COUNCILS 111 ECCLESIASTICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: Edited, after Spelman and Wilkins, ARTHUR WEST HADDAN, B. D, Honorary Canon of Worcester, WILLIAM STUBBS, M. A. Regins Professor of Modern History, FOR.^fERLV FELl.OJrS OF TRIXITY COLLEGE, OXFORD. VOL. 11. PART II, AT THE CLARENDON PRESS U DCCC LXXVIII ,^: BR 741 .H33 1869 2:2 Haddan, Arthur West, 1816- 1873, Councils and ecclesiastical ^ documents relating to Grealj COUNCILS ECCLESIASTICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. VOL. II, PART 11. iloiiI)on MACMILLAN AND CO. PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITI' OF (DifotO COUNCILS ECCLESIASTICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND Edited, after SpeLman and Wilkins, ARTHUR WEST 'HADDAN, B. D. Honorary Canon of Worcester, AND WILLIAM STUBBS, M. A. Regius Professor of Modern History, FORMERLY FELLOIVS OF TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORD. VOL. II. PART II. ©xfottr AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC LXXVIH \_All rights reserved ] VIII. Church of Ireland; Memorials of S.Patrick. x> '"'^"■gicvn f/Offr-ICIol NOTICE. Five years have now elapsed since Mr. Arthur Haddan's death, and the prospect of completing this portion of the work on the plan which he adopted, is as distant as ever. I have therefore recommended the Delegates of the Clarendon Press to issue the following sheets, which contain the matter introductory to the History of the Irish Church, and which constitute all the materials which had been prepared for publication when the work was broken off. The documentary remains of S. Patrick are, as it is believed, here given in their integrity; and no labour was spared in collating the MSS. which furnished the text. WILLIAM STUBBS. Oxford, Apn7 3, 1878. CONTENTS, A.D. 350— II 75- 350—440. c. 350- 415, 416. Before 431. 431- 440—665. 440-543- Before 493. 440 X 493. Before 448. VIII. The Church of Ireland from the Beginning until the English Conquest ......... Period the First. Christians in Ireland or of Irish birth, before S.Patrick Mansuetus first bishop of Toul Cselestius the Pelagian .... Christians in Ireland before Palladius . Abortive Mission of Palladius to Ireland Periods II, III, IV. Introductory . Catalogus Sanctorum Hibemise (c. A.D. 750) Period the Second. S. Patrick and the first order LiBRi Sancti Patrich .... I. Confessio Sancti Patricii II. Epistola Sancti Patricii .... The Lorica of S. Patrick .... Hymn of S. Sechiiall in praise of S. Patrick Appendix A. Canons attributed to S. Patrick I. Synod of S. Patrick, Auxilius and Isserninus II. Single Canons . III. Canons of a Second Synod Extracts from the Ancient Laws of Ireland, called Senchus Mor, relating to the Church . of Irish Saints. B. 289 2»9 290 290 292 292 295 296 314 320 324 328 328 331 333 339 COUNCILS GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. VIII. THE CHURCH OF IRELAND FROM THE BEGINNING UNTIL THE ENGLISH CONQUEST, A.U. 35o(?)-ii75- Period \.— Before S. Patrick, a.d. 350 (?)-440 (?)• Ad Scotos in Christum credentes ordinatus a Papa Ccelestino Palladius primus Episcopus mittitur. [Prosper., Chron. in an. 431 (A.D. 455 x 463)-] Period 11.—^. Patrick, and the first Order of Irish Saints, a.d. 44o(?)-543- Quem Deus misit ut Paulum ad Gentes Apostolum. [S. Secundin., Hymn, in Laudem S. Patricii, v. 27 (shortly before A.D. 448).] Period III. — -S". Columba; Gildas ; the Second Order of Irish Saints. AD. 543-599- Hi ritum celebrandi missam acceperunt a Sanctis viris de Britannia, scilicet a Sancto David, a S. Gilda, et a S. [Cajdoco. [Catal. Ord. SS. in Hihernia (c. A.d. 750).] Period IV. — The Third Order of Irish Saiftts. Easter Disputes. Missions. a.d. 599-665. Roma errat ; Hierosolyma errat ; Alexandria errat ; Antiochia errat ; totus mundus errat : soli tantum Scoti et Britones rectum sapiunt ! [Cvmmian., Epist. ad Segitn. (A.D. 634).] Period V. — Termination of Easter Disputes. Missions, a.d. 665-795. Hibernia insula Scottorum Sanctis viris plena habetur. [INIarian. Scot., in an. 674 (A.D. 1086).] Period VI. — Northman Invasions. Irish Teachers abroad, a.d. 795-1014. Quid Hiberniam memorem, contempto pelagi discrimine, pene totam, cum grege philosophorum, ad littora nostra migrantem? [Erric. Autis- sioD., Prf. ad V. S. Germani {c. A.D. 881).] Period VII. — Ostmen in Ireland Christianized. Canterbury c/ai?n over Irish Bishoprics. Settlement of Diocesan Episcopacy in Irelatid. a.d. 1014-1152. Cantuariensis Ecclesia, toiius Anglige, Scotise, et Hibernia), nccnon adja- ccntium insularum muter. [Eadmer, Hist. Nov., I. (A.D. 1122).] Period VIII. — Subjection of Ireland. Irish Church remodelled after the English pattern, a.d. i i 5 2 - i i 7 5 . Insulas omncs [Papai] sibi speciali quodam jure respiciunt. [Gir. Cambr., llihcrn. Expugnat. II. 6; 0pp. V. 320 (c. A.D. 1189).] CHURCH OF IRELAND FROM THE BEGINNING UNTIL THE ENGLISH CONQUEST, A.D. 35o(?)-ii76. PERIOD THE FIRST. CHRISTIANS IN IRELAND OR OF IRISH BIRTH, BEFORE S. PATRICK. A.D. 35o(?)-44o(?)- c. A.D. 350 (?). Mansuetus first Bishop of Toulj an Irish Scot *. Acta Tullens. Episc— Mansuetus primus TuUensium Episcopus .... nobili Scotorum genere oriundus. [ap. Martene et Durand.^ Thes. Nov. III. 991.] Adso, V. Mansueti [end of 10th century] : — Inclyta Mansueti claris natalibus orti Progenies titulis fulget in orbe suis : Insula Christicolas gestabat Hibernia gentes ; Unde genus traxit, et satus inde fuit. \ap. Ussher, De Antiq. Brit. Eccl.^ XVI. ^ Works ^ FL 279.] » So likewise Adso's prose Life of S. Man- was also the name of the first known Breton suetus {Bosqtiet, Hist. Eccl. Gallic. I. ii. 23, Bishop, A.D. 461 (see above, p. 72). And sq.). See also Ussher (as above, pp. 296, sq.), Dr. Reeves notes, that it is given as the Calmet {Dissert, prefixed to Hist. Eccl. et Civ. Latin equivalent for Fethgna in the Martyr, de Lorraine, p. xxvii., and Preuves, p. 86), Donegal, p. 4}'/. Todd {S. Patrick, pp. 193, 194). Mansuetus A.D. 415, 416. C^lestius the Telagian an Irish Scof^. PoRPHYRlUS [c. A.D. 415], ap. Hieron. ad Ctesiph. [Opp., IV. ii, 481 ; as quoted above in vol. i. p. 12]. Hieron., Comment, in Jerem.^ Trolog. [c. A.D. 416]. — Ut nuper indoctus calumniator erupit, qui Commentarios meos in Epistolam Pauli ad Ephesios reprehendendos putat. Nee intelligit, nimia VOL. II. u 290 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period I. [christians in IRELAND BEFORE S. PATRICK.] stertens vecordia, leges Commentariorum Nee recordatur stoli- dissimus, et Scotorum pultibus prcegravatus, nos in ipso opere dixisse, Noil damus digamos, immo nee trigamos, nee, si fieri possit, octo- gamos. [0pp., HI. 527.] Id. iL Lil?. HI.., Fr£f. [c. A.D. 416]. — Ipseque [diabolus] mutus latrat per Alpinum canem, grandem et corpulentum, et qui calcibus magis possit saevire quam dentibus. Habet enim progeniem Scoticse gentis, de Britannorum vicinia: qui juxta fabulas poetarum, instar Cerberi, spirituali percutiendus est clava, ut seterno cum suo magistro Plutone silentio conticescat. [Opp. HI. 586.] •'' It seems the simplest interpretation of was a Christian before he quitted Ireland is S. Jerom's words to refer them to Pelagius' left uncertain. He wrote " ad parentes suos coadjutor Cselestius. Pelagius himself is called de monasterio," while still a young man a Briton by all authorities (S. Augustine, Pro- {Gennad.); but it may be almost certainly sper, Marius Mercator, Orosius, Gennadius). taken for granted that the monastery in ques- S. Jerom speaks of a " Scot" from the " neigh- tion was not in Ireland, bourhood of the Britons." Whether Caelestius Before A.D. 431. Christians in Ireland before Falladius, hut Ireland as a country still 'Pagan a. Prosper Aquitan., Ckron. in an. 431. [A.D. 455 x 463].— Ad Scotos in Christum credentes ordinatus a Papa Caelestino Palladius primus Episcopus mittitur. \Opp. I. 401, Bassani.^ Id., Cont. Collat. XXL [c. A.D. 432].— Ordinate Scotis Episcopo, dum Romanam insulam [Caelestinus] studet servare Catholicam, fecit ctiam barbaram Christianam. [lb. L 197.] " S. Jerom also {Adv. Jovin. II.) speaks of BpiTavviKhs vqaovs in the plural as Christian seeing in Gaul, when a very young man, (see above, vol. I. pp. lo, ii) at the end of " Scotos gentem Britannicam humanis vesci the 4th century. For Irish native legends of carnibus." Little stress can be laid on S. Irish Christianity before S. Patrick, see note » Chrysostom's words, who thrice speaks of tou to the ne.xt article. A.D. 431. Abortive Mission of Palladius to Ireland'-^. Prosper Aquitan. [as in last article]. V. S. Patricii [earlier than A.D. 807 ; prob. c. A.D. 700].— Certe enim erat, quod Palladius, Archidiaconus Papae Ca^lestini urbis Romx Episcopi, qui tunc tenebat sedem Apostolicam quadragesimus quintus a Sancto Petro Apostolo, ille Palladius ordinatus et missus fuerat ad hanc insolam sub brumali rigore possitam convertendam. Sed prohibuit ilium, quia nemo potest accipere quicquam de terra .A.D.350(?)-440(?)] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 291 [christians in IRELAND BEFORE S. PATRICK.] nisi datum ei fuerat de coelo. Nam neque hii feri et immites homines facile reciperunt doctrinam ejus, neque et ipse voluit trans- egere tempus in terra non sua ; sed reversus ad eum qui misit ilium. Revertente vero eo hinc, et primo mari transito, coeptoque terrarum itenere, Britonum finibus vita factus [/eg. functus]. [Book of Armagh., fol. 2. a. ^.b] '^ The Vita Secunda of S. Patrick, c. 23 (Colgan, Tr. Thaum. p. 13), makes Palladius die " in Pictavorum iinibus," meaning " Pic- torum," and at Fordun. Tlie Armotatiotis of Tirechan on the Life of S. Patrick {Book of Armagh, fol. 16. a. a), state, that Palladius was also called Patrick, and that " martyrium passus est apud Scottos," i. e. in Ireland. The Scholia on Fiacc's Hymn {Colg. Tr. Th. p. 5) take him expressly to Fordun (see above, in vol. I. p. 18). And the balance of evideace, such as it is, seems in favour of modern as against ancient Scotland, as the locality of his death or martyrdom. See Todd's S. Patrick, pp. 286-306; and Bp. Forbes, Calendars of Scottish Saints, pp. 427-430. The same Vita Secunda (c. 24, Colg. Tr. Th. p. 13), which is conjecturally dated c. A.D. 900, adds some particulars of his Irish proceedings, as that he landed among the Hy Garchon (in County Wicklow), built there three (wooden, so IV. Mag.) churches (which are named), and left, when he withdrew, some relics of SS. Peter and Paul and others, and a copy of the Old and New Testaments, which Pope Caelestine had given him, together with the tablets on which he himself used to write. •> The chief claim, of Irish origin, for the existence of an Irish Church before Palladius and S. Patrick, is in the eleventh century legends respecting the four Irish Munster Bishops, SS. Kieran, Ailbe. Declan, and Ibar, accepted by Colgan (Tr. Th. p. 250), and not rejected by Ussher {Antiq. Brit. Eccl. XVI.; Works, VI. 332, 342-348), but which Dr. Todd (S. Patrick, pp. 198-221') conclusively refutes ; some of these bishops being connected, in fact, with the Second Order of Irish Saints, and all of them dying in years between A.D. 500 and A.D. 600. The fourth of them, Ibar, is connected with S. Brigit by the Litany of Aengus the Culdee, and by the hymn attri- buted to S. Brigit herself; as quoted iu O'Curry's Lectures on Materials ofAnc. Irish Hist., App. CXXIV. pp. 615, 616. There are also one or two iadirect allusions in the legendary Lives of S. Patrick, which cannot bear much stress, although of ancient origin, e. g. the alleged discovery of an " altare mirabile lapideum in monte nepotuin Ailello," i. e. in a district of Co. Sligo {Bk. of Armagh, fol. 1 1 b. a), by S. Patrick; to which the Vi/a Tripart. II. 35 (^Colg. Tr. Th. p. 134) adds a " stone cave of wonderful workmanship," and " four glass chalices." See Todd {S.Palr. pp. 221-224). An allusion also occurs in the Book of Ar- magh (fol. 17 a. a), quoted by Dr. Petrie {Tara, p. 47, in Trans, of Royal Irish Acad., vol. xviii.), to a church of S. Colinan at " Cluain Cain in Achud," which that Bishop gave over to S. Patrick, and which is pre- sumed therefore to have been founded before S. Patrick came. That Sedulius, the Christian poet of the 5th century, was a Scot, rests solely upon his name { = Siudhul or Siadhal, and supposed to be modernized into " Shiel "), and upon a confusion between him and two others of the same name who were undoubtedly Scots, viz. the Bishop Sedulius of the Roman Council of A.D. 721, and the author of the Commentary on S. Paul's Epistles (see Art. Sedulius in Smith's Diet, of Ancient Biography). Cathal- dus, Bishop of Tarentum, was certainly an Irish Scot, but he lived in the 7th century at the earliest (see Todd, S. Pair. pp. 195, 196). The legend of Brynach the Irishman, who settled in Pembrokeshire or Brecknock early in the 5th century {Lives of Welsh SS., pp. I, sq.; Rees, Welsh SS., 150, 156), hardly deserves mention. 292 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Periods II-IV. [catalogue of IRISH SAINTS.] PERIODS II, III, IV, A.D. 440 (?)-665. {Introductory.) ANCIENT SKETCH OF THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE IRISH CHURCH*. Anon. [c. A.D. 750]. Incipit Catalogus ' Saytctorum - Hiherni^.^ secun- dum ^ diversa tempora b. First Order of Primus Ordo ^ Catholicorum Sanctorum erat in tcm- irish ^''""*^_^ pore Patricii. £t tunc erant Episcopi omnes, clari et 543- sancti et Spiritu Sancto pleni, '^CCCL. numero, Eccle- siarum fundatores. Unum Caput Christum®, et unum ducem Patri- cium, 'habebant; unam* missam, unam celebrationem, unam ton- suram ab aure usque ad aurem sufFerebant. Unum' Pascha, "quarta decima luna' post squinoctium vcrnale, celebrabant ; et quod ex- communicatum esset ab una Ecclesia, omnes excommunicabant. ^"Mulierum administrationem et consortia non respuebanf ; quia super petram Christi fundati, ventum tentationis non timebant. Hie Ordo Sanctorum per quaterna duravit regna ; hoc est, " pro tempore Laeogarii^-, et ^' Aila Muilt', et '•'Lugada fiiio Lseogarii', et ^^Tuathail. " Hi omnes Episcopi de Romanis ^ et Francis et Britonibus et Scotis exorti sunt'. Second Order Secuudus " ordo " CathoHcorum presbyterorum'. In of Irish Saints, hoc cnim " Ordine pauci erant Episcopi et multi pres- ^' ^^^' byteri, numero CCC. Unum Caput Dominum-" nostrum habebant'; -'diversas missas celebrabant', et diversas rcgulas" : unum Pascha quartadecima luna -'^post sequinoctium, unam tonsuram ab aure ad aurem'. -* Abnegabant mulierum administrationem, sepa- rantes eas a monasteriis'. Hie Ordo per quaterna adhuc regna dura- vit ; '^hoc est', ab extremis -"Tuathail, et per totum Diarmata Regis ' Ordinum, add. F. - in Hibernia, F. ^ divisa, F. * om. F. •'' quadringenti quinquaginta, F. * colentes, add. F. ' sequentes, F. ^ tonsuram habentes, et unam celebrationem niissae, et unum, F. "' scilicet, F. *"' Nee laicos nee foeminas de Ecclesiis re- pellebant, var. read, given by Ussber. ^' a, F. ■- filii Neil, qui regnavit XXXVII. annis, add. F. '^' Ailildi cognomento Molt, qui XXX. annis regnavit, F. '''' Lugadii, qui VII. reg- navit, F. *^ et hie Ordo Sanctorum usque ad tempora e.xtrema Tuathalii, cognomento Moel (larbh, duravit, F. ""'' Hi . . . sunt, om. F. et add., sancti Episcopi onmes permanserunt. " vcro, add. F. *'' Sanctorum talis erat, F. »* secundo, add. F. ^' colentes, F. *'' divcrsos celebraiidi ritus habebant, F. ^ vivendi, et, add. F. *^' celebrabant ; et hi uniformem tonsuram, scilicet ab aure usque ad aurem, faciebant, F. ^*' Mulierum quoque consortia ac administrationem fugiebant, aique a monasteriis suis eas e.xcludebant, F. -^ sci- licet, F. '-"^ Tuathalii cognomento Moel Garbh temporibus, et XXX. annos quibus Dermi- tius Mackearvail regnavit, et pro tempore quo duo nepotes Muredachi qui VII. annis regnave- runt, et pro tempore quo Aidus filius Anmirei qui XXX. annos regnavit, F. A.D.440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 293 [catalogue of IRISH SAINTS.] regnum, et duorum Muredaig nepotum, et ^do filii Ainmerech'. ' A Davide Episcopo et Gilla et a Doco Britonibus missam accepeiunt. Quorum nomina haec sunt' : ^ duo Finiani, duo Brendani, Jairlaithea Tuama, Comgallus, Coemgenus, Ciaranus, Columba, Cainecus, Eo- genius Mac Laisreus, Lugeus, Ludeus, Moditeus, Cormacus, Col- manus, Nesanus, Laisreanus, Barrindeus, Coemannus, Ceranus, Co- manus, [Endeus, vEdeus, Byrchinus,]' et alii multi ^ Third Order of Tcrtius Ordo Sanctorum erat talis. Erant *presby- AD ^66*^' ^^^^ sancti, et pauci Episcopi, numero centum: qui in ^ ^' locis desertis habitabant, ^et oleribus et aqua et elee- mosynis [^fidelium] vivebant, ^propria devitabant, et' diversas re- gulas et -missas habebant, et diversam'' tonsuram (^"alii enim habebant coronam, ^' alii csesariem), et ^- diversam solemnitatem Pas- chalem " (alii cnim "Resurrectionem XIV. luna^^ vel XVL, cum-- duris intentionibus', celebrabant). ^^Hi per ^^ quaterna regna " vixe- runt ; hoc est^ ^^^Eda Allain (qui tribus annis, -"pro cogitatione mala', tantum regnavit), et -' Domnail, et filiorum Mailcobi et ^da' S'aine" permixta tempora ; et' usque ad mortalitatem illam magnam ^- perduraverunt. ^* H^c sunt' nomina --' eorum : Petranus Episcopus, Ultanus Episcopus, Colmanus Episcopus, -*^ Murgeus Episcopus', ^da- nus Episcopus, '^'^ Lomanus Episcopus, Senachus Episcopus, — hi '^* sunt Episcopi -^ ; — et alii plures. Hi vero presbyteri : Fechinus presbyter, Airendanus, Failanus, ^"Comanus, ^^Commianus, Colmannus, Erna- nus, Cronanus; et alii ^^plurimi ^^ presbyteri. ^* Nota, quod primus Ordo erat ^^ sanctissimus ; secundus, "" sanctus sanctorum'; tertius, sanctus. Primus sicut sol in fervore claritatis calescit j secundus sicut luna pallescit ; tertius sicut aurora splen- descit. Hos tres Ordines beatus Patricius, superno oraculo edoctus, ^' Hi ritum celebrandi missam acceperunt a Sanctis viris de Britannia, scilicet a S. David, et a S. Gilda, et a S. Deco. Et horum nomina sunt hi ; scilicet, F. -' Finnianus, Endeus, Col- mannus, Congallus, j^deu?, Queranus, Columba, Brandanus, Bricyniiius, Cainnechus, Caimginus, Lasreanus, Lasreus, Lugeus, Barrideus, F. Lasreus is given as an alternative for Lasreanus, in the Cod. Salmanfic. ' qui erant de secundo gradu Sanctorum, add. F. * enim, add. F. ^ hi, F. * add. F. '' et omnia terrena contemnebant, et omnem susurrationem et detrac- tionem penitus evitabant. Hi, F. * diversos celebrandi ritus, F. ^ etiam, add. F. " aliqui, F. " aliqui, F. ^- hi, add. F. " habebant, add. F. " om. F. ^ ' alii Xni., F. i« Hie Ordo, F. '' quatuor, F. i« duravit, F. '» pro tempore Aidi, F. =«' o;«. F. -'' per tempora Moelcavse, et pro tempore Aidi, F. --' et hie Ordo, F. ^ duravit, F. ^*' Quorum, F. "' sunt hi, F. ^^' om. F. "' Lompnanus, F. ''" om. F. ^' omnes, add. F. '" om. F. '* Cumenianus, F. '- o?n. F. '' plures, F. ^*' The paragraph. Nolo . . . conspexit, stands thus in the earlier of the MSS. used by Ussher — Primus Ordo sanc- tissimus, secundus Ordo sanctior, tertius sanctus. Primus sicut sol ardescit, secundus sicut luna, tertius sicut stella. The text is here taken from Ussher's 2nd MS., and alludes to a vision of S. Patrick described in Jocelyn's Life. ^^ sanctus sanctissimus. F, ^''' sanctior, F. 294 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Periods II-IV.] [catalogue of misH saints.] intellcxit ; cum in visione ilia prophetica vidit totam Hiberniam flamma ignis replctam, deinde montes tantum ardere^ postea lucernas ardcre in vallibus conspexit. " Printed bv Ussher {Brif. Feci. Antiq. XVI., TlVyts/r/. 477-479), from two MSS., from the earlier of which he gives the first three paragraphs as above printed, and adds to the fourth its longer form from the other and later one. Another form of the same document was subsequently printed by Fle- ming (^Collect, pp. 430, 431) from another MS., of which the various readings are given here, marked F. There is a copy of it in the Codex Salmanlicensis, fol. 78 b. a (a MS. vol. of Lives of Irish Saints, in the Burgundian Library at Brussels) ; which was probably among Fleming's authorities, as its reariings .appear to agree almost exactly with his : if we may judge by an extract kindly communi- cated by Dr. Reeves. It appears to have been appended to MS. Lives of SS. Keranus and Fiimianus. O'Conor {Rer. Hib. Script/. II. 163-165) reprints it after Fleming: and Dr. Todd (S. Patrick, pp. 88, 89) translates it from Ussher. It has been conjecturally attri- buted to Tirechanus, but is at ail events not later than the middle of the 8th century. See Todd (as above), and Reeves (ad Adainn. Add. Notes, p. 334 n) : and for a full com- mentary upon it, see Ussher and Todd as above quoted. '' The following list of the Kings named in the document or included within its range (from Ussher, as above, pp. 514, 5 1 5, and Todd, p. 256\ and of their probable dates, will supply the proof of the chronology above given; with the addition, that A.D. 440 is taken for the commencement, as the most probable approximation to the date of S. Patrick's mission, and A.D. 665 for the ter- mination, as being the year of the death, by the great plague, of Kings Blalhmac and Diarmait ; that plague raging in England, A.D. 664, according to Bede {H. E., III. 27)- Period L (i) Laoghaire Mac Neil, A.D. 428-463. (2) OilioU Molt, A.D. 463-483. (3) Lugaidh Mac Laoghaire, A.D. 483-508. [interregnum, A.D. 508-513.] (4) Muir- chcrtach Mac Ere, A.D. 513-533. (5) Tua- thal Mcelgarbh, A.D. 533-544. Period IL (i) Diarmait, A.D. 544-565. (2) DomhniiU and Fergus, sons of Muircher- tach Mac Ere, A.D. 565, 566. (3) Baotan and Eochaidh, A.D. 566-568. (4) Ainmire Mac Sedna, A.D. 568-571. (5) Another Baotan, A.D. 571, 572. (6) Aodh Mac Ain- merech, A.D. 572-599. [Ussher inverts the order of (3) Jnd (4) and omits (5).] Period III. (i) Aodh Slaine and Colman Rimhe, A.D. 599-605. (2) Aodh Uariodh- nach, A.D. 605-612. (3) Maolcobha, son of Aodh Mac Ainmerech, A.D. 612-615. (4) Suibhne Meann, A.D. 615-62S. (5) Dom- hnall, son of Aodh Mac Ainmerech, A.D. 628-642. (6) Ccllach and Conall Caol, A.D. 642-658. (7) Blathmac and Diarmait, sons of Aodh Slaine, A.D. 658-665. O'Conor 's dates difler slightly ; and those given in Fleming's copy of the document it- self, considerably. But the Annals, which are Ussher's and Todd's authorities, are the better evidence. " It appears by this, that Roman ecclesi- astics were among S. Patrick's company ; al- though the language of the Hymns of S. Sechn.ill and of S. Fiacc, and of S. Patrick's own Confefsio, and the silence of Prosper, be- sides chronological difficulties, disprove, upon purely historical grounds, the supposed mission from Rome of S. Patrick himself; which first appears in the Scholia on S. Fiacc's Hymn. See Todd at length. CHURCH OF IRELAND. 295 PERIOD THE SECOND. S. PATRICK, AND THE FIRST ORDER OF IRISH SAINTS, a.d. 44o(?)