m-. » ■ W^. f z S u. 111 3' z >- < J < u < m 1 s z tc Q K LJ N u z 5 00 J 111 h lU z D H z b. O lit H (0 m u u 5 z Digitized by tiie Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/choicecollectionOOtwel i # '^C,S SECOND EDITION^IMPR O VED. \ CHOICE COLLECTION \ \ ^^ \ \ HYMNS, ^ \ AND \ ^SPIRITUAL SONGSj^ \ DESIGNED FOR THE \ \ DEVOTIONS OF ISRAEL; \ X IN V ^^HA•S2■Ea, CONrEREITOE, V S AND ^ ^ CAM^-MEETIIVGS, ^ \ALSO, A SUITABLE POCKET COMPAN- \ ^ ION FOR CHRISTIANS OF EVERY ^ \ DENOMINATION, ALTHO' NOT \ ^ NUMBERED AMONG \ ^ '* For there is no difference be- ^ \ tween the Jew and the Greek.'' \ ^ CONCORD, N. H. J ^ Published & sold wholesale & retail by V \ HOAG & ATWOOD. \ \ 1831. ^ DisiTRiCT OF New-Hampshire— TO wit ; District Clerk's Office. ■<5>-«'^*"<5>-BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the *^ L. s. \ 20th day of May, A. D. 1830, and A.^^^ On wings of faith to heaven ascend, By hope anticipate the feast ; With all thy might still upward tend, And leave to sensual minds the rest» HYMN 25.— S. M, LET party names no more The Christian world o'erspread ; Gentile and Jew, and bond and free, Are one in Christ their head. HYMN 26. S3 2 Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crowned. 3 Envy and strife be gone, And only kindness known, "Where all one common Father have, One common Master own. 4 Thus will the church below Resemble that above ; Where springs of purest pleasure riie, And every heart is love. H HYMN 26— P. M. AIL .ye hosts of Seraph's bright I I come to join your symphony, Forever here to take delight In your melodious company. My sufFVings and my toils are o'er, I now have reached the blissful shore, And floods of light begin to roll, And burst upon my ravishM soul. Chorus. O sound his praise ye heavenly choir, He sav'd us from the burning fire. 3 34 HYMN 26. I Farewell ye fading things of time, No more your false attraction Can move this peaceful heart of mine, Myjo^sare everlasting. Long I withstood the powers of hell, And Jesus was my glorious shield ; Now I've got through the wilderness, And glory to my great High Priest. Chorus. O sound his praise, &c. 8 Jesus looks with smiles of love, And angels bid me welcome ; The patriarchs and prophets all Reach forth the hand of friendship. My christian neighbors here I find, My kindred and my distant friends ; The song of Moses now I'll join. While heaven and glory all are mine. Chorus. O sound his praise, &c. 4 Now I see my God and King, With grateful admiration. His ways, his works, his name I'll ling. In flaming adoration. His everlasting glory shines. Diffusing light and joys divine HYMN 27. 35; To naillion? in the heavenly clime, While heaven & e:lory they are mine,. Chorus. sound his praise, &c. 5 Thro' boundless fields of endless ligrtt^ My mind is left to ponder ; 1 sail thronffh seas of glory bright, O g'lorious scene? of wonder 1 Angelic notes, in highest strains. And l)oly saints his love proclaim,. While loud hosannas to his name Are ringing through the blissful plairi. Chorus. O sound his praise ye heavenly choir, He tav'd us from the burning fire. HYMN 27.-8, 7e. . SINNER?, take the friendly warning- Soon that awful day shall break, And the trumpet with its dawninir. All the sliiuib'ring millions wake. 2 See assembled ev'ry nation ! — Lofty cities, temples, tow'ers, Wrapt in dreadful conflagratioa, Earth and sea the flafue devours. 36 HYMN 28 3 Ye, who to the world dissemble, While you practice deeds of night, Sinners, now behold and tremble ; All your crimes are brought to light. 4 Lost in ease, or carnal pleasure, Sporting on the burning brink ; Now, you say, you have no leisure, You can and no time to think. 6 Ye — who now, conviction stifling, ' Waste your time — the loss deplore; Hear the anfrel — cease your trifling — " Time, '' he cries, " shall be no Pause, and hear the voice of reason- Catch the moments as they fly — You who lose the present season, You must all find lime to die. HYMlV28.— 8,7, &4. Farewell to missionaries. '^ O, Ye heralds of salvation, iSW Go proclaim , Redeeming blood; Publish to that barb'rous nation. Peace and pardon from our God : HYMN 28. 37 Tell the heathen, None. but Christ can do them good. 2 While the gospel trump you're sound- May the Spirit seal the word, png And, thro' sov'reign grace abounding, Heathen bow and own the Lord ; Idols leaving, God alone shall be ador'd. S Distant tho' our souls are blending, Still our hearts are warm and true ; In our pray'rs to heav'n ascending, Brethren — we'll remember you; Heav'n preserve you, Safely all your journey through. 4 When your niission here is finish'd, And your work on earth is done, y. ay your souls, by grace replenish'd, Find acceptance thro' the Sou ; Thence admitted, Dwell forever near his throne. 5 Loud hosannas now resounding. Make the heavenly arches ring: Grace to Eiufnl men abounding, 38 HYMN 29. Rf>npomM millions §iveetljr sing; While with rapture, All adore their heav'ul}' King. JflYMN 29— C. M. Corona -ion of Christ. ALL hail the power of Jesus' name I Let p.n^els prostrate fal! ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him — Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye morning; stars of li^ht, Who fixM thi? floatih? ball; Now hail the s^trength of Israel's might, And crown him — Lord of all. 3 Crown him, je martyrs of our God, Who from his altar cil! : Extol (he stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him — Lord of all. 4 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransonrd from the fall, Hail hiui who saves you by his erace, And crown him — Lord of all. HYMN SO. 39 6 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget, The wormwood and the gall ; Go spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him — Lord of all. 6 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him — Lord of all. HYMN 30.— 7 & 6. The way to Heaven. CALL'D to a sense o.'' duty, 1 would obey the call ; And for the sake of Jesus, 1 freely give up all, Wy fornQer vain enjoyments. Of pleasure, pride, and gain ; That 1 in Jesus's kingdom A mansion may obtain. 2 How often have I struggled To hold some foolis-h sin ; Yet, to the heavenly kingdom 1 meant to enter in ; But now 1 am persuaded That nothing else ivill do 40 HYMN 30. But Jesus for my portion. And holy joys pursue, 3 Let all the world's gay beauty, And Satan's flatt'ring bait, With all their pride and grandeur, Around my soul await : The far superior beauty Through faith I see ahead ; And I am bent upon it This holy way to tread. 4 Come, who will travel with me The way that leads to heaven ? And follow none but Jesus The way which he hath giv'a ; And take his word for counsel, His spirit for a guide ; And make a full surrender Of every thing beside. V- 6 Come on, my precious brethren, ^ And travel on with me ; "We'll seek for heav'nly treasure Until we find the sea Of sweet unbounded riches, Of life, and love and peace, HYMN 31. 41 Where beauty never wither?, And glory ne''er shall cease. 5 What, though the world reproach us, And say weVe mean and poor, No matter what we suffer, If we can reach the shore : 'Twill make the glory sweeter, And raise the praises high'r ; And we shall be completer, When purified by fire. HYMN 31.— 7s. ^ The resurrection and ascemion. ANGELS ! roll the rock away ! Death ! yield up fhe mighty prey : See ! he rises from the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom, flallelujah ! praise the Lord 1 2 'Tis the Saviour! angels, raise Fame's eternal trump of praise ! Let the earth's remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound. Hallelujah ! Praise the Lord ! 3 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes ! 42 HYMN 32. Now to glory see him rise, In long triumph, up the sky — Up to waiting worlds on high. Hal. 4 Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs ! Praise, and sweep your golden lyres! Shout, O earth, in rapturous song, Let the strains be sweet and strong ! Hallelujah ! Praise the Lord ! HYMN 32.— C. M. Godly sorrow arising from the sufferings of Christ. ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ! And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? CHORUS. *• O the Lamb, the loving Lamb, The Lamb on Calvary, The Lamb was slain and lives again, To intercede for me." 2 Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, thine, And bathM in its own blood, HYMN 33. 43 While, all expos"*d to wrath divine, The glorious sufferer stood I Was it for crimes that 1 had done, He groan'd upon the tree ? Amazing pity, grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! Il Well might the sun in darkness hide, I And shut his glories in, * When God, the mighty Maker, died, For man, the creature's sin. 5 Thus I might hide my blushing face, While his dear cross ap[)ears, Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes in tears. 6 But drops of grief can ne"'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I £,dve myself away ; , ' This all that I CaU do. HYMN 33.— L. M. Gethsemane. ^rfllS midnight — and on Olive's brow, JL The star is dimm'd that lately fihone ; 44. HYMN 34. . 'Tis midnight — in the garden now, The suff'ring Saviour prajfs alone. 2 'Tis midnight — and from all reraov'd Iramanuel wrestles alone, with fears ' E'en the disciple that he lov'd Heeds not his Master's grief and tear 3 'Tis midnight — and for others' guilt : The man of sorrow weeps in blood : Tet he that hath in anguish knelt, Is not forsaken by his God. 4 'Tis midnight — and from ether plainsj Is borne the song that angels know ; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Savior's wo HYMN 34.— L, M. The Star of Bethlehem. WHEN marshall'd on the nightly plaii The gUttering host bestud the sky; One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner's wandering eye. 2 Hark ! hark! to God the chorus breaks, From every host, from every gem ; HYMN 35. 45 3ut one alone the Saviour speaks. It is the star of Bethlehem. i Once on the raging seas I rode, I The storm was loud, the night was dark, rhe ocean yawn'd, and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my foundering bark. I 1. Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death struck, I ceas'd the tide to stem : »Vhen suddenly a star arosej it was the star of Bethlehem. 5 It wag my guide, my light, my all, It bade my dark forebodings cease ; \.nd through the storm and dangers thrall, It led me to the port of peace. ] Now safely moor'd — my perils o'er, I'll sing, first in night's diadem 3 forever and forevermore, The star— the star of Bethlehem. HYMN 35.-S. M. Lamb of God. jV-QT all the blood of beasts, 11 On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain. 46 HYMN 36. 2 But Christ the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away j A sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they, 5 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine — While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens thou didst bear, When hanging on the cursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 6 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voic And sing his bleeding love. HYMN 36— C. M. Fou7itain. THERE is a fountain fill'd with blood,. Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plung'd beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 4 The dying chief rejoic'd to see That fountain in his day ; HYMN 37 47 And there may I, as vile as he Wash all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood I Shall never lose its power, 1 Till all the ransom'd church of God Be sav'd to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be— till I die. 5 Then in anobler, sweeter song, I'll sing thy pow'r to save 5 When this poor, lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. HYMN 37.— C. M. Efficacious Grace. HAIL ! mighty Jesus ! how divine Is thy victorious sword ! The stoutest rebel must resign At thy commanding word. 2 Deep are the wounds thine arrows give. They pierce the Jiardest heart ; Thy smiles of grace* the slain revive, And joy succeeds to smart. 48 HYMN 38. 2 Still gird thy. sword upon thy thigh ; Ride with majestic sway : Go forth, sweet prince, triumphantly, And make thy foes obey. fi And when thy victories are complete, When all the chosen race Shall round the throne of glory, meet To sing thy conquering grace j 5 O may my humble soul be found Among that favor'd band ! And Ij with them, thy praise will sound Throughout Immanuel's land. HYMN 38.— L. M. Tht example of Christ, MY dear Redeemer, and my Lord, I read my duty in thy word : But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was thy truth and such thy zeal. Such deference to thy father's will, Such love, and meekness so divine, I woald transcribe, and make them min« 3 Cold mountains, and the midnight air, Witness'd the fervor of thy prayer ^ I HYMN 39. 49 The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict, and thy victory too. 4 Be thou my pattern ; make me bear More of thy gracious image here ; Then God the Judge, shall own my name, Among the followers of the Lamb. HYMN 39.— C. M. Devotion. /"HILST thee I,6eek, protecting pow'r Be my vain wishes stilTd j And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be tili'd. w 2 Thy love the po%ver of tho't befetow'd, To thee my thoughts would soar : Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd ; That mercy I adore. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ! Kach blessing to my soul most dear, Because conferr'd by thee. 4 In every joy that crowns my davB, In every pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in prayer. 50 HYMN 40. 5 When gladness wings my favof'd hour Thy love my thoughts shall fill ; Resign'd, when storms of sorrow low'r My soul shall meet thy will. 6 My lifted eye, without a tear, The gathering storm shall see ; My steadfast heart shall know no fear , That heart will rest on thee, T HYMN 40.