:TTi:i'iminiiii.:;i. ASSOCIATION HAND BOOK. rs PRINCETON, N. J. BV 1090 .N5 1892 A Hand-book of the history sAei organization, and methods A HAND-BOOK HISTORY, ORGANIZATION, METHODS OF WORK ioMi lea's Ctirlslian Associalioas. EDITED BY H. S. NINDE, J. T. BOWNE, and ERSKINE UHL. The International Committee of Young Men-s Christian Asbociations, no. 40 east twenty-third street, NEW YORK. 1892 COPYRIGHT, 1881, BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNQ MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS. PREFACE. The demand for a course of study regarding the work of the Young Men's Christian Associations led to the prepara- tion of an '* Outline of Study" by the International Com- mittee in 1881. During the next live years this passed through seven editions, each of which was revised and enlarged. In 1885 the opening of the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation Training School, at Springfield, Mass., occasioned an immediate demand for a text book covering the history, organization, and methods of Association work, upon some phases of which there was no printed information. No sooner was it proposed to undertake such a work than inquiries were made concerning it by several classes of young men, whose needs have been kept in mind in its preparation. 1. — Students in the Training School, and others who are not able to attend it but desire to prepare for the secretary- ship as best they may at home. 2. — Young men engaged in professional or business life, and students in colleges, who are investigating the work with a view to entering it. 3. — Men already engaged in the work who have had little or no opportunity for systematic preparation, but who are eagerly seeking it. 4. — Leaders of training classes who desire to use portions IV PREFACE. of such a book in their classes with a view to developing men for the work. 5. — Secretaries who would use it in giving information to directors or committee men regarding certain lines of work. Being written from this standpoint, the book contains much that is already familiar to the experienced Associa- tion worker. The average Association, with a general secretary and owning or expecting to own a building adapted to its tvork, has been kept in view throughout the book, but sug- gestions are also offered bearing upon the work of the larger and smaller Associations. Little claim is made to originality. Every available source of information has been drawn upon. To any who may recognize in the text their own thoughts as expressed elsewhere, hearty thanks are tendered. The courtesy with which numerous letters of inquiry have been answered and local documents furnished is also acknowledged. The publications of the International Committee and "The Watchman," now the "Young Men's Era," have been largely drawn upon. In this mass of material great diversity of views was found regarding methods of work. Those suggested in the book have usually been practically tested. The text is believed to be in harmony with the deliverances of the International Conventions. Portions of the original text were read by Cephas Brainerd, B. C. Wetmore, R. R. McBurney, Richard C. Morse, P. Augustus Wieting, I. E. Brown, R. M. Arm- strong, David McConaughy, Jr., Robert A. Orr, D. A. Budge, W. H. Morriss, Edwin F. See, and others, all of whom offered valuable suggestions. These have generally been incorporated into the book. Similar help has been given by a number of physical directors in criticising chapter 25. Much of the book has been used in manu- script in the Training Schools at Springfield and Chicago. PREFACE. V A volume treating of the subjects contained in the first seventeen chapters of this book was published in 1888, with the hope that it might be followed within a year by another. But the editors and the friends upon whose counsel they relied were all busy men in other directions, much comparison of views was necessary, and it was im- possible to prepare the latter part of the work for the press until the entire edition of the first volume was exhausted. As various changes were then found to be desirable in the matter already printed, it was thought best to revise it and to issue the whole work in the present single volume. The changes just alluded to are usually in the line of explanation or expansion, and not of variation from the views formerly expressed. It was deemed best to print a limited edition of the former book. An increase in the size of the present edition renders possible a reduction in price. The statistics given regarding the Associations are for the year 1890. The term '' International pamphlets," as used here (abbreviated to Int, pphs.), refers to the publications on sale at the office of the International Committee, 40 East 23d Street, New York City, a list of which will be sent on application. If any young man who is inquiring how he may assist his fellows to a nobler Christian manhood shall be helped by the study of the following pages, this work will have served its purpose. October 1, 1892. CONTENTS FIRST DIVISION. THE FIELD, OBJECTS, AND HISTORY. Chap. 1.— The Field and its Limits. Sect. A. — Why this work is needed 15 " B. — A definite work— for and by young men IG *' C— The aim distinctively religious ... 17 " D.— Relation to the Church 18 Chap. 2.— Summary ob^ the Work. Sect. A. — A general statement 22 " B. — The means employed in cities .... 33 " C. — The means employed in small towns . 34 Chap. 3.— The Rise and Growth op the Associa- tions. Sect. A. — Origin of the present movement ... 36 " B. — Earlier work for young men . . . , 30 " C. — Introduction into America, and work prior to the civil war 36 " D. — Army work 40 " E.— Resumption of home work 41 " F. — Development of the work 46 ^ " G.— Loyalty to the Church 61 SECOND DIVISION. THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS HOME. Chap. 4.— Organization. Sect. A. — When and how to organize 66 " B.— Practical hints 69 Vlll COXTFJNTS. Chap. 5.— Tj'e Constitutiox. Sect. A. — General considerations 71 " B. — A suggestive outline 72 Chap. 6.— Branches and Sub-Organizations. Sect. A. — Branches 76 " B. — Sub-organizations 79 Chap. 7.— The Management. Sect. A. — The directors 81 " B.— The officers 87 Chap. 8.— Standing Committees. Sect. A.— Importance, enlistment and composi- tion 90 " B. — How to organize a committee ; the chairman, etc 93 " C— Principles and methods of construction 96 Diagram of plan of organization ... 99 " D. — Names and duties 100 Chap. 9.— Membership. Sect. A. — Classes of membership 105 " B. — How to secure members 106 " C. — The membership committee .... 108 " D. — How to retain members 110 " E. — Fees, tickets, records, and exchange . . Ill " F. — The development of active members . 114 " G.— The associate membership and its rela- tions 117 " H. — The members* meeting or reception . . 118 Chap. 10.— The General Secretary. Sect. A.— The office and work 123 " B. — The qualifications 125 Chap. 11.— The General Secretary— His Rela- tionships. ^ Sect. A. — To churches and pastors 131 B. — To officers, 'directors, and committees . 133 C— To other employes 136 D.— To the members 138 E.— To the religious work 139 F. — To the business community 139 G.— To the press 140 H. — To his fellow secretaries 141 Chap. 12.— The General Secretary— Personal Hints 143 contents. ix Chap. 13.— Securing and Training Employed Officers of the Associations. Sect. A. — Demand and supply 154 '' B. — Methods of training 155 Chap. 14.— The Association Home. Sect. A. — Advantages of owning a building . . 158 " B.— Location 161 " C. — Arrangement and construction . . . 162 " D.— Equipment 174 Chap. 15.— Care op the Home. Sect. A.— General principles 176 " B. — Repairs and safety 177 " C. — Order and cleanliness 179 Chap. 16.— How to get a Building. Sect. A.— Preparatory work 181 " B. — Plan of a canvass 184 '' C— Hints and cautions 190 Chap. 17.— The Building Movement 193 THIRD DIVISION. METHODS OF WORK. Chap. 18.— Current Finances. Sect. A. — Ways and means 198 " B. — Collections and disbursements . . . . 204 " C. — Financial bookkeeping 206 Chap. 19.— Real Estate and Endowment Funds. Sect. A.— Incorporation 210 " B. -Trustees 211 " C— Endowment 214 " D. — Debt, taxes, insurance, and leases. . . 216 Chap. 20.— Records and Public Presentation of THE Work. Sect. A. — Records and statistics 219 *' B. — Anniversaries 221 " C— The parlor conference 224 *' D.— Printed matter 225 x contents. Chap. 21.— The Bible in Association Work. Sect. A. — Individual study, objects, methods, and helps 22& " B. — Class study, 1. — A Bible class indispensable . . . 335 2. — Relation of the general secretary 335 3.— Divisions — beginners', advanced, and training classes 236 4. — Time, place, and appliances , , . 237 5.— The teacher 338 6.— The class 238 7.— The topics 339 8. — Preparing the lesson 240 9. — Teaching the lesson 341 10.— The training class 243 " C. — Practical work with the unconverted. 1. — Personal work 246 3. — The evangelistic Bible class . . . 350 3. — The Bible in the evangelistic meet- ing 353 '* D. — Bible readings 353 Chap. 22.— Religious meetings, etc. Sect. A. — The young men's meeting 355 " B.— Other meetings at the rooms .... 263 '' C. — Religious work outside the rooms , . 365 Chap. 33. — The Place and Value of the Secular Departments 269 Chap. 34.— The Educational Department. Sect. A.— The reading room 373 " B.— The library . 379 " C— Educational classes 389 " D. — Literary societies 393 " E. — Lectures and talks 395 r Chap. 35.— The Physical Department. Sect. A.— The aim of the department 397 " B. — Conditions necessary to success . . . 803 " C— Scientific equipment and methods . . 304 " D. — Practical equipment and methods . . 311 " E.— The religious work 333 " F.— The physical director 335 " G. — The department committee 330 contents. xi Chap. 26.— The Social Department. Sect. A.— The reception committee 340 " B.— The social rooms 343 " C. — Social entertainments 345 Chap. 27.— The Information and Relief Depart- ment. Sect. A. — The boarding house bureau 348 " B.— The employment bureau 351 " C. — The savings bureau and benefit fund . 352 " D.— Visiting the sick 353 " E. — Relieving destitute young men . . . . 354 Chap. 28.— The Boys' Department. Sect. A.— Historical items 356 *' B. — Necessity, aim and benefits 357 " C. — Organization 359 " D.— Methods 361 Chap. 29.— Work for Special Classes. Sect. A. — College students 3G6 B. — Railroad men . . . ^ 371 C. — Commercial travellers 376 D. — Mechanical and manufacturing classes, 379 E.— Other races 381 F. — Various other classes 383 Chap. 30.— Women's Work for YouNa Men . . 387 FOURTH DIVISION. eENERAL SUPERVISION AND EXTENSION. Chap. 31.— State and Provincial Work. Sect. A. — Growth and organization 391 " B.— The State Committee 395 " C— Finances 398 '' D.— The State Secretary 400 '' E.— The State Convention. 1. — Preparatory work, by the State Committee 403 2. — Preparatory work, local .... 407 3. — At the convention 411 Xii CONTENTS. Sect. F.— The district work. 1. — Method of organization, the com- mittee, etc 418 2. — Conferences and visitation . , . 420 S. — Corresponding members .... 423 4. — The county work 425 Sect. G. — The relation of the local Associations to the general work 425 Chap. 32.— The American International Work. Sect. A.— Growth and organization 428 '' B.— The field 430 " C— The work. 1. — Supervision and extension . . . 431 2. — Correspondence 431 3.— Publications 431 4. — Securing and training secretaries . 432 5. — Aid to building enterprises . . . 432 6. — Aid in securing funds 432 7.— Aid to state and other conventions 433 8.— Help in disaster 433 9. — Secretaries of the committee . . 434 10. — Finances 435 11. — The International Convention . 436 12. — The day and week of prayer . . 438 Chap. 33.— The World's Conferences and the Central International Committee 441 Appendix, containing Fifty-eight Samples of Tickets, Circulars, Rules for Committees, Record Books, Report Forms, and other Blanks 449 Index YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION HAND-BOOK. FIRST DIVISION, THE FIELD, OBJECTS, AND HISTORY, CHAPTER 1. THE FIELD AND ITS LIMITS* SECTION A. WHY THIS A70EK IS NEEDED. 1. — By the command " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," the Church of Christ became the divinely commissioned agent for the world's salvation. 2. — The Church catholic, or universal, may be defined as the whole body of those who trust in Christ as their Savior, and worship God in spirit and in truth. In the visible Church f these are gathered into various organized bodies — churches or denominations — according to nation- ality, doctrine, and polity. 3. — These churches employ a variety of agencies in the prosecution of their work. Some are peculiar to, or under the supervision and control of, a single body of Christians. * Chapters 1 and 2 are reprinted as Int. pph No. 51. t This word, when used collectively in this book, will generally mean the whole body of professing Christians gathered into the various evangelical denominations. 14 THE FIELD. Chap. 1, A, 4. In other cases several such bodies, or tlieir individual members, unite in the management of some enterprise or department of Christian work. 4. — New agencies have from time to time been devised and put into operation. Such, however, have seldom been adopted without first meeting criticism and opposi- tion, only being received into general favor after giving practical proof of their usefulness. This statement is illustrated in the history of the Sunday-school and the missionary movement of the present century. 5. — There should be no needless multiplication of agencies, new ones being introduced only as they are demanded by the exigencies of the times, 6.— Is THERE THEN, AT THIS TIME, A DEMAND FOR SUCH AN ORaANIZATION AS THE YoUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA- TION ? In OTHER WORDS, ARE YOUNG MEN, AS A CLASS, LARGELY UNREACHED BY OTHER RELIGIOUS AGENCIES ? And CAN THEY BE REACHED, OR MORE EFFECTUALLY IN- FLUENCED, BY SUCH AN ORGANIZATION ? v. — In reply it may be stated that : a. Young men are, as a class, largely outside the in* fluence of the ordinary methods of church work. '* There are fully thirteen million youn^ men in the United Statep ^d Canada. Of this number it is estimated that not more than one million are members of evangelical churches. There is little doubt that at least seven millions of them habitually stay away from all churches. Not more than one-third of the boys remain in the Sunday-schools after they reach the age of fifteen. It is safe to say that ninety-five per cent, of the young men do little or nothing in an aggressive way to promote the organized Christian work of the churches." — Int. pph. No. 306, p. 4. " About nine-tenths of the entire church membership were con- verted before the age of twenty-one. When we consider that the majority of church members are women, we can form some esti- mate of the exceedingly small number of men who accept Christ after passing this age." — Int. pph. No. 27, p. 105.* * See also Int. pplis. " Young men united," No. 9, and "Why should we have an Association in our town ? " Ko. 551. Chap. 1, A, 7. THE FIELD. 15 h. Such an organization should be interdenominational. (1) It is impracticable for most individual churches to equip and operate an organization of this character on such a scale as to attract irreligious young men. (2) A number of denominational societies operating in- dependently in the proposed field would come into frequent and embarrassing conflict. (3) The same *work can be done by a united effort with great economy of money, time, and labor. (4) Special classes, made up of men with a variety of religious ideas and prejudices, can be approached better in this way ; union effort disarms prejudice and opens doors otherwise closed. c. Such an organization is needed, primarily, by all classes of young men, and also — in their relations to young men — by the churches, the family, the business community, and society at large: (1) As a manifestation of practical Christian unity. (2) To strengthen the bond among the young men of the churches by associating them together in Christian work and fellowship. (3) As a training school. Its fields and methods fur- nish opportunities and incitements peculiarly favorable to this end, and also means through which the latent talent of Christian young men may find a wider range and fuller scope than is often possible in their own church work. (4) To provide for young men generally opportunity for their full and symmetrical development — spiritual, mental and physical — and for their mutual benefit in healthful social intercourse. (5) To fill as far as possible the place of home to the large numbers of young men whose social surroundings are only those of the average city boarding house. (6) As a circle into which a young man without cre- dentials can be received until he prove his character. (V) As a refuge and counter attraction. In many • : ■ ies and towns the only doors open to all, and for full 26 THE FIELD. Chap. 1, B, 1. hours every day of the week, are those of the saloons and other vicious resorts. The churches should place over against them attractions equally positive and influences as aggressive. (8) As an entrance way. Many who could not be in- duced to enter a church to hear the gospel can be led by various means into the Association, and through it into- the churches. (9) To reach and influence special classes of young men, such as railroad men or students, who, from similarity of employment or any close contact with one another, have strong class affiliations and can be gained much more readily by such an organization. (10) As a bond between the employer and employe, providing a resort maintained by their united efforts where they may meet in social and religious intercourse. (11) To strengthen the young men of the nation to re- sist the great evils of the day, some of which threaten the foundations of our civil and religious institutions. * SECTION B. A DEFINITE WORK FOR AND BY YOUNG MEN.f 1. — Every organization should have its definite work. 2. — The object of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion is to save and develop young men. Since man is a compound being, made up of physical and spiritual elements, he needs a symmetrical development of the different parts of his nature in their mutual relations. The Association is working more and more intelligently every year in this direction. 3. — Experience shows that the permanency and success • See Strong's " Our Country," esijccially on immigration, intemperance, and socialism. t See " Why should our work be for young men exclusively ? " Int. pph. No. 053, also No. 568. Chap. 1, C, 1. THE FIELD. 17 of individual Associations depend on their confining them- selves to this onp object; and certainly this work well done will absorb all their energies. 4. — Young men are the most important element for good or evil in a community. For example, it is said that a sufficient number of young men become voters every four years to hold the balance of power in American politics. 5. — Few will question that young men as a class are peculiarly exposed to evil influences. Satan and his agents appeal chiefly to them, and often succeed because a young man's heart is not neutral ground. Large numbers of young men are absent from home and its restraints, hav- no one to look after their best interests. The criminal classes are composed very largely of young men.* 6. — Young men are more open to sympathy and good influences than older men. Few men are led into the Christian life after the age of young manhood. 7. — A young man converted means the value of his whole after life transferred from the service of Satan to that of Christ. 8. — Young men, as a class, are easily reached and powerfully influenced by other young men ; they are readily associated together and can thus most effectively bring one another under good influences. This is shown by their numerous club organizations. The Association utilizes this tendency. SECTION C. THE AIM DISTINCTIVELY RELIGIOUS. 1. — The Young Men's Christian Association originated in a meeting for prayer and Bible study. * The report of the superintendent of state prisons of the State of New York for 1887 showed the average age of 1,425 male prisoners in Siug Sing prison at the time of conviction to be 28>^ years. Of this number, 1^88 were under 40 years, and only 137 beyond that age; 1,012 were under 30 years; and 710, or about Lalf the number, were under 24 years: whilw 201, or about one-seventh, were under 20 years. Of 851 received during 1887, C07 were single men. 18 THE FIELD. Chap. 1, C, 2. 2. — For a time the agencies employed were directly re- ligious, and the conversion of young men, together with their growth in Christian character, were the only things the society sought to accomplish. 3. — Although the organization almost immediately undertook other lines of work for young men (see Chap. 23), and has since broadened its work until it embraces the development of the whole man, yet its ultimate aim has always been the evangelization and Christian culture of young men. 4. The first World's Conference, held at Paris in 1855, laid down the following '* basis" : — **The Young Men's Christian Associations seek to unite those young men who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Savior, according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be his disciples, in their doctrine and in their life^ and to associate their efforts ybr the extension of his kingdom among young men?'* 6. — This basis has been re-affirmed from time to time by conventions and conferences in various countries, with the addition of details adapted to the work in these countries.* 6. — In every Association the religious work is considered to be be the important and crowning feature, toward which all the other departments lead up. A large pro- portion of the time and thought of the best workers is given to it. SECTION D. KELATION TO THE CHUKCH. \.—TEE RELATION DEFINED, ETC. a. The Young Men's Christian Association Is not a substitute for the Church, is not a rival of the Church, is * For a fuller definition of the evaugelical character of tUe Associations, see the Portland resolutious, Chap. 3, F, 2. Chap. 1, D. 2. THE FIELD. 19 not an organization outside of the Church. It cannot proselyte from the Church, as only church members are admitted to its active, e. e., voting and office-holding, membership. It has no ordinances, and men led into the Christian life through its agency must seek them in the Church. * b. It is a product of the Church, and a department of its -work. In its entire field it co-operates with the churches and contributes to their growth and power. c. It is the Church at work, inter denomination ally and through its laymen, by and for young men. cl The Association was for a time regarded by many with a feeling of doubt and even apprehension, because of ignorance of its real character and aim, because of ill- advised acts or utterances on the part of individuals interested in it, and because immature plans and mis- taken methods were sometimes adopted and put into operation. e. But now that the Association as an institution has come to be better known; has proved the practical and help- ful character of its work; and is outgrowing, under care- ful methods of supervision, the errors and crudities incident to its earlier, and necessarily experimental, period ; it is cordially and generally approved, and prominent ministers of all evangelical bodies are among its ardent friends and supporters. 2.— A HELP TO TEB CHURCH. a. The Young Men's Christian Association has, more than any other agency, brought about a fraternal union of Christian young men. b. Its success has suggested the value of organized work among young women and young people generally, and such efforts have been greatly multiplied. c. Practical and personal Bible study has received de- cided impetus. * See " Relation to the Church," Int. pph. No. 606, and " Watchman," 1880, page 233. Also see " The test of active memberBhip," lafc, pph. No. 556. 20 THE FIELD. Chap. 1, D, 8. d. Emphasis has been given to personal effort, and as a result the number of practical every-day workers has been increased; and beginners in the Christian life as well as inactive laymen have been given something to do, kept at work, and so trained for service. e. Young men have been taught in the Association that the Church is a divine institution. Association members are loyal adherents of the Church the Avorld over. (See Chap. 3, G.) f. Money has been generously contributed by cor- porations and business men, for Christian work among particular classes and for special forms of effort, which probably could have been secured only through the in- terest awakened by the methods and spirit of the Asso- ciations. g. Thousands of young men have been led into church membership. 3.— WHAT IT ASKS OF TBS CHURCH. a. Recognition, founded upon its distinctive mission and what it has accomplished. b. Co-operation, in the way of a sufficient financial support, and the gift of some of its young men to the work — especially to the general secretaryship. The best talent is needed, and should be given, not grudgingly, for no young men are more truly working for the Church than those devoted, wholly or in part, to the work of the Asso- ciation. c. Friendly criticism and advice. The Church is the rightful guardian of every department of its work. Its mature judgment will be honored, and its wise counsels, given in love, will be faithfully heeded. d. Any individual church is likely to be to the Associa- tion what its pastor is. Therefore the pastor may wisely sustain an active relation to the Association; recognizing it by publicly praying for and commending it; belonging to and working with it, to such extent as he may be able; and aiding in making it what it should be. Largely in pro- Chap. 1, D, 4. THE FIELD. 21 portion to the pastor's interest and support will the bene- ficial results of the work reach his own church. (See Chap. 11, A.) 1.—WBAT IT BHOULD GIVE TO THE CHURCH. a. Filial devotion. It should guard against teachings opposed to those of the evangelical churches, and all methods not approved by their best judgment; arrange its work so as to avoid conflict with their regular appoint- ments; and do nothing in any way antagonistic to them. b. Positive results. The best energies of the Associa- tion should be used in the direction of saving young men and bringing them into the churches. CHAPTER a SUMMARY OF THE WORK, SECTION A. A GENERAL STATEMENT. The work of the Young Men's Christian Association may be stated as follows : Prevention. To guard young men morally by keeping them away from places of evil resort through counter at- tractions; surrounding them with wholesome associations; and bringing them under the power of the gospel. Rescue. To extend a helping hand to the fallen, and to lead them to Christ. Education. To build up young men, spiritually, intel- lectually, and physically. SECTION B. THE MEANS EMPLOYED IN CITIES. 1. — Officers, board of directors, and committees, con- stituting a volunteer force, upon which devolves the re- sponsibility and much of the detail work of the organiza- tion. 2. — A trained secretary and other employed officers, as may be required, to give supervision to the work and proper care to the Association home, under direction of the board. y. — An Association building or rented rooms, adapted to the work, and furnished with needed appliances. Chap. 3, B, 8. the work. 23 4. — A religious department : a. At the rooms — and for young men only — evangel- istic and social religious meetings, various classes for Bible study, and workers' training classes. h. Meetings for young men outside of the rooms, such as hospital, penitentiary, and jail services. c. Distribution of religious literature, invitations, etc., among young men. 5. — An educational department. a. Reading room. h. Circulating and reference libraries. c. Evening classes in commercial and industrial lines, grammar, composition, national and general history, music, art, and languages. d. Courses of lectures and ** familiar talks." e. Literary society. 6. — A physical department. a. Gymnasium, with trained instructor. h. Lavatories, including a variety of toilet and bath- ing facilities, swimming bath, etc. c. Athletic club, with grounds for outdoor sports. d. Outing clubs, for rambling, boating, swimming, bicycling, etc. e. Lectures on physiology and hygiene, temperance, personal purity, first aid to the injured, etc. '7. — A social department. a. Social rooms for resort, conversation, and amuse- ment. h. Social and instructive games, music, etc. c. Members' meetings and receptions. d. Evening reception committee. 8. — A department of information and relief. a. Boarding house bureau. h. Employment bureau. c. Savings bureau. d. Visitation of the sick. e. Relief of destitute young men. 34 THB WORK. Chap. 3, B, 9. 9. — Work for boys in all these departments, separate from the work for young men. SECTION C. THE MEANS EMPLOYED IN SMALL TOWNS. 1. — These must chiefly be modifications of the agencies used in cities, varied according to the size and require- ments of the town. In general the nearer these means approximate in character to those of the city Association the better, if they are also adajDted to local needs. 2. — Associated influence is a strong power in the small towns. Three or four young men may determine the moral drift of a whole community. 3. — In the smallest places rooms are not always essential, as good work has been carried on in some instances with- out them. 4. — Religious meetings, social receptions, and literary societies may be successfully conducted at private resi- dences. 5. — Personal work may be done with peculiar advan- tage in small places, because of the more general acquaint- ance and contact of the people with each other. 6. — The place of the paid secretary may be supplied by a volunteer officer, called the executive secretary. 7. — Where no salaried officer is employed, the success of the entire work depends upon the faith and energy of the officers and committees. 8. — Book and periodical clubs, for the systematic circu- lation of good reading matter, may be easily formed and accomplish excellent results. 9. — A reading circle, as the " Chautauqua Literary and Scientiflc," or an authors' or travelers' club, may be con- ducted under Association ausjHces. 10. — A series of lectures or "talks," by local talent or persons from neighboring towns, will often be practicable. Chap. 2, C, 14. THE WORK. 25 11. — In the line of physical culture an athletic club, for outdoor sports, may be organized. 12. — Judicious work for boys will yield good results. 1 3. — A practical working connection with a neighboring city Association, fostered by the state and district com- mittees, will be important and invigorating, especially when the Association has no general secretary. 14. — Seven lines of work may be carried on in any town, however small, or in the country where a few Christian young men will band themselves together — with or without organization : (a) a young men's Bible class; (b) a young men's meeting; (c) occasional social recep- tions; (d) informal practical talks; (e) a library; (/) visitation of sick; (g) furnishing young men leaving the community with letters of introduction to college and city Associations, and notifying these Associations that such letters have been given. CHAPTER 3. THE RISE AND GROWTH OF THE YOUNQ MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS* SECTION A. ORIGIN OF THE PRESENT MOVEMENT. 1. — In 1837, George Williams, an apprentice sixteen years of age, employed in a dry goods establishment in Bridgwater, England, yielded his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. He soon became anxious for the welfare of his associates, and was led to prayer and effort in their be- half which resulted in the conversion of a considerable number. In 1841 he removed to London and became a junior assistant in the dry goods establishment of Hitchcock & Co., St. Paul's Churchyard. Here he found about eighty young men, fellow clerks, very few of whom were pro- fessing Christians, and many were very profligate. The same burning zeal for Christ, that characterized him in Bridgwater, manifested itself in London. The small band of Christians gathered, for prayer and Bible study and frequent reading together in " Finney's Lec- tures," in one of the bedrooms on the premises after the work of the day was over (it being customary then for clerks to occupy rooms in the business houses where they were employed). One by one they invited their careless * This chapter is based upon "A Historical Sketch," by R. R. McBumey, 1885. The statistics regarding Association work are from the Year Book for 1891. They were collected in the early part of that year and therefore represent the work of 1890. This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 52. See also " The Influence and Eclatiouships of the Associations," Int. pph. No. COS. Chap. 3, A, 2. RISE AND GROWTH. ^7 associates to join them. Many were converted, and the room soon became too small to hold those desiring to attend. *" To obtain the permanent and undisturbed use of another room, application to the principal became necessary, and this was a matter of some difficulty. Able and energetic as a man of business, he had shown no signs of religious feeling, he had done nothing to secure the comfort or welfare of his young men, nor did he check the evils which attended the conduct of business in his establishment, in common with many others, at the time. He was only known as the employer, and in that capacity, though no worse, was not better than the rest of his class. But the young men had waited on God for his direction and help, and in the strength of faith they went forward with their application. To their surprise it was received with sympathy, with tenderness, with the heartbroken feelings of a sinner made conscious of his guilt and need, and earnestly seeking to know and to do the will of God. The room was granted, the young men were thanked for their past efforts and prayers on behalf of the establishment, and the master became from that hour the father of his household, joining with his godly servants in solicitude for its spiritual wel- fare, reforming every arrangement inconsistent with the con- scientious discharge of the duties or the personal comfort of those he employed, and in all things seeking to make that household an abode of peace, a pattern of godliness, a center of Christian use- fulness." 2. — One day in conversation with a friend Mr. Williams expressed himself as deeply impressed with the importance of introducing religious services, such as they were enjoy- ing, into every large establishment in London. This con- versation resulted in a conference between a few of the Christian young men in Mr. Hitchcock's establishment, at the close of one of their meetings. They then decided to call a meeting of all the Christian young men of the house for Thursday, June 6, 1844, to consider the importance and practicability of establishing the work on a firmer basis. Between the appointment and the holding of this meet- * Sliipton's " History of the Young Men's Christian Association of London." Vol. I. " Exeter Hall Lectures, 1845—46," London, 1834, p. xxxii. 28 HISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 8, A, 3. ing, James Smith, the principal assistant in another large dry goods house, wrote to Mr. Williams under date of May- Si, inviting him to attend a prayer meeting at his place that evening, and to come early in order to advise with him whether Christian effort similar to that being then made in their respective houses could be made in other houses of their trade. Mr. Williams was unable to attend this meeting, because he had previously invited the men in his establishment to meet in his room on the same even- ing, for the same purpose, but in response to Mr. Williams' invitation, Mr. Smith was present at the meeting held in the room of the former, June 6, 1844. At this meeting it was decided to organize a " Young Men's Christian Association," the object of which was stated to be " to improve the spiritual condition of young men engaged in the drapery and other trades." 3. — Until a permanent salaried secretary was engaged, John C. Symons and William Creese acted as voluntary secretaries with great ability and zeal. In 1845, T. H. Tarleton, then twenty-five years of age, was engaged as the first secretary and missionary of the Association, and continued in office until his resignation in 1856 to enter the ministry of the Church of England. 4. — William Edwyn Shipton, who had been an active volunteer in the work from 1849, resigned his secular em- ployment and was elected corresponding secretary October 1, 1851, in the twenty-fifth year of his age. He continued in office until his resignation, on account of ill-health, June 30, 1879. During this long service he was also practically the national secretary for Great Britain and the managing secretary of the World's Conferences, which met triennially in Europe from 1855 to 1878. His influence was thus widely felt in Europe and also through corres- pondence and printed matter in America, particularly in the early stages of our work. He was instrumental in keeping the English Associations faithful to their primary work for young men. To this fidelity our American Chap. 3, A, 6. rise and growth. 29 Associations are also deeply indebted for example and stimulus. 5. — Mr. Williams is now the head of the house of Hitch- cock, Williams & Co., which he entered as a junior clerk in 1841. On the death of the venerable Earl of Shaftes- bury, in 1885, Mr. Williams was elected to succeed him in the presidency of the London Association. Few men en- joy his privilege of seeing a work, instituted by them- selves, so widely extended and so fruitful in blessing as is the Young Men's Christian Association. Associations may be found in nearly every country of the civilized world, aggregating in 1890, 4,150. 6. — The Association movement both in France and Switzerland seems to be directly traceable to the London Association. The organization of the German Associa- tions began about 1832. Few of them, however, can strictly be called Young Men's Christian Associations, in the sense in which the term is used in English-speaking countries. Their membership is chiefly, if not exclusively, confined to some one church or denomination. Beginning with the Paris Conference in 1855, they have, however, affiliated with the Associations of all lands, and to some extent have felt the influence of the Association move- ment that originated in London. Particularly has this been the case in Berlin, where in 1882 Rev. Frederic von Schluembach (for some time German Secretary of the American International Committee), while engaged in evangelistic work, incidentally helped in organizing an Association that more nearly resembles the Young Men's Christian Associations here described than those previously formed. A competent general secretary was secured. Since then similar work has been done in other cities of that empire. Further details regarding the World's Conferences, etc., are given in chapter 33. 30 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, B, 1. SECTION B. EARLIER WORK FOR YOUNG MEN. 1. — The movement in 1844, of which our own American Associations are a development, was not the first effort specially made on behalf of young men. Walter Wilson, in his biography of William Kiffin, a leading Baptist mer- chant, speaks of the existence in London, in 1632, of an association composed of apprentices who met together at five o'clock on Sunday mornings " for prayer and religious conversation." 2. — The same writer, in his biography of the celebrated William Harris, D.D., born about 1675, says : *' In his youthful days he joined himself to a society of youn^ men, who met once a week for prayer, reading, and religious con- versation; for the mutual communication of knowledge; and with the view of strengthening each other against the solicitations of evil company." 3. — In 1698 Rev. Josiah Woodward, D.D., published the second edition of his "Account of tlie Rise and Progress of the Religious Societies in the City of London, etc." From it we learn that about 1678 * " Several young men of the Church of England, in the cities of London and Westminster, were about the same time touched with a very affecting sense of their sins, and began to apply themselves in a very serious manner to rehgious thoughts and purposes. * * * Upon their frequent application to their ministers, the Rev. Dr. Horneck and Rev. Mr. Smithies, it was advised that they meet together once a week, and apply themselves to good discourse, and things wherein they might edify one another. * * * As their sense of the blessedness of religion and the value of immortal souls increased, they could not but exercise bowels of compassion towards such as discovered little concern about these important matters. * * « vj This inclined them to endeavor, by discourse with their acquaintance in proper seasons, to press upon them those divine arguments whereby them- * These quotations are from the sixth edition of Wood>Yard'g " Account," 1744. Chpp. 3, B, 3. RISE AND aROWTH. 31 selves had been roused out of a state of carnal insensibleness. And, finding that the grace of God many times seconded these their Christian admonitions to good effect, they became more habituated to good discourse, especially where there was any prob- ability of civil acceptance of it, insomuch that at length they could not but stand amazed at the success which it pleased God to give them. One of them, to whom God had given a very deep sense of religious matters and a very moving manner of expressing it, had such success, that be had, under God, induced most of his intimate acquaintance at least to an outward reformation. * * * * Upon this they made a private order at one of their assemblies, that every one should endeavor to bring in one other at least into their society, which they did to good effect ; for I heard a very serious person bless God with great affection, that ever they made such an order and took such resolutions, ' for,' said he, * this put one of them upon discourse with me about those things, which till that time I little minded, and which now I can never forget.' * * * * There is such love amongst those of them that have fallen under my observation that scarce any natural brothers are so vigorously affectionate. I have often be- held their meeting and parting embrace with admiration, and those who are newly admitted are soon contracted into the same fellowship of Christian brotherhood. They are also far from rigid censure and unkind treatment of any sorts of Christians, as they truly aim at real Christianity ; so they value it wherever they find it. * * * By the blessing of God they have of late years so in- creased among us that there are now about forty distinct bodies of them within the compass of the Bills of Mortality ; and these have produced the like in many other cities and country towns. * * * Other societies of this nature have been both formerly and lately formed in various parts of this nation, and even as far as Dublin, in the Kingdom of Ireland, where from three or fom- persons, with which they began, they are now increased to nine or ten societies, containing about three hundred persons. And they find such encouragement there, from the pious archbishop and from several divines and other considerable persons, that they have been the means of reviving a ^eat sense of religion in many of the inhabitants of that city, and have begun a very hopeful reforma- tion of manners among them, the archbishop having signed his approbation of their orders, which are copied from those in London. And indeed all these good effects were occasioned by the examples of the London societies, and by the removing of some few of the London associates to Dublin." 32 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, B, 4. A young men's society modeled after those described by Dr. Woodward, was doing an efficient work in Taunton, Mass., in 1705.* 4. — Mention should be made of the ** Societies for the Re- formation of Manners," which grew out of the religious work of the Church of England societies of young men just referred to. Woodward states that in the year 1691 an organization was effected, having for its object the sup- pression of vice through legal means. The Rev. C. F, Secretan, in his ** Memoirs of the Pious Robert Nelson," states that the religious and reform societies found in Mr. Nelson a warm advocate and in- fluential friend. He also says that " The chief design of the religious societies was the promotion of personal piety among their members, who were all communi- cants of the Church of England ; while the object of the other was the enforcement of laws against vice, an undertaking in which dissenters from the Church were freely allowed to co-operate. These latter societies had their origin, about 1691, in the efforts of five or six gentlemen at London, who set themselves to recover public morality from the excesses which had disgraced it under Charles II, and which still maintained an unblushing face in spite of the more decorous example of William and Mary's Court." The societies collected an abstract of the penal laws against vice. A letter was obtained from Queen Mary, by the Rev. Dr. Stillingfleet, Lord Bishop of Worcester, directing the justices of the peace to aid the societies in carrying out their designs. The members of the religious societies became the most active agents of the Societies for the Reformation of Manners. 5. — Cotton Mather, D.D., in his " Bonifacius " or " Essays to do Good," published in Boston in 1710, refers to young men's religious societies under the name of ** Young Men Associated. He says of them : *' These, duly managed, have been incomparable nurseries to the churches, where faithful pastors have countenanced them. Young men are hereby preserved from very many temptations, rescued * See "A Help to a National Beformatiou," Prince Library, Boston. Chap. 3, B, 6. rise and growth. 33 from paths of the destroyer, confirmed in the right ways of the Lord, and prepared mightily for such rehgious exercises as will be expected from them when they come themselves to be house- holders." There is evidence of the existence of several of these societies in New England prior to 1737.* 6. — About 1729, when John Wesley was a fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, a serious man, whom he had traveled many miles to see, said to him, *' Sir, you wish to serve God and go to heaven. Remember that you cannot serve him alone; you must therefore find companions or make them; the Bible knows nothing of solitary religion." Rev. Henry Moore, his biographer, says that he never forgot this, and that on his return to the university he first spoke to his brother Charles, and afterwards to Mr. Morgan, Mr. Hervey, Mr. Whitefield, and others, and this led to the formation of an association by these yoang men in the university. It was tauntingly named by their fel- low students " The Godly Club." t " Several members of this association afterwards went as mis- sionaries to Georgia ; and during their visits to London, going and returning, became intimately associated with the young men's societies mentioned by Woodward, and with others, especially those meeting in Westminster, Fetter Lane, and Aldersgate Street." It was in the meeting in Aldersgate Street, May 24, 1738, that John Wesley experienced a change wrought in his own soul, of which he says : I " In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aiders- gate Street, where one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was de- scribing the change God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation ; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death. I began to pray with all my might for * See Catalogue of Prince Library, Boston. t Shiptou's History, p. xix. I " We^ley'a Journal," Emory's Edition, N. Y., lo31, p. 74. 34 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, B, 7. those who had in a more especial manner despitefully used me and persecuted me. I then testified openly to all these what I now first felt in my heart." Y. — In 1838, the year before his death, David Nasmith; of Glasgow, the founder of the London City Mission, wrote to a friend : *' Since the close of the year 1823, the privilege has been granted me of forming about seventy Young Men's Societies in the United Kingdom, France and America. My object in these societies has been to bless young men and make them blessings ; and I have not been disappointed. You are aware that these societies consist of young men between the ages of fourteen and thirty -five, of good moral character, and professing no opinions subversive of evan- gelical principles. The members of each association meet periodi- cally, imder the superintendence of a pious and experienced presi- dent, for the purpose of mutual improvement and benevolent ex- ertion. The Bible is considered as their rule, and all political discussions are prohibited." He closes his letter with the following words : *' The claims which Young Men's Societies have upon all classes of the community appear to me many and urgent. Would that the wise and experienced of our ministers, our fathers, our patriots, our philanthropists, would but weigh their importance and unite their energies to promote the multiplication and efficiency of in- stitutions so fraught with blessing. * * O, my dear sir, our young men must be trained for the Lord ! " The same year Mr. Nasmith wrote : *' If, in some instances, we have not found the men of experience (I say not of years) to preside over and regulate the proceedings of Young Men's Societies, it has generally been where they would not come forward who are most competent. I have seen glorious results follow many of the Young Men's Societies that I have formed ; and my deep regret is that no apostle of Young Men's Societies has arisen and thrown his whole soul and mind, as well as time, into them, that their important designs might be carried into effect. Till then, I feel called on to do all that I can, knowing that the Church must think of, nurse and train her young men before she can answer the ends for which she exists." In 1839, Mr. Kasmith, seeing his mistake in the condi- tion of membership in the Y^oung Men's Societies, sought Chap. 3, B, 9. rise and growth. 35 to correct it. On the fifth of March the following recom- mendation was adopted at his instance, by the managers of the British and Foreign Mission : "That all neio societies consist exclusively of young men who give evidence of union to the Lord Jesus Christ ; and that the societies already formed be still corresponded with and encouraged . " The name of the society was changed to " Christian Young Men's Union." Rev. Dr. Hallock, late secretary of the American Tract Society, New York, says, in relation to the Young Men's Societies formed by Nasmith in America: ** As soon as they were formed he went on his way, and I believe the fact to be, that not one city mission, or one Young Men's Society, formed hy him, continued long in successful operation," A few of these societies, however, — among them those at Toronto and Montreal — were active for some years. 8. — A ''Society for Religious Improvement" was formed in Glasgow, Scotland, by Mr. Nasmith, in 1824. This continued in existence until 1876, when it was merged into the present Glasgow Young Men's Christian Associa- tion. 9. — In Cincinnati, Ohio, as early as October 14, 1848, an organization was effected under the name of ''Young Men's Society of Enquiry," which, a few months later, was changed to "Cincinnati Society of Religious Inquiry." In February, 1853, this society added to its name the words "and Young Men's Christian Union." Frequent attempts were made by progressive members of the society at Cincinnati to have its work recognized as distinctively for young men, but were not thoroughly successful until 1853, nearly two years after the organiza- tion of Associations at Montreal, Boston, Buffalo, Wash- ington, New York and Baltimore. It was not, therefore, until the life of the London movement, through the Washington and Buffalo Associations, touched the society at Cincinnati, that it really became what is now known as a Young Men's Christian Association, 36 RISE AAD GROWTH. Chap. 3, C, 1. SECTION C. INTRODUCTION INTO AMERICA, AND WORK PRIOR TO THE CIVIL WAR.* 1. — Information regarding the London Association soon reached America. Late in the j^ear 1849, an attempt was made by some one who had visited the London Association to cany out some of its plans in Lowell, Mass. (See Fifth Report of the London Association, p. 29.) But the first Association organized on the London basis was that of Montreal, Dec. 9, 1851. The first in the United States was organized in Boston, Dec. 29, 1851. A letter under date of June, 1850, which appeared in the *' Watchman and Reflector," of Boston, written from London by George M. Yanderlip, a student of the University of the City of New York, described the the work of the London Young Men's Christian Associa- tion and led to the organization of that in Boston. This took place as the result of correspondence with Mr. Ship- ton of London, without any knowledge of the organization at Montreal. During the following year kindred Asso- ciations were formed in several other cities. 2. — Two years elapsed before any systematic effort was made to bring the twenty-six American Associations, which had by that time been organized, into communica- tion with one another. William Chauncy Langdon, then a layman and a member of the Washington Association, afterwards a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, conceived the idea of bringing the isolated Associations into a bond of union. Some feared that if a general organization were effected, the liberties of the Associations might be abridged through its interference in the internal affairs of the individual * A statement regardiDg this period, fuU of interesting details, is given by Rev. Dr. Langdon in "The eaily story of the Coufederatiou of the Aesociations," Int. l^ph. No. 16. Chap. 3, C, 3. RISE AND GROWTH. 37 societies. Extreme sensitiveness was manifested in the larger Associations on this point. To overcome sucli prejudices and objections was no easy task. Mr. Langdon providentially proved equal to the work he had set his heart upon. He conducted the delicate negotiations with indomitable energy, enthusiasm, tact, and loving devotion ; and finally triumphed. Many of the Associations of America owe their existence to the organization effected through his wise foresight. He did not stop here, but initiated correspondence which contributed to the holding of the first conference of the Associations of all lands in Paris, August 19-24, 1855. At this conference there was adopted at his suggestion a system of international corre- spondence and co-operation, in the interest of which he visited the Associations in Great Britain, France, Germany, and Switzerland in 1857. The Associations in all lands owe a lasting debt of gratitude to Dr. Langdon. In the first circular, which was issued February 28, 1854, and signed by Oscar Cobb, of Buffalo, and William Chauncy Langdon, of Washington, corresponding secre- taries of the Associations in these cities, we find the following : "It is now proposed to call, at an early date, a convention of delegates, to confer together relative to the formation of an American Young Men's Christian Alliance, a union of independ- ent, equal, but co-operating Associations, and to secure such uniformity of organization and action as may be thought desir- able." The circular then asks whether the Associations to which it was addressed would favor this proposition. Sixteen affirmative and four negative replies were received. The latter, however, generally expressed a willingness to send a delegation, if in the minority. Buffalo was selected as the place of meeting, and the convention assembled in that city June 7, 1854. 3. — Mr. Langdon, in an address delivered at the conven- 38 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, C, 4. tion, showed that, as far as ascertained, two hundred and fi f ty Associations were in existence, distributed as follows France, 39; Germany, 100; Great Britain and Ireland, 42 Holland, 4; Switzerland, 21; Turkey, 2; Australasia, 3 Canada, 4; United States, 35. 4. — This convention was the first international confer- ence of the Associations ever held, and the first conference of any kind of the Associations in the English-speaking world. The early action of the convention was un- favorable to any afiiliation of the societies, and an adjourn- ment without reconsideration of the subject was imminent. This danger was averted by the wise course of the Cincin- nati delegation, under the leadership of William H. Neff, and it was decided to form an organization. A Central Committee was appointed, consisting of eleven members, with headquarters at Washington, five members being resident in Washington and one in each of the following cities : Boston, Cincinnati, New Orleans, New York, St. Louis, and Toronto. This committee was instructed to maintain correspondence with American and foreign kindred bodies for the formation of new Associations, for the collection and diffusion of appropriate information, and for the recommendation from time to time, to the local Associations, of any measures that seemed likely to promote the general object. No authority was conferred on the Central Committee to commit any local organiza- tion to any proposed plan of action until approved by it, nor to make any pecuniary assessments upon the Associa- tions without their consent. The organization was styled: *' The North American Confederation of Young Men's Christian Associations." It was not until January 15, 1855, that the requisite number of Associations, twenty- two, gave in their adhesion to the establishment of the confederation. With this convention began the organized affiliated life of the American Associations. Humanly speaking, had it not been for this organization, resulting from the efforts of Mr. Langdon, the historian even now Chap. B, C, 6. RISE AND GROWTH. 39 would probably be compelled to say of the American Asso- ciations, as he says of the seventy Nasmith societies, simply that they have ceased to exist. 5. — The seventh and last convention of the confedera- tion was held in New Orleans, April 11-16, 1860. Byitsvote St. Louis was selected as the meeting place of the eighth convention; but owing to the breaking out of the civil war, in April, 1861, no such gathering was held in 1861 or 1862. 6. — A careful analysis of the methods of work pursued by the Associations in America, prior to 1861, shows that, in the main, their work was kindred to that of the Nasmith societies, which existed for purposes of " mutual improve- ment and benevolent exertion." Some of them, however, emphasized distinctive work for young men to an extent previously unknown. The confederated Associations, though not uniform with each other in their methods of work, Avere on a better platform than the Nasmith soci- eties. Christian character and membership in evangelical churches constituted the test of active membership in a large number of them. The report of the last convention of the confederated Associations* shows that two hundred and three Associa- tions were then believed to be in existence in America. Only sixty-nine reported; sixty-four of these sustained prayer meetings; fifteen, Bible classes; thirty-four, mis- sion schools; thirty arranged for the delivery of sermons; thirty-five maintained courses of lectures; forty-eight had libraries; thirty-eight, reading rooms; eighteen, lit- erary societies; fifty-four reported their activity as on the increase. The Associations also conducted singing soci- eties; evening and mission schools; visitation and alms- giving among the destitute; general tract distribution; and gospel meetings among soldiers and sailors, in alms- * The reports of tbe series of Interna' ional Conventions, together with the Year Books issued by the International Committee, constitute the most important source of information regarding the progress of the Associations, 40 RIS2 AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, B, 1. houses, hospitals and homes for the aged, and in villages and outlying districts. There was very little in their work to attract to their rooms and meetings young men who were not Christians; and, with rare exceptions, little direct effort was made for the conversion of young men. The most aggressive effort in this direction was by the Associations of Boston, New York and Philadelphia. SECTION D. ARMY WORK. 1. — When the war broke out, the membership of the Associations became greatly depleted, and many of them died. The New York Association appointed an army committee. May 27, 1861, to carry forward religious work in the camps and barracks in and about the city. A mem- ber of that committee, Vincent Collyer, while visiting the soldiers in the vicinity of Washington, became deeply im- pressed with the importance of a mission on the part of the Associations to the army. Two circulars were sent out by the New York Association, one in September and the other in October, 1861, urging the importance of sys- tematizinor and extendino^ such Christian efforts on the part of the various Associations. 2. — Through the urgency of the New York Association the Central Committee called, in October, 1861, a special convention of the Associations of the North to meet at the rooms of the New York Association, November 14 and 15. Fifteen Associations were represented at this meeting, and the United States Christian Commission, consisting of twelve gentlemen from eight leading cities, was formed. This commission proved to be one of the most beneficent agencies ever devised to alleviate the miseries and horrors of war. It co-operated with and supjilemented the Sani- tary Commission, which was a purely secular agency. During the next four years the commission received and Chap. S, E, 1. RISE AND GROWTH. 41 distributed voluntary contributions of stores worth nearly three millions of dollars, and two and a half millions of dollars in money. Nearly five thousand Christian men and women were sent as helpers both in hospital and gospel work, for such periods of time as they volun- teered their services. This work belonged distinctively to the Associations only in its origin. They aided it all they could through their army committees. But the com- mission commanded the practical sympathy and support of the Christian public. The Associations in the South, notably those in Richmond and Charleston, did good service in the Confederate army, but not in any general organized capacity. Until the close of the war the Asso- ciations of both the North and South devoted most of their energies to work among the soldiers, and greatly neglected work among the young men who remained at home. SECTION E. RESUMPTION" OF HOME WORK. 1. — The confederation of the Associations continued nominally in existence until 1863. During its early years its leadership and main support came from Washington, Buffalo, and Cincinnati. Later, Richmond and Charles- ton vigorously co-operated. New York and Boston withheld all official sympathy and co-operation, and the confederation was organized without them. The New York Association did not formally assent to the articles of confederation until 1859. Members of the New York Association, however, attended several of the early conventions, and in 1854 one of them, Richard C. McCormick, made a tour among the Associations of the old world ; visiting those in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Syria. On his return he made an extended report, describing in detail their methods and agencies. His interest in the Association 42 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, E, 2. movement led to his editing the " Young Men's Magazine," (May, 1857 to April, 1859,) a j^ublication devoted to tlie interests of young men and Young Men's Christian Associations. The eighth convention, held in Chicago, June 4-7, 1863, refused, by a test vote, to recognize tlie qualifi- cations established by the confederation, as qualifications for membership in that convention. Thus ended the life of the confederation. 2. — Very little business was transacted at the Chicago meeting, except such as related to the work of the Christian Commission, and yet there were indications in favor of the maintenance of distinct work among young men at home, which found utterance in the following resolutions, presented by Rev. Henry C. Potter, then of Troy, N. Y., now bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church for the diocese of New York : '* Besolvedf That the interests and welfare of young men in our cities demand now, as heretofore, the steadfast sympathies and efforts of the Christian Associaiions of our country, and that it behooves us as members of this convention, interested in the well- being of society and the salvation of souls, to see to it that the special duties and anxieties of the hour do not draw away our friends from the work which is to be done at home. ** Resolved, That the various means by which Christian Associa- tions can gain a hold upon young men, and preserve thera from unhealthy companionship and the deteriorating influences of our large cities, ought to engage our most earnest and prayerful con- sideration. *' Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to consider the question how far our Christian Associations may be made the means of welcoming young men to our cities, and securing for them the sheltering influences of Christian homes and refinement, and elevating social relations ; how far our Associations may be made the means of furnishing wholesome relaxation and recrea- tion to young men ; and finally, whether they ought not to be, more than they are, the instrument of rescuing young men from lives of dissipation and irreligiou, and engaging them in the ser- vice of the Church, and, as brethren, in the cause of our common Master." Chap. 3, E, 4. rise and growth. 43 3. — These resolutions resulted in the presenting of an essay at the next convention, held in Boston, June 1-5, 1864, by- Rev. Henry C. Potter, on " Young Men's Christian Asso- ciations— what is their work, and how shall they perforin it ? " Elaborating the position taken in the resolutions above cited, he said : "We shall be wise and equitable, only as we let our work at home and abroad" — referring to the army — "go hand in hand, but let us see to it that w^e neglect neither. There are countless undertakings in which we may, if we choose, employ ourselves; all of them, doubtless, having some good and desirable end in view; but the question for Young Men's Christian Associations ought surely to be this: ' How can most be done for young men ? ' Happy shall we be, if by God's blessing upon our poor endeavors, we can help save our youth, and in these anxious and eventful hours, raise up for the defense of truth and freedom and the cause of Christ, a mighty and resistless host of regenerate and Christian young men." The essay produced a deep impression on the delegates; it was printed in the minutes of the convention, and re- printed in Germany and France. In our land it was the means of awakening renewed interest in legitimate work by the Associations for young men in the towns in which they were established, but as the war was still raging the return to it was delayed. 4. — The tenth convention, held in Philadelphia, June 7-11, 1865, showed that the progress in the line of dis- tinctive work for young men had been very slow. The time of the convention was occupied largely with the work of the Christian Commission and the presentation of various methods of work quite foreign to the object of the Associations. It was not until the last evening session that the con- vention intelligently considered the practical work of Young Men's Christian Associations. The following topics were discussed at that session : " The best methods of bringing young men in cities under the influence of the Association. "The best means of making the monthly meetings of Asso- ciations interesting and profitable. 44 RISE AXD GROWTH. Chap. 3, E, 5. "Are literary classes desirable — and if so, how should they be conducted? ** How shall young men be best employed and retained in Asso- ciations? *' What means shall be employed by Associations for improving the social condition of young men — that being one of the declared objects of these organizations?" The discussion of these topics made that Saturday- evening session one of the memorable meetings of our conventions, and introduced a new method, which has since been widely observed; namely, the arrangement of topics bearing directly upon the work of Young Men's Christian Associations by and for young men, and open for discussion to all the delegates attending the conven- tion. Prior to that time, it had been customary to refer to committees for report all questions presented by individual members, instead of discussing them in the convention. 5. — The re-awakening of the Associations to work at home, for young men by young men, dates from the Albany Convention, June 1-6, 1866. Cephas Brainerd (president of the Philadelphia Con- vention), in his remarks calling the convention to order, amplified and emphasized the views he had advocated on the floor of the Boston Convention in 1864. He said: " Our future progress rests upon a hearty adoption of certain obvious and unquestionable propositions : *' First — An unswerving devotion to the primary objects and aims of these Associations — the social, mental and religious im- provement of young men. As organizations, with these avowed objects, we challenge attention ; as seeking these ends we are prominently before the world ; because of these things we are what we are. When we deviate from them, we trench upon ground assigned to others. But in all this, care should be taken not to confine our efforts to the measure of a dry, cold, lifeless plan. They should be conceived in a spirit of sound philosophy, and embrace our objects in their largest scope. Nor, while we cling to our main idea, should we neglect temporary or occasional service of a more general character, or special calls in our par- ticular localities. The young men taught to love Christ in our meetings should always find some work for their hands awaiting Chap. 3, E, 5. rise and growth. 45 the new-borD zeal. Still the primary idea and object should be paramount to all. *^ Second — A constant remembrance of the principle which has enabled us for so lon^ a period to work all the machinery of these societies without denominational or sectarian jars. This lies in a persistent contemplation and discussion, not of the principles of our organizations and the how or the why sects and denominations are here exemplifying the highest type of Christian unity, but of the work before us, and a steady effort to command all the means necessary for its accomplishment. " Third — And then in a complete adoption in heart and life, of the spirit of the deliverance of the Montreal Convention : 'That the vitality of our Associations can be perpetuated only by the active efforts of the members in the cause of the Redeemer,' — to which I would add, especially in behalf of young men." Mr. Brainerd impressed these ideas so clearly and forcibly upon the minds of the members of the conven- tion, and of young men in the Associations who read the report of his address, that from the opening session of that convention there went forth clearer views of Association work by young men for young men, and with God's blessing, a more earnest purpose to accomplish the objects of these societies. In many respects this convention marked a new era in Association work, (a) Sucli sentiment was awakened there that methods outside of direct work for young men by young men began to lose the place and hold which they had on the minds of the members. {b) An annual day of prayer for young men and Young Men's Christian Associations was appointed and has since been observed (see Chap. 32, C. 12). (c) State and Provincial Conven- tions were recommended. (d) The publication of a " Quarterly " was ordered, (e) The Executive Committee was located at New York. 46 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, F, 1. SECTION F. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORK.* 1. — The international organization, as has been stated, from 1854 to 1863 consisted of the confederated Associa- tions. The conventions met annually, and. appointed a Central Committee to publish the proceedings, to call the next convention, to correspond with American and foreign Associations and to promote the organization of new Asso- ciations. Tlie Central Committee consisted at first of eleven and afterwards of twelve members, five of whom were resident in the city selected as the head-quarters. The United States and Canada were districted, and one member of the committee placed in charge of each district. This practice prevailed until the Troy Convention in 1859, after which the committee consisted only of five resident members. At the Chicago Convention, held in 1863, the committee was named the Executive Committee, and was increased by one member from each state, district, territory, and province. At the following convention, that of Boston in 1864, it was made to consist of five members, with a correspond- ing member from each state, district, territory and prov- ince. The same general plan of organization continued in operation until the Richmond Convention in 1875, when the committee was made to consist of twenty-four mem- bers, nine being resident and fifteen non-resident. At Baltimore, in 1879, it was named, by formal vote, " The International Committee," — a designation which for years had been popularly applied to it. At Milwaukee, in 1883, the committee was increased to thirty-three members, ten being resident and twenty-three non-resident, and was divided into three classes of eleven * See also Chaps. 31 and 32. Chap. 3, F, 2. rise and growth. 47 members each, the first class to hold ofiice for two years, the second for four years, and the third for six years. Nine advisory members were also elected. An act incor- porating the International Committee, authorized by the previous convention and passed by the legislature of tlie State of New York, was accepted by the convention and adopted. At Kansas City, in 1891, the committee was increased to thirty-nine members. The committee was itinerated from city to city until the Albany Convention in 1866, being located for one year at Buffalo, one at Washington, two at Cincinnati, two at Buffalo, one at Richmond, four at Philadelphia, one at Boston, and one at Philadelphia. Since 1866 the head- quarters of the committee has been in New York City. The plan on which the Central Committee, and, at its discontinuance, the International Committee was appointed was that of direct representation of the Associations, fol- lowing the precedent of the national house of representa- tives. 2. — In 1856 the Montreal Convention ratified what has become famous as the "Paris Basis." This had been adopted by the first World's Conference of the Associa- tions held at Paris in 1855, largely through the suggestion and advocacy of an American delegate. Rev. Abel Stevens, of New York, afterwards widely known as the author of the " History of Methodism." It is as follows : — "The Young Men's Christian Associations seek to unite those young men who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Savior, according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be his disciples, in their doctrine and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the ex- tension of his kingdom among young men." In 1866, the Albany Convention ratified what is known as the " Elberfeld Declaration," which had been adopted by the World's Conference at Elberfeld, Germany, in 1865, as follows : " First— That it is one of the chief duties of the Young Men's 48 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, F, 2. Christian Associations to awaken, preserve, and advance the com- munion of Ciiristian Ufe among young men. ** Second — That this communion of Christian Hfe can only be truly healthy and blessed when it comes from the true communion of the heart with God. '* Third — That the Associations have, before all things, to strive that this communion with God be awakened amongst young men by faithful use of the means of grace and diligent study of God's word. " Fourth — That this conference can only regard those Associa- tions as having the true principles of association before them, •which cherish this communion of Christian life, resulting from the hidden communion of the heart with God." The committee appointed at the Portland Convention in 1869, to consider the report of the Executive Committee, made a variety of recommendations, one of which called for a re-affirmation of the resolution adopted at the pre- ceding convention, at Detroit, defining the qualifications for active membership in the Associations. It read as follows : ** That, as these organizations bear the name of Christian and profess to be engaged directly in the Savior's service, so it is clearly their duty to maintain the control and management of all their affairs in the hands of those who profess to love and publicly avow their faith in Jesus, the Redeemer, as divine, and who testify their faith by becoming and remaining members of churches held to be evangelical ; and that such persons, and none others, should be allowed to vote or hold office." An inquiry as to the meaning of the term " evangelical church " resulted in the appointment of the following com- mittee to define what the convention understood by those words : Howard Crosby, D. D., New York City ; Rev. S. H. Lee, Greenfield, Mass.; Rev. G. M. Grant, Halifax, K S.; Rev. H. C. Kellogg, Jr., Providence, R. L, and General O. O. Howard, AVashington, D. C. The committee's report, which was unanimously adopt- ed, recommended the re-affirmation of the Detroit resolu- tion, and presented the following definition: "And we hold those churches to be evangelical which, main- taining the Holy Scriptures to be the only infallible rule of faith Chap. 3, F, 3. rise and growth. 49 and practice, do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (the only begot- ten Son of the Father, King of kings, and Lord of lords, in wliom dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and who was made sin for us, though knowing no sin, bearing our sins in his own body on the tree), as the only 'name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved' from everlasting punishment." The following resolution was also adopted defining the qualifications needed by Associations for representation in future conventions : ^^ Resolved, That the Associations organized after this date, shall be entitled to representation in future conferences of the associated Young Men's Christian Associations of North America, upon con- dition that they be severally composed of young men in commu- nion with evangelical churches (provided that in places where Associations are formed by a single denomination, members of other denominations are not excluded therefrom), and active membership and the right to hold office be conferred only upon young men who are members in good standing of evangelical churches." The adoption of these rules at Portland gave members and ministers of evangelical churches a confidence in the Association movement which they had not had in it before, and since that convention the prosperity of the Associa- tions has steadily increased. 3. — a. The committee from its appointment in 1866 car- ried on a vigorous correspondence with existing Associa- tions and with its corresponding members, edited the " Quarterly," and sent representatives to the State Conven- tions, without the assistance of any paid agents, until the Detroit Convention in 1868. During the year preceding that convention, a friend residing in Chicago urged upon a member of the committee the importance of seeking to reach and influence the young men in the towns rapidly forming along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad. The member to whom this statement was made was so deeply impressed that he immediately solicited contributions to enable the committee to undertake the work. The matter was brought before the Detroit Convention and the com- mittee was instructed to employ an agent to aid in the 50 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, F. 3. organization of Associations on the line of that road, and in such other sections as might be determined upon by the committee after mature deliberation. Robert Weidensall, of Omaha, Neb., was engaged for this service, and has de- voted himself since that time to the organization and development of the Associations, chiefly in the states west of Ohio. h. At the Portland Convention, in 1869, the committee was instructed to make the "Quarterly" a monthly, and to employ a person to act as the secretary of the committee and to perform editorial and other duties. In December, 1869, the committee secured Richard C. Morse for this joint service. For two years his time was chiefly occupied in editing and publishing the " Association Monthly," but in December, 1871, the need of his services as secretary led the committee to request Mr. Morse to devote his entire time to the secretaryship, the committee undertaking to carry on the " Monthly," which was continued for about a year longer. Mr. Morse visited extensively among the Associations, attending the State Conventions, and be- coming thoroughly acquainted with the condition and development of Association work. As various departments have been added by the conventions to the committee's work, the general superintendence of that work has re- quired him to spend more time at the central office. c. In March, 1870, a systematic visitation of the Associa- tions in the South was undertaken. Wm. F. Lee, then a member of the committee, and George A. Hall, then secre- tary of the Washington Association, visited twenty im- portant points in the South, for the purpose of stimulating existing Associations, and reorganizing others that had disbanded. In 1875 and 1876, Thomas K. Cree, as a vol- unteer, and George A. Hall, and in 1877, S. A. Taggart, State Secretary of Pennsylvania, made similar visits. In the summer of 1876 Mr. Cree became a secretary of the committee. He had already performed valuable service in Association work, as general secretary of the Pittsburgh Chap. 3, F, 3. rise And growth. 51 Association, as corresponding member for Pennsylvania of the International Committee, and as chairman of the Penn- sylvania State Committee. Much of his time since his connection with the committee has been occupied in re- organizing Associations and raising funds for the employ- ment of secretaries, for the erection of buildings, and for the payment of debts on them. In 1875, Erskine Uhl, general secretary of the Pough- keepsie, N. Y., Association, became an office secretary of the committee. d. Through the reformation of a railroad employe at Cleveland, Ohio, a work was begun for railroad men in the union depot there, by the holding of a preaching ser- vice on Sunday. For a time the city pastors conducted these services, but soon, and partly at their suggestion, the Cleveland Association undertook and heartily entered upon the work. The managers of the roads centering in the depot fitted up a reading and meeting room. The work resulted in the organization of the first railroad branch of a Young Men's Christian Association, in 1872. It may be mentioned that during some twenty-five years previous, considerable money and effort had been expended by railroad managers upon libraries and reading rooms for their employes; but comparatively little interest had been awakened, and no satisfactory or permanent results had followed. At the Poughkeepsie Convention, but five minutes were given to the secretary of the Cleveland branch for the presentation of the railroad work. At the next con- vention, at Dayton in 1874, Association work among railroad employes was submitted as a topic for discussion. In addition to continued success at Cleveland, the Chicago Association reported a depot reading room, with religious services; and the Erie Association reported the holding of Sunday afternoon meetings for railroad men in the round house. At the Richmond Convention, the following year, this topic was more thoroughly discussed. The committee 52 RISE AND GROWTH. Chap. 3, F, 3. of the Cleveland railroad branch stated that $1,800 had been raised for the purpose of putting Lang Sheaff into the field, and offered 9 portion of his time for the work of visitation at important railroad centres, provided the con- vention would authorize the Executive Committee to direct his labors. The convention adopted a resolution express- ing its sense of the great importance of the work among railroad men, and urging its vigorous prosecution by the Executive Committee. During 1875 the Cleveland rail- road committee placed Mr. Sheaff at the service of the committee for five months, and he effected several organiza- tions. This result was reported to the Toronto Convention, in 1876, the committee regretting that further visitation was prevented by lack of funds, and urging that *' It is the plain duty of the convention to provide its representatives with the means necessary for the employment of a visitor, at least for the present year.'''* The committee also made this statement : " When once thoroughly organized it is believed that the railroad corporations would quite gener- ally see it to be for their interest to maintain the good work." But it was not until 1877, when E. D. IngersoU was employed as secretary for work in this special department, that its extension was permanently prosecuted. After his resignation in 1887, on account of impaired health,this work was carried on for two years by H. F. Williams, and is now in charge of C. J. Hicks and C. L. Gates. The railroad companies are so impressed with the im- provement effected in their employes and the increased care of their property, resulting from this work, that they are now appropriating a large sum annually (in 1890 about $100,000) for its maintenance. (See Chap. 29, B.) e. In 1870, Mr. Weidensall, through instructions re- ceived from the committee, undertook work among Ger- man-speaking young men at St. Louis, where he succeeded in effecting an organization. The importance of such work was presented at the conventions of 1870, 1871, and Chap. 3, F, 3. RISE AND GROWTH. 53 1872. At the Dayton Convention, in 1874, the presenta- tion of the German work made a strong impression, notably through the earnest appeals of William Nast, D.D., and Rev. Frederic von Schluembach. During the next four years Mr. von Schluembach spent a portion of each year in German work for the committee, and from the fall of 1878 to the fall of 1881 devoted his whole time to it. A Ger- man National Bund was organized during this period, but soon ceased to exist, as it became evident that work for German-speaking young men could best be carried on in close affiliation with the Associations as already organized locally, and in State and International Conventions. Since January, 1882, Claus Olandt, Jr., has served as German Secretary. (See Chap. 29, D.) f. In 1858 students in the Universities of Michigan and Virginia, without any knowledge of each others' action, organized Young Men's Christian Associations in these institutions, the former prior to June, the latter in October. Other Associations followed, and in 1876 there were some twenty-five, with an aggregate membership of about 2,500. These were by no means the earliest relig- ious societies among students. The Association in Prince- ton College became such by altering but a single article in the constitution of a society a hundred years old. But the early societies were without similarity of methods or the stimulus of fraternal corresj)on deuce with like societies in other institutions and in the outside world. As early as 1871 Mr. Weidensall organized College As- sociations, and visited those already existing. Through his efforts students attended, as delegates, the Interna- tional Conventions held between 1871 and 1876. Largely through the influence of L. D. Wishard, a student in Princeton College from Indiana, who had become in- terested in Association work in that state, the religious organization of that college, as already mentioned, was placed upon the platform of the xA.ssociations in 1877. At the suggestion of William E. Dodge, Jr., of New York, the 54 RISE ANB GROWTH. Chap. 3, P, 3, Princeton organization asked permission of the committee to invite to the next International Convention, at Louis- ville in 1877, delegates from the colleges of the country, without reference to Associations having been formed in them. Such permission was granted, and in response to the invitation twenty-five students were sent as representatives from twenty-one colleges in eleven states. Their confer- ence together inaugurated a system of intercollegiate co- operation that has greatly stimulated, broadened, and uni- fied Christian work in colleges ; as is shown by the great increase in the number of Associations, many of them in colleges where previously no systematic Christian work was done. In the Louisville Convention the student dele- gates urged that the International Committee be instructed to place a College Secretary in the field. Mr. Wishard was induced to accept the position, and entered on its duties in September, 1877. After eleven years of success- ful service, he was granted leave of absence that he might carrj'- out a long cherished plan of visitation among the College Associations of foreign mission lands. (See Chap. 33, 10). g. At the Toronto Convention, in 1876, the delegates from the South urged the importance of work among col- ored young men in that section. Stuart Robinson, D. D., of Louisville, Ky., led the discussion and made the first contribution to place an agent in the field for that pur- pose. In 1879 Henry Edwards Brown became secretary in charge of this department, since which time a number of Associations have been organized among colored young men, chiefly in colleges and academies. Advance has been made slowly and with great caution. Associations have been formed in schools only with the hearty concurrence of the principals, and in towns after securing the approval of the pastors. The first colored general secretary, W. A. Hunton, began his work at Norfolk, Virginia, early in 1888. Mr. Brown gradually became engrossed in general visita- tion, chiefly on the Pacific slope, and in 1890 Mr. Hunton Chap. S, F, 3. RISE) An*!) growth. 55 became a secretary of the committee, with special reference to the young men of his own race. (See chap. 29, D.) In the spring of 1879 P. Augustus Wieting became an office secretary of the committee. h. Work for commercial travelers was first presented to the Associations at the Richmond Convention. (See Chap. 29, C.) At the Baltimore Convention (1879), the call for it was more strongly urged, and the committee was instructed to direct the attention of the Associations to it. In May, 1879, E. W. Watkins was employed as a secretary of the committee, with special reference to this field, but he soon became almost entirely occupied with vis- itation of the Associations and the securing of many young men for the secretaryship. His connection with the com- mittee closed in 1889. L The Boston and New York Associations employed men to look after details of their work as early as 1852 and 1853. In April, 1891, there were nearly eleven hundred such men in the United States and Canada, including sec- retaries, physical directors, and others, devoting their entire time to the work; and about one hundred similar positions were vacant. In 1871, when they numbered perhaps twenty altogether, thirteen of them met in conference after the Washington Convention. So ill-defined was the work of their office at that time, that no two were called by the same name, and only one, George A. Hall, of the Washing- ton Association, bore the name of general secretary, whicli was at this meeting chosen as the best name for the office.* The conference resulted in tlie organization of ** The Asso- ciation of the General Secretaries of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and British * The day after the farewell meetin (f)73 HO mO co-n Membership .... Auditing, (Current bills) Publications .... Paid Entertainments . Extension Fund . . Business ^ ^ Department. 3> Bible Classes Training Classes .... Evangelistic Meetings . . Social Religious Meetings . Church Committee . . . Invitations Distrib. of Eeligious Reading Religious Library . . . , Reading Room . . Classes . . . . , Lectures and Talks Literary Societies Department. Educational Gymnasium . . Athletic Grounds Outing Clubs Health Talks . . Purity .... Evening Reception Committee Entertainments Music Chess Club, etc Boarding House Bureau . . Employment Bureau . . . . Savings Bureau Benefit Fund Visitation of Sick Department, Physical Department Social Department Information and Relief Department Religious Work Educational Work . . . _^__. Physical Work I Department Social Work ■ Boys' Railroad, etc. . . . (Women's Committee) Branches. CO c: O O m C/) H m H a M M ^ n > > U) z m 0 0 O M m ;> H o H 0 '73 ^ o > z M > H 100 STANDING COMMITTEES. Chap. 8, D, 1. quired to the careful oversight of the work. If this were impossible, it Avould be necessary to select active members, not on the board, for these positions, in which case the president of the Association and the executive or general secretary, who sustain intimate relations to all committees, would constitute the link between the department com- mittees and the executive committee or board of directors, and it might also be desirable that such chairmen attend the meetings of the board. But this difficulty can in time be overcome by careful selection and training of the board, if the plan is kept in view as the model toward which to w^ork. SECTION D. NAMES AND DUTIES. The following is an outline of the committees generally round in the Associations. Tlieir number, names, and duties are hardh^ the same in any two constitutions, and probably will not exactly correspond in any case with the list here given. Details are considered under " Methods of Work," Chaps. 18-30. 1. — Finance committee. — To this committee is given the management of financial matters, except such as belong to the board of trustees, when such board exists. (See Chaps. 18 and 19.) It will be its duty to prepare and present to the board of directors an annual budget, or estimate of receipts and expenditures ; to plan and carry out a system of ways and means, including all membership finances ; to keep an account of appro- priations, audit bills against the Association, sign all warrants on the treasurer where these are used, and prevent overdrafts on the part of any committee or person ex- pending money. It will also be its duty (under instruc- tion of the board of directors) to attend to anj^ details entrusted to it by the trustees, or, if there are no trustees, Chap. 8, D, 3. STANDi^a committees. 101 to all duties usually pertaining to them. The items of printing and pubiication, when a bulletin is issued, and of a paid lecture course, if any, will properly be placed with this committee. This detail work of the department may be performed either by individual members of the finance committee assigned to specific duties, or by sub-commit- tees on which may be placed active members not belonging to the committee. In the latter case the chair- man of the sub-committee should be a member of the finance committee. The raemhership committee may j^rop- erly be classed in the business department, and may be formed according to the last method stated above, under the direction of the finance committee. If desired there may be a sub-committee on applications, to consist, per- haps, of members of the board, and to which shall be referred all applications for active membership. The membership committee is specifically treated in chapter 9, C. The finance committee may have a sub-committee to audit all bills and accounts presented for payment. If a bulletin or a paid lecture course be conducted, the first may be placed in charge of a publication, and the second of a lecture committee. 2. — General auditors^ or a committee on records and accounts^ will audit the books of the treasurer and finance committee, and of all other persons and committees hand- ling funds, and also examine the statistical records. This Avill usually consist of two or three members of the board who are not on the finance committee, and who, perhaps, are so situated as not to be able to work on any committee save this one. Sometimes men outside of the Association are chosen to do this work. 3. — Executive committee. — As it is generally necessary that the work be under closer supervision than can be given by the board itself, an " abridgment " of the board is constituted, styled the executive committee.* *In smaller Associations this committee is not generally needed, the work here assigned to it being performed by the board itself. In this case it would be specially desirable for the chairmen of the department committees to be members 102 STANDING COMMITTEES. Chap. 8, D, 4. This committee usually meets weekly, and is charged with the full powers of the board ad interim; except the expenditure of money not already appropriated, and the reversal of previous action of the board. This committee has the supervision of all work not delegated to the finance commitee and trustees, also of the committees, rooms, appliances, and employes in connection with the same. It will also be its duty to gather from the com- mittees of the general work expending money their estimates for each year, and present them, with any sug- gestions drawn from its experience, to the finance commit- tee for incorporation in the annual budget. Sometimes it will authorize and supervise the expenditures of these committees under the appropriations. This committee, as far as practicable, should be composed of the chair- men of the department committees and of the finance committee. All members of the board have a right to attend the meetings of the executive committee. The chairmen — and, if desired, the members — of the various committees and sub-committees should occasionally meet with the executive committee for discussion of their work and of new methods proposed for introduction. All com- mittee reports may pass into its hands for any needed revision, or that abstracts may be made for presentation to the board or Association. The executive committee, from its composition and close relationship to all the work, is able to present for the action of the board intelligent, practical, and carefully matured plans and suggestions. An accurate record should be kept of all transactions, the same to be open to inspection by the board, and to be read at its meetings. 4. — Religious worTc. — It is desirable that all the directly religious work be under the supervision of one committee. There may be sub-committees on the various meetings and of the board, in order that the departments might thus be brought into direct contact with it. In the smaUest Associations (as suggested in Chap. 5, 14.) there is no board of directors, but its work is done by au executive committee, which must not be confoixnc.ed with the committee of that name mentioned here. Chap. 8, D, 8. standing committees. 103 Bible classes, the different meetings outside the rooms, and such lines of work as invitation, visitation, etc. The work sometimes carried on by "yoke fellows" and kindred organizations might much better be conducted by a sub- division of this committee. The church committee is a bond between the Association and the individual churches, to interest the churches in the Association's work, and to introduce young men led to Christ in the Association to a church home. It sometimes co-operates with the member- ship committee. Effort in the direction of temperance and personal purity may also be made under appropriate sub-committees of this department, in co-operation with the physical department, where these matters are placed in classification. (See Chaps. 21 and 22.) 5. — Educatio7ial work. — In this department are the library, the reading room, evening classes, educational lectures or " practical talks " (including " health talks," in co-operation with the physical department), and the literary society, each of which divisions may be placed under a sub- committee. (See Chap. 24.) 6. — Physical loork. — To this department and under the general supervision of its committee belong the gymnasium and baths, the various outdoor sports, " health talks," and efforts to promote personal purity. (See Chap. 25.) 7. — Social vnork. — The committee in charge of this depart- ment will have an important duty in planning and con- ducting the members' meetings and receptions, and another in connection with the evening reception work at the rooms. The members of the evening committee will, from their acquaintance with those frequenting the rooms, be specially fitted to act as ushers at the various meetings and enter- tainments, and it will be well to have them organized for such service. The matter of music, games, and other recreations for the social rooms belongs to this depart- ment, and requires Droper committee supervision. (See Chap. 26.) 8. — Information and relief worh. — This includes the 104 STANDING COMMITTEES. Chap. 8, D, 9. boarding house and eniploj^ment bureaus, the visitation of the sick, tlie savings fund, benefit fund, etc. (See Chap. 27.) 9. — Boys'^ work. — The committee in charge will adapt any of the work that is practicable in the religious, educa- tional, physical, and social departments to the needs of boys. (See Chap. 28.) 10. — Branches. — Where branch organization is required, a committee of the board should have it in charge. (See Chaps. 6 and 29.) The unity and efficiency of the work is promoted b}^ having each general department under the care of a single supervising committee. There is nothing in this plan to prevent the formation of literary societies, outing clubs, etc., with any variety as to name and organization, so long as they come under the general principles of management outlined here and in chapter 6, B. CHAPTER, 9, MEMBERSHIPS SECTION A. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP. 1. — The prevailing opinion among the Associations is that there should be but two general classes of member- ship; namely, active and associate. There is a tendency to do away with such classes as life and honorary, and to consider designations relating to fees in connection with the department of finance, f (See Chap. 18, A, 2.) 