-543. [A.D. 440 a. Probable date of the mission to Ireland of S. Patrick : (who is described by himself as " Hiberione constitutus Episcopus" [Con/. S. Pa/ric.'], and by a contemporary as " Episcopus Scotorum " ITitle of S. Sechnall's Hymn]; then as " Archipostulus Scotorum" [^««. Ull.]; but, in later times, as " Ab Eireann uile," Abbat 0/ all Ireland [Flann of Monaster- hoyce, ob. A.D. 1066, IV. Mag. in an. 432], and as " Airdeaspuc, Ceitt Priomaid, "j Ardapstol Ereann," Archbishop, First Primate, and chief Apostle of Ireland [IV. Mag. in an. 493].) A.D. 445. Alleged date of the foundation of Armagh {Ann. JJlt. — A.D. 457, IV. Mag.). A.D. 448. Death of S. Sechnall, or Secundinus, of Domhnach Sechnall or Dunshaughlin, CO. Meath {Ann. Ult.), who "primus Episcopus sub humo Hibernise txW\l" {V.S. Declan.). ' After A.D. 448. S. Fiacc made Bishop of Sletty (Queen's County). A.D. 460. Death of Auxilius (of Killossy, co. Kildare) ; A.D. 468, of Benignus (of Armagh) ; A.D. 469, of Isserninus (of KilcuUen, co. Kildare) : ace. to Ann. Ult. c. A.D. 480. Nunnery founded at Kildare by S. Brigit. A.D. 493. " Patricius archipostulus Scotorum quievit" {Ann. Ult., so also IV. Mag.). A.D. 500. Death of S. Ibar, of Begerin, co. Wexford {Ann. Ult., Sec). A.D. 523, 5, or 7. Death of S. Brigit {Ann. Ult., IV. Mag.). A.D. 530. Clonard founded by S. Finnian of Clonard (co. Meath). A.D. 534 (535) or 536 (537). " Dormitatio Moctai" (of Louth) " discipuli Patricii" {Ann. Tigh., Ult.). A.D. 540. Maghbile (Moville, co. Down) founded by S. Finnian of Maghbile.] » These dates are of course not given as evidence, except the unhistorical statement of more than conjectural and near the truth. S. Patrick's own mission by Celestine. The Both Tillemont and Todd select A.D. 440 for other dates also in the above list are uncer- S. Patrick's mission, as being at a reasonable tain, being variously given in the different interval after the certain date of Palladius, Annals. A.D. 431, besides its agreement with all the 296 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] INCIPIUNT LIBRI SANCTI PATRICII^ [i. Shortly before A.D. 493(?). Incipit Confessio S. Patrich.] 1. Ego Patiicius, pcccator rusticissimus et minimus omnium fidelium ct ' contemptibilis sum' apud plurimos. Patrem habui ^ Calpornum Miaconum, filium *quendam Potiti 'filii Odissi' presbyteh qui fuit *vico ■' Bannauem Tabernige, Villulam enim prope habuit, ubi ego * capturam dedi/ Annorum eram tunc fere xui : Deum " verum ignorabam, et Hyberione " in captiuitate adductus sum' cum tot ^^milia hominum, secundum merita nostra quia a Deo recessimus, et precepta £ius non custodiuimus, et sacerdotibus nostris ^*non ' contemptibilissimus, C.Fi.Fj.B. - Calpomiuni, C.F^.B. Calpurnium, F,. ' diaconem, C.Fi-Fj.B. ' quondam, C.F,.F..B. '■' om. C.Fi.Fj.B. The two words are added in the margin of the Book of Armagh. ^ in, add. C.F,. ; e, add. Fj.B. "^ Banauem, C.Fj.Fa. ; Banaven, B. ' villain, F,F3.B. ^' in captftram decidi, correxii B. '" enim, add. C.Fi.Fj.B. '*' a. s. in c, B. '- mili6, Fj. {on erasure) ; millibus, B. "' inobedientes, C.F1.F3.B. ■' The text of the Confesiio is taken from the Book of Armagh, fol. 22 a. a, sq.: with various readings and additions from three other MSS., Cott. MS. Nero K. I. fol. 167, sq. (C), Fell MSS. Bodl. vol. I. fol. 70-11 h (F,), and vol. III. fol. 158 a-164 a (Fj), both of which were formerly in the library of Sarum Cathedral ; and from the Acta SS., March 17, vol. II. pp. .=^33. sq.. which follows a fourth MS., then at S. Vedast's at Noialle near Arras (B). Of these five MSS., that in the Book of Armagh was transcribed before A.D. 807, from a MS. alleged to have been written by S. Patrick himself, and at that time difficult to decipher, probably from its antiquity (so far the MS. itself states, and sec for the date. Dean Graves in the Trans, of Royal Irnb Academy. III. 316; Petrie, Es^ay on Tara, p. lo-j ; Todd's S. Patrick, pp. 2b8, 346-349 ; Dr. Reeves, Eccl. Antiq. of Down, &c., p. 224). It was also written at Armagh itself. It has therefore the strongest external evidence to the genuineness of its text. It is also marked unmistakeably by the peculiarities of early Irish Latin. On the other hand, its marginal notes, indicating uncertainty and incompleteness (see below, note 6 on p. 297\ and the phrases el cetera, et reliqua, which occur in some places of it, point to its being an abridgment of the original (as Dean Graves seems rightly to argue), and also to its having a text more or less corrupt. And this is confirmed by the fact, that in the other four MSS., long passages occur in the later half of the tract, and almost equal in length to the remainder of it, which are not in the Book of Armagh, yet bear no sign of want of genuineness, and are in sense hardly separable from the context. The text, however, of these MSS., especially that of B, has been improved in grammar, while all four, but especially C, F,, and F3 (of which the last is corrected throughout by a better Latinist than its ori- ginal scribe), present independent copies of the same original ; and that both more correct in language, and fuller, than the Armagh text. These three are of the nth century. The title above given is from the Cotton MS. The tract was first printed in Sir J. Ware's Opuicula S. Pati-'icio Ascripta in 1656, from the first four of the above-mentioned MSS. ; next, in the Actt. SS. (as above) in 166S, from the S. Vedast MS. ; then by O'Conor, Rer. Ilib. Scriptt. I. cvii. in 1814, from the Cotton MS., corrected by the Book of Ar- magh ; by Sir W. Betham, Irhb Antiq. Re- searches, P. II. in 1827, from the Book of Armagh, but inaccurately ; and by Yillanueva, Optisc. S. Patricii, p. 184. in 1835, from the Actt. SS. It is also in Migne"s Patrologia. The Bollandists "improve " S. Patrick's Creed, as well as his Latin, by inserting the Homo- ousion into it, which is absent in all the other MSS. (it is, however, in S. Sechnall's Hymn, 1. 88, below p. 326), besides other minor alterations. Several unimportant corrections of mere spelling in Fj.Fj. have been left un- noticed in the various readings. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 297 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] oboedientes' fuimus, qui nostram salutem admonebant. £t Dominus induxit super nos iram ^ animationis Suae, et dispersit nos in gen- tibus multis, etiam usque ad ultimum terrse, ubi nunc paruitas mea ^ esse videtur' inter ^ alenigenas j et * ibi Dominus aperuit ^sensum incredulitatis mex/ ut vel ^serorem orarem dilicta' mea, et ut ■^ confirmarem toto corde ad Dominum meum. Qui respexit humilitatem meam^ et missertus est ^ adoliscentiae ignoranti^e meae/ ®et custodiuit me, antequam ^"scirem Eum, et antequam' saperem vel distinguerem inter bonum et malum, et " muniuit me et ^^ con- sulatus est " mei, ut pater filium. Unde " autem tacere non possum, neque expedit ^^quidem, tanta beneficia et tantam gratiam, quam mjhi ^^ dignatus ^'' in terra captiuitatis meae : quia base est retributio nostra, ut post ^* correptionem vel agnitionem '"Dei '^^ exaltare, et "^^ confiteri mirabilia Eius coram omni natione, qux -- est sub omni caelo/ ^^Quia non' est alius Deus, nee umquam fuit, -*nec ante,' nee erit post hunc,- prseter '^Deum, Patrem ingenitum, sine prin- cipio, a Quo est omne principium ; ^^ omnia tenentem,' ut -Micimus : et ^Eius Filium Jesum Christum, ^^Qui cum Patre scilicet ^'^ semper fuisse testamur' ante originem saeculi spiritualiter apud Patrem, ^^ inerrabiliter genitum ante omne principium, ^'^ et per Ipsum facta sunt vissibilia^; ■'^hominem ^"factum ^"morte devicta' in cxlis'*^^ et dedit Illi omnem potestatem super omne nomen caelestium '^ et ter- restrium et infernorum, ^^ et omnis lingua confiteatur ^" Ei quia Dominus *^et Deus est Jesus Christust":' Quem credimus, et expec- tamus aduentum, ^^ mox *=* futurum " iudex viuorum atque mortuorum, '■ indignationis, Fj.Fj.B. (C. om. iram i. S., et d. nos). ^' v. e., C.Fi-Fj.B. ^ alieni- genas, C.F3.B. ; alieuienas, F,. * ubi, C.F1.F3.B. " sensus cordis mei incredulitatis, C.F,. ; sensus c. mee i., F.. ; sensum incredulitatis c. mei, B. ^' sero rememorarem delicta, C.Fi.F.,.B. (A mark in the margin of the Book of Armagh, notes this passage as difficult to decipher. Dr. Graves supposes it to stand for f, = ^TjTeiTf. There is another mark also attached to some passages, indicating omission, viz. :.=--dele). '' conuerterer, CFpF,. ; me conuerterem ex, B. "' adulescentie mee et ignorantie, C.F1.F3. ; adolescentias et ignorantiae mex, B. ' om. B. it^ 0711. B. " monuit, C.Fj.Fj.B. ^"^ consolatus, C.F.-Fj.B. 1= me, C.Fi.Fj.B. 1* ego, add. B. 15 o^ B_ 16 Dominus prestare, add. C.Fi.Fj.B. " est, add. C.Fi.Fj.B. " correctionem, F3. ^^ Domini, C. =" exaltaremur, C.Fi.Fj.B. 2' confiteremur, C.Fi.Fj.B. 22/ 5^^, j,gio gjt^ B 23' Non g^im, B. =*' om. C.F1.F3. ^s Dominum, B. ^°' o. tenens, F,. : B. om.from omnia to ante omne principium, by an homceoteleuton. " dix- imus, F,. 28 Huius, CFj-F,. ^^ Quem, CFj-Fj. ="' f. s. t., C.F1.F3. ^^ inenarrabiliter, C.Fi.Fj. =' om. C.Fj.Fj.B. =' et inuisibilia, add. C.Fj.Fg. ; et inuisibilia, Q.ui Filium sibi consubstantialem genuit, add. B. '* Homo, F,. ; Hominum, C. ^' factus, Fj. ^^' d. m., C.Fi.F . ; et victa morte, B. ^7 ^j Patrem receptum, add. C.F3.B.; ad P. receptus, add. F,. 3» om. B. ® ut, C.F3.B. *" Ei, ow. C.F1.F3.B. "' Jesus Christus in gloria est Dei Patris, B. ^ Ipsius, add. C.F,.F3.B. *^ futurus, F3. {on erasure). " iudicem, B. ^ Phil. ii. 9-1 1 (not Vulg.). See, for these quotations from the Bible, above in vol. i. pp. 180, 181. 298 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] Qui rcddet unicuiquc secundum facta sua : et ' efFudit in uobis habunde -'Spiritum Sanctum' donum et pignus immortalitatis; Qui facit credentes *ac oboedientes ut sint filij Dei 'et cohercdes Christi', Quern confitemur et ' adoramus unum Deum' in Trinitate " sacri nominis: Ipse enim dixit per Prophetam, ""Inuoca Me in die tribulationis tuae, et liberabo te, et magnificabis Me V Et iterum inquit : " Opera autem Dei reuelare et confiteri honorificum est d." Tamen, et si in multis inperfectus sum, opto * fratribus et cog- natis mcis' scire qualitatem meam, ut possint ^ perficere votum anim£e meas. Non "ignoro testimonium Domini mei. Qui in Psalmo testatur : " Perdcs '^ eos qui loquntur mendaciume." Et iterum inquit : " Os quod mentitur occidit animam f." Et ^'^ idem Dominus '^ : " Verbum otiossum quod locuti fuerint homines, reddent "rationem de eo' in die iudiciie." Unde ^'^ autem vehimenter' cum timore et tremore metuere hanc sententiam in die ilia, ubi nemo se poterit subtrahere vel abscondere ; sed omnes omnino reddituri sumus rationem etiam minimorum peccatorum ^^ ante tribunal " Do- mini Christi.' Quapropter oUim cogitaui scribere, sed " et usque nunc hessitaui : timui enim ne '" incederem in' linguam hominum : -" quia non dedici' sicut caeteri, qui optime "^ itaque jure et sacras literas utroque pari modo combiberunt' et "sermones illorum' ex infantia numquam -'* motarunt ; sed magis ad perfectum semper addiderunt : nam scrmo ct^Moquela -'mea translata est in linguam alienam. -"Sicut facile potest probari -^exaliue scripturac mese qua- liter '-^sum ego' in sermonibus instructus atque cruditus : quia, inquit Sapiens, "Per linguam -" dignoscetur ^"et sensus, et scientia, et doctrina *' veritatis^." Sed '-quid prodest excussatio iuxta veri- tatem, prsesertim cum praesumptione, ^quatinus modo ipse adpeto ' infudit. C.Fi.Fj.B. 2' Spiritus Sancti, C.F,.F3.B. » et, C.Fi.Fj. ^' Patris et c. Christi, C.F,.F,. ; Patris, B. " u. D. a., B. •■' sacrosancti, B. ^ Inuocabis, B. "' fratres ct cognates mcos. C.Fj.Fj. " perspicere, C.F,.F,.B. '" cnini, add. B. " om. C. ; eos omncs, B. And Fj.Fj, om. inquit in the next line. '- isdein, C.F3. ' ' in Euangelio inquit, odd. C.F,.F,.B. '" pro to rationem, C.F1.F3. "' autem uehcmenter debueram, C.F,.F,. ; ego debercm uehementcr, B. " nostrorum, add. B. *"' Christi D., CFpFj. ; Domini nostri lesu Christi, B. '* om. C.F,.F,,B. "' incederem, C.F,.F,. ; incidercm in, B. ■*■'" et quia non legi, C.F,. ; et qui legi, F,. ; quia non legi, B. -" i. iure et s. I. utraque p. m. omibiberunt. C.Fi.F,. {but wilb ccmbibcrunt in F,. on ermt/re) ; sacris litteris sunt imbuti, B. — Incertus liber hie, add. in marp;. of Bk. of Armagh. '^' sermonem illonim, C Fi.Fj. ; studium siium, B. -3 mutauerunt, C.F,.F,.B. ■* lingua, B. "^ nostra, C.Fi.Fj.B. ^ sed, B, »' IX saliua, C.F,.F, B. ■"" c. s.. B. "» dinoscitur, C.F,.F,.B. '" om. B. ^^ uarietatis, C.F,.F,. "2 ow. C.F,.F,.B. -^ ut, B. *• Ps. 1. 15. f Wisd. i. II. ■' Tobias xii. 7. k Matt. xii. 36. ' Ps. V. 6. »' Kcclus. iv. '24. A.D. 440(?)-543'] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 299 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICU.] in senectute ^ mea, quod in iuuentute' non comparaui • ^ quod obsti- terunt' vt confirmarem, ^quod ante *perlegeramj sed ^si quis ^me ^credidit ? Et si dixero, quod ante praefatus sum; 'adoliscens, immo pene puer Mnuerbis, capturam dedi, antequam scirem quid ^"peterem vel quid' " adpeterem vel quid vitare debueram. Unde ^^ ergo hodie erubesco et vehimenter '^ pertimeo denudare imperitiam meam, quia " non deeritis' breuitate ^•' sermone explicare ^'^ nequeo, sicut enim spiritus ^^gestit et '^animas, et sensus ^® monstrat adfectus : sed si ^"itaque datum mihi' fuisset sicut -^ et caeteris ; verum tamen non silerem, propter retributionem. Et, si forte videtur apud aliquantos me in hoc praeponere cum mea ^^ inscientia et tardiori -^ lingua, "^ sicut scriptum est % " Lingua balbutientes velociter ■''' discent loqui' pacem i :" quanto magis ^'^ nos adpetere debemus, qui sumus '^nos aepistola Christi ^'in salutem' usque ad ultimum terrse'^', et si non ^"deserta, sed ^^ratum fortissimum scriptum' in cordibus ^'^vestris, non atramento sed Spiritu Dei viui 1 ; *' et iterum Spiritus testatur, et' " ^* Rusticationem ab Altissimo creata est "." ^^ Unde ^^ ego primus rusticus,' profuga, indoctus ^'^ scilicet, qui nescio' in poste- rum ^^ prouidere. Sed *^ illud scio' certissime, quia vtique, prius- quam humiliarer, ego eram velut lapis, qui iacet in luto profundo, et *°venit Qui potens est, et in Sua missericordia sustulit me: et quidem scilicet sursum adleuauit, et collocauit me in *^sua parte/ Et inde fortiter debueram exclamare ad ^" retribuendam quoque ali- quid Domino pro tantis beneficijs Eius, hie et in aeternum, quae mens ^ hominum ^stimare non potest. Unde autem ammiramini, **magni et pusilli^^, et vos ^'' dominicati qui timetis Deum, rethorici :' " 0771. C. =" quia o., C.F1.F3. ; and F1.F3. add. peccata mea ; o. enim, B. ^ quodque, C.F,.F3. * non, add. C.F,.F3,B. « o?«. C.F,.F3.B. « mihi, B. ' credit, C.Fi.F,.B. ' aduliscens, C. ; adhuliscens, Fj. ; adolescens, F3.B. ^ ( = imberbis) ; in uerbis, B. ^°' 0/71. C.Fi.F^.B. 1^ adpetere, B. ^^ ego, B. ''' pertimesco, B. "' non possum de deeritis, in the A r 771. MS. ; disertis, F3. ; desertis, C.F,. ; diserti, B. '■' fermonu, F3. {on erasure), B. 1" non possum, B. ^^ gessit, C.F1.F3. *** animus, C.F1.F3.B. ^' monstrare, F]. ; monstrat et, B. -*" ita mihi datum, B. =1 om. F3. " inscitia, C. ^^ lingue, C.F,. 2* sed etiam, C.F,.F3. (owi. B.). ""^ enim, add. C.Fi.Fj.B. ="" 1. d., B. "-' non, B. 28 inquit, C. ; iiiquid, Fj.Fj. ; otti. B. ^s' om. B. ^^ diserta, B. ^^ r. et f. scripta, CFj. ; rata et fortissima scripta, F3. ; B has scripta only, but with a blank p7-eceding it. 22 nostris, C.Fj.Fa =3' om. B. 3* Rusticitatio, C.F3. ; Rusticatio, F,.B. ^^ teste eodem Spiritu Dei uiui, add. B. s^' ego p. rusticius, C.F. ; ergo p. r., F,. ; ego primum rusticus, B. =" qui scilicet nescit, B. =» prsuidere, B. '" scio illud, C.Fi.F,. ; illud, B. {pin. scio). *> veniens in the Ar7n. MS., with t vnder the i. ""' summo pariete, C.F,.F,.B. ■*- retribuendr/m, F3. (072 erasjire), B. « humana, B. " itaque, add. Fj.Fj. *'" qui timetis Dominum, add. C.B.; q.t. Deum, Fj.F,. «' domini ignari nethorici, C.F,,.; d. i. rethorici, F,.; d. i. rhetoric!, B. i Isai. xxxii. 4. ' 2 Cor. iii. 2, 3. k Acts xiii. 47. ™ Ecchis. vii. 15. 300 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [COS-FESSIO S. PATRICII.] audite ' et scrutamini, Quis me stultum excitauit de medio eorum, qui videntur ^ esse sapientes et leges periti/ et potentes in sermone ct in omni re. Et me quidem, ^detestabilis huius mundi, pras ceteris inspirauit, *si talis essem; dummodo '^autcm ut cum metu et reuerantia et sine querclla fideliter "genti, ad quam caritas Christi transtulit "et donauit me in vita mea, si dignus fuero, denique vt cum "omni humilitate ct naturaliter deseruirem "illis. In mensura itaque '" fidei Trinitatis " oportet distingucre, sine reprehensione pcriculi notum faccre donum Dei, et consulationem gjternam, ^'sine timore fiducialiter Dei nomen "ubique expandere, "ut etiam post obitum meum '"' ex a Gallias' relinquere fratribus et filijs meis, quos "Mn Domino ego babtizaui,' tot "milia hominum; '*et non "eram dignus, neque talis vt hoc Dominus ^"seruulo Suo concederet; "'post -'- erumpnas -^ et tantas moles/ post captiuitatem, post annos multos, in '-^gentem illam,' tantam giatiam mihi donarct, quod -'''ego ali- quando' in iuuentute mea -^numquam speraui' neque cogitaui. Sed postquam Hibcrione deueneram, cotidie '-"itaque pecora pascebam, et ^^ frequens in die orabam, -" magis ac magis accedebat ''^ amor Dei, et timor '^ Ipsius et fides augebatur, et Spiritus ^'- agebatur, vt in die una usque ad centum orationes, ^^ et in nocte prope similiter : ^'ut etiam in siluis ^^ et monte' manebam, ^•'ante lucem ''cxcitabar ad orationem per niuem, per gelu, per ^^pluiam j et nihil mali sen- tiebam neque ulla pigritia erat in me, sicut modo video : quia tunc "'Spiritus in me' feruebat. Et ibi scilicet "^quadam nocte in somno audiui vocem dicentem mihi : Bene ieiunas, cito iturus ad patriam tuam *\ Et ^' iterum post paululum tempus *' audiui respon- sum dicentem' mihi: Ecce nauis tua parata est. Et "non erat prope : sed forte '^ habcbat .cc. milia passus : ct ibi numquam ' ergo, add. C.F,.F,,.B. ■" s. esse et legisperiti, C.F,.F;.B, ' detestabilem, C.Fj.F^.B. " etsi, B. ■' orn. B. « prodessem, ndd. C.F,.Fa.B. ' ul, C.F,. * om. C.F,.F,, ° Illi, Fj.B. '"' qiix, add. ''•. (which also joins in mensura /o the preceding sentence). " sunt, add. B. ; and et be/ore sine. '- ac, add. B. " nomine, add. C.F,. " et, B. ' " ex Gallias, CF,.; ex Gallicis, F,. ; om. B. (Incertus liber, marginal note in Book of Armagh.) "" e. in D. b., C.R. ; e. b. in D., F,.F,. " millia, B. »- etsi. B. »» etiam, F,.F,. =" seruo. B. ' et, add. B. »= erumnas, C.B. »' et tante molis, C.F,.F,. ; tantx molls. B. 2«' gentc iila, B. *■" a. e., B. "^ nonquia despcraui, C.F,.F,. ^ igitur, C.F,.F,. ; om. B. '» frequen/., F,. {on erasure). ^ magisquc, B. ^ timer, F,.F,. " lllius, C.F,.B. ; illis, F,. -2 augebatur, F,.B. « facereni, add. B.. but not in their MS. " et, B. ^'" et in mente, C. ; et in ninte, F,. » et, add. C.F,.F,.B. ^ exercitabar, C.F,.F,. «• pluuiam, C.F,.F,.B. ^' in me S., C.Fj.Fj.B. " quidam, C. " et terram. add. C.F,.F,. " om. C.F,.F,. "' a. r. dicens, F,. {on erasure) ; r. a. dicens, B. " om. C.F.F,., and MS. o/B. *' aberat, B. A.D. 440 (?j-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 301 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] fueram, nee ibi ' notum quemquam de hominibus habebam/ Et deinde postmodum conuersus sum in fugam; et intermissi homi- nem cum- fueram ".ui. annis'; et ^veni in virtute Dei, Qui viam meam ' ad bonum' dirigebat, '^ et '' nihil metuebam, * donee perueni ad nauem illam. Et " ilia die qua' perueni, profecta est ^^ nauis de loco suoj et locutus sum ut "abirem ^'unde '•''nauigarem cum illis. "Et gubernatori' displicuit 'Mlli, et acriter cum indignatione respondit : Nequaquam tu nobiscum .^"adpetes ire. Et cum hzec audiissem, separaui me ab illis, vt ^^ venirem ad ^^ tegoriolum '^ ubi hospitabam, et in itenere caepi orare : et antequam orationem consummarem, audiui unum ex illis ^°et fortiter -^ exclamabat post me: Veni cito : quia vocant te homines isti. Et statim ad illos reuersus sum, et coeperunt mihi dicere : Veni, quia ex fide -'^ recipimus te ; fac nobis- cum amicitiam, quomodo volueris. Et in ilia die -Mtaque reppuli sugere mammellas eorum' propter '* timorem Dei' : -^ sed verumtamen ab illis speraui venire in fidem Jesu' Christi ; quia ^° gentes erant ; et " ob hoc obtinui cum illis. -^ Et post triduum terram ^' caepimus : et ^"xxviij. dies per ^Misertum iter fecimus. '^^Et cibus defuit illis/ et ^ fames inualuit super ^* eos. Et '^ alio die coepit gubernator mihi dicere: Quid, ^^ Christiane, tu dicis? Deus tuus magnus et omni- potens est : quare ergo ^'^ pro nobis orare non potes ?' Quia *^ nos a' fame periclitamur : difficile ^^ enim umquam' ut *" aliquem hominem' videamus. Ego *^enim euidenter dixi illis : ^'Conuertemini ex ^'^fide ad Dominum Deum meum; **Cui nihil est' inpossibile, ut ^' cibum mittat uobis' in viam *" vestram, usque dum ^^ satiamini : quia ubique habundat Illi, ** Et adiuuante Deo ita factum est. Ecce grex 1' n. h. q. de h., C.F3. ; q. n. de h. habebam, B. ^ quo, add. CF^.F^.B. ^' a. sex, C.F1.F3.B. * om. B. =' om, B. ^ ueiii ad Benum, add. B. ; et, om. C. ' ex nihilo, C.F3. * om. Fi. "' ilia qua, C.F,. ; ilia quam, Fj. ; mox cum, B. '* om. B. " haberem, C.Fi.Fj.B. ^^ inde, F,. " nauigare, C.F„F3.B. '* Et gubernator, C. ; Gubernator, B. 15 erasure in F3. ; om. B. '" adpetas, C.F1.F3.B. " et, add. C.Fi.Fj. " tuguriolum, C.Fi.Fj.B. ; ad, om. F,. ^'' et ibi, F3. ^^ om. C.Fi.Fj.B. '' exclamare, F,.B. ; excla- mantem, F3. ^2 recepimus, C.F1.F3. ; reperimus, B. And etjac, Fi.Fj. '^' itaque repulsus sum fugere amicitias illorum, C.F3. ; itaque repulis fugere mamas illorum, F,. ; debui surgere in nauem eorum, corr. B. ; but their MS. has repuli sugere mammas eorum. ^" Deum, B. ^' Sed uerumtamen s. ab illis ut mihi dicerent, Ueni in fide Jesu, C. {and so also, but om. sed, Fi.Fj.) ; Sed u. non s. ab i. ut m. d., U. in fide, B. ; but their MS. om. non. '^'^ gentiles, B. " om. C.F1.F3.B. 2s £t protinus nauigauimus, add. C.Fj.Fa.B. ^^ cepimus, C.Fi.Fj.B. *o viginti et septem, C.F, {but om. et). F3.B. =1 desertum, C.F,.F3.B. ^'^' cibus autem et potus defecit nobis, B. ^^ ^^^^^^ c.F,. ^i nos, B. ^'' alia, C.Fi.Fj.B. ^" est, add. C.F,.F3.B. {ayid the note of interrogation after Christiana). ^'' non potes pro n. o., C.F1.F3. ; n, p. pro n. o. ; ora pro nobis, B. ^8/ o,„_ g. ^^ est enim, C.F3.B. *<" a. h. umquam, C.F,.F3. ; h. a. unquam, B. " uero, B. *^ conuertimini, C.Fi.Fj.B. " fide et ex toto corde, C.F3. ; fide ex toto corde, F,. ; toto corde, B. "' quia nihil est Illi, C.Fi.Fj.B. * ' hodie cybum m. nobis, F,. ; m. nobis c, B. « nostram, B, *' satiemini, C.F.