— P. M. HE Lord into his garden comes, The spices yield a rich perfume, The lilies grow and thrive :' Refreshing showers of grace divine, From >esus flow to every vine, And make his people one. 2 O that this dry and barren ground In springs of water may abound, A fruitful soil become ! The desert blossom as the rose, When Jesus conquers all his foes, And makes his people one. 3 The glorious time is rolling dn, The gracious work is now begun, My soul a witness is : I taste and see the pardon free. HYMN 40. 51 For all mankind as well as me, Who come to Christ m.ay live. 4 The worst of sinner? here may find A Saviour pitiful and kind, Who will them all receive ! None are too late who will repent j Out of one sinner legions went ; Jesus did him relieve. 5 Come brethren, all who love the Lord, And taste the sweetness of his word, In Jesus' ways go on ; Our troubles and our trials here, Will only make us richer there, When we arrive at home. 6 We feel that heaver, is now begun. It issues from the shining Ihrono Of Jesus Christ, on high ; It comes like floods, we can't contain, We drink, and drink, and drink again, And yet for more we cry. 7 But when we come to reign above. And allmrround a throne of love, We'll drink a full supply ! Jesus will lead his armies threugh, To living fountains where they flow, Which never will run dry. 52 HYMN 41 B There we shall reign and shout end 5ing, And make the heavenly regions ring, When all the saints get iionie ! Lome on, coine on, my brethren dear^ Soon shall we meet together there, For Jesus bids us come. J Amen, amen, my soul replies, I'm bound to meet you in the skies. And claim my mansion there ; [hand, Now here's my heart, now here's my To meet you in that heavenly land, Where we shall part no more. 10 There on that peaceful happy shore. We'll sing and shout our suffering o'er, In sweet redeeming love : We'll shout and praise our conq'rinc"king, Who died himself tliat he might bring Us rebels home to God. HYMN 11.— P. M. Therts notking true bidhfarcn. II HIS world is all a fleeting show, . For man's illusion given ; The smiles of joy, the tears of w ce Deceitful shine, deceitful flow; There's nothing true but lieaven. IIYMiN 41. 53 2 Poor wand'rers of a stormy day, From wave to wave are driven ; And fancy's flash and reason's ray. Serve but to light us on the way ; There's nothing caini but heaven. 3 And false the lighten glory's plume As fading hues at even ; And genius' bud and beauty's bloom Are blossoms gather 'd from the tomb j There's nothing bright but heaven. 4 And Where's the hand held out to cheer The heart with anguish riven ; For sorrows, sighs, and trouble's tear, Have never found a refuge here ; There's nothing kind but heaven. 5 In vain do mortals sigh for blis5, Without their sins forgiven ; True pleasure, everlasting peace, Are only found in God's free grace ; 6 From such as walk in wisdom's road, Corroding fears are driven j They're wash'd in Christ's atoning bloodj Enjoy communion with their God, And find their way to heaven. 54 HYMN 42&L43. HYMN 42.— P. M. Indian Hymn. IN de dark v/ood, no Indian nigh, Den me look heaven and send up cry; Upon my knee so low ; Den God on high in shining placo^ See me in night wid teary face, De priest he tell me so. 2 He send he angel take me care, He come heself to hear me prayer, If Indian heart do pray 3 . He see me now, he know me here, He say, poor Indian neber fear^ Me wid you night and day. 3 So me lub God wid inside heart, He fight for me, he take urn part, He save um life before 5 God lub poor Indian in the wood, Den me lub God and dat be good ! Me pray him two times more. HYMN 43.— L. M, For the Lord's Supper. THIS feast was Jesus' high behest, This cup of thanks his last request Ye, who can feel his worth, attend. Eat, drink, in memory of your friend. HYMN 44. 55 2 Around the patriot's bust ye throng, Him ye exalt in swelling song : For him the wreath of glory bind, Who frepd from vassilage his kind : 3 And sjjall not he your praises reap, Who rescues from the iron sleep ? .The great deliverer, whose breath Unbinds the captives e'en of death ? 4 Shall he, who, fellow-men to save, Became a tenant of the grave, Unthanked, uncelebrated rise, Pass unremember'd to the skies ? 5 Christians ! unite with loud acclaim To hymn the Saviour's welcome name On earth extol his wondrous love ; Repeat his praise in worlds above. HYMN 44.— C. M. Zeal and vigor in the Christian Race. AWAKE, my soul ! stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on : A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. i A cloud of witnesses around. Hold thee in full survey : 56 HYMN 45. Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice' That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye : — 4 That prize with peerless glories bright, Which shall new lustre boast, When victors' wreaths' and monarche gems Shall blend in common dust. fi My soul, with sacred ardor fired, The glorious prize pursue ; And cheerful hear my Master's call, To bid this earth adieu. HYMN 45.— C. M. Trust in God under the trials of Ftrfiie. WHEN from the verge of youth, my mind Life's opening scene surveyed j I viewed its ills of various kind, Afflicted and afraid. S But chief, my fear the dangers moved. That virtue's path enclose ; HYMN 45. 67 My heart the wise pursuit approved, But oh ! what toils oppose ! 3 For see, while yet her unknown waj« With doubtful step I tread, A hostile world its terrors raise, Its snares delusive spread. 4 O how shall I, with heart prepared, Those terrors learn to meet 1 How, fronri the thousand snares to guard My inexperienced feet ? 5 Let faith suppress each rising fear, Each anxious doubt exclude ; My Maker's will has placed me here, A Maker wise and good. 6 He to my every trial knows Its just restraints to give j Attentive to behold my woea, And faithful to relieve. 7 The' griefs unnumbered throng thee round Still in thy God confide. Whose finger marks the seas their bound, And curbs the rolling tide. 58 HVMN 46. L HYMN 46.— P.M. In a Thunder Storm. ET coward guilt, with pallid fear To sheltering caverns fly, And justly dread the vengeful fate, That thunders through the sky. 2 Protected by that hand, whose law The threatening storms obey, Intrepid virtue smiles secure As in the blaze of day. 3 In the thick cloud's tremendous gloom, The lightning's lurid glare. It views the same all-gracious Power, That breathes the vernal air. 4 Througb nature's ever-varying scene, By different ways pursued, The one eternal end of Heaven, Is universal good. 5 With like beneficent effect O'er flaming ether glows, As when it tunes the linnet's voice, And blushes in the rose. 6 When through creation's vast expanse, The last dread thunders roll. HYMN 47. 59 Untune the concord of the spheres, And shakes the guilty soul : 7 Unmoved may we the final storm Of jarring worlds survey, That ushers in the tranquil morn Of life's eternal day. HYMN46.— 8, 7. The Judgment Day. LO! he comes, with clouds descending, Once for man's redemption slain ; Countless hosts of saints and angels Swell the triumph of his train. Hallelujah ! Jesus comes, and comes to reign. 2 Hark ! the mountain's base is rending ! Shakes the wide creation round! Hear the trump, the Judge proclaiming, Thro' the realms of death resoiind ! How the summons Will the scoffer's heart confound ! 3 At that call, the dead awaking, Rise to life from earth and sea ! All the powers of wondering nature, At his voice prepare to flee. 60 HYMN 48. Careless sinner, What will then become of thee T 4 But ye blest, who pant to see him, Clothed in majesty divine, Long his name who've loved and honor'd, Then may say — his God is mine : Gracious Saviour, Own us in that day for thine. HYMN 48.— 8, 7. Funeral Hymn. — 77ie Emblems of Death. SEE the leaves around us falling, Dry and withered to the ground ; Thus to thoughtless mortals calling, In a sad and solemn sound : — 2 " Sons of Adam, (once in Eden, Where, like us, he blighted fell,) Hear the lesson we are reading 5 Mark the awful truth to tell : 3 " Youth, on length of days presuming, Who the paths of pleasure tread : View us, late in beauty blooming, Numbered now among the dead : 4 " What though yet no losses grieve you, Gay with health and many a grace, HYMN 49. 61 Let not cloudless skies deceive you : Sommer gives to autumn place. 5 '• Yearly in our course returning, Messengers ot shortest stay, Thus we preach this truth concerning, Heaven and earth shall pass away." G On the tree of life eternnl, O let all our hopes be laid : This alone, for ever vernal, Bears a leaf that shall not fads. F HYMN 49.-7, 6. Missionary Hymn. ROM Greenland's icy mountains. From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains * Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ; Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile 5 In vain with lavish kindness 62 HYMN 50. The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted By wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! O salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim, Till each remotest nation Hcis learnt Mesiah's name. 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, liis story ; And you, ye waters, roll, Till like a sea of glory. It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransom'd nature, %he Lamb of sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, B.e turns in bliss to reign. u HYMN 50— L. M. A Funeral Hymn. NVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb ! Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these sacred relics room To slumber in thy silent dust. HYMN 51. 63 2 No pain, no grief, no anxious fear Invade thy bounds ; no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch its soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept ; God's dying Son Passed through the grave, and blessed the bed 5 Then rest, dear saint, till from his throne, The morning break, and pierce the shade. 4 Break, sacred morning, from the skies ! Then, clothed anew in bright array, Immortal form ! to life arise. And swell the song of endless day. H HYMN 51.— H. M. Nativity of Christ. ARK ! what celestial sounds. What music fills the air ! Soft warbling to the morn, It strikes the ravished ear : Now all is still, Now wild it floats In tuneful notes, Loud, sweet, and shrill. 5 Th' angelic hosts descend, With harmony divine : See how from heaven they bend And in full chorus join. 64 HYMN 52. Fear not, say they, Great joy we bring : Jesus, your king Is born to-dav. 3 He comes, your eouls to save From death's eternal gloom ; To realms of bliss and light He lifts you from the tomb. Your voices raise, \V* ith sons of light, Your songs unite Of endless praise. 4 Glory to God on high ! Ye mortals, spread the sound, And let your raptures fly To earth's remotest bound. For peace on earth, From God in Heaven To man is given, At Jesus' birth. HYMN 52.— L. M. The Spiritual Warfare. k RISE, my soul 1 shake off" thy fears, jL And gir^ the gospel armor on ; March to the gates of endless joy. Where thy great Captain, Chri6t,ha8 gon« HYMN 53. G5 2 Sin and the world resist thy course : But these, my soul ! are vanquished foes } For Jesus nailed them to the cross, And sang the triumph when he rose. 3 Then let my soul march boldly on. Press forward to the heavenly gate 5 There peace and joy eternal reign. And glittering robes for conquerors wait. 4 There shall I wear a victor's crown, And triumph in th' Almighty's grace ! There all the just, in chorus joined, t Unite to celebrate his praise. B HYMN 53.— L. M. Perseverence in the Christian life. ROAD is the road that leads to death, And thousands v/alk together there ; While wisdom shows a narrow path, With here and there a traveller. 2 " Deny thyself and take thy cross," Is the Redeemer's great command ; Nature mast count her gold but dross. If she would win this heavenly land. 8 The fearful soul that tires and faints. And treads the path of life no more, 4 60 HYMN 54. Forgets what joys await thy saints, And makes bis own destruction sure. 4 Let not my hopes, like such, be vain ; But striving with thy faithful few, May I that pledge of glory gain, Which false pretenders never knew. F HYMN 54.— P, M— 8. Christian Unity. ROM whence doth this union arise, That hatred is conquered by love ; It fastens our souls in such ties, That nature and time can't remove 2 It cannot in Eden be found, Net yet in a paradise lost ; It grows on Immanuel's ground, And Jesus' rich blood it did coat. 3 My friends are so dear unto me, Our hearts all united in love ; Where Jeaus is gone we shall be, In yonder blest mansions above. 4 O why then so loth do we part, Since we shall ere long meet again. HYMN 55. 67 EngfravM on Immanuel's heart ; At a dislauce we cannot remain. 5 And when we shall see that bright day, United with angels above, No longer confined to our clay, O'erwheImM in Ihe ocean of love* 6 O then with our Jesus we'll reign. And al! his" bright glory shall see, And sing hallehijah, amen, Amen, even so let it be. HY?vIN 55.— L. M. TVie day of Probation and Hope. LIFE is the time to serve the Lord ! The time t' insure thy great re- ward ; And while the lamp holds out to burn, To thee the sinner may return. 2 Life is the season thou hast given, To fit us for the joys of heaven ; Fast fleets that hotir of grace away, And who its rapid course can stay ? €8 HYMN 56 :3 The living; know that they must die, But all the dead unconscious lie ; Their memory and their sense isgone^ .Alike unknowing and unknown. 4 There are no acts of pardon passed In the cold g-rave, to which we haste ; Oblivion, darkness, and despair, Still reign in gloomy silence there. 