THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY scJb 1 5, &tf NOTES ILLUSTRATING THE PRECEDING TRANSLATION. Page 47. 1. Gen. xxxi. 25. 2. Ibid, xxxii. 25. 3. Egypt. 4. Judg. iv. 2. 5. Ibid. v. 20. 6. 2 Kings xix.25. 7. Dan. x. 11. 8. Dan. v. 3. 9. Estb.iii. 12, 13. 10. 1. 11. Referring to Israel. Isa. xxi. 11. 12. Isa. xxi. 12. 13. Zech. xiv. 7. 14. Ps. lxxiv. 16. Page 48. 1. It is stated in Pirke R. Eliezar chap. 28, that the covenant between the parts, which God made with Abraham, took place on the night of Passover. 2. Gen. xviii. 2. 3 Ibid. 6. 4. Ibid. 7. 5. Gen. xix. 3. 6. Applied to Egypt, Ezek. xxx. 13. 7 Exod. xii. 23. Page 49. 8 Josh. vi. 1. 9. Judg. vii. 13. 10. The measure of barley ordered to be brought on the day suc- ceeding the first day of Passover. See Note 1, page 52. 11. Applied to Assyria, 2 Kings xv. 19. 12. See Isa. x. 16. where the destruction of Assyria is prophecied. 13. Isa. x. 32. 14. So called Isa. xliv. 27. 15. Ibid. xxi. 5. 16. Esther; Esth. iv. 7. 17. Esth.iv. 16: 18. Ibid. vii. 9. 19. Bereavement and widowhood. Isa. xlvii. 9. 20. Assyria : here used as a type of all the nations among which Israel are persecuted in the present captivity. v. • nos he? man ♦ rm? kv im'HP pro pytaiK p« •hun vh& *i3i« § *w wa Kin :rmy ba»y& pn win pa wn pa win pa it^k ♦fwp i?&oyD pn win pa nnj>D iya**p w b*o ♦m« ki* •rrw jyaaD pytaiK pa n^n w^k naiK r-in? :mw baojtt pn pa win pa win pa nD3 h& rmi Jewish- German Translation of K-in *V r JK # on? uSk *revB. te»»b pi Km pa dks lBftttinabM pa ' mw kv • mw jinkd ppraix pK nS«n itSk tmi •w^mynDiKi : rrw hocm p*i k*w pa *wa P 3 **a iAk naw ' it? itfo • rrw h&esn pi Km pa bm |na Km pa • srw kv • mw paxta pytaiK pK n^Ki •wmojn # Bao T^na : snw ^dub pn kna pa ira :^k naiK • w vhtt • rrw Sanyo pi Km pi bk pa Km pa • mv> kv • rrw jyaKD psnaiK pa i/Ki ■wtiim • dm i»aw : rrw ^qwd pn iwa pa K*ia ^BO^D PH Km pS • DK3 1&NT\ * &K3 *W * EK jwxid pyraiK pK iSki it^k tw • w itbx • nw fe»»D pn Km pa am pa am pa • rvw ki* % m^ Sbdud pn Km pa • axa xnv • &kj *o'taa : raw rrw jyaKD pytaiK pK n^Ki itSk naix • 1& it^k * rrw rrw Sdotld pn Km pa Km pa Km pa • rrw kii •WMKnoKa • LaKa tummd *DKa ia*UKa& *»Ka na*D©ira ta»»B pi Km pa • DKa na^w * trtti instate ■ DKa jyaKo ppniK pK n^Ki it^k naiK • *w i&m ♦ rrw Saws pn am pa Km pa Km pa • rrw kv f rrw ■TO^a*a*p ♦ dkj TD^aynyarc • BKa vft&DViiB : rrw w it^k »irw ^bdvd pn Km pa *&Ka w *&Ka ia ' rrw kv • rrw jinkd pytaiK pK n^Ki it^k na*,K • D«a iaw : rrw fewa pn Km pa Km pa Km iAk # rrw b^ayo pn Km m • ««* TPD&Knannn 51 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Then the ox 1 came, and drank the water, which had extinguished the fire, which had burnt the staff, which had smitten the dog, which had bitten the cat, which had de- voured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. Then the slaughterer 2 came, and slaughtered the ox, which had drunk the water, which had extinguished the fire, which had burnt the staff, which had smitten the dog, which had bitten the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. Then the angel of death 3 came, and slew the slaughterer, who had slaughtered the ox, which had drunk the watery which had extinguished the fire, which had burnt the staff, which had smitten the dog, which had bitten the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. The came the Most Holy, 4 blessed be He, and slew the angel of death, who had slain the slaughterer, who had slaughtered the ox, which had drunk the water, which had burnt the staff, which had smitten the dog, which had bit- ten the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. 1 Tlie ox refers to Edom, by which term the European nations are designated. These will, in the latter days, go up against the Holy Land and wrest it from the possession of the descendants of Ismael. (See Abarbane! on Ezek. xxxix.) 2 The slaughterer refers to the fearful war which will then succeed; when the confederated armies of Gog and Magog, Persia, Cush, and Pul will come up "like the tempest,'* to drive the sons of Edom from Palestine. (Ibid.) 3 The angel of death refers to the pestilence which shall then occur, and in which all the enemies of Israel shall perish. 4 The establishment of God's kingdom upon earth, when Israel shall be restored under the rule of Messiah the son of David. res hv niyn to ♦ mak van ♦ to&S xneh • xwi * t— : tt: t: • t j ** - tt: ♦ ksW? torn * snwr*S tritn • tnab torn t:~: t«: t: : |-t: t: tt: nna Nat* pan • xnh nbata • tn^ "ato -:• T-l--: t:-: t : t : t: : I - t - stnj in * ana nn »$b tanBh • torrid tDnsjh • men wSa t^nw - t i •• : -t: vt— i t ; - tt: trim • Ktof? xaa*-t • t*»;&S tmsn • ^trdrb |-t: t: tt: * t * tt; t: t: : |-t: t:-: t • : t: : ♦ t*na nn • *fli nna tot* ran • NnaS rtatn r ; - - - •• : • t - | • - : t : - : t : t J j ana nn men "^a 1 ? fcn$ • *an "fn| tfnj-n «n^ ♦ anA t*nK>*- • tnvfc ranKn • aiaeh vnvh t - : tt: t: - t : •• ; - t : ♦ KabaS xarn t tntDin 1 ? cpfer-j • Kiuf? aaai t : - : t * : t: :|-t: t; tt* 4 nna aax ran ♦ «nA nbatn • &n»e^ "aBbi **;• T-l*-; t:-: t:t: t : : J - t : : ton* in • «n| -in • *n* fiO SEKVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. One only kid, 1 one only kid, which my father bought fo? two zuzim ; 2 one only kid, one only kid. And a cat 3 came and devoured 4 the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. And a dog 5 came and bit the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. Then a staff 6 came and smote the dog, which had bitten the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. Then a fire 7 came, and burnt the staff, which had smit- ten the dog, which had bitten the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. Then water 8 came, and extinguished the fire, which had burnt the staff, which had smitten the dog, which had bit- ten the cat, which had devoured the kid, which my father bought for two zuzim ; one only kid, one only kid. 1 This poem is generally regarded as a parable, descriptive of inci- dents in the history of the Jewish nation, with some reference to prophecies yet unfulfilled. More than one interpretation has been given to it, substantially differing from each other: the most popular is the one herein adopted. 2 Eeferring to Israel, "the one peculiar people upon earth/* which God "purchased" (Ex. xv. 16) for himself by means of the two preci- ous tablets of the law. 3 The cat refers to Babylon, whose symbol in Daniel's vision (Dan. vii. 4) is a Lion, but which the author rejects as unsuited to the para- ble, substituting the domestic member of the same family. 4 "Devoured the kid," descriptive of the Babylonian captivity, which swallowed up Jewish nationality, a.m. 3338. 5 The dog refers to Persia by whose power Babylon was overthrown, a.m. 3390. 6 The staff refers to Greece which put an end to Persian domination, a.m. 3442. 7 The fire refers to Kome, which spread devastation throughout the east by the extent of its conquests, and which put an end to the Grecian empire, a.m. 3592, when Perseus was defeated at the battle of Pydna. 8 The water refers to the Turks, descendants of Ismael, by whom the Holy Land was wrested from the possession of Rome, a.m. 4398. riDS 5r man 3 in • »pi nna aaa pspj srg nn fcrg in : srti nn ana t ;- — t 8 • *wa xa« ran *ixn& nWi *.ih»^ ww - ; • t - I • — 5 t;-: t;t; t; tt: * «na nn ana nn • *n? t :- - t :- i t 1 - ! t;t; t; ; | ~ t . t ; — tt. : fctna in ana nn • »m nna k -ik patf! • Ktfi^? wn ♦ «aW? xam ♦ sn^n anal t; : J - t : t;-: t • ; t ; tt; ana in »*bi nro K3K ran ♦*ru l ? rh&a t:- • - • : ^ r - I • • j t:~: t;t: * K& in • KaSaS Kara • mad* sp^ • mo khki t : — : t*: t: : I ~t * t ttJ nna X2N pan * xnfo rhwi ♦ xmvh i&n - : • t-I'-j t:-: t:t: t: ; l-r: : ur# nn ana nn » n« t ;- - t ;- - - ♦ mainS ep&rt ♦ K-ittf? Nam • x»a unw T : : I tt : t: tt; t- tt; ♦ xnb nSa*n • tn^ Wih • NaSaS Nam. »:~: t;t; y; : I - t ; » • - J * * : : «na nn kjt| in ♦ na 'ina xax ran 49 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. there are eleven stars, 1 ten commandments, nine months preceding child-birth, eight days preceding circumcision, seven days in the week, six books in the Mishnah, five books of the Law, four matrons, three patriarchs, two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who is over heaven and earth. Who knoweth twelve ? I, saith Israel, know twelve : there are twelve tribes, eleven stars, ten commandments, nine months preceding child-birth, eight days preceding circumcision, seven days in the week, six books of the Law, four matrons, three patriarchs, two tables of the covenant; but One is our God who is over the heavens and the earth. Who knoweth thirteen? I, saith Israel, know thir- teen : thirteen divine attributes, twelve tribes, eleven stars, ten commandments, nine months preceding child- birth, eight days preceding circumcision, seven days in the week, six books of the Mishnah, five books of the Law, four matrons, three patriarchs, two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who is over the heavens and the earth. 1 Described in Joseph's dream. nDS h& rroi tab r • t - — •• : ^t : • r •• : t : • nin&K jd-w • min *Bton n^bn • rotsto ^id " t - ; • it *; t-; t't -— t — ; • t^t - : w x i • t •• : t : t •• •• : - ^t : • - min *Bton mm • roato mo pib>0- • NnaE> t - : \ t • -: v : • •• ; • t • t — wrbx inn * riot* rwh$ • ninax y^n« ■ v; TV T T ; T • ^ - ; - : pittl D*a#atf , | V T T • - I - •• l - _ T _ . . T ^ T ... T — • T ^T T I * mh *m* ny^fi • k»w mb>y • tfMia npp .... T . r - - •• ; w \ ; • t •• ; t ; *nin£K ynK •rrrtri *Bton n^an tob^ | V T T • - T - V 48 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. * Mishnah, five books of the Law, four matrons, threy r nnx • srtf- '*? n ^ T TW ♦ nrrS w nytfn • vran mfcv ♦ K»a3ta nir; t- -:- *r : • t-;« tt-; t - . tt 47 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Who knoweth one? I, saith Israel, know One : One is God, who is over heaven and earth. Who knoweth two ? I, saith Israel, know two : there are two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who is over heaven and earth. Who knoweth three ? I, saith Israel, know three : there are three patriarchs, 1 the two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who is over heaven and earth. Who knoweth four ? I, saith Israel, know four : there are the four matrons, 2 three patriarchs, two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who made heaven and earth. Who knoweth five? I, saith Israel, know five: there are five books of moses, four matrons, three patriarchs, two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who is over heaven and earth. Who knoweth six ? I, saith Israel, know six : there are six books of the mishna, 3 five books of the Law, four matrons, three patriarchs, two tables of the covenant ; but One is our God who is over heaven and earth. Who knoweth seven? I, saith Israel, know seven: there are seven days in the week, six books of the 1 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 2 Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. 3 Or, " orders," viz., Zeraim, Moed, Nashim, Nezekim, Kedosbim, Taanith. HD3 bv mn ?a wrhtt nrx • ynv ♦»< nnx • ynv ♦& nn« : pxai D*&Bfr0 ninn »# • gnv »j» »3# • jnV * Q?# : pxni utiufatf wrbn nnx • nnan i v t t • - t - •/ •• v: tv • : — rxtfcti • jnv *jk n^s> • pv »a nuhw T ^- •• • _; T ; r'- .. T . D*fc#3# ti*rfot nnx • nnan ninV *Jtf * rfaa ip * ninea yanx • $nv *3»j y?>x • 2TV *& yaiX win nnx ♦ nnan nin 1 ? *3# • niax nc^ \ T T ♦tfan n&sbn • tnV *» nefan • jnv *a nsbn nin*? *j# ♦ rttaK ne^ • ninax ran* • nnin \ " : t r ; t ' * - ; - r : pxai D*a#3tf vnb* nna ♦ nnan I v t t • - t - v •• v: tv • ; - mo r\w& • jrn* *jn n^ • jnv *a nm • nines* jcr* ♦ nnin »#an n^bn • rotfa t • ^ - : - t ; ♦. t -: v : wAk nn« • nnan ninb ^tr • niax ntfStf - .; tv • : - t r t : : pxai DJW^' ♦P| nyatf • pv ♦»? nyae> • pv *a nyat? • nnin nfen n&bn • nitre mo n^ • watf 46 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. rebuild thine house betimes. May he who is the most glorious and elevated, the God of strength, soon, rebuild his house ; speedily, speedily, soon, in our days; O God! rebuild it, O God ! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. May He who is the redeemer, the all-righteous, the most holy, soon, rebuild his house, speedily, speedily, soon, in our days, God! rebuild it, O God! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. May He who is the most compas- sionate, the Almighty, all-potent, soon rebuild his house, speedily, speedily, soon, in our clays, God! rebuild it, God ! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. For Jewish-German translation of the above, seepage 5> COUNTING THE " OMEK." 1 On tlie Second Night of the Festival the following, until "thy law" is said. Blessed art thou, Eternal, our God! King of the uni- verse, who hath sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to count the days of the lt Omer." This is the First Day of the " Onier." May it be thy will, Eternal, our God! and the God of our ancestors, speedily to rebuild thy temple in our day, and to grant us our portion in thy law. 1 A measure of barley which we were commanded to bring as a wave-offering on the morning after the Passover. Lev. zxiii. 