Romce, 1746-57; et Bullarii Romani Continuatio ; vols. 1 to 14, in 7 vols. Romce, 1835-49 ; together 32 vols, in 39, fine set, uniformlv bound in vellum, £A2. Romce, 1739-1849 This is a remarkably fine and clean copy of this valuable and scarce set of books. The 14 vols, of continuation, at the publication price, with the ex- pense of binding, would alone cost nearly as much as the whole set is marked. The continuation, forming 14 vols, in 202 parts, may be had sepa- rately to complete either the Roman or the Luxemburgh editions for £14 14s. 752 Bullarium Magnum Romanum a Beato-Leone Magno usque ad Benedictum XIV. (A.D. 1757) ; 19 vols, in 9, folio, fine copy, hogskin, clasps, £9 9s. Luxemburg, 1727-53 753 Idem liber ; 19 vols, in 10, folio, hogskin, £8 8s. ibid. 1742-53 754 Bullarium Papee Benedictini XIV. in quo continentur Constitu- tiones, Epistolae, aliaque edita usque ad A.D. 1746 ; 4 vols, in 2, folio, portrait, basane, £1 16s. Romce, 1760 755 Bullarium Ordinis Fratrum Minorum S. P. Francisci Capuci- norum, seu Collectio Bullarum, Brevium, Decretorum, Rescrip- torum Oraculorum, &c, pro Ordine Capucino, cum variis Notis et Scholiis a F. M. a Tugio ; 7 vols, folio, vellum, £3 10s. ibid. 1740-52 756 Idem liber; 7 vols, in 4, folio, calf, £2 2s. ibid. 1740-52 757 Bullarium Casinense, seu Constitutiones Pontificum, Impera- torum, Regium, etc., pro Congregatione Casinensi, edente C. Mar- garino; 2 vols, folio, vellum, £\ 4s. Venet. 1640 * L 74 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 758 Bullarium Orel. FF. Pra>dicatorum, ab. a. 121a ad a. 1430, opera Th. Ripoll, notis, dissertationibus, ac Tractatu de Consensu Bullarum illustratum ab A. Bremond ; 2 vols, folio, hogskin, clasps, 18s. Bom. 1729 759 Bullarium : — Eisenschmidt (L. M.) Rcemisches Bullarium, oder Auszuege der Bullen uebersetzt und mit Bemerkungen ; 2 vols, (pub. at 17s.) 10s. Neustadt, 1831 7G0 Bulli (Georgii, Episc.) Opera Omnia (Harmonia et apostolica Defensio Fidei Nicense, Judicium Ecclesise Catholicse, Pri- mitiva Apost. Traditio dogmatica, etc., etc.) cura J. E. Grabe ; folio, calf, 18s. 1703 Containing all his works as published by Dr. Burton, excepting his Eng- lish sermons and discourses. 761 Bullingeri (Heinrychi) Daniel, sapientissimus Dei Propbeta, qui a Vetustis Polyhistor, i. e. Multiscius, est dictus, expositus Homeliis LXVI., etc. Accessit huic Operi Epitome Temporum et Rerum ab Initio ad Excidium Hierosolymi sub Vespasiano. Cum duplici Indice; folio, calf, very scarce, £\ 10s. Tiguri, 1565 This is by far the scarcest of the volumes forming the series of Bullinger's Commentaries on the Sacred Writings, by way of Sermons. 761* ■ Ejusdem Jeremias fidelissimus et laborissimus Dei Propheta expositus Conciouibus clxx. Accessit et bis brevis Threnorum Explicatio ; folio, calf, scarce, £1 10s. ibid. 1575 762 Ejusdem Isaias, Dei Propheta peritissimus, Homiliis cxc. expositus; folio, calf, scarce, 18s. ibid. 1567 762* Ejusdem Commentaria in Matthseum ; ibid. 1546 — in Marcum ; cum prsefatione de Jesu Christo, Pontifico maximo et Rege fidelium, summo regnante in Ecclesia Sanctorum ; ibid. 1 545 — in Lucam, cum prsefatione demonstrans Deum Filio suo omnia dedisse suse Ecclesise quse ad Vitam et Salutem Hominis pertinent ; ita ut non sit necesse ilia aliunde petere ; ibid. 1546 — in Joannem, cum prsefatione de Justificatioae et vera bono- rum Operum Ratione ; ibid. 1543 — 4 vols. fol. newly bound in calf,antique