5 Then the great work we have to do, Let us with all our might pursue : And wisely every hour employ. Till faith and hope are lost in joy. HYiVN 56.— C. M. Tlie Way of the Ri;^hteous and the Wicked, 'Wy LEST is the man, who shuns the 3y place Where sinners love to meet ; Who fears to (read in follyN ways. And hates the sco£fer"'s seat ; 2 But in thy prrfect statutes, Lord ! Has placed his chief delight ; By day devoutly reads thy word, •' And meditates by night. HYMN 57. 69 3 He, like a tree of generous kind, By living; waters set, Sale from the storm and blasting wiud. Enjoys a peaceful atate, 4 Green as the leaf and ever fair Shall his profession shi^^e : "While fruits of holiness appear, Like clusters ou the viae. 5 Not so the impious and unjust : What vain desig'ns they form ; Their hopes are swept away like di st^ Or chaff before the storr*. 6 How shall they bear at last to stand Before thai judgment-seat. Where all the saints at thy right hand In full assembly meet ? HYMN 57.— C. M. Walking with God. OFOR a closer walk with God, A calm and Lravenly frame ; A Hght to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb! 70 . HYMN 57. 2 Where is the blessedness I knew VVheu first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus, and his word ? 3 What peaceful hours I then enjoyed ! How sweet their memory still I But now I find an aching: vcid The world can never fill. 4 Return, O holy Dove ! return Sweet messenger of rest! I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast 5 The dearest idol! have known, Whatever that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. , HYMN 58. 71 / HYMN 58.— P. M. WHEN ghall we three meet again ? When shall we three meet again? Oft shall glowing hope expire, Oft shall wearied love retire ; Oft shall death and sorrow reign, 2 Though in distant lands we sigh, Parch'd beneath a hostile sky ; Though the deep between us roll, Friendship shall unite our souls ; And in fancy''s wide domain Oft shall we three meet again. 3 When our burnish'dJocks are grey, ThinnM by many a toil spent day ; Whei around this youthful pine, Moss shall creep and ivy twine ; Long may this lov'd bower remain ; Here may we three meet again. 4 When the dreams of life are fled, When its wasted lamps are dead, When in cold oblivion's shade, Beauty, wealth, and fame are laid ; 72 HYMN 59. Where immortal spirits rei^n, There may we all meet again. HYMM 59.-8, 7. Grateful recollection. COME, thou Fouot of ev'ry blessing;, Tune ray heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet. Sung by flaming tongues above: Praise the mount— I'm fix'd upon it — Mount of God's unchanging love. 2 Here I raise my Eben-Ezer, Hither by tky help Pm come ; And I hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jf sns sought me when a stranger WaudVingfrom the fold of God ; He to rescue me from danger, Interpos'd with precious blood. 3 Oh ! to grace how great a debtor Daily Pm conslrain'd to be! Let that grace now, like a fetter. Bind my wand'ring heart lo thee : HYMN 60. 73 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it — ^ Froneto leave the God Hove — Here's my heart — O take and seal it; Seal it lor thy courts above. HYMN 60.— C. M. HAT heavenly music do I hear, Salvation sounding tree ; Ye souls in bondage lend an ear, This is the Jubilee. w 2 How sweetly do the tidings roll, All round from sea to sea, From laud to land, from pole to pole, This is the Jubilee. 3 Good news, good news, to .\dam's race, Let Christians all agree To sing redeeming Love and Grace, This is the Jubilee. 4 The gospel sounds a sweet release To all in misery, And bids them welcome home to peace. This is the Jubilee, 74 HYMN 61. 5 Jesus 13 on bis mercy, seat, Before him bend the knee ; Let heaven and earth his praise re- peat, This is the Jubilee. 6 Sinners, be wise, return and come Unto the Saviour free ; The Spirit bids you welcome home, This is the Jubilee. 7 Come, ye redeem^, your tribute bring, With songs of harmony ; ^hile on the road to i This is the Jubilee, HYMN 61.— C. M. " O that I were as in months past." SWEET was the time when first I felt The Saviour's pardoning blood Apply 'd to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. 2 Soon as the morn the light reveal'd, His praises tunM my tongue ; HYMN 61. 75 Anil, when the evening shades pre- vail'd, His love was all my soug. 1 In vain the tempter spreads his wiles, The world no more could charm ; Iliv'd upon my Saviour's smiles, And lean'd upon his arm. I: In prayer my soul drew near the Lord And saw his glory shine ; And, when I read his holy word, 1 caiPd each promise mine. ► Then to his saints I often spoke Of what his love had done : But now my heart is almost broke, For all my joys are gone. > Now, when the evening shade pre- vails, My soul in darkness mourns ; And when the morn the light reveals, No light to me returns. 7 My prayers are now a chattering noise, 76 HYMN 62. For Jesus hides his face ; 1 read, the premise meets my eyes, But will not reach my case. 8 Now Satan threatens to prevail, And make my soul his prey : Yet, Lord, thy mercies cannot fail, O come -without delay. HYMN 62.-7'?. Tempted — but flying to Christ the refuge. JESUS ! lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly While the raging: billoAvs roll, — While the tempest still is high ! Hide me, O my Saviour ! hide, Till the storm of life is past; - Safe into the haven guide ; Oh, receive my soul at last! 2 Other refuge have I none. — Hangs my helpless soul on thee I Leave, ah I leave me not alone I Still support and comfort me I All my trust on thee is stay'd ; All my help from thee 1 bring: Cover my defenceless head With Ihfc shadow of thy wing. HYMN 63. ■ 77 Tboa, O Chiist ! art all I want : . All in all in thee ] Cnd : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blinJ: Just and holy is thy name, 1 am all unrighteousness, Vile and full of sin I am — Thou artful! of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with thee is found — Grace to pardon all my sins : Let the healing stream abound ; Make and keep me pure within : Thou of life the fountain art I Freely let me take of thtie I Spring thou up within my heart, — Rise to all sternity ! HYMN 63.-7, 6. The Pilgrim's Song. [> ISE, my soul ! and stretch thy W, wings. Thy better portion trace : Rise, from transitory things. Towards heav'u, thy native place ! Sun, and moon, and stars, decay ; Time shall soon this earth remove » 78 HYMN 64. Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats preparM above ! 2 Rivers to the ocean run. Nor stay in all their courpe ; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun : Both speed tliem to their source ; Thus a soul, new-born of God, Pants to view his glorious face, Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims ! cease to mourn ; Press onward to the prize : Soon the Saviour will return Triumphant in the skies : Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be given, — All your sorrows left below. And earth exchanged for heaven. H HYMN 64.-8, 8, 6s. The Spiritual Pilgrim. OW happy is the pilgrim's lot, How free from anxious care and thought, From worldly hope and fear ! HYMN 64 79 ConfinM to utither court nor cell, His soul disdains on earth to dwell, He only sojourns here. 2 His happiness in part is mine ; Already sav'd from self-design, From ev'ry creature-love — BlessM with the scorn of finite good, My soul is lighteu'd of its load, And seeks the things above. 3 The things eternal I pursue, And happiness beyond the view Of those who basely pant For things by nature felt and seen : Their honors, wealth, and pleasures mean, 1 neither have nor -want. 4 Nothing- on earth I call my own : A stranger, to the world unknown, I all their goods despise ; I trample on their whole delight, And seek a country out of sight, — A country in the skies. .80 - HYMN G5. 5 There is my bouse and porllon fair : My treasure and my heart are there, And my abiding home : For me my elder brethren stay; And angels beckon me away, And Jesus bids me come. 6 I come, thy s'-rvant, Lord ! replies, I come to meet thee in theskie«, And claim my heavenly rest : Now let the pilgrim'a journey end : Now — oh, my Saviour, brother, friend ! — Receive me to thy breast ! HYMN 65.— L. M. The Divine Perfections and Providence. IGH in the heavens, eternal God, Thy goodness in full glory shines; Thy truth shall break through every cloud Which veils and d-^rkecs thy designs. 2 Thy justice like the hills remains, Unfathomed depths thy mercies are ; Thy providence the world sustains ; The whole creation is thv care. HYMN 66. 81 3 Since of thy goodness all partake, With what assurance may the just Thy sheltering wings their refuge make, And saints to thy protection trust. 4 Such guests shall to thy courts be led, To banquet on thy lover's repast, And drink, as from the fountain-head, Of joys which shall forever last. 5 O let thy saints thy favour gain, To upright hearts thy truth display, With thee the springs of life remain, Thy presence is eternal day. s HYMN 66.— C. M. The first and second coming of Jesus. NG to the Lord, ye distant lands I Ye tribes of every tongue ! His new-discovered grace demands A new and nobler song. 2 Say to the nations, Jesus came A guilty world to save ; From vice and error to reclaim, And rescue from the grave. 6 82 HYMN 66. 3 Let heaven proclaim the joyful day, Joy through the earth be seen ; Let cities shine in bright array, And fields in cheerrul green 4 With pleasure lift your wandering eyes, Ye islands of the sea ! Ye mountains 1 sink ; ye valleys I lise ; Prepare the Saviour's way. 5 Behold, he comes! he comes to bless The nations from their God ; To show the world his righteousness, And send his truth abroad. 6 Again he comes with powerful voice To wake the numerous dead, And call his churches to rejoice With their exalted Head. 7 When he, who is our life, draws near, And all his glory view, His faithful servants shall appear With him in glory too. HYMN 67. 83 HYMN 67.-6 I. L. M. God^ our Shcphc7-d. THE Lord my pasture shall prr pare., And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noonday walks he shall attend. And all my midnigiit hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe T faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant; To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, wandering steps he leads ; Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. 3 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty shall my pains beguile : The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around, 4 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill ; 54 HYMN 68. For tbon, O Lord ! art with me still ; Tltj (Vioidly crook shall '^ive me nid, find ^nide me through the, dreadful shade. s HYMN 68.-C. M. Salvation. ALVATION ! O, the joyful sound I 'Tis pleasure to our ears : A sovVeis^n balm for ev'ry wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 BuriM in sorrow, and in sin. At hell's dark door we lay ; But we arise by grace divine To see a heavenly day. 3 Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious earth around. While all the armies of tiie sky Conspire to yaise the sound. 4 Salvation! O, the bleeding Lamb, To thee the praise belongs ! Salvation shall inspire our heaits. And dwell upon our tongues. HYMIN 69. 85 HYMN 69.— L. M. The voice of God in his ivorks. THK spacious firmament on high, With all the blue etheral sky, And spang^led heavens, a shining frame, Their great original proclaim. ^ Th' unwearied sun from day to day Doth his Creator's power display ; And publishes to every land. The work of an Almighty hand. 2 Soon as the eveninf*- shades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrous tale ; And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth : Whilst all the stars which round her burn. And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll. And spread the truth from pole to pole. 3 What though, in solemn silence, all Move round this dark terrestrial ball ; Wiiat though no real voice nor sound^ Amidst their radiant orbs are fonuJ : 86 HYMN 70. In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; For ever singing, as they shine — " The hand that made us is divine." HYMN 70.— C. M. Gratitude to God, ^ HEN all thy mercies, O my God! My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. w 2 Thy providence my life sustained, And all my wants redressed. When in the silent wcmb I lay, Or hung upon the breast. 3 To all my weak complaints and cries Thy mercy lent an ear. Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learnt To form themselves in prayer. 4 Unnumbered comfort:^ on my soul Thy tender care bestowed. Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. HYMN 71. 87 5 When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. ^ 6 Through hidden dangers, toils, and I death, It gently cleared my -way ; Ani through the pleasing snares of vice, More to be feared than they. 2 When nature fails, and day and night Divide thy works no more ; My ever grateful heart, O Lord ! Thy mercy shall adore. '; HYMN71,— L. M. ' Divine Majesty and Goodness in the Ele- ments. AWAKE, my soul, to hymns of praise To God the song of triumph raise ; Adorned with majesty divine, What pomp, what glory, Lord, are thine I j 2 Light forms his robe, and round his head 88 HYMN 71. The heavens their ample curtain spread ; See on the wind's expanded wing-s The chariot of the King of kings ! 3 Around him ranged in awful state, Dark, silent storms attentive wait ; And thunders ready to fulfil The mandates of his sovereign will. 4 From Earth's low margin to the skies, He bids the dusky vapors rise ! Then from his magazines on high, Commands th' imprisoned winds to fly. 5 The lightning's palid sheet expands, And showers descend on furrowed lands ; While down the mountain's channel- led side The torrent rolls in swelling pride ? 