15, From this period we numbered seven weeks, at the termination of which the Feast of Weeks was solemnised. no3 bw n*un )b ♦ ma Sk ♦ raa bx • aripa o*a*a • mnaa ♦*an' md # #in im t anj53 ^5 rwa ♦ mnas • 3hp3 iiV3 roi* • son nw t roa *?s • rtia ^K • aripa ows • mn»3 ... .. j T . •• t : t •• : • ♦ wa pns • kvi rnia s aiiga ?pya ma ♦ mnaa • mn»a • anp 3 fova ma* • wn erip ^]?3 Hi3 ♦ H33 btf ♦ Hi3 Sn ♦ 3np2 o*a»a n£p * wn tpjaa • k*i «$ • nvi mrri : ainps ♦ ahpa ova • mnoa ♦ mnoa • ahaa in»a Jt : •• t : t •• ; • t - ; • j t j : 3hp3 ^jya n^3 ♦ nog tn • n?a : Sk For Jewish German translation of the above, seepage 52. COUNTING THE " OMER." On the Second Night of the Festival the following , until ^rniri3 ? is said. oe^p -\m • cSiyn nb& w*rf?K »» nriN ^na : naiyn nrao by oral ♦ wfa&a V * T T V - ♦ wnhK *rfoo o»riVK m Tisfefi rtyi w _. .. .. ..... t: j v T . . j T . . opbn m\ ♦. ao»a mn&a ehpBn rvs ni3*^ I •• ; T I - ; - t ; t » ; • t J ; • - . ■ t • r : 1 45 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. PRAY FOR THE DIVINE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SERVICE. The commemorative service of the Passover has now been accomplished according to its constitution, and ac- cording to the ordinance and statute of the feast. As we have been deemed deserving by Thee to be thus enabled to solemnize it now, grant also that we may be deemed worthy to fulfil the actual observance of the precept. To this end, do thou, O Most Pure, who dwellest on high, raise up the congregation of Israel, " the innumerable, " and hasten to conduct us, the "the plants of thy vineyard," once more redeemed unto Zion with exulting song. Oh, may He who is most mighty soon rebuild his house ; speedily, speedily, soon, in our days ; God ! rebuild it, God! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. Oh, may He who is the supreme, the greatest and most exalted, soon rebuild his house ; speedily, speedily, soon, in our days; God! rebuild it, God! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. May He who is all-honoured and all-worthy, most immaculate and merciful, soon, re- build his house ; speedily, speedily, soon, in our days ; O God ! rebuild it, God ! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. May He who is most pure, the sole God, soon, rebuild his house ; speedily, speedily, soon, in our days ; God ! rebuild it, God ! rebuild it, rebuild thine house betimes. May He who is the all-powerful, the omniscient and all-ruling, soon, rebuild his house ; speedily, speedily, soon, in our days, God ; rebuild it, God! rebuild it, hDS hv nn:n na * n s "i J PEAT FOR THE DIVINE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SERVICE. : inpni i&f>?to ^?3 ' in^n? npa nmp npn j ini^S nap ja * infc nnp 1 ? «*5? nf^a : rua ^ Snps D»ip * naiyp pi# n,T : nana \vsb D«nf • np ^ nn: ahp^a ♦ nnnpa • ahpa in*a n»* ♦ sin n*w ♦ ma Sk • naa S*t • ainpa uwa • mnoa ... .. ... .. j T . •• t : t •• : • ♦ wn nin-i • kvi nina : ainpa Tjn^n n^a ♦ rnnnaa • ainpa ijva pua» • xin Sun ha • roa Sx • ainpa wba ♦ rnnnaa ppjj • xin ninn : ainpa *ji?a roa • naa ♦ ainpa irva naa* • xin tdpi • am a cijn nzwn ova ub^tjjti rnrp '*"»'") « pint* *a : rwn ntei ;n ova anafen ^ f">xn Sj; ^ rnii) bbS aw nib ns S$ pan Sy_ ♦* nnv\ 4 ^ia • \^n na Mil* 43 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. praise will always be becoming. He is most pure in his kingdom, he is essentially the most mighty, his archangels thus say unto him : Thine, and thine only ; thine, yea, thine ; thine, surely thine ; thine, Eternal, is the sovereignty ! To him praise is becoming, to him praise will always be becoming. He is unique in his kingdom, he is essentially all-potent, his servitors thus say unto him : Thine, and thine only ; thine, yea, thine ; thine, surely thine; thine, Eternal, is the sovereignty! To him praise is becoming, to him praise will always be becoming. He is the supreme ruler in his kingdom, he is essentially most awful, his surrounding hosts thus say unto him: Thine, and thine only; thine, yea, thine; thine, surely thine ; thine, Eternal, is the sovereignty. To him praise is becoming, to him praise will always be becoming. He is the most meek in his kingdom, he is essentially a redeemer, his righteous ones thus say unto him : Thine, and thine only ; thine, yea, thine ; thine, surely thine ; thine, Eternal, is the sovereignty. To him praise is becoming, to him praise will always be becoming. He is most holy in his kingdom, he is essen- tially most merciful, his bright "Shinanim," 1 thus say unto him: Thine, and thine only; thine, yea, thine; thine, surely thine ; thine, O Eternal, is the sovereignty. To him praise is becoming, to him praise will always be becoming. He is Almighty in his kingdom, he is esen- tially the upholder, of all his perfect ones who thus say unto him: Thine, and thine only; thine, yea, thine; thine, Eternal, is the sovereignty. To him praise is becoming, to him praise will always be becoming, 1 An order of angels. ran • naft&a \s 4 st : rw ft *a • nw I • t ; * - - v T I •3 sp • ^ ^ • V? np* vnp$a • nrfena ft *3 : PiaS&an £ ^ ♦ ^ c|8 ^ • if? T33 • roftaa w s n«» ft »a • nso T ; • • T V T • ••* T ♦a ^ ' ^ ^ * ft !, ^ , rpsfr ' n ? i ?"? ft »a : naSfcari » ^ • if? p$ if? *. if? >trfa • ppftaa S^'to • nx* ft »a • ruto T T ; • •• V T • V T ♦a if? • if?) if? • ft rpfr varap • naSria ft *a j naSaan ** ^? • ^ b|k ^? • if? mis • naftaa wy : n«* ft *a • nto t ; • T ^r V t • v t »a ^p • ^ ^ • ft ?pi> vpnx • naSna if? *a : naSpsri £ ^ • ^ ^ $ • if? am ♦ raft&a c'np : n*r ft *a • nw - T ; • | T V T • V T ♦a if? * if?) i? • ft natf 1^30 * naSria ft *a : naSpgn » ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' i? *a ^p • if?) if? * ft n&# v*^ • naSria ft *3 : naS/pkn « ^ ? if? pjk -^ • ^ : nto ft *a • nw 42 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER, Jericho when closely shut up, 8 was taken at the season op the Passover. Midian was destroyed by the cake of barley bread 9 made from the Omer 10 of the Passover. The fat ones of Pul and Lud 11 were to be burned in the blaze, 12 kindled on the Passover. Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. The Assyrian still remained at Nob, 13 till the approach of the season of the Passover. The hand wrote the extermination of Babylon "the deep abyss," 14 on the Passover. The "watch was then set," and "the table then spread" 15 on the Passover. Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. Hadassah 16 assembled the congregation to fast three days 17 on the Passover. Haman, the head of a wicked house, thou didst destroy on a gallows fifty cubits high, 18 on the Passover. The double punishment 19 wilt thou in a moment bring on Uts 20 on the Passover. Thy hand will then shew itself omnipotent, and thy right hand be exalted as on the night when was sacrified THE FESTIVAL OF THE PASSOVER. Ye SHALL SAY IT IS THE SACRIFICE OF THE PASSOVER. To him praise is becoming : to him praise will always be becoming. He is all powerful in his kingdom ; he is essentially supreme : his angelic hosts thus say unto him 4 Thine and thine only, thine, yea thine, thine, surely thine, thine, Eternal ! is the sovereignty. To him praise is becoming: to him praise will always be becoming. He is most exalted in his kingdom, he is essentially most glorious, his ministrants thus say unto him, Thine, and thine only, thine, yea thine, thine, surely thine, Eternal! is the sovereignty. To him praise is becoming, to him HD3 "W r\l^T\ 3ti - v •• w * : tt; vv. : : nps -rip) "Tjra "th. bte ♦aapa tertib - : np3 m\ siprp*), : np3 nsiy n?| ny_ "to.S 3toa ai*n -riy j npM ^x jjpgji n;n| T D3 : np33 }iifafn ^ n*g$i ns>* j nps nni drnoKi t nD33 cte e*W? nsn riM3 Snp - •.• - •• - : t — ; t ; • t Jt j np33 rvvty 1 ? K'3f) 5>n nW *fi# : np3 an Ehpnn S si ?3 s|3^ pvin *jy Tiyri : nba nnr crna$i • ro^as yw : na* 'h »s • nx: iS *a t ; • * - V T • V T ♦3 ♦. nrta&n « ^ • ^ ejs ^ • ^ *a -inn • roib&a bun : nw ib *a • nto ib T t ; • T V t • V T *3 T}? • SJ71 sj? • h «?# vp;n\ ; nabna. ib ^3 : nabjp&n \\ ^b • ^b e|$ ^b • ■$ 41 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER, Appoint watchmen to thy city, all day and all night. Illumine, as with the light of day, the darkness of our night. It was at midnight. On the Second Night say: Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. Thy mighty power didst thou wonderfully display on the Passover. To be the chief of all the solemn feasts thou didst exalt the Passover. Thou didst reveal to Abraham, the child of the East, the redemption which should be wrought at midnight, on the passover. 1 Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. Thou didst visit his door during the heat of the clay, 2 on the Passover. He entertained the angels with unleavened cakes, 3 on the Passover. To the herd he ran and prepared a calf, a prototype of the sacrifice 4 of the Passover. Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. The Sodomites incensed God, and were consumed with fire on the Passover. Lot was delivered from among them, and he baked un- leavened cakes 5 on the Passover. Thou didst sweep the land of Moph and Noph, 6 when thou didst pass through it, on the Passover. Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. Lord, thou didst smite the head of every first-born on the night of the observance of the Passover. Yet didst thou, the Omnipotent, pass over Israel, thy first-born son, when thou sawcst the blood 7 of the sacri- fice of the Passover. And didst not suffer the destroyer to enter within my doors, on the Passover. Ye shall say it is the sacrifice of the Passover. nos Sss> min nd : nV? roBri dv nixs nwi T : nVVn *xna *W1 ON THE SECOND NIGHT SAT : nps nit bhtbki p3i : nssa naSsn wrirtm ytM - v - t •• ; • | v ; | . : res ntwn rvrorio ^s etena - V t •• • -; t ; : nps S >[ ? nixn ^ n^a : nps nsr QjTBgi : nosa Di»n Dins t&tn vrfai - :■ - - :t);-t tt: : npss nte£ rriaj; w^Ja Tjpn ♦ nps ^8 irab n?i p T fgrrfTg) : nps nni Di-n&gi : nps efoa «rfrj c^inp vagi : nps fja3 nsx nii'Di ana DiS j^n : npss T£Q3 tjto) pjio nana ns&gb : nps. naj dth&$ : nos *m0 hhsi Frcna flares tfta n* - v •• ; i : - T ) T T : nos D-ia nnos nisrp-W T33 : nps? *ran$a ksS n*n?fe nn , W?s i ? : nos nsr omasi 40 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER, Thou didst terrify Laban, the Syrian, on the eve of his meeting with Jacob, 1 — in the night. And Israel wrestled with the angel and prevailed against him, in the night. 2 It was at midnight. The first-born of the progeny of Patros 3 thou didst smite at midnight. Their vigorous youth they found not, when they arose in that night. The host of the prince of Ha rose th, 4 thou didst trample down through the agency of the stars of the night. 5 It was at midnight. When the blaspheming Senachereb purposed to assail thine habitation, thou didst frustrate him through the dead carcases of his host, 6 in the night. Bel and its image were hurled down in the darkness of the night. To Daniel, the much beloved man, 7 was the mysterious vision revealed in the night. It was at midnight. Belshdzzar who made himself drunken, out of the holy vessels, 8 was slain on that same night. Daniel, who was saved from the lion's den, interpreted the terrifying dreams of the night. Haman the Agagite, who cherished enmity, wrote his letters 9 to exterminate the Jews, at night. It was at midnight. Thou didst awaken against him thy all-conquering power by disturbing the sleep 10 of the king, at night. Thou wilt tread the wine-press for them who anxiously ask, Watchman what of the night? 11 Let the Eternal, the Watchman of Israel, cry out and say, The morning hath come as well as the night. 12 It was at midnight. let the day of redemption approach, which shall be neither day nor night. 13 Make known, Most High ! that thine is the day and thine also the night. 14 nos 1 ?^ mm & :rM> &>£K3 ^ Rtl^l :rft iS Saw Sk 1 ? Sjw ifc'n T J "* ? fikfei 'vn? w s rMn ♦xna rrana Dims nfba jnt nS*>3 DE1D3 1KX& kS D^n t J : : t t •• t : — *3?in3 n^p ntftnrj T£i rra { n^f] ^fi? TO : nW-a vua ngbin *¥»* tpti 1 ? tfitp p_> fsh& taxw S3 jna :nS;S rmn n nS^ ninian trxS j nS;Sn *xna *rn : nS^3 is inrg tnp ^33 n3J?#? :rft t ; — ♦rtntfa nnis ring -tea ytfij : rM* nnSD 3H31 »MK ItM P!NJE> ■| J ""TJ * T ""J "* T T " * J nWn *jna TEI :rtt- t ; — n:^ Tpa vSy ^nyj irniy : ruha t : — • np nofo^? ^iin rnia t ; — Dil nph anx nfen Tfi^a rr& * n^n *xna »J^l irhh nV] dv kS Kin neta dv anp : niin fb m dv "?iS »a snin on 39 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Also in the congregation of the tens of thousands of thy people, the house of Israel, shall thy name, our King! be glorified throughout all generations; for such is the duty of every created being in thy presence, Eternal, our God! and God of our fathers, to thank, praise, extol, glorify, exalt, ascribe glory, bless, magnify, and adore thee, even beyond all the songs and praises of thy servant David, the son of Jesse, thy anointed. Thy name shall be praised for ever, our King ! thou great, holy, and sovereign God, in heaven and on earth ; for unto thee, Eternal our God! and God of our fathers, appertain song and praise ; hymn and psalm ; strength and dominion; victory, power, and greatness; adoration and glory; holiness and majesty ; blessings and thanksgivings, henceforth and even unto everlasting. Blessed art thou, Eternal! God and King, great above all praises, the God of thanksgiving, the Lord of wonders, who findest delight in songs of psalmody, King, Almighty! who lives.t eternally. And thus "it was at midnight." Of old thou didst wondrously perform many miracles in the night. At the beginning of the first watch of this night. When thou didst cause Abraham, the righteous convert, to be victorious through the division of his band 1 at night. It was at midnight. Thou didst threaten Alimelech, the king of Gerar, in a dream of the night. 2 i Gen. xiv. 15. ■ Ibid. xx. 3. pid3 b& nnan d 1 ? n*?an; nana W$? n*3 sj8g nmn rAnp&yi Dnwba min p0 nim nin-Sra laaSa n£&> - - • : •• -: •• - •• •.•: t: | v t : tkjfa ?h$h T$k * 1 ^ 1 ? v&h n ^? V&h sppg *^-{3 Tin piina^ni nW *"SFr^| ^ Sinan ijSsn bsn «af?b nyj? ^ nan^? wrfcc " naa nS *a p&ni cwa ennsm v: t: v t J : • J v t t • - t - |t- : ny man S^n pmaeh n^' «»ntax *nSaa ntshp roxsm nnnn nnwai nVna nxa rfc^owi n^na : D^ynjTi nnya nianiro. niana rciabai nianinn ^s 4 nina^na nha nna btS 4 « nna t •• t ; • - t J v v t: T - *n Sk nSa nna? *n*tfa nnian nixbsan fina J v v t ; • - • ; •• - t : • - I -: : otfayn ' n?]