-Fj.B. *^ om. C.F,.F..B. 303 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] porcorum in via 'ante oculos nostros -apparuit, et multos ex illis ^ interficerunt : et ibi .ij. noctes manserunt ^ et bene refecti. Et '■ canes eorum ° rcpleti sunt, quia multi ex illis ^ secus viam semiuiui * relicti sunt. £t post ^ hsec summas gratias egerunt Deo j et ego honorificatus sum sub oculis eorum". Etiam mel "siluistre inueni- erunt/ et mihi partem obtulerunt : et unus ^-ex illis' dixit: "Immo- laticum est. Deo gratias. Exinde nihil gustaui". Eadem vero "eram dormiens, ct fortiter temptauit me Satanas, '^quod memor ero quandiu '"fuero in hoc corpore : ^'^et cicidit' super me ^^veluti saxum ingens/ et ^^ nihil membrorum prseualens.' Sed unde ^^ mihi venit ^'in "spiritum '-*ut Heliam uocarem.' Et '^''in hoc' vidi in ^' caelum solem oriri ; et dum ^'' clamarem '" Heliam ^^ viribus meis, ecce splendor solis illius '-^decidit super me, et statim discussit a me **'grauitudinem. Et credo quod a Christo "Domino meo ^^cla- mabat pro me : *' et spero' quod sic erit in die presurse mese, sicut in vEuanguelio "inquit Dominus,' Non vos estis*^". Multos adhuc ''"capturam dedi.' ^^Ea nocte prima itaque' mansi cum illis: re- sponsum autem Diuinum audiui, ** Duobus autem mensibus' eris cum illis: quod ita factum est. Nocte ^"illa ''° sexagensima liberauit me Dominus de manibus eorum. ^^ Etiam in itenere *- prjevidit nobis cibum et igncm et siccitatem cotidie, donee *^decimo die ""perue- nimus omncs'; sicut supcrius insinuaui. Xx. ct viij. ''^disertum iter » ueniebat, add. B. = om. C.Fi.Fj.B. ^ imerfecerunt, C.F,.F, B. ♦ om. C.F,.Fj.B. ' carnes, C. ; carnc, F,. ^ releuati, C.F3.B. ; revelati, F^. '' defecerunt et, add. C.Fi.Fj.B. ; on(/ eis/or illis, F,. " derelict!, C.F,.F3.B. » hoc, C.Fi.Fj.B. »« Et ex hac die abundanter cibum habuerunt, add. C.F1.F3. ; Ex ilia autem die c. a. h. sed, add. B. "' sil- uestre inueuerunt. C.Fi.Fa.B. '=" illonim, B. "Hoc ininiolativum, C; Hoc immolatium, Fj.Fj. {on erasure) ; Hoc immolatum, B. '< nocte. add. C.Fi.Fj.B. " cuius, F3. i" fueram, C.F,. ; fuero, F,. (on erasure). '"' et cecidit, CFpFj. ; cecidit enini, B. "' ueluti saxa iiigentia, C.F,.Fj. ; uelut .s;ixum ingens, B. '«' nihil m. meorum pr«ualui, C.F1.F3. and MS. 0/ B ; omnium m. meorum uires abstulit, corr. B. "" me, C.F, ; om. B. ^' ignarum in, C. ; ignarum, et, F. ; ignoro in, F3. {on erasure); igiioro, ut, B. ^^ spiritu, C.F,.F,.B. -^' Heliam uocarem, C. ; Heliam uocare, F,. ; Eliam invocarem, B. "*' inter haec, C.F,.Fs.B. -• c«lo, C.Fi.Fj.B. ■-« clamabam, C.F,.FV «' Heliam {bis), CF^.F,. ; Eliam {bis), B. -» totis, add. B. And et ecce, F,. -"■' cecidit, B. ^o omnem, add. C.Fj.Fj.B. ^' Deo, C.F,. ; Domino, F,. ; ojh. B. ^2 subueiitus sum, et Spiritus Eius iam tunc claniauit, C.F,.F,. ^'' s. autem, B. ■'* inquit, In ilia die, Dominus testatur, C.F,.F,. ; Dominus testatur ; In ilia die, inquit, B. " qui loquimini ; sed Spiritus Patris ueslri, Qui loquitur in uobis. Et iteruni post annos, add. C.F,.F,. ; qui 1., sed S. P. u. Qui 1. in uobis. In itincre autem nostro {as four lines further on in the text, down to) cibo uero nihil habuimus. Et iterum post annos non, add. 15. ="■■' in capturam dccidi, B. »"' Nocte uero prima. B. '8' dicentem mihi : Duos menses, C. ; dicente mihi : Duos menses, F,. ; diccns mihi : Duos menses, F3 {on erasure). B. ^ igitur, add. B. *" sexagessimo die, C.F,.F3. ; sexagesima, B. *> Ecce, C.Fj.Fj. ; om. B. *'^ pro- uidit, C. ; autem nostro providit, B. <■' quarto, add. C.Fj.F^.B. **' p. ad homines, C.F,. ; prevcnimus ad homines, B. (F,. has peruenimus onnics, and om. by an homoeoteleuton down to de cibo uero). "' per descrtuni iter fccimus. Et, C.F,.B. ; dies per d. i. f. Et, F,. " See 1 Cor. x. 28, 29. o Ma,t x. 20. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 303 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] fecimus ex' ea nocte qua peruenimus 'omnes, de cibo uero nihil habuimus. ^ Et iterum post paucos annos in * Britannis eram cum parentibus meis, qui me ut filium * susciperunt j et ex fide rogauerunt me, ut vel modo ^ ego post tantas tribulationes, quas ego pertuli, ^ nusquam ab illis discederem. Et ibi scilicet ^ in * sinu noctis' virum venientem quasi de Hiberione, ^cui nomen Victoricus/ cum sepistolis innumerabilibus ^° vidi : et dedit mihi unam ex " his, et ^^ legi principium aepistolcE " continentem : Vox " Hyberionacum. Et ^^ dum recitabam ^'^ principium sepistolas, putabam ^'^ enim ipse in mente' audire vocem ipsorum qui erant juxta ^^ siluam Focluti r,' quse est prope mare ^^ Occidentale, et sic exclamauerunt : ^" Rogamus te, '^ sancte puer,' ut venias et adhuc -^ambulas inter nos. Et valde compunctus sum corde, et amplius non potui legere : et sic '"* ex- pertus sum. Deo gratias, quia post plurimos annos prsestitit illis Dominus secundum clamorem -^ illorum. Et alia nocte, nescio, Deus scit ; utrum in me, an iuxta me, verbis ^^ peritissime, quos ego audiui et non potui -^ intellegere, nisi ad ^^ posterum orationis sic -^ efficiatus est : Qui ^^ dedit animam suam pro te q. Ipse est Qui loquitur in te/ Et sic ^'^ expertus sum gaudibundus/ Et iterum -'^ uidi in me ipsum orantem : et ^^ eram quasi' intra corpus meum, et audiui, ^'"^ hoc est, super interiorem hominem, et ibi fortiter orabat ^*gemitibus. Et inter hsec stupebam et ^^ammirabam et cogitabam, quis esset qui ^"in me orabat/ Sed ad postremum orationis *''sic efficiatus est,' ^* ut sit Episcopus ;' *^ et sic expertus sum,' et recordatus sum ^"^ Apo- stolo dicente / " Spiritus adiuuat *^ infirmitatis orationis nostra / '■ ad homines, C.F3.B. ^ om. B. ^ Brittanniis, C.Fi.Fj. ; Britannia, B. * susce- perunt, CFi-Fj. ; exceperunt, B. * me, C.F,.F,. ; om. B. « nunquam, C.Fi.Fs.B. '' uidi, add. C.Fi.F.jB. *' uisu nocte, C.Fi.Fj. ; uisu de nocce, B. »' Victoricius nomen, C.Fj.Fa. ; Victricius nomen, B. " otn. C.Fi.Fj.B. " illis, C.F1.F3.B. i^ lego, B. " conti- nenter, B. '* Hiberionarum, B. {mhwritten and corrected, Fp). ^° cum, C.Fi.F;.B. 1^ initium, B. '"' ipso momento, C.F,.F3.B. '" silua uirgulti uolutique, C. ; siluam uirgul- tique, F,. ; siluam uirgulti uolutique, F3. ; s. virgulti, MS. of B. '^ Occidentem, C.F1.F3. ^ quasi ex uno ore, add. C.Fi.Fj.B. ^' sanctum puerum, C.F,.F3. ^^ ambules, C.Fi.Fj.B. 23 expergefactus, C.F1.F3.B. "' eorum, C.F,.F3.B. "' Marked as doubtful in marg. of the Ann. MS.; peritissimis, C.F1.F3. ; peritissimis audiebam quosdam ex Spiritu psallentes intra me, et nes- ciebam qui essent, B. -« iutelligere, F3.B. 27 postremum, C.F1.F3.B. ^^ affatus, C.F,.F3.B. ^^ pro te animam suam posuit, C.F3. ; p. t. a. s., F,. ; dedit pro te animam suam, B. •*■' ex- pergefactus s. g., C.Fi.Fj. ; euigilaui, B. ^i audiui, B. ^-' eram, C.F1.F3. ; erat, B. ^3 j^pgr me, add. C.F,.F3.B. 'i ^um, add. B., but it is not in their MS. ^^ admirabar, C.Fi.Fj.B. 3°' oret in me, C.F1.F3. ; oraret in me, B. ^'' sic effatus est, C.F3. ; s. effactus e., F,. ; dixit, B. 2*' (Eps. miiivritten for Sps.). — ut sit Spiritus, F3. ; Se esse Spiritum, B. 3-» ^^ g w Apostoli dicentis, B. ^' infirmitatem n. o., CFj-Fj. ; infirmitatem o. n., B. r Near Killala, co. Mayo. The readings localities was still retained, whereas C.Fj.Fj.B. in the other MSS. agree with the facts, that were copied at a later period, when they uad the Armagh MS. was written at an early time been forgotten. in Ireland, while the knowledge of ancient 1 I John iii. 16. 304 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] ^ nam quod' oremus - sicut oportet/ nescimus, sed ipse Spiritus postulat pro nobis gemitibus ine[na]rrabilibus, quae verbis ^exprimi non possunt'^" £t iterum : "*Dominus aduocatus noster ^postulat pro nobis s." [" £t quando tentatus sum ab aliquantis senioribus meis, qui vcnerunt, ^ ob peccata mea, contra laboriosum Episcopatum mcum, " nonnumquam in illo die fortiter impulsus sum, vt caderem hie et in jeternum : scd Dominus pepercit proselyto et peregrine propter nomen suum, ' et mihi' benigne " valde " subuenit in hac conculcatione, quod in '^ labem et opprobrium non male deueni. Deum oro, vt non illis in peccatum reputetur ^ • occasio : " nam post annos triginta inuenerunt me, '■''aduersus verbum, quod confessus fueram "antequam essem Diaconus. Propter anxietatem moesto animo insinuaui amicissimo meo, quae in pucritia mea vna die gesseram, imo in vna hora, quia necdum prseualebam. Nescio, Deus scit, si ^' habebam tunc annos' quindecim, et Deum ^*'vnum non credebam "ab infantia mea: sed in morte et in incredulitate mansi, donee valdc castigatus sum : et in vcritate humiliatus sum a fame et nuditate ; et quotidie contra -"Hiberioncm non sponte pergebam, donee prope deficicbam. Scd hoc potius ^' mihi bene' fuit : quia ex hoe emendatus sum a Domino, et aptauit me vt hodie cssem quod aUquando longe a me erat, vt ego curas haberem aut satagerem pro salute aliorum, quando ^^ etiam de me ipso non cogitabam. Igitur in illo die quo reprobatus sum a memoratis supradietis ad noctem illam,] -^vidi in vissu noetis' scriptum ^*erat contra faciem meam sine honorc, et inter haec audiui responsum -^ dicentem mihi : Male ^"audiuimus faciem '-'' designati, nudato nomine. Nee sic prae- dixit: Male vidisti : sed, Male vidimus: quasi -''Sibi Se iunxisset'; sicut dixit: "Qui vos '^Hanguit, **" quasi qui' tanguit pupillam oeuli Mei t." Idcirco gratias ago Ei, Qui me in omnibus eonfortauit, vt " nam quid, F3.B. ; uumquid, C.F,. °' om. B. ^' exprimi non potest, C.Fi.Fj. ; ex- primere non possum, B.. * Deus, C. ; Dominus est, B. ; D. a. est, F,. * et Ipse, add. B. '' The passage in brackets, Et quando to noctem illam, is omitted by the Book of Armagh. It is given here (as are also the following passages of the same kind) from B.. with various readings from C.Fi.Fj., in all of which four MSS. it and the like passages occur. '' et, C.Fi.Fj. " utque, C. ; utique, F,.F,. »' om. C.F,.F,. '" et, add. CFi-Fj. " mihi, add. CFj-Fj. >' jabe, C. ; and m. erased in F,. In, add. before opprobrium, Fj-Fj. ^^ occasionum, CFj-F,. " om. C.Fi.Fj. " et, add. C.F,.F,. '« antcquod, C. "' habeam t. annis, C. ; habeam t. annos, F,. •* uiuum, C.F,.F|,. " neque ex, CFj-Fj. And F, om. the second in. ^" Hibe- rione, C.F,. ="' b. m., C.F,.F,. ; and F, has hxc for hoc. 22 ^utem tunc, add. C.F,.F,. (but autcm erased in F,). ^' in u. n. uidi. B. ; but vidi is not in their MS. '^* om. B. '^'' Diuinum dicentem, C.F,. ; Diuinum dicens, F3 (on erasure). B. ^° uidimus, C.F,.F,. ^^ Dei signati, C.F,.F,. '«' ibi Se iunxit, C.F,.F,.B. '^ tangit {bis), C.Fj.Fj.B. ^o/ quajj^ C.F,.F,. ; qui, B. ■■ Rom. viii. 26. • i John ii. i. *■ Zech. ii. 8. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 305 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] non me ^ impediret a profectione -, qua statueram, et de ^ mea quoque * opera quod a Christo ^Domino meo ®dedideram: sed magis ^ ex eo' sensi virtutem non paruam : et fides mea probata est coram Deo et hominibus. Unde autem ** audenter dico, non me reprx- hendit conscientia mea ^hic et in futurum/ ^" teste Deo, ab eo' quia non sum mentitus in sermonibus quos "ego retuli ^^vobis. P^Sed magis ^Moleo pro amicissimo meo, cur ^^tale meruimus habere' re- sponsum, cui ^"ego credidi etiam animam ^^meam. Et '^comperit ab aliquantis fratribus ^° meis ante defensionem illam, quod ego non interfui, nee in Britannijs eram, nee a me orietur, ut et ille in mea absentia '^° pulsetur pro me/ Ipse ore suo dixerat : Ecce -^ pro- mouendus es tu ad gradum Episcopatus : quo non eram dignus : sed unde venit illi postmodum, ut coram cunctis bonis et malis " in me publice dehonestaret, quod ante sponte et Ijetus indulserat ? ^^ Est Dominus, Qui maior omnibus est. Satis dico : sed tamen ^* non debeo abscondere donum Dei, quod largitus est -^ in terra captiuitatis mese j quia tunc fortiter inquisiui ^^ Ilium, et ibi inueni Eum, et seruauit me ab omnibus iniquitatibus, '-'' propter inhabi- tantem Spiritum Eius", Qui operatus est usque in 'Miunc diem in me'^", ^"Nouit autem Dominus,' si ^^ab homine ista audissem,' forsitan tacuissem propter caritatem Christi. Unde ^^ ego indefessam gratiam ago Deo meo. Qui me fidelem seruauit in die tentationis mex ; ita ut hodie ^^ confidenter offeram Illi sacrificium, ^'* et velut' hostiam viuentem meam ^"^consecro Domino meo. Qui me seruauit ab omnibus angustijs meis ; ut '* Ei dicam : Quis ego sum, Domine, vel quse est ^^inuocatio mea. Qui mihi tantam diuinitatem ^^ denudasti ? ita ut hodie ^" exaltarem et magnificarem nomen Tuum *" in quocumque' loco fuero ; " nee tantum' in secundis, sed etiam in pressuris; ut quidquid mihi euenerit, siue bonum siue malum, 1 impenderet, CFj.; impediret (on erasure), F3. ^ mea, add. B. ; and quam/or qua, F1.F3.B. 3 meo, F, (on erasure). B. * opere, F3 (on erasure). B. ^ am. C.¥,.Y^3. ^ didicerani, C.F1.F3.B. '' et ex eo in me, F^. ; ex eo in me, F3. « om. B. »' om. B. 1°' testem Deuin habeo, C.Fi.Fj.B. " om. B. ^^ o„j C.Fi.Fj.B. ^^ For the passage in brackels, from Sed magis to ultra est, here taken fro77i B., see above, note 6, on p. 304. " deleo, Fj. ^■'' hoc meruimus audire tale, C.F1.F3. " ergo, C. " om. C.¥,.¥^. " comperi, C.Fi.F,. " om. C.Fi.Fj. =« pro me pulsaret. Etiam mihi, C.Fi.Fj. 2' dandns, C.F3.; datus, Fj. ; a?2C? quod for quo in next line, Y^.Y^. " et. C.F,.F3. ^^ et, CFj-F,. -* cm. F,. ''" nobis, add. C.Fi.Fj. 2« Eum, C.F,.F3. ; and Ilium /or Eum in next line, Y,.Y,. ^' sic credo, add. C.F,.F3. "^ banc, C.F1.F3. ^'■' audenter rursus, add. C.F3.; audienter rursus, add. Fj. '"' sed scit Deus, C.F3. ; sed sit D., F,. ='" mihi homo hoc elTatus fuisset, C.Y,.Y,. ^^ ergo, CFi-F^. 33 confitenter, F.. ^'' ^itC.Y,.Y,. ^^ christo, C.F,.F3. ^6 gt, C.F,.F3. ^^ uocatio, C.F1.F3. 3i cooperuisti, C.F1.F3 •"•" in gentibus constanter exultarem, C.F3. ; g. c. e., F,'. ' ■"" ubicumque, C.F,. (and Y,. with a blank for loco). "' necnon, C.F,.F3. " Rom. viii. II, marg. VOL. II. ^ 3o6 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] sequaliter ' dcbcam susciperc, ct Deo gratias semper agcre ; Qui mihi ostendit ut indubitabilem Eum ^crederem sine fine/ et Qui mc audicrit : ut et ego ^ in nouissimis diebus hoc opus tarn pium ct tarn mirificum ^luderem aggrcdi'; ita ut 'imitarer illos, quos "Dominus iam olim prcedixerat ^ praenuntiaturos Euangelium Suum "in testimonium omnibus gentibus^" ante finem mundi. Quod *sicut vidimus, *ita suppletum est. Ecce testes sumus, quia Euan- gelium praedicatum est usque ubi nemo ultra est.] Longum est autem totum per singula ^'^enarrare laborem meum vel per partes : breuiter dicam qualiter pi[i]ssimus Deus de seruitute sepe " liberauit, '- et de periculis xij. qua' periclitata est anima mea; przeter insidias multas, et quae verbis exprimere non valeo, "nee iniuriam legentibus faciam. Sed "Deum auctorem^^, Qui nouit omnia, etiam antequam fiant ; ['"Ut me pauperculum "et pusillum' responsum Diuinum '^creberrime admoneret.' Unde mihi hsec sapientia, quie in me non erat, qui nee numerum dierum noueram, neque Deum sapiebam ? Unde mihi postmodum ^^tam magnum '^"et salubre -Monum Dei' agnoscere '^'-et diligere, -''ut pa- triam et parentes amitterem, et munera multa -*quae mihi ofFere- bantur cum fletu et lacrymis ? Et ofFendi " illic contra votum aliquantos de senioribus meis : sed gubernante Deo nullo modo consensi neque acquievi illis : non -"ego, sed Dei gratia, quse vicit' in me: ct -^restiti illis omnibus, "^quatenus venirem' ad Hibernas gcntcs Euangelium praedicare, et ab incredulis -" iniurias perferre, vt '" audirem opprobrium peregrinationis mete, et '" persecutiones multas usque ad vincula, et ut darem '" me et' ingenuitatem meam pro ^^utilitate aliorum. Et si dignus fuero, promptus sum, ut etiam animam meam incunctanter et libentissime ^*ponam pro nomine Eius : et ''' Illi opto impendere eam usque ad mortem, si Dominus ^ debeo, CFpF,. -^ s. f. c, CFpFj. ' inscius sim, add. C.F-. ; inscius, add. F,. *' adire aggreder, C. ; a. aggrederer, F3.; audirem aggrederer, F,. -^ imitarem quispiani, C.F,.; imitarer quospiam, B. : i.q. illos {on erasure), F,. " ante, add. CFpF,. ^ praenuntiaturus, C. ; prxnuntiaturum, F,. ; prenuntiatus, F,. * ita ergo ut, C.F3. ; ita ergo, F,. ' itaque, C.F,.F,. '" narrare, B. '' me, add. B., but not in their MS. "' ex duodecim periculis, C.B. ; e. d. p. quibus, FiFj. '•'' nee et, C.Fi.F,. ; ne, B. " Dum, Fi.Fj. ; Dominum, B. ''■ habeo, add. C.F1.F3.B. "' For the passage in brackets, from Ut me pauperculum down to indulgeret, here taken from B., see above in note 6, on p. 304. '" pupillum, C-F.-F,. ; and fif/ff. ideo tamen, Fi.Fj. "" creberrime admonuit, C.F,. ; creber admoneret, F,. '" donum, add. C.F,.F,. » cm. C. ; tarn, F,.F,. ■'" Deum, C.F,.F,. -"^ uel, CFpF,. » sed, add. C.F,.F,. « o,„ c.F,.F,. and MS. o/B. ^ illos, C.F,.F,. ; and aliquantis in next line, F,.F,. **' mea gratia, sed Deus Qui vincit, C.F,.; m. g., sed D. Q. vicit, F3. -' restitit, C.F,. ; resistit, F,. *" ut ego ueneram, C.F,.F,. -'^ contumelias, C.F.F,. ^Ojurem, C; h.iurirem, F,. (and on an erasure) F,. '' persecutionis, C. ^^' om. C.F3. ; me, F,. " utili- tateni. C. ^' om. C.F.-F,. and MS. ofB. » ibi, C.Fi.F,. « Matt. xxiv. 14. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 307 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICIl.] ^ indulgeret.] Quia valde debitor sum Deo, Qui mihi tantam gra- tiam donauit, ut populi multi per me in "Deum renascerentur/ ^et ut clerici ubique * illis ordinarentur, ad plebem nuper ® venientem ad credulitatem, quam sumsit Dominus ab extremis terrse; ''sicut olim promisserat per profetas Suos : " Sicut falso comparauerunt patres nostri idola, et non est in eis utilitas." — "Ad Te gentes veniunt et dicent y."' Et iterum : " Posui Te ^ lumen in' gentibus ut sis Mn salutem' usque ad ^extremum terrse^." Et ibi volo ex- spectare promissum Ipsius, Qui "usque numquam fallit, sicut in vEuanguelio poUicetur : " Venient ab Oriente et Occidente " ab Austro et ab Aquilone, et' recumbent cum Abraam et Issac et lacob^:" sicut credimus ab omni mundo venturi ^^sint credentes/ Idcirco " itaque oportet " bene et dilegenter '^ piscare, sicut Dominus prsmonet ^^ et docet/ dicens : " Venite post Me, " et faciam vos ^- fieri piscatores liominum^." Et iterum": "Ecce -°mitto pisca- tores et venatores multos, dicit Deus " :" et csetera. Unde -' autem valde oportebat' retia nostra tendere, ita vt multitude copiossa et turba Deo caperetur : ^^ et ubique essent clerici, qui babtizarent et -^ exhortarent populum ■* indegentem et dessiderantem ; sicut Do- minus -^ in TEuanguelio ^^ ammonet et docet' dicens : " Euntes ergo '■^ nunc docete omnes gentes, babtizantes eas in nomine Patris et Filij et Spiritus Sancti j" -^reliqua usque dicit, "sfecli'^."' Et iterum^®: " Euntes ^^ ergo in mundum uniuersum prsedicate vEuanguelium omni creaturse ; qui crediderit et babtizatus fuerit saluus erit j ^^ qui uero non crediderit, condempnabitur' e." ^'Reliqua sunt exempla/ 1 mihi, add. C.F1F3. ^' Deum renascantur, C.F,.F,. ; Domino r., B. ^ et postmodum consummarentur, add. C.F1.F3.B. * Illis, F,. ; Illi, F3. ^ ueniente, C. *' sicut olim promiserat per prophetas Suos ad gentes uenient ab extremis terrae ; et dicent, Sicut falsa comparuerunt [comparaverunt, F3. ; and Fj. adds et] patres nostri idola, et non est utilitas in eis, C.Fi.Fj. ; B. (ow. fro7n sicut olim to terrEE by an honiceotelenton, and then reads), et dicent, Sicut falsa comparauerunt p. n. sibi idola, et n. e. u. in eis. ■" in lucem, B. *' salus Mea, B. ; and et ihjust before, Fj. ^ ultimum, C.B. ; and aspectare, in next line, Fj. i" utique, C.Fi.Fj.B. "' om. C.Fi.F,. (B. om. ab A. et ab A.). i-' sunt c, C.Fi.Fj. ; om. B. " om. C.F^.Y^.B. " quidem, add. C.F1.F3.B. ^^ pjscari, B. and F3 {on erasure). ^^' om. C.Fi.Fj.B. " om. B. 18 om. C.Fi.Fj. " dicit per prophetas, add. C.F,.F3.B. ^^ Ego, add. C.F1.F3.B. ; and peccatores, F,.; a?td dicit Dominus, F,.F3. ^^' a. v. oportebatur, C.F,. ; a. v. oportebat, F3. ; oportuit ualde, B. " ut,C.F,.F3.B. 23 gxortarentur, F3.; exhortarentur, B. " indi- gentem, C.F,.F3.B. ^^ inquit, add. C.Fi.B. '-^' admonens et. B. ^' om. C.Fi.Fj.B.; and Fj. has ego for ergo. =^' docentes eos seruare [observare, Fj.F^.] omnia quaecunque mandavi uobis : et ecce Ego uobiscum sum omnibus diebus usque ad consummationeni seculi, C.F1.F3. ; so also B., but with dixero /or mandaui. The passas^e is one of those ivhich indicate that the Armagh copy is abridged. ""'' dicit, add. C.¥,.?iB. ^» om. C.B. "/ o,„_ 3. ^2' om^. C.F,.F:;.B. The exempla are obviously those which follow in the text, but are omitted in the Book of Armagh : a further passage to prove this last to be abridged. y Jerem. xvi. 19. ^ Acts xiii. 47. " Matt. viii. II. I" Matt. iv. 19. c Jerem. xvi. 16. '' Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. " Mark xvi. 15, 16. 3o8 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period U. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] ' [Et " prxdicabitur hoc Euangelium regni in uniuerso mundo in testimonium omnibus gentibus j et tunc veniet finis f." Et •'iterum Domini Prophcta prsenuntians/ inquit : " Et erit in nouissimis diebus, dicit Dominus, cffundam de Spiritu Meo super omnem car- nem, et prophctabunt filij vestri et filise vestrse ^, et seniores vestri somnia somniabunt : ct quidem super seruos Meos et * ancillas Meas in diebus illis effundam de Spiritu Meo et prophetabunt s." Et ■' Osee dicit : " Vocabo non-plebem Meam " plebcm Meam', et non- misericordiam-consecutam « misericordiam-consecutam'. Et erit in loco ubi dictum est : Non plebs Mea vos j ibi vocabuntur filij Dei viuih."] Unde autem "Hiberione, qui numquam notitiam [Dei] * habuerunt, " nissi idola "^ et inmunda vsque " semper coluerunt, quomodo nuper '" facta est plebs Domini, et filij Dei '^ nuncupantur filij "sanctorum, et filise Regulorum monachi '^et virgines Christi 1^ esse videntur. " [Et etiam una " Scotta benedicta', nobilis, pul- cherrima, '" adulta erat, quam ego baptizaui : et post paucos dies vna caussa venit ad nos : insinuauit ^" namque nobis responsum accepisse a -' nuntio Dei, '" qui monuit -^ eam ut permaneret' virgo Christi, et -'sic Deo proximaret. Deo gratias, sexta ab hac die optima et auidissime arripuit illud, quod etiam omnes virgines Dei -^ similiter faciunt ; non •^''' voluntate patrum suorum'j ^" imo -*perse- cutiones patiuntur et inproperia falsa a parentibus suis, et nihilo- minus plus augetur numerus : et de genere nostro '-" qux ibi *' Christo '^ natse sunt, nescimus numerum ^- earum, prseter viduas et continentes. Sed et ^^ illae maxime laborant, qux seruitio deti- ncntur: usque ad tcrrores et minas assidue ^*perferunt: sed Dominus gratiam dedit multis ex ancillis '^■' Suis : nam ^^ etsi vetantur', tamen fortitcr imitantur. Unde autem ■''' possem etsi voluero ^^^ dimittere ' For the passage between brackets, Et to Dei Uiui, here taken from B., see above in note 6, on p. .^04. Et iteriim, C.F1.F3. ^ Item Dominus per prophetam prenuntians, CF,. ; item Dominus per proplictam prenuntiat, F,. ^ Et filii ucstri uisiones uidcbunt, add. C.Fj.Fj. ^ super, add. C.Fi.F,. * in, add. C.F3. "' nm. C. ' Hiberionse, B. * habuerant, C.F,.F,.B. ; and add before it, Dei. »' nee, add. B. '» oni. B. »' nunc, add. C.F,.F,.B. " perfccta, F,.F,. ; effecta, B. ^ nuncupabuntur, B. " Scottorum, C.Fj.Fj.B. {and begin the sentence at the second Filii). The word stands thtis in the Book of Armagh — scorum. ''■ om. F,. '" ipse, C.Fi.Fj. ^^ For the passage between brackets, from Et etiam to pro animabus vestris (p. 31 1 ), here taken from B., see above, note 6, p. 304. ^* b. S., gentiua, C. ; b. S., genitiua, F,. ; b. S. genetiva, F,. '» aduitera, F,. ■" om. C.F,.F8. ^^ nutu, C.F,. -^ et, C.F,.F,. =»' etiam ut esset, C.F,.Fj. ; and F,. ow. Christi. 2* ipsa, C.Fi.Fj. '» jta hoc, C.F,.F,. ^'' sponte p. earum, C.F1.F3. ^ sed, CF,. ; sed et, F3. =^' persecutionem patiantur, C.F,.F,. » qui.C.Fi.F,. ^ om. C.l\.F,.; and MS. o/B. ^i „ati, CF^F,. '^"^ eoruni, C.Fi.Fj. '' ilia {corrected), F,. ; illas, C.F,. ^* persuaserunt, C.F3. ; perseue- rant, F,. « meis, CFpF,. "O' et siue tantum, C.Fi.Fj. ^om.C.F,.¥,.;andMS.of]i. ™ amittere, C.Fi.Fj. ' Matt. xxiv. 14. K Joel ii. 28. '" Hosea i. lO, ii. 23. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 309 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] illas, et ^ pergere in ' Britannias ; ^ etsi libentissime paratus * irem, quasi ad patriam et parentes : '"' et non id solum, sed etiam usque " ad Gallias " visitarem fratres *" meos, ut viderem faciem Sanctorum Domini mei : scit Dominus quod ego ® id valde optabam. Sed '" illigatus Spiritu i (Qui mihi protestatur, si hoc fecero, " et reum futurum' esse designat) ^Himeo "perdere laborem, quem inchoaui • et non ego, sed Christus Dominus, Qui " mihi impeiauit ut venircm, ^^ essemque cum illis' residuum setatis mese ; si Dominus voluerit et custodierit me ab omni " macula, vt non peccem coram lUo. '■^ Sperare autem hoc debueram : sed memetipsum non credo, quamdiu fuero in "hoc corpore mortis^:" quia fortis est qui quotidie nititur ^^ me subuertere' a fide et proposita castitate religionis non fictx, ^"quam seruabo' usque in finem vitse meae Christo -" Domino meo: sed caro inimica semper -^ adtrahit ad mortem, id est, ad illecebras -- in infelicitate perfruendas'. Et scio ex parte ^^quod ego' vitam per- fectam -* non didici', sicut et ceteri credentes : sed confiteor Domino meo, et non erubesco in -^conspectu Eius', quia non mentior: ex quo cognoui Eum. '^^in iuuentute mea, creuit in me amor Dei et timor Ipsius, et vsque nunc, fauente Domino, "fidem seruaui^" Rideat autem et insultet qui voluerit, ego non silebo neque ■-^abscondam signa et mirabilia, ^^qu^e mihi a Domino ^"monstrata sunt ante multos annos quam ■^" fierent, quasi Qui " nouit omnia etiam ante tempora secularia '"." Unde '^ego quidem debueram' sine cessatione Deo gratias agere. Qui ssepe indulsit insipientix mex ^' et negligentix meae • . . . et de loco non in unoquoque, ut non mihi vehementer irasceretur, ^^cui adiutor datus sum, et non cito acquieui, secundum quod mihi ostensum fuerat, et ^'^Spiritus nihil- ominus' suggerebat. Et misertus est mihi Dominus in millia millium : quia vidit in me quod paratus eram ; sed quod ^^ nihilo 1 ut pergens, C.Fi.Fj. ^ Britanniis, C.Fi.Fj. ^ Et, C.F,.F,. * eram, C.Fi.Fj. 5 om. C.F1.F3. « om. C.F1.F3. ^ uisitare, C.F1.F3. '^ om CFj-F,. ; and ¥,.¥,. add. et. 9 o^_ C.F1.F3. and MS. of B. '» alligatus, C.F1.F3. "'^ut futurum rerum me, C. ; u. f. reum me, F1.F3. '"' et, add. C.F1.F3. '^ pendere, C. " me, C.Fi.Fj. '" esse cum illis, C. : esse meum illis, F^ ; esse mecum illis, F3. {on erasure). ^^ uia mala, C.Fi.F,. " Spero, C.Fi.F^. ; and memetipso, Fj. "' s. me, C.F1.F3. ; and preposita, Fi. ^°' om. - C.Fi.Fj. and MS. o/B. ""> Deo, F3. "' trahit, C.F,.F3. ''" inlicite perficiendas, C.F,. ; inlicitate perficiendas, F,. ^3' qua^e, C.F,.Y,. ^*' ego non egi, €.¥,.¥,. '" c. Ipsms C.F,. ; inspectu Ipsius, F,. ^^ a, C.F,.F3. " abscondo, C-F.-F,. '» quem, F,. „"!'«'- strata, C.Fi.Fj. ^o fuerant, C.F3. ; fuerunt, F,. '^ autem debuero, C.Fi.F,. om. C.F,.F3. ^^ qui, C.Fi.Fj. And irascetur, C. ^*' sicut Spiritus, C.F1.F3. •" mihi pro his nesciebam de s. m., C.F3. ; mihi pro his nesciebam detestatu, F,. i Acts XX. 22. k Rom. vii. 24, marg. ' 2 Tim. iv. 7. '" See Ac{i xv. 18. 3IO CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [frOFESSIO S. PATRlCll.] plus sciebam de statu' meo quid facerem : quia multi banc lega- tionem prohibcbant, ^ et quidam' inter - ipsos post tergum meum narrabant et dicebant : Iste quare sc mittit in periculum inter hostes, qui Deum non nouerunt ? Non '' causa malitiae ; sed non sapiebat illis, sicut et ego ipse testor, 'iter illud', propter rusticitatem meam. £t non cito agnoui gratiam, quae tunc erat in me : nunc mihi '"'sapit, quod ante debucram " vocanti Deo parere'. Nunc ergo sim- pliciter insinuaui fratribus ct conseruis meis, qui mihi crediderunt : propter quod praedixi et prxdico ad roborandam 'fidem vestram. •^ Utinam et vos imitemini maiora, et potiora faciatis. " Hsec erit gloria mca : quia " filius sapiens gloria patris est ^/' Vos scitis et Deus qualiter '" conuersatus sum inter vos' a iuuentute mea ; "in lide veritatis et '- sinceritate cordis, etiam ad gentes illas, inter quas habito ; ego fidem illis ^* prsestiti et prsestabo. Deus scit, ncminem illorum circumueni, nee cogito, propter Deum et Ecclesiam Ipsius j ne excitem illis et '*vobis omnibus persecutionem, et ne per me '^ blasphemetur nomen Domini : quia scriptum est : " Vae homini per quern nomen Domini blasphematur °." Nam etsi im- peritus sum ^^ in omnibus', tamen conatus sum quidpiam seruare me, etiam ^^ fratribus Christianis et virginibus Christi, et mulieribus religiosis, quae mihi vltronea munuscula donabant, et super altare iactabant ex ornamentis suis, et iterum ^-reddebam illis j et ad- uersus me scandalizabantur cur '"hoc faciebam: sed ego ^°id facie- bam' propter spem perennitatis, vt me in omnibus caute -' possem conseruare' j ita ut me in aliquo titulo -■' infideles non carperent', vel ■-'' etiam ministerium seruitutis mese : nee, etiam in -* minimis, incredulis locum darem infamare sine detrectare '" me paratis'. Forte autem quando baptizaui tot mi Ilia hominum, sperauerim ab aliquo illorum vel '"dimidium scriptulum' ? Dicite mihi, et reddam vobis ^. -~ An quando ordinauit ubique Dominus clericos per modi- citatem meam, '** numquid ministerium gratis distribui illis ? Si 1' et iam, C.F,. ; etiam j^im, F,. = seipsos, CF.-F,. ^ y,^ „j^ C.Fi.Fj. *' intellegi, C. ; intelligi, F3. and MS. of B. ; intellexi, F,. ; and F, has testator. ^ capit, C.Fi.F,. "' om. C.Fi.Fa. and MS. o/B. '' et confirmandani, add. C.F,.F,. » Ut, C. ; Utinam ut, F,.F,. " Hoc, C.F,.F,. '"' apud uos c. sum, C.Fi.F,. " et, C.F,.F,. >= in, add. F.-Fj. » prse- staui, C.F,.Fj. '* nobis, C.Fi.Fj. " blasphemaretur, CFj-Fj. >«' nominibus, C.F,. and MS. of li. " et, add. C.F,.F3. » reddebant, F,., and adversum, F,. '» ego, C.F,. ="' om. C.Fi.Fj. and MS. of B. 2'' propterea conseruarem, C.F,.Fs. 22' infideli caperent, C.F,.F,. ; and MS. of B. om. non. -' om. C.Fi.Fj. '■'* minimo, F,.F.,. "' otn. C.F,.F,. and MS. of B. ^«' dimedio scriptule, C.F,. ; dimidium scriptule, F3. The screapall was an ancient Irish coin, value about 3^. '^ Aut, C.F,.F.,. '" Add. B. ; et, C.Fj.F,. " Pfov. X. I. Lcvit. xxiv. 16. PI Sam. xii. 3. A.D. 44o(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 311 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] poposci ab aliquo illorum vel pretium ^ calceamenti mei, dicite -mihi- et reddam vobis'i magis. Ego impendi ^ vobis, vt me * caperent ; et inter vos et ubique pergebam caussa vestra in multis periculis, etiam usque ad exteras partes, ubi nemo ultra erat, et ubi numquam aliquis peruenerat, qui baptizaret, aut clericos ordinaret, aut populum Mn fide confirmaret': donante Domino, diligenter ''ac libentissime pro salute vestra omnia ^gessi. *Interea praemia "Re- gibus dabam ; prater quod mercedem dabam' filijs ipsorum, qui mecum ambulant : et ^" nihilominus comprehenderunt me " nunc cum comitibus ^- meis, vt in' ilia die auidissime ^^ interficerent me. Sed tempos nondum venerat. Et omnia quaecumque "habebamus nobiscum' rapuerunt '^, et " meipsum ferro vinxerunt. Et quarto decimo die absoluit me Dominus ^'a potestate eorum, et quidquid nostrum fuit, redditum est nobis propter Deum et necessaries amicos, quos ante ^^ prouidimus. Vos autem experti estis ^'■'quanta erogaueram eis', qui '"indigebant per omnes regiones, "^quas ego frequentius visitabam : censeo enim non ^^ minus quam pretium quindecim hominum distribui illis. Ita, ut me fruamini et ego vobis semper fruar in -^Domino (^^nec me poenitet nee satis est mihi) adhuc impendo et superimpendam : potens est " enim Dominus vt det mihi postmodum, ut meipsum ^^ impendam ac superimpendam'' pro animabus vestris.] Ecce testem Deum inuoco in animam meam, quia non mentior, -'^neque, ut -*sit ^^occassio ^^ vobis, neque ut honorem ^^ spero "- ab aliquo viro' : sufficit enim ^^ honor, qui ^* non ^^mentitur. Sed video iam in prsesenti sseculo me supra modum ^^ exaltatus sum' a Domino ; et non eram dignus neque talis ut ^^ hoc mihi' prxstaret : dum scio ^^ melius conuenit' paupertas et calamitas quam ^''diuitia; et dilicise', Sed et Christus Dominus 1 uel, add. C.Fi.Fj. = aduersus me, C.Fi.Fj. ^ pro, add. ¥,.¥,. * caperet, C-F.-Fj. 5' consummaret, CFlF;. « et, CF^Fj. '' generaui, C.F3. ; geiierari, F,. « Interim, C.F,.F3. "' d. R. propter quod d. m., C.F,.F3. i" nihil, C-F.-Fj. " otn. C-F.-Fj. 12' meis. Et, CFj-Fj. ^^ cupiebam interficere, C.Fj.Fa. "' nobiscum inuenerunt, C.Fi.F,. ; atid MS. of B. ofn. habebamus. "^ illud, add. C.Fi. ; ilia, add. ¥,. {on erasure). ^^ me, C. ; meipso, F,. " de, CFj-Fj. ^^ preuidimus, C.F1.F3. *^' quantum ego erogaui illis, C.F1.F3. 20 indicabant, C. ; iudicabant, Fi.Fj. and MS. of B. (The Brehon judges, probably.) ''■ quos, C.Fj.Fs. " minimum, C.Fj.Fs. (and F3. has an erasure for quam). "^ Deum, C.Fi.Fj. =* Non, C.F,.F,. 25 om. C.F1.F3. ^6' impendat, C.Fj. ; impendam, Fj. ^ quod, add. B. (not in their MS.). ^s gj^ ^ 29 causa, B. ^u adulationis uel auaritie, scripserim, add. C.Fj.Fa.B. 31 sperarem, C.F^.B. ; serarem, F,. ^-' uestrum, C.Fi.Fj.B. =3 ^jhi^ add. F,.¥,.B. =** nondum, Fj.Fj.B. ^5 uidetur sed corde creditur. " Fidelis autem Qui promisit, nunquam, add. C.F,.F.,.B. '«' exultatum, CFj-Fj. ; exaltatum, B. ^7' ^_ j^ ^ 5 ss' certissime quod mihi m. c, C.FjFa. ; certissime quod mihi c. m., B. =">' dilitias et diuitias, C.F,. ; delicix et diuitiae, F3.B. '1 I Sam. xii. 3. "■ 2 Cor, xii. 15. 312 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period 11. [CONFESSIO S. PATRICn.] ' pauper fuit pro nobis'^ Ego - vero miser et infelix, etsi opes voluero, iam non habeo, neque mcipsum '' iudico : quia quotidie * spero aut internicionem, aut circumueniri, aut redigi in seruitutem, sive ''occassio cuiuslibet. " [Sed nihil horum vereor propter pro- missa caelorum : quia iactaui meipsum in manus Dei omnipotentis, ■ Qui vbique dominatur, sicut Propheta ait ; " lacta cogitatum tuum in ^Dominum, et Ipse te enutriett." £cce "ego commendo' animam meam fidelissimo Deo meo, pro Quo ^" legatione fungor in ignobili- tate mea : sed quia personam non accipit, et elegit me ad hoc oflficium, ut unus essem de Suis " minimus minister. " Unde autem retribuam Illi pro omnibus quse ^'-retribuit mihi '^i;" '■''seu quid dicam ■* aut quid promittam Domino meo ? Quia nihil ^■' valeo nisi Ipse mihi dedcrit : sed '''scrutatur corda et renes^; quia satis et nimis cupio, et paratus eram, ut donaret mihi bibere calicem ^', sicut indulsit "ct ceteris amantibus Se. ^" Quapropter non '-'" contingat mihi a Domino meo ut -' unquam amittam plebem "Suam, quam acquisiuit in ultimis terns. -''Oro ergo' Deum ut ^*mihi det' perse- uerantiam, et dignetur ut rcddam Illi '^^ me testem fidelem usque ad transitum mcum propter Deum meum. Et, si aliquid boni -^imitatus sum unquam' propter Deum meum Quem diligo, peto '-' Illi, -^ ut det mihi "quatenus cum illis proselytis et captiuis pro nomine Suo effundam sanguinem meum, etsi ^° ipsa etiam caream ^^ sepultura, '-et ^'miserrime cadauer per singula ^^ diuidatur • '"auibus, canibus, aut bcstijs -"'ac feris proijciatur, vt comcdant' illud. Certissime "enim reor, si mihi hoc ''curx sit', lucratus sum animam ^" in corpore meo : quia "' nulla dubitationc in ^^ ilia die' resurgemus in claritatc solis, hoc est in gloria '"lesu Christi redempti omnes erimus' quasi ''filij Dei y "et cohxredes Christi, et conformes •' pro nobis p. f., B.^ - om. C.\\.\\. ; and opus, Fj. ' dignum, add. B. {not in their MS.). ' spcrno, C.F3. ■'• occasioneni, F,. {on erasure); occasione, B. * For the passage in brackets, from Sed nihil to prius evaseram, here taken from B., see above, in note 6, on p. 304, ^ quia, C.F,. ; and dicit, F,.F,. « Deum, C.F,.F3. »' nunc c, C.F,. ; c. nunc, F3. '" legationem, C. " minimis, Fi.Fj. ^ retribuat, Fi.Fj. >=• sed, F . ^* uel, C.F,.F3. ""■ uideo, C.Fi.Fj. i« scrutabor, C-F.-F,. " Eius, add. C.F,.F,. i« om. C.F,.?^. ^^ Quia propter, C. ; Quia, F,. ■'>' contingunt, C.F,.F,. ; and Deo, F,.F3. =' nunquam, C.F,.F,. " meam, C. «' oro, C.F,. ; era, F,. ^v j ^^^ C.Fi.Fj. ^s g,,, c.Fi.F,. and MS. of B. -«' unquam i. [inmitatus, F,.] s., C.F,.F,. ^7 my^^ p^_ 2g o,„ C.Fi.F,. -« ut, C.F,.F3. *' ipsum, C. ; ipsam, F,.; ipse, F,. {on erasure). ^i sepulturam, C.F,. '"■ aut, C.F,.F,. '' miserissime, C. ; misserissime, F,. ; misernme, F3. {on erasure). ^' membra, add. C.Fj.Fj. " om. C.Fi.Fj. ^'' aspersis, aut uolucres cceli comedetent, C. : a. a. u. c. comederunt, F,.; a. a. u. c. comederiiit, F3. ^' om. C.F,.F,. ^s' jncurrisset, C.F,.F-. ^ cum, C.Fj.F,. I" sine ulla, C.F,.F,. "' d. i., C.F,.F,. «' Christi Jesu Redcmptrris nostri, C.F,.F3. " filium, C. " uiui, add. C.F,.F3. ' ' Cor. viii. 9. t Ps iv 22. " Ps. cxvi. 12. " Ps. vii. 9. > Rom. viii. 17, jq. A.D. 44o(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 313 [CONFESSIO S. PATRICII.] ^ creaturjE imaginis ipsius : " quoniam ex Ipso, et per Ipsum, et in Ipso sunt omnia : Ipsi gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. In Illo enim regnaturi sumus'. Nam sol iste quem videmus, ' Illo iubente, propter nos quotidie oritur, sed numquam regnabit *neque per- manebit splendor eius : sed et omnes qui adorant eum in poenam miseri male deuenient. Nos autem ^ qui credimus ct adoramus solem verum ^ lesum Christum, Qui numquam interibit ; neque qui fecerit voluntatem "Suam *" interibit sed manebit in seternum, "quo- modo Christus " manet in -cEternum, Qui regnat cum Deo Patre omnipotente et " Spiritu Sancto ante secula, et nunc et per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. Ecce iterum ^' atque iterum' breuiter ex- ponam verba Confessionis mese. Testificor in veritate et in exul- tatione '^ coram Deo et Sanctis angelis Eius, "quia numquam habui '^ ullam occasionem prseter Euangelium et promissa Illius, ut unquam ^^ redirem ad gentem' illam, unde " prius ^* euaseram.] Sed praecor credentibus '"et timentibus Deum, quicumque dignatus fuerit in- spicere vel recipere banc scripturam, quam -"Patricius peccator', indoctus scilicet, Hiberione '^ conscripsit ; ut nemo umquam dicat, quod '"- mea ignorantia' si aliquid pussillum ^^ egi vel demonstrauerim secundum -•' : sed arbitramini -^ et uerissime ^^ credatur, quod -^ donum Dei' fuisset. Et hcec est confessio mea antequam moriar. ^* Hue usque volumen quod Patricius manu conscripsit sua : septima decima Martii die translatus est Patricius ad caelos'. 1 future, C.F1.F3. -' C.F3. om. from sunt to enim ; Fj. otn. from quoniam to sumus. 3 Deo, F3. ; om. C.F,. * et, add. C.F3. ^ om. F3. '^ otn. C.F,.F3. '' Ipsius, C.F,.F3. ; and just before, fecerat, Fj. ' om. C.Y^.Y,. and MS. o/B. » quomodo et, F.-Fj. (C. om. quomodo — feternum.) '" manebit, CFj. ; permanebit, F3. " cum, add. C.Fj.Fj. 12' iterumque, C.F^.Y,. '^ cordis, add. C-F.-Fj. » qui, C.F,.F3. » aliquam, C.Fi.Fj. "' redderem agentem, C.F,.F3. ^^ autem, add. C.Fi.Fa. " vix, add. C.F,.F3. " ac, B. -" peccator P.,"b. ^^ conscripsi, B. ^-' m. ignoratia, F;.; meae ignorantise fuerit, B. {but fuerit not in their MS.). ^^ ego, CFj-F,. 2* Dei placitum, add. C.F1.F3. ; p. D., add. B. Marked as dotibtfid in margin of Booh of Armagh. '= ac, B. ^^ creditur, F,. ; credatis, B. ""' Dei, C.F1.F3. ; Deus, B. ^*' Added by the same hand at the end of the Confessio in the Book of Armagh. 314 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [epISTOLA S. PATRICII AD COROTICI SIJBDITOS.] [Shortly before A.D. 493 (?).] EPISTOLA S. PATRICII AD CHRISTIANOS COROTICI TYRANNI SUBDITOS/ 1. Patricias peccator indoctus'-, Hiberione '' constitutus *Episco- pus, ccrtissime reor, a Deo accepi id quod sum : inter ® Barbaras *utique ''gentes proselytus et profuga, ob amorem Dei. Testis 'Ille est', si ita est. Non quod optabam tarn dure et tarn aspere aliquid "ex ore meo effundere : sed cogor zelo Dei '*'ac veritatis Christi " excitatus, pro dilectione proximorum atque filiorum, pro quibus tradidi patriam et parentes et animam meam, '-' quia usque ad mortem si "dignus sum', "voui Deo meo docere gentes, etsi '^nunc contcmnar a quibusdam'. ^^Et manu mea scripsi atque condidi verba ista danda '^ ac tradenda militibus mittcnda Corotici, non dico ciuibus meis ^^ atque ciuibus sanctorum Romanorum, sed ciuibus diemoniorum ob mala opera ipsorum, '"qui Barbarorum' ritu hostili in morte viuunt ; socij Scotorum atque Pictorum apostatarum, -'" quasi sanguine volentes saginari' innocentum Christianorum, quos ego ■^' innumeros Deo genui atque in Cliristo confirmaui. 2. Postera die qua "chrismati neophyti in veste Candida, '^dum fides flagrabat' in fronte ipsorum, -" crudeliter trucidati atque mactati ■-■' sunt gladio, supradictis -" misi epistolam cum sancto presbytero, -■^ quem ego ex infantia docui, cum clcricis, ut nobis aliquid -' indul- geretur de prasda vel de captiuis baptizatis quos '-' ceperunt : ^"sed cachinnos fecerunt de illis. Idcirco nescio ^'quid magis lugcam': ' The text is taken from the Actt. SS., March 17, vol. ii. (B.) ; with various readings from Cotton MS. Nero E. i. (C.\ and from Fell MSS., vols. i. and iii. (Fi.Fj.V The title above given is added by the BoUandists. In C.F,.F.,. the tract is introduced with merely, Explicit liber primus, Incipit secundus. It has been printed with the Co7ifcssio, as above in note ", p. 296. Coroticus probably = Ceredii;, (the Christian) Prince of Ceredigion or Cardigan. ^ scilicet, add. C.Fj.F,. ^ constitutum, F3. * Episcopum me esse fateor, C.F1.F3. ^ barbaros. F,. « itaque, CFpFj. ' habito, C.F,.F3. « e. I., C.F,.F,. » et, F,. «• et, C.F,.F,. " excitavit, C.F,. ; excitavit me, Y,. {interlined). '^ om. C.Fi.F,. and MS. o/B. *'' dignum suum, C. ; dignum sum, F,. " noui, C ; Uiuo, F,. "' contemptior a quibus, C. ; contemnor a quibus, F|.; contempnor quibus, F3. '"^ o>«. C.Fi.Fj. " et, C.F,.F3. '" neque, C.Fi.F,. '"' om. C.F1.F3. and MS. of B. -^" que sanpuinoientos (sangutlentos, Q,.\ sanguinare de sanguine, C.F,.; que sangulentos s. de s., F,. -' innumerum, C.F,.F,. ^^ crismate, F,. ■■^'' flagrabat, C. ; flagrabant, F,. ; fragrabat, F,. ; and fides, not in MS. o/B. ■* dum, add. C.F,.F,. ''^om.C.l\.¥,.andMS.o/B. "'■ F.t, add. C.V\. -'' quam, F,. ^s j^. dulgeient, C.F,.F-. ''■' ceperant, F,. ™ om. C.V,.¥^. and MS. o/B. ■" quod m. I., C. ; quos m. 1., F3. ; quid m. lugcbam, F,. A.D. 44o(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 315 [epISTOLA S. PATRICn AD COROTICI SUBDITOS.] an qui interfecti, vel quos ceperunt; vel quos grauiter Zabulus illa^ queauit, ' qui - perenni poense in gehenna' paritcr cum ipso ' manci- pabuntur : quia utique " qui facit peccatum, seruus est * peccati 'V' et filius ^ diaboli nuncupatur. 3. "^ Quapropter ^ resciat omnis homo timens Dcum, quod " a me alieni sunt et a Christo Deo meo, pro Quo Megatione fungor, '" patricidjE, et fratricidse', lupi rapaces, " deuorantes plebem Domini ut cibum panis V' sicut ait : " Iniqui dissipauerunt legem Tuam, Dominec;" " quam in supremis temporibus Hiberione optime ^'et benigne plantauerat atque ^^ instruxerat. Fauente '* Deo, " non usurpo '^aliena^:" sed' partem habeo cum his, '"quos '^ vocauit '' ac prsedestinauit Euangelium praedicare in persecutionibus non paruis usque ad extremum terrse ; etsi inuidet inimicus per tirannidem Corotici, qui Deum non veretur, nee sacerdotes ^® Eius, quos ^° elegit, et indulsit illis "^summam "diuinamque ^'^ potestatem, "quos ligarent super terram '^* esse ligatos' et in caelis ^." 4. Unde ergo quasso '-'^plurimum, sancti' et humiles corde, adulari talibus non licet, nee cibum nee potum sumere cum ipsis, nee elee- mosinas ipsorum -•' debent recipi', donee crudeliter -^ efFusis lacrymis poenitentiam agentes satisfaciant Deo', et liberent seruos Dei et ancillas Christi baptizatas, pro quibus mortuus est et crucifixus. "Dona -'' enim iniquorum reprobat Altissimus f," '"''et "qui ofFert sacrificium ex substantia ^° pauperis^ quasi ^^ qui victimat filium in conspectu patris ^" " r''' " ^^^ Diuitise," ^* inquit, "quas ''^ congregauit iniuste, euomentur de ventre eius, ^'^ angelus mortis trahit ilium', ira draconum ^^mulctabitur, interficiet ilium ^^ lingua colubri'h^" ''^comedet *° eum " ignis inextinguibilis' • :" ideoque, " Vse qui replent se " his 1 wn. C.Fi.Fj. and MS. of B. ^' perhenne pena gehenne, F3. ; perenne pena gehennam, C.Fi. 3 mancipabunt, C.F1.F3. * 07W. C.Fi.Fj. " Zabuli, C.F,.F3. « Quare propter, C. ; propter quam rem, F3. '' sciat, C.F3. * om. C. ^ legationem, CFj. '"' patri- cida, fratricida, C.F1.F3. " quoniam, C. " om. €.¥,.¥,. " instrurta erat, C.F1.F3. " Domino, F,. ^^ om. CF^.F^. and MS. o/B. i« om. F,. >' aduocauit, C.F1.F3. 1* et, C.F,.F3. " Ipsius, C.F1.F3. ^^ egegit, F,. -' summa, F,. ^'^ Diuinam, C.F,.F3. 23 sublimem, add. C-F.-Fj. =*' I. e., CFi-Fj. ==' primum Dei, F,. '«' recipere debere, C.Fj.Fj. ^' p. e. 1. satis Deo faciant, C.F,.F3. '« om. C-F.-Fj. '" om. C.F,.F3. s" pauperum, C.F,.F3. ^i „,„ c.Fj. ^- sui, add. C.Fi.Fs. '^ Diuitias, C.F,. '* inquid, C. ^^ congregabit, C.F3. ; n?i ut, C.F^.F,. *' om. C.F,.F,. '^' a. s. d, C.F,.F,. •■• discutere, C.Fj.Fj. ' carpere, Fj.Fj. ; capere, C. « om. C.F,.F,. » om. C.F.F,. '» Uel, C.F,.F,. » om. C. "' in m. manct, C-F.-F,. " coinquinauit, C.Fi.Fj. '* adquisiuit, C.F,.F,. ^ om. C.Fi.F,. '« extationem, C. " Hiberione, C.F,.F,. '" om. C.F,. J9 om. C. =« a me, C.F,. {an erasure in F,.). "' om. C.F,.F,. and MS. o/B. {an erasure in ?,./or quod). ==' g j^ C-F.-F,. » qui, C.Fi.F,. {corrected to qua, F3.) =* ceperunt, C.K,.F,,. -'= deuastauerunt, C.Fi.F,. ^ damns, add. C.¥^.F,. ^ (ui, C.Fj.F^. 28 o„, c.F,.F,. ; and Decorione, Fj-F,. =9 ^^im, C.Fi.Fj. '^ neque me' C.Fi.F,. 31 seruus, add. C.F..F3. :'-' om. C.F,.F3. and MS. of B. ^3 ^^^^ „jj C.F,.F,! =■*' om. C.Fi.Fj. 3* neque unum Deuni patreni habcmus, add. C.F,. ; n. D. u. p. h., add. F,. ="■' om. C.F,.F,. ="' ow. C. '" om. C.F,.F,. and MS. o/B. ^9 Nqj,^ c.F,.F,. **' q. h., C.Fi.F,. « om. C.F,.F,. and MS. of K '^ unus, add. CF^F,. « om. C.F,.F,. " pcccaloribus, F,. '' Habak. ii. 6. D Exod. xx. 13, &c. 1 i John iii. 14. Matt. XVI. ?6; Mark viii. 16. " See i John iii. 15. ■• Luke iv. 24. '" E'""!- "''• 17. Sec. V I John iii. 15. ^ Matt. xii. 30. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 317 [epISTOLA S. PATRICII ad COROTICl SUBDITOS.] mihi. Quid faciam Domine ? Valde despicior. Ecce oues Tux circa me laniantur atque deprsedantur ^ a supradictis latrunculis, jubente Corotico Mioste : mente ^enim longe est a caritate Dei traditor Christianorum in manus Scottorum atque Pictorum. " Lupi rapaces deglutierunt gregem Domini t," qui vtique Hiberione cum summa diligentia optime crescebat ; et filij Scottorum * ac filix Regulorum monachi '^fiebant et virgines Christi "quot enumerare nequeo. " '^Qui propter iniuriam iustorum' non ^^Te placat Domine', etiam usque ad inferos non ^ placabit "." 7. Quis sanctorum non horreat iocundare vel ^" conuiuium facere' cum talibus ? De spolijs defunctorum Christianorum repleuerunt domos suas ; de rapinis viuunt, nesciunt " misereri. Venenum ^- bibunt, " letalem cibum porrigunt ad amicos et filios suos ; sicut Eua non intellexit quod " utique mortem ^^ tradidit viro suo : sic sunt omnes qui male agunt ; mortem' perennem poenamque ^'^ per- petuam '^ operantur. Consuetudo Romanorum '^ Gallorumque Chris- tianorum ^^ est, mittunt ^° presbiteros sanctos ^^ et idoneos ad Francos ^^ et exteras gentes' cum tot ^^ millibus solidorum ad redimendos captiuos -'' baptizatos : tu '^" omnes interficis et vendis illos genti exterae ignoranti Deum : quasi in lupanar tradis ■■" membra Christi ; qualem " ergo spem habes in Deum ? 8. "^ Qui "^^ tecum sentit', aut qui ^*' communicat verbis '^ alienis et adulationi', Deus iudicabit : scriptum est enim : " Non solum faci- entes mala, sed etiam consentientes damnandi sunt ''." Nescio quid dicam ^' aut quid loquar amplius de defunctis filiorum Dei, quos gladius supra modum ^^ tetigit. Scriptum est enim : " ^' Flere cum flentibusy." Et iterum : "Si dolet unum membrum, ''^ condolent omnia membra \'" Quapropter Ecclesia '■' plorat et '' plangit filios et 1 et, C.F1.F3. 2 hostili, F,. ; hostile, C.F,. (and no stop). " om. C.F1.F3. ^ et, C.F1.F3. ^ om. C.F1.F3. mid MS. o/B. ^ om. C.Fi.Fj. and MS. o/B. '' quamobrem iniuria istorum, C. ; quamobrem injuria iustorum, F1.F3. ^' Tib! placeat, F;. ; Te placeat, C.Fi. ; Te placat, MS. of B. '•' placebit, C.F1.F3. '"' conuiuium fruere, C.F,. ; conuiuio frui, F3. '1 miseri, C.F,.F3. {and no stop) ; and domus,>s/ be/ore, F,. »'' om. CF^Fj. 12 letale, CF,. ; and et amicos, F,. " om. C. '" om. C.F3. {by a homaoteleiiton). ^" om. C.F1.F3. ; and pcenam, F1.F3. '■'' operatur, F3. {on erasure). ^^ Gallorum, C.F1.F3. " om. C.F1.F3. and MS. of B. ^» uiros, CY^.Y-,. ■"■ om. C.Y,.Y,. and MS. of B. ^" et ceteras gentes, C.F,.F3. ^^ milia, C.F,.F3. ^* baptizat, CF^.F,. 