6 Till spent its wild, impetuous force, And settled in its destined course, It waters all the fruitful plains. And Ufe in various forms sustains. HYMN 72. 89 7 Thus, clouds, and storms, and fires obey Thy wise and all-controlling sway ; And while Ihy terrors round us stand, We see a father's bounteous hand. F HYMN 72.-8 & 7s. M. Sicrroundmg the Mercy-sea'. AR Irom mortal cares retreating, Sordid hopes and vain desires, Here our willing footsteps meeting, Every heart to heaven aspires. From the fount of glory beaming. Light celestial cheers our eyes ; Mercy from above proclaiming, ^ Peace and pardon from the skies. 2 Who may share this great salvation ? Every pure and humble mind ; Every kindred, tongue, and nation. From the dross of guilt refined , Blessings all around bestowing, God witholds his care from none ; Grace and mercy ever flowing From the fountain of his throne. 3 Every stain of guilt confessing. Deed unrighteous, thought of sin, 90 HYMN 73. Seize, O seize the proffered blessing, Grace from God and peace within. Lord ; with favor still attend U', Bless us with thy wondrous love ; Thon, our sun and shield, defend us : All our hope is from above. HYMN 73— P. M. WANDERING pilgrims, mourning christians, Weak and tempted lambs of Christ, Who endure great tribulation, And with sins are much distresa'd, Christ has sent me to invite joa To a rich and costly feast ; Let not shame nor pride prevent you, Come, the sweet provision taste. 2 If you have a heart lamenting, And bemoan your wretched case, Come to Jesus Christ repenting, He will give you gospel grace. If you want a heart to fear him, Love and serve him all yoar days, Only come to Christ and ask him, He will guide your feet always. 3 If your heart id unbelieving, HYMN 73. 91 Doubting Jesus' pardonino; love, Lay hard by Bethesda waiting, Till the troubled waters move ; If no man appears to help you, All their efforts prove but talk, Jesus, Jesus, he will cleanse you, Rise, take up your bed and walk. If like Peter you are sinking In the sea of unbelief, Wait with patience, always praying, Christ will send you sweet relief, He will give you grace and glory, All your wants shall be suppli'd, Canaan, Canaan lies before jou. Rise and cross the swelling tide. Death shall not destroy your comfort, Christ will guard you through the gloom, Down he'll send a heavenly convoy To convey you to his home, There you'll spend your days in pleasure. Free from ev'ry want and care ; Come, O come, my blessed Saviour, Fain my spirit would be there. 92 . HYMN 74. HYMN 74 —P. M. COME all ye sons of Zion, Who are waiting for salvation, Have }our lamps trimm'd and burn- For behold the proclamation ; SHying:, all things are now ready, For the poor and for the needy ; All my fatlings now are killed, And prepared on the table. 2 Arise and ^et ready, Hasten to the raarri.ige supper, While the bridegroom is calling", And poor sinners are falling. See the Lord of life descending, And the judgment trumpet sounding, Which shall gather all the nations, To the final judgment day, 5 O, what a happy meeting. When salvation is completed, And tribulation ended. And the spotless robe prepared, For the bride to be adorned, la the jasper walls be crowned, Singing worthy is the Lamb, In the new Jerusalem. HYMN 75. 93 O SiDiiers, dont be doubting;, While the sons of God are shouting, Come and join the happy army, [you, Then there's nothing that will harm If you follow Christ the Saviour, And break off your bad behaviour, And repent and be converted, You will sing his praises loo. HYMx^ 75.— L. M. The Hiding Place. AIL, heavenly love,that first began The scheme to rescue fallen man; Hail matchless, free, eternal grace That gave ray soul a hiding place. 2 Against the God who rules the sky, \ fought with hands upliiled high ; Despis'd ihe otFers of his grace, Too proud to seek a hiding place, 3 En wrap pM in dark, Egyptian night, And fond of darkness more than light, Madly I ran the sinful race, Secure, without a hiding blace. 94 HYMN 75. 4 But lo ! the eternal counsel ran, Almighty love arrest the man. I felt the arrows of distress, And found I had no hiding place. 5 Eternal justice stood in view, To Sinai's fiery mount I flew, But justice cried with frowning face, This mountain is no hiding place. 6 But lo I a heavenly voice I heard, And mercy to my soul appear'd, She led me on a pleasing place To Jesus Christ my hiding place. 7 Should storms of sevenfold thunder roll And shake the globe from pole to pole No thunderbolt would daunt my face. For Jesus is my hiding place. 8 A few more rolling suns at most, Will land me safe on Canaan's coast; Where I shall sing the song ofgrace, Safe in my glorious hiding place. F HYMN 76. 95 HYMN 76.— C. M. The excellence of the Scriptures. ATHER of mercies I in thy word What endless gloryshines I For ever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here, may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find ; Riches above what eai th can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here, the fair tree of konwledge grow?, And yields a free repast ; [knows, More precious fruiis than nature Invite the longing taste. 4 Here, springs of consolation rise To cheer the fainting mind ; And thirsty souls receive supplies, ^ And sweet refreshment find. 5 O may the gospel ever be Our study and delight ; And still new beauties may we see And still increasiDg light ! 96 HYMN 77 HYMN 77.— 7's. The^scension and Exaltation of Jesus. AIL the daj^ that sees him rise, Ravished from our wishful eyes; Christ, awhile to mortals given, Now ascends the highest heaven. 2 There the pornpous triumph wails. Lift up your heads, eternal gates ; Wide unfold the raidant scene, Take th' exalted Jesus in. 3 Iliin though highest heaven receives, Still he loves the world he leaves ; Though exaited to his throne. Still he calls mankind his own : 4 And — though parted from our sight, Far above yon azure height, — ^till his gracious lips bestow Blessings on his church below. HH 5 Master, — would our spirits say, — Taken from the world away, ' Thy devoted servants see, Ever gazing up to thee. HYMN 78 & 79. 97 6 Upward let us constant move, Wafted on the wings of love ; There we shall with him remain, Partners of his endless reign. HYMN 78.— L. M. A Propitious Gale longed for. A T anchor laid, remote from home, jL Toiling;, I cry, " sweet Spirit, come 5 " Celestial breeze" no longer stay, " But swell my sails, and speed my way. " Fain would I mount, fain would I glow, " And loose my cable from below ; " But I can only spread my sail ; "Thou, thou must breathe th' auspicious orale !" HYMN 79.- S. M. Compassion. DID Christ o'er sinners weep. And shall our cheeks be dry ? •* Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder see ! Be thou astonished O my soul, He shed those tears for ihee. 7 98 HYMN 81. S He wept that we might weep, Each sin demands a tear j In heaven alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. S HYMN 80.— 8, 7,4s. Sinners entreated to hear. INNERS, will you scorn the message, J Sent in mercy from above ? Every sentence — O how tender ! Every line is full of love ; Listen to it — Every line is full of love. 2 Hear the heralds of the Gospel, News from Zion's king proclaim, To each rebel sinner — " Pardon, "Free forgiveness in his name." How important 1 Free forgiveness in his name. 5 Tempted souls, they bring you succor Fearful hearts they quell your fears ; And with news of consolation, Chase away the falling tears : Tender heralds — Chase away the falling tears. HYMN 81. 99: 4 False professoi-s, giovclling worldlings. Callous hearers of tbe word, While the messengers address you. Take the warnings they afford ; We entreat you, Take the warnings they afford. 5 Who hath our report believed f Who receiv'd the joyful word ? Who embrac'd the news of pardon, Offer'd to you by the Lord ? Can you slight it — Offer'd to you by the Lord ! G O, ye angels, hovering round us, Waiting spirits, speed your way, Hasten to the court of heaven. Tidings bear without delay : Rebel sinners, Glad, the message will obey, G HYxMN 81.— 7s, Humble Adoration. RATEFUL notes and numbers bring, While Jehovah's praise we sing — Holy, holy, holy Lord, Be thy glorious name adored. 2 Though unworthy, let thine ear Now our humble homage hear ^ 100 HYMN 82. Purer praise we hope to bring, "When with saints we stand and sing. 3 Lead us to that blissful state Where thou reign'st supremely great ; Look with pity from thy throne, — Send thy holy spirit down. 5 While on earth ordained to stay, Guide our footsteps in thy way Till we come to reign with thee, And thy glorious greatness see. 5 Then with angel harps again We will make a nobler strain, There in joyful songs of praise, Our triumphant voices raise. 6 There no tongue shall silent be, All shall join in harmony ; That through heaven's ail-spacious round Praise to thee may ceaseless sound. HYMN 82.— P. M. The Family Bible. HOW painfully pleasing the fond recol- lection Of youthful emotions and innocent joy, HYMN 82. 101 When blest with parental advice and af- fection, Surrounded with mercies, with peace from on high. I still view the chair of my sire and my mother. The scats of their offspring as rang'd on each hand; And that richest .>^ok which excelsevery other, That family Bible which lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible, the dear blest Bible, The family Bible, that lay on the stand. 2 That Bible, the volume of God's inspi- ration At morn and at evening could yield us delight, The prayer of our sire was a sweet invo- cation. For mercy by day, and safaty through night. Our hymns of thanksgiving with harmo- ny swelling, All warm from the heart of a family band, Half rais'd us from earth to that raptur . ous dwelling, TOii HYMN 83. Describ'd in the Bible that lay on the stand, The old fashioned Bible, &c. 3 Ye scenes of tranquility long hare we parted, My hopes almost gone, and my parents uo more ; In sorrow and sadross I live broken hearted, And wander unknown on a fair distant shore 5 Yet how can I doubt u dear Saviour's protection. Forgetful of gifts from his hountiful hand ; Oh ! let me with patience receive his correction, And think of the Bible that lay on the stand. The old fashioned Bible, &c. HYMN S3.— S. M. THE day is past and gone. The evening shades appear 5 O may we.all remember , well The day of death draws near. 2 We lay our garments by, Upon our beds to rest 5 HYMN 84. 103 So death will soon disrobe us all Of what we here possess. 8 Lord keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears ; May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears. 4 And if we early rise, And view th' unwearied sun, May we set out to win the prize. And after glory run. 5 And when our days are past, And we from time remove, O may we in thy bosom rest, The bosom of thy love. . HYMN 84.— P. M. FAREWELL dear friends, I muit be gone, I have no home to stay with you j ril take my staff and travel on, Till I a better world do view, Farewell, farewell, farewell, My loving friends farewell. 2 Farewell, my friends, time rolls along, Nor waits for mortal's care or bliss j 104 HYMN 84. I leave you here and travel oa, Till I arrive where Jesus is. Farewell, &c. 3 Farewell my brethren in the Lord, To you Pm bound in cords of love ; Yet we believe his gracious word, That soon we all shall meet above. Farewell, &o. 4 Farewell, old soldiers of the cross, You've struggled long and hard for heav'n ; You've counted all things here but dross ; Fight on, the crown shall soon be given. Farewell, &c. 5 Farewell, ye blooming sons of God, Sore conflicts yet await for you ; Yet dauntless keep the heavenly road, Till Canaan's happy land you view. Farewell, &c, 6 Farewell, poor careless sinners too, It grieves my heart to leave you here; HYMN 85. 105 Eternal vengeance wait^ for you ; O turn and find salvation near, O turn, O turn, O turn, And find salvation near. HYMN. 85— H. M. Delight in Public .Worship. LORD of the worlds above, Flow pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love, Thine earthly temples are ! To thine abode My heart aspires, "With warm desires To see my God, 2 O happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear ! O happy men that pay Their constant service there ! They praise thee still ; And happy they Who love the way To Zion's hill, 3 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, 106 HYMN 86. Till each arrives at leugth, Till each iu heaven appears O glorious seat, When God our King Shall thither bring Our willing feet I N HYMN 86.— L.M. OW in a song of grateful praise To my clear Lord my voice IMl raise, With all the saints ini join to tell My Jesus hath done all things well. 2 All worlds his gracious power confess, His wisdom all his works express ; But O, his love, what tongue can tell! My Jesus hath done all things well. 3 I spurn'd his grace, I broke his laws. But yet he undertook my cause, To save me though I did rebel ; My Jesus hath done all things well. VI At last my soul has known his love, What mtrcy ha? he made me provel Mercy which doth all praise excell ; My Jesus hath done all things well. HYMN 86. 107 5 If e'er my Saviour and my God i Did on me lay his chast'nicg rod, I I kuew whatever me befel, My Jcsus would do all things well. 6 Though many a fiery flaming dart Be aimM to wound me to the heart ; Wi'h this I all their rage expel, My Jesus hath done all things well. "7 Oft time my Lord bis face did hide, To make me prav or kill my pride. Yet on my mind '^ still doth dwell, My Jesus hath done all things well. B Soon shall I pass the vale of death, And in his arms resign my breath ; Then, then, my happy soul shall te!I, My Jesus hath done all things well. 9 And when to that bright world I rise, And join sweet seraphs in the skies, Above the rest this Dote shall swell, My Jesus hath done all things well. 108 HYMN 87. HYMN 87.