!?n ^na »n;i pai : n^na nx^sn d*d3 ain tk T :- - T .. . . . . T : nS;'nn n.j rrhzm 0*ha : "fe fr p!?na| innx: pro na « nSfe ofcna nna nna nan 37 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. mercies have supported us, and thy kindness hath not forsaken us ; and Lord, our God ! do never forsake us. And therefore the members of which thou hast branched out in us, the spirit and soul which thou hast breathed into our nostrils, and the tongue which thou hast placed in our mouth ; lo ! they shall continually give thanks, bless, praise, glorify, extol, reverence, sanctify, and ascribe sovereign power unto thy name, our King ! for every mouth shall adore thee, and every tongue swear fealty unto thee. Unto thee every knee shall bend ; and those of high stature shall bow down before thee. Every heart shall fear thee ; and the inward parts and reins shall sing praise unto thy name ; as it is written. All my bones shall say, Lord! who is like unto thee? u Who delivereth the poor from one of superior strength : the poor and needy from his oppressor." Who is like unto thee ? who is equal unto thee ? who can be compared unto thee, thou, the great, mighty, and tremendous God ! The most High God ! possessor of heaven and earth. We will praise, adore, glorify, and bless thy holy name, as David said, " Bless the Lord, my soul! and all that is within me, bless his holy name/' Thou art the God! who art mighty in thy strength! who art great by the glory of thy name ! who art mighty for ever, and fearful by thy fearful deeds ! the King ! who sitteth on the high and exalted throne. Who inhabiteth eternity, exalted and holy is his name ; and it is written : " Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous, for to the upright praise is comely." With the mouth of the upright shalt thou be praised ; blessed with the words of the righteous ; extolled with the tongue of the pious ; and sanctified in the midst of saints. no3 hv man h ♦ spam ww nam? : urvVi d\m*oi. D*yn I v -: - t t -: t •• ^- t • • • T V V . ^ T mux? nasto tm\ • Ma n&stf ana** p-Sy t : - t v t t ; - : t t : - • v • t - l •• w — viv on tn : wsa Fiafe> n#a fi^bi wsxa wnp_) «nj£! «5ft : im ^S'l 'inaEft tona/i mv tiS na-Ss *3 : «aSa sia^-nx tt^sn ♦ jnaii ^}? Y3? 7 ?! * yaeri sfp jiBT-^ai ♦ fir\» nfa^pgi s nvnrf n spisf? naip-Sai bs ainatf wa srtse^ viar ni^ai 3TO t t v t t - I v : • : - : t : vj v t : pjna % Sn?a • spaa ^ « naa ; axn *rto?g -roe* *ai ^-naT »a : ibtiaa fraxi ^ ^a v : • • It v : • : ) : v : m *v : v • Sx tnteni na$n man tan • s^-mx *& ^ T^ji sjnaBtyi •rj'p'pnp : px) a^atf nip jvSj; ^35 oaa -m 1 ? ^^1 • sjBHj3 nsrnx ma?! : tehp ae^-nx ♦anp-bai **-na :|t •• ■ -t| : rs t: , j ^jae* -naaa ^*nxn : ^ max&na Svn ae¥n "^h J ftyfrf^ i" ani-ni ' rrafr niaan : xwy\ tri xaa ^y dot uji amai : • ia£> efrigj Diaa -$ pie> ♦ S^nnn ane>* *>a : n^rui nix; a^j? "3 ♦ Dtoiann a*van ji^ai • m.ann tJp^ nanai : eharin a*0ha anw-a 36 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER: The breath of all living shall bless thy name, Eternal, our God! and the spirit of all flesh shall continually glorify and extol thy memorial, O our King ! for thou art God from everlasting to everlasting: and besides thee we have neither king, redeemer, nor saviour, who redeemeth, delivereth, maintaineth, and hath compassion on us in all times of trouble and distress : we have no king but thee. Thou art God of the first and the last ages: God of all creatures, and Lord of all generations; who is adored with all manner of praise ; who governeth his world with ten- derness, and his creatures with mercy. Lo ! the Eternal neither slumbereth, nor sleepeth: he raiseth those who sleep, and awakeneth those who slumber : he causeth the dumb to speak ; looseth those that are bound, supporteth the fallen, and raiseth those up who are bowed down, and therefore, to thee only do we render adoration. "Were our mouths filled with sacred song, as the sea is with water, our tongues shouting loudly as its roaring billows; and our lips extended with praise like the widely-spread firmament: and our eyes sparkling like the sun and the moon : and our hands extended like the eagles' wings in the skies : and our feet swift as the hind's : we should yet be deficient to render sufficient thanks unto thee, Lord, our God ! and the God of our fathers, or to bless thy name, for even one of the innumerable benefits which thou hast conferred upon us and our ancestors. For thou, Lord, our God ! didst redeem us from Egypt, and release us from the house of bondage ; in time of famine didst thou feed us ; and in plenty thou didst provide for us. From the sword thou didst deliver us, from the pestilence thou didst save us, and from many sore diseases thou didst relieve us. Hitherto thy tender res w man r? nvn • wrbx " wtn$ Tan *n-f» n*&ra I • • t •• : - I : : • : - f . : t t t «S pi f$^9& * ?** nm bStyn-igi. cSiyn arm mt§£i ^w irps $*#toi bain ^a : nns xVx "nSa «S r« npw mx nsraa T T T V t I V V T I " J T : T T •• r ; nna-Ss thx • D^nnam cwte'fcnn »nSx anian ninaston 213 9?nfin rvnbin-^a fna " - : - t ; • - : t •.. : - t t I ay-A "i 'tawna vni»nai nona tefcto t t - • -; - : t • : v v ; t " nteii DWfl rpsm d^» niy&n • \ti"-ih\ cjpjwni. ffTfti ^fciarn. D»^n»? TJijeni • raeN* : onto «ni^ sf?a^ ^ • D^aa nana nui oitefo d»3 m»e> kSd wa An I -;- T ' " : T- T • •• T &W. •■■Sfn WT°? n 5^ a^totl^ v^i «ri3te p« : ribng nrfya o^yij • Ea?atf ♦ wnia** vfcsj HTfeg jj ^ nnin? D*j*st?a nwai niaton n'&ya niaai *ani d^k wrfcx w unSw onxaa :.uajn wntaK-cy yasm ♦ uro? ajna • urna 0*12.2 rw D^nai unt^a wai tifltacn anna • yrfafea 35 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER, The sun to rule by day: for his mercy enduretJi for ever. The moon and the stars to rule by night : for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who smote the Egyptians in their first-born : for his mercy endureth for ever. And brought forth Israel from among them : for his mercy endureth for ever. With a mighty hand and a stretched-out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who divided the Ked Sea into parts : for his mercy endureth for ever. And caused Israel to pass through the midst of it : for his mercy endureth for ever. But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Ked Sea : for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who led his people through the wilderness : for his mercy endureth for ever. And smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever. And slew mighty kings: for his mercy endureth for ever. Sihon king of the Amorites : for his mercy endureth for ever. And Og king of Bash an : for his mercy endureth for ever. And gave their land as a heritage : for his mercy endureth for ever. As a heritage to his servant Israel: for his mercy endureth for ever. Who remembered us in our low state: for his mercy endureth for ever. And redeemed us from our oppressors: for his mercy endureth for ever. Who giveth food to all flesh : for his mercy endureth for ever. give thanks unto the God of heaven : for his mercy endureth for ever. npn pSiy 1 ? *3 oi»3 rb$w)> tfaffrrng non c^tyS *3 rtea rtbefeith D*33tai rrorna npn pSiy'? »3 Dnnteaa an#? n 5^ non aStyS *j Daiaa Wife* wn»i : - t w : t • •• t : • •• - npn £irh *3 fWtt jfro ripm Ta : - t ^ : t : ^ ; • |tt -: t ; npn pStyS *3 tains Sxnb» "raym npn nSiy*? *s ^P _ P:a fani njrjs t$$ npn D^iy 1 ? *3 nai&s te^ f^ 1 ? inon pSij/? *3 n^a d^So ns&S npn aSty*? »a cnnx D*pte ahng npn pSiy 1 ? *? '-ibxn ^o |irrc£> npn zhrj? »3 l^an ^?a ais&i npn pSiy 1 ? *a nSn: 1 ? q^w jn^ non pSij^ *a nay bxnb»S nSn: ♦. npn pSiyS "2 vh np* xh&&3& : npn pSiy 1 ? »3 an«o tyrj^j : non cSiyS »3 nb>a W? pnS »nJ . — T r- . T T T . v v | m i npn pSiy 1 ? *s ovp^n hah nin 34 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. This is the day which the Eternal hath appointed, we will rejoice, and be glad thereon. [This, fyc.\ Eternal ! save us now we beseech thee. O Eternal I save us now we beseech thee. Eternal! send now prosperity we beseech thee! Eternal ! send now prosperity we beseech thee ! Blessed be he who cometh in the name of the Eternal : we from the house of the Eternal do bless you. [Blessed, 8fC~\ God is Eternal ; and he hath enlightened us 4 Bring the sacrifice bound with myrtle branches to the horns of the altar. [God is Eternal, <$-c] Thou art my God, and I will praise thee ; my God, I will extol thee ! [ Thou art, <5*c] give thanks unto the Eternal, for he is good, for his mercy endure th for ever. [0 give thanks, Sfc."] All thy works praise thee, O Eternal ! thy pious servants, with the righteous who perform thy will, and thy people, the house of Israel, with joyful song give thanks, bless, praise, glorify, extol, reverence, sanctify, and acknowledge thy kingly name, our King ! for to thee it is proper to offer thanksgiving, and pleasant to sing praise to thy name, for thou art God from everlasting to everlasting. Psalm exxxvii. — give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good : for his mercy endureth for ever. give thanks to the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone performeth great wonders : for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who with supreme understanding made the heavens : for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever. nos be? mm -6 (repeat) • n hnefetti rbw * nfetf ci»n ro t ; ; • ; r • t t; t w x — : ga nyw « X3K : n-i n;w M wx T ^T • t; r T T *T T: T T : *o nrpSxn " Kix : jo rfrhsr\ * wk t t*:-t: tt t t*:-t: tt (repeat) j * rV3£ D3U3*13 " D#3 K3H ^13 t: •• • ••• : — t: \ T - I * ninp ny qtqm an-noa «b nx»t « i bx ;j— *- -:- - : • t v t- t: : ^cam *rfrtf taki row ha (»peat) naTan (repeat) ♦ fapn 07$? *3 3itT*3 £ FTCl (repeat) rona banfe* n»| ^ ^ sjain *ty ayn? sitfnps anss ttsarn rotel tti^Eh ; i3-i3 , i. nv nnin^ 3ia ^ *3 tfsba ^ na \sh^ row nbiy njn ; naSiya *s n»;S r»o ^as?fy sib *a ♦£> rrin naarq d*obti ne^ T : • • - T — " r I D;an ^ jnxn yrrh wtyii ante npj^ : npn thijf? *3 t non obty 1 ? *3 : npn nSip*? »a : nan aSiy 1 ? *s : nan abiyS »3 ♦ npn d?^ 1 ? »a : npn thrjy *3 33 8ERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Let Israel now declare — that his mercy endureth for ever. Let the house of Aaron now declare — that his mercy endureth for ever. Let those who venerate the Eternal now declare — that his mercy endureth for ever. In straltness I called on the Eternal, and the Eternal answered me with enlargement. The Eternal is for me, I will not fear : what can man do unto me? The Eternal is with me, and those who help me : I therefore shall see the confusion of those who hate me. It is better to trust in the Eternal than to rely on man. Better is it to trust in the Eternal, than to rely on princes. All nations beset me around ; but in the name of the Eternal will I cut them off. They surrounded me, yea, they encompassed me about ; but in the name of the Eternal will I cut them off. They compassed me about like bees, they flashed round me as a fire of thorns ; but in the name of the Eternal will I cut them off. They thrust sore at me, that I might fall : but the Eternal supported me. The Eternal is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation. The voice of joyous song and salvation resounds in the taber- nacles of the righteous : " The right hand of the Eternal hath done valiantly : the right hand of the Eternal is exalted ; the right hand of the Eternal hath done valiantly. I shall not die yet, but shall live to proclaim the works of the Eternal. He hath indeed chastised me, but he hath not given me over unto death. Open the gates of righte- ousness for me, that I may enter through them, to praise the Eternal. This is the gate of the Eternal into which the righteous shall enter. 1* will praise thee, for thou hast answered me, and art become my salvation. [I will, tyc.'] The stone which the builders rejected, hath become the corner head-stone. [The stone, fyc.] This is from the Eternal : it is marvellous in our eyes. [This is from, §c. J no3 b& man h x \ncm D^tyS »3 bx^ xrr^x* : ftpn oSiy 1 ? *3 pnx-rv? xj nt**' : non tbsvb »3 M *xn* xj m(* xS b ** : rom&a *33y n* Tixnp nmria t: t : - : v - ■ t*Y t • t) t - •• - | • nana *3Ki nfta *h " : din *? nfcy^a ntx niDnS nitD : dixs nbsa «a nionS 3te t ♦jqfra _._ tt t - : • t - -;— t ; : *» ctfs ottno cn-rSs : o»yua nbao "3 t: •• : t : t ••:•-;• t - ♦ d?£$ »3 £ D£ ; 3 »iW3D DJ ^30 J D^fiK *3 *3 \] l=^3 C3^p EW3 ttgjl Dnh-!3 »J3D mail *?y : *nn> *i Sb^S »jn*m nhra : cS^x t : • : *^t • tt-; t- : • • — • : t - • -: ♦brwo njneh n3i i ^ip : njn^ 1 ? *S-wi pp •• T : t : ^t • t • | w * • • : - T « pa* naain " ra» '♦ ^ n ^ * \ s & d*P*w t: I • : t •• t: I • : • t t ^ t: I • ; p •- : a'-^o "i3D«i rvnx *3 rw»r*& : hn rim t .- •• — :- v : .• • t • t t ^ fm-nsE* Vinra : wo xS nWri n» *j-©* td* : i3 1X3* dwx M S Tflwi nr j it mix D3-X3X T | • • ~ T - V T V T T (repeat) : n^b »V^! 'W& '3 TP 65 (repeat) : n33 ^XlS WVn C*ji3H IDXft |3X t • : t : t • - -: t ) .- •„• (repeat) ; &?