style, carmine edges, very rare, 36IO. Tiguri, 1543-46 763 Ejusdem in Acta Apostolorum Commentaria; Tiguri, 1535. In Omnes Apostolorum Epistolas (Pauli XIV. et VII. Canonicas) Commentaria ; 2 vols. ibid. 1537; — 3 vols, in 1, folio, hogskin, scarce. Tiguri, 1535-7 763* Idem liber, alia editio, ab authore recognita ; ibid. 1583 — Accedit ejusdem Commentarii in Omnes Pauli Epistolas, et in omnes Epistolas Canonicas Novi Testamenti ; ibid. 1582 — 2 vols. in 1, folio, calf, scarce, £1 16s. ibid. 1582-3 The Commentaries on the Epistles were originally published in small octavo, and were revised by the author when collected together for the folio edition. The edition of 1537 contains : "duo libelli, alter de Testamento Dei unico et acterno, alter vero de utraque in Christo Natura," which are not reprinted in that of 1582. 764 Ejusdem in Apocalypsim Condones C. ; folio, calf, 10s. 6d. Bullinger may be called the disciple of Melancthon, as the writings of that great reformer led him to abandon his original idea of becoming a monk, and to join the Zwinglians at Zuerich, his native place, in 1529, and where, after Zwingel's death, he became the head of the Reformed Swiss Church. SCRIPT. MONAST.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 75, 764*Bunsen (Chevalier C. J.) Verfassung der Kirche der Zukunft ; 12mo. cloth, 4s; 6d. Hamburg, 1845 765 — Desselben Ignatius von Antiochien u. seine Zeit, sieben Sendschreiben an Dr. Aug. Neander ; 1847 — Die III. eechten und die IV. unacchten Briefe des Ignatius von Antwehen, Gr. und Lat. mit Anmerkungen von C. C. J. Bunsen ; ibid. 1847 — 2 vols, in 1, 4to. cloth, lettered, 15s. Hamb. 1847 Each volume is sold separately. The Chevalier Bunsen gives the literal Latin version of the Syriac text, the interpolated Greek text, with a Latin version, the accepted text, and the restored text, in parallel columns. The Letters to Neander enter fully upon all disputed points respecting both the genuine and spurious letters, and the Annotations are philological and critical. The whole occupies upwards of 300 pages. 766* Desselben Zeichen der Zeit, uber Gewissensfreiheit, etc ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s. Leipz. 1855 767 Burgh (J. F.) Chrestomathia Patristica Graeca cum Versione Latina; 6 parts in 2 vols., 12mo. boards, 4s. 6d. Vratisl. 1756 767*- Idem liber; 6 parts in 1, 12mo. half bound, calf, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1756 768 SSui'go ($0. TSc, Almae quondam Cantabrigiensis Universitatis Can- cellarii) Pupilla Oculi, De Septem Sacramentorum administra tione ; de Decern Prseceptis Decalogi ; ceterisque Ecclesiasti- corum (quae rite Institutum Sacerdotem haud quaque ignorare deeet) Officiis ; small 4to. very fine copy, in the original im- pressed monastic binding, extremely rare, £2 2s. Argent, 1514 John de Burgo was Chancellor of the University of Cambridge in 1385, He was a man of the most profound learaing, versed in all the subtilities of the schoolmen, and a great opponent of the doctrines of Wyckliffe, then secretly countenanced by the Queen, by John of Gaunt, and his son, after- wards Henry IV., and by many of the nobility and clergy. 769 Burgo (Thomsede) Hibernia Dominicana, sive Historia Provinciee Hibernise Ordinis Prsedicatorum, ex antiquis Manuscriptjs, pro- batis Auctoribus, etc. deprompta ; 4to. calf, old style, rare, £2 2s. Col. Agr. {Kilkenny) 1762 Hibbert's copy sold for £7, Hanrott's for £7 15s. ; and Heber's for £16. This copy wants the Index and Supplement. 