2. — The Association proj^er consists of the active mem- bers, who alone have the right to vote and hold office. In the American Associations active members must be members in good standing of an evangelical church. (See Chap. 3, F, 2.) As the Association is by name and object distinct- ively Christian and evangelical, there can be no question as to the propriety of such membership test. J; Without it there could be no assurance that the organization would maintain its present character, and that the property placed in its hands would continue to be used for the purposes intended by the donors. 3. — Every application for active membership should be referred to a responsible committee for investigation, and * This Chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 54. t Much confusion has arisen from confounding the constitutional condition of membership with the financial terms of the same. The former are based mainly upon the character of the individual and his relation to the Church, while the latter are governed by and refer to the secular privileges he desires and is willing to pay tor. X See " Tho test of active membership," Int pph. No. 555, 106 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, A, 4. reported by the committee for final action. The names of persons proposed for active membership are often posted in the rooms previous to their election. (For form of letter notifj^ing of election to active membership see appendix, sample No. 1.) 4. — Sixteen and forty years are fixed by some Associa- tions as age limits in the admission of active members.* Active members passing the latter limit are generally retained in the same class. 5. — Good moral character is the only required qualifica- tion for associate membership, and it is largely the practice for the general secretary to receive such members at his discretion, without the formality of a vote. But he should carefully guard against the admission of improper per- sons to associate membership by making careful inquiries regarding them. A form of letter to the persons referred to in application blanks is given in the appendix, sample No. 2. If a doubt exist in any case, the appli- cation should be referred to the membership committee, the committee being instructed to act in such cases. 6. — Persons who are merely subscribers to current ex- penses, having no personal connection with the work or privileges of the Association, should be denominated sub- scribers or contributors, not members. No one should be considered a member until he has filled out the application blank, and been regularly elected or admitted. SECTION B. HOW TO SECURE MEMBERS. 1. — A membership must be worth something. Few young men will join an Association as a matter of simple duty. There must be some attractive force. It may be a wide-awake young men's meeting, a library, or a gymna- * The average age of 1,513 members reoaived in a single year by one of the large Associations was nineteen years. Chap. 9, B, 4. MEMBERSHIP. 107 slum. A careful adaj^tation of privileges to the require- ments of prominent classes of young men, as the mercantile or mechanical, will be specially helpful. 2. — Having something of value, advertise it. First, by having the building, or rooms, eligibly located and easily accessible, i^ext, have conspicuous and tasteful signs. Keep the privileges of the Association before the people by means of the local papers, the bulletin, the annual j^ros- pectus, and neatly framed cards in public places. Prepare application blanks with privileges and terms of member- ship on the back, for generous distribution at public Asso- ciation meetings, and by members in their personal work. (See appendix, samples Xos. 3 and 4.) Especially let one be put promptly into the hand of every young man coming into the city to reside. (See Chap. 27, A, 8.) To reach the Christian young men hold occasional meetings at the sev- eral churches, and present the claims of the work, the op- portunities for Christian service, and the privileges of mem- bership. To reach young men more generally give recep- tions to the various trades and classes of the community at the rooms of the Association. 3. — Bring young men into contact v ith the work. Ask them to come and see, telling them of some special occur- rence at the rooms, which you believe will interest them. Investigation will often lead to interest. Some Associa- tions have presented young men with visitors' tickets admitting them to the privileges of membership for two weeks. Many of these men, after testing tlie value of the work, have become members. (See appendix, sample No. 5.) 4. — Recognize the necessity of personal invitation. With all desirable attractions, and general methods of advertising them, many young men will still need personal solicitation before they will join an Association. To this end an important factor is a well-organized and thorough-going committee. 108 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, C, 1. SECTION C. THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. 1. — This committee should be composed of the most earnest and active young men of the Association. It is desirable that it include representatives from all the evangelical churches, and from the various classes of young men in the community ; clerks, or young business men from the different lines of trade, students from the several schools and professions, and apprentices and young mechanics from the various manufacturing establishments, each to work among his fellows. 2. — The members of the committee must be well informed through study of the annual report, prospectus, and other publications as to the advantages of membership and the work generally, that they may be able to present the sub- ject with intelligence and force. In approaching Christian young men they are to urge the claims of duty as well as to present the idea of advantage. 'i. — They should realize the importance of their work ; that the growth and prosperity of the Association are largely dependent upon it. Each new name means an added worker or another young man to be influenced for Christ. 4. — The committee should be com^^lete as to its organi- zation, meetings, and methods. Other committees should be ready to co-operate with it, as many of them can do with good effect. The reception committee especially may prove an efiicient helper. 5. — This committee will have much to do with the pre- paratory work outlined in the previous section. Its princi- pal work, however, is more direct and largely personal. It is usual to put forth special effort at stated times, at the beginning of the Association year or just previous to the opening of the fall work. Plans must be prepared well in advance by the chairman, and thoroughly discussed Chap. 9, C, G. MEMBERSHIP. 109 at a full meeting of the committee. Lists of young men may be secured by sending blanks to members of the Association, and to employers ; or by copying from the poll lists of the last election the names of young men, aided by the personal knowledge of residents in the various election districts. Necessary printed matter should be provided, including application blanks, prospectus, etc. The blanks will be more convenient if about the size of a postal card. Instructions should be explicit and the necessity of using tact should be emphasized. There must be a systematic division of labor and arrangements for a thorough canvass. When all is ready let there be a prompt, enthusiastic, and persistent advance along the whole line. Following this will be frequent meet- ings of the committee to report progress, discuss diffi- culties, suggest new methods, and for general encourage- ment. The reflex influence of such a campaign once a year is excellent. In addition to this, however, there must be the continuous w^ork. E very-day effort by the many, along ordinary channels, will secure a sure and satisfactory aggregate of results. 6. — The committee will generally have an important duty to discharge in connection with the annual collection of fees. The membership register should show when the fees fall due, and about a month in advance a carefully worded notice of the fact should be sent out ; in many instances a personal call will also be necessary. (See appendix, sam- ple Ko. 6, also section E, 4 of this chapter.) The per- manency of the active membership is especially important and to be promoted by every proper means. The terms "expire" and "renewal" as sometimes used in connec- tion w4th the membership tickets, notices, etc., are un- desirable, and likely to lead the holders to look upon membership as temporary. (A form for the monthly report of this committee w^ill be found among the blanks in the appendix in connection with chapter 20.) 110 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, D, 1. SECTION D. HOW TO KETAIX MEMBERS. 1. — Do all you advertise to do, fulfilling your promises to the letter. Each committee must undertake to carry out faithfully its part of the contract. The library and social rooms, gymnasium and baths, must be open at the specified time, in proper order, and with necessary supervision. If it is considered best to close the gymnasium during a part of the summer or at any other time, full announcement should be made in the prospectus. The classes, the lecture course, the social and religious meetings — all these must be maintained at the required standard as to number and character. The rooms must be neat and attractive, and the committee in charge, with the secretary, must see that the social atmosphere is what it should be. 2. — See that new members become affiliated. Get ac- quainted with them, learn their tastes and preferences, and get them to avail themselves of such privileges as they need or desire. It is a good plan, especially during seasons when many new members are joining, to appoint evenings on which they will receive special welcome and introduc- tion. Every new active member should be offered some definite work to do. A man who becomes interested will stay with you. 3. — Have definite privileges. No matter how small 3''our Association, nor how few the privileges you have to offer, make the most of these by allowing certain ones to mem- bers only. A young man will not prize a membership which brings him only the same privileges that others enjoy without it. Let admission to the members' meeting, the reception, and the " practical talk " be by ticket. Allow no visitors in the gymnasium without a pass from the office, and then only in the gallery appropriated to them. Let the amusement room be used only by members and in- vited guests. Insist that non-members shall not frequent Chap. 9, E, 1. MEMBERSHIP. Ill habitually the members' parlor. Require one frequenting the reading room to register and obtain a "reader's pass."* 4. — Study to add occasionally some new feature. Do not get into a rut. Young men tire of sameness. Con- tact with other Associations, through the conventions, correspondence, and the Association publications, will en- able a wide awake organization to keep up a system of variation and improvements in methods of work. The re- fitting of a room, new singing books, an additional piece of apparatus in the gymnasium, a new game in the recreation room, an evening class in some new and popular branch of study, an added feature in outdoor sports, will, any one of them, brighten up the waning interest of a score or two of members. SECTION E. FEES, TICKETS, RECOEDS, AXD EXCHANGE. 1. — The Fee. — The membership fee should be large enough to indicate a positive value, while not so large as to bar out any number of self-supporting young men. Two dollars is as low as it need be made, while five dollars is generally the fee for a full privilege ticket in a city Association. The extraordinary privileges afforded by a few Associations call for larger fees, but the fees are never expected to meet the expense of the privileges offered. For the best interest of the member and of the Association, payment of fee should be in advance. In many Associations all privileges cease as soon as fees are overdue ; in others from ten to thirty days grace are * Some Associations require the registration of aU non-members entering the reading room. Another plan is for non-members who frequent the reading room to become what may be termed " registered readers," a pass being given them stating that they have the privilege of the reading room for a given time— the pass being renewable on application. This plan gives a better control of the rooms, brings the readers into contact with the secretary, and makes him acquainted, in an easy, routine way, with the name, residence, etc., of each one, (See appendix, sample No. 7.) 112 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, E, 2. allowed. None should ever be reported as members whose fees are not paid within the limit fixed. (See Chap. 18, B, 4.) 2. — The Ticket J^ — The membership ticket should be of durable material, tasteful as to its typography and color, and full and explicit in its wording. Card-board of different colors may indicate different kinds of tickets. The name of the member, amount of fee, the period for which the fee is paid, and character of privileges should appear on the ticket ; also whetlier the holder be an active or an associate member. (See appendix, sample No. 8.) If a member joins on or before March fifteenth, date the ticket March first ; if after the fifteenth, date it April first. The holder's personal signature would be a good addition, and may sometimes j^revent fraudulent use of the ticket. A traveling, or transfer, endorsement ma}^ be placed upon the back of the ticket, and signed by some designated officer if used. (See sect. 5.) No membership ticket should be entitled to other than local recognition without some such endorsement. 3. — Forfeiture. — It should be understood that wilful or continued violation of Association rules, by which a mem- ber becomes liable to suspension or expulsion, carries with it forfeiture of ticket. 4. — Records. — Specimen pages of a register having many valuable, labor-saving features, known as the " Hersey Index and Membership Record," are shown in sample No. 9, in the appendix. Another, ruled similarly, less expen- sive, and answering well for small Associations, is published by the Era Publishing Co., Chicago. It is desirable that a membersliip register be ruled in columns headed as follows : date of joining, name, busi- ness address, business, position, privileges, active or asso- ciate, when paid, when paid to, old or new, age, nationality, residence, denomination, church, and reference. These headings generally explain themselves. " Busi- * See also " The commercial traveler's ticket," Int. pph. No. 560. Chap. 9, E, 5. membership. 113 iiess " shows the member's occupation, and " position " whether he is an employe or proprietor, which will also be helpful in planning to reach others in the same position in business. " Privileges " shows whether the membership is limited, full, or boys', etc. Check marks may indicate whether it is active or associate, old or new. " Age " and " nationality " are useful in gathering up statistics and in arranging for class receptions ; also in planning to influence men by those of their own nationality. Under "church" an associate member's preference is sometimes indicated, followed by " pref." " Reference " shows who proposed the member. Of course the application blank should agree with the headings of the register. So many changes occur in the membership roll from non-payment of fees, removals, or other causes, that it is desirable to have the register re-written often. In some Associations this is done annually, but according to the " Hersey " system names are transferred as often as fees are paid, thus keeping a clean list of bona fide members. In the " Hersey " record all names are also entered in the order of admission, so that a glance shows when fees are due. (See Chap. 18, B, 4.) There should be system and promptness in enrolling new members, and in posting the payment of fees from the cash book. 5. — Exchange of memberships. — At the Atlanta Inter- national Convention, May, 1885, a resolution was presented recommending a reciprocal recognition on the part of the Associations of all unexpired membership tickets held by persons removing from one Association town to another, and requesting the International Committee to place the matter before the Associations for action. Most of the Associations have now adopted plans looking to this end. The recognition of an unexpired ticket will be beneficial in several ways : a. Persons kept from joining an Association because un- certain how long they are to remain in a locality need not hesitate if their tickets are to be recognized in other cities. 114 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, F, 1. h. A person going to a strange place and holding a paid-up ticket, for several months, to the privileges of a first-class Association is quite certain to claim his rights. Thus he seeks out the Association and makes liimself known, instead of leaving the Association to look up and get hold of the stranger, — a task so difficult as often to remain undone. c. It largely keeps members from leaving the locality without the secretary's knowledge or the chance for a parting word. And the writing of the certificate of trans- fer, which should be a necessary requirement, will remind liim to write to his brother secretary any helpful particu- lars relatinsc to the transferred member. d. The plan tends to make membership more perma- nent. Young men are to a large extent a floating element of the population, and the percentage of members lost by removal is very large. This system of transfer holds many young men to the Association, who, without it, whatever their good intentions, would neglect to join it in their new home. On the part of even Christian men there is sometimes a tendency to excuse themselves from active duties in a strange community, and many who might fail to identify themselves with the Association, and even with a church, are saved to the work, and perhaps to the Cliris- tian life, by the transfer ticket and the note of introduction. SECTION F. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACTIVE MEMBERS. 1. — Its importance and necessity. — a. An experienced worker may think it easier to do a certain work himself than to secure and train others to do it. But the saying of Mr. Moody, that * ' it is better to set ten men at work than to do the work of ten men," has become axiomatic, and the life and vigor of nearly every enterprise must Chap. 9, F, 2. membership. 115 depend on a constant influx of fresh young blood to the ranks of the workers. This is especially true in the Asso- ciation, where the cares and responsibilities of business and family life that come with mature years, together with the natural and proper absorption by the individual churches of the time and efforts of the trained workers, are drafts upon its resources that can only be counterbal- anced by a continuous and systematic development of new material. b. If we consider the matter of growth and extension, opportunities for which are constantly opening on every hand, the value attaching to this subject is still more ap- parent. The development of its active members is in many particulars the most important work of the Associa- tion. Every member interested and trained in the work is so much added strength. An intelligent force is started that will continue working — that will set in operation still other forces — that will extend the influence of the Associa- tion indefinitely. Bringing a young man to Christ is a blessed work. Enabling him to win a score of other young men to the Savior is still more blessed. 2. — How accomplished. — a. Get hold of them. Look over your field and see what material you have. Sit down with chairmen of committees and go through the member- ship book. Make a list of those already at work. Enlist them in the search for others. Call for volunteers as occa- sion may offer at the various meetings. Come in contact with the members one by one. Get acquainted with them, and let them get acquainted with you. Study them, seek information from others, learn to know your men thor- oughly. By kindness and attention gain their confidence, and acquire influence over them. h. Inform and interest them. New members must be educated. Let Association publications, judiciously selected, especially the leading periodicals, be placed in their hands. Call attention personally and publicly to special articles, Make the members' meetings helpful in 116 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, F, 2. this direction. Invite to committee meetings, especially to a joint committee meeting or conference of workers for discussion of means and methods. The conventions are grand educators. Make the most of them through well-arranged meetings for the reports of delegates. Con- tact with the work at large broadens the view. The members need to know the Association work as a whole. Take advantage of personal conversation. At the casual interview aim to throw out some item of information. Also arrange for meeting one, two, or more at a time. Advise with them. Draw out suggestions regarding parts of the work they seem to favor. Make them feel that the Association is theirs as Avell as yours. Bring in as special means the consecration meeting, a pastor's talk on Chris- tian activity at the young men's meeting, or an Association platform service in a church at which the character and needs of the work are presented. The best of all aj)pliances to the proposed end is a well conducted training class. No Association can afford to be without one. c. Set them at work. Take your men one at a time. Consider both adaptation and capacity. There is great variety of work, secular and religious, and of all grades. Give a man that which fits him, and begin small. You may break down his courage by making his first load too heavy. Let the work be definite. Give each worker some regular and specific duty. Emphasize responsibility. Whatever the duty be, teach him to assume and fulfill his trust religiously. Have confidence in him, and let him feel that you trust him. Do not fear mistakes. They will be made, but they will be helpful lessons. Too high a standard at the beginning may bar out some future Moody. d. Instruct and encourage. Follow up the young workers closely. They will need guidance. See where they fail, and advise and correct. Be patient. Do not expect too much at first. It is practice that makes perfect. Encourage by showing an honest interest. Give hearty Chap. 9, G, 3. membership. 117 commendation when due, but never flatter. ^ Note progress, and promote as occasion offers. Place new responsibilities where there is courage and ability to bear them. Do not let the work suffer at length from inefficiency. Make needed changes promptly and judiciously. SECTION G. THE ASSOCIATE MEMBEKSHIP AND ITS RELATIONS. 1. — The associate member has some motive in joining. Find it out, that you may know from which side to ap- proach him. Very likely it is some pri^dlege, as the gym- nasium, the library, or one of the evening classes. He may only desire a place of resort. Possibly he hopes that he may be led into the Christian life, but this he will not be apt to tell you. 2. — This much is true, young men unite with the Asso- ciation understanding more or less of its real character, and voluntarily place themselves under Christian influence. They are comparatively a hopeful class to deal with. With regard to them there is great opportunity and responsi- bility on the part of the active membership. Their num- ber makes the work difficult, and the transient member- ship of a large proportion renders it urgent. Many must be reached soon or the opportunity for influence, so far as the Association is concerned, will be gone. (See Chap. 23, 2. ) Every nev/ member should be introduced to some member of the reception committee. 3. — Many of the general methods, suggested in previous paragraphs, to interest and retain members apply as well to associate as to active members. Two cautions may be given. Do not over-amuse. Too much time is often frit- tered away in this direction. Do not over-evangelize. The importance and opportunity of seeking Christ should be constantly kept in view in the work, but not so as to 118 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, G, 4. invade the rights of any member or to attempt the coercion of his will. 4. — The associate member on his part, entitled to a large share of privileges, in most instances greatly in ex- cess of the financial consideration, sustains moral ob- ligations towards the Association Avhich he should realize. He is bound to live an outwardly true life, to maintain the good name of the Association, and to aid it by his in- fluence and effort in all desired and reasonable ways. 5. — While a consecrated tact may find ways in which to wisely use the power and influence latent in the associate membership, it is the decided voice of the Associations that only active members should be placed on the com- mittees, or be made responsible for any department of the work. The International Conference of General Secretaries, held at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 11, 1885, after a long and earnest discussion upon this point, passed the following resolution unanimously : " Resolved, That in the opinion of this conference it is undesir- able to appoint other than active members as members of com- mittees in our Associations." SECTION H. 1. — As the young men's meeting is the religious center, the members' meeting is the social center of the Associa- tion, a nucleus around which gather and from which should radiate a thousand lines of active, healthful influence. Its general character should be a happy combination of business, information, instruction, and entertainment * These two terms are in use, meaning often about the same thing, although these gatherings vary greatly in character in different Associations, and at differ- ent times in the same Association. Some pocieties however have them both, separating the business from the entertainment, and giving a distinct character to each. The suggestions and methods outlined can readily be aiscriminated and adapted as required. Chap. 9, H, 6. membership. 119 with a genuine social intercourse, the occasion being made so thoroughly enjoyable and popular that the members will not voluntarily absent themselves. 2. — The meeting should be held statedly throughout the year. Its regular date should be set apart and held for this purpose, that the members may learn to rely upon its recurrence. Some large Associations hold this meeting monthly, but many others find a quarterly meeting more useful. Among the reasons for this, — four quarterly reports can be made much more interesting than twelve monthly ones, and the additional effort needed to insure successful meetings every month is burdensome and therefore is apt to be relaxed. But where the members are not elected by the board it is necessary to make some pro- vision for elections by the Association oftener than once a quarter. 3. — So important a matter must have competent super- vision. It is often in charge of the social work committee, but whoever has the immediate oversight of this meeting should be a person of many resources, active, original, and a good organizer^ 4. — Much attention must be given to preparatory work. It is well to make a general outline at the beginning of the year. In this way an agreeable variety in the matter of entertainment is systematically provided for, the prep- arations for several meetings can proceed at the same time, and all plans are kept well in advance. 5. — Announcements can be made through the papers, on the bulletin board at the rooms, and at the various Asso- ciation meetings. Where practicable a printed invitation may be prepared and sent out. Particular care should be taken to invite new members and those who from any cause may be backward or need encouragement. 6. — The meeting, as its name implies, is for members. Exceptions should be specific. Young men intending to join or likely to do so, new residents, strangers, and relatives or friends of members may be admitted, but ] 20 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, H, 7. only on invitation. The tendency is to make the social gatherings of the Associations for young men only. 7. — The ordinary membership will be present if the occasion is Avhat it should be. But there should also be a disposition to attend on the part of officers, directors, and the older and more prominent men in social and business life. The presence of such will aid in giving character to the gatherings, will encourage the workers, and be a healthful stimulus to the younger members, many of whom may be their employes. A courteous social intercourse will be a privilege as well as a duty. Few better opportunities are offered for the exercise of personal influence. 8. — Care should be taken in the preparation of the room in which the meeting is to take place. See that it is neat, and that the heating, lighting, and ventilation are properly attended to. Dispose the seats and furniture in a social way. Avoid straight lines as much as possible. If the hall or assembly room be used, introduce some of the parlor furniture. Get rugs for the floors. Dress the windows attractively for the occasion.* Scatter some easy chairs about. Have several tables, round ones are best, with the latest magazines, a few new books, and a pile of en- gravings on them. Add two or three games, a microscope, stereoscoj^ic views, or any similar attraction. Try to have something nev/ each time. 9. — Have on duty a large and active reception com- mittee, the members distinguished by a tasteful badge. Station some at the first entrance, to welcome all and direct to the coat room or parlors as may be required. Others should be placed at the doors of the assembly room, and still others should be on duty inside, to take charge of strangers or new members, and entertain them or in- troduce them to those who will do so, that all embarrass- ment may be avoided. Allow no one to pass without a * Poles for window and door-way draperies can be in place permanently, and curtains can be put up in a few moments. These cui-tains can be borrowed for tho occasion if the Association cannot afford to own them. Chap. 9, H, 10. MEMBERSHIP. 121 cordial greeting. Introduce new members to the officers of the Association. 10. — The programme, complete in all its details, should be in the hands of the chairman for the evening before the opening hour. It will include : a. As an important and appropriate part, brief but earnest devotional exercises. h. Business. There should be new members to elect or to report, if elected by the board. Brief reports should be presented by the board and committees of the Asso- ciation. Announcements of interest for the month or quarter to come may be made. Any miscellaneous busi- ness should be disposed of promptly. c. The meeting should be a means of^instruction. Let some one make a five minutes' budget of interesting news items from the Association periodicals of the past month. Another five minutes may be given to short, pithy articles on practical topics, or to a paper by some member. In- teresting incidents in the work since the last meeting, illustrative of Association methods or affording en- couragement to the workers, may be given. All em- barrassing personality must of course be avoided. Make this part of the programme the most attractive of the evening. d. Whatever you have in the line of entertainment should be good. Not necessarily professional, but the best that can be had. Do not pander to the common taste — try to elevate. Guard against having too much in this section of the programme. Give variety. If possible, have a surprise each time. The general sentiment of the Association is decidedly against allowing any character costumes on their platforms. Some prohibit it by con- stitutional provision. e. Favorable opportunity for social converse may gen - erally be had previous to the exercises on the programme, but at that time all have not arrived and the social spirit is not fully developed. Considerable time should be set 132 MEMBERSHIP. Chap. 9, H, 10. apart for this purpose later in the evening and used to the best possible advantage. It may be made the most profitable as well as agreeable feature of the occasion. Refreshments are a great aid to sociability, and should be provided at these gatherings as often as practicable. As a rule, coffee or chocolate and sandwiches, or ice cream and cake, are amply sufficient, and may be served either by a committee of ladies or by the young men themselves. Try to reserve some taking number of the programme till near the close, that the evening may end like a well rounded period. Let several of the officers be at the doors aS the young men pass out, bidding them good night with a pleasant grasp of the hand, a courteous bow, or kind word. You may be sure they will want to come again. OHAF^TEIl 10. THE GENERAL SECRETARY.^ SECTION A. THE OFFICE AND WORK. 1. — The salaried executive officerf of a Young Men's Christian Association is called a general secretary, this title having been recommended by vote of the first Secre- taries' Conference, May, 1871. (See Chap. 3, F, 3, i.) Such an officer became necessary in the larger Associations as their broadening work required more thorough super- vision than was possible under a voluntary plan ; and the greater efficiency of the work under such supervision in- creased the demand so rapidly that from less than thirty paid secretaries and other officers in the United States and Canada in 1871, the number in 1890 was over eleven hun- dred. Many Associations in towns of but 3,000 to 5,000 population now employ a secretary ; and the organization of Associations in places of the latter size is not generally encouraged unless the plans include such an officer. \ 2. — The office should be permanent. No one lacking the requisite qualifications should be allowed to enter the * Chapters 10-13 are reprinted as Int. pph. No. 55. t The smaller Associations, which cannot support a paid secretary, may wisely select one of their number to occupy, as far as possible, the position of such an officer. He is generally known as the executive secretary, and a statement of his work is given in Int. pph. No. 556 — " Work of an executive secretary." Chaps. 10-12 on the work of a general secretary also contain many valuable suggestions to such an officer. + See " Reasons wby an Association should employ a general secretary." Int. pph. No. 577. 124 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 10, A, 3. secretaryship, nor should the work be taken up as a make- shift, or a stepping-stone to something else. The Asso- ciations cannot afford to make the office an apprenticeship to other avocations. There may be mistaken judgment as to fitness on the j^art of candidates or their advisers, and if on trial one is found to lack the proper qualifications, or develops special talent for some other calling, he should jjromptly leave the secretaryship. 3. — Frequent changes are not desirable, and both Asso- ciations and secretaries should strive to avoid them. They should rarely, if ever, be made without consultation with the State Secretary. 4. — What is to become of the older secretaries? a. A secretary keeping in the true spirit of his work will continue to be a young man practically till well ad- vanced in life. h. In many of the larger Associations it will be found expedient to retain as chief secretary a man of age and experience, while the subordinate places are occupied by younger men. c. Many positions in connection with the general work will demand men of mature experience, just such as will be found among the older secretaries. d. The peculiar and varied character of the secretary's work does not tend to unfit him for business life, as may be the case in some professions. On the contrary, many qualifications are equally essential to success in the secre- taryship and in business. e. *^ Does the Lord call me?" and not '* What shall I do twenty years hence ?" is the question to be considered by a young man contemplating the general secretaryshij). Chap. 10, B, 2. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 125 SECTION B. THE QUALIFICATIONS. A candidate for the secretaryship should possess a cer- tain natural fitness for the position, have a genuine belief in and love for work among young men, and a willingness to give his life to the service. The special qualifications may be divided under the following heads : 1. — Physical qualificatio7is. — a. Those entering the work should be young. The work is for and by young men ; the secretary as the leader should be young himself that he may be in full sympathy with those he seeks to lead. One who begins young has the advantage of a longer service. h. Good health is important. The work requires bodily vigor, and lasting service will be impossible with- out it. c. Good personal presence is an advantage. Any serious defect or peculiarity of body, limb, or feature will prove an embarrassment and more or less a hindrance. An aptitude for athletic and manly sports will largely increase his influence with young men. Where a physical director cannot be employed, it is very desirable that the secretary be competent to lead gymnastic classes and superintend outdoor sports, and train committeemen to do the same. d, A good voice, v/ell cultivated for both singing and speaking, is a grand reinforcement to any secretary, if used modestly and in his legitimate work. 2. — Mental and social qualifications. — a. Education. — A candidate for the general secretaryship should have secured at least a good common school education, or, still better, have taken a high school or collegiate course. Without the former he can hardly hope to succeed. Having this, however, as a foundation, the proper desire, will, and in- dustry may in time bring him the knowledge and culture which a leader of young men in this day should possess. 126 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 10, B, 2. The ability to read, speak, write, and spell correctly, with a general knowledge of standard and current literature, is necessary to hold the respect of the average J^oung man. A broader education will place one on a vantage ground with the entire community ; giving him favor with the professional and educated classes, who exercise a strong influence over the young, and who may be rendered very useful in the work. Such a man will be at home in the lyceum and the educational class, be able to take a ready and intelligent part in any conversation, and to meet with- out embarrassment the msmj questions that will naturally be referred to him. In connection with the library, knowl- edge of books is advantageous, enabling the secretary to counsel young men wisely regarding their use. Occasions will constantly arise where the ability to impart informa- tion and to give instruction will increase the secretary's hold on those around him. In fact the secretary must be a student in every sense of the word, if he will keep abreast of the times and the 02:>portunities of his Avork. b. Manners. — The secretary needs good manners and address. He will have to do with all classes of society, — he should be a gentleman and at home everywhere. An easy, graceful presence is not always a natural gift, but may be cultivated. The secretary generally has a large range of choice as to social surroundings, and he should select the best. Associating in his daily work almost en- tirely with men, the tendency may be towards carelessness in dress and deportment. If single, a boarding house where careful attention to polite details is a necessity will be an excellent corrective. He must shun affectation. One had better be blunt, even uncouth, than affected. He must be modest ; never parade his accomplishments, never look down on men, or patronize. The highest proof of the gentleman is the ability and disposition to make every one at home in his presence. The secretary should be careful of his personal example as to manners. He will be more or less an involuntar}^, perhaps an uncon- Chap. 10, B, 2. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 127 scions, teacher. The Association should be a school of good manners as well as correct morals. The two are often close allies. He should be cordial and frank, with a true Christian heartiness in his greeting. While friendly with all, and confidential in his business relations with the officers, he should avoid all appearance of favoritism. He should be able to keep his own counsel. He should never indulge in harsh criticism of others nor countenance such conversation in his presence. He should never allow himself to become a party to misunderstandings and quarrels, but be able and ready to act as a peacemaker. The secretary must avoid egotism. While having an opinion and maintaining it with proper firmness, he must listen to the opinions and advice of others with due defer- ence. He should have a disposition to learn, not assuming to know everything He should cultivate the spirit of helpfulness, being on the alert for opportunities to aid those around him. He must crucify selfishness, and learn by a daily experience that the true life is found in living for others. c. Business. — The secretary must be a good business man. He will have more or less to do with the business affairs of the Association, and will come into close relations with the business men of the community. He should be systematic, accurate, prompt, and conscientious, both in his own affairs and those of the Association ; and these principles should extend even to the minutest details. Correct financial methods will secure the respect and con- fidence of the business community, which are essential. Too great emphasis cannot be given to the importance of these qualifications in the general secretary, and more or less of business training is very desirable as a preparation for the office. d. Housekeeping. — The secretary must be a good housekeeper. In the smaller Associations he will have to do practically with this matter, and he should be able in all cases to give it efficient supervision. The neatness and 128 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 10, B, 2. attractiveness of the Association rooms will indicate, as well as govern, to a large extent, the character of the membership. The condition of the rooms will be the first thing noticed by a stranger, and first impressions are im- portant. When stoves are used the janitor should be taught to keep everything tidy about them, using special care in handling the coal and ashes. During sweeping Avindows should be open, furniture and book-shelves covered with cloths, out-of-the-way places should not be neglected, and furniture should be moved when the broom cannot reach underneath. If lamps are used they must be well trimmed, the fixtures clean, and the chimneys bright. Dim and smoky lights will soon empty the rooms. There should be good ventilation, for pure air is a prime necessity. The temperature of the rooms must be kept as even as possible — say about 68^ — a thermometer and not the sec- retary's feelings being the governing standard. In the summer a proper adjustment of windows and blinds will often bring a delicious coolness to an otherwise sultry apartment. People should not be invited into damp or chilly rooms, or to sit in a dangerous draught. It is per- liaps well that carelessness here will often make the secre- tary himself the first and most constant victim. The matter of arrangement, in which comparatively few housekeepers are adepts, is indeed a fine art ; and the subtle tact so to dispose even plain and scanty furniture as to make a room cosy and inviting is not often a masculine gift. The ladies must be called in as instructors, and after a series of object lessons the secretary should at least be able to imitate. Work should be done promptly. Each morning should see everything in order. Rooms used the previous even- ing should be "put to rights," every lamp and stove being ready for the match. The janitor work kej^t thus in hand, the secretary is prepared for emergencies and is not embarrassed if an unexpected visitor asks to see the premises. Chap. 10, B, 2. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 129 e. Leadership) is an essential quality. Many a man will run well when " wound up," but the secretary must be a man of original thought and action, having the ability both to plan and to do. A genuine leader must have : Judgment or sound common sense, the power of accurate discrimination and a degree of caution, — that quality which keeps one on the track and makes him a safe man to follow. Self-reliance. A man must believe in himself if he is to inspire confidence in others. Executive ability. He must have not only power of thought but of execution. Power to carry out plans. The ability to get and keep others at work. That force neces- sary to direct successfully many and diverse operations.* Tact. That which turns everything to the best account. That which will enable a secretary to select and adapt to his own field anything of value from the work or expericHce of others. That power of unpremeditated diplomacy by which an unexpected or even untoward event is turned to good results. Originality. From his quiet hours of study the sec- retary should be able to bring out new lines and fresh methods of work for his own field. He should be a plan- ner, full of expedients. His thoughts should be broad and progressive, but he must be practical — not a mere dreamer. Enthusiasm. A genuine enthusiasm is both inspira- tion and strength. It is a cheer in the race, a song on the march, the battle cry in a charge. Enthusiasm is con- tagious— the leader will impart it to others. Perseverance. That which holds a man steadily to the work, even through difficulties and discouragement. To be fickle is to be weak, but a strong tenacity of purpose will inspire courage. f. The special qualification required in this work, as distinguished from other forms of Christian activity, is an * See "The Organizer," " Watchman," 1888, p. 357, 130 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 10, B, 3. intense love for young men, and a readiness to devote one's life to their welfare, along all the lines of Association effort. 3. — Spiritual qualifications. — a, A secretary must be of irreproachable Christian character. h. He must be spiritually minded, as against the world- liness of the many, perhaps even of Christian men, around him. He must know the truth by an experience of his own and live in daily communion with God, if he would direct others to the way of righteousness and lead them in it. c. He must have a cheerful piety, and of the every- day-alike sort. Cant and sentimentalism are both to be avoided. d. He should love Bible study and be apt to teach. e. He must be intelligent and correct as to the car- dinal doctrines of the evangelical churches and his belief in them. f. He should be catholic in spirit. Recognizing the oneness of all believers in Christ, he should be above sec- tarian prejudices. g. Finally the secretary must jjut on "the whole armor of God," that he may be able to "stand"; he must seek the endowment from the Spirit of "power for service"; and ever remember the words of the Master : " He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit ; for without me ye can do nothing." CHAPITER 11. THE GENERAL SECRETARY— HIS RELATIONSHIPS. SECTION A. TO CHURCHES AND PASTORS. 1. — Every secretary should be a member of an evangeli- cal church in the town where he lives. His example should impress young men with the fact that he places a high estimate on church membership. He should make it a rule to be present on Sunday morning at his own church, and, as often as possible, attend and be ready to take act- ive part in the weekly services. It wall not be expedient for him to hold an official position in the church, or to be- come regularly connected with the Sunday-school or choir. His work as secretary will demand most of his time and effort. The secretary should sustain a cordial relation to his pastor, looking to him for j^ersonal counsel and advice, and soliciting and expecting at his hands that kindly criti- cism often so necessary and helpful. 2. — The secretary should appreciate his membership in the church catholic, and keep himself in full sympathy with every evangelical denomination. He should attend, as he may be able, the public and social religious services of the different churches, taking such part in the latter as may be desirable. On such occasions he should be careful not to intrude the Association, yet he may often allude to some incident in the work, throw in some word to young men, or bespeak the prayers and co- operation of those 132 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 11, A, 3. present, with modest tact, to the edification of the meeting and the interest of the Association. 3. — Their identity of labors and interests should make the secretary and the pastors sympathetic friends, and one of the first things to be done by a newly settled secretary is to form their acquaintance. He should consult with them in regard to the young men of their congregations and their relationship to the Association, and specially with respect to strangers, or young men interested spiritually, who purpose attending or joining their churches. 4. — The secretary should endeavor to secure the hearty co-operation of the pastors in the work of the Association. Any possible misunderstanding regarding the work should be corrected by a judicious j^resentation of facts. Any mistakes, such as conflict with church work, or departure from legitimate methods, should be promptly rectified. The pastors, as recognized leaders in the Christian work of the community, should be consulted in regard to plans and methods to be employed, and it may be well for the secretary to secure a meeting occasionally for this purpose. Where a stated ministers' meeting is held, the secretary may be invited to use this as a means of communication. The secretary must not expect too much active work of the pastors, especially on Sundays, as they are busy men. Reasonable calls will generally be responded to, and the secretary should be willing to reciprocate according to his time and ability. 5. — The secretary should see that the pastors are kept fully informed with respect to both the local and the general work, being particular to send them the bulletin, all reports of the local Association, and, as far as may be, those of the state and international work. He should see that they are supplied with " The Young Men's Era," and should try to secure the attendance of pastors at conventions. 6. — The secretary should endeavor to prevent any aliena- tion of pastors by reason of the Association becoming de- nominationalized. He should see that the several churches Chap. 11, B, 2. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 133 have an equitable representation on the board of directors and the various committees. 7. — The secretary shoukl give the Church, with its divinely constituted ministry, its rightful first place, re- garding the Association as an auxiliary of the Church. He should urge upon every Association worker the duty of activity in his church, and discountenance every ten- dency to a neglect of church obligations through absorp- tion in the work of the Association. 8. — The secretary's attitude toward the various religious and reform organizations in his field, in so far as they are recognized by the churches, should be that of a sympa- thizer, ready to assist them as his judgment and obligations may direct and allow. SECTION B. TO OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AND COMMITTEES.* 1. — The secretary's relations to the president should be cordial and confidential. The secretary should keep the president fully informed of all important occurrences, and advise with him as to all proposed undertakings. As the president is usually a busy man, whose time is valu- able and not always at command, somfe particular hour may be fixed for a weekly conference, the secretary mak- ing daily memoranda of all matters to be discussed, that nothing important be forgotten and no time be wasted. 2. — To the board of directors the secretary is qualified by his experience and close contact with all the work to be an encyclopedia of information. He should be pre- pared to answer all questions at the meetings of the board, and to give a careful opinion on any matter referred to him. He should remember that he is an agent or employe of the board, and that its members are entitled to the *See"' The duty of the board of -directors to the general secretary," Int. pph. No. 578. 134 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 11, B, 3. fullest information that they may desire about every de- tail of the work, and this he should give without the least liesitation. He must not be opinionated, but be willing to defer to the judgment of others and submit gracefully to the majority, He should never whine nor complain. Only a frank and manly bearing will favorably impress the men usually managing an Association. The secretary should make a written report at each stated meeting of the board. This will enable him to bring before the members many details of the work with which they might not otherwise become familiar, and which will tend to increase their interest and activity. It will also afford him the opportunity to suggest needed changes and improvements, and at a time when there can be immediate discussion and definite action. Conference should be had in advance with the president and leading members of the board regarding all new matters. The secretary can do some of his best work in training the directors and members in familiar acquaintance with Association work at large, by recommending to them good reading on the subject, and by inducing them to visit other Associations, attend conventions, etc. 3. — The secretary must sustain an intimate relation to the committees, and aid their chairmen in j^lanning and organizing the Avork. He should see that committee meetings are held regularly, be present at them, and ar- range for stated meetings of the chairmen for prayer and discussion concerning the more general and reciprocal features of their work. The supervision of this important department will require constant and patient effort. The lazy and the indifferent must be spurred to action, the in- efficient be superseded, and vacancies be filled. New accessions should constantly be made to the Avorking force, and happy will the Association be that realizes in the aggregating results '* the survival of the fittest." 4. — The secretary should not take a prominent part in the financial management of the Association, but sustain Chap. 11, B, 5. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 135 the same relation to it as to other departments, meeting with the finance committee and studying to promote its efficiency. He should be familiar with all the business details, knowing who contributes and who does not, and just how the money is spent. He should, from the outset, cultivate financial capacity m the members, not in the finance committee only. If he succeeds here, he is likely to succeed in other lines of work. If he leaves a place, he should leave it in better condition than that in which he found it. Where the money is pledged for a year, men sometimes spend it, and then look out for a new field where somebody has provided funds for a year, and at the end of that time are ready for another change. They keep changing, not on account of lack of piety but of business capacity. But, on the other hand, it will often be necessary for a secretary to guard against the encroachment of financial matters upon his thought and time to the detriment of other interests, especially those of a religious character. 5. — '"'• SecretarialismP — A general secretary, from his knowledge and experience, is apt to undertake the details of the work, and to make himself to an unhealthy extent the important factor in the Association. He is tempted to lead meetings because he can conduct them better than the younger members, and sometimes attempts to do all the religious work. He becomes responsible for the finances of the Association ; in which case, even if he suc- ceeds in raising the money for a few years, he utterly fails to develop a competent finance committee. In this way some Associations have been '* secretarialized " into a state of absolute inefficiency, while the secretary himself, overburdened with work, has broken down under its pres- sure.* Buo on the contrary, the secretary should be a * The following extract from a letter written in 1856 by W. Edwyn Shipton, secretary of the London Association, to an American correspondent, is a striking illustration of what would now be called "secretarialism." " Here we have not, as with you, committees for discharging all special duties in connection with tlie work; our committees are simply consultative. The secretaries of the society con- duct its meetings, arrange its public lectures, keep minutes and accounts, beg 136 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 11, C, 1. training officer in all departments. He should not rob committees of personal responsibility by writing their reports, by sending out the notices of their meetings, or by caring for any other details belonging to them. He should train young men to be winners of souls. In a word, he should so develop the working force that if he be suddenly removed the work will go on systematically and effectively. He should studiously avoid making him- self prominent, in the community, in the press, or at con- ventions. He should ever put others forward and be known only through the efficiency of the Association. He should use his influence to secure the presence of members of the board and of the working force at State and International Conventions, and induce them to serve on committees of those bodies in preference to himself. They and not he should represent the Association. As the number of secretaries increases, the importance of the secretary taking and keeping a subordinate place demands studied attention. If he is so constituted that he cannot do this, he is practically unfit for his office. SECTION C. TO OTHER EMPLOYES. 1. — The large Associations employ, in addition to a general secretary, one or more assistant secretaries, librarians, physical directors, clerks, janitors, etc., be- sides seoi-etaries in charge of branches.* The relations existing between these will vary, and must be governed largely by the local conditions. 2. — In the majority of cases, however, there will be but and disburse its funds, conduct aU of its correspondence, receive young men for private religious intercourse, conduct classes and deliver lectures to our own or branch Associations ; and daily at the office superintend the reading-rooms, receive visitors to the Association and supply information as to its proceedings, meet the representatives of branch or kindred Associations, and, as far as oppor- tunity permits, use hospitality towards them." * In 1891, the paid agents of the Association in New York City, excluding janitors, were 42 ; in Philadelphia, 26 ; in Chicago, 23. Chap. 11, C, 3. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 137 one or two employes besides the secretary, and these are too often selected without much, care and receive small pay, to do janitor work, run on errands, and attend to such promiscuous matters as time and capacity permit. An assistant should be, rather, a young man possessing litness for the secretaryship, to w^hom such an apprentice- ship will be helpful. Whether, however, an assistant's time is to be employed with minor details, or he be able to share in the supervision of the work, the secretary should be to him a teacher and a friend, and cordial rela- tions should exist between them. The secretary should seek to develop his assistants from the working force of his own Association. 3. — The secretary should see that his assistant receives a suitable salary. He should aid him in finding a proper boarding place, and introduce him to such society as will be pleasant as well as helpful. If the secretary has a home of his own, the assistant should be made welcome there. The secretary should feel a responsibility in re- gard to the personal habits of his assistant, and know wdio are his companions and where he sj^ends his leisure hours. He must look after his spiritual life, aid him in his study of the Bible, and see that his church connection is help- ful. The assistant should be given time for needed physi- cal development and metal improvement, and be taught system in using it. The secretary should provide for his taking a suitable course of reading, should place respon- sibility upon him as he may be fitted to sustain it, and allow him to gain a practical experience in different parts of the work. An assistant should be allowed to attend various commitee meetings, and occasionally a meeting of the board and a convention, as such attendance will fit him for greater usefulness in his daily work. The secre- tary must instruct and advise his assistant, realizing that valuable material is placed in his hands to be developed and fitted for a high sphere of action, and that no light responsibility rests upon him. 138 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 11, D, 1. The secretary should exercise a careful supervision over all the employes, be full and definite in conveying to them the instructions of the board, and wlien mistakes are made sliould correct them privately and in a kindly raanncr. SECTION D. TO THE MEMBERS. 1. — As far as possible the secretary should be a friend to the members, upon whom they can call at any time, sure of a warm Avelcome. No office business should so absorb his attention that he cannot have a cordial greeting and a few kindly words of conversation with any one who may happen in. Especially should a call for counsel or advice in regard to either secular or spiritual matters take precedence of all else. Nothing wall better gauge a secretary's influence among the young men of the community, or should cause him more gratification, than the disposition to approach him with such personal confidences. The placard "This is my busy day " ought never to be posted in the office of a general secretary. 2. — The secretary should be careful to credit the workers with the full importance of their service, in a tone not of flattery but of commendation and encourage- ment, and impress them with the fact that their work is not for men, but for their Lord. 3. — With the associate members the secretary must use discretion; not thinking it necessary to introduce religious topics at first, nor at every interview, but allowing a young man to lead conversation into his favorite field. Becoming familiar he can select opportune times for earnest words. A member should feel that the secretary is interested in him genei-alh^, and not alone in his religious condition ; yet he should never have reason to doubt his intense desire for his soul's welfare. The associate mem- Chap. 11, F, 1. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 1$9 bership is the harvest field of an Association. Great responsibility rests upon the secretary as a leader, and as one after whom the workers will largely pattern. To over- evangelize will drive many away, while others may be lost forever by neglec SECTION E. TO THE RELIGIOUS WORK. 1. — The secretary, consciously or unconsciously, gives direction to much that is undertaken in the Association. He should see that the work of the secular departments is so carried on as to contribute to the attendance at the religious meetings and to reach young men individually. 2. — He must never become so engrossed in the details of his work as to neglect seeking out young men and speak- ing to them personally about their souls' interests. This work will tend to keep him in communion with God, and quicken his own spiritual life. His earnestness in personal work will influence others to undc rtake it, and by the aid of the training class and other practical means they can be fitted for co-laborers in the work of winning souls. While the secretary should be in hearty sympathy and, as far as may be, in active co-operation with every department, he should give his best thought and most constant care to the religious work. SECTION F. TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. 1. — The secretary should be familiar with the business life of the community, manifesting an intelligent interest in the various local enterprises. If he understand not only the general principles, but some of the details, of business life he can more readily approach and influence business 140 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 11, P, 2. men. Manj^ such men ma}^ come to him for advice and sympathy. If he show a knowledge of their daily duties and trials he can often gain their confidence at once, and the word fitly spoken may win them to the Savior. 2. — The secretary must not be a politician. It is his duty to exercise the rights of citizenship ; but he must recognize the fact that political prejudices are strong, and that in order to maintain close, friendly relations with men of all parties he must be conservative and discreet. 3. — A secretary should undertake no business to increase his income, as all his time belongs to the Association and he has no right to employ it in private business enterprises. Acting as the agent of a publishing house or insurance company, singing in a church choir for pay, or any similar occupation should be avoided, if he would retain his own self-respect and his influence among young men. SECTION G. TO THE PRESS. A secretary should appreciate the value of the press. There should be a wise use of printed matter in the way of circulars, cards, newspaper advertising, etc. But in addition to this, and much more effective, will be the use of the editorial and local columns of the newspapers. The secretary should gain the friendship of editors and re- porters, and interest them in the work. He should see that they are invited to anniversaries, entertainments, and special services; provided with passes, or with tables, when such accommodations are needed; and treated with due courtesy on such occasions. No one should be neglected, for the penny-a-liner of some obscure sheet may soon be- come the " local " of a city daily. If reporters are not present on such an occasion an account of it may be sent them, carefully written and not too long. Association Chap. 11, H, 2. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 141 items of proper brevity will generally be acceptable to the city editor, as will reports from a convention, if furnished promptly, the secretary always writing as a reporter, not officially. N'eios will be printed, while stale matter will be often thrown into the waste basket. It annoys a printer, from a mechanical standpoint, to have matter come in unnecessarily late. Items of interest regarding the gen- eral work, its progress, methods, new organizations, build- ing enterprises, or secretarial changes in the vicinity, may frequently be published. The work is thus brought before the public through the most popular and far reaching means at command. SECTION H. TO HIS FELLOW SECRETARIES. 1. — Strong fraternal bonds should exist between a sec- retary and his fellows in other fields. No word of dispar- agement or unkind criticism should be spoken, and any seeming mistakes should be the subject of only personal and kindly inquiry or suggestion. Occasional conferences of the secretaries of contiguous Associations are beneficial. A monthly or quarterly circular letter, stating how diffi- culties have been overcome, new methods employed, etc., has been found very helpful by the secretaries of a district or state. 2. — Friendly relations ought also to exist between the secretary and the executive officers of the State and Inter- national Committees. On account of their wider field and larger experience these officers will often be able to give advice which the local secretary should welcome and utilize. He should familiarize himself with their duties, methods, and difficulties, and be interested in the financial and moral support of their work. He will thus widen his own sphere of usefulness and that of his Association. The 142 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 11, H, 3. State ana International Secretaries will sometimes have influence with persons in the community whom the local secretary may not be able to reach. He can help them in their work, and they can help him in his. Experience shows that interest taken in the broader work, or financial aid afforded it, stimulates and strengthens the local work. 3. — During the International Secretaries' Conference, at Chicago, in 1880, some of the secretaries entered into a mutual agreement which has more recently developed into the " Secretaries' Insurance Alliance." The object is to defray the expenses incident to the last sickness and death of any member. Membership is open to any man whose whole time is employed by an American Association. The assessments, payable upon the death of a member, are very small, while each benefit amounts to several hundred dol- lars. Further particulars may be had by addressing the treasurer of the Alliance, in care of the Chicago Associa- tion. CHAPTER 13. THE GENERAL SECRETARY— PERSONAL HINTS. 1. — Accepting a call. — The attitude of one who expects to be used of God should be that of willingness to go to the field where he is most needed and to which he is best adapted ; not to the largest or easiest place, or where the greatest salary is offered. An untried man might better take an assistant's place or a small field than a large one. Success in the former is almost certain to lead to a call to a more important opening, offering greater opportunities for usefulness as well as greater responsibili- ties. When practicable, a visit should be made to an Associa- tion before an invitation to its secretaryship is accepted, for the purpose of looking over the field and of consulta- tion with the board of directors and other members. The candidate may well ascertain : (a) What is the finan- cial condition of the Association? Is it free from debt? How much was received last year from memberships, subscriptions, and other sources, and what were the item- ized expenditures ? What is the itemized estimate of re- ceipts and expenditures for the coming year? (5) Are fairs and entertainments considered legitimate sources of current income ? (c) Is the finance committee efficient ? {d) Are salaries paid monthly ? (e) What is expected of the secretary in relation to the finances of the Association? (/) How many hours daily is he expected to devote to the 144 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 12, 2. work ? What weekly rest is he to have, in place of Sun- day rest? (g) what paid assistance is furnished, in the care of the rooms, etc.? (A) What lines of work were un- dertaken last year, and with what results ? (^) How many active, reliable workers are there ? (J) Has the Association the sympathy and co-operation of the churches, and does it stand well with young men and business men ? A written agreement or a definite entry on the minutes is desirable. When a visit is not practicable, these matters should be settled by correspondence. 2. — Beginning loork. A secretary's first duty is to get acquainted with his Association — its members and its history, including the causes and effects of former success or failure. Many facts may be obtained from the records, and by interviews with intelligent and unprejudiced citizens, including the pastors and both members and non- members of the Association. He should have at the out- set any helpful information in possession of state or inter- national ofiicers. A visit to the historical library of the International Committee, or of his own State Committee, would often prove very useful. If the Association has previously employed a general secretary, oris well organized, the new secretary will quietly adjust himself to the existing state of affairs, and suggest few, if any, changes or modifications at the beginning. He will have his own ideas, the result of training and habit, which may or may not be better than those now being car- ried out, a matter to be determined onl}^ by careful obser- vation. He may gradually suggest to the board such changes as he thinks desirable, advising previously with some of the officers or leading members. Care should be taken not to reflect upon previous administrations. On entering a new field, or a field where the work is to be built or re-built from the foundation, a different course is to be pursued. The secretary will, as in the other case, need to become acquainted with the members. Chap. 12, 3. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 145 and seek to deepen their interest in the work. A strictly confidential list of the members, giving some charac- teristics of each, together with the interest he has shown in the past and his fitness for special lines of work, would be of great value to the beginner. It might be prepared with the help of some officer of the Association, suggested perhaps by the State Secretary. He should, of course, be able to present to them some definite outline of what is to be undertaken. Accompanied by some member of the board, he should call on business men, former sub- scribers, and those who may become such ; inform them of the work proposed, and by courtesy and tact secure their co-operation. The pastors should be advised with. Next will come j^l^nning and setting in operation the various lines of work. Let any legitimate work already existing be incorporated in the new plans. Committees should be formed, or reorganized, and got at work, special effort being directed towards the development of the active members. The finances should be put upon a systematic and permanent basis, and order and system established in connection with every department. (Further suggestions are given in chapter 4.) 3. — Correspondence. — The secretary should cultivate the art of correspondence, acquiring a fair business hand, and a correct style as to orthography and clearness of expres- sion. Occasions constantly arise when a secretary pos- sessing grace and tact as a correspondent may use the gift to advantage. Often a note will be a helpful preliminary to a personal visit, or will go where a personal interview Avould be difficult or embarrassing. One is sometimes able to present a subject more fully, freely, and logically in writing than he would be liable to do orally. A busi- ness letter will often present the opportunity for a friendly word, or a Scripture reference, perhaps bearing some apt relation to the topic of correspondence. A member re- moving to another city should not only be given a note of introduction, but in every case a letter should be written 146 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 12, 4. to the secretary, and, when practicable, to a pastor. Many useful hints may thus be given, sometimes starting a train of influence affecting a whole life. In some cases a secre- tary may kee^) up an occasional correspondence with a young man till he is established in his new home, which may be followed by placing his name on the mailing list of the bulletin. A systematic plan by which pastors in suburban towns would notify the city secretary of the removal of young men from their congregations to his vicinity, would be of great practical value. (See " Corresponding members of the district committee," Chap. 31, F, 3.) The secretary should answer letters prortiptly, especially those on business and communications from the State and International Committees. It takes no longer at one time than another, and delay is often vexatious if not disas- trous. Every Association should preserve letter press copies of all business letters. Caution should be observed in giving letters of intro- duction where the applicant is not thoroughly known. A short acquaintancee, be it ever so favorable, will not justify a full endorsement of character. It is better to be frank and state the simple facts than to write in general terms. Such letters often mislead or perhaps bring discredit on the Association. A general secretary's endorsement should rate " Al." A letter of introduction will generally carry more weight if addressed to some individual; and there can be no impropriety in presenting to the secretary at St. Louis or Omaha such a letter addressed to the Chicago secretary. At the same time one will naturally be more guarded in addressing a letter of introduction to some par- ticular person, with whom he may be personally ac- quainted and whose good opinion he prizes, than in address- ing it simply " to whom it may concern." 4. — Prominent Visitors. — A visit from a prominent As- sociation man may be made helpful to the local work. A reception, a members' tea, a conference of the directors, or Chap. 12, 6. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 147 a public service can be readily planned. When practica- ble, secretaries should be notified of such intended visits. 5. — System. — The secretary should have a time for everything, and, as far as possible, do everything at its time. He should have regular office hours, that those having business with him may know where and when to find him. Drawers and pigeon holes should be labeled, and all documents so classified as to be readily at hand when wanted. There should be an orderly arrangement of letter files, stationery, and all the et ceteras of a well appointed desk. These things, trivial as they seem, are important, and index the man and his methods. 6. — Memorandum Books. — For routine work the fol- lowing is suggested; get two diaries, No. 1, " General," to be kept at the desk, for entries, as dates become known, of such future events as conventions, lectures, entertainments, and Association, board, or committee meetings, also outside engagements and occurrences likely to interfere with the work. Correct the list promptly if dates are changed. This book should be open for the inspection and guidance of all employes at the building, and of the various officers and committees. Diary No. 2,* " To-day," should be con- venient for the pocket and always kept on the person, for constant and ready reference. Every Monday morning transfer items for the current week from No. 1 to No. 2, with needed details; and every morning add new appointments and duties. Another book may contain the items of work that must be done every year, arranged under the appropriate months. Its use should lead to preparation in advance for every such duty, and also to the enlargement of former plans, f In addition to these the secretary should have, in form for easy reference, lists of the different classes of members, and of the officers, directors and committees, cut perhaps * " standard Diary No. 570," seven days to the page, is especially adapted to this purpose. t See " Some things apt to be neglected," " Watchman," 1889, page 484, 148 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 13, 7. from the annual report. He should also keep memoranda of new members, applicants for membership, inquirers, etc It would be well for him to keep a brief journal of the work and incidents of each day. An interleaved copy of the aimual report, for notes during the year, will be very helpful. 7. — Statistics, etc, — A secretary should realize the im- ])ortance of preserving statistics and all information re- lating to the worK. He should see that complete sets of state, international, and local reports, also of " The Young Men's Era" and the local bulletin, are preserved for the Association library.. These, neatly bound, will form an important feature of the library, the value of which will increase year by year. Newspaper cuttings relating to the local work may be pasted chronologically in strongly bound, medium-sized scrap books. Other cuttings, printed matter, or notes on any subject can be advantageously arranged in strong manilla envelopes, 6^ x 9^ inches; and articles in books and periodicals may be referred to by a card index. The use of Prof. Dewey's "Decimal Classification," published by the Library Bureau, 146 Franklin St., Boston, will be found invaluable in this connection. In the fourth edition of this work, recently published, several pages are given to the classification of the publications of Young Men's Chris- tian Associations. (See Chap. 24, B, 4.) The secretary may mark the articles to be indexed while reading them, leaving the preparation of the cards to one of his helpers. Such an index will be especially useful in directing the workers to sources of information, and save the secretary much time. (See Chap. 20, A.) All these matters of interest to the local work should belong to the Association, the secretary keeping, if he desires, a duplicate set for himself. 8. — Human Nature. — A secretary should be a close student of human nature. His relations with persons of every class and condition make it necessary for him to Chap. 12, 10. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 149 know a man at a glance, as an attitude of uncertainty may place him at a disadvantage. If he acquaints himself with the peculiar temptations that surround young men and cause them to drift into sin and crime, he may become wise to win and strong to succor them.* He must guard against imposition, but avoid the extremes of both credulity and suspicion. 9. — Dress. — In dress and appearance a secretary should be neither careless nor foppish, dressing neatly, without eccentricity, and within his means. A clerical garb is neither fitting nor helpful. Sanctified common sense should render a secretary jjroof against everything foolish, vulgar, or offensively peculiar in habits or costume. His field of labor includes every class, and nothing in dress or manner should bar him from any circle of society. But too much attention must not be given to these things. 10. — Conversation. — He should seek to free himself from the use of slang and cant phrases, from the too prevalent habit of exaggeration, and from at least the common grammatical errors. Observation and a little painstaking will ensure a fairly correct use of language on the part of any one. The secretary should guard his con- versation as to the purity of its moral tone. Wit and repartee should not be too freely indulged in and never approach the indelicate. Especially should an irreverent use of Scripture he avoided. But, on the other hand, a man who has little sense of humor may well read humor- ous books and cultivate humorous acquaintances. Many Christian men err in dwelling too much on the sober side of life. A dull young man won't win young men. The secretary should avoid gossip, and, as much as pos- sible, the " small talk " so common, and should seek with tact to lead conversation into sensible and instructive channels. It is unnecessary to introduce serious topics * The foUowing books will be helpful : " Tempted London " (Armstrongg, New York); "Traps for the Young," by Anthonj- Comstock (Funk & Wagnalls, New York); "Man Traps of the City," by Thoinas E. Orpen (F. H. Revell Co., Chicago); " Dying at the Top," by Rev. J. W. Clokey, Era Publishing Co., Chicago). 150 THE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 12, 11. constantly, but questions of the day, of business, of school life, science, and literature may be readily suggested. A secretary's conversation should be such that the transition at any time to a religious subject will not be difficult nor seem incons^ruous. 11. — Economy. — A secretary deserves a living salary, and if others are dependent upon him must consider their needs. He should practice system and economy in his personal expenditures, and never allow them to exceed his income. The practice of systematically appropriating a portion of each month's salary to certain uses is highly commended. For example, at $50 a month : board $25, clothing $5, church and benevolence $5, books |3, incidentals $7, laid by $5, — $50. Some such method may also be safely pre- sented to any of the members who are working on a salary. No better rule can be adopted by a young man than that of strictly cash purchases. An excellent plan is to draw one's salary at the close of the month and place it in bank, paying out all larger amounts by check and keeping only a limited amount in pocket. A daily expense account should be kept, and if credit purchases are absolutely unavoidable record made of them. The secretary should also carefully guard the expenditures of the Association, as far as he is responsible for them. Money is not secured without effort, and those who give it have the right to demand its judicious use. 12. — The Other Sex. — A secretary must be guarded as to his relations to the other sex. If he be a young man of pleasing address and fond of ladies' society, this will be especially necessary. He had better make a recluse of himself than have attached to his name the unenviable reputation of a flirt. A secretary's honor and discretion must be unquestioned. 13. — Health. — A secretary must take care of his health. Many a man who shrinks intuitively from any moral de- linquency daily violates the laws of physical being with Chap. 12, 13. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 151 apparent thoughtlessness. An intelligence, a reverence, and a conscience are needed concerning this matter that can come only by a study of the laws of hygiene, and a realization that the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. A sound mind in a sound body is essential to full and con- tinued usefulness in any occupation. With a secretary the wear and tear of body, mind, and heart is almost con- stant and often intense. Hygienic rules must be establish- ed and maintained, or he will break down and fail, perhaps when his work is only begun. The hours for meals and sleep must be sacredly kept free from business cares. Meals must not be hurried. Dyspepsia will be the sure sequel to rapid eating. Entertaining conversation is an aid to digestion. There is no more appropriate place for a hearty laugh than at or after meals. Light reading may be reserved for the late evening. A few minutes' light exercise just previous to'retiring will induce sleep. A^iy tendency to sleeplessness should be remedied at once. Eight hours' sleep is not too much for a general secretary. At least half a day — and better a whole day — in every week should be taken for rest and recreation, as the sec- retary has no sabbath in the sense of relaxation from his usual lines of work. His recreation should as far as practi- cable be taken in the open air both in summer and winter. Daily systematic exercise, for a few minutes at least, is indispensable, and will be far more valuable if taken in pleasant companionship. If the Association has a gymna- sixim and athletic field the secretary should by all means iinp?ove this opportunity for his own physical welfare, and for gaining an influence over young men whose acquain- tance he might never make elsewhere. (See Chap. 25, B. 2.) If such facilities are not available, simple and suffi- cient apparatus may be placed in his room at trifling cost, and he may be the more active in the outing club. A home at some distance from the rooms will enforce a good walk several times a day. Such time is not lost, for a secretary will do more and better work through the re- 152 'SHE GENERAL SECRETARY. Chap. 12, 14. newed vigor thus ohtained. There are excellent books on preserving and recovering health, which should be read, prominent among them Blakie's " How to get strong." 14. — Growth. — Young men are full of the spirit of activity and progress. With this element lacking in the work their interest cannot long be held. The secre- tary's inner life of thought and purpose must be fresh and earnest, if he would enlist young men of character and energy. If he becomes sluggish or mechanical, con- tent to run in ruts, the live workers will soon drop out. The character of the secretary will govern to a large de- gree that of the organization with whose interests he is so intimately connected. Many come into the secretaryship from business life and without the culture and mental discipline derived from a thorough course of study, but a well-stored mind is a possibility before every young man. The world is to-day full of a new class of books, for example the " Chautauqua Text Books," which are concise yet comprehensive, fitted for busy men, and giving a general knowledge of matters upon which students spend many years. An hour of earnest work each day, if wisely and systematically directed, will in two or three years make one acquainted with a large part of that which is really important in history, literature, and science ; and this course continued will so stimulate and enrich the mind as to naturally attract young men of culture and active intellectual life. There is also needed a spiritual growth to be gained only by an earnest study of God's word. The secretary should also grow in knowledge regarding the best methods of work, being on the alert to gain both hints and warnings from his co-workers in other fields. By reading the religious papers of the different denominations he can inform him- self as to what they are doing, and what criticisms or commendations they make regarding the Association. 15. — Spiritual Life. — There is not only a possibility but a great danger, that in his multitude of labors and liis Chap. 12, 15. THE GENERAL SECRETARY. 153 aiixiet}', even for tlie spiritual work of the Association, the secretary will neglect the nurture of his own spiritual life. In order to a healthful religious life he must live in constant and intimate communion with God. He must take time for prayer and meditation, and for the study of the Bible for his personal benefit. He must select the time of day when he will be least liable to interruption, and strictly maintain the habit. The morning hour before going to his office is generally considered to be the best time. OHAPTEH 13. SECURING AND TRAININa EMPLOYED OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATIONS. SECTION A. DEMAND AND SUPPLY. 1. — Previous to 1870 there was but little demand for the officer now known as general secretary. No partic- ular standard of qualifications had been fixed, and the duties of the position were ill-defined, the work in general lacking definiteness as to its scope and methods. Since then, however, the rapid increase in the number of organi- zations, with the improvement and growing similarity of methods, has called for more and better men, not only as secretaries, but also as physical directors and librarians. Assistant secretaries specially qualified for work among boys are also sought for. Of late years it has been im- possible to properly meet these varied demands.* 2. — The supply must come mainly from the Associations, and through the agency of the secretaries. Young men brought to Christ through the Association, and active in its work, will more naturally than others appreciate the opportunities of the work and desire to enter it ; and the secretary, from his position, will be able to lead their thoughts in this direction. 3. — A secretary recognizing his responsibility will be on the alert to discover such young men among his workers, *See Int. pph. No. 610. Chap. 13, B, 1. SECURING EMPLOYED OFFICERS. 155 and his relations to these possible candidates will involve important and delicate duties. Some will desire to enter the work who are lacking in capacity or adaptation, or from inadequate motives. These must be shown their mistake and retained as contented workers in the local field. Others possessing marked qualifications, but of modest disposition, will need encouragement, and can safely be prompted to a careful consideration of the matter. Others still, although recognizing their fitness, may hesitate to give their lives to this particular service, especially if somewhat ignorant regarding it. They reqnire information regarding the growth and present condition of the work, the broad field of opportunity, and its need of capable men. In some cases a testing process may go on for months or years, but this labor of the secre- tary towards the development of his members is not lost, no effort being more fruitful, whether the gain be to the general or the local field. 4. — The demand for young men of culture in the secre- taryship should incite the oflacers of College Associations to special effort in pressing its claims upon Christian students. It is necessary to look in this direction for many men to fill important positions in the work.* SECTION B. METHODS OP TRAINING. 1. — When a young man desires to enter the service of the Associations, and is believed to possess natural qualifi- cations and proper motives, he should secure as thorough a preparation as possible. There can be no better founda- tion (a good English education being of course taken for granted), than several years of experience with a good busi- * See " The claims of the general secretaryship on young men of education and ability," Int. pph. No. 306, 15G SECURINa EMPLOYED OFFICERS. Chap. 13, B, 2. ness house, together with practice in varied work under an experienced secretary. There should be a systematic study of Association publications. The need of the latter was recognized early by the International Committee, and its ** Outline of study," arranged in 1881, was the first practical step towards a course of reading. The present volume has been evolved from this ** Outline," by a long process of addition and revision. Attendance at conven- tions, and especially at international* and state conferences of employed officers, is very profitable. These conferences, with the permanent literature resulting from the publica- tion of papers read at them, have in the past constituted one of the most important elements in the training of men. Visits to successful Associations, with careful observation and use of the note book, will also be helpful; and a term of service-as assistant, if the duties are not simply routine and mechanical in character, will be a good practical training. 2. — A plan by which candidates should visit certain Associations and pursue a course of training for several weeks under their secretaries was inaugurated by the International Committee in 1880, and carried on for some years. For a long time, however, thoughtful Association men felt that there should be some system of equipping men more fully for the work, and that, if years of study are needed to fit them for other callings, like preparation should be made for a life-work requiring such a diversity of gifts and involving so much responsibility as this. They realized too that a knowledge was required of cer- tain foundation truths and principles not gained through existing agencies, not apt to be acquired in the busy whirl of office life, and yet for want of which many good men became discouraged and left the work. It was also evident from the brief service of many that they lacked essential qualifications, or entered the work with no just conception as to its character; and these secretarial failures were often disastrous to the Associations. * An outline of these conferences from 1871 to 1888 is given in Int. pph. No. 6. Chap. ]?S, B, 4. SECURING employed officers. 157 3. — Such thoughts have found a practical expression in the establishment of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion Training Schools at Springfield, Mass., in 1885, and at Chicago, 111., in 1890. In addition to a general course in the systematic study of the Bible and methods of Christian work, special courses are provided at these schools for general secretaries, physi- cal directors, librarians, etc., these courses including both theory and practice. 4. — Further study after entering the work, fraternal in- tercourse with men engaged in the same lines, and attend- ance at conventions, secretaries' conferences, and summer schools and institutes have decided value. Every Associa- tion can afford to place some such opportunities within reach of its employes, not as vacation pleasures, for they mean hard work, but as a part of their regular service. CHAPTER 14.. THE ASSOCIATION HOME * Organized work requires a home. There must be a known center at and around which its forces gather and from which its influence radiates. To this rule associated work for young men is no exception. What shall this home be, — what its character as to loca- tion, construction, equipment and tenure, — in order to place the Association on the highest vantage ground and afford the best facilities for its work ? How shall such a home be secured ? How shall the home once secured be cared for ? Answers to these questions will be attempted in this and the following chapters. SECTION A. ADVANTAGES OP OAVNIXG A BUILDING. 1. — An Association should aim from the beginning to secure for itself a suitable and permanent home. Although a few small rooms may for a time accommodate its work, yet the present is an era of rapid development, when many an organization attains in a single year a position formerly gained only in a decade; and a vigorous growth may be easily and early dwarfed by withholding the facili- * Thia term is used in its general sense, covering both the Association building and rented rooms. Much in this and the following chapter will apply to both, and it will be readily seen where the references are specific, as in section A of this chapter. Chap. 14, A, 3. the association home. I59 ties for enlargement. As soon as an Association has prac- tically demonstrated its fitness and ahility to live, it deserves a home of its own. 2. — Negative reasons why an Association should possess a home: a. The difficulty of finding rooms suitable as to loca- tion, size, and adaptation. b. The cost of such rooms, if found. c. The trouble, expense, and often impossibility of making the changes needed by a growing organization. d. The uncertainty of tenure. 3. — Positive advantages connected with the possession of a building: a Permanency. A substantial building owned by an incorporated society is a guarantee of stability. It gives to an Association and its work a permanent aspect that is helpful in many ways, inspiring respect and confidence, and provoking liberality, not only as to current support, but in the way of bequests and benefactions. It creates a home feeling which knits the membership closely together. " Formerly a temporary experiment, now an institution of the city," happily phrases the transition from rented rooms to a permanent home. h. Adaptation. To secure the best results with the least expenditure of labor there must be adaptation of means to the work. Only a building erected, or thoroughly remodeled, for the purpose can be well adapted to the multiform work and peculiar methods of a fully developed Association. c. Publicit}'. There can be no advertisement equal to a conspicuous building known as the property and home of the Young Men's Christian Association. No stranger will ask in vain to be directed to it, and no young man seeking a friendly resort need fail to find its door. It is a perpetual educator of the people regarding the extent and importance of the work. It also stands as a witness to practical Christian unity, and the love and care of the churches for young men. 160 THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, A, 4. d. Independence. With a building an Association is its own master and not subject to the whims of a landlord. It can control its immediate surroundings, a very important item. It is not liable to censure for every petty irregu- larity, real or seeming and sometimes unavoidable, occur- ring on its stairways or along its halls. Changes and improvements can be made as needed, subject only to the will and financial ability of the management. e. Popularity. The acquisition of a good property at once raises the standing of an Association in the eyes of business men. Better men are needed and can be secured to manage its growing operations, which gives additional character to the institution. The attendance at the rooms and the membership increase, and every department of the work is pushed with new activity. /. Economy. A commodious building, a portion of which can be let to suitable tenants without detriment to the working of the Association, is the most jjopular form of endowment. Men will give large sums of money for such a building, which they would not think of giving to an endowment fund. And again, in raising the money needed for the new and enlarged work in the building, men are more willing to solicit, and those solicited are more ready to respond. A good property will also enable an Association to tide over a financial crisis which might otherwise prove fatal. All improvements made upon the premises have a permanent value to the Association, and the appreciation in real estate, an important matter in most cities, instead of increasing expenditure by advancing rents, on the other hand augments the income. In letting a portion of the building, care should be taken that noth- ing improper or annoying is brought into it. The Asso- ciation should not tie its hands by long leases, or, through false economy, fail to reserve ample room and the best of the buildinor for its own use. 4. — What has been said in this chapter applies only to genuine ownership. Some Associations in the past have Chap. 14, B, 2. the association home. 161 entered into stock companies for the ownership of build- ings, or into joint ownership with other societies. Such plans have never worked satisfactorily for any length of time, and have usually resulted in the loss of all that the Association has put into the enterprise. SECTION B. LOCATION. 1. — An eligible site is a matter of the first importance. A leading consideration in its selection is the convenience of the men for whom the building is specially designed. Thus the building of a Railroad Association is placed in the neighborhood of the station or freight yards. A Col- lege Association locates its building w^here the students pass frequently. A town building is placed on or near the principal street. In a large city a location is generally sought near some center of travel. Several Associations, in determining the sites for their buildings, have ascer- tained by actual count the spot in the city passed by the largest number of young men in a given time, and have purchased lots at that point. The border between the business and residence portions, between "up" and " down " town, is often a good location. In a growing place the probable drift of business is to be considered. There is in every town a popular section, and generally a " right side " of the street. A corner lot gives a more ex- tended outlook, and affords better facilities for air and light. All buildings over fifty feet wide are greatly bene- fitted by such a location. It is an advantage to be entirely separated, if by only a few feet, from the neighboring buildings, especially if a corner lot cannot be secured. 