— L. M. Praise to the Creator. BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign word, which all things made. Gave life to clay, and fojmed us men:. And when like wandering sheep wei strayed. He brought us to his fold again. 3 We are his people, we his care. Our nobler and our meaner frame : What lasting honors can we ref-r, Almighty Maker, to thy name ? 4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs ; High as the heavens our voices rafse ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill tiiy courts with sounding praise. HYMN 88. 109 . Wide as the world is thy command ; Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as thy 'throne thy truth will stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. HYMN 88.— L. M. Universal Praise, CELESTIAL worlds ! your Maker^s name Resounds through every shinino^ coast; Our God a nobler praise will claim, Where he unfolds his glories m6st. 2 Stupendous globe of fla^g day ! Prais^e him in thy sublime career ; He struck from night the peerless ray, Gave thee thy path, and guides thee there. 3 Ye starry lamps, to whom His given jNighOs sable horrors to illume, Praise him who hung you in yon heaven, With vivid fires to gild the gloom. 110 HYMN 89. 4 Lightnings, that round th' Eternal play I Thunders, that from hla arm are hurled ! The grandeur of your God convey, Blazing, or bursting on the world. 5 From clime to clime, from shore to shore, Be *he almighty God adored : He made the nations by his power, And rules Ihem with his sovereign word. 6 At once let nature's ample round To God the vast thanksgiving raise : His high perfection knows no bound,* But fills immensity of space. c HYMN 89.-7 & 6. OME, my brethren, let us try, For a little season, Erery burden to lay by, Come, and let us reason. 2 What is this that casts you down ? What is this that grieves you ? HYMN 89. r 111 Speak, and let the worst be known, Speaking may relieve you. 3 Think on what yoar Saviour bore lu the gloomy garden ; Sweating blood frem every pore, Crying, " O my father." 4 See him nailed to the tree. Bleeding, groaning, dying ; See, he suflfer'd this for thee, Therefore be believing. 6 Joseph took his body down, Shrouded it in linen Laid it in the silent tomb. And returned mourning. 6 Soon he's raised from the tomb, Angels fly from glory : O what glory shone around ! Hallelujah, glory. j 7 Brethren, don't you feel the flame? Sisters, don't you love him ? 112 HYMN 90. Let us join to praise his name. Let us never grieve him. 8 Soon we^ll meet to part no more, Soon we'll be in heaven, There to join with those above, And forever praise him. A HYMN 90.— L. M. RT thou to seriousness inclined — Ask, and I'll solemnize thy mind ! Dost thou want love to Jesus' name, Askj and it will thy heart inflame. 2 Dost thou want peace and pardon seal'd. Ask, for they wait to be reveal'd ; Dost thou want faith and holy fear. Ask, for behold (he blessing's near. 3 Dost thou want strength 'gainst sin ^ to fight, ^Ask, and I'll give thee heavenly might : ' Dost thou want light and life divine. Ask, and eternal lifu is thine. HYMN 91. 113 4 Wilt tlviu be made completely whole, Ask, and Pll renovate thy soul : This instant ask ; arise and pray : Lose not such blessings by delay. HYMN 91.— CM. Highioay to Zion. SING, ye redeemed of the Lord, Your great deliverer sing, Pilgrims, for Zion's city bound, Be joyful in your King. , 2 See the fair way his hand has rais 'd, How holv, and how plain ! Nor shall the simplest trav'ler err, Nor ask the track ia vain. 3 Nor ravening lion shall destroy, Nor lurking serpent wound ; Pleasure and safety, peace and praise, Thro' all the path are found. 4 A hand Divine shall lead you on, Through all the blissful road 5 Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your smiling God. 114. HYMN 92. 5 These garlands oi' immortal joy Shall bloom on every head 5 While sorrow, sighing, and distress. Like shadows all are fled. 6 March on in your Redeemer's strength ; Pursue his footsteps still 5 And let the prospect cheer your eye, While laboring up the hill. Y HYMN 92.— L. M. E virgins of Jesus arise. Nor sluHiber like fools in your camps Like virgins of old that were wise, Take plenty of oil with your lamps. 2 The bridegroom will shortly appear, And with a loud voice make his call; Then if you muit s^o to prepare. The door^wiil be shut on j'ou all. 3 Saj not unto others give oil, [out; Our lamps, while we slept have g;one Not so ; that would others despoil, And plunge them in darkness and doubt. HYMN 93. U. 4 Let ev'ry one look out in time, HisTessei with grace wisely fill ; In season his soul then may climbs To aiansioDS in Zion's fair hill. L HYMN 93— P. M. ET thy kingdom, blessed Saviourr Come and bid our jarriiigs cease, Come, O come, and reign loreier, God of love, and prince of peace ; Vi.=it tiow thy precious Zion, Hear thy people mourn and weep. Day and night thy lambs are cryina:, ae, goi ' ' sheep. 2 Some for Paul, some for Apollo--, Some for ( ephas — none a^ree ; Jesu>, let us hear fhee call us, Help u^. Lord, to follow thee. [hers, 'j'hf n we'll rush ihrough what euGUui- Over every !)iiidrance leap, UndismayM by force or numbers ; Ccnue, good Shepherd, feed Ihy sheep. 118 HYMN 93. 3 Lord, in us there is no merit, We've been sinners from our youtli, Guide us, Lord by thy good spirit, Which shall teach us all the truth. On the Gospel word we'll venture, Till in death's cold anus we sleep, Love our Lord and Christ oor Saviour, O, good Shepherd, feed thy sheep. 4 Come, good Lord, with courage arm us : 1 Persecution ragfes here, Nothing, Lord, we know can harm us, While our shepherd is so near 3 Glory, glory, be to Jesus, At his name our hearts do leap ; He both comforts us and frees us, The good Shepherd feeds his sheci^ 5 Here's the Prince of your salvation, Saying, Fear not little flock 3 I myself am your foundation, You are built upon this rock ; Shun the path of vice and folly. Scale the mount, although it's steep. Look to me and be ye holy, I delight to feed my sheep. HYMN 94. 117 6 Christ alone, whose merit saves us. Taught by him we'll own his name, Sweetest of all names is Jesus, How it doth our souls inflame ! Glory, glory, glory, glory, Give him glory, he will keep, He will clear your way before you, The good Shepherd feeds his sheep. ^ HYMN 94.— H. JVf. The Fountain of Life. HAIL, everlasting Spring W'' Celestial Fountain hail ! Thy streams salvation bring. The waters never fail : Still they endure, and still they flow, For all our woe a sov'reign cure. 2 Blest be His wounded side. And blest his bleeding heart, Who all in anguish died, Such favors to impart, His sacred blood shall make us clean From ev'ry sin — and fit for God. 3 To that dear source of love, Our souls this day would come ; And thither from above, Lord, call the nations home j HYMN 95. That Jew and Greek with rapfrous songs. On all their tongues, thy praise may speak. HYMN 95.— L.. M. The afflicted Saint. AFFLICTED saint, to Christ draw near. The Saviour's gracious promise hear : His taithful word declares to thee, That As thy day thy strength shall be. 2 Let not thy heart desponding say, How shall I stand the trying day : He has declared by firm decree, That As thy day thy strength shall be. 3 Thy faith is weak, thy foes are strong, And if the conflict should be long, Thy Lord will make the tempter flee j Still As thy day thy strength shall be. 5 If persecution rage and flame, Still trust in thy Redeemer's name ; In fiery trials thou shall see, That A$ thy day thy strength shall be. 5 When call'd to bear the weighty cross, or sore affliction, pain and loss ; HYMN 96. 119 In deep distress and poverty, Still As thy day thy strength shall be. 6 When ghastly death appears in view, "Christ's presence shall thy fears subdue ; He comes to set thy spirit free, And As thy day thy strength shall be. G HYMN 96.— P.M. LORy to God that I have found the pearl of my salvation 5 We're marching through Immanuel's ground up to our heavenly station j And I'm resolved to follow on, and never to forsake him, I'll always keep the narrow way, till I do overtake him. Fear not, says Christ, ye little flock,heirs, of immortal glory, > You'r built upon the surest rock, the kingdom lies before you 5 Fight on, fight on, ye heirs of bliss, and tell the pleasing story, I'm always with my little flock, and I'll bring them home to glory. 120 HYMN 97. " HYMN 97. The Bower of Prayer. TO leave my dear friends, and with neigh- bors to part, And go from ray home, affects not my heart Like the thought of abstaining myself for a day From that blest retreat, I have chosen to pray J I have chosen to pray. 2 Dear bower where the pine and the pop- lar leaves spread, And woven their branches a roof o'er my head ; How oft have I knelt on the ever-green there. And poured out my soul to my saviour in prayer j To my Saviour in prayer. Z The early shrill notes of a lov'd nightin- gale That dwelt in the bower, I observed as my bell; It called me to duty while birds in the air, Sung anthems of praises as I went to , prayer ; , As I went to prayer. HYMN 97. 121 4 How sweet were the zephyrs, perfum'd by the pine, The ivy, the balsam and the wild eglan- tine 3 But sweeter, O sweeter, superlative were The joys that I tasted in answer to prayer ; In answer to prayer. 6 For Jesus my Saviour oft deigned to meet, ■ And blest with his presence my humble retreat ; Oft filled me with raptures and blessed- ness there, Inditing in heaven's own language my prayer 5 Own language my prayer. 6 Dear bower I must leave you and bid you adieu, And pay my devotions in parts that are new, Well knowing my Saviour resides every where. And can in all places give answer to prayer j Give answer to prayer. 122 HYMN 93 8c99. / HYMN 98-— C. M. O /■■ The Sctilor^s Friend. THOU who ruPst the stormy deep, And bidd'St the billows rise ; By thy commaTid the heaving deep Ne'er meets the lofty skies. 2 By thy good will our trusty bark Rides o'er the stormy wave ; Thy boundless blessings, Lord, we mark^ And trust in thee to save. 3 Throughout the voyage of life, do thou Thy boundless mercies send 5 In thee we trust — to thee we bow — The seaman's God and friend. HYMN 99.— P. M. Our God, our Father hear. HEN morn awakes our hearts. To pour the early prayer ; When toil-worn day departs, And gives a pause to care ; When those our souls love best Kneel with us in thy fear, To ask thy peace and rest — Our God, our Father, hear ! w HYMN 100. 123 2 When worldly snares without. And evil thoughts within, Of grace would raise a doubt, Or lure us back to sin ; .^ When human strength proves frail, And will, but half sincere : When faith begins to fail — Our God, our Father, hear ! 3 When in our cup of mirth The drop of trembling falls, And the frail drops of earth Are crumbling round our waUs ; When back we gaze with grief, And forward glance with fear ; When faileth man's relief — Our God, our Father, hear I 4 And when death's awful hand Unbars the gate of Time, Eternity's dim land Disclosing, dread, sublime ; When flesh and spirit quake Before Thee to appear — O, then for Jesus' sake, Our God, our Father, hear ! HYMN 100.— P. M. CHRIST hath a table richly spread, With living water, wine and bread ; 124 HYMN 101. Come,, all ye needy, come and buy, If you would live with Christ on high. 2 His blood was shed for you and me, When he expir'd upon the tree'^ See what the Saviour did endure, To make his great salvation sure. 3 And since in Adam all have died, In Christ we may be justified : All who repent and do believe, Eternal life they shall receive. HYMN 101.— CM. HUMILITY, that heavenly grace, flovv it exalts the saint ! Though he may often seem abas'd, The spirit does not faint. 2 The scripture says, if we would be Exalted by the Lord, We must have true humility To make our passions chord. 3 To .Jacob's God I now will seek For purity of soul : Lord make me holy, humble, meek, And all my heart control. HYMN 102. 125 HYMN 102 —C. M. A Marriage Hymn. SINCE Jesus freely did appear To grace a marriage feast, Dear Lord, we ask thj pre.'cnce here, To make a wedding guest. 2 Upon the bridal pair look down, Who now have plighted hands. Their union with thy favor crown, And bless the nuptial bands. 3 With gifts of grace tkeir hearts endow, Of all rich dowries best ; Their substance bless, and peace bes- To sweeten all the rest. [tow, 4 In purest love their souls unite, - That they with christian care, May make domestic burthens light. By taking mutual share. 5 As Isaac and Rebecca gave A pattern chaste and kind ; So mav this married couple hve, And' die io friendship joinM. 126 HYMN 103. 6 And when that solemn hour shall come, And life's short space be o'er ; May they in triumph reach that home Where they shall part no more. W HYMN 103— C. M. Spring. /"HEN verdure clothes the fertile vale, And blossoms deck the spray: A fragrance breathes in every gale, How fcweel the vernal day I 2 Hark I how the feathered warblers sing ! 'Tis natur's cheerful voice ; Soft music hails the lovely spring, And woods and fields rejoice. 3 How kind the influence of the skies ! The showers, with blepsing;s fraught, Bid virtue, beauty fragrance rise, And fix the roving thought. 4 Then let my wondering heart confess, With gratitude and love. HYMN 104. 127 The bounteous hand that deigns to bless 1 he garden, field, and ^rove. 5 That bounteous Hand ixiy thoughts adore, Beyond expression kind, Iliith better, nobler gifts in sfore, I'o bless the craving mind. 6 O God of nature and of grace, Thy heavenly gifts impart ; Then shall my meditation trace Spring, blooming in my heart. 