770 Burk (J. Ch. F.) Evangelische Pastoral-Theologie in Beispielen ; 2 thick vols. 8vo. (pub. at 18s.) hf. bd. calf, 6s. Stuttgart, 1838 770* Desselben J. A. Bengel's Leben und Wirken ; 8vo. (pub. at 8s.) cloth, 5s. ibid. 1832 771 Burkii (P. D.) Gnomon Psalmorum, in quo ex nativa Verborum Vi, Simplicitas, Profunditas, Concionnitas, Salubritas Sensuum Coelestium indicantur ; 2 vols. 4to. 14s. Stutgard, 1760 Similar in every respect in design to Bengel's celebrated Gnomon Novi Testamenti, this work is equally valuable for the study of the Psalms, as that for obtaining a knowledge of the New Testament. 772 Ejusdem Gnomon en XII Prophetas Minores, cum prse- fatione, J. A. Bengelii, 4to. J 2*. Heilbr. 1753 773 Burkhard (J.) Vita Ulrici de Hutten, praemissa Epistola Ulrici de Hutten ad Bilibald. Pirckheymerum, Rationem Vitae suae exponens ; 12mo. plates, scarce, 10s. 6d. JVolfenbiittel, 1517 774 Burleigh (W. Cecil, Lord) L'Execution de Justice faicte en Angletene pour maintenirlaPaixpublique etChrestienne, contre 76 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. les autheurs de Sedition. Avec la Declaration du Traictement des Commissaires de Sa Majeste, etc. ; small 8vo. antique calf, carmine edges, rare, £1 Is. Paris, 1584 See " Strype's Annals," Vol. III. part 1, p. 706. 775 Burscher (J. F.) de Deo Triuno, et de Jesu Christi Persona ; 12mo. Is. 6d. ' Lips. 1780 776 Busaei (J., Soc. Jes.) Viridarium Christianarum Virtutum ; 4to. engraved frontispiece, hogskin, 7s. 6d. Mogunt. 1612 777 Ejusdem Panarion, hoc est, Area Medica variis Divinse Scripturse priscorumquePatrum Antidotis adversus Animi Morbos instructa, et in Gratiam Confess, coucionatorum, etc. edita ; 4to. hogskin, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1068 778 Busch's (Fr.) Anleitung zur Mittheilung der Religion und zur Einfiihrnng ins Christenthum ; mit Vorwort von Dr. Liicke ; 8vo. 2s. 6d. Hannover, 1835 779 Busembaum (Hermanni, Soc. Jesu) La Croix et Zacharise Theo- logia Morum, nunc dtmum ab Angelo Franzoja ad angelicas D. Thomse Aquinatis doctrinas revocata ; folio, vellum, 12s. 1760 780 — Idem liber, cum Additamentis C. Lacroix et F. A. Zaccaria suisque edidit A. Franzoja; fol. hogskin, 18s. ibid. 1778 781 Compendium Theologize Morales S. Alpb. Mar. de Ligorio, sive Medulla Theologize Moralis Hermanni Busembaum, cum Appendice ; 2 vols. 12mo. half bound, 6s. 6d. Trice, 1840 Busenbaum's book created great excitement about five and twenty years ago, and led to the temporary expulsion of the Jesuits from Bavaria. 782 Bussiere (Vicomte de) Les Anabaptistes. Histoire du Luthe- ranisme, de l'Anabaptisme et du Regne de Jean Bockelsohn a Munster ; 8vo. sewed, 4s. 6d. Paris, 1853 783 Buxtorfii (Joannis, Patris) Synagoga Judaica de Judeeorum fide, ritibus, etc. a filio edita; 12mo. vellum, 5s. Basil, 1661 Ejusdem Lexicon Hebraicum, et Syriaeum, et Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum; vide: Hebrew Litera- ture. Ejusdem Comment, in V.T. ; vide : No. 279. 784 Buxtorfii (Joannis, Filii) Concordantise Bibliorum Hebraieas ; folio, calf, £\ 8s. Basil, 1632 785 Idem liber; folio, vellum, £1 8s. ibid. 1632 " The groundwork is the Concordance of Rabbi Nathan. It is much better arranged, more correctly printed, the roots more distinctly ascertained, and the meaning more accurately given." — British Librarian. 