2. — The same considerations should govern, as far as applicable, in selecting rented quarters as in choosing a building site. Opinions differ as to which is better, the 162 THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, C, 1. first or the second floor, but probably nine-tenths of the Associations, whether in rented quarters or in buildings of their own, liave their main rooms upon the second floor. A large flat is usually preferred, although an upper floor is often used for class rooms, etc. SECTION C. ARRANGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION. 1. — In the proj^er arrangement of an Association build- ing, or of rented rooms, there needs to be a well-balanced general plan, all departments being considered, and accord- ing to their relative importance. It is better to spend time and money in perfecting plans than in making alter- ations. General adaptation ought never to be sacrificed to one or two special features. Outward appearance should never be allowed to interfere with the symmetry and con- venience of the interior, for the latter is altogether the more important to the Association. Just here an archi- tect is apt to go astray, and to need specific instructions and careful watching on the part of the building com- mittee. 2. — Other points to be considered are economy of space; convenience, including adaptation of the rooms to their uses and easy supervision; and what maj^ be termed non- interference, or such a dis230sition and separation of the several departments that the legitimate Avork of any one may not interfere with or annoy the others. 3. — Only general rules are possible regarding arra^ige. ment. The location, size, and shape of the building, or rooms, will have much to do in determining not only details but general plan. Plans of Association buildings should be studied, such buildings should be visited, and persons familiar with them should be closely questioned concerning their good and bad points. Unless this is done Chap. 14, C, 5. THE ASSOCIATION HOME. 163 by both committee and architect, failure in important par- ticulars is almost certain. 4. — An attractive and convenient entrance is one of the advantages that can be secured by the erection of a build- ing. Commodious and perhaps really line apartments have sometimes been reached by a narrow doorway, ladder- like stairs, and dark passages. To-day an elegant portal, with a broad, easy stairway and well lighted hall, is the standard model. Th.Qfull name, "Young Men's Christian Association," should be cut in stone over the entrance, and, if practicable, elsewhere and more prominently upon the front of the building. 5 . — The following rooms are desirable for a fully organ- ized work: a. Reception room. Whatever may be the shape of the building, its interior is so planned that this shall be the initial or focal apartment, by which all enter, from which the various rooms or departments are all reached, and tlirough which every one must again pass in retiring.* By this means each person upon entering and leaving the building is brought under the supervision of the officer or committee in charge; a very important matter in connec- tion with control, economy of administration, recognition of strangers, and personal contact with members amd others frequenting the rooms. In the evening this room is naturally the headquarters of the reception committee carrying on this work, which in the day time must gen- erally be done by the secretary or his assistant. At all hours it should have an air of freedom from the restraint necessary in the reading room and some other parts of the building. It should be fitted with conveniences for giving information on all legitimate matters of public interest. The latest time tables and directories of all kinds, the Association boarding house register and bulletin board, a barometer, weather reports, and when practicable telephone * It is generally beet to have the boys' rooms, the kitchen, the janitor's living apartments, and the large hall communicate directly with the street, independently of the reception room, these being the only exceptions to the above rule. 164 THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, C, 5. and messenger service should be among its appliances. The posting of the weekly printed list of unclaimed letters, furnished by the post-office, is desirable. This room is also a good place for any novel or striking attraction. All who have visited the old Aldersgate street rooms of the London Association, remember at the entrance of the hall- like reception room two immense globes, like sentinels on either hand, as if to challenge each comer and ask him from what part of the round earth he hails. A simple yet novel article, exhibited by one of the smaller city Associa- tions, is a section of bark from a California red-wood. It has attracted the attention and inquiries of hundreds. A little enterprise has made many an Association home rich in these pleasing and instructive features. Valuable les- sons in this line can be learned from places of vicious resort and methods there used to attract the attention. The entrance to this room should always be by a glazed door; young men, especially strangers, being more free to enter a place thus open to view. h. Secretary's office. A portion of the reception room, partially enclosed by a railing, counter, or glass par- tition, is generally used as the business office of the Asso- ciation. The desk of one of the secretaries should com- mand the entire room and should always be accessible to visitors. But a private office, if only a small one, is quite as much needed. It usually opens off the public office, and is in frequent use for confidential interviews or for small committee meetings. Its location should be such as to keep the secretary within easy reach of legitimate busi- ness. Especially should he not be hidden away during the more public and social hours. These offices should be fully supplied with closets and cabinets arranged to hold Association blanks, reports, stationery, etc. c. Reading room. Suggestions are given in chapter 24, A. d. Correspondence room. Facilities for correspond- ence are always provided in the reception room or else- Chap. 14, C, 5. THE ASSOCIATIOiS- HOME. 165 where, and in some buildings a room is devoted to tliis purj^ose. Such a room may be made especially attractive to commercial travelers. e. Recreation or amusement room. The name " game room " sometimes given to this apartment is deemed ob- jectionable by many. "Leisure room" is better. /'. Social parlor or parlors. g. Lavatory or toilet room, with water closets, and, if practicable, baths — the last named being for the use of members who do not hold gj^mnasium tickets, and who, of course, are not admitted to anj^ of the privileges connected with the gymnasium. A ladies' toilet room is also desirable. h. Lecture room or small hall, seating from one hun- dred and fifty to four hundred persons, and designed espe- cially for gatherings of young men. A small room directly connected with this hall may be very useful for inquiry meetino^s after reliarious services. i. Class rooms, fitted with desks, blackboards, etc. If not in use every evening for classes, these rooms can be occupied by the literary society or committee meetings. j. Gymnasium, with adjoining oflice for the physical director, overlooking all the physical department rooms; dressing and bath rooms, including, if practicable, a swim- ming bath; and work shop and store room. A room where members of the Associations can keep their bicycles has been found useful in a number of Associations. For suggestions in detail see chapter 25, D. k. Bowling Alley. It is desirable that this be con- nected with the gymnasium, but not in the same apai't- ment. Each full sized alley requires five by eighty feet of floor sj^ace. I. Library. A growing library is one of the most difficult things to arrange for. Room sufficient for years to come should be provided in the original plan, but can often be used for other Association purposes or rented out until needed. Meantime the books may be kept in one of the other rooms, their location being determined l^Q THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, C, 5. by the convenience both of the readers and custodian. Sometimes a gallery in the reading room accommodates the library. (See Chap. 24, B.) 771. Boys' room or rooms, so placed in the basement or upper stories as to be isolated, as far as practicable, from the rest of the building, provided the Association expects to have a secretary or committee man in the room whenever it is open. When this is likely to be impractica- ble, the secretary should command a vicAV of the room from his desk through a window. (See Chap. 28, E.) 71. Store room and closets. An exceedingly important but often neglected item is a proper amount of space for storage purposes, so that the rest of the building may not be lumbered up and rendered untidy by sundry articles, temporarily out of use. o. A coat room, arranged to receive hats, coats, and umbrellas, is indispensable in connection with the recep- tion room. When in charge of a responsible person, it is also often a place of deposit for valuables by members passing to the gymnasium. For this reason it is desirable to have it immediately at the entrance to the gymnasium, and also in order that the attendant may admit members through a locked door into the latter. Otherwise this door must be controlled from the secretary's desk. Where there is a long passage to the gymnasium, a mirror is sometimes so placed as to assist the attendant in his over- sight. There should be a separate entrance to the visitors' gallery of the gymnasium, and no possibility of passing from this gallery to the floor. p. Hall, seating from six to twelve hundred persons.* q. Board room. Although meetings of the board and committees can be held in the parlors or other rooms, an * This is needed in large cities, but is used by the Association far less than many other rooms. The few large gatheriuga that most Associations hold can better bo accommodated in some other public building, secured for the purpose, than in an "Association Hall" which crowds necessary every-day apartments out of the building. Such a hall has sometimes been expected to be an important source of revenue, but these hopes have generally been disappointed, because an Associa- tion, on account of the views of some of its supporters, cannot rent its hall for many purposes quite legitimate in the case of an ordinary public assembly room. Chap. 14, C, 7. THE ASSOCiATiois^ home. t^f apartment expressly for this purpose is very useful. It is often provided with conveniences for serving a meal, or refreshments, in connection with such meetings. r. Kitchen, connected by a dumb waiter with the other stories of the building. s. Janitor's living rooms are usually located in one of the upper stories. 6. — In the general arrangment of the rooms the best light is given to the reading room and library, and the pleasantest outlook to the parlor. The principal rooms should be connected by double doors, so that they can be thrown together for social gatherings. Ready passage through the rooms on such occasions is aided by having more than one entrance to each room. The gymnasium and bath rooms are placed on the ground, unless the building has been constructed with reference to their oc- cupying upper floors, or such only are available. In the latter case special provision must be made for the strength- ening of walls, the deafening of floors, protection from leakage, etc. By locating the dressing rooms in a low story under the gymnasium, space is economized, and the noise and jar are experienced where they are least annoy- ing. The most approved arrangement gives the physical department a wing of the building for its exclusive use. 7. — The full list of rooms just mentioned is, of course, beyond the needs and the means of most Associations. A judicious selection and combination ought to be made in each case. Many small Associations can afford only a single room, perhaps fifteen by twenty feet in size. Nearly all employing a secretary will have a reading room, and a parlor used also for meetings. Two such rooms connected by wide doors may, hj re-arrangement of furniture and extra seating, accommodate a varied work. A little in- genuity will cut off, by a light partition or even by a cur- tain, a corner of one of these rooms for a secretary's oflice, and perhaps another corner for a wash room or kitchen. A portable wardrobe may be so fitted up with shelves and 168 THE AsSOClATlOlf HOME. Chap. 14, C, 8. pigeon holes as to hold record hooks and papers. Results depend not so much upon facilities as upon the wisdom and energy of the workers. 8. — Too much care cannot be taken in the matter of building material. Only that which will be durable should be used, and also that which will maintain its appearance, for there is a good deal in the clean, bright look of a building. The drip from some varieties of stone will dis- color, and in time seriously damage, the brick work with which it is connected. Lumber should be seasoned, even if the building be somewhat delayed on that account. With the present sensible and tasteful style of finishing in native woods, paint and putty can no longer be used to remedy defects from shrinkage. 9. — The foundation of the building is an important item. The nature of the ground should be considered in select- ing the site. Engineering skill can overcome many natural defects, but the foundation should in all events be sure. Many an otherwise fine structure becomes unsightly, if not unsafe, from its cracked or leaning walls. Deep trenches, heavy stone for the lower courses, and abundance of good cement are usually essential. 10. — The basement may often be a very serviceable part of the building, and should be so constructed as to be available for future contingencies, if not needed at once. It should be dry, light, of sufiicient height, and capable of good ventilation. In many instances it can be largely above ground, but, if not, defects in the items named can be overcome by areas and a sub-cellar. 11. — The walls of any public building should be sub- stantial. The extra cost can well be borne when the ad- vantages of durability and safety from fire and accident are considered. Inside partitions of brick, of good thick- ness, are valuable on these accounts. On the other hand, iron columns, supporting steel beams, occupy less space and allow easier remodelling of rooms, if this becomes desirable. The floors should be well supported and deaf- Chap. 14, C, 15. THE ASSOCIATION HOME. 169 ened. Many well recommended methods of deafening prove unsatisfactory, especially in connection with the gymnasium. Before adopting any plan its practical work- ing in some building, under conditions similar to those proposed, should be minutely investigated. 12. — The roof should be covered with slate or metal, pains being taken in its construction as well as in its covering to guard against leaking or damage by frost and snow, matters to be considered in all northern latitudes. The greater the irregularity of the roof the more liability to trouble in these directions. Cupolas and skylights re- quire particular attention. All roof water should be con- ducted to the ground by leaders, so as to avoid drip from the eaves. It is generally best to have the leaders inside the building to prevent their freezing, but in order to ac- complish this the entire space through which they pass must be warmed. 13. — Wooden ceilings, finished with oil or shellac rather than paint, have many advantages over plastered ones. They are specially desirable in the gymnasium and in any rooms under it. The former should be without plaster or wood work on its side walls. Porcelain faced brick make the best side walls, but less costly brick will answer the purpose. A hard, smooth brick, requiring little paint to cover it, is durable, and a light coat of paint can be repeated at small cost. 14. — Everything practicable should be done to render the edifice fireproof, especially in the neighborhood of the staircases. Little or no wood should be exposed outside the building. Window sills and caps, cornices, and other ornamentation should be of stone or metal. Portions specially exposed, as the sides or rear when contiguous to other buildings, should be protected by iron shutters on doors and windows, and by fire walls above the roof. 15. — Special care is needed in locating and fitting the bath and toilet rooms. They should be conveniently placed, but not in too public a position. Their floors, i'^O THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, C, 16. walls, and ceilings should be of material impervious to moisture, and as little wood work and plaster as possible should be used in them. The supply pipe for a system of several baths should be at least two inches in diameter, and this size should be maintained as near to the main as possible, in order to lessen friction. Perfect ventilation is necessary. The windows should open to the external air. When this is imj^ossible, ample ventilation should be secured by ducts from the upper and lower parts of the room. The best materials and fixtures should be used, and all pipes and plumbing throughout the building should be exposed, so as to be readily accessible. 16. — There should be sufficient space between wood work and flues to insure safety from fire, defective flues being the origin of more fires than all other causes com- bined. All flues should be so arranged as to secure good draught and to be easily cleaned. 17. — A building should be flooded with day-light, even if this require the addition of sky-lights, courts, and light- shafts. In the matters of artificial light and heat, the As- sociation buildings are usually well equipped. The larger buildings are generally heated by steam, probably the best means in use, unless hot water be an exception. A high pressure boiler for heating purposes will cost but little more than low pressure, and may also be utilized to run a dynamo for electric lights. Some systems of hot air heat- ing, especially when combined with a good plan of venti- lation, are excellent in small buildings. Ventilation was formerly much neglected, but now receives much more attention. The system of heating and ventilating by in- direct radiation and fans is superior to all others. The first cost is only slightly above that for direct radiation, but the expense for fuel is from twenty-five to thirty per cent. more. Such apparatus secures the only satisfactory ventilation both in summer and winter, being capable of forcing air through a building twice each hour in cold weather and four times in warm weather. The electric Chap. 14, C, 23. the association home. jij-j sj^stem is fast superseding other methods of lighting, and all new buildings should be wired for it, even if the system is not to be used at once. 18. — Thought must be given to security from the weather and economy of fueh Not only the rooms, but the halls, lobbies, and stairways should be made comfort- able in winter without large expense. 19. — Acoustics need attention, especially in the assembly rooms. Precautions should also be taken against the an- noying resonance so common in the public passage wsljs of a large structure. 20. — Accident from fire during the construction of the building should be guarded against. There is much more danger than is usually supposed from this source. The matter of insurance in this connection should be carefully looked after. 21. — The building should be finished, no details being left incomplete. The additional expense is slight for the satisfaction it brings. The surroundings, the walks, and any yard or court connected with the premises should be put in order. The cellars should be cleared and proper disposition made of all building rubbish which may have accumulated. A graceful flag-staff should crown the edifice, for the national colors should float from every Association building. 22. — The erection of an Association building is usually entrusted to a committee of from three to five thoroughly interested and competent men, with full executive power. In accepting such responsibility they assume an important trust, which should be discharged with conscientious integrity. 23. — This committee should make a careful estimate of the cost of the building, and avoid extravagance in its construction. Let the impression get abroad that there is danger of a reckless use of money, and people will not entrust it to the Association. The fact that a city of 200,000 population is erecting a building worth |100,000 . 172 THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, C, 24. does not constitute a reason why a town of 25,000 should endeavor to do the same thing. 24. — Reasonable provision should be made for the future. As will be shown in the next chapter, twenty-three build- ings were occupied by Associations during the first decade of the building movement, from 1867 to 1876. Nine of these have been superseded b}^ other buildings, in order to secure adequate accommodations. Another has been en- larged, and two others are soon to be replaced by new buildings. Most of the remaining eleven buildings are in small places. But in a few of them, originally planned on a generous scale (among which may be mentioned those at Twenty-third Street, New York City; and Poughkeep- sie), one rented room after another has been taken for Association purposes, and, by some changes in the internal arrangement, the growing work has been provided with more space. It is best so to plan and construct a build- ing that the portions designed for rental can be readily made available for the purposes of the Association, with little expense and without interfering with the strength of the structure. Conspicuous buildings have also awakened and kept alive a public sentiment regarding Association work that has been very helpful toward the acquisition of branch buildings. On the other hand, the question is raised whether, in the light of experience, very large buildings are the most use- ful. It is urged (a) that the right men can be more readily enlisted and retained on committees of management where only a moderate sum must be raised in annual subscrip- tions, and that they can also devote more attention to details of the entire work if their time is not largely occu- pied with financial matters; (b) that the active members can exert their influence much more effectively where the associate members are not so numerous that it is practically impossible to make their acquaintance; and (c) that the secretary can better discharge his varied duties without Chap. 14, C, 26. the association home. I73 being deprived by them of close contact with the members; so that a really social, home atmosphere may pervade a small building, rather than that of an institution. For these reasons it is believed that provision for three thou- sand members in three buildings rather than in one will result in a larger force of managers and workers, and in better practical results. This may be accomplished through the extension of the branch system. 25. — In the selection of architect and builder the best skill available should be employed. Home talent is pre- ferable on general principles, and for convenient future consultation. There ought to be no experiments in sup- posed economy at this stage of the enterprise. It is some- times considered desirable to have several architects submit competitive designs for the building, based upon its intended size, cost, and general arrangement. None should be invited to enter the competition who would not be thoroughly acceptable to carry the work through. Money premiums offered for the designs adjudged second and third in merit will secure better work and afford some compensation for labor expended. Plans not accepted remain the property of the architects submitting them. If it is desired to incorporate any of their features in the building, the consent of the owners should be obtained, and remuneration offered them. But it is better to select a good architect and have him work up the plans. 26. — If the building is to be erected by contract, esti- mates should be invited from a number of reputable builders, in order to secure the most favorable terms. During its erection there should be competent (usually paid) daily supervision on behalf of the committee. 174 THE ASSOCIATION HOME. Chap. 14, D, 1. SECTION D. EQUIPMENT. 1. — The prevalent thought in the fitting up of Associa- tion rooms is to have them resemble a home, cozy, attract- ive, elegant, as the case maybe. In selecting furniture the best quality is usually the cheapest, durability being a chief essential where rooms are so much used. In these matters the nice discrimination of the ladies is valuable and is generally brought into requisition. 2. — Floors of stone or hard wood when really good are elegant, durable, and easily kept clean, but are apt to be noisy and,- in winter, cold. The difference between good and poor hard wood floors often depends entirely uj^on their finish. A good floor may be ruined through neg- lect, while a somewhat inferior one may be kejjt in fair condition by frequent oiling. A partial covering is often necessary, especially on the halls and stairways. Rubbet- stair treads greatly lessen noise. At least one handsomely carpeted room is generally desirable. A properly prepared floor, partially laid with rugs, presents an attractive ap- pearance. A good quality of linoleum makes an excellent covering for an ordinary room, is more durable than oil cloth, and more easily taken care of than matting. Both matting and carpets are objectionable in the more public rooms on account of the dust that lodges in them. 3. — Walls are usually decorated in some manner. The modern styles of frescoing are neat and not very expensive. Kalsomine is good enough for ordinary rooms and is easily renewed. Paper is also much used, and, with the present artistic styles, even cheap papers make the plainest rooms inviting, so that there is no excuse for shabby walls and ceilings in even the poorest Association homes. Little or no wall decoration is desirable in a new building until it has had time to settle. 4. — Di'apery is desirable for windows and some of the Chap. 14, D, 6. THE ASSOCIATION HOME. 175 inner doorways, except in the reading room and library. A few pictures, appropriate in character and handsomely framed, should adorn the Avails. A mantel with clock and vases, something in the line of statuary, or any choice articles of hric-a-hrac tastefully disposed about the room will add to the general home effect. Plants, birds, or an aquarium are attractive, but require considerable care. Music is given a prominent place, no parlor being complete without either piano or organ, and often several of these instruments are found in the various rooms. A group of 3^oung men gathered about the piano in^ the evening is a familiar and pleasing sight. 5. — Taste can be displayed in the matter of fixtures for heating and lighting. Open fireplaces are attractive and often convenient, even when chief dependence is placed on other methods of heating. They are also valuable aids in ventilation. With portable grates they may burn either wood or coal. 6. — In fitting up rented quarters the fact of a probable building should be kept in mind, and such furniture pur- phased as will have a permanent value. CARE OF THE HOME. SECTION A. GENERAL PEINCIPLES, 1. — Good management of its property on the part of a Young Men's Christian Association is not only a matter of economy, but of example and influence. There is also a question of responsibility. When the people of a com- munity, in answer to the appeals of an Association, have placed a valuable property in its hands, they have a right to expect that it will be cared for on true business prin- ciples. 2. — The direct supervision of the property is usually placed in the hands of a competent and experienced com- mittee or committees, appointed by and from the directors, or (less frequently) the trustees, or both. Sub-committees of one or two are often made responsible for certain details. It is essential that there be regular and system- atic reports from these committees as to condition of property, work done, outlay of money, and other impor- tant matters. The duties of the committees should be specifically stated, and other than routine action should be taken only as authorized by the proper board. The general secretary will be expected to report to the com- mittees any matter needing attention that comes to his knowledge, but this should in no way lessen their responsi- bility to attend personally to details. Chap. 15, B, 2. CARE OF the home. 177 3. — The care of an Association building embraces the following items: — a. Finance, including all matters of tenure, liens and mortgage obligations, interest, taxes, insurance, leases, and the like. b. Repairs and alterations; and safety, or the guard- ing against accident or damage from any cause. c. Order and cleanliness. Questions of finance in connection with a building are treated in chapter 19. SECTION B. REPAIRS AND SAFETY. 1. — A competent supervising committee will provide for frequent and thorough inspection of the building, and for immediate attention to necessary repairs. Experience teaches that most work is more easily and economically accomplished at once, while negligence tends to demoral- ization. In the model building broken glass is at once replaced, wood work is kept bright with paint or oil, walls are not suffered to grow dingy, a loosened hinge or broken bolt is immediately restored, or the tin roof is kept well painted. A tin roof aptly illustrates the importance of attention to repairs, often being ruined by a year's neglect, but lasting indefinitely with proper care. A janitor should be sought for possessing enough mechanical capacity to do simple fitting and repairs. All repairs should be in keeping with the building; while needless expenditure is avoided, the value of the building should be maintained or enhanced. 2. — Every possible precaution should be taken against fire. Few buildings are really fireproof, and no Association building yet erected is professedly so. Where a good water service exists there should be either a stand-pipe, or 178 CA.RE OF THE HOME. Chap. 15, B, 3. some sort of hose attachment, with a, sufficient amount of hose on each floor. Water pails in various parts of the building, 2)rovided they are kept well filled, are better than nothing. The chemical fire extinguisher is an efficient safeguard and should be found in every building, whether with or without water service. It may often be the means of quenching an incipient fire, without the damage to property following the use of water. The hand fire grenade is a simple, convenient, and reliable form of the chemical extinguisher, which may be thrown ujDon a fire just start- ing or will explode of itself when exposed to a sufficient amount of heat. Such grenades may Avell be placed, in considerable numbers, in all specially exposed parts of the building. All stoves, furnaces, pipes, flues, and the dis- position of the ashes should be carefully looked after. Oil should be used with extreme caution. It should be kept in a safety tank, and a metal tray should be used in handling lamps for filling and trimming. None of this work should ever be done by artificial light, and Avood work should never be allowed to become saturated with oil. All parts of the building should be easily accessible; the scuttles and, when necessary, the roofs being furnished with stairs or fixed ladders. Ample provision should also be made for safe and speedy exit from the building, espe- cially if a public hall be located on an upper floor, both by broad stairways and outside fire escapes. These are often required by law. 3. — It is to be supposed that in the construction of the building due precautions have been taken to prevent damage from water, snow, frost, and wind in any ordinary form or amount, and 3^et the safe plan is to take nothing for granted, and the careful supervisor will give his per- sonal attention to every such possible source of damage. Plumbing requires special oversight, in order to guard against the stoppage or bursting of pipes, and the escape of sewer gas. The latter often cannot be detected by the Chap. 15, C, 3. CARE OF THE HOME. 179 senses, but if a small quantity of some liquid with a decided odor, such as spirits of turpentine or peppermint, is poured into water closets in the lower part of the building, and the smell from it is perceptible in the stories above, evi- dently something is wrong. Gas should be shut off at the meters daily when not in use, the burner stops being closed before this is done. A thorough airing of the various rooms should always take place after using, and of the entire building at night. Care should be taken that no signs, scuttles, or other fixtures work loose, or be left unfastened. Any weakness of the building, resulting from a crowded hall or a g^^mnasium, should be noted and guarded against. Open windows, which are too often the only means of ventilation, should be closed when any room is likely to be unwatched for some time, to provide against damage from fire or storm. SECTio:sr c. ORDER AND CLEANLINESS. 1. — The old sayings, '' Order is heaven's first law," and ** Cleanliness is next to godliness," are true as they are trite. The plainest rooms if neat and orderly will have a certain cheeriness, while dust and disorder will mar the attractiveness of the most luxurious home. 2. — The supervising committee, the secretary, and the janitor will share this responsibility. The janitor is to do the detail work, the secretary is to see that it is done properly, at least certain parts of it, while the committee is back of and responsible for all. Much will depend upon the industry and tact of the janitor. An Associa- tion should get the right man, and then keep him, at any reasonable cost. A good janitor will arrange specific duties, so far as may be, for each hour in the day, not in- terfering with the ordinary use of the rooms, with provi- 180 CARE OF THE HOME. Chap. 15, C, 2. sion for special or occasional Avork. Often the secretary, who usually has the direct oversight of this employe, will make out a daily or weekly schedule or set of rules. This will be particularly helpful to a new or inexperienced man. An efficient janitor will want good tools in order to work to advantage, and he will keep them in good condition and in their proper place — which will not be the public lobbies or passage ways. With proper management the approaches to the build- ing will be kept in good order, and the windows by day and the lamps by night will give no dim or uncertain light. While the faithful employe will understand that the rooms of the Association are designed not for exhibition but for actual and constant use, he will be the sworn enemy of every description of dirt and disorder, and will never grow weary — at least in spirit. There may be times when, from insufficient help or press of special work, things in this department get a little behind, and the building may not be as ^presentable as could be wished, but there seems to be no excuse for the very untidy condition in which some Association homes may frequently, if not generally, be found. Additional hints regarding Association housekeeping may be found in chapter 10, B, 4. CIIAF»TER, 16. HOW TO GET A BUILDINGS' SECTION A. PREPARATORY WORK. 1. — The Association must deserve a building. There must be a strong organization, able and experienced offi- cers in whom the community has confidence, and com- mittees that do their work. The financial management must be such that the people will not be afraid to enlarge the trust. The work must be *' all-sided/' and measure up to the full capacity of the society and the means at its disposal. 2. — There must be desire. ISTot only the officers but the members generally must so appreciate the need of a building as to loaoit it. As this feeling grows in the hearts of Christian men, it will lead naturally to another step : 3. — Prayer. Whatever Christians need, tliey have the right to pray for. And what can be more reasonable than to ask for the very best facilities with which to do the Master's work ? Prayer is one of the first and essential foundations of every such building. 4. — The members of the Association must believe in the building, exercising that faith which is '* evidence" and "substance." The building must be such a real thing in * " How to secure a College Association building," Int, pph. No. 303. gives many luterestiug details, and should be read iu connection with this chapter, 182 now TO GET A BUILDING. Chap. 16, A, 5. their hearts and minds, that their enthusiasm shall inspire all with whom they come in contact. 6. — Instruction. The public, probably the membership, requires information on the subject. It may even be necessary to educate the directors themselves up to the point of realizing the need and possibility of a permanent Association home. Printed matter can be used to advan- tage. * The attendance of influential members at conven- tions will be very hel]3ful, especially if these are held at places having Association buildings. Members visiting such places should be supplied with letters of introduction to the secretaries located there, with an urgent request that they carefully inspect the buildings. Pictures of such buildings should be placed in the rooms. An album may be easily filled with cuts taken from the Year Books and other Association j)ublications. The International Committee and several State Committees have stereopticon views of many buildings, which they loan to Associations with little or no charge. These aid in making a talk on the subject instructive and entertaining. A public sentiment can be created by a free use of the pen. The press is generally ready to aid in this. Short and frequent articles are best, and the constantly recurring items regarding dedications, the laying of corner-stones, and generous gifts can be collated and inserted in the papers in such manner as to attract attention. The various gatherings of the Association can be used to disseminate further information with regard to this important feature and its marvelous growth. 6. — When an Association has taken the foregoing steps, it is ready for the next, that of practical agitation. Both the need and practicability of the movement must be demonstrated. Generally the board of directors will first consider these questions, and resolve on a certain line of action. This will afterwards be considered in meetings of * International Pamphlets Nos. 9, 558, 570, 579, 580, 597 and 603 will be especially helpful. Chap. 16, A, 8. HOW to get a BUiLDiNa. 183 the Association, and later in still more public gatherings. The pastors will be consulted, for their co-operation is essential. Leading business men, expected to be in sympathy with the movement, are also to be advised with early ; this is both courteous and politic. The press will be found still more willing to assist, as it assumes the shape of a definite local enterprise. 7. — A building fund may be started, sometimes years in advance, and serve not only as an educator, but as a sort of wedge, ready for the strong blow which shall finally accomplish the full purpose. Such a fund may be founded by a bequest, or by the proceeds of some enter- tainment given or set aside for such purpose. A nucleus once formed invites further gifts and ajDpropriations. Persons will often make a donation or bequest to such a fund who would never give, nor be expected to give, any considerable amount for current expenses. 8. — The la.st preparatory step to be noted, and a most important one, is the purchase of a building lot. Such action on the part of an Association indicates a purpose to become a permanent resident, and secures for it a new standing among business men. In most cities and towns eligible sites are not always available, and land is con- stantly advancing in price. In new towns, especially, the cash value of a lot often increases one hundred, or perhaps five hundred, per cent, in a few years. Associations are thus obliged to pay thousands of dollars for land that might a little while before have been bought for a few hundreds. With present knowledge and experience, no Association should neglect the first favorable opportunity to secure for itself an eligible and roomy building site. That must be a dull town in which the venture Avill not pay simply as an investment, and if, when the society is ready to build, the location prove undesirable, an exchange can be aifected, often to the financial advantage of the Asso- ciation. ¥f 184 JSOW TO GET A BUILDING. Chap. 16, B, 1. SECTION B. PLAN OF A CANVASS.* 1. — The board of directors may appoint a committee composed of prominent business men, who can be heartily interested in the project, to supervise the canvass and to secure large initial subscriptions. Sometimes gentlemen who are not members of the Association will render valuable service on this committee. A few large sub- scriptions are almost indispensable. One subscription of one-tenth of the whole amount needed, made at the start, would almost insure success. 2. — Secure a complete list of persons who can contribute large amounts, to be thoughtfully assigned among the members of the above committee, each member becoming responsible for those whom he can most readily approach. This can generally be best done in a full meeting of the committee. The city directory, the names of pew holders in churches, of contributors to benevolent enterj)rises, etc., may be consulted in the preparation of the list. 3. — Soon after the above committee has made a fair beginning, organize an auxiliary committee of young men and active business men for a general canvass. 4. — Each canvasser needs a pocket subscription book, with sei3arate pages for different amounts, or, what is better, a package of pledge cards. (See appendix, sample No. 10.) When using the latter he will show only such cards as are expected to stimulate liberal gifts. But when an expected contributor looks over the entire list in a book, there is danger of his putting himself among those who give small sums, without reference to his financial ability. A subscriber should fill out duplicate cards, re- taining one as a memorandum of the obligation. Each canvasser should report new subscriptions promptly to some designated person, who should furnish in return daily * Int. pph. No, 586 corresponds closely to this section. chap. 16, B, 8. HOW to get A BUILDING-. 18S reports of all such subscriptions to each canvasser. If any givers prefer to be anonymous, their wishes should be respected and their gifts announced as from "A friend,'' "Cash," etc. Some further suggestions regarding solicita- tion are given in chapter 18, 3. 5. — Organize a committee of young men within the Association, to canvass the membership and young men of the city. Where the enterprise has taken any deep hold, they will be ready to make sacrifices in the interest of the building, and their gifts will surprise and often shame the older men. 6. — Rely upon these solicitors, rather than upon outside help. The International and State Secretaries, who are often called ujpon for aid in such matters, are busy men, having time for extreme cases only. Men of the locality make the best solictors, if they throw their energy and tact into the undertaking, and such labor on their part will lead them to take an interest, for years to come, in the work done at the building. 7. — Arrange the terms of subscription judiciously. Sometimes these make each subscription absolute and unconditional. In general, however, people prefer to give somewhat in proportion to the sum to be raised, and often the necessity of reaching a given amount before the sub- scription becomes binding will be an incentive to both the giver and the solicitor. If such an amount is specified, it should not be too small a proportion of Avhat will be finally required. Neither ought it to be so large as to endanger failure, or to needlessly embarrass the building committee in beginning operations, for it is not always best to wait until the entire amount is raised before starting the build- ing. If a lot is bought and the building begun, giving may be stimulated. 8. — Do not extend the payments of the subscriptions over too long a period. Building operations cannot go on steadily without money, and this, if not due from sub- scriptions, must be borrowed on interest. Subscriptions 186 HOW TO GET A BUlLDlJs^G. Chap. 16, B, 9. may be made payable within a year, and it is desirable that they should not run much beyond the intended completion of the building. The payments are sometimes made as follows: the first when ground is broken, the second when the building is inclosed, and the third when it is finished. And yet some givers can and will contribute much more largely if the payments extend over a longer period, and the plan should be sufficiently elastic to meet their circumstances. 9. — Get a leading citizen to invite men of means, in his own name, to attend a reception at his house, where the uses, value, and need of an Association building will be presented by competent speakers from the city itself or from abroad. Generally the invitation should mention that there will be no solicitation of funds during the evening. (See Chap. 20, C.) 10. — Send a letter showing the needs of the organization and the advantages of a building to persons who can make large subscriptions, a day or two before calling on them. 11. — Secure from interested pastors pulpit indorsement in sermons or in brief expressions of commendation, and remembrance in church prayer meetings. 12. — Make constant systematic use of the press in arousing public sentiment by *' locals," letters, and edi- torial utterances. Descriptions (with pictures) of Associa- tion buildings, or of the progress of building movements, are effective. 13. — Distribute freely and judiciously printed matter regarding Association work, wbich can be obtained from the International Committee. (See foot note, sect. A, 5. ) 14. — Place pictures and plans of the proposed building in store windows and other conspicuous places. (Photo- graph from the architect's designs. ) 15. — Appoint sub-committees of the auxiliary committee to solicit among their associates in stores, offices, mills, and other places where considerable numbers of young men are employed. Chap. 16, B, 22. how To get a building. 187 16. — After a substantial beginning of the canvass it may be well to secure organized help from the ladies in canvassing for a '* mothers', wives', and sisters' fund." 17. — Put subscrijDtion papers, with printed headings, in newspaper offices, stores, and other public places, at a stage of the canvass when the larger gifts are not likely to be reduced by so doing. 18. — Hold joint meetings of all the committees at private houses, at intervals of from three to seven days, to report results of the canvass, to plan for further work, and to promote enthusiasm regarding it. It will often be helj^f ul to invite all persons interested to attend these conferences. This can be done through pulpit or newspaper notices, and through invitations sent by mail. 19. — Publish new subscriptions in the daily papers the day following each conference. 20. — One man should bear to the movement the rela- tion which a general secretary bears to the entire work of an Association, seeing that details are promptly carried out and that everyone who engages in the work dis- charges his share of it thoroughly. Unless some quali- fied member of the Association can take this responsible position as a volunteer, it should be occupied by the general secretary or by a person temporarily employed for this purpose. 21. — A heavy debt should not be left on the building. Of course every effort should be made to dedicate it free from debt, but this cannot always be done. If there is to be an income from the building sufficient to care for all real estate expenses, including interest on mortgage, there ought to be no serious danger, yet even in such case the debt should rarely exceed one-fourth of the entire cost. 22. — When a debt is unavoidable, a sinking fund should be provided for its gradual extinction, no matter on how small a scale. The satisfaction of knowing that the burden is lessening, even if slowly, lubricates the whole working machinery. 188 HOW TO GET A BUILDING. Cliap. 16, B, S3. 23. — But a mere formal following of this plan will avail little. Everything depends upon the tact, energy, Christian enthusiasm, faith, and prayer with which the plan is worked and adjusted to local requirements 24. — A letter like the folowing has been used success- fully by the committee on initial subscriptions: — Dear Sir: At a conference of gentlemen held in tliis city a short time since, after a full discussion of the social and moral condition of the young men in our city and of their needs, it was unani- mously resolved, " that the time has arrived for erecting a building in tliis city for the Young Men's Christian Association, to cost not less than dollars." The undersigned, who were present, were appointed a committee to secure the initial subscriptions towards the object. This committee desires in this connection to submit to you the following facts: — The Association is carrying on its work in rented rooms, which have become wholly inadequate for its growing needs. Here it has presented counter attractions to the liquor shops and other places of vicious resort in the city. By its library and read- ing room ; its parlor ; its gymnasium for exercise and health ; its educational night classes, for the practical benefit of the clerk and the mechanic ; its concerts and socials ; its lectures, medical, literary, and educational ; its employment bureau ; its register of desirable boarding houses; its arrangements for the care of the sick; all carried on by organized volunteer committees of young men, and under Christian influence, this Association has demonstrated its right to be placed among the permanent institutions of the city. This great work for tlie young men of this city can no longer be accommodated in any rented apartments. The depart- ments of work conflict with each other in the hmited room now available, and a building must be had or the work will retrograde. In other American cities, North, South, East, and West, there are such buildings, erected for the purpose by Christian philanthropy and business sagacity, at a cost of million dollars, which have been pronounced by the best social economists and business men invaluable in their moral and educational effects. The smaller cities and towns have fully kept pace with the larger ones in this matter. of these ranging in population from 800 to 30,000, have buildings valued at § . Among them are Chap. 16, B, 24. HOW TO get A building. 189 Merrimac, Mass. (population 2,600), with a building valued at .$10,000 ; Mauch Chunk, Pa. (population 7,000), building $22,500 ; Bristol, Tenn. (population 8,000), building $14,700 ; Staunton, Va. (population 10,000), building $35,000 ; Selma, Ala. (population 12,000), building $30,000 ; Charlotte, N. C. (population 13,000), building $30,000 ; and New Britain, Conn, (population 19,000), building $54,000. This building movement is now spreading more rapidly than ever before. Some buildings are now in course of construction. Among these are the following: — The permanent usefulness of this investment of capital is guaran- teed to the subscribers by the fact that the property will be held in perpetual trust by the following board of well-known citizens: — The building will be fully equipped to carry on the varied work already described. After a careful study of other buildings recently erected for the same purpose, an effort will be made to embody their good points in this one. While the members will enjoy special privileges and advantages at a moderate fee, the building will be opened with a genuine hospitality to all young men. One gentleman in this city, w^ho has its welfare at heart, has given — - dollars toward this object. In order to raise so large a sum as is proposed, we venture to express the hope that subscrip- tions of like amount may be received from those who have im- portant vested interests in this city, and who bear that responsibil- ity toward the community which wealth brings. Such contributions will, we are sure, open the way for a multi- tude of smaller gifts wliich will readily swell the total to the sum needed. The payment of subscriptions may be made to extend over a period of two years. Subscriptions will become binding when $ have been pledged. Knowing your interest in all that concerns the progress of our city, we submit these facts for your thoughtful and intelligent consideration. Some representative of the committee will soon call upon you, and we trust that we may receive your liberal aid. (Signed by the members of the committee.) In another city a letter similar to the above was accompanied by the following, signed by all the Protestant pastors: — " We heartily sympathize with the efforts of the Young Men's Clu'istian Association to secure a building specially adapted to its requirements, believing that the efficiency of its work in behalf of young men would be greatly increased thereby." 190 HOW TO GET A BUILDING. Chap. 16, C, 1. SECTION C. HINTS AND CAUTIONS. In beginning a building enterprise an Association enters untried ground and encounters many and new difficulties. A few practical suggestions gathered from the experience of those who have passed through the ordeal are placed as cautionary signals for those that are to follow. 1. — Do not neglect the regular work. There is danger that the new enterprise so absorb the thought and atten- tion of the workers that the all-imj^ortant routine of Association work, which has been built wp with so much effort, suffer through neglect. The expected impetus from the new building will doubtless come, but it will not comj^ensate for losses caused by carelessness. ''Do not rob the structure itself to get material for the scaffolding." 2. — Look out for current exjDcnses. This caution is akin to the preceding one, but touches the business side. Neglect right here has often been all but fatal; the organ- ization Avith its new facilities and eager anticipations find- ing itself burdened with current debt, and without means to take full advantage of its splendid opportunities. The regular finances of the Association should be kept well up, even if the walls of the new home rise more slowly to completion. o. — Do not allow the idea to prevail that the building, even if unencumbered, Avill render the Association finan- cially indej^endent. People have strange notions about Association finances, and sometimes seem to expect that the income from two or three rented stores in the new building will suffice for current support. The possession of a building brings with it many new items of expense to offset the single saving in the matter of rent. Supervision, repairs, taxes, and insurance often absorb the income from such portion of the building as can be spared for rental^ Chap. 16. C, 4. HOW to get a building. 191 while that derived from the influx of new members is always less, at the necessarily low fees, than the expense of the advantages offered them. But aside from this it is doubtful if a full endowment would be best. There is a peculiar and vital connection between the heart and the pocket, and often a man maintains an interest in that for which he contributes, while if he were not obliged to give he would soon forget it. The time may never come when people will not be asked to give towards the support of this institution ; and while the possession of a building may include among its many advantages that of a partial endowment, lessen- ing the amount to be secured by voluntary gifts, the people should understand definitely that their financial obligations towards the Association are not to cease with the payment of a building subscription. 4. — Provide for the safe holding of the property. Select a strong board of trustees, men in whose integrity and business competency the community Avill have perfect confidence. Have all matters of title and conveyance attended to by men of thorough legal ability, so that the the charter rights of the Association and the status of its board of trustees may be assured. CHAPTER. 17. THE BUILDING MOVEMENTS The building known as Farwell Hall was dedicated by the Chicago Association, September 29, 1867. It was named in honor of John V. Farwell, a leading dry goods merchant of that city, who gave in money and land towards the enterprise the sum of $60,000. This building was destroyed by fire, January 7, 1868 ; and a second building erected on the same spot was burned in the great Chicago fire, October 9, 1871. A third building was dedicated November 26, 1874. The cost of the first property was $190,000. The year following the erection of the first Chicago building, the Philadelj^hia Association purchased a build- ing for $35,000, and occupied it till the centennial year, 1876, when it was superseded by the fine structure on Chestnut and Fifteenth streets, costing half a million. In 1869 the 1^3'ew York Association erected its Twenty- * This Bketch relates only to the buildings now owned and occupied for Associa- tion purposes, together with buildings which have preceded thom in the same Associations. A comparison of tlie lists of buildings in recent Year Books with earlier ones shows the disappearance of a number of nsmes. It is probable that in many cases these were not properly Association buildings, or that the ownership was merely nominal. In some instances the building was owned by a joint stock company, the Association itself having but a limited money interest in the concern, and soon losing that, together with the occupancy of the building. Thus page xxxix of the Year Book for 1873 contains a list of 38 buildings. But in these early lists all buildings owned by Associations were included, whether used for distinctiv- ely Association pui-poses or not. This is not now done. After deducting from the list for 1873 8 chapels and 14 of such uncertain tenure that they soon disapi^eared from the reports, but 6 of the number ever recovering either a name or a building, it is reduced from 38 to 16. The building tables in the Year Books give many interesting facts on this subject, especially the chronological table ou page 96 of the Year Book for 1890. - - Chap. 17. THE BUILDING MOVEMENT. 193 third street building at a cost of $487,000, San Francisco built at an expense of $76,000, and New Utrecht, a New York village of but 750 population, purchased a building for its Association costing $3,000. After the interval of a year, the only such in the history of the movement, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1871, purchased a building for $22,000, and after occupying it for ten years purchased another for $60,000. Ten years later the Asso- ciation entered its third building, costing $230,000. Three other Associations also came into possession of permanent homes in 1871, Indianapolis purchasing for $28,500, New Brunswick, N. J., for $10,000, and Aurora, 111., building at a cost of $10,000. Indianapolis has lately rebuilt, its present property being valued at $96,000, andNewBruns- wich has greatly enlarged its building. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1872, bought and fitted up a property at an expense of about $46,000, and Charlotte- town, P. E. L, had the honor of erecting the first build- ing on Britivsh American territory, at an expense of $14,000. The year 1873 added five more to the list, Boston purchasing for $126,000, and Germantown, Pa., for $49,- 000; while Toronto, Montreal, and St. John, N. B., erected buildings at a cost respectively of $48,000, $67,000 and $42,000. The Boston Association removed, in 1883, to its new building on the Back Bay, erected at a cost of $300,- 000. Toronto in 1887 dedicated a new building costing $90,000. Montreal entered a new building in 1891. Cincinnati, Ohio, and two Nova Scotia Associations, Halifax and Truro, followed in 1874. The two latter built at a respective cost of $36,000 and $13,000, and the former purchased for $40,000. Cincinnati entered anew building in 1891. In 1875 Port Hope and Brantford, both Canadian Associations, erected buildings, the first costing $6,500, the second $23,000, and the Dayton, Ohio, Association purchased and fitted for its use a property at an expense 194 THE BUILDIJNG MOVEMENT. Chap. 17. of 125,000. Dayton completed in 1887 a new building valued at $80,000. One building only was added to the list in 1876, which was erected at Nahant, a small seaside town of Massa- chusetts, at an expense of $1,400. This record of the first decade of the building era has been given somewhat in detail, in order to show the be- ginning and early growth of this important feature of the Association movement on this continent. It would be of additional interest could the fuller history of some of these buildings be traced from the germ thought in the mind of some earnest, far-seeing worker, through the incipient stages of planning and agitation, to the active operation and completion of the scheme. What earnest desire and faithful prayer, what purpose a,nd labor and sacrifice, rest under the corner-stone and enter as really into the structure of many a building as do the stone and brick and timber ! But such records were kept by unseen hands. Since 1876 the following buildings have been erected or purchased. The figures given in a second line under some of the years indicate the value of additions made in those years to buildings previously erected, together with the excess of value of later buildings over those jireceding them in the same Associations. These figures should \ e added to those in the line above to get the complete figures for any year. Chap. 17. THE BUILDING MOVEMENT. 195 Year. No. Cost. Estimated Value in 1890. 1877 5 $373,500 $380,000 1878 4 24,500 28,000 1879 2 28,000 50,000 1880 4 64,300 62,700 1881 6 112,400 138,500 38,000 63,000 1882 7 125,900 178,000 1883 6 77,300 107,000 154,000 154,000 1884 10 261,300 310,850 32,800 47,500 1885 10 555,400 615,250 34,500 41,500 1886 21 248,310 311,050 15,500 16,500 1887 24 821,675 1,012,825 181,800 181,800 , 1888 27 840,650 1,022,600 1889 38 1,048,900 1,197,350 71,600 71,600 1890 31 864,660 987,600 14.250 14,250 1891 16 272,250 291,250 To June 198,500 258,500 The list for 1878 includes the first Railroad Association building, erected at "West Detroit. In 1879 the first College Association building was erected at Princeton, through the bequest of Hamilton Murray, of New York, a recent graduate, who was lost on the '^ Ville-du-Havi'e." In 1884 the New York City Association purchased for its German branch the first building occupied by this depart- ment. The Colored Association at Richmond, Va., took possession of a building in 1889. Several instances have occurred, and they are happily becoming more frequent of late, in which a building has been erected or bequeathed by a single individual. The Princeton building was the first. The following year Dr. 196 THE BUILDII^a MOVEMENT. Chap. 17. Henry Foster, of Clifton Springs, N. Y. , a village of but 1,500 population, erected for the Association of that j^lace a building costing 112,000. In 1882 John Sherman, of Watertown, N. Y., bequeathed to the Association there the building in which its rooms were located, estimated at $40,000. In 1884-5 Prof. Henry Fairbanks, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., donated to the Association there property valued at $40,000. The building of the Brooklyn Association, erected in 1885 at a cost of $250,000, was given by the residuary legatees of Frederick Marquand. Ira D. Sankey, in 1886, erected and equipped, at an expense of $33,500, an Association building for his native town, New Castle, Pa. The building of the Association at Yale University, costing with its furniture $60,000, was given by Mr. and Mrs. Elbert B. Monroe, of New York City, in the name Frederick Marquand. At Albany, N. Y. (the gift being conditioned on the furnishing of a lot by the citizens), J. B. Jermain erected a building at an expense of $75,000, which was dedicated in the fall of 1887. In the same year Cornelius Vander- bilt completed, at an expense of $183,000, a building which, although not held as the property of the New York City Association, is devoted to the use of its railroad branch. In 1889 a building, costing $25,000, was jn-esented to the Association at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., by H. B. Silliman, of Cohoes, N. Y. In the same year *' Barnes Hall" Avas dedicated at Cornell University. The late A. S. Barnes, of Brooklyn, gave $45, 000 of the amount needed to erect the building. His gift was influenced by the self-sacrificing example of the students, who contributed in a few months nearly $10,000. Early in 1890 Eugene Levering, of Baltimore, presented Chap. 17. THE BUILDING MOVEMENT. 197 a building, costing $20, 000, to the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity Association. Mrs. George H. Corliss, of Providence, in 1891, gave a building valued at $38,000 to the Newburyport, Mass., Association, as a memorial of her husband. A building is in the course of erection at Glens Falls, iST. Y., through the gift of $50,000 from Jones Ordway, of that place. According to the Year Book for 1891 buildings were owned by 231 Associations, with an estimated value of $9,946,085. Deducting the indebtedness which is not provided for, amounting to $1,488,5T0, there remained as the net value of building property in the hands of the American Associations in 1891 the sum of $8,457,515; while other real estate, consisting of building lots, chapels, etc., was held by them to the value of $2,180,025. At the same date they had building funds amounting to $1,825,055.* * Further details regarding College Association buildings are given in Int. pph. No. 302 THIRD DIVISION, METHODS OF WOKK. CURRENT FINANCES. SECTION A. WAYS AND MEANS. 1. — The Annual Budget. — Either before or immediately after the annual meeting the finance committee should prepare as accurate an estimate as possible of the receipts and expenditures for the coming year. The trustees fore- cast the net income from the building or from any funds in their charge, and the proper committees estimate the receipts from membership fees and other sources; each de- partment expending money states the sum needed by itf and after careful examination and revision a budget is agreed upon, showing the necessary expenses, the reliable income, and any additional amount to be raised. A new organization may be guided by the estimates of an Association doing a work similar to that proposed. The appropriation for each fund or purpose should be stated definitely and in sufficient detail, and it should be under- stood that expenditures must be kept within the prescribed limits. Additional expenditure during the year should only be made after the decision of the board that enlarge- ment of the work is called for and that money for it can Chap. 18, A, 2. CURRENT FINANCES. 190 be secured. Any necessary curtailment sliould be made at the beginning of the year. A healthy work, however, will call rather for an increased amount from year to year. A deficit arising from extraordinary outlays or shrinkage of income should invariably be made up, so that each year may close with the balance on the right side of the ledger. Two sample forms of budget are given in the appendix^ one for an Association of two thousand members, doing an extensive work in its own building; the other for an Asso- ciation of five hundred members, occupying rented rooms. These are based on a comparison of the financial reports of several Associations working on these lines. (See ap- pendix, samples Nos. 11 and 12.) 2. — Income. — a. Interest on endowment funds, includ- ing the net income from the Association building. h. Membership fees ought always to be an important source of revenue. They will, of course, vary with the number and expensiveness of the privileges offered. With the increase of costly buildings and multiplied facilities, there may be a tendency to enlarge the fees, with a possi- bility of excluding some young men who most need the advantages provided. But the Association cannot wisely be made a self supporting club. Let there be such a variety and grading of privilege-bearing tickets as will ac- commodate all reasonable demands. The fees in the average city Association are two dollars for limited and five dollars for full membership. G. Annual subscriptions must generally be depended upon for a considerable portion, perhaps the largest portion, of the current income. There are many in every community that will become neither members nor pledged contributors, but that will give occasionally, or perhaps every year, if asked ; and there are usually members that can give largely in excess of the regular membership fee. It is also very desirable that the young men belonging to the Association be trained in the matter of voluntary and 200 CURRENT FINANCES. Chap. 18, A, 2. systematic giving to its support, even if it must be in small sums. d. Contributors are sometimes willing to make subscrip- tions for a specified number of years or until revoked. These are denominated running subscriptions^ and include the so-called " sustaining memberships." * (See pledge cards, appendix, sample No. 13.) There should be sys- tematic effort to keep such subscribers well informed re- garding the work. An annual visit is better than to de- pend altogether upon printed matter, e. Festivals, fairs, and various entertainments, which are sometimes resorted to, are both uncertain and generally undesirable in connection with current finances. Their too frequent recurrence tends to demoralize, and to absorb the interest that is needed in the other departments of the work. There should be more giving from principle ; and it will certainly lower the tone of an institution to get its money through simply amusing people. Entertain- * The phrase " sustaining membership " originated in 1876, and was then applied to an agreement on the part of a number of persons that each one would contribute a stated amount (usually ten dollars a year) until the pledge was formally cancelled, the donors being generally entitled to specified privileges in the Association. It was also an essential part of the pledge that it Avas not binding until a specified sum was promised, which was expected, in addition to other sources of income, to fully defray the current expenses of the Association. Each subscriber was thus assured both that the Association would be fully sus- tained, and that he would not be called on for further contributions. It was ex- pected that liberal friendsof the work would subscribe for several memberships, sometimes with the privilege of dividing them among as many young men. Among the advantages claimed for the system was this, that the time and labor formerly given to soliciting funds year by year might be turned into other channels after the sustaining membership was once full. But in practical use it was found (a) that many persons of means took a single membership, instead of making a subscription amounting to five or ten times as much. The feature proposed in the plan of having such persons take several memberships was very apt to be overlooked, both by those soliciting and those solicited. (&) That the written notice that the fee was due for the second or third year did not take the place of the personal call for an annual subscription by a well informed solicitor. In other words, that the work and growth of the Association needed to be brought every year in some live v/ay before the consciousness of every supporter, (c) That from the absence of this vital link, many sustaining members dropped out, and that the work of supplying their places was very irksome and apt to be neglected, (d) That the distribution of memberships among young men was Tindesirable. It has been tried in other conuectiona besides the sustaining mem- bership, generally with unsatisfactory results. As result of these diflSiculties, it is doubtful whether the system, in its entirety, is now anywhere in use. The term, " sustaining membership," is used in a number of Associations, but with a variety of practical meanings. A person whose first and only relation to the Association is that of a contributor should not be included in the membership, and there will probably always be some contributors ■who will prefer not to be so reckoned. Membership should be secured only by the regular process, with whatever it may include in the way of filling out a member' ship blank, and election or admission. Chap. 18, A, 3, cuaREXT finances. 201 merits of a high order are sometimes conducted under Association auspices, such as art or industrial exhibitions, that are very helpful in both educational and social lines, and without any objectionable features. But even these should not occur too often, and their proceeds had better be devoted to some special object outside of current ex- penses. f. Sometimes a public meeting is made the occasion for raising money. Success usually depends upon thorough preparation, including the securing in advance of some large pledges. While good results may be obtained now and then, this method is always unreliable as a permanent resource, and even its occasional use is unsatisfactory. 3. — Solicitation. — a. The finance committee of the board, often composed of the older and more substantial business men, may associate with itself, for the special purpose of soliciting funds, some of the younger members of the Association. The officers and directors should all be willinof to aid in this work as needed. Their activitv will stimulate other workers, and carry weight with lead- inor members of the communitv, whose contributions can best be secured by men of their own standing. All the solicitors should be loyal to, and well informed about, the work; able to answer reasonable questions concerning it; and contributors, each according to his ability, to its sup- port. Brief, pointed statements regarding the work can often be used effectively in solicitation. Where the work lias had a healthy growth, comparative figures covering sev- eral years will be very useful. Figures showing the receipts and expenditures of Associations in cities of the same size or smaller may also be used with good results, especially in communities where public sentiment regard- ing Association matters needs to be educated. h. In order to create general interest and helpfulness the work must be kept before the public. Details regard- ing this matter are given in chapter 20. c. The canvass should be organized early in the year 20^ CCRRENT FINANCES. Chap. 18, A, 3. and completed as soon as practicable. This will be more successfully and easily done by pushing it thoroughly for one month than by letting it drag on to the end of the year. d. An excellent plan, and one much in use, is for the soliciting committee to prepare a list of persons who have given or are likely to give to the work, and then for each member to select the names of those whom it is be- lieved he can best influence, and with the expectation of securing a definite sum. A concise statement of the work of the Association, its financial condition, and needs, sent out in advance of the canvass, will contribute to its suc- cess. 6. It is often an advantage for two solicitors to go together. A solicitor should never beg. He should state his errand in a manly, straightforward way. /. Pledge cards have many advantages over subscrip- tion books. When one sees a list of names, he may be led to pattern after those who give least, without con- sidering the question of ability ; while the solicitor may carry with him only such subscriptions on cards as he thinks it will be advantageous to show. Such cards are also conveniently arranged for filing, both alphabetically and by years. The subscriber should always fill out duplicates, retaining one as a memorandum of the obligation. g. The canvass list should be comprehensive and every person on it should be seen. A frequent and serious mis- take is that many who might give are never asked to do so, and the burden rests upon the few. Again, numerous small subscriptions are valuable as a manifestation of in- terest on the part of many people, and are also more apt to be kept up than a few larger pledges. h. Pledges made should be promptly reported to the office. Careful records should be kept both of new sub- scriptions and of calls made without results, with the reasons given for not contributing. The original lists, with Chap. 18, A, 3. CURRENT FINANCES. 203 these and other helpful memoranda, should be filed for future consultation. i. Subscription books, showing all pledges to date, may be mailed to persons whom it is impracticable to see personally, or from whom small amounts are expected, as a gleaning of the field. Written letters accompanying the books will be far more effective than printed appeals. The use of their business letter heads by solicitors will sometimes be advantageous. j. Other members of the Association who are not on the committee sliould take an interest in this work, striv- ing to influence those with whom they are thrown in in- timate contact, and giving helpful suggestions concerning them to the soliciting committee. k. There is nothing to prevent any member from secur- ing applications for membership, though in this work the desire to increase the income should never be the leading motive. It may often be best to suggest the limited ticket to the average young man, leaving it optional with him to select a more expensive one. In general, this fee is so nearly nominal that there need be no false modesty in asking any one to become a member. l. The suggestions given regarding a canvass for memberships and for a building, in chapter 9, C, 5 and in chapter 16, B, should be read in connection with this chapter. The "plan of canvass for a building" is some- times followed with excellent effect in raising money for current expenses. m. In connection with all this work there will be need of tact, courtesy, cheerfulness, persistency, and, above all, prayer and faith in God. 204 CURRENT FINANCES. Chap. 18, B, 1, SECTION B. COLLECTIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS. 1. — If collections can largely be made at the office, there will be a saving of labor and of liability to errors. Col- lections outside the office should be made by a regular and known agent or responsible member of the Association, a boy never being employed except as a messenger carrying a sealed envelope. The agent should be able to answer all ordinary questions concerning the work. Any matter of doubt in collecting should be at once referred back to the office. A book should also be kept in which to note any excuses for non-payment, promises to pay at some future time, reasons for discontinuance of member- ship or subscription, and any criticism or suggestion regard- ing the work. Such information will be helpful in many waj^s. 2. — A sealed notice by mail a few days in advance of intended collection of subscription is sometimes desirable. Many collections can be made by mail, business men often preferring to pay thus. Subscriptions are sometimes col- lected by the persons soliciting them, either at the time or subsequently. 3. — There should be stated times for the payment of all fees and subscriptions. All subscription books and cards should provide for the subscriber's stating the time of pay- ment, if this is not already fixed. All memhership fees should be payable ^;^ advance^ from ten to thirty days grace being sometimes given old members. The member- ship books should be examined monthl}^, and a notice sent each member at least two weeks prior to the day on which his fee is payable. (See appendix, sample No. 6.) If payment is not made voluntarily or in response to notice, the parties should be seen personally. This work may properly be undertaken by the membership committee. It is more important to retain a member than to secure a new one. (See Chap. 9, E, 4.) Chap. 18, B, 8. CURRENT FINANCSS. 205 4. — When a member or subscriber has an account against the Association which he presents as an offset, the settle- ment of this account and the payment of his fee or subscrip- tion should appear on the books as distinct transactions. 5. — Collections are usually authorized and supervised by the finance committee, no matter by whom the detail work is done. All money raised and expended should pass through the hands of the treasurer; * payments being made to him directly or through some salaried officer of the Association. He may often require assistance from such an officer. 6. — The credit system should be avoided. A strictly cash plan may seem inconvenient and, at times, perplexing, but with prompt collections it should be possible. A monthly settlement of current accounts is, of course, consistent with the cash plan. If credits are allowed, pass books should be used. 7. — The constitution almost invariably provides that money be paid out of the treasury only for bills that have been audited by the finance committee, and sometimes re- quires in addition the presentation of a warrant signed by that committee. This committee, presenting estimates, keeping an account of the appropriations, and supervising the ways and means, is thoroughly qualified for this duty. (See Chap. 8, D, 1.) 8. — All bills should be endorsed as correct by the person or committee making the expenditure, before they go to the finance committee. A rubber stamp something like the following will be a great convenience : From Bryan S Co. Fund JReligious Dextt. AMT. $4.40 Ordered by Jenkins DATE June 9 Received by Gen'l Sec, u " 13 Approved by JeiiJcins ti " 15 Warrant No. 370 ft " 30 * A seeming exception to this rule may be where a course of entertainments, or other special scheme of waj's and means, is placed in the hands of a com- mittee ; when the committee often manages the financial details and turns over the net proceeds into the treasury. A fully itemized report should, however, be rendered in every such case. 206 CURRENT FINANCES. Chap. 18, B, 9. 9. — As some small items, such as telegrams and express- age, must often be paid for in cash, a stated sum from the annual appropriation for incidental expenses should be advanced to the general secretary at the beginning of each month, and he should render an itemized bill at its close. There should be a definite understanding with the treasurer as to what is to be included under incidental expenses, and if cash must be paid for items that belong under other sub-divisions of the accounts, separate bills should be ren- dered for them. 10. — Many Associations use a " treasury warrant " (see appendix, sample No. 14), which is given by the finance committee to the treasurer on the approval of a bill. Under this system the original bills are filed by the committee; and the treasury warrants, after payment, are held by the treasurer as his vouchers. In other Associations the finance committee keeps a list of bills approved, but passes the original bills over to the treasurer for payment, and he retains them as his vouchers. 11. — Financial papers and accounts should be kept in a safe at the office of the Association, except such as are in actual use elsewhere. SECTION C. FINANCIAL BOOK-KEEPING. 1. — The methods of book-keeping should be simple, in- volving as little labor as possible. The treasurer and finance committee are responsible for every item and should give all needed supervision, but details must often be left to some paid officer of the Association. Although uni- formity cannot be expected, a few suggestions are given, with samples of book forms, arranged as far as may be to economize writing and facilitate the classification and posting of items. Chap. 18, 0, 2. CURRENT FINANCES. 207 2. — The smaller Associations may require only a treas- urer's cash book, described under Z>, a register of subscrip- tions, described under (?, and a membership register. Some items given in the samples may be omitted by such Associations. The following method, however, embracing the warrant system, is suggested for the average Association employing a general secretary. The books needed are : a. Office cash book (see appendix, sample No. 15), in which will be debited classified receipts, and will be cred- ited amounts turned over to the treasurer. This book be- longs to the finance committee, but may properly be kept by an agent at the office. If any money is paid directly to the treasurer, he should promptly notify the agent, as all receipts should appear on the office book. h. Treasurer's cash book (see sample No. 16), in which this officer will debit himself with the classified summary of amounts received from the office agent, and credit him- self with amounts paid out on warrants. Each disburse- ment entry should show the number of the warrant and the branch of the work to which it is charged, as " educa- tional department," " social department," etc. Payments should be made by check. The closing pages of the book may be used for a com- parative statement, arranged by months and years. c. Financial registers. (1) A register of subscrip- tions (see sample No. 17). This should show the name, address, amount, whether running or for one year only, when payable, time and amount of payments, etc. (2) A register of membership fees. This maybe kept, if desired, in a book by itself ; but it can be kept more conveniently in the "Hersey" membership book by inserting in the column " what privileges " the amount, in addition to the description of privileges, or in the Era Co.'s book by doing the same in the " Class " column. (See Chap. 9, E, 4; also appendix, sample No. 9.) Credits should be posted from the office cash book to 208 CURRENT FINANCES. Chap. 18, C, 3. both these books at least weekly, and corrections made promptly by adding or dropping names, and changing such items as class, amount of subscription, etc. New pledges should be entered on the register of subscriptions as soon as reported to the office. Every precaution should be taken to prevent the duplication of requests for fees and subscriptions. It is a good plan to make out all bills or receipts from a stub book, and to keep on the stubs such items as the fact and date of payment, or when a bill was sent, whether by mail or messenger, etc. d. Appropriation book (see sample No. 18), in which the finance committee will keep an account with each com- mittee or department expending money. There will be placed to the credit of each the amount originally appro- priated by the board, together with any subsequent appro- priations; and expenditures by it, or on its account, will be charged against it, all bills being analyzed for this pur- pose. A better plan is to insist on having a separate bill rendered for each order. Paid bills should be numbered to correspond with the warrants or bank checks and filed; and an account of warrants drawn on the treasurer may be kept by means of stubs in the warrant book. All books should be provided with such indexes as may be helpful. Some Associations insert the items of the budget, in red ink, at the top of the columns in the treasurer's cash book. But it is desirable to use the appropriation book also, in order to have a record of all bills charged against appropriations as soon as they are approved, without refer- ence to the time of their payment, which may be delayed. e. When an Association has a board of trustees, the items given in sample 11 as belonging to it must be kept in a separate book. 3. — A form of deposit ticket, to be filed with the treas- urer by the office agent with each payment, is shown in the aijpendix, sample No. 19. A duplicate stub, signed by the treasurer, constitutes a receipt. One hundred or so of these may be stitched together like a check book. Chap. 18, C, 7. CURRENT finances. 209 4. — The report of the treasurer, made monthly or quarterly, as desired, should show the cash transactions classified. Two report forms are given in the appendix, the first, sample No. 20, giving receipts and expenditures for a single month; and the other, sample No. 21, giving the same, together with a comparison with the estimates for the year. The report of the finance committee should show the current assets and liabilities, real and estimated. The financial condition and needs are thus brought statedly to the attention of the board. These reports should be filed in permanent form. Some Associations print blanks with the same headings as the cash books for monthly re- ports. A system of comparative statements is very desirable, and may be incorporated in the various reports. A condensed financial record book, just issued by the Young Men's Era Publishing Co., is arranged to contain a monthly, comparative, classified summary of receipts and expenditures, and also to show their relation to the items in the budget. It is sold by the International Committee as No. 49. 5. — Substantial books should be obtained for the finan- cial records. Those used often convey any impression but that of permanency. Better books tend to better book- keeping. Such books, however, should not be pro- cured until a convenient and comprehensive system of accounts has been worked out by experience. 6. — Provision should be made in the constitution for a stated examination of all books and accounts as to both accuracy and neatness. To facilitate such examination the entries in the books may be numbered to correspond with the bills. If all bills are paid by check, the check number may be used in the entry and upon the bill. v. — Each committee disbursing money under an appro- priation should keep a simple financial account. Com- mittee expenditures under appropriations are left largely to the several chairmen and the general secretary. oh:af»tei^ 19. REAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENT FUNDS. SECTION A. INCOKPO RATION. 1^ — In order to receive bequests; purchase, hold, and transfer real property;* and exercise various other legal rights, — an Association must be incorporated. This usually simple and inexpensive procedure should be undertaken by every Association, thus embodying fundamentally in its organization the idea of permanency and property rights, A good lawyer should always be consulted in such matters, and every necessary step carefully taken. An unincorporated society may exercise some of these rights through trustees, as individuals, but such a plan is complicated and more or less uncertain in its operations. 2. — Some of the older Associations have special charters; but there is a growing opposition to this class of legisla- tion which' often prevents its being secured, and in some states it is prohibited by law. In most, if not all the states, however, general statutory provisions exist suffi- cient for all ordinary purposes. In several states, begin- ning, it is believed, with Michigan in 1867, general laws have been enacted for the incorporation of Young Men's Christian Associations. As such laws are prepared for passage in other states, it is to be hoped that they may be * The real propei'ty of an Association includes its building or buildings, with permanent fixtures, and the laud upon which the same is located, but does not include furniture and other movable appliances. Chap. 19, B, 1. REAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENTS. 211 carefully framed, and with as much uniformity in their provisions as is practicable. (See especially the general laws of New York and Pennsylvania on this subject, which can be obtained from the State Committees of the Associations of these states.) SECTION B. TRUSTEES. 1. — It is considered wise to vest the custody and gen- eral supervision of real property and trust funds in a sep- arate board generally known as trustees. Through the exist- ence of two boards, and a constitutional or charter provision for joint action, additional safeguards are thrown around the important matters of tenure and transfer.* Such a board may also be fixed and conservative in its corporate organi- zation, and be composed of older and more experienced men than it is desirable to have as directors. Their con- nection with the business affairs of the Association will increase its weight and influence with the public and greatly strengthen confidence in its permanency. The directors are naturally younger men, who are in more con- stant and close contact with the work. But legal provisions vary greatly in the different states and provinces, and the plan here suggested must be decid- * The New York and Pennsylvania laws provide for a board of trustees, of which the president of the Association shall be a member. Section 5 of the latter act reads : "The real property of the corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors of such corporation, but all real property which shall be given to, or acquired by such corporation, and all gifts and bequests of money to be held in trust, shall beheld by the Board of Trustees; but no real property belonging to an Association so incorporated shall be conveyed, disposed of or mortgaged by said Board of Trustees, except with the consent of the Board of Directors of said corporation. The income which the said Board of Trustees shall i-eceive from the property under its control, and the said property shall be devoted to the purposes of the corporation and for no other purpose; and so long as the directors of the corporation shall so expend the same, the income of the property so controlled by said Board of Trustees shall be paid over to the treasurer of said Board of Directors." Section 5 of the New York act differs from this verbally in some respects, and contains at the close of the first sentence the additional provision, " nor shall such real property be liable for any debt or obligation of the corporation, unless such debt or obligation shall have been cgntracted with the approval of th© Board of Trustees/^ 212 REAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENTS. Chap. 19, B, 2. edly modified in many cities. Good legal counsel should always be followed. 2. — The board of trustees should, by constitutional and charter provision, be composed of members in good stand- ing of evangelical churches, as described by the Portland test. (See Chap. 3, F, 2.) The president of the Associa- tion is usually an ex officio member of the board. In order that the board of trustees may constitute a suitable check on the Association, it should be self-perpetuating. The best experience of the Associations favors life tenure of office. But Avhere office is held for a limited term of years, the terms of only one-third or one-fourth of the trustees should expire each year, in order that there may always be a majority of experienced men on the board. In either case the choice of the trustees may be restricted to a list of names submitted to them by the board of directors. The board should be regularly organized, having a chair- man, secretary, and treasurer. The general secretary of the Association may be secretary of the board of trustees. The constitution of the Association should clearly dis- criminate and limit the duties and powers of the two boards — trustees and directors — in harmony with the specifications of the charter or certificate of incorporation. All minor matters, such as the dates of meeting and order of business, should be provided for in the by-laws of the board of trustees. Quarterly or semi-annual meetings are usually found to be sufficiently frequent. 3. — In detail, the duties of the trustees include the care and investment of trust funds; the supervision of taxes, insurance, and repairs, and of mortgages and other obliga- tions in connection with the real property: the leasing of anj^ portions of the property that may not be needed by the Association, and the collection of rents ; and the sale and exchange of real property. 4. — These duties clearly may involve a large amount of detail work. It is equally clear that men qualified by age and business standing for the trusteeship ought to be re- Chap. 19, B, 5. REAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENTS. 21 3 lieved, as much as possible, of such work, which belongs apjDropriately to the younger men on the board of directors, who are also much more familiar with the real needs of the Association. Accordingly in some Associations the trus- tees authorize the directors to act as their agent in relation to the real property, the treasurer of the Association re- porting to them quarterly or semi-annually all receipts and expenditures connected with such property. The act of incorporation of the New York City Asso- ciation provides in section 6 : " The body corporate cre- ated by this Act shall be capable of taking by purchase, gift, devise, or bequest, subject to all provisions of law re- lating to devises and bequests by last wills and testaments, and holding, and with the consent of the Board of Trus- tees, of mortgaging and conveying, any real or personal estate for the uses of said corporation." The finance committee of the board of directors is given the detail care of the real property. " The finance com- mittee shall have the care of the real property of the Association. All portions of the real property of the As- sociation not used for its purposes shall be let or leased by them, and all repairs or alterations made in the buildings shall be ordered and supervised by them." (By-laws of board of directors, art. 2, sec. 4.) The trustees retain control of trust funds. " There shall be appointed by the Chairman, immediately after his elec- tion in each year, a Finance Committee consisting of two members of the Board, who shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, and shall, with the Treasurer, direct in regard to the disposition, or investment, or care of any funds, securities, or property which may be under the manage- ment of the board. They shall hold office until the ap. pointment of their successors," (By-laws of board of trustees, art. 3.) No other committee of the trustees is needed in working this plan. 5. — Under such an arrangement no sale or mort- 214 HEAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENTS. Chap. 19, B, 6. gage of real estate is valid unless it is authorized by both boards. The trustees are informed regarding the conduct of all the business for which they are responsible, and have opportunity to express dissent from any action of the directors that they deem unwise. 6. — In some Associations the trustees attend in detail to the matters committed to them, in which case several other committees are needed, such as committees on {a) building and repairs, (b) rentals, (c) taxes and insurance, and (d) ob- ligations and investments. 7. — The president of the Association, as its representa- tive, usually signs leases and similar legal documents. 8. — Financial matters in charge of the trustees should be entirely distinct from all others. A separate account should be kept of each fund; stated reports should be made in detail of the condition of each, including all re- ceipts and expenditures since the last report; and any sur- plus be placed at the disposal of the directors. Sample No. 11, in the appendix — a form of budget for an Associa- tion occupying its own building — shows trustees' and directors' accounts separated. [SECTION C. ENDOWMENT. 1. — The question of endowment is to be intimately con- nected in the future with the stability and efficiency of the Associations. No extended work of this character can be supported by the fees of a bo?ia fide membership. There is too great a disparity between the privileges afforded and the price paid for them. An attempt might as well be made to conduct a college with no income except the tuition fees of the students. A portion of the needed income is readily secured from the members ; a certain amount may also be obtained from the public by subscriptions; but great harm Chap. 10, C, a. REAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENTS. 215 results from too heavy a financial burden of tliis descrip- tion. The energy needed in the real work of the organi- zation is absorbed in its business affairs, while the constant financial pressure wears out the interest of the members, discourages the management, and exhausts the patience of the community. The remedy for this is to be found only in a partial endowment, 2. — So far, the principal method of endowment has been the Association building. The amount otherwise paid for rent is thus saved, and often considerable income is realized by renting out some rooms. This is well as far as it goes, but many an Association, in order to accommodate its growing work, is compelled to occupy more and more of its building. And there are other reasons for urging the creation of cash endowments for special objects, such as the library, educational classes, religious work, and practical and scientific lectures. Annual appropriations for these purposes, although of the first importance, are apt to be neglected or pushed aside in the stress of other matters, through considerations falsely called practical. There are also men who will give generous sums for a particular object who would not be interested in the general finances. An endowment providing for the salary of a general secretary would guarantee the permanency of the office, and silence a class of fault-finders by allowing the bulk of the funds contributed annually to go directly to the work itself. 3. — It should be the aim of every Association to estab- lish some such fund, as early as practicable. The forma- tion of a nucleus will be at least suggestive. This should be followed by such steady and well directed effort as will lead persons to direct their gifts and bequests into the channels of widest and most lasting usefulness. That wise management and its natural results in the legitimate fields of Association work will attract attention is sliov/n by the frequent benefactions of recent years. These gifts have 216 REAL ESTATE AND ENDOWMENTS. Chap. 19, D, 1. been increasing in numbers and amount, and will do so more and more as those who liave grown up in tlie active work of the Associations become successful in business. SECTION D. DEBT, TAXES, INSURANCE, AND LEASES. 