$$ nxS?; XVI I1X-T r\T\^ » DXD 32 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. to overtake me, I would then call upon the name of the Eternal ; saying, O Eternal ! I beseech thee, deliver my soul ! The Eternal is gracious and righteous ; yea, our God is merciful. The Eternal preserveth the simple : I was brought low, and he saved me. Eeturn my soul to thy serenity, for the Eternal hath dealt bountifully witli thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I yet will walk before the Eternal in the land of the living. I firmly be- lieved, and therefore will I declare that when greatly afflicted, I rashly said, All men are liars. What shall I render unto the Eternal for all his bene- fits towards me ? I will raise the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Eternal. My vows unto the Eternal will I now pay in the presence of all his people. Precious in the sight of the Eternal is the death of his pious servants ; therefore unto thee, O Eternal ! consider that I am thy servant, the son of thy handmaid, thou hast loosened my bonds. A sacrifice of thanksgiving will I offer unto thee, and invoke the name of the Eternal. My vows unto the Eternal will I now pay in the presence of all his people. In the courts of the house of the Eternal, in the midst of thee, Jerusalem. Halleluyah. Ps. cxvii. — Praise the Eternal all ye nations : praise him all ye people : lor great is his merciful kindness towards us : and the truth of the Eternal endureth for ever. Halleluyah. Psalm xviii. O give thanks unto the Eternal, for he is good — for his mercy endureth for ever, pids he? man aS pnw M nan t *$£3 rt&a * n;a xipx ) •- ; t: I • ; - t : - t: t t t) ; v t \* ; ^prno nana waa *jk tiaa *n»:y »w tak *a : a?3 DINTT^a T T T T nig& Dia :♦*# ♦rfeaurSa «S a*Bte-na ^ . T r-f % ._ TT _ . T T Ka-rrtQ dWk mL > ma : Kips 4 * c^ai k&k t t;v "--it- - t: tJ; v t: •• : t v mK : mwiS nnian » *rya np» : tey-SaS T T T * -; - T ; T - t; " Wm \ j TT *- T . nnria ijti&n }a sj^ag *»? sj^as *J?fa « : tnpat w Dtfai rrrin nn: nans* sb : note 1 ? ij: v t: - : t - v - ; •„• J: t- : 1 ninsna : iay-W? xz-maa chm *b ma : wtkn cbefri 1 ♦aataa " rva t -; - • t t : • •• : t; Ps. cxvii. *. T T t wbhr\ aStyS "-naxi nan 1 wty n^ *a t -; - t ^ ; t: v; : - •• *r - r Ps. cxyiii. : i^pn aStyS *a ate ^ % £? nin 31 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. their God ? Onr God zs in the heavens ; He hath made whatsoever he pleased. But their idols of silver and gold are the work of human hands. They have mouths, but speak not : they have eyes, but see not. They have ears, but hear not : they have nostrils, but smell not. They have hands, but feel not : they have feet, but walk not ; neither is there any utterance in their throat. May those who make them and every one who trusteth in them become like them. Israel, trust thou in the Eternal, he is thy help and shield. house of Aaron, trust in the Eternal, he is your help and shield. Ye who venerate the Eternal, trust in the Eternal, he is your help and shield. The Eternal who hath ever been mindful of us, will bless us, he will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who venerate the Eternal, both small and great. May the Eternal increase you more and more, you and your children. Blessed are ye of the Eternal, who made heaven and earth. The heavens are the heavens of the Eternal : but the earth hath he given to the children of men. The dead praise not the Eternal, nor they who descend into the silent grave. But we will bless the Eternal henceforth, and for aver. Halleluyah. Ps. cxvi. — It is pleasing unto me that the Eternal hath graciously heard my voice, and my supplications. For he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I invoke him whilst I live. Should the struggles of death compass me, the pangs of the grave seize me, were trouble and sorrow -ids Sej> man xS t r t I «• t v -; • t t - •• •• v •• v: nnS na t anx t tmb ann spa Dn*ax» v t v t t - : •• -;- t t : | •.• v v •• — : onS D»iW : 1x7. t&\ en 1 ? D^. nan^ xSi i/h\ dot : prn*. **S ttf?*$ $W ^ : Diinaa «rp xS ttWi 1 kSi Dn^:n why t : • : v •• - : : v •• : - I • : bttr& : cna n&a-iBta bs ntftyj VW cni^a •• t : • v t - •■ v -: v •• * : • v ; smaa pnx n*a : tan naatfi cnty "a ntoa cnty **a viaa « *n» : Kin dmbi dit; »a t ;^v t - : • t : •• : • t • t t ; *v t ~ T' T -nx to 1 btrto* n^a-nx "ana* to* anai •* I •• t : • t : • •• v I -t : | -t : rr; t: : D^nirrdR tfi&jpn « »*n* ipa» : prix n*a cnx ttarcp : DMa^jn oa^a oa^a « ^ pxni ^ matf D*&#h t pxi D»etf nm >h |VTt; T- ■ — . T * - T — J V T T • — T " * T — ♦rrta vbi wWm wnssrrfh : cnx-^aS ?m ... T . T .. - . . .. _ T t •• ; • ) - T : ppjWti obiy tj) nriyj? nj "pap «n»s : nan : »$on.n typ-ma « 1 ya^a »nan« pb. cxvi. nia-'San 1 ^issx j *opx *&*ai »b iam ntsn-^a v T .. ; v • T _. t|; v - t ; • ; t t • "-ogai : treat* \m ni* *?»«o Sixtf n»£» ▼. ; t ; v t: tt • t ; : t ; 30 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS CF PASSOVER. they who fear him. Even young lions lack and suffer hunger ; but they who seek the Eternal shall not lack any good. Give thanks unto the Eternal, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living being. Blessed is the man who trusteth in the Eternal; for the Eternal will be his protection. The Eternal will give strength to his people : the Etenal will bless his people with peace. On drinking the third cup of wine say — Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God, who createst the fruit of the vine. Open the door and say — Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen who will not acknowledge thee, and upon the kingdoms who invoke not thy name, for they have devoured Jacob and laid waste his dwelling place. Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy glowing anger overtake them. Pursue them in wrath and destroy them from under the heavens of the Eternal. Fill the cups and say — • HALLEL. Ps. cxv. — Not unto us, O Eternal ! not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for the sake of thy mercy and thy truth. Wheri^ore should the nations say, Where now is nnia t won oSiyS *a ntora "b nin j nia -nan ^na : jtaq 'ryh^b j^xm YX" ni $ ^- ; ^ t; - : • t: t t : t - - ; • — ; : ufash teg nx "pi; i] \r\\ On drinking the third cup of wine say— • SMI Open the door and say— - t • tjt » : • : v -: t : - t|Tj?i : nr^ *$*? jrini *|&8! tanSsp|f:# t: •• ; - - • ... ; - : J _ ; Fill the cups and say—* SAT THE HALLEL. 29 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF FASSOVER. and instructress] the mistress of this house, and with them, their household, their children, and all that belongs to them; us and all that belongs to us; even as our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were severally blessed in all things, through all things, and with all things, thus may- he bless us, even all of us together, with a complete bless- ing, and let us say, Amen. In the high heaven may they obtain for tiiem and for us, the felicity of the Divine guardianship over our welfare, that we may receive a blessing from the Eternal, and righteousness from the God of our salvation, and that we may find grace and due regard in the eyes of God and man. On Sabbath add the following till " life." May the All-merciful cause us to inherit the day that is all Sabbath and repose in eternal life. May the All-merciful cause us to inherit the day tkat is all happiness. May the All-merciful render us worthy to behold the days of Messiah, and of the eternal life of a future state. He giveth great salvation to His king, and acteth merci- fully towards His anointed, towards David and his pro- geny for ever. May he who maketh peace in his high heavens, in his mercy, grant peace unto us and unto all Israel, and say ye, Amen. Fear the Eternal, ye his holy ones, for no want hdvQ rtD2 h& m:n ton -m\ Diva-nKi anix • njn nran n^i^is «S nBte-ba-nai onia cnb n&'trbmxi djtit t v -: t v : t v t v -; t v : w r :- apsn pnx* onnaK wniaK *anan30 toa nD*iaa nn* «^a unix to* p hb bsb bss T T ; • T \ T | " T I J - : }DN nasty naS^ ♦nfltf maj a % Sjn : orby n^ aha? nirwi « naa nana xb3i Dint* maetoS j T t . t; •• •• t t : r • : t v .• : • : ♦3*5*3 ate S?^ *n-xp;i : vyfr m 'rfcxa. : Dnxi D\-i*?x. T T : ■ VI. 0;i Sabbath add till D^Viyfi nrw na^ iW oi^> *d?w tpn |arn.n* : D'aSivn *»nn • t ^ t •• - : s ai& tatf Di^> »*?»n£ ran i&nnjT c^C "^ !?#£* nio^ «ai? am farnn ftvtfsfc npn nety i3 28 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Blessed art thou, Eternal, our God, King of tho universe, Omnipotent! our Father, our King, our Strength, our Creator, our Eedeemer, ou? Former, our Holy One, the Holy One of Jacob ; our Shepherd, the Shepherd of Israel ; the beneficent King who doeth beneficently unto iiill, who hath been, is, and ever will be beneficent unto us clay after day. He hath dealt bountifully with us, he still dealeth bountifully with us, he will deal bountifully with us for evermore ; granting us grace, favour, com- passion, enlargement, deliverance, and prosperity, blessing, and salvation, consolation, sustenance and maintenance, mercy, life and peace, and every good: yea, of no good will he cause us to be deficient. May the All-merciful reign over us for ever and ever ! May the All-merciful be blessed in heaven and earth ! May the All -merciful be praised throughout all gene- rations, be glorified among us to everlasting, and be honored in our midst forever and to all eternity! May the All-merciful sustain us with honor ! May the All- merciful break the yoke of captivity from off our neck, and lead us in security to our land! May the All- merciful send us an abundant blessing on this house, and on the table at which we have eaten ! May the All- merciful send us Elijah the prophet (of happy memory) that he may announce to us tidings of happiness, salvation, and consolation ! May the All-merciful bless [my father* and instructor] the master of this house, and [my mother * The names in this verse, within brackets, are omitted if the parents should not be present, and other names substituted in their stead. nos be> mn na wax ?vS 4 n aSiyn 11S0 wvr?s *» nr.K "avis • T " T T * T | V V * I T - | T B>hj? ttgVlj? U1VV «Sk3 «N*lia UT*K !D?^ a^srn aits? ^San b&snfe" njjh ttgh a'psr #n a s fcb Kin Tt:n san dvi Di 1 Sa^tf bbh • •• • •• t t : V - ♦ afaa* kh toS&ij &«n «hM Kin : uS a k tr ..... ... T T . T ... t t ; — ; t t - ■*.*•*; ■ — : - : ••••.•: I •• : r — t qw-ii nf?af»i nana nana rwwh na*G • — ; — ; t t : — : r r ;— ttv *r • tt; .. ._. _ T . T . T . •-: j nyj dSi^ «% t ^ht?\ vsin , |fcrnn j paai DtDB'l ipsjv wi . i&tti aa -Nam d v -ih ninS nan#» Kin i&mn t -t:*; • : — — • • It— : - t : D^biy »jbSij/?i nyS «a "mm D'rtw rub • * * * : ^-t t — : • : • ▼ : -~t niasr wn rarnn : niaaa ttwia* sin »mn . • j T _ . _ T T . ...._. I T _. _ T ron rvaa nana nana xh rbvr xin iemn v— ' — - T \ • tt; t — ; ■ It-;— "» -i&y\ aitsS niar Nraan sin»W-n« xfrrkvh •' - - T T - T* •• V T ~ ; sin pmn* jnicmi rv'yr^ niaia ninib>a «S I t - : - t t v : w 1 : 1 ^xrnxi • rwn rvan bya c*-to W"N w * The names in this verse, within brackets, are omitted if the parents should not be present, and other names substituted in their stead. 27 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. On Sabbath add till " Lord of consolation.'' 1 Be pleased, Eternal, our God! to felicitate us through thy commandments, and especially through the command- ment of the seventh day, — this great and holy Sabbath ; for this day is great and holy in thy presence, to rest thereon, and to be at repose thereon, in pious love accord- ing to the command of thy will. In thy favour, Eternal, our God! grant us repose, that there be no trouble, sorrow or sighing to afflict us on our clay of rest; but cause us to behold, Eternal, our God, the conso- lation of Zion, thy city, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, thy holy city ; for thou art He who is the Lord of salvation and the Lord of consolation. Our God and the God our fathers, suffer to ascend, come, approach, appear, and be accepted ; to be heard, borne in mind, and remembered before thee — our memo- rial and the memorial of our ancestors, the memorial of the Messiah the son of David thy servant, the memorial of Jerusalem thy holy city, and the memorial of all thy people of the house of Israel,— to obtain for us deliverance, happiness, grace, favour compassion, life, and peace, on this Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 0, Eternal our God, remember us thereon for good, and visit us thereon with a blessing, and save us thereon to enjoy life. And with the word of salvation and mercy have pity and be gracious unto us. have compassion upon us and save us, for our eyes are towards thee, because thou, God, art a merciful and compassionate King. And do thou rebuild Jerusalem, the holy city, speedily, in oar days. Blessed art thou, the Eternal, who in his mercy will rebuild Jerusalem. Amen. nou by man ra On Sabbath add till TtiOHg} ^3V '3 nn pnprn hnzn naBri ♦jraB'n qV ia-na^ TasS ^n B^ipi Sina nr cv rpan ^arcna ^a/ran. H!¥£5 nanaa ia nwj ova nnaai ftn mx *nn fc&tf wn^a " wS : t t -;- It: tt • : v •„•: t: t rvy ft* manaa wrbx * ttren anmao Sya san nrw *a sjenj? *vy ran; |*3aai y^-n xin rfcsr • tt*nia« vfcxi wAk ufoan aahai nan npsn j»Bh mm nxnn 4 7$ffi "1T3 || n^$ jinan • wniaj* jinan sj5K Sa |hpfl • ^*ip T -ry o^Enn; jinan -idhSi ;nS naisn nt^baS • vaab nxis^ n»a n-n nwen an ova w^ d*pi^ D^annta ♦n-nan h anpto * naibS ia o*?Ak * «"dt tan tf&pjni n## nanai • 0*07 ia qptfnj • «*anj tSn »a ♦. fflPBfrn wSy dttti • warn : nnx wrt| pan ^70 ?n *a uwa nnnaa Bhsn n*y tAe** nan^ : jdk D'Stfw varra naa w nnx inna I •• t *t t ; f -: ~ ; •• t: t - | t 26 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER; didst thus redeem us from the house of bondage : and because of thy covenant, which thou didst seal in our flesh, and of the law which thou hast taught us, and of thy statutes which thou hast made known unto us ; and because of the life, grace, and kindness which thou hast mercifully bestswed upon us, and of the sustaining food wherewith thou feedest us and sustainest us continually, every day, at all times, and at each moment. And for all these things, O Eternal, our God ! we give thanks unto thee, and bless thee. Blessed shall thy name continually be in the mouth of every living being for ever and ever, as it is written, 1 " When thou hast eaten, and art satisfied, thou shalt bless the Eternal, thy God, for the goodly land which he hath given unto thee." Blessed art thou, Eternal, for the land and for the food. Have compassion, we beseech thee, Eternal, our God j on thy people Israel, and on Jerusalem thy city, on Zion the residence of thy glory, on the kingdom of the house of David thine anointed, and on the great and holy house which is called by thy name. our God, our Father ! feed, sustain, support, and maintain us, and grant us enlargement. Enlarge us speedily, Eternal, our God ! from all our troubles : and let us not, we pray thee, O Eternal, our God ! stand in need either of the gifts of mankind, or of their loans ; but let us depend only on thy hand which is ever full, open, holy, and liberal, so that we may "never be put to shame nor confounded. * Deut, viii. 10. noa h& rrwi ia ttirnsW ^tnnin S;i »"«>m n»nn# sip^a t : - • -.