25 t^tjus^ c.F,. ; toties, F3, -« membris, F,. =^ 07n. C.Y,.Y,. and MS. o/B. ^s Uel, add. C.F1.F3. 2»' te consentit, C.Fi.Fj. ^0 te, add. C.Fi.Fj. ^i' adulationis, C.Fi.Fj. ^"^ uel, C.F,.F3. == dure, add. C.F1.F3. 34 piete^ C.Y,.Y,. '^ condoleant, C.F,.F,. ^^ ploret, F,. ^' planget, C.F,.F3. ' See Acts xx. 29. " Ecclus. ix. 17. ; Rom. i. 32. .V Rom. xii. 15. ' 1 Cor. xn. 26. 3i8 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [epiSTOLA S. PATRICII ad COROTICI SUBDITOS.] filias suas, 'quos adhuc -'nondum gladius hostilis' interfecit, sed ^ exportati •• sunt '^ per longa terrarum " spatia. ' Ut peccatum ^ mani- festse grauetur impudentiae, impudens ibi habitat et' abundat : ibi vcnundati ingenui homines Christian! in " seruitutem redacti sunt, praesertim indignissimorum '" pessimorumque " atque ^" apostatarum Pictorum. 9. Idcirco cum tristitia et moerore ^^ vociferabor : O speciosissimi atque amantissimi fratres et filij, quos in Christo genui " nee enumerarc "^ queo, quid faciam vobis ? Non sum dignus '" neque hominibus subucnire. "Prseualuit iniquitas iniquorum '^ supra nos." '" Forte non credunt ^^ quod unum baptismum -° percepimus ^^ et unum Deum -"^habemus: indignum est illis -'-^quod de'Hibernia nati sumus: ■'^''sic -'•■enim '-*aiunt . . .-^'i Idcirco doleo pro vobis, doleo, carissimi mei : sed iterum gaudeo intra meipsum, -^^ quia non gratis laboraui ^"et peregrinatio mea in ''"vanum ^' non fuit b : et contigit scelus ''-illo in tempore' horrendum ^^et ^MnefFabile. Deo gratias : "^ cre- dentes et' baptizati de ^^ seculo recessistis ad paradisum. Cerno : vos migrare cocpistis ubi " nox non erit, neque luctus, neque mors ^' erit amplius'":" sed " exultabitis sicut vituli ^^ resoluti, et conculcabitis iniquos, et erunt cinis sub pedibus vestris''.'^ TO. Vos ergo regnabitis cum Apostolis et Prophetis atque Mar- tyribus ''"et aeterna regna capietis, sicut Ipse testatur *" inquiens : " Venient ab Oriente ■" et Occidente et recumbent cum Abraam et Isaac et lacob in regno caslorum e." « Foris *- canes et *'■ venefici et homicidae et " mendaces et periuri'^:" pars eorum in''*stagno ignis setcrni : non ^^ enim in vanum' ait Apostolus : " Ubi iustus vix saluus erit, pcccator ct impius "et transgressor legis ubi se ''^rccognoscet"?" ' quas, C.Fi.Fj. '•'' g. n., CFpFj. ^ prolongati et, add. C.F1.F3. ■* om. C.F,.F,. and MS. of B. •' in, C.F,.F3. ^ om. C.F,.l\. ^ Ubi, C.Fi.Fj. * manifesta grauetur impudenter, C. ; manifeste g. i., F,.F,,. " seruitute, C.Fi.Fj. •" pessiniorum, C.F,.F3. " om. CFpFj. •- apostatarunique, C.F,.F3. '» uociferaho, C.F,. '* om. C.F.^V '■'• ncquco, CF^F,. »« Deo, add. CFpF,. »^ super, C.F,.F3. >8 q,,^^; extranei facti sumus, add. C.F,.F.. " 07n. C.F,.F3. and MS. o/B. '■"^ percipimus, C.F,.F.. •^' uel, C.F,.F3. ■"'' patrem. add. F.-Fj. ^s' „,„ C.F1.F3. (Hiberia, C.F,.F3. ; Yberia, MS. of B.). =* sicut, C.F,.F3. ^^ om. C.Fi.F,. ^« ait, C.F,.F,. "" " Nonne unum Deum habetis? Quid dereliquistis unusquisque proximum suum?" add. C.Fj.Fj. {and MS. o/B., 6«/M/i/A quod /or quid). =" ow. C.F,.F,. » uel, C.F,.F,. 3" uacuum, C.F,.F,. 2' om. F,. ■•■'' tarn, CF^Fj. » o,„ c.Fj.Fj. '» ineffabilem, F,. ?»' creduli, C.Fi.F,. ■''• cclo, F,. =" om. C.Fi.Fj. ="< ex uinculis, add. C.F,.F3. '^ om. C.Y,.Y^. « inquit, C.F,.F,. ■" ab, F. " caiiis, F",. " ueneficos, C.F,.; uenefid, F3. {on erasure); and homicidie. and par, F,. **' mcndacibus periuris, C.F,.; mendacw periurz, F3. {on erasure). " stagnum, C.F,.F3. ■"■' immerito, F3.; merito, C.F,. " om. C.V,.¥,. *^ recognoscit, C.F,.F,. • Malachi ii. 10. '' See Gal. ii. 2 ; iv. u. >= Rev. xxi. 4 ; xxii. 5. Unde enim, C.Fi.Fj. ^ rebellatores, C.F,. ^ quujn, Pj. ; quam, C.F,. *' praemia distribuuntur, C.F,. ; praemia distribuunt, F3. ^ miserere, C. ; miscere, F,. " transeat, C.Fj.Fj. ' ojn. C.Fj.F,. « epulentur, C.Fi.Fj. » om. C.Fi.Fj. '" om. C.Fi.Fj. » quo, F,. '^ iiitimabit, F,. ; intimauerunt, F3. {on erasure). "' imperitie mee, C.F1.F3. " om. C.F1.F3. !•' quod ego Latinum expcsui, add. C.Fj.Fs. ^^ enim, add. C.Fj.Fs. "' om. C.F,.F3. i« om. C.F,.F3. !»' crediderit, saluus erit, C.F.Fj. '" om. C.Fi.Fj. -'■ ut, add. C.F,.F,. ^•-' nequaquam subtrahabatur ammine, F,. -^ legatur, C.Fj.Fj. =* inspirat, C.Fi.Fj. " Deo, C.Fi.Fj. 26 o„2 p^_ 27 Homicida, C.F,. ; and om. tuerunt, Fj.Fj. -«' om. C.F,.F3, (et, also, is erased in F-.). '^'^ quos, C.F3. '" ante, C.F,.F3. ^' mererentur, C.F1.F3. {corrected in F3. into mereantur). b Rev. xxii. 5. ' Mark xvi. 16. 320 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period II. [s. PATRICU CANTICUM SCOTTICUM.] A.D. 44o(?)x493(?) Tbe Lorica of S. Patrick". S. PATRICU CANTICUM SCOTTICUM. Atomriug indiu Niurt trcn togairm Trinoit, Cretim Treodataid foisi[ti]n Oen- datad, In dulcmain dail. I bind to myself to-day The strong power of an invoca- tion of the Trinity, The faith of the Trinity in Unity, The Creator of the elements. Atomriug indiu Niurt Gene Crist co n-a Bathius, Niurt Crochta co n-a AdnocuL Niurt Toniud do Brethemnas Bratha. I bind to myself to-day The power of the Incarnation of Christ with that of His Baptism, The power of the Crucifixion, with that of His Burial, The power of the Resurrection,- with the Ascension, The power of the Coming to the sentence of Judgment. Atomriug indiu Niurt Grad Hiruphin, In urlataid Aingel, [Ifrestul nan Archaingel,'»] Hi frescisin Eseirge ar cenn fochraice. In crnaigthib Huasal Athrach, I tairchetlaib Fatha, Hi praiceptaib Apstal, In hiresaib Fuismedach, In endga noem Ingen, I bind to myself to-day The power of the love of Seraphim, In the obedience of Angels, [In the service of Archangels,!^] In the hope of Resurrection unto reward. In the prayers of the noble Fathers^ In the predictions of the Prophets, In the preaching of Apostles, In the faith of Confessors, In the purity of holy V^irgins, In the acts of Righteous men. Atomriug indiu Niurt nime, Soilse grene, Etrochta snechtai. I bind to myself to-day The power of heaven. The light of the Sun, The whiteness of Snow, D. 440(?)-543] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 321 [s. PATRICII CANTICUM SCOTTICUM.] Ane thened, Dene lochet, Luathe gaethe, Fudomna mara, Tairisem talmain, Cobsaidecht ailech. The force of Fire, The flashing of Lightning, The velocity of Wind, The depth of the Sea, The stability of the Earth, The hardness of Rocks. Atomriug indiu Niurt De dom luamaracht, Cumachta De dom chumgabail, Ciall De domm imthus. Rose De dom reimci'se, Cluas De dom estecht, Briathar De dom eriabrai. Lam De domm imdegail, Intech De dom remthechtas, Sciath De dom ditin, Sochraite De domm anucul, Ar intledaib demna, Ar aslaigthib dualche, Ar irnechtaib aicnid, Ar cech nduine midus thrastard dam, I cein ocus in ocus, I n-uathed ocus hi sochaide. Tocuirius etrum thra na huile nert so, Fri cech nert n-amnas n- etrocar, Fristi dom churp ocus domm anmain, Fri tinchetla saibfathe, Fri dubrechtu gentliuchta, VOL. II. I bind to myself to-day The power of God to guide me, The might of God to uphold me. The wisdom of God to teach me. The eye of God to watch over me. The ear of God to hear me. The word of God to give me speech. The hand of God to protect me. The way of God to prevent me. The shield of God to shelter me. The host of God to defend me. Against the snares of demons. Against the temptations of vices, Against the lusts of nature, Against every man who medi- tates injury to me. Whether far or near, With few or with many. 6. I have set around me all these powers. Against every hostile savage power. Directed against my body and my soul. Against the incantations of false prophets. Against the black laws of heathenism, Y 322 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period 11. [s. PATRICII CANTICUM SCOTTICUM.] Fri s^ibrechtu heretecda, Fri himcellacht n-idlachta, Fri brichta ban ocus goband ocus druad, Fri Cecil fiss a ra chuiliu an- man duini. Against the false laws of heresy, Against the deceits of idolatry. Against the spells of women, and smiths, and druids, Against all knowledge which blinds the soul of man. Crist domm imdegail indiu Ar neim, ar loscud, Ar badud, ar guin, Conomthair ilar fochraice. 8. Crist lim, Crist rium, Crist im degaid, Crist innium, Crist issum, Crist uasum, Crist dessum, Crist tuathum, Crist illius, Crist issius, Crist i neruse. Crist i cridiu cech duine imm imrorda, Crist i n-gin cech oen rodom la- brathar, Crist in cech ruse nom dercaedar, Crist in cech cluais rodam cloa- thar. lO. Atoniriug indiu Niurt trcn togairm Trinoit, Christ protect me to-day Against poison, against burn- ing, Against drowning, against wound, That I may receive abundant reward. Christ Christ me, Christ mc, Christ left, Christ Christ Christ 8. with me, Christ before me, behind me, Christ within beneath me, Christ above at my right, Christ at my in the fort, in the chariot-seat, in the poope. 9- Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. JO. 1 bind to myself to-day The strong power of an invoca- tion of the Trinity, A.D. 44o(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 333 [S. PATRICII CANTICUM SCOTTICUM.] Cretim Treodataid foisitin Oen- The faith of the Trinity in datad, Unity, In dulemain [dail]. The Creator of [the elements]. Domini est salus, Domini est salus, Christi est salus, Salus tua Domine sit semper nobiscum. Salvation is of the Lord, Salvation is of the Lord, Salvation is of Christ, May thy salvation, O Lord, ever with us. be =' From Lib. Hymnornm (MS. 7th century, ace. to Ussher, Trin. Coll., Dublin), as printed in Stokes's Goidelica, pp. 150, 1 5 1, 2nd ed., 1872. The Irish was first published by Dr. Petrie, Essay on Tara, pp. 57-67 {Trans. Royal Irish. Soc, vol. xviii.). The translation is from Dr. Todd {S. Patrick, pp. 426-429). Patraicc do rone inn immun sa. In aim- seir Loegaire MeicNeil do rigned. Fat a denma hautemdia diden co na manchaib ar naimdib in bais ro batar in etarnid ar na cleircheib. Ocus is luirech hirse inso fri him degail cuirp ocus anma ar demnaib ocus duinib ocus dual- chib. Cech duine nos geba cech dia co ninnithemleir i n-dia ni thairisfet demna fri a gnuis. Bid ditin do ar cech neim ocus format. Bid comna do fri dianbas. Bid lurech dia anmain iar n-a etsecht. Patraicc ro chan so in tan do rata na hetarnaidi ar a chinn o Loegaire, na digsed do silad chreitme CO Temraig ; conid annsinn at chessa fiadlucht na n-etarnade comtis aige alta, ocus iarroe i n-a n-diaid i Benen. Ocus Fcsth Fiada a hainm. The legend referred to is mentioned in Todd, p. 424, from the Life of S. Patrick in the Book of Armagh. b Inserted by Mr. Stokes from a second copy of the Hymn in Bodl. Rawl. B. 512. « Patriarchs, Stokes. '' Leg. midiithrastar, Stokes. e " i.e. Christ when I am in the fort (at It was held to be S. Patrick's as early as the 8th century, being referred to as his "Canticum Scotticum" by Tirechanus {Annot. in V. S. Patric, Bk. of Armagh, fol. 16 a. a., quoted by Petrie and Todd). In the Lib. Hymn, it is prefaced as follows : — Patrick composed this hymn. In the time of Loegaire son of Nial it was composed. The cause of its composition was to protect himself and his monks against the enemies unto death, who were in ambush against the clergy. And this is a religious armour to protect body and soul against demons and men and vices. Every person who sings it every day with all his attention on God, shall not have demons ap- pearing to his face. It will be a protection to him against every poison and envy. It will be a safeguard to him against sudden death. It will be an armour to his soul after his death. Patrick sang this at the time that the snares were set for him by Loegaire, that he might not come to propagate the faith to Temur ; so that it appeared to those who were lying in ambush that they were wild deer, and a fawn after them, that is, Benen [Benignus]. And Feth Fiadha [ = The In- struction of the Deer, Petrie, but Stokes ren- ders it Guard's cry] is its name. home), Christ when I am in the chariot-seat (travelling by land), Christ in the poop (tra- velling by water). See Stokes, Irish Glosses (5S0), p. 81." {Todd, ad loc.) The passage is translated differently in Dr. Petrie's Essay. And Mr. Stokes in his Goidelica translates it " Christ in breadth, Christ in length, Christ in height." 324 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period 11, [hymnus s. secundini.] Before A.D. 448 (?). Hymn of S. Sechnall [Secundinus) in praise of S. Patrick^. Audite, omnes amantes ^Deum, sancta merita Uiri in Christo beati Patricii Episcopi : Quomodo bonum ob actum '-'simulatur angelis, Perfectamque propter uitam aequatur Apostolis. Beata Christi custodit mandata in omnibus j Cuius opera refulgent clara inter homines, Sanctumque cuius sequuntur exemplum mirificum; Unde et in celis Patrem ^magnificant Dominum'. Constans in Dei Himore et fide immobilis, Super ^quem edificatur ut "Petrus Ecclesia; Cuiusque Apostolatum a Deo sortitus estj In ■'cuius 'portae ^aduersus inferni non preualent. Dominus ilium elegit, ut docerct barbaras Nationes; "ut ^^piscaret per doctrinae retia; ''Ut de seculo credentes trahcret ad gratiam, "Dominumque sequerentur sedem ad actheriam. Electa Christi talenta uendit euangclica, Quae "Hibernas inter gentes cum '''usuris exigit; "'Nauigii huius laboris, "tum operae, pretium. Cum Christo regni celestis "possessurus gaudium. Fidclis Dei minister, insignisquc nuntius, Apostolicum exemplum formamque '^praebet bonis; Qui tam uerbis quam -"ct factis -'plebi praedicat -'Dei, Ut qucm dictis non conuertit, -^ictu prouocet bono. ' Dominum, C. ^ Similatur, W, M. =■' Magnificat Deum, C. See Matt. V. i6. Vers. Ital. * amore, C. " Quae, M. « Petrum. C. M, W. ^ Quern, C. * porta, W. '■• aduersum, M. i" et, M. " piscaretur, C. *'^ Et, M. " Dominum qui, M. '* Euernas, B. »•' usura, W. "'■ Navigiis, M. " Dominum, C (probably mistaking /«m for dnm). "* possedit, C. '* om. C. -" om. W. >" om. C. »^ Dominum, W. '^ fructu, M. A.D. 440(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 325 [hymnus s. secundini.] Gloriam habet cum Christo, honorem in seculo; Qui ab '* omnibus ut Dei ueneratur angelus; Quem Deus misit ^'ut Paulum ad gentcs Apostolum, Ut hominibus ducatum praeberet regno Dei. Humilis Dei ob metum spiritu et corpore, Super quem bonum ob actum ^"requiescit Dominus; Cuiusque ^^iusta in carne Christi portat stigmata; In Cuius sola -^sustentans gloriatur -^in cruce. Impiger credentes pascit dapibus celestibus, Ne qui ^"uidentur cum Christo in uia ^Meficiant; Quibus erogat, ''ut panes, uerba euangelica; ^^In cuius multiplicantur, ut manna, in manibus: ^*Kastam qui' custodit carnem ob amorem Domini, Quam carnem templum parauit Sanctoque Spiritui ; A Quo constanter cum mundis possidetur actibus, Quam ^^ut hostiam placentem uiuam offert Domino: Lumenque mundi accensum ingens euangelicum, In candelabro leuatum, '"toti fulgens seculo, Ciuitas regis munita supra montem posita, Copia in qua ^^est multa quam **Dominus possidet. Maximus ^^nanque in regno celorum uocabitur. Qui quod uerbis docet sacris, factis adimplet bonis; Bono ''"precedit exemplo "formamque fidelium, Mundoque in corde habet ad *^Deum fiduciam. **Nomen Domini' audenter "annunciat gentibus, Quibus *^lauacri salutis aeternam dat gratiam; Pro ^''quorum orat 'Melictis ad '^Deum '"quotidie; Pro quibus ut Deo dignas ''"immolatque hostias. Omnem pro Diuina lege mundi spernit gloriam, ^'Que cuncta ad '^^cuius mensam estimat '^^ciscilia; Nee ingruenti mouetur mundi huius ^^fulmine^ Sed in aduersis laetatur, cum pro Christo patitur. 2* hominibus, B. ^5 gm. B. ^6 requiescet, B. " iuxta, C ; sua, W. ^ suslen- dans, B ; sustentante, C. ^^ om. C. '» Misprinted ridentur in W. ^i deficient, W. 32 om. C. 33 om. W. 31' Castum qui, B ; Castamque, C. 's gt^ 3, M. ^" toto, M. 3^ et, C. 38 Dgus^ w. 39 namque, C, M, W. ^ procedit, C. ■" formaque, C. « Dominum, C. "' Nomenque Dei, M. « adnuntiat, M. *' lauacris, M. ♦« quarum, B, W. " dilictis, B. *« Dominum, C. " cotidie, B, M. '-' ymolat- que, B. 51 Qui^ ^^ 'W. 52 ejus, W ; Christi, C. " quisquiiias, C; quisquilia, M, W. =* flumine, W. 326 CHURCH OF IRELAND. [Period 11 [hymnus s. secundini.] Pastor bonus ^^ac fidelis gregis ^"euangelici ; Quern Deus Dei elegit custodire populum, Suamque pascere plebem Diuinis dogmatibus; Pro qua ad Christi exemplum suam ^"tradidit animam. Quern pro meritis Saluator prouexit pontificem-, Ut in celesti moneret clericos '"militia; Celestem quibus annonam erogat cum uestibus, Quod in Diuinis impletur sacrisque afFatibus. Regis nuntius inuitans credentes ad nuptias; Qui ornatur ucstimento ■'''nuptiale indutus ; Qui celeste ^'aurit uinum in uasis celestibus, Propinansque Dei plebem "'spirituali poculo'. Sacrum inucnit tesaurum sacro in uolumine, Saluatorisque in carne ''-Dietatem '''preuidit; Qucm tesaurum emit Sanctis perfectisque meritis; **Israel uocatur ""^huius anima uidens D?um. Testis Domini fidelis in lege catholica, Cuius uerba sunt Diuinis ®^condita oraculis; Ne humane ^'putrcnt carnes ^''essaeque a uermibus, Sed *^ celeste ^^ salliuntur sapore ad uictimam. Uerus cultor et insignis agri euangelici, Cuius semina uidentur Christi "euangclia; Quae "Diuino serit ore in aures prudentium, "Quorumque corda ac mentes Sancto arat Spiritu. Xps: ilium Sibi 'Megit in terns uicarium, "Qui de gemino '"^captiuos liberat seruitio; Plcrosque de seruitute quos redcmit hominum, Innumeros de ^"Zabuli ""obsoluet dominio. Ymnos cum Apocalipsi Psalmosque cantat Dei, Quosque ad edificandum Dei tractat populum j ^®Quam legem in Trinitate sacri credit Nominis, ^''Tribusque Personis Unam docctque Substantiam. , " et, M. *^ euangelicae, B. ''" tradit, M. *' Misprinted inilitiae in C. '» nuptiali, B, C, M, W. «" haurit, C, M, W. '•^' spiritale poculiim, M ; spiritali poculo, W. *2 Pietatem, C ; Deitatem, M. W. '"=' peruidet, C ; peruidit, M. '• Hisrael, B ; Israhel, M. ** eius, B. "'' Candida, M. " putaiit. M. ''" esaeque, C; escaque, W; acsseque, M. •'■" coelcsti, M, W ■"* salienlur, C; alleantur, M ; lallientur, W. " euaiigelii, C. '- Diuina, B. " Quorum quoque, M. '* elegit, M, W. w Quem. C. '" captiuum, C. •" Stabuli, W. '" obsoluit, B, W ; absoluit, C, M. •" Quem, C. *"' Tribuque, B. A.D. 44o(?)-543-] CHURCH OF IRELAND. 327 [hymnus s. secundini.] Zona Domini precinctus diebus *^et noctibus, Sine intermissione Deum orat Dominum; Cuius ingentis laboris ^^percepturus ^^premium, Cum Apostolis *'regnabit *=sanctus super ^"Israel. ^'Audite omnes'. [In memoria eterna erit iustus j ' Ab auditione mala non timebit*-. Patricii laudes semper dicamus, Ut nos cum illo defendat Deus. Hibernenses omnes clamant ad te pueri, Ueni, sancte Patricii, saluos nos facere*'".] " ac, B, *^ Praecepturus, W. ^3 pj-aemia, C. " regnauit, B. ^'^ Sanctis, W. ** Israhel, M. '^'' Audita et rl., B. ^^ Ps. cxi 7. ''^ B. om. the third of these couplets or antiphons, and adds at the beginning of them, Or: = Oratio, or Orenius. C. ot>i. the first, and adds a third, viz. " Patricias sanctus Episcopus oret pro nobis omnibus, Ut deleantur protinus peccata que commisimus." M. gives this third (omitting the word sanctits), with that in the text which begins Patricii laudes, but om. the others. W. o;«. all. " Printed from the Lih. Hymn, at Trin. Colgan and Ware. It is also in the MS. Lib. Coll., Dublin, by Dr. Todd {Bh. of Hymns of Hymnor. belonging to the Franciscan monas- Anc. Ch. of Irel., P.I. pp. 11-24): also by tery at Dublin, lately brought there from Bishop Graves, Catholic Layman, vol. ii. Rome ; and in the MS. consuetudinary of no. 23, p. 134, Dubl. 1S53. The Hymn also S. Patrick's, Dublin (14th cent.), now in the occurs in the Leahhar Breac (also at Dublin), Univ. Libr., Cambridge {Dr. Reeves). S. Sech- here designated B; in Colgan {Tr. Th., nail's death is placed by ^/i«. ^7/. at A.D. 448. p. 210), who first printed it, C ; in Muratori's His Hymn was well known before the 8th cen- Antiphon. Benchorense {Anecd. Ambros., IV. tury, being mentioned by Tirechanus as the 127-159), M ; and in Ware {App. to Opiisc. Hymn of S. Patrick {Bk. of Armagh, fol. 16, S. Patric, pp. 146-150), W : each of these a. a). And it is held to be genuine, and to copies resting upon independent MS. autho- have been written in S. Patrick's lifetime, rity. And their various readings are accord- by the best Irish antiquarian scholars. See ingly here given in the notes, from Dr. Todd. Dr. Todd's copious notes for its history and Villanueva simply reprinted the Hymn from author. [The four documents above printed,— viz. S. Patrick's two tracts and Hymn, and S. Sechnall's Hymn, — appear to be the only authentic and contemporary documents of this Period. The tract De Duodecim Abusionibns Scecvli (in Ware's Opnsc. Patric. and in Villanueva's, attributed also to S. Cyprian and to S. Augustine) was current among the Irish as S. Patrick's as early as the beginning of the 8th century [Cod. Can. Hib., lib. xxiv. c. 3). And that De Tribus Habi- taculis (likewise in Ware and Villanueva, and in the App. to S. Augustine, vol. vi.) was also assigned to S. Patrick, but not by Irish authorities. Internal evidence is conclusive in referring both to a later writer (see Todd's S. Patrick, p. 484). For S. Fiacc's Hymn, see below in Appendix C] APPENDIX A. CANONS ATTRIBUTED TO S. PATRICK. Canons attributed to a Synod of Bishops, consisting of S. Patrick, Auxilius, and Isserninus'K Incipit Sinodus Episcoporum, id est, Patricii, Auxilii, Issernini. — Gra- tias agimus Deo Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Presbiteris et diacoiiibus el omni clero, Patricius, Auxilius, Isserninus, Episcopi, salutem. Satius nobis neglegentes praemonere, quam culpare quae facta sunt ; Sola- mone dicente, "Melius est arguere [quam] irasci''." Exempla difinitionis nostrse inferius conscripta sunt, et sic inchoant : — 1. Si quis in questionem captivis qusesierit in plebe suo jure sine per- misione, meruit excommonicari <=. 2. Lectores denique cognoscant, unusquisque, ecclesiam in qua psallal. 3. Clericus vagus non sit in plebe. 4. Si quis permissionem acciperit, et coUectum sit pretium, non plus exigat quam quod necessitas poscit<^. 5. Si quid supra manserit, ponat super altare pontificis, ut detur alii indi- genti e. 6. Quicunque clericus ab hostiario usque ad sacerdotem sine tunica visus fuerit, atque turpitudinem ventris et nuditatem non tegat, et si non more Romano capilli ejus tonsi sint ^, et uxor ejus si non velato capite ambula- verit, pariter a laicis contempnentur, et ab Ecclesia separentur. 7. Quicunque clericus ussus f neglegentise causa, ad collectas mane vel vespere non occurrerit, alienus habeatur, nisi forte jugo servitutis sit detentus. 8. Clericus si pro gentili homine fideiusor fuerit in quacunque quantitate, et si contigerit (quod mirum non est) per astutiam aliquam gentilis ille clerico fallat, rebus suis clericus ille solvat debitum ; nam si armis com- pugnaverit cum illo, merito extra Ecclesiam computetur ?. 9. Monachus et virgo, unus ab hinc, et alia ab aliunde, in uno hospitio non commaneant, nee in uno curru a villa in villam discurreant, nee adsidue invicem confabulationem exerceant. 10. Si [quis] incoeptum boni operis ostenderit in psallendo, et nunc APPENDIX A. 329 [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] intermisit, et comam habeat ; ab Ecclesia excludendus, nisi statui priori se restituerit. 