1. — Debt. — A building enterprise often cannot be car- ried through on a sufficiently large scale to provide for the real needs of the work without borrowing some money. In such case the entire debt should be funded with a savings bank, or similar institution. It is best to have such obliga- tions in one place, and lower rates of interest are thus ob- tained than will be usually given on ordinary bank or individual paper. Such debt must, of course, be secured by mortgage on the building, and it will be necessary to carry an insurance equal to the amount of the debt, as col- lateral, the policies being assigned to and held by the mort- gagee. It will be to the advantage of the Association if the terms of the mortgage allow payments of any amount on account of the principal each time that interest is due. When at all practicable, a sinking fund should be constituted hj setting aside part of the income from the building, and every other reasonable effort should be made to reduce the debt. At an opportune time the balance may be canceled by a special effort.* 2. — Taxes. — The taxation of the real property of the Associations varies greatly, not only in the different states but among the organizations in the same state, from com- plete exemption to payment on full valuation. When no special statutory provision exists, the matter is determined apparently by the opinion of the adjudicating court, the judgment of the assessors, or the energy and tact of the * See " How to pay off a mortgage,'' " Watchman," 1886, p. 303; and "Plan of a canvass," Chap. 16, B. Chap. 19, D, 4. REAL ESTATE AND ENBOWMENTB. ^17 local management. Where there are laws exempting religious and educational institutions from taxation, the Association should be exempt; and not only the portion of the building occupied by it but the rented parts also, so long as the entire income is employed in the prosecution of its work.* Each Association should be interested in securing its rights under existing laws; and there might be a systematic effort to procure desirable legislation in states where it does not exist. This may properly be done in connection with the enactment of a general law for the incorporation of Young Men's Christian Associa- tions. 3. — Insurance. — Failure to provide against loss by fire is culpable neglect, the annual premiums being a light ex- penditure compared with the loss attending a conflagration, if uninsured. It may be doubted whether an Association sustaining such a loss has a valid claim on the public for pecuniary help to make it good. Not only buildings, but furniture, musical instruments, and library should be in- sured. Good companies should be selected, the items of property that need to be specifically named in a given policy should be ascertained, also Avhat are the peculiar conditions of the policy as to the character of the risk, forfeiture, etc. The amount of premium may be consider- ably lessened by insuring for three or five years instead of one. An inventory of furniture, books, etc., showing purchase price, will often facilitate an equitable settle- ment. Duplicates of the original purchase bills should be kept for this purpose in a safe place, apart from the Association rooms. 4. — Leases. — The leases of rented portions of the build- ing should uniformly be in writing, and should carefully exclude improper occupations and practices, all statements being very specific. Some needful provisions are that * In many communities it is customary to exempt the part of the Association building actually occupied by the society, and to tax the part rented out for income. But see charter of New York City Association, sect. 7. 218 BEA1,KSTATEAUDEJ,D0WMENTS. Chap. 19 D 4 CHAT^TER 20. RECORDS AND PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF THE WORK. SECTION A. RECORDS AND STATISTICS. 1. — Complete records are useful in many ways : («) they furnish accurate information regarding previous transac- tions, Avhicli is often needed, especially in connection with the business affairs of an Association ; {h) as part of the history of an organization they gain interest with each added year; (c) they afford an excellent means of marking its growth ; {d) they are very helpful in presenting the work to the public. 2. — A complete system will include minutes of all meet- ings of the Association, its board of directors, trustees, and standing committees ; with full statistics regarding the several departments. To secure these there must be first a plan, and then thoroughness in carrying out its details. Statistics loosely gathered, or guessed at, are apt to be exaggerated and are little better than none.* In making up a report for publication, specific figures are always more satisfactory than general statements. 3. — Suitable record books, uniform as far as practicable, should be furnished the several boards and committees. That they may always be accessible, a desk should be pro- vided in the office where they may be kept and conve- * See "Unintentional lying," "Watchman," 1885, p. 54. 220 RECORDS, ETC. Cheap. 20, A, 4. niently examined or written wp. Minutes of meetings should be entered promptly, and it is often desirable that a synopsis of reports and other j^apers of permanent value be copied into the minute books. 4. — Regularity and promptness in making reports will be stimulated if they are required statedly at the month 1}^ or quarterly meetings, a place being provided for them in the order of business. They should be complete, concise, and always in writing. This may be facilitated by a sys- tem of blanks. These should be uniform in size that they may be conveniently filed, and paper of a different tint may be used for each sort of blank, to aid in distinguish- ing them. Such forms maj be permanently filed in a binder with gummed stubs. The blanks may be prepared cheaply by a copying process. Some forms are given in the appendix (see samples Nos. 22-26), as suggesting matters that it is generally desirable to include. But the reading, at every meeting, of these forms and nothing more will be certain to kill the interest and drive men away. Life and freshness must be added by the statement of incidents in the work, future j^kans, com- parisons with former efforts, etc. 5. — A general "statistical register'' (see appendix, sam- ple No. 27) is so valuable for frequent reference that it should be kept at the office. Some person connected with each department, class, or meeting, should be furnished with suitable blanks (see samples Nos. 28 and 29) and in- structed to file them in the office statedly or to enter the facts on the secretary's " daily record " pad (see sample No. 30), keeping also a record for the committee in charge. The secretary will also enter on the daily record the items with which he is immediately connected. The assistant will copy the daily record into the statistical register. If there is no assistant, some member of the Association may often be found who appreciates the importance of such statistics and will undertake this dutv. Facts derived Chap. 20, B, 2. records, etc. 221 from the statistical record can always be used to good advantage in the annual report; or an occasional " com- parative statistical report" (see sample Xo. 31) given to members of the board at their meetings, or to contributors Avho are interested in the details of the work, or inserted in the bulletin or newspapers, may lead to new activity. But the secretary with a passion for statistics should not allow them to absorb time that is needed in other direc- tions. The attendance at the Association rooms is often esti- mated from an actual count on a certain number of days each month. There should be a discrimination between the number of visits and the number of visitors. More visitors have sometimes been reported than there were young men in the town. SECTIOIsT B. ANNIVERSARIES. 1. — Attractiveness, variety, and absolute truth ought to characterize all efforts connected with the presentation of the work to the public. People who are giving money to any institution have a right to know how it is expended. Many others whose practical sympathy is desired, as givers or as workers, are still ignorant or unmindful of the ex- tent or claims of the work. They will be wearied by too much talk and disgusted by overdrawn statements ; but real figures and results will arrest their attention. New features of work should be presented with special clear- ness, together with the reasons for undertaking them, and accounts of success in similar efforts in other Associations. 2. — A 2)ublic anniversary, distinct from the annual busi- ness meeting, is one of the best means of bringing the work before the public, and sliould be held regularly by every Association, In towns and smaller cities such a 222 RECORDS, ETC. Chap. 20, B, 3. meeting is often held on Sunday, a union service in one or more churches being usually practicable, and a larger audience being secured than on a week day. In the larger cities, a week evening and a public hall are generally chosen. 3. — There are various plans for promoting the interest of these occasions. Helpful material for this j^urpose may be collected by keeping notes of incidents occurring in the work, also by sending out a circular to the members something like that given in the appendix, sample No. 32. Effort is made to secure good sj^eakers, some prominent man from abroad being frequently obtained for the ad- dress. A method called the " Association Day " is some- times used on anniversary and other occasions. Speakers are gathered from other towns, and, together with local representatives, are apportioned among several churches at one or both services, neighboring churches sometimes uniting, especially in the evening. The chief dependence should be upon the local speakers, who sometimes become intelligent workers from the interest created in their minds by the preparation of their talks. It is usually best for them to speak in other churches than their own. By this method many more people are reached and a wider influ- ence is exerted than would be possible by a single union meeting. Of course these services are arranged only with the hearty consent and co-operation of the church oflicers. It will often be best to vary the places of meeting from year to year. 4. — The anniversary exercises should be carefully ar- ranged and not be too long, never more than an hour and a half. This cannot be accomj^lished without special care, as so many things will appear to deserve a place on the programme. If there are several speakers, each should understand the particular ground he is to cover and the length of time he may occupy. But there should seldom, if ever, be more than two speakers, and a single address will usually produce the best effect. The report should Chap. 20, B, 6. RECORDS, etc. 233 be definite and concise, showing the past year's work, the present situation, and the future outlook. The board is responsible for the rej^ort of the Association to the com- munit3^ The report should be prepared and presented in its name by the officer or officers designated by it for the purpose. An explicit financial statement is important. The report should be approved in advance by the board or executive committee. Detailed reports of the officers and committees may be made at the annual business meeting. The music should be a feature of the exercises. A chorus of members using hymns familiar in Association meetings, especially if led by a good orchestra, will be attractive. Or the choirs of several churches may be combined for the occasion. In any event the selections should be so familiar as to induce hearty congregational singing. 5. — Preparation should begin well in advance, ample time being given to all who are to speak or prepare re- ports. Special effort should be made to secure the presence of friends and patrons, and of others whose attendance will be likely to yield good results. Personal invitations from the officers and directors will bring many who would not otherwise attend. Platform invitations should be sent to clergymen, present and past officers, and j^i'ominent friends of the work. There should be a tastefully printed programme, containing generally a sketch of the year's work, a financial statement, and sometimes the hymns. If the anniversary is held on the evening of a week-day an exhibition of the work accomplished in the educational classes, arranged for convenient inspection, will show the practical results in this department and may stimulate larger gifts of money or the increase of the membership. A gymnastic exhibition may also be given. Full reports in the newspapers should be arranged for, the material being furnished to them in advance, as far as practicable. 6. — In addition to an increased know^ledge and interest, the occasion should produce definite results in the wa}^ of new members and financial support, the best work of the 224 RECORDS, ETC. Chap. 20, B, 7. year in these directions being often done in connection with the anniversary. Membership applications are some- times distributed, to be filled out and returned the same evening or subsequently. The time for holding the anni- versary, which naturall}^ comes soon after the end of the fiscal year of the Association, is sometimes at the close of the more active work in the spring, or more frequently in the fall, the last being generally considered the best time. Y. — In line with the anniversary^, and having some of its characteristics, though on a much smaller scale, are the monthly and quarterly meetings. (See " The members' meeting," Chap. 9, H.) SECTION C. THE PARLOR CONFERENCE. 1. — This is usually held at a private residence, selected with reference to the class of men it is desired to reach. The business and social position of the host, in whose name the invitation is issued (see appendix, sample No. 33), should be such as to assure, as far as possible, the at- tendance of those invited. The conference may either be held at the tea hour, which is occasionally chosen to economize time, or later in the evening, in which case refreshments should be served. The lady of the house will ordinarily prefer to do this, or it may be managed by the Association. At tea, or if refreshments are served early, the company may sometimes remain at table during the entire meetino-. 2. — The special purpose of the gathering is to bring some department or interest of Association work to the attention of business men who are not accessible by ordi- nary methods, under pleasant social surroundings and free from business distractions. Many a man has given more thought to the work and gained a more intelligent inter- Chap. 20, D, 1. RECORDS, etc. 225 est in it during such an hour than in his whole previous life. The conference is sometimes used as the means of organizing an Association, securing a secretary, inaugurat- ing a building enterprise, or of presenting phases of the state or international work. Sometimes the presence of prominent men from out of town is secured as an addi- tional attraction. 3. — The most successful conference is conducted in a thoroughly informal manner, and yet there must be pre- paration as to every detail. An efficient chairman is pro- vided, picked men from the Association are on hand to assist, and a programme is so arranged as to bring out the desired matters clearly, forcibly, and concisely. An hour and a half is generally the maximum length of such a meeting. 4. — It is not considered wise to ask for contributions at the conferences, but a list should be made of the persons in attendance, and the financial needs of the work should be presented to them while the matter is fresh in their minds, and, if possible, by some member of the Associa- tion who attended the conference. 5. — It is customary to hold parlor conferences or recep- tions in connection with conventions, for delegates inter- ested in particular lines of work. (See " Parlor conferences during conventions," Chap. 31, E, 3, g.) SECTION D. PRINTED MATTER. 1. — The Bulletin. — a. Association periodicals have al- ways been popular. Monthly papers of considerable size were formerly common, and some of them were continued for eight or ten years. But the development of "The Watchman " (now the " Young Men's Era "), which was originally a monthly of the Chicago Association, into a 226 RECORDS, ETC. Chap. 20, D, 1. representative of the work at large, together with the fact that the local papers just referred to cost too much time and money, has led to the discontinuance of most of them. h. The practical needs of the local work are now sup- plied by what is popularly known as the " bulletin," over two hundred being published regularly by the American Associations. It is usually a monthly of from four to twelve pages, ranging in size from six by nine to eight by eleven inches. The latter size is coming into general favor, and is recommended for adoption, uniformity being desirable both for filing and binding. The model bulletin appears regularly at the appointed times, is neatly printed, is free from extravagant expressions or grammatical errors, and is filled with Association 7iews, local or general, its limited space affording no room for miscellaneous and ir- relevant matter. Routine announcements and lists of officers are given as little room as possible, not on the first page, and advertisements are placed on pages by them- selves. The latter can usually be made to meet the cost of publication, but there should be care as to the class of advertisements admitted. The bulletin ought to be issued by vote of the board, and with its business details under the management of a competent committee. The secretary is usually the editor. c. The practical benefit derived from the bulletin will depend largely upon its circulation. Every mem- ber and patron, and as many as possible of the young men of the community, should be supplied with it, also persons able to aid the work, but hitherto uninterested. It is customary to have a subscription price,* usually twenty- five cents, but this should not be allowed to hinder its general circulation. Common honesty requires that neither the letter nor spirit of the postal laws be evaded in sending out the bulletin by mail. * Some Associations ask all persons joining to add the bulletin subscription to their membership fee, placing this request on the application blank. In many cases all general announcements to members are made through the bulletin, Chap. 20, D, 3. records, ETC. 227 2. — Amiiial reports^ etc—a. Most Associations em- ploying a general secretary publish an annual report. Every effort should be made to issue it within thirty days after the anniversary^ It generally contains, in addition to the indispensable financial statement and list of contri- butions, a single report on belialf of the Association, and sometimes statements from various officers and standing committees. Such a pamphlet is desirable in addition to an}^ newspaper notices of the anniversary, however com- plete the latter may be. It is in better form for judicious distribution, is more apt to attract attention, and is con- venient for preservation and reference. If the Associa- tion is obliged to economize, a small pamphlet may be printed cheaply by re-arranging the type used in a news- paper report. A concise report of a few pages may re- ceive fully as much notice as a more pretentious pamphlet. It should be sent to the pastors, to contributors and prominent citizens, to the working members (and, if prac- ticable, to all the members), to the historical libraries of the Associations and to prominent public libraries in the state, to the officers of the State and International Committees, and to Associations with which an exchange is desired. h. A prospectus, issued early in the fall, and containing the fall and winter announcements, is very helpful. It should be simply an outline of the privileges, fitted for the vest pocket, and with some novelty in design or con- tents to render it attractive. Time tables, local direc- tories, hints on exercise, etc., are used for this purpose. The prospectus should be distributed very widely. The expense of publication of the prospectus, and also of the report, can usually be met by a few advertisements. In many Associations the recent growth of summer work ne- cessitates the publication of a spring prospectus also. c. The local newspapers are usually open for brief, pointed items on Association work, and bring it before many readers v/ho would not be reached by the means al- 228 RECORDS, ETC. Chap. 20, D, 2. ready mentioned. Paid advertisements will also be fre- quently needed. d, "The Watchman" was established in IS'ZS, and made a weekly in 1889, its name being changed in 1890 to the "Young Men's Era." It is the generally recognized medium of communication among the American Associa- tions. It gives current news from the Avhole field, and discussions of methods and results by some of the most successful workers. Effort should be made by Association men generally to increase its circulation. e. The international and state reports are valuable sources of information. The statistical tables, growing more full and complete from year to year, give good evi- dence of the extent and helpful character of the work. These reports should be placed in the hands of thinking men. Many of the facts and figures given in them are also printed in condensed form for more general circulation; and some of the more important papers read at conventions are reprinted in tracts and leaflets. A selection suited to a given locality or purpose may readily be made, and a large amount of helpful information be scattered among the people at trifling outlay. Such an one as ISTo. 697, "An Association ' Useful and deserving of encouragement and support,' " containing testimonies from distinguished men to the value of Association work, might well be enclosed in letters asking for or acknowledging contributions. Lists of such publications can be obtained by application to the International Committee. CHAPITER 21. THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK,'' Some one has well said that Bible study gives workers- willing, enthusiastic, consecrated, strong, intelligent, skilled, and armed. If the mind is well stored with Scripture truth, this truth will be ready for use, and will be suggested when needed, brought out by the natural laws of association, and brought to remembrance also by the Spirit. For successful study of the Bible will be needed a settled conviction that it is the word of God, a percep- tion of Christ as its great center, the aid of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and a recognition of its personal bearing. SECTION A. INDIVIDUAL STUDY. 1. — The time and place for any close study should be chosen with reference to favorable mental condition on the part of the student, and freedom from interruption. Though one may possibly educate himself to think amid noise and confusion, better v/ork may be done with quiet surroundings. Neither should there be a feeling of hurry. The morning is usually the best time for clear thought. A pleasant study room is desirable, with needed helps at hand and a lock on the door. As far as possible there should be stated hours for study. * This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 59. 230 THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, A, ^. 2. — The general purposes or objects of study may be classified, for convenience of future reference, under three heads : a. Devotionaly to feed and build up one's own spiritual nature. In order to continued life and growth there must be nourishment, and the true sj^iritual food is God's word. I. Pet.ii: 2 ; Matt, iv: 4. b. Systematic, to acquire general biblical knowledge. A thorough and all-sided study of the Bible is needed, and every young worker should start out with a settled deter- mination to master, as fully as possible, not only the word itself, but all helpful collateral knowledge. c. Practical, to prepare for specific duties, such as giving a Bible reading, conducting a training class, or deal- ing with inquirers. If the student possesses the requisite general knowledge, his work y/ill mainly be to arrange a certain portion of this knowledge so as to adapt it to the particular line of effort. 3. — Methods and Helps. — a. A study of the Bible may well be prefaced by reading it through in course. This gives a helpful view of the unity underlying its great diversity, and of the order and relation of its parts. These broader thoughts should be kept constantly in mind in the reading. An edition of the Bible arranged in chronologi- cal order is especially adapted to consecutive reading, giving a more intelligent idea of the relations of historical characters and events than will be obtained otherwise. A good Bible history would also be helpful. b. Methods will be governed largely by the purpose of the study. For devotional objects they should not be arbi- trary. Usuall}^ a selection of Scripture may be read, with prayer and meditation. The study may be profitably con- fined to such passages as seem spiritually significant, or fitted to personal and present needs. Often a spiritual diagnosis may well precede the selection of a Scripture prescription. A generally consecutive course of reading is often preferred. The psalms, or the prophetic writings, Chap. 21, A, 3. THE BIBLE m association work. 231 or the New Testament will usually be chosen. In addition to this, a verse (something, perhaps, that has attracted special attention while reading the Scripture) may be made each day a topic of thought and conversation, as occasion offers, till it is thoroughly digested, memorized, and its location fixed in the mind. The text may be written on a card, and placed where it will be in sight, or within easy reach. If it have some bearing on the practical duties or mental exercises of the day, so much the better. Besides present benefits, this plan will fix in the memory a large number of " golden texts " every year. c. Either one of four methods of consecutive study may be used in a systematic course : (l) By epochs, taking an historical basis. Natural divisions will suggest themselves, or one of those already in use may be taken. Among them is the following : from the creation to the call of Abraham, to the Exodus, to the dedication of the temple of Solomon, to the captivity, to the birth of Christ, to the day of Pentecost, to the destruction of Jerusalem. (2) By biographical ceiiters, taking the chief characters of the Bible, such as Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Paul, and grouping about the study of their lives, in chronological order, related events and teachings. (3) By hooks. The Bible is a collection of books, many of them being as complete as those in any other library. Every book of the Bible has its distinctive features as to historical circumstances, scope, and style, which make its study, separately and as a whole, intensely interesting and profitable. Especially do the Epistles illustrate the necessity of studying a book in its entirety. Like other letters, they must be read through to get the complete meaning of the writer. No system- atic course will be complete without a more or less criti- cal study of the Bible by books.* (4) By related groups of hooks. The Bible contains many books that need to be studied together, e.g., the group of historical books * See " The Study of the Bible by Books/' by John A. Broadus, D.D. Int. pph. No. 8. . ^3^ THE BIBLE l:?^^ ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. ^1, A, So from Genesis to Joshua, or from Judges to II. Kings, the books of wisdom (Job, Proverbs, Canticles and Ecclesi- astes), the Gospels, the E^jistles of Paul, etc. Each one of such a group casts light upon all the others. d. In the study of doctrines, especially, the topical method is often employed. Bible truth, like gold, is often found in veins ; so the richest mining must follow the *' lead." Whether the thought be faith, repentance, or the atonement, the pure nuggets of truth may be extracted here and there, all the way from Genesis to Revelation. e. In addition to the foregoing methods, which relate rather to the subject matter and the order of study, there are others which emphasize the process of investigation. (1) Analysis picks the subject to pieces, separating its parts, that they may be examined one by one. A simple analysis of a ScrijDture passage will usually include the persons, places, time, and events mentioned, and the things taught. These last may embrace both doctrines and duties, and these again may be classified into what relates to self, to man, and to God. There may also be added word-studies and the connection of the events in any nar- rative. The power of accurate, clear, and rapid analysis is worthy of studious cultivation.* (2) Comparison will be constantly used in systematic study. Events in the Old Testament are compared with others in the New; prophe- cies with their fulfillment ; types with antitypes ; A^arious * The following illustrations are from Dr. Vincent's '• Normal Guide " : AN ANALYTICAL OUTLINE. 1.— V/ords and phrases. (Present and original meaning and siguiflcanoe.) 2. — Historical elements : a. Persons. 6. Places. c. Actions and expressions. d. Time. e. Connection of events, biblical and profane. /. Peculiarities of manners and customs. g. The supernatural — miracles. 3. — Doctrinal elements. 4.— Practical elements. A LETTER KEY. P.P.P.P.D.D.D.D Parallel passages. (Comparison.) Persons. (Biographical.) Places. (Geographical.) Peculiarities. (Archaeological. Dates. (Chronological.) Doings. (Historical.) Doctrines. (Theological.) Duties. (Practical.) Chap. 31, A, 3. THE BIBLE IX ASSOCIATION WORK. 23o connections of the same word, narratives of the same event by different writers, or similar occurrences at different times are compared with one another, and so on. (3) The inductive method, comprehending tlie others named, is well illustrated in a series of studies in a current periodical.* The student may be greatly aided by familiarity with this system, which is also well adapted to advanced class work. f. Helps to Bible interpretation may be classified as follows : (1) Mechanical. Such are the marginal refer- ences and notes, the concordances, Bible text books, espe- cially the one published by the American Tract Society, indexes, etc., which are valuable time-saving appliances. (2) Illustrative. Of this class are books giving facts about the Bible, its construction and contents, and about the countries, peoples, customs, etc., of Bible times. These include Bible histories, contemporary history of all kinds, the history of the books of the Bible, sacred geography, biography, and archaeology, and the natural history of Bible lands ; to which may be added books of travel and research, maps, charts, and pictures. A good Bible dic- tionary Avill give much of this information in an abridged form. Familiarity with the original languages will aid critical study, but without it a considerable knowledge of their idioms and figures may be obtained. A careful com- parison of the different English versions will be helpful, in which the present Revised Version, with its margin, will be altogether the most valuable, as it is very close to the orig- inal. (3) Exegetical and expository. This class comprises commentaries and other books of an expository character ; *"The Old and New Testament Student, ■" New Haven, Conn., edited by- Prof. Wm. R. Harper, Ph.D. The following is a sample outline: 1. — The material analyzed. 2. — The material compared. 3.— The material explained. a. Textual topics and questions. 6. Special topics. 4.— The material organized. (Classified.) 5.— The material applied. This analysis is found in the series of lessons on the Gospel of Mark, in " The Old and New Testament Student,'' Vol. VIII., '88 and '89. Other outlines are used ia the series since published. 234 TSE BIBLE IN Association work. Chap. 21, A, 3. also, many works on the doctrines, on the evidences, and on the science of Bible interpretation. There are also valuable writings that combine the exegetical and illustra- tive features. Commentaries differ widely in scope and character. Some, like Lange's Commentary, are so critical and exhaustive, that they are suited only for scholars ; some, like the Cambridge Bible, or the Bible Commentary, being intended for more popular use, are helpfully critical, but lay special stress on a thorough understanding of the text ; others are mainly practical. These invaluable works embody the researches of the wisest and best men of the Church. Each student must select his commentaries with a view to the 'results he is seeking, bearing in mind that the cost is no criterion of value, that a first rate introduc- tion is half of the commentary, and that a profusion of homiletical hints is of little value to a thoughtful man. g. The following suggestions are given regarding the use of helps : (1) In devotional study use the Bible only, with prayer and meditation. (2) ^ In systeynatic study all classes of illustrative helps should be used in securing as broad and thorough information as possible. The aim of the student should be to get into the atmosphere of the times, to put himself in the place of the author, as far as possible, and see why he wrote as he did — why this history was written, to whom this prophetic sermon was delivered, under what circumstances this psalm was com- posed, what occasioned this epistle, etc. Such information is usually the key to judicious interpretation. The student should also get an intelligent understanding of cardinal doctrines and of the common theological errors and differ- ences, with as much general exegetical knowledge as he can. Especially should he become familiar with the book itself, or the group of books, on which he is at work. He should aim to master a general outline of its thought, so as to be able to refer confidently to the thought of the whole book or section, or to that of any chapter in the book. He should also get the location of important texts, and Chap. 21, B, 3o the bible in association work. 235 learn the art of rapid reference and accurate quotation. (3) In practical study there should be first independent, devout, patient, and intense thought, including careful comparison of Scripture with Scripture. After such study, and only after such study, helps are appropriate and useful. Such a knowledge of the helps themselves is needed as will enable the person to readily find that for which he is searching. h. Every Association library should contain as many such helps as possible, and the librarian or secretary should make effort to bring them to the attention of the members. SECTION B. CLASS STUDY.* 1. — A Bible class indispensable. — Every Association, however weak, should aim to have a stated gathering of young men to study together the word of God. Even if many of the desirable features here mentioned are lacking, even if a competent teacher cannot at first be found, such a meeting will greatly promote the spiritual growth of the members, and bind them together in Christian fellowship and service. A leader will be developed from among them, if the work is undertaken with the best material at hand and in a spirit of consecration. 2. — delation of the general secretary, — He will give his best attention to the promotion of Bible study in the Association he serves. He should teach at least one of the classes, both for his own Christian growth amid the variety and business activity of his work, and to help him in getting a personal hold upon the young men —those who are already efficient on committees and those who give promise of becoming so. 3. — The subject is here treated under three general * For historical items, see Chap. 3, F. 15. ^36 THE BIBLE IN ASSOClATlOlf WORK. Chap. ^1, B, t divisions, the beginners' and advanced Bible classes and I lie training class. Subdivisions, combinations, and modi- fications must be made as needed. Where only one class can be held, it is desirable to admit those who are not Christians^ when the class must be largely evangelistic. The evangelistic class, in some respects the most important of all, is treated in section C, 2, of this chapter. Workers must discriminate among the suggestions in the present section, which are general, and adapt them to their own fields. a. The begiuiiers* class is composed of recent converts, including, perhaps, some who may still be termed in- quirers. The objects sought will be to bring out and build up Christian purpose, indoctrinate in the simple and fun- damental truths of the Bible, and give practical instruction, drawn from God's Avord, regarding conduct. That the class may not lose its distinctive character, it is usual to promote its members to a more general class at the close of their first year, or whenever they are evidently fitted for it. b. The advanced class will include any of the active members, with those promoted from the beginners' class, and possibly some young men who are not members of the Association. Its objects will be similar to those of the class just described, taking into account the difference in age and experience. Stronger food can be digested, and more difficult and advanced ground traversed. c. The workers'* training class, as nov/ conducted, is believed to have originated with the Young Men's Chris- tian Association. The object is the systematic and practi- cal study of the Scriptures as a preparation for Christian work, especially in the use of the word itself in dealing with the unconverted. To this is often added the study of methods in all the various lines of Association work. It is generally composed of picked men, who have passed, perhaps, through other classes, and enter this as an advanced or supplemental course. Chap. 31, B, 4 the bible in association work. 237 4. — Time,placey and appliances. — The time should be selected with reference to the convenience of the class, that being the best which will secure the largest and most regular attendance. Sunday afternoon being usually pre- empted for the young men's meeting, it is often advisable to hold the Bible classes on week evenings. It is some- times practicable to have a class just before or after the above service. In the latter case, a plain tea may be pro- vided, to hold the members together socially and to econ- omize their time. A class may be held early Sunday morning, an especially pleasant hour during the summer. A week evening is usually preferred for the training class. The place should be one of the Association rooms — if possible, an attractive and well-lighted apartment, reason- bly quiet, and not liable to intrusion during class hours. The model arrangement, for a class of moderate size, in- cludes a long, roomy table, with fixed cover, so that the students sit facing one another and the teacher. The table is convenient for writing, and for holding the books of the members and any works of reference for general use. A movable black-board is needed. One of silicate and with a standard frame is best, and when in use should be placed at the teacher's end of the room, where all may see it with- out changing seats. A set of Scripture maps should adorn the walls, and when needed for class use may be displayed from the black-board frame. Many instructive charts have been published, and an ingenious teacher will be able to originate and prepare various helpful things in this line, to illustrate and fix in the mind the historical facts and truths of the lessons. A case of reference books is an ex- cellent feature of such a class room. A system of small contributions from each member at each session of the class will secure, in a few years, most things desirable in this direction, including many works that few individual members would be able to own or gain access to elsewhere. Although each student will be expected to have a Bible 238 'J^HE BIBLE IK ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, B, 5. and note book of his own, still an emergency stock of Bibles and stationery should be kept on hand. 5. — The teacher. — A successful teacher must have an ac- quaintance with, and an appreciation of, the Bible; a deep personal experience of its truth and power; and native tact, enabling him to make clear to others what he knows himself. Mental acumen, readiness of speech, easy man- ners, self-command, are good points. He should be a safe and reliable man, well grounded in doctrine, not liable to lead astray, nor to swing oif on any fanciful tangent. He must steadily insist that the points of difference between the evangelical denominations be kept in the background. He should have experience in Christian work, and particu- larly in Association work, so that he will lead his class to realize the need there is for special effort by young men for young men. It is scarcely necessary to say that he must be strictly correct in his daily life, and that he must be a man of prayer and of quick sympathies, if he is to ex- pect the deeper results. A teacher should be well read in all that pertains to his department, keeping up with the times and ahead of his class. He should be an observer and collector, carrying a thought of his work in a snug corner of his heart all the week. He should study the in- dividuals of his class, that he may adapt his teaching to them. He should know them outside the class, having an interest in their daily lives ; greeting them on the street; inviting them, if possible, to his home; and making them realize that his friendship is not merely professional. If he cannot do all this, on account of the size of the class or any other good reason, he will have it done by his helpers, under his direction and with frequent reports to himself. Q.^—The class. — The composition of the different classes is sufficiently stated at the beginning of the section. The size of a class will sometimes need limitation. The maxi- mum number for a training class is usually from twelve to twenty. A larger number might better be divided into two or more classes. In fact, more satisfactory results may Chap. 21, B, 7. the bible in association work. 239 always be expected with a small class. A class organiza- tion is desirable, with regularly enrolled membership and a class secretary, who will keep the attendance and other items of interest in a permanent record book. It will often be advisable to consult the class as to the course of lessons and other matters of mutual concern. Let the members feel that it is our class. Organization may also be useful in securing additional members, and in looking after absentees. Each member should have his own Bible, the best he can afford, and a convenient note book. It is poor economy to attempt any course of Bible study without a systematic plan of notes. The members of the class should study their lessons. Some may have more time and better opportunities than others, but seldom can any one plead a valid excuse for coming wholly unprepared. In the train- ing class it is customary to pledge not only regular at- tendance, but a certain amount of study, each member stating the number of hours he has spent in prepara- tion as his response at roll call. With or without the pledge, there should be conscientious regularity in attend- ance, and in time and thought given to the study of the lesson. 7. — The topics. — a. For the beginners' clasSy the topics must be simple, embodying the rudimentary elements of Christian character and conduct. The Gospels will be chosen most frequently, but many other portions of Scrip- ture give practical and definite instruction in the desired channels. Such subjects as temptation — how to avoid, resist and recover from its influence ; the associations of a young Christian; little sins; prayer; reading the Scriptures; work for others; purity of thought and action; growth in grace; church privileges and duties; etc., maybe so treated as to be an invaluable aid to the young disciple. It may often be best not to follow a consecutive course of study with this class, the more essential point being to present in their natural order the most important and practical things in connection with the early Chrstian life. 240 THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, B, 8. h. In the young meii's Bible class a consecutive course may be taken up, any one of those mentioned in the third paragraph of the preceding section being adopted. The treatment of the text will be practical and personal, rather than critical ; the historical facts and even the doctrines will not be made prominent, being rather tht frames with- in and through which effects and results may be advan- tageously exhibited. Such a course, even if generally consecutive, cannot in any sense exhaust the meaning of the text, but can take up only the salient and practical points. Sometimes the parables, the miracles, or the dis- courses of Christ are taken in order, making a very profit- able series of lessons. The life of Paul, including, as it will necessarily, more or less of his epistles, will be in- tensely interesting though better adapted to a somewhat advanced class. A course of lessons should be thoroughly outlined at the beginning, and so planned as to have both variety and comprehensiveness. c. For training class topics see ** Notes on the Workers' Training Class," ]N"o. 10 of this section. 8. — Preparing the lesson. — The teacher should begin the study of the lesson early in the week. At least he should read the text carefully, get an idea of the teaching outlines, and, if possible, commit the more important parts to memory. Carry a pocket note book and j^ut down thoughts as they come. Get the mind fully saturated with the subject. Let the reading of the week be largely along helpful lines. Do not forget to pray much, and to expect the Spirit's guidance. **To pray well is to work well," says Luther. Go over the passage word by word, clause by clause, with careful comparison. Get also the general bearing or drift of the lesson — the deep central truths it teaches — which must be kept strictly in mind. *' Until one rightly unwinds the clue of thought, he cannot teach any passage in its entirety." Difficult doctrinal points should be noted. Acquire the habit of patient thought. Isaac Newton said, "I keep holding a subject before me, and it Chap. 21, B, 9. the bible in association work. 241 gradually opens and I see into it." But do not hesitate to consult others when necessary. It is an excellent plan to write in preparatory study ; this gives exactness and fixes thought in the mind. Carefully prepared lesson studies prove very valuable self-made commentaries for future reference. Study with regard to the class, keeping its individual members in view, and strive to have something for each. Prepare an abundance of illustrative material. (See Chap. 22, A, 14.) 9. — Teaching the lesson. — It has been aptly said that the teacher must first get the lesson himself, next impart a knowledge of it to the minds of the class, and then im- press its truths on the heart. The successful instructor will thoroughly accomplidi the first, so plan and manipu- late that the class will co-operate largely in the second, and in the third will be only a finger pointing quietly to the truth. Esj^ecially should this be the case when the pupils are bright, earnest young men. The following suggestions must be adapted to conditions and occasions by the teacher. Few rules are of universal application. Having proved all things, hold fast that which is good and suited to the work in hand. (a) Announce the lessoji in advance. If a few hints can be thrown out, suggesting the desired trend of thought regarding the topic, this may prevent misconceptions and aid in an intelligent study of the lesson from the intended standpoint, {h) Teach, h'om. a. carefully/ prepared 2^lan, not at random. The plan should not be artificial or arbitrary, but natural and adapted to the lesson, (c) Avoid formality , seek to have a home atmosphere pervade the place and all its exercises, {d) Court the co-operation of the class. Get the members at work, for active participation will increase interest and fasten truth in the mind. Read the lesson in unison or responsively ; assign duties, such as looking up words, facts and Bible references, or writing brief histor- ical and biographical papers, or reviews of former lessons. Adopt the conversational rather than the lecture method 242 THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK, Chap. 21, B, 9. of teaching, (e) Simplicity ^ C07icise7iess, conce7itratio7i, are important j^oints in teaching. Let it be remembered, however, that simplicity and superficiality are by no means synonyms. Never use a hard word when an easy one will convey the full meaning. Technical and difficult terms that ought to be understood may be considered in a series of special word studies. There is often a tendency to digress ; do not think it necessary to follow up every side path you cross in the course of the lesson. Controversy should be avoided, a close rein held on all discussion, and no heed given to curious questions and visionary ideas. (/') Teach the lesson as a ichole. Too much time is often spent on the details and collaterals. The great truths are far more important, {g) All material in the line of illustration should be made so completely your own that each text and incident and simile will come when needed, as the parts of a well ordered procession silently fall into line. A story should be told with s^^irit, and a text quoted accurately. The black board may be made very useful. Successful manipulation of the crayon before the class must be easy, simple, and rapid. Much artistic display is not in good taste. (Ji) The art of questio7ii7ig should be made a study. Clear and definite questions should be prepared in advance, so planned as to exhaust the subject, and arranged in order so as naturally to grow one out of the other. Study to ask questions that call for more than merely yes or no. Strive to draw out thought, never telling what you can make the class tell. Encourage the asking of questions, and if you are not clear as to the answer, say so, and make it a subject of mutual inquiry for the week to come, (i) JVb hnowledge is really gained taxless retai7ied. The mem- ory should be aided by frequent and systematic reviews. Begin each lesson by a quiz on the previous one, and end it by a thorough recapitulation. Review monthly, quar- terly, and particularly at the close of the series of lessons. In the secular schools a considerable proportion of the time is spent in reviews and exammations. Draw vUv Chap. 21, B, 10. THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. 243 again all knowledge imparted, as a telegram is repeated to insure its accuracy. Set a good example by not tying yourself down to a note book in the class, (j) There will be much that is practical and personal in every lesson. Do not adopt the old method of making the application at the close — apply as you go along. He has a happy faculty who can lead those who are taught each one to recognize and appropriate that which he needs in his own life, 10.— NOTES OK THE WORKERS' TRAINING CLASS. a. It is desirable that there be a careful discrimination between the objects of the training class and those of the Bible class proper, and that the names employed to desig- nate them be clearly distinctive. It is suggested that the primary thought in the Bible class is the application of the truth studied to the individual members, while in the training class it is rather how to use the truth in working for others. The idea of gaining general Scripture knowl- edge of course pertains to both, in the latter the study being usually broader and more systematic. There is a fear that the training class through its popularity may minify the simpler study. The training class should sup- plement, not supersede, the other. The simple and direct study of God's Word should always have a chief place, for the more systematic and critical training class work must almost of necessity lack some of that strong devo- tional and personal element which so often characterizes the j^lainer form. It is indeed a question whether the first year or more of the young worker's study should not be confined to the Bible class, and whether more or less pre- vious Bible study should not form a requisite for admission into even the lower grades of specific training. Such rudimentary work as learning the names and order of the books, and acquiring proficiency in a mechanical use of the Bible and of its simpler helps, may properly form a preliminary to all class study. Keither can there be objec- tion to giving a few minutes of the Bible class hour, if 24:4 THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, B, 10. desired, to any helpful study about the book, or even to considering some objections and answers in inquiry work, especially such as may be in a line with the lesson under consideration. There need be no fear of trench- ing upon the work of the training class, for its field is limitless. h. The following general subjects are now included in some of the training class outlines : (1) The Bible, — its contents, construction, and authors, with methods of study. (2) Analysis of books of the Bible. (3) Principal facts and doctrines, God, sin, redemp- tion, etc. (4) Illustrative studies, — sacred geography and archaeology ; Bible languages, including their idioms, fig- ures, etc., and principles of interpretation. (5) Christian evidences. (6) Christian history. (7) Methods of work. (8) Difficulties and objections of inquirers. c. As it is desirable to take up several subjects at each session of the class — as, for example, Bible analysis, doctrines, and methods with the inquirer — it will be necessary to arrange a time schedule and adhere strictly to it. d. A graded system of classes is needed in the larger Associations. To traverse the above outline, or even one less extensive, in a manner at all satisfactory, will require several years, and can be best accomplished by means of a graded course. Kot only will such a plan afford a sys- tematic method for the development of the younger mem- bers, but it will offer to those who join the Association at any time a grade of study suited to their experience and capacity. The following is a suggestive outline for such a course, including all the subjects. These may be changed or modified at pleasure. (1) Junior division. Composed of the youngest class Chap. 21, B, 10. THE BIBLE m ASSOCIATION WORK. 24:6 of workers who are fitted for systematic training. Lessons made up of the simpler facts about the Bible ; brief out- lines of books of the Bible ; something about the leading doctrines, and instruction as to the common objections of inquirers, and simple methods of work. (2) Intermediate division. Composed of graduates from the lower grade and others sufficiently advanced to begin with this class. More thorough study about the Bible, including the illustrative features ; more critical outlines of the books ; doctrines continued ; evidences of Christianity; the more difficult objections of inquirers ; methods of work. (3) Senior divisio?i. Critical review of the books and illustrative studies ; completion of doctrines and evidences ; difficult objections continued ; Christian history ; methods of work. Christian history will embrace outlines of church history, and the progress of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tions, Sunday-schools, missions, etc. Methods of work will include among other things such topics as how to con- duct meetings; dealing with inquirers; the preparation of topical talks, Bible readings, etc.; with practical illustra- tions of the same. Especially should students be well drilled in writing, becoming accustomed to prepare written reviews, criticisms, and essays on the different subjects coming before the class. This should be begun, in its simpler forms, in the lower grades, and fully developed in the higher. e. It is suggested that, when practicable, the difficulties and objections of inquirers be treated in connection with the study of the books where the Scripture answers to them will naturally be found. Such a plan will certainly add materially to the harmony and unity of a series of lessons. It is still more desirable that theoretical study be accompanied by practical work during the week. In this way the members not only receive valuable training, but actual cases may be brought before the class, eliciting 246 TBtBJ BIBLB) IN ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, C, 1. greater interest than will be possible with imaginary ones.* f. There are various systems of Bible marking, a subject that will probably be studied in the class. The systematic student will take hints from all and then make up a method of his own. (See *' Watchman," 1885, pages 1, 13, 14, 49, and 75.) SECTION C. PRACTICAL WORK WITH THE UNCONVERTED. 1.— PERSONAL WORK THE INQUIRER. The duty of personal effort with the unsaved is one that appeals daily to the heart and conscience of the earnest worker. He is surrounded with young men who are not followers of Christ. He comes in contact with them in business and social life, and constant opportunities are presented him in connection with the varied work of the Association. There are two general classes : those who may have shown no interest whatever, and yet to whom we feel constrained to go with the gospel message, and those who come to us, either individually or through the invitation at a gospel meeting, and who may be strictly denominated inquirers. Many of the following suggestions will apply in either case. a. Personal fitness of the worker. One of the essential qualifications is a consistent every-day life. Then he must be spiritual and thoroughly in earnest, sober but cheerful and bright, well versed in the Scriptures, and able to use them with tact. He must clearly understand the relations of the unsaved to God. h. Time, place, and manner of approach. A sanctified * The following have been among the most popular text-books in use in the Associations: "Leaves from a Worker's Note-Book," by David McConaughy, Jr.; " Suggestive Teaching Outlines for Workers' Training Classes," by John H. Elliott ; -'Personal Work; How Organized and Accomplished— Studies for Bible. Training Classes," by C. K. Ober and J. R. Mott. Int. pphs. Nos. 12, 32, and 307. Chap. 21, C, 1. THE BIBLE 1^ ASSOCIATION WORK. 247 common sense is needed. Men may sometimes have been startled to repentance by abrupt address, and at seemingly the most inopportune time and place ; but the average worker will fail if he attempts to imitate the eccentricities of even the best men. It has been said that no stranger should be allowed to enter the Association rooms without being spoken to about his spiritual welfare ; but sometimes fishermen quietly bait the waters till the fish, getting accustomed to the feeding ground, are not frightened off by an occasional drawing of the net. As a rule, a man ought not to be *^ attacked" in a public place, or when he is apparently busy with other matters. At the rooms a stranger may often be drawn into a general conversation for a moment as he enters, and again as he passes out, when a serious word may be easily added. In the case of young men who are frequenters of the building, occasions may readily be found for earnest conversation. It will be much easier to approach young men in the religious meet- ing if the kindly word of invitation or warning has been previously spoken in the social rooms or the routine of busi- ness life. But while there is sometimes abruptness and want of tact, there is more frequently a timid if not care- less neglect. It is truthfully said that the unconverted are more ready to be spoken to than Christians are to speak to them. This subject should be treated much as any other matter of practical importance. Straighforward talk, in a sympathetic but natural manner, will seldom offend or repel. Of course, those who remain at an after-meeting, or otherwise seek an opportunity for personal conversation, may be approached with comj)arative ease ; and yet a wise caution is necessary even here. Definite results should be expected at each evangelistic meeting. Often some expression is sought from such as desire to become Christians, and these, with others who are willing, are invited to remain for a second meeting. Sometimes, especially if the attendance be small, it may be better to have no formal dismission, but allow any who 248 THE BIBLE i:^ ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, C, 1. prefer to pass quietly out during the singing of a verse. It is very essential that a person of experience give the invi- tation and conduct the after-meeting. The invitation should be repeated in the second meeting, as some who are too timid to rise or speak in the larger gathering may do so here. Suggest only one mode of manifesting inter- est, either rising or lifting the hand. No method should be used that may make any one individually conspicuous against his will. It is often well to ask all to bow in prayer before giving the invitation. Frequently after-meetings are entirely informal, each worker assisting the nearest inquirer. c. Methods loith the inquirer. The worker should iirst ascertain, as far as practicable, the true spiritual condition of the inquirer ; in fact, like a physician, make a careful diagnosis of the case before commencing treatment. Then, being acquainted with the great specifics, apply them. It is essential that the worker rely upon the aid of the Holy Spirit in applying God's Word to each particular case, rather than upon his own personal ex- periences. There may be instances requiring a little common-sense logic, so-called, but as a rule there is no logic equal to the exact words of Scripture. One familiar with the words and methods of the Great Physician will be able, under the Spirit's guidance, to select some- thing adapted to each particular kind and stage of spiritual ailment. In the use of Scripture, present a few plain texts — too many may confuse. Make no far-fetched applications, and use no passage, the natural meaning of which must be twisted to make it fit. Discriminate carefully between truths addressed to Christians and those meant for the unsaved. It is a good plan to have the inquirer read and re-read the texts himself, till the truth is firmly fixed. It is often helpful to repeat a passage with varying emphasis. Some passages, for example, Isaiah liii : 5, may be ren- dered very emphatic by changing the pronoun to the Cbap. 31, C, 1. THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. 249 first person singular. Seek to bring the inquirer to a deci- sion, and to an intelligent recognition of and trust in the promises of God's Word. Above all be thorough ; insist upon compliance with the scriptural conditions of repent- ance— a sorrow for and forsaking of sin, and faith in the merits of Christ's atonement as the only ground and means of salvation. Leave with the inquirer some Scripture reference or marked passage, something that shall re- main with him to warn, convince, or encourage, as the need may be. Ascertain his name and address and the church which he is in the habit of attending, or prefers, and, upon his accepting Christ, urge his immediate identi- fication with it. The worker should promptly file with the general secre- tary or with the apj^ropriate committee a report of each conversation. ^'The Christian Worker's Record," will be found very helpful in this connection. (See appendix, sample No. 34.) If the inquirer attends any church, the pastor should be informed of the interview and its apparent result, and some Christian young man in the church led to take an active interest in his progress. A letter used by one of the Associations in this connection is given in the appendix, sample No. 35. But a personal call or a written letter will often be much more effective than the use of any form, however excellent. Personal intercourse or correspondence should be main- tained with each inquirer until he appears to have entered fully upon the Christian life and has united with the church. If this can be done by the original worker all the better, but in the larger Associations es]3ecially this will often be diflicult to accomplish. When this is the case, the best thought and care of the Association should be given to some thorough method of carrying it out. Noth- ing should take precedence of it. Requiring as it does rare patience and tact, no duty is more apt to be neglected. (The heading of a record book is given in the appendix, sample No. 36.) 250 THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 31, 0, 2. i.—THE EVANQELISTIC BIBLE CLASS. a. Perhaps no agency employed by the Associations to lead young men to Christ can be used to better purpose than the evangelistic Bible class. Thoroughly informal in character, it can often be made more attractive to the un- converted than the young men's meeting, and for the same reason affords excellent opportunities to get at the spirit- ual standing of individuals and to press home the truth in a direct and forcible manner. It is here treated as distinct from the ordinary Bible class, and when possible should be conducted, as its name implies, solely and directly for evangelistic purposes. As a rule, the class is in charge of the general secretary. Into it he will be able to invite the associate members and other young men whom he may meet, and through it he will have peculiar opportunities to spiritually reach and influence them. b. While the majority of the class will usually be non- Christian young men, it should also contain a number of earnest and trained loorkers. It will probably lack many of the elements of organization found in the others, its membership being more irregular and transient. Indeed, effort should be made in connection with each session of the class to secure new attendants. c. The usual time of meeting is on Sunday. A conven- ient and agreeable meeting place and a cordial welcome for all are essential. With a musical instrument singing may be made a pleasing addition to the exercises. d. The t02ncSf while attractive in themselves, should be such as to give, in each lesson, to every unconverted man present, a clear and earnest invitation to come to Christ. Many passages in the Gospels are well adapted to such a purpose. A series of topics for such classes is published annually by the International Committee in the same pamphlet with topics for young men's meetings. The use of these uniform topics has proved very helpful. e. Some writer has made the following simple analysis : The teacher has first to set forth given historical facts; I^HE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. 251 second, to educe from these certain doctrines or moral trutlis; tliird, to make a personal application of the truths to the individuals of the class. The teacher should strive so to present the truth, that, with the help of the Spirit, it may not only gain the attention, excite the interest, and quicken the intellect, but arouse the conscience and con- quer the heart, — thus leading to submission of will, new purpose, and Christ-like conduct. /. Pains must be taken to make the presentation of the lesson attractive. The young men who attend are not many of them impelled by duty or strong considerations of any kind. They must be interested if they are to be held. The exercises should be conducted with earnestness and animation, and the lesson aptly illustrated. g. The teacher should not occupy all the time. Young men like to talk. Such co-operation will not only hold their interest, but, as conversation grows free, will tend to disclose to the alert mind their real feeling and relation to the subject under consideration. Then, too, as men talk about personal experiences and look into their own hearts they become more and more open to conviction. A single word from a diffident student should be cordially noticed and aptly brought into line with the conversation. h. The teacher must not hesitate to be plain and direct. Young men will not tire of jDersonal and practical topics, although they may not at the time assent to the conclu- sions. It is not best to ask questions personally unless you are sure of your man, but a little tact will generally secure answers that will afford opportunity for any desired appli- cation. i. The end of all Scripture teaching is practical and personal, and residts should be constantly looked for. Both teacher and workers should often find opportunity for personal effort at the close of the class. 252 THE BIBLE IPf ASSOClATIOJf WORlC. Chap. 21, C, 3. 8 - THE JilBLK IN THE EVANGELIBTIO MEETING. The Bible should be made very prominent in all relig- ious meetings, but especially in those of an evangelistic character. a. The Scripture lesson. This is a very important part of the opening exercises. The passage or passages should be selected with reference to their bearing on the topic of the meeting, and, if not perfectly familiar, should be looked over in advance, that the reading may be with pre- cision and the j^roper emphasis. Not infrequently the meaning of a passage may be entirely destroj^ed by care- less reading. The Bible is in general a book of short words, but many names, very j^roperly left without trans- lation, are exceedingly difficult. These should be looked up both as to meaning and pronunciation. The miscalling of words may be embarrassing to the audience if not to the reader. The lesson should be read with reverence, usually in a standing posture. There is often a tendency to too much tone in reading Scripture; a natural conver- sational voice should be cultivated. Occasional brief com- ments during the reading may be jDrofitable, if carefully prepared. A responsive reading will afford a pleasing variety. h. Proof texts. The recitation of texts bearing uj^on a given topic is sometimes the leading feature of a service. The topic may be announced beforehand, affording all the opportunity to make selections; these may be made by the leader and given out on slips of paper; or the whole ser- vice may be impromptu, those present giving appropriate passages from memorj^ The success of this last plan will depend upon the number and aptness of the Bible students present. The Bible song service is similar, but with singing as a prominent feature. With good music and aptly selected Scripture and hymns, such a service can be made very impressive. If the supply of Bibles be ample, the young men can usually be led to take • part in the exercises. Chap. 21, T>. THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATIOIS' WORK. 253 SECTIOK D. BIBLE-READINGS. So-called Bible readings are simply religious discourses based on Scripture truths. While the sermon is usually the analysis and expansion of a single text, the Bible-read- ing is built out, like a bridge, on piers of Scripture, till the topic is spanned. Its excellences are its simplicity, the direct use of so much of the written word, the interpreta- tion and proving of Scripture by Scripture, and the mani- fold ways in which Scripture words and topics may be arranged and adapted to interest and instruct an audience. There is room for an endless scope and variety in prepar- ing and giving the readings, and great tact is often dis- played in arrangement and illustration. There is some- times a tendency to fanciful methods, and to a play on words — often far-fetched— which should be guarded against. Texts should never be wrested from their proper connec- tions, or their meaning in any way forced. A simple and practical subject is the best. A clear analysis should be made and the topic divided under its naturally suggested heads. The concordance and Bible text book Avill be the usual helps. So much material will present itself that the beginner will often gather more than he can use. He must persistently sift it, retaining the best and only in sufficient quantity, as the reading must not be too long. There should be a natural and logical development of the topic in order to clearly and effectively impress the truth. Sufficient and apt illustrations are needed to sustain inter- est and fasten thought in the mind. Whether the leader will read the references himself, or give them out to be read by others, will depend upon the size of the meeting and the number of trusted workers present. References should seldom be given out at random in a public service. The leader must in all cases be ready to give them himself in the event of hesitation or error. The texts should be 254 THE BIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WORK. Chap. 21, D. read in a full voice and with correct emphasis. If this is not done, repetition on the part of the leader will be neces- sary. The remarks in connection with a Bible reading should be simple and earnest, without rhetorical display or declamation, CHAPTER 22. RBLiaiOUJS MEETINQS, ETC.* The fixed sentiment of the Associations to-day confines the religious work, in common with that of the other de- partments, to young men. It is believed that general evangelistic and mission work should be conducted under church auspices, leaving the Associations, as such, to the one work which called them into existence and to which their means and methods are peculiarly adapted. Young men are, however, distinctly taught in the Associations that, as members of their respective churches, they should be willing workers in any needy field. And wherever they labor they will find opportunities to aid the work for young men, especially in times of revival interest. A general secretary should be interested in and assist all such movements, as far as he can without neglecting his other duties, but should never conduct a series of general evangelistic meetings himself. SECTION A. 1. — A weekly meeting for young men only, with an evangelistic aim, is a prominent feature in our Associa- tions. The testimony is positive in favor of this service as compared with that for both sexes, formerly so common. * A form of report for the religious department is suggested in sample No. 2?. This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 60. 256 RELiaious meetings, etc. Chap. 23, A, 2. More young men attend, greater freedom exists, religious interest is intensified, and results are increased many fold. Reasons for this are that certain classes, especially the timid, are more free to come, they come for the meeting itself, they can be given front seats, can be more plainly dealt with, are more ready to commit themselves, and can be more easily held for an after-meeting. Many of the younger workers are also favorably affected by the same conditions, being more free to work and less liable to dis- traction. 2. — The objects sought are the following, named not so much in the order of importance as in that of natural cause and effect: true worship, the spiritual U23building of the Christian men of the Association, the rescue and spir- itual education of unsaved young men. 3. — The meeting is naturally composed of the workers, and those for whom they work; and an important element of success is the presence of these two classes of men in proportional numbers. 4. — Some hour on Sunday afternoon not occupied by church services is usually considered the best time for the meeting, young men as a rule being least occupied then. In some large cities, however, Sunday evening is chosen, the meetings being held either before or after the regular church services. 5. — The place should be accessible and attractive in its appointments, and supplied with a musical instrument, singing books, and Bibles. A blackboard is very desira- ble, on which the topic and Scripture references may be written before each meeting. Neatness, ligbt, and proper temperature are also important items. Good ventilation is almost as unusual as it is necessary. In summer fans should be provided. It is well to arrange the seats in- formally if the attendance is not large, and chairs are al- ways preferable to settees, the number being proportioned to the probable attendance. It is better to bring in addi- tional chairs than to have many empty ones. The books Chap. 32, A, 8. religious meetings, etc. 257 may be placed on the chairs or, perhaps better, handed to persons as thej^ enter the room. Sometimes the seats have inclosed shelves underneath suitable for- both books and hats. 6. — The meeting is managed by a committee, whose duty it is to appoint leaders, select topics, and arrange such matters as plan of services, music, ushers, invitations, and the care of inquirers. Much depends upon its competency and organization. Individual members are usually made responsible for specific details. The committee should keep a record of statistics and other items of interest, and tile a duplicate of the same at the office. (For form of re- port of a religious meeting, see appendix, sample No. 29, and for hints to the committee, see sample No. 37.) 7. — The attendance must be secured by earnest and sys- tematic work. Active members must be led to take a deep interest in the meeting; others need to be informed and at- tracted. The newspaper, the Association bulletin, printed handbills and invitation cards, and placards posted about the building and elsewhere, are usual methods of invitation. The invitation committee should also do good service. (See sect. C, 5.) It is an advantage if the music from the meet- ing can be heard on the street. All the workers should keep the meeting in mind, carry a supply of printed invitations, and use them, in connection with personal solicitation, as opportunity offers. A very definite work may be accom- plished when each member agrees to bring one person with him to the next meeting, then selects his man, and, if neces- sary, calls for and comes with him. If the service be what is advertised, a meeting for and by young men, and is con- ducted in a prompt, earnest, manly way, those who attend once will be likely to come again. 8. — Young men of good address should be selected as ushers, and it is also well to have some of the more promi- nent members at the door to welcome those who come. By the exercise of a little tact the ushers will succeed in seat- ing the young men towards the front, and also prevent the 258 RELIGIOUS MEETINGS, ETC. Chap. 23, A, 9. annoying practice, on the part of those who come early, of taking the aisle seats. It is a good plan to have a moder- ate number of ehairs available at first, near the leader's table ; and, after these are occupied, to set out others from a reserve supply in the back of the room. 9. — There should be such a general plan, not only for each meeting but for the entire year, as to give a profitable and attractive variety. The opportunities for special ser- vices offered by public holidays, both of a religious and a national character, and the several appointed days of prayer, should be improved. Some Associations present statedly such topics ag personal purity, temperance, work among young men in foreign missionary lands, etc. Many Associations publish programmes quarterly, including topics and often leaders. The International Committee furnishes each year a suggestive list of topics, in pamphlet No. 10. 10. — The leader should ordinarily be a layman, and, if not a young man, in full sympathy with and acceptable to young men; well known business men are desirable. Where the responsibility is put upon one quite young he should be well supported by experienced workers. Never jeopardise an evangelistic meeting in order to give a young man practice. Custom favors rotation in leaders. 11. — The leader will follow the general suggestions of the committee, but is given the management of details. In this he should have a definite plan. Having ascertained the key-thought of the topic, his remarks, with the Scrip- ture readings and hymns, should cluster around it. Too much time should not be taken in opening the meeting, seldom more than fifteen or twenty minutes, the remarks of the leader being suggestive rather than exhaustive. It is often better to have several to speak on the topic, allot- ting to each his part, with time for preparation. (See " The Bible in the evangelistic meeting," Chap. 21, C, 3.) 12. — It is essential that young men be trained to take part in the meeting. They must be shown the value of such participation, both to themselves and others, and that Chap. 22, A, 16. religious meetings, etc. 259 the earlier they begin the less their difficulty in learning and the greater their prospect of usefulness. Some simple duty should be given them at first, tlieir promise being obtained for a definite time and thing. All needed aid should be afforded them in preparation. Sometimes short meetings are held in advance, for a prayerful study and division of the topic among those who are to take part. 13. — In the character of his remarks a speaker must be governed by the make up of his audience, but a simple and direct talk will generally interest all. A young man should not be too didactic. It is better to have the teach- ing largely in the very language of Scripture. A few apt illustrations will enrich an address. The Master drew largely from the things of every-day life, and the keen observer will never fail of a like supply. The Bible itself is a very treasury of illustration. One should steadily re- sist the temptation to tell a story simply because it is good, if the api^lication is far-fetched. Illustrations like windows should add light. Pedantry must be avoided. An inci- dent from history, a fact of science, a literary quotation, or some biblical interpretation may often be introduced with the remark " you remember," or " you are probably familiar with." A self-sustained but quiet and earnest demeanor will disarm criticism and secure consideration. 1-4. — A speaker especially needs wisdom in talking to the unconverted. There must be no semblance of Phari- saic superiority in word or manner. The chasm between the forgiven and the unforgiven is indeed real, but it must be bridged by kindness. Never, or very seldom, use "you" but "Ave." On the other hand, young men dislike the patronizing and sentimental address sometimes employed. 15. — It may not always be wise to throw a meeting open for voluntary exercises, yet opportunity for them should be frequently given; not only that the members may grow accustomed to and be benefited by them, but because these spontaneous utterances often have an excellent effect. 16. — During voluntary exercises promptness will usually 260 RELIGIOUS MEETiis-GS, ETC. Chap. 23, A, 17. index the tone of the meeting and promote its interest, but if pauses occur the leader should not fret or scold, but rather suggest some simple cliange in the order. 17. — Questions upon which the evangelical churches dif- fer should not be introduced. The leader may generally shut off ill-timed or too lengthy remarks by quietly rising and remaining in a waiting attitude. Obstinate cases must be personally dealt with by the committee. Cowardice in the management must not permit persistent intruders or bores to injure the usefulness of the meeting. 18. — Good music is an essential feature. It is possible to organize a male choir in almost any Association, if a suitable leader can be obtained. The ideal leader is an earnest Christian man, young and popular, a tenor, and with ability and tact as a conductor. Often a cornet, and sometimes a small orchestra, can be added to the .piano or organ, and will j^rove very helpful in attracting and hold- ing the young men. Good singing books and plenty of them are needed, those with the notes being greatly pre- ferred. For general and continued use no collection has probably been so popular as the "Gospel Hymns," but many other excellent books ma}^ be brouglit into recpiisi- tion to give the variety and freshness so desirable. A choir can easily introduce selections from different books which will soon become familiar to the stated attendants; but the singing should be principally from books that can be furnished to all. An occasional solo or quartette selec- tion, unannounced and in strict harmony with the meeting, is often \ery effective. The singing should be spiritual, all mere musical displa}^ being avoided. It is better to omit instrumental preludes, etc., after the opening exercises. The leader should select the hymns, as far as may be, before the service, giving a list to the chorister. The tone of the meeting may call for others, and he should be able to turn readily to one in accord with any sentiment expressed. A few verses suited to the feel- ing of the moment are more effective than long hymns. Chap. 22, A, 22. religious meetin^gs, etc. 261 Usually liymns should be announced only by tiie number. The choir and instrumentalists should be Oliristianmen. 19. — AYorkers should be on the watch during every ser- vice for any evidences of special interest on the part of those present, and no one manifesting such interest should be permitted to pass out without a word of sjaiipathy or counsel. Often workers are systematically stationed so as to bring the entire room under observation. The best re- sults may be expected wlien each worker becomes inter- ested in and labors for a particular young man. (See ''Personal work," Chap. 21, C, 1.) 20. — It is generally best to close before the interest lags, even if the hour is not up; a meeting should never be al- lowed to "stop on the center." Tliat it end well, a few stirring words may be thrown in by the leader, with a spirited hymn and one or two brief prayers. The invita- tion for the manifestation of special interest should seldom be omitted. If circumstances seem to call for more time, the meeting should be promptly closed at the appointed hour and a second one held. Any necessary notices may be given near the beginning of the service. 21. — A young men's meeting may often be conducted in a small town, or even in the country, where there is no Association; and strong Associations have grown out of such an effort. State Secretaries often and wisel}^ make the success of such a meeting a test as to the desirability of organizing an Association. Where the meeting is small an earnest and faithful committee is necessary as a nucleus. The meetings may be held at a church, or at the several churches in turn, but better still at an office or a private house. Help from an Association in the vicinit}" is often called in. •a.—HINTS TO THE LEADER. a. — Open on time, no matter how few are present. h. — Sit as near as possible to your audience, c. — Speak so that all can hear but not too loudly. Avoid tone, cant, and the commonplace. Be natural. ^62 RELIGIOUS MEETINGS, ETC. Chap. 22, A, 22. d. — See that the air is kept fresli, — many a meeting is suffocated from want of oxygen. e. — Be prompt and earnest, and you will impart your spirit to others. /. — Have variety. Keep out of ruts. g. — Adapt yourself to circumstances; if intended plans won't work, try others. If men fail you, be ready to take their places. ]i^ — Make the meeting as informal as possible, and free from restraint as to order of exercises, posture in prayer, and similar non-essentials. i^ — Let everything be so simple and straightforward that criticism will not be thought of. j. — Pray for the meeting before you come, during its progress, and after it is over. A\ — Never come unprepared; give the best you have; never apologize. I. — Depend upon the truth and the Holy Spirit, not upon manner and methods. m. — Hold up Christ so as to hide yourself. n, — Be free and cheerful, but never lose the devotional spirit. o. — Avoid a too familiar and possibly irreverent use of the name of the Deity. p. — Have plenty of singing, but of the right kind and at proper times. q. — Urge brightness and brevity in the exercises, and set the example. r. — Encourage the weak and timid. s. — Never lose j^our grip on the meeting. ?.—Keep in view that the definite object of your work is the conversion of souls. n. — Aim for immediate results, and strike for them at the right time, no matter if at the beginning of the service. V. — If praj^er is requested, personally or for a friend, see that a response is made during the meeting. It is often best to do so at once. Chap. 22, B, 2. RELIGIOUS MEETINGS, ETC. 263 w. — When the meeting is over, don't turn your back find hurry away. Go among those present and cordially greet as many as you can. SECTION B. OTHER MEETINGS AT THE ROOMS. In addition to the " young men's meeting " there are many others, some being simply modifications of that meeting under. different names. The details given in the previous section will be applicable to these, and also to the other services here enumerated. 1. — Social religious meetings. — Under this head are meetings composed of Christian young men and intended specially for worship and spiritual growth. Of this class are the meetings for prayer and conference, the experience or testimony meeting, the promise meeting, the praise or thanksgiving meeting, and the consecration meeting; the particular objects and characteristics of each being indi- cated by the name. A converts' meeting, or a meeting for beginners and in- quirers, is held with the special purpose of developing and strengthening these classes, and is very important during and after times of special interest. A workers' preparatory^ meeting, for prayer and sugges- tions, is often held just before an evangelistic service. Evening prayers are conducted by many Associations, usually under the direction of the reception committee, just before the hour of closing. This is an excellent custom. Where there are several employes, a short season of prayer and Bible study every morning is a fitting prepara- tion for the day's work. 2 — Occasional 7neetings. — The service of song, in which singing is a leading feature, has always been popular. ^64 RELIGIOUS MEETINGS, ETC. Chap. ^2, B, 2. Hymns are selected and arranged topicall^^ and inter- spersed with appropriate Scripture readings and remarks. With good music and tact in arranging and conducting the service, it may be made very effective. Gospel temperance and personal purity meetings are held statedly by many Associations. They are designed to educate j^oung men in relation to the evils of intemper- ance and impurity in all their forms, and to impress them so deepl}^ with the peril of yielding to temptation that they may be led to fly to Christ for strength and salvation. These meetings should be thoroughly evangelistic and be immediately followed by meetings' for personal religious conversation. Meetings should also be held to point out the evils of gambling in any form. Meetings are often held for students of medical or other professional schools, for commercial travelers, and, where there are no separate organizations, for railroad men and men of various nationalities. The Associations should take advantage of every such desirable opportunity. A " watch meeting " on ISTew Year's eve may be made very impressive ; part of the time being given to answering such questions as, "What led me into the Association ? " " How has the Association helped me ? '' " What can I do the coming year to increase the usefulness of the Association ? " or " to win j^oung men to the service of Christ ? " Meetings in the interest of work among the young men of foreign mission countries, are held by many Associa- tions, and an earnest and wide-spread feeling is aroused on the subject. An important feature of these meetings is the information given regarding the present condition and needs of young men in these fields. The week of prayer appointed by the International Con- ventions, beginning with the second Sunda}'- in November of each year, should be observed by a series of special meetings. Although the ideal spiritual condition is one of continuous earnestness and activity, still Scripture and Chap.22, C, 1. RELlGflOUS MEETINGS, ETC. 265 experience teach that there are sj^ecial " times of refresh- ing," and it has been found that this setting apart of a few days for special prayer and effort, near the opening of the active winter season, is very fruitful of results, stimu- lating the membership, leading young men into the Chris- tian life, and often marking the beginning of a work that continues through weeks and months. If special evangel- istic effort is to be made immediately after the week of prayer, that week maj^ be devoted to preparatory meetings of Christian men. The uniform observance of the week throughout the Christian world is an additional incentive to faith and effort. The services may often be rendered more effective by a judicious exchange of workers between neighboring Associations. The social work and entertain- ments should be so arranged as to interfere as little as possible with the special services. Experience however shows that the regular appointments cannot well be omitted. If the meetings are held at 9 P. M., as is quite customary, many young men from the classes, etc., may be induced to attend them. (See " The Day and Week of Prayer," Chap. 32, F.) Special meetings for young men only, conducted by an experienced evangelist, are often held and with excellent results. If a sufficient number of thoroughly qualified men shall be called into this particular field there will no doubt be a rapid increase in such meetings. Success depends, however, not simply on the presence of an earn- est and capable leader, but upon the consecrated co-opera tion of the local workers, as well as upon weeks of sys tematic preparation. SECTION C. EELIGIOUS AVORK OUTSIDE THE ROOMS. 1. — Meetings for young men are sometimes held in board- ing houses, either on a week day evening or a Sunday 266 RELIGIOUS MEETINGS, ETC. Chap. 22, C, 2. afternoon, a delegation of workers arranging for the place and hour, and extending personal invitations to the young men in the house and its neighborhood. The meetings should be made very social, with a good deal of spirited singing, and should not last over an hour. Meetings some- what similar in character may be held at hotels in the in- terest of commercial travellers and strangers. Wherever there is any considerable number of Germans, Scandina- vians, French Canadians, or other non-English speaking young men, and special branches of the Association have not been organized for them, meetings should be estab- lished in the localities where they live. Seamen have been greatly neglected by the Associations. Meetings should be held on vessels in harbors, seamen in- vited to our rooms, and correspondence maintained with them after they leave port. In all such efforts aid may be secured from the young men in the religious societies of the various churches. 2. — Woo'k in piiblic institutions. — Jails and penitentia- ries, hospitals, and other public institutions open wide doors for personal visitation and religious meetings, and from the large numbers of j^oung men which many of them contain are legitimate fields of labor for the Associations. Association workers should confine their efforts to the male wards and departments. 3. — Sermons to young men. — It is customary to ask pastors to give a discourse on the Sunday of the week of prayer touching the importance and methods of work for young men. It may also be practicable and helj^ful to have occasional sermons or addresses specially to young men, both to Christians and to the unconverted, delivered under Association auspices. These may relate to the evils which beset young men and the vices which prevail among them. On such occasions special effort should be made to secure the attendance of young men at the ser- vices, which may be either at the Association rooms or at the speaker's own church. Chap. 22, C, 5. religious meetings, etc. 267 4. — Distribution of religious reading matter. — System- atic work in this direction, although carried on to some extent, is entitled to more time and effort, especially when considered as a counteracting influence to the pernicious reading with which every community is flooded. A wise discrimination is needed, first, in the selection of such matter, to procure that which is attractive in form, and, as far as possible, entertaining as well as practical and pointed in character; and, second, in the distribution, to use that which is adapted to the recipient. There is a great amount and variety of material, cards, tracts, tract papers, and religious newspapers, much of it tasteful in typography and beautifully illustrated; and a competent committee will soon become sufliciently conversant with it not only to make judicious selections but to helpfully ad- vise individual workers. Tracts for young men on per- sonal purity and kindred subjects are especially desirable. There are many methods of distribution. The " take one " box, giving out to men on the street and in public conveyances, or to seamen on ships in port or in seamen's boarding houses, and inclosing with invitations and letters sent out, are like the "sowing beside all waters; "but a personal and premeditated work is likely to secure a better percentage of results. Especially should every worker have carefully assorted material with which to effectually supplement his conversations with inquirers. Such publi- cations can be procured in quantities at little more than cost, most houses making special terms to the Associations. The American Tract Society gives a liberal discount. 5. — The invitation committee. — A well organized and active committee will come into contact during the year, and over and over again, with a large percentage of the young men of the community, reaching them with the printed and often the spoken invitation, perhaps the only religious message that ever comes personally to many of them. This committee is usually made up from the younger workers, the duties being readily performed by 268 RELIGIOUS MEETINGS, ETC. Chap. 22, C, 5. beginners. The members sometimes have tea together at the building before an evening meeting, and after a season of prayer go on the streets. The matter distributed con- sists of invitations to the rooms and especially to the relig- ious meetings. Unwise use of Scripture texts on street invitations should be guarded against, also sensational phraseology and flashy printing. Associations have some- times made serious mistakes in those directions. The re- sults from this work are constant and encouraging. Success depends largely upon the taste and variety of the printed matter, and the earnest tact of the committee. The invita- tion committee is usually a sub-committee of that on re- ligious work. (See Chap. 8, D, 4.) CHAPTER 23. THE PLACE AND VALUE OF THE SEOUL J.R DEPARTMENTS. ■• 1. — Although beginning with the single idea of benefit- ing young men spiritually, the committee of the London Association reported as early as its third half yearly meet- ing the formation of mutual improvement (or literary) so- cieties, in order to bring young men under the influence of the Association who could not be reached by directly re- ligious agencies. The report says : " We shall deem it no unimportant result if in any instance we can lead to the library of useful knowledge, rather than to cards or bill- iards, to the cigar divan, concert room, theatre, or the seductive and polluting resort. In a time when every weapon of offence is used for the purpose of blasphemy, reproach, and sin, no restrictions should be placed upon the agencies which may be used to extend the influences of knowledge and virtue, especially v/hen these agencies are directed by Christian men." The first j)ractical move in the direction indicated was the institution, in the fall of 1845, of the Exeter Hall Lectures, which were con- tinued under the same auspices for twenty years. Four years later library and reading rooms were opened, and not only for members but "for all whom their influence could reach." Earnest care was taken that these pro- visions should be kept as "auxiliaries to, not substitutes for, the main object of the Association." And it is stated *See" Ihe growth of secxilar agencies in our work," Int. pph. No. 593. Chapters 23 and 21 are reprinted arj Int. ppb. No. 61. 270 VALUE OF THE SECULAR WORK. Chap. 23, 2. that, in accordance with the desire and exj^ectation of the committee, *'many of those who attended the library and reading rooms were led to frequent the religious meetings and to accept Christ," and that '*very many of those brought v/ithin the spiritual influence of the Association could not otherwise have been reached." A summary of the first World's Conference (Paris, 1855), mentions among indirect means employed in the work reading rooms, lib- raries, lectures, evening classes, etc. The records of the first live years of the London Association clearly set forth the principles underlying present theory and practice. It Avill be noticed that the secular agencies first introduced Avere intellectual. Something of the social element ap- pears in connection with the half yearly meetings, but the present phases of both the physical and social work are of comparatively recent date. They were introduced by de- grees, and no doubt a similar process will go on in the future. The action of all these agencies is now recognized as controlled by a single aim, namely, to benefit men by symmetrical bodily, mental, and spiritual development. No one of these departments can be omitted in a complete Association work. 2. — The following facts and suggestions are given re- garding secular work in general : a. — The size of the associate membership will be largely in proportion to the number and excellence of the secular privileges.* h. — Different agencies influence different persons. There should be variety, and effort to adapt the agencies to the needs of the particular field. c. — That Association is most successful in this adapta- * The very large proi^ortiou of associate members in the following cities in 1890 ehows the attraction of the secular privileges. New York, total membership 7,204 Chicago, " " Vhiladelphia, Boston, Brooklyn, 23,601 7,116 16,486 7,204 active 1,245 associate 5,959 5.389 1,797 " 3.592 4.183 " 1.522 2,666 3.430 " 1,340 2,090 3.390 " 1.212 2,178 Chap. 23, 2. value of the secular work. 271 tioii which reaches the different classes of young men in proportionate numbers. The next best thing is to reach the largest number of the largest class. d. — Each member should be studied and effort made to draw him under the influence of the department that will best round him out into a complete man. This is a diffi- cult undertaking, as it will often run comiter to his natural inclination. The gymnast who is not a Christian needs to become one, and the Christian Avorker who neglects men- tal or physical development needs enlightenment as to his duty and privilege in these directions. 