- ) : t ^: -t : • t : - ▼ v I : • : pn$n£ norn \n o»ri ^ «F.jnin0 ^n ^ Tan ante mtsbi n nnxE' lira nras Sn •t t •*;-; It t-t It - • -; ^-; : ryfrhaai wham dv-^3 mtjm ^ onto urns wrfcx * bbn Sp • -:t : |t • : - -: v; t: - *-\ oSiy 1 ? Tan ♦n-Sa ^23 *|&# Tiai? ^nw "Tia nnai njnijn rfaao 3in33 t nsn t; •»• t : - •• t w \ t t ; t : - t : t - ••• t d^t Syi ^t»5? bK-isr-Sy wrf?K * cm •-t : ^- : I v r - •• t ; • ^- v: t: •• - n»5 wd?o bjri tth| |3#a p»v ^gj y?2 **]£# B^Tjar ^nan n^pj-^ sjn^a T/3 hti& wrjh$ •» tt'rnftT. apTSfl abfe?! SIT 1 ? CK *3 DHKI^n »tS «Sl DT 1^3 nttlft p ;t ; ttt;- ••• : tt tt — : - tftoj x 1 ?^ nnmrn raft-en nmnen n&(^n - v t t ; t ; t J ; - t ; — t •• ; - V T T * ■ •• 7 • ; 25 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. If three men, and less than ten, have eaten at the table, he who eays Grace commences thus : — Let us bless him whose gifts we have eaten, and through whose goodness we exist. To which the others respond : Blessed be he of whose gifts we have eaten, and through whose goodness we exist. He then repeats : Blessed be he of whose gifts we have eaten, and through whose goodness we exist. Blessed be he and blessed be his name. Blessed art thou, Eternal, our God ! King of the universe, for thou art he who feecleth the whole world with his goodness ; with grace, kindness, and compassion, he giveth food to all flesh, for his mercy endure th for ever. And through his abundant goodness food hath never yet failed us, nor will fail us for evermore : for it is because of his own great name that he feedeth and sustaineth all, and doeth good unto all, and provideth food for all his creatures which he hath created. Blessed art thou, Eternal ! who feedest all. "VVe give thanks unto thee, Eternal, our God ! because thou didst cause our ancestors to inherit the good, desir- able, and ample land : and because thou, O Eternal, our God ! didst bring us forth from the land of Egypt, and nD3 hv rnn n:a If three meD, and less than ten, have eaten at the table, he who says Grace commences thus : — To which the others respond : nrn isus^ iWto *i>3$? "spna He then repeats : :«»n ta«DM fcato a 1 ?^ wis • t : v • : - t •.• |t -na j-n cSiyn nSp avfcg « nnx "fna ttftriwi twarna ions rna taiaa fa oSiyn | .. ..... v v ) .. ; ; .^ T w T btasi taasw then oSiyb *3 nfe'S-Saf? dhS t - : : - t * : t t t ; v •„• nhqfa jiro h^-tot Sni af? whS Tan T " : |t T - : V -. t -T -r D3ns»i » ssan *3 Sinn te# naw : nsn ..... i T . T _ . •=. _ .. T yfe vtfwshtf? ftp pjgi SbS a*bwi W? tbarrnN tn « nWK "are '*na • v|t-t; t- I t tt -;- t : - ; • v «- - v: t: J ; * ttnaxintf Sjn nanti nnito man px T > t ^-: , T t t ; v I v v hg\ anas rvaa anna ansa pxa wftSs 24: SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGI1TS OF PASSOVER. PREPARE THE TABLE FOR THE REPAST. EAT THE HIDDEN. After supper the half of the middle cake, which had been put aside at the commencement of the Service, is distributed among all pre- sent, who eat it leaning. This is called the " aficomen," after which no food must be taken during that evening. The third cup is then rilled, and SAT GRACE AFTER MEAT. He who says Grace commences :— Let us say grace. To which the Company reply :— Blessed be the name of the Eternal, from now unto eternity. If ten men or more have eaten at the table, he who says Grace commences thus : — Let us bless our God, of whose gifts we have eaten. To which the ethers respond : — Blessed be our God, of whose gifts we have eaten, and through whose goodness we exist. He then repeats :— Blessed be our God, of whose gifts we have eaten, and through whose goodness we exist. HD3 b& rron na PREPARE THE TABLE FOR THE REPAST. * 1 1 a * After supper the half of the middle cake, which has been put aside at the commencement of the Service, is distributed among all pre- sent, who eat it leaning. This is called the lDip*9K "aficomen," after which no food must be taken during that evening. The third cup is then filled, and Grace said as follows :— •-■*P'3 •pran roia -no GRACE AFTER MEALS. He who says Grace commences :— To which the Company reply :— If ten men or more have eaten at the table, he who says Grace commences thus : — : iWa aSaatf wrhx to? ; - T v •• v: I -t : To which the others respond : — • t : - t v •• v; j T He then repeats : — • t ; v • ; - t v - v: I r '23 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. of the company present a piece of the whole and second half cake, and eat both together. Blessed art thou, O Eternal, our God ! King of the universe, who bringest forth bread from the earth. Blessed art thou, O Eternal, our God ! King of the universe, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to eat unleavened bread. EATING OF THE BITTER HERBS. Take some bitter herbs, which dip in with the lt Charoseth," and say:— Blessed art thou, O Eternal, our God ! King of the universe, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to eat bitter herbs. EATING THE CAKE AND BITTER HERBS TOGETHER. Break the undermost cake, and distribute it with some bitter herb and "charoseth," then say: — This we eat without ablution or blessing, in memory of the sanctuary, even as Hillel did. Thus did Hillel during the existence of the temple : he took unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, and ate them together, in order to fulfil what is said in the Law, 1 " With unleavened bread and bitter herbs shall they eat it." nDS ^ iron » of the company present a piece of the whole and second half cake, and eat both together. : ftfj p eh 1 ? 'HID EATING OF THE BITTER HERBS. Take some bitter herbs, which dip in with the "Charoseth," and say :— t - • -: r - t • : t EATING THE (rrtiB) CAKE AND BITTER HERBS TOGETHER. Break the undermost cake, and distribute it with some bitter herb, and H P V tfl "charoseth," then say: — hti • pjj3 ehj^an n^tr jap M?n nfe^ |a na qjjsb ♦ iW3 Sd\s 4 i : tvtwi r»o "pto 22 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS CF PASSOVER. and who hath brought us to the enjoyment of this night to eat thereon unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Thou, Eternal, our God, and God of our fathers, mayest thou bring us to enjoy in peace other solemn feasts, and sacred seasons, which now advance towards us, that we may rejoice in the building of thy city, and exult in thy holy service ; that we may there eat of the sacrifices and of the paschal offerings, whose blood shall be sprinkled upon the side of thine altar, to render us acceptable. Then shall we, with a new hymn, give thanks to thee for our deliver- ance, and for the redemption of our souls. Blessed art thou, Eternal, who hath redeemed Israel. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God, who createst the fruit of the vine. Drink the second cup of wine. WASHING THE HANDS. Wash the hands and say: — Blessed art thou, O Eternal, our God ! King of the universe, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to cleanse the hands. BREAKING THE CAKE. Take the two whole cakes and the broken one, and say the follow- ing blessings ; after which put down the third cake, and give to each hd3 Ss> man 2D * p j mnw rrca ia SisxS r«n rM>n T . I •• T t - .:v v- t :- • t : • : • -: : .. • — .. _. .. ~ paa Q^iafc' aib^S awipf? awsn annx* j_. . . .... T . T j. . . T - ••• -: aran p DBf ba&i ♦ ^n-nnya n*%&\ Tp;y wu» .. T .^ . r-- T T . | . . j T : : h>x^& httt " nna ^13 • aetea rvns ■•t; -tt: t-|t -;- : *ia *nia ♦ abiyn •aba wn^a w raw 'tfna . . .. T ^ T j v s .. v . T . T _ j r Drink the second cnp of wine. WASHING THE HANDS. Wash the hands and say :— obhj? nrtj abiyn ^Sa wrfex « nrix rjna : an* n^aa by «rci vnixaa • tt - • : w - t • : t ; • BREAKING THE CAKE. Take the two whole cakes and the broken one, and say the follow- ing blessings ; after which put down the third cake, and give to each 21 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER; Hallelujah ! Praise ye the Lord ! Praise ye servants of the Eternal ! Praise ye the name of the Eternal ! May the name of the Eternal be blessed, from now even to all eternity. From where the sun rises unto where it sets, the name of the Eternal is praised. High above all nations is the Eternal, his glory above the heavens. Who is like unto the Eternal our God, who dwelleth on high ? Who yet condescendeth to regard what is in the heavens, and on earth. He raiseth up the poor from the dust from the dunghill he lifteth up the needy, to seat him with princes, with the princes of his people. He maketh the barren woman dwell in the midst of her household, and become the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah ! When Israel went forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob, from the people of barbarous tongue ; Judah became his sanctuary, Israel his dominion. The sea beheld, and fled ; Jordan was driven backward. The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like lambkins. What ailed thee, sea, that thou fledst ? Thou, Jordan, that thou wast driven backward ? Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams ; ye hills like lambkins ? Tremble, earth ! in the presence of the God of Jacob : who turned the rock into a pool of water, — the flinty rock into a fountain of water. • Blessed art thou, O Eternal, our God, king of the uni- verse, who redeemed us and our ancestors from Egypt, nDS bw man ip o#-m* ttn 5 n?g fei i n^iSbn R»- Exod. i. 14. 2 ibid xiu. 8. 3 Dent. vi. 25. nas S 4 ? man a Take the bitter herb (lettuce or horseradish) and exhibit it to the company. ♦ an^aa wniax 4 >n nwt OTraisn vt]0^ nana ntfp maya an 4 »n nx vwi • 10K3B' . t | t t - ; - v •• - v — ; t ; - - V V V iBfci amay-Sa nx mba rros? Ssai ™ - — J T T -• T .. vt - t — ; t ; ..... : T>&3 cnn Via? ^xa iaxy nx nix-iS anx a*n urn nn ?aa • ; ; r - : • t t t - t t ; Di*3 yd? man 4 tdjup • anxsa xs 4 xin I: • : t :- • : - v: .• v • - : • • tt : anxeo 4 nxsa *? * ner; n? tqm ibs 4 b xinn . T . . . .... • T : t w t -;- •• - ♦ Kin ipa tfhgn ^3 naSa tfrrtas nx xS x 4 xin «rtKi "tbw^ ansy bxa unix sx xk\ 4 t : - v: v v v i m - t t j - t v nute pxn nx \h nrb unx x 4 an ra&S a&>a v -; | V T T V T - T T • T I - - ; T • Lift up the cup of wine and say : — nxaS naa^ SW? niiinS a 4 a*n ams* %y& r&yv 4 a^ • b rosf? nax3 4 19 SERVICE FOR TIIE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Law, and built for us the temple of bis cboice to atone for our iniquities. Eabban Gamliel said, whoever does not make especial mention of these three things on the' Passover, does not acquit himself of his duty, namely, the sacrifice of the PASSOVER, THE UNLEAVENED BREAD, and THE BITTER HERBS. The Sacrifice of the Passover, which our ancestors ate during the existence of the Temple, — for what reason was it eaten ? Because the Omnipresent passed over the houses of our fathers in Egypt, as it is said, 1 u Ye shall say, it is the sacrifice of the Passover unto the Eternal, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses ; and the people bowed themselves and wor- shipped/ ' Take hold of the cakes in the dish and exhibit them to the assembly. This Unleavened Bread which we now eat, — what does it import ? It is eaten because the dough of our ancestors had not time to become leavened ere the supreme King of kings, the Most Holy, blessed be He, revealed Himself to them, and redeemed them; as it is said, 2 "They baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they had brought out of Egypt, for it was not leavened, because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they made any provision for themselves. iExod.xii.27. 2 Ibid. 39. tif? nm • Sane" v-w6 ao^wn • rrtan nx r T t •• t : • I v .• : t • : • : t T I -T V T TT ;-|T" !iWi • innin n* xr n 1 ? nosa &** cmi ... T "J T T - V - * T . : irtu rwo nD2 • tn T T - - V I " BHjpon n»|0 taja D^ata ittjbtg w# rips •qn^ tfnjsn nps^ Die' bg *na dib 1 bg • D* ( a &?&& T&£f# * D!"M?5 Uljbg *JD| bg *ttn Sn^.'^a vsji^k n ?? t*< v 1 ? k*i tos n ?j -Tp»i b^n *M5| n$ DntfOnrw is;:? or^sa Take hold of the cakes in the dish and exhibit them to the assembly. ij? r^- 1 ? ^tfaaj W t=j»a p'spn nV^ "sjna B^an D^aS&ri *af?& ^o on^g rfeiB> !«*tin TBte pxarrnK uah t&mb/ • dSn^ wn Dnvtop !«jhi-*a fan xS *a rrtxa rty Dnjftpp : orfe tt9 xS rrra Mi nanannS fa 1 xbi 13 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. If he had sunk our adversaries in it, and had not sup- plied our necessaries in the wilderness during forty years, It would have sufficed us. If he had not supplied our necessaries in the wilderness during forty years, and had not fed us with manna, It would have sufficed us. If he had fed us with manna, and had not given us the Sabbath, It would have sufficed us. If he had given us the Sabbath, but had not brought us near to Mount Sinai, It would have sufficed us. If he had brought us near Mount Sinai, but had not given us the Law, It would have sufficed us. If he had given us the Law, and had not led us into the land of Israel, It would have sufficed us. If he had led us into the land of Israel, and had not built the temple of his choice, It would have sufficed us. Thus how numerous, and how oft repeated are the bounties which the Omnipresent hath bestowed upon us ! He brought us forth from Egypt — executed judgment upon the Egyptians — executed judgment also upon their gods : slew their first-born, gave us their wealth, divided the sea for us, made us pass through its midst on dry land, sank our adversaries in it ; supplied our necessities in the wilderness during forty years, feci us with manna, gave us the Sabbath, brought us near to Mount Sinai, gave us the ♦ iaina 13ns yj?