786 Ejusdem Exercitationes ad Historiam Arcse Foederis, Ignis Sacri et Coelestis, Urim et Thummim, Mannse, Petraa in Deserto, Serpentis senei ; 4to. vellum, 6s. ibid. 1659 787 — Ejusdem Tiberias seu Commentarius Masorethicus, bis- torico-didatico-criticus triplex, ad illustrat. Operis Biblici Basil. ; 4to. bds. or veil. 6s. ibid. 1665 789 Idem liber; ibid. 1665. Accedunt ejusdem Lexicon Chal- daicum et Syriaeum ; ibid. 1622 ; et Glassii Institutiones Gram- mat. Hebrsese ; 3 vols, in 1, 4to. 12s. v. I. et a. Ejusdem libr. de Punctis et de Abbreviationibus Hebr. et Lexicon Cbaldaicum et Syriaeum ; vide : Hebrew Literature. To the Buxtorfs, father and son, both professors of Hebrew at Basil, where the former died of the plague in 1G20, and the latter in 16G4, being THEOLOGY.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. "7 succeeded by his nephew, the third of the same name, biblical students are indebted not only for the most valuable aids to the study of the Bible in the Commentary and Lexicon of the one and the Concordance of the other, but for a knowledge of the ceremonies and traditions of the Jews, set forth in the " Synagoga Judaica" and " Exercitationes," and in the translation of the " Moreh Nevochim of Maimonides." 790 Cabassutii (F.) Notitia Ecclesiastica Historiarum, Conciliorum, et Canonum invicem collatorum, veterumque Ecclesise Rituum ; folio, hogskin, 14s. Colon. 1725 791 Idem liber; folio, calf, 10s. 6d. ibid. 1725 For other copies, vide : Councils. Jus Canonicum ; vide : Canon Law. 792 Caedmon's des Angelsaehsen Biblische Dichtungen, herausgg. von K. W. Bouterwek ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, Elberfeld, 1849-51 The Anglo-Saxon text with Glossary. Ceremoniale ; vide : Liturgies, etc. 793 Cajetani (Card. C.) Thesaurus Patrum, hoc est Dicta, Sentential et Exempla ex SS. Patribus collecta, et per Locos Communos distributa; 6 vols. 8vo. sewed, £2 12s. 6d. Mediolani, 1827 794 Calancha (Ant. de la) Coronica Moralizada del Orden de San Augustin en el Peru; folio, plate of Martyrdom of Diego Ortiz in Vilcabanba inserted, vellum, rare, £2 2s. Barcelona, 1639 This very curious account of the foundation of Churches and Religious Houses in Peru by the Augustin Order has but seldom occurred for sale in this country. Mr. Heber's copy, the only one I can trace in recent sales, sold for £3 3s. 795 Calash (Marii) Concordantise Bibliorum Hebraicorum, edente G. Romaine ; 4 vols, folio, best edition, fine copy, in calf, scarce, £2 15s. Londini, \7A7 Calasio's work is highly valuable, not merely as a Concordance, but also as a Lexicon. It contains the Hebrew text with the order and method of " Nathan's Concordance;" Reuchlin's translation of Nathan's explanation of the Hebrew roots with additions ; Rabbinical, Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic words derived from the Hebrew roots, &c. Calepini Dictionarium ; vide : Hebrew Books. 796 Calixti (Georgii) de Conjugio Clericorum liber, cum praefatione et Appendice, H. P. C. Henke ; 2 vols. 4to. best edition, scarce, Hehnst. 1784 The first edition of this well known treatise against the celibacy of priests appeared in 1631, at the time the author occupied the Divinity chair in the University of Helmstadt. 797 Calles (S., Soc. Jes.) Annales Ecclesiastici Germanise, ex Anti- quis Monumentiscollecti ; 6 vols. fol. cf. £3 10s. Viennce, 1756 A work of immense labour and research, intended by the author to oc- cupy the same place in the Church History of Germany that is filled by Alford in that of Britain, by Le Cointe in that of France, by Moralis in that of Spain, and by Inchoffer in that of Hungary, all forming most desirable additions to the Annals of Baronius. 