6. — There are differences of opinion, and probably always will be, as to the wisdom of certain features and agencies in the work. What can be properly and advan- tageously employed in a given field must be decided largely by the individual Association, influenced by the opinion of the evangelical Christians in its community. There should be hesitation in publicly criticising methods having any considerable endorsement among Association men, and not at variance with the settled principles of the organization. f. — Great care should be exercised in introducing entirely new features. Tendencies and results should be carefully noted, and doubtful methods discarded. It will be safe to follow the spirit of the Paris basis. g. — Every secular appliance should be good, the best possible of its kind, commanding the attention and re- spect of those whom it is desired to reach. A. — A comprehensive plan should be made each year for the entire work of the Association, including any special appointments in each department. Digressions from this plan ought to be seldom, if ever, necessary. The time, place, and other arrangements for the religious meetings should be such so as to naturally draw into them the young men who are interested in the secular departments. /. — In newspaper notices of the work, and in the pro- spectus, bulletins, and reports, each department should 272 VALUE OF THE SECULAR WORK. Chap. 33, 2. be given its proper place, being neither belittled nor given undue prominence. j. — Contact with the Association through the secular agencies generally wears off that prejudice against the in- stitution so widely existing among non-Christian young- men. k. — The secular features, especially those of an educa- tional character, are likely, through their practical value, to attract the attention of business men and command their support. I. — It is essential to the best success that the leaders in all departments be manly Christians. in. — The spiritual life and power should always be in ad- vance. Every agency should contribute to the awakening and growth of the Christian life. n. — Systematic provision should be made for bringing the workers into contact with the associate members throughout all departments. o. — The active members should be guarded in their in- tercourse with the associate members, who will not always discriminate between mere carelessness and real incon- sistency. They should so carry themselves that they may easily and at any time ap}>roach their fellows on the sub- ject of personal religion. OHAr>TER 24r. THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT.'^ SECTION A. THE READING ROOM. 1. — As is shown in the preceding chapter the reading room was one of the earliest of the so-called secular agen- cies adopted, and it soon grew into general favor. To- day it is the most common of all appliances, existing in nearly every Association where any room is kept open. In 1890 there were 779 reading rooms for young men and 88 for boys in connection with the American Associations. For many young men it would be difficult to provide an attraction possessing greater or more lasting merit than a well-stocked and orderly reading room. Where Association rooms are maintained with supervision, such a room is always practicable. It is useful in itself as a means of informing and educating men, and, with right direc- tion, improving their tastes ; it is economical, providing reading matter in amount, variety, and class that few could get by other methods ; it affords opportunity to counteract in a measure the influence of pernicious and trashy reading matter by offering that which is better ; it is readily appreciated and will almost invariably com- mend the Association to a community; it forms an ex- cellent basis upon and around which to build up a health- ful and religious resort. * A form of report for this department is suggested in sample No. 24. 274 THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 24, A, 2. 2.— A public reading room requires large cubic dimen- sions and the best possible ventilation, as the attendance is often greater and more promiscuous than that in other apartments. The best light is needed both day and even- ing. Artificial lights should be either directly over tables and supplied with large shades, or, better, all in the upj^er part of the room, so that the eyes of readers may escape the glare. Either hard wood or linoleum is pre- ferable to matting or carpet. Inclined reading desks with stationary files are perhaps necessary for daily papers in frequent use, and must sometimes be so high that the readers must stand, in order to keep them from remaining too long, but tables, easy chairs, and portable files are more attractive and homelike. There should be neat wall racks, properly labeled, uj^on which files ought to be promptly replaced either by the readers or an attendant. 3. — The approach should always be under supervision, and the arrangement of the rooms such as to place the reading room under easy control from the ofilice. This may often be done by a glazed partition. The room should be shut off, if possible, from noisy portions of the building, and order and quiet be strictly insisted on. Conveniences for the safe-keeping of hats, overcoats, etc., will suggest good manners. Absence of spittoons and a neat floor will be better than notices not to use tobacco, 4. — The room should be used for legitimate purposes only. Loungers, of whatever age or condition, should be excluded. These often include a class of chronic readers, both old and young men, seemingly with no other employ- ment, whose continued presence and occupation of the daily papers are extremely annoying. They must be quietly but firmly shown that they are trespassing upon the rights of others. Discrimination must be used so as not in any case to repel deserving young men, — those who may be temporarily out of employment, strangers, or oc- casional visitors. This whole matter is best regulated by a system of registration and readers' tickets. (See foot Chap. 24, A, 7. the educatio^'Al department. 275 note, Chap. 9, D, 3.) Persons of uncleanly habits and young boys should of course be excluded. In some of the smaller towns, boys are admitted at certain hours, but a separate apartment for them is far preferable. Disorder of any kind should be so suppressed as to prevent the like- lihood of its repetition. 5. — The ordinary week-day hours are from 9 a.m. to 10 P.M., the largest attendance usually being in the evening. Most city Associations open their reading rooms on Sun- day afternoon, and some both afternoon and evening. It is not usual to open any of the Association rooms during the regular hours of church services. General sentiment strongly favors removing secular papers on Sunday. Per- sonal invitations to the meetings may be quietly given in the reading room, or printed ones handed strangers as they enter. 6. — There should be systematic effort to come into close contact with the young men v/ho are attracted by the read- ing room. The secretaries and the evening committee may do this through the registry system just mentioned. Employes and members should not violate the rules by conversing in the reading room, and it is generally unwise to interrupt readers by speaking to them. Quietly hand- ing them a card asking them to stop at the office before going out will serve a better purpose. It is often necessary to place a time limit on the use of dailies when others are waiting — generally ten to fifteen minutes. 7.— Papers should be filed promptly, and removed as soon as they become ragged or soiled. On portable files it may be well to have but one or two copies, especially of the weeklies. Exceptions should be made of papers con- taining advance notes on the international Sunday-school lessons. Papers should be carefully folded and cut when filed. Files of the more important periodicals, including at least one of the leading dailies, should be preserved for reference, and many of them bound. Magazines are often kept in the library or in charge of the secretary, to be given 276 THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTIMENT. Chap. 24, A, 8. out on call. If the .smaller j^apers and magazines are filed in patent hinders and j^laced on tables with properly- labelled divisions, they Avill he kept in good condition and he convenient for use, hut when left scattered about they soon become soiled and dog-eared. The binder Avill be much more easily recognized if the maker puts the covers of the magazine to which it is appropiated on its front and back. A coat of varnish will insure durability. A list of the periodicals should be conspicuously posted in the read- ing room, and with it any needed rules. 8. — The periodicals selected should be adapted to those who are to use them, and also as varied as possible. In general it pays to get the best. It is not worth while to lumber the files with useless matter because it is free or cheap, but it is far better to maintain the moral and lit- erary tone by discarding everything doubtful. Papers of this class are constantly sent to the Associations with the hope that they will be filed. Some publishers of desirable periodicals will send them for the asking ; others will *' ex- change" on application if the usual '* reading notices" are inserted in the Association bulletin. No paper should be filed without the sanction of the proper committee. 9. — For the average reading room several dailies will be needed, at least one metropolitan in addition to the locals, and, if practicable, papers from a number of lead- ing cities. The political parties must be recognized, as well as the leading evangelical denominations and great reform organizations. Effort should be made to furnish religious reading in its more attractive forms, that it may be sought by the largest number. The higher order of secular literature should be a leading feature. Younger readers should be well provided for. Such periodicals as the Ybiith^s Companion, Harper^s Young People, /St. Nicholas, Wide Aioake, and corresponding English young folks' papers ought to supplant all second rate matter. '* Our Dumb Animals," and kindred publications should be found in every reading room. A strong point can Chap. 34, A, 11. THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. 277 always be made by putting in generous files of journals suited to the industries of the town. No one appreciates a good reading room more than the average mechanic. The files should include at least one periodical each for railroad men, clerks and bookkeepers, stenographers, fire- men, Grand Army men, the different trades, etc. College papers and catalogues will be of interest to college men and students intending to enter college. A bicycle journal, and those devoted to outdoor sports, as Forest and Stream^ Outing, etc., will attract many young men, and guide books for summer tourists are useful in their season. If papers printed in other languages are demanded, they should be supjjlied. A city Association will find it serviceable to file the weeklies of surrounding villages, as the young men from these places will be interested, in the home papers. Journals representing work for young men or young people are especially desirable. Many Association bulletins are worth i^reserving, and may be placed on a table by themselves. Announcements of the arrival of magazines, with lists of their leading articles, conspicuously posted, will promote their use. 10. — Periodicals can sometimes be obtained direct from the publishers at better rates than elsewhere. It is con- venient to have all subscriptions expire at the same time. There should be system and promptness in renewing or discontinuing papers. This may be facilitated by a prop- erly kept " periodical book," showing such facts as the name of each publication on file, where published, how often, class or character, stated terras, price paid, where or of whom obtained, and date to which payment has been made. Bills have sometimes been presented for several years arrearage when the periodical was supposed to be do- nated. 11. — -No valuable reading matter should be wasted. That which is not kept for permanent reference is useful for dis- tribution in many directions, for instance, among seamen or canal boatmen, or in railroad cabooses, fire, police or 278 THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 24, A, 12. Street car stations, lios})itals, or prisons, or it maybe sent to soldiers on the frontier. 12. — There is of late a tendency towards restricting the privileges of the reading room to members only. There are two main reasons for this ; the more expensively fur- nished rooms in the new buildings, and the imposition to which the Association with a " free reading room" is con- stantly subjected. In the larger Associations it may be practicable to maintain two reading rooms, one especially for the members ; if not, a wise discrimination should be able to so control the room as not to exclude self-respecting young men. A peremptory closing of the public reading room, besides depriving many of a needed privilege, shuts off a principal avenue of approach hy which young men, and especially strangers, are brought into contact with the Association. Many first found in the reading room can be brought into membership, and not a few come from it into the religious meetings and are led to Christ. Any tendenc}'' to seeming exclusiveness will also lessen the in- fluence of the Association with the industrial classes and throw it out of sympathy with the community generally. 13. — The following applies onl}^ to the smaller Associa- tions. Where but a small cash expenditure is possible, the suppl}^ ma}^ sometimes be supplemented by second-hand matter, particularly in the case of monthly magazines. A better Ava}^ however, is to induce one or more j^ersons to subscribe for a certain periodical for the year. The club plan is sometimes adopted, sections of four subscribing for as many monthlies, each having a week's reading of each, in turn, and the Association coming in as the beneficiary at the end of the month. Bj organizing several sections a fine variety of magazines may be secured. The local town and county papers will often be donated, and clergj^men can frequently secure their denominational papers free, at least for the first yeai-. , Chap. 24, B, 2. the educational department. 279 SECTION B. THE LIBKARY. * 1. — Usefulness.— In 1890 the Associations had 649 librar- ies for young men, with an aggregate of 437,347 volumes, and 74 libraries for boys. A well selected library is a very valuable feature in connection with an Associatioi], con- serving or fostering its interests in many directions. It as- sures the favorable consideration of that most important element in every community, the people of taste and cul- ture ; it holds the interest of the more intellectual young men, from whom the most is to be expected in the way of intelligent and stable co-operation ; lines of technical books draw to the Association the earnest students in the various trades and professions ; and the librarian, by constant effort, may direct the reading of many j^oung men into right channels, and greatly improve their literary taste. In fact every hundred volumes placed upon the shelves is not only more power for good but an added guarantee of the per- manency of the institution. In some towns the Association may have the only public library, but even if there are other excellent facilities of this kind, the Association can ill afford to do without a library, and can gather one that is more select and more generally helpful to young men. 2. — Reference and Lending. — The library will usually include a reference and a lending department. Many expensive and cyclopedic books should not be taken from the rooms ; but as many young men will be unable to spend much time at the building the general library should, whenever practicable, be lending. The department should be emphasized that is most needed hj the 3^oung men of the place, in view of facilities ofl'ered them bj" neighboring institutions. Readers should be liable for the loss or unusual damage of a volume. * See " Association Libraries and Librarians," Int. pph. No. 590. Also "Young Men's Era," 1891, p. 582. 380 'I'ttE EDUCATIONAL DBPARTMENT. Chap. 24, B, 3. 3. — Apartments. — These accommodate from one thou- sand to perhaps twenty-five thousand volumes. In every case reasonable provision should be made for growth. Space is best economized by the alcove system; if the ceil- ing is high, one or more galleries may be introduced. The room may be lighted from above. It should be very light and pleasant, with tables and easy chairs to accommodate a number of readers, and if possible with the luxury of an open fire-place. The librarian's desk should be so located as to enable him most conveniently to supervise the library, and perhaps the reading room also. The lending and ref- erence divisions ma}^ occupy separate rooms, or different parts of the same room, divided jDOssibly by a low railing. (See Chap. 14, C, 5.) 4. — Accession, Classification, Cataloguing and Mark- ing. — Every library should have an ^' accession book," in which is kept an account Avith each volume placed upon the shelves. A separate number, known as the " accession number," should be given to each, followed by the author, title, place of publication, publisher, year, pages, size, binding, source from whence received, cost, and class and book numbers, a column being given to each item. This record will be valuable in many ways. Being a minute inventory, it will afford a close description in the event of loss by theft or fire. It is customary to classify books by their general char- acter, keeping each class by itself. It is usual to number books upon the back as well as on the inside, and this may be done by a gum label, or with white and black inks, or with white lead applied with a fine brush. Every library of a thousand volumes should be carefully classified on an expansive system. Let a class number in- dicate the class to which the book belongs, and a book number its place in the class. Case and shelf numbers are undesirable. Prof. Dewey's " Decimal Classification " sys- tem is the best. The sub-conference of those interested in the library, held in connection with the International Sec- Chap. 24, B, 5. THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. 281 retaries' Conference in 1890 recommended "all Associa- tions to adopt the decimal system of classification in their libraries, for the sake of uniformity and because of its many advantages." As our libraries grow, the benefits derived from uniformity, in correspondence, in the purchase of supplies, and in many other ways, will become more and more apparent. (See Chap. 12, 7.) A card catalogue of authors and titles and sometimes subjects, arranged alpha- betically on the " dictionary "* plan is recommended. A catalogue in book form may be made with little trouble and expense by taking the printed catalogue of a model library or a list of good books and indicating on the mar- gin what books are in the library. The titles left un- marked will form an excellent guide in making purchases. Mr. Frank C. Patten, of the Library School, at Albanj', N. Y., introduced this plan at the Association in that city. A book plate having on it the class and book numbers, the date of accession, and name of donor, if it is a gift, to- gether with rules of the library, may be placed inside the first cover. A manilla pocket to hold a card used in charging the book sometimes takes the place of the book plate, and bears the same marks. Many libraries paste a plain mark of OAvnership on the outside of the front cover of every book. There is a growing dislike for manilla covers. In many instances they injure the binding and it is question- able whether they ever pay for the outlay, while all agree that every book so covered loses its identity. A " seven daj^ book " label is often pasted on the outside of popular books while the demand is great. 5. — Charging. — There are many systems of charging. In a small library, from which say fifty volumes are drawn each week, a simple record may be kept in a narrow-page book ruled in three columns ; first the date, second the name, third the number. Credit can be given by checking off the number. Sometimes the books are charged and * See Cutter's " Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue," U. S. Bureau of Education, 282 THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT, Chap. 24, B, 5. credited b}^ card slips wliicli are placed in a box and written up weekly. In this case the cards should be sorted and the debits entered in alphabetical order. The date may also be written at the top of the page, which obviates the need of a date column. This method easily shows the books that are overdue, and notices maj" be sent out by weeks. Monday, April 12, 1889. Armstrong, J. J. 3220 Burrows, L. C. 1369 Clark, Wm. 1333 Another simple plan is to keep a ledger account with each borrower as follows : John Smith, 108 James St. Loaned. No. Returned. j 1—3— '89. 1—12— '89. 2— 1~'89. 122, E 37. 267, H 3. 913, B 12. 1—12— '89. 2—1— '89. A fourth line may be added for fines, or these may be interlined. A wide page will contain a double set of three column records. The card slips, with either a daily or weekly posting, may be used also with this system. Most large libraries use cards for charging books, keeping them in trays. Methods are so various that no attempt will be made to illustrate them here. Indeed all these matters of accession, classification, cataloguing, marking, and charging are intimatel}' connected, having become one of Chap. 24, B, 6. the educational department. 283 the arts of modern life, and the student is referred to sources which treat them more fully than is possible in this volume.* Methods must be adapted to the size and character of the library and the public needs, and depend somewhat, also, upon the character of the supervision. The more systematic and complete its arrangement, the more useful will the library be to its patrons, especially in its reference department. On a new member's first application for a book, it is a good plan to have him sign a card containing the librarj'- rules, with this addition : " Desiring to draw books from the library, I agree to do so in accordance with the above rules." While this agreement furnishes no security against a member who intends to take advantage of the Associa- tion, it is a decided check on thoughtlessness, to which most losses are due. A catalogue describing labor-saving devices for library and office work, manj^ of wliich have been approved b}^ the American Library Association, is sent free on application to the Library Bureau, 146 Franklin St., Boston. 6. — The Librarian . — Only the larger Associations can employ a person to devote his wliole time to the librarj^ The ofiice of librarian is honorable and responsible. He comes in close mental contact with the more intelligent young men, both of the active and associate membership, and the lines of influence open to him are exceptionally broad and strong. Onl}^ a man possessing a full apprecia- tion of his opportunities and duties in these respects, in ad- dition to his other qualifications, is really fitted for this ofiice. Prof. J. H. Gilraore, of Rochester University, in a paper read at the International Convention in 1889, says : " The librarian should be well educated, but not a mere book- worm ; well trained in library economy, but not a mere machine. He should be thoroughly in sympathy with the religious work of * S. H. Beny, librarian of the Brooklyn, N Y. Association, has in preparation a pamphlet entitled ''The Association Library, its ticiministration and use.'" ^84 ^'HE EDtiCATiOXAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 24, B, 6. the Association — thoroughly affable (speak-to-able) and courteous. His function is not merely to purchase, catalogue, and charge books ; but (a) to elevate the character of the books read by those who use the library — substituting better books for bad books, and, finally, the best books for better books. In the crusade against bad books, better books are our best weapon. A fairly good book that our members will read is better for our purposes than a thoroughly good book that they will let alone. " Suppose we mark books, with reference to their intellectual and moral excellence, on a scale from ten to zero. The influence for good of a book whose value is ten, but which two members read, is twenty; while the influence for good of a book whose value is only five, but which ten members read, is fifty. "(5) The librarian should help the members in the choice of their reading, and to do this should know the men as w^ell as the books. He should not seek to do too much at once ; but should endeavor gradually to substitute intelligent choice for mere drift. " The librarian should aid such investigations as young men may desire to pursue when they are writing papers, preparing for de- bates, etc. ; and, especially, aid them in the study of the Bible, in which he should be an expert. The library as an adjunct to Bible study is a wide theme. The Association building may be, and should be, the center for an exchange of opinions, the place where expert testimony may be had with reference to all questions con- cerning the written word. " (c) By thus placing young men under personal obligations, and winning their confidence and respect, the librarian should lead them to Christ, or fit them for greater usefulness in his service. This will be the definite purpose — quietly, unostentatiously, but steadfastly pursued — of evety librarian who is worthy of the name." The librarian should be fully admitted into the fraternity of secretaries, and his presence and the duties of his office recognized in all their conferences. When a librarian can- not be employed, liis place should be suj^plied by volun- teer service, as far as practicable. In many instances the secretary or an assistant Avill perform his duties, especially during the day, but often a competent librar^^ committee can be secured. Men adapted to tlie work, and able to give evening time to it, should be selected an*d continued Chap. 24, B, 8. the educational department. 285 for several years, tliat experience may be added to natural qualifications. 7. — Order. — It seems hardly necessary to say that a proper care of the library will include order and neatness. Books should be in their places on the shelves Avlien not in use, free from dust as far as may be, and in good repair. Very damp sawdust is useful in sweeping and a slightly damp cloth in dusting. The feather duster is an abomina- tion anywhere, and should have no place in the librar3^ The few necessary rules in connection with the library should be strictly and impartially enforced. 8. — Selecting and Buying Books. — The selection and purchase of books will require the best judgment and most discriminatincj- taste at command. Get the best books on each subject, or the best for the purpose, the best that the readers will use. The greatest good to the greatest num- ber, and the real needs of the few should both be con- sidered. Every library should contain a certain line of standard works— history, fiction, poetry, and general litera- ture. Books for young men, intended to instruct, counsel, and encourage in regard to business, social life, morals, and re- ligion should be fully represented. Of this large class are Smiles' Self-Help, Character, Duty, Thrift ; Matthews' Getting on in the World ; Trumbull's Character Shaping and Character Showing. Some of these may easily mark a turning point in the reader's life. Books on recreation, and indoor and outdoor sports will be useful in connection with the physical department. Small, handy, neat look- ing books, going easily ' into the pocket, are especially desirable. At least one encyclopedia is a necessity, and works of this class, including dictionaries and general and technical works of reference, can hardly be too numerous. In a manufacturing community special attention should be given to mechanical works, the latest and the best. A class of rare or expensive books, not likely to be found 286 THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 24, B, 8. elsewhere, will add greatly to the value of the library. Effort should be made to keep up with tlie times, placing promptly on the shelves all new publications that are de- sirable, including especially books of history, travel and research, science, fiction, and general literature. There should be much in the way of standard and pojj- ular religious writings, and the reference department should be rich in biblical literature, embracing every description of helps to Bible study. Such works as the Congressional Record, the Census Reports, and many other government publications are valu- able in their place, and can be secured free by any city Association through the member of Congress, or on applica- tion to the proper departments. In the past many Associations have not saved their magazines for binding,but the importance of so doing cannot be too strongly urged. Much valuable matter is published in this form first, and frequently never in any other. As- sociations that are able to do so should collect full sets of some of the best magazines, and also get Poole's " Index to Periodicals," original volume, which covers the contents of the standard magazines of the Avorld for over a hundred years back. Other Associations might profitably fill in many sets beginning with 1882, and get Poole's " Index," first suj^plement, which covers five years, from 1882 to 1887 ; and, when issued, the second supplement, from 1887 to 1892 ; and the annual "Co-operative Index to Period- icals." The latter should be in everj^ reading room that has even half a dozen magazines, whether there has been attempt to make up sets or not. It is a key to current dis- cussions, valuable to every reader and especially to mem- bers of literary societies. Many excellent books for the young are now published, blending instruction with all that is attractive in style of composition, typography, and illustration, and calculated to supplant the lower class of juvenile books. The As- sociation library has in this connection a special and im- Chap. 24, B, 9. the educational DEPARTMEIi-T. 287 portant mission to the boyi^. When they have a separate room ]l<.]ieir books should usually l)e placed in it. ^^i^reparing lists for purchases recourse can be had to catalogues and to excellent works on books and reading ; discriminating in favor of the best books, and excluding peremptorily everything distinctively faulty in either moral or literary tone. Quality rather than quantity should be the rule. It is very desirable that something new be added at short intervals. There is no better way of bringing the en- tire library into use. Many readers in looking to see what is new will iind something old that just meets their need. Without regular additions the library soon becomes "dead stock" in the estimation of members, and though, of course, it is still valuable, many of them will not use it on this account. If for no other reason frequent purchases should be made, be they ever so small. In making up the library committee one or more men should be included with business experience, who know or will acquaint themselves with the methods of the book trade and be able to secure the best editions and at the lowest prices. Money is often wasted from want of knowledge. A large price is paid for a fair book when a better could have been secured for half the money, or two are bought when one would have answered the same purpose. What, where, and how to buy are questions to which answers of wide significance could be given by a competent committee. It is also suggested that many a man before whom a list of books was i^laced covSting one hundred or live hundred dollars might be induced to purchase the entire lot as his jjersonal contribution. Such a contribution might well be com- memorated by placing the name of the donor in the books. 9. — Ways and Means. — An endowment fund is the only reliable basis, and effort should be made to secure one. The beginning may be small, but once started it is sure to grow. Till such a fund is in existence some library ap2:)ro- 288 'J'HE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 24, B, 10. priation, if only ten dollars, should be put in the annual budget, as systematic effort will have an educating in- fluence. It may be practicable to add to this by an oc- casional entertainment or a special subscription, which, al- though realizing larger sums, should still be considered as only supplemental to the regular appropriation. Sometimes valuable books are given, j^erhaps through a book recep- tion, Avhich method, with all its faults, has added to As- sociation libraries many useful books. When those invited to such a reception are asked to each bring a book or an order for one, either a list of books needed or some sug- gestions as to the kind of books desired might well accom- pany the invitation. Or it might be better to make such request at the reception, rather than in advance, perhaps by posting in the rooms lists of desirable books, with their prices and space opposite each title for the name of a per- son who may offer to secure it for the library or to furnish the price of it. Much worthless matter is sometimes given to an Association, and there is a strong temptation to put everything on the shelves, for tlie sake of swelling the number of volumes or for fear of giving offence. There should be an understanding that duplicates or undesirable books donated may be sold or exchanged. 10. — Advertising the Library/. — Constant effort should be made in this direction. Post in the rooms, or insert in the Association bulletin or in the newspaj^ers, lists and brief descriptions of new books, and special lists adapted to the season, to questions of the day, or to particular classes of readers. For example, in the spring a selection on out- door life and sports, including such books as Thoreau's and Burroughs' ; or, when protection and free trade are generally discussed, a list of everything that the library has on both sides ; or lists covering questions to be debated by literary societies in the Association or elsewhere in the city. Lists of books on mechanical lines may be mailed to men in factories, or placed in their pay envelopes, or posted in the shops. There should be an occasional talk by Chap. 24, O, 2. the kducational dp:partment. 289 the librarian or a coinniilteeinaji on new hooks, the best books in certain lines, the use of reference books, etc. If practicable give the members free access to the books, or at least to a single case, so located that all coming in will see it. Put in it new books, or those mentioned in the special lists. Many members will select a large share of their reading from this case. Ingenuity will discover many other like methods. The contents of other public libraries in the place may be brought before our members in similar ways, after con- sultation with the officers of such libraries. 11. — Helpers. — Some of the more earnest and generously disposed readers may be developed into helpers somewhat like the '* leaders" described in chapter 25, D, 4, h. The educational class teachers also should recommend to their pupils the use of helpful books. SECTION C. kdu(;ational classes. 1. — The N'eed. — The educational class is one of the most practical branches of the secular work. In every city are many young men who are deficient in education, from lack or neglect of early opj^ortunities. The ordinary schools are beyond their reach, but evening class instruc- tion is a possible and excellent substitute. There is no doubt that thousands of men occupy positions to-day which they could not have attained except for these evening schools of the Young Men's Christian Associations. 2. — Growth. — Although a few Associations carried on this work from an early period, yet its growth was slow, and only a beginning has even now been made. (It must be borne in mind, however, that all the Associations in colleges and some of those in small towns have no occa- sion for this work). In 1872, twenty-one years after the 290 THE E1)UCATI0IN-AL DEPARTME^-T. Chap. 24, C, 3. organization of the first American societies, only ten As- sociations reported work of this charactero In 1878 the number liad grown to 49 ; in 1883 it was 156 ; and in 1890 it Avas 310, each conducting from one to fifteen classes, and 292 Associations reported an aggregate of 18,07o dif- ferent students in attendance. In addition to these classes 23 Associations had classes for boys. In several cities the number attending the classes exceeds that of the students in most colleges. 3. — Tlie Committee. — The committee in charge of this work includes among its duties the organization and super- vision of the classes and the securing of instructors. Its members should visit the classes often in order to gain a personal knowledge of the methods of instruction and the progress of the pupils. It may be well to place one of them in charge of each class, expecting him to be present at least once a month, and to report his observations at the monthly meeting of the committee. Occasional visits from the officers and friends of the Association will stimulate and encourage both pupils and instructors. 4. — Branches taught. — The branches taught will depend upon the demand — which will in turn be largely governed by the make up of the membership. Usually this is com- posed chiefly, though in varying proportions, of the mer- cantile, the industrial, and the student classes. The first named will call for classes in bookkeeping, penmanship, commercial arithmetic, stenography, typewriting, and modern languages employed in commercial life. The young artisan will desire instruction in practical mathematics, clay modeling, wood carving, mechanical or architectural drawing, and applied mechanics. Such branches as vocal music, elocution, English grammar, spelling and composi- tion, physiolog}", civil government, etc., will attract persons of all classes according to individual tastes and needs. The demand is sometimes ascertained by sending to the mem- bers a list of studies, with a request that they will ch«ck such as they desire to take up ; when classes can be Chap. 24, C, 6. the educatio^'Al department. 291 provided in tliose branches having a sufficient number of applicants. Ambitious young men should be warned against undertaking more than they can successfully carry througli. 5. — Excellent suggestions have been made of late look- in «• to a more oreneral introduction of such liberal studies as history, literature, political economy, and social science. Thus far the classes have been largely in practical lines of study ; but as has been said, " a man needs knowledge not only as a means of livelihood but as a means of life," using the w^ord in its broader sense. " We need to promote," says a prominent educator, " bj^ good teaching or con- versational lectures, a knowledge of good books among our members, to cultivate better habits of reading, to show young fellows how they can better employ and better enjoy their leisure." Great social and political problems also are to be solved by the next generation, and Amer- ican young men need, more than ever, a knowledge of history, and of the true principles of government and of society, to fit them for the duties of citizenship, — duties that are more and more being thrown upon men in early life. No agency can better lend a helping hand than the educational department of the Associations. Some Associations are participating in the. University Extension scheme with good results. 6. — Interest will suiier if too much be attempted at once. Two or three classes well attended are better than a dozen indifferently supported. Some branches of study may be changed in successive j^ears, if greater variety is needed. If the classes are arranged and announced early in the season, many new members may be brought into the Asso- ciation. An approved plan is to have two terms, separated by a Christmas vacation. Admission to all the classes is usually a membership privilege, but where the membership fee is low, or a certain class involves unusual expense, a special fee is sometimes charged. Some Associations re- quire an entrance fee of one or two dollars, with the un- 292 'fHE EDUCATIONAL DKPARTMEXT. Chap. 24, C, ?. derstaiidingthat, if the pupils' iitteiulance readies eighty per cent., it will be returned. This plan is said to greatly stimulate regular attendance. 7. — Frequency of classes. — In many Associations each class meets once a week, but in such cases the progress of the students is slow. If possible, two evenings a week might better be given to each stud}^ It may be doubted whether, with the variety of engagements offered by the ^Association, it is desirable to devote more time than this to a class. A young man that is busy during the day will make the best j^rogress by pursuing one or two branches several evenings each week, and if earnest for mental improvement can easil}^ sacrifice for the time being much in the line of society and amusement. When the students in any branch are numerous, they may be graded into different sections. 8. — Instructors^ etc. — Competent instructors will some- times volunteer their services, but must usually be paid. It is desirable that they be not only Christian men, but in hearty sympathy and co-operation with the spiritual work. Suitable rooms are needed, provided with desks or tables, blackboards, and other requisites. A case of reference text-books will be helpful. There should be a regular order of exercises in the classes, an attendance roll, and orderly behavior. Examinations are sometimes held and certificates of ^proficiency given to successful candidates. In a few Associations interest is stimulated by prizes, offered perhaps by persons specially interested in this de- j^artment. A social reception is sometimes given to the classes. 9. — Interest the students. — Judicious effort should be made to introduce the members of the classes into the other branches of the work and attach them permanently to the Association. In this work the evening reception commit- tee has a definite place. A committee may also be formed among the active members who attend the classes. The natural and unobtrusive contact and quiet personal inilu- Chap. 24, D, 1. the educatiokal department. 293 ence of consecrated workers will oring about the best results. 10. — International pamphlet No. 61, " How can our As- sociations better adapt themselves to the needs of young men of all classes?" by C. H. Dodge, contains many use- ful suggestions regarding educational work. (See ap- pendix, samples Nos. 38 and 39, for educational class rules and record). SECTION D. LITERARY SOCIETIES. 1. — Usefulness. — According to the reports for 1890, lit- erary societies for young men were connected with 133 Associations, and for boys with 29. These societies consist of from six to perhaps fifty members each, organized under various forms for engaging in such exercises as debates, recitations, essays, and criticism. Although educational in character this work is quite distinct from the evening class, and of wider scope than the instruction along similar lines usually gained in the common school. The lyceum debate has peculiar attractions for our American young men, and a wise policy takes advantage of tliis fact, not only to draw in and influence such men, but to bring these exercises under that healthful control and supervision so often needed. Such societies have great value, for in them many men have received their first ambitious im- pulses, and practiced those arts of the speaker and parlia- mentarian that have rendered them famous in after life. Nothing quickens the mind into greater activity than a vigorously contested question in debate. Through such exercises a young man also acquires self-possession, and learns how to express clearly what he knows. Many Christian men who are now silent in meetings for prayer and conference, through timidity, might with a lyceum train ^94 I'hp: educational department. Chap. 24, D, 2. ing liave becoiue valued workers. The capacity for impart- ing knowledge and enforcing truth is among the grandest powers God has given man, and yet none is more often neglected. Es})ecially is this apt to be the case with young men in business life. 2. — Organization. — Such a society cannot be success- fully organized Avithout a nucleus of thoroughly interested 3'oung men. The work should be supervised by the de- partment committee, and all rules governing the organiza- tion should be approved by the board of directors. (See Cha]?. 6, B.) Membership is, of course, confined to mem- bers of the Association. An executive committee, com- posed usually of the officers, together with the general secretary, or one or more other representatives of the board, should approve all questions for debate or topics: for essays, and everything of doubtful character or liable to engender bitter feelings should be discarded. 3. — Methods. — A suitable room will be needed, and all proceedings should be conducted under strict rules of order. The nearer all transactions approximate to those of real life the more helpful w^ill be the experieiice gained. Some- times the exercises may take the form of a legislative bod}^, a court of justice, a political or business convention ; any of which, if properl}^ carried out, will be full of practical benefit to the participants. Not least among the results of this work will be the stimulus to reading and research nec- essarily created, adding many patrons to the Association librar3\ The librarian should keep himself informed of the topics, and post on his bulletin board lists of books and articles in periodicals relating to them. The same efforts that are employed elsewhere should be made to interest the associate members v/ho are indentified with the literary society in the religious work. Chap. 24, E, 3. THE EDUCATIO^TAL DEPARTMENT. 095 SECTION E. LECTURES AND TALKS. 1. — Dangers in ijaid courses. — Thei'c are two classes of lecture courses, the paid or "star '• and the " home " course. To conduct the first, which is usually done with an eye to financial profit, tact, experience and a great amount of hard work are necessary ; and, although a few Associations suc- ceed, in most cases the results are not satisfactory. There is also great danger that in trying to secure attractions the moral tone be lowered, or perhaps almost ignored. Helpful- ness to young men, not mere financial gain, should be the primary object in all such effort. In arranging for such a course of lectures the only safe plan is to secure advance subscriptions for tickets sufficient to guarantee the expense. Preparations, which must be in the hands of an energetic committee, should begin early ; and the refusal of the de- sired talent be obtained, usually from a responsible bureau, till a canvass can be made. Sometimes several Associations, conveniently located on lines of travel, can arrange for consecutive nights at a reduced rate. Where the Associa- tion has a hall large enough for this class of entertainments, the financial phase is much simplified. Such a course is a material addition to the value of membership. 2. — Home Talent. — The second class of lectures is given either by resident gentlemen or those of neighboring com- munities, whose services may be had free or at a nominal cost. Such talent will often compare favorably with that of the bureaus. A small admission fee for non-members will generally meet the expense of this course. 3. — Practical Tails. — The " practical talk " is somewhat in line Avith the last, but on a smaller scale and more in- formal, usually for young men only, and frequently held in the Association parlor. It is an unfortunjite community that does not contain many persons capable of telling the average young man much that will both interest him and 296 THE KDUCATlONAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 24, E, 3. be of practical value in liis dail}^ life. If a taste for such subjects is lacking, earnest and persistent effort may well be made by the Association to create and foster it. Suit- able subjects abound in the lines of business, health, ethics, politics, history, travel or science. The following suggestive list of topics is selected from lists given in " The Watchman," 1884, page 259, and in the " Young Men's Era," 1891, page 635. Some of them would also be useful as the subjects of essays in the literary society. On reading in the line of one's business. On reading merel}^ with a view of amusement. How to read a newspaper. Hints about commercial correspondence. How to attain business and professional success. How to save money and how to do good with it. The development of true manliness of character. Sjnnmetrical self-culture. The cultivation of studious liabits. On the fear of appearing singular. On forming a taste for simple pleasures. Perseverance. The house we live in. Stimulants and narcotics. Revelations of the microscope. A few modern applications of electricity. How to study astronomy with an opera glass. How to make a photograph. The progress of natural science during the present century. Decisive events in colonial history. Decisive events in the Revolutionary War. Decisive events in the formation of the Constitution. Decisive events in the Civil War. The choice of intimate friends. What society, in its good sense, expects from young men. Speculation, is it desirable ? The old New England home (for Thanksgiving). The privileges and duties of citizenship. CHAPTER 25. THE FHYmCAL DEPARTMJENT.'' SECTION A. THE AIM OF THE DEPARTMENT. 1. — The object of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion being to save and build up young men, the object of its physical department is to save young men physically with reference to their salvation and building up as a whole. Great emphasis belongs to the last clause — the relation of the physical department to the others, and what is said about it applies equally to ever}'- department. Each must work in sympathy with the others, for the same end, and by the same methods. 2. — The general aim of this department may be con- sidered under three sub-heads: Physical healthy physical education, ^jhysical recreation. The word physical is in each of these, but physical health has to do with intellec- tual and spiritual health; physical education is vitally con- nected with mental education, some indeed believing the latter to be largely an outgrowth of the training of the physical senses; and phj^sical recreation is intimately allied to mental recreation. 3. — Physical health. — a. Under this head are included hygienic and medical or curative gymnastics. That gym- * Tlie subject matter of this chapter was prepared by Luther Guhclr, M. D. As this department is comparatively new and unfamiUar, more details are given than ill some other chapters, but intiny technical points needed by those im- mediately internsred in tlie physical work are omitted, Some further considera- tions are given in Int. pphs. Nos. 59.3 and G14. This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. C2. 298 THE PHYSICAL DfiPARTMEXT. Chap. 25, A, 3. nasties are useful iu curing or alleviating many diseases is not questioned to-day by intelligent persons. h. Furtlier, to sa}^ tliat hygienic gymnastics are needed by the great majority of civilized mankind for the preven- tion of disease, is merely re-stating the general principle that each part of man must be cultivated. The sedentary habits of large classes in the cities render systematic exer- cise imperative, while many men engaged in manual labor require, almost equally, some compensative system to ex- ercise the unused muscles and bring the body to symmet- rical proportions. Young men need to start right in a system of body-building that shall make them vigorous and teach them how to keep so. To these benefits derived from regular exercise may be added its preventive or coun- teractive effects and tendencies. It often takes the place of questionable amusements, or leads directly to habits of temperance and personal purity. c. The objection is frequently made that our ancestors did not need and did not take this artificial exercise which is said to be so necessary to-day. There are four answers to this objection: (1) The immediate ancestors of our parents lived and worked mostly out of doors, and thus their children, our parents, had a large account in the bank of health. But our parents, many of them, lived in the city; so we are city born and bred, without that natural education of the physique that our parents received as country children almost without their being aware of it; thus we need to supply artificially, as far as possible, that which our an- cestors possessed naturally. (2) Our fathers habitually overworked, and, while they may not have broken down, they were unable to endow us with their own sturdy constitutions. So the children suffer for the overwork of the parents. " The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge." In support of this might be mentioned the decadence of many of our best and strongest families. Chap. 25, A, 3. the physical department. 299 whore the vigor has given out, the fathers and mothers having used up what belonged to the children. (3) Far more is demanded of this generation than of former ones. We live in the age of the locomotive and the telephone. Our lives are more intense. We do less physical and more mental work. We worry as no genera- tion ever did, and so our physiques must be improved to meet the demand, or we shall become a nation of physical bankrupts. Modern life demands a better body, not neces- sarily bigger and stronger muscularly, but more wiry, more enduring. (4) With the great strides that sanitary, medical, and surgical science have taken, children are brought up who would formerly have died at birth or soon after, and the lives of invalids are prolonged; and the children of these two classes are often of an inferior grade physically. d. To what extent should the Young Men's Christian Association attempt medical or curative gymnastics ? When men troubled with diseases that can be affected by exercise present themselves for examination, the physical director should be able to suggest to them such methods of living and exercise as would best remove their difficul- ties, but always with the advice of a physician, if he is not one himself. It is unwise for a physical director to under- take definite work in the line of medical gymnastics with- out having a legal right to practice medicine, for if the treatment should prove unsuccessful, he would not only be in an extremely embarrassing position, but would be liable before the law. Since medical gymnastics are primarilj^ and essentially a specialty in medicine, they should be con- ducted for the cure of disease only by regularly qualified medical practitioners. e. Exercises for the prevention of disease, however, belong pre-eminently to us, as well as those which promote health and keep the body in such condition that the man can do the best work for the longest period of time. This subject is considered in section C, 3, 6. 300 'A'HK PHl'iSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, A, 4. 4. — Physical education. — a. The following is a good definition of physical education: "To draw out or train the physical powers, to prepare and fit the bod^^ for any calling or business, or for activity and usefulness in life." This is adapted from Webster's definition of education, substituting the word phj^sical for intellectual. Thus we see that all the training of the physique that is necessary in the trades comes under the head of physical education; as well as all the simply mechanical part of piano playing, that secures control of the finsfers and makes the hand supple; all of vocal training that consists in controlling the muscles of the throat, abdomen, and diaphragm; all of Vv'riting, engraving, etching, and drawing that involves ac- curate co-ordination of the muscles; all training of the quick eye, and the steady hand. As soon as the brain has an idea of what ought to be done, the body should be able to do it. The aim of physical education is to fit the body to obey the dictates of the mind readily, accurately, and thoroughl}^ At the same time the mind receives a train- ing that enables it to act with more efficiency and alert- ness. h. The qualities that physical education seeks to culti- vate may be stated as follows. While some of them relate v/holl}^ to the body, others are largely mental. As dis- coveries and advances are constantly made in this compar- atively recent field of inquiry, this classification is not pre- sented as final, nor can hard and fast lines be drawn between these divisions. (1) Symmetry, — harmonious or all-round development of the body. (2) Muscular strength, — including the strength of the arms, legs, and body, also of the heart and respiratory muscles. (3) Endurance, — also a matter of the heart, lungs, and nervous sj^stem, as well as of the extrinsic muscles. (4) Agilit}", — quickness of action, largely an affair of the central nervous system. Chap. 25, A, 5. the PHYSICAL department. 30X (5) Grace, — fundamentally a question of economj^ of power. Comparing grace and symmetry, the first is beauty of action and the other beauty of form. (6) Muscular control, — this is largely nervous, and results from that training by which the mind can co-ordi- nate the muscles for any bodily action, no matter how in- tricate, to the extent of muscular strength. (7) Physical judgment, — a correlative of muscular control. It is a sort of psychic trigonometry by which the trained mind calculates the distance, position, and motion of objects, — something by which it weighs and balances. Through the delicately combined action of these two faculties one learns to jump a ditch, catch a ball, and ride a bicj^cle with ease, quickness, and accuracy, and often with no apparent effort. Physical judgment tells a man what ought to be done and muscular control enables him to do it; either one without the other is practically worth- less. (8) Physical courage, — this comes naturally from the consciousness of ability gained tlirougli experience. Some- times a constitutional timidity or lack of what may be called physical faith has to be overcome. A presump- tuous daring is not true courage, being born either of io^norance of real dano^er or of reckless indifference. (9) Self possession, — control of the mind over the entire man, enabling him to act naturally in times of danorer and excitement. o (10) Expression, — this has to do with gesture, elocu- tion, etc., the aim being primarily to enable the body to express thought in the most intelligible way. The Del- sarte system is perhaps the best example. 5. — Physical recreation. — This is for many men the most important of the three divisions. When they come to the gymnasium their primary need is recreation. They are exhausted mentally. Perhaps they are tired physically. They need to be stirred up, made to laugh and to throw off their business. For such cases educative gymnastics 302 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, B, 1. would be worse than useless and medical gymnastics thrown away. The gymnastic games are adapted to them and can be used to great advantage. A little recreative gymnastics at the end of class work will often add zest to what Av^ould otherwise seem trying. SECTION B. UNDPZR WHAT CONDITIONS SHOULD A YOUNG MEn's CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATION START A PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT ? Three conditions may be mentioned: A demand for such work, a man to give it intelligent supervision, and a suitable i>lace. 1. — There is generally a demand, but if not, it can be created by two or three lectures by men from outside the city, Mdio are prominently connected with athletics. Lec- tures illustrated by the stereopticon are very useful in this direction. 2. — The fundamental factor is intelligent supervision. Many Associations have attempted to carry on a plu'- sical department without any one to give it special time and attention. This has almost invariably proved a failure, damaging the work of these Associations. The members have not felt under the restraint that is necessary for suc- cess, nor have they received the beneiits that ought to have accrued from it but sometimes positive injury. Where it is not possible to employ a physical director, the general secretary can qualify himself to do this work on a small scale at the Association Training Schools. Two neighboring Associations ma}' sometimes unite in securing a physical director, to the advantage of both. Attempts have sometimes been made to have the assist- ant secretary conduct the physical department. This, however, is not so desirable as for the general secretary Chap. 25, B, 3. the physical defartmext. 303 himself to do this, an assistant relieving him in the general work of the Association in order that he may have the necessary time. Work in the physical department affords the secretary an opportunity to become acquainted with the associate members that is never afforded him elsewhere. It involves his taking that exercise which is necessary for his own well being, but which otherwise he is very likely to neglect. It also shows to the members his interest in and familiarity with physical work, thus giving him a stronger influence with many of them. The fundamental idea of the Association, that it is not a one man affair, should be kept in mind here, for in conducting the phy- sical department the development of leaders is one of the most important items. Where the general secretary is handling the gymnasium he ought to be obliged, after a time, to lead only the leaders' class, and all the other classes should be in charge of the men he has trained; just as in other lines most of the work is not done by himself, but by thosy whom he has developed. It would be unwise to start a gymnasium without an earnest Christian man to manage it, for a mere physical trainer is no more qualified to take charge of a Young Men's Christian Association g^^mnasium. than is any sharp business man qualified to become a general secretary. The building up of the body is only a part of the development of the whole man, which the Association seeks to accom- plish. When the general secretary cannot undertake this work, sometimes a young man can be found in the com- munity who can lead some classes in the Association gym- nasium, but in all such cases earnest Christian character is requisite. 3.-^A third necessity is a suitable place. This need not be an expensively equipped gymnasium or field, but some part of the building that is ligbt, dry, and clean, set aside for this work; or some small outdoor space, even a single city lot, with a few appliances for athletic sports. 304 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, C, 1. sp:ction c. SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT AND METHODS. 1. — Physical exammations. — The best practical work can be done only upon a thoroughly scientific basis. This must be laid in an accurate physical examination of each gymna- sium member; a careful study of the results of the exam- ination; and intelligent advice based upon it, followed by an interested oversight, to provide for the carrying out of this advice. The examination should be made compulsory upon every new member before he takes any exercise in the gymnasium. This can be accomplished by giving him a card entitling him to an examination, and only furnish- ing him with a full ticket after the director certifies that the examination has been made. It is desirable that examinations be repeated at intervals of six months or a year. a. For making such examinations, and for other per- sonal conferences, the physical director needs a private office. This must be well lighted and thoroughl}' warmed and ventilated, and should be the most attractive part of the physical department outfit. It may well be orna- mented w4th photographs and medals bearing upon phy- sical excellence, all bringing out the idea of the all-round man rather than that of excellence in special events, and thus helping to keep this idea before the members. b. The following measuring instruments are necessary: Platform scales graduated to pounds and tenths, on which all Aveighing is done by slides instead of movable weights. Those with two or three beams, fastened above instead of underneath the beam support, are much superior to the old style. A measuring tape divided into inches and tenths, with a six ounce spring on the zero end. A height measure divided into inches and tenths, not feet, inches, and tenths. It is important that all these Chap. 25, C, 2. THE physical department. 305 measurements be taken in inclies and tenths, for otherwise accurate tabulation is impossible. Calipers, both straight-armed and curved. Grip dynamometer. A pair of wall parallels adjustable in height, so as to allow of both dipping and pulling up. Wet spirometer. Dry spirometers are unsatisfactory, because ihej are liable to vary from day to day. The last named is the least essential, and may be omitted when moderate expense is a leading consideration. c. The most valuable part of the examination is that which entirely escapes the tape or rod, but is evident to the eye of the physical director. And here he has an un- usual opportunity to become acquainted with men, to cor- rect evil habits of life, and to gain an influence over them that he can use for their welfare, perhaps for years to come. It is a fact that the busiest physical directors find time for the most numerous and thorough examinations. If the work is not done in such a way as to inspire confidence, it is well nigh useless. 2. — Statistic hlmiks. — The International Committee has prepared two such blanks. One is brief, for general use; and the other is quite full, containing two or three times as many items in examination and history, for use where special detail is demanded, as it might be in records of fine athletes or unusual cases of any kind. The large blank contains far more measurements than it is worth while to take except in such rare cases. Measurements of the bones of one leg are ample, unless there is evi- dently some unusual conformation. It is far better to use the small blank carefully, than to use the large one hastily and imperfectly. These blanks are based on the recommendations of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, so that they may be in accord with scientific work in this line all over the country. It is desirable that all physicial directors take these measurements, and take them uniformly, in accord 306 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, C, 3. with the directions published by the committee,* for only by so doing will they be able to utilize the valuable system of measurement charts now being prepared. 3. — Prescription of exercise. — a. Nothing more can be done in a brief statement like the present than to lay down a few general principles. During the examination of a new member his object in coming to the gymnasium should be ascertained. As far as is consistent with the funda- mental ideas of the Association, each man should be given that which he desires; but he should also have impressed upon him, as decidedly as seems best in his special case, the fundamental idea of all-round development, not merely as applied to the physical department but to the development of the whole man. The work must also interest him, otherwise he will not usually do it long. If sufficiently skilled, the physical director can usually find exercises that will meet the demands of the individual and at the same time interest him. It is a fact better known tlian understood that more benefit, both mental and physical, is derived from an exercise that gives pleasure, than from one that does not. h. There is a principle underlying the whole of organic life, which it is extremel}^ important to bear in mind in the prescription of exercise; namely, '•^Function makes structured This means that the structure of an ororan or organism is altered by doing a thing repeatedly, and so becomes adapted to the work and enabled to do it better. For example, if a man wants a symmetrical body, let him do exercises that demand symmetry, and he may expect that his body will be built up symmetrically. c. The j)hysical director should also observe the dis- tinction between the use of exercises for health, education, or recreation, and should study the needs of each member in order to ascertain what exercises are best for him. There is no general prescription adapted to all cases, in- cluding these three classes of exercises. Few men need *See "Manual for Physical Measurements,'" Int. pph. No. 23. Chap. 25, C, 3. the PHTsiCAii department. 307 one class only, and one great art in prescription is to choose exercises that combine the desired aims. This is a divi- sion of aims, not of exercises. The same exercise may be used at different times, or by different people, with opposite effects; as in medicine the same drug is employed in differ- ent cases, opium being a heart stimulant as well as a nar- cotic. When a man has no special need, but only seeks greater vigor, exercises should be pi'escribed that call into play as much of the body as possible. d. Curative gymnastics and their place in our work ha,ve already been discussed in section A, 3. For the cases that come within the province of the physical director little more can be done than to follow out the general principle, " Function makes structure," prescribing exercises that de- mand the qualit}^ desired; for example, for wry neck giving work that requires a straight spine, such as carrying v/eights on the head; for incipient spinal curvature swing- ing by the arms, thus pulling the spine straight; for un- even shoulders, caused by poor muscular development of one side, giving work that demands strength on that side principally; for weak heart and lungs slow running, that demands good development of these organs; in all cases beginning gradually and working up to the result desired. Exercises may be prescribed for such minor difficulties, but where any grave trouble is suspected the physical director should work only under the advice of a competent physician, unless he himself is one. The relations between diseases are such that it is impossible for one who merely knows the diseases that can be effected b}^ gymnastic treat- ment to determine that the disease which he sees is not a symptom of some other one which he does not see and which is not susceptible to gymnastic treatment. e. Preventive gymnastics belong to the Associations. What is health? Perfect co-operation of all the parts. The most important of these are the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs. The nervous system is considered to be in good order if the vital organs show no indication to 308 THF, PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, C, 3. the contrary. If then a man's abdominal organs work so well that a })lentiful supply of blood is maintained, and the lungs work so thoroughly that the blood is kept free from carbonic acid gas and supplied with the necessary oxygen, and if the heart is regular and vigorous, the most fundamental requisites for health have been fulfilled, and a basis laid for the best work both physical and mental. Preventive exercises must fulfill the following condi- tions: (1) they must stimulate and allow vigorous breath- ing, (2) must exercise the heart regula-rl}^, (3) must agitate the abdominal organs, (4) must induce perspiration. The value of a health exercise may be judged by the following tests: (1) it should induce a tired but not exhausted feel- ing, (2) should induce sleep at night, not wakefulness, (3) should gradually increase the appetite, (4) should not occa- sion nervous trembling of the hands, (5) should not make the muscles sore for any length of time. Chest weights, in their sj^ecial and peculiar uses, scarcely have tlie health producing value commonly attributed to them. Most movements connected Avith them that fulfill the conditions just given can be as well or better done otherwise. These machines are chiefly valuable for the development of certain muscles, a matter which has little relation to health, and it is doubtful whether as man}^ of them are required in our gymnasiums as are often placed there. Oxygen is absorbed througli the lungs to a greater or less extent, depending rather upon the demand of the sys- tem than upon the amount of air they are capable of con- taining; so if one wants to make the lungs absorb a great deal of ox^^gen he must do those exercises which demand a large expenditure of energy in a short time. Putting ox^rgen into the lungs when they already have all they can use is like leading a horse to water when he is not thirsty. To increase the amount of oxygen in the blood work should be done which causes a demand for more oxygen, and there- fore deeper breathing, rather than deep breathing exercises when there is no particular demand for oxygen. But deep Chap. 25, C, 3. tHe physical department. 309 breathing is useful just before and after vigorous work. In the first case it fills the lungs v/ith fresh air to meet the great demand just coming. In the second case it removes rapidly from the lungs the impure gases discharged into them in unusual amounts. Voluntarj^ deep breathing strengthens the muscles of respiration and thus enlarges the chest, but does not necessarily increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. If a man desires a stronger heart, let him run, slowly at first and a little at a time, because this work demands a strong heart. For people of sedentary habits movements of the trunk, particularly^ of the hips, are helpful in remedj^- ing the evil results of such habits. During such active movements of the trunk as bending and twisting, or such jolting exercises as horseback riding, the organs contained in the abdominal cavity are alternately compressed and relaxed, and the circulation of the blood through them is greatly accelerated. The peristaltic movement of the in- testine is also greatly accelerated. Thus the nutritive changes in these organs are made more rapid than usual. /. Educative gymnastics have been described and their aim analj^zed in section A, 4. A man who does not feel the need of gymnastic work solely for health may be interested and held by the prescription of educative work, especially such as Avill develop the qualities needed in his business or profession. When his daily Avork requires any special physical excellence, exercise may be given profit- ably that shall train him for it, although great care must be taken not to overtax him in this one direction. Educa- tive gymnastics are also specially valuable for weak-minded children, awkward men, etc. In all this work a progressive method should be followed, and more difficult work given step by step. g. Recreative gymnastics and educative work are rad- ically different, but the former may be combined with body-building exercises in games, notably in basket-ball and foot-ball, if proper training is given for thenij as they 310 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, C, 3. supply many condilioiis of body-building, and at the same time place the mind in the attitude required for recreation. Lawn tennis is not as perfect a combination, as it involves too much strain on the nervous system in proportion to the muscular exercise. Throwing tlie light hammer is ex- cellent. Men engaged in intellectua-1 work need recreative gym- nastics. They should avoid, on the one hand, intricate games or other exercises that require much thought, and, on the other, routine work that permits their minds to re- vert to their accustomed trains of thought. Such men will usually derive more advantage from exercises for the whole body than from those which are merely for special groups of muscles, even though these be carried on until all the groups of muscles have been involved. h. Athletic sports are ordinarih'- more health-giving than heavy gymnastics, for they call into plaj^ the legs and trunk more actively, while heavy gymnastics exercise the arms and chest chiefly. Lack of space forbids enlarging on this subject. Running and all such exercises affect the health much more decidedly than do ordinary chest weight move- ments, in which the body is held stationary while the work is done with the arms. On the other hand, where health is not primarily sought, but muscular growth, those exer- cises are best that call into play the fewest muscles at a time. Gymnastics usually build up muscle a great deal more than athletics, and for this reason if a man wishes to develop his upper arm he works it vigorously, so that it may receive a disproportionate supply of blood, and at the same time rests all his other muscles as much as possible. i. Exercise should be frequent and regular. Some- thing can be accomplished in an hour twice a week, and perhaps the best results in two hours a daj-, not, however, all at one time nor devoted to a single class of exercises. j. A bath should be prescribed at the close of every day's exercise, to be taken before the body has had time to cool off, but not when the heart is beating very rapidly Chap. 25, D, 1. the physical department^ 311 nor when the individual is seriously out of breath. The bath should be of only a few seconds' duration, and should be followed by a vigorous rub. It is a safe rule that the beneficial degree of cold is that after which the individual has the most perfect reaction or glow. Cold baths are hurtful if followed by chilliness. Shower baths are more used than any others, as ihey are the best form of brief bath after exercise. SECTION D. PRACTICAL EQUIPMENT AND METHODS. 1. — Location and arrangement of the gymnasium. — a. A separate wing occupied solely by the physical depart- ment is by far the most desirable plan. The lower story may contain the bath and dressing rooms, bowling alle3^s, and workshop. The gymnasium will be immediately above these rooms. It may well be forty by sixty feet in size, although good work can be done in a smaller room. A convenient height for the ceiling is twenty feet. This gives all the room needed for ventilation and light, and for the swinging apparatus. If the ceiling is higher, a framework or other provision must be made from which such apparatus may be hung. b. There should be some systematic artificial ventila- tion, as otherwise it is hardly possible to keep the air pure when large classes are on the floor. Great care should be taken, however, that the system adopted does not produce drafts. The importance of ventilation becomes more ap- parent when the fact is borne in mind that during vigor- ous exercise a man often throws off six times as much carbon dioxide and uses up six times as much oxygen as when he is sitting still, so that ventilation enough for six men at rest will be just enough for one man who is exer- cising vigorously. 312 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 1 c. Tliere should be a running track at least nine feet above the floor (ten would be better), with semi-circular ends, for at every abrupt corner the speed practicable else- where must be lessened. It may be suspended from above or supported by buttresses. The latter plan should always be adopted when there are rooms over it, in order to avoid a disagreeable jar. The running track should be from four to six feet wide and sloped to correspond with the changes of direction, a very sharp turn needing a steep slope, but rarely more than one foot in four. An excellent track is made by laying boiler felting an inch or two in thickness, covering it with canvas, and then applying two or three coats of good paint. This is patented as the ** Roberts track." The " concave incline " (patented) is also very desirable. d. For ready use by large classes the entire floor should be free from posts. Experience shows this to be a very important item. e. Where it is impossible to have the gymnasium in a separate wing of the building, it may be put in the base- ment or one of the upper stories. Neither of these places is satisfactory. In the basement it is very difticult to make the gymnasium thoroughly lighted, ventilated, and dry, which are three essentials. An upstairs gymnasium is likel}^ to disturb the whole building by noise and vibra- tion, and, if the building is not very strong, to do serious damage. Special care will also have to be exercised in re- gard to plumbing, and even then leaks are very likely to occur. But in some recent buildings these difficulties have been overcome quite fully. It is desirable to have the dressing rooms and baths on the floor below an upstairs gymnasium. /. As explained in Chapter 14, C, « and o, the gymna- sium should be approached onl}^ through the reception room. The mistake has sometimes been made in the past of having a separate entrance, but it will not often be re- peated. Discipline and safety make it desirable that only Chap. 25, D, 1. THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. 313 members be admitted to the floor of tlie gymnasium, so the members' door needs constant supervision by the secre- tary or an assistant. Members should carry their tickets with them, and sliow them when asked to do so. Whenever possible there should be a visitors' gallery, with a separate entrance from the reception room, and so arranged that no one can pass from the gallery to the gymnasium. If this cannot be included in the plan of the gymnasium, a particular place in the room may be assigned to visitors, beyond which they must not pass. It is inex- pedient to exclude them altogether, as many recruits come from among them. But they should not be admitted with- out passes from the office, and should be kept under con- stant supervision. Where land is not very expensive, an athletic field next the building and entered through the reception room would derive such a decided advantage from its close connection with the general work of the Association as to compensate for a much smaller area than might be secured at some distance. The use of the dressing and bath rooms would be another advantage. Many men would use such a field who would not go even a few blocks to a larger one. But if it cannot be secured, the next best plan might be to spend the money that distant grounds would cost on the improvement of the gymnasium and baths, and to run in- door athletics during the summer months. g, A bowling alley is a valuable adjunct. It should be separated from all other rooms as much as possible, to prevent disturbance from noise. Each full sized alley re- quires altogether five by eighty feet of floor space, the bed of the alley being forty-two inches by seventy feet. h. The oftice of the physical director, already referred to in section C, 1, a, should command a view of the gym- nasium and of the rooms connected witli it, as far as prac- ticable. i. In connection with every gymnasium, there should be a small workshop provided with conveniences for sim- 314 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, 1), 2. pie carpentry, sewing of mats, splicing of ropes, and similar work. Oftentimes serious inconvenience can be avoided and money saved by such appliances, Avhicli every physical director should be able to use intelligently. Con- stant testing and repairing of the apparatus are necessaiy to insure safety. j, A room wliere members of the Association can keep their bicycles has been found useful in several Associa- tions. It is most convenient when it opens directly from the sidewalk. h. Suggestions regarding separate rooms for the boys' physical department are given in Chap. 28, D, 6. I, The plans for the gymnasium and all the rooms connected with it, and for the apparatus, should always be submitted to some expert for his suggestions. Hundreds of dollars can often be saved in this way, and greater effi- ciency secured. 2. — Bath and dressing rooms. — a. Only second in im- portance to the gymnasium itself are the bath and dressing rooms. These should be so connected with the gymna- sium that there need be no danger of taking cold in pass- ing from one to the other. It is desirable that the lockers be not less than three feet high, a foot and a half wide, and a foot deep. The larger they are, however, the more convenient. In some cases a few lockers are placed in rooms about six feet square, thus affording more privacy to some members, at a higher fee. Lockers may be ar- ranged in tiers, and when two rows face each other they should not be closer together than five feet. Benches or stools between the lockers are useful. If there are more than two tiers of lockers, there should be an ample supply of high stools or step-ladders for reaching the upper ones. But it is far more convenient to have onl}^ two tiers of lockers. h. Special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the dressing rooms, as in no other part of the building is there so much foul air to be carried awav. The lockers Chap. 25, B, 2. THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. 315 should be constructed so tliat a draft of ah* will go through them, in order that the clothes and towels may be dried. A method of ventilation suggested by George W. Ehler gives promise of great usefulness. It is to have the air drawn out of the room through the lockers by means of a rotary fan, thus obviating the difficulty that has been ex- perienced from drafts produced by such fans. Thus, also, the air receiving impurities from sweaty clothing is drawn away at once, instead of passing into the room. This plan need not be much more expensive than other similar methods of ventilation, if it is a part of the original ar- rangement of the dressing room and lockers. c. Combination locks have met with great favor of late. The combination should be changed with every change of occupant. d. Shower and sponge baths are the most desirable, for several physiological reasons that cannot be given here for lack of space. They are also used quickly, each per- son taking only a short time in bathing, and thus the same amount of space is more economically used than for tub baths. One or two tub baths are sufficient for most gym- nasiums. The pressure in the hot and cold water pipes should be constant, so that drawing hot water in one bath v/ill not withhold it from some other, and surprise the oc- cupant with a dash of cold water while he is using warm. This can be accomplished only by the use of independent pipes to each bath, or of large pipes (at least one and one quarter inches in diameter) and powerful heaters. Spring faucets save water in the shower and needle baths. Good portable heaters, furnishing from fifty to four hundred gallons per hour, are now sold at from $15 to ^50. They can be run at small expense. Further details regarding these, also regarding combination locks, may be obtained at the office of the International Committee. e. Plunge baths are expensive, but are extremely at- tractive and useful. Swimming can be more easily taught in such a place than anywhere else. Many a mother would 316 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 3. make her son a member simply that he might acquire this accomplishment. The water should be changed very often, every day if possible, and the whole bath scrubbed out frequently. The large quantity of water needed is some- times obtained at the least expense from artesian wells. A shower bath should be compulsory before using the plunge. To aid in enforcing this rule, the plunge baths in the T>Siy- ton and Cleveland buildings can only be entered through a gate opening inward from the shower bath room, and left by another opening outward into the dressing room, /*. The strictest discipline is necessary in this j^art of the building, as there will be great difficulty in restraining the members if they get the idea that it is the proper place for throwing water or wads of paper, or for similar amuse- ments. Recreative gymnastics are useful, but not in con- nection with the bath and dressing rooms. Scrupulous cleanliness is nowhere more necessary than in these rooms. 3. — Outfit of the gy7nnasium. — a. AYherever it is possi- ble the gymnasium should have a complete outfit, as young men are more attracted where there is variety. In general the argument for a well equipped building applies to a well equipped gymnasium. It would, however, be as absurd to say t*hat because a gymnasium was not perfectly appointed therefore no physical department work should be attempted, as it would be to say that because an Association building was not complete therefore no Association work should be attempted. h. Every v/ell equipped gymnasium will be supplied with wooden dumb-bells, iron dumb-bells, wands, and In- dian clubs; a push ball; a bounding punch-bag, suspended from a wooden diaphragm adjustable in height; traveling and flying rings; a spring-board; a German horse; a buck; a good rowing machine; ladders ; horizontal, vaulting, breast, and parallel bars, the latter both high and low; mattresses to go underneath and beside this apparatus, and long mattresses for jumping; and a supply of developing apparatus, consisting of from six to twelve pieces of chest Chap. 25, D, 4. the physical department. 317 weights with floor attachments, neck machines, high pulley machines, wrist machine, finger machine, and quarter cir- cles. c. A good equipment for a small gymnasium just starting would be twenty pairs of wooden dumb-bells, tw^enty wands, a push ball, a bounding punch-bag, a Ger- man horse, a rowing machine, a pair of parallel bars, a vaulting bar, four chest weights, and necessary mattresses, d. The apparatus should be so located that any piece can be used readily b}^ a division of a class without con- flicting with other divisions. It is also desirable that the floor may be readily cleared, so as to afl^ord room for the exercises of the entire class with Indian clubs, dumb-bells, and w^ands, in marching and gymnastic games. e. In selecting apparatus it is extremely important to purchase the best. Such apj)aratus is by far the most economical in the long run, as well as tiie most attractive and the most readily operated. 4. — Methods of gymnastic work. — a. Exercises to he practised and avoided. — What gymnastics should be taught by the Young Men's Christian Associations ? In general, such as will best secure the objects of the phj'sical department, as already described. Exercises develop the faculties that they demand. If an exercise demands strength, when faithfully carried out it will produce strength; if it demands skill, it will produce skill; or if it demands agility, it will produce agility. The instructor should not lay undue emphasis upon the development of any one faculty, nor allow members to do so through fond- ness for certain exercises. It is very undesirable, for in- stance, to spend a large amount of time in gymnastics for the attainment of skill, to the exclusion of strength or en- durance. Exercises should not be practised as an object in them- selves, and care should be taken to avoid even the appear- ance of so doing. This will totally exclude what is ordinarily called "circus work;" that is, all that is done 318 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 4. with the spectator primarily in mind. It will not exclude all intricate gymnastics, because these are valuable in the development of the brain centers that co-ordinate various muscles. Boxing, wrestling, and similar exercises, al- though excellent in themselves, are now seldom allowed on tlie floor. This has sometimes been done, but usually to the detriment of the Association. If desired by ex- perienced members, a j^rivate room might be used and all spectators excluded. Exercises should also be avoided that involve real dan- ger, although this does not mean that there should be no progression, for after a man has worked in the gymnasium for two or three years he can do things without danger that it would have been extremely hazardous for him to attempt during his first week. It is wise, however, to use some exer- cises that demand courage, a clear head, and quick thought, for tliese exercises alone tend to produce these qualities. However, great care must be taken not to pass the bounds of reason in this line. Other things being equal, exercises involving the possibility of serious consequences should be avoided. It is better to run the risk of several minor ac- cidents than of a single severe one. The helpful influence of the gymnasium has been greatly broadened by tlie introduction of many exercises, which, once learned, can be practiced at home, and also be taught to members of the family who cannot visit the gymnasium. Such home work should be stimulated and directed by proper advice. Simple apparatus may often be introduced at liome, to the benefit of the entire household. h. Suggested plan of organization. — As in the other departments of Association work, the best work in the physical department can only be accomplished when the physical director is able to secure the active co-operation of members of the gymnasium classes who are capable and desirous of assisting in giving instruction. The develop- ment of such men is one of his most difiicult and, at the same time, one of his most important duties. Chap. 25, D, 4. THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. 319 There should be a "leaders' class." It slioiild raeet weekly, and cover in the course of a year, both in theory and practice, what will qualify its members for the leading of divisions. A course of study is given later. This class should be limited in number (not over twelve, six or eight more desirable). The members should pledge themselves to do the work of the class for the year. In the leaders' class the director will constantly bring out the all-round man ideal, and it will soon become evi- dent to every member of the class that he needs to have that ideal realized in himself, and not merely to be a good man physically and mentally. In the hope that this may lead to the conversion of valuable men, it may be well to admit some non-Christians to the class. After this class has been conducted successfully for not less than a year, some of the men who have passed an ex- amination on its work may be formed into an advanced class, called tlie " instructors' class." Its course of study is given later. The "leaders' corps" may be appointed by the board of directors, after a competitive examination and upon the recommendation of the physical director, and should be recognized as a definite part of the committee organization of the Association. In order to maintain a Christian in- fluence in the gymnasium, only Christian men should be appointed upon the corps. It is advisable to have this corps distinguished in the gymnasium from the other mem- bers— a stripe over the shoulder or across the breast would suflice. This corps should assist the instructor in the management of classes, in leading divisions, and in explain- in sc to new members special prescriptions of exercise and the use of the apparatus, and should continually be on the lookout for other opportunities for work. One or more members of the corps should be on the floor during the time that it is most used, each man having definite hours for duty, which should be neither so frequent nor so long as to be burdensome. 320 THK PHYSICAL- DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 4. After a man lias passed through tlie leaders' and the instructors' classes, and served on the leaders' corps, he may be allowed to compete for the position of ** honor- ary instructor." The examination should be entirely on theory, the work done on the leaders' corps taking the place of the practical examination. This position should be regarded as one of tlie highest honor, and only men who are well qualified physicall}^, mentallj^, and spiri- tually should hold it. The board should appoint to it on the recommendation of the physical director and only a few at a time. Such appointment by the board gives an additional feeling of dignity and responsibility, at the same time that it helps to identify the physical department with the other work of the Association. Each honorary instructor should have full charge of the gymnasium during a few regular hours each week, when the physical director is necessarily absent. In many Associations men qualified to enter a leaders' class could not be found at once, but must be carefully trained and developed. During the first year of undertaking this plan have onl}^ the leaders' class, and use its members as leaders of divisions when desirable, but do not organize a leaders' corps till some men pass the examination. In the second year there will probably be a few members of the "corps." For these organize the instructors' class. Also start a new leaders' class. In the third year it may be possible to have the whole scheme in operation. If one, two, or three of the leaders have then passed through tlie instructors' class satisfactorily^, and have done good work as members of the corps, let them be appointed honorary instructors and be given the double bar, or whatever has been determined upon as the distinguishing badge. Suc- cessful management of such a scheme will require much tact and patience on the part of the physical director, but it is in the line of his highest usefulness. Chap. 25, D, 4. the physical department. 331 COURSE OF STUDY FOR LEADERS' CLASS. THIRTY LESSONS. Theory. — Physiology and anatomy^ — twenty les- sons.— Text book, " Martin's Human Body," briefer course. The instructor should further explain, in connection with the appropriate chapters, the physiology of exercise, training, mechanism of bodily movements, etc. During the year the student should read Blakie's "How to get Strong;" " Brawn ville Papers," Moses Coit Tyler; "Physical Education," Herbert Spencer. Personal purity ^— four lessons. — The director should give four talks on physiology of reproductive organs, effects of violation of laws of purity on body and mind, and the relation of exercise, food, sleep, etc., to these problems. First aid, — six lesso?is. — First aid treatment of sprains, strains, broken bones, dislocated joints; use of triangular bandage; transportation of injured; etc. PRACTICE, — The class should be tausrht the chief drills used in the gymnasium in such a way that they can teach them to others. The instructor should see that each student is able to do the work in good form, and is able to detect and locate deviations from that form in others. He should explain the drills, that is, tell why certain movements are used and not others, why they are arranged in a certain order, etc. He should see that each man knows how to teach all the apparatus work, where the difficult points are, and how a beginner can overcome them. Each man should learn how to explain the prescriptions of the director to new members. About as much time will be needed to cover the theory as the practice, so each hour or hour and a half may be divided into two parts accordingly. COURSE OF STUDY FOR INSTRUCTORS' CLASS.— THIRTY LESSONS. Physical department work, — ten lessons. — This chapter may be used as a text book. The instructor will of course amplify, illustrate, and explain. 322 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 4. Gymnastic systems, — te7i lessons. — (1) Swedish: "The gymnastic progression," Enebuske ; (2) Delsarte: "An hour with Delsarte," Morgan ; (3) German : " Sys- tematic training of the body," Schaible; (4) "The system of physical training at the Hemenway Gymnasium," Sargent. Man,-— ten lessons. — The unity of man, relation of body to mind and spirit, necessity for cultivation of the body. Fundamental basis of the Association. Read during year: "The nature of physical training, and the best means of securing its ends," Hartwell; " The pedagogic phase of physical training," Wey. c. Class work. — The classes should be graded according to the character of the work and the proficiency of the workers. It is best that these divisions be quite small, six being an excellent number. A leader should be appointed for each division, who will be responsible for it during the session. These leaders must be shown beforehand how to teach others to vault or jump, or whatever the work of that evening is to be. The work of one class might be as follows : For the first ten or fifteen minutes have some general light or prepara- tory drill, such as dumb-bells or wands, conducted by one of the leaders, the physical director himself being about the room criticizing and helping those who are new to the exercise. This being over, divisions are formed at the word of command, and march to their pieces of apparatus or other work, and exercise until the bell announces a change. Then they form in line and march to the next piece, and so on through the hour. These divisions should not be formed anew every even- ing, but should be comparatively permanent, and men should be promoted from one division to another as fast as their proficiency warrants. During class exercise no other work can be allowed upon the floor. This should be an invariable rule. Good order is indispensable, especially in the classes; in Chap. 25, D, 4. the physical department. 