11. Quicunque clericus ab aliquo excommonicatus fuerit, et alius eum susciperit, ambo coaequali poenitentia utantur. 12. Quicunque Christianus excomminicatus fuerit, nee ejus elimosina recipiatur !». 13. Elimosinam a gentibus offerendam in Ecclesiam recipi non licet i^. 14. Christianus qui Occident, aut fornicationem fecerit, aut more genti- lium ad aruspicem juraverit, per singula cremina annum poenitentige agat ; impleto, cum testibus veniat, anno poenitentia;, et postea resolvetur a sacer- dote i. 15. Et qui furtum fecerit, demedium poeniteat; viginti diebus cum pane; et, si fieri potest, rapta repraesentet ; sic in Ecclesiam renueturJ. 16. Christianus qui crediderit esse lamiam in sseculo'-, quae interpre- tatur striga, anathema[ti]zandus, quicunque super animam famam istam imposuerit ; nee ante in Ecclesiam recipiendus, quam ut idem creminis, quod fecit, sua iterum voce revocet', et sic poenitentiam cum omni dili- gentia agat. 1 7. Virgo quae voverit Deo permanet •« kasta, et postea nubserit carnalem sponsum, excommonis sit, donee convertatur : si conversa fuerit, et dimise- rit adulterium Q, poenitentiam agat ; et postea non in una domo nee in una villa habitent. 18. Si quis excommonis fuerit, nee nocte pascharum in ecclesiam non introeat, donee poenitentiam recipiet. 19. Mulier Christiana, quae acciperit virum honestis nuptis, et postmo- dum discesserit a primo, et junxerit se adulterio o ; quae haec fecit, excom- monis sit. 20. Christianus qui fraudat debitum cujuslibet ritu gentilium, excom- monis sit, donee solvat debitum. 21. Christianus cui dereliquerit aliquis, et provocat eum in judicium p, et non in Ecclesiam, ut ibi examinetur causa ; qui sic fecerit, alienus sit. 22. Si quis tradiderit filiam suam viro honestis nuptis, et amaverit alium, et consentit filiae suae, et acceperit dotem ; ambo ab Ecclesia excludantur. 23. Si quis presbiterorum ecclesiam aedificaverit, non oflferat antequam adducal suum pontificem, ut eam consecret ; quia sic decet. 24. Si quis advena ingressus fuerit plebem, non ante baptizetq, neque offerat, neque consecret, nee ecclesiam aedificet, [dojnec permissionem accipiat ab Episcopo : nam qui a gentibus sperat permissionem, alie- nus sit ^ 330 APPENDIX A. [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] 25. Si quae a religiosis hominibus donata fuerint, diebus illis quibus pontifex in singulis habitaverit Ecclesiis, pontificalia dona (sicut mos anti- quus) ordinare ad Episcopum pertinebunt, sive ad ussum « necessarium, sive egentibus distribuendum, prout ipse Episcopus moderabit. 26. Si quis vero clericus contra venerit, et dona invadere fuerit deprehen- sus, ut turpis lucri cupidus ab Ecclesia sequestretur. 27. Clericus Episcopi in plebe quislibet novus ingressor, baptizare et offerre ilium non licet, nee aliquid agere ; qui si sic non faciat, excom- monis sit. 28. Si quis clericorum excommonis fuerit, solus, non in eadem dome cum fratribus, orationem facit, nee offer[r]e nee consecrare licet, donee se faciat emendatum ; qui si sic non fecerit, dupliciter vindicetur t. 29. Si quis fratrum accipere gratiam Dei voluerit, non ante baptizetur quam ut XLmum » agat. 30. ^Episcopus quislibet, qui de sua in alteram progreditur parruchiam, nee ordinare prsesumat, nisi permissionem acceperit ab eo, qui in sue principatu ^' est ; die Dominica offerat tantum susceptione, et obsequi hie contentus sit. 31. Si quis conduxerit e duobus clerieis, quos discordare convenit per discordiam aliquam, prolatum uni e duobus hostem ad interficiendum, homicidam congruum est nominari : qui clericus ab omnibus rectis habetur alienus ^^^ 32. Si quis clericorum voluerit iuvare captivo, cum suo pretio illi sub- veniat; nam si per furtum ilium inviolaverit, blasp[h]emantur multi clerici per unum latronem ; qui sic fecerit, excommonis sit. 33. Clericus qui de Britanis ad nos venit sine epistola, etsi habitet in plebe, non licitum ministrare. 34. Diaconus nobiscum similiter, qui inconsultu suo abbate sine literis in aliam parruchiam absentat^, nee cibum ministrare decet ; et a suo presbi- tero, quem contempsit, per poenitentiam vindicetur. Et monachus incon- sultu abbate vagulus debet y vindieari. Finiunt Sinodi Distituta^ [MS. C.C.C.C. 279 (r>//w O. 20): and in .S"., /. 52-54 ; and fF., /. 2, 3. Also in Wan\ Opusc. S.Patric. pp. 42-46.] " Of the canons here printed, under S. assign to A.D. 448. There is another (very Patrick's name, this first series, which occurs imperfect) copy of them (,15th century) in as a whole, and is attributed to a single synod, MS. C.C.C.C. 29S, no. 22. The five miscel- is undoubtedly Irish. How far they are S. laneous canons, which are appended to them Patrick's, see below, in note '■. The amount in Wilkins as S. Patrick's, are all to be found of credence due to the heading, which assigns in the Cod. Can. Hihern., printed below in them to Patrick, Auxilius, and Isserninus, is its place, either briefly or at length ; but not (see however below in note ") : only two of them, that printed here in although the omission of the name of Secun- Sect. II. no. i (at greater length than in the dinus may be accounted for, by his com- Cod. Can.) as the first of S. Patrick's single paratively early death, which the Ann. Ult. canons, and one relating to theft, are assigned APPENDIX A. ?>?>^ [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] to S. Patrick in that code. Of the otheis, one is from Isidore, another from an "Irish Synod," and the remaining one is simply a verse of S. Paul to Timothy. The collection in Ware (also in Wilkins, I. 6, 7) is to be found entirely in the code just referred to, and under S. Patrick's name. The Index to that code will guide the reader both to these, and to several others not in Ware. The second series here given, contains certain single canons attributed to S. Patrick, from various sources ; omitting however those which will be found in full in the Code, in order to avoid repetition. The remaining or third series given here (and in Wilkins), which is printed by Spelman from a IMS. given him by Ussher, is certainly not S. Patrick's, but is nevertheless Irish (see below, p. 333, note =■). Strictly speaking, all these should have been printed with the Code so often referred to ; since none of them can well be assigned to an earlier date than the end of the seventh century. But for convenience' sake, those collections which bear S. Patrick's name as a whole, and the single canons so designated, which are not in the Cod. Can., or are only there in part, are placed here after S. Patrick's undoubted writings. ^ Cod. Can. Hihern., LXV. I'j. "^ Cod. Can. Hibern., XLI. 25 : adding "abbatis" after " permissione," an.! reading " redemptionem " for " in quaestionem." <' Cod. Can. Hibern., XLI. 26 : adJing " pontificis " after " permissionem." <" The part of this canon relating to the tonsure is in Cod. Can. Hibern., LI. 7, and is there also attributed to S. Patrick. It clearly cannot be really his. f i. e. jussus. K Cod. Can. Hibern., XXXII. 2. li Cod. Can. Hibern., XXXIX. S : reading " clericus " for " Christianus." i Cod. Can. Hibern., XXVII. 10 : read- ing " interrogat " for " juraverit," while Wil- kins after Spelman reads " meaverit." ,i Cod. Can. Hibern., XXVIII. S. ^ Corrected by Spelman and Wilkins into " speculo." ' Corrected in the MS. prima mami into " revocat." ™ Corrected by Wilkins into " permanere." " Corrected by Wilkins into " adulterum." " Corrected by Spelman and Wilkins into " adultero." P Miswritten in MS., " imductum." '1 " baptizat,'' in MS. ■' Cod. Can. Hibern., XLII. 4 : as from " Synodus Patricii." ■'■ i. e. " usum." t Cod. Can. Hibern., XXXIX. 9. " " quadragintessimum," Spelman. ^ " principatum," in MS. "• Cod. Can. Hibern., X. {a). I : but with no reference either to S. Patrick or Ireland, and with a different reading. ^ " adsentiat," in Spelman. ^ " decet," in Spelman. 2 The general date of these canons must obviously be placed at a period when there was a settled Church in Ireland, yet while heathenism still ruled in parts of the country ; when the Britons and the Irish (cc. 6, 33) had become estranged, scil. by the adoption of Roman customs by the latter (north as well as south) while the former retained the Celtic ones, i. e. at least after A.D. 716 but before A.D. 777 or 809 (see in vol. I. p. 204: and, lastly, when the Church had existed long enough in Ireland for a custom to arise and to have become " antiquus " (c. 25). The first years of the eighth century are the earliest possible date that can be assigned to the collection as a whole. It is obviously out of the question to trust seriously to the dates of the Annals (death of Isserninus A.D. 469, of Auxilius A.D. 460, and of Secundinus, who is not mentioned, A.D. 448) compared with the heading of the alleged synod ; which, together, point to the date of A.D. 44S X 460. The numbering of the canons is due to Spel- man. It is to be added, however, that the short preface together with canons i, 4, 5, part of 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 28, are quoted as S. Patrick's (24 as from "Synodus Patricii") in the Cod. Can. Hibern. of the beginning of the eighth century, printed below in its place ; although it is impossible that one at least of them, sc. 6 (so far as relates to the Roman tonsure), can be really S. Patrick's. II. Smgk Cations atiribidcd to S. Patrick. I. Patricius, de unit ate et subditorum * * * . Quis ergo audet scindere unitatem, quam nemo hominum solvere vel reprehendere potest ^ >. " Multitudinis autem credentium erat cor unum et anima una, et nulla erat separatio in eis, nee quisquam ex bonis suis dicebat esse aliquid, sed erant illis omnia commonia : [...] gratia quoque erat magna super illos omnes ; 332 APPENDIX A. [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] nec vero in eis aliquis indigens ; nam quicunque possessores agrorum aut domorum erant, vendentes adferebant pretia illorum et ponebant ante Apo- stolorum [pedes], et dividebatur unicuique ut opus erat [ ]. Quidam autem vir, nomine Annanias, cum Safirra uxore sua [ ■•]; et adferens par- tem aliquam ante pedes Apostolorum [...]: dixit autem Petrus illi, Annanias, cur implevit Satanas cor tuum ad mentiendum Spiritui Sancto, ut fraudem faceres de pretio agri ? Nonne manens tibi manebat, et venditum in tua potestate erat? Quare posuisti in corde tuo facere hoc malum? Non es hominibus mentitus sed Deo. Audiens autem Annanias hsec verba cecidit et expiravitk" [MS. CC.C.C. 279 {plim O. 20), fol. 59-62: and partly in ^., /. 54; and jr., /. 3, 4.] ^ These words are cited as from " sino- tation from the Acts, dus " (i.e. probably an Irish synod), in Cod. ^ Acts iv. 32-35 ; v. I-5 (not V'uig.). Can. Hibern., XX. 9 ; but without the quo- 2. Canon of S.Patrick from the Book of Armagh^, [fol. 21b. b.] Item quicumque similiter per industriam atque injuriam vel nequitiam malum quodque opus contra familiam seu paruchiam ejus perficerit, aut praedicta ejus insignia dispexerit, ad libertatem examinis ejusdem Airdd- machae prsesulis recte judicantis perveniet caussa totius negotionis, cseteris aliorum judicibus prsetermissis. Item qusecumque causa valde difficilis exorta fuerit alque ignota cunctis Scotorum gentium judicibus, ad cathedram Archiepiscopi Hibernensium, id est, Patricii, atque hujus antestitis examinationem recte refiferenda. Si vero in ilia cum suis sapientibus facile sanari non polerit, caussa prae- dictse negotionis, ad sedem Apostolicam decrevimus esse mittendam, id est, ad Petri Apostoli cathedram auctoritatem Romse urbis habentem. Hii sunt qui de hoc decreverunt, id est, Auxilius, Patricius, Secundinus, Ik-nignus. Post vero cxitum Patricii sancti alumpni sui valde ejusdem libros conscripserunt. " Printed also in Appendix CXVJI., pp. after the primacy of Armagh had been claimed 611, 612, of Mr. O'C'urry's Lectures on Mate- at least, if not established : probably in the Sth rials of Ancient Irish History, Dublin, 1861. century. The MS. of the Book of Armagh Part of the passage is in Ussber, Relig. of is dated by Irish scholars, probably, in A. D. 807 Ancient Irish, c. VIII., 0pp. IV. 330, note. (see Todd, S. Patrick, p. -jSS n., and Dr. And a part of it is also in Cod. Can. Hibern., Graves as there quoted). XIX. 5. The date of the canon is obviously APPENDIX A. 333 [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] III. Canons of a Second Synod attributed to S. Patrick ». I. De hahitatione ciimfratribus peccatoribus. De eo quod mandastis de habitatione cum fratribus peccatoribus, audite Apostolum dicentem, " Cum hujusmodi ne cibum quidem sumere \" Non ejus escas sumas cum eo. Caeterum si bos sis et trituras, hoc est, si doctor es et doces, "non obturatur tibi os^," et " dignus es mercede tua^;" sed " oleum peccatoris non impinguet caput tuum ■*," sed corripe adhuc et argue. II. De observationibus ^ eorum. Contentus tegmento et alimento tuo, csetera dona iniquorum reproba^, quia non sumit lucerna nisi quod c alitur. III. De poenitentia post ruinas. Statuitur, ut abbas videat, cui attribuetur potestas alligandi et solvendi ; sed aptior est, juxta Scripturse exempla, veniam. Si vero cum fletu*^ et lamentatione et lugubri cum veste sub custodia, poenitentia brevis quam longa, et remissa cum temperamentis ^. IV. \De excommunicato repellendo f.] Audi Dominum dicentem, " Si tibi non audierit, sit tibi velut gentilis et publicanus ^." Non maledices, sed repelles excommunicatum a commu- nione, et mensa, et missa, et pace ; et si haereticus est, post unam correp- tionem devita''. ^ The following (the mention of " D. Ro- (so called) Second Synod, are indisputably thaeus" excepted, which Wilkins has added, — Irish ; but hardly S. Patrick's. Of this "Second he was titular Bishop of Ossory) is Spelman's Synod," cc. III., VIII., XIV., XXIIl., XXIV., account (as quoted in Wilkins) of the source XX\'., XXX., occur (as marked in the notes) whence the canons here given are derived. in the Cod. Can. Hihern., and are there re- " Secundam hanc S. Patricii synodum ex ferred in most cases (not to S. Patrick, but) Andegavensi bibliotheca transcriptum D[avid] to a Roman Synod as adopted by an Irish one. Rothaeo communicavit aliquando Jacobus And can. XXVII. of the list is directly contrary Sirmondus, quorum ille eam ad reveren- to S. Patrick's own "Confessio" (above, p. 308, dissimum patrem D. Jacobum Armachanum 1. 21). Archiepiscopum Primatem Hibernis misit, ^ " oblationibus," in Wilkins. et eandem mihi praesul idem eruditione et *= Corrected by Spelman and Wilkins into pietate spectatissimus I Aprilis, 1628. De "quo." tempore autem, quo sit habita, neuter me- ^ " flem," in MS., corrected by Spelman minit, nee e synodo deprehenditur " {Spelrn. into " fletu." Coiic, I. 59).' The canons in the two pre- e Cod. Can. Hibern., XLVI. 8; but with ceding articles, and those in the Cod. Can. a varied text. Hibern. printed further on, and those in this ^ Added by Spelman. ' I Cor. v. II. ^ Deut. xxv. 4; i Cor. ix. 9. ^ I Tim. v. 18. * Ps. cxl. 5. V. ^ Ecclus. xxxiv. 23. '^ Matt, xviii. 17. ^ Tit. iii. 10. 334 APPENDIX A. [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] V. De suspectis causis. Audi Dominum dicentem, " Sinite utraque crescere usque ad messem ' ;" — hoc est, " donee vcniat, Qui manifestabit consilia cordium ' ;"' — ne judi- cium ante diem judicii facias. Vide ludam ad mensam Domini, et latro- nem in paradiso. W. De vindictis EcclesicB. Audi item Dominum dicentem, " Qui effuderit sanguinem innocentem, sanguis ipsius effundetur - ;" sed ab eo qui portat gladium; dictator- autem vindicta? innocens habetur. De caeteris autem per legem Evangelicam, ab eo loco in quo ait, " Et eum qui aufert aliquid a te, ne repetas^ ;" sed liben- ter, si ipse quid referat, humiliter recipias. VII. De baptismatis incertis. Statuunt ne rebaptizati [sint], qui symboli traditione[m] a quocunque acceperunt, quia non inficit semen seminantis iniquitas. Sin vero, non est rebaptizare, sed baptizare. Non abluendos '' autem lapses a fide credamus, nisi per impositionem manus accepi[antur ']. VIII. De rets autem ahslractis ab Ecclesia. Non ad reorum defensionem facta est Ecclesia ; sed judicibus persuaden- dum est, ul ^ spiritali morte eos occiderent, qui ad sinum matris Ecclesiae confugiunt '. IX. De lapsis post gradum. Audi canonica instituta. Qui cum gradu cecidit, sine gradu surgat. Contentus nomine tantum, amittat ministerium: nisi qui tantum a con- spcctu Domini peccans non reccssit. X. desideratur. XI. De separatione sexutim post lapsum. Considcret unusquisque in conscientia sua, si amor et desiderium cessavit peccati, quia corpus moriuum non inficit corpus alterius mortui ; sin vero, separentur. « " dictatur," in MS., and Spclman. the MS. '> Corrected by Wilkins into " absoluen- '' Corrected by Wilkins into " ne :" wrongly, ^°^" as appears by the Cod. Can. Hibern. ' So Wilkins. " Accepi " in Spehnan from ' Cod. Can. Hibern., XXVII. 14. Mutt. xiii. .:^o: I Cor. iv. 5. ^ g^>„ j^ g :, y^^^^ V. 42. APPENDIX A. ^o^r^ [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] XII. De oblatione pro defunct is. Audi Apostolum dicentem, " Est autem peccatum ad mortem, non pro illo dico ut roget quis \" Et Dominus, " Nolite donare sanctum canibus V Qui enim in vita sua non merebitur » sacrificium accipere, quomodo post mortem illi poterit adjuvare? XIII. De sacrificio. In nocte Paschge, si fas est ferre foras, non foras fertur, sed fidelibus deferatur ". Quid aliud significat quod in una domo sumitur agnus, quam [quod 0] sub uno fidei culmine creditur et communicatur Christus 1 XIV. De absthienfia votiva vcl legali a cibis P. Statutum, ut [post] Cliristi adventum sponsi nullas ratas leges inveniat jejunii. Quid autem inter Novatianum et Christianum interest, nisi quod Novatianus indesinenter, Christianus vero per tempus abstineat ; ut locus, et tempus, et persona per omnia observetur <-\. XV. De relinqtmida vel docenda patria. Docenda patria prius, per exemplum Domini ; et derelinquenda postea si non proficiet ', juxta exemplum Apostoli. Sed qui potest facere s, licet periclitatur, ubique doceat, et se ostendat ; qui vero non potest, taceat et abscondat. Alius quippe ab Jesu in domum suam mittitur, alius sequi jubetur ^. XVI. De falsis Episcopis. Qui non secundum Apostolum electus est ab altero Episcopo, est dam- nandus ; deinde ad reliquam plebem declinandus et degradandus. XVII. De prcEposito rnonachorum. Monachi sunt, qui solitarii sine terrenis opibus habitant sub potestate Episcopi vel abbatis. Non sunt autem monachi, sed vactro-periti t^ (hoc m Corrected by Wilkins into " merebatur." * " Bactro-peratae," from PaKTpov and TTr/pa, n Altered by Wilkins into " defertur." is a contemptuous name for " philosophi," ap- ° Added by Wilkins. plied by S. Jerom (/« Matl. xix.) to corrupt P So Wilkins by conjecture. The MS. in monks : who, as he proceeds to say, were Spelman has, " De abstinenti insoltivi lequat " contemptores saeculi." For " solliciti," in a cibis." the text, should probably be read "saeculi." q Cod. Can. Hibern., XI. 15. But even so amended, some words seem to r Altered by Wilkins into ""proficiat." have dropped out of the text. * Altered by Wilkins into "proficere." » I John V. 16. ^ Matt. vii. 6. ■' Luke viii. 39; Matt. ix. 9; &c. ^^6 APPENDIX A. [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] est, contemptores solliciti). Ad vitam perfectam in aetata perfecta (hoc est, a viginti annis) debet unusquisque constringi, non adtestando sed voto perficiendo: ut est illud, " Unusquisque sicut proposuit corde suo facial^;" et, " Ut vota mea reddam in conspectu Domini ^," et reliqua. Quo voto vivitur, situs locorum coartat, si superabundantia in omnibus devitetur in vita ; quia in frigore et nuditate, in fame et siti, in vigiliis et jejuniis, vocati sunt. XVIII. De tribus seminibus Evangeliorum ^. Centesimum Episcopi et doctores, qui omnibus omnia sunt; sexagesi- mum clerici, et viduse, qui continentes sunt; tricesimum laici, qui fideles sunt, qui perfecte Trinitatem credunt. His amplius non est in messe Domini. Monachos vero et virgines cum centesimis jungimus. XIX. Qua cciate baptizandi sunt. Octavo die chatechumeni sunt; postea, solemnitatibus Domini baptizan- tur, id est, Pascha, et Pentecoste, et Epiphania. XX. De parrociis. Cum monachis non est dicendum, quorum malum est inauditum, qui unitatem vero plebis non incongrue suscepimus. XXI. De retinendis vel diniitte^idis mottachis. Unusquisque fructum suum in Ecclesia, in qua imbutus est, perfruatur; nisi causa majoris profectus ad alterius »! ferre permissa ■* abbatis cogat. Si vero ex[t]i[t]erity causa utilior, cum benedictione dicatur, " Ecce Agnus Dei ';" non quod^ sua sunt singuli quserentes, sed quae lesu Christi'': voca- tionis'^ autem causam non permittunt^ subditos discurrere. XXII. De sunmida Eticharistia post lapsum. Post examinationem carceris ^ sumenda est ; maxime autem in nocte Paschae, in qua qui non communicat, fidelis non est. Ideo brevia sunt et stricta apud cos spatia, ne anima fidelis intereat tanto tempore jejuna medi- cinae ; Domino dicente, " Nisi manducaveritis carnem Filii hominis, non habebitis vitam in vobis"." " So corrected by Wilkins: "adulteris," in ' Corrected by Wilkins into "qux." Spelinaii. a << vacationis " is a needless correction. » Altered by Wilkins into " perniisso." •> Altered by Wilkins into " permittant." 1 So altered by Wilkins : " c.xierit," in For " discurrere," Wilkins has " discutere." Spel'nan. o Ug, "carnis," Wilkins. ' 2 Cor. ix. 7 (not Vulg.). ■' Ps. cxv. j8, &c. Vulg. ("in conspectu populi"). •' Matt. xiii. 2.^; &c. * John i. 36. ' ■• Phil. ii. 21. " John vi. 54. APPENDIX A. [canons attributed to S. PATRICK.] 337 XXIII. Dc juramento. " Non jurare omnino ^" De hoc consequente d lectionis series docet non adjurandam esse creaturam aliam, nisi Creatorem : ut prophetis mos est, — " Vivit Dominus," et, " Vivit anima mea," et, " Vivit Dominus Cui assisto hodie ^." Finis autem contradictionis est nisi Domino ^ Omni ^ enim quod amat homo, hoc et juratur*". XXIV. Be conte7itione diioriim absque testibus. Statuunt, ut per quatuor sancta evangelia, antequam communicet, testatur, quid probatur ; et deinde sub judice fama relinquatur g. XXV. De torofratris defuncti. Audi decreta synodi, — " Superstes^i frater thorum defuncti fratris non ascendat :" — Domino dicente, " Erunt duo in carne una^:'" ergo uxor fratris tui soror tua est '. XXVI. De meretrice conjiige. Audi Dominum dicentem, — " Qui adhseret meretrici, unum corpus effici- tur 'l" Item, — " Adultera lapidetur " :" — id est, huic vitio moriatur, ut desinat crescere quae non desinit moechari. Item, si adulterata fuerit mulier, nunquid revertitur ad virum suum priorem. Item, " Non licet viro dimit- tere uxorem, nisi ob causam fornicationis ^ :" — ac si dicat, ob hanc causam ; unde, si ducat alteram velut post mortem prioris, non vetant. XXVII. De voliintate virginis vel patris in conjugio. Quod vult pater, faciat virgo, quia caput mulieris vir. Sed requirenda est a patre voluntas virginis, dum " Deus reliquit hominem in manu con- silii sui*." XXVIII. De primis vel secundis votis. Eadem ratione observanda sunt prima vota, et prima conjugia, ut secun- dis prima non sint irrita, nisi fuerint adulterata. •l leg. consequentia, and om. series: the & Cod. Can. Hibern., XV. 14; reading words are from S. Jerom. " flamma " for " fama." e le- ; licel. Verum observandae sunt leges jubilei, hoc est, quinquaginta anni, ut non adfirmetur ' incerta vice ratio '" temporis. Et ideo omnis negotia[tio] subscriplione Romanorum confirmanda est ". XXXI. De gentilihus qui ante hapUsmum credunt, qtiam pccniteiitiiwi habcant. Remittuntur quidem omnium peccata in baptismo ; sed qui cum fidcli conscientia infidelis lemporarius " vixit, ul fidelis peccator judicandus est. Finit Patricii Synodus. [6"., /. 