798 Callisen's (Ch. Fr.) Handbuch zum Gebrauch nachdenkender Christen beim Lesen der Heiligen Schrift Neuen Testaments ; 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. sewed, 6s. Altona, 1813 799 Calmet (Augustin) Commeutaire Literal sur tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament (avec le texte en Latin et en Francois); 9 vols. Paris, 1724. — Dictionnaire Historique Critique, Chronologique, Geographique et Litteral de la Bible; 78 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 4 vols. Paris, 1730. In all 13 vols, folio, numerous plates, fine copies, in calf, scarce, <£10 10s. Paris, 1724 800 Calmet (Augustin) Commentarius Literalis in Omnes Libros Vet. et Nov. Testamenti, Latinis Literis traditum a Jo. Dom. Mansi ; 8 vols, in 9, folio, vellum, £3 3s. Lvcce, 1730-1734 801 — — — Idem liber, alia editio ; 8 vols, in 9, folio, vellum, £3 13s. Gd. Aug. Vind. 1/34-5 802 Idem liber; 8 vols, folio, ibid. 1734-5. Ejusdem Dic- tionarium Historicum, Criticum, Chronologicum, Geographicum et Literale Sacra? Scripturee Latinse, a J. D. Mansi, cum Sup- plement; 3 vols. ibid. 1729-1734. Ejusdem Prolegomena et Dissertationes in omnes et singulos Sacrse Scriptune libros; 2 vols. — in all 13 vols, in 11, folio, fine copy, hogskin, £5 5s. Aug. Find. 1729-1735 803 Idem Commentarius, alia editio, recognita etaucta; 8 vols. folio, vellum, £3 3s. Tenet. 1754 804 Dictionnaire Historique, Critique, Chronologique, Geogra- phique et Litteral de la Bible ; 4 vols, folio, numerous plates, calf, gilt, £2 12s. 6d. Paris, 1730 805 Ejusdem Dictionarium, Historicum, Criticum, Chronolo- gicum, Geographicum, Biblicum, Lafinis Litteris traditum a J. Dom. Mansi; 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, 15s. Aug. Find. 1790 806 Ejusdem Prolegomena et Dissertationes in omnes et sin- gulos S. Scripturee libros ; 2 vols, folio, calf, £1 Is. Lucce, 1729 807 Calovii (Abr ) Biblia illustrata Veteris et Novi Testamenti, in quibus simul Auuotata H. Grotii exhibentur ; 5 vols, in 4, folio, vellum, £2 2s. Dresdce, 1719 808 Ejusdem Biblia Novi Testamenti illustrata; 2 vols, folio, vellum, 15s. ibid. 1719 809 Calvini (Joa.) Opera omnia Theologica ; 7 vols, folio, half bound, vellum, £4 10s. Geneva, 1617 Vol. 1. Comment, in Pentateuchum et librum Josuae. „ 2. Homilias in I. librum Samuelis et Conciones in librum Jobi. „ 3. Comment, in Psalmos et Praclectiones in Prophetas Minores. „ 4. Comment, in Propbetas Majores. „ 5. Comment, in Novum Testamentum. „ 6. Institutions Religionis Christiauae, „ 7. Tractatus Theologici. 810 Calvini (Jo.) Opera Omnia, Editio Omnium Novissima, ad Fidem emendatiorum Codicum recognita, et Indicibus locupletissimis adornata ; 9 vols, folio, best edition, vellum, fine full length trait, £H 18s. 6d. Amst. 1671 " I hold the memory of Calvin in high veneration. His works have a place in my library, and, in the study of the Holy Scriptures, he is one of the commentators I frequently consult." — Bp. HorsLEY. 811 Ejusdem Comment, in librum Geneseos, curante E. Heng- steuberg; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 7s. Berlin, 1838 812 Ejusdem Comment, in Psalmos, edidit A. Tholuck ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed (pub. at 9s.) 4s. ibid. 1836 813 Idem liber; 2 vols. 8vo. vellum, 7s. 6d. ibid. 1836 As a commentator few have excelled Calvin in explaining the text with- out running into fanciful conjectures. He is both clear and concise, and his THEOLOGY.] NO. 2/0, STRAND, LONDON. 