323 fact, the beauty of the exercises, which should not be ignored, is largely dependent upon the military precision characterizing every movement, from the " fall in " to the "break ranks." The leaders should be painstaking in details, placing the men by height, keeping time, and mov- ing sharply at the word of command, and should stimulate the men to take pride in the proficiency of their classes. Wholesome, common sense rules are needed, which should be thoroughly but kindly enforced. Any disposition to make the gymnasium a lounging place, to annoy others in the enjoyment of their rights, or to misuse the apparatus, should be ground for suspension or expulsion. At stated times it is well to have examinations for pro- motion, and possibly to award prizes. Of course, this plan cannot be put into full operation at the first opening of a gymnasium, but it should be worked toward as rapidly as possible. d. Exhihitio7is. — These should show the work that is actually being done, for the information of the public. A clear distinction should be made between a gj^mnasium exhibition and a gymnastic entertainment. Association gymnasium exhibitions are desirable, but the latter are very questionable. The circus is a type of the gymnastic entertainment, a field that the Young Men's Christian As- sociation does not aim to occupy. A gymnasium exhibition should be made entertaining, but its sole object should be to show the work of the physical department, which should be explained as the exhibition progresses. It should be such that parents seeing it will determine that they cannot afford to have their boys miss such training. The exhibition should not be an exhibition of the physi- cal director. If he appears at all, it should be merely as the leader of a class. It is, however, far better for him to be known by the quality of his pupils' work rather than by his own, for he rests his claim to competency upon intellec- tual rather than upon physical excellence. Care should be taken regarding dress. Loose clothes 324 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 4. are decidedly preferable to tights, and quiet colors to gaudy ones. The work is to be exhibited, not the person. Nothing should be done that in any way compromises the person doing it. For instance, clownish performances should have no place, — no one should be allowed to play the fool. We must stand before the community in the charac- ter of our work, in our dress, in our carriage, in our words, as manl}^, straightforward Christian men. A suggested programme for a gymnasium exhibition: Let the first drill be by the boys' class, having for its object the development of the extrinsic muscles, requiring movements that are simple and occupy a few muscles at a time. Let the second drill be by the business men's class, intended primarily to affect the lungs, heart, and abdominal organs, thus aiming at the " general effects " of exercise. Give the stationary run, cradle rock, and other similar movements, which produce deep breathing, stimulate the heart, and agitate the abdominal organs. Before each class and also before each movement the physical director or a committeeman should explain the object of each move- ment in connection with the whole set of exercises, how these exercises will secure these objects, and why they are arranged in the order chosen. Next, let a class of young men give a series of complicated Indian club movements, with the explanation that these movements are difiicult not because they require great muscular strength, but be- cause they demand great activity in certain portions of the brain, and that this same activity is very essential in train- ing these portions. Let the next class be of boys. Let them run and jump between two ropes that are brought nearer and nearer together until the greatest care is neces- sary to just clear the one without striking the other. Let them jump from one mat to another, aiming to strike a certain spot and hold their balance there, thus having to calculate the distance and the amount of force required while they are running; all of this involving very accurate physical judgment and muscular control. In such an ex- Chap. 25, D, 4. the physical department. 325 hibition all the objects of phj^sical exercise may be illus- trated. An exhibition of another kind would be to take one or more difficult exercises on the parallel bars or the German horse, first showing the exercise as a whole, then illustrat- ing step by step how the beginner is initiated and gradu- ally works up to doing the whole exercise. Let it be shown that each step is no harder for the man who has mastered the preceding ones than was the first for the beginner. Remind the audience that progression is a necessary part of education. Exercises for such an exhibition must be selected from among those that are capable of perfect gradation, which is not possible in all exercises. One of the gymnastic games, or something else from recreative gymnastics, will add greatly to the interest, and should never be omitted in a complete illustration of our work. The exhibition must begin and close on time. It must go off Avith snap and vigor, proving that it really is what it claims to be. Something new and interesting should always be shown. A well trained physical director will have no difficulty in giving exhibitions year after year, without ever duplicating the exercises and still without deviating from the actual work done. These exhibitions may incidentally be made of financial value to the Asso- ciation. Frequent informal exhibitions are valuable, to which different classes of men are invited, admission being only by ticket. At one time invite through personal letters or circulars all the physicians of the community, and let the exhibition be given and explained from a medical stand- point, but not exclusively of medical gymnastics. At an- other time let all the ministers be invited, and again those working in mechanical trades, educational and recreative gymnastics being shown to a large extent. Such exhibi- tions are very useful in leading new men to join the Asso- ciation, especially when members present follow them up for this purpose. 326 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMEJVT. Chap. 25, D, 5. 5. — Out-door work. — a. For several years the Associa- tions have given a great deal of attention to such work, for they have found that it largely increases the value of the physical department, and holds and interests the mem- bers at times when the gymnasium is almost unused. It also allows a larger number of men to exercise at once than the gymnasium does. The fact that the work is done out of doors adds greatly to its value, and, as a rule, it is in- trinsically more interesting than is that of the gymnasium. Athletics also have greater educational and recreative value than gymnastics, and can be carried on satisfactorily at less expense, — of course by dispensing Avith many cus- tomary refinements. In the past many out-door sports have been fraught with danger, being carried on amid every species of e^dl environment, including sabbath dese- cration, drinking, gambling, and profanity. It is a happy thing that the Associations are directing the young man's innate love for these amusements into legitimate channels, and conducting recreations as free as possible from con- taminating influences. Not the least helpful office per- formed is that of providing good companionship. Few young men enjoy even a walk in solitude, and that simplest form of open-air recreation loses, not only its charm, but largely its physical benefit, if taken alone. The Association is able to gather its members into congenial groups, and often to stimulate the jDhysically inactive into helpful lines of exercise. The physical director will usually have general over- sight of the outdoor work, especially where athletic grounds are maintained. h. The character and variety of outdoor work in a given locality will be governed by the natural facilities, the tastes of the men, and the money at command. Water is needed for boating, and the purchase or rental of an athletic field may be too expensive. But some- thing can always be done, and the proper pluck and energy will overcome many difficulties. No more Chap. 25, D, 5. THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. 327 should be attempted than has a fair prospect of success. Sometimes these things are allowed to assume undue pro- portions, overshadowing everything else, and exciting un- favorable comment among the more conservative j^eople. Too much prominence may sometimes be given to the an- nouncements, creating the impression, though a false one, that but little else is done during the summer months. All these points should be carefully guarded. c. Outings include, first, and as perhaps the most common feature, the rambling club. A number of young men join together for systematic excursions into the country, taking a day or part of one each week or fort- night. It is well to arrange at the beginning a plan for the season, so that an itinerary may be published, wdth the places and hours of rendezvous, cost, needed equipment, etc. Within easy radius of nearly every city many places of interest may be reached, perhaps with a short car or boat ride, and a score of pleasant trips be made during the season, relieving wonderfully the monotony of the sum- mer's toil, and proving a boon especially to those who have no other vacation. The company of some one able to talk instructively about the civil and natural history of the places visited will add interest. Not infrequently the suburban home of some friend may be reached during a ramble, and the j^arty be pleasantly entertained. Decorum should be observed, and the leader, as responsible for the behavior of the party, needs tact and judgment. Quite similar, but with their distinguishing characteristics, are clubs for wheeling, riding, or boating. Where water is accessible an Association may well provide several boats for its members, together with instruction in swimming. d. The athletic field. — This ranges all the way from a building lot measuring fifty by a hundred and fifty feet to a field containing a quarter of a mile cinder track, ball grounds, and opportunity for boating, swimming, and so on. The best location of the field has been alluded to in section D, 1, y. 328 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, B, 5. In the smallest of the grounds just mentioned, it will be possible to have places made for the high jump, both run- ning and standing; hop, step, and jump; three jumps, and other similar sports; and for pole vaulting, both for height and distance. Such a field will also be large enough for putting the twelve or sixteen pound shot; for throwing the fifty-six pound weight; and when only half a dozen or so use the ground at a time throwing the hammer may be carried on, but, owing to the fact that a twelve pound hammer may be thrown anywhere from sixty to a hundred feet, it ought never to be used while others are within range, as the sensations j^roduced by being hit with one are said not to be pleasurable. The larger grounds should include a flat suitable for the various games of ball. The space inclosed by a fifth of a mile track is generally sufinicient for this purpose, provided the track is not too narrow an ellipse. Tennis courts are very serviceable, and almost any Association will use from four to six. In connection with the field there should be a small house where athletic implements may be kept, and where the players may change their clothing. Lockers and op- portunities for bathing are desirable. A veranda over- looking the field will be found very pleasurable. In j)reparation for high juinping^ small uprights are sunk into the ground, with holes bored through them an inch apart from two to six feet above the ground. Pegs or nails placed in these holes support a cross-piece to be jumped. Figures on the uprights at the holes indicate an inch more than the height from the ground, thus giving the actual height at the top of the cross-piece. A smooth hard track, from three to six feet wide and from twenty to forty feet long, leads up to these standards. Beyond them the ground must be dug up and kept soft so that there shall be a minimum of danger of sprained ankles. Pole vaulting. — The apparatus is similar to that for the high jump, excepting that the poles rise ten feet from the Chap. 25, D, 5. the physical department. S2d ground. The ground on the further side should be made still softer, owing to the greater height of the fall. An excellent method to prevent the pole from going so far into the ground as to impede the jumper is to place a strong plank two feet square in the ground, inclined toward the start, the upper edge being flush 'with the surface, and the lower about eight inches below it. JBroad jtmiping. — The place is prepared like that for high jumping, except that a beam six inches square and not less than four feet long should be sunk into the ground for a "take oif." The ground should be dug away for three or four feet on the further side of this to the depth of five inches, so that the jumper cannot step over without inconvenience or discovery. Putting the shot. — It is desirable to have an iron ring seven feet in diameter, with a rim three inches wide, placed in the ground with about an inch above the sur- face. This makes the best circle from which to put the shot or throw the hammer, and may be very easily changed from one place to another. Iiim7img track. — A track may be made by first grading the ground, making the desired slopes and curves, then rolling systematically for a month or two, particularly after every rain. The ground will become so hard that the addition of half an inch of the finest cinders is all that is necessary to make it a serviceable cinder track. The only care that it will require will be rolling after rains to keep it even, and a little wetting in very dry weather. It is desirable to have at least a hundred and twenty yards " straight away." Tennis courts may be made in a similar manner if the soil is suitable, except that a coating of cinders is not re- quired. The court should be a trifle higher than the sur- rounding ground so that rain water will run off. Sand and loam or clay courts are preferable to grass courts, as they require less care to keep them in order. An occasional field-day is popular and useful. Objec- 330 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, D, 5. tionable conduct and language should be carefully guarded against. Especially should everything in the betting line be strictly prohibited. Propriety should be studied in all printed announcements, particularly in the Association bulletins. While there are many distinc- tive and proper terms in connection with athletic games, a species of technical slang may well be dispensed with. Scormg systetn. — The fundamental idea here also should be all-round development, and not excellence in individual features. All-round competition should form the basis of the work, and the prizes should be given for such excel- lence. The men should be shown that it is far more desirable to do half a dozen things fairly well, so training different parts of the body and various faculties, than it is to do only one, though with a much higher degree of excellence. A system of grading is recommended to the Associa- tions which seems to afford a solution of many difficulties that have presented themselves in the past. In brief, the system is as follows: Let five events, the hundred yard dash, running high jump, throwing the twelve pound hammer, pole vault, and mile run constitute the all-round competition. They call into play nearly all the faculties that are trained by athletics, and proficiency in them secures all-round development. The hundred yard dash requires speed and skill as well as quickness in starting, and uses primarily the muscles of the legs. The running high jump demands much skill in muscular co-ordination and elasticity, employing the muscles of the legs and back. Throwing the hammer requires considerable vigor of the waist and arms, as well as a large amount of skill that can only be secured by practice. The pole vault demands some muscular strength of the legs, a large amount in the waist and arms, and probably more skill than any similar exercise. The mile run requires good legs, tries the vigor and strength of heart and lungs, and tests endurance. In all these exercises there is not merely a training of the Chap. 25, D, 5. THE physical department. S31 body for health, but there is a training of the higher nerve centres with relation to exact control of the body. In order to obviate the difficulty of comparing the work of different men, each one's mark is an absolute record of his own work rather than a comparison of his work with that of others. This enables him to compare his work day by day with all that has been done before, and to learn where he is weak and needs development; while if the mark de- pends mainly on whether he comes out first, second or third in any given event, it is not possible for him to accurately gauge and improve on his work. By such a uniform system the standing of different gymnasium classes also can be accurately fixed. It thus affords an excellent guide for systematic development in athletics, and places superiority within reach of men who could never excel in individual features, but who can be trained for all-round work. It is impossible here to describe this system in detail. This is done in Int. pph. No. 38, ** Offi- cial rules and scoring table for athletic contests." At such contests a large blackboard should be provided, so ruled as to enable the spectators to keep track of the events. It might be well to have a blackboard for each event and another for the summing up of all. This will also aid the scorer in keeping the record complete. Teartx competitions can be carried on by averaging the record; that is, the total for the team may be divided by the number of men it contains, the size of the team bear- ing some relation to that of the physical department mem- bership it represents. The objections to this system of scoring and competition have been rather of theory than of practice, for it has often been carried out successfully. c. An Association chcb house at the seaside or at soma other pleasant and healthful spot, where young men can spend their vacations with abundant facilities for recrea- tion, good social and moral surroundings, and at reason- able cost, is an experiment worth the trying, especially near large centres of population. Some approach to this 332 THE PHYSICAL- DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, E. has been made in connection with the summer institutes, schools, and camps. y. 'Wt?iter sports are popular among the Associations in some sections, especially in Canada, where snow shoe runs, tobogganing, skating, and the various ice games are found to be exhilarating and healthful. SECTION E. THE RELIGIOUS WORK. The object of the Association being to save and build up young men, the work of each department must be in accordance with and in relation to the work as a whole. The physical department must then, first, be instrumental in making better men physically, more enduring men, men whose bodies are under better control than before. But, beyond this, attention must at the same time he called to the greater need of good intellects, and to the still greater need of strong spiritual characters. How can the physical department best accomplish this threefold work? The fundamental rule for the accom- plishment of this result is that the object of the Associa- tion be continually kept in mind by the officers of the As- sociation, the physical department committee and leaders, and especially by the physical director. His life must be given to the all-round idea, not to the physical department. The idea of complete development must be embodied in the mottoes and symbols of the Association, and in the kinds of gymnastics and athletics undertaken. It should be set forth so plainly that, although others may not agree with it, still they cannot misunderstand it. Physical manliness is peculiarly attractive, and, added to Christian character and earnestness, gives a young man a vantage ground of influence, especially over those with whose exercises and sports he is sympathetic. As in all Chap. 25, E. the physical department. 333 the other work, the most satisfactory results may be expected from a constant, discreet, personal influence through the opportunities afforded here by unusually fam- iliar and informal contact. As to methods of work, it may be said that organized work is always better than unorganized. A disciplined army will always beat a mob, and this is as true regarding Christian work as anywhere else. The "leaders' corps" described in section D, 4, J, is made up of men selected on account of ability to lead, and corresponds in this department, in its central and important position, to the training class of the general secretary. Its members are trained both in the practice and the theory of all the gym- nastics that are to be taught, not merely in such a way that they may know them, but that they may be able to teach them to others. They are selected from the active members. If there are few such connected with the physical department, others may be induced to enter it for the ex- press f)urpose of being useful, when they are shown that no other department contains so many men that are not Christians, and that no other department offers so good an opportunity for personal work, physical, intellectual, and spiritual. A reception committee should also be organized, whose members will see that new men follow the prescriptions of the physical director regarding their work, and that they become acquainted with the better members of the gym- nasium. They should, of course, be genial men, and their hours should be so arranged that at least one will be on the floor during the time that the gymnasium is most frequented. In no other place will formality be more quickly resented and cordiality be more appreciated. When a man steps on the gymnasium floor for the first time, he feels strange and awkward; he tries one or two of the things that he sees done by others with perfect ease, and finds himself utterly unable to cope with them. Then is the opportune moment for some manly fellow to make his acquaintance 334 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, E. and secure the influence which will subsequently give an opportunity for the realization of the ideal Association work. Committees that will wisely extend invitations to the religious meetings and circulate desirable literature, espec- ially good tracts on personal purity, will also be useful; but they must be carefully selected and work with little public demonstration. Every physical director should have a Bible class. The arguments in favor of the secretary's having one apply with equal force here. If he feels himself unqualified to conduct such a class, he should study each lesson the more carefully, in order to meet this deficiency. His relation to the members enables him to speak to them regarding these matters from vantage ground. The class is designed for gymnasium members and friends whom they specially invite. The leaders' corps should keep this upon their minds, as an effective means of presenting the word of God to such men. They should co-operate with the phy- sical director in securing the desired attendance, and in making the meetings profitable. Personal, pointed appli- cation of Scripture must be made in regard to sin, salva- tion, the new life, and kindred matters. Topics that pre- tend to be on one subject but are really on another should be avoided. A meeting having a subject likely to attract the men of the department, and led by one of the instructors or gymnasium members, may be useful. In some instances a series of such meetings has been held successfully on the gymnasium floor. Whether this is advisable or not, the physical director and leaders should be regular attendants at the Association meetings, and secure the presence of as many members of the department as possible. Gospel temperance and personal purity meetings, which are directly related to the physical department, are referred to in Chap. 22, B, 2. Very efficient work may be done in connection with the Chap. 25, F. the physical departme^tt. 335 physical examination. This may not always be the best time to broach questions of personal religion, but it opens the way for a peculiar acquaintance and influence, and for ready access to those who are either wilfully perverting or ignoring their spiritual natures. The physical director who neglects this avenue of approach to his members is neglecting his greatest personal opportunity to meet their spiritual needs, and no greater one is offered in the Asso- ciation work. Christian common sense, tact, and know^l- edge are necessary here, as well as zeal and enthusiasm. Of course, all religious efforts will be made in close harmony with the religious department of the Association. There will be no attempt to build up an independent work, but, on the other hand, constant effort will be made to in- troduce into the general religious work the men who are first brought under religious influence in connection with the physical department. SECTION F. THE PHYSICAL DIRECTOR.* The physical director is a leader of men, so he must be a man in every sense of that word, an example of what the Young Men's Christian Association is aiming to produce. He should be a good man physically, having thorough control of his body. He should be well educated, a good man intellectually. He should be a thoroughly earnest and consecrated man spiritually. If he stands for all-round development he must strive for it in himself. He must keep up his studies, having in his library the best standard and current literature in the line of his profession. But scientific books of value on many questions arising in his work are not yet in existence, so he must be able to solve such problems himself, and therefore requires ability to *See "The physical directorship as a Ufe work," Int. pph. No. 102. 336 ' THE PHYSICAL DEPARTME2fT. Chap. 25, F. follow a course of reasoning from beginning to end. Cor- respondence with his fellow directors in other Associations will also be helpful. Spiritual needs are deepest and most fundamental, so he must be strong here, for he will meet with tendencies towards materialism. He must be fam- iliar with the Scriptures and able to use them intelligently. He needs also to be a good trainer of men. The high- est compliment to a j^hysical director would be that his work is so thoroughly organized that it will go right on, although he should be absent for a time. Among the necessary qualifications is leadership. In our gymnasiums we do not endeavor to obtain military control of our members. Such an attempt would be un- wise. We must discipline and control by leading rather than by driving. A man who is naturally a leader will have little difficulty in accomplishing this, but one who is not will find it impossible. A man can readil}^ tell whether he is a leading spirit by looking backward, and seeing whether he was chosen captain of the baseball tea,m, whether he got up rowing clubs, and led in the sports and pastimes of boyhood and early manhood. These seem to be indications of capacity in this direction, and the advi- sability of a man's going into this work may be questioned, if he has not, to some degree at least, been recognized as having leadership. Leadership is more fully treated of in chapter 10, B, 2, e. Another indispensable qualification is common sense, or what is sometimes known as "horse sense." Tact is another. The work in the gymnasium on spiritual lines is by hand-to-hand methods, and without tact a man could accomplish very little. What technical training is needed ? The director should not follow any single system of gymnastics, but should be so familiar with the fundamental bases of the different systems that he understands the why and wherefore, and can himself meet the conditions that obtain in the gymna- sium. He must be acquainted with the history of physical education, and know, as far as possible, what was done by Chap. 35, F. the physical department. 337 the Greeks and what is being done to-day. He must study the work of Delsarte of France, Jahn of Germany, Ling of Sweden, Maclaren of England, and of those who are prom- inently identified with the work in America. Only by knowing What such men have learned and practiced after investigation in these lines, can he use their methods in- telligently and originate methods of his own. A man who is to prescribe exercise for the body, and oversee its de- velopment under widel}^ varying conditions, must also have a thorough knowledge of physiology and anatomy; not a physiology that looks forward chiefly to the subse- quent study of pathology, l)ut that continually studies man as he is; not an anatomy that refers to surgery, but that studies man as a machine. He must be well acquainted with physical diagnosis, not necessarily able to designate diseases like typhoid fever, that come under the head of medical diagnosis, but able to recognize deviations from health and competent to say to a man after examination, " Your heart is normal and you are in condition to under- take physical work." He needs a thorough knowledge of the human form and the laws governing it, gained by the stud}^ of anthropometry. He must be familiar with the modern methods of tabulation and the use of statistics in this direction. Knowledge of hygiene is also essential. The most remarkable effects produced to-day in physical education are, perhaps, those secured by training the nerve centres and those produced upon the mind through physi- cal exercises, as at the New York State Reformatory at Elmira, and in some private treatment of weak minded children. Acquaintance with these facts, and with the principles of physiological j^sychology by which they are explained, will be very useful. In j)ractical gymnastics he should be acquainted with the different kinds of calisthenics, and with the use of dumb- bells, Indian clubs, wands, the push ball, and the developing apparatus, such as chest w^eights and floor and overhead pulleys. He should be familiar with the basal movements 338 THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 25, F. of the vaulting bar, parallel bars, horse, buck, and so on, and know how to build up systematically from these into complete and desirable drills. He should understand the mechanical construction of the apparatus and be able to keep it in order and repair it. He will be held responsible for the good condition of the gymnasium, bath and dressing rooms, and athletic field. These cannot be safe and healthful without constant watchfulness and repairs. The Associations are pushing with great vigor in the line of athletics, of which the j^bysical director often has charge, and he is always expected to be competent for such work. He must be familiar with Avalking, si^rint and long distance running, jumping, pole vaulting, jDutting the shot, throwing the hammer, baseball, lacrosse, polo, and so on. He will be expected to lead swimming parties, to give instruction in rowing, and to know how to rescue a man from drowning. He needs to know something about massage and Swedish movements, and while he may not be called on to teach boxing and wrestling, still it is desira- ble that he understand them. Fencing he will find to be an exercise of growing promise in our work. And then he must know how to teach many of these things to others, which is an entirely different thing from being able to do them himself. Lastly, he should so understand the principles of gymnastics that he can originate exercises and drills to meet different conditions. The mere commit- ting to memory of hundreds of different movements will not suffice, for the conditions in different communities are never identical, and work must always be prescribed to meet the individual case and the individual community. Chap. 25, Gr. THE PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. 339 SECTION G. In addition to the business management, the members of this committee will be the intimate counselors of the physical director, and if i^ractical men, as they usually must be to have real sympathy with it, they may do good work on the floor or the field, aiding in the super- vision and making themselves useful in many ways. Especially should they assist in bringing the members into contact and symjDathy with the other departments, both by individual effort and through the various agencies intro- duced for this purpose. A good Christian physician may be very serviceable on this committee. The committee may be divided into sub-committees, each one in charge of a special branch of its work. The physical director should sustain a similar relation to this committee that the general secretary does to the board of directors. He is its executive officer. He should either be an ex officio member of the committee, or his regular attendance at its meetings should be fully provided for. He should lay all plans before it and undertake only such as are approved. The general secretary, of course, holds the same relation to this committee as to all others. *A form of report for this committee is given in sample No. 25. CHAPITER 26. THE SOCIAL DEPARTMENT.'' Tlie specific treatment of tliis branch of the work seems to come naturally after that of the religious, intellectual, and physical departments, as it relates wholly to mutual intercourse, while the others primarily relate to the indi- vidual. Much has already been said about social features directly connected with the other departments, because a hearty social life must pervade them all. An iceberg, although purity itself, is but cold and repellent; while jsociability, like the sunshine, glows and warms, beautifies and attracts. The organization with a true social spirit will draw and hold young men in the greatest numbers, even if poorly provided with many means and appliances suggested in the foregoing pages. SECTION A. THE RECEPTION COMMITTEE. 1. — The social work includes three principal features : evening supervision, the social rooms and their appliances, and the social entertainments. The committee may naturally have several sub-divisions. One of these, known as the reception committee, supervises the evening social * A form of report for this department is suggested in sample No. 26. This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 63. Chap. ^6, A, 3. tSe social department. 341 work, thus occupying a position of great responsibility. Its members are on duty when the rooms are most visited, and are often the first representatives of the Association met by strangers, whose early impressions may fix their future attitude towards the organization. In large Asso- ciations they also sustain important relations to the culti- vation of friendly intercourse among the members, many of whom are necessarily strangers to one another. (See ** Reception committee rules," appendix, sample No. 41.) 2. — This committee is usually a large one, made up chiefly of the younger active members, who are most apt to have evening leisure ; and so divided into sections that two or more, as the work requires, will be on duty each evening. It is desirable that the sections serve weekly, but perhaps some valuable members can do so only once a fortnight. Each section has its chairman, who directs the evening's work, and consults as may be necessary with the general secretary. The latter officer will keep the chair- men informed as to new members, strangers he has met, and other helpful items. A memorandum book in which both the secretary and the chairmen record such matters will be mutually helpful. The members of the committee generally wear a neat badge marked " Reception " or " Re- ception Committee." 3. — The reception room will be the headquarters, near the outer door of which one of the committee at least should be stationed, to greet those who enter, especially strangers. Common sense will be needed here. A person Avho wishes merely to glance at a paper, and is perhaps in a hurry, should not be bored with conversation; but a young stranger dropping in for a social hour, or to learn about the Association, possibly with the thought of joining, should be shown through the building and given every de- sired attention. Some Associations prepare a brief state- ment regarding the work, to be studied by every member of the reception committee, together with a description of pictures or other objects of interest in the rooms, important 342 THE SOCIAL DEPARTMEifT. Chap. 26, A, 4. features of the library, etc. Great care must be exercised in the case of non-Christians. Conversation should be thought- fully adapted to individuals. They are to be brought into the Association, if possible, but must not be repelled by over-anxiety. In introducing the subject of personal relig- ion, opportunity for which will often occur to the earnest committeeman, a consecrated tact is specially required. Often a friendly acquaintance may well precede such an attempt, and nothing be lost in the waiting. A cordial in- vitation to the young men's meeting will sometimes be the entering wedge. Every effort should be made to get hold of young men coming from the country or the smaller towns, who often encounter such temptations in the new life of the city that they are speedily lured to ruin. 4. — The members of the committee should never consider themselves as entirely off duty, but should habituate them- selves to remember faces and recognize on the street or elsewhere the young men whom they meet at the rooms, particularly those who lack social advantages. They will also call on young men brought to their notice by others. All who are connected with the Association should take pains either to accompany young strangers to the rooms, or send their addresses to the committee. Each committee- man may be provided by the Association with cards bear- ing his name, his evening on duty, and the address of the Association. The free use of such cards may lead many friends to drop in at the rooms. (See appendix, sample No. 42). Much may also be done in the way of introduc- ing young men to the churches, and informing pastors about them, particularly when religious interest has been manifested or when they carry church letters. In such efforts the committee may helpfullj^ co-operate with the religious work committee. A " suggestive plan " with speci- men blanks may be found in " The Watchman," 1888, page 235. 5. — The systematic collection of statistics will add inter- est and assist greatly in reporting the work. A " Re- Chap. 26, B, 2. THE social department. 343 ception Committee Evening Record," issued by the Young Men's Era Publishing Co., is shown in the appendix, sample I^o. 43. To the items there given should be added the number present at evening prayers, when these are conducted under direction of the committee. Many reception committees use a " daily journal " as a record book. A visitors' register may also be made help- ful to the work in many ways. A register of resident young men is sometimes kept in the secretary's office, in which may be entered any new names secured by the even- ing committee. Pads of the blank shown in the appendix, sample No. 44, will be found useful for this purpose. 6. — A monthly meeting of the committee should be held for reports, comparison of experiences, and suggest- ions. Occasionally refreshments should be served at the meeting, and a pleasant social hour added to the ordinary business session. A bulletin containing the names of the committee for each evening of the week should be hung in the reception room. SECTION B. THE SOCIAL ROOMS. 1. — The social rooms include the reception room and parlors, and often a separate room for games. The recep- tion room has been described in Chap. 14, C, 5, a, A neat lavatory, fully supplied with necessities for the toilet, is near at hand. But whatever the available space, there should be crowded into it as many as possible of the pleasing and convenient characteristics of the home. There will also be an absence of the restraints necessary in some other rooms, and freedom for conversation, music, and reasonable mirth. Anything boisterous should be kindly and quietly checked. 2, — Such a resort, with the companionsliip of the secre- 344 THE SOCIAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 26, B, 3. tary, tlie reception committee, and a social membership, must attract young men, reaching often where the direct religious work does not, and counteracting in no small de- gree evil things and places. The social spirit must be real and hearty. The active members should aid in mak- ing the place a popular rendezvous, and also one that will improve the address and conversational powers of those Avho frequent it. 3. — Recreative attractions should be provided. Music is easily first on the list. There should be a good instru- ment, or, still better, both a piano and organ. There should be a variety of written music, secular as well as sacred, including college songs. Anj^thing new that is specially good should be added at once, that the young men may know Avhere to find the latest and best. Noth- ing is more attractive to young men than music, whether they are musicians themselves or simply listeners. 4. — Only pictures of real merit should find a place on the walls. Consign gift chromos to the storeroom. On the tables maj^ be books of engravings, with stereoscopic and other photographic views. To these may be added plates from magazines or books, mounted at slight cost, and woodcuts tastefully arranged on colored cards, in albums, or portfolios. 5. — Natural curiosities, cabinets of minerals, woods, birds and insects, a microscope, a telescope, various kinds of philosophic apparatus, models of machinery, or a collection of coins and curios from other lands, perhaps illustrating ancient life especially in Bible times, Avould be both in- structive and pleasing. 6. — Discrimination is made in favor of games of skill, and against those whose history or associations render them objectionable. Chess and checkers are among the most common. These amusements attract many to the rooms, and their use under the supervision accorded by the Associations has seemed to have real value. Cautions are needed. What may be a healthful relaxation should not Chap. 2G, C, 3. the social department. 345 extend to a waste of time. An emploj^e should seldom play, except for a purpose — to entertain a stranger or to get ac- quainted with an associate member. And this rule maj?- apply in a large measure to the active members on duty. Professional or habitual players should never be permitted to monopolize the games. The privilege of the recreation room is usually confined to members and their invited guests. It is desirable to have the games apart from the library and reading room, but always within easy super- vision. This department must not be made too prominent, nor allowed to interfere with more important things. (As an illustration of methods see " Chess and checker club rules," appendix, sample No. 45.) SECTION C. SOCIAL ENTERTAINMENTS. 1. — In addition to the everyday social life, certain oc- casional features are introduced in the way of social gather- ings. These have in view several objects : (a) The social enjoyment of the members, (b) A more thorough acquaint- ance, especially as regards the new members, (c) An op- portunity to introduce non-members and give them such a glimpse of the society as may lead to their joining it. (c?)An occasion when information and instruction about the work can be given the members, (e) A chance for personal effort in any desired direction. 2. — The most important of these gatherings is the mem- bers' meeting or reception ; for full description see chapter 9, H. 3. — Other forms of the social recej^tion will not differ materially from this, except that the reports and details of work will be largely omitted. These entertainments are often given in compliment to some particular class or trade,— to clerks in mercantile houses, to young men of the 346 fHE SOCIAL DEPARTMENT. Chap. 26, C, 4. manufacturing orotlier industries, to students, postal clerks, railroad men, policemen, firemen, etc. In a large town in- vitations for an evening would have to be limited to certain establishments or districts. 4. The parlor social is an informal gathering of young men, for conversation and music. Fruit, nuts, or other light refreshments may be served according to the season. " Camp fires," at which summer vacation experiences, etc., are related, are very popular. An open wood-fire lends an added charm. 5. — A strangers' reception is sometimes held, invitations being sent to new members and young men who have re- cently come to the city. Members of the reception com- mittee should be present. 5. — The committee tea may include one or more of the committees, gathered for the purpose of organizing or stimulating the work. Provide room for all, and follow the tea by an informal conference about the table. 7. The New Year's reception has been for many years a feature of the social work. Often ladies assist in receiv- ing, and arrange for " open house " during the afternoon and evening. Besides refreshments, it is customary to provide good music, and perhaps other entertainments, especially for the evening. An Association recently issued a tasteful invitation, giving, besides the onenu, a program with a change of entertainment for every half hour from eight to ten o'clock. A dinner is given by some Associa- tions, usually with the help of the ladies, to members and other young men who are known to be away from home. Every public or national holiday, when young men are free from their regular occupations, is a day of special temptation to them and of special opportunity to the Asso- ciation, particularly in its social department. Forms of entertainment will vary with the season of the year. The rooms should never be closed on such days, when they are most needed and appreciated. The employes should find other times for their own holidays. Chap. 26, C, 9. the social department. 34'j? 8. — The interest of the social gatherings will be greatl}^ enlianced by good music. Every Association should en- deavor to cultivate the musical talent of its young men, even at considerable expense. A male chorus, with a quartet and, if possible, an orchestra, will be helpful. The musical gifts of the ladies should be drawn upon as occa- sion may warrant, also the literary and elocutionary talent of the community. A wide-awake chairman will see that every available force is brought out and marshalled for service on this important department of activity. 9. — Perhaps greater caution is required in the social de- partment than in any other, that nothing be permitted in connection with, or for the benefit of, the Association that is not in accord with the best Christian sentiment of the community. Here, as always, the organization should keep in close and loyal sympathy with the evangelical churches. Nor should just offence be given to any body of people, as has been done sometimes, for example, by holding athletic games on Decoration Day. CHAPTER 27. THE INFORMATION AND RELIEF DEPARTMENT* SECTION A. THE BOARDING-HOUSE BUREAU. 1. — The work of directing young men to suitable board- ing-places has been carried on from the first by some of the leading Associations.! 2. — Reasons for so doing are : (a) The chief patrons of boarding-houses are young men. {b) A mutually helpful relation is established between these places and the Association. c) Young men coming into a town are brought at once into contact with the Association, their first necessity being a home. (d) The men who receive information about homes pervaded with good social and moral influences are fav- orably impressed and put under certain obligations. 3. — The first requisite of the work is a committee. Its members should possess insight, courtesy, and tact, to which may well be added a personal boarding-house experience. This committee should thoroughly inspect the premises of * This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 64. t A circular issued by the Boston Association in 1852, soon after its organization, contained the following: ' ' We intend to make this Association a social organization of those in whom the love of Clirist has produced love to men, who shall meet the young stranger as he enters our city, take him by the hand, and direct him to a boarding-place where he may find a quiet home pervaded with Christian influ- ences." Chap. 27, A, 5. information and relief. 349 each applicant for patronage, and also by personal inquiry become fully satisfied as to the character and desirability of each place. Inquiries may be made of a pastor, of pres- ent or former boarders, and of neighboring tradesmen. Some ver}'- embarrassing mistakes have taught the necessity of great care in these matters. 4. — A second requisite is the register, in which a list of boarding-places, classified generally by different sections of the city, is kept for reference. There should be space to state all needed facts, also the number and class of vacan- cies at a given date. Frequent revision will be necessary to keep this register fresh and trustworthy. If intended for public inspection, private memoranda may be entered in cipher or kept in another book. Application blanks for boarders are sometimes sent out statedly to boarding-house keepers, to be used as needed. Labor may be saved by fastening these original blanks in a letter file with adhe- sive stubs and using this as the register. But in this case the book with its private notes must never pass into the hands of persons seeking board. All information must be furnished them by a representative of the Association. As such intercourse with young men, many of whom are strangers to the Association, offers a special opportunity to make their acquaintance and invite them to other privileges, it is very desirable. A few Associations are using the card catalogue method instead of a book register. A deposit of fifty cents is sometimes required from each applicant for boarders, which is refunded when the vacancy is reported as filled. The object in view is to insure promptness in such reports, so that young men looking for homes need not make fruitless calls. 5. — ^Whenever opportunity offers, the committee and secretary may well caution young men against the tend- ency to hire lodgings and take their meals at restaurants or houses giving table board. Even where the social influ- ence of a boarding-house is slight, the boarder is regarded in some measure as a member of the family and is looked 350 INFORMATION AND RELIEF. Chap. 37, A, 6. after when sick. In lodgings no home influence exists, and the young man leads a life of isolation and is more tempted to seek female society of a debasing sort. 6. — Although it may not be expedient to exclude from the register any respectable house, yet in directing young men to homes a decided preference should be given to those tliat are Christian, and it need hardly be said that no place should be knowingly retained on the list where good character is not made a test of admission. Memoranda should be kept of 2:)ersons directed to boarding-places, and of any interesting facts connected with the work. v. — It should be thoroughly understood that the Associa- tion is in no manner responsible for the character and con- duct of persons directed to boarding-houses. When the parties are personally known, or bring satisfactory refer- ences to the secretary, he will furnish them with a special note of introduction. 8. — A boarding-house keeper will usually be willing to reciprocate favors received. The Association directory, neatly framed, may be hung in the house; or a card invit- ing to the Association rooms and meetings, and stating that any sick young man will be visited upon notification, may be placed in each sleeping room. Such cards are also sometimes placed in hotels. (See section D of this chapter). Postal card blanks may also be left at each house upon which may be reported the names of new comers from other sources than the Association. This will be spe- cially helpful to the invitation committee. 9. — An Association undertaking this class of work should do it well. Every efficient bureau will tend to popularize the system and the Association, especially among the large body of young men who are more or less frequently chang- ing their places of residence. (See appendix, samples Nos. 46 and 47, "Boarding-house application and register"). Chap. 27, B, 4. information and relief. 351 SECTION B. THE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 1. — Statistics of this work appear first in the Report of tlie International Convention of 1875, when thirty-five Associations engaged in it. In the Year Book for 1891, 11,276 situations are reported as secured by 348 Associa- tions. A study of these figures with those of the inter- vening years shows, first, that a much larger proportion of the Associations than formerly are incorpoi'ating this agenc}' into their work, and, second, that its success evi- dently depends more upon methods than upon the size of the place. There is no reason why it may not be a useful feature in every city. It would seem possible for the system to be so extended and perfected as to become the most 2)opular and reliable medium of communication between employers and young men seeking employment, and to a considerable extent the means of preventing in- dustrious young men from lapsing into destitution. But this would involve a much larger expenditure of money on this department than the Associations have as yet deemed practicable. 2. — The means required for the prosecution of this work are a committee, methods of advertising, and a plan for obtaining and keeping a record of facts concerning the character and capabilities of applicants. Much of the de- tail work must usually be done by an employed agent of the Association. 3. — The committee is usually composed of business men, those with experience as employers and with a reputation for good judgment being secured, if possible. It is custom- ary to fix a portion of each day, or of stated days of the week, at which applicants may meet the committee or its agent. 4. — Various blanks are necessary ; one to be filled out by the applicant, another by his references — usually former 352 INFORMATION AND RELIEF. Chap. 27, B, 5. employers, and others to be used in soliciting patronage, in routine correspondence, etc. (See appendix, samples Nos. 48-54). 5. — It should be made very clear that the Association does not recommend aj^plicants or assume any responsibility regarding them, but that it simply offers for the inspection of employers the references which it has collected con- cerning them. 6. — A record book is needed, or a simpler and more de- sirable plan is to use a letter file with adhesive stubs in which the application blanks themselves can be preserved. The recorded facts should be as full as possible ; some of them will be required by employers, and others will be useful in the statistical reports of the work. A " Graves Printed Index," for sale by Hall & McChesney, Syracuse, N. Y., is specially valuable in keeping a list of applicants for employment and memoranda concerning them. 7. — Applications from employers are kept in like manner, and in connection with each entry may be given the names of those sent in response, with memoranda of results. 8. — The success of this work in any locality will depend, as before stated, almost entirely upon methods, — on the sys- tem, energy, and judgment of the committee. An aptitude at reading character, with care in securing and examining references, should result in putting the right men in the right places and in rendering the bureau a popular and reliable agency. SECTION C. THE SAVINGS BUREAU AND BENEFIT FUND. 1. — During the past few years an increasing number of Associations have been urging upon their members, espe- cially upon the younger ones, the importance of acquiring early in life a habit of systematically saving a part of their Chap. 27, D. INFORMATION AND RELIEF. 353 earnings. Arrangements are generally made to co-operate with some reliable savings bank by receiving from members at stated times, monthly, weekly, or oftener, smaller sums than would generally be deposited directly in the bank, and often at hours when the bank is closed. These are passed over to the bank, to be credited to the account of the de- positor. (See '^Savings bureau rules," appendix, sample No. 55). 2. — A demand for the help derived from membership in mutual benefit societies in the event of sickness or death has recently led a few Associations to undertake some work in this line among their members. SECTION D. VISITING THE SICK. A verj^ practical feature in Association work is a com- mittee for the visitation of the sick, including, if possible, one or more Christian physicians. Young men absent from home and sick are peculiarly exposed to discomfort and even danger, from lack of suitable medical attention and friendly care. The Association volunteers its kindly offices in these cases of need. Physicians are often asked to direct it to those in need of its help. (See samj^le letter and reply card, aj^pendix, sample No. 56.) Friendly calls, watching or providing professional nurses, securing needed medicines and delicacies which might not otherwise be obtained, communicating with absent relatives when desir- able, and furnishing reading and companionshij? during convalescence, are among the duties of such a committee, and afford opportunities for doing good to both body and soul. Some Associations have wisely arranged for the use of one or more hospital beds. Others have organized medi- cal clubs among their members, which, on the payment of a small fee, guarantee the attendance of a competent phy- 354 INFORMATION AND RELIEF. Chap. 27, E, 1. sician, when needed. In the event of the death of a young man away from home and friends, the Association often takes charge of tlie funeral arrangements. When the services are held at the Association rooms, impressions for good may be made upon young men who are present. Some Associations have secured cemetery lots for the burial of strangers. SECTION E. RELIEVING DESTITUTE YOUNG MEN. 1. — Persons in trouble and destitution often apply for help at our rooms. Remembering the example of our gracious Lord, all such should be kindly met, their cases carefully examined in order to learn their real needs, and they should be directed where and how to seek the aid they require. To assist him in these efforts the secretary should become familiar with all the agencies that relieve the des- titute, both male and female, and with the names of their officers. 2. — The Association will confine its active work in this line to young men. While investigation will show some men to be worthy, whom it is a pleasure to assist, experi- ence shows that the majority of those who come to the Association for money, or its equivalent, are impostors ; especially those who preface their importunities by attend- ance and seeming interest at religious services, or by a story of former church or Association membership. Many of them are well informed regarding Association matters, and talk glibly of prominent workers in other cities, some of whom they have doubtless met " professionally." The pleas of a lost j^ocket-book, a sick friend to whose bedside they have been called, well-to-do relatives or expected em- ployment in some other city, and similar stories are the stock in trade of large numbers who attempt to work their Chap. 27, E, 5. information and relief. 355 way along the leading thoroughfares by imposition, and of whom the Associations get their full share. Money should seldom, if ever, be given; but, instead, orders for meals, lodgings, or whatever is necessary. The secretary cannot undertake even this work from his private purse, and it is not desirable to have an Association fund for the purpose, as a little ill-judged giving will fill the rooms with beggars. It is better to have a few friends who can be called upon in cases of real emergency. The telegraph may sometimes be used to decide a doubt, where the importance of the case warrants. 3. — In the largest cities there are always many young men out of employment and often temporarily in destitution. As it has been found impracticable to carry on any ex- tended work for such men in connection with the general Association, special branches have been organized in a few instances for this purpose, having the needed appliances, and in charge of persons possessing tact and experience in this line of work. 4. — The idea formerly prevailed that the Young Men's Christian Association included among its duties every kind of Christian effort, and in some instances a general relief work, perhaps in connection with mission Sunday-schools, was made a prominent feature. All this is now considered entirely outside the scope of Association work, the only possible exceptions being occasions of calamity, or severe financial depression, when it is the duty of every humane and Christian organization to enter heartily into any proper schemes for the public welfare. 5. — The indiscriminate use of the Association address in sending and receiving mail matter should not be allowed. Undesirable matter coming to the care of an Association should be returned to the post-ofiice. The Association letterheads and envelopes should not be used by strangers. Plain stationery is now generally furnished to them, which is better than a special form containing the words " Pub- lic Correspondence Table." OHAFTER. 28. THE BOYS' DEPARTMENT* SECTION A. HISTORICAL ITEMS. 1. — The following statistics indicate the development of this work. The first figures appear in the Year Book for 1874, when three Associations report religious meetings for boys. (The statistics in each Year Book represent the work of the preceding calendar year). In 1877 this num- ber had grown to eighteen. The Year Book for 1880 dis- tinguishes for the first time between the religious and secular departments. Forty-eight Associations report : twenty-seven religious work only, fifteen secular, and six both. At Atlanta, in 1885, the subject was first brought before an International Convention. Of the 144 Associa- tions reporting to this convention, 129 were doing religious and 116 secular work, showing a large majority engaged in both. For the following year only 148 Associations re- ported ; but the table shows twelve varieties of work, from one to eight or nine in each Association; an average of nearly four varieties; and a total aggregate of 541. Five years later 190 Associations reported organized boys' branches, and, in addition to this, a number of Associations hold meetings for boys, or grant them certain privileges. In 1887 the topic, " The province and best methods of work for boys in the Young Men's Christian Association," * This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 65. Chap. 28, B, 1. work for boys. 357 brought this subject again before the convention. At Philadelphia, 1889, a parlor conference of delegates inter- ested in this work was first held in connection with an in- ternational gathering. 2. — In 1885 a caref'ul observer gave the following as characteristics of this work : instability ; wide diversity in aim; equal diversity as to methods; lack of uniformity in name, organization, and age limit; and a tendency towards definite religious effort; the last being the only favorable symptom revealed by the diagnosis. A compar- ison of the Year Books for 1888 and 1889 shows an increase of four in the number of Associations reporting this branch of work; but 57 report it in 1889 that did not report it the previous year, while 53 reporting it in 1888 do not report it in 1889. In no other department are there at present so many changes, which is no doubt due largely to crude and ill defined plans and methods. And yet the record of early work in other departments would probably be similar, if equally careful reports had then been compiled. Where the work is on a good basis as to aim and organization, it is marked by stability, progress, and good results. SECTION B. 1. — So rapid nowadays is the transition from boyhood to young manhood — seeming to occur earlier and earlier in life — and so great the number, power, and activity of evil influences, that to neglect the boy may easily place the young man beyond our reach. In fact work for the two seems so closely allied that it is impossible to tell just where the one ends and the other begins. If every boy had a good home and could be kept there, perhaps there would be little call for this distinctive work ; for the longer a boy is contented to pass his leisure hours within the refi- 35S WORK FOR BOTS. Chap. 28, B, k iiing and restraining atmosphere of a Christian home the better. But abnormal domestic conditions exist to an alarming extent in many nominal homes, especially in cities; business and society so absorb the time and thought of parents that suitable home attractions are not provided for the boy, his social life is neglected, and he is too often left to do and go much as he pleases. And many boys have no home. All these boys need protection from temptation and evil habits, and the development of their entire nat- ures. But the so-called street boys need first to be " civilized, " perhaps fed and clothed, and in a score of ways helped toward a better life. It has been fully de- monstrated that work in behalf of these two classes of boys cannot be carried on together. If in any case an Association is able to undertake both forms of effort, they should not only be distinct from each other, but, if possi- ble, conducted in different places. The industrial training school, in connection with moral and religious instruction, is perhaps the best appliance with which to reach and up- lift the lower class. While it is unsafe to mix together in this work boys of widely different moral grades, it must be remembered that moral and social lines are by no means parallel. There are good boys among the poorest, and these should be drawn in without the least reference to their social position. There are also some of higher social standing that should be excluded. As has been said by an experienced worker, a natural rowdy will rule or ruin, and in this work he must not be allowed to do either. The influence of a rowdy of good social position is especially mischievous. 2. — This work aims to supply the needs of the boy na- ture that may otherwise be left uncared for, and that run quite parallel with those of the young man along spiritual, mental, physical, and social lines. The work of pre- vention— the exclusion of evil habits and tastes by preoc- cupying the mind and heart with that which is good — has its best chance with the boy; and the stre-ngth and devel- Chap. 28, C, 2. WORK FOR BOYS. 359 opment of Christian character and efficiency often depend largely npon the age at which the training begins. The testimony is already common that many of the best workers in the Association come from the boys' department. Boys are more approachable, more easily won, more willing to do; and beginning active Christian effort early they ac- quire confidence and tact, and escape as they grow up much of the diffidence and awkwardness that is so embarrassing to many who undertake it later. In a word, " We have boys' work for the same reason that you do not wait until a boy is twenty-one before you send him to school." SECTION C. ORGANIZATION. 1. — Two methods have been chiefly used hitherto: {a) a committee appointed by the board has the direct man- agement, perhaps leaving details somewhat to committees composed partly of boys; or {b) under a similar committee the boys are systematically organized, with by-laws, officers, committees, etc. The former plan is much the wiser. With the latter the machinery may easily become to the boys of more consequence than the work. It is not safe to give the boys full voice in the selection of officers and other business matters, even where the committee has veto power, as should always be the case. 2. — There is a growing sentiment that the work for boys should have a more intimate connection with the other work of the Association than has been common in the past. This may be accomplished by placing it in charge of a boys' department committee, one or more members of which are, if practicable, members of the board of direc- tors (See Chap. 8, C, and D, 9). It need hardly be said that these men should all have a hearty interest in this line of effort and one or more of them, who can devote consid- 360 WORK FOR Bots. Chap. 28, C, 2. erable time to it, should be natural leaders among boys, especially where it is not expected to employ a paid agent for this purpose. It is unsafe to begin boys' work without at least one such leader. Each sub-division of the boys' department may be under the direction of a sub-committee of the committee just mentioned. One member of each sub-committee may also be made a member of the corresponding department commit- tee of the Association. For example, the same member of the Association would thus be on the boys' department committee and on its educational sub -committee (probably as its chairman), and also on the educational department committee of the Association. Such a plan should pro- mote harmony between all proposed efforts among the boys and the young men. * If an Association is ready to undertake only one or two sub-divisions of boys' work, this plan can easily be adapted to such conditions, and, at the same time, be a constant reminder of the desirability of extending the work as soon as practicable. But the strength of the Association and of its work for young men should always be in advance of its boys' work, so that the latter may be simply a department — not a central feature. * The following full scheme of organization is suggested by one of the Associa- tions. COMMITTEE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON BOYs'' WORK, — three members designated as A (chairman of this committee), B, C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, — SBveu members, designated as A (chairman of the de- partment), and B, C, D, H, K, O, (chairmen of six sub-committees). suB-coMMiTTEES OP THE DEPARTMENT, — active members of the Association, whose duties may be " doubled up " when so many men cannot be secured. 1. Finance B, Chairman. Membership C, Chairman. Religious ivork D, Chairman. Meetings E, Chairman and boy members. Training classes F, Chairman and boy members. Invitation G, Chairman and boy members. Educational work H, Chairman. Library and reading room I Chairman. Literary society Chairman. Social work K, Chairman. Reception L, Chairman and boy members. Entertainment M, Chairman and boy members. Members' meeting N, Chairman and boy members. Plujsical work o, Chairman and boy members. Gymnasium P, Chairman and boy members. Outing Club Q, Chairman and boy members. Chap. 28, D, 1. WORK FOR BOYS. 361 As much responsibility as seems wise should be laid upon the boys themselves as members of sub-committees, leaders of meetings, etc. If such a department has a membership, there should be two classes, with the same active test as in the Association. Fees range from none at all to fifty cents and one dollar. Additional fees are charged for fuller privileges. The best sentiment excludes all boys under twelve years of age, and confines evening admission to those over fourteen. Like the lower grades in the city schools, the juniors should be considered an essential factor in the institution, and be taught to look forward to promotion into membership in the Association as a natural and expected result. This usually occurs at sixteen, but those who prefer to do so are sometimes allowed to remain members of the boys' depart- ment until they are eighteen. Where the work has been in existence for any length of time, junior graduates into the Association will naturally find a place on the boys' department committee. The term boys' section is sometimes used instead of department. SECTION D. METHODS. 1. — Separate apartments are very desirable. If practic- able there should be a separate entrance, especially if the younger boys are admitted. A single room may answer for reading, recreation, and meetings, but two or three will be much better. If the scheme of the Association does not provide for the presence of a committeeman or secre- tary during the hours that these rooms are in use, they sliould be so placed that the secretary can command a view of them from his desk through a glazed door or window. The rooms will usually be open in the afternoons and early 36^ WORK FOR BOYS. Chap. 28, J), 2. evenings. Some Associations employ an assistant espec- ially for the boys' work, who certainly has a wide and important field. When separate accommodations cannot be had, those who have the tact to succeed under difficulties may still do something. A corner of the reading room may be given the boys at certain hours of the day, and an evening hour may be found during the week for a boys' meeting in the par- lor or lecture-room. But the boyish habit of sauntering about the rooms should not be permitted, nor anything else likely to drive out the young men. 2. — The suggestions made in chapter 14, D, regarding furniture and general equipment, apply to the boys' rooms. The papering, painting, and carpeting of a room have been known to revolutionize the manners of the entire boy membership. 3. — There is no wiser way to begin this kind of effort than to collect a few Christian boys into a Bible or train- ing class, and there teach them the need, the possibili- ties, the difficulties, and the true spirit of the work. If they can be led to such an appreciative love for it as will impel them to activity, the best results will follow, — other boys will be brought into the class, some will be led to Christ, and the way will open naturally for the intro- duction of additional agencies. 4. — The religious work should hold a prominent place. Meetings should be as informal as possible, largely con- versational, and often a combination of the Bible class with the song and j^rayer service. Such a flexible meeting can readily be adapted to the age and class of those in at- tendance. For the younger boys, it will be held in the daytime or early in the evening. With the older Cliristian boys a workers' training class is a necessity. Much good may also be done by judicious instruction regarding such practical matters as total abstinence, personal purity, the gambling habit, etc., teaching the boys how to avoid the first steps to the prevailing vices, and especially fortifying Chap. S8, D. 5. Work for boys. 36B their minds against them by religious truth. Every one of the various agencies employed should have a constant tendency and aim to develop the boys' moral and spiritual nature, which is far more receptive and plastic than it will be only a few years later. When the average boy gets interested in anything, he wants to help. Advantage should be taken of this dis- position, not only for the real good he may do, but in order to keep up his interest and teach him to do Christian work. Work in connection with the invitation committee, the distribution of religious literature, and a score of other things may be given him. Personal effort among his compan- ions should be emphasized, and perhaps may be stimulated by asking for systematic reports. He should be urged to active work in connection with his own church and Sunday- school. 5. — The intellectual agencies usually employed are the reading room, library, literary society, and practical talks. It is especially desirable to preempt a boy's taste as to his reading, and it would seem that with the abundance of ex- cellent and attractive literature of to-day this might be done. All the best papers and magazines for young folks should be provided, including some of a scientific and technical nature, and not forgetting those that are pub- lished in the interest of temperance, kindness to animals, etc. Over one-third of the Associations reporting boys' work for 1890 had a boys' library. There are reasons why a separate library is better than for the boys to have access to that of the Association, even when such access is practicable. A little well-directed effort will secure a col- lection of suitable books.* The literary society may be very useful, leading the boys to study and research, and teaching them order, business methods, and parliamentary rules, together with that tact and self-possession in speak- ing so helpful and yet difficult to acquire except in early * Many good books are suggested in Sargenf s ' ' Reading for the Young " $1.00 cloth, Library Bureau, 146 Franklin St., Boston. 364 WORK FOR BOYS. Chap. 28, D, 6. life. The *^ practical talk" has always been popular. In every community there are those who can instruct and in- terest boys, particularly if allowed to talk informally and in line with their own business or study or experience. The range of topics is broad, and may include history, bio- graphy, travel, reminiscences, mechanical art, business habits, morals, and bodily health. It is a good plan to send the. boys themselves to invite the speakers. In some in- stances the evening class is employed, though it is not con- sidered wise to admit school boys to branches included in their regular course of study. 6. — The physical department is particularly attractive to boys. Of course they should enter it under the same rules and supervision as the young men. A physical ex- amination, preferably by the family doctor, should be the first step taken in the matter. Every boy who, in the judgment of his physician, needs special gymnastic treat- ment should bring to the physical director a statement to that effect. A separate gymnasium, with fixtures adaj^ted to boys, is desirable but cannot often be had. IsTo boy should be allowed on the floor or in the bath rooms during the hours given to young men. In the Rock Island, 111., building, a special stairway runs from the boys' reading room to their own bath and dressing room, which is con- nected by a corridor with the gymnasium; so that there is no occasion for their ever entering the men's bath room. Most out-door sports will fit the boys as well as the young men, but should be undertaken only under proper supervision. The rambling club is one of the simplest as well as the most popular forms. A more extended outing, in the shape of a boys' camp, is described in the '* Young Men's Era " 1891, page 388. 7. — /Socz'a^ methods will depend largely upon the class of boys and the facilities at command. As a rule it is un- desirable to admit the younger boys in the evening, but they may come during specified hours on some or all days of the week. And it is a question whether the attendance Chap. 28, D, 8. work for boys. 365 of the older boys should not be limited to a certain num- ber of evenings a week. "No boy with a home should spend too many evenings away from it. In the selection of social attractions, particularly games, preference should be given to those that are quiet, and that combine something of instruction or mental training with amusement. Noisy games are especially objectionable if there is but one room. This class of attractions is so numerous that an attentive committee will never be at a loss for something new. Not too many should be intro- duced at once. When the boys are tired of anything, let it be put aside for awhile and it will come out again as fresh as ever. Discourage the boys from giving too much time to amusements, never the whole evening. It should generally be possible to devote the latter part of the even- ing to something in another line, either physical, educa- tional, or religious. Music should have an important part in the social work. A boys' bank is described in the " Young Men's Era, " 1891, page 196. 8. — An extended work for boys will require some printed matter, most of which can readily be modeled after that used for young men. WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASiSFS. SECTION A. The Associations are bound to be on the alert that no class of young men within reach be neglected in their scheme of work. While very much is still unattempted, successful effort has been made along several lines. Some of this work seems to be best accomj)lished through sepa- rate organizations, and this has called into existence the college, railroad, and other departments. COLLEGE STUDENTS.* 1. — The extent and importance of this field is seen by the following statements : There are 350 Protestant col" leges in North America, containing 50,000 young men. Less than half of these students are professing Christians, and it is a conceded fact that but a small proportion are converted after leaving college. In addition to the above the preparatory, professional, scientific, and commercial schools are nearly 1,000 in number, and contain not less than 100,000 young men. And the number of schools and students is constantly and rapidly increasing. These * For historical items see Chap. 3, F, 3, / and j. See Int. pphs. No. 26, "The Intercollegiate Association Movement"; No. 27, "An Outline of the Work of College Associations"; No. 301, " College Associa- tion Record Blanks' ; No. 302. " College Association Buildings"; No. 303, "How to Secure a College Association Building"; No. 305, "The Fall Campaign, or How to Reach New Students"; No. 308, "The Study of the English Bible in College''; No. 304, "How Can the College Association Awaken and Maintain Interest in Bible Study"; No. 307, "Personal Work""; No. 310, "Christ as a Personal Worker"; (the last two contain studies for training classes); No. 311, " Studies in tho Gospel of Luke "; and No. 306, " The Claims of the General Sec- retaryship on Men of Education and Ability." Chap. 29, A, 5. WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. 367 men are to occupy leading positions in business and social life, and will exert because of their culture a greater in- fluence for or against Christ. If saved, it must usually be through the instrumentality of their college associates. To enlist, organize, and train the Christian students for this work is a chief work of the College Association. 2. — Beyond, however, these results of leading students to Christ, and adding to the church and to the number of Christian workers, a direct benefit accrues to the Associa- tions at large and to their specific work for young men. Those led into or trained in the Christian life by the college society, or in any way affiliating with it, will often identify themselves later with the city Association, bring- ing to it their experience and breadth of culture. Many men with collegiate training will also be needed as general secretaries, and every College Association should provide for a stated presentation of the claims of this work upon students, and such presentation should be made as clear, as forcible, and as impressive as possible. 3. — Effort should be made to establish and strengthen friendly relations between the city and College Associa- tions. The college vacation ticket, issued by the Interna- tional Committee, entitling the holder to the privileges of any Association he may visit during his vacations, affords opportunities for extending courtesies which are likely to accomplish such results. The professors and upper-class- men may also aid a contiguous town Association by ad- dressing an occasional literary or religious meeting. 4. — The character of college life — its comparative iso- lation, and the fact that so many young men are congregated together and away from the refinements and restraints of home — renders the social and religious influence of the College Association peculiarly helpful ; and it is none the less needed because of other social and literary college fraternities. 5. — There are included in the purpose and plan of col- lego worl: individual effort, devotional meetings, evangel- 368 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 20, A, 6. istic meetings, Bible classes, development of missionary spirit, college neighborhood work, and intercollegiate co- operation. In many colleges all these departments are in operation under a systematic committee organization. a. The committees on work for new students and on membership strive to reach the new students. This must be done the first week — much of it the first day. A re- ception, perhaps at the president's house, on the first evening, to which the members of the incoming class are invited, affords one of the quickest and best methods. In some way each man must be approached and, if possible, secured either as an active or associate member. h. Devotional and evangelistic meetings are held, the former weekly or oftener; the latter perhaps once a month, also during the seasons appointed for sj^ecial prayer or at times of religious awakening. A committee on religious meetings appoints leaders, selects topics, and in every practicable way contributes to their success. c. A committee on Bible study aims to interest every student in this matter, and also provides for systematic work, usually by forming small Bible training classes for the study of fundamental truths and practical methods of dealing with the unconverted. d. The missionary committee has supervision of a very important department. From the colleges must come very largely not only the missionaries themselves, but the pastors whose intelligent presentation of the cause shall stimulate the churches to sympathy and generous benefactions. Many who are to become influential and wealthy laymen may receive a bias while in college affecting their future attitude towards this cause and their gifts to it. The history of the connection between the colleges and the missionary movement of the j^resent century, from the haystack prayer meeting of the Wil- liams' College boys down to L. D. Wishard's departure for Japan, is deeply interesting, and should become famil- iar to every Association student. Chap. 29, A, 10. WORK for special classes. 369 /. A finance committee secures the money needed by the organization, and for a contribution toward the inter- collegiate Avork. g. A committee on intercollegiate relations brings to the Association the results of the experience of similar organizations, and makes the influence of the Association felt in the intercollegiate movement. 8. — The organization of the College Association is as simj^le as practicable. Aside from the committees whose duties have been outlined, there are the usual officers, with rules regarding membership, business meetings, etc. A form of constitution is in general use that was adopted by a college conference at Milwaukee, Wis., in 1883 ; revised by a similar conference at Kansas City, Mo., in 1891 ; and published by the International Committee, as No. 309. 9. — One third of the Associations have rooms devoted exclusively to their use. Such rooms are advantageous in many ways, especially where it is desired to maintain a reading-room or library, and to hold social gatherings, as is done by many Associations. Some fine build- ings have recently come into the possession of the Col- lege Associations, and the number is rapidly increasing. Several of these Associations emploj^ general secretaries, usually a recent graduate who remains a year or more to assist in developing the work. In a few large cities there are intercollegiate organizations, local colleges uniting and having their headquarters in the city Association building or elsewhere. The Associations generally should do every- thing practicable to affiliate with their work the students of such collegiate and post-graduate schools in their local- ity as have no organizations of their own. 10. — The College Associations receive many visits from International and State Secretaries, and much similar work has recently been accomplished through the " deputation plan," by which selected students are trained in annual ** deputation conferences," and sent out to instruct and 370 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, A, 11. train the College Associations along legitimate lines and advanced methods of work. The " student summer schools " began with that held by invitation of D. L. Moody at Mount Hermon, Mass., in 1886, and annually since that time at Northfield. In these schools, several of which are now held each year in differ- ent parts of the country, many hundred college students study the Bible and methods of Christian work, under the guidance of prominent scholars and workers from this and other lands. 11. — As an outgrowth of the college work in America, resulting from correspondence and visitation, a consider- able number of students' Associations have been estab- lished in schools in foreign mission lands. Calls have also come for competent men to organize and develop Association work among young men in the colleges and cities of the foreign field, resulting in the round-the-world tour of L. D. Wishard, as College Secretary of the Central International Committee, and the missions of J. Trumbull Swift in Japan, David McConaughy, Jr., in India and Myron A. Clark in Brazil. He must indeed be wise who would attempt to forecast the results of such movements as these. May not David McConaughy's words, penned on shipboard in New York harbor, Oct. 2, 1889, become historic : " As we start eastward to-day for India, Swift also leaves New York for Japan, and at the same time Wishard sets out from Japan to join us in India — the circle of the globe completed in three segments by influences emanating from the American group of this world-wide movement of the Young Men's Christian Associations " ? Chap. 29, B, 1. work for special classes. 371 SECTION B. RAILROAD MEN.* 1. — Alms and benefits, — A railroad department of the Association is usually located at a railroad center, where different roads or divisions meet, and employees come to- gether from places hundreds of miles apart. It is thus a focal point of converging and radiating influences covering an extended area. There is, perhaps, no other large and distinctive body of men in the country in which such a work would prove so helpful or be so thoroughly appreciated. On the road night and day, and through the entire week ; largely young men, and in any case much away from what- ever home they have ; they are shut out in great measure from the higher social privileges, and in many cases almost entirely from church life. During their odd hours of leisure they must often choose between the caboose or a cheerless lodging and the saloon, with its social but de- moralizing atmosphere, and it is not strange if the natural drift be toward the latter. The Association aims to pro- vide, wherever any considerable number of railroad men, especially train men, are congregated, a neatly kept place of resort, better in every way than the saloon, furnished with books and papers, amusements, baths and a score of the little conveniences and attractions of home, and pre- sided over by a warm-hearted Christian man, to give a hearty welcome to each comer and a social cheeriness to the whole place. Add to this the religious meeting, the Bible class, visitation and care in injury or sickness, kind counsel and aid in every trouble, and we have an excellent example of practical Christianity operating through Asso- ciation methods. The peculiarly responsible duties of railroad men in relation to life and property call for clear judgment, high personal courage, and strong moral sense, * For historical items see Chap. 3, F, 3, d!. For various points regarding the raih-oad work see Int. pphs. Nos. 575. 57P 589, and 592. *^ 372 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, B, 2. things quite incompatible with loose habits and irreligious views. As to the direct results of this work, President Depew, of the New York Central Railroad, testifies as follows : " The effect of the establishment of one of these socie- ties at a railroad center is marked and immediate. The character of the service begins to improve. Salaries and wages, which had been worse than wasted, are spent upon wives and children, and the surplus finds its way into the savings bank and from there into a homestead. To many of these men are intrusted the lives of the hunjired million passengers who annually travel on the railways of the country. The demand for speed constantly increases the dangers of carriage. The steady hand and clear brain of the locomotive engineer, of the switchman at the crossing, of the flagman at the curve, of the signalman at the telegraph, alone prevent unutterable horrors, and this Association does more in fitting men to fulfill these duties for the safety of the public than all the patent appliances of the age." To this may be added the statement of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, that, "In all the larger fields of Christian, educational, or benevolent endeavor, I know of no efforts which accomplish so much for the people immediately interested and for the character of the service they render to the public, in the safety of life and property, as those of the railroad branch of the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation." 2. — Orga7iization and Finance. — * Practical experience shows that the " department " method of organization is the best wherever there is a local Association. Where there is none, a Railroad Young Men's Christian Associa- tion may be organized, complete in itself ; but the consti- tution should provide for a change to the former plan whenever a city Association shall be formed. Occasionally, * Int. pph. No. 37 is " Bylaws of a Railroad Department of a Young Men's Christian Association," and No. 620, " Constitution of a Railroad Association." Chap. 39, B, 3. WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. 373 in a small place with a population largely of railroad people, a joint organization may be advisable. In such cases the best results have been obtained by forming a Railroad Association and constantly emphasizing the work for railroad men, although inviting the young men of the town to join. Such organizations are generally effected by the aid or under the supervision of the Inter- national Committee. For general information concerning department methods see chapter 6, A. Generous financial aid is given to this work by railroad companies. The rooms are often located in a corporation building, and heated and lighted free, and it is customary for the company either to grant an annual appropriation payable in monthly installments or to pay all or most of the secretary's salary, his* name being placed on the pay- roll as an employee. The additional amount required is secured from the railroad men in membership fees or sub- scriptions. In the case of a combined town and railroad work an equitable part of the budget should be provided by subscriptions from citizens. With a building or suitable rooms containing the conveniences here outlined, and a reasonable amount of company support, there is usually little difficulty in obtaining the needed additional income. Membership privileges are reciprocal, so that a membership ticket at one point entitles to membership privileges at all points. 3. — Rooms and Methods. — Nearly all the Railroad Associations have rooms, which are usually located in or near the stations, round houses, or freight yards. Many excellent buildings have been erected specially for the work, and the number is growing each year. A conven- ient suite of apartments will include reading-room and library, social room or parlor, bath and toilet rooms, rest rooms, hall for meetings and entertainments and secre- tary's office. If necessary, some of these apartments may be combined. The reading-room should have, in addition to other matter, files of the leading railroad periodicalsi 374 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, B, 3. The library is a very important feature. It should contain a good variety of miscellaneous reading including the best fiction. Preference should be given to the shorter and more concise publications, and to those of a cyclopedic character. Many such are being published and are largely superseding with busy men the older and more voluminous editions. Grote's Greece for example, in twelve volumes, would discourage any railroad man ; but a trim little book of two hundred pages, containing the gist of the whole might tempt to a perusal. There should be a generous supply of technical railroad books, both a general and a mechani- cal cyclopedia — the best published, and a good list of reference books for Bible study. The rest room is an apartment divided into a number of single rooms furnished with cots, where trainmen, coming and going at all times of the day and night, msiy catch a few hours sleep between trains within easy call. The great convenience of this feature can only be appre- ciated by those familiar with railroad life. A lunch room, where a cup of coffee, a sandwich or light lunch can be secured, is often added in Associations where there are large numbers of trainmen away from home. A room is often fitted up with cots, stretchers, and a supply of bandages and ordinary remedies, and kept as an emergency hospital, where men may receive temporary treatment when injured by accidents. The baths are not a luxury but a necessity, and must be ready for use at all hours. The gymnasium may be less needed by railroad men than by many others, and yet an assortment of light apparatus may be easily provided and be a means of healthful recre- ation. A bowling alley and a yard with requisities for some out-door games are both popular features. Educational classes, social receptions, and practical talks all have their place in the railroad work ; especially will such topics as "personal purity," "the effects of stimulants and narcotics," and " first aid to the injured " be very helpful. To these may sometimes be added a Chap. 29, B, 8. work for special classes. 375 series of talks on mechanical subjects. The educational work should be so arranged, in the selection of studies and in details of teaching, that each session of a class has a positive value of its own, independent of preced- ing or succeeding sessions. Any plan which necessitates a continuous attendance at every session of a course is likely to defeat itself, or diminish the usefulness of the attempted instruction. In the religious department the men's meeting, the Bible class, the workers' training class, and evangelistic meetings are employed. The meetings and classes will often and of necessity be small and the attendance irregular, but this should not prevent systema- tic and persistent effort. Results do not always depend upon nor correspond to numbers. Cottage meetings have reached many men at their homes who would not come to the public meetings. The family with whom the meeting is held should be interested in gathering friends and neighbors to the service, making special effort to secure the attendance of the men. The exercises should be of the most informal character and not too long. The utmost cordiality should be manifested, and effort made to induce non-church-goers to attend public worship. These meetings are sometimes held at the homes of invalids. The general secretary is an indispensable factor. In- deed, the element of personal Christian devotion and enthusiasm which he throws into the work and cultivates in the workers, constitutes the essential difference between these efforts and earlier unsuccessful ones. His work is quite as varied as that of a city secretary. He must have tact to adapt himself and his methods to the characteris- tics, habits, and wants of railroad men. Accustomed to system in everything, the men will not be pleased with loose and careless ways about the rooms. He must be frank and hearty in his intercourse with them, and never afraid of a soiled hand. More freedom may be allowed than in other branches, but tactful effort for the cultiva- tion of good manners should not be wanting, and the :>76 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, O. ordinary refinements of home life should be observed. The example of the secretar}^, and of leaders enlisted by him, will accomplish more in this direction than placards on the walls or any such formal method. The few rules necessary should be kindly but firmly enforced. If the secretary can get into the hearts of the men, and no men have larger hearts, his sympathy and advice will be at a premium. As many of the men cannot or will not come to the secretary to get acquainted, he must go to the yard, visiting them in the round house, on the engine, or in the caboose. If he has been a railroad man himself he can more easily get at them, and a few months on the road in some capacity might well be included in his preparatory course. He can be specially helpful in connection with the sick and injured. The secretary should know what to do in an emergency, and be able both to nurse the body and to comfort the heart. He should cultivate self- possession and such cheeriness of voice and manner that his entrance into the sick room will be like a ray of sunshine. SECTION C. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. There are from 75,000 to 100,000 commercial travelers in the country. As a class they are largely young men, and of necessity bright, keen, and active. They are con- tinually away from home, with little social life save that of the railroad car and the hotel, and exposed to subtle temptation at every turn. They are intimately connected with the entire mercantile community, the class among which the Association was originally formed and from which it has always drawn very largely both its members and patrons. Helpful relations evidently could and ought to exist between such a class and the Associations, and for Chap. 29, C. WORK FOR special classes. 37^ some 3'"ears the International Committee has co-operated with Christian traveling men in the Associations in efforts to this end. An important introductory step was taken by the International Convention of 1879, in instructing the committee to issue a commercial travelers' ticket, which entitles the holder to certain privileges in any Association he may visit while on the road. This ticket is obtained through the local organization, or, if there be none at the traveler's home, from the Association in the city where the house he represents is located. Effort should be made to put these tickets into the hands of as many as possible of these men. Besides the benefit to the individual from the privileges conferred and the helpful associations into which he will be led, the tendency will be to interest him in the work generally. All tickets should bear dated endorsements by the proper officers. Each city Association should have a commercial trav- elers' committee, consisting of all Christian traveling men in the membership who will serve, with, perhaps, a few local tradesmen. Some conveniences at the Association rooms, as a correspondence room or desk, will be helpful. The secretary should learn to recognize a traveling man at sight, and give him an off-hand hearty greeting, calling him by name, if possible, after his first visit. Each hotel and railroad waiting room should have an Association directory, in which an invitation to commercial travelers should be conspicuous. Many Associations secure addresses from the hotel registers, and leave on Saturday night or Sunday morning invitations to the rooms and to both Association and church services, with a directory of the same. A diagram of the city showing the location of the Association rooms, principal churches, and public build- ings, is a helpful addition. There should also be a card for presentation to the usher of any church. There may well be in every city church a " young men's pew," eligi- bly located and complete in its equipments, to be used in connection with this line of work. S^S WORK FOR SI^ECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, 0. Religious meetings may be held occasionally for travel- ing men at points where many of them stop for Sundaj'^jOr in cities where numbers of them reside and at seasons when they are likely to be at home. An informal service of song on Sunday afternoons in hotel parlors has been tried with good effect. This should be suggested and, if pos- sible, led by one of themselves. It may sometimes be practicable, especially at a commercial center, to tender them a social reception. At least when a reception is given to commercial men, travelers should be particularly included in the invitations, and be given prominence in some way on the programme. But far beyond the possibilities of the local Association is the work which may be done by Christian traveling men among their fellows ; and the more important object of this organized effort is, perhaps, to rouse them to a sense of their personal opportunity and duty, the Association merely placing at their disposal its various helps. A cer- tain reserve, tinctured often with indifference if not moral cowardice, takes possession of many a Christian man and causes him to shut up his religion like a dark lantern when out on the busy and careless thoroughfares of life. It is sought to establish a fraternity of such Christian symj^athy, courage, and activity, as shall help every man to open the slide and show his light. There are a thousand chances to throw one's influence on the right side ; hj a word, often by a look, by a gentlemanly reproof, an invi- tation to a religious meeting, or a judicious use of Christ- ian literature. A profane word or a coarse jest will often be left unsaid from the mere knowledge that it is distaste- ful to one of the company. And then it is much easier than we often think to open conversation with a fellow traveler on the subject of personal religion. An earnest disposition will find abundant opportunities and beget a tact and skill that will soon bear fruit. There is a plan by which such personal interviews may be reported to the home Association, and any impressions be systematically Chap. 29, i). WORK FOR special classes. 