# &s$ •• - t t ^- t : - t : • - •• ; t | •• • : ♦ rutf a^anx isnaa uanx psa &k it " t : - t : • - •• : t I •• • : *y* naxsrn nx «7 tro *&i .. - t - - v t | - t : ♦ rfiBri rw b? ira &x T - - V T | - T : vn ? mfrin nx aS ina xSi ♦ nninn nx xn jro iW : a*i 'xne" nxS uo^an xS. ♦ bxnfc" px? raian v?x : a^ rmian ira nx «S nan xbi - - T ' ; - " V T T T I nSfiaw rtaaa naiD nsai naa nnx by cm nb>yi • Dnttaa y«*fln# • wby DipsS v t t ^t : • - : • • T V " W T } T - ma ♦ anniaa nn, t arvnSxa nfe^. • Dtestf I - t : v : — t ; v •• t t : • t : xmsara • a»n nx ri> jnpi • a:to nx «f? t • v:v : t - v t w ™|t ; t t v t «aix psai • iaina wa ypeh • naina iaina ... T I ... . . .. r r- j_ • . T TT . v . rnat • ran nx u^axni • rutf o^a-ix nanaa I - t : It- v t • v : v : t t ~« t : - t ; • — ttS mil • *i*D nn ♦aaS uarw • naevi nx xh 17 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. From where it is said, 1 " He sent forth against them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, indignation and trouble, a band of evil angels." The Fierceness of His anger is one, wrath is two, indignation is three, troubles four, a band of evil angels is five. Hence it may be deduced that in Egypt they were smitten with fifty plagues, and at the Red Sea they were smitten with two hundred and fifty plagues. How many degrees of beneficence has the Omnipresent performed towards us ! If he had brought us forth from Egypt, and had not executed judgments upon the Egyptians, It would have sufficed us. If he had executed judgments upon them, and had not also executed judgments upon their gods, It would have sufficed us. If he had executed judgments upon their gods, and had not slain their first-born, It would have sufficed us. If he had slain their first-born, and had not given us their wealth, It would have sufficed us. If he had given us their wealth, and not have divided the sea, It would have sufficed us. If he had divided the sea for us, and had not made us pass through its midst on dry land, It would have sufficed us. If he had made us pass through its midst on dry land, and had not sunk our adversaries in it, It would have sufficed us. 1 Ps. lxxviii. 49. hd-5 bw mxn rs tex fnn Q3 n'V^ <> natotf ♦ ni2» Bten S# I -: t — : - v: .• v - •• t linn • uyn »axSa nrwa mm cyn may myi • b^b> cyn • w># nnny • nnx i*x tt : t '— : • - : ■§ \*-s - - nr$a niax* • ebn DTI '3^ n nW& • P51S D^an *pb D^n 9gi « nirft D^bn ^ipS Dnspa j ni3£ D^nxai • - T : wSy Dip.^S ninita nfea naa : «»i D*b&0 ord nby xSi •• — • t : v t t ^t : ♦ Dnastf cnn ni?y &k • T : V T T ^T ttt»i crrnSxn nb>y xSi .. - •■ .. t 't ; ♦ crrnSxa ne>y sfe« T *T : *n Mi&a nx xh rna xSi •• — r t v t | - t : ♦ Datob nx vh jna &*$ T T : vji Q»n nx tiS jnp &6l " - T - V T * _j T : ♦ D»n nx w? jttjd fc$ : >,:»i mnna isinn UTnyn xSi ttt;v \'v v i • na-ra imna UTayn v?x t t t ; v : t • v : v • : an iaina *rw pj9# xSi 16 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVEK. Eabbi Yeliuclali arranged them into mnemonic forms : thus, "detsach," "adash," "beachab." Rabbi Jose, the Galilean, asks, Whence canst thou deduce that the Egyptians were smitten with ten plagues in Egypt, and that at the Red Sea they were smitten with fifty plagues? He thus replies: In Egypt it is said, 1 "The magicians said unto Pharaoh this is the finger of God;" and at the Bed Sea, it is said, 2 " The people saw the mighty hand wherewith the Eternal had wrought against Egypt, and the people feared the Eternal, and believed in the Eternal, and in his servant Moses. If then they were smitten with ten plagues by a finger only, from this last passage 3 it may be deduced, that in Egypt they were smitten with ten plagues, and at the Bed Sea they were smitten with fifty plagues. Eabbi Eleazar asks, Whence canst thou deduce that each plague which the Most Holy, blessed be He, brought upon the Egyptians, in Egypt, consisted of four several plagues? From where it is said, 4 that "He sent forth against them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, indigna- tion and trouble, a band of evil angels." Wrath is one, INDIGNATION tWO, TROUBLE three, A BAND OF EVIL ANGELS four : hence it may be deduced that in Egypt they were smitten with fifty plagues, and at the Bed Sea they were smitten with two hundred plagues. Eabbi Akeevah says, Whence canst tlwu deduce that each plague which the Most Holy, blessed be He, brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt consisted of five plagues ? ■ Exod. viii. 19. * Ibid xiv. 31. * 3 Inasmuch as there are fingers on a hand. 4 Ps. lxxviii. 49. HD3 hu mil TIO : wwd ens rni: nn rrar *3i • t • r t • I - t t t : • - *pfce> icte nnx |»30 • nata *W>|n »br *ai j t t - *- : - v *v • - : • : • : • - by : xin QTi^? 9333 njna-SK oatrrin nV-urt Trrna ^TjP. KTiT&Vwn na E s n • -;— t; v t t ; •- • - : • : t: t w r v -: : nag neto "3 ru$a "te^ • niaa ^ • yavsa ip? rt§a D^brj npS> c»n bjn. • niab te^ $? GT3TO K*antf naw n3& batf paa • lata ij^k »yi nn^n tnxaa C3 w *ixsn by kvi wis tfftsn ibk pin oa-rn>e* ^3^ ' ™ 2 £ P518 ^# rnosj : cryi ^xSa nnb^a m>;i : Dgrj rnsg *a«Sa nnbfcto • B&0 mxi *d*w cyn Tina .._.._ — .. T TT . •-: -~: -- : niia b'naa «& c»n bjrt • nbo - • - t I T T - *• ; wane? naai naa fa^ paa ♦ nate taw »a*i T - T - T V ('- * " T I'-; ' - 15 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. " With a strong hand ;" this refers to the pestilence, as it is said, 1 " Behold the hand of the Eternal is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep ; there shall be a very grievous pestilence." "And with an outstretched arm ;" this refers to the sword, 2 even as it is said, 3 "And a drawn sword is in his hand, stretched out over Jerusalem. " "And with great terror;" this refers to the visible manifestation of the Divine presence, as it is said, 4 u Or hath God tried to go and take him a nation from the midst of another nation, by trials, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a strong hand, and by an outstretched arm, and by great terror, according to all that the Eternal your God did for you in Egypt before your own eyes." "And with signs ;" this refers to the rod with which the miracles were tor ought / as it is said, 5 "And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt perform the signs." "And with wonders ;" this refers to the plague of blood, as it is said, 6 "And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke." Another explanation of the text is as follows, " with a strong piand," denotes two plagues, "and with an out- stretched arm," denotes two more, " and with great terror," two more, "and with signs," two more, "and with wonders," two more. These are the ten plagues which the Most Holy, blessed be He, brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt, viz. — Blood, frogs, lice, a mixture of noxious vermin, pestilence, blains, hail, locust, darkness, and the SLAYING OF THE FIRST-BORN., 1 Exod. ix. 3. * The sword of destruction wherewith the Lord smote the first-born )f Egypt. 3 Chron. xxi. 16. * Dent. iv. 34. 5 Exod. iv. 17. 6 Joel ii. 30. roa bv myn «j *-n nan naxatf noa • wri to rptn ts t: - • • - v:v v t : v v- |tt-: -: D^aaa D*ibna n^sa mba n^s* spf&a rnn : ■*$ -153 nyi |t«5i «tj3|5 terpi i&x|0 n&? • annn it • n^ shun j oWn 1 by n»*a • iYa nanty • t t : w " t ; t : t ; law^ n&a • watf to to • Sna ^nbai - v : v v t ; t • : • T t ; na nipa ia ib nnpb Niab ston naan 1 ix v|v • -|-T t • :■: t-: npin -mi narnsni nrnai&ai nhta nto j tt~: t: tt;*; *:: : - : risstf-iek baa tfbia owtaa rw&i ynrai t ^ v -: : : ■ t t ; ^- : • : TOn D*"«aa D3 s nS« * Dab nserrntfj logatf noa » nts&n n? * rtniqi : nhKn-nN ia nfew nete Tra npn nn annate *]#$ "toK3# n^a • mn m • a^nabai : j^'y nVroro • eta • ni • pxai o*a^a I T ^T I ' I '• T T I V T T ' ~ T - mtoa jftTai • cw nprn T»a • nnx nai t PS " I • •-; }tt-; t; ••- TT ♦ &F& nhxai • Drne* bna snbaji • d$i# : d$£ D^oai by wn ^-q Bnnjsn x*ane> rtaa 1^ &g ♦ }n &tfj j o\ivaa D^nvsn ♦ pne> • na^. • any • »3a • gris* • nn : niniaa na£ • Tja>n • narw ♦ tq 14 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. 44 God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 1 "And he saw our affliction;" this refers to the prevention of connubial associations; as it is said, 2 "And God saw the children of Israel and God had knowledge of their affliction, "And our sorrow;" this refers to the destruction of the male children ; as it said, 3 " Every son that is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive." "And our oppression;" this refers to the severity employed; as it is said, 4 " And I have also seen the op- pression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them." "And the Eternal brought us forth from Egypt with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm, with great terror, and with signs and with won- DERS »5 "And the Eternal brought us forth from Egypt;" not by the agency of an angel, not by the agency of a seraph, nor by the agency of a messenger ; but the Most Holy, blessed be He, in His own majesty, and in His proper person ; as it is said, 6 " I will pass through the land of Egypt on this night, and I will smite every first-born in the land of Egypt from man unto beast : and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I, the Eternal." " I WILL PASS THROUGH THE LAND OF EGYPT." I MY- SELF and not an angel; "and I will smite every first- born," I myself and not a seraph; and "on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment ;" I myself and not a messenger: " I the Eternal," I it shall be, and none other. J Exod. ii. 24. 2 Ibid. ii. 25. 3 ibid. i. 22. * Ibid. iii. 9. 5 Deut. xxvi. 8. 6 Exod. xii. 12. noa hw man n* : D*rfa* XH!1 * Vifc '33TK vrhk Nti "T&gfe? arrka Tbaatf n&a ♦ D^an 6m • tfwntfi J •• - t - v;v v t : • t - •♦ •• t -; •-■ : : p»rii? nan-^ai «ia^#3 rnfep ni^rt »nnri mi. tdxjb* nD3 • pnrj ni • Jos^rrwft : onix p^ppS d:iv» nate f n'prrnx rwaa jta npin Ta cn^D M «x^i»i : D*nsi»3i nintai bna *nbai • : S t t ; xSi • "naSfc *r ^ *& • Dnxas * «t«n»i : | t : - ••: *- • - : • • t: ... - tfnjsn k|« • nhw n* by. a&> ♦ spb *r : ^ pxa ♦snajp. *tofc : |# • imyai i-iiaaa j«n ^na dhxo pxa niaa-ba *narri nn rbbz d»txo newt cmtb WN ^aai na-na-ijn ansa v v; v * — ; * •• v; t ; ; ^- : t • •• t; * -; • t ; ♦nam. : ^a *b. »:x • fan»b pxa vnajn : onxa *nS|t baai • trip nSi *j*t • niaa "» • - : • v: i | t t : • — ; t ^x ♦ M git • n^eri N71 *i« • 03360 newt ♦ TIN tffl KVl 13 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. increased and waxed great, and art possessed of excellent ornaments ; thy breast are now formed and thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare." 1 "And the Egyptians ill-treated us, and afflicted us, and imposed upon us heavy bondage." 2 "The Egyptians ill treated us;" as it is said, 8 11 Come, let us deal wisely with them, lest they should multiply, and it come to pass, that when a war should occur, they also be added to our enemies, and fight against us and go up from the land." "And afflicted us;" as it is said, 4 " And they set taskmasters over them, in order to afflict them with their burdens : and they built stone cities for Pharaoh, Pithom and Kaamses." "And they imposed upon us heavy bondage ; " as it is said, 5 " And the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor." "And we cried unto the Eternal, the God of our Fathers, and the Eternal heard our voice, and saw our affliction and our sorrow, and our oppression." 6 "Ant> we cried unto the Eternal, the God of our fathers;" as it is said, 7 "It came to pass, after many days, that the king of Egypt died, and the children of Israel sighed on account of the bondage, and they cried, and their plaint went up to God, on account of the bondage. "And the Eternal heard our voice; "as it is said, 8 i Ezek. xvi. 7. 2 Dent. xxri. 6. s Exod. i. 10. * Exod. i. 1 1 . * Exod. i. 13. 6 Deut. xxri. 7. 7 Exod. ii. 23. • Exod. ii. 23. nD3 hv man * aba eh# unn. nj^a wnm ^m *gr£9 : nnjn 012 i$g nas ^ny^n rrpg ttty UW. UBfi!! DTpD ^ qrw : ntrp nan T&xatf naa • onxan «nfc ot r t - v: v v t . . • • . — T .. T _ nzrhb nampn *a rvm na*na if? n&anru t t : • t 7] : • • t t : 7 : • I v r : — • • •p rb$ «a Bnfpjj mop Sy_ Kin-oa cjotoi ♦ 1 '«', . .. T T^t ' t- - 7 ■•• 7 1 : **- :— *xrhK wrca nw T&K30 ptm Tttk yf^b-na M pbBh mihK v&k *4w pyxai ..J , T: jr .. .. ., T: ,. 1*..- wi ibxw n»3 • wn&M ^rfe «-Sk pmrai •:- -,:,v ,: ....... ,, T: ., |JL : - ■*» *mx»i onxo ™ na»i cm o^nn D*a»a ... ■ T ..- . _• . I V 7 T T— " T * - T * T — : rrrhsma D*rfatn d*rf?K y&p»\ w^ n&a • u?p-rix " ya»'»i 7: ^ - . • - - 7. 7 t ; -J 7 t; ^ - : •- 12 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. the whole nation, as it is said : l A Syrian [Laban] had nearly caused my ancestor [Jacob] to perish, and he went down unto Egypt and sojourned there with but few persons, and he there became a nation, great, mighty, and numerous. a And he went down into Egypt," constrained by the word of God ; 2 "and he sojourned there." This teaches that he went not down to settle but to sojourn ; as it is said, 3 " And they said unto Pharaoh, we have come to sojourn in the land, for there is no pasturage for the flocks which thy servants have, because the famine is sore in the land of Canaan ; now, therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen." " With but few persons ;" as it is said, 4 cl With three score and ten persons thy fathers went down to Egypt ; and now the Eternal, thy God, hath made thee as the stars of heaven, for multitude." " And he there became a nation." This teaches that Israel was thus noted, even there in Egypt. " Great and mighty ;" as it is said, 5 " And the children of Israel were prolific, andjnereased abundantly, multiplied, and became exceedingly mighty, and the land was filled with them." " And numerous f* as it is said,^ " I have made thee into a myriad as the growth of the field, and thou hast 1 Dent. xxvi. 5. 