55-59; W., I. 4-6; Ware, pp. 31-39.] k " vetitus," in Spelman. n Cod. Can. Jiihern., XXXV. 8. * Altered by Wilkins into " infirmetur." " " infidelem temper. . .," in Spelman. ni So Wilkins : " rato," in Spelman. APPENDIX B. EXTRACTS FROM THE ANCIENT LAWS OF IRELAND ^ CALLED SENCHUS MOR, RELATING TO THE CHURCH. [ I . Place, Time, and His lory of the Code.'] Locc don laidse Teamuir, ocus loc do Seanchus hi samrad ocus i fogmur, ar a glainni [ocus ar-a- haibne] is na haimseraib sin ; ocus Raith gut aird, in baili adta Lee Patraic aniu, i nGlind na mbodur, i fagus do Nith nemundaeh, a loc The place of this Poem and the place of the Senchus was Teamhair*, in the summer and in the autumn, on account of its cleanness and plea- santness during these seasons ; and Rath-guthaird^, where the stone of Patrick is at this dav in Glenn-na- ^ The Sencbits Mor is the code of the old Irish law, derived from Pagan times, but drawn into the form of a code, and moditied so as to be in harmon}' with Christianity and to recog- nize the Christian Church, under the influence of Christian ecclesiastics. The date at which it was compiled, is affirmed by itself, and by the IV. Mag., to have been that of S. Patrick ; who with Benignus and Cairnech makes up the ecclesiastical trio of its nine alleged compilers. Irish scholars like Dr. O'Donovan assert the language of the code itself, apart from the Introduction and the Glosses, to be consistent with such a date. The place also at which it was in part drawn up, viz. Tara, which ceased to be a royal residence A.D. 565, indicates that it was at least commenced before (at latest) that year. Oil the other hand, the more than questionable Christianity of at least two of the Kings named as among its com- pilers, — the analogous case of Howel Dda's Laws, where the mere fact of a triple code (besides other difficulties) shews that the Jiteral statement of its origin only appro.ximates to the truth, — the great improbability that the in- fluence and the territorial endowments of the Church could have been so great in Ireland at that early date, — and the general presumptions that lie against the literal truth of a legend of such a character and period, — incline to the conclusion that the story in the Introduction contains only a nucleus of truth; and that Dr. Todd's is the soberer judgment, who holds it " not impossible that such a work may have been begun in the times of S. Patrick, but that the Senchus Mor in its present form can- not be of so remote an age;" although he would dale even the later portions (now, how- ever, we suppose, inseparable from the rest) as not later than the 9th or 10th cem.uries. The i.^th century appears to be the earliest date of any existing MS. The Irish, with a transla- tion, of a portion of the code, was published at Dublin, vol. i. in 1S65, vol. ii. in 1869, under the auth-ority of a Royal Commis>ion for the purpose, by Dr. W. Neilson Hancock, with the cooferation of Mr. O'Cuiry and Dr. O'Donovan until their deaths, and then of Professor Thaddeus O Mahony : under the title of Ancient Laws 0/ Ireland — Skxchus MoR. Vol. I. Inlroduction to Senchus Mor, and Athg.\bail, or Law of Distress, as contained in the Harleian MSS. ; and vol. II. Law of Listress completed. Laws of Hostage-Sureties, Fosterage, Saei'-Stock Tenure, Daer-Stock Te- nure, and of Social Connexions. Other vol- umes are to follow. The extracts here given are those portions onlv which refer to the Church. Z 2 340 APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, \ ngeimrid ocus a n-errac, ar gaire leo a conad ocus a uisce, ocus ar tesaidect i naimsir in geamfuacta. Ocus it inunda aimser doib, aim- ser Laegaire mic Neil, Rig Eirenn; ocus Tetosius rob aird rig in domain and in tan sin, ocus deismerect air- side, ut dixit in filed — '' Patraic ro baithuis go li, " In aimsir Tethosi, " Pritcuis soiscela cen met, " Do tuaii molfaig mac Miled.' Ocus persa do Seancus lin per- sannii in tSencusa, .i. : — " Laegairi, Core, Dairi dur, " Patraic, Beneoin, Cairneach coir, " Rosa, Dubtac, Fergus co feib, " Naei sailgi sin tSencuis moir." Persa na laide imorro Dubthac Mac ua Lugair, rig filed bfcr nErend. Tucait a denmu in tSencusa ; Pa- traig do toidect i nErind do silad batuis ocus crcdme do Gaeideluib, .i. is in nomad bliadain do flaiteas Tetosi, ocus is in cetramad bliadain do fiaitius Laegaire mic Neill, Rig Erenn. OL. I.] mbodhur, near Nith nemonnach, was the place during the winter and the spring, on account of the nearness of its fire-wood and its water, and on account of its warmth in the time of winter's cold. And they were composed at the same time — in the time of Laeghaire, son of Niall, King of Erin ; and Theodosius was monarch of the world at that time, and it was in commemoration of this the poet said : — " Patrick baptized with glory, •' In the time of Theodosius, " He preached the Gospel without failure " To the glorious people of Mi- lidh's sons." And the authors of the Senchus were the number of the persons of the Senchus — viz., " Laeghaire, Core, Dairi the hardy, " Patrick, Benen,Cairnech the just, " Rossa, Dubhthach, Ferghus with science, " These were the nine pillars of the Senchus Mor." But the author of the Poem was Dubhthach Mac ua Lugair, royal poet of the men of Erin. The cause of the Senchus having been composed was this : — Patrick came to Erin to baptize and to dis- seminate religion among the Gaei- dhil, i. e., in the ninth year of the reign of Theodosius, and in the fourth year of the reign of Laeghaire, son of Niall, King of Erin. APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. I.] 341 larsin mbreit sin tra ro forcon- grad o Patraic for feraib Eirenn ar CO tistais co haen maigin fri haentaid imac[a]lma do. lar tiactain imurro doib don dail ro pritcad soscela Crist doib uili ; ocus ot cuas dferaib Eirenn marbad na mbeo ocus beou- gad na marb, ocus uili comacta Patraic, iar tiactain do i n-Eirinn ; ocus ot condcatar Laegaire cona druidib do sarugad tria firta ocus mirbaile dermara i fiadnaisi fer n-E- rend, roslectsat for, ogreir De ocus Patraic. Is and asbert Laegaire : " Rictai a les, a firu Eirenn, suidiugad ocus ordugad each rechta lind [cid cen- mota in ni seo"]. " Is ferr a denam," ol Patraicc. Is and sin tarrcomlad cac aes dana la hErind co tarfen each a ceird fia Patraic, ar belaib caca flata la hErind. Is and ro herbad do Dubthac tasfenad breitemnusa ocus uile fili- decta Eirenn, ocus nach rechta ro falnasat la firu Eirenn, i rect aicnid ocus [a rect faidi] ocus i mbretaib innsi Eirend ocus i filedaib. Toairngertatur do nicfad berla ban bias, i. recht litre ; ar in Spirut naem ro labrastar ocus do aircechain tria ginu na fer fireon cet rabatur i n-innis Erenn, amail do n-aircecain tria ginu na [prim faidi] ocus na n-uasal aitre, i rect petarlaice ; a ro After this sentence Patrick re- quested of the men of Erin to come to one place to hold a conference with him. When they came to the conference the Gospel of Christ was preached to them all ; and when the men of Erin heard of the killing of the living and the resuscitation of the dead, and all the power of Pa- trick since his arrival in Erin ; and when they saw Laeghaire with his druids overcome by the great signs and miracles wrought in the pre- sence of the men of Erin, they bowed down, in obedience to the will of God and Patrick. Then Laeghaire said — " It is ne- cessary for you, O men of Erin, that every other law should be settled and arranged by us, as well as this." " It is better to do so," said Patrick. It was then that all the professors of the sciences in Erin were assem- bled, and each of them exhibited his art before Patrick, in the presence of every chief in Erin. It was then Dubhthach was or- dered to exhibit the judgments and all the poetry of Erin, and every law which prevailed among the men of Erin, through the law of nature, and the law of the seers, and in the judg- ments of the island of Erin, and in the poets. They had foretold that the bright word of blessing would come, i. e. the law of the letter ; for it was the Holy Spirit that spoke and prophe- sied through the mouths of the just men who were formerly in the island of Erin, as he had prophesied through 34- APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. 1.] siact rcct aicnid mar nad rochat recht litri. Ina breta fir aicnid tra din ro labairustar in Spirit naem tria ginu breitemon ocus filid fireoin fer n-Ei- renn, o congabad in insi so co crei- tium anall, dos airfen Dubthac uile do Patraic. Ni din nad taudcaid fri breitir nDe i rect litri ocus nu- fiadnaise, ocus fri cuibsena cresion, conairged in ord breitemnacta la Pa- traic ocus eclaisi ocus flaite Erenn ; doneoch robba dir rect aicnid [uile] ingi cretium, ocus a coir ocus com- uaim n-Eclaisi fri tuait. Conide Senchus mar insen. Nonbur tra do erglas do ordugad in liubairsi, .i. Patraic, ocus Beneoin, ocus Cairnech, tri Epscuib ; Laegaire, ocus Core, ocus Daire, .i. tri Rig ; Rosa, .i. mac Tricim, ocus Dubtac, .i. sui Berla, ocus Fergus, .i. filed. Nofis, din, ainm in Liubairse ro ordaigset, ,i, fis nonbui, ocus aia a desmerect rinn anuas. Is i so tra in Cain Patraic, issed nad cumaic nac breitem daenna do Gacdelaib do taiibiuch nach ni fo- geba i Senchus mor. " i. c. T.tra. '• Near the source ot the Aidee (anciently the mouths of the chief prophets and noble fathers in the patriarchal law ; for tlie law of nature had prevailed where the written law did not reach. Now the judgments of true nature which the Holy Ghost had spoken through the mouths of the Brehons and just poets of the men of Erin, from the first occupation of this island, down to //le reception of the faith, were all exhibited by Dubh- ihach to Patrick. What did not clash with the Word of God in the written law and in the New Testa- ment, and with the consciences of the believers, was confirmed in the laws of the Brehons by Patrick and by the ecclesiastics and the chieftains of Erin ; for the law of nature had been quite right, except the faith, and its obligations and the harmony of the church and the people. And this is the Senchus Mor. Nine persons were appointed to arrange this book, viz., Patrick, and Benen, and Cairnech, three Bishops ; Laeghaire, and Core, and Daire, three Kings ; Rosa, i. e. Mac-Tre- chim, and Dubhthach, i. e. a doctor of the Berla Fcini\ and Fergus, i. e. a poet. Nofis, therefore, is the name of this book which they arranged, i. e. the knowlec'ge of nine persons, and we have the proof of this above. I'his is the Cain Patraic, and no human Brehon of the Gaedhil is able to abrogate anything that is found in the Senchus I\Ior. \Iiilroduction, vol. I. pp. 2-19.] c.illed the Nith\ CO. Louth. •" Oubhthacli's poem abo.c-meutioneJ. and APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. I.] 343 its history, are given here in the original work. '^ i. e. of the dialect of the Feini, in which It recited the condemning to death of the these laws were written, murderer of Odhran, S. Patrick's charioteer. [2. Dire- fine equal for King and Bis hop. '\ Is a Sencas Mar ro airled comdire do Rig ocus Epscop, ocus aige rechta litre, ocus suad filed forcan di cen- daib forosna, ocus do briugad dire- nar cetaib, oca mbi caire ansic co na thochus techta. In the Senchus was established equal 'dire '-fine for a King, and a Bishop, and the head of the written law, and the chief poet who com- poses extemporaneously, and for the brewy, who is paid 'dire' for his hundreds, and who has the ever- full caldron and his lawful wealth ». \Introduciion, I. 40.] « So also in dispensing hospitality, the haunch was reserved for " the King, iterary doctor" {In'.rod., I. 49). shop, and [3. Tithes, First-fruits, Alms, Contracts.^ Aatat a tri noda icat, dechmada, ocus primiti, ocus almsana, aragairet re cuairt duinebad, traethad cairde la Rig ocus tuaith, aragair tuarathlia coctha. Astad caich in sochar ocus ina dochur argair bailiuth in betha. Acht na cuic curu ata taithmechta la feine, cia ro nasatar : cor moga cen a flaith, cor manaig cen apaid, cor meic beoathar cen athair noca, cor druith no mire, cor mna sech a ceili. There are three things which are paid, viz., tithes and first-fruits, and alms, which prevent the period of a plague, and the suspension of amity between a King and the country, and which also prevent the occurrence of a general war. The binding of all to their good and bad contracts prevents the law- lessness of the world. Except the five contracts which are dissolved by the Feini, even though they be perfected : the con- tract of a labourer without his chief, the contract of a monk without his abbat, the contract of the son of a living father without the father, the contract of a fool or mad woman, the contract of a woman without her man. 344 APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. Olcena afsuiter cuir bel amail adrodad Adum in derbdiubairt : at- bath in bith uile ar aen uball. In like manner are fixed the con- tracts by word of mouth, as Adam was condemned for his red fraud : all the world died for the one apple. \_/n/roduc/ion, I. 50-52.] [4. A stumbling Bishop to be degraded.^ Atat ceilheora sabaid tuaite noda desruithethar i mbecaib : Rig gubre- tach, Epscop tuisledach, file diubar- tach, aire eisindraic nad oiget a mamu. Ni dlegaiter doib dire. There are four dignitaries » of a territory who may be degraded : a false-judging King, a stumbling Bi- shop, a fraudulent poet, an unworthy chieftain who does not fulfil his duties. 'Dire '-fine is not due to these. [^Introduction, I. 54.] » See also pp. 56, 57 : " Inflicting wounds, or committing acts of treachery, upon bodies or persons, or fratricide, or secret murder, or re- fusing to entertain a company, or adultery, if it be conmiitted by any one of an ecclesiastical grade, deprives such ecclesiastical orders of full honor-price at once until they pay ' eric' -fine, and do penance ; and they all return to their former dignities except the Bishop, who does not return, but becomes a hermit ; or, accord- ing to others, it is the virgin Bishop only who does not recover his grade or his perfection again ; the Bishop of one wife does return, i. e. when he performs penance within three days." And p. 61 : "All men whose ofSce did not compel them to frequent the Church, have a ' cunihal ' for frequenting the Church. If a person of the six grades of the Church has done these deeds, he shall move to a higher grade, so as he does penance in proportion to the dignity of the grade, however insignificant the crime. . . . When they [the Brewys] have not increase of property to entitle them to recover their rank, they must do penance at their own Church," &c. [5. Value 0/ Bishop's Testimony.'] Ar forbrise Ri each a fiadnaise, ar is tualaing som fcrgell for each recht, acht a da comgrad d'inraicaib, no sui, no Epscop, no deorad De. The King excels all in testimony, for he can, by his mere word, decide against every class of persons ex- cept those ^the two orders of reli- gion or learning who are of equal rank with himself, as the doctor, or the Bishop, or the pilgrim [exile of God]. Athgabail, or La-iV 0/ Distress, I. 78.] APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. I.] 345 [6. Furm'/zire of a Church.\ Is and ro airled etach fri lith, arm fri nith, ech fri aige, dam fri h-ar, bo fri blicht, mucc co nur, cauru CO li ; toichned Ri, biathad airec, esbuid fledi, intreb n-ecalsa, &c. It is in it {the rule of one days stay) were included distresses for raiment for the festival day, weapons for the battle, a horse for the race, an ox for ploughing, a cow for milk, a pig with fatness, a sheep with its fleece ; the withholding of his food-tribute from a King, the food-tribute of a chieftain, the deficiency of a feast, the furniture of a church, &c. [Laiv of Distress, I. 122.] [7. Relics — Churchyard.'] Athgabail dechmaide im crichad selba, im fuigell, im dirind uas cac, im rodarc tunne [im set roderc] im diubu nuire, &c. Distress often days for the partition of lands, for a relic, for the moun- tain land high above all, for things of value seen on the sea, for valuable articles, for digging a churchyard, &c. YLaw of Distress, I. 200-202.] [8. Advice of Church in making Laws.] Is cosse conamas athgabail huine, ocus aile, ocus treisi, ocus cuicthe, ocus dechmaide la Feni a comairleib Eclaisi, a nnoisib tuat, a firechtaib filed, a comcetfaidib flatha, a com- airle breitheman, acht ni ima tor- maig cubus ocus aicne a firbrethaib iar cubus. Hitherto have been enumerated the distresses of one day, and of two days, and of three days, and of five days, and of ten days, by the Feini by the advice of the Church, from the customs of the laity, from the true laws of the poets, from the con- current opinions of the Kings, from the advice of judges, except what conscience and nature added from true judgments according to analogy. \Law of Distress, /. 208, 209.] 34^ APPENDIX B. [extracts from se.vchus mor, vol. I.l [9. Injuring Utensils of the Altar \ (This is includeci in a list of injuries for which a distress of three days is ordered. The cup and chaUce are ihc utensils specified.) \Laiv 0/ Distress, I. 233-235.] [10. Exemption of Clerks frnm duty of interfering to prevent violence.] There are also other lookers-on who are exempt, i.e. clerics, and women, and boys, and people who are not able to wound or protect or forbid, and imbeciles and incapables. [Laiv of Distress, I. 242, 243.] Bit sellaig slana and chena, .i. cleirig, ocus mna, ocus mec, ocus aes nad meisi gona na anacal na urgair, ocus eccuind ocus escunid. 1 1 . JV/iy distress is fourfold. Ocus ar ind hi it ceteora selba bit for each adgair ocus adgairter : selb fini atardai, ocus selb flata ocus selb Fxalsa, ocus selb maithrai, no selb altrama ; ro bi co comraicet huile for oen ; rom hi imbet a di, no a tri, no nachae acnar nacha techta. (Among other reasons) Because there are four who have an interest in every one who sues or is sued : the tribe of the father, the chief, the Church, the tribe of the mother, or the foster-father ; it may be that they all may be in one ; it may be that they may all be in two, or in three, or one alone may have an interest in him. Ocus ar ind hi it ceithri rechta ro mesraigset ar bretemnacht : recht naicned, ocus recht fetarluig, [recht faide.l recht nudfiadnaise And because there are four laws which are brought to bear upon judicature : the law of nature, the patriarchal law, the prophetic law, the law of the New Testament. [Zazc of Distress, I. 260, 261.] [12. Exemption for tJiose who go to obtain the Communion for a Sick Person.] DIomtar turbuid ; a teisid annso : The occasions of exemption are tubad sloig fo mendad ; iarmoract here set down ; these are they : the cruid, no coibdena ; no gabala, no attack of a host upon the house ; 347 cimidi, no fir muindtire consla i n-ailitri, no coingi comna, no lega do neoch biss fri bas, &c. APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. I!.] pursuit of cattle, or a party ; or the seizure 0/ cattle, or a prisoner, or a member of a tribe having gone on a pilgrimage, or to obtain the com- munion, or a physician for a person on the point of death, &c. \Laiv of Distress, I. 266, 267.] [13. Delay of Ten Days in distraining Cattle belonging to the Chtirch,] Ni gaibter atgabail neiiiie graid flatha no Eculsa conar fastur doib cu dechmuid. The exempt cattle of the chieftain grade or of the Church shall not be distrained until a delay of ten days has taken place. [Laiu of Distress, II. 48, 49.] [14. Steivard Bailiffs of Kifigs and Bishops.^ Acht alhuig forrta bitis fri cinta o Riguib. [^Gloss.'\ .1. acht na hatuig ro bills ac na Riguib da foiritin re ic a cinuid, for a toibged cac in fola cinuid no in fola fiac roddlesta do na Rigaib, .i. maoir no rectuire in R iat side, uair adetge lais in ugdur, atgabail do gabail do na Riguib ocus do na Hespocuib bude'm, cid troscud do legdis ima fiachuib cuir ocus cun- nurrta, ocus im cinta coisi ocus laiiiie. Is amluid ro bidis na Riga ocus na Espuic i nallut, do rer na narsanta, ocus atuig forrta acud da fine budein, no doer cele ag in Ri, no doer manuc ag in Espuc, ocus cumad amluid sin do betis na graid secta, ocus na graid ecalsa uile. Ocus do daer ceilib flata no dia ngelfine an atuig forrta, ocus do doermancuib eaculsa, no dia ngelfine Except steward-bailiflfs which Kings had to be accountable for their lia- bilities. [Gloss?^ That is, except the stewards whom Kings used to have to relieve them in paying for their liabilities, and whom all sued for the liabilities of crime or liabilities of contract due from the Kings, i. e. these were the stewards or agents of the King, for the author of this law was loath to take distress from the Kings or Bi- shops themselves, though the persons suing them fasted on them for their liabilities of bargain and contract, and their crimes of foot and hand. The Kings and the Bishops in an- cient times, according to the ancients, had stewards of their own tribe, or the King had a ' daer '-stock tenant, or the Bishop a 'daer '-stock tenant of ecclesiastical lands, and all the septenary grades and all the eccle- 34« ATPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. n.] na luituig forrta. No bitis ac tobuc doib gac nee dligdis ocus a gabail atgabala uime, da risdais ales ; ocus gac cin ro acurta ar na Riguib cumad dibsim ro gabta atgabail uime. Da Iccdis na Riga troscad ocus da ngabta atgabail do na Rigaib tar fis in atuig forta, is fiac indligid athgabala ann, ocus a da trian don cinn ocus aen trian don athuc forrta ; no cumad don athuc forrta no betis in da trian ; ocus gac indliged atgabala do gentur risin atuc, is fiach indligid athgabala do inn, ocus a da trian aice buden ocus a ;1en trian don Ri ; no dono cumad a breit do aenur a ninbuid is de gabtur in atgabail ; ocus in inbuid is don Rig no gebta i cuma fiach indligid atgabala do breit do aenur. Ocus gac indliged do dena in tathac forrta fein um in atgabail is a ic do aenur ; ocus da tecmad indliged atgabala do denum don cinn, cumad d in tatuc forrta no icfud ; ocus aitgin in gac nee racus a lopud, ocus i corpfiac datgabail in athuig forrta die on cinn ; no cuna ica etir ini na rachuid a lobad di. siastical grades were similarly pro^ vided. Their {the Kings') steward- bailiffs were of the ' daer'- stock tenants of the chieftain or of the ' Geilfine'- tribe, and their {the Bi- shops') steward-bailiffs wer^ of the 'daer '-stock tenants of ecclesiastical lands or of the ' Geilfine '-tribe with which the Bishop's church was con- nected. They used to levy for them everything that was due to them and take distress for it, if necessary ; and for every liability for which the Kings were sued, it was from these that distress was taken. If the Kings had permitted fasting to be performed and if distress were taken from the Kings without the knowledge of the steward-bailiff, there is fine of illegal distress imposed for it, of which two thirds are due to the head Kings, and one third to the steward-bailiff; or according Jo others the two thirds were due to the steward-bailiff; and for every illegality of distress committed against the steward he shall be paid fine for it {the illegal distress), of which he himself shall possess two thirds and the King one third ; or else he shall obtain all when it is from him the distress is taken ; and when it is taken from the King, he alone shall get the fine for illegal distress. And as regards every illegality which the steward- bailiff shall commit respecting the distress, he alone shall pay for it; and should it happen that the head {King or Bishop) committed illegality of distress, the steward-bailiff shall l^ay for it, and make restitution for 349 APPENDIX B. [extracts from SENCHUS MOR, vol. I!.] everything that has gone into for- feiture, and the original debts of the steward-bailiff shall be paid by the head ; or according to others the part of it which has become forfeited shall not be paid for at all *. \Law of Distress, II. 94, 95.] •^ In Irish tenure of land, the chief supplied the stock, the occupier the labour. In Saer- stock tenure, which was the nobler of the two, the occupier gave no security ; in Daer- stock tenure, he did. See Dr. Hancock's Pref. to vol. ii. of the Senchus Mor, pp. xlviii. sq. 