379 followed up. (See appendix, sample No. 57). Blanks for this purpose, together with several helpful little pamphlets are furnished by the International Committee, also the special form of membership ticket already referred to. Traveling men may often exert a strong influence in be- half of the Associations by talking with their patrons about them, and especially about the one in the town where they are doing business at the time. Possibly information coming from such a source, particularly if along practical lines, will have more effect than any influ- ence the resident members could bring to bear. SECTION D. A large percentage of the male population in every city is engaged in mechanical pursuits, and no class con- tains a better average of earnest, active, and intelligent young men. And yet it is often said that the Associa- tions do not reach and are not adapted to reach the in- dustrial classes. The latter statement is certainly untrue, and if the first is in a measure correct, it is the fault, not of the institution, but of the membership and methods of tlie given locality. Every Association where this im23ort- ant element is not being reached should seek to remedy this serious defect. There is no good reason why, with a proper adaptation of the means at hand in every city As- sociation, large numbers of young mechanics cannot be attracted to the reading room, the library, classes, and lectures. The first step, as just suggested, is an adaptation of means. Place on file in the reading room the best mechan- ical journals, something suited to each of the local indus- * See Int. i:>ph. No. 61, "How can our Associations better adapt themselves to the needs of young men of all classes ? " 380 "WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 20, D. tries, and including perhaps some expensive periodicals, not apt to be found elsewhere. Put the standard works of reference on the library shelves, and add any valuable new book on mechanics as soon as issued. In arranofinor the evening classes and the practical talks, provide something that will be especially helpful to apprentices. T@ bring the young men into contact with the Associa- tion, various methods maybe used; a reception to mechanics and manufacturers — in large cities to the employees of a certain industry or manufactory, or the distribution of a special circular or prospectus, emphasizing the privileges likely to attract. This may sometimes be placed in the regular pay envelopes. All the ordinary methods of ad- vertising should be utilized, such as the newspapers, and the Association bulletin, which may contain, at least occasionally, a department devoted to mechanical inter- ests. Placards advertising the Association privileges and especially those adapted to this class may be put n-p in shops and factories. The membership and invitation committees should strive to obtain representatives in each establishment employing any number of men, or at least in each distinctive industry. Effort should also be made to secure the good will and co-operation of employers and officers of corporations, who may render great assistance. There will often be prejudice, possibly an inclination to class jealousy, on the part of some of the young men, which must be overcome by frank and kindly intercourse. Care will be necessary on the part of the membership gen- erally, to do or say nothing likely to offend any or to make them ill at ease. Especially should young men be cordially recognized wherever met and whatever their dress. If some well-known young mechanics be placed on the reception committee they may draw many of their fellows to the rooms, and similar methods may avail in connection with the literary society and the gymnasium. If a Christ- Chap. 29, E, 2. WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. 381 ian mechanic, either employer or employee, leads the young men's meeting, the invitation committee may issue a special and attractive invitation card. The general results of this work must not be overlooked. The affiliation of these young men with other classes in the Associations will not be without its social signifi- cance, and may perhaps help in solving some perplexing problems now pending before the country. SECTION E. OTHER RACES. 1. — Immigration has filled many of our American cities with a foreign-born population, and to such an extent that there is often a tendency to retain their former language and customs, with a consequent national or race exclusive- ness. This is frequently so marked as to render it imprac- ticable to reach the young men through the Englisk- speaking Associations. There are also two native-born races that are best reached through separate organiza- tions, namely, colored and Indian young men. There were twenty-one Indian Associations in 1890, mostly located in the Dakotas. These Associations came into existence about 1881, and were affiliated with the Interna- tional Convention in 1885. Their work is mostly of a religious nature and has been very useful. The French and Japanese have also a single branch eacb, located respectively in New York and San Francisco. The multiplication of these organizations has not yet been attempted. 2. — The German Work.^ — In 1890 there were ten German organizations, with an aggregate membership of 2,398 and eleven paid officers. Good buildings were owned and occupied by the branches in New York, Philadelphia, St. * For historical items see Chap. 3, F, 3, e. 382 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, E, 3. Louis, and Milwaukee, and building movements were in progress elsewhere. This work is important on account of the large German population of many cities, but the national temperament and the conservative spirit of the German churches has made its beginning difficult and slow. The aggressive element must come from the Germans themselves, among whom there are few lay workers. Peculiar methods, care- fully studied out, must be employed. Public and hasty effort is repugnant to the German mind, and must give way to more quiet, thoughtful, and gradual influences. In an emphatic sense will the one-by-one method prove suc- cessful. The Bible class, with its calm though direct presentation of the truth and its conversational character, is especially adapted to them. The junior work is also valuable. If the boys, before the age of fixed habits and prejudices, can be interested and attached to the Associa- tion, many of them may be retained, giving an assurance of large success in the near future. As an offset to the difficulties of this work it may be said that any substantial gains are apt to be permanent. A form of constitution designed for German branches is published by the Inter- national Committee, through whose agency all attempts at organization should be made. Some other pamphlets in German can be secured from the committee. 3. — -The Colored Work. — The Associations among colored young men are divided into two classes ; college or aca- demic and general. In 1890 there were twenty-two of the former and twelve of the latter. The first colored general secretary began work at !N'orfolk, Va., early in 1888. Sev- eral others have been secured since, and the extension of this vital feature promises to give the work a definiteness previously unknown. Advance has been made in this department cautiously, (see Chap. 3, F, 3, g), yet with a colored population of 8,000,000 in the country there can be no question as to its vital importance. A paper read at the Philadelphia Convention, in 1889, urged the adoption Chap. 39, F, 1. work for special classes. 383 of the branch system in the colored work, in order thut the weaker organizations might have the fostering care and instruction of the older and stronger ones. Where this plan is impracticable, an advisory board of leading white citizens will prove very helpful. This plan is in operation at several points. SECTION F. VARIOUS OTHER CLASSES. 1. — Soldiers and Sailors. — The only Association now ex- isting among the soldiers of the United States army was organized in November, 1889, at Fortress Monroe, Va., with twenty-seven active and thirty-nine associate mem- bers. If there were a few Christian men to carry on such a work at every army post, great good might result. A work has been conducted for some years, under direc- tion of Provincial and State Committees, in the annual encampments of the militia, especially in Ontario, New York, and Illinois. By means of one or more tents a suite of Association rooms is improvised at some eligible locality on or near the grounds, and with reading matter, writing materials, a cabinet organ, and sundry toilet conveniences, thrown open free to all members of the camp. Effort is made to place on file the home papers of the several detachments during their stay. Social entertainments, practical talks, and both parlor and out-door games are among the attractions offered ; and religious services are held as there is opportunity, in some cases every day. An experienced man should be placed in charge of such a work, but helpers may be drawn from Associations in the neighborhood, and often from among the soldiers them- selves, some of whom may be active in their home organi- zations. The helpful character of this work has been offi- cially recognized by the military authorities, who willingly 384 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, F, 2. second the efforts of the Associations. Not only are the men enabled to pass the time while in camp more pleasantly and profitably, but the attractions and the positive relig. ions influences tend to keep them from its peculiar tempta- tions, and many have been led into the Christian life. Another good result noticed is that many, both Christian and non- Christian men, have been led to affiliate with the Associations on their return home. For nearly twenty years the New York City Association has forwarded weekly to a large number of army posts and to some United States vessels papers and magazines from its reading rooms. The beneficial results are shown in the following extracts from letters : From the Indian Territory : " I receive regularly the papers and pamphlets you send me, and in return send you my best thanks. Representing as they do, various nation- alities, languages, and forms of religious thought, as well as secular pursuits, these publications meet the wants of the army in its varied elements. The soldier in his frontier life needs such encouragement ; needs the occa- sional memento that he is still remembered in his far awa}' home of civilization, and that the prayer offered for Christ's church militant includes him personally." From a United States training ship : " Could you see the boys gather around our reading tables every evening, you would comprehend how much your gift is appre- ciated, and what an important and valuable factor these papers can be made in their training." Work has sometimes been carried on among the sailors, boatmen, and longshoremen, at sea ports, and lake and river towns. Religious literature is distributed, personal conversation had with the men, and meetings held, in the open air in summer and perhaps in the cabin of some vessel in the winter. 2. — Deaf Mutes. — Branches for such men have been estab- lished in connection with several Associations. Shut out 3s they are from many of the social privileges of life, both Chap. 29, F, 3. work FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. 385 secular and religious, they draw naturally upon Christian sympathy, and the Associations everywhere should be prompt to aid them, placing the advantages that they can use within their reach. Where there are many, they will prefer a branch organization, which however may be v^ry simple. A Bible class, with printed outlines, and for the average mutes quite rudimentary, will be the effort best suited to their religious needs. Practical talks may be given by any one through an interpreter. These may well include such moral and sanitary topics as personal purity, the use of intoxicants, and gambling. The edu- cated mutes are great readers and ajjpreciate the reading room and library. They can also fully utilize the physical department. Many of them are peculiarly graceful in the use of the so-called sign language taught in all their schools, and very apt in humorous pantomime, and can furnish occasionally an attractive novelty for a members' entertainment. There is said to be, perforce, a certain moral obtuseness among the less cultured mutes, but even these have often proved themselves capable of deep spir- itual convictions and experience. When well educated, as very many of them now are through their excellent schools, tliey are well up to the average in both intellectual and executive ability. 3. — Lmnbermen. — in some of the northwestern states special effort has been made among the lumber camps, which contain large numbers of men, separated from all ordinary church privileges and often with a low standard of morals. The Wisconsin State Committee has employed several men who spend their time in passing from camp to camp, holding religious services and doing personal work as they have opportunity, with excellent results, many young men being led to accept Christ. In the summer they carry a tent in which to hold meetings. Descriptions of their work read like a romance. A few other states have undertaken the same work on a smaller scale. Ko doubt it is needed in many other parts of the continent. 386 WORK FOR SPECIAL CLASSES. Chap. 29, F, 4. 4. — Firemen^ etc. — Effort has been made in some cities among the men of the fire department, policemen, and the street car employees ; papers have been distributed, and sometimes religious meetings held at the various stations, or special receptions given at the rooms. A branch Asso- ciation of street railway men was organized in San Fran- cisco in 1891. OHAI^TER. 30. WOMEJTS WORK FOR YOUNQ- MEN.'' 1. — Although the Young Men's Christian Association is an organized work for and by young men, yet woman's influence and effort cannot well be dispensed with. She has special aptitude for many things that men do but poorly, and is ever ready to exert herself in matters that so closely concern her sons and brothers. 2. — Some method of organization is needed to make such service most effective. A common plan has been to call the ladies tog^ether and form a committee or commit- tees for any special work as occasion required. A more permanent organization, however, has usually been pre- ferred. The two forms in general use are commonly dis- tinguished as the " auxiliary " and the " committee " methods. The first of these, known as the women's auxil- iary, and which was popular for some years, consists of a fully organized society, really independent of the Associa- tion except as its name implies, and an article of its con- stitution specifies, that it is to aid the Association in its work for young men. 3. — The objections to this arrangement are that its machinery is unnecessarily cumbersome ; that the organic connection with the Association is not close enough ; and that there is consequently a liability to drift into in- definite forms of work, to the detriment of the real object. The sentiment of the Associations of late favors the second * This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 66. 388 WOMEN'S WORK FOR YOUNG MEN. Chap. 30, 4. or committee plan, by which there is appointed annuall}^, in the same manner as tlie regular standing or department committees of the Association, a "women's committee," numbering perhaps from five to fifteen, the chairman being named by the president. As much of the success of the committee will depend upon the efficiency of the chairman, she needs to be a woman of executive ability and genuine popularity among her sex. 4. — Whatever the form of organization there must be a wise discrimination in making up the pe7'S07inelj especially at the beginning. After securing the consent of some capable Avoman to be chairman, it is well to consult with her regarding the selection of the members. Undue haste will do harm. The various denominations should be rep- resented and choice made from each church of those who combine mature and earnest Christian character with leadership. Attention must also be given to congeniality, or work-together-ableness. The machinery should be sim- ple. A chairman, secretary, treasurer, and a standing committee for each department of work in which the ladies are actively interested outline the average working plan. An executive committee, to be intrusted with the more direct management, msij include the chairmen of the general and standing committees. Written reports should be submitted to the board of directors of the Association. S? — Meetings, if j^i'operly conducted and not held too often, will tend to awaken and hold interest in the organi- zation. There should be detailed reports from all commit- tees, and methods of work may be suggested and discussed. Earnest prayer for the work among young men is also an essential feature. The general secretary of the Associa- tion, who is usually an ex-officio member of the women's committee, may be present during some part of the meet- ing to report the work and needs of the Association and counsel regarding plans. The committee should also re- port statedly to the Association. An anniversary to which the ladies of the community are invited, where full reports Chap. 30, 9. women's work for youngs me im^. 359 are presented and an address given regarding tlie work, would lead to a broader knowledge and interest. This might be greatly emphasized if followed by a reception, including an inspection of the Association building and methods. 6. — The followmg outline of sub-committees with their respective duties is suggestive : (a) Rooms. — To supervise the housekeeping, the order and cleanliness of the apartments, the furnishing, decora- tions, and the many details that few men have the tact or knowledge to attend to. {b) Social Work. — To assist the corresponding com- mittee of the Association, especially in arranging for the entertainment programme at receptions, and in providing and serving refreshments. (See Chap. 26, C, 7.) Some- times this committee enlists the women of different churches, in rotation, to look after these matters at suc- cessive receptions. It may also provide flowers, fruit, and such delicacies as are needed by sick young men whom the Association is caring for. (c) Library. — To secure either funds or books, by such methods as their ingenuity may suggest and their in- dustry carry out. 7. — On special occasions the chairman of the women's committee, with the approval of the president of the As- sociation, may appoint temporary sub-committees, their chairmen being members of the committee, but others being invited to serve upon them. 8. — The committee may render valuable aid by en- couraging their friends among young men and boj^s to identify themselves with the Association, and among older men to give it both a moral and a financial support. Also by sending to the office of the Association the names and addresses of young men who are strangers in the place. 9. — They often co-operate in special efforts to raise funds. In two instances about $8,000 was raised by them 390 WOMEN'S WORK FOR \OUNG MEN. Chap. 30, 10. towards an Association building, and in anotlier case a large library was collected by occasional labor in a little over a year. The furnishing of a new building is often undertaken by them. 10. — In the railroad work women aid in A-isiting the sick and injured, and in obtaining places for holding cottage meetings and giving invitations to the same. 11. — Great care should be taken that entertainments in connection with an Association, or for its benefit, do not offend the Christian sensibilities of the members of any of the churches. This matter has sometimes been disregarded, with serious detriment to the work. 12. — See appendix, sample Ko. 58, for rules suggested for the committee. FOURTH DIVISION. GENERAL SUPERVISION AND EXTENSION. CHAPTER 31. 8TATM AND PROVINCIAL WORK* SECTION A. GROWTH AND OEGANIZATION. 1 —The Young Men's Christian Associations began in America with the organization of isolated and independ- ent societies, having no organic connection and scarcely a knowledge of each other's existence. The ""^"^J-^ Association has absolute local jurisdiction, andisaccoi.ed direct representation in the conventions, both sta e and international, under the active membership test and such other rules as are established by these bodies. Ihe con- Tentions just -mentioned are the only legislative bodies of the Associations ; while in the system of executive com- mittees, with their secretaries, correspondence, and publi- cations, acting under the instructions of *e conventions and covering the entire field with a net-work of helpfu supervision, are included th^man^^dvnritages, with.out ^^^^^^^^^^^^™^°[^ relation of tlae State Committee to the State Secretary aua tion F as No. 69, "The District Work". 392 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, A, 2. the objectionable features, of a strongly centralized organi- zation. 2. — The first American convention of these Associations met at Buffalo, N. Y., in June 1854, and a permanent organization was effected by the appointment of a central committee with instructions to call a similar meeting annually. The state organizations had their rise twelve years later, through a resolution of the Albany Conven- tion (1866), instructing the corresponding members for the several states to call an annual convention in each. Four such meetings were held that year, and ten the year following. Previous to this the International Convention was the one representative body, and the only general supervision was that given, first by its executive com- mittee, and later by corresponding members of the com- mittee located in each state and province. The action at Albany Avas very opportune, occurring as it did at the close of the war, and just as the true aims and principles of the organization were becoming more generally under- stood, accepted, and emphasized than at any previous time. State work, cultivating many fields in a detailed way im- possible to a single central committee, led to the rapid and well-ordered growth of the subsequent period. 3. — The following examples illustrate the variety of method in the formative period of the state work : a. Ohio established a state organization at its first convention in 1867. It comprised a State Association, made up of delegates, not less than three nor more than fifteen, from each Association in the state ; officers, includ- ing a corresponding secretary, who should also act as cor- responding member of the International Committee for Ohio ; and an executive committee consisting of the corre- sponding secretary as chairman ex officio, and four others to be elected at each annual meeting. This committee was to have '* sub-committees " of three each at six speci- fied centers in the state, — to all practical purposes district committees. At the third annual meeting, in 1869, the Chap. 31, A, 4. state and provincial work. 393 executive committee recommended the employment of a paid agent. Such an agent was employed a part of the time from 1874, and regularly from 1877. h. New York held its first State Convention in 1866. In 1867 the state was divided into nineteen districts, each with a secretary to act under the corresponding member of the International Committee for the state. An execu- tive committee was not formed till 1869. Visiting agents were employed temporarily as early as 1871, but the first State Secretary, George A. Hall, was engaged in 1876, and the same year a state constitution was adopted. c. Pennsylvania also held a convention in 1866, but not again till 1869, at which time an executive committee was formed. In 1870, the committee recommended such a location of its members and such a subdivision of the state as to insure more thorough organization, which was carried into effect. At the fourth convention, in 1871, the employment of a State Secretary was authorized, and S. A. Taggart was engaged, being the first officer of this class placed permanently in the field. 4. — The beginnings of state and provincial work, 1866-1874. On June 5, 1866, the Albany International Convention passed the following resolution : ** Resolved, that the convention instruct the corresponding member of the executive committee of each state, district, territory, and province to call a convention of Associations in such state, district, territory, and province annually in the autumn." The first conventions in the several states and provinces during these early years of the work were held in the fol- lowing order : 1866, Sept. 27-29, "Northwestern States", Milwaukee, Wis. " Oct. 24-25, New York, Oswego. " Nov. 16, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. ' 21-22, Maryland and District of Columbia, Baltimore, Md. « 394 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, A, 5. 1867, May 21-22, Connecticut, New Haven. " Oct. 1-2, New Jersey, Elizabeth. " " 8-7, Maritime Provinces, Halifax, N. S. " " 10-11, Massachusetts, Springfield. " " 16-17, Maine, Lewiston. " Nov. 8-10, Ohio, Columbus. 1868, Aug. 11, New Hampshire, Manchester. " Oct. 28-29, Ontario and Quebec, Toronto, Ont. " Dec. 1-2, Michigan, Marshall. " " 3-4, Rhode Island, Providence. 1869, April 6-7, Iowa, Cedar Rapids. " May 13-14, California, San Francisco. " Oct. 6-7, Indiana, La Fayette. 1870, Nov. 3-5, Wisconsin, Janesville. *' Dec. 21-22, Minnesota, Minneapolis. 1871, " 1-3, West Virginia, Clarksburg. 1872, Sept. 5-7, Alabama, Selma. 1873, Nov. 6-9, Illinois, Bloomington. " Dec. 5-7, Kansas, Lawrence. 1874, Dec. 17, Virginia, Richmond. To the close of 1890 five hundred and seventj^-one such conventions were held. 5. — The most approved method of state organization at present is the formation of a State Association, under a constitution embodying the fundamental principles and prevalent usages of the institution, and incorporated, in order to be legally qualified to accept and control gifts and legacies. A form suggested by the International Com- mittee provides for an annual meeting of representatives from the afiiliating Associations, and for. a State Com- mittee, in which is vested the executive powers of the State Association. A fixed proportion of its members are elected annually, for a term extending over several years. See Int. pph. No. 634. Chap. 31, B, 2. state and provincial work. 395 SECTION B. THE STATE COMMITTEE. 1^ The raerabers of the committee shoiikl be men of recognized weight of character both as Christians and as men of affairs ; tliey shoukl be broad-minded men, as much interested in the work throughout the state as in that at their own homes ; and, if possible, men with practical experience, and able to devote some time to the state work. As a rule, only one or two general secretaries should be members of each State Committee. Among the members there will often be men of wealth and influence, but such qualifications are by no means the most essential. It is desirable that the leading Associations and the different denominations be represented, if they can furnish suitable men. The committee, as a w^hole and individually, must work in harmony with the body appointing it. It is usual to locate the committee headquarters at a strong Associa- tion center, and for a series of years if not permanently/. Several good men cai generally be obtained at and in the vicinity of such a ciiy, as the nucleus of the committee. Meetings should be held only often enough to secure a thorough supervision of the work. Notice should be given in time for members to offer written suggestions if pre- vented from attending, and a summary of transactions should be sent to members whether present or absent. Meetings, although usually occurring at headquarters, are sometimes held in connection with conventions or with special pushing of the work in different parts of the state. 2. — The work of the committee comprises a general and thorough supervision of the whole field, and may be classi- fied as follows : a. General oversight of the local Associations, stimu- lating and encouraging their work, suggesting new and improved methods, correcting mistakes, and giving advice and aid in times of difiicult}^ 396 STATE AND PROVINCIAIi WORK. Chap. 81, B, 3, b. Projecting and carrying out plans of extension — organizing Associations, and introducing work for special classes. c. Stimulating a general interest in work for young men, and aiding the introduction of its practicable forms in small towns and country districts. d. Seeking out and developing men to enter the ser- vice of the Associations, and advising with regard to appointments and changes. e. Engaging and directing the salaried agents of the committee. f. Planning for and suj^ervising the state and district conventions. (/. Gathering and tabulating statistics, and preserving full historical records of the work. h. Editing the committee's publications, including the bulletin, the convention reports, and circulars of informa- tion to the Associations ; and preparing such matter for the religious and secular press as shall keep the general public instructed regarding the character and j^rogress of the work. The convention reports may be given a perma- nent value by the exclusion of trivial matters, and by judicious presentation of the gist of the papers and discus- sions. i. Providing ways and means for the state work. j. The successful work of some State Committees in militia encampments is described in chapter 29, F, 1. 3. — It is essential that the members of the committee, through personal visitation and correspondence, become acquainted with the field, including the condition and possibilities of the work, and the number and character of the Avorkers. Considerable information on such matters will also reach them through visiting agents and district committees. Much may also be gained by attending con- ventions, and by careful perusal of j^eriodical and other publications. There should be a systematic exchange of reports among the several State Committees, a set being Chap. 31, B, 6. state and provincial work. 397 bound for office reference, and others, if possible, being put into the hands of the members. The state reports should also be regularly filed in every public library in the state. A knowledge of the work in other fields will broaden the interest of the committee and give many practical suggestions. 4. — Several standing sub-committees are usually ap- pointed. Much in the line of supervision and extension will be accomplished through the district organizations and the salaried agents, and to the latter will be referred many other details, yet each committee should conduct visitation and correspondence, and should be held account- able for the work in its particular department. The fol- lowing is a suggestive list of standing committees : (a) Business, to act for the State Committee in the intervals between its meetings ; (b) District work, to have general charge of the Associations and organize new ones by means of a thorough district organization ; (c) Associa- tions, to receive and report on applications for membership in the State Association ; (cl) Finance, to provide ways and means, recommend a budget, and audit accounts ; (e) Extension fund; (/) Publication; (g) Bible study; (A) Educational work ; (^) Physical work ; (j) Personal purity ; (k) Boys' work ; (I) College work ; (m) Railroad work ; (n) Work among non-English speaking young men ; (0) Work among commercial travelers. Many states, especially in the early years of their work, will not need all these committees. The smallest number that will do the work thoroughly is always best. 5. — The several standing committees should report in writing at least quarterly, and at the meeting just previous to the State Convention should make a full and careful statement of the year's work, including tabulated statistics. 6. — Effort should be made to gather for permanent refer- ence at headquarters everything possible in connection with the Association work, both general and local ; including annual reports, bulletins, constitutions and by-laws, and 398 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, C, 1. samples of printed matter. The reports and bulletins may be bound by cities, and the samples, classified by the decimal system suggested in chapter 12, 7, mav be kept in large manilla envelopes or in boxes. Nev/spaper and magazine articles may be preserved in the same way. The material thus preserved will soon become of decided practical and historical value. Important manuscripts, including written reports, should either be copied, or fast- tened on stubs in bound books, for easy reference. A large wall map of the field, with the Associations plainly indicated on it, will be useful in public meetings. Small copies of the map may be inserted in reports and bulletins. SECTION C. FINANCES. 1. — Financial matters should be placed in the hands of good business men, who will carefully oversee them, though not necessarily attending personally to all the details. They will see that a good system of accounts is adopted, and that disbursements are made only to the amounts and for the purj^oses for which appropriations have been made by the State Committee. They should work on a definite plan, including an estimate of expendi- tures, of the sources of revenue, and the best ways of raising it. The annual report of the treasurer should com- prise the receipts in detail, and a statement of expendi- tures grouped under proper heads. Full vouchers should be submitted for audit at the annual convention. 2. — There are many difiiculties in the way of raising the needed funds. Unlike the individual Associations, the state organization has no personal constituency peculiarly its own, but appeals largely to men already having local work to care for, and not always disposed to realize or admit a further obligation. The field is wide and must be Chap. 31, C, B. STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. 399 worked at arm's length, afforclmg little opportunity to impress men with the true value of the service. Indeed, much of this work, often the more important part of it, can neither be tabulated nor easily explained to the j)ublic. Giving toward its support must have a broader motive than mere local and direct benefit, although few Associa- tions are unreached by the helpful hand of the state work, and many owe their present life and prosperity to its timely and fostering care. 3. — It is customary to look first to the Associations, as such, and the plan commonly adopted of receiving their subscriptions at the annual convention is described in section E, 3, d. Not only the organizations represented at this meeting, but every Association in the state, should give generously each year, providing for the amount in the annual budget and paying at as early a date as possi- ble. Quite a sum will be subscribed personally by mem- bers of the State Committee and other delegates at the convention, and by others who are not present there — the stand-bys, so to speak, of the work. A small amount may be realized from collections during the convention and from the sale of reports. The remainder must be gathered b}^ personal solicitation, either before or after the conven- tion, preferably before. Appeal will naturally be made first to those who are closely identified with the work ; but there is besides a large class of generous and public- spirited persons, many of whom give systematically to a variety of objects, who can be led to include this cause in their list of benefactions. The permanent or running sub- scription plan is used to good advantage in some states. A canvass of Association towns by one of the assistant state secretaries a few weeks before the convention has been found very useful in some states. The State Com- mittee, with its knowledge of local circumstances, may suggest through this representative the amount that may be expected from each Association, including contribu- tions from individuals. The visiting secretary should in- 400 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, D, 1. sure the raismg of money by local men, if possible ; but, if he cannot accomplish this, he may aid in securing it. Although personal visitation of some such description must be largely depended upon, the work may be stimu- lated by correspondence and the judicious use of printed matter, and especially by securing the attendance of gen- erously minded persons at conventions or parlor confer- ences. The latter are especially practical, as they can be arranged for at many convenient points, and a number of the people desired can be brought together at each. (See Chap. 20, C. ) Every State Committee should aim to se- cure an endowment fund, and with well-directed effort many stated contributors may be led to make bequests to it. A plan of systematic giving, including the state work among its objects, is described in chapter 32, C, 10, e. SECTION D. THE STATE SECKETARY. 1. — As the directors of a local Association need a gen- eral secretary to develop its work, still more does a State Committee require a similar officer. His necessary quali- fications are much like those already outlined for a local secretary (see Chaps. 10-12), and include earnestness, tact, mature judgment, culture, and especially executive capa- city. His knowledge of methods must be comprehensive as well as thorough, such as can be gained only by ex- l^erience in the local work, coupled with close observation and study. Special aptness in such lines as business management, organization, and securing funds will be very helpful. He must possess another gift, not always essential in the local officer, that of acceptable public speaking. Much of his contact with communities will be through the public meeting, and he should be able to present his thoughts in a clear, forcible, and attractive Chap. 31, D, 2. sta.te and provincial work. 401 luanner, so as to impress men in the aggregate as well as individually. 2. — The State Secretary will be obliged to guard him- self personally at many points. Away from home and traveling much of the time, uniformly busy and generally occupied during the evenings either in consultation or a public meeting, irregularity in meals and sleep is inevita- ble. Add to this a constant excitement of sympathy and anxiety, with the expenditure of nerve force in stimulating others — often the discouraged or the apathetic — to faith and activity, and a fund of health and strength is needed to start Avith and the utmost care in preserving it. The same conditions make it difficult to maintain that routine of personal religious duties which is always so helpful, and only great watchfulness will prevent a spiritual loss, even while actively engaged in work for others. Again, not only must he keep pace with the progress of the Asso- ciation work in his own and other fields, but his general reading and study must be broad. Constantly thrown in contact with men of affairs and of culture, he must be able to converse with them intelligently. As he belongs to the Associations of his state, his heart must be big enough to take them all in, without any partiality unless it be to the weaker ones. The closer his personal contact with local boards and general secretaries, the greater will be his knowledge of them and his power to aid them. His counsel will be sought in many matters, and if wise he may not only advise but criticise and reprove, to the great benefit of the secretaries and the work. He should strive especi- ally to promote Bible study and faithful work in all spirit- ual lines. He must always be careful of his personal ex- ample. Many opportunities will be afforded him to con- duct religious services, and he should be prepared to make the most of them. He may create or renew interest in Bible study by holding a model training class. An earnest man will also find abundant opportunity for personal work. 402 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap, 31, D, 3. 3. — Among the items of work falling, some more, some less, to the State Secretary are the following : a. Ofiice work, Avhich will embrace a voluminous cor- respondence ; preparing and sending out many blanks and circulars ; securing reports from Associations, secretaries, and district organizations ; tabulating statistics and keep- ing records ; and the editing, publishing, and distributing of j^rinted matter. h. Personal supervision ; visiting the Associations at least annually^ devoting tlie most time to those newly organized or in difficulty. On such occasions the secretary should endeavor to meet either the Association or its board of directors, giving timely notice of his coming, that both he and the Association may get the most from the visit. c. Extension ; investigating and advising as to the readiness of new fields, and, when the decision is favor- able, aiding in the formation of Associations. d. Looking up young men who seem to be adapted to Association work, presenting to them its possibilities for usefulness, and providing for their practical training when they have given themselves to it. Advising and aiding as to desired changes among employed officers, and the calling of men to new fields. e. Finance ; obtaining funds for state work, and aid- ing local Associations in efforts to secure buildings, or employ secretaries, or meet serious financial emergencies. f. Arranging for the various conventions, state, dis- trict, and local, and stimulating the attendance. The sec- retary should uniformly be present and an active factor, but as far as possible keep personally in the background. 4. — It will be readily seen that the above outline em- braces more than one man's work. Ko State Secretary can be considered efficient unless he secures much volun- teer service from members of the State Committee and others, still an office assistant is generally needed, and often a third man, who can devote several weeks, on an urgent call, to a single Association, putting it upon a per- Chap. 31, E, 1. STATE AND PROVINCIAL Y/ORK. 403 manent financial and worldng basis. A man speciall}^ adapted to college or railroad work has also in some cases been advantageously added to the force. Some State Committees have found use for seven or eight men. SECTION E. THE STATE CONVENTION.* 1. — Preparatory work, — by the State Committee. — The details of this work include a conference with the local management for mutual information ; 2:)reparation of the programme, including the selection of topics and speak- ers ; securing rates of transportation ; issuing of invita- tion circulars; advertising; and correspondence and visi- tation for the purpose of securing a general representation at the meeting. a. Place aiid time. — The former is generally fixed by vote the previous year, the claims of several places being often urged in the convention. An effort to secure a new building, or some other local need, frequently influences the vote, otherwise geographical considerations may de- termine the choice. From its knowledge of the whole field the State Committee is qualified to make wise sug- gestions, and may aid in securing invitations from desir able localities. The selection of the place is often and advantageously referred to the State Committee. The time of the annual meeting varies in the different states, the aim being to fix a date that will secure the fullest and most representative attendance. The approxi- mate date is usually continued from year to year, but the convenience of the local Association is always considered. The sessions continue from two to four days, usually last- ing over Sunday. The hour of opening is sometimes gov- erned by the arrival of the principal trains or boats. * This section is reprinted as Int. pph. No. G8. 404 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, E, 1. h. The Programme. — (1) This must be outlined early. The proceedings of former conventions will indicate mat- ters to be emphasized or avoided, and suggestions should be gathered from workers throughout the state. The Association entertaining the convention should also be consulted, and all consistent effort made to render the gathering a local benefit. The many phases of the work, each one immediately important to those engaged in it, and the continued develojDment of new features, make it practically impossible to present them all, even briefly. And yet each convention is a training school, and there are many one-j^ear pupils ; it is important that the annual curriculum be as comprehensive as possible. The parlor conferences, which take the place of the whole or part of a session, and which are arranged for in connection with the local committee, afford opportunity for the introduc- tion of a variety of topics. (2) The programme should grow in variety and attrac- tiveness every year, and something new can generally be found for it. Careful study of the work in other states will often suggest such topics. Many subjects, such as the best methods of state work and the study of the Bible, need constant discussion, but they can be turned around and a fresh side presented. And yet in the effort to secure freshness the presentation of fundamental principles must not be overlooked. The more advanced methods may be unintelligible to some of the new men present. All the themes should be practical and be practically treated. The wording of the topics should be clear and precise. This is the first essential to their direct, instructive treat- ment. But, in order to avoid the possibility of misunder- standing, the committee should give each writer further definite suggestion as to what is desired. Papers are apt to be too long. If they were winnowed, and only the ker- nel given, time would be saved for their informal discus- sion, which is sometimes of greater practical value than the papers themselves. Chap. 31, E, 1. STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. 405 (3) Both tact and experience are needed in selecting persons to participate in the convention. The announce- ment of their names ought to guarantee an interesting and profitable meeting. New men should be introduced every year, including some from outside the state. Men from the smaller towns should not be excluded, and should be allowed to speak from their own standpoint. City speak- ers are apt to describe only city methods, and it should be remembered that these Associations, although perhaps occupying the more important field, are in the minority. As good speakers are usually busy men, a committee will often be at its wits' end before the requisite number is se- cured. It is safe to have a force in reserve, for vacancies will occur and possibly at the last moment. Effort is usu- ally made to secure one or more men of recognized power as Christian workers or thinkers, who are in hearty sym- pathy with the Associations. Their presence adds to the character and attracting power of the gathering. (4) In addition to the papers and addresses, certain phases, more particularly those relating to personal work, are often treated by the " conversation," as it is termed. The leader should be an experienced worker, and apt at questioning. As the success of the exercise depends much upon its informality and freedom of expression, the attend- ance is often restricted to delegates. The question drawer should always be given a place, because many will write what they are too diffident to ask in public, and experienced workers may supply pointed questions that need brief con- sideration. An expert conductor is needed, who may re- ply himself or call upon others to do so. (5) The devotional exercises are always one of the most interesting and important features. Although, from the very nature of the case, there is more spontaneity in the religious exercises than in any others, and some persons might consider preparation less necessary here, yet effort should be made to bring the delegates into contact with men who are model leaders and able to give them strong 406 STATS AND PROVIXCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, E. 1. spiritual food. There is special opportunity and need for this in connection with the study and use of the Bible. Sometimes a skilled Bible scholar or worker is secured to assist in this feature of the programme throughout the convention. (6) The music is always an essential, and both effort and money are well expended in obtaining a superior leader. There is then assured, almost as a matter of course, the selection of a good book ; a male chorus ; spirited singing by the whole convention ; quartettes and solos to give variety ; and tact to select and sing the right thing at the right time, which is very helpful, especially in the devotional meetings. A genuine religious fervor should prevade the music and nothing be done for mere artistic effect. There should be a liberal supply of books, which can usually be secured for the occasion at small expense. (V) Precedent and experience will guide largely in arranging the order of the programme, and the time allotted to its various parts. Sometimes the invited speak- ers must be consulted. The programme should not be over-crowded ; interruptions must be expected, and time allowed for them. The sessions should not interfere with the regular meal hours or other customs of a community. Neither must they be so long as to weary the delegates, who will not in this case attend promptly and regularly. It must be remembered that much committee and other work has to be done outside of the sessions. The time schedule when fixed should be adhered to, especially in this respect that no topic, however interesting its dis- cussion, should be allowed to trench upon the time belong- ing to another. But the pre-arranged programme is not iron-clad. The business committee of the convention can provide for any changes in it that seem necessary. c. The circular calling the convention is usually issued a month or more in advance. It should contain a Chap. 31, E, 2. state and provii^^cial work. 407 list of the topics and speakers — the fully arranged pro- gramme if possible ; the hour and place of the opening session ; the location of the Association rooms or general rendezvous, where the credential and entertainment com- mittees are to be found ; and the special hotel and railroad rates that have been secured. But a transportation circu- lar must sometimes be issued later. The Associations are also reminded to instruct their delegates how much to sub- scribe to the state work, and how many copies of the pro- ceedings to order. If arrangements have been made for full reports in one or more of the local papers, the fact may be announced, with the price, including postage and the name of the person to whom orders may be sent. A sufficient number of credential blanks is usually inclosed with the circulars sent to each Association. An additional circular of welcome is sometimes issued by the local Asso- ciation. Invitation to attend the convention is usually given to pastors and teachers, and to young men inter- ested in Christian work and living in towns without Asso- ciations ; but in many states the large attendance of ac- credited delegates forbids the oifer of entertainment to such visitors. It is desirable that corresponding members of district committees be present, and the district chair- men should be authorized to invite them and accredit such as can attend, so that they may be entertained. An advance notice should be sent to the press, and will generally be published as news. Much correspondence and visitation will also be required, especially to secure the attendance of representative men whose co-operation is needed. Personal effort on the part of members of the committee often accomplishes the best results. It is customary for the State Committee to appoint in advance the committee on credentials, that it may begin work on the arrival of the delegates. 2. — Preparatory work — Local, — a. In securing the con- vention the Association and the community in which it is located (for concerted action between them is taken for 408 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, E, 2. granted) assume no small responsibility. Systematic pre- paration should begin several months in advance. An ex- ecutive committee should be appointed, and an early con- ference held with some representative of the State Com- mittee regarding what is to be done and how to do it. The sub-committees may then be selected and set at work. It will be convenient to have the executive committee made up of the chairmen of the sub-committees. The committee work should be so planned throughout as to be burdensome to none, and to keep away from the conven- tion as little as possible those who need its benefits. The following sub-committees will be required : (1) Finance. — An estimate should be made of the amount of money needed. This should be raised in ad- vance, independently of other funds. (2) Entertainment. — It is customary to offer free enter- tainment to accredited delegates, and a canvass must be made to ascertain who will provide it, either at their homes or at hotels and boarding houses. The special rates at which the latter will receive visitors to the convention must also be put into convenient form, for consultation by visitors not entitled to free entertainment and by dele- gates that prefer to provide for themselves. The number to be expected must be estimated from the attendance at previous conventions, the geographical location, and sim- ilar considerations, rather than from advance reports sent in by the Associations. Two registers are needed by this committee : (a) Con- taining the names of the hosts arranged alphabetically and the addresses of the places of entertainment, and with blank lines under each address corresponding to the num- ber of delegates to be sent to it. This book should be ready for use when the delegates arrive, {h) An alphabet- ical list of all delegates and visitors, with both their home and local addresses. A card will direct the delegate to his place of entertain- ment and introduce him to his host. All the assignments Chap. 31, E, 2. state and provincial work. 409 should be made by one or two persons, who are well ac- quainted with the homes and have tact enabling them to send the right men to the right places. Advance lists of delegates, giving age, occupation, church, etc., or sugges- tions as to desired room-mates, will be helpful. The State Secretary and other persons familiar with the Associations may well be consulted regarding assignments from these lists. It is often desirable for the State Committee to be quartered together at a hotel, to facilitate the necessary intercourse between its members and with the other dele- gates. As delegates are arriving at all hours and their places of entertainment are often at a distance, lunch is usually provided on the opening day, either at the Associa- tion rooms or the parlors of the church where the meeting is held. Special effort should be made to provide accepta- bly for the invited guests of the State Committee. (3) Receptio7i. — Members of this committee, designated by suitable badges, meet the trains and boats during the convention, to greet the delegates, and conduct them to the general rendezvous and, after assignment, to their places of entertainment. Much of this work may be done by the boys and younger members of the Association. A small guide book, or folder, is sometimes prepared, con- taining the convention programme ; a diagram of the city, showing the Association building, the railroad stations, churches, hotels, etc. ; and a directory of the different meet- ing places, and location of credential and entertainment committees. Advertisements of a gentlemen's furnishing store, a book store, pharmacy, barber shop, etc., will be a convenience and pay the expense. (4) Places of meeting . — The Association rooms, if at all suitable, are the best place for general headquarters, and may usually be set apart for this purpose during the few days of the convention. Existing facilities can be in- creased by improvising for the occasion. There will be needed a baggage and coat room, with a check system ; abundant toilet accommodations ; a correspondence room ; 410 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. Bl, E, 2. and a teraporaiy post-office, for the sale of stamps and paper Avrappers. Tlie general register and tlio tables of the credential and entertainment committees should be ar- ranged in convenient order, and, when the attendance is large, approach to them should be properly regulated. Rapid penmen are needed on these committees. Each room or table should be plainly designated by a large placard and the committeemen by lettered badges. If there is a fair-sized meeting room in the Association building, it may accommodate the day sessions, — too large a room is a disadvantage ; but the evening meetings must usually be held in the best audience room in town. Some- times a public hall must be used, but such a gathering for religious 2)urposes is more decorous in a church than any- where else. Several committee rooms and other conveni- ences will be needed. Considerable table accommodation is required by the officers and by the reporters. The plat- form must often be enlarged to afford space for officers, speakers, and visitors, together with a cabinet organ and male choir. At least one member of the committee should be on duty at each session, with several pages and a sufficient number of ushers. Something in the way of deco- ration is customary, and may safely be left to the ladies. b. Welcome exercises, — These are usually held in the afternoon or evening of the opening day, and followed by a social reception. The arrangements may be in charge of the executive committee. Such exercises were formerly elaborate and lengthy, but are now generally confined to one or two brief addresses by local speakers, and a briefer response by the president of the convention, with the pos- sible addition of some music, leaving room for a short business session and the sociable. This last is felt to be a valuable feature, allowing old friends to meet, and others to become acquainted, as they will hardly have the oppor- tunity to do in the busy days that follow. If refresh- ments are added, they should be simple and merely to promote sociability. Chap. 31, E, 3. state and PROViNCiAii WORIS. 411 c. Other social gatherings, excursions, etc., are some- times arranged for. The State Committee should be fully advised in advance of all such plans ; and if, in its judg- ment, they will interfere with regular attendance at the sessions, they should be dropped. Constant watchfulness must be exercised in this direction. 3. — At the co7iventio7i. — a. The first session. — The pro- gramme usually provides first for a devotional meeting. At its close the officers of the State Association, or of the previous annual meeting, take the platform. After relig- ious exercises, with which the business sessions are uni- formly opened and which should include the reading of an appropriate Scripture passage, motions are in order for the appointment of a temporary business committee — to report a programme for the first few hours, — and a committee on permanent officers. The latter retires at once, and soon reports its nominations to the meeting. The vote for officers is usually by acclamation, and they are immediately presented to the convention and assume their duties. h. The officers^ etc. — As the success of a convention de- pends in a measure upon its officers, they should be selected with care. The president requires knowledge of parlia- mentary procedure, and executive force to hold the con- vention to its work without disorder and distraction. The secretary should be clear-voiced, quick, and systematic. It is desirable that this officer be retained for a series of years, as the duties are often too complex to be success- fully performed by a novice. He sometimes nominates his assistants. If the convention has no permanent rules of business, those needed are adopted at the opening session. The rules of the International Convention may be followed in many respects. Persons entitled to seats as corresponding members, or by courtesy, should be invited to sit with the delegates. The privilege of the platform, and, sometimes, of an intro- duction to the convention should be accorded prominent 412 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, E, 3. visitors and citizens. The representative of the Interna- tional Committee should have such opportunity as he may desire to speak of its work, and to offer any practical suggestions. c. The standing committees. — The appointment of these committees is one of the first and most important duties of the president, and it is no reflection upon his judgment to say that he will usually need to counsel with members of the State Committee who know the ijersonnel of the convention. Only men of known fitness, and with some convention experience, should be placed at the head of committees. In selecting both officers and committees effort should be made to represent the different sections of the state, and, as far as practicable, business men, rather than general secretaries, should be ai^pointed. The fol- lowing are the usual standing committees, with a brief statement of their duties : (1) Business y to arrange and report a programme of exercises, at least a session in advance. When the State Committee has prepared a programme, it should be ad- hered to as closely as possible, but many circumstances may render variation from it necessary. All business of a general character, not within the province of other com- mittees, will be referred to this committee. (2) State Committee's report; to carefully examine this document and recommend to the convention plans of work for the year, including the nomination of new members of the State Committee. These recommendations will often be submitted at different times, the important part re- lating to finances being needed for action early in the con- vention. (3) Devotional meetings / to supervise the devotional exercises already provided for, and to arrange for others that may be ' desirable. This committee will consult with any local pastors desiring the assistance of delegates, and with the Association committees regarding the Sunday meetings. Chap. 31, E, 3. state and provincial work. 413 (4) Resolutions. — Resolutions offered in the convention are usually referred without reading to this committee, who advise what action, if any, shall be taken. It is also usual to summarize the results of important discussions and present them for adoption, together with the custom- ary resolutions of thanks. (5) Credentials ; to receive credentials, and to keep a list of the delegates and corresponding members. This committee should be provided by the State Committee with a book in which the Associations are entered alpha- betically, with sufficient space under each entry for the names of delegates. Its report should be prepared as early as practicable, and printed proofs distributed for correction. In a large convention each delegate is given in exchange for his credential a ticket entitling him to all exclusive privileges. This committee, being generally appointed in advance by the State Committee, registers the delegates as they arrive, thus facilitating both its own work and that of the entertainment committee. (6) Some State Conventions have a press committee, containing one or two members of the local Association. It renders all needed aid to the reporters and prepares mate- rial for the press, especially a letter descriptive of the con- vention, which is printed and sold to delegates on Satur- day night, to enclose in letters and insert in their home papers. d. Business sessio7is. — These may not be the most in- teresting, but they are the essential part of the convention, without which a state gathering need not be held. The report of the State Committee should be presented early, and in a manner to attract attention and secure thoughtful consideration. It is usually read by the chairman, after which its salient points may be briefly touched upon by one or more forcible speakers, and printed copies distrib- uted. Testimonies to benefit derived from the work may be very effective. Sometimes the details of the year's work are given by the chairmen of the sub-committees and 414 STATE A]yD PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, E, 3. the State Secretaries. It will be helj^ful to liave the report printed in full in the daily papers, and this can generally be accomplished by furnishing them with copy in advance. The financial session, already referred to in c, (2), takes place after the recommendations regarding expenditures for the ncAv year are reported back to tlie convention. It should occur when the largest number of delegates is present, and when the convention is fresh and not crowded for time. The roll of the Associations, contained in the credential committee's book, should be called slowly in a clear voice. A wise State Committee will secure pledges in advance, both from Associations and individuals, which are announced at the time that seems most opportune. (See section C, 3, of this chapter). The making of these offerings is essentially a religious act, and may well be ac- companied by earnest devotional exercises. With a good leader and a vivid presentation of the state work, this hour may be made the most enthusiastic of the convention. Collections for this fund are also usually taken at some of the evening meetings, the matter being arranged in ad- vance with the local Association. The further consideration of the report, selection of the place for the next convention, etc., will occur either as fixed orders or at the convenience of the meeting, but should be completed, if possible, previous to the Saturday night session. e. Reports from Associations. — It is an excellent plan to throw this feature, which is really important, into the form of a conversation, under direction of the State Secre- tary or of some other person thoroughly familiar witli the field, the questions centering upon certain phases of the work. In this way not only may many delegates partici- pate, representing all sections of the state and every class of Associations, but the exercises gain in definiteness. Sometimes reports from Associations are printed in ad- vance, and placed in the hands of the delegates for ques- tions. With an experienced conductor this plan may be Chap. 31, E, 3. state and provincial work. 415 made very profitable and economize time. Some pre- arranged plan should always be followed. There is little profit in random reports. A workers' exj^erience meeting is also valuable. Under competent leadership and with the hour thoroughl}^ social and informal, the most timid can be drawn out to tell both of their successes and their difficulties. f. Topics. — Those involving detail and matters of business can be treated best in the smaller gatherings of the morning and afternoon. In the evening meetings even the reading of the minutes is commonly deferred, and the necessary notices are given only at the opening. Topics of general interest and illustrating important depart- ments of the work are chosen. The railroad and the col- lege sessions will perhaps each fill an evening acceptably. Preference is sometimes accorded a topic of immediate local interest, for example a building project, and atten- tion is called to phases of the work that commend the Association to popular approval. Business men are told of the interest manifested in other cities, of the sums given towards building and endowment funds, and of the appro- priations for the railroad work, as practical demonstrations of the value of the institution. g. Anyioiincements. — As few of these as possible should be made in the convention. They may be posted on a bulletin board or written on a blackboard in the vesti- bule. Assignments of speakers and suggestions regarding their topics may be written on blanks provided for the purpose and put with their mail, repeated notice being given from the platform that this has been done. h. Parlor conferences. — These are usually held at the homes of leading citizens, in whose names the cards of in- vitation are issued. They are so planned for the presi- dents of Associations, committee men, and delegates specially interested in college, railroad, boys' work, etc., as to be attractive to all who are present. Each host specifies how manj^ persons he can conveniently entertain, and a 416 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, E, 3. corresponaing number of cards are given out to delegates applying for them. A programme is arranged for each conference by the State Committee, generally including a paper and a conversation, and some person prominent in the particular dej^artment is named as chairman. Refresh- ments are usually served, and after a pleasant social hour the gathering adjourns. As will be seen at a glance, eight or ten such social sessions add materially to the scope of a convention, besides permitting those directly interested in particular forms of work to come into closer contact with one another than might otherwise be possible. Persons are carefully selected in advance to give brief but pithy reports of these meetings to the convention. Of course, the conferences have none of the powers of the convention in regard to the passage of resolutions, etc. ^. Suggestions for next year. — A. meeting of the State Committee and invited workers at the close of the Satur- day evening session, where fresh suggestions are offered for the next convention, is often very valuable. / Devotio7ial exercises. — A devotional service — a Bible reading, a prayer meeting, an address, or perhaps a com- bination of these — is held in connection with each session, and in addition to the more formal exercises at its opening. It often i^recedes the session, in which case it may be held in a separate but neighboring room. But there is a grow- ing inclination to give it a place on the j^rogramme after at least one important topic, and when all are present to receive its benefit. Closed doors will in any event render the service more quiet and profitable. Additional meet- ings, either devotional or evangelistic, are often held, but ought not to conflict with the regular appointments. The sessions are always closed with prayer, in order that, Avhat- ever the excitement of debate or the distractions of the closing minutes, generally crowded with committee notices and business details, the adjournment may bring the mind back to the devotional spirit that should pervade the whole meeting. Local pastors are often invited to conduct these Chap. 31, E, 3. state and provincial work. 417 exercises. Very often singing and brief seasons of prayer are introduced at opportune times during the routine busi- ness. Even when embittering differences of opinion have threatened the harmony of a session, the power of prayer has brought unanimity of thought and action. If special religious interest is developed, and personal requests for prayer are made at any session, a meeting for prayer and conversation with the inquirers should follow. k. Conventioji Sunday. — The usual custom is to close the business sessions on Saturday, and to hold the farewell meeting the following evening. The peculiar privileges and opportunities of a convention Sunday tend to make it a signal benefit both to the delegates and the community. Members of the convention, when invited by pastors, ad- dress local congregations, and usually speak on young men's work, bringing the subject before many that have not attended the sessions. Those who participate in the work of the local Association may carry home new plans and enthusiasm. A consecration meeting is generally held early on Sunday morning, and an evangelistic meeting for young men in the afternoon, at an hour not conflicting with church services and often in a public hall. Special preparation is made for this meeting by selecting earnest speakers, arranging for good music, and thoroughly adver- tising it by every legitimate means. Especially should men be stationed in the neighboring streets a half hour before the meeting to invite personally and by card all young men who pass. The usual ushers and " look-out " committee should be re-inforced for the occasion. The workers expect results at this meeting, and are seldom dis- appointed. A meeting is often held at the same time for boys, and, if the circumstances warrant, others for railroad men, etc. Sometimes one is held for women, in which the aim is to describe women's work for young men from an Association standpoint, and inspire zeal regarding it. The interest increases until at the platform meetings, which it is customary to hold in the evening, several large 418 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, F, 1. churches will be filled. A number of short, pithy ad- dresses are arranged for each service, an effort being made to put the different important phases of the work before the public as forcibly as possible. More people are often reached at these Sundaj^ evening services than during aU the previous meetings, especially of those who are not much interested in the Association. The farewell meeting is, however, the climax of the con- vention. It follows the platform service at one of the churches, usually where the public sessions of the conven- tion have been held, and to it the delegates gather from all the earlier meetings. If a topic is taken, it is some such practical one as "What have I gained from the conven- tion.^" or "Personal consecration." Invited guests, local pastors, and the officers of the convention have opportu- nity for a farewell word, and then, all joining hands, the familiar parting hymn of the Association is sung, and the president announces the adjournment. As the workers look into the eyes of old comrades, of newer yet close friends, and of the leaders,^-men that in the few days together they have learned to love, — and as the chorus swells up, often from a thousand voices, many an eye moistens and many a heart thrills, as perhaps seldom in a life-time. All feel the blessedness of the " tie that binds," and many carry from the scene impressions and purposes never to be forofotten. sectio:n" f. THE DISTRICT WORK.* 1. — The Committee. — a. Organization. — The thorough organization of a state necessitates its sub-division into dis- tricts, each with its executive committee, its annual con- * See several publications by State Committees, especially those of Illinois and New York, on subjects connected with this work. This section is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 69. Chap. 31, F, 1. STATE AND PROVINCIAIi TVORK. 419 ference, and a system of visitation, correspondence, and reports ; tlie whole in close contact with and under the supervision of the State Committee. The direct charge of this work is given to a standing committee on district work, as mentioned in section B, 4, (Z>), of this chapter ; each district having, if possible, a resident member to whose particular care its interests are assigned. This is perhaps the most important sub-division of the State Com- mittee, as to it, assisted, of course, by the State Secretar- ies, is given the general oversight of the local Associations, including the development and extension of the work. In arranging the districts, each of which usually com- prises several counties, the Associations should be grouped about strong centers, and in such manner that those in each district can easily communicate with one another. The local district committee is appointed annually by the State Convention or Committee, or by the sub-committee on district work. The former method has the advantage of connecting the district work in the closest way with the entire state work. As a rule, a good man is continued on the committee for several years. When there are few As- sociations in a district, the committee may contain a mem- ber from each ; otherwise, some may be represented by corresponding members. The general secretaries in a dis- trict may be members ex officio, as are always the State Secretary, the chairman of the State Committee, and the resident member of the standing committee on district work. Committees of moderate size are generally the most efficient. h. Meetings. — The district chairman should call the committee together soon after its appointment, to complete its organization and to outline the work of the year. It is very desirable that both the State Secretary and the resi- dent member of the State Committee be present and the latter should uniformly attend the meetings. It will be convenient if at least the chairman and the secretary live in the same or adjacent towns, and be given ad interhn 420 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, F, 2. executive power. General secretaries should be called to neither of these positions if it can be avoided. Such sub- committees are constituted as to equably apportion the work ; the field being usually divided into sections, each in charge of one or more members. The stated meetings of the committee will probably occur quarterly, and it is advisable to have a fixed time, place, and order of business. Special meetings may be called, as needed, by the chairman. The following is sug- gested as an order of business : (1) Devotional exercises. (2) Marking attendance. (3) Minutes of preceding meet- ing. (4) Roll of Associations and towns, with reports of sub-committees in charge. (5) District conferences. (6) Local conferences. (V) Visitation. (8) Corresponding members. (9) Extension. (10) Finances. The last six items include reports and all other matters pertaining to, these departments of the state work. Every member of the committee unable to be present should notify the chairman, and report fully in writing the work under his supervision. A synopsis of the minutes of each meeting should be forwarded to absent members and to the State Committee. Full tabulated statistics of the year's work of the committee should be submitted at the last meeting. c. Extension of local worh. — Being in close contact with the work in their respective fields, the district committees are able to judge as to the advisability of extending the work, either by the organization of new Associations or by the introduction of new lines of effort. In these matters, however, there should always be consultation with the State Committee, and concert of action both with it and with the locality interested. For details in the matter of local organization, see chapter 4. 2. — Conferences and visitation, a. — The district confer- ence * in its methods is the State Convention on a smaller *Both conferences and conventions are meetings for instruction and discus- sion, but the former also has legislative powers while the latter has not. Chap. 31, F, 2. state and provincial work. 421 scale, but multiplied in number, and reaching with its dis- cussions and its educating influence many people that seldom or never attend a State Convention. Its import- ance is enhanced by the restricted representation necessary at the latter. The place and time are selected with refer- ence to local benefit and the securing of a full attendance. The State Secretar^^'s presence is also very desirable, and his convenience should be consulted. Not only are dele- gates expected from each Association in the district, but towns without Associations are invited to send representa^ tives, and all corresponding members are specially welcome. The sessions usually include parts of two or three days, in many cases being held over Sunday, like the State Conven- tions. The arrangements for the meeting are made by the district committee. The matter of advertising the meet- ings in the locality where the conference is held will need special attention. It is generally neglected. There should not only be notices in the papers, and announcements from the pulpits and in the Association meetings ; but special dodgers and cards, and personal invitations. The chairman of the district committee either presides at the sessions or selects others to do so. The topics dis- cussed should be thoroughly practical, and the work of the small Associations, often slighted in the larger conven- tions, should be given prominence. One or more represen- tative workers from outside the district will add interest, but many local workers who are seldom heard when at the State Convention will be very helpful. The sessions are usually all open to those interested, but a more popular service is often held in the evening, designed to inform and interest the general public. It is also customary to present, at the most opportune time during the sessions, the character and needs of the state work, and to secure subscriptions toward its support. In some states the necessary expenses of the conference and committee are paid out of the amount received, any remainder being turned over at the close of the year to 422 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, F, 2. the State Committee. Other State Committees receive all moneys collected, and make the necessary disbursements under stated appropriations to the district work.* When a larger fund is needed than can be raised at the confer- ences, a system of running contributions may be adopted. Many suggestions in section E of this chapter apply with slight modifications to the district conference. When a district is very large, or the means of communi- cation are not good, two conferences may be held in con- venient localities, the dates being some time apart, that those desiring to do so may attend both. District confer- ences should be held, if possible, at an interval of several months from the State Convention. h. Local conferences of contiguous Associations, and inter-visitation by delegations or committees, are helpful. The latter often takes the form of a tea table conference. Such a gathering of earnest workers must result in good; they catch new ideas, form fresh purposes, and drink in courage and inspiration from the social and spiritual contact. c. Visitatio7i. — There should be a systematic visita- tion of the entire district by the committee at least annu- ally, two or more members, if possible, being present on each occasion. Also, as the roll of Associations is con- sidered at the committee meetings, the condition and needs of each should be carefully noted, and arrangements made to render any required aid at once. Existing organiza- tions deserve first attention, even if this leaves little oppor- tunity to establish new ones. A reserve force of workers may be organized for such service. ♦The Illinois State Committee gives the following instructions regarding col- lections : " The total gross amount of each collection received in a local, district, or other conference, should be sent to the state office (making checks or drafts payable to the treasurer of the State Committee), accompanied by (a) the envel- opes, pledge cards, etc., used, with the name of person, and amount of payment (if any) carefully marked on each : ih) name and address of collector, and full description [i. e., name, amount and date payable) of each pledge retained for collection; (c) an itemized bill against the State Committee, covering all ex- (if any), which will be repaid by the treasurer's check." But sometimes the district committee is allowed to deduct expenses and send the balance to the treasurer of the State Committee. Chap. 31, F, 3. state and provincial work. 423 3. — Corresponding members. — a. A somewhat recent feature is the appointment of corresponding members of the district committee in towns and villages where there are no Associations. The most active Christian young men should be selected, after correspondence or personal conference with pastors and Christian business men. Teachers of J^oung men's Bible classes may often make good corresponding members. The names selected are forwarded to the State Committee or the chairman of its committee on district work, who, after examining refer- ences, formally notifies and instructs the appointees. The corresponding member is the representative of the work for young men in his community, and the medium of com- munication and contact with the organized work at large. It will be his duty (1) to keep the district committee in- formed by systematic reports of all interesting facts in connection with his field ; (2) to receive and communicate to others any information or helpful suggestions from the district committee ; (3) to develop an interest in work for young men in his locality, and to suggest and aid in the establishment of such forms of effort as may from time to time be practicable ; (4) to provide young men removing from his field with letters of introduction to the secretary of a city or College Association, or to a corresponding member or pastor in a non-Association town, sending also by mail to the persons thus addressed such facts and sug- gestions as may be helpful. Blank forms are often fur- nished by the State Committee, also a list of the secretar- ies and correspondents throughout the state. (5) To secure for young men coming into his town, especially those introduced by this system, such desired advantages as he can, and to seek their welfare in all practicable ways. (6) Corresponding members often assist in raising money for the state work. h. Among the means used to foster interest in the work are (l) the holding of occasional j^ublic meetings addressed by those familiar with the work ; (2) the judi. 424 STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. Chap. 31, F, 3. cious circulation of printed matter, and the publication of items in the local press ; (3) the observance of the annual day and week of prayer in November, with sermons by the jjastors, and a union service in the interest of organ- ized work for young men as represented by the Inter- national Committee ; (4) securing the attendance of Chris- tian young men and pastors at the district and local con- ferences. c. Where there are two or more evangelical churches in a community it will be wise for the corresponding mem- ber to have associated with him a young man from each, thus forming, with the pastors, a strong nucleus from which, to originate and supervise any desired movement. In addition to stimulating effort in connection with the individual churches, it may be practicable to hold a union young men's meeting, either for j^rayer or Bible study, or a workers' training class ; something may be done in the interest of j^ersonal j^urity and the circulation of evangel- istic reading matter ; or in every case an earnest personal work may be inaugurated, the workers being stimulated by a few simple rules and an occasional meeting for prayer and conference. Corresponding members should be entitled to entertain- ment at both the district and State Conventions, and also be accorded certain privileges in such Associations of the district or state as they may visit, a suitable ticket being issued to them by the State Committee. d. This semi-organization of non- Association territory through the district work, and especially the correspond- ing membership system, renders it possible to introduce throughout large areas many lines of effort heljiful to young men ; it also brings the state work into touch with the entire field, creating everywhere an intelligent sym- pathy and often an active suj^port for it, and indicating where and when a community is ready for a fuller organi- zation. But there is another thought, — of the thousands of young men annually drifting from country to city life. Chap. 31, G. STATE AND PROVINCIAL WORK. 425 may not a good percentage of those coming from commu- nities where this class of work is done be expected to ally themselves readily with the city Associations ? e. Where the system outlined is not in operation, any Association may do a helpful work by holding delegation meetings in surrounding villages, with a view to acquaint- ing the peoj^le with the organization and its methods. Corresponding members of the local Association may be constituted in these places, thus more closely connecting them with the organized work, and when there are a num- ber of such they may be invited to a conference once or twice a year. f. Pastors of village churches should in any event be kept informed of the work by correspondence and such published matter as may be at the command of the com- mittee, particularly the state and local bulletins. Their attendance at the conferences should be encouraged, and their hearty co-operation be sought everj^where. The im- portance of this is enhanced by the fact that many of them will become pastors in Association towns, and their previous acquaintance and views may determine their attitude towards the work in their new fields. 4. — A work in many respects similar to that just de- scribed has been undertaken in some single counties. See "The county work, including the county secretary," Int. pph. No. 609. SECTION G. THE RELATION OP LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS TO THE GENERAL WORK.* Associations sometimes seem to consider all this general work as an outside matter, toward which they have little relation or responsibility. But reflection will show that it *This section is reprinted with sections A-D of this chapter, as Int. pph. No. 67. 426 STATE AND PROVINCIAL. WORK. Chap. 31, Ge has all been created and is controlled by representatives of local Associations, as such ; that it acts solely as the agent of local Associations ; and that it labors directly for the welfare of local Associations or of young men where organization cannot yet be undertaken. The discussion of new methods at conventions and conferences and the enthusiasm there manifested for work among young men, as shown repeatedly in this book, have from the begin- ning been a wonderful stimulus to local work. These gatherings have also brought the Association movement to the attention of the general public in a striking way. The information about the work at large collected and circulated by the State and International Committees, often with much greater expense and effort than would be sup- posed, has been another powerful educational agency. The quiet and systematic aid of the general committees, many details of which can never be put into any report, has been the means of establishing and keeping alive many of the local societies. It seems clear, then, that every Association should co- operate heartily and promptly with the efforts of the gen- eral committees, and honor their calls for volunteer help of any description. Conventions should be made the subject of special praj^er for weeks before their meeting. Every Association should fill up and return statistical reports at once, thus diminishing by half the labor commonly re- quired for their collection. It should respond to requests for pecuniary aid to general work. It should send to con- ventions delegations of its best men, prepared to make a brief but precise statement of its condition, and especially of any novel features of the past year. If others, not so experienced or interested, are persuaded to go, they will often come back first-rate workers. Unless it is absolutely impossible, delegates should remain throughout the con- vention, attending every session, and striving to exert a Christian influence on the families that entertain them and on all whom they meet. The Association should consider Chap. 31, G. STA.TB AND PROVINCIAL WORK. 427 it a duty to pay all or a part of its delegate's traveling ex- penses, rather than lose the benefit of representation. The latter, in his turn, should consider himself responsible to get all the useful hints he can for the home work, to make a full report at an Association meeting soon after his re- turn, and to encourage with all his influence the future development of any new plans that may be adopted as a result of his suggestions. Each Association can also do and get good, and enjoy some of the pleasures of the general work, by fraternal correspondence and intervisitation with neighboring Asso- ciations. CHAPTER 82. THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK.' SECTION A. GROWTH AND ORGANIZATION. 1„ — The International Committee. — The international work in North America began with the first representa- tive gathering of Young Men's Christian Associations on this continent, which met in Buffalo, June 7, 1854. The history of this meeting anJ its immediate results, with the various changes in the construction of the executive committee, are given in chapter 3, F, 1. This committee, as now constituted, consists of thirty-nine members, one- third of whom are elected at each biennial convention and for six years. Its legal status is defined by a charter granted by the New York State Legislature in 1883, and adopted the same year by the International Convention that met in Milwaukee,. New York City is the permanent headquarters. Sub-committees oversee various departments of the work, which usually meet a short time before the monthly meeting of the International Committee. At the latter meeting the minutes of their meetings are read and their recommendations are considered. Through confer- ence and correspondence they arrange the movements of *Many suggestions given in the last chapter, that apply equally here, are not repeated. A clear view of this work cannot be obtained without reading both chapters. This chapter is reprinted as Int. pph. No. 70. Chap. 32, A, 3. AMERICAN international work. 429 the secretaries in their charge. A large amount of similar work receives careful personal attention from the chair- man of the committee. 2. — Its advisory members and trustees. — The Milwaukee Convention, in order to retain in semi-official connection with the work men unable to continue a more active rela- tion, also provided by resolution for nine advisory mem- bers, one-third of whom are elected at each International Convention. The number has since been increased to twelve. Permanent funds coming into possession of the committee are held in trust by a self -perpetuating board of fifteen trustees. Representative Christian busi- ness men are uniformly chosen for these important posi- tions, and, as far as practicable, from different sections of the country. 3. — Its corresponding members. — At the reorganization of the international work, which took place at Chicago in 1863 (see Chap. 3, E, 1), the committee was increased by one member from each state, territory, district, and pro- vince. But the following year, at the Boston Convention, the committee was reduced to five, with a corresponding member in each state, etc. Although various changes have since been made in the number and constitution of the committee the latter feature has been retained, the corresponding members being generally nominated by the State Conventions and appointed by the International Conventions. The duties of this office vary with the condition of the field. Formerly, before state organizations became gen- eral, the corresponding member called the local conven- tions and directed whatever was undertaken in the way of supervision or extension. But now such work is usually done by the state organizations or, in certain cases, by representatives of the International Committee, while the corresponding member is expected to be present at the State Convention, and to make a brief annual re- jDort to his committee. An active and competent man 430 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. Chap. 32, Bo may however be very useful, even in a fully organized iield, by taking an interest in the general work of his state and communicating promptly to the international office any= thing that would be of interest to or require the attention of the committee. He should also be able to render effi- cient aid in stimulating financial contributions. If a rep- resentative layman, as is usually the case, his annual re- port in the Year Book gives added weight and interest to that document, supplementing the testimony of the statis- tical tables. SECTION B. THE FIELD. This has been defined with increasing fullness of detail by the instructions of successive International Conventions. At each of these meetings tho committee on the report of the International Committee has carefully reviewed the field and recommended such extension as has seemed desi- rable and practicable, and on this basia the convention has given directions regarding the work to be undertakeuo Territorially^ the field has been the United States and British Provinces in North America, a,nd such foreign countries as have gradually come into relation tc the American Associations through correspondence^ visitation, and other means of intercourse. The conventions have also enlarged the field from time to time by special instructions to promote work among the following clr.Gses of young men in America : In 1874 German speaking young men, in 1875 railroad men, m 1876 colored men. in 1877 college students, in 1879 com- mercial traveiersj m 1885 Indians. In 1889 young men in foreign mission fields were included. * *Several pamphlets on Association work in foreign mission lands have been published by the International Committee. Chap. 32, C, 3. AMERICAI^ IIJfTERA'^ATIONAL WORK. 431 SECTION C. THE WORK. The work of the committee may be outlined as follows : 1. — Supervision and extension^ including : {a) The full care of the field where there is no state or provincial organization ; (^) an advisory relation to the state organi- zations ; (c) the initiation of systematic effort among special classes of young men and, in many portions of the continent, largely its direction ; {d) the direction of the work undertaken by the American Associations in foreign lands. 2. — The correspondence of the central office is volumin- ous, over 200,000 letters and circulars being sent out and received in a year. The chairman of the committee has for over twenty years conducted much of the important correspondence. The reply to a letter often requires re- search, experience, and tact, perhaps all combined. Here also must originate and be sent out to the traveling agents of the committee, its corresponding members, the state organizations, the local Associations and general secreta- ries, the patrons of the work, and through the press to the general public, instructions, advice, or information — as may be needed — directing, conserving, and promoting the entire work. Each traveling secretary must also find such opportu- nity as he can to conduct a large correspondence. 3. — The publicatio7is of the committee include :' {a) Books and pamphlets relating to the history, organization, and methods of work of the Associations, helps in Bible study, etc. These have been useful in training men for the secretaryship, in instructing Association officers and workers, and in preparing the way for effecting new organizations, securing secretaries or starting building enterprises. About one hundred such publications are now offered for sale, at a little above the expense of printing. 432 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. Chap. 32, C, 4. (h) The proceedings of the International Convention and the Year Book. The latter contains the annual reports of all the agents of the Committee and of its corresponding members ; the year's financial statement ; and a large amount of carefully tabulated statistical information, covering the American field in detail and in general the work elsewhere. The statistics are obtained by means of a well-devised and thorough system of reports from the Associations, (c) A small annual, containing carefully selected Scripture topics for young men's meetings, boys' meetings, and evangelistic Bible classes. {d) Record books, circulars of information, blanks, tickets, and other miscellaneous matter. 4. — Securi7ig and training employed officers of the Asso- ciation.— The committee has much to do in seeking out, training, and recommending men for various positions in the work, especially in connection with new fields, the special departments, and the state work. Methods of training originated by the committee are described in chapter 13, B. The International Secretaries, having a general knowledge of the entire field and maintaining communication with it, have many opportunities for securing new men and also for aiding in effecting desired changes. The state officers, in addition to their indepen- dent work in this line, often co-operate with the inter- national. The aggregate work done by them in this direction is now far greater than that done through the International Committee. 5. — Aid to buildhig enterprises. — Building committees often seek advice from representatives of the International Committee regarding the location and plans of buildings, and methods of raising money. A visit by a secretary of the committee to the locality is often necessary. 6. — Aid in securing funds. — The committee is also called upon frequently to aid individual Associations in raising building funds and in meeting various financial emergencies, or, on the organization of a new field, in Chap. 32, C, 8. American international work. 433 securing the amount needed for the first year's expenses. State Committees are also aided, when it appears neces- sary, in raising money for their work. Many an enter- prise would have failed except for such assistance. The international officer from his thorough experience is able to suggest right plans, and to rally and organize the local workers to aid in their execution. 