2 Gen. xlvi. 3. s Ibid, xlvii. 4. 4 Deut. x. 22. * Exod. i. 7. 6 Ezek. xvi. 7. ctf wi aya *naa at? w na'-tta Tfl *ax tt ^r t : ♦ d# na*i t niSTi *3 by dun • nanxa *m t tt- • - • f*- t t : -: • v- Driva? Spwftfr 8»a« apy;_ Ti* &&# naSa t ^ :- v - - v:vv T T TV -\3 ijHai "1Bfc {N* 1 ? njna. p*r*3 ^3 paa t im ny* m *^S3 Q*jfrtf3 laxst? naa • aya ♦naa ;t v v ^* : • : - v; v .• t ; *t : •* : • ♦aatoa *prfo* » "tew nw nanxa vniN - ; ; I v t; t; I ; t v w - j t : t . • | •• - : : ah 1 ? D*aBTi t • - t - • t \ : •• t ; • t. •• - : : t • ;- Sank* 4 3ni iax3# naa ♦ cawjft bna : Dtf •• t : • •• : - v:v v t ; "r . T T >hmi ika nkaia s avy*i &>i tt-ieh ns T I . T T Tnm mbn naxa man "jaiotf naa • am j . _ . v t - - v ; t 1 : - v: v v t ; tt 11 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Canaan, and I multiplied his seed : and I gave him Isaac ; and I gave unto Isaac, Esau and Jacob ; and I gave Esau Mount Seir to inherit, but Jacob and his children went down to Egypt. Blessed is He who observe th his promise unto Israel. Blessed is He who even computed beforehand, the end of the captivity, in order, faithfully to perform what he promised our father Abraham between the parts; as it is said : l " God said unto Abraham, Know of a surety that thy posterity shall be a stranger in a land not theirs, and shall serve them : and they shall afflict them four hundred years ; and that nation also whom they shall serve, I will judge : they shall afterwards go forth with great sub- stance." Lift up the cup of wine and say — And it is that promise which has sustained our fathers and ourselves ; for not one only has risen up against us, but in every generation some have arisen against us to •xterminate us, but the Holy One, blessed be he, always delivers us from their hands. Put down the cup. Go forth and learn what Laban, the Syrian, purposed to do to Jacob, our father ; Pharaoh put forth his decree against the males only, while Laban designed to extirpate 1 Gen. xv. 13, 14. riDS her rran w * vfe$ n$) aj?si nx pny 1 ? \m\ • pn#"T*« aj35^ • iniK nahS n^ -in nx tisrsh \Wt • t ; • :t t t r«j| nib'y'? * p jarrni* seti an spn^ trnj?n# ♦onran pa rr-oa wax Bmat6 -)»ke> • t : - I •• • : • • t t t : - : - t v rm* na *3 jhn jrr omxS -iax»i 1BK30 v : • •• • ^ - •• ^- t t : - : v - - v: . v snn : x cn& «jn. Dvog). DnS &6 px? sj^i p rns* nefo *ian nx os\ : n:^ nixa t : • ;••!•• --;- ; • t Lift up the cup of wine and say— nhi -in Snas? xta • wniW? tt% "tt» T T ; T v •• - : -~T - T" TT • •• . - Put down the cup. D^fijn Sy nW i« *6 njnetf • a^K abiA t : - **■ tv -t w .— ': • t J -;-; 10 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. What says the wicked son? He asks: "What 'mean you by this service ?" l He says you expressly to except himself; and since he thus excludes himself from the col- lective body of the nation, he denies a principle of faith. Therefore must thou retort upon him 2 by saying : u This is done, because of what the Eternal did for me when I came forth from Egypt ;" 3 for me, and not for him: since had he been there, he would not have deserved to be redeemed. What says the simple son ? He only asks : " What is this?" 4 But thou must tell him, " With might of hand did the Eternal bring us forth from Egypt, from the house of bondage." And with him who hath not capacity to inquire, thou must open the discourse, as it is said: 5 " And thou shalt relate to thy son on that day, this is done because of what the Eternal did for me when I went forth from Egypt." Can this explanation be given from the commencement of the month (Nissan)? Nay; scripture expressly states "on that day." 6 If on that day, is it permissible to give it in the day-time? Nay; for the text further says "the reason of this." The expression : the reason of this, can only be used at the time when the unleavened bread and bitter herbs are set before thee. 7 Originally our ancestors were worshippers of idolatry : but now the Omnipresent God hath brought us near to his worship, as it is said. 8 And Joshua said unto all the people, thus saith the Eternal, the God of Israel: "On the other side of the river dwelt of old your ancestor Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, and they worshipped other gods." And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the river, and I made him go throughout all the land of i Ex. xii. 26. 2 Heb. Set his teeth on edge. 3 Ex. xiii. 8. 4 Ex. v. 14. s Ex. v. 8. « The 14th day on which the Paschal lamb was slaughtered. ? In the evening, 8 Joshua xxiv. 2 — 4. pid3 biff r\ixn * 5 sib nxn minyn r\h T&iK kid no pen V T - T -IT T •• - W T T ?73n p i^vj? n« K*xintf *sSi < i7 kSi oa^ . . , T ... .... . T . T r- r . # . -;- : ?n^3 nn kS • d# fwi &k • i7 T : * T T T T T ptha V7N rn&xi nw na 7£ix *«n n» en I v : t •• t : - t : — •• — t : anny n*aa d*t»bd * ti^irin t • t -: - ■ • - : • • t; t • t i&K3tf • i7 nna na nmfc yip fr$Bh : nw m "nny a nbsS tfinn sfca waS mm t ^r v -;- - - I : ■ : t :- • : : onsao w«a *? « • t : • • • •• ; • t: ♦ mr\n n»a naiS n^n • ann ekha Tia* ibfc iaaf?n • dv niysa b)y &m ci»a >k ny^a K7K » *nnax tjS nt -rtwa • n? tia&a : Tjsfc D % nj& Thai rraft e>*tf I v t : * T •. T T ~ rebjn wnian vn mi rniay naiy mi-ina gtfln* tdk*i "i&totf vrnasj? pip^n «aip iaya Sfcrfe* tok " -i&k na • ayn-Sa-Sa V r " : " t ; v: t; - t r t t Dma« *an rnn • D7tyo Qa»nbK tttf 1 -nan : anna :rn'7K nayn ♦ Tiro »ngj •nSiw • nnsn nnya anhax-nK Da*a*rnK nixo |.. . T T _ ...... T T : - V V •-:•.' |- V T 9 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. 11 Masters, the time hath arrived to read the Morning Shemang." 1 Rabbi Elazar, the son of Azariah, said, Verily I am a man of nearly seventy years of age : yet was I not able to prove that the narration of the departure from Egypt should be at night, until the son of Zoma expounded it from the passage where it is said, M That thou mayest re- member the day of thy going forth from Egypt the whole of the days of thy life." 2 " The days of thy life, said he, 41 refer to the days alone, but the whole of the days of thy life," include the nights also. The sages, however, explain this text thus : " The days of thy life, refer to this world only, but the whole of the days of thy life, include even the time of Messiah. 2 Blessed be God, the Omnipresent. Blessed be He who hath given the law to his people Israel. Blessed be He, whose law speaketh of the four different characters of children, whom we are to instruct on this occasion, the wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one who hath not capacity to inquire. What says the wise son ? He asks : " What are the testimonies, the statutes, and the judgments which the Eternal, our God, hath commanded you?" 3 Then thou shalt surely indoctrinate him in the laws of the passover, duly teaching him that after the paschal offering no dessert must be added. 4 1 Portions of the Law (Deut. vi. 4 — 10, &c.,) which must be read twice daily, as part of our worship. 2 Deut. xvi. 3. 3 Ibid. vi. 20. 4 Even as the Paschal lamb was the last thing eaten on the night of the Passover, so we now eat a piece of the middle cake " as anco- men," after which nothing more may be eaten. riDS \w man o »*rin nrh ma Div-ra^n laa^ ny • rMn ♦. n*nn# be> y&&?> r«s?*Tf? jaj jparj o»ya# pa *3« nn • mw p tok »ai na« ♦ nib^a utt&? n«T law^ WJ ^1 * -W -jik "flaw mbS nftN3tf Nair p PiBh^its? -iy •£'. • 1?n •&? ^a on?a p-wa. sppra oi' nrcaam : niS4>n vm »a* Sa ♦ na*a*n w • t -: - •• - ) v - - : T • t - J v - T»n s? Sa • rwi dim v*n w b^n J ?- - : t v - t ^ t I v - •• : : rveton rta^ joan 1 ? rnta jnatf ^na • t*»n ipa Dipan ^ra o^a nyanx naa^ : san -ana htrto* iay 1 ? • t t t : - vv; j t •• t ; • *- : im\ • jwh -inai • can ihk mta mai T V : w T T T V ; T T TV T T ; • : • •• •• v t v : t B'pnm nwi na ibta nri na can )•••.-: - T T - T T |- : v : v •• v: t; t- •„• -: • t : • - : nnx p*t?|a \% npan nia^na £naa nm t |aip%\; npan 8 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. that on all the other nights we should eat and drink either in a sitting or a leaning position, while in this night we all of us lean? 1 Place the dish on the table and continue :— Because we were slaves unto Pharaoh in Egypt, and the Eternal, oar God, brought us forth thence, with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. And if the Most Holy, blessed be He, had not thus brought forth our ances- tors from Egypt, we, and our children, and our children's children, would have still continued enslaved by Pharaoh 2 in Egypt. Therefore, even if we were all of us sages, all of us men of understanding, all of us elders, all of us learned in the law, it would still be imperative upon us to narrate the departure from Egypt; and whoever dilates on the narrative of the departure from Egypt, is accounted praiseworthy. Even as was done by Rabbi Eliezar, Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Akievah, and Rabbi Tarphon, who, being entertained by the inhabitants of Berak, were narrating the departure of Egypt all that night, until their disciples came and said unto them : 1 In testimony of our present independence as compared with the state of our fathers in Egypt. 2 The common title of all Egyptian kings. nos bv man n rh'hn • nnx ops £>»3x i^ataa ok t*a t ; - — tv — • -; I • • : - t i l^aix uk rWn ^aaf : D*ski • onxaa rwnsb a*n na d^-iv ttVa ? D*apr aka ♦ cwiaj uba larwa ntwra nso 1 ? a^ nrco » mim Ttjj^M ♦anfj 5^t *9fij Tgt^ff *ana n£aa paw? vn^ ps^a «ni Ka/py : ♦yn nn;y : fa infc Sa onxa nwa D^soa vni * rra »jaa THE SEEVICE FOR THE PASSOVER. He then elevates the dish containing the bone and egg, and all at the table take hold thereof, and say — 1 This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt : let all that are hungry enter and eat ; let all that are in want come hither and observe the Passover. This year we celebrate it here ; but we hope next year to celebrate it in the land of Israel : this year we are bondsmen, 2 but next year we hope to be freemen. Fill the second cup of wine, and remove the dish from the table, the youngest present then asks : — Wherefore is this night distinguished from all other nights, that on all other nights we should eat either leav- ened or unleavened bread, while on this night it must be all unleavened bread ; that on all other nights we should eat any sp^ies of herbs, while on this night we eat bitter herbs ; that on all other nights we should not immerse the herb* we eat even once, while on this night we do it twice } 1 This part of the "Hagadah" dates from the Babylon captivity, v ken the Chaldaic, in which it is written, was the vernacular, and a* such was employed for this hospitable invitation to the poor and 1 $edy. 2 In captivity. nos be? rrun THE SERVICE FOR THE PASSOVER. He then elevates the dish containing the bone and egg, and all at the table take hold thereof, and say — Kjnxa jonnax* few *i n»# xbrh Nna t ; - ; t r t ; - t -: • r i mm t -; — t; *n* "srai ^ • Sia*i *n« ran ^a • dhx2h NJTWa HK3H Tttuh ♦ K3H t^MWl ! MDSM r r ;• ; tt- ttj tt t-— -;•! •aa rwan n^ 1 ? • nay xnari • Sx-i^h » . tt- tt; - : ^- t - - " t; • ; : pin Fill the second cup of wine, the youngest present then asks : — bttti ♦ niS^n ^aa rm rh'hn run&o np nri rfe^n row j*cn rSaix *w nfeWi t ; t - | •• t | • ; T •• - ■we* rt>aw *w rrM>n ^aatf . rrao fe G SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. between the holiness of the Sabbath, and the sacredness of the Festival; sanctified the seventh day above the six days of labour; and separated, and sanctified thy people Israel with thy holy service. Blessed art thou, Lord! who maketh a distinction between holy and holy. On Saturday Night the following Blessing is said here, instead ofivhere noticed in tlie preceding page. Blessed art thou, Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse, who hast preserved us alive, sustained us, and brought us to enjoy this season. Drink the wine in a leaning position. WASHING THE HANDS. Wash the hands without saying the usual blessing. TAKE THE PAESLET, &c. Take some parsley or chervil, and having dipped it in vinegar, or salt water, distribute it to all present, and say — Blessed art thou, Lord, our God, King of the uni- verse, who createst the fruit of the earth. BEEAK THE MIDDLE CAKE. The Master of the house breaks the middle cake in the dish, leaving one half between the two whole ones, and places the other half aside for the JS Aiicomec-" nca hw nun i n«) ^551 ato dv n^npS na# nenj? pa n'yttn ♦flehp nfewi w neteto Taph cv nm ^na • ^QHnj$ ^BIT- ^y. ns; t$np\ : ehbb Bhb pa Snaan " v| : v| I •• • : - - t: 0» Saturday Kight •IVmm^' *• s °id here instead of where notieed in the preceding page. O*nn0 • nSivn -&% wrihx * nrw "ana tv; v v t + t Iv v •• v: t: t - I T Drink the wine in a leaning position. WASHING THE HANDS. Wash the hands without saying the usual blessing. TAKE THE PARSLEY. ETC. Take some parsley or chervil, and having dipped it in vinegar, cr salt water, distribute it to all present, and say — ns Nrtia obiyn "n^a hvjSk \\ r\m ^na. : na-i«n t t-; T •f m BREAK THE MIDDLE CAKE. The Master of the house breaks the middle cake in the dish, leaving one half between the two whole ones, and places the other half aside for the "Aficomen." 