79 Commentary on the Psalms most valuable, from the entire absence of all pedantry. 814 Calvini (Jo.) in Novum Testamentum Commentarii, edidit A. Tholuck ; 7 vols. 8vo. sewed, £1 Is. Berlin, 1833-34 Vols. 1, 2. In harmoniam ex Matthaso, ,, 3. In Johannem. Marco et Luca compos. „ 4. In Acta Apostolorum. commentarii. ,, 5-7. In Epistolas. 815 Ejusdem Comment, integri in Acta Apostolorum; folio, hogskin, 7s. Geneva, 1560 816 Ejusdem Harmonia ex tribus Evangelistis composita, ad- juncta seorsum Joanne et commentariis ; thick 8vo. hogskin, clasps, 6s. 6d. 1562 817 * Ejusdem Institutions Christianas Religionis ; prsemissa Vita ejusdem Th. Beza ; folio, vellum, 7s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1654 818 — Idem liber, alia editio, accesserunt Epistoke et Responsa tarn ipsius quam Insignium aliorum in Ecclesia Dei Virorum ; praemissa Vita Calvini, Th. Bezse j folio, vellum, 15s. Amstelod. 1667 819 Idem liber, editio nova, cum brevi Annotatione edidit A. Tholuck ; 2 vols. 8vo. 7s. Berlin, 1846 820 — Institution de la Religion Chretienne, Traduction de Ch. Icard ; 3 thick vols. 8vo. sewed, 15s. Geneve, 1818 821 — - — - Ejusdum Opuscula omnia ; folio, hogskin, 7s. 6d. Geneva, 1552 822 — Ejusdem et Th. Bezae, Henrici IV. aliorumque illius iEvi Hominum Literse qusedam nondum editse, cura C. G. Bretschnei- der; 8vo. plates, sewed, 3s. 6d. Lipsics, 1835 823 Lettres Franchises de Jean Calvin, recueilles pour la pre- miere fois et publiees d'apres les Manuscripts originaux, par Jules Bonnet ; 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, 10s. Paris, 1854 Ejusdem Vita ; vide : Reformatorum Vitas. 824 Des grossen Reformators, Johann Calvin's Leben, von Paul Henry ; 3 vols, in 4 parts, 8vo. portrait and facsimiles, sewed, £1 lis. 6d. Hamburg, 1835-44 825 ■ Dasselbe; 3 vols, in 4, 8vo. half bound, calf, nearly new, £\ 8s. ibid. 1835-44 826 Calvini posthumum Stigma in tria Lilia, sive tres libros dispertitum, a Rhetoribus Collegii Societatis Jesu, Bruxellis, 1611; small 8vo. with curious vignette title-page of Calvin whipped at the cart's tail, blue morocco, antique style, gilt edges, very rare, £2 2s. Bruxellce, 1611 This volume of poetical squibs was rigidly suppressed almost immediately after its publication by an order of the Society of Jesus. 827 Calvor (Casp.) Concordia et Discordia Christi ac Caesaris, circa Processum Fori, ejusque Formam et Materiam, 4to. bound, 5s. Goslar, 1724 828 Ejusdem Rituale Ecclesiasticum, Origines ac Causas Ri- tuum, Sacrorum Locorum, Temporum, Personarum, variorumque aliorum ad Ritualem Rem spectantium recensens ; 2 vols, in 1, thick 4to. (c. 2000 pp.) many large and curious folding plates of manners and customs, etc 15s. Jence, 1705 829 Idem liber; 4to. vellum, 18s. ibid. 1705 80 david nutt's catalogue. [theology. 830 Camden i (Guil.) Actio in Henricum Garnetum, Societatis Jesuitical in Anglia Superiorem, et cseteros qui Proditione longe immanis- sima Seren. Brit. Magna? Regem, et Regni Anglise Ordines pulvere fulminali e medio tollere conjurarunt : una cum Orationibus Do- minorum Delegatorum. Adjectum est Supplicium de Henrico Garneto Londini sumptum ; 4to. vellum, rare, 15s. Lond. 1607 Camden's is the most authentic account of Catesby's gunpowder plot. Henry Garnet, the Provincial of the Society of Jesus in England, was guilty by his own confession, and suffered death in 1606. He was a Wyke- hamist, and a man of considerable abilities. Camdeni (Guil.) Anglica, Normanica, Hibernica, etc. ; vide : No. 704. 