7 Inspir'd to praise, I then f hall join Glad nature's cheerful song : And love and gratitude divine Attune ray joyful song". HYMN 104.— C. M. Seed in different Grounds. iTE sons of earth, prepare the plough, I Break up your fallow ground : The sower is gone forth to sow, And scatter blessinas round. 128 HYMN 105. 2 The seed that finds a stony soil, Shoots forth a hasty blade ; But ill repays the sow'rs toil, Soon wither'd, scorch'd, and dead. 3 The thorny ground is sure to balk All hopes of harvest there ; V/e find a tall and sickly stalk, But not the fiuitfui ear. 4 The beaten path and highway side Receive the trust in vain ; The watchful birds the prey divide, And pick up all the grain, 5 But where the Lord of grace and power Has bless'd the happy field j How plenteous is the golden store, The deep wrought furrows yield ! G Father of mercies, we have need Of thy preparing grace ; Let the same hand that gives the seed, Provide a fruitful place. o HYMN 105.— P. M. The Convert. HOW happy are they, Who the Saviour obey, HYMN 105. 129 And have laid up their treasure above ! Tongue can never express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love '? 2 That sweet comfort was mine, When the favor divine I first found in the blood of the Lamb 3 When at first I believ'd, What a joy Ireceiv'd, What a heaven in Jesus' name ! 3 'Twas a heaven below, My Redeemer to know : And the angels could do nothing more, Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat, And the lover of sinners adore. 4 Jesus all the day long, Was my joy and my song ; O that all his salvation might see j He hath lov'd me, I cry'd, He hath sufTer'd and di'd To redeem such a rebel as me. i> Onxhe wings of his love, 1 was carri'd above, All my sin, and temptation and pain j And I could not believe ISO HYMN 106. That I ever should grieve, That I ever should suffer again. 6 I then rode on the sky. Freely justify'd I, Nor did envy Elijah his seat 5 My glad soul mounted higher, In a chariot of fire. And the world it was under my feet. 7 O ! the rapturous height Of that holy delight, Which I felt in the life-giving blood ! Of my Saviour possest, I was perfectly blest, And was fill'd with the fulness of God. HYMN 106.— P. M. The fall of Babylon. COME brethren let us join andsino^ The growing empire of our King, Who spilt his precious blood ; His life a ransom gave for all, [thrall, That he might save our souls from And bring us home to God.^ 2 He rides victorious through the land. His saints rejoice, his heralds stand. HYMN 107. ISX And tbey aloud do call ; Sinners lepent, to Jesus fly, While he in mercy passes by^ And offers grace to all. 3 The work of God is going on, Souls daily flee from Babylon, And on the Lord do call: Old fornjalists with wonder gaze, And BabePs Merchants stand amazed To see their mother fall. 4 The wilderness doth sweetly ring- With pray'rs and praises to the King,. Who sits on Zion's hill, The towns and cities hear the voice. The sinners mourn, the saints rejoice, With praise the streets are filTd. 5 Ride on all conquering Kiag, ride on, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Let heaven and earth'agree, To sound aloud thy worthy fame. 'Till all our souls shall be on flanne,^ To rise and reign with Ihee. 152 HYMN 107. HYMN 107.— C. M. J'he Hope of Heaven our Support under Trials on earth. w HEN I can read my title dear, To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to ev'ry fear, And wipe my weeping: eyes. 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And hellish darts be hurPd, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let pares like a wide deluge come, And storms of sorrow fall ; May I but safely reach my home. My God, my Heaven, my All. 4 There shall I bathe my weary sojil, In seas of heav'nly re?t ; And not a wave of trouble roll. Across my peaceful breast. HYMN 108. 153 HYMN 108.— P. M. JESUS, at thy command, I launch into the deep ; And Jeave my native land, Where sin lulls all asleep, For thee I would the v/orld resig-n, And sail to heaven with thee end thine. 2 Thou art my pilot wise ; My compass is thy word ; My soul each storm defies. While I have such a Lord I I trust thy faithfulness and poorer, To save me in the trying hour. 3 Tho' rocks and quicksands deep, Through ail my passage lie, Yet Christ will safely keep And guide me with his eye : My anchor, hope, shall firm abide, And ev'ry boi«tVous storm outride 4 By faith I see the land, The port of endless rest ; >jy soul thy s?;il& expand, And fly to Jesus' breast I 134 HYMN 109. May 1 Teach the heavenly shore, Where wind and waves distress n© Whene'er becalm'd I lie, And storms forbear to toss : Be thou, dear Lord, still nigh, Lest I should suffer loss ; For more the treach"'rons calm I dread, Than tempests bursting o'er my head. Come, holy Gho?t, and blow A prosperous gale of grace ; Waft me from all below, To heaven my destin'd place; Then in full sail my port I'll find. And leave the world and sin behind. HYMN 109.— H.M. Sabbath Morning. ELCOME, delightful morn, Thou day of sacred rest ; I hail thy kind return. Lord make these moments blest. From the low train of mortal toys, I soar to reach Immortal joys. W HYMJN no. lU 2 Now may the Kiog descend. And fill his throne of grace ; Thy sceptre, Lord, extend, While saints address thy face : Let sinners feel thy quickening word, And learn to know and fear the Lord. ^ Descend, celestial Dove, With all thy quickening powers ; Disclose a Saviour's love, And bless the sacred Lours ; Then shall my soul cew life obtain, Nor Sabbath's be indulged in vain. F HYMN 110— P, M. ROM the regions of love, Lo 1 an angel descended, And told the blest news How the babe was attended ; Go, shepherds and visit This wondrous stranger, With wonder and joy See your Christ in the manger. CHORUS. Hallelujah to the Lamb, Through whom we've obtain'd par- don, 136 HYMN 110. We'll praise him again, When we pass over Jordan. 2 Glad tidings I bring To you and each nation ; Glad tidings of joy, Now behold your salvation ; When sudden a naultitude Raise their glad voices, And shout the Redeemer, While heaven rejoices. 3 Now glory to God In the highest is given, Now glory to God Is re-echoed through heaven ; Around the whole earth Let us tell the glad story, And sing of his love, His salvation and glory, 4 Enraptured I rise With delight and desire : Such love so divine, Sets my soul all on fire ; Around the blest throne Hosannas are ringing, HYMN 111. 137 O when shall I join them And ever be singing - S Triumphantly tide In thy chariot victorious, And conquer with love ; O Jeus all glorious 1 Thy banner unfurl : Let the nations surrender And own thee their Saviour, Their king and defender. HYMN 111.— 7 & 6. Encouragement to Christians. THE wonMrouslove of Jesus, From doubts and fears he fisea us? With pitying eyes he sees us A toiling: here below ; Through tribulation driven. We make our way to heaven ; By consolation given, Rejoicing on we go. 2 Companions now distressed, By Satan sore oppressed, Cheer up, youMl be delivered, Your Captain is at hand ; 138 HYMN 112. In ev'ry trying; hour He'll save you by his power, And bring you safe to heaven, To Canaan's happy land. 3 O ! yonder is the glory ! It is but just before you. And there we'll tell the story Of Christ's redeeming love; And there we shall forever Drink of the flowing- River, Forever and forever Surround the throne above. All in the blooming garden Of Eden, gained by pardon ; Beyond the floods of Jordan We'll praise the great I AM ; And sing the song of Moses, While Jesus sweet composes. The song that never closes. Sing praises to the Lamb. HYMN 112— 8 & 7. My souVs Experience. 'LL sing a song which doth belong To all the people round me ; HYMN 112. 139 ril spread the fame of Jesus' name, And tell how Jesus found rae. 'Twas in distress and -wickedness, These words he spake unto me : " O sinner, come, in me there's room, Oh how these things ran through me I 2 I was like Paul, who was callMSaul, In bitter persecution : I did disdain being born again ; ^ 1 call'd it all delusion, I fought the saints without restraint, Too proud to cry for mercy : Conviction strong did come along ; Oh how these things did pierce me I 3 I did not know which way to go ; My sins were like a mountain, All fill'd with woe, the tears didflow; My head was like a fountain. I thought Pd been so long in sin, I could not be forgiven ; Then Jesus came, O blesa bis name I And fill'd my soul with heaven. 4 1 rais'd my voice, and did rejoice, Sang glory, glory, glory. 140 HYMN 113. Then I did learn Jesus was mine : vvhat a pleasing story I I love the lord, I love his word, 1 love all those around me : Then brethren dear, don't it appear, That Jesus Christ has found me ; 5 Come, sinners, now to Jesus bow, i While grace isoffer'd to you, p' Come as you are, to Christ repair, Or sin will quite undo you. With lovely charms, and open arms, Now Jesus will receive you, Come, sinners, come, in him there's room, And Jesus Christ will save you. HYMN 113.— L. M. YOUNG people all attention give, While I address you in God's name. Ye, who in sin and folly live, Come hear the counsels of a friend. 2 I've sought for bliss in glittering toys. And rang'd the luring scene? of vice, HYMN 113. 141 But neverkflew substantial joys. Until 1 heard my Savioufs voice. 3 He spake at once my sins forgiven, And took ray load of guilt away, He «;ave me glory, peace and heaven, And thus I found the heavenly -way. 4 And now, with trembling sense^ view ^H The billows roll beneath your feet,^ For death eternal waits for you, Who slight the force of gospel truth. 5 Youth, like the spring, will soon be gone, By fleeting time, or conquering death, Your morning sun may set at noon, And leave you ever in the dark. 6 Your sparkling eyes and blooming cheeks, Must wither like the blasted rose, The coffin, muflaer, winding sheet, Will soon your active limbs enclose. 142 HYMN 113. 7 Ye heedless ones, that wildly stroll. The grave will soon become your bed, Where silence reigns and Vapors roll In solemn darkness round your head. 8 Your friends will pass the lonesome place, And with a sigh move slow along, 1^ Still gazing on the spires of grass, W§ With which your graves are over- grown, 9 Your souls will land in darker realms. Where vengeance reigns, and billows roar, And roll amid the burning flames. When thousand, thousand years are o'er. 10 Still sunk in shades of endless night To groan and gasp in ceaseless pain, And never more behold the light, And never, never rise again. 11 Ye blooming youth this is the state Of all who do free grace refuse ; HYMN 114. 143 And soon with you 'twill be too late, The way of life is Christ to choose. 12 Come, lay your carnal weapons by, No longer fight against your God, But with the Gospel now comply, And heaven shall be your great re- ward. T HYMN 114.~C. M. fl Christ the Believer's song. HOU dear Redeemer, dying Lamb, We love to hear of thee ; No music's like thy charming name, Nor half so sweet can be. 2 O may we ever hear thy voice, In mercy to us speak ; And in our Priest will we rejoice. The great Melchisedeck. 3 Our Jesus shall be still our theme, "While in this world we stay ; We'll sing our Jesus's lovely name, When ail things else decay. 144 HYMN 115. 4 When we appear in yonder cloud, With all the favor'd throng ; Then will we sing more sweet, more loud, And Christ shall be our song. HYMN 115.— CM. A prospect of Heaven makes death easy. THERE is a land of pure delight, Wliere saints immortal reign ; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting sprina: abides. And never-with'ring flow'rs ; Death like a narrow sea divides This heav'nly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood. Stand drest in living green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood. While Jordan roll'd betv/een. 4 But timVous mortals start and shrink To cross this narrow sea, HYMN 116. 145 And lin«^er, shiv'ring on the brink, And fear to launch away. 5 O could we make our doubts remove, Those gloomy doubts that rise — And ses the Canaan that we love, Y'[*.h unbeclouded eyes : 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood. |M| And view f!ie landscape o'er, " Not Jordan's stream nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore, HYMN 116.— CM. ARISE, my soul, to Pisph's height, And view the promis'd land ; And see by faith the glorious sight, Our herilag-e at hand. 2 A land where pure enjoyments dwell And blessings most divine ; Where saints their highest notes shall swell, And in bright glory shine. 10 146 HYMN 116. 3 There endless springs of pleasure flowj At my Redeemer's side, For all who live in faith below, And in their Lord confide. 4 For Salem's dazzling gates are seen, Just o'er the narrow flood ; And fields adorn'd in living green, The residence of God. O could I cross rough Jordan's wave, No danger would I fear, My bark would every danger brave. For O, my Shepherd's near. 6 T' enrich my soul with fresh supplies, Of faith, and hope, and love ; With courage, then I'll win the prize, And reign with him above. 7 Tho' death's cold waves compass me round, And heavy tempests roar ; My little bark in safety's found. For Jesus guides me o'er. 3 Should storms of grief and sorrow blow, HYMN 117. 147 Oot his deveted breast, Mj Saviour's love shall guard me through, To everlasting rest. 9 In hitn I live, in him I move, My only sure defence; The source of sweet redeeming love. My only recompense. 10 My conflicts here shall soon be past Where wild distraction reigns, Through toils and death Til reach at last. Fair Canaan's happy plains. 11 The lamp of life will soon grow pale, The spark will soon decay ; And then my happy soul shall sail To everlasting day. HYMN 117.— C. M. Inconstancy in the Christianlife lamented. PERPETUAL Source of light and We hail thy sacred name ; [grace Through every year's revolving round Thy goodness is the same. 148 HYMN 117. 