8r f |TI «> *■- LIBRARY ©hcjjlogifiU PRlNCETOy, X. J No. Case, No. Shelf, No. Book, ■ -N-o. From the Rev. W. B. SPRAGUE, D.D. Sept. 1839. Bprg(>gue Collection. VoL : Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/orationdelivered00frel_1 delivered XT PRZKCETON, NZrW JE&SEir^ NOV. 19, 1824. BEFORE THE SftosSersea ©olo«4a«on Soctetu, . BY THE UOjYOURABLE / THEODORE FREUnrGBUYSElV. Ertnteton JJrcsa: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY D. A. BORRENSTEIN. 1884 . w Muh- .v?^^,'ifa5^Lwrtr .T?oT-’^*5i:na^: . 3 f; Ii 0 )irn:j 5 « 0 l 0,3 •V; '•.; ■ - • ' V >. ' /a -„^ J >. . > V. .'V^ ■«' ,i5r.«rsg'tna.i faii.i~:i::^i; S5isic-«a:c ,.;n;v €) r^j'. :*f L' »■ : o.aYjJl': mivuVits .. ■>' it J ■ ■r; Hi,**:: H :V . ^ .i:- IN pursuance of a call made by the Board of Managers, a Meeting of the (jlTolOiltjatlOU was held on the \^th instant^ in the borough of prince- ton, on which occasion the hon. theodore frelinghuysen delivered the following ORATIOXJ. EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SOCIETY. On Motion of the rev. dr. Alexander, seconded by the REV. DR. MILLER, HESOLVEB, That the thanks of the Society be presented to the Hon. Mr. Frelinghuysen for his eloquent Address, and that he be requested to furnish the Society with a copy for publication. >■ .i r ' ■ *7; M ^^ V -V ■ i' ‘;; , f r"' '■ ■■ ^:' .- . x{i^ 4< * 'f c.' -■ V-- ,->• -i> i ' ■ -. - ' 'I;'-’ -V-.i^ . ^ E^ ,.^ irtihE?-*' «'j% ’ « • * ' - ' '-jV /■ ,'. i,. ' {)' ,:.p;^|jPi}^3ir; ', ■' t ‘‘♦i li> ■ v»' 'K* \iitj^s4 ' /it* i V.A t . i Jf ^ <* ‘ ^ ' ^. .41111*5;^ 'U ■ i'i .'ir’-,‘'i)t:: ' '■' * */ .-i^''. ' " ‘^' . v'/,' ifc *!aW If** »n *■ ' ^ 3 . \v . . • fi 1 Vy ^ ewytivb^ V\\ 1*^'* - ■ ■ '‘i -» ■4^'. V* . /. Ar’K v;; . /Y