831 Camerarii (Joach.) de Vita Phil. Melancthonis Narratio, edidit G. F. Strobel ; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. Halee, 1777 832 Campiani (Ed., Soc. Jesu, Angli) oblati Certaminis in Causa Fidei Rationes X. redditse Academicis Anglise; nee non Epistola Joannis Dursei Academicis Oxoniensibus et Cantabrigiensibus ; small 8vo. a stout volume of 900 pages, vellum, rare, £1 Is. Claramontance, 1583 832* Idem liber; small 8vo. no title-page, 10s. 6d. ibid. 1583 This is one of " the treasonable books printed beyond sea," to which the Queene's proclamation of 1588 refers. Ed. Campian, having gone over to the Church of Rome, joined the Society of Jesus, and addressed these ten " Rationes," or Reasons for embracing the Faith of Rome, to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, which provoked a reply from W'hitaker, which in this posthumous work of Campian's is met by ten " Confutationes," published from his manuscript by his friend John Dorey or Durseus, also a member of the Society of Jesus. Campian was executed for high treason in 1581, having returned to England as the missionary of the Society in 1580. 833 Cangiamila (F. E.) Embryologia Sacra; very thick 12mo. half bound, calf, 4s. 6d. Aug. Vind. 1/65 834 Cani (Melch. Canariensis Episc.) Opera, clare divisa, etc. ab Hyacintho Serty ; 4to. 12s. Bassani, 1776 Containing his " Loci Theologici," as he terms the governing principles or sources, whence arguments may be deduced for the confirmation of doctrines and opinions, such as the Scriptures, tradition, the authority of the Church, of Councils, of reason, philosophy, and history, &c, and his " Reflectiones de Sacramentis." Dr. Aikin calls them " eloquent and logical." 835 Canisii (H.) Thesaurus Monumentorum Ecclesiasticorum et His- toricorum, sive Lectiones Antiquse ad sseculorum ord. digestae, quibus preefatt. historicas, Animadverss. criticas et notas in sin- gulos auctores adjecit Jac. Basnage ; 7 parts in 4 vols, folio, vellum, £3 8s. Antv. 1725 836 Idem liber; 7 vols, in 6, folio, fine copy, vellum, £4 4s. ibid. 1725 837 Canisii (Petri. Soc. Jesu.) Opus Catechisticum, sive de Summa Doctrinal Christians}, etc. ; folio, hogskin, 15s. Colonic, 1586 838 Ejusdem Summa Doctrinse Christianas, una cum Auctori- bus, qui ibi citantur (edidit J. Haid), 4 vols. 8vo. sewed. 1833-34 Vol. 4. De altera Justitiae Christ, parte, cum Appendice. Vol. 1. De Fide, Spe et Charitate. ,, 2. De Sacramentis Ecclesiae. ,, 3. Depriori JustitiajChristianae parte. 839 Ejusdem Manuale Catholicorum in usum pie precandi ; 4th edition, 18mo. 1847 CANON LAW, ETC.] NO. 270, STRAND, LONDON. 81 CANON AND ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, AND CHURCH POLITY AND DISCIPLINE. Amort de Indulgentiis ; vide : No. 54. 840 Anecdota Juridica ex Codd. MSS. ediderunt, cum Versione Latina, Prolegomenis, Annotatione Critica et Indicibus, Gustavus Ernest. Heimbach, Carolus Witte, et Car. Ed. Zacharise ; 3 vols. 4to. £2 2s. Lipsice, 1838, 40, et 43 Each volume is sold separately : — Vol. I. '(price 16s.) contains: Athanasii Emiseni Com. de Novellis Const. Justiniani et Justini. — Anonymus irtpi Sia