2 On us, unworthy as we are, Its wondrous mercy pours ; Sure as the heaven's established course, And plenteous as the showers. 3 Inconstant service we repay, And treacherous vows renew ; ^ Which pass away as morning clouda, And as the early dew. 4 Low at thy feet our guilt we mourn, And ask thy constant grace, Xo bear our feeble footsteps on, In all thyrighteous ways. 5 Armed with this energy divine, Our souls shall constant prove, And with increasing transport press On to thy courts above. ^ 6 So, by thy power, the morning sun Pursues his radiant way, Brightens each moment in his race, And shines to perfect day. o HYMN 118. 149 HYMN 11 8— CM. The inward life of the Chnstian. HAPPY soul that lives on high. While men lie grovelling- here ! His hopes are fixed above the sky. And faith forbids his fear. 2 His conscience knows no secret stings While grace and joy combine To form a life, Vi^hose holy springs Are hidden and divine, 3 He waits in secret on his God ; His God in secret sees; Let earth be all in arms abroad, He dwells in heavenly peace. 4 His pleasures rise from things unseen, Beyond this world and time ; Where neither eyes nor ears have been, Nor thoughts of mortals climb. 5 He want? no pomp nor royal throne To raise his honors here ; Content and pleased to live unknown, Till Christ, his life, apptiar.- ISO HYMN 119. HYMN 119.— P. M. The Weary Traveller. COME all ye weary travellers, Now let us join and sing, The everlastinif praises, Of Jesus our g^reat King. We've had a tedious journey, And tiresome His true ? But see how many dangers, The Lord has brought us through. 2 At first when Jesus found us. He called us unto him, And pointed out the danger, Of falling into sin. The world, the flesh and Satan, Would prove a hurtful snare. Unless we did reject them By faith and humble prayer, 3 But by our disobedience. With sorrow we confess. We have had long to wander Tn a dark wilderness, Where we might long have fainted^ In that enchanted grountJ, But now and then a cluster Of pleasant grapes we fouad. HYMN 119. 151 The pleasant fruits of Canaan, Give life and joy and peace, Revive our drooping spirits, And love and strength increase; To own our Lord and Master, And run at his command, And hasten on our journey Unto the promis'd land. 5 In faith, and hope, and patience, We often do rejoice. And Jesus and his people, Forever are our choice. In peace and consolation , We now are going on, The pleasant road to Canaan, Where Jesus Christ has gone. 9 Sinners why stand ye idle. While we thus march along, Has Jesus never told you That you are going wrong, We''re sorry thus to leave you, We' rather you would go ; Come try a bleeding Saviour, And see what love can do. 152 HYMN 120. 7 Now to the King immortal, Be everlasting pt-aise, For in his holy service, We long to spend our days, Till we arrive at Canaan, The glorious world above, With everlasting wonder. To sing redeeming love. HYMN 120.--C. M. Servants of God always safe. OW are thy servants bless'd, O How sure is their defence: [Lord, Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help Omnipotence. H i In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care : Thro'burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe the tainted air. 3 When by the dreadful temptest borne" High on the broken wave, They know thod art notfelow to hear, Nor impotent to save. HYMN 121 153 4 The storm is laid— the winds retire, Obedient to thy will : The sea that roars at thy command, At thy command is still. 5 In midst of dangers, fears and death, Thy goodness we'll adore ; We'll praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 6 Our life, while thou preserv'st that Thy sacrifice, shall be ; [life, And death, when death shall be our Shall join our souls to thee. [lot, HYMN 121.~P. M. A FOUNTAIN in Jesus which runs always free, For washing and cleansing such sin- ners as we I Our sins, though like crimson, made white as the wool. No lack in the fountain, but always is full. 2 All things now are ready, he invites ua to come, 154 HYMN 121. The supper is made by the Father & Son ; Rich bounties, rich dainties, here we may receive, A living forever, if we will believe. 3 Tfee guests which were bid But to see where then 1 sported,- Now embitters all my woes '1 6 Age and sorrow since have blasted Every youthful, pleasing dream ; Quiv'ring age with youth contrasted, Oh how short their glories seem! As the annual frosts are cropping Leaves and tendrils from the trees, So my friends are yearly dropping. Through old age and dire disease. 7 Former friends, how oft I've sought 'em, Just to cheer my drooping mind ; But they're gone like leaves in autumn, Driven before the dreary wind. HYMN 127. 163 VvTien a few more years I've wasted, When a few more springs are o'er, When a few more griefs I've tasted, I shall live to die no more. 8 Fast my sun of life's declining, I must sleep in death's dark night; But my hope, pure and refining. Rests in future life and light. Cease this trembling, fearing, sighing, Christ will burst the silent tomb ; Then the saints shall, upwards flying, Rise into immortal bloom ! *' The varting hand. 1 My dearest friends, in bonds of love, Our hearts in sweetest union prove Your friendship like a drawing band, Yet, we must take the parting hand. Y'our presence sweet, your union dear, Your words delightful to my ear, And when I see that we must part, You draw like cord^ around mv heart. 2 How sweet the hours have pass'd away, When we have met to sing and pray, How loth I've been to leave the place, When Jesus shev/s his smiling face : O could I stay with friends so kind, 164 HTMN 128. How would it cheer my strug'ling mind But duty makes me understand, Tliat wo must take the parting hand. 3 And since it is God's lioly will, We must be parted for a while. In svveet submission, all in one, We'll say, our father's will be done. Dear fello\V youth, in christian ties, Who seek for mansions in the skies — Fight on, you'll win that happy shore, Where parting hands are known no more. 4 How ofl I've seen the flowing tears. And heard you tell your hopes and fears, V our hearts with love have seem'd to flame, Which makes me hope we'll meet again. Ye mourning souls in sad surprise, Jesus remembers all your cries ; O taste his grace, in all that land V/e'll no more take the parting hand. HYMN 128.— 8 Sc 7. Female Pilgrim. WHITHER goest thou, Pilgrim stran- ger, Wandering through this lonely vale ? Know'st thou not 'tis full of danger, And will not thy courage fail ? HYMN 123. 165 CHORUS. No ! I'm'bound tor the kingdom, Will you go to glory with me ? Htaielujah, oh! haflelujah, I am bound, i^c. praise ye the Lord. 2 Pilirrim thou hast justly call'd me, Passing through tiiis waste so wide ; But no harm will e'er befal me, While I'm bless'd with such a guide. 3 Such a guide ! no guide attends thee, Thence for thee my fears ari^e ; If some guardian power attends thee, •Tis unseen by mortal eyes. 4, Tis unseen, but still believe me, Such a guide my steps atteud ; HelH,. in ev'ry strait relieve me, Ho Will guide me to the end. 6 Pilgrim, see that stream before thee— T5?.rklv winding through the vale ; Should its deadly waves roll o'er thee, Would not then thy courage fail ? No, I'm bound, &c. 6 No. th.it stream has nothing frightful, To its brink my steps I'll bend j 166 HYMN 129 Thence to plunge 'twill be delightful, Then my pilgrimage will end. 7 Whilst I gaz'd with sight Burprising, Down the stream she plung'd from sight — Gazing still — I saw her rising Like an angel cloth'd with lijjht. 8 Cease, my heart, this mourning, crying, Christ will burst this sullen gloom } Soon my spirit, flutt'ring, flying, Will be borne beyond the tomb j For I'm bound, &.c. HYMN 129— 8 & 7. O'ER the gloomy hills of darlwress Look my soul, with wonder g^e, All the promises do travail With a glorious day of grace : Blessed Jubilee, Let thy glorious morning dawn. 2 Let the Indian, let the negro, Let the rude barbarian see That divine and glorious conquest. Once obtain'd on Calvary : Let the gospel Fill the world with joy and praisa. HYMN ISO. 167 S May the glorious day approaching From Egyptain darkness, dawn. And the everlasting gospel Spread abroad thy Holy Name, All the borders Of the great Emmanuel's land. 4 Fly abroad, thou mighty Saviour, Win and conquer never cease ; May thy lastinsr, wide dominion Multiply and still increase : Sway thy sceptre, Saviour,' all the world around. HYxMN 130,— L. M. Not ashamed of Jesus. ESUS ! and shall it ever be, A mortal D)an asham'd of thee! Asham'd oi thee whom ang;els praise, Whose glories shine through endless days ! 2 Asham'd of Jesns! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star ; He sheds the beam of light divine, O^er this benighted soul of mine. 5 Asham'd of Jesus ! just as soon Lei midnight be ashamM of noon ] 168 HYMN 131. 'Tis midnight with my soul till he, Bright mornings star, bids darkness flee, 4 Asham'd of Jesus I that dear frend, On whom my hopes of heaven depend! No I when 1 blush, be this my ribame, That I no more revere his name. fi Asham'd of Jesus ! yes I may, When I've no guilt to wash a way; No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quell, no soul to save. 6 Till then, nor is my boasting vain, Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And O may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamM of me. 7 His institutions I will prize, Take up the cross, the shame despisi ; Dare to defend his noble cause, And yield obedience to his laws. c HYMM 131.— S. M. OME ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known HYMN 131. 169 Join in a song; of sweet accord And thus surround (he throne, ^ Let sorropi's of Ihe mind Be banish'd from the place ; Religion never wag design''d. To make our pleasures less. 3 Let those now learn to sing;, Who never knew our God ; And favVites of the heav'cly Kin* Should speak their joys abroad. 4 The God who rules on high, And thunders when he please, Who rides upon the stormy sky, And manages the seas. 5 This pow'rful God is ourp, Our Father and our love ; He will send down his heav'nly pow'n To carry us above. 6 There we shall see his face, And never, never sin, There from the rivers of his grace. Drink endless pleasures in. 170 HYMN 132. 7 Yes and before we rise, To that iininortal state, The thoug;hts of such amazing. bliss, Should constant joys create. 8 The men of grace have found, Glory beg'un below, Celestial fruits on earthly ground. From faith and hope may grow. 9 The hill of Zion yields, A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach Ihe heav'nly fields, Or walk the golden streets. 10 Then let our son^s abound, And evVy tear be dry ; [ground We're marchins; thro' Immanuel's To fairer worlds on high. HYMN 132.— L. M. THERE seems a voice in every Sfale, A tongue in every opening flower, Which tell,=,r)rjord,the vvond'rous tale Of thy indulgence, love and power. HYMN 133. 171 2 The birds that rise on quiverlns: wme;s, Appear to hymn their Maker's praise And all the mingling sounds of spring, To thee a general paean raise. 3 And shall my voice, ^reat God alone, Be mute, midst nature's loud acclsim? No, let my heart with answering tone. Breathe forth, in praise, thy holy name 4 All nature's debt is small to minp, Thou bads't her bt-ing- bounded be, But, matchless proof of love divine ! Thou gav'st immortal life to me. HYMN 133— L. M. For Fourth of July. AIL day of Freedom ! let the beam Of joy be bright on every brow ; Let songs swell out o'er hill and stream, And banners wave in gladness now. H 2 For Bunker's height no more is red, Nor Monmouth's plains with heroea strown ; Peace o'er our land her wings hath spread, And Freedom claims it as her own. 172 HYMN 134. 3 Great God ! through whom the i^weak ar« strong; The simple wise, the trampled free, Thy temple gates to-day we throng. To raise our grateful hymns to Thee. 4 Yet, Lord, though slavery's chain is rent, The baser thrall of sin remains ; I And many a knee to her is bent, And willing millions wear her chains. 5 O be her cruel bondage riven, And our R.edeeraer's reign succeed ; Thus grant us, Lord, the peace of heaven, And let our land be " free indeed." HYMN 134.— L. M. GO preach ray Goepel,saith tke Lord, Bid the world my grace receive, He shall be sav'd that trusts raj word; He siiall be damn'd that wout believe. 2 I'll make yourgfreat commi«.sion known And ye shall prove my Go?pel true, By all the works that 1 have done, By all the wonders ye shall do. HYMN 135. 173 3 Teach all the nations my eotnmands ; •' Vm with you till the 'world shall end, All powV is trusted in my har>d=, i can destroy, and I defend." HYMN 135.— L.M. J'ESUS shall reign where'er the sun, Does his succeasive journeys ruf> ; His kiDg;dom spreads from shore to shore. ■ Till moons shall ^vax and wane no more. 2 From north to south thf? princes roeet, To pay their homag-e at his feet ; While western empires own theiiLord And savage tribes attend his word. 3 To him shall endles- prayV be made, And endlers praises crown his head ; Hia name like sweet perfuuie shall rise VVilh ev'ry mornirig; sacrifice. 4 People and realms of ev'ry tongue, Dwell on his love with sweetest son^j, And infant voices shall proclaim, Their early blessings on his name. 174 HYMN 138. HYMN 136.— C. M. HEPKERDS rejoice,1ift np your eyes And send your fears away, News from the regions of the skies — A Saviour's born to-day. " Jesus, the God whom angels fear, Corns s down to dwell with you ; To day he makes his entrance here, But not as nionarchs do. 3 " No gold, nor swaddling bands, Nor royal shining- things ; A manner tor his cradle stands; And holds the King of Kin^s. 4 *• Go shepherd?, where the infant lies, And see his humble throne ; . Wi'h tears of joy in all yovir eyes Go, shepherds, kiss the Son." 5 Thus Gabriel sang:,and straight around The heav'nly armies throng ; They tune their harps to lofty sound And thus conclude the soug. HYMN 137. 