7. — Aid to conve?itio?is. — As shown with some detail at the beginning of chapter 31, the International Convention was the only meeting place of Association men for com- parison of views and concerted action between 1854 and 1866. Under recommendation of the Albany Convention, four State Conventions met in the fall of 1866 at the call of the corresponding members of the committee. Since that time the organization and development of these con- ventions and their executive committees has been a prin- cipal j)art of the work of the International Committee. They exist to-day over almost the entire continent, but in varied stages of development calling for more care and attention than ever before. Members and secretaries of the committee attend every such gathering, as its repre- sentatives. Its secretaries have often advised with the successive executive committees of the General Secretaries' Association. The committee sustains much closer relations to occasional gatherings of representa- tives of the College and Railroad Associations. Local conferences in the interest of either the general work or some special department are often held under the auspices of the committee, or conjointly with a state or a city Association, at which it must be represented. 8. — Jlel]) ill disaster. — When overwhelming disaster comes to an Association or a community, calling for sympathy and aid from the Associations or the public, the committee, from its advantageous standpoint, is able readily and economically to ascertain the facts, appeal for the needed assistance, and forward it to the proper authorities. 434 AMERICAN INTERXATIOXAL WORK. Chap. 32, C, 9. 9^ — Secretaries of the committee. — The executive force has increased, with the development of the organization, from a single employed secretary in 1868 to twenty-two in 1891, together with clerical help in the office. Several experienced men are also employed for portions of each year in various parts of the field. The secretaries may be classified as follows : (<:/) The general secretary, as the chief executive officer of the committee, is responsible for details of administration, under instructions of the com- mittee through its chairman and sub-committees. {h) Five secretaries and assistant secretaries are employed at the central office, in conducting its correspondence, super- vising its publications, perfecting and carrying out its sys- tem of records, and in numberless other details, through which many workers are advised and stimulated, and the individual organizations kept in helpful touch with the center and each other, (c) There are twelve field secre- taries, one of whom is designated as College Secretary, another as Secretary of the German Department, and two others as Secretaries of the Railroad Department. The others are known as secretaries of the committee and per- form any ser^dce required, work being assigned to them for which they are best adapted or in which they have had most experience. For example, a secretary has for years been employed at the South, and chiefly among colored young men. Other secretaries have spent most of their time in the college and railroad departments. {d) The committee has four secretaries in foreign mis- sion fields, one in India, two in Japan, and one in Brazil, and it is expected that other calls will be re- sponded to as soon as the means are at hand. At first those secretaries may of necessity take charge of a local Association, established perhaps as a working model, but as soon as practicable the local work will be put in charge of native young men trained for the purpose. This new field promises to be fruitful, but will need very careful attention from the committee. Chap. 32, C, 10. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. 435 10. — Finances. — The expense of the home work in 1891 was in round numbers $63,500 and of the foreign work $9,500, and the call for additional workers is even more urgent now than ever before. The question of ways and means is therefore vital with the International Committee, especially as most men give precedence to both the local and the state work over tliat which seems farther away and less obligatory. The ordinary sources of income are : (a) Subscriptions from Associations, largely made at the biennial conventions. As comparatively few of the Asso- ciations are represented at any one convention, the num- ber of such subscriptions is not great, but it is increased somewhat by correspondence, (h) Week of prayer collec- tions. A much larger number of Associations respond, often with small sums, but affording valuable aid in the aggregate, {c) Individual subscrij)tions constitute by far the largest proportion of the money received. Some of these subscriptions are received at conventions, but the greater part by personal solicitation. After deducting the amount given readily, some of it statedly, by able friends of the work, a large sum must be secured each year from such sources, and often through earnest effort. {d) Endowment fund. Only one bequest has been re- ceived as yet. The late William E. Dodge, of New York, who had been accustomed to contribute annually $250 to the work of the committee, bequeathed to it a legacy of $5,000. The fund thus started should be increased, until it becomes some such stable element in the resources of the committee as a local Association has in the possession of a building, (e) Systematic Giving through the Exten- sion Fund. — Those intimately acquainted with thesQ matters have long realized the need of an improved system, that would interest a large number of persons in giving and relieve the committee from its heavy burden of annual solicitation. It is believed that the plan here described will, if generally introduced, accomplish these results with regard to several departments of the general 436 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. Chap. 32, C, 11. work. It is proposed to secure from the largest possible number of the members in each Association weekly or monthly pledges, the amounts not being so large but that they may be paid Avithout embarrassment or any interference with local obligations, the pledges rang- ing from a few cents upwards per week or month. The money received is to be appropriated and distributed by the board of directors. Four objects are specially sug- gested ; the home work of the International Committee, the state work, the foreign work of the International Committee, and the Association Training Schools. The committee in charge will attend to the collections, secure new pledges, and by j^ersonal effort and occasional reports stimulate interest in the movement. Regularity is needed in collecting, a desirable plan being to collect each month and forward quarterly to the treasurers of the organiza- tions benefited. This account may well be kept and re- ported apart from the treasurer's regular account. This plan includes : (a) a definite motive for acquainting the membership regularly with various lines of the work, wliich should result in broader views and permanent interest, and {b) education in giving, through which young men may become not only more systematic but more liberal in their benefactions generally. A few Associations are designat- ing some selected Sunday in each year as " Extension day," and making special effort on that day through reports, addresses, and other suitable means to promote interest in the movement. The International Committee has prepared an " Exten- sion Fund Record Book," No. 44. It supplies without charge circulars, pledge cards, and pamphlets on the sub- ject. 11. — The International Coni^ention. — The committee has charge of all the arrangements for these conventions, which have always been the great representative gather- ings of the American Associations, maintaining among the multiplied sectional meetings distinctive features that Chap. 32, C, 11. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. 437 render them conspicuous and unique. Chief among these is their 'personnel. Delegations are present from nearly every state and province to the remotest sections of the affiliating countries, and the limited representation is apt to secure from the Associations their best men, including many of wide reputation. The international, state, and provincial officers, and many local secretaries are present, and usually delegates from Associations in other lands. Added to these are always distinguished visitors from the vicinity of the meeting, and others invited to participate in the exercises, — men of note as biblical scholars, public edu- cators, and statesmen or business men. The social features are also peculiarly attractive. Old friends, often former fellow-laborers but now scattered over the continent, meet again, and many others, familiar to one another only by name, become personally acquainted. The conventions, at first held annually, were by action at Louisville, in 1877, made biennial. There had been a growing conviction that the other numerous conventions held each year precluded the necessity of an annual inter- national meeting, and experience had shown the difficulty of securing the attendance of representative men at such frequent gatherings. The biennial meetings have been held uniformly in May. Representation is governed {a) by the " Portland reso- lutions " of 1869, limiting it to Associations whose active membership is composed of young men that are members of evangelical churches (see Chap. 3, F, 2), {h) by the numerical basis adopted at TV'ashington in 1871, as fol- lows : "Two delegates from each Association of one hundred members or less, and one additional delegate for each additional one hundred members ; but no Association shall be allowed more than ten delegates." Only active members are to be enumerated, and the International Com- mittee is instructed not to place any Association on the roll unless a copy of its constitution and a classified numer- ical statement of its membership have been filed in its 438 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. Chap. 32, C, 12. office, (c) Delegates must be active members, (d) At Kansas City (1891) the International Committee was in- structed not to recognize Associations hereafter organized in cities and towns where Associations already exist, nor to admit them to representation in International Conven- tions, College and Colored Associations excepted. Very much in chapter 31, E, regarding the preparatory work and conduct of a State Convention applies here. For other particulars see the rules of the International Convention, which are included in each convention report. 12.— The Bay and Week of Prayer. — (See Chap. 22, B^ 2, and Int. pph. Ko. 598.) The annual day of prayer observed by the Associations dates from the memorable convention of 1866, at which the following resolutions were adopted : " Resolved^ That this convention recommends to the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and British Provinces, to set apart the first Sunday in November as a day of prayer for the increase and spiritual prosperity of the Young Men's Christian Associations throughout the world. ^^ Mesolved, That we invite all kindred Associations in every land to unite with us on that day in praying for this object. ^^ Mesolved, That we most earnestly request the clergy generally to address their congregations on that day on the object and work of Young Men's Christian Associa- tions. ^^ Resolved, That the Executive Committee be, and they are hereby, requested to issue a circular before the fifteenth day of September next, calling the attention of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the world to the action of this convention." The substance of this action was re-afiirmed at the Detroit Convention, in 1868, but the da}^ was changed to the second Sunday in ISTovember. Similar action has been taken at each convention since. Chap. 32, C, 13. American" international work. 439 The fifth World's Conference (Paris, 1867,) "unani- mously decided to set apart the second Sunday of Novem- ber and all the evevMigs of the folloioing loeeJc for special prayer for Young Men's Christian Associations throughout the entire world." There was probably no general observance beyond that of the annual Sunday for some years, at least in America. In 1874, however, the New York City Association began the observance of the whole Aveek. The seventh World's Conference, which met in August of the next year at Ham- burg, Germany, recommended the extension to a whole week ; and the following month, in its usual circular to the Associations, the American International Committee made a similar recommendation. The observance of the week was first recognized in the International Convention hj the adoption at Cleveland in 1881, of a resolution submitted by the committee on the International Committee's report. Experience has fully demonstrated the wisdom of such a season for prayer and special religious impulse at this time of the year. The work of the various secular departments should then be thoroughly organized and in full operation, and the membership at its best, with a large accession of new material, so not only is there every opportunity and stimulus for earnest effort, but both the active and asso- ciate membership are reminded naturally by the recurrence of this stated observance of the high aim of the institution. Much benefit also accrues both to the cause at large and to the local organization, by bringing the Association work before the people each year through the sermons of pastors and the public meeting. Circulars calling attention to the day and week of prayer, together with hints as to their observance, topics suggested for the various services, and information for pastors and speakers regarding the field and work of the Associations, are sent out from the international office well in advance, and every effort made to stimulate and aid the Associations in making the best use of the occasion. 440 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WORK. Chap. 32, C, 12. At the International Convention of 1874, held at Day- ton, Ohio, into tlie usual clay of prayer resolutions the suggestion was incorporated that gifts be collected in the public meeting held on that day, and devoted to the work in charge of the committee. Similar action was taken the year following, at the Richmond Convention, where report was made of two hundred and fifty dollars received from day of prayer collections the preceding year. This excel- lent custom has been continued, and the amount received from this source in 1891 was $6,843. CHAPTER 33. THE WORLD'S CONFERENCES AND THE CENTRAL INtERJSTATIONAL COMMITTEE. 1. — The year 1855 witnessed a very important feature in the development of the work of the Young Men's Christ- ian Associations. In Paris there had existed for some years an Association formed on the model of that in Lon- don. The leading spirit of this little society was a young Protestant pastor, Jean Paul Cook, whose father was an Eng- lish clergyman and his mother an estimable French lady. Speaking with equal facility the languages of both his parents, and being manager of the business affairs of his religious community, he was admirably qualified to influ- ence alike the young Englishmen who lived in the French capital for commercial purposes and the students who came from various parts of France, Switzerland, and Ger- many. Better qualification still he had in a loving and catholic spirit, and in deep personal realization and enjoy- ment of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He labored in conjunction with a few faithful friends in Paris, and was especially assisted by Eugene Laget of Nimes in pro- pagating the missionary principles of the Associations among the young men of the Protestant churches of France, so that in many towns and villages there sprang up little meetings for prayer and fellowship among the young men, which were blessed as a means of preserving them against the assaults of infidelity and the restless and unceasing activities of the Romish priesthood. Corre- 442 THE world's conferences, etc. Chap. 33, 2. spondence was kejJt up between these meetings and the Union Chretienne de Jeunes Gens in Paris, and at length, as the result of a commonly expressed need, they deter- mined on a conference for mutual information and encour- agement, to be held at the capital in August 1855. The purpose once formed was extended, and invitations were addressed to other Associations in other countries to send delegates, so that there assembled in Paris representatives from America, Belgium, England, Germany, Holland, Scotland, and Switzerland, as Avell as from many parts of France.* 2. — The happy results of this original World's Confer- ence were, first, that the leaders of this work in different countries, through social intercourse and much fervent united prayer, had their interest deepened in the common enterprise, and their practical knowledge both of methods of labor and of the encouragements to labor increased ; second, the Associations in all lands became affiliated in a succession of similar conferences ; and, perhaps most im- portant of all, the adoption of a basis of union by all the Associations, which, by recognizing as fundamental the doctrines of the deity and atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ and the authority of the Holy Scriptures, protected them in after time against any attempts to introduce un- sound doctrines or to secularize their objects. The subsequent conferences have been held in important cities of Europe and, as a rule, triennially. Once or twice the regular recurrence of the meetings has been in- terrupted by a disturbed state of international affairs, and they have several times been made to coincide in time and place with the holding of a general conference of the Evangelical Alliance or of a world's industrial exhibi- tion, such coincidence naturally leading to a larger attend- ance. '>, — After the first conference no important change oc- * The above is slightly abridged from W. E. Shipton's "History of the London Young Men's Christian Association," Vol. I. Exeter Hall Lectures. Chap. 33, 4 the world's confereis'Ces, etc. 443 curred in connection with the general work for many years. Speaking of the following conferences, Mr. Ship- ton says, they " were of necessity occupied in considering means for the extension of the work on the principles already established, to which there was nothing to add, and from which there has been in no case any disposition to depart." But definite efforts at extension were of necessity made by the various national or local organiza- tions, as such, there being no organic agency for the action of the united Associations. For the relation of the conference to the observance of the day and week of prayer, see chapter 32, C, 12. 4. — In August, 1878, the eighth conference met in Geneva, Switzerland, the action of which marked an en- tirely new epoch in the general work. Josias Paradon, of France, read a paper on " How can we introduce an effec- tive international bond of union ? " He described three propositions that had been submitted toward the accom- plishment of that object : The formation of a permanent committee, the publication of a universal newspaper, and the adoption of a distinctive badge. He strongly recom- mended the first of these, but dismissed the others as being inexpedient at that time. A full discussion revealed a strong and growing sentiment in favor of the recommenda- tion, and a small but determined conservative opposition. The second morning, on comparing three sets of resolu- tions, drawn up respectively by the Swiss, French, and American delegations, they were found so nearly alike that one was readily agreed upon for presentation to the conference. It contained the following points : The con- ference to appoint a Central International Committee ; this committee to have its headquarters with a resident executive commission at Geneva, with power to fill vacan- cies and name a member from each country not repre- sented, to prepare and publish a report of the present con- ference, and to arrange for the next conference, at which it ^vonld submit a report of its work, together with statistics 444 THE WORLD'S CONFERENCES, ETC. Chap. 33, 5. and information gathered from the Associations of all lands ; the Geneva bureau to make no important decisions without consulting the non-resident members, and the com. mittee to involve the conference in no financial responsi- bility. These resolutions were adopted, with but four dissenting votes. 5. — While the initial action in the conference came from the French delegation, and the need of some more fixed bond of union may have been felt by many, there is little doubt but that the action taken was shaped by a knowl- edge of the American system and by suggestions derived from its successful methods of work. The forty-four Americans present in a total attendance of four hundred and fifty-five, constituting the first large trans-Atlantic delegation at a World's Conference, contributed not a little to this result, as, in addition to the influence of num- bers, their arguments were backed by a practical exper- ience. Financial contributions in aid of the work were made at the conference and subsequently, enabling the committee to enter upon its duties under advantageous circumstances. 6. — As originally constituted, the committee consisted of four members resident at Geneva, with an additional member each for America, France, England, Germany, Spain, German Switzerland, and French Switzerland. Im- mediately after the conference members were added for Holland and Sweden, and later for Belgium and Italy. The necessity for an executive officer of the committee was at once felt, and Charles Fermaud, the young presi- dent of the Geneva Conference and of the Central Com- mittee, was led, at no small sacrifice of worldly prospects, to accept such position, which he has since held, and for which he is qualified not only by tact and educational acquirements, as he speaks fluently the principal European languages, but by a loving and earnest zeal in the cause of Christ. 7. — The committee's report to the London Conference, Chap. 33, 8. the world's conferences, etc. 445 1881, outlines the three years' Avork : (a) The publication of the proceedings of the Geneva Conference, and of circu- lars, (b) A correspondence of some ten thousand letters. {(?) Visitation of over two hundred and fifty Asso- ciations in France, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, Holland, Spain, Canada and the United States, the organization of twenty-five new European Associations, and attendance at various Association and other evangeli- cal gatherings, (d) The collecting and printing of statis- tics, including the preparation and distributing of circu- lars and blanks in many languages, (e) Establishing an international information agency, for gathering and im- parting information, supplying letters of introduction, giv- ing assistance, etc. , which has been found very useful in connection with work for young men in Europe. The committee also reported a design for an international badge, which was adopted. Thirty-three meetings were held by the Geneva bureau, at many of which one or more of the non-resident members were present. 8. — The Berlin Conference, 1884, advised the committee to concentrate its labors j^rincipally upon one or two new countries, with the purpose " either to create Associa- tions or to give the existing Unions a self-sustaining organ- ization." The adoption of this policy resulted in a quicken- ing of the work especially in Italy and Sweden, including the formation of National Unions in both these countries. It was also suggested that a session of the full committee be held in the interval between the conferences. This was carried out in the summer of 1886, when a two days' meeting was held at Geneva, there being present, besides the local quorum, representatives from America, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. One important result was the decision to emphasize the securing of local general secretaries for As- sociations in the leading cities of the continent. The presence and report of the Berlin general secretary made deej^ impression in favor of a similar officer and work for 446 THE world's conferences, etc. Chap. 33, 9. Geneva. The work advocated was of the newer type, an adaptation of what has been tested as desirable in the American and English Associations. 9. — During tliis interval, correspondence was conducted with various missionary societies, for the purpose of ascertaining what, if an}', Associations were in existence on their fields, whether they might be brought into affilia- tion with the alliance, and whether work among 3'oung men in the missionary fields could be promoted through the efforts of the committee. 10. — The conference at Stockholm, in 1888, adopted among others, the following recommendations: "That the Central International Committee continue to give chief attention (l) to promoting the development of Association work in well selected central cities by the calling and training of competent general secretaries for such cities ; (2) to stimulating the organization of national alliances of the Associations on the basis of 1855." The committee was also instructed to codify the existing rules and by-laws, witli such additions as might seem desirable touching the appointment of the members of the com- mittee itself ; the regulation of its business, and of the proceedings of the International Conferences and their committees ; and to submit a draft of the same to the national executives of the various countries, with a view to their approval, at least one year before the next confer- ence for consideration and adoption. The conference also authorized an exhibit of pictures of Association buildings and of ^publications at the Paris exhibition of 1889, which was successfully carried out. At Stockholm, work upon the foreign mission field Avas brought to the attention of the conference under the fol- lowing circumstances : Xo call from the field had come directly to the committee or to previous conferences for such personal visitation by a visiting Association secretary as the committee had the resources either in men or money to respond to favorably. But, while this had been true of Chap. 33, 11. THE world's coa^fereivces, etc. 447 tlie World's Conference, some definite calls had come and were coming from the foreign mission field to American Associations and Association workers, and the man and resources needed for favorable reply had in one case been providentially offered in America. This was in connec- tion with the college department of the American Associa- tions. Members of these College Associations had for many years been entering the ministry after graduation, and some of these had gone out upon the missionary field. The American College Secretary, L. D. Wishard (see Chap. 3, F, 3, /), had maintained correspondence with many of these missionaries, and previous to 1887 nearly a score of College Associations had been organized in for- eign missionary colleges ; and Mr. Wishard was solicited to visit these children of the American College Associa- tions and to extend his labors to neighboring institutions and cities, so far as possible. One leading missionary laid out for him an entire jear's work in visiting the educational institutions of a single country. A few of the American friends of Mr. Wishard and of the work had offered early in 1888 the considerable sum of money needed for such a visitation by him, to continue for some four years. The American International Com- mittee had granted him leave of absence, but had as yet (1888) no instructions from its convention in relation to such work upon the foreign mission field. The committee of the World's Conference, when they became acquainted, early in 1888, with these facts and with Mr. Wishard him- self on a visit made by him to Geneva, asked him to act as their representative in the tour which he was undertak- ing, provided this could be done without any expense or solicitation of money by the committee. The Stock- holm Conference confirmed this arrangement, and Mr. Wishard, after returning to America, set out for Japan to begin his visitation early in 1889. 11- — The Central International Committee elected at the Stockholm Conference consisted of ten members resident 448 THE world's conferences, etc. Chap. 33, 11 at Geneva, including the active officers ; and of seventeen non-resident members, including a member each from America, Australia, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland, corresponding members for Denmark and Norwav, and an honorary secretary each for England and America. APPENDIX. The only attempt here made is to indicate the matter to be used in these forms, not the display or style of printing for actual use. Wise attention to such details as the selection of paper and type, and the amount of space needed where writing is to be inserted, adds greatly to the attractiveness and convenience of printed matter. The full name " Young Men's Christian Association," with the address and usually the names of officers of the Association, should be given in the headings of letters and circulars. Such headings are omitted here. SAMPLE No. I. (51^x83^ in.) See Chap. 9, A, 5. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. Mr Dear Sir : — It gives us pleasure to notify you of your election to Active Membership in our Association. Please return the associate member's ticket which you received at the time of your admission, tliat it may be exchanged. We would like to meet you on evening, the , to confer with you about our committee work, in the hope that you may be able to assist in it. If this date is not convenient for you. kindly name one that will be. We hope you can arrange to attend at least the Members' Meeting on the .... of each month, and the j'oung men's meeting on .... . evenings. Trusting that we may have your heartj^ co-operation in our efforts on behalf of the young men of the citj', we are sincerely yours, Ch'n. Membership Com. General Sec^y. P.S.— Will you kindly inform us at once of any change in your business or residence address. SAMPLE No. 2. (53.^x81/^ in.) See Chai'. 9, A, 5. INQUIRY ABOUT APPLICANT FOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Dear Sir : Mr has applied for Associate Membership in this association giving us your name as a reference. The Association admits any young man to Associate Membership, without regard to his i-ehgious views, if he is believed to be of good moral character Your early reply concerning him, in enclosed stamped envelope, will greatly oblige, Yours sincerely, To Ch'n. Membership. Corp SAMF^LE No. 3. (7>^x8Min.) See Chap. 9, B, 2. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. [Large Form— Front.] The applicant is admitted on condition that his references, upon investiga- tion, i>rove satisfactory. If they are not satisfactory, the fee will be returned. For information and terms see other side. No Cash book folio, . Mem. Reg. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ,189 Read carefully the other side. I hei-eby a pply for membership in the Young Men's of , and promise conformity laws, and rules of the association, if accepted. Full Name '? Residence ? No Do you live at home ? Are you boarding ? How long have you lived in this city ? Business address? No To which address shall notices be sent ? Limited or full membership ? (Limited, $2.00 ; Full, $5.00 ; Fee luust tccorapany applicaiioii. 8eP otiier side.) Do you wish gymnasium privileges ? Date and place of birth ? Are you married ? What is your religious denomination ? What church do you attend ?. If a communicant member, of what church ? Where ? Name and address of pastor ? Name of business firm ? Nature of business ? Position in the business ? 3 Christian Association to the constitution, by- In view of the small fee charged for membership, it is agreed by the ap- plicant thac the membership ticket issued on this appli- cation is not trans- ferable; that its loss or destruction term- inates the n^ember- ship of the person receiving it; that no duplicate will be is- sued; and that it will be forfeited by a violation of the rules of the Association. The ticket must be shown on request. These questions ai-e asked that the Asso- ciation may know what classes <>f young men are seelc- ing its privileges. References, 1 Address 2 Address By a resolution of the Association, these blanks must be filled to insure the reception of the proposition. Proposed as an jActive^^^^ member by Approved 189. Elected 18 Please leave cents that the Association bulletin may be mailed to you. SAMPLE NO. 3.— Continued. (As an illustratiou of the iniornial.iou given, the following is quoted from the application blank of the Twenty-third Street Branch of the New York Association. [Back.] INFORMATION AI30UT MEMBERSHIP. Any man over sixteen years of age may be admitted at once by the secretary or assistant secretaries to Associate Membership, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that he is of good moral character. Any young man over sixteen and under forty years of age, who is a member in good standing of a protestant evangelical church, is eligible for election to Active Membership by the board of directors. Only active membem have voting privileges. It is desired that young men who are eligible, and who are willing to co-operate in the work of the branch, make application for active membership. Associate tickets are at once issued to such, and changed to active on their election. Any lad under sixteen years of age, who is engaged in service for his liveli- hood, and presents proper vouchers from his parent, guardian, or emjjloycr, certifying as to his age, employment, and general conduct, may be admitted by the secretarj' to the privileges of the branch, except the use of the gymnasium in the evening. No boys under sixteen years will be admitted to the gymnasium during the evening. INFORMATIOX ABOUT BOYS' DEPARTMENT. Any boy between the ages of twelve and sixteen may become an associate member of tlie boys' department, upon furnishing satisfactory references as to character. If a member in good standing of a protestant evangelical church, his name may be submitted to the committee of management of the branch, for election to active iPxCmbership in the department. A member may retain his membership in the department imtil he reaches the age of eighteen. Annual fee in the boys' department, $1.00. 3Iembcrs of boys' department, under sixteen years of age, by the payment of an additional fee of $;4.00, may use the gymnasium from 3.30 to 4.30 each afternoon, from Monday to Friday inclusive, and from 10 to 12 on Saturday morning. They will have special class instruction and personal physical exam- ination. Two boys will share a locker, for which there is no extra charge. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. Full ticket, entitling to all privileges (except physical department) for one year from time of joining, ...... $5.00 Full ticket, entitling to all privileges (including physical department, with locker,) for one year from time of joining, .... 8.00 Limited ticket, entitling to reading room, library, and members' meetings only, .......... 2.00 Life, payable at one time, ....... 100.00 Theological student's ticket, ....... 3.00 Boys' department, annual fee, . . . . . .1.00 Non-resident student ticket, entitling to all privileges (including physical department, except locker,) for six -winter months, . . 4.00 Ar.r.ual sr.hrcription to "Association Notes," published monthly, 25 cents. SAMPLE No. 4. (3x5 in. See Chap, o, R, 2. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. [Small Form — Front.] No APPLICATION FOK MEMBERSHIP •O X IN THE YOUNG MEN's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 189 . Duespaidto 189 . Full name ? Residence ? (St. and No.) Business address ? At home ? Boarding ? Limited or full membership ? Age ? (See ether Bide. Tea must accompany applicaticn). Attend what church ? Member of what church ? — Where ? Occupation ? Reference ? Address ? -^3 g. g Proposed as an member. x8uin.: See Chap. 9, C. 6. LETTER REGARDING PAYMENT CF MEMBERSHIP FEE, SENT ONE MONTM BEFORE THE FEE IS DUE. Dear Sir : Your membership fee in the Association will be due on the first day of next, and we anticipate your continuance with us. 'vVe are constantly planning ways of making the Association more attractive and boaeScial to young men. If you cannot j'ourself make full use of the privi- leges to which you are entitled, you may be sure that your connection with us is aiding to benefit many others. If you cannot conveniently call at the office, tho amount (S ) may be sent by mail. Hoping for an early and favorable response, we remain Sincerely yours, Ch'n. Membership Com. General Secretary. Gymnasium lockers are emptied unless fees are promptly paid /hen due. LETTER REGARDING PAYMENT OF MEMBERSHIP FEE, SENT WHEN FEE IS DUE. Dear Sir : We mailed you last month a notice that your membership fee ($ ) in this Association would be due on the first instant. Ti'xll you kindly inform us whether you intend to continue your connection with us, and, if you do not, vrill you favor us with a brief statement of the reasons, Tliereby the Association may be provided with information of a help- ful nature in its efforts to improve the various departments of the work. A stamped envelope is enclosed for your answer. Yours sincerely, Ch'n. Membership Com. General Socretarv. SAMPLE No. 7. {2 X ny- in.) See Chap. 9, D, 3. Admit Mr. YOUXG men's christian ASSOCIATION. j Cor streets. ' VISITOR'S PASS. (ilust be thowii w'.in requi eU ) Gen'l Secretary. Front.] SAMPLB No. 8. (2x31^ in.) See Chap. 9, E, 2. [Bacfc.] t QI-rMmMmmtm MembershipUcket ENTITLES TO FULL PRI\'iLEGE5\ PAGS NO. LOCKER In view of the small fee charged for meml ship, the holder of this ticket agrees that it is not transferable, nr^ust be shown when required, will be forfeited for violation of rule? and will not be duplicated if lost or destroyed. ANNUAL FEE PAID DATE JOINED General Secretary. kcHk-i^ Leave Notice at Office of Change of Address. [These tickets, in two colors for full and limited privilep:es, and with the name of the Association printed in, are sold by the International Committee as No. 633]. SAMPLE No. 9. (l-lj^x-il in., double page). See Chap. 9, E, 4. THE HERSHY MEMBERSHIP RECORD AND INDEX. Mr. Hersey gives the following description of these two books : "The Index, protected by government letters, is unique in this respect: that by the use of the marginal signs ample space is afforded for pages and the additional advantage of five years' use is gained, to say nothing of the fact that the names do not require re-writing each year. Other advantages are rapidity in finding any name ; the possibility of using the Index as an extra address book ; neatness and simplicity. "The Membership Record, also protected by government letters, is adapted to a membership ranging from 200 to 2,000 and will last the average Association five years. "The number column, at the left hand margin of each page, is to aid the eye in running the page, and to facilitate finding any name, as these numbers correspond with the indexed name-number, e. g. Birstow, George O.— found in SAMPLE No. 9.— Continued. the Index at "Bi"— will be found in the Membership Record, page 45, line 5. Under " Bo" in the Index, Boydeh, Edward S., will be found in the Membership Kecord, page 45, line 11. '•Most of the other headings explain themselves. We will simply add that the " Joined '' column is for the original date on which the member joined ; "What Privileges" means whether "Full," "Limited," "Sustaining," "Hon- orary," etc. These should be written in each time. " Important.— The best plan for accurately recording the membership is to do it by months. " Have a separate page or pages for January, for February, and so on through the year, headed in the order of the months. To get your exact mem- bership you have simply to add up the "Active" and the " Associate " columns under each month ; once added the footings may be used the next month (of course, altering, if any memberships have been transferred or a member has withdrawn or died). The aggregate will give j^ou the total membership cor- rectly, and in ten minutes, any time in the month. In this respect the monthly method of entering names is unequalled. " Note.— As the month in which the annual fee is due comes around, you write in the " Remarks " column opposite the names of those who pay, "re- newed or paid " such a date, and only such as pay are then written forward one year. In making up your membership you have now nothing to do with the past pages or months, but only to count the membership forward, beginning with the month next forward of the date on which you are working. Thus the book is ever giving you the actual membership, and at a glance forward you may see what members need to "renew " the coming month, and by referring to the preceding pages you may readily note those who are delinquent, and urge them to continue their relation to the Association." The Index and Record are for sale by the Waterbury Blank Book Manufac- turing Co., Waterbury, Conn., and by the International Committee. SAMPLE No. 10. (31^x6 in.) See Chap. 16, B, 14. CARD PLEDGE FOR BUILDING SUBSCRIPTIONS. •Believing that the Young Men's Christian Association of is an institution that promotes the best interests of Young Men and the welfare of our city, and that the work of the Association, which is now dwarfed and hampered in its present limited quarters, would be greatly extended in a suit- able building , I, the undersigned, promise to pay to the said Association dollars, toward the purchase of lots and the erection tliereon of a building adapted to the needs of the organization's growing work. " This subscription is payable as follows: Twenty-five per cent, when the subscriptions reach dollars, and twenty-five per cent. each six months thereafter. Name, Address, . . . . Member of Soliciting Committee, SAMPLE No. II. See Chai-. i8, A. i. FORM OF BUDGET, A. For an Association of 1,500 to 2,000 members, occupying its own building. INVENTORY OF PROPERTY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1891. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Association Building Athletic field and buildings, Endowment fund, invested in mortgage on city property, Less mortgage on Association building, . BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Furniture and gymnastic apparatus. Library, 6,000 volumes, 100,000 .5,000 30.000 135,000 io.o S rf X o H 00 o u < o ^ oo' U < ^ z vd ■< X U tr" , ^ D UJ o (/J CA) o: Z> < 3 s < UJ H < UJ c/i ■X 1 i 1 i 1 ^;. ^ s^ ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ 'i ^ ^ N U 'Si ^ ^ ? ■ii •^ ^ U s s 1 — I ^ ^ q \ 1 'i ^ •i •^ 1 ^ "5i 1^ § ^ -* "^ ^ 1 i § § ^ < V '• %3 4 \ ^ N. ^ ^ ^ o o CO < CO q: X O (f> O o >- 111 0) 3 5 ^ fe 0) "fl •Q 3 P. ■O c3 (D 5 w u eU •a 03 § & •43 ■s .3 s p. •d ^ d" b fl • s Q a X, oj M -3 1 oj - fl- ^ © d •s^ o ^ d o 0) o i a "^ 1 ^ Z 2 ?. o -1 ^ ^ >j -2 9 i ^ w c8 '•"' a B o "S c of ch gene s. 11 1 2 ^ I'Sg -2 numb ry and amples 03 sed, the secreta fSees ■a -d "" ^ :n OS i2 2-^ >^ ^ a S go J 03 w ;h o 11 .2 w S 03 ant lari dep 1 S ^ g s ^ 5 a ^ 1 &u X 1- O <-> 1- 8) Oi 5 M t\ u cc ^ a S o D OD ^ uo CD r-". X O D H M Cii C/D o tu y. H c/) Li- ..-3 g O Du D^ % ^ CO O o o o < q: o CO UJ CD o SAMPLE No. 19. (5x8 in.) See Chap, 18, C. 3. Deposited with Treasurer. By G. F. S. Date, Jan. 14, 1891. Deposited with Treasurer. By G. F. Strong. Date, Jan. 14, 1891. Previous collections, . . 2,038 00 Previous collections .... 2,038 00 Full memberships, . . 5 00 Limited " . . 2 00 Boys' Dept " . . 1 00 Running subscriptions, . . 10 00 Subs, for this year, . Full memberships, Limited Boy's Dept. " Running subscriptions, Subs, for this year, . 5 00 200 1 00 10 00 ■ Miscellaneous, . . . . 145 50 Reed. Jan. 14, 1891, 163 50 Jos. R. Baldwin, Treasurer. Miscellaneous, . 145 50 163 50 [Books containing one hundred of these deposit tickets are for sale by the International Committee, as No. G28.] SAMPLE No. 20. (5^x8^ in.) See Chap. 18, C, 4. iSmaU Form.^ ._ REPORT OF TREASURER FOR MONTH ENDIN'G December 31, 1890. Balance on hand Nov. 30, 1890, . . , . . 650 65 Received during December: Membership fees— Full, . . . . 60 00 Limited, . . . 45 00 Boys, . . . . 20 00 Subscriptions— Running, . . , 130 00 This year only, . . 206 00 Miscellaneous, 57 00 518 00 1, 66 Expended during December: Salaries, . 145 00 Rent, .... . 41 66 Furniture and repairs, . 12 00 Fuel and light. . 45 50 Religious Department, . 39 40 Educational " , . 32 00 Physical " . . 19 34 Social " . . 35 25 Miscellaneous, . 19 50 389 65 Balance on hand, . 779 00 [The above is for sale by the International Committee, as No. 627.] ig 8 O to CO ,- O < = s S- -5 a 1:^ o Oj ^fe ^ o > o . ■S oj ^-^ ^S ft-:3 oW « 88! !88 c CO a: (1) u — o SS8 888 8 8 o c o ooo m m .s>^ S^"* C0i~0 Cii-i-Ti ^ -u -rf m Ec] a5 c3 « 888 888 8 3 3 OOM ?0«30 OS CO "cS 15^"= Sfe"' 52 3 o Eh ^ - 1 §§8 88 8 8 S omo II i^ 00 COT}<(N lO s ei Ph PQ p. O' o o o o o o o < OCOOOSOOc eSS88SS88 ^88g§i?SS8i -o ir; ■?! .-H .-I OJ 88888888 « ^ — • tj +J'c3 _ 6£ C^ CO g M i« c in v s b • * 5 C c3 C3 is- 68| c a> o •2 ^ &c F "^ oj c o '^ i^B .-xniD.) See Chap, 20, A, 4. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. REPORT FOR .... ENDING . . . 189 New members received— active, . " " " associate, Old members paid fees— active. . " • •' " " associate, Losses : Active, . Associate, Membership at date Active, Associate, Died. I Removed, i Discontinued. Limited. Full. Total This Year. Last Year. The following are recommended for active membership, each application! having been properly vouched. Name. Church of which he is a member. Chairman. SAMPLE No. 23. (8'^ X 11 in.) See Chap. 20, A, 4. RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT, REPORT FOR • • • • ENDING .... 189 . Meetings, etc. No. Av. Att Total. Leaders and Speakers. Bible class, Beginners' training class. Advanced, Young men's meeting, . Men's gospel meeting, . Evening prayers. Invitations distributed for Bible class, " meetings, Committee meetings, . Results. Remained for inquiry, . Confessed Christ, . Suggested as candidates for church membership. United with churches, . Received as active mem- bers of Association, . : i SAMPLE No. 24. (-81^x11 in.) See Chap. 20, A, 4. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. REPORT FOR .... EXDING . . . Vols, added : Reference,] By purchase, . . 1 Total : Reference, Used in library . . I Lending, Cost, . Lending, Drawn, By donation Vols, retired Now out Average daily attenda nee, New periodicals. . Cost READING ROOM. No. discontinued. Total now on file, EVENING CLASSES. Class. Instructor. Total, No. Ses- Average sions. Attendance Tot: LECTURES AND TALKS. Date. Speaker. Topic. Attendance. Total. LITERARY SOCIETY. Date. Topics. Attendance. Membership, Total, Chairman. SAMPLE No. 2> (sv^xiiin.) See Chap. 20, A, 4. I'HYSICAL DEPARTMENT. REPOKT FOR . . ENDING GYMNASIUM. 189 Average No. using gymnasium daily, . '• of classes daily, .... Examinations, ...... Matters of special interest connected with examinations. No. of sessions, leaders' class, . Average attendance. No. of volunteer leaders giving instruction, New apparatus and repairs, ^ . ATHLETICS AND OUTINGS. Average No. using athletic field daily, "of classes daily, No. and character of outings, Total No. participants, . RELIGIOUS WORK. No. of Bible class sessions. Average attendance, .... SAMPLE No. 26. (84x11 in.) See Chap. 20, A, 4. SOCIAL DEPARTMENT. REPORT FOR 189 . Receptions, Members' Meetings, etc. Reception Committee. Character. Att. No. on committee, " appointed for evening duty " serving during- month, . " evenings supplied, Average number on duty per evening, No strangers welcomed, . Remarks: Remarks: Da J- of Month. Receptions and M'ber's meet'g:. Directed to Board'g bouses Sitiiations Filled. No. of Savinf?s Deposits. I Visits I to Sick. Otherwise Assisted. Visits to Rooms. Committee Jleetings. Lettersoflutru duction, etc. Day of Month. Day of Week. 1 Bible Class. 2 3 3 I b M H Training Class. i 1 Young Men's 1 Meeting. 1 Evening 1 Prayers. Personally dealt with. 1 Confessed 1 Christ. United with Churches. ! Invitations 1 Distributed. 1 1 Volumes 1 Added. V. CD p ft ! H O '>: \>- t- o Volumes Used. 1 New 1 Periodicals 1 1 Lectures. 1 Practical 1 Talks. 1 Using 1 Gymnasium. a in O 1 1 Classes. Examinations. 1 1 1 Bible Class. 1 > <: p SAMPLE No. 28. ^^^5'°' See Chap. 20, A, s- REPORT OF AX ASSOCIATION EVENT FILE IN THE OFFICE PROMPTLY. Department Event, Date, Attendance, Memoranda : Signed Meeting, . Date SAMPLE No. 29. (3x5 in.) Se3 Chap. 20, A, 5. REPORT OF A RELIGIOUS MEETING. FILE IS THE OFFICE PROMPTLY. Leader, Other speakers. Topic, etc., Attendance, Personally conversed with,. . . Confessed Christ, , Invitations given : Printed, , Verbal, Where given, , Signed Add reirarks on back. SAMPLE No. 30. (sj^xiiin.) See Chap. 20, A, 5. DAILY RECORD, YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT. Eible class, Training: class, Preparatory prayer service, Young men's meeting, Morning prayers, (employees) Evening prayers, Personally dealt with. Confessed Christ, United with churches, Invitations distributed Invitations to com. travelers. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Volumes added to library. Volumes used in library. Volumes drawn from library, New periodicals. Class in ... . Class in Lecture, Practical talk. Literary society. Using gymnasium. No. of classes, Examinations, PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Sessions, leaders' class. Using athletic field. Participating in outing, Bible class, . Reception, SOCIAL DEPARTMENT. I 1 1 Members' meeting, INFORMATION AND RELIEF DEPARTMENT. Directed to boarding houses. Situations filled, No. of savings deposits, Visits tP sick. Otherwise assisted. BOYS DEPARTMENT. Bible class. Training class. Meeting, Personally dealt with Confessed Christ, United with churches, Volumes added, Volumes used, Class in. Practical talk. Literary society. Using gymnasium. Gymnasium class, Examinations, Social hour, Visits to rooms. MI.SCELLANEOUS. Visits to rooms, . . . l No. committee meetings, Letters of transfer or introduction, | Letters received by sec'y, Lettere written by sec'y. Calls made by sec'y. [Pads containing fifty of these blanks are for sale by the International Com- mittee, as No. 630.] • < o < 3 ^ > 6 f5 1 > 6 SOCIAL DEPARTMENT. Receptions, Members' meetings, INFORMATION AND RELIEF DEPT. Directed to boarding houses. Situations filled, .... No. of savings deposits, Visits to sick, .... Otherwise assisted, boys' DEPARTMENT. MISCELLANEOUS. Visits to rooms, .... Committee meetings, . Letters of introduction, etc., givt'i:. REMARKS. li __ 1 =? i 1 ^1 ^1 1 I3 1 ." f <; :<5 1 RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT. Bible class, . . . Training class, .... Young men's meeting, . Evening prayers, .... Personally dealt with, . Confessed Christ, .... United with churches, . Invitations distributed, EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. Volumes added, .... Volumes used New periodicals, .... Class in, .... Lectures, Practical talks PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT. Using gymnasium. Classes, Examinations, .... Bible Class, SAMPLE No. 32. See Chap. 20, D, 2, a. CIRCULAR TO MEMBERS. DEAR SIR : Will you please reply frankly and promptly, on this shet^t of paper, to the fol- lowing questions, in order to aid us in preparing material for the annual report. Your name will not be used, unless express pernnssion is given. Yours very truly, Gen. Sec. What advantage have you derived from the Association during the past year, either Physically ? Mentally ? Morally ? Spiritually ? What advantage in any other year of its history ? Please make suggestions looking towards a more efficient work the coming year. Signed SAMPLE No. 33. See Chap. 20, C, i. INVITATION TO A PARLOR CONFERENCE. Mr. and Mrs request the pleasure of your company at their residence Thursday evening, May 12th, at 8 o'clock, to meet '^ and others, representing the International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associations. There will be no solicitation of money. 1^1 -ase reply. o -J a. < ^^ ^ « y^ '^ 2 : 5 3 !=6^ era 5£L S ^ £ o • CO — -^ ' M ^ p b^ • S P O ^ C <1 9K3 r^ ?; C P 1^ 56 3Jtr c s o B g IT^ p ?o a* erf' ^^ ^12§ P (!^ -co ^ C gs DQfJ CD O CO O 5" ■"S 3 50 '^ S. ? ? ? E iH n o m c Z o m m 00 tl % o - • 1^ > C33 c c ^ 00 O CL < c>0 O^ SB SAMPLE No. 37. See Chai'. 22, A, 6. HINTS TO THE COMMITTEE ON YOUNG MEN'S MEETINGS. " They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." — Dan. xii : 3. TO MEMBERS. 1.— Every new member is requested, as soon as possible after his appointment upon the committee, to make the acquaintance of the chairman. 2. — Every new member should report to the chairman of the sub-committee to which he is assigned, the first time such sub-committee is on duty after his appointment. 3.— Every member should provide himself with a list of topics, study the les- son, and carry his own Bible to the meetings, 4.— After one month's unexplained absence, or continued irregularity on the part of any member, his name shall, with the concurrence of the president, be dropped from the roll of the committee. TO MEMBERS OF SUB-COMMITTEES. 1. — The sub-committee is responsible for the tone and vigor of the meeting luider its charge, as well as for keeping the meeting close to the topic. Each member is expected to do all in his power to insure these ends. 2. — Every member of each sub-committee should attend the preparatory con- ference at 7.40 p. M., and be ready to lead it if necessary. 3.— Every member of the sub-committee should be prepared to lead the meeting, if the appointed leader fails to be present. 4.— 3Iembers are to act as ushers in such parts of the room as may be assigned to them by the chairman of their sub-committee. 5.— Members are requested to notify tlie chairman of their sub-committee when they cannot be present at a meeting. 6.— It is the duty of each sub-chairman to see that the room is in nroDe^ '^0?- clition as to light, ventilation, an-angement of chairs, ?^'-.. for :,he meeting under his charge. 7. At the close of each meeting the sub-chairman, or member appointed by him, is to record the name of the leader, the number present, the number of inquirers, and number of members of committee on duty, together with such remarks or explanations as circumstances may require. INQUIRERS. ].— Inquirers are the care of the sub-committee. Members are to deal w'th them. Earnest prayer, dependence on the Holy Spirit, practical knowledge of the Scriptures, and tact are needed for this service. 2.— The members of the sub-committee should greet the strangers who attend the meeting, and ascertain whether they are Christian men ; and, if they are not, endeavor by kindly conversation to impress upon them the wisdom and im- portance of yielding themselves to the Savior without delay. 3.— All inquirers should be urged to attend the converts' Bible class. 4.— Each member dealing with an inquirer is expected to take his name, address, etc., to see or write him within a week after the interview, and report the result to the general secretary of the Association. "The Christian Workers' Record " will be used for this purpose. SAMPLE No. 38. See Chap. 24, C, 10. EDUCATIONAL CLASS RULES. 1. — Any holdei' of a five dollar membership ticket shall be entitled to enter any of the classes for which he is qualified. 2. — Application for admission must be made to the teacher of the class, and the membership ticket shown. 3.— The text books to be used will be fixed by the educational department com- mittee, upon consultation with the respective teachers. 4.— Text books and blank books can be obtained at the office, at special prices to students only. 5.— The signing of an application blank constitutes an agreement to attend punctually each session of the class, or to notify the teacher in case of neces- sary absence, and to continue until the close of the term, or to notify the teacher of the cause of leaving, if prevented from so doing. G. — Unexplained absence from three consecutive lessons will forfeit a mem- ber's place in any class for the term. 7.— No student will be allowed to leave any class while in session, without the teacher's permission. 8. — No classes will meet on legal holidays. 9.— At the end of the second term, each student whose attendance has been over 80 per cent., and who has made progress in his studies, shall receive a testi- monial of merit, on the certificate of the teacher to these facts. 10.— An examination shall be held in each class at the end of the second term, to which tne stuae^its of t><^ class whose attendance has been regular shall be ad- mitted. The examination, which shall be ox'al or written at the option of the teacher, shall be lield in the presence of one or more members of the board of directors. 11. — The marking on such examination shall be from 1 to 100. Everj' student who has completed the course and has passed over 80 per cent, on such exami- nation, shall receive a certificate, setting forth the facts on which it is given. 12.— In the last week of April in each year, there shall be a public exhibition of the work of the classes during the year, in which students who have passed the examinations most creditably shall take part. 13.— The general secretary, under the direction of the educational department committee, has general supervision of the classes. (A list and calendar of classes, prices of text books, and any other details may IjH appended.) ^1 O !» D p I? t: ■ -1 c p P t rf ?r. w • g 1 CO 1 B 1 is 1 9 f > C/) ^^ C/) ;^ m n r o H TO » a S > r* m o 0 vO SAMPLE No. 40. (rxioj^in.) See Chap 25, C, 2. [Small Form. ASSOCIATION GYMNASIUM RECORDS. No. EXAMINATION. HISTORY : [189 189 1 180 1 Jhllc. JMO. DA.' HR MO. DA.! HR. MO. Ida HR. MO. IDA .iHR. i 1 ! Xume. TicLet i Date of Birth, Weight, . . Height, . . 3Iarried. Girths : Neck, . . . Chest conti-ac*t\l Exercise : Chest expanded . . Waist, . . . R. Forearm. . Special Histori/: R. Up arm down . Accidents, etc. R. Up-arm up. . L. Forearm. . L. Up-arm down . L. Up arm up R. Thigh, . . Occupation : R. Calf, . . . Health : (Past. ) L. Thigh. . . L. Calf, . . . Muscles : Consistency. Arm H M s Fl M s H 31 s H 3! S Leg H 1\I s H M s H M S H 3' s Development, Arm a I\l p (1 31 p G M P G 31 p Health : Leg G M F (.i M p G 31 P G 3] p (Present.) Size, Arm L ^1 S L M s L 31 S L TV s Leg L Bl s L M s L 31 s T- 31 8 Dip, .... Piir-np. . . . Remarks Prescriiilioii [The above is published by the International Committee, and is sold as No. 24. The use of the blank is explained in the " 3Ianual for Pliysical Jleasurements," Int. pph., No. 23.] SAMPLE No. 41. See Chap. 26, A, i. RECEPTION COMMITTEE RULES AND SUGGESTIONS. "Be not forgetful to entertain sti-angers ; for thereby some hav© ©atertained angels unawares." THE COMMITTEE. The comiuittee is appointed to welcome strangers and encourage cordiality among members. THE CHAIRMAN. 1. — The chairman of the committee shall assign members to the eyening on which they are to serve. 2.— He shall appoint a sub-chairman for each evening of the week, and all special committees. 3.— At the monthly meeting of the Association, he shall present in writing a complete report of the work during the preceding month, with incidents illustrat- ing it. 4.— He shall report from time to time to the president the names of com- mitteemen, who, without excuse, have been absent for three consecutive even- ings to which they were assigned. THE SECRETARY. 1.— The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings of the committee. 2.— He shall keep posted on the committee bulletin a list of the offlcers of the committee and of the members of the sub-committees, the latter being arranged in alphabetical order under the names of the sub-chairmen. 3. —He shall send to the office of the Association, before the fifth day of each month, the statistics of the committee for the preceding month. 4.— He shall notify members of regular and special meetings, and perform such other duties as pertain to his office. THE SUB-CHAIRMEN. 1.— Each sub-chairman shall be responsible to the chairman for his committee. 2.— He shall make arrangements for family prayers in season, and begin them not later than 9.45, and in their conduct avoid foniiality and observe brevity. 3.— He shall keep in the committee's register a full record of the evening's work, including the names of absentees. 4.— He shall inform the chairman of the committee of the absence, without excuse, of any member for three consecutive evenings to which he is assigned. 5.— He shall present a written report at the monthly meeting of the receptioa committee. THE MEMBERS. 1.— Seek God's blessing before entering on your evening duties. 2.— Come cheerfully and promptly at 7.30 o'clock, bearing in mind that many opportunities for doing good may be lost by not being on hand early. 3. — Wear the badge of the Reception Committee while on duty. 4.— Greet all heartily, without discrimination, remembering that we are brothers in Christ's service. 5.— If a member and a stranger enter the reception room at the same time, extend hospitality to the stranger fii-st. 6.— Bear in mind that your object is to entertain members and strangers, and not your fellow committeemen. 7.— Visitors will obtain their impressions of the Association and judge of it by the manner in which you receive them. Receive them naturally and heartily as you would friends calling on you at your own home. 8.— Mauy of iho members of tlie Assouiatiou eve necessarily stran;:jer.s to each other, l^omote their acquaintance with one another by every means in your power. If the Association is to fulfill its social mission, the rooms, should be made to them, through you, the most home-like and attractive place in the city. 0.— Interest strangers by showing them through the building ; explain the work of the Association and the advantages offered to young men. and invite them to the religious meetings. 10.— Inform yourself thoroughly regarding all the work of the Association and its branches. Accurate knowledge of the religious and philanthr<»pic work iu llie city would greatly assist you in your work. 11.— When you meet a visitor who does not attend any church ivgularly, as- certain the denomination he is most iu svaupathy with, and offer to take steps to introduce him to a church of that denomination where he would feel at home. 12.— Should the visitor be a member of a church, but not acquainted with his pastor or his fellov/ church members, consult the secretary of the Association, that he may be suitably introduced. 13.— Do not fail to impress young men with the importance of having a church home, and of regular attendance at the stated services on week days as well as Sundays. 14.— Seek to lead your conversation v/ith the visitor into religious channels, that you may be able naturally to present Christ as a personal savior and friend. 15.— Before leaving the rooms record in the register j^our name and the time of your arrival and departure, together with any interesting incidents that may have occurred. 16.— If you are compelled to be absent on j'our evening, try to secure a sub- stitute by exchanging with a member assigned to some other evening. If unable to do this, promptly notify your sub-chairman. The chairman and members of the committee are appointed b}- the president of the Association. Resignations from the committee should be sent to hi in. The regular meeting of the reception committee is held on SAMPLE No. 42. (5ize of visiting card.) StE CilAP. 2.6, A 4. RHCEPTION COMMITTEEMAN'S CARD. (Xaine) At the building of the Young Men's Christian Association {Address) rimgs. - p 5:3 Q 2. '< re I-. 7"j ►i B iS P B on? C 5< •-S s c cri o SAMPLE No. 44. See Chap. 26, A, 5. MEMORANDUM ABOUT RESIDENT YOUNG MEN. Name,. Age, Occupation, Place of business Boards, Home, Attends Church. Communicant, Time i-esided in city, Remarks, . 189 . Signed, SAMPLE No. 45. See Chap. 26, B. 2. CHESS AND CHECKER CLUB RULES. 1.— This organization shall be known as the Chess and Checker Club ©f the Young Men's Christian Association of 2.— Its object shall be to give members of the Association who are interested in the games of chess and checkers an opportunity to play together. 3. — Members of the Association may join the club by signing its rules and pay- ing an initiation fee of fifty cents. 4. — The officers of the club shall be a chairman, appointed by the president of the Association from among the members of the club, and a secretary and a treasurer, elected at the February meeting of each year. 5. — The chairman shall preside at all business meetings of the club ; the secre- tary shall keep a record of its proceedings and conduct its correspondence ; the treasurer shall have charge of all moneys belonging to the club, shall disburse them as it directs, and shall submit a report at each business meeting. 6. —Business meetings of the club shall be held at 8 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the months of Special meetings may be called by the chairman at the written request of five members. A quorum for the trans- action of business shall consist of nine members. 7. — Meetings for play shall be held once a week, and shall close at 10 p.m. 8.— The name of any member absenting himself from the meetings of the club for two months shall be dropped from the roll. 9.— Any member may, if others do not object, introduce friends who are mem- bers of the Association to the privileges of the club. 10.— No tournaments shall be held with clubs not connected with Young Men's Christian Associations. 11.— Staunton's "Handbook'* shall be the chess authority used by the club, and the rules for •• Enghsh Draughts," found in Bohn's " Handbook of Games," shall guide in the play of checkers. Cushing's " Manual " shall be followed in parliamentary practice. 12.— These rules may be amended by a two-tliirds vote of the members present at any regular business meeting, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing at the business meeting immediately preceding. Amendments shall take effect when they shall have been approved by the com- mittee on classes of the board of directors. SAMPLE No. 46. (5^x8}^m.) See Chap. 27, A, 9. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF BOARDING HOUSE. No 189 Name, Residence, street and number Between what streets, Nationality, Religious denomination,. Member of church, Located at, Floor Rooms vacant ; Large, Small, Description of rooms, Bath, Gas, Heat,. Hot and cold water, Terms, with board .(for one) (for two) . Terms, without board, (for one) (for two) . References, Full names of any members of the Association who room or board in the house, Remarks, TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE. 1. Protect yourself by carefully examining the references of any one who says lie has found your address on our register, unless he brings an autograph letter from one of our secretaries. 2. Send word immediately when any room regarding which you have given us information is rented. Your name is registered on condition that you will do this, and must be erased at once and not entered again, if we find that you have not observed the condition. (The back of this blank may be arranged for the pi'ivate memoranda of the committee.) U3 < 00 ■d (ri rj ;^ 0 M '^ 3 . 1 O •t^ 0 > t^ 5^ ■:J ^ cq ■3 TH ^ ^ 1 tL SAMPLH No. 48. mx4y^in.! See Chap. 27, B, 4. INFORMATION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR APPLICANTS FOR EMPLOYMENT. [LYont.] EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, YuUNG MP^N'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Open week days, 8 to 11.30 a. m., for filing applications for positions, such as Book-keepers, Clerks, Collectors, Copyists, Light Porters, Messengers, Salesmen, Stenographers, Teachers, Watchmen, Attendants, Nurses, Tradesmen, Machinists, Engineers, etc. Day laborers, requiring no skill or references, are referred to other bureaus. All questions on the application blank must be answered in full, or it will receive no attention. After an application is filed, the applicant is informed by mail if a position opens which it seems likely that he can fill. Applications receive impartial attention. In the meantime applicants are referred to the following suggestions :— (over) [Back.] HELP YOrRSEI,]'. AND OTHERS V^'IM, HELP YOU. If you want work, spend ten full hours every day looking for it. No one wants to employ a man who is too indifferent about getting work to l>e persistent in seeking it. Be courageous; expect to get work; look cheerful ; don't be troubled if forty- nine refuse you, the fiftieth may employ you. Ahvays ask to see the head man ; ask as though you wanted to see him on important business, for so it is. Keep clean and neat; no one will care to employ you if you look untidy. Do not associate entirely with men who are destitute, as it will drag you lower; but with men who are emi^loyed. Choose the society of Christians; attend church regularly Sundays; go to the evening church prayer meetings; come to our meetings. Read your Bible daily ; it is God's word to you; ask him to forgive your sins and lead you. For ho hath said: " All things work together for good to them that love God." '• Seek not ye what ye shall eat or v/hat ye shall drink. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you."— Rom.viii, 28; Luk.^ xii, eO. 31. SAMPLE No. 49. (Hx5iii.) See Chai». 27, B, 4. ADVERTISEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, FOR EMPLOYERS. Please keep this on your desk. YOUNG men's christian ASSOCIATION. Cor and Streets. This Association, through its Employment Bureau, is prepared to furnish, oa short notice, Confidential Clerks, Book-keepers, Correspondents, Salesmen, and Male Help of all kinds. The Bureau is not by any means a charitable or reform institution, where broken-down and dissipated men are helped into positions ; but it is conducted on business principles, refercjnces being secured regarding each appl xint and offered to the inspection of employers. SAMPLE No. 50. (8^x11 in.) See Chap. 27, B, /. CONFIDENTIAL APPLICATION, BOOK NO TO THE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU OP THK YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Name in full? Residence, street and number ? Date of birth? Place of birth ? How long a resident of this city ? Residence of parents, if living? Married or single ? If married, how many children ? — "VNTiat education ? Religious denomination ? . If a communicant member, of what church ? TMiere ? . Do you use liquor as a beverage ? What regular trade, if any ? How long out of work ? Last salary, per month ? Why did you leave your last situation ? , Least amount now willing to accept ? Employment desired ? Two references as to character, names and addresses, All former employers, in their order. Names of employers. Their addresses. Their business. 1 Your duty. Began j work. i Mo. Year. i 1 ' Left. Mo. I Year. SAMPLE No. 51. (8>ixiiin.) See Chap. 27, B, 4. To CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE, BOOK NO From the EMPLOYMENT BUREAU OP THE TOUNG men's christian ASSOCIATION, •f Dear Sir, . has applied to this Bureau for assistance in his efforts to find employment. Please have the kind- ness to answer the questions eisked below, and give such other information as you can in relation to him. Desiring to act intelligently in his case, we ask your help. Yours very truly, Chairman Employment Committee. How long have you knoAvn him ? Is he honest and truth- ful? Is he reliable and in every way worthy of trust ? Is he strictly temper- ate ? Hag he good business qualifications ? Please state strong and weak points m. his character ? How long was he in your employ, and why did he leave it ? General remarks ; SAMPLE No. 52. (3^x61^ in.) See Chap. 27, B, 4. EMPLOYER'S APPLICATION BLANK. YOtJNG men's christian ASSOCIATION, FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Firm desiring help City address of firm Kind of help wanted When wanted Permanent or temporary work ^ Salary offered, $ Person sent •..'*.!,'."..*. '.!!'....'..*.]* i *.*.'.*. '. Remarks .*.. "*' SAMPLE No. 53. (3>ax5J^in.) See Chap. 27, B, 4. APPLICANT'S INTRODUCTION CARD. YOXTNG men's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. This introduces Mr .whom we send in answer to your application for a Please satisfy yourself as to his abiUty to do your work. References regarding him are open to your inspection at our office. Should other vacancies occur in your business, we hope to have an opportunity of filling them, and, at the same time, of assisting some worthy young men. Respectfully yours, Chairman Employment Committee. Per SAMPLE No. 54. (8^x11 in.) Sec Chap. 27, B, 4. LETTER TO AN EMPLOYER TO WHOM AN APPLICANT WAS REFERRED. Dear Sir : We referred to you Mr on 189 , in response to your application for Did he give satisfaction, and is he still in your employ ? We desire to conduct our Employment Bureau in the best interest of its patrons, and will appreciate your assistance if you will kindly answer this letter on this sheet of paper and add any suggestions that may occur to you. Respectfully yours, Chairman Employment Committee. Per {Answer.} SAMPLE No. 55. See Chap. 27, C, i. SAVINGS BUREAU RULES. (Printed on the first page of the book showing deposits with the Association.) Any amount not less than five cents will be received at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, on from . . a. m. to . • p. m. As the money so received accumulates to amounts of one dollar, or multiples of one dollar, it will be deposited in the Savings .Bank, in the name of the individual depositor. When the first deposit is made, the individual depositor must go to the bank and subscribe his name and residence upon the record books of the bank. All subsequent deposits may be made through the Association. The undeposited amount standing to the credit of any member, held by the Association, may be withdrawn by presenting this book, but amounts depos- ited in the savings bank can be withdrawn from it only by the individual depositor, on presentation of his bank-book. The books of deposit with the bank will be kept at the rooms of the Associa- tion, and may be obtained by applying for them during the hours appointed for receiving money. SAMPLE No. 56. See Chap. 27, D. LETTER TO PHYSICIAN AND ENCLOSED POSTAL CARD. Dear Doctor: In your professional work you may find young men, who need sympathy and help in sickness, such as we can render. Will you not keep the enclosed postal cards within your reach, and notify us when such cases present themselves, that we may do what we can for them ? Respectfully yoiu-s, Chairman Committee on Visitation of the Sick. Mr. Chairman : At No street, there is a young man sick, whose name is Would suggest to you No No. 1. — Make a friendly call. No. 2. — Provide night watchers. No. 3. — Provide nourishment. No, 4.— Provide spiritual help. , Physiciarx. SAMPLE No. 57. {.-)>2'x8>iin.) See Chap. 29, C. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS' ROAD REPORT. 189 Met Mr At or on Travels for Located at, Resides at What line Territory, Christian, Church, , Conversed about, , Did he manifest any interest in Association work ? , Has he ever visited any of the Associations ? If a member of any Association, does he carry a C. T. ticket ? Any further particulars of the interview ? , Will you be able to follow up the acquaintance ? Advised general secretary at, of this interview- Reported by, Address, SAMPLE No. 58. See Chap. 50, 21. RULES OF WOMEN'S COMMITTEE. 1.— Appointment.— The Mvomen^s committee of the Young Men's Christian Association shall consist of not less than five, nor more than fifteen members, not more than two of whom shall be members of the same church. They shall be appointed in of each year by the president of the As- sociation, who shall also name the chairman of the committee. They shall serve until their successors are appointed. 2.—Dicties.—The duties of the committee shall be to assist in carrying out the objects of the Association in ways suggested or approved by the board of directors. S.— Officers.— At the first meeting of the committee after its appointment each year, there shall be chosen from its members by ballot a vice-chairman, secretary, and treasurer, whose duties shall be those usually performed by such officers, and who shall hold office until their successors are elected. The treasurer shall have temporary charge of money secured by the com- mittee and shall pay it to the treasurer of the Association, who shall expend it as suggested by the committee, after approval by the board of directors. 4.— Sub-committees.— The chairman of the committee may appoint such sub- committees as may become necessary. 5.— Co-operation.— The committee may from time to time enlist the aid of as many other ladies as they may deem necessary for the work to be done. Q.— Meetings.— The committee shall meet annually on and at such other times as they may be called together by the chaii-man. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. 7.— Order of business. — The order of business at meetings of the committee shall be as follows : Devotional exercises. Reading of minutes of previous meeting. Reports of the chairman and treasurer. Reports of sub-committees. Unfinished business. Sliscellaneous business. Adjournment. 8.— Reports.— The chairman shall transmit in writing a report of the work of the committee, with a statement of the condition of its funds, as often as the board of directors may request, and shall submit immediately after the first day of in each year a full report of the work of the committee for the preceding year, accompanied by the treasurer's statement of receipts and ex- penditures. d.—Conti'ol.— The work of the committee shall be subject to the supervision and approval of the board of directors, and no funds shall be soKcited by the committee or any of its members until the finance committee has approved such solicitation and the names of the persons to be solicited. 10. — Amendments.— These rules may be amended by a two-thirds votes of the members of the committee present at any meeting, but no amendment shall take effect until approved by the board of directors. INDEX. Active members, see membership.* Active membership test, 47-49, 72, 75, 105. Advertising, 107, 140, 271. All-round men, 271, 306, 319, 332. Amendments, see constitution. American international committee, see international committee. American international work : Aid and supervision of conventions, 433. Convention, international, 436, see conventions. Correspondence, 431, Day and week of prayer, see D. Endowment, 435. Extension day, 436. Extension fund. 435. Extension printed matter, 436. Field and work, 430. 431. Growth and organization, 428. Historical items, 36, 428, see H. Local finances aided, 432. Publications, 431. Public disasters, aid in, 433. Representation, see conventions. Supervision and extension, ^431. Systematic giving, 435. Trained employees and methods of training, 432. Year book, 432. American tract society, 267. Amusement room and amusements, 165, 344. Anniversary, 75, 221. Annual budget, 198, samples Nos. 11, 12. Annual business meeting, 75. Annual election, see elections. Annual report, 227. Annual subscriptions, 199. Application for membership— samples. Nos. 3, 4. Assistant secretary, 137. Associate members, see membership. Association address, indiscriminate use of the, 355. Association day, 222. Association home, the : Album of buildings, 182. Advantages of owning, 158. Architect and builder, 173. Arrangement, 162. Basement, 168. Building committee, 171. Building fund, preliminary, 183. Care of, 176. Canvass for a building, 184. Circular preliminary to building canvass, form of, 188. Construction, 168. Entrance, 163. Equipment, 174. Foundation, 168. General plan, 162. Hints and cautions about building, 190. History of the building movement, 61, 192. How to get a building— preparatory work, 181. * See the sub-title " active members '' under the general title membership in the index. References from a sub-title to the letters of the alphabet are to a similar general title— thus, under committees " executive, see E," refers to the general index title executive committee. When tlie page number indicates the begcinning of a section the reference is often to the whole section. All samples may be found in the appendix by consecutive numbers. INDEX. Association home — continued. Individual gifts, 195. Large vs. smaller buildings, 172. Light and heat, 170, 175. List of rooms, 163. Location, 161. Order and cleanliness, 179. Permanent supervision, 176, 191. Pledge for building subscription, form of, sample No. 10. Repairs and safety, 170, 171, 177. fioof, 169. Securing a lot, 183. Stereopticon building views, 182. Walls, floors, and ceiling, 168, 169, 174. Association Monthly, 50. Association rooms in small towns, 167. Appendix. Ajtpropriation book, 208, sample No. 18, Athletics, 310, 326, see physical de- partment. Attendance at association rooms— how counted, 221. Badges, 341, 409, 410, 443. Bathing— methods and facilities, 167, 169, 310, 314, 315, Bequests, 183, 210. 215. Bible, study and use of the : Bible classes, 235, 334, 362, 368. Bible readings, 253. Class, the, 238. Evangelistic bible class, 250. Evangelistic meeting, 252. Helps, 233. Historical items, 60. Importance, 229, 235, 334. Individual study, 229. Methods, 230. Objects of study. 230. Personal work with the unconverted, 246. Preparing the lesson, 240. Questioning, 242. Teacher, the, 238. Teaching the lesson, 241 . Time, place, etc., 229, 237. Topics, 239, 244, 258. Training class, 236, 243, 362, 368— graded system, 244. Bills, 74, 205, 208. Boarding house bureau, 348, samples Nos. 46, 47. Board of directors, see directors. Board of trustees, see trustees. Board room, 106. Book reception, 288. Books and reading, 152,279, 284, 291, 363, see library and librarian. Bowling alley, 165, 313. Boys' department : Aims and benefits, 357. Age limits. 361. Boys' camp, 364. Department committee, 104, 359,3(51« Educational work, 363. Fees, 361. Games, 365. Historical items, 356. Library, 286, 363. Membership, 361. Methods, 361. Organization, 359, Physical work, 364. Religious work, 362. Rooms, 166,361. Social work, 364. Street boys, 358. Supervision, 361. Training class, 362. Branches : Action of international convention, 76. College associations, 78. Control, 73, 104. Financial support, 79. General principles, 77. General secretary's relations, 78. Membership privileges, 79. Metropolitan system, 76. Necessity of, 76. Organization, plan of, 77. Building and buildings, see association home. Building movement, history of, 192. Buildings— how to get one, 181. Building subscription pledge, sample No. 10. Bulletin, 148, 225. Burial of strangers, 354. Business management, 198, samples Nos. 11-21. Business meetings, see meetings. Business office, 164. By-laws, 75, 80, sample No. 58. Canvass for funds, 109. 1S4. 201. Cash book, 207, samples Nos. 15, 16. Central international committee, 444. 447. Chess and checker club rules, sample No. 45. Christian worker's record, sample No. 34. Church committee, 103. Church, relations of association to the, 16, 18, 61, 69, 70, 82, 92, 105,131. 255. Class rooms, 165. Coat i-oom, 166. Collections and disbursements, Oo, 100, 204, 20'J. College work : Buildings, 369. IITDEX. College work— continued. Committees, 368. Constitution, 369. Foreign work, 57, 370. General facts, 366. Historical items. 53, 56, 369. Organization, 78. 369. Plan of work. 367. PuWications, 366. Relations to city associations, 367. Summer schools, 370. Vacation ticket, 367. Colored work, 54, 382. Commercial travelers, work among, 55, 376, sample No. 57. Committee of management, 78. Committees : Appointed by president, 74, 88, 93. Boarding house. 348. Boys' department, 104, 359, 361. By-laws and rules, 93. Chairman. 93. Church committee, 103. College work. 368. Committee memo, book, 91. Committee tea. 92. Composed of active members, 92, 118. Composition and.construction, 74, 92, 96, 118. Debt, personal responsibility for, 95. Department committees, 97, 104. Diagram of committee plan, 99. Directors, relations to, 85, 95. Disbanded or reorganized by presi- dent, 74, 8?, 93. Educational department, 103, 290. [T Emploj'ment. 351. Executive, see E. Ex- officio members, 74. Expenditures, estimate of, 95. Finance, see F. General auditors, 97, 101. General remarks, 74, 90. General secretary to be consulted in their appointment, :88, 93. How to organize, 93. Importance, 90. Intervisitatiou, 94. Invitation. 257, 267, 380. Meetings. 94. Membership coram.ittee, 101, 108. Members— individual responsibility, 94. Names and duties, 100. Permanent secretary and his duties, 94. Physical department. 103, 339. Plan for city associations, 97. President and general secretary to be notified of meetings, 93. Reception committee, 103, 120. 163, 292. 340, 380, samples Nos. 41-44. Relations of members to chairman, 95. Relations of committees to general secretary. 95. Religious department, 102. Reports, 74, 75. 85. 94. 223. Selecting and enlisting workers, 01. Committees— continued. Social department, 103, 340. Solicitation of funds, 95. Special funds. 95. 208. Standing committees approved hj the board, 74. Statistics. 94. Sub-divisions. 93. Ways and means, see finance com- mittee. Which of the board and which of the association, 74. Committee tea, 92, 346. Comparative statistical report, 221, see sample No. 31. Constitution : Amendments, 75. College association, 369. Forms of, 71. General considerations, 67, 71. German association, 382. Railroad association, 372. State association, 394. Suggestive outline— local, 72. Conventions : Announcements, 415. Badges. 409. 410. Calling the convention, 406. Collections. 414. Committees— local. 408. Committees— of the convention, 4i2. Convention Sunday, 417. Corresponding members, 407, 411. Credentials and credential commit- tee. 407. 413. Delegates. 116. 414, 421. 426, 427, Devotional exercises, 405, 416. Entertainment, 408. Excui'sions. etc.. 411. Farewell meeting, 418. Finance. 398. 408. Financial session, 414. Local committees. 408." Music, 406, 410. 417. Newspaper reports, 407, 414. Officers, 411. Organization, 411. Parlor confei'ences, 404, 415. Preliminary circular, 406. Preparatory v%'ork — local, 407. Preparatory work— supervisory, 403. Press committee, 413. Printed matter, 408. Program, 404. Question drawer, 405. Reception. 409. Reports from associations, 414. Representation, 391, 437. Resolutions, 413. Rules of business. 411. Sessions, business and public, 411, 413, 415. Social receptions, 410. Speakers, 405, 406, 415. Special conveniences provided, 409. Standing committees, 412. State committee. 403, 407, 409, -^11, 412, 413, 414, 416. Time and place, 403, 410. Topics, 401, 415. INDEX. Conventions— continued. Transportation, 403, 407. Ushers, 410, 417. Welcome exercises, 410. Contents, 7. Contributors, 72, 106. Correspondence room, 164. Correspondence with pastors about inquirers, sample No. 35. Corresponding members, 392, 393, 407, 411, 421, 423-425, 429. County work and secretary, 426. Credentials, see conventions. Criminal class— largely young men, 17. Current finances, 198, samples ]Sos. 11-21. Day and week of prayer : Benefits and methods, 264, 424, 439. Circulars. 439. Collections. 440. Historical items, 438. Deaf mutes, work for, 384. Debt, 69, 74, 187, 21G. Decoration day— improper observance, 347. Delegates, see conventions. Department committee, 97-99, 102-104. Deposit ticket, 208, sample No. 19. Destitute young men, 354. Dewey's decimal classification, 148. Directors, board of : Choose officers of the association, 73,85. Composition and construction, 73, 86. Duties of members, 83. Executive committee, relations of," 101. Election, 73, 75. General secretary's relations to, 73, 133. IJIeetings, 85. Order of business, 85. Paid employees secured and super- vised by, 73. Powers and duties, 73, 84. Qualifications of members, 81. Relations to general secretary, 86. Representation of denominations, 73, 87. Term of office, 73, 86. Vacancies, 73. Why and what, 81. Working committees, relations to, 85, 95. DiscipUne, 72, 275, 316. District committee, see district work. District work : Advertising, 421. Chairman of district committee, 419, 421. District work — continued. Conferences — district. 420. Conferences— local, 422. Corresponding members, 421, 428. County work and secretary, 425. Delegates, 421. Delegation meetings. 4S5. District committee. 4J6. District committee meeting, 419. Districts, arrangement of, 419. Extending the work, 420. Finance, 421. Letters of introduction, 423. Order of business— district commit- tee meeting, 420. Organization, 418. Reports, 420. State committee, 419, 430, 423. State secretary, 419, 421. Statistics, 420. Topics, 421. Visitation, 422. Week of prayer, 424. Educational classes, 289, samples Nos. 38, 39. Educational department, 273, samples Nos. 24, 38, 39. Educational work— divisions of, 108. Elberfeld declarations, 47. Elections : Annual, 75. Directors, 73, 75. International committee, 428. Members, 72, 105, sample No. 1. Officers. 73, 85. Tmstees, 212. Employees, see general secretaty, phj'sical director, etc. Employment bureau, 351, samples Nos. 48-54. Endowment, 191, 214, 287, 400, 435. Entertainments — cautions, 121, 200, 345, 390. Evangelistic bible class, 250. Evangelistic meetings, the use of the bible in, 252. Evening pi-ayers, 203. Evening record, reception committee, sample No. 43. Examinations— educational class, 292. Examinations— physical, 304, sample No. 40. Exchange of membership, 113. Executive committee : Composed of department chairmen, etc., 98, 102. Duties and powers, 97, 102. In sLiiall towns, 74. Relations to board. 101. Relations to department and other committees, 102. INDEX. Executive secretary, 74. SO, V2S. Exeter hall lectures, 269. Extension work, see systematic giving. Fees, annual membership, 72. Ill, 199, 204, 207. Festivals, etc., as sources of income, 200. Files— filing periodicals, 275, 276. Finance committee : Account books, 207, samples Nos. 9, 15, 17, 18. Annual budget, 100. 198, samples Nos. 11. 12. Bills, 74, 205, 208. Collections and disbursements, rela- tion to 100, 205. Committee special funds, 95. Composed of members'of the board, 98. Membership committee, relation to, 101. Paid lectures, relation to, 101. Printing, publication, etc., relation to, 101. Real estate, relation to if no trustees, 100. Report, 209. Samples, Nos. 9-19. Sub-committees, 99, 101. Treasurer an ex-officio member. 88. Treasury warrants, 205, 208, sample No. 14. Ways and means, is a committee on, 'lOO, 201. Financial book-keeping, 206, samples Nos. 14-21. Financial registers, 207, samples Nos. 9, 17. Firemen, etc., work for, 386. Foreign work of the American inter- national committee, 57, 370, 434. Games, 165, 344, 365, sample No. 45. General auditors, 97, 101, 209. General relief work, 355. General religious work, 59, 255. General secretaries' association— or- ganization of, 55. General secretary : Beginning work, 144. Branches, relations to, 78. Business community, relations to, 127, 139. Business qualifications, 127. Call, accepting a, 143. Churches and pastors, relations to, 131. Committees, relations to, 134. Conventions, etc., attendance at, 86, 157. General secretary— continued. Conversation, 149. Correspondence, 145. Dress, 149. Economy, 150. Employees, relations to other, 136. Expenditures, plan of, 150. f Fellow secretaries, relations to, 141. Financial management, relations to, 134. Growth necessary, 152. Gymnasium, relations to, 302. Health, 150. Historical items and statistics. 55, 156. Housekeeping. 127. Leadership. 129. Manners, 126. Members, relations to, 138. Memorandum book, 147. Mental qualifications, 125. Office and work. 123. Officers and directors — relations, 73, 86. 133. Outside business enterprises, 140. Permanency of office, 123. Physical qualifications,|125. Politics, 140. Press, relations to the, 140. Private office, 164. Recreation, vacation, 86, 151. Religious work, relations to, 139. Report to board. 134. Secretarialism. 135. Social qualifications. 125. Spiritual life and quahfications, 130, 152. State and international work, rela- tions to, 141. Statistics, 148. System, 147. General work and the local associa- tion— mutual relations, 141, 395, 399, 425, 432. German work, .52, 381. Graves printed index, 3.'i2. Gymnasium, see physical department. H Hall, 166. Hersey membership record and in- dex, 112, sample No. 9. Historical items : Army work during the civil war, 40. Bible study, 60. Boys' work, 356. Brainerd, Cephas, 44, 59. Building movement, 192. Church, loyalty of the associatiou to the, 61. College work, 53, 56, 369. Colored work, 54. Confederation, 38, 41. Development of association work after the civil war, 41. Educational classes, 289. Emi:)loved officers. 55. 154. INDEX. Historical items— continued. Employment bureau. 351. Foreign mission work, 57, 370. General secretaries association, 55, 156. German work, 52, 381. Historical library, 58. Indian associations, 381. International committee— titles and organization, 38. 46, 428. International conventions : Albany, 1866, 44, 47, 392: Boston, 1864, 43 ; Buffalo, 1854, 37, 392 ; Montreal, 1856, 47 ; Philadelphia, 186.5, 43 ; 1889, 57 ; Portland, 1869, 48. Introduction of association work into America, 36. Langdon, Wm. Chauncy, 36. Moody, D. L., 61, 370. Nasmith, David. 34. Origin of the present association movement, 26. Outgrowths of the associations 61. Paris conference and basis, 18, 29, 37, 47. Periodicals and publications, 45, 50, 58. Potter, Henry C, 42. Railroad work. 49. 51. Secular work, early introduction of, 269. Shipton, Wm. Edwyn, 28. State and provincial work, begin- nings of the. 392. Stevens, Abel, 47. Test of active membership. 47. United States christian commission, 40, 43, Wesley, John. 33. Williams, George, 26. Work for voung men previous to 1844, SO. Work for young men ns. general work, 59. Historical library, 58, 144. Holidays, rooms should be open on, 346. Home gymnastics, 318. Incidental expenses, 206. Income, 199. Incorporation, 68, 210, Indian associations, 381. Information and relief department, 103, 348, samples Nos. 46-56. Inquirers, 245, 248, 261, 267, samples Nos. 34-36. Instructors, evening class, 292. Insurance. 217. International committee : Advisory members, 429. Composition, 428. Corresponding members, 429. Election, 428. International committee— continued. Finances, 435. Headquarters, 428. Historical items, 38, 46, 428. Legal status, 428. Meetings, 428. Publications, 58, 228, 431 . Secretaries, 434. Sub-committees, 428. Trustees, 429. International publications, 58, 228,431. International work, see American in- ternational work. Intervisitation, 94, 427. Invitation card, reception committee, 342, sample No. 42. Invitation committee, 257, 267, 380. Janitor 128. 167. 179. Kitchen, 167. Ladies toilet room, 165. Lavatory, 105. Leases, 214, 217. Lecture room, 165. Lectures and talks, 295.1 Letters of introduction, 146, 182, 423. Librai-y and librarian : Advertising, 288. Apartments, 165, 167, 280. Association publications, 148. Book-keeping, 280. Book reception, 288. Boys' department, 363. Librarian, qualifications, etc., 157, 283. Reference and lending, 279. Selecting and buying books, 285. Usefulness, etc., 279. Ways and means, 287. What to read— aid in selecting, 152, 279, 284, 291. Life members, 72, :05. Literary exercises, 75, 121. Literary societies, 79, 293, .363. Local association — relations to the general work, 395, 399, 425, 432. London association — references to. 29, 36, 269. Lumbermen, work among, 385. M Map of the association field, 398. Mechan ical and manufacturing classes, 108, 277. 278, 285, 379. I\DKX. Meetings •. Annual, 75. Association — monthlj or quarterly, 85, 118. Business, 75. Board of directors, 85. Board of trustees, 212. Canvassers, 109, 187. Committee, 94. Members, 118. Reception committee, 343. Religious, 255, sample No. 29. See conventions, district work, or- ganization. Membership : Active members : applications to be investigated, 72, 101, lft>— devel- opment, why and how, 114, 258— notice of election, sample No. 1— qualifications, privileges, and duties, 47-49, 72, 105, ^2, 333, 344. Advertising privileges, 107. Age hmits, 106. Application blanks, 107, 109. samples Ncs. 3, 4. Associate members : large propor- tion in chief cities, 270— letter to referee, sample No. 2— qualifica- tions, 72, 106 — received by general secretary, 106— relations, 117. Average age, 106. Branches, privileges of members of, 79. Classes, 72, 105— sub-division of, 72. Committee : composition and organ- ization, 108— qualifications and duties, 108, 109, 380— relations to finance committee, 101, 109, 204 —report blank. 109, sample No. 22— sub- committee on applica- tions, 101. Conditions vs. terms, 105. Contributor vs. member, 72, 106. Definite privileges, 110. Election, 72, 105, sample No. 1. Exchange of unexpired tickets, 113. Fee, 72, 111, 199, 204, 207. Fees due, letters about, sample No. 6. Forfeittu-e of ticket, 112. Hersey membership record and in- dex, 112. 113, sample No. 9. Life members, 72, 105. Members' meeting, 118. New members, 110. 115. Permanency, 109, 114. Privileges of branch members, 79. Records, 112. Register, samples Nos. 6, 9. Retention of members, 110. Report form for committee, sample No. 22. Samples, Nos. 1-9. Securing members, IOC, 2Zi. Sub-division of classes of, 72. Test of active membership, 47-49, 72. 75, 105. Ticket, 112. sample No. 8— forfeiture of, 112. Visitor's ticket, 107, sample No. 5. Members' meeting, 118— program out- line, 121. Metropolitan organization, 76. Missionary meeting, 258, 264. Music, 175, 223, 257, 260, 262, 263, 344, 347, 406, 410, 417, 418. Newspapers, local, 107, 140, 182, 183, 186, 223, 227, 407, 414. Non-association territory, work in,423. Non-English-speaking men, work for, 381. Notice of election to active member- ship, sample No. 1. Office cash book, 207, sample No. 15. Officers of the association : How chosen, 73, 85. In small towns, 74. Vacancies, 73. Order of business, 85, 420. Organization : District, 418. International. 428. Local— practical hints, G9— when and where, 66. State and provincial. 891. Outgrowths of the associations, 61. Outings, 327. 364. Outline of study, 156. Paid lecture courses, dangers of, 295. Paris basis, 18, 47. Parlor, 1C7, 343. Parlor conferences, 186, 224, 404, "415, sample No. 33. Pass books, 205. Pastors, 20. 67, 69, 82, 131, 132, 145,146, 186, 189, 227, 266, 342, 416-418, 423- 425, sample No. 35. Pentathlon, 330. Periodical liook, 277. Periodicals, indexes to, 286. Periodicals, selection and care of, 275, see reading room. Personal purity, 103, 258, 267, 298, 334. Personal work, 107, 121, 246. 257, 305, 333. 378, samples Nos. 34, 35. 57, see inquirers. Petty cash expenditures, 206. Physical department : Aims. 297, All-round men, 271, 306, 319, a32. Approach to gymnasium, 312. INDEX. Social department — continued. Statistics, 342. Straugeis'' reception, 346. Usliers, 103. Soldiers and sailors, work among, 266, 383. Soliciting funds— principles and meth- ods, 74, 79, 95, 201, 223, 225. Speakers and speaking, 222, 259, 405. Special charters, 210. Special classes, work for, 366. Special evangelistic meetings, 265. Standing committees, 74, 90. State and international reports, 228, 432. State and provincial work : 391. Constitution for state association, 394. Delegates, see conventions. District work, 418. Endowment fund, 400. Finance, 398, 408, 421, 423. Growth and organization, 391. Local associations and the general work, 425. Map of association field. 398. Records and statistics, 396, 397. Reports— state and provincial, 396. Representation, see conventions. Standing sub-committees, 397. State association, 394. State committee, 395. State convention, 403. State ccuvention program, 404. State secretary, 400. Work in non-association territoiy, 423. State association, 394. State committee, 395. State convention, see conventions. State secretary, 400. Statistical desk pad, 220, sample No. 30- Statistical records, 219, samples Nos. 27-31. Store room, 166. Student summer schools, 370. Sub-organizations, 79. Subscriptions, cards and books, 184, 199-204, sample No. 13. Suburban work, 146, 425. Sunday-opening and use of rooms, 275. Sustaining membership, 200. Swimming bath, 165, 315. Systematic giving, 199, 435. Taxes, 216. Temperance work, 103, 258, 264. Test of active membership, 47-49, 72> 75, 105. Tickets, membership, 112, sample No. 8. Toilet room, 165. Topics for bible and training class study, 239, 244, 250. Topics for religious meetings, 258. Training of employees, 154. Training classes, 60, 116, 236, 248, 362, 368. Training schools, 156. Tramps and loungers, 274. Treasurer : All funds to pass through his hands, 205. Cash book, 207, sample No. 16. Ex-ofiflcio member of finance com- mittee, 88. Pay bills only upon approval, 74, 88, 205. Qualifications and duties, 88. Report, 88, 209, samples Nos. 20, 21. Treasury warrant, 205, 208, sample No. 14. Trustees, 74, 191, 308, 211. U Unexpired memberships, exchange of, 113. U. S. christian commission, 40, 43. University extension, 291. Ushers, 103, 257, 410, 417. Vacancies, 73. Ventilation, 170, 179, 256, 262, 274, 311, 314. Visiting the sick, 353, sample No. 66. Visitors' register, 343. Visitor's ticket, 107, sample No. 5. W Watchman, the, see Young Men's Era. Ways and means, see finance commit- tee. Week of prayer, see day and week of prayer. Wishard, L. D., tour of, 370, 447. Women's committee rules, sample No- 58. Women's work for young men. 122, 128, 187, 346, 347, 387, 410, 417. Workers' record, sample No. 34. INDEX. Workers' training class, see training class. Work in non-association territory, 423 Work for boys, see boys' department. ' World's conferences and committee : Badge, 443. Buildings, exhibit of— Paris, 1889, 446. Central international committee, 444. 447. Conferences, 442— Berlin, 1884, 445— Geneva, 1878, 443— London, 1881, 444— Paris, 1885, 442— Stockholm, 1888, 446. Cook, Jean Paul, 441. General secretary of central inter- national committee, 444. Geneva resolutions, 443. Headquarters, 443. Historical items, 441. International information agency, 445. Missionary correspondence. 446. Missionary tour of L. D. Wishard, 447. Rules and by-laws, proposed codifl- •ation of, 446, Year book, 432. Young men's christian association : A definite work— for and by yotm? men, 16, 255. Benefits— how obtain record of, 222, sample No. 32. Distinctively religious, 17. Historical items, see H. Interdenominational, why, 15. Means employed in cities, summary of, 22. Means employed in small towns, summary of, 24. . Relation to the church, 18, 61, see church, relations, etc. Why needed, 15. Young Men's Era, 132, 148, 225, 328. Young men's meeting, 255. Young men's meeting — circular to committee, sample No. 37. Yoke fellows, 103. Young converts' record, sample No, 36. Young men— facts and statistics, 14, 17, Princeton Theological Seminanf Librari^ 1 1012 01234 4539 Date Due 1 )0, ,;^.,;;,.;>;s*'-i •,Vf-ffTv,*i ■»« li^^i^^P ^ •■•>?! mm^ yh ^_ K« ' ^ ^i;^^^^ ?^'j-; -5i^;<:4fS