5 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. Lord, our God ! (on Sabbath say, Sabbaths for rest, and) solemn days for joy, festivals and seasons for gladness, (on Sabbath say, this day of rest, and) this day of the Feast of Unleavened Cakes, the season of our Freedom ; a holy convocation (on Sabbath say, in love) a memorial of the departure of Egypt; for thou hast chosen us, and sanctified us above all people: and thy holy (on Sabbath say, Sab- baths and) Festivals hast thou caused us to inherit with (on Sabbath say, love and favour) joy and gladness. Blessed art thou, Lord! who sanctifiest (on Sabbath say, the Sabbath, and) Israel, and the seasons. On Saturday Night the following Blessing is omitted here, and said after "holy and holy" in the next page. Blessed art thou, Lord, our God ! King of the uni- verse, who hast preserved us alive, sustained us, and brought us to enjoy this season. On Saturday Night add the following till " this season. 1 ' Blessed art thou, Lord, our God ! King of the uni- verse, who created the light of the fire. Blessed art thou, Lord, our God ! King of the uni- verse, who hast made a distinction between things sacred and profane : between light and darkness, between Israel and other nations, and between the seventh day and the six days of labour. Thou hast also made a distinction nou hv rnan n On Sabbath add ) ^T]H^ WTVH » U^AH) * VrfSSS t -: - : •• v: t: tit*— t ; • ; ( dv ntfi run nasri on sabbath add ) dv jik • rtefc^ v : v - t - - i t : ( POPIN:? Oa Sabbatb add ) WQtyl \tt H^H mfcX ST\ rnna «a *3 • onxo ns^S iat ehb mpo t : - r r • t ; • - • • v v| t| : ( naeh on &bbatl1 add ) D'jsp Saa riehp antai t - : " . T T * T • *r T : nna^a ( p^nnn nan^a °» ***** ««s) sj|fiD naja* on Sabbath ) ^0 « p|flK ^TO * ti$fff$J Jl^^ : D'3D*PJ1 h$~ft\ () naeri add 0« Saturday Night •l^fing' w omitted here, and said after \0i$? ehp J>2 in the next page. «*nn# •D t ?ij?n ^a wr&« * rift** ■ara tv; v v t ^ t J v v •• v: t: t - j t 0;? Saturday Night add the following till H-TH jf?JS ania t nSiyn •&& wrbx M wist ■avo t ^ t |v v •• v; t: t - It : #stn htob • : - - t ^ t | v v v; t: t - I t h&p) pi •^tfirf? nix p5 *Sirfc> enp p| 4 SERVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER; SANCTIFICATION. Pill the firdt cup and say — SANCTIFICATION FOR THE PASSOVER. If the Feast happens on the Sabbath begin here — "It was evening, and it was morning," The sixth day — " And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their hosts. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made : thus he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because he thereon rested from all his work, which God had created and made." If the Feast happens on a Week-day, or at the conclusion of the Sabbath, begin here. Blessed art thou, Lord, our God ! King of the uni- verse, who Greatest the fruit of the vine. Blessed art thou, Lord, our God ! King of the uni- verse, who hath chosen us from among all people, and exalted us above all languages, and sanctified us with his commandments; and with love hast thou given us, riDS ^ rron Fill the first cup and say— 'HDD hti? ffWp SANCTIFICATION FOR THE PASSOVER, If the Feast happens on the Sabbath begin here— -ipb wi n^V. ^np. : DXS¥ bpi pram cw'n by) wn bv t r ; t ; I v t t : • - t — •.•"" " ♦ nb>y x ; x to6a 'jwn Di»a wrhx hy) t *t v -: : t • Wm • 5 .- — ♦3 ink enpi ^aspn Bv-nx dtt?** Tia^i wb& xna TBte tararSaa nat? to v: it v -; ; - : t - t If the Feast happens on a Week-day, or ai the conclusion of the Sabbath, begin here. [did nip ns mfia •cSiyn ^ wrba * mtt wis • : •• t * t I v v •• v; t; r - | r -ma neto • aSiyn ^Se> wfoj M nm yna - t •. -. ^ T :,*• t |v v - .: t; r - | r ORDER OF PERFORMING THE CEREMONY. 1. — Say the Sanctification. 2. — Wash the hands [without saying the Blessing], 3. — Take the parsley, &c. 4. — Divide the middle cake. 5. — Kelate the Narrative. 6. — Wash the hands [saying the Blessing]. 7. — Say the Blessing " who bringeth forth bread." 8. — Take the uppermost cake. 9. — Eat the bitter herbs. 10. — Wrap the horseradish and cake with the " cha- roseth." (1) 11. — Prepare the table for the repast. 12. — Eat the hidden, i. e. the half of the middle cake which has been put aside. 13. — Say Grace after Meat. 14. — Say the Hallel, or Psalms of praise. 15. — Pray for the Divine acceptance of the Service. : noa W -no 1 ? jtfD ♦ ftp* 2 ♦nso8 T — ♦ ^3 10 ♦ flax 12 ♦ ^n i* ♦ ^^j5 1 ♦ D3n3 3 T 5 13 ♦ roni is LAWS RELATING TO THE ANNULMENT OF LEAVEN, On the following morning (the 14th day of Nissan) all leaven must be removed before 10 o'clock, when that which was collected the preceding evening is burnt, the master of the house previously saying the following : — According to the German and Polish Jews say the following — All manner of leaven which is in my possession, that which I have seen, as well as that which I have not seen; that which I have removed, as well as that which I have not removed, is hereby annulled and accounted as the dust of the earth. According to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews say the following — All leaven that is in my possession, that which I have seen, as well as that which I have not seen ; that which I have removed, as well as that which I have not removed, shall be hereby annulled, and accounted as the dust of the earth. If the master of the house should be away from home, he must annul the leaven, as above, wherever he may be, except he appointed another person to do so for him. If the eve of the Passover should happen on Sabbath, the search must be made on the preceding Thursday evening, and the leaven burnt (but without annulling it) before noon on Friday. Everything leavened must be removed previous to the commencement of Sabbath, reserving only the two meals for Sabbath night and morning. After breakfast on Sabbath morning the cloth on which the meal has been eaten must be shaken out, and the utensils put away with those used for leaven. The master must then duly annul the leaven by saying "All leaven," &c, as above, whether anything be left from that meal or not. He must be careful in giving the remaining leaven to a gentile that it be not carried into the res hut h harabim, a public place, or he may cover it over with a vessel till the close of the first days of the Feast, when it may be removed. Should a person find leaven in his house during the Passover, and the discovery be made during one of the middle days, it must be removed immediately; but should it be on one of the holydays, he must cover it with some vessel until night (going out of the Festival) when it must be removed. On the following morning (the 14th day of Nissan) all leaven must be removed before 10 o'clock, when that which was collected the preceding evening is burnt, the master of the house previously saving the following : — According to the German and Polish Jews say the following — . • • • * t • ; r T . _;_ T . _• T W prmsn ihi) swim n»r\an a^-n According to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews say the following — t . - . T ; • t ••si's " v- • t ; •• -~- ' : If the master of the house should be away from home, he must annul the leaven, as above, wherever he may be, except he appointed another person to do so for him. If the eve of the Passover should happen on Sabbath, the search must be made on the preceding Thursday evening, and the leaven burnt (but wiihout annulling it) before noon on Friday. Everything leavened must be removed previous to the commencement of Sabbath, reserving only the two meals for Sabbath night and morning. After breakfast on Sabbath morning the cloth on which the meal has been eaten must be shaken out, and the utensils put away with those used for leaven. The master must then duly annul the leaven by saying KTorr ta, as above, whether anything be left from that meal or not. He must be careful in giving the remaining leaven to a gentile that it be not carried into the D*n"in nin reshuth harahim, a public place, or he may cover it over with a vessel till the close of the first days of the Feast, when it may be removed. Should a person find leaven in his house during the Passover, and the discovery be made during one of the middle days, it must be removed immediately; but should it be on one of the holydays, he must cover it with some vessel until night (ia"< »Kno), when it must be removed. LAWS EELATING TO THE SEAECH FOB LEAVEN AND ITS ANNULMENT. On the evening preceding the 14th Nissan, immediately after the Evening Service, and previous to engaging in any other pursuit, the Master of every family must search for leavened bread through all the apartments of his house in which it is likely to be found, gathering all the leaven which may lie in his way. Before he begins the search he says:~~- Blessed art thou, Eternal, our God, King of the universe, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to remove the leaven. After having said the Blessing he must be careful not to speak until the conclusion of the search, when securing the pieces of leaven which he has collected, he says : — According to the German and Polish Jews. All manner of leaven that is in my premises, that which I have not seen, as well as that which I have not removed, is hereby annulled, and accounted as the dust of the earth. According to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. All leaven that is in my possession, that which I have not seen, as well as that which I have not removed, shall be hereby annulled, and accounted as the dust of the earth, t^nn-) np^ii ^n On the evening preceding the 14th Nissan, immediately after the Evening Service, and previous to engaging in any other pursuit, the Master of every family must search for leavened bread through all the apartments of his house in which it is likely to be found, gathering all the leaven which may lie in his way. Before he begins the search he saysx- After having said the Blessing he must be careful not to speak until the conclusion of the search, when securing the pieces of leaven which he has collected, he says :— According to the German and Polish Jews. ?rjian tbi ny&p X3X-] Njr&m jn^rrba ♦. Kpxn truss v th\ hmzh rrmya kS-a According to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. aS-n rmn ^St »weh5 xaxi K-ran ^ t : .. . _. T . . . . T . . T . _. T t myitn Kisy3 anfrn ^ton nnf? swtfa II RULES FOR PREPARING THE TABLE. Three Passover cakes made for this particular purpose, called " Mitzvotb," cakes intended for She fulfilment of the precept. The bitter herbs, consisting of some lettuce and celery, or chervil and parsley; some persons add horseradish. These are memorlials of the bitterness of our fate in Egypt, as described in Exod. i. A cup of vinegar or salt and water. "Haroseth," (nonn) a compound of almonds, apples, and other fruit, employed as a memorial of the lime and mortar with which our ancestors were forced to labour in Egypt. The Mitsvoth, covered between the folds of a cloth, are placed on a dish or salver, and upon them, all the other articles are disposed in the fallowing order : — mm The Egg. now " Haroseth." Salt-water. at The Shankbone. mm Lettuce. DBt3 Chervil and Parsley. Nothing should be placed upon the table, save what is absolutely necessary for the due observance of the ceremonial. THE FOUR CUPS. Every person is obliged to drink the four cups of wine which are indicated in the service. The capacity of the cup should be one "rebingith" 1 (mrm), the greater part of which quantity must be drunk at each time. i A " rebingith," is equivalent to the contents of one egg and a half— about the fifth of a pint. THE FAST OF THE FIRST-BOEN. On the Eve of the Passover every first-bom (TOa) son is obliged to fast, in commemoration of the deliverance of the first-born of Israel, when God smote those of Egypt. Exod. xii. 29. During the infancy of the first-born, and till he is able to fast himself, his father fasts for him ; should his father not be alive, his mother fasts instead. "When the Eve of the Passover falls on Sabbath, the first-born fast on the preceding Thursday. When it falls on Friday the fast is duly observed on that day. KULES FOR PREPARING THE TABLE, &c. The table should be prepared during daylight, — before the com- mencement of the festival. It is customary to employ for the purpose the most costly furniture, plate, &c, which we possess, in order to do honour to the occasion, by presenting a contrast to our abject state under the slavery of Egypt. The head of the family is usually provided with a cushioned seat, and all are arrayed in holiday garments to indicate their great rejoicing. Every person of the Jewish faith, who may reside in the house, no matter how menial his, or her, position, must be present at the table, and share equally in the solemnities of the occasion. The table is furnished with the following: The shank bone of a shoulder of lamb and an egg, both roasted with fire. The former is a memorial of the HD9 f paschal lamb, and the latter of the festive-sacrifice, Iran ptpi offered during the existence of the temple. ^OFPfM^"^ L'i^W rtfi ,AUG RVICE FOR THE FIRST NIGHTS OF PASSOVER. ACCORDING TO THE CUSTOM OF THE GERMAN AND POLISH JEWS. WITH A COMPENDIUM OF THE LAWS RELATING TO THE FESTIVAL, AND ITS OBSERVANCES; COPIOUS EXPLANATORY NOTES AND A NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION, BY THE KEY. A. P. MENDES. $antfy (Sfohiott, rarefallg itbtnth snb taxtttttV* LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY P. VALLENTINE, 9, HUNTLEY STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, W C, AND 37, DUKE STREET, E.C. 5638—1878. m^n in onnp V*bb p^isn uatya jnjDD B*kD*K |ic^a nenn npnyn qb vr wo ktis pnr rn Oman tobi I*b*k&ki pmr na pew cjd^ mncrui : V