175 6 " Glory to God that reigns above, Let peace surround the <=.arth ; ^: ortals shall know their Maker's love, At their Redeemer's birth." 7 Lord! and shall angels hare their soDg^ And men no tunes to raise ? O may we lose these useless tongues When we forget to praise ! 8 G'ory to God that reigns above, That pify'd us forlorn ; We join to ?ing our Maker's love, For there's a Saviour born. HYMN 137.— C. M. HILE shepherds -watch'd their flocks by night, All seated (^n the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around, 2 "F'-ar not," said he (for mighty dread I^ad seiz'd their troubled mind ;) ''Glsd tidings of great joy I bring To jou and all mankind. 176 HYMN 138. 3 " To you in David "*3 town, this day, Is born of David^s line, The Saviour who is Clifist the Lord; And this shall be the sigo. 4 "Tiie heavenly babe 5'ou there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrappM in swathing bands And in a manger laid." 5 Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith Appeared a shining- throng Of angels praising God on high. And thus addresaM their song, 6 "All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace ; Good-will henceforth froai heav^i to men Betfln and never cease. HYMN 13C.— C. xM. NCE more my soul the riging day Salutes thy waking eyes ; Oiice more my voice, thy tribute pay To ilim that rules the skie.s. HYMN 139. 177 2 Night unto night his name repeats, i'he day renews the sound ; Wide as the heavens on which he sits To turn the eassons round. 3 'Tis He supports my mortal frame ; IVly tongue shall speak his praise; My sius might rouse his wrath to flame But yet his wrath delays. 4 O Go'.i: let all my hours be thine, Whilst I enjoy the light; Then shall my sun in smiles decline. And bring a pleasing night. HYMN 139.— C. M. LOR,D,thou wilt hear me when I pray, 1 am for ever thine, I fc-ar before thee all the day, Nor would I dare to .sin. 2 And while I rest my weary head. From cares and business free, 'Ti'' sweet conversing on ray bed With my own heart and thee. 3 I pay this evening sacrifice ; And when my work is done, 12 il78 ^HYMN 140. Great God, my faith and hope reliea Upon thy grace alone. 4 Thus, with my thoughts composed to peace, V\\ give mine eyes to sleep • Thy hand in safety keeps my days, And will my slumbers keep. HYMN 140.— L. M. SWEET is the work, my God, my King, To praise thy name, give thanksdz- sing! To show thy love by morning light. And talk of all thy truth by night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest No mortal cares shall seize my breast, O may my heart in tune be found. Like David's harp of solemn sound I 3 When grace has purlfi'd my heart, Then I shall share a glorious part, And fresh supplies of joy are shed, Like holy oil to cheer my head. 4 Then shall I see, and hear, and know All I desir'd or wish'd below ; And ev'ry hour find sweet employ, In that eternal world of joy. HYMN 141 & 142. 11^'- HYMN 141 —?. M. ELCOMEcvveet day of rest,. Tliat saw the Lord arise: Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes; I w 2 The king himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day ; Here wt may tit and see him here^ And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day in such a plrice Wiiere thou, my God, art 5pen, Is swreterlhan ten thousand dajs, Of pleasurable sin. 4 My willing" soul would stay In such a frame as this. And sit and sing hf-rself away, 1 o everlasting bliss. HYMN 142.— CM. THAT awful day will surely come, Th' appointed hour makes haste. When I must stand before my jadge And pass the solemn test. 180 HYMN 143. 2 Jesus, thou source of all my jojs, Thou ruler of ray heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice, Pronounce the sound, '' depart !" 3 The ihunder of that awful word, Would so torment my ear, 'Twould tear my soul asunder Lord, 4 What, to be banishVl froni my Lord, And yet forbid to die 1 To linsjer in eternal pain. And death forever fly. 5 O wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove, And fix my doleful stntion where I must not ta«te his love ? HYMN ]43.— CM. Y God, the pprinj^ of all my joys, The life of my delight?, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights, HYMN 144. 181 2 In darkest shades, if thou appt^tsr, My dawnin? is becjun ; Thou art my fouI's bright morning star, And thou ray risiiig sun. 3 The op'ning heavens around me shine With beauis of sacred hlis.«, If Jesus show his mercy mine, And whisper I am his. 4 My soul would leave this heavy claj, A( that transportirie^ word, Riin up with joy the shining way' To see and praise my Lord, 5 Fearless of hell and g-hastly death, I'd break tliroup.h every foe ; The wings of love and arms of faifh Would bear me ccnqnVor tlnough, , HYMN 144.— L. M. Dedication Hymn. F old, O Lord, by cliff or stream. In jrlfD or mount, thy name was |:>rais''d, ('rf-alionV'- works Ihc primal theme Of Shepherds, as lohtavtn they g;az'd. I8f HYMN 144. 2 A nobler 9on^ 'twas their's (o raia^, Froai Judah^s plains and B^ilhlehem's hills— Tfje star prophetic meets thfir sjaz'^, Th' ang^elic shout t4ieir chorus fills. 3 'Mpsus the Son of God is born T" A Saviour live?, to rule find bless — To cheer the faiulinj^ and forlorn And lead in paths of righteousness. 4 That Chri<;t is ours — his word our guide; His brijht exnmple be our aim ; — 1 he life he lived, thp dealh he died, Circle with grace the Chiulian uaiae 6 Not ours, our Heavenly Father's will, i^imiy to re^l in nature's frame- Not our? to worship on the hill, Or in the vale, by cliff or stream. 6 The Word Divine iowsh i^iven — To UP a Messenger is sent — This day records in slirlit of Hcdven The holy titia we here cemaut. HYMN 145. !»• 7 Teach us in mutual love to live, In bolj faith and heavenly joy ; Help us, O God, at once to give Our willing minds to thine emj)^/. 8 Aid us at last — our duty done — Our hopes all brieht—onr bouIs serene Calmly to meet life's setting sun, And triumph in earth's closing scene. HYMN 145.- H. M. HARK ! hark I— the notes of joy Roll o'er the heav'niy plains, And seraphs find employ For their sublimest strains ; Some new delight in heav'n is known; Loud sing the harps around the throne. 2 Hark ! FTark ! the sounds drav? nigk, The joyful host descend ; Jesus forsakes the sky, To earth l:is footsteps bend : He comes to bless our fallen race ; He comes with messages of 3 Bear, bear the tidings rour : Let every mortal know What love in God is founds 184 HYMN 146 & 147. What pity be can show ; [roll, Ye winds that blow, ye waves ihat Bear the glad ecws from pole to pole. 4 Strike, strike the harps again, To great ImmanuePs name ; Arise, ye sous of men, And all his grace proclaim ; Angels and men, wake ev'ry string, 'Tis God, the Saviour's praise we sing. ASCRIPTIONS 4- BENEDICTIONS. HYMN 146.— L. M. FROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise ! Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. Unceasing are thy mercies, Lord ! Unchanging truth attends thy word ; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. H HYMx\ 147.— S. M. OS ANN AH to the Son Of David and of God, HYMN 148 & 149. 185 Who brought the news of pardon down, 'Aud bought it with his blood. 2 To Christ th" anointed King Be endless blessings giv"n 3 Let the whole earth his glories sing, . W'^ho made our peace with heav'a. HYMN 148.— L. M. T>RAISE God, from whom all blessings JL flow, ^ Praise him, all creatures here below ; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. HYMN149.— 8&7s. LORD ! dismiss us with thy blessing, Hope and comfort from above ; O mi^t each, thy peace possessing, Trflimph in redeeming love. 2 Thanks we give and adoration. For thy gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound. INDEX OF FIRST LINES. PAGE. Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near 118 A fountain in Jesus which runs always 153 All ye who stand on Zion's hill 156 All hail the power of Jesus' name 38 Alas ! and did my Saviour bleed 42 Angels ! roll the rock away s 41 Arise, my soul ! to Pisgah's height 145 Art thou to seriousness inclined ^ 112 Arise, my soul ! shake off thy flw's 64 As near to Calvary I pass 4 At anchor laid remote from home 97 \wake, my soul, to hymns of praise 87 Awake, my soul, shake off the dream - 31 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve 6a B Before Jehovah's awful throne 108 Blest is the man, who shuns the place 68 Broad is the road that leads to death 6i> INDEX. 187 C Call'd to a sense of duty ^ Celestial worlds I your Maker's name 109 Christ hath a table richly spread 123 Come all ye sons of Zion 92 Come all ye weary travellers 150 Come brethren let us join and sing 130 Come let us anew 21 Come, my brethren, let us try 110 Come, thou fouut of every blessing 72 Come ye that love the Lord 168 D Daniel's wisdom may I know 19 Dark and thorny is the desert 5 Did Christ o'er sinners weep 97 F Far from mortal cares retreating 89 Farewell dear friends, I must be gone 103 Father o£ mercies ! in thy word 95 Father oF our feeble race 155 From all that dwell below the skies 184 From Greenland's icy mountains 61 From the regions of love 135 From whence doth this union arise 66 G Glory to God that I have found 119 Go preach niy Gospel, saith the Lord 172 Go, ye herald's of salvation 36 Grateful notes and numbers bring 99 188 INDEX. Hail; day of Freedom ! let the beam 171 Hail, everlasting spring 117 Hail, heavenly love, that first began 93 Hail ! mighty Jesus ! how diviae 47 Hail the day that sees him rise 96 Hail! thou "blest morn 17 Hail ye hosts of Seraph's bright 33 Hail ye sighing sons of sorrow IGl Hark ! hark ! the notes of joy 183 Hark ! the voice of love and mercy 13 Hark ! what celestial sounds 63 Have we all here met again ^ 20 High in the heavens, eternal God 80 How are thy servants bless'd O Lord I5z How happy is the pilgrim's lot 78 How palnfullv pleasing the fond 100 Humility, that heavenly grace 124 Hosannah to the Son 1S4 I I'll sing a song which doth belong 133 In de dark wood, no Indian nigh 54- Inspirc my heart, inflame my tongue 158 I've listed in the holy war 15 J Jerusalem, my happy home 3 Jesus ! and shall it ever .be 167 Jesus, at thy command 13^ Jesus, lover of my soul '6 JesuB shall reign where'er the sun 173 INDEX. 189 Let coward guilt, with pallid fear 58 Let thy kingdom, blessed vSaviour 115 Let us rise and go to Zion's hill 29 Let party names no more 32 Life is the time to serve the Lord 67 Lift up your hearts to things above 14 Lo ! he comes, with clouds descending 59 Lord dismiss us with thy blessing 185 Lord ! in the morning thou shalt hear 9 Lord of the worlds above 105 Lord; thou wilt hear me when I pray 177 M My dearest friends, in bonds of love 163 My dear Redeemer, and my Lord 48 My God, the spring of all my joya 190 N Not all the blood of beasts 45 Now in a song of grateful praise 106 O Of old, O Lord, by cliff or stream 131 O'er the gloomy hills of darkness 166 O for a closer walk with God 69 O (Tod of Bethel ! by whose hand 11 O happy soul that lives on high 149 O how happy are they 1S8 Once more my soul the rising day 176 O thou that hear'ot the pray'r of faith 25 190 INDEX. O thou who rul'st the stormy deep 122 Our countr}' is immanuel's ground 9 P Perpetual source of light and grace 147 Praise God from whom all blessings 186 R Rise, my soul ! and stretch thy wings 77 S Salvation ! O, the joyful sound 84 Saw ye my Saviour ! Saw 7 See the leaves around us falling 60 Shepherds rejoice, lift up ypur eyes 164 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands 81 Sing ye redeemed of the Lord 113 Since Jesus freely did appear 125 Sinners, take the friendly warning B5 Sinners, will you scorn the message 98 Sweet is the work, my God, my King 178 Sweet was the time when first I felt 74 T That awful day will surely come 179 The day is pass'd and gone 102 The Lord into his garden comes 60 The Lord my pasture shall prepare S3 *rhe spacious firmament on high 85 The won'drous love of Jesua 137 The voice of free grace 24 INDEX. 191 There is a God — all nature epreaks 11 There is a fountain fill'd with blood 46 There is a land of pure delight ' 144 There seems a voice in every gale 170 This feast was Jesus' high behest 54 This is the feast of hcav'nly v.iae 12 This world is all a fleeting show 52 Thou dear Redeemer, dying Lamb 143 'Tis a point I long to know £5 'Tis from afar the Lord beholds 159 'Tis midnight — and on Olive's brow 43 To leave my dear friends 120 U Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb 62 V Vital spark of heav'nly flame 22 W Wandering pilgrims, mourning christians 90 Welcome delightful morn 134 Welcome sweet day of rest 179 We wander in a thorny maze - "27 What heavenly music do I hear 73 When all thy mercies, O my GoA 86 W^hen from the verge of yout^ 66 When I can read my title c'' .ir 132 When marshall'd on the.i^^j^htly plain 44 When morn awakes our hearts 122 When shall we three meet again 71 When Terdure clothes the fertile vale 126 192 INDEX. While Shepherds watch'd their flocks 175 While with ceaseless course the sun 28 Whilst thee I seek, protecting pow'r 49 Whither goest thou pilgrim stranger 164 Y Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough 127 Ye virgins of Jesus arise 114 Young people all attention give 140 ^ ^ // u '1 1 ^ /^ / . / fi> CO o ;:<.vj fs ON pS ■^ ^^ td^ ^ o M n eg ^ • o to o'H ^ I— I ^ o rp O ^ to a" 3 n (T) OP "I 00 ;> ^ ^-^I^^ ?^ 3 re rD to X fO 3 ^ "^ S O 17) o o" ME , Fii with ent 'O 3 § n ^X O l-H I"*", 5^5 ^O Lnc Hi. X Mess on, A nicate ubjec 5" age pril :d b t of :t.2-too p" ^^9=^ o' n> ^ ^3 OOO) (/) n -f^ . X ^?°hj CD yj*'