'Geilfine' was a tribe-relationship extending to the fifth degree (Id. ib. xlvi). [15. Distraint \Gloss?i^ Aithgabail aesa ecolsa; troscad ocus apud iaram nad ngeba a palter nac a credo ocus nad tet do sacarfaic ocus do aubairt. Mad aes graid no aes creidme * * im toig a cluicc no im cois a altoire, ocus apud na ro oififrither fuirri, ocus nad mbentar cloc do trataib. Do air- chindchaib ocus aesgraid inso. Ma atloat gaibter a sesci no a mblicta, mana tincatar. of Ecclesiastics.^ [Gloss.'] As to the distraint of ec- clesiastics : fasting is to take place and afterwards notice is to be given that they say not their Lord's Prayer nor their Creed, and that they go not to the sacrifice nor to the offering. If they be persons in orders or reli- gious persons, let a ^gad'-tye be put upon their bell-houses or at the foot of their altar, and a warning given that there shall be no offering made upon it, and that the bells for the hours shall not be rung. This refers to ' Airchinnechs ' and persons in orders. If they abscond let their dry cows or their milch cows be seized, unless they tender justice. \^Law of Distress, II. 120, 121.] [16. Distress of an Abbat upon his Tenant or Monk.] [Gloss.] It is the same with the distress of an abbat upon his tenant of ecclesiastical lands [monk] ; and of a father upon his son ; and of a tutor upon his pupil. \Law of Distress, II. 128, 129.] [Gloss.] A cumat apad ar a manac; ocus athair ara mac; ocus fitir aru felmac. 350 APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol.. n.] [17. [Gloss.] Ata dono forus dila cinta di aithgabail, .i. a fuircch i ndail imbi Ri, no Epscop, no sui, no uasal nemid sechip 6 ; a fuirech i faichi cainte, no fir nad fuilnget gruaidi, ar ni daimside dligiuth itir do duine. Privileged Residence in ivhich there is a Bishop.] [Gloss.] There is, however, a resi- dence which washes out the liability of a distress, i. e. to seize in an as- sembly in which there is a King, or a Bishop, or a professor, or a noble ' nemidh,' whoever he may be ; to seize in the green of a satirist, or of a man who does not suffer 'gruaidhi,' for he vouchsafes no right whatever to a person. [Law of Distress, II. 128, 129.] 18. Distinct ions of Sundays and Festival-days P] ]\Iac in uiriuch desa imurro, dath fo let a eduig each lae, .i. foru brut no foru inur, ocus da etuch dathu uimc dia doiiinuig ; ocus itir a lom ocus inua do. Mac in uiriuch tuis imurro, dalh for eduige uile ; ocus da etuc dathu uimc each lae, itir a lom ocus a nua, ocus da educh dathu nuaid uime dia domnuig. Educh dathu each lae aice, educh dorhnuig ocus etuch sol- lumuin, act is ferr each etuch araile dib. I\Iac in uiriuch aird imurro, da etuch data nua each lae imeside, ocus da etuch dathu nuaid dia dom- nuig ocus i sollumuin, act is ferr each etuch araile. The son of the ' aire-desa' chief wears clothes of a different colour every day, i. e. his cloak or his tunic is to be of a different colour every day, and he is to wear clothes of two diflerent colours on Sunday; and he is to have both old clothes and new clothes. The son of the ' aire-tuisi'-chief is to have all his clothes coloured ; and is to wear clothes of two colours every day, both old and new, and to wear new clothes of two colours every Sunday. He is to have co- loured clothes every day — clothes for Sunday and clothes for the festival, but each of them better than the other. The son of the ' aire-ard '-chief is to wear new clothes of two colours every day, and new clothes of two colours on Sunday and the festival day, but each of these clothes better than the other. 351 Mac in da airi foro-ill is tairi sic Mac na nairiuch forgill is ferr, ocus mac na Rig, etuch dathu nuaid doibside in each aimsir, act is fearr araile dib, ocus or ocus airget foruib uile. » These are part of the duties of of chieftainship. APPENDIX B. [extracts from SENCHUS MOR, vol. II.] The sons of the two inferior ' aire- forgill '-chiefs, the same as the last vmitioned. The sons of the superior ' aire- forgill '-chiefs, and the sons of the Kings, are to have new coloured clothes at all times, but exceeding each other in quality {the Sunday clothes better than the week-day clothes^ and those for the festival better than those for Sunday, as already specified), and all embroidered with gold and silver «. \Law of Fosterage, II. 148, 149.] foster-father. The epithets indicate the various grades [19. Dissolution of Contracts . ] Gach cor dib taithmither uile, is ar ain, no treise, no cethruimte tait- mither. Aon fri taitmec cor na ceile iar fis ; ocus treise fri taithmech cor na mac saorlicte iar fis ; ocus cuicte fri taithmec cor na saormanac iar fis. Ma taithmec imurro a ndiubarta nama, is inand ocus in re fri taith- menn in cenn a ndiubarta fadein, .i. CO ceithre uaire fichet, ocus co dechmaid. As to every contract of all these which is dissolved, it is in one day, or three days, or four da}'s they are dissolved. One day for dissolving the contracts of the tenants after knowledge of them ; and three days for dissolving the contracts of the emancipated sons after knowledge of them ; and five days for dissolving the contracts of the ' ^Titx'- stock tenants of ecclesiastical lands after knowledge of them. If their dis- honest contracts only are dissolved, the time is the same as that in which the chief dissolves their own dis- honest contracts, i. e. in twenty-four hours, and in ten days. [Law of Saer -Stock Tenure, II. 218, 219.] [20. Social connexion between the Church and its Tenants of Ecclesiastical Lands. \ \Gloss:\ .i. is i lanamnacht uil itir \Gloss:\ The social connexion in Eclais ocus a manchu, praicecht which subsists between the Church'* ^5^ APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. ii.] ocus oiffrenn, ocus imaind anma on Eclais da manchaib, ocus airitiu cac nicic do forcetal, ocus cac manaig do coir aithrige ; dechmada ocus primiti ocus almsana uaithaibsium disi, ocus Ian log enac in nertslainti, ocus trian log enac fri bas ; ocus breitheamnus, ocus imdenam, ocus fiadnaise don Eclais for a mancaib, itir saermanach ocus daermanac; ocus for cac tuata uile cid saermanach he, muna raib Eclais aile, [Eclais is comuasal resi], aca testugud. and its tenants of ecclesiastical lands is, preaching t" and offering, — and requiem for souls is due from the Church to its tenants of ecclesiastical lands, and the receiving of every son for instruction, and of every such tenant to right repentance ; tithes, and first fruits, and alms, are due of them to her, and full honor-price when they are in strong health, and one-third honor-price at the time of death c; and the Church has //le power of pronouncing judgment, and proof, and witness, upon its tenants of ec- clesiastical lands, both ' saer'-stock tenants and ' daer'-stock tenants, and upon every other layman, even though he be a ' saer'-stock tenant of eccle- siastical lands, unless there is an- other Church of equal dignity claim- ing him. \Law of Social Conftexions, II. 344-347.] * The Church, ('eclais'), i.e. ' ecau clas,' the assemb'y of wisdom ; or ' eclas,' i.e. ' iclas,' because the Church suppHes every one with what he requires ; or ' eclas,' i. e. ' uag clas,' pure assembly, the Church is an assembly which is purer than all others ; or eclas, i. e. ' ecen leas,' bv which one's welfare is efTected, when he is in difficulty ; or ' eclas,' from the Greek ecclesiajuiti popnlati, i.e. the assembly of the just. 'With her tenants of ecclesiastical lands' (' manchu'), i. e. with the people who give it {the Church) valuable (' somainacha') goods (' maine'), after a proper way, ('cae'), or manner. (Law qfSoc. Con., II. .^45.) '' Another MS. adds, " Baptism and com- munion, and requiem of souls." c The same MS. adds, " And every first calf, and every first lamb, and every first-born of children, and every tenth child from that out." [21. Restihitinn for Illegal Taking of Church Properly.] Asrenar aithguin each dichmairc cairichther co troscad, acht in Eclais. [Gloss.'] Co troscad, .i. co na dern- tar troscad ime ac iarraid a aithgena iar na gabail ; is ann ata aithgin do tuala aim muna Iroiscter. Acht in Restitution is paid for every illegal taking with which they are charged by fasting, except ivhcn the Church is concerned. \(jloss?^ Fasting", i.e. when fasting is not performed in seeking its resti- tution after it has been taken ; resti- tution is not paid to a layman unless APPENDIX B. [extracts from senchus mor, vol. ii.] 353 Eclais, .i. act mainib o eclaisdacda berair he, is ann ata aithgin and ria troscad, uair isse cuit in in actnaigte a bail ata aithgin lacta no gnimraid don tuait ann, biaid a diablad do Ecluis. Aithgin olcena, .i. aithgin uile cena in each ni berair o neocli cen athcomarc is in nerrach co na torrachtain ina uide icce coir, .i. cenmota Eclais. [Law the fasting is performed. Except zv/iejt the Church z's concerned, i. e. unless it {the proper fy) has been taken from an ecclesiastic : if it has, there shall be restitution before fasting, for the force of the " except " is thai where there is restitution of milk or work to a layman, there shall be double restitution to the Church. Restitution is also paid, i. e. resti- tution is Hkewise paid for everything which is taken away from one with- out asking permission, i. e. for the forced relief or loan which is to be forthcoming in its proper time of pay- ment, i. e. except when the Church is concerned, of Social Comiexions, II. 352, 353.] '^ For the custom of fasting in connexion with distraint, see Dr. Hancock's Pref. to Senchus lor, vol. i. pp. xlviii. sq. [22. Diitj' of the Church on account of Land, ^r.] \Gloss.~\ Rath tarairrdig tabuirt in cele don ni teit a nairim cac forcruid nairbid. Tabuirt na Ecluisi, biathad in aen cineda gin fine, gin tir, gin inilled, ocus each mic ocus gach manuig. Ocus tabuirt manuig, .i. .x. 7rl. [G/tfj^y.] The excessive return for the stock is the implied duty of the tenant out of that which goes to the account of each excess of measure. The implied duty of the Church is .i. .X. the feeding of the last survivor with- out a tribe, without land, without cattle, and of every son left destitute, and of every tenant of ecclesiastical lands. And the implied duty of a tenant of ecclesiastical lands, i.e. the tenth, &c. \Laiv of Social Co?inexions, II. 354, 355.] [23. Restitution of Eric-fine atid of Penance.] Aithgin neirci ocus aithgin peine Restitution of 'eric '-fine and re- do Eclais ria troscud ; aithgin ocus dire ocus eneclann iar troscad, ocus stitution of penance are to be paid to the Church before fasting; restitu- 354 APPENDIX B. [extracts from SENXHUS MOR, vol. II.] a log do pennait in dichmairc in sein. Aithgin do cac cena ina dich- mairc ria troscud ; aithgin imorru ocus dire ocus eneclann in taide, ocus in elguin ria troscud, issed dno in dichmairc iar troscad. Cia troisc- ther imorru imon taide ocus imin elguin, ni ictar diablad do neoch ro raidsem, co ro cinne breithium. Issed a trocar; a etrocar imorru diablad neich dlegar ria troscad do ic iar troscad i taide ocus i nelgum. Ise fein atai im in dichmairc, nac aili imorru innisis in taide. tion, and ' dire '-fine, and honor-price after fasting, and the amount for the illegal taking are paid in penance. Restitution is due to every one in general for illegal seizure before fast- ing; but restitution, and 'dire '-fine, and honor-price are due for theft, and for illegal seizure before fasting, and these penalties are for illegal taking after fasting. But even though fasting be performed in cases of theft and forcible seizure, double shall not be paid for anything we have mentioned, until the Brehon decides it. That is the leniency of the case ; but the severity is that the double of the thing due before fast- ing is to be paid after fasting for theft and forcible seizure. He {the plaintiff) himself is the ivitfiess of the illegal taking, but another person tells of the theft. [^Laiu of Social Connexions, II. 354-3.57.] [24. Contracts /or the Gathering for the Festivals.'] Ni bi cor cor nechtar da lina sech araile, inge curu lesaigter a cumtus ; iteside inso comul comuir fri coibne techta in tan nad bi occaib fadesin comobair trebta do luad ; fochraic lire ; tinol cua ; comull sollaman. The contract made by either party is not a laivful contract without the consent of the other, except in case of contracts tending equally to the welfare of both ; such as the alliance of co-tillage with a lawful tribe when they {the couple) have not the means themselves of doing the work of ploughing ; the taking of land ; the collecting of food ; the gathering for the festivals ■*. \L,aw of Social Connexiojis, II. 356-359.] • Gathering for the festivals, i.e. gathering of food for consumption at the festivals, i.e. at Easter and Christmas. {Law of Soc. Con., II., pp. 358, 359.) APPENDIX C. HYMN OF S. FIACC^ I. Genair Patraicc innemthur, ised atfet hiscelaib : IMaccan seriibliadan deac intan dobreth foderaib. 3. Succat aainm itubrad ; cedaathair bafissi ; Mace Alpuirn, maic Otide, hoa deochain Odissi. 5. Bai se bliadna ifoguam, maisse doine nistoimled, batarile cothraige cethartrebe diafognad. 7. Asbert Uictor frigniad mil contessed fortonna : forruib achois forsindleice marait aes nibronna. 9. Dofaid tarelpa. huile de mair baamru retha, conidfarggaib lagerman andes indeisciurt letha. II. Ininnsib mara torrian ainis, innib adrimi; legais canoin lagerman, ised adfiadat lini. 13. Dochum nerenn dodfeds aingil de hifithisi : menicc atchithi hifisib dosnicfed arithisi. 1 5. Robochobair donderinn tichtu Patraicc, forochlad : roclos cian son agarma macraide caille fochlad. 17. Gadatar coti'ssad innoeb aranimthiscd lethu, aratintarrad ochl6en tuatha herenn dobethu. ly. Tuatha herenn tairchantais dosnicfed sithlailh nua, meraid code aiartaisre bedfas tir temrach tua. 21. Adruid frilocgairc tichtu Phatraicc nicheilltis ; rofirad ind[fjatsine innaflatha asbeirtis. 23. Baleir Patraicc combcba; basab indarba cloene ised tuargaib aeua suas de sechtreba doine. 25. Ymmuin ocus abcolips, natricoicat noscanad; pridchad baitsed arniged demolad d^ nianad. HYMN OF S. FIACC. I. Patrick was born in Nemthur ; it is this that has been declared in histories : a child of sixteen years, when he was brought under tears. 3. Succat his name it was said; who was his father is to be known : son of Calpurn, son of Potitus, grandson of deacon Odisse. 5. He was six years in slavery ; men's food he ate it not : many were they — four tribes, whom Cothraige '^ served. 7. Victor c said to Mil's ^^ slave that he should go over the waves : he pressed his foot on the stone : its trace abides : it wears not away. 9. He went across all the Alps — Great God ! it was a marvel of a journey ! until he staid with German in the south, in the south part of Latium. II. In the isles of the Tyrrhene sea he remained, therein he meditated : he read the canon with German : it is this that writings declare. 13. To Ireland God's angels were bringing him in his course : often was it seen in visions that he would come thither again. 15. It was a help to Ireland the coming of Patrick, who was called : afar was heard the sound of the cry of the children of the wood of Fochled e. 17. They prayed that the saint would come, that he would journey with them, that he would turn the peoples of Ireland from Evil to Life. 19. The peoples of Ireland were prophesying that a new Prince of Peace would come to them. That his successors would abide to the day of Doom, that Tara's land would be waste and silent. 21. His druids concealed not from Loegaire Patrick's coming; The prophecy of the Prince whereof they spake, was verified. 23. Pious was Patrick till he died; he was a strong expeller of evil. it is this that raised his goodness upwards ....(?) beyond men's tribes. 25. Hymns and Apocalypse, the three fifties, he used to sing them; he preached, baptized, prayed, from God's praise rested not. 358 APFENDIX C. [hvmn ok s. fiacc] 27. Nicongebed uacht sini dofeiss aidche hilinnib : fornim consena arige ; pridchaiss fride indinnib. 29. Islan, tuaith benna bairche, nisgaibed tart nalia: canaid cdtsalm cechnaidchi ; dorig aingel fogniad. 31. Foaid forleice luim iarum, ocuscuilche fliuch imbi ; bacoirthe afrithadart ; nileicc achorp hitimmi. 33. Piidchad soscdla docach ; dognith m6rferta illethu : iccaid luscu latruscu, mairb dosfiuscad dobethu. 35. Patraic pridchais doscotaib; rochds mor seth illethu, immi contissat dobrath incach dosfuc dobethu. 37. IVIeicc Emir, meicc Erimon, loiar huili lacisal : fosrolaic intarmchosal isinmorchute nisei. 39. Condathanic intapstal ; dofaith gith gaithe dene : pridchais trifichte bliadan croich Crist dothuataib Fcne. 41. Fortuaith Herenn bai temel ; tuatha adortais side^'; nicreitset infirdeacht innatrinoite fire. 43. In Ard-macha fil rige; iscian doreracht Emain: iscell mor Dim Lethglasse ; nimdil ceddithrub Temair. 45. Patraicc diambai illobra adcobra dul do Machi : doluid aingel arachenn forset immedon lathi. 47. Dofaith fades couictor; bahe aridralastar : lassais inmuine imbai asinten adgladastar. 49. Asbert, " Orddan doMachi : doCrist atlaigthe buide : dochumnime mosrega : roratha duit dugude. 51. Ymmon dorroega itbiu, bidlurech diten docach: immut illaithiu inmessa regat fir Herenn dobrath." 53. Anais Tassach ' diaes intan dobert comman do : asbert, monicfed Patraicc briathar Tassaig nirbugo. 55. Samaiges crich friaidchi arnacaite les occai : cocenn bliadne bai soillse, bahd sithlaithe fotai. 57. Incath fechta imBethron frituaith Cannan lamac Nuin, assoith ingrian frigabon, issed adfeit littri duinn. 59. Huair assoith laHe'su ingrian fribas innacleon, ciasuthrebrech bahuissc soillsi fricitsecht nanoeb. APPENDIX C. 3,39 [hymn of s. fiacc] 27. The cold of the weather kept him not from spending night in linns : in heaven he won his kingdom ; he preached by day on hills. 29. In Slanf in the territory of Benn-Boirche neither thirst nor hunger possessed him : he sang a hundred Psalms every night : he served the angels' King. 31. He slept on a bare stone then ; and a wet robe around him : a pillar-stone was his pillow ; he left not his body in warmth. 33. He preached the Gospel to every one ; he wrought great marvels widely : he healed the halt with the lepers, the dead he raised them to life. 35. Patrick preached to the Scots; he suffered great pain widely, that around him might come to Judgment every one whom he brought to Life. 37. Emer's sons, Eremon's sons, all went to Hell : the transgression cast (.?) them into the great low pit. 39. Until the Apostle came to them : he went the wending of a swift wind : he preached for three score years Christ's cross to the pagans of the Fdni. 41. On Ireland's people was darkness : the peoples adored earthly gods°; they believed not the true Godhead of the true Trinity. 43. In Armagh is a Kingdom ; it is long since Emain passed away: Dun Lethglasse is a great Church ; not pleasant to me though Tara be desert. 45. Patrick, when he was in sickness, desired to go to Armagh : an angel went to meet him on the road in the middle of the day. 47. He went south to Victor ; he it was that met him : the bush wherein he (Victor) was flamed ; from the fire he exclaimed. 49. He said, " Primacy at Armagh; to Christ offer thanks : to heaven thou wilt soon come : thy prayers have been granted to thee. 51. The Hymn thou chosest in thy life, shall be a corslet of protection to every one ^ : around thee on the day of Doom the men of Ireland will come for Judgment." 53. Tassach' remained after him when he had given the communion to him : he said, that Patrick would soon come ; Tassach's word was not false. 55. He put an end to night, for light was not consumed with him : to a year's end was radiance, this was a long peace-day. 57. At the battle fought on Bethron against Canaan's people by the son of Nun, the sun rested at Gibeon, that is what histories tell us. 59, Since the sun rested with Joshua at the death of the wicked, though it was fitting, meeter were radiance at the death of the saints : 360 APPENDIX C. [hymn of s. fiacc] 6 1 . Clerich Ilercnn dollotar dairi Patraicc ascechsdt : son incetail fosrolaich contuil each uadib fors6t. 63. Anim Patraic friachorp, isiarsethaib roscarad, Aingil De icetaidchi aridfetis cenanad. 65. Intan conhualai Patraic, adella in Patraic naile ; ismalle connubcabsat dochum nfsu Meicc ]\Iaire. 67. Patraic cen airde nuabar bamor domaith romenair, beith ingeillius Meicc Maire ; bas^n gaire ingenair. Genair Patraicc. » This hymn was composed after the date cument relating to S. Patrick's life, besides when Tara ceased to be a royal residence, and his own Confession and Letter. These last- therefore not earlier than the latter part of the named documents negative in effect both the 6th century. Consequently it was not the alleged segular training of S. Patrick under composition of Fiacc of Sletty, as it is affirmed S. Germanus, and his mission by the Pope, to be in the Preface to it in the Irish Liber The Fiacc Hymn was written after the former Hymnorum. It was also, obviously, written legend had come into existence, but before in the interest of the Armagh claim to pri- anything had been heard of the latter. It is macy. It is given here as the earliest do- printed here from Stokes's GoiWe/iea, pp. 126- APPENDIX C. 361 [hymn of s. fiacc] 61. Ireland's clerics went to watch Patrick from every road: the sound of the chant covered them, so that each of them slept on the road. 63. Patrick's soul from his body, it is after pains it was separated, God's angels on the first night were singing it without ceasing. 65. When Patrick went, he visited the other Patrick; it is together they ascended to Jesus, Mary's Son. 67. Patrick without loftiness or arrogance, it was much of good he thought. He was in the friendship of Mary's Son : happy was the fate to which he was born. [Patrick was born.] 312, 2nd edit., and with his translation. Col- gan first printed it, and from him O'Conor. And it is also in Part II. of Dr. Todd's Liber Hymnorum, pp. 287-289. The original is in the MS. Lib. Hymn, at Dublin. ^ A name for Patrick, = Cothirthiacus, in Book of Armagh (Stokes). *-■ The name given to the angel " Scotticae Gentis" (Stokes). '1 = Milchun, Patrick's master. e See above, p. 303, note P. f The river Slany near Saul, co. Down. g side = decs terrenos (Stokes). •1 St. Sechnall's Hymn, ace. to Stokes. But the allusion rather seems to be to S. Patrick's own Lorica. ' Bishop of Raith cholptha, now Raholp, near Down (Stokes). 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